Volume 3- Issue 4 [July-August 2013]
S.No. | Title & Authors | Page | Downloads |
Paper submitted to IJERA : 1260 Accepted papers by peer review process : 427 Rejected Paper : 834 Paper Acceptance percentage : 33.80% |
1. | Routing Protocol Performance Issues and Evaluation Considerations in MANET
Routing Protocol Performance Issues and Evaluation Considerations in MANETAbstract: Mobile nodes in Wire less a d-hoc networ k need to operate as routers in or d er to maintain the informa tion ab out network connectivity as there is no centralized infrastructure. Therefore, Routing Protocols are required which could adapt dynamically to the changing topologies and works at low data rates. As are sult, there arises a need for the compreh ensive performance evaluation of the ad-doc routing protocols in same frame work to under stand their comparative merits and suitability for deployment in different scenarios. In this paper the protocols suite selected for comparison are AODV, DSR, TORA and OLSR ad- hoc routing protocols, as these were the most promising from all other protocols. The performance of these protocols is evaluated through exhaustive simulations using the OPNET Model network simulator under different parameters like routing over head, delay , throughput and network load under varying the mobile nodes .Key words: MRAC, Ad-hoc Networks, AODV, DSR, TORA, OLSR, OPNET. Reference [1]. Klaus Nieminen,"Introduction to Ad-Hoc Networking", http://www.citeseerx.edu/ . [2]. Humaira Ehsan and Zartash Afzal Uzmi "Performance Comparison of Ad Hoc Wireless Network Routing Protocols," Proceedings of INMIC 8th International, 24-26 Dec. 2004, pp-457- 465. [3]. C. E Perkins and E. M. Royer ,"Ad-hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing," Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications, New Orleans, LA, pp-90-100, February1999. [4]. David B. Johson, David A. Maltz and Josh Broch, "DSR: The Dynamic Source Routing Protocol for Multihop Wireless Ad-Hoc networks", in Ad-hoc Networking, Edited by Charles E. Perkins, Chapter-5, pp-139-172, Addison-Wesley, 2001. [5]. Vincent D. Park and M. Scott Corson, "A performance comparison of the Temporally-Ordered Routing Algorithm (TORA) and Ideal Link-State Routing", Proceedings of IEEE symposium on Computerand Communication, June 1998. [6]. Vincent D. Park and M. Scott Corson, "TemporallyOrdered Routing Algorithm (TORA) Version 1: Functional Specification", Internet draft, draft-ietf-manettora-spec-01.txt, August 1998. [7]. P. Jacquet, P. Muhlethaler, T. Clausen, A. Laouiti, A. Qayyum and L. Viennot, " Optimized Link State Routing Protocol for Ad-Hoc Networks", Proceedings of 5th IEEE Multi Topic conference (INMIC 2001), 2001. [8]. S. Ahmed and M. S. Alam, "Performance Evaluation of Important Ad-hoc Nnetwork Protocols", Proceedings of EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking Volume 2006, Issue 2 (April 2006), pp- 42 – 42. [9]. L. Layuan, Y. Peiyan, and L. Chunlin, "Performance evaluation and simulations of routing protocols in Ad hoc networks," Computer Communications, vol. 30,pp. 1890-1998, 2007. P.Venkata Maheswara, K. Bhaskar Naik |
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2. | A review of recent developments in national spatial data infrastructures (NSDI)
A review of recent developments in national spatial data infrastructures (NSDI)Abstract: Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) is the geographic data framework implementation of data, metadata, users and tools in terms of data infrastructure that are connected in interactive way to allow the flexibly and efficient use of the data. The SDI has different components which work together to make the whole system function properly. The components of the SDI have been defined by Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC): Framework, Metadata, Standard, Partnership and Geo-data. People were added to SDI because of their importance as the decision makers, and they make final decisions together with the people defined in the partnership component. In this article, basic definitions were explored for different components in terms of rules, organizations and needs; which can be quite useful for countries that are still in the early stage of creating a National Spatial Infrastructure design.Key words: NSDI, Data, Metadata, Clearinghouse, Standard, Partnership,Geo-data Reference [1] Al Shamsi, S. A., Ahmad, A, and Desa, G. 2011.Development of critical successful factors model for spatial data infrastructure implementation.In Signal Processing and its Applications (CSPA), 2011 IEEE 7th International Colloquium on, pp. 212.219.IEEE. [2] Belussi, A., Negri, M, and Pelagatti, G. 2006. An isotc 211 conformant approach to model spatial integrity constraints in the conceptual design of geographical databases. Advances in Conceptual Modeling-Theory and Practice, 100.109. [3] Boes, U., Lapaine, M, and Cetl, V. 2010.Learning from Others.Capacity Building for GIS and SDI in South East Europe.InProceedings of 3rd International Conference on Cartography and GIS, Nessebar, Bulgaria. [4] Burrough, P. A., McDonnell, R, Burrough, P. A, and McDonnell, R. 1998. Principles of geographical information systems (Vol. 333). Oxford: Oxford university press. [5] Clinton, W. J. 1994. Coordinating geographic data acquisition and access: the National Spatial Data Infrastructure.Executive Order, 12906, 17671.17674. Mustafa Neamah Jebur, Zahra Ziaei, Mahyat Shafapour Tehrany, Abdul Rashid Mohamed Shariff |
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Numerical and Experimental Investigations On Various Fin Configurations subjected to Isoflux Heating under the Influence of Convective Cooling
Numerical and Experimental Investigations On Various Fin Configurations subjected to Isoflux Heating under the Influence of Convective CoolingAbstract: Present paper aims at numerical and experimental assessment of thermal performance of various fin arrays. The numerical results are obtained by FLUENT code which uses standard discretization practices of spatial, temporal and convective derivatives in mass, momentum and energy transport equations. Results are reported in terms of the variation of heat transfer coefficient and Nusselt number with the respect to Reynolds number.Key words: Effectiveness, Fins, Nusselt number, Reynolds number, Reference [1] G.N. Ellison, Thermal Computations for Electronic Equipment, 2nd ed., Van Nostrand Reinhold Corporation, New York, 1989 [2] A.D. Kraus, A. Bar-Cohen, Thermal Analysis and Control of Electronic Equipment, (Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, Washington, 1983). [3] M. Iyengar, A. Bar-Cohen, Least-energy optimization of forced convection plate-fin heat sinks, IEEE Trans Components and Packaging Technologies 26 (2003) 62–70. [4] K. Park, D.H. Choi, K.S. Lee, Optimum design of plate heat exchanger with staggered pin arrays, Numerical Heat Transfer. Part A, Applications 45 (2004) 347–361. [5] R.W. Keyes, "Heat Transfer in Forced Convection Through Fins," IEEE Transactions on Electronic Devices, Vol. ED-31, No, 9, pp. 1218-1221, 1984. Dr.M.T Bhoite, Swapnil Gavhane, Mitali Gore, Sukanya Kanjvane |
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4. | Role of P-E fit on Job Satisfaction of Medical Representatives
Role of P-E fit on Job Satisfaction of Medical RepresentativesAbstract: Job satisfaction always has been significant variable with the performance of the employee and his organizational commitment and turnover intentions. After globalization number of small and big firms have entered in the pharmaceutical drug manufacturing and marketing industry with identical drug contents increasing huge competition in the market and at the same time providing ample job opportunities and career growth for marketing personnel. This study focuses on the role of person-job fit and person-organization fit on the job satisfaction, organization commitment and turnover intentions of the Medical Representatives of pharmaceutical firms working in Pune district.Key words: Job satisfaction, organization commitment, turnover intentions Reference [1] Arnold, D.J., and Quelch, J.A. (1998), "New strategies in emerging markets," Sloan Management Review, 40 (1), 7-20. [2] Arvey, R.D., Carter, G.W., & Buerkley, D.K. (1991), "Job satisfaction: Dispositional and situational influences," International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 6, 359-83. [3] Avinash G Mulky(2011), "An exploration of salesperson job satisfaction in India using P-E fit constructs", Working paper No.343, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore. [4] Brown SP, Peterson RA (1993), "Antecedents and consequences of salesperson job satisfaction: meta-analysis and assessment of causal effects," Journal of Marketing Research, 30(1), 63-77. [5] Kristof-Brown, A.L. Jansen(2002), "A policy capturing study of the simultaneous effects of fit with jobs, groups, and organizations", Journal of Applied Psychology, 87(5), 985-93. Datta.B. Pawase, Dr.N.S. Poonawala |
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5. | The Wholesale Price Contract Under The Framework Of Fairness-Preferencing Nash-Bargain In A Two-Level Supply Chain
The Wholesale Price Contract Under The Framework Of Fairness-Preferencing Nash-Bargain In A Two-Level Supply ChainAbstract: The paper establishes a fairness preference framework based on game theory of Nash bargaining, and builds a utility system about fairness preference. On the basis, we expeands the newboy model to behavior research. The analysis shows that because of the retailer and suppliers' fairness preference, their optimal order quantities tend to became conservative, and the result shows that the greater the retailer's fairness preference, the smaller the optimal order quantity of the retailer and the supply chain system, and the change tendency of the supply chan is more obvious than that of retailer. the greater the supplier's fairness preference, the greater the optimal order quantity of the retailer and the supply chain system, and the change tendency of the supply chan is more obvious than that of retailer. Furthermore, we draw a conclusion that the wholesale price contract don't change the supply chain coordination. Finally, we make the sensitivity analysis of the wholesale price, the retail price, the manufacturing cost of supplier, the stortage cost of retailer and the stortage cost of supplier.Key words: Nash bargaining; newboy model; fairness preference; supply chain coordination; wholesale price contract Reference [1] J SPENGLER, Vertical integration and antitrust policy, Journal of Political Economy, 58(4),1950,347-352. [2] W J HOPP, Fifty years of management science, Management Science, 50(1), 2004, 1-7. Z. X. Luo, Both theory and engineering practice to cultivate creative talents. Experimental Technology and Management, vol.23, February, (2006). [3] K ELEMA , DIAN Yanwu. Contracting in suppy chains: alaboratory investigation, Management Science, 55(13), 2009, 1953-1968. [4] V PADMANABHAN, I P L PNG, Manufacturer's returns policy and retailer competion, Marketing Science, 16(1), 1997, 81-93. [5] J H CAI, G G ZHOU, Influence of revenue sharing on the performance of a two-echelon supply chain, Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, 14(8), 2008, 1637-1642 Yanhong Qin, Yanqin Li |
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6. | A Novel Approach With Subjective Assessment For E-Examination
A Novel Approach With Subjective Assessment For E-ExaminationAbstract: This research gives a brief idea about E-examination and related technology keeping in views the needs of the University. The drawbacks in previous E-examinations are pointed out and have been taken into consideration to overcome it, an appropriate solution is proposed. Our system will allow E-examinations to be taken securely under the supervision of invigilators and with subjective assessment in it, with instantaneous availability of results.Key words: Distributed Database, FCK Editor, objective Assessment, Paint, Subjective Assessment Reference [1] S. Wiak, D. Jeske, M. Krasuski & R. Stryjek, "E-tutoring as part of the e-examination - the use of data warehousing and data mining to assist the learning and teaching process ", 3rd WIETE Annual Conference on Engineering and Technology Education 2012 WIETE, Pattaya, Thailand, 6-10 February 2012. [2] Naveed Azim, Imran Naqvi, & Kashif ur Rehman, " Online Examination System and ssessment of Subjective Expression", ICETC, April 17-April 20, Singapore. [3] Olawale Adebayo & Shafi'i Muhammad Abdulhamid, "E- Exams System for Nigerian Universities with Emphasis on Security and Result Integrity", [4] Ghanashyam Rout1 & Srikanta Patnaik, "A Case Study on E-Examination in Universities of Odisha", IJIC, , Volume-1, Issue-2, 2011- 12, ISSN No: 2231 – 6965. [5] CTE Teaching Tips (case study). Mr. A.A. Shinde, Ms. Sumedha Chokhandre |
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7. | Performance comparison of AOMDV and POR Routing Protocols in MANETS
Performance comparison of AOMDV and POR Routing Protocols in MANETSAbstract: Mobile ad hoc network (MANET) [1] is Mobile nodes that are communicated with each and every other hop using multi-hop wireless nodes. Each node acts as a router in network and no fixed infrastructure for mobile nodes and there is no base station of it, forwarding data packets for other nodes [2]. Without network infrastructure is known as ad hoc network is formed by mobile stations inside a restricted area which communicates without the need of access point [3]. An ad hoc network can be formed by mobile computers with wireless interfaces that are communicate among themselves without any help of infrastructure. In an ad hoc network the mobile nodes are access to serve both routers and hosts. Performance comparison of AOMDV and POR with ns-2 (version 2.34) simulations shows that throughput as POR packet delivery is better than that of AOMDV.Key words: MANETS, AOMDV, POR, Data delivery, routing protocol. Reference [1] Vicomsoft, "Knowledge share whitepapers wireless networking Q&A", Vicomsoft connect and protect, Jan 2003. [2] Charles E. Perkins, Elizabeth M. Royer, Samir R. Das and Mahesh K. Marina: "Performance Comparison of Two On-Demand Routing Protocols for Ad Hoc Networks", IEEE Personal Communications, February 2001. [3] Darlan Vivian, Eduardo Adilio Pelinson Alchieri, Carlos Becker Westphall: "Evaluation of QoS Metrics in Adhoc Networks with the use of Secure Routing Protocols", Network and Management Laboratory, Department of Computer Sciences, Federal University of Santa Catarina. [4] Charles E.Perkins and Elizabeth M. Royer, "Ad hoc on demand distance vector (AODV) routing (Internet-Draft)", Aug-1998. [5] Kevin Fall, K. Varadhan, "The ns Manual", University of Southern California, Information Sciences Institute (ISI), http://www.isi.edu/nsnam/ns/ns-documentation.html. M.Chandrika, N.Papanna |
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FFT PROCESSOR IMPLEMENTATION & THROUGHPUT OPTIMIZATION USING DMA & C2H COMPILERAbstract: Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) is an important transform in signal analysis and process, but its time complexity can't be accepted under many situations. How to make DFT more fast and efficient has become an important theory. According to the algorithm characteristics of DFT, FFT was brought in and decreased the time complexity to a very large extent.Key words: Butterfly, C2H Compiler, DFT, DMA, FFT Reference [1] Jayasumana, G. Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, CO Loeffler, C. ,―Searching for the best Cooley-Tukey FFT algorithms‖ Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, IEEE International Conference on ICASSP '87 , vol.12, pp. 2408- 2411, : Apr 1987 [2] Joshi, N.N. Y.C.C.E., Nagpur, India Dakhole, P.K. ; Zode, P.P.,‖ Embedded Web Server on Nios II Embedded FPGA Platform‖, ?‖ proc IEEE ICETET, vol. 55, pp. 372-377,DEC 2009 [3] Pong P. Chu Embedded SOPC Design with Nios II Processor and VHDL Examples Wiley Publisher, August 2011 [4] SDRAM Controller Subsystem http://www.altera.com/literature/hb/cyclone-v/cv_54008.pdf [5] JTAG UART Core ftp://ftp.altera.com/up/pub/Altera_Material/11.1/Laboratory_Exercises/Computer_Organization/DE0/lab7.pdf Varsha Adhangale, Dr.R.D.Daruwala |
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9. | Cfd Simulation Of Swirling Effect In S-Shaped Diffusing Duct By Swirl Angle 200
Cfd Simulation Of Swirling Effect In S-Shaped Diffusing Duct By Swirl Angle 200Abstract: The present study involves the CFD analysis for the prediction of swirl effect on the characteristics of a steady, incompressible flow through an S-shaped diffusing duct. The curved diffuser considered in the present case has S-shaped diffusing duct having an area ratio of 1.9, length of 300 mm and turning angle of 22.5°/22.5°. The static pressure, total pressure, velocity and turbulence intensity were accounted. The improvement is observed for both, clockwise and anti-clockwise swirl, the improvement being higher for clockwise swirl. Flow uniformity at the exit is more uniform for clockwise swirl at the inlet.Key words: Curved diffusers, intake ducts, swirling flow, secondary flows, pressure recovery Reference 1] M.ROWE, ―Measurements and computations of flow in pipe bends‖, J. Fluid Mech., JFM (Printed in GReat Britain), vol. 43, part 4, pp. 771-783, 1970. 2] Bansod P, & Bradshaw P, Aeronautical Q, 23 (1972) 131-140. 3] R.Menzies, ―Computational investigations of flows in diffusing S-shaped intakes‖, Acta Polytechnica ,Vol. 41 No. 4–5/2001 4] Anand R B, Lajpat Rai, Singh S N & Sharma,‖ Effect of the turning angle on the flow and performance characteristics of long S-shaped circular diffusers‖, Journal of Aerospace Engineering, JAE (Professional Engineering Publishing Ltd), 53 (2001) 239-252. 5] Whitelaw J H & Yu S C M, Flow Meas Instrum, 4 (1993), 171-179. Ramazan |
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BREADFRUIT STEM ASH AS A PARTIAL REPLACEMENT OF CEMENT IN SANCRETE BLOCK MAKINGAbstract: Sandcrete blocks are the most widely used materials for walling units in Nigeria. This study investigated the use of breadfruit stem ash (BFSA) as a partial replacement of cement in sandcrete block making. The breadfruit stem ash was burnt using a local burner and analysis was carried out on the chemical and physical properties of the ash. Four blocks each (150x150x150 mm) were cast at 0%, 5%, 10%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 40% and 50% replacement levels. The cubes were crushed at 7, 28, and 48 days of curing. The results show that the compressive strength varied from 1.5N/mm2 to 6.5N/mm2 for the replacement levels at 48 days of curing. The 50% to 20% replacement levels displayed very low compressive strengths which were between the ranges of 1.5N/mm2 and 2.1N/mm2.Key words: pozzolans, breadfruit stem ash, compressive strength, curing, sandcrete, partial replacement. Reference [1] Al –Khalaf, M.N. and Yousif, H.A. (1984). Use of Rise Husk Ash in Concrete. The International Journal of Cement Composites and Light Weight Concrete 6(4), pp 241-248. [2] Amadi, A. (2007) Unsafe Waste Disposal Practices in Nigeria Cities: Geoenvironmental Perspectives. NSE Technical Journal Transaction, Vol 42, No 1. [3] American Standard for Testing Materials (1978). Specifications for Fly Ash and Raw or Calcium Natural Pozzolana for use as a Mineral Admixture in Portland Cement Concrete, ASTM C618-78. [4] BS1377; Part 2 (1990) Methods for Test of Soils for Civil Engineering Purposes, British Standard Institution. [5] BS1881; Part 3 (1992) Method for Determination of Density of partially compacted Semi-dry fresh Concrete, British Standard Institution. Aginam, C. H., Onodagu, P. D. and Nwakaire, Chidozie |
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11. | Differential Evolution approach to Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch with Voltage Stability enhancement by Modal Analysis
Differential Evolution approach to Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch with Voltage Stability enhancement by Modal AnalysisAbstract: This paper presents an evolutionary based algorithm for solving optimal reactive power dispatch problem in power system. The problem was designed as a Multi-Objective case with loss minimization and voltage stability as objectives. Generator terminal voltages, tap setting of transformers and reactive power generation of capacitor banks were taken as optimization variables. Modal analysis method is adopted to assess the voltage stability of system. The above presented problem was solved on basis of efficient and reliable technique among all evolutionary based algorithms, the Differential Evolution Technique. The proposed method has been tested on IEEE 30 bus system where the obtained results were found satisfactorily to a large extent that of reported earlier.Key words: Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch, Modal Analysis, Differential Evolution Reference [1] H. W. Dommel and W. F. Tinny, "Optimal power flow solutions," IEEE trans. on power app & systems, 87, 1968, pp 1866-1876. [2] Q. H. Wu and J. T. Ma , "Power system optimal reactive power dispatch using evolutionary programming," IEEE trans. on power systems, Vol. 10, No. 3, August 1995, pp 1243-1248. [3] P. Kessel and H. Glavitsch, "Estimating the voltage stability of power systems," IEEE Trans. on Power systems, Vol. 1, No.3, 1986, pp 346-354. [4] S. Durairaj, P. S. Kannan and D. Devaraj, Application of Genetic Algorithm to Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch including Voltage Stability Constraint Journal of Energy & Environment 4 (2005) 63 – 73 [5] K. Y. Lee, Y. M. Park and J. L. Ortiz, "Optimal real and reactive power dispatch" Electric power system research, Vol. 7, 1984, pp 201-212. J.Jithendranath and K.Hemachandra Reddy |
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12. | Comparative Analysis of Mpls and Non -Mpls Network
Comparative Analysis of Mpls and Non -Mpls NetworkAbstract: A new standard for a new world of networking, MPLS is a forwarding mechanism based on Tag Switching. MPLS is an innovative approach in which forwarding decision is taken based on labels. Label is created for every route in routing table. Large operators have embraced multiprotocol label switching, deploying it in their backbone networks to enable a number of services and applications such as virtual private networks to just name one. This paper presents an overview of the MPLS technology and related IETF standards, and how it is faster and better than traditional IP routing.Key words: LDP, LSP, LSR, MPLS, QoS Reference [1] A. Ghanwani. "Traffic Engineering Standards in IP Networks Using MPLS" IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 37, no. 12, pp. 49- 53. Dec. 1999. [2] B. Jamoussi et al, "Constraint-Based LSP Setup using LDP" IETF RFC 3212, Jan. 2002. [3] D. Awduche et al, "RSVP-TE: Extensions to RSVP for LSP Tunnels" IETF RFC 3209, Dec. 2001 [4] E. Rosen, A. Viswanathan and R. Callon, "Multiprotocol Label Switching Architecture,'' RFC 3031, Jan. 2001. [5] IEEE Communication magazine, September – 2006. Madhulika Bhandure, Gaurang Deshmukh, Prof. Varshapriya J N |
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13. | Control of Hybrid System Using Multi-Input Inverter and Maximum Power Point Tracking
Control of Hybrid System Using Multi-Input Inverter and Maximum Power Point TrackingAbstract: The objective of this paper is to control the Wind/PV hybrid system using Multi-input inverter to get constant output power for different operating conditions. The MPPT also used in this system to get the maximum peak power to the load. The perturbation observation (P&O) method is used to accomplish the maximum power point tracking algorithm for input sources. The operating principle of the open loop and closed loop circuit of multi-input inverter is discussed.Key words: Inverter, photovoltaic (PV), MPPT,wind energy. Reference [1] T.-F. Wu,C.-H. Chang,Z.-R. Liu and T.-H. Yu, "Single-Stage converters for photovoltaic powered lighting systems with MPPT and charging features," in Proc. IEEE APEC, 1998, pp. 1149–1155. [2] M. Kolhe, J. C. Joshi, and D. P. Kothari, "Performance analysis of a directly Coupled photovoltaic water-pumping system," IEEE Trans. Energy Conv., vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 613–618, Sep. 2004. [3] A. M. De Broe, S. Drouilhet, and V. Gevorgian, "A peak power tracker for small wind turbines in battery charging applications," IEEE Trans. Energy Conv., vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 1630–1635, Dec. 1999. [4] L. Solero, F. Caricchi, F. Crescimbini, O. Honorati, and F. Mezzetti, Performance of a 10 kW power electronic interface for combined wind/PV isolated generating systems," in Proc. IEEE PESC, 1996, pp. 1027–1032. [5] S. Wakao, R. Ando, H. Minami, F. Shinomiya, A. Suzuki, M. Yahagi, S. Hirota, Y. Ohhashi, and A. Ishii, "Performance analysis of the PV/wind/wave hybrid power generation system," in Proc. IEEE World Conf. Photovolt. Energy Conv., 2003, pp. 2337–2340. N.Sivakumar, Dr.A.Sumathi |
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14. | Face Recognition Using Moments and Wavelets
Face Recognition Using Moments and WaveletsAbstract: The field of face recognition has been explored a lot and the work is still going on. In this paper we have proposed a novel approach for face recognition using moments. Four feature extraction methods have been used: Hu moments, Zernike moments, Legendre moments and Cumulants. Hu moments include a set of seven moments which are derived from the conventional geometric moments. These moments are invariant against rotation, scaling and translation. Legendre and Zernike moments have an orthogonal basis set and can be used to represent an image with minimum amount of information redundancy. These are based on the theory of orthogonal polynomials and can be used to recover an image from moment invariants. Cumulants are sensitive to image details and therefore are suitable for representing the image features. For feature extraction, moments of different orders are calculated which form the feature vectors. The feature vectors obtained are stored in the database and are compared using three different classifiers. In case of cumulants, we have calculated the bispectrum of images and compressed it using wavelets.Key words: Bispectrum, Biwavelant, Face Recognition, Moments, Wavelets, Reference [1] R. Ksantini, B. Boufama, Djemelziou, Bernardcolin, A Novel Bayesian Logistic Discriminant Model: An Application to Face Recognition, Pattern Recognition, 43(4), 2010, 1421–1430. [2] C.K. Hsieh, S.H. Lai, and Y.C. Chen, An Optical Flow-Based Approach to Robust Face Recognition Under Expression Variations, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 19(1), 2010, 233- 240. [3] J. Yang, C. Liu, L. Zhang, Color Space Normalization, Enhancing the Discriminating Power of Color Spaces for Face Recognition, Pattern Recognition, 43(4), 2010, 1454–1466. [4] H. Zhou, and A.H. Sadka, Combining Perceptual Features with Diffusion Distance for Face Recognition. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Part C: Applications And Reviews, 41(5), 2011, 577- 588. [5] Z. Lei, M. Pietikäinen, S.Z. Li, S. Liao, Face Recognition by Exploring Information Jointly in Space, Scale and Orientation, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 20(1), 2011, 247- 256. Rajiv Kapoor, Pallavi Mathur |
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15. | Technological Emergency Planning Through An Ontology Oriented Approach.
Technological Emergency Planning Through An Ontology Oriented ApproachAbstract: Having access to the right information before and during an industrial emergency could save organizations and keep them safe and sustainable. Accident databases among other are used to provide such accesses. But, usual accident databases are lacking to provide enough emergency knowledge. This paper tries to improve the current process accident databases information retrieval through developing a process accident knowledge base (PAKB). Technological accident concepts and subconcepts were identified. Then, the relevant taxonomy for each concept was developed and the relationships among all concepts were formalized. This collection was transferred into the protégé software for more formal interpretation and representations. The established PAKB could improve information retrieval processes, reduce query time and fault results. Despite customary databases, it can disclose the hidden relations among different stored data. The accident knowledge base imagines knowledge epresentation and concept relationships that could help to understand the hidden relations among the needed data. Such features are vital in the emergency management.Key words: Databases, knowledge base, Emergency management, Process Accident, Emergency Plan Reference [1] Batres, R., Muramatsu, H., Shimada, Y., Fuchino, T., & Chung, P. W. H. (2009). Systematic ontology development of accident databases. Paper presented at the 19th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering. [2] Batzias, F. A., & Siontorou, C. G. (2012). Creating a specific domain ontology for supporting R&D in the science-based sector - The case of biosensors. Expert Systems with Applications, 39(11), 9994-10015. [3] CSB. Retrieved 22/1/2013, from http://www.csb.gov [4] Elhdad, R., Chilamkurti, N., & Torabi, T. (2013). An ontology-based framework for process monitoring and maintenance in petroleum plant. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 26(1), 104-116. [5] Garrido, J., & Requena, I. (2012). Towards summarizing knowledge: Brief ontologies. Expert Systems with Applications, 39(3), 3213-3222. Omid Kalatpour, Iraj Mohammadfam, Rostam Golmohammadi, Hasan Khotanlou |
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16. | Modelling and measurement of a wireless foot plantar pressure
Modelling and measurement of a wireless foot plantar pressureAbstract: Foot plantar pressure is the pressure fields that act between the foot skin and its supporting surface that humans experience during daily activities. Information derived from such pressure is important for diagnosing lower limb problems, footwear design, sport biomechanics performance and injury prevention. This paper presents the design and implementation of a wireless data acquisition (DAQ) for foot plantar pressure sensors. The system is intended for an in-shoe wireless pressure measurement system. The objective of this DAQ is to be a system which can be integrated into a shoe with the ability of wireless transmission to an external on body receiver. Such device provides low power consumption, convenient and comfortable testing system simulating a range of normal daily life activities.Key words: Foot plantar pressure, pressure sensor, wireless system. Reference [1] Y. Wahab, A. Zayegh, R. K. Begg, and R. Veljanovski, "Design of MEMS biomedical pressure sensor for gait analysis," in IEEE International Conference on emiconductor Electronics, 2008.ICSE, 2008, pp. 166-169. [2] L. Lavery, S. Vela, J. Fleishli, D. Armstrong, and D. Lavery, "Reducing plantar pressure in the neuropathic foot," Diabetes care, vol. 20, pp. 1706-10, 1997. [3] Mueller, "Application of plantar pressure assessment in footwear and insert design," The Journal of orthopaedic and sports physical therapy, vol. 29, p. 747, 1999. [4] S. Praet and J. Louwerens, "The influence of shoe design on plantar pressures in neuropathic feet," Diabetes care, vol. 26, p. 441, 2003. [5] R. M. Queen, A. N. Abbey, J. I. Wiegerinck, J. C. Yoder, and J. A. Nunley, "Effect of shoe type on plantar pressure: A gender comparison," Gait& Posture, vol. 31, pp. 18-22, 2010. Khwaja Ramizuddin, Prof. S. P. Washimkar |
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17. | Performance analysis of semiconductor optical amplifier using four wave mixing based wavelength Converter for all Optical networks.
Performance analysis of semiconductor optical amplifier using four wave mixing based wavelength Converter for all Optical networks.Abstract: In this paper, investigations are made on performance analysis of the semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) using four wave mixing (FWM) based wavelength converter. This analysis is done at 10Gb/s in terms of shifted wavelength conversion efficiency, quality factor (Q-parameter) and bit error rate (BER) for up and down conversions. The investigations are carried out by varying the probe signal wavelength and bias current of SOA. From the numerical simulations it has been observed that down-conversion efficiency is more than Up-conversion efficiency and it starts decreases at larger wavelengths. It is found that maximum FWM conversion efficiency is around 27.3417 dB at current 160 mA and 28.5669 dB at current 160 mA for up and down conversion respectively for 10Gb/s.Key words: FWM, XGM, XPM, SOA, Wavelength conversion, Conversion efficiency.. Reference [1]. Govind P. Agarwal, "Fiber Optic Communication Systems", John Wiley & sons, Inc. Publication, 2003. [2] Farah Diana Mahad,Abu Sahmah M.Supa'at. "Comparative performance testing of SOA wavelength conversion techniques for future all-optical systems," International Journal for Light and Electron Optics (Optik), April 2012. [3] Farah Diana Mahad,Abu Sahmah M. Supa'at, "Analyses of semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) four-wave mixing (FWM) for future all-optical wavelength conversion," International Journal for Light and Electron Optics (Optik), vol. 124 ,no. 1, February 2013,pp. 1– 3. [4]. Surinder Singh, " Boost up of four wave mixing signal in semiconductor optical amplifier for 40 Gb/s optical frequency conversion," International Journal for Light and Electron Optics (Optik), vol. 281, no. 9 ,May 2008 ,pp. 2618–2626. [5]. N.A. Awang, H. Ahmad and A.A. Latif, "Four-wave mixing in dual wavelength fiber laser utilizing SOA for wavelength conversion," International Journal for Light and Electron Optics (Optik), vol .122, no. 22, November 2011,pp. 754–757. Anupjeet Kaur, Kulwinder Singh, Bhawna Utreja |
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18. | Performance analysis of bi-directional broadband passive optical network using travelling wave semiconductor optical amplifier
Performance analysis of bi-directional broadband passive optical network using travelling wave semiconductor optical amplifierAbstract: In this paper performance analysis of a bi-directional broadband passive optical network (BPON) for both downstream and upstream traffic by using travelling wave semiconductor optical amplifier (TSOA) is carried out in terms of bit error rate (BER). The system has been analyzed on the basis of drive current of TSOA, data rate, fiber length, coding technique, number of users. From the simulation it has been observed that as we increases the no. of users, fiber length, data rate bit error rate is increasing due to optical pulse brodening and dispersion. It is found that value of bit error rate 3.65089x10-035 is more acceptable for drive current 0.27A at 20 km. From the investigations it has been found that system performance is better for NRZ modulation format than RZ format because NRZ coding is more tolerable to optical dispersion than RZ coding.Key words: Passive optical network (PON), Broadband passive optical network (BPON), Bit error rate (BER), Travelling wave semiconductor optical amplifier (TSOA). Reference [1] Chang-Hee Lee, "Passive Optical Networks for FTTx Applications", IEEE, vol.3, 2005. [2] Chang-Hee Lee, "Fiber to the Home Using a PON Infrastructure", Journal of lightwave technology, vol. 24, no. 12, Dec. 2006. [3] Aswir Premadi, Mohammad Syuhaimi Ab-Rahman, Ng Boon Chuan, "Protection Scheme of Fiber to the Home Passive Optical Network using Access Control System", CITISIA 2009. [4] Theodoros Rokkas, Dimitris Katsianis, Thomas Kamalakis, "Economics of Time and Wavelength Domain Multiplexed Passive Optical Networks", Journal of optical comm. network /vol. 2, no. 12/ December, 2010. [5] W.T. P'ng, S. Khatun, S. Shaari and M. K. Abdullah, "A Novel Protection Scheme for Ethernet PON FTTH Access Network", IEEE, vol. 1, 2005. Chinky rani, Kulwinder singh, Bhawna utreja |
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19. | Improving the implementation of new approach data privacy preserving in data mining using slicing
Improving the implementation of new approach data privacy preserving in data mining using slicingAbstract: Several anonymization techniques, such as generalization and bucketization, have been designed for privacy preserving microdata publishing. Recent work has shown that generalization loses considerable amount of information, especially for high dimensional data. Bucketization, on the other hand, does not prevent membership disclosure and does not apply for data that do not have a clear separation between quasi-identifying attributes and sensitive attributes. In this paper, we present a novel technique called slicing, which partitions the data both horizontally and vertically. We show that slicing preserves better data utility than generalization and can be used for membership disclosure protection. Another important advantage of slicing is that it can handle high-dimensional data. We show how slicing can be used for attribute disclosure protection and develop an efficient algorithm for computing the sliced data that obey the ℓ-diversity requirement. Our workload experiments confirm that slicing preserves better utility than generalization and is more effective than bucketization in workloads involving the sensitive attribute. Our experiments also demonstrate that slicing can be used to prevent membership disclosure.Key words: Privacy preservation, data anonymization, data publishing, data security.. Reference [1] C. Aggarwal, "On k-Anonymity and the Curse of Dimensionality," Proc. Int‟l Conf. Very Large Data Bases (VLDB), pp. 901-909, 2005. [2] A. Blum, C. Dwork, F. McSherry, and K. Nissim, "Practical Privacy: The SULQ Framework," Proc. ACM Symp. Principles of Database Systems (PODS), pp. 128-138, 2005. [3] J. Brickell and V. Shmatikov, "The Cost of Privacy: Destruction of Data-Mining Utility in Anonymized Data Publishing," Proc. ACM SIGKDD Int‟l Conf. Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), pp. 70-78, 2008. [4] B.-C. Chen, K. LeFevre, and R. Ramakrishnan, "Privacy Skyline: Privacy with Multidimensional Adversarial Knowledge," Proc. Int‟l Conf. Very Large Data Bases (VLDB), pp. 770-781, 2007. [5] Cramt‟er, Mathematical Methods of Statistics. Princeton Univ. Press, 1948. [6] I. Dinur and K. Nissim, "Revealing Information while Preserving Privacy," Proc. ACM Symp. Principles of Database Systems (PODS), pp. 202-210, 2003. Ravindra S. Wanjari, Prof. Devi Kalpna |
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20. | Implementation of Dynamic Voltage Restorer for Mitigation of Voltage Sag
Implementation of Dynamic Voltage Restorer for Mitigation of Voltage SagAbstract: Power quality is one of major concerns in the present. It has become important, especially with the introduction of sophisticated devices, whose performance is very sensitive to the quality of power supply. The dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) is one of the modern devices used in distribution systems to improve the power quality. In this paper, emergency control in distribution systems is discussed by using the proposed multifunctional DVR control strategy. Also, themultiloop controller using the Posicast and P+Resonant controllers is proposed in order to improve the transient response and eliminate the steady state error in DVR response,respectivelyKey words: Dynamic voltage restorer (DVR), Power quality problems, posicast controller, P+resonant controller. Reference [1] J. A. Martinez and J. Martin-Arnedo, "Voltage sag studies in distribution networks- part II: Voltage sag assessment," IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 1679–1688, Jul. 2006. [2] J. A. Martinez and J. Martin-Arnedo, "Voltage sag studies in distribution networks- part I: Voltage sag assessment," IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 1679–1688, Jul. 2006. [3] P. Hcine and M. Khronen, "Voltage sag distribution caused by power system faults," IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 1367–1373, Nov. 2003. [4] John Y. Hung, "Posicast Control Past and Present," IEEE MULTIDISCIPLINARY ENGINEERING EDUCATION MAGAZINE., VOL. 2, NO. 1, MARCH 2007. [5] H.P.Tiwari, Sunil Kumar Gupta,"Dynamic Voltage Restorer Based onLoad Condition, "International Journal of Innovation,Management and Technology.,vol.1,No.1,April 2010. [6] ShairulWizmarWahab and Alias MohdYusof, "Voltage Sag and Mitigation Using Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) System,"ELECTRIKA.,vol.8,no.2,2,32-37,2006. [7] KaithamalaiUdhayakumar, Ponnusamy Lakshmi, KandasamyBoobal," Hybrid Posicast Controller for a DC-DC Buck Converter," SERBIAN JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING.,Vol. 5, No. 1, May 2008, 121-138. M.Manohara, M.I.S.T.E, K.Vinod Kumar and Dr.T.Devaraju |
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21. | Non-Invasive Optical Blood Glucose Measurement
Non-Invasive Optical Blood Glucose MeasurementAbstract: The method for noninvasively blood glucose monitoring system is discussed in this paper. Lot of research work has been done in developing the device which is completely noninvasive to avoid the pros & cons because of frequent pricking. In this paper we are trying to analyze the noninvasive blood glucose measurement study in the near infrared region which is the most suitable region for blood glucose measurement. For this purpose we use a technique which is similar to pulseoximetry based on near infrared spectrometry .An infrared light of particular wavelength is passed through fingertip containing an arterial pulse component are derived,thus minimizing influences of basal components such as resting blood volume,skin, muscle and bone.Key words: Glucose measurement, Non-invasive, Pulse-oximetry, photoplethysmography (PPG). Reference [1] A. Caduff, F. Dewarrat, M. Talary, G. Stalder, L. Heinemann, and Y. Feldman, "Non-invasiveglucose monitoring in patients with diabetes: Anovel system based on impedance spectroscopy," Biosens.Bioelectron., Mar.2006. [2] A. Pfutzner, A. Caduff, M. Larbig, T. Schrepfer, and T. Forst, "Impact of posture and fixation technique on impedance spectroscopy used for continuous and noninvasive glucose monitoring," Diabetes Technol. Ther., vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 435-441, Aug.2004. [3] T. Forst, A. Caduff, M. Talary, M. Weder, M.Brandle, P. Kann, F. Flacke, C. Friedrich, and A.Pfutzner, "Impact of environmental temperature onskin thickness and microvascular blood flow insubjects with and without diabetes," DiabetesTechnol. Ther., vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 94-101, Feb.2006. [4] Heise, H.M. Medical applications of infrared spectroscopy. Mikrochim.Acta, in press, 1996.Wilson, B.C. and Jacques, S.L. 0ptii:al reflectance and transmittance of tissue: principles and applications. IEEE [5] Valery V. Tuchin (Ed.), Handbook of Optical Sensing of Glucose in Biological Fluids and Tissues (CRC Press 2009 Taylor & Francis Group) 100-103. Megha C.Pande, Prof.A. K. Joshi |
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22. | DSS Using Apriori Algorithm, Genetic Algorithm And Fuzzy Logic
DSS Using Apriori Algorithm, Genetic Algorithm And Fuzzy LogicAbstract: DSS is an interactive software system which assists the user (Doctors, Stock Analyzer etc.) to make appropriate and quick decisions in the given context. The volume of data, in fields like medicine or industry, is large and beyond human capacity to extract valuable information. Apriori algorithm along with genetic algorithm and fuzzy logic provides a way to obtain interesting correlations and patterns from datasets. It also eliminates human error and provides high accuracy of results. Therefore the DSS helps to make quick and accurate decisions Experiments were conducted on Pima Indian Diabetes data set and results are found to be interesting.Key words: Apriori, DSS, Fuzzy Logic, Genetic Reference [1] Thuraisingham, B., 2000. A primer for understanding and applying data mining, IT professional.IEEE Computer Society, pp. 28–31. [2] Tang, T.I., Zheng, G., Huang, Y.,Shu, G., Wang, P., 2005. A comparative study of medical data classification methods based on decision tree and system reconstruction analysis. IEMS 4 (1), 102–108. [3] Agrawal, R. and Srikant, R. (1994) "Fast algorithms for mining association rules‟, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, pp.487–499, Santiago de Chile, [4] Anooj, P. K. (2012). Clinical decision support system : Risk level prediction of heart disease using weighted fuzzy rules. Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences, 24(1), 27–40. doi:10.1016/j.jksuci.2011.09.002 [5] Kuo, R. J., Chen, C. H., & Hwang, Y. C. (2001). An intelligent stock trading decision support system through integration of genetic algorithm based fuzzy neural network and artiÿcial neural network, 118, 21–45. [6] Rajeswari, K., & Vaithiyanathan, V. (2011). Heart disease diagnosis : an efficient decision support system based on fuzzy logic and genetic algorithm, 3, 81–97. K. Rajeswari, Mahadev Shindalkar, Nikhil Thorawade, Pranay Bhandari |
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23. | Design and Synthesis of Fault Tolerant Full Adder/Subtractor
Using Reversible Logic Gates
Design and Synthesis of Fault Tolerant Full Adder/Subtractor Using Reversible Logic GatesAbstract: Reversible logic is most popular concept in energy efficient computations and this will be demand for upcoming future computing technologies. Reversible logic is emerging as an important research area and it will be having wide applications in many fields such as optical information processing, quantum computing and Low power CMOS design. Under ideal conditions, the reversible logic gates will produce zero power dissipation. So this concept will helpful for Low power VLSI design. This paper will proposes the design of Full adder/subtractor circuit using fault tolerant reversible gates. The design can work singly as an adder/subtractor. The proposed design offers less hardware complexity and is efficient in terms of gate count, delay, constant inputs and garbage outputs compared to previous Fault tolerant Full Adder/Subtractor design. A parallel adder/subtractor design using fault tolerant reversible gates also proposed in this paper. The proposed circuits will be simulated using ModelSim simulator and implemented in Xilinx FPGA platform.Key words: Adder/Subtractor, Parity preserving reversible gates, Parallel Adder/Subtractor, Reversible logic gates. Reference [1] R. Landauer, "Irreversibility and Heat Generation in the Computational Process", IBM Journal of Research and Development, 5, pp. 183-191, 1961. [2] C.H. Bennett, "Logical Reversibility of Computation", IBM J. Research and Development, pp. 525-532, November 1973. [3] Hafiz Md. Hasan babu, Md. Rafiqu Islam, Ahsan Raja Chowdhary and Syed Mostahead Ali chowdhary " Reversible logic synthesis for minimization of full adder ckt", IEEE conference on Digital system design 2003,Enro-micro‟03,Belek,Antalya,Tarkey, 2003,PP 50-54 [4] Hafiz Md. Hasan babu, Md. Rafiqu Islam, Ahsan Raja Chowdhary and Syed Mostahead Ali chowdhary "Synthesis of full adder ckt using Reversible logic".17th international conference on VLSI Design 2004, Mumbai, India 2004, PP 757-760. [5] Feynman R., 1985. Quantum mechanical computers, Optics News, 11: 11-20. Prashanth.N.G, Savitha.A.P, M.B.Anadaraju, Nuthan.A.C |
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24. | Design and Synthesis of Bus Invert Encoding and Decoding Technique Using Reversible Logic
Design and Synthesis of Bus Invert Encoding and Decoding Technique Using Reversible LogicAbstract: Reversible logic has received great attention in the recent years due to its ability to reduce the power dissipation which is the main requirement in low power digital design. It has wide applications in advanced computing, low power CMOS design, Optical information processing, DNA computing, bio information, quantum computation and nanotechnology. This paper presents a bus invert coding on reversible logic using Feynman, Feynman double gate, BJN, Sayem and SCG gates. The proposed Bus-Invert method of coding the I/O which lowers the bus activity and thus decreases the I/O peak power dissipation by 50% and the I/O average power dissipation by up to 25%. Proposed circuits have been simulated using Xilinx Isim simulator and implemented using Xilinx Spartan3 FPGA platform.Key words: Reversible Logic, Circuit Design using Reversible Gates, Reversible Logic Gates, Bus invert coding. Reference [1] R. Landauer, "Irreversibility and Heat Generation in the Computational Process", IBM Journal of Research and Development, pp. 183-191, 1961. [2] C.H. Bennett, "Logical Reversibility of Computation", IBM J. Research and Development, pp. 525-532, November 1973. [3] Peres, A., "Reversible logic and quantum computers", Physical Review: A, vol. 32 (6): pp. 3266-3276, 1985. [4] H Thapliyal and M. Srinivas, "Novel reversible TSG gate and its application for designing carry look ahead adder and other adder architectures", Proceedings of the 10th Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architecture Conference (ACSAC 05), 2005, pp 775-786. [5] Saiful Islam M. and Md. Rafiqul Islam, "Minimization of reversible adder circuits". Asian J. Inform. Tech., vol. 4 (12): pp. 1146-1151, 2005. Naveena Pai G, M.B.Anandaraju, Naveen.K.B |
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25. | HDL Based Illumination Invariant highPerformance Face Detection SystemforMobile applications
HDL Based Illumination Invariant highPerformance Face Detection SystemforMobile applicationsAbstract: Illumination variation is a big problem in face detection which usually requires a costly compensation prior to classification. To avoid this problem we are proposing a method for face detection irrespective of illumination variations. In this context the contribution of the work is twofold. First we introduce illumination invariant Local Structure Features for face detection. For an efficient computation we propose a Modified Census Transform which enhances the original work of Zabih and Wood [11]. Secondly we introduceanefficient face detection classifier for rapid detection to render high performance face detection rate.The Classifier structure is much simpler because we use only single stage classifier than multi-stage approaches, while having similar capabilities.Key words: FPGA, MCT (modified census transform), Adaboost algorithm, Bio id test, Yale test Reference [1] Dongil Han, Member, IEEE, Jongho Choi, Jae-Il Cho, and Dongsu Kwak "Design and VLSI Implementation of High-Performance Face-Detection Engine for Mobile Applications",2011 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE) [2] Paul Viola and Michael J. Jones, "Robust real-time face detection" In International Journal of Computer Vision, pp. 137-154, 2004. [3] Yoav Freund and Robert E. Schapire. "A decision-theoretic generalization of on-line learning and an application to boosting" in Journal of Computer and System Sciences, pp. 119-139, 1997. [4] Bernhard Froba and Andreas Ernst, "Face detection with the Modified Census Transform", IEEE International Conference. On Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, pp. 91-96, Seoul, Korea, May. 2004. [5] Georghiades, A.: Yale Face Database, Center for computational Vision and Control at Yale University, http: //cvc.yale.edu /projects /yalefaces /yalefa T. Suguna, Y. Mahesh |
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26. | Design and Optimization of the Rear Under-.Run Protection Device Using LS-DYNA
Design and Optimization of the Rear Under-.Run Protection Device Using LS-DYNAAbstract: Under-running of passenger vehicles is one of the important parameters to be considered during design and development of truck chassis. In India, the legal requirements of a RUPD (Rear Under-Run Protection Device) are fixed in regulation IS 14812-2005 which are derived from ECE R 58, which provides strict requirements in terms of device design and its behavior under loading that the device needs to fulfill for the approval of load carrying vehicles. The work focuses on optimization of RUPD Structure using Finite Element Analysis tool like LS-DYNA and HyperWorks Module and stress calculation for guard pipe has been performed. The regulation allows increasing the load bearing capacity of the RUPD.Key words: IS (Indian Standards), ECE R- 58(Economic Commission Europe Regulation-58) Reference [1] Jim Anderson CIC, Cranfield Impact Centre, UK, Johann Gwehenberger GDV, Institute for Vehicle Safety, Munich, DE, JenöBende GDV, Institute for Vehicle Safety, Munich, DE FlorisLeneman TNO Automotive, NL "Truck/Trailer Compatibility with Cars and Related Topics from VC-COMPAT" [2] Matej Glavac, Univ.Dipl.-Ing., Prof. Dr. Zoran Ren University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering "Computational Approval for Rear Under Run Protection Device with MSC. Nastran" 2001-126 [3] "Safety inspection of rear underrun protection device in Slovenia (No. 58.01)", Uradni list RepublikeSlovenije, No. 3, 20.1.1995, p. 182-183 [4] Liu Hong-Fei and Peng Tao Xu Hong-Guo, Tan Li-dong and Su Li-li College of Transportation University of Jilin, Changchun, Jilin province, China "Research on the Intelligent Rear Under-run Protection System for Trucks" Proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation July 6-9 2010, Jinan, China [5] Kaustubh Joshi, T.A. Jadhav, Ashok Joshi "Finite Element Analysis of Rear Under-Run Protection Device (RUPD) for Impact Loading" International Journal of Engineering Research and Development ISSN: 2278-067X, Volume 1, Issue 7 (June 2012), PP.19-26 www.ijerd.com [6] Zou R., Rechnitzer G., Grzebieta R. "Simulation of Truck Rear Underrun Barrier Impact", 17th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles, Amsterdam, June 4-7, 2001. [7] Muxi LEI,Zhengbao LEI, Shubin WEI,YonghanLI "Geometry optimization design for crank-slider-CST type low rear protection device of truck"978-1-61284-459-6/11/©2011 IEEE Mr. George Joseph, Mr. Dhananjay Shinde, Mr. Gajendra Patil |
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27. | Early Detection of Forest Fire Using Wireless Sensor Network
Early Detection of Forest Fire Using Wireless Sensor NetworkAbstract: Wireless sensor network have a broad range of applications in the category of environmental monitoring. In this paper, the problem of forest fire is considered and a comprehensive framework is proposed for the use of wireless sensor networks for real-time forest fire detection and monitoring. The wireless sensor network unlike that of traditional approaches, can easily forecast forest fires before the fire is spread uncontrollable. This framework includes proposal for designing of sensor node and data transmission process. Thus multiple environmental parameters like temperature, humidity and presence of flammable gas are measured & monitored here for the efficient prediction of forest fire.Key words: wireless sensor network, BTBee module Reference [1] Republic of Turkey, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, General Directorate of Forestry, http://www.ogm.gov.tr/, Last accessed August 2010. [2] Majid Bahrepour, Nirvana Meratnia, Paul Havinga "Automatic fire detection: A survey of wireless sensor network-perspective"; UT Publication, a survey report,2008. [3] The Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) Web Page http://noaasis.noaa.gov/noaasis/ml/ avhrr.html/, Last accessed August 2010. [4] Online/ http://tutorial.cytron.com.my/2011/08/13getting-started-with-bluetooth-bee/February 2013 [5] Online/http:/www.elecfreaks.com/wiki/ indexphp?title2_ channelRelay_Shield_For_Arduino(With_XBee/BTBee_interface.)/February 2013 [6] I.F. Akyildiz, W. Su, Y. Sankarasubramaniam, and E. Cayirc, "Wireless sensor network: a survey" Computer Networks vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 393-422, March, 2002 Anamika Chauhan, Rahul Chauhan, Sunil Semwal |
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28. | Placement of FACTS Devices in a Series Compensated Long Transmission Line
Placement of FACTS Devices in a Series Compensated Long Transmission LineAbstract: Static VAR Compensator (SVC)and Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) are important devices in FACTS family, and is widely recognized as an effective and economical means to solve the power system stability problem. SVC and STATCOM are used as shunt in transmission system. In the present work a series compensated Distributed transmission line (345KV, 450km, 50Hz) with a shunt FACTS devices SVC and STATCOM is considered to the optimal location of the shunt FACTS devices to get the highest possible benefits of maximum power transfer and system stability. Effect of change in degree of series compensation on the optimal location of the shunt FACTS device to get the highest possible benefit is studied. It is found that the optimal location of the shunt FACTS device varies with the change in the level of series compensation to get the maximum benefit in terms of power transfer capability and stability of the system. All the simulations for the above work have been carried out using MATLAB /SIMULINK software.Key words: optimal placement, SVC, STATCOM,, degree of series compensation, long transmission line etc,. Reference [1] Nemat-Talebietal, SoutheastCon, 2004.Proceedings. IEEE "An efficient Power injection modeling and sequential power flow Algorithm for FACTS Devices" page(s): 97-104. [DOI 10.1109/SECON.2004.1287904] [2] Gyugyi, L. 1995, "Unified power flow controller concept for flexible AC Transmission system", IEEE Proceedings-Volume 10, Issue 2, Apr 1995 Page(s):1085-1097. [DOI 10.1109/61.400878] [3] Haque, 2000, "Optimal location of shunt FACTS devices in long transmission line", IEE Proceedings on Generation Transmission &Distribution.Vol. 147, No. 4, pp. 218-22, 2000. [DOI 10.1049/ip-gtd: 20000412 [4] Narain G. Hingorani, Laszlo Gyugyi, 1999, Understanding FACTS: Concepts and Technology of FlexibleTransmission Systems, Wiley-IEEE Press, December 1999. ISBN 978-0-7803-3455-7 [5] N.G. Hingorani, L. Gyugyi, Understanding FACTS, Concept and Technology of Flexible AC Transmission Systems, New York, Wiley, 2000. T.Hemanth kumar and Dr.T.Devaraju |
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29. | Push Over Analysis of Tall Building with Soft Stories at Different Levels
Push Over Analysis of Tall Building with Soft Stories at Different LevelsAbstract: Open first storey is a typical feature in the modern multistory constructions in urban India. Such features are highly undesirable in buildings built in seismically active areas; this has been verified in numerous experiences of strong shaking during the past earthquakes. Though multistoried buildings with open (soft) ground floor are inherently vulnerable to collapse due to earthquake load, their construction is still widespread in the developing nations like India. Social and functional need to provide car parking space at ground level and for offices open stories at different level of structure far out-weighs the warning against such buildings from engineering community. With ground soft storey for office space open floor is required on different levels of building. In present thesis we are concentrating on finding the best place for soft stories in high rise buildings. With the availability of fast computers,Key words: PUSHOVER ANALYSIS. Reference 1) Murty C.V.R. (2002). "Quantitative approach to seismic strengthening of RC frame buildings", Seminar on seismic assessment and retrofitting of buildings at mumbai, 16th Feb 2002 2) Giuseppe Oliveto and Massimo Marletta, Seismic Retrofitting Of Reinforced Concrete Buildings Using Traditional And Innovative Techniques, ISET Journal of Earthquake Technology, Paper No. 454, Vol. 42, No. 2-3, June-September 2005, pp. 21-46 3) CERONI. Francesca, MANFREDI Gaetano, Maria Rosaria PECCE. A formulation of plastic hinge length in R.C. Columns. Department of Engineering, University of Sannio. Department of Analysis and Structural Design, University of Naples Federico II. 17 May 2007. 4) X.-K. Zou, C.-M. Chan. Optimal seismic performance-based design of reinforced concrete buildings using nonlinear pushover analysis. Department of Civil Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China. May 2005. 5) Cosenza, E., Greco, C., Manfredi, G. An equivalent steel index in the assessment of the ductility performances of the reinforcement. Ductility-Reinforcement, Comitè Euro- International du Béton, Bulletin N°242: 157-170, 1998. Rahiman G. Khan, Prof. M. R. Vyawahare |
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30. | Neighbor Node Discovery in Asynchronous Sensor Networks
Neighbor Node Discovery in Asynchronous Sensor NetworksAbstract: A sensor network may contain a huge number of simple sensor nodes that are deployed at some inspected site. In large areas, such a network usually has a mesh structure .In most sensor networks the nodes are static .Nevertheless ,node connectivity is subject to changes because of disruptions in wireless communication, transmission power changes, or loss of synchronization between neighbouring nodes. Hence, even after a sensor is aware of its immediate neighbours, it must continuously maintain its view, a process we call continuous neighbour discovery. In this work we distinguish between neighbour Discovery during sensor network initialization and continuous neighbour discovery. We focus on the latter and view it as a joint task of all the nodes in every connected segment. Each sensor employs a simple protocol in a coordinate effort to reduce power consumption without increasing the time required to detect hidden sensors.Reference [1] S. Vasudevan, J. Kurose, and D. Towsley, .On neighbor discovery in wireless networks with directional antennas,. in INFOCOM, vol.4,2005. [2] R. Madan and S. Lall, .An energy-optimal algorithm for neighbour discovery in wireless sensor networks,. Mob. Netw. Appl., vol. 11, no. 3,pp. 317.326, 2006. [3] M. J. McGlynn and S. A. Borbash, .Birthday protocols for low energy deployment and _exible neighbor discovery in ad hoc wireless networks,. in MobiHoc: Proceedings of the 2nd ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing. New York,NY, USA: ACM Press, 2001, pp. 137.145. [4] D. Baker and A. Ephremides, .The architectural organization of a mobile radio network via a distributed algorithm,. in IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 29, Nov. 1981, pp. 1694.1701. [5] A. Keshavarzian and E. Uysal-Biyikoglu, .Energy-ef_cient link assessment in wireless sensor networks,. in INFOCOM, 2004. [6] E. B. Hamida, G. Chelius, and E. Fleury, Revisiting neighbor discoverywith interferences consideration,. in PE-WASUN, 2006, pp. 74.81. Sri Chandhana Pothula, R.Suguna, A.Chrispin Jiji |
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31. | Performance Of Self Compacting Concrete By Using Alccofine
Performance Of Self Compacting Concrete By Using AlccofineAbstract: In Japan, in early eighties, premature deterioration of concrete structures were detected almost everywhere in the country. The main cause of the deterioration was recognized as inadequate compaction. In addition, the gradual reduction in the number of skilled workers in Japan`s construction industry led to a reduction in the quality of construction work. As a solution for these social and technical requirements, the concrete of SCC was proposed by Prof. Okamura at Tokyo University in 1988.Key words: Self Compacting Concrete, Alccofine, Compatibility, Strength Reference [1] Hardik Upadhyay, Pankaj Shah, Elizabeth George, Testing and Mix Design Method of Self –Compacting Concrete ,National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology, May 2011 p [2] Iliana Rodriguez Viacava, Antonio Aguado dea Cea, Gemma Rodriguez de Sensale, "Self Compacting Concrete of medium concrete characteristics Strength." Construction and Building Materials 30(2012) p.p. 776-782. [3] Nan, Su; Kung –Chung, H; His – Wen, C; "A simple mix design method for self compacting concrete." Cement and Concrete Research 31(2001)p.p. 1799-1807 [4] Sahmaran, M; Yaman , O.I.; Tokyoy, M. (2009), " Transport and Mechanical Properties of self consolidating concrete with high volume of fly ash", Cement and Concrete Composites Vol : 31, pp – 99- 106. [5] Siddique R, "Properties of Self compacting concrete containing fly ash and silica fume." M.E. Thesis, Thapar University, Patiala. . (2010) M.S. Pawar, A. C. Saoji |
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32. | Implementation Of Low Power SRAM By Using 8T Decoupled Logic
Implementation Of Low Power SRAM By Using 8T Decoupled LogicAbstract: We present a novel half-select disturb free transistor SRAM cell. The cell is 6T based and utilizes decoupling logic. It employs gated inverter SRAM cells to decouple the column select read disturb scenario in half-selected columns which is one of the impediments to lowering cell voltage. Furthermore, "false read" before write operation, common to conventional 6T designs due to bit-select and word line timing mismatch, is eliminated using this design. Two design styles are studied to account for the emerging needs of technology scaling as designs migrate from 90 to 65 nm PD/SOI technology nodes. Namely we focus on a 90 nm PD/SOI sense Amp based and 65 nm PD/SOI domino read based designs. For the sense Amp based design, read disturbs to the fully-selected cell can be further minimized by relying on a read-assist array architecture which enables discharging the bit-line (BL) capacitance to GND during a read operation. This together with the elimination of half-select disturbs enhance the overall array low voltage operability and hence reduce power consumption by 20%–30%.Key words: Column-decoupled, differential/domino read, half-select, low power 8T, SRAM, stability. Reference [1] R. Joshi, S. Mukhopadhyay, D. W. Plass, Y. H. Chan, C.-T. Chan, and A. Devgan, "Variability analysis for sub-100 nm PD/SOI CMOS SRAM cell," in Proc. 30th Eur. Solid-State Circuits Conf., Sep. 2004, pp. 211–214. [2] L. Itoh, K. Osada, and T. Kawahara, "Reviews and future prospects of low voltage embedded RAMs," in Proc. IEEE Custom Integr. Circuits Conf., 2004, pp. 339–344. [3] K. Zhang, U. Bhattacharya, Z. Chen, F. Hamzaoglu, D. Murray, N. Vallepalli, Y. Wang, B. Zheng, and M. Bohr, "3-GHz 70 MB SRAM in 65 nm CMOS technology with integrated column-based dynamic power supply," in ISSCC Dig. Tech. Papers, Feb. 2005, pp. 474–475. [4] M. Kellah, Y. Yibin, S. K. Nam, D. Somasekhar, G. Pandya, A. Farhang, K. Zhang, C. Webb, and V. De, "Wordline & bitline pulsing schemes for improving SRAM cell stability in low-Vcc 65 nm CMOS designs," in Proc. VLSI Circuits Symp., 2006, pp. 9–10. [5] V. Ramadurai, R. Joshi, and R. Kanj, "A disturb decoupled column select 8T SRAM cell," in Proc. CICC, 2007, pp. 25–28. K.R.Surendra, K.Venkatramana Reddy |
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33. | Providing Fair Transmission Opportunity By Detecting And Penalizing Malicious Stations In IEEEE 802.11e EDCA WLAN
And Analyzing The Performance Of IEEE 802.11e
Providing Fair Transmission Opportunity By Detecting And Penalizing Malicious Stations In IEEEE 802.11e EDCA WLAN And Analyzing The Performance Of IEEE 802.11eAbstract: IEEE 802.11e Medium Access Control (MAC) is an enhancement to the Wireless Local Area (WLAN) IEEE 802.11 standard to support QOS.IEEE 802.11e is used which enables QOS to various delay sensitive applications such as voice, video over WLAN and Streaming multimedia. In this paper we proposed a Malicious Behavior Detection Algorithm that allows identification of misbehaving wireless stations and give out punishment by not sending an Acknowledgment (ACK) packet by the malicious stations and analyze the performance of IEEE 802.11e. This algorithm is designed for an IEEE 802.11e network and is based on detecting a QOS change where a station is moved to a level which is not justified based on the parameters such as TXOPLimit, AIFS and Backoff time. Our strategy is to provide fair resource sharing between the stations which are operating from the same access point and to provide QOS by provisioning the priority to different classes of traffic and make sure that always higher prioritized traffic gets preferential access to channel than lower prioritized traffic.Key words: IEEE802.11, IEEE802.11e, QOS, Malicious Station, Transmission Opportunity, EDCA, MAC, WLAN Reference [1] Prof. Rathnakar Acharya, Dr. V. Vityanathan, and Dr. Pethur Raj Chellaih "WLAN QoS Issues and IEEE 802.11e QoS Enhancement" International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 1 February, 2010 1793-8201. [2] Jose Villalon, Pedro Cuenca and Luis Orozco-Barbosa "Limitations and Capabilities of QoS Support in IEEE 802.11 WLANS"- by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Spain under project PBC-03-001. [3] "IEEE Std 802.11™-2007" Sponsored by the LAN/MAN Standards Committee, IEEE Computer Society-2007 [4] M. Raya, J. P. Hubaux, and I. Aad, "Domino: A system to detect greedy behavior in IEEE 802.11 hotspots," in Proc. ACM MobiSys, Jun. 2004, pp. 84–97 [5] S. H. Kim and B.-H. Roh, "Fast detection of distributed global scale net-work attack symptoms and patterns in high-speed backbone networks," KSII Trans. Internet Inform. Syst., vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 135–149, Jun. 2008. Jagadevikoodi, Kalaiselvi And Rakeshmarturkar |
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34. | RF Filter Design Using Insertion Loss Method And Genetic Optimization Algorithm
RF Filter Design Using Insertion Loss Method And Genetic Optimization AlgorithmAbstract: A filter design using insertion loss method (ILM) and Genetic Algorithm (GA) is presented in this paper. Many techniques have been proposed for the design and analysis of filter circuit, but the insertion loss method is generally preferred for the flexibility and accuracy that it provides. The ILM is based on network synthesis techniques and can be used to design filter having a specific type of frequency response. However, this procedure is not practical for a large number of elements. GA algorithm can be a useful procedure for calculating values in filters with a large number of elements. This paper presents the procedure which takes an advantage of ILM for filter design and GA for determination of an unknown value in filters with large number of elements. This is suitable approach for filter design with an arbitrary shape of cutoff frequency and pass band.Key words: Genetic Algorithm, insertion loss method, RF filters Reference [1] Juraj Palecek, Martin Vestenicky, Peter Vestenicky, Dasa Ticha, "Optimization of RF Band Pass Filter by Genetic Algorithm", 978-1- 4673-1179-3/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE, pp. 79-82. [2] Ivan Vilovi_, Ante Konjuh, Nikša Burum, "Filter Design Using Insertion Loss Method and Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm", 51st International Symposium ELMAR-2009, 28-30 September 2009, Zadar, Croatia, pp. 309-312. [3] Amit Pal,Rajesh kumar,Vishal Mohan, A.K.Tiwary, "Design of Chebyshev Band pass filter", 2009 International Conference on Emerging Trends in Electronic and Photonic Devices & systems (ELECTRO-2009), pp. 226- 227. [4] R.Ludwig, Pavel Bretchko, "RF Circuit Design: Theory and Applications", Perason Education. [5] David M. Pozar, "Microwave and RF Design of Wireless System", John Wiley & Sons, INC, New York, 2001 Aparna Thube, Prof. Manisha Chattopadhyay |
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35. | Reduction Of Common Mode Voltage In Ac Drives Using Multilevel Inverter
Reduction Of Common Mode Voltage In Ac Drives Using Multilevel InverterAbstract: In this paper, an approach to reduce common-mode voltage (CMV) at the output of multilevel inverters using a phase opposition disposed (POD) sinusoidal pulse width modulation (SPWM) technique is proposed. The SPWM technique does not require computations therefore, this technique is easy to implement online in digital controllers. A good tradeoff between the quality of the output voltage and the magnitude of the CMV is achieved in this paper. This paper realizes the implementation of a PODSPWM technique to reduce CMV using a fivelevel diode clamped inverter for a three phase induction motor. Experimental and simulation results demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed technique.Reference [1] Yoshihiro Murai, Takehiko Kubota, and Yoshiriro Kawase, "Leakage current reduction for a high-frequency carrier inverter feeding an induction motor," IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., Vol. 28. No. 4, pp. 858-863, Jul./Aug. 1992. [2] Doyle F. Busse, Jay M. Erdman, Russel J. Kerkman, David W. Schlegel, and Gray L. Skibinski, "Bearing current and their relationship to PWM drives," IEEE Trans. Indl. Electron., Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 243-252, Mar. 1997. [3] Hirofumi Akagi, and Shunsuke Tamura, "A Passive EMI filter for eliminating both bearing current and ground leakage current from an inverter-driven motor," IEEE Trans. Power Electron., Vol. 21, No. 5, pp. 982-989, Sep. 2006. [4] Chenggang Mei, Juan Carlos Balda, and William P. Waite, "Cancellation of commonmode voltages for induction motor drives using active method," IEEE Trans. Energy Conversion, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 380-386, Jun. 2006. [5] Haoran Zhang, Annette Von Jouanne, and Shaoan Dai, "A reducedswitched dual bridge inverter topology for the mitigation of bearing current, EMI, and dc voltage variation", IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 37. No. 5, pp 1365-1372, Sep./Oct. 2001. Jayant M. Parkhi, R.K.Dhatrak |
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36 | Design and Power Transmission of Advanced Light Helicopter
Design and Power Transmission of Advanced Light HelicopterAbstract: Helicopters are the light and fast moving flying transporters. The situations like less number of passengers, flood relief; supply of food & water to the soldiers working in hilly regions in the border, war time attacking rescuing people from fire in multi stored Building etc gave importance to the use of helicopters. Helicopters are more useful to the defense services of every country. It is very useful in limitations that are not conducive to the aero planes which are relative large when compared to helicopters. Advance light helicopter( ALH) is one such indigenous helicopter developed in India by HAL.Reference [1] Leila.nacib , Komi Midzodzi, "Detecting Shaft Misallignment in Gearbox of Helicopter Using Average Synchronous Analysis" ,International Journal of Engineering & Technology IJET-IJENS Vol:12 No:06. [2] K.M. Pandey, A. Surana and D. Deka," Numerical analysis of helicopter rotor at 400 rpm" , International Journal of Soft Computing and [3] Engineering (IJSCE) ISSN: 2231-2307, Volume-2, Issue-1, March 2012. [4] Pieter Abbeel, Adam Coates and Andrew Y, "Autonomous Helicopter Aerobatics through Apprenticeship Learning" The International Journal of Robotics Research OnlineFirst, published on June 23, 2010 as doi:10.1177/0278364910371999. [5] Rakesh Kumar Kumawat, "Analysis for an Efficient Wireless Power Transmission" international journal of scientific & engineering research, volume 3, issue 9, september-2012 1 issn 2229-5518. Prof. Amarnath.V. Hegne, Prof. Preeti. Hegne |
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37. | Comparison Of Mechanical Properties Of Al2O3 And Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE)
Comparison Of Mechanical Properties Of Al2O3 And Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE)Abstract: A composite is a is artificially made material system consisting of two or more phases. Excellent strength to weight ratio and stiffness to weight ratio could be achieved using these materials. Composite materials (laminates, ply built up) could be tailored to give mechanical properties in various dimensions. They are manufactured by using variety of manufacturing processes. In this work various composites of Al2O3 and Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) were prepared using powder injection moulding process. Al2O3 and LDPE composite is a biocompatible material which could be used in low load bearing implant applications. The flexural strength of the various combinations of Al2O3 and LDPE were determined experimentally and the results have been compared with the results obtained using analytical software ANSYS 12. The flexural strength was calculated using three point bend test.Key words: composite material, flexural strength, simulation, ANSYS 12. Reference [1] ssac M. Danial, Or Ishai, "Engineering mechanics of composite materials", 2003 second edition, Oxford university press. [2] M.S. Abu Bakar, M.H.W. Cheng, S.M. Tang, S.C. Yu, K. Liao, C.T. Tan, K.A. Khor, P. Cheang "Tensile properties, tension–tension fatigue and biological response of Polyetheretherketone–hydroxyapatite composites for load-bearing orthopedic implants" , Biomaterials ,Vol.24, pp. 2245–2250, (2003). [3] Guigen Zhang, Robert A. Latour Jr, John M. Kennedy, H. Del Schutte Jr , Richard J. Friedman "Long-term compressive property durability of carbon fibre-reinforced Polyetheretherketone composite in physiological saline" biomaterials ,Vol.17, pp. 781-789(1996). [4] I. Ozdemir, M. Toparli, K. ONel, Y. Tsuenkawa, "Fracture and failure of AL-SiCp composites at different temperatures and conditions", journal of composite materials, Vol.39, pp. 601-615, (2005). [5] Kristina Brandt , Vitalij Salikov , Hüseyin Özcoban , Peter Staron , Andreas Schreyer, Luis A.S.A. Prado , Karl Schulte, Stefan Heinrich , Gerold A. Schneider "Novel ceramic–polymer composites synthesized by compaction of polymer-encapsulated TiO2-nanoparticles", Composites Science and Technology , Vol.72, pp. 65–71 ,(2011). Ms.G.J.Karmarkar, Ms.Divya Padmanabhan, Mr.Gajanan Thokal |
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38. | Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Column Under Lateral Load
Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Column Under Lateral LoadAbstract: To serve its purpose a structure must be safe against collapse and serviceable in use. Serviceability requires that deflections be adequately small to keep the cracks within tolerable limits. Although the widely followed ACI Code suggests a detailed method of deflection calculation, it often cannot exactly perceive the actual behavior of a structure. For this purpose, finite element analysis, using ANSYS, was performed. The research aimed of developing a program for the analysis of a column fixed at base and observes lateral deflection. Concept of key point, nodes, meshing and separate elements was used to model the concrete and the reinforcement. The scope of the study is limited to lateral load only applied at the midpoint at the top height in X direction. The same operation can also be performed in Y direction. The current application facilitates using random size of column with random height. But to serve the purpose of a single story, the work was done considering only one story height.Key words: finite element, key point, lateral load, mesh, nodes Reference [1] Pfrang, E.O. and Siess,C.P. (1964). Behavior of Reinforced concrete columns. ASCE , 113. [2] Shah, S. S. (1995). Fracture Mechanics of Concrete. John Wiley & Sons: New York. [3] Ahmed, F.S. (2007) Finite Element Analysis of RCC Column Under Lateral Load. [4] Bresler, B. (1960) Design Criteria for Reinforced Concrete Columns under Axial load and Bi-axial Bending, ACI, Proc. V.57, 481. [5] Siao, W.B. (1994) Punching Shear Resistance for Flat Slabs, ACI, 91, 3, 406-414. [6] Timoshenko,S. and Krieger, S.W. (1959) Theory of Plates and Shells, Mcgraw-Hill Book Company, NY. [7] Salim, W. and Sebstian, W. M. (2003) Punching Shear Failure in Reinforced Concrete Slabs with Compressive Membrane Action, ACI, 100, 4, 471-479. [8] Hanson, N.U and Reiffentuhl, H. (1960) Concrete Beams and Columns with Bundle Reinforcements, ASCE, 125, 889 [9] Broms, B. and Viest (1960) Long Reinforced Concrete Column- A Symposium, ASCE, 126-11, 309 Ahmed, F.S., Khan, M.A |
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39. | A Comparative Analysis of Firing Angle Based Speed Control Scheme of DC Motor
A Comparative Analysis of Firing Angle Based Speed Control Scheme of DC MotorAbstract: This paper describes the speed control scheme of DC motor and provides a comparative analysis of firing angle based speed control technique. The best control characteristics of DC motor have used in industries for different rang of loading condition. A dual converter comprised of two single phase AC-DC thyristor converter is proposed. Speed of DC machine is control the armature voltage. Armature voltage is controlled using AC-DC converter. This paper also describe the circulating operation of dual converter, in which rectifier 1 will be rectifying (0‹ αA‹900) and rectifier 2 will be inverting (900‹αB‹1800). The linear & non-linear regions are clearly visible in control characteristics. Firing control scheme improve armature voltage & also reduce ripple content & possibility of discontinuous conduction in circuit. The controlled performance exhibited is superior & also firing angle smoothly controlled with fast response. The dual converter simulation is done in MATLAB.Key words: AC-DC converter, DC motor, speed control. Reference [1] B.H. Khan, S.R. Doradla , and G.K. Dubey"A new simultaneous gating GTO dual converter-fed DC motor drive without circulating current" IEEE Transactions on Education 88CH2565-0/88/0000-0520ᵴ01.00©1988IEEE PP520-526 1988. [2] FERAGA CHANS – EDDINE BOULDJEDRI ABDA LLAH & YOUSFI ALI, " Uniform pulse width modulation three phase four quadrant AC – DC converter fed DC motor drive". Asian journal of information technology pp 761 – 766. 2008. [3] A. GELEN & S. AYASUN, " Effect of PWM chopper drive on torque speed characteristics of DC motor " 43rd International Universities Power Engineering Conference, 2008 [4] Mohammed H. Khudair, Ali Majeed Mohammed, Hesham Adnan Abdulameer Design and Implementation of Firing Control Circuit for a Three-Phase Fully Controlled thyristor Bridge Dual-Converter Journal of Engineering and Development, Vol. 13, No. 4, Des (2009) ISSN 1813-7822. [5] P.Pavana Kumar, R.Parimalalagan & B. Ramesmari, "A Microprocessor based DC drive control scheme using predictive synchronization".IEEE transaction on industrial electronics, vol. 40, no.4, pp 452, August 1998. Sarita Shastri, Pawan Pandey |
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40. | Reduces The Harmonics And Losses By Using Control Technique Of VSI Based STATCOM
Reduces The Harmonics And Losses By Using Control Technique Of VSI Based STATCOMAbstract: The Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) is increasingly popular in power quality application. The Voltage Source Inverter (VSI) based STATCOM is used for eliminating current harmonics and compensating reactive power. This VSI draw or supply a compensating current from the utility such that it cancels current harmonics on the AC side. STATCOM generates a current wave such that it compensate by cancelling out the non-linear current waveform generateted by load. In this paper hysteresis controller based STATCOM is proposed. The STATCOM modeled using Simulink of MATLAB. Simula-tion result of 6 pulse VSI based STATCOM validate current control strategy to prevent harmonics current and compensate reactive power.Key words: Power Quality, Harmonics, Voltage Source Inverter. Reference [1] RakeshKantaria and S.K.Joshi "A review on power quailty problemsand solutions" Power electronics National Conference November2008. [2] Bhim Singh, Ambrish Chandra and Kamal Al-Haddad "A Review ofActive Filters for Power Quality Improvement" IEEE Trans. Ind.Electronics, VOL. 46, NO. 5, pp 960-971 OCTOBER 1999. [3] Understanding FACTS: Concepts and Technology of Flexible ACTransmission Systems. Narain G. Hingorani, Laszlo Gyugyi. WileyIEEE press. [4] Amit Jain, Ned Mohan, Karan Joshi and AmanBehal "voltage Regulation with STATCOMS:Modeling ,Control and Results." IEEETransactions on Power Delivery, Vol 21, NO. 2, April 2006 PP 726-734. [5] Yaden Li and Bin Wu "A Novel DC Voltage Detection Technique inthe CHB Inverter based STATCOM" IEEE Transactions on PowerDelivery, Vol. 23, NO. 4, July 2008 PP 1613-1619 [6] Yashomani Y. Kolhatkar, and Shyama P. Das,; "Experimental Investigation of a Single-Phase UPQC With Minimum VA Loading" IEEETransactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 22, NO. 1, January 2007 PP373-380. K.Sudharshan, M.Sudheerbabu |
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41. | Effect Of Microwaves On The Resistance Of Aloe Vera Leaves
Effect Of Microwaves On The Resistance Of Aloe Vera LeavesAbstract: For centuries plants has been exposed to natural electromagnetic sources such as radiation from sun, space, and earth. Today, in addition to this natural radiation and owing to immediate technological progresses these plants are further exposed to man-made electromagnetic radiation (EM). A variety of products and applications in our day to day life makes use of a number of forms of electromagnetic energy. One such form of energy is Microwave. Microwaves are nonionizing electromagnetic radiations.Key words: Aloe Vera, D. C. resistance, Effect of microwaves, Klystron, Microwave test bench, Surface electrodes. Reference [1] M. Ursache, G. Mindru1, D.E. C Reangea, F.M. Tufescu, C. Goiceanu"Al. I. Cuza", The Effects of High Frequency Electromagnetic Waves on The vegetal Organisims (University, Faculty of Physics, 11A Blvd. Carol I, Iaşi, Romania). [2] By Lalaram Guyadin April 20, 2009 Environ Mentors Program Mentor: Dr. John J. Ohab Cardozo High School. [3] C. Plieth, Temperature Sensing by Plants Calcium-Permeable Channels as Primary Sensors, A Model, The Journal of Membrane Biology, 172, 1999, 121–127. [4] S. Lautner, T. Grams, R. Matyssek, and J. Fromm, Characteristics of Electrical Signals in Poplar and Responses in Photosynthesis, Plant Physiology, 138, 2005, 2200-2209. [5] K.Trebacz, H.Dziubinska, E. Krol, Electrical signals in long distance communication in plants. In: Baluska F, Mancuso S, Volkmann D, in plants –neuronal aspects of plant life. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2006, 277–290. Faizan Ahmed Sheikh, Raminder Preet Pal Singh, Jang Bahadur Singh, Parveen Lehana |
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TURBULENT FLAME SPEED PREDICTION FOR S.I. ENGINE USING METHANE AS FUELAbstract: Modeling describes the physical phenomena with the help of the equations & solving the same to understand more about the nature of the phenomena. Combustion modelling describes the combustion process with the help of mathematical & chemical equations. In case of spark ignition engine, fuel and oxidizer are mixed at the molecular level prior to ignition. Here, Combustion occurs as a flame front; propagating into the unburnt reactants called as premixed combustion. This paper presents the combustion modeling of single cylinder four stroke spark ignition engine having compression ratio of 9.2 and displacement of 124.7 cc using computation fluid dynamics for predicting turbulent flame speed by using premixed combustion model. The methane gas is considered as a fuel in this study. Prediction of turbulent flame speed at different equivalence ratio and engine speed is carried out using FLUENT software.Key words: Combustion Modeling, Cold flow analysis, Premixed combustion, Turbulent flame, Equivalence ratio. Reference [1] J.B Heywood, ―Combustion and its Modeling in Spark-Ignition Engines‖ International Symposium‖ COMODIA 1994. [2] P. Boudier and S. Heniriot, ―A model for turbulent flame ignition and propagation in spark ignition engines‖ Twenty-Fourth Symposium (International) on Combustion. The Combustion Institute, 1992. [3] K. A. Malik ―A theoretical model for turbulent flame speed, based on turbulent transport process for spark ignition engine‖ Indian Journal of Technology, Vol 29 pp 217-220, 1991. [4] G. M. Abu-Orf and R. S. Cant, ―A Turbulent reaction rate model for premixed turbulent combustion in spark ignitionengines‖ Combustion and Flame 122:2333-252 (2000), Published by Elsevier Science Inc. [5] B. Fiorina and O. Gicquel, ―Premixed turbulent combustion modeling using tabulated detailed chemistry and PDF‖ Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 30 (2005) 867–874. Anurag Mani Tripathi, Parth Panchal, Vidhyadhar Chaudhari |
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43. | Impact of Facebook Usage on Undergraduate Students Performance in Irbid National University: Case Study
Impact of Facebook Usage on Undergraduate Students Performance in Irbid National University: Case StudyAbstract: The aim of this study is to investigate the style of Facebook usage between undergraduate students and the impact on their academics performance. Also, this paper was evaluated in the view of student the using of Facebook. A questioner was design for collecting data from a sample of 480 undergraduate students in Irbid National University. The survey revealed that 77% of the students have an account on Facebook. One of the main findings is that there was a significant relationship between gender and Facebook usage. Moreover, the survey revealed that whenever the less time spent on Facebook, the higher the performance will be in grade point average. This was conducted by the negative correlation between time spent on Facebook and the performance of undergraduate student. Statistically speaking, the study has seven hypotheses; two of them were rejecting against five acceptable hypotheses.Key words: Facebook usage, social networks, student performance Reference [1] Aghazamani, A.(2011). How do university student spend their time on facebook? An exploratory study. Journal of American science, 6, 730-735. [2] Wikipedia (2010). Facebook. Retrieved September 30th from 2010. htt://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/facebook. [3] Odell, J. (2011). For student, what is facebook effect on grades? Retrieved on November 6, 2011, http://mashable.com/2011/04/27/facebook-effect-student. [4] Haq, A. and Chand, S. (2012). Pattern of Facebook usage and its Impact on Academic Performance of University Students. Bulletin of Education and Research December 2012, Vol. 34, No. 2 pp.19-28. [5] Jeffullas.com (2012). www.jeffbullas.com urlanalyse Website Analysis Title: Digital and Social Media Marketing. http://www.urlanalyse.com/www.jeffbullas.com. Fawzi H. Altaany, Firas A. Jassim |
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44. | Detection Collision Attacks In Wireless Sensor Network Usingrule-Based Packet Flow Rate
Detection Collision Attacks In Wireless Sensor Network Usingrule-Based Packet Flow RateAbstract: The increased deployment of ubiquitous wireless sensor (WSN) networks has exponentially increased the complexity to detect wireless sensor network attacks and protect against them. In this paper, we consider the collision attack that can be easily launched by a compromised (or hostile) node: a compromised node does not follow the medium access control protocol and cause collisions with neighbor transmissions by sending a short noise packet. This attack does not consume much energy of the attacker but can cause a lot of disruptions to the network operation. Due to the wireless broadcast nature, it is not trivial to identify the attacker. This paper describes detection algorithms for wireless sensor networks, which detects collision attack based on the packet flow rate to base station node in the network. Simulation results show that the algorithms have low false toleration and false detection rates and small time to detect attacks.Key words: wireless sensor network, packet flow, cluster topology, collision attack Reference [1] Zhenwei Yu, Jeffrey J.P. Tsai,A Framework of Machine Learning Based Intrusion Detection for Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE International Conference on Sensor Networks, Ubiquitous, and Trustworthy Computing,2008. [2] W. Znaidi, M. Minier and J. P. Babau; An Ontology for Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks; INSTITUT NATIONAL DE RECHERCHE EN INFORMATIQUE ET EN AUTOMATIQUE (INRIA); Oct 2008. [3] Marti, S., Giuli, T. J., Lai, K., and Baker, M., .Mitigating Routing Misbehavior in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,. Proc. 6th Annual Intl. Conf. on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom.00), Boston, Massachusetts, August 2000, pp. 255-265. [4] Buchegger, S. and Le Boudec, J., .Performance Analysis of the CONFIDANT Protocol: Cooperation of Nodes -Fairness in Dynamic Ad-hoc Networks., Proc. 13th IEEE/ACM Symp. on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (MobiHoc), Lausanne, Switzerland, June 2002. [5] Michiardi, P. and Molva, R., .CORE: A collaborative reputation mechanism to enforce node cooperation in mobile ad hoc networks., Proc. IFIP 6th Joint Working Conference on Communications and Multimedia Security (CMS.02), Portoro., Slovenia, September 2002, pp. 107-122. Hosamsoleman, Ali Payandeh, Nasser Mozayyani, SaeedSedighianKashi |
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45. | Building A High Availability - Openstack
Building A High Availability - OpenstackAbstract: High Availability is an important component to provide Zero downtime , zero outage coverage for Openstack components . it also provides automated failover and switchover . Openstack is a private cloud platform has lack of inbuilt high availability functions this can be implemented by opensource solution by Pacemaker and Corosync software. This paper provided clear concepts of High availability requirements, solution approach , Openstack components , detailed implementation approach using PCS shell and LCMC. It also summarizes various tools to manage pacemaker and Corosync clustersKey words: Cloud Computing , Openstack, High Availability, Corosync , Pacemaker , PCS, keystone, nova , glance, LCMC Reference [1] http://www.sebastien-han.fr/blog/2012/07/02/openstack-nova-components-ha/ [2] https://github.com/mseknibilel/OpenStack-Grizzly-Install-Guide/blob/master/OpenStack_Grizzly_Install_Guide.rst [3] http://clusterlabs.org/doc/en-US/Pacemaker/1.1-pcs/html/Clusters_from_Scratch/index.html [4] http://www.6tech.org/2013/03/linux-firewall-cluster-with-pacemaker-and-corosync/ [5] http://www.linux-ha.org/wiki/Resource_agents [6] https://github.com/madkiss/openstack-resource-agents/tree/master/ocf [7] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Main_Page [8] http://docs.openstack.org/trunk/openstack-ha/content/ch-intro.html [9] http://blog.scottlowe.org/2013/04/17/openstack-summit-2013-openstack-high-availability-in-grizzly-and-beyond/ Deepak Mane |
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46. | Decoding For 8x8 MIMO System Using Convolution Coding Implemented In VLSI
Decoding For 8x8 MIMO System Using Convolution Coding Implemented In VLSIAbstract: The joint detection and decoding for spatial multiplexing multiple- Input multiple-output (MIMO) system which utilize convolution Code is been proposed . The bit error rate (BER) performance of the proposed approach is significantly better than that of systems which utilize separate detection and decoding blocks. Formal algorithms with two possible system setups are presented and their performance. In particular, for a reference 8x8, 64-QAM System using a rate 1/2 convolution code with generator polynomial [247, 371] and a constraint length of 8, improves the Signal to noise ratio (SNR) of 2.5 db and 3 db are achieved over Conventional soft decoding at a bit error ratio (BER) of 10 . The proof of concept VLSI architecture for one algorithm is provided and a novel way to reduce memory usage is demonstrated. Results indicate that better Performance over conventional systems is achievable with comparable hardware complexity. The proposed Design was synthesized and layout with 65-nm at 334-MHZ clock frequency. An average throughput of 267.2 mbps at a SNR of 13 db with area equivalent to 632 k gates was achievedReference [1] Joseph, W. Reynders, W. Debruyne, J. and Martens, L., "Influence of Channel Models and MIMO on the Performance of a System based on IEEE 802.16",Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, ISBN 1-4244-0659-5, pp.1826-1830,11-15th March, 2007. [2] Simon S Haykin and Michael Moher,"Modern Wireless Communication, Second Edition,Prentice-Hall publication 2004, ISBN-13: 9780130224729. [3] George Tsoulos, "MIMO System Technology For Wireless Communications",Revised Edition,CRC Publisher, 2006. [4] Chia-Liang Lui, "Impacts of I/Q Imbalance on QPSK –OFDM-QAM Detection", IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, vol. 44, no. 3, pp. (984-989), August, 1998. MIMO Systems, Theory and Applications. [5] Yantao Qiao, Songyu Yu, Pengcheng Su and Lijun Zhang, "Research on an Iterative Algorithm of LS Channel Estimation in MIMO OFDM Systems", IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, vol. 51, no. 1, pp. (149-153), March 2005. [6] S.Cui, A.J.Goldsmith and A.Bahai, "Energy Efficiency in MIMO and cooperative MIMO techniques in Sensor Networks", IEEE Journal on Selective Areas in Communication,vol. 22, no. 6, pp. (1089-1098), August 2004. [7] C. D'Amours, "Parity Bit Selected Spreading Sequences: A Block Coding Approach To Spread Spectrum," IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 9, pp. 16-18,Jan. 2005. [8] C. D'Amours and J.-Y. Chouinard, "Parity Bit Selected and Permutation Spreading for CDMA/MIMO Systems," in Proc. IEEE Veh. Tech. Conf., pp. 1475-1479, Apr. 2007. [9] Z. Ding and M. Rice, "Hybrid-ARQ Code Combining for MIMO Using Multidimensional Space-Time Trellis Codes," Proc. IEEE ISIT '07, Glasgow, Scotland, June 2007. [10] Jung-Fu (Thomas) Cheng," Coding Performance of Hybrid ARQ Schemes", IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 54, No. 6, June 2006. T. Yasodha |
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47. | Strength Comparison of Ordinary Portland Cement And Rice Husk Ash
Strength Comparison of Ordinary Portland Cement And Rice Husk AshAbstract: Rise husk ash is one of the promising pozzolanic materials that can be blended with Portland cement for the production of durable concrete. Addition of rise husk ash to Portland cement not only improve the strength of concrete but also forms the calcium silicate hydrate gel around the cement particles which is highly dense and less porous. This may be increase the strength of concrete against cracking. Thus in the present investigation a realistic approach has been made using different techniques such as compressive strength, bond strength, split tensile strength etc. using different percentage of RHA and varying curing periodKey words: Pozzolanic material, RHA (Rice Husk Ash). Reference [1. Khan, T.A.H, Laid, S.M. and Ranakrishnan,B. "Experimental study of SFRe under compression and pure bending", Journal of ACI, Vol.89, pp.96100,Feb.1972. 2. Gabbler and Krieger, "Abrasion Resistance high strength concrete madse with class-C flash", ACI journal, Nov-Dec.1995, PP.650-655. 3. Swami,R.N.: "utilization of fly ash: A challenge to concrete Technology-1", Indian concrete journal, 1985, May,119-122. V.D.Mude, S.P.Bhalme, M.S.Kamdi |
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48. | Durability Studies On Concrete With Fly Ash & Ggbs
Durability Studies On Concrete With Fly Ash & GgbsAbstract: Durability of concrete is defined as its ability to resist weathering action, chemical attack, abrasion or any other process of detoriation. It also includes the effects of quality and serviceability of concrete when exposed to sulphate and chloride attacks. Fly ash and Ground Granulated Burnt Slag (GGBS) are chosen mainly based on the criteria of cost and their durable qualities., Not only this, Environmental pollution can also be decreased to some extent because the emission of harmful gases like carbon monoxide & carbon dioxide are very limited.Key words: Durability, Flyash, GGBS, Strength, Weight Changes, CAC, FAC1, FAC2, GAC1, GAC2. Reference [1] C. Marthong, T.P.Agrawal / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications Vol. 2, Issue4, July-August 2012, pp.1986-1991 _1986 | [2] Effect of Fly Ash Additive on Concrete Properties. [3] Vinay S. Nikam and Vikram Y. Tambvekar/Advanced Materials for Construction of Bridges, Buildings, and Other Structures III, Art. 13 [2003]Effect of different supplementary cementitious material on the microstructure and its resistance against chloride penetration of concrete [4] K.SuvarnaLAtha, M.V.SeshagiriRao, V. Srinivas Reddy /International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) ISSN: 2249 –8958,Volume-2 Issue-2 December 2012 [5] M. S. Shetty. Concrete Technology. S.Chand& Company Ltd., 2005, New Delhi A.H.L.Swaroop, K.Venkateswararao, Prof P Kodandaramarao |
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49. | Flood Prediction Modeling Using Hybrid BPN-EKF And Hybrid ENN-EKF: A Comparative Study
Flood Prediction Modeling Using Hybrid BPN-EKF And Hybrid ENN-EKF: A Comparative StudyAbstract: Recently, artificial neural networks have been successfully applied to various hydrologic problems. This paper proposed flood water level modeling using the Hybrid of Back Propagation Neural Network with Extended Kalman Filter and the Hybrid of Elman Neural Network with Extended Kalman Filter that using the water level data from Sungai Kelang which is located at Jambatan Petaling, Kuala Lumpur. The models were developed by processing offline data over time using neural network architecture. The methodologies and techniques of the two models were presented in this paper and comparison of the long term runoff time prediction results between them were also conducted. The prediction results using both hybrid models showed satisfactory and reliable performances for flood water level prediction.Key words: Back Propagation Neural Network (BPN); Extended Kalman Filter (EKF); Elman Neural Network (ENN); Reference [1] Y. Chidthong, H. Tanaka, and S. Supharatid, "Developing a hybrid multi-model for peak flood forecasting," Hydrological Processes, vol. 23, pp. 1725-1738, 2009. [2] M. N. French, W. F. Krajewski, and R. R. Cuykendall, "Rainfall forecasting in space and time using a neural network," Journal of Hydrology, vol. 137, pp. 1-31, 1992. [3] K.-l. Hsu, H. V. Gupta, and S. Sorooshian, "Artificial Neural Network Modeling of the Rainfall-Runoff Process," Water Resources Research, vol. 31, pp. 2517-2530, 1995. [4] H. Cigizoglu, "Application of Generalized Regression Neural Networks to Intermittent Flow Forecasting and Estimation," Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, vol. 10, pp. 336-341, 2005. [5] G. Tayfur, T. Moramarco, and V. P. Singh, "Predicting and forecasting flow discharge at sites receiving significant lateral inflow," Hydrological Processes, vol. 21, pp. 1848-1859, 2007. [6] Y.-T. Chang, L.-C. Chang, and F.-J. Chang, "Intelligent control for modeling of real-time reservoir operation, part II: artificial neural network with operating rule curves," Hydrological Processes, vol. 19, pp. 1431-1444, 2005. Fazlina Ahmat Ruslan, Ramli Adnan, Abd Manan Samad, Zainazlan Md Zain |
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50. | Two Level Resource Discovery And Replication For Secure Utilization In Distributed Computing Environments
Two Level Resource Discovery And Replication For Secure Utilization In Distributed Computing EnvironmentsAbstract: This paper presents the details of a novel method for passive resource discovery in cluster grid environments, where resources constantly utilize inter node communication. This method offers the ability to non-intrusively identify resources that have available CPU cycles; this is critical for lowering queue wait times in large cluster grid networks. The benefits include: 1) low message complexity, which facilitates low latency in distributed networks, 2) scalability, which provides support for very large networks, and 3) low maintainability, since no additional software is needed on compute resources.Key words: MRAC, Induction Motor drive, drift and saturation Reference [1] P. Apers. Data allocation in distributed database systems. ACM Transactions on Database Systems Vol. 13, No. 3 (Sept.).1988. [2] A. Bestavros and C. Cunha. Server-initiated document dissemination for the WWW. IEEE Data Engeneering Bulletin 19, 3 (Sept.), 3–11. 1996. [3] S. Ceri, S. B. Navathe, and G. Wiederhold. Distribution design of logical database schemas. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. SE-9, No. 4. 1983. [4] D. Dowdy and D. Foster. Comparative models of the file assignment problem. Computing Surveys, 14(2), 1982. [5] Y. Huang, P. Sistla, and O. Wolfson. Data replication for mobile computers. In Proceeding of 1994 ACM SIGMOD, May 1994. V.Siva Kumar, Dr. G.Prakash Babu |
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51. | Recognizing English Grammar Using Predictive Parser
Recognizing English Grammar Using Predictive ParserAbstract: We describe a Context Free Grammar (CFG) for English language and hence we propose a English parser based on the context free grammar. Our approach is very much general to apply in English Sentences and the method is well accepted for parsing a language of a grammar. The proposed parser is a predictive parser and we construct the parse table for recognizing English grammar. Using the parse table we recognize syntactical mistakes of English sentences when there is no entry for a terminal in the parse table. If a natural language can be successfully parsed then grammar checking from this language becomes possible. The proposed scheme is based on Top down parsing method and we have avoided the left recursion of the CFG using the idea of left factoring.Key words: Context Free Grammar (CFG), Predictive Parser, Parse Table, Top down and Bottom up Parser, Left Recursion Reference [1] K. M. Azharul Hasan, "Recognizing bangla grammar using predictive parser", IJCSIT, Vol 3, No 6, Dec 2011, pp-61-73. [2] Amba P. Kulkarni, "Design and Architecture of "Anusaaraka‟- An Approach to Machine Translation", Volume 1, Q4, April, 2003, pp-57-64. [3] Vishal Goyal, Gurpreet Singh Lehal, Hindi Morphological Analyzer and Generator, 978-0-7695- 32677/08©2008IEEE,DOI10.1109/ICETET.2008.11 pp-1154-1157. [4] K. Saravnan, Rajani Parthisarathi, "Syntax parser for Tamil", tamil internet 2003, pp-28-37. [5] By T. Dean, J. Allen, and Y. Aloimonos, artificial intelligence: theory and practice [The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, 1995]. [6] A. V. Aho, R. Sethi and J. D. Ullman , Principles of Compiler Design [Pearson Education, 2002]. [7] A. Cawsey, The essence of Artificial Intelligence [Prentice Hall Europe 1998]. Magdum P. G., Kodavade D. V. |
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52. | Exhaust Gas Analysis of SI Engine and Performance Of Catalytic Converter
Exhaust Gas Analysis of SI Engine and Performance Of Catalytic ConverterAbstract: Exhaust system, the least concerned section by the people has the most effective role on the environment as it is that portion of an automobile through which exhaust gases get out from the combustion chamber to pollute the air by their contaminated contents. The exhaust system components like catalytic converter, muffler and resonator make it possible to let out the least possible contaminated gas from the engine exhaust manifold. The performance of the emission control system particularly by the catalytic converter and the noise control are the main concern of this paper. To make a comparison of the exhaust gas emission providing with catalytic converter or not, an exhaust gas analyzer was used to collect experimental data. All the experimental data and graphical representation concludes that the carbon content in the exhaust gas from the car, Toyota E-90 has been reduced to a great extent with the help of catalytic converter & the noise has been reduced as well for the proper attachment of muffler in exhaust system.Key words: Exhaust system, Catalytic converter, Substrate, Catalyst, Muffler, Noise control. Reference [1] Catalytic Converters, International Platinum Group Metals Association. Retrieved January 10, 2011 [2] Published Article: catalysator, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, http://www.bme.hu [3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catalytic_converter [4] Emission comparison of light-duty in-use flexible-fuel vehicles fuelled with gasoline and compressed natural gas based on the ECE 15 driving cycle, C-H Zhang, et al, 2010. [5] Catalytic purification of exhaust gases in internal combustion engines, E. K. Poels and D. S. Brands, 2002 [6] http://gicl.cs.drexel.edu/wiki/Engine_Muffler [7] J. Tichy, Applications for active control of sound and vibration , Noise News International, 73-86, (June 1996) [8] L. Hardouin, P. Micheau, J. Tartarin, L.Laumonier, An anti-pulsatory device used as an active noise control system in a duct , acta acoustica, 1, 189-198 (1993) Md. Mizanuzzaman, Amitava Ghosh Dastidar, Mohammad Rajib Uddin Rony, Reasat Azam, Md. Almostasim Mahmud |
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53. | Histogram Based Color Image Authentication By Digital Image Watermark Technique
Histogram Based Color Image Authentication By Digital Image Watermark TechniqueAbstract: In the robust digital color image watermarking for RGB color image authentication, fragility or sensitivity of the embedded watermark to malicious attacks is an important problem. In this work the current researches propose Least significant bit substitution (LSB) based watermarking scheme for authenticating RGB color image.. Embedding distortion is minimized by adopting least significant bit (LSB) substitution scheme. The proposed scheme embeds watermark in three bit planes by changing original pixels with watermark pixels. The propose method give histogram of Red, Green, Blue histogram of original or watermark image separately .And also give the 3D representation of Red, Green, Blue component of original and watermark images. The paper presents the insertion algorithm and extraction algorithm to calculate the PSNR of original and watermarked image.Key words: Image authentication, watermark life cycle, histogram, LSB. Reference [1] m.v.s.s.babu a robust watermarking algorithm for image authentication2012 international conference on information and network technology (icint 2012)ipcsit vol. 37 (2012) © (2012) iacsit press, Singapore [2] W.L. Tai, C.M. Yeh, C.C. Chang, Reversible data hiding based on histogram modification of pixel differences, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 19 (6) (2009) 906–910. [3] Rakesh Ahuja S.S. Bedi Himanshu Agarwal A Survey of Digital Watermarking Scheme MIT International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology. [4] Debjyoti Basu , Arindam Sinharay and Suryasarathi Barat Bit Plane Index Based Fragile Watermarking Scheme for Authenticating Color Image, 2010 First International Conference on Integrated Intelligent Computing [5] Muhalim mohamed Aminsubariah Ibrahim mazleena sallehmohd rozi katmin information hiding using steganography university technology Malaysia 2003 [6] S. Radharani ,Dr. M.L.Valarmathi, A Study on Watermarking Schemes for Image Authentication International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)Volume 2 – No.4, June 2010 Kranti Burman, Rahul Gedam |
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54. | Equipment Costs Associated With Downtime and Lack Of Availability
Equipment Costs Associated With Downtime and Lack Of AvailabilityAbstract: This paper presents a model that has the capability to quantify the Consequential costs of downtime and lack of availability in four categories. The first, associated resource impact costs, deals with the costs that arise when failure in one machine impacts on the productivity and cost effectiveness of other machines working in close association with it. The second category, lack-of-readiness costs, addresses the cost that may be incurred when a capital asset is rendered idle by the downtime resulting from a prior failure. The third cost category, service level impact costs, deals with the situation that arises when one machine in a pool of resources fails to the extent that other machines in the pool must work in an uneconomical manner to maintain a given service level.Key words: Equipment Downtime Cost, Downtime cost. Reference [1] Cox, E. A. (1971). "Equipment economics." Handbook of Heavy Construction, 2nd Ed., J. A. Havers and F. W. Stubbs, Jr., eds., McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, N.Y., 7-15. [2] Nunnally, S. W. (1977). Managing construction equipment. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 226. [3] Terborgh, G. (1949). Dynamic equipment policy: A MAPI study. Machinery and Allied Products Institute and Council for Technological Advancement, Washington, D.C., 27. [4] Vorster, M. C. (1980). "A systems approach to the management of civil engineering construction equipment." Thesis presented to the University of Stellenbosch, at Stellenbosch, South Africa, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, 238. [5] Vorster, M. C , and Sears, G. A. (1987). "A model for retiring, replacing, or reassigning construction . D.M.Naiknaware, Dr. S.S.Pimplikar |
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55. | Prediction of Properties of Self Compacting Concrete Using Artificial Neural Network
Prediction of Properties of Self Compacting Concrete Using Artificial Neural NetworkAbstract: This study deals with artificial neural network (ANN) modeling to predict properties of the SCC. Data developed experimentally for SCC. The data used in the models are arranged in the format of seven input parameters that cover the contents of cement, sand, coarse aggregate, fly ash sand, water and water/powder ratio, superplasticizer dosage and an output parameter that is compressive strengths at 7 days, 28 days, 90 days, slump flow, T50 cm, V-funnel and L-Box. respectively for ANN. The importance of different input parameters is also given for predicting the strengths at various ages using neural network. It was observed that the ANN model can predict the properties of the SCC quite well with correlation coefficients, with very low root mean square errors and also check for different Epoch with the use of Neuro Solution Software. This study shows that, as an alternative to classical modeling techniques, the ANN approach can be used to accurately predict the performance parameters of SCC.Key words: artificial neural network, compressive strength, learning rate, self-compacting concrete. Reference [1] Paratibha Aggarwal, Rafat Siddiq, Yogesh Aggarwal, Surinder M Gupta "Self-Compacting Concrete - Procedure for Mix Design" Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and Technologies, January-June 2008 [2] Paratibha Aggarwal, Yogesh Aggarwal, "Prediction of Compressive Strength of SCC Containing Bottom Ash using Artificial Neural Networks" World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 53 2011 [3] N.Krishna Raju and Y. Krishna reddy, " A critical review of the Indian, British and American methods of concrete mix design" , The Indian Concrete Journal, April 1989. [4] Akhmad Suryadi, Triwulan, Pujo Aji "Artificial Neural Networks for Evaluating the Compressive Strength of Self Compacting Concrete" Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research 2010 [5] M. Jamil, M.F.M. Zain, H.B.Basri, "Neural Network Simulator Model foR Optimization in High Performance Concrete Mix Design" European Journal of Scientific Research [6] Keerthi Gowda B.S, G. L. Easwara Prasad "Forecasting of SFRSCC‟s Fresh Property by ANN" International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering, October 2011. Abdul Raheman |
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56. | Experimental Study on Enhancement Of Thermal Performance Of Wire Wound Tube In Tube Helical Coil Heat Exchanger
Experimental Study on Enhancement Of Thermal Performance Of Wire Wound Tube In Tube Helical Coil Heat ExchangerAbstract: Present work experimentally investigates the hydrodynamic and heat transfer analysis of three different geometries of the tube in tube helical coil. This study was conducted over a range of Reynolds numbers from 2500 to 6700 using cold water in annulus side. The experiments were carried out in counter flow configuration with hot water in tube side and cold water in annulus side. Each patterned coils were fabricated by bending 3.5 m straight mild steel tube having 10 mm ID and 12 mm OD, and stainless steel tube having 23 mm ID and 25 mm OD in four active helical turns having zero pitch with coil diameter 270mm. The mild steel wires of 1.5 mm were wound on outer side of inner tube having 6 mm and 10 mm pitch distance. The annulus side Nusselt number and friction factor were determined. The pressure drop and overall heat transfer coefficient is calculated at annulus side for different rate conditions. The results show that the 6 mm wire wound tube in tube helical coil have more overall heat transfer coefficient than that of 10 mm and plain tube helical coil.Key words: Tube in tube helical coil, wire wound, Nusselt number, Reynolds number, Reference [1] Alberto Garcı´a a,, Pedro G. Vicente b, Antonio Viedma, "Experimental study of heat transfer enhancement with wire coil inserts in laminar-transition-turbulent regimes at different Prandtl numbers", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2005,48. pp. 4640–4651. [2] Prabhanjan D. G., Ragbavan G. S. V. and Rennic T. J., Comparison of heat transfer rates between a straight tube heat exchanger and a helically coiled heat exchanger, Heat and mass transfer, 2002, 29, pp.185-191. [3] Timothy J. Rennie, Vijaya G.S. Raghavan Experimental studies of a double-pipe helical heat exchanger Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 2005, 25.pp .919–924. [4] Vimal Kumar, Burhanuddin Faizee, Monisha Mridha, K.D.P. Nigam "Numerical studies of a tube-in-tube helically coiled heat exchanger", Chemical Engineering and Processing, 2008, 47. pp. 2287–2295. [5] Paisarn Naphon, "Effect of coil-wire insert on heat transfer enhancement and pressure drop of the horizontal concentric tubes", International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2006, 33. pp. 753–763. Mr. Vijay P Desai, Dr. Sachin L Borse |
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57. | A Genetic Algorithm Based Approach For Optimization Of Test Time And TAM Length For 3D SoC Considering Pre-Bond Test Under The Constraint On The Number Of TSVs
A Genetic Algorithm Based Approach For Optimization Of Test Time And TAM Length For 3D SoC Considering Pre-Bond Test Under The Constraint On The Number Of TSVsAbstract: Core-based system-on-chips (SoCs) fabricated on three-dimensional (3D) technology are emerging for better integration capabilities. Effective test architecture design and optimization techniques are essential to minimize the manufacturing cost for such giga-scale integrated circuits. Test-access mechanisms (TAMs) and test wrappers (e.g., the IEEE Standard 1500 wrapper) facilitate the modular testing of embedded cores in a core-based system-on-chip (SoC). Such a modular testing approach can also be used for emerging three-dimensional integrated circuits based on through-silicon vias (TSVs).This paper presents a Genetic algorithm(GA) based solution to Co-optimize test scheduling and TAM length for 3D SoC. A locally optimal best-fit heuristic based bin packing algorithm has been used to determine placement of cores minimizing the overall routing cost. Experimental result on ITC'02 benchmark SoCs shows that the proposed method provides few better test time results compared to earlier work.Key words: Genetic Algorithm, Rectangle Packing, System-on-Chip, Test Access Mechanism, Through Silicon Via Reference [1] Brandon Noia, Krishnendu Chakrabarty and Yuan Xie, "Test-Wrapper Optimization for Embedded Cores in TSV-Based Three-Dimensional SOCs" 978-1-4244-5028-2/09/$25.00 ©2009 IEEE. [2] Vikram Iyengary, Krishnendu Chakrabarty and Erik Jan Marinissen "On Using Rectangle Packing for SOC Wrapper/TAM Co-Optimization" Proceedings of the 20th IEEE VLSI Test Symposium (VTS‟02) 1093-0167/02 $17.00 © 2002 IEEE. [3] V. Iyengar, K. Chakrabarty, and E. J. Marinissen "Efficient wrap-per/TAM co-optimization for large SOCs". Proc. Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE) Conf., 2002, in press. [4] V. Iyengar, K. Chakrabarty and E. J. Marinissen "Test wrapper and test access mechanism co-optimization for system-on-chip". J. Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications, vol. 18, pp. 211–228, March 2002. [5] L. Jiang, L. Huang and Q. Xu, ''Test Architecture Design and Optimization for Three-Dimensional SOCs'', Proc. IEEE/ACM Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conf.(DATE 09), IEEE CS Press, 2009, pp. 220-225. Supratim Subhra Das, Ria Bose |
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58. | A Case Study on Total Quality Control Of Manufacturing Of Liners By Applying Spc Technique
A Case Study on Total Quality Control Of Manufacturing Of Liners By Applying Spc TechniqueAbstract: The growing global economy has caused a dramatic shift towards Quality control and management in recent years. Efficient and effective management of quality control will have a beneficial impact on a company's ability in serving its customers properly and to keep direct and indirect costs low. Effective management of quality at each stage offers a great prospective for increasing system efficiency, customer service level and minimization of total system costs. This paper discusses analyzing and application SPC techniques of quality concept to achieve customer delightness.Key words: Quality, SPC, Control charts, UCL, LCL. Reference [1] D. Raheja, . Assurance Technologies: Principles and Practices ., McGraw Hill, Inc., 1991.1 [2] FARNUM, N.R., Modern Statistical Quality Control and Improvement, Duxbury Press, Belmont, California, p.500, 1994. [3] Freeman, J, G. Mintzas. 1999. Simulating c and u Control Schemes. The TQM Magazine. 11(4): 242–247. [4] Gronroos, C. (1983) 'Strategic management and marketing in the service sector', Report No. 83-104, Marketing Science Institute, Cambridge, MA. [5] Hwang, C.L. and Lin, M.J. (1987) Group Decision Making Under Multiple Criteria: Methods and Applications, Berlin: Springer-Verlag. [6] Ishikawa, K. 1985. What is Total Quality Control. Prentice Hall. Englewood Cliff, N.J. Sri. T.V.S. Raghavendra, B.Manideep, R. Prem Sai, Y. Adi Siva Kishore Reddy |
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59. | Security For Voice And Video Traffic By Md5 Algorithm In Vpn
Security For Voice And Video Traffic By Md5 Algorithm In VpnAbstract: MD5 is a secure replacement to protect data over the internet .The Message Digest5 algorithm is used for data integrity with IPSec to protect the voice and video traffic in VPN. MD5 generates a unique value of 128-bit cryptographic message digest which are derived from input stream. This value is highly reliable and flexible that can be used to verify the data integrity of files content. If a single bit value in the file is modified, the MD5 checksum for the file changes.Key words: data integrity, checksum, MD5, firewall, VPN, Tunneling. Reference [1] W. Diffie and M. E. Hellman, (1976) "New Directions in Cryptography ", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 22, No. 6. [2] Malik, Rupali Syal (2010), "Performance Analysis of IP Security VPN", International journal of Computer Application Volume 8-No.4,October 2012. [3] Aruna Malik., Harsh K Verma (2012),"Performance Analysis of Virtual Private Network for Securing Voice and Video Traffic", International journal of Computer Application Volume 46-No.16,May 2012 [4] Dr. Arvind Kaur, Shivangi Goyal "A Survey on the Applications of Bee Colony Optimization Techniques", Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Dwarka , 2011. [5] S. Khanvilkar and A. Khokhar (2004) "Virtual Private Networks: An Overview with Performance Evaluation", Communications Magazine 2004, pp 146 – 154. Sonam Wadhwa, Bindia, Taranjeet Kaur, Kunwar Pal |
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60. | Estimation & Design of Possible Solar Photovoltaic Generation Potential for U.I.E.T, K.U.K
Estimation & Design of Possible Solar Photovoltaic Generation Potential for U.I.E.T, K.U.KAbstract: The depletion of fossil fuel resources on a worldwide basis has necessitated an urgent search for alternative energy sources to meet up the present day demands. Solar energy is a clean, inexhaustible, environment friendly and a potential resource among the various renewable energy options. Solar radiation is the key factor determining electricity produced by photovoltaic (PV) systems. This paper reports a novel method to estimate the solar photovoltaic generation potential for U.I.E.T, K.U.K on the basis of Mean Global Solar Radiation data available for Kurukshetra and finally develop a system design of possible plant capacity for available area. The specifications of equipments are provided based on the availability of the components in India.Key words: Solar Photovoltaic (PV) System, Insolation, Solar Radiation Reference [1] G.D.Rai, Solar Energy Utilization, 5th Edition, Khanna Publishers. [2] Renewable Energy Akshay Urja Vol. 3 Issue 1, Jan-Feb, 2007. [3] S. Hasan Saeed & D.K. Sharma, Non- Conventional Energy Resources, 1st Edition. [4] Suhas P Sukhatme Solar Energy–Principles of Thermal Collection & Storage, 2nd Edition. [5] Cost and Performance Trends in Grid connected Photovoltaic Systems and Case Studies: Report IEA-PVPS T2-06:2007. [6] Mohd Shawal Jadin, Soib Taib, I Daut & eM Hadzer, 'Integrated Grid-Connected PV Monitoring System', IEEE Transactions 2005. [7] A Guide to Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Systems prepared by Cape & Islands Self- Reliance. [8] Juan Manuel Carrasco, Leopoldo Garcia Franquelo, Jan T. Bialasiewicz, Eduardo Galván, Ramón C. Portillo Guisado, Ma. Ángeles Martín Prats, José Ignacio León and Narciso Moreno-Alfonso, 'Power-Electronic Systems for the Grid Integration of Renewable Energy Sources: A Survey', IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics Vol. 53, No. 4, August, 2006. Vineet Singla, Vijay Kumar Garg |
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61. | Dct Based Image Steganographic Approach
Dct Based Image Steganographic ApproachAbstract: Steganography is the art of invisible communication. Its purpose is to hide the very 8presence of communication by embedding messages into innocuous-looking cover objects. In today's digital world, invisible ink and paper have been replaced by much more versatile and practical covers for hiding messages – digital documents, images, video, and audio files. As long as an electronic document contains perceptually irrelevant or redundant information, it can be used as a "cover" for hiding secret messages.Key words: DCT,DCT-BIT4, Image stegnography Reference [1] S. Dickman, An Overview of Steganography, Research Report JMU-INFOSEC-TR -2007-002, James Madison University, July, 2007. [2] W. Bender, D. Gruhl, N. Morimoto, and A. Lu, "Techniques for Data Hiding", I.B.M. Systems Journal, 35(3-4): pages 313-336, 1996. [3] J. Rodrigues, J. Rios, and W. Puech "SSB-4 System of Steganography using bit 4", In International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia WIAMIS, (Montreux, May 2005). [4] M. Kharrazi06, H. Sencar, and N. Memon, "Performance study of common image steganography and steganalysis tech-niques," Communications of the SPIE and IS&T, 15, No.4 , 1017-9909, Oct-Dec., 2006. [5] N. Provos, and P. Honeyman, "Hide and Seek: An intro-duction to Steganography", Security & Privacy, IEEE, Vol.1,Issue 3, pp 32-44, May-June 2003. [6] Nedal M. S. Kafri and Hani Y. Suleiman "Bit-4 of Frequency Domain-DCT Steganography Technique" 2009 IEEE Transaction. Sonawane Viraj, Mali Jagdish, Prof.R.N. Awale |
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62. | Optimization Design, Modeling AndDynamic Analysis For Wind Turbine Blade
Optimization Design, Modeling AndDynamic Analysis For Wind Turbine BladeAbstract: This paper explores the design space that exists between multi blade, high-solidity water-pumping turbines with trapezoidal blade design and modern rectangular horizontal axis wind turbines (HAWTs). In particular, it compares the features and performance of a small 18-bladed, high-solidity HAWT with trapezoidal blade to that of a rectangular bladed 18-bladed HAWT. This is achieved through a Modal analysis on the exist trapezoidal blade and optimize rectangular blade along with dynamic response analysis of blade in ANSYS software. The model of blade was developed in CATIA.Dynamic analysis was performed for the blade by using the finite element method.Key words: Blade Design,optimization; modeling; finite element analysis Reference [1] NitinTenguriaet.al."Design and Finite Element Analysis of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine blade" International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Dindigul Volume 1, No 3, 2010 ISSN 09764259. [2] Mr. Jesus Vega Fuentes,et.al. "Design of wind turbine blades of a power of 1000 watts for domestic use." 978-1-61284-1325-5/12, 2012 IEEE. [3] Mr.V. DíazCasás, et.al. "Automatic Design and Optimization of Wind Turbine Blades" International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modeling Control and Automation, and International Conference on Intelligent Agents, Web Technologies and Internet Commerce 0-7695-2731-0/06,IEEE. [4] Arvind Singh Rathore et al., "Design and Analysis of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Rotor"., International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST) Vol. 3 No.11 November 2011 ISSN : 0975-5462. [5] Jialin Zhang, et.al. "Design and Research of High-Performance Low-Speed Wind Turbine Blades. "November 2011.IEEE. VaibhavR.Pannase, Prof.H.R.Bhagat, Prof.R.S.Sakarkar |
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63. | Production of Biogas by Using Food Waste
Production of Biogas by Using Food WasteAbstract: The current work focuses on the generating bio-gas from food waste produced by Mahendra Engineering College Canteen using anaerobic digestion process. Attempts have been made to optimize various parameters in order to determine the most favorable recipe for maximum biogas production from the digested food waste. The biogas yields have been determined using batch anaerobic thermophilic digestion tests for a period of 90 days. Characteristic oscillation was observed in the rate of methane production, which may be due to the presence of methylotroph population in the activated sludge, which uses methane as a carbon source for their growth. The total biogas generated in the system over the experimental period was the sum of methane and carbon dioxide. Biogas produced from the decomposition of food waste was a mixture of 76% methane and 24% carbon dioxide.Key words: Anaerobic Digestion, BOD, Biogas, Food Waste, Reference [1] BryerslD. and Mason e.A. Biopolymer particulate turnover in biological waste treatment systems: a review. Bioprocess Eng. 2, 95-109 (1987). [2] Cavalcanti P.F.F., Medeiros EJ.S., Silva lK.M. and Van Handel A Excess sludge discharge frequency for UASB reactors. Water Sci. [3] G. Durai and M.Rajasimman. (2011). Kinetic studies on biodegradation of wastewater in a sequential batch bioreactor: (3):19-26: 2011, [4] Halalsheh M., Sawajneh Z., Zubi M., Zeeman G., Lier l, Fayyad M. and Lettinga G. (2005).Treatment of strong domestic sewage in a 96 m3 UASB reactor operated at ambient temperatures: two-stage versus single-stage reactor. Biores. Techno!. 96, 577-585 (2005). [5] Lihui Huang, BaoyuGao, PengGuo, Bo Zhang., (2009) Application of anaerobic granular sludge to treatment of fishmeal industry wastewaters under highly saline conditions, 433-437:2009 S.Mohan, K.Jagadeesan |
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64. | Design of Enhanced Power Gating Technique to Reduce Leakage Power and Ground Bounce Noise for CMOS Applications
Design of Enhanced Power Gating Technique to Reduce Leakage Power and Ground Bounce Noise for CMOS ApplicationsAbstract: In CMOS integrated circuit design there is a trade-off between static power consumption and technology scaling. Leakage power accounts for an increasingly larger portion of total power consumption in deep submicron technologies. Recently, the power density has increased due to combination of higher clock speeds, greater functional integration, and smaller process geometries. As a result static power consumption is becoming more dominant. This is a challenge for the circuit designers. However, the designers do have a few methods which they can use to reduce this static power consumption. But all of these methods have some drawbacks. In order to achieve lower static power consumption, one has to sacrifice design area and circuit performance. In this paper, we propose a new method to reduce static power in the CMOS VLSI circuit using dual stack approach without being penalized in area requirement and circuit performance.Key words: dual stack approach, state saving technique, stack effect, dual V-th, static power reduction Reference [1] S. Mutoh et al., "1-V Power Supply High-speed Digital Circuit Technology with Multithreshold-Voltage CMOS," IEEE Journal of Solis-State Circuits, Vol. 30, No. 8, pp. 847-854, August 1995. [2] M. Powell, S.-H. Yang, B. Falsafi, K. Roy and T. N. Vijaykumar, "Gated-Vdd: A Circuit Technique to Reduce Leakage in Deepsubmicron Cache Memories," International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design, pp. 90-95, July 2000. [3] J.C. Park, V. J. Mooney III and P. Pfeiffenberger,"Sleepy Stack Reduction of Leakage Power," Proceeding of the International Workshop on Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation, pp. 148-158, September 2004 [4] Pren R. Zimmermann, W. Fichtner, "Low-power logic styles: CMOS versus pass-transistor logic," IEEE J. Solid- State Circuits, vol. 32, pp. 1079- 1090, July 1997. [5] S.G.Narendra and A. Chandrakasan, Leakage in Nanometer CMOS Technologies. New York: Springer-verlag, 2006. T.Ragadeepthika, S.Munnawar |
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65. | Implementation of H.264 Decoder On Arm11 Mpcore
Implementation of H.264 Decoder On Arm11 MpcoreAbstract: The power dissipation in embedded processor core is an important parameter while increasing the process performance. With the advent of VLSI technology and the latest tools to design system on chip, the complexity, design time and verification time can be reduced. To increase the total processor performance, both the multiprocessor and multi threading systems are used for any application.ARM overcomes such design issues faced in the industry for any application. In a Multiprocessor design, each processor can use the uni-processor power management techniques, such as clock gating, keeping the processor in standby mode and voltage and frequency scaling. But it also has the ability to turn entire processor off to save all their consumed power while still executing lower demanding application workloads. One of the applications considered in this paper is implementation of H.264 video decoding using ARM MP Core ARM11.In H.264 video decoding implementation, the computational standard is two or three times higher than that of H.263 and MPEG-4 standard. The complex parts of the decoder in H.264 are the operation of entropy coding and De-blocking filters in the decoder. The reduction in computational complexity an algorithm is implemented for H.264 decoder. It contains a group-based CA VLC decoding method for H.264 entropy code tables and de-blocking filter.Key words: H.264; CAVLC; De-blocking Filter;ARM11 Reference [1] Thomas wiegand "Overview of the H.264/AVC video coding standards", IEE Transactions on circuits and systems for video technology vol. 13 No. 7 July 2003. [2] Garry J.Sullivan "New Emerging standard H.264/AVC", SPIE Conference on applications of Digital image processing XXVII special session August 2004. [3] Yen-lin lee, Truong Q. Nguyen "Analysis and efficient architecture design for VC-1 overlap smoothing and In-loop de-blocking filter", IEE transaction on circuit & systems for video technology-TCSV, Vol.18, No.12, PP-1786-1796. [4] Yen-kuang chen, Eric Q.Li, "Implementation of H.264 encoder and decoder on personal computers", Journal of visual communication and Image representation – JVCIR Vol. 17, No.2. PP-509-532, 2006. [5] Chia-Cheng Lo, Shang-Ta Tasai, Ming-Der Shien "Reconfigurable architecture for entropy decoding and inverse transform in H.264", IEE Transactions on consumer Electronics – IEE TRANS CONSUM ELETRON, Vol. 56, no. 3, PP 1670-1676, M.Gurunadha Babu, M.Venugopal, M.Phaniraj Kiran |
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66. | Investigating the Effect of Water Temperature and Inclination Angle on the Performance of Single Slope Solar Still: A Taguchi Approach
Investigating the Effect of Water Temperature and Inclination Angle on the Performance of Single Slope Solar Still: A Taguchi ApproachAbstract: The present work focuses on the application of Taguchi technique to investigate the effect of temperature and inclination angle on the performance of the single slope solar stills inclined at 15O, 30O and 45O. An indoor simulation model was developed using constant temperature water bath to maintain water temperatures at steady state for the purpose of experiment. The condensing covers inclined at 15O, 30O and 45O were fabricated of commonly used glass sheet to form top inclined cover and GRP sheets to make the side walls of the cover.Key words: Taguchi method, ANOVA, Regression, Solar Distillation, Inclination angle, Condensing Cover Reference [1] Hay, H. R., 1965, "New Concepts in Solar Still Design," Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Water Desalination, Washington, DC, Vol. 1, pp. 511–527. [2] Hay, H. R., 1973, "Plastic Solar Stills: Past, Present, and Future," Sol. Energy, 14 (4), pp. 393–404. [3] Dunkle, R. V., 1961, "Solar Water Distillation: The Roof Type Still and a Multiple Effect Diffusion Still," Proceedings of the International Development in Heat Transfer, ASME, University of Colorado, Pt. V, p. 895. [4] Malik, M. A. S., Tiwari, G. N., Kumar, A., and Sodha, M. S., 1982, Solar Distillation, Pergamon, London. [5] Tiwari, G. N., and Lawrence, S. A., 1999, "New Heat and Mass Transfer Relations for a Still," Energy Convers. Manage., 31, pp. 201–203. Nikhil Singh, Vishal Francis |
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67. | Producing Lead-Free Copper Alloys for Plumbing Fittings; A Case Study of Nigerian Taps
Producing Lead-Free Copper Alloys for Plumbing Fittings; A Case Study of Nigerian TapsAbstract: Inclusion of lead in pipe fittings brings about good machinability, lubricity and filling of pores created after casting. The leaching of lead into drinkable water exposes people particularly children to harmful effects of lead. In view this, it is necessary to search for other elements that can eventually replace lead and offering the advantages provided by lead. Nigerian taps (Brass Tap1, Brass Tap 2 and Cast Iron Tap) were considered in the study and it was observed that the lead compositions are 2.14%, ~ 5.81% and 0.011% respectively. The first two taps have percentages of lead which is above the allowable value of 0.25% given by most of the regulatory bodies. This brings the urgent need to consider alternative elements to replace lead.Key words: Brass taps, Cast iron taps, Lead, Leaching, Pipe fittings Reference [1] Scott, S (2011) "Transitioning to no lead copper " ESI North America Farmingting Hills Michigan [2] Sharon, O.S (2008): "Drinking Water" University of Nebraska–Lincoln Extension Publications [3] Steve, D (2008) "Drinking Water: Lead "University of Nebraska–Lincoln Extension Publications Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services [4] Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of (1986). "Prohibition on use of lead pipes, solder, and flux." 42 U.S.C. § 300g-6(d). Pub.L. 99-359, approved 1986-06-19. [5] Faust, S.D.; Aly, O.M (1998). "Chemistry of Water Treatment" (2 ed.). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. p. 6. ISBN 978-1-57504-011-0. Durowoju M.O, Kolapo O. I |
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68. | Image Steganography Using Block Level Entropy Thresholding Technique
Image Steganography Using Block Level Entropy Thresholding TechniqueAbstract: Now days a lot of applications are Internet based and in some cases it is desired that the communication be made secret. The two most important aspects of any image based Steganographic system are the imperceptibility and the capacity of the stego image. In this paper, a novel Image Steganographic method using Block Level Entropy Thresholding Technique is proposed. This paper evaluates the performance and efficiency of using optimized Embedding tables within JPEG Steganography. After dividing cover image into 8X8 non overlapping blocks, DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform) is computed and based on Entropy Threshold (ET) scheme, these blocks are selected for information embedding decision. The secret message is hidden in the Valid Entropy Block of cover-image with its middle-frequency of the DCT coefficients. Finally, a JPEG stego-image is generated. DCT based Steganography scheme provides higher resistance to image processing attacks such as JPEG compression, noise, rotation, translation etc. we obtain that the proposed method has a larger message capacity, and the quality of the stego images of the proposed method is acceptable.Key words: Steganography, Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT), Data hiding, Entropy Thresholding, MSSIM. Reference [1] Wang, R.Z., C.F. Lin and J.C. Lin. Image hiding by optimal LSB substitution and genetic algorithm. Pattern Recognition, 34, pp 671-683, 2001. [2] Y. K. Lee and L.-H. Chen, "High capacity image steganographic model", In IEE Proceedings on Vision, Image and Signal Processing, June, 147(3), 2000, pp. 288-294. [3] Adel Almohammad, Gheorghita Ghinea, Robert M. Hierons. JPEG steganography: a performance evaluation of quantization tables International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications 2009. [4] Chang C.C., T.S. Chen and L.Z. Chung. A steganographic method based upon JPEG and quantization table modification. Information Sciences, 141, pp: 123-138, 2002. [5] ISO DIS 10918-1 "Digital Compression and Coding of Continuous-Tone Still Images (JPEG)", CCITT Recommendation T.81. [6] Q. Li, C. Yu and D. Chu, "A Robust Image Hiding Method Based on Sign Embedding and Fuzzy Classification", The Sixth World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, 2006. WCICA 2006, June 21-23.2006, pp.10050-10053. Jagdish Mali, Viraj Sonawane, R.N.Awale |
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69. | Performance Analysis of Surface Condenser under Various Operating Parameters Performance Analysis of Surface Condenser under Various Operating
Abstract: The thermal power plants are used to
generate power. The thermal power plants are
designed based on required conditions (like a
good quality of steam, pressure and temperature
of steam etc.), but actually inlet conditions are not
as per the designed conditions. In practical
situations, when power plants are installed there
are lots of constraints. This tends to reduce or
increase output power and heat rate of thermal
power plants. Due to these conditions, the
designed power and heat rate are never achieved.
Variations in the power outputs from plant are
always a matter of disputes. So the parameters
for power and heat rate are generated for
different conditions of condenser pressure, flow
rate of water through the condenser,
Temperature difference. On the basis of site
measurement and design data collection
performance of the Condenser unit can be
evaluated. These evaluations indicate that if
operating conditions vary, then power output and
heat rate also vary. This paper deals with the
factors or parameters which reduced the
efficiency of the condenser. |
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70. | Cost Effective Approach for Automatic Service Provider Selection in Cloud Computing
Cost Effective Approach for Automatic Service Provider Selection in Cloud ComputingAbstract: In today's advanced age the reason for the high success of cloud computing can be easily understood. The present high tech generation demands huge amount of computing resources and processing power. Cloud computing with the help of pay as you use model provides an excellent solution to the above issue. Easy availability and cost effective nature further make cloud much more exclusive and popular than other traditional computing paradigms. However, as the popularity of cloud computing increases, the number of provider offering cloud services also increase expeditiously. Thus it becomes quite challenging for a user to select the best cloud manually. Wrong decision would harm both the consumer and provider as it would lead to wastage of money for a consumer and imperfect utilization of resources of a provider. Thus keeping the above issues in mind this paper proposes a framework that selects the best and the most profitable cloud for a given user.Key words: cloud computing, cost effective, Cloud Provider, Cloud consumer, service level agreement Reference [1] Lee Badger, Tim Grance , Robert Patt-Corner and Jeff Voas, Cloud Computing Synopsis and Recommendations, NIST Special Publication 800 (2012):146 [2] "Benefits of cloud computing | Queensland Government"http://mobiledevices.about.com/od/additionalresources/a/Cloud-Computing-Is-It-Really-All-That-Beneficial.htm" [online; accessed June 2013] [3] "Social Success - 10 Benefits of Cloud Computing -Salesforce.com UK" view-source:http://www.salesforce.com/uk/socialsuccess/cloud-computing/why-move-to-cloud-10-benefits-cloud-computing.jsp[online; accessed June 2013] [4] Preeti Gulia and Sumedha Sood, Comparitive analysis of present day clouds using service level agreements, To be published in International Journal of Computer Application, 26th June 2013 [5] "If It's in the Cloud, Get It on Paper: Cloud Computing Contract Issues (EDUCAUSE Quarterly)|EDUCAUSE.edu" http://www.educause.edu/ero/article/if-its-cloud-get-it-paper-cloud-computing-contract-issues [online; accessed June 2013] Preeti Gulia, Sumedha Sood |
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71. | Effect Of Magnetic Field On Steady Blood Flow Through An Inclined Circular Tube
Effect Of Magnetic Field On Steady Blood Flow Through An Inclined Circular TubeAbstract: The present paper is devoted to study the flow of an incompressible viscous, electrically conducting fluid (blood) in a rigid inclined circular tube in the presence of transverse magnetic field. The blood is considered to be Newtonian fluid. The analytical expression for velocity profile and flow rate are obtained. The velocity profile and flow rate for various values of Hartmann number and inclination angle have been shown graphically. The bluntness appears in velocity profile and this bluntness decrease by increasing magnetic field.Key words: Incompressible fluid, transverse magnetic field, Hartmann number Reference [1] Vardanyan, V.A. (1973). Effect of magnetic field on blood flow. Biophysics, 18, p. 515. [2] Sud, V.K., Suri, P.K. and Mishra, R.K. (1974). Effect of magnetic field on oscillating blood flow in arteries. Study Biophysica, 46, p. 163. [3] Sud,V.K., Suri, P.K. and Mishra, R.K. (1978). Laminar flow of blood in an elastic tube in the presence of magnetic field. Studia Biophysica, 69, p. 175. [4] Korchevskii, E.M. and Marochunik, L.S. (1965). Magneto hydrodynamic version of movement of blood. Biophysics, 10, P. 411. [5] Kolin, A. (1936). Electromagnetic flow meter : principle of method and its applications to blood flow measurement. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med., 35, P. 53. [6] Vardanyan, V.A. (1973). Effect of magnetic field on blood flow. Biophysics, 18, p. 515. S.R. Verma And Anuj Srivastava |
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72. | Test Vector Generation and Compression for Fault Detection Using NDR and RLE Algorithm
Test Vector Generation and Compression for Fault Detection Using NDR and RLE AlgorithmAbstract: N detect tests are of mostly used because of their ability to improve the defect coverage. An N-detect test set detects each fault by at least N different vectors. The main problem which limits their use is their size. Researchers have proposed some methods to generate N-detect tests, but not much work has been done on compacting them. Also, there is no minimum size estimate of an N-detect test set. Methods for multiple detects test generation usually produce fully specified test patterns. This limits their usage in number of application such as low power test and test compression. Larger test data size demands not only higher memory requirements, but also increase the testing time. Test data compression overcomes this problem by reducing the test data volume without affecting the overall system performance. So this work provides a systematic methodology for identifying large number of unspecified bits in a multiple detect test sets, for detecting multiple faults while preserving the original fault coverage and the size of the test set is reduced using run length encoding method.Key words: Automatic Test Pattern Generation (ATPG), Multiple faults, N-detect test set, Run Length Encoding (RLE), Test set compaction Reference [1] Stelios N. Neophytou, and Maria K. Michael, Test Pattern Generation of Relaxed n-Detect Test Sets, IEEE Transactions On Very Large Scale Integration Systems, Vol. 20, No. 3, March 2012 [2] Karthikeyan A, Rajeswaran. N, Design And Implementation Of Multiple Fault Diagnosis On VLSI Circuits Using Artificial Neural Networks, International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology, May 2012. vol. 3, Issue 2, pp. 685-695 [3] S.M.Thamarai, Dr.K.Kuppusamy, Dr.T.Meyyappan, Fault Detection and Test Minimization Methods for Combinational Circuits - A Survey, International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology- volume2Issue2- 2011 [4] N. Alves, J. Dworak, I. Bahar, and K. Nepal, Compacting test vector sets via strategic use of implications, in Proc. ICCAD, 2009, pp.83–88. [5] Pomeranz I. and S. M. Reddy, Forming n-detection test sets without test generation, ACM Trans. Design Autom. Electron. Syst., vol. 12, no. 2, Apr. 1, 2007, Article 18 P. Ajeesha Sulthana, Mr. A. Sivasankar M.E |
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73. | Design of an Efficient 128-Bit Carry Select Adder Using Bec and Variable csla Techniques
Design of an Efficient 128-Bit Carry Select Adder Using Bec and Variable csla TechniquesAbstract: Design of area- and power-efficient high-speed data path logic systems forms the largest areas of research in VLSI system design. In digital adders, the speed of addition is limited by the time required to transmit a carry through the adder. Carry Select Adder (CSLA) is one of the fastest adders used in many data-processing processors to perform fast arithmetic functions. From the structure of the CSLA, it is clear that there is span for reducing the area and power consumption in the CSLA. This work uses a simple and efficient gate-level modification to drastically reduce the area and power of the CSLA. Based on this modification 8, 16, 32, 64 and 128-bit square-root CSLA (SQRT CSLA) architectures have been developed and compared with the regular SQRT CSLA architecture. The proposed design has reduced area and power as compared with the regular SQRT CSLA with only a minor increase in the delay. This work estimates the performance of the proposed designs in terms of delay, area are implemented in Xilinx ISE and Modelsim.Reference [1] Bedrij, O. J.,(1962), "Carry-select adder," IRE Trans. Electron. Comput., pp.340–344. [2] Ceiang ,T. Y. and Hsiao,M. J. ,(Oct1998 ),"Carry-select adder using single ripple carry adder," Electron. Lett., vol. 34, no. 22, pp. 2101– 2103 [3] He, Y. , Chang ,C. H. and Gu, J. , (2005), "An A rea efficient 64-bit square root carry-select adder for low power application," in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp.Circuits Syst. vol. 4, pp. 4082–4085. [4] Ramkumar,B. , Kittur, H.M. and Kannan ,P. M. ,(2010 ),"ASIC implementation of modified faster carry save adder," Eur. J. Sci. Res., vol. 42, no. 1,pp.53–58. [5] Kim ,Y. and Kim ,L.-S.,(May2001), "64-bit carry-select adder with reduced area,"Electron Lett., vol. 37, no. 10, pp. 614–615. [6] E. Abu-Shama and M. Bayoumi, "A New cell for low power adders," in Proc.Int. Midwest Symp. Circuits and Systems, 1995, pp. 1014–1017 [7] www.xilinx.com. [8] Verilog HDL- Digital Design and Synthesis, by Samir Palnitkar B.Bharathi, C.V.Subhaskar Reddy |
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74. | Vibration Performance Evaluation of Collecting plates of Electrostatic Precipitators Using FEA Approach
Vibration Performance Evaluation of Collecting plates of Electrostatic Precipitators Using FEA ApproachAbstract: Electrostatic Precipitators is the device used for removal of dust from boiler process gases. Various factors affect the effectiveness of this device. One of them is regular cleaning of the collecting electrodes. The dust removal takes place due to vibrations of collecting electrodes. Further, in time bound project development, it becomes very difficult to test at every stage of design improvements which also affect the project cost. In such cases, more practical approach is to make design improvements through simulations followed by validation through physical measurements. This paper presents FEA approach for modeling and analysis of collecting electrodes in an electrostatic precipitator using Implicit transient dynamic analysis approach. Experimental testing is done for validation of results. The results of FEA approach and testing are discussed.Key words: Collecting electrodes, Electrostatic Precipitator, Experimental testing, FEA, Vibration analysis Reference [1] Andrzej Nowak, Vibration of collecting electrodes in electrostatic precipitators - Modelling, measurements and simulation tests, Journal of Electrostatics 70 (2012) 327e332 [2] Nowak Andrzej, Wojciech Stanisław, Optimisation and experimental verification of a dust-removal beater for the electrodes of electrostatic precipitators, Computers and Structures 82 (2004) 1785–1792. [3] Iwona Adamiec-Wojcik, Nowak Andrzej, Wojciech Stanisław , Comparison of methods for vibration analysis of electrostatic precipitators,Acta Mech Sin DOI 10.1007/s10409-011-0415-2 [4] Michael Neundorfer, Electrode cleaning system : Optimizing rapping energy and rapping control, Environment International, Vol.6.pp.279-287,1981 [5] HU Manyin, LIU Yujing, YIN Qi, LIU Zhong, GAO Xianglin, Research on Vibration Period Optimization of Electrostatic Precipitator, 11th International Conference on Electrostatic Precipitation. Pannkaaj More, D.H. Burande |
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75. | Performance of BER in OFDM System Using Different Channels and Modulation Techniques
Performance of BER in OFDM System Using Different Channels and Modulation TechniquesAbstract: OFDM system suffers significant performance, when transmitted over different channels. Various channels like AWGN , Rayleigh Fading channels were taken which can be used for the transmission of OFDM signals. Different modulation techniques like QPSK, BPSK, MSK can also be used to modulate the signal before transmission. So the performance of BER can be calculated when modulated by using different modulation technique and when passes through different channels [1]. In this paper, we derive approximate closed-form expressions for BER performance in AWGN channel with different modulation techniques like BPSK,QPSK,8-PSK,16-PSK,32-PSK modulations and predict the performance of bit error rate (BER) with respect to Signal Energy per bit over noise power density ratio (Eb/N0). Simulation results show that the proposed simple analytical forms are quite accurate for different modulation techniques , which lead to the conclusion that BPSK gives the best and ideal performance as compared to other PSK in wireless communicationsKey words: AWGN, BPSK, QPSK, 8-PSK, 16-PSK, 32-PSK, BER, OFDM Reference [1] IEEE Std 802.11a-1999, Supplement to IEEE standard for information technology - telecommunications and information exchange between systems - local and metroplitan area networks - specific requirements. [2] T. Pollet, M. Bladel, and M. Moeneclaey, ―BER sensitivity of OFDM systems to carrier frequency offset and Wiener phase noise,‖ IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 43, pp. 191 –193, Feb. 199 5. [3] S. Wu and Y. Bar-Ness, ―OFDM systems in the presence of phase noise: consequences and solutions,‖ IEEE Trans. Commun., Oct. 2004. [4] P. H. Moose, ―A technique for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing frequency offset correction,‖ IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 42, pp. 2908 –2914, Oct. 1994. [5] C.Muschallik, ―Influence of rf oscillators on an ofdm signal,‖ IEEE Trans. Consumer Electron., vol. 41, pp. 592 –603, Aug. 1995. [6] L. Tomba, ―On the effect of wiener phase noise in OFDM systems,‖ IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 46, pp. 580 –583, May 1998. Saroj Kanta Pattanaik, Shubhendu Kumar Sarangi |
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76. | Computer Aided Selection of Robot for Loading and Unloading Operation by Multiple Attribute Decision Making (MADM) Approach
Computer Aided Selection of Robot for Loading and Unloading Operation by Multiple Attribute Decision Making (MADM) ApproachAbstract: The selection of a suitable robot is becoming more and more difficult because of the large increase in robot manufacturer, configuration and available option. In this work a methodology and programming algorithm, based on Multiple Attribute Decision Making is developed for such type of selection problem. TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to the Ideal Solution) method is used to rank the available alternative. Weights are assigned by the decision maker to the different attribute according to their importance. This method will help the decision maker to select a suitable robot according to his requirement. The developed software is analysed by an illustrative example for loading and unloading operation with same data.Key words: Attribute, selection of robot, MADM approach, rank according to reqirement Reference [1] Zeshui Xu, "a method for multiple attribute decision making with incomplete weight information in linguistic setting", Elsevier Science Publishers, Vol.-20,Issue 8, 719-725 [2] R. Venkata Rao and K.K. Padmanabhanb, "Selection, identification and comparison of ndustrial robots using diagraph and matrix methods", Year 2006, Vol. 22, Issue 4, 373-383 [3] A._I. € Olc_er and A.Y. Odabas_i, "A new fuzzy multiple attributive group decision making methodology and its application to propulsion system selection problem", European Journal of Operational Research, Year 2005,Vol.-166, Issue 1, 93-114. [4] Jian Chen and Song Lin, "An interactive neural network-based approach for solving multiple criteria decision-making problems", Elsevier Science Publishers, Year 2003, Vol- 36, Issue 2, 137-146. Abhishake Chaudhary, Vijayant Maan, D.P Singh |
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77. | A Novel Approach to Design a High Performance Domino Cmos Logic
A Novel Approach to Design a High Performance Domino Cmos LogicAbstract: In this paper a Domino Cmos logic circuit is design with aim to reduction in power consumption, time delay and energy efficient. Due to rapid growth in VLSI Technology, an integrated circuit has demand with low power, high performance, compatible, small in size and easy to recodify. Dynamic cmos gates are inherently less resistance to noise than static cmosgate. Sothis approach allow low power , noise tolerant and high performance. Domino cmos logic is a form of dynamic logic that gives output in cascaded form and it consume higher dynamic switching speed, leakage power and weaker noise immunity.This design has Simulated and analyzed on 0.12 Microwind2 tool technology .Key words: Domino Logic, Dynamic circuit,Delay, Low Power ,Noise Tolerant, Reference [1] Pretorius J.A., Shubat A.S., Salama C.A.T.Latched domino CMOS logic, Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal, Date: Aug 1986, Volume: 21, Issue 4, Page(s): 514 – 522 [2] Sharma V., Al-Assadi W.K.Analysis and Modeling of Crosstalk Noise in Domino CMOS Circuits, Region 5 Technical Conference, 2007 IEEE, Date: 20-22 April 2007, Page(s): 374 [3] Wurtz L.Scaling procedure for Domino CMOS logic, Southeastcon'92, Proceedings, IEEE. Date: 12-15 Apr 1992, Page(s): 580 [4] Berg Y.A Novel ultra low-voltage and high speed domino CMOS logic.VLSI System on Chip Conference (VLSI-SoC), 2010 18th IEEE/IFIP. Date: 27-29 Sept. 2010. Page(s): 225 [5] Sharroush S.M., Abdalla, Y.S., Dessouki A.A., El-Badawy E.S.A.Compensating for the keeper current of CMOS domino logic using a well designed NMOS transistor.Radio Science Conference, 2009 NRSC 2009. Date: 17-19 March 2009. Page(s): 1 Lalit Mishra, Nitin Meena |
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78. | Green Energy and Green Buildings in Egypt
Green Energy and Green Buildings in EgyptAbstract: This paper addresses the current status and the potentials of energy efficiency and renewable energy applications in Egypt. The use of primary energy resources had increased while the primary energy demand and GDP had decreases in the last two years. Egypt economy uses more than 50% of final energy per GDP than other surrounding counties. Egypt has adopted various sets of measures that increase the role of renewable energy sources for supplying and substituting fossil energy. Egypt had started several projects which focus wind farm in the Suez Gulf Zone with high wind speeds which ranges between 8 – 10 m/s in average and also due to the availability of large un-inhabitant desert area. Over 60% of the total electricity consumption is attributed to residential, commercial and Governmental buildings. To improve the energy efficiency of buildings, three building energy codes were published for new residential [1], commercial [2]and Governmental [3] buildings. These codes estimate to improve the efficiency by about 20% of total Electricity consumed.Reference [1] Energy Efficiency Residential Building Codes, HBRC, 2005 [2] Energy Efficiency Commercial Building Codes, HBRC, 2009. [3] Energy Efficiency Governmental Building Codes, HBRC, 2010. [4] Green Pyramid Rating System, HBRC, Egypt December 2010. [5] Feng Liu etal, "Mainstreaming Building Energy Efficiency Codes in Developing Countries, Global Experiences and Lessons from Early Adopters", World Bank, No. 204, 2011 Dr. George Bassili Hanna |
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79. | Solar Heat Energy Storage in Phase Change Materials
Solar Heat Energy Storage in Phase Change MaterialsAbstract: Developing efficient and inexpensive energy storage devices is as important as developing new sources of energy. Energy storage can reduce the time between energy supply and energy demand, thereby playing a vital role in energy conservation. It improves the energy systems by smoothening the output and thus increasing the reliability. This paper deals with storage of solar thermal energy in materials undergoing phase changes. PCMs, which include salt hydrates, paraffins, non-paraffins, and eutectics of inorganic, are discussed. Heat storage in phase change materials (PCM) has an advantage of compactness and heat supply at constant temperature.Key words: Eutectics, Inorganic compounds, Non-Paraffin's organic solids, Paraffin's organic solids Reference [1] Processes and Materials of Manufacture by R.A. LINDBERG [2] www.pcmag.com/encyclopedia [3] www.me.sc.edu [4] H.P Garg, S.C Mullick, Solar Thermal Energy Storage, D.Reidal publishing Co. [5] J.Prakash Solar Energy Fundamentals, TATA McGraw Hill [6] Britannica encyclopedia Shripad Chopade, Sagar Kauthalkar, Pushpendra Kumar Sharma |
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80. | Lifting Scheme Using HAAR & Biorthogonal Wavelets For Image Compression
Lifting Scheme Using HAAR & Biorthogonal Wavelets For Image CompressionAbstract: The objective of this paper is to evaluate two wavelets (HAAR & Biorthogonal) for image compression & to compare their performance with Lifting Wavelet Transform (LWT). LWT is probably the best-known algorithm to calculate the wavelet transform in a more efficient manner & provides faster implementation of DWT. This paper describes Lifting scheme using HAAR & Biorthogonal wavelets. Image quality is measured in terms of Peak-signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), Signal to noise ratio SNR, Mean squared error (MSE), Energy Retained (ER), Execution time and Percentage of Zeros.Key words: DWT, Image compression, LWT, LSHAAR, LSBIOR. Reference [1] Chesta Jain, Vijay Chaudhary, Kapil Jain, SaurabhKarsoliya "Performance Analysis of Integer Wavelet Transform for Image Compression" IEEE 2011 [2] Priyanka Singh, Priti Singh, Rakesh Kumar Sharma,"JPEG Image Compression based on Biorthogonal, Coiflets and Daubechies Wavelet Families", International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)Volume 13– No.1, January 2011. [3] V.Srinivasarao, Dr P.Rajesh Kumar, G.V.H.Prasad, M.Prema Kumar, S.Ravichand "Discrete Cosine Transform Vs Discrete Wavelet Transform: An Objective Comparison of Image Compression Techniques for JPEG Encoder" Published in International Journal of Advanced Engineering and application, jan 2010. [4] Tripatjot Singh, Sanjeev Chopra, Harman preet Kaur, Amandeep Kaur, "Image Compression Using Wavelet and Wavelet Packet Transformation" IJCST Vol. 1, Issue 1, September 2010 [5] Cebrail Taskin, Serdar Kürat "An Overview of Image Compression Approaches" IEEE, Third International Conference on Digital Telecommunications, 2008. [6] P. Raviraj and M.Y. Sanavullah 2,The Modified 2D Haar Wavelet Transformation in Image Compression, Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 2 (2): 73-78, 2007ISSN 1990-9233© IDOSI Publications, 2007 [7] Wade spires, University of central florida, wspires@cs.ucf.edu," Lossless Image Compression Via the Lifting Scheme", November 2005. Monika, Prachi Chaudhary, Geetu Lalit |
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81. | Study of Biorhythms Effect on the Incidence of Lost Time Accidents and Their Severity: The Case of a Manufacturing Industry
Study of Biorhythms Effect on the Incidence of Lost Time Accidents and Their Severity: The Case of a Manufacturing IndustryAbstract: The main objective of the present research is to study the biorhythms effects on the occurrence of the accidents resulting in lost time injuries and on the accidents severity. To carry out the present research, the reports of the occupational accidents in an Iranian industry assembling power plants turbines were studied and the required data collected. The biorhythms critical days of personnel caused accidents were then determined. To study the biorhythms effects on the occurrence of the accidents resulting in lost time injuries and on the accidents severity, Analysis Of Variance and Independent t-Test were applied respectively. The results showed the biorhythm, regardless of its type, is a factor affecting the accidents lost days and their severity.Key words: Accident, Biorhythms, Severity, Manufacturing Industry, Unsafe behaviors Reference [1] A Azadeh, I. Mohammad Fam I, The evaluation of importance of safety behaviors in a steel manufacturer by entropy, J Res Health Sci, 9(2), 2009,10-18. [2] C.F Chi, T.C. Chang, H.I. Ting, Accident patterns and prevention measures for fatal occupational falls in the construction industry, Appl. Ergon, 36(4), 2005, 391-400. [3] S.D. Keller, Quantifying social consequences of occupational injuries and illnesses: state of the art and research agenda, Am. J. Ind. Med, 40(4), 2001, 438-451. [4] J.P Koegh, I. Nuwayhid, J. Gordon and P.W. Gucer, The impact of occupational injury on injured worker and family: outcomes of upper extremity cumulative trauma disorders in Maryland workers, Am. J. Ind. Med, 38(5), 2000, 498-506. Iraj Mohammadfam, Hanieh Nikoomaram, Farhad Ghaffari And Shahram Mahmoudi |
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82. |
Evaluation of Accident Proneness among Iranian Manufacturing Industries: Results and Perspectives
Evaluation of Accident Proneness among Iranian Manufacturing Industries: Results and PerspectivesAbstract: Accident related health problems have been suggested to cluster within persons. This phenomenon became known as accident proneness and has been a subject of many discussions. The aim of study is assess the relationships of certain occupational and individual characteristics with frequency of occupational injuries. The study's sample consisted of 495 employees working in Mabna Group in Iran in 2012. A standardized accident proneness questionnaire was completed by the researcher in the presence of the subject.Key words: Accident proneness; Accident; workplace; IRAN Reference [1] K Bradbury D.M. Janicke, A.W Riley and J.W. Finney, Predictors of unintentional injuries to school-age children seen in pediatric primary care, J. Pediatr. Psychol, 24 (5), 1999, 423–433. [2] C.L Gabel and S.G. Gerberich, Risk factors for injury among veterinarians, Epidemiology, 13 (1), 2002, 80–86. [3] G Gauchard, J. M. Nearkasen Chau P. Perrin, Falls and working individuals: role of extrinsic and intrinsic factors, Ergonomics, 44 (14), (2001), 1330-1339. [4] P Dorman, The economics of safety, health, and well-being at work: an overview, Geneva: ILO, 2000. [5] Azadeh A and I Mohammad Fam, A framework for development of intelligent human engineering environment, Information Technology Journal, 5 (2), 2006, 290-299. Shahram Mahmoudi, Iraj Mohammadfam And Hamid Reza Mortaza Bagi |
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83. | Maintenance Management Practices For Building Facility: A Case Study
Maintenance Management Practices For Building Facility: A Case StudyAbstract: The practices of conventional methods for maintenance management in Malaysian Polytechnic faced many issues due to poor service delivery, inadequate finance, poor maintenance plan and maintenance backlogs. The purpose of this study is to improve the conventional method practices which tend to be ineffective in Malaysian Polytechnic. The case studies were conducted with eight Polytechnics from four state of Malaysia which were Selangor, Melaka, Negeri Sembilan and Johor. The selected Polytechnic is based on conventional method practices and its major problems, attempt to implement computerised technology and the willingness of staff to share their experiences. The responses from semi-structured interview with engineer and assistant engineer were recorded using video camera and transcribed verbatim.Key words: Maintenance Management, Conventional Method, Maintenance Management System, Malaysian Polytechnic Reference [[1] Wyn, L. J, (2010, January 07) Report on Stadium Roof Collapse Out, Retrieved on June 6, 2012, from http://www.theedgemalaysia.com/business news/157029-report-on-stadium-roof-collapse out.html [2] Sagayam, A, (2009, May 29). Jaya Supermarket Collapse: 4 Dead, Search On For 3. Retrieved on August 11, 2012, from http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2009/5/29/nation/20090529101559&sec=nation [3] Ismail, Z, Maintenance Management System to Support Facilities Management at Polytechnic, Degree‟s Thesis, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai, Johor, 2012. [4] Chanter, B. and Swallow, P, Building Maintenance Management (2nd Edition, Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2007). [5] Ahmad, M. A. H., Salimah, M., Ani, and A. I. C., Ramly, A, Pembangunan Model Sistem Maklumat Pemeriksaan dan Diagnosis Bangunan Untuk Kerja-Kerja Penyenggaraan Bangunan. The Malaysian Surveyor, 46(2), 2011, 21-27. Zul-Atfi Ismail, Narimah Kasim |
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84. | Economic Load Dispatch Using Cuckoo Search Algorithm
Economic Load Dispatch Using Cuckoo Search AlgorithmAbstract: Economic Load Dispatch problem (ELD) is one of the most important optimization problems in power system operation and planning. This paper introduces a solution to ELD problem using a new metaheuristic natureinspired algorithm called Cuckoo Search Algorithm (CSA). The proposed approach has been applied to various systems. This algorithm is based on the obligate brood parasitic behavior of some cuckoo species. The results proved the efficiency of the proposed method when compared with the other optimization algorithms.Key words: Cuckoo Search Algorithm (CSA), Economic Load Dispatch (ELD) Reference [1] Tkayuki S, Kamu W. "Lagrangian relaxation method for price based unit commitment problem" Engineering Optimization – Taylor & Francis Journal, 36(6): 705-19. [2] P. H. Chen and H. C. Chang, "Large-Scale Economic Dispatch by Genetic Algorithm," IEEE Transactions on Power System, Vol. 10, No. 4, 1995, pp. 1919-1926. [3] C.-T. Su and C.-T.Lin, "New Approach with a Hopfield Modeling Framework to Economic Dispatch," IEEE Transaction on Power System, Vol. 15, No. 2, 2000, pp. 541-545. [4] Basu M. "A simulated annealing based goal attainment method for economic emission load dispatch of fixed head hydrothermal power systems" International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 2005;27(2):147–53. A.Hima Bindu, Dr. M. Damodar Reddy |
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DESIGN AND TESTING OF HIGH SPEED MULTIPLIERS BY USING LINEAR FEEDBACK SHIFT REGISTERAbstract: Design and Testing of High Speed Multipliers by Using Liner Feedback Shift RegisterKey words: LFSR, BIST, Power Dissipation, Booth Multiplier, Array Multiplier, Test Patterns Reference [1] Kavitha , G. Seetharaman, T. N. Prabakar, and Shrinithi. S,"Design of Low Power TPG Using LP-LFSR" Third International Conference on Intelligent Systems Modelling and Simulation, pp.334 – 338,2012 [2] Saraswathi.T , Mrs.Ragini.K, Ganapathy Reddy.Ch"A Review on Power optimization of Linear Feedback Shift Register(LFSR) for Low Power Built In Self Test (BIST)",Electronic Computer Technology (ICECT) 3rd International conferernce,Vol.6 ,pp:172-176, April 2012. [3] Ravindra p Rajput, M. N Shanmuka Swamy." High Speed Modified Booth Encoder multiplier for signed and unsigned numbers" 14thInternational Conference on Modelling and simulation, pp: 649-654, 2012 [4] Artem Sokolov, Alodeep Sanyal, Darrell Whitley, Yashwant Malaiya, "Dynamic Power Minimization During Combinational Circuit Testing as a Traveling Salesman Problem", pp. 1088-1095,2005. [5] Van de Goor, A.J., Gayadadjiev, G.N., Yarmolik, V.N., Mikitjuk, V.G.: March LR: A Test for Realistic Linked Faults. In: 16th IEEE VLSI ISE 9.2i Software Test Symposium, pp. 272–280 (1996) P. Bhaskar Reddy, B. Adi Narayana |
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86. | ERSA: Secure and Enhanced RSA
ERSA: Secure and Enhanced RSAAbstract: This paper is devoted to the analysis of various cryptanalysis attack .This cryptanalysis attack mainly happens on the encrypted message which is to be passed over communication channel. The cryptanalysis attack is used to get the key from the encrypted message. This process uses public key cryptography via RSA algorithm with some modification. There are two keys used in RSA algorithm for effectiveness in the aspect of security one being the public key used for all and the other being the secret key. This paper presents the analysis of the security of information with enhanced the speed of encryption and decryption process.Key words: Public key Cryptography, Encryption, Decryption, RSA algorithm, Cryptanalysis, Public Key Infrastructure Reference [1] Aboud, S.J.; Al-Fayoumi, M.A.; Al-Fayoumi, M.; Jabbar, H.;‖ An Efficient RSA Public Key Encryption Scheme", Fifth International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations, 2008. ITNG 2008. [2] Harn, L.; Huang, D.; ― A protocol for establishing secure communication channels in a large network ", IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering", 2007. [3] Lin Zi; Shi WenXiao; Wang Li;‖ A study and analysis on a high intensity public data encryption algorithm", Proceedings of the 3rd World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, 2000. [4] www.RSA.org [5] Cryptography and Network Security, Third Edition,William stallings,2007. V.Saravanakumar |
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87. | Causes & Preventation of Defects (Burr) In Sheet Metal Component
Causes & Preventation of Defects (Burr) In Sheet Metal ComponentAbstract: Burr formation is common sheet metal defect and Burr control / deburring is an important issue for industrialist and engineers. It is produced in all shearing & cutting operations. In sheet metal parts burr is usual but after a specified limit it takes a form of defect. This leads to rework and quality problem of part. So controlling this defect is the issue of quality as well so a study of all relevant factors is done in this paper, individually. This paper describes that what are the possible causes & how can we prevent it. Except die & punch clearances, there are still many factors which affect the burr formation. Now, when CAD/CAM software is in use, it is not a very critical task to maintain a proper clearance accordingly. As all the sheet metal industries are heavily affected by burr problem, indicating the study of all the possible causes and remedies. This paper also clears that what practices can increase the tool life & how long we produce "burr free" parts. It includes the selection of the best materials and methods for "press tools‟, "tool design review‟, "machine selection" etc.Key words: Sheet metal parts, Burr, Press Tools. Reference [1] J.R. Paquin & R.E. Crowley, Die Design fundamental, Industrial Press, 1962 [2] P. C. Sharma , A text book of production engineering, S. Chand & Co Ltd ,India, 2005 [3] Design Data by Venus Industries Faridabad- part selection, 2013 [4] Design Data by Suzuki Motor Corporation Japan, 2008-2013 [5] ABOUTBURRS‟,2013, WWW.Sheetmetaldesign.com [6] Shailendra Kumar, An intelligent system for selection of materials for press tool components Journal of Engineering Research and Studies, JERS/Vol.II/ Issue II/April-June,2011/119-130 Pawan Kumar Rai, Dr. Aas Mohammad, Hasan Zakir Jafri |
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88. | Effect Of Web Reinforcement On Ultimate Strength Of Reinforced Concrete Deep Beam
Effect Of Web Reinforcement On Ultimate Strength Of Reinforced Concrete Deep BeamAbstract: It is observed that, reinforced concrete beams failed due to flexure but in case of deep beam failure occur due to shear. Deep beams may be defined as the beam where shear span to depth ratio less than 2. A number of researchers already proposed various approach to predict the ultimate strength of deep beams. In this study a newer approach is developed to calculate the ultimate shear strength of deep beams based on strut and tie model. Deep beams of different web reinforcement are used to predict the shear strength. A new effectiveness coefficient has been introduced to understand the contribution of steel during failure of deep beam under concentrated loads.Key words: deep beam, shear strength, concrete strength. Reference [1] Lu W.Y., Hwang S. J., Lin I. J. (2010) ; Deflection Prediction for reinforced Concrete Deep Beams, Computer and Concrete Journal, Vol. 7, No. 1, Page (1-16). [2] Arabzadeh A., Rahaie A. R., Aghayari R. (2009) ;A Simple Sturt-and-Tie Model for Prediction of Ultimate Shear Strength of RC Deep Beams, International journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 7, No. 3, Page (141-153) [3] Tan K. H., Kong F. K., Weng L. W. (1998) ; High strength Concrete Deep and Short Beams: Shear Design Equations in North American and UK Practice, ACI Structural Journal, V. 95, No. 3, [4] Sing B., Kaushik S.K., Naveen K.F., and Sharma S. (2006), Design of continuous deep beam using strut and tie model; Asian Journal of Civil Engineering (Building and Housing), Vol. 7, No. 5, Page (461-477) [5] Kuo W.W., Cheng T.J., Hwang S.J., (2010) Force transfer mechanism and shear strength of reinforced concrete beams. Engineering Structures 32, Page (1537 - 1546). Khan, M.A., Ahmed, F.S. |
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89. | A Survey On Parallelization Of Data Mining Techniques
A Survey On Parallelization Of Data Mining TechniquesAbstract: This paper contains the overview of various parallelization techniques to improve the performance of existing data mining algorithms and make the capable of handling large amount of data. There are variety of techniques to achieve the parallelization in data mining field, in this paper a brief introduction to few of the popular techniques is presented. The second part of this paper contains information regarding various data algorithms that are proposed by various authors based on these techniques. In Introduction various results corresponding to a survey are provided.Key words: OpenCL, CUDA, Cluster, Cloud, Grid, Hadoop, Association Rule Mining, GPU. Reference [1] "5th Annual Data Miner Survey – 2011 Survey Summary Report", Rexer Analytics, Karl Rexer, PhD krexer@RexerAnalytics.com www.RexerAnalytics.com [2] "Data mining on grids" Maarten Altorf, maltorf@yahoo.com, Universiteit Leiden -August 2007. [3] D. Talia, P. Trunfio, O. Verta. Weka4WS: a WSRF-enabled Weka Toolkit for Distributed Data Mining on Grids. Proc. of the 9th European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (PKDD 2005), Porto, Portugal, October 2005, LNAI vol. 3721, pp. 309-320, Springer- Verlag, 2005. [4] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_cluster [5] http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19146-01/821-1828/gczop/index.html Shrikant Gond, Akshay Patil And V. B. Nikam |
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90. |
Parametric Optimization of Magnetic Abrasive Water Jet Machining Of AISI 52100 SteelUsing Grey Relational Analysis
Parametric Optimization of Magnetic Abrasive Water Jet Machining Of AISI 52100 SteelUsing Grey Relational AnalysisAbstract: Abrasive machining is one of the most non-conventional processes for finishing. It is widely used in industry to machine the materials like mild steel, aluminum, copper, titanium, glass, hard rock material, graphite, composite material, ceramics etc.Like in abrasive jet machining. This technique uses jet which contains abrasive material. Now a day water-magnetic abrasive machining is one of the new alternative concepts that the magnetic field (line of magnetic force) is used to precisely machine the surface of the work-piece. When it is a magnetic work-piece and the work-piece is magnetized and then become a new magnetic pole. On the country when it is non-magnetic it cannot be magnetized. In this research the precise processing phenomenon and the condition on abrasive machining of material by a high velocity of water and magnetic abrasive and other abrasive material whose hardness and grain size similar to magnetic abrasive are examined. And the final experiment result shows the comparison between effectiveness of the mixing of water and abrasive on the surface finish of the AISI 52100 steel materials.Key words: Optimization, Grey relational analysis, surface roughness, material removal rate. Reference [ 1 ] Rahul S. Mulik&Pulak M. Pandey―Magnetic abrasive finishing of hardened AISI 52100 steel‖Published online: 31 December 2010# Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010. [ 2 ] Bhaskar Chandra &Jagtar Singh. ―A Study of effect of Process Parameters of Abrasive jet machining‖Bhaskar Chandra et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST) [ 3 ] M. Chithiraiponselvan& dr. N. Mohanasundararaju―Review of the current state of research and development in abrasive water jet cutting technology‖ (ijaest) international journal of advanced engineering sciences and technologies vol. no. 11, issue no. 2, 267 – 275 [ 4 ] H. Yamaguchi, T. Shinmura, H. Yokoo, T. Aizawa―Internal magnetic abrasive finishing for austenitic stainless steel tubes bent using high frequency induction bending‖International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST). [ 5 ] Junmo Kang, Andrew George, HitomiYamaguchi―High-speed Internal Finishing of Capillary Tubes by Magnetic Abrasive Finishing‖5th CIRP Conference on High Performance Cutting 2012. Mehul.A.Raval, Chirag. P. Patel |
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91. | Comparative Analysis of VANET Routing Protocols Using VANET RBC and IEEE 802.11p
Comparative Analysis of VANET Routing Protocols Using VANET RBC and IEEE 802.11pAbstract: The Vehicular Adhoc network is the emerging research area which makes a phrase 'Network on the wheel". VANET is a collection of communication vehicles to broadcast desired information. In this paper performance of three routing protocols namely Adhoc On Demand Distance Vector Routing (AODV), Destination Sequence Distance Vector (DSDV) and VANET Radio Broadcasting Protocol (VANETRBC) is compared for various parameters. Here, DSDV protocol is a table driven protocol while AODV is on demand protocol. VANETRBC is a general radio broadcasting protocol taken into consideration. To decide the protocols is a challenge as per author reference [1]. All these three protocols are compared with the help of IEEE 802.11p standard using NS-2.33(Network simulator – 2.33) as per author [12]. The main purpose of this paper is to focus on analysis and comparison of the routing protocols so that this will help researchers to add their contribution in the field of VANET.Key words: Routing protocols, simulation, VANET, Network Simulator, AODV, DSDV, VANETRBC Reference [1] Sweta Verma Sweta Verma* & Dr. Vivek Kumar**. Comparison of performance analysis ofAd-hoc Routing protocol ,International Journal of Information Technology and Knowledge Management July-December 2009, Volume 2, No. 2, pp. 241-244 [2] B. Ramakrishnan, Dr. R.S. Rajesh and R.S. Shaji , An Efficient Vehicular Communication Outside the City Enviornments , International Journal of Next – Generation Networks Vol. 2 No.4 December 2010 Page 48 [3] Rakesh Kumar , Mayank Dave ,A Comparative Study of Various Routing Protocols in VANET, IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 8, Issue 4, No 1, July 2011 Page - 643 [4] Vijayalaxmi M., Avinash patel , Kulkarni QoS parameter Analysis on AODV and DSDV Protocols In a wireless Network. Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering Vol 1 No 4 Page 283 - 294 [5] Zhou, G.Cui, H.Liu, Z.Wu and D. Luo NPPB – A Broadcast Scheme in Dense VANETs. Information Technology Journal 2010 Page - 247 Prof (Mrs) A. N. Mahajan & Dr. Reena Dadhich |
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92. | Development of the Self Compacting Concrete By Industrial Waste (Red Mud
Development of the Self Compacting Concrete By Industrial Waste (Red Mud)Abstract: Self-compacting concrete (SCC) is an innovative concrete that does not require vibration for placing and compaction. It is able to flow under its own weight, completely filling formwork and achieving full compaction, even in the presence of congested reinforcement. The hardened concrete is dense, homogeneous and has the same engineering properties and durability as traditional vibrated concrete. Due to industrialization there is huge amount of red mud created. Aluminum is now consumed during manufacture red mud, which is used. Red Mud is industrial waste and causing threat to environment so the reduce the cost of the construction also to make structure more durable, reduce problem of this material the project has been undertaken so that it can be used for construction fashion of the concrete by blending or by replacing the cement by Red mud.Key words: Self-compacting concrete, industrial waste, modified concrete Reference [1] Ouchi, M., M. Hibino, and H. Okamura, "Effect of Superplasticizer on Self-Compactability of Fresh Concrete", TRR 1574, pp.37-40 (1996) [2] Okamura, H, "Self-Compacting High-Performance Concrete", Concrete International, pp.50-54 (1997). [3] Ozawa, K., "Development of high performance concrete based on the durability design of concrete structures", EASEC-2, Vol. 1, pp.445-450 (1989 ) Books: [4] Bartos, J. M., "Measurement of Key Properties of Fresh Self-compacting Concrete", CEN/PNR Workshop, Paris (2000) [5] Mauskar, J. M., "Assessement of Utilization of Industrial Solid Waste in Cement Manufacturing" Central Pollution Control board , Delhi (2006). Mohan Kushwaha, Dr. Salim Akhtar, Survesh Rajput |
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93. | The Study of Voltage Profile and Power Quality with SVC in Transmission System at Different Loads
The Study of Voltage Profile and Power Quality with SVC in Transmission System at Different LoadsAbstract: This paper illustrates the effect of different static load models on the optimal location of Static Var Compensator (SVC). Six static load types in which active and reactive powers vary with the voltage as an exponential form. In case our study, each load is modeled as a stair-case dynamic load (SCDLM), in which active and reactive powers are varied at a chosen time around the base value with desired step size and realized by simultaneous switching of static loads Modeling and simulation of the system are performed using MATLAB Sim Power Systems Block sets. PI controllers are used to control SVC firing angles. The studied power system is a simple five-bus system.Key words: SVC, load models, location of SVCs, voltage control. Reference [1]. Borremans P., Calvaer A., De Reuuck J. P., Gooss Ens J., Van Geert E., Van Hecke J., and Van Ranst A.,'Voltage stability: Fundamental conceps and comparision of practical criteria', pp:11-38, CIGRE,1984. [2]. Abe S., Fukunaga _,Is ona A., and kondo B., 'Power system voltage stability', IEEE Trans., Pas 101, pp:3830-3840, 1982. [3]. Pal M.K., 'Voltage stability conditions considering load characteristics', IEEE Trans., PWRS7, (I), [4]. Cutsem T. V. and Vournas C., "Voltage Stability of Electric Power Systems', Power Electronics and Power System Series, Kluwer, 1998. [5]. Karlsson D. and Hill D. J., "Modeling And Identification of Nonlinear Dynamic Load in Power System', IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, S.RaviKumar, B.Ramoji Rao, D.Ramesh |
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94. | An Efficient Approaches For Privacy Preserving In Microdata Publishing Using Slicing and Partitioning Technique
An Efficient Approaches For Privacy Preserving In Microdata Publishing Using Slicing and Partitioning TechniqueAbstract: Privacy preserving publishing is the kind of techniques to apply privacy to collected vast amount of data. The data publication processes are today still very difficult. Data often contains personally identifiable information and therefore releasing such data may result in privacy breaches; this is the case for the examples of micro data, e.g., census data and medical data. This paper proposed techniques to accelerate accessing speed of user as well as applying privacy to collected data. Several anonymization techniques were designed for privacy preserving data publishing. Recent work in data publishing has shown that generalization loses considerable amount of information, especially for high dimensional data. Bucketization, on the other hand, does not prevent membership disclosure.Key words: Data Publishing, Microdata, Generalization, Bucketization, Anonymization Reference [1] B.-C. Chen, K. LeFevre, and R. Ramakrishnan, "Privacy Skyline: Privacy with Multidimensional Adversarial Knowledge," Proc. Int'l Conf. Very Large Data Bases (VLDB), pp. 770-781, 2007. [2] B.C.M. Fung, K. Wang, and P.S. Yu, "Top-Down Specialization for Information and Privacy Preservation," Proc. Int'l Conf. Data Eng. (ICDE), pp. 205-216, 2005. [3] Blum, C. Dwork, F. McSherry, and K. Nissim, "Practical Privacy: The SULQ Framework," Proc. ACM Symp. Principles of Database Systems (PODS), pp. 128-138, 2005. [4] C. Aggarwal, "On k-Anonymity and the Curse of Dimensionality, "Proc. Int'l Conf. Very Large Data Bases (VLDB), pp. 901-909, 2005. [5] Dwork, F. McSherry, K. Nissim, and A. Smith, "Calibrating Noise to Sensitivity in Private Data Analysis," Proc. Theory of Cryptography Conf. (TCC), pp. 265-284, 2006. [6] Dwork, "Differential Privacy: A Survey of Results," Proc. Fifth Int'l Conf. Theory and Applications of Models of Computation (TAMC), pp. 1-19, 2008. C.Saravanabhavan, Dr.R.M.S.Parvathi |
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95. | "Spare's Inventory Optimization in a Logistic Support System : A Marginal Utility Analysis based Model
"Spare's Inventory Optimization in a Logistic Support System : A Marginal Utility Analysis based ModelAbstract: It is a general practice in industry to have a central depot that supplies spares to multiple locations. These location, in turn, need to keep sufficient stocks of multiple spares as a guard against the possibility of system/equipment remaining defunct until the spare is acquired from the central depot or outside supplier. Determination of optimum number of spares to be held at each location that attains the desired level of system/equipment availability is one issue, the spares procurement and provisioning policies with regard to safety stock, reorder level etc. is another. The reason, in practical situations, it may not be possible to maintain the optimum number of spares inventory by piecemeal procurement policy and if possible, the policy may not be cost effective.Key words: Logistics, spare management Reference [1] Aosa E. (1992). An Empirical Investigation of Aspects of Strategy Formulation and Implementation within Large Private Manufacturing Companies in Kenya – Unpublished PhD Thesis University of Strathclyde Glasgow Scotland U.K. [2] Awino Z. B. (2002) ―Purchasing and Supply Chain Strategy: Benefits, Barriers and Bridges‖ An Independent Conceptual Study Paper in Strategic Management, School of Business, University of Nairobi September 2002. [3] Caeldries F. and Dierdonck van R. (1988). Long Range Planning Journal. 21(2) 41-51. [4] Cavinato J. L. (1989). ―How to Link Logistics to Financial Results‖ Distribution 88(3), 103-104. [5] Central Bureau of Statistics, Statistical Abstract 1996 and 1988, Government Printer. Dr Anshul Gangele, Dr Mohammad Israr |
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96. | Modeling Of the Kinetics of Ethanol Formation from Glucose Biomass in Batch Culture with a Non Structured Model
Modeling Of the Kinetics of Ethanol Formation from Glucose Biomass in Batch Culture with a Non Structured ModelAbstract: A mathematical modeling of the batch fermentation kinetics of a novel thermotolerant strain of the yeast Kluveromyces Maxianus evaluated at 400C. Non-structured models were used to describe the experimental data. Different biological models were test with the experimental data. Logistics model fitted to the glucose biomass production with a R Square value of 0.97 and modified Gompertz model can be said to successfully describe the kinetics of ethanol production with a value of 0.996. Mathematical models are becoming more relevance in biological process and microbial growth. Model gives more insight into the environmental conditions surrounding bio-process and can be used for further development and optimization of bio-processes.Reference [1] P.C Badger, Ethanol From Cellulose: A General Review. ASHS Press, Alexandra, 2002 V.A. pg 17-21. [2] M. Balat,., H. B., Cahide, Progress in Bioethanol Processing. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 2008,Vol34 551–573. [3] J., Ye Sun, Hydrolysis of Lignocellulosic Materials for Ethanol Production. A Review Bioresource Technology, 8,3 2002, , 1–11. [4] K. Manikandan, T. Viruthagiri, Optimization of C/N Ratio of The Medium and Fermentation Conditions of Ethanol Production From Tapioca Starch Using Co-Culture of Aspergillus Niger and Sacharomyces Cerevisiea: International J.ChemTech Research 2002. Vol 2, No 2, pg 947. [5] R.S. Douglas and K. T., Wallenious, The Impact and Benefit of Mathematical Model.(CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. 1999) Olaoye O.S., Kolawole O.S. |
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97. | Ergonomic Evaluation of In-Vehicle Interface Design of Taxicabs in Nigeria
Ergonomic Evaluation of In-Vehicle Interface Design of Taxicabs in NigeriaAbstract: The ergonomic implications of vehicles used in public transportation is no longer a trivial factor in the choice of mobility particularly in the face of large variety of brands and models of vehicles rolled into the market by various manufacturers in the automobile industry. The variations in the design of in-vehicle interface and other components of taxicabs found on the streets in Nigeria form the focus of this investigation. The principle behind Participatory intervention approach was adopted in capturing the opinion of a sample of 1046 taxicab drivers on selected in-vehicle elements. The study revealed the chaotic state of public transport operating in Nigeria. Users friendliness of the fleets of disused cabs is generally unsatisfactory. Policy framework and conduct of comprehensive ergonomic survey of Nigerian adult was a suggested solutions to the continue health hazard imposed by the unfit vehicle imported into the country.Key words: Ergonomics, Risk Factors, models, in-vehicle elements, Driver‟s interface. Reference [1] Pope, M., Magnusson, M., Lundstrom, R., Hulshof, C., Verbeek, J., Bovenzi, M.,. Guidelines for Whole-body Vibration Health Surveillance. Journal of Sound Vibration. 253, 2002,131–167. [2] Brinchmann, P., Johannleweling , N., Kilweg, D. and Biggemann, M.. Fatigue Fracture of Human Lumber Vertebrae. Clinical Biomechanics, 34, 1987 909-918. [3] Leboenf-Yde, C., Lauritzen, J. M., Lauritzen, T.,. Why has the Search for Causes of Low back pain largely been Non-conclusive? Spine 22, 1997, 877–881. [4] Okuribido, O. O., Shimble, S. J., Magnusson, M. and Pope, M., , City Bus driving and low back pain: A study of the exposures to posture demands manual materials handling and whole body vibration. Applied Ergonomics, 38(1), 2007, 29-38. [5] Biering-Sorensen, F., Physical Measurement as a Risk Indicator for Low-back Trouble over One Year Period. Spine. 9(2), 1984, 106-119. Lucas E. B. and Onawumi, A. S. |
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98. | Comparative Plucking Force Characterisation of Chicken Produced From Two Breeds of Chicken
Comparative Plucking Force Characterisation of Chicken Produced From Two Breeds of ChickenAbstract: The conversion of a live chicken into safe and wholesome meat products suitable for human consumption takes place in a series of processing steps. Few of the processes require force to carry it out successively among which are slaughtering and de-feathering. The latter is the focus in this paper, plucking force of chicken produced from two breeds of chicken. Each sample of the chicken carcass was loaded into the hanger and lowered into the rotary drum for plucking one at a time. The process took an interval of one minute from one temperature to another in order to determine the appropriate plucking force. The results obtained for plucking contour and down feather of local chicken carcass were 11.26N and 2.44N respectively at 85oC for 5 minutes. The corresponding values for the exotic breed carcass in the order listed above are 4.13N and 1.02N respectively at temperature of 70oC for 3 minutes. The results obtained showed that the two samples of chicken examined would meet-up with daily demand in relation to production rate domestically.Key words: Chicken, Contour, De-feathering, Down, Plucking-force. Reference [1] S.O. Adetola, Development and evaluation of a poultry de-feathering machine, master diss., Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Nigeria, 2009. [2] S. Barbut, Estimating the magnitude of the PSE problem in poultry. J. Muscle Food (9), 1998, 35. [3] S. Barbut, Poultry processing system, (Boca Raton FL: CRC Press, 2002) 81-107. [4] OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration). Guidelines for poultry processing; ergonomics for the prevention of muscloskeletal disorders (Washington, D.C., 2004). [5] R. Capital, C.A. Calleja, M. Pietro, M. Fernandez, C.G. Del, and B. Moreno, Incidence and pathogenicity of Yersinia Spp. isolates from poultry in Spain, Food Microbial, (19), 2002. 295-301. E.B. Lucas, S.O. Adetola |
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99. | Study of the Impact Response of Glass Fiber Reinforced Aluminium Laminates for Conical and Blunt Nose Projectiles
Study of the Impact Response of Glass Fiber Reinforced Aluminium Laminates for Conical and Blunt Nose ProjectilesAbstract: It is known that fiber metal laminates (FML) as one of hybrid materials with thin metal sheets and fiber/epoxy layers have the characteristics of the excellent damage tolerance, fatigue and impact properties with a relatively low density. Therefore, the mechanical components using FML can contribute the enhanced safety level of the sound construction toward the whole body. In the present study, the impact performance of glass fibers reinforced aluminum laminates (GFRAL) is investigated by experiments and numerical simulations. Impact tests are carried out with the blunt and conical nose projectiles of mass 29 g within sub ordnance velocity range (50-150 m/s). Two different thicknesses viz. 2.6 mm and 3.1 mm are impacted. Dynamic non-linear transient analyses are also accomplished using finite element analysis software, ABAQUS.Key words: Impact Performance, Fiber Metal Laminates (FML), Glass Fiber Reinforced Aluminium Laminates (GFRAL), Sub Ordnance Range, Numerical Simulation. Reference [1] C. Soutis, Fiber reinforced composites in aircraft constructions. Prog Aerosp Sci, 41, 2005, 141- 151. [2] S. Abrate, Impact on laminated composites, recent advances in materials, Appl Mech Rev, 47(11),1994, 517-543. [3] XL. Gao, JQ. Zheng, NV. David, Ballistic resistance body armour : contemporary and prospective materials and related protection mechanism. Apple Mech Rev, 2009, 62.05802 – 1- 05082-20. [4] BA. Cheesman, TA Bogetti, Ballistic impact into fabric and compliant composite laminates, Compos Struct, 61, 2003, 16 –73. [5] PM Cuniff, An analysis of the system effects in woven fabrics under ballistic impact. Text Res J, 69 (9), 1992, 495-509. [6] JK. Kim, ML. Sham, Impact and delamination failure of woven fabric composites., Compos Sci Techl, 60 (5), 2000, 745-61. Tanzeem ul Hasan, Raisuddin Ansari |
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100. | Conductivity studies in some CaO and ZnO doped vanadophosphate glasses
Conductivity studies in some CaO and ZnO doped vanadophosphate glassesAbstract: Two different series of CaO and ZnO doped vanadophosphate glasses have been prepared by melt quench method. The dc electrical conductivity has been measured in the temperature range from 300K to 650K. High temperature activation energies were determined using Mott's SPH. The variation of conductivity and high temperature activation energy with composition revealed the possibility of ionic contribution to the conductivity and a transition from predominantly polaronic conductive regime to ionic conductive regime around 12-mol % of ZnO in ZnO doped glasses and around 14-mol % of CaO in CaO doped glasses. The low temperature data has been subjected to Mott's VRH theory and the density of states at Fermi level, N(EF) was estimated in both the series of glasses.Key words: glasses, alkaline earth element, conductivity, small polaron hopping, variable range hopping. Reference [1] M.M.El-Deskoky and M.Y. Hassaan, Phys. Chem.Glasses. 43 1 (2002) 1. [2] A.Mogus-Milankovic, D.E.Day and B.Santic, Phys. Chem. Glasses. 40 2 (1999) 69. [3] I.A.Gohar, Y.M.Moustafa, A.A.Megahed and E.Mansour, Phys.Chem. Glasses, 39 1 (1998) 56. [4] R.V.Anavekar, N. Devaraj and J.Ramakrishna, Phys. Chem. Glasses. 32 3 (1991) 103. [5] N.F. Mott, Adv. Phys. 16 (1967) 49. [6] Wancheng Zhou, Hongsheng Zhao and Dongmei Zhu, J. Non Cryst. Solids. 263 & 264 (2000) 277. T.Sujatha, Satish Kumar, T.Sankarappa, G.B. Devidas, S.M.Hanagodimath |
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101. | Review on Area Efficient CORDIC Algorithm and Reduction in Scale Factor
Review on Area Efficient CORDIC Algorithm and Reduction in Scale FactorAbstract: Supriya Aggarwal, Pramod K. Meher, and Kavita Khare proposed an area-time efficient CORDIC algorithm that completely eliminates the scale-factor by microrotation selection which is done by the most significant one detector in the micro rotation sequence generation circuit. Proper order of approximation of Taylor series is selected to meet the accuracy requirement, and the desired range of convergence is achieved. [1]. Francisco J. Jaime et al. proposed a new CORDIC algorithm, they show an enhanced version of the scaling-free CORDIC algorithm. Booth recoding algorithm is used to eliminate scaling and domain folding is avoided which reduces scaling to minimum but not eliminate it[2]. Leena Vachhani et al. proposed two areaefficient algorithms and their architectures based on CORDIC. BothKey words: MCoordinate rotation digital computer(CORDIC), rotation mode, scale factor, slice delay product, vectoring mode. Reference [1] S. Aggarwal, P. K. Meher, K. Khare, "Area Time Efficient scaling free CORDIC using generalized microrotation selection," IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) System, vol. 20, no.8, pp 1542-1548, Aug. 2012. [2] F. J. Jaime, M. A. Sanchez, J. Hormigo, J. Villalba, and E. L. Zapata, "Enhanced scaling-free CORDIC," IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I, Reg. Papers, vol. 57, no. 7, pp. 1654–1662, Jul. 2010. [3] L. Vachhani, K. Sridharan, and P. K. Meher, "Efficient CORDIC algorithms and architectures for low area and high throughput implementation," IEEE Trans. Circuit Syst. II, Exp. Briefs, vol. 56, no. 1, pp. 61–65, Jan. 2009. [4] K. Maharatna, S. Banerjee, E. Grass, M. Krstic, and A. Troya, "Modified virtually scaling- adaptive CORDIC rotator algorithm and architecture," IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol., vol. 11, no. 11, pp. 1463–1474, Nov. 2005. [5] J. E. Volder, "The CORDIC trigonometric computing technique," IRE Trans. Electron. Comput . , vol. EC-8, pp. 330– 334, Sep. 1959. Subit Abraham, Puran Gour |
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102. | Obtaining and Study of the Properties of the Single-Phase Boride Layer on Different Steels
Obtaining and Study of the Properties of the Single-Phase Boride Layer on Different SteelsAbstract: The process for obtaining saturated mediums with powder of the boron oxide basis, of amorphous boron and boron carbide, witch is show, likely, to guarantee the formation of single-phase boride layer in the temperature range (700–1100) °C was proposed. The formation of layer was studied on samples of carbon steels, alloyed steel and of iron Armco. The results obtained showed that the chemical composition of phases in the developed layers is determined by the nature the saturated medium and not by the intensive concentration of boron in the medium. For the same conditions of saturation it is observed that the thickness of the layer increases with the reduction of the carbon content of steel. The mechanical characteristics, the corrosion resistance and the qualitative characteristics of the texture of the single-phase layer were also studied.Key words: Thickness of boride layer, micro hardness, brittleness, pole density, powder, saturating medium, scattering angle, single-phase layer, texture perfection. Reference [1] VOROCHNINE (L.G.),– La boruration des aciers et des fontes Minsk, ed. Académie des Sciences (1981), 204 Pages [2] SCHIBAKOV B. G..– La boruration des pièces de machines et d'outillage des mélanges de poudres métalliques – Technologies de renforcement des propriétés et revêtements N° 11 (2005) p 25 – 27 [3] Evaluation of borides formed on AISI P20 steel. Uslu I., Comert H., Ipek M., Ozderimir O., Bindal C. // Mater. and Des. 2007. 28, №1, р.55-61. [4] Boriding kinetics of H13 steel. Genel K. Vacuum. 2006. 80, №5, с. 451-457. [5] KOUCHAREV (B.S.). – Mecanics of boride layer forming on iron. Surface engineering, n°1 (1998), p 42-47. [6] Genel K., Ozbek I., Bindal C, Kinetcs of boriding of AISI W1 steel. - Mater. Sci. and Eng. A. 2003 347, № 1-2, с. 311-314. Youssouph Mandiang, Lioudmila Fadeievna Pavlovskaya, Irina Anatolievna Basalai, Natalia Gueorguievna Koukhareva |
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103. | Performance Analysis of a Pulsejet Engine
Performance Analysis of a Pulsejet EngineAbstract: This paper investigates the performance of U-type pulsejet engine whose overall length is approximately 160 cm. Gas dynamics, acoustics and chemical kinetics were modeled to gain an understanding of various physical phenomena affecting pulsejet operation, scalability, and efficiency. The pulsejet was run in valveless mode on LPG fuel. Pressure, temperature, thrust, specific impulse, and concentrations of CO, NO and HC at exit of pulse jet engine were measured. Thrust is found to increase with increasing 𝒎𝒇 . Concentrations of CO, NO and HC at exit of pulse jet engine were increasing with increasing value of equivalence ratio.Reference [1] A. Majumdar, C. Tien, Microscale Thermophys. Eng. 2 (1998) 67–69. [2] I.A. Waitz, G. Gauba, Y. Tzeng, Fluids Eng. 120 (1998) 109–117. [3] C.M. Spadaccini, A. Mehra, J. Lee, X. Zhang, S. Lukachko, I.A. Waitz, Eng. Gas Turbines Power 125 (2003) 709–719. [4] G.D. Roy, S.M. Frolov, A.A. Borisov, D.W. Netzer, Prog. Energy Combust. Sci. 6 (2004) 545–672. [5] S. Eidelman, W. Grossman, I. Lottati, J. Propulsion Power 7 (6) (1991) 857–865. [6] W. Fan, C. Yan, X. Huang, Q. Zhang, L. Zheng, Combust. Flame 133 (2003) 441450. Shashank Ranjan Chaurasia, Rajesh Gupta And R.M. Sarviya |
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104. | Ubiquitous Embedded Systems Revolution: Applications and Emerging Trends
Ubiquitous Embedded Systems Revolution: Applications and Emerging TrendsAbstract: This paper describes the various technological revolutions and pinpoints the embedded systems revolution as the most recent and quietest of all. Being a revolution within another, it is seen as embedded into digital revolution. Embedded systems came into limelight with the birth of microcontrollers and have invaded and embedded themselves into all fields of our lives and this ubiquity is increasing in our daily lives. Despite this, the level of awareness of embedded system is low, hence this paper is written. During the survey of embedded systems evolution the point that they perform dedicated functions was brought to the fore. Most embedded systems are encapsulated within the main working frame of the device being controlled. The widespread and diverse natures of the system as seen in the numerous applications confirm the revolution of this ubiquitous system.Key words: dedicated function, digital revolution, embedded system, microcontrollers, ubiquitous system Reference [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Industrial_Revolution Industrial revolution, retrieved May 7, 2013. [2] https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/200048.html Electronic revolution and its impact on western culture, retrieved May 7, 2013. [3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_Revolution Digital revolution, retrieved May 7, 2013 [4] C.S. Ang, Embedded system, Proc 2nd African Regional College on Microprocessor-based Real-time Systems in Physics, Dakar, Senegal, 1999, 3-18. [5] http://www.cio.com/article/689563/IDC_Embedded_Systems_Market_to_Double_By_2015, Embedded systems market to double by 2015, retrieved March 20, 2012. P.I. Okwu, I.N. Onyeje |
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105. | Thermal Analysis of Thermal Energy Storage Systemwith Phase Change Material
Thermal Analysis of Thermal Energy Storage Systemwith Phase Change MaterialAbstract: Due to fast depletion of conventional energy sources and ever increasing demand of energy, many researchers started paying attention to renewable energy sources.Thermal Energy Storage (TES) is one of the key technologies for energy conservation and has recently been developed to a point where it can have a significant impact on modern technologies.Key words: Phase change materials, paraffin, Stearic acid, Thermal analysis, TES. Reference [1] Beasley. D.Eand Clark. J.A, Transient response of a packed bed for thermal energy storage,International Journal of Heat& Mass Transfer, 27(9), 1984, 1659-1669. [2] Dincer.I, Dost. S andXianguo. L, Performance analysis of sensible heat storage systems for thermal applications, International Journal of Energy Research, 21, 1997, 1157-1171. [3] Collares-Pereira. M, Gordon. J.M, Rabl. A andZarmi. Y, Design and optimization of solar industrial hot water systems with storage, Solar Energy, 32(1), 1984, 121-133. [4] Sodha. M.S, Sharma. A.K, Sawhney. R.L and Kumar. A, Experimental performance of built-in-storage solar water heating systems in laboratory and field conditions, International Journal of Energy Research, 21, 1997, 275-287. [5] Reddy. K.S, Avanti. P andKaushika. N.D, Finite time thermal analysis of ground integrated-collector-storage solar water heater with transparent insulation cover, International Journal of Energy Research, 23, 1999, 925-940. [6] Saitoh. T and Hirose. K, High performance phase-change thermal energy storage using spherical capsules, Chemical Engineering Communication, 41, 1986, 39-58. C. Uma Maheswari, R. Meenakshi Reddy |
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106. | Improvement of Voltage Profile through the Distributed Generation in Power System Network
Improvement of Voltage Profile through the Distributed Generation in Power System NetworkAbstract: The impending deregulated environment faced by the electric utilities in the twenty first century is both a challenge and an opportunity for a variety of technologies. The need to provide acceptable power quality and reliability will create a very favorable climate for the entry of distributed resources and innovative operating practices. Of all the different parts of an electric power system, customers identify closely with the distribution subsystem due to its proximity and visibility on a daily basis. Several recent developments have encouraged the entry of power generation and energy storage at the distribution level. A distributed utility will use both distributed resources and load management to achieve its goal. In addition, several compact distributed generation technologies are fast becoming economically viable.Reference [1] Ajay P., Vimal R. D., Senthil, Kumar S., Raja J. (2009), ―Optimization of Distributed Generation Capacity for Line Loss Reduction and Voltage Profile Improvement using PSO. Vol 10, No. 2, 41-48. [2] Banks Great (2001),‖ optimal location for placing DG in radial system and optimal value of the DG‖ Vol.11,No-1,15-19. [3] Baran M.E., Gonen, T. and F.F. Wu, (1995),"Network Reconfiguration in Distribution Systems for Loss Reduction and Load Balancing", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery; Vol. 4, No. 2, 1401 – 1407. [4] Celli (2003),‖ Distribution system reconfiguration for loss reduction: An algorithm based on network partitioning theory‖ Vol.10, No-1,25-30 [5] Chakravorty M. and Das D. (2001), "Voltage Stability Analysis of Radial Distribution Networks", International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Vol.23, No. 2, 129-135. Ramandeep Kamboj, Gagandeep Kaur |
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107. | Dynamic & Static Analyses of Model of Engine Crankshaft
Dynamic & Static Analyses of Model of Engine CrankshaftAbstract: This study investigates dynamic & static behaviour of automotive engine crankshaft with the specific conditions. This work investigates the coupled modes, including, couple torsional flexural vibration and coupled longitudinal flexural vibration for non rotating engine crankshaft. The finite element models of this generally used are in two categories beam elements and solid elements and in this study the solid element category is being used. By using this model the natural frequencies and mode shapes of the engine crankshafts are determined by the FEM. by applying the specific load, the stress analysis of engine crankshaft is carried out by Finite element method. This study is useful to predict the safe values of dynamic as well as static behaviour of engine crankshaft.Key words: finite element model, natural frequency, mode shapes, modal analysis, stress analysis Reference [1] R. RUHL and J. F. BOOKER 0861 ASME Journal of Engineering for Industry 94, 128- 132. A finite element model for distributed parameter turbo-rotor systems. [2] H. D. NELSON and J. M.MCVAUGH 0865 ASME Journal of Engineering for Industry 98, 593-600.The dynamics of rotor-bearing systems using finite elements. [3] E. S. ZORZI and H. D. NELSON 0866 ASME Journal of Engineering for Power 99, 71-76. Finite element simulation of rotor-bearing systems with internal damping. [4] D. L. THOMAS, J. M. WILSON and R. R. WILSON 0862 Journal of Sound and Vibration 31, 315-330. Timoshenko beam finite elements. [5] N. H. O- ZGU- VEN and L. Z. O- ZKAN 0873 ASME Journal of Vibration, Acoustics, Stress, and Reliability in Design 106, 72-79. Whirl speeds and unbalance response of multi-bearing rotors using finite elements. R. B. Sharma & Vikas Sharma |
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108. | Harmonic Analysis Of Engine Crankshaft As A Fixed Beam
Harmonic Analysis Of Engine Crankshaft As A Fixed BeamAbstract: This study examines the behaviour of the crankshaft under the complex load functions i.e., the real and the imaginary loads of a force vector. Crankshaft being a very crucial part of the engine for providing the adequate brake power by sustaining all the pressure and various loads of the product of combustion. Here in this paper, the harmonic behaviour of the single cylinder SI engine crankshaft is investigated under the dynamic force of piston transferred to crankshaft through connecting rod and gudgeon pin. The results has been shown in the term of graphs between the amplitude and the frequency of the various quantities like displacement and stress levels using finite element method in ANSYS WB platform.Key words: complex load functions, harmonic behaviour, dynamic loads, amplitude, frequency, finite element method. Reference [1] Yifei, Y. and Bing, S.; Modal and Harmonic Analysis of Crankshaft for High-Power Drilling Pump; MAXWELL Science Publications; 2013, Vol. 5, Issue: 01. [2] Johnston, P. and Shusto, L., "Analysis of Diesel Engine Crankshaft Torsional Vibrations," SAE Technical Paper 872540, 1987. [3] Prakash, V., Aprameyan, K., and Shrinivasa, U., "An FEM Based Approach to Crankshaft Dynamics and Life Estimation," SAE Technical Paper 980565, 1998. [4] http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Mechanical_Vibration [5] Jacob Pieter Den Hartog, " Mec an cal V bra n", Fourth Edition, Courier Dover Publications, 1956 R. B. Sharma, Vikas Sharma & Yogendra S. Rajput |
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109. | Development of Equations for Estimating Energy Requirements in Processing Local Alcoholic Beverage (Burukutu) In Nigeria
Development of Equations for Estimating Energy Requirements in Processing Local Alcoholic Beverage (Burukutu) In NigeriaAbstract: Determination of the energy consumption in the processing of local alcoholic beverage, burukutu in selected commercially viable six (6) local government areas in Benue state of Nigeria was conducted. Eighteen cases were randomly investigated within these locations. Mathematical expression was developed to evaluate the energy requirement for each of the seven (7) readily defined unit operations, namely steeping (St), grinding (Gr), washing (W), mashing (M), filtering (Fl), boiling (B) and re-filtering (Re-Fl). The equations were exploited to compute energy expenditure in the production using measured input data. Empirical equation was developed for each unit operation to relate energy requirement to red sorghum input in kg. The application test of the equations indicated that about 3122.90MJ was averagely needed to process about 150 kg of red sorghum in each location while energy requirement for each unit operation in each location was also estimated. Results showed no significant difference at 95% confidence level of the energy requirements for the 18 cases studied with respect to the identified unit process of production.Key words: Beverage, burukutu, development, energy equation, requirement, empirical. Reference [1] Ettasoe, C. Sorghum and Pearl Millet: in Leaky C. L. and Wills J.B. ed(s). Food Crops of lower Tropics. Oxford University Press, Great Britain, 1972,. pp. 191-192. [2] Asiedu, J. J. Processing Tropical Crops. A Technological Approach, Macmillan Education Ltd, 1989, pp.189-222. [3] Alimba, J. O. and Mgbada, J. U. Socio-economic consequences of technological change on the rural non-farm Igbo Women entrepreneurs of Southern Nigeria: Implications for farm and non-farm linkages. African Technology Policy Studies Network Working Paper Series No. 40. ATPS Communication Department, 2003, p. 52. [4] Jideani, I.A., Takeda, Y. and Hizukuri, S. (1996). Structures and physico- chemical properties of starches from Acha (Digitaria exillis), Iburu (D. iburua) and Tamba (Eleusine coracana). Cereal Chem. 1996, 73: 677-685. [5] Togo, C. A., Feresu, S.B. and Mutukumira, A.N. (2002). Identification of Lactic Acid Bacteria from opaque beer for potential use as a starter culture. J. of Food Technol. 7:93-2002, 97. Ibrahim, J. Sunday, Ierve, I.Aondover |
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110. | High Frequency 32/33 Prescalers Using 2/3 Prescaler Technique
High Frequency 32/33 Prescalers Using 2/3 Prescaler TechniqueAbstract: Frequency synthesizer is one of the important element for wireless communication application. The speed of VCO and prescaler determines how fast the frequency synthesizer is. A dual modulus prescaler contains logic gates and flip-flops. To fulfill the need of high frequency and low voltage circuit suitable flip-flops must be selected. Four different classes of flip-flops like master-slave, pulse-triggered, differential and dual-edge triggered (DET) are analyzed. Higher clock load in pulse-triggered FF and switching on both side of clock cycle in DET made them unusable in practical design for prescaler circuits. Due to this reason dual-edge triggered and pulse-triggered flip-flops are not taken for the comparison. Divide-by-2/3 prescaler is implemented by TSPC, ETSPC master-slave and differential type of flip-flops. Different 32/33 prescalers are implemented by choosing various combinations of 2/3 prescaler and flip-flops. Prescalers using different FFs are compared in terms of operating frequency, power, delay and power-delay-product. The operations of prescalers are ensured in cadence virtuoso simulator under 180nm technology.Key words: D flip-flop (DFF), extended TSPC (ETSPC), frequency divider, operating frequency, power-delay-product (PDP), prescaler, stacked structure. Reference [1] B. Chang, J. Park, and W. Kim, "A 1.2 GHz CMOS dual-modulus prescaler using new dynamic D-type flip-flops," IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 31, no. 5, pp. 749–752, May 1996. [2] N. Nedovic and V. Oklobdzija, "Dual-edge triggered storage elements and clocking strategy for low-power systems," IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integr. (VLSI) Syst., vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 577-590, May 2005. [3] M. Alioto, E. Consoli, and G. Palumbo, "Flip-flop energy/performance versus clock slope and impact on the clock network design," IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I, vol. 57, no. 6, pp. 1273-1286, June 2010. [4] N. Gonclaves and H. J. De Man, "NORA: A racefree dynamic technique for pipelined logic structures," IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. SC-18, pp.261-266, June 1983. [5] R. H. Krambeck, C. M. Lee, and H.-F.S. Law, "High-speed compact circuits with CMOS," IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. SC-17, pp. 614–619, June 1982. Don P John |
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111. | A Lower Power, Low Complexity And Memory Free Implementation Of Novel Recursive DFT And IDFT Algorithms
A Lower Power, Low Complexity And Memory Free Implementation Of Novel Recursive DFT And IDFT AlgorithmsAbstract: A Recursive Discrete Fourier Transforms (RDFT) design is proposed in this project. The proposed algorithm reduces the number of multiplications and additions considerably in comparison with the existing techniques. Proposed algorithm reduces multiplication by 74% and additions by 73% compared to the latest RDFT algorithms. By this a considerable power saving is achieved. Also this design can shorten the computation time. In addition the proposed algorithm doesn't use big memories, Proposed design requires only 2 multipliers and 12 adders hence it is memory free. The architecture will be developed low-computational, complexity and low-cost keeping DTMF requirements in consideration. The proposed algorithm will be implemented through VHDL after verifying the simulation results the code will be synthesized on Xilinx FPGA. For computing the 212 and 106 point DFT coefficients, the proposed algorithm can reduces computing cycles by 47% compared to latest architectures.Key words: Dual-Tone Multi frequency (DTMF), Discrete Fourier transform (DFT), Recursive Discrete Fourier transform (RDFT), Recursive filters. Reference [1] shin-chi lai, student member, ieee, sheau-fang lei, wen-ho juang, student member, ieee, and ching-hsing luo, senior member, ieee" a low-cost, low-complexity, and memory-freearchitecture of novel recursive dft and idft algorithms for dtmf application" ieee transactions on circuits and systems—ii: express briefs, vol. 57, no. 9, september 2010 711 [2] m. d. Felder, j. c. Mason, and b. l. Evans, "Efficient dual-tone multi-frequency detection using the non-uniform discrete Fourier transform," IEEE Signal Process. Lett., vol. 5, no. 7, pp. 160–163, Jul. 1998. [3] Texas Instruments Technical White Paper, Carrier Class, High Density VoP White Paper, Jan. 2001, [Online]. Available: http://focus.ti.com/ lit/wp/spey005/spey005.pdf [4] g. Goertzel, "An algorithm for the evaluation of finite trigonometric series," Amer. Math. Monthly, vol. 65, no. 1, pp. 34–35, Jan. 1958. [5] itu Blue Book, Recommendation q. 24: Multi-Frequency Push-Bottom Signal Reception, Geneva, Switzerland1989. Afroz Ali Shaik , U Yedukondalu |
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112. | Transient Analysis of Wind Based-DFIG
Transient Analysis of Wind Based-DFIGAbstract: Demand for wind power has increased considerably due to technological advances and favorable government policies. As a result, large wind farms with multi-megawatt capacity are connected to sub-transmission and transmission systems. With high penetrations of wind energy, performance of the overall system is affected by the technical impacts introduced by wind turbine generators (WTG). Fault current contributions from WTGs will have a significant impact on the protection and control of the wind farm as well as the interconnected system. This paper initially describes the modeling aspects of Doubly- Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) during steady state and faulty conditions. Vector decoupling control strategy has been adopted to establish the mathematical model of DFIG based wind generator. Further, a 9 MW wind farm with 6 units of 1.5 MW DFIG is modeled in Matlab/Simulink and, voltage and current waveforms are presented and discussed for 3- phase fault, phase to phase fault and phase to ground fault created at the generator terminal and close to MV bus.Key words: Decoupled control, doubly-fed induction generator, dynamic performance, mathematical modeling, wind power.br /> Reference [1] G.H. Li, B.H. Zhang, Z.G. Hao, J. Wang and Z.Q. Bo, David Writer, Tony Yip, ― Modelling of DFIG based wind generator and transient characteristics analysis, Proceedings of EEEIC,2011, pages 1-4 [2] W. Leonhard, Control of Electrical Drives, Springer- Verlag, Berlin, 1990. [3] Alvaro Luna, Francisco Kleber de Araujo Lima, David Santos, Pedro Rodríguez, Edson H. Watanabe, and Santiago Arnaltes : Simplified Modeling of a DFIG for Transient Studies in Wind Power Applications. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, VOL. 58, NO. 1, JANUARY 2011 [4] Erlich, H. Wrede and C. Feltes : Dynamic Behavior of DFIG-Based Wind Turbines during Grid Faults, 1-4244-0844- X/07/$20.00 ©2007 IEEE pages 1195 to 1200 [5] Perdana, O. Carlson, and J. Persson : Dynamic Response of Grid-Connected Wind Turbine with Doubly Fed Induction Generator during disturbances, NORDIC WORKSHOP ON POWER AND INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS. TRONDHEIM – 2004. [6] P. Kundur, Power System Stability and Control, McGraw- Hill, 1994. Anand. V. Satpute, Subroto Dutt |
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113. | Temperature Control System Using Artificial Neural Network
Temperature Control System Using Artificial Neural NetworkAbstract: Artificial Intelligence (ANN) based controller for temperature control of a water bath system. The generation of membership function is a changeling problem for fuzzy systems and the rejoinder of fuzzy systems depends mainly on the membership functions. Artificial Neural Network based input and output used to tune the membership functions in fuzzy system. Two input and single output artificial intelligence is designed to control the temperature system .Further the tuning of controller parameters is difficult in PID because the overshoot and also time constant is large. Fuzzy controller does not require a priori model of process for implementation but the membership values are found by trial and error. A five layer neural network is used to adjust input and output parameters of membership function in a fuzzy logic controller. The hybrid learning algorithm is used for training this network .When compared with other controllers (PID and fuzzy controller), neural network shows a better performance achieved with its tuning. Finally, validity of this approach can be illustrated by practical implementation using LabVIEW.Key words: PID Controller, Fuzzy controller, Neural Network Controller, temperature control, hybrid learning. Reference [1] Ajay B. Patil (2008), "Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Controller for Process Control System", IEEE Region 10 Colloquium and the Third International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems, December 8 -10. [2] Jafar Tavoosi, Majid Alaei, Behrouz Jahani, "Temperature Control of Water Bath by using Neuro- Fuzzy Controller", 5thSASTech 2011, Khavaran Higher-education Institute, Mashhad, Iran. May 12-14. [3] Jafar Tavoosi, Majid Alaei, BehrouzJahani, Mohammad Amin Daneshwar, "A Novel Intelligent Control System Design for Water Bath Temperature Control", Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 5(12): 1879-1885, 2011ISSN 1991-8178. [4] Jyh-shigh Roger Jang (1993) "Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference system", IEEE Transactions on system Man and vol 3, No.3 May /June. [5] Marzuki Khalid and sigeru omatu, "A Neural Network Controller for a Temperature Control System", IEEE Control System, 0272-1708/92/$03.001992IEEE,June 1992. [6] Melba Mary.P, Marimuthu N.S Albert Singh. N, "Design of Intelligent Self-Tuning Temperature Controller for Water Bath Process", International Journal of Imaging Science and Engineering (IJISE), ISSN:1934-9955, VOL.1, NO.4, October 2007. C Ranjit Kumar, A Harsha Vardhan, A Sai Bharadwaj |
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114. | Shortest Time Limited Transportation Problem Based On Software
Shortest Time Limited Transportation Problem Based On SoftwareAbstract: The shortest time limited transportation problem and its extension case are studied in this paper. By introducing the 0-1 variables, the shortest time limited transportation problem can be formulated into a linear programming model while its extension case can be formulated into an on linear programming model. The programs for solving both models based on Lingo software are compiled. The models and algorithms are tested by two examples. The results show that the solving method base on software is both effect and exact, so it is an efficient method for solving large size of real problems.Key words: Model and algorithm, linear programming; the shortest time limited; transportation problem; Lingo software Reference [1] Li Zhenping, Transportation Problem to the Shorte Time Limit and It's Algorithm, Operations Research and Management Science, 8(4):31-36,1999. [2] Li Zhenping, The transportation problem of the shortest time limit and its algorithm, Chinese Journal of Management Science, 9(1):50-56, 2001. [3] Cheng Hua, Song Zhihuan, An algorithm of transportation problems with time constraints, Operations Research and Management Science, 12(6):67-70,2003. 420 The 9th International Symposium on Operations Research and Its Applications [4] Xie Youcai, A network algorithm of the transportation problem of the shortest time limit and its additional information, Operations Research and Management Science, 12(6):62-22,2003. [5] Peng Zhen, Ling Yu, A network algorithm of the transportation problem of the shortest time limit and its additional information, Journal of Tianzhong, 22(2):36-37,2007. Dr.V.Vinoba, Mrs.M.Kavitha, Mr.A.Manickam |
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115. | Advanced Maximal Similarity Based Region Merging By User Interactions
Advanced Maximal Similarity Based Region Merging By User InteractionsAbstract: Image segmentation is a popular method for dividing the image into various segments so as to change the representation of an image into something that is more meaningful and easier to analyze[12]. This paper presents a new region merging based interactive image segmentation method. A novel maximal-similarity based region merging mechanism is proposed to guide the merging process with the help of markers in which the user only need to mark the object desired to be extracted. The sample image taken for analysis is initially segmented using multi level thresholding technique[1]. This technique is used as it provides very good segmentation results than any other method. The regions are merged based on the similarity criteria depending upon comparing the mean values of both the regions to be merged.Key words: Image Segmentation, MSRM, Multi level Thresholding, Euclidean distance. Reference [1] [1] Jifeng Ning, LeiZhang, DavidZhang, ChengkeWu "Interactive image segmentation by maximal similarity based region merging" Elsevier, Pattern Recognition 43 (2010) 445 – 456. [2] Pedro F. Felzenszwalb, Daniel P. Huttenlocher "Efficient Graph Based Image Segmentation" [3] Toru Tamaki, Tsuyoshi Yamamura and Noboru Ohnishi "Image segmentation and object extraction based on geometric features of regions" SPIE Vol.3653, Part Two, 937-945. [4] Jun Tang, "A color image segmentation algorithm based on region growing," Computer Engineering and Technology (ICCET), 2010 2nd International Conference on, vol.6, no., pp.V6-634, V6-637, 2010. [5] Dewen Zhuang; Shoujue Wang, "Content-Based Image Retrieval Based on Integrating Region Segmentation and Relevance Feedback" Multimedia Technology (ICMT), 1,3,29-31,Oct2010. Nehaverma, Deepak Sharma |
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116. | Interfacing CAN Bus With PIC32 Microcontroller For Embedded Networking
Interfacing CAN Bus With PIC32 Microcontroller For Embedded NetworkingAbstract: In this paper, the design of Controller Area Network (CAN) bus interfacing with PIC32MX795F512L is presented. This paper also gives an overview of Controller Area Network bus, describing its data format, signaling format and some other aspects. Controller Area Network is a multi-master, message broadcast system that can operate at maximum signaling rate of 1 Mbps (Megabits per second). CAN bus is a two wire bus used for serial communication. The various advantages of CAN bus are discussed over other serial buses like MOD bus. The various designing components used in interfacing CAN bus with PIC32 bit micro-controller is described with the final design schematic of CAN bus with PIC32MX795F512L.Key words: Controller Area Network, Microcontroller, Orcad, PIC32MX795F512L Reference [1] Zeng Xiaohua, Wang Qingnian, Song dafeng,"Application of CAN Bus to HEV based on MPC5xx Microcontroller", (2006), IEEE. [2] Ping Ran, Baoqiang Wang, Wei Wang, "The design of Communication converter based on CAN Bus," (2008), IEEE. [3] Xiao-feng WAN,Yi-si XING, Li-xiang CAI, Ahmad Mahin Fallah,"Application and Implementation of CAN Bus Technology in Industry Real-Time Data Communication", International Conference on Industrial Mechatronics and Automation, IEEE (ICIMA 2009). [4] Zhifu Zhu, Xibin Feng, "Research on Network for Embedded Numerical Control System Based on CAN Bus", Third International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing, 2009 IEEE International Conference, pg. 315-318. [5] Wu Xi-huang, Sun Hai-ping, Chen Li-na, "The Application Research of CAN bus in the City-Bus Control System", 2010 IEEE Conference. Umesh Goyal, Dr. Neelam Rup Prakash |
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117. | Challenges to Open Access in Teaching at University of Dar Es Salaam (UDSM)
Challenges to Open Access in Teaching at University of Dar Es Salaam (UDSM)Abstract: This paper offers a perspective on some of the challenges experienced with respect to taking advantage of open access materials in Higher Education in developing countries with particular reference to University of Dar Es Salaam (UDSM). It is evident that the widespread awareness and understanding of open access concepts should lead to higher utilization of these academic resources and may lead to an increase of the quality of publication, research and the quality of teaching and learning. To this end, some countries have opted to adopt open access policies. However, the challenges between countries might differ based on several factors some of which are: the differences between the education systems as well as diversity in sources of funding support, with less direct involvement by national government. The author suggests that much more experimentation with business models, educational systems, is needed before we can well understand the sustainability of open access, the models that can effectively support it, and to what extent.Key words: open access, policy, education, models Reference [1] Suber, P (2006) "Open Access Overview: Focusing on Open Access to Peer-Reviewed research Articles and their pre-prints" http://www.earlham.edu/~peters/fos/overview.html accessed April 2012. [2] Berlin 3 Open Access: Progress in Implementing Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities," . http://www.eprints.org/events/berlin3/. accessed on April 2013. [3] Official Telnet website http://:www.ternet.or.tz/ background Accessed April 2013. [4] Online Portal for Advanced Learning (OPAL) (2011). "Beyond OER: Shifting Focus to Open Educational Practices." The Open Educational Quality Initiative. [Online] http://oer-quality.org/also available on http://duepublico.uni-duisburg-essen.de/servlets/DerivateServlet/Derivate-25907/OPALReport2011-Beyond-OER.pdf, Accessed on May 2013 [5] DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals, 2007, http://www.doaj.com/, Accessed April 2013 Hashim M. Twaakyondo |
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118. | Design & Simulation of Ring Shape Wide Band Antenna Using DGS for Wireless Application
Design & Simulation of Ring Shape Wide Band Antenna Using DGS for Wireless ApplicationAbstract: The design of a low-cost wideband microstrip antenna for wireless communication is shown in this paper. The antenna, which is microstrip-line fed, has a partial ground plane flushed with the feed line. The substrate is based on an inexpensive FR4 material. It has a rectangular split-ring slot enclosed inside a rectangular patch. The inclusion of the split-ring slot and the U-shaped slot in the partial ground plane gives resonance at multiple frequencies.Reference [1] Du, Y. and A. Zhao, "An internal quad-band antenna for oval-shaped mobile phones," IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag. Lett., Vol. 9, 830-833, 2010. [2] Liu, C.-L., Y.-F. Lin, C.-M. Liang, S.-C. Pan, and H.-M. Chen, "Miniature internal pentaband monopole antenna for mobile phones," IEEE Antennas Propag. Mag., Vol. 58, No. 3, 1008-1011, 2010. [3] Al-Husseini, M., Y. Tawk, A. El-Hajj, and K. Y. Kabalan, "A low-cost microstrip antenna for 3G/WLAN/WiMAX and UWB applications," Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Computational Tools for Engineering Applications, 68-70, Zouk Mosbeh, Lebanon, July 2009. [4] Al-Husseini, M., A. Ramadan, A. El-Hajj, and K. Y. Kabalan, "A reconfigurable antenna based on an ultrawideband to narrowband transformation," PIERS Proceedings, Moscow, Russia, August 2012. [5] Thomas, K. G. and M. Sreenivasan, "Compact triple band antenna for WLAN/WiMAX applications," Electron. Lett., Vol. 45, No. 16, 811{813, 2009. Rahul Suvalka, Rajeshwar Lal Dua |
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119. | Optimization of Effective Parameters of Pongamia Pinnata (Karanja) Biodiesel Using Taguchi Method
Optimization of Effective Parameters of Pongamia Pinnata (Karanja) Biodiesel Using Taguchi MethodAbstract: Biodiesel is an alternative fuel for diesel engines that is produced by chemically reacting vegetable oil or animal fat with an alcohol such as ethanol or methanol in the presence of catalyst. The growing interest in biodiesel (fatty acid methyl ester or FAME) is because of the similarity of its properties when comparing with diesel fuel. Karanja (Pongamia pinnata), which is one of the source of biodiesel, widely spread all over tropical Asia, Australia, India and locally distributed throughout the state of Maharashtra( India) along the bank of rivers, very common near sea coast in tidal and beach forests in Konkan, along Deccan rivers.Key words: ANOVA, Basic catalyst, Biodiesel, FAME, Karanja (Pongamia pinnata), KOME (Karanja oil methyl ester), Taguchi method, Transesterification. Reference [1] S.N. Bobade and V.B.Khyade, Preparation of Methyl Ester (Biodiesel) from Karanja (Pongamia pinnata) Oil, Research Journal of Chemical Sciences, Vol. 2(8), 43-50, August (2012). [2] R. K. Singh, A. Kiran Kumar and S. Sethi, Preparation of karanja oil methyl ester, Offshore World, April-May 2006. [3] S.N. Bobade and V.B.Khyade, Detail study on the Properties of Pongamia Pinnata (Karanja) for the Production of Biofuel, Research Journal of Chemical Sciences, Vol. 2(7), 16-20, July (2012). [4] S.Antony Raja, D.S.Robinson smart, and C.Lindon Robert Lee, Research, Biodiesel production from jatropha oil and its characterization, Journal of Chemical Sciences Vol. 1 (1), April (2011). [5] SunTae Kim, Bongbeen Yim, Youngtaek Park, Application of Taguchi Experimental Design for the Optimization of Effective Parameters on the Rapeseed Methyl Ester Production, Environ. Eng. Res. 2010 September, 15(3), 129-134. P. L. Naik , D. C. Katpatal |
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120. | Minutiae Extraction and Pruning Based Fingerprint Identification with Pattern Classification by Radial Basis Function
Minutiae Extraction and Pruning Based Fingerprint Identification with Pattern Classification by Radial Basis FunctionAbstract: Minutiae feature extraction is one of the most popular techniques used for fingerprint identification with great degree of success. This paper focuses on the enhancement in the performance of an Automatic Fingerprint Identification System in terms of FMR (false matching ratio) and FNMR (false non matching ratio). To achieve good results and make the system effective it is important to extract the minutiae features accurately. An algorithm is developed for minutiae extraction from fingerprints with varying quality, preprocessing in the form of filtering, binarization and thinning is first applied on fingerprint images before they are evaluated. Improved fingerprint pattern is generated by developing a feature pruning algorithm and then classification is done by radial basis function network. This developed algorithm is capable of finding the correspondences between input pruned fingerprint pattern and the stored template pattern without resorting to exhaustive search. The result has been analyzed on the basis that whether the system accepting an intruder or rejecting an authentic person.br />Key words: Automatic Fingerprint Identification System, Minutiae feature extraction, Pruning, Radial Basis Function Network. Reference [1] Wannasak Wetcharaporn et al"Enhancement of an automatic fingerprint identification system using GA and GP". [2] Ravi. J, K.B. Raja, Venugopal. K. R, "Fingerprint recognition using minutia score matching" International journal engineering science and technology, vol.1(2), 2009. [3] Seema Rajput, Prof. S.R. Suralkar, "Comparative Study of Image Enhancement Techniques" IJCSMC, vol. 2, Issue.1, January 2013. [4] Siddhartha Bhattacharyya, Ujjwal Maulik, Paramartha Dutta,"A Pruning Algorithm for Efficient Image Segmentation with Neighbourhood Neural Networks" IJCS _35_2_02, 20 May,2008. [5] Yuliang He , Jie Tian , Xiping Luo, Tanghui Zhang "Image enhancement and minutiae matching in fingerprint verification" Elsevier Science, 2002. Nisha Negi, Sunil Semwal |
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121. | Saw Dust Ash as Partial Replacement for Cement in the Production of Sandcrete Hollow Blocks
Saw Dust Ash as Partial Replacement for Cement in the Production of Sandcrete Hollow BlocksAbstract: This study investigates the use of Saw Dust Ash (SDA) as partial replacement for ordinary Portland cement (OPC) in sandcrete blocks. Some units of sandcrete hollow blocks were produced by partially replacing the cement content with 5% to 25% by weight of SDA, using vibrating block moulding machine. Sandcrete blocks without SDA serve as the control. The blocks produced were tested to determine their density, compressive strength and water absorption rate. The results indicated that compressive strength of sandcrete hollow blocks at 28 days are 2.16N/mm2, 1.94N/mm2, 1.64N/mm2, 1.59N/mm2,1.39N/mm2, and 1.25N/mm2 for Control, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25% SDA contents respectively. At 56 days, the compressive strength of blocks with 5% and 10% SDA replacement are 2.33N/mm2 and 2.04N/mm2 respectively, both of which surpassed the required standard of 2.00N/mm2 specified by the National Building Code (2006) for non-load bearing walls. It was concluded that only sandcrete blocks with up to 10% SDA replacement can be used for non-load bearing walls.Reference [1] Adesanya, D.A. and Raheem, A.A. (2009) "A study of the workability and compressive Strength characteristics of corn cob ash blended cement concrete", Construction and building Materials, 23, pp 311- 317. [2] Adesanya, D. A. and Raheem, A. A. (2010) "A study of the permeability and acid attack of corn cob ash blended cements", Construction and Building Materials, 24, pp 403 – 409. [3] Anosike, M.N and Oyebade A.A (2011) "Sandcrete Blocks and Quality Management in Nigeria Building Industry", Journal of Engineering, Project and Production Management, 2(1), pp 37-46 [4] American Society for Testing and Materials (1994) Specification for Coal Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolan for use as a Mineral Admixture in Portland Cement Concrete, ASTM C 618. [5] British Standards Institution (2005) Code of Practice for the use of Masonry, BS 5628: Part 1, British Standards Institution, London. A. A. Raheem and O. K. Sulaiman |
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122. | Comparison of Converter Fed Pmbldc Drive Systems with and Without Snubber
Comparison of Converter Fed Pmbldc Drive Systems with and Without SnubberAbstract: Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motor has become a popular electrical drive because of its advantages such as high efficiency, increased reliability, quick dynamic response and very low maintenance. Due to this competitive edge it has stirred a lot of interest in simulating a PMBLDC Motor and its associated drive system in a comparatively simple manner. This paper elaborates the proposal of developing an inverter fed drive system with and without snubber in the circuit. This said snubber contains a resistor and a capacitor, where in the resistor is parallel connected with a diode. The voltage increases exponentially however the capacitance cannot change instantly therefore the critical rate of the rise in voltage slows down. Since the capacitor stores the required energy the same output is obtained even for reduced input ultimately increasing the motor efficiency.Key words: BLDC, Converters, Snubbers, Matlab / Simulink. Reference [1] AtefSalehOthman and Al-Mashakbeh"Proportional Integral and Derivative Control of Brushless DC Motor",European Journal of Scientific Research, ISSN 1450-216X Vol.35No.2, 2009, PP.198-203. [2] Byoung-KukLee, Member; IEEE, Tae-Hyung Kim, Student Member; IEEE, and Mehrdad Ehsani, Fellow, IEEE, "On the Feasibility of Four-Switch Three Phase BLDC Motor Drives for Low Cost Commercial Applications: Topology and Control" IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol,18.No.1,Jan 2003, pp 428-433. [3] F.L.Luo, and H.Ye "Energy Factor and Mathematical modeling for power dc-dc converters", Proc Inst.Elect.Eng, Vol 152, No 2, Mar.2005, pp. 191-198. [4] J.Michael Jacob, Purdue Univeristy, West Lafayette, Indiana. Power Electronics: Principles and Applications, Fourth Reprint, DELMAR Cengage Learning,NewDelhi, 2009. [5] Jennifer Bauman and Mehrdad Kazerani "A Novel Capacitor-Switched Regenerative Snubber for DC/DC Boost Converters" IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol-58, Issue 2, Jan 2011, pp-514 – 523. [6] Lin Bai, " Electric Drive System with BLDC" IEEE International Conference on Electric Information and Control Engineering (ICEICE), Wuhan , April2011,pp. 359-363. S.Prakash, Dr.R.Dhanasekaran |
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123. | Parametric Optimization of End Milling Of AISI 1018 Mild Steel by Various Lubricants with Solid Carbide End Mills.
Parametric Optimization of End Milling Of AISI 1018 Mild Steel by Various Lubricants with Solid Carbide End Mills.Abstract: This study investigated the optimization of End milling of AISI 1018mild steel by various lubricants using the Grey relational analysis method. Quaker 7101, Blasocut strong 4000 and Velvex have been selected as lubricant. All the experiment are carried out at different cutting parameter (Number of Tool Flutes, Depth of cut, Spindle speed and Feed rate) in various lubricant assisted environment.Twenty Seven experiments runs based on an orthogonal array of Taguchi method were performed. Each nine experiments were carried out in Quaker 7101, Blasocut strong 4000 and Velvex lubricant. Surface roughness, cutting force andpower consumption selected as aresponse variable.An optimal parameter combination of the milling operation was obtained via Grey relational analysis. By analyzing the Grey relational grade matrix, the degree of influence for each controllable process factor onto individual quality targets can be found. The optimal parameter combination is then tested for accuracy of conclusion with a test run using the same parameters.Key words: Optimization, Grey relational analysis, surface roughness, cutting force and power consumption Reference [1] Patel k. p. "Experimental analysis on surface roughness of cnc end milling process using taguchi design method" ISSN: 0975-5462, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST) Vol. 4 No.02 February 2012. [2] Anil Antony Sequeira, Dr. Thirumaleswara Bhatt, Dr. N.S. Sriram. "Modified Approach for Cutting Force Measurement in Face Milling Process" IISTE journals 2222-1727 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2871 (Online) Vol 2, No 3.jan 2011. [3] Khairi Yusuf, Y. Nukman, T. M. Yusof, S. Z. Dawal, H. Qin Yang1, T. M. I. Mahlia and K. F. Tamrin. Effect of cutting parameters on the surface roughness of titanium alloys using end milling process. Scientific Research and Essays, Vol. 5(11), pp. 1284-1293, ISSN 1992-2248, Academic Journals 4 June, 2010. [4] E. Kuram, B. T. Simsek, B. Ozcelik, E. Demirbas, and S. Askin."Optimization of the Cutting Fluids and Parameters Using Taguchi and ANOVA in Milling" Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering Vol II, June 30 - July 2, 2010. [5] Sanjit Moshat, Saurav Datta, Asish Bandyopadhyay and Pradip Kumar Pal. "Parametric optimization of CNC end milling using entropy measurement technique combined with grey-Taguchi method." International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology Vol. 2, No. 2, 2010, pp. 1-12. Chintan. H. Patel, Chirag. P. Patel |
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124. | A Novel Approach for Prioritization of Failure modes in FMEA using MCDM
A Novel Approach for Prioritization of Failure modes in FMEA using MCDMAbstract: Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA) is one of user friendly and handy tool available in the hands of the process industries to identifying and eliminating the potential failures in systems, processes and designing. In this FMEA method prioritization of the failure modes are based on Risk Priority Number (RPN). This RPN can be calculated by multiplying the scores of various risk factors and categorized as Severity(S), Occurrence (O) and Detection (D). This RPN method has been criticized for its several limitations. So this paper aims to eliminate the limitations present in the RPN based prioritization by integrating with the Techniques of Multi Criteria Decision Making(MCDM) Model by fusing Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) with Preference Ranking Organization Method for Enrichment Evaluation (PROMETHEE).This hybridization of MCDM methods will enhance the precision of prioritizing failure modes by eliminating the limitations of traditional FMEA. The technique AHP is used to determine the weights for each risk factor and PROMETHEE is used to prioritize the failure mode based on the weights of risk factors.Key words: AHP, FMEA, MCDM, PROMETHEE, RPN, S, O, D and Risk Assessment Reference [1] Chang, C.L., Liu, P.H., and Wei, C.C. (2001) Failure mode and effects analysis using grey theory. Integrated Manufacturing Systems, vol: 12 no: 3, pp: 211 – 216. [2] Stephen Heller (2005) "Managing Industrial risk – Having a tested and proven system to prevent and assess risk" Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol.130, pp: 58-63. [3] Ahmet Can Kutlu and Mehmet Ekmekcioglu (2012), "Fuzzy failure modes and effects analysis by using fuzzy TOPSIS-based fuzzy AHP", Experts systems with applications, Vol.No.39, pp:61-67. [4] Hu-Chen Liu, Long Liu, Nan Liu and Ling-Xiang Mao (2012), "Risk Evaluation in Failure Mode Effect Analysis With Extended VIKOR method under Fuzzy Environment", Experts System with Applications. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2012.05.031 [5] Brans, J.P.; Vincke, P. (1985), "A preference ranking organization method: The PROMETHEE method for MCDM", Management Science Vol. No.31 (6), pp:647–656 K. Maheswaran, T. Loganathan |
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125. | Severe Plastic Deformation and Its Influence on Mechanical Properties of In-Situ Aluminum Titanium Boride Composite
Severe Plastic Deformation and Its Influence on Mechanical Properties of In-Situ Aluminum Titanium Boride CompositeAbstract: High specific strength of the material is critical for many structural applications in automotive and aerospace design. Among many other approaches for strengthening the materials, development of superfine and nano grained microstructure is popular. Different techniques for producing ultra-fine-grained (UFG) materials have been introduced especially in the last decade. The advantages of fabricating materials with sub-micron size grained microstructure for structural components lie in their improved mechanical properties such as strength, hardness, ductility, fatigue resistance and low-temperature super - plasticity.Key words: Ultrafine grains, Severe Plastic Deformation, In-situ, Equal Channel Angular Pressing. Reference [1] ZenjiHorita, Takayoshi Funjinami, Minoru Nemoto and Terence G.Langdon. "Equal-Channel Angular Pressing of Commercial Aluminium Alloys: Grain refinement, thermal stability and tensile strength," Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A," vol. 31A, pp. 691-70, 2000. [2] Yong LI, Terence G. Longdon, "Equal Channel Angular Pressing of an Al-6061 Metal Matrix Composite", Journal of Material Science, vol.35, pp. 1201-1204, 2000. [3] Feng Kang,Jing Tao Wang, Yan Ling Su and KeNong Xia, "Finite element analysis of the effect of back pressure during equal channel angular pressing,"Journal of material science, vol.42, pp.1491-1500, 2007. [4] K.Xia and J.Wang, "Shear, Principle and Equivalent Strains in Equal Channel Angular Deformation," Metallurgical and Material Transaction A, vol. 32A, pp.2639 -2647, 2001. [5] M. Mabuchi,H.Iwasaki, K.Yanase and K. Higashi, "Low temperature Superplasticity in an AZ91 Magnisium Alloy Processed by ECAE."ScriptaMaterialia, vol. 36, pp. 681-686, 1997. R Shobha, Vinaya shree, Dr. K.R.Suresh, Dr. H.B. Niranjan |
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126. | Improvement of Satellite Images Resolution Based On DT-CWT
Improvement of Satellite Images Resolution Based On DT-CWTAbstract: Satellite images are being used in many fields of research. One of the major issues of these types of images is their resolution. In this paper, we propose a new satellite image resolution enhancement technique based on the interpolation of the high-frequency sub bands obtained by discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and the input image. The proposed resolution enhancement technique uses DWT to decompose the input image into different sub bands. Then, the high-frequency sub band images and the input low-resolution image have been interpolated, followed by combining all these images to generate a new resolution-enhanced image by using inverse DWT. In order to achieve a sharper image, an intermediate stage for estimating the high-frequency sub bands has been proposed.Key words: Discrete wavelet transform (DWT), interpolation, satellite image resolution enhancement, wavelet zero padding (WZP), Dualtree complex wavelet transform (DT-CWT). Reference [1] M. S. Crouse, R. D. Nowak, and R. G. Baraniuk, "Wavelet-based statistical signal processing using hidden Markov models," IEEE Trans. Signal Process., vol. 46, no. 4, pp. 886–902, Apr. 1998. [2] S. Zhao, H. Han, and S. Peng, "Wavelet domain HMT-based image super resolution," in Proc. IEEE ICIP, Sep. 2003, vol. 2, pp. 933–936. [3] A. Temizel and T. Vlachos, "Image resolution upscaling in the wavelet domain using directional cycle spinning," J. Electron. Imaging, vol. 14, no. 4, p. 040501, 2005. [4] A. Gambardella andM.Migliaccio, "On the superresolution of microwave scanning radiometer measurements," IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Lett., vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 796–800, Oct. 2008. [5] V. A. Tolpekin and A. Stein, "Quantification of the effects of land-coverclass spectral separability on the accuracy of Markov-random-field-based superresolution mapping," IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., vol. 47, no. 9, pp. 3283–3297, Sep. 2009. I.RAJASEKHAR, V.VARAPRASAD, K.SALOMI |
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127. | Comparison Between The Homotopy Analysis And Homotopy Pad's Method In Solve Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equation
Comparison Between The Homotopy Analysis And Homotopy Pad's Method In Solve Nonlinear Ordinary Differential EquationAbstract: In this paper, we consider the homtopy analysis method (HAM)and homtopy Pad's medod for solving nonlinear ordinary differential equation with boundary conditions.. These methods are used for solving deformation equationAt homtopy analysis, the answer accuracy reduced by increasing the number of sentencesKey words: homtopy analysis; homtopy Pad's; differential equation; boundary conditions. Reference [1] Boyd, J.P. Padé (1997). Approximant algorithm for solving nonlinear ordinary differential equation boundary value problems on an unbounded domain, Comput. Phys. 2 (3), pp. 299-303 [2] Momani, S., Erturk, V.S. (2007) in press. Solution of non-linear oscillators by modified differential transform method, Comp. Math. Appl. Jacoboni C, Lugli P (1989). The Monte Carlo Method for semiconductor and Device Simulation, Springer-Verlag. [3] Liao S.J., Beyond perturbation: introduction to the homotopy analysis method.Boca Raton: Chapman & Hall / CRC Press; (2003). [4] Liao S.J., On The Homotopy Analysis method for Non-Linear Problems, Appl. Math. Comput. 147 (2004) 499-513. [5] Liao S.J., Tan Y., A general approach to obtain series solutions of nonlinear differential equations. Studies in Applied Mathematics, 119 (2007) 297-354. Ali Vatan-Khahan and Aaliyah Vatan-Khahan |
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128. | Design of High Speed Multiplier Using Reversible Logic
Design of High Speed Multiplier Using Reversible LogicAbstract: In current scenario, the reversible logic design attracting more interest due to its low power consumption. Reversible logic is very important in low-power circuit design. The important reversible gates used for reversible logic synthesis are Feynman Gate, Fredkin gate, toffoli gate etc. This paper present a basic reversible gate to build more complicated circuits which can be implemented in ALU, some sequential circuits as well as in some combinational circuits. It also gives brief idea to build adder circuits using the basic reversible gate like peres gate This paper proposes a novel 4x4 bit reversible fault tolerant multiplier circuit which can multiply two 4-bit numbers. This based on two concepts. The partial products can be generated in parallel using PG gates and thereafter the addition is done by using reversible parallel adder designed from PFAG gates. Thus, this paper provides idea for building of more complex system which can execute more complicated operations using reversible logic.Key words: Garbage output, peres gate, PFAG, Reversible logic Reference [1] R. Landuer, IBM, Irreversibility and heat generation in the computing process, J. Res. Develop., 5 (1961) 183. [2] C. H. Bennet, Logical reversibility of computation, IBM J. Res. Dev., 6 (1973) 525 [3] V. V. Shende, I.L. Markov, and S.S. Bullock, Synthesis of quantum logic circuits, IEEE Trans. Comput.-Aided Des. Integr. Circuits Syst., 25 (2006) 1000 [4] M. Haghparast, S. J. Jassbi, K. Navi and O. Hashemipour, "Design of a novel reversible multiplier circuit using HNG gate in nanotechnology", World Appl. Sci. 1., 3 (2008) 974. [5] R. Landuer, IBM, Irreversibility and heat generation in the computing process, J. Res. Develop., 5 (1961) 183. Geetha.G.I, Dr.M.sathyanarayana |
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129. | Some Approaches to Reduce Total Harmonic Distortion & Common Mode Voltage of Inverter Fed Induction Motor
Some Approaches to Reduce Total Harmonic Distortion & Common Mode Voltage of Inverter Fed Induction MotorAbstract: A novel passive filter is proposed in this paper, with an objective of eliminating the common-mode and differential-mode voltage generated . For determining the parameters of filter, the filter transfer function is utilized to achieve a desirable filtering performance. The detailed design procedure of the filter parameters is given. The validity and effectiveness of proposed filter are supported by the simulation and experimental results carried out on 220V/3Hp induction motor system.Key words: passive filter, common-mode voltage, differential-mode voltage. Reference [1] A.Bonnett, "Analysis of the impact of pulse width modulation inverter voltage waveforms on ac induction motors," IEEE Conf. Rec. Annu. Pulp and Paper Industry Tech. Conf., 1994, pp.68-75 [2] D.F.Busse, J.M.Erdam, R.J.Kerkman, D.W.Schlegel and G.L.Skibinski, "The effects of PWM voltage source inverter on the mechanical performance of rolling bearings," IEEE Trans. Ind. Applicat., vol.33, pp.567-576, Mar. /Apr. 1997 [3] Y.Murai, T.Kubota, and Y.Kawase, "Leakage current reduction for a high-frequency carrier inverter feeding an induction motor," IEEE Trans. Ind. Applicat., vol. 28, pp.858-863, July/Aug.1992 [4] S.Ogasawara and Hkagi, "Modeling and damping of high-frequency leakage currents in PWM inverter-fed ac motor systems," IEEE IAS Conf. Rec., 1995, pp.29-36 [5] D.F.Busse, J.M.Erdam, R.J.Kerkman, D.W.Schlegel and G.L.Skibinski, "System electrical parameters and their effects on bearing currents," IEEE Trans. Ind. Applicat., vol.33, pp.577-584, Mar./Apr. 1997 Akash A. Chandekar, R.K.Dhatrak |
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130. | Anti-Void Traversal Mechanism Using Pressure Routing For Underwater Sensor Networks Shreyas M.S, Prof. D. Jayaramaiah |
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131. | Prediction Based Channel Selection for Cognitive Radio Networks
Prediction Based Channel Selection for Cognitive Radio NetworksAbstract: This paper proposes a novel prediction based packet delivery combined with novel medium access control (MAC) scheme for multichannel cognitive radio (CR) ad hoc networks, which achieves high throughput of CR system while protecting primary users (PUs) effectively. In designing the scheme, we consider that the PU signal may cover only a part of the network and the nodes can have the different sensing result for the same PU even on the same channel. By allowing the nodes to use the channel on which the PU exists as long as their transmissions do not disturb the PU, the proposed MAC scheme fully utilizes the spectrum access opportunity.Key words: Security, CR networks, denial of sleep attack, ARIMA, SARIMA Reference [1] S. Haykin, "Cognitive Radio: Brain-Empowered Wireless Communications," IEEE J. Selected Areas Comm., vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 201 220, Feb. 2005. [2] I.F. Akyildiz, W.Y. Lee, M.C. Vuran, and S. Mohanty, "NeXt Generation/Dynamic Spectrum Access/Cognitive Radio Wireless Networks: A Survey," Elsevier Computer Networks, vol. 50, no. 13, pp. 2127-2159, Sept. 2006. [3] W.S. Jeon, D.G. Jeong, J.A. Han, G. Ko, and M.S. Song, "An Efficient Quiet Period Management Scheme for Cognitive Radio Systems," IEEE Trans. Wireless Comm., vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 505-509, Feb. 2008. [4] IEEE P802.22/D0.3.7, Draft Standard for Wireless Regional Area Networks Part 22: Cognitive Wireless RAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications: Policies and Procedures for Operation in the TV Bands, IEEE, July 2007. [5] IEEE 802.11h-2003, Spectrum and Transmit Power Management Extensions in the 5 GHz Band in Europe, IEEE, 2003. Poornima B V, Prof. Padmanayana |
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132. | Stateless Multicasting In Ad-Hoc Networks Guided By Motion Estimation
Stateless Multicasting In Ad-Hoc Networks Guided By Motion EstimationAbstract: Multicast routing protocols typically rely on the a priori creation of a multicast tree (or mesh), which requires the individual nodes to maintain state information. In sensor networks where traffic is bursty, with long periods of silence between the bursts of data, this multicast state maintenance adds a large amount of overhead for no benefit to the application. Thus, Chen-Hsiang Feng et al. have developed a stateless receiver-based multicast protocol that simply uses a list of the multicast members (e.g., sinks), embedded in packet headers, to enable receivers to decide the best way to forward the multicast traffic.Key words: Ad-Hoc, MANET, multicast routing protocols, RBMulticast, stateless. Reference [1] S. Biswas and R. Morris, "Opportunistic routing in multi-hop wireless networks," SIGCOMM Computer Communications Review, vol. 34, no. 1,pp. 69–74, 2004. [2] I. Akyildiz, M. Vuran, and O. Akan, "A cross-layer protocol for Wireless sensor networks," in Proc. of CISS 2006, March 2006. [3] K. Chen and K. Nahrstedt, "Effective location-guided tree construction algorithms for small group multicast in manet," INFOCOM. Twenty-First Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies. Proceedings. IEEE, vol. 3, pp. 1180–1189, 2002. [4] A. Okura, T. Ihara, and A. Miura, "Bam: branch aggregation multicast for wireless sensor networks," Mobile Adhoc and Sensor Systems Conference, 2005. IEEE International Conference on, pp. 10 pp.–, Nov. 2005. [5] M. M. andand Holger Fuler, J. Widmer, and T. Lang, "Positionbased multicast routing for mobile ad-hoc networks," SIGMOBILE Mob.Comput. Commun. Rev., vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 53–55, 2003. Anusha M M, Prof. Padmanayana |
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133. | Fuzzy Scheduling For Ensuring Qos in VMAC for VANETs
Fuzzy Scheduling For Ensuring Qos in VMAC for VANETsAbstract: The need of a medium access control (MAC) protocol for an efficient broadcast service is of great importance to support the high priority safety applications in vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs). Hassan omar proposed VeMAC, a novel multichannel TDMA MAC protocol proposed specifically for a VANET scenario. The VeMAC supports efficient one-hop and multi-hop broadcast services on the control channel by using implicit acknowledgments and eliminating the hidden terminal problem. The protocol reduces transmission collisions due to node mobility on the control channel by assigning disjoint sets of time slots to vehicles moving in opposite directions and to road side units. But the protocol has high packet loss & does not support different class of broadcast services. Taking this as motivation we propose a fuzzy scheduler based mechanism to ensure QOS for different class of broadcast messages along with VeMAC. Through simulation we measure the packet delivery ratio & prove that our mechanism is able to increment the delivery ratio by 20% over VeMAC.Key words: fuzzy scheduler, medium access control, reliable broadcast, TDMA, vehicular ad hoc networks. Reference [1] H. A.Omar, W.Zhuang, and L.Li, "VeMAC: a novel multichannel MAC protocol for vehicular ad hoc networks," in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM Workshop on Mobility Management in the Networks of the Future World (MobiWorld 2011), Apr. 2011, pp. 413–418. [2] "Vehicle safety communications project task 3 final report," The CAMP Vehicle Safety Communications Consortium, Tech. Rep. DOT HS 809 859, Mar. 2005. [3] R.Baldessari et al., "Car-2-car communication consortium manifesto," Tech. Rep. Version 1.1, Aug. 2007. [4] J. J.Blum and A.Eskandarian, "A reliable link-layer protocol for robust and scalable intervehicle communications," IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst., vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 4–13, Mar. 2007. [5] R.Mangharam, R.Rajkumar, M.Hamilton, P.Mudalige, and F.Bai, "Bounded-latency alerts in vehicular networks," in Proc. Mobile Networking for Vehicular Environments (MOVE 2007), May 2007, pp. 55–60. Shruthi R, Prof. Harshavardhan H |
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134. | A Matlab Based High Speed Face Recognition System Using Som Neural Networks
A Matlab Based High Speed Face Recognition System Using Som Neural NetworksAbstract: Face recognition (FR) is a challenging issue due to variations in pose, illumination, and expression. The search results for most of the existing FR methods are satisfactory but still included irrelevant images for the target image. We have introduced a new technique uses an image-based approach towards artificial presents a new technique for human face recognition. This intelligence by removing redundant data from face images through image compression using Sobel Edge Detection (SED) and comparing this with the two-dimensional discrete cosine transform (2D-DCT) method for the better speed and efficiency. SED which is a popular edge detection method is considered in this work. There exists a function, edge.m which is in the image toolbox.Key words: Face recognition; discrete cosine transform (DCT); sobel edge detection (SED); SOM network. Reference [1] D. Kumar, C.S. Rai, and S. Kumar, "Face Recognition using Self- Organizing Map and Principal Component Analysis" in Proc. on Neural Networks and Brain, ICNNB 2005, Vol. 3, Oct 2005, pp. 1469-1473. [2] Y. Zi Lu and Z. You Wei, "Facial Expression Recognition Based on Wavelet Transform and MLP Neural Network", in Proc. 7th International Conference on Signal Processing, ICSP 2004, Vol. 2, Aug 2004, pp. 1340-1343. [3] AYBAR, E., "Topolojik Kenar _slecleri", Anadolu Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ph.D. thesis, 2003. [4] Image Toolbox (for use with Matlab) User's Guide, The MathWorks Inc., 2000. [5] J. Nagi, "Design of an Efficient High-speed Face Recognition System",Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, College of Engineering, Universiti Tenaga Nasional, March 2007. [6] A. Abdallah, M. Abou El-Nasr, and A. Lynn Abbott, "A New Face Detection Technique using 2D DCT and Self Organizing Feature Map" in Proc. of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology,Vol. 21, May 2007, pp. 15-19. Nisha Soni, Garima Mathur, Mahendra Kumar |
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135. | Efficient Power and Area Reduction Codec for Error Detection Scheme Using Enhanced Clock Gating Technique
Efficient Power and Area Reduction Codec for Error Detection Scheme Using Enhanced Clock Gating TechniqueAbstract: This paper presents the use of Berger code for concurrent error detection in asynchronous or synchronous communications. Berger-invert code is a coding scheme proposed to protect communication channels against asymmetric errors and to decrease power consumption. Area and power are main key components playing vital role in designing many circuits. By introducing clock gating technique and gated driver in to Bus Inverter Berger Codec, power and area are reducing respectively. Berger codes detect any number of unidirectional errors with less power and low density.Key words: Berger code, bus–invert unidirectional error detection, Gated driver tree, Clock gating technique, Asymmetric channels Reference [1] R. J. Fletcher, "Integrated circuit having outputs configured for reduced state changes", U.S. Patent 4 667 337, May 19, 1987. [2] M. R. Stan, W. P. Burleson, "Bus-invert coding for low-power I/O,"IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integr. (VLSI) Syst., vol. 3, no. 1, Mar. 1995, pp 49–58. [3] R. Ho, K.W. Mai, andM. A. Horowitz, "The future of wires," Proc. IEEE,vol. 89, no. 4, , Apr. 2001, pp. 490–504. [4] W. Eberle et al., "80-Mb/s QPSK and 72-Mb/s 64-QAM flexible and scalable digital OFDM transceiver ASICs for wireless local area networks in the 5-GHz band," IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol.36, no.11, Nov. 2001, pp. 1829–1838, [5] J. F. Tabor, "Noise reduction using low weight and constant weight coding techniques", M.Sc. thesis, Artif. Intell. Lab, MIT, Cambridge, MA, 1990. Udara Yedukondalu, Satti Harichandra prasad, Dr. A Jhansi Rani, B.V.Vijayasri |
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136. | Advanced Digital Image Compression Technique Using Curvelet Transform
Advanced Digital Image Compression Technique Using Curvelet TransformAbstract: In real time applications Image Compression plays a major role in storage memory and transmission bandwidth. As many compression methods are existing, selection of compression methods depends upon the quality in image reconstruction. Two popular compression methods are Wavelet and Ridgelet methods. Wavelet method has affected by the blocking artifacts and Ridgelet is designed to handle only line and edge singularities. This paper proposes a compression method using curvelet transform. The Curvelet Transform overcomes the drawbacks of above two methods and also has improvement in PSNR because of adaptive threshold.Key words: PSNR, Retained Coefficients, Ridgelet Transform Reference [1] Sayood, Khalid (2000)," Introduction to Data Compression", Second edition Morgan Kaufmann. [2] David Salomon, Data Compression, The Complete Reference, (2nd Edition, 2001, Reprint, Springer Verlag). [3] Gonzalez, Woods, Eddins, Digital Image Processing using MATLAB (Pearson Education, 2004). [4] Gonzalez, Woods, Eddins, Digital Image Processing (Pearson Education, 2008). [5] E.J. Candes, Ridgelets, Theory and Applications, Ph.D. Thesis, Aug.1998, Department of Statistics, Stanford University. D. Vishnuvardhan, Sreenivasan. B, I. Suneetha |
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137. | Load-deflection analysis of flat & corrugated stainless steel diaphragms by theoretical & finite element method
Load-deflection analysis of flat & corrugated stainless steel diaphragms by theoretical & finite element methodAbstract: In this study analytical model for pressure deflection relationship of flat & corrugated stainless steel (SS-304, ASTM A-240) diaphragms has been proposed. The load-deflection analyses of flat and corrugated stainless steel diaphragms are performed to compare the sensitivity of the flat and corrugated diaphragm. The application of corrugated diaphragms offers the possibility to control the sensitivity of thin diaphragms by geometrical parameters. Depth of corrugations, thickness of diaphragms, and number of corrugations plays an important role to increase the mechanical sensitivity of the corrugated diaphragm. Verification of results for load-deflection obtained by analytical formulae compared with finite element analysis.Key words: Load deflection Analysis, Corrugated diaphragms, Sensitivity, Geometric parameters, Finite element analysis. Reference [1] M. Di Giovanni, "Flat and Corrugated Diaphragm Design Handbook", Marcel Dekker, New York, 1982. [2] Patrick R. Scheeper, Wouter Olthuis, Piet Bergveld, "The Design, Fabrication, and Testing of Corrugated Silicon Nitride Diaphragms", journal of microelectromechanical systems, vol. 3, no. I, 1994. [3] C. J. Van Mullem, K. J. Gabriel, H. Fujita, "Large deflection performance of surface micro machined corrugated diaphragms," Dig.Tech. Papers, Transducers 91, San Francisco, June 1991. [4] Don W Dissanayake, Said Al- Sarawi, Tien-Fu Lu & Derek Abbott, "Finite element modeling of surface acoustic wave device based corrugated Micro diaphragms", Smart materials and structures, 2009. [5] Wonchul Sim, Byungkyu Kim, Bumkyoo Choi, Jong-Oh Park, "Thermal and load-deflection FE analysis of Parylene diaphragms", Technical Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Modeling and Simulation of Microsystems USA, 2002. [6] Ansys Inc., Structural analysis online tutorial, Help document available with ANSYS 11. Gawade S. S., Chavan D. S. |
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138. | Classification of Different Computer Worms with Dynamic Detection Using Victim Number Based Algorithm
Classification of Different Computer Worms with Dynamic Detection Using Victim Number Based AlgorithmAbstract: The Internet has developed to give many benefits to mankind. The access to information being one of the most important. Worms cause major security threats to the Internet. Worms are software components that are capable of infecting a computer and then using that computer to infect another computer. The cycle is repeated, and the population of worm-infected computers grows rapidly. Smart worms cause most important security threats to the Internet. The ability of smart worms spread in an automated fashion and can flood the internet in a very short time. In this paper, first, we present an analysis on potential scan techniques that worms can employ to scan vulnerable machines. In particular, we find that worm scan choose targets more carefully than the random scan.Key words: Worms, Network security, Random Scan, Virus, Victim Number Based Algorithm, Reference [1] D. Moore, C. Shannon, and J. Brown, "Code-Red: A Case Study on the Spread and Victims of an Internet Worm," Proc. Second Internet Measurement Workshop (IMW), Nov. 2002. [2] D. Moore, V. Paxson, and S. Savage, "Inside the Slammer Worm," Proc. IEEE Magazine of Security and Privacy, July 2003. [3] CERT, CERT/CC Advisories, http://www.cert.org/advisories/, 2010. [4] P.R. Roberts, Zotob Arrest Breaks Credit Card Fraud Ring, http:// www.eweek.com/article2/0,1895,1854162,00.asp, 2010. [5] D.Haand H.Ngo, "OntheTrade-Offbetween Speedand Resiliency of Flash Worms and Similar Malcodes,"Proc.Fifth ACM Workshop Recurring Malcode (WORM),Oct.2007. Ravinder Nellutla, Vishnu Prasad Goranthala, Fasi Ahmed Parvez |
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139. | Optimisation of Fuel Injection Pump Parameters of Tata 1613 & Tata 609 Engine Using Diesel & Biodiesel
Optimisation of Fuel Injection Pump Parameters of Tata 1613 & Tata 609 Engine Using Diesel & BiodieselAbstract: Often called 'the heart of the engine', the fuel injection system is without any doubt one of the most important systems. It meters the fuel delivery according to engine requirements, it generates the high injection pressure required for fuel atomization, for air-fuel mixing and for combustion and it contributes to the fuel distribution in the combustion system-hence it significantly affects engine performance emissions and noise. In this Investigation optimization of control parameters used for optimum control of fuel delivered by the FIP of the Automotive engine is Analyzed. The parameters observed were fuel delivery, input current to driving motor, rpm of the pump, control rack travel and number of strokes. The fuel-injection system is the most vital component in the working of CI engine.Key words: Fuel delivery, InjectionPump (FIP), DoE, Taguchi,Anova. Reference [1] Breda Kegl,Marko Kegl and Stanislav Pehan, Optimization of a Fuel Injection System for Diesel and Biodiesel Usage, University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Smetanova 17, SI-2000 Maribor, Slovenia, Energy Fuels, 2008, 22 (2), pp 1046–1054 [2] Semin, Abdul Rahim Ismail and Rosli Abu Bakar, Diesel Engine Convert to Port Injection CNG Engine Using GA'seous Injector Nozzle Multi Holes Geometries Improvement: A Review, American J. of Engineering and Applied Sciences 2 (2): 268-278, 2009 [3] Avinash kumar agrawal, shrawan kumar singh et al, Effect of EGR on the exhaust GA's temperature and exhaust opacity in compression ignition engines, Sadhana Vol. 29, Part 3, June 2004, pp. 275–284. Printed in India [4] Carlucci A.P et al, A combined optimization method for common rail diesel engines, ASME-ICE, Vol 38 PP 243-250, ASME spring technical conference, 2002. [5] Heywood J.B, I.C.Engine fundamentals, Mc Graw Hill Newyork, 1988. Mohammad Javed, Prof. S.D. Ambekar |
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140. | Comparison of SLM technique of PAPR reduction in OFDM with Non-linear companding technique Comparison of SLM technique of PAPR reduction in OFDM with Non-linear companding techniqueAbstract: One of the challenging issues for Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) system is its high Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR). That is the time domain OFDM signal which is a sum of several sinusoids leads to high peak to average power ratio (PAPR). Numbers of techniques have been proposed in the literature for reducing the PAPR in OFDM systems. In this paper comparison of SLM technique of PAPR reduction with Non linear companding technique in terms of various parameter such as coding gain, bit error rate and SNR.Key words: Complementary cumulative distribution function (CCDF), high power amplifier (HPA), Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM), Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR). Reference [1]. Van Nee R, Prasad R. OFDM for wireless multimedia communications. Artech House, 2000. [2]. van Nee, R.; de Wild, A., "Reducing The Peak-To-Average Power Ratio of OFDM", Vehicular Technology Conference, 1998.VTC 98. 48th IEEE, Volume:3, 18-21 May 1998, pages: 2072-2076 vol. 3 [3 ]. H. Ochiai and H. Imai. On the distribution of the peak-to average power ratio in OFDM signals. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 49(2):282–289, 2001.4 [4]. Wang X, Tjhung TT, Ng CS. Reduction of peak-to-average power ratio of OFDM system using a companding technique. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting 1999;45(3):303–7. [5]. Vallavaraj A, Stewart BG, Harrison DK, cIntosh FG. Reduction of peak to average power ratio of OFDM signals using companding. In: Proceedings of IEEE Ninth International Conference on Communications Systems, Singapore, 2004. p.160–4. Hemant Choubey, Aparna Kushwaha |
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141. | CFD Studies of Combustion in Diesel Engine
CFD Studies of Combustion in Diesel EngineAbstract: Increasing computational power of modern computers, multi-dimensional Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has found more and more applications in diesel engine research, design and development . Various successful applications have proven the reliability of using multi-dimensional CFD tools to assist in diesel engine research, design and development. By using CFD tools effectively it is easy to predict and analyse various details that are technically difficult like in cylinder process of diesel combustion, temperature & pressure contours, emission etc. prior to experimental tests to reduce the number of investigated parameters as well as time and thus costs. A multidimensional model was created and analysis of combustion was done using FLUENT, ANSYS 14.5 package and the 2D geometry was modelled and meshed using GAMBIT 2.4.6.Key words: CFD, CO2 emission, Combustion modelling, Diesel combustion, k-ε model Reference [1] Lakshminarayanan, P. A. et. al, Modelling diesel combustion (Springer, 2009) [2] Dr. Ibtihal Al-Namie et. al., " Study the Effect of Ceramic Coating on the Performance and Emissions of Diesel Engine", Journal of Engineering , August 2012, Volume 18, Number 8,935-942. [3] Krishnan, D.B. et. al., " Performance of an Al-Si graphite particle composite piston in a diesel engine", Transactions of Wear, 1980,60(2), 205-215. [4] Murat Ciniviz et.al., " Ceramic Coating Applications and Research Fields for Internal Combustion Engines", Ceramic Coatings - Applications in Engineering, Feb. 2012,195-234. [5] Alkidas, A.C.," Performance and emissions achievements with an uncooled heavy duty, single cylinder diesel engine", SAE, vol. 890141, 1989. S Gavudhama Karunanidhi, Melvinraj C R, Sarath Das K P, G Subba Rao |
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142. | Simulation Study of Indirect Current Control Technique for Shunt Active Filter
Simulation Study of Indirect Current Control Technique for Shunt Active FilterAbstract: Solid state control of ac power using thyristors and other semiconductor devices are used extensively in number of applications such as adjustable speed drives (ASD's), furnaces, computers power supplies and asynchronous ac–dc–ac links. These power converters behave as nonlinear loads to ac supply system and cause harmonic injection, lower power-factor, poor voltage regulation, and utilization of ac network. There is a great need to mitigate these harmonic and reactive current components. Active Power Filters are a viable solution to these problems. In this project work a three-phase shunt active filter is used to eliminate supply current harmonics, correct supply power-factor, and balance the nonlinear/linear loads.Key words: Shunt active filters, indirect current control, harmonics, voltage stability, current control Reference [1] Peng.F.Z, Akagi.H, Nabae.A, "A new approach to harmonic compensation in power systems- a combined system of shunt passive and series active filters," IEEE Trans. Industry Applications, Vol. 26, pp. 983-990, Nov.-Dec.1990. [2] Singh.B, Chandra.A, Al-Haddad.K, "A review of active filters for power quality improvement," IEEE Trans. Industrial Electronics, Vol. 46, pp. 960-971, Oct. 1999 [3] Akagi.H, "Control strategy and site selection of a shunt active filter for damping of harmonic propagation in power distribution systems," IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, Vol.12, pp.354-363, Jan. 1997. [4] Singh.B, Chandra.A, Al-Haddad.K, "A new control approach to three-phase active filter for harmonics and reactive power compensation," IEEE Trans. Power Systems, Vol.13, pp. 133 - 138, Feb.1998 [5] Hirofumi Akagi, Akira Nabae, Satoshi Atoh, "Control Strategy of Active Power filters using multiple voltage source PWM converters", IEEE transactions on Industry Applications, Vol 1A-22, No 3, May/June 1986. G.Mohan Babu |
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143. | Isomorphism Theorems for Fuzzy Submodules of G-Modules
Isomorphism Theorems for Fuzzy Submodules of G-ModulesAbstract: ABSTRACT In this paper we give isomorphism theorems for fuzzy submodules of G-modules. MATHEMATICAL SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION 03E72Key words: Fuzzy G-submodule, Quotient Gmodules, Fuzzy isomorphism theorem. Reference [1] L.A Zadeh.,Fuzzy sets, J.Inf. Control, 8(1965)383-353. [2] A.Rosenfeld,Fuzzy groups, J.Math. Anal. Appl. 35(1971) 512-517. [3] Shery Fernandez, Fuzzy G-modules and fuzzy representation, TAJOPAAM, I(2002) 107-114. [4] Shery Fernandez, Ph.D. thesis "A study of fuzzy g-modules" April 2004. [5] Charles. W. Curvies and Irving Reiner, Representation Theory of finite group and Associative algebra.INC,(1962). [6] J. N. Mordeson and D. S Malik., Fuzzy Commutative Algebra, World scientific publishing, (1998). Arvind Kumar Sinha, Manoj Kumar Dewangan |
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144. | VLSI Implementation of Fractional-N Phase Locked Loop Frequency Synthesizer
VLSI Implementation of Fractional-N Phase Locked Loop Frequency SynthesizerAbstract: Power is the amount to function or generating or shelling out energy. This means that, it is a way of measuring how fast a function can be carried out. It means it is an important parameter. So to have less power consumption, this work is implemented using VLSI technology. This paper presents the design and simulation of VLSI based low power fractional- N Phase locked loop frequency synthesizer. This phase locked loop is designed using VLSI technology, which in turn offers high speed performance at low power. For improving the performance of fractional-N phase locked loop, Loop filter and sigma-delta modulator are the most important components. The loop filter bandwidth limits the speed of switching time between the synthesized frequencies. The periodic operation of dual modulus divider introduces phase noise in the PLL. To eliminate this phase noise, the digital sigma-delta modulator is used which generates a random integer number with an average equal to desired fractional ratio and pushes the spurious contents to higher frequencies. Noise shaping concentrates the quantization noise produced at the PFD output into the higher frequencies where it is removed by the low-pass filter.Key words: Sigma-Delta modulator; Phase Noise, Phase Locked Loop; Fractional-N Frequency Synthesizer Reference [1] N. Fatahi and H. Nabovati, "Design of low power fractional-N frequency synthesizer using sigma delta Modulation technique," 27th International Conference of Microelectronics, IEEE, 2010. [2] Ms. Ujwala A. Belorkar and Dr. S. A. Ladhake,"Design of low power phase lock loop using 45nm VLSI technology," International journal of VLSI design & Communication Systems ( VLSICS ), Vol.1, No.2, June 2010. [3] Aamna Anil and Ravi Kumar Sharma, "A high efficiency charge pump for low voltage devices," International Journal of VLSI design & Communication Systems (VLSICS) Vol.3, No.3, June 2012. [4] B. K. Mishra, Sandhya Save and Swapna Patil, "Design and Analysis of Second and Third Order PLL at 450MHz," International Journal of VLSI design & Communication Systems (VLSICS) Vol.2, No.1, March 2011. [5] Kyoungho Woo, Yong Liu, Eunsoo Nam, and Donhee Ham, "Fast-Lock Hybrid PLL Combining Fractional-N and Integer-N Modes of Differing Bandwidths," IEEE journal of solid-state circuits, vol. 43, NO. 2, february 2008 379. Amruta M. Chore, Shrikant J. Honade |
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145. | Process of Energy Audit of Commercial building & Substation
Process of Energy Audit of Commercial building & SubstationAbstract: The paper highlights the necessity of undertaking performance analysis and energy audit study of an electrical installation, more particularly a power substation on regular basis. A 630 MVA, 400/220 kV substation was identified and a detailed study was carried out to assess the various station performance parameters under different operating conditions. It was observed that the installed capacity of the station (transformer) was very large compared to the actual load it had to supply. Thus the station was under loaded and underutilized for the major period of its operation. This reduced the operational efficiency of the station. Secondly the incoming line voltage level was remaining high during most of the period of operation.Index Terms: Bus reactor, Energy audit, Extra High Voltage (EHV) substation, Performance analysis, Station efficiency, Transformer efficiency, Power quality, Technical and commercial viability. Reference [1] Lawrence D. Hamlin, "Energy efficiency: The future business opportunity for electric utilities", The Electricity Journal. vol. 3, Issue 7, pp. 30-39, August-September 1990. [2] P. W. O'Callaghan and S.D. Probert, "Energy management", Applied Equipment Utility System", Book IV, II edition, 2005. [3] Clive Beggs, "Energy audits and surveys", Energy Management and and Energy Audit", Book I, II edition, 2005. Conservation, pp. 73-91, 2002. [4] Sanjoy Parida, Ashwani Kumar, S. C. Srivastava and S. N. Singh,"Enhancement of Power System Loadability with Optimal Allocation of TCPAR in Competitive Electricity Market using MILP", in Proc. 2004. Power System (ICPS 2004) Conf., pp. 705-710. [5] M. K. Verma and S. C. Srivastava, "Optimal Placement of SVC for Static and Dynamic Voltage Security Enhancement", in Proc. 2004 Power System (ICPS 2004) Conf., pp. 131-136. Mohammad Rashid Khan ,Anil Kumar, Ashis Patra |
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147. | Design and Implementation of 7 Bit 100 MHz Flash ADC
Design and Implementation of 7 Bit 100 MHz Flash ADCAbstract: This paper presents the design and implementation of 7 Bit 100MHz Flash ADC.The circuit is designed in GPDK 90nm CMOS technology, with a supply voltage of 1.2V. The main advantage of flash adc is that it is one of the fastest adc. The reference voltage source is implemented using band gap reference circuit and verified the performance by varying temperature from -100 C to 70 0 C.Key words: Bandgap Reference, Comparator, Resistor Ladder, ROM encoder, Thermometer to Binary encoder Reference [1] Behzad Razavi ,Principles of Data conversion Systems [2] Yun-Ti Wang and Behzad Razavi, An 8-Bit 150-MHz CMOS A/D Converter, IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, VOL. 35, NO. 3, MARCH 2000 [3] C. W. Mangelsdorf et al., " A 400-MHz Input Flash Converter with Error Correction", IEEE J. Solid State Circuits, Vol. SC-25, pp. 184-191, Feb.1990 [4] Y. Akazawa et al., " A 400 MSPS 8 b Flash AD Conversion LSI", ISSCC Dig. Tech Pap., pp. 98-99, Feb.1987 [5] "A CMOS Bandgap Reference Circuit with Sub-1-V Operation", Hironori Banba, Hitoshi Shiga, Akira Umezawa, Takeshi Miyaba, Toru Tanzawa, Shigeru Atsumi, and Koji Sakui, Member, IEEE Aarathi R Krishna, Helna Aboobacker, Remya Jayachandran |
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148. | Design, Implementation and Comparison of 8 Bit 100 Mhz Current Steering Dacs
Design, Implementation and Comparison of 8 Bit 100 Mhz Current Steering DacsAbstract: This paper presents the design, implementation and comparison of 8-bit current steering Digital-to-Analog Converters (DAC) architectures with 100MHz clock frequency. The circuit is designed in GPDK 90nm CMOS technology, with a supply voltage of 1.2V. The design is based on a differential current steering topology. The differential output of the DAC is loaded with two resistors and a full-scale differential voltage of 0.9Vpp is generated. Different current cell architectures are compared and Cascoding is selected for unit current cell design. One big advantage with this architecture is that almost all current goes through the output, and that makes this architecture power efficient. This type of converter is also superior when it comes to high-speed D/A converters. The reference current source is implemented using band gap reference circuit and verified the performance by varying temperature from -100 C to 70 0 C.Key words: Band gap reference, binary to thermometer decoder, cascode current source current steering, DAC architectures Reference [1] M. Borremans, A. Van Den Bosch, M. Steyaert and W. Sansen "A Low Power, 10-bit CMOS D/A Converter for High Speed Applications", IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conf., 2001. [2] B. Razavi, 'Principles of Data Conversion System Design', IEEE Press, Piscataway, NJ, 1995. [3] "Voltage References and Biasing", Thomas H. Lee; rev. November 27, 2002. [4] "Sub 1 V CMOS bandgap reference design techniques: a survey", Christian Je´sus B. Fayomi , Gilson I. Wirth ,Herve´ Facpong Achigui ,Akira Matsuzawa [5] "A CMOS Bandgap Reference Circuit with Sub-1-V Operation", Hironori Banba, Hitoshi Shiga, Akira Umezawa, Takeshi Miyaba, Toru Tanzawa, Shigeru Atsumi, and Koji Sakui, Member, IEEE Helna Aboobacker, Aarathi R Krishna, Remya Jayachandran |
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149. | Fighting Against Intrusion and Proposed Behaviour Based Healing System on Real Time Traffic
Fighting Against Intrusion and Proposed Behaviour Based Healing System on Real Time TrafficAbstract: Intrusion Detection System (IDS) has been used as a vital instrument in defending the network from this malicious activity. With the ability to analyze network traffic and recognize incoming and on- going network attack, majority of network administrator has turn to IDS to help them in detecting anomalies in network traffic. The gathering of information and analysis on the anomalies activity can be classified into fast and slow attack. Since fast attack activity make a connection in few second and uses a large amount of packet, detecting this early connection provide the administrator one step ahead in deflecting further damages towards the network infrastructure. This paper gives a comparison between signature based and anomoly based IDS,we capture real time traffic using ourmon and concenterate to work on attack on TCP,UDP,ICMP protocol.Key words: anomaly, attack ,IDS, ourmon ,UDP Reference [1] Haitao Sun, Shengli Liu, JiayongChen and Changhe Zhang "HTTP tunnel Trojan detection based on network behavior", Elsevier, Proceedings to the Energy Procedia ESEP 2011: 9-10 December 2011, Singapore, pp. 1272 – 1281, 2011. [2] Borders K and Prakash A. Web tap:detecting covert web traffic. Proc. ACM conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS 04)2004;110-120. [3] Kruegel C, Vigna G. Anomaly Detection of web-based attacks. Proc. ACM conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS 03)2003;251-261. [4] Wenke Lee. (1999). A Data Mining Framework for Constructing Feature and Model for Intrusion Detection System. PhD thesis University of Columbia. [5] Cuppen, F. & Miege, A. (2002). Alert Correlation in a Cooperative Intrusion Detection Framewok. In Proceeding of the 2002 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy. IEEE, 2002. Amrita Anand, Brajesh Patel |
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150. | Surface Temperature Prediction and Thermal Analysis of Cylinder Head in Diesel Engine
Surface Temperature Prediction and Thermal Analysis of Cylinder Head in Diesel EngineAbstract: Engine heat transfer and cooling is always been a crucial area of interest for improvement of engine performance.CFD methods and tools used today provide clearer and more detailed data on temperature, flow and pressure variation. Aim and objective of the present study is to carry heat transfer as well as flow analysis of existing cooling jacket of 6-cylinder turbo after-cooled medium duty diesel engine and then investigate the factors affecting cooling performance to optimize the said parameters through steady state CFD analysis and validate them with experimental results.Key words: heat transfer, cylinder head water jacket, coolant flow, numerical simulation, CFD Reference [1] Marcel Davis, Radek Tichanek, Mirsolav spaniel, "Study of heat transfer analysis of diesel engine head" Acta Polytechnica Vol. 43 No. 5/2003 [2001] [2] M.Fadaei, H.Vafadar, A.Noorpoor, "Thermo-mechanical analysis of cylinder head using multifield approach" Scientia Iranica B (2011) 18 (1), 66–74 [2010] [3] C.Donoselli, C.Gorla, "Experimental evaluation of thermal characteristics of internal combustion engine cylinder liner" Journal of Metallurgical science and technology [1998]. [4] Quingzhao Wang, "Numerical analysis of cooling effect of a cylinder head water jacket "Thesis of GIT" [2005] [5] Mirsolav Spaniel, Radek Tichanek, "Heat Transfer Investigations in a Modern Diesel Engine" Acta Polytechnica Vol. 43 No. 5/2003 [1998] Amit V. Paratwar, D.B Hulwan |
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151. | Virtual Instrumentation Based Surveillance System in Industry
Virtual Instrumentation Based Surveillance System in IndustryAbstract: The danger of life of human being is increasing with advancement of scientific development in different fields. The security of industry (Steel Melting industry) is important to human life. The security system can detect abnormal and dangerous situation and notify us. In this paper, Virtual Instrumentation based intelligent Surveillance system that contains an obstacle avoiding robot which we can monitor and control the hazardous and inaccessible places to humans, is presented.Key words: security, sensor, virtual instrument Reference [1] Instrumentation technology by Liptak, VOL II [2] Hand book on the measurement instrumentation and sensors by John. G. Webster, 2nd edition [3] Measurement and instrumentation by Mallon s Morris [4] Sensor technology, by john. S Wilson [5] A Practical Hazardous Gas Monitors Guide to Selection, Operation and Applications by jack chou [6] http://students.chem.tue.nl/ifp10/project/gas.htm K.P.Vinay, P.Naresh, J.V.S.S Manoj, M. Pranay Kumar |
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152. | Design Optimization of Energy and Time Delay Efficient Wireless Sensor Network by Least Spanning Tree Algorithm
Design Optimization of Energy and Time Delay Efficient Wireless Sensor Network by Least Spanning Tree AlgorithmAbstract: In this paper we propose different type of topology and techniques for making an energy efficient WSN with least time delay approach .WSNs are used in defence field where least time delay and life of sensors are most important because the life of soldier depends on fast information transmission. Hence energy and time delay are very scarce resources for such sensor systems and has to be managed wisely in order to extend the life of the sensors and minimizing time delay for the duration of a particular mission. In past a lot of cluster based algorithm and techniques were used. In this paper we also find out all type of algorithm, their application and limitation and present techniques to overcome the problems of low energy and time delay of sensor and compare them with least spanning tree based algorithms and techniques.Key words: WSN, Least Spanning tree, clustering Reference 1] Priya, Satyesh Sharan Singh, Mukesh Kumar, Rohini Saxena "Energy And Time Delay Efficient Wireless Sensor Network By Least Spanning Tree Algorithm: A Survey International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 www.ijera.com Vol. 3, Issue 1, January -February 2013, pp.712-719. [2] F. Blaabjerg, R. Teodorescu, M. Liserre, and A. V. Timbus, "Overview of control and grid synchronization for distributed power generation systems," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 53, no. 5, pp. 1398–1409, Oct. 2006. [3] F. Blaabjerg, Z. Chen, and S. B. Kjaer, "Power electronics as efficient interface in dispersed power generation systems," IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 1184–1194, Sep. 2004. [4] P. Rodriguez, A. V. Timbus, R. Teodorescu, M. Liserre, and F. Blaabjerg, "Flexible active power control of distributed power generation systems during grid faults," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 54, no. 5, pp. 2583–2592, Oct. 2007. [5] L. P. Kunjumuhammed and M. K. Mishra, "Comparison of single phase shunt active power filter algorithms," in Proc. IEEE Power India Conf., 2006, pp. 8–15. Priya, Mukesh Kumar, A.K. Jaiswal, Rohini Saxena, Satyesh Sharan Singh |
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153. | Review On Phase Change Material As Thermal Energy Storage Medium: Materials, Application Review On Phase Change Material As Thermal Energy Storage Medium: Materials, ApplicationAbstract: Solar energy is a renewable energy source that can generate electricity, provide hot water, heat and cool a house and provide lighting for buildings. In response to increasing electrical energy costs, thermal storage technology has recently been developed. This paper presents an introduction to previous works on thermal energy storage using PCM and their applications. The choice of the substances used largely depends upon the temperature level of the application. Phase change material (PCM) are one of the latent heat materials having low temperature range and high energy density of melting– solidification compared to the sensible heat storage. Latent heat thermal energy storage (LHTES) with phase change materials (PCMs) deserves attention as it provides high energy density and small temperature change interval upon melting/solidifying. Phase change materials (PCMs) are becoming more and more attractive for space heating and cooling in buildings, solar applications, off-peak energy storage, and heat exchanger improvements. Latent heat thermal energy storage (LHTES) offers a huge opportunity to reduce fuel dependency and environmental impact created by fossil fuel consumption.Key words: Phase Change Material (PCM), renewable energy, Thermal Energy storage, Latent heat thermal energy storage (LHTES), high energy density. Reference (1) To provide an overview of phase change materials use in the context of power demand reduction. (2) To open new possibilities for eventual collaboration with the IEEE members. (3) To be able to promote synergetic solutions and processes in the domain of energy management. (4) In the present paper, a detailed study on PCM incorporation in building material, PCMs integration with building architecture for space heating, space cooling and in combination of heating and cooling has been carried out. (5) The optimization of these parameters is fundamental to demonstrate the possibilities of success of the PCMS in building materials. Therefore, the information like operational range and limitations evolved in a project with PCM's as heat transport medium and elaborate calculation for analysis supported by a simulation programme would definitely be a remarkable and reckonable guidance for deciding and designing PCMs in building application. TitleAbstract: In this paper, environment.Key words: MRAC, Induction Motor drive, drift and saturation Reference [1] B. K. Bose, Modern Power Electronics and AC Drives. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: PrenticeHall, 2002 Abhay B. Lingayat, Yogesh R. Suple |
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154. | Application of Engineering Microorganism for the Effective Treatment of Paint Shop Wastewater
Application of Engineering Microorganism for the Effective Treatment of Paint Shop WastewaterAbstract: Nowadays, there are increasingly stringent regulations requiring more and more treatment of industrial effluents to generate product water which could be easily reused or disposed of to the environment without any harmful effect. Some pollutants such as high organic, inorganic matter, heavy metals or paint stuffs resist degradation by conventional treatment methods and persist in the environment. In the present article an attempt is made to access the feasibility of recycle/reuse of wastewaters from automobile industry through conventional and advanced treatment process.Key words: bioreactor, engineering microorganism, HRT, Paint shop wastewater, reactor performance Reference [1] Ambatkar Mugdha and Mukundan Usha, Enzymatic treatment of wastewater containingdyestuffs using different delivery systems, Scientific reviews &Chemical Communications, 2(1), 2012, 31-40, ISSN 2277-2669. [2] Metcalf and Eddy, Wastewater engineering treatment and reuse, 4 (New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill 2003) 659-886 [3] Shuchi Tayal, Feasibility Studies on Recycling/Reuse of Wastewater from Automobile Industry, Thapar University, Punjab 2011 [4] C Mutambanengwe, O Oyekola, C Togo and CG Whiteley, Production of enzymes for industrialwastewater treatment: proof of concept and application to the textile dye industry, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, 2008 [5] Fu E. Tang, and Chung W. Tong, A Study of the Garbage Enzyme's Effects in Domestic Wastewater, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 60 2011. [6] Nayana Kumar Behera, Treatment of industrial effluents in a bioreactor, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela 2008-09. Yojana Beldar, A. D. Kulkarni |
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155. | Generic Ways to Improve SQA by Meta-Methodology for Developing Software Projects
Generic Ways to Improve SQA by Meta-Methodology for Developing Software ProjectsAbstract: Any software organization can only get a respectable position in global market if they concentrate on quality. The scope of this research is to outline all procedures, techniques and tools to be used for quality assurance for developing small software project .Meta-Software Quality Assurance Program (SQAP) is an important factor to every software development process, Software Quality depends upon the customer satisfaction which can be achieved through applying SQA procedures. With the help of this research many critical issues of software quality are identified which can cause problems for software development & proposed solutions by meta-methodology for software quality assurance to cope with those problems in improving the software quality by management activities & software assurance team. We are proposing a methodology, which is flexible to incorporate new changes in the software industry and provides detailed guidelines and templates for real world implementation and customization.Key words: Meta Methodology, Project Management, SQAP, Software Assurance Team & templates. Reference [1] Hower, Rick (2006). Software QA and Testing Resource Center. Updated April 2006. Web site: http://www.softwareqatest.com/ [2] Software Quality Assurance, NASA. Web site: http: //satc.gsfc.nasa.gov/assure/agbsec3.txt [3] Buchanan, Ian (2005). Borland StarTeam. Updated January 2005. Web site: http://www.cmcrossroads.com/cgi-bin/cmwiki/bin/view/CM/StarTeam [4] CM Crossroads. Borland StarTeam Product Review. Web site: http://www.cmcrossroads.com/toolspot/starteam.php [5] Borland Software Corporation. Borland StarTeam. Web site: http://www.borland.com/us/products/starteam/index.html Sonia Bhargava, Dr.Bright Keswani |
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IMPROVING DESIGN AND OPERATION OF STEAM BASED TURMERIC COOKING PROCESSAbstract: In large scale turmeric boiling the conventional plants is used with multiple cooker and boiler assembly placed on trolley. The plant is provided with furnace, condensate extraction mechanism, packed pressure vessels and mobile plant. Here in boiling, the turmeric rhizomes are placed in the cooker and the steam is supplied from the boiler to the pressure cooker and the turmeric is boiled. In traditional plants the boiling is done without maintaining the pressure in the vessel, so the boiling is inefficient. Along with that the leakage problems related with pressure vessel gives rise to heat loss. Overall the losses are much more and the process is not optimized. The efficiency of the actual processing plant is 13.19% which is very less. This is due to the lot of losses from every part of plant. The losses are very hard to control in minimum cost. So the objectives of this project are Reduce cooking time, Recycle condensate, Reduce labor effort and cost, Reduce fuel consumption and Reduce heat losses.Key words: cur cumin percentage, pressure vessel design and analysis, low cost insulation, condensate recycling, heat recycling. Reference [1] Anne Plotto, Turmeric: Post Production management, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations(FAO),AGST [2] AMERICAN SPICE TRADE ASSOCIATION (ASTA). 1968. Official Analytical Methods, 2nd edn, American Spice Trade Association, New York, p. 53. [3] B. Sasikumar, Indian Institute of Spices Research, Kerala. [4] Balashanmugan, P.V. (1991) Processing and curing of turmeric. South Indian Hort., 39(4): 21-4-216. [5] Gopal U.Shinde, Kailas J.Kamble, Mahesh G.Harkari, Dr.G.R.More, "Process Optimization in Turmeric Heat Treatment by Design and Fabrication of Blancher" in 2011 International Conference on Environmental and Agriculture Engineering IPCBEE vol.15(2011) © (2011) IACSIT Press, Singapore [6] K. J. Kambale and S. B. Soni, "A study of improving turmeric processing"; College of Agriculural Engineering and Technology MAU, Parbhani (M.S.) - 431 402, India; (Received: June, 2008) [7] R.K.Rajput, THERMAL ENGINEERING, lakshmi publications pvt. ltd.; seventh edition. Patil P. M, Chhapkhane N. K |
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157. | Performance and Emission Characteristics of Diesel Engine Fuelled with Biodiesel of Mahua Oil & Diesel Blends with Additives.
Performance and Emission Characteristics of Diesel Engine Fuelled with Biodiesel of Mahua Oil & Diesel Blends with Additives.Abstract: In the present work, biodiesel was produced from Mahua oil through esterification followed by transesterification .kinetic studies of optimize the preparation of Mahua oil Methyl Ester(MOME) were carried out varying different parameters like methanol / oil molar ratio, % of excess alcohol, Reaction time, temperature and concentration of acid catalyst .the result show that 4% H2SO4,0.30% v/v alcohol ratio, 1hr reaction time and 65(degree)c temperature are the optimum conditions for esterification. Optimum conditions for the production of bio diesel from oil are 2% sodium Methoxide, 0.20%v/v alcohol/oil ratio, 1hr reaction time, 65(degree)c temperature and 150% v/v excess alcohol the optimum conditions for tranesterification.Key words: Mahuaoil, Bio0diesel, Ethanol, Diethyl ether, Emission Characteristics. Reference [1] Y.C.Sharma and bhaskar singh,"A Y.C.Sharma and bhaskar singh,"A hybrid feed stock for a very efficient preparation of biodiesel",fuel processing teachnology, vol.91,pp.1267-1273,2010. [2] Cjlkilc s.ayden, r.behcet ,H.Aydin, "biodisel fuel from safflower oil and its application in a diesel engine", fuel processing technology, vol.92,pp.356-362,2011. [3] methanol", fuel, vol 80,pp.225-231,2001Issn (0975-7384) JCPRC. [4] Phuan s, vedaraman n, Biomass and Bioenergy.2005; 28:87-93. [5] Hideki f,Akihiko K, hideo N, journal of bioscience and bioengineering.2001; 92 (5): 405-416. Sitaramaiah Naramsetty, v.Ranjith Kumar, y.V.Hanumantha Rao |
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158. | Study and Analysis of Security Issues in Next Generation Mobile Network
Study and Analysis of Security Issues in Next Generation Mobile NetworkAbstract: NGMN is a standard term describing the next level of evolution in wireless communication. Security is one of the important issue in next generation mobile network. The core infrastructure of NGMN network is packet based, all IP and heterogeneous where Long Term Evolution (LTE), WiMax & Wireless local area networks (WLAN) are examples of viable access technologies. By deploy femtocell it increasing demand for data rates , LTE is the mobile network technology for the next generation mobile communications as defined by the 3rd generation partnership project (3GPP). LTE has features such as increased data rates, lower latencies & better spectral efficiency. Goal here is to raise awareness about security issues in LTE & femtocell. In this paper we approach significant threats to security of femtocell enabled cellular networks (LTE). Approach Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) defence scenario dynamics among service provider and mobile operator that is effective against malicious attacker. By considering parameters such as Internet traffic and femtocell subscriber shares, We propose novel approach could help service provider and mobile operators making strategic decisions.Key words: Wireless Security, Cellular Mobile Networks, LTE, Femtocells Reference [1] 3GPP LTE. Visited on 25.11.2009. [Online]. Available: http://www.3gpp.org/LTE [2] Y. De Mulder, G. Danezis, L. Batina, and B. Preneel, "Identification via location-profiling in GSM networks," in Proceedings of the 7th AC workshop on Privacy in the electronic society. ACM New York, NY, USA, 2008, pp. 23–32. [3] G. Koien and V. Oleshchuk, "Location Privacy for Cellular Systems; Analysis and Solution," Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3856, p. 40, 2006. [4] L. Garber, "Denial-of-service attacks rip the Internet," Computer, vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 12–17, 2000. [5] J. Mirkovic, "A taxonomy of DDoS attack and DDoS defense mechanisms," ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 39–53, 2004 Shwetha H.K, Prof. D. Jayaramaiah |
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159. | Exhaust Emissions and Its Control Technology for an Internal Combustion Engine
Exhaust Emissions and Its Control Technology for an Internal Combustion EngineAbstract: The automobiles play an important role in the transport system. With an increase in population and living standard, the transport vehicles as well as car population is increasing day by day. In addition to this there is steep increase in the number of two wheelers during the last two decades. All these are increasing exhaust pollution and particularly in metros as density of these vehicles in metros are very high. The main pollutants contributed by I.C. engines are CO, NOX unburned hydro-carbons (HC) and other particulate emissions. Other sources such as Electric power stations industrial and domestic fuel consumers also add pollution like NOX, SO2 and particulate matters. In addition to this, all fuel burning systems emit CO2 in large quantities and this is more concerned with the Green House Effect which is going to decide the health of earth.Key words: Exhaust pollution, Hydro-carbons, NOx emission, Petrol engines, diesel engines, CO Emissions, SO2 Emissions, CO2 Emissions, Particulate matters, Green house effect . Reference [1] The Hindu., "Ethanol-Blended Petrol in 9 States, 4 Union Territories", http://www.hinduonnet.com/thehindu/2003/02/02/stories/2003020202481100.htm, (2003). [2] Anoop Singh., Prasad, S., Joshi, "Ethanol as an Alternative Fuel from Agricultural, Industrial and Urban Residues", Resources, Conservation and Recycling Journal, Vol. 50, (2007), 1-39. [3] Niven, R., "Ethanol in Gasoline: Environmental Impacts and Sustainability Review Article", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 9, (2005), 535-555. [4] Al Baghdadi, M. A. S., "Performance Study of a Four- Stroke Spark Ignition Engine working with both Hydrogen and Ethyl Alcohol as Supplementary Fuel", International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 25, (2000), 1005-1009. [5] Brinkman, N. D., "Ethanol Fuel-A Single Cylinder Engine Study of Efficiency and Exhaust Emissions", SAE Paper, No. 810345, (1982). Juhi Sharaf |
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160. | Study of the Spin Structure, (Ayrast States), the Induced Fission Reactions of Heavy Ions, 28 si (145 MeV) + 176/70 Yb - 204 84Po - Fission Study of the Spin Structure, (Ayrast States), the Induced Fission
Abstract: Search our experiments Yvrvgam group
2, in Strasbourg, France, could be extracted from
induced fission of compound nuclei Po 204
84 , which
dealThe heavy ions, is created, we examine the
response of the ion Si 28
beam with energy 145
MeV accelerated by the accelerator Vivitron, we
studied the bombardment of Yb 176
70 . The accelerator
at the Nuclear Research Centre (CRN) in
Krvnvnbvrg, is on the outskirts of Strasbourg.
si( MeV ) Yb Po(Tc;Nb) 204
28 145 . In this
study, the observed spin structures (Ayrast
structure) has been studied in Tc 101 cells. |
961-964 | ![]() |
161. | Comparing the Effect of Different Metal Plates and Lead Apron for Reducing the Dose Rate from Cs-137 and Ba-133 Gamma Ray
Comparing the Effect of Different Metal Plates and Lead Apron for Reducing the Dose Rate from Cs-137 and Ba-133 Gamma RayAbstract: The lead aprons are used as the standard radiation attenuating shields for nuclear medicine workers. Unfortunately, a lead apron is relatively heavy and leads to musculoskeletal complaints for users at overtime. In this study, the Monte Carlo code MCNP4C was applied to assesses the effect of 0.5 mm lead and different kinds of metal plates and appointed equivalent dose rate. Two radiation sources namely Cs-137 and Ba-133 were used that emit gamma rays of 140 keV and 511keV energy respectively. In this work, eight different plates made of Pb, Pb–Sb and combination of six other metals employed as radiation shield in form of 0.5 mm thickness sheets with dimension of 50 cm ×50 cm. The distance of radioactive sources from the detector was 30 cm. This study showed that light weight aprons containing 0.5 mm Bi, or combination of metals such as Bi-Pb or Bi-Sb-W alloys decrease weight of apron 10, 26 and 5 percent respectively, and all of them have same attenuation compared with pure lead. Results compared using "t test" statistical analysis. This research shows that Bi, Bi-W-Sb and Bi-Pb alloys, as radiation shields, are more suitable than lead. This is due to having same radiation attenuation as lead, but lighter weight.Key words: Nuclear medicine- lead apron - equivalent dose rate. Reference [1] Takano Y., Okazaki K., Ono K. and Kai M. Experimental and Theoretical Studies on Radiation Protective Effect of a Lighter Non-lead Protective Apron, Nippon Hoshasen Gijutsu Gakkai Zasshi (Jpn J Radiol Technol) 61(7) 1027-1032 (2005). (in Japanese) [2] Mc Elroy, N. L. Efficacy of various syringe shields for99mTc. Health Physics. 41(3), 535–542 (1981). [3] Smart, R. Task Specific Monitoring of Nuclear Medicine Technologists Radiation Exposure. Radiat. Prot. Dosim.109(3), 201–209 [4] ARPANSA-Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency, Aprons for Protection Against X-rays, 2009 [5] Klein LW, Miller DL, Balter S, et al: Occupational Health Hazards in Theinterventional Laboratory: Time For A Safer Environment. J Vasc IntervRadiol 20:147-152,2009 Nasibeh Bagheri |
965-969 | ![]() |
162. | Performance Improvement of IEEE 802.22 With Different FEC techniques
Performance Improvement of IEEE 802.22 With Different FEC techniquesAbstract: Wireless communication is very vast and having lot of ideas for increasing capacity and BER performance. This paper describes the modeling and performance improvement of Wireless Regional Area Network (WRAN) ( IEEE 802.22 ) through different Forward Error Correction (FEC) Techniques.In this paper we have used different coding techniques over different modulation scheme. For simulation , we have used MATLAB and obtained different BER curves for different modulation scheme at different FEC Techniques. In final conclusion we have found BER performance of different modulation schemes over different FEC codes. OFDMA technique is used and the channel considered is AWGN.Key words: IEEE 802.22,WRANs,OFDMA, cognitive radio , AWGN,BER Reference [1] Ahmadi, M., Rohani, E., Naeeni, P.M., and Fakhraie, S.M. "M od elin g a nd Performa nc e Evalu at ion of IEEE 80 2. 22Physical Layer" 2nd International Conference on Future Computer and Communication – (2010). [ 2 ] Sung Hyun Hwang, Jung Sun Um yung Sun Song, Chang Joo Kim, Hyung Rae Park and Yun Hee Kim " Design and Verification of IEEE 802.22 WRAN Physical Layer(Invited Paper)" third international conference on digital object identifier 10.1109/ crowncom. 2008(2008). [ 3 ] Carl R. Stevenson, Gerald Chouinard , Zhongding Lei,Wendong Hu , Stephen J. Shellhammer, Winston Caldwell " IEEE 802.22: The First Cognitive Radio Wireless Regional Area Network Standard. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MCOM.2009/4752688,(2009). [4] http://www.ieee 802.22.org/22/IEEE 802.22. [5] Khan, M.N., and Ghauri, S. "The WiMAX 802.16e Physical Layer Model" IEEE Explore (2008). Mayank Shrivastava, Prashant Bhati |
970-973 | ![]() |
163. | Optimal Tuning Parameters of Self Organizing Maps for Classification of Partial Discharge Using Response Surface Methodology
Optimal Tuning Parameters of Self Organizing Maps for Classification of Partial Discharge Using Response Surface MethodologyAbstract: This paper presents an analysis for Self Organizing Map (SOM) using Response Surface Methodology (RSM) to find the optimal parameters to improve performance. This comparative explores the relationship between explanatory variables (numerical and categorical) such a competitive algorithm and learning rate and response variables as training time and quality metrics for SOM. Response surface plots were used to determine the interaction effects of main factors and optimum conditions to the performance in classification of partial discharge (PD).Reference [1] IEC 60270 Ed. 2. High-voltage test techniques - Partial discharge measurements. (2000). 15 – 16. [2] William A, Electrical Power Cable Engineering. Ed. Marcel Dekker, Inc. (1999). 219 – 221. [3] A. J. McGrail, E. G. Data mining techniques to assess the condition of high voltage electrical plant. CIGRÉ. (2002). 01 – 12. [4] Mazroua, A. PD pattern recognition with neural netwoks using the multilayer perception technique. IEEE Transactions on Electrical Insulation, 28, (1993). 1082-1089. [5] Krivda, A. Automated Recognition of Partial Discharge. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 28, (1995). 796-821. Rubén Jaramillo-Vacio, Alberto Ochoa-Zezzatti, Armando Rios-Lira |
974-984 | ![]() |
164. | Traversing Mechanism without the Use of Cam
Traversing Mechanism without the Use of CamAbstract: Filter winder winds yarns or rovings on cylindrical perforated packages. Commercial filter winders use grooved cam traverse. The author developed a prototype filter winder to wind 30 inches long packages with a traversing mechanism without the use of cam [1, 2] in which combined action of three yarn traversing guides mounted on an endless loop of chain traverse yarn. Continued efforts of the author has resulted into further improved version of yarn traversing guides which is described in this paper. During traversing, yarn remains in ceramic guide eye carried in each yarn traversing guide; which is distinguishing feature of this development over earlier ones.Key words: Filter winder, yarn traversing guides, release rod, yarn transfer Reference [1] Koranne M. V., Indian Journal of Fiber & Textile Research, 36(3), 285 (2011) [2] Koranne M. V., International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications 2(2) 172 (2012) [3] Nydegger R.R., US Patent, 2238128 (1941) [4] Horwood J. M., US Patent 3294327 (1966) [5] Ballard H. W., US Patent 2662695 (1953) Milind Koranne |
985-988 | ![]() |
165. | An Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Logic Controller for a Two Area Load Frequency Control
An Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Logic Controller for a Two Area Load Frequency ControlAbstract: This paper presents the design and analysis of Neuro-Fuzzy controller based on Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) architecture for Load frequency control of interconnected areas, to regulate the frequency deviation and power deviations. Any mismatch between generation and demand causes the system frequency to deviate from its nominal value. Thus high frequency deviation may lead to system collapse. This necessitates a very fast and accurate controller to maintain the nominal system frequency.Key words: Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System, Conventional PI Controller, Fuzzy Logic Controller, Load Frequency Control, Neuro-Fuzzy Controller. Reference [1] Hadi. Saadat, power system analysis" McGraw-Hill,1999. [2] P. Kundur, "power system stability & control". Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, Fifth reprint 2008,pp 581626 [3] T.S.Bhatti , A.A.F. Al–Ademi , "Load Frequency control of isolated wind-diesel-micro hydro hybrid power systems. Elsevier-Energy,. (1997) , 22(5). [4] George Gross and Jeong Woo Lee. 2001. Analysis of Load Frequency Control Performance Assessment Criteria. IEEE transaction on Power Systems. 16(3): 520-525. [5] D.P. Kothari, Nagrath. 2003. modern power system analysis. Tata MC Gro Hill. 3rd Edition. K.V.Siva Reddy |
989-995 | ![]() |
166. | A Comparative Study of Predictive Models for Densification Parameters of Briquettes Produced From Two Species of Corncob
A Comparative Study of Predictive Models for Densification Parameters of Briquettes Produced From Two Species of CorncobAbstract: Corncob is a renewable energy resource, which its great potential for renewable energy generation has not been fully utilized. Corncobs from white and yellow maize were selected, sun-dried and their moisture contents were determined using ASAE standard. The residues were subjected to size reduction process and three particle sizes 4.70, 2.40 and 0.60 mm were selected. Starch mutillage (binder) was added to the residues at three levels of percentage binder ratios 20, 25, and 30 % by weight of the residue. A briquetting machine was used to form briquettes at three levels of pressures of 2.40, 4.40 and 6.60 MPa with observation of a dwell time of 120 seconds. The bulk density of the unprocessed materials and relaxed briquettes were determined using ASAE standard. The initial, maximum and the relaxed densities of the briquettes were determined using the mould dimension, the relaxed briquette's dimension and ASAE standard method of determining densities. Also determined were the compaction, density and relaxation ratios of the formed briquettes. Percentage axial and lateral expansions were also determined. The experimental data were subjected to regression analysis. A statistical package SPSS version 11.0 was used.Key words: Briquettes, Corncob, Densification, Predictive model, Regression analysis, Reference [1] FOS, (2006) Federal Office of Statistics, Agricultural Survey, 2003/04, Federal Ministry of Agriculture (June, 2006). [2] BCOS, (2010) Uses of Corn- A Broadcasting Corporation of Oyo State Programme "Magazine" aired on 14th September, 2010 [3] D.A. Adesanya and A.A. Raheem (2009) A study of the workability and compressive strength characteristics of corn cob ash blended cement concrete, Construction and Building Materials 23: 311-317 [4] A. Demirbas (2001) Biomass resource facilities and biomass conversion processing for fuels and chemicals, Energy Conversion and Conversion 42: 1357-78 [5] J.T. Oladeji (2011) The Effects of Some Processing Parameters on Physical and Combustion Characteristics of Corncob Briquettes An Unpublished Ph.D Thesis of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Nigeria Oladeji, J. T |
996-1003 | ![]() |
167. | A Fundamental Concept about Coke Making In Coke Plant with the Help of Coal Preparation Plant
A Fundamental Concept about Coke Making In Coke Plant with the Help of Coal Preparation PlantAbstract: Nowadays more production and for more energy high ash coal washed or prepare in the coal washery plant. In India generally high ash coal (appx. 38%) is found, in that case washing of coal is must require. Through washing of coal about 3-4% ash will be minimized. And after that this washed coal send to the coke plant for making low ash metallurgical coke (LAMC). Hard coke is actually end product, commonly known as low ash metallurgical coke. It finds useful applications in steel plants, foundries, blast furnaces, soda ash manufacturing, graphite industry & other chemicals. The raw material for making hard coke is low ash coking coal sourced mainly from Australian, Chinese and USA, coal mines. In this article a introduction or a overview of process of washing of coal and a critical and suitable process of making coke in India.Reference [1]http://www.indiamart.com/austral-coke-projects/products.html [2]http://www.metdaq.com/en/press-centre/articles/metallurgical-coke-its-definition-and-application.html [3]http://www.hindustanproduceco.com/steam-coal-cooking-coal-lam-coke-foundry-coke.html [4] http:/www.gujrat nre coke ltd.in [5]http://commerce.nic.in/adpref_metcoke_japan.htm [6]http://www.indiamart.com/gopal-industries/products.html Swapan Suman, V.K. Saxena, Samardeep Prasad |
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168. | On The Onset of Rayleigh-Bénard Convection in a Layer of Ferrofluid
On The Onset of Rayleigh-Bénard Convection in a Layer of FerrofluidAbstract: The onset of Rayleigh-Bénard convection in a horizontal layer of ferrofluid is investigated by using Galerkin weighted residuals method. Linear stability theory based upon normal mode analysis is employed to find expressions for Rayleigh number and critical Rayleigh number. The boundaries are considered to be free-free, rigid-free and rigid-rigid. It is also observed that the system is more stable in the case of rigid-rigid boundaries and least stable in case of free-free boundaries. 'Principle of exchange of stabilities' is valid and the oscillatory modes are not allowed. The effect of magnetic parameter on the stationary convection is investigated graphically for all types of boundary conditions.Key words: Ferrofluid, Convection, Magnetic thermal Rayleigh number, Galerkin method, Prandtl number. Reference [1] Blennerhassett, P. J., Lin, F. & Stiles, P. J.: Heat transfer through strongly magnetized ferrofluids, Proc. R. Soc. A 433, 165-177, (1991). [2] Chandrasekhar, S.: Hydrodynamic and hydromagnetic stability, Dover, New York (1981) [3] Finlayson, B.A.: Convective instability of ferromagnetic fluids. J. Fluid Mech. 40, 753-767 (1970). [4] Gupta, M.D., Gupta, A.S.: Convective instability of a layer of ferromagnetic fluid rotating about a vertical axis, Int. J. Eng. Sci. 17, 271-277, (1979). [5] Kuznetsov, A. V., Nield, D. A.: Thermal instability in a porous medium layer saturated by a nanofluid: Brinkman Model, Transp. Porous Medium, 81, 409-422, (2010). Ramesh Chand and Ankuj Bala |
1019-1025 | ![]() |
169. | Application of CNC Waste with Recycled Aggregate in Concrete Mix
Application of CNC Waste with Recycled Aggregate in Concrete MixAbstract: In this Era of globalization when GDP of most of the countries are spending on an average 8% of the economy on infrastructure and when we see around us about the term infrastructure mostly we see the huge contribution of concrete in it; in addition to this three important terms are named as "Quality, Quantity and Economy". There is a deadly race among the nations of various parts of the globe that each one is on the verge of attaining an economic aspect of having efficient quality that enhances our rapid and sustainable growth; but most importantly the construction should comprise of using waste product which are posing a greater threat to the environment.Key words: CNC, Lathe machine, Concrete mix, Recycled coarse aggregate, Natural aggregate, Compressive strength, Workability test, Impact value test, Crushing value test, Fineness modulus. Reference [1] Abbas Hadi Abbas, (2011), "Management of steel solid waste generated from lathes as fibre reinforced concrete", European Journal of Scientific Research, Vol-No. 50, pp 481-485. [2] Kumutha R., Vijai K. (2010), "Strength of concrete incorporating aggregates recycled from demolition waste", ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol-No. 5, pp 64-71. [3] Parashar Ashish Kumar and Parashar Rinku (2012), "The effect of size of fibres on compressive strength of M20 concrete mix", International journal of Engineering Research and Applications, Vol-No. 2, pp 1232-1236. [4] Yaprak Hasbi, Aruntas Huseyin Yılmaz, Demir Ilhami, Simsek Osman and Gokhan Durmus (2011), "Effects of the fine recycled concrete aggregates on the concrete properties", International Journal of the Physical Sciences, Vol-No.6, pp 2455-2461. [5] Prasad M.L.V. and Rathish P. Kumar (2007), "Strength Studies On Glass Fibre Reinforced Recycled Aggregate Concrete", Asian Journal Of Civil Engineering of Building And Housing, Vol-No. 8, pp 6677-690. Awanish Kumar Shukla |
1026-1031 | ![]() |
170. | Parallelization of Cryptographic Algorithm & Key Identification Using Genetic Algorithm Approach
Parallelization of Cryptographic Algorithm & Key Identification Using Genetic Algorithm ApproachAbstract: Now days, the amount of transfer of data over large network is increasing day by day. As there is increase in data transfer, simultaneously there are security threats that are arising with it. In this paper we are proposing cryptographic systems that make use of genetic algorithm to securely transfer the data over large network. This approach helps us to provide high achievability to transfer data securely. The techniques that we are using for encryption & decryption are based on genetic algorithm which will help us to efficiently encrypt the data which is resistible for any kind of external attacks. Then we will parallelize it using Open Mp language which accelerates the transformation of data to achieve high security. Then analyze the performance for both code serial and parallel execution.Key words: The genetic algorithm, Linear generation Equation, Genetic operator, Open MP Reference [1] Benjamin Arazi, "Vehicular Implementations of Public Key Cryptographic Techniques", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 40, NO. 3,pp 646-653, AUGUST 1991. [2] Murat Kantarcioglu, Wei Jiang, Ying Liu, and Bradley Malin, "A Cryptographic Approach to Securely Share and Query Genomic Sequences", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN BIOMEDICINE, VOL. 12, NO. 5,pp 606-617, SEPTEMBER 2008 [3] Jong-Bae Park, Young-Moon Park, Jong-Ryul Won, and Kwang Y. Lee, "An Improved Genetic Algorithm for Generation Expansion Planning", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS, VOL. 15, NO. 3, pp 916-922,AUGUST 2000. [4] K. F. Man, K. S. Tang, and S. Kwong, "Genetic Algorithms: Concepts and Applications", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, VOL. 43, NO. 5,pp 519-534, OCTOBER 1996. [5] R. H. Torres, G. A. Oliveira, J. A. M. Xexéo, W. A. R. Souza and R. Linden, "Identification of Keys and Cryptographic Algorithms Using Genetic Algorithm and Graph Theory", IEEE LATIN AMERICA TRANSACTIONS, VOL. 9, NO. 2, APRIL 2011. Ghanshyam Gagged, Krishnakant Pandey, Shubham Asati, Jaisankar N |
1032--1036 | ![]() |
171. | E-Shaped Wideband Conformal Antenna
E-Shaped Wideband Conformal AntennaAbstract: A compact wideband antenna with cylindrical conformal geometry is proposed . The radiating element of this antenna consists of an E-shaped patch that assumes a conformal orientation relative to the cylindrical surface in order to yield maximum bandwidth. The antenna is fed by waveguide feeding connected to the radiating patch at the longer side Radiation properties of the proposed including far-field patterns, axialratio, directivity, input impedance and voltage standing waveratio (VSWR), are studied simulating through HFSS (High Frequency Simulation Software).Simulation results are in good agreement, nearly equal E- and H-plane far-field patterns withhigh degree of axial symmetry over a bandwidth of more than 50%. Also, over a bandwidth of about 24% the axial ratio remains below 3 dB. The compact size and ultra wideband performance of this antenna make it advantageous for highspeed wireless communication systems and avionics.Index Terms: E shaped patch antennas, low profile antennas,HFSS 13(High Frequency Simulation Software),widebandantennas Reference [1]. Ge, Y.; Esselle, K.P.; Bird, T.S.; , "E-shaped patch antennas forhighspeed wireless networks," Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Transactions on , vol.52, no.12, pp. 3213- 3219, Dec. 2004 [2] B.-K. Ang and B.-K. Chung, "A wideband e-shaped microstrip patchantenna for 5 - 6 GHz wireless communications," Progress In Electro magnetics Research, Vol. 75, 397-407, 2007. [3] Yang, F.; Xue-Xia Zhang; Xiaoning Ye; Rahmat-Samii, Y.; "Wide-bandE-shaped patch antennas for wireless communications," Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Transactions on, vol.49, no.7, pp.1094-1100, Jul 2001 [4] Hadian, A.M.; Hassani, H.R.;, "Wideband Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna with U-Slot," Antennas and Propagation, 2007. Eu CAP 2007.TheSecond European Conference on, vol., no., pp.1-5, 11-16 Nov. 2007 [5] Vedaprabhu, B.; Vinoy, K.J.; , "A double U-slot patch antenna with dualWideband characteristics," Communications (NCC), 2010 NationalConference on , vol., no., pp.1-4, 29-31 Jan. 2010 Rashmi Shukla, Sunil Patel |
1037-1039 | ![]() |
172. | A Joint Equalization, Carrier Frequency Offsets Compensation and ICI Cancellation for MIMO SC-FDMA Systems
A Joint Equalization, Carrier Frequency Offsets Compensation and ICI Cancellation for MIMO SC-FDMA SystemsAbstract: Third-Generation Partnership Project Long-Term Evolution (3GPP LTE) and Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX) standards adopt MIMO-OFDM symbol detection in these standards requires channel state information (CSI) estimation. multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) techniques. To achieve very high data rates. This project describes different techniques in a Single Carrier Frequency Division Multiple Access (SC-FDMA) system with parameters set according to the standards of 3rd Generation Partnership Project Long Term Evolution (3GPP LTE).Key words: Inter-Carrier Interference (ICI), Multiple-Input Multiple-Output(MIMO), Multiple Access Interference (MAI), Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing(OFDM), Carrier Frequency Offsets(CFOs), Single Carrier Frequency Division Multiple Access (SC-FDMA), Third-Generation Partnership Project Long-Term Evolution (3GPP LTE), Regularized Zero-Forcing (RZF). Reference [1] Andrea Goldsmith, "Wireless Communication", Cambridge University Press,2005. [2] Hyung G.Myung, "Single Carrier Orthogonal Multiple Access Technique for Broadband Wireless Communication", Polytechnic University, January 2007. [3] David Falconer, S. Lek Ariyavisitakul, Anade Benyami Seeyar, Brian Eidson,"Frequency Domain Equalizatio for Single-Carrier Broadband Wireless Systems", Communications Magazine, IEEE, Apr.2002. [4] H. Sari et al.,"Transmission Techniques for Digital Terrestrial Broadcasting,"IEEE Commun. Mag., vol. 33, no. 2, Feb. 1995, pp.100-109. [5] D. Falconer et al., "Frequency Domain Equalization for Single-Carrier Broadband Wireless Systems,"IEEE Commun. Mag., vol. 40, no. 4, Apr 2002, pp. 58-66. Dr.G.Indumathi, S.Ranjani |
1040-1046 | ![]() |
173. | Seismic Response Of Reinforced Concrete Braced Frames
Seismic Response Of Reinforced Concrete Braced FramesAbstract: Braced frames widen their resistance to lateral forces by the bracing action of inclined members. The braces stimulate forces in the associated beams and columns so that all work as one like a truss with all members subjected to stresses that are for the most part axial. This axial reaction results in less moments and in turn smaller sizes of beam and column sections compared to moment resisting frames. A concentrically braced frame has minor eccentricities in the joints of the frame that are accounted for in the design (which is tried with V-braced or K-braced or concentrically braced frames for this work). This paper presents the elastic seismic response of reinforced concrete frames with reinforced concrete bracing member in K or inverted – A or V – braced pattern which are analyzed numerically for twelve storey building with 5-bay structures. This approach focuses on the arrangements of V-braces in a particular bay, level and combinations thereof to reduce the lateral displacement ultimately to achieve an economy in comparison with similar moment resisting frames. Results are concluded from graphs and discussed comprehensivelyKey words: Bare Frames, Baywise & Levelwise Braced Frames, V-Braced Frames, Concentrically Braced Frames (CBF), Outriggers. Reference [1] Shan – Hau Xu & Di – Tao Niu, "Seismic Behavior of R.C. Braced Frames", ACI Structural journal, No.1, 100, Jan –Feb-2003. [2] A. R. Khaloo & M. Mahdi Mohseni, "Nonlinear Seismic Behaviour of RC Frames with RC Braces" Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 9, No. 6, 2008. [3] J.P. Desai, A.K. Jain and A.S. Arya, "Seismic response of R.C. Braced Frames", Computers and Structures Vol. 29, No. 4, 1987. [4] M.A. Youssefa,, H. Ghaffarzadehb, M. Nehdi "Seismic performance of RC frames with concentric internal steel bracing", Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Shiraz University, Shiraz 71345-1676, Iran, 23 October 2006. [5] Dr. V. L. Shah and Dr. S.R. Karve, (Feb. 2005), "Illustrated design of reinforced concrete building", 5th Ed., structure publication. Kulkarni J. G., Kore P. N., Tanawade S. B. |
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174. | "Effect Of Biofuel Upon Global Warming, Climate And Production Of Crops" A Case Study Of Eastern Uttar Pradesh (India)
"Effect Of Biofuel Upon Global Warming, Climate And Production Of Crops" A Case Study Of Eastern Uttar Pradesh (India)Abstract: Now in these days' green house gases is the main cause of global warming and affects the climate in the world. Environmental arguments centre on the need to reduce greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions for the sake of both the global and local climate, particularly in large cities. Excessive exploitation of natural resources for development has been resulted into many environmental problems like environmental pollution and degradation, more emissions of greenhouse gases, extinction of many rare species, global warming and many more The consequences of global warming are multidimensional and can leave unpredictable deviation resulting in various weather conditions and calamities, including erratic monsoon behavior, water scarity and higher evapo-transpiration, resulting frequent floods and droughts.Key words: Bioethanol, Biomass, Pretreatment, fermentation, hydrolysis, sugar, South west monsoon, atmospheric humidity, kharif crops. Reference [1] Chamyal, L.S.and Juyal, N.2008,"Late Quaternary Continental Studies in Part of India: Implications for Monsoon Variability", Journal Geological Society of India, Vol.71, p.613. [2] Das, H.P., Kore, P.A. and Jadhav, V.N., 2003,"An effective method of identification of drought in kharif season,"MAUSAM vol.54 pt.4 p.909. [3] Hansen, J.W., and Sivakumar, M. V. K., 2006," Advances in applying climate prediction to agriculture, "Climate Research, Clim.Res.vol.33pub.Dec.21 p.1 [4] Jason Hill et al., "Environmental, economic, and energetic costs and benefits of biodiesel and ethanol biofuels," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol. 103, No. 30, July 25, 2006, pp. 11206-10 (http://www.pnas.org/cgi/content/abstract. [5] Mall, R.K., Gupta, A., Singh, R., Singh, R. S. and Rathore, L. S. 2006," Water esources and climate change: An Indian perspective", Review Articles, Current Science, Vol. 90, no. 12, p.1612. Devendra Pratap Singh, Ms. Anamika Singh, Dr. Rakesh Kumar Trivedi |
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175. | Shaft Design under Fatigue Loading By Using Modified Goodman Method
Shaft Design under Fatigue Loading By Using Modified Goodman MethodAbstract: In this paper, shaft employed in an Inertia dynamometer rotated at 1000rpm is studied. Considering the system, forces, torque acting on a shaft is used to calculate the stresses induced. Stress analysis also carried out by using FEA and the results are compared with the calculated values. Shaft is having varying cross sections due to this stress concentration is occurred at the stepped, keyways ,shoulders, sharp corners etc. caused fatigue failure of shaft. So, calculated stress concentration factor from which fatigue stress concentration factor is calculated. Endurance limit using Modified Goodman Method, fatigue factor of safety and theoretical number cycles sustained by the shaft before failure is estimated and compared results with FEA.Key words: Dynamometer, Factor of Safety, Fatigue, FEA Goodman, Stress Concentration Reference [1] Rice RC, Fatigue design handbook,3rd ed. York: SAE;1997. [2] Osgood CC, Fatigue design, Oxford: Pergamon press;1982. [3] A.Goksenli, I.B. Eryurek, Failure analysis of an elevator drive shaft, Engineering failure analysis 16 (2009) 1011-1019 [4] S.Cicero, R.Cicero, R.Lacalle, G.Diaz, D.Ferreno,Failure analysis of a lift gear shaft: application of the FITNET FFS procedure fatigue module, Engineering fracture analysis 15 (2008) 970-980. [5] Nao-Aki Noda, Yasushi Takase and Keiji Monda,Stressconcentration factors for shoulder fillets in round and flat bars under various loads,Int. J. fatigue vol19 no.1, pp. 75-84,1997 R. A. Gujar, S. V. Bhaskar |
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176. | Performance Measurement and Analysis of OLSR Routing Protocol Based On Node Scenarios Using NS2 Simulator
Performance Measurement and Analysis of OLSR Routing Protocol Based On Node Scenarios Using NS2 SimulatorAbstract: To design of a wireless network, measurement of performances and selection of optimum path based on various parameters are the main strategies In this paper, performance analysis is carried out on "Optimized Link State Routing Protocol" OLSR routing protocol and measurement of performance analysis based on different simulation parameters under various simulation environments is presented. We develop the simulation environment of small network (5, 10,15,25,30 Nodes) using NS2 and observed the complexity of the mobile ad-hoc network. The various performance parameters like average end-to-end delay, packets sent and received, jitter in network, throughput, commutative distribution and frequency distributions has been analyzed. The paper describes all the simulator parameters taken and then compares the effect of complexity of simulation environment in performance of OLSR routing protocol.Key words: MANET, OLSR, NS2, Throughput, Delay, Packet Delivery Ratio Reference [1]en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobile_ad_hoc network [2] S. Gowrishankar et al, "Scenario based Performance Analysis of AODV and OLSR inMobile Ad hoc Networks", Proceedings of the 24th South East Asia Regional Computer Conference, November 18-19, 2007, Bangkok, Thailand [3] [C. Perkins, E. B. Royer and S. Das (2003), "Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) Routing", RFC 3561, IETF Network Working Group, July. [4] T. Clausen and P. Jacquet (2003), "Optimized Link State Routing Protocol (OLSR)", RFC 3262, IETF Network Working Group, October 2003 [5] T.H. Clausen,et al,"The optimized link state routing protocol evaluating through experiments and simulation",mindpass center for distributed system,Aalborg university ,Denmark. Ankur Sharma, Er. Rakesh Kumar |
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177. | Design of All Digital Phase Locked Loop in VHDL
Design of All Digital Phase Locked Loop in VHDLAbstract: Phase locked loop is a closed-loop feedback control system that maintains a generated signal in a fixed phase relationship to a reference signal. Advances in telecommunication, wireless & wire line, and intelligent network concepts are posing greater demand towards design of faster and efficient PLLs. Design of an all-digital PLL helps to control the jitter involved in the operation of PLLs to a greater extent that is troubling the current communication industry. This paper mainly deals with design of an all-digital PLL in VHDL using Xilinx.Key words: Borrow, Carry, Digital Controlled Oscillator, Edge Triggered Mechanism, K Counter Loop Filter Reference [1] Jayaram Bhaskar, VHDL Primer (P T R Prentice Hall Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632, 1991). [2] Behzad Razavi, "Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits", (Tata-McGraw Hill 2002) [3] Ronald E Best Phase Locked Loops Design, Simulation And Applications (McGraw- Hill, New York). Gayathri M G |
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178. | A Mathematical Model for the Secretion of Human Corticotrophin Releasing Hormone and Its Relationship with Stress Variables
A Mathematical Model for the Secretion of Human Corticotrophin Releasing Hormone and Its Relationship with Stress VariablesAbstract: In this paper, we analyze a dual characterization of life distributions that is based on entropy applied to the past lifetime. Various aspects of this measure of uncertainty are considered, including its connection with the residual entropy. Results on the past entropy is obtained by using the reversed hazard function of X, which is receiving increasing attention in reliability theory and survival analysis. The formula for the past entropy H(t) when X is exponentially distributed is obtained and this formula is utilized for our application part. The formulaH(t) for peripheral administration of CRH is obtained and found that the stress variables increased monotonically upward with respect to time.Key words: Residual Lifetime, Reversed Hazard Function, hCRH, oCRH. Reference [1] Arase.K, York. DA, Shimizu.H, Shargill.N, Bray.GA (1988): "Effects of corticotrophin releasing factor on food intake and brown adipose tissue thermo genesis in rats", Am J Physiol. 255:E255-E259. [2] Behan. DP, Grigoriadis. DE, Lovenberg. T, et al. (1996): "Neurobiology of corticotrophin releasing factor (CRF) receptors and CRF-binding protein: implications for the treatment of CNS disorders", Mol Psychiatry. 1: 265-277. [3] Block, Savitis.H.W,Singh.H (1998): " The reversed hazard rate function", Prob. Eng. Inf. Sci. 12:69-90. [4] Chandra.N.K, Roy.D (2001): " Some results on reversed hazard rate", Prob. Eng. Inf. Sci. 15:95-102. [5] Diamant.M, de Wied.D (1993): "Structure related effects of CRF and CRF-derived peptides: dissociation of behavioral, endocrine and autonomic activity", Neuroendocrinology. 57:1071-1081 S.Lakshmi and Akanksha Desai |
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179. | Wind Energy Conversion System Using Cascaded H-Bridge Multi Level Inverter
Wind Energy Conversion System Using Cascaded H-Bridge Multi Level InverterAbstract: In this paper cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter operation is explained. Here maximum power is extracted from a wind energy conversion system using permanent magnet synchronous generator along with cascaded H bridge multi-level inverter. The copper losses in the rotor are eliminated and higher efficiency is obtained by using permanent magnet synchronous generator. A five level cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter circuit along with PMSG based WECS is simulated using MATLAB.Key words: Permanent-magnet synchronous generator (PMSG), wind energy conversion system (WECS), Multilevel inverter. Reference [1] T. Tafticht, K. Agbossou, A. Cheriti, and M. L. Doumbia, "Output power maximization of a permanent magnet synchronous generator based standalone wind turbine," in Proc. IEEE ISIE 2006, Montreal, QC, Canada, [2] N. Yamamura, M. Ishida, and T. Hori, "A simple wind power generating system with permanent magnet type synchronous generator," in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Power Electron. Drive Syst., 1999, vol. 2, pp. 849–854. [3] A. M. Knight and G. E. Peters, "Simple wind energy controller for an expanded operating range," IEEE Trans. Energy Convers., vol. 20, no. 2,pp. 459–466, Jun. 2005.pp. 2412–2416. [4] Zhong Du, Leon M. Tolbert, John N. Chiasson, and Burak Ozpineci, " A Cascade Multilevel Inverter Using a Single DC Source", in IEEE conference, 2006. [5] M. Chinchilla, S. Arnaltes, and J. C. Burgos, "Control of permanent magnet generators applied to variable-speed wind-energy systems connected to the grid," IEEE Trans. Energy Convers., vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 130–135, Mar. 2006. [6] K.A. Corzine, M.W. Wielebski, F.Z. Peng and Jin Wang, "Control of cascaded multilevel inverters", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol.19, no.3, May 2004, pp.732 -738 Priya.R.A |
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180. | A High Speed Wide Range Frequency Synthesizer
A High Speed Wide Range Frequency SynthesizerAbstract: Present days the Frequency Synthesizer is used for the wireless communication in the GHz range to correct the phase and frequency error as well as to provide synchronization. As time passes the frequency of operation increases and the requirement of fast loop locking is required. This paper presents the design of a wide range voltage controlled oscillator, a wide range high speed fully programmable integer N prescaler, a phase frequency detector (PFD), an accurate charge pump and a loop filter which entails an entire 48MHz to 992MHz frequency synthesizer.Key words: Blind zone, CML Logic, Cycle Slip, Dead zone, Prescalar Reference [1] R Jakob Baker, Harry W Li, David E Boyce, "CMOS Circuit Design Layout and Simulation", (Prentice Hall if India, 2003), Ch. 19, pp. 383-386. [2] Behzad Razavi, "Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits", (Tata-McGraw Hill 2002), Ch. 14, pp. 482-525 & Ch. 15, pp. 532-576. [3] Behzad Razavi, "RF Microelectronics" , (Pearson Education, Inc., 2012), Ch. 8 pp. 497-539, 577 , Ch. 9 pp. 597-646 , Ch. 10 pp. 683-688 & Ch.13 pp. 869-886. Gayathri M G, Vidhya V S |
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181. | Image Search Firewall with Content Filtering Mechanism
Image Search Firewall with Content Filtering MechanismAbstract: In Large scale storage system like google... if number of users are surfing same time for same kind of application, it creates extra traffic and makes server speed slow, here we are coming with an approach, where we are restricting unauthorized users from accessing the website. We are allocating the time period and within the time period only user will be able to use Image search applicaiton.Reference [1] F. Jing, C. Wang, Y. Yao, K. Deng, L. Zhang, and W. Ma, "I group:Web Image Search Results Clustering," Proc. 14th Ann. ACM Int'l Conf. Multimedia, 2006. [2] J. Cui, F. Wen, and X. Tang, "Real Time Google and LiveImage Search Re-Ranking," Proc. 16th ACM Int'l Conf. Multimedia, 2008. [3] J. Cui, F. Wen, and X. Tang, "IntentSearch: Interactive On-Line Image Search Re-Ranking," Proc. 16th ACM Int'l Conf. Multimedia, 2008. [4] "Bing Image Search," http://www.bing.com/images, 2012. [5] N. Ben-Haim, B. Babenko, and S. Belongie, "Improving Web-Based Image Search via Content Based Clustering," Proc. Int'l Workshop Semantic Learning Applications in Multimedia, 2006. Adithyanadig A.R, Kuchi Sandhya, Mukundahebbark.V, Swetha B.S, M.V. Panduranga Rao |
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182. | Performance Evaluation of various Control Techniques for Inverted Pendulum
Performance Evaluation of various Control Techniques for Inverted PendulumAbstract: The application of different types of FLC and conventional PID controllers to the Inverted pendulum problem is presented in this paper. The fuzzy logic controllers have been used to control many nonlinear systems. They are designed in various forms in the Matlab- Simulink environment with Mamdani type fuzzy inference system. The Inverted Pendulum system (also called "cart-pole system") is a challenging,nonlinear and unstable control system. By controlling the force applied to the cart in the horizontal direction, the inverted pendulum can be kept in various unstable equilibrium positions. Fuzzy control in association with PID control is found better amongst the fuzzy PD and fuzzy PD+I control.Key words: Fuzzy controller, Fuzzy inference system, Inverted pendulum, Mamdani, PID controller Reference [1] D. Liberzon "Switching in Systems and Control" (2003 Springer) pp.89ff. [2] Ajit K. Mandal, "Introduction to Control Engineering Modeling, Analysis and Design", New Age International Publishers. [3] T.J. Ross, "Fuzzy logic with engineering applications", John Wiley & ons, Ltd., 2004. [4] D. Sandhya, B. Amarendra Reddy, Prof. K. A. Gopala Rao "Fuzzy I-PD and Fuzzy PID Control of Non-linear Systems" International Conference on "Control, Automation, Communication and Energy Conservation -2009, 4th-6th June 2009. [5] Yanmei liu, zhen chen, dingyu xue, xinhe xu "Real-Time Controlling of Inverted Pendulum by fuzzy logic" In proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Automation and Logistics Shenyang, China August 2009. Anita Khosla, Leena G., M. K. Soni |
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183. | Experimental Study on Conversion of 4 Stroke Gasoline Internal Combustion Engine into Enriched Compressed Natural Gas Engine To Achieve Lower Emissions
Experimental Study on Conversion of 4 Stroke Gasoline Internal Combustion Engine into Enriched Compressed Natural Gas Engine To Achieve Lower EmissionsAbstract: In spark ignition engine with gasoline and compressed natural gas as fuel, performance and emissions results were recorded under steady state operating conditions. The engine is run at wide open throttle and constant speed ranging from 1000 rpm to 5000 rpm with 500 rpm increment. On average, we have observed that CNG operation results in 3-12% less Mechanical efficiency compared to gasoline. In terms of exhaust emissions, the results show that HC, CO and CO2 have got reduced significantly by 40-66%, 54-98% and 28-30% respectively compared to gasoline. Now a days the emission norms are very stringent. Emission standards like Bharat Stage IV (Equal to EURO IV) is implemented in India, in 13 major cities, since April 2010 and Bharat Stage III is implemented nationwide since April 2010. To meet the EURO V norms this can be further modified into Hydrogen Enriched Compressed Natural Gas (HCNG) system by using hydrogen with CNG. This process is carried out to reduce the exhaust emissions at its best and to have the complete combustion of fuel from the beginning itself.Key words: Bharat Stage, CNG, Emission standards, EURO, Exhaust gas analyzer Reference [1] Brett Jarman, "Beyond CNG – Natural gas vehicles in the Years Ahead", The Automotive Research Association of India, 2009 [2] Semin, Abdul Rahim Ismail, and Rosli Abu Bakar, " Gas Fuel Spray Simulation of Port Injection Compressd Natural Gas Engine Using Injector Nozzle Multi Holes", European Journal of Scientific Research, pp.188-193, 2009. [3] How Heoy Geok, Taib Iskandar Mohamad, Shahrir Abdullah, Yusoff Ali, Azhari Shamsudeen, and Elvis Adril "Experimental Investigation of Performance and Emission of a Sequential Port Injection Natural Gas Engine", European Journal of Scientific Research, pp.204-214, 2009. [4] Munde Gopal, G. and Dr. Dalu Rajendra, S. "Compressed Natural Gas as an Alternative for Spark ignition Engine: A Review" , International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology(IJEIT), Volume 2, Issue 6, December 2012. [5] Darade, P.M. and Dalu, R.S. "Investigation of Performance and emissions of CNG fuelled VCR engine", International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering(IJETAE), Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2013 Mr. Saravanan V.S, Dr. P. S. Utgikar, Dr. Sachin L Borse |
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184. | Control Of PV Charger System With SEPIC Converter
Control Of PV Charger System With SEPIC ConverterAbstract: The photovoltaic (PV) stand-alone system requires a battery charger for energy storage. This paper presents the modeling and controller design of the PV charger system implemented with the single-ended primary inductance converter (SEPIC). The designed SEPIC employs the peak-current-mode control with the current command generated from the input PV voltage regulating loop, where the voltage command is determined by both the PV module maximum power point tracking (MPPT) control loop and the battery charging loop. The control objective is to balance the power flow from the PV module to the battery and the load such that the PV power is utilized effectively and the battery is charged with three charging stages. This paper gives a detailed modeling of the SEPIC with the PV module input and peak-current-mode control first. Accordingly, the PV voltage controller, as well as the adaptive MPPT controller, is designed. An 80-W prototype system is built. The effectiveness of the proposed methods is proved with some simulation and experimental results.Key words: Maximum power point tracking (MPPT), power balance control, single-ended primary inductance converter (SEPIC), stand-alone Reference [1] M. Rogol, S. Doi, and A. Wilkinson, "Sun screen: Investment opportunities in solar power," Solar Power Sector Outlook, Jul. 7, 2004, CLSA Asia-Pacific Markets. [2] German Advisory Council on GlobalChange, 2003. [3] S. B. Kjaer, J. K. Pedersen, and F. Blaabjerg, "A review of single-phase grid-connected inverters for photovoltaic modules," IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 41, no. 5, pp. 1292–1306, Sep./Oct. 2005. [4] R. A. Mastromauro, M. Liserre, and A. Dell'Aquila, "Study of the effects of inductor nonlinear behavior on the performance of current controllers for single-phase PV grid converters," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 5, pp. 2043–2052, May 2008. [5] Y. K. Lo, T. P. Lee, and K. H. Wu, "Grid-connected photovoltaic system with power factor correction," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 5, pp. 2224–2227, May 2008. A. Giddaiah, K. Kishore Reddy |
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185. | Dispersion and Characterization of Coplanar Waveguide Based On Conformal Mapping Technique
Dispersion and Characterization of Coplanar Waveguide Based On Conformal Mapping TechniqueAbstract: In this paper we proposed the estimation of the characteristic impedance, effect of dispersion, and the effective dielectric constant of Coplanar Waveguide (CPW) using conformal mapping theory and performances are analyzed. Numerically efficient and accurate formulae based on the conformal mapping method for the analysis of coplanar waveguide structures are presented. The analysis formulas for Coplanar Waveguides are derived and verified with Matlab. The Characteristic Impedance of CPW for different dielectric material using finite substrate as well as for infinite thickness of the substrate material and peering effect of dispersion is under consideration in this work. With the help of CPW transmission techniques, substantial amount of efficiency has been achieved. The design equation obtained by conformal mapping technique which is the simplest and most often used quasi-static method consists of complete elliptical integral.Key words: CPW, microstrip, fringing field, conformal mapping, Transmission line, Quasi-TEM. Reference [1] Mukesh kumar, Rohini Saxena, Anil Kumar, Pradyot Kala, Reena Pant,"Theoretical Characterization of Coplanar Waveguide using Conformal Mapping",International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science & Electronics Engineering, Vol-1, Issue-4, pp. 48-51, June 2012. [2] C. P. Wen, ''Coplanar Waveguide: A Surface Strip Transmission Line Suitable for Nonreciprocal Gyromagnetic Device Applications,'' IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. 17, No. 12, pp. 1087—1090, Dec. 1969. [3] P. Bhartia and P. Pramanick, ``A New Microstrip Dispersion Model,'' IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 32, no. 10, pp. 1379-1384, Oct. 1984. [4] R. E. Collin, Foundations for Microwave Engineering, 2nd ed.New York: Mc Graw- Hill, 1992. [5] K. C. Gupta, R. Garg, I. J. Bahl, and P. Bhartia, Microstrip Lines and Slotlines, 2nd ed.Artech House, Inc., 1996. Md Saddam Hussain, Mukesh Kumar, Prof. A. K. Jaiswal, Er. Rohini Saxena |
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186. | Experimental Studies and Controller Design of Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Using With and Without Insert
Experimental Studies and Controller Design of Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Using With and Without InsertAbstract: An experimental study of heat transfer characteristics with and without insert was found using water –water system on 1-2 pass shell and tube heat exchanger. Experimental results such as exchanger effectiveness, overall heat transfer coefficient were calculated using with and without insert. There is improvement in overall heat coefficient, efficiency in using twisted tape. In all the process industries the process variables like flow, pressure, level and temperature are the main parameters that need to be controlled in both set point and load changes. The transfer of heat is one of the main important operation in the heat exchanger .The transfer of heat may be fluid to fluid, gas to gas i.e. in the same phase or the phase change can occur on either side of the heat exchanger.Key words: Heat Exchanger, Heat transfer Co-efficient, Insert, PI controller, IMC Reference [1] Transfer, Springer-Verlag, (1996), Transient analysis of Multi pass cross flow heat exchangers Heat and mass transfer, [2] Misheck G.Mwaba Eindhoven, (2003), Analysis of heat exchanger fouling in cane sugar industry. Analysis of heat exchanger fouling in cane sugar industry by,2003. [3] Pretoria,Lynnwood Road Pretoria,South Africa,(2007)..Fabrication of polymer film heat transfer elements for energy efficient multi-effect distillation T.B.Scheffler,A.J.Leao,Physics department,University of Pretoria(2007), [4]Q.W.Dong,Y.Q.Wang,M.S.Liu,Springer,(2004).Numerical and experimental investigation of shell side characteristics for ROD baffle heat exchanger 2004. [5] m.r.mackley and p.stonestreet,Springerlink ( 2005).Heat transfer and associated energy dissipation for oscillated flow in baffled tubes, 2005. D.Kishore, D. Srinivasa Rao, J.Nityanandam |
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187. | A Novel Routing Algorithm Based On Link Failure Localization for MANET
A Novel Routing Algorithm Based On Link Failure Localization for MANETAbstract: The routing in Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is a critical task due to dynamic topology. Many routing protocols were proposed which are categorized as proactive and reactive routing protocols. Route maintenance is a great challenge in MANET due to frequent link failure which causes high data loss and delay. To counter such problems, lots of link repair mechanisms were proposed, but all these have their own limitations. This paper proposes a novel routing algorithm for route maintenance based on Link Failure Localization called DSR-LFL. DSR-LFL takes decision on the basis of location of failure link in source route. Simulation results shows DSR-LFL improve the Packet Delivery Ratio, Throughput and decrease the Routing Overhead, End-to-End Delay as compared to Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) protocol.Key words: DSR, MANET, DSR-LFL, routing, salvage Reference [1] D.B. Johnson and D. A. Maltz, "Dynamic Source Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks", Mobile Computing, T. Imielinski and H. Korth, Eds., Kluwer, 1996, pp. 153-181. [2] Qing-An Zeng , Dharma P. Agrawal Ramnath Duggirala and Rahul Gupta, "Performance Enhancements of Ad Hoc Networks with Localized Route Repair" IEEE Transaction on Computers, 0018-9340/03/$17.00 , IEEE 2003, VOL. 52, NO. 7, pp. 854-861, JULY 2003 [3] Junjie Chen, Chang'en Zhou, Deli Chen, Bin Huang, Jiajun Hong, Chao Zhou1, Xiao Yang, "A Novel Routing Algorithm for Ad hoc Networks Based on the Downstream Nodes Information", International Conference on Multimedia Information Networking and Security, 2009. 978-0-7695-3843-3/09 IEEE 2009. [4] Genping Liu, Kai Juan Wong, Bu Sung Lee, Boon Chong Seet, Chuan Heng Foh, Lijuan Zhu, "PATCH: a novel local recovery mechanism for mobile ad-hoc networks", Vehicular Technology Conference, 2003. VTC 2003-Fall. 58th. pp. 2995 – 2999 Vol.5. IEEE, 2003. [5] Aron and S. Gupta. "A Witness-Aided Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks with Unidirectional Links", Proc. First lnt'l Conf. on Mobile Data Access (MDA '99), Hong-Kong, Dec. 1999, pp. 24-33. Praveen Yadav, Joy Bhattacharjee, Dr. K S Rahguwanshi |
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188. | Investigating the Effects of Coarse Aggregate Types on The Compressive Strength Of Concrete
Investigating the Effects of Coarse Aggregate Types on The Compressive Strength Of ConcreteAbstract: Concrete has a far greater strength than mortar and sandcrete of the same cement: aggregate ratio. This exceeding strength is, most times, found to be triple (or more) that of mortar. Coarse aggregates, which are the interest of this study, make the difference. Three different types of coarse aggregates, with 20mm maximum size, were employed in the investigation, namely; crushed granite, washed gravel, and unwashed gravel. The grading and relative densities of the aggregates were studied. The mix ratio and water/cement ratio adopted for the study was 1:3:6 and 0.6 respectively. The target mean strength at 28 days was 15N/mm2. Twelve concrete cubes (150mm x 150mm x 150mm) were cast for each coarse aggregate type of which four were crushed at each maturity age namely; 7, 14, 21, and 28 days. All cubes reached the target mean strength after 7 days of curing. The 28 day strengths of the concretes made with crushed granite, washed gravel, and unwashed gravel were 25.1 N/mm2, 20.0 N/mm2, and 16.9 N/mm2 respectively. Consequently, it was concluded that the strength of concrete depends greatly on the internal structure, surface nature and shape of aggregates.Key words: aggregates, concrete, compressive strength, granite, gravel, curing. Reference [1] Bloem, D.L. and Gaynor, R.D. (1963) Effects of Aggregate Grading on the Strength of Concrete. Journal of American Concrete Institute (ACI) 60, pp. 1429 – 1455. [2] Chen, B. and Liu, J. (2004) Construction and Building Materials. 18(8), pp. 585 – 590. [3] Jackson, N. and Ravindra, K.D. (1996) Civil Engineering Materials (fifth edition), Macmillian Press Publishers Ltd. London, UK. [4] James, T., Malachi, A., Gadzama, E.W., and Anametemfiok, V. (2011) Effects of Curing Methods on the Compressive Strength of Concrete, Nigerian Journal of Technology, Vol. 30(3) pp.14 – 20. [5] Joseph O.U., Maurice, E.E., and Godwin, A.A. (2012) Compressive Strength of Concrete Using Lateritic Sand and Quarry Dust as Fine Aggregate, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences. 7(1) Aginam, C. H., Chidolue, C. A., And Nwakire, C |
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189. | Search Engine Optimization for Improving Page Rank And
Image Search Accuracy
Search Engine Optimization for Improving Page Rank And Image Search AccuracyAbstract: Page Ranking plays a vital role in search engine optimization. When user searches on web via search engine, web page links are displayed on user screen according to their page rank. In this paper techniques to improve page rank and image search accuracy have been discussed. Number of web sites and web pages are increasing day by day. To display page links from most relevant to least relevant web pages, web pages are needed to be ranked properly to make searching easier and beneficial for the user. Images are provided to the user by using image search accuracy technique. Also various page ranking techniques have been compared with new page ranking technique discussed in this paper.Key words: count; keyword; page rank; image search; search engine. Reference [1] Hanhoon Kang, Seong Joon Yoo, Dongil Han, Modeling Web Crawler Wrappers to Collect User Reviews on Shopping Mall with Various Hierarchical Tree Structure, IEEE, 2009 International Conference on Web Information Systems and Mining. [2] Ming-sheng Zhao, Peng Zhu*, Tian-chi He, An Intelligent Topic Web Crawler Based on DTB, IEEE, 2010 International Conference on Web Information Systems and Mining. [3] Guo Guohong, Wei Wei, Video Semantic Information Architecture Based on Web Crawlers, IEEE, 978-1-4244-7255-0/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE. [4] Manuel Álvarez, Juan Raposo, Alberto Pan, Fidel Cacheda, Fernando Bellas, Víctor Carneiro, DeepBot: A Focused Crawler for Accessing Hidden Web Content DEECS 2007, June 12, 2007. San Diego, California USA Copyright © 2007 ACM 978-1-59593-856-5/07/06... $5.00. [5] WEN-XUE TAO, WAN-LI ZUO, QUERY-SENSITIVE SELF-ADAPTABLE WEB PAGE RANKING ALGORITHM, IEEE, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Xi", 2-5 November 2003. Er. Tanveer Singh, Dr.Raman Maini |
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190. | Text Steganography Based On Unicode of Characters in Multilingual
Text Steganography Based On Unicode of Characters in MultilingualAbstract: Network security, and secure communications through public and private channels are more important issue specially when computer usage is increasing, for both social and business areas. Data hiding is one of approach to obtain a secure communication medium and protecting the information during transmission. Text steganography is most challenging because of the presence of very less redundant information in text documents as compared to the images and audio. In this paper a novel method is proposed for data hiding in English scripts using Unicode of English alphabet in another languages. In this method, 13 characters from English alphabet was chosen for hiding process which have appearance in another languages. Two bits embedded in one time, using ASCII code for embedding 00, and using Unicode of multilingual for embedding 01, 10, and 11. This method has a height hiding capacity based on specific characters in each document. As well as have very good perceptual transparency and no changes in original text.Key words: Multilingual characters, Text hiding, Unicode standard. Reference [1] M. Agarwal, Application Text Steganographic Approaches: A Comparison International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications, 5(1), 2013, 91-106. [2] K. Rabah, Steganography-the art of hiding data, Information Technology Journal, 3(3), 2004, 245-269. [3] W. Bender, D. Gruhl, N. Morimoto, and A. Lu, Techniques for data hiding, IBM System Journal 35(3-4), 1996, 313-336. [4] H. Shirali-Shahreza, M. Shirali-Shahreza, A new synonym text steganography. Proc. 8th International Conf. on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Harbin, China, 2008, 1524-1526. [5] Y. Kim, K. Moon, I. Oh, A text watermarking algorithm based on word classification and inter-word space statistics, Proc. 7th International Conf. on Document Analysis and Recognition, Edinburgh, Scotland: IEEE,2003, 775-779. Abdul Monem S. Rahma, Wesam S.Bhaya, Dhamyaa A. Al-Nasrawi |
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191. | A Survey: On Content Based Image Retrieval
A Survey: On Content Based Image RetrievalAbstract: Content based Image Retrieval is the task of retrieve the images from the large collection of database on the basis of their own visual content. CBIR is used for automatic indexing and retrieval of images depending upon contents of images known as features. This paper provides the survey of technical achievements in the research area of image retrieval. In this paper, a survey is done on the different methods of content based image retrieval for the classification of texture and color. For the classification of the extracted features we have used SVM. Classification using cascaded SVM is also used here for solving large-scale pattern classification problems. Cascaded SVM has advantages over conventional SVM.Key words: CBIR, Feature Extraction, Texture and Pattern Classification. Reference [1] Swapnalini Pattanaik, Prof.D.G.Bhalke, "Beginners to Content Based Image Retrieval", International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering &Technology (IJSRET) Volume 1 Issue2 pp. 040-044 May 2012. [2] Nishchal K Verma, Saurabh Agrawal, Pradip Sircar "Content Based Color Image Classification using SVM", Eighth International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations 2011. [3] R. M. Haralick, K. Shanmugam, and I. Dinstein, Texture features for image classification, IEEE Trans. OnSys. Man. and Cyb. SMC-3(6), 1973. [4] H. Tamura, S. Mori, and T. Yamawaki, "Texture features corresponding to visual perception," IEEETrans. On Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, vol. Smc-8, No. 6, June 1978. [5] W.Y. Ma, B. S. Manjunath, "Comparison of wavelet transform features for texture Image Annotation" , IEEE Trans 1995. Vivek Jain, Neha Sahu |
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192. | Studies on Double Stage Engine Mount for Vibration Reduction
Studies on Double Stage Engine Mount for Vibration ReductionAbstract: It is necessary to design a warship so as to evade detection by enemy ships or submarines. A recent technique used involves mounting all vital machinery on a double stage vibration isolation system. In cases where there is a demand for high structure-borne noise attenuation a two-stage mounting system (also called as raft mounting) is employed. The aim is to reduce vibration levels from machinery to foundation, and thereby to reduce radiation noise levels from ship hull. The vertical vibrations of the system are assumed to be most predominant. The other types of vibrations like rocking or transverse type of vibrations will be assumed to be negligible and to be taken by the mounts. We will analyze effects of changes in various system parameters like spring stiffness and damping coefficient on the dynamic response of the system. The analysis which is aimed at finding the parameters of mounts and then optimizing the mounts, is based on discrete system modeling.Key words: warship machinery foundation, double stage vibration isolation, two degree freedom systems, marine engine foundation. Reference [1] J. S. Tao, G.R. Liu & K. Y. Lam, "Design Optimization of marine engine mount system." Journal of Sound and Vibration. 235(3) (474-494) (2000). [2] S. G. Hutton, "Optimization of vibration mount properties for application to shipboard diesel engines" Defense research establishment Atlantic – Technical report DREA CR 2000-077 (Jan 2001). [3] G. K. Grover, Mechanical Vibrations, Nem Chand & Bros, Roorkee, India. (2009). [4] James D. Idol,Richard L. Lehman, The crc handbook of Mechanical engineering, second edition, Edited by Frank Kreith and Yogi Goswami,Published August, 2004 G. C. Mekalke, M. V. Kavade, S. B. Kumbhar |
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193. | Performance Testing Of a Truncated Pyramid Solar Thermal Cooker
Performance Testing Of a Truncated Pyramid Solar Thermal CookerAbstract: This paper presents the results of performance testing of a truncated pyramid solar thermal cooker developed in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kaduna Polytechnic, Kaduna, Nigeria. The truncated pyramidal geometry concentrates the incident solar energy radiations towards the absorber placed at the bottom, and the glass glazing material at the top facilitates the trapping of energy inside the cooker. During testing, the highest plate stagnation temperature achieved, under no-load condition and reflector covered with black cloth, was 145 oC. In full-load condition the temperature of 5.2 kg of water inside the cooker rose from 60 oC to 90 oC in 72 minutes. The First Figure of Merit, F1, was calculated to be 0.120 and the Second Figure of Merit, F2, was found to be 0.410, thus meeting the standard prescribed by the Bureau of Indian Standards for box-type solar cookers. The relatively high absorber plate temperature developed during testing demonstrates that the cooker can be used for all the four major methods of cooking, viz: boiling/ steaming, baking, roasting/grilling, and frying (of eggs).Key words: Cooker, performance, pyramid, solar, testing, thermal, truncated Reference [1]. Kimambo C.Z.M. "Development and Performance Testing of Solar Cookers". Journal of Energy in Southern Africa, Vol 18, No 3, 2007, pp 41-51. [2]. Kundapur A. "Review of Solar Cooker Designs". TIDE, 8 (1), 1988, pp 1-37. [3]. Kundapur A. and Sudhir C.V. "Proposal for New World Standard for Testing Solar Cookers". Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Vol. 4, No. 3, 2009, pp 272-281. [4]. Tiwari G.N. and Yadav Y.P. "A New Solar Cooker Design". Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 26, No. 1, 1986, pp 41-42. [5]. Abed F.M. "Experimental Investigation of Thermal Performance of Solar Cooker with Reflector". European Journal of Scientific Research, Vol. 56, No. 1, 2011, pp 112-123. I.L. Mohammed, U. J. Rumah, A.T. Abdulrahim |
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194. | Design and Development of a Parabolic Dish Solar Thermal Cook
Design and Development of a Parabolic Dish Solar Thermal CookAbstract: A parabolic dish solar thermal cooker having aperture diameter 1.8 m, depth 29.0 cm and focal length 69.8 cm was designed and constructed. The cooker was designed to cook food equivalent of 12 kg of dry rice per day, for a relatively medium size family. For effective performance, the design required that the solar cooker track the sun frequently, and a linear actuator (superjack) was adopted for this purpose. Preliminary test results show that the overall performance of the solar thermal cooker is satisfactory. The cooker is capable of cooking 3.0 kg of rice within 90 – 100 minutes, and this strongly agrees with the predicted time of 91minutes.Key words: Cooker, design, development, dish, thermal parabolic, solar Reference [1]. Fritz M. Future Energy Consumption. Pergamon Press, New York, 1981. [2]. Nahar N.M. "Design and Development of a Large Size Non-Tracking Solar Cooker". Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Vol. 4, No. 3, 2009, pp 264- 271. [3]. Sharma S.K. "Solar Cookers". Encyclopedia of Energy, Vol. 5, 2004. Elsevier Inc. [4]. Rai G.D. Solar Energy Utilisation, 5th edn. Khanna Publishers Delhi, India, 2005. [5]. Stine W.B. and Harrigan R.W. Solar Energy Fundamentals and Design. John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York, 1985. Ibrahim Ladan Mohammed |
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195. | A Review on Energy Optimization in Wireless Sensor Networks
A Review on Energy Optimization in Wireless Sensor NetworksAbstract: IEEE 802.11 standard defines the principles of Wireless LAN (Local Area Network). It mainly categorized into 2 different topologies: Infrastructure Network and Ad-hoc network. Ad-hoc networks can uses only created networks for "this purpose only" goal. On other way, Infrastructure network uses fixed "permanent" infrastructure. The main objective behind this both type of topology is to save energy in Wireless Sensor Nodes (WSNs). Connection of different WSNs are called as Wireless Sensor Networks. In this paper, we will review some of the techniques for energy optimization in Wireless Sensor Networks.Key words: Energy Optimization, Wireless Sensor Network, Review, Power saving, MAC protocols, Routing protocol, survey Reference [1] Stankovic, J.A.; Abdelzaher, T.F.; Lu, C.; Sha, L. & Hou, J. C. (2003). "Real-Time Communication and Coordination in Embedded Sensor Networks". Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 91, No. 7, pp. 1002-1022, 2003 [2] Akyildiz, I. F.; Su W.; Sankarasubramaniam Y. & Cayirci E. (2002). "A Survey on Sensor Networks". IEEE Communications Magazine, pp. 102-114. [3] Ilyas, M. & Mahgoub, I. (2005). "Handbook of Sensor Networks: Compact Wireless and Wired Sensing Systems," CRC Press Inc., Boca Raton, USA. [4] Oliver, R. S. & Fohler, G. (2010). "Timeliness in Wireless Sensor Networks: Common Misconceptions". Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Real]Time Networks, Brussels, Belgium, July 2010. [5] Molla, M. & Ahamed, S. I., "A Survey for Sensor Network and Challenges". (2006). Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Parallel Processing Workshops, 2006. Hemantkumar Damor, Jitendra S. Dhobi |
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196. | Performance Analysis of Equalizer Techniques for Modulated Signals
Performance Analysis of Equalizer Techniques for Modulated SignalsAbstract: In this work, the performance of two equalizers Least Mean Square (LMS) and Recursive Least Square (RLS) is observed by calculating the BER effect of Rician channels over low Doppler shift. AWGN is also added to the channel from -10 dB to 20 dB. The Bit Error Rate (BER) of 2, 4, 8-PSK (Phase Shift Keying) signals and 16, 64- QAM (Quadrature Amplitude Modulation) over Rayleigh and Rician channel is calculated.Key words: Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN), Least Mean Square (LMS), Recursive Least Square (RLS), Bit Error Rate (BER), Phase Shift Keying (PSK), Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM). Reference 1. John G. Proakis, Digital Communications, 4th ed. 2001.ISBN 0-07-118183-0 2. H. R. Nikoofar and A. R. Sharafat, "Modulation Classification for Burst- Mode QAM Signal in Multipath Fading Channels" Iranian J. of Sc. & Tech., Transaction B: Engineering, vol. 34, No. B3, pp 257-274, 2010. 3. Veeraruna Kavitha and Vinod Sharma, "Analysis of an LMS Linear Equalizer for Fading Channels in Decision Directed mode". 4. Hsiao-Chun Wu, Yiyan Wu and Xianbin Wang, "Robust Switching Blind Equalizer for Wireless Cognitive Receiver" IEEE Transaction on Wireless Communications, vol. 7, No. 5, May 2008. 5. Jagdish C. Patra, Ranendra N Pal, Rameswar Baliarsingh and Ganapati Panda, "Nonlinear channel Equalization on QAM Signal Constellation using Artificial Neural Network", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, vol. 29, No. 2 Apr. 1999. Gunjan Verma, Prof. Jaspal Bagga |
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197. | Effect of Design Parameter on the Performance of Lithium Ion Battery
Effect of Design Parameter on the Performance of Lithium Ion BatteryAbstract: The demand of alternative energy sources increasing because gasoline reserve in world is depleting day by day. Various alternative energy resources is being used to meet out the requirement of the human beings. Battery are also a kind of alternative energy source. Due to limitation of fuel reserves researchers have focused towards the lithium ion batteries to power automotive vehicles. Such as electric vehicle (EV), hybrid electric vehicle and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. Apart from that lithium ion battery are being used in various small electronic portable devices. In this work we have simulated mathematical model for lithium ion battery to see the effect of kee parameter such as porosity of positive electrode, porosity of negative electrode and radius of solid particle in negative electrode and radius of solid particle in positive electrode. I have seen that increasing the particle radius and porosity in negative electrode greatly affect the charge and discharge behaviour of the battery apart from that effect of increasing particle radius and porosity of positive electrode has minute effect over the battery behaviour.Reference [1] I. M. Development, "Micro-Macroscopic Coupled Modeling of Batteries and Fuel Cells," vol. 145, no. 10, pp. 3407–3417, 1998. [2] S. Santhanagopalan, Q. Guo, and R. E. White, "Parameter Estimation and Model Discrimination for a Lithium-Ion Cell," Journal of The Electrochemical Society, vol. 154, no. 3, p. A198, 2007. [3] G.-H. Kim, K. Smith, K.-J. Lee, S. Santhanagopalan, and A. Pesaran, "Multi-Domain Modeling of Lithium -Ion Batteries Encompassing Multi-Physics in Varied Length Scales," Journal of The Electrochemical Society, vol. 158, no. 8, p. A955, 2011. [4] N. Taniguchi, K. Hatoh, J. Niikura, T. Gamo, M. Doyle, and J. Newman, "Comparison of Modeling Predictions with Experimental Data from Plastic Lithium Ion Cells," vol. 143, no. 6, pp. 1890–1903, 1996. [5] L. Cai and R. E. White, "Mathematical modeling of a lithium ion battery with thermal effects in COMSOL Inc. Multiphysics (MP) software," Journal of Power Sources, vol. 196, no. 14, pp. 5985–5989, Jul. 2011. Aadil Ahmad, Mohd. Parvez |
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198. | Comparison And Implementation Of Block Matching Algorithms
Comparison And Implementation Of Block Matching AlgorithmsAbstract: Video data are rich sources of information and in order to make these data, the information content of the data has to be analyzed. A frame of video sequence at a boundary point of a shot differs in background and content from its successive frame that belongs to the next shot. Block Matching Algorithm is used to detect shot in video sequences. Vast number of Matching Algorithm have been proposed and developed to detect shot. In this paper, three Block Matching Algorithms, namely Four Step Search (4SS), Diamond Search (DS) and Adaptive Rood Pattern Search (ARPS) Algorithms are used. Implementation of these algorithms have been performed on videos and are studied and compared and obtained that ARPS is best Block Matching Algorithm for extraction of motion activity.Key words: BMA, ARPS, DS, 4SS, motion estimation, etc. Reference [1] John S. Boreczky, Lawrence A. Rowe, "Comparison of video shot boundary detection Techniques", Journal of Electronic Imaging 5(2), 122–128, April 1996. [2] Lai-Man Po, and Wing-Chung Ma, "A Novel Four-Step Search Algorithm for Fast Block Motion Estimation", IEEE Trans. Circuits And Systems For Video Technology, vol 6, no. 3, pp. 313-317, June 1996. [3] Shan Zhu, and Kai-Kuang Ma, " A New Diamond Search Algorithm for Fast Block-Matching Motion Estimation", IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol 9, no. 2, pp. 287-290, February 2000. [4] Yao Nie, and Kai-Kuang Ma, "Adaptive Rood Pattern Search for Fast Block-Matching Motion Estimation", IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol 11, no. 12, pp. 1442-1448, December 2002. [5] Aroh Barjatya, "Block Matching Algorithms for Motion Estimation", 2004. Vanshree Verma, Sr. Asst. Prof. Ravi Mishra |
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199. | A Simulation of a STATCOM-Control for Grid Connected Wind Energy System for Power Quality Improvement
A Simulation of a STATCOM-Control for Grid Connected Wind Energy System for Power Quality ImprovementAbstract: Injection of the wind power into an electric grid affects the power quality. The performance of the wind turbine and thereby power quality are determined on the basis of measurements and the norms followed according to the guideline specified in International Electro-technical Commission standard, IEC-61400. The influence of the wind turbine in the grid system concerning the power quality measurements are-the active power, reactive power, variation of voltage, flicker, harmonics, and electrical behavior of switching operation and these are measured according to national/international guidelines.Reference [1] A. Sannino, "Global power systems for sustainable development," in IEEE General Meeting, Denver, CO, Jun. 2004. [2] K. S. Hook, Y. Liu, and S. Atcitty, "Mitigation of the wind generation integration related power quality issues by energy storage," EPQU J. , vol. XII, no. 2, 2006. [3] R. Billinton and Y. Gao, "Energy conversion system models for adequacy assessment of generating systems incorporating wind energy," IEEE Trans. on E. Conv. , vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 163–169, 2008, Multistate. [4] Wind Turbine Generating System—Part 21 , International standard-IEC61400-21, 2001. [5] J. Manel, "Power electronic system for grid integration of renewable energy source: A survey," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. , vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 1002–1014, 2006, Carrasco. Amit Kumar Chourasia, Abhishek Mishra, Durga Sharma |
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200. | Fast Dynamic Control Behavior of a Capacitor Supported Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR)
Fast Dynamic Control Behavior of a Capacitor Supported Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR)Abstract: Dynamic voltage restorers (DVRs) are the most popular Devices in industry to reduce the undesirable effect of voltage sags/swells to sensitive loads. The DVR is a series connected device whose function is to maintain sensitive loads voltage within the permissible range. This work provides us to find the optimal location and the optimal DVR settings to enhance the distribution related loading issues. It is based on the boundary control method with the second-order switching surface. The load voltage can ideally be reverted to the steady state in two switching actions during a supply voltage dip. The outer loop is used to generate the DVR output reference for the inner loop. It has three control modes for achieving two different functions, including the output regulation and output restoration. The first mode is for regulating the capacitor voltage on the dc side of the inverter, so that the output of the DVR is regulated at the nominal voltage. Conventional voltage-restoration technique is based on injecting voltage being in-phase with the supply voltage.Key words: Voltage sag, voltage swell, dynamic voltage restoration (DVR), power quality, fluctuation. Reference [1] M. Bollen, Understanding Power Quality Problems, Voltage Sags and Interruptions. New York: IEEE Press, 2000. [2] M. Sullivan, T. Vardell, and M. Johnson, "Power interruption costs to industrial and commercial consumers of electricity," IEEE Trans. Ind. App., vol. 33, no. 6, pp. 1448–1458, Nov. 1997. [3] N. Woodley, L. Morgan, and A. Sundaram, "Experience with an inverter based dynamic voltage restorer," IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 1181–1186, Jul. 1999. [4] R. R. Erra belli, Y. Y. Kolhatkar, and S. P. Das, "Experimental investigation of DVR with sliding mode control," in Proc. IEEE Power India Conf., Apr. 2006, paper 117. [5] S. Lee, H. Kim, and S. K. Sul, "A novel control method for the compensation voltages in dynamic voltage restorers," in Proc. IEEE APEC 2004, vol. 1, pp. 614–620. Narender Jatoth, M.Praveen Kumar |
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201. | Building SoundWorks, the New Revolutionary Computer-Based Audiometer
Building SoundWorks, the New Revolutionary Computer-Based AudiometerAbstract: The goal of this engineering project was to design a computer-based audiometer called SoundWorks to provide users with a simple and cheap way to monitor hearing loss. SoundWorks was created to test people for their hearing loss in an automatic manner. It generates test tones of specific frequencies at specific ascending sound levels for which the testee responds on hearing the tone through a calibrated headphone set/amplifier setup. It covers a normal (100Hz-8000Hz) and an extended range up to 20,000Hz and covers sound levels from 0dB to 120dB. An audiogram (plot of threshold values) is updated in real time. A report is generated automatically after both ears are tested for audiologist interpretation. Options include pulse or continuous test tone, silence or white noise in ear not being tested. Differentiating enhancements of SoundWorks include hysteresis of threshold, multilingual voice and text prompts, manual mode for spot checks, speech mode, and tinnitus matching mode. This product was developed in C# language on Microsoft Windows 7, debugged, and fully validated for complete functionality. Calibration of all sound levels, frequencies, and channels has been completed. This product aims to provide a portable/affordable hearing test capability for under-served economies, volunteer organizations, and frontline military medical units for quick screening of personnel exposed to excessive sound levels. Future plans include medical certification and porting to mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets.Reference [1] ASHA. (2012). Sensorineural Hearing Loss. Retrieved February 2, 2013, from American Speech-Language-Hearing Association website: http://www.asha.org/public/hearing/sensorineural-hearing-loss/ The purpose of this source is to outline Sensorineural Hearing Loss (SSHL), which is a type of hearing loss occurring high frequencies. It is reliable because it comes from the ASHA, which is an organization with expertise in the field of audiology. This source inspired the incorporation of high-frequency testing (8k-20k Hz) in SoundWorks, which allows it to be a more complete hearing test. [2] Blue, L. (2008, July 28). How Bad Are iPods for Your Hearing? TIME Magazine. Retrieved from http://www.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,1827159,00.html This source is an article from the TIME magazine concerned specifically with the effect of iPods on hearing loss. It is an extremely reliable article because it comes from a highly respected magazine as well. Much of the information is also consistent with other sources as well. This article was essential for background research, as it focused on the prevalence of hearing loss and the low awareness of the epidemic. [3] Bowman, L. (2012, June 5). Medical: Hearing loss increasing among young, old. Retrieved February 2, 2013, from Evansville Courier and Press website:http://www.courierpress.com/news/2012/jun/05/medical-hearing-loss-increasing-among-young-old/ The purpose of this source was to underscore the growing problem of hearing loss within American society. It offers statistics pertaining to how many people have hearing loss, making it a valuable source of information. It specifically offers information about hearing loss in the younger generation like children and adolescents. This source was helpful for background research for the development of this application. [4] Briggs, B. (2012, November 13). Hearing loss the most prevalent injury among returning veterans. Retrieved February 4, 2013, from U.S. News website: http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/11/13/14728839-hearing-loss-the-most-prevalent-injury-among-returning-veterans?lit The purpose of this source is to underline the problem of hearing loss specifically in the military. It is a reliable source of information becomes it comes from a respected news source. This source wasn't particularly helpful in the development of the application, but it helped set a foundation of where this product might be particularly helpful. [5] CIBA Foundation Symposium. (2009). Sensorineural Hearing Loss. Philadelphia, PA: Churchill This source covers, in a highly detailed manner, a type of hearing loss called Sensorineural Hearing Loss (SSHL). The information comes from a highly respected scientific organization, making it a very reliable source. This source inspired the incorporation of high-frequency testing in SoundWorks, which helps offer a more complete and comprehensive hearing test. Sampath Duddu |
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202. | Simulation of Direct Voltage Control for a Stand-Alone Wind-Driven Self-Excited Induction Generator with Improved Power Quality
Simulation of Direct Voltage Control for a Stand-Alone Wind-Driven Self-Excited Induction Generator with Improved Power QualityAbstract: Control of terminal voltage and frequency of a stand-alone wind-driven self-excited induction generator with variable loads is proposed using an improved direct voltage control (DVC) strategy. The DVC strategy, including a proportional-integral (PI) regulator, lead–lag corrector, and a feed-forward compensator, is designed based on the system transfer function matrix. The PI regulator can eliminate the steady-state tracking errors of the terminal voltage. The lead–lag corrector is employed to enlarge the phase stability margin of the dominant loops while the feedforward compensator is adopted to mitigate the voltage harmonics resulting from the cross-coupling dynamics. The simulation and experimental results verify that the proposed strategy has a fast dynamic response and can effectively control the generated voltage with low harmonic distortions under different linear or nonlinear loads.Index Terms: Direct voltage control (DVC), harmonic compensation, induction generator, stand-alone wind energy conversion systems. Reference [1] B. Singh, S. Murthy, and S. Gupta, "Transient analysis of self-excited induction generator with electronic load controller (ELC) supplying static and dynamic loads," IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 41, no. 5, pp. 1194–1204, Sep./Oct. 2005. [2] M. G. Simoes and F. A. Farret, Alternative Energy Systems: Design and Analysis With Induction Generators, 2nd ed. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2007. [3] J. Chatterjee, B. Perumal, and N. Gopu, "Analysis of operation of a selfexcited induction generatorwith generalized impedance controller," IEEE Trans. Energy Convers., vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 307–315, Jun. 2007. [4] K. Protsenko and D. Xu, "Modeling and control of brushless doubly-fed induction generators in wind energy applications," IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 1191–1197, May 2008. [5] B. Singh, S. Murthy, and S. Gupta, "Analysis and design of statcom-based voltage regulator for self-excited induction generators," IEEE Trans. Energy Convers., vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 783–790, Dec. 2004. Satish Kurre, Ms. Durga Sharma |
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203. | Analysis of pre-stressed floor grid system.
Analysis of pre-stressed floor grid system.Abstract: the sequential pre-stressing of grid structure is very important parameter in the waffle slab. Such slabs have several advantages over the more conventional slabs when used as decks for concrete bridges and as process floors in semiconductor manufacturing plants.Generally waffle slab is a monolithically construction of slab and beams, it may be one directional rib or in the both direction. In the grid structure (i.e Beam) is the key sectional properties which takes maximum contribution of load carrying in the waffle slab. This paper presents analysis in to two formats. First format is sequential and immediate pre-stressing of grid (waffle) slab for two selected patterns. Second format is to take a single cross beam from same grid (waffle) slab and analyze the same beam for differential pre-stressed forces. Here cross beam is analyzed by using direct stiffness method which is based on finite element method. Results was shows that while pre-stressing of main beam with stretching of one cable will reduce the bending moment and further alternate stretching will case cracks propagations in the secondary beam .br />Key words: Cross beam analysis, waffle slab, grid structure, sequential pre-stressed. Reference [1] João F. Almeida, Júlio A.S.Appleton, Carlos A.P. Martins, "Control of deflections in post-tensioned slabs", Technical University, Lisbon, Portugal. [2] Dr. P. Ritz, P. Matt,Ch. Tellenbach, P. Schlub, H. U. Aeberhard, "POST-TENSIONED SLAB", VSL Technical Report Series No. 4.2, VSL International Ltd. Berne, Switzerland, 1985. [3] C.Q. Howard *, C.H. Hansen, "Vibration analysis of waffle floors", Computers and Structures 81 (2003) 15–26, www.elsevier.com/locate/compstruc, University of Adelaide, South Australia, Australia. [4] Nabil F. Grace, John B. Kennedy, "Dynamic characteristicsof prestressed waffle slabs". Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol.116, No. 6, pp.24762, June, 1990. [5] Dr. Bijan O Aalami, "Design of concrete floors With Particular Reference to Post-Tensioning", PTI technical notes, Issue11, January 2001. Prof. A. J. MEHETRE, NAVALE B. R. |
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204. | Modelling Low Field Electron Mobility In Group III Nitride Materials
Modelling Low Field Electron Mobility In Group III Nitride MaterialsAbstract: Temperature and doping dependencies of electron mobility in both wurtzite and zincblende GaN structures have been calculated using an iteravive technique. The following scattering mechanisims, i.e, impurity, polar optical phonon, acoustic phonon, piezoelectric and electron plasmon are inculded in the calculation. Ionized imurity scattering has been treated beyound the Born approximation using the phase-shift analysis. It is found that the electron mobility decreases monotonically as the temperature increases from 100K to 600K. The low temperature value of electron mobilty increases significantly with increasing doping concentration. The iterative results are in fair agreement with other recent calculations obtained using the relaxation-time approximation and experimental methods.Key words: GaN; SiC; Wurtzite; Zincblende; Plasmon Reference [1] S Nakamura, M Senoh and T Mukai, Appl. Phys. Lett. 62, 2390 (1993) [2] S Strite and H Morkoc, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 10, 1237 (1992) [3] V W L Chin and T L Tansley, J. Appl. Phys. 75, 7365 (1994) [4] D L Rode and D K Gaskill, Appl. Phys. Lett. 66, 1972 (1995) [5] C Moglestue, Monte Carlo simulation of semiconductor devices, Chapman and Hall (1993) M. Tohidi, F. Z. Tohidi and P. Ashori |
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205. | FEM Analysis And Experimental Investigation For Lateral Extrusion Of Hexagonal Head
FEM Analysis And Experimental Investigation For Lateral Extrusion Of Hexagonal HeadAbstract: The growing interest in the dynamic simulation modeling of metal forming processes in recent years has brought about the development of different techniques. The finite element technique is eminently suitable for analyzing lateral extrusion of hexagonal sections. Variations in load and flow direction of metal are greatly affected by the extruded geometry in this process. Keeping in view the above factors as an objective, an experimental die-punch set-up for lateral extrusion is designed and the process is simulated using finite element method both for estimation of load requirement and metal flow patterns. The series of experiments have been carried out to find the extrusion load and the direction of metal flow at different die geometry, taking commercial lead as the billet material. The predictions both in extrusion load and the deformed configuration are in good agreement with the experiment qualitatively under different geometry conditions. Progressive flow of metal at different die geometry has been investigated.Key words: Flow stress, Friction factor, Forming load, Metal flow, Strain-effective Reference [1] O. Eyercio glu, Development and performance analysis of precision forged spur gears, Ph.D. Thesis, The University of Birmingham, UK, 1995. [2] N.A. Abdul and T.A. Dean, An analysis of the forging of spur gear forms, Int. J. Mach. Tool Des. Res., 26 (2), 1986, 113–123. [3] N.R. Chitkara and M.A. Bhutta, Near-net shape forging of spur gear forms: an analysis and some experiments, Int. J. Mech. Sci., 38 (8–9), 1996, 891–916. [4] El-Domiaty, M. Shabara and M. Al-Ansary, Closed-die forging of gear like elements, J. Manuf. Sci. Eng. Trans. ASME 120, 1998, 34–41. [5] J.C. Choi, Y. Choi, K.D. Hur and C.H. Kim, A study on the forging of spur gears, Int. J. Mech. Sci., 38, 1996, 1333–1347. U.C Paltasingh, S.K. Sahoo, P.R. Dash, K.C. Nayak, S. Potnuru |
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206. | Implementation of Power Management IC for Ultrabook Platform
Implementation of Power Management IC for Ultrabook PlatformAbstract: Power management is an important criterion in today's high efficiency mobile platform devices. As the technology of the mobile platform device advances day by day, lots of techniques have been introduced for the efficient management of power on the mobile platform as well as to improve the battery life of the devices. This paper will present the implementation of the Power Management IC (PMIC) for power management on the Ultrabook platform and will feature the advantages of using PMIC for Ultrabook over the conventional Voltage Regulator Module (VRM) used for notebook like laptop. This paper will also highlight how the communication is done between the Embedded Controller (EC) and the PMIC in co-ordination with the multi-chip-package (MCP).Key words: Power Management Integrated Circuit (PMIC), Voltage Regulator Module (VRM), Voltage Regulator (VR), Embedded Controller (EC), Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C). Reference [1] Mario Manninger, "Power Management for Portable Devices", IEEE Solid State Circuits Conference, 33rd European, Munich, pp.167 – 173, 11-13 Sept 2007. [2] Hewlett-Packard Corporation, Intel Corporation, Microsoft Corporation, Phoenix Technologies Ltd. and Toshiba Corporation, "Advanced Configuration and Power Interface Specification", Revision 5.0, December 6, 2011. [3] NXP Semiconductors, "I2C-bus specification and user manual", Rev.5, 9thOctober 2012. [4] Chuan Ni and Tateishi Tetsuo, "Adaptive Constant on Time (D-CAP™) Control Study in Notebook Applications", Texas instrument Application Report SLVA281B–July 2007–Revised December 2007. [5] Jatan Naik, "Performing Accurate PFM Mode Efficiency Measurements", Application Report SLVA236–April 2006. [6] Microsoft, "Introduction to Connected Standby", October 5, 2012. Mairembam Birjit Singh, Vasudeva Banninthaya K, Atul Srivastava |
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207. | Efficiency of Adiabatic Logic for Low-Power VLSI Using Cascaded ECRL And PFAL Inverter
Efficiency of Adiabatic Logic for Low-Power VLSI Using Cascaded ECRL And PFAL InverterAbstract: The energy stored at the output can be retrieved by the reversing the current source direction discharging process instead of dissipation in NMOS network. Hence adiabatic switching offers the less energy dissipation in PMOS network and reuse the stored energy in the output capacitance by reversing the current source direction. There are the many adiabatic logic design technique are given in Literature but here two of them are chosen ECRL and PFAL, which shows the good improvement in energy dissipation and are mostly used as reference in new logic families for less energy dissipation reduction of area & power factors the simulations were done using micro wind & DSCH results.Index Terms: Adiabatic switching, energy dissipation, power clock, equivalent model. Reference [1] A. P. CHANDRAKASAN, S. SHENG, AND R. W.BRODERSEN, "Low PowerCMOS Digital Design," IEEE Journal of Solid-state Circuits, Vol. 27, No. 04, pp. 473-484, April 1999. [2] H. J. M. VEENDRICK, "Short-circuit Dissipation of Static CMOS Circuitry and itsImpact on the Design of Buffer Circuits," IEEE JSSC, pp. 468-473, August 1984. [3] J. M. RABAEY, AND M. PEDRAM, "Low Power Design Methodologies," KluwerAcademic Publishers, 2002. [4] M.HOROWITZ, T.INDENNAUR, AND R. GONZALEZ, "Low Power Digital Design, "Technical Digest IEEE Symposium Low Power Electronics, San Diego, pp. 08-11, October 1994. [5] T. SAKURAI AND A. R. NEWTON, "Alpha-Power Law MOSET Model and its Applications to CMOS Inverter Delay and other Formulas," IEEE JSSC, vol. 25, no. 02, pp. 584- 594, October 1990. M.Sowjanya, S.Abdul Malik |
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208. | Simulation Of An Efficient AC–DC Step-Up Converter For Low-Voltage Energy Harvesting
Simulation Of An Efficient AC–DC Step-Up Converter For Low-Voltage Energy HarvestingAbstract: In this paper direct AC to DC is converted by proposed model from low AC voltage to high DC voltage in single stage conversion. And this paper presents an efficient AC to DC power that avoids the bridge rectification and directly converts low AC input voltage to high DC output voltage. This proposed converter consists boost converter and buck-boost converter both are connected in parallel to process the positive and negative half cycles of the input voltage. Analysis of the converter is carried out. Simulation results are presented to validate the proposed converter topology and control scheme.Key words: AC–DC conversion, boost converter, energy harvesting, low power, low voltage, power converter control. Reference [1] J. A. Paradiso and T. Starner, "Energy scavenging for mobile and wireless electronics," IEEE Pervasive Comput., vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 18–27, Jan./Mar. 2005. [2] S. Meninger, J. O. Mur-Miranda, R. Amirtharajah, A. P. Chandrakasan, and J. H. Lang, "Vibration-to-electric energy conversion," IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integr. Syst., vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 64–76, Feb. 2001. [3] M. El-Hami, P. Glynne-Jones, N. M. White, M. Hill, S. Beeby, E. James, A. D. Brown, and J. N. Ross, "Design and fabrication of a new vibration based electromechanical power generator," Sens. Actuators A: Phys., vol. 92, pp. 335–342, 2001. [4] T. M. Thul, S. Dwari, R. D. Lorenz, and L. Parsa, "Energy harvesting and efficient power generation from human activities," in Proc. Center Power Electron. Syst. (CPES) Semin., Apr. 2007, pp. 452–456. [5] N. G. Stephen, "On energy harvesting from ambient vibration," J. Sound Vibrations, vol. 293, pp. 409–425, 2006. G. Laxminarayana, G.Bhargavi |
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209. | Performance of Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) System on Diesel Engine
Performance of Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) System on Diesel EngineAbstract: Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) System means to use the Exhaust Gas coming from Exhaust Manifold to Inlet Manifold in order to reduce the Emission of NOX, which is particularly very harmful. Engine without EGR are more pollutant & uses more atmospherically air for combustion. By Implementation of EGR system in Engine, the Partial Exhaust Gas is re-circulated again in Engine. It is first cooled in EGR Cooler & then it is mixed with atmospheric air & then passed to Combustion Chamber. Fresh atmospheric air required is reduced & automatically pollutant (CO, CO2, HC, NOX etc.) is reduced. The aim of this work is to review the potential of exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) to reduce the exhaust emissions, particularly NOX emissions, and to delimit the application range of this technique. The purpose of project is to plot the graph between Brake power (B.P.) Vs. NOX, B.P. Vs. CO2, B.P. Vs CO with & without implementation of EGR. The Major Task of the proposed work includes Calculation of NOX content in I.C. Engine with or without the Implementation of EGR System. The system is very much Eco Friendly. Using Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) Technique in engines, the emissions are very much controlled. This method is very reliable in terms of fuel consumptionKey words: Exhaust Gas Recirculation, NOX emissions, AVL Gas Analyze, Infrared Thermometer Reference [1] N.K. Miller Jothi, G. Nagarajan, S. Renganarayanan; LPG fueled diesel engine using diethyl ether with exhaust gas recirculation, International Journal of Thermal Sciences 47 (2008) 450–457. [2] Deepak Agarwal , Shrawan Kumar singh, Avinash Kumar Agarwal; Effect of Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) on performance, emissions, deposits and durability of a constant speed compression ignition engine, Applied Energy 88 (2011) 2900–2907. [3] Deeapak Agarwal, Shailendra Sinha, Avinash Kumar Agarwal, Experimental investigation of control of NOX emissions in biodiesel-fueled compression ignition engine Renewable Energy 31 pp 2356-2369, 2006. [4] H.E. Saleh; Effect of exhaust gas recirculation on diesel engine nitrogen oxide reduction operating with jojoba methyl ester, Renewable Energy 34 (2009) 2178–2186. [5] N.Saravanan, G.Nagarajan, K.M.Kalaisel-van, C. Dhanasekaran; An experimental investigation on hydrogen as a dual fuel for diesel engine system with exhaust gas recirculation technique, Renewable Energy 33 (2008) 422– 427. Vipul Jain, Dipesh Singh Parihar, Vaibhav Jain and Irfan H Mulla |
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211. | Reduction of Side Lobe Levels of Sum Patterns from Discrete Arrays Using Genetic Algorithm
Reduction of Side Lobe Levels of Sum Patterns from Discrete Arrays Using Genetic AlgorithmAbstract: Antennas are vital elements in any wireless communication systems. Radiation pattern is an important characteristic of an antenna. Radiation pattern of a single antenna element is fixed. Required radiation patterns can be generated from array of antennas. Different pattern synthesis techniques are reported in the literature. Generated patterns from selected pattern synthesis techniques can further be optimized using optimization techniques like genetic algorithms. Genetic Algorithm(GA) is a popular optimization technique for better solutions. A typical genetic algorithm requires genetic representation of the solution domain, fitness function to evaluate the solution domain.Key words: Antenna, Genetic Algorithm, optimization, Radiation patterns, side lobe level, Reference [1]. R. L. Haupt, D. H. Werner, Genetic algorithms in Electromagnetics, Wiley- Interscience, IEEE Press, 07 [2]. R. L. Haupt, "Synthesizing low sidelobe quantized amplitude and phase tapers for linear arrays using genetic algorithms," in Proc. Inte. Conf. Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, Torino, Italy, Sept.1995, pp.221-224. [3]. Peter J.Bevelacqua and Constantine A. Balanis, "Optimizing Antenna Array Geometry for Interference Suppression", IEEE Transaction on Antenna And Propagation, Vol.55, no.3 pp 637-641,March 2007 [4]. R. L. Haupt, An Introduction to Genetic Algorithm for Electromagnetics, IEEE AP Magazine, April 1995 vol. 37, No. 2, pp 7- 15. [5]. D.E.Goldberg, "Genetic Algorithm in search optimization and machine Learning Addison-Wesley, New York, 1989. Dr. R. Ramana Reddy, S.M. Vali, P.Divakara Varma |
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212. | Simulation of D-Statcom and Dvr in Power Systems
Simulation of D-Statcom and Dvr in Power SystemsAbstract: Power quality problem results in a failure or a mis-operation of end user equipments. Utility distribution networks, sensitive industrial loads and critical commercial operations suffer from various types of outages and service interruptions which can cost significant financial losses. In developing countries like India, where the variation of power frequency and many such other determinants of power quality are themselves a serious question, it is very vital to take positive steps in this direction .The present work is to identify the prominent concerns in this area and hence the measures that can enhance the quality of the power are recommended. In this paper the techniques of correcting the supply voltage sag, swell and interruption in a distributed system is discussed. A DVR injects a voltage in series with the system voltage and a D-STATCOM injects a current into the system to correct the voltage sag, swell and interruption. Comprehensive results are presented to assess the performance of each device as a potential custom power solution.Key words: D-Statcom, DVR, voltage dips, swells, interruption, power quality, VSC. Reference [1] G. Yaleinkaya, M.H.J. Bollen, P.A. Crossley, "Characterization of voltage sags in industrial distribution systems", IEEE transactions on industry applications, vol.34, no. 4, July/August, pp. 682-688, 1999. [2] Haque, M.H., "Compensation of distribution system voltage sag by DVR and D-STATCOM", Power Tech Proceedings, 2001 IEEE Porto, vol.1, pp.10-13, Sept. 2001. [3] Anaya-Lara O, Acha E., "Modeling and analysis of custom power systems by PSCAD/EMTDC", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol.17, Issue: 1, Jan. 2002, Pages:266 – 272 [4] Bollen, M.H.J.," Voltage sags in three-phase systems" Power Engineering Review, IEEE, Vol. 21, Issue: 9, Sept. 2001, pp: 8 - 11, 15. [5] M.Madrigal, E.Acha., "Modelling of Custom Power Equipment Using Harmonic Domain Techniques", IEEE 2000. [6] R.Mienski,R.Pawelek and I.Wasiak., "Shunt Compensation for Power Quality Improvement Using a STATCOM controller: Modelling and Simulation", IEEE Proce., Vol.151, No.2, March 2004. Pankaj Dahire, Mr. Abhishek Mishra |
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213. | Performance Evaluation of MANET with Black Hole Attack Using Routing Protocols
Performance Evaluation of MANET with Black Hole Attack Using Routing ProtocolsAbstract: Mobile Ad hoc networks (MANET) are collection of wireless nodes that communicate with each other with the help of wireless links. MANET is vulnerable to different attacks due to its feature open medium, dynamic topology, no central authority and no clear defense mechanism. One of the attacks is black hole attack in which a malicious node intercepts the packets being transmitted to another node in the network. As the data packets do not reach the destination, Data loss occurs which affects the performance of network badly. Our aim of the paper is to analyze the impact of the Black hole attack on MANET performance and how it affects the various performance metrics of the network by comparing the network performance with and without black hole nodes.Key words: Black hole attack, Manet, Routing protocols. Reference [1] Irshad Ullah and Shoaib Ur Rehman, "Analysis of Black Hole Attack on Mobile Ad hoc Networks Using Different MANET Routing Protocols" June 2010 Journal Papers: [2] Mohammad Al-Shurman and Seong Moo Yoo, "Black Hole Attack in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks," 42nd Annual South East Regional Conference [3] Hongmei Deng, Wei Li, and Dharma P. Agrawal, "Routing Security in Wireless Ad Hoc Network," IEEE Communications Magzine, vol. 40, no. 10, October 2002. [4] Hesiri Weerasinghe and Huirong Fu, Member of IEEE, Preventing Cooperative Black Hole Attacks in Mobile Adhoc Network Simulation implementation and Evaluation ,IJSEA,Vol2,No.3,July 2008. [5] Dinesh Mishra, Yogendra Kumar Jain, Sudhir Agrawal, "Behavior Analysis of Malicious Node in the Different Routing Algorithms in Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET)" International Conference on Advances in Computing, Control, and Telecommunication Technologies, 2009. [6] Sanjay Ramaswamy, Huirong Fu, Manohar Sreekantaradhya, John Dixon, and Kendall Nygard, "Prevention of Cooperative Black Hole Attack in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks" International Conference on Wireless Networks, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. [7] K. Lakshmi, S.Manju Priya2 A.Jeevarathinam3 K.Rama4, K. Thilagam5 "Modified AODV Protocol against Black hole Attacks in MANET" International Journal of Engineering and Technology Vol.2 (6), 2010. Tarandeep Kaur, Amarvir Singh |
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214. | Content Based Image Retrieval System for Kannada Query Image from Multilingual Document Image Collection
Content Based Image Retrieval System for Kannada Query Image from Multilingual Document Image CollectionAbstract: In a multilingual country like India, a document may contain text words in more than one language. It is reasonably natural that the documents produced at the border regions of Karnataka may also be printed in the regional languages of the neighbouring states like Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam and Urdu. An electronic Searching system for Kannada text, based on the content is needed to access such multilingual documents. So, it is necessary to identify different language portions of the document before the retrieval. The objective of this paper is to propose visual clues based procedure to identify Kannada text from a multilingual document which contains Hindi, English and Malayalam text portions along with Kannada.Key words: Content based image retrieval, Correlation Coefficients, Feature Extraction, Multi-lingual Document image, Script Identification. Reference [1] P.Naghabhushan, Radhika M Pai, "Modified Region Decomposition Method and Optimal Depth Decision Tree in the Recognition of non-uniform sized characters – An Experimentation with Kannada Characters", Journal of Pattern Recognition Letters, 20, 1467-1475, (1999). [2] A. Balasubramanian, Million Meshesha, and C.V. Jawahar Retrieval from Document Image Collections Centre for Visual Information Technology, International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad - 500 032, India [3] A.L.Spitz, "Determination of the Script and language Content of Document Images", IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 19, no. 3, 235-245, 1997. [4] Ashwin T V 2000 A font and size independent OCR for printed Kannada using SVM. M E Project Report, Dept. Electrical Engg., Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore [5] G.S. Peake, T.N.Tan, "Script and Language Identification from Document Images", Proc. Eighth British Mach. Vision Conference., 2, 230-233, (1997). Thanuja C, Shreedevi G R |
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215. | Comparison of Channel Estimation Techniques for OFDM
Comparison of Channel Estimation Techniques for OFDMAbstract: Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is a unique case of multi-carrier transmission and it can maintain high data rate requirement of wireless systems. Since channel estimation is an essential part of OFDM systems, it is difficult to understand the basis of channel estimation techniques for OFDM systems, so that the most suitable method can be applied. The estimation of channel at pilot frequencies is based on LS and MMSE estimation techniques by using 16QAM modulation scheme. The purpose of this paper is to use MAT LAB simulation of OFDM to see how the Bit Error Ratio (BER) of a transmission varies when Signal to Noise Ratio (S/N Ratio) and Multi propagation effects are changed on transmission channel. Also to compare the Least Square & mean squared error performance for various channel models such as AWGN, Rayleigh & Rician using 16QAM modulation scheme.Key words: BER, ISI, OFDM, S/N,QAM Reference [1] Sinem Coleri,Mustafa Ergen," Channel Estimation Techniques Based on Pilot Arrangement in OFDM Systems," IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, "vol. 48, no. 3, September 2002 . [2] Orlandos Grigoriadis, H. Srikanth Kamath," Ber Calculation Using Matlab Simulation for OFDM Transmission," IAENG Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2008 vol. II, IMECS 2008, 19-21 March, 2008. [3] Jan-Jaap van de Beek, Ove Edfors, Magnus Sandell, Sarah Kate Wilson and Per Ola B.rjesson," On Channel Estimation In OFDM Systems," In Proceedings of Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Ô95), vol. 2, pp. 815-819, Chicago, USA, September 1995. [4] Chaudhari Sachin, A.M Deshmukh,"Channel Estimation in OFDM," International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) Vol. 3, pp.512-515, Issue 1, January -February 2013. [5] Rashi , Devendra Soni," Study of Performance of OFDM over Various Channels," International Journal of Electronics and Computer Science Engineering( IJECSE),vol.1,no.3,pp. 1254-1259. Chaudhari Sachin V, Prof. A M Deshmukh |
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216. | A Graphical Program That Eliminates the Out Dated 3.5" Disk Technology Used By the Stanford Research Multi-Channel Scaler/Averager
A Graphical Program That Eliminates the Out Dated 3.5" Disk Technology Used By the Stanford Research Multi-Channel Scaler/AveragerAbstract: A graphical program was created, to simplify the acquisition of data and data conversion from bin to ASCII, for data obtained by a Stanford Research Multichannel Scaler/Averager (SR430). The SR430 receives the data in the form of pulses from a photomultiplier tube (PMT). The PMT serves as the detector in a pulsed laser spectroscopy experiment. The program was created in LabVIEWTM which was developed by National Instruments. LabVIEWTM allows the user to code programming ideas by selecting and patterning graphical icons. The program presented in this paper eliminates the outdated and clumsy steps of saving the data in DOS format, on a 720K disk, using the 3.5" drive of the SR430, and then converting the data from bin to ASCII, using a DOS program. With this graphical program the user can save the data obtained by the SR430 in a spreadsheet ready format on a computer.Key words: LabVIEWTM, ASCII, PMT, SR430, Laser Spectroscopy Reference [1] Standford Research Sytsems, Model SR430 Multichannel Scaler/Averager Manaul, California, 1999. [2] S.K. Vargas, D.D. Dunne, Energy Transfer from between Gd3+ and Cr3+ in GSGG:Cr3+ and GGG:Cr3+, Journal of Undergraduate Chemistry, Volume 6, Number 4, 158-161 (2007). [3] S.K. Vargas, Energy Transfer From Gd3+ to Cr3+ in Cr-Doped Gd3Sc2GA3012, doctoral diss., University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, 1996. [4] National Instrument Driver Website for SR430 http://sine.ni.com/apps/utf8/niid_ web_display.download_page?p_id_guid=0F7440F195B82D29E0440003BA7CCD71 [5] National Instruments Website for the GPIB to Hi-Speed Controller Website http://sine.ni.com/nips/cds/view/p/lang/en/nid/201586 [6] J. Essick, Hands-On Introduction to LabVIEW for Scientists and Engineers (New York, Oxford, OXFORD UNIVESRITY PRESS S. K. Vargas |
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217. | Recent Progress in Nanometrology Techniques for Object Characterization
Recent Progress in Nanometrology Techniques for Object CharacterizationAbstract: The importance of true micro and nano characterization is required for advanced metrological techniques. The ability to measure and characterize the dimension, geometrical form and surface topography to study physical, chemical, mechanical and biological properties for complex features of engineering object, biomaterial, organ, tissue in micro- or nano-meter scale is vital for high degree of precision and accuracy and to verify the quality and reliability. This paper discusses recent progress of the advanced soft coordinate nanometrology techniques. These techniques have the high ability to characterize the dimensions and surface characteristics of proposed objects needed to identify their various types and applications. Moreover, it is important to note that the ultimate aim of these advanced techniques is to understand and predict the object behavior of synthesis and natural particles. The surface characteristics of biomaterials are also obtained and summarized in details.Key words: Dimensional and surface metrology, object characterization, TEM, SEM, STM, AFM, CMM, CT and Raman techniques. Reference [1] Elizabeth M. Christenson, Kristi S. Anseth, Jeroen J.J.P. van den Beucken, Casey K. Chan, Batur Ercan, John A. Jansen, Cato T. Laurencin, Wan-Ju Li, Ramalingam Murugan, Lakshmi S. Nair, Seeram Ramakrishna, Rocky S. Tuan, Thomas J. Webster and Antonios G. Mikos, Nanobiomaterial Applications in Orthopedics, Journal of Orthopedic Research, January 2007. [2] Salah H.R. Ali, Marwah M.A.Almaatoq and Abdalla S.A. Mohamed,Classifications, Surface Characterization and Standardization of Nanobiomaterials, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol.2, No. 3, pp.187-199, June 2013, Germany. [3] Salah H. R. Ali, Biomaterials Metrology, BME-404, Technical Report, Faculty of Engineering, Misr Univ. for Science and Tech. (MUST), 2013, Egypt. [4] M.A.Jamakhani, M.R. Jadhav, G. S. Kamble and V.R. Gambhire, Nanometrology in Biological and Medical Sciences, Int. Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Research, , Vol.2, Issue 1, pp.213-223, 2011. [5] Baer, DJ Gaspar, P Nachimuthu, SD Techane and DG Castner, Application of Surface Chemical Analysis Tools for Characterization of Nanoparticles, Anal Bioanal Chem., Vol. 396, Issue 3, pp.983-1002, February 2010. Salah H.R. Ali, Marwah M.A. Almaatoq and Abdalla S.A. Mohamed |
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218. | Designing Multi-Agent Based Remote Process Monitoring Systems
Designing Multi-Agent Based Remote Process Monitoring SystemsAbstract: This paper presents an agent-based generic architecture for remote process monitoring. It is based on the fact that every process control system to be monitored can be represented in the form of an Algorithmic State machine (ASM) chart which is further translated into a corresponding State Transition Table (STT). By a little modification of the STT the entire process control system is represented as a succession of states each of which an agent can process. Thus by storing a copy of that table at the remote site and obtaining at each stage of the monitored process a feedback, this feedback information would serve as an index into the remotely stored table to crosscheck the validity of the feedback information with respect to each stage of the monitored process.Key words: Remote monitoring, process monitoring agents, state monitoring agents, real-time data capture, Graphical User Interface (GUI). Reference [1] N. D. Lane, E. Miluzzo, H. Lu, D. Peebles, T. Choudhury and A. T. Campbell, D. College. A survey of mobile phone sensing. IEEE Communications Magazine, 2010. [2] M. Y. Ivory and M. A. Hearst, The state of the art in automating usability evaluation of user interfaces, ACM Computing Surveys, 33(4), 2001. [3] D. Morley and C. S. Parker, Understanding computers: today and tomorrow. 10th edition. (Thomson Australia, 2005) Pp 9 [4] S. A. DeLoach, M. F. Wood and C. H. Sparkman, Multi-agent systems engineering, International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering. 11(3), 2001, 231-258. [5] H.C. Inyiama, C. C. Okezie and I. C. Okafo, Agent based process control system design. Proceedings of the peer reviewed 2012 national conference on infrastructural development and maintenance in the Nigerian environment. Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria. 27-28 August, 2012. Pp 234-252. Ifeyinwa Obiora-Dimson, Hyacinth C. Inyiama, Christiana C. Okezie |
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219. | Constructing a Scientific Mixed Media Modelfor Boosting Automobile Dealer Visits: Evolution of Market Creation Employing TMS
Constructing a Scientific Mixed Media Modelfor Boosting Automobile Dealer Visits: Evolution of Market Creation Employing TMSAbstract: In this paper, the authors discuss the evolution of automobile market creationemployinga "Total Marketing System"(TMS)as a core technology of New JIT, which contributes to constructing aScientific Mixed Media Model (SMMM)for boosting automobile dealer visits.More concretely, the authorsdevelop and validate the effectiveness ofputting togetherfourcore elements (Video that Unites Customer behavior and ManufacturerDesign Intentions (VUCMIN),Customer Motion Picture–Flyer Design Method(CMP-FDM),Attention-Grabbing Train Car Advertisements (AGTCA),and Practical Method using Optimization and Statistics for Direct Mail (PMOS-DM))intoa new strategic advertisement method designed to enhance marketing and the desire in the automotive industry.This model is applied to a dealership representing a well-known automaker, where its effectiveness is verified.Key words: AutomobileMarket Creation, Scientific Mixed Media Model (SMMM),Total Marketing System (TMS) Reference [1] Amasaka, K., (2002), "New JIT, A new management technology principle at Toyota,"International Journal of Production Economics, Vol.80,pp.135-144. [2] Amasaka, K., (2003), "Proposal and implementation of the"Science SQC"quality control principle,"International Journal of Mathematical and Computer Modelling,Vol.38, No.11-13, pp.1125-1136.. [3] Amasaka,K., (2005), "Constructing a Customer Scienceapplication system "CS-CIANS"- Development of a global strategic vehicle "Lexus" utilizing New JIT –,"WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics, Issue3, Vol.2, pp.135-142. [4] Amasaka, K.,(2007), "The validity of Advanced TMS, Astrategic development marketing system utilizing New JIT,"The International Business & Economics Research Journal, Vol.6, No.8, pp.35-42. [5] Amasaka, K. (2009), "The effectiveness of flyer advertising employing TMS: Key to scientific automobile sales innovation at Toyota,"The Academic Journal of China-USA Business Review, Vol.8, No.3, pp.1-12. Kakuro Amasaka, Motoi Ogura, Hisatoshi Ishiguro |
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220. | Spread Spectrum Code Design for MIMO Radar Estimation Using Compressive Sensing Modeling
Spread Spectrum Code Design for MIMO Radar Estimation Using Compressive Sensing ModelingAbstract: We consider the problem of multiple- target estimation using a collocated multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar system. We employ sparse modeling to estimate the un-known target parameters (delay, Doppler) using a MIMO radar system that transmits frequency-hopping waveforms. We formulate the measurement model using a block sparse representation. We adaptively design the transmit waveform parameters (frequencies, amplitudes) to improve the estimation performance. Firstly, we derive analytical expressions for the correlations between the different blocks of columns of the sensing matrix. Using these expressions, we compute the block coherence measure of the dictionary. We use this measure to optimally design the sensing matrix by selecting the hopping frequencies for all the transmitters. Secondly, we adaptively design the amplitudes of the transmitted waveforms during each hopping interval to improve the estimation performance. Further, we employ compressive sensing to conduct accurate estimation from far fewer samples than the Nyquist rate.Key words: Multiple input multiple output RADAR, Multiple targets, Compressive sensing and frequency-hopping codes. Reference [1] M. I. Skolnik, "Introduction to Radar Systems". NewYork:McGraw-Hill, 1980. [2] A. M. Haimovich, R. S. Blum, and L. J. Cimini, "MIMO radar with widely separated antennas", IEEE Signal Process. Mag., vol. 25, pp. 116–129, Jan. 2008. [3] S. Gogineni and A. Nehorai, "Polarimetric MIMO radar with distributed antennas for target detection," IEEE Trans. Signal Process., vol. 58, pp. 1689–1697, Mar. 2010. [4] J. Li and P. Stoica, "MIMO Radar Signal Processing". Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2009. [5] A. Hassanien and S. A. Vorobyov, "Transmit/receive beamforming for MIMO radar with colocated antennas," in Proc. IEEE Int. Confe. Acoust., Speech, Signal Process., Taipei, Taiwan, Apr. 2009, pp. 2089–2092. Sindhuri Shyamala |
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221. | Control of Heat Exchanger Using Hybrid Fuzzy-Pi
Control of Heat Exchanger Using Hybrid Fuzzy-PiAbstract: In this paper the potentials of fuzzy logic based control techniques are explored by applying standard Mamdani based control methodology and a type of hybrid Fuzzy-PI controller for the control of hot water outlet temperature of a co-current shell and tube heat exchanger. Standard Fuzzy Logic Controllers (FLCs) need more information to compensate for nonlinearities when operating conditions change. Here a hybrid of conventional and fuzzy controller has been used to determine the controller actions for the dynamic plant subjected to change in operating conditions. The real time implementation of hybrid Fuzzy-PI controller is discussed and compared with a standard FLC.Reference 1. M.Chidambaram and Y.S.N. Malleswara rao, "Nonlinear Controllers for heat exchangers", J. Process Control, 2(1), 17-21 (1992). 2. J.A. Romagnoli and A. Palazoglu, "Introduction to process control", CRC Press, New York, pp. 341-344 (2006). 3. Y. Zhao, E. G. Collins, Jr. "Fuzzy PI Control Design for an Industrial Weigh Belt Feeder", IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 11(3), 311-319 (2003). 4. A Maidi, M. Diaf, J.P. Corriou, "Optimal linear PI fuzzy controller of a heat exchanger", J. Chemical Engineering and Process, 47, 938-945 (2007). 5. S. Chopra, R.Mitra, V. Kumar, 'Fuzzy Controller: Choosing an appropriate and smallest rule set', International J. Computational Cognition, 3(4), 73-79 (2005). D. Kishore, G. Jalalu, A. Sumalatha, K. Prasanti |
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222. | Some Double Finite Integrals Involving the Hypergeometric Functions and H -Function With Applications
Some Double Finite Integrals Involving the Hypergeometric Functions and H -Function With ApplicationsAbstract: The aim of this paper is to evaluate four finite double integrals involving the product of two hypergeometric functions and H -function. At the end we give an application of our findings by connecting them with the Riemann-Liouville type of fractional integral operator. The results obtained by us are basic in nature and are likely to find useful applications in several fields notably electric network, probability theory and Statistical mechanics.Key words: Double finite integral, Riemann-Liouville fractional integral operator, H -function. 2000 Mathematics subject classification: 33C99 Reference [1] Braakshma, B.L.J.; Asymptotic expansions and analytic continuations for class of Barnes integrals, Camp. Math. 15, (1963), 233-241. [2] Buschman, R.G. and Srivastava , H.M.; The H function associated with a certain class of Feynman integrals, J.Phys.A:Math. Gen. 23, (1990), 4707-4710. [3] Fox, C.; The G -function and H function as symmetric Fourier kernels, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 98, (1961), 396-429. [4] Rathie,A.K. ,A new generalization of generalized hypergeometric functions Le Mathematiche Fasc.II, 52,(1997),297-310. [5] Ronghe, A.K.; Double integrals involving H -function of one variable, Vij. Pari. Anu. Patri. 28(1), (1985), 33-38. [6] Sharma, G. and Rathie, A.K.; Integrals of new series of hypergeometrical series, Vij. Pari. Anu. Patri. 34(1-2), (1991), 26-29. [7] Srivastava,H.M.,Gupta, K.C. and Goyal,S.P.; The H-Functions of One and Two Varibale with Applications,South Asian Publishers, New Delhi and Madras, (1982). Yashwant Singh and Harmendra Kumar Mandia |
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223. | Effect of Hybrid Fiber on Mechanical Properties of Concrete
Effect of Hybrid Fiber on Mechanical Properties of ConcreteAbstract: Hybrid fibre can provide reinforcement at all the range of strains. Combination of low and high modulus fibres can arrest cracks at micro level as well as macro level. Overcome disadvantage of lower workability caused due to use of only higher percentage of steel fibres. Potential advantage in improving concrete properties as well as reducing the overall cost of concrete production.Key words: Compressive Strength, Flexural Strength, HyFRC, PPFRC, Split Tensile Strength Reference [1] Dr.MazinBurhanAdeen. Dr. Alyaa Al-Attar , Saad Mahmoud Raouf, Determination of Mechanical Properties of Hybrid Steel-Nylon Fibre Reinforcement concrete, Journal of Modern Applied Sciences, Vol.4, o12, pg 77-108, December 2010. [2] A. Sivakumar, Influence of hybrid fibres on the post crack performance of high strength concrete, Journal of civil Engineering and Construction Technology Vol.2 (7),pp. 147-159 , July 2011. [3] RashidHameed, Study on the flexural properties of metallic-hybrid-fibre reinforced concrete,MaejoInt.J.Sci. echno18(2)l,pg.169-184,2010. [4] S.Eswari, P.N.Raghunath and K. Sugana, Ductility Performance of Hybrid Fiber Reinforce Concrete, American Journal of Applied Sciences Publication, 2008 [5] Banthia and R. Gupta, Hybrid fibre reinforcement concrete (HYFRC), fiber synergy in high strength matrices Materials and Structures / Matrix et Construction, Vol.37 ,pp 707-716, December 2004. Er. Darole J. S., Prof. Kulkarni V.P., Prof. Shaikh A.P., Prof. Gite B.E. |
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Review: HYBRID OFDM/CDMA/SFH APPROACH FOR WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKSAbstract: The realization of wireless communication providing high speed, high capacity and high quality information exchange between two portable terminals that might be located anywhere in the world is still the communication challenge. For the development of future wireless communication systems, an extremely spectrum-efficient transmission technology is required. In this study authors propose a signal scheme called Hybrid CDMA-SFH which combines OFDM with CDMA and SFH to generate a system functionally superior to MC-CDMA systems. This study explores various merits and demerits of the proposed system and compares it to the other multicarrier access schemes.Key words: CDMA,Hybrid CDMA-SFH, MIMO CDMA, RAKE Reference [1] I. F. Akyildizn et al, "Wireless sensor networks: a survey," Computer Networks, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 393–422, 2002. [2] Wei Ye, et al, "Medium Access Control with Coordinated, Adaptive Sleeping for Wireless Sensor Networks" USC/ISI TECHNICAL REPORT ISI-TR-567,JANUARY 2003. [3] H.D.Trung et al. "Performance evaluation and comparison of different ad hoc routing protocols", Department of Electrical Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, May 2007. [4] Abdul HadiAbdRahman et al, "Performance Comparison of AODV, DSDV and I-DSDV Routing Protocols in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks"European Journal of Scientific Research ISSN 1450-216X Vol.31. [5] Charles E. Perkins et al. "Highly Dynamic Destination -Sequenced Distance-Vector Routing (DSDV) for Mobile Computers", published in SIGCOMM, London, UK, 1994, pp.234-244. Varinder Pal Sahni |
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225. | Seismic Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Frame with Infill Walls
Seismic Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Frame with Infill WallsAbstract: This paper describe the behaviour of RC frame with G+6 storey with different masonry infill such as complete filled (CF), Bared frame (BF), Soft storey (SS), Partially Infilled (PI). Also analysis is done on additional set back option for RC frame, without making structure irregular to minimize the soft storey failure. The Non linear time history analysis for Elcentro and sanfernando earthquake is done and result are interpreted & compared for base shear, ground floor displacement, top floor displacement, seismic weight and overall damage index of overall structureKey words: Infill wall, Soft Storey, set back, displacement, overall damage index Reference [1]. ELENA VASEVA, "Seismic Analysis of Infilled R/C Frames with Implementation of a Masonry Panel Models", 11th National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2-5 Sept. 2009, Borovets, Bulgaria [2]. Anand S. Arya and Ankush Agarwal, "Seismic Assessment of brick masonry buildings in India", National Disaster Management Div., Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi. [3]. BELL D.K. AND B.J.DAVIDSON, "Evaluation of Earthquake Risk Buildings with Masonry Infill Panel", No.4.02.01 NZSEE 2001 Conference [4]. COMBESCURE D. & PEGON P. 2000. "Application of the local to global approach to the study of infilled frame structures under seismic loading. Proceedings 12th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering", Auckland, New Zealand. [5]. EUROCODE 8: "Design of structures for earthquake resistance – Part 1: General rules, seismic actions and rules for buildings", Ref. No. EN 1998- 1:2004, EC, CEN. Alurwad Rajeshwarreddy R., Prof. Arshad Hashmi., Prof. Kulkarni V.P. |
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226. | Investigation Into Cable-Structure Interaction For Extradosed Bridge
Investigation Into Cable-Structure Interaction For Extradosed BridgeAbstract: Cable supported Bridge structures have distinctive dynamic behavior compared to any other type of bridge, especially the dynamic behavior. Support excitations sets structure to vibrate; cable excitations can be caused by rain, wind or stochastical vibration due to plying vehicles or due to vibration of deck. In modern cable-stayed / Extradosed bridges, the stay cables are often closely spaced, with the cable lengths and tensions gradually varying from position to position. The natural frequencies of their self-vibrations are therefore likely to be rather closely placed as well. Such boundary-induced vibrations of the stay cables are likely to complicate the overall dynamic behavior of the bridge. The paper focuses on dynamic behavior of Extradosed Bridges, dynamic behavior of Extradosed cables and possible interaction resulting into coupled mode of vibrations.Key words: Extradosed cable stayed bridge, Earthquake, Dynamic response, cable-structure interaction Reference [1] Katsuhiko Takami and Sumio Hamada (2005); Behavior of extradosed bridge with composite Girder; ASCE / Journal Of Bridge Engineering [2] H. Otsuka, T. Wakasa, J. Ogata, W. Yabuki and D. Takemura (2003); Comparison of structural characteristics for different types of cable-supported prestressed concrete bridges; Structural Concrete Mar-2002 [3] F T K Au, Y S Cheng, Y K Cheung, D Y Zheng (2000); On determination of natural frequency and mode shapes of cable stayed bridges; Applied methametical modeling [4] A K Desai, J A Desai, H S Patil (2005); Co-relationship of Seismic (EDR) & (PGA) for Cable Stayed Bridge; NMB media [5] Anil K Chopra. (2003), "Dynamics of Structures". Pearson Education, Inc. Second edition 1 – 844, Singapore M V Sardesai, Dr A K Desai |
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227. | Unified Power Flow Controller (FACTS Device): A Review
Unified Power Flow Controller (FACTS Device): A ReviewAbstract: In this study a comprehensive review on unified power flow controller, which is a FACTS device, is presents. The essential features of UPFC controller and mathematical & simulation model was discussed The opportunities arise through the ability of this controller to control the interrelated parameters including series impedance, shunt impedance, current, voltage, phase angle and the damping of oscillations at various frequencies below the rated frequency are addressed. By providing added flexibility, FACTS controllers can enable a line to carry power closer to its thermal rating.Key words: FACTS, UPFC, power flow control, power system stability, simulink etc. Reference [1] Gyugyi L, "Unified Power Flow Control concept for flexible transmission system", IEE proceedings-C, 1992. [2] N G Hingorani, L Gyugyi, Understanding FACTS: Concepts and technology of flexible AC transmission systems, Wiley-IEEE Press; 1999. [3] M M Ertay, Z Aydogmus, "the simulation study and dynamic analysis of Unified Power Flow Controller for industrial and educational purpose", ISSN 1392-1215. [4] Arup Rattan Bhowmik, Champa Nandi, "Implementation of Unified Power Flow Controller for power quality improvement", IJCTA . [5] N G Hingorani, "FACTS-Flexible AC Transmission System", Proceedings of 5th International Conference on AC and DC Power Transmission-IEE Conference Publication 345, 1991. Sapna Khanchi, Vijay Kumar Garg |
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228. | Simulation of Dynamic Voltage Restorer Using Matlab to Enhance Power Quality in Distribution System
Simulation of Dynamic Voltage Restorer Using Matlab to Enhance Power Quality in Distribution SystemAbstract: Power quality is one of major concerns in the present era. It has become important, with the introduction of sophisticated devices, whose performance is very sensitive to the quality of power supply that results in a failure of end user equipment's. One of the major problems dealt here is the voltage sag. To solve this problem, custom power devices are used. One of those devices is the Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR), which is the most efficient and effective modern custom power device used in power distribution networks. Its appeal includes lower cost, smaller size, and its fast dynamic response to the disturbance. It can provide the most commercial solution to mitigation voltage sag by injecting voltage as well as power into the system. This paper presents modeling, analysis and simulation of a Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) using MATLAB. The efficiency of the DVR depends on the performance of the efficiency control technique involved in switching the inverters. In this model a PI controller and Discrete PWM pulse generator is used.Reference [1] Hingorani N G, "Introducing Custom Power", IEEE Spectrum, 1995 pp. 4l–48. [2] IEEE standards board, "IEEE Std. 1159–1995: IEEE Recommended Practice for Monitoring Electric Power Quality", IEEE Inc. new york, 1995 [3] Buxton R, "Protection from voltage dips with the dynamic voltage restorer", In IEE Half Day Colloquium on Dynamic Voltage Restorers —Replacing Those Missing Cycles, 1998, pp. 3/1–3/6. [4] Chan K, "Technical and Performance Aspects of a Dynamic Voltage Restorer", In IEE Half Day Colloquium on Dynamic Voltage Restorers—Replacing Those Missing Cycles, 1998, pp. 5/1–525. [5] Sankaran C, "Power Quality", CRC Press, 2001. Priyanka Kumari, Vijay Kumar Garg |
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229. | A General Survey on Multidimensional And Quantitative Association Rule Mining Algorithms
A General Survey on Multidimensional And Quantitative Association Rule Mining AlgorithmsAbstract: Data mining is one of the significant topics of research in recent years. Association rule is a method for discovering interesting relations between variables in large databases. Support and Confidence are the two basic parameters used to study the threshold values for each database. In this paper, an overall survey of the algorithms implementing the multidimensional and quantitative data is presented. It also illustrates the various approaches in association rule. The concept of Bit Mask Search Algorithm can be identified and suggested to effectively generate the frequent Item sets from large database. Moreover, the algorithm is best suited for multidimensional and quantitative datasets. It describes the essential role of multidimensional and Quantitative data in Association rule mining algorithm.Key words: Data Mining, Association rules, Multidimensional rule, Quantitative rule. Reference [1] Agrawal, R. and Srikant, R. 1994, " Fast algorithms for mining association rules", In Proc. 20th Int. Conf. Very Large Data Bases, VLDB, J. B. Bocca, M. Jarke, and C. Zaniolo, Eds. Morgan Kaufmann, 487-499. [2] Agrawal, R., Imielinski, T., and Swami, A. N. 1993. "Mining association rules between sets of items in large databases". In Proceedings of the 1993 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, 207-216. [3] N.Deepika* et al., (IJAEST)" International Journal of Advanced Engineering Sciences and Technologies", Vol No. 11, Issue No. 2, 253 – 257. [4] Dimitris Kanellopoulos et.al., GESTS, "International Transactions on Computer Science and Engineering ", Vol.32 (1), 2006, pp. 71-82, Association Rules Mining: A Recent Overview. [5] E.Ramaraj and N.Venkatesan," Bit Stream Mask-search algorithm in Frequent Item set Mining", in European Journal of scientific research. Vol.27 No.2 (2009), pp.286-297. R. Sridevi, Dr. E. Ramaraj |
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230. | Performance Analysis Of Wimax 802.16e Physical Layer Using Digital Modulation Techniques And Code Rates
Performance Analysis Of Wimax 802.16e Physical Layer Using Digital Modulation Techniques And Code RatesAbstract: WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access) is a new broadband wireless communication technologies that provide very high speed data over long distance and the core technique for fourth-generation (4G) wireless mobile communication. It is big advantage over other technology like free to use, high data rate, long range communication and cost effective. for these reasons, WiMAX has attracted so much interest from researchers in the past few years. WiMAX technology is actually based on the standards that making the possibility to delivery last mile broadband access as a substitute to conventional cable and DSL lines.Key words: Worldwide Interoperability for Microwaves Access (WiMAX), Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM), Physical Layer (PHY). Coding data rate, Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN), Bit Error Rate (BER), Interleaving, Modulation. Reference [1] IEEE CASCOM post Graduate student paper conference 2010 Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India nov.27.2010; pp13-16 "Performance Analysis of WiMAX PHY" by S.M. Lalan Chowdhury, P. Venkateswaran. [2] IEEE 802.16-2004, "IEEE standard for local and Metropolitans Area Network. Part-16; Air Interface for Fixes Broadband Wireless Access Systems." Rev. of IEEE 802.16-2001, pp 1-857, Oct 2004. [3] S. Venkatesh, K. Baskaran: "Comparative Study of SUI Channels in IEEE802.16d using Different Cyclic Prefix", European Journal of Scientific Research ISSN 1450-216X Vol.48 No.2 (2010), pp.305-314. [4] A. Md. Anamul Islam, C. Md. Julkarnain. "BER performance analysis of a real data communication through WiMAX-PHY layer over an AWGN and Fading channel" International journal of electrical & computer Sciences IJECS-IJENS Vol; 10 No; 04. [5] J.G. Andrews, A. Ghosh, R. Muhamed, "Fundamentals of WiMAX: Understanding Broadband Wireless Networking," Prentice Hall Communications AND Engineering Technologies Series, 2007 Valmik Tilwari, Aparna Singh Kushwah |
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231. | ANN Based Surface Roughness Prediction In Turning Of AA 6351
ANN Based Surface Roughness Prediction In Turning Of AA 6351Abstract: Surface roughness is the predominant machining criteria in any machining process and plays a vital role in manufacturing industries. The present work focused on the modeling of surface roughness in turning of AA 6351 alloy with carbide tool. Cutting speed, feed and depth of cut were considered as machining parameters and surface roughness was considered as the response. Experiments were conducted to develop the linear regression equations based on Taguchi's experimental design methodology. Moreover, Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model was also developed for the surface roughness. Further, the performance of the developed model has been tested with the help of ten experimental test cases.Key words: AA 6351 alloy, turning, multiple regression model, Artificial Neural Network, surface roughness Reference [1] Grzesik W, A revised model for predicting surface roughness in turning, Wear 194(1-2), 1996, 143-148. [2] Taraman K, Lambert B, A surface roughness model for a turning operation, International Journal of production Research 12(6), 1974, 691-703. [3] Davim J.P, A note on the determination of optimal cutting conditions for surface finish obtained in turning using design of experiments, Journal of Materials Processing Technology 116, 2001, 305–308. Choudhury I.A, El-Baradie M.A, Surface roughness in the turning of high-strength steel by factorial design of experiments, Journal of Materials Processing Technology 67, 1997, 55–61. [4] Mansour A, Abdalla H, Surface roughness model for end milling: a semi-free cutting carbon casehardening steel (EN32) in dry condition, Journal of Materials Processing Technology 124, 2002, 183–191. [5] Kohli A, Dixit U.S, A neural-network-based methodology for the prediction of surface roughness in a turning process, International Journal and Advanced Manufacturing Technology 25, 2005, 118-129. Konanki M. Naidu, Sadineni Rama Rao |
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232. | Performance Analysis of Different Types of Adder for High Speed 32 Bit Multiply And Accumulate Unit
Performance Analysis of Different Types of Adder for High Speed 32 Bit Multiply And Accumulate UnitAbstract: The addition and multiplication of two binary numbers is the fundamental and most often used arithmetic operation in microprocessors and digital signal processor. At the heart of data-path and addressing units in turn are arithmetic units such as comparators, adders and multipliers. Since multiplication dominates the execution time of most DSP algorithms, so there is a need of high speed multiply and accumulate (MAC) unit. Paper describes the analysis of speed and delay of different types of adder like carry-look ahead adder, carry skip adder, ripple carry adder and carry select adder for high speed 32 bit MAC unitKey words: Carry-look ahead adder, Carry select adder, Carry skip adder, MAC unit, Ripple carry adder. Reference [1] Koc, CK., "RSA Hardware Implementation", RSA Laboratories, RSA Data Security, Inc. 1996. [2] A. Weinberger; J.L Smith, "A Logic for High-Speed Addition", National Bureau of Standards, Circulation 591, pp.3-12, 1958. [3] B. Parhami, "Computer Arithmetic, Algorithm and Hardware Design", Oxford University Press, New York, pp.73-137, 2000. [4] Neil. H. E. Weste, "Principle of CMOS VLSI Design" Adison-Wesley 1998. [5] Raahemifar, K. and Ahmadi, M., "Fast carry look ahead adder" IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and computer Engineering, 1999. [6] Kantabutra, V., "Designing Optimum one-level Carry-Skip Adders", IEEE Transactions on computers, pp.759, June 1993. [7] K.C Chang, "Digital system design with VHDL and Synthesis" An integrated Approach IEE Computer Society, pp 408-437, 1999. Akash Kumar, Deepika Sharma |
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233. | Slicing : A Efficient Method For Privacy Preservation In Data Publishing
Slicing : A Efficient Method For Privacy Preservation In Data PublishingAbstract: In this paper we propose and prove a new technique called "Overlapping Slicing" for privacy preservation of high dimensional data. The process of publishing the data in the web, faces many challenges today. The data usually contains the personal information which are personally identifiable to anyone, thus poses the problem of Privacy. Privacy is an important issue in data publishing. Many organizations distribute non-aggregate personal data for research, and they must take steps to ensure that an adversary cannot predict sensitive information pertaining to individuals with high confidence. Recent work in data publishing information, especially for high dimensional data. Bucketization, on the other hand, does not prevent membership disclosure. We propose an overlapping slicing method for handling high into more than one column; we protect privacy by breaking the association of uncorrelated attributes and preserve data utility by preserving the association between highly correlated attributes. This technique releases mo correlations thereby, overlapping slicing preserves better data utility than generalization and is more effective than bucketization in workloads involving the sensitive attributeKey words: Overlapping slicing, privacy preservation, high dimensional data, privacy techniques Reference [1] C. Aggarwal, "On k-Anonymity and the Curse of Dimensionality," Proc. Int'l Conf. Very Large Data Bases (VLDB), pp. 901-909, 2005. [2] A. Blum, C. Dwork, F. McSherry, and K. Nissim, "Practical Privacy: The SULQ Framework," Proc. ACM Symp. Principles of Database Systems (PODS), pp. 128-138, 2005. [3] J. Brickell and V. Shmatikov, "The Cost of Privacy: Destruction of Data-Mining Utility in Anonymized Data Publishing," Proc. ACM SIGKDD Int'l Conf. Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), pp. 70-78, 2008. [4] B.-C. Chen, K. LeFevre, and R. Ramakrishnan, "Privacy Skyline: Privacy with Multidimensional Adversarial Knowledge," Proc. Int'l Conf. Very Large Data Bases (VLDB), pp. 770-781, 2007. [5] H. Cramt'er, Mathematical Methods of Statistics. Princeton Univ. Press, 1948. D. Mohanapriya, Dr. T. Meyyappan |
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234. | Applying Neuro-Fuzzy Architecture in Swmm Model for Best Management Practices
Applying Neuro-Fuzzy Architecture in Swmm Model for Best Management PracticesAbstract: Hydrologists are often confronted with problems of prediction and estimation of runoff, rainfall, contaminant concentrations, water stages, and so on. Moreover, engineers are often faced with real situations where little or no information is available. The processes and relationship between rainfall and surface runoff transport for a catchment area require good understanding, as a necessary pre-requisite for preparing satisfactory drainage and storm water management projects. In the hydrological cycle, the rainfall occurs and reaching the ground may collect to form surface runoff or it may infiltrate into the ground. The surface runoff and groundwater flow join together in surface streams and rivers which finally flow into the ocean. Urban drainage systems have changed from primitive ditches to complex networks of curbs, gutters, surface and underground conduits (links).Key words: Surface runoff, Drainage system, Hydrologic and Hydraulics elements Reference [1] Ahmed, S., Al-Mikhlafi, Das, B.K. and Kaur, P., (2003), "Water chemistry of Mansar Lake (India): an indication of source area weathering and seasonal variability", Envi.Geol, v. 44, p. 645-653. [2] Chow, V.T. (1964), "Handbook of Applied Hydrology", McGraw-Hill, New York, USA. [3] CGWB, (2002), "Boucher of Hydrological map of India", II Edition, pp. 23. [4] DICK-PEDDIE,W. A., (1991), "Semiarid And Arid Lands: A Worldwide Scope, Semiarid Lands And Deserts", Soil Resource and Reclamation, edited by J. Skujins, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York. [5] Gupta, H. and Chakrapani, G.J.,(2005), "Temporal and spatial variations in water flow and sediment load in Narmada River Basin, India: natural and man-made factors", Envi. Geol., v. 48, p. 579-589. Anum Agarwal, Prof. Ajeet Kumar Bharati, Deena Nath Gupta |
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235. | The Optimization of Gamma Camera Using Changed the Area of Semiconductor Detectors by MCNP Code
The Optimization of Gamma Camera Using Changed the Area of Semiconductor Detectors by MCNP CodeAbstract: In this paper we tried to substitute an appropriate detector instead of NaI. The features of semiconductor detectors were studied to find a detector which works at the ordinary temperature, has less FWHM and more resolution. Therefore HgI2 and CZT detectors were selected and studied. The gamma camera with three difference detectors (NaI, HgI2 and CZT detectors) were simulated. We have shown that the resolution of HgI2 and CZT detectors are better than NaI. Studding of area variation of CZT, HgI2 and NaI detectors, the minimum FWHM and maximum resolution obtained at4.8 mm × 4.8 mm area. Finally the area of detectors hole were modified in order to gain the best possible pictures.Key words: Semiconductor; gamma camera; detector. Reference [1]. Mc Connell M.L & et al , "Three-Dimential imaging efficiency performance of coplanar cdznte strip detectors", proceeding of SPIE vol. 414/(2000). [2]. Scheiberch & et al,"Medical applications of cdte and cdznte detectors", Nuclear Instruments and Metods in physics Research A 458 (2001) 12-25. [3]. EisenY & et al, CdTe and CdTeZnMaterial D.J, Smith R, Collins D.A, Phillips S.W, " Evaluation of small cadmium zink Telluride detector for scintimammography". The Journal of Nuclear Medicine Vol. 440 NO 40 (April 2003). [4]. Scheir.C" CdTe and CdTeZn detectors in nuclear medicin", Nuclear Instruments and Metods in Physics Research A 448 (2000)513-524. [5]. Fred P. Vaccaro & et al, The Long-term Spectral Stability of HgI2 Gamma-ray detectors, Proc. SPIE Vol. 4507, p. 108-118(2001). [6]. Sanaei Nameghi. A, "the study of appropriate semiconductor detectors as a substitute for gamma camera detector by using montecarlo simulation'',thesis fo r master of science degree, Department of Physics, payam noor University of Mashhad,2010. G. Robatjazi, A. Sanaei Nameghi, P. Parvaresh, M. R. Benam and M. Saboor |
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236. | Design Of PID Controller In Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) System Using PSO Technique
Design Of PID Controller In Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) System Using PSO TechniqueAbstract: In this paper, an evolutionary computing approach for determining the optimal values of the proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller has been proposed. Proper tuning of such controllers is obviously a prime priority as any other alternative situation will require a high degree of industrial expertise. This paper demonstrated in detail how to employ the PSO method to search efficiently the optimal PID controller parameters of an AVR system. The proposed algorithm has been applied in the PID controller design for the AVR system. A MATLAB simulation has been performed and a comparative study between the proposed algorithms with the PID Controller Tuner has been studied in the presented work. In continuation of this, the proposed method was indeed more efficient and robust in improving the step response of an AVR system.Key words: AVR system, Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), PID Controller, PID Controller Tuner. Reference [1] J. Kennedy and R. Eberhart, "Particle swarm optimization," in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Neural Networks, vol. IV, Perth, Australia, 1995, pp. 1942–1948. [2] Y. Shi and R. Eberhart, "A modified particle swarm optimizer," in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Evol. Comput., Anchorage, AK, May 1998, pp. 69–73. [3] Y. Shi and R. C. Eberhart, "Empirical study of particle swarm optimization," in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Evol. Comput., Washington, DC, July 1999, pp. 1945–1950. [4] R. C. Eberhart and Y. Shi, "Comparison between genetic algorithms and particle swarm optimization," in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Evol. Comput., Anchorage, AK, May 1998, pp. 611–616. [5] P. J. Angeline, "Using selection to improve particle swarm optimization," in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Evol. Comput., Anchorage, AK, May 1998, pp. 84–89. Vivek Kumar Bhatt, Dr. Sandeep Bhongade |
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237. | Retrieval of Digital Images Based On Multi-Feature Similarity Using Genetic Algorithm
Retrieval of Digital Images Based On Multi-Feature Similarity Using Genetic AlgorithmAbstract: Conventional relevance feedback schemes may not be suitable to all practical applications of content based image retrieval (CBIR), since most ordinary users like to complete their search in a single interaction, especially on web search. In this paper, we explore a new approach based on multi-feature similarity score fusion using genetic algorithm. Single feature describes image content only from one point of view, which has a certain one-sided. Fusing multifeature similarity score is expected to improve the system's retrieval performance. In this paper, the retrieval results from color feature and texture feature are analyzed, and the method of fusing multi-feature similarity score is described. For the purpose of assigning the fusion weights of multi-feature similarity scores reasonably, the genetic algorithm is applied. For comparison, other three methods are implemented. They are image retrieval based on color feature, texture feature and fusion of color-texture feature similarity score with equal weights. The experimental results demonstrate the image retrieval performance of the proposed method is superior to other methods.Key words: Image Retrieval, CBIR, Multi-Feature Reference [1] Barbeau Jerome, Vignes-Lebbe Regine, and Stamon Georges, "A Signature based on Delaunay Graph and Co-occurrence Matrix," Laboratoire Informatique et Systematique, University of Paris, Paris, France, July 2002,. [2] Sharmin Siddique, "A Wavelet Based Technique for Analysis and Classification of Texture Images," Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, Proj. Rep. 70.593, April 2002. [3] The 23rd International Conference on Very Large Data Bases VLDB'97, Athens, Greece, August 1997 [4] FOLDOC, Free On-Line Dictionary Of Computing, "co-occurrence matrix," May 1995, [Online Document]. [5] Colin C. Venteres and Dr. Matthew Cooper, "A Review of Content-Based Image Retrieval Systems", [Online Document. K. APARNA |
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238. | Effect of Timing Jitter on Performance of OCDMA Communication System
Effect of Timing Jitter on Performance of OCDMA Communication SystemAbstract: This Paper focuses on the effect on BER, Eye Height and Q-factor for four user OCDMA system with varying jitter. Performance of this system has been evaluated in terms of bit error rate, eye height and Q-factor with jitter varying from 0 pico-seconds to 0.7 pico-seconds in steps of 0.1 pico-seconds. Simulations were carried out from the simulator available from Gigasoft, OPTIWAVE.Key words: BER, Eye Height, Jitter, OCDMA, Optiwave, Q-Factor Reference [1] Prucnal, P.R., Santoro, M. A., Fan, T. R.: Spread Spectrum Fiber-optic Local Area Network Using Optical Processing. IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 4, No. 5, May 1986, pp. 547 – 554. [2] Weiner, A. M., Heritage, J. P. and Salehi, J. A.: Encoding and decoding of femtosecond pulse. Optics Letters, Vol. 13, No. 4, May 1988, pp. 300 – 302. [3] S.W. Lee and D.H. Green "Coding for Coherent optical CDMA networks", IEE Proceeding Communication, vol. 145, No. 3, June 1998, pp. 117-125. [4] A. Keshavarzian, and J.A. Salehi, "Optical Orthogonal Code Acquisition in fiber-optic CDMA systems via the simple-serial search method", IEEE Transcations on Communications, vol. 50, No. 3, March 2002, pp. 473-483. [5] Castro, J.M. Geraghty D, "Spectral phase encoders for optical CDMA using anti-symmetric" Optical Society of America, pp. 1214-1218, 2006. Manmeet Kaur, Monika Aggarwal |
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240. | Harmonic Analysis of Small Scale Industrial Loads and Harmonic Mitigation Techniques in Industrial Distribution System
Harmonic Analysis of Small Scale Industrial Loads and Harmonic Mitigation Techniques in Industrial Distribution SystemAbstract: Distribution system is the part of power system consisting of different combinations of linear and non-linear loads. The widespread application of power electronics is introducing non-linear loads in the distribution system resulting in the distortion of current voltage waveforms. The objective of this project is to study the harmonic distortion in a typical small scale industrial distribution system and suggest suitable harmonic compensation technique. Various domestic loads such as computer, fluorescent lamp, CFL lamp, fan, air conditioner and small scale industry loads such as adjustable speed drive, arc welder and lift are modeled in PSCAD/EMTDC.Key words: Modeling of Industrial loads, harmonic Analysis, Active filters and Passive filters Reference [1] "Implementation of Different Passive Filter Designs for Harmonic Mitigation"; S.N. AL. Yousif, M. Z. C. A. Mohamed; National Power & Energy Conference 2004 Proceedings. [2] "Reduction of Voltage and Current Distortions in Distribution Systems with Non Linear Loads using Hybrid Passive Filters"; E.F.El-Saadany; M.M.A. Salama; A.Y. Chikhani; IEE Proceedings-Generation, Transmission and Distribution , Volume 145, No 3, May 1998. [3] "Implementation of Different Mitigation Techniques for Reducing Harmonic Distortions in Medium Voltage Industrial Distribution System"; T.K. Abdel-Galil, E.F. EI-saadany and M.M.A. Salama. 2001 IEEE. [4] "Algorithm for the parameters of double tuned filter"; Harmonics and Quality of Power, 1998. Proceedings. Volume 1, PP. 154-157, 1998; Xiao Yao. [5] "Harmonic Analysis for Industrial Power Systems Computation Techniques and Filtering". Ali Moshref Shoaib Khan, St. Bruno. Raneru Nageswara Rao |
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241. | Power Aware BIST for Digital IC's
Power Aware BIST for Digital IC'sAbstract: Testing of digital VLSI circuits encounters many challenges as a result of rapidly growing semiconductor manufacturing technologies along with unexampled levels of design complexity and the gigahertz range of operating frequencies. These challenges include keeping the average and peak power dissipation and test application time within acceptable limits. This paper proposes a new output sequence of an LFSR to design a low-power test-pattern-generator for built-in self-test (BIST) to achieve reduction in the overall switching activity in the circuit-under-test (CUT). Conventional and low power test patterns are applied on an industry standard ISCAS-85 c432 27-channel interrupt controller circuit and total power consumption is measured. The obtained results show up to 18% power reduction for the proposed design. Fault simulation tool is used to estimate the number of test vectors required for high fault coverage of the interrupt controller. It generates 261 test vectors for the conventional TPG and 678 test vectors for the low power TPG, thus indicating 160% increase in test vectors. The results obtained show a significant increase in test application time for low power TPG.Key words: CUT, LP-TPG, Fault Coverage, Test Cycles, Test Vectors. Reference [1] Ajit Pal, Santanu Chattopadhyay, Synthesis and Testing for Low Power, Tutorial T7-A, 2009 22nd International Conference on VLSI Design [2] Seongmoon Wang, Srimat T. Chakradhar, A Scalable Scan-Path Test Point Insertion Technique to Enhance Delay Fault Coverage for Standard Scan Designs, IEEE Transaction on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, Vol. 25, No. 8, August 2006 [3] Dr.K.Gunavathi, Mr. K.Paramasivam, Ms.P.Subashini Lavanya, M.Umamageswaran,, A Novel BIST TPG for Testing of VLSI Circuits, First International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems, ICIIS 2006, 8 - 11 August 2006, Sri Lanka [4] Jun Matsushima, Yoichi Maeda, Masahiro Takakura, CooLBIST An Effective Approach of Test Power Reduction for LBIST, 17th Asian Test Symposium. [5] Siddharth Seth, Gaurav Sahni, Weighted Pseudo-Random Test Pattern Generation, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur Ms. Anu Prema Rajendran, Prof. S. R. Pandey |
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242. | Variation Of Front Amplitude, Front Speed, Front Spread In Porous Media For Different Particle Size During Oscillating Flow
Variation Of Front Amplitude, Front Speed, Front Spread In Porous Media For Different Particle Size During Oscillating FlowAbstract: This paper deals with the effect of oscillatory flow on front amplitude, front speed, front spread in porous media. The experiments are performed to analyze the response of parameters like front amplitude, front speed, front spread in porous media at Reynolds number. The solid material of 4.55mm and 6.5mm are used as spherical balls of steel material and normal water is used as a fluid. The constant head and fully saturated flow of water is maintained. The performance behavior of each parameter has also been compared at Peclet Number. The result shows the amount of energy stored in porous media of steel spherical balls diameter 4.55mm is large as compared to the porous media of steel spherical ball diameters 6.5mm.Key words: Oscillatory, Porous media, Voids Reference [1] D.A. Nield, A. Bejan (2006), "Convection in porous media", Third ed., Springer, New York, pp. 27-38. [2] S.Y. Byun, S.T. Ro, J.Y. Shin, Y.S. Son and D.Y. Lee (2006), "Transient thermal behaviour of porous media under oscillating flow conditions", Vol.49, pp. 5081-5085. [3] Giovanni Cimatti (2009), "Nearly Explicit and uniqueness for the fluid flow and heat transfer in porous media with temperature dependant viscosity", Journal of mathematical fluid mechanics. Volume 13, Issue 1, pp.95-102 [4] K.C Leong, H.Y. Li, L.W. Jin and J.C. Chai (2011), "Convective heat transfer in Graphite foam heat skin with baffle and stagger structures", Journal of heat transfer, Vol. 133, pp. 1110-1118. [5] Neda Janzadeh and Mojtaba Aghajani Delavar (2013), "Numerical Investigation of Forced Convection in a Channel with Solid Block inside a Square Porous Block", Journal of Energy (2013) Article ID: 327179, 7 pages. Umesh Gera, Beant Singh, Chanpreet Singh |
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243. | Intrusion Detection System For Wireless Network
Intrusion Detection System For Wireless NetworkAbstract: DOS (Denial-of-Service) attacks, and jamming are a threat to wire or wireless networks because they are at the same time easy to mount and difficult to detect and stop. I discuss intrusion detection system for wireless network in which each node monitors the traffic flow on the network and collects relevant statistics about it. By collaborating each node's. I able to tell if (and which type of) an attack happened on our network any wireless network open the possibility of misuse. However, this system closes the possibility for misuse. I discuss the impact of the misuse on the system and the provide security for each user.Key words: Global list, Local list, KDD, Distribution Detection, Node Monitor, Intrusion Detection System Reference [1] Ethereal: a network protocol analyzer. http://www.ethereal.com. [2] M. Aime and G. Calandriello. Distributed monitoring of wifi channel. Technical report, Politecnico di Torino, 2005. [3] Y. an Huang and W. Lee. A cooperative intrusion detection system for ad hoc networks. In SASN '03: Proceedings of the 1st ACM workshop on Security of ad hoc and sensor networks, pages 135–147, Fairfax (VA), USA, 2003. [4] J. Bellardo and S. Savage. 802.11 denial-of-service attacks: Real vulnerabilities and practical solutions. In Proceedings of the 11th USENIX Security Symposium, pages 15–28, Washington D.C, USA, 2003. [5] M. Raya, J.-P. Hubaux, and I. Aad. Domino: A system to detect greedy behavior in ieee 802.11 hotspots. In Proceedings of ACM MobiSys, Boston (MA), USA, 2004. Sabale M. R, Prof. Kalavadekar P. N |
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ANALYSIS AND COMPARISON OF VANET ROUTING PROTOCOLS USING IEEE 802.11p AND WAVEAbstract: The Vehicular Adhoc network is the emerging research area which makes a phrase 'Network on the wheel". VANET is ad hoc network technology where cars or vehicles are used as mobile nodes to form a communication network. Routing protocols play a big vital role in terms of performance. MANETs and VANETs are infrastructure less networks, where they are similar in characteristics. The similarity in both cases is the nodes are in motion with their self organizing characteristics where there is no requirement of any fixed or existing infrastructure. [1]. The main purpose of VANET is to provide[2] ubiquitous connectivity while on the road to the mobile users, those are otherwise connected to the outside world. Due to the distinct features of VANETS, various problems can be tackled by the researchers. Applications developed for VANETS have very specific and clear goals such as providing intelligent and safe transport system.Key words: Routing protocols, simulation, VANET, Network Simulator, AODV, DSDV, OLSR Reference [1] Sweta Verma Sweta Verma* & Dr. Vivek Kumar**. Comparison of performance analysis ofAd-hoc Routing protocol ,International Journal of Information Technology and Knowledge Management July-December 2009, Volume 2, No. 2, pp. 241-244 [2] B. Ramakrishnan, Dr. R.S. Rajesh and R.S. Shaji , An Efficient Vehicular Communication Outside the City Enviornments , International Journal of Next – Generation Networks Vol. 2 No.4 December 2010 Page 48 [3] Rakesh Kumar , Mayank Dave ,A Comparative Study of Various Routing Protocols in VANET, IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 8, Issue 4, No 1, July 2011 Page - 643 [4] Vijayalaxmi M., Avinash patel , Kulkarni QoS parameter Analysis on AODV and DSDV Protocols In a wireless Network. Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering Vol 1 No 4 Page 283 - 294 [5] Zhou, G.Cui, H.Liu, Z.Wu and D. Luo NPPB – A Broadcast Scheme in Dense VANETs. Information Technology Journal 2010 Page - 247 Mrs. A. N. Mahajan, Mrs Rakhi Khedikar, Mrs Dimple Saproo |
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245. | Image Resolution Enhancement by Using Multi Resolution Transform-DWT
Image Resolution Enhancement by Using Multi Resolution Transform-DWTAbstract: In this paper we propose an image resolution enhancement technique based on the interpolation of high-frequency subbands obtained by discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and the input image. The proposed resolution enhancement technique uses DWT to decompose the input image into different subbands. Then, the high-frequency subband images and the input low-resolution image have been interpolated, followed by combining all these images to generate a new resolution-enhanced image by using inverse DWT. In order to achieve a sharper image, an intermediate state to estimate the high frequency sub bands by utilizing the difference image obtained by subtracting the input image and its interpolated LL sub band. The proposed technique has been tested on well-known benchmark images. The quantitative (peak signal to noise ratio) and visual results show the superiority of the proposed technique over the conventional and state-of art image resolution enhancement techniques.Key words: Discrete wavelet transform(DWT), image resolution enhancement, Interpolation, peak signal to noise ratio(PSNR). Reference [1] Hasan. Demirel and Gholamreza. Anbarjafari, "Image Resolution Enhancement by using Discrete and Stationary Wavelet Decompositon,IEEE IMAGE PROCESSING, VOL. 20, NO. 5, MAY 2011. [2] G. Anbarjafari and H. Demirel, "Image super resolution based on interpolation of wavelet domain high frequency subbands and the spatial domain input image," ETRI J., vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 390–394, Jun. 2010. [3] H. Demirel and G. Anbarjafari, "Satellite image resolution enhancement using complex wavelet transform," IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letter, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 123– 126, Jan. 2010. [4] Y. Piao, I. Shin, and H. W. Park, "Image resolution enhancement using inter-subband correlation in wavelet domain," in Proc. Int. Conf. Image Process., 2007, vol. 1, pp. I-445– 448. [5] G.J. Grevera and J.K. Udupa, "Shape-Based Interpolation of Multidimensional Grey-Level Images," IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol. 15,pp. 881-892,December, 1996 B Venkataramana, K Durga Gangarao |
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246. | Review Affect Enviromental Element In The Development Agenda Delegation Islamic Consultative Assembly
Review Affect Enviromental Element In The Development Agenda Delegation Islamic Consultative AssemblyAbstract: In this study, the development of National Policy making Agenda as well as identifying the affecting factors is examined. While raising the question that is the agenda affected by factors or not? and presenting hypotheses to explore whether the surrounding factors play the same role in formulating the policy making agenda (Design and Bill), in the present study attempt is made to identify and categorize the affecting factors in different areas and fields.Key words: Environmental factor ,Design ,Bill ,Agenda ,Policy. Reference [1] Anderson, Eet, Al,1978,public policy and politics in America (mass: Duxbury press) [2] Appleby, P.H,1967،policy and admin is tration (ALA: University of Alabama press) [3] Bardach Eugene,1977,The Implementation Game, Cambridge, M, T press [4] Barker, E,1979, Principles of social and political Theory, Oxford university press [5] Bjerker, u,2001, Hotbilder bland folk och elit-ett uttrryck for svensk politisk kultur?, pp. 16-33 in J.Eriksson (ed) H. R. Mir Ali |
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247. | Speed Control Of Three Phase Induction Motor By Fuzzy Sliding Mode And Genetic algorithm
Speed Control Of Three Phase Induction Motor By Fuzzy Sliding Mode And Genetic algorithmAbstract: This paper describes the use of robust control systems using fuzzy sliding mode and genetic algorithm (FSMC-GA) to control the speed of a three phase induction motor. First, sliding mode control that incorporates a fuzzy tuning technique (FSMC) is used to overcome the high control gains and chattering of the classical SMC. However, the fuzzy control rules are always built by designers with trial and error. We propose an optimization technique of FSMC using genetic algorithm. GA is used for determination of different controller parameters due to their fast convergence and their reasonable accuracy. The effectiveness of the complete proposed control scheme is verified by numerical simulation. The results of simulation showed that (FSMC- GA) presents better performances compared to the (FSMC).Key words: Induction motor, Vector control, Fuzzy control, Sliding mode control, Genetic algorithm Reference [1] A.Ghazel, De. Fornel, B. Hapiot, JC, "Robustesse d'un controle vectorielle de structure minimale d'une machine asynchrone", J.Phys.III France, pp.943-958, 1996. [2] A. Derdiyok, M.K. Guven, H. Rehman, N. Inanc, L.Xu, "Design and Implementation of New Sliding Mode Observer for Speed Sensorless Control Induction Machine", IEEE Trans.Industrial Electronics, Vol 1, No5, pp.1177-1182, 2002. doi:10.1109/TIE.2002.803247 [3] V.I Utkin, "Sliding Mode Control Design Principles and Applications to Electric Drives", IEEE Trans.Industrial Electronics, Vol.40, No.1, February 1993. [4] W.Kim, J.J.Lee, "Design of a Fuzzy Controller With Fuzzy Sliding Surface", Fuzzy Sets Syst, vol.71, pp.359-367, 1995. doi:10.1016/0165-0114(94)00276-D [5] A.Meroufel, A.Massoum, P. Wira, "A Fuzzy Sliding-Mode Controller for a vector controlled Induction Motor", Industrial Electronics, ISIE2008 IEEE International Symposium on, pp.1873- 1878, july 2008. 10.1109/ISIE.2008.4677303 Barkha Rajpurohit, Anil Kumar Chaudhary |
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248. | Fuzzy Type-Ahead Search in XML Data
Fuzzy Type-Ahead Search in XML DataAbstract: In a traditional keyword-search system over XML data, a user composes a keyword query, submits it to the system, and retrieves relevant answers. In the case where the user has limited knowledge about the data, often the user feels "left in the dark" when issuing queries, and has to use a try-and-see approach for finding information. In this paper, we study fuzzy type-ahead search in XML data, a new information-access paradigm in which the system searches XML data on the fly as the user types in query keywords. It allows users to explore data as they type, even in the presence of minor errors of their keywords. Our proposed method has the following features: 1) Search as you type: It extends Auto complete by supporting queries with multiple keywords in XML data. 2) Fuzzy: It can find high-quality answers that have keywords matching query keywords approximately. 3) Efficient: Our effective index structures and searching algorithms can achieve a very high interactive speed.Index Terms: XML, keyword search, type-ahead search, fuzzy search. Reference [1] S. Agrawal, S. Chaudhuri, and G. Das, "Dbxplorer: A System for Keyword-Based Search over Relational Databases," Proc. Int'l Conf. Data Eng. (ICDE), pp. 5-16, 2010. [2] S. Amer-Yahia, D. Hiemstra, T. Roelleke, D. Srivastava, and G. Weikum, "Db&ir Integration: Report on the Dagstuhl Seminar 'Ranked Xml Querying'," SIGMOD Record, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 46- 49, 2008. [3] M.D. Atkinson, J.-R. Sack, N. Santoro, and T. Strothotte, "Min-max Heaps and Generalized Priority Queues," Comm. ACM, vol. 29, no. 10, pp. 996-1000, 2011. [4] A. Balmin, V. Hristidis, and Y. Papakonstantinou, "Object rank: Authority-Based Keyword Search in Databases," Proc. Int'l Conf. Very Large Data Bases (VLDB), pp. 564-575, 2011. [5] Z. Bao, T.W. Ling, B. Chen, and J. Lu, "Effective XML Keyword Search with Relevance Oriented Ranking," Proc. Int'l Conf. Data Eng. (ICDE), 2009. K. L. A. Nivedita, R. Naveen, K. Sravani |
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249. | Studies on Permittivity and Moisture Content of Sunflower Seeds Using Microstrip Equilateral Triangle Patch Antenna
Studies on Permittivity and Moisture Content of Sunflower Seeds Using Microstrip Equilateral Triangle Patch AntennaAbstract: This paper reports the Ku band (13-18GHz) response of thick film equilateral triangle microstrip patch antenna to moisture laden sunflower (Helianthus Annuus) seeds using overlay technique. From the frequency response the moisture dependent microwave permittivity has been reported. The thick film patch antenna is sensitive even to ~ 4.25% moisture content in the overlay material. The actual moisture content and predicted moisture content match indicating that this technique can be used for even moisture sensing at low moisture levels. Key words : Thick film patch antenna, Ku band, Frequency response, dielectric constant, moisture contentReference [1]. M. S. Venkatesh, G. S. V. Raghavan, An overview of dielectric properties measuring techniques, Canadian Biosystems Engineering, l.47, 2005, 7.15- 7.29. [2]. M.P. Abegoankar, R.N. Karekar, R. C. Aiyer, Perturbation of microstrip ring structure by grain moisture and its angle dependence, Microw. Opt. Technol. Lett., 33, 2002, 128-132. [3]. S. A. Kanade, V. Puri, Study of thick film Ni(1-x)Cox Mn2O4,(0 ≤ x ≤ 1) using overlay technique on thick film microstrip ring resonator, Microelec. Journal, 37, 2006, 1302-1305. [4]. P. D. Kamble, V. Puri, Prediction of microwave permittivity of leafy vegetation using Ag thick film microstripline, Microelec Int., 25, 2008, 37-40. [5]. Vaishali Mane, Vijaya Puri, Miniaturized Ag Thick Film Microstripline as Novel Biomaterial Moisture Sensor, Advanced Science Letters, 3, 2010, 282–287. Vaishali Mane, Vijaya Puri |
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250. | Reducing Hot and Cold Utility Requirements for Finishing Column Section Using Pinch Analysis Techniques
Reducing Hot and Cold Utility Requirements for Finishing Column Section Using Pinch Analysis TechniquesAbstract: Pinch Analysis is a methodology for minimizing energy consumption of chemical plant by maximizing the utilization of hot and cold utilities available within the process, thereby reducing the use of external utilities. It is also known as process integration, heat integration, energy integration or Pinch technology. Pinch technology is applied on various process flow diagrams from chemical industries using different strategies or techniques. These techniques include both graphical procedure (Thermal Pinch diagram) as well as algebraic procedure (Temperature interval diagrams) in order to compare the minimum heating and cooling utility requirement of a process with the actual requirement. In the present work, the process flow diagram of finishing column section is received from a chemical industry and block diagram is prepared for simplification. The hot and cold streams are identified and Pinch analysis techniques are applied in order to find out the minimum heating and cooling utility requirement. With this, the utilities available within the process can be used better and thus energy can be conserved to an extent of 25%.Key words: Graphical procedure, Heat integration, Pinch Technology, Revised cascade diagram , Temperature interval diagram. Reference [1] Towler .P. "Integrated process design for improved energy efficiency." Linnh off B, DR and Wardle I (1979) Understanding Heat Exchanger Networks, Comp Chem Eng, 3:295 [2] Mathur.R.M. "Process Integration through Pinch Analysis", User Guide on Process Integration for the Efficient Use of Thermal Energy by Linnhoff & others, Published by "The Institution of Chemical Engineers, Geo. E. Davis Building, 165 – 171 Railway Terrace, Rugby, Warks, CV21 3HQ, England", 1982. [3] Shenoy, U.V., Sinha, A. and Bandy opadhyay, S. (1998) "Multiple utilities targeting for heat exchanger networks", Trans. IChemE. Chem. Eng. Res. Des., 76, Part A, March, 259-272 [4] Lee, "Application of exergy and Pinch analysis on oleochemical fractionation process." Linnhoff B, D.W. Townsend, D. Boland, G.F. Hewitt, B.E.A. Thomas, A.R.Guy, and R.H. Marsland, 1982, User Guide on Process Integration for the Efficient Use of Energy, IChemE, Rugby, U.K. [5] Smith, "Chemical Process Design and Integration", 8th Edition, 2006, pg 317-437 [6] Mahmoud, "Process Integration", Elsivier, 2006, pg 231-252 Deepa, Ravishankar |
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251. | Mechanism of Boundary Lubrication and Wear of Frictionless Synovial Joint
Mechanism of Boundary Lubrication and Wear of Frictionless Synovial JointAbstract: The natural synovial joints have excellent lubricating ability to provide very low frictional resistance and high wear resistance during various activities of human being. Synovial fluid is having mainly constituents of glycoproteins and phospholipids. Albumin adsorbs over globulin by hydrophobic bonding after formation of globulin coating on hydrophilic cartilage surface and phosphatidylcholine adsorbs over hydrophilic surface of albumin by the formation of phospholipid bilayer. Different interface of adsorbed proteins and phospholipids layer produces very low shear stress and produces the synovial joint highly slippery and frictionless. Still, synovial joints are effected by Osteoarthritis due to degeneration of cartilage surface. Due to very very slippery boundary lubrication of synovial joint, abrasive and adhesive sliding wear of cartilage surface is not possible. Present study describes the damage mechanism of articular cartilage on the basis of asperity fatigue model. As knee joint bear much more load than that of hip joint during walking, knee joint is early effected in Osteoarthritis. As gradually, cartilage surface detoriates loosing ultimate strength and modulus of elasticity, wear rate increases with aging of human being. It indicates ultimate result of Osteoarthritis at old age.Key words: Synovial joint, Boundary lubrication, Asperity fatigue wear, Osteoarthritis Reference [1] Charnley J, The lubrication of animal joints; Symposium on Biomechanics, Institution of Mechanical Engineers April, (1959) [2] Burgess S, critical characteristics and the irreducible knee joint; journal of creation, 13(2), 112–117, (1999) [3] McCutchen C W, The frictional properties of animal joints; Wear, 5, 1-17, (1962) [4] Davis W H, Lee S L and Sokoloff L, A proposed model of boundary lubrication by synovial fluid: structuring of boundary water; Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 101, 185-192, (1979) [5] Hills B A and Crawford R W, Normal and prosthetic synovial joints are lubricated by surface-active phospholipid, a hypothesis; The Journal of Arthroplasty, 18, 499-505, (2003) Biswajit Bera |
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252. | Design and Analysis of an Enhanced Novel Multiplier with Low Power in Submicron Technology for VLSI Applications Design and Analysis of an Enhanced Novel Multiplier with LowAbstract: While performance and area remain to be two major design goals, power consumption has become a critical concern in today's VLSI system design. International technology roadmap for semiconductors (ITRS) reports that ―when technology scales down leakage power dissipation may come to dominate total power consumption. So it's important and challenging task for low power designers in sub micron circuits. Multiplication is a fundamental operation in most arithmetic computing systems.Multipliers has large area, long latency and consumes considerable power. The innovative power gating schemes stacking power gating are analyzed which minimizes the power dissipation in submicron circuits. The overall view of this paper is to attain high speed, low power full multiplier with alternative logic cells that lead to have reduced power dissipation. Here the total multiplier architecture is designed sub micron technology and observed the power analysis.Key words: low power, submicron technology, ITRS. Reference [1] Sun, S., and Tsui, P., "Limitation of CMOS supply-voltage scaling by MOSFET threshold voltage", IEEE Journal of Solid- State Circuits, vol. 30, pp. 947-949, 1995. [2] Weste, N., and Eshragian, K., Principles of CMOS VLSI Design: A Systems Perspective, Pearson Addison-Wesley Publishers. [3] Bellaouar, A., and Elmasry, M. I., Low- Power Digital VLSI Design: Circuits and Systems, Kluwer, Norwell, MA. [4] Wallace, C.S., "A Suggestion for a Fast Multiplier", IEEE Transactions on Electronic Computers. [5] Najm, F., "A survey of power estimation techniques in VLSI circuits", IEEE Transactions A.G.V.Karthik Raju, G.V.Vinod, Dr.V.Sailaja |
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253. | Study the Band Structure and Density of State Of Co Using Density Functional Theory
Study the Band Structure and Density of State Of Co Using Density Functional TheoryAbstract: We have studied the properties of CO-hcp in its bulk state . The Calculations were performed in the framework of density functional theory (DFT),using full-potential linearized augmented plane wave (FP-LAPW) method with generalized gradient approximation (GGA) for exchange – correlation potential. We have calculated the Energy band structure and total density of state of Co. In order to study the magnetic properties of Co,The calculation was performed in spin polarized situation. The result shows that the Co-hcp is a ferromagnetic and the electrons of localized d-orbital have a predominant contribution on its magnetic behavior. We obtained 3.147 B for magnetic moment per unit cell which is comparable to its experimental value i.e.3.42 B.Reference [1] Celozzi, Salvatore; Araneo, Rodolfo; Lovat , Giampiero'' Electromagnetic Shielding ''.23 Maggio 2008 [2] V.S.R.Murthy,''Structureand Properties of Engineering Materials' 'Tata Mc Grraw. Hill Education, (2003) [3] L. R. Payane, ''The Hazards of Cobalt ''. Occupational Medicine 27(1):20-50, (1997) [4] Shedd, KimB.''Mineral Yearbook Cobalt''. United States Geological Survey. Retrieved (2008) [5] Voet, Judith G.; Voet, ''Donald Biochemistry ''.New York: J.Wiley & Sons.p. 675(1995) [6] Kohn W and Sham L J phys. Rev. 140A 1133. (1965) [7] D.jiled, ''Introduction to Magnetic Materials'', page 127, (1991). Saeedeh Arabzadeh, Mohamad Reza Benam |
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254. | Design and Implementation of FPGA System to Reduce Reed-Solomon Errors
Design and Implementation of FPGA System to Reduce Reed-Solomon ErrorsAbstract: The data reliability has become an important issue in most communication and storage systems for high speed operation and mass data process. Various error correction code are provided for improving data reliability. A Reed-Solomon code is quite suitable for burst errors, but in case of random errors, it has some difficulty. For MLC NAND flash memories, Bose- Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem (BCH) codes are frequently used. BCH codes provide flexible code length and variable range of error correcting capability. However, NAND flash memory systems process with the large size of data such as a page or a block unit. Hence, BCH codes may not be appropriate for a NAND flash controller.Key words: Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem (BCH), Reed-Solomon codes, Berlekamp-Massey Algorithm, flipped, Euclid's Algorithm, mass data process, decoding, FPGA-based simulator, NAND flash controller, and Altera. Reference [1] Polynomial Codes Over Certain Finite Fields by Reed, I. S. and Solomon, G. SIAM Journal of Applied Math. [2] Information Theory and Reliable Communication by Gallager, R. G. [3] Digital Communications: Fundamentals and Applications, Second Edition by Sklar, B. [4] The Application of Error Control to Communications by Berlekamp, E. R., Peile, R. E., and Pope, S. P. [5] Forward Error Correction Coding for Fading Compensation in Mobile Satellite Channels by Hagenauer, J., and Lutz, E. Md. Taj, P Srinivas, S. Nagaraju |
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255. | Simulation on Micro Wind Power Generator with Battery Energy Storage for Critical Load
Simulation on Micro Wind Power Generator with Battery Energy Storage for Critical LoadAbstract: Supporting critical load without uninterrupted power supply is difficult in the micro-grid network. The proposed system with battery energy storage maintains the real and reactive power in the grid as per International Electro-Technical Commission IEC- 61400-21 at the point of common coupling. The combination of battery storage with micro-wind energy Generation system (μWEGS), which will synthesize the output waveform by injecting or absorbing reactive power and enable the real power flow required by the load.The system reduces the burden on conventional source and provides rapid response to critical loads. The system is simulated in ATLAB/SIMULINK and results are presented.Key words: Battery energy storage, micro-wind energy generating system, power quality Reference [1] D. Graovac, V. A. Katic, and A. Rufer, "Power quality problems compensation with universal power quality conditioning system," IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 968–997, Apr. 2007. [2] Z. Chen and E. Spooner, "Grid power quality with variable speed wind turbin es," IEEE Trans. Energy Conversion, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 148–154,Jun. 2008. [3] Z. Yang, C. Shen, and L. Zhang, "Integration of stat COM and battery energy storage," IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 254–262, May 2001. [4] K. Yoshimoto, T. Nanahara, and G. Koshimizu, "Analysis of data obtained in demonstration test about battery energy storage system to mitigate output fluctuation of wind farm," in Proc. CIGREE, Jul. 2009, p. 1. [5] L. Maharjan, S. Inoue, H. Akagi, and J. Asakur, "State-of-charge (SoC)- balancing control of a battery energy storage system based on a cascade PWM converter," IEEE Trans. Power Electron, vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 1628– 1636, Jun. 2009. Pankaj Thakur, Ms. Durga Sharma |
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256. | Attempts to Construct a Time Operator
Attempts to Construct a Time OperatorAbstract: Time enters the Schrodinger equation as an external parameter, and not a dynamical variable. It is not a standard quantum mechanical observable.This survey explores various attempts made in order to treat time as a dynamical variable(observable) and hence measure it.Reference [1] Muga, J.G., S.Brouard and D. Macias, Ann. Phys. 240, 351-361 (1995). [2] Rovelh.C., Found. Phys. 28,1031 (1998 [3] Bloch, 1. And D. A. Bueba, Phys. Rev. DIO, 3206(1973). [4] Delagado, V., and J.G .Muga, Phys. Rev. A56, 3425(1997) [5] Oppenheim, J., B. Reznik and W.G. Unruh, quanti 9807058V2, Time as anobservables H. Arabshahi and A. Haji Mohammad ifariman |
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257. | The Theoretical Study of Affecting Factor on the Performance of Silica Solar Cells with P-N Junction
The Theoretical Study of Affecting Factor on the Performance of Silica Solar Cells with P-N JunctionAbstract: In this study one–dimensional PC1D software is used to simulate the solar cell and the effect of different factors, such as anti –reflective coating; textured surface of cell and impurity of density on the performance and efficiency of solar cells has been studied. The result show that by increasing impurities, the open circuit voltage (Voc) increase and the short circuit current (I sc) decrease. The optimum amount of impurities, which is achieved the highest efficiency is about 1×1017cm-3.Key words: Optimize of efficiency, anti-reflection coating, and solar cell Reference [1] M.A.Green; "Solar Cell Operating Principles Technology and System Applications ", (1982). [2] D. A. Clugston, and P.A Basore, " PC1D Version 5:32- bit solar cell simulation on Personal computers ", Proc .26 TH IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conf. Anaheim CA (IEEE NewYork 1997) P.207. H. J. Hovel;" Solar Cells, Semiconductor and Semimetals Series" (New York, Academic press), (1975). [3] A. Meijerink, R. E. L. Schropp, " Modeling Improvement of Spectral Response of Solar Cells by Deployment of Spectral Converts Containing Semiconductor Nano-crystalline "; 8 (2004). [4] E. S. Heavens, "Optical Properties of Thin Solid Films ", (London, Butterwarths) (1955), See also http:// www.thinfilmcenter.com/. [5] H.B.Serreze," Optimization Solar Cell by Simultaneous Consideration of Grid Pattern Design and Interconnect Configuration", pp. 609-614. (2002). [7] P. A. Bsore, "Extended Spectral Analysis of Internal Quantum Efficiency", 23rd IEEE PVSC, (1993), pp. 147-152. [6] J. Streentman, "Solid State and Semiconductor Devices" (1978). H. Arabshahi and Z. Momeni |
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258. | Design Of Low Power Bcd Adder Using 14-T Full Adder
Design Of Low Power Bcd Adder Using 14-T Full AdderAbstract: Nowadays, Decimal arithmetic is increasing in recent years, hence growth in decimal data processing systems like in all commercial, financial and internet based applications. Power reduction is one among the parameter plays a vital role in VLSI industry. Hence, In this paper, a BCD adder is reconfigured in order to reduce the power. This work concentrates on14-T(Transistors) full adder circuits is used in BCD adder .This work evaluates the performances of power and delay of BCD adder compared with conventional BCD adder using 50nm technology.Key words: Low power, BCD adder, 14-T full adder, decimal arithmetic. Reference [1] Jin-Fa Lin, Yin-Tsung Hwang, Ming-Hwa Sheu and Cheng-Che Ho " A novel high speed and energy efficient 10-transistor full adder design," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I, vol54, pp.1050-1059, May. 2007. SCI,EI [2] Jin-Fa Lin , Yin-Tsung Hwang and Ming-Hwa Sheu "Low-power and low- complexity full adder design for wireless base band applications" , IEEE International Symposium on Circuit and System, pp. 2337-2341, Jun. 2006. [3] P. M. Lee, C. H. Hsu, and Y. H. Hung, " ovel 10-T full adders realized by GDI structure" IEEE International S posiu on Integrated Circuits (ISIC-2007). [4] M.Moaiyeri, R. Faghih Mirzaee, K.Navi, " wo ew Low Power and High Perfor ance Full Adders", Journal of Computers, Vol. 4, No. 2, February 2009. [5] Rabaey J.M., A. Chandrakasan, B.Nikolic, "Digital Integrated Circuits, A Design" 2nd 2002, prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs,NJ. Muniraja Thoti, Jagadeeshwar Reddy M |
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259. | Inventory and Logistics Cost Optimization in Automobile Industry
Inventory and Logistics Cost Optimization in Automobile IndustryAbstract: Now a day's because of the competitive market, Automobile companies have to focus on the product cost in order to sustain their presence in the market. Product cost is one of the leading factors for the automobiles to gain market share. Therefore companies emphasize on many initiatives like Integrated Cost Reduction/Integrated Cost Management/ Value engineering. Out of many verticals where Integrated Cost Reduction can be applied here we have emphasized on LOGISTICS. Logistics plays a major role in order to reduce the cost of the product without reducing the material cost or process cost. Optimized logistics model becomes successful if it satisfies the Demand & supply equation. Here we have emphasized one of the major aspects of logistics which is outbound. It contributes a major portion of logistics revenue budget.Key words: Inventory, Lean manufacturing, Logistics, Supply chain management, Vehicle optimization. Reference [1] Halldorsson, A., Kotzab, H., Mikkola, J. H., Skjoett-Larsen, T. (2007). Complementary theories to supply chain management. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, Volume 12 Issue 4, 284-296. [2] Kouvelis, P.; Chambers, C.; Wang, H. (2006): Supply Chain Management Research and Production and Operations Management: Review, Trends, and Opportunities. In: Production and Operations Management, Vol. 15 [3] Ydstie, B. E., Grossmann, I. E., Perea-López, E., 2003, A Model predictive control strategy for supply chain optimization. In Computers and Chemical Engineering, Vol 27, pp. 1202-1218 [4] Towill, D. R., 1996. Industrial dynamics modeling of supply chains. In International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp.23–42 [5] Bour Land K, S. Powell, D. Pyke., 1996, Exploiting Timely Demand Information to Reduce Inventories. European Journal of Operations Research, 92. Pragnya Parimita Mishra, Kunal Sharma |
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260. | Comparison of Electron Mobility in Zno and Sic Semiconductors at Low Field by Solving Boltzmann Equation
Comparison of Electron Mobility in Zno and Sic Semiconductors at Low Field by Solving Boltzmann EquationAbstract: In this article the electron mobility's in ZnO and SiC Semiconductors are calculated by solving Boltzmann equation using iteration model. The electron mobility is calculated as a function of temperature and ionized impurity in the ranges of 100k to 600k and 1016to 1018cm-3. The theoretical maximum motilities in ZnO, SiC at 300k are about275 and 7.35 cm2.v-1s-1. We compare the results with experimental data and find reasonable correlation.Key words: Electron mobility; ZnO and SiC; Iteration Model. Reference [1] Vatan-khahan , M. H . Tayarani, , A.Saderemomtaz and H. Arabshahi, « Comparison of electron scattering mechanisims and electron mobility in AIN and GaN at low electric field application », Internatinal journal of scieence and Advanced Technology(ISSN 2221-8386),(july 2011),pp116-119. [2] H. Arabshahi, A. Vatan- khahan and M. H. Tayarani ,"Comparision of low field electron transport properties in InN and GaN semiconductors by solving Boltzmann equation using iteration model",Internatonal journal of science and Advance Technology (ISSN 2221-8386),(2011),PP 6-11. [3] H. Arabshahi , M. Reza Rokn –Abadi and F.Badieyan Bagh-siyahi,"Comparison of high field electron transport propertis in wurtzite phase of ZnO , GaN and SiC",Research journal of applied science5(3):215-220,2010 [4] H. Arabshahi,A. pashaei and M. H. Tayarani,"Comparison of low field electron transport propertiese in compounds of group sΙΙΙ-V semiconductors by solving Boltzmann equation using iteration model", Internatinal journal of enigeering invention ,ISSN:2278- 7461,(2012)PP:56-61 M. Khalili, H. Arabshahi, M. H. Tayarani and M. Bazrafshan |
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261. | Performance Analysis of Color Based Region Split and Merge and Otsu's Thresholding Techniques for Brain Tumor Extraction
Performance Analysis of Color Based Region Split and Merge and Otsu's Thresholding Techniques for Brain Tumor ExtractionAbstract: A brain tumor is a solid mass of abnormal cells within the brain.It is a set of some tissues that occur due to the rise of uncontrolled cell division. The work forms an image processing pipeline, consisting of noise reduction, feature extraction by image segmentation morphological operations to extract the region of interest. The work is based on the simultaneous use of two segmentation techniques, CB region split and merge segmentation and Otsu's Thresholding to extract the area of brain containing tumor from the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of brain.It has been observed that the otsu's thresholding technique gives a better performance in terms of accuracy and diagnosing the complete tumor region from the MRI. The results of this study are quiet promising.Key words: Color Based Region Split and Merge, Otsu's thresholding method ,Segmentation Reference [1] Maintz, J. and Viergever, M. (1998). An overview of medical image registration methods. Medical Image Analysis,Vol 2,1–36 [2] Brown, M. and Semeka, R. (2003). MRI: Basic Principles and Applications.John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Vol. 3 [3] Schad, L., Bluml, S., and Zuna, I. (1993). MR tissue characterization of intracranial tumors by means of texture analysis. Magnetic Resonance Imaging,Vol. 11,Issue 6,889 [4] Wang Zhengjia, Brain tumor detection from 3d magnetic resonance images,full thesis [5] Capelle, A., Alata, O., Fernandez, C., Lefevre, S., and Ferrie, J. (2000). Unsupervised Segmentation for automatic detection of brain tumors in mri. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, pages 613–616 Sheenam Bansal, Dr. Raman Maini |
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262. | A Numerical Analysis of Novel Liquid-Gas Jet Ejector
A Numerical Analysis of Novel Liquid-Gas Jet EjectorAbstract: In this article, numerical investigations have been carried out on ejectors employing liquid as a motive fluid and air as the entrained fluid. A numerical model has been developed to predict the air entrainment rate taking into account: (i) the compressible nature of air, (ii) pressure drop for two-phase flow and (iii) losses due to changes in cross sectional area. The effects of gas velocity, liquid level in the suction chamber, nozzle diameter and throat diameter on the liquid entrainment, entrainment ratio (L/G), pressure drop, gas hold-up, mass transfer coefficient and interfacial area have been investigated. The simulated performance is compared with the available experimental data from the literature for validation. The entrainment rate predicted from the numerical model shows good agreement with the experimental values.Reference [1] P.H.M.R. Cramers, A.A.C.M. Beenackers, Influence of the ejector configuration,scale and the gas density on the mass transfer characteristics ofgas–liquid ejectors, Chem. Eng. J. 82 (2001) 131–141. [2] J. Zahradnik, M. Fialova, V. Linek, J. Sinkule, J. Renickoca, F. Kastanek,Dispersion efficiency of ejector-type gas distributors in different operatingmodes, Chem. Eng. Sci. 52 (24) (1997) 4499–4510. [3] P. Havelka, V. Linek, J. Sinkule, J. Zahradnik, M. Fialova, Hydrodynamicsand mass transfer characteristics of ejector loop reactors, Chem. Eng. Sci.55 (2000) 535–549. [4] D.K. Acharjee, P.A. Bhat, A.K. Mitra, A.N. Roy, Studies on momentumtransfer in vertical liquid jet ejectors, Indian J. Technol. 13 (1975) 205–210. [5] A. Ben Brahim, M. Prevost, R. Bugarel, Momentum transfer in a verticaldown flow liquid jet ejector: case of self gas aspiration and emulsion flow,Int. J. Multiphase Flow 10 (1) (1984) 79–94. Karthick Palani, Sarangapani Palani, Prabakaran Venkatakrishnan, Gurumurthy Veerapatharan, Mohammed Raffe Rahamathullah, Kalaisselvane Adhimoulame |
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263. | Image Processing and Analysis
Image Processing and AnalysisAbstract: This paper describes the basic technological aspects of Digital Image Processing. Basically, all image-processing operations can be grouped into three categories: Image Rectification and Restoration, Enhancement and Information Extraction. The former deals with initial processing of raw image data to correct for geometric distortion to calibrate the data radiometrically and to eliminate noise present in the data. The enhancement procedures are applied to image data in order to effectively display the data for subsequent visual interpretation. It involves techniques for increasing the visual distinction between features in a scene.Key words: digital Image, radio metrically, noise, multi spectral, pixels. Reference [1] Gonzalez, Rafael, C; Woods, Richard E (2008), Digital Image Processing, 3rd Edition, PearsonPrentice Hall. pp. 577, ISBN 013168728. [2] www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~nd/surprise_96/journal/ vol4/cs11 /report.html [3] http://www.cs.uoi.gr/~cnikou/Courses/ Digital Image Processing/ Chapter-01 _Introduction_2spp.pdf [4] Geva, A. (1998) ScaleNet—Multiscale Neural-Network Architecture for Time Series Prediction. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 9(5), 1471- 1482. [5] http://books.google.com/books?id=8uG OnjRGEzoC and printsec =frontcover & dq=%22digital+image+processing%22+gonzalez#v=onepage and q= and f=false [6] http://www.engineersgarage.com/ [7] http://www.cormactech.com/neunet/whatis .html I. A. Ansari, R. Y. Borse |
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264. | Dc Motor Control Based On Fuzzy Logic System
Dc Motor Control Based On Fuzzy Logic SystemAbstract: This paper presents an application of an adaptive fuzzy logic controller (AFLC) for a DC motor system with nonlinear friction. The developed AFLC ensures that: 1) the close-loop system is globally stable and 2) the tracking error converges to zero asymptotically and a cost function is minimized. The simulation results show that the proposed AFLC operates well and provides good quality of the control system.Key words: control; DC motors; fuzzy logic sytem. Reference [1] C. Cadunas, K.J. Astrom, K. Braun. Adaptive friction compensation in DCmotor drives. IEEE J. Robot. Automat RA-3 (6) (1987) 681-685. [2] B. Friedland, Y.J. Park. On adaptive friction compensation. IEEE Trans. Auto. contr. 37 (10) (1992) 1609-1612. [3] B. Armstrong-Helouvry, P. Dupont, C candudas De Wit. A survey of models analysis tools and compensation method for the control of machines with friction. Automatica 30 (7) (1994) 1083-1138. [4] K.S. Narenda, K. Parthasarathy. Identification and control of dynamical systems using neural networks. IEEE Trans. Neural Networks 1 (1) (1990) 4-27. [5] M. Kawato et al. A hierarchical model for voluntary movement and its application to robotics. IEEE Contr. Systenes Mag. 8 (1) (1998) 8-15. Ho Dac Loc |
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265. | Analysis and Simulation Of Perturb and Observe Mppt Technique
Analysis and Simulation Of Perturb and Observe Mppt TechniqueAbstract: As the energy demand and the environmental problems increase, the natural energy sources have become very important as an alternative to the conventional energy sources. Due to the capability of PV cells converting light directly to electricity has stimulated new research areas on PV cells so that the PV array applications have emerged as a solution to the growing energy crisis since mid 1970s. Although the solar cell prices are very expensive at the beginning, they have become cheaper during last decade due to developing manufacturing processes [I], so that it is expected that the electricity from PV arrays will be able to compete with the conventional ones by the next decade [2]. PV array systems should be designed to operate at their maximum output power levels for any temperature and solar irradiation level at all the time.Key words: MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracker), P&O (Perturb and Observe), PV (Photovoltaic), Photovoltaic system, Boost Converter Reference [1]. Dunlop JP, National Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee for the Electrical Industry. Photo-voltaic systems. Orland Park, Ill.: American Technical Publishers, Inc.; 2010. [2] F.Z. Peng, L. M. Tolbert:Multilevel Converters for Large Electric drives , IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Jan/Feb 1999, vol. 35. [3] J. Appelbaum: Starting and steady-state characteristics of DC motors powered by solar cell generators, IEEE Trans., EC-I (1986) 17 25. [4] J. A. Roger: Theory of the direct coupling between DC motors and photovoltaic solar arrays, Solar Energy, 23 (1979) 193-198. [5] J.Surya Kumari, Ch. Sai Babu2 and J. Yugandhar3 "Design and Investigation of Short Circuit Current" Based Maximum Power Point Tracking for Photovoltaic System",International Journal of Research and Reviews in Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJRRECE) Vol. 1, No. 2, June2011. J. Suryakumari, G. Sahiti, G. Sudhakar |
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266. | Security Enhancement Using Rsa Algorithm In Multicast Manet
Security Enhancement Using Rsa Algorithm In Multicast ManetAbstract: In mobile ad hoc networks, an application scenario requires mostly collaborative mobility behaviour. The key problem of those applications is scalability with regard to the number of multicast members as well as the number of the multicast group. To enhance scalability with group mobility, we have proposed a multicast protocol based on a new framework for hierarchical multicasting that is suitable for the group mobility model in MANET. We propose a advanced privacy policy by using a secret key Transformation by using RSA algorithm in novel Secured Geographic Multicast Protocol (SGMP). SGMP internally uses the Efficient Geographic Multicast Protocol (SGMP) uses a virtual-zone-based structure to implement scalable and efficient group membership management.Key words: RSA, wireless Sensor networks, mobile adhoc networks. Reference [1] H. Kopka and P.W. Daly, A Guide to LATEX, third ed. Harlow, U.K.: Addison- Wesley, 1999.IEEE Transactions On Mobile Computing 16 [2] L. Ji and M. S. Corson. Differential destination multicast: a MANET multicast routing protocol for small groups. In Proc. IEEE Infocom01, Anchorage, Alaska, April 2001. [3] E. M. Royer and C. E. Perkins. Multicast operation of the ad hoc on-demand distance vector routing protocol. in Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking(MOBICOM), August 1999, pp. 207218. [4] C. Wu, Y. Tay, and C.-K. Toh. Ad hoc multicast routing protocol utilizing increasing id-numbers (AMRIS) functional specification. Internet draft, November 1998. [5] X. Zhang and L. Jacob. Multicast zone routing protocol in mobile ad hoc wireless networks. in Proceedings of Local Computer Networks, 2003 (LCN 03), October 2003. [6] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSA_(algorith m) [7] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobile Adhoc Network G. Ramya Reddy, C.Swapna, R. Durga Gopal, P.Veeranath |
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267. | Management Services and Mobility Customer in IP Network
Management Services and Mobility Customer in IP NetworkAbstract: We describe in this article a new approach for IP Network Management: the management of the mobility customer and terminal, based on the management by policy of IETF and benefiting from COPS as the communication protocol and its extensions. First of all we will define the architecture proposed by IETF and its environment. Thereafter we describe a new platform more ameliorated to control the quality of service, and we develop finally a new model named MCMS (Management Services and Mobility Customer), to facilitate the movement of customer while changing the origin network. All this by trying to guarantee the services offered previously in the customer contract.Key words: Quality of service, SLA, PBM, COPS, IP network Reference [1] Jean-Louis Melin, Qualité de service sur IP, Ethernet, Frame Relay et ATM, Eyrolles 7 mars 2001 [2] An Architecture for Differentiated Service RFC 2475, Assured Forwarding PHB Group RFC 2597, Configuration Guidelines for DiffServ Service ClassesRFC 4594,RFC 2597, Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). [3] Mehmet BEYAZ, Multi-Protocol Label Switching, Next Generation Networks, TTG International, L.T.D. 2008. [4] IETF, RFC 3198 Terminology for Policy-Based Management, http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3198, Nov 2001. [5] GUY PUJOLLE «Les Réseaux», Best of Eyrolles, 5ème EDITION, groupe Eyrolles 2006. O. Chahbouni, A. Belangour, A. Namir |
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268. | Optimizing Power Supply by Pwm Converter Based Shunt Connected Power Conditioners –Distribution Static Compensator
Optimizing Power Supply by Pwm Converter Based Shunt Connected Power Conditioners –Distribution Static CompensatorAbstract: Increasing automation in modern industry and deregulation has changed the requirements on Power Quality. Computer and process control equipment as well as drive converters are sensitive to deviations of the line voltage from the ideal sinusoidal. Voltage sags, harmonic distortion, flicker and interruption of power supply are the most common problems. In an increasing number of cases, where conventional equipment cannot solve these problems, PWM converter-based shunt connected Power Conditioners named DSTATCOM (Distribution Static Compensator) have been introduced. Energy storage added to the Power Conditioner provides even more flexibility in system operation and planning for utilities and industry.Index Terms: Power quality,SVC,Voltage Sag,Voltage swell Reference [1] S.V. Ravi Kumar and S. Siva Nagaraju,"Simulation of D-Statcom and DVR in PowerSystems", ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences vol. 2, no. 3,2007. [2] ArindamGhosh and Gerard Ledwich, "Load Compensating DSTATCOM in Weak AC Systems", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol.18, pp.1302 – 1309,2003. [3] Bhim Singh, AlkaAdya, A.P. Mittal, J.R.P Gupta, "Power Quality Enhancement with DSTATCOM for Small Isolated Alternator feeding Distribution System", Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems 2005, (PEDS 2005), vol.1, pp. 274-279, 2005. [4] Dinesh Kumar and Rajesh, "Modeling, Analysis and Performance of a DSTATCOM forUnbalanced and Non-Linear Load", IEEE/PES Conference on Transmission and Distribution conference and Exhibition Asia and pacific, Publication, pp. 1 – 6, 2005. [5] Walmir Freitas, Andre Morelato, Wilsun Xuand Fujio Sato, "Impacts of AC Generatorsand DSTATCOM Devices on the Dynamic Performance of Distribution Systems", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, pp. 1493 – 1501,2005. Tejwansh Virk, Amarjeet Kaur |
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269. | SVM Classification an Approach on Detecting Abnormality in Brain MRI Images
SVM Classification an Approach on Detecting Abnormality in Brain MRI ImagesAbstract: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an imaging technique that has played an important role in neuro science research for studying brain images. Classification is an important part in order to distinguish between normal patients and those who have the possibility of having abnormalities or tumor. The proposed method consists of two stages: feature extraction and classification. In first stage features are extracted from images using GLCM. In the next stage, extracted features are fed as input to SVM classifier. It classifies the images between normal and abnormal along with type of disease depending upon features. For Brain MRI images; features extracted with GLCM gives 98% accuracy with SVM-RBF kernel function. Software used is MATLAB R2011a.Key words: GLCM, Image retrieval, Feature Extraction, MRI, SVM classifier Reference [1] B. Scholkopf, S. Kah-Kay, C. J. Burges, F. Girosi, P. Niyogi, T. Poggio, and V.Vapnik, "Comparing support vector machines with Gaussian kernels to radial basis function classifiers," IEEE trans Signal Processing, vol. 45, pp. 2758-2765, 1997. [2] [6] E. Haack, et al., Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Physical Principles and Sequence Design. Wieley-Liss, New York, 1999. [3] V. Vapnik and A. Lerner, "Pattern recognition using generalized portrait method", Automation and Remote Control,24, 1963. [4] N. B. Karayiannis and Pin-I Pai, "Segmentation of Magnetic Resonance Images Using Fuzzy Algorithms for Learning Vector Quantization", IEEE Transactions On Medical Imaging, Vol. 18,No. 2, pp. 172-180, 1999. [5] C. A. Cocosco, A P. Zijdenbos, A. C. Evan,"A Fully Automatic and Robust Brain MRI Tissue Classification Method", Medical Image Analysis. Vol.7. No. 4, pp. 513 –527, 2003. Rosy Kumari |
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270. | Multipath Node-Disjoint Routing Protocol to Minimize End To End Delay and Routing Overhead for MANETs
Multipath Node-Disjoint Routing Protocol to Minimize End To End Delay and Routing Overhead for MANETsAbstract: Today, node-disjoint multipath routing becomes an essential technique in communication of packets among various nodes in network. Mobile ad hoc networks typically having the high mobility and frequent link failures, so multipath routing protocol is crucially important. In this paper, we proposed the multipath node-disjoint routing based on AODV protocol. This routing finds three node-disjoint routes from source to destination. The main goal is to discover multiple node disjoint paths with a low routing overhead during a route discovery, also improve the end-to-end delay and packet delivery ratio. The performance of the proposed protocol investigated and compared against the single path AODV and multipath NDMP-AODV protocols through simulation using .NET. Results have shown that the proposed multipath routing protocol outperforms both protocols in terms of routing overhead, end to end delay and packet delivery ratio.Key words: AODV, MANET, Multipath Routing, Node-disjoint Reference [1] M. Abolhasan, T. Wysocki, E. Dutkiewicz, "A review of routing Protocol for mobile ad hoc networks, Ad Hoc Networks," Vol. 2, No. 1, pp.1-22, 2004. [2] Shafqat Ur Rehman1, Wang-Cheol Song2 and Gyung-Leen Park. "Associativity-Based On-Demand Multi-Path Routing In Mobile Ad Hoc Networks". KSII TRANSACTIONS ON INTERNET AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS VOL. 3, NO. 5, pp.475-496, October 2009. [3] S. Mueller, D. Ghosal, "Multipath Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: Issues and Challenges", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Berlin, pp. 209-2342004. [4] Charles E. Perkins and Elizabeth M. Royer. Ad hoc on-demand distance vector routing. In Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications, New Orleans, LA, pp. 90–100, 1999. [5] David B. Johnson, David A. Maltz and Yih-Chun Hu, The Dynamic Source Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (DSR), INTERNET-DRAFT, 15 April 2003. Jayshree Tajne, Veena Gulhane |
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271. | A Proposed Service Broker Policy For Inter Region Data Center Selection in Cloud Environment
A Proposed Service Broker Policy For Inter Region Data Center Selection in Cloud EnvironmentAbstract: In 21st century Cloud computing is the boon for all who want to reduce upfront capital expenditure on hardware and software. Cloud computing provides software, infrastructure, platform and data storage on pay-as-you-use basis. Data centers located at different locations provide services to the users. Proper Data center selection is important for proper resource utilization and good response time. Existing service broker policies are used to find the closest and cheapest Data center from intra region. But in case of single Data center failure or temporary Data center down, data center selection is random for inter region. We have proposed a new policy to select the inter region data center based on number of users running on it. In this paper we want to show that this proposed policy gives better response time compare to existing service broker policy.Key words: cloud computing, service broker policy, cloud analyst, data center, user base Reference [1] Buyya, Rajkumar, et al. Cloud computing and emerging IT platforms: Vision, hype, and reality for delivering computing as the 5th utility. Melbourn, Australia, n.d [2] ACM, AIS and IEEE-CS. "The joint task force for Computing Curricula 2005." Overview. 2005. [3] Huth, Alexa and James Cebula. "The Basics of Cloud Computing.." n.d. [4] Membrey, Peter, Eelco Plugge and David Hows. Practical Load balancing. New Delhi: Apress, 2012 [5] P. T. Endo, G. E. Goncalves, J. Kelner, D. Sadok,"A Survey on Open-source Cloud Computing Solutions", 1Universidade Federal de Pernambuco – UFPE, Caixa Postal 7851 – 50732-970 – Recife – PE. [6] Wickremasinghe, Bhathiya. "CloudAnalyst: A CloudSim-based Tool for Modelling and Analysis of Large Scale Cloud Computing Environments." Project Report. 2009. Vibhavari Patel, Prof. Nisha Shah |
1699-1702 | ![]() |
272. | Performance Optimization of Long Haul High Bit Rate Optical Fiber System with Dispersion Compensating Fiber
Performance Optimization of Long Haul High Bit Rate Optical Fiber System with Dispersion Compensating FiberAbstract: In this paper the comparison of the performance characteristic of pre and post compensation is done to reduce the chromatic compensation. The transmission behavior of return-to-zero (RZ) and non return-to-zero is compared numerically and experimentally. Data at the rate of 10 Gb/s were transmitted over 2000-km standard single-mode fiber using an alternative compensation scheme in a recirculation loop with more than 100 km amplifier spacing. The pre-compensation and post-compensation scheme is proposed using DCF to reduce the chromatic dispersion at the transmitter end. This method improves the Q-factor in single wavelength of 1550 nm.Key words: BER, Dispersion Compensation, Dispersion Compensating Fiber, Fiber transmission, NRZ Modulation, RZ Modulation, Single Mode Fiber. Reference [1] D. Breuer, K. Ennser, and K. Petermann , "Comparison of NRZ- and RZ modulation format for 40 Gb/s TDM standard-fiber systems," presented at ECOC'96, Oslo, Norway, vol. 2, 1996, paper TuD.3.3.. [2] D. Breuer, K. J¨urgensen, F. K¨uppers, A. Mattheus, I. Gabitov, and S. K. Turitsyn,"Optimal schemes for dispersion compensation of standard monomode fiber based links," Opt. Commun., vol. 140, pp. 15–18, July15, 1997. [3] D. M. Rothnie and J. E. Midwinter, "Improved standard fiber performance by positioning the dispersion compensating fiber," Electron. Lett., vol. 32, no. 20, pp. 1907–1908, Sept. 1996. [4] N. Smith, F.M. Knox, N.J. Doran, K.J. Blow, I. Bennion, Electron. Lett. 32 (1996) 55. [5] N. Kikuchi, S. Sasaki, and K. Sekine, "10 Gb/s dispersion-compensated transmission over 2245km conventional fibers in a recirculatiing loop," Electron. Lett., vol. 31, no. 5, pp. 375–377, Mar. 1995. Vineet Mubai, A. K. Jaiswal, Mukesh Kumar, Rohini Saxena, Neelesh Agrawal |
1703-1707 | ![]() |
273. | Selection of Optimal Location and Size of Multiple Distributed Generations by Using Kalman Filter Algorithm
Selection of Optimal Location and Size of Multiple Distributed Generations by Using Kalman Filter AlgorithmAbstract: This project presents way of properly selecting the location and size of multiple distributed generations. The approach which is used here is Kalman filter algorithm. Increase in power consumption can cause serious stability problems in electric power systems if there are no ongoing or impending construction projects of new power plants or transmission lines. Additionally, such increase can result in large power losses of the system. In costly and environmentally effective manner to avoid constructing the new infrastructures such as power plants, transmission lines, etc., In response to the recently increased prices of oil and natural gas, it is expected that the electric power industry will undergo considerable and rapid change with respect to its structure, operation, planning, and regulation.Key words: Distributed Generation, DG technologies, harmonics, voltage stability Reference [1] A.A.Chowdhury, S.K.Agarwal, and D.O.Koval, "Reliability modeling of distributed generation in conventional distribution systems planning and analysis," IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., Vol.39, no.5, pp. [2] M.F.AlHajri and M.E. El-Hawary, "Improving the voltage profiles of distribution networks using multiple distribution generation sources," in Proc.IEEE Large Engineering Systems Conf. Power Engineering, 2007, pp. 295-299. [3] G.Carpinelli, G.Celli, S.Mocci, F.Pilo, and A.Russo, "Optimization of embedded generation sizing and siting by using a double trade-off method," Proc. Inst.Elect. Eng., Gen., Transm., Distrib., Vol.152, no.4, pp. 503-513, Jul. 2005. [4] T.Senjyu, Y.Miyazato, A.Yona, N.Urasaki, and T.Funabashi, "Optimal distribution voltage control and coordination with distributed generation, " IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 1236 – 1242, Apr. 2008. [5] H.Saadat, Power System Analysis, 2nd ed. Singapore : McGraw-Hill, 2004, pp.234-227. Pola Kishore Kumar |
1708-1729 | ![]() |
274. | Improvement Of Load Transient Response Of A Buck Convertor Employing Peak Current Mode Control
Improvement Of Load Transient Response Of A Buck Convertor Employing Peak Current Mode ControlAbstract: The paper investigates the effect of unity-gain output current- Feed forward in a peak-current-mode-controlled (PCMC) buck converter. A consistent theoretical basis is provided showing that the unity-gain feed forward can improve significantly the load invariance and transient performance of a PCMC buck converter. The non idealities associated to the scheme would, however, deteriorate the obtainable level of invariance. The non idealities can be maintained at acceptable level, and therefore, the scheme would provide a viable method to reduce significantly the load interactions as well as improve the load-transient response. The theoretical predictions are supported with comprehensive experimental evidence both at frequency and time domain as well as comparisons between three different buck converters.Key words: Buck converter, load–current feed forward, output impedance, peak-current-mode control (PCMC). Reference [1]. B.Choi, B.H.Cho, and S.-S. Hong, "Dynamics and control of DC-to-DC converters driving other converters downstream," IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I, vol. 46, no. 10, pp. 1240–1248, Oct. 1999. [2]. B. Choi, B. J. Kim, B. H. Cho, and C. M.Wildrick, "Designing control loop for DC-to-DC converters loaded with unknown AC dynamics," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 49, no. 4, pp. 925–932, Aug. 2002. [3]. N. Mohan, T. M. Undeland, and W. P. Robbins, Power Electronics: Converters, Applications, and Design. New York: Wiley, 1995. [4]. Matti Karppanen, Teuvo Suntio, Member, IEEE, and Mika Sippola "Dynamical Characterization of Input-Voltage Feedforward-Controlled Buck Converter" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, VOL. 54, NO. 2, APRIL 2007 [5]. R. Redl and N. O. Sokal, "Near-optimum dynamic regulation of DC-DC converters using feed-forward of output current and input voltage with current-mode control," IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. PE-1, no. 3, pp. 181–191, Jul. 1986. K. Upendhar, L. Srinivas Goud |
1730-1737 | ![]() |
275. | Encryption in QR Code Using Stegnography
Encryption in QR Code Using StegnographyAbstract: The paper present how QR Codes (commonly known as 'Quick Respond Codes') used in the field of Cryptography. QR Codes are mainly used to convey or store messages because they have higher or large storage capacity than any other normal barcodes. The paper describes the relation QR Code and cryptography. Since QR Codes have fast response time and have large storage capacity, QR Codes can be used perfectly to send encrypted data (messages) to the receiver. This method will be suitable in any business house, government sectors, and communication network to send their encrypted messages faster to the destination. Or a person can even use this method to keep his important documents, like passport number, pan-card id, and social security number, perfectly secured with him all the time, without the information getting leaked to outside worldKey words: QR Code, Cryptography, Data Hiding, encryption, decryption, code generation Reference [1] "QR Code, Wikipedia", http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code [2] "ZXING- QR Code Library ", http://code.google.com/p/zxing/ [3] "2D Code", http://www.denso- wave.com/qrcode/index-e.html [4] "Malicious QR Code", http://www.abc.net.au/technology/articles/2011/06/08/ 3238443.htm [5] "QR Code", http://www.tecit. Com/en/support/knowbase/symbologies/qrcode/Defa ult.aspx [6] "Reed-Solomon and Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem Code", http://www.berndfriedrichs.de/downloads_ecc/ ecc2010_ch08.pdf [7] http://www.denso-wave.com/en/adcd /product/software/sqrc/sqrc.html [8] http://vitreoqr.com/qr-code-Security-SQRC.php Suraj Kumar Sahu |
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276. | Analyzing the Effects of Shadowing and Fading On the Performance of Ad Hoc Routing Protocols in MANET
Analyzing the Effects of Shadowing and Fading On the Performance of Ad Hoc Routing Protocols in MANETAbstract: Two-ray ground reflection model and FRIIS free-space model have been widely used as the propagation model to investigate the performance of ad hoc networks. But two-ray model is too simple to represent a real world network, that is, it neglects the obstacles of a propagation environment. The radio wave propagation model has a strong impact on the results of the simulation run. The more realistic models namely shadowing and fading propagation models have been used in this investigation. This paper shows the impact of shadowing and fading on the performance of several ad hoc routing protocols by utilizing a realistic shadow fading channel in MANET environmentKey words: mobile ad hoc network, fading, interference, shadowing, Qual Net 6.1. Reference [1] C. Siva Ram Murthy and B. S. Manoj, Ad Hoc Wireless Networks Architectures and Protocols, (Pearson Education Inc., 642-643). [2] J. Goldsmith and S. B. Wicker, Design challenges for energy constrained ad hoc wireless networks, IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, 9(4), 2002, 8–27. [3] Ahmed S. and Alam M. S., Performance Evaluation of Important Ad Hoc Network Protocols, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Com. and Networking, 2006(2), 1-11. [4] B. Kasiri, Jun Cai, Effects of Correlated Shadowing on Soft Decision Fusion in Cooperative Spectrum Sensing, INFOCOM IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops, 2010, 1-6. [5] Subir Kumar Sarkar, T. G. Basavaraju and C. Puttamadappa, Ad Hoc Mobile Wireless Networks: Principles, Protocols and Applications (Auerbach Publications, US, 2008). Sachin Poria, Rohit Sangwan, Dr. Manoj Duhan, Kusum Dalal |
1742-1749 | ![]() |
277. | Digital Image Watermarking: A Survey
Digital Image Watermarking: A SurveyAbstract: Recently, works are completely based on the internet, so authentication is required to protect the content of the data because owner never wants to degrade the quality of his data. Information hiding via digital watermarks for the multimedia data is the compatible way to provide the protection of data. Watermarks are imperceptible and it is predefined pattern inserting into multimedia data to protect or authenticity. The watermark indicates that data is containing a copyright or not.Key words: Digital Watermarking, Robust Watermarking, Copyright Protection, Fractional Fourier transform (FRFT), Discrete Cosine Transformation (DCT), Discrete Wavelet Transformation (DWT), Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR), attacks, Joint Photographic Group Expert (JPEG). Reference [1] Edin Muharemagic and Borko Furht, "Survey Of Watermarking Techniques And Applications", Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Florida Atlantic University. [2] Andreja Samˇcovi´c, J´an Tur´an, "Attacks on Digital Wavelet Image watermarks", Journal of Electrical Engineering. [3] Peining Taoa and Ahmet M. Eskicioglub, "A robust multiple watermarking scheme in the Discrete Wavelet Transform domain", The Graduate Center, The City University of New York. [4] Baisa L. Gunjal, "An Overview Of Transform Domain Robust Digital Image Watermarking Algorithms", Department of Computer Engineering, Amrutvahini College of Engineering. [5] Igor Djurovic, Srdjan Stankovic, and Ioannis Pitas," Digital watermarking in the fractional Fourier transformation domain", Journal of Network and Computer Applications (2001), page 167 – 173. Roma Rewani, Mahendra Kumar , Aditya Kumar Singh Pundir |
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278. | Reduction Of Power Consumption And Area Occupation By Using Deterministic Test Pattern Technique
Reduction Of Power Consumption And Area Occupation By Using Deterministic Test Pattern TechniqueAbstract: Deterministic Test Pattern Technique. Which is used to reduce the number of test Patterns to find out the faults and hence power consumption will be reduced and 100% fault coverage. Partial matching pattern allows the reduction of the number of patterns used for detecting the random pattern resistant faults. A Multiple control Sequence is used to guide the linear feedback shift register (LFSR) to generate these patterns at application time. The patterns generated by the LFSR reduce 25% of power consumption when compared to those patterns produced by a conventional LFSR. The main advantages of this method are reduction of the test data volume, require less time to test the application and its reusability for logic cores on a system-on-chip (SOC).Key words: Built in self-test (BIST), Linear feedback shift register (LFSR), random-pattern-resistant (RPR) faults, system-on-chips (SOCs). Reference [1] B. Koenemann, "LFSR-coded test patterns for scan designs," in Proc. Eur.Test Conf., 1991, pp. 237–242. [2] E. Kalligeros, X. Kavousianos, and D. Nikolos, "Multiphase BIST:A new reseeding technique for high test-data compression," IEEETrans. Comput.-Aided Design Integr. Circuits Syst., vol. 23, no. 10,pp. 1429–1446, Oct. 2004 [3] D. Kay and S. Mourad, "Controllable LFSR for built-in self-test," in Proc.IMTC, 2000, pp. 223–229 [4] J. Rajski and J. Tyszer, "Design of phase shifters for BIST applications,"in Proc. VTS, 1998, pp. 218–224. [5] T. Reungpeerakul, D. Kay, and S. Mourad, "Interactive BIST for embeddedcore in SOC: Partial matching and control sequences technique," inProc. IMTC, 2006, pp. 365–369. [6] B. Greene and S. Mourad, "Partial scan testing on the register-transferlevel," in J. Electron. Test., Theory Appl., Dec. 2002, vol. 18, no. 6,pp. 613–626. M. Anusha, M. Umamaheswari, P. Venkat Rao |
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279. | Design and Implementation of a Bypass Zero Feed A Directly (BZ-FAD) Architecture for Low Power Applications
Design and Implementation of a Bypass Zero Feed A Directly (BZ-FAD) Architecture for Low Power ApplicationsAbstract: In this paper, a low-power structure called bypass zero, feed A directly (BZ-FAD) for shift-and-add multipliers is proposed and implemented. The architecture considerably lowers the switching activity of conventional multipliers. The modifications to the multiplier which multiplies A by B include the removal of the shifting the B register, direct feeding of A to the adder, bypassing the adder whenever possible, using a ring counter instead of a binary counter and removal of the partial product shift. The architecture makes use of a low-power ring counter proposed in this work. Simulation results for 32-bit radix-2 multipliers show that the BZ-FAD architecture lowers the total switching activity up to 76% and power consumption up to 30% when compared to the conventional architecture. The proposed multiplier can be used for low-power applications where the speed is not a primary design parameter.Key words: Hot-block ring counter, low-power multiplier, low-power ring counter, shift-and-add multiplier, switching activity reduction. Reference [1] A. Chandrakasan and R. Brodersen, "Low-power CMOS digital de-sign," IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 473–484, Apr. 1992. [2] N.-Y. Shen and O. T.-C. Chen, "Low-power multipliers by minimizing switching activities of partial products," in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Cir-cuits Syst., May 2002, vol. 4, pp. 93–96. [3] O. T. Chen, S. Wang, and Y.-W. Wu, "Minimization of switching ac-tivities of partial products for designing low-power multipliers," IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integr. (VLSI) Syst., vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 418–433, Jun. 2003. [4] B. Parhami, Computer Arithmetic Algorithms and Hardware Designs, 1st ed. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford Univ. Press, 2000. [5] V. P. Nelson, H. T. Nagle, B. D. Carroll, and J. I. David, Digital Logic Circuit Analysis & Design. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1996. Anusha Ranga, Jayasree Murthy, B.Brahmaiha |
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280. | Prevalence of Lactic Acidosis Syndrome in People Taking Antiretroviral Drugs at a Local Health Centre
Prevalence of Lactic Acidosis Syndrome in People Taking Antiretroviral Drugs at a Local Health CentreAbstract: This study examines the types of antiretrovirus (ARV) drugs and the foods taken by people who are HIV positive. The study aims to establish whether the drugs and food consumed are associated with the development of lactic acidosis. A sample of 20 people drawn from a population supplied with ARV drugs at a local polyclinic was used. Questionnaires and interviews were the main tools used in the study to gather information on the types of ARVs, their side effects and the dietary regimen for people who were prone to lactic acidosis.Key words: ARV drugs, dietary regimen, HIV positive, lactic acidosis, regimen. Reference [1] A. Arenas-Pinto, A .D. Grant, S. Edwards and I.V.D. Weller, Lactic acidosis in HIV infected patients: a systematic review of published cases, Sexually Transmmited Infections, 79, 2003, 340-343. [2] T.M. Devlin, Biochemistry with clinical correlations, (Pennsylvania: John Wiley and Sons, 1986). [3] D.S. Fraley, S. Adler, F.J. Bruns, and B. Zett, Stimulation of lactate production by administration of bicarbonate in a patient with a solid neoplasm and lactic acidosis, New England Journal of Medicine, 303, 1980 303:1100-1111. [4] G. Friedman, G. Berlot, R.J. Kahn and J. Vincent, Combined measurements of blood lactate concentrations and gastric intramucosal pH in patients with severe sepsis, Critical Care Medicine, 3(7), 1995, 1184-1193. [5] G.M. Glew, .Biochemistry a clinical approach, (Pennsylvania: John Wiley and Sons, 1996). Usai T, Tshalibe R. S, Nyamunda B. C |
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281. | Design And Implementation Of Efficient Lifting Based Dwt Architecture Using Wallace Tree Multiplier For Compression
Design And Implementation Of Efficient Lifting Based Dwt Architecture Using Wallace Tree Multiplier For CompressionAbstract: Demand for high speed and low power architecture for DWT computation have led to design of novel algorithms and architecture. In this paper we design, model and implement a hardware efficient, high speed and power efficient DWT architecture based on modified lifting scheme algorithm. The design is interfaced with SIPO and PISO to reduce the number of I/O lines on the FPGA. The design is implemented on Spartan III device and is compared with lifting scheme logic. The proposed design operates at frequency of 520.738 MHz and consumes power less than 0.103W. The pre-synthesis and post-synthesis results are verified and suitable test vectors are used in verifying the functionality of the design. The design is suitable for real time data processing.Key words: Lifting scheme, low power, high speed, FPGA implementation Reference [1] N. Jayant and P. Noll, Digital Coding of Waveforms: Principles and Applications to Speech and Video. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1984. [2] C. Diou, L. Torres, and M. Robert, "A wavelet core for video processing," presented at the IEEE Int. Conf. Image Process., Sept. 2000. [3] N. Jayant, J. Johnston, and R. Safranek, "Signal compression based on models of human perception," Proc. IEEE, vol. 81, pp. 1385–1422, Oct. 1993. [4] B. Zovko-Cihlar, S. Grgic, and D. Modric, "Coding techniques in multimedia communications," in Proc. 2nd Int. Workshop Image and Signal Processing, IWISP'95, Budapest, Hungary, 1995, pp. 24–32. [5] Digital Compression and Coding of Continuous Tone Still Images, ISO/IEC IS 10918, 1991. K. Yamuna, C. Chandrasekhar |
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282. | Performance Study on Diesel Engine Using Different Blends of Neem Biodiesel
Inline content">Performance Study on Diesel Engine Using Different Blends of Neem BiodieselAbstract: The developing countries like India were adversely impacted by the overexploitation of fossil fuels and continuing rise in global price of crude oil. Biodiesel is a fuel comprised of mono alkyl esters of long chain fatty acids derived from vegetable oils or animal fats. Biodiesel is reliable, renewable, biodegradable and regarded as a clean alternative fuel to reduce exhaust emissions. Vegetable oils have become more attractive for the production of biodiesel in the recent past owing to its environmental benefits and the fact that it is made from renewable resources. Biodiesel is produced by the transesterification of triglycerides of edible/non edible oils, and waste vegetable oils using methanol with alkaline catalyst NaOH/KOH.Key words: Biodiesel, Engine performance, Neem oil, Transesterification. Reference [1] Bobade S.N and Khyade V.B, Detail study on the Properties of Pongamia Pinnata (Karanja) for the Production of Biofuel, Research Journal of Chemical Sciences, 2(7), 2012, 16-20. [2] Nishant Tyagi, Ambuj Sharma, Experimental Investigation of Neem Methyl Esters as Biodiesel on C.I Engine, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, 2, 2012, 1673-1679. [3] Research and Development Report, Tree Born Oilseeds by National Oilseeds and Vegetable Oils, Development Board, Government of India, 2009. [4] Mishra Sruti Ranjan, Mohanty Mahendra Kumar, Pattanaik Ajay Kumar, Preparation Of Biodiesel from Crude oil of Simarouba glauca using CaO as a Solid Base Catalyst, Research Journal of Recent Sciences, 1, 2012, 49-53. [5] S. P. Singh, Dipti Singh, Biodiesel Production Through The use Of Different Sources and Characterization of Oils and Their Esters as the Substitute of Diesel: A Review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 14, 2010, 200-216. Nithyananda B. S, Anand A, Dr. G. V. Naveen Prakash |
1778-1781 | ![]() |
283. | Adaptive Control of Angular Position & Angular Velocity for A DC Motor with Full State Measureable
Adaptive Control of Angular Position & Angular Velocity for A DC Motor with Full State MeasureableAbstract: Adaptive control is the control method used by a controller which must adapt to a controlled system with parameters which vary, or are initially uncertain. Adaptive control is different from robust control in that it does not need a priori information about the bounds on these uncertain or time-varying parameters; robust control guarantees that if the changes are within given bounds the control law need not be changed, while adaptive control is concerned with control law changing themselves. In this paper the methods of adaptive control are used and explored on a pilot-scale hardware platform. A computer-aided design procedure is used to achieve the specifications, as part of the overall adaptive systems.Reference [1] S. Sastry and M. Bodson, Adaptive Control :Stability, Covergence and Robustness. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1989. [2] Yoan D. Landau, Adaptive Control: The model Reference Approach, Control and Systems theory; volume 8, Marcel Dekker, INC, 1979. [3] Howard kaufman, Itzhak Barkana and Kenneth Sobel, Direct Adaptive Control Algorithms: Theory and Applications, Springer, second edition. [4] Lecture notes of EE6104 Adaptive Control Systems, Prof. Tong Heng Lee, Department of ECE, NUS. [5] Tian-Hua Liu; Yung-Chung Lee; Yih-Hua Crang, "Adaptive controller design for a linear motor control system," Aerospace and Electronic Systems, IEEE Transactions on , vol.40, no.2, pp.601,616, April 2004 Md. Arifur Rahman, Syed Muztuza Ali |
1782-1791 | ![]() |
284. | Reduction Of PAPR Using HADAMARD SLM In SFBC MIMO-OFDM System
Reduction Of PAPR Using HADAMARD SLM In SFBC MIMO-OFDM SystemAbstract: This paper contains the Hadamard Transform in the SLM for the reduction of high peak to average power ratio (PAPR) in MIMO-OFDM systems. In this technique, the input sequence is multiplied by a set of phase rotation vectors respectively and then applies the Hadamard Transform to the each resulting sequence based on SFBC. After that perform the Inverse Fast Fourier Transform in order to get the time domain signal. The equivalent SFBC encoding operations in the time domain for generating candidate signal sets is performed, where one with the lowest maximum PAPR is selected for transmission. The proposed method has lower computation complexity and reduces the PAPR. The experimental results shows that the PAPR reduction performance of Hadamard SLM technique and compare with the PIIM, SLM and with the Simplified SLM techniques.Key words: Multiple-input Multiple output (MIMO); orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM); peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) reduction; space frequency block coding (SFBC); Selected mapping (SLM) and Polyphase interleaving and inverse method(PIIM). Reference [1] A. R. Bahai and B. R. Saltzberg, "Multi- Carrier Digital Communications: Theory and Applications of OFDM," Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishes, New York, NY, USA, 1999. [2] H. Rohling, T. May, K. Bruninghaus, and R. Grunheid, "Broadband OFDM radio transmission for multimedia applications,"Proc.IEEE, vol.87,pp.1778- 1789,Oct.1999. [3] T. Jiang and Y. Imai, "An overview: peakto- average power ratio reduction techniques for OFDM signals," IEEE Trans. On Wireless Communications, June 2008, pp. 56-57 [4] S.H. Han, J. H. Lee, "An overview of peakto- average power ratio reduction techniques for Multicarrier transmission," IEEE Transaction on Wireless Communication, April 2005, pp. 56-65. [5] Xiao Huang, J H Lu, Jun Li Zhen, etal. "Companding Transform for Reduction in Peak-to-Average Power of OFDM signals[J], IEEE transactions on wireless communications", VOL.03, NO.06, Nov,2004,pp. 2030-2039. G. P. Florence, U. V. Ratna Kumari |
1792-1795 | ![]() |
285. | Implementation of Serial Communication between PC and DSP Processor Using Modbus Protocol
Implementation of Serial Communication between PC and DSP Processor Using Modbus ProtocolAbstract: This paper described the principle, application and implementation of serial communication between PC and a Digital Signal Processor (DSP). The TMS320F28031 which is a type of DSPs made by Texas Instruments (TI) is used in this implementation. This DSP processor has serial communication interface (SCI) module for serial communication. The SCI is a two−wire asynchronous serial port, commonly known as a UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter). The standard of Modbus protocol is implemented for this serial communication. The Modbus protocol provides an industrial standard method that Modbus devices use for parsing messages. PC (Personal Computer) can read/write one or more registers of DSP processor using Modbus communication. This paper highlights the basics of Modbus protocol and also explains the software detail of Modbus implementation.Key words: DSP processor, Modbus protocol, UART, serial communication Reference [1] Zhang Zhi-Qiang, and Zhang Yu-lin, "Realization of Communication Between DSP and PC Based on Modbus Protocol," IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Information Networking and Security, 2009, pp. 258-261. [2] Peng D.G, Zhang H., Yang Li and Li H. "Design and Realization of Modbus Protocol ased on Embedded Linux System," The 2008 International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems Symposia. July 29-31, 2008, Chengdu, Sichuan, China pp. 275-280. [3] TI, TMS 320F/28031 DSP Controllers Peripheral Library and Specific Devices, Dallas: Texas Instrument, 2007, pp.56-72. [4] Zhi-Hua Chen, Min Shi, Qing-Ming Yi,"A Method for DSP asynchronous Serial port Expansion ased on TL16C752 ," IEEE, 2011, pp. 844-847 [5] Yue Y., Zhang C.G., Yuang A.J., "Design and implementation of Embedded Man-Machine Interface ased on Modbus". Industrial Control Computer, 2006, 19(1) pp. 8-10. Nagendra Sah, Gaurav Khurana |
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286. | A New Novel Low Power Floating Point Multiplier Implementation Using Vedic Multiplication Techniques
A New Novel Low Power Floating Point Multiplier Implementation Using Vedic Multiplication TechniquesAbstract: In this paper, Vedic Multiplication Technique is used to implement IEEE 754 Floating point multiplier. The Urdhva-triyak bhyam sutra is used for the multiplication of Mantissa. The underflow and over flow cases are handled. The inputs to the multiplier are provided in IEEE 754, 32 bit format. The multiplier is implemented in VHDL and Virtex-5 FPGA is used.Key words: Vedic Mathematics, Urdhva-triyakbhyam sutra,Floating Point multiplier, Field Programmable Gate Araay ( FPGA). Reference [1] IEEE 754-2008, IEEE Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic, 2008. [2] Brian Hickmann, Andrew Krioukov, and Michael Schulte, Mark Erle,"A Parallel IEEE 754 Decimal Floating-Point Multiplier," In 25th International Conference on Computer Design ICCD, Oct. 2007 [3] Jagadguru Swami Sri Bharati Krisna Tirthaji Maharaja, "Vedic Mathematics Sixteen Simple Mathematical Formulae from the Veda,"1965. [4] Metin Mete ÖZBLEN, Mustafa GÖK, "A Single/Double Precision Floating-Point Multiplier Design for Multimedia Applications," Journal Korra Tulasi Bai, J. E. N. Abhilash |
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287. | Allocation and Estimation of DG Capacity in Distribution Networks by Particle Swarm Optimization
Allocation and Estimation of DG Capacity in Distribution Networks by Particle Swarm OptimizationAbstract: This paper presents optimal placement and estimation of distributed generation (DG) capacity using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) approach in the radial distribution systems to reduce the real power losses and to gain voltage profile improvement. Furthermore, the proposed method focuses on the installation of the DGs and takes more number of significant parameters into account compare to the previous studies which consider only a few parameters for their optimization algorithms. Some of the so-called cost parameters considered in the proposed approach is loss reduction, voltage profile improvement, fuel price and costs of load prediction for each bus.Key words: Distributed Generation (DG), Distribution Network, Optimization, PSO Algorithm Reference [1] Ackermann, T., Anderson, G. and Soder, L., 2001. Distributed Generation: A Definition, Electric Power System Research, 57(3): 195-204. [2] Borges, C.L.T. and Falcao, D.M., 2006. Optimal Distributed Generation Allocation for Reliability, Losses and Voltage Improvement. Electric Power and Energy System, 28: 413-420. [3] Tautiva, C. and Cadena, A., 2008. Optimal Placement of Distributed Generation on Distribution Network. Proceeding of Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition-IEEE/PES-Bogota, [4] Haghifam, M.R., Falaghi, H. and Malik, O.P., 2008. Risk-Based Distributed Generation Placement. IET Generation Transmission Distribution, 2(2): 252-262. [5] El-Ela A.A.A., Allam, S.M. and Shatla, M.M., 2010. Maximal Optimal Benefits of Distributed Generation Using Genetic Algorithm. Electric Power Systems Research, 80: 869-877. Sneha Patel, A.K.Sharma |
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288. | Energy Optimization in Wireless Sensor Networks
Energy Optimization in Wireless Sensor NetworksAbstract: Wireless Sensor Nodes are generally having less memory and low battery life. Due to this constraint, we need a strong algorithm by which we can reduce the energy consumption. The main energy is utilized during sending of the data. Some part of energy is utilized in processing the data. In this paper, we will give another approach for reduced energy consumption. We will consider the cost of sending as well as processing. So, we will use short distance path as well as compression of the data to reduce the power consumption. Finally we will simulate this scenario by making a small simulator for 4 nodes.Key words: Wireless Sensor Network, Energy optimization, compression, efficiency Reference 1] Debmalya Bhattacharya and R. Krishna moorthy , "Power Optimization in Wireless Sensor Networks", IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 8, Issue 5, No 2, September 2011.pp 415-419. [2] M.Ismail, M. Y. Sanavullah, "Security Topology in Wireless Sensor Networks With Routing Optimisation" IEEE 2008. [3] G.M. Ben Ezovski, S.E. Watkins, "The Electronic Sensor Node and the Future of Government-Issued RFID-Based Identification", RFID 2007.IEEE International Conference, pp 15-22, 2007. [4] I.F. Akyiliz, W. Su, Y.Sankarasubramaniam and E. Cayirci, "A Survey on Sensor Network", IEEE Communication Magazine, pp 102-114, 2002. [5] Gholamzadeh, B. & Nabovati, H. (2008). "Concepts for Designing Low Power Wireless Sensor Networks", World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. Hemant kumar Damor, Jitendra S. Dhobi and Kartik N. Shah |
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289. | Implementation of Soft Decision Low-Density Parity-Check Decoder for Bahl-Cocke-Jelinek-Raviv Algorithm
Implementation of Soft Decision Low-Density Parity-Check Decoder for Bahl-Cocke-Jelinek-Raviv AlgorithmAbstract: In this paper we focus on the BCJR algorithm, and its prior estimate of the channel state information (CSI), In case of uncertainties during the estimation, overconfident posterior probability tends to mislead the performance of soft decoders. Our approach takes into consideration not only the uncertainty due to the noise in the channel, but also the uncertainty in the CSI estimate. Thus, we resort to a Bayesian approach for the computation of the APP. Hence, we also put forward an approximation for each symbol's posterior, using the expectation propagation algorithm, which is optimal from the Kullback- Leibler divergence.Key words: IR filters, expectation propagation, LDPC coding, ML-BCJR equalization, QPSK modulator, fading Channels. Reference [1] J. G. Proakis, Digital Communications, 5th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2008. [2] T. Richardson and R. Urbanke, Modern Coding Theory.Cambridge University Press, March 2008. [3] S. Chung, D. Forney, T. Richardson, and R. Urbanke, "On the design of low-density parity-check codes within 0.0045 dB of the Shannon limit," IEEE Commun.Lett., vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 58–60, Feb. 2001. [4] P. M. Olmos, J. Murillo-Fuentes, and F. Perez-Cruz, "Joint nonlinear channel equalization and soft LDPC decoding with Gaussian processes," IEEE Trans. Signal Process., vol. 58, no. 3, pp. 1183–1192, Mar 2010. [5] C. Douillard, M. Jezequel, C. Berrou, A. Picart, P. Didier, and A. Glevieux, "Iterative correction of intersymbol interference: Turboequalization," European Trans. on Telecomm., vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 507–511, Sept.-Oct. 1995. Manthena Varma, J. S. S. Ramaraju, Sappa Srinivas |
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MODELING OF SINGLE-PHASE TO THREE-PHASE DRIVE SYSTEM USING TWO PARALLEL CONVERTERS ON INPUT SIDEAbstract: The objective is to supply a three phase motors from a single phase AC mains. It is common to have only a single phase power grid in residential, commercial, manufacturing and mainly in rural areas, while adjustable speed drives may require a three phase power grid. Hence we need to convert from single phase to three phase supply to operate the drive system. Parallel converters can be used to improve the power capability, reliability, efficiency and redundancy. Parallel converter techniques can be employed to improve the performance of active power filters, uninterruptable power supplies, fault tolerance of doubly fed induction generators and three phase drives. When an isolation transformer is not used, the reduction of circulating currents among different converter stages is an important objective in the system design.Key words: Ac-dc-ac power converter, 3-phase Ac motor drive, parallel converter. Reference [1] J.-K. Park, J.-M. Kwon, E.-H. Kim, and B.-H. Kwon, "High-performance transformerless online UPS," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 8, 2943–2953, Aug. 2008. [2] Z. Ye, D. Boroyevich, J.-Y. Choi, and F. C. Lee, "Control of circulating current in two parallel three-phase boost rectifiers," IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 17, no. 5, pp. 609–615, Sep. 2002. [3] S. K. Mazumder, "Continuous and discrete variable-structure controls for parallel three-phase boost rectifier," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 52, no. 2, pp. 340–354, Apr. 2005. [4] X. Sun, L.-K. Wong, Y.-S. Lee, and D. Xu, "Design and analysis of an optimal controller for parallel multi-inverter systems," IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II, vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 56– 61, Jan. 2006. [5] Z. Ye, P. Jain, and P. Sen, "Circulating current minimization in high-frequency AC power distribution architecture with multiple inverter mod-ules operated in parallel," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 54, no. 5, 2673–2687, Oct. 2007. G. Sudhir Kumar, G. Kumaraswamy, Dr. K. Sri Gowri |
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291. | Effect of Torsion Consideration in Analysis of Multi Storey frame
Effect of Torsion Consideration in Analysis of Multi Storey frameAbstract: At present scenario many buildings are asymmetric in plan and/or in elevation based on the distribution of mass and stiffness along each storey throughout the height of the building. Most recent earthquakes have shown that the irregular distribution of mass, stiffness and strengths may cause serious damage in structural systems.Torsional behavior of asymmetric building is one of the most frequent cause of structural damage and failure during strong ground motions. In this work a study on the influence of the torsion effects on the behavior of structure is done. In building two cases are considered, case one is without considering torsion and case two is considering torsion. The Indian standard code of practice IS- 1893 (Part I: 2002) guidelines and methodology are used to analyzed and designed building. Results are compared in terms of % Ast in columns.Key words: Asymmetric plan, Earthquake, Eccentricity, Torsion. Reference [1] Dr. Naresh Kumar B.G. and Gornale Avinash. Seismic Performance Evaluation of Torsionally Asymmetric Buildings. International Journal of Science and Engineering Research, Volume 3, Issue 6, June 2012. [2] Edoardocosenza, Gaetano manfredi and Roberto realfonzo. Earthquake damages at the perimeter of buildings are often the result of excessive deformations caused by torsion during the earthquake. [3] MaskeSachin G., Dr. Pajgade P. S. Torsional Behavior of Asymmetrical Buildings. International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Vol.3, March-April. 2013. [4] Stathopoulos K.G. and Anagnostopoulos S. A. Earthquake Induced Inelastic Torsion in Asymmetric Multistory Buildings. 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering Vancouver, B.C., Canada August 1-6, 2004. [5] Francisco crisafulli, AgustínReboredo and Gonzalo Torrisi. Consideration of Torsion Effects in the Displacement Control of ductile Building. 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering Vancouver, B.C., Canada August 1-6, 2004. Prof. Wakchaure M. R, Nagare Y U |
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292. | Frame Work of Condition Assessment for Sewer Pipelines
Frame Work of Condition Assessment for Sewer PipelinesAbstract: The civil infrastructure including highways, bridges, and water/sewer systems, is crucial for economic growth and prosperity. Among the various infrastructure systems, sewer pipelines networks represent a great challenge due to their diverse components that have different repair requirements. This paper introduces a comprehensive asset management framework to support the efficient planning of maintenance and repair programs for sewer pipelines. The advantages of the proposed framework stem from the following: 1) a simple approach to support the assessment of the current condition of defects associated with gravity sewer pipelines; 2) a Markov chain approach for prediction of future conditions along the planning horizon; and 3) a GA-based optimization algorithm for determining the least-cost strategy to repair pipeline deficiencies in each year of the planning horizon. A case study of Shoha sewer network in Dakhlia, Egypt is presented to demonstrate the capabilities of the developed frame work. The results showed the effectiveness of the proposed framework in making appropriate decisions that ensure the sustainable operation of sewer pipelines networks.Reference [1] ASCE, (1994), Existing Sewer Evaluation and Rehabilitation, ASCE Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice No. 62. [2] Chughtai, F., and Zayed, T. (2008). "Infrastructure condition prediction models for sustainable sewer pipelines." Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, Vol. 17, No. 3, pp. 130-135. [3] Gorloo, A., and Tighe, S. (2009). "Use of soft computing applications to model pervious concrete pavement condition in cold climates." J. Transp. Eng., Vol. 135, No. 11, pp. 791-800. [4] Kathula, V. S., (2001), Structural Distress Condition Modeling for Sanitary Sewers, PhD Thesis, Civil of Engineering, Louisiana Tech University, pp.293. [5] Madanat, S., Mishalani, R. & Ibrahim, W. H. W., (1995), "Estimation of Infrastructure Transition Probabilities from Condition Rating Data", Journal of Infrastructure Systems, ASCE, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 120-125. Ibrahim A. Elbeltagi, Emad E. Elbeltagi, Mahmoud A. Dawood |
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293. | Designing CNTFET and Force Stacking CNTFET Inverter for the Analysis of Average Power and PDP at Different Low Supply Voltage
Designing CNTFET and Force Stacking CNTFET Inverter for the Analysis of Average Power and PDP at Different Low Supply VoltageAbstract: As technology scales down to 90nm and below, the bulk CMOS technology has approached the scaling limit due to the increased short-channel effects, increased leakage power dissipation, severe process variations, high power density, and so on. To overcome this scaling limit, different types of materials have been experimented. Si-MOSFET-like Carbon nanotube FET (CNFET) devices have been evaluated as one of the promising replacements in the future nanoscale electronics. CNFET has lower short-channel effect and a higher sub-threshold slope than Si-MOSFET .It has been observed that the stacking of two off devices has smaller leakage current than one off device. this paper propose an inverter that uses forced stack technique to reduce average power and PDP. circuit is simulated using HSPICE with Stanford CNFET model at 32nm. The simulation result shows that the proposed forced stack CNTFET inverter reduce average power by 15% when supply voltage is 0.9v ,13.204% when supply voltage is 0.8v and 13.116% when supply voltage is 0.7v.Key words: Average Power, CNTFET, Force Stacking, HSPICE, PDP Reference [1] ITRS, Process Integration, Devices, and Structures,http://www.itrs.net/Links/2009ITRS/2009Chapters_2009Tables/2009_PIDS.pdf, 2009. [2] M. S. Dresselhaus, G. Dresselhaus, and Ph. Avouris, Carbon nanotubes: synthesis, structure, properties, and applications, Springer-Verlag, Berlin 2001. [3] A. Javey, J. Guo, D. B. Farmer, Q. Wang, E. Yenilmez, R. G. Gordon, M. Lundstrom,H. Dai, "Self-Aligned Ballistic Molecular Transistors and Electrically Parallel Nanotube Arrays," Nano Letters, vol. 4, pp. 1319-1322, 2004. [4] A. Javey, R. Tu, D.B. Farmer, J. Guo, R.G. Gordon, H. Dai, "High Performance n-Type Carbon Nanotube Field-Effect Transistors with Chemically Doped Contacts," NanoLetters, vol. 5, pp. 345-348, 2005. [5] S. Lin, Y.B. Kim, F. Lombardi, and Y.J. Lee, A New SRAM Cell Design Using CNTFETs, in Proceedings of IEEE International SoC Conference 2008, pp. 168 -171, Nov. 2008. Bipin Pokharel, Priya Gupta, Umesh Dutta |
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294. | A Preliminary Study and Analysis on Hidden Markov Model (HMM) Using PCA Techniques for Face Recognition
A Preliminary Study and Analysis on Hidden Markov Model (HMM) Using PCA Techniques for Face RecognitionAbstract: Nowadays preparing an effective model for face recognition is difficult task. Face is a critical and complex multidimensional visual model. However in this Article, we present a method for face recognition based on Hidden Markov Model (HMM) and it has been widely used in various fields such as in speech recognition, gesture recognition and so on. We proposed this approach basically current face recognition techniques are dependent on issues like background noise, lighting and position of key features (i.e. the eyes, lips etc.).Moreover the face patterns are divided into numerous small-scale states and they are recombined to obtain the recognition result. Our experimental results shows that the proposed method has been achieved 96.5% recognition accuracy for 400 patterns of 40 Subjects i.e. 40 classes of which each class contains 10 patterns each. Apart from these results we did some comparative analysis with PCA. Over observations stated that the performance of HMM based face-recognition method is better than the PCA for face recognition.Key words: Pattern Recognition, preprocessing, Hidden Markov Model, PCA Based Face Recognition. Reference [1] A Method of Face Recognition Based on Fuzzy c-Means Clustering and Associated Sub-NNs ieee transactions on neural networks, vol. 18, no. 1, January 2007. [2] Sir Francis Galton, Personal identification and description-II", Nature 201-203, 28 June 1988. [3] Goldstein, A. J., Harmon, L. D., and Lesk, A. B., Identification of human faces", Proc. IEEE 59, pp. 748-760, (1971) [4] Haig, N. K., "How faces differ - a new comparative technique", Perception 14, pp. 601-615, (1985).. [5] Rhodes, G., "Looking at faces: First-order and second order features as determinants of facial appearance", Perception 17, pp. 43-63, (1988). K.Nitin Babu, D.N.Rajeswari |
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295. | PV Fed Three-Level CascadeInverter
PV Fed Three-Level CascadeInverterAbstract: This paper presents a two-state power conversion of renewable energy (solar energy) to useful electrical applications with low harmonic content in the output voltage. In this two-state conversion PV-array, boost converter and inverter are connected in series to obtain required output power. In this paper cascade three-level inverter is used. This inverter is simple because it is obtained by cascading two two-level inverters. This inverter uses the Space Vector PWM control algorithm, which gives maximum DC utilization. To validate the proposed topology MATLAB/Simulation studies are carried and compared with the existing topologies.Key words: Photovoltaicarray; multilevel inverter;SVPWM. Reference [1] Pandiaraan, Ramaprabha, and Ranganath Muthu "Application of Circuit Model for Photovoltaic Energy Conversion System" Research Article. [2] Huan-Liang Tsai, Ci-Siang and Yi-Jie Su "Development of Generalized Photovoltaic Model Using MATLAB/SIMULINK" Proceedings of IAENG, July 24th, 2008. [3] V.T.Somasekhar and K. Gopakumar "Three-Level Inverter Configuration Cascading Two Two-Level Inverters" IEE proc.Electr. Power App,Vol 150 No. 3, May 2003. [4] V. Srimaheswaran, R.Uthirasamy "Cascaded Multilevel Inverter For PV Cell Application Using PIC Microcontroller" IJITEE, ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-2, Issue-3,and February 2013. [5] Penugonda V.V. N. M. Kumar, P. M. Kishore, R.K. Nema "Simulation of Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverters for PV Applications.ICGSEE-2013 [14th - 16th March 2013] C. K. Lakshmi Prasanna, M. Harshavardhan Reddy |
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296. | Single Layer Symmetrical Y-Slots Wideband Microstrip Antenna Using IE3D
Single Layer Symmetrical Y-Slots Wideband Microstrip Antenna Using IE3DAbstract: Microstrip patch antennas are strong candidates for use in many wireless communication applications. The proposed antenna design approach is based on a single-layer, square patch (Length=30mm and Width=30mm) with two symmetrical Y-slots and a rectangular slot on the patch with coaxial probe feed to achieve wide band application with very low return loss. The proposed antenna is modeled using IE3D electromagnetic (EM) simulation packages namely IE3D from Zeland. The objective of this paper is to design, construct and fabricate microstrip antennas suitable for wireless application that centered at frequency 4.87 GHz. The antenna must operate within the band of 4.04GHz to 5.12GHz band. This band is currently being used for industrial, medical and scientific applications. The antenna is proposed to be used as a transmitting as well as receiving antenna in wireless network and the mentioned applications. A thick substrate FR4 which has a dielectric constant 4.4 with infinite ground broadens the bandwidth of the antenna. The proposed antenna reduced the return loss as well as increases the bandwidth of the antenna.Key words: Microstrip antenna, Wide band. Reference [1.] Balanis, C.A., Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., USA, 2005. [2.] Wong, K.L., Compact and Broadband Microstrip Antenna, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, NY, 2002. [3.] Garg, R.P. Bahartia, and A.Ittipiboon, Microstrip Antenna Design Handbook, Artech House, Bosten, London, 2001. [4.] H. Wang, X. B. Huang, and D. G. Fang, Fellow, IEEE, "A Single Layer Wideband U-Slot Microstrip Patch Antenna Array", IEEE ANTENNAS AND WIRELESS PROPAGATION LETTERS, VOL. 7, 2008. [5.] HUANG C.Y., LIN C.C., CHEN W.F, "Multiple band-stop bow-tie slot antennas for multiband wireless systems'', IET Microwave Antennas Propagation 2008, 2, (6), pp. 588–593. Rahul Suvalka, Rajeshwar Lal Dua |
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297. | BFO Based Multithresholding Edge Detection Technique
BFO Based Multithresholding Edge Detection TechniqueAbstract: Bacterial foraging optimization algorithm (BFOA) has been widely accepted as a global optimization algorithm of current interest for optimization and control. It has already drawn the attention of researchers because of its efficiency in solving real-world optimization problems arising in several application domains. In this paper, we propose the use of BFOA in an integrated manner with traditional image segmentation techniques to provide an efficient edge detection technique for selected natural images.Key words: thresholding, image segmentation, Bacteria Foraging Optimization algorithms, edge detection. Reference [1] Alaa Sheta,Malik S. Braik ,Sultan Aljahdali "Genetic Algorithms: A Tool for Image Segmentation" International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS) IEEE, May 2012. [2] B. Poornima., Y. Ramadevi , T. Sridevi ,"Threshold based edge detection algorithm", IACSIT International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 3, No. 4,August 2011 [3] B.Sathya, R.Manavalan "Image Segmentation by Clustering Methods: Performance Analysis" International Journal of Computer Applications, Volume 29, No.11, September 2011 [4] Jain.S.Petrou,"Thresholding", Sections 3.2.1, 3.2.2, December, 2009 [5] Manisha Kaushal et. al. "Adaptive Thresholding for Edge Detection in Gray Scale Images" International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Vol. 2(6), pp. 2077-2082, 2010 Poonamdeep Kaur, Raman Maini |
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298. | Exact Value of Pi (Π) =17- 8√3
Exact Value of Pi (Π) =17- 8√3Abstract: In this paper, I show that exact value of pi (π) is 17- 8√3 =17- √192My findings are based on geometrical constructions, arithmetic calculation and algebraic formula & proofs. Reference [1] Basic algebra & geometry concepts . [2] History of Pi(π) from internet . [3] Exact value of PI(π) , IOSR International Journal Mr. Laxman S. Gogawale |
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299. | Application of Signal to Noise Ratio Methodology for Optimization of MIG Welding Process Parameters
Application of Signal to Noise Ratio Methodology for Optimization of MIG Welding Process ParametersAbstract: The present study is to search out the optimization process parameters for Metal inert gas welding (MIG). The optimization of MIG welding process parameters are for alloy steel work piece using grey relational analysis method. Sixteen experimental runs based on an orthogonal array Taguchi method were performed. This paper presents the effect of welding parameters like wire diameter, welding current, arc voltage, welding speed, and gas flow rate optimization based on bead geometry of welding joint.Key words: MIG Welding, Grey relational analysis, Taguchi orthogonal array, Signal to Noise Ratios (S/N ratio). Reference [1] BijendraDiwakar, VedanshChaturvedi, JyotiVimal, "Application of Taguchi approach for optimization of CNC wire eDDlectrical discharge machining process parameters" volume 2, issue 7 (july 2012) ISSN: 2249-3905 [2] Indian journal of mechanics and structure vol. No.1 2012. [3] M. Aghakhani, E. Mehrdad, and E. Hayati, " Parametric Optimization of Gas Metal Arc Welding process by Taguchi Method on weld dilution" International journal of modelling and optimization vol.1, No.3 August 2011. [4] Pradeep, GRK, Ramesh, A, Durgarasad, B, A Review Paper on hard facing Processes and Materials, International journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Vol. 2 (11), 2010, 6507-6510. [5] Goutam Nandi, SuravDatta, AshishBandyopafhyay, Pradeepkumar pal., Analysis of Hybrid Taguchi Methods for Optimization of submerged Arc Weld joining processes. Challenges for Quality, Design and development, March5-6, 2010, NIT, Agartala, Tripura. Dinesh Mohan Arya, Vedansh Chaturvedi, Jyoti Vimal |
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300. | Performance Analysis of Two Stroke Petrol Engine On The Basis Of Variation in Carburetor Main-Jet Diameter
Performance Analysis of Two Stroke Petrol Engine On The Basis Of Variation in Carburetor Main-Jet DiameterAbstract: Atwo stroke engine is one which completes its cycle of operation in one revolution of the crankshaft or in two strokes of the piston. In many two stroke engines the mechanical construction is greatly simplified by using the piston as a slide valve in conjunction with intake and exhaust ports cut on the side of the cylinder. A carburetor is that part of a gasoline engine which provides assimilation air-fuel mixture as and when required. The author have used single cylinder two stroke experimental way. A driver controls the engine speed by increasing or reducing the amount of fuel with the help of accelerator pedal. The experimental results show that which size of main jet gives better result under various load and gear operating condition.Key words: carburetor, engine test rig, gear ratio, load, two stroke petrol engine, Reference [1] G.Ciccarelli, Steve Reynolds, Phillip Oliver development of a novel passive top down uniflow scavenged two stroke GDI engine, experimental thermal and fluid science 34(2010) 217-226 [2] R. Mikalsen , A.P. Roskilly, the design and simulation of a two stroke free piston compression ignition engine for electrical power generation applied thermal engineering 28(2008) 589-600 [3] Jesus Benajes, Ricardo Novella, Daniela De Lima, Pascal Tributte, Nicolas Quechon, Philippe Obernesser, Vincent Dugue, analysis of the combustion process, pollutant emission and efficiency of an innovative 2-stroke HSDI engine designed for automotive applications. Applied thermal engineering 58(2013) 181-193 [4] J. Galindo, H. Climent, B.Pla, V. D. Jimenez correlation for wiebe function parameters for combustion simulation in two-stroke small engine. Applied thermal engineering 31(2011) 1190-1199 [5] Behrouz Chehroudi, David Schuh intake –port flow behavior in a motored and fired two-stroke research engine. Experimental thermal and fluid science 1995; 10:86-100 Abhishek Chakraborty, Shivamsharma |
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301. | Improving Image Web Search Technique Using a New Approch
Improving Image Web Search Technique Using a New ApprochAbstract: Rapidly increasing internet users and rapidly demanding multimedia search are increasing traffic continuously.The most of the traffic in the internet is for making search of multimedia content over internet. In this paper we provide issues existingin searching images from internet additionally here we provide the most frequently used algorithms in the domain of content search. Here we provide the problem statement which is based on content based image search and time sensitivity analysis of content over internet and the optimum solution proposed, additionally this paper contains the implementation of the proposed methods and obtained results are included in this paper, after evaluating the performance of the system we found that our proposed system is efficient and less time and memory resource consumer during search.Key words: search, multimedia, image, accuracy, implementation. Reference [1] Efficient Relevance Feedback for Content-Based Image Retrieval by Mining User Navigation Patterns, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING, VOL. 23, NO. 3, MARCH 2011 [2] A User-Oriented Image Retrieval System Based on Interactive Genetic Algorithm, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT, VOL. 60, NO. 10, OCTOBER 2011 [3] Improved Content Based Image Retrieval using SMO and SVM Classification Technique, European Journal of Scientific Research ISSN 1450-216X Vol.69 No.4 (2012), pp. 560-564 © EuroJournals Publishing, Inc. 2012 [4] Content Based Image Retrieval Using SVM Algorithm, International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IJEEE) ISSN (PRINT): 2231 – 5284, Vol-1, Iss-3, 2012 [5] Content based Image Retrieval using Implicit and Explicit Feedback with Interactive Genetic Algorithm, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 43– No.16, April 2012 Megha Maheshwari |
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302. | Secure User Data in Cloud Computing Using Encryption Algorithms
Secure User Data in Cloud Computing Using Encryption AlgorithmsAbstract: Cloud Computing is transforming information technology. As information and processes are migrating to the cloud, it is transforming not only where computing is done, but also fundamentally, how it is done. As increasingly more corporate and academic worlds invest in this technology, it will also drastically change IT professionals' working environment. Cloud Computing solves many problems of conventional computing, including handling peak loads, installing software updates, and, using excess computing cycles. However, the new technology has also created new challenges such as data security, data ownership and trans-code data storage. In this paper we have discussed about cloud computing security issues, mechanism, challenges that cloud service provider face during cloud engineering and presented the metaphoric study of various security algorithmsKey words: Algorithms: AES, Blowfish, DES, RSA, Cloud Computing, Data Security Reference [1] Zhidong Shen, Li Li , Fei Yan, Xiaoping Wu , Cloud Computing System Based on Trusted Computing Platform,(2010) International Conference on Intelligent Computation Technology and Automation. [2] Mr. Pritesh Jain, Prof. Vaishali Chourey, Prof. Dheeraj Rane, An Analysis of Cloud Model-Based Security for Computing Secure Cloud Bursting and Aggregation in Real Environment, International Journal of advanced Computer Research(IJACR) Volume 1, September 2011. [3] Rohit Bhadauria, Rituparna Chaki, Nabendu Chaki and Sugata Sanyal," A Survey on Security Issues in Cloud Computing". IJRCCT, ISSN 2278-5841, Vol 1, Issue 4, September 2012. [4] Mohammed, E.M, Ambelkadar, H.S, Enhanced Data Security Model on Cloud Computing, IEEE publication, 2012,8th International Conference on, On page(s):cc-12-cc-17 [5] Sang Ho.Na, Jun-Young Park, Eui- Nam Huh, Personal Cloud Computing Security Framework, Service Computing Conference (APSSC), Dec 2010 IEEE, On page(s): 671-675. Anshu Parashar, Rachna Arora |
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303. | Study of Hardness and Wear Properties of Boronized Aisi 4340 Steel
Study of Hardness and Wear Properties of Boronized Aisi 4340 SteelAbstract: In this study the hardness and wear properties of boronized AISI 4340 steels have been studied.The boronizing treatment increased the hardness of AISI 4340 steels and also significantly improved its wear behaviour. From obtained results it can be concluded that boronizing is very effective surface hardening method for improving the wear properties of AISI 4340 Steels.Reference [1] Tyler, J.M. Metal Finishing, p. 11-14, October/1995. [2] Vasconcelos, S.M.B. Estudo da influência dos tratamentos superficiais de cromo duro e níquel químico na vida em fadiga do aço de alta resistência, ABNT 4340, Trabalho final de graduação, Escola de Engenharia Industrial, E.E.I., São José dos Campos/SP, 1992. [3] Nascimento, M.P.; Souza, R.C.; Pigatin, W.L.; Voorwald, H.J.C. Surface & Coatings Technology, v. 138, n. 2-3, p. 113-124, 2001. [4] Wiklund, U.; Hedenqvist, P.; Hogmark, S. Surface and Coatings Technology, v. 97, p.773-778, 1997. [5] 5. Horsewell, A. Materials Science and Technology, v. 14,p. 549-553, June/1998. Arun.S, T.Sivakumar, Viswanathan P and R.Subramanian |
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304. | Analysis of the Optimized Assist Beam for Semiconductor Optical Amplifier Based Four Wave Mixing Using Optisystem
Analysis of the Optimized Assist Beam for Semiconductor Optical Amplifier Based Four Wave Mixing Using OptisystemAbstract: The Conversion efficiency and the Optical Signal to Noise Ratio are the two Figure of Merits used to characterize the Four wave mixing process. They are used to study the impact of drive current, pump-signal detuning, input pump and signal powers on wavelength conversion process. In particular, the issue of optimum input pump and signal powers and range of assist beam is studied. We investigated the conversion efficiency (CE) and optical signal to noise ratio (OSNR) properties of ASE-assisted FWM in Semiconductor optical amplifier and demonstrated that in the presence of high internal Amplified Stimulated Emission, the requirement on input optical powers for wavelength conversion is reduced from 10s of mWs to less than 1 mW. As a proof of concept 10 Gb/s wavelength converter is demonstrated.Key words: Assist beam, FWM, SOA, WDM, Optical network, WC Reference [1] S. P. Singh and N. Singh, "Nonlinear effects in optical fibers: origin, management and applications Progress In Electromagnetics Research," PIER 73, 249–275, 2007. [2] F. Girardin, J. Eckner, G. Guekos, R. Dall'Ara, A. Mecozzi, A. D'Ottavi, F. Martelli, S. Scotti, and P. Spano , "Low-Noise and Very High-Efficiency Four-Wave Mixing in 1.5-mm-Long Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers," IEEE photonics technology letters, VOL. 9, NO. 6, JUNE 1997. [3] I. Zacharopoulos, I. Tomkos, D. Syvridis, T. Sphicopoulos, C. Caroubalos, and E. Roditi , Study of Polarization-Insensitive Wave Mixing in Bulk Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers," IEEE photonics technology letters, VOL. 10, NO. 3, MARCH 1998. [4] A. D'Ottavi, F. Martelli, P. Spano, A. Mecozzi, and S. Scotti, "Very high efficiency four-wave mixing in a single semiconductor traveling wave amplifier," Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 67, pp. 2753–2755, 1995. [5] S. L. Lee, P. M. Gong, and C. T. Yang, "Performance enhancement on SOA-based four-wave-mixing wavelength conversion using an assist beam," IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol. 14, pp. 1713–1715, Dec. 2002. Shreyashreeverma, Prof. A. Kjaiswal, Mukesh Kumar |
1930-1933 | ![]() |
305. | Finite Element Analysis on Rapid Prototyping Pattern with Different InternalStructure for Investment Casting
Finite Element Analysis on Rapid Prototyping Pattern with Different InternalStructure for Investment CastingAbstract: Manufacturing a metal product with complex geometry usually will related to Investment Casting (IC) process as the process has the highest capability to deliver the intended objective. But producing the wax pattern for the process has already consumes half of the time of overall process. Rapid Prototyping (RP) is considered to be a solution as it capable to reduce the time in a large margin. Compared to wax patterns traditionally made for IC, RP patterns mainly built from polymer based material. Polymer may react differently than wax when it comes to the burnout process which is a critical part in IC that determines the quality of the final cast product. By considering both strength and collapsibility, cube pattern with different internal structure designs were developed using SolidWorks software and analysis by ANSYS software. All designs were tested for total deformation and equivalent Von Misses stress within the temperature range from room temperature of 27ºC up to 700ºC.Key words: Acrylate, Finite Element Analysis, Investment Casting, Multi-Jet Modeling, Rapid Prototyping Reference [1] W.S.W. Harun, S. Sharif, M.H. Idris and K. Kardirgama, Characteristic studies of collapsibility of ABS patterns produced from FDM for investment casting. Material Research Innovations, 13 (3), 2009, 340-343. [2] P.M. Dickens, R. Stangroom, and M. Greul, Conversion of RP models to investment castings. Rapid Prototyping Journal, 1 (4), 1995, 4-11. [3] R. Hague and P.M. Dickens, Stresses created in ceramic shells using Quickast models. Proceedings of the Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium. H. Marcus. University of Texas at Austin, Austin, 1995, 242-252. [4] J.C. Ferreira and A. Mateus, A numerical and experimental study of fracture in RP stereolithography patterns and ceramic shells for investment casting, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 134, 2003, 135-144. [5] W.S.W. Harun, S. Safian, and M.H. Idris, Evaluation of ABS patterns produced from FDM for investment casting process. Computational Method and Experiments in Materials Characterisation IV, 2009, 319-328. M. N. Hafsa, M. Ibrahim, S. Sharif, O. M. F. Marwah And S. Sulaiman |
1934-1939 | ![]() |
306. | Influence of Steel Plate Shear Wall on Multistorey Steel Building
Influence of Steel Plate Shear Wall on Multistorey Steel BuildingAbstract: The present paper describes the analysis and design of high-rise steel building with and without Steel Plate Shear Wall (SPSW). For present work four models with different SPSW locations ware analyzed for same geometry and loading. Four models of building frame having (G+19) storey situated in zone III are then compared with moment resisting frame (MRF) and X-braced frame. Modelling is done by using strip modelling. The analysis of steel plate shear wall building is carried out using Software SAP2000 V15. The main parameter considers in this paper to compare the seismic performance of buildings for deflection. The models are analyzed by Response Spectrum analysis as per IS 1893:2002 and design has been carried out by using IS 800-2007.Key words: Steel plate shear wall (SPSW), steel building, strip model, IS 800-2007, IS 1893-2002, Response spectrum method, tension field action, seismic design Reference [1] Londhe R.S. and Chavan. A. P. (2010). "Behavior of building frames with steel plate shear wall". Asian Journal of Civil Engineering (building and housing) vol. 11, no. 1 pages 95-102. [2] Thorburn J.L., Kulak G.L., and Montgomery C.J. (1983). "Analysis of steel plate shear walls", Structural Engineering Report No.107, Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Alberta Edmonton, Alberta, pp 1-167. [3] Michel Bruneau, P. E., Jeff Berman, Diegolopez Garcia, and Darren Vian, " Steel plate shear building: Design requirements and research", Post-Doctoral research Associate, Department of Civil, Structural, and Environmental Engineering, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260. Pp 1-3. [4] Mayank K. Gupta1, Swapnil B. Kharmale2 and Siddhartha Ghosh3 . "Ductility-base seismic design of steel plate shear walls: Practical application using standard sections", Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India , pp 93 – 98. [5] Ghosh Siddhartha, Farooq Adam, Das Anirudha (2009). "Design of steel plate shear walls considering inelastic drift demand". Journal of Constructional Steel Research 65. pp 1431_1437. Pundkar R. S, Alandkar P. M |
1940-1945 | ![]() |
307. | High Throughput Two- Dimensional Median Filters On FPGA for Image Processing Applications
High Throughput Two- Dimensional Median Filters On FPGA for Image Processing ApplicationsAbstract: An efficient hardware implementation of a median filter is presented. Input samples are used to construct a cumulative histogram, which is then used to find the median. The resource usage of the design is independent of window size, but rather, dependent on the number of bits in each input sample. This offers a realizable way of efficiently implementing large-windowed median filtering, as required by transforms such as the Trace Transform. The method is then extended to weighted median filtering. The Median filter is an effective method for the removal of impulse-based noise from the images. This paper suggests an optimized architecture for filter implementation on FPGA. A 3x3 sliding window algorithm is used as the base for filter operation. Partial implementation is done via soft core processor. The designs are synthesized for a Xilinx Spartan-3 EDK.Key words: FPGA, Median Filter, Soft Processor Core, Parallelism, Pipelining Reference [1] M. Karaman, L. Onural, and A. Atalar, Design and implementation of a generalpurpose median filter unit in CMOS VLSI, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 505–13, 1990. [2] D. Richards, VLSI median filters, IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 145– 53, 1990. [3] G. Angelopoulos and I. Pitas, A fast implementation of twodimensional weighted median filters, in Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 9-13 Oct. 1994, vol. vol.3. Jerusalem, Israel: IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, 1994, pp. 140–2. [4] L. Hayat, M. Fleury, and A. Clark, Twodimensional median filter algorithm for parallel reconfigurable computers, IEE Proc. Vision, Image and Signal Processing, vol. 142, no. 6, pp. 345–50, 1995. [5] C.-T. Chen, L.-G. Chen, and J.-H. Hsiao, VLSI implementation of a selective median filter, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, vol. 42, no. 1, pp. 33–42, 1996. V. Satyanarayana, S. Srividya, U. Yedukondalu |
1946-1949 | ![]() |
308. | Efficient Performance of Lifting Scheme Along With Integer Wavelet Transform In Image Compression
Efficient Performance of Lifting Scheme Along With Integer Wavelet Transform In Image CompressionAbstract: In image compression using transform techniques the purpose is to reduce the data redundancy significantly, both spatial and spectral, without affecting the quality of the picture much.A lossless reversible image compression model is proposed for both continuous and discrete time cases, that exploits integer wavelet transform(IWT) employing lifting scheme(LS).Unlike its conventional counterpart in wavelet decomposition ,here both approximation as well as detailed image contents are splitted providing better compression ratio. Adequate use is made of both forward and inverse lifting schemes so as to reduce the computational complexity by a factor of two and achieve superior compression performance in terms of encoding time, decoding time,peak signal to noise ratio PSNR and better compression ratio(CR). Bi-orthogonal wavelets are constructed using lifting scheme that makes optimal use of both high pass and low pass filter values, and consequently addition and shift operations are performed on the resulting wavelet coefficients. This paper projects the advantages of IWT using LS used in real time compression of both still and color images involving non smooth domains or curves.Key words: IWT, LS, PSNR, CR, DWT, Bi-orthogonal wavelets. Reference [1] Cebrail Taskin,Serdar Kursat, ''Overview of Image Compression Approaches" IEEE 3rd International Conference on Digital Telecommunications,2008. [2] C.Lin,Bo Zhang and Yuan F.Zheng,"Packed Integer Wavelet Transform constructed by Lifting scheme" International Journal of Computers,Information Technology and Engineering,June 2008. [3] Subhasis Saha."Image Compression from DCT to wavelets:A Review",The ACM Student Magazine. [4] Amir Averbuch,Danny Lazar and Moshe Israeli.''Image Compression using wavelet transform and multiresolution analysis" IEEE Transactions on Imge Processing Vol.5 No.1,January 1996. [5] Geert Uytterhoeven,Dirk Roose and Adhemar Bultheel,"Integer wavelet transforms using the Lifting Scheme" CSCC 1999 Proceedings. Tilak Mukherjee, M. Koteswara Rao |
1950-1953 | ![]() |
309. | To Elevate the Grid Stability of PV System by Using Fuzzy MPPT Control
To Elevate the Grid Stability of PV System by Using Fuzzy MPPT ControlAbstract: The main objective of this paper is to evaluate the stability of a grid for a Non-Conventional energy generating system that is photovoltaic power plant that features a maximum power point tracking (MPPT) scheme based on fuzzy logic control. The step of modeling with MATLAB/Simulink of the photovoltaic system is shown respectively and simulation results are discussed. This fuzzy MPPT shows accurate and fast response, and is integrated in the inverter, so that a DC-DC converter is not needed. The inverter allows full control of reactive power and shows the good response.Key words: Photovoltaic, Inverter, MPPT, Fuzzy logic, Power electronics. Reference [1] Anca D. Hansen, Poul Sørensen, Lars H. Hansen and Henrik Bindner, "Models for a Stand-Alone PV System", Risø-R-1219(EN) / SEC-R-12, 2000 [2] Yun Tiam Tan, Daniel S. Kirschen, Nicholas Jenkins, "A Model of PV Generation Suitable for Stability Analysis" in IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 19, no. 4, December 2004 [3] H. Yongji and L. Deheng, "A new method for optimal output of a solar cell array," in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Industrial Electronics, 1992, vol.1, pp. 456–459. [4] C. R. Sullivan and M. J. Powers, "A high-efficiency maximum power point tracker for photovoltaic array in a solar-powered race vehicle," in Proc. IEEE PESC, 1993, pp. G. Gangadhar Gupta, K. Mahesh |
1954-1958 | ![]() |
310. | An Artificial Neural Network based Intrusion Detection System and Classification of Attacks
An Artificial Neural Network based Intrusion Detection System and Classification of AttacksAbstract: Network security is becoming an issue of paramount importance in the information technology era. Nowadays with the dramatic growth of communication and computer networks, security has become a critical subject for computer system. Intrusion detection is the art of detecting computer abuse and any attempt to break the networks. Intrusion detection system is an effective security tool that helps to prevent unauthorized access to network resources by analyzing the network traffic. Different algorithms, methods and applications are created and implemented to solve the problem of detecting the attacks in intrusion detection systems. Most methods detect attacks and categorize in two groups, normal or threat. One of the most promising areas of research in the area of Intrusion Detection deals with the applications of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques. This proposed system presents a new approach of intrusion detection system based on artificial neural network. Multi Layer Percepron (MLP) architecture is used for Intrusion Detection System.Key words: Artificial Neural Network, Multilayer Perceptron, KDD, Intrusion Detection System, Network Security Reference [1] James Cannady, "Artificial Neural Networks for Misuse Detection," Proceedings of the 1998 National Information Systems Security Conference (NISSC'98), Arlington, VA, 1998. [2] J. Ryan, M. Lin, and R. Miikkulainen, "Intrusion Detection with Neural Networks," AI Approaches to Fraud Detection and Risk Management: Papers from the 1997 AAAI Workshop, Providence, RI, pp. 72-79, 1997. [3] Srinivas Mukkamala, "Intrusion Detection using Neural Networks and Support Vector Machine," Proceeding of the 2002 IEEE International Honolulu, HI, 2002. [4] Mukherjee, B., Heberlein, L.T., Levitt, K.N, Network Intrusion Detection. IEEE Network. pp. 28-42, 1994. [5] Kabiri P, Ghorbani A, "A. Research in intrusion detection and response - a survey". International Journal of Network Security, 2005. Devikrishna K S, Ramakrishna B B |
1959-1964 | ![]() |
QUALITY MANAGEMENT OF WATER SUPPLIES UNDER 24x7 SCHEMES, AT SECTOR NO. 21, PCMC, PUNEAbstract: Drinking water is not only a basic need of life but its supply is also important for achieving the goal of health for all. The primary aim of Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation (PCMC), Pune is to provide water to the consumer for 24x7 hours by framing the legislation on regulation of drinking water through a scheme which is named as 24x7 water supply scheme.Key words: water leak detection, pipe lines, Helium gas leak detector, water quality management, successful implementation. Reference [1] Mohamed Fahmy and Osama Moselhi, "Automated Detection and Location of Leaks in Water Mains Using Infrared Photography", Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 24(3), 2010, ASCE. [2] Yuzhe and Xiaoling Zhang, "Key Assessment Indicators for the Sustainability of Infrastructure Projects", Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 137(6), 2010, ASCE. [3] Yeou-Koung Tung, Huan - Feng Duan, Pedro J. Lee and Mohamed, "System Response Function Based Leak Detection in Viscoelastic Pipelines", Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 2011, ASCE. [4] Jamie Montague Fischer and Adjo Amekudzi, "Quality of Life, Sustainable Civil Infrastructure, and Sustainable Development: Strategically Expanding Choice", Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 137(1), 2011, ASCE. Ms. Namrata B Patil, Dr. W N Deulkar |
1965-1971 | ![]() |
312. | Design of E-Shaped Triple Band Microstrip Patch Antenna
Design of E-Shaped Triple Band Microstrip Patch AntennaAbstract: The paper presents the design of patch antenna that can operate on a triple band 2.4GHz, 4.6GHz, 5.5GHz. The shape of the patch resembles an English alphabet `E`. Two parallel slots are incorporated to get the shape of 'E' and the dimensions were optimized using CST Microwave Studio EM Simulator. Different parameters like return loss, VSWR, Radiation pattern in 3D are presented.Key words: The paper presents the design of patch antenna that can operate on a triple band 2.4GHz, 4.6GHz, 5.5GHz. The shape of the patch resembles an English alphabet `E`. Two parallel slots are incorporated to get the shape of 'E' and the dimensions were optimized using CST Microwave Studio EM Simulator. Different parameters like return loss, VSWR, Radiation pattern in 3D are presented. Reference [1]. G.S.N.Raju, Antennas and Wave Propagation, Pearson Education, 2006. [2]. Constantain.A. Balanis, Antenna Theory Analysis and Design. III Edn, Wiley-Interscience.AJohnWiley&sonsInc.Pulication, 2005. [3]. Kumar, G.Ray. K, "Broadband Microstrip antennas" Artec House, Bostan, London, 2003. [4]. Hsiang-Yi Chen and Yu Tao, "Performance Improvement of a U-slot patch antenna using a dual band frequency selective surface with modified Jerusalem cross elements" IEEE Transactions on antennas and Propagation, Vol.59, No.9, Sept2011 pp 3482-3486. [5]. Hsiang-Yi Chen and YuTao, "Antenna Gain and bandwidth Enhancement using frequency selective surface with double rectangular ring elements" 978-1-4244-6908-6/10/2010 IEEE, PP 271-274. B. Ramesh, Dr. V. Rajya Lakshmi, Dr. G. S. N. Raju |
1972-1974 | ![]() |
313. | Analysis of Optimization of Blank Holding Force In Deep Drawing By Using LS DYNA
Analysis of Optimization of Blank Holding Force In Deep Drawing By Using LS DYNAAbstract: Sheet metal forming problems are typical in nature since they involve geometry, boundary and material non-linearity. Cup drawings involves many parameters like punch and die radius, clearance, lubrication, blank holding force and its trajectories etc. So designing the tools for cup drawing involves a lot of trial and error procedure. To reduce number of costly trial error steps, the process can be simulated by using finite element packages. Even the finite element package gives an approximation towards the solution. The experimentation is inevitable. The aim is to study analysis of optimization of blank holding force developed for cup drawing operation by using explicit finite element package LS DYNA. One of the basic problems in deep drawing is wrinkling. Wrinkling can be avoided by using blank holding force. But higher the blank holding force (BHF), higher is the frictional force, so more will be tensile stresses in cup wall there by promote tearing failure at the punch corner. Hence BHF needs to optimized so as to prevent the wrinkling and at the same time to prevent tearing failure.Key words: Deep Drawing by Using LS DYNA, Blank Holding and blank holding force (BHF). Reference [1] Langerak, 1999a . [2] Haar R. ter, "Friction in sheet metal forming: the influence of (local) contact conditions and deformation‟, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Twente, Enschede, ISBN 90-9009296X, 1996. [3] Vreede, 1992] Vreede P.T., "A finite element method for simulations of 3-dimensional sheet metal forming‟, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Twente, Enschede, ISBN 90-90047549, 1992 ). [4] Vegter H., Y. An, H.H. Pijlman, J. Huétink, "Advanced mechanical testing on aluminium alloys and low carbon steels for sheet forming‟, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Numerical Simulations of 3-D Sheet Metal Forming Processes, J.C. Gelin & P. Picard (eds.), Besançon, vol. 1, p. 3-8, 1999. [5] Wang N-M, Budiansky B. Analysis of sheet metal stamp;ing by a finite element method. Journal of Applied Mechanics, ASME Transactions 1978;45:73-82. Gyadari Ramesh, Dr.G.Chandra Mohan Reddy |
1975-1995 | ![]() |
314. | An Enhanced ZVS & ZCS Full Bridge Converter With Resonance Circuit In The Secondary Winding For High Power Applications
An Enhanced ZVS & ZCS Full Bridge Converter With Resonance Circuit In The Secondary Winding For High Power ApplicationsAbstract: A zero voltage and zero current switching full bridge converters with a resonance circuit in the secondary winding is presented analyzed. The primary side of the converter is composed of FB insulated-gate bipolar transistors, which are driven by phase-shift control. The secondary side is composed of a resonant tank and a half-wave rectifier. Without an auxiliary circuit, zero-voltage switching (for leading-leg switches) and zero-current switching (for lagging-leg switches) are achieved in the entire operating range. To implement the converter without an additional inductor, the leakage inductance of the transformer is utilized as the resonant inductor. Due to its many advantages, including high efficiency, minimum number of devices, and low cost, this converter is attractive for high-voltage and high-power applications. The analysis and design considerations of the converter are presented. A prototype was implemented for an application requiring a 5-kW output power, an input-voltage range varying from 250 to 350 V, and a 350-V output voltage. The experimental results obtained from a prototype verify the analysis. The prototype's efficiency at full load is over 95.5%.Key words: Reference [1] X. Wu, J. Zhang, X. Ye, and Z. Qian,―Analysis and derivations for a family ZVS converter based on a new active clamp ZVS cell,‖ IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 2, pp. 773–781, Feb. 2008. [2] J. J. Lee, J. M. Kwon, E. H. Kim, and B. H. Kwon, ―Dual series resonant active-clamp converter,‖ IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 2, pp. 699–710, Feb. 2008. [3] B. R. Lin and C. H. Tseng, ―Analysis of parallel-connected asymmetrical softswitching converter,‖ IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 54, no. 3, pp. 1642–1653, Jun. 2007. [4] C. M. Wang, ―A novel ZCS-PWM fly back converter with a simple ZCSPWM commutation cell,‖ IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 2, pp. 749–757, Feb. 2008. [5] P. Das and G. Moschopoulos, ―A comparative study of zero-current transition PWM converters,‖ IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 54, no. 3, pp. 1319–1328, Jun. 2007. P. Sudhrasana Rao, C. Nagakotareddy |
1996-2001 | ![]() |
315. | Design and Implementation of Emotion Recognition System by Using Matlab
Design and Implementation of Emotion Recognition System by Using MatlabAbstract: Facial Expression gives important information about emotion of a person. Face emotion recognition is one of main applications of machine vision that widely attended in recent years. It can be used in areas of security, entertainment and human machine interface (HMI). Emotion recognition usually uses of science image processing, speech processing, gesture signal processing and physiological signal processing. In this paper a new algorithm based on a set of images to face emotion recognition has been proposed. This process involves four stages pre-processing, edge detection, feature extraction, face detection.Key words: Color Space, Edge Detection, Face Detection, PCA Reference [1] Krishna Mohan KudirP, Abas Md Said, M Yunus Nayan ―Emotion Detection Using Sub-image Based Features through Human Facial Expressions‖ International Conference on Computer & Information Science (ICCIS) 2012 volume 1. [2] Mehrabian , ―A. Communication without words‖ , Psychology Today,1968, 53-56. [3] Lajevardi, S.M.; Lech, M.; ―Facial Expression Recognition Using Neural Networks and Log-Gabor Filters‖, Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications IEEE 2008. [4] Guodong Guo , Charles R. Dyer, ―Simultaneous Feature Selection And Classifier Training Via Linear Programming‖ A Case Study For Face Expression Recognition Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR'03) vol.1 2003, On page(s): I-346 - I-352. [5] Liyiiig Miit, Yepi .Yiaott A-. Kliomsciriit, Rubub Kreidieh Wclrdtt,, ―A New Facial Expression Recognition Technique Using 2-D Dct And KMeans Algorithm‖ International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) in 2004. Neha Gupta and Prof. Navneet Kaur |
2002-2006 | ![]() |
316. | Detecting Intrusions in Multitier Web Applications
Detecting Intrusions in Multitier Web ApplicationsAbstract: Network attacks are increased in number and severity over the past few years, intrusion detection system (IDS) is increasingly becoming a critical component to secure the network. Intrusion detection is the process of monitoring and analyzing the events occurring in a computer system in order to detect signs of security problems. Intrusion Detection Systems has the additional job of triggering alarms toward this security problem and some of it automated in the role of triggering or doing an action on behalf of the network administrator. The goal of intrusion detection system (IDS) is to provide another layer of defense against malicious (or unauthorized) uses of computer systems by sensing a misuse or a breach of a security policy and alerting operators to an ongoing attack.Key words: Intrusion Detection System, Anomaly Detection, Web Server, Attacks, SQLIA, Classification of SQLIA. Reference [1] K. Bai, H. Wang, and P. Liu, "Towards Database Firewalls," Proc. Ann. IFIP WG 11.3 Working Conf. Data and Applications Security (DBSec ‟05), 2005. [2] B.I.A. Barry and H.A. Chan, "Syntax, and Semantics-Base Signature Database f or Hybrid Intrusion Detection Systems," Security and Comm. Networks, vol. 2, no. 6, pp. 457-475, 2009. [3] D. Bates, A. Barth, and C. Jackson, "Regular Expressions Considered Harmful in Client-Side XSS Filters," Proc. 19th Int‟l Conf. World Wide Web, 2010. [4] M. Christodorescu and S. Jha, "Static Analysis of Executables to Detect Malicious Patterns," Proc. Conf. USENIX Security Symp.,2003. [5] M. Cova, D. Balzarotti, V. Felmetsger, and G. Vigna, "Swaddler: An Approach for the Anomaly-Based Detection of State Violations in Web Applications," Proc. Int‟l Symp. Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection (RAID ‟07), 2007. Nita Prakash Saware, Manish Umale, Nidhi Maheswarkar |
2007-2014 | ![]() |
317. | A Study on Effect of Variation of Thickness on Tensile Properties of Hybrid Polymer Composites (Glassfibre-Carbonfibre-Graphite) and GFRP Composites
A Study on Effect of Variation of Thickness on Tensile Properties of Hybrid Polymer Composites (Glassfibre-Carbonfibre-Graphite) and GFRP CompositesAbstract: Increase in demand of advanced materials to satisfy the requirements of aerospace and automotive industry viz. high modulus to density ratio, leads to the research in composite materials where an attempt is made to study the properties of composite materials by composing the different materials together to obtain the desired properties by reducing the weight as much as possible. Here an attempt is made to study the behavior and tensile properties of Hybrid polymer composite material by composing E-glass fibres, carbon fibres and graphite with epoxy resin 5052. By the variation of thickness. Tensile strength of hybrid composite is observed for each thickness and is optimized and compared with the properties of standalone glass fibre reinforced composites for the same variation of thickness. The comparison represents the enhancement of tensile strength and cost effectiveness by the introduction of multiple materials (Hybrid composites).Key words: Comparison of GFRP and hybrid composites, Hybrid composites, E- glass-carbon-graphite composite, Graphite-fibre composites. Reference [1] UmerMehmood, S.M.A.Saeed, A.Raza, M.Aziz and M.A.Naseer Hybridization Effect of Glass and Carbon Fibreon Mechanical Properties of Epoxy Based CompositesDepartment of Polymer & Process Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore, 2007 [2] Daniel D. Samborsky, Timothy J. Wilson, PancasatyaAgastra† And John F, Mandell, Delamination At Thick Ply Drops In Carbon And Glass Fibre Laminates Under Fatigue Loading, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT, 59717, USA [3] Prashanth Banakar, .H.K. Shivananda. Preparation and Characterization Of Carbon Fibre Reinforced Epoxy Resin Composites. Department Of Mechanical Engineering, Atria Institute Of Technology, Visvesvaraya University, Bangalore-24, India. Department Of Mechanical Engineering, University Visvesvaraya College Of Engineering, Bangalore University Bangalore-01, India ISSN : 2278-1684 Volume 1, Issue 2 (May-June 2012), pp.15-18 [4] A. Vanaja and R.M.V.G.K. RaoFibre Fraction Effects On Therlnal Degradation Behaviour Of Gfrp, Cfrp And I-Iybrid Composites Frp Pilot Plant Unit National Aerospace Laboratories KodilzaLli, Bangalore, 560017, India Journal Of Reinforced Plastics And Composites, Vol. 21, No. 15/2002. [5] Donald L Smith and Marvin B Dow. Properties of Three Graphite/Toughened Resin Composites. NASA Technical Paper 3102, September 1991. Mr. M. Nayeem Ahmed, Dr. P. Vijaya Kumar, Dr. H.K. Shivanand, Mr. Syed Basith Muzammil |
2015-2024 | ![]() |
318. | Analysis of Total Voltage Source Power Dissipation in 6t Cntfet Sram and Force Stacking Cntfet Sram at Low Supply Voltage
Analysis of Total Voltage Source Power Dissipation in 6t Cntfet Sram and Force Stacking Cntfet Sram at Low Supply VoltageAbstract: As scales down technology reaches to 90nm and below, the bulk CMOS will approach the scaling limit due to the increased short-channel effects and leakage power dissipation, severe process variations, high power density and so on. To overcome this scaling limit, different types of materials have been experimented and used . Si-MOSFET-like Carbon nanotube FET (CNFET) devices have been evaluated as one of the promising and reliable replacements in the future nanoscale electronics. CNFET has higher sub-threshold slope and lower short-channel effect than Si-MOSFET .It has been observed that the stacking of two off devices rather than one off device has smaller leakage current.Key words: CNTFET SRAM, Force Stacking, HSPICE, Low supply voltage, Power dissipation. Reference ITRS, Process Integration, Devices, and Structures, http://www.itrs.net/Links/2009ITRS/2009Chapters_2009Tables/2009_PIDS.pdf, 2009. [2] M. S. Dresselhaus, G. Dresselhaus, and Ph. Avouris, Carbon nanotubes: synthesis, structure, properties, and applications, Springer-Verlag, Berlin 2001. [3] A. Javey, J. Guo, D. B. Farmer, Q. Wang, E. Yenilmez, R. G. Gordon, M. Lundstrom,H. Dai, ―Self-Aligned Ballistic Molecular Transistors and Electrically Parallel Nanotube Arrays,‖ Nano Letters, vol. 4, pp. 1319-1322, 2004. [4] A. Javey, R. Tu, D.B. Farmer, J. Guo, R.G. Gordon, H. Dai, ―High Performance n-Type Carbon Nanotube Field-Effect Transistors with Chemically Doped Contacts,‖ NanoLetters, vol. 5, pp. 345-348, 2005. [5] S. Lin, Y.B. Kim, F. Lombardi, and Y.J. Lee, A New SRAM Cell Design Using CNTFETs, in Proceedings of IEEE International SoC Conference 2008, pp. 168 -171, Nov. 2008. Bipin Pokharel, Dr. S K Chakarvati |
2025-2035 | ![]() |
319. | Experimental Study and CFD Simulation of Two-Phase Flow Around Triangular Obstacle in Enlarging Channel
Experimental Study and CFD Simulation of Two-Phase Flow Around Triangular Obstacle in Enlarging ChannelAbstract: Visualization experiments and 2D numerical simulations have been performed to study two-phase flow phenomena around a triangular-section cylinder in a rectangular channel enlarged from assembly circular tube of the two phases. Experiments are carried out in the channel with air-water flow with different air and water flow rates. These experiments are aimed to visualize the two phase flow phenomena as well as to study the effect of pressure difference through the channel with the obstacle. All sets of the experimental data in this study are obtained by using a pressure transducer and visualized by a video camera for different water discharges (20, 25, 35 and 45 l/min) and different air discharges (10, 20, 30 and 40 l/min).Key words: smooth enlargement, steady and unsteady turbulent flow, triangle-section cylinder, two-phase flow Reference [1] Igor A. Bolotnov, Kenneth E. Jansen, Donald A. Drew, Assad A. Oberai, Richard T. Lahey Jr. and Michael Z. Podowski, "Detached Direct Numerical Simulations of Turbulent Two-Phase Bubbly Channel Flow", International Journal of Multiphase Flow 37 (2011) 647–659. [2] Eckhard Krepper, Matthias Beyer, Thomas Frank, Dirk Lucas and Horst-Michael Prasser, CFD Modelling of Polydispersed Bubbly Two-Phase Flow Around an Obstacle, Nuclear Engineering and Design 239 (2009) 2372–2381. [3] Thomas HÖHNE, Experiments and Numerical Simulations of Horizontal Two Phase Flow Regimes, Seventh International Conference on CFD in the Minerals and Process Industries, CSIRO, Melbourne, Australia, December 2009. [4] D. R. van der Heul and C. Vuik, P. Wesseling, A Staggered Scheme for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws Applied to Unsteady Sheet Cavitation, Computing and Visualization in Science, Springer-Verlag, 2:, 63–68 (1999). [5] N. Mostafa, M. M. Karim and M. M. A. Sarker, A Study on Numerical Analysis of Unsteady Flow over Two Dimensional Hydrofoils, Proceedings of MARTEC, The International Conference on Marine Technology, December 2010, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Laith Jaafer Habeeb, Riyadh S. Al-Turaihi |
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320. | Efficient and Adaptable Technology Based VHOM Scheme in UMTS/WLANOverlay Networks
Efficient and Adaptable Technology Based VHOM Scheme in UMTS/WLANOverlay NetworksAbstract: The integration of UMTS and WLAN has been seen as a promising approach toward 4G. I am going to analyze different important issues for the interworking of UMTS and WLAN networks. SoI proposed a tightly coupled interworking structure and my proposed schemes can keep stations always being best connected due to ad-hoc nature that means An adhoc network is a collection of wireless mobile nodes dynamically forming a temporary network without the use of any existing networkinfrastructure or centralized administration but in this paperi have considered the device which has free channel it can share to requester otherwise not.Key words: UMTS, WLAN, mobility, 4G, Ad-hoc Network (as cognitive). Reference [1] Cheng Wei Lee, Li Ming Chen, Meng Chang Chen, and Yeali Sunny Sun-Oct 31, 2005 "A Framework of Handoffs in Wireless Overlay Networks Based on Mobile IPv6". [2] "Handoffs in Fourth Generation Heterogeneous Networks"Nidal Nasser, Ahmed Hasswa and HossamHassanein - 2006. [3] "A Seamless and Proactive End-to-End Mobility Solution for Roaming Across Heterogeneous Wireless Networks"ChuanxiongGuo, ZihuaGuo, QianZhang andWenwu Zhu - 2004. [4] "Handover Management Architectures in Integrated Wlan/Cellular Networks" George Lampropoulos, Nikos Passas, LazarosMerakosAndAlexandros Kaloxylos- 2006. [5] "Handover Management In Integrated Wlan And Mobile WimaxNetworks"Allan Borges Pontes, Diego Dos Passos Silva, José Jailton, JR., Otavio Rodrigues, Jr., And Kelvin Lopes Dias- 2008. V. V. N. S. S. L. M. Anusha. K, Dr. M. Sailaja |
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321. | Redundant Wavelet Transform Based Image Super Resolution
Redundant Wavelet Transform Based Image Super ResolutionAbstract: The process of Super Resolution (SR) aims at extracting a high resolution image from low resolution image. The proposed technique uses Redundant Wavelet Transform to enhance the resolution of an image using a single low resolution image. The proposed method decomposes the input image into different subbands. Then all subbands are interpolated. Combining all the interpolated subbands using Inverse Redundant Wavelet Transform provides the proposed super resolution image. The algorithm is tested with various wavelet types and their performance is compared. The proposed technique has been tested on Lena, Elaine, Pepper, and Baboon images. The proposed method gives higher quantitative peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) and visual results in comparison to other conventional and state-of-art image Super resolution techniques.Key words: Image Super Resolution, Interpolation, Discrete Wavelet Transform, Redundant Wavelet Transform. Reference [1] S. Guangling, L. Guaqing, J. Xiaoging, " Image super-resolution reconstruction based on multi-groups of coupled dictionary and alternative learning" International journal of computer applications, vol.41, no.10, pp. 22-31, Mar-2012. [2] J. Tian, K. Ma, "A Survey on super resolution imaging" Springer-verlag London Limited, vol. 5, no.3, pp. 329-342, Dec-2010. [3] S. C. Park, M. K. Park and M. G. Kang, "Super resolution image reconstruction a technical overview" IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol. 20, no. 3, May-2003. [4] T. Komatsu, K. Aizawa, T. Igarashi, and T. Saito, "Signal-processing based method for acquiring very high resolution image with multiple cameras and its theoretical analysis" Proc. Inst. Elec. Eng., vol. 140, pp. 19-25, Feb-1993. [5] R.Y.Tsai, T.S.Huang, "Multiframe image restoration and registration. In: Huang, T.S. (ed.) Advances in Computer Vision and Image Processing" JAI Press Inc, vol.1, pp. 317-339, July-1994. Arti Sharma, Prof. Preety D Swami |
2055-2062 | ![]() |
322. | A New And Secure Chaos Based Multimedia Encryption Scheme
A New And Secure Chaos Based Multimedia Encryption SchemeAbstract: There has been a sudden rise in the usage of Multimedia data in the digital world. Be it images, videos or audios, there has been a high demand in their usage and transfer. Lots of applications are based on this type of Multimedia data. And this gives rise to the need for their protection. Data security has seen many types of traditional algorithms for the protection purpose but they have struggled to combat multimedia data as compared to regular textual data. A separate group of Algorithms based on Substitution-Permutation techniques have been used widely in the security. This paper proposes a scheme based on a new permutation technique and chaos based substitution method. The scheme works well on normal as well as highly redundant images. Various types of attacks like statistical, differential and visual have been performed on the algorithm and observations have been reported. The result shows improvements over recent schemes in the field of Multimedia Security.Key words: Chaotic Maps, Image Encryption, Image Security Analysis, Multimedia Security, Shuffling Schemes Reference [1] B. Furht (ed.), Encyclopedia of Multimedia Springer, 2005 [2] W. Stallings, Cryptography & Network Security: Principles and Practice Third Edition, Pearson Education, 2004 [3] D.R. Stinson, Cryptography: Theory and Practice Third Edition, Chapman & Hall, 2005 [4] A.J. Menezes, P.C. van Oorschot and S. Vanstone, The Handbook of Applied Cryptography CRC Press, 1996 [5] B. Furht and D. Kirovski, Multimedia Security Handbook CRC Press, Boca Raton, USA, 2005 Payal Maggo, Dr. Rajender Singh Chhillar |
2063-2068 | ![]() |
323. | Performance of Induction Motor Using 3-Level Cascade Inverter
Performance of Induction Motor Using 3-Level Cascade InverterAbstract: This paper presents performance analysis of induction motor using 3-level cascade inverter. Many schemes have been proposed for the speed control of induction motor drives, among which the indirect vector control is most effective method. An indirect vector controlled induction motor drive performance is poor with two-level inverter. To overcome these problems three-level cascade inverter is used. Space vector pulse width modulation (SVPWM) method is employed to control three-level cascade inverter. Conventional indirect vector control of induction motor drive uses hysteresis current controller, which causes variable switching frequency of the inverter. We can overcome this problem using SVPWM algorithm. To validate the proposed system, simulation studies have been carried out on vector controlled induction motor drive and the results are presented in this paper.Key words: 3-level cascade inverter, SVPWM, Indirect vector control. Reference [1] G. Ramadas, t. Thyagarajan,and V. Subrahmanyam, "Robust Performance of Induction Motor Drives," InternationalJournal of Recent Trends in Engineering,vol. 1, no. 3, 2009. [2] D. Alfonso., G. Gianluca., and M. Ignazio.,"A sliding mode control technique for direct speed control of induction motor drives," Power Electronics Specialist Conference, vol. 3, pp. 1106-1111, 2000. [3] N. R. Reddy, T. B. Reddy, J. Amarnath et al., "Simplified SVPWM Algorithm for Vector Controlled Induction Motor Drive Using the Concept of Imaginary Switching Times," International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, vol. Vol 2, no. No.5, pp. 288-291, 2009. [4] P. Alkorta, O. Barambones, A. J. Garrido et al., "SVPWM Variable Structure Control of Induction Motor Drives" Industrial Electronics ISIE, pp. 1195-1200, 2007. [5] Z. Li, and L. Hefei, "Modeling and Simulation of SVPWM Control System of Induction Motor in Electric Vehicle,"Proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on Automation and Logistics, pp. 2026-2030, September 2008, 2008. C. Sudha Parimala, M. Harshavardhan Reddy |
2069-2075 | ![]() |
324. | Seismic Behavior of Multi-Storied Buildings
| P a g e Seismic Behavior of Multi-Storied BuildingsAbstract: The present study deals with the comparison of base shear of multi storied buildings with dimensions 20x20mts, 30x30mts,40x40mts,60x60mts at different zones and different types of soils as per IS:1893(part: I):2002. A total of 224 multi storied buildings are analyzed for this paper. This work helps in understanding the effect of earthquake with increase in area and height of multi storied buildings and also the increase of base shear for different zones and soil conditions.Key words: Reference [1] Earthquake resistant design of building structures by Dr.Vinod Hosur. [2] Basics of structural dynamics and a seismic design by S.R.Damodarasamy and S.Kavitha. [3] Seismic performance of elevated water tanks, IJAERS/VOL.I/ISSUE I/Oct-Dec, 2011/78-87. [4] IS: 1893(Part I): 2002 Criteria for earthquake resistant design of structures. Venkatasai Ram Kumar. N, S. V. Satyanarayana, J. Usha Kranti |
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325. | Comparative Study: Detection of Shadow and Its Removal
Comparative Study: Detection of Shadow and Its RemovalAbstract: The presence of shadows has been dependable for reducing the trustworthiness of many computer vision algorithms, including segmentation, object detection, scene analysis, tracking, etc. Therefore, shadow detection and removal is a significant pre-processing for improving performance of such vision tasks. This work performs comparative study for three representative works of shadow detection methods each one selected from different category: the first one based on to derive a 1-d illumination invariant shadow-free image, the second one based on a hypothesis test to detect shadows from the images and then energy function concept is used to remove the shadow from the image. In this paper, we use the transformation of the gradient field for edge suppression which will result into the removal of the shadow from an image.Key words: Cross -Projection tensors, Energy Function, Gradient field transformation, illuminant in- variance, Shadow Removal. Reference [1] G.D. Finlayson and S.D. Hordley. Color constancy at a pixel. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 18(2):253{264, Feb. 2001. Also, UK Patent application no. 0000682.5. Under review, British Patent Office. [2] R. Gershon, A.D. Jepson, and J.K. Tsotsos. Ambient illumination and the de- termination of material changes. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 3:1700{1707, 1986. 3. D. L.Waltz. Understanding line drawings of scenes with shadows. In P.H. Winston, editor, The Psychology of Computer Vision, pages19-91.McGraw-Hil1 1975 [3] C. Fredembach, G. Finlayson,: Simple shadow removal", In Proceedings of International Conference on Pattern Recognition, (ICPR), pp. 832–835, 2006 [4] J.M. Wang, Y.C. Chung, C.L. Chang, S.W. Chen, "Shadow Detection and Removal for Traffic Images", Proc. IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, volume 1, pp. 649 – 654, 2004. [3] T. Chen, W. Yin, X.S. Zhou, D. Comaniciu, and T.S. Huang, "Illumination Normalization for Face Recognition and Uneven Background Correction Using Total Variation Based Image Models", Proceedings CVPR, volume 2, pp. 532-539, 2005. [5] Y. Adini, Y. Moses, and S. Ullman, "Face recognition: The problem of compensating for changes in illumination direction", IEEE Transacations Pattern Analaysis Machine 5.Intelligence, volume 19, no. 7, pp. 721–732, 1997. Neha Hial, Somesh Dewangan |
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326. | Design Of Low Power &Energy Proficient Pulse Triggered Flip-Flops
Design Of Low Power &Energy Proficient Pulse Triggered Flip-FlopsAbstract: In this paper, pulse-triggered flip-flop types which are bidirectional elements in sequential logic circuits were designed. Initially, the pulse generation control logic is removed from the critical path to facilitate a faster discharge operation. Following low-power techniques are implemented, such as conditional capture, conditional precharge, conditional discharge, conditional data mapping, clock gating technique and SAL technique. Among all the mentioned techniques, SAL technique is the best one to avoid internal switching activities to reduce power dissipation, and also proposed circuit can be estimated as free of glitches. This paper explores the energy-delay space of widely referred flip-flops in a 180nm CMOS technology.Key words: Flip-Flop, Low Power, Pulse triggered, clock gating, SAL technique. Reference [1] Low-Power Pulse-Triggered Flip-Flop Design With Conditional Pulse-Enhancement Scheme Yin-TsungHwang; Jin-FaLin; Ming-HwaSheu Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, IEEE Transactions on Volume: 20 , Issue: 2 [2] J. Tschanz, S. Narendra, Z. Chen, S. Borkar, M. Sachdev, and V. De, "Comparative delay and energy of single edge-triggered and dual edge triggered pulsed flip-flops for high-performance microprocessors," in Proc. ISPLED, 2001, pp. 207–212. [3] S. H. Rasouli, A. Khademzadeh, A. Afzali-Kusha, and M. Nourani, "Lowpower single- and double-edge-triggered flip-flops for high speed applications," Proc. Inst. Electr. Eng.—Circuits Devices Syst., vol. 152, no. 2, pp. 118–122, Apr. 2005. [4] H. Mahmoodi, V. Tirumalashetty, M. Cooke, and K. Roy, "Ultra low power clocking scheme using energy recovery and clock gating," IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integr. (VLSI) Syst., vol. 17, pp. 33–44, Jan.2009. [5] LEAKAGE POWER REDUCTION AND ANALYSIS OF CMOS SEQUENTIAL CIRCUITS, International Journal of VLSI design & Communication Systems (VLSICS) Vol.3, No.1, February 2012. Susrutha Babu Sukhavasi, Suparshya Babu Sukhavasi, K.Sindhura, Dr. Habibulla Khan |
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327. | Design and Optimization of High Speed Multiplier
Design and Optimization of High Speed MultiplierAbstract: Two's complement multipliers are important for a wide range of applications. Paper describes a technique to reduce by one row the maximum height of the partial product array generated by Radix-4 Booth's multiplier, without any increase in the delay of the partial product generation stage. The design of 8 bit and 16 bit multiplication scheme using different types of multiplier like Array multiplier, Shift and Add multiplier, Radix-2 Booth's multiplier and Radix-4 Booth's multiplier is presented.Key words: Array multiplier, Shift and Add multiplier, Radix-2 Booth's multiplier, Radix-4 Booth's multiplier. Reference [1] IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VERY LARGE INTEGRATION VLSI SYSTEMS.VOL2. No.1 DECEMBER 1994. [2] IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERS, VOL. 47. No.3 MARCH 1998. [3] Ramya Muralidharm, Student member, IEEE, and Chip-Hong Chang, Senior Member, IEEE, IEEE TRANCTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS-1: REGULAR PAPERS, VOL. 58, NO.5, MAY 2011. [4] M. Mottaghi-Dastjerdi, A. Afzali, and M. Pedram, To appear in IEEE Trans. On VLSI Systems, 2008. [5] Young-Ho Seo and Dong- Wook Kim, IEEE TRANSACTION ON VERY LARGE SCALE INTEGRATION (VLSI) SYSTEMS, VOL. 18, NO.2, FEBRUARY 2010. [6] Peter-Michael Seidel, Lee D. McFearin and David W. Mathula, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERS, VOL. 54, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 2005. [7] K. Sreenivasa Rao, D. Rajesh Seety, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume2, Issue 12, December-2011-ISSN 2229-5518. [8] Nishat Bano, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 3, Issue2, February- 2012 1 ISSN 2229-5518. Ila Chaudhary, Akash Kumar, Deepika Sharma |
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328. | Performance Analysis on Airfoil Model in Wind Tunnel Testing Machine (WTTM)
Performance Analysis on Airfoil Model in Wind Tunnel Testing Machine (WTTM)Abstract: A Wind Tunnel Testing Machine (WTTM) is a tool used in Aerodynamic research to study the effects of Air moving past to the solid objects. A wind tunnel testing machine consists of a closed tubular passage with the object under test mounted in the middle and powerful fan system moves air past to the object. The wing (airfoil) provides lift by creating a situation where the pressure above the wing is lower than the pressure below the wing. Since the pressure below the wing is higher than the pressure above the wing.Key words: Reference [1] A. Cigada, M. Falco, A. Zasso (Departimento di Meccanica, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy) Development of new systems to measure the aerodynamic forces on section models in wind tunnel testing. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 89 (2001) 725-746. [2] Christoph Fritzsche, Thomas Geyer, Jens Giesler (Institut Verkehrstechnik, Brandenburgische Technische Universität, Cottbus, Germany) Acoustic and aerodynamic design and characterization of a small scaleaeroacoustic wind tunnel. Applied Acoustics 70 (2009) 1073-1080. [3] Hyeok bin Kwon, Young Whe Park, Moon Sang Kim (Department of Aerospace Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, SouthKorea) Wind tunnel experiments on Korean high speed trains using various ground simulation techniques. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 89 (2001) 1179-1195. [4] E. Sabbioni, G. Tomasini (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy) Wind tunnel tests on heavy road vehicles: Cross wind induced loads. J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 99 (2011) 1011-1024. [5] O.Meyer, W.Nitsche (Technical University of Berlin, Institute of Aero and Astronautics, Marchstr, Berlin, Germany) Update on progress in adaptive wind tunnel wall technology. Progress in Aerospace Sciences 40 (2004) 119-141. Ishan.M.Shah, S. A. Thakkar, K. H. Thakkar, Bhavesh A. Patel |
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329. | Analysis of "Variation in Non-Uniformity with Runout Temperature of Tyre" Using Taguchi Parametric Optimization Technique Analysis of "Variation in Non-Uniformity with Runout Temperature of Tyre" Using Taguchi Parametric Optimization TechniqueAbstract: tyre uniformity is a vital property of tyre . The main parameter on which uniformity depends is Radial force, lateral force, and conicity. We have taken value of all three parameter of six hundred tyres and found the relative variation of all with respect to the run out temperature of tyre. We found by the analysis that variation in LC is uneven. And on the other hand variation of RC & CONICITY with in rang. Hence a needful work is required to control the variation of "LC". With all these regration modally has also been done. To get the relation of LC, RC, CONICITY with the run out temperature. We conclude that the parameter varies with the temperature & they can be controlled.Key words: Uniformity, Radial Force Compnent (RC), Lateral force Components (LC), Conicity, Run Out Temperature, Reference (1) Awareness Programmed on Tire Uniformity. JK TYRE (Banmore Tire Plant) Book Support (a) Nicolo Belavendram, (2001), "Quality by Design:- Taguchi Technique for Industrial Experimentation, Prentice Hall, Great Britain" (b) Phillip J Ross, (2005), "Taguchi techniques for Quality Engineering" Tata Mc Graw Hill 2nd dition. Net Support (a) http://www.gsp9700.com/technical/4869t.pd f (b) http://www.starrett.com/docs/otherdownloadable- resources/5-ways-to-improvetire- uniformity---bulletin-3003.pdf?sfvrsn=4 (c) http://www.freepatentsonline.com/6673184. html (d) http://www.freepatentsonline.com/6673184. pdf Gaurav Bhadauria, Prof. Ajay Bangar |
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330. | Modeling Of Frequency Domain Control of Shunt Active Power Filter Using MATLAB/Simulink and Power System Blockset
Modeling Of Frequency Domain Control of Shunt Active Power Filter Using MATLAB/Simulink and Power System BlocksetAbstract: This paper presents modeling and simulation of a shunt active power filter in frequency domain, using MATLAB and its tools Simulink and Power System Blocket. The proposed method offers many additional features over other methods. It attributes the responsibility of utility and customer at PCC. It provides an additional feature of compensation of either harmonics only, or the compensation of both harmonics and reactive power simultaneously, based on the desired capacity of the APF.Key words: Power Quality, Active Power Filter, Frequency Domain Control, Harmonics and Reactive Power Control. Reference [1] Jarupula Somlal, Venu Gopala Rao Mannam,"Analysis of discrete & space vector PWM controlled hybrid active filters for power quality enhancement", IJATE, Jan 2012, ISSN: 2231-1963. [2] M.Anbarasan, Rashmiranjandas,"A simplified indirect control scheme for shunt active power filters", IJPEC, ISSN: 2277-2596, Vol: 1, No: 1. [3] N. Senthilnathan,T.manigandan, "A Novel control strategy for line harmonic reduction using three phase shunt active filter with balanced and unbalanced supply",EJSR,Vol.67,Nov.3,pp456-466. [4] J.H.Sung, S.Park and K.nam,"New parallel hybrid filters configuration minimizing active filter size"IEEE Proc.-Electr.Power Appl, Vol. 147, No. 2, March 2000. [5] R.M. Potdar,Chhetal Chowhan," Comparison of topologies of shunt active power filter implemented on three phase four wire system", Vol-1, Issue-5, Nov. 2011. Kirti Kushwah, Anil K. Chaudhary, C.Veeresh |
2109-2114 | ![]() |
331. | Design and Development of Intelligent Wireless Street Light Control and Monitoring System Along With GUI
Design and Development of Intelligent Wireless Street Light Control and Monitoring System Along With GUIAbstract: Now-a-days, it became essential for people work during nights and returning back to homes late nights; also increasing crime rate during night times. This can be best achieved by implementing proper solar based lighting system on Streets. The efficient monitoring and controlling of this lighting system must be taken into account. We will get more power consumption, saving money through solar panel. Also saving precious time, decrease the huge human power through from the LDR, IR Sensors. The Street lights are controlled through a specially designed Graphical User Interface (GUI) in the PC. The Zigbee technology can be used for the street lights monitoring and controlling at the PC end.Key words: Solar, control system, lighting system, ZigBee, IR and LDR sensors. Reference [1] Costa, M.A.D.; Costa, G.H.; dos Santos, A.S.; Schuch, L.; Pinheiro,J.R.;,"A high efficiency autonomous street lighting system based on solar energy and LEDs," Power Electronics Conference, 2009. COBEP '09. Brazilian , vol., no., pp.265-273, Sept. 27 2009-Oct. 1 2009. [2] Po-Yen Chen; Yi-Hua Liu; Yeu-Torng Yau; Hung-Chun Lee; ,"Development of an energy efficient street light driving system,"Sustainable Energy Technologies, 2008. ICSET 2008. IEEE International Conference on , vol., no., pp.761-764, 24-27 Nov. 2008. [3] Wang Yongqing; Hao Chuncheng; Zhang Suoliang; Huang Yali; WangHong; , "Design of Solar LED Street Lamp Automatic Control Circuit,"Energy and Environment Technology, 2009. ICEET '09. International Conference on , vol.1, no., pp.90-93, 16-18 Oct. 2009. [4] Wu Yue; Shi Changhong; Zhang Xianghong; Yang Wei; , "Design of new intelligent street light control system," Control and Automation(ICCA), 2010 8th IEEE International Conference on , vol., no., pp.1423-1427, 9-11 June 2010. [5] Yu Chen; Zhaoyu Liu; , "Distributed Intelligent City Street Lamp Monitoring and Control System Based on Wireless Communication chip nRF401," Networks Security, Wireless Communications and Trusted Computing, 2009. NSWCTC '09. International Conference on , vol.2,no., pp.278-281, 25-26 April 2009. B. K. Subramanyam, K. Bhaskar Reddy, P. Ajay Kumar Reddy |
2115-2119 | ![]() |
332. | Hysteresis Characterization Check of Lithium-Ion Battery Model under Dynamic Simulation Runs
Hysteresis Characterization Check of Lithium-Ion Battery Model under Dynamic Simulation RunsAbstract: Battery plays a key role in every industry starting from small scale battery application to large scale uninterrupted supply. Modeling and simulation of each sub system before going into real implementation decreases huge testing cost and time. At the same time accuracy of the model also important to consider. Accuracy of the model depends on number of parameters considered for characterization. Among that hysteresis effect of the battery is of great importance. In this paper we have tested the developed model for its dynamic response of hysteresis characterization. This model can be used as a sub system in industrial simulation for cost and time effective testing.Key words: Battery, Lithium, Equivalent model, Hysteresis, BMS, SOC Reference David Linden and Thomas B.Reddy, Handbook of batteries, 3rd ed. New York, Mc-Graw Hill, 2002. [2] T.R.Crompton, Battery reference book, 3rd ed. Jordan Hill, Oxford: Newnes, 2000. [3] David Linden and Thomas B.Reddy, "Selection and application of batteries," in Handbook of batteries, 3rd ed. New York, Mc-Graw Hill, 2002, ch.6, pp.6.1-6.8. [4] H.J.Bergveld, Battery Managmenet System-Design by modeling, Philips Research Lab., Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 2001. [5] Valer Pop, Henk Jan Bergveld, Dmitry Danilov, Paul P.L. regtien and Peter H.L.Notten, Battery management Systems-Accurate State-of-charge indication for Santosh Bangaru, Rajani Alugonda / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 www.ijera.com Vol. 3, Issue 4, Jul-Aug 2013, pp.2120-2123 2123 | P a g e Battery Powered Applications, Eindhoven, The Netherlands: Springer, 2008. Santosh Bangaru, Rajani Alugonda |
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333. | Steady-State Electron Transport Of Wurtzite Bulk Zno
Steady-State Electron Transport Of Wurtzite Bulk ZnoAbstract: Temperature and doping dependencies of electron drift velocity in wurtzite ZnO structure has been calculated using ensemble Monte Carlo method in steady-state situation. The following scattering mechanisms, i.e, impurity, polar optical phonon and acoustic phonon are included in the calculation. The maximum electron drift velocity that is obtained at room temperature for 1023 m-3 donor concentration is 2.2×107cm/s for ZnO.Key words: Ensemble Monte Carlo, Drift velocity, Overshoot, Steady-state. Reference [1] N. W. Ashcroft and N. D. Mermin, 1975, Solid State Physics. Holt, Rinhart and Winston, New York. [2] S. Kasap, P. Kapper, "springer handbook of electronic and photonic materials", springer (2007). [3] J. D. Albrecht, P. P. Ruden, S. Limpijumnong, W. R. L. Lambrecht, K. F. Brennan, 'High field electron transport properties of bulk ZnO', J. Appl. Phys. 86 (1999) 6864. [4] C. Jacoboni and P. Lugli, 1989. The Monte Carlo Method for Semiconductor and Device Simulation. Springer-Verlag,New York. [5] C. Moglestue, 1993. Monte Carlo Simulation of Semiconductor Devices. Chapman and Hall, Netherlands. [6] H. Arabshahi, 'Comparison of SiC and ZnO field effect transistors for high power applications', Modern Phys. Lett. B, 23 (2009) 2533. F. Nofeli and H. Arabshahi |
2124-2126 | ![]() |
334. | Implementation of BISDC Architecture in MECA for Video Coding Applications
Implementation of BISDC Architecture in MECA for Video Coding ApplicationsAbstract: This paper develops a built-in self-detection/correction (BISDC) architecture for motion estimation computing arrays (MECAs). Based on the error detection/correction concepts of biresidue codes, any single error in each processing element in an MECA can be effectively detected and corrected online using the proposed BISD and built-in self-correction circuits. Performance analysis and evaluation demonstrate that the proposed BISDC architecture performs well in error detection and correction with minor area overhead and timing penalty.Key words: Area overhead, built-in self-correction (BISC), built-in self-detection (BISD), motion estimation computing array (MECA). Reference [1] Z. L. He, C. Y. Tsui, K. K. Chan, and M. L. Liou, "Low-power VLSI design for motion estimation using adaptive pixel truncation," IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol., vol. 10, no. 5, pp. 669–678, Aug. 2000. [2] C. G. Peng, D. S. Yu, X. X. Cao, and S. M. Sheng, "Efficient VLSI de-sign and implementation of integer motion estimation for H.264 SDTV encoder," in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Solid-State Integr. Circuits, 2006, D. Rajitha, K. Suresh / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 www.ijera.com Vol. 3, Issue 4, Jul-Aug 2013, pp.2127-2135 2135 | P a g e pp. 2019–2021. [3] P. Gallagher, V. Chickermane, S. Gregor, and T. S. Pierre, "A building block BIST methodology for SOC designs: A case study," in Proc. Int. Test Conf., Oct. 2001, pp. 111–120. [4] T. H. Wu, Y. L. Tsai, and S. J. Chang, "An efficient design-for-testa-bility scheme for motion estimation in H.264/AVC," in Proc. Int. Symp. VLSI Des. Autom. Test, Apr. 2007, pp. 25–27. [5] J. C. Yeh, K. L. Cheng, Y. F. Chou, and C. W. Wu, "Flash memory testing and built-in self-diagnosis with march-like test algorithms," IEEE Trans. Comput.-Aided Design Integr. Circuits Syst., vol. 26, no. 6, pp. 1101–1113, Jun. 2007. D. Rajitha, K. Suresh |
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335. | Effects of Some Parameters on Thermal Conductivity of Nanofluids and Mechanisms of Heat Transfer Improvement Effects of Some Parameters on Thermal Conductivity of Nanofluids and Mechanisms of Heat Transfer ImprovementAbstract: The present paper discusses the various effects of parameters like particle volume fraction, particle material, particle size, particle shape, particle material and base fluid, temperature, effect of acidity(PH) on thermal conductivity of nanofluids. And also discusses the different mechanisms of heat transfer enhancement like improvement in the thermal conductivity, effect of Brownian motion, thermophoresis, intensification of turbulence, clustering of nano particles. In order to put the nanofluid heat transfer technologies into reality, fundamental studies are greatly needed to understand the physical mechanisms.Key words: heat transfer, nanofluids, nano particles, thermal conductivity Reference [1] T. Kavitha, A.Rajendran, A.Durai Rajan, and A Shanmugam, Heat transfer enhancement using nano fluids and innovative methods, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 3(2), 2012, 769-782. [2] John Philip, Editorial, Welcome to the journal of nano fluids, Journal of Nanofluids 1(1), 2012, 1- 2. [3] S K Das, Stephen U.S Choi, Hrishikesh E Patel, Heat transfer in nano fluids-A Review, Heat Transfer Engineering, 27(10), 2006, 3-16. [4] Lee, S., Choi, S. U. S., Li, S., and Eastman, J. A., ―Measuring Thermal Conductivity of Fluids Containing Oxide Nanoparticles‖, Transactions of ASME, Journal of Heat Transfer, 121(4),1999, pp. 280–289. [5] Kandlikar, S.G, and Grande, W.J, 2011, A critical synthesis of thermo physical characteristics of nanofluids, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 54, 4410–4428. S. Ravi Babu, P. Ramesh Babu, Dr.V.Rambabu |
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336. | Friction and Wear Behaviour Analysis of Different Journal Bearing Materials
Friction and Wear Behaviour Analysis of Different Journal Bearing MaterialsAbstract: It is well known fact that connecting rod is the important intermediate member between the piston and the Crankshaft. Its primary function is to transmit the push and pull from the piston pin to the crank pin, thus converting the reciprocating motion of the piston into rotary motion of the crank. Existing Bearing of connecting rod is manufactured by using non ferrous materials like Gunmetal, Phosphor Bronze etc.. This paper describes the tribological behavior analysis for the conventional materials i.e. Brass and Gunmetal as well as New non metallic material Cast Nylon. Friction and Wear are the most important parameters to decide the performance of any bearing.Key words: Tribology, Friction, Wear, Cast Nylon, Artificial cooling, engine efficiency Reference [1] Bhushan, Principles and Applications of Tribology, John Wiley and Sons, USA, 1999. [2] Eyre T.S. "Wear Characteristic of Metals", Tribology International, P(203-212), 1976. [3] Paulo D 2000 J. Mater. Proc. Technol. 100 273 (2000) [4] Prasad B. K. 1997 Metal Trans. 28 809 (1997) [5] Backensto A B 1990 Effect of lubricants on the properties of copper-tin powder and compacts, Advances in P/M. Proc. Of PM conf.. N. Jersey, pp 303-314 (1990) k. M Bhuptani, Dr. J. M. Prajapati |
2141-2146 | ![]() |
337. | Variable Workload Scheduling With Increased Throughput in Wireless Sensor Networks
Variable Workload Scheduling With Increased Throughput in Wireless Sensor NetworksAbstract: Wireless sensor networks are appealing to researchers due to their wide range of application potential in areas such as target detection and tracking, environmental monitoring, industrial process monitoring, and tactical systems. Existing approaches are insufficient for developers to determine whether system's requirements concern the communication latency, bandwidth utilization, reliability, or energy consumption. Since the data of sensors are expressed in form of expressive queries, the performance of query services should be increased especially for high data rate sensor network applications. In this paper it is decided to propose Real Time Conflict-free Query Scheduling (RTCQS), an enhanced transmission scheduling technique for real time queries in wireless sensor networks. The query preemption algorithm is used to achieve high throughput while scheduling without preemption is used for the queries that are able to execute concurrent.Key words: Wireless Sensor Networks, throughput, Scheduling, Interference-Communication graph, Inter release time Reference [1] I. Akyildiz, W. Su, Y. Sankarasubramaniam and E. Cayirci: A Survey on Sensor Networks, IEEE Communication Magazine, pp. 102-114 (August 2002). [2] A. Mainwaring, D. Culler, J. Polastre, R. Szewczyk, and J.Anderson, "Wireless Sensor Networks for Habitat Monitoring,"Proc. First ACM Int'l Workshop Wireless Sensor Networks and Applications (WSNA), 2002. [3] D. Estrin, L. Girod, G. Pottie, and M. Srivastava. "Instrumenting the world with wireless sensornetworks". In International Conference on Acoustics,Speech, May 2001. [4] D. Estrin, R. Govindan, J. S. Heidemann, and S. Kumar." Next century challenges: Scalable coordination in sensor networks". In Mobile Computing and Networking, pages 263–270, 1999. [5] M. A. Rahman and S. Hussain, "Optimizing a data routing protocol's influence on communication connectivity," in IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC'07), Jan. 11-13 2007. Mrs. S. Jeevitha |
2147-2152 | ![]() |
338. | An Intrusion Detection Using Hybrid Technique in Cluster Based Wireless Sensor Network
An Intrusion Detection Using Hybrid Technique in Cluster Based Wireless Sensor NetworkAbstract: Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are playing a fundamental role in emerging pervasive platforms that have potential to host a wide range of next generation civil and military applications. Wireless sensor network (WSN) is regularly deployed in unattended and hostile environments. The WSN is vulnerable to security threats and susceptible to physical capture. Thus, it is necessary to use effective mechanisms to protect the network. Intrusion detection system is one of the major and efficient defensive methods against attacks on wireless sensor network. Sensor networks have different characteristics and hence security solutions have to be designed with limited usage of computation and resources.Key words: Wireless Sensor Network, Rule-based & cluster-based intrusion detection, Hybrid, Anomaly detection. Reference [1] I. Akyildiz, W. Su, Y. Sankarasubramaniam, and E. Cerci, "Wireless sensor networks: a survey", Computer Networks, 38:393-422, 2002. [2] J. Kahn, R. Katz, and K. Piser, "Next century challenges : Mobile networking for smart dust", In 5th ACM /IEEE Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing (MOBICOM 1999), p ages 271278, 1999. [3] Chong E., Loo M., Chrisom her L., M rimuthu P., "Intrusion Detection for Routing Attacks In Sensor Networks," The University of Melbourne, 2008. [4] R. A. Kemmerer and G. Vign a, "Intrusion Detection: A Brief History and Overview," Comp uter Society, Vol. 35, No.4, 2002, p p. 27-30. [5] Ch. Krügel and Th. Toth, "A Survey on Intrusion Detection Systems," TU Vienna, Austria, 2000. Ms. Rachana Deshmukh, Prof. Manoj Sharma, Ms. Rashmi Deshmukh |
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339. | Simple Boost Control of Five-Level Z-Source Diode-Clamped Inverter by Multi-Carrier PWM Methods
Simple Boost Control of Five-Level Z-Source Diode-Clamped Inverter by Multi-Carrier PWM MethodsAbstract: In recent years, multilevel inverters have drawn significant attention in research and high power applications such as AC Transmission systems (FACTS), renewable energy resources, power quality devices, etc. Such power converters have been the prime focus of power electronic researches in order to improve their performance, reliability and energy efficient at minimum cost. Among several reported topologies, diode-clamped multilevel inverter is very used. To control these multilevel inverters several carrier –based PWM strategies have been reported. Traditional inverters are known to produce an output voltage that is lower than the DC source voltage.Key words: Multicarrier PWM strategies, multilevel inverter, DC-Sources, Z-Source inverter. Reference [1] Fang Zheng Peng; "Z-Source Inverter," Industry Applications, IEEE Transactions on, Vol.39, Issue.2, pp. 504 – 510, 2003. [2] M. H. Rashid, Power Electronics, 2nd ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice- Hall, 1993. [3] Rabi BJ and Arumugam R, ''Harmonics study and comparison of z-source inverter with traditional inverters'', American Journal of applied Science, vol-2, no.10, pp.1418-1426 [4] Suresh L., G.R.S. Nagakumar, and M.V. Sudarshan. "Modeling and simulation of Z-Source inverter. Available at: http://works.bepress.com/suresh_l/1 [5] Rabi BJ and Arumugam R, ''Harmonics study and comparison of z-source inverter with traditional inverters'', American Journal of applied Science, vol-2, no.10, pp.1418-1426. A. Suresh Kumar, G. Mahanandeswara Gowd |
2162-2167 | ![]() |
340. | Implementation of Music Algorithm for Smart Antenna System
Implementation of Music Algorithm for Smart Antenna SystemAbstract: Adaptive antenna arrays use multiple antenna elements to form directional patterns in order to improve the performance of wireless communication systems. The direction-of-arrival estimation is a crucial component of the smart antenna system. Smart antenna system is based on digital signal processing algorithms. The smart antenna system becomes capable to locate and track signals by the both: users and interferers and dynamically adapts the antenna pattern to enhance the reception in Signal-Of-Interest direction and minimizing interference in Signal-Of-Not-Interest direction. In adaptive array smart antenna, various Direction Of Arrival (DOA) estimation algorithms are used to locate the desired signal. Direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation is based on the MUSIC algorithm for identifying the directions of the source signals incident on the sensor array comprising the smart antenna system.Key words: Adaptive array, DOA estimation, MUSIC, Smart antennas. Reference [1] "Performance analysis of MUSIC and ESPRIT DOA estimation algorithms for adaptive array smart antenna in mobile communication" by T. B. Lavate, V. K. Kokate & A. M. Sapkal. Second International Conference on Computer and Network Technology, 978-0-7695-4042-9/10 2010 IEEE. [2] "A setup for the evaluation of MUSIC and LMS algorithms for a smart antenna system" by Raed M. Shubair, Mahmoud A. Al-Qutayri, and Jassim M. Smhan. Journal of communications, vol. 2, no. 4, june 2007. [3] "Smart-antenna system for mobile communication networks part 2: beamforming and network throughput" by Salvatore Bellofiore, Jeffrey Foutz, Constantine A. Balanis, and Andreas S. Spanias. IEEE Antenna's and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 44, NO. 4, August 2002. [4] "Smart antenna technologies for future wireless systems: trends and challenges" by Angeliki Alexiou, Martin Haardt. IEEE Communications Magazine ,September 2004. 0163-6804/04 2004 IEEE. [5] "Smart Antennas and their Impact on Network and Communication Systems Performance by Constantine A. Balanis, Department of Electrical Engineering, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-5706. Amruta J. Tathe, Y. D. Chincholkar, Achala Deshmukh |
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341. | Single Event Upset (SEU) in SRAM
Single Event Upset (SEU) in SRAMAbstract: Radiation in space is potentially hazardous to microelectronic circuits and systems such as spacecraft electronics. Transient effects on circuits and systems from high energetic particles can interrupt electronics operation or crash the systems. This phenomenon is particularly serious in complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) integrated circuits (ICs) since most of modern ICs are implemented with CMOS technologies. The problem is getting worse with the technology scaling down. Radiation-hardening-by-design (RHBD) is a popular method to build CMOS devices and systems meeting performance criteria in radiation environment. Single-event transient (SET) effects in digital circuits have been studied extensively in the radiation effect community.Key words: linear energy transfer (LET), single event upset (SEU), single event error (SEE), single event transient (SET) Reference [1] L. W. Massengill, "SEU modeling and prediction techniques," in IEEE NSREC Short Course, 1993, pp. III-1–III-93 [2] P. E. Dodd and L. W. Massengill, "Basic mechanisms and modeling of single-event upset in digital microelectronics," IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., vol. 50, pp. 583–602, June 2003. [3] J. S. Fu, C. L. Axness, and H. T. Weaver, "Memory SEU simulations using 2-D transport calculations," IEEE Electron. Device Lett., vol. 6, pp. 422–424, Aug. 1985. [4] D. Binder, E.C. Smith, and A. B. Holman, "Satellite anomalies from galactic cosmic rays," IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., vol. 22, pp. 2675-2680, Dec. 1975. [5] K. Hirose et al. SEU resistance in advanced SOI-SRAMs fabricated by commercial technology using a rad-hard circuit design. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 49(6), 2002. Gaurav Saxena, Rekha Agrawal, Sandhya Sharma |
2171-2175 | ![]() |
342. | Comparison and Analysis of Pro-Active Routing Protocols in MANET
Comparison and Analysis of Pro-Active Routing Protocols in MANETAbstract: Mobile Ad hoc wireless networks are characterized by infrastructure less environment, multi-hop wireless connectivity and frequently changing topology. Wireless links are highly error prone and can go down frequently due to mobility of nodes. So stable routing is a very critical task due to highly dynamic environment in ad-hoc wireless networks. The identification of stable and efficient routing protocol plays a very critical role in places where wired network are neither available nor economical to deploy. In this paper, comparison and behavioral study of different MANET pro-active routing protocols such as DSDV, WRP, CGSR, GSR, DREAM, STAR, HSR, TBRPF, FSR, LANMAR, OLSR, and HOLSR have been carried out so as to identify which protocol is most suitable for efficient routing over mobile ad-hoc network (MANET). This paper provides an overview with advantages and disadvantages of these pro-active routing protocols by presenting their comparative analysis.Key words: DSDV, WRP, LANMAR, CGSR, FSR, OLSR, HOLSR. Reference [1] Kaliyaperumal Karthikeyan, Sreedhar Appalabatla, Mungamuru Nirmala and Teklay Tesfazghi, "Comparative Analysis of Non-Uniform Unicast Routing Protocols for Mobile Adhoc Networks", International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, Volume 2, Issue 12, December 2012. [2] Santanu Santra and Pinaki Pratim Acharjya, "Comparative Study of Proactive Routing Protocols for MANETs", International Journal of Electronics and Computer Science Engineering, 375, Available Online at www.ijecse.org ISSN- 2277-1956. [3] Basu Dev Shivahare, Charu Wahi and Shalini Shivhare, "Comparison Of Proactive And Reactive Routing Protocols In Mobile Adhoc Network Using Routing Protocol Property", International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 2, Issue 3, March 2012). [4] Kavita Pandey And Abhishek Swaroop, "A Comprehensive Performance Analysis of Proactive, Reactive and Hybrid MANETs Routing Protocols", IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 8, Issue 6, No 3, November 2011, ISSN (Online): 1694-0814, www.IJCSI.org [5] Hemanth Narra, Yufei Cheng, Egemen K. Cetinkaya, Justin P. Rohrer and James P.G Sterbenz, "Destination Sequenced Distance Vector (DSDV) Routing Protocol Implementation in ns-3". Deeptanoy Ghosh, Poonam Thakur |
2176-2181 | ![]() |
343. | Effect Of Magnet And Oil Damper On Reduction Of Seismic Response Of Houses
Effect Of Magnet And Oil Damper On Reduction Of Seismic Response Of HousesAbstract: It is important to reduce the seismic response of houses in order to prevent from collapse of houses. Some control methods for seismic response of houses are developed. The oil dampers using the flow resistance of the silicon oil have been developed. In this paper, a Magnet Oil Damper (MOD) in which permanent magnets are added to the oil damper is proposed in order to improve the performance of the oil damper. MOD is installed in two-story house. The effect of MOD is examined experimentally. The peaks of resonance curves are reduced when MOD is used. The effectiveness of MOD is examined by numerical simulation using the analytical model. The response of the house subjected to actual earthquake excitation decreases when MOD is used.Key words: Damper, Earthquake resistant, Forced vibration, Frequency response function, Seismic motion Reference [1] Othman,A.B., Property Profile of a Laminated Rubber Bearing, Polymer Testing, 20(2), 2001, 159-166. [2] Iizuka,M., A Macroscopic Model for Predicting Large-deformation Behaviors of Laminated Rubber Bearings, Engineering Structures, 22(4), 2000, 323-334. [3] Chang,C-H., Modeling of Laminated Rubber Bearings Using an Analytical Stiffness Matrix, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 39(24), 2002. [4] Soong,T.T. and Dargush,G.F., Passive Energy Dissipation Systems in StructuralEngineering, (Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 1997). [5] Kawazoe,K., Kono,I., Aida,T., Aso,T. and Ebisuda,K., Beam-type Dynamic Vibration Absorber Composed of Free-free Beam, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 124(4), 1998, pp.476-479. Shigeru Aoki, Katsumi Kurita |
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344. | Color Space-Time Interest Points for Live Feed
Color Space-Time Interest Points for Live FeedAbstract: Interest point detection is the vital aspect of computer vision and image processing. Interest point detection is very important for image retrieval and object categorization systems from which local descriptors are calculated for image matching schemes. Earlier approaches largely ignored color aspect as interest point calculation are largely based on luminance. However the use of color increases the distinctiveness of interest points. Subsequently an approach that uses saliency-based feature selection aided with a principle component analysis-based scale selection method was developed that happens to be a light-invariant interest points detection system. This paper introduces color interest points for sparse image representation. In the domain of video-indexing framework,interest points provides more useful information when compared to static images.Key words: Interest points, Scale selection, image retrieval, STIP, LoG, Object Categorization Reference [1] R. Fergus, P. Perona, and A. Zisserman, "Object class recognition by unsupervised scale-invariant learning," in Proc. CVPR, 2003, pp. II-264–II-271. [2] Joost van de Weijer,"Color Features and Local Structure in Images". [3] Cordelia Schmid, Roger Mohr and Christian Bauckhage ,"Evaluating of interest points detectors", published in "International Journal of Computer Vision 37, 2 (2000) 151--172" [4] Jianbo Shi and Carlo Tomasi,"Good features to track",research report submiited in December 2005. [5] SILVANO DI ZENZO ,"A note on the gradient of a multi-image", COMPUTER VISION, GRAPHICS, AND IMAGE PROCESSING 33, 116-125 (1986) V. Lakshmi Chetana, D. Prasad |
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345. | Efficient Artificial Immune Algorithm for Preventive-Maintenance-Planning For Multi State Systems
Efficient Artificial Immune Algorithm for Preventive-Maintenance-Planning For Multi State SystemsAbstract: In this paper we use an artificial immune optimization algorithm in conjunction with the universal generating function (UGF) to solve the preventive maintenance (PM) problem for multistate series-parallel system. In this work, we consider the situation where system and its components have several ranges of performance levels. Such systems are called multi-state systems (MSS). To enhance system availability or (reliability), scheduled preventive maintenance actions are performed to equipments. These PM actions affect strongly the effective age of components and increase system reliability. The MSS measure is related to the ability of the system to satisfy the demand. The objective is to develop an algorithm to generate an optimal sequence of maintenance actions for providing a system working with the desired level of availability or (reliability) during its lifetime with minimal maintenance cost. To evaluate the MSS system availability, a fast method based on UGF is suggested. The immune algorithm (IA) approach is applied as an optimization technique and adapted to this PM optimization problem.Key words: Universal generating function, Immune algorithm, Optimization, Preventive Maintenance Reference [1] D. Gude and K.H.Schmidt, 1993. Preventive maintenance of advanced manufacturing systems: a laboratory experiment and its implications for human centered approach. International Journal of Human factors in Manufacturing; 3, 335-350. [2]. M. Brown and F. Proschan, 1983. Imperfect repair. Journal of Applied probability; 20: 851-859. [3]. M. Zhao, 2003. On preventive maintenance policy of critical reliability level for system subject to degradation. To appear on 2003 in Reliability Engineering & System Safety. [4]. E. Borgonovo and M. Marseguerra, 2000. Reliability Engineering & System Safety; 67: 61-73. [5] Wang, H. Z. (2002). A survey of maintenance policies of deteriorating systems. European Journal of Operational Research, 139, 469–489. M. Abdallah, Y. Massim, M. Benguediab and A. Zeblah |
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346. | Physico-Chemical Properties of the Biodiesel Extracted From Rubber Seed Oil Using Solid Metal Oxide Catalysts
Physico-Chemical Properties of the Biodiesel Extracted From Rubber Seed Oil Using Solid Metal Oxide CatalystsAbstract: Physicochemical properties of the commercially procured rubber seed oil (RSO) were studied to evaluate its potential as viable feedstock for biodiesel production. The procured rubber seed oil were characterized for acid value, saponification value, free fatty acid, flash point, kinematic viscosity, and refractive indices using standard methods. Results indicate that the procured rubber seed oil is a potential biodiesel feed stocks and it is possible to convert this to biodiesel with a single stage process. The trans-esterification reactions were carried out in the presence of a solid metal oxide catalyst, calcium oxide (CaO) and the yield estimated was around 98%.The quality of the biodiesel produced was comparable with that of the petro diesel which indicates that this can be blended with the commercial petro diesel. The calorific value and cetane number of this biodiesel was higher than that of the petro diesel which indicates that the blending may increase the fuel efficiency as well.Key words: Biodiesel, Rubber seed oil, Solid metal oxides, Catalysts Reference [1] Jacobson K, Gopinath R, Meher LC, Dalai AK. Solid acid catalyzed biodiesel production from waste cooking oil. ApplCatal B Environ. 2008 ; 85:86–91. [2] Keera A T, El Sabagh S M, TamanA R. Trans-esterification of vegetable oil to biodiesel fuel using alkaline catalyst. Fuel. 2011; 90: 42–47. [3] Lang X, Dalai A K, Bakhshi N N, Reaney M J, Hertz P B. Preparation and characterization of bio-diesels from various bio-oils. Bioresource Technology 2001; 80:53–62. [4] Lam M K, Lee K T, Mohamed A R. Homogeneous, heterogeneous and enzymatic catalysis for transesteri-cation of high free fatty acid oil (waste cooking oil) to biodiesel: A review. Biotechnology Advances. 2010; 28: 500–518. [5] H. Sulistyo, I. M. Suardjaja, and S. S. Rahayu, "Trans-esterification of candlenut oil with ethanol to biodiesel," in Proceeding on Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering (RSCE '06), Singapore, December 2006. Uma Krishnakumar, Dr. V. Sivasubramanian, Dr. N. Selvaraju |
2206-2209 | ![]() |
347. | FEM Analysis Of Spur Gear Tooth
FEM Analysis Of Spur Gear ToothAbstract: The AGMA Standards set by American Gear Manufacturing Association are usually followed in design of Spur gear. the two parameters, tip radius and tooth width which play a key role in gear design will study. These parameters are varied and their effects on the final stress are observed at the root and mating regions of the gear. A gear will consider which will mating with similar kind of the gear and then FE Model will built in HYPERMESH or ANSYS. Using Lewis Equation and AGMA Standards the stresses will calculate with FEA model and results will compare. The results will optimize for best results with the variation of two parameters tip radius and tooth widthReference [1] K Ruthupavam & Y Sandeep Kumar (2012) "Optimization of Design Based on Tip Radius and Tooth Width to Minimize the Stresses on the Spur Gear with FE Analysis". HTC 2012 [2] Manoj Hariharan (2006) "spur gear tooth stress analysis and stress reduction using stress reducing geometrical features" Thesis Report Submitted to Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology [3] Namam M. Ahmed "Stress Distribution along the Involute Curve of Spur Gears" Thesis Report Submitted to Institute of Technology, Sulamani Iraq. [4] W.H.Dornfeld (2004) "Gear Tooth Strength Analysis" Book. [5] Zeping wei (2004) "stresses and deformations in involute spur gears by finite element method" Thesis Report Submitted to University of Saskatchewan. Vishwjeet V. Ambade, Prof. Dr. A.V.Vanalkar, Prof. P. R. Gajbhiye |
2210-2216 | ![]() |
348. | Ensuring Data Security for Secure Cloud Hybrid Framework
Ensuring Data Security for Secure Cloud Hybrid FrameworkAbstract: With increasing technology demand for the cloud application is also increasing. Due to this security demands are also increasing. A user can access a cloud services from anywhere and at any time or almost instantly. These features make cloud computing so flexible and prone to risk. Therefore there are possibilities of lacking confidentiality, integrity and authentication among the cloud users. So the key purpose of this research is to investigate cloud securities and build a framework using encryption algorithms to provide data confidentiality, integrity and authentication.Key words: Cloud Computing, Data Security, Symmetric Encryption, Public Key Encryption, SHA. Reference [1] http://www.mhprofessional.com/downloads/produ cts/0072254238/0072254238_ch01.pdf [2] Kinamik, "the CIA triad: have you thought about integrity", kinamik data integrity, 2007. [3] Goldreich, Oded. Foundations of Cryptography: Volume 2, Basic Applications. Vol.2. Cambridge university press, 2004. [4] Nidhi Singhal, J.P.S.Raina "Comparative Analysis of AES and RC4Algorithms for Better Utilization", International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology- July to Aug Issue 2011. [5] M.Sudha and M.Monica "Enhanced Security Framework to Ensure Data Security in Cloud Computing Using Cryptography", Advances in Computer Science and its Applications, Vol. 1, No. 1, March 2012. Smriti, Dr. Deepak Arora |
2217-2221 | ![]() |
349. | An Enhanced Low Bit Rate Audio Codec Using Discrete Wavelet Transform
An Enhanced Low Bit Rate Audio Codec Using Discrete Wavelet TransformAbstract: Audio coding is the technology to represent audio in digital form with as few bits as possible while maintaining the intelligibility and quality required for particular application. Interest in audio coding is motivated by the evolution to digital communications and the requirement to minimize bit rate, and hence conserve bandwidth. There is always a tradeoff between lowering the bit rate and maintaining the delivered audio quality and intelligibility. The wavelet transform has proven to be a valuable tool in many application areas for analysis of nonstationary signals such as image and audio signals. In this paper a low bit rate audio codec algorithm using wavelet transform has been proposed.Key words: Audio coding, MATLAB 7.5, DWT, DWPT, Post-Filter. Reference [1]. Yuan-Hao Huang and Tzi-Dar Chiueh, "A New Audio Coding Scheme Using a Forward Masking Model and Perceptually Weighted Vector Quantization", IEEE transactions on speech and audio processing, July 2002. [2] Davis Yen Pan, "Digital Audio Compression" Digital Technical Journal Vol. 5 No. 2, Spring 1993. [3] Eric D. Majewicz, "An Analysis of Digital Audio Compression and Digital Rights Management Technique" Department of Computer Engineering Rochester Institute of Technology, November 2004. [4] Amara Graps, "An Introduction to Wavelets", IEEE transaction on wavelets. [5] Eric D. Majewicz, "An Analysis of Digital Audio Compression and Digital Rights Management Technique" Department of Computer Engineering Rochester Institute of Technology, November 2004. Navpreet Singh, Mandeep Kaur,Rajveer Kaur |
2222-2228 | ![]() |
350. | Effective Diagnosis of Diseases through Symptoms Using Artificial Intelligence and Neural Network
Effective Diagnosis of Diseases through Symptoms Using Artificial Intelligence and Neural NetworkAbstract: In this Research paper is based on artificial intelligence. Artificial Intelligence means learn by knowledge. In this research mechanism for artificial doctor that based on knowledge based. This artificial doctor has the capability to give possibilities of all diseases on the basis of symptoms of patient. It's like an assistant doctor with more intelligent's. This mechanism asks the patient about the symptoms. On the basis of those symptoms it will suggest about the possibilities of diseases. This mechanism helps to doctor to identify the disease of the patient. It will also ask about the previous and family history. This mechanism gave the result by studying the previous treatment also, so it takes every possibility of diseases. And it will also alert the doctor for the medicine which cannot be given to the patient.Key words: Artificial Neural Networks, General Disease Diagnosis, Medical Diagnosis, Medical Knowledge, Neural Networks Reference [1] S. Moein, S. A. Monadjemi, and P. Moallem, A Novel Fuzzy-Neural Based Medical Diagnosis System, International Journal of Biological and Medical Sciences 4:3, 2009, 146-150. [2] B. Sumathi, Dr. A. Santhakumaran, Pre-Diagnosis of Hypertension Using Artificial Neural Network, Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology Volume 11 Issue 2,2011 [3] Shantakumar B.Patil, Y.S.Kumaraswamy, Intelligent and Effective Heart Attack Prediction System Using Data Mining and Artificial Neural Network, European Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.31 No.4,2009,642-656" [4] Florin Gorunesu, "Data Mining Techniques in Computer-Aided Diagnosis: Non-Invasive Cancer Detection," International Journal of Bioengineering, Biotechnology and Nanotechnology,Vol.1, No.2, pp.105 - 108, 2008. [5] R. Silipo and C. Marchesi, "Artificial Neural Network for automatic ECG analysis", IEEE transactions on signal processing. . 46(5): 1417-1425. Shashank Mahajan, Gaurav Shrivastava |
2229-2231 | ![]() |
351. | Analytical Comparison And Selection Methods For Deformation Analysis By Edge Detection Using Image Processing Analytical Comparison And Selection Methods For Deformation
Abstract: Edge detection is one of the most
commonly used technique in the field of image
processing. They characterize boundary
information and filters out unnecessary data
therefore preserving important structural
properties of image. This paper mainly compares
various edge detections applied in strain analysis
of soft aluminum. Various edge detection
techniques include Prewitt, Sobel, Canny, LoG-
(Laplacian of Gaussian)and zero cross detectors .
Image analysis is performed by using Matlab
2012(a). The experimental results shows that the
Sobel and Robert's operators shown better results
when compared to Canny operator for
deformation analysis. A standard 4000 x 2248
resolution image is taken from a 5Megapixel
camera for image analysis Deformation analysis
for aluminum specimen is performed in universal
testing machine(UTM). |
2232-2236 | ![]() |
352. | Framework for Multi-Cloud Using Integrity Verification Using CPDP Scheme
Framework for Multi-Cloud Using Integrity Verification Using CPDP SchemeAbstract: Provable data possession (PDP) is a technique for ensuring the integrity of data in storage outsourcing. In this paper, we address the construction of an efficient PDP scheme for distributed cloud storage to support the scalability of service and data migration, in which we consider the existence of multiple cloud service providers to cooperatively store and maintain the clients' data. We present a cooperative PDP (CPDP) scheme based on homomorphic verifiable response and hash index hierarchy. We prove the security of our scheme based on multi-prover zero-knowledge proof system, which can satisfy completeness, knowledge soundness, and zero-knowledge properties. In addition, we articulate performance optimization mechanisms for our scheme, and in particular present an efficient method for selecting optimal parameter values to minimize the computation costs of clients and storage service providers. Our experiments show that our solution introduces lower computation and communication overheads in comparison with non-cooperative approaches.Key words: Storage Security, Provable Data Possession, Interactive Protocol, Zero-knowledge, Multiple Cloud, Cooperative Reference [1]. B. Sotomayor, R. S. Montero, I. M. Llorente, and I. T. Foster, "Virtual infrastructure management in private and hybrid clouds," IEEE Internet Computing, vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 14–22, 2009. [2]. G. Ateniese, R. C. Burns, R. Curtmola, J. Herring, L. Kissner, Z. N. J. Peterson, and D. X. Song, "Provable data possession at untrusted stores," in ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, P. Ning, S. D. C. di Vimercati, and P. F. Syverson, Eds. ACM, 2007, pp. 598–609. [3]. A. Juels and B. S. K. Jr., "Pors: proofs of retrievability for large files," in ACMConference on Computer and Communications Security, P. Ning, S. D. C. di Vimercati, and P. F. Syverson, Eds. ACM, 2007, pp. 584–597. [4]. G. Ateniese, R. D. Pietro, L. V. Mancini, and G. Tsudik, "Scalable and efficient provable data possession," in Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Security and privacy in communication netowrks, SecureComm, 2008, pp. 1–10. [5]. C. C. Erway, A. K¨upc¸ ¨u, C. Papamanthou, and R. Tamassia, "Dynamic provable data possession," in ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, E. Al-Shaer, S. Jha, and A. D. Keromytis, Eds. ACM, 2009, pp. 213–222. B. Shanmukhi, D. Satyanarayana |
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353. | Impact of Aggregate Gradation and Type on Hot Mix Asphalt Rutting In Egypt
Impact of Aggregate Gradation and Type on Hot Mix Asphalt Rutting In EgyptAbstract: Rutting of flexible pavement is considered one of the major pavement distresses noted around the world and in Egypt. Many investigators showed at about 55 to 80% of rutting occurred in the surface layer. Rutting of asphalt surface layer may be due to many causes happened during construction phase and service phase. The main objectives of this research are to evaluate the impact of aggregate gradation and type on hot mix asphalt (HMA) rutting potential in Egypt, understand the effect of aggregate properties on Marshall mix properties and evaluate the relation between mix properties and rutting potential of HMA.Reference [1] Prowell, Brian D., Zhang, Jingna and Brown, E. R. (2005). Aggregate Properties and the Performance of Superpave Designed Hot Mix Asphalt. NCHRP Report 539, 2005, http://onlinepubs.trb.org/onlinepubs/nchrp/nchrp_rpt_539.pdf [2] Roberts, Freddy. L., Hot Mix Asphalt Materials, Mixture Design and Construction. National Center for Asphalt Technology, Auburn University, Second Edition 1996. [3] Tashman, L. (2003). Microstructural viscoplastic continuum model for asphalt concrete. Ph.D. Dissertation, Texas A&M university, 2003. Accessed on line March 2008. http://txspace.tamu.edu/bitstream/handle/1969.1/313/etd-tamu-2003C-CVEN-Tashman-1.pdf?sequence=1. [4] White, T. D., Starkville, J. E., Haddock, A. J. T., Hand, H. F. Contributions of pavement structural layers to rutting of hot mix asphalt pavements. NCHRP Report No. 468, TRB, Washington D.C., 2002. Accessed on line March-2008, http://onlinepubs.trb.org/onlinepubs/nchrp/nchrp_rpt_468-a.pdf. [5] Brown, E.R. and Cross, S. A. (1992). A national study of rutting in hot mix asphalt (HMA) pavements. National Center for Asphalt Technology, NCAT Report 92-05, Auburn University. http://www.eng.auburn.edu/files/centers/ncat/reports/1992/rep92-05.pdf. Manal A. Ahmed and Mohamed I. E. Attia |
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354. | Design of an Implicit Pulse Triggered Flip-Flop Using PTL Based and Logic for Space Applications.
Design of an Implicit Pulse Triggered Flip-Flop Using PTL Based and Logic for Space Applications.Abstract: In this paper, a novel low-power pulse-triggered flip-flop (FF) design for space applications is presented. In this the clock generation circuitry an AND function is removed and is replaced with a Pass-Transistor logic based AND gate. Since in the PTL-style AND gate the n-mos transistors are in parallel they consume less power and provides a faster discharge of the pulse resulting in miniaturization and power consumption reduction in satellites. A software package called the TANNER EDA tools utilizing MOSIS 90nm technology is used for the study.Key words: Flip-flop, low power, pulse-triggered Reference [1] Yin-Tsung Hwang, Jin-Fa Lin, and Ming-Hwa Sheu, 2012, "Low-Power Pulse-Triggered Flip-Flop Design With Conditional Pulse-Enhancement Scheme," Proc IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 361-366. [2] Hiroshi Kawaguchi and Takayasu Sakurai, 1998, "A Reduced Clock-Swing Flip-Flop (RCSFF) for 63% Power Reduction," IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Vol.33,No.5, pp. 807-811. [3] Bai-Sun Kong, Sam-Soo Kim, and Young-Hyun Jun, 2001, "Conditional-Capture Flip-Flop for Statistical Power Reduction," Proc. IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Vol. 36, NO. 8, pp. 1263- 1271. [4] Samuel D.Naffziger, Glenn Colon-Bonet, Timothy Fischer, Reid Riedlinger, Thomas J. Sullivan, and Tom Grutkowski, 2002, "The Implementation of the Itanium 2 Microprocessor," IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Vol.37,No.11, pp. 1448-1460. [5] Peiyi Zhao, Tarek K. Darwish,and Magdy A. Bayoumi, 2004, "High-Performance and Low-Power Conditional Discharge Flip-Flop", IEEE Transactions On Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, Vol. 5, No. 5, pp. 477-484. Akhil Simon Thomas, Vishnu G Nair |
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355. | Dielectric Studies Of Manganese Carbonate Nanocrystals
Dielectric Studies Of Manganese Carbonate NanocrystalsAbstract: Over the past few years, the synthesis and characterization of nanocrystals of materials have become an area of intense research activity. MnCO3 (Manganese Carbonate) is a well known semi conducting material and is highly useful in electronic and optical devices. In the present study, we have made an attempt to prepare MnCO3 (with two different ratios of preparation) with simple domestic microwave assisted solvothermal method. The samples were characterized by TGA analysis. The particle size determination was done using the XRD pattern. The dielectric studies were carried out. The present study indicates that the polarization mechanism in the nano crystals considered is mainly contributed by the space charge polarization. It can be understood that the space charge contribution plays in important role in the charge transport process and polarizability in all the systems considered in the present study.Key words: Manganese corbonate, solvothermal method, dielectric measurements Reference [1] C.D. Keating, M.J. Natan, Adv. Mater. 45 (2003) 451. [2] L.J. Chen, S.M. Zhang, Z.S. Wu, Z.J. Zhang and H.X. Dang, Mater. Lett. 59 (2005) 3119. [3] Li-Xia Yang, Ying-Jie Zhu, Hua Tong and Wei-Wei Wang. Ultrasonics Sonochem. 2(2007)14 [4] He Hu, Jie-yan Xu, Hong Yang, Jie Liang, Shiping Yang, Huixia Wu, Mat.Res.Bull., 11(2001)46 [5] Shuijin Lei, Zhihong Liang, Lang Zhou and Kaibin Tang, Mater.Chem. Phys. 1(2009)113 K. U. Madhu and C. K. Mahadevan |
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356. | Implementation of FPGA Based PID Controller for DC Motor Speed Control System
Implementation of FPGA Based PID Controller for DC Motor Speed Control SystemAbstract: In this paper, the implementation of software module using 'VHDL' for Xilinx FPGA (XC2S30) based PID controller for DC motor speed control system is presented. The tools used for building and testing the software modules are Xilinx ISE 9.1i and ModelSim XE III 6.3c. Before verifying the design on FPGA the complete design is simulated using Modelsim Simulation tool. A test bench is written where, the set speed can be changed for the motor. It is observed that the motor speed gradually changes to the set speed and locks to the set speed.Index Terms: Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller, Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language (VHDL), Pulse Width Modulation (PWM). Reference [1] K.J. Astrom and T. H. Hagglund, "New Tuning Methods for PID Controllers," Proc. of 3rd European Conference, pp. 2456-2462, 1995. [2] Shouling He and Xuping Xu, "Hardware/Software Co design Approach for an ADALINE Based Adaptive Control System," Journal of Computers, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 29-36, Academy publisher, February 2008. [3] Craig Hackney, "PGA Motor Control Reference Design," Application Note: Spartan and Virtex FPGA Families, Xilinx XAPP808 vol. 1.0, September 16, 2005. [4] Mohamed Abdelati, "FPGA-Based PID Controller Implementation," The Islamic University of Gaza, Palestine, This research was supported by the Ministry of Higher Education in Palestine. [5] Anthony Cataldo, "Low-priced FPGA options set to expand," Electronic Engineering Times Journal, no. 1361, pp. 38-45, USA, 2005. Prashant Kumar, Ravi Mishra |
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357. | An Enhanced Security Technique for Storage of Multimedia Content over Cloud Server
An Enhanced Security Technique for Storage of Multimedia Content over Cloud ServerAbstract: Cloud computing is an emerging computing paradigm in which resources of the computing infrastructure are provided as services of the internet. Cloud computing allows consumers and businesses to use applications without installation and access their personal files at any computer with internet access. With the development Internet multimedia computing has emerged as a technology to generate, edit, process, and search media contents, such as images, video, audio, graphics, and so on. Multimedia cloud computing has the potential for tremendous benefits, but wide scale adoption has a range of challenges like Multimedia and service heterogeneity, QoS heterogeneity, Network heterogeneity, Device heterogeneity ,Security, Power Consumption that must be met. But data security and access control is the main challenge when users outsource sensitive data for sharing on cloud servers which is not within the same trusted domain as data owners. To keep sensitive user data confidential against untrusted servers, various methods have been proposed in the literature. This paper explores a new method which is a combination of roll based access control with advanced encryption algorithm (a combination of RSA and two fish),signature verification to enhance security when storing text, image ,audio ,video files onto cloud server.Key words: cloud, multimedia, RSA, security, storage. Reference [1] Rongxing et al, ―Secure Provenance: The Essential Bread and Butter of Data Forensics in Cloud Computing‖, ASIACCS"10, Beijing, China.. [2] R. La"Quata Sumter, ―Cloud Computing: Security Risk Classification‖, ACMSE 2010, Oxford, USA [3] Lee, D. Patterson, A. Rabkin, I. Stoica, and M. Zaharia (2009, Feb. 10); "Above the clouds: A Berkeley view of cloud computing" EECS Dept., Univ. California, Berkeley, No. UCB/EECS-2009-28 . [4] Wenchaoet al, ―Towards a Data-centric View of Cloud Security‖, CloudDB 2010, Toronto, Canada [5] Soren Bleikertz et al, ―Security Audits of Multi-tier Virtual Infrastructures in Public Infrastructure Clouds‖, CCSW 2010, Chicago, USA Priyanka Gupta, Amandeep Kaur Brar |
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358. | Development and Evaluation of Control Strategies for Reduction of Ambient PM10 Levels in Urban Environment: Application of GIS and Dispersion Modeling
Development and Evaluation of Control Strategies for Reduction of Ambient PM10 Levels in Urban Environment: Application of GIS and Dispersion ModelingAbstract: Geographic information system (GIS) based emission inventory of particulate matter of aerodynamic diameter less than 10 μm (PM10) for the base, 5th and 10th year was developed for Kanpur, an urban area in India. It has been observed that the 5th and 10th year will experience increased emission by factors of 1.5 and 2.2 of the base year. Twenty one control options (e.g. introduction of Euro 6 to vehicles, banning of 15 year old private vehicles, use of natural gases as fuels for industries etc.) were considered for evaluation.Key words: Air quality management, particulate matter of aerodynamic diameter less than 10 micron, Scenario development, Control option, Euro 6, Geographical Information System Reference [1] M. Sharma, V.N. Kumar, S.K. Katiyar, R. Sharma, B.P. Shukla, and B. Sengupta, "Cohort-based acute health effect study of PM10 and PM2.5 pollution in the city of Kanpur, India," Archives of Environmental Health: An International Journal, vol. 59, pp. 348–358, 2004. [2] H.Y. Liu, A. Bartonova, M. Schindler, M. Sharma, S.N. Behera, K. Katiyar, and O. Dikshit, "Respiratory Disease in Relation to Outdoor Air Pollution in Kanpur, India," Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health, vol. 68, pp. 204–217, 2013. [3] X. Cao, Climate change and energy development: implications for developing countries. Resources Policy, vol. 29, pp. 61–67, 2003. [4] K. Hubacek, D. Guan, and A. Barua, " Changing lifestyles and consumption patterns in developing countries: A scenario analysis for China and India," Futures, vol. 39, pp. 1084–1096, 2007. [5] V.P. Aneja, W.H. Schlesinger, J.W. Erisman, S.N. Behera, M. Sharma, and W. Battye, " Reactive nitrogen emissions from crop and livestock farming in India," Atmospheric Environment, vol. 47, pp. 92–103, 2012. Sailesh N. Behera, Jayprakash Rout, Mukesh Sharma And Prashant Gargava |
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359. | Understanding the Differences between Proprietary & Free and Open Source Software
Understanding the Differences between Proprietary & Free and Open Source SoftwareAbstract: Proprietary software is the one which is owned by an individual or a company. They are almost always major restrictions on its use, and its source code is always kept secret. Examples include the products delivered by Microsoft, the Windows family of operating systems and Microsoft office. On the other hand Open source software has recently become a major interest in the software industry. Open source software includes free software and public domain software. Open source software generally same as free software is available at no or with limited cost to everyone along with the source code, and it can be used by any one for any purpose and with minimal restrictions. In this paper we would like to focus some of the differences between the Proprietary and Open source software in general terms and in particular in terms of their evolution, verifiability of Lehman laws of software evolution, Style of development, the participants in the development and evolution and the differences in the users' perspective.Reference [1] Software Evolution – Tom Mens, Serge Demeyer-Springer-2008 [2] Three Strategies for Open Source Deployment: Substitution, Innovation and Knowledge Reuse- Jonathan P.Allen: IFIP International Federation for Information Processing [3] Open-Source Vs Proprietary Software Jean-Michel Dalle, Nicolar Jullien [4] The Linux kernel as a case study in software evolution: Ayelet Israeli,Dror G. Feitelson [5] The Past Present and Future of Software Evolution- Michael W.Godfrey, Daniel M. German [6] Open Source Approach in Software Development- Advantages and Disadvantages- Jovica Durkovic, Vuk Vukovic. Lazar Rakovic- Management information systems Vo.3 No.2 D Prasad, Dr.Ch.Satyananda Reddy |
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360. | Consideration of Waste Water Characteristics Parameters
Consideration of Waste Water Characteristics ParametersAbstract: A large amount of water is used in drug industries in different processes. After use of this water, it is discharged as a waste and this waste contains many soluble and insoluble pollutants. Due to high industrialization, water demand increases and they create serious problems, resulted in the increased discharge of the effluent in water bodies which contain toxic chemicals and hazardous compounds. There is an increasing trend to require more efficient use of water resources, both in urban & rural areas .The aim of the present research work was to determine the behavior of various parameters of the wastewater. It is important for the industry to develop its own wastewater treatment system before discharging the effluent in order to meet the M.P. State Pollution control Board standards.Key words: hazardous, parameters, wastewater treatment Reference [1] Mr. Howe R.H.I. 1960 "Pharmaceutical industry". Wastes Engineering, 31,728-731,752-753,Dec. [2] Howe R.H.L.1961 "Biological degradation of wastage containing certain toxic chemical compounds" Proceeding of 16th Purdue industrial waste conference, Lafayette Ind., 262-276. [3] Patil, D.M. , Sriniwasen, T.K. ,et al 1962 "Treatment and disposal of synthetic drug wastage" [4] Herion,R.W. 1963 "Pharmaceutical waste" IWW,8,2:28 , March-April. [5] Molof,A.H. and Zaleiko, N. 1965 "Parameters of disposal of waste from pharmaceutical industries". Ann..New York Academy Sciences, 130: 851-857. Dr. Savita Dubey |
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361. | CAE Analysis of Crankshaft for Testing Dynamic Loads for Reducing Cost & Weight
CAE Analysis of Crankshaft for Testing Dynamic Loads for Reducing Cost & WeightAbstract: This study was conducted on a single cylinder four stroke cycle engine. Two different crankshafts from similar engines were studied in this research. The finite element analysis was performed in four static steps for each crankshaft. Stresses from these analyses were used for superposition with regards to dynamic load applied to the crankshaft. Further analysis was performed on the forged steel crankshaft in order to optimize the weight and manufacturing cost.Key words: FEA,CAE Analysis, Dynamic Load analysis, cost optimization, Weight reduction, Crank shaft, Crankshaft Analysis, Cost and weight reduction Reference [1] Altan, T., Oh, S., and Gegel, H. L., 1983, "Metal Forming Fundamentals and Applications," American Society for Metals, Metal Park, OH, USA. [2] Ando, S., Yamane, S., Doi, Y., Sakurai, H., and Meguro, H., 1992, "Method for Forming a Crankshaft," US Patent No. 5115663, United States Patent. [3] Baxter, W. J., 1993, "Detection of Fatigue Damage in Crankshafts with the Gel Electrode," SAE Technical Paper No. 930409, Society of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, PA, USA. [4] Borges, A. C., Oliveira, L. C., and Neto, P. S., 2002, "Stress Distribution in a Crankshaft Crank Using a Geometrically Restricted Finite Element Model," SAE Technical Paper No. 2002-01-2183, Society of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, PA, USA. [5] Burrell, N. K., 1985, "Controlled Shot Peening of Automotive Components," SAE Technical Paper No. 850365, Society of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, PA, USA. Salim Ahmed, Tasmeem Ahmad Khan |
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362. | Experimentation on Chemical Feasibility of Karanja Seed Oil to Use as In Diesel Engines Using 4-Stroke Single Cylinder DI Diesel Engine Test Rig
Experimentation on Chemical Feasibility of Karanja Seed Oil to Use as In Diesel Engines Using 4-Stroke Single Cylinder DI Diesel Engine Test RigAbstract: The objective of this work is tomake an experimental investigation onchemical feasibility of karanja seed oilby modified the fuel using karanja methyl ester(biodiesel)blends withmineral diesel. This experimentation evaluatethe performance and emission characteristicsof 4-stroke, single cylinder, DI diesel enginetest rig. The karanja biodiesel blended withdiesel in various proportions like 10%,20%,30%,40%,50%, and 100% by volume studiedunder the various resistance load conditionsin compression ignition (diesel) engine. In theperformance parameters brake thermalefficiency and mechanical efficiency werebetter than diesel and in other very closerto the diesel. In the emission characteristics carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitric oxide and hydrocarbons were resulting very higher than the mineral diesel.Key words: Biodiesel, Emission, Karanja oil, Methyl ester, Performance Reference [1] Shikha Khandelwal and Rita Yadav, Life cycle assessment of neem and karanja biodiesel an overview, International Journal of Chem Tech Research, 5(2), 2013, 659-665. [2] Yashvir Singh et al, Production of biodiesel from oils of Jatropha, karanja and performance analysis on CI engine, International Journal ofInnovative Research and Development, 2(3),2013, 286-294. [3] K. V. Yathish et al, Optimization of biodiesel from mixed oil (karanja and dairy waste scum oil) using homogeneous catalyst,Journal of Applied Chemistry, 3(6),2013, 09-15. [4] Bobde S. N. and Khyade V. B., Detail study on properties of pongamia pinnata (karanja) for the production of biodiesel,Research Journal of Chemical Sciences, 2(7), 2012, 16-20. [5] Bobde S. N. and Khyade V. B., Preparation of methyl ester (biodiesel) from karanja (pongamia pinnata) oil,Research Journal of Chemical Sciences, 2(8), 2012, 43-50. Ganesh Singh Chauhan, Abhishek Chakraborty, Dr. Rashmi Shah |
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363. | Performance Modeling and Analysis for Dynamic Bandwidth Distribution Scheme Using Real-Time Probabilistic System
Performance Modeling and Analysis for Dynamic Bandwidth Distribution Scheme Using Real-Time Probabilistic SystemAbstract: The passive optical network (PON), with its inherent point to multi-point structure, allows for centralized placement of active equipment and possible extension of its boundary towards core networks. This property of the PON can be exploited for node consolidation where multiple central offices are replaced by a single one covering a larger service area. Such node consolidation is being particularly driven by the need for network operational cost saving, and is offering significant challenges to PONs. The degree of node consolidation that can be achieved is limited by the reach of conventional PON systems. In order to achieve a larger degree of node consolidation, an extension of the PON reach, beyond the conventional 20 km, is required. This article addresses the challenges of the dynamic bandwidth allocation (DBA), where increased reach results in a degradation of DBA performance and quality of service support.Key words: Passive optical network; dynamic bandwidth allocation ; Real Time Probabilistic Systems; performance analysis. Reference [1] Tony Tsang, "Performance Analysis for QoS-Aware Two-Layer Scheduling in LTE Networks", International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS), Vol. 2, Issue 2, July-August 2013. [2] Marta Kwiatkowska, Gethin Norman and David Parker, "PRISM 4.0: Verification of Probabilistic Real-time Systems", In Proceeding 23rd International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV‟11), volume 6806 of Lecture Notes of computer Science, pages 585-591, Springer, July 2011. [3] Song H., Kim B.W., and Mukherjee B., "Long-Reach Optical Access Networks: A Survey of Research Challenges, Demonstrations, and Bandwidth Assignment Mechanisms", IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, vol. 12, no. 1, pages 112-123, 2010 [4] Jensen, H.: "Model checking probabilistic real time systems", In Proceeding 7th Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory, Report 86, Chalmers University of Technology, pages 247-261, 1996. [5] Kwiatkowska, M., Norman, G., Segala, R., Sproston, J., "Automatic verification of realtime systems with discrete probability distributions", Theoretical Computer Science (TCS)282, pages 101-150, 2002. Tony Tsang |
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364. | Structural and Modal Analysis on A Frame Less Chassis Construction of Heavy Vehicle for Variable Loads
Structural and Modal Analysis on A Frame Less Chassis Construction of Heavy Vehicle for Variable LoadsAbstract: This project mainly dealt with modelling of the frame less chassis and the analysis over that. The modelling of the component was done by using the advanced modelling software CATIA V5. The analysis was done by using one of the most important numerical methods is FEA and the software used is ANSYS 14.0. By using the features of this CATIA V5 software CHASSIS was modelled. The modelling of the individual parts will be done in the part module and the assembly of the individual parts was done in the assembly module by using bottom up method. In the analysis, the behaviour of the chassis will be shown in 6 mode shapes by using modal analysis. The static structural analysis was done at different load conditions and results will be tabulated and graphs were plot.Key words: Get mass far away from neutral axis, Thin wall tube in theory best, Wall buckling is an issue, must be resolved with something, Doors and Windows a problem. Reference [1] Sairam Kotari, V.Gopichand PG student, associate professor, department of mechanical engineering QIS college of engineering& technology vol 2, issue1,pp-086-094 [2] Manpreet singh bajwa, Sinthiya pundir, amit joshi, mechanical engineering department G.B.pant engineering college, paurigarhwal, uttarakhand, India [3] juvvi siva nagaraju, u. Hari babu, PG student, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, QIS College of Engineering and Technology [4] Alireza Arab Solghar, Zeinab Arsalanloo, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Vail-e-Asr University of Rafsanjani, Iran. [5] Shupeng zhao, Miao tian, Shifang zhang, Jiuxi li, journal networks, vol8,no 6(2013),1343-1349, jan2013, doi;10.4304/jnw.8.6.1343-1349 K. P. Sirisha, R. Lalith Narayana, A. Gopichand, Ch. Srinivas, G. Ram Balaji |
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365. | Operation Improvement of an Indoor Robot by Using Hand Fingers Recognition
Operation Improvement of an Indoor Robot by Using Hand Fingers RecognitionAbstract: Processing Real-Time image sequence is now possible because of advancement of technological developments in digital signal processing, wide-band communication, and high-performance VLSI. Recently, the demand for the indoor robots has increased. Therefore, increased opportunities for many people to operate the robots have emerged. However, for many people, it is often difficult to operate a robot using the conventional methods like remote control. To solve this problem, we propose a robot operation system using the hand gesture recognition. Our method pays attention to the direction and movement of the hand. We were able to recognize several gestures in real-time.Reference [1] Toshiya YAMADA, Kazunori UMEDA: Improvement of the Method of Operating a Mobile Robot by Gesture Recognition, http://www.mech.chuou.ac.jp/umedalab/publications/pdf/intro/yamada.pdf [2] Yuuji ASADA, Isao NISHIHARA, Shizuo NAKANO : A study of recognizing movement in hand gesture interface using processing, ITE Technical Report Vol.34 No.18 (2010) [3] Yohei SATO, Kokichi SUGIHARA :An approach to real-time gesture recognition for human-PC interaction Guide to the Technical Report and Templete, TECHNICAL REPORT OF IEICE NLC2004-112 (2005) [4] Kenichi FUKAYA : Manipulating a Mobile Robot by Hand Gestures, Hokkai-Gakuen University Fig.15 categorize 2 [5] G. Bates and S. Nooshabadi, FPGA implementation of a median filter, in Proceedings of IEEE TENCON '97 IEEE Region 10 Annual Conference. Speech and Image Technologies for Computing and Telecommunications, 2-4 Dec. 1997, vol. vol.2. Brisbane, Qld., Australia: IEEE, 1997, pp. 437–40. [6] A. Kadyrov and M. Petrou, The Trace Transform and its applications, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 23, no. 8, pp. 811–828, 2001. [7] M. Petrou and A. Kadyrov, Affine invariant features from the Trace Transform, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence., vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 30–44, 2004. K. Suneetha, M. S. R. Sekhar, U. Yedukondalu |
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366. | Electromagnetic Shielding Effectiveness Evaluation For Materials
Electromagnetic Shielding Effectiveness Evaluation For MaterialsAbstract: The theory of electromagnetic shielding is based on the waves equations describing the behavior of electromagnetic field in material. The proposed approach consist in a PSpice model using transmission line model to simulate the attenuation introduced by a material characterized by the macroscopic parameters ε, μ, σ. To verify the data obtained through PSpice simulation, a wave-guide-based measurement system at 10GHz was employed. The new measurement method presented in the paper consists in two high directivity antennae, tuned to the establish operation frequency, one for transmission and one for receiving signal, the material sample placed between them and a data acquisition system.Key words: Electromagnetic shielding, Engineering education, Environment, Nanomaterials, PSpice model Reference [1] Al-Shabib W., Lachowicz, S. W., Modelling of polyaniline for Wi-Fi Electromagnetic Interference shielding, Modeling, Simulation and Applied Optimization (ICMSAO), 2013 5th International Conference on, DOI: 10.1109/ICMSAO.2013.6552654, 1-3 [2] Jianbao W., Bihua Z., Lihua S., Cheng G., Bin C., Analyzing the Electromagnetic Performances of Composite Materials With the FDTD Method, Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Transactions on, Volume: 61 , Issue: 5, DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2013.2242824, 2646 - 2654 [3] Romanca, M.; Ogrutan, P. ; Aciu, L.-E. ; Nicolae, G. ,Methods of investigating construction materials used for intelligent building shielding, Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipment, OPTIM 2008. 11th International Conference on, DOI: 10.1109/OPTIM.2008.4602520, 2008 , 191 – 196 [4] Ogunsola, A.; Reggiani, U. ; Sandrolini, L., Modelling shielding properties of concrete, Electromagnetic Compatibility, EMC-Zurich 2006. 17th International Zurich Symposium on DOI: 10.1109/EMCZUR.2006.214862, 2006, 34 – 37 [5] Wilson, P.F.; Ma, M.T., Techniques for measuring the electromagnetic shielding effectiveness of materials. II. Near-field source simulation, Electromagnetic Compatibility, IEEE Transactions on, Volume: 30 , Issue: 3 , Part: 2, DOI: 10.1109/15.3303, 1988 , 251 – 259 Petre Ogruţan, Lia Elena Aciu |
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367. | Dual material gate-all-around Fully Depleted SOI MOSFET with Strained Si/Ge Channel
Dual material gate-all-around Fully Depleted SOI MOSFET with Strained Si/Ge ChannelAbstract: After a lot of efforts to scale down the devices, now the scaling limits of device have reached i.e. it's not possible to scale down the CMOS further. For further scaling of device we need to change the materials used for the gate and channel. In this paper different structures suggested by different authors are covered along with their benefits and limitations. A structure based on the Fully Depleted SOI Gate All around (FD SOI GAA) MOSFET with strained Si Channel has been suggested to overcome the scaling limits along with the QME consideration in modeling.Key words: CMOS, FD, Gate-All-Around, Quantum Mechanical Effect, Scaling Effects, SOI, Strained Si. Reference [1] S. M. Kang, "Chip Input and Output (I/O) Circuits," in CMOS Digital Integrated Cir-cuits, 3rd edition, Ed. New York: McGraw Hill, 2012, pp. 576-81. [2] Bob Ulicki, "SOI Fundamentals", presented at SOI Consortium, march 2009. [3] A. Choudhary, "Analytical Modeling and Simulation of Short-Channel Effects in a Fully Depleted Dual-Material Gate (DMG) SOI MOSFET," Master Thesis, IIT, Delhi, Dec-2003. [4] A. K. Kushwaha, "On the Modeling of Dual Material Double-gate Fully Depleted Silicon on Insulator MOSFET," PhD Thesis, NIT, Kurukshetra, 2011. [5] A. Chaudhary, S. Sangwan, J.N. Roy, "Mo-bility Models for Unstrained and Strained Silicon MOSFETS: A review," journal of Comtemporary Engineering Sciences, Vol. 4, No.5, 2011, pp. 229-247. Sabina, Alok K. Kushwaha |
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368. | Pricing Of System Security through Opf and Scopf Methods with N-1 Contingency Criteria in Deregulated Electrcity Market
Pricing Of System Security through Opf and Scopf Methods with N-1 Contingency Criteria in Deregulated Electrcity MarketAbstract: This work involves with a system pricing for power system security in deregulated electricity market that includes security constraints in a multi objective OPF problem. The most common target function in the classical formulation of the OPF is minimization of generation costs. The OPF increases social benefit, as well as the distance from the voltage collapse point. The effect of N-1Contingency on pricing is analyzed. The Day-ahead energy market is a financial market that enables market participants to purchase and sell energy at binding Day-ahead prices. The market participants bid according to their marginal price and market clearing price is decided by matching the generation and demand side bidding. ATC is computed by Linear Analysis method, considering N-1 contingency. The ATC shows amount of congestion. TTC is calculated offline. Application of the proposed method on IEEE 30-bus standard network confirms its validity and effectiveness.Index Terms: Security constraints, TTC, ATC, Contingency Analysis, OPF and SCOPF. Reference [1] Mala De "Pricing of system security in deregulated environment", International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, vol. 1, no.4, May 2009. [2] G. B. Shebl´e, Computational Auction Mechanism for Restructured Power Industry Operation, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 1998. [3] M. Ili´c and J. Zaborszky, Dynamic and Control of Large Electric Power Systems, Wiley- Interscience Publication, New York, 2000. [4] O. Alsac, J. Bright, M. Prais and B. Stott, "Further developments in LP-based optimal power flow", IEEE Tran on Power Systems, Vol. 5(3), pp. 697-711, Aug 1990. [5] M. Huneault and F. D. Galiana, "A Survey of the Optimal Power Flow Literature", IEEE Tran on Power Systems, Vol. 6(2), pp. 762-770, May 1991. [6] North American Electric Reliability Council, "Transmission Transfer Capability" A Reference Document for Calculating and Reporting the Electric Power Transmission Capacity of Interconnected Electric Systems, May 1995. Naga Chandrika.T, J. Krishna Kishore |
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369. | Analysis of Air Jet Refrigeration
Analysis of Air Jet RefrigerationAbstract: The Air Jet Refrigeration is based on the Bernoulli's equation across a streamline. Here a jet of air is used to cool the water when passed through the reducing section with the help of fan. The cooling effect takes place due to the suction pressure created at the throat when the jet of air is passed through the reducing section. Due to high velocity of air, the appropriate suction pressure is created and air takes latent heat of water and water gets cooled.Key words: Bernoulli's principle, suction pressure, coefficient of performance, reducer Section. Reference [1] Ian W. Eames, Mark Worall, Shenyi Wu, "An experimental investigation into the integration of a jet-pump refrigeration cycle and a novel jet-spay thermal ice storage system", Journal of Applied Thermal Energy, 2013, pp-285-290 [2] X.Yang,X.Long,X.Yao,"Numericalinvestigation on the mixing process in a steam ejector with different nozzle structures" ,International Journal of Thermal Science, 2012, pp-95-106. [3] Sung Ku Park, Ji Ho Ahn, Tong Seop Kim, "Off-design operating characteristics of an open-cycle air refrigeration system", International Journal of Refrigeration, 2012, pp-2311-2320. [4] Liu Shengjuna, Zhang Zhenyinga, Tian Lilic, "Thermodynamic analysis of the actual air cycle refrigeration system", International Conference on Risk and Engineering Management (REM), 2011, pp-112-116. [5] Giuseppe Grazzini, Adriano Milazzo, Samuele Piazzini, "Prediction of condensation in steam ejector for a refrigeration system", International Journal of Refrigeration, 2011, pp-1641-1648. NileshB.Totala, MukundBawake, NirajBhagtani,ShriniwasGovardhan, Akshay Babar |
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370. | Web Usage Pattern Discovery using Contextual Factor: Credibility
Web Usage Pattern Discovery using Contextual Factor: CredibilityAbstract: Here we present a new technique of pattern discovery technique based on analysis of contextual factors. The approach is based on Web classification algorithm and task classification algorithm. In order to find the discovered pattern, here we present a preprocessing and web page classification technique based on the Cs-Uri-Stem field of log file, in which we classifies the pages index as well as content pages. The result of classified web page via index or content will be used for further task classification algorithm. The task classification will be achieved by connecting cs-uri-stem and cs-uri-query field of log file. The Experimental result shows the cluster of user (session) and their task like casual and careful user. At the end result Analysis of contextual factor search interest and difficulty, credibility, page frequency and browser dependence is observed. Using this approach we can find other contextual factors easily and improve the performance of system. The result of finding is useful for adaptive services as well as site modification of web sites. Main task of this system is observation of the web log file manually and recommendations for the modification of the sites.Key words: Contextual factors, Credibility, Task classification, Web usage mining, Web page classification. Reference [1] J.Choi J. Seo,G. Lee, " Analysis of web Usage pattern in consideration of Various Contextual Factors" , In Proceeding of 7th Workshop on Intelligent Techniques of Web Personalization & Recommender Systems at IJCAT ‟09, July. pp. 1-12, 2009 [2] Jinhyuk Choi, Geehyuk Lee. "New Techniques for Data Pre-processing Based on Usage Logs for Efficient Web User Profiling at Client Side", In Proceeding of International Joint Conferences on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technologies pp. 54-57, 2009 [3] Yongjian Fu, Ming – Yi shih , Mario Creado , Chunhua Ju , "Reorganizing Web sites based on user Access Patterns " In Proceeding of 10th international conference on Information and knowledge management Atlanta , Georgia USAACM 2001 pp. 1-15 , 2001 [4] Peter I. Hofegang , De boelelaan ," Methodology for preprocessing and Evaluating the time spent on web pages , In Proceeding of the IEEE / ACM International Conferences on web Intelligence pp. 1-8 , 2006 . [5] Julia Schwarz, Meredith Ringel Morris," Augmenting Web Pages and search Results to Support Credibility Assessment", In Proceeding of ACM International Conferences, pp .1-10, 2011 Ms. Ravita Mishra |
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371. | A Supplier Evaluation System for Automotive Industry According To Iso/Ts 16949 Requirements
A Supplier Evaluation System for Automotive Industry According To Iso/Ts 16949 RequirementsAbstract: ISO/TS 16949 technical specification combines demands of all automotive manufacturers and indicates a well-defined, unique quality assurance system target for all companies in automotive industry. This study improves a special supplier selection and evaluation system for the companies in automotive industry due to the necessities of ISO/TS 16949.A hierarchical frame is first created by Voting Analytic Hierarchy Process (VAHP) to define the criteria and sub criteria of a quality assurance system. VAHP is improved by integrating Quality Function Deployment (QFD) when assigning weights of each criterion and sub criteria of the system. Linear programming model is used to convert the voting results to weights.Key words: Analytic hierarchy process, ISO/TS 16949, Quality function deployment, Supplier selection, Voting analytic hierarchy process Reference [1] U. Akinc, Selecting a set of vendors in a manufacturing environment, Journal of OperationsManagement, 11, 1993,107-122. [2] F. Roodhooft, J. Konings, Vendor selection and evaluation an Activity Based Costing approach, European Journal of Operational Research, 96(1), 1997, 97-102. [3] C.C. Li, Y.P. Fun, J.S. Hung, A new measure for supplier performance evaluation, IIE Transactions on Operations Engineering, 29, 1997, 753-758. [4] L. Boer, L.Wegen, J.Telgen, Outranking methods in support of supplier selection. European Journal of Purchasing&Supply Management, 4, 1998,109-118. [5] J. Liu, F.Y.Ding, V.Lall, Using data envelopment analysis to compare suppliers for supplier selection and performance improvement. Supply Chain Management:An International Journal, 5(3), 2000, 143-150. [6] S. Talluri, J. Sarkis, A model for strategic supplier selection, The Journal of Supply Chain Management, 38 (1), 2002, 18-28. Dilek Pınar Öztop, Aslı Aksoy, Nursel Öztürk |
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372. | Incremental Conductance MPPT Method For Photovoltaic System
Incremental Conductance MPPT Method For Photovoltaic SystemAbstract: Solar power being a renewable energy resource has tremendous potential of usage in the imminent future and this paper is going to discuss an effective strategy to maximize solar energy harvest. This study has been done using MATLAB/Simulink combining solar modules, incremental conductance MPPT algorithm block and boost converter control block. Though solar energy harvest is dependent of irradiance, temperature and other climatic conditions it is imperative that a photovoltaic system operates at a maximum power point (MPP) in order to extract maximum energy from the system. The incremental conductance algorithm is an energy optimization strategy that provides fast dynamic response and well regulated photovoltaic (PV) output voltages. In addition, the number of parameter needed to be monitored are significantly lower than other algorithms, making the implementation much more streamlined and cost effective. This paper is going to discuss the observations of maximum power point tracking implemented on a solar power grid, thus augmenting its efficiency.Key words: perturb-and-observe, maximum power point tracking, incremental conductance, boost converter. Reference [1] M.A.G de Brito, L.P Sampaio, G. Luigi Jr., G.A. eMelo, and C.A. Canesin, "Comparative Analysis of MPPT techniques for FV applications" International Conference on Clean Electric Power (ICCEP), 2011, pp. 94-104. [2] D. Rekioua and E. Matagne., Optimization of Photovoltaic power systems, Modernization, Simulation and Control, Springer, 2012. [3] D.P. Holm, M.E. Ropp, "Comparative study of maximum power point algorithm," Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, vol. 11, no.1, pp. 47-62, Jan. 2003. [4] Z.Yan, L. Fei, Y.Jinjun and D.Shanxu, "Study on realizing MPPT by improved incremental conductance method with variable step size," Proc. IEEE ICIEA, pp. 547-550, 2008. [5] I. Batarseh, T. Kasparis, K.Ruston, W. Qiu, N. Pongratananukul, W. Wu "DSP based multiple peak point tracking for expandable power system," in Proc. 18th Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference Expo. , vol. 1, Feb 2003, pp. 525-530. Soham Ghosh, Venmathi Mahendran |
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373. | Tribological Investigation of Mahua Oil Based Lubricant for Maintenance Applications
Tribological Investigation of Mahua Oil Based Lubricant for Maintenance ApplicationsAbstract: Limited crude reserves, consistently rising oil prices, unsafe disposal of the harmful lubricants and its guaranteed adverse aftereffects has increased concern for replenishing the environment. Development of environmental friendly lubricants and its appropriate usage is an option of prime importance which can overcome such problems. This paper investigates the prospects of Mahua oil based lubricant for maintenance applications. Mahua oil is blended with conventional gear oil (90T) in different ratios. Tribo pair used is plain carbon steel cylindrical pin and mild steel disc . Friction and wear parameters have been studied on Pin on Disc Tester under varying conditions. Worn out pins suggests pronounced abrasive and adhesive wear pattern under boundary film lubricated conditions. Experimentation reveals that addition of mahua oil blended with 90 T oil has good wear reducing traits apart from environmental benefits.Key words: Mahua Oil, Bio-Lubricant, Non-Edible Vegetable Oil, Mineral Oil, Blending, Viscosity Reference [1] Theo, Mang ,W. Dresel, ― Lubricants and Lubrication‖ 2nd Ed. 4,2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim ISBN: 978-3-527-31497-3. [2] "Margins Indian Lubricant Industry‖, CRISIL report, 2005. [3] Ioan S.,―On the Future of Biodegradable Vegetable Lubricants Used for Industrial Tribo Systems‖,Gal I Fascicie 2002;VIII:pp 1221-4590. [4] WilfriedJ. Bartz, ―Ecotribology: Environmentally Acceptable Tribological Practices‖, Tribology International, Vol. 39, 2006, pp728–733. [5] Adhvaryu A, Biresaw, G., Sharma, B.K., Erhan, S.Z., ―Friction Behavior of Some Seed Oils: Biobased Lubricant Applications‖, Ind. Eng.Chem. Res. 45, 2006, pp 3735-3740. [6] Willing, A., ―Lubricants Based on Renewable Resource – An Environmentally Compatible Alternative to Mineral Oil Products‖ Chemosphere, 2001, Vol. 43, pp 89–98. Amit Suhane, A.Rehman, H.K.Khaira |
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374. | Kerberos Based Emergency Services System
Kerberos Based Emergency Services SystemAbstract: The Emergency services numbers are widely used in different countries, It is a three-digit number, which is used for different emergency services like ambulance, police and fire. Some countries are having a single emergency number for all emergency services and there are also some other countries which are having different emergency numbers for different emergency services. The popularity of these emergency numbers are increasing day by day, due to this popularity, fake emergency calls or prank calls or hang-up calls are also increasing and such type of calls are not only a wastage of time but also wasting lots of emergency resources and because of false calling many times the needed people are not able to get the emergency services and in many countries these fake calls are very common because there is no provision of giving punishment on fake calling.Key words: Authentication Server (AS), Kerberos, Kerberos Based Emergency Services System (KBESERV), Subscriber Identity Module (SIM Card). Reference [1] "Emergency Telephone Number" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emergency_telephone_number (Last Accessed on 27/07/2013). [2] CBS News (February 11, 2009) "911 Crank Makes 2,000 Fake Emergency Calls" http://www.cbsnews.com/2100-201_162-3230862.html (Last Accessed on 28/07/2013). [3] Zee News.com (May 06,2013) "India No 1 in road accident deaths" http://zeenews.india.com/news/nation/india-no-1-in-road-accident-deaths_704455.html (Last Accessed on 25/07/2013). [4] One India News (July 11,2013) "Fake calls affect ambulance service in Koraput" http://news.oneindia.in/2013/07/11/fake-calls-affecting-ambulance-service-in-koraput-1257118.html (Last Accessed on 27/07/2013). [5] The Bulletin Editorial Team (September 14,2012) "One-third of emergency calls are fake" http://www.xpats.com/one-third-emergency-calls-are-fake (Last Accessed on 26 July 2013). Yashwant Singh Patel, Nitish Kumar Singh |
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375. | Novel Approach In Brain Tumor Classification Using Artificial Neural Networks
Novel Approach In Brain Tumor Classification Using Artificial Neural NetworksAbstract: Brain tumor is one of the serious disease causes death among the people. Tumor is an uncontrolled growth of tissue in any part of the body. In this work we are taking MR images as input; MRI i.e. is directed into internal cavity of brain and gives the complete image of brain. A Brain tumor detection and classification system is introduced in this paper. The system uses image processing and neural network techniques to detect tumor and to classify the type of tumor. The histogram equalization, image adjustment, thresholding functions are used for detection of tumor. BW label function is used for the determination of centroid of the tumor. Dilate operator are also used to make boundaries of the tumor look continues. In this paper Neural network methods are used for classification of tumor in MR images. In the neural network we are using back propagation method .The two layer feed forward network is trained with back propagation for the classification of tumors.Key words: Brain tumor, MRI, ANN. Reference [1] Adekunle M. Adesina, (2010), Introduction and overview of brain tumors, [online], Available: http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-1-4419-1062-2_0. [2] S Jayaraman, S Esakkiraian and T Veerakumar, "Image Enhancement" in Digital Image Processing, New Delhi, India, Tata McGraw Hill, 2010, pp. 243-323. [3] Gonzalez, R.C. Richard, E.W; "Digital Image Processing," Pearson Education, New Delhi, India., 2004 pp.793. [4] Sonka, M. Hlavac, V. Boyle, R. "Image processing, Analysis, and Machine Vision," (2004). II Edition, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi pp.821 [5] Simon Haykin, "Neural Network designs". I Edition, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, India, 2004 pp.938. [6] Jaceck Zurada, "Introduction to Artificial neural systems," West publishing, St. Paul, MN, pp.790 Madhusudhanareddy P, Dr. I. Santi Prabha |
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376. | Digital Simulation Of Current Fed Quasi - Z Source Inverter
Digital Simulation Of Current Fed Quasi - Z Source InverterAbstract: Quasi-Z Source Inverters (qZSIs) are an improvement to traditional Z Source inverters (ZSIs). The advantages of qZSIs include different combinations of: lower component ratings, reduced source stress, reduced component count and simplified control strategies. The conventional current-source inverter (CSI) has two major problems: unidirectional power flow and voltage boost operation, which make it impossible to be used in many applications such as hybrid electric vehicles and general-purpose variable-speed motor drives. ZSIs can solve above problems with a limitation of boosting up the output current levels. This can be overcome with the proposed Current-fed quasi-impedance source inverter. This paper presents a comprehensive study on the new features of current-fed qZSI, which include the advantageous like boost function, improved reliability and reduced passive component ratings.Key words: Current-source inverter (CSI), voltage-source inverter (VSI), Z - Source inverter (ZSI), Current fed quasi Z Source inverter (qZSI). Reference [1] F. Z. Peng, ―Z-source inverter,‖ IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 39, no. 2, pp. 504–510, Mar./Apr. 2003. [2] J. Aderson and F. Z. Peng, ―Four quasi-Z-source inverter,‖ in Proc. IEEE Power Electron. Spec. Conf., 2008, pp. 2743–2749. [3] K. Zhou and D. Wang, ―Relationship between space-vector modulation and three-phase carrier-based PWM: A comprehensive analysis,‖ IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 49, no. 1, pp. 186–196, Jul. 2002. [4] B. Wu, J. Pontt, J. Rodrıacute guez, S. Bernet, and S. Kouro, ―Current source converter and cycloconverter topologies for industrial medium voltage drives,‖ IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 7, pp. 2786–2796, Jul. 2008. [5] D. N. Zmood and D. G. Holmes, ―Improved voltage regulation for current source inverters,‖ IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 37, no. 4, pp. 1028– 1036, Jul. 2001 [6] P.S Bimbhra, Power Electronics, 4th ed., Khanna Publishers-New Delhi, India, 2010. C. Syda Mubeen, G. Kishor |
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377. | Determinations of Reactive Reserve Based On Stability Limit Using Tcsc
Determinations of Reactive Reserve Based On Stability Limit Using TcscAbstract: Determination of the voltage stability is essential in power system operation and planning. It is well known that voltage stability is associated with reactive power flow in the network. To determined the stability limit through power flow analysis, in this paper NR-method with appropriate representation of FACTS device TCSC; is used. NR-method, with accurate model of TCSC controller; is implemented on IEEE 9-bus system. Result is found that TCSC controller significantly increases the loading limit of a power system.Key words: voltage stability, TCSC, NR algorithm Reference [1] Overbye T. J and De Marco C. L.," Voltage Security Enhancement Using Energy Based Sensitivities", IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol.-6, No.-3, pp.-1196-1202, August 1991. [2] Byung H. L. and Kwang Y. L., "Dynamic And Static Voltage Stability Enhancement Of Power Systems", IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol.-8, No.-1, pp.-231-238, February 1993. [3] Kundur P., "Power System Stability And Control," The EPRI power engineering series, McGraw Hill, New York 1994 [4] Rajaraman R, Alvarado F, Arthur M, Camfield R, and Jalali S,"Determination Of Location And Amount Of Series Compensation To Increase Power Transfer Capability", IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol.-13, No.-2, pp.-294-300, 1998 May. [5] Hingorani N.G.and Gyugyi L., "Understanding FACTS: Concepts And Technology Of Flexible AC Transmission System", IEEE Press, A John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Publication, 2000. [6] Fuerte-Esquivel C.R., Acha E. and Ambriz-PBrez H., "A Thyristor Controlled Series Compensator Model For The Power Flow Solution Of Practical Power Networks", IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. Vol.-15, No.-1, pp.-58-64, February 2000. Shobhna Patley |
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378. | Sparse Audio Tampering Based On Compressive Sensing Techniques
Sparse Audio Tampering Based On Compressive SensingAbstract: A large amount of techniques have been proposed to identify whether a multimedia content has been illegally tampered or not. Nevertheless, very few efforts have been devoted to identifying which kind of attack has been carried out, especially due to the large data required for this task. We propose a novel hashing scheme which exploits the paradigms of compressive sensing and distributed source coding to generate a compact hash signature, and we apply it to the case of audio content protection. At the content user side, the hash is decoded using distributed source coding tools. If the tampering is sparsifiable or compressible in some orthonormal basis or redundant dictionary, it is possible to identify the time-frequency position of the attack, with a hash size as small as 200 bits/second; the bit saving obtained by introducing distributed source coding ranges between 20% to 70%. The audio content provider produces a small hash signature by computing a limited number of random projections of a perceptual, time-frequency representation of the original audio stream; the audio hash is given by the syndrome bits of an LDPC code applied to the projections. By using the DCT as signal preprocessor in order to obtain a sparse representation in the frequency domain, we show that the subsequent application of CS represent our signals with less information than the well-known sampling theorem. This means that our results could be the basis for a new compression method for audio and speech signals.Key words: digital audio data authentication, robust audio fingerprinting system, Multimedia Signal Processing Reference [1] M Steinebach, J Dittmann, Watermarking-based digital audio data authentication. EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing 2003(10), 1001–1015 (2003). Publisher Full Text [2] J Fridrich, Image watermarking for tamper detection. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP '98), October 1998, Chicago, Ill, USA 2, 404–408 [3] JJ Eggers, B Girod, Blind watermarking applied to image authentication. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP '01), May 2001, Salt Lake, Utah, USA 3, 1977–1980 [4] D Kundur, D Hatzinakos, Digital watermarking for telltale tamper proofing and authentication. Proceedings of the IEEE 87(7), 1167–1180 ,Y-C Lin, D Varodayan, B Girod, Image authentication based on distributed source coding. Proceedings of IEEE Mr.Abhang S.B, Prof.Gundal S.S |
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379. | The Santa Catarina Mark 1 Bioimpedance System: Preliminary Results
The Santa Catarina Mark 1 Bioimpedance System: Preliminary ResultsAbstract: The electrical bioimpedance spectroscopy is used as powerful technique for characterizing biological materials and detecting tissue anomalies. Commercial impedance analyzers can make impedance measurements of biological materials in a wide frequency range. However, they are expensive and have not been manufactured for measuring in vivo biological materials due to safety concerns. This work presents the performance of first bioimpedance system of the State University of Santa Catarina (BIATRON I). It is based on a FPGA which generates the signals and processes the data to be visualized in the computer via an USB interface. It contains an isolated front-end measuring system, guard electrodes for compensating cable capacitances and an impedance probe which can be fully sterilized in autoclaves. Measurements were taken from five saline solutions in order to perform the system frequency response. Data were converted into impedance by using a novel PSO algorithm. Results have shown that the developed system is reliable for measuring impedance spectra of saline solutions. Future measurements from biological tissues are going to be done for a fully characterization.Key words: Electrical Bioimpedance, FPGA, Guard Electrodes, PSO Algorithm, Tissue Impedance Reference [1] S. Abdul, B.H. Brown, P. Milnes, and J. Tidy, The use of Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy in the detection of Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia, Int J. Gynecological Cancer, 16, 2006, 1823-1832. [2] A. Keshtkar, Z. Satlehnia, and B. Shokouhi, Cancer Detection Using Electrical Impedance Technique (Tabriz Mark 1), Pathology Research International, 2012, 1-5. [3] P. Aberg, I. Nicander, and S. Ollmar, Minimally invasive electrical impedance spectroscopy of skin exemplified by skin cancer assessments, Proc. of the EMBS Annual Int. Conf., Cancun, Mexico, 2003, 3211-3214. [4] P. Aberg, I. Nicander, J. Hansson, P. Geladi, U. Holmgren, and S. Ollmar, Skin Cancer Identification Using Multifrequency Electrical Impedance—A Potential Screening Tool, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 51(12), 204, 2097-2102 [5] C. Skourou, A. Rohr, P.J. Hoopes, and K.D. Paulsen, In vivo EIS characterization of tumor tissue properties is dominated by excess extracellular fluid, Phys. Med. Biol. 52(2), 2007, 347–363. Pedro Bertemes-Filho, Emiliano Amarante Veiga |
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380. | Fpga Secured Wireless Communication Using Aes
Fpga Secured Wireless Communication Using AesAbstract: Now a day's wireless secure communication is the main aspect in network applications development. Earlier technologies like Bluetooth with secure communication using secure wireless connection terminals on a field programmable gate array (FPGA) gives most efficient secure communication in wireless networks. It has shown better results in terms of throughput rate and power consumption which are very important parameters in Bluetooth based wireless communication systems. In this techniques cost and speed are the two main factors in communication for wireless techniques. This paper presents a compact implementation of advanced encryption standard AES using different devices of FPGA technology. This implementation can be carried out through several trade-off between area and speed.Key words: FPGA, AES, cryptography, VHDL, compact encryption / decryption implementation, embedded systems. Reference [1] Youquan Zheng and Zhenming Feng. Simplifications of the Bluetooth radio devices. In Networked Appliances, 2002. Gaithersburg. Proceedings. 2002 IEEE 4th International Workshop on, pages 107–115, 2002. [2] K. J¨arvinen, M. Tommiska, and J. Skytt¨a. Comparative survey of high performance cryptographic algorithm implementations on FPGAs. In IEE Proceedings on Information Security, volume 152, pages 3 – 12, October 2005. [3] Gaj, K and P. Chodowiec, " Comparison of the hardware performance of the AES candidates using reconfigurable hardware", Proceeding of RSA Security conference – Cryptographer's Track, San Francisco, CA,2001 [4] Ga¨el Rouvroy, Franc¸ois-Xavier Standaert, Jean-Jacques Quisquater and Jean-Didier Legat, "Compact and Efficient Encryption [5] Giacinto Paolo Saggese, Antonino Mazzeo, Nicola Mazzocca, and Antonio G. M. Strollo. An FPGA-based performance analysis of the unrolling, tiling, and pipelining of the AES algorithm. In FPL, pages 292–302, 2003. [6] Xinmiao Zhang and Keshab K. Parhi, "Implementation Approaches for the Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithm," IEEE Circuits and systems Magazine, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 24–46, 2003 Mr. Rahane M. D, Prof. Turkane S. M |
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381. | A Miniaturized Dms/Dgs Bandpass Filter
A Miniaturized Dms/Dgs Bandpass FilterAbstract: In this paper, a bandpass filter is proposed with dumbbell shaped defected ground structure in ground plane of a 50Ω Microstrip line and a closed loop resonator in the conducting strip. This arrangement provides better coupling in pass band. Using DGS structure, forward transmission loss (S21) is -1 dB and return loss (S11) is -20 dB at the centre frequency 3.2 GHz with bandwidth of 200 MHz. A conventional parallel coupled line bandpass filter has also been implemented with exactly same design goals for the sake of comparison. The proposed bandpass filter with DGS is quite promising with 28% size reduction.Key words: Bandpass Filter, coupled line, CST 2011, DGS Reference [1] L. H. Weng, Y. C. Guo, X. W. Shi, and X. Q. Chen, "An Overview on Defected Ground Structure," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B (PIER B), vol. 7, pp. 173-189, 2008. [2] F. Karshenas, A. R. Mallahzadeh, and J. Rashed-Mohassel, "Size Reduction and Harmonic Suppression of Parallel Coupled- Line Bandpass Filters Using Defected Ground Structure," Applied Computational Electromagnetic Society (ACES) Journal, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 149-155, Feb. 2010. [3] M. Al Sharkawy, A. Boutejdar, F. Alhefnawi, and O. Luxor, "Improvement of Compactness of Lowpass/Bandpass Filter using a New ElectromagneticCoupled Crescent DefectedGround Structure Resonators," Applied Computational Electromagnetic Society (ACES) Journal, vol. 25, no. 7, pp. 570 – 577, July 2010. [4] N. M. Garmjani and N. Komjani, "Improved Microstrip Folded Tri-Section Stepped Impedance Resonator Bandpass Filter using Defected Ground Structure," Applied Computational Electromagnetic Society (ACES) Journal, vol. 25, no. 11, pp. 975-983, November 2010. [5] J.S. Hong, and M.J. Lancaster, Microstrip Filters for RF/Microwave Applications, Wiley, New York, 2001. [6] CST Microwave Studio 2011. [7] M. Kirschning, and R.H. Jansen, "Accurate wide-range design equations for parallel coupled microstrip lines", IEEE Trans. MTT-32, Jan. 1984, pp. 83-90. Corrections in IEEE Trans. MTT-33, March 1985, p. 288. Ragani Taoufik, N. Amar.Touhami, Mohamed Aghoutane |
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382. | Communication System Modeling Of Wireless Sensor Network For Early Landslide Detection
Communication System Modeling Of Wireless Sensor Network For Early Landslide DetectionAbstract: This study aims to create an optimal communication path modeling of Wireless Sensor Network applied for early detection of landslide. It uses Network Simulator 2 (NS2) to design and analyze the QoS parameter on WSN network. Stages of simulation are started from designing, modeling and finally simulating the communication path. Based on the result of simulation, modeling analysis can be undertaken by parameters such as throughput, delay, packet loss and packet delivery fraction.Key words: Wireless Sensor Network, throughput, delay, packet loss, packet delivery fraction, landslide early detection. Reference [1] R. Sumiharto, Arief Permana, Implementation of Temperature Monitoring System Using MultHop Wireless System Network, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, 2010. [2] Zheng Jun, Jamalipour Abbas, Wireless Sensor Network "Networking Perspective", IEEE, 2009. [3] Wirawan, Rachman S, Pratomo I, Mita N. Design of Low Cost Wireless Sensor Networks –Based Environmental Monitoring System for Developing Country. Proc. Int. Conference APCC 14th Asia- Pacific. Tokyo, Japan. 2008; 1-5. [4] Abdul, Haris JO; Wirawan, 2009, Wireless Sensor Network of Single Point Architecture as Implementation Mode of Spread Control System, Sepuluh Novermber Institute of Technology, Surabaya. [5] Eni,Dwi kora, Wirawan, 2008, Performance Analysis of Distributed Detection System on Wireless Sensor Network, Postgraduate School of ITS Surabaya. [6] Chung-Hsin Liu, Po-Cheng Teng, The Analysis for the Attack on the Wireless Bridge Monitoring System, Chinese Culture University, Taiwan. [7] Andi Bayu Wirawan, Eka Indarto, Easy to Develop Simulation by Network Simulator-2, Andi Publisher, Yogyakarta, 2004. Hafsah Nirwana, Zahir Zainuddin, Zaryanti Z, M.Bakri M, Muh.Tola, N Harun, Salama M, Andani |
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383. | An Improved Variable Step-Size Incremental Lmsadaptive Algorithm over Distributed Networks for Dealing with Changing Noise
An Improved Variable Step-Size Incremental Lmsadaptive Algorithm over Distributed Networks for Dealing with Changing NoiseAbstract: In this paper we will study the performance of improved variable step-size LMS algorithm over distributed networks when dealing with jump systems and changing noise environments. In jump systems the energy and variance of noise changes suddenly and then gets back to normal afterwards. The conventional VSSLMS algorithm cannot keep pace with these variations, and the performance degrades dramatically. So we propose an improved adaptive variable stepsize LMS algorithm to mitigate these performance deficiencies over distributed networks that face with jumping and changing noise frequently.Key words: variable step-size, least mean square, jump noise systems, distributed networks, incremental. Reference [1] D. Estrin, G. Pottie and M. Srivastava, Intrumenting the world with wireless sensor networks, Proc. IEEE ICASSP, pp. 2033-2036, May 2001. [2] D. Bertsekas, A new class of incremental gradient methods for least squares problems, SIAM J. Optim., vol.7, no. 4, pp. 913-926, Nov.1997. [3] Lopes, C. G. and Sayed, A. H., Distributed adaptive incremental strategies: formulation and perform, Proc. ICASSP 06, 3: 584-587, 2006. [4] Lopes, C. G. and Sayed, A. H., Incremental adaptive strategies over distributed networks, IEEE trans. on signal processing, vol. 55, pp. 4064- 4077, 2007. [5] Rabbat M. G. and Nowak, R. D., Quantized incremental algorithms for distributed optimization, IEEE Journal on Sel. Areas in Comm., vol. 23, pp. 798-808, 2005. Ehsan Mostafapour, Afshin Arjhangmehr, Alirza Alizadeh |
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384. | Experimental Investigation to Study Flow Characteristics over a Naca0018 Aerofoil and an Automobile Dome-A Comparative Study Experimental Investigation to Study Flow Characteristics over a Naca0018 Aerofoil and an Automobile Dome-A Comparative StudyAbstract: Experiments are carried out to study static pressure distribution and drag variations over NACA0018 aerofoil and over an automobile dome. Static pressure coefficients are calculated along the chord length for different angles of attack for both the test models and the results are compared. Further, the relationship between coefficient of drag and Reynolds number has been arrived for different angles of incidence. It was found that coefficient of drag decreases as the Reynolds number increases and cd is higher at higher angles of incidence for both the aerofoil and automobile dome.Key words: Wind Tunnel; Angle of Attack (AOA); Pressure Reference [1] Anderson Jr, J.D., Computational fluid dynamics: The Basics with Applications.Mc Graw-Hill, Inc, New York, 1995. [2] Desai M. et.al, a comparative assessment of two experimental methods for aerodynamic performance evaluation of a car, Journal of scientific & Industrial research, vol.67, July 2008, pp 518-522. [3] Harris Yong & Randy Chang lift and drag effects of a rear wing on a passenger vehicle, Independent lab project, 1997. [4] Islam M.M. & Mamun M., computational drag analysis over a car body, Proc.of international conference on Marine Technology, 11-12 December 2010, Dhaka, Bangladesh, pp 155-158. [5] Muyl F. et.al, Hybrid method for aerodynamic shape optimization in automotive industry, computers & fluids, 33(2004) 849-858. M. Sri Rama Murthy, A. V. S. S. K. S. Gupta |
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385. | Image Thumbnails Using Reducing Method
Image Thumbnails Using Reducing MethodAbstract: A standard image thumbnail is generated by filtering and sub sampling when the blur and noise of an original image is lost since the standard thumbnails do not distinguish between high quality and low quality originals. In this paper an efficient algorithm with a blur –generating component and a noise generating component preserves the local blur and the noise of the originals. The new thumbnails are more representative of their originals for blurry images .The noise generating component improves the results for noisy images but degrades the results for textured images .The decision to use the noise component of the new thumbnails should based on testing with the particular image mix expected for the application.Key words: Standard thumbnails, image quality, noise modeling Reference [1] A.K.Jain Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing.Englewood cliffs NJ; Prentice-Hall,1989. [2] A.Munoz,T.Blu,and M.Unser,"Least-squares image resizing using finite differences",IEEE Trans.Image Process,2001. [3] R.Samadani,S.Lim,and D.Tretter, "Representative image thumbnails for good browsing,"in Proc.IEEE Int.Conf.Image Processing,sep2007,vol.II. [4] Y.Ke,X.Tang,and F.Jing, " The design of high-level features for photo quality assessment,"in IEEE Computer Society Conf.Computer Visionand Pattern Recognition,2006,vol.1. [5] A.Wondruff, A.Faulring, R.Roshenholtz, J.Morrison, and P.Prolli, "Using thumbnails to search the web,"in Proc.CHI,Apr.2001. Laxmareddy, Arun |
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386. | Maximum Power Point Tracking With Sliding Mode Contro
Maximum Power Point Tracking With Sliding Mode ControlAbstract: In this paper utilization of a boost converter for control of photovoltaic power using Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) control mechanism is presented. First the photovoltaic module is analyzed using SIMULINK software. For the main aim of this work the buck converter is to be used along with a Maximum Power Point Tracking control mechanism. The MPPT is responsible for extracting the maximum possible power from the photovoltaic and feed it to the load via the boost converter. The main aim will be to track the maximum power point of the photovoltaic module so that the maximum possible power can be extracted from the photovoltaic.Key words: Maximum power point tracking, MPPT, photovoltaic generator, sliding mode control Reference [1] P. Maffezzoni and D. D'Amore, "Compact electro thermal macromodeling of photovoltaic modules," IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II, Exp. Briefs, vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 162–166, Feb. 2009. [2] K. H. Hussein, I. Muta, T. Hoshino, and M. Osakada, "Maximum photovoltaic power tracking: An algorithm for rapidly changing atmospheric conditions," in IEE Proc. Gener., Transm., Distrib., 1995, vol. 142, pp. 59–64. [3] Z. Zinger and A. Braunstein, "Dynamic matching of a Solar-Electrical (photovoltaic) system an estimation of the minimum requirements on the matching system," IEEE Trans. Power App. Syst., vol. PAS-100, no. 3, pp. 1189–1192, 1981. [4] T. Esram and P. L. Chapman, "Comparison of photovoltaic array maximum power point tracking techniques," IEEE Trans. Energy Convers., vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 439–449, Jun. 2007. [5] D. Shmilovitz, "On the control of photovoltaic maximum power point tracker via output parameters," IEE Trans. Power Appl., vol. 152, no. 2, pp. 239–248, Mar. 2005. Aswathy G Nair, Kevin Varghese |
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387. | Determination of Spectrum of ![]() Determination of Spectrum of Masons with Interaction Potential and Spin and Isospin EffectsAbstract: As we know![]() ![]() Reference [1] Hodgson, P. E. Gadioli, E. Gadioli Erba, E. Introductory Nuclear Physics,1997. [2] Rajabi, A. A. Spectrum Of Mesons And Hyperfine Dependence Potentials, Iranian Journal Of Physics, Vol 6, No. 2, 2006. [3] Shojaei, M. R. Rajabi, A. A. Hyper Constituent Quark Model And 7, The Hyperfine Dependence Potentials, Iranian Journal Of Physics, Vol, No. 2, 2007. [4] Krane, Kenneth S. Introductory Nuclear Physics, 1988. Ghalenovi, Zahra. Rajabi, A. A. Meson And Geuon. Hadi Arabshahi, Maryam Moonesi |
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ULTRA-LOW POWER SUBTHRESHOLD CMOS INVERTER AT 90nm CMOS TECHNOLOGYAbstract: In the medium power consumption design region, alot of efforts have been made. However, much research has not been done at the ultra-low power with acceptable performance and high performance design with power. This paper focuses on design techniques for ultra-low power dissipation where performance is of secondary importance. One way to achieve this goal is by running the CMOS inverter circuit in sub threshold mode.[2,3]The incentive of operating the circuit in sub threshold mode is to be able to exploit the sub threshold leakage current as the operating current for the circuit.Key words: Sub threshold Power, CMOS Inverter Reference [1] Srinivasa Rao.Ijjada, S.V.Sunil Kumar,M. Dinesh Reddy, Sk.Abdul Rahaman,Dr.V. Malleswara Rao, "Design of low power and high speed inverter," International Journal of Distributed and Parallel Systems (IJDPS) Vol.2, No.5, September 2011. [2] Hendrawan Soeleman and Kaushik Roy, "Ultra-Low Power Digital Subthreshold Logic Circuits," International Journal of Distributed and Parallel Systems (IJDPS) Vol.2, No.5, September 2011. [3] Vishal Sharma, Sanjay Kumar , "Design of Low-Power CMOS Cell Structures Using Sub threshold Conduction Region," International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 2, Issue 2, February 2011. [4] Xiaoxia Wu Feng Wang Yuan Xie, "Analysis of sub threshold Finfet circuits for ultra-low power design" International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 2, Issue 2, April 2011. [5] Vijay Kumar Sharma & Surender Soni, "Comparison among different CMOS inverter for Low leakage at different Technologies, " International journal of applied engineering research,Dindigul ,Volume 1, No 2, 2010. Shruti Hathwalia, Sansar Chand Sankhyan |
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389. | Context Based Dynamic Verbal Management System
Context Based Dynamic Verbal Management SystemAbstract: Verbal ability refers to a person's facility at putting ideas into words, both oral and written. This facility involves possessing not only a strong working vocabulary but also the ability to choose the right words to convey nuances of meaning to a chosen audience. Verbal ability is usually demonstrated as the ability to write and speak well. We describe an approach to construct a learning tool that makes a complex text document to be simple without losing its context and meaning to user or the reader of the document. The word resource that will be using is WordNet which is an open source under Princeton University which is a outcome of 30years of research and dedication. This tool not only make the text to be simple but even this will make the tool to go dynamic by developing its knowledge base with the WordNet and things to go updated into synsets. In this paper we present the methodology for Word Sense Disambiguation based on domain information. Domain is a set of words in which there is a strong semantic relation among the words.Key words: WordNet, Comprehension Index (CI), Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD), Word Knowledge, Domain. Reference [1] Chen, J. and J. Chang 1998. Topical Clustering of MRD Senses Based on Information Retrieval techniques. Computational Linguistics. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. Vol.24(1), pp. 61-95. [2] E. Agirre and G. raigu. 1996. Word Sense Disambiguation using Conceptual Density. In Proceeding of COLLING, pages 16-22. [3] M. Lesk, Vocabulary problems in retrieval systems, in Proc. 4th Annual Conference of the University of Waterloo Centre for the New OED. 1988. [4] Ganesh Ramakrishnan, B. Prithviraj, Pushpak Bhattacharyya. A Gloss Centered Algorithm for Word Sense Disambiguation. Proceedings of the ACL SENSEVAL 2004, Barcelona, Spain. P. 217-221. [5] Magnini, B., Strapparava, C., Pezzulo, G., Gliozzo, A., 2002. The role of domain information in word sense disambiguation. Natural Language Engineering 8 (4), 359–373. [6] Gregory Aist. 2001. Towards automatic glossarization: automatically constructing and administering vocabulary assistance factoids and multiple-choice assessment, International Journal of AI in Ed., 2001. Sharanappa S Yarnal, Ajay N, Shrihari M R |
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390. | Imitated Rulepossession From Identical Web Sites Using Rule Ontology
Imitated Rulepossession From Identical Web Sites Using Rule OntologyAbstract: The rule ontology is a generalized, condensed, and specifically rearranged version of the existing rules. Rule acquisition research is relatively unpopular while there are many works on ontology learning. We proposed an automatic rule acquisition procedure using ontology, named Rule To Onto, that includes information about the rule components and their structures. We started from the idea that it will be helpful to acquire rules from a site if we have similar rules acquired from other similar sites of the same domain. Rule To Onto is a generalized, condensed, and specifically rearranged version of the existing rules. The rule acquisition procedure consists of the rule component identification step and the rule composition step. We used stemming and semantic similarity in the former step and developed the A* algorithm[1] in the latter step. This paper focuses on using Rules Extraction to automatically augment web pages with semantic annotations, and find out whether and how ontology Rules Extractions could be used in the extraction process.Key words: rule extraction, rule onto, semantic similarity, stemming. Reference [1] J.C. Beck and M. Fox, "A Generic Framework for Constraint Directed Search and Scheduling," AI Magazine, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 101-130, 1998. [2] P. Cimiano and J. Volker, "Text2onto-a Framework for Ontology Learning and Data-Driven Change Discovery," Proc. 10th Int'l Conf. Applications of Natural Language to Rules Systems (NLDB), pp. 227-238, 2005. [3] Sangun Park and Juyoung Kang "Using Rule Ontology in Repeated RuleAcquisition from Similar Web Sites" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING, VOL. 24, NO. 6, JUNE 2012 [4] B. Priyadharshini, A. Mohana, R. Radhika, "Retrieving Rules Using Composetoonto Based On Stemming Algorithm From Similar Web Sites" , International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) Vol. 2 Issue 3, March - 2013 ISSN: 2278-0181 [5] David Sánchez, Montserrat Batet, David Isern, Aida Valls, "Ontology-based semantic similarity: a new feature-based approach" Intelligent Technologies for Advanced Knowledge Acquisition (ITAKA),Departament d'Enginyeria Informàtica i Matemàtiques, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Avda. Països Catalans, 26. 43007 Tarragona (Spain) Ms. Vidya. V, Mrs. S. C. Punitha |
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391. | Adaptive Cruise Control Systems for Vehicle Modeling Using Stop and Go Manoeuvres
Adaptive Cruise Control Systems for Vehicle Modeling Using Stop and Go ManoeuvresAbstract: This research paper deals with the design of adaptive cruise control (ACC) which was implemented on a passenger car using PID controller. An important feature of the newly based adaptive cruise control system is that, its ability to manage a competent inter-vehicle gap based on the speed of host vehicle and headway. There are three major inputs to the ACC system, that is, speed of host vehicle read from Memory unit, headway time set by driver, and actual gap measured by the Radar scanner. The system is been adapted with the velocity control at urban environments avoids mitigate possible accidents. This paper deals with the design, modulating, and estimation of the controllers performing actions on the longitudinal control of a car to accomplish stop-and-go manoeuvres.Key words: Adaptive Cruise control, Inter Vehicle Gap, Stop and Go Manoeuvres Reference [1] Adaptive Cruise Control System Overview, 5th Meeting of the U.S. Software System Safety Working Group April 12th-14th 2005 @ Anaheim, California USA. [2] N. B. Hounsell, B. P. Shrestha, J. Piao, and M. McDonald, "Review of urban traffic management and the impacts of new vehicle technologies," IET Intell. Transport Syst., vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 419–428, 2009. [3] Control tutorials for Matlab: Example: Modeling a cruise control system. http://www.engin.umich.edu/group/ctm/examples/cruise/cc.html [4] S. Moon, I. Moon, and K. Yi, "Design, tuning and evaluation of a fullrange adaptive cruise control system with collision avoidance," Control Eng. Pract., vol. 17, pp. 44 [5] Karnfelt, C. et al.. 77 GHz ACC Radar Simulation Platform,IEEE International Conferences on Intelligent Transport Systems Telecommunications (ITST), 2009 V.V Sivaji, Dr. M.Sailaja |
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392. | Designing Of a Low Cost Based Alerting System to Prevent the Train Accidents Using GSM and GPS Technology
Designing Of a Low Cost Based Alerting System to Prevent the Train Accidents Using GSM and GPS TechnologyAbstract: This paper is proposed to design the rail engines with a new emergency automatic braking system called Vigilance Control Device (VCD) to prevent the train accidents due to the un-alertness of the loco pilots. The proposed system is a microcontroller based safety system which will enhance safety of the passengers by cyclically generating warnings and by automatically stopping the train if the driver is fast asleep or incapacitated or dead. This paper also gives the information to the higher authorities regarding the position of the loco crew and the position of the train where it is stopped by using Global System for Mobile communication (GSM) and Global Positioning System (GPS) technologies. If the loco pilot does not perform a regular task such as accelerating or braking for a stipulated period of time a message will be send to the Vigilance Control Officer (VCO) through GSM. After the train is stopped automatically by applying the penalty brake, its position is tracked by GPS and a message will be send to the vigilance control officer.Key words: Control, loco, GPS, GSM, pilot, vigilance Reference [1] ITSR, Driver Safety Systems Discussion Paper, 2006, Australia/New South Wales Independent Transport Safety Regulator: Sydney, p.32. [2] Whitlock, Driver vigilance devices: systems review (and RSSB response) 2002, Rail Safety and Standards Board/Quintec, p.105. [3] M. A. Mazidi, "The 8051 Microcontroller & Embedded Systems" (Pearson Education Asia, India, 2nd edition, 2008). [4] Raj Kamal, "Embedded System- Architecture, Program-ming and Design" (Tata McGraw Hill Publisher, 2nd edition, 2008). [5] GSM User Manual, SIMCOM LTD, August 2006. [6] http://www.atmel.com [7] http://www.simcom.com [8] Skytraq Venus 6 GPS Module ST22 Data Sheet. Ch.Sindhura, B.R.B.Jaswanth |
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393. | Ofdm Implementation Using Self-Cancellation Techniques in Wireless Networks
Ofdm Implementation Using Self-Cancellation Techniques in Wireless NetworksAbstract: With the rapid growth of digital communication in recent years, the need for high speed data transmission is increased. Moreover, futureWirelessSystemsare expected to support a wide range of services which includes video, data and voice. OFDMis a promising candidate for achieving high data rates in mobile environment because of its multicarrier modulation technique and ability to convert a frequency selective fading channel into severalnearly flat fading channels. Now OFDM is being widely used in wireless communications standards, such as IEEE 802.11a, the multimedia mobile access communication (MMAC), and the HIPERLAN/2. However, one of the main disadvantages of OFDM is its sensitivity against carrier frequency offset and high PAPR which causes intercarrier interference (ICI). This paper deals with design of an OFDM mechanism in a wireless technology and implementation of double frequency hopping in CDMA to overcome inter channel interferences.Key words: FHCDMA, HIPERLAN, ICI, MMAC, OFDM Reference [1] H.Sari,G.Karam,and I. Jeanclaude, "Transmission techniques for digitalterrestrial TV broadcasting," IEEE Comm. Mag., vol. 33, pp. 100-109,Feb. 1995. [2] R. van Nee and R. Prasad, OFDM for Wireless Multimedia Communications. Artech House, 2000. [3] J.-Z. Wang and L. B. Milstein, "CDMA overlay situations for micro-cellular mobile communications," IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 43, no.2/3/4, pp. 603-614, Feb./Mar./Apr. 1995. [4] J.-Z. Wang and J. Chen, "Performance of wideband CDMA systemswith complex spreading and imperfect channel estimation,"IEEE J. Sel.AreasCommun., vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 152-163, Jan. 2001 [5] AbdullahS. ALARAIMInd Takeshi HASHIMOTO "PAPR and OOBP of OFDM and their Improvementby using Self Cancellation Codings" IEEE Commun.,PP3 -4Oct 2011 Suri V S Lalithamadhuri, K. Ramadevi |
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394. | Optical and Magnetic Studies on ZnO Nanocrystals both Pure and Doped Prepared By Microwave Assisted Solvothermal Method
Optical and Magnetic Studies on ZnO Nanocrystals both Pure and Doped Prepared By Microwave Assisted Solvothermal MethodAbstract: Nano-structured Zinc oxide is of high potential importance and has wide range of applications. We have made an attempt to investigate the effect of adding Mn2+ and S2- separately as dopants on the structural, optical, and magnetic properties of nano-structured ZnO. A total of five samples pure and Mn2+ and S2- added each with two different concentrations viz. 2.5 and 5.0 weight percentages were prepared by a simple, cost-effective, solvothermal method using a domestic microwave oven. The powder X-ray diffraction analysis indicates the hexagonal phase and average grain sizes ranging within 13 to 16 nm. The optical absorption study indicates blue shift on doping. The Photoluminescence spectra indicate violet and bluish green emissions for all the samples studied. The vibration sample magnetometric measurements indicate weak ferromagnetism for all the samples studied.Key words: Band gap energy, Ferromagnetism, Nanoparticles, Solvothermal, XRD analyses Reference [1] T.Tindade, Nanocrystalline Semiconductors: Synthesis, Properties, and Perspectives, Chem. Mater 13, 2001, 3843-3858. [2] A.P.Alivisatos, Semiconductor Clusters, Nanocrystals, and Quantum Dots, Science 271,1996,933-937. [3] Z.A. Peng, X.G. Peng, Formation of High-Quality CdTe, CdSe, and CdS Nanocrystals Using CdO as Precursor Z, J.Am.Chem. Soc 123,2001, 183-184. [4] Y. Ohno, D. K. Young, B. Beschoten, F. Matsukura, H. Ohno and D. D. Awschalom, Electrical spin injection in a ferromagnetic semiconductor heterostructure, Nature, 402, 1999, 790-791. [5] S. J. Pearton, C. R. Abernathy, M. E. Overberg, G. T. Thaler, D. P. Norton, N. Theodoropoulou, A. F. Hebard, Y. D. Park, F. Ren, J. Kim, and L. A. Boatner, Wide band gap Ferromagnetic semiconductors and oxides, J. Appl Phys. 93,2003, 1-13. [6] T. Dietl, H. Ohno, F. Matsukura, J. Cibert, and D. Ferrand, Zener Model Description of Ferromagnetism in Zinc-Blende Magnetic Semiconductors, Science, 287, 2000,1019-1022. N. Saraswathi, N. Neelakanda Pillai, C. K. Mahadevan |
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396. | Enhanced High Resolution Colour Image Using Discrete and Stationary Wavelet Transform
Enhanced High Resolution Colour Image Using Discrete and Stationary Wavelet TransformAbstract: The resolution of an image can be enhanced using a technique based on interpolation of the high frequency subband images obtained by discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and the input image. The edges are enhanced by introducing an intermediate stage by using stationary wavelet transform (SWT). DWT is applied in order to decompose an input image into different subbands. Then the high frequency subbands as well as the input image are interpolated. The estimated high frequency subbands are modified by using high frequency subband obtained through SWT. Then all these subbands are combined to generate a new high resolution image by using inverse DWT (IDWT). This white balance is to average the brightest and darkest pixels on the image. Gaussian filters are a class of linear smoothing filters with the pixels chosen according to the shape of a Gaussian function. The amount of smoothing performed by the filter will be the same in all directions.Key words: Discrete wavelet transform, Stationary wavelet transform, Image resolution enhancement, Interpolation techniques, subband images, white balance, Gaussian filter Reference [1] Hasan Demirel And Gholamreza Anbarjafari "Image Resolution Enhancement By Using Discrete And Stationary Wavelet Decomposition" IEEE Transactions On Image Processing Vol.20.No.5.May 2011. [2] S. Mallat, A Wavelet Tour of Signal Processing, 2nd ed. New York: Academic, 1999. [3] Sebastin Mantabone, "Beginning Digital Image Processing" [4] Rafael C. Gonzalez & Richard E. Woods "Digital Image Processing", Third edition [5] A. Temizel, "Image resolution enhancement using wavelet domain hidden Markov tree and coefficient sign estimation," in Proc. Int. Conf. Image Process., 2007, vol. 5, pp. V-381–384 [6] J. E. Fowler, "The redundant discrete wavelet transform and additive noise,"Mississippi State ERC, Mississippi State University, Tech. Rep. MSSU-COE-ERC-04-04, Mar. 2004. Sri M.V. Bhavani Sankar, Sri K. Suresh Babu |
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397. | Fingerprint Recognition Using Minutiae Extractar
Fingerprint Recognition Using Minutiae ExtractarAbstract: The popular Biometric used to authenticate a person is fingerprint which is unique and permanant throughout the person life.Fingerprint Recognition or fingerprint authentication refers to the automated methods of verifying a match between two human fingerprint Fingerprints are widely used in daily life for more than 100 years due to its feasibility, distinctiveness, permanence, accuracy, reliability, and acceptabilityA large number of approaches to fingerprint matching and various algorithm and methods are behind their matching procedure,Example of these matching are correlation matching ,Minutiae Based matching and pattern based matching. In this paper we projected Fingerprint Recognition using Minutia Score matching method.Key words: Biometric authentication, Fingerprint recognition, Minutiae matching, Correlation Matching, Pattern Matching. Reference [1] Handbook of Fingerprint Recognition by Davide Maltoni, Dario Maio, Anil K. Jain & Salil Prabhakar [2] Fingerprint Recognition, Paper by WUZHILI (Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Hong Kong Baptist University) 2002 [3] Fingerprint Classification and Matching by Anil Jain (Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Michigan State University) & Sharath Pankanti (Exploratory Computer Vision Group IBM T. J. Watson Research Centre) 2000 [4] Fingerprint database - FVC2002 (Fingerprint Verification Competition 2002) [5] Wikipedia link - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fingerprint_rec ognition. [6] Journal of Electronic Imaging/Mehmet Sezgin and Bulent Sankur; Survey over image thresholding techniques and quantitative performance evaluation/Jan.2004 Manisha Redhu and Dr.Balkishan |
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398. | Modeling and Simulation of Three-Phase Power Transformer
Modeling and Simulation of Three-Phase Power TransformerAbstract: Power transformers are among the most important and expensive equipments in the electric power systems. Consequently the transformer protection is an essential part of the system protection. This paper presents a new method for locating transformer winding faults such as turn-to-turn, turn-to-core, turn to transformer body, turn-to-earth, and high voltage winding to low voltage winding. In this study the current and voltage signals of input and output terminals of the transformer are measured by Fourier transform signals measure in matlab/simulation.Key words: turn-to-turn faults, short circuit, Fourier transformation, matlab/simulation. Reference [1] IEEE Std C37.91-2000, "IEEE Guide for Protective Relay Applications to Power Transformers." [2] J. Webster (ed.), "Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering," Transformer Protection, (c) 1999, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [3] M. R. Barzegaran and M. Mirzaie, "Detecting the position of winding short circuit faults in transformer using high frequency analysis," European Journal of Scientific Research, vol. 23, 2008, pp. 644- 658. [4] A. Shintemirov, W. J. Tang, W. H. Tang, and Q.H. Wu, "Improved modeling of power transformer winding using bacterial swarming algorithm and frequency response analysis," Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 80, 2010, pp. 1111–1120. [5] M. A. Abdul Rahman, H. Hashim, and P. S. Ghosh, "Frequency response analysis of a power transformer," Electrical Engineering Department, College of Engineering, Universiti Tenaga Nasional. V. D. Dhote , P. G. Asutkar , Subroto Dutt |
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399. | Flexural Behavior of Self Compacting High Strength Fiber Reinforced Concrete (SCHSFRC)
Flexural Behavior of Self Compacting High Strength Fiber Reinforced Concrete (SCHSFRC)Abstract: In this experimental study the changes on some mechanical properties of self compacting concrete specimen produced by silica fume, metakaolin, fly ash and steel fibers were investigated. The main objective of this is to obtain ductile Self Compacting High Strength Concrete (SCHSC) which flows under its own weight and homogeneity while completely filling any formwork and passing around congested reinforcement. The Self Compacting High Strength Concrete produced by using silica fume, metakaolin, fly ash, steel fibers and Polycarboxylatether base superplasticizer. Three types of steel fibers were used in the experiments and volume fractions of steel fiber were 0.5% to 4.0 %. Addition of silica fume, metakaolin and fly ash into the concrete were 2.5 %, 2.5 % and 10 % by weight of cement content respectively. Water/cement ratio was 0.29. Flexural strength test were made on hardened concrete specimens.Key words: Fly Ash, Flexural strength High Strength Concrete (HSC), High Strength Fiber Reinforced Concrete (HSFRC), Metakaolin, Silica fume, Steel Fibres. Reference [1] Hajime Okamura and Masahiro Ouchi, "Self Compacting Concrete", Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology Vol. 1, No. 1, April 2003, pp. 5-15. [2] Khayat K. H., "Workability, Testing and Performance of Self Consolidating Concrete", ACI Materials Journal, Vol. 96, No. 3, May-June 1999, pp.346-354. [3] EFNARC, "The European Guidelines for Self Compacting Concrete Specification, Production and Use", May 2005. [4] Jacek K.," Steel Fiber and Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete in Civil Engineering", The Pacific Journal of Science And Technology, Vol. 7, No. 1, May2006, pp.53-58. [5] Chuan Mein Wong, "Use of Short Fibres in Structural Concrete to Enhance Mechanical Properties", University of Southern Queensland, November 2004. Vinayak B. Jatale, M. N. Mangulkar |
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400. | Implementing Agricultural Applications Using Wireless Sensor Network and Securing Them Using Advanced Encryption Standard
Implementing Agricultural Applications Using Wireless Sensor Network and Securing Them Using Advanced Encryption StandardAbstract: A wireless sensor network (WSN) is a large number of sensor nodes distributed throughout large geographical area of interest. These sensors monitor various conditions by measuring different parameters like temperature, pressure, sound, light intensity, heat, movement, etc. The sensed data is routed to the sink node via intermediate sensor nodes. Thus we get accurate information about the parameters present in that area. Application design can be simplified by providing a set of programming primitives for sensor networks that abstract the details of low-level communication, data sharing, and collective operations. The focus on sensor networks for agriculture has a main topic of low power consumption and efficient implementation of hardware and software for various applications.Reference [1]. Chee-Yee Chong, Srikanta P. Kumar, " Sensor Networks: Evolution, Opportunities, and Challenges", pp.1247-1254, Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 91, No. 8, August 2003. [2]. http://www.atmel.in/devices/ATMEGA328. aspx? [3]. Yazeed Al-Obaisat, Robin Braun,"On Wireless Sensor Networks: Architectures, Protocols, Applications, and Management", University of Technology, Sydney, Australia. [4]. Shahin Farahani ,"ZigBee Wireless Networks and Transceivers", Newnes publications www.books.elsevier.com [5]. Xiaojiang Du, Hsiao-Hwa Chen, "Security in Wireless Sensor Networks, Proceedings Of IEEE, Vol.15, No. 4, Aug. 2008 Durvesh Pilankar, Tanmay Sawant, Radhika Sule, Shweta Mahadeshwar |
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401. | An Object Shape Completion Using the Shape Boltzmann Machine
An Object Shape Completion Using the Shape Boltzmann MachineAbstract: An object shape plays a crucial role in many computer vision applications such as segmentation, object detection, inpainting and graphics. An object shape mainly depends upon local and global variables. Local variables on the shape such as smoothness and continuity can help provide correct segmentations where the object boundary is noisy, unclear or lost in shadow. Global variables on the shape such as ensuring the correct number of parts (legs, wheels, wings etc) can resolve ambiguities where background clutter looks similar to part of the object. In this paper, we present a new learning algorithm for Boltzmann machines that contain two layers of hidden units that we call a Shape Boltzmann Machine (ShapeBM) for the task of modeling foreground/background (binary) and parts-based (categorical) shape images. We show that the ShapeBM can generate more realistic and generalized samples and ability to do shape completion suggests applications in a computer graphic setting.Key words: Boltzmann Machine, Generalized, Generative, Realistic, Sampling. Reference [1] N. Jojic and Y. Caspi, Capturing Image Structure with Probabilistc Index Maps, In CVPR, 2004, 212-219. [2] T. Cemgil, W. Zajdel and B. Krose, A Hybrid Graphical Model for Robust Feature Extraction from video, In CVPR, 2005, 1158-1165. [3] E. Borenstein, E. Sharon, and S. Ullman. Combining Top-Down and Bottom-Up Segmentation. In CVPR Workshop on Perceptual Organization in Computer Vision, 2004. [4] C. Rother, V. Kolmogorov, and A. Blake. ―GrabCut‖: interactive foreground extraction using iterated graph cuts. SIGGRAPH, 2004, 309–314. [5] S. Nowozin and C. Lampert. Global connectivity potentials for random field models. In CVPR, 2009, 818–825. Mr. B. Srinidhi, Mr. E. Suneel |
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402. | Advanced Segmentation Techniques Using Genetic Algorithm for Recognition of Lung Diseases from CT Scans of Thorax
Advanced Segmentation Techniques Using Genetic Algorithm for Recognition of Lung Diseases from CT Scans of ThoraxAbstract: In this study, texture based segmentation and recognition of the lung diseases from the computed tomography images are presented. The texture based features are extracted by Gabor filtering, feature selection techniques such as Information Gain, Principal Component Analysis, correlation based feature selection are employed with Genetic algorithm which is used as an optimal initialisation of the clusters. The feature outputs are combined by watershed segmentation and the fuzzy C means clustering. The images are recognized with the statistical and the shape based features. The four classes of the dataset of lung diseases are considered and the training and testing are done by the Naive Bayes classifier to classify the datasets. Results of this work show an accuracy of above 90% for the correlation based feature selection method for the four classes of the dataset.Key words: Features, Genetic Algorithm, Image Segmentation, Texture, Training. Reference [1] Manish Kakara, Dag Rune Olsen, "Automatic segmentation and recognition of lungs and lesion from CT scans of thorax ", IEEE transactions on Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics ,33 (2009) 72–82 [2] Ribeiro, M. X.; Balan, A. G. R.; Felipe, J. C.; Traina, A. J. M.; Traina Jr., C." Mining statistical association rules to select the most relevant medical image features." ,First International Workshop on Mining Complex Data (IEEE MCD‟05), Houston, USA: IEEE Computer Society, 2005, p. 91–98 [3] C. Bhuvaneswari, P. Aruna, D. Loganathan" Feature Selection Using Association Rules for CBIR and Computer Aided Medical Diagnostic", International Journal of Computer & Communication Technology ISSN (PRINT): 0975 - 7449, Volume-4, Issue-1, 2013 [4] Uppaluri R, Hoffman EA, Sonka M, Hartley PG, Hunninghake GW, McLennan G.,"Computer recognition of regional lung disease patterns." American Journal of Respiratory Critical Care Med ,1999;160:648–54. [5] Shyu CR, Brodley CE, Kak AC, Kosaka A, Aisen AM, Broderick LS. "ASSERT: a physician-in-the-loop content based retrieval system for HRCT image databases". Computer Visual Image Understanding, 1999; 75: 111–32. C. Bhuvaneswari, P. Aruna, D. Loganathan |
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403. | Assessing the Technical and Economic Feasibility of a Stand-Alone PV System for Rural Electrification: A Case Study
Assessing the Technical and Economic Feasibility of a Stand-Alone PV System for Rural Electrification: A Case StudyAbstract: Harnessing the solar energy to power electric appliances starts by converting the energy coming from the sun to electricity. Photovoltaic is the direct conversion of the solar energy into electricity. Exploiting of solar energy for domestic use is one avenue where the energy emitted from the sun is converted into electricity to power most if not all the appliances available at our homes and residences. Building a photovoltaic system is the process of designing, selecting and calculating the ratings of the equipments employed in the system. This paper presents a study on a stand-alone photovoltaic (PV) system to provide the required electricity for a single residential household in India. The complete design of the suggested system is carried out, such that the site radiation data and the electrical load data of a typical household in the considered site are taken into account during the design steps. Also, the life cycle cost (LCC) analysis is conducted to assess the economic viability of the system. The results of the study encouraged the use of the PV systems to electrify the rural sites in India.Key words: Renewable Energy Systems, Photovoltaic Stand-Alone Power System, PV array, storage battery. Reference [1] A. Guglielmo, S. Stefano Redi, A. Tatnall and T. Markvart, "Harnessing High-Altitude Solar Power," IEEE Transactions Energy Conversion, 24(2), 2009, 442-451. [2] G. C. Bakos and M. Soursos, "Techno- Economic Assessment of a Stand-Alone PV/Hybrid Installation for Low-Cost Electrification of a Tourist Resort in Greece," Applied Energy, 73(2), 2002, 183-193. [3] W. M. Rohouma, I. M. Molokhia and A. H. Esuri, "Comparative Study of Different PV Modules Configuration Reliability," Desalination, 209(1-3), 2007, 122-128. [4] D. Lowe and C. R. Lloyd, "Renewable Energy Systems for Remote Areas in Australia," Renew Energy, 22(1-3), 2001, 369-378. [5] Survey of renewable energy in India (Tata Energy Research Institute, New Delhi, 2001). Pranav Birajdar, Shruti Bammani, Abhishek Shete, Rahul Bhandari, Shrinivas Metan |
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404. | Productivity Improvement in Automated Material Handling System of Liquor Manufacturing Plant
Productivity Improvement in Automated Material Handling System of Liquor Manufacturing PlantAbstract: Material handling systems are commonly used in almost all the industries in all over the world. It is an art and science involving moving, packaging and storing of substances in any form. In the field of engineering and technology, the term material handling is used with reference to industrial activity. This report contains an automated material handling system used for manufacturing alcohol from agricultural products (grain, sugar and flour etc.). It consists of PLC (Programmable Logic Controller), SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System) or DCS (Distributed Control System) to visualize and control the system. Modifications are carried out in this automated material handling system used in liquor manufacturing plant, one at conveyor system and other at crushing section. These modifications have resulted in a great productivity improvement.Key words: Automation, Liquor manufacturing plant, Material handling system, Productivity improvement. Reference [1] Mikell P. Groover, Automation, production systems and computer integrated manufacturing (Tata McGraw-Hill Publication Ltd., Third Edition, New Delhi), 781-786. [2] Eckert, K., Frank, T., Hadlich, T.,Fay, A., Vogel-Heuser B., Diedrich, Typical Automation Functions and Their Distribution in Automation Systems, Emerging Technology & Factory Automation (ETFA) 2011, IEEE 16th Conference on 10.1109/ETFA.2011.6059123, 1-8. [3] Sebastian Faltinski, Oliver Niggemann, Natalia Moriz, and Andre Mankowski, Automation ML: From Data Exchange to System Planning and Simulation, International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), 2012 IEEE International Conference on 10. 1109/ICIT.2012.62099, 378-383. [4] Klotz, T., Straube, B.,Fordham, E., Haufe, J., Schulze, F., Turek, K., Schmidt, T, An Approach to the verification of Material Handling Systems, Emerging Tech-nologies & Factory Automation (ETFA) 2011, IEEE16th Conference 10.1109/ETFA..2011.6059043, 1-8. [5] Masao Ogawa and Yutaka Henmi, Recent development on PC and PLC based Control Systems for Beer Brewery Process Automation Applications, SICE-ICA SE International Joint Conference 2006, Oct 18- 21, 2006 in Bexco, Bussan, Koria, 1053-1056. Gautam B.Ghegadmal, Late.Prof. Ashok S. Patole, Prof. Vaishali S. Kumbhar, Prof. Vinayak H. Khatawate |
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405. | The Influence of Observed Clay Content on Shear Strength and Compressibility of Residual Sandy Soils
Influence of Observed Clay Content on Shear Strength and Compressibility of Residual Sandy SoilsAbstract: The occurrence and distribution of soils in nature is such that, the various type of soil can be found together. Most of the engineering design methods and parameters of structures on soil have been developed for ideal soils such as pure sands or pure clays; the reality is that these ideal soils are rarely found in nature. In a sand-clay mixture, it is quite difficult to establish the characteristics of the soil since it possesses both the properties of sand and clay. Typical soils encountered in the Voltaian geological formation of Ghana is sand, however, particle size distribution of the Voltaian soils show that the sand occurs with other soil types especially clay. The influence of the clay portion of the soil on the strength and compressibility of the sandy soil has been investigated using field samples of sand and clay mixtures. It was established that, the soils cohesion increase with increasing clay content, the friction angle decreased with increasing clay content at the same moisture content. The compression index increases with the clay content and decreases with the initial void ratio. The plasticity index also increases with clay content.Reference [1] Dickson, K.B. and Benneh, G., A New Geography of Ghana. Pearson Educational Limited, Essex, England. 1988. [2] Kesse, G. O., Mineral and Rock Resources in Ghana. A.A. Balkema Publishers. 1985. [3] Kim D., Sagong M., Lee Y., Effects of fine aggregate content on the mechanical properties of the compacted decomposed granitic soils. Construction and Building Materials, 2005. 189 – 96. [4] Luis E. V. Roger M., Porosity influence on the shear strength of granular material–clay mixtures. Engineering Geology, Volume 58, Issue 2, 2000. 125-13. [5] Mehmet M. M., Gurkan O., Compressional behavior of clayey sand and transition fines content. Engineering Geology, Volume 89, Issues3–4,2007.195-205 Dr. Cfa Akayuli, Bernard Ofosu, Seth O. Nyako, Kwabena O. Opuni |
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406. | Developmental and Experimental Study of Solar Powered Thermoelectric Refrigeration System
Developmental and Experimental Study of Solar Powered Thermoelectric Refrigeration SystemAbstract: Design and developmental methodology of thermoelectric refrigeration has been explained in detail also the theoretical physical characteristics of thermoelectric cooling module used in this research work have been investigated. Authors have been designed and developed an experimental prototype of thermoelectric refrigeration system working on solar photo voltaic cells generated DC voltage. The developed experimental prototype having a refrigeration space of 1liter capacity is refrigerated by using four numbers of Peltier module (Supercool : PE-063-10-13, Qmax=19W) and a heat sink fan assembly used (Model No: TDEX6015/TH/12/G, Rth=1.157 oC/W ) to increase heat dissipation rate from hot side of Peltier module.Key words: Peltier effect, Thermoelectric module, Figure of merit, Coefficient of Performance, Solar Photo voltaic cells. Reference [1] Dai Y. J., Wang R. Z. & Ni L., Experimental investigation and analysis on a thermoelectric refrigerator driven by solar cells, Solar energy material and solar cells,77, 2003, 377-391. [2] Abdul-Wahab Sabah A., Elkamel A., Al-Damkhi Ali M., Al-Habsi Is'haq A., Al-Rubai'ey' Hilal S., Al-Battashi Abdulaziz K., Al-Tamimi Ali R., Al-Mamari Khamis H. & Chutani Muhammad U., Design and experimental investigation of portable solar thermoelectric refrigerator, Renewable Energy, 34(1), 2009, 30-34. [3] Abdullah M. O., Ngui J. L., Hamid K. Abd., Leo S. L., & Tie S. H., Cooling Performance of a Combined Solar Thermoelectric-Adsorption Cooling System: An Experimental Study, Energy Fuels, 23, 2009, 5677-5683. [4] Taylor R. A. & Solbrekken G. L., Comprehensive System-Level Optimization of Thermoelectric Devices for Electronic Cooling Applications, IEEE Transactions on components and packaging technologies, 31(1), 2008, 23-31. [5] Huang B.J., Chin C.J. & Duang C.L. A design method of thermoelectric cooler, International Journal of Refrigeration, 23, 2000, 208-218. [6] Rowe D. M., Thermoelectrics handbook: Macro to Nano (CRC, Taylor & Francis, 2006) 1-4, 6-7. [7] Z. Luo, A simple method to estimate the physical characteristics of a thermoelectric cooler from vendor datasheets, Electronics cooling, 14(3), 2008, 22-27. [8] Rawat M.K., Chattopadhyay H. & Neogi S., A review on developments of thermoelectric refrigeration and air conditioning systems: a novel potential green R&AC technology, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, 3 (3), 2013, 362-367. Manoj Kumar Rawat, Prasanta Kumar Sen, Himadri Chattopadhyay, Subhasis Neogi |
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407. | Traffic Generator Based Power Analysis of Different Routing Protocol For Mobile Nodes in Wireless Sensor Network Using Qualnet
Traffic Generator Based Power Analysis of Different Routing Protocol For Mobile Nodes in Wireless Sensor Network Using QualnetAbstract: A sensor network is a system that consists of thousands of very small stations called sensor nodes. The communication between nodes is done in a wireless approach, and thus, the name of wireless sensor networks. The service lifetime of such sensor nodes depends on the power supply and the energy consumption, which is typically dominated by the communication subsystem. There has been growing interest in the WSN applications where traffic and mobility is the fundamental characteristic of the sensor nodes. The most important advantage of this traffic generator model is that it can be applied to all one and two dimensional traffic scenarios where the traffic load may fluctuate due to sensor activities.Key words: Wireless sensor network, Power model, Mobility, QualNet Simulator 5.0, Routing Protocols Reference [1] M. Vieira, J. Coelho, C.N., J. da Silva, D.C., and J. da Mata, "Survey on wireless sensor network devices," in Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, 2003. Proceedings. ETFA '03. IEEE Conference, vol. 1, 2003, pp. 537 – 544. [2] E. M. Royer and C. K. Toh, "A review of current routing protocols for ad hoc mobile wireless networks," IEEE Personal Communications, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 46–55, 1999. [3] B. Ahmed, Md. K. Ben Islam, J. Rahman, "Simulation, Analysis and Performance Comparison among different Routing Protocols for Wireless Sensor Network", Computer Engineering and Intelligent Systems Vol 2, No.4, pp.61- 71, 2011 [4] Gowrishankar. S, T.G. Basavaraju, Subir Kumar Sarkar," Issues in Wireless Sensor Networks", In proceedings of The 2008 International Conference of Computer Science and Engineering, (ICCSE 2008). [5] G., V Paul, M.V.,P Jacob, K. S Kumar, "Mobility Metric based LEACH-Mobile Protocol," in Advanced Computing and Communications, 2008. ADCOM 2008. 16th International Conference, 2009. Dharam Vir, Dr. S. K. Agarwal, Dr. S. A. Imam |
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408. | A New Control Scheme for Power Quality Improvement with STATCOM
A New Control Scheme for Power Quality Improvement with STATCOMAbstract: The influence of the wind turbine in the grid system concerning the power quality measurements are-the active power, reactive power, variation of voltage, flicker, harmonics, and electrical behavior of switching operation and these aremeasured according to national/international guidelines. The main functional requirements of the STATCOM in this thesis are to provide shunt compensation, operating in capacitive mode only, in terms of the following; Voltage stability control in a power system, as to compensate the loss voltage along transmissionThe paper study demonstrates the power quality problem due to installation of wind turbine with the grid. In this proposed scheme STATCOM is connected at a point of common coupling . The STATCOM control scheme for the grid connected wind energy generation system for power quality improvement is simulated using MATLAB/SIMULINK in power system block set.Key words: STATCOM, BESS, Power quality, Wind energy System (WES). Reference [1] Sannino, ―Global power systems for sustainable development,‖ in IEEE General Meeting, Denver, CO, Jun. 2004. [2] K. S. Hook, Y. Liu, and S. Atcitty, ―Mitigation of the wind generation integration related power quality issues by energy storage," EPQU J., vol. XII, no. 2, 2006. [3] R. Billinton and Y. Gao, ―Energy conversion system models for adequacy assessment of generating systems incorporating wind energy,‖ IEEE Trans. on E. Conv., vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 163–169, 2008, Multistate. [4] Wind Turbine Generating System—Part 21, International standard-IEC 61400-21, 2001. [5] Manel, ―Power electronic system for grid integration of renewable energy source: A survey,‖ IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 1002–1014, 2006, Carrasco. K. Sheshu Kumar, K. Suresh Kumar, Sk Baji |
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409. | Performance Analysis of MIMO Multi-Carrier CDMA with QPSK Modulation in Rayleigh Channel
Performance Analysis of MIMO Multi-Carrier CDMA with QPSK Modulation in Rayleigh ChannelAbstract: MC-CDMA(Multi Carrier Code Division Multiple Access) plays an important role in modern wireless communications. Modern communication required an efficient spectrum usage and capacity and throughput.MC-CDMA provided the solution of these problems. MIMO refers to links with multiple antennas at the transmitter and receiver side. CDMA systems combined with multiple antennas is a promising technique, beyond 3G and 4G wireless communications. MIMO provides spatial diversity, which mitigates the fading. The usage of multiple antennas can significantly improve the performance of wireless communication system. This work also derives simulation through MATLAB of average bit error rate verses bit energy to noise ratio of multicarrier code division multiple access over Rayleigh channel using QPSK modulation additive white Gaussian noise.Key words: MC-CDMA, QPSK Modulation, Rayleigh Channel, AWGN, BER. Reference [1] Hara , S., &Prasad, R.(l999). "Design & perfonnance of MC-CDMA system in frequency-selectivefading channels". IEEE Trans. On Veh.Tech.48,(5) 1584-1595 [2] Yee. N, Linnartz. J and Fettweis. G, "Multi- carrier CDMA for indoor wireless radio networks", Proc. International Symposium on PIMRC-93, 109-113,Sept 1993. [3] DS-CDMA, MC-CDMA, MT-CDMA for Mobile Multi-Media communication Vehicular Technology Conference,1996. "Mobile Technology for the Human Race", IEEE 46th. [4] Lui, Hui (2000), "Signal processing application in CDMA communication" [5] Hara, Shinsuke and Prasad, Ramjee (1997), "Overview of Multicarrier CDMA",IEEE Comm. Magazine, 35, 126 Karmjeet Singh, Rajbir Kaur |
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410. | Synchronization of Signalised Intersections: A Case Study of Three Major Intersections on the 24th February Road, Kumasi, Ghana
Synchronization of Signalised Intersections: A Case Study of Three Major Intersections on the 24th February Road, Kumasi, GhanaAbstract: Signalized intersections are critical elements of an urban road transportation system and maintaining these control systems at their optimal performance for different demand conditions has been the primary concern of the traffic engineers. Traffic simulation models have been widely used in both transportation operations and traffic analyses because simulation is safer, less expensive, and faster than field implementation and testing. This study evaluated performance of selected signalized intersections using micro simulation models in Synchro/SimTraffic. Traffic, geometric and signal control data including key parameters with the greatest impact on the calibration process were collected on the field. At 5% significant level, the Chi square test and t-test analyses revealed that headway had a strong correlation with saturation flow compared to speed for both field and simulated conditions. It was concluded that changes in phasing plan with geometric improvement would improve upon the selected signalized intersection's level of service. An interchange therefore should be constructed at Anloga intersection to allow free movement of vehicles thereby minimizing congestion and accident occurrences. Stadium and Amakom signalized intersections should be coordinated to allow as many vehicles as possible to traverse those intersections without any delay.Key words: Performance measures, Sensitivity Analysis, Signalized intersections, Synchro/ Sim Traffic, S Reference 1]. Drew, D.R. (1968). Traffic flow theory and control. New York: McGraw-Hill [2]. Kallberg, H. (1971). Traffic simulation (in Finnish). Licentiate thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, Transportation Engineering. Espoo. [3]. BCEOM and ACON Report (2004). Consultancy Services for Urban Transport Planning and Traffic Management Studies for Kumasi and Tamale for DUR (Ministry of Transportation, Ghana), Chapter 5, pp. 37-52 [4]. Carole Turley (2007). Calibration Procedure for a Microscopic Traffic Simulation Model. A Thesis submitted to the faculty of Brigham Young University, pp 2-19 [5]. Gerlough, D., and Huber, M. (1975) Traffic flow theory. A monograph. TRB Special Report 165. Washington, D.C. E. K. Nyantakyi, C. A. Adams, J. K. Borkloe and D. Pobee |
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411. | Method for Solving Unbalanced Transportation Problems Using Trapezoidal Fuzzy Numbers
Method for Solving Unbalanced Transportation Problems Using Trapezoidal Fuzzy NumbersAbstract: The fuzzy set theory has been applied in many fields such as operation research, management science and control theory etc. The fuzzy numbers and fuzzy values are widely used in engineering applications because of their suitability for representing uncertain information. In standard fuzzy arithmetic operations we have some problem in subtraction and multiplication operation. In this paper we investigate fuzzy unbalanced transportation problem with the aid of trapezoidal fuzzy numbers and fuzzy U-V distribution methods is proposed to find the optimal solution in terms of fuzzy numbers. A new relevant numerical example is also included.Key words: Fuzzy numbers, trapezoidal fuzzy numbers, fuzzy vogels approximation method, fuzzy U-V distribution method, ranking function. Reference [1] Inseramann H."The enumeration of all efficient solutions for a linear multiple – objective transportation Problem" Naval Research Logistics, Quarterly 26 (1979) PP – 123 – 139. [2] Ringuset J.L.Rinks, D.B., " Interactive solutions for the linear multi objective transportation problem". European Journal of operational research 32 (1987). PP96-106. [3] Bellman R.E., Zadeh L.A, " Decision making in a fuzzy environment", Management Sci. 17(1970). PP.141-164. [4] Charnas S.Delgado.M., Verdegy J.L., Vila M.A., "Interval and fuzzy extension of classical transportation problems", Transporting planning technol.17 (1993), PP.203-218. [5] Lai Y.J., Hwang C.L., "Fuzzy Mathematical Programming methods and Application", Springer, Berlin (1992) Kadhirvel. K, Balamurugan. K |
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412. | Development of FPGA for Custom Waveform Generator Based on Direct Digital Synthesizer
Development of FPGA for Custom Waveform Generator Based on Direct Digital SynthesizerAbstract: In this paper an efficient approach is present to design custom waveform generator based on DDS with low phase noise and high switching speed for military communication applications. It can generate custom signals with different modulations whose amplitude, frequency or phase are controlled by the description words given from an external computer. DDS is a frequency synthesizer which can generate arbitrary waveforms from a single, fixed frequency reference clock. In order to implement such custom waveform generator along with DDS we need FPGA. FPGA are used to realize DDS to meet different demand of the user such as high switching speeds. Then, the AD9858 used as the DDS core with compression ROM is compiled using Xilinx XC2V250 FPGA by VHDL language. The performances such as integration, expansibility are very much improved. We need design a Graphical User Interface (GUI), which allows simple control of the hardware.Key words: DDFS, FPGA, GUI, PIC, AD9858 Reference [1]. James A. Crawford, Frequency Synthesizer Design Handbook (Artech House, Boston, London, 1994). B. Raviteja Reddy, V.S.G.N. Raju, Ch. Arun Kumar |
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413. | Fuzzy C -Semi-Boundary in IFT Spaces
Fuzzy C -Semi-Boundary in IFT SpacesAbstract: In this paper we introduce a new concept, Intuitionistic fuzzy 𝕰 Semi -boundary using the arbitrary complement function namely 𝕰: [0,1]→ [0,1] which is introduced by klir[10]. Further we investigate some of the properties of this boundary.Key words: Intuitionistic fuzzy set, Intuitionistic fuzzy topological spaces, Fuzzy boundary, Fuzzy semi-pre boundary. Reference [1] K.Atanassov, Intuitionistic fuzzy sets, Fuzzy sets and systems, 20,(1998), 87-96. [2] M. Athar and B. Ahmad, Fuzzy boundary and Fuzzy semi boundary, Advances in Fuzzy systems(2008), Article ID586893, 9 pages. [3] M. Athar and B. Ahmad, Fuzzy sets, fuzzy S-open and fuzzy S-closed mappings, Advances in Fuzzy systems(2009), Article ID 303042, 5 pages. [4] K.K. Azad, On fuzzy semi-continuity, fuzzy almost continuity and fuzzy weakly continuity, J. Math. Anal .Appl. 82(1) (1981), 14-32. [5] K.Bageerathi, G. Sutha, P. Thangavelu, A generalization of fuzzy closed sets, International Journal of fuzzy systems and rough systems, 4(1) (2011), 1-5. A. Karthika and I. Arockiarani |
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414. | VLSI Design in MIMO-OFDM for Wireless LAN Networks
VLSI Design in MIMO-OFDM for Wireless LAN NetworksAbstract: MIMO-OFDM (Multiple Input Multiple Output-Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) technology has been utilized widely in wireless communication systems for faster transmission of data and efficient bandwidth utilization. MIMO-OFDM technology is the core of the 4th generation wireless networks. However, the computational complexity of MIMO OFDM receivers is much higher than in the single-input single-output (SISO) OFDM approach. This paper presents, to the best of the knowledge, the first 4 × 4 MIMO-OFDM WLAN physical layer ASIC based on the OFDM specifications of the IEEE 802.11a standard. and a VLSI design of MMO-OFDM systems targeted to future wireless LAN systems. Implementation provides reference for the silicon complexity of MIMO-OFDM systemsKey words: MIMO, OFDM, SISO, VLSI Design, wireless networks, LAN. Reference [1] G. J. Foschini and M. J. Gans, "On limits of wireless communications in a fading environment using multiple antennas," Wireless Personal Communications, vol. 6, pp. 311–335, 1998. [2] A. Paulraj, R. Nabar, and D. Gore, Introduction to Space-Time Wireless Communications, Cambridge Univ. Press, 2003. [3] A. J. Paulraj, D. A. Gore, R. U. Nabar, and H. B¨olcskei, "An overview of MIMO communications–A key to gigabit wireless," Proc. IEEE, vol. 92, pp. 198–218, 2004. [4] IEEE 802.11a Standard, ISO/IEC 8802- 11:1999/Amd 1:2000(E). [5] S. Mehta et al., "An 802.11g WLAN SoC," in Proc. IEEE ISSCC, 2005, vol. 1, pp. 94–95. Gaurav S Bhangle |
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415. | Experimental Investigation on Characteristics of Mechanics of Box-Section Beam Made Of Sliced-Laminated Dendrocalamus Asper under Torsion Experimental Investigation on Characteristics of Mechanics of Box-Section Beam Made Of Sliced-Laminated Dendrocalamus Asper under TorsionAbstract: This study has investigated the box-section beam under torsion. Eight beams made of Dendrocalamus asper were laminated and bonded with 268g/m2 of urea formaldehyde. The beams were then cool-pressed by 2MPa for 4 hours. The section size of the beams are 80mm, 120mm, and 160mm with 15mm, 20mm, and 25mm of thickness. The results showed that the maximum shear stress occured in the range of 4.39Mpa to 10.13 MPa with a mean of 6.50 MPa. Shear modulus of beam occured in the range of 690.68MPa to 1072.28 MPa with the mean of 902.10MPaKey words: Dendrocalamus Asper, Experimental, Laminate, , Torsion. Reference [1] FAO, Global Forest Resources Assessment 2010 ( Food and Agriculture Organization of The United Nations, Rome, 2010) [2] Malanit, P., The Suitability of Dendrocalamus Asper Becker for Oriented Strand Lumber. A Thesis for The Degree of Doctor of Natural Science in Department of Biology Faculty of Mathematics, Information and Natural Science University Of Hamburg. 2009. [3] EN338, Structural Timber – Strength Classes, European Committee for Standardization, Brussels. 2009. [4] Lee, A.W.C., Bai, X., and Bangi, A.P., Flexure properties of bamboo-reinforced southern pine OSB beams. Forest Products Journal. 47(6). 1997, 74-78. [5] Karyadi dan Suwarno, E.. Kajian Analitis dan Eksperimental Kekakuan dan Kekuatan Lentur Balok Laminasi dengan bahan kayu sengon dan Bambu Petung. Jurnal Teknologi dan Kejuruan. 29(2), 2006, 91-104. Karyadi, Sri Murni Dewi, Agoes Soehardjono Md |
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416. | Corrosion Behavior of Electro-Slag Strip Cladded Weld Overlays in Different Acid Solutions
Corrosion Behavior of Electro-Slag Strip Cladded Weld Overlays in Different Acid SolutionsAbstract: The electro-slag strip cladding (ESSC) process is development of submerged arc strip cladding process which has quickly established itself as a reliable high deposition rate process. ESSC process increasingly used for the production of corrosion resistant weld overlays in equipments for the offshore, chemical, petrochemical & nuclear industries. In the present work, 309L & 309LNb austenitic Stainless steel strip were used to develop weld overlay on Cr-Mo steel by variation in welding speed. Amount of ferrite content has been evaluated by ferrite-scope & micro structural study has been done on neophot-2 microscope a at cladded region for both weld overlays which show that amount of ferrite in the matrix of austenite decreases with increase welding speed from 160 mm/min to 200 mm/min.Key words: Austenitic Stainless steel, Electro-slag strip cladding, Welding speed, Micro-structural changes, Ferrite content, Potentio-dynamic study and cyclic polarization study. Reference [1] Susan Pak, Solveig Rigdal, Leif Karlsson, Ann-Charlotte Gustavsson, Electroslag and submerged arc stainless steel cladding, Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, Vol. 45 ( 1), 42 - 45 . [2] R. paschold, l. karlsson, M. F. Gittos, Karlsson. L, Pak. S. and Gustavsson, Disbonding of Austenitic Weld Overlays in Hydro-processing Applications, SVETSAREN, The ESAB welding and cutting journal vol. 62 (1), 2007, 17-19. [3] Soudokay Strip Cladding, Bohler Thyssen Welding BELGIUM, online article, www.soudkay.be [4] Professor J.H. Devletian, Member, Y.P. Gao, Q.H. Zhao, Visitors, and Professor W. E. Wood, Strip Cladding of Main Propeller Shafting with Ni Alloy 625 by Electroslag Surfacing,12. [5] I. G. Rodionova, A. A. Sharapov, V. I. Puzachev, V. A. Grishin, V. L. Mirochnik, and A. N. Rybkin, Technology use of electroslag hardfacing to improve the quality of corrosion – resistance bimetal, Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. Vol. 34 (1-2), 1998, 22 Sunil D. Kahar, K. Baba Pai |
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417. | Automatic generation control of a two unequal area thermal power system with PID controller using Differential Evolution Algorithm
Automatic generation control of a two unequal area thermal power system with PID controller using Differential Evolution AlgorithmAbstract: The early aim of automatic generation control is to regulate the power output of the electrical generator with in a prescribed area in response to changes in system frequency, tie line loading, so as to maintain the scheduled system frequency and interchange with the other areas with predetermined limits. Automatic generation control of a multi-area power system provides power demand signals for its power generators to control frequency and tie line power flow due to the large load changes or other disturbances. Occurrence of large megawatt imbalance causes large frequency deviations from its nominal value which may result instability in the power system. To avoid such situation emerging control to maintain the system frequency using differential evolution based proportional integral-derivative (PID) controller has been used in this paper. Differential evolution (DE) is one of the most power full stochastic real parameter optimization in current use. Differential evolution based optimization gains give better optimal transient response of frequency and tie line power changes compared toLozi-map based chaotic algorithm (LCOA).Key words: DE: Differential Algorithm, AGC: Automatic Generation Control, ACE: Area Control Error, SLP: Step Load Perturbation,LFC: Load Frequency Control, Reference [1] O.I. Elgerd, Electric Energy Systems Theory. An introduction. New Delhi: Tata McGraw- Hill; 1983 [2] Kundur, Prabha.: ‗Power system stability and control' (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1994) [3] Saadat, Hadi.: ‗Power system analysis' (McGraw-Hill, New York,2nd edition.),(2004) [4] Stankovic, A.M, Tadmor, G. Sakharuk. T.A : On robust control analysis and design for load frequency regulation, IEEE Trans . Power system . 1998, 13, (2), pp. 449-445. [5] Tripathy ,S.C. Chandramohan , P.S. Balsubramanium, R. Self tuning regulator for adaptive load frequency control of power system, J. Inst . Eng. (India), 1998, 79 ,(2), pp, 103-108. Aswini Kumar Patel, Mr Dharmendra Ku. Singh, Mr Binod Kumar Sahoo |
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418. | Monte Carlo Calculation of Electron Transport in GaAs and GaSb
Monte Carlo Calculation of Electron Transport in GaAs and GaSbAbstract: Electron transport properties in GaSb and GaAs are calculated for different temperature, doping dependencies at high electric field applications. The calculations are performed using a three valleys ensemble Monte Carlo model that includes numerical formulations of the phonon scattering rates and ionized impurity scattering rates. For two materials, we find that electron velocity overshoot only occurs when the electric field in increased to a value above a certain critical field .This critical field is strongly dependent on the material parameters. Results from the two materials are finally compared. The agreement with the available experimental data is found to be satisfactory.Key words: Monte Carlo method; ionized impurity scattering; overshoot velocity Reference [1] G. W. Turner, S. J. Eglash and A. J. Strauss," Comparison of High Field Staedy State and Transient Electron Transport in Wurtzite GaN, AlN and InN",J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, 11, (1993), pp. 864-870. [2] J. E. Maslar, W. S. Hurst and C. A. Wang, "The Effect of Strain Rate Variations on the Microstructure and Hot Deformation Behaviour of AA2024 Aluminium Alloy", Appl. Spectrosc., 61, (2007), pp.1093-1098. [3] H. S. Bennett, H. Hung and A. Heckert, "Calculation of Electron Hall Mobility in GaSb, GaAs and GaN Using an Iterative Method", J. Appl. Phys., 98, (2005), pp. 103705-103709. [4] J. R. Meyer, C. A. Hoffman, F. J. Bartoli and L. R. Ram-Mohan," Comparison of Steady- State and Transient Electron Transport in InAs, InP and GaAs", Appl., Lett., 67, (1995), pp. 2756-2762. [14] H. Xie, W. I. Wang, J. R. Meyer and L. R. Ram-Mohan, "Comparison of High and Low Field Electron Transport in AlGaN, AlN and GaN", Appl. Phys. Lett., 65, (1994), pp.2048- 2052. [5] H. Arimoto, N. Miura, J. R. Nichola, N. J. Mason and P. J. Walker, "Comparison of Low Field Electron Transport in SiC and GaN Structures for High-Power and high Temperature Device Modeling", Phys. Rev. B., 58, (1998), pp. 4560-4566. Parisa Ashori |
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419. | Grid Interconnection of RES for Power Quality Improvement by Using Fuzzy Logic Controller
Grid Interconnection of RES for Power Quality Improvement by Using Fuzzy Logic ControllerAbstract: With the increase in load demand, the Renewable Energy Sources (RES) are increasingly connected in the distribution systems which utilizes power electronic Converters/Inverters. This paper presents a novel control strategy for achieving maximum benefits from these grid-interfacing inverters when installed in 3-phase 4-wire distribution systems. The use of non-linear loads in the power system will lead to the generation of current harmonics which in turn deteriorates the power quality. Active Power Filters (APF) are extensively used to compensate the current harmonics and load unbalance. The inverter is controlled to perform as a multi-function device by incorporating active power filter functionality.Key words: Active power filter (APF), distributed generation (DG), distribution system, fuzzy controller, power quality (PQ), Renewable energy sources (RES). Reference [1] M. Singh and A. Chandra, "Power maximization and voltage sag/swell ride-through capability of PMSG based variable speed wind energy conversion system," in Proc. IEEE 34th Annu. Conf. Indus. Electron. Soc., 2008, pp. 2206–2211. [2] B. Renders, K. De Gusseme, W. R. Ryckaert, K. Stockman, L. Vandevelde, and M. H. J. Bollen, Distributed generation for mitigating voltage dips in low-voltage distribution grids," IEEE Trans. Power. Del., vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 1581–1588, Jul. 2008. [3] P. Rodríguez, J. Pou, J. Bergas, J. I. Candela, R. P. Burgos, and D. Boroyevich, "Decoupled double synchronous reference frame PLL for power converters control," IEEE Trans. Power Electron, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 584–592, Mar. 2007. [4] V. Khadkikar, A. Chandra, A. O. Barry, and T. D. Nguyen, "Application of UPQC to protect a sensitive load on a polluted distribution network," in Proc. Annu. Conf. IEEE Power Eng. Soc. Gen. Meeting, 2006, pp. 867–872. [5] J. M. Guerrero, L. G. de Vicuna, J. Matas, M. Castilla, and J. Miret, "A wireless controller to enhance dynamic performance of parallel inverters in distributed generation systems," IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 1205–1213, Sep. 2004. A. Sudharshan, Dr. & Prof. M. Yohan |
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420. | Content Based Image Retrieval Using Region Based Shape
Descriptor and SVM Algorithm
Content Based Image Retrieval Using Region Based Shape Descriptor and SVM AlgorithmAbstract: Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) system using Region based shape descriptors is proposed in my work. Further, the image classification efficiency is improved by employing Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier. In this paper we concentrate on region based shape descriptors. In Region based shape descriptors include Hu moments, Zernike Moments, and exact Legendre Moment. In CBIR system the region based shape descriptors, viz., MI, ZM and ELM in terms of retrieval efficiency and retrieval time are observed. In Exact Legendre Moments (ELM) for gray scale images is proposed in this work. The CBIR system is tested by conducting experiments on Corel shape database,. It consists of 20 classes of images with each class consisting of 72 different orientations resulting in a total of 1440 images. All these gray scale images in the database are of the size 128×128. All images of all the 20 classes are used for experimentation.Key words: Content Based Image Retrieval, Region based shape descriptors, Hu‟s moments, Zernike Moments, Exact Legendre Moments Support Vector Machines. Reference [1] C. Wi06 and J. W. Davis, "A Perceptual Study of Shape Metrics." [2] C. Rao, S. S. Kumar, and B. C. Mohan, "Content based image retrieval using exact legendre moments and support vector machine," arXiv preprint arXiv:1005.5437, 2010. [3] N. Santhosh and M. T. M. Kumari, "Content Based Image Retrieval Using Multiwavelet." [4] K. A. Kumar and Y. B. Reddy, "Content Based Image Retrieval Using SVM Algorithm," International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IJEEE), ISSN (PRINT), pp. 2231–5284. [5] D. N. F. Awang Iskandar, J. A. Thom, and S. M. Tahaghoghi, "Content-based image retrieval using image regions as query examples," in Proceedings of the nineteenth conference on Australasian database-Volume 75, 2008, pp. 38–46. Surendra Padavala,V. Venkata Rao |
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421. | Mitigating and Protection of Power Systems for Peak Current Limitation with Fcl and Pll – Aided Fault Detection
Mitigating and Protection of Power Systems for Peak Current Limitation with Fcl and Pll – Aided Fault Detection<Abstract: This paper presents a new method is that Phase locked loop and synchronization techniques are one of the most important issues for operating grid-interfaced converters in practical applications, which involve Distributed Power Generation Systems, Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS), and High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) Transmission, and so on. This paper presents a comprehensive review of the recently developed phase locked loop and synchronization methods that can be used to discriminate faults from switching transients. It is primarily intended for use in systems where fault is clearing before the first peak of the fault current are required.Key words: Fault protection, phase-locked loop, power system, fault current limiters,fault current diverters, Reference [1]. K.-H. Hartung and V. Schmidt, "Limitation of short circuit current by an is-limiter," in Proc. 10th Int. Conf. Electrical Power Quality and Utilisation, Sep. 2009, pp. 1–4. [2] CIGRÉ Working Group A3.10, Fault current limiters in electrical medium and high voltage systems, 2003. [3] A. Wright and P. Newbery, Electric Fuses, 3rd ed. London, U.K.:Inst. Elect. Eng., 2004. [4] Arceliminator, Rapidelimination of Internal Arcing. ABB, 1999. [Online].Available: http://www.abb.com [5] ABB, 1999, "Arc Eliminator – Rapid Elimination of Internal Arcing", Product no. 1VET 954910-910, ABB Shenigarapu Harish, D. R. K. Paramahamsa, Durgam Kumaraswamy |
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422. | Retrieve Information Using Improved Document Object Model Parser Tree Algorithm
Retrieve Information Using Improved Document Object Model Parser Tree AlgorithmAbstract: The Data mining refers to mining the useful information from raw data or unstructured data. Whereas in web content mining the data is scattered or unstructured on web pages. Some time the user wants to retrieve only fix kind of data, but the unwanted data is also retrieved. The unnecessary information can be removed with this proposed work. The DOM Parser Tree Algorithm to filter the web pages from unwanted data and give the reliable output. The Document Object Model Parser Tree Algorithm fetches the HTML links. According to these Links the pages are accessed. Then the data with is useful for user, is send to the table. The DOM Parser Tree Algorithm works upon tree structure and we have used the table for output the results. As the results are shown in the table, the information displayed in the table is correct and reliable for the user. The user fixes the data which he/she wants to access time by time. The data dynamically fetched from that particular website or link. Currently the approach is implemented on limited field of experiment because of some limits of privileges. Hopefully the approach will be implemented on large experimental area.Key words: Data mining, DOM Parser Tree Algorithm, Web Content mining, Reference [1] Dr. M S Shashidhara2, Dr. M. Giri, An Efficient Web Content Extraction Using Mining Techniques, International Journal of Computer Science and Management Research Vol 1 Issue 4 November, 2012. [2] Kamlesh Patidar, Preetesh Purohit, Kapil Sharma,Web Content Mining Using Database Approach and Multilevel Data Tracking Methodology for Digital Library, IJCST Vol. 2, Issue 1, March 2011. [3] G. N. Shinde,Inamdar S.A,Web Data Mining Using An Intelligent Information System Design, Int. J. Comp. Tech. Appl., Vol 2 (2), 280-283 [4] Niki R.Kapadia, Kanu Patel, Mehul C.Parikh, Partitioning Based Web Content Mining, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), ISSN: 2278-0181, Vol. 1 Issue 3, May-2012. [5] Niki R.Kapadia, Kinjal Patel, Web Content Mining Techniques– A Comprehensive Survey, IJREAS, Volume 2, Issue 2(February 2012), ISSN: 2249-3905. Mohinder Singh, Navjot Kaur |
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424. | High Field Electron Transport In Aln And AlGaN Semiconductors
High Field Electron Transport In Aln And AlGaN SemiconductorsAbstract: An ensemble Monte Carlo simulation is used to compare high field electron transport in bulk AlN and AlGaN. For all materials, we find that electron velocity overshoot only occurs when the electric field in increased to a value above a certain critical field .This critical field is strongly dependent on the material parameters. Transient velocity overshoot has also been simulated, with the sudden application of fields up to1000 kV/m , appropriate to the gate-drain fields expected within an operational field effect transistor. The electron drift velocity relaxes to the saturation value of 105 m/s within 3 ps, for all crystal structures The steady state and transient velocity overshoot characteristics are in fair agreement with other recent calculations.Key words: Ensemble Monte Carlo, transient, Overshoot, drift velocity Reference [1] N. W. Ashcroft and N. D. Mermin, 1975, Solid State Physics. Holt, Rinhart and Winston, New York. [2] S. Kasap, P. Kapper, "springer handbook of electronic and photonic materials", springer (2007). [3] J. D. Albrecht, P. P. Ruden, S. Limpijumnong, W. R. L. Lambrecht, K. F. Brennan, 'High field electron transport properties of bulk ZnO', J. Appl. Phys. 86 (1999) 6864. [4] Ü. Özgür, Ya. I. Alivov, C. Liu, A. Teke, M. A. Reshchikov, S. Doğan, V. Avrutin, S. J. Cho and H. Morkoc, 'A comprehensive review of ZnO materials and devices', J. Appl. Phys. 98 (2005) 041301-1. [5] F. Bertazzi, M. Goano and E. Bellotti, 'Electron and hole transport in bulk ZnO: A full band monte carlo study ', J. Elec. Mat. 36 (2007) 857. F. Nofeli |
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425. | Sensorless Speed Control of an Induction Motor Drive Using Predictive Current and Torque Controllers
Sensorless Speed Control of an Induction Motor Drive Using Predictive Current and Torque ControllersAbstract: This paper presents sensor less speed control of an induction motor drive with predictive current controller and predictive torque control. Both the controllers do not require measurements of the motor speed and motor flux. A closed loop observer system with robustness against parameters variation is used for the control approach. The proposed observer computes the required state variables correctly in wide frequency range. In the system predictive current controller based on the computation of back electromagnetic force by the observer is implemented. In case of motor choke use, the choke parameters are added to predictive current controller algorithm.Key words: Induction motor, observer, predictive current control, predictive torque control, sensorless drive. Reference [1] A. Abbou, T. Nasser, H. Mahmoudi, M. Akherraz, A. Essadki, ―Induction Motor controls and Implementation using dSPACE,‖ Wseas Transactions On Systems And Control, Issue 1, Volume 7, January 2012 [2] J. Holtz, "Sensorless Control of Induction Machines—With or Without Signal Injection?," Trans. on Industrial Electronics, v. 53, No. 1, 2006 [3] Jaroslaw Guzinski, Haitham Abu-Rub, ―Predictive Current Control Implementation in the Sensorless Induction Motor Drive,‖ IEEE, 2011. [4] Fengxiang Wang, S. Alireza Davari, Davood A. Khaburi, Ralph Kennel, ―Sensorless Model Predictive Torque Control for Induction Machine by using the Sliding Mode Full-Order Observer,‖ IEEE, 2011. [5] Haitham Abu-Rub, Nikolaos Oikonomou, ―Sensorless Observer System for Induction Motor Control,‖ IEEE, 2008. Srujana Dabbeti, K. Vara Lakshmi |
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426. | PV fed Zeta converter
PV fed Zeta converterAbstract: This project envisages a zeta converter fed by photovoltaic module as input power source. A Zeta converter is a fourth-order DC-DC converter made up of two inductors and two capacitors and capable of operating in either step-up or step-down mode. The proposed scheme consists of a solar panel, a zeta dc-dc converter, and MPPT controller. In this Maximum power point tracking is achieved by using Perturbation and Observation (P&O) method, also known as hill climbing method, is popular and most commonly used in practice because of its simplicity in algorithm and the ease of implementation.Key words: Photo voltaic module, P&O algorithm, Zeta Converter Reference [1] J.J. Jozwik and M.K. Kazimierczuk, "Dual Sepic PWM Switching Mode DC/DC Power Converter" , Trans. Ind. Electronics, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 64-70, Feb.1989 [2] E. Vuthchhay, .Bunlaksananusorn , and H. Hirata "Dynamic Modeling and Control of a Zeta Converter" Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2008. ECTI-CON 2008. 5th International Conference on Volume 2, 14- 17 May 2008 Page(s):969 – 972. [3] Denizar Cruz Martins, Membsr IEEE & Glaucio N. de Abreu. "Application of the zeta converter in switched-mode power supplies". Power Conversion Conference, 1993. Yokohama 1993. Conference Record of the19-21 April 1993 Page(s):147 – 152.. [4] C. Sudhakarababu and M. Veerachary "zeta converter for power factor correction and voltage regulation". TENCON 2004. 2004 IEEE Region 10 Conference.Volume D, 21- 24 Nov. 2004 Page(s):61 - 64 Vol. 4 [5] Huan-Liang Tsai, Ci-Siang and Yi-Jie Su "Development of Generalized Photovoltaic Model Using MATLAB/SIMULINK" Proceedings of IAENG, July 24th , 2008 N. Sowmya Smitha Raj, Smt. B. Urmila |
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427. | Experimental Studies on Durability Properties of Coconut Shell Concrete
PV fed Zeta converterAbstract: This project envisages a zeta converter fed by photovoltaic module as input power source. A Zeta converter is a fourth-order DC-DC converter made up of two inductors and two capacitors and capable of operating in either step-up or step-down mode. The proposed scheme consists of a solar panel, a zeta dc-dc converter, and MPPT controller. In this Maximum power point tracking is achieved by using Perturbation and Observation (P&O) method, also known as hill climbing method, is popular and most commonly used in practice because of its simplicity in algorithm and the ease of implementation.Key words: Photo voltaic module, P&O algorithm, Zeta Converter Reference [1] J.J. Jozwik and M.K. Kazimierczuk, "Dual Sepic PWM Switching Mode DC/DC Power Converter" , Trans. Ind. Electronics, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 64-70, Feb.1989 [2] E. Vuthchhay, .Bunlaksananusorn , and H. Hirata "Dynamic Modeling and Control of a Zeta Converter" Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2008. ECTI-CON 2008. 5th International Conference on Volume 2, 14- 17 May 2008 Page(s):969 – 972. [3] Denizar Cruz Martins, Membsr IEEE & Glaucio N. de Abreu. "Application of the zeta converter in switched-mode power supplies". Power Conversion Conference, 1993. Yokohama 1993. Conference Record of the19-21 April 1993 Page(s):147 – 152.. [4] C. Sudhakarababu and M. Veerachary "zeta converter for power factor correction and voltage regulation". TENCON 2004. 2004 IEEE Region 10 Conference.Volume D, 21- 24 Nov. 2004 Page(s):61 - 64 Vol. 4 [5] Huan-Liang Tsai, Ci-Siang and Yi-Jie Su "Development of Generalized Photovoltaic Model Using MATLAB/SIMULINK" Proceedings of IAENG, July 24th , 2008 S. Jeyaraj, N.Sivakami |
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428. | A solar generation prediction-based method for optimal activity and battery scheduling
PV fed Zeta converterAbstract: This project envisages a zeta converter fed by photovoltaic module as input power source. A Zeta converter is a fourth-order DC-DC converter made up of two inductors and two capacitors and capable of operating in either step-up or step-down mode. The proposed scheme consists of a solar panel, a zeta dc-dc converter, and MPPT controller. In this Maximum power point tracking is achieved by using Perturbation and Observation (P&O) method, also known as hill climbing method, is popular and most commonly used in practice because of its simplicity in algorithm and the ease of implementation.Key words: Photo voltaic module, P&O algorithm, Zeta Converter Reference [1] J.J. Jozwik and M.K. Kazimierczuk, "Dual Sepic PWM Switching Mode DC/DC Power Converter" , Trans. Ind. Electronics, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 64-70, Feb.1989 [2] E. Vuthchhay, .Bunlaksananusorn , and H. Hirata "Dynamic Modeling and Control of a Zeta Converter" Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2008. ECTI-CON 2008. 5th International Conference on Volume 2, 14- 17 May 2008 Page(s):969 – 972. [3] Denizar Cruz Martins, Membsr IEEE & Glaucio N. de Abreu. "Application of the zeta converter in switched-mode power supplies". Power Conversion Conference, 1993. Yokohama 1993. Conference Record of the19-21 April 1993 Page(s):147 – 152.. [4] C. Sudhakarababu and M. Veerachary "zeta converter for power factor correction and voltage regulation". TENCON 2004. 2004 IEEE Region 10 Conference.Volume D, 21- 24 Nov. 2004 Page(s):61 - 64 Vol. 4 [5] Huan-Liang Tsai, Ci-Siang and Yi-Jie Su "Development of Generalized Photovoltaic Model Using MATLAB/SIMULINK" Proceedings of IAENG, July 24th , 2008 JYOTHI WADGERI |
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429. | A system model for green manufacturing Based on the Research Database
PV fed Zeta converterAbstract: This project envisages a zeta converter fed by photovoltaic module as input power source. A Zeta converter is a fourth-order DC-DC converter made up of two inductors and two capacitors and capable of operating in either step-up or step-down mode. The proposed scheme consists of a solar panel, a zeta dc-dc converter, and MPPT controller. In this Maximum power point tracking is achieved by using Perturbation and Observation (P&O) method, also known as hill climbing method, is popular and most commonly used in practice because of its simplicity in algorithm and the ease of implementation.Key words: Photo voltaic module, P&O algorithm, Zeta Converter Reference [1] J.J. Jozwik and M.K. Kazimierczuk, "Dual Sepic PWM Switching Mode DC/DC Power Converter" , Trans. Ind. Electronics, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 64-70, Feb.1989 [2] E. Vuthchhay, .Bunlaksananusorn , and H. Hirata "Dynamic Modeling and Control of a Zeta Converter" Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2008. ECTI-CON 2008. 5th International Conference on Volume 2, 14- 17 May 2008 Page(s):969 – 972. [3] Denizar Cruz Martins, Membsr IEEE & Glaucio N. de Abreu. "Application of the zeta converter in switched-mode power supplies". Power Conversion Conference, 1993. Yokohama 1993. Conference Record of the19-21 April 1993 Page(s):147 – 152.. [4] C. Sudhakarababu and M. Veerachary "zeta converter for power factor correction and voltage regulation". TENCON 2004. 2004 IEEE Region 10 Conference.Volume D, 21- 24 Nov. 2004 Page(s):61 - 64 Vol. 4 [5] Huan-Liang Tsai, Ci-Siang and Yi-Jie Su "Development of Generalized Photovoltaic Model Using MATLAB/SIMULINK" Proceedings of IAENG, July 24th , 2008 JYOTHI WADGERI |
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