Volume 3- Issue 6 [Nov-Dec 2013]
S.No. | Title & Authors | Page | Downloads |
Paper submitted to IJERA : 1028 Accepted papers by peer review process : 360 Rejected Paper : 668 Paper Acceptance percentage : 35.01% |
1. | Method Develop and Validation of Eletriptan Hydrobromide Pharmaceutical Dosage Form By Rp-Hplc
Method Develop and Validation of Eletriptan Hydrobromide Pharmaceutical Dosage Form By Rp-HplcAbstract: A reverse phase high performance liquid chromatographic method has been described for the estimation of Eletriptan Hydrobromide in its pharmaceutical dosage forms using symmetry C18 (4.6×100nm, 3.5μm) column. In isocratic mode using phosphate buffer: Acetonitrile ratio of 60:40 v/v. The detection was carried out using UV detector at 221 nm. The linearity of Eletriptan Hydrobromide was found to be in the concentration range of 10 to 50 μg/ ml. The flow rate was 0.9 ml/min and the run time was 6 min. The Eletriptan Hydrobromide retention time was observed to be 2.29min .The developed method was validated with respect to linearity, precision, accuracy and specificity as per the International Conference on Harmonisation (ICH) guidelines. The mean recoveries were found to be within the limits. The developed method was simple, fast, accurate and precise and has been successfully applied for the analysis of Eletriptan Hydrobromide in bulk sample and in pharmaceutical dosage forms.Key words: Eletriptan Hydrobromide, Phosphate Buffer, Acetonitrile, Retention Time, linearity Reference [1] Sharma B. K. Instrumental Method of Chemical Analysis. 23rdEdn. Goal publication house, 1991;7. [2] K.D.Tripathi . Essentials of medical pharmacology fifth edition. Jaypee brothers medical publishers(p) Ltd, New Delhi, 139 -143. [3] Arnold R. Martin,Wilson and Griswold's text book of organic medicinal and pharmaceutical chemistry, 8thEdn., Lippincott Williams &wilkins. 1998; 423 - 424 [4] Sethi P.D. HPLC 'High Performance Liquid Chromatography'. Quantitative Analysis of Pharmaceutical Formulations,1stEdn., CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi. 2001; 3. [5] Mirazecvic, Biljanajoic. Validation of an hplc method for the simultaneous determination of eletriptan hydrobromide. UK 120.413, j.serb.chem Soc. 71 (11), 2006; 1195–1205. Dheeravath Saida Naik, Kasani Ramadevi, Bhagawan.D |
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2. | UPQC Controlled Capable Of Mitigating Unbalance In Source Voltage And Load Current
UPQC Controlled Capable Of Mitigating Unbalance In Source Voltage And Load CurrentAbstract: This paper reports the development of a laboratory prototype of a fully digital DSP-controlled 12-kVA unified power quality conditioner (UPQC), capable of compensating for both the supply voltage and the load current imperfections. A fully digital controller based on the TMS320F2812 DSP platform is implemented for the reference generation as well as control purposes. The delay problem in the digital controller is overcome by application of a fast DSP, a compact control technique and proper flow of control steps in the DSP software. A phase-locked loop- less software grid synchronization method has been implemented for the effective operation of the UPQC under conditions of grid frequency variation. A sequence-based compensation strategy has been developed to compensate for balanced and unbalanced sags while accommodating the fact that the voltage injection capability of the UPQC is limited. The prototype UPQC power circuit, control features, and control algorithm along with experimental results are presented in this paper.Index Terms: Current unbalance and nonlinear load, DSP- based control, power quality conditioning (PQC), unbalanced volt- age sag, unified power quality conditioner (UPQC). Reference [1] M. H. Rashid, Power Electronics Handbook: Devices, Circuits, and Ap- plications. New York: Elsevier, 2007. [2] H. Akagi, "Trends in active power line conditioners," IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 263–268, May 1994. [3] H. Fujita and H. Akagi, "The unified power quality conditioner: The inte- gration of series- and shunt-active filters," IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 315–322, Mar. 1998. [4] A. Ghosh and G. Ledwich, Power Quality Enhancement Using Custom Power Devices. Boston, MA: Kluwer, 2002. [5] H. Akagi, "Active harmonic filters," Proc. IEEE, vol. 93, no. 12, pp. 2128–2141, Dec. 2005. B. Santhosh Kumar, K. Vijay Kumar |
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Implementation of Low Cost RF Based Attendance Management System Using PSOC 5 and GSM Module
Implementation of Low Cost RF Based Attendance Management System Using PSOC 5 and GSM ModuleAbstract: An Attendance Management System (AMS) based on TCP/IP protocol is designed and realized. This paper expounds the principle of the RFID reader device in AMS, its hardware and software design. The reader device takes ARM LM3S9B90 as the core and Philips's MFRC531 as the transceiver chip of RFID reader. In application, the system works stable and has good real-time performance.Key words: TCP/IP protocol; ARM; Attendance Management System (AMS) Reference [1] Sedra and Smith, Microelectronic Circuits, fourth edition, Oxford University Press, 1998. [2] R.S. Sedha, 2002. A Text Book of Applied Electronics, S. Chand and Company Ltd., New Delhi [3] Theodore S. Rappaport, Wireless Communications, second edition, PHI. New Delhi,Draft EN (GSM 03.40) v6.0.0 [4] Ali M. F. M., Younis M. I., Zamli K. Z., Ismail W. (2010) Development of Java based RFID application programmable interface for heterogeneous RFID system. The Journal of Systems and Software 83(11): 2322–2331 [5] Anagnostopoulos A., Soldatos J., Michalakos S. G. (2009) REFiLL: A lightweight programmable middleware platform for cost effective RFID application development. Pervasive and Mobile Computing 5(1): 49–63 Sk. Khamuruddeen, S.V.Devika, T. Satya Prasad, S. Phani Kumar, M. Sri Naga Manikantha |
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4. | A Simple Method for Synthesis, Purification and concentration Stabilized Goldnanoparticles
A Simple Method for Synthesis, Purification and concentration Stabilized GoldnanoparticlesAbstract: The greatest barriers to biological nanoparticles in use are issues of particle stability in shape and size control. Simple process is desirable for several reasons likewide range of sample volumes, gentle conditions and inexpensive equipment. Gold nanoparticles(GNPs) which are produced by reducing gold chloride with TSC have very limited time storage. In order to get highly stable nanoparticles, purification has been performed for industrial applications. Removal of the side product of the reaction between HAuCl4 with Tri-Sodium Citrate (TSC)is considered to make GNPs more stable. The result demonstrates that GNPs are more stable after the purification process. Low degree of polydispersity can be achieved during gold nanoparticles synthesis, however, the particles need to be purified post-synthesis. The present research relates to single process for the removal of small-molecule impurities and the isolation of small nanoparticles from larger nanostructures through dialysis and microfiltration then concentration these small nanoparticles through polymer adsorbent materials by a factor of 100 or more to storage in the room temperature prolongs the stability of the purified gold nanoparticles suspension up to one year.The size and shape of the GNps is measured by atomic force microscopy (AFM), and the optical properties by UV-Vis spectrometer.Key words: Gold nanoparticles (GNPs), thermal decomposition, dialysis, microfiltration, polymer absorbent Reference 1. IrshadHussain, Susan Graham, Zhenxin Wang, Bien Tan, David C Sherrington, Steven P Rannard, Andrew I Cooper, Mathias Brust ,Size-controlled synthesis of near-monodisperse gold nanoparticles in the 1-4 nm range using polymeric stabilizers. Journal of the American Chemical Society 11/2005; 127(47):16398-9. 2. NatalliaShalkevich , Investigation on Syntheses of Nanocolloids and Their Thermophysical Properties ,These presented to à la Faculté des Sciences Institut de Physique ,Université de Neuchâtel ,2009 . 3. Samuel E. Lohse , Jonathan R. Eller , Sean T. Sivapalan , Michael R. Plews , and Catherine J. Murphy , A Simple MillifluidicBenchtop Reactor System for the High-Throughput Synthesis and Functionalization of Gold Nanoparticles with Different Sizes and Shapes, ACS Nano, Article ASAP , 2013. 4. Steinigeweg, D., Schütz, M., Salehi, M. and Schlücker, S. , Gold Nanoparticles: Fast and Cost-Effective Purification of Gold Nanoparticles in the 20–250 nm Size Range by Continuous Density Gradient Centrifugation, Small,2011,Volume 7, Issue 17, page 2406. 5. Balasubramanian SK, Yang L, Yung LY, Ong CN, Ong WY, Yu LE, Characterization, purification, and stability of gold nanoparticles, Biomaterials. 2010 , 31(34):9023-30. Dr. Fatin F.M. AL-Kazazz, Kifah A. F. AL-Imarah, Ikteffam.Abed AL-Hasnawi, Agelmashotjafar L, Dr.Ban Abbas Abdul-Majeed |
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5. | Analysis of Surface Degradation PP and HDPE Banana Fiber by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)
Analysis of Surface Degradation PP and HDPE Banana Fiber by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)Abstract: The purpose of this article is to evaluate the surface behavior of polypropylene (PP) and High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) with loads of 5% and 10% in banana fibers in solutions of distilled water, ethanol and sodium chloride (5%) for 15, 30, 45, 60, 90 and 200 days. The samples were sectioned and then weighed for the area measurement of degradation and fluid (mass difference in time function) absorption, according to the environment. The expected results show that the longer the immersion time, the greater the material degradation, regardless of the respective environment. It is also evaluated the material degradation by Scanning Electron Microscopy.Key words: Composites, Degradation, Product Design, Scanning Electron Microscope Reference [1] Lesko, J. Design Industrial Materiais e Processos de Fabricação. Editora Edgard Bluncher, 2004. [2] Mattoso, J. O Brasil desempregado. Editora Fundação Perseu Abramo, 2ª Ed., 1999. [3] Herrera-Franco, P.J., Valadez-Gonzalez, A. Mechanical properties of continuous natural fibre-reinforced polymer composites, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Volume 35, Issue 3, March 2004, Pages 339–345. [4] Callister, Jr., W.D.; Ciências e Engenharia de Materiais: Uma introdução: Editora LTC, Rio de Janeiro, 2008. [5] Marinescu, I. D., Ispas, C., & Boboc, D. (2000). Handbook of machine tool analysis (Vol. 144). CRC Press. P. M. Hashimoto, R. B. Ribeiro, D. R. Mulinari, J.W.J. Silva, J.L. Rosa, L.B. Silva, N.T. Matias |
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6. | Automatic Screening of Missing Objects and Identification with Group Coding of RF Tags
Automatic Screening of Missing Objects and Identification with Group Coding of RF TagsAbstract: Here the container of the shipping based phenomena it is a collection of the objects in a well oriented fashion by which there is a group oriented fashion related to the well efficient strategy of the objects based on the physical phenomena in a well efficient fashion respectively. Here by the enabling of the radio frequency identification based strategy in which object identification takes place in the system in a well efficient fashion and followed by the container oriented strategy in a well effective fashion respectively. Here there is a problem with respect to the present strategy in which there is a problem with respect to the design oriented mechanism by which there is a no proper analysis takes place for the accurate identification of the objects based on the missing strategy plays a major role in the system based aspect respectively. Here a new technique is proposed in order to overcome the problem of the previous method here the present design oriented powerful strategy includes the object oriented determination of the ID based on the user oriented phenomena in a well effective manner where the data related to the strategy of the missing strategy plays a major role in the system based aspect in a well effective fashion by which that is from the perfect analysis takes place from the same phenomena without the help of the entire database n a well respective fashion takes place in the system respectively. Here the main key aspect of the present method is to effectively divide the entire data related to the particular aspect and define based on the present strategy in a well effective manner in which there is coordination has to be maintained in the system based aspect respectively. Simulations have been conducted on the present method and a lot of analysis takes place on the large number of the data sets in a well oriented fashion with respect to the different environmental conditions where there is an accurate analysis with respect to the performance followed by the outcome in a well respective fashion takes place in the system.Key words: Communication of RF, Data verification system, multiple groups, Radio frequency identification, Tags oriented RFID. Reference [1] S. Piramuthu, "On existence proofs for multiple RFID tags," in ACS/IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Services. IEEE, 2006, pp. 317–320. [2] C. Lin, Y. Lai, J. Tygar, C. Yang, and C. Chiang, "Coexistence Proof using Chain of Timestamps for Multiple RFID Tags," Advances in Webnd Network Technologies, and Information Management, pp. 634–643, 2007. [3] Y. Lien, X. Leng, K. Mayes, and J. Chiu, "Reading order independent grouping proof for RFID tags," in IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI). IEEE, 2008, pp. 128–136. [4] S. Inoue, D. Hagiwara, and H. Yasuura, "Systematic error detection for RFID reliability," in The First International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES). IEEE, 2006, p. 7. [5] V. Potdar, P. Hayati, and E. Chang, "Improving RFID read rate reliability by a systematic error detection approach," in 1st Annual RFID Eurasia. IEEE, 2007, pp. 1–5. G. Vijayaraju, B. Vamsi Krishna |
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7. | Implementation of Convolution Encoder and Viterbi Decoder for Constraint Length 7 and Bit Rate 1/2
Implementation of Convolution Encoder and Viterbi Decoder for Constraint Length 7 and Bit Rate 1/2Abstract: Convolutional codes are non blocking codes that can be designed to either error detecting or correcting. Convolution coding has been used in communication systems including deep space communication and wireless communication. At the receiver end the original message sequence is obtained from the received data using Viterbi decoder. It implements Viterbi Algorithm which is a maximum likelihood algorithm, based on the minimum cumulative hamming distance it decides the optimal trellis path that is most likely followed at the encoder. In this paper I present the convolution encoder and Viterbi decoder for constraint length 7 and bit rate 1/2.Key words: Convolution Encoder, trellis diagram, Verilog HDL, Viterbi algorithm, Viterbi decoder. Reference [1]. Madhu Vamshi Malladi, "Reconfigurable Viterbi Decoder", The University of New Brunswick, Canada, 2005. [2]. Yan Sun, Zhizhong Ding "FPGA Design and Implementation of a Convolutional Encoder and a Viterbi Decoder Based on 802.11a for OFDM", Wireless Engineering and Technology, 2012, 3, 125-131, doi:10.4236/wet.2012.33019 Published Online July 2012 [3]. "Information Theory and Coding", by Prof. K. Giridhar, pooja publications. [4]. V.Kavinilavu, S. Salivahanan, V. S. Kanchana Bhaaskaran, Samiappa Sakthikumaran, B. Brindha and C. Vinoth," Implementation of Convolutional Encoder & Viterbi Decoder using Verilog HDL",IEEE, 2011 [5]. HEMA.S, SURESH BABU.V, RAMESH P "FPGA Implementation of Viterbi Decoder", Proceedings of the 6th WSEAS Int. Conf. on Electronics, Hardware, Wireless and Optical Communications, Corfu Island, Greece, February 16-19, 2007. Mr. Sandesh Y.M, Mr. Kasetty Rambabu |
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8. | Keystroke Biometric For User Authentication - A Review
Keystroke Biometric For User Authentication - A ReviewAbstract: Conventionally, users are authenticated under the normal user name and password procedure. The latest trend in authentication is using Biometric as a feature for identifying users. By using biometrics as the integral part of authentication, the chances of imposters entering in a secured system becomes very low. Keystroke Biometric uses the behavioral typing pattern as a biometric for identifying a user. In this paper, a survey is carried out on three different approaches that implements keystroke biometric system. 1) Clustering Di-Graph (CDG): This method uses clustering digraphs based on temporal features. This method joins consecutive keystrokes for representing keystroke pattern. 2) Hamming Distance-like Filtering (HDF): In this method, the dissimilarity has their EER(Equal Error Rate) depending upon filtering of predefined value of gathered data. It is based on resemblance to Hamming Distance. 3) Free Text and Euclidean Distance based Approach (FTED): In this method, keys are classified into two halves (left - right) and four lines (total eight groups) and then timing vectors (of flight time) are obtained between these key groups. For distinguishing the legitimate user from imposters, Timing Vectors are used.Key words: Biometrics, FAR, FRR, EER, Digraph Reference [1] Saurabh Singh, Dr. K.V.Arya "Key Classification: A New Approach in Free Text Keystroke Authentication System" Circuits, Communication and System (PACCS),2011. [2] Yoshihiro kaneko, Yuji Kinpara, Yuta Shiomi, "A Hamming Distance-like Filtering in Keystroke Dynamic", 2011 Ninth Annual International Conference On Privacy ,Security And Trust [3] D.Gunetti and c.picardi , "keystroke analysis of free text,"ACM Trans. On information and system security,4,449-452,2006. [4] H.Davoudi and E.Kabir , "A new distance measure for free text keystroke authentication",Proc . of the 14th international computer conference,570-575,2009. [5] Tomer Shimshon, Robert Moskovitch, Lior Rokach, Yuval Elovici, "Clustering Di-Graphs for Continuously Verifying", 2010 IEEE 26-th Convention of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Israel Pallavi Yevale, Mehul Jha, Swapnil Auti, Laukik Upadhye, Siddhrath Kulkarni |
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9. | A Novelty of Electroencephalogram Signal and Assessment of Sub Band Data Distribution for Brain Balancing Application.
A Novelty of Electroencephalogram Signal and Assessment of Sub Band Data Distribution for Brain Balancing Application.Abstract: The power spectral density (PSD) characteristics extracted from three-dimensional (3D) electroencephalogram (EEG) models in brain balancing application. There were 51 healthy subjects contributed the EEG dataset. Development of 3D EEG models involves pre-processing of raw EEG signals and construction of spectrogram images. The resultant images which are two-dimensional (2D) were constructed via Short Time Fourier Transform (STFT). Optimization, color conversion, gradient and mesh algorithms are image processing techniques have been implemented. Then, maximum PSD values were extracted as features. The Shapiro-Wilk test has been used to check the normality of data distributio and the correlation between sub band has been analized using Pearson correlation. Results indicate that the proposed maximum PSD from 3D EEG model were able to distinguish the different levels of brain balancing indexes.Key words: power spectral density; 3D EEG model; brain balancing Reference [1] Y.M. Randall and C. O'Reilly, Computational Exploration in Cognitive Neuroscience: Understanding the Mind by Simulating the Brain, MIT Press London, 2000. [2] D. Cohen, The Secret Language of the Mind, Duncan Baird Publishers, London, 1996. [3] M. Teplan, Fundamentals of EEG Measurement, Measurement Science Review, vol. 2, pp. 1-11, 2002. [4] E. R. Kandel, J. H. Schwartz, T. M. Jessell, Principles of Neural Science, Fourth Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2000. [5] E. Hoffmann, Brain Training Against Stress: Theory, Methods and Results from an Outcome Study, version 4.2, October 2005. N. Fuad, M.N.Taib, R.Jailani, M.E.Marwan |
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10. | Virtual Network Computing- A Prodigious Technology For Remote Desktop Sharing
Virtual Network Computing- A Prodigious Technology For Remote Desktop SharingAbstract: Virtual Network Computing abbreviated as V.N.C. is a stupendous technology adverted for remote desktop sharing. It is envisioned as an open source research project in the late 1990's which was spawned at the Oracle Research Lab. It is an intelligible protocol, based on a graphic primitive. This efficacious application is mainly contemplated for triggering and controlling remote desktop with in a network. This protocol is intrinsically used for prospecting Graphical User Interface desktops on remote machines within a LAN or over a WAN and providing access to home computing environments. Usually applications on a network can be accessed and executed by users as per the permissions ascribed by the administrator but impotent to access the desktop. The "VNC" is one such application that helps in catering the imperative facilities for inducing specific applications on a remote machine. The ingenuousness and candor makes this protocol competent, robust and puissant. The VNC protocol is utterly independent of operating system, windowing system, and applications dissonant from other remote display protocols such as the XWindow System and Citrix's ICA.The VNC server is used for sharing and dispensing its screen where as, the VNC client ganders and collaborates with the server.Key words: Virtual network computing, remote frame buffer, Computer Supported Cooperative Work, RealVNC Reference [1] http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/V/virtual _network_computing.html [2] A. Boukerche, R. W. N. Pazzi, and J. Feng, "An end-to-end virtual environment streaming technique for thin mobile devices over heterogeneous networks," Computer Communications, vol. 31, no. 11, pp. 2716–2725, JUL 15 2008. [3] Md. Sanaullah Baig, Rajasekar M. and Balaji P, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Gojan School of Business and Technology, Chennai-600052, India "Virtual Network Computing." VNC – How it works. 1999. AT&T Laboratories Cambridge. 5Jul.2001 http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/howitworks.html [4] Virtual Network Computing Tristan Richardson, Quentin Stafford-Fraser, Kenneth R. Wood and Andy Hopper Reprint from IEEE Internet Computing Volume 2, Number 1 AT&T Laboratories Cambridge (1999). "X-based VNC server". Virtual Network Computing. Archived from the original on 2007-03-19. Retrieved 2007-03-24 [5] http://www.yolinux.com/TUTORIALS/ VNC.html Harshita Tomar, Gunjesh Sahney |
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11. | Estimation of Pan Evaporation Using Mean Air Temperature and Radiation for Monsoon Season in Junagadh Region
Estimation of Pan Evaporation Using Mean Air Temperature and Radiation for Monsoon Season in Junagadh RegionAbstract: The significance of major meteorological factors, that influence the evaporation were evaluated at daily time-scale for monsoon season using the data from Junagadh station, Gujarat (India). The computed values were compared. The solar radiation and mean air temperature were found to be the significant factors influencing pan evaporation (Ep). The negative correlation was found between relative humidity and (Ep), while wind speed, vapour pressure deficit and bright sunshine hours were found least correlated and no longer remained controlling factors influencing (Ep). The objective of the present study is to compare and evaluate the performance of six different methods based on temperature and radiation to select the most appropriate equations for estimating (Ep). The three quantitative standard statistical performance evaluation measures, coefficient of determination (R2), root mean square of errors-observations standard deviation ratio (RSR) and Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient (E) are employed as performance criteria. The results show that the Jensen equation yielded the most reliable results in estimation of (Ep) and it can be recommended for estimating (Ep) for monsoon season in the study region.Key words: Pan evaporation, Meteorological variables; evaporation estimation methods Reference [1] R. K. Linsley, M. A. Kohler & J. L. H. Paulhus, Hydrology for Engineer. (McGraw-Hill, 3rd edn. London, 1982) [2] U. S. Panu, T. Nguyen, Estimation of mean areal evaporation in north western Ontario, Canadian Water Resources Journal 19(1), 1994, 69–82. [3] T. C. Winter, D. O. Rosenberry and A. M. Sturrock, Evaluation of 11 equations for determining evaporation for a small lake in the north central United States, Wat. Resour. Res., 31, 1995, 983-993. [4] F. I. Morton, Evaporation and Climate: A Study in Cause and Effect, Scientific. Series no. 4. Inland Water Branch, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, Ottawa, Canada, 1968, 31pp. [5] F. E. Jones, Evaporation of Water: with Emphasis on Applications and Measurement. Lewis Publ., Inc., Chelsea, MI, 1992, 200 pp Manoj J. Gundalia, M. B. Dholakia |
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12. | Methodology for the MDL Model Implementation of the Dinorwig Hydroelectric Plant
Methodology for the MDL Model Implementation of the Dinorwig Hydroelectric PlantAbstract: Nowadays the importance of the Hydroelectric Plants (HP) lies on the energy production, generating from 30 to 60 percent of the energetic balance. As a result, the efficient exploitation is mainly the cause of the implementation of control algorithms that frequently need real time debugging. The HP that will be the studied is the Dinorwig plant, located on the north of Wales, United Kingdom. In order to solve the problem, a new methodology has been foreseen, based on using as equals or emulate the HP through a differential equation of the mathematical model, at hardware level trough electronic devices.Key words: Bilinear transform, Dinorwig, Hydroelectric Plant, Non-variant impulse method Reference [1] S. P. Mansoor, D.I. Jones, D. A. Bradley, F. C. Aris y G.R. Jones, Reproducing oscillatory behaviour of a hydroelectricpower station by computer simulation, Control Engineering,2000. [2] P. Kundur, Power System Stability and Control, New York,USA. Mc Graw Hil, 1994. [3] Heemels, W., De Schutter, B., Bemporad, A., Equivalence ofhybrid dynamical models, Automatica 37(7), 2001. [4] Bemporad, A., Morari, M., Control of systems integratinglogic, dynamics, and constraints, Automatica, 35(3), 1999. [5] G. A. Munoz-Hernandez, D. I. Jones and S. I. Fuentes-Goiz, Modelling and Simulation of a hydroelectric power station usingMLD, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference onElectronics, Communications and Computers, 2005. Ernest Cortez, German Ardul Muñoz Hernandez, José Italo Cortez, Liliana Cortez, Pedro García Juarez, Javier Poblano Romero |
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13. | High Speed, Low Power, Area Efficient Mux-Add and Bec Based Implementation of Carry Select Adder.
High Speed, Low Power, Area Efficient Mux-Add and Bec Based Implementation of Carry Select Adder.Abstract: Adder being the basic hardware block of any arithmetic operation, the major constraint in the field of signal processors, data processors to perform any operations are highly dependent on the adder performance of the circuit. The gate level implementation of the carry select adder (CSLA) and modified carry select adder has significantly reduced the area and power consumption which replaced the ripple carry adder (RCA) used in modified CSLA with MUX-ADD block has further reduced the power consumption by efficiently utilizing the area with faster performanceReference [1] O. J. Bedrij, "Carry-select adder," IRE Trans. Electron. Comput., pp.340–344, 1962. [2] B. Ramkumar, H. M. Kittur, and P. M. Kannan, "ASIC implementation of modified faster carry save adder,"Eur. J. Sci. Res., vol. 42, no. 1, pp. 53–58, 2010. [3] T. Y. Ceiang and M. J. Hsiao, "Carry-select adder using single ripple carry adder,"Electron. Lett., vol. 34, no. 22, pp. 2101–2103, Oct. 1998. [4] Y. Kim and L.-S. Kim, "64-bit carry-select adder with reduced area," Electron. Lett., vol. 37, no. 10, pp. 614–615, May 2001. [5] J. M. Rabaey, Digtal Integrated Circuits—A Design Perspective. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 2001. Ishita Banerjee |
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14. | Performance and Analysis of Z-Source Isolated Bidirectional DC-DC Converter by Using PWM Control Strategy
Performance and Analysis of Z-Source Isolated Bidirectional DC-DC Converter by Using PWM Control StrategyAbstract: In This paper we are presenting an Bidirectional DC-DC converter is also known as dual active bridge (DAB) dc–dc converter. We presented a Z-source with bidirectional dc–dc converter by reducing the switching count by adding an passive elements we are improving the output voltage level, Comparing with the traditional bidirectional dc–dc converter, the proposed converter has an wider regulation range of voltage. The fully bridge symmetrical circuit configuration, is neither a high-voltage side nor a low-voltage side in the circuit structure, and the sources connected to the dc side of each H-bridge circuit with voltage sources and current sources. This method can reduce current stress and improves the system efficiency. Both simulation results shown by using an MATLAB software.Index Terms: Bidirectional dc–dc converter (BDC), coordinated control, double-closed loop, , Z-source. Reference [1] A. Shahin, M. Hinaje, J. P. Martin, S. Pierfederici, S. Rael, and B. Davat, "High voltage ratio dc-dc converter for fuel-cell applications," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 57, no. 12, pp. 3944–3955, Dec. 2010. [2] R. P. T. Bascope, D. S. Oliveira, C. G. C. Branco, and F. L. M. Antunes, "A UPS with 110 V/220 V input voltage and high-frequency transformer isolation," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 8, pp. 2984–2996, Aug. 2008. [3] J. S. Bong, S. K. Jin, D. L. Jae, and S. K. Young, "The design of the PI compensator for the bidirectional dc-dc converter in the dc distributed power system," in Proc. IEEE Elect. Mach. Syst. Intell. Conf., 2010, pp. 372–376. [4] P. Garcia, L. M. Fernandez, C. A. Garcia, and F. Jurado, "Energy management system of fuel-cell-battery hybrid tramway," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 57, no. 12, pp. 4013–4023, Dec. 2010. [5] P. Das, B. Laan, S. A. Mousavi, and G. Moschopoulos, "A nonisolated bidirectional ZVS-PWM active clamped dc-dc converter," IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 553–558, Feb. 2009. B. Pakkiraiah, Ms. Dasari Sudha |
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15. | Review and Evaluate the Citizens' Satisfaction with the Quality of E-Service in Raja Passenger Trains Company
Review and Evaluate the Citizens' Satisfaction with the Quality of E-Service in Raja Passenger Trains CompanyAbstract: In this research, by using E-Quall formula, citizens' satisfaction with the quality of e-service in Raja Passenger Trains Company will be examined. In this study, the main question is issued, whether the citizens who have used of the e-service Raja Passenger Trains Company, are satisfied of this service or not? And it offers assumptions basis on the usability of e-services, Quality information website, interaction of Web services of Raja Passenger Trains Co is satisfactory or not? It has tried to identify and prioritize the factors affecting upon citizens' satisfaction. This study was conducted in two general stages of the tool. In the first stage, by reviewing the documents and records of Raja Company, and in the second stage by distributing the questioner among users and consumers, it specified the important and priority of affecting factors upon citizens' satisfaction of the quality of e-service Raja Passenger Train Company through paired T-test analysis and comparison of averages. The results showed that 69% of users of usability and 85% of users of data quality and 92% of users of interact with website e-service of Raja Passenger Trains Co. were satisfied. Therefore, some proposals were presented to improve the assumptions indicatorsKey words: e-government, customer, customer satisfaction, Internet, service quality measurement Reference [1] Afuah Allan & Tuui, Christopher (2003) internet Business models and strategies, text and cases, Znded New York: Megraw Hil. [2] Brennam, Ross, Baines, Paul & Garneau, Paul2 (2003) Gntem Porary strategic Marketing ", New York: Palgrave Macmillian. [3] Barner, Stuartj and Vidgan, RichandT (2005) Data TRIANG ulation in Action. [4] Chaffey, Dave (2004), E-business and E-commerce management: strategy, Implementation and Practice,UK: Prentice Hall. [5] Chaffey, Dave et al (2000), "Internet marketing strategy, Zmp lamentation and practice" UK: prentice hall. H. R. MirAli, H. R. Ghaderi, A. Hydari and Z. Mohseni |
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16. | Experimental Design of High Yield Polypyrrole by Taguchi Method
Experimental Design of High Yield Polypyrrole by Taguchi MethodAbstract: Taguchi method was successfully implemented in the robust design and development of Polypyrrole synthesis employing inverted emulsion polymerization technique using methanesulfonic acid as a novel dopant along with Potassium persulfate as an oxidant. Polypyrrole salt was obtained in a very high percent yield (83.77 %) with respect to the amount of pyrrole used and the reaction time was considerably reduced (1 hour and 10 minutes) as compared to previously reported synthesis methods. The settings of the process parameters were determined by using Taguchi's experimental design method. Orthogonal arrays of Taguchi, the signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio, the analysis of one way variance (ANOVA), and regression analyses are employed to find the optimal process parameter levels and to analyze the effect of these parameters on percent yield of Polypyrrole salt.Key words: Taguchi optimization method; inverted emulsion polymerization; ANOVA; organic semiconductors; Polypyrrole; Percent Yield Reference [1] Kanatzidis M.G. (1990) 'Polymeric Electrical Conductors', Vol. 49, Chemical Engineering News, pp. 36-54. [2] Shirakawa H, Louis EJ, Macdiarmid AG, Chiang CK, Heeger AJ. (1977) 'Synthesis of electrically conducting organic polymers:Halogen derivatives of polyacetylene, (CH)x', Journal of Chemical Society;Chemical Communications, pp. 578-580. [3] Heeger AJ (1986) Handbook of conducting polymers. Marcel Dekker, New York. [4] Introduction to Taguchi Methods.[online] http://www.ee.iitb.ac.in/~apte (Accessed 21 October 2012). [5] Saravanan C, Chandrashekhar R, Palaniappan S. (2006) ' Synthesis of Polypyrrole using Benzoyl Peroxide as a novel oxidizing agent', Vol. 207, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics., pp. 342-348. S.N. Paul, Vineet V. Karambelkar, J.D. Ekhe |
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17. | High Speed Fault Injection Tool Implemented With Verilog HDL on FPGA for Testing Fault Tolerance Designs
High Speed Fault Injection Tool Implemented With Verilog HDL on FPGA for Testing Fault Tolerance DesignsAbstract: This paper presents an FPGA-based fault injection tool, called FITO that supports several synthesizable fault models for dependability analysis of digital systems modeled by Verilog HDL. Using the FITO, experiments can be performed in real-time with good controllability and observability. As a case study, an Open RISC 1200 microprocessor was evaluated using an FPGA circuit. About 4000 permanent, transient, and SEUfaults were injected into this microprocessor. The results show that the FITO tool is more than 79 times faster than a pure simulation-based fault injection with only 2.5% FPGA area overhead.Key words: Fault Tolerance Design , Gate level Fault Injection, Emulation Phase. Reference [1] V. Sieh, O. Tschache, and F. Balbach, "VERIFY: evaluation of reliability using VHDL-models with embedded fault description," Proc. of the International Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing, Jun. 1997, pp. 32-36. [2] P. Folkesson, S. Sevensson, and J. Karlsson, "A Comparsion of Simulation Based and Scan Chain Implemented Fault Injection," Proc. of the Annual International Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing, Jun. 1998, pp. 284-293. [3] H. Madeira, P. Joao, and G. Silva, "RIFLE: A General Purpose Pin-level Fault Injector," Proc. of the European Dependable Computing Conference, 1994, pp. 199-216. [4] J. Arlat, M. Aguera, L. Amat, Y. Crouzet, J. C. Fabre, J. C. Laprie, E. Martines, and D. Powell, "Fault Injection for Dependability Validation - A Methodology and Some Applications," Trans, on the IEEE Software Engineering,^. 1990, pp. 166-182. [5] J. Carreira, H. Madeira, and J. G. Silva, "Xception: A Technique for the Experimental Evaluation of Dependability in Modern Computers," Trans, on the IEEE Software Engineering, Feb. 1998, pp. 125-136. G. Gopinath Reddy, A. Rajasekhar Yadav, Y. Mahesh |
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18. | Design and Implementation of Power Converters for Hybrid Wind-Solar Energy Conversion System with an Implementation of MPPT
Design and Implementation of Power Converters for Hybrid Wind-Solar Energy Conversion System with an Implementation of MPPTAbstract: This paper presents the design and implementation of power converters for wind conversion systems. The power converter can not only transfer the power from a wind generator, but also improve the stability and safety of the system. The proposed system consists of a Permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG); a DC/DC boosts converter, a bi-directional DC/DC converter and a full-bridge DC/AC inverter. The wind generator is the main power source of the system, and the battery is used for energy storage and power compensation to recover the natural irregularity of the wind power. In this paper presents a new system configuration of the front-end rectifier stage for a hybrid wind or photo voltaic energy system. The configuration allows the two sources to supply the load separately or simultaneously, depending on the availability of energy sources. The inherent nature of this cuk-scpic fused converter, additional input filters are not necessary to filter out high frequency harmonic content is determinant for the generator life span, heating issue and efficiency. The fused multi-input rectifier stage also allows maximum power from the wind and sun. When it is available an adaptive MPPT algorithm will be used for photo voltaic (PV) system. Operational analysis of the proposed system, will discoursed in this paper simulation results are given to highlight the merit of the proposed circuitIndex terms: Wind generator, PV and Fuel Cells, Bi-directional DC/DC converter, full-bridge DC/AC inverter, MPPT. Reference [1] An Integrated Hybrid Power Supply for Distributed Generation Applications Fed by Nonconventional Energy Sources. Sachin Jain and Vivek Agarwal, Senior Member IEEE vol. 23, No. 2, JUNE 2008 [2] Control Strategy for a Variable-Speed Wind Turbine Using DC Bus Measurements, SISY 2010, IEEE 8th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics • September 10-11, 2010 by C. Koch-Ciobotaru, R. Boraci, I. Filip, C. Vasar, G. Prostean [3] Compensation Loop Design of A Photovoltaic System Based on Constant Voltage MPPT 978-1-4244-2487-0/09/$25.00 ©2009 IEEE by Hangzhou, China [4] An Efficient AC–DC Step-Up Converter for Low-Voltage Energy Harvesting by Suman Dwari, Student Member, IEEE, and Leila Parsa, Member, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 25, No. 8, Aug 2010. [5] Dynamic Maximum Power Point Tracking of Photovoltaic Arrays Using Ripple Correlation Control Trishan Esram, Jonathan W. Kimball , Philip T. Krein IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics, Vol. 21, No. 5, September 2006. G. Sridhar Babu, Y. Kanakaraju |
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19. | Meditation Research: A Comprehensive Review
Meditation Research: A Comprehensive ReviewAbstract: Research on Meditation has already gained immense prominence and is the most favored subfield of heart and brain research. However, like the other intricate, complex medicinal interventions, meditation symbolizes a concoction of explicit and not so explicit components of therapy. On the other hand, meditation is rather distinctive that it is quite tricky to homogenize measure and validate for the given research data from the subjects. As a consequence, it is a lot demanding to distinguish its exact effects to please the technical routine of fundamental interferences that inspires therapy based on facts. There are lots of challenges involved in mediation research including the diversity in meditation techniques, issues concerning the implementation of a meditation technique, personal disparities across the Meditators, and identifying the difference between these meditation techniques and placebo effect. Researchers are recording the activities of brain, heart and other biological systems to study the impact of the various kinds of mediation on the psychological and physiological status of the human entity and arriving at various constructive conclusions for the benefit of the human kind. In this paper, a comprehensive review on meditation, various types of meditation, meditation data acquisition by researchers, the methodology, and applications of meditation research is presented for the welfare of the human entity.Key words: Data acquisition, Meditation, Meditation therapy, Meditation research, Meditation techniques Reference [1] C. Hassed, Meditation in general practice, Australian Family Physician, 25(8), 1996, 1257–1260. [2] J. Achterberg, Mind body interventions, meditation, in B. Berman (Ed.), Alternative medicine, expanding medical horizons (Washington DC: Office of Alternative Medicine, National Institute of Health, 1992). [3] E. McSherry, Medical economics, in D. Wedding (Ed.), Medicine and behaviour, (St Louis: Mosby and Co, 1990) 463-484. [4] R. Manocha, Why meditation?, Australian Family Physician, 29(12), 2000, 1135-1138. [5] C. R. Maclean, K. G. Walton, S. R. Wenneberg, D. K. Levitsky, J. P. Mandarino, R. Waziri, S. L. Hillis, and R. H. Schneider, Effects of the TM Program on adaptive mechanisms: Changes in hormone levels and responses to stress after four months of practice, Psychoneuroendocrinology, 22(4), 1997, 277–295. Sivaramakrishnan Rajaraman |
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21. | Singular Value Decomposition for Multidimensional Matrices
Singular Value Decomposition for Multidimensional MatricesAbstract: Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) is of great significance in theory development of mathematics and statistics. In this paper we propose the SVD for 3-dimensional (3-D) matrices and extend it to the general Multidimensional Matrices (MM). We use the basic operations associated with MM introduced by Solo to define some additional aspects of MM. We achieve SVD for 3-D matrix through these MM operations. The proposed SVD has similar characterizations as for 2-D matrices. Further we summarize various characterizations of singular values obtained through the SVD of MM. We demonstrate our results with an example and compare them with the existing method. We also develop Matlab functions to perform SVD of MM and some related MM operations.Key words: Multidimensional Matrices, Multidimensional Matrix Algebra, Singular Value Decomposition Reference [1] Claude, Z.B. (2013). Introduction to the General Multidimensional Matrix in Mathematics, The General Science Journal. [2] Lathauwer, L.D., Moor B.D. and Vandewalle, J. (2000). A Multilinear Singular Value Decomposition, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 21(4), 1253 - 1278. [3] Leibovoci, D. (1998). A Singular Value Decompostion of way array for a Principal Component Analysis of Multiway Data , Linear Algebra and its Applications, 269, 307-329. [4] Loan, C.V. (1976). Generalizing the Singular Value Decomposition, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 13 (1). [5] Mastorakis, N.E. (1996). Singular Value Decomposition in Multidimensional Arrays, Journal of System Science, 27 (7), 647-650. Kamalja K. K and Khangar N. V. |
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22. | Parametric Data Modeling and Experimental Approach for Spot Weldment in SS202
Parametric Data Modeling and Experimental Approach for Spot Weldment in SS202Abstract: The interest of data modeling of process parameters in now a days based broadly upon numerical methods .variations in parametric set can be experimented for finding an optimized or desired value for a output property. This paper is to expose the experimental design approach to process parameter optimization of spot welding process for SS202.The objective of this experiment is to investigate the welding parameters performance in tensile shear failure strength and to optimize the parametric set for highest tensile strength achievable. From the experimental data achieved, the parametric relation between tensile shear stress and the parameters were found out using regression analysis .The optimum value for the parameters affecting tensile shear strength also found out by using soft computing methods like Simulated Annealing and Genetic Algorithm. There are various types of parameter that influence the mechanical properties of welding on the spot welding machine where in this experiment the parameter that will be investigate are weld cycle, squeeze time and weld current , hold time, weld force and weld current. Here also both optimized values were compared for greatest tensile shear strength value.Key words: Genetic Algorithm,Optimization,Regression,Scatterplot,Simulated annealing Algorithm. Reference [1] Yuh J.Chao,Ultimate Strength and Failure Mechanism of Resistance Spot Weld Subjected to Tensile, Shear,or Combined Tensile/Shear Loads, Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology April 2003, Vol. 125,125-132. [2] S.Ferrasse, P.Verrier ,F.Meesemaecker, Resistance spot weldability of high strength steels for use in car industry,welding in the world,41(3)1998,177-195. [3] S.Dancette,D.Fabregue,V.Massardier, Investigation of the Tensile Shear fracture of Advanced High Strength Steel spot welds, Engineering Failure Analysis 25 (2012),112–122. [4] C.Liang,X.Liu ,Strength prediction of sheet to tube single sided resistance spot welding, Materials and Design 30(2009),4328-4334. [5] Suman Samanta, Shankar Chakraborty, Parametric optimization of some non-traditional machining processes using artificial bee colony algorithm, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 24 (2011),946–957. S. K.Sahoo, S. K. Sarangi, S. N. Panda |
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23. | Review on High Gain Conical Horn Antenna for Short-Range Communications
Review on High Gain Conical Horn Antenna for Short-Range CommunicationsAbstract: Horn antennas are very popular at UHF (300 MHz-3 GHz) and higher frequencies ( as high as 140 GHz). Horn antennas often have a directional radiation pattern with a high antenna gain, which can range up to 25 dB in some cases, with 10-20 dB being typical. Horn antennas have a wide impedance bandwidth, implying that the input impedance is slowly varying over a wide frequency range. The bandwidth for practical horn antennas can be of the order of 20:1 (for instance, operating from 1 GHz-20 GHz), with a 10:1 bandwidth being common. The gain of horn antennas often increases as the frequency of operation is increased. This is because the size of the horn aperture is measured in wavelengths; at higher frequencies the horn antenna is "electrically larger" because high frequency has a smaller wavelength. Horn antennas have very little loss, so the directivity of a horn is roughly equal to its gain. In this paper, we will present review about conical horn antenna which uses hybrid technique and provides high gain at frequencies ranging 3GHz keeping its size within limits. Also, literature survey will demostrate other reference papers will includes horn antennas using different techniques and used for various applications.Index Terms: Conical horn, double ridge guide horn (DRGH) antenna, hybrid antenna, millimeter wave measurement Reference [1] Erik C. Becker, Scott D. Kovaleski and John M. Gahl," Optimization of a Compact Conical Horn Antenna System for High Power Microwaves in the 4 to 6 GHz Range" IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Vol. 18, No. 4; August 2011 [2] Bennie Jacobs, Johann W. Odendaal," An Improved Design for a 1–18 GHz Double-Ridged Guide Horn Antenna", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propogation, Vol. 60, No. 9, September 2012 [3] Belen Andres-Garcia, Enrique Garcia-Muñoz, Sebastian Bauerschmidt, Sascha Preu, Stefan Malzer, Gottfried H. Döhler, Lijun Wang, and Daniel Segovia-Vargas," Gain Enhancement by Dielectric Horns in the Terahertz Band", IEEE Transactions on Antenna and Propagation, Vol. 59, No. 9, S 2011. [4] Young-Bae Jun and Soon-Young Eom,"Dual-Band Horn Array Design Using a HelicalExciter for Mobile Satellite Communication Terminals" IEEE Transactions on Antenna and Propagation, Vol. 60, NO. 3, March 2012. [5] COMSOL Multiphysics 3.5a. Burlington, MA: COMSOL, Inc., 2008. Priyanka Bhagwat, Teena Raikwar |
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24. | A Novel Real Time Motion Detection Algorithm For Videos
A Novel Real Time Motion Detection Algorithm For VideosAbstract: Real-time detection of moving objects is vital for video surveillance. Background subtraction serves as a basic method typically used to segment the moving objects in image sequences taken from a camera. Some existing algorithms cannot fine-tune changing circumstances and they need manual calibration in relation to specification of parameters or some hypotheses for dynamic changing background. An adaptive motion segmentation and detection strategy is developed by using motion variation and chromatic characteristics, which eliminates undesired corruption of the background model and it doesn't look on the adaptation coefficient. In this particular proposed work, a novel real-time motion detection algorithm is proposed for dynamic changing background features. The algorithm integrates the temporal differencing along with optical flow method, double background filtering method and morphological processing techniques to achieve better detection performance. Temporal differencing is designed to detect initial motion areas for the optical-flow calculation to produce real-time and accurate object motion vectors detection. The double background filtering method is obtain and keep a reliable background image to handle variations on environmental changing conditions that is designed to get rid of the background interference and separate the moving objects from it. The morphological processing methods are adopted and mixed with the double background filtering to obtain improved results. The most attractive benefit for this algorithm is that the algorithm does not require to figure out the background model from hundreds of images and can handle quick image variations without prior understanding of the object size and shape.Key words: Background Model, Optical Flow model, Image Segmentation, Background detection. Reference [1] Y.L. Tian and A. Hampapur, "Robust Salient Motion Detection with Complex Background for Real-time Video Surveillance," IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Motion and Video Computing, Breckenridge, Colorado, January 5 and 6, 2005. [2] A. Manzanera and J.C. Richefeu, "A new motion detection algorithm based on Σ-Δ background estimation," Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 28, n 3, Feb 1, 2007, pp. 320-328. [3] Y, Ren, C.S. Chua and Y.K. Ho, "Motion detection with nonstationary background," Machine Vision and Applications, vol. 13, n 5-6, March, 2003, pp. 332-343. [4] J. Guo, D. Rajan and E.S. Chng, "Motion Detection with Adaptive Background and Dynamic Thresholds," 2005 Fifth International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing, 06-09 Dec. 2005, pp. 41-45. [5] A. Elnagar and A. Basu, "Motion detection using background constraints," Pattern Recognition, vol. 28, n 10, Oct, 1995, pp. 1537-1554. M. Nagaraju, Valluripalli Eshwar Chowdary |
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25. | Secure Level Transmission in Wi-Fi Using Cryptography
Secure Level Transmission in Wi-Fi Using CryptographyAbstract: Wi-Fi, is a mechanism that allows electronic devices to exchange data wirelessly over a computer network Wi-Fi suggests Wireless Fidelity, resembling the long-established audio-equipment classification term Hi-Fi or High Fidelity.This paper first gives some background information about WiFi system and security issues in ad hoc networks, then it concentrates on the specific security measures like hybrid encryption techniques using both AES and RSA algorithms and also the different standards. To provide the security for the data transmitted through WiFi ,it uses WEP algorithm,WEP64 and WEP128 and then it moves to WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) as the key is short in WEP.WPA use the TKIP and depends on RC4,which consist of 128 bit and 48 bit. The security comparisons show that WPA and TPIK is more advantageous than WEP and hence it is more preferable.Key words: Wi-Fi, WEP, WPA, TPIK Reference [1] Arash Habibi Lashkari, F. Towhidi, R. S. Hoseini, "Wired EquivalentPrivacy(WEP)", ICFCC Kuala Lumpur Conference, Published byIEEE Computer Society, Indexed by THAMSON ISI, 2009 [2] Donggang Liu, P. N., "Security for Wireless Sensor Networks",Springer., November, 2006 [3] Garcia, R. H. a. M., "AN ANALYSIS OF WIRELESS SECURITY",CCSC: South Central Conference. 2006 [4] Kempf, J., "Wireless Internet Security: Architecture and Protocols",Cambridge University Press. October, 2008 [5] Hani Ragab Hassan, Yacine Challal, "Enhanced WEP: An efficientsolution to WEP threats", IEEE 2005 K. Prasuna, M. Padmaja |
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26. | Optimized Pattern Mining Of Sample Data
Optimized Pattern Mining Of Sample DataAbstract: Data precise is often found in real-world applications due to reasons such as imprecise measurement, outdated sources, or sampling errors. Much research has been published in the area of managing in databases. In many cases, only partially aggregated data sets are available because of privacy concerns. Thus, each aggregated record can be represented by a probability distribution. In other privacy-preserving data mining applications, the data is perturbed in order to preserve the sensitivity of attribute values. In some cases, probability density functions of the records may be available. Some recent techniques construct privacy models, such that the output of the transformation approach is friendly to the use of data mining and management techniques. Here data is inherent in applications such as sensor monitoring systems, location-based services, and biological databases. There is an increasing desire to use this technology in new application domains. One such application domain that is likely to acquire considerable significance in the near future is database mining. The information in those organizations are classified using EMV, mean obtained after calculating the profit. Decision tree is constructed using the profit and EMV values which prunes the data to the desired extent. An increasing number of organizations are creating ultra large data bases (measured in gigabytes and even terabytes) of business data, such as consumer data, transaction histories, sales records, etc. Such data forms a potential gold mine of valuable business information.Key words: Averaging, Classification, Database mining, Decision trees, Knowledge discovery. Reference [1] Smith Tsangy Ben Kaoy Kevin Y. Yipz Wai-Shing Hoy Sau Dan Lee, "Decision Trees for Uncertain Data". Vol. 23, No. 1, pp.64-78, 2011. [2] R. Agrawal, T. Imielinski, and A. N. Swami, "Database mining: A performance perspective", IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng., 1993. [3] S. D. Lee, B. Kao, and R. Cheng, "Reducing UK-means to K-means", in 1st Workshop on Data Mining of Uncertain Data, in ICDM, 2007. [4] Rakesh Agrawal, Sakti Ghosh, Tomasz Imielinski, Bala Iyer, and Arun Swami. "An Interval Classifier for Database Mining Applications", VLDB 92, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 1992, 560-573. [5] Shalom Tsur, "Data Dredging", IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin, 13, 4, December 1990, 58-63. Yamini Chowdary Nalamothu, P. V. Subba Reddy |
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27. | Lamp-Ballast Compatibility Index for Efficient Ceramic Metal Halide Lamp Operation
Lamp-Ballast Compatibility Index for Efficient Ceramic Metal Halide Lamp OperationAbstract: Development of energy efficient products and exploration of energy saving potential are major challenges for present day's technology. Ceramic Metal Halide lamp is the latest improved version of metal halide lamp that finds its wide applications in indoor commercial lighting especially in retail shop lighting. This lamp shows better performance in terms of higher lumen per watt and colour constancy in comparison to conventional metal halide lamp. The inherent negative incremental impedance of CMH lamp demands the use of current control device in the lamp circuit and perfect matching of lamp ballast combination is required for efficient lamp operation. The electrical and photometric performance of two sets of commercial 70 watt CMH lamp and intregated ballast units were measured to investigate their compatibility for optimum lamp operation. The measured data were utilized to develop an electrical model for lamp ballast combination. Using this model a compatibility index is proposed which can be used for assessment of lamp performance.Key words: CMH Lamp, compatibility index, ballast Reference [1] IEC International Standard 60923 , Edition – 3.1 , 2006-09 [2] G.G.Lister, J.E. Lawler, W.P. Laptovich, V.A. Godyak, Rev. Mod.Phys 76, (541- 598) (2004) [3] C. Meyer, H.Nienhuis, Discharge Lamps (Philips Technical Library, Kluwer Deventer, 1988) ISBN 90-201-2147-2 [4] T.Kappen, Ceramic Metal Halide Lamps ; A World Of Lighting, Light Sources 2004. [5] Ben-Yaakov et al Statics and Dynamics Of Fluorescent Lamps Operating At High Frequency Sourish Chatterjee, Dr. Asok Kumar |
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28. | The Effects of Machine and Poultry Parameters on Feather Plucking
The Effects of Machine and Poultry Parameters on Feather PluckingAbstract: A developed poultry feather plucking machine was evaluated using two breed (Isa Brown layer and Cockerel) at the machine speed of 225, 312, 369 and 426rpm, and scalding time of 30, 60 and 90 seconds. The left over feather on bird after machine operation were manually plucked and plucking efficiency calculated on mass basis. The results show that the machine performance on cockerel has highest plucking efficiency. The plucking efficiency decreased as the machine speed and scalding the increased. The overall mean performance was 67.65% (+16.45) and the maximum plucking efficiency of 99.43% was obtained on cockerel at 225rpm and 30 seconds scalding time. Analysis of variance shows no significant difference on breed but on machine speed and scalding time at 5% level. The machine is simple to operate and maintain, adopt and adoptable for the small and medium scale poultry farming.Key words: Poultry, Feather, Plucking, Efficiency Adejumo A. O. D, Adegbie A. M, Brai S, Oni O. V, Opadijo O. O |
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29. | Swarm Intelligence Based Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) Approach for Maximizing the Lifetime of Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks
Swarm Intelligence Based Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) Approach for Maximizing the Lifetime of Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor NetworksAbstract: This paper attempts to undertake the study of maximizing the lifetime of Heterogeneous wireless sensor networks (WSNs). In wireless sensor networks, sensor nodes are typically power-constrained with limited lifetime, and thus it is necessary to know how long the network sustains its networking operations. Heterogeneous WSNs consists of different sensor devices with different capabilities. We can enhance the quality of monitoring in wireless sensor networks by increasing the coverage area. One of major issue in WSNs is finding maximum number of connected coverage. This paper proposed a Swarm Intelligence, Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) based approach. Ant colony optimization algorithm provides a natural and intrinsic way of exploration of search space of coverage area. Ants communicate with their nest- mates using chemical scents known as pheromones, Based on Pheromone trail between sensor devices the shortest path is found. The methodology is based on finding the maximum number of connected covers that satisfy both sensing coverage and network connectivity. By finding the coverage area and sensing range, the network lifetime maximized and reduces the energy consumptionKey words: Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN'S), Ant Colony Optimization, Connective Coverage, Network Lifetime. Reference [1] K. R¨ mer, F. Mattern, and E. Zurich, "The design space of wireless sensor networks," IEEE Wireless Commun., vol. 11, no.6, pp. 54–61, Dec. 2004. [2] T. D. R¨ ty, "Survey on contemporary remote surveillance systems fora public safety," IEEE Trans. Syst., Man, Cybern., Part C, vol.40, no. 5, pp. 493–515, Sep. 2010. [3] I. F. Akyildiz, T. Melodia, and K. R. Chowdury, "Wireless multimediasensor network: A survey," IEEE Wireless Commun., vol. 14, no. 6, pp. 32–39, Dec. 2007. [4] I. Dietrich and F. Dressler, "On the lifetime of wireless sensor networks,"ACM Trans. Sensor Networks, vol. 5, no. 1, Feb. 2009. [5] C.-Y. Chang, J.-P. Sheu, Y.-C. Chen, and S.-W. Chang, "An obstacle-free and power-efficient deployment algorithm for wireless sensor networks," IEEE Trans. Syst., Man, Cybern., Part A, vol. 39, no. 4, pp. 795–806, Jul 2009. LingaRaj.K, Nalavadi Srikantha, Khaja Moinuddin, Lokesh K.S |
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30. | Potential Rainwater Harvesting For Irrigation In Godagari Upazilla, Rajshahi
Potential Rainwater Harvesting For Irrigation In Godagari Upazilla, RajshahiAbstract: Water is an essential input for modern agriculture and more use of irrigation water has contributed to manifold increases in crop productivity in Bangladesh. Godagari Upazilla is located in High Barind tract situated in the northwest portion of Bangladesh. A typical dry climate with comparatively high temperature prevails in this Barind area. The Barind tract is an area of low and erratic rainfall with limited irrigation potential. Farmers there largely rely on rain fed cropping. But rainwater has been the supplementary irrigation resource and thus dependency on groundwater has been increased. A gradual fall in the groundwater level due to excessive withdrawal of water for irrigation has been contributing to a water crisis and affecting agricultural production and environmental degradation in the region. Rainwater harvesting might be potential alternative way of extensive irrigation. The study was undertaken with a view to determine consumptive use for the Aman, Aus and Boro crops and availability of rain water. The maximum water requirement in the study area in Boro season and excess rainfall occurs in Aman and Aus season and irrigation requirement is less in this season. The excess rainwater that can be stored in the existing ponds and dependency on groundwater can be reduced.Key words: Barind Area; Consumptive Use; Godagari Upazilla; Irrigation; Rainfall; Water Requirement Reference [1] Alam, A.T.M.J., Saadat, A.H.M., Rahman, M.S. & Barkotulla, M.A.B., Spatial analysis of rainfall distribution and its impact on agricultural drought at Barind region, Bangladesh, Rajshahi University journal of environmental science, Vol. 1, 40-50,2011. [2] Garg, S.K., Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structures, 22nd ed., Khanna Publishers, 2-B, Nath Market, Nai Sarak, Delhi-110006, pp. 27-39, 2008. [3] Karim, Z., Ibrahim, A.M. Iqbal, A. and Ahmed, M., Drought in Bangladesh agriculture and irrigation schedules for major crop, The Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council. Dhaka. [4] Raghunath, H.M., Hydrology, 1st ed., H. S. Poplai for New Age International (P) Limited, 4835/24, Ansari Road, New Delhi-110002, pp. 71-72, 1997. [5] Riches, C. R., Harris, D., Johnson, D. E. & Hardy, B., Improving Agricultural Productivity in Rice-Based Systems of the High Barind Tract of Bangladesh, International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), 2008 A. A. Masum, M. Z. Alam, A. Chowdhury |
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31. | A Research Methodology For CRM – A New Research Approach
A Research Methodology For CRM – A New Research ApproachAbstract: This research paper tries to integrate the online-survey tools with the online –calculators for the minor research works . Without the addressing the implemented processes continually , the presumed processes of could not be continued forever due to rapid globalization and the continuously changing needs of the organization .To address these issues a continual attention to towards the online-survey-methods are to be implemented abreast with the automation technologies . This paper doesnot consider any of the literature of the various research papers but only concentrates on how the internet / online calculators could play an effective role in any kind of the minor research works with very less efforts , less cost and less time considerations .Key words: Online-Survey , CRM , SPSS , EXCEL, Online-Calculators , FOSS Reference [1] www.e-surveyspro.com [2] http://www.micquality.com/six_sigma_calculator/index.htm [3] http://www.surveysystem.com/sscalc.htm [4] http://sixsigmatutorial.com/six-sigma-tools-calculators-dpmo-dpm-sample-size-confidence-interval/119/ [5] www.ginger.com R. Surya Kiran,Vikas Kumar Singh,G Srujan Kumar Reddy, Maninder Singh, Badeshray Rocky Singh, Prasoon |
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32. | Modal and Stress Analysis of Differential Gearbox Casing with Optimization
Modal and Stress Analysis of Differential Gearbox Casing with OptimizationAbstract: The process of casting design in the automotive industry has been significantly refined over the years through the capabilities of advanced computer aided design and engineering tools. One of the significant benefits of these computer aided capabilities is the direct access to CAD geometry data, from which finite element models can be quickly developed. Complex structures can be meshed and analyzed over a relatively short period of time. The application of advanced finite element analyses such as structural modification and optimization are often used to reduce component complexity, weight and subsequently cost. Because the level of model complexity can be high, the opportunity for error can also be high. For this reason, some form of model verification is needed before design decisions made in the FEA environment can implemented in production with high confidence. Dynamic correlation, comparison of mode shapes and natural frequencies, is a robust tool for evaluating the accuracy of a finite element model. The objective of the project is to analyze differential gearbox casing of pick up van vehicle for modal and stress analysis. The theoretical modal analysis needs to be validated with experimental results from Fourier frequency transformer analysis. The main motivation behind the work is to go for a complete FEA [1] of casing rather than empirical formulae and iterative proceduresKey words: Differential gearbox casing, Modal analysis, Stress analysis, Optimization, FFT analyzer, vibration Reference [1] William R. Kelley, L.Dean Isley, and Thomas J.Foste Of Borg-"Dynamic Correlation Study Transfer Case Housings", Warner Automotive Power train systems Sterling Heights, MI, USA [2] Ravi Narayanaswamy and Charles D. Glynn Borg Warner, "Vibro-Acoustic Prediction of Low-Range Planetary Gear Noise of an Automotive Transfer Case", Automation Avenue Auburn Hills, Minnesota, October 2005. [3] Svend Gade, Bruel and Kjaer, "Operational Modal Analysis on a Wind Turbine Gearbox" Sound & Vibration Measurements, Germany and Christian Fenselau, Technology R&D – NVH, Germany. [4] M. Sofian, D. Hazry, "A study of Vibration Analysis for Gearbox Casing Using Finite Element Analysis" International Conference on Applications and Design in Mechanical Engineering (ICADME) October 2009. [5] Snežana žiriž Kostiž, Milosav Ognjanoviž, "The Noise Structure of Gear Transmission Units and the Role of Gearbox Walls" FME Transactions, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade. (2007) [6] Finite Element 3D Mesh Generation from Experimental Microstructures M. C. Demirel1, 2, 3, D. C. George2, and A. D. Rollett3, and B. R. Schlei2./span> Shrenik M. Patil, Prof. S. M. Pise |
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33. | What Can Rainwater Dissolve From Bitumen Shingle Roof Materials?
What Can Rainwater Dissolve From Bitumen Shingle Roof Materials?Abstract: Batches of lab steeping tests were carried out on two different bitumen shingles with and without antecedent UVA radiation exposure in order to characterize them regarding the possible effects on roof runoff. In this study, simple water quality parameters like pH, conductivity and chemical oxygen demand, and a specific pollutant group, PAHs were determined. Results show a temperature dependency concerning conductivity, organic matter and PAHs. Significant differences were detectable between the two types of investigated shingles for all studied parameters, presumably because of their different composition. The CODcr concentrations were several times higher in the steeping water of shingles pre-treated with UVA radiation, indicating that UVA radiation could break down their hardly decomposing organic matter content, including PAHs.Key words: Bitumen, PAH, steeping; temperature, UVA radiation Reference [1] J. Zobrist, S. R. Müller, A. A. Ammann, T. D. Buchelli, V. Mottieri, M. Ochs, R. Schoenenberger, J. Eugster, M. Boller, Quality of roof runoff for groundwater infiltration, Water Research, 34(5), 2000, 1455 - 1462. [2] V. Rocher, S. Azimi, J. Gasperi, L. Beuvin, M. Müller, R. Moilleron, G. Chebbo, Hydrocarbons and metals in atmospheric deposition and roof runoff in central Paris, Water, Air and Soil Pollution 159(1), 2004, 67 - 86. [3] ATSDR (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry). Toxicological profile for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. (U.S. Department Of Health And Human Services, Public Health Service. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. August 1995). [4] H. C. A. Brandt, P. C. De Groot, Aqueous leaching of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from bitumen and asphalt, Water Research 35(17), 2001, 4200 - 4207. [5] T. D. Behymer, R. A. Hites, Photolysis of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Adsorbed on Simulated Atmospheric Particlates, Environmental Science and Technology 19, 1985, 1004 - 1006. Adrienn Horváth, Adrienne Clement |
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34. | With The Help of Power Factor How To Reduce The Load Current.
With The Help of Power Factor How To Reduce The Load Current.Abstract: In this research, the study involves an overview about with the help of power factor how to reduce the load current. Research relates the power factor, supply voltage, frequency and load in (KVA) load current of small industry. By using the two different power factors with a same load in (KVA) calculating a load current and taking their difference with the help of that difference calculate the how much load current is reduced by using the correct power factor. The research exposed that the load current compact by 11 t0 23% when the power factor is corrected from 0.7 to 0.9.This compact the waste in electrical energy, enlarge output power and deposit effectiveness. Improving the power factor by using the KW, KVA and power factor relationship which is useful to reduce the load current. All the calculations and results shown in mat lab.Key words: Load current, Reduce Current, Power factor. Reference [1] www.hkswitchgear.com/capacitors-bank.htm [2] www.engineering.leeds.ac.uk/ultrasound people.htmbank.htm [3] Power World Co-operation Power World Simulator, Version 8.0 Gover/Sarma Build 11/02/01, licensed only for E0valuation and University Educational Use, 1996-2000 Imran Aziz, S.M.Taqi, M.Tanveer, Muhammad Shafique, Zain Anwar Ali |
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35. | Building A New Map Of Tectonic Zoning For Albanides: A Few Issues To Consider
Building A New Map Of Tectonic Zoning For Albanides: A Few Issues To ConsiderAbstract: Albanides as regional geological notion, are part of the structural tree Dinarides - Albanides - Hellenides - Taurid. As such, they constitute a major segment of this Balkan structure, their tectonic evolution being part of Balkanide evolution. Thus, Albanides have consistently attracted the attention of researchers, both domestic and foreign, with regard to diversity of major tectonic units, the relationship between their structural features, lithofacial characteristics, as well as their continuity in regionality i.e. their positioning within the Balkanides. This paper addresses a few points, dealing with tectonic zoning of Albanides, the relationship between major structural-facial units, characteristics of longitudinal and cross tectonic contacts etc. An important consideration is given to spatial positioning and structural-facial features of Krasta-Cukal tectonic area as well as specific relationships of this particular area with other bordering tectonic zones. In this regard a careful consideration have received the lithofacial appropriateness of this area, the differeces and similarities it has with neighbouring tectonic zones, the existence of transversal faults and their role in structuring of Albanides, the presence of tectonic windows and their significance in terms of tectonic style and the manner of affecting major structural-facial units etc.Key words: Tectonic zoning of Albanides, balkanide, tectonic window, fractured zone Reference [1] Xhomo A. et al., Geologic map of Albania, 2002, 1: 200 000 scale. [2] Naço. P., Kuliçi H., Bedini E. A new Concept forAlbanide, Based on the Tectonic Styleof Krasta-Cukali Zone. Proceedings of the 17th Meeting of the Association of European Geological Societies, Albania, 2011, p. 264. [3] Naço P., Theodhori P., Peza E. Krasta-Cukali tectonic zone as a key important intermediate belt of Albanides, 8th Albanian Congress of Geosciences, Albania, 2000, p. 180. [4] Naço P., Reçi H., Vinçani F. On the Vlora-Elbasan-Dibra transversal tectonic fault, as one of the earliest and most active tectonics of geological structure of Albanides. Bulletin of Geological Science, Albania, 2011, vol. 47, pp. 32 – 59. [5] Naço P. Tectogenesis and oil-gas bearing of Krasta tectonic subzone. PhD Disertation, Albania, 1995, pp. 17-95. Assoc. Prof. Dr Petraq Naco, Dr. Viktor Doda, Dr.Gjergji Shore |
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36. | Determination of the Amount of Acrylamide Formation during Frying of Potato in Sesame Oil, Palm Olein and the Blend of Them
Determination of the Amount of Acrylamide Formation during Frying of Potato in Sesame Oil, Palm Olein and the Blend of ThemAbstract: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of frying oil type on acrylamide formation in fried potatoes in Sesame oil, Palm olein and the blend of them. The samples of fried potatoes were prepared by frying the slices of Agriya potatoes in Sesame oil, Palm olein and the blend of them in the ratio of 50:50 (%v/v) at 1800c for 4/15 minutes. The amount of acrylamide in the samples of fried potatoes was determined by GC-ECD. The experiment was carried out in the completely randomized design in triplicates. The examined samples of fried potatoes in each oil were significantly (p< 0.05) different with each other for the amount of acrylamide formation. The maximum amount of acrylamide was 1140 ppb in the samples for Palm olein and the minimum amount of it was 860 ppb in the samples for Sesame oil. The amount of acrylamide in fried samples in the blended oil was also 952ppb.This is due to the higher thermo oxidative stability of Sesame oil in comparison with Palm olein and the blended oil. According to the obtained results, the type of frying oil is an effective factor on acrylamide formation in fried potatoes products and the choice of suitable frying oil that has naturally high thermo oxidative stability can reduce the amount of acrylamide in fried potatoes products. And also blending of Sesame oil with Palm olein is suggested as a suitable strategy for improving thermo oxidative stability of Palm olein and consequently for reducing the amount of acrylamide formation in fried potatoes.Key words: Acrylamide, Fried Potato, Sesame oil, Palm olein Reference [1] Abdulkarim,S. M ., Myat, M. W., Ghazali, H.M.2010. Sensory and Physicochemical Qualities of Palm Olein and Sesame seed oil Blends during Frying of Banana chips. Journal of Agricultural Science, 2, 18- 29. [2] Becalski, A., Lau, A., Lewis, D. 2004. Acrylamide in French fries: Influence of free amino acids and sugars. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 52, 3801-3806. [3] Chu, Y.H., Kung, Y.L. 1998. A study on vegetable oil blends. Food chemistry, 62(2), 191-195. [4] Capuano, E., Olivero, T., Acar, O.C., Gokmen, V., Fogliano, V. 2010. Lipid oxidation promotes acrylamide formation in fat- rich model systems. Food Research International, 43 , 1021-1026. [5] Chung, J., Lee, J., Choe , E. 2004. Oxidative stability of Soybean and Sesame Oil Mixture during frying of Flour Dough . Journal of Food Science, 69, 574-577. Dorin Bakhtiary, Simin Asadollahi, Seyed Ali Yasini Ardakani |
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37. | Performance, Emissions and Combustion Characteristics of Mohr Oil in Crude and Biodiesel Form in High Grade Low Heat Rejection Diesel Engine
Performance, Emissions and Combustion Characteristics of Mohr Oil in Crude and Biodiesel Form in High Grade Low Heat Rejection Diesel EngineAbstract: Investigations were carried out to evaluate the performance of a high grade low heat rejection (LHR) diesel engine with air gap insulated piston, air gap insulated liner and ceramic coated cylinder head [ceramic coating of thickness 500 microns was done on inside portion of cylinder head] with different operating conditions [normal temperature and pre-heated temperature] of mohr oil in crude and biodiesel form with varied injection pressure and injection timing. Performance parameters of brake thermal efficiency, exhaust gas temperature, coolant load and volumetric efficiency were determined at various values of brake mean effective pressure (BMEP). Sound emissions and exhaust emissions of smoke and oxides of nitrogen (NOx) were recorded at different values of BMEP. Combustion characteristics at peak load operation of the engine were measured with TDC (top dead centre) encoder, pressure transducer, console and special pressure-crank angle software package at peak load operation of the engine. Conventional engine (CE) showed deteriorated performance with crude Mohr oil (CMO) operation and compatible performance with Mohr oil based biodiesel operation (MOBD), while LHR engine showed improved performance with CMO and MOBD at recommended injection timing and pressure of 27obTDC (before top dead centre) and 190 bar. The performance of both version of the engine improved with advanced injection timing and at higher injection pressure with Mohr oil in crude form and biodiesel form with different operating conditions (normal temperature and preheated temperature) of the vegetable oil when compared with CE with pure diesel operation. The optimum injection timings were 30obTDC and 31obTDC for CE with CMO and MOBD, while they were 29obTDC and 30o bTDC for LHR engine with CMO and MOBD operation.Key words: Crude Mohr oil, Bio-diesel, CE, LHR engine, Fuel performance, Exhaust emissions, Sound intensity, Combustion characteristics. Reference [1] Cummins, C. Lyle, Jr. Diesel's Engine, Volume: From Conception To 1918. Wilsonville, OR, USA: Carnot Press,, 1993 [2] Babu, A.K. and Devarajane,G. Vegetable oils and their derivatives as fuels for CI engines: an overview. SAE Paper No.2003-01-0767, 2003. [3] Nwafor, O.M.L. The effect of elevated fuel inlet temperature on the performance of diesel engine running on a neat vegetable oil at constant speed conditions. Renewable energy, 28, 2003. 171-180. [4] Forson, F.K., Oduro, E.K., and Hammond-Donkoh, E. Performance of Jatropha oil blends in a diesel engine. Renewable Energy, 29, 2009, 1135–1145. [5] Mahanta, P., Mishra, S.C. and Kushwash, Y.S. (2006). An experimental study of pongamia pinnata oil as a diesel ubstitute fuel. Proceedings IMechE. Journal of Power and Energy, , Part-A, 220, 2006, 803-808. P. V. K. Murthy, M.V.S. Murali Krishna |
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38. | Capacitor Placement in Radial Distribution System for Improve Network Efficiency Using Artificial Bee Colony
Capacitor Placement in Radial Distribution System for Improve Network Efficiency Using Artificial Bee ColonyAbstract: Increasing application of capacitor banks on distribution networks is the direct impact of development of technology and the energy disasters that the world is encountering. To obtain these goals the resources capacity and the installation place are of a crucial importance. In this paper a new method is proposed to find the optimal and simultaneous place and capacity of these resources to reduce losses, improve voltage profile. The advantage of ABC algorithm is that it does not require external parameters such as cross over rate and mutation rate as in case of genetic algorithm and differential evolution and it is hard to determine these parameters in prior. To demonstrate the validity of the proposed algorithm, computer simulations are carried out on actual power network of Kerman Province, Iran and the simulation results are presented and discussed.Key words: Distribution systems, Loss Sensitivity Factors, Capacitor placement, Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm Reference [1] C. Lyra, C. Pissara, C. Cavellucci, A. Mendes, P. M. Franca(200 ), "Capacitor placement in largesized radial distribution networks, replacement and sizing of capacitor banks in distorted distribution networks by genetic algorithms", IEE Proceedings Generation, Transmision & Distribution, pp. 498-516. [2] Ng H.N., Salama M.M.A. and Chikhani A.Y(2000), "Capacitor allocation by approximate reasoning: fuzzy capacitor placement", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 393-398. [3] Sundharajan and A. Pahwa(1994), "Optimal selection of capacitors for radial distribution systems using genetic algorithm", IEEE Trans. Power Systems, vol. 9, No.3, pp.1499-1507. [4] Ji-Pyng Chiou et al(2006), "Capacitor placement in large scale distribution system using variable scaling hybrid differential evolution", Electric Power and Energy Systems, vol. 28, pp.739-745. [5] J. J. Grainger, S. H. Lee (1981), "Optimum size and location of shunt capacitors for reduction of losses on distribution feeders", IEEE Trans Power Apparatus Systems, vol. 100, pp. 1105-1108. Mahdi Mozaffari Legha, Marjan Tavakoli, Farzaneh Ostovar, Milad Askari Hashemabadi |
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39. | A Survey On Cloud Networking
A Survey On Cloud NetworkingAbstract: Cloud computing is one of the evolving technology in today's era. It has changed the whole view that distributed computing, grid computing and parallel computing used to present. In the past few years cloud computing has grown widely and becomes the part of the IT industry, because it offers reliability, scalability, flexibility and cost effectiveness for computer processes. And also it offers reduced capital expenditure, complexity and maintenance, operational risks to those who ask for the service. It provides economical computing resources for business applications to small, medium and large organizations. It offers the resources and services through internet, where these services are delivered form data centres located throughout the world. Cloud networking is a new approach which adds networking functionalities to the cloud computing. It extends the approach of cloud computing by providing extra flexibility in the aspect of location, movement and interconnection in between virtual resources. This paper surveys the concept of cloud networking, cloud network management and its security architecture.Key words: Cloud computing, Cloud Networking, Network Virtualisation, cloud networking security Reference [1] M. P. Rad, A. S. Badashian, G. Meydanipour, M. A. Delcheh, M. Alipour, and H. Afzali, 2009, "A Survey of Cloud Platforms and Their Future," IEEE Computer society, 8. [2] H. Wu, C. Winer, L. Yao, Y. Ding, 2010, "Network Security for Virtual Machine in Cloud Computing," IEEE Computer Society, 4. [3] F. Sabahi, 2011, "Cloud Computing Security threats and responses," IEEE Computer Society, 5. [4] M. Carroll, A. V. D. Merwe, P. Kotze, 2011, "Secure Cloud Computing" IEEE Computer Society, 9. [5] "Google Docs," 2011, http://docs.google.com accessed on 15/11/2012. Prof.Gaurav Buddhawar, Mr.Ketan Belekar |
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40. | Identification and Forensic Investigation of Network Intruders Based On Honeynet
Identification and Forensic Investigation of Network Intruders Based On HoneynetAbstract: In current modern world, internet is becoming the part of everyone's life and the use of internet is growing day by day. Thereby the security is becoming the main important aspect to protect the internet from unauthorized users and to protect the innocent end user of the internet. Cybercrime and network attacks are growing exponentially by the hacker's communities. There are numerous detection and prevention technologies like firewalls, IDS, antivirus etc but they don't provide complete security as there are certain shortcomings in these technologies. Since hackers and virus writers have come up with better ways to evade anti-virus technology throughout the years, the use of signature-based anti-virus software is proving to be less effective in putting a stop to malicious codes running in our computers. There is a need to find a way to analyze malicious activity without having to rely on the traditional signature based anti-virus tools but instead, complement what these tools can already do. For the development of network security model, network forensic is introduced which emphasize traditionally detection and prevention of attacks on networks. The power of various network forensic analysis tools available as open source can be integrated so that the investigator can have an edge over the attacker. In this paper, we discuss the network intruder's detection by forensically analysis of honeypot data. Network forensic can be integrated with IDS or firewalls but in our work we focused on forensic investigation of network data collected on honeynet to detect the intruders. Honeypot based system improve the defense mechanism as it is used to attract the attackers so that their process methodology can be observed and analyzed. The end result of this system is the collected information of network data which could further be analyzed forensically to get the intelligent information about the attackers and maintain the reports for network forensics.Key words: Honeypot, Honeynet, Network Security, IDS, Forensics Reference [1] Computer Crime and Security Survey http://www.canberra.edu.au/cis/storage/Cyber Crime and Security Survey Report 2012. [2] Palmer, G. 2001. "A Road Map for Digital Forensic Research", 1st Digital Forensic Research Workshop, New York, 15-30,2001. [3] Ranum, M. "Network Flight Recorder", http://www.ranum.com/. [4] Garfinkel, S. "Network Forensics: Tapping the Internet", http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/ Network/2002/04/26/ nettap.html. [5] Sira,R. "Network Forensics Analysis Tools: An Overview of an Emerging Technology" GSEC (1.4), 2003. Palika Jajoo, Ganesh Singh, Maninder Singh Nehra |
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41. | Metallic Particle Contamination in Three Phase Gas Insulated Busduct with Various Gas Mixtures
Metallic Particle Contamination in Three Phase Gas Insulated Busduct with Various Gas MixturesAbstract: Sulphur Hexafluoride (SF6) is generally found to be very sensitive to field perturbations such as those caused by conductor surface imperfections and by conducting particle contaminants. A study of CIGRE group suggests that nearly 20% of failures in Gas Insulated Substations (GIS) are due to the existence of various metallic contaminations in the form of loose metallic particles. The breakdown strength of SF6 is susceptible to metallic particle contamination, the presence of contamination is therefore a problem with gas-insulated substations operating at high fields. Thus, it is needed to develop the alternative dielectric gas or gas mixtures having better insulating characteristics and no greenhouse effect. The purpose of this paper is to develop techniques, which will formulate the basic equations that will govern the movement of metallic particles like Aluminium and Copper in a three phase gas insulated bus duct containing SF6 and other gas mixtures like air, Argon, Carbon dioxide, Krypton, Nitrogen and Xenon. Simulation is carried out on wire like particles with three phase power frequency voltages of 400 kV and 600 kV applied to inner conductors in a three phase gas insulated busduct and the results have been presented and analyzed.Key words: Breakdown strength, Gas insulated busduct, Gas Insulated Substations, Metallic particle contamination, Sulphur Hexafluoride. Reference [1] H. Cookson, P.C. Bolin, H.C. Doepken, R.E. Wootton, C.M. Cooke and J.G. Trump, Recent research in the United States on the effect of particle contamination reducing the breakdown voltage in compressed gas insulated system, International Conference on large high voltage system, Paris, 1976. [2] H. Anis and K.D. Srivastava, Breakdown characteristics of Dielectric coated Electrodes in Sulphur Hexafluoride Gas with particle contamination, Sixth International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering New Orleans, LA, USA. 1989. [3] M.M. Morcos, S. Zhang, K.D. Srivastava and S.M. Gubanski, Dynamics of Metallic particle contamination in GIS with Dielectric coating electrodes, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery Vol. 15, No. 2, April 2000 pp.455-460. [4] J. Amarnath, B.P. Singh, C. Radhakrishna and S. Kamakshaiah, Determination of Metallic particle trajectory in a Gas insulated Busduct predicted by Monte-Carlo technique, International Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, October 17-21, 1999, Texas, Austin, USA. [5] N.J. Felici, Forces et charges de petits objects en contact avec une electrode affectee d'un champ electrique, Reveue generale de I' electricite, October 1966, pp.1145-1160. M. Raghavendra Rao, J. Amarnath |
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42. | Image Fusion Based On Wavelet Transform For Medical Diagnosis
Image Fusion Based On Wavelet Transform For Medical DiagnosisAbstract: In the image fusion scheme presented in this paper, the wavelet transforms of the input images are appropriately combined, the new image is obtained by taking the inverse wavelet transform of the fused wavelet co-efficients. The idea is to improve the image content by fusing images like computer tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) images, so as to provide more information to the doctor and clinical treatment planning system. This paper aims to demonstrate the application of wavelet transformation to multi- modality medical image fusion. This work covers the selection of wavelet function, the use of wavelet based fusion algorithms on medical image fusion of CT and MRI, implementation of fusion rules and the fusion image quality evaluation. The fusion performance is evaluated on the basis of the root mean square error (RMSE).Key words: Medical image fusion, Multimodality images, Wavelet transforms, Fusion rules. Reference [1] J. Wenjun Chi, Sir Michael Brady, Niall R. Moore and Julia A. Schnabel, "Fusion of Perpendicular Anisotropic MRI Sequences", IEEE Int. Symp. on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2011), March 30 – April 2 2011, Chicago, pp 1455-1458. [2] Anna Wang, Haijing Sun, and Yueyang Guan, "The Application of Wavelet Transform to Multi-modality Medical Image Fusion", IEEE Int. Conf. on Networking, Sensing and Control (ICNSC '06), Florida, pp270-274. [3] Yong Yang, Dong Sun Park, Shuying Huang, Zhijun Fang, Zhengyou Wang, "Wavelet based Approach for Fusing Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Images", Control and Decision Conference (CCDC'09), Guilin, China, 17-19 June, 2009, pp 5770-5774. [4] F. E. Ali and A. A. Saad, " Fusion of MR and CT images using the curvelet transform", 25th National Radio Science Conference (NRSC2008), Egypt, March 18-20, 2008, pp 1-8. [5] Yong Yang, Dong Sun Park, Shuying Huang, and Nini Rao, "Medical Image Fusion via an Effective Wavelet- Based Approach", EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, Volume 2010(2010), pp 1-13. J. Srikanth, C.N Sujatha |
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43. | Effects of Corona Ring Parameters on Electric Field Sharing Along Suspension Insulator String under Lightning Impulse Overvoltage Based On FEM
Effects of Corona Ring Parameters on Electric Field Sharing Along Suspension Insulator String under Lightning Impulse Overvoltage Based On FEMAbstract: Porcelain insulators are extensively used in high voltage transmission lines. One practical way to reduce electric field stresses on insulator string is corona ring installation at the energized side. This paper presents a 3-D finite element method simulation of electric field distributions around HV insulator string under lightning impulse voltage. Also, The impact of corona ring parameters on reduction of electric field stress is determined for 230kV cap and pin type porcelain insulator string under lightning impulse excitation.Key words: Porcelain Insulator, Electric Field Distribution, Lightning impulse voltage, Corona Ring Parameters, Finite Element Method (FEM) Reference [1] B. Subba Reddy, N.A. Sultan, P.M. Monika, B. Pooja, O Salma, K.V. Ravishankar, " Simulation of Potential and Electric Field for High Voltage Ceramic Disc Insulators", 2010 5th International Conference on Industrial and information Systems, ICIIS 2010, India, pp. 526-531, Aug 01, 2010. [2] D. Srefanini, J.M. Seifert, M. Clemens, D. Weida, "Three dimensional FEM electrical field calculations for EHV composite insulator strings ", Power Modulator and High Voltage Conference (IPMHVC), IEEE International, pp. 238-242, 23-27 May 2010. [3] S. Kojimi, M. Oyama, M. Yamashita, " Potential Distribution of metal oxide surge arresters under various environmental conditions", IEEE Transactions On power delivery, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 984-989, 1988. [4] A. Rahimnejad, M. Mirzaie, "Optimal Corona Ring Selection for 230 kV Ceramic I-string Insulator using 3D Simulation", International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Vol. 3, Issue 7, July-2012. [5] M.H. Abderrazzaq, A.M. Abu Jalagif, "Characterizing of corona rings applied to composite insulators", Electric Power Systems Research, Vol. 95, pp. 121-127, 2013. Roya Fouladi, Mohammad Mirzaie , Mohammad Moradi |
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44. | Non Conventional Power Generation by Using Hybrid Wind - Solar Energy System
Non Conventional Power Generation by Using Hybrid Wind - Solar Energy SystemAbstract: Environmentally friendly solutions are becoming more prominent than ever as a result of concern regarding the state of our deteriorating planet. This paper presents a new system configuration of the front-end rectifier stage for a hybrid wind/photovoltaic energy system. This configuration allows the two sources to supply the load separately or simultaneously depending on the availability of the energy sources. The inherent nature of this Cuk-SEPIC fused converter, additional input filters are not necessary to filter out high frequency harmonics. Harmonic content is detrimental for the generator lifespan, heating issues, and efficiency. The fused multi input rectifier stage also allows Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) to be used to extract maximum power from the wind and sun when it is available. An adaptive MPPT algorithm will be used for the wind system and a standard perturb and observe method will be used for the PV system. Operational analysis of the proposed system will be discussed in this paper. Simulation results are given to highlight the merits of the proposed circuit. When a source is insufficient in meeting the load demands, the other energy source can compensate for the difference. Several hybrid wind/PV power systems with MPPT control have been proposed, usage of rectifiers and inverters is also discussedKey words: Wind, Solar, SEPIC Converter and Cuk converter Reference [1] S.K. Kim, J.H Jeon, C.H. Cho, J.B. Ahn, and S.H. Kwon, "Dynamic Modeling and Control of a Grid-Connected Hybrid Generation System with Versatile Power Transfer," IEEETransactions on IndustrialElectronics, vol. 55,pp. 1677-1688, April 2008. [2] D. Das, R. Esmaili, L. Xu, D. Nichols, "An Optimal Design of a Grid Connected Hybrid Wind/Photovoltaic/Fuel Cell System for Distributed Energy Production," in Proc.IEEE Industrial Electronics Conference, pp.2499-2504, Nov. 2005. [3] N. A. Ahmed, M. Miyatake, and A. K. Al-Othman, "Power fluctuations suppression of stand-alone hybrid generation combining solar photovoltaic/wind turbine and fuel cell systems," in Proc. Of Energy Conversion andManagement, Vol. 49, pp. 2711-2719, October 2008. [4] S. Jain, and V. Agarwal, "An Integrated Hybrid Power Supply for Distributed Generation Applications Fed by Nonconventional Energy Sources," IEEETransactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 23, June 2008. [5] Y.M. Chen, Y.C. Liu, S.C. Hung, and C.S. Cheng, "Multi-Input Inverter for Grid- Connected Hybrid PV/Wind Power System," IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol.22, May 2007. S. Pandu Ranga Reddy, P. Venkatesh |
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45. | Punching Shear High Strength Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete Slabs
Punching Shear High Strength Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete SlabsAbstract: The punching shear behavior of High Strength steel fiber reinforced concrete slabs was investigated in the present study. Each of 24 square slabs was simply supported along four edges and loaded to failure under a concentrated load over a square area at the center. The test parameters were the effective span to depth ratio, volume fraction of 3 types of steel fibers pf, slab thickness h, concrete strength fck, and size of load-bearing plate r. Test results indicate that the load-deflection curve of slabs exhibits four distinct regions that may be characterized by first cracking, steel yielding, and ultimate load. Within the scope of the test program, an increase in the values of pf, h, or r was found to lead to an increase in both the punching shear strength and the ductility of the slab. The ultimate punching shear strength of the slabs was compared with the predictions of equations available in the literature and code equations for reinforced concrete. The British Standard CP110's equation was found to estimate the punching shear strength of the test specimens reasonably well.Reference [1] "Building code requirements for reinforced concrete and commentary."(1989). ACI 318-89/ACI318R-89.American Concrete Institute, ACI, Detroit, Mich. [2] "Code of practice for the structural use of concrete."(1972). CP110, Part 1, British Standards Institution, London, England. [3] Ito, K., Hirasawa, I., and Aichi, I. (1981)."Punching shear strength of steel fiber reinforced concrete slab."Trans., Japan Concrete Inst., Tokyo, Japan, 3, 267-272. [4] "Model code for concrete structures."(1978). International System of Unified Standard Codes of Practice for Structures, Vol. II, Bull, d'Information No. 124/125-E, 3rd Ed., Comite Euro-International du Beton—Federation Internationale de la Precontrainte (CEB-FIP), London, England/Paris, France. [5] Narayanan, R., and Darwish, I. Y. S. (1987). "Punching shear tests on steel fibre reinforced micro concrete slabs." Magazine of Concr. Res., 39(138), 42-50. Vasant. B. Jatale and L. G. Kalurkar |
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46. | An Effective VHDL Implementation of IEEE 754 Floating Point Unit using CLA and Rad-4 Modified Booth Encoder Multiplier
An Effective VHDL Implementation of IEEE 754 Floating Point Unit using CLA and Rad-4 Modified Booth Encoder MultiplierAbstract: Most of the signal processing algorithms using floating point arithmetic, which requires millions of operations per second to be performed. For such stringent requirement design of fast, precise and efficient circuit is needed. This article present an IEEE 754 floating point unit using carry look ahead adder and radix-4 modified Booth encoder multiplier algorithm and the design is compared in terms of speed , area and power consumption. The adder used here will increase the speed and the multiplier is used to reduce power consumption, area and number of partial product get generated. The floating point unit design deals with the detection of exceptions and trapped overflow and underflow exceptions as an integral part of the rounding unit. This work is used to reduce area, power consumption and speed up the operations with more accurate results. The basic methodology and approach are implemented in VHDL (Very Large Scale Integration Hardware Description Language).Key words: FP multiplier, MBE. Reference [1] Amine Bermark, Guixuan Liang and Qingzheng, "A High-speed 32-bit Signed/ Unsigned Pipelined Multiplier", Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Honkong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, China. [2] Cang-YuanGuo, Jiun-Ping Wang and Shiann-Rong Kuang, Member IEEE "Modified Booth Multipliers with Regular Partial Product Array", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems (2009). [3] Carl Hamacher, Zvonko Vranesic and Safwat Zaky, "Computer Organization", Fifth edition. [4] Chris Babb, Jeff Blank, Ivan Castellanos and John Moskal, "Floating Point Multiplier", ECE 587. [5] Michael Doan and Mounir Bohsali, "Rectangular Styled Wallace Tree Multiplier". Subitha. M. B. |
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47. | Optimisation of Connecting Rod Design to Achieve Vcr
Optimisation of Connecting Rod Design to Achieve VcrAbstract: Increasingly stringent emissions and fuel economy standards have long remained a source of challenges for research in automobile engine technology development towards the more thermally efficient and less polluting engine. Variable compression ratio (VCR) technology has long been recognized as a method for improving the fuel economy of SI engines. Spark ignition (SI) engines have lower part-load efficiency when compared with the diesel engines .To improve this efficiency operate SI engine with high compression ratio at part load and with low compression ratio at high load. So we proposed a design of modified connecting rod to increase or decrease the compression ratio at two stages instead of continuously varying the compression ratio .By this method we can able to get a high share of the potential fuel savings in comparison to other variable system. The connecting rod is modified by designing two hydraulic cylinders in its main body with pistons connected with the eccentric, at small end of connecting rod to achieve desired compression ratio.Key words: variable compression ratio engine (VCR), spark ignition (SI), eccentric, mechanical switch, knocking, Pro-E. Reference [1] Amajd Shaik, N Shenbaga Vinayaga Moorthi and R. Rudramoorthy "Variable compression ratio engine: a future power plant for automobiles – an overview"2007 (PSG College of Technology). [2] Martyn Roberts "Benefits and Challenges of Variable Compression Ratio (VCR)"2002 (Prod -rive Ltd). [3] Tadeusz J. Rychter, Andrzejn Teodorczyk "variable compression ratio engine- VR/LE concept"2003(Institute of Heat Engineering Warsaw University of Technology). [4] GVNSR Ratnakara Rao, "Optimizing the compression ratio of diesel fuelled CI engine" 2008(College of Engineering JNTU, Hyderabad, India). [5] Aina T., "Influence of compression ratio on the performance characteristics of a spark ignition engine"2012(Ahmadu -Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria). Savita Tomar, Reena Mishra, Sarita Bisht, Sanjeev Kumar, Aman Balyan, Mr.Gaurav Saxena |
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48. | A Hybrid Wind-Solar Energy System Using Cuk-Sepic Fused Converter
A Hybrid Wind-Solar Energy System Using Cuk-Sepic Fused ConverterAbstract: In recent years, environmental friendly technological solutions are becoming more prominent as a result of concern over the state of our deteriorating planet. This paper presents a new system configuration of the front-end rectifier stage for a hybrid wind-photovoltaic energy system. This configuration allows the two sources to supply the load separately or simultaneously together depending on the availability of the energy sources. The main purpose of this hybrid wind-solar energy system is to meet our daily demand effectively and to get an uninterrupted power supply from any one of the natural source either wind or solar or both .This is off line grid method to supply the street light etc. Hybrid energy system needs the boost converter to be designed to connect with wind and solar energy systems separately. The hybrid model is also designed using Cuk-SEPIC fused converter and the performances are analyzed. Due to the inherent nature of this Cuk-SEPIC fused converter, additional filters are not necessary to filter out high frequency harmonics. Harmonic content is detrimental for the generator lifespan and efficiency. Simulation results are given to highlight the merits of the proposed circuit.Key words: Wind model, Photovoltaic model, Inverter, Boost Converter, Cuk-Sepic fused Converter, Hybrid Control system, Simulation. Reference [1] S.K. Kim, J.H Jeon, C.H. Cho, J.B. Ahn, and S.H. Kwon, "Dynamic Modeling and Control of a Grid-Connected Hybrid Generation System with Versatile Power Transfer," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 55, pp. 1677-1688, April 2008. [2] D. Das, R. Esmaili, L. Xu, D. Nichols, "An Optimal Design of a Grid Connected Hybrid Wind/Photovoltaic/Fuel Cell System for Distributed Energy Production," in Proc. IEEE Industrial Electronics Conference, pp. 2499-2504, Nov. 2005. [3] N. A. Ahmed, M. Miyatake, and A. K. Al-Othman, "Power fluctuations suppression of stand-alone hybrid generation combining solar photovoltaic/wind turbine and fuel cell systems," in Proc. Of Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 49, pp.2711-2719, October2008 [4] S. Jain, and V. Agarwal, "An Integrated Hybrid Power Supply for Distributed Generation Applications Fed by Nonconventional Energy Sources," IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 23, June 2008. [5] Y.M. Chen, Y.C. Liu, S.C. Hung, and C.S. Cheng, "Multi-Input Inverter for Grid-Connected Hybrid PV/Wind Power System," IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 22, May 2007. A. Sudharshan, M.Yohan, R.V.R.S.K. Shrujan, Y. Gayathri |
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49. | Distributed Denial Of Service Attack Techniques: Analysis, Implementation And Comparison
Distributed Denial Of Service Attack Techniques: Analysis, Implementation And ComparisonAbstract: A denial of service attack (DOS) is any type of attack on a networking structure to disable a server from servicing its clients. Attacks range from sending millions of requests to a server in an attempt to slow it down, flooding a server with large packets of invalid data, to sending requests with an invalid or spoofed IP address. In this paper we show the comparative analysis of various types of attacks: namely Ping of Death, Connection Flood, TCP SYN Flood, Distributed DOS and others. This paper will demonstrate the potential damage from DOS attacks and analyze the ramifications of the damage. The paper concludes with suggested mitigation methods for some of the discussed attacks.Key words: DDOS attack, Spoof attack, TCP-SYN, Flooding, PUSH-ACK. Reference [1] Zhang Chao-yang, Huanggang, "DOS Attack Analysis and Study of New Measures to Prevent" International Conference on Intelligence Science and Information Engineering (ISIE), Page(s): 426 – 429, 2011 [2] Douligeris, C. Mitrokotsa, "A DDoS attacks and defense mechanisms: a classification" Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology(. ISSPIT), Dec. 2003 Page(s):190 - 193 [3] Kavisankar, L. Chellappan, C. "A mitigation model for TCP SYN flooding with IP spoofing." International Conference on Recent Trends in Information Technology (ICRTIT), 2011, Page(s):251 - 256 [4] Kumar, S. "Smurf-based Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attack Amplification in Internet" Second International Conference on Internet Monitoring and Protection, 2007 [5] Xu Rui ; Ma Wen-Li ; Zheng Wen-Ling "Defending against UDP Flooding by Negative Selection Algorithm Based on Eigenvalue Sets".. Fifth International Conference on Information Assurance and Security, 2009 Page(s):342 - 345 Prof Tushar D. Kolhe, Prof. Minal T. Kolhe |
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50. |
Formability Analysis and Its Parameters –A Review Paper
Formability Analysis and Its Parameters –A Review PaperAbstract: This paper represents review of parameters which affects sheet metal formability and also about forming limit diagram (FLD).The parameters are punch nose radius, blank temperature, die arc radius, punch velocity, blank holding force(BHF),blank shape, spring back etc. The first section of paper represents about formability. Second section reviews different parameters that affect sheet metal forming. Section 3 explains that formability of sheet metal defined in terms of two dimensional strain maps. It also describes state of strain measures formability. It deals with different research work dealing with forming limit diagram (FLD). The forming limit diagram (FLD) gives an indication whether the material can sustain certain ratio of strains without failing is of great help.Key words: BHF,FLD,Sheet metal formability Reference [1] Dr.Waleed K.Jawad,Jamal H.Mohamed, "Studying the Effect of Punch Nose Radius on Deep Drawing Operation" Eng.&Tech.Vol.26.No.,pp55-73(2008) [2] G. Venkateswarlu, M. J. Davidson and G. R. N. Tagore, "Influence of process parameters on the cup drawing of aluminium 7075 sheet" International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology Vol. 2, No. 11, pp. 41-49(2010) [3] Y. Marumo, H. Saiki, L Ruan , "Effect of sheet thickness on deep drawing of metal foils" Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering Vol.20 Issues 1-2 (2007) [4] M. Ahmetoglu, T. R. Broek, G. Kinzel, T. Altan, "Control of Blank Holder Force to Eliminate Wrinkling and Fracture in Deep-Drawing Rectangular Parts" Annals of the ClRP Vol. 44/1/1995 [5] H. Gharib, A.S. Wifi, M. Younan, A. Nassef, "Optimization of the blank holder force in cup drawing " Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, Volume 18, ISSUE 1-2 September–October 2006 U. V. Mangudkar, Dr. R. B. Hiremath |
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51. | The Automatic License Plate Recognition(Alpr)
The Automatic License Plate Recognition(Alpr)Abstract: Every country uses their own way of designing and allocating number plates to their country vehicles. This license number plate is then used by various government offices for their respective regular administrative task like- traffic police tracking the people who are violating the traffic rules, to identify the theft cars, in toll collection and parking allocation management etc. In India all motorized vehicle are assigned unique numbers. These numbers are assigned to the vehicles by district-level Regional Transport Office (RTO). In India the license plates must be kept in both front and back of the vehicle. These plates in general are easily readable by human due to their high level of intelligence on the contrary; it becomes an extremely difficult task for the computers to do the same. Many attributes like illumination, blur, background color, foreground color etc. will pose a problem.Key words: Automatic license plate recognition (ALPR) system, proposed methodology, reference Reference [1] Muhammad Sarfraz, Mohammed Jameel Ahmed, and Syed A. Ghazi ,"Saudi arebian licence plate recognition system", International Conference on Geometric Modeling and Graphics (GMAG'03), 2003. [2] Serkan Ozbay, and Ergun Ercelebi," Automatic Vehicle Identification by Plate Recognition", Processing of world academy of science engineering and technology vol9, ISSN 1307-6884, november 2005. [3] Humayun Karim Sulehria, Ye Zhang, Danish Irfan, Atif Karim Sulehria," Vehicle Number Plate Recognition Using Mathematical Morphology and Neural Networks", WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on COMPUTERS, Volume 7,ISSN: 1109-2750, Issue 6, June 2008. [4] Zhen-Xue Chen, Cheng-Yun Liu, Fa-Liang Chang, and Guo-You Wang," Automatic License-Plate Location and Recognition Based on Feature Salience", IEEE Transaction on vehicle technology, VOL. 58, NO. 7, september 2009. [5] Dr. P.K.Suri, Dr. Ekta Walia, Er. Amit Verma," Vehicle Number Plate Detection using Sobel Edge Detection Technique", International Journal of Computer Science and Technology, ISSN : 2229 – 4333, IJCST Vol. 1, Issue 2, December 2010. Rinku Solanki, Rajesh Kumar Rai, Teena Raikwar |
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52. | Clustering Aggregation Using Control Chart Technique
Clustering Aggregation Using Control Chart TechniqueAbstract: Data clustering is a process of putting similar data into groups. Point-based clustering aggregation is applying aggregation algorithms to data points and then combining various clustering results. Applying clustering algorithms to data points increases the computational complexity and decreases the accuracy. Many existing clustering aggregation algorithms have a time complexity quadratic, cubic, or even exponential in the number of data points. Thus Data fragments are considered. A Data fragment is any subset of the data that is not split by any of the clustering results. Existing model gives high clustering error rate due to lack of preprocessing of outliers. In the proposed approach, data fragments are considered and Outlier detection techniques are employed for preprocessing of data. New clustering aggregation algorithm proposed includes the outlier detection technique and each disjoined set of fragments is clustered in parallel thus reducing the time complexity.Key words: Clustering aggregation, point-based approach, fragment-based approach, data fragment, computational complexity. Reference [1] Aristides Giones ,"Clustering Aggregation" ,Yahoo! Research Labs, Barcelona Heikki Mannila University of Helsinki and Helsinki University of Technology. [2] Ou Wu, Member, IEEE,WeimingHu, Senior Member, IEEE, Stephen J. Maybank, Senior Member, IEEE, Mingliang Zhu, and Bing Li " Efficient Clustering Aggregation Based on Data Fragments". [3] Cheng-Hsien Tang, An-Ching Huang, Meng-Feng Tsai, Wei-Jen Wang "An Efficient Distributed Hierarchical-Clustering Algorithm for Large Scale Data", National Central University, Taiwan. [4] Xi-xian Niu, Kui-he Yang, Dong Fu , "Local Agglomerative Characteristics based Clustering Algorithm", Hebei University of Science and Technology Shijiazhuang. [5] Qian Weining, Zhou Aoying, Analyzing Popular Clustering Algorithms from Different Viewpoints. Journal of Software, 2002,13(8) :1382~1394 Yamini Chalasani, M. Vani Pujitha |
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53. | A Novel Lossless Robust Reversible Watermarking Method for Copyright Protection of Images
A Novel Lossless Robust Reversible Watermarking Method for Copyright Protection of ImagesAbstract: Robust reversible watermarking (RRW) methods are popular in multimedia for protecting copyright, while preserving intactness of host images and providing robustness against unintentional attacks. However, conventional RRW methods are not readily applicable in practice. That is mainly because: 1) they fail to offer satisfactory reversibility on large-scale image datasets; 2) they have limited robustness in extracting watermarks from the watermarked images destroyed by different unintentional attacks; and 3) some of them suffer from extremely poor invisibility for watermarked images. There-fore, it is necessary to have a framework to address these three problems, and further improve its performance. This paper presents a novel pragmatic framework, wavelet-domain statistical quantity histogram shifting and clustering (WSQH-SC). Compared with conventional methods, WSQH-SC ingeniously constructs new watermark embedding and extraction procedures by histogram shifting and clustering, which are important for improving robustness and reducing run-time complexity. Additionally, WSQH-SC includes the property-inspired pixel adjustment to effectively handle overflow and underflow of pixels. This results in satisfactory reversibility and invisibility. Furthermore, to increase its practical applicability, WSQH-SC designs an enhanced pixel-wise masking to balance robustness and invisibility. We perform extensive experiments over natural, medical, and synthetic aperture radar images to show the effectiveness of WSQH-SC by comparing with the histogram rotation-based and histogram distribution constrained methods.Index Terms: Integer wavelet transform, k-means clustering, masking, robust reversible watermarking (RRW). Reference [1] J. Fridrich, M. Goljan, and R. Du, "Lossless data embedding-new paradigm in digital watermarking," EURASIP [2] J. Appl. Signal Process., vol. 2002, no. 1, pp. 185–196, Jan. 2002. [3] Z. Zhao, N. Yu, and X. Li, "A novel video watermarking scheme in compression domain based on fast motion estimation," in Proc. Int. Conf. Commun. Technol., vol. 2. 2003, pp. 1878–1882. [4] X. Li, "Watermarking in secure image retrieval," Pattern Recog. Lett., vol. 24, no. 14, pp. 2431–2434, Oct. 2003. [5] M. Celik, G. Sharma, A. Tekalp, and E. Saber, "Lossless generalized-LSB data embedding," IEEE Trans. Image Process., vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 253–266, Feb. 2005. Sidham Abhilash, S M Shamseerdaula |
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54. | A Feasible Study of Environment Vs Construction
A Feasible Study of Environment Vs ConstructionAbstract: Construction is a process that consists of building or assembling of infrastructure. Construction aims at making long live structures and buildings. But while buildings and development provide countless benefits to society, they also have significant environmental and health impacts. This paper was focused on environmental impacts caused due to construction industry and prescribes some suitable solutions to endangered problems. According to buildings, Cement and concrete are key components of both commercial and residential construction. A major component of concrete is cement, which has its own environmental and social impacts. Thus on comparing the effects of buildings on environment, Concrete recycling is suggested along with environmental awareness and Green Concept. Also as interest in protecting the environment, Green construction is the practice of erecting buildings and using processes that are environmentally responsible and resource efficient.Reference [1] "Greening your Business" Environmental Building News, Vol.9, No.10 (October 2000) [2] Environmental Protection Authority 1997, "Stormwater pollution prevention code of practice for Local, State and Federal Government" [3] D.M. Roodman and N. Lenssen, "A Building Revolution: How Ecology and Health Concerns are Transforming Construction" Worldwatch Paper 124, Worldwatch Institute, Washington, D.C., March 1995, p. 5. [4] Wilmont Dixon, "The Impacts of Construction and the Built Environment" Document No. FM-RE-07 Revision B, September 2010. [5] "Our Common Future, Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development" Oxford University Press, 1987. R.Greesan, A.Praveena |
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55. | Various Low Power Techniques for CMOS Circuits
Various Low Power Techniques for CMOS CircuitsAbstract: Designing high-speed low-power circuits with CMOS technology has been a major research problem for many years. The increasing demand for low-power design can be addressed at different design levels, such as software, architectural, algorithmic, circuit, and process technology level. This paper presents different approaches to reduce power consumption of any arbitrary combinational logic circuit by applying power minimization techniques at circuit level.Index Terms: Static power, Dynamic power, Dual Vt, Multi threshold voltage, Stacking, Forced stack, Low power design Reference [1] A. Abdollahi, F. Fallah, and M. Pedram, "Leakage Current Reduction in CMOS VLSI Circuits by Input Vector Control," IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 140-154, 2004. [2] M. Borah, R. M. Owens, and M. J. Irwin, "Transistor Sizing for Low Power CMOS Circuits," IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 15, no. 6, pp. 665-671, 1996. [3] A. P. Chandrakasan and R. W. Brodersen, Low Power Digital CMOS Design. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1995. [4] F. Gao and J. P. Hayes, "Total Power Reduction in CMOS Circuits via Gate Sizing and Multiple Threshold Voltages," in Proc. Design Automation Conference, 2005, pp. 31-36. [5] M. C. Johnson, D. Somasekhar, C. Lih-Yih, and K. Roy, "Leakage Control With Efficient Use of Transistor Stacks in Single Threshold CMOS," IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 1-5, 2002. P. Kalyani, Dr. P. Satishkumar, Dr. K. Ragini |
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56. | An Approach for Usage and Dataflow Coverage in Regression
An Approach for Usage and Dataflow Coverage in Regression TestingAbstract: Regression testing is the activity of retesting a program after it has been modified to gain confidence that existing, changed, and new parts of the program behave correctly. This activity is typically performed by rerunning, completely or partially, a set of existing test cases (i.e., its regression test suite).In this thesis we proposed a frame work based approach that covers the component usage and data flow variations between two versions. The approach of proposed model is a frame work that monitors the applications activities and flow of execution. This approach shows the statistical information of both versions such as execution flow statistics, execution time statistics, and coverage statistics.Key words: Regression testing , Regression Test Selection, Software Maintenance. Reference [1] K.K.Aggarwal & Yogesh Singh, "Software Engineering Programs Documentation, Operating Procedures," New Age International Publishers, Revised Second Edition – 2005. [2] Sebastian Elbaum, Praveen Kallakuri, Alexey G. Malishevsky, Gregg Rothermel, Satya Kanduri, "Understanding the Effects of Changes on the Cost-Effectiveness of Regression Testing Techniques," Journal of Software Testing, Verification, and Reliability, 13(2) pages:65-83, June 2003. [3] G. Rothermel, R.H. Untch, C. Chu, and M.J. Harrold, "Prioritizing Test Cases for Regression Testing," IEEE Trans. Software Eng., vol. 27, no. 10, pages 929-948, Oct. 2001. [4] K. K. Aggrawal, Yogesh Singh, A. Kaur, " Code coverage based technique for prioritizing test cases for regression testing," ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, vol 29 Issue 5 September 2004. [5] W. E.Wong, J. [21] W. E.Wong, J. R. Horgan, S. London and H.Agrawal, "A study of effective regression testing in practice," In Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE' 97), pages 264-274, November 1997. Y. Laxmi Prasanna |
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57. | Implementation of Diamond Search Algorithm Using Parallel Processing Architecture
Implementation of Diamond Search Algorithm Using Parallel Processing ArchitectureAbstract: In video communication whole content of video cannot be stored without processing. So there is a need to compress the video before transmission and storage this process is called as video compression. Video compression plays an important role with regard to real-time scouting/video conferencing applications. Regarding the entire motion based video compression process, movement estimation is the most computationally expensive and time consuming process. Motion estimation is the key element in video compression. The Motion Estimation is a process which determines motion between two or more frames and finds best possible macro block. There are several algorithms on block matching to name a few, Full Search Motion estimation [FS], Three Step Search Motion Estimation [TSS], New Three Step Search Motion Estimation [NTSS], Four Step Search Motion Estimation [FSS], Diamond Search Motion Estimation [DS].Instead of trying to further reduce computational complexity of these algorithms it is better to implement these algorithms on parallel processing architecture. In this paper Diamond Search Algorithm is implementation on CPU and GPU.Key words: Motion Estimation, video compression, DS, GPU,CUDA. Reference [1] Ahamdi, M. M. Azadfar "implementation of fast motion estimation algorithms & comparsion with full search method in H.264", IJCSNS international journal of computer science & Network security, vol 8, No.3, pp139-143, March 2008 [2] S. Immanuel Alex Pandian, Dr.G.josemin BalaBecky Alma George, / A Study on Block Matching Algorithms for Motion Estimation International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE) ISSN : 0975-3397, Vol. 3 No. 1 Jan 2011. [3] John Nickolls, William j.Dally, " The GPU Computing Era," IEEE Annals of the History of Computing Publication(2010), pp.56-69, ISBN: 0272 -1732. [4] R. Srinivasan and K. R. Rao, "predictive coding based on efficient motion estimation," IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. COMM-33,pp.888-896, Aug. 1985. [5] K.R.Rao and j.j Hwang, techniques and standards for image, video and audio coding. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:prentice Hall,1996 K. Shuma Roshini, M. Tejaswi |
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58. | Implementation of Two Level DWT VLSI Architecture
Implementation of Two Level DWT VLSIAbstract: The digital data can be transformed using Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT). The images need to be transformed without loosing of information. The Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) was based on time-scale representation, which provides efficient multi-resolution. The lifting based DWT are lower computational complexity and reduced memory requirements. The discrete wavelet transform (DWT) is being increasingly used for image coding. This is due to the fact that DWT supports features like progressive image transmission (by quality, by resolution), ease of transformed image manipulation, region of interest coding, etc. DWT has traditionally been implemented by convolution. DWT has traditionally been implemented by convolution Such an implementation demands both a large number of computations and a large storage features that are not desirable for either high-speed or low-power applications. In this work, the design of Lossless 2-D DWT (Discrete Wavelet Transform) using Lifting Scheme Architecture will be modeled using the Verilog HDL and its functionality were verified using the Modelsim tool and can be synthesized using the Xilinx tool.Reference [1] C. Christopoulos, A. Skodras, and T. Ebrahimi, "The JPEG2000 Still Image Coding System: An Overview," IEEE Trans. Consumer Electronics, vol. 46, no. 4, pp. 1103-1127, Nov. 2000. [2] C. Chrysafis and A. Ortega, "Line-Based, Reduced Memory, Wavelet Image Compression," IEEE Trans. Image Processing., vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 378-389, Mar.2000. [3] P. Wu and L. Chen, "An Efficient Architecture for Two-Dimensional Discrete Wavelet Transform," IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 536-545, Apr. 2001. [4] I. Daubechies and W. Sweldens, "Factoring Wavelet Transforms into Lifting Steps," J. Fourier Analysis and Applications, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 247-269,1998. [5] 5.M. . Grangetto, E. Magli, M. Martina, and G. Olmo, "Optimization and Implementation of the Integer Wavelet Transform for Image Coding," IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 11, no. 6, pp. 596-604, June 2002. V. Revathi Tanuja, R V V Krishna |
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59. | Modelling Of Variation Trained Drowsy Cache
Modelling Of Variation Trained Drowsy CacheAbstract: On-chip caches represent a sizable fraction of the total power consumption of microprocessors. Although large caches can significantly improve performance, they have the potential to increase power consumption. As feature sizes shrink, the dominant component of this power loss will be leakage. However, during a fixed period of time the activity in a cache is only centered on a small subset of the lines. This behavior can be exploited to cut the leakage power of large caches by putting the cold cache lines into a state preserving, low-power drowsy mode. Moving lines into and out of drowsy state incurs a slight performance loss. In this paper we investigate policies and circuit techniques for implementing drowsy caches. We show that with simple architectural techniques, about 80%-90% of the cache lines can be maintained in a drowsy state without affecting performance by more than 1%. According to our projections, in a 0.07um CMOS process, drowsy caches will be able to reduce the total energy (static and dynamic) consumed in the caches by 50%-75%. We also argue that the use of drowsy caches can simplify the design and control of low leakage caches, and avoid the need to completely turn off selected cache lines and lose their state.Index Terms: Cache, drowsy cache, static random access memory (SRAM), AXI protocol Reference [1] A. Sasan, H. Homayoun, A. Eltawil, and F. J. Kurdahi, "Process variation aware SRAM/cache for aggressive voltage- frequency scaling," in Proc. DATE, pp. 911–916. [2] A. Sasan (Mohammad AMakhzan), A. Khajeh, A. Eltawil, and F. Kurdahi, "Limits of voltage scaling for caches utilizing fault tolerant techniques," in Proc. ICCD, pp. 488–495. [3] M. A. Lucente, C. H. Harris, and R. M. Muir, "Memory system reliability improvement through associative cache redundancy," in Proc. IEEE Custom Integr. Circuits Conf., May 1990, pp. 19.6/1–19.6/4. [4] Z. Bo, D. Blaauw, D. Sylvester, and K. Flautner, "The limit of dynamic voltage scaling and insomniac dynamic voltage scaling," IEEE Trans.Very Large Scale Integr. (VLSI) Syst., vol. 13, no. 11, pp. 1239–1252,Nov. 2005. [5] K. Flautner, K. Nam Sung, S. Martin, D. Blaauw, and T. Mudge, "Drowsy caches: Simple techniques for reducing leakage power," in Proc. 29th Annu. Int. Symp. Comput. Arch. , 2002, pp. 148–157. V. Padmaja, D. Kishore |
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60. | Implementation of an NEP in Java
Implementation of an NEP in JavaAbstract: TheNetworks of Evolutionary Processors (NEPs) are computing mechanisms directly inspired from the behavior of cell populations more specifically the point mutations in DNA strands.These mechanisms are been used for solving NP-complete problems by means of a parallel computation postulation.This paper describes an implementation of the basic model of NEP and includes the possibility of designing some of the most common variants of it by means of a graphic user interface which eases the configuration of a given problem. It is a system designed to be used in a multicore processor in order to benefit from the multi thread use.Key words: NEP, Evolutionary processors, natural computing, Implementation. Reference [1] [Bel-Enguix, 2008] Bel-Enguix G., Jiménez M.: A BioInspired Model for Parsing of Natural Languages.Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2008, Vol. 129/2008, 369-378. [2] [Bottoni, 2011] Bottoni, P., Labella, A., Manea, F., Mitrana, V., Petre, I., Sempere, J.: Complexity-preserving simulations among three variants of accepting networks of evolutionary processors, Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2011. [3] [Castellanos, 2001] Castellanos, J., Martin-Vide, C., Mitrana, V., Sempere, J.: Solving NP-complete problems with networks of evolutionary processors. Proceedings of IWANN 2001, LNCS 2084, Springer-Verlag, 2001, 621–628. [4] [Castellanos, 2003] Castellanos, J., C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana& J.M. Sempere, Networks of Evolutionary processors, ActaInformatica. 39 (2003): 517-529. [5] [Manea, 2004] Manea, F., Martin-Vide, V., &Mitrana, V., Solving 3CNF-SAT and HPP in linear time using WWW, Proc. of MCU 2004, LNCS, in press. David Batard, Víctor Martínez |
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61. | Various Correlation Properties of Orthogonal Spreading Codes for CDMA Technique
Various Correlation Properties of Orthogonal Spreading Codes for CDMA TechniqueAbstract: Spread Spectrum a means of signal modulation, in which the signal frequency is spread over a very wide bandwidth. Spread spectrum technology, which was initially used in military applications, is another approach to achieve multiple accesses. An important multiple-access technique in wireless networks and other common channel communication systems is Code-Division Multiple Access (CDMA). Each user shares the entire bandwidth with all the other users and is distinguished from the others by its signature sequence or code. The sequences which are used in CDMA should have the following properties: • There should be a balance in the number of ones and zeroes. • The autocorrelation must be a sharp two-valued function • The cross correlation must be as low as possible. In this paper, we propose the generation of the orthogonal sets of codes which are able to retain the properties of Complete Complementary (CC) codes. The proposed methods can be applied to any sequence with ideal two-level cross-correlationKey words: Spread Spectrum, Orthogonal Sequences, Cross-correlation Function (CCF), Spreading Codes. Reference [1]. R. Fantacci et al., Perspectives for present and future CDMA based communications systems, IEEE Communications Magazine pp. 95-100, Feb. 2005. [2] L. Yang and L. Hanzo, "Multicarrier DS-CDMA: A multiple access scheme for ubiquitous broadband wireless comm.", IEEE Comm. Magazine, pp. 116-124, Oct. 2003. [3] Dixon R.C," Spread spectrum systems", John Wiley & Sons, Inc.; New York, 1976. [4] Esmael H. Dinan & Bijan Jabbari," Spreading codes for direct sequence CDMA and wideband CDMA cellular networks", IEEE Communication Magazine, Sep. 1998. [5] N. Yee, J-P Linnartz and G. Fettweis, "Multi-carrier CDMA in indoor wireless radio networks", in Proc IEEE PIMRC'93, Yokohama, Japan, pp. 109-113, Sept. 1993. Pavan M. Ingale, Md. Manan Mujahid, Syed Anwar Ahmed |
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62. | Free Vibration Characteristics of Edge Cracked Piles with Circular Cross-Section
Free Vibration Characteristics of Edge Cracked Piles with Circular Cross-SectionAbstract: This paper focuses on free vibration analysis of an edge cracked pile with circular cross section. The soil medium is modelled as Winkler-Pasternak elastic foundation approach. The governing differential equations of motion are obtained by using Hamilton's principle. The pile–soil system is modeled as Euler–Bernoulli beam resting on Winkler-Pasternak foundation. The considered problem is solved by using finite element method. The cracked pile is modelled as an assembly of two sub-beams connected through a massless elastic rotational spring. In the study, the effects of the location of crack, the depth of the crack and the soil stiffness on the natural frequencies and mode shapes the piles are investigated in detail.Key words: Crack, Piles, Winkler-Pasternak Foundation, Free vibration, Finite element method Reference [1] A.J. Valsangkar, R.B. Pradhanang, Free Vibration of Partially Supported Piles, Journal of Engineering Mechanic,s 113(8), 1987, 1244-1247. [2] J. Xie, H.H. Vaziri, Vertical Vibration of Nonuniform Piles, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 117(5), 1991, 1105-1118. [3] S-S.Lin, A.L.Al‐Khaleefi, Torsional behavior of cracked reinforced concrete piles in sand, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 19(6), 1996, 689-696. [4] A.K. Khan, P.J. Pise, Dynamic behaviour of curved piles, Computers & Structures, 65(6), 1997, 795-807. [5] B.K. Lee, J.S. Jeong, L.G. Fan, T.K. Jin, Free vibrations of tapered piles embedded partially in Winkler type foundations, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 3(2), 1999, 195-203. Dr. Şeref Doğuşcan Akbaş |
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63. | Bifurcation in triply diffusive couple stress fluid systems
Bifurcation in triply diffusive couple stress fluid systemsAbstract: Bifurcation analysis of a triply diffusive couple stress fluid is investigated in terms of a simplified model consisting of seven nonlinear ordinary differential equations which reproduces results obtained by modified perturbation theory, to second order, for the full two-dimensional problem and also the linear stability analysis results are identical with those for the full problem. Condition for the occurrence of direct and Hopf bifurcations is obtained. Modified perturbation technique is used to analyze the stability of bifurcating equilibrium solution. It is found that subcritical bifurcation is possible depending on the choices of parametric values. The transient behavior of the Nusselt numbers is investigated by solving nonlinear autonomous ordinary differential equations using Runge-Kutta-Gill method.Key words: Bifurcation , Couple stress fluid, , Triple diffusive convection, Nonlinear stability theory Reference [1] N. Jakeman, D.T.J. Hurle, Thermal oscillations and their effect on solidification processes, Rev. Phys. Tech. 3, 1972 3-30. [2] R.W. Griffiths, The influence of a third diffusing component upon the onset of convection, J. Fluid Mech, 92, 1979, 659- 670. [3] J.S. Turner, Multicomponent convection, Ann. Rev. Fluid Mech, 17, 1985, 11-44. [4] A.J Pearlstein, R.M. Harris, G. Terrones, The onset of convective instability in a triply diffusive fluid layer, J. of Fluid Mech, 202, 1989, 443- 463. [5] G. Terrones, A. J. Pearlstein, The onset of convection in a multicomponent fluid layer, Phys. Fluids, A 1, 1989, 845-853. I.S. Shivakumara, S.B. Naveen Kumar |
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64. | Energy and Comfort Management in Energy Efficient Buildings Using RETSCREEN Software-A Case Study Analysis
Energy and Comfort Management in Energy Efficient Buildings Using RETSCREEN Software-A Case Study AnalysisAbstract: Smart and energy-efficient buildings have recently become a trend for future building industry. The major challenge in the control system design for such a building is to minimize the power consumption without compromising the customers comfort. Buildings have the physical potential to harness diluted and sometimes unpredictable renewable energy. The building envelope and the ground constitute the basic resources for energy autonomous buildings. It is widely accepted that if any country has to reduce greenhouse gas emissions it must aggressively address energy end use in the building sector. Simulation of building performance is increasingly being used in design practice to predict comfort of occupants in finished buildings. In this thesis, the simulation results shows that the proposed intelligent control system successfully manages the user's preferences for thermal and illuminance comfort, indoor air quality and the energy conservation by using RETSCREEN software. The present work attempts to overcome certain inadequacies of contemporary simulation applications with respect to environmental control systems, by developing novel building control systems modeling schemes. These schemes are then integrated within a state-of-art simulation environment so that they can be employed in practice.Key words: Building materials, Energy Efficient buildings, Energy performance index, HVAC parameters, RETSCREEN software. Reference [1] Xiaoli Li, Chris P. Bowers, and Thorsten Schnier, Classification of Energy Consumption in Buildings With Outlier Detection, IEEE transactions on industrial electronics, vol. 57, no. 11, November 2010 [2] Liping Wang, Julie Gwilliam, Phil Jones, Welsh school of Architecture, Cardiff University, on Case study of zero energy house design in UK, Elsevier, Energy and Buildings 41 (2009) 1215–1222 [3] A.J. Marszala, P. Heiselberg, J.S. Bourrelle, E. Musall, K.Vossc, I. Sartori, A.Napolitano Zero Energy Building – A review of definitions and calculation methodologies, Elsevier, Energy and Buildings 43 (2011) 971–979 [4] Guglielmo S. Aglietti,Harnessing High-Altitude Solar Power, IEEE, transactions on energy conversion, vol. 24, no. 2, june 2009 [5] Mohan Kolhe Techno-Economic Optimum Sizing of a Stand-Alone Solar Photovoltaic System, , IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENERGY CONVERSION, VOL. 24, NO. 2, JUNE 2009 Vijaya Lalita. P, Dr. Ch. Saibabu, G. R. K. D. Satya Prasad |
378-381 | ![]() |
65. | Design and Implementation of 2mbps Data and Voice Frame Structure
Design and Implementation of 2mbps Data and Voice Frame StructureAbstract: Most digital data are not stored in the most compact form. Rather, they are stored in whatever way makes them easiest to use, such as: ASCII text from word processors, binary code that can be executed on a computer, individual samples from a data acquisition system. The soft core allows the manipulation of E1(2Mbps) 2048KHz 32-channel carrier information. It inserts/removes data into/from E1 frame and multiframe structures. The main use of the developed soft core in the implementation of data communication equipment is to allow multiple users to share a common 2Mbps carrier with a flexible scheme for bandwidth allocation. The hardware module that increases performance of the data communications.Key words: 2Mbps carrier frame, Drop_insert Reference [1] BERGAMASCHI, R. A.; LEE, W. R. Designing systerns-on--chip using cores. 37th Design Automation Conference, 2000, pp. 420-425 [2] SEMICONDUCTOR INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION – SIA: 'International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors 2002 Update'. http://public.itrs.net/Files/2002Update/Home.pdf [3] XILINX, INC: 'Investor Factsheet - Third Quarter Fiscal Year 2003'. http://www.xilinx.com [4] VAHID, F.; GIVARGIS, T.: 'Platform tuning for embedded systems design'. IEEE Computer, 2001, 34 (3) pp. 112-114 [5] ITU-T: 'Physical/electrical characteristics of hierarchical digital interfaces'. Recommendation G.703, 1998 P. Anudeep, N. Vasudeva Reddy |
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66. | Analysis of LEACH and Its Variants for Routing In Wireless Sensor Networks
Analysis of LEACH and Its Variants for Routing In Wireless Sensor NetworksAbstract: Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have revolutionized many segments of our economy as well as our lives. Various modern devices require sensory data from the real world around them. This data is provided by WSNs, which consists of several tiny sensor nodes. Different routing protocols govern the movement of this information. Energy efficiency is one of the main design objective for these sensor networks. Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) is a classical cluster based routing protocol for WSNs having good performance. In this paper we mainly focus on implementing wireless sensor network using LEACH protocol to analyze performance of WSNs in terms of energy, throughput and lifetime using ns-2 and present a survey of variants of LEACH , that has produced different routing protocols for WSNs and highlight their features.Key words: Cluster, Energy, LEACH, Lifetime, Wireless Sensor Network Reference [1] Stephanie Lindsey, Cauligi Raghavendra and Krishna M. Sivalingam, Data Gathering Algorithms in Sensor Networks Using Energy Metrics, IEEE Transactions on parallel and distributed systems, vol. 13, no. 9, sept., 2002. [2] Arati Manjeshwar and Dharma P. Agrawal, TEEN: A Routing Protocol for Enhanced Efficiency in Wireless Sensor Network: Proc. of the 5th Parallel and distributed Processing Symposium, San Francisco, IEEE, 2001. [3] Wendi Rabiner Heinzelman, Anantha Chandrakasan, and Hari Balakrishnan, Energy-Efficient Communication Protocol for Wireless Micro sensor Networks, Published in the Proceedings of IEEE the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, January 4-7, 2000, Maui, Hawaii. [4] Rajesh Patel, Sunil Pariyani and Vijay Ukani, Energy and Throughput Analysis of Hierarchical Routing Protocol (LEACH) for Wireless Sensor Network, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 20– No.4, April 2011. [5] Ge Ran , Huazhong Zhang b, Shulan Gong, Improving on LEACH Protocol of Wireless Sensor Networks Using Fuzzy Logic, Journal of Information & Computational Science 7: 3 (2010) 767–775. Poonam Shrivastava, Srija Unnikrishnan |
386-389 | ![]() |
67. | Design and Analysis of DVR and D-Statcom Multi Level Converter in Distribution System
Design and Analysis of DVR and D-Statcom Multi Level Converter in Distribution SystemAbstract: The use of power electronics equipment has rapidly increasing day by day and leading to several power quality problems. The different power quality problems we are facing the distribution system are Voltage sag, Voltage swell, Current harmonics, notch, spike, transients etc. Voltage sag is the most severe power quality problem which is affecting the industrial consumers; the best way to eradicate these power quality issues is by custom power devices. Dynamic Voltage restorer and d-statcom are the one of the CUP devices used to maintain power quality. In this paper the DVR and d-statcom are modeled and both of them are compared .The compensators are tested with various types of loads and sources performance is analyzed using MATLAB/Simulink software.Key words: power quality, Voltage sag/swell, CUPS DVR, D-Statcom. Reference [1] P. R. Sánchez, E. Acha, J. E. O. Calderon, V. Feliu, and A. G. Cerrada, "A versatile control scheme for a dynamic voltage restorer for power-quality improvement," IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 277–284, Jan. 2009. [2] Y. A. R. I. Mohamed and E. F. E. Saadany, "A control method of grid-connected PWM voltage source inverters to mitigate fast voltage disturbances," IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 489–491, Feb. 2009. [3] P. Samuel, R. Gupta, and D. Chandra, "Grid interface of photovoltaicmicro turbine hybrid based power for voltage support and control using VSI in rural applications," presented at the IEEE Power Eng. Soc. Gen. Meeting, Calgary, AB, Canada, 2009. [4] K. Selvajyothi and P. A. Janakiraman, "Reduction of voltage harmonics in single phase inverters using composite observers," IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 1045–1057, Apr. 2010. [5] A. Ghosh and G. Ledwich, "Load compensating DSTATCOM in weak AC systems," IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 1302–1309, Oct. 2003. Ravi Babu Nagulla, C.H. Phanindra |
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68. | Fuzzy Logic Control of D-Statcom for Power Quality Improvement
Fuzzy Logic Control of D-Statcom for Power Quality ImprovementAbstract: A Power quality problem is an occurrence manifested as a nonstandard voltage, current or frequency that results in a failure or a mis-operation of end user equipments. Utility distribution networks, sensitive industrial loads and critical commercial operations suffer from various types of outages and service interruptions which can cost significant financial losses. With the restructuring of power systems and with shifting trend towards distributed and dispersed generation, the issue of power quality is going to take newer dimensions. This paper presents the Fuzzy Logic control of D-statcom to enhancement of voltage sags, harmonic distortion and low power factor using Distribution Static Compensator (D-STATCOM) with LCL Passive Filter in distribution system. The model is based on the Voltage Source Converter (VSC) principle. The D-STATCOM injects a current into the system to mitigate the voltage sags.LCL Passive Filter was then added to D-STATCOM to improve harmonic distortion and low power factor. Time domain simulations are used to verify the operation of the D-statcom with various faults and fault resistance.Key words: D-STATCOM, Voltage Sags, Voltage Source Converter (VSC), LCL Passive Filter, Total harmonics Distortion (THD) Reference [1] GYaleinkaya, M.H.J. Bollen, P.A. Crossley, "Characterization of voltage sags in industrial distribution systems", IEEE transactions on industry applications, vol.34, no. 4, July/August, pp. 682-688, 1999. [2] Haque, M.H., "Compensation of distribution system voltage sag by DVR and D-STATCOM", Power Tech Proceedings, 2001 IEEE Porto, vol.1, pp.10-13, Sept. 2001. [3] Anaya-Lara O, Acha E., "Modeling and analysis of custom power systems by PSCAD/EMTDC", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol.17, Issue: 1, Jan. 2002, Pages:266 – 272 [4] Bollen, M.H.J.," Voltage sags in three-phase systems" Power Engineering Review, IEEE, Vol. 21, Issue: 9, Sept. 2001, pp: 8 - 11, 15. [5] M.Madrigal, E.Acha., "Modelling of Custom Power Equipment Using Harmonic Domain Techniques", IEEE 2000. D. Prasad, T. Sandeep Kumar, Dr.B.Venkata Prasanth, Dr.K.S.G.Sankar |
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69. | Impact of Data Distribution on Response Time in Telecom Databases
Impact of Data Distribution on Response Time in Telecom DatabasesAbstract: Centralized databases are becoming bottlenecks for physically distributed organizations. They carry the disadvantages of high communication cost and high data retrieval time. The emerging distributed database technology promises increased availability, reduced cost and improved response time. However, this area needs to research many issues before implementation. Data fragmentation and allocation are very important and critical steps in distributed databases. It is a pivotal area that needs to be investigated properly especially with reference to the telecom sector. The primary focus of this research is to study the impact of fragmentation and distribution on the data retrieval time. However it will also cover the selection of the most appropriate fragmentation strategy depending upon the database architecture and data selection patterns.Key words: Distributed databases, fragmentation, data distribution, data allocation Reference [1] C. Mitchell "Components of a Distributed Database." [2] Vaughn, "CSPC 343:A Sketch of Database History," 14 Nov,2003. [3] A. Srivastava, U. Shankar, and S. K. Tiwari, "Transaction Management in Homogenous Distributed Real-Time Replicated Database Systems," International Journal, vol. 2, 2012. [4] P. A. Bernstein, V. Hadzilacos, and N. Goodman, Concurrency control and recovery in database systems. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1987. [5] R. Bhati, N. Bansal, and S. Jha, "Distributed Database System: The Current Features And Problems?." Imran Ashraf, Amir Shahzed Khokhar, Dr. Lars Lundberg |
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70. | A Survey on data security models in cloud computing
A Survey on data security models in cloud computingAbstract: The world of data computing is becoming larger and complex day by day. Could computing is the most popular model for supporting large and complex data. Organizations are moving toward cloud computing for getting benefit of its cost reduction and elasticity features. However cloud computing has potential riks and vulnerabilities. One of major hurdle in moving to cloud computing is its security and privacy concerns. As in cloud computing environment data is out of user possession this leads to great risk of data integrity, data confidentiality and data vulnerability etc. A number of security models have been developed to cope with these security threats. Our research aims at investigating security models that were developed for securing data during whole lifecycle of cloud computing.Key words: Cloud computing , data security , security model Reference [1] http://www.ccbc.ir/files_site/files/r_6_130217100243.pdf >. [2] Author Guidelines for 8 - krautheim.pdf. 2013. Disponível em: < http://static.usenix.org/event/hotcloud09/tech/full_papers/krautheim.pdf >. [3] AZHAD, S.; RAO, M. S. Ensuring Data Storage Security in Cloud Computing. [4] BAHETI, A. P.; PATIL, S. V. Cloud Security Based On Oracle Storage Using Transparent Table Encryption Technique. IJCER, v. 2, n. 2, p. 132-136, 2013. ISSN 2278-5795. [5] CHEN, D.; ZHAO, H. Data security and privacy protection issues in cloud computing. Computer Science and Electronics Engineering (ICCSEE), 2012 International Conference on, 2012, IEEE. p.647-651. Noman Mazher, Imran Ashraf |
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71. | Synchronous-Reference – Frame Based Control Method For UPQC Under Different Load Conditions
Synchronous-Reference – Frame Based Control Method For UPQC Under Different Load ConditionsAbstract: A new synchronous-reference-frame (SRF)-based control method is proposed in this project .It compensate power-quality (PQ) problems through a three-phase four-wire unified PQ conditioner (UPQC) under unbalanced and distorted load conditions. The proposed UPQC system can improve the power quality at the point of common coupling on power distribution systems under unbalanced and distorted load conditions. The main problem in the power distribution system is voltage sag, voltage swell and load reactive power compensation, to compensate these problems we are using in this project a power electronic device i.e., UPQC-S(Unified power quality conditioner). S means complex power. i.e., vector sum of active and reactive power. UPQC is a flexible ac transmission system. It is combination of series and shunt converters.INDEX TERMS: UPQC, Power angle control, shunt and series circuit Reference [1] R. C. Dugan, M. F. McGranaghan, and H. W. Beaty, Electrical Power Systems Quality.. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1996, p. 265. [2] C. Sankaran, Power Quality. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2002, p. 202. [3] R. A. Walling, R. Saint, R. C. Dugan, J. Burke, and L. A. Kojovic, "Summary of distributed resources impact on power delivery systems," IEEETrans. Power Del., vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 1636–1644, Jul. 2008. [4] L. Gyugyi, "Unified power-flow control concept for flexible AC transmission systems," IEE – C Gene. Trans. Distr., vol. 139, no. 4, pp. 323–331, Jul. 1992. [5] N. G. Hingorani and L. Gyugyi, Understanding FACTS: Concepts and Technology of Flexible AC Transmission Systems. New York: IEEE Press, 2000, p. 432. AMALA KADARI, K.RAVI SANKAR, DURGAM KUMARASWAMY |
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72. | Brain Tumor Detection Based On Symmetry Information
Brain Tumor Detection Based On Symmetry InformationAbstract: Advances in computing technology have allowed researchers across many fields of endeavor to collect and maintain vast amounts of observational statistical data such as clinical data, biological patient data, data regarding access of web sites, financial data, and the like. This paper addresses some of the challenging issues on brain magnetic resonance (MR) image tumor segmentation caused by the weak correlation between magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) intensity and anatomical meaning. With the objective of utilizing more meaningful information to improve brain tumor segmentation, an approach which employs bilateral symmetry information as an additional feature for segmentation is proposed. This is motivated by potential performance improvement in the general automatic brain tumor segmentation systems which are important for many medical and scientific applications.Reference [1] Kung-hao Liang and Tardi Tjahjadi, "Adaptive Scale Fixing for Multi-scale Texture Segmentation", IEEE Transactions on Image processing, Vol. 15, No.1, January, pp.249-256, 2006. [2] Mathews Jacob and Michael Unser, et al, "Design of Steerable Filters for Feature Detection Using Canny-Like Criteria ", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 26, NO.8, August, pp.1007-1019, 2004. [3] Wiley Wang, et al., "Hierarchical Stochastic Image Grammars for Classification and Segmentation", IEEE Transactions on Image processing, Vol. 15, No.7, July, pp.3033-3052, 2006. [4] T.J.Davis and D.Gao, "Phase-contrast imaging of weakly absorbing materials using hard x-rays," Nature, Vol.373,pp.595-597, 1995. [5] Jiao Feng and Fu Desheng, "Fast Gray-Contrast Enhancement of X-ray Imaging for Observing Tiny Characters", Proceedings of ICBBE 2007, Vol.2, pp.694-697. Narkhede Sachin G, Prof. Vaishali Khairnar |
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73. | Design of Standalone Hybrid Biomass & PV System of an Off-Grid House in a Remote Area
Design of Standalone Hybrid Biomass & PV System of an Off-Grid House in a Remote AreaAbstract: The use of renewable energy sources is becoming very necessary due to the limited reserves of fossil fuels and global environmental concerns for the production of electrical power generation and utilization. In remote areas, villages, it is easy to get more amount biomass. Hence by the use of hybrid systems consisting of Biomass and PV for production of electrical energy in these remote areas can be more economical. If the development of a computer-based approach for evaluating, the general performance of standalone hybrid PV- Biomass generating systems are analyzed ,then these results are useful for developing and installing hybrid systems in remote areas This paper focuses the economical consideration of standalone hybrid systems having PV and Biomass for electrical production in remote areas. Also in this paper a simulation approach has been suggested for designing stand alone grid for remote areas. The average solar radiation and quantity of biomass required data are to predict the general performance of the generating system. The batteries can also be used in this system to store the extra energy which can further be used for backup. Also the extra power is used to supply to the grid. Here the simulation is carried out using HOMER software. The results and analysis can used to improve the development of the proposed model.Key words: Biomass, Hybrid system, Homer software, Micro grid, PV array Reference [1] Optimal sizing method for stand-alone hybrid solar–wind system with LPSP technology by using genetic algorithm; Hongxing Yang a,*, Wei Zhou a, Lin Lu a, Zhaohong Fang; Science Direct, Solar Energy 82 (2008) 354–367 [2] Specified evaluation of manure resources for production of biogas in planning region latgale Imants Plūme, Vilis Dubrovskis, Benita Plūme; Latvia University of Agriculture; I. Plūme et al. Specified Evaluation of Manure Resources for Production of Biogas in Planning Region Latgal; Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency, 2012 [3] Biogas and biofuel production technologies Balancing Cost and Performance in a PV/Wind/Battery Hybrid Power System Ahmad Zahedi1, Akhtar Kalam2 [4] Monash University, Department of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering Xiaoli Li, Chris P. Bowers, and Thorsten Schnier, Classification of Energy Consumption in Buildings With Outlier Detection, IEEE transactions on industrial electronics, vol. 57, no. 11, November 2010 [5] Liping Wang, Julie Gwilliam, Phil Jones, Welsh school of Architecture, Cardiff University, on Case study of zero energy house design in UK, Elsevier, Energy and Buildings 41 (2009) 1215–1222 Smruti Ranjan Pradhan, Prajna Pragatika Bhuyan, Sangram Keshari Sahoo, G.R.K.D.Satya Prasad |
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74. | Design of Fractional Order Piλdλ Controller for Liquid Level Control of a Spherical Tank Modeled As a Fractional Order System
Design of Fractional Order Piλdλ Controller for Liquid Level Control of a Spherical Tank Modeled As a Fractional Order SystemAbstract: Chemical process presents many challenging control problems due to their nonlinear dynamic behavior, uncertain and time varying parameters, constraints on manipulated variable, interaction between manipulated and controlled variables, unmeasured and frequent disturbances, dead time on input and measurements. Control of liquid level in a spherical tank is nonlinear due to the variation in the area of cross section of the level system with change in shape. In this paper, Fractional Order Proportional Integral Derivative (FOPID) controller is designed for a liquid level control of a spherical tank which is modeled as a fractional Order System. The performance of FOPID controller is compared with the traditional Integer Order PID (IOPID) controller designed for the same spherical tank which is modeled as a First Order Plus Dead Time (FOPDT) system. The FOPID controller is designed following a set of imposed tuning constraints, which can guarantee the desired control performance and the robustness to the loop gain variations. From the simulation results presented, it is observed that the designed fractional order controller works efficiently, with improved performance comparing with the integer order controller.Key words: Spherical tank, Fractional calculus, Fractional Order System (FOS), Fractional Order Proportional Integral Derivative (FOPID) controller, Integer Order PID Controller (IOPID). Reference [1] K.B. Oldham and J. Spanier, The Fractional Calculus, Academic Press, New York and London, 1974. [2] M. Axtell and M.E. Bise, "Fractional calculus applications in control systems," the IEEE National Aerospace and Electronics Conference, New York, USA, pp. 563-566, 1990. [3] R. Caponetto, G. Dongola, L. Fortuna & I. Petráš, Fractional Order Systems: Modeling and Control Applications, Printed in Singapore, 2010 [4] D.Pradeepkannan, S. Sathiyamurthy, "Design and modeling of state feedback with integral controller for a non-linear Spherical tank process," IJETAE ISSN 2250-2459, volume 2, issue 11 ,November 2012. [5] Astrom K.J., and T.Hagglund(1995)."PID controllers :Theory , design and Tuning ", Instrument Society of America ,second edition. Rajinikanth Reddy.Mettu, Ramesh.Ganta |
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75. | Virtual Body Measurement System for Tailor Made Outfits
Virtual Body Measurement System for Tailor Made OutfitsAbstract: We propose a system which will be able to measure the body parameters of the user to choose appropriate sized clothes or outfits. The necessity of this system is to reduce personal presence in today's busy world for measurements and selection of outfits; this will also help to create tailor made outfits as per the individual body parameters. The alteration of their respective outfits are based upon various bodily parameters like height, waist, bust, body built, neck, shoulder etc. The system is based on modules of two processes; first one is to recognize the body parameters by using image capturing device from fixed distance. And second is to process image to get measurement or to calculate the body measurement parameters like tailor measurements. The proposed method will be assessed in body parameter recognitions problems under different challenges like Geographic, Demographic etc.Key words: Feature Measurement, Recognition, Selection Reference [1] A Nielsen Global Consumer Report, "Global Trends in Online Shopping," June 2010. [2] Jonathan van Grouw, Michael Wolbert, Margreet Riphagen, "Virtual Dressing Room for Home Shopping," Available:http://www.jonathanvangrouw.nl /sites/default/files/KBMS_2011.pdf [3] Anirban Dasgupta, Anjith George, S. L. Happy and Aurobinda Routray, "A Vision-Based System for Monitoring the Loss of Attention in Automotive Drivers," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2013. [4] Giovanni Gualdi, Andrea Prati and Rita Cucchiara, "Multistage Particle Windows for Fastand Accurate Object Detection," IEEE Transaction On Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 34, No. 8, Aug 2012. [5] Jae Young Choi,Yong Man Ro and Konstantinos N. Plataniotis, "Color Local Texture Features for Color Face Recognition," IEEE Transactions On Image Processing, Vol. 21,No. 3, pp.1366-1380,Mar 2012. Akshata H. Khade, Ayesha H. Butalia |
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76. | Clustering Brain Region from Functional MRI Using Interaction K-MEANS
Clustering Brain Region from Functional MRI Using Interaction K-MEANSAbstract: Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (FMRI) is a technique for measuring brain activity that directly measures the blood flow in the brain there by providing information on brain activity. To understand the complex interaction patterns among brain regions we propose a novel clustering technique. We model each subject as multivariate time series, where the single dimensions represent the FMRI signal at different anatomical regions. Our objective is to assign objects exhibiting a similar intrinsic interaction pattern to a common cluster. Based on this novel cluster notion, we propose Interaction K-means (IKM), an efficient algorithm for partitioning clustering. The results on FMRI studies demonstrate the potential of IKM to contribute to a better understanding of normal brain function.Key words: Clustering, Interaction patterns, Multivariate time series. Reference [1] M. D. Fox and M. E. Raichle, ―Spontaneous fluctuations in brain activity observed with functional magnetic resonance imaging," Nat Rev Neurosci, vol. 8, no. 9, pp. 700–711, 2007. [2] M. Vlachos, J. Lin, E. Keogh, and D. Gunopulos, ―A waveletbased anytime algorithm for k-means clustering of time series,‖ in In Proc. Workshop on Clustering High Dimensionality Data and Its Applications, 2003, pp. 23–30. [3] Tetsuya Yuasa and Tohoru Takeda, ―Fluorescent X-Ray Computed Tomography Using Synchrotron Radiation Towards Molecular Imaging‖ Prof. Bernhard Schaller (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-51-0359-2. [4] Boris V. Baryshnikov*, BarryD.van Veen, Fellow, IEEE, and Ronald T. Wakai ―Maximum-Likelihood Estimation of Low-Rank Signals for Multiepoch MEG/EEG Analysis‖ in IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICALENGINEERING, VOL. 51, NO. 11, NOVEMBER 2004 [5] Ryusuke Kakigi,Koji Inui,Diep Tuan Tran Yunhai Qiu,XiahongWang, ShokoWatanabe Minoruhoshiyama,‖ Human Brain Processing and Central Mechanisms of Pain as Observed by ElectroandMagnetoencephalography‖ in Ryusuke Kakigi et al. Journal of the Chinese Medical Association Vol. 67, No. 8 Ms.P.Angalaparameswari, Mrs.P.Rupa Ezhil Arasi |
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77. | Sensitivity Analysis of Pressure Sensor for Environmental Application
Sensitivity Analysis of Pressure Sensor for Environmental ApplicationAbstract: In this paper the sensitivity of pressure sensors based on their shape has been studied. Three sensors based on rectangular, square and cross square shaped diaphragms having the same surface area and thickness have been analysed. Performance parameters like the induced stress, deflection and sensitivity of the diaphragms have been calculated using the finite element tool INTELLISUITE. An evaluation of the stress profile across the diaphragms has been done. The analysis shows that the square diaphragm based sensor is more sensitive for environmental application range. It has also been found that the variation in the position of the piezoresistor plays a greater role in determining the sensitivity of the sensor. From the results of the simulations ,the shape and design of the sensor can be optimized for a given pressure range.Key words: Diaphragm, Sensors, Piezoresistive, Intellisuite. Reference [1] C.S.Smith,―Piezoresistive Effect in Germanium and Silicon, Phys. Rev‖ vol. 94, pp. 42–49. [2] W P Eaton and J H Smith ―Micro machined Pressure Sensors: Review and Recent Developments,‖ Smart Material. Structure. 1997. [3] Z.H.Tao & Z.Bin ―Micromechanical System Technology & Its Applications,‖ Electronic Components & Materials, pp 28- 30, 2002. [4] S. D. Senturia, Microsystems Design, Norwell,MA, Kluwer Academic Publisher, 2000 . [5] M.H. Bao, Analysis and Design Principles of MEMS Devices, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2005. Ashish, Kumari Nidhi Gupta, Dr.T.Shanmuganantham |
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78. | A Voltage Controlled Adjustable Speed Induction Motor Drive Using Pfc Half-Bridge Converter
A Voltage Controlled Adjustable Speed Induction Motor Drive Using Pfc Half-Bridge ConverterAbstract: The techniques to improve the efficiency of motor drive by power factor correction play an important role in the energy saving during energy conversion. The ac-dc conversion of electric power is usually required for the Induction motor drive; nevertheless, it causes many current harmonics and results in the poor power factor at the input ac mains. The use of an Induction Motor is increasing because of its features of high efficiency, wide speed range, and low maintenance. This paper deals with the power factor correction of Induction motor with Double Cuk dc–dc converter. A three-phase voltage-source inverter is used as an electronic commutator to operate the IMD. The Prototype is designed with a double cage induction motor used for an air conditioning unit compressor which offers very good starting torque. Tested using Matlab/Simulation at various speeds.Key words: Induction Motor, Cuk Converter Power factor correction, Diode Bridge Rectifier, voltage-source inverter (VSI). Reference [1] Sanjeev Singh, Student Member, IEEE, Bhim Singh, Senior Member, IEEEA Voltage Controlled Adjustable Speed PMBLDCM Drive using A Single-Stage PFC Half-Bridge Converter, 978-1-4244-4783-1/10/2010 IEEE. [2] Mohan, N., T. M. Undeland, and W. P. Robbins, Power Electronics, Converters, Applications, And Design, 2nd Edition, John Wiley and Son, Inc., New York, 1995. [3] Yang, Z. H. and P. C. Sen,, "Recent developments in high power factor switch -mode converters," IEEE Canadian Conference on, Vol. 2, 477–488, May 1998. [4] Qian, J. R. and F. C. Lee, "Charge pump power-factor-correction technologies. i. concept and principle," IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics, Vol. 15, 121–129, Jan 2000. [5] Zhang, J. D., M. M. Jovanovic, and F. C. Lee, "Comparison between CCM single-stage and two-stage boost PFC converters," APEC 1999, Vol. 1, 335–341, March 1999. Devendra. K, Dr.S.V.M.Bhuvanaika Rao |
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79. | Predicting Movements On A Plane For Robot With Depth Camera
Predicting Movements On A Plane For Robot With Depth CameraAbstract: This paper presents the results of location and prediction of movement made by an object. This probability is calculated for a matrix made of 5 x5 with the use of Markov processes. After some interactions the computer does not fail in any case. It is possible increase the size of the matrix but requires more computation and the results are repeated again, only changing the odds. To detect moving robots is captured by a Kinect depth camera the color of a ball (red), thereby calculate their coordinates in a plane. The robot receives the calculated probability and thus the robot's movements are programmed to catch the ball.Key words: Location, Markov, Kinect, Robot, tracking. Reference [1] Angulo J. M. Historia y evolución de la robótica. En Robótica práctica. Tecnología y aplicaciones. Pp 13-14. Ed. Paraninfo. 5 ed. Madrid. 1999. [2] K.S. FU, R.C González, C.S.G. LEE. Robotica: Control, Deteccion, Vision e Inteligencia. Ed. Mc Graw Hill, 1993 [3] J. Zhou, L. Liu, Z. Pan and H. Yan, Scanning 3D Full Human Bodies Using Kinects, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 643-650, 2012. [4] Livingston, M.A.; Sebastian, J; Zhuming Ai; Decker, J.W. Performance measurements for the Microsoft Kinect skeleton. Virtual Reality Short Papers and Posters (VRW), 2012 IEEE. pp. 119 - 120. 4-8 March 2012 [5] K. K. Biswas and S. K. Basu. Gesture recognition using Microsoft Kinect. In Automation, Robotics and Applications (ICARA), pp. 100-103, 2011. Jose Manuel Mejia Perales, Rodolfo Romero Herrera, Alfonso Fernandez Vazquez |
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80. | Statistical Methodology for Quality Comparison between Algorithms
Statistical Methodology for Quality Comparison between AlgorithmsAbstract: Performance on the quality of the responses obtained by two algorithms, it is not something to be taken lightly. Most of the tests used, are based on the calculation of average, however, this statistic can be affected by extreme results. In addition, a mean difference may be statistically insignificant in practical terms can be decisive. In this paper we propose a statistical test that solved the mentioned problems. The proposed methodology in this research also determines the sample size and the probability that there is significant difference when really there is not (Type II error), factors that generally are not considered in traditional tests.Keywords-Comparison of Algorithms, Number of instances, Optimization, Statistical test, Type II error.Reference [1] Barr, R., Golden, R., Kelly, J., Rescende M., Stewart, W. Designing and Reporting on Computational Experiments with Heuristic Methods, Journal of Heuristics, 1995. [2] Bartz, T., Beielstein, T. Design and Analysis of Optimization Algorithms Using Computational Statistics. AppliedNumericalAnalysis& Computational Mathematics, 2004. [3] Birattari, M., Dorigo, M. How to assess and report the performance of a stochastic algorithm on a benchmark problem: Mean or best result on a number of runs? IRIDIA, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2005. [4] Bouckaert, R. Choosing between two learning algorithms based of calibrate test. Twentieth International Conferenceon Machine Learning. Washington DC, 2003. [5] Brazdil, P, Soarez, C. A Comparison of Ranking Methods for Classification Algorithm Selection. Faculty of Economics, University of Porto, Portugal. Suárez Díaz Ronald, Maldonado Ascanio Erik, Escorcia Caballero Juan |
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81. | Performance and emission analysis of waste vegetable oil and it's blends with diesel and additive
Performance and emission analysis of waste vegetable oil and it's blends with diesel and additiveAbstract: The sources of fossil fuels were depleting day to day and there are no more fossil fuels in the future, so there is a need for the search for the alternate fuels. In the present work, the performance and emissions of diesel and diesel additive blended with waste vegetable oil is studied, where the fuel, namely, methyl ester of waste vegetable oil and diesel with additive were chosen and used as fuel in the form of blends. This work presents the experimental investigation carried on computerized four stroke single cylinder diesel engine with Ethanol and Ethyl Hexyl Nitrate (EHN) as additives to the diesel-biodiesel blends. Ethanol was added as 5% and 10% by volume to the diesel-biodiesel blends and Ethyl Hexyl Nitrate (EHN) was added as 0.5% and 1% to the diesel-biodiesel blends. In the present work the bio diesel is the waste vegetable oil which is obtained from the crude waste vegetable oil by using the transesterification process. The results show a 25% reduction in HC emissions with B20 and 35% reduction with B20+Additive and a 15.8% reduction in CO emissions with B20 and 16.3% reduction with B20+additive for the 20% waste vegetable oil blend and Additive with a 15.4% increase for B20 blend and 1.29% decrease when Additive added to blend in NOx emission at full load. There was a 0.275% decreases in brake thermal efficiency for B20 blend and 0.175% increase with Additive to blend for B20 at full load.Key words: Blend, diesel additive, diesel engine, Engine performance & emission, waste vegetable oil, diesel, Reference [1] Jose M. Desantes, Jean Arregle and Santiago Ruiz and Alain Delage, "Characterisation of the injection-combustion process in a DI diesel engine running with Rape oil methyl ester" SAE Technical paper 1999-01-1497. [2] D.C. Rakopoulos, C.G. Rakopouls, E.G. Giakoumis, A.M.Dimaratos, M.A. Founti, "Comparative environmental behavior of bus engine operating on blends of diesel fuel with four straight vegetable oils of Greek origin: Sunflower, cottonseed, Corn and olive. Journal of Fuel 90 (2011) pp. 3439-3446. [3] Culshaw F.A., "The potential of biodiesel from oil-seed rape", Journal of Power and Energy, Vol. 207, No. A3, pp. 173-181 1993. [4] Desantes J.M., Arregle J., Pastor J.V., "Influence of the fuel characteristics on the injection process in a DI diesel engine", SAE Paper 980802, 1998. [5] Kaiser W., "The use of alternative fuels in tractor engine – State of development and prospects from a manufacture's viewpoint", Conference "Engine and Environment" AVL Proceedings, 1991. K.Srinivas, N. Ramakrishna,Dr.B.BaluNaik, Dr.K.KalyaniRadha |
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82. | Optimal Implementation of UART-SPI Interface in System On Chip
Optimal Implementation of UART-SPI Interface in System On ChipAbstract: This paper details the Optimal Implementation of UART-SPI Interface in System On Chip. This paper details the design and implementation of System on chip's UART- SPI Interface. The UART- SPI Interface provides utilization for the universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (UART) to Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI). This interface can be used to connect to SPI slave devices from a PC with UART port. The interface consists of three blocks: the UART interface, the UART -to-SPI interfacing block and the SPI Master interface.Key words: SOC, UART, SPI, power optimization Reference [I] Design and simulation of UART serial communication module based on VHDL - Fang Yi-Yuan, Chen Xue, IEEE Explore, may 2011. [2] Design and test of general purpose SPI master/slave IPs on OPB Bus- systems signals and devices, 7fu international multi conference, 2010. [3] A.K Oudjida et ai, Master-Slave wrapper communication protocol: A case-study, Proceedings of the 1'1 IEEE International Computer Systems and Information Technology Conference ICSIT'05, PP 461-467, 19-21 July 2006. [4] F. Leens, "An Introduction to SPI Protocols," IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine, pp. 8-13, February 2009. [5] A.K. Oudjida et ai, FPGA Implementation of I2C & SPI protocols A Comparative Study". Proceedings of the 16fu edition of the IEEE International Conference on Electronics Circuits and Systems ICECS, pp.507 -510, Dec 13-16 2009. M.Veera Gopi Kishore, B.Srinivas, Dr M.J.C. Prasad |
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83. | Improving Login Authorization by Providing Graphical Password (Security)
Improving Login Authorization by Providing Graphical Password (Security)Abstract: Usable security has unique usability challenges because the need for security often means that standard human-computer-interaction approaches cannot be directly applied. An important usability goal for authentication systems is to support users in selecting better passwords. Users often create memorable passwords that are easy for attackers to guess, but strong system-assigned passwords are difficult for users to remember. So researchers of modern days have gone for alternative methods where in graphical pictures are used as passwords. Graphical passwords essentially use images or representation of images as passwords. Human brain is good in remembering picture than textual character. There are various graphical password schemes or graphical password software in the market. However, very little research has been done to analyze graphical passwords that are still immature. There for, this project work merges persuasive selective click points and password guessing resistant protocol. The major goal of this work is to reduce the guessing attacks as well as encouraging users to select more random, and difficult passwords to guess. Well known security threats like brute force attacks and dictionary attacks can be successfully abolished using this method.Key words: graphical password, shoulder-surfing, Intersection attack , User Authentication, Graphical User Authentication, , Security, task performance, memorability Reference [1] Birget, J.C., Hong, d., Memon, N.Robust discretization, with application to graphical passwords. Cryptology ePrint Archive, http://eprint.iacr.org/2003/168, accessed Jan. 17, 2005. [2] Brown, A.S., Bracken, E., Zoccoli, S. and Douglas, K.Generating and remembering passwords. Applied Cognitive Psychology 18 (2004), 641-651. [3] Boroditsky, M.Passlogix Password Schemes. http://www.passlogix.com. Accessed Dec. 2, 2002. [4] Brostoff, S. and Sasse, M.A. Are Passfaces more usable than passwords: A field trial investigation. In People and Computers XIV - Usability or Else: Proceedings of HCI 2000 (Bath, U.K., Sept. 8-12, 2000). [5] Adams, A. and Sasse, M.A. Users are not the enemy. CACM 42, 12 (1999), 41-46. R.V.Sudhakar, A. Mruthyunjayam, D. Suguna Kuamari, M. Ravi Kumar, B.V.S. Ramesh Babu |
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84. | The Skien Hash Function
The Skien Hash FunctionAbstract: In this paper, we simulate the performance of skein hash function in VHDL FPGA. Skein is a new cryptographic family. It is designed in such a way that it is simple, easy and flexible. This function which is implemented in software based. This is a hashing function which provides security.Key words: Skein hash function, Threefish block cipher, MIX function, Key schedule, unique block iteration (UBI). Reference [1] "The skein hash function family", version 1.3, 0ct 2010, Niels Ferguson, Stefan Lucks, Bruce Schneier,Doug Whiting,Mihir Bellare,Tadayoshi Kohno,Jon Callas, Jesse Walke [2] "Implementing Skein Hash Function on Xilinx Virtex-5 FPGA Platform "Men Long, Intel Corporation, 02-Feb-09,Version 0.7 titleAbstract: ed in this study.Key words: FACTS system stability, three phase fault. Reference [1] Atef Aly Sivasankari. S. A, Allan Mary George, Pavithra. S |
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85. | A New Switching Median Filter for Impulse Noise Removal from Corrupted Images
A New Switching Median Filter for Impulse Noise Removal from Corrupted ImagesAbstract: In the process of image acquisition or transmission, digital images often get affected by noise. Noise can seriously affect the quality of images. This Paper introduces a new algorithm for removing impulse noise. The most popular approach for impulse noise removal is Standard Median Filter (SMF) and the performance of SMF is improved by adding Switching mechanism called Switching Median Filter (SWM), this paper introduces a new-algorithm that is "A New Switching Median Filter (NSWM) for Impulse Noise removal from corrupted images". In this method SWM is modified with one or more process by using the concept of rank order to improve the noise removal capability. The simulation results show that the proposed method has the better noise removal capability than the SWM method for both gray scale and colour images.Key words: Impulse noise, NSWM, Rank order, SMF, SWM Reference [1] A. Fabijan´ ska D. Sankowski. Noise adaptive switching median-based filter for impulse noise removal from extremely corrupted images, IET Image Process., 2011, Vol. 5, Iss. 5, pp. 472–480 [2] Moon,K.M. Patil,M.D. Parmar,B. Image restoration using adaptive switching median filter, Computational Intelligence and Computing Research (ICCIC), 2010 IEEE International Conference on Date 28-29 Dec. 2010 [3] Jafar, I.F. Na'mneh, R.A. Improving the filtering performance of the BDND algorithm in impulse noise removal, Systems, Signals and Devices (SSD), 2012 9th International Multi-Conference on Date 20-23 March 2012 [4] Chan, R.H., Chen Hu Nikolova, M.: "An iterative procedure for removing random-valued impulse noise‟, IEEE Signal Process. Lett, 2004, 11, (12), pp. 921–924 [5] Chen T, Ma KK, Chen LH. Tri-state median for image denoising. IEEE Trans Image Process 1999; 8:1834–8. K J Sreeja, Prudhvi Raj Budumuru |
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86. | Hydraulic Speed Breaker Power Generator
Hydraulic Speed Breaker Power GeneratorAbstract: It is very well known fact that vehicles run with very much high speed on the roads due to which many accidents take place and to reduce these accidents it can be seen by us that speed breakers are placed on the roads and highways. And Due to which a lot of energy got wasted .As there are many available models for generation of power through the speed breakers but the power is not so sufficient for any specific purpose this paper attempts to show the new technique of power generation. Earlier many complicated mechanisms were introduced which were not efficient. The model introduced in the paper is more efficient and a specific desired purpose can easily be fulfilled by this, even the total amount of electricity required for a small village can be easily generated through this model. The combination of hydraulic press and crank lever mechanism is used here to generate electricity. This paper is all about the generation of energy with a new and more efficient method.Key words: Speed breaker, hydraulic press, transfer of force, turbine, crank and lever mechanism (beam engine), dynamo Reference [1] Bansal R. K; Fluid Mechanics & Fluid Machines; (Laxmi publication (p) L.t.d., New Delhi, 2005) [2] Electricity consumption from Tamil Nadu electricity board website [3] Rajat Gupta, Suyash Sharma, Saurabh Gaykawad,"A Revolutionary Technique of Power Generation Through Speed Breaker Power Generators", International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT),Vol. 2 Issue 8, August – 2013,ISSN: 2278-0181 [4] S. A. Jalihal, K. Ravinder, T.S. Reddy, "Traffic characteristics of India," proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol. 5, pp.1009 - 1024, 2005. [5] TRGI (2012) Transport Research Group of India. Rajat Gupta, Rahul Gupta |
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87. | Power Control by UPFC with Three-Level Neutral Point Clamped Converter
Power Control by UPFC with Three-Level Neutral Point Clamped ConverterAbstract: A unified power-flow controller (UPFC) is the most versatile of these FACTS devices. A transmission line equipped with a UPFC can control the balance of the transmitted power between parallel lines and, as such, can optimize the use of the transmission grid for all parallel power flows. A UPFC is connected to the transmission line by coupling transformers, both with a shunt and with a series connection. The UPFC consists of two ac/dc converters, the ac sides connected to the shunt and series connection with the transmission line, and the dc sides connected back to back.A unified power-flow controller (UPFC) can enforce unnatural power flows in a transmission grid, to maximize the power flow while maintaining stability. Simulation and experimental results of a full three-phase model with no ideal transformers, series multilevel converter, and load neither confirm minimal control delay, and the presented controller can be used with any topology of voltage-source converters. In this paper, the direct power control is demonstrated in detail for a third-level neutral point clamped converter.Index Terms: Direct power control, flexible ac transmission control (FACTS), multilevel converter, sliding mode control, unified power-flow controller (UPFC). Reference [1] L. Gyugyi, "Unified power-flow control concept for flexible ac transmission systems," Proc. Inst. Elect. Eng., Gen., Transm. Distrib., vol. 139, no. 4, pp. 323–331, Jul. 1992. [2] L. Gyugyi, C. Schauder, S.Williams, T. Rietman, D. Torgerson, and A. Edris, "The unified power flow controller: A new approach to power transmission control," IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 1085–1097, Apr. 1995. [3] X. Lombard and P. Therond, "Control of unified power flow controller: Comparison of methods on the basis of a detailed numerical model," IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 824–830, May 1997. [4] H. Wang, M. Jazaeri, and Y. Cao, "Operating modes and control interaction analysis of unified power flow controllers," Proc. Inst. Elect.Eng., Gen., Transm. Distrib., vol. 152, no. 2, pp. 264–270, Mar. 2005. [5] H. Fujita, H. Akagi, and Y. Watanabe, "Dynamic control and performance of a unified power flow controller for stabilizing an ac transmission system," IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 1013–1020, Jul. 2006. Sathish Bakanagari, B. Karunakarrao, A. Maheshsh Kumar |
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88. | Image Segmentation Using Local Thresholding And Ycbcr Color Space
Image Segmentation Using Local Thresholding And Ycbcr Color SpaceAbstract: In this experiment a system has been developed that uses threshold values to segment an image. An image is treated as a one dimensional array of pixel values. In this work, the segmentation is performed in YCbCr color space. In this experiment, the segmented image will have 2 different colors, which are black and white, and for this reason the segmentation is done using local thresholding value for Cb component of YCbCr. A mask is used to determine the neighbors of each pixel in the image. The mask also determines an operation to be applied to the neighborhood of every pixel in the image. Now the mask and the operations are used to determine the local threshold for every pixel in the image. For each pixel location the threshold will be different. This value is compared with the color value of the pixel. If the value of the pixel in this location is greater than or equal to the specified threshold for the pixel then it is labeled as 1. Otherwise if it is smaller, then it is labeled as 0.In this way we get an image with two color values.Key words: Image, segmentation, local thresholding, YCbCr. Reference [1] S. S. Al-amri, N.V. Kalyankar and S.D. Khamitkar, Image Segmentation by Using Threshod Techniques, Journal of Computing, Vol. 2, Issue 5, 2010, 83 – 86. [2] P. Bhosale and A. Gokhale, Segmentation of Color Images Based on Different Segmentation Techniques, International Journal of Electronics and Computer Science Engineerin, Vol. 2, No. 2, 640 – 644. [3] J. A. M. Saif , A. A. Md. Al-Kubati, A. S. Hazaa, and Md. Al-Moraish, Image Segmentation Using Edge Detection and Thresholding, The 13th International Arab Conference on Information Technology, 2012, 473 – 476. [4] V. Power, A. Jahagirdar and S. Sirsikar, Skin Detection in YCbCr Color Space, International Journal of Computer Applications, 2011, 1 – 4. [5] D. Cahi and K. N. Ngan, Face SegmentationUsing Skin-Color Map in Videophone Applications, IEEE Transaction on Circuit and Systems for Video Technology, Vol. 9, 1999, 551-564. Amit Kumar Mandal, Dilip Kumar Baruah |
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89. | Performance Parameter Analysis of Face Recognition Based On Fuzzy C-Means Clustering, Shape and Corner Detection
Performance Parameter Analysis of Face Recognition Based On Fuzzy C-Means Clustering, Shape and Corner DetectionAbstract: The aim of this research is to solve face recognition problem in area of biometric by using CSC hybrid method. In our work first we make the cluster of face key points and parallely apply shape and corner method for detection boundary of face and the corner of face objects. Our work is performing both face identification and recognition on large face database. It is better than other previous work because our FAR, FRR and EER less than. Also we calculate the recognition time in our work.Key words: Face Recognition, Clustering, Shape Descriptor, Corner Detection, RGB Image, Image Processing, Color Model, Binary Image, 4-Connected Component. Reference [1] R. Brunelli, T. Poggio, Face recognition: features versus templates,IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 15(10) (1993) 1042–1052. [2] M. Turk, A. Pentland, Eigenfaces for recognition, Journal of Cognitive Science 1991; 71–86. [3] P.N. Belhumeur, J.P. Hespanha, D.J. Kriegman, Eigenfaces vs. fisherfaces: recognition using class specific linear projection, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 19 (7) (1997) 711–720. [4] M.S. Bartlett, H.M. Lades, T.J. Sejnowski, Independent component representations for face recognition, Proceedings of the SPIE Conference on Human Vision and Electronic Imaging III, San Jose, CA, 1998 pp. 528–539. [5] Y. Moses, Y. Adini, S. Ullman, Face recognition: the problem of compensating for changes in illumination direction, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 19 (7) (1997) 721–732. Minj Salen Kujur1, Prof. Prashant Jain |
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90. | Mobile Platforms And Apps Cross-Platforms Development Tools
Mobile Platforms And Apps Cross-Platforms Development ToolsAbstract: Apps are the new model of application software that originally developed for the software distribution to mobile devices, is emerging also in the other categories of devices. User finds the apps in a custom website called the store, whereas apps in the form of an auto-installing software package can be downloaded freely or after paying a fee, and easily installed and configured. The mobile platform environment shows a plethora of systems considering the large number of mobile hardware and software manufactures. The apps regardless of the type of category they belong (i.e., social, educational, games), are distinguished in native, web or hybrid apps depending on the tools and technologies used to develop. The paper analyzes mobile operating systems from a software developer perspective focusing on cross-platforms tools in order to propose actual and future platforms where to deploy apps. The work is part of a research aimed at designing and developing apps for science outreach and education. The selection of mobile platforms target influences the tools needed to develop apps. Cross-platforms development tools allow greater distribution to different platforms, but have some limitations and cannot be the only methodology adopted. The choice of mobile development framework depends both on the type of the app and the mobile platform.Key words: mobile apps, mobile platform, software development kits, apps stores, mobile cross-platforms tools Reference [1] R. C., Basole, J. Karla, On the Evolution of mobile platform ecosystem structure and strategy, Business and Information systems engineering, Springer, Oct. 20122, Volume 3, Issue 5, pp. 313-322, 2011 [2] A. Jamalipour, The wireless mobile Internet. Architectures, Protocols and services, Wiley, 2003 [3] S. Pastore, Website development and web standards in the ubiquitous world: where are we going? WSEAS Transactions on Computers, Issue 9, Volume 11, September 2012. pp. 309-318. E-ISSN: 224-2872 [4] A. H. Lashkari, M. Moradhaseli, Mobile operating systems and programming: mobile communications, VDM Verlag Dr. Muller, 2011 [5] S. Cai, F-K Chiang, X. Wang, "Using the augmented reality 3D technique for a convex imaging experiment in a physics course ," International Journal of Engineering education, vol. 29, No. 4 pp. 858-865, 2013 Serena Pastore |
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91. | Control And Modeling Of Doubly Fed Induction Machine For Wind Turbines
Control And Modeling Of Doubly Fed Induction Machine For Wind TurbinesAbstract: Wind power is the most reliable and developed renewable energy source. The share of wind power with respect to total installed power capacity is increasing worldwide. The doubly fed induction generator is an important type of wind generator (WG) due to its robustness and versatility. Its accurate and efficient modeling is very important in distribution system planning and analysis studies. This paper deals with the analysis, modeling and control of a grid connected doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) wind turbine. A mathematical model is derived for modeling of doubly fed induction generator wind turbines. And a control structure using standard proportional integral PI controller and a field-oriented control strategy based on a reference frame rotating synchronously with the rotor flux for variable speed wind turbines using doubly fed induction generator and for attaining injected rotor voltages is described and simulated. The modeling of the machine considers operating conditions below and above synchronous speed, which are actually accomplished by means of double sided converters joining the machine rotor to the grid. The control strategy successfully decouples the active and reactive powers generated by the machine.Key words: Active and Reactive Powers, DFIG, Grid side Converter (GSC), Rotor Side Converter (RSC), StatorFluxOrientedcontrol Reference [1] Srinath Vanukuru, Sateesh Sukhavasi, "Active & Reactive Power Control Of A Doubly Fed Induction Generator Driven By A Wind Turbine", International Journal of Power System Operation and Energy Management, ISSN (PRINT): 2231–4407, Volume-1, Issue-2, 2011 [2] Arantxa Tapia, Gerardo Tapia, J. Xabier Ostolaza, "Modeling and Control of a Wind Turbine Driven doubly fed Induction Generator", IEEE 2003. (reference2). [3] A. Peterson "Analysis, Modeling and Control of Doubly fed Induction Generators for Wind Turbines," in Energy and Environment. 2005, PhD Dissertation thesis, Chalmers University of Technology: [4] A. Tapia "Modeling and Control of a wind turbine driven doubly fed induction generator." Energy Conversion, IEEE Transaction on, 2003, 194-204. [5] D.J. Atkinson, R.A. Larkin, and R. Jones, "A vector-controlled doubly- fed induction generator for a variable- speed wind turbine application," Trans, Inst, Meas, Contr., vol.19, no. 1, 2-12,1997. Sai Sindhura K, G. Srinivas Rao |
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92. | Security in Virtual Private Networks
Security in Virtual Private NetworksAbstract: There is an increasing demand nowadays to connect to internal networks from distant locations. Employees often need to connect to internal private networks over the Internet (which is by nature insecure) from home, hotels, airports or from other external networks. Security becomes a major consideration when staff or business partners have constant access to internal networks from insecure external locations. VPN (Virtual Private Network) technology provides a way of protecting information being transmitted over the Internet, by allowing users to establish a virtual private "tunnel" to securely enter an internal network, accessing resources, data and communications via an insecure network such as the Internet. This research paper provides a general overview of VPN and core VPN technologies. Discuss the potential security risks as well as the security considerations that need to be taken into account when implementing a virtual private network.Key words: VPN, IPSec, Authenticatio header, PPTP, L2TP Reference [1] L. Fazal, S. Ganu, M. Kappes, A.S.Krishnakumar, P. Krishnah (2004). "Tackling Security Vulnerabilities in VPN-based Wireless Deployments", 2004 IEEE International Conference on Volume 1, Page(s):100 - 104 Vol.1 [2] W. Qu, S. Srinivas (2002). "IPSec-based secure wireless virtual private network", MILCOM 2002 on Volume 2, Page(s):1107 - 1112 vol.2 [3] K. Guo, S. Mukherjee, S. Paul, S. Rangarajan (2004). "Optimal customer provisioning in network-based mobile VPNs Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems", MOBIQUITOUS 2004, Page(s):95 – 104 [4] Ruixi Yuan and W. Timothy Strayer 2003. Virtual Private Networks: Technologies and Solutions. Beijing. China Electric Power Press. 32,55-58. [5] Sirrix AG security technologies. Sirrix. TrustedVPN data sheet, February 2010 Sridevi, Dr.Manjaiah.D.H |
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93. | Design Of FOPDT PID Controller By Different Tuning Methods For Industrial Process Control
Design Of FOPDT PID Controller By Different Tuning Methods For Industrial Process ControlAbstract: PID controllers have become the most predominant control element for industrial process control . Programs used for industrial process control are written in many software tools but this paper focuses on MATLAB simulation . In this paper, an optimal method for tuning PID controllers for first order plus time delay systems is presented using dimensional analysis and numerical optimization techniques,. PID tuning formulas are derived for first order plus delay time (FOPDT) processes based on IMC principle and comparing it with the tuning methods proposed by Ziegler-Nichols' and Cohen Coon . To achieve smooth output response, examples from previous works are included for comparison, and results confirm the improvement in the output response. Simulation results show that the proposed method has a considerable superiority over conventional techniques.Key words: Cohen - Coon method, FOPDT process, IMC method , Ziegler-Nichols method Reference [1] K. J. Astrom and T. Hagglund, Automatic Tuning of PID Controllers, Instrument Society of America, 1998. [2] H. N. Koivo and J. T. Tanttu, "Tuning of PID Controllers: Survey of SISO and MIMO Techniques," in Proceedings of Intelligen Tuning and Adaptive Control, Singapore, 1991. [3] Saeed Tavakoli and Mahdi Tavakoli , "Optimal tuning of pid controllers for first order plus time delay models using dimensional analysis" in the (icca'03), 2003, montreal, Canada [4] Tan, W., Marquez, H.J., Chen, T.: IMC design for unstable processes with time delay. J. Process Control 13, pp 203–213 (2003) [5] Ming T Tham, Part of a set of lecture notes on " Introduction to robust control Internal model control,2002 Poorvi Jain and Pramod Kumar Jain |
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94. | Study of Mechanical Properties in Austenitic Stainless Steel Using Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW)
Study of Mechanical Properties in Austenitic Stainless Steel Using Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW)Abstract: The aim of the present study is to show the influence of different input parameters such as welding current, gas flow rate and welding speed on the mechanical properties during the gas tungsten arc welding of austenitic stainless steel 202 grade. The microstructure, hardness and tensile strength of weld specimen are investigated in this study. The selected three input parameters were varied at three levels. On the analogy, nine experiments were performed based on L9 orthogonal array of Taguchi's methodology, which consist three input parameters. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was employed to designate the levels of significance of input parameters. Current has the maximum influence on the output characteristics. Microstructure of weld metal structure shows the delta ferrite in matrix of austenite.Key words: GTAW, Microstructure, Welding, Austenitic Stainless Steel, Taguchi, ANOVA Reference [1] Juang SC, Tarng YS. Process parameter selection for optimizing the weld pool geometry in the tungsten inert gas welding of stainless steel. J Mater Process Technol 122 (2002) 33-37. [2] Cary HB. 2nd ed. Modern welding technology.AWS.(1981). 82-85. [3] P.J. Ross, Taguchi Techniqes for Quality Engineering, McGraw Hill, New York, 1988. [4] G. Taguchi, Introduction to quality Engineering, Asian Productivity Organisitaion, Tokyo, 1990. [5] Ahmet Durgutlu, Experimental investigation of the effect of hydrogen in argon as a shielding gas on TIG welding of austenitic stainless steel, Materials and Design 25 (2004) 19-23. Mukesh, Sanjeev Sharma |
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95. | Shear Strength of Slender Reinforced Concrete Beams without Web Reinforcement
Shear Strength of Slender Reinforced Concrete Beams without Web ReinforcementAbstract: This paper attempt to predict the shear strength of high strength concrete beam with different shear span of depth ratio without web reinforcement. The large data base available has been clustered and a linear equation analysis has been performed . The prepared models are functions of compressive strength , percentage of flexural reinforcement and depth of beam. The proposed models have been validated with existence of popular models as well as with design code provisions.Key words: Shear strength, genetic programming, fuzzy rule, shear span to depth ratio (a/d). Reference [1] K.H. Reineck, "Shear Database for Reinforced Concrete Members without Shear Reinforcement" ACI Structural Journal, 100 (2003) 240_249. [2] M.P. Collins, "Where is Shear Reinforcement Required? Review of Research Results and Design Procedures" ACI Structural Journal, 105 (2008) 590_600. [3] A.F. Ashour, "Empirical Modelling of Shear Strength of RC Deep Beams by Genetic Programming" Computers and Structures 81 (2003) 331_338 [4] K.K. Choi, "Shear Strength of Slender Reinforced Concrete Beams without Web Reinforcement: A model using fuzzy set theory" Engineering Structures 31 (2009) 768_777 [5] J.L. Pérez, "Optimal Adjustment of EC-2 Shear Formulation for Concrete Elements without Web Reinforcement using Genetic Programming" Engineering Structures 32 (2010) 3452_3466 Prof. R.S. Chavan, Dr. P.M. Pawar |
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96. | Review: Design of Highly Efficient Multirate Digital Filters
Review: Design of Highly Efficient Multirate Digital FiltersAbstract: In this paper we propose the literature review related to design the multirate digital filters for audio application. One of the main objectives of this survey paper is to find the comparison between various multirate digital filters used in audio applications and communications. Another objective is to provide novel approach in order to help the reader with choosing the most appropriate digital filter for the multirate digital signal processing.Key words: Digital Signal Processing, Multirate filter, Sampling rate, FIR and CIC. Reference [1] L.C Loong and N.C Kyun, "Design and Development of a Multirate Filters in Software Defined Radio Environment", International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 5, No. 2, 2008. [2] Prasit Kumar Bandyopadhyay and Arindam Biswas, "FPGA Based High Frequency Noise Elimination System From Speech Signal Using XILINX System Generator", Journal of Electron Devices, Vol. 17, 2013. [3] Fredric J. Harris and Michael Rice, "Multirate Digital Filters for Symbol Timing Synchronization in Software Defined Radios", IEEE Journal vol. 19, no. 12, December 2001. [4] Rajesh Mehra and Rashmi Arora, "FPGA-Based Design of High-Speed CIC Decimator for Wireless Applications", International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol. 2, No. 5, 2011. [5] University of Newcastle upon Tyne, "Multirate Signal Processing", EEE305, EEE801 Part A. Suraj R. Gaikwad, Prof. Gopal Gawande |
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97. | Order Reduction of Discrete Time Systems Using Modified Pole
Clustering Technique
Order Reduction of Discrete Time Systems Using Modified Pole Clustering TechniqueAbstract: In this paper, a new method is presented to derive a reduced order model for a discrete time systems. This method is based on modified pole clustering technique and pade approximations using bilinear transformations, which are conceptually simple and computer oriented. The denominator polynomial of the reduced order model is obtained by using modified pole clustering technique and numerator coefficients are obtained by Pade approximations. This method generates stable reduced models if the original higher order system is stable. The proposed method is illustrated with the help of typical numerical examples considered from the literature.Key words: Model Order Reduction, Modified Pole Clustering, Pade approximation, Cluster centre, Inverse Distance Measure. Reference [1] A.K.Sinha, J. Pal, Simulation based reduced order modeling using clustering technique, Computer and Electrical Engg. , 16(3), 1990 159-169. [2] S.K.Nagar, and S.K.Singh, An algorithmic approach for system decomposition and balanced realized model reduction, Journal of Franklin Inst., Vol.341, pp. 615-630,2004. [3] S.Mukherjee, Satakshi and R.C.Mittal,"Model order reduction using response-matching technique", Journal of Franklin Inst.,Vol. 342, pp. 503-519,2005. [4] G.Parmar, S.Mukherjee and R.Prasad, Relative mapping errors of linear time invariant systems caused by Particle swarm optimized reduced model,Int. J. Computer, Information and systems science and Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 83-89,2007. [5] V.Singh, D.Chandra and H.Kar, Improved Routh Pade approximants: A Computer aided approach, IEEE Trans. Autom. Control, 49(2), pp .292-296,2004. N. Sai Dinesh, Dr. M. Siva Kumar, D. Srinivasa Rao |
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98. | Microcontroller Based Speed Control of Dc Motor through Rs 232 Interface with Pc
Microcontroller Based Speed Control of Dc Motor through Rs 232 Interface with PcAbstract: Role of electrical drives is a major concern in industrial automation. Dc motors feature a speed, which can be controlled smoothly down to zero, immediately followed by acceleration in the opposite direction without power circuit switching and Dc motors respond quickly to changes in control signals due to the dc motor's high ratio of torque to inertia. Thus, here the system is design to control the speed of the motor which provides RS232 interface which is a standard for both PC and PLC. A set of commands is used to control driveKey words: Dc motor, Microcontroller, RS232, Thyristor Reference [1] Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Janice Gillispie-Mazidi, 80x86 IBM PC and Compatible Computers: v. 1: Assembly Language, Design, and Interfacing, Publication Date: 21 Aug 2002, ISBN-10: 013061775X, ISBN-13: 978-0130617750, Edition: 4 [2] Gopal K. Dubey, "Fundamentals of Electric Drives",.Narosa Publishing House New Delhi,1989. [3] Kumara MKSC, Dayananda PRD, Gunatillaka MDPR, Jayawickrama SS, "PC based speed controlling of a dc motor", A fmal year report University of Moratuwa Illiniaus USA. [4] J. Chiasson, Nonlinear Differential-Geometric Techniques for Control of a Series DC Motor, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology.vol 2, pp.35-42,1994. [5] J Nicolai and T Castagnet, "A Flexible Microcontroller Based Chopper Driving a Permanent Magnet DC Motor", The European Power Electronics Application. 1993. Ms. Priya D. Duggal, Ms. P. M. Palpankar, Mrs. A. Y. Fadnis |
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99. | Solutions To The Pell Equation x2-D.y2=2kWhere D=r2s2+2.s And Recurrences
Solutions To The Pell Equation x2-D.y2=2kWhere D=r2s2+2.s And RecurrencesAbstract:![]() Key words: Continued Fraction, Quadratic Equation, Exponential Equation, Solutions of Pell Equation Reference 1 Baltus.C., Continued Fractions and the Pell Equations: The work of Euler and Lagrange, Comm.Anal. Theory Continued Fractions, 3, 1994, 4 – 31. 2 Koblitz, N., A Course in Number Theory and Crytography Graduate Texts in Mathematics, Second Edition, Springer, 1994 3 Leveque, J.W., Topics in Number Theory, Vol.1 and 2, Dover Publications, 2002. 4 Nagell, T., Introduction to Number Theory , Chelsea Publishing Company, New York, 2001. 5 Özer, Ö., Disproof the Conjecture Related to Pell Equation x2-Dy2=2, Advances in Theoretical and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 7, No.2, 2012, 197- 207 Özen Özer, Yılmaz Çeven |
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100. | Application of Photovoltaic (PV) Solar Farm In STATCOM to Regulate the Grid Voltage
Application of Photovoltaic (PV) Solar Farm In STATCOM to Regulate the Grid VoltageAbstract: In this paper presents a method of integrating the connections between photovoltaic (SF) and wind farm in the nearest surrounding place. The energy distribution of both depends upon the storage batteries, which are one of the main advantageous of distribution system. This method using point to common coupling to regulate voltage on the late night, when the solar farm is not generating any useful Power. The proposed method of Photovoltaic (SF) as elastic AC Transmission system controller-static synchronous compensator and wind farm as Flexible DC transmission must be enable improved connections of wind energy conversion system (WECS) to the grid. The proposed method results show on SIMULINK in MATLAB. The entire system achieved to the reversible direction of grid voltage regulation using the Photovoltaic (SF) and storage energy to the batteries.Key words: Photovoltaic solar farm (PV-SF), Battery storage, Wind energy conversion system (WECS), stat-com, point to common coupling (PCC), converter/inverter, voltage regulation Reference [1] Renewables 2007 Global Status Report. Available: http://www.ren21.net/pdf/RE2007_Global_Status_Report.pdf [2] Global Trends in Sustainable Energy Investment 2007: Analysis of Trends and Issues in the Financing of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in OECD and Developing countries. Available: http://sefi.unep.org/fileadmin/media/sefi/docs/publications/SEFI_Investment_Report_2007.pdf [3] Arai, J., Iba, K., Funabashi, T., Nakanishi, Y., Koyanagi, K. and Yokoyama, R., ―Power electronics and its applications to renewable energy in Japan,‖ Circuits and Systems Magazine, IEEE, vol. 8, issue 3, pp. 52-66, third quarter, 2008. [4] Tan, K. and Islam, S., ―Optimum control strategies in energy conversion of PMSG wind turbine system without mechanical sensors,‖ IEEE Trans. on Energy Conversion, vol. 19, issue 2, pp. 392-399, Jun. 2004. [5] Wei Li and Joos, G., ―Comparison of Energy Storage System Technologies and Configurations in a Wind Farm,‖ Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 2007. PESC 2007. IEEE, pp.1280-1285, 17-21, June 2007. Arul. A, Suresh.S, Ramesh. R, Ananthi. M |
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101. | Performance Evaluation of feature selection methods for Mobile devices
Performance Evaluation of feature selection methods for Mobile devicesAbstract: Machine Learning deals with programming computers that learn from experience. The field of Machine learning is a popular research area in Computer Science. These techniques are helpful in different fields of Computer Science, Mobile Computing, Bioinformatics, Digital Forensic, Agriculture and Text Classification. Machine learning classification algorithms are used in Pattern Recognition, Text Categorization, Mobile message classification, Mobile Image tagging applications, Mobile music interaction, Mobile learning. An optimized Naïve Bayes classifier is used for this work .In this work performance evaluation of three feature selection methods with optimized Naïve Bayes is performed on mobile device. Correlation based method, Gain Ratio method and Information Gain method methods were used in this work. The three methods are evaluated for performance measures of Accuracy, Precision, True Positive Rate, F- Measure, Recall, Mathew‟s Correlation Coefficient and Receiver Operating Characteristics.Reference [1] Ethem Alpaydin. Introduction to Machine Learning, Second Edition, MIT press, Cambridge, London, 2009. [2] E. Short, D.F.Seifer, M. Matari, "A Comparison of Machine Learning Techniques for Modeling Human-Robot Interaction with Children with Autism", Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), 6th ACM/IEEE International conference, 251 – 252, Lausanne, 2011. [3] R. Zhang, A.Bivens, "Comparing the Use of Bayesian Networks and Neural Networks in Response Time Modeling for Service-oriented Systems", In Proceedings of the 2007 workshop on Service-oriented computing performance: aspects, issues, and approaches, pp. 67 – 74, New York, USA, 2007. [4] D. Han, J. Zhang, " A Comparison of Two Algorithms for Predicting the Condition Number", Sixth International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, 13-15 Dec. pp. 223 – 228, Cincinnati, OH, 2007. [5] G. Sikka, A. Kaur, M. Uddin, "Estimating Function points: Using Machine Learning and Regression Models", 2nd International Conference on Education Technology and Computer (ICETC), Shanghai, 2010. A. Chaudhary, S. Kolhe, Rajkamal |
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102. | Effect of Swirl on DI Diesel Engine Operated With Honge Biodiesel
Effect of Swirl on DI Diesel Engine Operated With Honge BiodieselAbstract: As we know the petroleum products, diesel fuels are depleting day by day whereas energy demand is increasing day by day. The biofuel technology will provides the alternative fuels such as biodiesel, which have more prominence for IC engine applications. The objective of the present study is to enhance the swirl effect in the cylinder which causes better performance and lowers the emissions. In this experimental study the piston crown is modified by cutting number of grooves such as 3-grooves, 6grooves and 9-grooves to increase the air-fuel mixing rate. The test result revealed that 6-groove configuration has greater in brake thermal efficiency (BTE), lower in brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC), CO, UBHC, compare to the other configuration like 3-grooves, 9-grooves and normal piston, which is attributed to proper air-fuel mixing and complete combustion as with higher oxygen content in the honge oil methyl ester(HOME.)Key words: alternative fuel, honge oil methyl ester, Swirl, Diesel engine performance, Emissions. Reference [1] M. Prabhahar, R. MuraliManohar, S.Sendilvelan ,"performance and emission studies of a diesel engine with pongamia methyl ester at different load conditions" International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622,Vol. 2, Issue 3, May-Jun 2012, pp.2707-2713. [2] A. Haiter Lenin, C. R. Berlin Selva Rex, K. Thyagarajan, M. S. SenthilSaravanan, "Experimental Investigations on a Diesel Engine using Blends ofMethyl Esters of Pongamia Oil as the Fuels, European Journal of Scientific Research, ISSN 1450-216X Vol.72 No.2 (2012), pp. 273-284. [3] C.V.Mahesh, E.T.Puttaiah, "studies on performance and emission characteristics of non-edible oil (honge oil) as alternate fuel in ci engine,International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications(IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622. Vol. 2, Issue 3, May-Jun 2012, pp.2288-2293. [4] S.Jaichandar a, P. Senthil Kumar , K. Annamalai, "Combined effect of injection timing and combustion chamber geometry on the performance of a biodiesel fueled diesel engine, Energy 47 (2012) 388e394. [5] DipakPatil, Dr.Rachayya.R. Arakerimath, "Performance Analysis of Multi-cylinder C.I. Engine by using Karanja Bio-diesel",International Journal of Engineering Research andApplications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 1, Issue 4, pp.1755-1763. M. N Channappagoudra, Sunil Thaned, N.R. Banapurmath, K. Ramesh, G.Manavendra |
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103. | Wind Generator (Dfig) Based Statcom Controller
Wind Generator (Dfig) Based Statcom ControllerAbstract: In the grid new renewable resources are added to extract more power. This adds more power quality issues to grid connection. A Power quality problem is an occurrence manifested as a nonstandard voltage, current or frequency that results in a failure or a mis-operation of end user equipment.This paper investigates the use of a static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) is connected at a point of common coupling with Battery Energy Storage System(BESS)to overcome of a power quality issues of a wind farm equipped with variable speed wind turbines driving Double – Fed Induction Generators (DFIG). The wind turbine performance and power quality are determined according to the norms of International Electro-technical Commissionstandard,IEC-61400.The STATCOM control scheme for the grid connected wind energy generation system for power quality improvement is simulated using MATLAB/SIMULINK in power system block set. The effectiveness of the proposed scheme relives the main supply source from the reactive power demand of the load and the induction generator. The development of the grid co-ordination rule and the scheme for improvement in power quality norms as per IEC-standard on the grid has been presented.Index terms: International electro-technical commission (IEC), doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG), point of common coupling, STATCOM, Battery Energy Storage System( BESS). Reference [1] Analysis, Modeling and Control of Doubly-Fed Induction Generators for Wind Turbines by ANDREAS PETERSSON ISBN 91-7291-600-1 Nyserie nr. 2282. [2] Electrical Generators by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.2006 Chapter 2. [3] Fadaeinedjad, R., Moschopoulos, G., and Moallem, M. Using statcom to mitigate voltage flctuations due to aerodynamic aspects of wind turbines. Power Electronics Specialists Conference (2008), 3654{3648. 1, 2 [4] Grunbaum, R. Voltage source converters for maintaining of power quality and stability in power distribution.European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (2005). [5] Advanced Electric Drives, year 2001 Edition, Ned Mohan, published by MNPERE B.Raghu, k.Suresh |
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104. | Versatile Control Scheme for a Dynamic Voltage Restorer for Power-Quality Improvement
Versatile Control Scheme for a Dynamic Voltage Restorer for Power-Quality ImprovementAbstract: This paper presents the control system based on the so-called repetitive control for a five-level flying-capacitor dynamic voltage restorer (DVR). This DVR multilevel topology is suitable for medium-voltage applications and operated by the control scheme developed in this paper. It is able to mitigate power-quality disturbances, such as voltage sags, harmonic voltages, and voltage imbalances simultaneously within a bandwidth. The control structure has been divided into three subsystems; the first one improves the transient response of the filter used to eliminate the modulation high-frequency harmonics, the second one deals with the load voltage; and the third is charged with maintaining balanced voltages in the flying capacitors. The well-developed graphical facilities available in PSCAD/EMTDC are used to carry out all modeling aspects of the repetitive controller and test system. Simulation results show that the control approach performs very effectively and yields excellent voltage regulation.Key words: power quality, DVR, UPQC, voltage sags, overvoltage, harmonics voltage compensation, FACTS. Reference [1] C. Benachaiba& B. Ferdi, Voltage Quality Improvement Using DVR,Electrical Power Quality and Utilization, Journal Vol. XIV, No. 1, 2008. [2] M. Ali.Taghikhani& A. Kazemi, A New Phase Advanced Multiloop Control System for Dynamic Voltage Restorer", International Journalof Emerging Electric Power Systems, Vol.3, Issue2, Article 1072, 2005. [3] S.V Ravi Kumar & S. Siva Nagaraju, Simulation of D-STATCOM and DVR in Power Systems, ARPN Journal of Engineering and AppliedSciences, Vol.2, NO.3, ISSN 1819-6608, JUNE 2007. [4] Fan Ng, Man-Chung Wong, Ying-Duo Han, Analysis and control of UPQC and its DC-link power by use of p-q-r instantaneous power theory, IEEE Power Electronics Systems and Applications, ProceedingsFirst International Conference, 9-11 Nov.2004, pp:43-53 [5] A. Rai& A. K. Nadir, Modeling & Simulation of Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) for Enhancing Voltage Sag, Sensors & TransducersJournal, Vol. 87, Issue 1, pp. 85-93, January 2008. Sathish Bakanagari, A. Mahesh Kumar, T. Ravi Babu |
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105. | The New Adaptive Active Constellation Extension Algorithm For PAR Minimization in OFDM Systems
The New Adaptive Active Constellation Extension Algorithm For PAR Minimization in OFDM SystemsAbstract: In this paper, the Peak-to-Average Ratio reduction in OFDM systems is implemented by the Adaptive Active Constellation Extension (ACE) technique which is more simple and attractive for practical downlink implementation purpose. However, in normal constellation method we cannot achieve the minimum PAR if the target clipping level is much below than the initial optimum value. To get the better of this problem, we proposed Active Constellation Algorithm with adaptive clipping control mechanism to get minimum PAR. Simulation results exhibits that the proposed algorithm reaches the minimum PAR for most severely low clipping signals to get minimum PAR.Reference [1] E. Van der Ouderaa, J. Schoukens, and J. Renneboog, "Peak factor minimization using a time-frequency domain swapping algorithm," IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 145-147, Mar. 1988. [2] Wu, y. and Zou, W.Y. "Orthogonal Frequency DivisionMultiplexing: a multi-carrier modulation scheme," IEEE Trans. Consumer Electronics, 41(3), pp. 392-399 , 1995. [3] M. Friese, "On the degradation of OFDM-signal due to peak-clipping in optimally predistorted power amplifiers," in Proc. IEEE Globecom, pp. 939-944, Nov. 1998. [4] J. Tellado, Multicarrier Modulation with Low PAR:Applications to DSL and Wireless. Boston: KluwerAcademic Publishers, 2000. C. Tellambura, "Computation of the continuous-time PARof an OFDM signal with BPSK subcarriers," IEEE Commun. Lett., vol.5, no. 5, pp.185-187, May 2001. [5] Y. Kou, W.-S. Lu, and A. Antoniou, "New peak-to-average power-ratio reduction algorithm for multicarrier communication," IEEE Trans. Circuits and Syst., vol. 51 no. 9, pp. 1790-1800, Sep. 2004. Vaggam Srinivas & C. Ravishankar Reddy |
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106. | Fuzzy Model Based Learning Control for Spherical Tank Process
Fuzzy Model Based Learning Control for Spherical Tank ProcessAbstract: Fuzzy Model Reference Learning Control (FMRLC) is an efficient technique for the control of non linear process. In this paper, a FMRLC is applied in to a non linear spherical tank system. First, the mathematical model of the spherical tank level system is derived and simulation runs are carried out by considering the FMRLC in a closed loop. A similar test runs are also carried out with hybrid fuzzy P+ID Controller and conventional fuzzy controller for comparison and analysis. The results clearly indicate that the incorporation of FMRLC in the control loop for spherical tank system provides a good tracking performance than the hybrid fuzzy P+ID and conventional fuzzy controller.Key words: Fmrlc, Hybrid Fuzzy, Fuzzy Reference [1] Anandanatarajan and M. Chidambaram."Experimental evaluation of a controller using variable tansformation on a hemi-spherical tank level process", Proceedings of National Conference NCPICD, 2005, pp. 195-200. [2] Ya-Gang Wang, Hui-He Shao, "Optimal tuning for PIcontroller", Automatica, vol.36, 2000,pp.147-152. [3] T.J.Procyk, H.Mamdani, "A Linguistic self organizing process controller", Automatica, vol. 5, 1979,pp.15-30. [4] K.L.Tang , R.J. Mulholland, "Comparing fuzzy logic with classical controller design" , IEEE Transaction on systems, Manan cybernetics ,vol.17, 1987,pp.1085- 1087. [5] Wei Li,"Design of a Hybrid Fuzzy Logic Proportional Plus Conventional Integral- Derivative Controller", ieee transactions on fuzzy systems, 6(4),Nov 1998. S Ramesh and S Abraham Lincon |
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107. | Failure Analysis of a bar Soap Extrusion Machine
Failure Analysis of a bar Soap Extrusion MachineAbstract: Failure occurs where a component or structure ceases to function as intended. Failure analysis is the process of collecting and analyzing data to determine the causes of failure. It is a vital tool used in the development of new products and for the improvement of existing products. This study investigates, using failure analysis, a bar soap extruding machine. The extruder shaft of the machine failed and the equipment ceased to function as intended. The extruder had a spiral screw which was welded along the shaft. There were cracks on the welded point. In this study, destructive and non-destructive tests were conducted to establish physical properties of the failed component. Chemical analysis was performed to determine chemical composition of the failed parts. The analysis of data led to the conclusion that failure occurred due to poor maintenance of the equipment. The manufacturing processes had defects which acted as sites of crack initiation and the crack propagation was accelerated by cyclic loading.Key words: failure mode and effects analysis, crack propagation, magnetic particle crack detection Reference [1] Bhaumik, S.K. (2000), Root Cause Analysis in Engineering Failures, Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, Vol. 63, No. 2-3, pp. 297 – 299 [2] Zamanzadeh, M, Larkin, E. and Gibbon, D, A Re-Examination of Failure Analysis and Root Cause Determination, www.matcoinc.com (website accessed 20th February 2013) [3] Davidson, T, An Introduction to Failure Analysis for Metallurgical Engineers, www.tms.org/students/winners/Davidson.htm l (website accessed 20th February 2013) Ogur, E. O and Mburu, J. K |
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108. | Design of a Biogas Generator
Design of a Biogas GeneratorAbstract: The world is facing an energy crisis due to depletion of fossil fuels. Therefore the need to search for renewable alternative energy is a major concern for stakeholders around the world. Biogas is a combination of gases produced during anaerobic decomposition of organic material of plant origin. This study's main objective was to design a biogas generator which utilizes animal waste to generate biogas for use in Murang'a University College. Cow dung gas is 55-65% methane, 30-35% carbon dioxide, with some hydrogen, nitrogen and other traces. Its heating value is around 600 Btu/ft 3 . The daily energy required for both lighting and cooking was calculated and the volume of biogas required from animal waste was determined. From this a cylindrical shaped digester with a spherical gas holding top was selected having the dimensions for both the cylinder and sphere arrived at mathematically. As this paper will show, the digester was found to be 5 metres in diameter, with the top dome for holding the gas equivalent to be 3.7 metres high.Key words: Biogas, animal waste, anaerobic, aerobic, organic fertilizer Reference [1] Reith, J. H., R. H. Wijffels, and H. Barren (eds). 2003. Bio-methane and Bio-hydrogen: Status and Perspectives of Biological Methane and Hydrogen Production. Dutch Biological Hydrogen Foundation: The Netherlands. [2] Drapcho, C.M., Nhuan, N.P. and Walker, T.H. (2008), Biofuels Engineering Process Technology, McGraw Hill, U.S.A. [3] Zicari, S.M. (2003), Removal of Hydrogen Sulfide from Biogas Using Cow-manure Compost, MSc Thesis, Cornell University. [4] Planning and Installing Bioenergy Systems: A Guide for Installers, Architects and Engineers, James & James, U.K. Ogur, E. O and Irungu, P. |
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109. | Improvement of Carbides Tool Based On Stress Rules
Improvement of Carbides Tool Based On Stress RulesAbstract: Machining is a common fabrication technique where material is shaved from a part using a tool with a small, hard tip. In order to quickly fabricate a part, a high cutting speed is desired. These higher speeds, however, lead to a faster degradation of the tool tip, which requires that the tool tip be replaced more frequently. Over the history of machining, guidelines and conventions have arisen based on empirical information of tradeoffs between cutting speed and tool replacement time. On the other hand, very little attention has been paid analytically to understanding the behavior of the tool, specifically with regard to extending its lifetime. This lack of numerical investigation of tool response is surprising, given the possible cost and time savings of extending the life of the tool, which allows either faster cutting speeds or a longer time between retooling. In this project it is to use the finite element analysis software and X-ray diffraction method to find the behavior of specific tool tips under controlled cutting conditions so as to optimize the residual stress in the tool which will allow to make recommendations for extending tool life based on understanding of tool failure mechanismIndex Terms: Tool geometry, Finite element analysis, Tungsten Carbide-Cobalt. Reference [1] F. Klocke, W. Konig, K. Gerschwiler, Advanced machining of titanium- and nickel-based alloys, in: E. Kuljanic (Ed.), Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Technology, Springer Wien, New York, 1997. [2] INCONEL alloy 718, Inco Alloys International Inc, Publication No. IAI-19/4M/1994, 1985. [3] N. Richards, D. Aspinwall, Use of ceramic tools for machining of nickel based alloys, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 29 (4) (1989) 575–588. [4] E.O. Ezugwu, Z.M. Wang, A.R. Machado, The machinability of nickel-based alloys: a review, Journal of Materials Processing Technology 86 (1999) 1–16. [5] I.A. Choudhury, M.A. El-Baradie, Machinability of nickel-base super alloys: a general review, Journal of Materials Processing Technology 77 (1998) 278–284. Prof. Vishnu D Wakchaure, Rahane Santosh Prabhakar |
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110. | Numerical Analysis of Silica Gel Bed Used In Desiccant Air Cooler and Dehumidifier
Numerical Analysis of Silica Gel Bed Used In Desiccant Air Cooler and DehumidifierAbstract: Large commercial buildings, such as supermarkets or restaurants, require large capacity air conditioning units to control not only the indoor temperature but also the moisture that may be generated by people, cooking, and other processes. The desiccant dehumidification units used in these air conditioning units are generally equipped with silica gel packed bed. The nature of dehumidification by silica gel is quite complex and transient. The transient nature of the bed is due to the fact that as time passes the moisture content of the silica gel particles increases which leads to a lesser adsorption rate and thus the outlet conditions of the air starts changing with each elapsed moment. In this paper, a two dimensional mathematical model to predict the dehumidification trend of a fixed solid desiccant bed filled with silica gel is presented. Partial differential equations and algebraic equations concerning water content balance and energy conservation for flowing air and solid desiccant were used to describe the complicated heat and mass transfer occurring in moisture adsorption.Key words: Dessicant, Silica Gel Bed, Silica Gel Particle. Reference [1] Clark J.E, and H. Buchberg (1981) , 'Design and Testing of Thin Adiabatic Desiccant Beds for Solar Air Conditioning Applications', Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, pp 89-91. [2] H. Pahlavanzadeh and A. Zamzamian (2006),'A Mathematical Model for a Fixed Desiccant Bed Dehumidifier', Iranian Journal of Science & Technology, Vol 30. [3] Rosen J. B. (1952), 'Kinetics of a Fixed Bed System for Solid Diffusioninto Spherical Particles' Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol 20, pp 387-393 Er. Vibhor Jain, Er Gagan Bajaj, Er. Danda Avinash |
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111. | Nano-Size Cement Bypass as Asphalt Modifier in Highway Construction
Nano-Size Cement Bypass as Asphalt Modifier in Highway ConstructionAbstract: This work is devoted to potentially use nanomaterials namely cement bypass to improve physical, chemical, and rheological properties of bitumen. The proposed method based on using cement bypass with bitumen to increase the strength and improve the properties of modified nanomaterial-bitumen mixture. In this work, useful application of cement bypass to be used in a mixture with bitumen in asphalt concrete pavement application was developed. This new methodology is based on grinding of cement bypass by ball milling technique to produce nano-sized bypass material with particle size in the range of 10-100 nm. The prepared cement bypass nano-sized materials have a high surface area to volume ratio compared to the conventional materials. The optimum modification level was determined by using spectroscopic techniques such as Transmission electron microscope (TEM) and Scan electron microscope (SEM). Experiments show that 15% of nano-sized cement bypass gives the highest penetration, softening point and compressive strength.Key words: Cement bypass, Asphalt Modifier, Nanomaterial, Highway Construction. Reference [1] S. Aflaki, P. Hajikarimi, Construction and Building Materials 36 (2012) 110. [2] M. Ameri, A. Mansourian, A. H. Sheikhmotevali, Construction and Building Materials 36 (2012) 1001. [3] D. Arslan, M. Guru, M. K. Cubuk, Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University 27 (2012) 459. [4] M. S. Ba-Shammakh, Canadian J. Chemical Engineering 89 (2011) 1508. [5] N. Baldino, D. Gabriele, C. O. Rossi, L. Seta, F. R. Lupi, P. Caputo, Construction and Building Materials 36 (2012) 592. F. Khodary, M.S. Abd El-Sadek, H. S. El-Sheshtawy |
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112. | Morphology and Conductivity Studies of PVC Based Micro-Porous Polymer Electrolyte
Morphology and Conductivity Studies of PVC Based Micro-Porous Polymer ElectrolyteAbstract: A micro-porous Polymer electrolyte based on Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) was obtained by a novel Polymer dissolution technique. Ionic conductivity of micro porous polymer electrolytes have been determined by impedance studies in the temperature of 303-343k by varying the PVA content in PVC matrix. It is observed that a 3M Liclo4 solution of micro-porous polymer electrolyte has high ionic conductivity of 1.29 x 10¯3 S/cm at ambient temperature. Complexation and the surface morphology of the micro-porous polymer electrolyte are studied by X-Ray Diffraction, FTIR , TGA/DTA & SEM analysis.Key words: Ionic conductivity, micro-porous polymer electrolyte, SEM, TGA/DTA, XRD Reference [1] Santhosh P, Vasudevan T, Gopalan A, Lee K P (2006) Preparation and properties of new cross- linkedpolyurethane acrylate electrolytes for lithium batteries. J. Power Sources 160: 609–620. [2] C .Vincent and B.Scrosati, Modern Batteries: an introduction to electrochemical power sources John Wiley and sons, Inc, New York (1997). [3] Zhou J and Fedkiw P S 2004 Solid State Ion 166 275. [4] Song J Y, Wang Y Y and Wan C C 1999 J. Power Sources 77 , 183. [5] Boudin F, Andrieu X, Jehoulet C and Olsel I I 1999 J. Power Sources 81–82 804. Ashwini S. Mahalle, Vijaya S. Sangawar |
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113. | Characterization of Co1-XZnxFe2o4 Nano Spinal Ferrites Prepared By Citrate Precursor Method
Characterization of Co1-XZnxFe2o4 Nano Spinal Ferrites Prepared By Citrate Precursor MethodAbstract:![]() Key words: Nano-particles, Ferrites, Cobalt-zinc, XPS, XRD. Reference [1] Ball, P., Li, G. (1992), Science at the atomic scale. Nature, 355,761-765. [2] Cavicchi, R.E., Silsbe, R.H, Coulomb Suppression of Tunneling Rate from Small Metal Particles, Phys. Rev. Lett, 52(16), 1984,1453-1456. [3] N. M. Deraz, S. Shaban, Optimization of catalytic, surface and magnetic properties of nanocrystalline manganese ferrite, J. Analyt. Appl. Pyrolysis, 86(1),2009,173-179. [4] N. M. Deraz, M. K. El- Aiashy, Suzan. A. Ali, Novel Preparation and Physicochemical Characterization of a Nanocrystalline Cobalt Ferrite System, Adsorp. Sci. Technol, 27(8),2009,797-803. [5] N.M. Deraz, S.A. Shaban, A. Alarifi, Removal of sulfur from commercial kerosene using nanocrystalline NiFe2O4 based sorbents J. Saudi Chemical Society, 14(4),2010, 357-362. Ch. Vinuthna, D. Ravinder, R. Madhusudan Raju |
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114. | Electric Power Assisted Steering
Electric Power Assisted SteeringAbstract: Electric Power-Assisted Steering (Epas) Is A New Power Steering Technology That Will Define The Future Of Vehicle Steering. The Assist Of Epas Is The Function Of The Steering Wheel Torque And Vehicle Velocity. The Assist Characteristic Of Epas Is Set By Control Software, Which Is One Of The Key Issues Of Epas. The Straight-Line Type Assist Characteristic Has Been Used In Some Current Epas Products, But Its Influence On The Steering Maneuverability And Road Feel Hasn't Been Explicitly Studied In Theory. In This Paper, The Straight-Line Type Assist Characteristic Is Analyzed Theoretically. Then A Whole Vehicle Dynamic Model Used To Study The Straight-Line Type Assist Characteristic Is Built With Adams/Car And Validated With Dcf (Driver Control Files) Mode Of Adams/Car. Based On The Whole Vehicle Dynamic Model, The Straight-Line Type Assist Characteristic's Influence On The Steering Maneuverability And Road Feel Is Investigated. Based On The Driver's Request For The Ideal Relationship Between Steering Wheel Torque And Vehicle Velocity, The Vehicle Speed Proportional Coefficient Of The Assist Characteristic Can Be Determined By Making Steering Wheel Torque At Different Vehicle Lateral Acceleration Agree With The Request Of The Driver At A Certain Velocity. The Target Of This Paper Is Analyzing The Influence Of The Straight-Line Type Assist Characteristic On The Steering Maneuverability And Road Feel, And Studying How To Apply Simulation Method To Determine The Straight-Line Type Assist Characteristic Of Epas, Which Will Direct And Benefit The Adjustment Of The Assist Characteristic During The Road Test.Reference [1] Bleckmann H., Fennel H., Gr¨aber J. and Seibert W., "Traction control system with teves abs mark ii," in SAE International Congress and Exposition, no. 860506, Februari 1986. [2] Khurmi s., S-chand publication "Theory of Machines" 1st edition Chapter 9. [3] Ratan S., Tata Mc-graw Hills publication , "Theory of Machines" Vol 1, [4] Magazine "Toyota Technical Training" 2007-8 . [5] ZHOA WanZhong, "Control Strategy of Noval Electric Power Steering System Integrated With Active Steering Function" International Journal , June 2011, Vol 54 , No 6: 1515-1520. Vishal N. Sulakhe, Mayur A. Ghodeswar, Meghsham D. Gite |
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115. | Mitigate Voltage Sag/Swell Condition and Power Quality Improvement in Distribution Line Using D-STATCOM
Mitigate Voltage Sag/Swell Condition and Power Quality Improvement in Distribution Line Using D-STATCOMAbstract: In this paper "Mitigate voltage sag/swell condition and power quality improvement in distribution line using D-STATCOM". In power quality problems accurse many types of disturbance in voltage, current or frequency failure in distribution networks, sensitive industrial loads. This paper shows the techniques of correcting the supply voltage sag, swell and interruption in a distributed system power electronics, based equipment called Distribution Static Compensator (D-STATCOM).A D-STATCOM injects a current into the system to correct the voltage sag, swell and interruption. Distribution STATCOM (D-STATCOM) exhibits high speed control of reactive power to provide voltage stabilization, protects distribution system from voltage sag and /or flicker caused by rapidly varying reactive current demand. During the transient conditions the D-STATCOM provides leading or lagging reactive power to active system stability, power factor correction and load balancing.Key words: Powerquality, D-STATCOM, Voltage Sag, Voltage Source Converter (VSC), Energy storage system. Reference [1] Manoj nair "Power quality" text book balaji learning published Edition: 11 is bn no. 978-81-910618-6-4. [2] C8-12,"DSTATCOM (Distribution Static Compensator)", 24/08/2007 VIGO (Spain). [3] N.G. Hingorani and L. Gyugyi, "Understanding FACTS: Concepts and Technology of Flexible AC Transmission Systems", 1st edition, The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2000. [4] B. K. Prusty & S. M. Ali. "Power quality issue and its parameters measurement technique with improvement feature in a distribution system." ISSN (Print) : 2319 – 2526, Volume-2, Issue-1, 2013. [5] Dr. S.M. Ali B.K.Prusty M.K.Dash S. P. Mishra. "Role of facts devices in improving power quality in a grid connected renewable energy system." Journal of Engineering Research and Studies E-ISSN0976-7916. Pragti Jyotishi, Proff. Deeparamchandani |
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116. | Behavior Analysis of Memorized Sort on Randomly Colonized Data Sets
Behavior Analysis of Memorized Sort on Randomly Colonized Data SetsAbstract: Memorized sort performs sorting by computing sorted sub-sequences of different sizes in a random data set. Each sub-sequence can be considered as a data colony populated with random numbers. These colonies have different population of elements due to their random nature. Increased population of colonies can give better performance of memorized sort algorithm. The running time of memorized sort may vary as the entropy of the colonized list is changed. This paper shows the behavior of memorized sort on colonized random data sets with increased population.Key words: Colonization, Complexity, Hybrid Search, Memsort, Sub-sequence Reference [1] A. V. Aho, J. E. Hopcroft, J. D. Ullman, The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms, Addison-Wesley, 1974. [2] T. Cormen, C. Leiserson, R. Rivest, C. Stein, Intoduction to Algorithms, 3rd ed, MIT Press, 2011. [3] Frederic H. Murphy, Edward A. Stohr, A Dynamic Programming Algorithm for Check Sorting, Management Science, 24(1), September 1977, 59-70. [4] T. Ehsan, M. Usman, Q. Javed, An Efficient Searching Technique by Colonization of Random Data Set based on Dynamic Programming, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), 3(5), 2015-2020. [5] T. Ehsan, M. Usman, Q. Javed, An Efficient Sorting Algorithm by Computing Randomized Sorted Sub-sequences Based on Dynamic Programming, International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security (IJCSNS), 13(9), September 2013, 51-57. Toqeer Ehsan, M. Usman Ali, Meer Qaisar Javed |
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117. | Authentication in Android Smart Phones Using Gestures and Security Pin
Authentication in Android Smart Phones Using Gestures and Security PinAbstract: Due to the innovations in Mobile technologies, Gestures play an important role for the Authentication in the mobile devices. With increasing popularity of the Authentications, the security risks are also growing and that is evident in the incidents of UnAuthentication in terms of various kinds. Therefore it is essential to have a mobile based Authentication system for security. Gestures allow users to interact with your app by manipulating the screen objects you provide. Security systems are rapidly being developed, as well as solutions such as remote control systems. However, even with these solutions, major problems could still result after a mobile device is lost. In this thesis, we present our upgraded Lock Screen system, which is able to support authentication for the user's convenience and provide a good security system for smartphones. We also suggest an upgraded authentication system for Android smartphones.Key words: Gestures, Intents, Shared Preferences, Intent, Home Launchers Reference [1] ADW Launcher, AnderWeb, http://jbthemes.com/anderweb/ [2] LauncherPro, http://www.launcherpro.com/ [3] Go Launcher, Go Dev Team, http://www.goforandroid.com/ [4] DAI-Labor, "Malicious Software for Smartphones," Technical Report, 2008. [5] Ken Dunham, "Mobile Malware Attacks and Defense," SYNGRESS 2009, 2009 Vedavyas. M, Kumara Swamy. P |
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118. | Legitimate Traffic Jamming Prevention
Legitimate Traffic Jamming PreventionAbstract: Jamming is one of many exploits used compromise the wireless environment. It works by denying service to authorized users as legitimate traffic is jammed by the overwhelming frequencies of illegitimate traffic. A knowledgeable attacker with the right tools can easily jam the 2.4 GHz frequency in a way that drops the signal to a level where the wireless networks can no longer function. The complexity of jamming is the fact that it may not be caused intentionally, as other forms of wireless technology are relying on the 2.4 GHz frequency as well. To minimize the impact of an unintentional disruption, it is important to identify its presence. Jamming makes itself known at the physical layer of the network, more commonly known as the MAC (Media Access Control) layer. The increased noise floor results in a faltered noise-to-signal ratio, which will be indicated at the client. It may also be measurable from the access point where network management features should able to effectively report noise floor levels that exceed a predetermined threshold. From there the access points must be dynamically reconfigured to transmit channel in reaction to the disruption as identified by changes at the physical layer. For example, if the attack occurred on an RF corresponding to channel 1, the access point should switch to channel 6 or 11 in order to avoid the attack. However, selecting a different channel does not always eliminate the issue of interference. An experienced attacker will often use all available channels in the attack. When this happens, your only option may be to physically hunt down the attacker and confront them face to face.Reference [1] Acharya, M., T. Sharma, D. Thuente, D. Sizemore, "Intelligent Jammingin 802.11b Wireless Networks", OPNETWORK 2004, August 2004. [2] Acharya, M., and D. Thuente, "Intelligent Jamming Attacks, Counterattacks and (Counter)2 Attacks in 802.11b Wireless Networks", OPNETWORK 2005, September 2005. [3] Bellardo, J., S. Savage, "802.11 Denial-of-Service Attacks: Real Vulnerabilities and Practical Solutions", USENIX 2003. [4] Fluhrer, S., I. Martin, I., A. Shamir, "Weakness in the key scheduling Algorithm of RC4", LNCS, 2259, 2001. [5] Kyasanur, P., N. Vaidya, "Detection and Handling of MAC Layer Misbehavior in Wireless Networks", DSN 2003. Ashish. L, Naresh Kumar. S |
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119. | Mhd Free Convection Flow Of Dissipative Fluid Past An Exponentially Accelerated Vertical Plate
Mhd Free Convection Flow Of Dissipative Fluid Past An Exponentially Accelerated Vertical PlateAbstract: Aim of the paper is to investigate the hydromagnetic effects on the unsteady free convection flow, heat and mass transfer characteristics in a viscous, incompressible and electrically conducting fluid past an exponentially accelerated vertical plate by taking into account the heat due to viscous dissipation. The problem is governed by coupled non-linear partial differential equations. The dimensionless equations of the problem have been solved numerically by the unconditionally stable finite difference method of Dufort – Frankel's type. The effects of governing parameters on the flow variables are discussed quantitatively with the aid of graphs for the flow field, temperature field, concentration field, skin-friction, Nusselt number and Sherwood number.Key words: MHD, free convection, viscous dissipation, finite difference method, exponentially accelerated plate, variable temperature and concentration Reference [1] Pop, I. and. Soundalgekar, V.M. Free convection flow past an accelerated infinite plate, Z. Angew.Math.Mech. 60, 1980, 167 – 168. [2] Singh, A.K. and Soundalgekar, V.M. Transient free convection in cold water past an infinite vertical porous plate, Int. J. of Energy Res. 14, 1990, 413 -420. [3] Huges, W.F., Yong, F.J. The electro-Magneto-Dynamics of fluids, John Wiley & Sons, New york, 1966, USA. [4] Takar, H.S., Gorla, R.S.R. and Soundalgekar, V.M. Radiation effects on MHD free convection flow of a radiating fluid past a semi – infinite vertical plate. Int. J. Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow, 6, 1996, 77 – 83. [5] Samaria, N.K., Reddy, M.U.S., Prasad, R. and Gupta, H.N. Hydromagnetic free convection laminar flow of an elasto - viscous fluid past an infinite plate. Springer Link, 179, 1, 1991, 39-43. K.Bhagya Lakshmi, G.S.S. Raju, P.M. Kishore and N.V.R.V. Prasada Rao |
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120. | Vibration Analysis of CSSF and SSFC Panel
Vibration Analysis of CSSF and SSFC PanelAbstract: The paper presents a theoretical formulation based on Ibearugbulem's shape function and application of Ritz method. In this study, the free vibration of simply supported panel with one free edge was analyzed. The Ibearugbulem's shape function derived was substituted into the potential energy functional, which was minimized to obtain the fundamental natural frequency. This research focused on aspect ratio from 0.1 to 2.0 with 0.1 increments. For aspect ratio of 1, values of non dimensional natural frequency parameter, is 17.35. The values of obtained were compared with those of previous research. The comparisons indicates that no significant difference exist between the values of non dimensional natural frequency parameter from this present study and those from previous research works.Key words: fundamental natural frequency, CSSF panel, SSFC panel, free panel, Ritz method. Reference [1] Leissa, A. W. The Free Vibration of Rectangular Plates. Journal of Sound and vibration, Vol.31 (3), 1973 Pp. 257 – 293. [2] Gorman, D. J. (1982). Free Vibration Analysis of Rectangular Plates. North Holland: Elsevier. [3] Chakraverty, S. (2009). Vibration of Plates. Boca Raton: CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group. [4] Ibearugbulem, O. M. Application of a direct variational principle in elastic stability of rectangular flat thin plates. Ph. D. thesis submitted to Postgraduate School, Federal University of Technology, Owerri, 2012 [5] A. Hasani Baferani, A.R. Saidi , H. Ehteshami. Accurate solution for free vibration analysis of functionally graded thick rectangular plates resting on elastic foundation, journal on Composite Structures. 2011 Ibearugbulem, Owus M, Ebirim,Stanley Ikechukwu and Ezeh, J. C |
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121. | Different Techniques to Transfer Big data: a Survey
Different Techniques to Transfer Big data: a SurveyAbstract: Now a days the world is moving around the social networks, i.e most of the people are interacting with each other via internet only. Transmitting data via the Internet is a routine and common task for users today. Transferring a gigabyte of data in an entire day was normal, however users are now transmitting multiple gigabytes in a single hour. The Big Data is the combination of structured, semi-structured, unstructured, homogeneous and heterogeneous data. With the influx of big data and massive scientific data sets that are measured in tens of petabytes, a user has the propensity to transfer even larger amounts of data. When transferring data sets of this magnitude on public or shared networks, the performance of all workloads in the system will be impacted. This paper addresses the issues and challenges inherent with transferring big data over networks. A survey of current transfer techniques is provided in this paper.Key words: Big Data, Grid, Parallel Transfer, NICE Reference [1] FOSTER, I., AND KESSELMAN, C. The Grid 2: Blueprint for a New Computing Infrastructure. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc., San Francisco, CA, USA, 2003. [2] FOSTER, I., KESSELMAN, C., AND TUECKE, S. The anatomy of the Grid: Enabling scalable virtual organizations. The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 15, 3 (Fall 2001), 200-222. [3] LAURE, E., FISHER, S. M., FROHNER, A., GRANDI, C., KUNSZT, P. Z., KRENEK, A., MULMO, O., PACINI, F., PRELZ, F., WHITE, J., BARROSO, M., BUNCIC, P., HEMMER, F., DI MEGLIO, A., AND EDLUND, A. Programming the grid with glite. Computational Methods in Science and Technology 12, 1 (2006), 33-45. [4] FOSTER, I. What is the grid? a three point checklist. GRIDToday (July 2002). [5] XLAO QIN, H. J. Data Grids: Supporting Data-Intensive Applications in Wide Area Networks. 2006, pp. 481-494. Kiran Kumar Reddi, Dnvsls Indira |
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122. | Harmonic Reduction in Power System
Harmonic Reduction in Power SystemAbstract: The principle of this paper is to know the effects of harmonics in a power system and to minimise the effects of the power system harmonics.This distortion will result in low power quality and improved disturbances in power system. So this harmonic technique is used to improve the power quality. This improvement includes the simulation also.Inverter is used to transform a DC into AC, during this transformation; the harmonics will reduce the power quality a lot. The increase in power quality using a technique is explained in detail here.Key words: harmonics, power quality, inverters, power system. Reference [1] Roger C. Dugan, Mark F. McGranaghan, H. Wayne Beaty : Electrical Power Systems quality. New York : McGraw Hill, c1996 [2] J. Arrillaga, N.R. Watson, S. Chen: Power System Quality Assessment. New York : John Wiley, c2000 [3] Ewald F. Fuchs, Mohammad A. S. Masoum : Power Quality in Power Systems and Electrical Machines. Elsevier Academic Press, c2008 [4] Wilson E. Kazibwe and Mucoke H. Senduala : Electric Power Quality Control Techniques. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, c1993 [5] Elias M. Stein, Timonthy S. Murphy : Harmonic Analysis: Real-Variable Methods, Orthogonality and Oscillatory Integrals. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, c1993. Mrs. M. Sindhubala, Ms. Allan Mary George |
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123. | Implementation of Low Power Technique of Point Multiplication on Koblitz Curves Using VHDL
Implementation of Low Power Technique of Point Multiplication on Koblitz Curves Using VHDLAbstract: The point multiplication on Koblitz curves using multiple base expansions of the form $k=Sum pm tau^a(tau-1)^b$ & $k = Sum pm tau^a( tau-1)^b ( tau^2 –tau – 1)^c.$. In this paper the number of terms in the second type is sublinear in the bit length of $k$, which lead to first provably sublinear point multiplication algorithm on Koblitz curves. Elliptic curve scalar multiplication is the central operation in elliptic graph cryptography. But these paper presents to accelerate scalar multiplications on Koblitz curve. In this paper we are implementing to use low power technique.Key words: Cryptoprocessor, elliptic curve cryptography (ECC), Koblitz curve, Point multiplication Reference [1]. N. Koblitz,"Elliptic curve cryptosystems, "Math. Comput., vol.48, pp.203–209, 1987. [2]. J. Adikari, V. S. Dimitrov, and R. J. Cintra, "A new algorithm for double scalar multiplication over Koblitz curves," in Proc. IEEE ISCAS, 2011, pp. 709–712. [3] B. B. Brumley and K. U. Järvinen, "Conversion algorithms and implementations for Koblitz curve cryptography," IEEE Trans. Comput., vol. 59, no. 1, pp. 81–92, Jan. 2010. [4] J. Adikari, V. Dimitrov, and K. Jarvinen, "A fast hardware architecture for integer to τ-NAF conversion for Koblitz curves," IEEE Trans. Comput., vol. 61, no. 5, pp. 732–737, May 2012 Ms. Anupa S. Kalambe, Prof. Snehprabha Lad |
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124. | Prevention of Black Hole Attack Using AOMDV
Prevention of Black Hole Attack Using AOMDVAbstract: A Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) is a dynamic wireless network that can be formulated without the need for any pre-existing infrastructure in which each node can act as a router. One of the main challenges of MANET is the design of robust routing protocol that adapt to the frequent and randomly changing network topology. A variety of routing protocols have been proposed and most of them have been extensively simulated or implemented as well. Several attacks are possible in the available routing protocols such as Wormhole attack, black hole attack, byzantine attack, etc. Among these attacks black hole attack is of major concern in AODV, is one of the popular routing protocols for MANET.Due to security vulnerabilities of the AODV routing protocol, wireless ad-hoc networks are unprotected to attacks of the malicious nodes. One of these attacks is the Black Hole Attack. In this study to analyze the comparison between with and without attacksKey words: MANET, Black Hole Attack, AODV. Reference [1] Lidong Zhou and Zygmunt J. Haas, "Securing Ad Hoc Networks", published in IEEE network, special issue on network security, November/December, 1999 [2] P.V.Jani, "Security within Ad-Hoc Networks," Position Paper, PAMPAS Workshop, Sept. 2002. [3] K. Biswas and Md. Liaqat Ali, "Security threats in Mobile Ad-Hoc Network", Master Thesis, Blekinge Institute of Technology" Sweden, 22nd March 2007 [4] S. Ci, M. Guizani, H. H. Chen, and H. Sharif, "Self-regulating network utilization in mobile ad-hoc wireless networks," IEEE Transaction on Vehicular Technology, vol. 55, no. 4, pp. 1302--1310, 2006. [5] Liu Jun, Li Zhe, Lin Dan; Liu Ye, "A security enhanced AODV routing protocol based on the credence mechanism", Proceedings of International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, Vol. 2, Pp. 719 – 722, 2005. Naseera K. M, Dr. C. Chandrasekar |
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125. | Comparison of High Efficiency with Different Topology Transformerless Photovoltaic Power Converters
Comparison of High Efficiency with Different Topology Transformerless Photovoltaic Power ConvertersAbstract: Transformer-less photovoltaic (PV) inverters offer better efficiency compared to inverters connected to the grid through a transformer providing galvanic isolation. However, in case the transformer is omitted, the generated common-mode voltage greatly influences the leakage current flowing to ground through the parasitic capacitance of the PV array. Hence, both the power stage and the modulation strategy of the converter, shall be properly designed to avoid leakage current while guaranteeing high efficiency and reactive power handling capability that are requested by national grid codes. In this paper, three single phase transformer-less inverter topologies are analyzed: the Highly Efficient and Reliable Inverter Concept converter (HERIC), a recently published topology based on a combination of step-down converters and a recently patented modification of the Neutral Point Clamped converter (NPC) optimized for MOSFET use. Simulation results are used to show: current waveform, reactive power handling capability, efficiency and produced common-mode VoltageKey words: photovoltaic transformer-less inverter, efficiency, leakage current, common-mode voltage. Reference [1] R. Teodorescu, M. Liserre, P. Rodriguez: Grid Converters for photovoltaic and Wind Power Systems, John Wiley and Sons Ltd., 2011. [2] H. Schmid, C. Siedle, J. Ketterer: DC/AC converter to convert direct electric voltage into alternating voltage or into alternating current, United States Patent 7046534, issued 16 May 2006. [3] S. V. Araujo, P. Zacharias, R. Mallwitz: Highly Efficient Single-Phase Transformerless Inverters for Grid- Connected Photovoltaic Systems, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 57 (9), September 2010. [4] M. Frisch, E. Temesi: Inverter Topologies usable with Reactive Power, United States Patent Application Publication US 2011/0013438 A1, issued 20 January 2011. [5] S. V. Araujo, P. Zacharias: Analysis on the potential of Silicon Carbide MOSFETs and other innovative semiconductor technologies in the photovoltaic branch, KDEE-Centre of Competence for Distributed Electric Power Technology, University of Kassel. A Kurmaiah, S.Anil Kumar |
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126. | Synthesis & Effectiveness Study Of Banana Peel Adsorbent & Artificial Neural Network Modeling In Removal Of Cu (II) Ions From Aqueous Solution
Synthesis & Effectiveness Study Of Banana Peel Adsorbent & Artificial Neural Network Modeling In Removal Of Cu (II) Ions From Aqueous SolutionAbstract: Release of poisonous and harmful gases in the open air and of untreated polluted water to fresh water bodies has made the environmental conditions severe. Presence of excessive heavy metals like copper is found to damage not only fishes but humans also through the food cycle. The present work aims to synthesize an effective adsorbent from Banana peels, a material readily available by chemical treatment. The adsorbent synthesized is employed in removal of copper ions from waste water & is observed to be effective in removal of 12% to 89.47% of copper for adsorbent dosage varied between 0.5gm to 2 gm. Conventional adsorption isotherms have been estimated to describe the adsorption process & efforts have been made to develop Artificial Neural Network models for the same. It can be concluded that there is a lot of potential in Banana peel adsorbent that need to be tapped.Key words: Artificial Neural Network, Banana Peel Adsorbent, Copper Sulphate, Wastewater treatment, Percent adsorption Reference [1] D. Mohapatra, S. Mishra, N. Sutar Banana and its byproduct utilization: an overview, Journal of scientific and industrial research, volume 69,pp 323-329,May 2010.[1] [2] G. Annadurai, R. Juang, , D. Lee, , Use of cellulose based wastes for adsorption of dyes from aqueous solutions, Journal of hazardous materials, volume B92,pp 263-274,2 . [2] [3] J. Memon, S.Memon , Bhanger , I Muhammad Y. Khuhawar , Banana Peel: A Green and Economical Sorbent for Cr(III) Removal , Pak. J. Anal. Environ. Chem. Vol. 9, No. 1 (2008) 20 – 25[3]. [4] W. Ngah wan, M. Hanafiah, , Removal of heavy metal ions from wastewater by chemically modified plant wastes as adsorbents ,Bioresource technology, volume 99, pp 3935-3948, 2008. [5] A. Ashraf , A. Wajid, K. Mahmood , J. Maah J. Yusoff., Low cost biosorbent banana peel (Musa sapientum) for the removal of heavy metals , Scientific Research and Essays Vol. 6(19), pp. 4055-4064, 8 September, 2011.[4] Shekhar Pandharipande, Rucha Deshpande |
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127. | A Preliminary Experimental Investigation of a New Wedge Disc Brake
A Preliminary Experimental Investigation of a New Wedge Disc BrakeAbstract: This paper presents a preliminary study of a new wedge disc brake performance using a brake test rig that has been recently developed at the Automotive Laboratory, Minia University, Egypt. First, the brake test rig is designed and tested for conventional disc brake. Next, the mechanical structure of designed wedge disc brake is presented. After that, some performance tests are conducted at different operation conditions. Finally, comparison between conventional and novel disc brake are performed. Experimental results show that this novel wedge disc brake can multiply the brake force 3.7 times of conventional disc brake at the same conditions.Key words: Brake test rig, brake performance, wedge disc brake Reference [1] Ouyang, H., Nack, W. V., Yuan, Y. and Chen, F. "Numerical analysis of automotive disc brake squeal: a review", Int. J Vehicle Noise and Vibrations, Vol. 1, Nos. 3-4, pp. 207-230, 2005. [2] Nouby M., Abdo J., Mathivanan D. and Srinivasan K. "Evaluation of Disc Brake Materials for Squeal Reduction' Tribology Transactions, 54: 644-656, 2011. [3] Nouby M., and Srinivasan K., Simulation of structural modifications of a disc brake system to reduce brake squeal, Proc. IMechE, Part D: J. Automobile Engineering, Vol. 225, No. 5, 2011, 653–672. [4] Trichés, M. J., Samir, N. Y. and Jordan, R. "Reduction of squeal noise from disc brake systems using constrained layer damping", J. of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Vol. 26, pp. 340-348, 2004. [5] Chen T. F., (2005), "Relationship between Formulation and Noise of Phenolic Resin Matrix Friction Lining Tested In Acoustic Chamber on Automotive Brake Dynamometer," Master of Science Thesis, Southern Illinois University. Mostafa M. Makrahy, Nouby M. Ghazaly, K. A. Abd El-Gwwad, K. R. Mahmoud and Ali M. Abd-El-Tawwab |
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128. | Prospects of MHD Generation in Bangladesh
Prospects of MHD Generation in BangladeshAbstract: The production, conservation and management of energy is the challenging issues for any country, like in Bangladesh it is more. Energy resources are finite but our demand is too high. So a gap between supply and demand is seen. In this paper we propose some feasibility analysis of MHD generation in Bangladesh. Magneto-hydrodynamics (MHD) electric generator works on the principle that any conductor that is moved through a magnetic field will generate electricity. MHD generation is based on electromotive force explained by Faraday's induction law. This paper emphasizes on the feasibility of developing MHD generator in which the working fluid is natural gas, coal fired gas, and flowing salt water can be used to generate electricity. This proposed plant is also used in combined power plants not only used for generating large amount of power but also for increasing efficiency of the plant.Key words: Bay of Bengal Ocean, coal fired MHD, Lorentz Force Law, magneto hydrodynamics, natural gas, seawater. Reference [1] Stan Gibilisco ,The Illustrated Dictionary of Electronics (Eighth Edition) [2] Encyclopedia Britannica: http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/357424/magnetohydrodynamic-power-generator#toc45897 [3] Research Activities on MHD Power Generation at Tokyo Institute of Technology, Yoshihiro OKUNO, (Department of Energy Sciences, Tokyo Institute of Technology.) [4] Roberto Pintus, Development of Inductive Magnetohydrodynamic Generator, Page No. 15. [5] Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral resources: http://www.powercell.gov.bd/ Md. Shariful Islam, Nazmul Hossain Molla, Eshita Quddus |
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129. | Enhancement of Speech Recognition Algorithm Using DCT and Inverse Wave Transformation
Enhancement of Speech Recognition Algorithm Using DCT and Inverse Wave TransformationAbstract: This research work focus on providing better performance in speech recognition algorithm by integrating digital signal transposition with speech recognition techniques. This is an approach for improving the performance of speech recognition algorithm using butterworth stopband filter and discrete cosine transformation based speech compression with inverse wave transformation. The main objective is to integrate filtering with speech recognition algorithm to improve the results when noise is present in the signal. In this work, the matching is done using inverse wave transformations which reduce the time for recognition of voices. Proposed algorithm is designed and implemented in MATLAB. The proposed algorithm has been tested on the given samples and evaluated using different recognizable and unrecognizable samples obtaining a recognition ratio about 98%. It is shown that the proposed algorithm provides better results than existing techniques. Proposed algorithm increase the accuracy of the speech recognition system.Key words: filter, inverse wave transformation, speech recognition, wave format. Reference [1] Susanta Kumar Sarangi, and Goutam Saha, "A Novel Approach in Feature Level for Robust Text-Independent Speaker Identification systemhigher", IEEE Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Intelligent Human Computer Interaction, December 27-29, 2012 [2] Santosh K.Gaikwad, Bharti W. Gawali, and Pravin Yannawar, "A Review on Speech Recognition Technique", International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887), Vol.10– No.3, November 2010. [3] K. Ramamohan Rao and P. Yip, "Discrete Cosine Transform: Algorithms, Advantages, Applications", Academic Press Professional, Inc san Diego, CA, USA, 1990. [4] Swapnil D. Daphal, and Sonal K. Jagtap, "DSP Based Improved Speech Recognition System", International Conference on Communication, Information and Computing Technology, IEEE 2012. [5] C. Y. Fook, "Malay Speech Recognition and Audio Visual Speech Recognition", International Conference on Biomedical Engineering (ICoBE), pp. 479-484, Feb. 2012. Sukhdeep Kaur, Er. Gurwinder Kaur |
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130. | Ziegler-Nichols (Z-N) Based PID Plus Fuzzy Logic Control (FLC) For Speed Control of A Direct Field-Oriented Induction Motor (DFOIM)
Ziegler-Nichols (Z-N) Based PID Plus Fuzzy Logic Control (FLC) For Speed Control of A Direct Field-Oriented Induction Motor (DFOIM)Abstract: The induction motor is having non-linear torque and internal impedance characteristics. In this paper, a Ziegler-Nichols (Z-N) based PID plus fuzzy logic control (FLC) scheme is proposed for speed control of a direct field-oriented induction motor (DFOIM). The Z-N PID is adopted because its parameter values can be chosen using a simple and useful rule of thumb. The FLC is connected to the PID controller for enhancing robust performance in both dynamic transient and steady-state periods. The FLC is developed based on the output of the PID controller, and the output of the FLC is the torque command of the DFCIM. The complete closed-loop speed control scheme is implemented for the laboratory 0.14-hp squirrel-cage induction motor. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed Z-N PID+FLC scheme can lead to desirable robust speed tracking performance under load torque disturbances.Index Terms: Induction Motor, Ziegler-Nichols (Z-N) based PID plus fuzzy logic control (FLC), Z-N PID, direct field-oriented induction motor (DFOIM) Reference [1] D. W. Novotny and T. A. Lipo, Vector Control and Dynamics of ac Drives. Oxford, MA: Clarendon, 1996. [2] I. Takahashi and T. Noguchi, "A new quick-response and high-efficiency control strategy of an induction motor," IEEE Trans. Ind. Applicat., vol. 22, pp. 820–827, Sept./Oct. 1986. [3] M. Depenbrock, "Direct-self control of inverter-fed induction machine," IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 3, pp. 420–429, July 1988. [4] "Direct self control for high dynamics performance of inverter feed a.c. machines," ETZ Archiv, vol. 7, no. 7, pp. 211–218, 1985. [5] "Direct-self control of the flux and rotary moment of a rotary-field machine,", Srinivas.Singirikonda1, Yellaiah.Ponnam2, Sravan Kumar.Palarapu |
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131. | Adjoint Approach to Estimate the Non-Steady Emission Rate of A Point Source
Adjoint Approach to Estimate the Non-Steady Emission Rate of A Point SourceAbstract: A method to estimate the non-steady emission rate of a point source by using pollutants concentration data is given. To solve this ill-posed inverse problem, a variational problem with constraints is proposed, where the objective functional for minimizing is the norm of the first derivative of the emission rate, and the integral constraints for the pollutants concentration contain full information, in a compact form, on the dispersion phenomenon in the atmosphere and include the anomaly of concentration data. A three-dimensional dispersion air pollution model with point sources is considered in a limited region to forecast the concentration of pollutants. The corresponding adjoint model and the duality principle are used to write the constraints in terms of influence (adjoint) functions. It is shown that both models are well posed in the sense of Hadamard. The corresponding discrete formulation, obtained from the variational problem, is an easily-solvable quadratic programming problem whose solution determines the emission rate of the source. Numerical results obtained for a simple box model and a one-dimensional diffusion problem demonstrate the method's ability.Key words: inverse problem, estimation of parameters, dispersion model, adjoint model. Reference [1] Seinfeld, J. H. & Pandis, S. N. Atmospheric chemistry and physics. From air pollution to climate change. Wiley-Interscience; 1998. [2] Rao, K. S. Source estimation methods for atmospheric dispersion. Atmospheric Environment. 2007; 41, 6964-6973. [3] Enting, I. G. Inverse problems in atmospheric constituent transport. Cambridge University Press, UK; 2002. [4] Lushi, E. & Stockie, J. M. An inverse Gaussian plume approach for estimating atmospheric pollutant emissions from multiple sources. Atmospheric Environment. 2010; 44, 1097-1107. [5] Groetsch, C. W. Inverse problems in the mathematical sciences. Vieweg, Germany; 1993. David Parra-Guevara, Yu. N. Skiba |
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132. | A Study On The Effect Of Injection Pressure And Injection Timing On The Engine Performance And Emissions With Blends Of FOME As A Fuel For CI Engine
A Study On The Effect Of Injection Pressure And Injection Timing On The Engine Performance And Emissions With Blends Of FOME As A Fuel For CI EngineAbstract: Historically, fish have been seen as a promising source of protein and have been actively cultured by man for centuries, mainly for food. Recent soaring oil prices, diminishing world oil reserves, and the environmental deterioration associated with fossil fuel consumption have generated renewed interest in using fish oil as an alternative fuel. The present paper is focused on experimentally investigating the influence of injection pressure and injection timing on brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC), brake thermal efficiency (BTE), unburned hydrocarbon (UBHC), carbon monoxide (CO), oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and smoke opacity of a single cylinder compression ignition engine when the optimized blends of fish oil methyl ester (20%) are used as a fuel. Engine performance tests showed no major deviations in diesel engine combustion as well as no significant changes in the engine performance and reduction of main toxic emissions. Overall fish oil methyl ester (FOME) showed good combustion properties and environmental benefits.Key words: Fish, Injection Pressure, Injection Timing, Fish oil Methyl Ester (FOME), Performance, Emissions Reference [1] Cherng-Yuan Lin and Jung-Chi Lee, "Oxidative stability of biodiesel produced from the crude fish oil from the waste parts of marine fish", Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment Vol.8 (2): 9 9 2 - 9 9 5 . 2 0 1 0 [2] J.A.Kinast, "Production of Biodiesels from Multiple Feedstocks and properties of Biodiesels and Biodiesel / Diesel Blends". Final Report – I in a series of 6, National Renewable Energy Laboratory a U.S. Department of Energy Laboratory Contact NO. DE – AC36 – 99 – GO10337. [3] Ramesha D.K, Ranganth B.J and Rana Pratapa Reddy N, "Performance and emissions characteristics of ethanol esterified pongamia pinnata and madhuca indica oils for compression ignition engine applications" Journal of Middle European Construction and Design of Cars, pp 30-36, volume V, Number 03 2007 [4] Abdul Monyem, Jon H.Van Gerpen, "The effect of biodiesel oxidation on engine performance and emissions", Biomass and Bioenergy, Vol.20, pp 317 – 325, 2001. [5] Fukuda, H., Kondo,A. and Noda H. (2001), "Biodiesel fuel production by transesterification of oils", J. Biosci. Bioeng.92, 405-16. K. M. Mrityunjayaswamy, Ramesha.D.K. |
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133. | Efficient Image Compression Using Sphit and Huffman Encoding Based On Dwt and Transmitting Through Ofdm Channel
Efficient Image Compression Using Sphit and Huffman Encoding Based On Dwt and Transmitting Through Ofdm ChannelAbstract: In this paper we present an energy saving approach to transmission of discrete wavelet transformation based compressed image frames over the OFDM channels. Based on one-bit channel state information at the transmitter, the descriptions in order of descending priority are assigned to the currently good channels used in Huffman and SPHIT Encoding. Analytical evaluation of the system in terms of probability of error is carried out in a diffused wireless channel. As a conclusion, the proposed system shows promising results for a high speed wireless channel and we demonstrate the usefulness of our proposed scheme in terms of system energy saving without compromising the received quality in terms of peak signal to noise ratio. Despite using more number of carriers instead subset of carriers is usable for successful data transmission and permitting the retransmission of lost packets The improvements that can be realized in various performance parameters in a digital Communication system using wavelets. Parameters like Spectral efficiency, Mean square error, Peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) and bit error rate are found to improve with the help of wavelets.Key words: Image; Dwt; Huffman; Spiht; Ofdm. Reference [1] Rafael C. GONZALEZ Richard E. WOODS. Digital image processing: second male erecticle dysfunction [M]. National capital business firm of industry 2002。 [2] brandy ANTONINI Michel BARLAUD Pierre MATHIEU et al. Image committal to writing victimisation rippling remodel [J]. IEEE Trans. Image process 1992 1(2) 205- 220。 [3] Cheng Li-chi, Wang Hong-xia, Luo Yong. Rippling theory and applications. Beijing: Science Press, 2004(Chinese) [4] J. M. SHAPIRO. Embedded image committal to writing victimisation zero trees of wavelets coefficients [J]. IEEE Trans. Signal process 1993 41(12) 3445-346 a pair of. [5] Rafael C. GONZALEZ Richard E. WOODS. "Digital image processing": second male erecticle dysfunction [M]. National capital business firm of industry 2002. [7] Ameer aforesaid William A.PEARLMAN. "A new quick and economical image codec supported set partitioning in ranked trees [J]". IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 1996. J. Rajendra, V.Sreevani, K.Jyothi, Dr.V.Sailaja |
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134. | Multiple Input Analysis Of DS-CDMA Rake Receiver Simulator
Multiple Input Analysis Of DS-CDMA Rake Receiver SimulatorAbstract: This paper would satisfy the next generation requirement of multiple input environments. Here we use a simulator which simulates the multiple input waveform signals through wireless towards the Rake Receiver which will follow through the DS-CDMA technique due to its performance. As we know the CDMA is an excellent technique to analyze the cellular systems. The simulator will give the excellent idea about the different values of the design option. Here, the backbone of this system is a wireless CDMA user link built with the help of Matlab. The effective method of system modeling is used to speed up the simulations. With the help of simulator we get the variations in the system parameters due to its different inputs. The transmitted data and the received data can be analyzed in the form of signal waveforms. We can also analyze the format of the input data and its performance with the help of simulator.Key words: CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access), DS-CDMA (Direct Sequence CDMA), FDMA (Frequency Division Multiple Access), SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio), TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access). Reference [1] M. F. Hashmi, Pradip Dhakad and Baluram Nagaria. "Design and Analysis of DS-CDMA Rake Reciver Simulator for Wireless Communication,", in IEEE Vol. 978-1-4244-9190-2/11, IEEE publications, 2011. [2] J. C. Liberti and T. S. Rappaport, "Analytical Results for Capacity Improvements in CDMA," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol.43, No. 3, pp. 680-690, August 1994. [3] K. Murali.Krishna, Abhijit Mitra and Cemal Ardil, "A Simplified Single Correlator Rake, Receiver for DMA Communications" International Journal of Information Technology Volume 2 Number 4 2005 [4] P. Jung, P. W. Baier, and A. Steil, "Advantages of CDMA and Spread Spectrum Over FDMA and TDMA in Cellular Mobile Radio Applications," IEEE Transactions Vehicular Technology, Vol. 42, no. 3, pp. 357- 364, August [5] Leila Gazzah, Hatem Boujemaa and Mohamed Siala, "Discrete time Rake receiver for cooperative DS-CDMA systems", IEEE publications, 2011. Vaibhav Khairnar, Jitendra Mathur, Hema Singh |
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135. | Assessment of Materials and Process Variables on Regulatory Compliance of Sandcrete Blocks: A Case Study of Ogbomoso, Nigeria.
Assessment of Materials and Process Variables on Regulatory Compliance of Sandcrete Blocks: A Case Study of Ogbomoso, Nigeria.Abstract: The resulting pressure due to steady population growth has increased interest in the use of sandcrete blocks as load and non-load bearing walling unit especially in Nigeria. The haphazard production of sandcrete blocks within the study area has necessitated investigations into assessing the degree of compliance requirements stipulated by regulatory bodies. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to investigate variability in strength characterization of sandcrete blocks and the roles played by materials and process variables, as well as to establish the degree of compliance with the required regulatory specifications. The methods adopted include field survey, oral interviews, and completion of structured questionnaires. Also, representative soil and sandcrete block samples were collected for sieve analysis, compressive strength and density tests. The results show that the grading curves obtained from the representative soil samples used in the production contains wide range of grain sizes. The ranges of values obtained for compressive strength are 0.26 - 1.62 N/mm2 and 0.35 - 1.66 N/mm2, for six and nine inches blocks respectively, compared to the required regulatory standard of between 2.5 and 3.45 N/mm2. Corresponding density values are 1.95 - 2.05 g/cm3 and 1.67 - 2.02 g/cm3, compared to the required minimum density value of 1.5 g/cm3. The sandcrete blocks appear to possess adequate density values however the compressive strength has an over-riding influence due to its domineering determining factor for flexural members. Factors which include profit orientation, mix ratio, period of curing, and level of literacy, appear to have been responsible for the observed sub-standard products. Enforcement of compliance monitoring and basic education are recommended to ensure improved production of good quality sandcrete blocks.Reference [1] Adewuyi, B.H., 2011. Integrated hydrochemical, geophysical and geochemical investigation of groundwater in Ogbomoso North, Southwestern Nigeria. Unpublished Bachelor of Technology Project, Department of Earth Sciences, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso. Nigeria. [2] Afolayan, JO., Arum, C., and Daramola, C.M. 2008. Characterization of the Compressive Strength of Sandcrete Blocks in Ondo State, Nigeria. Journal of Civil Engineering Research and Practice Vol. 5 (1): pp. 15-28 [3] Aiyewalehinmi, E.O., and Tanimola, M.O., 2013. Strength properties of commercially produced sandcrete block in Akure. International Journal of Engineering Science Invention; 2(5), 22 – 33. [4] Anosike, M.N. and Oyebade, A.A. 2012. Sandcrete blocks and quality management in Nigeria building industry. Journal of Engineering, Project and Production Management. 2 (1), 37 – 46. [5] ASTM Standard C145, 1975. Standard Specification for solid Load–Bearing Concrete Masonry Unit, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA. O.S. Oladeji and O.A. Awos |
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136. | E-Government through Cooperative Web Services
E-Government through Cooperative Web ServicesAbstract: This paper presents a service-oriented e-government infrastructure based on efficiently providing customized services to citizens. We aim at providing an e-Governance system using cooperative web services which is a service-oriented digital government system that aims at providing single as well as composite services to the citizens. The proposed architecture for cooperative web services manages the entire lifecycle of third-party web services. Our architecture wraps various government services by using web service technologies. It provides an integrated service framework that achieves a seamless cooperation among government agencies to provide prompt and customized services to citizens.We propose an improved passport system which is a service-oriented digital government system that aims at providing integrated services through a layer of cooperative web services.Key words: e-governance, digital government,cooperative web services,service oriented. Reference [1] www.w3.org [2] http://suwidha.nic.in/ [3] Athman Bouguettaya and Liu,"Service-Centric Framework for a Digital Government Application", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SERVICES COMPUTING, VOL. 4, NO. 1, JANUARY-MARCH 2011 [4] Brahim Medjahed and Athman Bouguettaya,"Customized Delivery of E-Government Web Services", IEEE Journals NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2005 [5] Alexandros Dais, Mara Nikolaidou and Dimosthenis Anagnostopoulos,"A Web 2.0 Citizen Centric Model for T-Government Services", 0885-9000/$26.00 2012 IEEE Shatanand Patil and Prof. Manasi Kulkarni |
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137. | Performance Characteristics Of Stabilized Clay Bricks Using Additives
Performance Characteristics Of Stabilized Clay Bricks Using AdditivesAbstract: The importance of shelter to human survival cannot be over-emphasized. In Nigeria, affordable housing policy has been a priority for successive governments though factors such as finance, legal restrictions and traditions have plagued the efforts with little success. In this work, performance characteristics of the effects of two chemical additives namely KS770 and soda ash on the properties of clay bricks were investigated. The methodology adopted includes field survey, soil sampling and laboratory tests. The results showed that the KS770 appears to increase the moisture content of clay thereby preventing early setting and hardening. Conversely, soda ash additive appears to increase the workability, and produces brick blocks with relatively higher compressive strength and lower corresponding density compared with the bricks without additive as well as those with the KS770 additive. The additive water ratio for achieving enhanced brick workability with soda ash is 1:27. Based on this work, it is recommended that encouraging the use of soda ash in the production of bricks, sensitization on the techniques of brick production as it relates to the use of fired bricks, as well as mass production of the soda ash additive will lessen the cost burden of construction and consequently increases sustainability in the housing industry in Nigeria.Reference [1] Akadiri, P.O., Olomolaiye, P.O., and Chinyio, E.A., 2013. Multi-criteria evaluation model for the selection of sustainable materials for building projects . Automation in Construction 30; 113–125 [2] Akeju, A.A., 2007. Challenges to Providing Affordable Housing in Nigeria. Paper presented at the 2nd Emerging Urban Africa International Conference on Housing Finance in Nigeria, Abuja [3] Bignozzia, M.C., 2011. Sustainable cements for green buildings construction. Procedia Engineering 21; 915 – 921. [4] BS 1377, 1990. Methods of test for Soils for Civil Engineering Purposes. British Standards Institutions. 2 Park Street, London. W1A 2BS. [5] John, G., Clements-Croome, D., Jeronimidis, G., 2005. Sustainable building solutions: a review of lessons from the natural world. Building and Environment 40; 319–328. O.S. Oladeji and A. F. Akinrinde |
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138. | A Comparative Study on Physico-Chemical Properties Of Pulp And Paper Mill Effluent
A Comparative Study on Physico-Chemical Properties Of Pulp And Paper Mill EffluentAbstract: In the present study physico-chemical properties of small and large scale pulp and paper (P&P) industry effluents are compared in relation to their hazardous impact on environment. Effluent samples were collected from different sections of bleaching unit of small and large scale P&P mills and then analyzed for various physicochemical parameters such as pH, colour, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), total suspended solids (TSS), total dissolved solids (TDS), and turbidity. Highly significant differences were thus found at all levels of both the P&P mills. The results indicate that P&P industrial effluents are highly polluted and had variation in the pollution load on different raw material used. Agro based small scale pulp and paper mill is way more contributor of pollution than wood based large scale.Key words: BOD, COD, Paper mill effluent, TDS Reference [1] D. Pokhrel and T. Viraraghavan, Treatment of pulp and paper mill wastewater – a review, Science of Total Environment, 333, 2004, 37-58. [2] B. R. Yadav and A. Garg, Treatment of pulp and paper mill effluent using physio-chemical processes, Indian Pulp and Paper Technical Association ournal, 23 (2), 2011, 155-160. [3] S. Chaudhary, R. Rohella, M. Manthan and N. Sahoo, Decolorization of Kraft paper mill effluent by white rot fungi. Journal of Microbioogy, 38, 2002, 221-224. [4] M.S.K. Hossain, M. Das and S.H. Ibrahim, Aerobic studies on pollution abatement of sulfite pulp bleaching effluent using Phanerochaete chrysosporium (MTCC-787). Journal of Industrial Pollution Control, 17(2), 2001, 191-200. [5] P.R. Jayaramraja, T. Anthony, R. Rajendran and K. Rajkumar, Decolorisation of paper mill effluent by Aspergillus fumigatus in bioreactor, Pollution Research. 20(3), 2001, 309-312. Pooja Tripathi, Virendra Kumar, Sat Pal Singh, Suresh Panwar, Sanjay Naithani, Gyanesh Joshi, Raman Nautiyal |
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139. | Simulation Model Of Functional Stability Of Business Processes
Simulation Model Of Functional Stability Of Business ProcessesAbstract: Functioning of business processes of high-tech enterprise is in a constant interaction with the environment. Herewith a wide range of such interaction represents a variety of conflicts affecting the achievement of the goals of business processes. All these things lead to the disruption of functioning of business processes. That's why modern enterprises should have mechanisms to provide a new property of business processes – ability to maintain and/or restore functions in various adverse effects. This property is called functional stability of business processes (FSBP). In this article we offer, showcase and test the new approach to assessing the results of business process re-engineering by simulating their functional stability before and after re-engineering.Key words: business process, destabilizing criteria, functional stability, reengineering, simulation. Reference [1] Ray J.Paul, Vlatka Hlupic, George M. Giaglis, Simulation modelling of business processes (Brunel University, Department of Information Systems and Computing) [2] Jon H. Weyland, Michael Engiles, Towards simulation-based business process management: Proceedings of the 2003 Winter Simulation Conference [3] A. Bissay, P. Pernelle, A. Lefebvre, A. Bouras, Business processes integration and performance indicators in a PLM (LIESP – Universitй de Lyon – France) [4] M.Abel, D.L.Shepelyansky, Google matrix of business process management (September 14,2010) Yuri Monakhov, Olga Fayman |
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140. | Finding Frequent Patterns Based On Quantitative Binary Attributes Using FP-Growth Algorithm
Finding Frequent Patterns Based On Quantitative Binary Attributes Using FP-Growth AlgorithmAbstract: Discovery of frequent patterns from a large database is considered as an important aspect of data mining. There is always an ever increasing demand to find the frequent patterns. This paper introduces a method to handle the categorical attributes and numerical attributes in an efficient way. In the proposed methodology, ordinary database is converted in to quantitative database and hence it is converted in to binary values depending on the condition of the student database. From the binary patterns of all attributes presented in the student database, the frequent patterns are identified using FP growth,The conversion reveals all the frequent patterns in the student databaseKey words: Data mining,Quantitative attributes, Frequent patterns, FP-growth algorithm Reference [1] Qihua Lan, Defu Zhang, Bo Wu ,A New Algorithm For Frequent Itemsets Mining Based On Apriori And FP-Tree,Department of Computer Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen China 2009 IEEE [2] Lei Wangt, Xing-Juan Fan2, Xing-Long Lwt, Huan Zha Mining data association based on a revised FP-growth Algorithm Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Xian, 15- 17 July, [3] Bo Wu, Defu Zhang, Qihua Lan, Jiemin Zheng ,An Efficient Frequent Patterns Mining Algorithm based on Apriori Algorithm and the FP-tree Structure Department of Computer Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen [4] R. Agrawal, T. Imielinski, and A. Swami. Mining association rules between sets of items in large databases. In Proc.1993 ACM-SIGMOD Int. Conf. Management of Data, Washington, D.C., May 1993, pp 207–216 [5] R. Agrawal and R. Srikant. Fast algorithms for mining association rules. In VLDBY94, pp. 487-499. R. Sridevi, Dr. E. Ramaraj |
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141. | Phyto-Sociological Assessment of Vegetation of Durgapur Government College Campus, Durgapur, West Bengal, India
Phyto-Sociological Assessment of Vegetation of Durgapur Government College Campus, Durgapur, West Bengal, IndiaAbstract: The aim of the investigation was to analyze phyto-sociological characteristics and diversity pattern of the vegetation of Durgapur Government College campus, Durgapur, West Bengal, India. The results reflect dominancy of dicotyledons over monocotyledons in the four studied sites. Site II of college campus shows higher diversity of species among the three studied sites. Maximum IVI value was recorded by Mangifera indica (41.11) in site I, Caesalpinea pulcherima (40.39) in site II, Eucalyptus paniculata(62.12) in site III respectively. Plant diversity was maximum in site II. Therefore, proper management and conservative measures needs to be implemented for conservation of bioresources in Durgapur Government College campus in Durgapur of West Bengal, India. Distribution pattern of plant species in all sites were regularKey words: Phytodiversity, Importance value index, Species distribution Reference [1] Arshad, M, Salahuddin&Rao, A (2002). Phytosociological Assessment of natural reserve of national park Lalsuhanra (Punjab, Pakistan). Asian Journal of Plant Sciences 1 (2): 174 - 175. [2] Ashby, W.R. (1974). Einfuhrung in die kybernetik. Frankfurt/ M. 416. [3] Chapin III, F.S. &Korner, C. (1995). Patterns, causes, changes and consequences of biodiversity in arctic and alpine ecosystems. In Chapin III, F.S. &Kmrner, C. (Eds.), Arctic and alpine biodiversity: Patterns, causes and ecosystem consequences (pp. 313-320). Springer, Berlin. [4] Cornell, H.V. & Lawton, J.H. (1992). Species interactions, local and regional processes, and limits to the richness of ecological communities: a theoretical perspective. J. Anim. Ecol., 61, 1-12. [5] Curtis, J.T. &Cottam, G. (1956). Plant Ecology Workbook Laboratory Field Reference Manual. Burgess Publishing Co. Minnesota 193. Mousumi Garai, Debalina Kar, Debnath Palit and Arnab Banerjee |
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142. | Fuzzy Logic Based Control of Shunt Connected Compensator for Power Quality in a Utility Connected Grid System
Fuzzy Logic Based Control of Shunt Connected Compensator for Power Quality in a Utility Connected Grid SystemAbstract: Today everyone is aiming at a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, the requirements for adding new gener-ation capacity can no longer be met by traditional power generation methods of burning the primary fossil fuels such as coal, oil, natural gas, etc. This is why distributed generators (DG) have significant opportunity in the evolving power system network. This paper concentrates on power quality improvement in the utility grid con-nected system using Fuzzy Logic controller, The unbalance in the system is compensated using compensating device such as D-statcom, The problem in the single phase system cause due to Non-Linear loads and un-balanced loads and due to source like PV (Photo voltaic cells ) and FC(Fuel Cells). In this the D-statcom only supplies reactive power and no real power. In the another Scheme a large 3phase converter controlled DG is placed that only supplies reactive power, and fuzzy logic controller is used for controlling of dc Voltage The effectiveness of controllers has be tested using Matlab/Simulink software.Key words: Micro Grid, Fuzzy, D-statcom, Power quality, Harmonics. Reference [1] B. K. Bose, "Energy, environment, and ad-vances in power electronics," IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, vol. 15, pp. 688–701, July 2000. [2] B. K. Bose, "Energy, environment, and ad-vances in power electronics," IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, vol. 15, pp. 688–701, July 2000. [3] X. Yoasuo, C. Liuchen, B. K. Soren, B. Josep and S. Toshihisa, "Topologies of sin-gle-phase inverters for small distributed power generators: an overview", IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, vol. 19, pp. 1305-1314, Sep 2004 [4] T. E. McDermott, R. C. Dugan, "Distributed generation impact on reliability and power quality indices" Rural Electric Power Con-ference, 2002, pp D3-D3_7. [5] Y. W. Li, D. M. Vilathgamuwa and P. C. Loh, "A grid-interfacing power quality compensator for three-phase three-wire microgrid applications," IEEE Trans on Power Electronics, Vol. 21, Issue 4, pp. 1021- 1031, July 2006 Ravi Teja Palle, Sri P. Lakshminarayana |
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143. | Client Honeypot Based Malware Program Detection Embedded Into Web Pages
Client Honeypot Based Malware Program Detection Embedded Into Web PagesAbstract: In today's world where internet is hosting major resources of this world, the malware programs embedded into web pages have become a severe threat in today's internet which launches the client side attacks by exploiting the browser based vulnerabilities. With the improvement of software security, vulnerabilities based attacks declined whereas the attacks based on the client side application is being increasing which becoming the major threat to the current resources hosted on the internet. The spread of malware using these software vulnerabilities has become a severe threat to today's Internet. In allusion to this kind of threat, detection of such client side attacks is desperately required to make the internet more secure. Here in this research paper, we show and describe the detection of malicious programs linked with web pages with the help of client honeypots. Client Honeypots are security devices that detect these malicious web pages on a network. We are ensuring that most of software tools used in our implementation is open source.Key words: Honeypots, Client Honeypots, Network Intrusion Detection System, Network Security. Reference [1] Honeynet Project, Know Your Enemy: Defining Virtual Honey/nets. 2003. URL: http://old.honeynet.org/papers/virtual/ [2] R. Danford, ―2nd Generation Honeyclients‖, SANS Internet Storm Center,2006 http://handlers.dshield.org/rdanford/pub/Honeyclients_Danford_SANS 06.pdf [3] Xiaoyan Sun, Yang Wang, Jie Ren, Yuefei Zhu and Shengli Liu, "Collecting Internet Malware Based on Client-side Honeypot", 9th IEEE International Conference for Young Computer Scientists (ICVCS 2008), pp. 1493 – 1498, 2008. [4] L. Spitzner, Honeypots: Tracking Hackers. Addison Wesley, 2002. [5] https://projects.honeynet.org/capture-hpc Supinder Kaur, Harpreet Kaur |
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144. | Efficient Machine Learning Techniques for Stock Market Prediction
Efficient Machine Learning Techniques for Stock Market PredictionAbstract: Stock market prediction is forever important issue for investor. Computer science plays vital role to solve this problem. From the evolution of machine learning, people from this area are busy to solve this problem effectively. Many different techniques are used to build predicting system. This research describes different state of the art techniques used for stock forecasting and compare them w.r.t. their pros and cons. We have classified different techniques categorically; Time Series, Neural Network and its different variation (RNN, ESN, MLP, LRNN etc.) and different hybrid techniques (combination of neural network with different machine learning techniques) (ANFIS, GA/ATNN, GA/TDNN, ICA-BPN). By extensive study of different techniques, it was analyzed that Neural Network is the best technique till time to predict stock prices especially when some de-noising schemes are applied with neural network. We, also, have implemented and compared different neural network techniques like Layered Recurrent Neural Network (LRNN), Wsmpca-NN and Feed forward Neural Network (NN). By comparing said techniques, it was observed that LRNN performs better than feed forward NN and Wsmpca-NN performs better than LRNN and NN. We have applied said techniques on PSO (Pakistan State Oil), S&P500 data sets.Index Terms: Feed Forward Neural Network, Recurrent Neural Network, Stock Market, Machine Learning Reference [1] R.K. Dase, D. D. Pawar and D.S. Daspute(2011) Methodologies for Prediction of Stock Market: An Artificial Neural Network. International Journal of Statistika and Mathematika, volume (1) [2] Parkash Ramani , Dr. P.D.Murarka (2013) Stock Market Prediction Using Artificial Neural Network. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, Volume(3) [3] Dase R.K. and Pawar D.D (2010) Application of artificial Neural Network for stock market predictions: A literature review. International Journal of Machine Intelligence. Volume (2), issue(2) [4] Asim Maqbool, Umer Malik, Mohsin Fazal, MutteAhmed(2005), Stock Market Prediction Software using Recurrent Neural Networks. [5] Hykine S(1994) Neural networks: A comprehensive foundation, Macmillan college Publication, New york. Zahid Iqbal, R. Ilyas, W. Shahzad, Z. Mahmood and J. Anjum |
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145. | Graphene Coated Solar / Ultracapacitor Driven Car
Graphene Coated Solar / Ultracapacitor Driven CarAbstract: This paper proposes a technique of thin film graphene solar cell coating with anti reflecting layer of titanium dioxide for absorbing the light energy. Ultra capacitor/super capacitor is used as a storage element in this paper, which is a excellent storage device as per now. The normal car battery can be replaced by ultra capacitor. The absorbed light energy is converted into electricity which will drive the car.Key words: graphene, titanium–di-oxide, solar cell coating, ultra capacitor, ultrasonic spray nozzle. Reference [1] " Toshifumi Ise, Masanori Kita, and Akira Taguchi,"A Hybrid Eenrgy Storage with a SMES and Secondary Battery", IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, vol. 15, No. 2, June 22 [2] Endo, M. et al.:" High Power Electric Double Layer Capacitors (EDLC's)"; from Operating Principle to Pore Size Control in Advanced Activated Carbons, Carbon Science, Vol. 1, No. 3 & 4, 2001, pp. 117-128 [3] T. Bartley, BEnergy-storage requirements for hybrid-electric buses,[ presented at the Proc. 6th Advanced Automotive and Ultracapacitor Conf., Baltimore, MD, May 2006. [4] A. F. Burke, M. Miller, and Z. McCaffery, "The world-wide status and application of ultracapacitors": Cell and module performance and cost and system considerations,[ presented at the 22nd Electric Vehicle Symp., Yokahama, Japan, Oct. 2006 [5] Zubieta L., Bonert R. and Dawson F., "Considerations in the design of energy storage systems using double-layer capacitors", IPEC Tokyo 2000, 1551 Dr. Debmalya Bhattacharya, Waikhomreshmi, Kiruthika Priya.V, Amit Kr. Sinha |
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146. | Free Space Optical Communications: An Overview
Free Space Optical Communications: An OverviewAbstract: Free-Space Optics (FSO), also known as fiber-free or fiberless optics, is an emerging technology that transports data via laser technology. It is a line-of-sight technology that currently enables optical transmission up to 2.5 Gbps of data, voice and video though the air, allowing optical connectivity without deploying fiber-optic cable or securing spectrum licenses. It is moving closer to being a realistic alternative to laying fiber in access networks. This paper presents an introduction to FSO and the current state of its technology and market.Key words: Free-Space Optics, Fiber, Optical transmission Reference [1] Telecommunications staff, "Ten hottest technologies," Telecommunications (Americas ed.), vol. 35, no. 5, May 2001, pp. 30-36. [2] S. Buckley, "Free Space Optics: The Missing Link," Telecommunications, (Americas ed.) [3] G. Nykolak et al., "2.5 Gbit/s free space optical link over 4.4 km," Electronics Letters, vol. 36, no. 7, April 1999, pp. 578-579. [4] H. Z. Willebrand and B. Ghuman, "Fiber optics without fiber," IEEE Spectrum, August 2001, pp. 41-45. [5] F. Demers, H. Yanikomeroglu, and M. St-Hilaire, "A survey of opportunities for free space optics in next generation cellular network," 2011 Ninth Annual Conference on Communication Networks and Services Research Conference, pp.210-216. Matthew N. O. Sadiku and Sarhan M. Musa, Omonowo D. Momoh |
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147. | An Area Efficient Enhanced SQRT Carry Select Adder
An Area Efficient Enhanced SQRT Carry Select AdderAbstract: In the design of Integrated Circuits, area occupancy plays a vital role because of increasing the necessity of portable systems. Carry Select Adder (CSLA) is one of the fastest adders used in many data-processing processors to perform fast arithmetic functions. In this paper, an area-efficient carry select adder by sharing the common Boolean logic term (CBL) is proposed. After logic simplification and sharing partial circuit, only one XOR gate and one inverter gate in each summation operation as well as one AND gate and one inverter gate in each carry-out operation are needed. Through the multiplexer, the correct output is selected according to the logic states of the carry in signal. Based on this modification a new architecture has been developed and compared with the regular and modified Square-root CSLA (SQRT CSLA) architecture. The modified architecture has been developed using Binary to Excess-1 converter (BEC). The proposed architecture has reduced area and delay as compared with the regular SQRT CSLA architecture. The result analysis shows that the proposed SQRT CSLA structure is better than the regular SQRT CSLA.Key words: Area efficient, Square-root CSLA (SQRT CSLA), Common Boolean Logic (CBL), Binary to Excess-1 Converter (BEC) Reference [1] B. Ramkumar and Harish M Kittur, "Low power and area efficient carry select adder", IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 371-375, Feb 2012. [2] B. Ramkumar , Harish M Kittur and P. M. Kannan, "ASIC implementation of modified faster carry save adder", Eur. J. Sci. Res. , vol. 42, no. 1, pp. 53-58, Jun 2010. [3] R. Priya and J. Senthilkumar, "Implementation and comparision of effective area efficient architecuture for CSLA", Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Emerging trends in Computing, Communicaton and Nano Technology, pp. 287-292, 2013. [4] I-Chyn Wey, Cheng-Chen Ho, Yi-Sheng Lin and Chien-Chang Peng, "An area efficient carry select adder design by sharing the common boolean logic term", Proceedings on the International Multiconference of Engineering and computer scientist, IMECS 2012. [5] T. Y. Ceiang and M. J. Hsiao, "Carry select adder using single ripple carry adder", Electron. Lett, vol. 34, no. 22, pp. 2101-2103, Oct 1998. Damarla Paradhasaradhi, Prof. K. Anusudha |
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148. | Retinal Image Compression In Favour Of Hasty Transmission Using Region of Interest
Retinal Image Compression In Favour Of Hasty Transmission Using Region of InterestAbstract: Teleophthalmology illustrated by transmission of retinal images and data between users is one of the promising fields in medicine. Colossal bandwidth is essential for transmitting retinal images over the wireless network. So the most essential aspiration of proposed system is to provide an efficient tool for defining to maximize compression and reconstruct image portions lossless for high speed, efficient transmission and diminution in storage space. This paper is proposed to investigate multiple compression techniques based on Region of Interest (ROI). In the diagnosis of retinal images, the significant part is separated out from the rest of the image using improved adaptive fuzzy C means algorithm and Integer multi wavelet transform is applied to enhance the visual quality in significant part. The region of less significance are compressed using SPIHT algorithm and finally modified embedded zero tree wavelet algorithm is applied which uses six symbols was applied whole image then Huffman coding is applied to get the compressed image for transmission. The proposed algorithm would give better quality, if the images used ROI compared to that of the other methods. The proposed techniques can be evaluated for performance using Compression Ratio (CR), Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR), Normalized Average Error (NAE), Average Difference (AD), Maximum Difference (MD), Mean Square Error (MSE), Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR), Normalized Cross Correlation (NCC), Structural Content (SC), Encoding and Decoding time. The consequence scrutinized using MATLAB and realized in hardware. As the conclusion, the inaccessible patients used a low cost access to specialist's eye checkups at crucial healthcare clinics, and at the same time, diminish unnecessary face-to-face consultation at the hospital specialist's center.Key words: Retinal Images, Image Compression, Region of Interest, Integer Multi wavelet Transform, SHIPT, and Modified Embedded Zero Trees Reference [1] Lavanya. M, M. Sureshkumar, " Intelligent Compression Of Medical Images Based On Multi ROI", International Conference on Information Systems and Computing, Vol 3, no.1, January 2013. [2] Malay Kumar, Kundu Sudeb ,Das "Lossless ROI Medical Image Watermarking Technique with Enhanced Security and High Payload Embedding" International Conference on Pattern Recognition, IEEE DOI 10.1109,2010 [3] Ahmed Abu-Hajar and Ravi Shankar, "Region of Interest Coding using Partial SPIHT", IEEE Int.Symp.Image processes vol.9, 2004, no.3. [4] Ahmet M., Paul S., "Image quality measures and their performance", IEEE Transactions on communications, vol.1, no. 43, 1995, pp.2959-2965. [5] Ali T J and Akhtar P "Significance of region of interest applied on MRI and CT images in teleradiology telemedicine" Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag Berlin, 2008 pp.151–159. E. Sivasankari, D.Gowthami and Prof.R.Jayanthi |
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149. | Study of the optical properties of Zinc doped Polypyrrole
Study of the optical properties of Zinc doped PolypyrroleAbstract: Polypyrrole is a well known conducting polymer whose electrical properties have been studied deeply. Amongst the various ways of polymerizing Pyrrole, chemical route was chosen for the present study. Ferric chloride was chosen as an oxidizing agent. Zinc was found to be an appropriate dopant. Zinc belongs to group IIB with atomic number 30 having electronic configuration [Ar] 3d10 4s2. An expected substitution of Zn with Nitrogen of Pyrrole would leave a single electron with Zn after bond formation, creating a probability of polaron and bipolaron band formations. Characteristic peak around 450nm is observed in all the samples confirming the formation of polypyrrole. Band gap of samples are found in semiconducting range. Apart from this, some of the important optical constants such as absorption coefficient, extinction coefficient, refractive index and optical conductivity have also been evaluated for all the samples and have been studied as a function of energy. The work presents the optical properties of this conducting polymer for making it a suitable candidate for optoelectronic devises.Key words: Chemical Oxidative polymerization, Optical conductivity, Absorption Coefficient, Extinction Coefficient, Refractive Index. Reference [1] H. Shirakawa, E. J. Louis, A. G. MacDiarmid, C. K. Chiang, A. J. Heeger. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun. 578, 1977. [2] T. A. Skotheim, R. L. Elsenbaumer, J. R. Reynolds (Ed.). Handbook of Conducting Polymers, 2nd ed., Marcel Dekker, New York 1998. [3] P. Chandrasekhar. Conducting Polymers, Fundamentals and Applications: A Practical Approach, Kluwer Academic, Boston, 1999. [4] H.S. Nalwa, Handbook of Organic Conductive Molecules and Polymers, Vols. 1–4, Wiley, New York, 1997. [5] D. Fichou, Handbook of Oligo- and Polythiophenes, Wiley, New York, 1998. Bishwajit S. Chakrabarty |
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150. | Effect of Particle Dimensions on Its Movement in Three Phase Gas Insulated Busduct
Effect of Particle Dimensions on Its Movement in Three Phase Gas Insulated BusductAbstract: The gas insulated switchgear (GIS) provides highly reliable, high-safety compact substations by making use of the excellent insulation and the arc extinction performance of SF6 gas. Although SF6 gas offers very excellent insulation characteristics, this very merit may serve disadvantageously, reducing insulation performance in the existence of metallic particles. Internal flashover in SF6 gas, in particular, which can lead to dielectric breakdown accidents, causes a big problem from the viewpoint of GIS reliability. In the present work, simulation has been carried out for particle movement by using the equation of particle motion in an electric field. The effect of various parameters like radii and length of particles on various types of particles for various ac power frequency voltages has been examined and presented. The electric field effect on the particle movement requires the calculation of the electric field which is calculated by using analytical method and Charge Simulation Method (CSM). Metallic contaminations of Cu and Al have been considered for the above study. Typically a GIB of inner and outer dia 55/152mm has been considered. Particles of radii varying from 0.15 to 0.3mm and length from 8mm to 15mm have been used for simulation. Co-efficient of restitution and pressure have been held constant at 0.9 and 0.4 Mpa respectively.Key words: particle contamination, CSM, analytical method Reference [1] H. Anis and K.D. Srivastava; "Movement of charged conducting particles under Impulse Voltages in Compressed Gases" ; IEEE Int. Conf. On industrial Applications ; 1980. [2] J. Amarnath, B.P. Singh, S. Kamakshaiah and C. Radhakrishna : "Determination of Particle Trajectory in Gas Insulated Busduct by Monte-carlo technique" : CEIDP-99 (IEEE) during Oct. 17-21, 1999, Austin, Texas, U.S.A. [3] J. Amarnath, B.P. Singh, S. Kamakshaiah and C. Radhakrishna : "Monte-Carlo Simulation of Particle movement in a coated gas insulated substation for power frequency and switching transients" : International High Voltage Workshop (IEEE) during April 10-12, 2000, California, USA. [4] J. Amarnath, B.P. Singh, S. Kamakshaiah, C. Radhakrishna and K. Raghunath; "movement of metallic particles in gas insulated substations under the influence of various types of voltages" : National Power System Conference (NPSC-2000) IISc, Bangalore 20th - 22nd Dec., 2000 accepted for publication. [5] M.M. Morcos, K.D. Srivastava and H. Anis: "Dynamies of Metallic Contaminants in Compressed Gas Insulated Power Apparatus"; Fourth Int. Symposium on High Voltage Engineering: Athens, 1983. P. Nagarjuna Reddy, J. Amarnath |
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151. | A Study on Diesel Engine with Palmstearin-Diesel Blends at Different Injection Pressures
A Study on Diesel Engine with Palmstearin-Diesel Blends at Different Injection PressuresAbstract: Injection pressure plays an important role in the engine performance and emission control of internal combustion engines. Present work describes the experimental investigations carried on a four stroke single cylinder water cooled Kirloskar diesel engine with vegetable oil-diesel blends. Palmstearin oil is blended with diesel in varying proportions like (B10, B15, B20) 10%, 15% and 20% and experiments were carried out by varying the injection pressures from 165 bar to 210 bar. The performance characteristics like brake thermal efficiency, brake specific fuel consumption and exhaust gas temperatures are investigated. Based on investigations, a comparison is drawn on engine performance with pure diesel operation and with different blends. Experimental results demonstrate that at 195 bar fuel injection pressure, the performance characteristics are observed to be better with blends when compared to the pure diesel operation. Maximum brake thermal efficiency observed is 38% with 20% blend at an injection pressure of 195 bar and lower specific fuel consumption observed is 0.25 kg/kw-hr with 20% blend at an injection pressure of 195bar.Key words: injection pressure, palmstearin, brake power, specific fuel consumption, compression ignition. Reference [1]. Sukumar Puhan, R. Jegan, K. Balasubbramanian, G. Nagarajan "Effect of injection pressure on performance, emission and combustion characteristics of high linolenic linseed oil methyl ester in a DI diesel engine" Renewable Energy 34 (2009) 1227–1233. [2]. Venkateswara Rao, G. Prabhakar Rao ,and K.HemaChandra Reddy "Experimental Investigation of Pongamia, Jatropha and Neem Methyl Esters as Biodiesel on C.I. Engine" JJMIE Volume 2, Number 2, Jun. 2008 ISSN 1995-6665 Pages 117 – 122 [3]. Surendra R. Kalbande and Subhash D. Vikhe "jatropha and karanj biofuel: an alternate fuel for diesel engine" Journal of engineering and applied sciences. vol. 3, no. 1, february 2008 issn 1819-6608 [4]. Rosli Abu Bakar, Semin And Abdul Rahim Ismail "Fuel Injection Pressure Effect on Performance of Direct Injection Diesel Engines American Journal of Applied Sciences 5 (3): 197-202, 2008 ISSN 1546- 9239. [5]. Can Cinar, Tolga Topgul, Murat Ciniviz, Can Hasimoglu "Effects of injection pressure and intake CO2 concentration on performance and emission parameters of an IDI turbocharged diesel engine" Applied Thermal Engineering 25 (2005) 1854–1862. S. Kirankumar |
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152. | Biodiesel: A Review
Biodiesel: A ReviewAbstract: Energy is considered as one of the most important factors for economic and industrial growth. With the increased use and depleting problem of fossil fuels there is a huge demand for an alternative and better source of energy. This demand promoted the emergence of biofuels among which biodiesel is considered to be the most accepted and best alternative for the depleting energy resources. Many methods like transesterification, BIOX process, super critical process etc., have been employed to produce biodiesel more efficiently from variety of sources like edible oils, non edible oils and algal oil etc. Biodiesel is environment friendly, non toxic, biodegradable, renewable as well as a neat biofuel and hence plays a significant role in meeting the energy demands.Key words: fossil fuels, biofuels, biodiesel, renewable, transesterification, BIOX process, supercritical process, microalgal oil Reference [1]. Demirbas, A., "Global biofuel strategies", Energy Edu Sci Technol, vol.17, 2006, pp.32−63. [2]. Nitschke, W.R., Wilson, C.M., "Rudolph Diesel, Pioneer of the Age of Power", University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, OK, 1965. [3]. Marek, Adamczak1, Uwe T., Bornscheuer2 and Włodzimierz Bednarski1, "The application of biotechnological methods for the synthesis of biodiesel", Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. vol. 111, 2009, pp.808–813. [4]. [86] Sharma, Y.C., Singh, B.,Upadhyay, S.N., "Advancements in development and characterization of biodiesel: A review", J. fuel, 2008, pp.1-1 [5]. Balat, M., "Current alternative engine fuels", Energy Sources, vol.27, 2005, pp.569–77. Monisha J, Harish A, Sushma R, Krishna Murthy T P*, Blessy B Mathew, Ananda S |
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153. | Machine Learning Techniques for Mobile Devices: A Review
Machine Learning Techniques for Mobile Devices: A ReviewAbstract: Machine learning in a very broad sense denotes the acquisition of knowledge, skill and understanding by machine from guidance, experience or reflection. Machine learning is the study of computer algorithms, applying these algorithms machines improve automatically with experience. In other words it is the ability of the computer or mobile program to acquire or develop new knowledge or skills from examples for optimizing the performance. It is an emerging technology that helps in the discovery of rules and patterns in datasets. This field has evolved from the field of Artificial Intelligence, which aims to imitate intelligent abilities of humans by machines. The advent of Mobile technology has fostered development of Machine learning. This paper presents a review on machine learning and presents a brief study on different machine learning techniques along with their applications on mobile devices. It also presents an overview of performance related parameters of machine learning techniques useful for mobile devicesKey words: Mobile phones; CART, Bluetooth, ANN, GSM, k-NN, Mobile computers, Mobile Intelligent System, PDA, Pocket PC, Wireless networks, 3G+. Reference [1] Zanifa Omary, Fredrick Mtenzi, "Machine Learning approach to identifying the dataset threshold for the performance estimators in supervised learning", International Journal for Infonomics (IJI), 3: 3, September 2010. [2] T.Mitchell, Machine Learning, MIT Press, 1997. [3] Alpaydin Ethem, Introduction to Machine Learning, MIT Press, Second Edition, 2004. [4] L.Rokach and O.Maimon. Part C, "Top down induction of decision trees classifiers – survey", Applications and Reviews, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics,vol.35, pp 476-487, 2005. [5] T. Caelli, W.F. Bischof, Machine Learning and Image Interpretation, Plenum Press, 1997. A. Chaudhary, S. Kolhe, Rajkamal |
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154. | Impact of Connectionless & Connection Oriented Communication with Variable Transmission Range and Mobility on Routing Protocols Over Manets
Impact of Connectionless & Connection Oriented Communication with Variable Transmission Range and Mobility on Routing Protocols Over ManetsAbstract: Effective transmission power control is a critical issue in the design and performance of wireless ad hoc networks. Today, the design of packet radios and protocols for wireless ad hoc networks are primarily based on common-range transmission control. Connection oriented (TCP) and Connectionless (UDP) transmission also affects the performance of the networks. In this paper, we have analyzed AODV, DSDV & DSR with varying transmission range, connection type, number of nodes & different mobility speeds in a collective environment. We analyzed QoS parameters such as packet delivery ratio, end-to-end delay, routing overhead and throughput. The proposed work has been simulated using NS-2.34.Key words: MANETs, QoS, Transmission range, TCP, UDP. Reference [1] Vijay Kumar1 and Ashwani Kush. "A New Scheme for Secured on Demand Routing" IISTE Network and Complex System, Vol 2, No.2, 2012. ISSN 2224-610X(Paper), 2225-0603 (Online). [2] Mr. Rajneesh Gujral, Dr. Anil Kapil "Secure QoS Enabled On- Demand Link-State Multipath Routing in MANETS" Proceeding of BAIP 2010, SPRINGER LNCS-CCIS, Trivandrum, Kerala, India, March 26-27, 2010, pp. 250-257. [3] S.R. Biradar et al. / (IJCSE) International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering Vol. 02, No. 03, 2010, 593-599. [4] World Applied Sciences Journal 20 (7): 910-916, 2012 ISSN 1818-4952 [5] MANET. IETF mobile Ad-hoc Network Working Group, MANET. http://www.ietf.org /html.charters /manet - charter.html. Jitender Grover, Jony and Jitender |
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155. | A Compromise Weighted Solution For Multilevel Linear Programming Problems
A Compromise Weighted Solution For Multilevel Linear Programming ProblemsAbstract: Decision making is the process of selecting a possible course of action from all available alternatives. Many real world physical situations can be categorized as hierarchical optimization problems and be formulated as Multi-level Programming (MLP) models. Instead of solid optimality concept, it is more accuracy adopting the satisfaction concept that play an important role in the analysis of hierarchical structures and no assumptions or information are required regarding the Decision Makers (DMs) utility function. In this article a compromise weighted solution is presented for MLP problems, where a non-dominated solution set is obtained. In weighting approach, the relative weights represent the relative importance of the objective functions for all DMs whose provide their preferences of their decision variables that is the lower and upper-bounds to the decision variables they control. The hierarchical system is converted into Scalar Optimization Problem (SOP) by finding proper weights using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) so that objective functions can be combined into a single objective. A brief historical overview and a comparative study is presented for some approaches used in solving MLP problem with the solution obtained in the weighting approach with two cases collateral numerical illustrative examples.Key words: Multi level decision making; hierarchical structures; weighting approach; scalar optimization problem; analytic hierarchy process Reference [1] G. Anandalingam, A Mathematical Programming Model of Decentralized Multi- Level Systems, Journal of Operational Research Society, 39 (11) (1988) 1021–1033. [2] E. Anderson and N. Joglekar, A Hierarchical Product Development Planning Framework, Production and Operations Management, 14 (3) (2005) 344-361. [3] O. Ben-Ayed, Bi-Level Linear Programming, Computers and Operations Research, 20 (1993) 485–501. [4] J. F. Bard, An Algorithm for Solving the Bi-Level Programming Problem, Mathematics of Operation Research, 8 (2) (1983) 260–270. [5] J. F. Bard, Optimality Conditions for the Bi-Level Programming Problem, Naval Research Logistics Quarterly, 31 (1984) 13–26. Osman M. S., Gadalla M. H., Zeanedean R. A., Rabie R. M. |
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156. | Data Mining In Healthcare: A Survey of Techniques and Algorithms with Its Limitations and Challenges
Data Mining In Healthcare: A Survey of Techniques and Algorithms with Its Limitations and ChallengesAbstract: The large amount of data in healthcare industry is a key resource to be processed and analyzed for knowledge extraction. The knowledge discovery is the process of making low-level data into high-level knowledge. Data mining is a core component of the KDD process. Data mining techniques are used in healthcare management which improve the quality and decrease the cost of healthcare services. Data mining algorithms are needed in almost every step in KDD process ranging from domain understanding to knowledge evaluation. It is necessary to identify and evaluate the most common data mining algorithms implemented in modern healthcare services. The need is for algorithms with very high accuracy as medical diagnosis is considered as a significant yet obscure task that needs to be carried out precisely and efficientlyKey words: data mining, data mining algorithms in healthcare, KDD, knowledge discovery, healthcare Reference [1] Fayyad, U, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: Implications fro scientific databases, Proc. of the 9th Int. Conf. on Scientific and Statistical Database Management, Olympia, Washington, USA, 2-11, 1997. [2] Boris Milovic, Milan Milovic, Prediction and Decision Making in Health Care using Data Mining , International Journal of Public Health Science (IJPHS) Vol. 1, No. 2, December 2012, pp. 69~78 ISSN: 2252-8806 [3] Shaker H. El-Sappagh, Samir El-Masri, A. M. Riad, Mohammed Elmogy, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery: Applications, Techniques, Challenges and Process Models in Healthcare, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 3, Issue 3, May-Jun 2013, pp.900-906 [4] Kamila Aftarczuk, Evaluation of selected data mining algorithms implemented in Medical Decision Support Systems, Thesis no: MSE-2007-21, September 2007, School of Engineering, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden. [5] Han, J., Kamber, M., Data Mining Concepts and Techniques (Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2006). Prakash Mahindrakar, Dr. M. Hanumanthappa |
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157. | Novel Approach for Dynamic Data Collection in Tree Based Wireless Sensor Networks
Novel Approach for Dynamic Data Collection in Tree Based Wireless Sensor NetworksAbstract: In the wireless sensor networks the energy of the nodes present in the network is limited. Due to the low manufacturing costs of sensor nodes, they can be organized in large numbers and containing more challenges in routing, topology and data management protocols. These challenges are complicated by severe energy constraints and the inherently unreliable nature of wireless communications which have yielded work in increasing network efficiency. Our main objective is to increase the tolerance level and decrease the complexity of the wireless sensor network. In this primarily visualize time scheduling on a single frequency channel with the aim of reducing the number of time slots necessary to entire a convergecast. After we mingle scheduling with communication power control to moderate the effects of interference, and demonstrate that while power control helps in reducing the schedule length under a on its own frequency, forecast transmissions using several frequencies is more capable. We present lower bounds on the schedule length when interference is completely removed, and recommend algorithms that achieve these bounds. We also estimate the performance of different channel assignment methods, the use of multi-frequency scheduling can sufficient to eliminate most of the interference. After that the data collection rate increases by reducing the interference by the topology of the routing tree.Index Terms: Convergecast, Data Collection, Degree constrained spanning tree, Hybrid convergecast tree, Minimal Spanning Tree Time Division Multiple Access Scheduling Reference [1] S. Gandham, Y. Zhang, and Q. Huang, "Distributed time optimal scheduling for converge cast in wireless sensor networks," Computer Networks, vol. 52, no. 3, pp. 610–629, 2008. [2] K. K. Chintalapudi and L. Venkatraman, "On the design of mac protocols for lowlatency hard real-time discrete control applications over 802.15.4 hardware," in IPSN '08, pp. 356–367. [3] I. Talzi, A. Hasler, S. Gruber, and C. Tschudin, "Permasense: investigating permafrost with a wsn in the swiss alps," in EmNets '07, Cork, Ireland, pp. 8–12. [4] S. Upadhyayula and S. Gupta, "Spanning tree based algorithms for low latency and energy efficient data aggregation enhanced convergecast (dac) in wireless sensor networks," Ad Hoc Networks, vol. 5, no. 5, pp. 626–648, 2007. [5] O. D. Incel and B. Krishnamachari, "Enhancing the data collection rate of treebased aggregation in wireless sensor networks," in SECON '08, San Francisco, CA, USA, pp. 569–577. K. Swathi, Sk. Abdul Ali |
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158. | Computer Simulation for Finding Optimum Gate Location in Plastic Injection Moulding Process
Computer Simulation for Finding Optimum Gate Location in Plastic Injection Moulding ProcessAbstract: As there is a demand in plastic products, plastic industries are growing in a fastest rate .hence plastic injection moulding process begins in manufacturing of complex shapes, in this process optimum gate location is one of the important criteria in mould design . plastic advisor simulation tool from Pro/E was used for the analysis to optimize the gate location with least defects and it requires less time to achieve a quality result with no material waste as compared with conventional trial error method on production floor. In this project an analysis has been performed by taking varying gate locations for a head light cover of an Alto car a plastic componentKey words: injection moulding process: Mould Flow Plastic Advisor (MPA), Gate location, moulding defects. Reference [1] M. Stanek, D. Manas, M. Manas and O. Suba "Optimization of Injection Molding Process" International Journal Of Mathematics And Computers In Simulation Issue 5, Volume 5, 2011, PP413-421. [2] Alireza Akbarzadeh and Mohammad Sadeghi "Parameter Study in Plastic Injection Molding Process using Statistical Methods and IWO Algorithm" International Journal of Modeling and Optimization, Vol. 1, No. 2, June 2011. [3] Mohd.rizwan Hamsin, Azuddin Mamat and Aznijar Ahmad-Yazid" Design and analysis Of Multi-Cavity Traditional and H-Branching Runners For plastic injection Mold" International journal of Design and Manufacture. [4] S. H. Park, W. I. Lee, S. N. Moon, Y.E. Yoo, Y. H. Cho "Injection molding micro patterns with high aspect ratio using a polymeric flexible stamper" EXPRESS Polymer Letters Vol.5, No.11 (2011) 950–958 DOI: 10.3144/expresspolymlett.2011.93. [5] Wei Guo,*Lin Hua Huajie Mao and Zhenghua Meng" Prediction of warpage in plastic injection molding based on design of experiments "Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 26 (4) (2012) 1133~1139 DOI10.1007 /s12206-012-0214-0. P. Hussain Babu, T. Vishnu Vardan |
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159. | Low-Cost Arbitrary Waveform Generator for Educational Environment Using ARM7
Low-Cost Arbitrary Waveform Generator for Educational Environment Using ARM7Abstract: This paper reports a new architecture for arbitrary function Generator generating any periodic function with desired frequency. Finally the system is implemented on an ARM-7. The Implementation is the main challenge in this work. In modern industrial detection and communication, a signal generator has gained increasing applications. Currently available signal generators are mainly based on the DDS technology. It is a kind of frequency synthesis technology which directly synthesizes waveform on the basis of phase. As the appearance of Advance Risc machine (ARM-7) chips, ARM-7 are used to realize DDS logic to meet different demand of the user. A harmonic signal generator with adjustable frequency, phase and harmonic proportion is designed in this paper.Key words: ARM 7, (DDS) Direct Digital Synthesizer (AWG) Arbitrary Waveform Generator, function generator Reference [1] Amauri A Assef1 Joaquim M Maia1, Fábio K Schneide (2013) A reconfigurable arbitrary waveform generator using PWM modulation for ultrasound research [2] Mr. Mani Dargahi Fadaei,(2013) A Low-Cost Programmable Arbitrary Function Generator for Educational Environment [3] Walter F. Adad, Ricardo J. Iuzzolino (2012,) Low distortion signal generator based on direct digital Synthesis for ADC characterization [4] Khosro Rajabpour Moghaddam(2011) New Arbitrary Function Generator Based On Artificial Neural Network [5] IEEE, Tech. Rep., "IEEE Std 1241.2001, IEEE Standard for Terminology and Test Methods for Analog-to-Digital Converters," 2001 Nandkishor Gupta, Prashant Sediwal, Prabhat Pandey |
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160. | A Novel Approach of Content Based Image Retrieval Improved Segmentation Algorithm for Satellite Based Images
A Novel Approach of Content Based Image Retrieval Improved Segmentation Algorithm for Satellite Based ImagesAbstract: Now a days, satellite images plays a vital role in environmental monitoring, geological survey, and disaster forecasting and other applications. Due to the demand presence regarding remotely sensed images, many image based satellites have been launched. Each of the image based satellite produces different set of categorized images of which we require the image with Complete JPEG or high definition based image format. So as to process such type of images, we use a technique called image retrieval technique CBIR (content –based image retrieval) which gives semantic gap between low level features and high level concepts. Regional and semantic features of this type are combined to produce narrow semantic gap. In order to understand image content by region, proposal of a region level semantic based image retrieval system approach is used along with improved segmentation algorithm. Then uniform region based representation for each image is built. Based on region level features, a probabilitistic relationship among image, region and hidden semantic feature is developed. Expectation maximization method is used to mine the hidden features. Experimental results for proposed improved segmentation algorithm give better segmentation and retrieval precision than earlier multiple future fusion based algorithm.Key words: Satellite based Images, Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR), Improved Segmentation Algorithm. Reference [1] Li J, Narayanan RM: Integrated spectral and spatial information mining in remote sensing imagery. IEEE Trans Geosci Remote Sens 2004,42(3):673-685. [2] Datcu M, Daschiel H, Pelizzari A, Quartulli M, Galoppo A, Colapicchioni A,Pastori M, Seidel K, Marchetti PG, D'Elia S: Information mining in remote sensing image archives: system concepts. IEEE Trans Geosci Remote Sens2003, 41(12):2923-2936. [3] Daschiel H, Datcu M: Design and evaluation of human-machine communication for image information mining. IEEE Trans Multimedia 2005, 7(6):1036-1046. [4] Deng YN, Manjunath BS: Unsupervised segmentation of color-texture regions in images and video. IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell 2001,23(8):800-810. [5] Aksoy S, Koperski K, Tusk C, Marchisio G, Tilton JC: Learning Bayesian classifiers for scene classification with a visual grammar. IEEE Trans GeosciRemote Sens 2005, 43(3):581-589. Ms. D.N.Rajeswari, Ms.R.Deepthi |
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161. | Modeling and Analysis of Metallic Sintered Spur gear.
Modeling and Analysis of Metallic Sintered Spur gear.Abstract: Gears are one of the most critical components in mechanical power transmission systems. This is because they are machine elements used to transmit motion and power between rotating shafts by means of progressive engagement of projections called teeth. This research focuses on modeling and analysis of sintered spur gears which are used to transmit motion and power between parallel shafts. Sintered spur gears are manufactured through powder metallurgy processes. One of the challenges faced in using sintered spur gears is interference in the involutes system of gearing. In this research a C-program is developed for the modeling of a sintered spur gear for both standard and profile corrected tooth. This model is then imported to an analysis software ANSYS for carrying out the static analysis. Finally the comparisons for stress is carried out for both the standard sintered spur gear and profile corrected sintered spur gear. The results are tabulated and graphically shown. It was seen that the stresses due to interference for the profile corrected sintered spur gear was considerably less as compared to the standard sintered spur gear. Another contribution of this research also provides a platform or method for mechanical engineers to asses and evaluates performance of gears.Key words: Gears, Sintered gears,Interference & Involute systems,Powder metallurgy Reference [1] D.G.Ballarini,R,"Experimental Analysis of Propagation of Fatigue Crack on Gears", Exp. Mech., 38, No. 3, pp. 226-230, Feb-1997. [2] M.S.Hebbel, B.G.Sheeparamatti, "A Study on Reducing the Root Fillet Stress in Spur Gear Using Internal Stress Relieving Feature of Different Shapes", International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 5, May 2009. [3] Ashwini Joshi, Vijay Kumar Karma, "Effect on Strength of Involutes Spur Gear by Changing the Fillet Radius Using FEA", International Journal Of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 2, Issue 9, September 2010. [4] Vijayarangan, S.Ganesan N. "Static Contact Stress Analysis of A Spur Gear Tooth Using the Finite Element Method Including Friction Effects", Computer & Structure Vol. 51 No. 6 pp767-770 ,July-1994. [5] Tavakoli M., Houser D, "Optimum Profile Modifications for the minimization of Static Transmission Errors of Spur Gears", Journal of Mechanisms, Transmission and Automation in Design, Vol. 108, pp 86-95,Aug-1986. Dr.Shivappa.D, Shivakumar.N, Ananda.G.K |
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162. | Dynamic P2P Streaming Using Delaunay Edges
Dynamic P2P Streaming Using Delaunay EdgesAbstract: Commercial P2P streaming servers like Zattoo, Joost are some Content Delivery Networks (CDN) based on P2P network architecture that acts viable alternatives to client-server(broadcast systems) architectures such as YouTube. Visual and audio feeds via cable, satellite systems are evolving to IPTV and P2PTV based systems. Data delivery is better in broadcast based systems when content is a static feed. But as the user volume for dynamic content increases, internet scale search and data delivery using p2p systems beats any broadcast based systems. This is essentially the driving force behind P2P Streaming Services. P2P streaming systems are usually classified as either tree-oriented push or mesh-oriented swarming and Zatto happens to be a hybrid implementation. Previously, for performance improvement Zattoo implemented a receiver-based peer-division multiplexing engine involving repeater nodes to deliver live streaming content on a p2p network was developed. This hybrid approach causes resource drain with performance and scalability issues. Such an implementation can be handled by commercial systems like Zattoo but considering medium, small scale streaming systems we propose to use P2PStreaming services governed by Delauny Triangulation protocol. The paper presents an algorithm to build each peer with Delaunay links incrementally based on random peer information returned from P2P network querying or accessing the same content signifying a live feed. This algorithm is then optimized by considering the Euclidean distance between peers to speed up the overlay convergence thus improving content loading delays at same time supporting many other peers. A practical implementation of the proposed system validates our claim.Index Terms: Delaunay triangulation, Cool Streaming, multicasting, random peers, P2P network querying, peer-to-peer technology. Reference [1] J. C. Cavendish, Planar Domains for finite element method using Automatic Triangulation, Int. J. for Numerical Methods in Engineering 8 (1974) 679{696. [2] H. J. Choi, "An optimization algorithm for implementation of a flight path system in triangulation network", MS. Thesis, POSTECH, 1996. [3] K. Shami et al., "Improve the P2P Network Scalability Due to impact of the Peer Characters," in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM Mini Conference, April 2009. [4] J. Liang and K. Nahrstedt, "Improvement of the Locality of peer to peer streaming using Dagstream," in Proc. SPIE Multimedia Computing and Networking, January 2006. [5] R. Rejaie and S. Stafford, "Peer to Peer Receiver overlay networks using architecture Framework," in Proc. ACM NOSSDAV, 2004. Kavya Lakshmi Sudheera .I, Dr A Jayalakshmi |
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163. | Design of Low Power Novel Viterbi Decoder Using Transmission Gates
Design of Low Power Novel Viterbi Decoder Using Transmission GatesAbstract: In this paper a low power viterbi decoder based on transmission gates is presented.In wireless communication, Viterbi decoder which consumes more power plays an important role in communication applications. Viterbi decoder is used to decode the received data which is encoded using convolutioncodes. In this paper in order to reduce the power consumption and to improve the performance of the decoder optimized transmission gate logic is proposed. As the multiplexer and flip flops are the major parts in the viterbi decodercircuit, transmission gate is used to reduce the complexity of the circuit. The proposed technique is simulated using tanner tool. The simulated result shows the power consumption of viterbi decoder using TG is lower compared toCMOSlogic and also the number of transistors required to design the Viterbi decoder is reduced using TG logic.Key words: Viterbi decoder, transmissiongates, tanner tool Reference [1] Jinjin He, Huaping Liu, Zhongfeng Wang, Xinming Huang, and Kai Zhang "High-Speed Low-Power Viterbi Decoder Design for TCM Decoders ", IEEE transactions on very large scale integration (vlsi) systems, VOL. 20, NO. 4, APRIL 2012. [2] V. Anish Kumar, T. Kalavathi devi and P.Sakthivel "An Efficient Low Power VLSI architecture for Viterbi Decoder using Null Convention Logic", International Conference on VLSI, Communication & Instrumentation 2011, proceedings published by International Journal of Computer Applications. [3] Jie Jin and Chi-yingTsui" Low-Power Limited-Search Parallel State Viterbi Decoder Implementation Based on Scarce State Transition" IEEE transactions on very large scale integration (vlsi) systems, VOL. 15, NO. 10, OCTOBER 2007 [4] Meilana Siswanto1, Masuri Othman, Edmond Zahedi, 2006 "VLSI Implementation of 1/2 Viterbi Decoder for IEEE P802.15-3a UWB Communication", IEEE ICSE2006 Proc., Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,666 – 670. [5] Chien-Ching Lin, Yen-Hsu Shih, Hsie-Chia Chang, and Chen-Yi Lee, 2005. "Design of a Power-Reduction Viterbi Decoder for WLAN Applications", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and System-I: regular papers, 52(6), 321-328G. B.Vijayapriya, Dr.S. Padma, Prof.B.M.Prabhu |
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164. | Design, Fabrication and Performance Evaluation of a Shea Butter (Vitellaria Paradoxa) Clarifying System
Design, Fabrication and Performance Evaluation of a Shea Butter (Vitellaria Paradoxa) Clarifying SystemAbstract: This work was aimed at the design, fabrication and performance evaluation of a Shea butter clarifying machine. It consists of two units and each unit of the system was made up of three tanks. The inner tank houses the oil to be clarified; second tank holds the water meant for generating steam to melt the oil in the inner tank while the external (third) tank provides insulation needed to minimize heat loss. The first unit of the system was designed to clarify the Shea butter even as the second unit concentrates the oil. A pump was located between the two units to help force the clarified oil from the first unit into the second unit. The designed system had capacity to clarify 170litres of oil in an hour in a single batch operation. When the oil was gently stirred by the stirrer welded to a shaft, impurities in the oil settles down at the conical section of the inner tank due to difference in densities and the action of reagents added. The impurities can easily be separated out while the cleaned oil floats at the top and pumped into the second tank. Power was generated from a 0.5hp (373W) electric motor for shaft rotation through gear motors which also assisted to reduced the motor speed from 1450rpm to the selected speed of 45rpm. The test result indicated that the clarifying system functioned properly. About 80litres of Shea butter was used to test-run the machine. Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and activated carbon were used as reagent to assist in the oil clarification. After the test, approximately 70litres of clarified Shea butter was recovered.Key words: Clarified, design, fabricate, performance evaluation, Shea butter Reference [1] Alander, J., Anderson, JA.C. (2002). The Lipex shea butter family. The complete emollient range for cosmetic formulations. Chemical Engineering Department, Lund University, Sweden. [2] Hall, S.A, Holowenko, R.A and Lauglin, G.H. (1989). Thetheory and problems of Machine design. Schaum's Outline Series. S.I (metric) edition [3] Khurmi, R.S, Gupta, J.K (2005). Machine Design. Eurasia publishing house (PVT) Ltd, Nagar, New Delhi. [4] Olaoye, J.O (1994). Oil Recovery Process from Shea butter Nut through modified Clarification. M.Eng Thesis. Department of Agricultural Engineeering, University of Ilorin, Nigeria. [5] Olaniyan, A.M, Oje, K. (2007). Development of Mechanical Expression Rig for dry extraction of Shea butter fromshea Kernel. Nigeria J. Food Sci. Technology. Gbabo Agidi, J.T Liberty, T.O Fakayode and G.Y Olanrele |
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165. | Impact of Distributed Generation on Three Feeder Radial Distribution System
Impact of Distributed Generation on Three Feeder Radial Distribution SystemAbstract: In twenty first century deregulated environment provides an opportunity to the electric utilities for a variety of technologies forces to rediscovered Distributed Generation (DG) systems. Distributed Generating systems provide good reliability and quality of supply with good voltage profile, reduced power loss and reduced emission of pollution. Distributed Resources (DR) that encompasses Distributed generation and Distributed energy Storage (DS). To achieve its goal a Distributed utility will use both distributed resources and load management. Several compact distributed generation technologies are fast becoming economically feasible. The main object of this paper is to evaluate the benefit of the DG on a simple radial distribution system which consists of three feeders at which the DG is placed only on heavily loaded feeder. The percentage of loss reduction and voltage profile improvement is calculated for the system with, without considering DG; the analysis is done for different power factors of the system and for varying output capacities of DG. The results are tabulated and presented in the graphical form.Index Terms: Distributed resources, Distributed Generation, line loss reduction, Voltage profile, Wind power. Reference [1] Puttgen, H. B., Macgregor, P. R., and Lambert F.C., "Distributed Generation: Semantic Hype or the Dawn of a New Era," IEEE Power&Energy Magazine, pp. 22-29, January/February 2003. [2] Martin, G., "Renewable Energy Gets the Green Light in Chicago," IEEE Power&Energy Magazine, pp. 34-39, November/December 2003. [3] Sonderegger, R. C., Henderson, D., Bubb, S., and Steury, J., "Distributed Asset Insight, "IEEE Power&Energy Magazine, pp. 32-39, May/June 2004. [4] Shahidepour, M. and Schwartz F., "Don't Let the Sun Go Down on PV," IEEE Power&Energy Magazine, pp. 40-48, May/June 2004. [5] P. Chiradeja, R. Ramakumar, "Voltage profile improvement with distributed wind turbine generation-a case study," Power Engineering Society General Meeting, IEEE, vol. 4, pp. 2331-2336, July 13-17, 2003. Arjun Yadav. M, Suresh Babu. R |
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166. | Direct Torque Control of IM Drive for Speed Regulator Using
Adaptive Controller
Direct Torque Control of IM Drive for Speed Regulator Using Adaptive ControllerAbstract: This paper presents a new improved method of direct torque control (DTC) of induction motor drive (IMD) for speed regulator (SR) by using an adaptive controller method .The method of controlling speed of induction motor based on DTC method by using adaptive controller. The Direct torque control of induction motor using adaptive controller method is one of the effective method strategies of controlling the torque and flux ripples. The inverter reference voltage signal is obtained based on input-output feedback signal controller. Designing of DTC-SVM system and one of the new Method for controlling speed of motor by adaptive controller is given. Adaptive controller techniques applied to achieve better performances of flux, torque control and speed controlling of induction motor. The simulation results with low torque, stator flux and speed control with the Adaptive controller technique in DTC using MATLAB/SIMULINK.Index Terms: Adaptive stator flux observer, IMD, Space Vector Modulation (SVM), THD, DTC, Stator Flux Observer, Torque Ripples. Reference [1] Peter Vas,'Sensorless Vector and Direct TorqueControl'', University Press, London, 1998. [2] Takahashi Isao, Noguchi Toshihiko, ''A NewQuick-Response and High-Efficiency ControlStrategy of an Induction Motor'', IEEETransactions on Industry Applications, Vol. IA-22, No.5, Sept/Oct 1986. [3] G. Buja, D. Casadei, G. Serra: DTC – Based Strategies for Induction Motor Drives, IEEEIASAnnual Meeting 2002, pp. 1506-1516. [4] Y. S. Lai and J. H. Chen, "A new approach to direct torque control ofinduction motor drives for constant inverter switching frequency and torque ripple reduction," IEEE Trans. Energy Convers., vol. 16, no. 3,pp. 220–227, 2001. [5] S. Mir, M. E. Elbuluk, and D. S. Zinger, "PI and fuzzy estimators fortuning the stator resistance in direct torque control of induction machines,"IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 279–287,1998. A. Ravi Kumar Reddy, A.Mallikarjuna Prasad, S. Thirumalaiahc |
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167. | Area And Speed Wise Superior Multiply And Accumulate Unit Based On Vedic Multiplier
Area And Speed Wise Superior Multiply And Accumulate Unit Based On Vedic MultiplierAbstract: The speed of a multiplier is very important to any Digital Signal Processor (DSPs). This paper presents the efficiency of Urdhva Triyagbhyam Vedic method for multiplication, which strikes a difference in the actual process of multiplication itself. Vedic Mathematics is the earliest method of Indian mathematics which has a unique technique of calculations based on 16 Formulae. In this paper, a high performance, high throughput and area efficient architecture of a MAC architecture using Vedic multiplier for the Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGAs) is proposed. This paper presents the efficiency of Urdhva Triyagbhyam Vedic method for multiplication, which strikes a difference in the actual process of multiplication itself. It enables parallel generation of partial products and eliminates unwanted multiplication steps. Multiplier architecture is based on generating all partial products and their sums in one step. Chipscope VIO is used to give random inputs of desired values by user, on which proposed Vedic multiplication is performed. The proposed algorithm is modeled using VHDL i.e. Very High Speed integrated circuit hardware description language. The propagation time of the proposed architecture is found quiet less. The Xilinx Chipscope VIO generator allows us to give the runtime inputs. The Xilinx Chipscope tool will be used to test the FPGA inside results while the logic running on FPGA. The Xilinx Spartan 3 Family FPGA development board will be used for this circuit. The proposed multiplier implemented using Vedic multiplication is efficient and competent in terms of area and speed compared to its implementation using Array and Booth multiplier architectures. The results clearly indicate that Urdhava Tiryakbhyam can have a great impact on improving the speed of Digital Signal Processors.Key words: Chipscope, Low Power, Latency, Urdhva Tiryakbhayam, Vedic Multiplier, VHDL. Reference [1] V. Jayaprakasan, S. Vijayakumar, V S KanchanaBhaaskaran, "Evaluation of the Conventional vs. Ancient Computation methodology for Energy Efficient Arithmetic Architecture".International Conference on Process Automation, Control and Computing (PACC), 2011978-1-61284-764-1/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE [2] Sandesh S. Saokar, R. M. Banakar, Saroja Siddamal, "High Speed Signed Multiplier for Digital Signal Processing Applications" 2012 IEEE. IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Computing and Control (ISPCC), 2012 [3] C. S. Wallace, "A suggestion for a fast multiplier," lEEE Trans.Electronic Comput., vol. EC-\3, pp. 14-17, Dec. [4] 1964A. D. Booth, "A signed binary multiplication technique," Q. J. Mech. Appl. Math., vol. 4, pp. 236–240, 1951. [5] Jagadguru Swami Sri Bharati Krisna Tirthaji Maharaja, "Vedic Mathematics: Sixteen Simple Mathematical Formulae from the Veda," Motilal Banarasidas Publishers, Delhi, 2009, pp. 5-45. Mr. Virendra Babanrao Magar |
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168. | Performance Evaluation of PWM Converter Control Strategy for PMSG Based Variable Speed Wind Turbine
Performance Evaluation of PWM Converter Control Strategy for PMSG Based Variable Speed Wind TurbineAbstract: Integration of wind power to grid introduces power quality issues, which mainly consist of voltage regulation and reactive power compensation. Induction machines are mostly used as generators in wind power based generations. Induction generators draw reactive power from the grid to which they are connected. Therefore, the integration of wind power to power system networks is one of the main concerns of the power system engineers. The addition of wind power into the electric grid affect's the power quality This paper describes the modeling and control of a variable speed wind turbine system for medium power based Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator (PMSG) which feeds an AC power grid. The generator speed is regulated under fluctuating wind speed through this converter. A dc link voltage controller is used to regulate the dc bus voltage under fluctuating wind and grid disturbance. The direct drive PMSG is connected to the load through a switch mode rectifier and a vector controlled pulse width modulated (PWM) IGBT-inverter. The generator side switch mode rectifier is controlled to achieve maximum power from the wind. The load side PWM inverter is using a relatively complex vector control scheme to control the amplitude and frequency of the inverter output voltage. The simulation results are obtained using MATLAB/SIMULINK software.Key words: Renewable Energy Sources; Variable Speed Wind Turbine; PMSG; PWM Rectifier; HBCC, STATCOM. Reference [1] R. Mittal, K.S. Sandu and D.K. Jain, "Isolated operation of variable speed driven PMSG for wind energy conversion system", IACSIT International Journal of Engineering and Technology vol. 1, no.3, pp. 269-273, August 2009. [2] M. Malinowski, "Sensorless control strategies for three – phase PWM rectifiers". Phd Thesis, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Institute of Control and Industrial Electronics, 2001. [3] S. R. Hadian-Amrei and H. Iranmanseh, "Novel direct power control for compensating voltage unbalance and load fluctuations in PWM rectifiers", ACSE Journal, vol. 6, no. 4, Dec., 2006; pp. 39-45. [4] J. F. Walker and N. Jenkins, "Wind eEnergy technology". John Wiley & Sons, Inc., United States, 1997. [5] T. Thiringer and J. Linders, "Control by variable rotor speed of a fixed-pitched wind turbine operating in a wide speed range". IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 8, no. 3, 1993. Y. Malleswara Rao, B. Srinivasa Rao |
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169. | VNC Viewer Authentication and Security Using Remote Frame Buffer Protocol
VNC Viewer Authentication and Security Using Remote Frame Buffer ProtocolAbstract: VNC is remote control software which allows you to view and fully interact with one computer desktop using a simple program on another computer desktop anywhere on the Internet. The two computers don't even have to be the same type, so for example you can use VNC to view a Windows Vista desktop at the office on a Linux or Mac computer at home. VNC is in widespread active use by many millions throughout industry, academia and privately. A proxy is used to send the image of the desktop to the cellular phone, to convert different devices, to suppress network traffics, and to support recovery from an unscheduled disconnection. A prototype of the proposed system has to be implemented using Java and will be tested on android phone. Virtual Network Computing is a simple protocol for remote access to graphical user interfaces. It is based on the concept of a Remote Frame Buffer (RFB). Several functions to the remote computer or the server desktop such as viewing the desktop, mouse click operations, sending a text message, opening of documents or files, opening of the task manager, manipulating of files and several other functions can be performed from our cellular phone.Key words: Virtual Network Computing, Remote Frame Buffer, Remote Control, Remote Desktop, Client-Server, Zooming-panning, Mouse Driver . Reference [1] Md. Sanaullah Baig, Rajasekar M. and Balaji P "Virtual Network Computing Based Remote Desktop Access", International Journal of Computer Science and Telecommunications, Vol. 3, No. 5, 2012. [2] Margaret Butler, "Android: Changing the Mobile Landscape", IEEE Pervasive Computing. [3] Ha-Young Ko, Jae-Hyeok Lee, Jong-Ok Kim, "Implementation and Evaluation of Fast Mobile VNC Systems", IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 58, No. 4, 2012. [4] Daniel Thommes, "RemoteUI: A High-Performance Remote User Interface System for Mobile Consumer Electronic Devices", IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 58, No. 3, 2012. [5] Tristan Richardson, Quentin Stafford-Fraser, Kenneth R. Wood and Andy Hopper, "Virtual Network Computing", IEEE Internet Computing. D. Suguna Kuamari, B. Srinivasulu , G. Srinivas , G. Jaya Rao |
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170. | Review of Studies on Retaining Wall's Behavior on Dynamic / Seismic Condition
Review of Studies on Retaining Wall's Behavior on Dynamic / Seismic ConditionAbstract: Current theories, experimental investigations and numerical findings for retaining walls subject to dynamic excitations are reviewed. Brief features of each method, and experimental and numerical methods are introduced and compared. Tables are listed after each section for a clear and brief view of methods in a categorized manner. Conclusive comments plus current concerns and future expectations of this area are made at last. This review aims at shedding light on the development and concepts of different researches in dynamic retaining wall design and analysis.Key words: dynamic, limit equilibrium, retaining wall, review, sub-grade modulus Reference [1] Al-Homoud, A. S. and R. V. Whitman (1999). "Seismic analysis and design of rigid bridge abutments considering rotation and sliding incorporating non-linear soil behavior." Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 18(4): 247-277. [2] Al Atik, L. and N. Sitar (2010). "Seismic Earth Pressures on Cantilever Retaining Structures." Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 136(10): 1324-1333. [3] Anderson, D. G. N. C. H. R. P. N. R. C. T. R. B. A. A. o. S. H. and O. Transportation (2008). Seismic analysis and design of retaining walls, buried structures, slopes, and embankments. Washington, D.C., Transportation Research Board. [4] Basha, B. and G. Babu (2010). "Seismic Rotational Displacements of Gravity Walls by Pseudodynamic Method with Curved Rupture Surface." International Journal of Geomechanics 10(3): 93-105. [5] Choudhury, D. and S. Nimbalkar (2005) Seismic passive resistance by pseudo-dynamic method. Géotechnique 55, 699-702 Su Yang, Amin Chegnizadeh, Hamid Nikraz |
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171. | Novel Approach of Stationary & Non Stationary Implementation of NLMS & RLMS Algorithms for Suppression of Noise in Cardiac Signals
Novel Approach of Stationary & Non Stationary Implementation of NLMS & RLMS Algorithms for Suppression of Noise in Cardiac SignalsAbstract: Adaptive filter is an efficient method to filter ECG signal, because it does not need the signal statistical characteristics. In this paper we present a Gaussian & novel adaptive filter for removing the Baseline wander & power line interference from ECG signals based on recursive least mean square (RLMS) algorithm & Normalized least mean square (NLMS) algorithm. These algorithms are derived based on the minimization of mean square error, average power, power spectral density (PSD). The adaptive filter essentially minimizes the mean square error between a primary input, which is a noisy ECG, and a reference input which is either noise that is correlated in some way with the noise in the primary input. Finally, we have applied RLMS algorithm on ECG signals from the MIT-BIH database and compared its performance with the NLMS algorithm. The simulation result shows that the performance of the RLMS algorithm is superior to that of the NLMS based algorithm in noise reduction.Key words: adaptive noise cancelation, artifacts, Baseline Wander (BW), ECG signals, Noise cancelation, NLMS and RLMS algorithms, power line interference (PLI) Reference [I] Y. Deer Lin and Y.Hen Hu, "Power-line interference detection and suppression in ECG signal processing," IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 55, pp. 354-357, January, 2008. [2] N. V. Thacker and Y. S. Zhu, "Applications of adaptive filtering to ECG analysis: noise cancellation and arrhythmia detection," IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. [3] J. M. Leski and N. Henzel,"ECG baseline wander and power line interference reduction using nonlinear filter bank," Signal Processing, vol. 85, pp. 781-793, 2005. [4] c. Meyer, J. F. Gavela, and M. Harris," Combining algorithms in automatic detection of QRS complexes in ECG signals," IEEE Transactions on Information Tech. in Biomedicine, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 468-475, July, 2006. [5] S. Olmos and P. Laguna, "Steady-state MSE convergence analysis in LMS adaptive filters with deterministic reference inputs for biomedical signals", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 48, pp. 2229-2241, August, 2006. K.Anitha, Sk. Mastan Vali, Dr Panakala Rajesh Kumar |
1022-1025 | ![]() |
172. | Ant Colony Optimization Techniques in MANET for Efficient Routing: A Survey
Ant Colony Optimization Techniques in MANET for Efficient Routing: A SurveyAbstract: All networks tend to become a lot of and a lot of difficult. They'll be wired, with several routers, or wireless, with several mobile nodes, the matter remains the same: so as to induce the best from the network, there's a requirement to search out the shortest path. The a lot of difficult the network is, the harder it's to manage the routes and indicate which one is that the best. The ants, in their necessity to search out food and brings it back to the nest, manage not only to explore a huge space, however additionally to point to their peers the location of the food whereas transportation it back to the nest. Thus, they grasp wherever their nest is, and additionally their destination, while not having a worldwide read of the bottom. Most of the time, they will notice the shortest path and adapt to ground changes, therefore proving their nice efficiency toward this tough task. In this work we proposed load balancing and reliability enhancement using Ant based approach in MANET. The Ant behaviour of follow search routing is on the basis of pheromones. The pheromones are injected by ant in a route and follow that route were the pheromones are more injected means that route is the suitable route for reaching to destination. In this paper we presents the different techniques of Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) that are improves the routing mechanism.Key words: MANET, Ant, Pheromones, Survey, ACO Reference [1] C.-K. Toh. Ad hoc mobile wireless networks: protocols and systems. Prentice Hall, 2002. ISBN: 0-13-007817-4. [2] Z.Liu , M. Z. Kwiatkowska and C. Constantinou, "A biologically inspired QoS routing algorithm for ad hoc networks", International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, AINA 2005 1: 426-431, 2005 [3] [1] Sthitaprajna Jena, Jyoti prakash Lakra, "Application Of Ant Colony Optimization technique For Manets", pp-1, 2009. [4] [2] M. Subha,Dr. R. Anitha, "An Emerging Ant Colony Optimization Routing Algorithm (Acora) For MANETs, Journal of Computer Applications", Vol-II, No.3, July-Sep 2009. [5] S. Prasad1, Y.P.Singh, and C.S.Rai, "Swarm Based Intelligent Routing for MANETs", International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, Volume 1, No. 1, May 2009. Amit Pathak, Mr. Shashikant Pandey |
1026-1032 | ![]() |
173. | Synthesis, Structural & Dielectrical Properties of Citrate-Gel Prepared Lithium Nano Ferrites
Synthesis, Structural & Dielectrical Properties of Citrate-Gel Prepared Lithium Nano FerritesAbstract: Nano particles of Lithium ferrites with the Chemical formula Li0.5 Fe2.5 O4 were synthesized by citrate-gel auto combustion technique at a very low temperature(1800C).The X-Ray diffraction analysis of as synthesized powder and sintered powder has confirmed the formation of single phase cubic spinel structure. The as prepared sample was composed of nearly spherical nano particles with an average particle size 42.83nm,further annealing at 673 K for 4 hours did not increase the particle size noticeably(44nm). The surface morphology of the sample was investigated by Scanning Electron Microscope(SEM). The dielectric parameters such as dielectric constant ,loss tangent ,AC conductivity of the sample were studied as a function of frequency in the range of 20Hz to 2MHz at room temperature using Agilent E4980 Precession LCR Meter. The dielectric constant , loss tangent ,AC conductivity of the sample shows a normal dielectric behavior with frequency. The DC Resistivity of the sample was measured by two probe method from the room temperature to well beyond the Curie temperature. The discontinuity in the resistivity vs temperature graph shows the Curie temperature of the sample.Key words: ferrites, Nano-particles, XRD, SEM, LCR meter Reference [1] Dorman J L and Fiorani D 1992 magnetic Properties of Fine particles(Amsterdam :North Holland) [2] Soffge F and Schmidbauer E 1981 J.Magn.Magn. Mater 24 54 [3] EI-Hilo M,Chantrell R W and Grady K O 1998 J.Appl.Phys.84 5114 [4] Berkowitz A E Kondama R H, Makhlouf S A and Parker F T 1999 J.Magn ,Magn.mater196 591 [5] Hrianaca I, Caizer C,Savil S and Popovoci M2000 J. Adv,mater634 G. Aravind and D. Ravinder |
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174. | Closed Loop Operation of High Efficiency Ac-Dc Step-Up Converter Using Fuzzy Logic Controller
Closed Loop Operation of High Efficiency Ac-Dc Step-Up Converter Using Fuzzy Logic ControllerAbstract: The conventional power electronic converters used in the micro generator based energy harvesting applications has two stages: a diode bridge rectifier and a dc-dc converter. But it is less efficient and can't be used for electromagnetic micro generators, as the diode bridge rectification is not normally feasible due to extreme low output voltage of the micro generators. In this paper a direct ac-dc power electronic converter topology is proposed for efficient and maximum energy harvesting from low voltage micro generators. The single stage ac-to-dc power conversion is achieved by utilizing the bidirectional conduction capability of MOSFETs. This converter uses a boost converter and a buck-boost converter to process the positive and negative half cycles of the ac input voltage, respectively. The detailed analysis of this ac-dc step up converter is carried out to obtain the relations between power, circuit parameters, and duty cycle of the converter. The present model is proposed with the fuzzy logic controller for better performance. Furthermore, using this converter, maximum energy harvesting can be implemented effectively. The simulation results are obtained using MATLAB/SIMULINK softwareKey words: AC-DC convertion ,boost converter, buck-boost converter, energy harvesting,Fuzzy logic controller, low voltage, low power Reference [1] J. A. Paradiso and T. Starner, "Energy scavenging for mobile and wireless electronics," IEEE Pervasive Comput., vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 18–27, Jan./Mar. 2005. [2] S. Meninger, J. O. Mur-Miranda, R. Amirtharajah, A. P. Chandrakasan, and J. H. Lang, "Vibration-to-electric energy conversion," IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integr. Syst., vol. 9, no.1, pp.64–76, Feb2001. [3] J. R. Amirtharajah and A. P. Chandrakasan, "Self-powered signal pro- cessing using vibration-based power generation," IEEE J. Solid-StateCircuits,vol. 33, no. 5, pp. 687–695, May1998. [4] B. H. Stark, P. D. Mitcheson, M. Peng, T. C. Green, E. Yeatman, and A. S. Holmes, "Converter circuit design, semiconductor device selection and analysis of parasitics for micropower electrostatic generators," IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 27–37, Jan. 2006. [5] S. Xu, K. D. T. Ngo, T. Nishida, G. B. Chung, and A. Sharma, "Low frequency pulsed resonant converter for energy harvesting," IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 63–68, Jan. 2007. G. Ashok, K. B. Madhu Sahu, Ch. Krishna Rao |
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175. | Performance of Handover in Mobile IP Networks
Performance of Handover in Mobile IP NetworksAbstract: Mobile IP Protocol (MIP) is an old protocol and it is a Standard Protocol that allows users to maintain non-stop connectivity with their home address regardless of physical movement. In this paper we study handoff in mobile IP networks and Mobile IP Protocol Extensions for Handoff Latency Minimization [9].Key words: Mobile IP, Fast Handoff, Roaming, Eager cell switching, Lazy cell switching. Reference [1] Jiang Xie, Ivan Howitt, and IzzeldinShibeika "IEEE 802.11-based Mobile IP Fast Handoff Latency Analysis "This full text paper was peer reviewed at the direction of IEEE Communications Society subject matter experts for publication in the ICC 2007 proceedings. [2] Khalid EltaybAldalaty "Mobile IP Handover Delay Reduction Using Seamless Handover Architecture "August 2009. [3] K. El Malki, Ed. "The Study of Handover in Mobile IP Networks" Rfc: 4881 June 2007 [4] Mohamed AlnasIrfanAwan D.R Holton "Handoff mechanism in Mobile IP" 978-1-4244-5219-4 2009 IEEE 176 Page(s): 176 – 179 E-ISBN Date: 10-11 Oct. 2009 [5] Mohamed AlnasIrfanAwan R Holton "A Survey of Handoff Performance in Mobile IP"2009 Third UKSim European Symposium on Computer Modeling and Simulation 2009- IEEE Khaled Mahmood Al-Adhal, Dr. S. S. Tyagi |
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176. | Thermal and Structural Analysis of Tree Shaped Fin Array
Thermal and Structural Analysis of Tree Shaped Fin ArrayAbstract: The effective heat disbursal from surfaces using fins of various shapes and sizes has been a constant research interest. In the field of electronics, increasing the heat dissipation capacity of the fins used has been a continuous challenge for engineers. With the evolution of various structures and materials for the manufacture of fins has provided impetus to the research and experimentation. The present paper discusses the possibility of using a variant of tree fin array as a heat sink for a processor in a computer terminal. An array of Tree fins with and without slots were modelled and tested for different materials. By observing the structural deformation and temperature distribution the probable Tree fin and its material is suggested and discussed.Key words: Heat sink, Tree fin, fin array, slotted fins Reference [1] A Bejan, Shape and Structure, Engineering to nature, (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2000). [2] N MacDonald, Trees and Networks in Biological Models (Wiley, Chichester, UK, 1983). [3] R. Sam Sukumar, G.Sriharsha, S.BalaArun, P.Dilipkumar, Ch.Sanyasi Naidu, Modelling And Analysis Of Heat Sink With Rectangular Fins Having Through Holes, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications(IJERA), 3(2), 2013, 1557-1561. [4] S M.Wange, R.M.Metkar, Computational Analysis of Inverted Notched Fin Arrays Dissipating Heat by Natural Convection, International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT),2(11), 2013, 245-249. [5] YogeshJaluria, Jing Yang,A Review of Microscale Transport in the Thermal Processing of New and Emerging Advanced Materials, Journal of Heat Transfer, 133, JUNE 2011, K. Pavan Kumar, P.V.Vinay, R.Siddhardha |
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178. | DFT-Based Approach for Reducing Switching Activity during Scan Shift
DFT-Based Approach for Reducing Switching Activity during Scan ShiftAbstract: Power dissipation in digital circuits during scan based test is generally much higher than that during functional operation. Unfortunately, this increased test power can create hot spots that may damage the silicon, the bonding wires, and even the package. It can also cause intensive erosion of conductors-severely decreasing the reliability of a device. Finally, excessive test power may also result in extra yield loss. To address these issues, this paper first presents a detailed investigation of a benchmark circuit's switching activity during different modes of operation. Specifically, the average number of transitions in the combinational logic of a benchmark circuit during scan shift is found to be approximately 2.5 times more than the average number of transitions during the circuit's normal functional operation. A DFT-based approach for reducing circuit switching activity during scan shift is proposed. Instead of inserting additional logic at the gate level that may introduce additional delay on critical paths, the proposed method modifies the design at the register transfer level (RTL) and uses the synthesis tools to automatically deal with timing analysis and optimization.Key words: Automatic test pattern generation (ATPG), design for testability (DFT), functional power, power-sensitive scan cell, scan-based test. Reference [1] P. Girard, "Survey of low-power testing of VLSI circuits," IEEE Design Test Compute., vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 80–90, May–Jun. 2002. [2] S. Ravi, "Power-aware test: Challenges and solutions," in Proc. Int. Test Conf., Oct. 2007, pp. 1–10. [3] K. M. Butler, J. Saxena, A. Jain, T. Fryars, J. Lewis, and G. Hetherington, "Minimizing power consumption in scan testing: Pattern generation and DFT techniques," in Proc. Int. Test Conf., Oct. 2004, pp. 355–364. [4] S. Wang and S. Gupta, "An automated test pattern generator for minimizing switching activity during scan testing activity," IEEE Trans. Comput.-Aided Design Integr. Circuits Syst., vol. 21, no. 8, pp. 954–968, Aug. 2002. [5] R. Sankaralingam, R. R. Oruganti, and N. Touba, "Static compaction techniques to control scan vector power dissipation," in Proc. VLSI Test Symp., 2000, pp. 35–40. P. Giribabu, G. Sunil |
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179. | Comparative Evaluation of Image Fusion Technique
Using Shift Invariant Transforms
Comparative Evaluation of Image Fusion Technique Using Shift Invariant TransformsAbstract: Image fusion is very popular for its application in various real life applications such as remote sensing applications, medical image diagnosis. The non-idle nature of practical imaging systems the capture images are corrupted by noise, hence Fusion of images is an integrated approach where the reduction of noise is essential. Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) has a wide range of application in fusion of noise images. However shift-invariance is important in ensuring robust subband fusion. To overcome this, Shift invariant Wavelet Transforms are becomes popular. In this paper proposed two shift invariant transforms for fusion of noise mages. They are Dual-Tree Complex wavelet transform (DT-CWT) and Non Sub sampled Contourlet Transform (NSCT). Experiments are carried out on a number of images like SAR images, MRI images, doll images and toy images to evaluate performance of the proposed method. Results are compared in terms of quality measures peak signal-to-noise ratio, cross correlation and image visual quality.Key words: Discrete Wavelet Transform, Dual Tree-Complex Wavelet Transform, Image Fusion, Non Sub sampled Contourlet Transformbr /> Reference [1] N.G.Kingbbury, The dual-tree complex wavelet transform with improved orthogonality and symmetry properties, IEEE International Conference on Image processing, pages 375-378,September 2000. [2] N.G.Kingbbury, The dual-tree complex wavelet transform: a new technique for shift invariance and directional filters, IEEE Digital Signal Processing Workshop, 1998. [3] M. J. Shensa, The discrete wavelet transform: Wedding the `a trous and Mallat algorithms. IEEE Trans. Signal Proc., vol. 40, no. 10, pp. 2464–2482, October 1992. [4] A. L. Cunha, J. Zhou, and M. N. Do, The non sub sampled contourlet transform: Theory, design, and applications, IEEE Trans. Img. Proc., submitted, 2005. [5] S.M. Mahbubur Rahman, M. Omair Ahmad and M.N.S. Swamy, Contrast-based fusion of noisy images using discrete wavelet transform, IET Image Process., 2010, Vol. 4, Iss. 5, pp. 374–384 doi: 10.1049/ietipr. 2009.0163. Tinku J. Mattappillil, P. Soundarya Mala, Dr. V. Sailaja, Rajeswara Mahidar |
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181. | Three Phase Fault Analysis with Auto Reset for Temporary Fault and Trip for Permanent Fault
Three Phase Fault Analysis with Auto Reset for Temporary Fault and Trip for Permanent FaultAbstract: This paper to develop an automatic tripping mechanism for the three phase supply system. The project output resets automatically after a brief interruption in the event temporary fault while it remains in tripped condition in case of permanent fault. The electrical substation which supply the power to the consumers, have failures due to some faults which can be temporary or permanent. These faults lead to substantial damage to the power system equipment. In India it is common, The faults might be LG (Line to Ground), LL (Line to Line), 3L (Three lines) in the supply systems and these faults in three phase supply system can affect the power system. To overcome this problem a system is built, which can sense these faults and automatically disconnects the supply to avoid large scale damage to the control gears in the grid sub-stations. This system is built using three single phase transformers which are wired in star input and star output, and 3 transformers are connected in delta connections, having input 220 volt and output at 12 volt. This concept low voltage testing of fault conditions is followed as it is not advisable to create on mains line. 555 timers are used for handling short duration and long duration fault conditions. A set of switches are used to create the LL, LG and 3L fault in low voltage side, for activating the tripping mechanism. Short duration fault returns the supply to the load immediately called as temporary trip while long duration shall result in permanent trip. The concept in the future can be extended to developing a mechanism to send message to the authorities via SMS by interfacing a GSM modem.Key words: 555 Timer, Voltage regulator (LM7805), Relays, Comparator, Transformer (230 V– 12V AC) Reference [1] Kimbark, Edward Wilson, ScD; Power System Stability; John Wiley & Sons, Inc., N.Y., London [2] HAVRAN, F.J. 1999. Fault investigation on power transmission system. ESKOM. Internaldocument: 38, 96-99KELLER, P. 1998. Correct fault analysis. Eskom internal document [3] Turan Gonen, "Electric Power Transmission System Engineering, Analysis and Design", Crc Press Taylor and Francis Group. [4] Paul M. Anderson, "Analysis of Faulted Power Systems", The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., 1995. [ [5] Miroslav D. Markovic, "Fault Analysis in Power Systems by Using the Fortescue Method", TESLA Institute, 2009. Sathish Bakanagari, A. Mahesh Kumar, M. Cheenya |
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182. | Comparative Study Of Traffic Flow Models And Data Retrieval Methods From Video Graphs
Comparative Study Of Traffic Flow Models And Data Retrieval Methods From Video GraphsAbstract: Traffic engineering pertains to the analysis of the behavior of traffic and to design the facilities for the smooth, safe and economical operation of traffic. Understanding traffic behavior requires a thorough knowledge of traffic stream parameters and their mutual relationships. To figure out the exact relationship between the traffic parameters, a great deal of research has been done over the past several decades. The results of these researches yielded many mathematical models named Traffic flow models. They are basically microscopic models, Mesoscopic models and macroscopic models. Macroscopic modeling studies traffic flow from a global perspective. This models deal with macroscopic parameters such as speed, flow and density. Microscopic model gives attention to the details of traffic flow and the interactions taking place within it.ie microscopic details related to individual vehicle characteristics such as headways, individual vehicle speeds and acceleration of vehicles etc. Video recordings appear as a more detailed, more complete and more accurate observational technique. They are more reliable since they allow data analysis independent of the person who collected the data. This technique is widely used in transportation engineering, traffic and planning. Many attempts are done earlier for data retrieval from videos.Key words: Data Retrieval Techniques, Macroscopic Model, Microscopic Model, Video Graphic Data Collection.<< Reference [1] Dr. Tom V. Mathewand K V Krishna Rao,Traffic Engineering and Management Chapter 11,14,30,33. (IIT Bombay April 2, 2012) [2] C. JotinKhisty& B. Kent Lall, Transportation Engineering-An Introduction, Chapter 5 – Traffic Flow Characteristics (3rd Edition Phi Publisher 2012) [3] Kadiyali L.RTraffic Engineering and Transport Planning (Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 7th Edition 2008) [4] Siamak A. Ardekani*, MostafaGhandehariand Shiva M. Nepal, Macroscopic Speed-Flow Models For Characterization of Freeway And Managed Lanes(The University Of Texas, Arlington, USA,DepartmentOf Civil Engineering, 2011) [5] H. Wang, J. Li, Q. Y. Chen and D. Ni, Speed-Density Relationship: From Deterministic To Stochastic(TRB88th Annual Meeting at Washington D. C. Jan. 2009) M. Jabeena |
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183. | Poly (Oxyethylene)Terphthylamine As Corrosion Inhibitors For Carbon Steel In Methanoic Acid.
Poly (Oxyethylene)Terphthylamine As Corrosion Inhibitors For Carbon Steel In Methanoic Acid.Abstract: Ethoxylation of poly(ethyleneterphthaliamine) derived from Plastic waste by different ethyleneoxide units, namely 22,90, In this respect polyethylene terphthalate waste depolymerized with diethanolamine to gives the corresponding amine , etherfication of the produced hydroxyle amine with different molecular weight of poly ethylene glycol,( PEG1000, PEG4000) to gives the corresponding poly(oxyethylene) terphthalamine) which were separated, identified and evaluated as corrosion inhibitors for Carbon steel in 1 M methanoic acid, the corrosion inhibition efficiency were determined at different concentrations of the used inhibitors by chemical techniques( weight loss) and electrochemical techniques ( potentiodynamic Polarization and open circuits potential). The corrosion inhibition efficiency depends on the inhibitor concentration and type, The protection efficiency increase with increasing the concentration and the number of ethylene oxide units in order of (Dn22 and Dn90 ), The inhibition was assumed to occur via the adsorption of the inhibitors on the metal surface. And obey Langmuir adsorption isotherm. The polarization curves indicate that these compounds at as mixed-type inhibitors, addition of inhibitors molecules to the corrosive medium produces a negative shift in the open circuit potential. Effects of temperatures on the inhibition efficiency were studied, thermodynamic parameters were computed and discussed, the data obtained from different techniques are in good agreement.Key words: corrosion inhibitor, ethoxylation, recycling of plastic waste, methanoic acid , polarization, open circuit . Reference [1] Baliga S. and Wong W.T., J. Polym. Sci. part A: Poly. Chem., 27, (1989) 2071. [2] Hu. L. C., Oku. A., Yamada E. and Tomarik, J. Polym., 29 (1997) 708. [3] Chen J. Y., Ou C. F., Hu Y. C., and Lin C. C., J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 42 (1991) 1501. [4] Bastida J. M., Damboresa de J., and Vazquez A., J. Appl. Electro chem., 27(1997) 345. [5] Damboresa de J., Bastida J. M., and Vazquez A., J. Electro chem. acta, 42 (1997) 455. R. S. Abdel Hameed, Hussin I. Al-Shafey, Ismail E. A, Abd-Alhakeem H. Abu-Nawwas And El Azabawy O.E |
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184. | Fuzzy Gain Scheduling and Fuzzy Logic Control Based Induction Motor Drives Using Variable Structure Control Methodology
Fuzzy Gain Scheduling and Fuzzy Logic Control Based Induction Motor Drives Using Variable Structure Control MethodologyAbstract: Induction motor drives are widely used in industries for its simple and easy control. Variable structure controller (VSC) for an induction motor drive is an effective method of control in case of non linearities and uncertainties to enhance robustness. Dynamic performance of Induction motor drives is an essential characteristic for many industrial applications. Quality of the product is an industry and the profit of the industry are mainly depends on the performance of the induction motor drive. Transient state performance of the VSC based an induction motor drive to be improved. Since conventional VSC based induction motor drive has PI controller based speed controller. To enhance the performance of the system this paper proposes Fuzzy logic controller and Fuzzy Gain Scheduling controller as speed controller in VSC. The design is simple and easy to be implemented. The entire system is simulated using Matlab / Simulink to analyse the performance of a drive. Performance of a drive using Fuzzy Gain Scheduling VSC is analysed and compared with conventional Proportional and Integral VSC. To analyse the dynamic performance of the system machine is subjected to constant and variable load in this paper.Key words: Induction Motor, Variable structure controller, Fuzzy Gain Scheduling, Fuzzy Logic Controller, PI Controller Reference [1] Faa-Jeng Lin, Rong-Jong, Wai-hsin-jang and Shieh, 1998, "Robust control of induction motor drive with rotor time constant adaptation", Electric power systems research, Vol.47(1), pp.1–9. [2] Cedomir Milosav ljevi´c, DraganAnti´c, DarkoMiti´c and Goran Djordjevi´,1995, "comparative analysis of variable structure systems (VSS) with proportional plus integral (PI) control", Electronics and Energetics vol. 14,pp.1–9. [3] Ho E Y,Sen, P.C,1990, "A microprocessor-based induction motor drive system using variable structure strategy with decoupling", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics ,Vol.37,pp. 227-235. [4] Ho E Y,Sen, P.C,1990,1991, "Control Dynamics of Speed Drive System Using sliding mode controllers with integral compensation, IEEE Transactions on Industrial application,Vol.27,pp. 883–892. [5] Zhang, J.Barton, T. H, 1988, "Optimal sliding mode control of asynchronous machine speed with state feedback", in Conf. Rec. IEEE IAS annual meeting, pp. 328–336. R. Kannan, J. Kanakaraj |
1104-1110 | ![]() |
185. | Modeling and Analysis of an SEIRS Epidemic Model with Saturated Incidence
Modeling and Analysis of an SEIRS Epidemic Model with Saturated IncidenceAbstract: In this paper, an SEIRS epidemic model with nonlinear incidence rate is investigated. The model exhibits two equilibria namely, the disease-free equilibrium and the endemic equilibrium. It is shown that if the basic reproduction number, R0<1 the disease free equilibrium is locally and globally asymptotically stable. Also, we show that R0>1, the disease equilibrium is locally asymptotically stable and the disease is uniformly persisted. Some numerical simulations are given to illustrate the analytical results.Key words: Epidemic model, nonlinear incidence rate, basic reproduction number, local and global stability Reference [1] Liu, W., Hethcote, H.W., and Levin, S. A. (1987): Dynamical behavior of epidemiological models with nonlinear incidence rates. J. Math. Biol. 25, 359-80. [2] Rinaldi, F. (1990): Global Stability Results for Epidemic models with Latent Period. IMA Journal of Mathematics Applied in Medicine and Biology, 7, 69-75. [3] M. Gabriela, M. Gomes, L. J. White, G. F. Medley (2005): The reinfection threshold. J. Theor. Biol., 236, pp. 111-113. [4] Z. Jiang, J. Wei (2008): Stability and bifurcation analysis in a delayed SIR model: Chaos Soliton. Tract. 35, pp 609-619. [5] W. Wang, S. Ruan (2004): Bifurcation in epidemic model with constant removal rate infectives, J. Math. Appl., 291 pp 775-793. O. Adebimpe, A. A. Waheed and B. Gbadamosi |
1111-1116 | ![]() |
186. | Torsional Response of Continuous Thin Walled Box Girder Structures
Torsional Response of Continuous Thin Walled Box Girder StructuresAbstract: This work considers the interactive response of continuous thin-walled box structures in pure and warping torsion. The derivation of the torsional equilibrium equation commenced on the basis of Vlasov's stress displacement relations by the variational approach. The existing equation due to St. Venant's classical torsion theory in which the torsional constants was based on the independent summation of the combined torsional stresses was compared with the derived equation by Osadebe which took into consideration the interactive effect of pure and warping torsion. Closed form expressions that explicitly described the torsional stresses along beam was developed. The results of the comparative analysis based on the numerical analysis using the method of initial value approach further revealed that the present equation based on the interactive effect of the combined torsional states generates a significant effect on torsional rigidity with greater contribution from the internal concentrated torque, giving rise to higher stresses.Key words: Continuous Box Girder, Initial Value Approach, Internal Concentrated Torque, St. Venant, Thin Walled Structures, Torsional response Reference [1] C.A. Chidolue, Torsional-distortional analysis of thin-walled box girder bridges using Vlasov's theory, Ph.D. thesis, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, 2012. [2] Osadebe, N.N(1993), "Combined analysis of thin walled box girder structures in pure and warping torsion", Structural Engineering, Analysis and Modeling(SEAM 3), Vol 1. Pg 821-830. [3] Heins C.P. "Bending and torsional design in structural members" Lexington books, 1975. [4] Giginna Emmanuel(1992)."Thin-walled box beam-column stiffness's and their applications in the analysis of frames."Dept. of Civil engineering, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. [5] Paul A Seaburg (1997)."Torsional analysis of structural steel members" American institute of steel corporation, Inc. V.C. Mbachu, N.N. Osadebe |
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187. | A Novel Algorithmic Approach for Information Hiding In a Video with Low Video Distortion
A Novel Algorithmic Approach for Information Hiding In a Video with Low Video DistortionAbstract: Data hiding in compressed video is the recent way of providing security. The main objective of data hiding in video is to transmit the message with security (by encryption) in streaming video. This paper presents a technique to hide secret data in the motion vectors of a compressed video which is not vulnerable to Stag analysis and also to maintain the quality and size of the reconstructed video. In this technique the secret message bit stream is embedded in the least significant bit of both components of the candidate motion vector. Also this paper uses a standard encryption mechanism (AES) in order to improve more security for the message. The proposed technique is found to have lower distortion to the quality of the video.Key words: Data hiding, Motion vectors, steganography Reference [1] F. A. P. Petitcolas, R. J. Anderson, and M. G. Kuhn, "Information hiding—A survey," Proc. IEEE, vol. 87, no. 7, pp. 1062–1078, Jul.2004. [2] J. Zhang, J. Li, and L. Zhang, "Video watermark technique in motion vector," in Proc. XIV Symp. Computer Graphics and Image Processing, Oct. 2001, pp. 179–182. [3] D.-Y. Fang and L.-W. Chang, "Data hiding for digital video with phase of motion vector," in Proc. Int. Symp. Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2006, pp. 1422–1425. [4] X. He and Z. Luo, "A novel steganographic algorithm based on the motion vector phase," in Proc. Int. Conf. Comp. Sc. and Software Eng., 2008, pp. 822–825. [5] S. K. Kapotas, E. E. Varsaki, and A. N. Skodras, "Data hiding in H.264 encoded video sequences," in IEEE 9th Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP07), Oct. 2007, pp. 373–376. Praveen Kumar Reddy. M, D. Adithya Chandra Varma, Prof. Varunkumar.M |
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188. | Influence Of Nano Grease Composite On Rheological Behaviour
Influence Of Nano Grease Composite On Rheological BehaviourAbstract: The aim of this work is to study the rheological behaviors of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) as an additive on lithium grease at different concentrations. The results indicated that the optimum concentrations of the CNTs was 2 %. These experimental investigations were evaluated with a HAAKE Rheovisco RV20, Penetrometer and Measurement of the dropping point. The results indicated that the shear stress and apparent viscosity increase with the increase of CNTs concentration, penetration and consistency not effect of base grease, and the dropping point increasing about 25%. The microstructure of CNTs and lithium grease was examined by high resolution transmission electron microscope (HRTEM) and transmission electron microscope (TEM).Key words: Carbon nanotubes, Rheological behavior, Lithium grease, Microstructure Reference [1] Chinas-Castillo, F. and Spikes, H.A. "The behaviour of colloidal solid particles in elastohydrodynamic contacts". Tribol. Trans. 43 (3) (2000), p 387–394. [2] Radulescu, A.V. and Radulescu, I. "Rheological models for lithium and calcium greases". ISSN 1392 - 1207. MECHANIKA. 2006. Nr.3 (59). [3] krista siik, and jyrki vuorinen. "The Influence of Shear Thinning Behavior on Lubricating Grease Consistency and Its Effect on Oil Separation". Annual transactions of the nordic rheology society, vol. 13, 2005. [4] Davies, G.A. and Stokes, J.R., "Thin film and high shear rheology of multiphase complex fluids," J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech., 148, 2008, p 73-87. [5] Papanastasiou, C. "Flows of materials with yield". Journal of Rheology, v.31, 1987, p.385-404. Alaa Mohamed, A. Khattab, T.A. Osman, M. Zaki |
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189. | Optimization Of Hypoid Gear Using Genetic Algorithm
Optimization Of Hypoid Gear Using Genetic AlgorithmAbstract: Genetic algorithm (GA) is a Non-Traditional method is useful and applicable for optimization of mechanical component design. The GA is an efficient search method which is inspired from a natural genetic selection process to explore a given search space. In this work, GA is applied to minimize the volume of hypoid gear with respect to a specified set of constraints. Module, face width and number of teeth of hypoid are used as design variables and the bending stress, contact stress and a geometric limit on the face width are set as constraints. The results showed that the optimal procedure reduced the volume of a gear designed according to ANSI/AGMA 2003-B97 to 54% of its original volume. Further analysis was performed to study the effect of the design variables and the input parameters of the objective function.Key words: Genetic algorithms, hypoid gears, volume optimization Reference [1] Maitra, G. M., "Handbook of Gear Design", Tata McGraw-Hill, 1985. [2] Mott, R.,"Machine Elements in Mechanical Design", Merril Publications, 1992. [3] Niemann, G., "Machine Elements", Vol.II, Springer Int'l, 1978. [4] Vanderplaats, G.N., Chen, X., Zhang, N., "Gear optimization." NASA Contractor Reports, Dec 1988, No.4201, IS: 0565-7059 Research Report Univ. of California, Santa Barbara, CA, USA. [5] Ki-Hun Lee, Geun-Ho Lee, In-Ho Bae, Tae- Hyong chong. "An Optimum Design Method of Hypoid Gear by Minimizing Volume", Transactions of the Korean Society of Machine Tool Engineers, vol. 16 No. 6, 2007. Alaa Mohamed, A. Khattab, T.A. Osmana, Mostafa. Shazly |
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190. | Fixed Point Theorem for Selfmaps On A Fuzzy 2-Metric Space Under Occasionally Subcompatibility Condition
Fixed Point Theorem for Selfmaps On A Fuzzy 2-Metric Space Under Occasionally Subcompatibility ConditionAbstract: In this paper, we prove a common fixed point theorem for three selfmaps and extend it to four and six continuous selfmaps on a fuzzy 2-metric space, using the notion of occasionally sub compatible map with respect to another map. We show that the result of Surjeet Singh Chauhan and Kiran Utreja [7] follows as a corollaryKey words: Fuzzy 2-metric space, coincidence point, weakly compatible maps, occasionally sub compatiblemap w.r.t another map, sub compatible of type A. Reference [1] Gahler.S., 2-metrische Raume and ihre topologische structure, Math. Nachr. 26(1983),115-148 [2] George,A. and Veeramani, P., On some results in Fuzzy metric spaces, Fuzzy sets and system, 64 (1994), 395-399. [3] Iseki.K, P.L. Sharma, B.K. Sharma, Contrative type mappings on 2-metric space, Math. Japonica 21 (1976), 67-70. [4] Jinkyu Han., A common fixed point theorem on fuzzy 2-metric spaces, Journal of the Chungcheong Mathematical Society, Volume 23, No.4(2010),645-656 [5] Kramosil,I. and Michelek,J., Fuzzy metric and statistical metric, kybernetica 11 (1975), 336-344. K.P.R. Sastry, M.V.R. Kameswari, Ch. Srinivasa Rao and R. Venkata Bhaskar |
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191. | Computer Implementation of the Drbem for Studying the Classical Uncoupled Theory of Thermoelasticity of Functionally Graded Anisotropic Rotating Plates
Computer Implementation of the Drbem for Studying the Classical Uncoupled Theory of Thermoelasticity of Functionally Graded Anisotropic Rotating PlatesAbstract: A numerical computer model based on the dual reciprocity boundary element method (DRBEM) is extended to study the classical uncoupled theory of thermoelasticity of functionally graded anisotropic rotating plates. In the case of plane deformation, a predictor-corrector implicit-explicit time integration algorithm was developed and implemented for use with the DRBEM to obtain the solution for the displacement and temperature fields in the context of the classical uncoupled theory of thermoelasticity. Numerical results that demonstrate the validity of the proposed method are also presented in the tables.Key words: Thermoelasticity; Rotation; Functionally graded Material; Anisotropic; Dual Reciprocity Boundary Element Method. Reference [1] Biot M. Thermoelasticity and irreversible thermo-dynamics. J. Appl. Phys. 1956;27:249-253. [2] Duhamel J. Some memoire sur les phenomenes thermo-mechanique. J. de l'Ecole polytech. 1837; 15:1-57. [3] Neumann F. Vorlesungen Uber die theorie der elasticitat. Meyer: Brestau, 1885. [4] Lord HW, Shulman Y. A generalized dynamical theory of thermoelasticity. J. Mech. Phys. Solids. 1967;15:299-309. [5] Green AE, Lindsay KA. Thermoelasticity. J. Elast. 1972;2:1-7. M. A. Fahmy, A. M. Salem, M. S. Metwally And M. M. Rashid |
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192. | Homomorphism and Anti Homomorphism on a Bipolar Anti Fuzzy Subgroup
Homomorphism and Anti Homomorphism on a Bipolar Anti Fuzzy SubgroupAbstract: In this paper, we introduce the concept of an anti image, anti pre-image of a bipolar fuzzy subgroup of a group G and discuss in detail a series of homomorphic and anti homomorphic properties of bipolar fuzzy and bipolar anti fuzzy subgroup.Key words: fuzzy set , bipolar-valued fuzzy set, bipolar fuzzy subgroup, bipolar anti fuzzy subgroup, homomorphism and anti homomorphism, image , pre-image ,anti image and anti pre-image of bipolar fuzzy subgroup . Reference [1]. P.S. Das., Fuzzy groups and level subgroups, J.Math. Anal. Appl., 84 (1981), 264 – 269. [2]. K.M.Lee., Bipolar-valued fuzzy sets and their operations, Proc.Int.Conf.on Intelligent Technologies, Bangkok, Thailand (2000), 307– 312. [3]. M.Marudai,V.Rajendran., New Constructions on Bipolar Anti Q-fuzzy Groups and Bipolar Anti Q-fuzzy d-ideals under (t,s) norms, Advances in Fuzzy Mathematics , Volume 6, Number 1 (2011), pp .145 – 153. [4]. Mehmet sait Eroglu., The homomorphic image of a fuzzy subgroup is always a fuzzy subgroup , Fuzzy sets and System , 33 (1989), 255-256. [5]. Mohamed Asaad., Groups and Fuzzy subgroups, Fuzzy sets and Systems 39 (1991), 323- 328. R. Muthuraj, M.Sridharan and M.S.Muthuraman |
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193. | An Investigation about the Models of Parallel Computation
An Investigation about the Models of Parallel ComputationAbstract: In this paper we discuss on a basic facts about parallel processing. Suppose the fastest sequential algorithm for doing a computation with parameter n has execution time of T(n). Then the fastest parallel algorithm with m processors has execution time >= T(n)/m. If you could find a faster parallel algorithm, you could execute it sequentially by having a sequential computer simulate parallelism and get a faster sequential algorithm. This would contradict the fact that the given sequential algorithm is the fastest possible. We are making the assumption that the cost of simulating parallel algorithms by sequential ones is negligible.Key words: Parallel, computation, models, complexity Reference [1] J. Brenner, J. Keller, C. Kessler, Executing PRAM Programs on GPUs, Procedia Computer Science, Vol 9, 2012, pp. 1799-1806. [2] http://www.iti.fh-flensburg.de/lang/algorithm en/sortieren/bitonic/oddn.htm [3] M. Snir, On parallel searching. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. SIAM J. COMPUT., Vol. 14, No. 3, August 1985, pp. 688-708. [4] Uzi Vishkin, Implementation of simultaneous memory access in models that forbid it. J. Algorithms 4 1983, pp. 45–50. [5] S. Fortune and J. Wyllie. Parallelism in random access machines. ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing, vol. 10, 1978, pp. 114–118. [6] F. Yu, K. Ko, On parallel complexity of analytic functions. Theoretical Computer Science, Volumes 489–490, 10 June 2013, PP. 48-53. Mehrdad Hashemi, Shabnam Ahari |
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194. | Allocation of Svcs & Ipfcs in an Electrical Power System Using PSO
Allocation of Svcs & Ipfcs in an Electrical Power System Using PSOAbstract: The proposed method is used to place SVCs & IPFCs optimally in an electrical power system to reduce active power losses and as well as to improve voltage profile in different load and contingency conditions using Partial Swarm Optimization Technique. The simulations are performed on an IEEE 14-bus system and results are presented.Key words: SVC, IPFC, Different load, Contingency, Power loss, Voltage profile, PSO, IEEE 14 bus. Reference [1] S.Gerbex, R.cherkaoui, and A.J.Germond, "Optimal Allocation of FACTS Devices by Using Multi-Objective Optimal Power Flow and Genetic Algorithms". IEEE trans.power system, vol.16, pp.537-544, August 2001. [2]. M.V.Ramesh, Dr. V.C. Veera Reddy " Optimal Allocationof FACTS Devices in Different Over Load Conditions" International Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, volume 4, issue 1, Jan-Feb 2013, pp-208-222. [3] L.J.Cai, I.Erlich, G.Stamtsis "Optimal Choice and Allocation of FACTS Devices in Deregulated Electricity Market using Genetic Algorithms" IEEE transactions on 2004. [4] H.R.Bahaee, M.Jannati, B.Vahidi, S.H.Hosseinnian, H.Rastager: Improvement of voltage stability and reduce power system losses by optimal GA-base allocation of Multi-Type FACTS devices. The 11th international IEEE conference on May 2008,OPTIM 2008. [5] K.Sundareswaran, P.Bharathram, M.siddharth, Vaishavi.G, Nitin Anand Srivastava, Harish Sharma: Voltage Profile enhancement through optimal placement of FACTS devices using Queen Bee Assisted GA. The 3rd international conference on power systems, Kharagapur, December 2009. M.V.Ramesh, Dr. V.C. Veera Reddy |
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195. | Optimization of Generated Power for a Grid Connected Pv-Fc Hybrid System
Optimization of Generated Power for a Grid Connected Pv-Fc Hybrid SystemAbstract: This paper presents a method to operate a grid connected hybrid system. The hybrid system composed of a Photovoltaic (PV) array and a Proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) is considered. Two operation modes, the unit-power control (UPC) mode and the feeder-flow control (FFC) mode, can be applied to the hybrid system. In the UPC mode, variations of load demand are compensated by the main grid because the hybrid source output is regulated to reference power. Renewable energy is currently widely used. One of these resources is solar energy. The photovoltaic (PV) array normally uses a maximum power point tracking (MPPT) technique to continuously deliver the highest power to the load when there are variations in irradiation and temperature. The disadvantage of PV energy is that the PV output power depends on weather conditions and cell temperature, making it an uncontrollable source. Furthermore, it is not available during the night.Key words: Photovoltaics, Fuel cell, Hybrid systems, modelling Reference [1] T. Bocklisch, W. Schufft, and S. Bocklisch, "Predictive and optimizing energy management of photovoltaic fuel cell hybrid systems with short time energy storage," in Proc. 4th Eur. Conf. PV-Hybrid and Mini- Grid, 2008, pp. 8–15. [2] J. Larmine and A. Dicks, Fuel Cell Systems Explained. New York: Wiley, 2003. [3] W. Xiao, W. Dunford, and A. Capel, "A novel modeling method for photovoltaic cells," in Proc. IEEE 35th Annu. Power Electronics Specialists Conf., Jun. 2004, vol. 3, pp. 1950–1956. [4] D. Sera, R. Teodorescu, and P. Rodriguez, "PV panel model based on datasheet values," in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Industrial Electronics, Jun. 4–7, 2007, pp. 2392–2396. [5] C. Wang, M. H. Nehrir, and S. R. Shaw, "Dynamic models and model validation for PEM fuel cells using electrical circuits," IEEE Trans. Energy Convers., vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 442–451, Jun. 2005. D. Ravi Kishore, M. Bala Raghav, G. Gowthami |
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196. | Free Vibration Analysis of Cracked Beam
Free Vibration Analysis of Cracked BeamAbstract: The presence of cracks causes changes in the physical properties of a structure which introduces flexibility, and thus reducing the stiffness of the structure with an inherent reduction in modal natural frequencies. Consequently it leads to the change in the dynamic response of the beam. In this paper, A model for free vibration analysis of a beam with an open edge crack has been presented. Variations of natural frequencies due to crack at various locations and with varying crack depths have been studied. A parametric study has been carried out. The cracked beams with different boundary conditions have been analyzed. The results obtained by experiments performed by previous studies are compared with those obtained by finite element analysis. The analysis was performed using ABAQUS software.Key words: Free vibration; Crack; Natural frequencies; ABAQUS Reference [1] S.Christides, A.D.S. Barr. "One- dimensional theory of cracked Bernoulli-Euler beam." Journal of Mechanical Science 26, 1984: 639-648. [2] W.M.Ostacowicz, M. krawczuk. "Analysis of the effect of cracks on the natural frequencies of a cantiliver beam." Journal of Sound and Vibration 150, 1991: 191-201. [3] Robert Liang, Fred K. Choy, Jialou Hu. "Detection of cracks in beam structure using measurment of natural frequencies." Journal of the Franklin Institute, Vol.328, 1991: 505-518. [4] D.Dimarogonas, Andrew. "Vibration of cracked structures: Astate of the art review." Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol.55, 1996: 831-857. [5] M. H. H. Shen, Y. C. Chu. "Vibration of beams with fatigue cracks." Computers and Structures 45, 1992: 79-93. Prathamesh M. Jagdale, Dr. M. A. Chakrabarti |
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197. | Cryptographic Processor in The Implementation Of Ipsec Protocols
Cryptographic Processor in The Implementation Of Ipsec ProtocolsAbstract: A compact cryptographic processor with custom integrated cryptographic coprocessors is designed and implemented. The processor is mainly aimed for IPSec applications, which require intense processing power for cryptographic operations. In the present design, this processing power is achieved via the custom cryptographic coprocessors. These are an AES engine, a SHA-1 engine and a Montgomery modular multiplier, which are connected to the main processor core through a generic flexible interface. The processor core is fully compatible with Zylin Processor Unit (ZPU) instruction set, allowing the use of ZPU tool chain. A minimum set of required instructions is implemented in hardware, while the rest of the instructions are emulated in software.Key words: Cryptography, Processor, GCC, IPSec, Zylin Processor Unit. Reference [1] IPSec, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPsec [2] Counter with CBC-MAC (CCM), RFC 3610, 2003. [3] Kozierok, C. M., The TCP/IP Guide, 2005. [4] RFC Index, http://tools.ietf.org/rfc/index [5] Thull, D., Sannino, R., Performance considerations for an embedded implementation of OMA DRM 2, Design, Automation and Test in Europe, 2005 Sridevi, Dr.Manjaiah D.H |
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198. | Growth and Characterization of Zinc–Magnesium Tris (Thiourea) Sulphate (ZMTS) Single Crystals
Growth and Characterization of Zinc–Magnesium Tris (Thiourea) Sulphate (ZMTS) Single CrystalsAbstract: Zinc (tris) thiourea sulphate (ZTS) is a semi organic non linear material in the field of photonics and optoelectronics. Single crystals of pure and Magnesium sulphate mixed Zinc tris (thiourea) Sulphate (ZMTS) were grown from aqueous solution by the slow evaporation method. . The cell parameters of the grown crystals were estimated by single crystal X-ray diffraction technique. The powder X-ray diffraction patterns were recorded and indexed for further confirmation of crystalline nature of grown crystals. The presence of functional groups has been confirmed by FTIR analysis. The FTIR spectrum was recorded in the range 400-4000cm-1. The degree of dopant inclusion was ascertained by AAS. The UV-Vis transmittance spectra have been recorded to find the cut-off wavelength. The TGA/DTA studies show the thermal behavior of the grown crystals. The mechanical property of grown crystals has been analyzed by Vicker's microhardness method. The nonlinear optical (NLO) property of the grown crystal has been confirmed by Kurtz powder second harmonic generation (SHG) test. The densities of the grown crystals were also measured.Key words: ZTS crystals, Doping, Single crystal, Solution Growth, Characterization, NLO material. Reference [1]. Aggarwal, M.D., choi, J., Wang, W.S., Bhat,K., Lal,R.B., Shield, A.D., Penn, B.G., Frazier,D.O, J.Crystalgrowth 204(1999)179. [2]. R. Rajasekaran, R. Mohankumar, R.Jayavel, P. Ramasamy, J.Cryst.growth 252(2002) 317. [3]. P.RNewman, L.F.Warran, P.Cunningham, T.V. Chang, D.E .Cooper, G.L Burdge, P.P. Dingels, C. K. Lowema, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc.173 (1990) 557. [4]. V. Venkataramanan, G.Dhanaraj, V. K. Wadhawan, J.NSherwood, H.Lrowth 154 (1995)92. [5]. Selvasekarapandian S., Vivekanandian K., Kolandaivel P., and Gundurao T. K., 1997, "Vibrational Studies of Bis(thiourea) Cadmium Chloride and Tris(thiourea) Zinc Sulphate Semiorganic Non-linear Optical Crystals", Cryst. Res. Technol. 32, pp. 299-309. A. Darlin Mary, K. Jayakumari, C.K. Mahadevan |
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199. | Application of Computer Vision System in Food Processing- A Review
Application of Computer Vision System in Food Processing- A ReviewAbstract: Agricultural and food products are present in incredible varieties in terms of shape, size, color and as the market grows more demanding, food products are subdivided in various categories and are destined to different segments. The definition and characterization of different attributes are very important for the business and for the consumer, making it necessary to establish norms of classification and standardization, thus making commercial trading more efficient and allowing for higher awareness on the part of consumers. A computer vision system (CVS) have proven very successful in the analysis of food on the basis of color, size, shape, texture etc. Computer vision is the science that develops the theoretical and algorithmic basis by which useful information about an object or scene can be automatically extracted and analyzed from an observed image, image set or image sequence. An image can be defined as a spatial representation of an object or scene. Image processing is base of computer vision system. Image acquisition, processing, segmentation are basic steps for extracting information of image. CVS system is being used in food industry for the detection of defects in apples, oranges, olives, cherries etc., sorting of potatoes, online monitoring of baking conditions, measurement of browning in chips. It is also being used for checking ripening stages of banana, tomato, cherries etc. Also it can be used to classify different varieties of cereal grains and check their adulteration. It can also be used for checking color of meat and lean yield. Computer vision is an emerging subject in food sector. It is a fast, non-invasive cheap method for evaluating quality of foods. The use of computers allows for increased efficiency with less manpower, reduces dependence on trained experts which is costly and time consuming. Also, we can do modelling of information obtained from image and can be used for future. This paper presents a review of the main publications in the last ten years with respect to new technologies and to the wide application ofsystemsKey words: computer vision system, image acquisition, modelling, food sector Reference [1] Ballard, D. A., & Brown, C. M. (1982). Computer vision. Englewood Cliffs, NJ, USA: Prentice-Hall. [2] Basset, O., Buquet, B., Abouelkaram, S., Delachartre, P., & Culioli, J.,(2000). Application of texture image analysis for the classification of bovine meat. Food Chemistry, 69(4), 437–445. [3] Barnes, M., Duckett, T., Cielniak, G., Stroud, G., Harper, G., (2010).Visual detection of blemishes in potatoes using minimalist boosted classifiers. J Food Eng 98,339–346. [4] Bin, Lv.; Bin, Li.; ShaChen.; JianChen.; Bo Zhu.(2009).Comparison of color techniques to measure the color of parboiled rice. Journal of Cereal Science, 50, 262–265. [5] Blasco, J., Aleixos,N., and Molt, E. (2007). Computer vision detection of peel defects in citrus by means of a region oriented segmentation algorithm. Journal of Food Engineering, 81(3):535-543. Aasima Rafiq, Hilal A Makroo, Poonam Sachdeva and Savita Sharma |
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200. | An Improved Direct Torque Control for Three-Level Inverter-Fed Induction Motor Drive
An Improved Direct Torque Control for Three-Level Inverter-Fed Induction Motor DriveAbstract: A three-level neutral-point-clamped inverter-fed induction motor drive is proposed in this paper. The conventional direct torque control (DTC) switching table fails to consider the circuit limitations, such as neutral-point-balance and smooth vector switching, caused by the topology of a three-level inverter. Two kinds of modified schemes for three-level DTC are proposed to solve these problems. They provide performance enhancement while maintaining robustness and simplicity. In the present project the DTC is performed by using space vector pulse width modulation (SVPWM) technique in order to achieve smooth operation of drive. Fuzzy logic control and the speed-adaptive flux observer are introduced to enhance the performance of the system. The issue of large starting current can be investigated and solved by introducing the technique of pre-excitation. The effectiveness of the proposed schemes is confirmed by simulation using MATLAB/SIMULINK implementation and experimental validation.Key words: AC motor drives, adaptive observer, fuzzy logic, induction motor (IM) drives, three-level inverter, torque control Reference [1] I. Takahashi and T. Noguchi, "A new quick-response and high-efficiency control strategy of an induction motor," IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. IA-22, no. 5, pp. 820–827, Sep. 1986. [2] M. Depenbrock, "Direct self-control (DSC) of inverter-fed induction machine," IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 420–429, Oct. 1988. [3] Y. Zhang and J. Zhu, "Direct torque control of permanent magnet synchronous motor with reduced torque ripple and commutation frequency," IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 235–248, 2011. [4] D. Casadei, G. Serra, and A. Tani, "Improvement of direct torque control performance by using a discrete svm technique," in Proc. PESC 1998 Record Power Electron. Spec. Conf. 29th Annu. IEEE, May 17–22, vol. 2, pp. 997–1003. [5] G. S. Buja and M. P. Kazmierkowski, "Direct torque control of PWM inverter-fed AC motors—A survey," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 51,no. 4, pp. 744–757, Aug. 2004. Papi Naidu Tentu, Prof K.Vijay Kumar |
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201. | Security Providing To Wireless Sensor Networks by Presence of Location Monitoring Systems
Security Providing To Wireless Sensor Networks by Presence of Location Monitoring SystemsAbstract: Due to technological advances in sensor technologies, wireless sensor networks are widely used for location monitoring. In such systems monitoring personal locations is done through Internet server. As the server is untrusted, it may cause threats pertaining to privacy of individuals being monitored. This is the potential risk to be addressed. This paper presents two algorithms to address this problem. These algorithms achieve two purposes. The first one is that they can improve quality of monitoring locations while the second one is for location anonymization so as to preserving personal location privacy. The first algorithm is resource-aware which is aimed at reducing computational and communicational cost while the quality-aware algorithm is aimed at improving the quality of monitoring locations. Both are having a feature that preserves personal location privacy. The system is evaluated with simulation experiments using NS2.The empirical results revealed that the proposed system can provide high quality monitoring besides preserving personal location privacy.Index Terms: WSN, privacy preservation, location monitoring Reference [1] A. Harter, A. Hopper, P. Steggles, A. Ward, and P. Webster, .The anatomy of a context-aware application,. in Proc. of MobiCom, 1999. [2] N. B. Priyantha, A. Chakraborty, and H. Balakrishnan, .The cricket location-support system,. in Proc. of MobiCom, 2000. [3] B. Son, S. Shin, J. Kim, and Y. Her, .Implementation of the realtime people counting system using wireless sensor networks,. IJMUE, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 63.80, 2007. [4] Onesystems Technologies, .Counting people in buildings. http://www.onesystemstech com.sg/index.php?option=comcontent&task=view%&id=10.. [5] Traf-Sys Inc., People counting systems. http://www.trafsys.com/products/people-counters/thermal-sensor.aspx.. B. RAVI, D.VIVEKANANDA REDDY |
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202. | Enhanced LUT For Modified Distributed Arithematic Architecture - FIR Filter
Enhanced LUT For Modified Distributed Arithematic Architecture - FIR FilterAbstract: This paper presents Enhanced LUT for Modified Distributed Arithmetic Architecture for efficient implementation of finite impulse response (FIR) filter. In this technique consists of shift registers, Look Up Table (LUT) and accumulator. Based on this technique multipliers in Fir filter are replaced with LUT. Multiplications are performed using shift operation. Performance analysis of various filter orders with filter coefficients (with Kaiser Window technique) are synthesized using Verilog HDL.Key words: Finite Impulse Response (FIR), Modified Distributed Arithmetic (MDA), Look Up Table (LUT),Configurable Logic Blocks (CLBs) Reference [1] M.Keerthi,,S.NagakishoreBhavanam,Jeevan Reddy K, "Distributed Arithmetic for FIR Filter Implementation on FPGA", International Journal Of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)", Vol.1, Issue.9, pp 1-8, November 2012 [2] Zhou, Yajun, and Pingzheng Shi, "Distributed Arithmetic for FIR Filter implementation on FPGA", Proc. IEEE on International Conference in Multimedia Technology (ICMT), 2011 on, pp. 294-297, 2011. [3] Yajun Zhou, pingzheng Shi, "Distributed Arithmetic for FIR Filter Implementation On FPGA" , IEEE International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems(ICCCAS), pp. 620-623, July 2007. [4] Narendra Singh Pal, Harjit Pal Singh, R.K.Sarin, Sarabjeet Singh, "Implementation of High Speed FIR Filter using Serial and Parallel Distributed Arithmetic Algorithm" International Journal of Computer Applications, Volume 25– No.7, July 2011 [5] R , Nathiya R , "Realization Of Fir Filter Using Modified Distributed Arithmetic Architecture" , An International of Journal Signal & Image Processing(SIPIJ) Vol.3, No.1, February 2012 N Vivek, Prof K Anusudha |
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204. | Development of Glass/Banana Fibers Reinforced Epoxy Composite
Development of Glass/Banana Fibers Reinforced Epoxy CompositeAbstract: Banana fiber reinforced epoxy composite have been prepared for the evaluation of tensile strength, flexural strength and impact strength . Banana fibers obtained from the stem of banana plant (Musa sapientum) have been characterized for their diameter variability and their mechanical properties, with a stress on fracture morphology. Natural fibers present important advantages such as low density, appropriate stiffness and mechanical properties and high disposability and renewability. Also,they are recyclable and biodegradable. Banana fiber in combination with glass has proved to be excellent for making cost effective composite materials. The hybridization of FRP at 20% wt fraction of reinforcement results an increasing in the tensile strength of HFREC by an amount of 1.24% than GFREC and by 71.2% than BFREC. The hybridization of FRP at 30% wt fraction of reinforcement results an increasing in the tensile strength of HFREC by an amount of 2.5% than GFREC and by 63.4% than BFREC. The tensile strength has shown the highest value when a 10% of banana fiber and 20% of glass fiber is used and an interleaving arrangement of glass and banana fiber is followed. The hybridization of FRP at 20% wt fraction of reinforcement results an increasing in the flexural strength of HFREC by an amount of 6.9 % than GFREC and by 27.3 % than BFREC. The hybridization of FRP at 30% wt fraction of results an increasing in the flexural strength of HFREC by an amount of 6% than GFREC and by 23 % than BFREC. The impact strength shows the highest value .When banana fibers and glass fibers are reinforced in a ratio of 1:2 .The impact strength of HFREC increases by an amount of 5.1% than GFREC and by 91% than BFREC.Key words: BFREC (Banana fiber reinforced epoxy composite),GFREC (Glass fiber reinforced epoxy composite), HFREC (Hybrid fiber reinforced epoxy composite), Hand lay up Reference [1] Raghvendra kumar mishra,et.al. "Dyanmic Anaylsis of Banana Fiber Reinforced high- Density polyethylene (ε-caprolactone) composites" journals of mechanics of materials and Structures, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2008 [2] Jartiz, A.E., Design, pp.18, 1965. [3] Kelly, A. Sci. American 217, (B), pp. 161, 1967. [4] Berghezan,A.Nucleus,8(5),1966,(Nucleus A Editeur,1,rhe,Chalgrin,Paris, 16(e). [5] Suchetclan Van, Philips Res. Repts. Volume 27, pp. 28, 1972. Ashwani Kumar, Deepak Choudhary |
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205. | Microanalytical Investigation on the Consolidation Characteristic of Lime Composites
Microanalytical Investigation on the Consolidation Characteristic of Lime CompositesAbstract: This paper presents a series of geotechnical and geochemical tests used for investigation into consolidation behaviour of lime composites as a part of a comprehensive study in geotechnical group in Curtin Univeristy. The consolidation test was analysed the engineering characteristics of one sand-clay mixtures (pure composite) and six lime-modified samples (lime composites). Both the experimental outcomes and analytical data were justified the efficiency of lime addition for modifying the soil compressibility bihaviour. The key role of pozzolanic effect on sand composites were recognized by micrograph images of SEM, elemental examination of EDS, and mineralogical phases of XRD. It was happened due to availability of Calcium (Ca), oxygen (O), silicon (Si), aluminium (Al), as the major chemical factors for pozzolanic reactions. Subsequently, the polymerisation phenomenon was generated as a result of creation of aluminosilicate compounds, then generation a more uniform area among the composite's particles.Key words: Consolidation, Lime Stabilisation, EDS, SEM, XRD. Reference [1] Amiralian, S., A. Chegenizadeh, and H. Nikraz, A Review on The Lime and Fly ash Application in Soil Stabilization. International Journal of Biological, Ecological and Environmental Sciences (IJBEES), 2012. vol .1(3): p. 124-126. [2] Amiralian, S., A. Chegenizadeh, and H. Nikraz, Laboratory Investigation on the Compaction Properties of Lime and Fly Ash Composite, in International Conference on Civil and Architectural applications (ICCAA'2012)2012, Planetary Scientific Research Center: Phuket (Thailand). p. 79-83. [3] Amiralian, S., A. Chegenizadeh, and H. Nikraz, Laboratory Investigation on the Effect of Fly Ash on the Compressibility of Soil, in International Conference on Civil and Architectural applications (ICCAA'2012)2012, Planetary Scientific Research Center: Phuket (Thailand). p. 84-88. [4] Amiralian, S., A. Chegenizadeh, and H. Nikraz, Laboratory Investigation on the Effect of Lime on Compressibility of Soil, in International Conference on Civil and Architectural applications (ICCAA'2012)2012, Planetary Scientific Research Center: Phuket (Thailand). p. 89-93December 18-19. [5] Amiralian, S., A. Chegenizadeh, and H. Nikraz, Investigation on the Effect of Lime and Fly Ash on Hydraulic Conductivity of Soil. International Journal of Biological, Ecological and Environmental Sciences (IJBEES), 2012. Vol. 1(3): p. 120-123. Saeid. Amiralian, Amin. Chegenizadeh And Hamid. Nikraz |
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206. | Image Fusion on Ratio Images for Change Detection in SAR Images Using DWT and PCA
Image Fusion on Ratio Images for Change Detection in SAR Images Using DWT and PCAAbstract: This paper presents image fusion techniques on ratio images for change detection in synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images. In this we are implementing wavelet fusion and PCA fusion techniques. The proposed approaches are applied to generate the fused image by using complementary information from mean-ratio and log-ratio images. To restrain the background (unchanged areas) information and enhance the information of changed regions in the fused image, fusion rules based on weight averaging and minimum standard deviation are chosen to fuse the wavelet coefficients for low- and high-frequency bands, respectively. PCA fusion algorithm is applied on ratio images to get good results in change detection. Experiments on real SAR images confirm that the PCA fusion does better than the mean-ratio, log-ratio and wavelet fusionKey words: log-ratio image, mean-ratio image, PCA fusion, synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image, wavelet fusion. Reference [1] Jingjing Ma, Maoguo Gong, Membe, IEEE, and Zhiqiang Zhou, "Wavelet Fusion on Ratio Images for Change Detection in SAR Images" IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS, VOL. 9, NO. 6, NOVEMBER 2012. [2] Y. Bazi, L. Bruzzone, and F. Melgani,"An unsupervised approach based on the generalized Gaussian model to automatic change detection in multitemporal SAR images," IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., vol. 43, no. 4, pp. 874–887, Apr. 2005. [3] J. Inglada and G. Mercier,"A new statistical similarity measure for change detection in multitemporal SAR images and its extension to multiscale change analysis" IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens. Vol. 45. No. 5. Pp. 1432-1445, May 2007. [4] F. Bovolo and L. Bruzzone,"A wavelet-based change-detection technique for multitemporal SAR images" in Proc. Int. Workshop Anal. Multi-Temporal Remote Sens. Images, May 2005, pp. 85-89. [5] G. Piella, "A general framework for multiresolution image fusion from pixels to regions" Inf. Fusion, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 259-280, Dec. 2003. P. Sanjay Krishnamal, B. Surya Prasada Rao, Dr. P. Rajesh Kumar |
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207. | Influence of the Integration of Ferrite Films in the Substrate, On
Resonant Frequency of the Patch Antenna
Influence of the Integration of Ferrite Films in the Substrate, On Resonant Frequency of the Patch AntennaAbstract: Improving the performance of communication systems often results in an increase of their operating frequencies and the need to reduce the dimensions of the electronic equipment to ensure the portability of these systems, which requires the use of anisotropic materials such as ferrites, The work we have performed was applied to the design of a patch antenna for UMTS applications. This antenna is etched on a substrate of glass-epoxy of permittivity 4.32 r and is fed by a micro-strip line matched to50. In order To study the influence of ferrite on the resonance frequency of the antenna, and its bandwidth. We varied the substrate characteristics while incorporating ferrite films Ni0.23Co0.13Fe2.64O4 characterized by the permittivity 13 r and permeability 10 r between the patch and the ground without making changes to the geometry of the antenna used. The results obtained by the simulator CST, show that the studied antenna performance, are improved through ferrite films loaded in the glass-epoxy substrate, which we noticed also has a decrease in resonance frequency and this lower frequency depends on the thickness of the ferrite films and their location in the antenna structure. We conclude at the end that the combination of dielectric substrate with ferrite films enables us to design miniature antennas with high performance in the gigahertz range.Key words: Multilayer patch antenna, anisotropic materials, ferrite, permeability tensor, miniaturization of antennas. Reference [1] Naveen Kumar Saxena, Nitendar Kumar, P.K.S. Pourush : ' Microstrip Rectangular Patch Antenna Printed On LiTi Ferrite With Perpendicular DC Magnetic Biasing', The Journal of American Science, 2010. [2] G.M. Yang1, X. Xing1, O. Obi1, A. Daigle1, M Liu1, S. Stoute1, K. Naishadham2, N.X. Sun1 : 'Loading Effects of Self-biased Magnetic Films on Patch Aantennas with Substrate/Superstrate Sandwich Structure', The Journal of IET Microwaves, Antennas & propagation, 2009. [3] Guo-Min Yang, X. Xing, A. Daigle, M. Liu, O. Obi, S. Stoute, K. Naishadham, Nian X. Sun, Tunable Miniaturized Patch Antennas With Self-Biased Multilayer Magnetic Films, IEEE Transactions On Antennas And Propagation, July 2009. [4] Byungie Lee, Frances J. Harachiewicz: 'Miniature Microstrip Antenna With a Partially Filled', IEEE Transaction On Antennas And Propagation, August 2002 [5] Jorge Lezaca, Patrick Queffelec, Alexis Chevalier:' Methode De Caracterisation De La Reponse Dynamique De Materiaux Magnetique Dans Un Etat D'Aimantation Quelconque: Probleme Direct' JCMM 2010 [6] K.R. Carver, J.W. Mink, " Microstrip Antenna Technology", IEEE Trans Antennas Propagat, Vol?29.No.1, pp 2-24, Jan 1981 Fatima Zahra Hanin, Larbi Setti |
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208. | Simulation And Comparative Analysis of Linear DC Power Supply
Simulation And Comparative Analysis of Linear DC Power SupplyAbstract: DC power source of a certain importance is required by electronic circuitry to work successfully. This proposed research work views the design as well as assessment regarding transformer-based and transformer less-based changing controlled DC power supply. It will also represent any marketplace analysis investigation involving them and their particular own aspects of uses. The product quality, expense, dimension, excess weight, efficiency as well as effective manufacturing regarding DC power supply, all these pose lots of matter and focus in the DC power manufacturing. The structure methodology found in this work will involve application layout with regard to aspect selection, increased equipment layout, computer simulation. This proposed research work will also presents an assessment regarding transformation, rectification, filtration and regulation stages for both equally transformer-based & transformer-less adjustable DC power supply along with graphic outputs. The final results obtained following the layout specification had been extremely adequate. The particular transformer-based has an effective output current as well as very well out of the way through the supply voltage, making it far better for higher current applications. The transformer less DC supply provides scaled-down dimension, excess weight as well as cheaper. It also generates less noise, warmth; inter harmonic distortion ranges and larger transient response. However lack of proper solitude as opposed to its counterpart hence cause decrease Mean Time to Failure (MTTF). Transformer less changing DC power supply should be considered any viable choice with regard to decrease power. Expense, dimension as well as excess weight limitations lessen the usage of traditional transformer-based DC power supply.Key words: DC (Direct Current), Rectification, Filtration, Regulation Reference [1] "LM317 VARIABLE POWER SUPPLY" by Mike Papadimitriou [2] "AN954, Transformer less Power Supplies" by Reston Condit [3] "Design and Development of an Intelligent Variable Power Supply Device" by Williams, O.A. 1995 [4] "Transformer less Power Supplies" by Ron J. 2002. [5] "Transformer less 12V Dual Power Supply" by Kiran Shrestha. 2004 Engr.Qazi Waqar Ali, Prof. M.Zahir Khan |
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209. | Classifying User Preferences of Web Learning System with Genetic Optimization
Classifying User Preferences of Web Learning System with Genetic OptimizationAbstract: Web learning system content can be in the form of tutorials, online discussion group or virtual platform for hands on training. Most of the Web learning system is enhanced using multimedia followed by self-assessment tools. A well designed user interface in the web learning system improves performance of the students learning. In web based learning systems, the cognitive load is the key for the effectiveness of the instructional and multimedia learning, thus the cognition, cognitive load and the students' website preferences form the basis of user's satisfaction. Based on the questionnaire, the likes and dislikes of the user are found. The data mining Classifier are trained based on cognitive based feedback questionnaire. A Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) neural network was proposed to classify the user preferences of Web Learning system. Thus helps to identify the areas for improvement in layout of the web learning system. To further improve the performance of the proposed MLP, the parameters of the neural network is optimized using Genetic Algorithm (GA). Then all the user preferences are classified using proposed neural network classifiers with an optimization technique. The cognitive attributes are used as the training input for the proposed genetically optimized neural network.Key words: Web Learning System, Classification Accuracy, Genetic Optimization, Parallel Multi Layer Perceptron,NeuralNetwork Reference [1] Sweller, J., & Chandler, P., "Evidence for cognitive load theory", Cognition and Instruction, Vol. 8, pp.351–362, 1991. [2] Alonso, F., Lopez, G., Manrique, D., Vines, J. M., "An instructional model for web‐based e‐learning education with a blended learning process approach", British Journal of educational technology, Vol. 36, No.2, pp. 217-235, 2005 [3] Andy Johnson, "Applying Cognitive Learning Theory in The Classroom", pp. 1-7, 2012. [4] Peter Zhang, "Neural Networks for Classification: A Survey" IEEE transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics—part c: applications and reviews, Volume 30, Number 4, pp. 451-462, 2000. [5] Norol Hamiza Zamzuri, "The Role of Cognitive Styles in Investigating E-Learning Usability", International Conference on e-Education, e-Business, e-Management and e-Learning- IEEE, pp. 3-6, 2010. L. Jayasimman, E. George Dharma Prakash Raj |
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MECHANICAL PERFORMANCE OF GREEN COCONUT FIBER/HDPE COMPOSITESAbstract: Many of our morden technologies demand materials with unusual combination of properties such as high strength to weight ratio, high stiffness, high corrosion resistance, high fatigue strength, high dimensional stability etc., these can't be met by conventional metal alloys. Composites consists of two phases namely fiber and matrix. Fibers are dis-continuous phase used to carry the load and matrix is continuous phase used to bind and transmit the load to the fibers. Fibers are produced with various materials such as metals, Glass, carbon and aramid etc. The present work includes the processing, characterization of green coconut fiber reinforced HDPE composites. An investigation is carried out to evaluate the Mechanical properties such as Tensile strength by adopting Taghuchi's Design of Experiments (DoE) L9 orthogonal array concept. This investigation was set to analyze and develop a mathematical model using response surface methodology (RSM) for the observed responses i.e, Tensile strength (TS). The developed models were checked for their adequacy and significance of all the terms included in the models.Key words: green coconut fiber, wood, bio-composites, HDPE, Tensile test Reference [1] Mansur M. A and Aziz M. A, "Study of Bamboo-Mesh Reinforced Cement Composites" Int. Cement Composites and Lightweight Concrete", 5(3), 1983, pp. 165–171. [2] Laly A. Pothana, Zachariah Oommenb, and Thomas S, "Dynamic Mechanical Analysis of Banana Fiber Reinforced Polyester Composites", Composites Science and Technology, 63(2), 2003, pp. 283-293. [3] Corbière-Nicollier T, Laban B. G, Lundquist L, Leterrier Y,. Månson J. A. E and Jolliet O, "Life Cycle Assessment of Bio fibers Replacing Glass Fibers as Reinforcement in Plastics", Resources, Conservation and recycling, 33(4), 2001, pp. 267-287. [4] Pothan L. A, Thomas S and Neelakantan, "Short Banana Fiber Reinforced Polyester Composites: Mechanical, Failure and Aging Characteristics", Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 16(8), 1997, pp. 744-765. [5] Joseph S, Sreekala M. S, Oommen Z, Koshy P, and Thomas S, "A Comparison of the Mechanical Properties of Phenol Formaldehyde Composites Reinforced with Banana Fibers and Glass Fibers", Composites Science and Technology, 62(14), 2002, pp. 1857-1868. T. BALARAMI REDDY |
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211. | Discussion on Different Algorithm for Text Classification and Feature Selection
Discussion on Different Algorithm for Text Classification and Feature SelectionAbstract: In different application domains as well as areas of research text classification is one of the well studied problems. So there is need to enhance the effective and efficient algorithm for text classification .There are many algorithm presented by different authors over the successfully and accurate text classification by different researchers. Each algorithm presented are specific to applications or some other domains of research. Some techniques presented are based on data mining and machine learning domains. The main aim of this paper is to summarize the different types of algorithm presented for text classification. In this paper we have presented the key components for text classification which will be helpful for researcher to understand the existing techniques of text classification. First we will give the overview of why there is need for feature reduction and different technique for feature selection, then the key components of text classification system. Later we will discuss the different algorithm of text classification.Key words: feature clustering, Text Classification, Feature selection Reference [1] T. M. Cover, J. A. Thomas. Elements of information theory. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1991. [2] Y. Yang, J. O. Pederson. A comparative study on feature selection in text categorization [3] Y. Yang. Noise Reduction in a Statistical Approach to Text Categorization. [4] D. Lewis, M. Ringuette. A comparison of two learning algorithms for text categorization. SDAIR, 1994. [5] S. Chakrabarti, S. Roy, M. Soundalgekar. Fast and Accurate Text Classification via Multiple Linear Discriminant Projections, VLDB Journal, 12(2), pp. 172–185, 2003. Nilophar Mulani, Yoginath Kalshetty |
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212. | Study of load balancing protocols in MANET
Study of load balancing protocols in MANETAbstract: Mobile ad hoc network is a collection of wireless mobile nodes, such devices as PDAs, mobile phones, laptops etc. that are connected over a wireless medium. There is no pre-existing communication infrastructure (no access points, no base stations) and the nodes can freely move and self-organize into a network topology. Such a network can contain two or more nodes. Hence, balancing the load in a MANET is important because the nodes in MANET have limited communication resources such as bandwidth, buffer space, and battery power. Most current routing protocols for mobile Ad-hoc networks consider the shortest path with minimum hop count as optimal route without any consideration of any particular node's traffic and thus degrading the performance by causing serious problems in mobile node like congestion, power depletion and queuing delay. Therefore it is very attractive to investigate Routing protocols which use a Routing Metric to Balance Load in Ad-hoc networks. This paper discusses various load metric and various load balancing routing protocols for efficient data transmission in MANETs.Key words: Load Balancing, Mobile Ad hoc Networks, Routing Reference [1] D. B. Johnson, D. A. Maltz, "Dynamic source routing in ad hoc wireless networks," Mobile Computing, pp. 153–181, 1996. [2] Josh Broch, David A. Maltz, David B. Johnson, Yih-Chun Hu, Jorjeta Jetcheva. "A Performance Comparison of Multi-Hop Wireless Ad Hoc Network Routing Protocols," The Fourth Annual ACM/IEEE International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, pp. 1-13, 1998 [3] Chen, X., H. M. Jones, A .D .S. Jayalath, "Congestion-Aware Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks," Vehicular Technology Conference 2007, pp. 21-25, 2007 [4] S. Ramanathan, M. E. Steenstrup, "A survey of routing techniques for mobile communications networks, mobile networks and applications," Vol. 1, pp. 98–104, 1996. [5] C. E. Perkins, "Ad hoc on demand distance vector (AODV) routing," IEFT Internet Draft, November 1998, Prof. S.A.Jain, Ms. Kunjal Patel |
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213. | High-Speed Motorcycle Dynamics: Quick Turns While Going Straight and Around Curves
High-Speed Motorcycle Dynamics: Quick Turns While Going Straight and Around CurvesAbstract: In this paper we present analyses and then explanations for two anti-intuitive motorcycle maneuvers: 1) sudden steering while going straight ahead at high speed; and 2) firm, but brief, rear wheel braking while going at high speed around a curve. Using the principles of dynamics (Newton's laws), the law of gyroscopes, and stick/slip tire behavior, we show that pushing on the handle bar as to turn right (or left) causes the motorcycle instead to go left (or right); and that sudden rear wheel braking when nearly sliding out in a curve, redirects the motorcycle toward the center of the curve, and at a slower speed.Key words: control, human factors, motorcycles, stability, vehicle dynamics Reference [1] Motorcycle Safety Foundation, You and your motorcycle, riding tips, 3rd Ed. (Irvine, CA, 2010) 18. [2] J Perry, Spinning tops & gyroscopic motion, (NY: Dover, 1957) 23. [3] R L Huston and C Q Liu, Formulas for dynamic analysis (NY: Marcel Dekker, 2001) 528-531. [4] K L Johnson, Contact mechanics (Cambridge University Press, 1985) Ch. 8. [5] F P Beer and E R Johnston, Jr., Vector mechanics for engineers, statics and dynamics, 5th Ed. (NY: McGraw Hill, 1988) 318-319. Ronald L. Huston, Larry S. Schartman, John Connelly |
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214. | Implementation of Naive Bayes as a Quality of Service Determination on Traffic Network Communication Protocol
Implementation of Naive Bayes as a Quality of Service Determination on Traffic Network Communication ProtocolAbstract: The utilization of communication model based on computer network technology is a technology that has been widely used. Communication model on computer network, using communication protocol which fits in with standard communication type that widely known as network protocol. The number of ports which identify network protocol according to IANA is numbering 65,536 ports. The utilization of network protocol in communication of computer network, is sometimes demanding communication priority which often known as QoS (Quality of Service). Referred communication priority is based on the number of communication model utilization which using network protocol as in HTTP protocol. The analysis of computer network traffic is one of the methods to find out the utilization of computer network communication protocol, so that can be a basis of priority setting (QoS). The utilization of Naïve Bayes is used to classify communication protocol in computer network. The utilization of wireshark application is used as network capture tool and the result achieved is classifying network protocol used as a setting reference of QoS.Key words: Network protocol, QoS, Network capture Reference [1] Yuhai Liu, Zhiqiang Li, Shanqing Guo, Taiming Feng: Efficient, Accurate Internet Traffic Classification using Discretization in Naive Bayes. ICNSC 2008: 1589-1592 [2] IANA Port Numbers, http://www.iana.org/ assignments/port/numbers. Diakses tanggal 24 September 2013 [3] Stephen S. Yau, Yin Yin: QoS-Based Service Ranking and Selection for Service-Based Systems. IEEE SCC 2011: 56-63 [4] Jun Zhang, Chao Chen, Yang Xiang, Wanlei Zhou, Yong Xiang: Internet Traffic Classification by Aggregating Correlated Naive Bayes Predictions. 5-15 [5] SecTools.Org: Top 125 Network Security Tools, http://sectools.org. Diakses tanggal 24 September 2013 Sudarma, M., Pramana, D.H |
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215. | 16-Bit RISC Processor Design for Convolution Applications
16-Bit RISC Processor Design for Convolution ApplicationsAbstract: We propose a 16-bit non-pipelined RISC processor, which is used for signal processing applications. The processor consists of the blocks, namely, program counter, clock Control unit, ALU, IDU and registers. Advantageous architectural modifications have been made in the incrementer circuit used in program counter and carry select adder unit of the ALU in the RISC CPU core. Furthermore, a high speed and low power modified Wallace tree multiplier has been designed and introduced in the design of ALU. The RISC processor has been designed for executing 27-instruction set. Convolution is an important signal processing application which is used in filter design. Many algorithms have been proposed in order to achieve an optimized performance of the filters by optimizing the convolution design. Modified Winograd algorithm is notable among them. They require 4 multiplication operations only, when compared to 6 for a 3*2 normal convolution methodology with an additional rise in the number of adders to 9 from 4.Key words: RISC, convolution, Wallace tree multiplier Reference [1] Robert S. Plachno, VP of Audio "A True Single Cycle RISC Processor without Pipelining". ESS Design White Paper – RISC Embedded Controller. [2] Youngjoon Shin, Chanho Lee, and Yong Moon, "A Low Power 16-Bit RISC Microprocessor Using ECRL Circuits", ETRI Journal, Volume 26, Number 6, December 2004. [3] Yasuhiro Takahashi, Toshikazu Sekine, and Michio Yokoyama, "Design of a 16-bit Non-pipelined RISC CPU in a Two Phase Drive Adiabatic Dynamic CMOS Logic," International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 1, April 2009 1793-8198. [4] V. B. Saambhavi and V. S. Kanchana Bhaaskaran, A 16-Bit RISC Microprocessor Using DCPAL Circuits. International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Technology (IJAET), E-ISSN-0976-3945, Vol.II, Issue I, January-March 2011, pp. 154-162 [5] J.S. Denker, "A Review of Adiabatic Computing," IEEE Symp. Low Power Electronics, 1994, pp. 94-97. Ramana K, Mrs. G. Sree Lakshmi and Dr. M. Ch. P. Jagdissh |
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216. | Fuzzy Reliability Analysis for the Effect of TRH Based On Gamma Distribution
Fuzzy Reliability Analysis for the Effect of TRH Based On Gamma DistributionAbstract: The theoretical study of serum prolactin response to TRH during antithyroid treatment in hyperthyroid patients was determined. Formulae of fuzzy gamma distributions, fuzzy reliability functions and its -cut sets are presented. Using a Fuzzy reliability analysis based on gamma distribution, we showed that changes from normal serum levels of T3 and T4 are associated with changes in prolactin responses to TRH.Key words: Fuzzy Gamma distribution, Fuzzy reliability function, Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone (TRH) Reference [1]. Zadeh, L. A., Fuzzy sets, Information and control, 8, 1965, 338-352. [2]. Singer, D., A fuzzy set approach to fault tree and reliability analysis, Fuzzy sets and systems, 34(2), 1990, 145-155. [3]. Chen, C.H., Mon, L., Fuzzy System reliability analysis by interval of confidence, Fuzzy sets and systems, 56, 1993, 29-36. [4]. Cai, K.Y., Wen, C.Y., Zhang, M. L., Fuzzy Variables as a basic for a theory of fuzzy reliability in the possibility context, Fuzzy sets and systems, 42, 1991, 145-172. [5]. Utkin. L.V. and Gurov, S.V., A general formal approach, for fuzzy reliability analysis in the possibility context, Fuzzy sets and systems, 83, 1995, 203-213,. A. Venkatesh, S. Elango |
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217. | A Novel Secured RGB LSB Steganography with Enhanced Stego-Image Quality
A Novel Secured RGB LSB Steganography with Enhanced Stego-Image QualityAbstract: Steganography is the science of writing hidden messages in such a way that no one apart from the intended recipient knows of the existence of the messages. Steganography is a greek origin word which is pronounced as Stehg-uh-nah-grunf-ee where steganous means secret or covered and graphie means writing. In this paper a new steganography technique is presented, implemented and analyzed. The proposed RGB LSB method hides the secret message based on the comparison and searching about the identical bits between the secret messages and image pixel values. The proposed method is compared with LSB benchmarking method and achieved a efficient image with enhanced stego-image quality.Key words: Identical bits, LSB, LSB benchmarking, RGB, Steganography, Stego-image. Reference [1] A Discussion of Covert Channels and Steganography by Mark Owens, March19, 2002. [2] Review on current Steganography technologies by S.G.K.D. N.Samaratunge, 7th International Information Technology Conference, 2005, SriLanka. [3] An efficient color re-indexing scheme for palette based compression by Wenjun Zeng, JinLiand Shawmin Lei, Sharp Laboratories of America. [4] A Review of Data Hiding in Digital Images by Eugene T.Lin and Edward J.Delp, Video and Image Processing Laboratory (VIPER), School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University, Indiana. [5] On the limits of Steganography by Ross J.Anderson, FabienA. P. Petitcolas, IEEE Journal of selected areas in Communications, 16(4):474-481, May 1998. Special issue on Copyright & Privacy protection. ISSN0733-8716. Koyi Lakshmi Prasad, Dr. T.Ch.Malleswara Rao |
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218. | Adaptive Filter for Ecg Noise Reduction Using Rls Algorithm
Adaptive Filter for Ecg Noise Reduction Using Rls AlgorithmAbstract: Noise reduction in ECG signal is an important task of biomedical science.Adaptive filtering algorithms are evolving rapidly in biomedical science to remove the noise by an appreciable amount.In this paper, noise of ECG signal has been reduced by using adaptive filter based on RLS algorithm.The RLS algorithm performs well irrespective of the nature of signal and noise and its convergence rate is very fast. The abrupt changes in the ECG signal are best handled by RLS algorithm. The proposed filter has been designed and simulated using MATLAB. The results show that the developed filter can reduce ECG noise to 0.15 percent upto 30 order filter with 0.4680 seconds convergence time.Key words: Adaptive Filter, ECG, MATLAB Reference [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrocardiogra phy,2012 [2] Syed Zahurul Islam,Syed Zahidi Islam, Razali Jidin, Mohd. Alauddin Mohd. Ali,"Performance Study of Adaptive Filtering Algorithms For Noise Cancellation of ECG signal", Information, Communication and Signal processing(ICICS);PP 1-5,2009 [3] GuoQuan Xing, YuXiaZHang," Analysis and Comparison of RLS Adaptive Filter in Signal De-noising",Electrical and Control Engineering (ICECE);PP. 5754-5758,2011 [4] Li Gui-qing,Yang JI-mei, Li Xiang-chen," An Improved RLS Adaptive Filter Algorithm Used to Process Human Body Balance Signal,Future Computer Science and Education (ICFCSE); PP.275-278,2011. Arshdeep Singh, Rajesh Mehra |
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219. | Design Analysis of IIR Filter for Power Line Interference Reduction in ECG Signals
Design Analysis of IIR Filter for Power Line Interference Reduction in ECG SignalsAbstract: In this paper, interference due to 50Hz power line in the electrocardiogram (ECG) measurement is reduced with the help of IIR filters. Pick up of hum from power line is a very common phenomenon in the measurement of ECG signals. It is of prime need to reduce the variations coming due to power line so that one can analyze the most of the critical points in the measured signal. Power Line Interference (PLI) may seriously degrade the ECG signal, rendering the ECG analysis inaccurate. By employing digital filter approach the effect of PLI is drastically reduced, thus, avoiding the conditions like changing the recording sites or installing expensive shields. The developed IIR filter has been designed and simulated using MATLAB with Butterworth and Chebyshev techniques. Both filters have been analyzed and compared in terms of their performance. It is found in the results that Butterworth IIR filter gives a more satisfactory response.Key words: ECG, IIR, notch filters, PLI. Reference [1] Goldschlager, N. (June 1989). Principles of Clinical Electrocardiographic, Appleton & Lange, 13th edition, ISBN 978-083-8579-510, Connecticut, USA. [2] Dubin, D. (August 1976). Electrocardiografía Práctica : Lesión, Trasado e Interpretación, McGraw Hill Interamericana, 3rd edition, ISBN 978-968-2500-824, Madrid, Spain [3] Cuesta, D. (September 2001). Estudio de Métodos para Procesamiento y Agrupación de Señales Electrocardiográficas. Doctoral Thesis, Department of Systems Data Processing and Computers (DISCA) , Polytechnic University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain. [4] Goldschlager, N. (June 1989). Principles of Clinical Electrocardiographic, Appleton & Lange,13th edition, ISBN 978-083-8579-510, Connecticut, USA. [5] Proakis, J. ; Manolakis, D. (2007). Digital Signal Processing : Principles, Algorithms, and Applications, Prentice Hall, 3rd edition, ISBN 978-013-3737-622, New Jersey, USA. Gaurav Gupta, Rajesh Mehra |
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220. | Multiband Conformal Hexagonal Slot Patch Antenna
Multiband Conformal Hexagonal Slot Patch AntennaAbstract: A Multiband Conformal Hexagonal Slot Patch Antenna fed by 50Ω microstrip line for multiband application is presented. The strip loaded MCHSPA antenna is fed through microstrip line to achieve proper impedance matching. This antenna provides maximum bandwidth of 2.2 GHz and return loss of -43 dB at resonant frequency of 13.5GHZ. The antenna has been carved out from a cylindrical geometry and FR4-epoxy substrate with dimension 42*55*1.6 mm3 has been used. The MCHSPA antenna has been simulated on High Frequency Structure Simulator software version 13 (HFSS 13). This antenna performs basically in C, X band and Ku band. Return loss and radiation pattern for this antenna is evaluated here. The simulated return loss has been represented for different substrate material of varying thickness. This antenna is used in communication and navigation technologies, aircraft, automobiles or ships, radar and satellite communicationIndex Terms: MCHSPA, Multiband, Return loss, HFSS Reference [1] G.kumar and K.C. Gupta," Broad – band microstrip antenna using additional resonators gap- coupled to yhe radiating edges," IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag , vol . 32, no.12, pp. 1375-1379, 1984. [2] P. S. Bhatnagar, J. P. Daniel, K. Mahdjoubi, and C. Terret, "Hybrid edge, gap and directly cou pled triangular microstrip antenna,"Electron. Lett., vol. 22, no. 16, pp. 853–855, 1986. [3] Xiang Jun Gao, Li Zhu, and Guangming Wang," Design on a Broadband Circularly Polarized Slot Antenna," MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS / Vol. 52, No. 8 june 2010. [4] V. P. Sarin, M. S. Nishamol, D. Tony, C. K. Aanandan, P. Mohanan, and K. Vasudevan ," A Broad band L- Strip Fed Printed Microstrip Antenna" IEEE Trans. Antenna propag, vol.59,no.1,January 2011. [5] Hossein Eskandari, Mohammad Naghi Azarmanes" Bandwidth enhancement of a printed wide-slot antenna with small slots," Int. J. Electron. Commun. (AEÜ) 63 (2009) 896–900. Monika Chauhan |
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221. | Equilibrium, Kinetic and Thermodynamic Study on Chromium (VI) Removal from Aqueous Solution Using Strychnos Nux-Vomica L
Equilibrium, Kinetic and Thermodynamic Study on Chromium (VI) Removal from Aqueous Solution Using Strychnos Nux-Vomica LAbstract: The effective and economic removal of heavy metals from industrial effluents is one of the important issues globally. Batch adsorption experiments were carried to fix the adsorption dosage and also to find the optimum pH. A thermodynamic study was made on the adsorption of Cr (VI) ions in aqueous solution distinctly by the adsorbents such as activated Strychnos Nux-Vomica L Nano Carbon. The adsorption of Chromium (VI) ions by activated Strychnos Nux-Vomica L Nano Carbon increased when temperature was raised up to 60 oC .The thermodynamic study and kinetic models showed that the adsorption of Chromium (VI) ions by the above adsorbents were physical and Endothermic.Key words: Chromium; activated Strychnos Nux-Vomica L Nano Carbon (ASNVL); adsorption models; equilibrium. Reference [1] Ajamal, H., Mohammad, A. and Anwar S, Sorption studies of heavy metals on teak leaves using thin layer and column chromatographic technique. Pollution Research. 20(3), 2001, 425 – 428. [2] Shiny, K.J., Remani, K.N., Jalaja, T.K. and Sasidharan, V.K, Removal of chromium by two aquatic Pteridophytes. Indian Journal of Environmental Health, 46, 2004, 249–251. [3] Wittbrodt, P.R. and Palmer C.D, Reduction of Cr (VI) in the presence of excess soil fulvic acid, Environmental Science and Technology, 29, 1995, 255 – 265. [4] Hossain, M.A., Kumita, M., Michigami, Y. and Mori, S, Optimization of parameters for Cr (VI) adsorption on used black tea leaves. Adsorption 11(5-6), 2005, 561-568. [5] Nikhel, K., Ecological management of polluted waters due to mining and allied industries, J. Indust. Pollut. Contamin. 12 (2), 2005, 225-271 S Arivoli, V Marimuthu and A R Mohamed Jahangir |
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223. | Extrusion Honed Surface Characteristics of Inconel 600
Extrusion Honed Surface Characteristics of Inconel 600Abstract: Precision finishing of internal surfaces and complex geometries is always of concern in industry since it is labour intensive and difficult to control. Due to the development of new difficult-to machine materials like Inconel and also complex geometrical shapes of engineering components, the available traditional finishing processes alone are not capable of producing required surface finish and other characteristics. Extrusion honing (EH) is a relatively new non-traditional micro-machining process to debur, radius, polish and remove recast layer of components in a wide range of applications. Material is removed from the work-piece by flowing abrasive laden medium under pressure through or past the work surface to be finished. Components made up of complex passages having surface/areas inaccessible to traditional methods can be finished to high quality and precision by this process. Inconel alloy 600 is a difficult metal to shape and machine using traditional techniques. In this study, extrude honing of Inconel 600 has been performed in an indigenously built hydraulic operated extrusion honing setup using select grade of polymer as a carrier medium and SiC grit of 36 mesh size as abrasive. The internal surface finish results obtained with the use of extrusion honing process are discussed.Key words: abrasive, carrier medium, extrusion honing, Inconel, surface finish. Reference [1] V.K.Jain, Advanced Machining Processes, Allied Publishers, Mumbai [2] L.J.Rhoades, "Abrasive flow machining with not so silly putty", Metal Finishing July(1987)27-29 [3] L.J.Rhoades, Abrasive flow machining, Manufacturing Engineering,(1988)pp.75-78 [4] L.J.Rhoades, "Abrasive flow machining: A case study", J.Material Processing Technology,28,(1991), pp.107-116 [5] V.K.Jain, S.G.Adsul, "Experimental investigations into abrasive flow machining(AFM)", International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Volume40, Issue 7, May2002 H P Raju, Devadath V R, N L Murali Krishna |
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224. | A Novel Approach for Minimizing the Delay and Load in Wireless Network (WIMAX)
A Novel Approach for Minimizing the Delay and Load in Wireless Network (WIMAX)Abstract: The demand for high speed broadband wireless systems is increasing rapidly. In this context, the IEEE 802.16 standard defines the wireless broadband access technology called WiMAX, which introduces several interesting advantages including variable and high data rate, last mile wireless access, point to multipoint communication, large frequency range and QoS for various types of applications. Efficient scheduling design is left for designers and developers and thus providing QoS for IEEE 802.16 BWA system is a challenge for system developers. The scheduling architecture must ensure good bandwidth utilization, maintain the fairness between users and respond to the constraints of some applications (i.e. video, voice). In the literature, a good number of articles are available to analyze the performance of the standard; however few studies describing the scheduling algorithm are to be appreciated. To analyze these studies, a classification based on the scheduling mechanism or method used in the different propositions is presented in this paper. Some studies are based on traditional algorithms and other studies use new methods and mechanisms that are proposed for the new standard in order to provide QoS. Transmission performances were extracted from different scenarios considering: throughput, jitter, average end-to-end delays, number of active sessions, handover delays. In this scenario, it is very important to provide outstanding service to end-user by ensuring that diversifying requirements of different applications are satisfied in the best way possible. Due to this Quality of Service (QoS) has become very important issue in present era to differentiate oneself from other competing technology. In this, we develop a new algorithm (QOS Recovered) that is helpful in minimizing the delay and load. We compared the new algo with old one (WFQ algo).For minimizing the Daley and load; we fixed the queue size and also fixed the number of packets. In this way, subscriber station does not need to calculate the size of queue at base station every time. If the queue size is full, then the coming packet will be discarded. In this way, we can minimize the delay and loadReference [1] Niyato and Hossain "presented a queuing theoretic (QT) Algorithm for QoS Support in IEEE 802.16 wireless Network". Lecture Note in Computer Science, Volume 3619/2012. [2] Yan Wang , "Focusing on priority based algorithm" Broadband wireless Military Networks with Quality of Service Support".In Proc of. IEEE Milcom 2012. [3] Ferrari and Verma, "Perposed EDF link scheduler for Analysis of QoS Scheduling in Broadband IEEE 802.16 Based Networks". In Proc of. OPNETWORK 2006 Technology Conference, August 2012. [4] Sanchez-Guerrero, "proposed mechanisms based on the use of channel conditions. The goals of scheduling are to achieve the optimal usage of resources" volume 2,Jan 2011. [5] Tzong An-su "A Broadcast Tree-Based Centralized Scheduling Mechanism for IEEE 802.16 Mesh Networks" IEEE internation conference in Sept,2011 Shilpa Mehta, Nidhi Seth, Nidhi Sharma, Snigdha |
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225. | The Effect of Ignition Timing on Methanol Blended Spark Ignition Engine
The Effect of Ignition Timing on Methanol Blended Spark Ignition EngineAbstract: The objective of the present work is to evaluate whether variable ignition timing can be effect on exhaust emission and engine performance of a spark ignition engine. The study describes some results of research in the area of spark ignition engine and is assessed by studying its performance and emission characteristics relative to that of conventional ignition engine using gasoline and methanol blended gasoline as fuels at different ignition timings. Experiments were conducted at different ignition timings. The results have shown that performance of methanol blended gasoline engine performed comparatively well over pure gasoline engine fewer than 250 to 290 BTDC ignition timings. The results have shown considerable performance improvement in brake thermal efficiency, volumetric efficiency, decrease in exhaust gas temperature, as well as reduction in HC, and CO emission.Key words: Ignition Timing, Methanol, Spark Ignition Reference [1] J. Zareei & A. H. Kakaee, Study and the effects of ignition timing on gasoline engine performance and emissions, Springer, 25 April 2013 [2] Gogos, M., Savvidis, D., and Triandafyllis, J., "Ignition Timing Impact on the Performance of an Old Technology Vehicle Fuelled by thanol/Petrol Blends," SAE Technical Paper 2009-01-1968, 2009 [3] S. H. Chan and J. Zhu, "Modelling of engine in-cylinder thermodynamics under high values of ignition retard, international Journal of Thermal Sciences, vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 94–103, 2001 [4] S. Soylu and J. Van Gerpen, "Development of empirically based burning rate sub-models for a natural gas engine, Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 467–481, 2004 [5] A.H.Kakaee, M. H. Shojaeefard, and J.Zareei, Sensitivity and Effect of Ignition Timing on the Performance of a Spark Ignition Engine: Department of Automotive Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Iran E. Nirmala Devi, S. K. Bhatti, Ch. Indira Priyadarsini, M.V.S.MuraliKrishna |
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226. | Solar Thermal Power Generation: Performance Characteristics of an Evacuated Flat Plate Collector
Solar Thermal Power Generation: Performance Characteristics of an Evacuated Flat Plate CollectorAbstract: In the present study, an Evacuated Flat Plate Collector technology is used for research purposes. This paper is about the comparative simulative study of the performance of an Evacuated FPC based on the specifications, and its characterization based on radiation/weather data in different climatic conditions across India. An Evacuated Flat Plate Collector consists of a glass cover, an absorber, a serpentine tube, an aluminium frame and the inner gas used is a noble gas. The absorber plate collects sun energy and transfers the heat into the pipes which run through the absorber plate. The fluid runs through pipes under the absorber plate and the heat from the sunlight is transferred via the absorber to the fluid as it flows through the pipes. In this paper, maintaining 55% Efficiency throughout the year, as per Performance Specifications of an Evacuated Flat Plate Collector, and its characterization based on the annual average analysis of Radiation data, the Mean Desired Temperature range is calculated month wise, and also annual average Energy Gain is realized for different locations across India.Key words: absorber, Evacuated Flat plate Collector, serpentine tube. Reference [1] Dimas Firmanda Al Riza, Syed Ihtsham ul Haq Gilani, and Mohd. Shiraz Aris, Hourly Solar Radiation Estimation Using Ambient temperature and Relative Humidity Data, International Journal of Environment Science and Development 2(3), 2011, 188-193. [2] M. Maroof Khan and M. Jamil Ahmad, Estimation of global solar radiation using clear sky radiation in Yemen, Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review 5(2), 2012, 12-19. [3] Zarzo Manuel, Marti Pau, Modelling the variability of solar radiation data among weather stations by means of principal components analysis, International Journal of Applied Energy 88(8), 2011, 2775-2784. [4] Janjai, S. & Pankaew, P. & laksanaboonsong, J., A model for calculating hourly global solar radiation from satellite data in the tropics, International Journal of Applied Energy 86(9), 2009, 1450-1457. [5] Sukhatme, S. P. Solar Energy, 2nd edition, Tata McGraw-Hill. New Delhi; India; 1996, p. 234–248. Gulnar Perveen, S. K. Singh |
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227. | A Neural Network Approach For Heart Disease Prediction
A Neural Network Approach For Heart Disease PredictionAbstract: Artificial Neural Network for intelligent medical diagnoses has been shown to be an interesting topic. In this paper we have used a neural network technique to predict a system, which can detect heart disease from their physical symptoms. We have used a prediction method with the help of the back propagation algorithm to train the networks. The actual procedure of medical diagnosis that usually is employed by physicians was analyzed and converted to a computer program implemented format. After selecting some symptoms a data set contains the information of fifty two cases was configured and applied to a M L P neural network.Key words: artificial neural network, back propagation algorithm Reference [1] Chou-An Chen[2007], Neuro –Fuzzy Technology as a Predictor of Parathyroid Harmonse Level in Hemodialysis Patients,Tohku J,Exp.Med.,211,81-87 [2] Ferdous Ahemad Sohel, A new Neural Network with Fuzzy Technique, Disease diagnosis, A Case study,Dept. of Computer Science & Engg.,International Islamic University-Dhaka [3] Holmstr,M. L. Koinstinen P, [1992],using Additive Noise in Backpropagation Training,IEEE Transaction on Neural Networks,pp 24-38,vol 3No. 1 [4] K.K.Shukla,Raghunath,[1999],An Efficient Global Algorithm for Supervised Training of Neural Networks,International Journal of Computers and EE,PERGAMON Press,25,pp 195-218 [5] R. Brause, F Friedrich[2000],A Neuro Fuzzy Approach as Medical Diagnostic Interface,pp 201-206 Tanu Verma, R. K. Srivastava |
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228. | Fast Independent Component Analysis Algorithm for Blind Separation of Non-Stationary Audio Signal
Fast Independent Component Analysis Algorithm for Blind Separation of Non-Stationary Audio SignalAbstract: FastICA is a statistical method for transforming an observed multidimensional random vector into components that are statistically as independent from each other as possible. Acoustic signals recorded simultaneously in a reverberant environment can be described as sum of differently convolved sources. The task of source separation is to identify the multiple channels and possibly to invert those in order to obtain estimates of the underlying sources. We tackle the problem by explicitly exploiting the non-stationary components of the acoustic sources. Using maximum entropy approximations of differential entropy, we introduce a family of new contrast (objective) functions for ICA. Here we propose an algorithm for blind source separation in which frequency domain ICA and time domain ICA are used for successful separation of signalsKey words: Blind source separation, Entropy, Independent Component Analysis, Non-guassianity. Reference [1] S.-I. Amari, A. Cichocki, and H.H. Yang. A new learning algorithm for blind source separation. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 8, pages 757–763. MIT Press, 1996. [2] H. B. Barlow. Possible principles underlying the transformations of sensory messages. In W. A.Rosen-blith, editor, Sensory Communication, pages 217–234. MIT Press, 1961. [3] A.J. Bell and T.J. Sejnowski. An information-maximization approach to blind separation and blind deconvolution. Neural Computation, 7:1129–1159, 1995. [4] A.J. Bell and T.J. Sejnowski. The 'independent components' of natural scenes are edge filters. Vision Research, 37:3327– 3338, 1997. [5] J.-F. Cardoso and B. Hvam Laheld. Equivariant adaptive source separation. IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, 44(12):3017– 3030, 1996. Sadiqua Khan, Y. Rama Krishna, Dr. Panakala Rajesh Kumar |
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229. | Systematic Organization of Paratransit System in Context of Public Transport System: A Case Study Of Surat City
Systematic Organization of Paratransit System in Context of Public Transport System: A Case Study Of Surat CityAbstract: Paratransit system is the backbone of Surat city's non personalized public transport because the contribution of public bus system in Surat city's transportation is negligible because of the very high waiting time, inadequacy of passenger buses, lack of fixed time table and at the same time enough availability of paratransits (auto rickshaws). Also these auto rickshaws cater from almost any part of the city to any corner of city which also makes them preferable over public buses. The present paper deals with the methodology to be adopted to harmonize the present public transport system and paratransit system to avoid competition and to optimize the urban transport system of Surat city.Key words: paratransits, optimization, formalization, route length distribution Reference [1] Government of India (1980) Report of the National Transport Policy Committee, Planning Commission, New Delhi. [2] Baboo, B., et al (1986) The Urban Informal Transit system: AComprehensive Sociological Study, Urban India, VI (1 and 2),p. 71. [3] RITES (1998) Traffic and Transportation Policies and Strategies in Urban Areas in India -Final Report, Ministry of Urban Affairsand Employment, Government of India, p. 10.3. [4] Roy, S.K. (1997) A Simplified Method for Selection of Transit [5] Mode for a Metropolitan City, Indian Journal of Transport Management, 21(3), pp. 203-207. Vaibhav Gaurkar |
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230. | UPQC for Power Quality Improvement of Induction Motor Drive with Reduced DC Link Voltage
UPQC for Power Quality Improvement of Induction Motor Drive with Reduced DC Link VoltageAbstract: The main aim of this project is ,this topology enables UPQC to have a reduced dc-link voltage without compromising its compensation capability. Three-phase, four-wire unified Power Quality (UPQC) to improve power quality. The UPQC is realized by the integration of series and shunt active power filters (APF) sharing a common dc bus capacitor. The realization of shunt APF is carried out using a three-phase, four-leg Voltage Source Inverter (VSI), The performance of the applied control algorithm is evaluated in terms of power-factor correction, source neutral current mitigation, load balancing, and mitigation of voltage and current harmonics in a three-phase, four-wire distribution system for different combinations of linear and non-linear loads. This circuit consists of capacitor in series with the interfacing inductor of the shunt active filter. The series capacitor enables reduction in dc-link voltage requirement of the shunt active filter and simultaneously compensating the reactive power required by the load, so as to maintain unity power factor, without compromising its performance. This allows us to match the dc-link voltage requirements of the series and shunt active filters with a common dc-link capacitor. AC induction motor has a fixed in the output side to run the ac machine with required speed. The proposed topology enables UPQC to compensate voltage sags, voltage swells and current harmonics with a reduced DC-link voltage without compromising its compensation capability by implementing the circuit in MATLAB/SIMULINK software.Index Terms: Power quality, UPQC, Load balancing, voltage sags, voltage swells, AC Induction motor, APF Reference [1] Srinivas Bhaskar Karanki, Nagesh Geddada, Mahesh K. Mishra, and B. Kalyan Kumar, A Modified Three-Phase Four-Wire UPQC Topology With Reduced DC-Link Voltage Rating IEEE transactions on industrial electronics, vol. 60, no. 9, September [2] Rosli Omar and 2N.A. Rahim 3. Voltage Disturbances Mitigation in Low Voltage Distribution System Using New Configuration of Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR), World Applied Sciences Journal 10(12): 1480-1489, 2010 ISSN 1818-4952 IDOSI Publications, 2010 [3] S.F.Torabi, D. Nazarpour, Y. Shayestehfard, Compensation Of Sags And Swells Voltage Using Dynamic Voltage Restorer (Dvr) During Single Line To Ground And Three-Phase Faults, International Journal on "Technical and Physical Problems of Engineering" (IJTPE) September 2012 Issue 12 Volume 4 Number 3. [4] Sanjay A Deokar, Laxman M Waghmare, DVR Control Strategy For Dynamic Power Quality Disturbance Mitigation, International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2012 [5] MR. Shaktisinh N. GOHIL, 2 PROF. M. V. MAKWANA, A Comparative Analysis of UPQC for Power Quality Improvement, Journal Of Information, Knowledge And Research In Electrical Engineering ISSN: 0975 – 6736| NOV 12 TO OCT 13 | VOLUME – 02, ISSUE - 02 . K. Sravani, T. Subramanya Sastry |
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231. | Energy Conservation through Centrifugal Oil Cleaning System in Industrial Applications
Energy Conservation through Centrifugal Oil Cleaning System in Industrial ApplicationsAbstract: In India the industrial sector has the largest share of energy consumption accounting for about 47.6 percent of the total commercial energy consumption in the country in 2007-08. Present paper focuses on the energy savings potential in this sector with use of efficient lube oil cleaning. As the complexity of the machinery increases, the requirements for lubricants and metal process oils become more stringent. This paper deals with energy conservation by installing centrifugal oil cleaners for lubricating oil in industrial applications. The paper studies different industrial applications to identify potential for energy conservation and cost savings. Details how the physic-chemical characteristics of industrial application with reference to reduced efficiency . How such problems can be solved with innovative filtration techniques are presented. It discusses the concept of centrifugal filtration procedures to highlight its merits and demerits. It is stressed that centrifugal oil filtration system will conserve resources and help to preserve the environment.Key words: Centrifugal, Filter, engines, lube-oil, India. Reference [1] R.W. Bentley, Global oil & gas depletion :an overview, Energy Policy 30 , 2002, 1-3. [2] C.J. Campbell, The status of world oil depletion at the end of 1995. Energy Exploration and Exploitation 14 (1), 1996, 63–81. [3] Kenneth Bannister, Lubrication for Industry, Industrial Press, Inc.2001, 12-14 [4] A. N. Denisenko, Extraction of additives by centrifugal oil cleaners, Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils, Volume 49, , Springer US, 2013, 419-420. [5] He S., Van Bael A., Li S.Y., Van Houtte P., Mei F., Sarban A., Mater. Sci and engineering A 346,2003, p.101- 107. Dr. Anjali Acharya, Vasudha Ashutosh Gokhale |
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232. | Segmentation of Lumbar Spine Image Using Watershed Algorithm
Segmentation of Lumbar Spine Image Using Watershed AlgorithmAbstract: In the previous paper the medical images detect the edges and boundaries using various edge detection algorithms. Several disadvantages to apply edge detection in medical image such as noise sensitivity, inaccurate does not responding to some of edges and major drawbacks (i) complicated (ii)complex computations. But in proposed systemising watershed algorithm to detect the boundaries and edges in medical images. There is internal and external markers and its has global thresholding, region merging and splitting or watershed transform.Key words: Image, Image Segmentation, Edge detection algorthims, Watershed algorithm. Reference [1] H.Chidiac, D.Ziou, "Classification of Image Edges",Vision Interface'99, Troise-Rivieres, Canada, 1999.pp. 17-24. [2] Q.Ji, R.M.Haralick, "Quantitative Evaluation of Edge Detectors using the Minimum Kernel Variance Criterion", ICIP 99. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing volume: 2, 1999, pp.705-709. [3] G.Liu, R.M.Haralick, "Assignment Problem in Edge Detection Performance Evaluation ", Proceedings IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, volume: 1, 2000, pp. 26-31. [4] www.slideshare.com [5] Carlos G., Lopez-Espina and Amirouche F. (2000), 'A three-dimensional parametric model of the cervical spine for finite element analyses, Project reports, University of Illinois at Chicago. E. Punarselvam, Dr.P.Suresh, R.Parthasarathy,M.Suresh |
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233. | Processing and Synthesis of Metal Matrix Al 6063/Al2o3 Metal Matrix Composite by Stir Casting Process
Processing and Synthesis of Metal Matrix Al 6063/Al2o3 Metal Matrix Composite by Stir Casting ProcessAbstract: Aluminum-Alumina composites have increasingly widened their use due to merits of processing, high specific strength and modulus of elasticity while carrying good deformability and conductivity comparable to metals. In addition to its use in structural components for high performance application, such as aerospace vehicles and racing automobiles, hence this composite requires a good processing method so that the quality of the Al6063/Al2O3 composite is not affected. Hence stir casting method of casting is adopted and Al 6063 plate is casted with varying mass of Al2O3 (3%, 6%, 9%). Also the distribution of Alumina and Aluminium is examined by microstructure analysis, hardness distribution and the material is tested for its mechanical Properties such as tensile strength and HardnessKey words: Aluminium, aluminium oxide, composite materials, stir casting process, tensile test, hardness test. Reference [1] B. Bobic, S. Mitrovic, M. Babic, I. Bobic" Corrosion of Metal-Matrix Composites with Aluminium Alloy Substrate", Tribology in industry, Volume 32, No. 1, 2010. [2] Vijaya Kumar Bhanot, Dharminder Singh, "Research work on Composite Epoxy Matrix & Ep Polyester reinforced material", International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, Vol.2, No.1,2013 [3] T. P. Rajan, R. M. Pillai and B. C. Pai, "Review Rein-forcement Coatings and Interfaces in Aluminium Metal Matrix Composites," Journal Material Science, Vol. 33, No. 14, 1998, pp. 3491-3503. doi:10.1023/A:1004674822751 [4] Mohd Dan.ish, Dr. M. Arif Siddique, "Microstructural & Morphological Evolutions of Al-Al2O3 Powder Composite during Ball Milling", International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, Vol.1, No.10,2012 [5] M. Jayamathi, S. Seshan, S. V. Kailas, K. Kumar and T. S. Srivatsan, "Influence of Reinforcement on Microstructure and Mechanical Response of a Magnesium Alloy," Cur-rent Science, Vol. 87, No. 9, 2004, pp. 1218-1231. K.Hemalatha, V. S. K.Venkatachalapathy, N.Alagumurthy |
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234. | Detecting Pressure from Aqueous-Blood Medium Using Simulated Tool
Detecting Pressure from Aqueous-Blood Medium Using Simulated ToolAbstract: Technology is getting more advanced to give comfort life to every individual. One major problem faced by over worldwide is Diabetics. If earlier detected then precautions can be taken by self monitoring and controlling actions. Research is going on to have painless technique for detection of Diabetics. For this purpose many simulating software's like COMSOL Multiphysics, Intellisuite, Coventorware, ELMER, AnSys, MEMSCAD, MEMSPRO etc…are present for design nanosensor. This article makes use of COMSOL Multiphysics version 4.3a. Aims to detect pressure, displacement in blood medium.Reference [1] COMSOL Multiphysics-product booklet2011 pg.no-9,14] [2] P. Pattnaik, S. K. Pradhan, S. K. Kamilla, Debi Prasad Das" Studies of Lead Free Piezo-Electric Materials Based Ultrasonic MEMS Model for Bio Sensor"Except from proceeding 2012COMSOL conference in Banglore. [3] V. Mohan et.al. "Epidemiology of type 2 diabetes: Indian scenario", Indian Journal of medical Research, 125, March, pp 217-230 (2007) [4] Sarah Wild et. A. l "Global Prevalence ofDiabetes, Diabetic Care, 27, No 5, (2004). [5] J. Diamond, "Diabetes in India", Nature, 26, pp 478-479, (2011). Shobha. Bawiskar, Ramesh. Manza |
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235. | Applications of Delaunay Triangulation (DT), Steiner Trees, Spanning Trees and DT-Minimum Spanning Trees in MANET Multicasting
Applications of Delaunay Triangulation (DT), Steiner Trees, Spanning Trees and DT-Minimum Spanning Trees in MANET MulticastingAbstract: The issues of graph theory concepts always proved their mathematical vital roles in various fields such as data mining, cloud computing, computer networks. This work focuses on applications of graph theory structures such as Delaunay triangulations, Steiner trees and spanning trees in MANET multicasting. Because of its inherent simplicity and potential to be as natural models, graph theory has a very wide range of applications in engineering, physics, social, biological sciences, linguistics, and numerous other areas. A graph can be used to represent almost any physical situation involving discrete objects and a relationship among them. In this paper, the graph theory structures namely minimum spanning tree is computed on the Delaunay triangulations constructed on the MANET. The analysis of minimum spanning tree and Delaunay triangulation is carried out and the simulation experiment is done using MATLAB.Key words: Steiner Tree, Delaunay Triangulations, Minimum Spanning trees, Multicasting in MANET. Reference [1] John Giordano, Greg Mattes, Pascal Vicaire, James V.S. Watson," A Lookup Service for Delaunay Triangulation Overlays: The DeTella Application", University of Virginia, Department of Computer Science. [2] Dong-Young Lee and Simon S. Lam," Protocol Design for Dynamic Delaunay Triangulation", Department of Computer Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin. [3] Michael Kleis, Eng Keong Lua and Xiaoming Zhou,"Hierarchical Peer-to-Peer Networks using Lightweight SuperPeer Topologies" [4] Arun Kumar B. R, Lokanatha C. Reddy, Prakash S. Hiremath," Restoring the Connectivity in K-Connected MANET When All Edge Disjoint Minimum Spanning Trees Fail", IJCA Special Issue on "Mobile Ad-hoc Networks" MANETs, 2010, pp.148-152. [5] Luan Lan and Hsu Wen-Jing," Localized Delaunay Triangulation for Topological Construction and Routing on MANETs Arunkumar B. R., Deepak Kumar |
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236. | Design Of Micro-Strip with Circular, Step shape Slot Antenna for S Band Applications
Design Of Micro-Strip with Circular, Step shape Slot Antenna for S Band ApplicationsAbstract: In this paper a novel design of small sized, rectangular patch antenna with coaxial fed low profile antenna with step type slots at the four sides, circular slot at the center is proposed for the frequency of C Band application with the substrate RT duroid 5880(™) whose relative permeability and a loss tangent are 2.2, 0.0009respectively.Withthe above specifications Designed antenna parameters like return loss which is -38.4225dB at 3.7374GHz with elliptical polarization, along θ, Ø directions, radiation pattern in 2D & 3D where the 2-D gain is 7.598dB, along with gain and radiation pattern E&H field and current distributions are simulated using HFSS 11.0. The measured parameters satisfy required limits hence making the proposed antenna suitable for s-band weather radar applications.Key words: Micro strip slot antennas, Wireless communication, Microstrip patch antenna. Reference [1]. Rao, P. H., \Feed e®ects on the dimensions of wide-band slot antennas," Microwave and Optical Tech. Letters, Vol. 40, 77,79, 2004. [2]. Jang, Y. W., \Broadband cross-shaped microstrip-fed slot antenna," Electron. Lett., Vol. 36, 2056, 2057, 2000. [3]. Dastranj, A., A. Imani, and M. Naser- Moghaddasi, \Printed wide- slot antenna for wideband applications, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 56, No. 10, 3097{3102, October 2008. [4] Chitra Singh, R.P.S. Gangwar," Design and Analysis of a Compact Low Cost Patch Antenna for Different Wireless Operations", 978-1-4577-0240-2/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE,pg 19-22. [5] Lukasz Dudzinski*, GrzegorzJaworski," BROADBAND, MICROSTRIP, SHAPED BEAM, C-BAND ANTENNA FOR APPLICATION IN WIRELESS LAN" Prof. Jagan Mohan Rao. S, K. Swetha, S.Naveen, K. Murali Krishna |
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237. | Performance of Louver Fin Pattern as Extended Surface Used To Enhance Heat Transfer - A Review
Performance of Louver Fin Pattern as Extended Surface Used To Enhance Heat Transfer - A ReviewAbstract: Enhancing heat transfer surfaces are used in many engineering applications such as heat exchangers, refrigeration and air conditioning systems, chemical reactors and automobile radiators. Hence many enhancing extended fin patterns are developed and used. Louver fin pattern is one of the advanced extended fin surface which used to enhance heat transfer coefficient with decrease in size, weight and cost of heat exchanger. This paper reviews experimental and numerical work brought by researchers on louver fin pattern to augments the overall thermal-hydraulic airside performance of heat exchangers. Numerous works are available for louver fin pattern to visualize flow, optimizing geometrical parameters of louvers, comparison study with different extended surfaces. The available work is in experimental form as well as numerical form performed by computational fluid dynamics. Researchers have given thermal-hydraulic performance of louver fin heat exchangers with different correlation techniques.Key words: Correlation, Louver Fin, Thermal-Hydraulic Performance Reference [1] Wei-Mon Yan and Pay-Jen Sheen, Heat transfer and friction characteristics of fin and tube heat exchangers, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 43, 2000, 1651-1659. [2] Jin-Sheng Leu, Min-Sheng Liu, Jane-Sunn Lia and Chi-Chuan Wang, A numerical investigation of louvered fin and tube heat exchangers having circular and oval tube configurations, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 44, 2001, 4235-4243. [3] Man-Hoe Kim and Clark W Bullard, Air-side thermal hydraulic performance of multi louvered fin aluminum heat exchangers, International Journal of Refrigeration, 25, 2002, 390-400. [4] Ching-Tsun Hsieh and Jiin-Yuh Jang, 3-D thermal- hydraulic analysis for louver fin heat exchangers with variable louver angle, Applied Thermal Engineering, 26, 2006, 1629-1639. [5] V P Malapure, Sushanta K Mitra, A Bhattacharya, Numerical investigation of fluid flow and heat transfer over louvered fins in compact heat exchanger, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 46, 2007, 199–211. Vinayak S. Powar, Prof. M. M. Mirza |
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238. | Preparation And Structural Properties Of Aluminium Substituted Lithium Nano Ferrites By Citrate-Gel Auto Combustion Method
Preparation And Structural Properties Of Aluminium Substituted Lithium Nano Ferrites By Citrate-Gel Auto Combustion MethodAbstract: Nano sized particles of aluminium doped lithium nano ferrites having general formula Li0.5 Alx Fe2.5-x O4 (where x=0.0,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,10) were prepared by the citrate gel method at low temperature (1800C). The synthesized powders were sintered at 500oC for 4 hours. The crystal structure characterization of the sintered powders were carried out by using X-ray diffraction(XRD) .The X-Ray diffraction analysis confirmed the formation of single phase cubic spinel structure. The average particle size of the synthesized powders was 13 to 27nm. The surface morphology were studied by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) which revealed the formation of largely agglomerated nano particles. Lattice parameter, X-ray density, experimental density, porosity of the samples were calculated. The observed results can be discussed in this paper on the basis of compositionReference [1]. Subhash C, Srivatsava BK, Anjali K, Magnetic behavior of nano-particles of Ni0.5 Co0.5Fe2O4 prepared using two different routes, Indian Journal of Pure App Phy.2004;42:366-367. [2] Kittle C.Domain theory and the dependence of the coercive force of fine ferromagnetic fine powders on particle size. Phy, Rev,1948;73:810-811 doi:10,1103/PhysRev73.810 [3]. Kale A, Gubbala S,Misara RDK, Magnetic behavior of nano crystalline nickel ferrite synthesized by the reverse micelle technique. J Magn Magn Mater 2004:3:350-358. [4] Baba, p.D.; Argentina, G.M,; Courtney, W.E.;Dionne, G.F,;Temme, T.H.Fabrication and properties of microwave lithium ferrites.IEEE Transactions on Magnetics.1972,MAG-8,83-94 [5] George M.; Nair, S,S; John A.M; Joy, P.A,;Anantharaman, M.R. Structural magnetic and electrical properties of the sol-gel prepared lithium fineparticlesJ.Phys.D;Appl.Phys2006,39,900- 910. G. Aravind, D. Ravinder |
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239. | A Novel Technique for Enhancing Speed of Successive Approximation Analog to Digital Converter
A Novel Technique for Enhancing Speed of Successive Approximation Analog to Digital ConverterAbstract: High resolution analog to digital converters (ADC's) have been based on self–calibrated successive approximation technique, because it uses a single comparator and consumes less power. Unfortunately successive approximation technique requires N comparisons to convert N bit digital code from an analog sample. This makes successive approximation ADC's unsuitable for high speed applications. This paper demonstrates a simple technique to enhance speed of successive approximation ADC's that require as few as N-3 comparisons for N bit conversion. This technique optimizes the number of comparator requirements while increasing conversion speed by 37.5% for 8-bit resolution. In our approach, the analog input range is partitioned into 8 quantization cells, separated by 7 boundary points. A 3-bit binary code 000 to 111 is assigned to each cell. A normal successive approximation converter requires 8 comparisons for 8-bit quantization, while our proposed technique reduces number of comparison requirements to 5 comparisons for 8 bit conversion. The results show that the ADC exhibits a maximum DNL of 0.47LSB and a maximum INL of 0.5LSB.Key words: ADC, Microcontroller, DAC, Sample and Hold. Successive approximation. Reference [1] P.E.Pace, J.L. Schaler, and D.Styer, "Optimum Analog preprocessing for folding ADC's", IEEE Trans. Circuits System-II, Vol.42.pp.825-829, Dec. 95. [2] Robert H.Walden, "Analog-to-Digital Converter Survey and Analysis", IEEEJ.Comm. Vol.17, No.4, pp539-549, April 1999. [3] B.M.Min. P. Kim.D. Boisvert, and A.Aude, "A 69 mW 10 b 80 MS/s pipelined CMOS ADC," in Dig. Tech. Papers Int. Solid-State Circuits Conf.(ISSCC'03), Feb.2003, pp.324-325. [4] S.M.Jamal, F.Daihong, P.J Hurst, and S.H. Lewis, "A 10 b 120 MSample/s time-interleaved analog-to-digital converter with digital background calibration," in Dig. Tech. Papers Int. Solid-State Circuits Conf.(ISSCC 02), Feb. 2002, pp.132-133. [5] A Loloee. A.Zanchi, H.Jin, S.Shehata, and E. Bartolome, "A 12 b 80MSps pipelined ADC core with 190mW consumption from 3W 0.18 mm digital CMOS," in Proc. Eur. Solid-State Circuits Conf., Sept. 2002, pp.467-470. Madhuri M, Jhothi M N, Archana G M, Ashwini P T and Gururaj Balikatti |
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240. | Nymble Counter Measures for Failure Tolerant Anonymzing Networks
Nymble Counter Measures for Failure Tolerant Anonymzing NetworksAbstract: Tor is a form of Anonymzing networks comprised of virtual tunnels that allows people and groups to improve their privacy and security on the Internet. Individuals use Tor to keep websites from tracking them. Anonymzing networks provide users with anonymous browsing capabilities over the web using a series of routers to hide the client's IP address. Under the cover of anonymity, certain users have repeatedly launched deface/dos attacks over popular web sites such as Wikipedia. Since web site administrators cannot blacklist individual adversaries' IP addresses, they end up blacklisting the entire Anonymzing network resulting in loss of service to genuine users thus effecting entire Anonymzing network services. Previously to counter these issues Nymble System was proposed and implemented which is essentially a combination of Anonymization Network along with Pseudo Manager for nymble token operations, ip hiding activities and Nymble Manager for encountering and acting on adversaries, interfacing the clients with anonymizing network. Although Nymble System was effective in syncing target servers with the system for an efficient reporting and countering mechanisms, it has a huge computation overhead. So we propose to tweak Nymble System to allow users to access Internet services privately by using a series of mix servers and proxy repositories to hide the client's IP address from the target servers instead of the multiple routers based ip hiding approach of prior systems. These methods ensure that the number of algorithms to sync target servers with Nymble system is not beyond 10 thus reducing the computation overhead. An implementation validates the claim of the proposed system's ability to offer and preserve anonymization services yet effectively handling adversaries of the network.Index Terms: Anonymzing Networks, Nymble, Pseudonym Manager, Nymble Manager. Reference [1] Patrick P. Tsang, Apu Kapadia, Cory Cornelius, and Sean W. Smith. Nymble: Blocking misbehaving users in anonymizing networks. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 99(1), 2009. [2] D. Chaum, "Untraceable Electronic Mail, Return Addresses, and Digital Pseudonyms," Comm. ACM, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 84-90, Feb.1981. [3] David Chaum. Blind signatures for untraceable payments. Advances in Cryptology - Cryptography, 82, 1982. [4] Patrick P. Tsang, Man Ho Au, Apu kapadia, and Sean W. Smith. Perea: towards practical ttp-free revocation in anonymous authentication. In CCS '08: Proceedings of the 15th ACM conference on Computer and communications security, pages 333–344, New York, NY, USA, 2008. ACM. [5] Patrick P. Tsang, Man Ho Au, Apu Kapadia, and Sean W. Smith. Blacklistable anonymous credentials: blocking misbehaving users without ttps. In CCS '07: Proceedings of the 14th ACM conference on Computer and communications security, pages 72–81, New York, NY, USA, 2007. ACM. Reshma Balanagu, Dr A Jayalakshmi |
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241. | An Inventory Model for Weibull Ameliorating, Deteriorating Items under the Influence of Inflation
An Inventory Model for Weibull Ameliorating, Deteriorating Items under the Influence of InflationAbstract: The objective of this model is to discuss the development of an inventory model for ameliorating items. Generally fast growing animals like duck, pigs, broiler etc. in poultry farm, high-bred fishes are these types of items. This paper investigates an instantaneous replenishment model for the above type of items under cost minimization in the influence of inflation and time value of money. A time varying type of demand rate with infinite time horizon, constant deterioration and without shortage is considered. The result is illustrated with numerical example.Key words: Amelioration, Weibull distribution, Optimal control, Inventory system Reference [1] Bhunia, A.K. and Maiti, M.: An inventory model for decaying items with selling price, frequency of advertisement and linearly time-dependent demand with shortages, IAPQR Transactions, 22, 41-49. [2] Bose, S. et.al: "An EOQ model for deteriorating items with linear timedependent demand rate and shortages under inflation and time discounting", J. Oper. Res. Soc., 46 (1995), 771-782. [3] Covert R.P. and Philip G.C.: "An EOQ model for items with Weibull distribution deterioration", AIIF Transc., 5 (1973), 323-326. [4] Das, K, Bhunia, A.K. and Maiti, M.: An inventory model for deteriorating items with shortages and selling price-dependent demand, IAPQR Transactions., 24, 65-72. [5] Datta T.K. and Pal A.K.: "Effects of inflation and time-value of money on an inventory model with linear time-dependent demand rate and shortages", Eur. J. Oper. Res., 52 (1991), 1-8. Smarajit Barik, Srichandan Mishra, S.K. Paikray, U.K. Misra |
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242. | Studies on Performance Parameters and Combustion Characteristics of Copper Coated Four Stroke Spark Ignition Engine with Alcohol Blended Gasoline
Studies on Performance Parameters and Combustion Characteristics of Copper Coated Four Stroke Spark Ignition Engine with Alcohol Blended GasolineAbstract: Investigations were carried out to evaluate the performance of four stroke, variable speed, variable compression ratio single cylinder spark ignition (SI) engine with alcohol blended (80% gasoline, 10% ethanol and 10% methanol by volume) having copper coated combustion chamber [copper-(thickness, 300 μ) coated on piston crown, and inner side of cylinder head]. Performance parameters [brake thermal efficiency, exhaust gas temperature and volumetric efficiency] were determined at various values of brake mean effective pressure of the engine, while combustion characteristics [peak pressure, maximum rate of pressure rise, time of occurrence of peak pressure and maximum heat release] were evaluated at full load operation of the engine with alcohol blended gasoline. Comparative studies were made on performance parameters and combustion characteristics with conventional SI engine with pure gasoline operation. Brake thermal efficiency increased with alcohol blended gasoline with both versions of the combustion chamber. Copper-coated combustion chamber (CCCC) showed improved performance and combustion parameters when compared with conventional engine (CE) with both test fuels.Key words: S.I .Engine, Copper coating, Performance, combustion characteristics Reference [1] Nedunchezhian N & Dhandapani S , Experimental investigation of cyclic variation of combustion parameters in a catalytically activated two-stroke SI engine combustion chamber, Engg Today, 2 (2000) 11-18. [2] M.V.S. Murali Krishna, K.Kishor, P.V.K.Murthy, A.V.S.S.K.S. Gupta and S.Narasimha Kumar, (2010), "Performance evaluation of copper coated four stroke spark ignition engine with gasohol with catalytic converter", International Journal of Engineering Studies", vol.2(4), pp.465-473. [3] Narasimha Kumar, S., Murali Krishna, M.V.S. Murthy, P.V.K. Reddy, D.N. and Kishor,K. (2011). "Performance of copper coated two stroke spark ignition engine with gasohol with catalytic converter with different catalysts". International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Dindigul, 2(1), pp.205-218. [4] Murali Krishna, M.V.S., Kishor, K., Murthy, P.V.K Gupta, A.V.S.S.K.S and Narasimha Kumar,S. (2012). Comparative studies on performance evaluation of a two stroke copper coated spark ignition engine with alcohols with catalytic converter. International Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (USA), vol.16, pp.6333-6339. [5] Murali Krishna, M.V.S. and Kishor. K. (2008). Investigations on catalytic coated spark ignition engine with methanol blended gasoline with catalytic converter. Indian Journal (CSIR) of Scientific and Industrial Research, vol.67, pp.543-548. K. Kishor, M.V.S.Murali Krishna and P.V.K Murthy |
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243. | Design and Fabrication of Efficient Solar Dryer
Design and Fabrication of Efficient Solar DryerAbstract: Sun drying is still the most common method used to preserve agricultural products in most tropical and subtropical countries. However, being unprotected from rain, wind-borne dirt and dust, infestation by insects, rodents and other animal, products may be seriously degraded to the extent that sometimes become inedible and the resulted loss of food quality in the dried Products may have adverse economic effects on domestics and international markets. Some of the problems associated with open-air sun drying can be solved through the use of a solar dryer which comprises of collector, a drying chamber and sometimes a chimney. The conditions in tropical countries make the use of solar energy for drying food practically attractive and environmentally sound. Dryers have been developed and used to dry agricultural products in order to improve shelf life. Most of these either use an expensive source of energy such as electricity or a combination of solar energy and some other form of energy. Most projects of these natures have not been adopted by the small farmers, either because the final design and data collection procedures are frequently inappropriate or the cost has remained inaccessible and the subsequent transfer of technology from researcher to the end user has been anything but effective. Drying may be an interesting method in order to prevent fresh fruit deterioration. There is spoilage of fruits and other fresh foods that could be preserved using drying techniques in India and other developing countries. Seasonal fruits like mangoes are not presently dried for export, or for local consumption during period of scarcity.Key words: Solar Energy, Alternative Energy, Drier, Design and Fabrication Reference [1] W.Senadeera, I.S. Kalugalage, "Performance Evaluation of an affordable solar dryer for drying of crops" [2] M.Mohanraj, P.Chandrasekar, 2008, "Drying of Copra in a forced convection solar drier" [3] B.K.Bala, M.R.A.Mondol, B.K.Biswas, B.L.DasChowdury, S.Janjai, 2002, "Solar drying of pineapples using solar tunnel drier" [4] Arnold R, Elepano, Karen T. Satairapan, 2001, "A Solar – Biomass dryer for pineapple". [5] W.Radajewski, D.Gaydon, 1990, "In – Storage Solar Crop Drying Systems". R. Vidya Sagar Raju, R. Meenakshi Reddy, E. Siva Reddy |
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244. | Thermo Electrical Power Studies of Nickel-Zinc Ferrites Synthesized By Citrate Gel Technique
Thermo Electrical Power Studies of Nickel-Zinc Ferrites Synthesized By Citrate Gel TechniqueAbstract: The magnetic particles of nickel-zinc ferrite with chemical composition Ni1-XZnXFe2O4 where (x= 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 0.9 & 1.0) were synthesized successfully by citrate gel auto-combustion method using high purity nitrates and citric acid as chelating agent. The prepared powder of nickel –zinc ferrites was sintered at 10000C for 1 hr to obtain good crystalline phase and was used for further study. The X-ray diffraction technique was employed to confirm the single phase formation of nickel ferrite. The X-ray diffraction pattern shows the Bragg's peak which belongs to cubic spinel structure. The Seebeck coefficient of the samples was obtained from thermo e.m.f measurements by keeping constant temperature difference of 10 K across the sample. The Seebeck coefficient of the sample found to be negative showing majority charge carriers are electrons. The value of charge carrer concentration has also been computed from the observed values of Sebeck coefficient. The variation of thermo electric power and charge carriers concentration has been discussed as a function of composition and temperature. On the basis of these results an explanation for the conduction mechanism in the ferrite is suggestedKey words: Nickel –Zinc ferrite, lattice parameter, X-ray density, bulk density, porosity, Seebeck coefficient, carrier concentration. Reference [1] M. G. Patil , V. C. Mahajan, A. K. Ghatage , and S. A. Patil, Indian J. Pure Appl.Phys.34, 166(1996). [2] M.Ul-Islam, M.Ashraf Chaccdhry, T. Abbas, and M. Umar, Mater. Chem..phys. 48, 227 (1997). [3] J. Kulikowski and A. Lesniewski, J. Mag. Magn. Mater. 19 (1980) 117 [4] H. Igarashi and K. Okazaki, J. Amer.Ceram. Soc. 60 (1977) 51 [5] A.Verma,T.C.Goel,R.G.Mendiratt, M. I. Alam, Mater Sci Eng.B.60 (999) 156 K. Rama Krishna, D. Ravinder, K. Vijaya Kumar |
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245. | Compressor Based Area-Efficient Low-Power 8x8 Vedic Multiplier
Compressor Based Area-Efficient Low-Power 8x8 Vedic MultiplierAbstract: Multipliers are the integral components in the design of many high performance FIR filters, image and digital signal processors. Multipliers being the most area and power consuming elements of a design, area-efficient low-power multiplier architectures are in demand. In this paper, multiplier based on ancient Vedic mathematics technique has been proposed which employs 4:3, 5:3, 6:3 and 7:3 compressors for addition of partial products. Combining the Vedic Sutra- Urdhwa Tiryakbhyam and efficient compressors, a robust area and power efficient multiplier architecture has been achieved. The designs were synthesized and analysed in Cadence RTL compiler in 180 nm technology. When compared with previous compressor based multiplier, the proposed design achieves 30.5% and 25.8% reduction in power and area respectively.Key words: Vedic multiplier, Urdhwa Tiryakbhyam Sutra, compressor, low-power Reference [1] Swee, K. L. S. , Lo Hai Hiung, "Performance Comparison Review of 32-Bit Multiplier Designs", 4th International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems (ICIAS), 2012 , IEEE proc. , vol. 2, pp 836-841 [2] H.D. Tiwari, et al., "Multiplier design based on ancient Indian Vedic Mathematics", Int. SoC Design Conf., 2008, vol. 2. IEEE Proc.,pp. II-65 - II-68. [3] L. Sriraman, T.N. Prabakar, "Design and Implementation of Two Variable Multiplier Using KCM and Vedic Mathematics," 1st Int. Conf. on Recent Advances in Information Technology, Dhanbad, India, 2012, IEEE Proc., pp. 782-787. [4] S. R. Huddar, S. R. Rupanagudi, Kalpana M. ,S. Mohan : Novel High Speed Vedic Mathematics Multiplier Using Compressors , International Multi-Conference on Automation, Computing, Communication, Control and Compressed Sensing 2013 ,IEEE proc. , pp. 465-469. [5] D. Radhakrishnan and A. P. Preethy, "Low power CMOS pass logic 4-2 compressor for high-speed multiplication," Circuits and Systems, Proc. 43rd IEEE Midwest Symp., vol. 3, pp. 1296-1298, 2000. Nidhi Pokhriyal, Harsimranjit Kaur, Dr. Neelam Rup Prakash |
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246. | Simulation of Qpsk Modulator to Generate Real and Imaginary Channel
Simulation of Qpsk Modulator to Generate Real and Imaginary ChannelAbstract: In this paper we present a theoretical background of the digital communication systems and the QPSK modulation. The main purpose is to design the QPSK system on FPGA. The simulation of a QPSK Modulator to generate the real and imaginary channel is done using Xilinx ISE9.2 .the modulator algorithm has been implemented using the VHDL language on Xilinx ISE 9.2.The modulated signal obtained in the form of I and Q channel. Simulation is checked by applying different data stream at input and observing the real and imaginary part.Key words: Modulation, Simulation, FPGA, QPSK. Reference [1] E.Normark, Lei.Yang, C.Wakayama, P.Nikitin, R, Shi "VHDL AMS Behavioral Modeling and simulation of a pi/4DQPSK transceiver system" [2] T.J.Kazmierski, F.A.Hamid "Architectural and parametric optimization of low-pass RF anlog Filter in VHDL – AMS based high level synthsis"BMAS2004, San Jose,20-22 oct2004-2. [3] G.C.Cardarilli, R. A.Del Re.RE, L.Simone Nicol, "Otimized QPSK Modulaator for DVB-S Applications," ISCAS 2006 IEEE. [4] Douglas.L.Perry "VHDL Programming by Example"Mc.Grawh. USA: Academic 2002, pp. 842- 8681 [5] www.altera.com/literature/univ/upds.pdf.(UP2edicational board datasheet). Tushar V. Kafare, Prof .Col.Vijay Joshi |
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248. | Sonic Under Expanded Flow Control With Micro Jets
Sonic Under Expanded Flow Control With Micro JetsAbstract: This paper presents the results of experimental studies to control the base pressure from a convergent nozzle under the influence of favorable pressures gradient at sonic Mach number. An active control in the form of four micro jets of 1 mm orifice diameter located at 900 intervals along a pitch circle diameter of 1.3 times the nozzle exit diameter in the base region was employed to control the base pressure. The area ratio (ratio of area of suddenly expanded duct to nozzle exit area) studied are 2.56, 3.24, 4.84 and 6.25. The L/D ratio of the sudden expansion duct varies from 10 to 1. From the results, an important aspect to be noted here is that, unlike passive controls the favorable pressure gradient does not ensure augmentation of the control effectiveness for active control in the form of micro jets. To study the effect of micro jets on the quality of flow in the enlarged duct wall pressure was measured and it is found that the micro jets do not disturb the flow field in the duct rather the quality of flow has improved due to the presence of micro jets in some cases.Key words: Base pressure, Mach number, Micro jets, Sudden expansion, Wall pressure Reference [1] Wick R. S., "The Effect of Boundary Layer on Sonic Flow through an Abrupt Cross-sectional Area Change", Journal of the Aeronautical Sciences, Vol. 20, 1953, pp. 675-682. [2] Anderson J. S., et al., "Flow Oscillations in a Duct with a Rectangular Cross-section", J. Fluid Mech. , Vol. 79, part 4, 1977, pp. 769 – 784. [3] James A. Kidd, Dennis Wikoff and Charles J. Cottrell "Drag Reduction by Controlling Flow Separation Using Stepped Afterbodies", J. Aircraft, Vol. 27, No. - 6, 1989, pp. 564 – 566. [4] N. Menon and B. W. Skews, "3-D Shock Structure in Underexpanded Supersonic Jets from Elliptical and Rectangular Exits", pp. 529 – 534. [5] Viswanath P. R., "Drag Reduction of After bodies by Controlled Separated Flows", AIAA journal , Vol. 39, No. 1, 2001, pp. 73 – 78. Syed Ashfaq, S. A. Khan |
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249. | Structure-Property Correlation of Sol-Gel Processed Co0.5Ti0.5ZnFeO4 Ceramic
Structure-Property Correlation of Sol-Gel Processed Co0.5Ti0.5ZnFeO4 CeramicAbstract: Titanium doped Cobalt Zinc Ferrite nano powder of chemical composition Co0.5Ti0.5ZnFeO4 was synthesized using sol-gel method and calcinated at different temperatures ranging from 500-800 0C. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier Transform Infrared techniques (FTIR), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and electrical properties were carried out at room temperature. The grain size becomes larger with increase of calcination temperature ranging from 47.71-83.62 nm. The X-ray diffraction studies reveal the formation of single phase cubic spinel structure. The SEM micrographs show the uniform distribution of the particles, the average size was estimated to be 0.350 μm. IR absorption bands are observed around 600 cm-1 and 400 cm-1 of the tetrahedral and octahedral sites respectively. The effect of calcination temperature on electrical properties was studied and conduction phenomenon in the samples is discussed.Key words: Ferrites, Sol-gel technique, XRD, SEM, EDS, FTIR, Dielectric constant, Dielectric loss Reference [1] P M Prithviraj Swamy, S Basavaraja1, Arunkumar Lagashetty2, N V Srinivas Rao3, R Nijagunappa4 And A Venkataraman, Synthesis and characterization of zinc ferrite nanoparticles obtained by self- propagating low- temperature combustion method, Bull. Mater. Sci., Vol. 34, No.7, Dec.2011, pp. 1325-1330. [2] Vaidyanathan G, Sendhilnatha S., Characterization of Co1-xZnxFe2O4 nanoparticles synthesized by co-precipitation method, Physica B 2008; 403: 2157-2167 [3] A.Hassadee, T.Jutarosaga, W.Onreabroy, Effect of zinc substitution on structural and magnetic properties of cobalt ferrite, Procedia Engineering, 2012; 32: 597-602 [4] Köseoglu Y, Baykal A, Gözuak F., Structural and magnetic properties of CoxZn1-xFe2O4 nanocrystals synthesized by microwave method, Polyhedron 2009; 28: 2887-2892. [5] Rani, Ritu, Sharma, S. K, Pirota, K. R, Knobel, M, Thakur, Sangeeta, Singh. M, Effect of Zinc concentration on the magnetic properties of Cobalt-Zinc nanoferrite, Ceramics International, 38 (2012) 2389-2394. K. Vijaya Kumar, M. Lakshmi, M Buchi Suresh |
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250. | Multi - Anti Fuzzy Group And Its Lower Level Subgroups
Multi - Anti Fuzzy Group And Its Lower Level SubgroupsAbstract: In this paper, we define the algebraic structures of multi-anti fuzzy subgroup and some related properties are investigated. The purpose of this study is to implement the fuzzy set theory and group theory in multi-anti fuzzy subgroups. Characterizations of multi-lower level subsets of a multi-anti fuzzy subgroup of a group are given. Mathematics Subject Classification: MSC: 20N25; 03E72; 08A72Key words: Fuzzy set , multi-fuzzy set, fuzzy subgroup , multi-fuzzy subgroup, anti fuzzy subgroup, multi-anti fuzzy subgroup. Reference [1]. Muthuraj.R, Sitharselvam.P.M and Muthuraman.M.S, Anti Q-fuzzy group and its Lower level subgroups, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975-8887), Volume 3-No.3, June 2010,16-20. [2]. Muthuraj.R and Balamurugan.S, Multi-fuzzy group and its level subgroups, General Mathematical Notes, Gen. Math. Notes, Vol. 17, No. 1, July, 2013, pp. 74-81. [3]. Palaniappan.N, Muthuraj.R, Anti fuzzy group and its Lower level subgroups, Antartica J.Math., 1 (1) (2004) , 71-76. [4]. Rosenfeld.A, Fuzzy groups, J. math. Anal.Appl. 35 (1971), 512-517. [5]. Sabu.S and Ramakrishnan.T.V, Multi-fuzzy sets, International Mathematical Forum, 50 (2010), 2471-2476. R. Muthuraj, S. Balamurugan |
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251. | Chemical Analysis of Kodhaiyar River in Tamilnadu, India
Chemical Analysis of Kodhaiyar River in Tamilnadu, IndiaAbstract: A study on physico-chemical and biological characteristics of river water and its suitability for drinking and irrigation purposes was carried out in kodhaiyar river of Tamilnadu. Ecological parameters like dissolved oxygen, chemical oxygen demand, Biochemical oxygen demand and chemical parameters like total hardness, Total alkalinity, chloride, nitrate, phosphate and physical parameters like temperature, PH, turbidity were analyzed and the results were studied to ascertain the drinking water quality. From the study, it is inferred that the river water is generally portable. Few parameters in some of the selected stations were found to be higher and preventive measures should be adopted for increasing the quality of water for domestic utilization.Key words: contamination, ecological parameters, pollution, urbanization, water quality. Reference [1] S.Julie Ranee, S.Vasantha, Physico chemical analysis of borewell water samples of Anaiyur area in Madurai District, TamilNadu, India, J.Curr.Sci, 15(2), 403-408. [2] P.Rajiv,Hasna Abd [3] ul Salam, M .Kamaraj, Rajeshwari Sivaraj, A. Sankar,physic chemical and microbial analysis of different river water in Western Tamil Nadu,India, I.Res.J.Environmental Sci,1(1),2012,2-6. [4] B.Karthick, M.Boominathan,SameerAli, T.V.Ramachandra,Evaluation of the quality of drinking water in Kerala state ,India,Asian Journal of water,Environment and pollution, 7(4),39-48. [5] Muduli Bipra Prasanna,Panda Chitta Ranjan,physico chemical properties of water collected from Dhamra estuary, International journal of environmental sciences,1(3),2010. K.Jemila Rose, P. Kokila |
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252. | Growth and Characterization of BTCC Crystals Added with Urea
Growth and Characterization of BTCC Crystals Added with UreaAbstract: Pure and impurity added (with urea) bis(thiourea)cadmium chloride (BTCC) single crystals were grown by the slow evaporation technique. The grown crystals were characterized by powder XRD analysis. Elemental analysis was made by energy dispersive X-ray analysis. The UV-VIS-NIR absorption spectra have shown that the grown doped crystals have wide optical transparency in the entire visible region and UV-cut of wavelengths are less than that for pure BTCC crystals. Second harmonic generation efficiency measurements carried out with different dopant concentrations reveal that the nonlinear optical property is enhanced by the addition of dopant. DC and AC electrical measurements were carried out on the pure and doped BTCC crystals at various temperatures ranging from 40-100°C. The present study also shows the variation of dielectric properties (dielectric constant, dielectric loss and AC conductivity) as a function of frequency and temperature for the grown crystals. Activation energies were also determined and reported.Key words: Crystals, Crystal growth, Electrical properties, Optical properties, Single crystals, X-ray diffraction Reference [1] M.H. Jiang and Q. Fang, Adv. Mater., 11, 1999, 1147. [2] K. Nagarajan, Cryst. Res. Technol., 39, 2004, 414. [3] J. Ramajothi, S. Dhanuskodi and K. Nagarajan, Cryst. Res. Technol., 39, 2004, 414. [4] V. Venkataramanan, C.K. Subramanian and H.L. Bhat, J. Appl. Phys., 11, 1995, 6049. [5] V. Venkataramanan, H.L. Bhat, M.R. Srinivasan, P. Ayyub and M.S. Multani, J. Raman Sectrosc., 28, 1997, 779. I. S. Prameela Kumari And C.K. Mahadevan |
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253. | Earthquake Performance of RC Buildings Using Elastomeric Base Isolation Controls
Earthquake Performance of RC Buildings Using Elastomeric Base Isolation ControlsAbstract: The devastation from earthquakes becomes unpredicted resulting to significant damage of civil structures, leads to loss of lives and property. The base isolation of passive control system is one of the most powerful techniques for protection of civil structures against to seismic hazard. The study in this paper has proposed two seismic controls, namely LRB control and NZ control to study the seismic performance of isolated RC building in terms of reduction in responses under four realistic unidirectional earthquakes. The computer codes have been generated in MATLAB 7® to analyze the building responses in which equations of motion are solved using Newmark's method whereas Wen's model is used to model the bearing force. The responses of isolated building are compared with responses of non-isolated building in terms of time varying displacement, acceleration in addition to peak response of displacement, acceleration and bearing displacement. The results of computer codes illustrate that both the proposed controls yields effective in reducing the responses of isolated building. Further, NZ control is relatively more effectively perform than LRB control in reducing the responses.Key words: Seismic performance, base isolation system, non-isolated building, isolated building, building responses; LRB control; NZ control Reference [1] Soong, T.T., and Spencer Jr, B.F. (2002). "Supplemental energy dissipation: state-of-the-art and state-of-the-practice." Engineering Structures, 24, 243-259. [2] Jangid, R. S., and Datta, T. K. (1995). "Seismic behavior of base-isolated buildings: a state-of-the art review." Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers, Structures & Buildings, 110, 186-203. [3] Dumne S M and Bharti S D,An Overview: Aseismic Design Of Structures"; International conference on Earthquake Engineering, February 25-26, 2006 SoCE, SASTRA, Deemed University, Thanjavur (India). [4] Robinson, W. H. (1982). "Lead-rubber hysteretic bearings suitable for protecting structures during earthquakes." Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 10(4), 593-604. [5] Dumne, S. M., and Shrimali, M. K. "Seismic performance of isolated buildings connected with MR dampers" 8th Pacific Conference on Earthquake Engineering, National Technological University Singapore, Singapore, 5-7th December-2007, Page Nos. 01-08. Pradip D Jadhao, Sunila. Gadi, S. M. Dumne |
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254. | Experimental Investigation Of Solar Powered Sonic Pump
Experimental Investigation Of Solar Powered Sonic PumpAbstract: This paper deals with the experimental analysis of a solar powered sonic (resonance) pump for boreholes in Botswana. A model solar powered sonic pump is tested at average resonance frequency of 5.42 Hz when furnished with spring-loaded poppet valves, mainly 1.5″, 2.0″ and 3.0″ valves. The flow rate is measured against the power input and the results indicated that the flow rate correlates to the size of valves and their parameters such as valve spring constant, valve spring preload and valve stroke. Also it is found that the accuracy of the experiments can be improved by setting the pump in resonance through measuring the maximum acceleration.Key words: solar power, sonic pump, spring-loaded poppet valves, resonance oscillations Reference [1] Bodine A. G., Deep Well Pump. (US Patent 2, 553, 543, 1951). [2] Usakovskii, V.M., Inertial Pumps (Machine Building Publishing House, Moscow, 1973). [3] Usakovskii, V.M., Water Supply and Water Transportation in Agriculture. (Kolos Publishing House, Moscow, 2002). [4] Loukanov, I.A., Investigating the pumping process of a resonance vibrating pump for medium-depth boreholes, Research in Agricultural Engineering, 53 (4), 2007, 172-181. [5] Loukanov I.A., Uziak J. Theoretical Investigation and Experimental Analysis of Inertial Water Pump for Boreholes in the Desert and Rural Areas of Botswana, Unpublished Research Report R569, pp.57, 2006, University of Botswana, Gaborone, Botswana. Ivan A. Loukanov |
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255. | Wind Energy Proposed In Kurdistan-Iraq
Wind Energy Proposed In Kurdistan-IraqAbstract: The global wind-energy resource is very large and widely distributed. wind energy has the potential to provide an energy output equal to about three times the present electricity consumption. Although the wind is not very reliable as a source of power from day to day, it is a reliable source of energy year by year, and the main role for future wind-energy systems will be operating in parallel with electricity grid systems or, in remote locations, in parallel with diesel engines, so saving fuel.in this paper prepare design an application for wind energy via ArcGIS Application tools in Kurdistan region, while used application for searching for wind energy resource for each governorate in Kurdistan region-Iraq. This application help a designer to find any information about wind resources and archaeological and their geographical locations. in this paper proposed the location of the 30km proposed substation and 132kv proposed substation in the three governorates (Erbil, Duhok and Sulaimanyah) in Kurdistan region.Key words: Kurdistan Region,geographic information system,ArcGIS, wind resource , wind energy ,geographical location, substation Reference [1] Wind for electricity generation Practical Action (http://www.homepower.com/) [2] N.V. Vader & V.A. Joshi ― WIND POWER GENERATION TECHNOLOGY‖ [3] Renewables Global Status Report 2013 .ISBN 978-3-9815934-0-2,REN21 ,France. [4] Hermann-Josef WAGNER ― New Strategies for Energy Generation, Conversion and Storage‖ Villa Monastero, Varenna (Lake Como) 30th July – 4th August 2012 [5] Rolf A. de By ―Principles of Geographic Information Systems‖ (ITC Education Text book Series 1) ,Netherland 2001. Roojwan Scddeek.Esmael, ShahabWahabKareem , Ismael Khorshed Abdulrahman |
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256. | A Multi-Sites Daily Precipitation Forecasting Model for Sulaimania Governorate in Iraq
A Multi-Sites Daily Precipitation Forecasting Model for Sulaimania Governorate in IraqAbstract: A new model for daily precipitation forecasting was developed. The model is a modification of Wilks (1999) method that adopts a two state modeling process, one for the precipitation occurrences and the other for the nonzero precipitation series values. However, a different method of precipitation occurrence representation was adopted, that is to create codes values for this occurrence in a form of a series. This series of occurrence is then fitted by a suitable frequency distribution. The non-zero values are also fitted by a suitable frequency distribution. The best distributions are selected according to the Chi-square and Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests. Another modification was also done by obtaining the minimum and maximum number of dry periods (runs) and their minimum and maximum lengths on monthly basis from the historical records. The generation of future precipitation values was performed by generating the occurrence series using the best fitted distribution and modifying them according to the minimum and maximum numbers and lengths of the dry runs in each month. The final generated series are obtained by generating non-zero values of precipitation according to the best fitted distribution and combine them with the generated and modified series of occurrence. The model was applied for the case study of three metrological stations at Sulaimania governorate located north of Iraq. These stations are Sulaimania, dokan, and Derbendikhan. The data series used for obtaining the model parameters are the precipitation of eight months (Oct to May) for years (2000-2008). The best fitted frequency distribution found for the occurrence is the Gamma distribution, while for the non-zero precipitation were exponential for sulaimania, and Gamma for Dokan and Derbendikhan stations. The verification of the model was obtained by comparing the statistical properties of the generated with that of the observed precipitation series, for the three years (2009-2011). The results indicate the capability of the model to preserve these statistical properties.Key words: Precipitation, data generation, frequency distribution, Multi-sites data generation models, Occurrence of wet and dry days state, Chi-square test, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Reference [1] AKSOY H., 2000,"Use of Gamma Distribution in Hydrological Analysis", Turk J Engin Environ Sci, 24: 419-428. [2] Apipattanavis S., Podesta G. and Rajagoplalan B., 2007, "A Semiparametric Multivariate and Multisite Weather Generator", Water Resource Research, Vol. 43, W11401 doi 10. 1029. [3] Bardossy A., andPegram G.G.S., 2009, "Copula Based Multisite Model for Daily Precipitation Simulation", J Hdrol.EarthSyst.Sci., V13, 2299-2314. [4] Barzinji K. T., 2003,"Hydrogic Studies for GoizhaDabashan and Other Watersheds in Sulimani Governorate ", M.Sc. thesis submitted to the college of Agriculture, University of Sulaimani. [5] Beersma J.J. and Buishand T. A., 2003, "Multi-Site Simulation of Daily Precipitation and Temperature Conditional on the Atmosphere Circulation", climate research, Vol. 25:121-132. Rafa H. Al-Suhili and Naobahar F. Mustafa |
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257. | Standard Lossless Evident Watermarking—A New Approach
Standard Lossless Evident Watermarking—A New ApproachAbstract: A novel method for authentication visible watermarking with a capability of lossless image recovery is proposed. The method is based on the use of deterministic one-to-one compound mappings of image pixel values for overlaying a variety of visible watermarks of arbitrary sizes on cover images. The compound mappings are proved to be reversible, which allows for lossless recovery of original images from watermarked images. The mappings may be adjusted to yield pixel values close to those of desired visible watermarks. Different types of visible watermarks, including opaque monochrome and translucent full color ones, are embedded as applications of the proposed generic approach. A two-fold monotonically increasing compound mapping is created and proved to yield more distinctive visible watermarks in the watermarked image. Security protection measures by parameter and mapping randomizations have also been proposed to deter attackers from illicit image recoveries. Experimental results demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed approach are also included.Index Terms: Lossless reversible visible watermarking, compound mapping, translucent water marking, PSNR ,MSE Reference [1] F. A. P. Petitcolas, R. J. Anderson, and M. G. Kuhn, ―Information hiding—A survey,‖ Proc. IEEE, vol. 87, no.7, pp. 1062–1078, Jul. 1999. [2] N. F. Johnson, Z. Duric, and S. Jajodia, Information Hiding. Steganography and Watermarking—Attacks and Countermeasures. Boston, MA: Kluwer, 2001. [3] I. J. Cox, J. Kilian, F. T. Leighton, and T. Shamoon, ―Secure spread spectrum watermarking for multimedia,‖ IEEE Trans. Image Process., vol. 6, no. 12, pp. 1673–1687, Jun. 1997. [4] M. S. Kankanhalli, Rajmohan, and K. R. Ramakrishnan, ―Adaptive visible watermarking of images,‖ in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Multimedia Computing and Systems, 1999, vol. 1, pp. 568–573. [5] Y. Hu and S.Kwong,―Wavelet domain adaptive visiblewatermarking,‖ Electron. Lett., vol. 37, no. 20, pp.1219–1220, Sep. 2001. Mr.K.SRIDHAR, Dr.syed abdu sattar, Dr. M Chandra Mohan |
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258. | A Survey on Solutions to Distributed Denial of Service Attacks
A Survey on Solutions to Distributed Denial of Service AttacksAbstract: Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack is a large-scale, coordinated attack on the availability of services of a victim system or network resource, launched indirectly through many compromised computers on the Internet. Researchers have come up with more and more specific solutions to the DDoS problem. However, existing DDoS attack tools keep being improved and new attack techniques are developed. It is desirable to construct comprehensive DDoS solutions to current and future DDoS attack variants rather than to react with specific countermeasures. In order to assist in this, we conduct a thorough survey on the problem of DDoS. We propose taxonomies of the known and potential DDoS attack techniques and tools. Along with this, we discuss the issues and defend challenges in fighting with these attacks. Based on the new understanding of the problem, we propose classes of solutions to detect, survive and react to the DDoS attacksReference [1] N. Long S. Dietrich and D. Ddittrich, "Analyzing distributed denial of service tools: the shaft case," in Proceedings of the LISA XIV. [2] Randal Vaughn and Gadi Evron, "Dns amplification attacks preliminary release," March 17 2006. [3] Kevin J. Houle and George M. Weaver, "Trends in denial of service attack technology," http://www.cert.org/archive/pdf/DoS trends.pdf, October 2001. [4] Stefan Savage, David Wetherall, Anna R. Karlin, and Tom Anderson, "Practical network support for IP traceback," in SIGCOMM, 2000, pp. 295–306. [5] Alex C. Snoeren, Craig Partridge, Luis A. Sancheq, Christine E. Jones, Fabrice Tchakountio, Stephen T. Kent, and W. Timothy Strayer, "Hash-based ip traceback," Badrinath K, Mahesh Raj Urs, Anand Tilagul |
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259. | Personal Identification And Verification Using Multimodal Biometrics
Personal Identification And Verification Using Multimodal BiometricsAbstract: In this paper we present an overview of the fundamentals of personal authentication based on hand geometry measurements and palm print features. Researchers have used some complex methods or algorithms like quadratic spline function of wavelet transform (QSW), Voronoi diagram, Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM), Radial basis function neural networks (RBF), k-Nearest Neighbor (k- NN), Bayes method etc. It is essential to develop an algorithm, which is less complex, however more accurate. Biometric systems that operate using any single biometric characteristic have some limitations that can be overcome by using multiple biometric modalities. Finally, a description of the design and development of a multimodal personal authentication system based on the fusion of hand geometry and palm print features. Commonly used hand based biometrics are fingerprint, palm print, hand geometry and palm vein patterns. Among these, fingerprint has been used from a long time. But now a days, researchers are developing the systems based on palm print, hand geometry also. This paper includes the basics of palm print, hand geometry and biometric identification method based on these two biometric of human hand.Key words: Biometrics, wavelet transform, hand geometry and palm print. Reference [1] Dewi Yanti Liliana, Eries Tri Utaminingsih, The combination of palm print and hand geometry for biometrics palm recognition, International Journal of Video & Image Processing and Network Security IJVIPNS-IJENS Vol: 12 No: 01, February 2012 [2] Anil K. Jain, Arun Ross and Salil Prabhakar, An Introduction to Biometric Recognition, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol. 14, No. 1, January 2004. [3] Reddy, P.V.; Kumar, A.; Rahman, S.; Mundra, T.S.; , A New Antispoofing Approach for Biometric Devices, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, vol.2, no.4, pp.328-337, Dec. 2008 [4] Anil K. Jain, Arun Ross, Salil Prabhakar: Fingerprint matching using minutiae and texture features. International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)(3) 2001: 282-285 [5] M. P. Dale, M. A. Joshi, N. Gilda, Texture Based Palmprint Identification Using DCT Features, Seventh International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition (ICAPR), 2009, p.221-224. Vishwas. Ramesh. Wadekar, Rajesh. Namdeo. Patil |
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260. | Effect of Non Traditional Additives on Soil Stablization
Effect of Non Traditional Additives on Soil StablizationAbstract: Long-term performance of pavement structures is significantly impacted by the stability of the underlying soils. In situ sub grades often do not provide the support required to achieve acceptable performance under traffic loading and environmental demands. Though stabilization provides a platform in improving the soil properties greatly, the engineering properties derived from stabilization vary widely due to heterogeneity in soil composition, differences in micro and macro structure among soils, heterogeneity of geologic deposits, and due to differences in physical and chemical interactions between the soil and candidate stabilizers. These tribulations demand the consideration of site-specific treatment options which must be validated through testing of soil-stabilizer mixtures. This report addresses soil treatment stabilizers: Cement and Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS) as an additive. The report compares engineering properties of unmodified and modified samples. The report presents a straightforward methodology to determine which proportion of stabilizers added to the soil sample is suitable. The mixture design process defines an acceptable amount of stabilizer for the soil in question based on consistency testing, strength testingKey words: Stabilization, Non Traditional Additives, Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag Reference [1] Arora, "Soil Mechanics and Foundation engineering", 7th edition, Standard Publishers and Distributors. [2] Scholen, D. E. (1992). "Nonstandard stabilizers," Report FHWA-FLP-92-01 1, Federal Highway Administration, Washington, DC. [3] Scholen, D. E. Nonstandard Stabilizers. Report FHWA-FLP-92-011. FHWA, July 1992. [4] ASTM: D1883-07 "Standard Test for CBR (California Bearing Ratio) of Laboratory-Compacted Soils" [5] IS:2720( Part 8)-1983 "Methods of Testing for Soils: Part 8 Determination of Water content-Dry density relation using Heavy Compaction(second revision)" Shaik Hussain, S Priyanka Reddy, T Harsha Nandan |
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261. | Particle Swarm Optimization Methods for Image Segmentation Applied In Mammography
Particle Swarm Optimization Methods for Image Segmentation Applied In MammographyAbstract: Accurate medical diagnosis requires a segmentation of large number of medical images. The automatic segmentation is still challenging because of low image contrast and ill-defined boundaries. Image segmentation refers to the process that partitions an image into mutually exclusive regions that cover the image. Among the various image segmentation techniques, traditional image segmentation methods are widely used but have certain drawbacks, which cannot be used for accurate result. In this thesis clustering based techniques is employed on images which results into segmentation of images. The performance of Fuzzy C-means (FCM) integrated with Particle Swarm optimization (PSO) technique and its variations are analyzed in different application fields. To analyze techniques in different fields several metrics are used namely global consistency error, probabilistic rand index and variation of information are used. This experimental performance analysis shows that FCM along with fractional order Darwinian PSO give better performance in terms of classification accuracy, as compared to other variation of other techniques used. The integrated algorithm tested on images proves to give better results. Finally, fractional order Darwinian PSO along with neighbourhood Fuzzy C-means and partial differential equation based level set method is an effective image segmentation technique to study the intricate contours.Key words: Darwinian PSO (DPSO), Fuzzy C-means (FCM), FCM neighbourhood (FCMN), Fractional Order DPSO (FO-DPSO), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Reference [1] Gonzalez, Woods, and Eddins, Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB, Prentice Hall 2004. [2] A.K. Jain, M.N. Murty, P.J. Flynn, Data Clustering: A Review, ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 31, No. 3, September 1999. [3] Hui Zhang, Improved Clustering-Based Image Segmentation through Learning, A Dissertation, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, August 2007. [4] R. Harikumar, B.Vinoth Kumar, G.Karthick, Performance Analysis for Quality Measures Using K means Clustering and EM models in Segmentation of Medical Images, International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering, Volume-1, Issue-6, January 2012. [5] Feng Zhao, Licheng Jiao, Spatial improved fuzzy cmeans clustering for image segmentation, International Conference on Electronic and Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology, IEEE 2011, pp 4791-4794. N. Gopi Raju & P A Nageswara Rao |
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262. | Flexural Strength of High Strength Steel Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Beams with Stirrups
Flexural Strength of High Strength Steel Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Beams with StirrupsAbstract: Twenty five tests were conducted on high strength fiber reinforced concrete beams with three steel fiber-volume fractions (0.5 to 4%), three shear span-depth ratios (2, 3, and 4) The flexural strength test had been conducted as pe IS 516. The results demonstrated that flexural strength increased with increasing fiber volume. As the fiber content increased, the failure mode changed from shear to flexure. The results of 139 tests of high strength fiber-reinforced concrete beams with stirrups were used to measured flexural strength.Key words: beam; cracking; Flexural strength Reference [1] ACI Committee 544, "State-of-the-Art Report on Fiber Reinforced Concrete (ACI 544.1R-96)," American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, Mich., 1997, pp. 1-60. [2] Adebar, P.; Mindcss, S.; St.-Pierre, D.; and Olund, B., "Shear Tests of Fiber Concrete Beams without Stirrups," ACI Structural Journal, V, 94, No. 1, Jan.-Feb. 1997, pp. 68-76. [3] Ashour, S. A.; Hasanain, G. S.; and Wafa, F. F., "Shear Behavior of High-Strength Fiber Reinforced Concrete Beams," ACI Structural Journal, V. 89, No. 2, Mar.-Apr. 1992, pp. 176-184. [4] Batson, G.; Jenkins, E.; and Spatney, R., "Steel Fibers as Shear Reinforcement in Beams," ACI JOURNAL, Proceedings V. 69, No. 10, Oct. 1972, pp. 640-644. [5] Imam, M.; Vandewalle, L.; and Mortelmans, F., "Shear Capacity of Steel Fiber High-Strength Concrete Beams," Iligh-Perfonnance Concrete, SP-149, V. M. Malhotra, ed., American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, Mich., 1994, pp. 227-241. Vasant. B. Jatale and L. G. Kalurkar |
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263. | A Comparative Study of Different Queuing Scheduling Disciplines
A Comparative Study of Different Queuing Scheduling DisciplinesAbstract: This paper presents a comparative analysis of different queuing scheduling disciplines for networking services using Optimized Network Engineering Tool (OPNET). Mainly, we focus on various queuing scheduling disciplines including Modified Weighted Round Robin (MWRR), First in-First out (FIFO), Priority Queuing (PQ), and Weighted Fair Queuing (WFQ). This modeling and simulation are based on the effects of these queuing scheduling disciplines on packet delivery for three next generation Internet streaming applications: File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Video-conferencing, and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)Key words: MWRR; FIFO; PQ; WFQ; VoIP; FTP; video-conferencing, OPNET Reference [1] S. M. Musa, and et al, "Utilization of buffers for performance evaluation of local area network protocol," Communication of the International Information Management Association Journal. Vol. 6, Issue 4. pp. 19-33, 2006. [2] S. Akhatr, E. Ahmed, A. K. Saha, and K. S. Arefin, "Performance analysis of integrated service over differentiated service for next generation Internet," JCIT, Vol. 1, Issue 1, pp. 95-101, 2010. [3] Y. Miaji and S. Hassan, "Comparative simulation of scheduling mechanism in packet switching network," IEEE Second International Conference on Network Applications, Protocols and Services, pp. 141-147, 2010. [4] T. Velmurugan, H. Chandra, and S. Balaji, "Comparison of queuing disciplines for differentiated services using OPNET," IEEE International Conference on Advances in Recent Technologies in Communication and Computing, pp. 744-746, 2009. [5] A.G. P. Rahbar, and O. Yang, "LGRR: a new packet scheduling algorithm for differentiated services packet-switched networks," Computer Communications, Vol. 32, Issue 2, pp. 357-367, 2009. Sarhan M. Musa, Mahamadou Tembely, Matthew N. O. Sadiku, And Pamela Obliomon |
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264. | Prevention of Train Accidents Using Wireless Sensor Networks
Prevention of Train Accidents Using Wireless Sensor NetworksAbstract: This work is concentrated on predicting the major cause of railway accidents that is collision on the same track. The primary goal of this anti-collision system is to identify collision points and to report these error cases to main control room, nearby station as well as grid control stations. So that if any collision likely to occurs then this system will help to avoid such conditions by giving an alarm to concern units. Implementation of an efficient Zig-Bee based Train Anti-Collision for railways is being proposed in this paper. A safe distance of 1 Km has been maintained between two trains after applying the emergency brake in case of collision detection. Based on the studies, it is observed that even for two trains traveling at 140kmph, the safe distance after automatic braking under normal conditions is approximately 920m. All sub modules have been designed and simulated using Proteus electronic simulation package and the prototype is implemented .It is expected that if this system is implemented widely, train collisions and accidents can be avoided. The up-gradation is also done by following the idea of checking cascaded connection of the compartments in sequence manner.Key words: microcontroller, protocol, pressure, sensors, wireless transceiver, Zig-Bee, Proteus, Anti-collision system. Reference [1] Arun. P, Saritha. S,K.M. Martin, Madhu kumar.S "an efficient train anti-collision system using LEO two way sattelite communication.," in national conference on computer networks, human computer interaction and image processing,pp.32,March 2012. [2] Arun. P, Saritha .S, K. M. Martin, Madhu kumar. S "Simulation of zigbee based TACS for collision detection and avoidance for railway traffic.," in International conference on advanced computing & communication technologies for high performance application, paper ID 51,June 2012. [3] Bhatt, Ajaykumar A, 'An Anti-Collision Device (ACD) Network – A train Collision Prevention System (TCPS)'. [4] David Barney David Haley and George Nikandros: Calculating Train Braking Distance, Signal and Operational Systems Queensland Rail PO Box 1429, Brisbane 4001, Queensland, and Australia [5] K. Shuaib, M. Boulmalf, F. Sallabi and A. Lakas, "Co-existence of Zig-bee and WLAN-a performance study", IFIP International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications Networks, pp. 5, 2006. Mr. N. Sambamurthy, Sk. Hasane Ahammad |
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265. | An Ergonomic Evaluation & Assessment Of The Workstation To Improve The Productivity For An Enterprise:-A Review
An Ergonomic Evaluation & Assessment Of The Workstation To Improve The Productivity For An Enterprise:-A ReviewAbstract: This Paper is about the evaluation of the workstation to improve the productivity by reducing the back pain, shoulder injury, fatigue etc. Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) continue to be a tremendous burden in industry with back injury and shoulder disorders being among the most common and costly disorders because of not having proper workstation. In industrialized countries, upper limb work-related musculoskeletal disorders (UL-WMSDs) are the most common form of occupational diseases. They are generating a growing population of workers with reduced working capacity. The link between these Pathologies and different aspects of work organization has been convincingly proven. Productivity is an important indicator of economic growth and social health. High performance and productivity require the right sitting posture. So for considering this factor operator needs proper seating arrangement such that their problems regarding the MSDs can be reduced & productivity will be increased. It is revealed that the suggested workstation improves working posture and results in reduced postural stress on operators' bodies and, consequently, reduce prevalence of MSDs symptoms.Key words: Ergonomic Evaluation, Musculoskeletal Disorder, Workstation Design, UL-WMSDs, RULA Reference [1] McAtamney, L., Corlett, and E.N., RULA: A Survey method for the investigation of work related upper limb disorders, Applied Ergonomics, Vol.24 (2), pp.91-99, 1993 [2] Bimal Das, Julia wimpee, Bijon Das, Ergonomic evaluation and redesign of a hospital meal cart." Applied Ergonomics Vol.No.33 pp.309-318, 2002 [3] Chaffin, D.B., Anderson G.B.J., 1999.occupational biomechanics, 3rd edu.Newyork: John Wiley and Sons.pp.355-392. [4] Anil Mittal, Shrawan Kumar, Human muscle strength definition, measurement and usage. Part-I guidelines for the Practioners, International journal of Industrial Ergonomics 22(1998)101-121. [5] Holley A. Sweeney, M.A., Applying Ergonomics principle in the workplace: How the Alexander Technique can help. Sandip B.Wanave, Manish K.Bhadke |
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266. | Power Analysis of CMOS Combinational Logic Circuits Using Adiabatic Reduction Technique at 180nm Technology
Power Analysis of CMOS Combinational Logic Circuits Using Adiabatic Reduction Technique at 180nm TechnologyAbstract: In recent years the adiabatic techniques have been used to reduce power consumption in various high end processors. Various adiabatic logic circuits have been proposed based on the energy recovery principle. The term "adiabatic" is derived from a reversible thermodynamic process and it stands for a system where a transformation takes place in such a way that no gain or loss of heat or energy occurs. This paper discusses an energy efficient way of designing the combinational logic circuits using adiabatic technique to minimise the power consumption. A comparative analysis for power consumption between conventional CMOS designs of the AND, NAND, OR, Inverter Logic and their adiabatic designs has been performed at 180nm. A power saving of up to 33% in AND gate, 16% in NAND, 6% in NOR and 5% in Inverter respectively is observed at VDD=1.8V, and T=270C.Key words: circuits, AND Logic, Combinational Circuits, Inverter, Low-Power, NAND Logic, OR Logic. Reference [1] Y. Sunil Gavaskar Reddy and V. V. G. S. Rajendra Prasad "Power comparision of CMOS and adiabatic full adder circuits". URL : http://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1110/1110.1549.pdf . [2] D. A. Hodges, H. G. Jackson, and R. A. Saleh, Analysis and Design of Digital Integrated Circuits, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, USA, 3rd edition, 2003. [3] W. C. Athas, L. Svensson, J. G. Koller, N. Tzartzanis, and E. Y. C. Chou, "Low-power digital systems based on adiabatic-switching principles," IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 398–407, 1994. [4] Y. Moon and D. K. Jeong, "An efficient charge recovery logic circuit," IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 514–522, 1996. [5] Ch. Praveen Kumar, S. K. Tripathy and Rajeev Tripathi, "High Performance Sequential Circuits with Adiabatic Complementary Pass-Transistor Logic (ACPL)" IEEE Tencon pp. 1-4, 23-26 Jan. 2009. Pooja Chaudhary and Dipti Girdhar |
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267. | Elzaki Transform Solution of One Dimensional Ground Water Recharge through Spreading
Elzaki Transform Solution of One Dimensional Ground Water Recharge through SpreadingAbstract: A problem of one dimensional vertical ground water recharge has been considered by assuming the average diffusivity coefficient to be constant and conductivity as a linear function of moisture content. In the present paper we have obtained an analytical solution for the moisture content by using a new transform called ELzaki transform. We have compared the obtained analytical solution with the available Laplace transform solution which is found to be exactly same. Although the ELzaki transform have a close connection with the Laplace transform, the main advantage of ELzaki transform is that it can be used to solve problems without resorting to a new frequency domain. ELzaki transform method is easy, efficient and accurate and has got several advantages over Laplace transform method.Key words: conductivity, Differential Equation, Diffusivity coefficient, ELzaki transform, Moisture content. Reference [1] A. P. Verma, The Laplace transform solution of a one dimensional groundwater recharge by spreading, Annali Di Geofision, 22(1), 1969, 25-31. [2] Tarig M Elzaki, The new integral transform "ELzaki Transform", Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 7(1), 2011, 57-64. [3] Tarig M. Elzaki and Salih M. Elzaki, Application of new transform "ELzaki Transform" to Partial Differential Equations, Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 7(1), 2011, 65-70. [4] Tarig M. Elzaki and Salih M. Elzaki, On the connection between Laplace and ELzaki transforms, Advances in Theoretical and Applied Mathematics, 6(1), 2011, 1-10. [5] Tarig M. Elzaki, Salih M. Elzaki and Elsayed A. Elnour, On the new integral transform "ELzaki Transform" fundamental properties investigation and applications, 4(1), 2012, 1-13. Prem Kiran G. Bhadane, V. H. Pradhan, Satish V. Desale |
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268. | Implicit Finite Difference Solution of Boundary Layer Heat Flow over a Flat Plate
Implicit Finite Difference Solution of Boundary Layer Heat Flow over a Flat PlateAbstract: In this paper, boundary layer heat flow over a flat plate is discussed. Similarity transformation is employed to transform the governing partial differential equations into ordinary ones, which are then solved numerically using implicit finite difference scheme namely Keller box method. The obtained Keller box solutions, in comparison with the previously published work are performed and are found to be in a good agreement. Numerical results for the temperature distribution have been shown graphically for different values of the Prandtl number.Key words: Boundary layer flow, Convection of heat, Keller box method, nonlinear differential equation. Reference [ 1 ] M. Esmaeilpour, D.D. Ganji, Application of He's homotopy perturbation method to boundary layer flow and convection heat transfer over a flat plate, Physics Letters A 372, 2007, 33–38. [ 2 ] H. Mirgolbabaei, Analytical solution of forced-convective boundary-layer flow over a flat plate, Archives of civil and mechanical engineering, Vol. X (2),2010, 41-51 [ 3 ] W.M. Kays, M.E. Crawford, Convective Heat and Mass Transfer, (3/e, McGraw–Hill, New York, 1993) [ 4 ] Cebeci T., Bradshaw P. Physical and computational Aspects of Convective Heat Transfer, (New York, Springer 1988). . [ 5 ] Na T.Y., Computational Methods in Engineering Boundary Value Problem, (New York: Academic Press 1979). Satish V Desale, V.H.Pradhan |
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269. | Mechanical Behavior of High Strength Fibre Reinforced Concr
Mechanical Behavior of High Strength Fibre Reinforced ConcrAbstract: The use of High Strength Concrete (HSC) is on rise. It is observed that HSC is relatively brittle material. Fibres are added to improve its ductility. Experimental study is carried out to assess mechanical properties of high strength fibre reinforced concrete (HSFRC) of grade M80. In addition to normal materials, silica fume, fly Ash and two types fibres viz. Hooked end steel Fibre (0.4 25mm) and Hooked end steel Fibre (1 60mm)having different aspect ratio, are used to produce concrete. The content of silica fume and fly ash is 5% and 10% respectively by weight of cement. Water to cementitious material ratio was 0.25. Mixes are produced by varying types of fibres and for each type of fibre its volume fraction is varied from 0.5% to 4.0 % with an increment of 0.5% by weight of cementitious materials. 147 specimens each of cubes (100 100 100mm), cylinders (100 200mm) and prisms (100x100x500mm) are tested to study the effect fibres on compressive strength, split tensile strength and flexural strength of HSFRC. The results indicated significant improvement in mechanical properties of HSFRC.Key words: High Strength Fibre Reinforced Concrete, Compressive Strength, Split Tensile Strength, Flexural Strength, Steel Fibres, Polypropylene Fibres Reference [1] P.S.Song., S. Hwang., "Mechanical properties of high strength steel fibre-reinforced concrete", Construction and Building MATERIALS, 18 (2004) 669-673 [2] S.P.Singh and S.K.Kaushik, "Flexural Fatigue Analysis of steel fibre reinforced concrete",ACI Material Journal, Vol.98,No.4,July-August2001,pp.306-312. [3] Fuat Koksal and Fatih Altun, "Combine effect of Silica fume and steel fibre on the mechanical properties of high strength concrete", Construction and building materials, 23(2007), pp.441-454. [4] Job Thomas and Ananth Ramaswamy, " Mechanical Properties of Steel Fibres Reinforced Concrete", Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, May2007, Vol. 19,No.5, pp.385-392. [5] P.Balaguru, Ramesh Narahari and Mahendra Patel "Flexural Toughness of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete", ACI Materials Journal,Nov-Dec.1992, Vol.89, No.6, pp.-541-546. Rahul.D.Pandit, S.S.Jamkar |
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270. | Review on Multi-Cloud DNA Encryption Model for Cloud Security
Review on Multi-Cloud DNA Encryption Model for Cloud SecurityAbstract: Cloud computing is one of the fastest growing areas in the IT industry, with huge potential of cost-saving capabilities along with increased flexibility and scalability for system resources. Although there are great benefits associated with cloud computing, it also presented new security threats/challenges. Due to risks of service availability, failure and the possibility of malicious insiders in the single cloud, single cloud is becoming less popular and new concept of using Multi-Clouds is becoming evident to solve these security issues. This paper reviews DNA Encryption to secure data while storing it on Multi-Clouds.Key words: Cloud computing, Cloud security, Cloud service provider (CSP), DNA Encryption, DNA sequence and Multi-Cloud Reference [1] M. A. Alzain, B. Soh and E. Pardede, "MCDB: Using Multi-Clouds to Ensure Security in Cloud Computing", IEEE transactions on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing (DASC), pp. 784 – 791, Dec– 2011. [2] A. Kurmus, M. Gupta, R. Pletka, C. Cachin, and R. Haas, "A Comparison of Secure Multi-tenancy Architectures for File System Storage Clouds", ACM International Conference on Middleware. pp. 471- 490, June - 2011. [3] S. Lee, H. Park, and Y. Shin, "Cloud Computing Availability: Multi-clouds for Big Data Service", 6th International Springer Conference, pp. 799 - 806, August – 2012. [4] S. Prakash, Dr. K. Subramanyam, and S. Prasad, "Multi Clouds Model for Service Availability and Security", IJCST Vol. 2, Issue -1, March – 2012. [5] Y. Singh, F. Kandah, and W. Zhang, "A Secured Cost-effective Multi-Cloud Storage in Cloud Computing", IEEE Workshop on Computer Communications and Cloud Computing, pp. 619 – 624, April – 2011. Richa H. Ranalkar, Prof. B.D. Phulpagar |
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271. | Production of Bio-Diesel from Waste Cooking Oil
Production of Bio-Diesel from Waste Cooking OilAbstract: Waste cooking oils (WCO), which contain large amounts of free fatty acids produced in restaurants, are collected by the environmental protection agency in many parts of the world and should be disposed in a suitable way. Due to the high cost of the fresh vegetable oil, waste cooking oil attracted researcher to produce bio-diesel from waste cooking oil because it is available with relatively cheap price. In this research paper, the Transesterification of waste cooking oil with methanol as well as the main uses of the fatty acid methyl esters is reviewed. The cooking oil was transesterified with methanol using potassium hydroxide as catalyst to obtain bio-diesel by Mechanical Stirrer production technique was carried out. Results which obtained are significantly comparable to pure diesel and gives better performance than conventional diesel fuel.Key words: Bio-diesel, Waste Cooking oil, Transesterification process, Mechanical stirrer technique. Reference [1] Hariharan VS., Reddy K. Vijayakumar, Rajagopal K. "Study of the performance, emission and combustion characteristics of a diesel engine using Sea lemon oil based Fuels." Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol.2 No 4 (Apr. 2009) pp.43-47. [2] Rao G Lakshmi Narayana, Sampath S., Rajagopal K. "Experimental Studies on the Combustion and Emission Characteristics of a Diesel Engine Fuelled with Used Cooking Oil Methyl Ester and its Diesel Blends." International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 4:2 2008 pp. 64-70. [3] Banapurmath NR., Tewari PG., Hosmath RS. "Performance and emission characteristics of a DI compression ignition engine operated on Honge, Jatropha and sesame oil methyl esters." Renewable Energy 33 (2008), pp. 1982–1988. [4] Qi DH., Geng LM., Bian YZH., Liu J., Ren XCH. "Combustion and performance evaluation of a diesel engine fueled with bio-diesel produced from soybean crude oil." Renewable Energy 34 (2009), pp. 2706–2713. [5] Nabi Md. Nurun, Rahman Md. Mustafizur, Akhter Md. Shamim. "Bio-diesel from cotton seed oil and its effect on engine performance and exhaust emissions." Applied Thermal Engineering 29 (2009), pp. 2265–2270. R. B. Sharma, Dr. Amit Pal, Juhi Sharaf |
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272. | A Narrative Experimental View for Zeolite in Molecular Orientation
A Narrative Experimental View for Zeolite in Molecular OrientationAbstract: In this paper, FTIR spectroscopy in understanding with polarized light and an ATR look into coated with a b-oriented ZSM-5 film was the first time used to conclude the point of reference of adsorbed molecules in the ZSM-5 structure. Two adsorbents were studied, n-hexane and p-xylene and the results decided with formerly reported results obtained by other investigational techniques.Key words: Zeolite; Attenuated Total Reflection; adsorbates; dichroic ratio ; gas sensing; silanol ; guest/host materials; absorption. Reference [1] Richards, R. E.; Rees, L. V. C. Langmuir, 3, (1987), 335. [2] Sun, M. S.; Talu, O.; Shah, D. B. J. Phys. Chem. B, 100, (1996) 17276. [3] Smit, B.; Maesen, T. L. M. Nature, 100, (1995), 42. [4] Mentzen, B. F., Mater. Res. Bull., 30,(1995), 1333. [5] Morell, H.; Angermund, K.; Lewis, A. R.; Brouwer, D. H.; Fyfe, C. A.; Gies, H. Chem.Mater., 14, ( 2002), 2192. Mr. K. Jeganmohan, Dr. K. Jagadeesan, Dr. Aravind Yadav |
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273. | Combustion and Emission Analysis of IDI-Diesel Engine operated with Neat Mahua Methyl Ester (MME) blended with Methanol as an Additive
Combustion and Emission Analysis of IDI-Diesel Engine operated with Neat Mahua Methyl Ester (MME) blended with Methanol as an AdditiveAbstract: Mahua methyl ester with methanol additive having higher latent heat and lower calorific value was tested on an IDI engine. This is to ensure both low temperature combustion and combustion dilution. Combustion pressure data was collected and the net and cumulative heat release rates have been calculated to analyze combustion in both the combustion chambers. Engine emissions and performance were studied to study the possibility of totally replacing the conventional diesel with the combination of the fuel tested. IDI engines are known for better performance in total combustion in the combustion chambers in succession and hence reduce HC emission to minimum level. The combo of 3% methanol additive in the bio-diesel proved better in gaining advantage in all aspects comprehensively leading to a conclusion to replace diesel fuel with the combo of the fuel tested.Key words: Combustion pressure, heat release rate, Indirect diesel injection engine, Mahua Methyl Ester, Methanol. Reference [1] Sukumar Puhan, N Vedaraman, B V Ramabrahamam and G Nagarajan. Mahua (Madhuca Indica) Seed Oil: A source of renewable energy in India. Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research vol, 64, November 2005, pp.890-896. [2] P. Ramesh Babu, K. Prasad Rao, B.V. Appa Rao. The Role of Oxygenated Fuel Additive (DEE) along with Mahua Methyl Ester to Estimate Performance and Emission analysis of DI-Diesel Engine. International Journal of Thermal Technologies, Vol.2, No.1 (March 2012), ISSN 2277 – 4114. [3] Prasad V.J.J, N. Hari Babu, Dr B.V.Appa Rao. Reduction of NOX in the exhaust gas of DI- diesel engine fueled with mahua methyl ester along with exhaust gas recirculation. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy. 2009, 1, 1–14. [4] Hawkins CS, Fuls J, Hugo FJC. Engine durability tests with sunflower oil in an indirect injection diesel engine. SAE Paper; 1983. No. 831357. [5] Ryu K. The characteristics of performance and exhaust emissions of a diesel engine using a biodiesel with antioxidants. Bioresource Technol 2010;101:S78–82. K.Prasada Rao, B. V. Appa Rao |
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274. | Implementation and Waveform Analysis of Single Phase Single
Switch Power Factor Corrector Using DSP (TMS320F2811)
Implementation and Waveform Analysis of Single Phase Single Switch Power Factor Corrector Using DSP (TMS320F2811)Abstract: AC-DC converters are used in various applications like SMPS, UPS. In electronics equipment, mostly an input stage is rectifier. Due to this non-linear load power factor at supply sides become poor. Boost converters with continuous conduction mode is commonly used in power factor correction. High speed and low cost digital signal processor is evaluated to control this PFC scheme. Converter topology and simulation results are shown to demonstrate PFC control.Key words: Continuous conduction mode, Digital signal processor, Boost converter, PFC, PI – controller, Reference [1] Samia Pillai Pitchai and B. Umamaheswari, A Low Cost Design Solution - DSP Based Active Power Factor Corrector for SMPS/UPS(Single Phase) Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, College of Engineering, Anna University, Chennai 600 025, India. [2] H.M.EL-BOOK, M.E. Masoud, And M. Mahmoud, A Microprocessor-Based Adaptive Power Factor Corrector for Nonlinear Loads, IEEE transactions on industrial electronics, VOL. 31, NO. I, February 1990. [3] Henry S. H. Chug, Member ZEEE, S.Y.R. Hui, Senior Member, IEEE, and D. Y. Qiu, Control of Active Power Factor Corrector Using A Single Current Sensor, [4] I.Yamamoto, KMatsui, and M.Matsuo, A comparison of various DC-DC converters and their application to power factor correction, IEEE Transaction on PCC, p.p 128-135, 0-7803-7 156-9/02, March 2000. [5] Angelo Brambilla, "A 2 kW 100 kHz power converter" IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 46, No. 2, April 1999. Komal A. Sonagra |
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275. | Synthesis and Characterization of Al–Al2O3and Al/ (Al2O3-Zro2) Nanocomposites Using High-Energy Milling
Synthesis and Characterization of Al–Al2O3and Al/ (Al2O3-Zro2) Nanocomposites Using High-Energy MillingAbstract: Aluminum metal matrix nanocomposites, Al–20 wt.% Al2O3, and Al-10 wt.% Al2O3-10 wt.% ZrO2 systems, were synthesized by mechanical milling to obtain advanced engineering materials with new properties. A homogenous distribution of the reinforcements in the Al matrix was obtained after milling the mixed powdersby a Planetary ball mill for a period of 45 h at a ball-to-powder ratio of 10:1. The uniform distribution of Al2O3 and Al2O3-ZrO2 in the Al matrix was confirmed by characterizing these nanocomposite powders by SEM and XRD techniques. The powders were consolidated by cold pressing under 600 MPa pressure at room temperature followed by sintering at 600°C for 45min under inert gas atmosphere. X-ray patterns were analyzed by using the Williamson–Hall treatment to determine the crystallite size and the lattice strain. Microhardness measurements and compression tests were performed to characterize the composite materialsmechanical properties.Key words: Mechanical milling; Nanocomposites; Al-ceramic composites, Al/Al2O3/ZrO2nanocomposite, Mechanical properties, Sintering Reference [1] Durai, T. G.,Das,K., Das, S. "Synthesis and characterization of Al matrix composites reinforced byin situ alumina particulates". Mater.Sci.Eng. A, (2007), 445-446, 100-105. [2] Razavi, H. Z.,Simchi,A.,SeyedReihani,S.M. "Structural evolution during mechanical milling of nanometric and micrometric Al2O3 reinforced Al matrix composites". Mater.Sci. Eng. A,(2006), 428, 159-168. [3] Prabhu,B.,Suryanarayana, C., An, L., Vaidyanathan, R."Synthesis and characterization of high volume fraction Al–Al2O3nanocomposite powders by high- energy milling".Mater.Sci. Eng. A,(2006), 425, 192–200. [4] Dutkiewicz, J.,Lityńska, L.Maziarz, W.,Haberko, K.,Pyda, W.Kanciruk, A."Structure and properties of nanocomposites prepared from ball milled 6061aluminium alloy with ZrO2 nanoparticles". Cyst.Res.Technol., (2009), 44, No.10, 1163-1169. [5] Suryanarayana, C."Mechanical alloying and milling".Prog.Mater. Sci., (2001), 46, 1-184. M. S. Aboraia, G. A. Abdalla, and H. S. Wasly |
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276. | Synthesis of Copper Nanoparticles through Wire Explosion Route
Synthesis of Copper Nanoparticles through Wire Explosion RouteAbstract: In the present study, nanoparticles produced by wire explosion technique are characterized by Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM) and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) techniques. Wires having different diameters were fused at different energy levels. It immerged that energy deposited in the conductor and diameter of wire used have major impact on particle size produced by this technique. The parameters of the capacitor energy bank used in this study is much different from current trends of experimental parameters used in other studies.Key words: Copper nanopowder, FESEM, wire explosion technique, XRD. Reference [1] Drexler K Eric, Engines Of Creation (The coming Era of nano-technology), Doubleday 1986. ISBN 0-385, 19973-2. [2] Drexler K Eric, Nano system, molecular machinery, manufacturing and computation, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1992. ISBN 0-471. [3] C G Grankvist, R. A. Buhrman, J. Wyns, A. J. Sievers, De Physique 'Far Infrared Absorption in Ultrafine Al particles, Vol 38, No. 7, pp 93-96, 1977 [4] Rashmita Das, Basant Kumar Das, Rohit Shukla, T Prabaharan and Anurag Shyam, Sadhna, Vol 37, part 5, October 2012 pp 629-635. Indian Academy of Science. Poonam Wankhede, P. K. Sharma, A. K. Jha |
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277. | Divergence and Ambiguity Control in an English to Arabic Machine Translation
Divergence and Ambiguity Control in an English to Arabic Machine TranslationAbstract: The aim of the translation is to transfer a meaning from one language to another. This process requires the knowledge of both source and target languages linguistic features. Human languages are highly ambiguous, and differently in different languages. In this paper, we discuss the language divergences and ambiguities exist in English into Arabic machine translation and the control methods we have used in our developed ANN and rule based machine translation system to tackle these problems in order to minimize the error rate and have better translationKey words: ANN, English Arabic translation, machine translation, neural network, NLP, rule-based Reference [1] M. Baker, "In Other Words: A Coursebook on Translation," ed: Routledge (Londres), 1992. [2] A. Pym, "Translation error analysis and the interface with language teaching," Published in The Teaching of Translation. Ed. Cay Dollerup and Anne Loddegard, Amesterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 279-288, 1992. [3] A. Soudi, A. Farghaly, G. Neumann, and R. Zibib, Challenges for Arabic Machine Translation vol. 9: John Benjamins, 2012. [4] N. Y. Habash, "Introduction to Arabic natural language processing," Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies, vol. 3, pp. 1-187, 2010. [5] M. Abu Shquier, "Word agreement and ordering in English-Arabic machine translation: a rule-based approach.," PhD PhD thesis, FTSM, University Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malysia, 2009. Marwan Akeel, R. B. Mishra |
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278. | Multiscale Modeling For MRI Analysis of Brain Cancer
Multiscale Modeling For MRI Analysis of Brain CancerAbstract: The tumor detection, segmentation, classification is used as the processing method for cancer growth. By applying noise filtering the unwanted pixels or error can remove. For improving the appearance of the image we use content enhancement it sharpening the image and find the edges of the tumor. Extraction of feature helps to remove the redundancy and optimized the performance of classifier. Thresholding give the location of the tumor. Back propagation improves the accuracy and efficiency of the MRI images.Key words: brain cancer detection, noise filtering, content enhancement, Thresholding, Back propagation Reference [1] Effect Of Global Thresholding On Tumor-Bearing Brain Mri Images TIRPUDE NN* ,WELEKAR RR Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering & Management, Nagpur, India [2] improved brain tumor detection With ontology *MONIKA SINHA, KHUSHBOO MATHUR Department of IT Amity University Sec-125, NOIDA, Uttar Pradesh [3] Image Noise and Filtering CS/BIOEN 4640: Image Processing Basics February 2, 2012 [4] GARNIER, BILBRO, SNYDER, AND GAULT, "Noise Removal from multiplemri Images", Journal of Digital Imaging, Vol. 7, No 4, November,1994.GARNIER, BILBRO, GAULT, SNYDER, "Magne Resonance Image Restoration", Journal of Mathematical Imaging [5] CEE 615: Digital Image Processing 1W. PHILPOT, Cornell University Balkrishna K. Patil, Neha Syed , Zafar ul Hasan |
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279. | Automatic Detection of Name and Aliases From The Web
Automatic Detection of Name and Aliases From The WebAbstract: Many celebrities and experts from various fields may have been referred by not only their personal names but also by their aliases on web. Aliases are very important in information retrieval to retrieve complete information about a personal name from the web, as some of the web pages of the person may also be referred by his aliases. The aliases for a personal name are extracted by previously proposed alias extraction method. In information retrieval, the web search engine automatically expands the search query on a person name by tagging his aliases for complete information retrieval thereby improving recall in relation detection task and achieving a significant mean reciprocal rank (MRR) of search engine. For the further substantial improvement on recall and MRR from the previously proposed methods, our proposed method will order the aliases based on their associations with the name using the definition of anchor texts-based co-occurrences between name and aliases in order to help the search engine tag the aliases according to the order of associations. The association orders will automatically be discovered by creating an anchor texts-based co-occurrence graph between name and aliases. Ranking support vector machine (SVM) will be used to create connections between name and aliases in the graph by performing ranking on anchor texts-based co-occurrence measures. The hop distances between nodes in the graph will lead to have the associations between name and aliases. The hop distances will be found by mining the graph. The proposed method will outperform previously proposed methods, achieving substantial growth on recall and MRR.Key words: Automated Discovery, Aliases, lexical patterns, Co-occurrences, Pattern Extraction, Alias Extraction Reference [1] G. Salton and M. McGill, Introduction to Modern Information Retreival. McGraw- Hill Inc., 1986. [2] M. Mitra, A. Singhal, and C. Buckley, "Improving Automatic Query Expansion," Proc. SIGIR '98, pp. 206-214, 1998. [3] P. Cimano, S. Handschuh, and S. Staab, "Towards the Self-Annotating Web," Proc. Int'l World Wide Web Conf. (WWW'04), 2004. [4] Y. Matsuo, J. Mori, M. Hamasaki, K. Ishida, T. Nishimura, Takeda, K. Hasida, and M. Ishizuka, "Polyphonet: An Advanced Social Network Extraction System," Proc. WWW '06, 2006. [5] P. Turney, "Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down? Semantic Orientation Applied to Unsupervised Classification of Reviews," Proc. Assoc. for Computational Linguistics (ACL'02), pp. 417-424, 2002. R.V.Gandhi, N.Suman, Md.Zuber, U.Mahender |
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280. | A Two-Way Spam Detection System With A Novel E-Mail Abstraction Scheme
A Two-Way Spam Detection System With A Novel E-Mail Abstraction SchemeAbstract: E-mail communication is indispensable nowadays, but the e-mail spam problem continues growing drastically. In recent years, the notion of collaborative spam filtering with near-duplicate similarity matching scheme has been widely discussed. The primary idea of the similarity matching scheme for spam detection is to maintain a known spam database, formed by user feedback, to block subsequent near-duplicate spams. On purpose of achieving efficient similarity matching and reducing storage utilization, prior works mainly represent each e-mail by a succinct abstraction derived from e-mail content text. However, these abstractions of e-mails cannot fully catch the evolving nature of spams, and are thus not effective enough in near-duplicate detection. In this paper, we propose a novel e-mail abstraction scheme, which considers e-mail layout structure to represent e-mails. We present a procedure to generate the e-mail abstraction using HTML content in e-mail, and this newly devised abstraction can more effectively capture the near-duplicate phenomenon of spams. Moreover, we design a complete spam detection system Cosdes (standing for COllaborative Spam Detection System), which possesses an efficient near-duplicate matching scheme and a progressive update scheme. The progressive update scheme enables system Cosdes to keep the most up-to-date information for near-duplicate detection. We evaluate Cosdes on a live data set collected from a real e-mail server and show that our system outperforms the prior approaches in detection results and is applicable to the real world.Key words: Spam detection, e-mail abstraction, near-duplicate matching. Reference [1] E. Blanzieri and A. Bryl, "Evaluation of the Highest Probability SVM Nearest Neighbor Classifier with Variable Relative Error Cost," Proc. Fourth Conf. Email and Anti-Spam (CEAS), 2007. [2] M.-T. Chang, W.-T. Yih, and C. Meek, "Partitioned Logistic Regression for Spam Filtering," Proc. 14th ACM SIGKDD Int'l Conf. Knowledge Discovery and Data mining (KDD), pp. 97-105, 2008. [3] S. Chhabra, W.S. Yerazunis, and C. Siefkes, "Spam Filtering Using a Markov Random Field Model with Variable Weighting Schemas," Proc. Fourth IEEE Int'l Conf. Data Mining (ICDM), pp. 347-350, 2004. [4] P.-A. Chirita, J. Diederich, and W. Nejdl, "Mailrank: Using Ranking for Spam Detection," Proc. 14th ACM Int'l Conf. Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), pp. 373-380, 2005. [5] R. Clayton, "Email Traffic: A Quantitative Snapshot," Proc. of the Fourth Conf. Email and Anti-Spam (CEAS), 2007. B.Venkata Ramana, U.Mahender, R.V.Gandhi, Nalugotla Suman |
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281. | Cloud Information Sharing And Accountability Using Logging And Auditing Techniques
Cloud Information Sharing And Accountability Using Logging And Auditing TechniquesAbstract: Cloud computing enables highly scalable services to be easily consumed over the Internet on an as-needed basis. A major feature of the cloud services is that users' data are usually processed remotely in unknown machines that users do not own or operate. While enjoying the convenience brought by this new emerging technology, users' fears of losing control of their own data (particularly, financial and health data) can become a significant barrier to the wide adoption of cloud services. To address this problem, here, we propose a novel highly decentralized information accountability framework to keep track of the actual usage of the users' data in the cloud. In particular, we propose an object-centered approach that enables enclosing our logging mechanism together with users' data and policies. We leverage the JAR programmable capabilities to both create a dynamic and traveling object, and to ensure that any access to users' data will trigger authentication and automated logging local to the JARs. To strengthen user's control, we also provide distributed auditing mechanisms. We provide extensive experimental studies that demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed approaches.Key words: Cloud Computing, Information Sharing, logging, audit ability, accountability, data sharing, secure JVM. Reference [1]. P. Ammann and S. Jajodia, "Distributed Timestamp Generation in Planar Lattice Networks," ACM Trans. Computer Systems, vol. 11, pp. 205-225, Aug. 1993. [2]. G. Ateniese, R. Burns, R. Curtmola, J. Herring, L. Kissner, Z. Peterson, and D. Song, "Provable Data Possession at Untrusted Stores," Proc. ACM Conf. Computer and Comm. Security, pp. 598- 609, 2007. [3]. E. Barka and A. Lakas, "Integrating Usage Control with SIP-Based Communications," J. Computer Systems, Networks, and Comm., vol. 2008, pp. 1-8, 2008. [4] D. Boneh and M.K. Franklin, "Identity-Based Encryption from the Weil Pairing," Proc. Int'l Cryptology Conf. Advances in Cryptology, pp. 213-229, 2001. [5] R. Bose and J. Frew, "Lineage Retrieval for Scientific Data Processing: A Survey," ACM Computing Surveys, vol. 37, pp. 1- 28, Mar. 2005. Umamaheswara Rao, B.Srinivasulu, R.V.Gandhi, B.Venkata Ramana |
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282. | Mechanical and Electrical mobile charger
Mechanical and Electrical mobile chargerAbstract: This paper, proposes a novel type of mechanical and electrical mobile charger has been designed. A new type of mobile charger has been designed to charge the mobile phone while traveling from one place to another place. It is a combination of 3 mobile chargers which works using wind power, human power and electrical power. Any one of these power sources can be used to charge the mobile phone based on the need. This kind of mobile charger is similar to normal chargers but it can be used to charge while travelling using wind turbines and can be used for instant charging using Geared DC Generator. This mobile charger is better than normal mobile charger as it uses renewable energy source such as wind power and human power.Key words: Geared DC Generator, mechanical, electrical, mobile phone, wind turbines Reference [1] V.M.Prajapati, K.H.Thakkar, Determination of Energy Produced By Wind Mill on Running Vehicle ,Vol. 3, Issue 1, ISSN: 2248-9622 [2] Nikhil Kumar Jain, V Aravind, Eranki V S Krishna Prasad, Y Kalyan Chakravarthy, Virtual Prototype of Mechanical Hand Crank Mobile Charger, IJITEE, ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-2, Issue-2. [3] S. John Aruldoss, M. S. P. Subathra, Renewable Energy Hybrid Powered House For Rural Electrification, IJERT, Vol. 2 Issue 3, ISSN: 2278-0181 [4] William Hayt, Jack Kemmerly, and Steven Durbin, Engineering Circuit Analysis [5] M.S.Varadarajan.,Coin based Universal Mobile Battery Charger, ISSN: 2250-3021 Volume 2, Issue 6 (June 2012), PP 1433-1438 N Raghu Ram Reddy, Yeshala Sreekanth, Dr.M.Narayana |
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283. | Analysis of Water Vapor Weighting Function in the range 58 degree North through 45 degree South over the Globe
Analysis of Water Vapor Weighting Function in the range 58 degree North through 45 degree South over the GlobeAbstract: The radiosonde data available from the British Atmospheric Data Centre (BADC) for the latitudinal occupancy of 58 degree north through 45 degrees south were analyzed to observe the variation of water vapour absorption and water vapour Weighting Function to select the best frequency for retrieval of atmospheric variables such as water vapor density. It is seen that the vertical resolution of the retrieval of atmospheric parameter water vapour density will be better above a height of 2-3 km. It is also clear from these figures (figure 7 through 13) that the weighting function at 23.834 GHz, the curves are bending more above the height of 2-3 km comparison the to the weighting function calculated at 22.234 GHz,23.034 GHz, 25 GHz and 30 GHz.Reference [1] V. Mattioli, E. R. Westwater, D. Cimini, A. J. Gasiewski, M. Klein, and V. Y. Leuski,, "Microwave and millimeter-wave radiometric and radiosonde observations in an arctic environment," J. Atmos. Ocean.Technol ,Vol. 25, No. 10, pp. 1768–1777,2008. [2] P. K. Karmakar, M. Maiti, Alan James P. Calheiros, Carlos Frederico Angelis, Luiz Augusto Toledo Machado and Simone Sievert da Costa, "Ground-based single-frequency microwave radiometric measurement of water vapour," International Journal of Remote Sensing, pp. 1–11, 2011. [3] P.K. Karmakar, M. Maiti, S. Mondal and Carlos Frederico Angelis, "Determination of window frequency in the millimeter wave band in the range of 58 degreenorth through 45 degree south over the globe" Vol. 48, pp. 146–151,2011. [4] J.M. Moran and B.R. Rosen, "Estimation of propagation delay through troposphere and microwave radiometer data" Radio Science, Vol. 16, pp. 235–244. [5] Liebe, J.Hans, "An updated model for millimeter wave propagation in moist air". Radio Science, Vol. 20, pp. 1069–1089, 1985. S Mondal, N. Sk,P.K Karmakar |
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284. | Strategy For The Involvement Of Smes In Energy Efficiency Programs In México
Strategy For The Involvement Of Smes In Energy Efficiency Programs In MéxicoAbstract: Mexico's economic development is linked with energy consumption. Some programs exist in the context of the 2008 energy law reform aimed at improving the efficiency of energy use in the industrial sector, which is the second energy consumer in the country responsible for almost a third of total energy consumption. As it is frequent in many regions of the world, the industrial sector in Mexico is dominated by micro, small and medium enterprises (SME) that represent 99% of industrial establishments. Therefore, to improve levels of energy efficiency in SMEs potentially translates into substantial resource savings, reduces production costs and, therefore, enhances economic competitively. This research analyzes government's programs promoting energy efficiency in Mexico, describes the challenges for SME to adopt their efficiency measures, and proposes a strategy for SME involvement and use of these programs. We find that, despite the existence of energy efficiency programs in Mexico, SME participate weakly mainly due to the lack of interest, itself related to poor access to information, to lack of financial support and of management skills, regulatory pressure and lack of incentives. This situation requires the implementation of strategies to achieve more active MSMEs within the existing energy efficiency programs, and monitor and record the results obtained from these programs to replicate success stories in similar businesses.Key words: Energy; Strategy; SME; Energy efficiency; Government programs Reference [1] Secretaría de Energía. (2012). Estrategia Nacional de Energía 2012-2026. México: SENER. [2] Secretaria de Economía. (s.f.). Secretaría de Economía. Recuperado el 19 de Agosto de 2012, de http://www.economia.gob.mx/even tos-noticias/sala-de-prensa/comunicados/661 6-las-pymes-generan-siete-de-cada-10-emple os-formales-en-el-pais [3] Bloomberg New Energy Finance. (2012). CLIMASCOPIO 2012. Reino Unido: Fondo Multilateral de Inversiones. [4] Garrón, M. (2008). Energy policies in Latin America and the Caribbean and the evolution of sustainability. International Journal of Energy Sector Management, 2(1), 8-35. [5] International Energy Agency. (2012). World Energy Outlook 2012. Paris: IEA. Miguel A. Fernández Medina, E. Gabriela Cabral Velázquez, Salvador E. Venegas Andraca |
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285. | A Noval method to improve the Logic Test by using Single Cycle Access Structure
A Noval method to improve the Logic Test by using Single Cycle Access StructureAbstract: This paper describes a new single cycle access test structure for logic testing in digital circuits. It avoids the peak power consumption problem of conventional shift based scan chains and reduces the activity during shift and capture cycles of the logic used. This leads to more realistic circuit behaviour during stuck-at and at-speed tests. It provides access to the complete test to run at much higher frequencies which is equal or close to the one in functional mode. The test cycles per net are based on a simple test pattern generator algorithm without using test pattern compression is below 1 for larger designs, and are independent of the design size. The structure allows an additional on-chip debugging signal visibility for each register in the scan chain. This method is backward compatible to full scan designs, existing test pattern generators and simulators can be used with a minor enhancement. It is shown, that how to combine the proposed solution with built-in self-test (BIST) and massive parallel scan chains.Reference [1] M. Kassab, and N. Mukherjee, "Embedded testing," IEEE Computer Aided Design, May 2004, pp.776–792. [2] M. L. Bushnell and V. D. Agarwal, Essentials of Electronic Testing of Memory, and Mixed Signal VLSI Circuits, Kulwer Academic Publishers, 2000. [3] N. Ahmed, M. Tehran poor, and V. Jay ram. Supply Voltage Noise Aware ATPG for Transition Delay Faults. In Proceedings IEEE VLSI Test Symposium (VTS), pages 179–186, 2007. [4] S. Almukhaizim and O. Sinanoglu. Power optimization Through Dynamic Partitioning of Scan Chains. In Proceedings IEEE International Test Conference, paper 9[2], 2008. [5] B. Koenemann and T. Onodera. Extending OPMISR Beyond 10x Scan Testing Efficiency. IEEE Design & Test of Computers,19(5):65–73, 2002. Sri Lakshmi. Chandana, B. Vamsi Krishna |
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286. | On the Estimation of P (Y < X < Z) for Weibull Distribution in the Presence of k Outliers
On the Estimation of
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287. | Improving the Stability and Reliability of Wind Power Grid-Connected System
Improving the Stability and Reliability of Wind Power Grid-Connected SystemAbstract: This paper proposes a method for improving the stability and reliability of the wind power grid-connected system. This method comprises of Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES) based excitation system for doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) used in wind power generation. The excitation system is composed of the rotor-side converter, the grid-side converter, the dc chopper and the superconducting magnet. Utilizing the characteristic of high efficient energy storage and quick response of superconducting magnet, the system can be utilized to level the wind power fluctuation, alleviate the influence on power quality, and improve fault ride-through capability for the grid-connected wind farms. Using MATLAB SIMULINK, the model of the SMES based excitation system for DFIG is established, and the simulation tests are performed to evaluate the system performance.Key words: Converters, Doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG), superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES), wind power generation. Reference [1] D. F.Warne, ―Generation of electricity from the wind,‖ Proc. Inst. Elect.Eng., vol. 124, pp. 963–985, Nov. 1977. [2] ―Getting Connected—Integrating Wind Power With Electric Utility Systems,‖ Rep. Ameri. Wind Energy Assoc., 1997. [3] S. Muller, M. Deicke, and R. W. De Doncker, ―Doubly fed induction generator systems for wind turbines,‖ IEEE Trans.Industrial Appl..,vol. 8, no.3, pp. 26–33, May–Jun. 2002. [4] R. Datta and V. T.Ranganathan, ―Variable speed wind power generation using doubly fed wound rotor induction machine comparison with alternative schemes,‖ IEEE Trans. Energy Convers., vol. 17, no. 3, pp.414–421, 2002. [5] C. Luo, H. Banakar, B. Shen, and B. Ooi, ―Strategies to smooth wind power fluctuations of wind turbine generator,‖ IEEE Trans. Energy Conv., vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 341-349, Jun. 2007. Harish shenigarapu, Ramesh Lakavath, Sridhar Panthangi, Mallela Kishore |
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288. | Transformer less Grid Connected Fuel Cell System to Control the Flow of Active and Reactive Power
Transformer less Grid Connected Fuel Cell System to Control the Flow of Active and Reactive PowerAbstract: This paper presents a control scheme which controls the active and reactive power flow from the Fuel cell system to grid connected load. Fuel cell system can be connected to the grid using single stage or two stage method. In this paper we use single stage method and transformer less to reduce the cost and losses of the system. As we are injecting reactive power to grid even when there is no fuel cell power. To inject reactive power, system extracts active power from the grid even when there is no power from fuel cell. Therefore the converter has to work continuously with grid. This forces to use single stage system. Control scheme is implemented in such a manner that it provides reactive power as per the requirement of the load or grid. Fuel cell simulation is done using the basic equation. Passive filter is used to reduce the harmonic produced by inverter.Key words: Fuel Cell (FC), Grid, reactive, active and power. Reference [1] A. Cruden, T. Houghton, S. Gair, M. Duerr, G. D. Agnew, E.M. Stewart, and A. Lutz, "Fuel cells as distributed generation," Journal of Power and Energy, vol. 222, Aug. 2008 pp.707-720. [2] Saeed Jahdi, Loi Lei Lai, "DC-DC Converters Application in Fuel-Cell Stack Grid Integration," Electrical Power Quality and Utilization, 2011, 1-6. [3] Min Dai, Mohammad Nanda Marwali, Jin- Woo Jung, Ali Keyhani, "Power Flow Control of a Single Distributed Generation Unit," IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICSVOL.23, NO. 1, JANUARY 2008. Deepak Kumar, Kuldeep Singh Bedi, Ankit Goel |
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289. | Improvement in Traffic Light System with Ant Colony Optimization Technique
Improvement in Traffic Light System with Ant Colony Optimization TechniqueAbstract: It is easy to control traffic light system on highways but difficult in urban areas. This problem can be solved by decreasing the stoppage time at the junction to zero, instead of broaden the available traffic network. In this paper, different tools or algorithm are used and everyone has its own contribution in solving the traffic light system. Here sensors are used to control the speed of cars in such a way that, as soon as drivers come across a junction, they will find green light. After that control cycles are generated with the duration of green and red light, such that vehicles move from source to destination without any stoppage at red light. In case of busy hours, it is necessary to give preference to the traffic light which is done with the help of DCOP protocol. Sometimes roads are blocked due to accident on the road, modified neural network map is send to the drivers by using text or internet and then driver change the route by ant based routing algorithm. The purpose of this paper is to develop a systematic route for the vehicles by using above technique, so that they achieve the target quickly as well as successfully.Key words: Ant colony algorithm, Neural network, Path planner, Sensors, Swarm intelligence. Reference [1] Fulcher, J. and L.C. Jain, Computational intelligence: A Compendium. Vol115. 2008, Berlin,Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. [2] Tarasewich, P. and P.R. Mcmullen, Swarm intelligence: Power in numbers. Communication ACM, 2002. 45(8): p. 62-67. [3] vForoughi, R., G.A. Montazer, and R. Sabzevari, Design of a new urban traffic control system using modified ant colony optimization approach. Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, 2008. 32: p. 167-173. [4] Lerebourg, S., et al., Decision support system and regulation system for road traffic management, in Laboratoire d'Informatique du Havre: 25 rue Philippe Lebon, 76600 Le Havre. [5] Bonabeau, E., Swarm intelligence: A whole new way to think about business Harvard business review, 2001. 79(5): p. 106-114. Ankit Goel, Kuldeep Singh, Deepak Kumar |
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290. | A Formal Specification for the Game ailo-Akada
A Formal Specification for the Game ailo-AkadaAbstract: Ailo-Akada is an educational board game portraying undergraduate study in higher institutions. It is played by throwing a die and moving seeds, representing students, from one cell to another. A cell represents an activity, obstacle, a distraction or a difficult situation that students frequently encounter in the course of their study. To graduate, a seed must move through cells from the first cell (Cell 1) to the last cell (Cell 77).Currently the game is very popular amongst students in Nigeria and it is played by hand. A detailed study of the game was carried out leading to a formal specification for the game using a system analysis and design approach to enable players have a quick way of understanding the game using the specification. The specification also provides a good mechanism for the computerization of the game using VB 6.0. Preliminary results indicated the computer version of the game ran well.Key words: Ailo-Akada, Seeds, Cells, Pitfalls, Game, Computerization. Reference [1] Revenscroft, A(2007), Promoting Thinking and Conceptual Change with Digital Dialogue Games.Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 23, 453-465. [2] Hong, J.C, Cheng, C. L, Hwang, M. Y, Lee, C. K and Chang, H. Y (2009), Assessing the Educational Values of Digital Games. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 23:423-437. [3] Seewald, A. K(2010), Automatic Extraction of Go Game Positions for Images: a Multi-strategical Approach to Constrained multi-Object Recognition. Applied Artificial Intelligence 24:233-252 [4] Kalles, D and Fykouras, I (2010), Examples as Interaction: On Humans Teaching a Computer to play a Game. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence Tools. 19(6):717-732 [5] Hanwu, H, Xianyin, D and Yueming, W (2010), Stereo Educational Game with vision Based Interaction in Virtual Environment. International Journal of Virtual Reality 9(4):79-85 Agaji I, Adoyi L. E and Gege M. I |
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291. | H Infinity Based Iterative Learning Control Of Systems With
H Infinity Based Iterative Learning Control Of Systems With DisturbancesAbstract: The iterative learning control and the robust control are presented in this paper for the trajectory tracking control. An H infinity norm is used to find the initial robust control law applied to the plant then an iterative learning control is deduced which guaranteed the monotonic convergence of the system. A LMI (Linear Matrix Inequalities) technique is also used to analyses and synthesizes this control system.Key words: iterative learning control ILC; robust control; H= norm; robust monotonic convergence and LMI technique. Reference [1] J.H. Wu and H. Ding, Iterative learning variable structure controller for high-speed and high-precision point-to-point motion, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 24(3), 2008, 384-391. [2] A. Tayebi, S. Abdul, M.B. Zaremba and Y. Ye, Robust Iterative Learning Control Design: Application to a Robot Manipulator, IEEE/ASME TRANSACTIONS ON MECHATRONICS, 13(5), 2008. [3] H.S. Ahn, Y.Q. Chen and K.L. Moore, Iterative Learning Control: Brief Survey and Categorization, IEEE Transactions On Systems, Man, And Cybernetics-Part C: Applications And Reviwes, 37 (6), 2007. [4] B.E. Helfrich, C. Lee, D.A. Bristow, et al. Combined H∞-feedback control and iterative learning control design with application to nanopositioning systems, IEEE Trans. Control Systems technology,18(2) , 2010, 336-351. [5] S. Arimoto, S. Kawamura and F. Miyazaki, Bettering operation of robots by learning, J. Robot.Syst.,1(2), 1984, 123–140,. Olfa Kouki, Chaouki Mnasri, Nizar Toujeni, Moncef Gasmi |
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292. | Reduced Common Mode Voltage In Direct Torque Controlled
Induction Motor Drives Using Near State PWM Technique
Reduced Common Mode Voltage In Direct Torque Controlled Induction Motor Drives Using Near State PWM TechniqueAbstract: This paper presents a simplified near state PWM algorithm (NSPWM) for the reduction of common mode voltage (CMV) in direct torque controlled induction motor drives. In the proposed PWM algorithm instead of using zero voltage vectors, active voltage vectors are utilized for composing the reference voltage vector, So that the CMV changes from +Vdc/6 or -Vdc/6 due to application of active voltage vectors. As the proposed algorithm is 1200 bus clamping PWM algorithm, it reduces the switching frequency and switching losses of the inverter. To validate the proposedKey words: c Common mode voltage, induction motor drives, PWM inverter, Space vector PWM. Reference [1] Yaxiu Sun, Abdolreza Esmaeli , Li Sun, Erliang Kang"Investigation and Suppression of Conducted EMI and Shaft Voltage in Induction Motor Drive System" IEEETrans, on Int. Con. & Aut. , Jun 21-23, 2006. [2] Domenico Casadei, Francesco Profumo, Giovanni Serra, and Angelo Tani, "FOC and DTC: Two Viable Schemes for Induction Motors Torque Control" IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 17, no.5, Sep, 2002, pp. 779-787. [3] Isao Takahashi and Toshihiko Noguchi, "A new quick-response and high-efficiency control strategy of an induction motor," IEEE Trans.Ind. Applicat., vol. IA-22, no.5, Sep/Oct 1986, pp. 820-827 [4] Marcello Pucci, Gianpaolo Vitale and Giansalvo Cirrincione, "A new direct torque control strategy for the minimization of common-mode emissions" IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl.,vol.4, no.2,Mar/Apr, 2006 [5] Thomas G. Habetler, Francesco Profumo Michele Pastorelli and Leon M. Tolbert , "Direct Torque Control of Induction Machines Using Space Vector Modulation", IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., Vol. 28, No.5, pp. 1045-1053, Sep/Oct, 1992. V. Anantha Lakshmi, T. Bramhananda Reddy, M. Surya Kalavathi, V.C. Veera Reddy |
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293. | Sharing Of Personal Health Records in Cloud Computing
Sharing Of Personal Health Records in Cloud ComputingAbstract: A personal health record, or PHR, is a health record where health data and information related to the care of a patient is maintained by the patient. This stands in contrast to the more widely used electronic medical record, which is operated by institutions (such as hospitals) and contains data entered by clinicians or billing data to support insurance claims. The intention of a PHR is to provide a complete and accurate summary of an individual's medical history which is accessible online. The health data on a PHR might include patient-reported outcome data, lab results, and data from devices such as wireless electronic weighing scales or collected passively from a Smartphone. To achieve fine-grained and scalable data access control for PHRs, we leverage attribute based encryption (ABE) techniques to encrypt each patient's PHR file. In Attribute-Based Encryption the decryption of a cipher text is possible only if the set of attributes of the user key matches the attributes of the cipher text. A crucial security feature of Attribute-Based Encryption is collusion-resistance: An adversary that holds multiple keys should only be able to access data if at least one individual key grants access.Key words: Attribute-based access control, Auxiliary attribute authorities, Electronic health records, Role-based access control, Security domains. Reference [1] Armbrust, M., Fox, A., Griffith, R., Joseph, A.D., Katz, R., Konwinski, A., Lee,G.,Patterson, D.A., Rabkin, A., Stoica, I., Zaharia, M.: Above the clouds: A Berkeley view of cloud computing (February 2009) [2] At risk of exposure – in the push for electronic medical records, concern is growing about how well privacy can be safeguarded (2006), http://articles.latimes .com/2006 /jun/26/health/he-privacy26 [3] The health insurance portability and accountability act of 1996 (1996), http://www.cms.hhs.gov/HIPAAGenInfo/01_Overview.asp [4] Benaloh, J., Chase, M., Horvitz, E., Lauter, K.: Patient controlled encryption:ensuring privacy of electronic medical records. In: CCSW 2009: Proceedings of the 2009 ACM workshop on Cloud computing security, pp. 103–114 (2009) [5] Mandl, K.D., Szolovits, P., Kohane, I.S.: Public standards and patients' control:how to keep electronic medical records accessible but private. BMJ 322(7281), 283(2001) Rakesh. B, Harsha Vardhan. A |
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294. | Study of Effects of Different Herbicide Toxins on Biological Yield and Harvest Index of Fall Common Pea Cultivars in the Region of Eslamabad-E Gharb
Study of Effects of Different Herbicide Toxins on Biological Yield and Harvest Index of Fall Common Pea Cultivars in the Region of Eslamabad-E GharbAbstract: In order to study effects of different herbicide toxins on biological yield and harvest index in various fall pea cultivars, a research is done in the from of split plot design based on complete random blokes with 3 repeats. Major factor includes 3 cultivars Arman, Azad, and Hashem; and minor factor includes any type of toxins and their mixtures including herbicides pyridite, bentazone, imaztapyr, metrybiozin, cyiavazine, fomasaphen, mixture of pyridite and fomasaphen, mixture of bentazone and cyianazine, mixture of imaztapyr and metrybiozin, and manual weeding. Results of variance analysis of present research indicated that there was no significant difference among cultivars in terms of biological yield. Also, based on the results of variance analysis, it was found that there was a significant difference, at probability level of 1%, among the levels of different herbicide toxins for trait of biological yield. And according to the results obtained from variance analysis, it was know that cultivar x toxin interaction was not significant for trait of biological yield. Results of data variance analysis of this research showed that variety (genotype) had no significant effect on harvest index. Also, results demonstrated that toxin factor had a significant effect on harvest index at the level of 1%. Also, cultivar x toxin interaction on harvest index became statistically significant at the level of 5%, the highest (53%) and lowest (13.9%) values of which were obtained from cultivar Armani x Pyridine toxin interaction and cultivar Azad x Imaztapyr toxin interaction, respectively.Key words: Herbicide , Cultivar , biological yield , harvest index Reference [1] Rastegaar, Mohammadi . (1996) . "One thousand and there hundred and fourteen species of weed and their control." University Press Center, Tehran. [2] Seyyedsharifi, R.,Farzaneh, S., and Seyyedsharifi, R.(2007). "Comparison of chemical control and allelopathy of weed for common pea under fry-farming conditions." Tran Biology Journal, vol20, no.4,pp.334-343. [3] Allaahdaadi, A.,Shirkhaani,.V., and Rahimiyan Mashhadi H.(2007). "Study of effects of weed on rain-fed common pea yield". Agriculture Journal, vol.8.no.2.pp.1-12. [4] Goldaani, M., and Rezwaani Moghaddam,. P.(2007)."Effects of different moisture and planting data regimes on phonological characteristics and growth indices of 3 rain-fed/irrigated common pea cultivars in Mashhad." Journal of Agriculture and Natural Resources Sciences, vol 14, no.1. [5] Goldani. M ,and Rezvani Moghaddam. P,.2005. "Effects of drought levels and planting dates on the yield and yield components of rain-fed and irrigated pea cultivars in Mashhad". Iranian Agronomy Research Journal . vol.2 , no .2 . pp . 12-13. Sara Beigzadeh, Koorosh Fatahi, Ali Safari And Arsalan Sayedi |
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295. | To Study Effectiveness of Application ff Information and Communication Technology (ICT) In the Quality of Learning Pre-University Biology Lesson
To Study Effectiveness of Application ff Information and Communication Technology (ICT) In the Quality of Learning Pre-University Biology LessonAbstract: The aim of present research is to study efficiency and effectiveness of application of Information & Communication Technology (ICT) in the quality of learning biology by pre-university students. Done in the city of Eslamabad-e Gharb in 2011, this is a semi-experimental research. Statistical population included all 595 pre-university students. Study sample was modified into 50 persons by using randomized sampling method. Initially, the group was tested by 2 repeat test stages , the 1sf one was taken place 15 days after initial performance and the 2nd one 30 days after that. In order to apply ICT to teaching process, 10 5-people classes equipped with computers were provided for each 5 of who has connected to each other as well as to respective teacher via network. Classes were controlled by using Net-matter of biology were delivered by using 3 methods of electronic subject-matter, which was prepared in advance by respective teacher and with Power Point software based on Ganiehs design model, of Internet applications, and of educational software usage , Raw data obtained was analyzed by SPSS software and t-test performed on 2 independent groups was the statistical technique used , which confirmed the results relating effectiveness of application of ICT in deep, effective, extensive , and sustainable learning .Key words: Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Learning quality , Biology. Reference [1] Siyaadat and Fataaneh. "Comparative study of instruments for compiling content in electronic education." Electronic Learning Conference, Zanjaan, Iran. [2] Gholaami, Maryam.(2009). "Place of educational technology in process of solid geometry teaching/ learning". Growth of mathematics teaching,1,42-45. [3] Hajjforoush, Ahmad ., and Owrangi, Abd-al Majid.(2003). "Examination of the results of ICT for high schools in Tehran city." Education innovations. [4] Hajjforoush, Ahmad., and Owrangi, Abd-al Majid.(2004). "Examination of the results of application of ICT to high schools in Tehran city." Educational innovations,, 3(9) , 11-31. [5] Zareie Zarvaaki, Esmaaeel. (2008). "Measurement and assessment of electronic learning." Hiherr Education Quarterly 1(3), 73-86. Sepideh Teymourpour, Hasti Taliee, Amirhossein Taliee Sara Beigzadeh |
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296. | A Comparison of Mental Health in Active and Inactive Elderly with an Emphasis on Physical Activities
A Comparison of Mental Health in Active and Inactive Elderly with an Emphasis on Physical ActivitiesAbstract: The present paper aimed at compare mental health in active and inactive elderly with an emphasis on physical activities. The statistical community was comprised of all male and female elderly of Gorgan City; 180 elderly were randomly selected as the subjects. Active Elderly (AE) were those who based their schedule on a regular physical activity with at least three sessions exercise a week; however, the inactive ones (IE) were those who participated in no sport activity. The Standard Questionnaire for mental health (GHQ-28) was adopted which measured four subscales (i.e. physical health, stress and insomnia, social performance, and depression). Descriptive statistics was adopted to describe the obtained data; also, Mann-Whitney U Test and Spearman Correlation Coefficient Test were used to analyze the data (p≤0.05). The results showed that compared to IE, AE had a better general mental health with more favorable subscales rates (p≤0.05). No significant difference was detected between male and female AE in terms of mental health. It was concluded that participation of elderly in regular sport activities will enhance not only their physical fitness but also their mental health. It can be also concluded that the elderly who participate in regular physical and sport activities possess higher life quality than inactive ones.Key words: mental health, physical activity, elderly. Reference [1] Ghezelseflou, Hamidreza (2008). Determination of effect of sport on mental health in athlete and non-athlete college students. Regional conference on physical education; pp: 209-212. [2] Kashef, Mirmohammad (2006). Comparison of general health of active and inactive board members of Iranian universities. Journal of Movement and Sport; fourth year; 7; pp: 11-23. [3] Mohammadzadeh, Omid (2006). Determination and specification of the relationship between some fitness factors related to physical well-being and mental health among university staff. A thesis for M.Sc degree; Gilan University. [4] Esfahani, Noushin (2002). Effect of sport on mental health in terms of physical well-being, insomnia, social performance, and depression among students of Al-Zahra University; Journal of Movement; 12; pp: 75-86 [5] Aarnio M.W & et al. (2002). Association of health related behavior, social, relationships and health status with persistent physical activity and inactivity. British J Sports Med.36: 360-364. Nodehi, Mohammad Ali, Bigzadeh Mehdi and Parhoodeh Yuosef |
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297. | Merida Convention and Criminal Law Enforcement Corruption in Iran Merida Convention in 1387) To Take Action
Merida Convention and Criminal Law Enforcement Corruption in Iran Merida Convention in 1387) To Take ActionAbstract: Expansion of economic activities from business activities In recent decades, which coincided with information technology The dimensions of national, regional and international causes Irregular Increase Economic Crime Of the bands Resorts to practices Has varied And this as one of the strategic issues, Attention of the international community To have focused Merida Convention on the Fight against Corruption And Bribery at the United Nations signed a large number of government agencies have been Inspired by defining new policies The types of crimes as corruption And on account of diverse and repressive responses (Criminal and administrative) And prevention of corruption has emerged against them is . Review attention of criminal policy Merida Convention against corruption This is why the new regulations could be in the light, sophisticated and efficient This document is a legal vacuum in international criminal law in Iran Realized against corruption And criminal policy in order to develop a preventive policy (situation – socialization) helped against corruption With regard to corruption in the Iranian criminal law had merely state and also legal persons not included. Iranian lawmakers considering quickly getting the privatization process And the incidence of crime In private institutions The natural or legal persons must about Comprehensive legislation Based on progressive principles set forth in the Convention Merida (According to Iran to join in 1387 Merida Convention) actKey words: corruption, Merida Convention, repressive responses, response prevention Reference [1] Abvlmhmd, Abdul, administrative law Iran, Ch IV, published by Birch [2] Ardebil, MA, (1387) General Criminal Law, vol 2, Tehran, Miran Publishing [3] Actor (doctor) Yadu'llah (1376) fraud, embezzlement, bribery in Supreme Court decisions, legal publishing Tehran [4] King, M. (1363) Comprehensive Persian Culture, Volume 1, Tehran, publishing Khayyam [5] Habib M. (doctor) M. J. (1381) Criminal Law malversation of Iran, Tehran, Tarbiat Modarres University publication Ghobad Naderi, Ali Safari, Sara Beigzadeh, Korosh Fatahi and Arsalan Saydi |
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298. | Study of Graphite Content and Sintering Temperature on Microstructure Properties of Iron-Based Powder Preform
Study of Graphite Content and Sintering Temperature on Microstructure Properties of Iron-Based Powder PreformAbstract: In this present work effect of temperature and graphite contents on the microstructural and mechanical properties of iron based powder metallurgy freeform was studied. The different graphite contents (0%, 2%, 5% and 10%) were mixed in iron powder and compact them in 100 KN. These specimens were sintered at 7000 C, 8500 C and 1000⁰ C in muffle furnaces. Microstructural properties were evaluated using scanning electron microscopy. Experimental results were compared to determine to best combination of graphite and iron powder preform. Maximum density was found between the range 2% to 5% graphite contents and temperature at 850⁰C. At graphite contents increases from 0% to 2%, the microstructure of the iron-based powder sintered specimen changes gradually from ferrite and a small amount of pearlite to pearlite, after 2% of graphite contents the microstructure was found pearlite and ferrite. As graphite increase up to 5% gray cast iron structure and at 1000⁰ C temperature range white cast iron structure found on the surfaces.Key words: Iron powder, graphite contents, microstructure and powder metallurgy. Reference [1] A.Salak. (1995). Ferrous Powder Metallurg. Cambridge UK: Cambridge Int. Sci. Pub. [2] ALKAN, A. (2011). PRODUCTION AND ASSESMENT OF COMPACTED GRAPHITE IRON DIESEL ENGINE BLOCKS. [3] Components, H. H. handbook . Hoganas publication. [4] Deng, X., Piotrowski, G., Chawla, N., & Narasimhan. (2008). Fatigue crack growth behavior of hybrid and prealloyed sintered steels. K.S. Materials Science & Engineering . [5] E.Dieter, G. Mechanical metallurgy . McGraw-Hill . Gaurav Awasthi, T.K Mishra, Atish Sanyal, Ajay Tiwari |
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299. | Comparative Analysis of Conventional and Fuzzy Pd Controller for Dc-Dc Buck Converter Using Simulink
Comparative Analysis of Conventional and Fuzzy Pd Controller for Dc-Dc Buck Converter Using SimulinkAbstract: This paper deals with the design and comparison of tracking performance of fuzzy PD controller with conventional PD controller to control DC-DC Buck Converter which employs five and seven membership functions in each input variable and output variable. The computer simulations are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of fuzzy PD controller for DC-DC Buck converter. The basic steps that needed for tracking performance of the fuzzy PD controller are discussed. In conventional PD, the controller is a simple linear controller with two fixed gain parameters; in contrast the fuzzy PD controller is a nonlinear controller. It was observed that even though it has the same linear structure as the conventional PD controller, its gain parameters are no longer constant.Index terms: Buck converter, Fuzzy controller, Membership functions, Triangular and trapezoidal membership functions Reference [1] Dragan Maksimovic, Senior Member, IEEE, and Regan Zane, Senior Member, IEEE" Small-Signal Discrete-Time Modeling of Digitally Controlled PWM Converters"IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, VOL. 22, NO. 6, NOVEMBER 2007. [2] D. Maksimovic and R. Zane, "Small-signal discrete-time modeling of digitally controlled dc–dc converters," in Proc. IEEE COMPEL,Troy, NY, Jul. 2006, pp. 231–235. [3] D. J. Packard, "Discrete modeling and analysis of switching regulators," Ph.D. dissertation, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Nov. 1976. [4] A. R. Brown and R. D. Middlebrook, "Sampled-data modeling of switching regulators," in Proc. IEEE Power Electron. Spec. Conf., 1981, pp. 349–369. [5] F. C. Lee, R. P. Iwens, Y. Yu, and J. E. Triner, "Generalized computer-aided discrete time-domain modeling and analysis of dc–dc converters," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. Control Inst., vol. IECI-26, no. 2, pp. 58–69, May 1979. K.N. Kanakaratnam, B.Arundhati |
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300. | An Experimental Analysis Study to Improve Performance of
Tubular Heat Exchangers
An Experimental Analysis Study to Improve Performance of Tubular Heat ExchangersAbstract: This study focuses on the various experimental research analyses on performance of tubular heat exchangers the tubular heat exchanger is used throughout various industries because of its inexpensive cost and handiness when it comes to maintenance. In this paper we discus about tubular heat exchanger there are several thermal design factors that are to be taken into account when designing the tubes in the tubular heat exchangers. They are tube diameter, tube length, number of tubes, number of baffles,& baffles inclination etc. The characteristics of flow and heat transfer within the shell are not simple. This paper conducted various experimental analyses to predict the characteristics of difference in temperature and pressure drop, which are the performances of heat exchanger. In this study, the diameter of tube, the number of tubes and the number of baffles are considered as the design factors. Also, factors that affect the performances of heat exchanger were selected through design of experiment procedures. The purpose of this paper is how to improve the performance of tubular heat exchangersReference [1] Kevin Lunsford, "Increasing heat exchanger performance", Hydrocarbon Engineering, pp.1-13, (1998) [2] E. Salehi, S. Noie Baghban and M. Moghiman, "Thermal analysis of shell-side flow of shell-and tube heat exchanger using experimental and theoretical methods", International Journal of Engineering, Vol. No. 13, pp. 13-26, February 2000. [3] M.A. Mehrabian, S.H. Mansouri and G.A. Sheikhzadeh, "The overall heat transfer characteristics of a double pipe heat exchanger: comparison of experimental data with predictions of standard correlations", Archive of SID, Vol. No.15, pp. 395-406, 2002. [4] Jitendra Kumar Patro, "Experimental Studies on Heat Transfer Augmentation Using TMT Rods with and without Baffles as Inserts for Tube Side Flow of Liquids", B.Tech dissertation, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, India, 2012. [5] Sunil S. Shinde, Samir S. Joshi and Dr. S. Pavithran, "Performance Improvement in Single phase Tubular Heat Exchanger using continuous Helical Baffles", International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), Vol. No.2, pp. 1141- 1149, Jan 2012. Alok Vyas, Mr. Prashant Sharma |
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301. | A Frame Work for Single Sketch Based Multibiometric Cryptosystems
A Frame Work for Single Sketch Based Multibiometric CryptosystemsAbstract: Biometric features are incorporated in many real world systems for unique identification of humans across the world. The features include face, fingerprints, voice, iris and so on. The reason for adapting this is that biometric features provide globally unique identification to people and the techniques are robust. Efficiency and low error rates are another reason for the popularity of biometric systems. There are issues to be resolved in such systems. For instance for every individual such systems are to store many details like fingerprints, iris, face etc. which causes risk to privacy of individuals. One existing solution to overcome this problem is storing sketches generated from biometric features of humans. However, this solution needs huge amount of storage. Recently Nagar et al. proposed a framework based on feature level fusion using biometric cryptosystems which are well known. The cryptosystems used are fuzzy commitment and fuzzy vault. In this paper we implement that framework which makes use of face, iris and fingerprint of humans for unique identification. We built a prototype application that demonstrates the proof of concept. The empirical results reveal that the proposed approach is effective.Index Terms: Biometric features, biometric systems, multibiometrics, fuzzy vault, fuzzy commitment. Reference [1] A. Ross, K. Nandakumar, and A. K. Jain, Handbook of Multibiometrics.New York: Springer, 2006. [2] 3M Cogent, Fusion—Multi-Modal Biometric Handheld Device [Online].Available: http://www.cogentsystems.com/fusion_d3.asp [3] MorphoTrak,MetaMatcher—A multi-biometric matching architecture[Online]. Available: http://www.morphotrak.com/MorphoTrak/MorphoTrak/mt_multi-biometrics.html [4] A. Juels and M. Sudan, ―A fuzzy vault scheme,‖ in Proc. IEEE Int.Symp. Information Theory, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2002, p. 408. [5] A. Juels and M. Wattenberg, ―A fuzzy commitment scheme,‖ in Proc.Sixth ACM Conf. Computer and Communications Security, Singapore,Nov. 1999, pp. 28–36. Shrujan. J, KumaraSwamy.P, Dr. C. V. Guru Rao |
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302. | Performance Evaluation Of Solar Still – Steric Acid As A Pcm
Performance Evaluation Of Solar Still – Steric Acid As A PcmAbstract: The simplest application of a thermal solar energy installation is in the distillation of water. The solar distiller purifies water by first evaporating and then condensing it. Distilled water contains no salts, minerals or organic impurities. It is not, however, aseptic, as is sterilized water, of which more later. Distilled water can be used for: drinking purposes, applications in hospitals replenishing batteries, and so on. Such an installation is suited to areas where water is ample but polluted, salty or brackish; naturally, there must also be abundant sun. Finally, glass or UV resistant transparent foil which is the most important material in the construction must be available and affordable. A reasonably functional solar distiller is able to produce adequate amount of water, so as to make it economically justifiable.Key words: Thermal Energy, Solar Energy, Distillation, Water, Solar Still. Reference [1] Sampathkumar, K., Mayilsamy, Shanmugam, S. and Senthilkumar. (2007). "An experimental study on single basin solar still augmented with evacuated tubes." Jour- nals of scientific and industrial research, 1-13. [2] Mufag Suleiman K. Tarawneh.(2007). "Effect of water depth on the performance evaluation of solar still." Jor- don Journal of mechanical and industrial engineering ,1, 23- 29. [3] Radwan, S.M., Hassanain, A.A and Abu-Zeid, M.A. (2009). "Single slope solar still for sea water distillation." World applied science Journal, 7(4), 485-497. [4] Eugenio Garcia Mari, Rosa Penelope Gutierrez Colomer, Carlos Adrados blaise-Ombrecht,-Departmento .(2007). "Performance analysis of a solar still integrated in a so- lar still". Journal 203, 435-443. [5] Kalidas Murgavel, K., Chockalingam, S.K and Srithar, K. (2006). "An experimental study on single basin double slope simulation solar still with thin layer of water in the basin." conference on Desalination and the Environment. Sponsored by the European Desalination Society and Center for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH), 220, 687-693. R. Vidya Sagar Raju, R. Meenakshi Reddy, E. Siva Reddy |
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303. | Electron Beam Treatment for Enhancing the Compatibility, Thermal and Tensile Properties of LLDPE/PVA Blends: Part I, Effect of Irradiation Doses
Electron Beam Treatment for Enhancing the Compatibility, Thermal and Tensile Properties of LLDPE/PVA Blends: Part I, Effect of Irradiation DosesAbstract: In this work, the effect of electron beam radiation of linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE)/ poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA) blends are presented. The blends were prepared by melt mixing at 150ºC at 60/40 (php/php), of LLDPE and PVA. Gel extraction, infrared spectroscopy diffraction scanning calorimetry, thermogravimetric, tensile properties and scanning electron microcopy had been used to investigate the effect of electron beam radiation on the properties of LLDPE/PVA blends. The exposure of these blends to 200 kGy dose of electron beam radiation increased the gel content, tensile properties (tensile strength and Young's modulus) and thermal stability due to the crosslinking formation, while, the melting temperature of LLDPE and PVA decreased as the PVA content was increased. The crosslink formation between LLDPE and PVA in the irradiated blends was demonstrated by the embedded PVA in LLDPE matrix as observed in optical images.Key words: Blends, Compatibility, Electron Beam Irradiation, Polyethylene Reference [1] H.L.A. El-Mohdy and S. Ghanem,J. Polym. Res., 16,2009, 1–10 [2] N.A. Ibrahim, S.N.A. Ahmad,W.M.Z.W. Yunus, K.Z.M.Dahlan, eXPRESS Polym. Letters, 3, 2009, 226–234 [3] S. Cheng, E. Phillips and L. Parks, Radiat.Phys. Chem., 78, 2009, 563–566 [4] S. Chytiri, A.E. Goulas, K.A. Riganakos and M.G. Kontominas, Radiat.Phys. Chem., 75,2006, 416–423 [5] M. Faker, M.K.R. Aghjeh, M. Ghaffari and S.A. Seyyedi, Eur. Polym. J., 44, 2008, 1834–1842 Razif Nordin, Hanafi Ismail |
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304. | DFRFT Domain Digital Watermarking On Medical Images for
Wireless Networks
DFRFT Domain Digital Watermarking On Medical Images for Wireless NetworksAbstract: The wireless networks have been increasingly used both inside hospitals and in patients homes to transmit medical information. In general, wireless networks endure from decreased security.In this work, combining wireless transmission and digital watermarking technologies to better secure the transmission of medical images within and outside the hospital. This system is capable of enhancing the security during the transmission of medical images through a wireless channel, in two ways: initially by using the default IEEE 802.11 security, WEP and additionally by applying DFRFT domain digital watermarking to the medical images before transmitting them through the wireless channel. The DFRFT digital watermarking provides two additional freedom like DFRFT powers and watermark location that results in the possibility to embed more number of watermark bits than watermarking domains. The DFRFT powers and watermark location can be used as secret keys for such type watermarking technique. The integration of the watermarking functionality in a wireless network not only allows for additional information to be embedded in the patient's image, but also enables the receiving end to identify both whether the image has been tampered and whether the source of the image is an authenticated one. This system can enhance security during the transmission of medical images through a wireless channel.Reference [1] Tachakra S, Banitsas KA, Tachakra F. Performance of a wireless telemedicine system: MedLAN. J Telemed Telecare 2004;12:298–302. [2] Banitsas KA, Tachakra S, Istepanian RSH. Operational parameters of a medical wireless LAN: Security, range and interference issues. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc 2002;1889–1890. [3] Earle AE. Wireless LAN security. In: Wireless security handbook. Boca Raton, FL:Auerbach Publications, 2006:181–226. [4] IEEE Standard 802.11–1999. Part 11: Wireless LAN medium access control (MAC) and physical layer (PHY) specifications. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE, 1999. [5] Fluhrer S, Mantin I, Shamir A. Weaknesses in the key scheduling algorithm of RC4. In: Vandenay S, Youssef AM, eds. Selected areas in cryptography: 8th Annual International Workshop; Revised Papers=SAC 2001. London:Springer-Verlag, 2001:1–24. K. Jayaram, G. Ramachandran, S. Kannan, L. Vasanth, P.M Murali |
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305. | Secure Communication in Low Snr Regime Over Fading Channels in Mimo
Secure Communication in Low Snr Regime Over Fading Channels in MimoAbstract: In this work we consider MIMO fading channels and characterize the reliability function in the low-SNR regime as a function of the number of transmit and receive antennas. For the case when the fading matrix H has independent entries, we show that the number of transmit antennas plays a key role in reducing the peakiness in the input signal required to achive the optimal error exponent for a given communication rate. Further by considering a correlated channel model, we show that the maximum performance gain is achieved when the entries of the channel fading matrix are fully correlated. The results we presented in this work in the low- SNR regime can also be applied to the finite bandwidth regime.Key words: MIMO, Bandwidth Allocation, Fading, Low SNR Reference [1] A. D. Wyner, ―The wire-tap channel,‖ Bell Syst. Tech. J., vol. 54, pp. 1355–1367, Oct. 1975 [2] S. K. Leung-Yan-Cheong and M. E. Hellman, ―The Gaussian wire-tap channel,‖ IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. 24, pp. 451–456, July 1978. [3] I. Csiszár and J. Körner, ―Broadcast channels with confidential messages, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. 3, pp. 339–348, May 1978. [4] Special issue on information-theoretic security, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. 54, no. 6, June 2008. [5] A. O. Hero, ―Secure space-time communication,‖ IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. 49, pp. 3235–3249, Dec. 2003. K. Rajesh, K. V. Lalitha Bhavani |
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306. | Comparative Analysis of Various Watermarking Techniques for Digital Image
Comparative Analysis of Various Watermarking Techniques for Digital ImageAbstract: Three digital image watermarking techniques that have higher level of security compared to most of the existing algorithms have been proposed.Watermarking is a technique for labeling digital pictures by hiding secret information into the images. Watermarking is a technique for labeling digital pictures by hiding secret information into the image. In Digital watermarking technique, image is embedded information data within an insensible form for human visual system but in a way that protects from attacks such as common image processing techniques. In our approach, analysis the quality of image compression by( Discrete Cosine Transform(DCT)) and (Discrete Wavelet Transform(DWT)) and (least significant bit(LSB)). We embed the watermarks with visually recognizable patterns into the images by selectively modifying the middle-frequency parts of the image. Several variations of the methods will be addressed. The experimental results show that the technique successfully survives image processing operations and compare the results.Key words: Digital watermarking; Discrete cosine transform (DCT), discrete wavelet transform (DWT),least significant bit(LSB) Reference [1] B. M. Macq and J. J. Quisquater, "Cryptology for digital TV broadcasting,"Proc. IEEE, vol. 83, pp. 954–957, June 1995. [2] I. Pitas and T. H. Kaskalis, "Applying signatures on digital images," in Proc. IEEE Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing, June 1995, pp.460–463. [3] O. Bruyndonckx, J. J. Quisquater, and B. Macq, "Spatial method for copyright labeling of digital images," in Proc. IEEE Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing, June 1995, pp. 456–459. [4] W. Bender, D. Gruhl, and N. Morimoto, "Techniques for data hiding," Proc. SPIE, vol. 2420, p. 40, Feb. 1995. [5] N.Nikolaidis, I.Pitas, "Robust image watermarking in the spatial domain," Signal Process, 66(1998) 385-403 Vaishali Ghune |
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307. | Growth and Characterization of Pure and Oxalic Acid Doped L-Arginine Acetate Single Crystals
Growth and Characterization of Pure and Oxalic Acid Doped L-Arginine Acetate Single CrystalsAbstract: Single crystals of L-arginine acetate (LAA), a nonlinear optical (NLO) material, have been grown by free evaporation method and characterized chemically,structurally, thermally, optically, mechanically and electrically. Effect of oxalic acid as an impurity (added at different concentrations) on the properties of LAA has also been investigated. X-ray diffraction analysis indicates the crystal system as monoclinic. The functional groups have been identified using Fourier transform infrared spectral analysis. The crystals are found to be thermally stable upto 199.80⁰C .The UV-Vis spectral analysis shows that these crystals have wide transparency range in the entire visible region. Second harmonic generation (SHG) measurement shows the NLO property. Microhardness measurement indicates that the grown crystals come under soft material category. Dielectric measurements are carried out at various temperatures ranging from 40- 140⁰C and with various frequencies ranging from 1kHz to 100kHz by the parallel plate capacitor methods. The low dielectric constant values observed for pure LAA indicate that LAA is not only a promising NLO material but also a,low dielectric constant value dielectric material.Key words: L-Arginine Acetate, slow evaporation technique, doping effects. Reference [1] X.J. Liu etal. Cryst. Growth & Design 2008, Vol.8, No.7, 2270-2274. [2] M. Gulam Mohamed etal., Crys. Res. Tech. 42, No.10, 948-954. [3] M.Meena etal, Archieves of Applied Science Research, 2010, 2(6);185-199. [4] N. Kanagathara etal Int. J. Chem. Res., 2011 V 01 (3), 115. [5] V Natarajan etal Journal of Crystal Growth 259 (2009) 572-575. P.V. Radhika, K. Jayakumari, C.K. Mahadevan |
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308. | Promotion of Seismic Retrofitting For Existing Low Earthquake Resistant Structures
Promotion of Seismic Retrofitting For Existing Low Earthquake Resistant StructuresAbstract: The aftermath of an earthquake manifests great devastation due to unpredicted seismic motion striking extensive damage to innumerable buildings of varying degree i.e. either full or partial or slight. This damage to structures in its turn causes irreparable loss of life with a large number of casualties. As a result frightened occupants may refuse to enter the building unless assured of the safety of the building from future earthquake. It has been observed that majority of such earthquake damaged buildings may be safely reused, if they are converted into seismically resistant structures by employing a few retrofitting measures. This proves to be a better option catering to the economic considerations and immediate shelter problems rather than replacement of buildings. Seismic retrofitting of building structures is one of the most important aspects for mitigating seismic hazards especially in earthquake-prone countries. Various terms are associated to retrofitting with a marginal difference like repair, strengthening, retrofitting, remolding, rehabilitation, reconstruction etc. but there is no consensus on them. The main objective of this thesis work is the measures to be adopted in case of inadequacy without making structural retrofitting.Key words: Earth quake, Retrofitting, Assessment Reference [1] Anil K.Chopra (2001). "Dynamics of Structures", Prentice Hall of India Pvt., New Delhi. [2] A.R. Chndrasekaram and D.S. Prakash Rao. Paper presented on :"A seismic Design of Multi-storied RCC Buildings" IIT, Roorkee. [3] "Low-Cost construction resistant to earthquakes" United nations, New Yark, 1975 [4] Pankaj Agrawal and S.K. Thakkar. Proc. Tenth Symp. On Earthquake Engineering, Nov 16-18, 1994, Roorkee. Paper presented on Assessment of seismic vulnerability of existing reinforced concrete building. [5] Rajeev Sharma, Jitendra S. Thakur. Proc. Of workshop on "Advances in structural Engineering" 21-22 December, 2001, Tirupathi. Paper presented on structural evaluation of existing building – A case study. S D V S N Rao, J Vikranth |
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309. | Development of Self Repairable Durable Concrete
Development of Self Repairable Durable ConcreteAbstract: In Civil and structural engineering concrete is basic material. Mainly in RCC and prestress concrete its carry major part of static and dynamic loads. During the serviceability of structure concrete is subjected to different damages. The common approaches for repair of Structural concrete are: Polymer Injunction, External prestressing, Geomembranes and Polymer wraps. Application of this technique is useful in seek and repair of ductile and brittle failure. The above techniques are based on addition of a repair material to concrete from outside to inside of structural members. We are going to develop the self-repairable concrete by adding the materials from inside the concrete to repair cracks or damages. Our technique to develop self-repairing concrete consists of embedding repairing materials in hollow ducts in the repairing zone before it is subjected to damage. Therefore when cracks occurs this repairs materials will get released from inside and it will enter the repairing zone. Where it will penetrate into cracks and rebound to mother cement and material of structure and it will repair the damage.Key words: Concrete – Serviceability – Cracks- Epoxy resins- Repair. Reference [1] Dr. Carolyn Dry Has Carried Out Lot Of Work On Development Of Self Repairing Durable Concrete. a. Natural Process Design, Inc. Winona, Minnesota (507-452-9113) [2] Mr. R.F. Quattrone, Mr. J.B. Berman, Mr. Z. Chaudhry, V. Giurgiutiu, Mr. C.A. Rogers, And Mr. S.R. White Have Developed An Investigation Of Active Tagged Composites For Army Infrastructure Applications. . This Performance Was Developed In The Year April 1998. [3] Mr. L.C. Muszynski, Mr. M.Ä. Rochefort Has Developed Fibrous Shotcrete For Expedient Repair Of Structures. This Performance Was Developed In The Year May 1990 - December 1990. [4] Mr. Gary L. Anderton, Randy C. Ahlrich From U.S Army Corps. Of Engineers Has Developed This Technique With Respect To Design, Construction, And Performance Of Resin Modified Pavement Of Campbell Army Airfield, Kentucky In The Year March 1994. [5] Mr. Pamalee A. Brady And Mr. Orange S. Marshall Have Developed Shear Strengthening Of Reinforced Concrete Beams Using Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Wraps. This Performance Was Developed In The Year October 1998. [ Sahebrao. G. Kadam , Dr. M. A. Chakrabarti |
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310. | Implementation of Genetic Algorithm to Temperature Control
Implementation of Genetic Algorithm to Temperature Control SystemAbstract: During the last years the use of intelligent strategies for tuning of controller has been growing. The evolutionary strategies have won an important place, thanks to their flexibility. The first attempt to automate the tuning of controllers was based on the time response of a process, but this approach had the drawback of requiring a lot of user interaction. A very important advancement was made when it was decided to use the frequency response of a process instead of its time response, in this way a bigger degree of automation was obtained. Optimal tuning plays on important role in operations or tuning in the complex process such as the temperature of an oven used in many industrial applications. Transfer of heat inside an oven requires a delay or transportation lag. So, this delay or transportation lag is overcome with the help of controller tuning using Genetic Algorithm. A comparison approach is also made with the other methods of tuning like Ziegler-Nicholas. Genetic algorithm is powerful software tool for obtaining accurate results. It works same as the combination of genes in biological processes. Any temperature control system like oven take certain time to heat up initially, But with the help of genetic algorithm this time taken to heat up can be reduced. And the oven can be made to start instantly without wasting time. It is very difficult to achieve an optimal gain like this as up to the present time the gain of the controller has to be manually tuned by hit and trial. Thus this paper describes the Genetic algorithm approach that would certainly reduce manual effort and give accurate result.Reference [1] Aldo Balestrino, et al., (2005), "Performance Indices and Tuning in Process Control". [2] Brian D.O., Anderson, (1992), "Controller Design: Moving from Theory to Practice."IEEE Control systems, pp 16-25 [3] C.Goodwin, et al., "Control system design." Prentice Hall, ISBN: 8120321197. [4] Dong Hwa Kim, (2003), "Comparison of PID Controller Tuning of Power Plant using Immune and Genetic Algorithm."CIMSA 2003 Integrated Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Measurements and Applications, Switzerland, 29-31 July 2003, pp169-174 [5] Goldberg D., (1989), "Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization and Machine Learning." Addison Wesley, ISBN: 0201157675. Pooja Khatri, Manjeet Dalal |
1868-1871 | ![]() |
311. | Geographic Information System with Bingmap Using AJAX
Geographic Information System with Bingmap Using AJAXAbstract: Geographic information technologies on the Internet possess the potential to provide tremendous support to citizens by empowering them with information. Mapping applications on the web such as Google Maps and Bing Maps. These websites give the public access to huge amounts of geographic data. Bing Maps Platform also provides a point-of-interest database including a search capability. Microsoft uses the Bing Maps Platform to power its Bing Maps product. The imagery includes samples taken by satellite sensors, aerial cameras (including 45 degree oblique "bird's eye" aerial imagery licensed from Pictometry International), Street side imagery, 3D city models and terrain.Key words: Geographic information system(GIS) Reference [1] Al-Kodmany, Kheir. 1998, ―GIS and the Artist: Shaping the Image of a Neighborhood inParticipatory Environmental Design‖, NCGIA Specialist Meeting on "Empowerment, Marginalization, and Public ParticipationGIS",http://www.ncgia.ucsb.edu/varenius/ppgis/papers/al-kodmany.html [2] Arnstein, S. 1969: A Ladder of Citizen Participation, Journal of The American Institute of Planners , 35, 216 – 224 [3] Clark, M. J. 1998. ―GIS -- democracy or delusion?", Environment and Planning A 30: 303-16. [4] Barndt, Michael. ―Public Participation GIS –Barriers to Implementation". Cartography and Geographic information Systems, Vol.25, No.2, 1998, pp.105-112. [5] Batty, Michael et al, ―Modelling Virtual Urban Environments‖, WWW Document: http://www.casa.ucl.ac.uk/modelvue.pdf Srikanth. P, Deepika. V |
1872-1875 | ![]() |
312. | Comparative Study of Various Qos Based Routing Protocols in Mobile Adhoc Networks
Comparative Study of Various Qos Based Routing Protocols in Mobile Adhoc NetworksAbstract: The provision of quality of service (QoS) guarantees is much more challengeable and difficult mobile adhoc networks (MANETs) than traditional wired networks. It is mainly due to node's movement, hop-to-hop communications, channel access contention, and a lack of central coordination. For most multimedia and other time sensitive applications, the QoS guarantees are very much needed. Usefulness of MANET is limited due to the difficulties in the provision of QoS. However, in the recent past few years, much research attention has focused on providing QoS assurances in MANET protocols. The QoS routing protocol is an integral part of any QoS solution since its function is to ascertain which nodes, if any, are able to serve applications' requirements (e.g. bandwidth/delay). So in this paper author presents a comparative study of various QoS based routing protocols in MANETs.Key words: quality of service, QoS routing, MANET, ad hoc network, routing Reference [1] Lei Chen and Wendi B. Heinzelma, A Survey of Routing Protocols that Support QoS in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, IEEE Network, Nov/Dec 2007 [2] Dang-Quan Nguyen, Pascale Minet, Quality of Service Routing in a MANET with OLSR, Journal of Universal Computer Science, vol. 13, no. 1 (2007), 56-86 [3] Jamal Toutouh, José García-Nieto, and Enrique Alba, Intelligent OLSR Routing Protocol Optimization for VANETs, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 61, No. 4, May 2012 [4] Nadia Moati, Hadi Otrok, Azzam Mourad, Wireless Pers, Commun,Reputation-Based Cooperative Detection Model of Selfish Nodes in Cluster-Based QoS-OLSR Protocol, Springer Science, Business Media, New York, 2013 [5] Ashish Kots, Manoj Kumar, Wireless Netw, The fuzzy based QMPR selection for OLSR routing protocol, Springer Science, Business Media, New York, 2013 Vaidehi Patel, Narender Reddy A |
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313. | Magneto-Rheological (MR) and Electro-Rheological (ER) Fluid Damper: A Review Parametric Study of Fluid Behavior
Magneto-Rheological (MR) and Electro-Rheological (ER) Fluid Damper: A Review Parametric Study of Fluid BehaviorAbstract: In last two decades research on the topic of synthesis, characterization and analysis of smart fluids like Magneto rheological (MR) and Electro rheological (ER) fluids is taking place. In this paper researchers working in experimentation, development of mathematical model by Bingham plastic model and Herschel-Bulkley method have been studied. MR/ER fluid have main advantage, that is its unique property, means Bingham plastic properties. The verification and validation of result of damping force and damping displacement depends on the application of an external magnetic field or no field. Developing the theoretical model of fluid flow for annular duct of two parallel plates or circular duct is done. And study of Newtonian and non Newtonian fluid flow by computational and numerical method.Key words: ANSYS parametric design language (APDL), Computational fluid dynamics (CFD), Electrorheological fluid (ER), Magneto-rheological fluid (MR). Reference [1] Zekeriya Parlak, Tahsin Engin, "Time-dependent CFD and quasi-static analysis of magneto rheological fluid dampers with experimental validation" International journal of mechanical science, vol.64 (2012) 22-31. [2] Zekeriya Parlak, Tahsin Engin, Ismail Structure (IOP Science), vol. 20 (2011) 023001 (34pp)Call, "Optimal design of MR damper via finite element analyses of fluid dynamic and magnetic field", journals of mechatronics, vol.22, (2012) 890-903. [3] Norman M Wereley, Li Pang, "Nondimensional analysis of semi-active electrorheological and magneto rheological dampers using approximate parallel plate model", smart material Structure (IOP Science), vol.7 (1998) 732-743. [4] Z C Li, and J Wang, "A gun recoil system employing a magnetorheological fluid damper", Journal of smart materials and structure, vol.21, (2012) 105003(10pp). [5] Sevki Cesmeci, Tahsin Engine, "Modeling and Testing of a field-controllable magneto- rheological fluid damper", International journal of mechanical science, vol.52, (2010) 1036-1046. Abhijeet N. Kulkarni, Santosh R. Patil |
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314. | Experimental Study on Strength and Durability Characteristics of Fibre Reinforced Recyled Aggregate Concrete
Experimental Study on Strength and Durability Characteristics of Fibre Reinforced Recyled Aggregate ConcreteAbstract: The use of recycled aggregates in concrete opens a whole new range of possibilities in the reuse of materials in the building industry. This could be an important breakthrough for our society in our endeavours towards sustainable development. The trend of the utilisation of recycled aggregates is the solution to the problem of an excess of waste material, not forgetting the parallel trend of improvement of final product quality. The utilisation of waste construction materials has to be related to the application of quality guarantee systems in order to achieve suitable product properties. Therefore, the complete understanding of the characteristics of new material becomes so important in order to point out its real possibilities. My thesis aimed to focus on the possibility of structural use of recycled aggregate concrete by studying the mechanical properties and durability aspects of conventional aggregate concrete, recycled aggregate concrete and fibre reinforced recycled aggregate concrete.Key words: Recycled Aggregate Concrete; Fibre Reinforced Recycled Aggregate Concrete, Strength Properties; Durability Characteristics; Non-Destructive Assessment. Reference [1] Ann K.Y, H.Y.Moon, Y.B.Kim, J.Ryou, "Durability of recycled aggregate concrete using pozzolanic materials", Waste management 28(2008) 993-999, Elsevier Journal, May 2007. [2] Bairagi N.K, Kishore Ravandie & V.K.Poreek, "Behaviour of concrete with different proportions of natural and recycled aggregates", Resources, conservation and recycling 9(1993) 109-126, Elsevier Journal, July 1992. [3] B.P.Stroeven and Shah et al, "Behaviour of reinforced concrete beams in flexure", ACI journal, 1991. [4] Bairagi N.K, H.S.Vidyadhara & Kishore Ravande, "Mix design procedure for recycled aggregate concrete", Construction & Building Materials Vol 4, No.4, Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd. [5] B.Benmokrane, O.Challal and R.Masmoudi , " Flexural Response of concrete beams reinforced with fibres", ACI Journal, 93-S6, 1996 D. Suresh Kumar, J Vikranth |
1883-1892 | ![]() |
315. | An Improved Threshold Value for Image Denoising Using Wavelet Transforms
An Improved Threshold Value for Image Denoising Using Wavelet TransformsAbstract: The denoising of a natural image suffered from some noise is a long established problem in signal or image processing field. Many image denoising techniques based on filtering and wavelet thresholding have been published in earlier research papers and each technique has its own assumptions, advantages and limitations. Image filtering and wavelet thresholding algorithms are applied on different image samples to eliminate noise which is either present in the image during capturing or injected into the image during transmission. This paper deals with Performance comparison of Median filter, Wiener filter, penalized thresholding, global thresholding and proposed thresholding in Image de-noising for Gaussian noise, Salt & Pepper noise.Key words: Wavelet-transform; MATLAB; Threshold function; Gaussian noise; Salt & Pepper noise; Median filter; Wiener Filter; PSNR Reference [1] Wavelet domain image de-noising by thresholding and Wiener filtering. Kazubek, M. Signal Processing Letters IEEE, Volume: 10, Issue: 11, Nov. 2003 265 Vol.3. [2] Wavelet Shrinkage and W.V.D.: A 10-minute Tour Donoho, D.L; (David L. Donoho's website). [3] D.L.Donoho and I.M.John stone. Adapting to Unknown Smoothness via Wavelet Shrinkage [J]. Journal of American StatAssoc, vol.12, pp.1200- 1224, 1995 [4] Peng-Lang Shui. Image Denoising Algorithm via Doubly Local Wiener Filtering With Directional Windows in Wavelet Domain [J]. IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS, VOL. 12, NO. 10, OCTOBER 2005. [5] D.L. Donoho. Denoising by Soft thresholding, IEEE Trans. Inform Theory, 1995,vo1.41 (3),pp.613-627. Sanjay Jangra, Ravinder Nath Rajotiya |
1893-1897 | ![]() |
316. | Implementation of Multicast Routing Protocol for Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks
Implementation of Multicast Routing Protocol for Wireless Ad-Hoc NetworksAbstract: The evolution of telecommunications is characterized by an increase of availability of bandwidth and the user mobility. It takes to a revolution in offers of the service quality. The notion of Quality of Service (QoS) becomes then an important concept if one wants to transport information with a maximum of reliability. A Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) is actually a set of nodes which are self-configured and organized dynamically. Furthermore, nodes can communicate with each other without any fixed infrastructure as the base stations. Ad hoc on Demand Distance Vector Routing (AODV) is a routing protocol for mobile ad hoc networks and other wireless ad hoc networks. It is a reactive routing protocol that is it establishes a route to a destination only on demand. In contrast, the most common routing protocols of the Internet are proactive meaning that they find routing paths independently of the usage of the paths. AODV is capable of both unicast and multicast routing. Multicast Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (MAODV) is the multicast protocol associated with the Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol, and as such it shares many similarities and packet formats with AODV. The Route Request and Route Reply packet types are based on those used by AODV, as is the unicast Route Table. The purpose of this project is to be implemented and compare the performance of MAODV and AODV using NS2.34. In this project the traffic soureses using UDP and TCP. In this project, and also to compare the AODV and MAODV using the parameter such as average end-to-end delay and packet delivery fraction (PDF) and routing-overhead.Key words: Mobile Ad hoc network, AODV, MAODV, QoS, delay, packet delivery fraction, routing-overhead, Performance analysis using NS2.34. Reference [1] Gomez, Catalan, Mantecon, Paradells, Calveras, ―Evaluating Performance of real ad-hoc networks using AODV with hello message mechanism for maintaining local connectivity‖, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications 2005, vol. 2, 2005, pp.1327 – 1331. [2] M. Frodigh, P.Johansson, and P.Larsson. "Wireless And ad hoc network: the art of networking without a Network", Ericson Review, No.4, 2000, pp 248-263. [3] C.E. Perkins and P. Bhagwat, ―Highly dynamic destination-sequenced distance vector routing (DSDV) for mobile computers,‖ ACM SIGCOMM 94, London, UK, Oct. 1994, pp. 234-244. [4] C. E. Perkins and E. M. Royer, ―Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing,‖ Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications 1999, February 1999, pp. 90-100. [5] Sun Baolin, Li Layuan, ―On the reliability of MAODV in Ad Hoc Networks‖, Proc. Of IEEE International Symposium on Microwave, Antenna, Propagation and EMC Technologies for Wireless Communications, Vol. 2, pp. 1514-1517, 2005. R. Prabhakar, Ravi Banoth, E.Vijay Babu, G.J.Chitra |
1898-1905 | ![]() |
317. | Growth and Characterization of Pure and Ni2+Added Crystals of Glycinepotassiumsulfate
Growth and Characterization of Pure and Ni2+Added Crystals of GlycinepotassiumsulfateAbstract: Pure and Ni2+ added glycine potassium sulfate (GPS) single crystals were grown by the slow evaporation technique.Crystalline nature of the pure and doped crystals has been studied by XRD analysis.Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) studies confirm the functional group of the crystals.Their mechanical behavior has been assessed by Vickers microhardness measurements and nonlinear optical propertyhas been tested by Kurtz and Perry powder technique. Thermal and dielectric studies were also carried out.Key words: Crystal growth, Dielectric crystal, Electrical properties, Mechanical properties, Optical properties, X-ray diffraction Reference [1] R. Pepinsky, Y.Okaya, D.P. Eastman, and T. Mitsui, Phys. Rev., 107, 1957, 1538. [2] R. Pepinsky, K. Vedam and Y. Okaya, Phys. Rev., 110, 1958, 1309. [3] A. Deepthy and H.L. Bhat, J. Cryst. Growth, 226, 2001, 287. [4] S. Hoshino, T. Mitsui ,F.Jona and R. Pepinsky, Phys. Rev., 107, 1957, 1255. [5] T. Balakrishnan and K. Ramamurthi, Mater. Lett. 62, 2008, 65. A. Karolin, K. Jayakumari, C. K. Mahadevan |
1906-1915 | ![]() |
318. | Parametric Optimization and Analysis for the Effect of the Helical Coil Pitch On the Heat Transfer Characteristics of the Helical Coil Heat Exchanger
Parametric Optimization and Analysis for the Effect of the Helical Coil Pitch On the Heat Transfer Characteristics of the Helical Coil Heat ExchangerAbstract: Helical coil heat exchangers are more efficient to enhance the heat and mass transfer as compared to straight tube type heat exchangers. For any types of heat exchanger, the configuration is very important factor to enhance the heat and mass transfer. This paper deals with the helical coil pitch analysis of helical coil heat exchanger with specific data. In this paper, also comparison the thermal characteristics i.e. heat transfer rate and inside heat transfer coefficient in existing experiment and simulation with CFD software. In this paper, the effect on heat transfer in helical coil heat exchanger due to only pitch, i.e. pitch is variable geometry.Key words: Helical coil Heat exchanger, Helical Pitch Coil, solidworks 2009, CFD or computational fluid dynamics, ANSYS CFX 12.1. Reference [1] Dean, W. R., (1927) "Note on the motion of fluid in a curved pipe", Philosophical Magazine, Series 7, Vol. 4(20), pp. 208-23. [2] Dean, W. R., (1928) "The streamline motion of fluid in a curved pipe", Philosophical Magazine, Series 7, Vol. 5(30), pp. 673- 95. [3] Bejan A., Kraus A.D.: 2002, Heat Transfer Handbook. United States of America: WILEY. [4] Austen D.S., Soliman H.M.: 1988, Laminar flow and heat transfer in helically coiled tubes with substantial pitch. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol. 1, 183-194. [5] Yang G., Dong F., Ebadian M.A.: 1995, Laminar forced convection in a helicoidal pipe with finite pitch. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.38(5):853-862. Revendra Verma, Hitesh Kumar |
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319. | Zero Voltage Switching Of Boost Converter with High Voltage Gain
Zero Voltage Switching Of Boost Converter with High Voltage GainAbstract: A soft-switching dc/dc converter with high voltage gain is proposed in this paper. It provides a continuous input current and high voltage gain with low current ripples. Moreover, zero voltage switching characteristic of the proposed converter reduces switching loss of active power switches and raises the conversion efficiency. The reverse-recovery problem of output rectifiers is also alleviated by controlling the current changing rates of diodes with the use of the leakage inductance of a coupled inductor. The converter produces 360V DC output from a 24V DC input. Simulation was carried out with the MATLAB/Simulink software and the waveforms were obtained. The same circuit was also simulated using Power Simulator software (PSIM) and the waveforms were obtained and both the simulated values were compared.Key words: Boost Converter, Low Current Ripple, Zero Voltage Switching Reference [1] "A Soft-Switching DC/DC Converter with High Voltage Gain" Hyun-Lark Do. IEEE transactions on power electronics, vol. 25, no. 5, may 2010. [2] S. K. Mazumder, R. K. Burra, and K. Acharya, "A ripple-mitigating and energy-efficient fuel cell power-conditioning system," IEEE Trans. Power Electron, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 1437–1452, Jul. 2007. [3] Z. Qun and F. C. Lee, "High-efficiency, high step-up DC–DC converters," IEEE Trans. Power Electron, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 65–73, Jan. 2003. [4] W. Choi, P. N. Enjeti, and J. W. Howze, "Development of an equivalent circuit model of a fuel cell to evaluate the effects of inverter ripple current," in Proc. IEEE APEC, 2004, vol.1, pp.355–361 [5] Q. Zhao, F. Tao, F. C. Lee, P. Xu, and J. Wei, "A simple and effective method to alleviate the rectifier reverse-recovery problem in continuous current mode boost converter," IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 649–658, Sep. 2001. J Saravanan, S Sahaya Elsi |
1921-1926 | ![]() |
320. | Design of A Self-Levelling Platform for Medium and Large-Sized Yachts
Design of A Self-Levelling Platform for Medium and Large-Sized YachtsAbstract: In the boating accessories field for medium and large-sized yachts, the possibility of installing mobile platforms is becoming of increasing interest. These components could allow the ship owner to have a wide free area for different uses. The application as a helideck for helicopter landing and parking is certainly the most interesting and critical one from a mechanical viewpoint. No references about the design criteria of mobile platforms are available in either the technical literature or the international standards. An innovative mechanical system has therefore been proposed, with advanced mixed technical solutions for both the platform structure and the self-levelling system. The aim of this paper is to report the constructional technical solutions adopted during the design of a mobile multi-purpose and self-levelling platform to be installed on boats 30 (or more) meters long.Key words: structural design, mobile platform, marine environment, Ti-6Al-4V, FEM, modelling helideck Reference [1] UK Civil Aviation Authority, Helideck Design Considerations – Environmental Effects, CAA PAPER 2004/02 published by the CAA (January 2004). [2] John Burt Associates Limited, Offshore helideck design guidelines, Health and Safety Executive (2004). [3] UK Civil Aviation Authority, Offshore helicopter landing areas - guidance on standards, CAP 437 published by the CAA, Fourth edition (2002). [4] P. Gallagher, Helicopter Operations to Moving Decks, Proceedings of Conference - Helicopter Operations in the Maritime Environment, Royal Aeronautical Society, London, (2001). [5] ISO, 19901-3, Petroleum and natural gas industries -- Specific requirements for offshore structures -- Part 3: Topsides structure, ISO (2010). S. Baragetti |
1927-1935 | ![]() |
321. | Structural Design of a Tender Lift for Medium- And Large-Sized Yachts
Structural Design of a Tender Lift for Medium- And Large-Sized YachtsAbstract: Tender lifts are yacht accessories that are mainly used to drop small boats and persons into the water. The extensive personalisation of yachts can lead to some critical issues for the design of tender lifts, which must be specifically made according to the unique geometry of each yacht. The aim of this work was to analyse and optimise the structure of a prototype tender lift for medium-sized yachts, as realised by BesenzoniS.p.A (Sarnico, BG) with AISI 304. The optimisation process involved analytical and numerical models, which were verified by experimental measurements. In particular, the stress and strain states of the actuation device were evaluated along the entire range of motion of the mechanism. The results were used to modify the geometry of the prototype. The optimised prototype demonstrated reduced applied stresses and increased values for the safety factor along the entire mechanism.Key words: nautical sector; tender lift; numerical models; analytical models; experimental measurements; optimisation Reference [1] ISO 19901-3 (2010), Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries - Specific Requirements for Offshore Structures - Part 3: Topsides Structure. [2] RINA (2010), Rules for the Classification of Ships, Part B. [3] API RP 2A-WSD (2000), Recommended Practice for Planning, Designing and Constructing Fixed Offshore Platforms-Working Stress Design. [4] Baragetti, S., Medolago, A., "Progettazione di una plancetta/tender lift per yacht di dimensioni medio-grandi", 41°Convegno Nazionale AIAS, 5-8 settembre 2012, Padova. [5] HBM, Strain Gauges and Accessories Manual. Retrieved from http://www.hbm.com/it/. S. Baragetti |
1936-1944 | ![]() |
322. | Fatigue Resistance of Brake System Components Made of Aluminium Alloy
Fatigue Resistance of Brake System Components Made of Aluminium AlloyAbstract: In this paper the influence of the microstructure, in terms of the DAS index, and of the geometrical notches on the fatigue resistance of a brake system component, made of aluminium alloy, was investigated. G-AlSi7Mg die casting automotive brake calipers were considered in this study and different die casting processes for their production were analyzed. Several experimental fatigue tests on rotating bending specimens were carried out in order to directly correlate the fatigue behaviour and the material microstructure. The effect of the geometry was analyzed by means of pulsating pressure tests on the full scale components, with and without considering the braking torque. Accurate three dimensional FE models of the half brake caliper subject to the highest levels of load were also developed. Different theoretical models, such as the Heywood equation and the Sines criterion, were applied to predict the fatigue life of both the specimens and the component.Key words: Brake calipers, aluminium alloy, fatigue, microstructure, FEM. Reference [1] Burger, G. B., Gupta, A. K., JeiIrey, W., Lloyd, D. J. (2005). Microstructural Control of Aluminum Sheet Used in Automotive Applications. Mater. Charact. 35:23-39. [2] Carrera, E., Rodrıguez, A., Talamantes, J., Valtierra, S., Colas, R. (2007). Measurement of residual stresses in cast aluminium engine blocks. J. Mater. Process. Tech. 189:206– 210. [3] Dixon, W. J., Massey, F. J. (1983). Introduction to statistical analysis. New York: McGraw-Hill. [4] DuQuesnay, D. L., Underhill, P. R. (2010). Fatigue life scatter in 7xxx series aluminum alloys. Int. J. Fatigue 32(2):398-402. [5] González, R., Martínez D. I., Talamantes, J., Valtierra, S., Colás, R. (2011), Fatigue testing of an aluminium cast alloy. Int. J. Fatigue, 33:273-278. Sergio Baragettia, Andrea Gavazzib, Paolo Masiello |
1945-1955 | ![]() |
323. | Alternative Approach of Research for Fluid Mechanics Using Multi- Disciplinary Tools
Alternative Approach of Research for Fluid Mechanics Using Multi- Disciplinary ToolsAbstract: This paper introduces to the new methods and the concepts for the fluid mechanics projects and the analysis of the feasibility reports .This also correlates to a brief outline on the applications of the modern online tools and the techniques for successfully carrying out the projects .The modern online tools that are considered for this research includes the online calculators and the online survey tools with a focus on the practicability and applicability. This research work tries to enrich the students towards the usability of the ICT-Information and the Communication Technology tools enabling the prevention of the Time-Over-runs and the Cost-Over-runs on both the ends . The Time and the Cost are the two edges of the double edgedsword.Key words: NSTE, DIS, SIC, NSIC, SIDO, NSIE Reference [1] Industrial Management and Entrepreneurship by Ch. Laxmi narayana, Vijay Publications, Hyderabad . [2] Vikas Kumar Singh, R Surya Kiran et al. Re-Designing Of A Service Center with the Free and Open Source Softwares Providing R4 (A Comparative Study with the Existing and the Modern Tools of Technology), Vol. 3, Issue 5, Sep-Oct 2013, pp.166-170. R. Surya Kiran, Vikas Kumar Singh, Maninder Singh, Geethika Yarlagadda, Arnab Acharjee, Masetty Harshavardhan, Maridi Suneel Kumar |
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324. | A Review On Optimization Of Machining Parameters For Surface Roughness And Material Removal Rate For Ss 316 In Cnc End Milling Process
A Review On Optimization Of Machining Parameters For Surface Roughness And Material Removal Rate For Ss 316 In Cnc End Milling ProcessAbstract: Quality and productivity play important role in today's manufacturing market. Now a day's due to very stiff and cut throat competitive market condition in manufacturing industries. The main objective of industries reveal with producing better quality product at minimum cost and increase productivity. CNC end milling is most vital and common operation use for produce machine part with desire surface quality and higher productivity with less time and cost constrain. To obtain main objective of company regards quality and productivity. In the present research project an attempt is made to understand the effect of machining parameters such as cutting speed (m/min), feed rate (mm/min),depth of cut (mm), no of cutting flute that are influences on responsive output parameters such as Surface Roughness and Material Removal Rate by using optimization philosophy. The effort to investigate optimal machining parameters and their contribution on producing better Surface quality and higher Productivity.Key words: CNC end milling, Surface roughness, MRR, SS 316. Reference [1] B. C. Routara & A. Bandyopadhyay & P. Sahoo, "Roughness modeling and optimization in CNC end milling using response surface method: effect of workpiece material variation", Int J Adv Manuf Technol 40:1166–1180, DOI 10.1007/s00170-008-1440-6, 2009. [2] John D. Kechagias, Christos K. Ziogas, Menelaos K. Pappas, Ioannis E. Ntziatzias, "Parameter Optimization during Finish End Milling of Al Alloy 5083 using Robust Design", Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2011, Vol I, WCE 2011, ISBN: 978-988-18210-6-5, London, U.K, July 6 - 8, 2011. [3] Amit Joshi & PradeepKothiyal, "Investigating Effect of Machining Parameters of CNC Milling on Surface Finish by Taguchi Method", International Journal on Theoretical and Applied Research in Mechanical Engineering (IJTARME) ISSN : 2319 – 3182, Volume-1, Issue-2, 2012. [4] M.F.F. Ab. Rashid and M.R. Abdul Lani, "Surface Roughness Prediction for CNC Milling Process using Artificial Neural Network, Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2010 Vol III, WCE 2010, ISBN: 978-988-18210-8-9, London, U.K, June 30 - July 2, 2010. [5] Bharat Chandraroutara, Saumya Darsan Mohanty, Saurav Datta, Asish Bandyopadhyay and Siba Sankar Mahapatra, "Optimization in CNC end milling of UNS C34000 medium leaded brass with multiple surface roughnesses characteristics", S¯adhan¯a Vol. 35, Part 5, pp. 619–629. © Indian Academy of Sciences, October 2010. Alpesh R. Patel A, Prof. N. K. Prajapati B |
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325. | Performance Evaluation of Next Generation Access Network Architectures
Performance Evaluation of Next Generation Access Network ArchitecturesAbstract: With the emergence of new bandwidth hungry applications, there is a bottle neck in the current access network architecture. This paper gives an overview of what an access network architecture is, the simulation results of different Passive Optical Network architectures currently being used and the requirements of the future generation access networkKey words: Access Networks, FTTx, Passive Optical Networks, EPON, WDM-PON, Hybrid PON. Reference [1] Koonen: Fiber to the Home/Fiber to the Premises: What, Where, and When?‖ Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 94, IEEE No. 5, May 2006 [2] Frank Effenberger et al,‖ An Introduction to PON Technologies‖, IEEE Communications Magazine , Mar.2007 [3] J.Zheng, ‖Efficient Bandwidth allocation Algorithm for Ethernet Passive Optical Networks‖, IEE Proceedings Communication, Vol. 153, No. 3, Jun. 2006 [4] Michael P.McGarry,‖ Ethernet Passive Optical Network architectures and dynamic bandwidth Allocation Algorithms‖, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials , Vol. 10, No. 3 ,3rd Quarter 2008 [5] Jun Zheng, Hussein T. Mouftah,‖ A survey of dynamic bandwidth allocation algorithms for Ethernet Passive Optical Networks‖, Journal of Optical Switching and Networking, pp. 151-162,2009 N. Subhashini, Dr. A. Brintha Therese |
1970-1975 | ![]() |
326. | FPGA Implementation of A BPSK Modem
FPGA Implementation of A BPSK ModemAbstract: This paper presents the Implementation of BPSK Modem with a data rate of 1 Mbps (message signal with 4.8 KHz and carrier (NCO) signal with 5MHz) will be modulate with a carrier signal 5MHz by using a Mixer. The BPSK Demodulator accepts digital data input from modulator and performs multiplication on the input data with carrier. It has two main blocks, The Carrier Recovery will get by using Costas loop and Symbol Timing Recovery using Early Late gate Algorithm. Further it performs Raised cosine filtering (RCF) with a desired Roll-off factor (0.25). Costas loop Consists of Mixer, Loop Filter and NCO (Numerical Controlled Oscillator). The outputs of RCF are apply to AGC (Automatic Gain Control) through that we will get the quantized outputs. The project will be implemented using VHDL. Simulation will be done to verify the functionality and synthesis will be done to get the NETLIST. Simulation and synthesis will be done using Xilinx ISE 9.2I Tools.Reference [1] Wireless Digital Communications Modulation & Spread Spectrum Applications-By DR.KAMIO FEHER (PHI). [2] Advanced Electronic Communications Systems, by WAYNE TOMASI(PHI ,5th ed. [3] Haykin, Simon (2001). Communication Systems (4th ed.). John Wiley & Sons. [4] Shanmugam, K. Sam. Digital and Analog Communication Systems. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, 1979 [5] (a)http//www.comblock.com/download/com 1001.pdf (b) www.google.com/satellite communication .pdf Prabhakar. Rapaka, Vijaya Babu, G. J. Chitra |
1976-1985 | ![]() |
327. | Empirical Validation of Parameter Studies on Heat Transfer through Glazing System Using Window 6.3 Software
Empirical Validation of Parameter Studies on Heat Transfer through Glazing System Using Window 6.3 SoftwareAbstract: Heat transfer through different modes from outside environment to inside occur by conduction, convection and thermal radiation. Inclusion of automatic-advance-generation-software; "WINDOW 6.3‟ makes possible the detailed true picture of the impact of glazed material & its thickness/ pane spacing on its Thermal Transmittance. This software makes the user understand the thermal performance of glazing system without extensive knowledge of numerical methods of heat transfer. The U-value and solar heat gain coefficient are the key parameters to analyze heat transfer through window. However in the absence of solar radiations U-values is the only trigger. Therefore, an attempt has been made to carry out the study to calculate the U-value for different glazing systems with varying thickness/pane spacing in prevailing seasons. Composite climate of Chandigarh persisting in different season is considered for the study. The U-value obtained from simulation is validated using the guarded hot plate apparatus. After through analysis and even considering the economical effects, the authors recommended Double Glazed window with 25mm pane spacing to be perfectly used in Chandigarh region.Reference [1] Sharda Anuranjan, Kumar, Sudhir. "Heat transfer through windows: A Review" International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering, August 3-5, S.V. National Institute of Technology, Surat, Gujarat, India (2009). [2] Wright, J.L. "A Correlation to Quantify Convective Heat Transfer Between Vertical Window Glazings," ASHRAE Transactions, Vol.102, Pt. 1 pp. (1996) 940-946. [3] Wright, J.L. and Sullivan H.F. (1995) "A 2-D Numerical Model for Glazing System Thermal Analysis," ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 101, Pt. 1 pp. 819-831. [4] Windows and Daylighting Group, "WINDOW 6 and THERM 6 Technical Documentation," Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 3 September 2013. [Online]. Available: http://windows.lbl.gov/software/window/6/TechnicalDocs.html. [Accessed 8 November 2013]. [5] http://m.accuweater.com Sunny Kumar, Anuranjan Sharda and Vijay Kumar |
986-1992 | ![]() |
328. | Artificial Neural Network & Wavelet Transform for Identification and Classification of Faults in Electrical Power System
Artificial Neural Network & Wavelet Transform for Identification and Classification of Faults in Electrical Power SystemAbstract: In a distributed Electrical Power System Faults are the major problem for regular supply to the consumers. A low impedance fault in electrical power distribution system is distinguished by a non-linear and unstable varying fault current due to type of fault. In this combined approach of Wavelet and Artificial Neural Network is used for identification and classification of all types of faults in power distribution system. Wavelet transform identify the types of fault in the form of change in energy in the current waveform and ANN used for classification of faults. IEEE 13-Bus system and 17 bus actual radial distribution system is used to test and verifying the results. The proposed method is implemented and tested in Matlab®/ Simulink environment.Key words: Fault Identification, Wavelet transform, ANN, Electrical distribution system, fault classification Reference [1] Biswarup Das, ―Fuzzy Logic-Based Fault-Type Identification in Unbalanced Radial Power Distribution System,‖ IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 278-285, July. 2002. [2] Thompson Adu, ―An Accurate Fault Classification Technique for Power System Monitoring Devices‖ IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 684-290, Jan. 2006 [3] Craig G. Wester, ― High Impedance Fault Detection Systems‖ GE Power Management, 20 Technology Parkway, Suite 330 Norcross, GA 30092 USA. [4] Suresh Gautam and S. M. Brahma, ―Detection of High Impedance Fault in Power Distribution Systems using Mathematical Morphology‖ IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 1226-1234, May. 2013. [5] M. Togami, N. Abe, T. Kitahashi, and H. Ogawa, ―On the Application of a Machine Learning Technique to Fault Diagnosis of Power Distribution Lines,‖ IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 1927–1936, Oct. 1995. Rajveer Singh |
1993-1999 | ![]() |
329. | Software Structural Design Visualization Using Archview Framework
Software Structural Design Visualization Using Archview FrameworkAbstract: In order to characterize and improve software architecture visualization practice, the paper derives and constructs a qualitative framework, for the assessment of software architecture. The evaluation is used to visualize the relationships between different components. Software Architecture Visualization is used to help all stakeholders to understand the system at all points of the software life cycle. The framework is derived by the application of the Goal Question Metric paradigm to information obtained from literature survey and addresses a number of architectural issues. Solution exists of software architecture visualization is architecture description language, most of the software architecture visualization tools exists are limiting to work in terms of few metrics that are being taken from the software architecture context only.Key words: Software architecture, visualization, visualization assessment, methodologies. Reference [1] V. Basili, G. Caldiera, and H.D. Rombach, "The Goal Question Metric Paradigm," Encyclopedia of Software Eng., vol. 2, pp. 528-532, John Wiley & Sons, 1994. [2] S. Bassil and R. Keller, "A Qualitative and Quantitative Evaluation of Software Visualization Tools," Proc. 23rd IEEE Int'l Conf. Software Eng. Workshop Software Visualization, pp. 33-37, 2001. [3] S. Card, J. Mackinlay, and B. Shneiderman, Reading in Information Visualization: Using Vision to Think. Morgan Kaufmann, 1999. [4] A. Eden, "Formal Specification of Object-Oriented Design," Proc. Conf. Multidisciplinary Design in Eng., 2001. [5] A. Eden, "Visualization of Object-Oriented Architectures," Proc. IEEE 23rd Int'l Conf. Software Eng. Workshop Software Visualization, pp. 5-10, 2001. B. Srinivasulu, M. Ravi Kumar, N. Sirisha, P.Srinivas |
2000-2008 | ![]() |
330. | A Novel Approach to Reduce Average Spectrum Distortion in
Pitch Alteration Technique Using Gaussian Method
A Novel Approach to Reduce Average Spectrum Distortion in Pitch Alteration Technique Using Gaussian MethodAbstract: In case of speech synthesis, Intonation plays an important role. Intonation is the variation of pitch. It is used for a range of functions such as indicating the attitudes and emotions of the speaker, signaling the difference between statements and questions, and between different types of question, focusing attention on important elements of the spoken message and also helping to regulate conversational interaction. To alter the pitch, Pitch Synchronous Overlap and Add technique (PSOLA) can be used. But, in the PSOLA technique, applying symmetric window function to asymmetric speech waveform causes energy unbalance phenomenon. This energy unbalance can be overcome by the time-frequency conversion of asymmetric waveform to symmetric. But this conventional method leads to more spectrum distortion. So, we propose a new Gaussian method which can reduce the spectrum distortion over conventional method.Key words: Pitch Synchronous Overlap and Add (PSOLA), Gaussian method Reference [1] I E.MOULINES, F. CHARPENTIER, "Pitch Synchronous waveform Processing techniques for Text-To-Speech Synthesis using diphones", Speech Communication, Vol. 9, n 5-6. 1989. [2] L.R Rabiner & R.W. Schafer, Digital Processing of Speech Singals, Prentice-Hall, 1978. [3] Jong-soon Jung , Jeong-jin Kim and Myung-jin Bae, "Pitch Alteration Technique In Speech Synthesis System," IEEE, Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 47, No. 1, February 2001. [4] Shah A., Ramachandran, R.P. ; Lewis, M.A. "Robust pitch estimation using an event based adaptive Gaussian derivative filter " Circuits and Systems, 2002. ISCAS 2002. IEEE International Symposium on (Volume:2 ). [5] S. China Venkateswarlu, V. Sridhar, A. Subba Rami Reddy & K. Satya Prasad "Audio Compression using Munich and Cambridge Filters for Audio Coding with Morlet Wavelet" Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology Software & Data Engineering Volume 13 Issue 5 Version 1.0 Year 2013 Anirudh Boddapati, V Ratna Kumari |
2009-2012 | ![]() |
331. | Secure Hybrid Key Scheme to Detect Malicious Nodes in Manets
Secure Hybrid Key Scheme to Detect Malicious Nodes in ManetsAbstract: Mobile Ad hoc NETwork (MANET) is a collection of independent mobile nodes that communicate with each other through wireless links without any centralized infrastructure. Nodes in MANET can act as hosts or routers to forward data packets to other mobile nodes in the wireless network. Nodes perform single hop network to forward data packets, if transmission range is within the limit. Nodes perform multihop network for data packets forward via intermediate nodes, if transmission range is beyond the limit. The Open medium and wide distribution of MANET make it vulnerable to various malicious attackers to degrade network performance. The Existing Intrusion Detection System (IDS) detect malicious nodes, but their routing overhead is high due to use of both acknowledgement packets and digital signatures. This paper gives solution to avoid high routing overhead by adopting a Hybrid key management scheme.Key words: IDS, Hybrid Key Scheme , MANET, Packet Drop Attack, Security Reference [1] Feng He, Kuan Hao, and Hao Ma , "S-MAODV:A Trust Key Computing Based Secure Multicast Ad-hoc On Demand Vector Routing Protocol", IEEE,2010 . [2] Ramandeep Kaur and Jaswinder Singh, "Towards Security against Malicious Node Attack in Mobile Ad Hoc Network", IJARCSSE, vol.3, July 2013. [3] G.S Mamatha , Dr.S.C. Sharma "A Highly Secured approach against attacks in MANETS" ,IJCTE, Vol.2, no.5, Oct 2010. [4] Tarunpreet Bhatia and A.K.Verma, "Security Issues in Manet : A Survey on Attacks and Defense Mechanisms" IJARCSSE, vol. 3, june 2013. [5] Gaganpreet Kaur, Manjeet Singh, "Packet Monitor Scheme for Prevention of Black-hole Attack in Mobile Ad-hoc Network", JCSCE,2013. Anand .T, Vedhavarshini .R |
2013-2016 | ![]() |
332. | Improved Run Length Encoding Scheme For Efficient Compression Data Rate
Improved Run Length Encoding Scheme For Efficient Compression Data RateAbstract: Recent technological breakthrough in high speed processing units and communication devices have enabled the development of high data compression schemes. This paper presents a modified scheme for Run length encoding (RLE). Run length encoding algorithm performs compression of input data based on sequences of identical values. RLE is having some limitations and they have been highlighted and discussed in detail in this paper. In RLE largest number of sequences may increase the number of bits to represents the length of each run, which may increase the size of memory stack which may results in performance degradation. For n-bit run it requires 2n memory stack. If run is greater than n bits we require 2n+1 memory stack to store the run value. An efficient coding technique, Bit stuffing has been suggested in this paper. A new bit different from the original sequence is added in between reduces the repeat length, thereby with the same stack we can represent length as well. This technique is described using VHDL and is implemented on Saprtan3 FPGAKey words: bit stuffing, compression, memory stack, run, Run length encoding (RLE) Reference [1] Eug`ene Pamba Capo-Chichi, Herv´e Guyennet, Jean-Michel Friedt, ―A new Data Compression Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Network,‖ in Proc Third International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications, 2009 [2] James A. Storer, ―Data Compression methods and theory‖ Computer Science Press, 1988 [3] C. E. Shannon, ―A mathematical theory of communication,‖ Bell Syst. Tech. J., vol. 27, no. 3 and 4, pp. 379–423, July and Oct. 1948. [4] S. Tate. Complexity Measures. In K. Sayood, editor, Lossless Compression Handbook, pages 35–54. Academic Press, 2003. [5] N. Faller. An Adaptive System for Data Compression. In Record of the 7th Asilomar Conference on Circuits, Systems, and Computers, pages 593–597. IEEE, 1973. S. Sarika, S. Srilali |
2017-2020 | ![]() |
333. | Improvement of Power Quality in Wind Farm Integrated With Weak Grid Using Fuzzy Logic Based UPQC
Improvement of Power Quality in Wind Farm Integrated With Weak Grid Using Fuzzy Logic Based UPQCAbstract: This paper mainly deals with the regulation of voltage at wind farm (WF) terminals and the improvement of power quality and maintenance of WF stability in a WF integrated with Weak-Grid. Generally in modern power systems, the WF is connected through medium voltage (MV) distribution lines. This type of integration results in poor voltage regulation at the point of common coupling (PCC). Thus, the combination of weak grids, wind power fluctuation and system load changes produce disturbances in the PCC voltage, worsening the Power Quality and WF stability. This situation can be improved using Custom power devices technology (CUPS), the Unified Power Quality Compensator (UPQC). The internal control strategy is based on the management of active and reactive power in the series and shunt converters of the UPQC, and the exchange of power between converters through UPQC DC–Link. In the proposed paper total harmonic distortion (THD) is determined using FUZZY controller and the results are compared with those obtained using PI controller. Simulations results show the effectiveness of the proposed compensation strategy in reducing the THD value there by enhancing Power Quality and Wind Farm stability.Key words: Wind farm, Weak grid, UPQC, Fuzzy, Simulation. Reference [1] M. F. Farias, P.E. Bariattaiotto, M.G. Cendoya" Wind Farm to Weak-Grid Connection Using UPQC Custom Power Device",IEEE 2010.p.p. 978-1-4244-5697. [2] M.P. P´alsson, K. Uhlen, J.O.G. Tande. "Large-scale Wind Power Integration and Voltage Stability Limits in Regional Networks"; IEEE 2002.p.p. 762–769. [3] P. Ledesma, J. Usaola, J.L. Rodriguez "Transient stability of a fixed speed wind farm" Renewable Energy 28, 2003 pp.1341–1355. [4] P. Rosas "Dynamic influences of wind power on the power system". Technical report RISØR-1408. Ørsted Institute. March 2003. [5] R.C. Dugan, M.F. Mc Granahan, S. Santoso, H. W. Beaty "Electrical Power Systems Quality" 2nd Edition McGraw–Hill, 2002. ISBN 0-07-138622-X. Mahesh Naik R, Dr. T. Gowri Manohar |
2021-2028 | ![]() |
334. | Assessment of Water Quality Parameters: A Review
Assessment of Water Quality Parameters: A ReviewAbstract: Water is the most important in shaping the land and regulating the climate. It is one of the most important compounds that profoundly influence life. The quality of water usually described according to its physical, chemical and biological characteristics. Rapid industrialization and indiscriminate use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture are causing heavy and varied pollution in aquatic environment leading to deterioration of water quality and depletion of aquatic biota. Due to use of contaminated water, human population suffers from water borne diseases. It is therefore necessary to check the water quality at regular interval of time. Parameters that may be tested include temperature, pH, turbidity, salinity, nitrates and phosphates. An assessment of the aquatic macro invertebrates can also provide an indication of water quality.Key words: Alkalinity, Dissolved Oxygen (D.O.), Eutrophication, Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Water Quality Index (WQI) Reference [1] P. J. Puri, M. K. N. Yenkie, S. P. Sangal, N. V. Gandhare, G. B. Sarote and D. B. Dhanorkar - "Surface water (Lakes) quality assessment in Nagpur city (India) based on Water quality index (WQI)", Vol.4, No.1, 43-48 (2011). [2] B. N. Tandel, Dr. J. Macwan and C. K. Soni - "Assessment of Water Quality Index of Small Lake in South Gujarat Region, India." [3] S. Chandra, A. Singh and P. K. Tomar - "Assessment of Water Quality Values in Porur Lake Chennai, Hussain Sagar Hyderabad and Vihar Lake Mumbai, India", Chem Sci Trans., 1(3), 508-515, 2012. [4] Wu-Seng Lung, A. M. Asce - "Lake Acidification Model: Practical tool", J. Environ. Eng.113:900-915, 1987. [5] T. M. Heidtke, A. M. Asce and W. C. Sonzogni - "Water Quality Management for the Great Lakes", J. Water Resour. Plann. Manage. 112:48-63, 1986. S. P. Gorde, M. V. Jadhav |
2029-2035 | ![]() |
335. | Optimizing Monocular Cues for Depth Estimation from Outdoor Images
Optimizing Monocular Cues for Depth Estimation from Outdoor ImagesAbstract: Depth Estimation poses various challenges and has wide range applications.Depth estimation or extraction refers to the set of techniques and algorithm's aiming to obtain distance of each and every pixel from the camera view point. In this paper, monocular cues are optimized for depth estimation from outdoor images.Experimental results of optimization of monocular cues shows that best performance is achieved in a monocular cue named haze on the basis of parameters such as RMS(root means square) error,total set of features and computation timeKey words: Depth estimation, haze, linear least squares problem, monocular cue, texture gradient Reference [1] Jeff Michels, Ashutosh Saxena and A.Y. Ng. "High speed obstacle avoidance using monocular vision", In Proceedings of the Twenty First International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2005. [2] D.Scharstein and R. Szeliski. A taxonomy and evaluation of dense two-frame stereo correspondence algorithms. Int'l Journal of Computer Vision, 47:7–42, 2002 [3] M. Shao, T. Simchony, and R. Chellappa. New algorithms from reconstruction of a 3-d depth map from one or more images. In Proc IEEE CVPR, 1988. [4] S.Das and N. Ahuja. Performance analysis of stereo, vergence, and focus as depth cues for active vision. IEEE Trans Pattern Analysis& Machine Intelligence, 17:1213–1219, 1995. [5] Ashutosh Saxena, Sung H. Chung, and Andrew Y. Ng. "Learning depth from single monocular images", In NIPS 18, 2006. Aditya Venkatraman, Sheetal Mahadik |
2036-2041 | ![]() |
336. | A Sustainable Medical Image Authentication Technique in Spatial Domain Using Multiple QR Code
A Sustainable Medical Image Authentication Technique in Spatial Domain Using Multiple QR CodeAbstract: Nowadays there is a need to protect our health related information for authentication and privacy purpose. In the proposed work multiple QR codes are watermarked inside a single color medical image using Variable Bit Replacement (VBR) technique. Three different 128 bit session keys are used to watermark QR Codes in three different color components (R, G and B) of a single color medical image. The QR Code is embedded in between moderately significant bit (MdSB) and least significant bit (LSB). The watermarked extraction process determines an invisible watermark in the image by reversing the embedding process. Results show that the process is robust against different attacks and imperceptibility is quite good.Key words: QR Code, VBR, Session based, Multiple Keys, DCT, Image Watermark Reference [1] Hsu, C.-T., Wu, J.-L, "Multiresolution Watermarking for Digital images", in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems - II: Analog and Digital Signal Processing, vol. 45, no. 8, pp. 1097-1101, 1998. [2] G. Langelaar, I. Setyawan, R.L. Lagendijk, "Watermarking Digital Image and Video Data", in IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol 17, pp. 20-43, 2000 [3] Gengming Zhu, and Nong Sang, "Watermarking Algorithm Research and Implementation Based on DCT Block", World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 45, 2008. [4] ISO/IEC 18004:2000(E), "Information technology Automatic identification and data capture techniques Bar code symbology QR Code", 2000. [5] S. Rungraungsilp and S. Vongpradhip, "QR code using invisible watermarking in frequency domain," IEEE Int. Conf. on ICT and Knowledge Engineering (ICT & Knowledge Engineering), 2011 9th International conference ,pp. 47-52 , January 2012 Sirshendu Hore, Tanmay Bhattacharya, S. R. Bhadra Chaudhuri |
2042-2047 | ![]() |
337. | Comparision on Different Domino Logic Design for High-Performance and Leakage-Tolerant Wide OR Gate
Comparision on Different Domino Logic Design for High-Performance and Leakage-Tolerant Wide OR GateAbstract: Dynamic logic circuits are used for high performance and high speed applications. Wide OR gates are used in Dynamic RAMs, Static RAMs, high speed processors and other high speed circuits. In spite of their high performance, dynamic logic circuit has high noise and extensive leakage which has caused problems for the circuits. To overcome these problems Domino logic circuits are used which reduce sub-threshold leakage current in standby mode and improve noise immunity for wide OR gates. In this paper we analyze and compare different domino logic design topologies for lowering the sub-threshold leakage current in standby mode, increasing the speed and increasing the noise immunity. We compare power, delay, and unit noise gain (UNG) of different topologies. The simulation results revealed that High Speed Clock Delay Domino (HSCD) circuit gives the better results in terms of reduction in delay and power consumption as compare to other circuits.Key words: Wide domino circuit, sub-threshold leakage current, delay, noise immunity. Reference [1] L. T. Clarke, G. F. Taylor, "High fan-in circuit design," IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 31, Issue 1, January 1996, pp.91-96. [2] Farshad Moradi, TuanVuCao, ElenaI. Vatajelu, AliPeiravi, Hamid Mahmoodi, DagT.Wisland,"Domino logic designs for high-performance and leakage-tolerant applications," Elsevier INTEGRATION, the VLSI journal, Issue 24 April 2012. [3] Farshad Moradi, AliPeiravi, Hamid Mahmoodi, "A New Leakage Tolerant Design for High Fan-in Domino circuits, " 2004 IEEE. [4] B.-Y. Tsui, L.-F. Chin, "A comprehensive study of the FIBL of nanoscale MOSFETs,"IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 51 (10) (2004) 1733–1735. [5] F. Assaderaghi, D. Sinitsky, S.A. Parke, J. Bokor, P. KO, C. Hu, "A dynamic- threshold MOSFET for ultra-low voltage operation," Electron Devices Meeting Tech. Digest (1994) 809–812. Uday Panwar, Ajay Kumar Dadoria |
2048-2052 | ![]() |
338. | Three-Phase Nine-Level Inverter for Photovoltaic System with Induction Motor
Three-Phase Nine-Level Inverter for Photovoltaic System with Induction MotorAbstract: Electrical power play a vital rule in 21th century, but non-conventional sources scale down day by day. Not only that concern for the environmental pollution around the world, so now a day's photovoltaic (PV) power systems are getting more and more widespread with the increase in the energy demand. This paper proposed a three phase nine level inverter with voltage control method using semiconductor power devices for three phase induction motor in order to achieve a smooth, continuous and low total harmonics distortion (THD) waveforms. The proposed inverter system gives better voltage regulation, smooth results and efficiency compared to multi-level inverters. The inverter is capable of producing nine levels of output voltage levels (Vdc, 3Vdc/4,Vdc/2, Vdc/4, 0, -Vdc/4, -Vdc/2, -3Vdc/4, -Vdc) The proposed inverter was verified by using simulation of MATLAB/SIMULINK software.Index terms: Photovoltaic (PV) system, multi-level inverter, semiconductor power devices, THD, induction motor. Reference [1] M. Calais and V. G. Agelidis, ―Multilevel converters for single-phase grid connected photovoltaic systems—An overview,‖ in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Ind. Electron., 1998, vol. 1, pp. 224–229. [2] S. B. Kjaer, J. K. Pedersen, and F. Blaabjerg, ―A review of single-phase grid connected inverters for photovoltaic modules,‖ IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 41, no. 5, pp. 1292–1306, Sep./Oct. 2005. [3] P. K. Hinga, T. Ohnishi, and T. Suzuki, ―A new PWM inverter for photovoltaic power generation system,‖ in Conf. Rec. IEEE Power Electron. Spec. Conf., 1994, pp. 391–395. [4] Y. Cheng, C. Qian, M. L. Crow, S. Pekarek, and S. Atcitty, ―A comparison of diode-clamped and cascaded multilevel converters for a STATCOM with energy storage,‖ IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 53, no. 5, pp. 1512– 1521, Oct. 2006. [5] M. Saeedifard, R. Iravani, and J. Pou, ―A space vector modulation strategy for a back-to-back five-level HVDC converter system,‖ IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 452–466, Feb. 2009. A R Neelakanteswara Rao, T Nagadurga |
2053-2059 | ![]() |
339. | RFID Based System for Pilgrim Management in Major Religions Phases and Festivals
RFID Based System for Pilgrim Management in Major Religions Phases and FestivalsAbstract: Millions of pilgrims arrive every year to different places for religious reasons all over the countries. Managing this large number of pilgrims from different nations and various cultures in a short period of time is not easy at transport terminals like airports, railway stations and bus stations.In addition, due to the many steps that a pilgrim has to go over and the different agencies that he/she needs to deal with, pilgrims satisfaction for the services provided may not be at major religions phases and also their safety. Therefore, it is important to improve the current system in order to increase pilgrims' satisfaction and to increase the efficiency of the management system. It needs to utilize new technological solutions to increase the efficiency of the process of receiving, guiding, and managing pilgrims. We propose a system to manage pilgrims at pilgrimage using the RFID technology. In this system, each pilgrim is given an ID card with a unique number. This card is used to identify the pilgrim in different stages of the arrival process. The proposed system helps officials registering pilgrims, editing their information, and searching for them. In this work, we use different modules at such as RFID module, LPC2148 as controller, mode selection switch, H-Bridge, DC Motor, a buzzer and 16X2 LCD is used to have the display of the person if he/she is authorized or unauthorized.Key words: H-Bridge converter, Micro controller LPC214, RFID, IR sensor, DC Motor. Reference [1] Klaus Finkenzeller, RFID Handbook: Fundamentals and Applications in Contactless Smart Cards and Identification, Translated by Rachel Waddington, 2nd edition, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2003. [2] Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh, and Ivar Jacobson, The Unified Modeling Language User Guide, 1st edition, Addison-Wesley Longman Inc, 1999. [3] Nasser M. Al-Biqami and Hassanin M. Al-Barhamtoshy, ―RFID Technology and Applications for National Security,‖ in Proceedings of the Information Technology and National Security Conference, Riyadh, Dec. 2007, pp. 2355 – 2379. [4] Mohamed Mohandes, ―A Case Study of an RFID-based System for Pilgrims Identification and Tracking,‖ in Sustainable Radio Frequency Identification Solutions, InTech, Feb. 2010, pp. 87 – 104. [5] Mohammad Yamin, Masoud Mohammadian, Xu Huang, and Dharmendra Sharma, ―RFID Technology and Crowded Event Management,‖ in Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling Control & Automation, Vienna, Dec. 2008, pp. 1293 – 1297. M. Cheenya, B. Muralidhar Naick, G. Shirisha |
2060-2066 | ![]() |
340. | Computer Aided Design of A Vibration Isolation Damper for 1-1.5 Ton Vehicles
Computer Aided Design of A Vibration Isolation Damper for 1-1.5 Ton VehiclesAbstract: Vehicles are prone to vibration as the surfaces on which they ply on are not necessarily smooth.This paper explains the design procedure to be followed while designing a vibration isolation damper in the case of 1-1.5 ton vehicles. This damper helps in isolating the vibrations so that the ride can be smooth enough for the passenger. Vibrations can cause serious harm to the other mechanical devices and components present inside the vehicle.Undue vibration can cause loosening of bolts and failure of joints. Vibration needs to be kept under strict limits in order to prevent failure .The damper comprises of a cylinder (piston housing), piston, connecting rod (shaft), spring, rubber pad or silencer rubber, plate (load carrier), fluid and rubber seal. The damper was designed using virtual engineering through Computer Aided Design and simulation of the dashpot was done using the ANSYS Structural software. Simulation provides results showing where the maximum and minimum stresses will act and hence the location of the critical areas where failure can occur.Key words: vehicle, vibration, piston, isolation, simulation, damping, suspension. Reference [1] Adeyeri M. K., Ayodeji S. P, Emovon I., AdesinaF.andOguntuyi V. F. ,"Computer Aided Design of Dashpot for 0.040-2ton Vibrating Machines", Scholarlink Research Institute Journals, 2011 (ISSN: 2141-7016) [2] Mathew C. (1990): Introduction to Linear pneumatic andNon linear Vibration(New York. John Wiley and sons, Inc., pp.1, 4,6,19). [3] Robert F. S. (1972): Introduction to Mechanical Vibration, John Wiley &sons Inc. New York, pp.198 Robert L. M., (1992): Machine Measurement and Instrumentation, Bristol, Arrow smith Ltd., pp399- 401 [4] Duym, S., Stiens, R., and Reybrouck, K., "Evaluation of Shock Absorber Models," Vehicle System Dynamics, Vol. 27, pp. 109-127, 1997. [5] Karadayi, R., and Masada, G.Y., "A Nonlinear Shock Absorber Model," Proc. of the Symposium on Simulation and Control on Ground Vehicles and Transportation Systems, pp. 149- 165, 1986. Sean D'silva, Sumit Jain,Mayur Ingale |
2067-2070 | ![]() |
341. | Recovery Boosting Technique for Improving Nbti Recovery in 6t Sram Cells
Recovery Boosting Technique for Improving Nbti Recovery in 6t Sram CellsAbstract: Negative bias temperature instability (NBTI) is an important lifetime reliability problem in microprocessors. SRAM based structures within the processor are especially susceptible to NBTI since one of the pMOS devices in the memory cell always has an input of ―0‖. Previously proposed recovery techniques for SRAM cells aim to balance the degradation of the two pMOS devices by attempting to keep their inputs at a logic ―0‖ exactly 50% of the time. However, one of the devices is always in the negative bias condition at any given time. In this paper, proposed technique called Recovery Boosting that allows both pMOS devices in the memory cell to be put into the recovery mode by slightly modifying to the design of conventional SRAM cells. To evaluate the circuit- level design of a physical register file and an issue queue that use such cells through SPICE-level simulations. To conduct an architecture-level evaluation of the performance and reliability of using area-neutral designs of these two structures. To show that Recovery Boosting provides significant improvement in the static noise margins of the register file and issue queue while having very little impact on power consumption and performanceKey words: NBTI, PMOS, SRAM, Recovery boosting,SPICE-level simulation Reference [1] J. Abella, X. Vera, and A. Gonzalez, ―Penelope: The NBTI-aware processor," in Proc. 40th IEEE/ACM Int. Symp. Microarchitecture, 2007. [2] H. Akkary, R. Rajwar, and S. T. Srinivasan, ―Checkpoint procand recovery: Towards scalable large instruction window processors,"in Proc. Int. Symp. Microarchitecture (MICRO), Dec. 2003. [3] S. Feng, S. Gupta, and S. Mahlke, ―Olay: Combat the signs of agingwith introspective reliability management,‖ in Proc.Workshop Quality-Aware Design (W-QUAD), 2008. 4] X. Fu, T. Li, and J. Fortes, ―NBTI tolerant microarchitecture design in the presence of process variation,‖ in Proc. Int. Symp. Microarchitecture (MICRO), Nov. 2008 [5] S. Kaxiras, Z. Hu, and M. Martonosi, ―Cache decay: Exploiting generational behavior to reduce cache leakage power,‖ in Proc. Int. Symp.Comput. Architecture (ISCA), Jun. 2001 Madhukar. G, N. Dhanalakshmi |
2071-2075 | ![]() |
342. | LBPV for Newborn Personal Recognition System
LBPV for Newborn Personal Recognition SystemAbstract: An increased anxiety in security in modern ages has primarily resulted in vast attention being given to biometric-based authentication techniques. Biometrics refers to the automatic authentication of human beings based on their physiological and/or behavioral characteristics. This paper proposes a newborn footprint matching system based on the extraction of texture features using LBP. Newborn and infant footprint based individual authentication is a critical issue where multiple births occur, birthing centers, hospitals, which is an understudied problem. This study proposes a novel online newborn personal authentication system based on baby footprint authentication. The proposed system can authenticate the digital footprint images with low-resolution. In comparison to the prevailing systems, our online newborn footprint authentication systems employ low-resolution footprint images to accomplish effective personal authentication. The novel newborn authentication system comprises of two parts: an image acquisition and a proficient algorithm for fast newborn footprint authentication. A robust ROI extraction method is defined. The features are extracted using Local Binary Pattern system for newborn footprint and the images are classified using Support Vector Machine and Global Matching K-NN. The investigation results exhibit the feasibility of the proposed systemKey words: Biometric, newborn, infant, footprint authentication Reference [1] Jain AK, Ross A, Prabhakar S "An introduction to biometric recognition". IEEE Trans Circuits Syst Video Technol Special Issue Image Video based Biometrics Vol. 14, no. 1, PP. 4–20. Jan 2004 [2] Zhang D, Kong A, You J, Wong M, "Online palmprint identification". IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell Vol. 25, no. 9, PP. 1041–1050. Sep 2003 [3] Zhang D, Guo ZH, Lu GM, Zhang L, Zuo WM (2010) An online system of multispectral palmprint verification. IEEE Trans Instrum Meas Vol. 59, no. 2, PP. 480–490 [4] Gayathri, R. and Ramamoorthy, P. "Automatic palmprint identification based on high order zernike moment", Am. J. Applied Sci., Vol. 9, pp. 759-765, 2012b [5] Zhang D, Guo ZH, Lu GM, Zhang L, Liu YH, Zuo WM (2011) Online joint palmprint and palmvein verification. Expert Syst Appl, Vol. 38, no. 3, PP. 2621–2631 S. Malini, R. Gayathri |
2076-2081 | ![]() |
343. | Production of Bio-Diesel from Non-Edible Thumba (Citrullus Colocyntis) Seed Oil Using Mechanical Stirring Methodology and Analysis of Fuel Properties
Production of Bio-Diesel from Non-Edible Thumba (Citrullus Colocyntis) Seed Oil Using Mechanical Stirring Methodology and Analysis of Fuel PropertiesAbstract: The depletion of fossils fuels are going on very rapidly. After few decades fossils fuels will be exhausted. So to fulfil the demand of the fossils fuel there is a big need to find out the alternative fuel of the fossils fuel. The fuels which are based on petroleum play a very significant role in the development and growth of the industries, transportation, agriculture field and many other human requirements sector. Though these petroleum base fuels are limited and lessening day by day as the demand and consumption is increasing very rapidly. In addition, petroleum fuels are also polluting the environment and creating problem to human being as well as society also. Therefore, there is a need of research for alternative fuels and Biodiesel is a very good alternative fuel. In India, there is a various type of trees, shrubs, seeds and herbs are copiously available, which can be subjugated for the production of biodiesel. Citrullus colocyntis (Thumba) is a type of non edible fruit which is widely found in western Rajasthan region and Gujarat state. It can be well used for production of biodiesel. In the present work, biodiesel has been obtained from Thumba seed oil (Citrullus colocyntis) using transesterification process with methanol & potassium hydroxide as catalyst by Mechanical stirring production technique. The properties of this Bio-diesel have been evaluated and it is found that the properties of Thumba Bio-diesel are comparable to conventional diesel fuel and can be acceptably used as alternative fuel with better performance compared with diesel and it may play a very vital role for the overall economic development.Key words: Thumba Seed Oil (Citrullus colocyntis), Transesterification, Bio- Diesel, Mechanical stirring production technique. Reference [1] Ramesh D and Sampatraja A, Investigation on Performance and emission characteristics of diesel engine with jatropha biodiesel and its blends. Agric Engg Int: CIGR e-J Sci Res Develop, 10 (2008) EE 07 01. [2] http://www.thehindu.com/business/Industry /oil-import-from-iran-slashed-by-7/article4522020.ece March 2013. [3] Stavarache C, Vintaoru M, Nishimura R and Maeda Y, Fatty acids methyl ester from vegetable oil by means of ultrasonic energy, Ultrason Sonchem 12 (2005) 367-372. [4] A.C. Lokesh and N. S. Mahesh Centre for Manufacturing, Dept of Mechanical and Automotive Engg. Strategies for the Sustainability of Bio Diesel Production from Feed Stock in India [5] Altin, Recep, Selim Cetinkaya and Huseyin Serdar yucesu, 2001. The potential of using vegetable oil fuels as diesel engines. Energy Conversion and Manage. 42(5): 529-538 R B Sharma, Dr. Amit Pal, Beena Mishra |
2082-2089 | ![]() |
344. | Speed Monitoring and Control Of Three Phase Induction Motor for Batching Motion System of Textile Industry
Speed Monitoring and Control Of Three Phase Induction Motor for Batching Motion System of Textile IndustryAbstract: Normally the Variable Frequency Drive is used for the Speed control of the 3 Phase induction motor for the various applications. Also Variable Frequency Drive is used for power saving when the load on the motor is less. This work proposes a new concept of using Variable Frequency Drive for controlling the speed of the batching motor by using variable frequency drive and three phase induction motor. The feedback is provided to the drive for controlling speed of motor. The speed reference generation for the Variable Frequency Drive formulated on the startup sequence of the main Motor Drive and Load on the Main Motor. The reference generated by the feedback system, the speed of motor is controlled within the limit. This work not only helps the industry to reduce the breakdowns as well as reduce the maintenance cost, labor cost and it increases the capacity of the batching role. The work is batching system for looms in which existing DC system is replaced with AC system in textile industry. In this work induction motor is used where power is supplied to the rotor by means of electromagnetic induction. ABB's ACS550 drive incorporates built in filter and breaking chopper. The batching System which is a part of weaving machine which rolls the cloth with specific tension such that it should neither slacken the cloth nor tighten it. The motion of this loom is controlled by induction motor where in the AC drive is used to run the induction motor which rotates the drum through pulleys and sprocket mechanism.Key words: Batching Motion System, Counter Meter, Encoder, Induction Motor, Variable Frequency Drive Reference [1] B.K. Bose Tennessee Univ., Knoxville, TN, USA "Variable frequency drives-technology and applications" This paper appears in: Industrial Electronics, 1993. Conference Proceedings, ISIE'93 -Budapest. IEEE International Symposium on Publication Date:1993 On page(s): 1-18. [2] Tobias Geyer and Georgios Papafotiou,"direct torque control for induction motor drives", Automatic control laboratory,Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. Switzerland,M. Morari and L.Thiele(Eds.) HSCC 2005, LNCS 3414,pp.274-290,2005,Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005. [3]. Farzan Rashidi," Sensorless speed sontrol of induction motor drives using robust and adaptive neuro-fuzzzy based intelligent controller",IEEE international conference on industrial technology (ICIT), 2004, pp. 617-627. [4] W.I.Ibrahim, R.M.T. Raja Ismail, M.R. Ghazali," Development of variable speed drive for single phase induction motor based on frequency control",Proceedings of Encon 2011 4th engineering conference Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. [5] M.M.M. Negm," Torque optimized speed control of a three phase induction motor",in Proc.Int.Conf.power system technology,power con 2000,pp. 67-72. Shilpa A. Lingawar, Saurabh M. Ingale |
2090-2095 | ![]() |
345. | A Wireless Secured Direct Data Transmission Between Authenticated Portable Storage Devices Through GSM Network
A Wireless Secured Direct Data Transmission Between Authenticated Portable Storage Devices Through GSM NetworkAbstract: A secured data transmission has become a great challenge especially in education system. The question paper transmission during examinations needs a fast, highly secured with proper authenticated system. In this paper, a secure and fast way of direct end to end data transmission is proposed. This system acquires the data from storage device and transmits the data securely to another storage device through wireless network. The microcontroller based secure data transmission system communicates through GSM/GPRS modem. This system helps for question paper transmission just before the commencement of examination, where the authorized person at Head Office or University can send directly to the educational institution itself.Key words: NXP LPC1768, GSM/GPRS module, Data logger, MAX232 IC, AT Commands, H-JTAG/H-FLASHER, Keil μVision Reference [1] Anuj Kumar, I. P. Singh, and S. K. Sud "Design and Development of Multi-Channel Data Logger for Built Environment ", Proceedings of International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer scientists 2010 VolII ,IMECS 2010 ,Hong Kong,PP:993-998 [2] P.S.S Sushma, C. Nagaraja, k. NagabhushanRaju and K. Malakondaiah, "Interfacing of LCD module with ARM Processor‟, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research volume 3, Issue 10, October 2012.PP.1169-1173 [3] O'Brien K, Salyers D.C, Striegel A.D, Poellabauer C "Power and performance characteristics of USB flash drives, World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks" 11th IEEEInternational Symposium.June-2008 and also published in International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications. [4] Vijay. K. Garg, "Principles and Applications of GSM", Pearson Education Publisher, First Edition, 1999. [5] Joseph Yiu, "The Definitive Guide to the ARM CORTEX – M3", 2nd Edition, Newnes Publisher, 12th January 2010 Mamatha K R, Seema Singh, Thejaswini S, Vidya Devi M |
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346. | Analysis of Doubly Fed Induction Generator under Varies Fault Conditions
Analysis of Doubly Fed Induction Generator under Varies Fault ConditionsAbstract: Wind power stations much placed in remote areas; so they are characterized by weak grids and are often submitted to power system disturbance like faults. In this paper, the behaviour of a wind energy conversion system that uses the structure of Doubly-Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) under faulty conditions is presented. The behavior of these machines during grid failure is an important issue. DFIG consists of an asynchronous machine, in which the stator is connected directly to the grid and its rotor, is connected to the grid via two electronic power converters (back-to-back converter). In the three-phase rectifier and the inverter with IGBTs the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) and SPWM technique is respectively used. DFIG is analysed and simulated under varies faulty conditions in the environment of MATLAB/SIMULINK.Reference [1]. R.Datta and v.t.ranganathan, sep.2002, "variable speed wind power generation using doubly fed wound rotor induction machine-a comparisition with alternate schemes", IEEE Trans.Energy convers.,vol.17,no.3,pp.414-421. [2]. S. Muller, M. Deicke, and R. W. D. Doncker,"Doubly fed inductiongenerator systems for wind turbine," IEEE Ind. Appl. Mag., vol. 8, no. 3,pp.26–33, May/Jun. 2002. [3]. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley T.Ackermann, 2005,"wind power in power systems. [4]. Peng Zhou, Yikang He, and Dan Sun, Nov2009, "Improved Direct Power Control of a DFIG-based Wind turbine during Network unbalance", IEEE Trans. Power Electronics, vol.24, no.11. [5]. Ned Mohan, Ted K. A. Brekken "Control of a Doubly Fed Induction Wind Generator Under Unbalanced Grid Voltage Conditions" IEEE Transaction Energy conversion, vol.no22. 1, march 2007 page 129-135. Kappala Shanmukha Rao, Manda vijay Kumar |
2102-2106 | ![]() |
347. | Mathematical Model for the Effects of Age and Gender on Pituitary – Adrenocortical Responsiveness in Humans
Mathematical Model for the Effects of Age and Gender on Pituitary – Adrenocortical Responsiveness in HumansAbstract: In the present paper, we discuss the methods of determining the reliability of the system, when we have information on the reliability of its subsystems (or) components. The reliability function is a function of time, R(t), 0 < t < ∞. The time t is fixed at a given value say t0. So, we express the reliability of the system, Rsys as a function ψ( R1, R2, ……….. Rn. ) of the reliability values of its subsystems. In the application part we consider, the human system and HPA as its sub system. The values for cortisol and ACTH for young men, oldmen, young women, old women are compared (i) when CRH alone is administered (ii) when CRH + AVP combined is administered. MTTF values are obtained for all the four cases. Even though, the time is small, the fractions show a high degree of intraindividual constancy overtime which proves the medical report. The results in medical model suggest that at least in men, an impaired feed back inhibition of pituitary adrenal secretory activity contributed to the age induced increment in pituitary adrenal responsiveness.Key words: Cortisol, ACTH, CRH, CRH / VP. Reference [1] Axelrod J . Reisine TD. Stress hormone: their interaction and regulation . Science 1984: 224:452- 459 [2] Dodt C.Dittmann J . Hruby J. Spath-Schwalbe E. Born J. Schutler R. et al. Different regulation of adrenocorticotropin and cortisol secretion in young. Mentally healthy elderly and patients with senile dementia of Alzheimer's type. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1991:72:272-276. [3] Familari M. Smith AI. Funder JW, Arginine vasopressin is a much more potent stimulus to ACTH release from ovine anterior pituitary cells than ovine corticortropin releasing factor. Neuro endocrinology 1989:50:152-157 [4] HO KY. Evans WS. Blizzard RM. Effects of sex and age on the 24 hour profile of hormone secretion in man: importance of endogenous estradiol concentrations. J Clin Endocrionol Mctab 1987: 64:51-58 [5] Lakshmi. S and Shanmaga priya.S, Mathematical model for the Corticosteroid feed back effects on ACTH secretion in hypoadrenocorticism . Acta Ciencia Indica, 2008 Vol . XXX IV M, No.4 1767 Dr. S. Lakshmi and N. Durgadevi |
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348. | Experimental and Artificial Neural Networks Modeling for Rivers Bed Morphology Changes near Direct Water Supply Intakes
Experimental and Artificial Neural Networks Modeling for Rivers Bed Morphology Changes near Direct Water Supply IntakesAbstract: In this research, the problem of sediment movements near direct intakes was investigated from the river bed morphology point of view rather than that concerning the effect of sediment withdrawal by the intake to the water treatment plant. As expected the river bed morphology will be affected by the intake operation, and when the pumping stops, the river will tend to recover this effect by its natural flow, hence a model is required to relate the rate of river bed morphology recovery to the variables that are expected to be relevant, such as the pumping rate, the geometrical variables and time of operation to time of non-operation ratio. A physical model was built. Experiments were conducted to create a data base for these input-output variables, which were used to find an (ANN) model, for the representation of this relationship. Image processing technique is used in this study to analyze the scour and deposition photos from which the volumes of the scour holes after intake operation time and that after intake non-operation time were found, which allows the estimation of the rate of recovery. The results obtained from the image processing of these photos had prevailed that these volumes can be approximated as a half ellipsoid. An ANN.-factorized back propagation model was fitted to the data base with a correlation coefficient of (0.843), which was considered acceptable according to Smith (1986) criteria. Comparison between the output values(rate of recovery) obtained using this (ANN) model and those obtained experimentally for cases that are not included in the data base, indicates high compatibility with a maximum percentage difference of (7.15% and 5.07%) for overestimating and underestimating respectively.Key words: River morphology, Souring, Sedimentation, Rate of recovery, Artificial Neural Networks, Water intakes. Reference [1] Abd Al-Haleem, F.S.F., 2008,"Sediment Control At River Side Intakes", Ph.D Thesis, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Minufiya University ,Egypt. [2] Agrawal, A.K., 2005," Numerical Modeling of Sediment Flow In Tala Desilting Chamber" M. Sc. Thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Engineering Science and Technology, Department of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering, Norwig. [3] Ali, A. A., Al-Ansari N. A. and Knutsson, S. , 2012 ," Morphology of Tigris River Within Baghdad City", Journal of Hydrology and Earth System Sciences., 16, pp.3783–3790. [4] Amin, A. M. A. , 2005,"Study Of Sedimentation At River Side Intakes", Ph.D Thesis, Minufiya University, Faculty Of Engineering, Civil Engineering Department, Shebin El-Kom, Egypt. [5] Emamgholizadeh, S., 2012," Neural Network Modeling of Scour Cone Geometry Around Outlet in The Pressure Flushing", Global NEST Journal, Vol.14, No.4, pp. 540-549. Rasul M. Khalaf, Rafa H. Al-Suhaili, Sanaa A. T. Al-Osmy |
2111-2123 | ![]() |
349. | BER Performance of Multilevel Linear Block Codes with Error Correction on RICIAN Fading Channel
BER Performance of Multilevel Linear Block Codes with Error Correction on RICIAN Fading ChannelAbstract: Linear block codes (LBCs) generally provide good error detection and correction capability, but only transmit one data symbol per time slot. Using higher order modulations incurs high decoding complexity and lengthy code searches. Multi-layer schemes using multiple LBCs over sub-groups of antennas provide higher throughput, but require as many receive as transmit antennas and have reduced diversity gains. Here, development of multilevel LBCs that can provide the high throughput of multi-layered schemes while realizing larger diversity gains. Any number of receive antennas can be used. An example is shown that achieves 4 bits/sec/Hz using 16-QAM and 2 transmit antennas.Key words: Linear block code, MIMO, Multilevel code, Rician fading channel Reference [1] G. J. Pottie, and D. P. Taylor, Multilevel codes based on partitioning, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 35, 1989, 387-98. [2] U. Waschmann, R. F. Fischer, and J. B. Huber, Multilevel codes: Theoretical concepts and practical design rules, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 45, 1999, 1361-1391. [3] P. A. Martin, D. M. Rankin, and D. P. Taylor, Multi-dimensional space-time multilevel codes, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 5, 2006, 2569-2577. [4] M. Isaka, H. Imai, Z. Morelos and L. Shu, Multilevel codes and multistage decoding for unequal error protection, Wireless Communication IEEE International Conference, 1999, 249-254. [5] M. Grossi, M. Lanzoni, and B. Ricco, A novel algorithm for high-throughput programming of multilevel flash memories, IEEE Transactions, 50(5), 2003, 1290-1296. Karanvir Sidhu, Gagandeep Singh |
2124-2127 | ![]() |
350. | Feasibility Study on River Bus Systems in Ho Chi Minh City
Feasibility Study on River Bus Systems in Ho Chi Minh CityAbstract: One of the solutions to reduce traffic congestion in the Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) is the use of the waterway transport. There have been several proposals for Saigon River Bus systems, but no results have been approved to be feasible due to many technical-economic reasons and investment solutions. The paper analyzes the factors affecting the implementation of the Saigon River Bus systems. Next, introduce some orienting solution in the research proposed with HCMC administration. There are the feasibility studies of: planning for selection of routes and terminals location; design and manufacture of the river bus boat; construction technique for river bus stations; organizing and exploitation of river bus boat transport. Some of the solutions incentives for investment in public transport in the model of "socialization" were also introduced at the end of the paper.Key words: River bus, ship design, inland ferry pier, waterway transportation, Ho Chi Minh city Reference [1] Approving the Adjustment of transportation development planning of Ho Chi Minh city by 2020 and with a vision after 2020 (Decision No. 568/QD-TTg issued by the Prime Minister, Feb. 3, 2013) (Phê duyệt điều chỉnh Quy hoạch phát triển GTVT TPHCM đến năm 2020 và tầm nhìn sau năm 2020.) [2] Planning the network of inland waterways, ports, landing stages of Ho Chi Minh city through 2020 (Decision 66/2009/QD-UBND, Sep. 19, 2009) (Quy hoạch mạng lưới đường thủy và cảng, bến khu vực TPHCM giai đoạn từ nay đến năm 2020) [3] The strategy for developing inland waterway tourism of Ho Chi Minh city for the period 2013-2015 and intention up to 2020 (Chiến lược phát triển du lịch đường sông TPHCM giai đoạn 2013-2015 và định hướng đến năm 2020) [4] The project of developing the river bus route of Ho Chi Minh city, Daily Co. Ltd., 2011 [5] Vo Trong Cang, et al. "Design orientation on the sample vehicles for the river bus project in Ho Chi Minh city". J. Transport Science Tech. (ISSN 1859-4263) No 7+8 – 9/2013.111-115. Vo Trong Cang, Nguyen Anh Tuan, Vo Minh Phuc |
2128-2131 | ![]() |
351. | Segmentation of Dual-Frequency Polarimetric Sar Data For An Augment Area Cover Classification
Segmentation of Dual-Frequency Polarimetric Sar Data For An Augment Area Cover ClassificationAbstract: In this paper we have proposed Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) systems are effective tools for monitoring different land cover types. Radar systems are weather and sun illumination independent, two factors which usually inhibit the use of optical satellite imagery. This thesis investigates new segmentation methodologies for polarimetric SAR data. Two divisive segmentation methodologies are discussed, one for full polarimetric SAR data and a second one for dual polarized SAR data. The proposed methodologies for both cases, full and dual polarimetric SAR data, are nonparametric in terms of applying a nonparametric histogram thresholding algorithm. The proposed methodology for the full polarimetric case has the characteristic of preserving the information of the scattering mechanisms that the different land cover types represent. A new agglomerative methodology is presented for full polarimetric SAR data segmentation. A new probabilistic distance is proposed for the agglomerative hierarchical merging of small clusters into an appropriate number of larger clusters. The proposed probabilistic distance measures the distance between two complex Wishart distributions, independently of the number of samples in each distribution.Key words: SAR Image, polarimetric, clustering Reference [1] AGARWAL, P., ALAM, A. & BISWAS, R. 2010. Analysing the agglomerative hierarchical clustering algorithm for categorical Attributes. International journal of innovation, management and technology, 1, 186-190. [2] ALBERGA, V. 2004. Comparison of polarimetric methods in image classification and SAR interferometry applications. PhD, Technical University of Chemnitz. [3] ANFINSEN, S. N., DOULGERIS, A. P. & ELTOFT, T. Estimation of the Equivalent Number of Looks in Polarimetric SAR Imagery. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2008. IGARSS 2008. IEEE International, 2008. IV - 487-IV - 490. [4] BAATZ, M. & SCHÄPE, A. 2000. Multiresolution Segmentation: an optimization approach for high quality multiscale image segmentation. Strobl, J., Blaschke, T., Griesebner, G. (Eds.), applied geographic data processing XII. Wichmann- Verlag, Heidelberg. [5] BEAULIEU, J. M. & TOUZI, R. Hierarchical segmentation of polarimetric SAR images. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2002. IGARSS '02. 2002 IEEE International, 2002. 2590-2592 vol.5. Noorul Hassan, Dr Naveen Kumar |
2132-2136 | ![]() |
352. | Improvised Filter Approach for Estimating Depth from Monocular Images
Improvised Filter Approach for Estimating Depth from Monocular ImagesAbstract: Depth estimation or extraction refers to the set of techniques and algorithm's aiming to obtain distance of each and every pixel from the camera view point. Depth Estimation poses various challenges and has wide range applications.Depth can be estimated using different monocular and binocular cues. In [1] depth is estimated from monocular images i.e. by using monocular cues. The filters used for texture gradient estimation in [1] detect false edges and are susceptible to noise. In this paper for depth estimation from monocular images, we have obtained a monocular cue named texture gradient using Canny edge detector which is more robust to noise and false edges as compared to six oriented edge detection filters (Nevatia Babu filters) used in [1]. We, have reduced the dimensions of feature vector as compared to [1] and hence feature optimization for texture gradient extraction is achieved.Even though reduced set of features are used our outputs gave better results as compared to [1].Key words: Canny, depth estimation, linear least squares problem, monocular cue, texture gradient Reference [1] Ashutosh Saxena, Sung H. Chung, and Andrew Y. Ng. "Learning depth from single monocular images", In NIPS 18, 2006. [2] Jeff Michels, Ashutosh Saxena and A.Y. Ng. "High speed obstacle avoidance using monocular vision", In Proceedings of the Twenty First International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2005 [3] D.Scharstein and R. Szeliski. A taxonomy and evaluation of dense two-frame stereo correspondence algorithms. Int'l Journal of Computer Vision, 47:7–42, 2002M. [4] M. Shao, T. Simchony, and R. Chellappa. New algorithms from reconstruction of a 3-d depth map from one or more images. In Proc IEEE CVPR, 1988 [5] S.Das and N. Ahuja. Performance analysis of stereo, vergence, and focus as depth cues for active vision. IEEE Trans Pattern Analysis& Machine Intelligence, 17:1213–1219, 1995. Aditya Venkatraman, Sheetal Mahadik |
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353. | Implementation Opass Confirmation Procedure System for Mobile Application
Implementation Opass Confirmation Procedure System for Mobile ApplicationAbstract: Safety is a major focus of awareness for operators and users of the website and its many applications, among the difficult problems still inefficiently addressed is identity authentication for purposes of associating a particular user with particular services and authorizations. A request is a way to classify users such that forging recommendation is difficult for adversaries, while providing strong authentication of their chosen identifiers remains easy and convenient for users. Text Based Password is the most popular form of user authentication on websites due to its convenience and simplicity. However, users' passwords are prone to be stolen and compromised under different threats and vulnerabilities. Firstly, users often select weak passwords and reuse the same passwords across different websites. Routinely reusing passwords causes a domino effect; when an adversary compromises one password, she will exploit it to gain access to more websites. Second, typing passwords into untrusted computers suffers password thief threat. An adversary can launch several password stealing attacks to snatch passwords, such as phishing, key loggers and malware. In this paper, we design a user authentication protocol named oPass which leverages a user's cell phone and short message service to thwart password stealing and password reuse attacks. oPass only requires each participating website possesses a unique phone number, and involves a telecommunication service provider in registration and recovery phases. Through oPass, users only need to remember a long-term password for login on all websites. After evaluating the oPass prototype, we believe oPass is efficient and affordable compared with the conventional web authentication mechanisms.Key words: Network security, password reuse attack, password stealing attack, user authentication, one time password, SMS. Reference [1] B.Ives, K.R.Walsh and H.Schneider, ―The domino effect of password reuse,‖ Commun. ACM, vol. 47, no. 4, pp. 75–78, 2004. [2] S.Gawand & E.W.Felten, ―Password management strategies for online accounts,‖ in SOUPS '06: Proc. 2nd Symp. Usable Privacy. Security, New York, 2006, pp. 44–55, ACM. [3] D.Florencio and C. Herley, ―A large-scale study of web password habits,‖ in WWW '07: Proc. 16th Int. Conf. World Wide Web. New York, 2007, pp. 657–666, ACM. [4] S.Chiasson, A.Forget, E.Stobert, P.C VanOorschot, and R.Biddle, ―Multiple password interference in text passwords and click-based graphical passwords,‖ in CCS '09: Proc. 16th ACM Conf. Computer Communications Security, New York, 2009, pp. 500–511, ACM. [5] I. Jermyn, A. Mayer, F.Monrose, M.K.Reiter, and A.D. Rubin, ―The design and analysis of graphical passwords,‖ in SSYM'99: Proc. 8th Conf. USENIX Security Symp., Berkeley, CA, 1999, pp. 1–1, USENIX Association. C. Pavan Kumar Reddy, C. Nagesh |
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354. | Estimation of Water Vapor Attenuation Variations at Microwave Frequencies over Kolkata, India
Estimation of Water Vapor Attenuation Variations at Microwave Frequencies over Kolkata, IndiaAbstract: The radiosonde data available from British Atmospheric Data Centre (BADC) over Kolkata, India (22.65oN) for two different season (winter season and rainy season) were analyzed to observe the variation of Water vapor attenuation in the frequency range 10 GHz -30 GHz. Zenith antenna temperatures at 10, 20, 22.235, 23.834, 26, 26.5 and 30 GHz have been determined for the different value of water vapor content during January-February and July-August. Antenna temperature, as expected, is less at 10 GHz, but increases with increase in frequency, thereafter, becoming maximum at the water vapor resonance line of 22.235 GHz, and then decreasing with further increase in frequency. The attenuation values in terms of dB have also been evaluated over this place.Key words: Water vapor, Attenuation, Antenna temperature Reference [1] A.K. Sen, P.K. Karmakar, T.K. Das, A.K. Devgupta,P. K. Chakraborty and S.Devbarman, "Significant heights for water vapour content in the atmosphere", International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 10, pp. 1119–1124, 1989. [2] M. K. Raina, "Estimation of water vapour attenuation variations at microwave frequencies," Indian Journal of Radio and Space Physics, Vol. 17, pp. 129-131, 1988. [3] P.K. Karmakar, M. Maiti, S. Mondal and Carlo Frederico Angelis, "Determination of window frequency in the millimeter wave band in the range of 58 dgree north through 45 degree south over the globe" Advances in Space Research ,Vol. 48, pp. 146–151,2011. [4] P.K. Karmakar, M. Maiti, S. Sett, C. F. Angelis and L. A.T. Machado, "Radiometric estimation of water vapour Content over Brazil," Advances in Space Research, Vol. 48, pp. 1506–1514, 2011. [5] P. K. Karmakar, M. Maiti, Alan James P. Calheiros, Carlos Frederico Angelis, Luiz Augusto Toledo Machado and Simone Sievert da Costa, "Ground-based single-frequency microwave radiometric measurement of water vapour," International Journal of Remote Sensing, pp. 1–11, 2011. S. Mondal, A.Mazumdar, P.K Karmakar |
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355. | Enhancement in Packet Scheduling and Optimization Through Cross Layer Design in Mobile Adhoc Network
Enhancement in Packet Scheduling and Optimization Through Cross Layer Design in Mobile Adhoc NetworkAbstract: Cross layer design is a promising approach in mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) to combat the fast time-varying characteristics of wireless links, network topology, and application traffic. In this paper, we employ cross layer design to develop a novel-scheduling scheme with optimizations aimed at service differentiation. The meaning of service differentiation is to offer different routing and priority services to different types of load. The scheduling scheme is executed at the network layer of every station according to the channel conditions estimated by the MAC layer. The optimizations are based on traffic property sharing and packet timeout period interaction to reduce the packet collisions and improve network performance. We evaluate the proposed scheme under different network loads in terms of packet delivery ratio, average end-to-end delay. The simulation results show that our scheme can provide different service differentiations for time-bounded and best effort traffics. In particular, we can guarantee the delay requirements of time-bounded traffic.Reference [1] J. Broch. D. B. Johnson, D. A. Maltz. "The Dynamic Source Routing protocol for mobile ad hoc networks." Internet Draft. draft-ietf-manet-dsr-* .txt. [2] W. H. Yuen, H. Lee, T. D. Andersen. "A simple and effective cross layer networking system for mobile ad hoc networks," IEEE PiMRC. Lisboa. Portugal, September 2002. [3] T. ElBatt and A. Ephremides. "Joint scheduling and power control for wireless ad-hoc networks," IEEE InfoCom. New York, NY, USA. June 2002. [4] G. Chun, D. R. Jaisinghani. M. Baker, "Evaluation of scheduling algorithms in mobile ad hoc networks," ACM MobiHoc. Lausanne. Switzerland. June 2002. [5] X.Pallot, L. E. Miller. "Implementing message priority policies over an 802. I I based mobile ad hoc network,.' IEEE MILCOM. Washington. D.C., USA, October 200 I . Steven Raj N, Namratha, Praveena |
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356. | A Novel Approch to Speed Control of Induction Motor by Cycloconverter with Thyristors
A Novel Approch to Speed Control of Induction Motor by Cycloconverter with ThyristorsAbstract: The project is designed to control the speed of a single phase induction motor in three steps by using cyclo convertor technique by thyristors. A.C. motors have the great advantages of being relatively inexpensive and very reliable. Induction motors in particular are very robust and therefore used in many domestic appliances such as washing machines, vacuum cleaners, water pumps, and used in industries as well. The induction motor is known as a constant-speed machine, the difficulty of varying its speed by a cost effective device is one of its main disadvantages. As the AC supply frequency cannot be changed, so this project uses a thyristor controlled cyclo converter which enables the control of speed in steps for an induction motor. The microcontroller used in this project is from 8051 family, a pair of slide switches is provided to select the desired speed range (F, F/2 and F/3) of operation of the induction motor. These switches are interfaced to the microcontroller. The status of the switches enables the microcontroller to deliver the pulses to trigger the SCR's in a dual bridge. Thus, the speed of the induction motor can be achieved in three steps i.e. (F, F/2 and F/3). This very concept can be further enhanced and implemented to control the speed of a three phase induction motor. It can also be coupled with firing angle control for any desired speed.Key words: Cyclo converter, Voltage regulator, zero crossing detection, induction motor control, 8051 micro controller Reference [1] J. Zhang, "Single phase input cycloconverters driving an induction motor" Ph.D. thesis, University of Technology, Sydney, [2] G. L. Arsov, "Improvements in microcomputer-based digital control of cycloconverters", IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. IA-30, no. 3, pp. 585-588, May/June 1994. [3] J. Zhang, G.P. Hunter and V.S. Ramsden, "A single phase input cycloconverter driving a three phase motor", 5th European Conference on Power Electronics, EPE'93, Brighton, UK, 14-17 September 1993 [4] V.S. Ramsden, G.P. Hunter and J. Zhang "Impact on the power system of single phase input cyclo converter motor drives" IEE Proc.-Electr. Power Appl., Vol. 142 No. 3, May 1995, pp 176-182. [5] H. Li, B.Ozpineci and B.K.Bose, "A Soft-Switched High Frequency Non-Resonant Link Integral Pulse Modulated DC-DC Converter for AC Motor Drive", Conference Proceedings of IEEE-IECON, Aachen/Germany, 1998, vol. 2, pp 726- Sathish Bakanagari, Jagadeesh Peddapudi, A. Mahesh Kumar |
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357. | Dc Motor Fed Dc-Dc Converter with High Step-Up Voltage Gain
Dc Motor Fed Dc-Dc Converter with High Step-Up Voltage GainAbstract: This paper presents DC motor fed using DC-DC converter with high step-up voltage gain. The conventional buck-boost converter has the disadvantage of low voltage gain and has voltage stresses on the switching devices. But in proposed converter by using two inductors with the same level of inductance are charged in parallel during the switch-on period, and are discharged in series during the switch-off period. By using this proposed converter we can achieve high step-up voltage gain without an extremely high duty ratio. The output of the proposed converter is given as input to control the speed of DC motor. This contributes to significant reduction in cost and size while maintaining high conversion efficiency. The simulation of DC motor fed DC-DC converter is carried out on MATLAB /SIMULINK. Simulation results for DC motor fed proposed DC-DC converter are studiedKey words: DC-DC boost converter, High step-up voltage gain, Power stage Reference [1] M. B. Camara, H. Gualous, F. Gustin, A. , and B. Dakyo, "DC/DC converter design for super capacitor and battery power management in hybrid vehicle applications -polynomial control strategy," IEEE Trans. Ind.Electron., vol. 57, no. 2, pp. 587-597, Feb. 2010. [2] T. Bhattacharya, V. S. Giri, K. Mathew, and L. Umanand, Multiphase bidirectional fly back converter topology for hybrid electric vehicles," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 56, no. 1, pp. 78-84, Jan. 2009. [3] Z. Amjadi and S. S. Williamson, "A novel control technique for a switched-capacitor-converter-based hybrid electric vehicle energy storage system," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 57, no. 3, pp. 926-934, Mar. 2010 [4] X. Wu, J. Zhang, X. Ye and Z. Qian, "Analysis and derivations for a family ZVS converter based on a new active clamp ZVS cell," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 2, pp. 773-781, Feb. 2008. [5] B. Bryant and M. K. Kazimierczuk, "Voltage-loop power-stage transfer functions with MOSFET delay for boost PWM converter operating in CCM," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 54, no. 1, pp. 347-353, Feb. 2007. Brahmam Yadav Vakadani, K.Rajasri, Andavolu Veenadhari, Yellaiah.P |
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358. | Elzaki Transform Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving Fourth Order Parabolic PDE with Variable Coefficients
Elzaki Transform Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving Fourth Order Parabolic PDE with Variable CoefficientsAbstract: In this paper, we apply a new method called ELzaki transform homotopy perturbation method (ETHPM) to solve one dimensional fourth order parabolic linear partial differential equations with variable coefficients. This method is a combination of the new integral transform "ELzaki transform" and the homotopy perturbation method. Some cases of one dimensional fourth order parabolic linear partial differential equations are solved to illustrate ability and reliability of mixture of ELzaki transform and homotopy perturbation method. We have compared the obtained analytical solution with the available Laplace decomposition solution and homotopy perturbation method solution which is found to be exactly same. The results reveal that the combination of ELzaki transform and homotopy perturbation method is quite capable, practically well appropriate for use in such problems.Key words: ELzaki transform, homotopy perturbation method, linear partial differential equation. Reference [1] Majid Khan, Muhammad Asif Gondal and Yasir Khan, An Efficient Laplace Decomposition algorithm for Fourth order Parabolic Partial Differential Equations with variable coefficients, World Applied Sciences Journal 13 (12), 2011, pp2463-2466. [2] Tarig M. Elzaki and Eman M. A. Hilal, Homotopy Perturbation and ELzaki Transform for solving Nonlinear Partial Differential equations, Mathematical Theory and Modeling, 2(3),2012, pp33-42. [3] Tarig M. Elzaki and Salih M. Elzaki, Applications of New Transform "ELzaki Transform" to Partial Differential Equations, Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, (7)1,2011,pp65-70. [4] Hradyesh Kumar Mishra and Atulya K Nagar, He-Laplace Method for Linear and Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations, Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol.2012,Article ID 180315, 16 pages. [5] Mehdi Dehghan and Jalil Manafian, The Solution of the Variable Coefficients Fourth-Order Parabolic Partial Differential Equations by the Homotopy Perturbation Method,Verlag der Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung, Tu¨bingen, 64a, 2009, pp420-430. Prem Kiran G. Bhadane, V. H. Pradhan |
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359. | Colors and Their Symbolic Meanings in Muhammad Al-Maghut`S Works
Colors and Their Symbolic Meanings in Muhammad Al-Maghut`S WorksAbstract: The color is one of important elements in feeling`s area which may have symbolic meanings in addition to showing our around things. Color symbolism is one of the most global symbols and one of the domains for applying color in literatures. A poet or writer uses words to illustrate his usual experiences against the eyes of reader and audience therefore, color plays more important role in line with poetic images become more real. Syrian Muhammad Al-Maghut is one of the contemporary Arab poets and writers who give special position to colors in his works. In many cases, color has symbolic meanings in his works. This paper studies symbolic meanings of color in Muhammad al-Maghut`s works by analytical method.Key words: Color, Symbol, Muhammad al-Maghut Reference [1] The holy Quran. [2] Bayhaqhi, Abul-Fazl. 1997. Beihaghi History. Khatib Rahbar, Khalil. Tehran, Mahtab Press.6th p. [3] Esmaielpoor, Abolghase. 1998. Myth and symbolic expression. Tehran. Soroosh Press. First p. [4] Jonathan, Dee. Taylor, Lesley. 2006. Color therapy the symbolism, use & healing effects of color. Ganji, Mahdi. Tehran. Savalan Press. [5] Hartmann, Tylor. 2007. Color your future. Farooghi hanvalan, Jalil allah. Mazloomian, Sa'ideh. Mashhad. Nei Ngar Press. Fatemeh Karimi Tarki |
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360. | Implementation and Analysis of Wimax Module under Ns2 with Varying Mobility Model
Implementation and Analysis of Wimax Module under Ns2 with Varying Mobility ModelAbstract: The network simulator 2 (ns-2) is a popular and powerful simulation tool for the simulation of packet-switched networks, which provides substantial support for simulation of TCP, routing, and MAC protocols over wired and wireless networks, such as wireless LANs, mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), and satellite communications, etc, and is widely used in both academia and industry. Although many protocol modules have been implemented in the ns-2, the IEEE 802.16 broadband wireless access networks (BWANs) or WiMAX module has not been contributed yet. Thus, in this paper, we present our detailed design and implementation of the WiMAX module based on the IEEE 802.16 standard with the point-to-multipoint (PMP) mode for the ns-2. The implemented module comprises fundamental functions of the service-specific convergence sublayer (CS), the MAC common part sublayer (CPS), and the PHY layer. A simple call admission control (CAC) mechanism and the scheduler are also included in this module.Reference [1] Siva Ram Murthy, C., and Manoj, B.S. Second Edition, Low price Edition, Pearson Education, 2007.Ad-hoc Wireless Networks, Architectures and Protocols. [2] Feeney, L.M., and Nilsson, M., "Investigating the energy consumption of a wireless network interface in an Ad-hoc networking environment", In Proceedings of the IEEE INFOCOM, pp.1548 - 1557, 2001. [3] Ramanathan, R., and Rosales-Hain, R.,"Topology control of multihop wireless networks using transmit power adjustment", In Proceedings of the IEEE INFOCOM, pp. 404–413, 2000. [4] Suchismita Chinara and Santanu Kumar Rath, "Topology Control by Transmission Range Adjustment Protocol for Clustered Mobile Ad Hoc Networks",ISRN Communications and Networking,2011 [5] Usop, N., Abdullah, A., and Abidin, A., "Performance Evaluation of AODV, DSDV and DSR routing Protocol in Grid Environment", International Journal of Computer and Network Security, vol. 9, no. 7, 2009. Shanasa Rahel, Deepali Shukla |
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