S.No. |
Title & Authors |
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Paper submitted to IJERA : 730
Accepted papers by peer review process : 285
Rejected Paper : 445
Paper Acceptance percentage : 39.04% |
1. |
An Efficient Implementation Of Lrca Scheme For Encryption/Decryption
V Mnssvkr Gupta, K.V.S. Murthy, Dr.A. Yesu Babu, R Shiva Shankar |
001-013 |
2. |
Flow Characterization Of A Piezo-Electric High Speed Valve
T. Takiya, N. Fukuda, M. Yaga, M. Han |
014-019 |
Multiresolution Mosaic Images by using Laplacian of Gaussian method
M.K.Neharkar, Prof.S.K.Sudhansu, Dr.Veeresh G.K |
020-025 |
4. |
Infrared Image Enhancement Using Wavelet Transform
Amit Sahu, Vijaya K. Shandilya |
026-031 |
5. |
Thermal Performance Analysis Of Pump Less Earthern Pipe Evaporative Air Cooler
Amit Kumar Jain |
032-040 |
6. |
Learning Number of Clusters in Unlabeled Dataset using Rotation Estimation
Gorti Satyanarayana Murty,
Dr. V. Vijaya Kumar, Tangudu Naresh |
041-045 |
7. |
Design of High Performance Phase Locked loop for Multiple outputs with Ultra Low Power Sub Threshold Logic
K.Rajasekhar, S.Adilakshm, T.B.K. Manoj kumar |
046-052 |
8. |
Design and Performance Analysis of 8-bit RISC Processor using Xilinx Tool
R. Uma |
053-058 |
9. |
Structural Synthesis of Mechanically Constrained Single Loop 6-Bar Chain
H.Eleashy, M.Samy Elgayyar, M.N. Shabara |
059-064 |
10. |
Synthesis of One Degree-Of-Freedom 6-Bar Linkages from Three Degree-Of-Freedom Open 4-Bar Chain Using Structural Code Technique
H.Eleashy, M.Samy Elgayyar, M.N. Shabara |
065-069 |
11. |
Fundamental Approach To the Design of Single Vertical Shaft Lime Kiln
Okonkwo P.C, Adefila S.S, Beecroft G.A |
070-078 |
12. |
Impact Of Multiple Dgs On Unbalanced Radial Distribution Systems
K.Jithendra Gowd, Ch.Sai Babu, S.Sivanagaraju |
079-086 |
13. |
Improvement of Voltage Profile of the Hybrid Power System connected to the Grid
A.S.R. Sekhar, K. Vamsi Krishna |
087-093 |
14. |
Denial-of-Service Attack Detection Using Genetic-Based Algorithm
Mr. Anurag Andhare,Prof. Arvind Bhagat Patil |
094-098 |
15. |
Performance Evaluation of STBC Codes With Increased Order Of Pseudo-random Number Generator
Neetu Gupta, Gurpadam Singh, Mandeep Kaur Sekhon |
099-102 |
16. |
Physico-Chemical Analysis Of Effluents From Pharmaceutical Industry And Its Efficiency Study
R.V.Kavitha, V Krishna Murthy, Roshan Makam, Asith K A |
103-110 |
17. |
Productivity Analysis Of Manually Operated And Power Operated Sheet Bending Machine: A Comparative Study
P. S. Thakare, P. G. Mehar, Dr. A.V. Vanalkar, Dr. C.C. Handa |
111-114 |
18. |
Low energy plasmon satellite in X-ray excited Auger electron spectra of
Ag,Pd,Rn,In,Sn & Sb.
Alok Mishr, Punit Kumar |
115-118 |
19. |
The Architecture of Hierarchical K-Means Clustering for Large Cluster Number with flexible hardware.
V. Devika, Sk. Khamuruddeen, Shanker, P Srinath Reddy, S Phani Kuamar |
119-125 |
20. |
A Throughput Analysis On Page Replacement Algorithms In Cache Memory Management
S.M. Shamsheer Daula, Dr. K.E Sreenivasa Murthy, G Amjad Khan |
126-130 |
21. |
Development Of An Effective Maintenance Workman Skills Improvement Program
Aashish Khaira, Amit Kumar Jain |
131-137 |
22. |
Simulation and implementation of Variable Duty Cycle Control to Achieve High Input Power Factor for DCM Boost PFC Converters
G.S Arunvishnu, S.Sellakumar, Dr.M.Sasikumar |
138-141 |
23. |
Ultra high speed wideband rate conversion architectures based on Cascaded Integrator comb (CIC) filters
Sk. Khamuruddeen, S. V. Devika, Shilpa, Sree Ramaraju P, Raviteja K |
142-147 |
24. |
A Distinguish Between Reversible And Conventional Logic Gates
B.Raghu kanth, B.Murali Krishna, M. Sridhar, V.G. Santhi Swaroop |
148-151 |
25. |
YCoCg color Image Edge detection Gnanatheja Rakesh V, T Sreenivasulu Reddy |
152-156 |
26. |
A New Method Of Order Reduction For High Order Interval Systems Using Least Squares Method
K.Kiran Kumar, Dr.G.V.K.R.Sastry |
157-160 |
27. |
Novel Encryption Schemes Based on Catalan Numbers
D. Sravana Kumar, CH. Suneetha, A. Chandrasekhar |
161-166 |
28. |
Simulation Study of Quasi Impedance Source Isolated DC/DC
Converter Fed Drives
M.Nagaraj, Dr.M.Sasikumar |
167-171 |
29. |
Improved Yarn Traversing Mechanism For A Filter Winder
Dr. Milind Koranne |
172-177 |
30. |
The Secure interdomain Routing and Forwarding
Anurag Porwal, Rohit Maheshwari, B.L.Pal, Gaurav Kakhani |
178-182 |
31. |
Designing of Efficient Online Testable Reversible Multiplexers and DeMultiplexers with New Reversible Gate
Lavanya Thunuguntla, Bindu Madhavi K, Pullaiah T |
183-191 |
32. |
Design Of Low Power 8 Bit Sram Architecture Using Leakage Feed Back With Stack & Sleep Stack With Keeper
V.G. Santhi Swaroop, B.Murali Krishna, M.Vijaya Bhaskar, B.Raghu kanth, V.SAI PRAVEEN |
192-201 |
33. |
Cyber-Crimes and their Impacts: A Review
Hemraj Saini, Yerra Shankar Rao, T.C.Panda |
202-209 |
34. |
Analysis Of The Underlying Causes Of Environmental Degradation In Bhubaneswar City
Dr. Akshaya Kumar Sabat |
210-214 |
35. |
Using Rapid Prototyping Technology In Mechanical Scale Models
Dheeraj Nimawat , Mahaveer Meghvanshi |
215-219 |
36 |
Dc To Dc Drive Chopper Fed Igbt Power Circuit
Ms. Dipti K. Shah, Prof. B. T. Deshmukh |
220-222 |
37. |
A Comparative Study Using Simulated Annealing and Fast Output
Sampling Feedback Technique based PSS Design for Single machine
Infinite bus System Modeling
Mahendra Kumar, Dr. Rajeev Gupta |
223-228 |
38. |
Microarray Gene Expression for Cancer Classification using Fast Extreme Learning Machine with ANP
C. Chandrasekar, P.S. Meena |
229-235 |
39. |
To Reduce SRAM Sub-Threshold Leakage Using Stack and Zig-Zag techniques
Sai Praveen Venigalla, M. Nagesh Babu, Srinivas Boddu, Pandamaneni Chiranjeevi |
236-240 |
40. |
High Speed and Dynamic Switching Type Signal Generation on FPGA for Emulating the Test Signals for Navigation Receivers
S. V. Devika, Manohar, N. Ravi, Y. Nagalakshmi, Sk. Khamuruddeen, S. Niranjan |
241-246 |
41. |
An Experimental Investigation of Various Industrial Effluents on Concrete
G.Murali, G.Sudhapriya, SijiRaju, C.Mahalakshmi, G.Srinidhi, Deepthi Susan Zachariah |
247-250 |
42 |
Underwater Sensor Networks :Architecture, Research Challenges and Potential Applications
U.Devee Prasan, Dr. S. Murugappan |
251-256 |
43. |
Detection And Removal Of Noise In Images Implementing Blind Source Separation
Pillem Ramesh, T.Ravi, B.M.S Rani, K.V.V. Kumar, M. Rakesh, J.V.Suresh, Venkata Raviteja. K, K.Rajkamal, V. Srikanth goud, Sk. Ayub, J. Supriyanka |
257-262 |
44. |
Implementation of Moving Vehicle Detection in Video Surveillance for Automatic Traffic Control Monitoring
M.Jyothirmai, Prof.S.Vyshali |
263-266 |
45. |
Design Concept Of Pre Engineered Building
Syed Firoz, Sarath Chandra Kumar B, S.Kanakambara Rao |
267-272 |
46. |
Authentication of Fingerprint Recognition Using Natural Language Processing
Shrikala B. Digavadekar, Prof. Ravindra T. Patil |
273-277 |
47. |
Experimental Investigation On Fibre Reinforced Concrete Using Waste Materials
G.Murali, C.M.Vivek Vardhan, R.Prabu, Z.Mohammed Sadaquath Ali Khan, T.Aarif
Mohamed, T.Suresh |
278-283 |
49. |
Analysis Of Failure Phenomena In Multi- Fiber Polymer Composite Material At Varying Volume Fraction Using Finite Element Modeling
Prince, Mukesh Verma, Sarabjot Singh |
287-291 |
50. |
Secure Transmission for Nanomemory using EG-LDPC
Lavanya Thunuguntla, Bindu Madhavi K, Ramesh Kumar Reddy C |
292-299 |
51. |
Ambient Air Quality Monitoring in Puducherry
P.Balashanmugam, A.R.Ramanathan, V.Nehru kumar |
300-307 |
52. |
Leakage Power Reduction Techniques: A New Approach
Archana Nagda, Rajendra Prasad, Trailokya nath Sasamal, N.K. Vyas |
308-312 |
53. |
Design of Compact Transformer-type Power Combiner for Watt-level PA in CMOS Technology
Dariush Tavakolifar, Javad Javidan |
313-321 |
54. |
Experimental Investigation On Concrete With Partial Replacement Of Coarse Aggregate
G.Murali, K.R.Jayavelu, N.Jeevitha, M.Rubini, N.R.Saranya |
322-327 |
55. |
Synchronization of Uncertain Doffing-Holmes Chaotic System Via
Fractional Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control
Ali Fayazi, Hamed Nabizadeh Rafsanjani, Shahriar Shahrokhabadi |
328-333 |
56. |
Adaptive Noise Cancellation in Speech Signals by Using Affine Projection Algorithm
J.Satyanarayana, G. Amjad Khan |
334-338 |
57. |
A Review on Transient Thermal Analysis for Top Head Nozzle of Crack Gas Drier by Finite Element Method
Dinesh D.Mevada, Ketan B.Patel, Narendra A. Patel |
339-345 |
58. |
The Potentials of Eucalyptus camaldulensis for the Phytoextraction of Six Heavy Metals in Tin – mined Soils of Barkin Ladi L.G.A. of Plateau State, Nigeria
Daniel, Victor Nenman, Nanven Danboyi Nimyel, Daniang, Ishaya Ezekiel |
346-349 |
59. |
Anti-Phishing Techniques: A Review
Gaurav, Madhuresh Mishra, Anurag Jain |
350-355 |
60. |
Stability Analysis And Root Locus For Three Axis Autopilot Controlled Airplane Using Time And Frequency Domain Responses
P.Ramesh, W.V.Jahnavi, I.Kumaraswamy |
356-360 |
61. |
A Review On Various Approach For Process Parameter Optimization Of Fused Deposition Modeling (Fdm) Process And Taguchi Approach For Optimization
Mr. Jaimin P. Patel, Prof. C. P. Patel, Mr. U. J. Patel |
361-365 |
62. |
Intelligent Processing and Analysis of Image for Shot Boundary Detection
Mr.Saurabh Thakare |
366-369 |
63. |
Preventing Network From Intrusive Attack Using Artificial Neural Networks
V.Sivakumar, T.Yoganandh, R.Mohan Das |
370-373 |
64. |
Semi-parametric hazard ratio applied to engineering insurance system
Ayman A. Mostafa |
374-385 |
65. |
A New Approach for Function Optimization using Hybrid GA-ANN Algorithm
Nancy Gupta, Gurjot Singh Gaba, Harsimranjit Singh Gill |
386-389 |
66. |
Hydrocarbon Degradation using Fungal Isolate: Nutrients Optimized by Combined Grey Relational Analysis.
Vamsi Krishna Garapati, Susmita Mishra |
390-399 |
67. |
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control With Neural Network Optimization For Mechanical Ventilation Of Critical Care Patients.
Ms.S.V.Analin |
400-406 |
68. |
Experimental Study On Recycled Aggregate Concrete
G. Murali, C.M. Vivek Vardhan, Gabriela Rajan, G.J. Janani, N. Shifu Jajan and R. Ramya Sri |
407-410 |
69. |
Electric Discharge Machining Of 7075al-10 Wt. % Sicp Composites Using Rotary Tube Brass Electrodes
Rajesh Purohit, C. S. Verma and Praveen Shekhar |
411-423 |
70. |
Improved Security with Signcryption
Prof. S. A. Jain, Ms. Ashwini B. Abhale, Mr. Amol S. Jadhav |
424-427 |
71. |
Neural Networks Cum Cloud Computing Approach In Diagnosis Of Cancer
Prof. A. Maithili, Dr. R. Vasantha Kumari, Mr. S. Rajamanickam |
428-435 |
72. |
Energy and Area efficient Carry Select Adder on a reconfigurable hardware
P. Sreenivasulu, Dr. K. Srinivasa Rao, Malla Reddy, Dr.A.Vinay Babu |
436-440 |
73. |
Design Of Microstrip Square-Patch Antenna For Improved Bandwidth And Directive Gain
Mr. Sandeep Kumar, Mr. Subodh Kumar Tripathi, Mr. Nitin Kumar, Mr. Rachit Aggarwal |
441-444 |
74. |
A Load Balancing in Grid Environment
Mr. Dinesh S. Gawande, Asst. Prof. Rajesh C. Dharmik, Ms. Chanda Panse |
445-450 |
75. |
Analysis of Cloud Computing Security Considerations for
Infrastructure as a Service |
451-456 |
76. |
Striation Mechanism In Laser Cutting – The Review
S R Rajpurohit, Prof. D M Patel |
457-461 |
77. |
Providing Security and Safety in Electronic Commerce And Internet Transactions
Kavitha S Nair |
462-465 |
78. |
Securing Node Capture Attacks for Hierarchical Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks
Bhoopathy V. and R.M.S. Parvathi |
466-474 |
79. |
Traitor tracing and secure transmission of files in networks
M. Dhana Sundari, G. Abirami, Linda Joseph |
475-478 |
80. |
Trend of Industrial Robot Share in Different Branches of Industry in
Isak Karabegovic, Edina Karabegovic, Ermin Husak |
479-485 |
82. |
Response of Mild Steel chimney Under Wind Loads
G. Murali, B. Mohan, P. Sitara and P. Jayasree |
490-498 |
83. |
Placement Of Wavelength Converters In Wdm P-Cycle Networks
Prof. S. Suryanarayana, Dr. K. Ravindra, Dr. K. Chennakesava Reddy |
499-503 |
85. |
Experimental Investigations On Heat Treatment Of Cold Work Tool Steels: Part 1, Air-Hardening Grade (D2)
S.K. Saha, Lalta Prasad, Virendra Kumar |
510-519 |
86. |
Quantitative estimation of Uranium in Geological samples
G. Babji, K. Satyanarayana, Saheb Hussain MD |
520-527 |
87. |
An Improved Face Recognition Using Neighborhood Defined Modular Phase Congruency Based Kernel PCA
Mr. G.D. Basavaraj, Dr. G. Umamaheswara Reddy |
528-535 |
88. |
Modelling And Analysis Of Multi Level Inverters Using Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation (Svpwm)
P. Upendra Kumar, Prashant Kumar Das, K. Durga Malleswara Rao, B. Venkata Ramana |
536-542 |
89. |
Investigations On Auto Disturbance Rejection Controller And Fuzzy Controller For Microturbine Based Distributed Generator
K. Durga Malleswara Rao, K. Ravi Kumar, P. Upendra Kumar, B.T. Rama Krishna Rao |
543-550 |
90. |
Survey on Multi-domain Physiological Activity Recognition System
Prof. Mrs. Shamla Mantri, Mr. Santosh Pawar, Prof. Dipali Javale |
551-554 |
91. |
Computational Model For Prediction Of Transmembrane Helices In Hiv
Anubha Dubey, Dr. Usha Chouhan |
555-559 |
92. |
DCSPIHT: Image Compression Algorithm
Manik Groach, Dr. Amit Garg |
560-567 |
93. |
Offloading Execution Load From A Resource-Constrained Device
Shruti Chordia, Niranjana Gajjelli, Mr. Vaibhav Narawade |
568-572 |
94. |
Creation Of Remotesensing And Gis Based Physical Characteristics Information System For Surface Water Management : A Model Study
SS.Asadi, P. Neela Rani, B.V.T.Vasantha Rao, M.V.Raju |
573-580 |
95. |
Order Reduction Of Linear Dynamic Systems Using Improved Generalise Least-Squares Method And Pso
G.Vasu, J. Nancy Namratha, P.Murari |
581-587 |
96. |
Logistic Model Tree: A Survey
Mr.Mitesh Thakkar, Prof.J.S.Shah |
588-594 |
97. |
Design And Performance Analysis Of Meander Structure RF-MEMS Capacitive Switch
DivyaVerma, Ajay Kaushik |
595-598 |
98. |
Hexavalent Chromium Removal From Industrial Watsewater By Chemical Precipitation Method
Dr. C.R.Ramakrishnaiah, Prathima.B |
599-603 |
99. |
Analysis of PAPR of DHT-Precoded OFDM System for M-QAM
M.Uday Raj Kumar, S.M. Shamsheer Daula |
604-608 |
100. |
Modeling and Analysis of Distributed Power- Flow Controller (DPFC)
609-615 |
101. |
Development of Process Simulation Model for Lime Production
P. C. Okonkwo, S. S Adefila, A.S Ahmed |
616-628 |
102. |
Left And Right Complete Near Rings With Arbitrary Cyclic Group
L. Sreenivasulu Reddy, V. Vasu |
629-630 |
103. |
Development of Energy Efficient and Reliable Congestion Control Protocol for Multicasting in Mobile Adhoc Networks compare with AODV Based on Receivers
K.Srinivasa Rao, R.Sudhistna Kumar, P. Venkatesh, R.V.Sivaram Naidu, A.Ramesh |
631-634 |
104. |
Performance of KOH as a catalyst for Trans-esterification of Jatropha Curcas Oil
Cut Aisyah Z Jamil, Abrar Muslim |
635-639 |
105. |
Design of Far-Field Focusing Circular Patch Antenna at 5.8GHZ for RFID Applications
J.V.Suresh, N.Anand Ratnesh, Siva Rama Krishna.K, L.Yogesh, B.Anil Babu, K.V.V.Kumar |
640-644 |
106. |
A Study To Evaluate The Effect Of Fatigue On Knee Joint Proprioception And Balance In Healthy Individuals
Purvi K. Changela, K. Selvamani, Ramaprabhu |
645-649 |
107. |
Forensic Investigation and evaluation of the structural and durability performance of the polymer based repair material
Poonam I. Modi, Chaitanya J. Patel |
650-654 |
108 |
Proactive Bai's Secret Sharing Scheme for AOMDV Routing Protocol for Secured Communication in MANET
C. Chandrasekar, Lt. Dr. S. Santhosh Baboo |
655-659 |
109. |
Recognition of Retinal Image Using Redial Basis Function For Authentication
Priyanka Mishra, Suyash Agrawal |
660-663 |
110. |
A Methodology for the Performance Analysis of Cluster Based Image Segmentation
Jaskirat Kaur, Sunil Agrawal, Dr. Renu Vig |
664-667 |
111. |
Polarization Mode Dispersion compensation in WDM system using dispersion compensating fibre
Amandeep Kaur |
668-673 |
112. |
Modelling and Optimization of Process Parameters during End Milling of Hardened Steel
V V K Lakshmi, Dr K Venkata Subbaiah |
674-679 |
113. |
An Improved Medical Image Segmentation Using Charged Fluid Model
Nagesh Vadaparthi, Srinivas Yarramalle, Suvarna Kumar G, Vamsee Krishna V |
680-682 |
114. |
Work Breakdown Structure of the Project
T.Rajani Devi, V.Shobha Reddy |
683-686 |
115. |
FH Signal Interception Based on the Time-Frequency Spectrogram by
Image Enhancement Techniques
Lahari Chevva, G.V.R.Sagar |
687-692 |
116. |
3D Face Recognition Based On Extracting PCA Methods
Sushil Gangwar, Dr. Krishna Kumar |
693-696 |
117. |
A new modular Authentication and Authorization architecture for web portals and content management systems
GholamAli Nejad HajAli Irani |
697-703 |
118. |
Influence of various industrial effluents on concrete structures
G.Murali, C.M. Vivek Vardhan, Siji Raju, C.Mahalakshmi, G.Srinidhi, Deepthi Susan Zachariah |
704-709 |
119. |
Telecom Mashups: a Practical Example
Yousef Daradkeh, Dmitry Namiot, Manfred Sneps-Sneppe |
710-714 |
120. |
Monte Carlo Simulation of Single Spot and Multi-Spot Welded Lap Shear Specimen by Using Finite Element Method
Mr. Prasad P Kulkarni, Prof.M.L.Kulkarni |
715-718 |
121. |
Mainly significant Content Mining of Entire Web Page
P.Sivakumar, Dr. R.M.S Parvathi |
719-722 |
122. |
system Identification Using An Affine Combination Of Two Lms Adaptive Filters
P.Nagarjuna , M.RamiReddy |
723-726 |
123. |
A Delayed Buffered Technique Using The Concept Of Gated Driven Tree For Optimizing The Power
Rajya Lakshmi G, Radha Krishna T, Lowkya Ch, Basheer Ali Sheik, P Mahesh, L Srikanth |
727-733 |
124. |
Field oriented & State Feedback control of a Permanent Magnet
linear Synchronous motor in High Performance Motion system
Ms.B.Arundhati, Dr.K. Alice Mary, Dr.M. Suryakalavathi |
734-737 |
125. |
Use of Data Mining in Banking
Kazi Imran Moin, Dr. Qazi Baseer Ahmed |
738-742 |
126. |
Review Study On Electrochemical-Based Biosensors
A.C Mongra, Amandeep Kaur, R.K Bansal |
743-749 |
127. |
Software Maintainability Prediction Using Neural Networks
Mr. Sandeep Sharawat |
750-755 |
128. |
Detection And Recognition Of Indian Traffic Signs
Pritika Priya, Dhara Modha, Mansi Agrawal |
756-758 |
129. |
Web People Search using Ontology Based Decision Tree
Mrunal Patil, Sonam Khomane, Varsha Saykar, Kavita Moholkar |
759-763 |
130. |
Losses In Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Different Materials
Araniya K. K, Nayak H. B, Gajjar V. Y, Patel A. D |
764-769 |
131. |
A Low Power Delay Buffer Using Gated Driver Tree
Korra Thulasi Bai, J.E.N.Abhilash |
770-772 |
132. |
Analysis of Image Compression Algorithms
Abhishek Kaushik, Maneesha Gupta |
773-779 |
133. |
Technology Behind 10 Gigabit Ethernet
Deepak Koli |
780-784 |
134. |
Bidirectional Integration Of Fuzzy Logic With Genetic Algorithm And Learning With Genetic Fuzzy System
Riidhei Malhotra, Madhu Chauhan, Uday Pratap Singh, and Mukul Pathak |
785-795 |
135. |
Block Matchig Algoritham For Moving Image Segmentation
Prof. K. M. Pimple, Tushar R. Tale, Ankush V. Konde |
796-799 |
136. |
An Embedded Web Server For Educational Institute
Prof. K. M. Pimple , Varun M. Fanje, Pankaj A. Patil, Siddharth K. Ganvir |
800-805 |
137. |
Unsupervised Classification of Uncertain Data Objects in Spatial Databases Using Computational Geometry and Indexing Techniques
Kurada Ramachandra Rao, PSE Purnima, M Naga Sulochana, B Durga Sri |
806-814 |
138. |
Power Saving in CMOS Using a Half-Swing Clock Scheme
Deepti Kachhara, Rajendra Prasad, Ruchi Agarwal, Mukesh Maheshwari |
815-819 |
139. |
Design of Spur Gear and its Tooth profile
Mr. A. Gopichand, Prof. A.V.N.L. Sharma, K. Pavan Kumar, K. Sainath, I. Aravind |
820-827 |
140. |
Network Security–Detection of Distributed Denial of Service Attacks
M. Venkata Krishna Reddy, L. Raghavender Raju, D. Jamuna, 4M.Gayathri |
828-831 |
141. |
Determination of Performance Level of G+5 Building Situated In Zone
III Using Pushover Analysis by Sap2000
S. Naga Sujani, K. Phanisha, N. Mohana Rupa, Sunita Sarkar, M.Nageswari, P.Poluraju |
832-837 |
142. |
Secure Communication Protocol for ATM Using TLS Handshake
Uday Pratap Singh, Mukul Pathak, Riidhei Malhotra, Madhu Chauhan |
838-848 |
143. |
Remote Monitoring & Control using M2M
Mr. N. D. Toradmal, Mr. R. B. Nimbalkar, Prof. S. G. Galande, Prof. S. M.Turkane |
849-854 |
144. |
Adsorptive removal of Cu(II) from aqueous solution using modified rice husk
Hengpeng Ye, Lin Zhang, Beiping Zhang, Guomin Wu, Dongyun Du |
855-863 |
145. |
Different Aspects Of Cloud Security
Madhu Chauhan, Riidhei Malhotra, Mukul Pathak, Uday Pratap Singh |
864-869 |
146. |
Fuzzy Keyword Search Over Encrypted Data Using Cloud Computing
Mr. Mahesh Lanjewar, Swapnali Ghadge, Sneha Mane, Priti Dalvi |
870-874 |
147. |
Implementation of SPI Communication Protocol for Multipurpose
Applications with I2C Power and Area Reduction
M.Jyothi, L.Ravi Chandra, M.Sahithi, S.Daya Sagar Chowdary, K.Rajasekhar, K.Purnima |
875-883 |
148. |
Implementation Of New Slant For Efficient Power Saving In Digital Design By Using Automatic Clock Gating Technique
884-890 |
149. |
Enhanced Progressive Parametric Approach For Query Optimization
Swathi Sambangi, Nagaram Phani Kumar, Kiran Katta, Rajeev Gandhi Bakka, Deepika Rani |
891-895 |
150. |
Comparison Between Conventional Power Generation And Renewable Energy Power Generation In Bangladesh
Zakaria Mahbub, Husnain-Al-Bustam, Suvro Shahriar, T.M. Iftakhar Uddin, Abrar Saad |
896-902 |
151. |
Implementation Of Cd-Mac Protocol Algorithm For Reliable Communication In Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
V V K Lakshmi, Dr K Venkat Subbaiah |
903-908 |
152. |
Domain Specific Video Data Mining Using Multicore Fp-Growth Tree
Geetanjali Khanvilkar |
909-911 |
153. |
Design And Analysis Of 8-Bit Multiplier Using Body Biasing Techniqe
Boddu Srinivas, Dr.Fazal Noorbasha, Sai Praveen Venigalla, Venkata Aravind Bezawada, M.Ravi Kiran |
912-916 |
154. |
Optimization Of Alkaline Protease Production From Locally Isolated Bacillus Sp. Bacillus Firmus From Soil Microorganisms In Batch Culture Using Statistical Design
Swapna Vadlamani, Sreenivas Rao Parcha |
917-924 |
155. |
Real –time Traffic light control and Congestion avoidance system:
Sabya sanchi kanojia |
925-929 |
156. |
Image Inpainting-Automatic Detection and Removal of Text From Images
Uday Modha, Preeti Dave |
930-932 |
157. |
Recognition Of Voice Using Mel Cepstral Coefficient & Vector Quantization
Priyanka Mishra, Suyash Agrawal |
933-938 |
158. |
Design Of Low-Power High-Speed Truncation-Error Tolerant Adder And Its Application In Digital Signal Processing
Ms. R. Neeharika, Mr. Venkanna, Ms. M. Kavitha |
939-944 |
159. |
Further Investigations On The Question Raised By Singh
Sanjib Kumar Datta, Tanmay Biswas, Soumen Kanti Deb |
945-954 |
160. |
Data Warehousing And Olap Technology
Manya Sethi |
955-960 |
161. |
Classification, Clustering And Intrusion Detection System
Manish Joshi |
961-964 |
162. |
Healthbook – Ubiquitous Solution For Heath Services
Atul Ujjwal, Bhupendra Manglani, Disha Akarte, Akash Jain |
965-967 |
163. |
Implementation of ContourLet Transform For Copyright Protection of Color Images
S.janardhanaRao, Dr k.Rameshbabu |
968-973 |
164. |
An Application Of Time Series Analysis For Weather Forecasting
Abhishek Agrawal, Vikas Kumar, Ashish Pandey, Imran Khan |
974-980 |
165. |
Study On Effect Of Operating Parameters On Biodegradation Of Phenol By Aspergillus Fumigatus
P.Balamurugan, B.Preetha, T.Virithagiri |
981-986 |
166. |
Harmonic Signal Generator Based On Direct Digital Synthesizer And SOPC
Lavanya Thunuguntla, Bindu Madhavi K, Neeharika R |
987-993 |
167. |
Estimation Of 'X' In Cd1-Xznxte Thin Films Using X-Ray Diffraction Analysis
994-1001 |
168. |
Azure Framework, way to Resolve Security Issues In Cloud Computing
Mr. Shailesh V. Ugale, Prof. S. J.Karale |
1002-1005 |
169. |
Numerical Investigation of Flow behavior and Heat Transfer
Characteristics inside Herringbone Microfin Tube
Mohammad Ariful Islam, Akio Miyara |
1006-1009 |
170. |
Vision-Based Autonomous Security Robot
Nitesh Kumar Dixit, Sandeep Sharma, Surendra Yadav, Lav Saxena |
1010-1015 |
171. |
Effective Iris Recognition For Security Enhancement
M.Suganthy, P.Ramamoorthy, R.Krishnamoorthy |
1016-1019 |
172. |
Segmentation Of Satellite Images Using Fuzzy Logic And Hilbert
Huang Transform
Suganthi.T, Purushothaman.S |
1020-1023 |
173. |
Estimated Necessary Time for Receiving the Information From Cluster Head to BS by Neuro-Fuzzy
Zahra Mahdavi, Maryam Khademi, HormozKhosravighasemabadi |
1024-1026 |
174. |
Analytic Study Of Load Balancing Techniques Using Tool Cloud Analyst.
Tanveer Ahmed, Yogendra Singh |
1027-1030 |
175. |
Comparative Study Of Different Scheduling Algorithms For Wimax MAC Scheduler Design
Gajanan M. Galshetwar, Prof. Amutha Jayakumar, Yashika Mittal |
1031-1037 |
176. |
A 4-D Sequential Multispectral Lossless Images Compression Over Changed Data Using LZW Techniques
Shadna Yadav, Vimal Gupta |
1038-1042 |
177. |
Analysis & Interpretation of Biomedical Signals using component extraction techniques
Hemant P.Kasturiwale |
1043-1047 |
178. |
Multifeature Palmprint Recognitionusing Feature Level Fusion R.Gayathri, P.Ramamoorthy |
1048-1054 |
179. |
Segmentation Of Cancer Cells In Mammogram Using Region Growing Method And Gabor Features
S.Meenalosini, Dr.J.Janet ,Dr.E.Kannan |
1055-1062 |
180. |
Firewall Designing Using FCD
Tanveer Ahmed |
1063-1066 |
181. |
Kinetics and Pyrolysis of Glossy Paper Waste
Modh J.K, Namjoshi S.A, Channiwala S.A |
1067-1074 |
182. |
Multi-Path QoS-Aware Service Composition
Osama Kayed Qtaish, Zulikha Bt Jamaludin, Massudi Mahmuddin |
1075-1085 |
183. |
Low Power Synthesis in Digital Design by Automatic Insertion of Clock Gating and Operand Isolation Cells
Susrutha Babu Sukhavasi, Lakshmi Narayana Thalluri, Suparshya Babu Sukhavasi, S R Sastry
Kalavakolanu, Shaik Moulali, S Rahil Hussain |
1086-1092 |
184. |
Knowledge-Based System For Predicting The Non-Conformed Quality Of Precast Concrete Products
Sasiwimol Promote, Thatchavee Leelawat |
1093-1095 |
185. |
A Review of Power Efficient Hierarchical Routing Protocols in Wireless
Sensor Networks
Sanjay Waware, Dr. Nisha Sarwade , Pallavi Gangurde |
1096-1102 |
186. |
A Novel High Speed Leading Zero Counter For Floating Point Units
Satish Paidi, Rohit Sreerama, K.Neelima |
1103-1105 |
187. |
An Efficient Modified Fuzzy Possibilistic C-Means Algorithm for MRI Brain Image Segmentation
P. Hari Krishnan, Dr. P. Ramamoorthy |
1106-1110 |
188. |
A Comparative Study of Current and Voltage Transients on a Distribution Transformer Due To Capacitor Switching
Pawan Kumar Mehta, Baidehi Nanda, Swayam Ranjan Halder, Akhilesh kumar, Afsir Ahsan, Santanu Das, Poulomi Mitra |
1111-1118 |
189. |
Automatic and Robust Detection of Facial Features in Posed and Tilted Face Images
Mr. Vimal Gupta, Pushpa Chaurasia |
1119-1125 |
190. |
A Smart Texting System For Android Mobile Users
Ms. Anuja Jadhav, Prof. Arvind Patil |
1126-1128 |
191. |
Image Authentication Technique Using Fsim Algorithm
H.Anandkumar Singh, R.Gayathri |
1129-1133 |
192. |
Predictive Modeling of Customers in Personalization Applications with Context
D.Sailaja, K.Nasaramma, M.Sumender Roy, Venkateswarlu Bondu |
1134-1138 |
193. |
Optimization of Burnishing Parameters by DOE and Surface Roughness, Microstructure and Micro Hardness Characteristics of AA6061 Aluminium Alloy in T6 Condition
P. Ravindra Babu, K. Ankamma, T. Siva Prasad, A.V. S. Raju, N. Eswara Prasad |
1139-1146 |
194. |
Association Rule Mining Method On OLAP Cube
Jigna J. Jadav, Mahesh Panchal |
1147-1151 |
195. |
Numerical Studies On High Lift Generating Aerofoils To Be Used As Aircraft Fuselage
Rajan J. Bhatt, Sandip C.Patel, K.Raja Shekar Rao, Dr. S.A. Channiwala |
1152-1161 |
196. |
Analysis of Mobility Management Schemes & Study on Pointer Forwarding for Wireless Mesh Networks
Santosh Amshala, Narayana Rao, Kethavath Narender, G Rama Devi |
1162-1167 |
197. |
Classification Of Scripts Using Vertical Stroke Feature
Neerugatti Vishwanath, Anil Kumar Gogi, P Prem Kishan, Sk. Khamuruddeen, S.V.Devika |
1168-1174 |
198 |
Intelligent Malware Detection System
Sandeep B. Damodhare, Prof. V. S. Gulhane |
1175-1177 |
199. |
Cloud Computing For Business
Jaimin N. Undavia, Nikhil P. Shah |
1178-1180 |
200. |
Material Selection For Solar Flat Plate Collectors Using Ahp
B.J.Rohith, Dr.P.Venkataramaiah, P.MohanaReddy |
1181-1185 |
201. |
Enhancement Of Infrared Image: A Review
Pratik G. Angaitkar, Prof Khushboo Saxena |
1186-1189 |
202. |
Optimization of High Power Co2 Laser Machining Centre's Machining Parameters by Experimental Analysis
Prof. Dhaval P. Patel, Mrugesh B. Khatri |
1190-1196 |
203 |
A Novel Approach to Ranking Usability Attributes
K. Paithankar, Dr. M. Ingle |
1197-1202 |
204. |
Improved Swarm Intelligence Approach To Multi Objective Ed Problems
C.Jeevakarunya, Mrs.S.T.Suganthi |
1203-1211 |
205. |
An Optimistic Differentiated Job Scheduling System for Cloud Computing
Shalmali Ambike, Dipti Bhansali, Jaee Kshirsagar, Juhi Bansiwal |
1212-1214 |
206. |
An Image Stitching System using Featureless Registration and Minimal Blending
Ch.Rajesh Kumar, N.Nikhita, Santosh Roy, V.V.S.Murthy |
1215-1223 |
209. |
Characterization and Classification of Different
Aquaculture Tunisian Water using an Electronic Tongue
H. Barhoumi |
1236-1241 |
210. |
A Step towards Making an Effective Text to speech Conversion System
Er.Sheilly Padda, Er. Nidhi, Ms. Rupinderdeep Kaur |
1242-1244 |
211. |
Touch-Screen Based Wheelchair System
Vasundhara G. Posugade, Komal K. Shedge, Chaitali S. Tikhe |
1245-1248 |
212. |
Implementation of Distance Based Semi Supervised Clustering and Probabilistic Assignment Technique for Network Traffic Classification
Vinod Mahajan, Bhupendra Verma |
1249-1252 |
213. |
Tensile Strength Analysis of bamboo and Layered Laminate Bamboo composites
C.S. Verma, V.M. Chariar, R. Purohit |
1253-1264 |
214. |
Cleavage analysis of Bamboo : a natural composite
C.S. Verma, V.M. Chariar, R. Purohit |
1265-1268 |
215. |
A Frame Work on Nutshell using Unsupervised ConciseRangeQueries
B. Sunil Kumar, B. RAJASEKHAR, S Chandana |
1269-1273 |
216. |
Wavelet Based Hybrid Coding Of Images
Kavitha Srinivasan, Dr.N.M.Nandhitha, Dr.T.Ravi, Dr.E.Logashsnmugam |
1274-1277 |
217. |
Comparision Of Numerical Heat Transfer In Conventional And Helically Baffled Heat Exchanger
C.Sivarajan, B.Rajasekaran, Dr.N.Krishnamohan |
1278-1282 |
218. |
Design of a Low Power Operational Amplifier by Compensating the Input Stage
Suparshya Babu Sukhavasi,Susrutha Babu Sukhavasi, Dr.Habibulla khan, S R Sastry
Kalavakolanu,Vijaya Bhaskar Madivada, Lakshmi Narayana Thalluri |
1283-1287 |
219. |
Network Intrusion Detection using SNORT
Kurundkar G.D, Naik N.A, Dr.Khamitkar S.D |
1288-1296 |
220. |
Impacts of Cost of Poor Quality in Indian Automobile Sector
Mahesh Krishan Shukla, Prakash Chandra Agrawal |
1297-1302 |
221. |
ARM based Implementation of Viterbi Algorithm for Wireless Data Communication.
Varsha P. Patil, Prof. D. G. Chougule |
1303-1307 |
222. |
Modeling Abstract BPMN from Business Driven Model
Arun Kumar Chaturvedi, Kavita Verma |
1308-1315 |
223. |
Implementation Of Low Power High Performance Combinational Circuits Using Output Prediction Logic
Chiranjeevi Pandamaneni, Mr.Syed Inthiyaz, Aditya.K, B.V.Aravind |
1316-1321 |
224. |
Gsm Based Personal Medi-Kits
A.B.Dande, G.A.Deshmukh, S.D.Deshmukh, P.M.Deshpande |
1322-1330 |
225. |
HVDC LIGHT and FACTS Technology:
A Modern Approach to Power System Interconnections
Alok Kumar Mohanty, Amar Kumar Barik |
1331-1336 |
226. |
Transaction Control System On Various Techniques for Maintaining Consistency of Databases
Prof. S.R. Thakare, Dr. C.A. Dhawale, Prof. A.B. Gadicha |
1337-1348 |
227. |
Design and Development of Activation and Controlling Of Home Automation System VIA SMS through Microcontroller
Ch. Naga Koti Kumar, Y.V. Raghu Babu, A. Gamya, P.Jainath, M. Vijay |
1349-1352 |
228. |
Challenges in the implementation of Fourth Generation Wireless Systems
Gaurang Naik,Vignesh Aigal, Pulkit Sehgal, Jitesh Poojary |
1353-1355 |
229. |
Energy Efficinet Technology For Full Automisation Of Escalator
Mahesh Zanwar, Vishal V.Rathi, Gaurav S. Tawani, Abhinav S. Zanwar, Brijesh N.Thool |
1356-1358 |
230. |
Srft Based Low Rating Dstatcom With A Zig-Zag Transformer For Current Compensation In A Three Phase Four Wire Distribution System
P.Ramesh, N.Swathi, S.Sai Krishnan, M.Sowjanya Devi, N.Hima Bindu |
1359-1366 |
231. |
Analysis of Power Transformer using fuzzy expert and neural network system
Anil Kumar, Ajay Rathore, Ashish Patra |
1367-1372 |
232. |
Engineering Implication for Millennium development Goals in Revamping and Sustaining Nigeria Economy
Engr. V. I. Otti |
1373-1377 |
233. |
Improvement of K-Means clustering Algorithm
Prof P M Chawan, Saurabh R Bhonde, Shirish Patil |
1378-1382 |
234. |
Electrical Distribution System Reliability Improvement by Optimal Placement of Fault Indicators using Immune Algorithm
Reza Baradaran Hendi, Seyed-Jalal Seyed-Sheneva, Majid Gandomkar |
1383-1390 |
235. |
Web Content Security System Of Data Leakage
Kamlesh Kumar, Amarjeet Singh, Dr. Ashutosh Kumar Bhatt, Dr. Manoj Chandra Lohani |
1391-1396 |
236. |
Downlink BER Simulation for IEEE 802.1 6e OFDM-PHY
Goutami Veluru, Mr. M. Devendra M.S |
1397-1405 |
237. |
Facial Feature Based Method For Real Time Face Detection And Tracking I-CURSOR
Sunita Barve, Dhaval Dholakiya, Shashank Gupta, Dhananjay Dhatrak |
1406-1410 |
238. |
Traditional Cryptography versus Quantum Cryptography
Nishant Mehta |
1411-1413 |
239. |
D* Lite Based Real-Time Multi-Agent Path Planning in Dynamic Environments
Khalid Al-Mutib, Mansour AlSulaiman, Muhammad Emaduddin, Hedjar Ramdane, Ebrahim Mattar |
1414-1419 |
240. |
Incremental Conductance Based Maximum Power Point Tracking(MPPT) for Photovoltaic System
M.Lokanadham, K.Vijaya Bhaskar |
1420-1424 |
241. |
Effect of Sliding Velocity and Relative Humidity on Friction Coefficient of Brass Sliding against Different Steel Counterfaces
Dr. Mohammad Asaduzzaman Chowdhury, Dr. Dewan Muhammad Nuruzzaman, Md. Abdul Hannan |
1425-1431 |
242. |
Wireless Camera based Online Examination Security
M.Chaitanya Suman, K.Prathyusha |
1432-1435 |
243. |
An efficient aggregation of multiple Ethernet frames for higher data rate
Kondalarao.punati, Naresh kumar reddy.Beechu, G.Subramanya Sarma |
1436-1439 |
244. |
Analysis of DoS Attack in DSR protocol
Mr, Parth Wadhwa, Prof. Kajal S. Patel |
1440-1442 |
245. |
Hand Recognised Set Top Box
Mrs Reena R Ambekar, Ms. Vishakha Jadhav, Ms. Dhwani Doshi, Mr. Ashwinkumar Gothi,
Mr. Dishant Jani |
1443-1447 |
246. |
Data Allocation Strategies In Data Leakage Detection
Unnati Kavali, Tejal Abhang, Mr. Vaibhav Narawade |
1448-1452 |
247. |
Enhanced Proximity-Based Routing Policy for Service Brokering in Cloud Computing
A. Sarfaraz Ahmed |
1453-1455 |
248. |
Virtualization through Xen Hypervisor
Ashish Maheta, Chirag Patel |
1456-1459 |
249. |
Study & analysis of optical-Based Biosensors
A.C Mongra, Amandeep Kaur |
1460-1464 |
250. |
A Survey on Applications of Genetic Algorithms and Fuzzy Logic in Caching
Mahip M.Bartere, Dr. Prashant V.Ingole |
1465-1466 |
251. |
Platform Autonomous Custom Scalable Service using Service Oriented Cloud Computing Architecture
B. Kamala, B. Priya, J. M. Nandhini |
1467-1471 |
252. |
Innovation on a Memory Based Multiplier
M. Mounika Varalakshmi, G.Sravya |
1472-1476 |
253. |
An Enhanced Carry Elimination Adder for Low Power VLSI Applications
V.Muralidharan, Dr.M.Jagadeeswari |
1477-1482 |
254. |
Analysis of Intrusion Detection System & Emergence of Online
Alert Aggregation
Prahanthi, Radha Devi, K.Sandhya Rani |
1483-1487 |
255. |
Comparative Analysis of 4-bit Multipliers Using Low Power Adder Cells
Navdeep Goel, Sukhreet Singh |
1488-1491 |
256. |
New Design of High Performance 2:1 Multiplexer
Ila Gupta, Neha Arora, Prof. B. P. Singh |
1492-1496 |
257. |
Web tension optimization of slot die coated PEDOT: PSS based on resistance characteristics
Kyung-Hyun Choi, Ganeshthangaraj Ponniah, Navaneethan Duraisamy, Yang-Hoi Doh |
1497-1502 |
258. |
Optimised Research Paper Recommender System Using Social Tagging
Garima Mishra, Jyoti |
1503-1507 |
259. |
Interference Environment between High Altitude Platform Station and Fixed Wireless Access Stations
S.H.A. Al-Samhi, N.S. Rajput |
1508-1513 |
260. |
Mobility Prediction and Routing in Vehicular Ad hoc Network
Prof. Uma Nagaraj, Amit Bharane, Bhushan Chaudhari, Ankit Naidu |
1514-1518 |
261. |
Experimental Studies on the Performance and Emission haracteristics of an Ethanol Fumigated Diesel Engine
A.Pannirselvam, M.Ramajayam, V.Gurumani, S.Arulselvan, G.Karthikeyan |
1519-1527 |
262. |
Field Programmable Gate Array based Three Phase Induction Motor Drive
M.Chiranjeevi, B.Hemanth Kumar |
1528-1532 |
263. |
Zero Knowledge Protocol to design Security Model for threats in WSN
Vishal Parbat, Tushar Manikrao, Nitesh Tayade, Sushila Aghav |
1533-1537 |
264. |
Low Power And Area Efficient Asymmetrical differential Amplifier Based Content Addressable Memory
Kuludip Kumar Gupta, Dr. R.K Sarin, Er.Nitin Kr.Tiwari |
1538-1542 |
265. |
A Model Reference PID Control System And Its Application To SISO Process
S.M. Jagdish , S.Sathishbabu |
1543-1550 |
266. |
Automatic Text Summarization Using:Fuzzy GA-GP
Aparna Ladekar, Archana Mujumdar, Prajakta Nipane, Sonam Titar, Guide: Mrs. Kavitha S. |
1551-1555 |
267. |
MHD Flow with Viscous Dissipation and Chemical Reaction over a Stretching Porous Plate in Porous Medium
P.K. Singh, Jai Singh |
1556-1564 |
268. |
Design Of Efficient Low Voltage High Current Dc To Dc Power Supply
P. Hari Krishna Prasad, Dr. M. Venu Gopal Rao |
1565-1570 |
269. |
LIN Based Lighting Control System for two wheeler vehicles.
Chetna Ravindra Nikam, Aishwarya Laxmikant Thakurdas, Saudamini Mahadev Yewale |
1571-1574 |
270. |
Implementation Of Jpeg 2000 Using Spiht Algorithm
Dr K.Rameshbabu, B SreeLatha, P.Bharathi |
1575-1580 |
271. |
Experimental investigation of Material removal rate in CNC turning using Taguchi method
Kamal Hassan, Mr. Anish Kumar, Mr. M.P.Garg |
1581-1590 |
272. |
Design of MULTIPLEXER using CMOS Ternary Logic
V.S. Ingole, Prof.V.T.Gaikwad |
1591-1596 |
273. |
Computational Analysis of Shockwave in Convergent Divergent Nozzle
P. Padmanathan, Dr. S. Vaidyanathan |
1597-1605 |
274. |
Optimal State Allocation for Multicast Communications with Explicit Multicast Forwarding
K.Ravindranath, Gangamalla Divya, Kandimalla Aishwarya,Y Vijaya Durga, Sk. Wasim |
1606-1613 |
275. |
Porting The Linux Kernel To An Arm Based Development Board
Pratyusha.Gandham, Ramesh N.V.K |
1614-1618 |
276. |
Comparison of Multi-level inverters by reducing common mode voltages and DC-link capacitor voltage balancing for IM drives
A.V.Ravi Kumar, G.Ravi Kumar |
1619-1626 |
277. |
Color Image Enhancement with Noise Reduction by Virtual Histogram and Spatial Operation
Gurudev B. Sawarkar , Yogadhar Pandey |
1627-1632 |
278. |
Notes On (Q, L)-Fuzzy Subnearrings Of A Nearring
M.M.Shanmugapriya, K.Arjunan |
1633-1637 |
279. |
Multiprotocol Label Switching Layer 3 Virtual Private Networks with Open ShortestPath First protocol
1638-1642 |
280. |
Wavelet Based Fingerprint Liveness Detection
Prof. B. G. Warwante, Mr. S. A. Maske |
1643-1645 |
281. |
A Novel Fast Acting PI based Multilevel DSTATCOM
1646-1651 |
282. |
Electro Thermal Analysis Of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Use In Automotive Industry
Mr R.G.Shriwastava, Dr. M.B.Diagavane
, Dr. S.R.Vaishnav |
1652-1658 |
283. |
Effect of water depth and still orientation on productivity for passive
solar distillation
Wasil Jamal, Prof. M. Altamush Siddiqui |
1659-1665 |
284. |
Voltage Regulation With Reactive Power Control Of An Optimized 30-Bus Power System
Anant Gupta, Sarita |
1666-1671 |
285. |
A New Approach for secret concealing in Executable File
Asmita Haveliya |
1672-1674 |