Volume 3- Issue 1 [Jan-Feb 2013]
S.No. | Title & Authors | Page | Downloads |
Paper submitted to IJERA : 950 Accepted papers by peer review process : 327 Rejected Paper : 623 Paper Acceptance percentage : 34.42% |
1. | Analysis of Innovative Design of Energy Efficient Hydraulic Actuators
Analysis of Innovative Design of Energy Efficient Hydraulic ActuatorsAbstract: Hydraulic cylinder actuators are used extensively in industrial, construction and agricultural works. The small sized outlet ports of the cylinders resist the flow of discharged oil; and as a result the piston motion is slowed down. This causes a lot of heat generation and energy loss within the actuators. The study investigates and analyzes the possibilities of reducing the hydraulic resistance and increasing efficiency of the hydraulic actuator. Conventional hydraulic cylinders are simulated in FLUENT. Results show that the small outlet ports are the sources of energy loss in hydraulic cylinders. A new hydraulic system was proposed as a solution to relieve the hydraulic resistance in the actuators. The proposed system is a four ports hydraulic cylinder fitted with a novel flow control valve. The proposed four ports cylinder was simulated and parameters such as ports sizes, loads and pressures are varied during the simulation. The hydraulic resisting forces, piston speed and mass flow rates are computed. Results show that the hydraulic resistance is significantly reduced in the proposed four ports actuators; and the proposed cylinders run faster than the conventional cylinders and a considerable amount of energyis saved as well.Key words: Computational Hydraulic, Energy Efficient Actuators, Energy Saving in Hydraulic, Hydraulic Control Reference [1] P. Krus, "On Load Sensing Fluid Power Systems," Division of Fluid Power Control Department of Mechanical Engineering, Linkoping University, Sweden, 1988. [2] E. T. Raymond and C. C. Chenoweth, Aircraft flight control actuation system design vol. 123, 1993. [3] S. Habibi and A. Goldenberg, "Design of a new high performance electrohydraulic actuator," in Proceedings of The International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, IEEE/ASME,, 1999, pp. 227-232. [4] S. R. Habibi and G. Singh, "Derivation of design requirements for optimization of a high performance hydrostatic actuation system," International Journal of Fluid Power, vol. 1, pp. 11-27, 2000. [5] A. Jansson and J. O. Palmberg, "Separate controls of meter-in and meter-out orifices in mobile hydraulic systems," SAE transactions, vol. 99, pp. 377-383, 1990. [6] R. Werndin and J. O. Palmberg, "Hydraulic transformers-comparison of different designs," 2004. [7] G. Vael, P. Achten, J. Potma, and B. V. Innas, "Cylinder Control with the floating cup hydraulic transformer," Proc. SICFP, 2003. [8] G. E. M. Vael, E. Orlando, and R. Stukenbrock, "Toward maximum flexibility in working machinery, iht control in a mecalac excavator," 2004. [9] B. Yao, "Energy-saving control of singlerod hydraulic cylinders with programmable valves and improved working mode selection," 2002. [10] B. Eriksson, "Control Strategy for Energy Efficient Fluid Power Actuators: Utilizing Individual Metering," SE-581 83 Linköping, Sweden: Linköping University, 2007. M Osman Abdalla, Nagarajan T, Fakhruldin M Hashim |
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2. | Stress Analysis Of Lpg Cylinder Using Ansys Software
Stress Analysis Of Lpg Cylinder Using Ansys SoftwareAbstract: Analysis of the robot hand was analyzed using dedicated software for FEM analysis. The model was exported to FEM processor i.e. in ANSYS, the geometry was updated and the structure meshed using 3D elements. Finite element analysis is a method to computationally model reality in a mathematical form to better understand a highly complex problem. In the real world, everything that occurs results from the interaction between atoms (and sub-particles of those atoms). Billions and billions and billions of them. If we were to simulate the world in a computer, we would have to simulate this interaction based on the simple laws of physics. However, no computer can process the near infinite number of atoms in objects, so instead we model 'finite' groups of them.Key words: robot hand, Robotics, Robot Finger, Finger joints, FEA modeling. Reference 1. Ikuo Yamano, Takashi Maeno " Five Fingered Robotic hand Using Ultrasonic Motors and Elastic Elements" Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kieo University Hiyoshi Yokohama 223-8522, Japan. Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation Barcelona, Spain, April 2005. 2. Dongwoon Choi, Woonghee Shon and Ho-Gil Lee "Design of 5 D.O.F Robot Hand with an artificial skin For An Android Robot" Department of Applied Robot Technology, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology Republic of Korea. Pg.No.85 3. Zhe Xu, Emanual Todorov, Brian Dellon and Yoky Matsuoka " Design and Analysis of an artificial finger Joint for anthromorphic Robotic hands" Department of computer science & Engineering, University of Washington, WA 98195 USA. 4. Gabriel Gómez , Alejandro Hernandez and Peter Eggenberger Hotz "An adaptive neural controller for a tendon Driven Robotic Hand" Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Department of Informatics, University of Zurich, Switzerland.Pg.No.2-6. 5. Domenico Prattichizzo,, and Antonio Bicchi,"Dynamic "Analysis of Mobility and Graspability of General Manipulation Systems" IEEE transactions on robotics and automation, vol. 14, no. 2, april 1998. 6. Shigematsu, T.; Kurosawa, M.K.; Asai, K. (April 2003), "Nanometer stepping drives of surface acoustic wave motor", IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 50, IEEE, pp. 376–385 Society of Robot Website, http://www.societyofrobots.com 7. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robotics"Chp 1 - The Planer Serial Robot hand. Suhas A.Rewatkar, Dr.A.V.Vanalkar, P.G. Mehar |
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Particle Swarm Optimization Approach For Economic Load Dispatch: A Review
Particle Swarm Optimization Approach For Economic Load Dispatch: A ReviewAbstract: Particle swarm optimization (PSO ) is an effective & reliable evolutionary based approach .Due to its higher quality solution including mathematical simplicity, fast convergence & robustness it has become popular for many optimization problems. There are various field of power system in which PSO is successfully applied. Economic Load Dispatch(ELD) is one of important tasks which provide an economic condition for a power system. it is a method of determine the most efficient, low cost & reliable operation of a power system by dispatching the available electricity generation resources to supply the load on the system. This paper presents a review of PSO application in Economic Load Dispatch problems.Reference 1. J. Kennedy and R.Eberhart, "Particle swarm optimization," in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Neural Networks, 1995, pp. 1942– 1948. 2. Yuhui Shi and Russell Eberhart "A modified particle swarm optimizer" 0- 7803-4869-9198 0.0001998 IEEE. 3. Yuhui Shi and Russell C. Eberhart "Fuzzy Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization" Evolutionary computation, 2001 proceeding of the 2001 congres on vol.1 page no. 101-106. 4. Z.-L. Gaing, "Particle Swarm Optimization to solving the economic dispatch considering generator constraints," IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 1718–1727, Aug. 2003 5. Asanga Ratnaweera, Saman K. Halgamuge "Self-Organizing Hierarchical Particle Swarm Optimizer With TimeVarying Acceleration Coefficients" IEEE Trans. on evolutionary computation,vol. 8,no.3, June 2004 6. Gao Yue-lin , Duan Yu-hong "A New Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm with Random Inertia Weight and Evolution Strategy" International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security Workshops 2007. 7. Guimin Chen, Xinbo Huang, Jianyuan Jia and Zhengfeng Min " Natural Exponential Inertia Weight Strategy in Particle Swarm Optimization" 6th World Confress on Intelligent Control and Automation, June 21 - 23, 2006, Dalian, China. 8. Jong-Bae Park, Yun-Won Jeong, HyunHoung Kim and Joong-Rin Shin "An Improved Particle Swarm Optimization for Economic Dispatch with Valve-Point Effect" International Journal of Innovations in Energy Systems and Power, Vol. 1, no. 1 (November 2006) 9. T.Adhinarayanan, Maheswarapu Sydulu "Particle Swarm Optimisation for Economic Dispatch with Cubic Fuel Cost Function", TENCON 2006, IEEE region conference. 10. Sai H. Ling, Herbert H. C. Iu, Kit Y. Chan and Shu K. Ki "Economic Load Dispatch: A New Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization Approach"sept.11 2007. Jaya Sharma, Amita Mahor |
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4. | Molecular Modeling and Simulation Studies of Acyl CoA Synthetaseof Mycobacteriumleprae
Molecular Modeling and Simulation Studies of Acyl CoA Synthetaseof MycobacteriumlepraeAbstract: Leprosy or Hansen's disease is caused by an obligate intracellular pathogen i.e. Mycobacterium leprae. Leprosy is a granulomatous disease of peripheral nerves and mucosa of the upper respiratory tract. This infectious disease results in Leprosy reactions that cause irreversible nerve damage and disabilities. The organism requires minimal set of functional genes for its survival. Most of the genes are involved in biosynthetic and metabolic pathways, so the product of these genes can be aimed for the novel drug target. Acyl CoA Synthetase is an enzyme that participates in fatty acid biosynthesis. The activation of fatty acids by Acyl-CoA Synthetase is the need of de novo lipid biosynthesis, fatty acid catabolism and remodeling of biological membranes. Therefore by emphasizing this protein as a drug target can help in the identification of novel drugs to cure leprosy. A well organized research comprising of analogue based drug design and molecular dynamics plays a major role in obtaining the lead molecules. The bacteria have developed resistance against many of the drugs available in the market. Therefore identification of the novel drug target and potent drug can be helpful in better prevention of the disease.Key words: docking, homology modeling, leprosy, M.leprae, molecular, molecular dynamics, ramachandran plot. Reference 1. A. Alter et.al, (2008) Leprosy as a genetic model for susceptibility to common infectious disease, Hum Genet 2. Amanda Le Grand et al. (1999)Health Policy and Planning; 14(2): 89-102, Oxford University Press. 3. AnusuyaShanmugam, (2010).Bioinformation Journal 4. Black PN, DiRusso CC, Metzger AK, Heimert TL (1992): Cloning, sequencing, and expression of the fadD gene of Escherichia coli encoding Acyl coenzyme A Synthetase. J BiolChem, 267(35):25513-25520. 5. Black PN, Zhang Q, Weimar JD, DiRusso CC (1997): Mutational analysis of a fatty Acyl-coenzyme A Synthetase signature motif identifies seven amino acid residues that modulate fatty acid substrate specificity. J Biol Chem. 272(8):4896- 4903. 6. Black PN, DiRusso CC (2003). Transmembrane movement of exogenous long-chain fatty acids: proteins, enzymes, and vectorial esterification. Microbial MolBiol Rev. 67 (3): 454-72 7. Bateman A, Birney E, Cerruti L (2002).‖The Pfam Protein Families Database‖. Nucleic Acids Research30 (1): 276-280. 8. Black PN, Zhang Q, Weimar JD, DiRusso CC (1997) Mutational analysis of a fatty Acyl-coenzyme A Synthetase signature motif identifies seven amino acid residues that modulate fatty acid substrate specificity. J BiolChem 272:4896–4903. 9. Bowers KJ, Chow E, Xu H, Dror RO, Eastwood MP, Gregersen BA, Klepeis JL, Kolossvary I, Moraes MA, Sacerdoti FD, Salmon JK, Shan Y, Shaw DE (2006) Scalable Algorithms for Molecular Dynamics Simulations on Commodity Clusters. In: Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing (SC06), Nov 11–17, Florida. 10. Chemotherapy of leprosy for control programs- report of WHO study (2004). WHO technical report series No. 675;1982. Dhananjay Kumar, Anshul Sarvate, Deblina Dey, Lakshmi Sahitya U, Kumar Gaurav Shankar, K. Kasturi |
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5. | Cellular Genetic Algorithm with Density Dependence for Dynamic Optimization Problems
Cellular Genetic Algorithm with Density Dependence for Dynamic Optimization ProblemsAbstract: For dynamic optimization problems, the aim of an effective optimization algorithm is both to find the optimal solutions and to track the optima over time. In this paper, we advanced two kinds of cellular genetic algorithms inspired by the density dependence scheme in ecological system to solving dynamic optimization problems. Two kinds of improved evolution rules are proposed to replace the rule in regular cellular genetic algorithm, in which null cells are considered to the foods of individuals in population and the maximum of living individuals in cellular space is limited by their food. Moreover, in the second proposed rule, the competition scheme of the best individuals within the neighborhoods of one individual is also introduced. The performance of proposed cellular genetic algorithms is examined under three dynamic optimization problems with different change severities. The computation results indicate that new algorithms demonstrate their superiority respectively on both convergence and diversity.Key words: cellular genetic algorithm, dynamic optimization, density dependence scheme Reference [1] R. W. Morrison, K. A. De Jong. Triggered hypermutation revisited. in Proc. of the 2000 Congress on Evolutionary Computation. California. 2000, pp. 1025-1032. [2] J. J. Grefenstette. Genetic algorithms for changing environments. in Proc. of the 2nd Int. Conf. on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature. 1992, pp. 137-144. [3] K. W. Yeom, J. H. Park. Biologically inspired evolutionary agent systems in dynamic environments. in Proc. of the 2006 Congress on Evolutionary Computation. Vancouver. 2006, pp. 386-390. [4] M. Maury, J. Gouvea, F. R. Aluizio. Diversity-based model reference for genetic algorithms in dynamic environment. in Proc. 2007 Congress on Evolutionary Computing. Singapore. 2007, pp. 4639-4645. [5] A. Simoes, E. Costa. Variable-size memory evolutionary algorithm to deal with dynamicenvironments. M. Giacobini et al. Eds. LNCS 4448. Springer-Verlag. 2007, pp. 617-626. [6] S. Yang, X. Yao. Population-based incremental learning with associative memory for dynamic environments. In Proc. of Congress on Evolutionary Computing. Hong Kong. 2008, pp. 1-20. [7] J. Branke, T. Kaubler, C. Schmidt. A multipopulation approach to dynamic optimization problems. in Adaptive Computing in Design and Manufacturing. Berlin. 2000, pp. 299-308. [8] T. Blackwell, J. Branke. Multi-swarm optimization in dynamic environments. LNCS 3005. Springer-Verlag. 2007, pp. 489-500. [9] B. Manderick, P. Spiessens. Fine-grained parallel genetic algorithms. J. D. Schaffer Eds. in Proc. of the third international conference on genetic algorithms. San Mateo: Morgan Kaufmann. 1989, pp. 428-433. [10]M. Kirley. A cellular genetic algorithm with disturbances: optimisation using dynamic spatial interactions. Journal of Heuristics. 2002, 8(3): 321-342. K.K.Swamy, V.Punnarao, J. S.N.Jyothi |
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6. | Efficient Microstrip Fed Rectangular Patch Antenna with DGS for WLAN & WiMAX Applications
Efficient Microstrip Fed Rectangular Patch Antenna with DGS for WLAN & WiMAX ApplicationsAbstract: In this paper a monopole antenna for WLAN and WiMAX frequencies is proposed. The given antenna is composed of a rectangular patch monopole antenna having an E-shaped slot with two backward slits on the substrate and a defected ground plane. The antenna exhibits single band, which creates an impedance bandwidth of 2 GHz for the working band of 4-6 GHz. The various characteristic parameters like S-parameters, gain, current distribution, and radiation pattern are studied. The proposed antenna is suitable for IEEE 802.11 WLAN standards in the bands 5.2/5.8 GHz and WiMAX standards in the bands at 5.5 GHz. Microstrip feeding technique is used. The compact size antenna using DGS technique is simulated using IE3D software.Reference [1]. Constantine A. Balanis, "Antenna theory analysis and design, "2nd edition, John Wiley & sons, Inc, 1997. [2]. D. Parkash, R. Khanna, "Design And Development Of CPW-Fed Microstrip Antenna For Wlan/Wimax Applications," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 17, pp 17-27, 2010 [3]. A. K. Arya, A. Patnaik, and m. V. Kartikeyan, "Microstrip patch antenna with skew-f shaped DGS for dual band operation," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 19, 147-160, 2011. [4] Ka Hing Chiang and Kam Weng Tam, "Microstrip Monopole Antenna with Enhanced Bandwidth Using Defected Ground Structure," IEEE antennas and wireless propagation letters, vol. 7, 2008. [5] Rajeshwar Lal Dua, Himanshu Singh, Neha Gambhir, "2.45 GHz Microstrip Patch Antenna with Defected Ground Structure for Bluetooth" International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE) ISSN: 2231-2307, Volume-1, Issue-6, January 2012 [6] J. Sun, E.-P. Li and Y.-J. Zhang, "Dual Frequency Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna with Novel Defected Ground Structure," Progress In Electromagnetic Research Symposium Cambridge, USA, March pp 26-29, 2006 [7] Sujoy Biswas, manotosh Biswas, Debatosh Guha, yahia M.M Antar, " New defected Ground Plane Structure for Microstrip Circuits And Antenna Applications," ISBN No: ProcGA05/pdf/BP.21(0985) [8] Ashwini K. Arya, M.V. Kartikeyan , A.Patnaik, "Defected Ground Structure in the perspective of Microstrip Antennas: A Review," Proceedings of Frequenz journal ,vol 64, 2010. [9] C. H. Chang, H. S. Wu, H. J. Yang and C. K. C. Tzuang, "Coalesced single-input single-output dual-band filter," in IEEE MTT-S Int. Dig., pp. 511-514, June 2003. Sakshi Kapoor, Davinder Parkash |
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7. | FPGA Implementation of QAM Transmitter and Receiver
FPGA Implementation of QAM Transmitter and ReceiverAbstract: The FPGA technology has been playing a considerable role in Rportable and mobile communication. This is due to the features of flexibility, accuracy and configurability in designing and Implementation. The project presents a complete design for QAM Transmitter and Receiver based on the Spartan 3e FPGA kit. The implemented system can be used in typical wimax system and any other communication systems. The carrier synchronization and timing synchronization issues are covered in the implementation. The transmitter of QAM consists of data sampler, phase accumulator, symbol mapper, NCO. The receiver of QAM consists of phase locked loop, symbol demapper, clock distributer. Modelsim Xilinx edition(MXE) will be used for simulation and functional verification. Xilinx ISE will be used for synthesis, and bit file generation. Xilinx FPGA board will be used for testing and demonstration of the implemented system.Key words: FPGA design, Carrier Synchronization, Symbol Recovery, QAM modulation; Reference [1] 16 QAM transmitter and receiver design based on FPGA IEEE 2010, Xuan-thang Vu, Nguyen Anh Duc, Trinh Anh Vu [2] C. Dick, F.Harris, M.Rice, Synchronization in Software Radios-Carrier and Timing Recovery Using FPGAs, Proceeding of 2000 IEEE Symposium on FieldProgrammable Custom Computing Machines. [3] C.Dick, F.Harris, M.Rice, FPGA Implementation of Carrier Synchronization for QAM Receivers, Journal of VLSI Signal Processing, Vol 36, p 57-71,2004. [4] Joaquin Garcia, Rene Cumplido, On the design of an FPGA-Based OFDM modulator for IEEE 802.11a, Proceeding of ICEEE, September 7-9, 2005, Mexico. [5] John G. Proakis, Digital Communication, McGraw-Hill 1993. [6] VLSI for Wireless communication, Bosco Luen Pearson Education and VLSI series [7] http://www.xilinx.com D.Dayakara Reddy, S.Karunakar Reddy |
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8. | Application For Major Power Quality And Extend Pac For
Application For Major Power Quality And Extend Pac For Upqc-SAbstract: This paper introduces a new concept of optimal utilization of a unified power quality conditioner (UPQC). The series inverter of UPQC is controlled to perform simultaneous 1) voltage sag/swell compensation and 2) load reactive power sharing with the shunt inverter. The active power control approach is used to compensate voltage sag/swell and is integrated with theory of power angle control (PAC) of UPQC to coordinate the load reactive power between the two inverters. Since the series inverter simultaneously delivers active and reactive powers, this concept is named as UPQCS (S for complex power). A detailed mathematical analysis, to extend the PAC approach for UPQCS, is presented in this paper. MATLAB/ SIMULINK -based simulation results are discussed to support the developed concept. Finally, the proposed concept is validated with a digital signal processor-based experimental study.Key words: Active power filter (APF), power angle control (PAC), power quality, reactive power compensation, unified power quality conditioner (UPQC), voltage sag and swell compensation. Reference [1] R. C. Dugan, M. F. McGranaghan, and H. W. Beaty, Electrical Power Systems Quality.. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1996, p. 265. [2] C. Sankaran, Power Quality. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2002, p. 202. [3] R. A. Walling, R. Saint, R. C. Dugan, J. Burke, and L. A. Kojovic, ―Summary of distributed resources impact on power delivery systems,‖ IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 1636–1644, Jul. 2008. [4] L. Gyugyi, ―Unified power-flow control concept for flexible AC transmission systems,‖ IEE – C Gene. Trans. Distr., vol. 139, no. 4, pp. 323–331, Jul. 1992. [5] N. G. Hingorani and L. Gyugyi, Understanding FACTS: Concepts and Technology of Flexible AC Transmission Systems. New York: IEEE Press, 2000, p. 432. [6] V. K. Sood, HVDC and FACTS Controllers – Applications of Static Converters in Power Systems. Boston, MA: Kluwer, 2004, p. 295. [7] A. Ghosh and G. Ledwich, Power Quality Enhancement Using Custom Power Devices. Boston, MA: Kluwer, 2002, p. 460. [8] B. Singh, K. Al-Haddad, and A. Chandra, ―A review of active power filters for power quality improvement,‖ IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 45, no. 5, pp. 960–971, Oct. 1999. [9] M. El-Habrouk, M. K. Darwish, and P. Mehta, ―Active power filters: A review,‖ IEE Electr. Power Appl., vol. 147, no. 5, pp. 403– 413, Sep. 2000. [10] Doncker, C. Meyer, R. W. De, W. L. Yun, and F. Blaabjerg, ―Optimized control strategy for a medium-voltage DVR—Theoretical investigations and experimental results,‖ IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 23, no. 6, pp. 2746–2754, Nov. 2008. Petta Sabitha, M.Sridhar |
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9. | Autonomous Solar Powered Irrigation System
Autonomous Solar Powered Irrigation SystemAbstract: This paper gives information related to OFF grid application system, which is independent of supply from the grid. The source to generate electricity through renewable resources, we prefer sunlight as the main source. The objective is to supply water for the fields through solar powered water pump and automate the system for better management of resources. The farmer (user) can water the fields from any place using GSM technique which provides an acknowledgement message about the situation. The main advantage of this project is optimizing the power usage through water resource management and also saving government's free subsidiary electricity. This proves an efficient and economy way of irrigation and this will automate the agriculture sector.Key words: Off-Grid, Solar, GSM, Irrigation Reference [1] Kenna, Jeff. and Gillett Bill. "Handbook of Solar water pumping", Sir William Halcrow and Partner and IntermediateTechnology Ltd. 1985 [2] SoterisKalogirou "Solar Energy Engineering: Processes and System", Elsevier Inc. 2009. [3] S.R. Wenham M.A. Green M.E. Watt R. Corkish "Applied Photovoltaics" Second Edition, ARC Centre for Advanced SiliconPhotovoltaics and Photonics. 2007. [4] D. A.A. Ghoneim, "Design optimization of photovoltaic powered water pumping systems". Energy Conversion and Management 47 (2006) [5] J.L. Davies, "The Design and Optimization of a System using an Induction Motor driven pump, powered by solar panels", 30 April 1992 [6] P.C SEN, "Principles of Electric Machines and Power Electronics", second edition, 1997, (Pages 197,227-228) [7] Odeh, I., Yohanis, Y.G, and Norton, B, Economic viability of photovoltaic water pumping systems. Solar energy, 2006, 80(7), 850-860. [8] Odeh, I., Yohanis, Y.G, and Norton, B, Influence of pumping head isolation and PV array size on PV water pumping system performance. Solar energy, 2006, 80(1), 51-64. SatyaPrasanthYalla, B.Ramesh, A.Ramesh |
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10. | Full Bridge Resonant Inverter For Induction Heating Applications
Full Bridge Resonant Inverter For Induction Heating ApplicationsAbstract: Induction heating is a well-known technique to produce very high temperature for applications. A large number of topologies have been developed in this area such as voltage and current source inverter. Recent developments in switching schemes and control methods have made the voltage-source resonant inverters widely used in several applications that require output power control. The series-resonant inverter needs an output transformer for matching the output power to the load but it carry high current as a result additional real power loss is occur and overall efficiency also is reduced. This project proposes a high efficiency LLC resonant inverter for induction heating applications by using asymmetrical voltage cancellation control .The proposed control method is implemented in a full-bridge topology for induction heating application. The output power is controlled using the asymmetrical voltage cancellation technique. The LLC resonant tank is designed without the use of output transformer. This results in an increase of the net efficiency of the induction heating system. The circuit is simulated using MATLAB .The circuit is implemented using PIC controller. Both simulation and hardware results are compared.Key words: Asymmetrical control, induction heating, zero-voltage switching (ZVS). Reference 1. Saichol Chudjuarjeen, Anawach Sangswang, and Chayant Koompai "LLC Resonant Inverter for Induction Heating with Asymmetrical Voltage-Cancellation Control" 2009 IEEE 2. Chudjuarjeen, S. and Koompai, C., 2008, "Asymmetrical control with Phase Lock Loop for Induction Cooking Appliances", ECTICONFERENCE 2008 pp. 1013-1016 3. J. M. Burdio, L. A. Barragan, F. Monterde, D. Navarro, and J. Acero,"Asymmetrical voltage-cancelation control for full-bridge series resonant inverters," IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 461–469, Mar.2004. 4. J.Acero, J. M. Burd´ıo, L. A. Barrag´an,D.Navarro, R.Alonso, J. R. Garcia, F. Monterde, P. Hern´andez, S. Llorente, and I. Garde, "The domestic induction heating appliance: An overview of recent research," in Proc. Appl. Power Electron. Conf. Expo., 2008, pp. 651–657. 5. C. N. Park, D. Lee, and D. Hyun, "A powercontrol scheme with constant switching frequency in class-D inverter for inductionheating jar application," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 54, no. 3, pp. 1252–1260, Jun.2007. 6. J. M. Burdio, L. A. Barragan, F. Monterde, D. Navarro, and J. Acero,"Asymmetrical voltage-cancelation control for full-bridge series resonant inverters," IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 461–469, Mar.2004. 7. Power Electronics", Muhammad Rashid 8. Power Electronics, B.C. Sen 9. www.ieee.org 10. www.mathwork.com Sreenivas Peram, Vaddi Ramesh |
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11. | Spectral Analysis in Speech Processing Techniques
Spectral Analysis in Speech Processing TechniquesAbstract: The corruption of speech due to presence of additive background noise causes severe difficulties in various communication environments. This paper addresses the problem of reduction of additive background noise in speech. The proposed approach is a frequency dependent speech enhancement method based on the proven spectral subtraction method. Most implementations and variations of the basic spectral subtraction technique advocate subtraction of the noise spectrum estimate over the entire speech spectrum. However, real world noise is mostly colored and does not affect the speech signal uniformly over the entire spectrum. This method provides a greater degree of flexibility and control on the noise subtraction levels that reduces artifacts in the enhanced speech, resulting in improved speech quality.Key words: spectrum, noise subtraction. Reference [1] Deller, J. R., Hansen, J. H., and Proaxis, J. G. Discrete-Time Processing of Speech Signals. IEEE Press, 2000. [2] S. Boll, "Suppression of acoustic noise in speech using spectral subtraction," IEEE Trans. Acoust., Speech, Signal Process., vol.27, pp. 113-120, Apr. 1979. [3] J. Deller Jr., J. Hansen and J. Proakis, "Discrete-Time Processing of Speech Signals", NY: IEEE Press, 2000. [4] H. Levitt, "Noise reduction in hearing aids: An overview", Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development, vol. 38, No. 1, January/February 2001. [5] J. Lim and A. Oppenheim, "All-pole modeling of degraded speech," IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 197- 210, June 1978. Prof. Vijaya Sugandhi |
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12. | Transformation of digital and computational architectures
Transformation of digital and computational architecturesAbstract: As the digital infrastructure in cities and buildings are in place, new forms and methods of spatial (location) are also growing. In between computational architectures, such as topological spaces, and non-Euclidean geometry, dynamical systems and developmental movement algorithms are alternative technological architectures. As Peter Zellner said: architecture , has renovated itself .Part of that, is the scientific study of topological geometry, computational part of that, is the production of plastics and part of that, is the creative visualization deals Kinetic space. The era of information, such as the previous age, the metal industry, challenges not only the design itself but also how these designs are. Creative and productive potential of digital media has created a new dimension in architecture. Lvtsma Barrett says, instead of trying for emplacing the thought of the traditional architecture, our strategy should be such that the architecture can integrate with other Medias to create a new linkReference 1- Zelner, Peter, Hybrid Space: New Forms in Digital Architecture, translated by Ahmadian, Sayed Ahmed, Khodapanahi, H., Century Architecture Art Publishing, 1386 2- Novak, Marcos, fluid architecture of the cyber-sphere, Proc Cyber Ntyk Architecture, University of Texas, 1999 3- Lynn, Greg, Greg Lynn Form, translated by Asadi, H., Ebrahimi, M., Soil Publication, 1387 4- Schumacher, Patrick, parametric architecture: A new global style for architecture and urban design, SCI-Arc, Los Angeles, September 2010 5- Lynn, Greg, 1998, Animate form Princeton: Princeton Architecture press 6- Negroponte, Nicholas, 1970, Architecture Machine . Cambridge: MIT press 7- Novak, Marcus, 1998, Tran's architectures and hyper surfaces. AD profile 133, hyper surface Architecture Editions Sharareh Mohammadi, Ali Ardakanian, Mahdieh Ahmadi |
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13. | Reactive Power Compensation In Transmission Line By Using Online Static Var Comensator With Fuzzy Control Method
Reactive Power Compensation In Transmission Line By Using Online Static Var Comensator With Fuzzy Control MethodAbstract: The Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) technology is a promising technology to achieve complete deregulation of Power System i.e. Generation, Transmission and Distribution as the complete individual units. FACTS is based on power electronic devices, used to enhance the existing transmission capabilities in order to make the transmission system flexible and independent in operation. The loading capability of transmission system can also be enhanced nearer to its thermal limit without affecting the stability. Complete closedloop smooth control of reactive power can be achieved using shunt connected FACTS devices. Static VAR Compensator (SVC) is one of the shunt connected FACTS devices, which can be utilized for the purpose of reactivepower compensation. As the Intelligent FACTS devices make them adaptable, it is emerging as the present state of the art n technology. This paper presents the design and simulation of the Fuzzy logic control to vary firing angle of SVC in order to achieve better, smooth and adaptive control of reactive power in transmission systems. The design, modeling and simulations are carriedReference [1] A.M. Kulkarni, "Design of power system stabilizer for single-machine system using robust periodic output feedback controller", IEE Proceedings Part – C, Vol. 150, No. 2, pp. 211 – 216, March 2003. Technical Reports: Papers from Conference Proceedings unpublished): [2] Bart Kosko, "Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems A Dynamical Systems Approach to Machine Intelligence", Prentice-Hall of India New Delhi, June 1994. [3] Chuen Chien Lee "Fuzzy Logic in Control Systems: Fuzzy Logic Controller". Part I and Part II. IEEE R. IEEE transactions on system, man ,and cybernetics ,vol.20 March/April11990 Electrical Engineering Dept Pontifica Universidad Catolica De CHILE [4] Jaun Dixon ,Luis Moran, Jose Rodrfguz ,Ricardo Domke "Reactive power compensation technology state- of- art- review"(invited paper) [5] Narain. G. Hingorani, "Understanding FACTS, Concepts and Technology Of flexible AC Transmission Systems", by IEEE Press USA. Periodicals and Conference Proceedings: [6] S.M.Sadeghzadeh M. Ehsan " Improvement of Transient Stability Limit in Power System Transmission Lines Using Fuzzy Control of FACTS Devices ,IEEE Transactions on Power System Vol.13 No.3 ,August 1998 [7] SIM Power System User Guide Version 4 MATLAB Manual [8] Timothy J Ross, "Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications", McGraw-Hill, Inc, New York, 1997. [9] U.Yolac, T.Talcinoz Dept. of Electronic Eng. Nigde 51200,Turkey "Comparison Comparison of Fuzzy Logic and PID Controls For TCSC Using MATLAB" M.Apsar Basha |
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14. | Determination of The Level of Service in Two Conditions: With and Without the Police, A Case Study in Tehran
Determination of The Level of Service in Two Conditions: With and Without the Police, A Case Study in TehranAbstract: Signalized intersections have a great role in urban transportation and safety. Despite undeniable task of these traffic elements, they are facing many problems such as delays, inappropriate designing, miss using of traffic signs due to locations and dimensions at them. Besides these problems, the existence of traffic police at intersections is not always help to decrease these problems, but also can create more difficulties to the task of signalized intersections which might not obviously visible. For example the traffic police change cycle time and preventing some direction to cross the intersection and let some others cross which may cause more delays and other difficulties for regular and organized movement of vehicles. This study aims to investigate the above problems and find a solution to decrease them. For this purpose, a unique survey designed to analyze the four intersections in Tehran. These intersections selected from one arterial street and the specification of these intersections are somehow the same. The result shows that by changing the behavior of police in these intersections with correct training of traffic rules , can improve the traffic and decrease the delays.Key words: signalized intersections, police, traffic, delays. Reference [1] Roess.R.,Prassa. E., Mc Shane , Traffic Engineering book, (Edition 2004 , 2011.). [2] Highway Capacity Manual 2010. [3] Webster, F.V. (1958). Traffic Signal Settings. Road Research Technical Paper No. 39. Ali Mansour Khaki, Amir Esmael Forouhid, Mahdi Yazdan panah |
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15. | A Security Architecture For Intranet Based On Security Area Division
A Security Architecture For Intranet Based On Security Area DivisionAbstract: Aiming at the security requirement of the Intranet that is different from Internet, an security architecture for Intranet is proposed. In physical layer and data link layer, based on network switch the intranet is divided into several parts separated from each other as required. In network layer, making use of the NAT gateway integrated in virtual server the intranet or its part is hidden to ensure its security, and at the same time the other part of the intranet can securely access to the part of hidden resources. Using reliable IP address management and distribution mechanism the IP addresses are kept from being stolen or abused. In application layer, using bi -directional proxy server each part of the Intranet is separated, but the hosts can access each other based on application and user authority. The security switches are used to connect each separate part of the Intranet, based on application as well as user authorization control to carry out network access control. The security architecture focuses on security guarantee of intranet inside the traditional network boundary, and provides foundation framework to Intranet security which can ensure the reliability, usability, confidentiality, integrity, and maneuverability of the Intranet.Key words: Network Security; NAT Gateway; Bi-directional Pro; IP Address Management Reference [1] D. Y. Hu, Network security. Beijing: Tsinghua university press, 2004. [2] J. H. P. Eloff and M. M. Eloff, "Information security architecture", Computer Fraud & Security, vol. 2005, No. 11, pp. 10-16, November of 2005. [3] A. A. Gokhale, "Network security: Typical layout and need for an open systems approach", Journal of the Communications Network, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 46-49, October, 2003. [4] Q. S. He and G. X. Yao, "The analysis of network security requirements and security police research", Computer Engineering, Vol. 26, No. 6, pp. 56-58, June, 2000. [5] Y. Chen, Z. Z. Li, Z.G. Liao and Z. W. Wang, "Study on placement optimization of web proxies based on genetic algorithm", Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University, Vol. 39, No. 4, pp. 373-375, April, 2005. [6] F. X. Gao, Y. Yao, Q. Liu, L. Liang and L. Yao. "Design and implementation of a bidirectional proxy server", Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences, Vol. 9, No. 5, pp. 760-764, October, 2004. [7] S. Q. Yu, and W. Yan, "Limitation and solution of current IP address management for Internet", Journal of Shanghai Normal University, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 50-54, January, 2000. [8] F. X. Gao, H. Yang, X. R. Luo and X. L. Cui, "Intranet-oriented IP address management system", Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology Vol. 38, No. 8A, pp. 1660-1663, August, 2006. [9] Y. Qian and W. H. Dou, "The design and implementation of SOPC-based security Ethernet chip". China Integrated Circuit, Vol. 11 Mr.G.Rambabu, Mr.B.Hanumatha Rao |
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16. | A Survey of Vertical Handoff Algorithms to Minimize Probability of False Handoff
A Survey of Vertical Handoff Algorithms to Minimize Probability of False HandoffAbstract: To achieve seamless mobility in unified network of heterogeneous wireless networks, vertical handoff is challenging problem. In this paper, we compare three vertical handoff algorithms, namely, HNE ( Handoff Necessity Estimation ) which determines the necessity of making a handoff to an available network and which works well for WLAN to cellular networks and vice versa, ALIVEHO ( Adaptive Lifetime based Vertical Handoff ) which uses RSS and expected duration after which the MT will be able to maintain its connection with WLAN to decide the vertical handoff and ARSST ( Adaptive RSS Threshold ) which achieves lower false handoff initiation probability and well suited for handoff from WLAN to 3G network. All these three algorithms are based on RSS and minimize the probability of false handoff.Key words: ALIVEHO, ARSST, False Handoff, HNE, RSS Reference [1] Issaka Hassane Abdoulaziz , Li Renfa and Zeng Fanzi, "Handoff Necessity Estimation For 4g Heterogeneous Networks", International Journal of Information Sciences and Techniques (IJIST) Vol.2, No.1, January 2012. [2] Abhijit Bijwe & C.G.Dethe "RSS based Vertical Handoff algorithms for Heterogeneous wireless networks - A Review", (IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Special Issue on Wireless & Mobile Networks [3] X. yan, N. Mani, and Y. A. S. Ekercio Glu.. "A traveling distance prediction based method to minimize unnecessary handoffs from cellular networks to WLANs", IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 14–16 [4] Mohanty, S, & Akyildiz, I.F. "A CrossLayer (layer 2 + 3) Handoff Management Protocol for Next-Generation Wireless Systems", IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 5, pp. 1347, 2006. [5] A. H. Zahran and B. Liang, "ALIVE-HO: Adaptive lifetime vertical handoff for heterogeneous wireless networks," Technical Report, University of Toronto. Theses: [6] Xiaohuan Yan, "Optimization of Vertical Handoff Decision Processes for Fourth Generation Heterogeneous Wireless Network"s, Department of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering Monash University Australia September 2010 Pallavi Shital Yevale, Santosh S. Sambare |
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17. | Determination of Energy Produced By Wind Mill on Running Vehicle
Determination of Energy Produced By Wind Mill on Running VehicleAbstract: The negative effects of non-renewable fossil fuels have forced scientists to draw attention to clean energy sources which are both environmentally more suitable and renewable. By using the wind energy, power may be produced. The project entitled "Energy Produced by using the Wind Energy" is aimed to produce power with renewable source of energy like wind. In this project by using a small fan blade, electric power is produced by utilizing the drag force of the wind in a moving vehicle. This project aims to design a model for using wind energy to generate electricity which in turn may be used to run electrical utilities directly or through a storage batteryKey words: Drag ,Wind Reference [1]. Murat Gökçek, Mustafa Serdar Genç "‟Evaluation of electricity generation and energy cost of wind energy conversion systems (WECSs) in Central Turkey‟‟ Applied Energy, Volume 86, Issue 12, December 2009, Pages 2731-2739 [2]. M. Gökçek, A. Bayülken, Ş. Bekdemir "Investigation of wind characteristics and wind energy potential in Kirklareli, Turkey Renew Energy", 32 (2007), pp. 1739–1752 [3]. B. Ozerdem, S. Ozer, M. Tosun Feasibility study of wind farms: a case study for Izmir, TurkeyJ Wind Eng Ind Aerod, 94 (2006), pp. 725–743 [4]. F. Türksoy Investigation of wind power potential at Bozcaada, TurkeyRenew Energy, 6 (8) (1995), pp. 917–923 [5]. A. Ucar, F. Balo Investigation of wind characteristics and assessment of windgeneration potentiality in Uludag-Bursa, Turkey Appl Energy, 86 (3) (2009), pp. 333–339 [6]. Newtonian Mechanics (The M.I.T. Introductory Physics Series) (1st Ed.) W. W. Norton & Company Inc., New York. [7]. Seaway, Raymond A.; Jewett, John W. (2004). Physics for Scientists and Engineers (6th Ed.) [8]. Tippler, Paul (2004) Physics for Scientists and Engineers: Mechanics, Oscillations and Waves, Thermodynamics (5th Ed.) W. H. Freeman. [9]. Alternative Energy Sources by G.D. Rai. [10]. Huntley, H. E. (1967). Dimensional Analysis. Dover. LOC 67-17978. [11]. www.wikipedia.org/dragforce [12]. Solar Energy by P. Sukhatme V.M.Prajapati, K.H.Thakkar |
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18. | Particle Contamination In A Three Phase Common Enclosure Gas Insulated Bus Duct
Particle Contamination In A Three Phase Common Enclosure Gas Insulated Bus DuctAbstract: In this context of changing and challenging market requirements, Gas Insulated Substation(GIS) has found a broad range of applications in power systems for more than two decades because of its high reliability, easy maintenance and small ground space requirement etc. SF6 has been of considerable technological interest as an insulation medium in GIS because of its superior insulating properties, high dielectric strength at relatively low pressure and its thermal and chemical stability. SF6 is generally found to be very sensitive to field perturbations such as those caused by conductor surface imperfections and by conducting particle contaminants. A study of CIGRE group suggests that 20% of failure in GIS is due to the existence of various metallic contaminations in the form of loose particles. The presence of contamination can therefore be a problem with gas insulated substations operating at high fields. If the effects of these particles could be eliminated, then this would improve the reliability of compressed gas insulated substation. It would also offer the possibility of operating at higher fields to affect a potential reduction in the GIS size with subsequent savings in the cost of manufacture and installation. The purpose of this paper is to develop techniques, which will formulate the basic equations that will govern the movement of metallic particles like aluminum, copper in a coated as well as uncoated busduct.Key words: GIS, Busduct, Particle Contamination Reference [1] H Cookson, PC Bolin, HC Doepken, RE Wootton, CM Cooke, JG Trump; "Recent Research in the United States on the Effect of Particle Contamination Reducing the Breakdown Voltage in Compressed Gas Insulated System"; Int. Conf. On Large High Voltage System; Paris, 1976. [2] H.Anis, KD Srivastava; "Breakdown Characteristics of Dielectric Coated Electrodes in Sulphur Hexafluoride Gas with Particle Contamination", Sixth International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering No. 32.06, New Orleans, LA, USA. 1989. [3] M.M. Morcos, S. Zhang, K.D. Srivastava, and S.M. Gubanski "Dynamics of Metallic particle contamination in GIS with dielectric coating electrodes", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery Vol. 15, No. 2, April 2000 p.p. 455-460. [4] J. Amarnath, B. P. Singh, C. Radhakrishna, S. Kamakshiah "Determination of particle trajectory in a Gas Insulated Busduct predicted by Monte-Carlo technique", CEIDP, 1999 during 17-21 st October 1999, Texas, Austin, USA. [5] J. Amarnath et al., "Influence of Power Frequency and Switching Impulse Voltage on Particle Movement in GIS – Predicted by Monte-Carlo Technique" International IEEE, High Voltage Workshop, during April 18-21, 2001, Calfornia, USA. [6] J. Amarnath et al., "Influence of Power Frequency and Impulse Voltage on Motion of Metallic particle in a coated GIS – predicted by Monte-Carlo Technique" 6 th International Seminar on Electrical and Electronics Insulating Materials and Systems (IEEMA) during November 23-24, 2000, Hyderabad, INDIA [7] J. Amarnath et al., "Movement of Metallic Particles in Gas Insulated Substations under the influence of various types of voltages" 11 th National Power System Conference (NPSC-2000) during December 20-22, 2000, IISc, Bangalore, INDIA. [8] J. Amarnath et al., "Effect of Various Parameters of Movement of Metallic Particles in GIS" at International Seminar on Compact Substations and Gas Insulated Switch Gears (CBIP) during January 19-21, 2001, New Delhi, INDIA. [9] J. Amarnath et al., "Particle Trajectory in a Common Enclosure Three phase SF6 Busduct" 12 th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering during August 20-24, 2001, IISc, Bangalore, INDIA. N.Swarna Latha, J. Amarnath |
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19. | DTC of Twelve Sector IM Drive Using Four Level Hysteresis
Control to Reduce Torque Ripple Comparing with Conventional
DTC of Twelve Sector IM Drive Using Four Level Hysteresis Control to Reduce Torque Ripple Comparing with Conventional ControlAbstract: In recent years, the areas of industrial application of AC drives, especially Induction machine based on DTC technique has gradually increased due to its advantages over the other techniques of control. In conventional direct torque control, the selection of flux linkage & electromagnetic torque errors are made within the respective flux and torque hysteresis bands in order to obtain fast torque response, low inverter switching frequency and low harmonic losses. However conventional DTC suffers from high torque ripple and variable switching frequency. This paper, propose a method to reduce torque fluctuations, where the circular flux vector is divided into twelve sectors and is compared with conventional DTC method where the flux vector is divided into six. The twelve sectors DTC method is simulated by using MATLAB/simulink package which represent the reduction of torque repulsionsKey words: Induction machine, DTC, Twelve sector Reference [1] Bose B.K, "Modern Power electronics and AC Drives", Prentice Hall, 2002 [2] Rashid M.H, "Power Electronics Circuits, Devices and application", Pearson education, third edition, 2004. [3] I. Takahashi and T. Noguchi. "A new quick response and high efficiency control strategy for an induction motor". IEEE Trans. Industry Applications. Vol. IA-22, No. 5, pp. 820-827, Sept/Oct 1986. [4] Depenbrock, M., "Direct Self-control of inverter-fed machine", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics Vol. 3, No.4, pp. 420- 429, Oct. 1988 [5] R.Toufouti, S.Meziane, H. Benalla, "Direct Torque Control for induction motor using intelligent techniques", Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 2007. [6] H. Sudheer, S. F. Kodad and B. Sarvesh "Torque Ripple Reduction in Direct Torque Control of Induction Motor using Fuzzy Logic based Duty Ratio Controller" International Journal of Electronic Engineering Research Volume 3 Number 1 (2011) pp. 1–12 [7] T. G. Habetler, F. Profumo, M. Pastorelli and L. M. Tolbert, "Direct torque control of induction machines using space vector modulation," IEEE Trans. Industrial Applications, vol. 28, pp.1045- 1053, Sept/Oct 1992. [8] Krause P.C, "Analysis of Electrical machines and drives systems", Prentice Hall, 1985 [9] Turki Y. Abdalla Haroution Antranik Hairik Adel M. Dakhil " Minimization of Torque Ripple in DTC of Induction Motor Using Fuzzy Mode Duty Cycle" Controller Iraq J. Electrical and Electronic Engineering Vol.7 No.1, 2011 Page No 42– 49 [10] Abdul Wahab H.F and Sansui H, "Simulink model of direct torque control of Induction machine", American journal of applied sciences 5 (8): 2008, pp.1083-1090,ISSN 1546-9239 ,2008 Science Publications. [11] Y.V.Siva Reddy, M.Vijayakumar and T. Brahmananda Reddy " Direct Torque Control of Induction Motor Using Sophisticated Lookup Tables Based on Neural Networks" AIML Journal, Volume (7), Issue (1), June, 2007 pp. 9–15. [12] R.Krishnan, Electric Motor Drives: Modeling, Analysis, and Control, Prentice Hall of India, 2001.2 Siraj Ahmed T, Dr. S. Sao, Dr. K. S. R. Anjaneyulu |
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20. | Enhancing Reusability of Conventional Apollo Modules by proposing change in design and use of new ablative material
Enhancing Reusability of Conventional Apollo Modules by proposing change in design and use of new ablative materialAbstract: The paper deals with the reusability of command modules used during Apollo space missions. During Apollo missions in 1960-70's the module surface becomes charred up to some extent, hence decreasing the strength and scope of further reusability of the module. A new design has been proposed and simulation results have revealed the possibility to reuse the module again for another mission. The new design has incorporated an in-built mechanism that will extend some part of the module surface outwards near to the periphery of the base of the module. The design, mechanism, material and other details are discussed in succeeding sections. New ablative material has been introduced for more getting more promising results.Reference [1.] Donald L. Schmidt, 'Ablative Materials', Contrails, Conference Proceedings, pp 775-815. [2.] Randolph A. Graves Jr. and William G. Witte, 'Flight-test Analysis of Apollo Heat Shield Material using the Pacemaker Vehicle System', National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Washington D.C., August 1968. [3.] Anonymous, 'Application of Ablative Composites to Nozzles for Reusable Solid Rocket Motors', Preferred Reliability Practices, Practice no. – PD-ED-1218, pp 1-8. [4.] G. Pinaud, A.J. van Ekelen and J.M. Bouilly, 'Aerofast: Development of Cork TPS Material and a 3D Comparative Thermal/Ablation Analysis of an Apollo and Biconic Sled shape for an Aerocapture Mission', Astrium. [5.] Anonymous, 'Apollo Command Module, International Historic Landmark', The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Rockwell International Corporation Space Systems Division, July 24, 1992. [6.] Allen H. Julian, Eggers Jr. A.J., ' A Study of the Motion and Aerodynamic Heating of Ballistic Missiles Entering the Earth's Atmosphere at High Supersonic Speeds', NACA Annual Report, NASA Technical Reports, NACA-TR 1318, 1958, pp 1125- 1140. [7.] URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Blunt_bo dy_reentry_shapes.png Pankhuri Arora, Vikrant Goyal, Sushank Sharma |
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21. | A Catalog of Architectural Design Patterns for Safety-Critical Real-Time Systems
A Catalog of Architectural Design Patterns for Safety-Critical Real-Time SystemsAbstract: Design patterns have been the target of a great deal of research in the last few years. A design pattern is a general solution to a commonly occurring problem[1]. They are composed of three parts: a problem context, a generalized approach to a solution, and a set of consequences. This paper concentrates on developing a catalog for design patterns for safety-critical real-time systems and allows flexibility to choose, search a design pattern and add more design patterns. To support the designers, a tool is developed to suggest the patterns that are appropriate for the software based on its characteristics/design problems. This tool will be able to help generate the code for the suitable design pattern.Key words: Design Pattern, Safety-Critical Real-Time Systems, Non-Functional Requirements, Safety-Critical Systems Reference [1] Design Pattern Representation for SafetyCritical Embedded Systems, Ashraf Armoush, Falk Salewski, Stefan Kowalewski, J.Software Engineering & Application,2009, 2:1-12,Published Online April 2009 in SciRes( www.SciRP.org/journal/jsea), Scientific Research Publishing. [2] Design Patterns for Safety-Critical Embedded System, Ashraf Armoush, 2010. [3] Design patterns to implement safety and Fault Tolerance, Hemangi Gawand, R.S,Mundada, P.Swaminathn, International Journal of Computer Applications(0975 – 8887), Volume 18- No. 2, March 2011. [4] Application-Level Fault Tolerance in Realtime Embedded Systems, Francisco Afonso, University of Minho, published in 2008@IEEE. [5] Design Patterns: Element of Reusable Object-Oriented Software by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson and John Vlissides. Edition published in 2012. [6] http://www.patternrepository.com [7] Real-Time Software Design Patterns, Janusz ZALEWSKI. [8] Pattern-Based Architectures Analysis and Design of Embedded Software Product Lines, Public version,EMPRESS 15 Dec 2003. [9] Modeling Real-Time applications with Reusable Design Patterns, Saoussen Rekhis, Nadia Bouassida,Rafik Bouaziz MIRACLISIMS, Sfax University, BP1088, 3018, Sfax, Tunisia.International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology,Vol. 22, September, 2010. [10] A. Armoush, E. Beckschulze, and S. Kowalewski. Safety assessment of design patterns for safety-critical embedded systems. In 35th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA 2009). IEEE CS, Aug. 2009 U.V.R. Sarma, Sahith Rampelli, Dr. P. Premchand |
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22. | High Resolution Direction of Arrival Estimation (Coherent Signal Source DOA Estimation)
High Resolution Direction of Arrival Estimation (Coherent Signal Source DOA Estimation)Abstract: High-resolution signal parameter estimation is a significant problem in many signal processing applications. Such applications include direction of arrival (DOA) estimation for narrow band signals and wideband signal emitted by multiple sources and received by sensor arrays. It is well known that MUSIC algorithm outperforms any other method existing in the literature. In this article a modified MUSIC algorithm is proposed using the conjugate data. Strong consistency of the modified method is established. It is observed that the modified MUSIC works significantly better than the ordinary MUSIC at different SNR in terms of the mean squared error and for coherently sources. However, an important disadvantage of the ULA geometry in DOA estimation is that it can only estimate the azimuth angle. To estimate the elevation angle, Uniform circular arrays UCA geometries and planner array are employed in many applications. As the concentric circular arrays (CCA) that are discussed in this paper have better angle resolutions compared to ULAs,Reference [1] R. Schmidt, "Multiple emitter location and signal parameter estimation". IEEE Transactions on Antenna and Propagation. Vol. 34, p 276 – 280, 1986 [2] Darwish A. Mohamed, Soha M. Haikel, Mohamed M. Omar " The Mutual Coupling Effect on the MUSIC", International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 35– No.4, December 2011 Algorithm for Direction of Arrival Estimation. [3] Harry Trees," Optimum Array Processing, Detection, Estimation and Modulation Part IV",John Wiley and Sons,NEW York , 2002. [4] T. E. Evans et al., "High resolution angular spectrum estimation technique for terrain scattering analysis and angle of arrival estimation," in Proc. 1st ASSP Workshop Spectral Estimation, Commun. Res. Lab., McMaster Univ., Hamilton, Ont., Canada, Aug. 1981, pp. 134-139. [5] T.-1. Shan et al., "On spatial smoothing for direction-of-arrival estimation of coherent signals," IEEE Trans. Acoust., Speech, Signal Processing, vol. ASSP-33, pp. 806-811, Aug. 1985. [6]. R.Hill, R. Bates, and S. Waters, "On centrohermitian matrices,'' SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., Vol. 11, pp. 128-238, January 1990. [7] Panayiotis Loannides, and Constantine A. Balanis, "Uniform circula arrays for smart antennas," IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, vol.47, no.4, Aug 2005, pp. 192- 206. [8] Mati Wax, and Jacob Sheinvald, "Direction finding of coherent signals via spatial smoothing for uniform circular arrays," IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation, vol.42, no.5, Mar 1994, pp.613-620. [9] Buon Kiong Lau, Yee Hong Leung, Yanqun Liu, and Kok Lay Teo, "Transformations fornonideal uniform circular arrays operating in correlated signal environments," IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol.54, no.1, Jan 2006, pp.34-48. Khairy A. El-Barbary, Tawil S. Mohamed, Mohamed. S. Melad |
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23. | Face Recognition Using Hybrid Approach Technique
Face Recognition Using Hybrid Approach TechniqueAbstract: A Face recognition scheme using hybrid approach is proposed in this paper. Feature vector based on eigen vectors of sub images is used for recognition Image is partitioned in to sub images. Sub parts are rearranged in to rows and column matrices. Eigenvectors are computed for these matrices. Global feature vector is generated and used for face recognition. Experiments performed on benchmark face database (YALE) Indicated that the proposed hybrid approach has better recognition performance in terms of average recognized rate and retrieval time compared to existing methods.Key words: Sub-pattern, Eigenvectors Reference [1.] M.Turk, A.pentland,Eigen faces for Recognition, j.Cognitive eurosci.3(1)(1991)71-86 [2.] M.Turk,A.Pentland, Facerecognition using eigenfaces, in:Proceedings of IEEEConference on ComputerVisionandPatternRecognition,1991, pp.586–591. [3.] W.Zhao,R.Chellappa,R.J.Phillips,A.Rosenfel d,Facerecognition:aliteraturesurvey,ACMCo mput.Surv.35(4)(2003)399–458. [4.] M.S. Bartlett, H.M.Lades, T.J.Sejnowski, Independent component representation for face recognition, in:Proceedings of SPIE Symposiumon Electronic Imaging: Science and Technology,1998,pp.528–539. [5.] M.S.Bartlett,J.R.Movellan,T.J.Sejnowski,Fac e recognition by independent component analysis, IEEETrans.Neural Networks 13 (6) (2002)1450–1464. K Ch Prathap Kumar M, Ramprakash R |
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24. | Modeling of ductile forming of forged aluminum alloy AW-6082
Modeling of ductile forming of forged aluminum alloy AW-6082Abstract: Forging is a forming method without any chips development, which is mainly used for serial produced machine parts with improved mechanical properties. A finite element method (FEM) model was developed to analyze the behavior of specimens made of the most commonly used aluminum alloy (EN AW-6082) in the Hungarian practice. Here an optimal forging model was searched for, moreover the connection between the variation of the mechanical properties and the scale of the deformation. An 88 mm high cylindrical specimen of 90 mm diameter have been measured with 2 directional forming (it have been upset at 44 mm of its height), then samples were taken from it at different locations, and the local deformation with the change in the mechanical properties have been compared.Reference 1. CSATÁR – L. FENYVESI: (2008) Effect of UV radiation and temperature on rheological features of multi-layer agricultural packaging foils. Progress in Agricultural Engineering Sciences Volume 4. p.27. (ISSN 1786-335X) 2. G. MRÓWKA-NOWOTNIK – J. SIENIAWSKI: (2005) Influence of heat treatment on the microstructure and mechanical properties of 6005 and 6082 aluminum alloys, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Volumes 162-163, 15 May 2005, Pages 367-372. 3. KODER – SZARKA – TÓTH: (1970) Alumíniumötvözetek képlékeny alakítása, Tankönyvkiadó, Budapest. 4. KÖVES E.: Alumínium kézikönyv, Műszaki Könyvkiadó, Budapest, 1984 5. PARVIZIAN F., GÜZEL A., JÄGER A., LAMBERS H-G., SVENDSEN B., TEKKAYA A.E., MAIER H.J.: Modeling of dynamic microstructure evolution of EN AW-6082 alloy during hot forward extrusion, Comput. Mater. Sci., 2010. Article in press. 6. PEDERSEN K.O., ROVEN H.J., LADEMO O-G., HOPPERSTAD O.S.: Strength and ductility of aluminium alloy AA7030, Mater. Sci. and Eng. A, 2008. (473, 1-2) 81-89 p. 7. POLETTI C., RODRIGUEZ-HORTALÁ M., HAUSER M., SOMMITSCH C.: Microstructure development in hot deformed AA6082, Mater. Sci. and Eng. A, 2011. (528) 2423–2430 p. 8. TAJALLY M., EMADODDIN E.: Mechanical and anisotropic behaviors of 7075 aluminum alloy sheets, Mater. and Des., 2011. 32. 1594–1599 p. 9. W. WERONSKI – A. GONTARZ: (2003) Influence of deformation parameters on grain size of AlSi1Mg alloy in forging, Journal of Materials Proessing Technology 138, pp 196-200. 10. WILLIAMS B.W., SIMHA C.H.M., ABEDRABBO N., MAYER R., WORSWICK M.J.: Effect of anisotropy, kinematical hardening, and strain-rate sensitivity on the predicted axial crush response of hydro-formed aluminum alloy tubes, Int. J. of Impact Eng., 2010. 37. 652–661 p. Attila Csatár, Csaba Árvay, István Oldal |
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25. | A Survey on Image Denoising
A Survey on Image DenoisingAbstract: ion from images plays a very vital role. Image denoising is one such powerful methodology which is deployed to remove the noise through the manipulation of the image data to produce very high quality images. There are several such algorithms devised for denoising, each having their own merits and demerits. In this notion reviews the existing denoising algorithms and performs their comparative studyKey words: Salt and Pepper noise, Salt and Pepper noise decline, Cellular automata, Neighborhood Structure Reference [1] Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods, "Digital Image Processing" Prentice-Hall, India, second edition, 2007. [2] Adriana Popovici and Dan Popovici," Cellular Automata in Image Processing" AMS 2000 MSC: 68Q80, 68U10. [3] Paul L. Rosin," Training Cellular Automata for Image Processing". (Eds.): .c_SpringerVerlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005, LNCS 3540, pp. 195–204 [4] Biswapati jana, Pabitra Pal, Jaydeb Bhaumik, "New Image Noise Reduction Schemes Based on Cellular Automata" International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE) ISSN: 2231-2307, Volume-2, Issue-2, May 2012. [5] Subhojit Sarker, Shalini Chowdhury, Samanwita Laha and Debika Dey "Use of Non-Local Means Filter to Denoise Image Corrupted By Salt and Pepper Noise", Signal & Image Processing: An International Journal (SIPIJ), Vol.3, No.2, April 2012 [6] Vishal Gautam & TarunVarma, " Reconstruction of Corrupted Image from Salt and Pepper Noise from Median Filter" Undergraduate Academic Research Journal (UARJ), ISSN: 2278 – 1129, Volume-1, Issue-1, 2012 [7] V.R.Vijay Kumar, S.Manikandan, P.T.Vanathi, " Adaptive Window Length Recursive Weighted Median Filter for Removing Impulse Noise in Images with Details Preservation" Electronics, And Communications Vol.6, No.1 February 2008. [8] S.Kalavathy, R.M.Suresh, "A Switching Weighted Adaptive Median Filter for Impulse Noise Removal" International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887), Volume 28– No.9, August 2011. [9] Zhou Wang and David Zhang, " Progressive Switching Median Filter for the Removal of Impulse Noise from Highly Corrupted Images" IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems—Ii: Analog and Digital Signal Processing, Vol. 46, No. 1, January 1999 [10] T. Veerakumar, S. Esakkirajan, and Ila Vennila, "High Density Impulse Noise Removal Using Modified Switching Bilateral Filter" International Journal Of Circuits, Systems And Signal Processing, Issue 3, Volume 6, 2012 [11] Songtao Liu, Hongquan Chen, Shaoqing Yang, "An Effective Filtering Algorithm for Image Salt-pepper Noises Based on Cellular Automata" 2008 Congress on Image and Signal Processing. 978-0-7695-3119-9/08 © 2008 IEEE [12] Fasel Qadir, M. A. Peer, K. A. Khan, "Cellular Automata Based Identification And Removal Of Impulsive Noise From Corrupted Images" Journal of Global Research in Computer Science, Volume 3, No. 4, April 2012 Christylda Angelin Hannah. J, Natheldha Mary Navina. S |
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26. | Development and Investigation on an Embedded System based Control for Networking Mobile Robots
Development and Investigation on an Embedded System based Control for Networking Mobile RobotsAbstract: In today's hi-tech and hi -precision world, robot finds its application in many areas to carryout operations that are either routine, highly complex and critical, hazardous or of high-precision nature. Robots when networked offer many benefits such as increased maneuverability and efficiency. This paper makes a survey on the present developmental status and details the design features of networking mobile robots using embedded system based control. It is intended to use this work as basis for future research work in the area of cooperative behavior of mobile robots.Key words: Mobile Robot, Embedded System, Control, Network, Microcontroller, Vision system Reference [1] John J Craig, "Introduction to Robotics – Mechanics and Control", Third Edition, Pearson Education, 2009 [2] Robert J Schilling, "Fundamentals of Robotics – Analysis and Control", Prentice Hall of India Ltd., 2007 [3] Chris Morgan, "Robots – Planning and Implementation", IFS Publications [4] C.Justin, Rafael Fierro, "Mobile robotic sensors for perimeter detection and tracking", ISA Transactions, Vol. 46, Issue 1, pp. 3-13, 2007 [5] Junichi Shibata, Genichi Yasuda, & Hiroyuki Takai. "Implementation of a modular control system for multiple intelligent mobile robots." In Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on JSME Robotics and Mechatronics Symposia, pp. 44-47, 1998. [6] S.V.Jose, S.Giulio, "Embedded visual behaviors for navigation", Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Vol. 19, Issues 3-4, pp. 299-313, 1997 [7] V.Thierry, Emmanuelle Clergue, Reyes Enciso, Herve Mathieu, "Experimenting with 3D vision on a robotic head", Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Vol. 14, Issue 1, pp 1- 27, 1995 [8] Kuppan Chetty RM, Singaperumal M, Nagarajan T and Tetsunari Inamura, "Coordination Control of Wheeled Mobile Robots – A Hybrid Approach", Int. J. Modelling, Identification and Control, Paper No. PCR03_IJMIC, (In press) [9] I.Firmansyah, B. Hermanto and L.T. Handoko, "Control and Monitoring System for Modular Wireless Robot", Proc. of Industrial Electronics Seminar, Indonesia, 2007 [10] Ricardo Carelli, Guillermo Forte, Luis Canali , Vicente Mut, Gaston Araguas, Eduardo Destefanis, "Autonomous and teleoperation control of a mobile robot", Mechatronics, Vol.18, pp.187–194, 2008 [11] Behrokh Khoslmevis and George Bekey, "Centralized Sensing and Control of Multiple Mobile Robots", Computers ind. Engng Vol. 35, Nos 3-4, pp 503-506, 1998 [12] A.Ollero, A. Mandow, V. F. Munoz and J. Gomez De Gabriel, "Control Architecture for Mobile Robot operation and navigation", Robotics & Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 259-269, 1994 [13] Alberto Elfes, "A distributed control architecture for an autonomous mobile robot", Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1986 [14] S. Nagata. T. Kimoto. and K. Asakawa. "Control of Mobile Robots with Neural Networks", Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd., 1015, Kamikodanaka Nakahara-ku, Kawasaki 211, Japan Mr. Anil Kumar Gona |
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27. | Stream Data Mining and Comparative Study of Classification Algorithms
Stream Data Mining and Comparative Study of Classification AlgorithmsAbstract: Stream Data Mining is a new emerging topic in the field of research. Today, there are number of application that generate Massive amount of stream data. Examples of such kind of systems are Sensor networks, Real time surveillance systems, telecommunication systems. Hence there is requirement of intelligent processing of such type of data that would help in proper analysis and use of this data in other task even. Mining stream data is concerned with extracting knowledge structures represented in models and patterns in non stopping streams of information [1] . Such massive data are handled with software such as MOA (Massive Online Analysis) or other open sources like Data Miner. In this paper we present some theoretical aspects of stream data mining and certain experimental results obtained on that basis with the use of MOA.Key words: Stream, Stream Data Mining, Intelligent-processing, MOA (Massive Online Analysis), Continuous Data. Reference [1] Elena ikonomovska,Suzana Loskovska,Dejan Gjorgjevik, ―A Survey Of Stream Data Mining‖ Eight National Conference with International Participation-ETAI2007 [2] S.Muthukrishnan, ―Data streams: Algorithms and Applications‖.Proceeding of the fourteenth annual ACM-SIAM symposium on discrete algorithms,2003 [3] Mohamed Medhat Gaber, Arkady Zaslavsky and Shonali Krishnaswamy. ]―Mining Data Streams: A Review‖,Centre for Distributed Systems and Software Engineering, Monash University900 Dandenong Rd, Caulfield East, VIC3145, Australia [4] P. Domingos and G. Hulten, ―A General Method for Scaling Up Machine Learning Algorithms and its Application to Clustering‖, Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Conference on Machine Learning, 2001, Williamstown, MA, Morgan Kaufmann [5] H. Kargupta, R. Bhargava, K. Liu, M. Powers, P.Blair, S. Bushra, J. Dull, K. Sarkar, M. Klein, M. Vasa, and D. Handy, VEDAS: ―A Mobile and Distributed Data Stream Mining System for Real-Time Vehicle Monitoring‖, Proceedings of SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, 2004. [6] B. Babcock, M. Datar, and R. Motwani. ―Load Shedding Techniques for Data Stream Systems‖ (short paper) In Proc. of the 2003 Workshop on Management and Processing of Data Streams, June 2003 [7] Tusharkumar Trambadiya, Praveen Bhanodia, ―A Comparative study of Stream Data mining Algorithms‖ International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT) Volume 2, Issue 3, September 2012. Ms. Madhu S. Shukla, Mr. Kirit R. Rathod |
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28. | Travelling Wave Solutions of BBM and Modified BBM Equations
by Modified F-Expansion Method
Travelling Wave Solutions of BBM and Modified BBM Equations by Modified F-Expansion MethodAbstract: A new modified F-expansion method is introduced to obtain the travelling wave solutions like soliton and periodic, of BenjaminBona-Mahony (BBM) equation and modified BBM equation. The method is convenient, effective and can be applied to other nonlinear partial differential equations in the mathematical physics.Key words: Modified F-expansion method, Benjamin-Bona-Mahony (BBM) equation, modified BBM equation, travelling wave solutions. Reference [1]. A.I.Volpert, Vitaly A. Volpert, Vladimir A. Volpert, "Travelling wave solutions of parabolic systems", American Mathematical Society, (1993). [2]. A.Wazwaz, "New travelling wave solutions of different physical structures to generalized BBM equation", Elsevier, (2006), pp.358-362. [3]. G.Cai, Q.Wang, "A modified F-expansion method for solving nonlinear PDEs", Journal of Information and Computing Science", (2007), pp.03-16. [4]. J.Manafianheris, "Exact solutions of the BBM and MBBM equations by the generalized (G‟/G)-expansion method", International Journal of Genetic Engineering, (2012), pp.28-32. [5]. J-H. He, "Soliton perturbation",Selected works of J-H.He, (2009), pp. 8453-8457. [6]. M.D.Abdur Rab, A.S.Mia, T.Akter, "Some travelling wave solutions of KdvBurger equation", International Journal of Mathematical Analysis, (2012), pp.1053- 1060. [7]. M.T.Alquran, "Applying differential transform method to nonlinear partial differential equations: A modified approach", Applications and Applied Mathematics:An International Journal, (2012), pp.155-163. [8]. M.T.Alquran, "Solitons and periodic solutions to nonlinear partial differential equations by the Sine-Cosine method", Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences: An International Journal, (2012), pp.85-88. [9]. M.T.Darvishi, Maliheh Najafi, Mohammad Najafi, "Travelling wave solutions for the (3+1)-dimensional breaking soliton equation by (G‟/G)- expansion method and modified Fexpansion method", International Journal of Computational and Mathematical Sciences 6:2, (2012), pp.64-69. [10]. M.T.Darvishi, Maliheh Najafi, Mohammad Najafi, "Travelling wave solutions for foam drainage equation by modified F-expansion method", Food and Public health, (2012), pp. 6-10. Priyanka M. Patel, V. H. Pradhan |
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29. | A Review on Non-Linear Vibrations of Thin Shells
A Review on Non-Linear Vibrations of Thin ShellsAbstract: This review paper aims to present an updated review of papers, conference papers, books, dissertations dealing with nonlinear vibrations of circular cylindrical thin shells. This paper surveyed mathematically, experimentally, analytically, numerically analyzed vibrations of cylindrical shells. This includes shells of open type, closed type, with and without fluid interactions; shells subjected to free and forced vibrations, radial harmonic excitations, seismically excitations; perfect and imperfect shell structures of various materials with different boundary conditions. This paper presented 210 reference papers in alphabetical order. This paper is presented as Geometrically nonlinear shell theories, Free and forced vibrations under radial harmonic excitation, Imperfect shells, shells subjected to seismic excitations, References.Reference [1]. ABE, Y. KOBAYASHI and G. YAMADA 2000 Journal of Sound and Vibration 234, 405-426.Non-linear vibration characteristics of clamped laminated shallow shells. [2]. V. L. AGAMIROV and A. S. VOL‟MIR 1959 Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Ordelenie Tekhnicheskykh Nauk, Mekhanika i Mashinostroeni 3, 78-83. Behaviour of cylindrical shells under dynamic loading by hydrostatic pressure or by axial loading (in Russian). It was published in English in 1961 by ARS Journal (Journal of the American Rocket Society) 31, 98-101. [3]. M. AMABILI 2008 Nonlinear Vibrations and Stability of Shells and Plates. New York, USA: Cambridge University Press. [4]. Amabili, M., Paı¨doussis, M.P., 2003. Review of studies on geometrically nonlinear vibrations and dynamics of circular cylindrical shells and panels, with and without fluid-structure interaction. Applied Mechanics Reviews 56, 349–381. [5]. M. AMABILI 2003a Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 264, No. 5, pp. 1091- 1125. Comparison of shell theories for large-amplitude vibrations of circular cylindrical shells: Lagrangian approach. [6]. M. AMABILI 2003b AIAA Journal, Vol. 41, No. 6, 1119-1130. Nonlinear vibrations of circular cylindrical shells with different boundary conditions. [7]. M. AMABILI 2003c Journal of Sound and Vibration Vol. 262, No. 4, pp. 921-975. Theory and experiments for largeamplitude vibrations of empty and fluidfilled circular cylindrical shells with imperfections. [8]. M. AMABILI, R. GARZIERA and A. NEGRI 2002 Journal of Fluids and Structures 16, 213-227. Experimental study on large-amplitude vibrations of water-filled circular cylindrical shells. [9]. M. AMABILI and M. P. PAÏDOUSSIS 2003 Applied Mechanics Reviews, Vol. 56, No. 4, 349-381. Review of studies on geometrically nonlinear vibrations and dynamics of circular cylindrical shells and panels, with and without fluidstructure interaction. [10]. M. AMABILI, M. PELLEGRINI AND M. TOMMESANI 2003 Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 260, No. 3, pp. 537-547. Experiments on largeamplitude vibrations of a circular cylindrical panel. P.Kiran Kumar, J.V.Subrahmanyam, P.RamaLakshmi |
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30. | The Interrelationships Among Trust, Perceived Risk, And Behavioral Intention For Technology Acceptance And Internet Banking P.Salmanraju, A.Rakesh, Ms. N. Bhagya Laxmi | 208-224 | ![]() |
31. | GPU Programming Models
GPU Programming ModelsAbstract: The CPU, the brains of the computer is being enhanced by another part of the computer – the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU), which is its soul. GPUs are optimized for taking huge batches of data and performing the same operation repeatedly and quickly, which is not the case with PC microprocessors. A CPU combined with GPU, can deliver better system performance, price, and power. The version 2 of Microsoft's Accelerator offers an efficient way for applications to implement array-processing operations. These operations use the parallel processing capabilities of multi-processor computers. CUDA is a parallel computing platform and programming model created by NVIDIA. CUDA provides both lower and a higher level APIs.Key words: GPU, GPU Programming CUDA, CUDA API, CGMA ratio, CUDA Memory Model, Accelerator, Data Parallel Arrays Reference [1] http://blogs.nvidia.com/2009/12/whats-thedifference-between-a-cpu-and-a-gpu/ [2] http://barbagroup.bu.edu/gpuatbu/Program_ files/Cruz _gpuComputing09.pdf [3] research.microsoft.com/en.../accelerator/acc elerator_i ntro.docx 11/12/2012 4:06 PM [4] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CUDA 11/12/2012 3:52 PM [5] www.cs.duke.edu/courses/fall09/cps296.3/c uda_docs/NVIDIA_CUDA_ProgrammingG uide_2.3.pdf [6] De Donno, D.; Esposito, A.; Tarricone, L.; Catarinucci, L. Antennas and Propagation Magazine, IEEE Volume: 52, Issue: 3, ―Introduction to GPU Computing and CUDA Programming: A Case Study on FDTD [EM Programmer's Notebook]‖ Stevina Dias, Sherrin Benjamin, Mitchell D'silva, Lynette Lopes |
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32. | Modelling Of Groyne Placement On The River Bend Based On Sedimentation Analysis Using Numerical Simulation Approach By Finite Difference Method
Modelling Of Groyne Placement On The River Bend Based On Sedimentation Analysis Using Numerical Simulation Approach By Finite Difference MethodAbstract: Modelling of groyne placement on the riverbend based on sedimentation analysis having a goal to development the good placement of groyne to be considered of the sedimentation accumulation volume on groyne field. To solved Modelling groyne placement would be simulation many case of groyne placement using mathematical modeling approach by finite different method. This research plant to simulation for the 450 cases, that were combinations of various the groyne position, various the groyne length, various of the flow velocities, various of the radius bend and various of the suspended load concentrations. From the data simulation outcome, can be solved by regression analysis to obtain suitability coefficients Cvol. .Key words: groyne placement, riverbend, sedimentation analysis, mathematical modeling. Reference 1 Suharjoko, Study on Numerical Modeling of Two-Dimentional Horizontal Flow special case Groyne on the River Estuary, Thesis for the degree of Master Science in Civil Engineering Program, Departement of Engineering Science, Post-graduate Program, Univercity Of Gajah Mada, Yogyakatra, 1999. 2 Suharjoko,2001, Numerical Modeling of Two-Dimentional Horizontal Flow on Groyne Field due to Groyne Placement on the River Straight, Recearches Report, Departemen of Recearch and Public Official, Institute of Technologie Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, 2001. 3 Jungseok Ho, Hong Koo Yeo, Julie Coonrod, and Won-Sik Ahn, NUMERICAL MODELING STUDY FOR FLOW PATTERN CHANGES INDUCED BY SINGLE GROYNE Seminario Internacional La Hidroinformática en la Gestión Integrada de los Recursos Hídricos, Universidad del Valle/Instituto Cinara Kutija, V. and Murray, M. G. 162 , 2005. 4 Heereveld ,Zijlstra, RIVER GROYNES FOR THE FUTURE innovative groyne design, EU Water Framework Directive, EU Habitats Directive. 2006. 5 Prohaska Sandra, Thomas Jancke, Bernhard Westrich, MODEL BASED ESTIMATION OF SEDIMENTEROSION IN GROYNE FIELDS ALONG THE RIVER ELBE University of Stuttgart, Institute of Hydraulic Engineering, Stuttgart, Germany, (2007). 6 Duan, J.G., Nanda, P., 2006, Twodimensional depth-averaged model simulation of suspended sediment concentration distribution in a groyne field, Journal of Hydrology, Elsevier, (2006). 7 Zhang Hao, Hajime Nakagawa, Yasunori Muto, Yosio Muramoto, et al, Morphodynamics of Channel with Groins its Aplications in River Restoration, Annual of Disas, Prev. Res. Inst. Kyoto Univ., No. 50 B. 2007 8 Armani A, M. Righety, Sartori F, Experimental Analisys of Flufial Groyne, Proc, of River Flow, Brauschweig, (2010). 9 Zhang Hao, Mizutani and Nakagawa, Impact of Grain Size Distribution on Bed Topography around a Groyne,34 th IAHR worl Congress – Balance and Uncertainty, ISBN 978-0-85825-868-6, Brisbane, Australia, 26 June-1 July 2011. 10 Fang Chunming, Jixin Mao, and Wen Lu, 2D DEPTH-AVERAGED SEDIMENT TRANSPORT MODEL TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT OF BEND FLOWS, US-CHINA WORKSHOP ONADYANCED COMPUTATIONAL MODELLING IIV HYDROSCIENCE & ENGINEERING September 19-21, Oxfon - Mississippi, USA, 2005. SUHARJOKO, MOHAMMAD BISRI, RISPININGTATI, MUHAMMAD RUSLIN ANWAR |
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33. | Performance Analysis Of Effect Of Directional Antennas On Energy In Routing Protocol
Performance Analysis Of Effect Of Directional Antennas On Energy In Routing ProtocolAbstract: In this paper we have presented an analytical model for power-aware, multi-hop wireless network nodes equipped with antennas such as omni directional, steerable and switched beam antennas. Complexity is day by day increasing of routing between the nodes because of highly dynamic nature of the mobile ad hoc network results due to frequent change in network topology. However, it may be possible to improve the network Congestion by using directional antennas. To find out which directional antenna gives better performance for mobile ad hoc networks, In this paper, we compare and analyze different directional antennas for various routing protocols such as DSR, OLSR, ZRP which comprise a good mix of reactive, proactive and hybrid protocols. To determined the average jitter, average end to end delay and throughput for application layer and power consumption between nodes in physical layer by using omni- directional, steerable and switched beam antennas. We are using Random waypoint mobility with rectangular frame in this simulation which is done with the QualNet 5.01 simulator.Key words: Ad hoc network, AODV, DSR, Directional antenna, QualNet, ZRP Reference [1] J.Broch, D. A. Maltz, D. B. Johnson, Y.ch and hu and J. Jetcheva, "A performance comparison of Multi – hop wireless sensor ad-hoc for mobile ad-hoc networks" in proc. 4th annual IEEE/ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, Dallas, Texas, US Oct. 1998, pp. 85-97. [2] C.E. Perkins & E.M. Royer, Ad-hoc OnDemand Distance Vector Routing, Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications, New Orleans, LA, February 1999, pp. 90-100 [3] A. Boukerche, Performance Evaluation of Routing Protocols for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks, Mobile Networks and Applications 9, Netherlands, 2004, pp. 333- 342 [4] Samir R.Das, Charles E.Perkins, Elizabeth .Royer , Performance Comparison of Two On-demand Routing Protocols for Ad Hoc Networks. IETF RFC, No. 3561, Jul.2003. [5] Muktadir A.H.A. 2007. "Energy Consumption study of OLSR and DYMO MANET Routing Protocols" in Urban Area, National Conference on Communication and Information Security, Daffodil International University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. pp.133-136. [6] Ahmed S. and Alam M. S., "Performance Evaluation of Important Ad Hoc Network Protocols". EURASIP Journal on Wireless Com. and Networking. Vol. 2006. Issue 2. pp.1-11. [7] Subir Kumar Sarkar, T,G. Basavaraju, and C. Puttamadappa, "Ad Hoc Mobile Wireless Networks: Principles, Protocols and Applications", Auerbach Publications, US, 2008. [8] D. Johnson, Y. Hu, D. Maltz, "The Dynamic Source Routing Protocol (DSR) for Mobile Ad- hoc Networks for IPv4". RFC 4728. February, 2007. [9] Per H. Lehne, "An Overview of Smart Antenna Technology for Mobile Communications Systems", IEEE Communication Surveys, Vol. 2, No. 4, 1999, pp 2-13. [10] Asis Nasipuri, Jothsna Mandava, H. M., and Hiromoto, R.E. On-Demand Routing Using Directional Antennas in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. In IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) (2000). Dharam Vir, S.K.Agarwal, S.A.Imam |
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34. | Fixed Cost Analysis Of Transmission Lines
Fixed Cost Analysis Of Transmission LinesAbstract: In the open access restructured power system market, it is necessary to develop an appropriate pricing scheme that can provide the useful economic information to market participants, such as generation, transmission companies and customers. In this work two methods using DC Power flow and AC power flow have been attempted. GGDF method and Bialek Tracing method. Bialek Tracing method applies AC power flow and considers apparent power flows.. The technique presented in this work is related to the allocation of the cost to GENCO's TRANSCO's and DISCO's. A technique for tracing the flow of electricity of lines among generators with GGDF and Bialek upstream looking algorithm is proposed. With these methods correct economic signals are generated for all players. All these methods are tested on 6 bus systemsKey words: Bialek, Bus, DISCO's, GGDF, Generation, TRANSCO's Transmission Reference [1] Mohamed A.M. Shaaban ―Cost-based Pricing of Transmission System Services: An Overview‖Port Fouard 42523, Port Said, EGYPT [2] Mohammed Shahidehpour, Hatim Yamin, Zuyi Li, ―Market Operations in Electric Power System Forecasting, Scheduling and Risk Mangements‖, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Newyork [3] J. Bialek, ―Tracing the Flow of Electricity,‖ IEE Proc.-Genet Trunsm, Distrib,Vol. 143, No. 4, pp.313320,July 1996. [4] Niranjankumar, student member IEEE Y.R.V.Reddy, Devadutta das, N.P.Padhy, senior member IEEE2001―Transmission cost allocation y using MW-Mile approaches in restructured Indian powersystem‖ [5] DariushShirmohammadi ,MarioV.P.Pereira, power system research ― Some fundamental technical concepts about cost based transmission pricing ―1995 IEEE [6] J.W. Bialek and P.A. Kattumanpropotional sharing assumption intracing methodolaoggy,IEEE 2004 [7] Su, C.T., and Liaw, J.H.: ―Power wheeling pricing using power tracing and MVA-KM method‖. Proc. Power Tech., IEEE Porto, 10–13 Sept.2001, Vol. 1, pp. SSM1 I.V.V.Vijetha , V.Anjaneyulu |
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35. | Design of Public Transport Service System Based on Short Message Service
Design of Public Transport Service System Based on Short Message ServiceAbstract: In this paper, we proposing the simple public bus transport query system based on short message service (SMS). Here we analysis embedded system theory and short message service (SMS). We are combining communication technology and GSM technology. Whole traffic routes and timing information is kept in USB per drive and connected to S3C2440A, it communicates with GSM and responds to the queries by getting the information from its USB port pen drive.GSM will reply to those queries by using AT commands. We put forward the system principle block diagram and the hardware circuit of GSM.Key words: Advance RISC Machine (ARM), Global system for Mobile communications (GSM), pen drive, short message service (SMS) and S3C2440A. Reference [1]. Samsung. S3C2440A 32Bit CMOS Microcontroller User's Manual [Z]. Samsung Electronics Corp, 2003. [2] Chwan-Lu Tseng,Joe-Air Jiang,etc. Feasibility study on application of GSM– SMS technology to field data acquisition, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture,2006,53,45–59 [3] Ke Wan. An sms-based sales reporting system for a fashion-clothes franchising company. In Engineering Management Conference, 2003. IEMC '03. Managing Technologically Driven Organizations: The Human Side of Innovation and Change, pages 330 – 334, 2003. [4] Garner, P., Mullins, I., Edwards, R., and Coulton, P. Mobile terminated sms billing exploits an security analysis. In Third International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations, 2006. ITNG 2006., pages 294–299, April 2006. [5] Guifen Gu; Guili Peng , The survey of GSM wireless communication system, Computer and Information Application (ICCIA), 2010 [6] Oancea, C.D., GSM infrastructure used for data transmission, Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering (ATEE), 2011 7th International Symposium on 12-14 May 2011 [7] Peersman,C.,Cvethovic,S.,Griffiths,P.,Spe ar,H,The global system for mobile communication short message service. 2000,7,15–23. [8] Karim Yaghmour, "Building Embedded Linux systems," O'Reilly Media Mohammad.Iliyas Ahmed, B.Chakradhar |
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36 | Speech to Text Conversion using Android Platform
Speech to Text Conversion using Android PlatformAbstract: For the past several decades, designers have processed speech for a wide variety of applications ranging from mobile communications to automatic reading machines. Speech recognition reduces the overhead caused by alternate communication methods. Speech has not been used much in the field of electronics and computers due to the complexity and variety of speech signals and sounds. However, with modern processes, algorithms, and methods we can process speech signals easily and recognize the text. In this project, we are going to develop an on-line speech-to-text engine. The system acquires speech at run time through a microphone and processes the sampled speech to recognize the uttered text. The recognized text can be stored in a file. We are developing this on android platform using eclipse workbench. Our speech-to-text system directly acquires and converts speech to text. It can supplement other larger systems, giving users a different choice for data entry. A speech-to-text system can also improve system accessibility by providing data entry options for blind, deaf, or physically handicapped users. Voice SMS is an application developed in this work that allows a user to record and convert spoken messages into SMS text message. User can send messages to the entered phone number. Speech recognition is done via the Internet, connecting to Google's server. The application is adapted to input messages in English. Speech recognition for Voice uses a technique based on hidden Markov models (HMM - Hidden Markov Model). It is currently the most successful and most flexible approach to speech recognition.Key words: Android Os, DVM, Speech Recognition, Intents Reference [1]C. Allauzen, M. Riley, J. Schalkwyk, W. Skut, and M. Mohri. OpenFst: A general and efficient weighted _nite-state transducer library. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4783:11, 2007. [2] M. Bacchiani, F. Beaufays, J. Schalkwyk, M. Schuster, and B. Strope. Deploying GOOG-411: Early lessons in data, measurement, and testing. In Proceedings of ICASSP, pages 5260{5263, 2008. [3] MJF Gales. Semi-tied full-covariance matrices for hidden Markov models. 1997. [4] B. Harb, C. Chelba, J. Dean, and G. Ghemawhat. Back-o_ Language Model Compression. 2009. [5] H. Hermansky. Perceptual linear predictive (PLP) analysis of speech. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 87(4):1738{1752, 1990. [6] Maryam Kamvar and Shumeet Baluja. A large scale study of wireless search behavior: Google mobile search. In CHI, pages 701{709, 2006. [7] S. Katz. Estimation of probabilities from sparse data for the language model component of a speech recognizer. In IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, volume 35, pages 400{01, March 1987. [8] D. Povey, D. Kanevsky, B. Kingsbury, B. Ramabhadran, G. Saon, and K. Visweswariah. Boosted MMI for model and feature-space discriminative training. In Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2008. [9] R. Sproat, C. Shih, W. Gale, and N. Chang. A stochastic _nite-state word-segmentation algorithm for Chinese. Computational linguistics,22(3):377{404, 1996. [10] C. Van Heerden, J. Schalkwyk, and B. Strope. Language modeling for what-withwhere on GOOG-411. 2009. B. Raghavendhar Reddy, E. Mahender |
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37. | Investigation Of Elasticity, Compression And Shear Strength Of Masonry Wall From Indonesian Clay Brick
Investigation Of Elasticity, Compression And Shear Strength Of Masonry Wall From Indonesian Clay BrickAbstract: Hand made clay brick as local material most widely used as structural walls of buildings and dwelling in Indonesia. The problems that arise concerning this material are very much in earthquakes. Design of load-bearing brick masonry buildings to withstand vertical and lateral loading due to earthquake depends on the knowledge of behavior and failure mode of masonry in compression and shear. In Indonesia this material is studied with reference refers from western country. Research originating from Indonesia is still limited number of publications. It required more research about the properties of this brick, so that problems arising out of this material will be more rational and precise handling. These studies focused on the elasticity, compressive and shear strength of masonry wall. Materials for this research came from several areas in East Java. The masonry wall models were made according to the way people's habits in East Java. Standard tests were the ASTM and SNI (Indonesian code). The results and discussion show the behavior of local brick wall is different from those described in the foreign references (western country). Based on this study required a different theory in analyzing the strength and the failure mode of the masonry wall structures.Key words: clay brick, hand made, modulus of elasticity, theory, western country Reference [1] Wisnumurti and S.M. Dewi, Characteristics Clay Brick Masonry from Malang Region, Proceeding International Conference on Materials and Metallurgical Technology (ICOMMET 2009), Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya-Indonesia, 2009. [2] Wisnumurti, S.M. Dewi, and A. Soehardjono MD, Masonry Behavior of Local Brick from East-java Indonesia, Journal of Applied Sciences Research, INSInet Publication, American-Eurasian Network for Scientific Information, Vol. 7, Number 6, 2011, 849-852. [3] SII.0021-78, Mutu dan Cara Uji Bata Merah Pejal, Departemen Perindustrian, Republik Indonesia. (In Indonesian). [4] NI-10, 1984, Bata Merah Sebagai Bahan Bangunan, Yayasan Lembaga Penyelidikan Bahan Bangunan, Bandung, Indonesia. (In Indonesian). [5] SNI 03-6861.1-2002, Spesifikasi Bahan Bangunan Bagian A (Bahan Bukan Logam), BSN, Indonesia. (In Indonesian). [6] ASTM C67-07, Methods of Sampling and Testing Brick and Structural Clay Tile, United States. [7] ASTM E519-02 , Standard Test Method for Diagonal Tension (Shear) in Masonry Assemblages, United States. [8] SNI 03-4166-1996, Metode Pengujian Kuat Geser Dinding Pasangan Bata Merah di Laboratorium, BSN, Indonesia (In Indonesian). [9] T. Paulay and M. J. N. Priestley, Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete and Masonry Buildings, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1992 [10] A.T. Vermeltfoort, Brick-mortar interaction in masonry under compression, PhD Thesis, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 2005. Wisnumurti, Sri Murni Dewi, Agoes Soehardjono MD |
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38. | Ant network in In-Line dot Routing
Ant network in In-Line dot RoutingAbstract: In network the quality of service owing to the inability to reach to the server quickly. So there is a need from an optimum method which provides easy access to the server. This paper presents Ant network in In-Line dot Routing. We bring out the Ant colony Optimization (ACO), a behavior under Ant network in In-Line dot Routing which is used to find the shortest path and the correct path of the server and also provides solutions for getting response without reaching the server and data delivery.Key words: Ant Network in In-Line dot Routing (ANILR), Ant Colony Optimization (ACO), Roaming Agent Informers (RAI), Path Detectors (PD) Better Optimization Routing Process (BORP). Reference [1] Beckers R., Deneubourg J.L. and S. Goss (1992). Trails and U-turns in the selection of the shortest path by the ant Lasius niger. Journal of theoretical biology, 159, 397-415. [2] Van der Zwaan, S. and Marques, C. 1999. Ant colony optimization for job shop scheduling. In Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Genetic Algorithms and Artificial Life (GAAL 99). [3] K.D. Kang, J. Oh, and Y. Zhou, "Backlog Estimation and Management for RealTime Data Services," Proc. 20 th Euromicro Conf. Real-Time Systems, 2008. [4] K.D. Kang, S.H. Son, and J.A. Stankovic, "Managing Deadline Miss Ratio and Sensor Data Freshness in Real-Time Databases," IEEE Trans. Knowledge and Data Eng., vol. 16, no. 10, pp. 1200-1216, Oct. 2004. [5] M. Amirijoo, J. Hansson, and S.H. Son, "Specification and Management of QoS in Real-Time Databases Supporting Imprecise Computations," IEEE Trans. Computers, vol. 55, no. 3, pp. 304- 319, Mar. 2006. [6] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ant_colony_o ptimization Anil kumar R, Ajith kumar R |
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39. | A Method for Identification of Basmati Rice grain of India and Its Quality Using Pattern Classification
A Method for Identification of Basmati Rice grain of India and Its Quality Using Pattern ClassificationAbstract: The research work deals with an approach to perform texture and morphological based retrieval on a corpus of Basmati rice grain images. The work has been carried out using Image Warping and Image analysis approach. The method has been employed to normalize food grain images and hence eliminating the effects of orientation using image warping technique with proper scaling. The approach has been tested on sufficient number of basmati rice grain images of rice based on intensity, position and orientation. A digital image analysis algorithm based on color, morphological and textural features was developed to identify the six varieties of basmati rice seeds which are widely planted in India. Nine color and nine morphological and textural features were used for discriminant analysis. A back propagation neural network-based classifier was developed to identify the unknown grain types. The color and textural features were presented to the neural network for training purposes. The trained network was then used to identify the unknown grain types. It is also to find the percentage purity of hulled basmati rice grain sample by image processing technique. Commercially the purity test of basmati rice sample is done according to the size of the grain kernel (full, half or broken). By image processing we can also identify any broken basmati rice grains. Here we discuss the various procedures used to obtain the percentage quality of basmati rice grains.Key words: warping, Image rectification, Image segmentation, Edge Detection, blurring image, Thresholding, Percentage Purity, Pixel area Reference [1] B. S. ANAMI1, D. G. SAVAKAR2 Improved Method for Identification and Classification of Foreign Bodies Mixed Food Grains Image Samples, 2005. [2] N.S. Visen1, J. Paliwal1, D.S. Jayas1 and N.D.G. White2 Image analysis of bulk grain samples using neural networks, 2004. [3] J. Paliwal1; N.S. Visen1; D.S. Jayas1; N.D.G. White2 Cereal Grain and Dockage Identification using Machine Vision, 2003. [4] Karunakaran, C., N.S. Visen, J. Paliwal, G. Zhang, D.S. Jayas and N.D.G. White.2001. Machine vision system for agricultural products. [5] J. Paliwal, N. S. Visen, D. S. Jayas, "Cereal Grain and Dockage Identification using Machine Vision", Biosystems Engineering 85(1):51-57, 2003. [6] B. S. Anami, D. G. Savakar, "Improved Method for Identification and Classification of Foreign Bodies Mixed Food Grains Image Samples "ICGST-AIML Journal, vol.9(1), 2009. [3] N. S. Visen, J. Paliwal, D. S. Jayas and N.D.G. White, "Image Analysis". [7] LIU Zhao-yan, CHENG Fang J, YING Yibin, RAO Xiu-qin 2005 Identification of rice seed varieties using neural network*. Harish S Gujjar, Dr. M. Siddappa |
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40. | Review Paper On Ultra Wideband Log-Periodic Antenna For Wireless Communication
Review Paper On Ultra Wideband Log-Periodic Antenna For Wireless CommunicationAbstract: Log-periodic array antennas have been investigated over a long period of time, the reason for the same being its provision of a constant radiation performance and good reflection coefficient performance over a wide frequency band, which can be considered as an important characteristic of this type of antennas. It created a high impact on development of new generation antennas with advanced features and wide range of applications. This paper reviews the performance analysis of Periodicity of the input impedance of log-periodic array antennas (2012), ultra wideband PLPDA with multiple notched bands (2011), Compact Ultra-Wideband Directional Printed Antenna with Notched Band (2010), Band notched UWB PLPDA Fed by HMSIW (2009). The paper also discusses the technology incorporated in order to bring about the required changes in terms of improved performance.Key words: Half mode substrate integrated waveguide (HMSIW), Printed log periodic dipole antenna (PLPDA), Ultra wideband (UWB), Compact printed log periodic dipole antenna (CPLPDA). Reference [1] J.Yang "Periodicity of the input impedance of log-periodic array antennas" IET Microw. Antennas Propag. 2012, Vol. 6, Issue 10, pp. 1117–1122, ISSN 1751-8725. [2] Chao Yu, Student Member, IEEE, Wei Hong, Senior Member, IEEE, Leung Chiu, Member, IEEE, Guohua Zhai, Chen Yu, Wei Qin, and Zhenqi Kuai "Ultrawideband Printed Log-Periodic Dipole Antenna With Multiple Notched Bands" IEEE Transactions On Antennas And Propagation, Vol. 59, No. 3, March 2011, pp. 725-732. [3] Tao Jiang, Wei Hong, Senior Member, IEEE, and Zhenqi Kuai "Compact UltraWideband Directional Printed Antenna with Notched Band" CJMW2011 Proceedings, 2010. [4] Chao Yu, Wei Hong, Chen Yu, Zhen Qi Kuai, Wei Qin "Band-notched UWB Printed Log-Periodic Dipole Antenna Fed by Half Mode Substrate Integrated Waveguide" The 2009 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, pp.496- 499, October 20-23, 2009. [5] Yan Zhang, Wei Hong, Chen Yu, Zhen-Qi Kuai, Yu-Dan Don, and Jian-Yi Zhou "Planar Ultrawideband Antennas With Multiple Notched Bands Based on Etched Slots on the Patch and/or Split Ring Resonators on the Feed Line" IEEE Transactions On Antennas And Propagation, Vol. 56, No. 9, pp. 3063-3068, September 2008. [6] Shih-Yuan Chen, Member, IEEE, PoHsiang Wang, and Powen Hsu, Senior Member, IEEE "Uniplanar Log-Periodic Slot Antenna Fed by a CPW for UWB Applications" IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Vol. 5, pp. 256-259, 2006. [7] The-Nan Chang and Min-Chi Wu "BandNotched Design for UWB Antennas" IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Vol. 7, Pp. 636-640, 2008. [8] Giovanni Andrea Casula, Paolo Maxia, Giorgio Montisci "Design of a Printed Wide Band Log-Periodic Antenna Dipole Array with a New Feeding Technique" 6th European conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP), pp. 1882-1884, 2011. Prateek Wankhade, Prof. Rajesh Nema |
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41. | Delamination Detection By Thermography
Delamination Detection By ThermographyAbstract: Infrared thermography is a twodimensional, non-contact technique allowing surface temperature mapping by providing colourful images easy to interpret through the use of an external energy source and an infrared detector. The attention of the present study was focused on the aid provided by active thermography for non-destructive evaluation of composite material. In present work the experimental analysis was performed by testing several specimens, which were made of E glass woven with epoxy which included the most commonly encountered kinds of damage called delamination artificially created in composite laminate specimens. From the experimental investigations, the effects of delamination area on the detection were elucidated. Also the applicability of the present thermograph method depends on a relative difference of thermal property between the delamination and its surrounding was explained.Key words: Active infrared thermography, Composite material, Delamination. Reference [1] G. Wróbel a, Z. Rdzawski b,c, G. Muzia b, S. Pawlak a," Transient thermography in the assessment of local fibre content in CFRP laminates"Journal of achievements in materials and manufacturing engineering,volume 31, issue 2, December 2008. [2] M. Krishnapillai, R. Jones, I.H. Marshall, M. Bannister, N. Rajic "Thermography as a tool for damage assessment" Composite structures, 2005. [3] Carosena Meola, Giovanni Maria Carlomagno, Antonino Squillace, Antonio Vitiello "Non-destructive evaluation of aerospace materials with lock-in thermography" Engineering failure analysis, volume 13, issue 3, p.p 380– 388, April 2006. [4] Clemente Ibarra Castanedo "Quantitative subsurface defect evaluation by pulsed phase thermography: depth retrieval with the phase" Thèse présentée à la Faculté des études supérieures de l'Université Laval dans le cadre du programme de doctorat en génie électrique pour l'obtention du grade de Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.) 2005. [5] X.Maldague and S.Marinetti "Pulse phase infrared thermography" Journal of applied physics, volume 79 , issue, 5.1995. [6] X.P.V. Maldague " Introduction to NDT by active infrared thermography" Materials Evaluation,. 60, No. 9. pp. 1060- 1073 Key: citeulike: 6541620, September 2002. [7] Liang Cheng and Gui Yun Tian "Comparison of non destructive testing methods on detection of delaminations in composites" Journal of sensors, vol 2012, article ID 408437.2012. Rashed A.Sultan, Samer W. Guirguis, Mahmoud M. Younes, El-Dessouky E. El-Soaly |
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42 | Alphabet Recognition Using Hand Motion Track
Alphabet Recognition Using Hand Motion TrackAbstract: This paper describes method for recognition of alphabets from hand motion trajectory. This method uses Hidden Markov Model (HMM). Gesture recognition for alphabets is done in three main stages; preprocessing, feature extraction and classification. In first stage, preprocessing hand is detected using color information. After detection of hand, motion trajectory which is also called as gesture path will be determined by tracking the hand. The second stage, feature extraction gives pure path by enhancing gesture path it also determines the orientation between the center of gravity and each point in gesture path. This orientation vector gives discrete vector that is used as input to HMM. In the final stage alphabet is recognized by gesture path. Our method will recognizes alphabets and we are expecting more than 90% of recognition rate.Key words: Hand Tracking, Hidden Markov Model, Human Computer Interaction, Gesture Recognition Reference [1] M Elmezain, A. Al-Hamagi,G. Krell, S. ElEtriby, B. Michaelis, ―Gesture Recognition for alphabet from Hand Motion Trajectory Using Hidden Markov Models‖. 2007 IEEE International pp:1192-1197. [2] N. Liu, B. C. Lovell, P. J. Kootsookos, R. I. A. Davis, W. 2004 ―Model Structure Selection and Training Algorithm for a HMM Gesture Recognition System‖, International Workshop in Frontiers of Handwriting Recognition, pp.-100-106, October 2004. [3] Lawrence R. Rabiner, Fellow, ―A Tutorial on Hidden Markov Model and Selected Applications in Speech Recognition‖ Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 77, No. 2, Feb 1989. Pp 257-286. [4] Cha-Sup Jeong, Dong-Seok Jeong ―Handwritten Digit Recognition Using Fourier Discriptors and Contour Information‖ 1999 IEEE TENCON. [5] Ankit Gupta, Kumar Ashis Pati "Finger Tips Detection and Gesture Recognition‖ Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur,India. November 12, 2009. [6] Ming-Hsuan Yang and Narendra Ahuja ―Recognizing Hand Gesture Using Motion Trajectories‖ Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, IEEE Computer Society Conference on Jun 2002 [7] Barbara Resch , Erhard and Car line Rank ―Hidden Markov Model‖. Signal Processing and Speech Communication Laboratory. [8] Nianjun Liu, Richard I.A Davis,Brian C.Lovell and Peter J.Kootsookos ―Effect of initial HMM Choice In multiple sequence training for gesture recognition‖ IEEE. [9] Cha-Sup Jeong, Dong-Seok Jeong, 1999 ―Hand-Written digit recognition using fourier descriptors and Contour information‖, IEEE TENCON. [10] Hongwei Ying,Jiatao Song,Xiaobo Ren and Wei Wang ―fingertip detection and traking using 2D and 3D information‖, 2008 IEEE Pp1149-1152 Shivganga Udhan, Prof. Pravin Futane |
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43. | Effect of MS and L2 Medium on Callusing and Regeneration From Nodal Explants of Asclepias curassavica- (L).
Effect of MS and L2 Medium on Callusing and Regeneration From Nodal Explants of Asclepias curassavica- (L).Abstract: The present study demonstrates an efficient protocol for in vitro mass propagation of A. curassavica through direct as well as indirect regeneration. The effect of MS and L2 media supplemented with various concentrations and combinations of growth regulators has been studied. The growth regulators used include BAP and kinetin (cytokinins) and IAA, IBA, NAA and 2, 4-D (auxins). MS media proved better for callusing than L2 media and callus mediated shoot organogenesis was obtained by sub culturing the organogenic callus obtained from leaf explants on MS + 2 mg/L NAA + 1mg/L BAP+0.5 mg/L KN on to a fresh medium fortified with 1 mg/L BAP+ 0.1 mg/L GA3 lacking NAA. Among the two different media (MS and L2) tested, L2 medium proved superior to MS medium in terms of shoot multiplication and shoot length. Nodal explants showed better organogenic response than shoot tip explants. Among nodal explants basal nodal explants produced more number of shoots than terminal nodes for shoot morphogenesis. Among the two different cytokinins tested in MS media BAP proved better than KN for improving shoot number and shoot length in combination with different auxins. Among the two different cytokinins tested in L2 media KN proved better than BAP for improving shoot number and shoot length either individually or in combination with different auxins. Highest number of shoots was obtained from nodal explants cultured on L2 media containing 3 mg/L KN in combination with IAA. Hence L2 media proved to be effective for organogenesis while MS yielded better callusing and can be employed for in vitro mass propagation of A. curassavicaKey words: Asclepiadaceae, callus, micropropagation, organogenesis Reference 1. Altman, A., Gulsen, Y. and Goren, R. (1982). Growth and metabolic activity of lemon Juice vesicle explants in vitro. Plant Physical, 69: 1-10. 2. Anitha, S. and Pullaiah, T. (2002). In vitro propagation of Decalepis hamiltonii. J. Trop. Med. Plants., 33: 227-232. 3. Anuradha,M. and Pullaiah, T. (1992). Micropropagation of Mulberry (Morus alba L.). Annali Di Botanica. 50: 35-42. 4. Arora, R. and Bhojwani, S.S. (1989). In vitro propagation and low temperature storage of Saussurea lappa C.B. Clarke – an endangered medicinal plant. Plant Cell Rep. 8: 44-47. 5. Baraldi, R., Rossi, F. and Lercari, B. (1988). In vitro shoot development of Prunus GF655-2: interaction between light and benzyladenine. Physiol. Plant., 74: 440-443. 6. Blaksley, D. and Lentan, J.R. (1987). Cytokinin uptake and metabolism in relation to shoot multiplication in vitro. pp. 87-99 In : Jackson et al 1987 (q.v.). 7. Chalupa, V. (1987). Temperature. In : Bonga, J.M and Durzan, D.J. (eds.). Cell and Tissue Culture in Forestry, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Netherlands. 1 : 142- 151. 8. Chakradhar, T. (2004). In vitro culture, physiological, phytochemical and antimicrobial studies of a Medicinal plant. Wattakaka volubilis (L.f.) stapf (Asclepiadaceae). Ph.D. thesis submitted to S.K. University, Ananthapur, India. 9. Chailakhyan, M.K.H., Aksenova, N.P., Konstantinova, J.N. and Bavrina, T.V. (1975). The callus model of plant flowering. Proc. Roy Soc. B., 190: 330-40. 10. Dodds, J.H. and Roberts, L.W. (1982). Experiments in plant tissue culture. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, London, New York. S Hemadri Reddy, M Chakravarthi, K N Chandrashekara, CV Naidu |
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44. | Design Of Supply Chain Network Model And Optimization
Design Of Supply Chain Network Model And OptimizationAbstract: A supply chain network model is designed between Trivandrum and Tirunelveli. In this developing world, recycling is essentially driven by economic necessity, with the associated environmental benefits it is being a useful and positive by-product. The main incentive for recycling waste is its residual economic value. When waste has intrinsic economic value, it becomes a commodity and can be recovered, sold transformed and converted for re-use, adding value along every step of the process. In this research work a supply chain network model is designed, it expresses the expected annual logistics management cost and an optimal path is selected with keeping in mind with future technological, political, seasonal constraints.Key words: Logistics, Recycling, Optimization, Network model, Cost minimization Reference 1. Alvarex-Gil, M. J, Berrone, P, Jusillos, F. J. & Lado, N. (2007). Reverse logistics, stakeholders‟ influence, organizational slack, and managers‟ posture. Journal of Business Research, 60, 463-479. 2. Andel, T. (1997). Reverse logistics second chance for profit: Whether through refurbishment or recycling, companies are finding profit in return products. Transportation and Distribution, 38(7), 61- 6. 3. Aras, N. & Aksen, D. (2008). Locating collection centers for distance and incentive dependent returns. International Journal of Production Economics, 111, p. 316-333 4. Blumberg, D. F. (1999). Strategic examination of reverse logistics and repair service requirements, needs, market size, and opportunities. Journal of Business Logistics, 20 (2), 141-59. 5. Dowlatshahi, S. (2000). Developing a theory of reverse logistics. Interfaces, 30 (3): 143-55. 6. Dwyer, W. O., Leeming, F., Cobern, M. K., Porter, B .E., & Jackson, J. M. (1993). Critical review of behavioral interventions to preserve the environment: Research since 1980. Environment and Behavior, 25 (3), 275-321. 7. Ferrer, G., J. Swaminathan. 2006. Managing new and remanufactured products. Management Sci. 52 15–26. 8.. Geyer, R., & Jackson, T. (2004). Supply loops and their constraints: The industrial ecology of recycling and reuse. California Management Review, 46 (2), 55-73. 9. Graves, S. C., "Safety Stocks in Manufacturing Systems," Journal of Manufacturing and Operations Management, 1 (1988), 67-101. 10. Kumar, S. & Putnam, V. (2008). Cradle to cradle: Reverse logistics strategies and opportunities across three industry sectors. International Journal of Production Economics, 115, 305-315. 11. Schwartz, B. (2000). Reverse logistics strengthens supply chains. Transportation and Distribution, 21 (5), 95-101. 12. Uzsoy, R., Venkatachalam, G., 1998. Supply chain management for companies with product recovery and remanufacturing capability. International Journal of Environmentally Conscious Design and Management 7, 59-72. Azeem Hafiz P.A, Dr.A.K.Shaik Dawood, R.Karthikeyan |
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47. | Studies On The Protein Profiles Of Gamma Ray Induced Blood Stage Of Plasmodium berghei For Developing Candidate Of Malaria Vaccine
Studies On The Protein Profiles Of Gamma Ray Induced Blood Stage Of Plasmodium berghei For Developing Candidate Of Malaria VaccineAbstract: hat had been widely used to attenuate the invasive blood stage of malaria parasite, merozoite, in vaccine materials development. In this study, we determined the protein profiles of blood stage Plasmodium berghei of ANKA strain post gamma irradiation. Parasitized bloods obtained from various percentage of parasite density, days post infection, doses (125, 150 and 175 Gy) and dose rates (380.2 and 640.4 Gy/hour) of gamma ray for irradiation and species of rodent parasites were separated on 10% SDSPAGE gels under reducing conditions after boiled for 5 minutes. We found that protein profile of infected blood was different from uninfected blood with higher number of bands in infected samples indicating some exported proteins to the host cells for pathology in parasitized erythrocyte. Higher dose and dose rate of irradiation resulted in more protein bands on acrylamide gel. Based on further analysis 150 Gy and 380 Gy/hour was the most appropriate dose and dose rate to develop vaccine candidate. There was no difference in protein profiles of non irradiated parasited blood in days post infection, however the profile was depended on the percentage of parasitemia. Protein concentration that was analyzed by Lowry method was decreased with increasing of irradiation dose. Protein profile of P. berghei was different with those of other species of rodent plasmodia. It is concluded that profile of protein was dependent on the percentage of parasitemia i.e. depended on the composition of parasite's life cycle stages, and dose and dose rate of irradiation. Protein profile was also affected by some technical factors that will be discussed furthermore in the paper.Key words: gamma rays, malaria vaccine, P. berghei, protein profile, SDS-PAGE Reference 1. Keto GB, West SE., Steiger D, Beck HP, Weiss N, Hynes NE. A DNA delivery system targeting dendritic cells for use in immunization against malaria: a rodent model. Tanzania Health Research Bulletin 2005; 7: 142-148. 2. Soares IS, Levitus G, Souza JM, Del Portillo HA, Rodrigues MM. Acquired immune responses to the N- and C-terminal regions of Plasmodium vivax merozoite surface protein 1 in individuals exposed to malaria. Infection and Immunity 1997; 65: 1606-1614. 3. Abbas D, Lichmant A, Pober J. Cellular and molecular immunology, 2nd ed. Philadelphia, WB Saunders Co., 1994. 4. Hodes RJ. Aging and the immune system. Immunology Review 1997; 160: 5-8. 5. Hoffman SL, Goh LM, Luke TC, Schneider I, Le TP, Doolan DL, Sacci, J, de la Vega P, Dowler M, Paul C. Protection of humans against malaria by immunization with radiation-attenuated Plasmodium falciparum sporozoites. J. Infect. Dis. 2002; 185: 1155-1164. 6. Kramer LD, Vanderberg JP. Intramuscular immunization of mice with irradiated Plasmodium berghei sporozoites. Enhancement of protection with albumin. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 1975; 24: 913-916. 7. Vanderberg JP, Nussenzweig RS, Most H. Protective immunity produced by the bite of X-irradiated mosquitoes infected with Plasmodium berghei. J. Parasitol. 1970; 56: 350-351. 8. Wipasa J, Elliott S, Xu HJ, Good MF. Immunity to asexual blood stage malaria and vaccine approaches. Immunology and Cell Biology 2002; 80: 401-414. 9. Chappel JA, Holder AA, Monoclonal antibodies that inhibit Plasmodium falciparum invasion in vitro recognize the first growth factor-like domain of merozoite surface protein-1. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology 1993; 60: 303- 312. 10. Wizemann TM, Adamou JE, Langermann S. Adhesins as targets for vaccine development. Emerg. Infect. Dis. 1999; 5: 395-403. Mukh Syaifudin, Devita Tetriana, Darlina,Siti Nurhayati |
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48. | Experimental Analysis of Using Neem Oil as an Alternative Fuel
Experimental Analysis of Using Neem Oil as an Alternative FuelAbstract: Neem oil can be directly used in compression ignition engine. However, the performance is inferior to diesel. This is due to its high viscosity and carbon residue. The performance of the neem oil fuelled engine can be improved by esterifying, preheating or using dual fuel mode with petrol carburetion. In this experimental work, performance and emission characteristics of a single cylinder, water cooled ,direct injection diesel engine operating on neem oil, its ester, preheated neem oil and neem oilpetrol dual fuel mode were evaluated and compared with diesel operation. The brake thermal efficiency of the engine with neem oil is 24.9%,neem oil ester is 26.39%, preheated neem oil at 160 deg Celsius (temperature at which neem oil viscosity equals to diesel viscosity) is 29.1 % and that of diesel is 31.4% at full load. At knock limited point ( 60% full load,1500 rpm), brake thermal efficiency increases from 24% to 30.5% at 33.7% of energy share of petrol with neem oil, and from 26.8% to 32.3% at 30.3% of energy share of petrol with neem oil ester, Smoke, HC/CO decrease with esterification and preheating but increase with petrol carburetion.Key words: vegetable oil, diesel engine, biodiesel, neem oil. Reference [1]. Gerhard Vellguth, "Performance of vegetable oil and their monoesters as fuel for diesel engine", SAE Paper No: 831358, 1983. [2]. Barsic, N.J. and Humke, A.L, "Performance and emission characteristics of naturally aspirated diesel engine with vegetable oil fuels", SAE Paper No: 810262, 1981 [3]. M.Senthil Kumar, A.Ramesh and B.Nagalingam, "Investigations on the use of Jatropha oil and its methyl ester as a fuel in a compression ignition engine", Journal of Institute of Energy, March 2001, 74, pp24-28 [4]. A.Ramesh, "Study of Engine Performance and Emission characteristics of a diesel engine using preheated vegetable oil as a fuel," M.Tech Thesis, Jan 2003, Dept of Mech Engg., IIT Madras. G.Sucharitha, A.Kumaraswamy |
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49. | Degree Of Approximation Of Functions By Modified Partial Sum
Of Their Conjugate Fourier Series By Generalized Matrix Mean
Degree Of Approximation Of Functions By Modified Partial Sum Of Their Conjugate Fourier Series By Generalized Matrix MeanAbstract: The paper studies the degree of approximation of conjugate of a 2 -periodic Lebesgue integrable function f by using modified partial sum of its conjugate Fourier series by generalized matrix mean in generalized Holder metric.Key words: Banach Space, generalized Holder metric and regular generalized matrix. Reference [1] Prem Chandra, On degree of approximation of functions belonging to the Lipschitz class, Nanta math. 8(1975), 88-89 [2] G.Das, S.Pattanayak, Fundamentals of mathematical analysis (1987), Tata MCGraw-Hill Publishing company limited, New Delhi [3] G. Das, R.N. Das &B.K. Ray, Degree of approximation of functions by their conjugate Fourier series in generalized Holder metric, Journal of the Orissa mathematical society, vol.17-20, 1998- 2001, pp.61-74 [4] Shyam Lal, On degree of approximation of conjugate of a function belonging to weighted , W L t p class by matrix sumability means of conjugate series of a Fourier series, Tamkang Journal of mathematics (2000) [5] G.G.Lorentz(SyrocuseUniversity), Approximation of functions (1948), (Athera series, Edwin Hewill, Editor) [6] Kutbuddin Qureshi, On the degree of approximation of functions belonging to the class Lip , p by means of conjugate series, Indian J. Pure Applied, 4(1981) [7] E.C Titchmarsh (University of Oxford), A theory of functions (1939), (Oxford University Press, New York) [8] A. Zygmund,Trigonometric series (1977) (Cambridge University Press, New York) vol.I Prakash Chandra Rautaray, Ellipse |
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50. | Design and implementation of MAC Transmitter for the transmission of UDP packet using FSM and verilog coding techniques
Design and implementation of MAC Transmitter for the transmission of UDP packet using FSM and verilog coding techniquesAbstract: The purpose of this paper is to design and develop a MAC Transmitter on Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) that converts 32 bit data in to 4 bit DATA for transmitter. The data which is used for transmission is UDP Packet. The entire UDP packet will go as data for MAC frame. In this paper we design the Ethernet (IEEE 802.3) connection oriented LAN Medium Access Control Transmitter (MAC). It starts by describing the behavior of MAC circuit using Verilog. A synthesized Verilog model of the chip is developed and implemented on target technology. This paper will concentrate on the testability features that increase product reliability. It focuses on the design of a MAC Transmitter chip with embedded Built-In-SelfTest (BIST) architecture using FPGA technology.Key words: UDP,MAC, IEEE 802.3 Reference [1] Dr. M.S. Sutaone "Performance Evaluation of VHDL Coding Techniques for Optimized Implementation of IEEE 802.3" IEEE transaction on communication, pp- 287-293,Jan 12, 2008 [2] Fedrico Cali, Marco Conti, and Enrico Gregori " IEEE 802.11 protocol: design and performance evaluation of an adaptive Back off mechanism" IEEE journal on selected areas in communications, vol .18.No.September 2000,pp1774-1778. [3] P.M.Soni and a Chockalingam "IEEE analysis of link layer backoff schemes on Point –to-point Markov fading links" ,IEEE Transaction on communication, vol.51,no.1, January 2003,pp 29-31. [4] IEEE 802.3 Cyclic Redundancy Check, Xilinx, XAPP209 (v1.0) march 23, Application note: vertex series and vertex II family, 2001, Author by Chriss Borelli [5] Kenneth J.Christensen "A simulation study of enhanced arbitration methods for improving Ethernet performance" computer communications,21(1998)24- 36, ELSEVIER. [6] Douglas J. Smith "HDL Chip Design A Practical Guide for designing ,synthesis & simulating ASICs & FPGAs using VHDL or Verilog",3rd edition – MGH.pp179-183 and 198 201. [7] Neil H.E.Weste and David Harris, "CMOS VLSI Design A circuitand systems perspective"3rd edition – PIE,pp164-166. [8] Paran Kurup & Taher Abbasi Kluwar, "Logic synthesisusing synopsys". [9] Xilinx, "Spartan-3A DSP FPGA Family data sheet", March 2009. [10] Lofgren, A. Lodesten, L. Sjoholm, S. Hansson, H., "An analysis of FPGA-based UDP/1P stack parallelism for embedded Ethernet connectivity," NORCHIP Conference, November 2005. [11] lvica Crnkovic, "Component-based Software Engineeri – New Challenges in Software Development," Proceeding of the 25 th International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces., June 2003 S.Nayeema,K.Jamal |
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51. | Experimental studies on Electrochemical and Biosorption treatment of effluent containing Nitrobenzene and Optimization using RSM
Experimental studies on Electrochemical and Biosorption treatment of effluent containing Nitrobenzene and Optimization using RSMAbstract: A novel process combining Electrochemical Oxidation and Biosorption treatment was presented for Nitrobenzene abatement. The electrochemical oxidation was investigated batch-wise in the presence of NaCl (2g L -1 ) electrolyte with lead as anode and copper as cathode electrodes. The conditions were optimized using response surface methodology (RSM), which result in 76.4% reduction of COD was found to be maximum and the optimum conditions were satisfied at current density 3.56 A dm-2, time 3 hours, flow rate 40 L hr -1, volume 9 L occur at minimum power consumption of 30.3 kWhr / kg COD. It is followed by biosorption treatment in the presence of biosorbents such as maize and rice stems at 15 g L-1. From this study it was observed that the maximum % of COD reduction was 97.7 % for the optimized time 4 days and volume 6 L for pretreated effluent containing nitrobenzene.Key words: Biosorption, COD reduction, Electrochemical, Maize & Rice stem Reference [1] Hartter, D. R. (1985). The use and importance of nitroaromatic chemicals in the chemical industry. In Toxicity of Nitroaromatic Compounds. Chemical Industry Institute of Toxicology series (ed. D. E. Rickert), pp. 1-13. Hemisphere Publishing Corp.: Washington, D.C. [2] Norvell Nelson, (2002), "Electrochemical destruction of organic hazardous wastes", Platinum Metals Review., Vol.46, No.1, pp.18-23 [3] Shengrui Wang, Suwen Yang, Xiangcan Jin, Liangke Liu, Fengchang Wu (2010) "Use of low cost crop biological wastes for the removal of Nitrobenzene from water", Desalination, Volume 264, pp 32-36. [4] Sundstrom, D.W. Khel, H.B. and Rerdy, K.A. (1986) " ", Hazardous Waste Hazard mat, Vol.3, pp.101. [5] Panizza, M. Bocca, P. Cerisola, G. (2000) "Electrochemical treatment of wastewater containing polyaromatic organic pollutants", Water Research. 2000, Volume 34, pp. 2601-2605. [6] Radha .K.V, Sridevi .V and Kalaivani .K (2009) "Electrochemical oxidation for the treatment of textile industry wastewater", Bioresource Technology., Vol.100, pp.987–990. [7] Rajeshwar .K and Ibanez .J.G (1997), "Fundamentals and Application in Pollution Abatement, Academic Press", San Diego, CA,. [8] Rajeshwar .K., Ibanez .J.G and Swain .G.M (1994), "Electrochemistry and the environment", Journal of Applied Electrochemistry., Vol.24, pp.1077–1091. [9] Robinson, T. Chandran, B. Nigam, P. (2005) " Removal of dyes from a synthetic textile dye effluent by biosorption on apple pomace and wheat straw", Water Research, Volume 36, Issue 11, pp 2824–2830. [10] Yousuf .M., Mollah .A., Schennach .R., Parga .J.R and Cocke .D.L (2001), "Electro coagulation (EC)-science and applications", Journal of Hazardous Materials., Vol.84, No.1, pp.29–41. [11] Yu-Ping Li, Hong-Bin Cao, Chen-Ming Liu, Yi Zhang (2006) " Electrochemical reduction of nitrobenzene at carbon nanotube electrode", Journal of Hazardous Materials, Volume 148, Issues 1–2, pp 158- 163. [12] Zhang Xiao Lin Fengkai Xu Zheng (2003) "Study on Adsorption Process for Nitrobenzene on Water Hyacinth Root", Shanghai Environmental Science. [13] Zhao, X.K. Yang, G.P. Gao, X.C. (2003) "Studies on the sorption behaviors of nitrobenzene on marine sediments", Chemosphere, Volume 52, Issue 5, pp 917- 25. Mr.P.Sivakumar, Mr.S.Karthikeyan, Dr.D.Prabhakaran, Dr.T.Kannadasan |
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52. | Efficient Keyword Search Methods In Relational Databases
Efficient Keyword Search Methods In Relational DatabasesAbstract: Now a days the keyword search is a mechanism used by all type of organizations. In relational databases the keyword search is used to find the tuples by giving queries. But most of the methods that contain low performance and more storage space for storing the results. So we must find the efficient method for keyword search in relational databases. So we go for the comparative study for the keyword search in relational databases.Key words: relational databases, keyword search, IR ranking, banks, discover. Reference [1] Jianhua Feng, Guoliang Li, and Jianyong Wang, "Finding Top-k Answers in Keyword Search over Relational Databases Using Tuple Units" IEEE Transactions On Knowledge And Data Engineering, Vol. 23, No. 12, December 2011. [2] Balmin.A., Hristidis.V., and Papakonstantinou.Y. (2004) "Objectrank: Authority-Based Keyword Search in Databases," Int'l Conf. Very Large Data Bases (VLDB), 564-575. [3] Bhalotia.G., Hulgeri.A., Nakhe.C., Chakrabarti.S., and Sudarshan.S. (2002) "Keyword Searching and Browsing in Databases Using Banks," Int'l Conf. Data Eng. (ICDE), 431-440. [4] Ding.B et al. (2007) "Finding Top-k MinCost Connected Trees in Databases," IEEE Int'l Conf. Data Eng. (ICDE). [5] Feng.J., Li.G., Wang.J, and Zhou.L. (2010) "Finding and Ranking Compact Connected Trees for Effective Keyword Proximity Search in XML Documents," Information Systems, vol. 35, no. 2, 186-203. [6] He.H., Wang.H., Yang.J., and Yu.P. (2007) "Blinks: Ranked Keyword Searches on Graphs," ACM SIGMOD Int'l Conf. Management of Data. [7] Hristidis.V., and Papakonstantinou.Y. (2002a) "Discover: Keyword Search in Relational Databases," Int'l Conf. Very Large Data Bases (VLDB), 670-681. [8] Li.G., Ji.S., Li.C., and Feng.J. (2009a) "Efficient Type-Ahead Search on Relational Data: A Tastier Approach," SIGMOD Int'l Conf. Management of Data, 695-706. [9] Li.G., Ooi B.C., Feng.J., Wang.J., and Zhou.L. (2008b) "Ease: An Effective 3-in-1 Keyword Search Method for Unstructured, Semi-Structured and Structured Data," ACM SIGMOD Int'l Conf. Management of Data, 903-914. [10] Li.G., Zhou.X., Feng.J., and Wang.J. (2009c) "Progressive Keyword Search in Relational Databases," IEEE Int'l Conf. Data Eng. (ICDE),1183-1186. Sharmili C, Rexie J. A. M |
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53. | Solar-Driven Integrated Ro/Nf For Water Desalination
Solar-Driven Integrated Ro/Nf For Water DesalinationAbstract: This article presents an experimental study where two different modules are integrated, i.e. a reverse osmosis (RO) module, and a nanofiltration (NF) module, for brackish water desalination unit. Photovoltaic (PV) panels power the setup. The performance for each of the modules was evaluated separately. Then both modules were integrated together, either in series or in parallel. The performance of the integrated setup is investigated using various feed solutions. Separately, the RO module exhibits higher retention (RT) for divalent ions, than that for the mono valence ions. The retention of the RO was higher than that for the NF. The NF module exhibits higher flux and lower specific energy consumption (SEC) than that of the RO module. Results of the integrated arrangement showed that, for a given feed solution, the series arrangement, would offer an opportunity to operate the desalination unit at higher recovery ratio (RR), and low SEC. The parallel arrangement, presents a reasonable solution for desalinating saline brackish water, with a lower risk of scale formation on the RO membrane.Key words: Reverse Osmosis, Nano-filtration, Solar Energy, Desalination, Brackish water Reference [1] A. Ghermandi, R.Messalem, Solar-driven desalination with reverse osmosis: the state of the art, Desalination and Water Treatment, 7 (2009) 285–296. [2] C. Fritzmann, J. Loewenberg, T. Wintgens and T. Melin, State-of-the-art of reverse osmosis desalination. Desalination, 216 (2007) 1–76. [3] M. Wilf, Fundamentals of RO–NF technology, Proc. International Conference on Desalination Costing, Middle East Desalination Research Center, Limassol, Cyprus, 2004. [4] M. Wilf and K. Klinko, Optimization of seawater RO systems design. Desalination, 138 (2001) 299–306. [5] S. Alawaji, M.S. Smiai, S. Rafique and B. Stafford, PV-powered water pumping and desalination plant for remote areas in Saudi Arabia. Appl. Applied Energy 52 (1995) 283 –289. [6] S. Abdallah, M. Abu-Hilal and M.S. Mohsen, Performance of a photovoltaic powered reverse osmosis system under local climatic conditions. Desalination, 183 (2005) 95–104. [7] D.G. Harrison, G.E. Ho and K. Mathew, Desalination using renewable energy in Australia. Renewable Energy, 8 (1996) 509–513. [8] Tripanagnostopoulos, Th. Nousia, M. Souliotis, and P. Yianoulis (2002), Hybrid Photovoltaic/Thermal Solar Systems, Solar Energy Vol. 72, No. 3, pp. 217–234. [9] B.S. Richards, D.P.S. Capão and A.I. Schäfer, Renewable energy powered membrane technology. 2. The effect of energy fluctuations on performance of a photovoltaic hybrid membrane system. Environ. Sci. Technol., 42(12) (2008) 4563–4569. [10] S. Bouguecha, B. Hamrouni and M. Dhahbi, Small scale desalination pilots powered by renewable energy sources: case studies. Desalination, 183 (2005) 151–165. A. Ben Meriem, S. Bouguecha, S. Elsayed Aly |
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54. | A Novel Approach of Mining Frequent Sequential Pattern from Customized Web Log Preprocessing
A Novel Approach of Mining Frequent Sequential Pattern from Customized Web Log PreprocessingAbstract: Millions of visitors interact daily with web sites around the world. The several kinds of data have to be organized in a manner that they can be accessed by several users effectively and efficiently. Web mining is the extraction of exciting and constructive facts and inherent information from artifacts or actions related to the WWW. Web usage mining is a kind of data mining method that can be useful in recommending the web usage patterns with the help of users' session and behavior. Web usage mining includes three process, namely, preprocessing, pattern discovery and pattern analysis. After the completion of these three phases the user can find the required usage patterns and use this information for the specific needs. Web usage mining requires data abstraction for pattern discovery. This data abstraction is achieved through data preprocessing. Experiments have proved that advanced data preprocessing technique can enhanced the quality of data preprocessing results. To capture users' web access behavior, one promising approach is web usage mining which discovers interesting and frequent user access patterns from web logs. Sequential Web page Access pattern mining has been a focused theme in data mining research for over a decade with wide range of applications. The aim of discovering frequent sequential access (usage) patterns in Web log data is to obtain information about the navigational behavior of the users. This can be used for advertising purposes, for creating dynamic user profiles etc. In this paper we survey about the Sequential Pattern Mining Methods.Key words: Web Usage Mining (WUM), Preprocessing, Pattern Discovery, Pattern Analysis, Weblog,Sequential Patterns . Reference [1] S.K. Pani, L.Panigrahy, V.H.Sankar, Bikram Keshari Ratha, A.K.Mandal, S.K.Padhi, "Web Usage Mining: A Survey on Pattern Extraction from Web Logs", International Journal of Instrumentation, Control & Automation (IJICA), Volume 1, Issue 1, 2011 [2] Yogish H K, Dr. G T Raju, Manjunath T N, "The Descriptive Study of Knowledge Discovery from Web Usage Mining", IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 8, Issue 5, No 1, September 2011 [3] Udayasri.B, Sushmitha.N, Padmavathi.S, "A LimeLight on the Emerging Trends of Web Mining" , Special Issue of International Journal of Computer Science & Informatics (IJCSI), ISSN (PRINT):2231–5292,Vol.-II,Issue-1,2 [4] Navin Kumar Tyagi, A.K. Solanki & Sanjay Tyagi. "An Algorithmic approach to data preprocessing in Web usage mining", International Journal of Information Technology and Knowledge Management July-December 2010, Volume 2, No. 2, pp. 279-283 [5] Surbhi Anand , Rinkle Rani Aggarwal, "An Efficient Algorithm for Data Cleaning of Log File using File Extensions", International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 888),Volume 48– No.8, June 2012 [6] J. Vellingiri and S. Chenthur Pandian, "A Novel Technique for Web Log mining with Better Data Cleaning and Transaction Identification", Journal of Computer Science7 (5): 683-689,2011 ISSN 1549- 3636 © 2011 Science Publications [7] Priyanka Patil and Ujwala Patil, " Preprocessing of web server log file for web mining", National Conference on Emerging Trends in Computer Technology (NCETCT-2012)", April 21, 2012 [8] Vijayashri Losarwar, Dr. Madhuri Joshi, "Data Preprocessing in Web Usage Mining", International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Embedded Systems (ICAIES'2012) July 15-16, 2012 Singapore [9] V.Chitraa , Dr.Antony Selvadoss Thanamani, "A Novel Technique for Sessions Identification in Web Usage Mining Preprocessing" , International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 34– No.9, November 2011 [10] Spilipoulou M.and Mobasher B, Berendt B.,"A framework for the Evaluation of Session Reconstruction Heuristics in Web Usage Analysis", INFORMS Journal on Computing Spring ,2003 [11] Sachin yele, Beerendra Kumar, Nitin Namdev, Devilal Birla, Kamlesh Patidar.,"Web Usage Mining for Pattern Discovery", International Journal of Advanced Engineering & Applications, January 2011. [12] Chetna Chand, Amit Thakkar, Amit Ganatra, "Sequential Pattern Mining: Survey and Current Research Challenges", International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE) ISSN: 2231- 2307, Volume-2, Issue-1, March 2012 Manisha Valera, Kirit Rathod |
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55. | Analytical Study Of Average Monthly Efficiency of a Flat Plate Collector With Varying Solar Irradiation For Almora District Of Uttarakhand
Analytical Study Of Average Monthly Efficiency of a Flat Plate Collector With Varying Solar Irradiation For Almora District Of UttarakhandAbstract: One of the most important components of a solar system is the solar collector. The present work deals with the climatic conditions prevalent in Almora district of Uttarakhand. The study is made to find out the variation of solar radiation over months during years 2010 and 2011. The aforesaid data is then used to find out the average efficiency of a flat plate solar collector during each month.Key words: Efficiency, Flat Plate Collector, Irradiation Reference 1. Charter, W.W.S. and Window, B.C., "Solar Collector Design and Testing" , The New ISES, Vol. 4,pp. 47-50, 1978 2. Fudholi A. Sopian K, Ruslan MH, Alghoul MA, Sulaiman MY. Review of solar dryers for agricultural and marine products. Renewable and Sustaninable Energy Review 2010;14:1-30 3. Grupp M, Bergler H, Bertrand JP, Kromer Band Cieslok J. Convective flat plate collectors and their applications. Solar Energy 1995; 55(3):195-07 4. Sutar F. Roy, Tiwari G.N., Analytical and numerical study of a controlled environment agricultural system for hot and dry climatic conditions. 5 . Tiwari, G.N., Srivastava, A. and Sharma, B.N., " Transient Performance of close loop solar water heating system with Heat Exchanger", Energy Research, Vol. 7, pp. 289-294, 1983. 6. Tabor,H, . Radiation, "Convection and Conduction Coefficients of Solar Collectors" , Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel, Vol. 6C, pp. 155-176, 1958. 7. Tiwari G.N., Solar Energy Fundamental, Design, Modelling and Applications, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 2002. 8. Sodha, M.S., Nayak, J.K., Kaushik, S.C., Sabherwal, S.P., and Malik, M.A.S., " Performance of Solar Collector" , Energy Conservation, Vol. 19, pp. 41-47 , 1979a. D. Bhandari, Dr. S. Singh |
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56. | A Genetic Algorithm For P-Median Location Problem
A Genetic Algorithm For P-Median Location ProblemAbstract: In this paper, we have proposed a new genetic algorithm for p-median location problem. In this regard, prior genetic algorithms were designed for p-median location problem by proposing several methods that are used in generation of initial population, crossover and mutation operators, and new operator so- called re-allocation has been incorporated into the algorithm that causes to find the optimal solution faster. Finally, efficiency of the algorithm has been shown by a numerical example.Key words: Genetic Algorithm, p-Median Location Problem, Multi Parent Crossover, Re-allocation. Reference [1] D. Beasley, D. R. Bull, R. R. Martin, An Overview of Genetic Algorithms: Part 1, Fundamentals, University Computing, Vol. 15, No. 2, 1993, pp. 58-69. [2] S. H. Owen, M. S. Daskin, Strategic facility location: A review, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 111, No. 3, 1998, pp. 423-447. [3] A. Chipperfield, P. Fleming, H. Pohlheim, C. Fonseca, Genetic Algorithm Toolbox User's Guide, University of Sheffield, . [4] A. E. Eiben, P. E. Raué, Zs. Ruttkay, Genetic algorithms with multi-parent recombination, Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, 1994, pp. 78-87. [5] S. Tsutsui, M. Yamamura, T. Higuchi, Multi-parent Recombination in Genetic Algorithms with Search Space Boundary Extension by Mirroring, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, 1998, pp. 428-437. M. Mahmoudi, K. Shahanaghi |
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57. | Performance Evaluation of Two Reactive Routing Protocols In MANET
Performance Evaluation of Two Reactive Routing Protocols In MANETAbstract: Mobile ad-hoc network is a collection of wireless mobile hosts forming a temporary network without the aid of any stand-alone infrastructure or centralized administration. Mobile ad-hoc network have the attributes such as wireless connection, continuously changing topology, distributed operation and ease of deployment. In this paper we have compared the performance of two reactive MANET routing protocol AODV and DSR by using NS-2. Both share similar On Demand behavior, but the protocol's internal mechanism leads to significant performance difference. We have analyzed the performance of protocols by varying type of traffic (UDP and TCP). A detailed simulation has been carried out in NS-2. The metrics used for performance analysis are Packet Delivery Ratio, Throughput, Average end-to-end Delay.Key words: MANET, TCP, UDP Reference [1] S. Das, C. E. Perkins, E. Royer, "Ad Hoc On Demand Distance Vector (AODV) Routing", IETF Draft, June 2002. [2] C-K Toh "Ad Hoc Mobile Wireless Networks Protocols and Systems", First Edition, Prentice Hall Inc, USA, 2002. [3] C.E. Perkins and E.M.Royer, "Ad-Hoc On Demand Distance Vector Routing", Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications, New Orleans, LA, USA, pages 90-100, February 1999. [4] Elizabeth M. Royer and Chai-Keong Toh, "A Review of Current Routing Protocols for Ad Hoc Mobile Wireless Networks", IEEE Personal Communications, pages 46- 55, April 1999. [5] UCB/LBNL/VINT Network Simulator, http://wwwmash.cs.berkeley.edu/ns/ referred on March 2010. [6] "The Network Simulator - ns-2," available at http://www.isi.edu/nsnam/ns/ referred on March 2010. [7] Fan Bai, Ahmed Helmy "A Framework to systematically analyze the Impact of Mobility on Performance of Routing Protocols for Ad hoc Networks", IEEE INFOCOM 2003. [8] D. Johnson, Y. Hu, and D. Maltz, "The Dynamic Source Routing Protocol (DSR) for Mobile", RFC 4728, Feb 2007. [9] S. R. Biradar, Hiren H D Sharma, Kalpana Shrama and Subir Kumar Sarkar, "Performance Comparison of Reactive Routing Protocols ofMANETs using Group Mobility Model", IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing Systems, pages 192-195 2009. [10] X. Hong, M. Gerla, G. Pei, and C.-C. Chiang, "A group mobility model for ad hoc wireless networks,"in ACM/IEEE MSWiM, August 1999. Archana Patidar, M.Chiranjeevi |
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58. | Upon Improving the Prediction of the Flow Rate of Sonic Pump
Upon Improving the Prediction of the Flow Rate of Sonic PumpAbstract: The aim of this paper is to develop an improved equation for the prediction of the flow rate of a sonic pump. Based on the pump equations of motion and the previously derived equation for the flow rate a new expression for the water column (WC) relative displacement is obtained accounting for the valve head losses, valve submersion depth and the depth of pumping. The earlier version of the flow rate equation is then modified with the new relative displacement of the WC to obtain an improved equation for the flow rate. In addition to that the proposed equation is customized to account for the head losses in the pipes. The analysis revealed that the new equation predicts the flow rate much better than the old one and its predictions match closely the experimentally determined flow rates discharged by a model low frequency sonic pump.Key words: sonic pumps, water column motion, poppet valve Reference [1] Bodine A. G., Deep Well Pump. US Patent No. 2, 553, 543, 1951. [2] Usakovskii V.M., 1963. Vibration Method for Pumping Water from Boreholes of Small Diameters. Proceedings of VIESH, Moscow, 1963, 13, 10-13. [3] Usakovskii V.M., Inertial Pumps (Machine-Building Publishing House, Moscow, 1973). [4] Usakovskii V.M., Water Supply and Water Transportation in Agriculture (Kolos Publishing House, Moscow, 2002). [5] Loukanov I.A. and J. Uziak, 2006. Theoretical Investigation and Experimental Analysis of Inertia Water Pump for Boreholes in the Desert and Rural Areas of Botswana. Unpublished Research Report R569, University of Botswana, Gaborone, Botswana, 2006. [6] Loukanov I.A. and J.E. Johnson, Design Features and Experimental Analysis of a Resonance Pump for Boreholes in Botswana. Mechanics of Machines, 71(5), 2007, 15-19. [7] Loukanov I.A., Investigating the Pumping Process of a Resonance Vibrating Pump for Medium-depth Boreholes. Research in Agricultural Engineering, 53, 2007, 172- 181. [8] Loukanov I.A., Measuring the Parameters of Foot Valves for Sonic Pumps. Journal of Emerging Trend in Engineering and Applied Sciences, 1 (2), 2010, 184-189. [9] Kletzkin M.N., Handbook of Machinery Design (Machine-Building Publishing House, Moscow, 1969) [10] Douglas J.F., Gasiorek J.M., Swaffield J. A. and L.B. Jack, Fluid Mechanics. (Prentice Hall, 2005) [11] Loukanov I.A., J. Uziak, 2011. Investigating the Effect of Valve Submersion Depth on the Flow Rate of Sonic Pumps. Global Journal of Researches in Engineering. A Mechanics & Mechanical Engineering, 11, 7, 2011, 73- 78. Ivan A. Loukanov, Jacek Uziak |
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59. | Comparison Of Optical Properties Of PLZT(96/4/65/35) And
PZT(65/35) Ceramics In Rhombohedral Phase
Comparison Of Optical Properties Of PLZT(96/4/65/35) And PZT(65/35) Ceramics In Rhombohedral PhaseAbstract: In this paper optical properties of PZT(65/35) composition and PLZT(96/4/65/35) at rhombohedral phase have been studied and compared. Optical properties such as, Dielectrics function, Refraction index and Optical gap and Density of states, have been calculated. The calculations were performed in the frame of density functional theory (DFT), using the full potentional linearized augmented plane wave (FP-LAPW) method with the generalized gradient approximation (GGA). The optical constants were obtained by using the KramersKronig transformations in imagery dielectric tensor. we show in this paper that density of states in PLZT(96/4/65/35) have been more than PZT(65/35) compound above Fermi level and this system able to using as laser active matter due to existence of La-4f level that more localized to Ti- 3d.Key words: PLZT, PZT, Optical properties, DFT, GGA Reference [1] G. H. Haertling; "PLZT electro optic materials and applications"; Ferroelectrics 75 (1987) 25-55. [2] V.K. Seth; W.A. Schulze; "Fabrication and Charactization of ferroelectric PLZT 7/65/35 ceramic thin films and fibers" Ferroelectrics 112 (1990) 283-307. [3] J. F. Scott; "The physics of ferroelectric ceramic thin films for memory applications", Ferroelectric. Rev. 1 (1998) 1-129. [4] T. Aoki; M. Kondo; M. Ishii; A. Sugama; M. Tsukada; K. Kurihara; M. Kuwabara; "Preperaton and propertied for twodimensional PLZT photonic crystals using a sol-gel method"; Journal of the European Ceramic Society 25 (2005) 2917. [5] Haertling, G. H. ; Land, C. E. ; J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 54 (1971)1. [6] Bo Tang; Huiqing Fan; Shanming Ke; Laijun Liu; "Microstructure evolutions and electrical properties of Pb1- xLax(Zr0.56Ti0.44)1-x/4O3 ceramics "; Materials Science and Engineering B 138 (2007) 205-209. [7] W. Kohn, L.J. Sham, Phys. Rev. 140A, (1965)1133. [8] Perdew JP, Burke S, Ernzerhof M. "Generalized Gradient Approximation made simple"; Phys. Rev. let. 7 (1996)3865. [9] R. de L. Kronig, "On the theory of the dispersion of X-rays"; J. Opt. Soc. Am. 12(1926)547-557. [10] J. Baedi, S. M. Hosseini and A. Kompany, "The effect of excess titanium and crystal symmetry on electronic properties of Pb(Zr1-xTix)O3 compounds" computationals Materials Science (2008). [11] Javad Baedi , M R Benam and Masoud Majidiyan, "First-principles study of the effect of Lasubstitution on The electronic and optical properties of Pb(ZrxTi1−x)O3 Crystal", Phys. Scr. 81 (2010) 035701 (5pp). Hajimalekkheili, Abdollah, Naghdiani, Narges, Moradian Koochaksaraee, Keivan, Majidiyan, Masoud |
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60. | Design and Comparison of Different Matching Techniques for Low Noise Amplifier Circuit
Design and Comparison of Different Matching Techniques for Low Noise Amplifier CircuitAbstract: This paper describes the design of Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) circuits with different types of matching circuits at the input side and output side at 6 GHz. This paper compares the results of all possible combinations of 'T' and 'L' type matching circuits. The designed circuit is simulated with Advanced Design System (ADS) software. Each circuit is simulated for, with and without stabilizing circuit and feedback circuit. RLC series circuit is applied as feedback circuit and to improve the stability of the LNA circuit. Of all LNA matching circuits the T- L matching gives better results in the stabile region than L-L matching, L-T matching and T-T matching. Under stability condition forward gain and noise figure of T-L match is 14.14 dB and 1.81 dB which is better than L-L match as 10.39 dB and 2.15 dB , L-T match as 5.237 dB and 2.47 dB and T-T match as 6.468 dB and 3.9 dB.Key words: Advance Design System (ADS), Low Noise Amplifier (LNA), Noise Figure (NF), Tmatching network, L-matching network Reference [1] Mohd. Zinol Abidin Abd Aziz (2004), "Low Noise Amplifier Circuit Design for 5 GHz to 6GHz", RF and Microwave conference, October 5-6, Subang, Selangor, Malaysia, Proceeding of the 2004 IEEE – 0-7803- 8671-X/04. [2] Robert Hu, "Wideband Matched LNA Design Using Transistor‟s Intrinsic Gate – Drain Capacitor", IEEE Transaction on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol.54, no.3, March 2006. [3] Hsien-ku chen, Yo-sheng lin, and shey-shi lu, "Analysis and Design of a 1.6-28GHz Compact Wideband LNA in 90-nm CMOS Using a π-match Network", IEEE Transaction on Microwave Theory and Technique, vol.58, no.8, Aaugust 2010. [4] M.Boughariou, M.Fakhfakh and M.Loulou, "Design and Optimization of LNAs through the Scattering Parameters", 978-1-4244- 5795-3/10, Proceeding of IEEE 2010. [5] A.R.Arvind kumar, Ashudeb Dutta and Shiv Govind Singh, "A 1.5 – 7.5 GHz Low Power Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) Design Using Subthreshold Technique for Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Application, 0- 7803-9197-7/05, Proceeding of IEEE 2005. [6] Roghoyeh Salmeh, " Effects of Variation of Input Matching Inductor on the Minimum Noise Figure of a Low Noise Amplifier" , 0-7803-9197-7/05, Proceeding of IEEE 2005. [7] Giovanni Girlando and Giuseppe Palmisano, " Noise Figure and Impedance Matching in RF Cascode Amplifiers", IEEE Transaction on Circuits and Systems-II: Analog and Digital Signal Processing, vol.46, no.11, November 1999. [8] Hossein Sahoolizadeh, Alishir Moradi Kordalivand, and Zargham Heidari,2009, "Design and Simulation of Low Noise Amplifier Circuit for 5 GHz to 6 GHz" World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, vol.51, 2009. [9] C.A. Balanis, Antenna Theory: Analysis and design, Harper and Row, N.Y., 1982. [10] K. Miyauchi, "Millimeter-Wave Communication in Infrared and millimeter waves", vol.9, K.J.Button, ED., Academic pres, N.Y., 1983. D. Senthilkumar, Dr.Uday Pandit khot, Prof. Santosh Jagtap |
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61. | Development of an AMMC through Identification of Influential Factors Combination Using Grey-Fuzzy Approach
Development of an AMMC through Identification of Influential Factors Combination Using Grey-Fuzzy ApproachAbstract: The present paper has focused on the development of an Alluminium metal matrix composite (AMMC) which posses good mechanical properties to meet the functional requirements as the materials of machine elements. The AMMC samples are prepared by mixing reinforcement materials like SiC, Al2O3, Al3C4 in different sizes and percentages with Alluminium base materials like Al6061, Al6063, Al7075 using stir casting furnace according to taguchi orthogonal array OA L9 for minimizing experimental cost. The properties (responses) like density, tensile strength, impact strength, and hardness are determined for the samples. These responses are studied and analyzed using grey-fuzzy approach, and the optimum combination of influential factors are identified. A new sample is prepared as per identified combination and tested for confirmation, and it is satisfactory.Key words: Taguchi L9 experimental design, mechanical properties, grey-fuzzy approach, optimum parameters, development of AMMC. Reference [1] P.J. Ross, Taguchi techniques for quality engineering, Mc Graw-Hill, New York. 1998. [2] R.K. Roy, Design of experiments using the Taguchi approach, John Willey & Sons, Inc., New York. 2001. [3] M. Villeta et.al. ―Surface Finish Optimization of Magnesium Pieces Obtained by Dry Turning Based on Taguchi Techniques and Statistical Tests‖ Materials and Manufacturing Processes 2011 26:12, 1503-1510 [4] S. Basavarajappa, et.al. studies on drilling of hybrid metal matrix composites based on Taguchi techniques, journal of materials processing technology 2 0 0 8, 1 9 6 332– 338 [5] Erol Kilickap, Modeling and optimization of burr height in drilling of Al-7075 using Taguchi method and response surface methodology, Int J Adv Manuf Technol 2010, 49:911–923 [6] N.Radhika, et.al, ―Tribological behavior of Aluminium/Alumina/Graphite Hybrid Metal Matrix Composite using taguchi techniques‖ Journal of minerals and materials characterization and engineering 2011, 10(5) 427-443. [7] J.L. Deng, Introduction to Grey System, Journal of Grey Systems 1/1 (1989) 1-24. [8] C.P. Fung , Manufacturing process optimization for wear property of fiberreinforced polybutylene terephthalate composite with grey relational analysis,Wear 254 (2003) 298-306. [9] H.S. Lu, B.Y. Lee, C.T. Chung, Optimization of the micro-drilling process based on the grey relational analysis, Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineerings 27 (2006) 273- 278. [10] Erol Kilickap, Modeling and optimization of burr height in drilling of Al-7075 using Taguchi method and response surface methodology, Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2010)49:911–923 G.Vijaya Kumar, P.Venkataramaiah |
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62. | An Efficient Technique Of Data Hiding For Stego Using Double Key |
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63. | ECG Data Compression Using DWT & HYBRID
ECG Data Compression Using DWT & HYBRIDAbstract: Signal compression is an important problem encountered in many applications. Various techniques have been proposed over the years for addressing the problem. In this project Transform based signal compression is proposed. This method is used to exploit the redundancy in the signal. This Paper uses Wavelet and Hybrid Transform to compress the signals. The well known that modern clinical systems require the storage, processing and transmission of large quantities of ECG signals. ECG signals are collected both over long periods of time and at high resolution. This creates substantial volumes of data for storage and transmission. Data compression seeks to reduce the number of bits of information required to store or transmit digitized ECG signals without significant loss of signal quality. A wide range of compression techniques based on different transformation techniques like DCT, FFT; DST &DCT2 were evaluated to find an optimal compression strategy for ECG data compression. Wavelet and Hybrid compression techniques were found to be optimal in terms of compression.Key words: ECG, Compression, DWT, Hybrid, MSE, PSNR, CR Reference [I] http://www.intechopen.com/books/discretewavelet-transforms-theoryandapplications/ecg-signal-compressionusing-discrete-wavelet-transform. [II] Lindgren A, Jansson S. Heart physiology and Simulation. Solna, Sweden: SiemensElema AB. [IV] Abenstein JP, Tompkins WJ. Anew DataReduction Algorithm for Real-Time ECG Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. [VII] Furth B, Perez A. An Adaptive Real-time ECG Compression sampling on human electrocardiograms. Medical & Biological Engineering & computing. Er.Abdul Sayeed |
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64. | Selection of Hydro-Turbine Blade Material: Application of Fuzzy Logic (MCDA)
Selection of Hydro-Turbine Blade Material: Application of Fuzzy Logic (MCDA)Abstract: The primary aim of this paper is to provide background information, motivation for applications and an exposition to the methodologies employed in the development of fuzzy logic based decision making in hydro or water power engineering by optimum selection of hydro turbine blade material. All the works on the application of multi criteria decision analysis (MCDA) or fuzzy logic to material science and engineering for selection of proper material have reported encouraging results till date. In our views, the lack of negative results might be due to the simplification of engineering or commercial material problems to manageable and predictable situations. Our appraisal of the literature suggests that the interface between material science and engineering and artificial intelligent systems or multi criteria decision analysis or fuzzy logic technique, is still blur. The need to formalize the computational and intelligent systems engineering methodology used in materials engineering, therefore, arises. Although our study focuses on hydro power related engineering or commercial materials in particular, we think that our finding applies to other areas of engineering as well. To the best of the authors knowledge this novel multi criteria decision analysis or fuzzy logic approach of optimized selection of hydro turbine blade material for small hydro power generation is absent in material science for renewable energy literatures due to its assessment complexity.Key words: Fuzzy logic; hydro power plant; engineering material selection; Multi Criteria Decision Analysis; MCDA Reference [1] S. Abbasi, and T. Abbasi: Small hydro and the environmental implications of its extensive utilization, Renewable and sustainable energy reviews 15, issue-4, pp. 2134–2143 (Elsevier), (2011) [2] S.R. Ansari, R. Chandna and P.K. Mittal: Multi-criteria decision making using multi criteria decision analysis or fuzzy logic approach for evaluating the manufacturing flexibility, Journal of Engineering and Technology Research Vol. 2, No.12, pp. 237-244, (2010) [3] S.R. Ansari and R. Chandna: Comparison of Fuzzy and MCDM Approach to Measure Manufacturing Flexibility, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Vol.3, Issue-5, pp. 1-9, (2012) [4] A. Azeem and S.K. Paul: Selection of the optimal number of shifts in fuzzy environment: Manufacturing company's facility application, JIEM, Vol.3, No.1, pp. 54-67, (2011) [5] S. Biswas, P.K. Roy and S. Datta: Selection of most suitable site for an irrigational project: use of vague logic, IJFSRS, JanJune (08), Vol.1, Issue-1, pp. 41-44, (2008) [6] S. Biswas, P.K. Roy and S. Datta: IWRM: Approach of intuitionist Fuzzy-EIA for selection of best catchments area, Advances in fuzzy mathematics, Vol.3, No.1, pp. 43- 50, (2008) [7] P. Adhikary, P.K. Roy and Asis Mazumdar: Safe and efficient control of hydro power plant by fuzzy logic, IJESAT, Vol.2, Issue- 5, pp. 1270-1277 (2012) [8] P. Adhikary, P.K. Roy and Asis Mazumdar: MCDA of manpower shift scheduling for cost effective hydro power generation, IJETED, Vol.7, Issue-2, pp. 116-127 (2012) [9] R. Arunkumar and V. Jothiprakash: Optimal reservoir operation for hydro power generation using non-linear programming model, J. Inst. Eng. India, Ser. A (Springer), 10.1007/s40030-012-0013-8, Sept. 2012 [10] A.C. De-souza: Assessment and statistics of Brazilian hydroelectric power plants: dam areas versus installed and firm power, Renewable and sustainable energy reviews 12, pp. 1843–1863 (Elsevier), (2008) Priyabrata Adhikary, Pankaj Kr Roy, Asis Mazumdar |
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65. | Comparative Study Of Uranium(VI) Extraction Between Lewatit TP 260, Polyethyleniminephenylphosphonamidic Acid & Diaminotriphosphonic Acid Grafted Polystyrene Divinyl Benzene Resins
Comparative Study Of Uranium(VI) Extraction Between Lewatit TP 260, Polyethyleniminephenylphosphonamidic Acid & Diaminotriphosphonic Acid Grafted Polystyrene Divinyl Benzene ResinsAbstract: Phosphonic complexing moiety was covalently linked to polyethyleneimine liquid resin and to polystyrene divinyl-benzene polymer. This stable extractor of metal ions was tested and compared to another commercial phosphorus resin, Lewatit TP 260 in disodium form, in the sorption of uranyl ions from aqueous solutions. Batch study was carried out to optimize various process parameters such as pH of aqueous phase, time contact, initial concentration of uranyl ions, ion strength and temperature. The results showed that polyethyleniminephenylphosphonamidic acid could exchange uranyl better at high acidity (pH≈1.5) whereas diaminotriphosphonic acid grafted polystyrenedivinyl benzene adsorbs uranyl effectively at low acidity (pH≈3.5). The overall sorption capacities for UO2 2+ ions were found to be 39.66, 41.76 and 58.33 mg.g -1 with polyethylenimine- phenylphosphonamidic acid, diaminotriphosphonic acid grafted polystyrenedivinyl benzene and Lewatit TP 260 resins, respectively. The adsorption behavior of uranyl on diaminotriphosphonic acid grafted polystyrenedivinyl benzene followed Freundlich isotherm. In the case of the Lewatit TP 260 resin, it followed suitably a Langmuir isotherm. Thermodynamic parameters showed the adsorption of an endothermic process and spontaneous nature at higher temperature.Key words: Lewatit TP 260, Phosphonic sorbent, phosphonamidic acid, solid phase extraction, uranyl ions. Reference [1] S. Girgin, N. Acarkan, A.A. Sirkeci, "The uranium(VI) extraction mechanism of D2EHPA-TOPO from a wet process phosphoric acid," J Radioanal Nucl Chem, vol. 251, N° 2, pp. 263-271, 2002. [2] X. Ye , S. Cui , V.F. de Almeida , B.P. Hay and B. Khomami, "Uranyl nitrate complex extraction into TBP/dodecane organic solutions: a molecular dynamics study," Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., vol. 12, 15406-15409, 2010. [3] M. Mahramanlioglu, I. O. Bicer, T. Misirli and A. Kilislioglu, "Removal of uranium by the adsorbents produced from coffee residues," J Radioanal Nucl Chem, Vol. 273, N° 3, pp. 624-624, Oct. 2007. [4] E. Constantinou, I. Pashalidis, "Uranium determination in water samples by liquid scintillation counting after cloud point extraction," J Radioanal Nucl Chem, vol. 286, N° 2, pp. 461-465, 2010. [5] N.K. Jena, M. Sundararajan and S.K. Ghosh, "On the interaction of uranyl with functionalized fullerenes: a DFT investigation," RSC Advances, vol. 7, N° 2, pp. 2994-2999, 2012. [6] E. Karapinar, N. Kabay," Synthesis, characterization and liquid-liquid extraction properties of new methoxyaminobiphenylglyoxime derivatives and their complexes with some transition metals," Trans. Metal Chem., 32, N° 6, pp. 784-789, 2007. [7] S. Katragadda, H.D. Gesser, A. Chow, "Extraction of uranium from aqueous solution by phosphonic acid-imbedded polyurethane foam," Talanta, vol. 44, pp. 1865–1871, 1997. [8] M. Petersková, C. Valderrama, O. Gibert, J.L. Cortina, "Extraction of valuable metal ions (Cs, Rb, Li, U) from reverse osmosis concentrate using selective sorbents," Desalination, vol. 286, pp. 316–323, 2012. [9] M. Merdivan, M. Zahir Düz, C. Hamamci, "Sorption behaviour of uranium(VI) with N,N-dibutyl-N'-benzoylthiourea Impregnated in Amberlite XAD-16," Talanta, vol. 55, pp. 639–645, 2001. [10] K. Moedritzer, RR. Irani, "Direct synthesis of α-aminomethyl phosphonic acid: Mannich type reactions with o-phosphorus acid," J Org Chem., vol. 31, pp.1603- 1607, 1966 Omar Abderrahim, Mohamed Amine Didi, Abdelhakim Kadous, Didier Villemin |
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66. | Loss Minimization of Web Databases by Fine Grain Approach
Loss Minimization of Web Databases by Fine Grain ApproachAbstract: Information is the most valuable asset for organizations. One of the goals of organizations is to share their data and at the same time to enforce their policies. Web database is a combined production with database technology and Web technology. Web database is placed on the Internet, there are many security problems. The secrecy and the integrity are two important demands of security system. When database access control and the network security are addressed separately, the security systems are not optimized sufficiently as a whole. Finegrained access control (FGAC) must be supported by web relational databases to satisfy the requirements of privacy preserving and Internet-based applications. We propose a model of integrating network security with criterion based access control to handle network security and the fine grained Web database access control simultaneously. We have implemented our model in college database and performance is evaluated. Whenever any unauthorized user altered our data a system called Web-Secure report to the authorized user via E-mail or Short Message Service (SMS). The implementation results show that how our model is suitable for web database security.Key words: Fine grained access control, Web database security, multiple policies, Privacy preservation, Network security, access control Reference [1] Zhu Yangqing, Yu Hui, Li Hua, Zeng Lianming, Design of a new web database security model, IEEE, 2009, 292-297 [2] Leon Pan, A Unified Network Security and Fine-Grained Database Access Control Model, IEEE 2009, pg 265-270 [3] Xueyong Zhu, William Atwood, A web database Security model using the Host identity protocol, IEEE 2007 [4] Lianzhong Liu, Qiang Huang, A framework for database auditing, IEEE, 2009, 982-988 [5] Afonso Neto, Marco Vieira, Henrique Maderia,An appriasal to assess the security of database configurations, IEEE, 2009, 73-80 [6] Qing Zhao, Shihong Qin, Study on security of web based database, IEEE, 2008, 902- 910 [7] WU Pufeng, Zhang Yoqing, An overview of Database security, Computer Engineering, Vol 32,2006,85-88 [8] Zhou Wen, A new web accessing database module basing in security of information computer security, 2008, 63-66 [9] S. Sudershan, Govind Kabra, Ravishankar Ramamurthy, Redundancy and Information Leakage in Fine-Grained Access Control, ACM SIGMOD 2006 [10] Jie SHI, Hong ZHU, A fine-grained access control model for relational databases, IEEE 2010, Pg 575-585 Dilip kumar Choubey, Prof. Joy Bhattacharjee, Prof. Roopali Soni |
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67. | A Multi-criteria Model For Sustainability Assessment Of An Agri-Industrial Technology Meant For A Developing Economy
A Multi-criteria Model For Sustainability Assessment Of An Agri-Industrial Technology Meant For A Developing EconomyAbstract: The purpose of this study was to develop suitable methodology for assessing appropriateness and sustainability of technologies intended for use in a developing economy. Sustainability factors were articulated through literature search and based on experience with potential users in sub-urban municipalities of a developing country. A number of decision methods considered suitable for the expected decision scenarios were then hybridized and validated with three fish smoking kilns. The suitability of the decision model for evaluating the appropriateness and sustainability of a technology for use in a developing economy was illustrated by using it to assess the comparative sustainability of three fish smoking kilns.Key words: Agri-industrial technologies, Appropriate technologies, Decision analysis, Decision models, Foreign technologies, Indigenous technologies, Post-harvest, Technology transfer, Technology development, Multi-criteria decision Reference [1] Dunmade, V. 2004. Appropriate Technology. Accessed online on May 20, 2004 at: http://www.ashoka.org/fellows/viewprofile. cfm?PersonID=538 [2] CCF. 2003. Introduction: Who is affected? … Accessed online on 12 January 2004 at: http://www.calcupa.net/programs/related/w aste/brochure.pdf [3] V. Fecková, National Strategies for Cleaner Technology Transfer. Proc. of the International Forum On Strategies And Priorities for Environmental Industries, Bratislava, 2002. [4] R. Luken and A.C. Freij, Cleaner Industrial Production in Developing Countries: Market Opportunities for Developed Countries and Potential Cost Savings for Developing Countries. Presented at the OECD Workshop on Development Assistance and Technology Cooperation for Cleaner Industrial Production in Developing Countries, Hannover, Germany, 28 to 30 September 1994. [5] A. Moe, Preventing Waste and Saving Money. Accessed online on 12 January 2004 at: http://www.moea.state.mn.us/berc/prevent. cfm [6] R. Palma, UNIDO Programme on Transfer of Environmentally Sound Technologies in CEE and "NIS". A background paper presented at the International Forum on Strategies and Priorities for Environmental Industries, Bratislava, 12-14 June 2002. [7] Scozzafava, L. 2004. Pushing the Envelop on Waste Reduction & Recovery, Accessed online on May 10, 2004 at www.swana.org. [8] C.-L. Hwang, and K. Yoon, Multiple Attribute Decision Making. Methods and Applications. A state of the art survey (Berlin: Springer Verlag, 1981). [9] T. Kim and C. W. Shanklin, How to implement a foodservice source reduction and recycling program. American Dietetic Association. Journal of the American Dietetic Association; Apr 1999; 99, 4; pg. 454. [10] J.M. Sanchez, J.W. Priest, and L.J. Burnell, Design Decision Analysis and Expert systems in Concurrent Engineering in R.C. Dorf and A. Kusiak (Eds), Handbook of design, manufacturing and Automation (New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1999). Israel Dunmade |
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68. | Iterative Method For The Solution Of Simple And Multiple
Roots Of Non Linear System Of Equations
Iterative Method For The Solution Of Simple And Multiple Roots Of Non Linear System Of EquationsAbstract: In this paper a method called Parametric Method of Iteration is developed for solving the non linear system of equations and showed the efficiency of this method over iteration method and Newton Raphson method by considering some examples.Key words: N-R Method, Iterative Method Reference [1] GOURDIN, A., BOUMAHRAT, M., Applied Numerical Methods, PrenticeHall of India Pvt Ltd, (1989). [2] RAJASEKARAN, S., (1986) 'Numerical Methods in Science and Engineering', A.H.wheeler & Co., Pvt Ltd.,1 st edition. [3] SCARBOUROUGH, J. B. (1966), ' Numerical Mathematical Analysis'; Oxford & IBH Publishing Co., Pvt.Ltd. [4] WILLIAM W.HAGER, Applied Numerical Linear Algebra, Prentice Hall, Englrwood Cliffs, New Jersey 07637, (1988). Dr.V.Kusuma Kumari |
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69. | Ethanol-Kerosene Blends: Fuel Option for Kerosene Wick Stove
Ethanol-Kerosene Blends: Fuel Option for Kerosene Wick StoveAbstract: In order to solve energy crisis, the search for alternative fuel is extensively important. Alternative fuels selected should be renewable, sustainable and eco-friendly. In India, kerosene is also used as a fuel in cooking stove. Kerosene contains impurities like sulphur, aromatics and hydrocarbons, which causes environmental degradation. In this experimental investigation, blends of ethanol and kerosene were used as alternative fuel in kerosene wick stove without any modification in stove design. The blends tested were 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% ethanol in kerosene. The experimentations have been carried out with an aim of obtaining comparative measures of thermal efficiency and fuel consumption rate. The values of thermal efficiency and fuel consumption rate for blended fuel were found to be comparable with kerosene. The maximum value of thermal efficiency was obtained with blend containing 5% ethanol while the minimum value was obtained with reference fuel. The fuel consumption rate for blend containing 10% ethanol was found to be maximum.Key words: Wick stove, Kerosene, Eco-friendly fuel, Ethanol. Reference [1] P. C. Jain and M. Jain, Engineering Chemistry, (Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, 1998). [2] M. Y. Khan and P. Pachauri, Performance evaluation of wick stove fuelled with jatropha curcas oil-kerosene blends, NIET Journal of Engineering and Technology, I, 2010, 63-66. [3] S. Kakati, Effect of heat losses on overall performance of kerosene fuelled capillaryfed wick stove, Proc. 1 ST National Conference on Advances in Energy Research (AER-2006), Department of Energy System Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai, 2006. [4] V.K. Pantangi, A.S.S.R.K. Kumar, S. C. Mishra, and N. Sahoo, Performance analysis of domestic LPG cooking stoves with porous media, International Energy Journal, 8, 2007, 139-144. [5] M. Y. Khan, A. Saxena and K. P. Singh, Performance of insulated LPG burner with ball bearings as porous medium, People's Journal of Science and Technology (PJST), 1 (2), 2012, 12-15. Mohd. Yunus Khan, Faraz Ahmad Khan, Mirza Shariq Beg |
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70. | Effects of Traffic Load and Mobility on AODV, DSR and DSDV Routing Protocols in MANET
Effects of Traffic Load and Mobility on AODV, DSR and DSDV Routing Protocols in MANETAbstract: Mobile Ad-hoc network is an infrastructure less multi hop wireless network without the aid of any centralized administration. MANET is a self configuring and self organizing collection of mobile nodes. As the nodes provided mobility, the routing is a very complex task in MANET. In MANET each node works as a host as well as a router to forward the packets from source to destination. As in MANET the network topology is dynamic and frequently changes, so routing protocols should be designed to meet the requirement of the MANET. There are various protocols available for the routing. This paper mainly compares the working of AODV with DSR and DSDV for various traffic load and different mobility. Also in future we can compare AODV with other routing protocols.Key words: MANET, NS-2, AODV. DSR, DSDV, ZRP, TORA throughput, PDR, End-to-end delay Reference [1] Perkins, C. E. and Royer, E. M.; "Ad-hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing", Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (WMCSA.99), New Orleans, LA, USA, February 1999, pages 90-100. [2] "Evolution and future directions of the ad hoc on-demand distance-vector routing protocol", Elizabeth M. Belding-Royer, Charles E. Perkins, 2003 Elsevier B.V, doi:10.1016/S1570-8705(03)00016-7. [3] Mobile Ad Hoc Networking Working Group – AODV, http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3561.txt. [4] D. B. Johnson, D. A. Maltz and Y.C. Hu, "The Dynamic Source Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (DSR)", IETF Draft, http://www.ietf.org, April 2003. [5] Maltz, D. A.; Broch, J.; Jetcheva, J. and Johnson, D. B.; .The Effects of On-Demand Behavior in Routing Protocols for Multihop Wireless Ad Hoc Networks., IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications Special Issue on Mobile and Wireless Networks, August 1999, Vol. 17, No. 8, pages 1439-1453. [6] Perkins, C. E. and Bhagwat, P.; "Highly Dynamic Destination-Sequenced DistanceVector Routing (DSDV) for Mobile Computers", Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM.94 Conference on Communications Architectures, Protocols and Applications, London, UK, August 1994, pages 234-244. [7] "Wireless Ad Hoc Networks" Zygmunt J. Haas, Jing Deng, Ben Liang, Panagiotis Papadimitratos, and S. Sajama Cornell University School of Electrical and Computer Engineering. [8] Tutorial for Simulation-based Performance Analysis of MANET Routing Protocols in ns-2By Karthik sadasivam ISSN Viral Parekh, K. H. Wandra |
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71. | A Speed Control Of Pmbldcm Drive Using Single Stage Pfc Half Bridge Converter
A Speed Control Of Pmbldcm Drive Using Single Stage Pfc Half Bridge ConverterAbstract: In this paper, a buck half-bridge DCDC converter is used as a single-stage power factor correction (PFC) converter for feeding a voltage source inverter (VSI) based permanent magnet brushless DC motor (PMBLDCM) drive. The front end of this PFC converter is a diode bridge rectifier (DBR) fed from single-phase AC mains. The PMBLDCM is used to drive a compressor load of an air conditioner through a threephase VSI fed from a controlled DC link voltage. The speed of the compressor is controlled to achieve energy conservation using a concept of the voltage control at DC link proportional to the desired speed of the PMBLDCM. Therefore the VSI is operated only as an electronic commutator of the PMBLDCM. The stator current of the PMBLDCM during step change of reference speed is controlled by a rate limiter for the reference voltage at DC link. The proposed PMBLDCM drive with voltage control based PFC converter is designed, modeled and its performance is simulated in MatlabSimulink environment for an air conditioner compressor driven through a 1.5 kW, 1500 rpm PMBLDC motor. The evaluation results of the proposed speed control scheme are presented to demonstrate an improved efficiency of the proposed drive system with PFC feature in wide range of the speed and an input AC voltage.Key words: PFC, PMBLDCM, Air conditioner, Buck Half- bridge converter, Voltage control, VSI. Reference [1] T. Kenjo and S. Nagamori, Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motors, Clarendon Press, oxford, 1985. [2] T. J. Sokira and W. Jaffe, Brushless DC Motors: Electronic Commutation and Control, Tab Books USA, 1989. [3] J. R. Hendershort and T. J. E. Miller, Design of Brushless Permanent- Magnet Motors, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1994. [4] J. F. Gieras and M. Wing, Permanent Magnet Motor Technology – Design and Application, Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, 2002. [5] Limits for Harmonic Current Emissions (Equipment input current ≤16 A per phase), International Standard IEC 61000-3-2, 2000. [6] B. Singh, B. N. Singh, A. Chandra, K. Al-Haddad, A. Pandey and D. P. Kothari, "A review of single-phase improved power quality AC-DC converters," IEEE Trans. Industrial Electron., vol. 50, no. 5, pp. 962 – 981, oct. 2003. [7] N. Mohan, T. M. Undeland and W. P. Robbins, "Power Electronics: Converters, Applications and Design," John Wiley, USA, 1995. [8] A. I. Pressman, Switching Power Supply Design, McGraw Hill, New Yor k, 1998. [9] P.J. Wolfs, "A current-sourced DC-DC converter derived via the duality principle from the half-bridge converter," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 139 – 144, Feb. 1993. [10] J.Y. Lee, G.W. Moon and M.J. Youn, "Design of a power-factor- correction converter based on half-bridge topology," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 46, no. 4, pp.710 – 723, Aug 1999. Dr. M.Sridhar,Sayed Baji Shaik |
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72. | Adaptive body biasing process compensation techniques for Digital circuit
Adaptive body biasing process compensation techniques for Digital circuitAbstract: The present invention relates generally to the integrated circuits(ICs) & in particular to process, voltage & temperature(PVT) variations in an ICs. PVT variations are critical factor that hamper performance of Ics forexample PVT variations can result in a change in setup &hold times of synchronous circuits. Different components of asynchronous circuit are driven by a common system clock. Therefore any change in setup or hold times corresponding to any one component causes an erroneous circuit ouput.one technique to reduce PVT variations in a circuit isbased on sensing the variations in the circuit &then taking the appropriate action to reducethese variations.Key words: PVT compensation,Adaptive body biasing. Reference [1] A.Amerasekeraand C.Durrury,ESD in Silicon Integrated Circuit ,John Wiley & Sons,1995. [2] A.Amerasekeraet.,Al.,"ESD failure Modes : Characteristics Mechanism and Process Influences" IEEE Trans. Electron Devices,Vol.39,No2,pp.430-436,feb1992. [3] A.Amerasekera and C.Duvvury " The Impact of technology scaling on ESD Robustness and Protection Circuit design ," Proc.EOS/ESD Symp.,1994,pp 237-245. [4] C.Duvvury and A.Amerasekera," ESD issued for advanced CMOSTechnologies ," Microelectronics Reliability,Vol36,No7,1996. [5] Canh Q Tran,Hiroshi Kawaguchi and Takayasu Sakurai ." Low Power High Speed Level Shifter design for Block-Level dynamic voltage scaling environment ," University of Tokyo. [6] Craig Brunty and Laszlo Gal ," Optimum Tapered Buffer" IEEEJSSC Vol 27 Jan 1992. [7] C.R. Parthasarthy," Investigation of Slew Rate Control in the buffersof HCMOSS I/O library," Library development group,Central R&D ,ST Microelectronics Gr.Noida. [8] FeiYuan ,Ph.D,P.Engg," Simultaneous Switching Noise(SSN)," Department of Electrical and computer Engg,RyersonUniversity,Toronto,Canada. [9] Jose Rocha,MarcelinoSantos,J.MDores Costa and Floriberto Lima," High Voltage Tolerent Level Shifters and Logic Gates in standard low voltage CMOS Technology . [10] J.S.Shor,Y.Afek and E.Engel,"I/O buffer for high performance ,low power application ," CICC,pp,595-598,May,1997. [11] J.E.Vinson and J.J.Liou," Electrostatic discharge in semiconductor devices ,protection technique "Proceeding of IEEE,Vol 88,2000. Mrs. Sonika, Mr. Anshuman Singh |
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73. | Optimal Placement Of Svc Using Fuzzy And Pso Algorithm
Optimal Placement Of Svc Using Fuzzy And Pso AlgorithmAbstract: In any power system network, voltage stability is a major concern for secure operations. But recently due to their stressed operations for increasing loading, voltage instability and voltage collapse are evitable, which is a major threat to power system. So it is very important to maintain voltage profile within the limits for overloading conditions also, which can possible through optimal placement of Static Var Compensator (SVC). A new approach is proposed in this paper, which is a combination of Fuzzy and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). For Optimal locations Fuzzy approach is used. The rating value of SVC is approximated through PSO for different loading conditions. In this paper 125%, 150% and 175% overloading cases are considered. It is observed from the results that the voltage profile of the power system are increased and are within limits, also real power losses are reduced there by optimally locating SVC device in the power system. The proposed method is tested on IEEE 14 bus, IEEE 30 bus system.Key words: Fuzzy approach, SVC placement, and Particle Swarm Optimization. Reference [1] Ushasurendra and S.S.Parthasarathy," Congestion management in deregulated power sector using fuzzy based optimal location technique for series FACTS devices", Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Research, Vol.4(1),00. 12-20, August 2012. [2] Mrinal Ranjan and B.Vedik,"Optimal locations of FACTS devices in a Power system by means if Sensitivity Analysis", Journal in Trends in Electrical and Computing Engineering, TECE 1(1), 1-9, 2011. [3] G.Swapna, J.Srinivasa Rao, and J.Amarnath," Sensitivity approaches to improve transfer capability through optimal placementof TCSC and SVC", International journal of advances in Engineering and Technology, July 2012, ISSN: 2231-1963. [4] Kiran kumar.K, N.Suresh."Enhancement of voltage stability through optimal placement of FACTS controllers in power system", American journal of sustainable cities and society, vol 1 July 2012. [5] Marouani.I, Guesi.T, Hadi Abdullah.H and Ouali.A,"Optimal locations of multitype facts devices for multiple contingencies using genetic algorithms", IEEE 8 th International multi-conference on systems, signals and devices, 2011. [6] S.Surendre Reddy, M.Sailaja Kumari, M.Sydulu , "Congestion Management in Deregulated power System by Optimal Choice and allocation of FACTS Controllers using Multi-Objective GA" , IEEE 978-1-4244-6547-7/10/2010. [7] A.K Chakraborty, S.Majumdar, "Active Line Flow Control of power System Network with FACTS Devices of choice using soft computing technique", International journal of computing applications, vol 25 – No.9, July 2011. [8] M.Damodar reddy and N.V.Vijay kumar, "Optimal capacitor placement for loss reduction in distribution system using fuzzy and harmony search algorithm", ARPN journal of Engineering and applied sciences, vol.7, No.1, January 2012, ISSN 1819-6608. [9] M. Damodar Reddy and V. C. Veera Reddy, "Capacitor placement using fuzzy and particle swarm optimization method for maximum annual Savings", ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, vol. 3, No.3, June 2008. [10] http://www.ee.washington.edu/research/pst ca/. K.Dhananjaya Babu, M.Damodar Reddy |
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74. | Recommender System And Ranking Techniques: A Survey
Recommender System And Ranking Techniques: A SurveyAbstract: Recommender system is a subset of information filtering system that predicts the rating a user would give to an item and recommends those items to the user. There are different ways in which recommendations can be made. The success of recommender system depends on the usefulness of the system. The usefulness can be measured in terms of accuracy, diversity, flexibility, serendipity and reliability. Most of the recommender system have focused on improving recommendation accuracy, but diversity is overlooked. In this paper several recommendation techniques and ranking techniques that improve the aggregate diversity of recommendations have been explored.Key words: Accuracy, aggregate diversity, individual diversity, recommendtation. Reference [1] Gediminas. A., and Youngok.K., "Overcoming Accuracy-Diversity Tradeoff in Recommender Systems: A VarianceBased Approach." Proceedings of the 18th Workshop on Information Technology and Systems (WITS'08), Paris, France, 2008. [2] Gediminas. A., and Youngok. K., "Toward More Diverse Recommendations: Item ReRanking Methods for Recommender Systems." 19th Workshop on Information Technology and Systems (WITS'09), Phoenix, Arizona,2009. [3] Zeinab. A., Sihem. A.Y., Lakshmanan. V.S., Sergei. V., Cong. Y., "Getting recommender systems to think outside the box." 285-288 RecSys, 2009. [4] Herlocker. J.L., Konstan. J.A., Terveen. L.G., and Riedl. J., "Evaluating Collaborative Filtering Recommender Systems," ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 22(1), pp. 5-53, 2004. [5] Amer-Yahia. S., Lakshmanan. L.V.S., Vassilvitskii. SS., Yu. C., "Battling Predictability and Overconcentration in Recommender Systems." IEEE Data Eng. Bulletin,33-40, 2009. [6] Michael J. Pazzani and Daniel Billsus, "Content-Based Recommendation Systems. ", 325-341, 2007. [7] Sangkeun. L, "A generic graph-based multidimensional recommendation framework and its implementations." WWW (Companion Volume) 161-166, 2011. [8] Gediminas. A., and Youngok. K., "Maximizing Aggregate Recommendation Diversity: A Graph-Theoretic Approach" Workshop on Novelty and Diversity in Recommender Systems, held in conjunction with ACM RecSys, 2011. [9] Fatih. A., Aysenur. B., "Enhancing Accuracy of Hybrid Recommender Systems through Adapting the Domain Trends."ACM RecSys'10 PRSAT Workshop, 2010. S.Deepa Kanmani, Antony Taurshia.A |
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75. | Computer image analysis of skin lesions
Computer image analysis of skin lesionsAbstract: An automatic method for segmentation of images of skin cancer and other pigmented lesions is presented. This method first reduces a color image into an intensity image and approximately segments the image by intensity thresholding. Then, it refines the segmentation using image edges. Double thresholding is used to focus on an image area where a lesion boundary potentially exists. Image edges are then used to localize the boundary in that area. A closed elastic curve is fitted to the initial boundary, and is locally shrunk or expanded to approximate edges in its neighborhood in the area of focus.Key words: Early diagnosis, image analysis. Reference [1] A.W. Kopf, T.G. Salopek, J. Slade, A.A. Marghood, R.S. Bart, Techniques of cutaneous examination for the detection of skin cancer, Cancer Supplement 75 (2) (1994) 684–690. [2] R.M. Haralick, L.G. Shapiro, Image segmentation techniques, Computer Vision Graphics, and Image Processing 29 (1) (1985) 100–132. [3] R.K. Sahoo, S. Soltani, A.K.C. Wong, A survey of thresholding techniques,Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 41 (1988) 233–260. [4] A.P. Dhawan, A. Sicsu, Segmentation of images of skin lesions using color and texture information of surface pigmentation, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 16 (3) (1992) 163– 177. [5] M.M. Wick, A.J. Sober, T.B. Fitzpatrick, Clinical characteristics of early cutaneous melanoma, Cancer 45 (1980) 2684–2686. [6] Alan Wee, Chung Liew , Hong Yan, " Current Methods in the Automatic Tissue Segmentation of 3D Magnetic Resonance Brain Images," Current Medical Imaging Reviews, Vol.2, pp.1-13 ,2006. [7] R. A. Lerski, K. Straughan, L. R. Schad, D.Boyce, S. Bluml, and I. Zuna, "MR ImageTexture Analysis- An approach To Tissue Characterization", Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Vol. 11, pp. 873- 887,1993. [8] H. Selvaraj1, S. Thamarai Selvi2, D. Selvathi3, L. Gewali1, " Brain MRI Slices Classification Using Least Squares Support Vector Machine " IC-MED, Vol.1, No. 1, Issue 1, Page 21 of 33 ,2007. [9] P.N.Hall, E.claridge and J.D.morris Smith, "Computer Screening for early detection of melanoma - is there a future?", British Journal of dermatologiy 1995; 132; 325- 338 [10] Marcel Prastawa a, Elizabeth Bullitt c, Sean Ho a, Guido Gerig, "A Brain Tumor Segmentation Framework Based on Outlier Detection" Medical Image Analysis ,1-9 ,2004. [11] Jiayin Zhou, Vincent Chong,Tuan-Kay Lim, Jing Huang, "MRI Tumor Segmentation for Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Using Knowledge-based Fuzzy Clustering" International Journal of Information Technology Vol. 8, No. 2 ,September 2002. [12] A. Green, N. Martin, J. Pfitzner, M. O'Rouke, N. Knight, Computer image analysis in the diagnosis of melanoma, J. American Academy of Dermatology 31 (6) (1994) 958–964. Mrs.Mongra Sahu, Mr.Devesh Narayan |
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76. | Constrained Active Contour For Interactive Image Segmentation
Constrained Active Contour For Interactive Image SegmentationAbstract: Interactive image segmentation algortihms incorporates small amount of user interaction to define the desired content to be extracted, has received much attention in the recent years. We propose a robust and accurate interactive method based on the recently developed continuous-domain convex active contour model. The proposed method exhibits many desirable properties of an effective interactive image segmentation algorithm, including robustness to user inputs and different initializations with an efficient and light-weight solution for rendering smooth shadow boundaries that do not reveal the tessellation of the shadowcasting geometry. Our algorithm reconstructs the smooth contours of the underlying mesh and then extrudes shadow volumes from the smooth silhouettes to render the shadows. For this purpose we propose an improved silhouette reconstruction using the vertex normal of the underlying smooth mesh. Then our method subdivides the silhouette loops until the contours are sufficiently smooth and project to smooth shadow boundaries. Here we solve the two problems in a unified framework. Gradient controlled partial differential equation (PDE) surfaces to express terrain surfaces, in which the surface shapes can be globally determined by the contours, their locations, and height and gradient values. The surface generated by this method is accurate in the sense of exactly coinciding with the original contours and smooth with C1 (contour active convex region) continuity everywhere. The method can reveal smooth saddle shapes caused by surface branching of one to more and can make rational interpolated subcontours between two or more neighbouring contours.Key words: contour, interpolation, mesh. silhouette, shadow-casting, gradient Reference 1. Thi Nhat Anh Nguyen, Jianfei Cai, Senior Member, IEEE, Juyong Zhang, and Jianmin Zheng "Robust Interactive Image Segmentation Using Convex Active Contours" IEEE trans.,image process, vol. 21, no. 8, august 2012 2. M. Kass, A. Witkin, and D. Terzopoulos, "Snakes: Active contour models," Int. J. Comput. Vis., vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 321–331, 1988. 3. E. Mortensen and W. Barrett, "Interactive segmentation with intelligent scissors," Graph. Models Image Process., vol. 60, no. 5, pp. 349–384,Sep. 1998. 4. A. Falcao, J. Udupa, and F. Miyazawa, "An ultrafast user-steered image segmentation paradigm: Live wire on the fly," IEEE Trans. Med. Imag., vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 55– 62, Jan. 2002. 5. Y. Boykov and M. Jolly, "Interactive graph cuts for optimal boundary and region segmentation of objects in N-D images," in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Comput. Vis., vol. 1. Vancouver, BC, Canada, Jul. 2001, pp. 105– 112. 6. C. Rother, V. Kolmogorov, and A. Blake, "Grabcut: Interactive foreground extraction using iterated graph cuts," ACM SIGGRAPH, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 1–6, 2004. 7. L. Grady, "Random walks for image segmentation," IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell., vol. 28, no. 11, pp. 1768– 1783, Nov. 2006. 8. J. Zhang, J. Zheng, and J. Cai, "A diffusion approach to seeded image segmentation," in Proc. IEEE Comput. Vis. Pattern Recognit., San Francisco, CA, Jun. 2010, pp. 2125– 2132. 9. W. Yang, J. Cai, J. Zheng, and J. Luo, "User-friendly interactive image segmentation through unified combinatorial user inputs," IEEE Trans. Image Process., vol. 19, no. 9, pp. 2470–2479, Sep. 2010. 10. X. Bai and G. Sapiro, "A geodesic framework for fast interactive image and video segmentation and matting," in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Comput. Vis., Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Oct. 2007, pp. 1–8. K.Gomathy, D.Arun Shunmugam M.E. |
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77. | Low Energy Plasmon Satellites in X-ray emission spectra of Transition elements
Low Energy Plasmon Satellites in X-ray emission spectra of Transition elementsAbstract: We have measured X-ray fluorescence spectra of 3d transition elements with highresolution crystal spectrometer. In order to study possible effects of chemical bonding in the fluorescence spectra, we have measured different chromium compounds. The Intensities and energies relative to the parent diagram line were determined.Key words: Chromium compounds, High resolution X-ray spectroscopy, Proton excitation, second order radiative contributions. Reference [1] P.Richard, B.Crasemann [Ed], Atomic Inner shell processes, Atomic Inner ShellProcesses,Academic,New York,1975, P.99. [2] C.S.Fadley, D.A.Shirley, Phys.Rev. A2 (1970)(10) [3] B.K.Agarwal, X-ray Spectroscopy, Springer Series optical sciences, 1979 [4] R.Ferrell, Theory of positron Annihilation in solids, Rev mod. Phys.28, 1959, 308- 337. [5] Surendra Poonia and S.N.Soni, Indian Journal of Pure and applied Physics , Vol.45, Feb 2007 PP-119-126. [6] K.S.Srivastava, S.P.Singh and R.L. Srivastava, Phys.Rev .B13 (1976), 3213. [7] Rud M.E. & Edward & Volz, D J,Phys Rev.151,(1966),28. [8] M.Scrocco,Satellites in X-ray photo electron spectroscopy 32(1985)1307-1310. [9] K.Tsutsumi, H.Nakamori, J.Phys. Soc. Jpn 25 (1968 )1418. [10] S.I.Salem, G.M.Hockney, P.L.Lee, phys. Rev A13 (1976) 330. [11] S.D. Gamblin, D.S.Urch, J.Electron, Spectroscopy Related Phenomenon. 113 (2001) 179. [12] J.Tihara,T.omori, K.Yoshihara, K. Ishii, Nucl.Instr.and Meth.B75 (1993) 32. [13] D.C.Lengreth, Phys.Rev. Letter, 26, 1229, 1971. [14] G.A.Rooke,Plasmon Satellites of soft Xray spectra, Phy letter 3,1963,34-36. Prabhpreet kaur, Dr. Shashi Pandey |
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78. | Optimization Of Machining Parameters For Aluminium Alloy 6082 In Cnc End Milling
Optimization Of Machining Parameters For Aluminium Alloy 6082 In Cnc End MillingAbstract: The study aims at optimization of cutting parameters in CNC End milling of Aluminium Alloy 6082. CNC milling is a versatile and most widely used operation in present industry. Surface quality affects fatigue life of components and influence various mechanical properties and has received serious attention for many years. In this work, experiments are conducted to analyze the surface roughness using various machining parameters such as Spindle speed, feed rate and depth of cut . The data was used to develop surface roughness prediction models as a function of the machining parameters. In the present study, CNC machining centre with Cemented carbide end mill of 12mm diameter and 30° helix angle was used. A multiple regression analysis is used to correlate the relationship between the machining parameters and surface roughness. RS methodology was selected to optimize the surface roughness resulting minimum values of surface roughness and their respective optimal conditions. An attempt has been made to compare the results of Response surface methodology(RSM)with the Genetic Algorithm(GA).Key words: Aluminium alloy 6082, CNC End milling,GA, RSM ,Surface roughness. Reference [1] I Mukherjee, P. K. Ray,"A review of optimization techniques in metal cutting processes", Computers & Industrial Engineering,Vol.50,(2006),pp 15–34. [2] Kuang-HuaFuh , Hung-Yen Chang,"An accuracy model for the peripheral milling of aluminum alloys using ", Journal of Materials Processing Technology, (1997),Vol.72 , pp 42–47. [3] P.V.S. Suresh, P. VenkateswaraRao , S.G. Deshmukh,"A genetic algorithmic approach for optimization of surface roughness prediction model", International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture,Vol.42,(2002), pp 675–680. [4] H.Oktem, T. Erzurumlu, H.Kurtaran,"Application of responsesurfacemethodology in the optimization of cutting conditions for surface roughness", Journal of Materials Processing Technology,Vol.170,(2005)pp 11- 16. [5] Yusuf Sahin , A. RizaMotorcu,"Surface roughness model for machining mild steel with coated carbide tool",Materials and Design, Vol. 26, (2005), pp 321– 326. [6] Hasan Oktem, Tuncay Erzurumlu, Fehmi Erzincanil, "Prediction of minimum surface roughness in end milling mold parts using neural network and geneticalgorithm", Materials and Design, Vol.27, (2006), pp 735-744. [7] Tuncay Erzurumlu,asan Oktem,"Comparison of response surface model with neural network in determining the surface quality of moulded parts ",Materials and Design, Vol. 28, (2007), pp 459–465. [8] B. C. Routara& A. Bandyopadhyay& P. Sahoo,"Roughness modeling and optimization in CNC end milling using response surface method: effect of workpiece material variation ", International Journal of Advance Manufacturing Technology,Vol. 40, (2009), pp 1166–1180. [9] Nafis Ahmad, Tomohisa Tanaka and Yoshio Saito, "Optimization of Cutting Parameters for End Milling Operation by Soap based Genetic Algorithm", the international conference on Mechanical engineering, 2005. [10] M.Seeman, G.Ganesan, R. Karthikeyan and A. Velayudham, "Study on Tool Wear and Surface Roughness in Machining of Particulate Aluminium Metal Matrix Composite- Response Surface Methodology Approach", Internation Journal Advanced Manufacturing Technol, Vol.48, 2010, pp.613-624 [11] D.E. Goldberg, Genetic Algorithms in search, optimization, and machine learning, in : Addison-Wesly, 1989. [12] Deb Kalyanmoy, Optimization for Engineering Design --- Algorithms and Examples, Prentice-Hall, India, 1995. D.Bhanu prakash , G.Rama Balaji , A.Gopi chand, V.Ajay kumar,D.V.N.Prabhaker |
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79. | Power Quality Aspects of Eddy Current Drive for Crushing Mill in Sugar Industry
Power Quality Aspects of Eddy Current Drive for Crushing Mill in Sugar IndustryAbstract: Many industrial applications require rotating electric drives. These drives are normally capable of speed control and often require an equipment to attain a versatile and smooth speed control and to make the motor to operate on a desired specific speed torque characteristic. The variable speed application of a drive is becoming more and more significant where a wide range of speed is required. Also, it must necessarily have a precise speed control of speed for application to a particular job i.e. for crushing mill in sugar industry.Key words: Eddy Current Drive, Output torque, Effect of harmonics, Result Reference [1] "IEEE Recommended Practices and Requirements for Harmonic Control in Electrical Power Systems", IEEE SM 519-1992 (Revision of IEEE SM 519-1981), 1993. [2] Daniel J. Carnovale,"Applying Harmonic Solutions to Commercial and Industrial Power Systems", in Cutler Hammer Power Quality Connection, pp-1-16 [3] Frank Briganti, "Feature: Eddy Current Drive", Application Engineer at Electric Maintenance Service Company, Bridgeport, winter 2004-2005. [4] Davd W. Petro,Raoul L.Wood , "Power Quality Issues Regarding Adjustable Speed Drives In Petroleum Terminals",IEEEPetroleum and Chemical Industry Technical Conference ,Vancouver,Canada, 1994,pp.1-8. [5] S.M.Shinde, W.Z.Gandhare, "FACTS Controller for Bagasse Based Cogeneration Systems", ICWET'10, 2010, pp.26-27. [6] Thomas M. Blooming, Daniel J.Carnovale , "Application of IEEE Std. 519-1992 Harmonic Limits",IEEE , 2006. [7] Roger C. Dugan, Mark F. Mcgranaghan ,Surya Santoso and H.Wayne Beaty, "Electrical Power System quality", Second Edition ,Tata Mcgraw hill publication, 2009, pp.1-67, 167-220 Y. K. Kirange, S.M.Shinde |
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80. | The Characteristics of a Vertical Submersible Slurry Pump in Transporting Dredged Slurry
The Characteristics of a Vertical Submersible Slurry Pump in Transporting Dredged SlurryAbstract: The performance of vertical centrifugal slurry pump is quite different from clear water pump due to presence of solid particles in water. An approach to derive the performance behaviour of a vertical centrifugal pump used for transporting dredged slurry based on detail hydraulic loss analysis has been presented in this paper. The derived analytical data has been compared with experimental results. Performance analysis of a vertical submersible centrifugal slurry pump has been accomplished in two stages. At first, performance characteristics of the centrifugal pump with clear water have been investigated considering an indepth hydraulic loss analysis. Depending on the particle size distribution, the effect of solid particles on the performance characteristics of centrifugal slurry pump has been investigated considering volume fraction of particle size. The homogenous slurry with fine particles has been treated as Newtonian fluid with slurry viscosity and specific gravity. Additional hydraulic losses due to coarse solid particle have been considered for coarse slurry fraction. The performance of the vertical centrifugal slurry pump has been predicted with the accuracies of about 87% and 90 % for respective solid concentration of 18% and 10% by volume near the maximum efficiency point. The drooping performance characteristics at low flow operation have been found deteriorating further with the increase of solid concentration.Key words: Centrifugal, Diffuser, Impeller, Slurry Reference [1] A., Sellgren, Performance of Centrifugal Pumps When Pumping Ores and Industrial Minerals, Proc. Hydro transports-6, Paper G1, BHRA Fluid Engineering (1979) 291-304. [2] V. K. Gahlot, V. Seshadri, and R.C. Malhotra, Effect of Density, Size, Distribution and Concentration of Solid on the Characteristics of Centrifugal Pumps, Trans. ASME, J. of Fluid Engg., Vol 114 (1992) 386-389. [3] M.C. Roco, M. Marsh, G.R. Addie, and J.R. Maffett, , Dredge pump performance prediction, J. Pipelines 5(1985) 171-190 [4] F.J. Wiesner, A review of slip factors for centrifugal impellers, ASME J. Eng. for Power, 89 (1967) 558—576 [5] O. Conrad, K. Raif and M.Wessels, The calculation of performance maps for centrifugal compressors with vane-island diffusers. In Proceedings of the 25th ASME Annual International Gas Turbine Conference and the 22nd ASME Annual Fluids Engineering Conference on Performance Prediction of Centrifugal Pumps and Compressors, New Orleans, Louisiana (1980) 135–147. [6] J. P. Johnston and Jr, R. C.Dean, Losses in vaneless diffusers of centrifugal compressors and pumps. Analysis,experiment, and design, Trans. ASME, J. Engg Power 88(1966) 49–62 [7] S. Mizuki, I. Ariga and I. Watanabe, Prediction of jet and wake flow within centrifugal impeller channel, In Proceedings of the 25th ASME Annual International Gas Turbine Conference and the 22nd ASME Annual Fluids Engineering Conference on Performance Prediction of Centrifugal Pumps and Compressors, New Orleans, Louisiana(1980) 105–116. [8] M. R. Galvas, Analytical correlation of centrifugal compressor design geometry for maximum efficiency with specific speed, NASA Technical Note T.N.- D6729(1972) [9] D.S. Musgrave., The prediction of design and off design efficiency for centrifugal compressor impellers, In Proceedings of the 25th ASME Annual International Gas Turbine Conference and the 22nd ASME Annual Fluids Engineering Conference on Performance Prediction of Centrifugal Pumps and Compressors, New Orleans, Louisiana (1980) 185–189. [10] R. H. Augier, Mean Streamline aerodynamic performance analysis of centrifugal compressors, Trans ASME,88 (1966) 49 – 62. [11] D.G. Thomas, Transport properties of suspensions: VIII. A note on the viscosity of Newtonian suspensions of uniform spherical particles. J. Colloid Science, 20, 267-277 (1965). [12] B. K Gandhi, S.N Singh, and V. Seshadri, Improvement in the prediction of performance of centrifugal slurry pumps handling slurries, Proc. Instn. Mech. Engrs Vol 214, part-A (2000) 473 -486 Prasanta Kumar Sen, Lal Gopal Das, Biswajit Halder |
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81. | Technologies For Obtaining Deuterium Depleted Water
Technologies For Obtaining Deuterium Depleted WaterAbstract: The principal manufacturers of deuterium depleted water currently apply the method of distillation in rectifying columns. The disadvantage of this method is the low separation coefficient. Multiple stages are needed in order to significantly reduce the deuterium content which makes the method expensive. We have designed the electrolytical method with a recuperation unit which allows reducing by 4-6 power consumption required for producing light water comparing to rectification methods applied nowadays.Key words: deuterium depleted water, light water, rectification, electrolysis, recuperation system, MHD generator. Reference [1] G. Somlyai, The biological effect of deuterium depleted water. A possible new tool in cancer therapy, Anticancer Research Journal. Vol. 21, № 3, 2001. [2] G. Somlyai, The biological effect deuterium depletion (Budapest, Akademiai Klado, 2002). [3] D.V. Rakov The effect of water with low content of heavy stable of hydrogen's isotope of deuterium and oxygen 18 О on the development of radiation injuries in case of gamma radiation exposure at a low dose, Radiatsionnaya biologiya. Radioekologiya, Vol. 4, № 4, 2006, 475-479. [4] M.G. Barishev, S.S. Dzhimak, S.N. Bolotin, D.V. Kashaev, S.R. Fedosov, V.U. Frolov, V.V. Malyshko, R.V. Vlasov The NMR and EPR study of water with deuterium low content on the indices of pro-oxidant and anti-oxidant system of laboratory animals, Ekologicheskiy vestnik nauchnykh tsentrov CES. № 3, 2011, 16-20. [5] M.G. Barishev, A.A. Basov, S.N. Bolotin, S.S. Dzhimak, S.R. Fedosov, V.U. Frolov, D.V. Kashaev, D.A. Lysak, D.I. Shashkov, A.A. Timakov The assessment of antiradical activity of water with modified isotope composition using NMR, EPR and massspectroscopies, Izvestiya RAN. Seriya fizicheskaya, Vol. 76, № 12, 1507-1510. [6] I.N. Bekman Radiokhimiya. Razdeleniye izotopov (Moscow: MSU, 2006) [7] Patent № 2295493 Russian Federation, IPC C01D5/00, B01D59/00, B01D59/02, B01D3/14. The process method and the plant for light water production. / S.P. Solov'yev, – priority 28.05.2004. [8] Patent № 2390491 Russian Federation, IPC C01B5/00, B01D59/00, B01D59/12, B01D61/00. The process method and the plant for light water production. / S.P. Solov'yev, – priority 08.05.2007. [9] Patent № 101648 Russian Federation, IPC B01D59/40, B01J25/02, C01B4/00 . Production line for obtaining bioactive water with low content of deuterium. / V.U. Frolov, M.G. Barishev, L.V. Lomakina, S.S. Dzhimak, – priority 25.05.2010 [10] Patent № 2438766 Russian Federation, IPC B01D59/40, C01B4/00, C02F1/461. Method for producing bioactive water with low content of deuterium. / V.U. Frolov, M.G. Barishev, L.V. Lomakina, S.S. Dzhimak, – priority 25.05.2010. [11] Patent № 97994 Russian Federation, IPC C02F1/00. Production line for obtaining bioactive water with low content of deuterium. / V.U. Frolov, S.S. Dzhimak, – priority 25.05.2010. [12] Patent № 2438765 Russian Federation, IPC B01D59/40, C01B4/00, C02F1/461. Method for producing bioactive water with low content of deuterium. / V.U. Frolov, M.G. Barishev, S.N. Bolotin, S.S. Dzhimak, – priority 25.05.2010. [13] Patent № 106559 Russian Federation, IPC B01D59/00. Production line for obtaining bioactive water with low content of deuterium. / V.U. Frolov, M.G. Barishev, S.N. Bolotin, S.S. Dzhimak, – priority 22.02.2011. [14] Patent № 113977 Russian Federation, IPC B01D59/40, C02F1/461. Production line for obtaining bioactive water with modified isotope composition. / M.G. Barishev, S.S. Dzhimak, M.A. Dolgov, L.V. Lomakina, V.U. Frolov, – priority 17.11.2011. M.G. Barishev, S.S. Dzhimak, V.U. Frolov, S.N. Bolotin, M.A. Dolgov |
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82. | Comparitive Study Of Papr Of Dht-Precoded Ofdm System With Dft & Wht
Comparitive Study Of Papr Of Dht-Precoded Ofdm System With Dft & WhtAbstract: High Peak to Average Power Ratio (PAPR) is one of the major drawbacks in Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM). The High PAPR increases the complexity of Analogue to Digital (A/D) and Digital to Analogue (D/A) convertors and also reduces the efficiency of RF High Power Amplifier (HPA). In this paper we present the comparative PAPR Analysis of DHT-Precoded OFDM system with other systems for DifferentQAM. We compare the computer simulation results of DHT precoded OFDM system with DFT precoded OFDM system, Walsh Hadamard Transform (WHT) precoded OFDM system, Selected Mapping (SLM) based OFDM system and OFDM conventional. The results obtained show that the PAPR of DHT precoded OFDM system is lower than WHT precoded OFDM system, SLM-OFDM system and OFDM conventional. We also concluded in this paper that DFT precoded OFDM system has zero PAPR. Which stands to be an ideal one for the time being.Key words: PAPR, DFT precoder, DHT precoder, HPA Reference [1] Yiyan Wu and Zou Y. William, "Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing: A multi-carrier modulation scheme", IEEE Trans. Consumer Electronics, vol. 41, no. 3, pp. 392–399, Aug. 1995. [2] R.van Nee and A. de Wild, "Reducing the Peak-To-Average Power Ratio of OFDM", Vehicular Technology Conference, 1998. VTC98. 48th IEEE, Volume.3, 18-21 May 1998, pages: 2072- 2076. [3] Yajun Kou, Wu-Sheng Lu and Andreas Antoniou, "A new peak-toaverage powerratio reduction algorithm for OFDM systems via constellation extension", IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 1823–1832, May 2007. [4] Tao Jiang and Guangxi Zhu, "Complement block coding for reduction in peak-to-average power ratio of OFDM signals" , IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 43, no. 9, pp. S17–S22, Sept. 2005. [5] S.Ben Slimane, "Reducing the peak-toaverage power ratio of OFDM signals through precoding", IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 686–695, Mar. 2007. [6] Homayoun Nikookar and K.Sverre Lidsheim, "Random phase updating algorithm for OFDM transmission with low PAPR", IEEE Trans. Broadcasting, vol. 48, no. 2, pp. 123–128, Jun. 2002. [7] Tao Jiang, Wenbing Yao, Peng Guo, Yonghua Song and Daiming Qu, "Two novel nonlinear Companding schemes with iterative receiver to reduce PAPR in multicarrier modulation systems", IEEE Trans. Broadcasting , vol. 52, no. 2, pp. 268–273, Mar. 2006. [8] J.Tellado-Mourelo, "Peak to Average Power Ratio Reduction for Multicarrier Modulation", PhD thesis, University of Stanford, 1999. [9] Seungsoo Yoo, Seokho Yoon, S.Yong Kim, and Iickho Song, "A novel PAPR reduction scheme for OFDM systems: Selective mapping of partial tones (SMOPT)", IEEE Trans. Consumer Electronics, vol. 52, no. 1, pp.40–43, Feb. 2006. [10] Luqing Wang and Chintha Tellambura ,"A Simplified Clipping and Filtering Technique for PAR Reduction in OFDM Systems", Signal Processing Letters, IEEE , vol.12, no.6, pp. 453-456, June 2005. BhanuPavanKumar.M |
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83. | Back flashover Analysis Improvement of a 220KV Transmission Line
Back flashover Analysis Improvement of a 220KV Transmission LineAbstract: The performance of a power system mainly depends on the performance of the transmission lines for which continues operation of transmission lines without sudden outages is important for the performance in the view point of power delivery as well as system stability. Lightning effects on transmission lines are one of the major reasons which lead to sudden line outages. The objective of this paper is to design a 220kV transmission model, which includes all the components of the Transmission line with a surge of 100KA, 4/10 µs. Tower with two OHGW was taken in this work. Back flash over mechanism is modeled and triggered to the existing system by an external control module with powerful electrical tool PSCAD/EMTDC. Metal Oxide transmission line arresters were used in this work as a solution for the back flashover. However, considering acceptable probabilistic failure as one outage per year per 100km line length, and suggested basic insulation level (BIL) of 1050KV, the arrester rating was calculated to be 196KV and its parametric determination for a one column arrester with an overall length of 1.45 meters is done. Simulation is carried out by placing line arresters in one phase and recovering the string voltage without interrupting power to the consumers.Key words: Back flash over, Line Arresters, Transmission lines, Tower footing resistance, PSCASD/ EMTDC. Reference [1]. P. Yadee and S. Premrudeepreechacharn, "Analysis of Tower Footing Resistance Effected Back Flashover across Insulator in a Transmission System" International Conference on Power Systems Transients (IPST'07) in Lyon, France on June 4-7, 2007 [2]. M. Kizilcay and C. Neumann "Back Flashover Analysis for 110KV Lines at Multi-Circuit Overhead Line Towers" International Conference on Power Systems Transients (IPST'07) in Lyon, France on June 4-7, 2007 [3]. P. Liu, G.N. Wu, B. Sui, R.F. Li and X.B. Kao, "Modeling Lightning Performance of Transmission Systems using PSCAD" International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Application, ICHVE , 2008, 9-12 Nov. [4]. C.J.Coelho Teixera and A. Machado e Moura, "Study of the Back Flashover Phenomena in Overhead Transmission Lines using the EMTP", IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition, Latin America, TDC 06, IEEE/PES. [5]. M.H.Shwehdi, "Computation of Lightning Flashovers and Back Flashover Voltage Levels on 230KV Transmission Lines", 2 nd IEEE International conference on Power and Energy (PECon 08), December 1-3, 2008, Johor Baharu, Malaysia. [6]. Akihiro Ametani, Naoto Nagaoka, Toshihisa Funabashi and Nagahiro Inoue, "Tower Structure Effect on a BackFlashover Phase". International Conference on Power Systems Transients (IPST'05) Montreal, Canada, June 19-23, 2005. [7]. Mohd Z.A Ab Kadir, Zawati Mohd Nawi and Junainah Sardi "Numerical Modeling and Simulation in Electro Magnetic Transient Program for Estimating Line Back Flashover Performance" Engineering Letters, 18:4, EL_18_4_04, Advance Online Publication: 23 November 2010. [8]. Manitoba HVDC Research Centre, "Introduction to PSCAD/EMTDCV 4.0," Manitoba Research Centre Inc. 2003. G.Radhika, Dr.M.Suryakalavathi |
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84. | A Mathematical Model For Vibration Based Progonosis For Effect Of Unbalance On Journal Bearing
A Mathematical Model For Vibration Based Progonosis For Effect Of Unbalance On Journal BearingAbstract: Now a days vibration based condition monitoring technique is widely used in several core companies. These companies are like - Cement Companies, Thermal Power Stations, Rolling Mills etc. This technique prevents excessive failure of the machine component. Hence in such a companies special departments are there, which handles the problem related to the health of machine. Some times, maintenance department of the company has this responsibility. There are so many process machines used in the industries. Amongst such a machine some machines have rotor system. Even in some machine the journal bearings bear the load of different rotor. In this present work a one possible approach is presented which provides the prediction of unbalance through mathematical model and the effect of unbalance on journal bearing is discussed.Key words: Vibration based Condition Monitoring, Journal Bearing, Mathematical Model. Reference 1. Banwait S.S.- Effect of Misalignment of Thermo hydrodynamic Analysis of Elliptical Journal Bearings. IE (I) Journal, Vol. 81, Oct. 2000, PP 93-101. 2. Sehgal R.- Failure Mode Analysis of Sliding Bearings. IE (I), Vol. 81, Oct 2000, PP 123-129. 3. Wock Victor - Machinery Vibration (Measurement and Analysis)", MacGraw Inc Singapore, 1991, First Edition. Prof. Girish D. Mehta, Prof. Vijaykumar.S.Shende, Prof. Prerna.S.Borkar |
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85. | Validating the Technology Valuation with Monte Carlo Simulation
Validating the Technology Valuation with Monte Carlo SimulationAbstract: Technology valuation is performed when a company needs a decision making on project financing, especially Research and Development (R&D) project financing but some people wonder whether or not it reflects the reality due to the subjectivity in the valuation process. It is the very lethal problem especially in the third-party valuation as the fairness is basically required (Hwang 2000, p.7). To reduce or eliminate the subjectivity during valuation, the Monte Carlo simulation is often introduced as one of effective methods (Razgaitis 2003, p.64).Reference 1. Baek, D., Sul, W., Hong, K. and Kim,H. (2007). A technology valuation model to support technology transfer negotiations. R&D Management, 37(2), 123-138. 2. Boer, F. Peter (1999). The valuation of technology: Business and financial issues in R&D. NJ: John Wiley&Sons. 3. ____________ (2000). Valuation of technology using real options. Research Technology Management, 43(4), 26-30. 4. Bowman, E. H. & Hurry, D. (1993). Strategy through the option lens: an integrated view of resource investments and the incremental-choice process. Academy of Management Review, 18(4), 760~782. 5. Bullard, C. W. and Sebald, A. V. (1988). Monte Carlo analysis of input-output models. The review of Economics and Statistics, 70(4), 708-712. 6. Camm, J. D., and Evans, J. R. (1999). Management science & decision technology. OH: South western college publishing. 7. Cha, S. (2009). Technology Valuation. News & Information for chemical engineers, 27(4), 459-461. 8. Chib, S. and Greenberg, E. (1996). Markov Chain Monte Carlo Simulation Methods in Econometrics. Econometric Theory, 12(3), 409-431. 9. Coit, D. W. and Jin,T. (2000). Gamma distribution parameter estimation for field reliability data with missing failure times. IIE Transactions, 32, 1161-1166. 10. Copeland, T., Koller, T and Murrin, J. (2002). Corporate valuation. 2 nd edition, NJ: John Wiley&Sons Deokkyo Oh , Young-Hee Cho |
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86. | Preparation of Non-noble Metals Supported on Carbon by Polymer Templation Method for Solid Alkaline Fuel cells
Preparation of Non-noble Metals Supported on Carbon by Polymer Templation Method for Solid Alkaline Fuel cellsAbstract: One of the most important cost items is platinum which is used as catalyst both in anode and cathode sides of exchange membrane fuel cells. Not only is the cost of the platinum, but also the limited reservoir of the platinum is handicap. Therefore, the utilization of the cheap replacements of platinum will accelerate the process of commercialization. NiCoFe (NCF), NiCo (NC), and NiFe (NF) are group of the nonnoble metals electrode catalyst for alkaline fuel cell. The NCF, NC, and NF were synthesized by mixing Ni, Co, and Fe complexs into polymer matrix (melamine-formaldehyde), followed by heating the mixture at 800 o C for 1 h under inert atmosphere. XRD, SEM, EDX, TEM, and SAD experiments suggest that all prepared samples have both alloy and oxide form.Key words: Non-noble metals, Polymer templation method, Solid alkaline fuel cells, NiCoFe, NiCo, NiFe Reference [1] E. Antolini, and E. R. Gonzalez , Alkaline direct alcohol fuel cells, Journal of Power Sources, 195, 2010, 3431-3450. [2] J. S. Spendelow and A. Wieckowski, Electrocatalysis of oxygen reduction and small alcohol oxidation in alkaline media, Physical Chemistry Chemical Phyics, 9, 2007, 2654-2675. [3] N. Fujiwara, Z. Siroma, Sh. Yamazaki, T. Ioroi, H. Senoh and K. Yasuda, Direct ethanol fuel cells using an anion exchange membrane, Journal of Power Sources, 185(2), 2008, 621-626. [4] J. Guo, A. Hsu, D. Chu, and R. Chen, , Improving oxygen reduction reaction activities on carbon-supported Ag nanoparticles in alkaline solutions, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 114, 2010, 4324-4330. [5] K. Kordesch, J. Gsellmann, S. Voss, M. Cifrain, R. Aronson, V. Hacker, Ch. Fabjan, T. Hejze, and J. Daniel-Ivad, 21st Internat.Power Sources Symposium, May 10–12, Brighton, UK, Proceedings (Power Sources 17), 1999, 190 –197. [6] M.T Ergul, L. Turker, and I. Eroglu, An investigation on the performance optimization of an alkaline fuel cell, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 22(10), 1997, 1039-1045. [7] R. Bashyam, and P. Zelenay, A class of nonprecious metal composite catalysts for fuel cells, Nature, 443, 2006, 63 – 66. [8] W. Qi, D. Zhou, S. Chen, Y. Huang, and X. Cheng, Preparation and electrocatalytic properties of Fe, Co, Ni-polymer-C complex catalysts for ethanol electrooxidation , Acta Chimica Sinica, 67 (9), 2009, 917-922. [9] Acta, 2012. http://www.acta-nanotech.com [10] N. Park,T. Shiraishi, K. Kamisugi,Y. Hara,K. Iizuka,T. Kado, and S. Hayase, A method for decreasing ethanol crossover for direct ethanol fuel cells, Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, 38, 2008, 371-375. Chutharat Khonkeng, Nittaya Pantamas, Siwat Thungprasert, Thapanee Sarakonsri, Aphiruk Chaisena |
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87. | A Novel Approach For Privacy Preserving Videosharing And Merging
A Novel Approach For Privacy Preserving Videosharing And MergingAbstract: In present days rapid growth of internet has paved a path for increased utilization of distributed applications. The number of applications aredrastically increased for a distribution of video information to various places. In recent years, videos are also playingmajor role at various surveillance applications. Hence, propose a novel approach to share the videos to various places while providing privacy.In this paper we used an efficient algorithm to merge the given video. This method provides various parameters to preserve the privacy and accuracy. Our proposed framework is highly efficient than various existing approaches like Smart Cameras, Homomorphic Encryption and Secure Multi-Party computation to carry out privacy preserving video surveillance. This work opens up a new avenue for practical and provably secure implementations of vision algorithms. The proposed system along with motion segmentation results will be used to detect and track peoples or objects.Key words: Privacy, Video Surveillance, Sharing algorithm, Merging Algorithm, Vision algorithms Reference [1] G. Blakley, ―Safeguarding cryptographic keys," presented at the Proceedings of the AFIPS 1979National Computer Conference, vol. 48, Arlington, VA, June 1997, pp. 313 - 317. [2] An Introduction to Privacy-Preserving Data Mining Charu C. Aggarwal, Philip S. Yu. Online available at http://www.charuaggarwal.net/toc.pdf. [3] ManeeshUpmanyu, Anoop M. Namboodiri, KannanSrinathan and C.V. Jawahar, ―Efficient Privacy Preserving Video Surveillance‖, In Twelfth International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2009. [4] Hazel Oliner, ―Email and internal monitoring in the Workplace: Information Privacy and Contracting out‖, Industrial Law Journal 321 – 322, (2002) 31 (4). [5] A. C. Yao. ―Protocols for secure computations‖.InProc. 23rd IEEE Symp.on Foundations of Comp. Science, pages 160–164, Chicago, 1982. IEEE. [6] C.C. Thien and J.C. Lin, ―Secret image sharing," Computers & Graphics, vol. 26, no. 5, pp.765 - 770,2002. [7] S. Avidan and M. Butman. ―Blind vision‖. InProc. of European Conference on Computer Vision, 2006. [8] Model-based Face de-idenfication technique is online available at ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnum ber=1640608 [9] C Narasimha Raju, GanugulaUmadevi, KannamSrinathan and C V Jawahar, ―A Novel Video Encryption Technique Based on Secret Sharing‖, ICIP 2008. [10] B.Anjanadevi, P Sitharama raj,V Jyothi,V,Valli Kumari. A Novel approach for Privacy Preserving in Video using Extended Euclidean algorithm Based on Chinese remainder theorem. International Journal Communication & Network Security (IJCNS), Volume-I, Issue-II, 2011. [11] J. C. Benaloh. Secret sharing homomorphisms: keeping shares of a secret secret. CRYPTO, 283:251–260, 1986. [12] Craig Gentry. Fully homomorphic encryption using ideal lattices. STOC, pages 169–178, 2009. Anjanadevi B,Nagesh Vadaparthi, Jyothi V,Satyanarayana Reddy G |
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88. | Risk Reduction Management Of Flood By Bhagirathi River A Case Study Of Agradweep Of Bardwan District In Gangetic Delta Risk Reduction Management Of Flood By Bhagirathi River A Case Study Of Agradweep Of Bardwan District In Gangetic Delta
Abstract: Many states in our country are flood prone
due to heavy rain or otherwise. The flood causes loss
to human life and wide spread damage to property.
Unimaginable damage to agriculture takes place
affecting the States planning and upset the financial
budgeting there by slowing down the whole economy
of the country. The term "flood" is a general or
temporary condition of partial or complete
inundation of normally dry land areas from
overflow of inland or tidal waters or from the
unusual and rapid accumulation or runoff of surface
waters from any source. Heavy down pore in the
form of rain, brings down more water than can be
disposed by combined factors natural and manmade
systems causes flooding. The rivers overflow
embankments may be breached. Generally rains
following storm and hurricane are heavy and bring
unmanageable amount of water causing flash
floods. The frequency or probability of a flood
usually is described by assigning a recurrence
interval to the flood at each gauging station. This is
accomplished by statistically evaluating long-term
annual peak stream flows at a station. |
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89. | Failure Analysis of Automotive FWD Flexible Drive Shaft - A reviewFailure Analysis of Automotive FWD Flexible Drive Shaft - A reviewAbstract: Drive shaft is a mechanical part of transmission system which is used to transfer the power from engine to the wheel. It comprises two constant velocity (CV) joints and the actual shaft is almost universally used in front wheel drive (FWD) vehicles. The usage of drive shaft as a power transmitter in automobile is more convenience because it is less likely to become jammed or broken compared to chain-drives. In operation, drive shaft is generally subjected Torsional and bending stress due to which fatigue and fractural failures may occur. Some common causes of failures are manufacturing, design, maintenance, raw material, and the user originated faults. This paper presents the available literature of failure analysis of drive shaft and summarized the causes of failures of FWD drive shaft and analyzes the premature failure in drive shaft.Key words: Drive shaft; Constant Velocity joints; Front wheel drive; Transmission system; Failure analyses. Reference 1. McEvily, A.J, "Metal Failures: Mechanisms, Analysis, Prevention", Wiley, New York (2002), pp. 303–307. 2. ASM (American Society for Metals), "Metals Handbook, Failure Analysis and Prevention", 9th edition, vol. 11, Metals Park, OH (1986) pp. 13–65.. 3. Heyes, AM, "Automotive component failures", Eng Fail Anal, 1998, pp.129– 141. 4. Heisler, H, "Vehicle and engine technology", 2nd ed, London, SAE International, 1999. 5. Vogwell, J, "Analysis of a vehicle wheel shaft failure", Engineering Failure Analysis, 1998, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 271- 277. 6. ASM metals handbook, "Fatigue and fracture", vol. 19, Metals Park (OH), 1996. 7. Bayrakceken, H, "Failure analysis of an automobile differential pinion shaft", Engineering Failure Analysis 13 (2006), pp. 1422–1428. 8. Asi Osman, "Fatigue failure of a rear axle shaft of an automobile", Engineering Failure Analysis 13 (2006), pp. 1293– 1302. 9. Bayrakceken, H, Tasgetiren, S, Yavuz, I, "Two cases of failure in the power transmission system on vehicles: A universal joint yoke and a drive shaft", Engineering Failure Analysis 14 (2007), pp. 716–724. 10. Godec, M, Mandrino, Dj, Jenko, M, "Investigation of the fracture of a car's drive shaft", Engineering Failure Analysis 16 (2009), pp. 1252–1261. |
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90. | Analysis & Prospects of Modification in Belt Conveyors - A ReviewAnalysis & Prospects of Modification in Belt Conveyors - A ReviewAbstract: Now a day's Belt conveyor system not only used in mining industries but also applied in cement industries, power plant, food industries, production industries etc. So it is essential equipment for in house material transportation today. The paper presents the review of belt conveyor design modification and latest technologies or methodologies used in different applications to reduce failures, maintenance cost and equipment related fatal accidents occurs during operation. The focus is on methodologies as Design modification, Drum and pulley failures, Belt design and its failure, energy & efficiency, friction, inspection, operation & maintenance and fire & safety. The analysis shows, different design parameters required for different applications such as coal mines, cement and food industries. Some of the common design parameters required in each application and the importance of each parameter which impacts on different application.Key words: Belt Conveyor, Design Modification, Failures, Maintenance, pulley. Reference [1] "Mingwang Donga,Qing Luob", Research and Application on Energy Saving of Port Belt Conveyor, Elsevier Ltd.,2011. [2] "Supriya Engineering ", Coal Handling Plant Manual, Operation & Maintenance manual. [3] "Lin-jing Xiao1, Xiu-hua Sui1, De-jun Miao2", Study on Mechanics of Driving Drum with Superelastic Convexity Surface Covering-Layer Structure, Elsevier Limited and Science Press, 2008. [4] "khaled khader, sabry el-shakery,raafat abou-elnasr" ,The Synthesis Of A MultiStep Cam Mechanism To Drive A Shaking Belt Conveyor, Elsevier Science Ltd, 1996. [5] "XIE Fang-wei1, HOU You-fu1, XU Zhipeng1, ZHAO Rui2",Fuzzy-immune control strategy of a hydro-viscous soft start device of a belt conveyor, Elsevier Limited,2009. [6] "Hou Youfu a, Xie Fangwei, Huang Fei a", Control strategy of disc braking systems for downward belt conveyors, Elsevier Limited, 2011. [7] "Tian Zuzhi, Hou Youfu",Modeling a magneto-rheological soft starter for use with belt conveyors, Elsevier Limited,2012. [8] "Chun-Hsiung Lan",The design of a multiconveyor system for profit maximization, Elsevier Limited,2002. [9] "MENG Qing-rui, HOU You-fu", Mechanism of hydro-viscous soft start of belt conveyor, Elsevier Limited,2008. [10] "Lihua ZHAO,Yin LIN",Typical failure analysis and processing of belt conveyor,,2011. |
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91. | Detection of Changes of RADAR Earth Images Using Synthetic ApertureDetection of Changes of RADAR Earth Images Using Synthetic ApertureAbstract: Change detection is the art of quantifying the changes in Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images occurring over a period of time. Remote sensing has been instrumental in performing change detection analysis. The impact of applying the combination of texture features for classification techniques to separate water bodies from land masses is empirically investigated in this paper. First, the images are classified using unsupervised Principle Component Analysis (PCA) based K-means clustering for dimension reduction. Then, texture features like Energy, Entropy, Contrast, Inverse Difference Moment, Directional Moment and Median are extracted using Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) and these features are utilized in Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifiers. This paper aims to apply a combination of the texture features in order to significantly improve the accuracy of detection. The utility of detection analysis influences management and policy decision making for long-term construction projects by predicting preventable losses.Key words: Change Detection, Classification, Learning Vector Quantization, Support Vector. Machine Reference [1] Kaichang Di F., Ruijin Ma, A., Jue Wang, W., Ron Li, U., "Coastal mapping and change detection using high-resolution IKONOS satellite imagery", Digital Government Society of North America, pp.1-4, 2003. [2] Krishnan, V., Swoboda, J., Yarman, C. E., and Yazici, B., "Multistatic Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Formation", IEEE transactions on image processing, volume: 19, no: 5, pp.1290-1306, 2010. [3] Kwang In Kim, Keechul Jung Se, Hyun Park and Hang Joon Kim., "Support Vector Machines for Texture Classification", IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, volume: 24, no: 11, pp. 1542-1550, 2002. [4] Nath, K., and Deb S. K., "Water-Body Area Extraction from High Resolution Satellite Images - An Introduction, Review, and Comparison", International Journal of Image Processing (IJIP), volume: 3, Issue: 6, pp. 353-372, 2010. [5] Ravichandran, K. S., and Ananthi, B., "Color Skin Segmentation Using K-Means Cluster", International Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, volume: 4, no: 2, pp.153-157, 2009. [6] Rowman, J. F., and George, P. T., "Geological Units Classification of Multispectral Images by Using Support Vector Machines", International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems, pp.267-272, 2009. [7] Sun, B. X., and Huang, D.S., "Texture Classification Based on Support Vector Machine and Wavelet Transform", Proceeding of the Fifth World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, pp. 15- 19, 2004. [8] Peng Xu, Min Dai, Andrew K. Chan., Texture Classification Using Optimized SupportVector machines", IEEE (C), pp.544-547, 2004. [9] Zhang Zhaohui, T., Veronique Prinet R. and Songde, M.A., "Water body extraction from ultisource satellite images", Proc. IEEE Geoscience and remote Sensing Symposium, volume: 6, pp.3970-3972, 2003. [10] Hyeran Byun and Seong-Whan Lee., Application of Support Vector machines for PatternRecognition: A Survey", SVM 2002, LNCS 2388, pp.213-236, 2002. |
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92. | Harmonic elimination in cascade multicell inverter using Novel SWPWM, SPWM and ISPWM: a comparison Harmonic elimination in cascade multicell inverter using Novel SWPWM, SPWM and ISPWM: a comparisonAbstract: Multilevel inverters have become more popular over the years in electric high power application with the promise of less disturbances and the possibility to function at lower switching frequencies than ordinary two-level inverters. Multilevel inverters has been introduced as static high-power inverters for medium to high voltage applications such as large electric drives, reactive power compensations, dynamic voltage restorers and FACTS devices. Different Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) strategies have been used in multilevel inverter topologies. In this paper novel method Square Wave Pulse Width Modulation (SWPWM), Inverted Sinusoidal Pulse width modulation (ISPWM) and Sinusoidal Pulse Width modulation (SPWM) in order to minimize the Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) are used for a nine-level Cascade H-Bridge Multicell Inverter (CHMCI). The MATLAB/Simulink software program is used to verify the effectiveness of each above strategies.Key words: Level Shifted Modulation, Cascade HBridge Multicell Inverter, Total Harmonic Distortion, Pulse Width Modulation (PWM), Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation (SPWM), Square wave Pulse Width Modulation (SWPWM), Inverted Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation (ISPWM), CSF Modulation Reference [1] R. H. Baker, Electric Power Converter, US Patent Number 03,867,643, February 1975. [2] R. H. Baker, High-Voltage Converter Circuit, US Patent Number 04,203,151, May 1980. [3] A. Nabae, I. Takahashi, H. Akagi, "A New Neutral-Point Clamped PWM Inverter", Proceeding of the Industry Application Society Conference, September/October 1980, pp 761-766. [4] M. Fracchia, T: Ghiara, M. Marchesini, M.Mazzucchelli, "Optimized Modulation Techniques for the Generalized N-Level Converter", Proceeding of the IEEE Power Electronics Specialist Conference, 1992, Vol. 2, pp. 1205-1213. [5] T.A. Meynard, H. Foch, "Multi-level Conversion: High Voltage Choppers and Voltage-source Inverters", Proceedings of the IEEE Power Electronics Specialist Conference, 1992, Vol. 1, pp. 397-403. [6] K. Corzine and Y. Familiant, "A new cascaded multilevel H-bridge drive," IEEE Tran.Power Electron., vol. 17, no. 1, Jan.2002, pp. 125–131. [7] K. A. Corzine, "Operation and Design of Multilevel Inverters", University of Missouri – Rolla, Tech. Rep., 2005. [8] . Rodriguez, J. Pontt, P. Lezana, S. Kouro, Tutorial on Multilevel Converters, PELINCEC International Conference on Power Electronics and Intelligent Control for Energy Conservation, Warsaw, 17-19 October, 2005. [9] Zixin Li, Ping Wang, Haibin Zhu, Zunfang Chu and Yaohua Li,"An Improved Pulse Width Modulation Method for ChopperCell-Based Modular MultilevelConverters", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, VOL. 27, NO. 8, AUGUST 2012, pp 3472-3481. [10] B. P. McGrath, D. G. Holmes, "Multicarrier PWM Strategies for Multilevel Inverters", IEEE Trans. on Ind. Elect., Aug. 2002, Vol. 49, Num. 4, pp.858-867. |
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93. | Simulation Of Ic Engines Actuated By An Air SystemSimulation Of Ic Engines Actuated By An Air SystemAbstract: In this paper a developed method will be designed for compressing air within internal combustion engine. Also, how this method can be able to save the fuel, horsepower, safety by utilizing simple applications, in which that can be create the developed method for the internal combustion engine, in order to obtain the required power that specified requirements from efficiency and speed. The model will be implemented by using the Matlab software and the obtainable result will be examined from simulation of the developed method. The air that enters the engine must be filtered to attain a high concentration of oxygen, thus creating an enormously high specific power output.Key words: Internal Combustion Engine, Actuated Air, Fuel, Horsepower, Simulation, horsepower. Reference [1] CHIESA, P, LOZZA, G, MACCHI, E and CONSONNI, S. 1995. An assessment of the thermodynamic performance of mixed gas steam cycles: part B—water injected and HAT cycles. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power. pp.499–508. [2] CHOMIAK, J, LILJENFELDT, G. 2001. Performance analysis of a steam injected diesel (STID) engine. Proceedings of the 23 rd CIMAG World Congress of Combustion Engine Technology for Ship Propulsion, Power Generation, Rail Traction. Hamburg. [3] CONEY, M, LINNEMANN, C, SUGIURA, K and GOTO, T. 2004. Iso-engine data analysis and future design options. Proceedings of the 24th CIMAC World Congress on Combustion Engine Technology. Kyoto, Japan. [4] CONEY, M.W, STEPHENSON, P, MALMGREN, A, LINNEMANN, C, MORGAN, R.E and RICHARDS, R.A. 2002. Development of a reciprocating compressor using water injection to achieve quasi-isothermal compression. Proceedings of the 16 th International Compressor Engineering Conference at Purdue, Lafayette. Indiana, USA. [5] CONEY, M.W. LINNEMANN, C and ABDALLA, H.S. 2004. A thermodynamic analysis ofa novel high efficiency reciprocating internal combustion engine (iso-engine). pp. 2585–2600 [6] CREUTZIG, F, PAPSON, A, SCHIPPER, L and KAMMEN, D. M. 2009. Economic and environmental evaluation of compressed-air cars. pp. 1-9 [7] LINNEMANN, C, CONEY, M.W, MORGAN, R.E, BANCROFT, T.G and SAMMUT, R.M. 2002. A novel internal combustion engine with simultaneous injection off duel and pre-compressed preheated air. Proceedings of the Fall Technical Conference of the ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division. 39. pp. 67–77. [8] PETERS, K. E, WALTERS, C. C and MOLDOWAN, J. M. 2004. The Biomarker Guide, Biomarkers and Isotopes in Petroleum Exploration and Earth History. 1(2). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. [9] SCHUMACK, M and BODKE, S. 2010. IMPROVING THE ENERGY DENSITY OF HYDRAULIC HYBRID VEHICLES (HHVS) AND EVALUATING PLUG-IN HHVS. pp. 1-19 [10] WANG, Y and LIU, Y, 2008. An oxygenating additive for reducing the emission of diesel engine," The 2nd Int'l Conf. on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (ICBBE 2008), pp. 3931-3933 |
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94. | Implementation of Image Thumbnails Using Resizing MethodImplementation of Image Thumbnails Using Resizing MethodAbstract: A standard image thumbnail is generated by filtering and sub sampling when the blur and noise of an original image is lost since the standard thumbnails do not distinguish between high quality and low quality originals. In this paper an efficient algorithm with a blur – generating component and a noise generating component preserves the local blur and the noise of the originals. The new thumbnails are more representative of their originals for blurry images .The noise generating component improves the results for noisy images but degrades the results for textured images .The decision to use the noise component of the new thumbnails should based on testing with the particular image mix expected for the application.Key words: Standard thumbnails, image quality, noise modeling Reference [1] A.K.Jain Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing.Englewood cliffs NJ; PrenticeHall,1989. [2] A.Munoz,T.Blu,and M.Unser,"Leastsquares image resizing using finite differences",IEEE Trans.Image Process,2001. [3] R.Samadani,S.Lim,and D.Tretter, "Representative image thumbnails for good browsing,"in Proc.IEEE Int.Conf.Image Processing,sep2007,vol.II. [4] Y.Ke,X.Tang,and F.Jing, " The design of high-level features for photo quality assessment,"in IEEE Computer Society Conf.Computer Visionand Pattern Recognition,2006,vol.1. [5] A.Wondruff,A.Faulring,R.Roshenholtz,J.Mo rrison,andP.Prolli, "Using thumbnails to search the web,"in Proc.CHI,Apr.2001. [6] B.Suh,H.Ling,B.Bederson,and .Jacobs,S.Wink "Automatic thumbnails cropping and its effectiveness," Proc.16 th Annu.ACM,Dec.2003. [7] K.Berkner,E.Schwartz,and .Marle,L.Karamin"SmartNails:Display-and the image-independent thumbnails," in Proc.SPIE Document Recognition and Retrieval XI,Dec.2003. [8] S.Avidan and A.Shamir, "Seam carving for content-aware image resizing,"ACM Symp.User In Trans.Graphics,vol.26,2007. [9] L.Wan,W.Feng,Z.Lin,T.Wong, andT.Ebriamian Z.Liu, "Perceptual image preview,",oct.2008. |
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95. | A Review On Experimental And Numerical Investigation Of Friction Stir Welds Of Aa6063-T6 Aluminium AlloyA Review On Experimental And Numerical Investigation Of Friction Stir Welds Of Aa6063-T6 Aluminium AlloyAbstract: Welding is a manufacturing process, which is carried out for joining of metals. Friction-stir welding (FSW) is a solid-state joining process (the metal is not melted) and is used when the original metal characteristics must remain unchanged as much as possible. It mechanically intermixes the two pieces of metal at the place of the join, then softens them so the metal can be fused using mechanical pressure, much like joining clay, dough, or plasticine. It is primarily used on aluminium, and most often on large pieces that cannot be easily heat-treated after welding to recover temper characteristics.Key words: Friction stir welding, Peak temperature, Trend line equation, Temperature distribution, Hardness. Reference [1] A. Scialpi, M. De Giorgi, L.A.C. De Filippis a, R. Nobile, F.W. Panella. Mechanical analysis of ultra-thin friction stir welding joined sheets with dissimilar and similar materials. Materials and Design volume- 29 (2008) 928–936 science direct [2] Dr. Muhsin Jaber Jweeg, Dr. Moneer Hameed Tolephih, Muhammed AbdulSattar Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Transient Temperature Distribution in Friction Stir Welding of AA 7020-T53. Journal of Engineering volume 18 (2012)-science direct. [3] Selvamani S.T 1*, Umanath K 2* and Palanikumar K - Heat Transfer Analysis during Friction Stir Welding of Al6061-T6 Alloy. (IJERA) volume 1(2008) 1453-1460 [4] Yuh J. Chao, W. Tang- Heat Transfer in Friction Stir Welding—Experimental and Numerical Studies JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING. Volume 125 (2003) 138- 146-science direct [5] Basil M. Darras- EXPERIMENTAL AND ANALYTICAL STUDY OF FRICTION STIR PROCESSING-2005 science direct [6] M Song and R Kovacevic*- Numerical and experimental study of the heat transfer process in friction stir welding- Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs Vol. 217 Part B: J. Engineering Manufacture(2003)-science direct [7] G. Buffa, L. Fratini, S. Pasta- RESIDUAL STRESSES IN FRICTION STIR WELDING: NUMERICAL SIMULATION AND EXPERIMENTAL VERIFICATIONJCPDS-International Centre for Diffraction Data 2009 ISSN 1097-0002 science direct [8] P. BISWAS AND N. R. MANDAL- Effect of Tool Geometries on Thermal History of FSW of AA1100- THE WELDING JOURNAL, JULY 2011 Science direct [9] Tran Hung Tra a, Masakazu Okazaki b, Kenji Suzuki c- Fatigue crack propagation behavior in friction stir welding of AA6063-T5: Roles of residual stress and microstructure- International Journal of Fatigue 43 (2012) 23–29 science direct |
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96. | FPGA Implementation of Discrete Wavelet Transform For Electroencephalogram AnalysisFPGA Implementation of Discrete Wavelet Transform For Electroencephalogram AnalysisAbstract: Neurological disorders affect about five percent of the population. Approximately one percent of this group has been found to be epileptic. Epilepsy is a chronic neurological disorder characterized by recurrent, unprovoked seizures. These seizures are due to abnormal, excessive, episodic neuronal activity in the brain. Diagnosis of epilepsy calls for long-term video EEG monitoring. This technique is not routinely used because of its high cost and inconvenience to the subject as the subject has to be in the hospital for longer time (typically one week to 10 days). Electroencephalogram (EEG) is an important tool in the diagnosis of certain neurological disorders. The ability of the wavelet transform to capture the signal energy in a few transforms coefficients and provide time and frequency information from the transient signal make it a very attractive tool for signal processing applications in several fields. In other words, The Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) has gained the reputation of being a very effective signal analysis tool for many practical applications. However, due to its computation intensive nature, current implementations of the transform fall short of meeting real-time processing requirements of most applications. This paper describes implementation of the Electroencephalogram data using Discrete Wavelet Transform and it's inverse.Key words: Electroencephalogram, Epilepsy, Discrete Wavelet Transform, Analysis and Synthesis filters Reference 1. L. Qin, L and B. He . "A wavelet-based time– frequency analysis approach for classification of motor imagery for brain–computer interface applications." J. Neural Eng., 2005. 2. O. A. Rosso, et al, "EEG analysis using waveletbased Information tools", Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 2006. 3. P. S. Addison, "The illustrated wavelet transform handbook introductory theory and applications in science, engineering, medicine and finance", Institute of Physics Publishing, 2002. 4. J. C. Letelier and P. P. Weber, "Spike sorting based on discrete wavelet transform coefficients", Journal of Neuroscience Methods,2000. Didier clarencon, Marc Renaudin et.al, "Real-time spike detection in EEG signals using the wavelet transform and a dedicated digital signal processor card", Journal of Neuroscience Methods Vol.70, 1996,pp5-14. 5. Y. Padma Sai, Dr.K.Subba Rao, et al. "Detection of Epileptic Seizures using Wavelet Transform", International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Consumer Health Informatics, Vol. 1 , No. 1, 2008, pp 15-22. 6. Samir V.Mehta, "Wavelet Analysis as a Potential Tool for Seizure Detection", IEEE, 1999. 7. Michael Unser, "Wavelets, Statistics and Biomedical Applications", IEEE 1996, pp 244- 249. 8. Olivier Rioul and Pierre Duhamel, "Fast Algorithms for Discrete and Continuous Wavelet Transforms", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol.38, No.2, March 1992, pp 569-586. 9. Stephane Mallat, "A Wavelet Tour of Signal Processing", 2nd Edition, Academic Press, 1999. 10. Michael Unser and Akram Aldrobi, "A Review of Wavelets in Biomedical Applications", Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol.84, No.4, April 1996, pp 626-638. |
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97. | Design of Scheduling Algorithm based on Earliest Departure Time for QoS Requirements in WiMAX NetworksDesign of Scheduling Algorithm based on Earliest Departure Time for QoS Requirements in WiMAX NetworksAbstract: The IEEE 802.16 is a standard for broadband wireless technologies which provides guaranteed quality of service (QoS) with different characteristics. This standard provides four different scheduling services: Unsolicited Grant Service (UGS), real-time Polling Service (rtPS), non-real-time Polling Service (nrtPS), and Best Effort (BE). To get a guaranteed QoS, an effective scheduling algorithm should be designed. This paper presents the design of a scheduling technique based on the earliest departure time (EDT) of the packets which enters to the base station. This algorithm is analyzed in two different ways. First, it aims to provide differentiated service according to the QoS requirements. Second it is designed to provide service differentiation in downlink traffic delivery even in non ideal channel conditions. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm provides service differentiation, increased throughput and allocates bandwidth with lesser delay for real time servicesKey words: - EDT based QoS aware algorithm, EDT based channel aware algorithm, QoS, service classes. Reference [1] IEEE standard 802.16 working group, IEEE standard for local and metropolitan area networks part 16: Air Interface for fixed broadband wireless access systems, October 2004. [2] Antonio Iera, AntonellaMolinaro and Sara Pizzi," Channel aware Scheduling for QoS and Fairness Provisioning in IEEE 802.16/WiMAX Broadband Wireless Access Systems", IEEE Wireless communication magazine, vol 7, pp. 35-43, October 2007. [3] Claudio Cicconetti, Alessandro Erta, Luciano Lenzini and EnzoMingozzi, " Performance Evaluation of the IEEE 802.16 MAC for QoS Support", IEEE Transactions on mobile computing, vol.6, no.1, pp26-39, January 2007. [4] H.Fattah and C.Leung, "An overview of scheduling algorithms in wireless multimedia networks," IEEE Wireless Communication magazine, vol.9, no.5, pp.76-83, October 2002. [5] Steven .Vaughan-Nichols, "Achieving WirelessBroadband with WiMAX", IEEE Communication Magazine, Vol. 37, issue 6, pp.10-13, June 2004. [6] Cicconetti, C., Lenzini, L., Mingozzi, E., Eklund, C., "Quality of service support in IEEE 802.16 networks," Network IEEE, vol. 20, issue 2, pp.50-55, April 2006. [7] Hamed S. Alavi, Mona Mojdeh, Nasser Yazdani, "A Quality of Service Architecture for IEEE 802.16 Standards", Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications, Perth, Western Australia, October 2005. [8] Bo Rong, Yi Qian, KejieLu,"Integrated Downlink Resource Management for multiservice WiMAXNetworks", IEEE Transactions on mobile computing, vol.6, no. 6, June 2007. |
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98. | Single Scale Decomposition And Improving Contrast Of Satellite Images Using Svd Single Scale Decomposition And Improving Contrast Of Satellite Images Using SvdAbstract: In this letter, a new satellite image contrast enhancement technique based on the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and singular value decomposition has been proposed. The technique decomposes the input image into the four frequency sub bands by using DWT and estimates the singular value matrix of the low– low sub band image, and, then, it reconstructs the enhanced image by applying inverse DWT. The technique is compared with conventional image equalization techniques such as standard general histogram equalization and local histogram equalization, as well as state-of-the-art techniques such as brightness preserving dynamic histogram equalization and singular value equalization. The experimental results show the superiority of the proposed method over conventional and state-of-the-art techniques.Key words: Discrete wavelet transforms, histogram equalization, image equalization, satellite image contrast enhancement Reference 1. R. C. Gonzalez and R. E. Woods, Digital Image Processing. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice- Hall, 2007. 2. T. K. Kim, J. K. Paik, and B. S. Kang, "Contrast enhancement system using spatially adaptive histogram equalization with temporal filtering,"IEEE Trans. Consum. Electron.,vol. 44, no. 1 , pp. 82–87, Feb. 1998. 3. H. Ibrahim and N. S. P. Kong, "Brightness preserving dynamic histogram equalization for image contrast enhancement," IEEE Trans. Consum. Electron., vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 1752– 1758, Nov. 2007. 4. C. C. Sun, S. J. Ruan, M. C. Shie, and T. W. Pai, "Dynamic contrast enhancement based on histogram specification," IEEE Trans. Consum. Electron., vol. 51, no. 4, pp. 1300–1305, Nov. 2005. 5. K. S. Shanmugan and A. M. Breipohl, Random Signals: DetectionEstimation and Data Analysis. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 1988. 6. J. W. Wang and W. Y. Chen, "Eye detection based on head Contourgeometry and wavelet subband Projection," Opt. Eng., vol. 45, no. 5,pp. 057001-1–057001-12, May 2006. |
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99. | A Survey of Face Recognition approachA Survey of Face Recognition approachAbstract: Face recognition is one of the most relevant applications of image analysis. It's a true challenge to build an automated system which equals human ability to recognize faces. Although humans are quite good identifying known faces, we are not very skilled when we must deal with a large amount of unknown faces. The computers, with an almost limitless memory and computational Speed, should overcome human's limitations. Face recognition is one of the most important biometric which seems to be a good compromise between actuality and social reception and balances security and privacy well. The goal of face reorganization is to implement the system for a particular face and distinguish it from a large number of stored faces with some real-time variations as well.Key words: Face recognization Reference [1] Tan X., Chen S., Zhou Z.-H. and Zhang F.(2006) Pattern Recognition, vol. 39, no.9, pp. 1725–1745. [2] Abate A. F., Nappi M., Riccio D. and Sabatino G. (2007) Pattern Recognition Letters, vol 28,no. 14, pp. 1885–1906. [3] Zhao W., Chellappa R., Phillips P. J. and Rosenfeld A. (2003) ACM Computing Surveys, vol. 35, no. 4, pp. 399–458 [4] H. Moon, "Biometrics Person Authentication Usingm Projection-Based Face Recognition System in Verification Scenario," in International Conference on Bioinformatics and its Applications. Hong Kong, China, 2004, pp.207 213. [5] D. McCullagh, "Call It Super Bowl Face Scan 1," in Wired Magazine, 2001. [6] docs.opencv.org/modules/contrib/doc/facer ec/facerec_tutorial.html [7] http://bias.csr.unibo.it/research/biolab/ [8] http://face.rec.org. [9] S. L. Wijaya, M. Savvides, and B. V. K. V. Kumar, "Illumination-tolerant face verification of low-bitrate JPEG2000 wavelet images with advanced correlation filters for handheld devices," Applied Optics, Vol.44, pp.655-665, 2005. [10] E. Acosta, L. Torres, A. Albiol, and E. J. Delp, "An automatic face detection and recognition system for video indexing applications," in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Vol.4. Orlando, Florida, 2002, pp.3644-3647. |
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100. | UART realization with BIST architecture using VHDLUART realization with BIST architecture using VHDLAbstract: The increasing growth of sub-micron technology has resulted in the difficulty of testing. Design and test engineers have left no choice but to accept new responsibilities that had been performed by group of technicians in the previous years. Design engineers who do not design systems with full testability had increased the possibility of product failures and missed market opportunities. BIST is a design technique that allows a circuit to test itself. In this approach the test performance achieved with the implementation of BIST is proven to be adequate to offset the disincentive of the hardware overhead produced by the additional BIST circuit. The technique can provide shorter test time compared to an externally applied test and allows the use of low-cost test equipment during all stages of production.Key words: ATPG, BILBO, BIST, LFSR, UART. Reference [1] A.P. Stroele, and H. J. Wunderlich, "Hardware - Optimal Test Register Insertion", in IEEE Transactions On Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, June 1998, Vol. 17, No. 6, pp. 531-539. [2] J. Turino, "RTL DFT Rule Checking - The Circuit Designer's Secret Weapon", Integrated System Design Magazine, 2000. [3] M. Ibrahim Abu-Bakr, "A Built in Self Testable Bit-Slice Processor", Faculty of Computer Science & Information Technology, University of Malaya, May 1995. [4] M. S. Michael, "A Comparison of the INS8250, NS16450 and NS16550AF Series of UARTs", National Semiconductor Application Note 493, April 1989. [5] M. S. Harvey, Generic UART Manual, Silicon Valley, December 1999. [6] O. A. Petlin, and S. B. Furber, "Built-InSelf-Testing of Micropipelines" in Advanced Research in Asynchronous Circuits and Systems, IEEE, 1997, pp 22- 29. [7] "PC16550D Universal Asynchronous Receiver / Transmitter with FIFOs", National Semiconductor Application Note, June 1995. [8] S. Wang, "Generation of low power dissipation and high fault coverage patterns for scan-based BIST", in Proceedings of International Test Conference, 2002, pp. 834 -843. [9] Z. Navabi, "VHDL Analysis and Modeling of Digital Systems", McGraw-Hill Inc., 1991. |
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101. | The Relationship and Role of Information &Communication Technology (ICT) in the Mining Industry: An Analysis ofSupply Chain Management (SCM) – A Case StudyThe Relationship and Role of Information &Communication Technology (ICT) in the Mining Industry: An Analysis ofSupply Chain Management (SCM) – A Case StudyAbstract: An increasing number of researches have been made around Supply Chain Management (SCM) and the Relationship and Role Information and Communication Technology (ICT) plays towards its improvement and sustainability. SCM initiatives driven by ICT brings along synchronized workflow which tends to simplify the complexity of procurement, order processing and financial flow, which help deals with volatile demand resulting from frequent changes in competition, technology and regulations. However, practical insight to addressing the relationship and role ICT plays in the SCM based on real world contemporary case studies, are limited. Through qualitative and quantitative research methodologies as well as review of relevant literature, our paper targets the Mining Industry, specifically, Adamus Resources Limited - Nzema Gold Mine, a Subsidiary of Endeavour Mining Corporation, located in Ghana to close this gap.Key words: Supply Chain Management (SCM), Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Improving and Sustaining Standards of SCM, Mining Industry, Mine, Ghana Reference [1] E. Sweeney "Managing the Supply Chain: the Role of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) as a Key Enabler of theProcess, Business Ireland, Summer Issue, pp.105-109, 2005. [2] A. Mohan and P. V. Rajeev "Role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Indian Small and Medium Retail Enterprises (SMREs)" International Conference on Technology and Business Management, [online]. Available from: http://www.ictbm.org/ictbm12/ICTBM12C D/pdf/D2136-done.pdf (Assessed: 7 August, 2012). [3] M. Fasanghari, F.H. Roudsari and S. K Chaharsooghi "Assessing the Impact of Information Technology on Supply Chain Management", World Applied Sciences Journal, 4 (1): 87-93, 2008. [4] H.C. Lucas Jr. and V.K. Spitler "Technology use and performance: A field study of broker workstations", Decision sciences', 30(2): 291-311, 1999. [5] N.Y.Asabere, D. Oppong and S. KusiSarpong "A Review of the Roles and Importance of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in Supply Chain Management of Organisations and Companies", International Journal of Computer Science and Network, Vol 1, Iss. 4, pp. 70-80, 2012. [6] History of Mining in Ghana [online]. Available from: http://sikabourcrystalmining.blogspot.com/ 2011/02/history-of-gold-mining-inghana.html(Assessed: 8 August, 2012). [7] Brief Backgroud of Adamus Resources Limited - Nzema Gold Mine [online]. Available from:http://www.endeavourmining.com/s/G oldOperations.asp(Assessed: 8 August, 2012). [8] R. A.Shavazi, M.Abzari and A. Mohammadzadeh "A Research in Relationship between ICT and SCM", World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 50, pp. 92-101, 2009. [9] R. Lancioni, H. J. Schau and M. F. Smith "Internet Impacts on Supply Chain Management", Industrial Marketing Management, 32, pp. 173– 175, 2003. [10] K. Biniazi, R. Ghahremani, H. Alipour, S.T. Soofi and S. Akhavan "Position and Role of ICT in Supply Chain Management (SCM)",Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 5(8): 827-831, 2011. |
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Crystallization of Difructrose Anhydride III (DFA III) in Batch Cooling Crystallization System : The Influence of Initial SupersaturationCrystallization of Difructrose Anhydride III (DFA III) in Batch Cooling Crystallization System : The Influence of Initial SupersaturationAbstract: Crystallization of Difructose Anhydride III (DFA III) was investigated in batch cooling crystallization system, in which profile of temperature was controlled cooling temperature. The measured experimental parameter were crystal yield and crystal size distribution (CSD). The influence of initial supersaturation on the crystallization of DFA III is discussed herein.Key words: Difructose Anhydride III, crystallization, supersaturation, crystal yield, crystal size distribution. Reference [1] Ouiazzane, S., Messnaoui, B., Abderafi, S., Wouters, J., Bounahmidi, T., Estimation of sucrose crystallization kinetics from batch crystallizer data. J. Crystal Growth. 310, 2008, 798-803. [2] Faria, N., Feyo de Azevedo, S., Rocha, F.A., Pons, M.N., Modeling agglomeration degree in sucrose crystallization, Chemical Engineering and Processing. 47, 2008, 1666- 1677. [3] Markande, A., Nezzal A., Fitzpatrick, J.,Aerts, L., Redl, A., Influence of impurities on the crystallization of dextrose monohydrate. J. Crystal Growth. 353, 2012, 145-151. [4] Shigematsu, N., Okuhara, Y., Shiomi, T., Tomita, F., Hara, H., Effect of difructose anhydride III on calcium absorption in human. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 68, 2004,1011-1016. [5] Pudjiraharti, S., Takesue, N., Katayama, T., Lisdiyanti, P., Hanafi, M., Tanaka, M., Sone, T., Asano, K., Actinomycete Nonomuraea sp. isolated from Indonesian soil is a new producer of inulin fructotransferase. J. Bioscience and Bioengineering 111(6), 2011, 671-674. [6] Kikuchi, H., Nagura, T., & Inoue, M., Physical, chemical, and physiological properties of difructose anhydrie III produced from inulin by enzymatic reaction. J. Appl. Glycosci. 51, 2004, 291-296. [7] Laila, U., Pudjiraharti, S., Iskandar, Y.M. 2011. Purification and decolorization of Difructose Anhydride III (DFA III) solution from enzymatic reaction of inulin by Nonomuraea sp. ID 06A0189 Inulin Fructotransferase (DFA III-producing). Proceeding of The 2nd International Seminar on Chemistry 2011, Jatinangor Campus Universitas Padjajaran, 2011, 251-294. [8] Mullin, J.W., Crystallization, third ed. (Butterworth Heinemann, 1993) [9] Nagura, T., Honjyo, K., Kikuchi, H., Takagi, N., Aritsuka, T., Processs for producing difructose dianhydride III crystals, United States Patent. US, 2011, 8,039,615 B2. |
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103. | Aircraft Noise Nuisance in Nigeria A Social and Acoustical SurveyAircraft Noise Nuisance in Nigeria A Social and Acoustical SurveyAbstract: Community reactions to aircraft/airport noise was surveyed for about 12 months (from March 2002 to February 2003) around five of eighteen (18) Nigerian airports namely, Margaret Ekpo (MEIA), Port Harcourt (PHIA), Murtala Muhammed (MMIA), Jos (JIA) and Ilorin (IIA) international airports by means of interviews/questionnaires method (subjective) and noise measurements (acoustical) method. Results obtained from this study revealed that community residents' responses do not speak well of our Nigerian airports. The people seriously reacted over intense aircraft/airport noise in residential communities in Nigeria, and called for its total eradication or drastic control. Findings indicated that over 83% of the residents described aircraft noise as a public nuisance, 98% described Nigerian airports noisily disturbing, 94% admitted their lives are damaged in one way or the other, and 87% wanted airport/aircraft noise controlled. Aircraft/airport noise levels recorded exceeded recommended doses in all the Nigerian airports surveyed suggesting that the respondents suffer from serious psycho-social and physiological health problems by aircraft noise. Measured aircraft noise level such as Sound Pressure level (SPL) ranged from100.0 to 116.0 dB(A), L90 (74.6 to 87.1 dB(A)), L50 (78.8 to 94.5 dB(A)), and L10 (88.1 to 99.8 dB(A)); while calculated aircraft noise levels such as LAeq (84.9 to 95.4 dB(A), daytime and (76.5 to 88.2 dB(A), nighttime; LNP (95.4 to 108.1 dB(A), daytime and (87.0 to101.0 dB(A), nighttime; and Ldn ranged from 74.8 to 79.0 dB(A). The correlation between the aircraft noise levels and respondents subjective (social) reactions to the noise levels were found to be +0.79, +0.54, +0.34, +0.85 and +0.78 around MEIA, PHIA, MMIA, JIA and IIA respectively.Key words: Public nuisance, aircraft noise; subjective method, acoustical method. Reference 1. E. B. Magrab. Environmental noise control, John Wiley and Sons, New York, (1975), pp.55-58. 2. P. E.Cunnif. Environmental noise control, John Wiley and Sons, New York (1977), 32-40. 3. Y. Osada. Comparison of community reactions to traffic noise, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 151, 479-486 (1991). 4. R. Rylander, D. R Dunt. Traffic noise exposure planning. A case application, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 151, 535-541. (1991). 5. K. D, Kryter. The effects of noise on man, Academic Press, Orlando, FL, USA, (1985). 6. Study on community reaction to aircraft noise. Report of the study of aircraft noise hazards around Narita airport, Committee of Environmental Survey: Shibayama, Japan, (1990). 7. Influence of noise around Yokota airbase on residents life; Tokyo Metropolitan Research Institute for Environmental Pollution: Tokyo, Japan, (1971), pp. 2-11. 8. Y. Osada. Community reaction to airport noise in the vicinity of airport- a comparative study of the social surveys using interviews method. Bulletin of the Institute of Public Health, (1971). 9. Report of epidemiological study of the influence of aircraft noise on residents; Aircraft Nuisance Prevention Association: Tokyo, Japan, (1983). 10. Study on consciousness of residents around airports, Bureau of Air Pollution Control; Environmental Agency, Tokyo, Japan, 1975. |
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104. | Labview Based Digital CRO For Electronic Measurement TechniquesLabview Based Digital CRO For Electronic Measurement TechniquesAbstract: This document gives LabVIEW is a graphical programming language that uses icons instead of lines of text to create applications. In LabVIEW, we build a user interface with a set of tools and objects. Electronic measurement technology is a basic course which has relations with electronic measurement principles and methods. The proposed system "Digital CRO in LabVIEW" operates as like as original CRO. This is the software version of the CRO hardware and the common typical electronic measurement instruments operating principles, performances and applications. It has such outstanding characteristics as theory has close relations with practices, outstanding practices and wide applications. We can purchase several add-on software toolsets for developing specialized applications & all the toolsets integrate seamlessly in LabVIEW. By using LabVIEW developing software which based on computer visual virtual instrumentation to program the Virtual Instruments with traditional instruments functions.Key words: Electronic measurement technology; LabVIEW; Virtual Instrumentation; PowerPoint; Reference [1]. Kularatna, Nihal (2007), "Fundamentals of Oscilloscopes", Digital and Analogue Instrumentation: Testing and Measurement, Institution of Engineering and Technology, pp. 165–208, ISBN 978-0-85296-999-1 [2]. Spitzer, Frank; Howarth, Barry (2006), Principles of modern Instrumentation, New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, p. 119, ISBN 0-03-080208-3 [3]. Wedlock, Bruce D.; Roberge, James K. (2005), Electronic Components and Measurements, Prentice-Hall, pp. 150– 152, ISBN 0-13-250464-2 [4]. ―Virtual Instrumentation Using LabVIEW‖ authored by Prof. Sanjay Gupta. [5]. ―Application of Virtual Instrumentation which Based on Lab VIEW in Electronic Measurement Technology Course‖ 2011 International Conference on Electronics and Optoelectronics (ICEOE 2011) Yujun Bao School of Electronic Information & Electric Engineering, Changzhou Institute of Technology CZU Changzhou, China 978-1- 61284-276-9111/$26.00 ©2011IEEE. [6[. LabVIEW TM User Manual April 2009 Edition Part Number 320999E-01. [7]. LabVIEW TM Measurements Manual April 2009 Edition Part Number 322661B-01. [8]. QuickStart Guide February 2007 Edition Part Number 321527C-01. [9]. Pei Liyun, The Application of LabVIEW to Multimedia Teaching of Electronic Measurements and Instruments[J], CHINA MODERN EDUCATIONAL EQUIPMENT,2008, (9). [10]. BAO Yu-jun, Application of LabVIEW in the Electronic Measurement Techniques Course[J], JOURNAL OF CHANGZHOU INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, 2009. 22(6). |
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105. | Performance Analysis Of UWB-OFDM Using Different Modulation Schemes Over The Hybrid Flat Fating ChannelPerformance Analysis Of UWB-OFDM Using Different Modulation Schemes Over The Hybrid Flat Fating ChannelAbstract: This paper presents the simulation based analysis of UWB-OFDM using Different Modulation Schemes over the Hybrid Flat Fating Channel. Different modulation techniques such as BPSK, QPSK-16-QAM, and 64-QAM are used by considering different multipath channels (AWGN, Rayleigh and Rician).Simulation results obtained are compared with the proposed hybrid combination of Rayleigh, Rician and AWGN to observe a realistic multipath faded environment. These cases are based on no fading and flat Rayleigh-fading, multiple-diversity reception Rayleigh-fading, and flat Rician-fading. The simulation is used to determine both signal to noise ratio and bit error rate.In M-QAM as the value of M increases the performance of the system improves in terms of low bit error rate for different modulation techniques.Reference [1] Transmitting UWB-OFDM using 16-QAM over Hybrid Flat Fading Channels, 1-2 S R Chaudhry 1H S Al-Raweshidy Abdul Rahman [2] Ramjee Prasad (2004) OFDM for Wireless Communications Systems ArtechHouse publishers [3] Additive white Gaussian noise online available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Additive_white_G aussian_noise [4] Rician fading online available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/Rician_fading [5] Rayleigh fading online available at http://en.wikipedia. Org/wiki/Rayleigh fading [6] "Comparative Study of Channel Estimation Algorithms under Different Channel Scenario",Tirthankar Paul E&C Dept;SMIT;Majhitar Sikkim; INDIA-737136, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 34– No.7, November 2011 [7] Bernhard H. Walke, Stefan Mangold, Lars Berlemann IEEE 802 Wireless Systems, ISBN 0-470-01439-3. [8] http://rfdesign.com/mag/radio_principles_ofdm/ Principles of OFDM by Louis Litwin and Michael Pugel. [9] Y. G. Li, L. J. Cimini, and N. R. Sollegberger, "Robust channels estimation for OFDM systems with rapid dispersive fading channels", IEEE Trans. Commun . July 2002. [10] Rainfield Y. Yen and Hong-Yu Liu, "Symbol Error Probability for Rectangular M-QAM OFDM Transmission over Rayleigh Fading Channels", Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA'05). |
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106. | Bit-Error-Rate (BER) Simulation Using MATLABBit-Error-Rate (BER) Simulation Using MATLABAbstract: This paper introduce the Bit error rate, (BER) simulation using Mat lab. Bit error rate, (BER) is a key parameter that is used in assessing systems that transmit digital data from one location to another. Systems for which bit error rate, is applicable include radio data links as well as fiber optic data systems, Ethernet, or any system that transmits data over a network of some form where noise, interference, and phase jitter may cause quality degradation of the digital signal. Mat lab is an ideal tool for simulating digital communications systems, thanks to its easy scripting language and excellent data visualization capabilities. One of the most frequent simulation tasks in the field of digital communications is bit-error-rate testing of modems. The bit-error-rate performance of a receiver is a figure of merit that allows different designs to be compared in a fair manner. Performing bit-error-rate testing with Mat lab is very simple, but does require some prerequisite knowledge.Key words: BER, Mat lab, Eb/No, Reference [1] JAMES E. GILLEY: "BIT-ERROR-RATE SIMULATION USING MAT LAB", TRANSCRYPT INTERNATIONAL, INC., AUGUST 19, 2003. [2] WIKIPEDIA, FREE ENCYCLOPAEDIA, ARTICLE ON BIT ERROR RATE HTTP://EN.WIKIPEDIA.ORG/WIKI/BIT_ERROR _RATE. [3] WIKIPEDIA, FREE ENCYCLOPAEDIA, ARTICLE ON SIGNAL TO NOISE RATIO HTTP://EN.WIKIPEDIA.ORG/WIKI/S/N_RATIO [4] JOHN. G. PROAKIS, "DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS", MCGRAW-HILL SERIES IN ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING, THIRD ED. [5] THE MATH WORKS, INC., THE STUDENT EDITION OF MATLAB VERSION 7 USER'S GUIDE, PRENTICE HALL, ISBN 0-13- 184979-4, 1995. [6] D. HANSEL MAN AND B. LITTLEFIELD, MASTERING MATLAB 7. A COMPREHENSIVE TUTORIAL AND REFERENCE, PRENTICE HALL, UPPER SADDLE RIVER, NJ, 1998 [7] B. SKLAR, DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS: FUNDAMENTALS AND APPLICATIONS, CH. 4, ENGLEWOOD CLIFFS, NJ: PRENTICE HALL, 1988. [8] M. JERUCHIM, "TECHNIQUES FOR ESTIMATING THE BIT ERROR RATE IN THE SIMULATION OF DIGITAL COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS," IEEE J. SELECT. AREAS COMMUNICATION., VOL. SAC-2, PP. 153- 170, JAN.1994 |
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107. | Energy And Time Delay Efficient Wireless Sensor Network By Least Spanning Tree Algorithm: A SurveyEnergy And Time Delay Efficient Wireless Sensor Network By Least Spanning Tree Algorithm: A SurveyAbstract: In this paper we are going to survey the different type of topology and techniques for making an energy efficient WSN with least time delay approach .WSNs are used in defense field where lest time delay and life of sensors are most important because the life of solider are depends on fast information transmission . Hence energy and time delay are very scarce resources for such sensor systems and has to be managed wisely in order to extend the life of the sensors and minimizing time delay for the duration of a particular mission. In past a lot of cluster based algorithm and techniques were used. In this paper we also find out all type of algorithm, their application and limitation and present techniques to overcome the problems of low energy and time delay of sensor and compare them with least spanning tree based algorithms and techniques .Key words: Wireless sensor networks, energy efficient clustering, LEACH, energy efficient algorithms, least spanning tree algorithm. Reference [1] I.F. Akyildiz, W. Su, Y. Sankarasubramaniam,(2000) E. Cayirci,Wireless sensor networks: a survey, Computer Networks 38 393–422.J. Clerk Maxwell, A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, 3rd ed., vol. 2. Oxford: Clarendon, 1892, pp.68–73. [2] M. Ilyas, I. Mahgoub,(2000) Handbook of Sensor Networks:Compact Wireless and Wired Sensing Systems, CRC Press,New York . [3] W. Ye, J. Heidemann, D. Estrin,(2000) Medium access control with coordinated adaptive sleeping for wireless sensor networks, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 12 (3) 493–506. [4] W.B. Heinzelman, A. Chandrakasan, H. Balakrishnan,(2000)Energy effcient communication protocol for wireless microsensor networks, in: IEEE Hawaii Int. Conf. on System Science, Hawaii, USA,, pp. 1–10. [5] W. R Heinzelman, A. P Chandrakasan, and H. Balakrishnan,(2000), "Energyefficient communication protocol for wireless microsensor networks," in Proceedings of the 33rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. [6] I. F. Akyilldiz, W. Su, Y. Sankarasubramaniam and E. Cayirci, (2002), "A survey on sensor networks," IEEE Communications Magazine, pp. 102−114. [7] W. B Heinzelman, A. P Chandrakasan, and H. Balakrishnan,(2002), "An applicationspecific protocol architecture for wireless microsensor networks," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 660-70. [8] S. Lindsey, C.S. Raghavendra,(2001) PEGASIS: power efficient gatheringin sensorinformationsystems,in: IEEEAerospace Conf., Montana, Canada, pp. 1–6. [9] S.J. Baek, G. Veciana, X. Su,(2002) Minimizing energy consumption in largescale sensor networks through distributed data compression and hierarchical aggregation, IEEE Journal on Selected Area in Communications 22 (6) 1130–1140. [10] Wei-Tsung Su , Ko-Ming Chang, YauHwang Kuo, (2002)eHIP: An energyefficient hybrid intrusion prohibition system for cluster-based wireless sensor networks, Computer Networks 51 1151– 1168. |
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108. | Maximum Likelihood and Bayes Estimators of the Unknown Parameters For Exponentiated Exponential Distribution Using Ranked Set SamplingMaximum Likelihood and Bayes Estimators of the Unknown Parameters For Exponentiated Exponential Distribution Using Ranked Set SamplingAbstract: Estimation of the shape and scale parameters of exponentiated exponential distribution is considered based on simple random sample and ranked set sample. Bayesian method of estimation under squared error loss function and maximum likelihood method will be used. Comparison between estimators is made through simulation via their absolute relative biases, mean square errors, and efficiencies. Comparison study revealed that the Bayes estimator is better than maximum likelihood estimator under both sampling schemes. The results show that the estimators based on ranked set sample are more efficient than that from simple random sample at the same sample size.Key words: Bayes; Estimation; Ranked Set Sampling; Simple Random Sample; Exponentiated exponential distribution. Reference [1] G. A. McIntyre, A method of unbiased selective sampling, using ranked sets, Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 3, 1952, pp 385-390. [2] K. Takahasi and K. Wakimoto, On unbiased estimates of the population mean based on the sample stratified by means of ordering, Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 20, 1968, pp 1-31. [3] T. R. Dell and J. L. Clutter, Ranked set sampling theory with order statistics background, Biometrics 28, 1972, pp 545–555. [4] H. M. Samawi, M. S. Ahmed, and W. A. AbuDayyeh, Estimating the population mean using extreme raked set sampling, The Biometrical Journal, 38(5), 1996, pp. 577-86. [5] H. A. Muttlak, Median ranked set sampling. Journal of Applied Statistical Science, 6(4), 1997, pp 245-255. [6] M. F. Al-Saleh and M. Al-Kadiri, Double ranked set sampling, Statistics and Probability Letters. 48, 2000, pp 205–212. [7] M. F. Al-Saleh and H. A. Muttlak, A note in Bayesian estimation using ranked set sampling, Pakistan Journal of Statistics 14, 1998, pp 49– 56. [8] S. A. Al-Hadhram, Parametric estimation on modified Weibull distribution based on ranked set sampling, European Journal of Scientific Research 44(1), 2010, pp.73-78. [9] A. Helu, M. Abu-Salih, and O. Alkami, Bayes estimation of Weibull distribution parameters using ranked set sampling, Communications in Statistics—Theory and Methods, 39, 2010, pp 2533–2551. [10] R. D. Gupta and D Kundu, Generalized exponential distributions, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 41(2), 1999, pp 173 - 188. |
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109. | Computer investigation of a sine and cosine based phase-locked loop for single phase grid connected inverterComputer investigation of a sine and cosine based phase-locked loop for single phase grid connected inverterAbstract: This paper presents a new approach for PLL for synchronization with the public grid phase and frequency of grid-connected single phase inverter. The approach uses trigonometric transformations of the inverter output voltage and the grid voltage. The proposed mathematical model is then studied by means of computer simulation for different voltage amplitudes of the grid voltage as well as the inverter output voltage.Key words: grid-connected inverter, PLL, trigonometric transformations Reference [1] S. Golestan, M. Monfared, F. Freijedo, J. Guerrero, Design and tuning of a modified power-based PLL for single-phase gridconnected power conditioning systems, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 27(8), 2012, 3639-3650. [2] G.-C. Hsieh, J.C. Hung, Phase-locked loop techniques. A survey, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 43(6),1996, 609-615. [3] D. Velasco, C. Trujillo, G. Garcera, E.Figueres, An active anti-islanding method based on phase-PLL perturbation, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 26(4), 2011, 1056-1066. [4] F. Espin, E. Figueres, G. Garcera, An adaptive synchronous-reference-frame phase-locked loop for power quality improvement in polluted utility grid, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 59(6), 2012, 2718-2731. [5] P. Rodriguez, J. Pou, J. Bergas, J. I. Candela, R. P. Burgos, D. Boroyevich, Decoupled double synchronous reference frame PLL for power converters control, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 22(2), 2007, 584-592. [6] P. Rodriguez, A. Luna, I. Candela, R. Mujal, R. Teodorescu, F. Blaabjerg, Multi-resonant frequency-locked loop for grid synchronization of power converters under distorted grid conditions, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 58(1), 2011, 127-138. [7] P. Rodriguez, A. Luna, R. Aguilar, I. Otadui, R. Teodorescu, F. Blaabjerg, A stationary reference frame grid synchronization system for three-phase grid-connected power converters under adverse grid conditions, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 27(1), 2012, 99-112. |
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A Finite Element Method For Bridge ApproachA Finite Element Method For Bridge ApproachAbstract: The Finite Element Method (FEM) was used in many fields of engineering with the advanced of computers programs, and in lasts years have begun to evaluate pavements structures. In the transition at different structures of pavement, the behavior of the materials has resulted in the differential settlement response when they are loadedKey words: Flexible pavement, Finite Element Method (FEM), Ansys program application Reference [1] Hoppe, E.J Guidelines for the Use, Design, and Construction of Bridge Approach Slabs, Transportation Research Council, VTRC00-R4, Virginia, USA, 1999. [2] SETRA, Dalles de Transition des Ponts Routes – Technique et Réalisation, Ministere de L´Urbanisme du Logement et des Transporte, France, 1984. [3] Long, J.H., Olson, S.M., Stark, T.D. Differential Movement at Embankment/Bridge Structure Interface in Illinois, Transportation Research Record No 1633, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, D.C., USA, 1998. [4] Briaud, J.L., James, R.W., Hoffman, S.B. Settlement of Bridge Approaches (the bump at the end of the bridge), NCHRP synthesis 234, Transportation Research Board, Washington, USA, 1997. [5] DNER. Manual de Projeto de Obras-deArte Especiais, Departamento Nacional de Estradas de Rodagem, Diretoria de Desenvolvimento Tecnológico, Divisão de Capacitação Tecnológica, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1996. [6] DNIT. Manual de Inspeção de Pontes Rodoviárias, Departamento Nacional de Infra-Estrutura de Transportes, Diretoria Planejamento e Pesquisa, Instituto de Pesquisas Rodoviárias, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2004. [7] Seo, J., Ha, H. S., Briaud, J.L. Investigation of Settlement at Bridge Approach Slab Expansion Joint: Numerical Simulation and Model Tests, Rep. No. FHWA/TX- 03/4147-2, Texas Transportation Institute, Texas, USA, 2002. [8] Puppala, A.J., Saride, S., Archeewa, E., Hoyos, L.R. Recommendations for Design, Construction and Maintenance of Bridge Approach Slabs: Synthesis Report, The University of Texas at Arlington, Texas, USA, 2008. [9] FHWA "ELSYM 5 – User´s manual for IBM-PC and compatible microcomputer", Report No. FHWA-TS-87-206, Federal Highway Administration, Washington, USA, 1986, 32p. [10] AASHTO "Mechanistic-empirical pavement design guide of new & rehabilitated pavement structures", NCHRP 1-37A, Transportation research board, Washington, USA, 2004. |
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111. | Determination Of Stress And Deformations Analysis On Lpg Steel CylinderDetermination Of Stress And Deformations Analysis On Lpg Steel CylinderAbstract: This paper aims, Design and Analysis of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) cylinders made of Steel. LP-gas inside a container is in two states of matter, liquid and vapour. The liquid portion of container is in the bottom and the vapour is in the uppermost part of the vessel. Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gas is stored and handled as a liquid when under pressure inside a LP-Gas container. When compressed moderately at normal temperature, it becomes liquid. When gas is withdrawn, the pressure drops and the liquid reverts to gas. This means that it can be transported and stored as liquid and burnt as gas.Key words: LPG cylinder, Stress, Deformation, FEM modeling. Reference 1) Determination of stresses of LPG gas cylinder by finite element method, Mrs. P.m. Zode, P.G. Mehar, Laxmikant D. Rangari, issn no-2231-5063 vol.1,issue.x/april 2012 pp.1-4. 2) Jones, R. M; Mechanics of Composite Materials; Mc Graw Hill Book Co.; 1975. 3) Failure analysis of an exploded gas cylinder ,Majid M. Mirzaei / Engineering Failure Analysis 15 (2008) 820–834 4) Transportable Refillable Welded Duplex Stainless Steel LPG Cylinders-for use in Hot Air Balloons and Hot Air Airships. CYL-HAB-01, Issue 1,Revision A: September 2004 . 5) PTC (2008-01-16). "PTC Introduces Pro/ENGINEER® Wildfire® 4.0 With New Industry Leading Capabilities To Drive Process Improvements". Press release. http://www.ptc.com/appserver/wcms/stand ards/textsub.jsp?&im_dbkey=65281. 6) Agarwal, B. D and Brootman, L. J; Analysis and performance of Fiber Reinforced Composites; Wiley publishers; 2 nd Edition; 1990. 7) Geoff Eckold; "Design and Manufacture of Composite Structures"; Jaico publishing House; 1995. |
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112. | Neural units with higher-order synaptic operations for robotic Image processing applicationsNeural units with higher-order synaptic operations for robotic Image processing applicationsAbstract: Neural units with higher-order synaptic operations have good computational properties in information processing and control applications. This paper presents neural units with higherorder synaptic operations for visual image processing applications. We use the neural units with higher order synaptic operations for edge detection and employ the Hough transform to process the edge detection results. The edge detection method based on the neural unit with higher order synaptic operations has been applied to solve routing problems of mobile robots. Simulation results show that the proposed neural units with higher-order synaptic operations are efficient for image processing and routing applications of mobile robotsReference 1. Barsi A, Heipke C, Willrich F (2002) Junction extraction by artificial neural network system - JEANS. In: IntArchPhRS Com.IIIGraz, vol XXXIV, Part 3b, pp 18–21 2. Davies ER (1990) Machine vision: Theory, Algorithms, Practicalities.Academic Press, San Diego. 3. Ghosh J, Shin Y (1992) Efficient higher order neural networks for classification and function approximation. Int J Neural Syst 3(4):323– 350. 4. Giles CL, Maxwell T (1987) Learning, invariance, and generalization in high-order neural networks. Appl Optics 26(23):4972– 4978. 5. Gupta MM, Knopf GK (1994) Neurovision systems: principles and applications. IEEE Press, New York. 6. Gupta MM, Jin L,HommaN(2003) Static and dynamic neural networks: from fundamentals to advanced theory. Wiley/IEEE Press, New York 7. He Z, Siyal MY (1998) Modification on higher-order neural networks.In: Proceedings of the artificial networks in engineering Conference, vol 8, pp 31–36. 8. Homma N, Gupta MM (2002) Superimposing learning for backpropagation neural networks. Bull Coll Med Sci, Tohoku Univ, Jpn 11(2):253–259 9. Hou ZG (2001) A hierarchical optimization neural network for large-scale dynamic systems. Automatica 37(12):1931–1940. 10. HouZG(2005) Principal component analysis (PCA) for data fusion and navigation of mobile robots. In: Kantor P et al (eds) Springer lecture notes in computer science (LNCS): intelligence and security informatics, vol 3495. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York, pp 610–611. |
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113. | Process Parameters Optimization Of FDMProcess And Application Of Taguchi Approach And ANN – The ReviewProcess Parameters Optimization Of FDMProcess And Application Of Taguchi Approach And ANN – The ReviewAbstract: Rapid prototyping (RP) refers to a class of technology that can automatically construct the physical models from computer aided design (CAD) data. Fused deposition modeling is one of the RP process that produced prototype from plastic material by lying track of semi molten plastic filament on to a platform in a layer wise manner from bottom to top. The quality of FDM made parts are highly depends upon various process parameters of FDM process.Hence optimization of FDM process parameters is necessary in order to improve the quality of parts. The purpose of this paper is to explore the reviews for various optimization methods used for process parameter optimization of FDM process and application of Taguchi approach and Artificial neural network (ANN).Key words: Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM), Optimization, Taguchi approach and ANN Reference 1. Es. Said Os, Foyos J, Noorani R, Mandelson M, Marloth R, Pregger BA (2000). "Effect of layer orientation on mechanical properties of rapid prototyped samples", Materials and manufacturing process, 15 (1):107-122 2. B.H.Lee, J.Abdulla, Z.A. Khan (2005). "Optimization of rapid prototyping parameters for production of flexible ABS object". Journal of material processing technology169 (2005) 54-61 3. Anoop K. Sood, Raj K. Ohdar, Siba S. Mahapatra (2011). "Experimental investigation and empirical modeling of FDM process for compressive strength improvement". Journal of advance research (2011) 4. Jaimin P. Patel, M.Tech –Thesis (2012), " An experimental investigation of process variable influencing the quality of FDM fabricated polycarbonate parts" 5. Anoop Kumar Sood, R. K. Phdar, S. S. Mahapatra. "Improving dimensional accuracy of Fused Deposition Modeling processed part using grey Taguchi method". Material and design30 (2009) 4243-4252. 6. LeeladharNagdeve, VedanshChaturvedi, JyotiVimal (2012) "Parametric optimization of abrasive water jet machining using Taguchi methodology". International Journal of Research in Engineering & Applied Sciences, volume 2, issue 6: 23-32 7. Rama Rao. S, Padmanabhan. G (2012) "Application of Taguchi methods and ANOVA in optimization of process parameters for metal removal rate in electrochemical machining of Al/5%SiC composites" International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, Vol. 2, Issue 3, pp. 192-197 8. SrinivasAthreya, DrY.D.Venkatesh (2012) "Application Of Taguchi Method For Optimization Of Process Parameters In Improving The Surface Roughness Of Lathe Facing Operation"International Refereed Journal of Engineering and Science, Volume 1, Issue 3, PP.13-19. 9. RamezanAli,MahdaviNejad (2011)"Modeling and Optimization of Electrical Discharge Machining of SiC Parameters, Using Neural Network and Non-dominating Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA II)"Materials Sciences and Applications, volume 2, 669-675 10. Mr.Ch.Madhu, Mr. Pavan (2012) "Optimization of cutting parameters for surface roughness prediction using artificial neural network in cncturning"Engineering Science and Technology: An International Journal, Vol.2, No. 2, pp:207-214. |
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114. | Image and Video Portraitization Using Color Segmentation (RGB color model)Image and Video Portraitization Using Color Segmentation (RGB color model)Abstract: Segmentation is the process of partitioning the image into various regions. Segmentation is applied to RGB (Red, Green, Blue) or to HSI (Hue, Intensity, Saturation) color space. It is one area in which best results are generally obtained by using RGB color space. Color segmentation is basically used in many computer vision applications such as face recognition , object recognition, the real time automatic road sign detection[1] , segmenting acute ,leukemia images is proposed[2],tree image, recognition and feature extraction [3] etc. This paper aims to convert an image in to a portrait using RGB color space.Key words: HIS, RGB Reference [1] A comparison of RGB and HSI color segmentation in real – time video images: A preliminary study on road sign detection, Ubong Lydia Jau, Chee Siong The, Giap Weng Ng, Faculty of Cognitive Science and Human Development,Universiti Malaysia Sarawak [2] Comparison of Acute Leukemia Image Segmentation using HSI and RGB Color Space,*Nor Hazlyna Harun, *MY Mashor, *NR.Mokhtar, *Aimi Salihah, A.N, #Rosline Hassan,*R.A.A. Raof, *MK Osman ,*Electronic & Biomedical Intelligent Systems (EBItS) Research Group, School of Mechatronic Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pedis, 02600 Jejawi, Arau, Pedis, MALAYSIA # Department of Haematology, School of Medical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kelantan, MALA YSIA [3] A Color-texture Segmentation Method to Extract Tree Image in Complex Scene , Xiaosong Wang School of Information Beijing Forestry University Beijing, China School of Engineering Shandong Institute of Business and Technology Yantai, China ,Xinyuan Huang, Hui Fu School of Information Beijing Forestry University Beijing, China [4] Hongwei Guo, "A simple algorithm for fitting a Gaussian function," IEEE Sign. Proc. Mag. 28(9): 134-137 (2011). [5] The Art of Animation, Bob Thomas, 1958 [6] Oldest Animation Discovered In Iran. Animation Magazine. 12-03-2008. |
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115. | Game Theory based Defense Strategy against Denial of Service Attack using PuzzlesGame Theory based Defense Strategy against Denial of Service Attack using PuzzlesAbstract: Security issues have become a major issue in recent years due to the advancement of technology in networking and its use in a destructive way. A number of defense strategies have been devised to overcome the flooding attack which is prominent in the networking industry due to which depletion of resources takes place. But these mechanism are not designed in an optimally and effectively and some of the issues have been unresolved. Hence in this paper we suggest a Game theory based strategy to create a series of defence mechanisms using puzzles. Here the concept of Nash equilibrium is used to handle sophisticated flooding attack to defend distributed attacks from unknown number of sourcesKey words: Computer Networks and Security. Keywords: Dos Attacks, Game Theory, Puzzles. Reference [1] D. Moore, C. Shannon, D.J. Brown, G.M. Voelker, and S. Savage,"Inferring Internet Denial-of-Service Activity," ACM Trans.Computer Systems, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 115-139, May 2006. [2] A. Hussain, J. Heidemann, and C. Papadopoulos, "A Frameworkfor Classifying Denial of Service Attacks," Proc. ACMSIGCOMM '03, pp. 99-110, 2003. [3] A.R. Sharafat and M.S.Fallah, "A Framework for the Analysisof Denial of Service Attacks," The Computer J., vol. 47, no. 2,pp. 179-192, Mar. 2004. [4] Mehran S. Fallah, A Puzzle-Based Defence Strategy AgainstFlooding Attacks Using Game Theory, IEEE transactions on dependable and secure computing, vol. 7, no. 1, pg 5-19. [5] C.L. Schuba, I.V. Krsul, M.G. Kuhn, E.H. Spafford, A. Sundaram,and D. Zamboni, "Analysis of a Denial of Service Attack on TCP,"Proc. 18th IEEE Symp. Security and Privacy, pp. 208-223, 1997. [6] Smurf IP Denial-of-Service Attacks. CERT Coordination Center,Carnegie Mellon Univ., 1998. [7] Denial-of-Service Tools. CERT Coordination Center, CarnegieMellon Univ., 1999. [8] J. Ioannidis and S. Bellovin, "Implementing Pushback: Router- Bssed Defence against DDoS Attacks," Proc. Network andDistributed System Security Symp. (NDSS '02), pp. 6-8, 2002. [9] D. Song and A. Perrig, "Advanced and Authenticated MarkingSchemes for IP Traceback," Proc. IEEE INFOCOM '01, pp. 878-886,2001. [10] A. Yaar, D. Song, and A. Perrig, "SIFF: A Stateless Internet FlowFilter to Mitigate DDoS Flooding Attacks," Proc. IEEE Symp.Security and Privacy, pp. 130-146, 2004. |
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116. | Analysis Of Friction Stir Welding Tools With Various Threaded Pin ProfilesAnalysis Of Friction Stir Welding Tools With Various Threaded Pin ProfilesAbstract: The welding tool, its pin profile, shape and dimensions plays a vital role in making the weld joint. In Friction Stir Welding, the stress distribution of tool pin is affected by the thermo mechanical characteristics of the work piece. In this paper, three tools with different pin shapes such as Conical, Cylindrical and Frustum were designed with threads in their profiles .Initially the tools dimensions are based on the base material plate thickness taken in to consideration, the induced structural stresses were checked with in the permissible stress limits. The tools were modeled in CATIA and analysis is performed in ANSYS software for exploring stress distributions and displacement vector sum in the pin, at different speeds and temperatures. The frictional force between the tool shoulder and work piece is considered for simulating the stress and displacement vector in the pin profiles. The tool pin profiles considered for structural and thermal analysis are used in this study are cylindrical, conical, and frustum. The vonmises stress distributions in pin profiles, displacement vector sum of the pin profiles, are obtained from ANSYS software and the pin with optimum strength is determined.Reference 1. Jeong-LuhLin, Wei-Ranlin, I-Horng yang, Jian-TingDai, "Stress analysis of friction stir welding tools under Torsional and Bending loads" WHAMPTON- An interdisciplinary Journal 52, PP-33-45(2007). 2. H.S.Patil, S.N.Soman,"Experimental study on the effect of welding speed and tool pin profiles on AA6082-0 Aluminium friction stir welded butt joints", International journal of Engineering sciences and technology, vol .2. No-5, PP-268-275(2010). 3. Hosein Atharifar, Dechaolin, "Numerical and experimental investigations on the loads carried by the tool during friction stir welding" JMEPEG18, PP- 339-350, (2009). 4. K.Kumar, Satish V.Kailas, "The role of friction stir welding tool on material flow and weld formation", Materials science and Engineering A 485 ,PP-367-374,(2008). 5. K.Elangovan, V.Balasubramanian, "Influences of tool pin profile and tool shoulder diameter on the formation of friction stir processing zone in AA6061 aluminium alloy", Materials and Design 29, PP-362–373, (2008). 6. K. Elangovan, V. Balasubramanian, "Influences of tool pin profile and welding speed on the formation of friction stir processing zone in AA2219 aluminium alloy", Journal of materials processing technology 200 ,PP-163–175( 2008 ). 7. Olivier Lorrain, Véronique Favier, Hamid Zahrouni, Didier Lawrjaniec, "Understanding the material flow path of friction stir welding process using unthreaded tools", Journal of Materials Processing Technology 210 ,PP-603– 609,(2010). 8. R.S. Mishra, Z.Y. Mab, "Friction stir welding and processing", Materials Science and Engineering , 50 1-78, (2005). 9. G.Roy, R.Nandan and T.DebRoy, "Dimensionless Correlation to estimate peak temperature during friction stir welding", Science and Technology of welding and Joining, vol. 11, No.5, PP-606-608 . 10. T.DebRoy, H.K.D.H.Bhadeshia, R.Nandan, "Recent advances in friction stir welding process weldment structure and properties" Progress in materials Science,(2008) |
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117. | Pipelined MIPS With Improved DatapathPipelined MIPS With Improved DatapathAbstract: This paper proposes a five stage pipelined processor with reduced number of unwanted transitions due to the stalls present in the pipeline which results in the reduction of dynamic power. To reduce the unwanted transitions, modification in the datapath is proposed. The proposed architecture includes the instruction and data memory, register file, datapath, control unit, data forwarding and hazard detection unit. The processor architecture is described using verilog and synthesized using Xilinx Spartan 3E.Key words: MIPS processor, pipeline, writeback, stall. Reference 1 D.A.Patterson and J.L.Hennessy, Computer Organization and Design, The hardware/software interface. Morgan Kaufmann, 2005. 2 Gautham P, Parthasarathy R, Karthi Balasubramanian, "Low Power Pipelined MIPS Processor Design," in the proceedings of the 2009 12 th international symposium,2009 pp. 462-465. 3 A. A. S. Pejman Lotfi Kamran, Amir Mohammad Rahmani and A. A. Kusha, "Stall power reduction in pipelined architecture processors," in Proceedings of the 21 st International Conference on VLSI Design, 2008, pp. 541-546. 4 Xia Li, Longwei Ji, Bo Shen, Wenhong Li and Qianling Zhang, "VLSI Implementation of a High Performance 32 bit RISC Microprocessor," International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems and West Sino Expositions, IEEE 2002, Vol. 2, pp. 1458-1461. 5 Zhenyu Gu, Zhiyi Yu, Bo Shen and Qianling Zhang, "Functional Verification Methodolgy of a 32 bit RISC Processor," International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems and West Sino Expositions, IEEE 2002, Vol. 2, pp. 1454-1457. 6 M. S. I. Mamun Bin Ibne Reaz and M. S. Sulaiman, "A single cycle mips risc processor design using vhdl," in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Semiconductor Electronics, Dec 2002, pp. 199-203. 7 V. Venkatachalam and M.Franz. "Power reduction techniques for microprocessor systems," ACM Computing Surveys, September 2005, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 195-237. 8 A. Correale, " Overview of the power minimization techniques employed in the IBM PowerPC 4xx embedded controllers," in proc. Of the ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Low Power Design, April 1995, pp. 75-80. 9 R. Razdan and M.D. Smith, "A High Performance Micro architecture with Hardware Programmable Functional Units," Proc. Micro- 27, IEEE Computer Society ,1994, pp. 172-180 |
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118. | Semantic Conflicts Reconciliation (SCR): A Framework for Detecting and Reconciling Data-Level Semantic ConflictsSemantic Conflicts Reconciliation (SCR): A Framework for Detecting and Reconciling Data-Level Semantic ConflictsAbstract: In this paper, environment.Key words: Data Integration, Heterogeneous Databases, Interoperability, Ontology, Semantic Heterogeneity Reference [1] Ram ,S., Park, J., Semantic Conflict Resolution Ontology (SCROL): An Ontology for Detecting and Resolving Data and SchemaLevel Semantic Conflicts, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, v.16 n.2 , p.189-202, 2004. [2] Madnick S., Gannon T., Zhu, H., Siegel M., Moulton A.,Sabbouh M., Framework for the Analysis of the Adaptability, Extensibility, and Scalability of Semantic Information Integration and the Context Mediation Approach, MIT,2009. [3] Rosenthal, A., Seligman, L. and Renner, S. From Semantic Integration to Semantics Management: Case Studies and a Way Forward, ACM SIGMOD Record, 33(4), 44-50, 2004. [4] Zhu, H., Effective Information Integration and Reutilization: Solutions to Deficiency and Legal Uncertainty, PhD Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA, USA, 2005. [5] Hajmoosaei, A. and Abdul Kareem, S., An ontology-based approach for resolving semantic schema conflicts in the extraction and integration of query-based information from heterogeneous web data sources. In Proc. Third Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2007), Gold Coast, Australia. CRPIT, 85. Meyer, T. and Nayak, A. C., Eds. ACS. 35-43. [6] H. Wache, T. Vogele, U. Visser, H. Stuckenschmidt, G.Schuster, H. Neumann and S. Hubner, Ontology-Based Integration of Information - A Survey of Existing Approaches , In Proceedings of the IJCAI-01 Workshop on Ontologies and Information Sharing, pp. 108- 117,2001. [7] Arens, Y., Ciiee, Y., Knoblock. A. ,SIMS:Integrating data from multiple information sources. Information science institute, University of Southern California, U.S.A.,1992. [8] Buccella,A., Cechich, A., Nieves R. Brisaboa, Ontology-Based Data Integration Methods: A Framework for Comparison. Revista Comlombiana de Computación, 6(1), [doi],2008. [9] Mena, E., Kashyap, V., Sheth, A. and Illarramendi, A.Observer , An approach for query processing in global information systems based on interoperation across pre-existing ontologies, Distributed and Parallel Databases,Volume 8 Issue 2, Pages 223 – 271, April 2000. [10] Visser, P. R. S., Jones, D. M., Bench-Capon, T. J. M. and Shave, M. J. R. Assessing heterogeneity by,classifying ontology mismatches. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS'98), IOS Press, 148–162, 1998. |
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119. | A Comparative Study between the Vehicles' Passive and Active Suspensions – A ReviewA Comparative Study between the Vehicles' Passive and Active Suspensions – A ReviewAbstract: The objective of this study is a comparative study between passive and active suspension systems of the motar vehicle. Passive suspension system design is a compromise between ride comfort and vehicle handling. This is the conflicting criteria while designing any suspension system. This also applies to modern wheel suspension and therefore a break-through to this problem seems to be found only in the development active suspension system. The passive and active suspensions are studied in a large number of investigations. In this paper tries to give an idea about the previous researches and their findings about response of passive and active suspension also important improvements in the dynamic behavior (in terms of stability and comfort) being observed.Key words: Active suspension system, control system, dynamics, passive suspension, vehicles. Reference [1] D.H.Rovat, Optimal Active Suspension for Quarter Car Vehicle Models, Automates, Vol.26.No.5, 1990, pp.860. [2] G. Verros, S. Natsiavas, Design optimization of quarter-car models with passive and semi-active suspensions under random road excitation, Journal of vibration and control, 11, 2005, 581- 606. [3] Jun Wang, David A. Wilson, Wenli Xu, David A. Crolla, Active suspension control to improve vehicle ride and steady-state handling, Proc. 44 th IEEE conf. on decision and control, Seville, Spain , dec 12-15, 2005,1982-1987. [4] Keum-Shik Hong,Hyun-Chul Sohn, J. Karl Hedrick, Modified skyhook control of semiactive suspensions: A new model, gain scheduling and hardware in the loop tuning, Journal of dynamic system and control division, 124,2002,158-167. [5] Catalin Alexandru and Peter Alexandru, A comparative analysis between the vehicles passive and active suspensions, international journal of mechanics, 5(4), 2011, 371-378. [6] C. Yue, T. Bustsuen, J. K. Hedrick, Alternatives control laws for automotive suspensions, Automates, 26(5), 1990, pp 860. |
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Microcontroller Based Speed Control of DC Geared Motor Through RS-232 Interface With PCMicrocontroller Based Speed Control of DC Geared Motor Through RS-232 Interface With PCAbstract: The speed control of DC motor is very crucial in applications where precision and protection are of essence. Purpose of a motor speed controller is to take a signal representing the required speed and to drive a motor at that speed. In this paper PWM based speed control of DC motor through RS232 with PC goal of this as Role of electrical drives is a major concern in industrial automation. Industrial applications use dc motors because the speed-torque relationship can be varied to almost any useful form for both dc motor and regeneration applications in either direction of rotation. DC motors feature a speed, which can be controlled smoothly down to zero, immediately followed by acceleration in the opposite direction without power circuit switching. Having intelligence PC available to control operation of speed of motor which can increase productivity in broad range of industry. Personal computers or Laptops are working on Register Level while our controller is working on TTL so we have to use a level shifter that is MAX232 IC which can change the platform for serial communication. This software provide variable baud rate for operation, and connect PC to MAX232 using serial cable.Key words: DC Motor, RS232,MAX 232, PC,USART Reference [1] Gopal K. Dubey, "Fundamentals of Electric Drives",.Narosa Publishing House New Delhi,1989. [2] S. M. Bashi, I. Aris and S.H. Hamad "Development of Single Phase Induction Motor Adjustable Speed Control Using M68HC11E-9 Microcontroller," Journal of Applied Sciences 5 (2), pp. 249-252 . [3] Kumara MKSC, Dayananda PRD, Gunatillaka MDPR,Jayawickrama SS, "PC based speed controlling of a dc motor", A fmal year report University of Moratuwa Illiniaus USA, 2001102. [4] J Nicolai and T Castagnet , "A Flexible Microcontroller Based Chopper Driving a Permanent Magnet DC Motor", The European Power Electronics Application. 1993. [5] J. Chiasson, Nonlinear Differential-Geometric Techniquesfor Control of a Series DC Motor, IEEE Transactionson Control Systems Technology.vol 2, pp.35-42,1994. [6] Yodyium Tipsuwan and Mo-Yuen Chow "FuzzyLogic microcontroller implementation for DC motor speed control", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, V0l.11, No.3, June 1999, pp 1271-1276. |
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121. | Performance of OFDM QPSK, 16-QAM System using Pilot-Based Channel Estimation in presence of Doppler Frequency Shift over Rayleigh Fading ChannelPerformance of OFDM QPSK, 16-QAM System using Pilot-Based Channel Estimation in presence of Doppler Frequency Shift over Rayleigh Fading ChannelAbstract: With the rapid growth of digital communication in recent year the need for high speed data transmission is increased, OFDM is a promising solution for achieving high data rates in mobile environment, due to its resistance to ISI and ICI, which are the common problems found in high speed data communication. In this paper, the performance of different pilot based channel estimation schemes for OFDM with QPSK and 16 QAM over Rayleigh fading channel are investigated. In the block type pilot arrangement, the performance of channel estimation is analyzed with three different algorithms: LS, LMMSE and SVD algorithm. In comb type pilot arrangement, the paper introduces three method of interpolation: linear interpolation, second order interpolation and cubic spline interpolation for channel estimation. Here in this paper, it is our goal to show the way through which the Bit Error Rate (BER) result varies due to Doppler frequency shift. The analysis has been carried out with simulation studies under MATLAB environment.Key words: BER, Doppler Frequency, OFDM, Pilot Carrier Reference [1] A. R. S. Bahai and B. R. Saltzberg, MultiCarrier Digital Communications Theory and Applications of OFDM, Kluwer Academic/ Plenum, 1999. [2] J.-J. van de Beek, O. Edfors, M. Sandell, S. K. Wilson, and P. O. Borjesson, "On channel estimation in OFDM systems," in Proc. IEEE 45 th Vehicular Technology Conf., Chicago, IL, Jul. 1995, pp. 815–819. [3] O. Edfors, M. Sandell, J.-J. van de Beek, S. K. Wilson, and P. O. Brjesson, "OFDM channel estimation by singular value decomposition," IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 46, no. 7, pp. 931– 939, Jul. 1998. [4] M. Hsieh and C.Wei, "Channel estimation for OFDM systems based on comb-type pilot arrangement in frequency selective fading channels," IEEE Trans. Consumer Electron., vol. 44, no. 1, Feb. 1998. [5] R. Steele, Mobile Radio Communications. London, England: Pentech Press Limited, 1992. [6] R. Van Nee, R. Prasad, OFDM for Wireless Multimedia Communications, 1st ed, Artech House, Norwood, MA, 2000. [7] P. Hoeher, S. Kaiser, P. Robertson, ―Twodimensional Pilot-Symbol-Aided Channel Estimation by Wiener Filtering‖, Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 1997. ICASSP- 97., 1997 IEEE International Conference, Apr 1997, Vol. 3, pp. 1845-1848. [8] U. Reimers, "Digital video broadcasting," IEEE Commun. Mag., vol. 36, no. 6, pp. 104–110, June 1998. [9] Louis L. Scharf. Statistical Signal Processing: Detection, Estimation, and Time Series Analysis. Addison-Wesley, 1991. [10] M.X.Chang and Yu T.Su ," performance analysis of Equalized OFDM systems in Rayleigh fading" IEEE Trans. On wireless comm. Vol. 1 no.4. pp.721-732.oct2002. |
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122. | A Proposed Model At Failure Stage To Assess The Bearing Stress Of Normal Weight ConcreteA Proposed Model At Failure Stage To Assess The Bearing Stress Of Normal Weight ConcreteAbstract: Experimental investigations indicate that the bearing strength of concrete is increased by the confinement effect provided by the enveloping concrete. Various empirical formulas have been used in international codes relating the bearing strength of concrete to the compressive strength and the ratio of the total surface area to load bearing area (A/Ab) (known as bearing ratio). This study presents a new approach developed for the bearing strength of concrete loaded through rigid steel plate by way of analyzing the final failure pattern of concrete prism and cube specimen under axial compression considering slip planes direction, mechanical properties of normal weight concrete, relative element height and the effect of the bearing ratio. The main objective of the present paper is thus an attempt to put forward an analytical approach which conservatively predicts the bearing strength of normal weight concrete and accounts for all of the parameters mentioned above. The method depends on the final failure pattern mechanism of concrete prism and cube under axial compression load and considers the possible failure mode of diagonal shear failure, direction of shear failure planes, characteristic compressive strength of normal weight concrete, relative element height and the effect of the A/Ab ratio. The results of the proposed approach herein are compared with test data existing in the literature and the output values of standard design procedure available in some international codes.Key words: Bearing strength, diagonal shear failure, bearing ratio, and direction of failure planes Reference [1] Au, T. and Baird, D.L. " Bearing capacity of concrete blocks. " ACI journal, Vol 56, No 9, March 1960, p. 869-880. [2] Niyogi, S. K. "Concrete bearing strength - support, mix, size effect. "Journal of Structural Division, ASCE, Vol 100, No ST8, Aug, 1974, p. 1685-1701. [3] Hawkins, N. M. "The bearing strength of concrete loaded through rigid plates. "Magazine of Concrete Research, Vol 20, No 2, March 1968, p. 31-40. [4] R. Ince, E. Arici . "Size effect in bearing strength of concrete cubes." ELSEVIER. Construction and Building Materials ,No18, 2004, p. 603- 609 [5] Bonetti. R. A. (2005). "Ultimate Strength of the Local Zone in Load Transfer Tests "Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. February 2005 [6] Axson, D. " Ultimate Bearing Strength of Posttensioned Local Anchorage Zones in Lightweight Concrete . " Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. May 21, 2008 [7] American Concrete Institute. (2011). "Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary (ACI318-11)." Farmington Hills. Mich. [8] America Association of State Highway Transportation Officials. (2010). "AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications." 5th. Washington. DC [9] SNiP 52-01-03. Concrete and reinforced concrete structures. Design Code (СНиП 52- 01-03. Бетонные и железобетонные конструкции. Нормы проектирования).Moscow 2004: CITP Gosstroja SSSR, 80 p. (in Russian). [10]Seminenko .I.P.An investigation of bearing capacity of concrete core encased in steel shell in axial compression // Izvestija vuzov. Building and architecture; 1958; N o 11-12, pp. 44 - 57. |
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123. | Energy-cost analysis of alternative sourcesEnergy-cost analysis of alternative sourcesAbstract: In this paper, a comparative analysis of alternative energy sources has been carried out to ascertain their suitability in terms of availability, cost, advantages and disadvantages among other factors. The selected energy alternatives are solar and inverters. The case study-site is my house unit within the most commercial city in Gwalior. The data collection was carried out for the selected sites coupled with their energy auditing to obtain the total energy consumed at house. An energy sizing analysis helped in determining the energy specifications and installation-cost of the alternative energy sources in the surveyed sites. The results obtained presented guiding principles among other solutions on our house be powered by applying the method of selective-loading to reduce energy cost.Key words: Alternative energy sources; costanalysis; electricity; energy auditing at house. Reference [1] Simolowo Oluwafunbi Emmanuel and Oladele Samuel" Energy-cost analysis of alternative sources to electricity in Nigeria" indjst.org Vol. 5 No. 1 (Jan 2012) ,PP1946- 1952. [2] Suresh Kumar soni & Manoj Nair‟‟ Energy Conservation And Management "‟ satya prakashan tech India publications new delhi-2012. [3] Guy Hutton &Eva Rehfuess" Guidelines for conducting cost–benefit analysis of household energy and health interventions" WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data World Health Organization. [4] Hart, D. (2000). Introduction to Power Electronics. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. [5] Jim Doucet & Dan Eggleston & Jeremy Shaw" DC/AC Pure Sine Wave Inverter" MQP Terms ABC 2006-2007 [6] Dolf Gielen "Solar Photovoltaics Renewable Energy Technologies: Cost Analysis Series" Volume 1: Power SectorIssue 4/5 [7] Abdulkarim HT (2004) Techno-economic analysis of solar energy for electric power generation in Nigeria. http://www.journal.au.edu/au_techno/2005/ap r05/vol8no 4_abstract09.pdf. [8] Akarakiri JB (2002) Rural energy in Nigeria: The electricity alternative. Domestic Use of Energy http://active.cput.ac.za/energy/web/due/paper s/2002/05 _JB_Akarakiri.doc. [9]. Akin I (2008) Nigeria‟s dual energy problems: Policy Issues and challenges. Intl. Assoc. Energy Econ. Publ. (4th Qtr.) pp: 17- 21. [10]. Ezekoye BA and Ugha VN (2007) Characterizations and performance of a solidstate Inverter and its Applications in photovoltaic. Pacific J. sci. & Tech. 8(1), 4- 11. |
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124. | Multiple FG Mapping Technique for Image EncryptionMultiple FG Mapping Technique for Image EncryptionAbstract: The Fuzzy logic concept is implemented in several image processing operations such as edge detection, segmentation, object recognition, etc. In this paper, a novel Image encryption algorithm based on multiple fuzzy graph (FG) mapping technique is proposed. The Fuzzy graphs are obtained from a matrix of size n and then they are used to encrypt an image. Here fuzzy graphs with triangular and sigmoid membership functions are discussed. Experimental results show that this proposed algorithm is more efficient and robust.Key words: Fuzzy graphs, fuzzy mappings, image encryption, image processing, membership functions. Reference [1] L.A. Zadeh. Fuzzy sets Inform. Control 8(1965) [2] Zadeh L.A. Similarity relations and fuzzy ordering Information Sciences 971, 3(2):177- 200. [3] A. Rosenfeld, Fuzzy Graphs: In fuzzy sets and their applications to cognitive and Decision processes. Zadeh. L.A, Fu.K.S.Shimura M. Eds. Academic Press. New York 1975 (77-93) [4] Mordeson. J. Nair. P.S, Fuzzy Graphs and Fuzzy Hyper Graphs, Physica-Verlag,(2000) [5] J.S.R. Jang,C.-T. Sun and E. Mizutani, Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft Computing, PrenticeHall of India, 2002. [6] Pal, S.K, "Fuzzy sets in image processing and recognition", IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, pp. 119 – 126, Mar 1992. [7] Chi, Z., Yan, H., Pahm, T., Fuzzy Algorithms: With Applications to Image Processing and Pattern Recognition((Advances in Fuzzy Systems: Application and Theory), World Scientific Pub Co Inc, 1996. [8] Tizhoosh, Hamid R. Fuzzy Image Processing: Introduction in Theory and Applications, Springer-Verlag, 1997. |
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125. | Delay estimation of a Hierarchical Decoder with the help of Logical Effort and Transistor SizingDelay estimation of a Hierarchical Decoder with the help of Logical Effort and Transistor SizingAbstract: This paper deals with the design of a 2- to-4 hierarchical decoder, designed with the help of a static CMOS logic. The decoders are designed using 180nm technology parameters and are simulated with PSPICE. The 2-to-4 decoders designed are compared with the simulated results on the basis of propagation delay with different branching effort and different load capacitances. The designed decoders are also compared in terms of total power dissipation with different VDD applied. It is found that, a decoder designed by using static CMOS based NAND gates has less propagation delay as compared to the one designed by using static CMOS based NOR gates, this can be verified by theoretical and simulated results. Also, the NAND decoder (3-stage) tends to have low power as compared to a NOR decoder (2- stage).Key words: Capacitances, Hierarchical Decoder, Logical Effort, Propagation Delay, Power Dissipation. Reference [1]. Jan M. Rabey, Anantha Chandrakasan and Borivojc Nikolic, "Digital Integrated Circuits – A Design perspective, Second edition", PHI publication. [2]. Neil H. E. Weste, David Harris, Ayan Banerjee, "CMOS VLSI Design – A circuit and systems perspective, Third edition", 2008, Pearson education, South Asia. [3]. I. E. Sutherland and R. F. Sproull, "Logical effort: Designing for speed on the back of an envelope", Advanced research in VLSI, pp. 1-16, 1991. [4]. Sampath Kumar V., Neerja Singh, "Delay Minimization of 3 Cascaded Inverters with the help of Logical Effort and Transistor Sizing", Journal of VLSI Design Tools and Technology Volume 2, Issue 1, April 2012, Pages 20-22. [5]. S S. M. Kang and Y. Leblebici (2003), "CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits and its Analysis and Design", Third Edition, McGraw-Hill, New Delhi. |
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126. | Analysis of Social Networks - Study & Emergence of Domain Equivalent User GroupsAnalysis of Social Networks - Study & Emergence of Domain Equivalent User GroupsAbstract: Collective behavior is thesocial network data generated by social media like Facebook, Twitter, and Flickr presents the opportunities and challenges to studyon a large scale. In this to predict collective behavior in social network data, collect the relevant users from the social network, about some individuals, observe the behavior ofindividuals in the same network and combined into one group. Asocial-dimensionbased approach is effective in addressing the heterogeneity of connections presented in socialmedia. However, the networks in social media are normally of colossal size, involving hundreds of thousands of users with different environments. Sparse social dimensions, the proposedapproach can efficiently works to handle the networks of several actors performance to othernon-scalable methods.Key words: Social Networks, Learning Behavior, Classification, Clustering Reference [1] A. T. Fiore and J. S. Donath, "Homophily in online dating:when do you like someone like yourself?" in CHI '05: CHI '05extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2005, pp. 1371–1374. [2] L. Tang and H. Liu, "Scalable learning of collective behaviorbased on sparse social dimensions," in CIKM '09: Proceeding ofthe 18th ACM conference on Information and knowledge management.New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2009, pp. 1107–1116. [3] P. Singla and M. Richardson, "Yes, there is a correlation: - fromsocial networks to personal behavior on the web," in WWW'08: Proceeding of the 17th international conference on World WideWeb. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2008, pp. 655–664. [4] M. McPherson, L. Smith-Lovin, and J. M. Cook, "Birds ofa feather: Homophily in social networks," Annual Review ofSociology, vol. 27, pp. 415–444, 2001. [5] J. Leskovec, J. Kleinberg, C. Faloutsos. Graphs over time: Densificationlaws, shrinking diameters and possible explanations. ACM KDD Conference,2005. [6] J. Leskovec, E. Horvitz. Planetary-Scale Views on a Large Instant-Messaging Network, WWW Conference, 2008. [7] D. Liben-Nowell and J. Kleinberg. The link prediction problem for socialnetworks. In LinkKDD, 2004. [8] S. Milgram. The Small World Problem, Psychology Today, 1967. [9] M.Mcpherson, L.smith-Lovin, and J.M. Cook, "Birds of a feather: Homophily in social network, "Annual review of Sociology, vol.27, pp.415-444, 2001. [10] H.W.Lauw,J.C.Shafer, R.Agrawal, and A.Ntoulas "Homophile in the digital world: A live Journal case study,"IEEE Internet Computing, vol.14 ,pp. 15-23, 2010. |
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127. | Modeling and Analysis of Sinoatrial Cell using SIMULINK - A Computational ApproachModeling and Analysis of Sinoatrial Cell using SIMULINK - A Computational ApproachAbstract: Cardiac action potential has proven to be a powerful tool for illuminating various aspects of cardiac function, including cardiac arrhythmias. Action Potential models containing detailed formulations of biological ionic currents like sodium, potassium, calcium and background currents. In this work, mathematical model of single channel sinoatrial node is modeled using Matlab/Simulink . The action potential output seems to be comparable with the experimental results of rabbit sinoatrial action potential. The action potential duration and height goes with the literature. The currents involving the action potential are blocked and outputs are observed it seems to produce satisfactory outcomes.Key words: Action potential, cardiac cell, Iionic currents, Simulink model, Sinoatrial node cell Reference [1] Holdgkin, A. L. & Huxley, A.F. "nature144", 710–712 (1939). [2] CHIU SY." Functions and distribution of voltage-gated sodium and potassium channels in mammalian Schwann cells". Glia 4: 541–558, 1991. [3] A. L. Hodgkin and A. F. Huxley. "A quantitative description of membrane current and its applicaiton to conduction and excitation in nerve". J. Physiol., 117:500, 1952. [4] A. L. Hodgkin, A. F. Huxley, and B. Katz. "Measurement of current-voltage relations in the membrane of the giant axon of loligo". J. Physiol., 116:424, 1952. [5] A. L. Hodgkin and B. Katz. "The effect of sodium ions on the electrical activity of the giant axon of the squid". J. Physiol., 108:37, 1949. [6] E. M. Izhikevich. "Simple model of spiking neurons". IEEE Trans. Neural Netw., 14(6):1569–1572, November 2003. [7] Denyer JC and Brown HF. "Rabbit sinoatrial node cells: isolation and electrophysiological properties". J Physiol (Lond) 428: 405–424, 1990. [8] Ronald Wilders "Computer modelling of the sinoatrial node". Medical & Biological Engineering &Computin, Volume 45, Issue 2, pp 189-207, Feb 2007. [9] Bogdanov KY, Vinogradova TM, Lakatta E G. "Sinoatrial nodal cell ryanodine receptor and Na + -Ca 2+ exchanger: molecular partners in pacemaker regulation". Circ Res 88:1254– 1258. 2001. [10] Brown HF, Kimura J, Noble D, Noble SJ, Ta upignon A." The ionic currents underlying pacemaker activity in rabbit sinoatrial node: experimental results and computer simulations". Proc R SocLond B Biol Sci222:329–347,1994. |
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128. | Optimization of Cutting Parameters in High Speed Turning by Grey Relational AnalysisOptimization of Cutting Parameters in High Speed Turning by Grey Relational AnalysisAbstract: Medium Carbon Steel AISI 1045 has a wide variety of applications in vehicle component parts & machine building industry. Surface roughness and Material Removal Rate are the main quality functions in high speed turning of medium carbon steel in dry conditions. In this study, the optimization of two response parameters (Surface roughness and Material Removal Rate) by three machining parameters (cutting speed, feed rate and depth of cut) is investigated in high speed turning of H13 in dry conditions. Taguchi's L'9 orthogonal array and analysis of variance (ANOVA) are used for individual optimization. The simultaneous optimization is done by Grey Relational Analysis approach. The different levels of all machining parameters are used and experiments are done on HMT STALLION-100 HS CNC lathe machine. Material Removal Rate is investigated. The optimum condition for combined effects was found V2-F1-D3 and the optimal value of the surface roughness (Ra) comes out to be 1.007 (μm) and of MRR is 465.08 (mm³/sec). The optimum results are also verified with the help of confirmation experiments.Key words: ANOVA, CNC Turning, Grey Relational Analysis, MRR, Optimization, Surface Roughness, Taguchi Method Reference [1] David V, Rubén M, Menéndez C, Rodríguez J, Alique R . Neural networks and statistical based models for surface roughness prediction. International Association Of Science and Technology for Development, Proceedings of the 25th IASTED international conference on Modeling, indentification and control, (2006) pp. 326-331. [2] Srikanth T, Kamala V . A Real Coded Genetic Algorithm for Optimization of Cutting Parameters in Turning. IJCSNS Int. J. Comput. Sci. Netw. Secur,, (2008),8(6):189-193. [3] Roy, R. K. (2001). Design of experiments using the Taguchi approach: 16 steps to product and process improvement. New York: Wiley. [4] Arbizu IP, Pérez CJL (2003). Surface roughness prediction by factorial design of experiments in turning processes. J. Mater. Process. Technol., 143-144: 390-396. [5] Tsao CC, Hocheng H (2008). Evaluation of the thrust force and surface roughness in drilling composite material using Taguchi analysis and neural network. J. Mater. Process. Technol., 203(1-3): 342-348. [6] Gopalsamy B.M., Mondal B. and Ghosh S., "Taguchi method and ANOVA: An approach for process parameters optimization of hard machining while machining hardened steel", Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, vol. 68, (2009), pp. 686-695. [7] Cayda U., "Machinability evaluation in hard turning of AISI 4340 steel with different cutting tools using statistical techniques ", Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, (2010). [8] Thamizhmanii S., Saparudin S. and Hasan S, "Analysis of Surface Roughness by Using Taguchi Method", Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, (2007), Volume 20, Issue 1-2, pp. 503-505. [9] Lan T.-S., Lo C. Y., Wang M.-Y. and Yen AY, "Multi Quality Prediction Model of CNC Turning Using Back Propagation Network", Information. Proceeding of American society of mechanical engineers, (2008). [10] Palanikumar K. and Karunamoorthy L., "Optimization of Machining Parameters in Turning GFRP Composites Using a Carbide (K10) Tool Based on the Taguchi Method with Fuzzy Logics", metals and materials International, Vol. 12, No. 6 (2006), pp. 483- 491. |
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129. | Current classification and introduction of Watermarking Techniques in Digital ImagesCurrent classification and introduction of Watermarking Techniques in Digital ImagesAbstract: This paper surveys recent advances in watermarking techniques in digital images. The aim of digital watermarking is to include subliminal information in multimedia information to ensure a security service or simply a labelling application. It would be then possible to recover the embedded message at any time, even if the information was altered by one or more non-destructive attacks, whether malicious or not. Its commercial applications range from copyright protection to digital right management. This paper then classifies the different watermarking techniques into several categories depending upon the domain in which the hidden data is inserted; the size of the hidden data and the requirement of which the hidden data is to be extracted, An experiment is conducted to further tests the robustness of some of these techniques. At the end, this paper analyses challenges that have not been met in current watermarking techniques here . In my major work describes a watermark embedding technique for images using discrete fractional Fourier transform.Key words: Watermarking, Advance Techniques, Challenges, DFRFT,proposed work Reference [1]. Petitcolas, F. A. P., Anderson, R. J.: Kuhn, M. G., Information Hiding – A Survey, Proceedings of the IEEE, Special Issue on Protection of Multimedia Content, 1062-1078, July 1999. [2]. Cox, I., Miller, M., Bloom, J., Fridrich, J., Kalker, T.: Digital Watermarking and Steganography, 2Nd Ed. ISBN: 978- 0123725851 [3]. Pfitzmann, B.: Information Hiding Terminology, Information Hiding, First International Workshop, 1174, 1996 [4]. Marvel, L. M., Hartwig, G. W., Boncelet, C.: Compression- Compatible Fragile and SemiFragile Tamper Detection, Proc. SPIE, vol. 3971, 131—139 [5]. Wang, R. Z., Lin, C. F., Lin, J. C.: Image hiding by optimal LSB substitution and genetic algorithm, Pattern Recognition, vol. 34, 671- 683, 2003. [6]. Swanson, M. D., Kobayashi, M., Tewfik, A. H.: Multimedia Data- Embedding and watermarking Technologies, Proc. IEEE, vol. 86, 1064 – 1087, 1998 [7]. Ganic, E., Eskicioglu, A. M.: A DFT-Based Semi-Blind Multiple Watermarking Scheme For Images [8]. Youail, R. S., Khadhim, A-K. A-R., Samawi, V. W.: Improved Stegosystem Using DFT with Combined Error Correction and Spread Spectrum, Industrial Electronics and Applications, 2007. ICIEA 2007. 2nd IEEE Conference, 1832-1836, 2007 [9]. Pereira, S., Pun, T.: Robust Template Matching for Affine Resistant Image Watermarks, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol.9, 1123-1129, 2000. [10]. Zhou, H.T., Qi, C., Gao, X. C.: Low Luminance Smooth Blocks Based Watermarking Scheme in DCT Domain, Communications, Circuits and Systems Proceedings, 2006 International Conference, vol. 1, 19-23, 2006 |
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130. | Investigation Of Optimum Machining Parameters For Manufacturing Of Disintegrated Castiron FlywheelInvestigation Of Optimum Machining Parameters For Manufacturing Of Disintegrated Castiron FlywheelAbstract: Quality and productivity are two important aspects that are inter-related in any machining operation The objective of this work is to estimate the influence of machining parameters and to determine their optimum conditions in manufacture of cast-iron disintegrated flywheel. The parameters considered are speed, feed and depth of cut where as the response are material removal rate and surface roughness. The experimental trials are conducted based on taguchi L8 orthogonal array with 2 levels of each machining parameters. The signal to noise ratio, the ANOVA and F-test are employed to find the optimum levels and to analyze the effects of machining parameters on MRR&SR.The experimental results indicates that feed has significant effect on MRR and speed has significant on SR.Key words: Taguchi, Orthogonal array, ANOVA, material removal rate, surface roughness |
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131. | Security Issue Analysis in Cloud Computing EnvironmentSecurity Issue Analysis in Cloud Computing EnvironmentAbstract: The growth in field of cloud computing increases threat security aspects. Security has remained a constant issue for Internet and networking, when we are talking about security cloud really effects. Lack of security is the only a problem or difficulty that must be overcome in wide adoption of cloud computing. Cloud computing is surrounded by many security issues like securing data, and examining the utilization of cloud by the cloud computing vendors. Cloud computing has brought lots of security challenges for the consumers and service providers. Our work mainly provides the basic idea on Cloud Computing with the Security Issue mainly faced in both larger and smaller scale organizations where Cloud Computing is implemented and necessary steps which can solve these problems to certain extent. This will enable researchers and security professionals to know about users and vendors concerns and critical analysis about the different research type proposed.Key words: Cloud Computing, Security Issues Reference [1]. S. Subashini and V. Kavitha ,A survey on security issues in service delivery models of cloud computing., Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Vol. 34, No. 1, Jul, 2010 [2]. Chang-Lung Tsai and Uei-Chin Li, Information Security of Cloud Computing for Enterprises, Advances on Information Sciences and Service Sciences. Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 132- 142, Feb 2011 [3]. Danish Jamil, Hassan Zaki, Security Issues In Cloud Computing And Countermeasures, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 4, pp. 2672-2676, April 2011 [4]. V. Krishna Reddy, B. Thirumala Rao, Dr. L.S.S. Reddy and P. Sai Kiran , Research Issues in Cloud Computing, Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, Vol. 11 No. 11 July 2011 [5]. Krishna Chaitanya.Y, Bhavani Shankar.Y, Kali Rama Krishna.V andV Srinivasa Rao, Study of security issues in Cloud Computing, International Journal of Computer Science and Technology ,Vol. 2, No. 3, Sept 2011 [6]. Aderemi A. Atayero, Oluwaseyi Feyisetan , Security Issues in Cloud Computing: The Potentials of Homomorphic Encryption, Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 10, October 2011 [7]. Kuyoro S. O, Ibikunle.F and Awodele O, Challenges and Security Issues in Cloud Computing International Journal of Computer Networks, Vol. 3, No. 5, pp. 247- 255, 2011 |
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132. | Investigation of Forming Limit Curves of Various Sheet Materials Using Hydraulic Bulge Testing With Analytical, Experimental and FEA Techniques.Investigation of Forming Limit Curves of Various Sheet Materials Using Hydraulic Bulge Testing With Analytical, Experimental and FEA Techniques.Abstract: In sheet hydroforming, variation in incoming sheet coil properties is a common problem for forming process, especially with materials for automotive applications. Even though incoming sheet coil may meet tensile test specifications, high rejection rate is often observed in production due to inconsistent material behavior. Thus there is a strong need for a discriminating method for testing incoming sheet material formability. The hydraulic sheet bulge test emulates biaxial deformation conditions commonly seen in production operations. This test is increasingly being applied by the European automotive industry, especially for obtaining reliable sheet material flow stress data that is essential for accurate process simulation. This paper presents determination of Forming Limit curves (FLCs) of materials Aluminium, Mild steel and Brass. Theoretical analysis is carried out by deriving governing equations for determining of Equivalent stress and Equivalent strain based on the bulging to be spherical and Tresca's yield criterion with the associated flow rule. For experimentation Circular Grid Analysis is used. Validation of Experimental results is carried out with explicit solver ANSYS LS-DYNA using inverse analysis method.Key words: Sheet hydroforming, Forming Limit Curve(FLC), Circular grid analysis, Tresca‟s yield criterion. Reference 1) Muammer KOC, ErenBillur, Omer Necati Cora. "An experimental Study on the Comparative Assessment of Hydraulic Bulge Test Analysis Methods" Journal of Materials and Design, Vol 32 June 2011, pp 272-281. 2) Chakrabarty J, Alexander JM. "Hydrostatic bulging of circular diaphragms" Journal of Strain Anal, Vol 5, 1970, pp155–161. 3) J.Jeswiet, M.Geiger, U.Engel, M. Kleiner, M.Schikorra, J.Duflou, R.Neugebaure, P.Bariani, S.Brushi. "Metal Forming Progress since 2000" CIRP Journal of manufacturing Science and technology, Vol 1,2008, pp 2-17. 4) A.Nassar, A.Yadav, P.Pathak, T.Altan. "Determination of the Flow Stress of Five AHSS Sheet Materials (DP 600,DP 780-CR,DP 780- HY and TRIP 780) using the Uniaxial Tensile and the Biaxial Viscous Pressure Bulge (VPB) tests" Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol 210, Oct 2009, pp 429-436 5) X.Y.Wang, J.C.Xia, G.A.Hu, Z.J.Wang, Z.R.Wang. "Sheet bulging experiment with a viscous pressure-carrying medium" Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol 151, 2004, pp 340–344 6) M.S.J.Hashmi, M.D.Islam, A.G.Olabi. "Experimental and finite element simulation of formability and failuresin multilayered tubular components", Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering (JAMME), Vol.24, Issue1,September 2007,pp212-218. 7) Metals Handbook, Forming and Forging, Vol 14, Ninth Edition; ASM international; 1988, pp 888- 897 8) LS-DYNA Theoretical Manual, Livermore Software Technology Corporation, May 1998, pp77-329---7 9) LS-DYNA Keyword User‟s Manual, Version 970, Livermore Software Technology Corporation, April 2003, pp852-856 10) Yadav Ajay D. Processs Analysis and Design In Stamping and Sheet Hydroforming, M.S thesis from The Ohio State university,2008 |
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133. | Review of Stirling Engines for Pumping Water using Solar Energy as a source of PowerReview of Stirling Engines for Pumping Water using Solar Energy as a source of PowerAbstract: In order to satisfy the rising energy demands of global consumption a new ecofriendly renewable power source needs to be explored, conceptualized and developed. Solar energy is a free and clean energy resource which is available to humans or the local culture in abundant. An attempt is made to study Stirling cycle, its application and its suitability to use this source as pumping water in rural sector. Review of study is done for the development of Solar Stirling engine which will help in development of the engine which can be used for pumping water at rural areas using solar energy as a source. The engine developed will have its wide application not only in rural sector but also for generating electricity by attaching a generator of required capacity to the shaft of an engine.Key words: Stirling engine, Solar energy, Pump Reference [1] M. Kordab, Priority option of photovoltaic systems for pumping in rural areas in ESCWA member countries, Science Direct, desalination, 209, 2007, 73-77. [2] G. Walker, Stirling engine (Oxford Clarendon Press, Calgary). [3] W. B. Stine, Stirling Engines, (CRC Press, Boca Raton, 1998). [4] M. J. Dadi, I. M. Molvi, A. V. Mehta, The mostefficient waste heat recovery device: a gamma type Stirling engine, International journal of advanced engineering technology, January – March, 2012, 189 – 195. [5] G. Cronenberg, the Stirling Engine, Uppasala University, 2005. [6] B. Kongtragool, S. Wongwises, A review of solar powered Stirling engines and low temperature differential Stirling engine, Science Direct renewable and sustainable energy, 7 ,2003, 131 – 154. [7] D. Aranda, K. LaMott, S. Wood, Solar Stirling Engine for Remote power and Disaster Relief, Florida International University, 2010. [8] V. Mahendru, Case study on solar powered water pumping project in Samastipur, Bihar, India, Claro energy private limited, 2012. [9] S. R. Khandker, D. F. Barnes, H. A. Samad, Energy poverty in rural and urban india, Policy research working paper, The world bank development research group, agriculture and rural development, 2011, 5463. [10]M. Christoph, G. Arnaud, A. Rafael, S. Li, Y. |
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134. | Hydraulic Regenerative System for BicycleHydraulic Regenerative System for BicycleAbstract: This paper investigates the hydraulic regenerative braking system for a bicycle. The purpose of implementing this system is to lower the human effort required for driving a bicycle. The regenerative braking system can capture and reuse the energy that is normally lost due to braking. This paper represents a model of novel configuration for hydraulic regenerative braking system based upon the Matlab Simulink Environment. The influence of the key component parameters on the performance, braking and rate of energy recovery is analyzed. The simulation result helps in selecting proper components which will suit the proposed system most appropriately. Though the overall cost of the system is high the amount of human effort saved makes it worth of being implemented in real life.Key words: bicycle, energy recovery, hydraulic hybrid, regenerative braking, Simulink Reference [1] Bryan D'Souza, Andrew Kneifel, Victor Singh, Matthew Williams. Optimizing a Hydraulic Regenerative Braking System for a 20" Bicycle Wheel.April 21, 2009. [2] Tri-Vien Vu, Chih-Keng Chen and Chi-Wei Hung. Study of Hydraulic Regenerative Braking System in Hydraulic Hybrid Vehicles, 7(4), 9-18. [3] Rexroth/bosch – Accumulators Catalogue Can be found online at: http//www.boschrexroth- us.com/country _units/america/united_states/en/Products/ bri/Products_and_Catalogs/bosch_branded_pr oducts/literature_ downloads_pdfs/ a_down loads/pdf_erl/ACCUMULATOR_901.pdf [4] Dipl.-Ing. Detlef van Bracht, Dr. Christine Ehret, Dr.Markus G. Kliffken. Hybrid Drives for Mobile Equipment,18 February, 2009. [5] Dr. S. J. Clegg. A Review of Regenerative Braking Systems, April 1996. [6] Sérgio Valente, Hélder Ferreira. Braking EnergyRegeneration using hydraulic systems. [7] Andrew Brown, Karan Desai, Andrew McGrath, Alfred Nucklos, Grant Wilson. Hydraulic Drivetrain with Regenerative Braking, April 26, 2012. [8] ER. Amitesh Kumar. Hydraulic Regenerative Braking System, 3(4), April 2012. [9] Wojciechowski, P. H. and H. Searl Dunn (1975) Energy regeneration and conversion efficiency in a hydraulic hybrid propulsion system. High Speed Ground Transportation Journal, 9(1), 383-392. [10] Dewey, C., F. T. Elder and D. R. Otis (1974) Accumulator-charged hydrostatic drive for cars saves energy. Hydraulics and Pneumatics, 10, 180-183. |
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135. | Read stability and read failure analysis of low voltage Schmitt- Trigger based SRAM bitcellRead stability and read failure analysis of low voltage Schmitt- Trigger based SRAM bitcellAbstract: We analyze Schmitt-Trigger (ST) based differential sensing static random access memory (SRAM) bitcells for ultralow voltage operation. The ST-based SRAM bitcells address the fundamental conflicting design requirement of the read versus write operation of a conventional 6T bitcell. The ST operation gives better readstability as well as better read-failure probability compared to the standard 6T bitcell. The proposed ST based bitcells incorporate a built-in feedback mechanism. Balancing the trade-offs between small areas, low powers, fast reads/writes are an essential part of any SRAM design. That is, SRAM design requires balancing among various design criteria such as minimizing cell area using smaller transistor, maintaining read/write stability, minimizing power consumption by reducing power supply, minimizing read/write access time, minimizing leakage current, reducing bit-line swing to reduce power consumption. A detailed comparison of 6T bitcell shows that the ST based bitcell can operate at lower supply voltages. Measurement results in 130-nm CMOS technology show that the proposed ST based bitcell gives 1.6 higher read static noise margin and 180mV lower read Vmin compared to the 6T bitcell.Key words: Low power SRAM, low voltage SRAM, Read stability, Schmitt trigger. Reference [1] H. Soeleman and K. Roy, Ultra-low power digital subthreshold logic circuits, Proc. Int. Symp. Low Power Electronics and Design (ISLPED'98), 1998, 94–96. [2] K. Roy and S. Prasad, Low Power CMOS VLSI Circuit Design (New York: Wiley, 2000). [3] N.Yoshinobu, H. Masahi, K. Takayuki and K. Itoh, Reviewand, future prospects of lowvoltage RAM circuits, IBM J. Res. Devel., vol. 47, no. 5/6, 2003 525–552. [4] A.Raychowdhury, S.Mukhopadhyay, and K. Roy, A feasibility study of subthreshold SRAM across technology generations, in Proc. Int. Conf. Computer Design, Oct. 2005, 417–422. [5] J. Chen, L. Clark, and T. Chen, An ultra-lowpower memory with a subthreshold power supply voltage, IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 41, no. 10, Oct. 2006 2344–2353. [6] A. Bhavnagarwala, X. Tang, and J. Meindl, The impact of intrinsic device fluctuations on CMOS SRAM cell stability, IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 36, no. 4, Apr. 2000, 658–665. [7] J. Rabaey, A. Chandrakasan, and B. Nikolic, Digital Integrated Circuits: A Design Perspective (2nd ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2002.) [8] S. Mukhopadhyay, H. Mahmoodi, and K. Roy, Modeling of failure probability and statistical design of SRAM array for yield enhancement in nanoscaled CMOS, IEEE Trans. Comput. Aided Des, vol. 24, no.12, Dec. 2005 1859–1880. [9] Jaydeep P. Kulkarn, Keejong Kim, and Kaushik Roy, A 160 mV Robust Schmitt Trigger Based Subthreshold SRAM IEEE Journal Of SolidState Circuits, Vol. 42, No. 10, October 2007 [10] E. Seevinck, F. List, and J. Lohstroh, Static noise margin analysis of MOS SRAM cells, IEEE Solid-State Circuits, vol. SC-22, no. 5, Oct. 1987, 748–754. |
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136. | Physical Simulation of Automobile Exhausts Dispersion at an Urban Intersection – Part I: Concentration Fields and DispersionPhysical Simulation of Automobile Exhausts Dispersion at an Urban Intersection – Part I: Concentration Fields and DispersionAbstract: The major sources responsible for deterioration of urban environments are automobiles. The case at urban intersection may become more critical due to variable modes of vehicular movement and their emissions, especially at low wind conditions. In this paper, the line source dispersion and concentration fields at an urban intersection under low wind conditions have been investigated and discussed. The atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) flow equivalent to urban terrain category, is reproduced using passive type of roughness generating devices with appropriate similarity criteria. The line source is simulated and tracer gas concentrations at various locations of the intersection are measured using online Flame Ionization Detector (FID) type of gas chromatograph. The experiments are carried out for 0 0 , 30 0 and 60 0 approaching wind directions. The experimental results show various critical locations, where pollutant concentrations become twice or even more. The approaching wind directions of 30 0 and 60 0 carry more dispersion of pollutants than 0 0 . However, the pollutants concentrations at inner corners of building blocks are more than at other locations.Key words: Wind tunnel, urban intersection, line source dispersion, low wind condition Reference [1] S. Vardoulakis, E.A.F. Bernard, K. Pericleous and N. Gonzalez–Flesca, Modeling air quality in street canyons: a review, Atmospheric Environment, 37 (2003) 155 – 182. [2] J. Zammurs and R.J. Perraci, Modeling of carbon monoxide hot spots, Air Pollution Control Association, 32 (1982) 947 – 953. [3] J.P. Nelli, A.D. Messina and J.A. Bullin, Analysis and modeling of air quality at street intersections, Journal of Air Pollution and Control Association, 33 (1983) 760–764. [4] J. Zammurs, Intersection carbon monoxide modeling, Journal of Air and Waste Management Association, 40 (1990) 769 – 771. [5] W.G. Hoydysh and W.F. Dabberdt, Concentration fields at urban intersections: Fluid modelling studies, Atmospheric Environment, 28 (1994) 1849 – 1860. [6] W. F. Dabberdt, W. G. Hoydysh, M. Schorling, F. Yang and O. Holynskyj, Dispersion modeling at urban intersections, The Science of the Total Environment, 169 (1995) 93–102. [7] W.G. Hoydysh and W.F. Dabberdt (1988) Kinematics and dispersion characteristics of flows in asymmetric street canyons, Atmospheric Environment, 22 (1988) 2677 – 2689. [8] K. Ahmad, M. Khare and K.K. Chaudhry, Wind tunnel simulation study of line source dispersion at urban intersection – Part II: traffic induced effects, communicated to Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics (2005). [9] M. Khare, K.K. Chaudhry, R.M.M. Gowda and K. Ahmad, Heterogeneous traffic induced effects on vertical dispersion parameter- A wind tunnel study, Environmental Modelling and Assessment, 7 (2002) 09 – 15. [10] K. Ahmad, M. Khare and K.K. Chaudhry, Model vehicle movement system in wind tunnels for exhaust dispersion studies under various urban street configurations, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 90 (2002) 1054– 1067. |
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137. | Physical Simulation of Automobile Exhausts Dispersion at an Urban Intersection – Part II: Traffic Induced EffectsPhysical Simulation of Automobile Exhausts Dispersion at an Urban Intersection – Part II: Traffic Induced EffectsAbstract: Traffic induced turbulence coupled with natural air motions becomes an important variable affecting the dispersion of exhaust emissions, especially under low wind conditions. A flexible model vehicle movement system (ƒ- MVMS) for an urban intersection having two-way straight and radial peripheral traffic flows has been designed, fabricated and made operational in the EWT to study the traffic induced effects. The tracer gas concentration is measured, online, at hundred ninety two locations by gas chromatograph (FID type detector) at variable approaching wind directions, i.e., 0 0 , 30 0 and 60 0 and traffic volumes of 1200, 3300 and 5400 veh/hr. The percentage reduction in normalized concentration (K) values increases with increase in the traffic volume ('no traffic' conditions to 5400 veh/hr) and approaching wind angles (0 0 to 60 0 ). The maximum reduction in tracer gas concentration is 47% at 0 0 and 30 0 approaching wind directions when the traffic volume is 5400 veh/hr. The percentage reduction is significantly influenced when traffic and wind flow directions are opposite to each other. However, the reductions in K values decrease with height and reach its minimum value of 1.13% at the top of building blocks for all traffic volumes. At 'innermost' corners of the building blocks (facing the intersection), the percentage reduction in K values is more than at 'mid' sections of the building blocks.Key words: urban intersection, model vehicle movement system, heterogeneous traffic, line source dispersion, traffic induced effects. Reference [1] K. Kitabayashi, K. Sugawara and S. Isomusa, A wind tunnel study of automobile exhaust gases diffusion in an urban district, In Proceedings of the 4rth International Clean Air Congress edited by S. Kasuga, N. Suzuki, T. Yamada, G. Kimusa, K. Inagaki and K. Onoe, The Japanese Union of Air Pollution Prevention Association, pp. 192 – 195 (1977). [2] K. Kitabayashi, Wind tunnel experiments for automobile exhaust gas diffusion in a street canyon, 4rth international workshop on wind and water tunnel modelling, Karlsruhe (1988). [3] P.W. Bearman and S. Karanfilian, The wakes of road vehicles. In the modelling of dispersion of transport pollution, Symposium proceedings series no. 22, the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, U.K., pp. 78 – 96 (1981). [4] R.E. Eskridge and R.S. Thompson, Experimental and theoretical study of the wake of a block shaped vehicle in a shear free boundary flow, Atmospheric Environment, 16 (1982) 2821 – 2836. [5] R.E. Eskridge and S.T. Rao, Turbulent diffusion behind vehicles: Experimentally determined turbulence mixing parameters, Atmospheric Environment, 20 (1986) 851 – 860. [6] R.S. Thompson and R.E. Eskridge, Turbulent diffusion behind vehicles: Experimentallydetermined influence of vortex pair in vehicle wake, Atmospheric Environment, 21 (1987) 2991 – 2997. [7] E.J. Plate, Windkanalmodellierung von Ausbreitungsvorgangen in Stadtgebieten. Kolloquiumsbericht Abgasbelastungen durch den Strabenverkehr, Verlag TUV Rheiland, Germany (1982). [8] N. Holscher, R. Hoffer, H.J. Neimann, W. Brilon and E. Romberg, Wind tunnel experiments on micro scale dispersion of exhausts from motorways, The Science of the Total Environment, 134 (1993) 71 – 79. [9] R.M.M. Gowda, Wind tunnel simulation study of the line source dispersion in the nearfield of roadways under heterogeneous traffic conditions. Ph.D. Thesis, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India (1999). [10] K. Ahmad, M. Khare, and K.K. Chaudhry, Model vehicle movement system in wind tunnels for exhaust dispersion studies under various urban street configurations, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 90 (2002) 1054–1067. |
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138. | Development of Mechanical properties of an Al–Mg alloy through Equi-Channel Angular PressingDevelopment of Mechanical properties of an Al–Mg alloy through Equi-Channel Angular PressingAbstract: Equal channel angular Pressing (ECAP) is an innovative technique for developing ultrafine-grained microstructures first developed by Segal et al in 1981 in the former Soviet Union. The ECAP method consists of two channels that intersect at an angle, generally comprised between 90◦ and 135◦ . The deformation is produced by shear as the billet is extruded through the channels. One of the geometrical properties of the process is that the cross-section of the billet remains constant and so, it is possible to repeat the process over many cycles. Therefore, very high plastic strains can be accumulated in the billet. Thus, the ECAP process allows us to produce ultrafine-grained materials and hence to improve the mechanical properties of the material. This work presents a study of the mechanical and optical properties of the AA5083 processed by equal channel angular extrusion. Vickers microhardness and tensile tests were carried out after processing the AA5083 up to N = 5 at room temperature. The improvement obtained in mechanical properties is shownKey words: ECAP; Microstructure; Vickers microhardness; Tensile test; Optical microscopy Reference [1] V. M. Segal, "Engineering and Commercialization of Equal Channel Angular Extrusion," Mater. Sci. Eng., A 386, 269–276 (2004). [2] R. Z. Valiev, R. K. Islamgaliev, and I. V. Alexandrov,"Bulk Nanostructured Materials from Severe Plastic Deformation," Prog. Mater. Sci. 45, 103–189 (2000). [3] M. Kamachi, M. Furukawa, Z. Horita, and T. G. Langdon,"Equal-Channel Angular Pressing Using Plate Samples," Mater. Sci. Eng., A 361, 258–266 (2003). [4] I.Nikulin, R. Kaibyshev, and T. Sakai, "Superplasticity in a 7055 Aluminum Alloy Processed by ECAE and Sub sequent Isothermal Rolling," Mater. Sci. Eng., A 407,62–70 (2005). [5]. Z. Horita, M. Furukawa, M. Nemoto, and T. G. Langdon,"Development of Fine Grained Structures Using Severe Plastic Deformation," Mater. Sci. Technol. 16, 1239–1245 (2000) [6] L.F. Mondolfo, Int. Metall. Rev. 153 (1971) 95. [7] I.J. Polmear, "light Alloys", Metall. and Mater. Sci. Series, 3rd Edition, London (1995). [8] J. Lendvai, Mater. Sci. Forum 43 (1996) 217- 222. [9] A. Deschamps, F. Livet and Y. Bréchet, Acta Mater 47 (1999) 281. [10] P. Guyot and L. Cottignies, Acta Mater 44 (10) (1996) 4161-4167. |
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139. | Gsm & Rfid Based Tx & Rx For Collision Avoidance & Speed Control.Gsm & Rfid Based Tx & Rx For Collision Avoidance & Speed Control.Abstract: In today's world, there is a continuous need for automatic appliances with the increase in standard of living; there is a sense of urgency for developing circuits that would ease the complexity of life. Normally, this type of systems are useful in case of emergency areas where traffic is main concern & little carelessness may cause accident & death may occur. Now a days problem of traffic is much serious specially in the areas of schools as well as the places where crowd is more. A collision avoidance control system for a vehicle is provided which is designed to determine a target collision avoidance deceleration required for a system vehicle equipped with this system to bring a relative speed between the system vehicle and a target object into agreement with substantially zero without a physical collision with the target object and to determine a possibility of collision with the target object as a function of the target collision avoidance deceleration. This system is specially designed with the help of GSM & RFID for the school areas where chances of accidents are more.Key words: Collision avoidance, GSM, , LPC 2148, RFID, speed control, Zigbee . Reference [1] B. Ulmer. 'VITA - An Autonomous Road Vehicle (ARV) for Collision Avoidance in Traffic'. In "Proc. of Int. Symp. on Intelligent Vehicles", Detroit June 92. [2] Hyangjin Lee, Jeeyeon Kim, "Privacy threats and issues in mobile RFID " Korea Information Security Agency [3] Y. Bar-Shalom, X. Rong Li, T. Kirubarajan, Estimation with Applications to Tracking and Navigation. Wiley, 2001. [4] F. Thomanek. et al."Multiple Object Recognition and Scene Interpretation forAutonomous Road Vehicle Guidance". [5] John Scourias, "Overview of the Global System for Mobile Communications",May 19,1995. [6] Marc Langheinrich, "A Survey of RFID Privacy Approaches". [7] Bernhard Riedl,Gernot Glouch,"A Comparative Literature Review on RFID security and Privacy". |
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140. | Design of On Chip Bus Using Core Centric ProtocolDesign of On Chip Bus Using Core Centric ProtocolAbstract: As more and more IP cores are integrated into an SOC design, the communication flow between IP cores has increased drastically and the efficiency of the on-chip bus has become a dominant factor for the performance of a system. The on-chip bus design can be divided into two parts, namely the interface and the internal architecture of the bus. In this work the welldefined interface standard is adopted, the Open Core Protocol (OCP), and focus on the design of the internal bus architecture. The Open Core Protocol (OCP) is a core centric protocol which defines a high- performance, bus-independent interface between IP cores that reduces design time, design risk, and manufacturing costs for SOC designs. Main property of OCP is that it can be configured with respect to the application required. The OCP is chosen because of its advanced supporting features such as configurable sideband control signaling and test harness signals, when compared to other core protocols.Reference [1] Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture (AMBA) Specification Rev 2.0 & 3.0, http://www.arm.com. [2] Open Core Protocol (OCP) Specification, http://www.ocpip.org/home. [3] Y.-T. Kim, T. Kim, Y. Kim, C. Shin, E.-Y. Chung, K.-M. Choi, J.-T. Kong, S.-K. EO, "Fast and Accurate Transaction Level Modeling of an Extended AMBA2.0 Bus Architecture," Design, Automation, and Test in Europe, pages 138-139, 2005. [4] G. Schirner and R. Domer, "Quantitative Analysis of Transaction Level Models for the AMBA Bus," Design, Automation, and Test in Europe, 6 pages, 2006. [5] C.-K. Lo and R.-S. Tsay, "Automatic Generation of Cycle Accurate and Cycle Count Accurate Transaction Level Bus Models from a Formal Model," Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference, pages 558- 563, 2009. [6] N.Y.-C. Chang, Y.-Z. Liao and T.-S. Chang, "Analysis of Shared-link AXI," IET Computers & Digital Techniques, Volume 3, Issue 4, pages 373-383, 2009. [7] IBM Corporation, "Prioritization of Out-ofOrder Data Transfers on Shared Data Bus," US Patent No. 7,392,353, 2008. [8] David C.-W. Chang, I.-T. Liao, J.-K. Lee, W.- F. Chen, S.-Y. Tseng and C.-W. Jen, "PAC DSP Core and Application Processors," International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, pages 289-292, 2006. [9] CoWare website, http://www.coware.com |
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141. | Analysis of Dimensionality Reduction Techniques on IRIS Code
Analysis of Dimensionality Reduction Techniques on IRIS CodeAbstract: IRIS is considered as one of the best biometric model for representing a human Identity. An efficient IRIS recognition technique with reduced space complexity is one of the challenging aspects in IRIS recognition. In this paper we improve the recognition accuracy and efficiency using the IRIS code obtained through Daugman's technique and then Dimensionality Reduction is applied. IRIS of a test is recognized by using minimum hamming distance from trained IRIS codes. MLE (Maximum Likelihood Estimation) technique is used to determine the significant and predominant features as each Gabor coefficient does not have same weight in generating a unique pattern for each IRIS. Further, features are reduced by using PCA (Principal Component Analysis) and mapped to a low dimensional feature space using SOM (Self Organizing Map). Experimental results show that efficiency of the system is 100% for 50 classes and 99.73% for 500 classes which is better than the other techniques proposed so far in this direction. Results also show that the recognition time has been found reduced (3.6 seconds for 1500 classes) which is also better than SVM (Support Vector Machine) based technique.Key words: - IRIS, IRIS code, SOM, Dimensionality Reduction, PCA, Hamming Distance, Gabor filter, MLE. Reference [1] John G. Daugman, "High Confidence Visual Recognition of Persons by a Test of Statistical Independence", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 15, No.11, pp. 1148-1161, November 1993. [2] John Daugman, "New Methods in Iris Recognition", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics - Part B: Cybernetics, Vol. 37, No. 5, pp. 1167 - 1175, October 2007. [3] John Daugman, "How Iris Recognition Works", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 21 - 30, January 2004. [4] Amir Azizi and Hamid Reza Pourreza, "Efficient IRIS Recognition Through Improvement of Feature Extraction and Subset Selection", International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, Vol. 2, No.1, June 2009. [5] Kaushik Roy, Prabir Bhattacharya and Ramesh Chandra Debnath, ―Multi-Class SVM Based Iris Recognition‖, 10th International Conference on Computer and information technology, pp.1-6, 27-29 Dec. 2007. [6] Sang-Hyeun Park and Johannes F¨urnkranz, ―Efficient Pairwise Classifciation‖ Proceedings of 18th European Conference on Machine Learning (ECML-07), pp. 658–665, Warsaw, Poland, 2007. [7] Jain AK, Duin PW, Mao J, "Statistical Pattern Recognition: A Review", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intellingence, Vol. 22, No.1, pp. 4-37, January 2000. [8] D. M. Monro, S. Rakshit, and D. Zhang, ―DCTbased iris recognition‖, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 29, No.4, pp. 586-595, April 2007. [9] A. Rauber, "LabelSOM: On the labeling of selforganizing maps", Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN'99), Washington, DC, July 10 - 16, 1999. [10] Ramanathan K., Sheng Uei Guan, "Recursive Self Organizing Maps with Hybrid Clustering", IEEE Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems, pp. 1-6, Bangkok, 7-9 June 2006. V.V.Satyanarayana Tallapragada, E.G.Rajan |
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142. | Experimental Verification of Plate's Criteria for Urban Roadways Intersection
Experimental Verification of Plate's Criteria for Urban Roadways IntersectionAbstract: In recent past, significant efforts have been made to improve the scientific understanding of exhaust dispersion phenomenon in urban street canyons/intersection. The amount of turbulence generated by natural winds within the street canyon might be smaller than that of traffic induced turbulence. Therefore, the influence of traffic-induced turbulence on exhaust dispersion has to be quantified. In the present study, Plate's energy based criterion for physical modelling of traffic-induced turbulence has been verified for urban intersection under heterogeneous traffic conditions, using environmental wind tunnel. The experimental results revealed that the effect of traffic-induced turbulence in concentration reduction increases with increase in traffic volume. The trends of reduction in tracer gas concentration with variable traffic volume and velocity ratio for all sampling locations have been found to be similar. This strongly supports the idea proposed by Plate (1982) for wind tunnel simulation studies.Key words: Exhaust dispersion, traffic induced turbulence, heterogeneous traffic, and urban intersection Reference 1. Ahmad, K., Khare, M. and Chaudhry, K.K. (2002) Model vehicle movement system in wind tunnels for exhaust dispersion studies under various urban street configurations, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol. 90, pp. 1054 – 1067. 2. ASCE Standard 7 – 95, Minimum design loads for buildings and other structures, 1996. 3. Bottema, M. (1997) Urban roughness modeling in relation to pollutant dispersion, Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 31, pp. 3059 – 3075. 4. Cermak, J.E. (1975) Application of fluid mechanics to wind engineering – a free man scholar lecture, Transactions of ASME, Journal of Fluid Engineering, pp. 9 – 38. 5. Counihan J. (1969) An improved method of simulating atmospheric boundary layer in a wind tunnel, Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 3, pp. 197 – 214. 6. Counihan J. (1971) Wind tunnel determination of roughness length as a function of the fetch and the roughness density of threedimensional elements, Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 5, pp. 637 – 640. 7. Counihan, J. (1973) Simulation of an adiabatic urban boundary layer in a wind tunnel, Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 7, pp. 691- 705. 8. Counihan J. (1975) Adiabatic atmospheric boundary layer: a review and analysis of data from period 1880 – 1972, Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 9, pp. 871 – 903. 9. Davenport, A.G. (1963) The relationship of wind structure to wind loading Proc. Conf. on wind effects on buildings and structures, National Physical Laboratory, HMSO, London, 1963, pp. 54 – 102. 10. ESDU: 85020 (1993) Characteristics of atmospheric turbulence near the ground, Engineering Science data unit, International, London, U.K. Kafeel Ahmad |
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143. | An Overview of Feature Extraction Techniques in OCR for Indian Scripts Focused on Offline Handwriting
An Overview of Feature Extraction Techniques in OCR for Indian Scripts Focused on Offline HandwritingAbstract: Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is an interesting and challenging field of research in pattern recognition, artificial intelligence and machine vision and is used in many real life applications. Optical character recognition is a type of document analysis where a scanned document image that contains either machine printed or handwritten script is input to an OCR software engine, is translated into editable, machine-readable digital text format. With the spread of computers in public and private sectors and individual homes, automatic processing of tabular application forms, bank cheques, tax forms, census forms and postal mails has gained importance. Such automation needs research and development of handwritten characters/numerals recognition for different languages or scripts. The field of OCR is divided into two parts, one is recognition of machine printed characters and the second is recognition of handwritten characters. Recognizing handwritten text is an important area of research because of its various application potentials. Feature extraction is very important step in the process of OCR. This manuscript gives a review of comparative study of different feature extraction techniques used in OCR.Key words: classifier, feature extraction, optical character recognition, pattern recognition, preprocessing, multilayer perceptron, multi-resolution recognition of characters segmentation, Reference [1] Ivind Due Trier, Anil K. Jain and Torfinn Ta, Feature Extraction Methods For Character Recognition- A Survey, Pattern Recognition, Vol.39, No.4 pp. 641- 662, 1996 [2] P.A. Devijver and J. Kittler, Pattern Recognition: a Statistical Approach ( London: Prentice-Hall, 1982) [3] Govindan, V.K. Shivaprasad, A.P. Character Recognition-A Review, Pattern Recognition. Vol. 23 N0. 7, pp 671-683, 1990. [4] Yuan Y. Tang, Yu Tao, Ernest C. M. Lam, New Method for Feature Extraction Based on Fractal Behavior, Pattern Recognition 35 (2002) 1071-1081 [5] R. Ramnathan, L. Thaneswaran, V. Vinkesh, T. Arunumar, P. Yuvaraj, K.P. Soman, A Novel Technique for English Font Recognition Using Support Vector Machines, International Conference on Advances in Recent Technologies in Communication and Computing ARTCom 2009, India, 27-28 Oct 2009 [6] R. Ramnathan, S. Ponmathavan, L. Thaneswaran, N. Valliappan, Arun S. Nair.Dr. K.P. Soman ,Optical Character Recognition for English and Tamil Using Support Vector Machines, International Conference on Advances in Computing, Control and Telecommunication Technologies, 2009 [7] Kartar Singh Siddharth, Mahesh Jangid, Renu Dhir, Rajneesh Rani, Handwritten Gurumukhi Character Recognition Using Statistical and Background Directional Distribution Features, International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering, Vol 3, No.6, June 2011 [8] Munish Kumar, M. k. Jindal, R.K. Sharma, knearest Neighbor based Offline Handwritten Gurumukhi Character Recognition, International Conference on Complex Image Information processing 2011(ICIIP) [9] K. M. Mohiuddin, J. Mao, A Comparative Study of Different Classifers For Handprint Character Recognition, Pattern Recognition in Practice IV, pp. 437-448.1994 [10] Nawrin Binte Nawab, M. N. Hassan, Optical Bangla Character Recognition using Chain Code, IEEE/OSA/IAPR International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision, 2012 Gaurav Y. Tawde, Mrs. Jayashree M. Kundargi |
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144. | Synthesis and Characterization of Fluorinated Superconducting Y3Ba5Cu8Oy Compound
Synthesis and Characterization of Fluorinated Superconducting Y3Ba5Cu8Oy CompoundAbstract: The effect of fluorine addition on morphological, structural and electrical properties of superconducting samples of composition Y3Ba5Cu8Oy-xFx (x = 0.0, 0.2, 0.4 & 0.6) were investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transition temperature (Tc) measurements. The samples were synthesized by solid state reaction method. The XRD of the samples revealed a structure similar to that of Y-123 compound with about three time larger 'c' axis. The grain size calculated was found to increase with fluorine doping as indicated by SEM micrograph. As the fluorine amount increased, the Tc onset of the superconducting phase was found to be increased. Over all, the fluorine addition had improved the superconducting property of the samples considerably.Key words: : High Tc superconductor, solid state reaction, XRD, SEM, Tc measurements, fluorine doping. Reference [1] J. G. Bednorz, K. A. Müller, Z. Phys. B 64, 189 (1986). [2] K. Wu, J. R. Ashburn, C. J. Torng, P. H. Hor, R. L. Meng, L. Gao, Z. J. Huang, Y. Q. Wang, C.W. Chu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 58, 908 (1987). [3] P. Marsh, R. M. Fleming, M. L. Mandich, A. M. DeSantolo, J. Kwo, M. Hong, L. J. Martinez-Miranda, Nature 334, 660 (1988). [4] P. Bordet, C. Chaillout, J. Chenavas, J. L. Hodeau, M. Marezio, J. Karpinski, E. Kaldis, Nature 336, 596 (1988). [5] Z. Fisk, J. O. Thomson, E. Zirngiebl, J. L. Smith, S. W. Cheong, Solid State Commun., 62, 743(1987). [6] P. H. Hor, R. L. Meng, Y. A. Wang, L. Gao, Z. J. Huang, J. Bechtold, K. Forster, C.W.Chu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 58, 1891 (1987). [7] S. R. Ovshinsky, R. T. Young, D. D. Allred, G. DeMaggio, G. A. Vander Leeden, Phys. Rev. Lett. 58, 2579 (1987). [8] A. Gupta, R. Jagannathan, E. I. Cooper, J.A. Giess, Ilndman, B. Whussey, Appl. Phys. Lett. 52, 2077 (1988). [9] A. Aliabadi, Y. A. Farshchi, M. Akhavan, , Physica C 469, 2012 (2009). [10] A. Tavana, M. Akhavan, Eur. Phys. J. B 73, 79 (2009). [11] P. Udomsamuthirun, T. Kruaehong, T. Nilkamjon, S. Ratreng, J. Supercond. Nov. Magn. 23, 1377 (2010). [12] C. N. R. Rao, B. Raveau, Accounts of chemical research,Vol.22,106,(1989). [13] C. I. Namgung, J. T. S.Irving, J. H. Binks, E. E. Lachowski, A. R. West, Supercond. Sci. Technol.2,181 (1989). [14] P. Narottam, Bansal, L.Sandkuhi, Ann, American Institute of Physics, 52, 838, (1988). K. Srinivasan, George Thomas C, P. Padaikathan, N.V.Ashoka |
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Study of Municipal Solid Waste Management Scenario of Kakinada City
Study of Municipal Solid Waste Management Scenario of Kakinada CityAbstract: Kakinada is one of the fastest developing cities in Andhra Pradesh with a population of 3 lack 13 thousand in 2011 in urban agglomeration, registering a growth of 5% over the past decade. The city has around 83 thousand houses which generate 260 metric tons of solid waste per day. At present, they are not practicing any scientific processing and disposal of solid waste. The solid waste collected is being transported to the cheedelapora disposal site where is being disposed indiscriminately. The Pollution Control Board (PCB) introduced common facilitator-EVB Technologies in 2005 to collect bio-medical waste from 470 hospitals in East Godavari district out of which 121 are in Kakinada city (Annual Report on CBWTF, A.P.PCB, 2010) .Bio-medical waste dumped by clinics, hospitals and medical labs and in the district has become a danger to the environment and people. Most of the hospitals and labs dump the waste materials in the drains or near municipal garbage collection point.Key words: solid waste, Kakinada Municipal Corporation, biomedical waste, ground water. Reference 1. A Support Manual for Municipal Solid Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules, 2000, Central Pollution Control board (CPCB), Ministry of Environment and Forests, New Delhi. 2. Annual Report on Common Bio-Medical Waste Treatment Facility (CBWTF), A.P. Pollution Control Board, March, 2010. 3. Census of India 2011, East Godavari district, Directorate of Census Operations, Andhra Pradesh. 4. Hand Book of Statistics 2009-2010, East Godavari District-Chief planning Officer, East Godavari District, Kakinada. 5. Kakinada City Development Plan, Report Prepared by Municipal Corporation of Kakinada, Kakinada. 6. Manual for Bio-Medical Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 1998, Central Pollution Control board (CPCB), Ministry of Environment and Forests, New Delhi, July 1998. 7. Peter Aderemi Adeoye, Mohammed Abubakar Sadeeq, John Jiya Musa, Segun Emmanuel Adebayo, Solid waste management in Minna, North Central Nigeria: present practices and future challenges, Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES) Vol. 1, No. 6, p. 1-8, 2011 8. R. Rajput, G.Prasad and A.K.Chopra, Scenario of solid waste management in present Indian context, Caspian Journal of Environmental Sciences 2009, Vol. 7 No.1 pp. 45-53 9. S.Chattopadhyay, A.Dutta and S.Ray, " Existing Municipal Solid Waste Management of Kolkata- Deficiencies and its Solutions". Journal of Indian Association for Environmental Management, vol. 34(3), 161- 167, (2007) Aruna.D, Byragi reddy.T, Swamy A.V.V.S |
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146. | Determination of an Optimum Curing Age for Sub-grade Soils Stablised with Ordinary Portland Cement
Determination of an Optimum Curing Age for Sub-grade Soils Stablised with Ordinary Portland CementAbstract: This research was aimed at predicting an optimum curing age for cement stabilised subgrades ahead of the seven (7) day curing period prescribed in specifications. An existing road with a record of persistent failures was investigated for possible subgrade stablisation. Four trial pits at chainages 0+010, 0+200, 0+350 and 0+475 were dug and samples were taken for testing using the standard testing methods. The subgrade material was classified as A-3 and A-4 under the AASHTO and Sandy Silt (SM) in the Unified Soil Classification System. Stablisation using varied contents of Ordinary Portland Cement up to 12% improved the strength dramatically. Curing at the ages of 3, 5 and 7 days indicated that the 5day curing age strength surpassed the 7 day strength quoted in the specifications. The mixing efficiency of not less than 60% of the Laboratory values may be required to be applied to the field values in the mix design. However, to get the required design strength prior to 7 days curing period prescribed in the specification, a cement content of 8% appears to be optimal. This design strength was met at 5 days. This will allow 2 days of work prior to mix design specification. Thus there is a reduction of two days within which construction works can proceed without prejudice to specifications and the quality of work. The Laboratory test will need to be factored to give the required field strength and a factor of 0.6 is therefore suggested.Key words: Compactive Effort, Curing, Soilcement, Sub-grades, Compressive Strength, Field Strength. Reference 1. Abdullah, W. S. and Al-Abadi, A. M. (2010). Cationic-Electrokinetic Improvement of an Expansive Soil. Applied Clay Science, 47, 343-350. 2. AbdulMageed, K. M. (2013). Improvement of the Swelling Clay Properties Using Hay Fibres. Construction and Building Materials, 38, 242-247. 3. Al-Gahtani, A. S. (2010). Effects of Curing Methods on the Properties of Plain and Blended Cement Concretes. Construction and Building Materials, 24, 308-314. 4. Al-Rawas, A. A., Hago, A. W. and Al-Sarmi, H. (2005). Effect of Lime,Cement and Sarooj (Artificial Pozzolan) on the SwellingPotential of an Expansive Soil from Oman. Building and Environment, 40, 681-687. 5. Alhassan, H. M. and Ahmed, M. T. (2012). Characterisation of Solid Waste Incinerator Bottom Ash and the Potential for its Use. [Research Article]. International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, 2(4), 516-522. 6. Amorin, P., de Brito, J. and Evangelista, L. (2012). Concrete Aggregate: Influence of Curing on Durability. ACI Material Journal, 109(2), 195-204. 7. Andre, P. S., Humberto, V., Paulo, A., Licinio, F. and Sousa, M. G. (2012). Monitoring of the Concrete Curing Process Using Plastic Optical Fibres. Measurement, 45, 556-560. 8. Basha, E. A., Hashim, R., Mahmud, R. B. and Muntohar, A. S. (2005). Stabilization of Residual Soil with Rice Husk and Cement. Construction and Building Materials, 19, 448-453. 9. Bofinger, H. E. (1978). Soil – Cement : Recent research by the Overseas Unit of TRRL. . Proceedings. 9th Conference. Australian Road Research Board. , Discussion 75.8. 10. British Standard Institution. (1990). Methods of Testing soils for Civil Engineering purposes. BS 1377. Hashim Mohammed Alhassan, Murtala Garba |
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An Experimental Study of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete with Fly Ash for M35 Grade
An Experimental Study of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete with Fly Ash for M35 GradeAbstract: This paper deals with Experimental investigation for M-35 grade of concrete having mix proportion 1:1.23:2.95 with water cement ratio 0.43 to study the compressive strength, and tensile strength of steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC) containing fibers of 0.0%,1.0% and 1.5% volume fraction of hook end Steel fibers of 71 aspect ratio were used. The percentage of Fly Ash by weight is to be from 00%, 10% and 20%. A result data obtained has been analyzed and compared with a control specimen (0.0% fiber and 00% fly ash). A relationship between workability, compressive strength and flexural strength represented mathematically and graphically. Result data clearly shows percentage increase in 28 days Compressive strength and Flexural strength for M-35 Grade of Concrete.Key words: Concrete mix, fly-ash, Steel fiber concrete, Strength, Workability Reference [1] Falah M.Wegian,Anwar A.Alanki,Hana M.Alsaeid,Fahad A.Alotaibi(2011), "Influence of Fly Ash on Behavior of Fiber Reinforced Concrete Structures", Journal of Applied Sciences,11(17):3185-3191. [2] Falah A. Almottiri (2011), "Physical Properties of Steel Fiber Reinforced Cement Composites Made with Fly Ash", Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering, Volume 5, No. 2. [3] Falah M.Wegian,Anwar A.Alanki,Hana M.Alsaeid,Fahad A.Alotaibi(2011), "Influence of Fly Ash on Behavior of Fiber Reinforced Concrete Structures", Journal of Applied Sciences,11(17):3185-3191. [4] IS 383:1970, Specification for coarse and fine aggregates from natural sources for concrete (second revision), Bureau of Indian standards, New Delhi, India. [5] IS: 10262-2009, Recommended guidelines for concrete mix design, Bureau of Indian standards, New Delhi, India [6] IS: 516-1959, Indian standard methods of tests for strength of concrete, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, India. [7] Y. Mohammadi, S.P. Singh b, S.K. Kaushik (2008), "Properties of steel fibrous concrete containing mixed fibres in fresh and hardened state", Journal of Construction and Building Materials 22 - 956–965 [8] B. Krishna Rao, V. Ravindra(2010), "Steel Fiber Reinforced Self compacting Concrete Incorporating Class F Fly Ash", International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Volume 2(9), 4936-4943. [9] Osman Gencel, Witold Brostow, Tea Datashvili and Michael Thedford (2011), "Workability and Mechanical Performance of Steel FiberReinforced Self-Compacting Concrete with Fly Ash, Composite Interfaces 18,169–184. [10] Ilker Bekir Topcu, M. Canbaz (2007), "Effect of different fibers on the mechanical properties of concrete containing fly ash" Journal of Construction and Building Materials 21,1486– 1491. [11] Chih-Ta Tsai, Lung-Sheng Li, Chien-Chih Chang, Chao-Lung Hwang (2009), "Durability Design and Application of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete in Taiwan", the Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Volume 34, Number 1B. Khadake S.N., Konapure C.G |
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148. | Water Resources in India under Changed Climate Scenario
Water Resources in India under Changed Climate ScenarioAbstract: The present study is an attempt to assess the impacts of climate change on water resources of the river basins of India which have immense importance in domestic, industrial agricultural and hydropower scenario. A distributed hydrological model developed from HEC-HMS was used on the Indian river basins using the projected daily precipitation and temperature data for the continuous daily range for the period of (2010-2040), (2041-2070) and (2071-2100) generated based on ERA-15 SRES run of PRECIS model using Met Office Hadley Centre Regional Climate Model as supplied by IITM, Pune with baseline (1961-1990) for A2, A1B and B2 scenarios without sulphur cycle with grid spacing 0.440 latitude x 0.440 longitude. The future estimation of runoff was done by HEC-HMS model and the estimated runoff was fed to the water budget equation for determination of water availability. The green water, water sequestration, virtual water and water footprint was calculated from the estimated water availability. A synthesis of proper prediction of the future scenario as regards the quantum of surplus and deficit basins for the rivers basin of India have been identified and possible notional inter basin transfer has been discussed without considering the intricacy of ecological, environmental and political constraints.Key words: green water; HEC-HMS; river basins; virtual water; water footprint; water sequestration Reference [1] Agrawal, A. (1998). Coping with dry spells and drought years – India‟s traditions in water harvesting, Stockhlom Water Front, No.1-2, May 1998. Stockholm, Sweden. [2] Aldaya, M., Martínez-Santos, P., Llamas, M. (2009). Incorporating the water footprint and virtual water into policy: Reflections from the mancha occidental region, Water Resources Management, Spain. [3] Allan, J.A. (1998). Virtual water: A strategic resource. Global solutions to regional deficit. Groundwater 36 (4), 545-546 [4] Barnaby W. (2009). Do Nations go to war over water? Nature, 458: 282-283 [5] Bernstein, L., Roy, J., Delhotal, K.C., Harnisch, J., Matsuhashi, R., Price, L., Tanaka, K., Worrell, E., Yamba, F., Fengqi, Z. (2007). Industry. In Climate Change 2007: Mitigation. Contribution of Working Group III to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel, on Climate Change [B. Metz, O.R. Davidson, P.R. Bosch, R. Dave, L.A. Meyer (eds)], Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA. [6] Burke, E.J., Brown, S.J., Christidis, N. (2006). Modelling the recent evolution of global drought and projections for the 21st century with the Hadley Centre climate model, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 7 , 1113-1125. [7] Central Water Commission (CWC). (1998). Water Statistics of India, Delhi, India: Central Water Commission. [8] Chapagain, A.K., Hoekstr, A.Y. (2004). The water footprints of Morocco and the Netherlands‟, Value of Water Research Series No. 21, UNESCO-IHE, New York. [9] Chapagain, A.K., Hoekstra, A.Y., Savenije, H.H.G., Gautam, R. (2006). The water footprint of cotton consumption: An assessment of the impact of the worldwide consumption of cotton products on the water resources in the cotton producing countries. Ecological Economics 60 (1), 186-203. [10] Crosbie, R. (2007). The Hydrological Impacts of Climate Change on Groundwater, Water for a Healthy Country, National Research Flagship, CSIRO, Australia. Pankaj Kr Roy, Asis Mazumdar |
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149. |
Development Of A New Watermarking Algorithm For Telemedicine Applications
Development Of A New Watermarking Algorithm For Telemedicine ApplicationsAbstract: Watermarking algorithms are used for embedding watermark like patient's history and doctor's signature in binary image format into host's medical image for telemedicine applications. In this work the watermarking of medical image is done in DCT and DWT domains and the performance is evaluated based on PSNR and MSE. From the obtained results it is observed that the watermarking in wavelet domain using Haar wavelet yields better result than in DCT domain.Key words: Watermark, DWT, DCT, PSNR, MSE Reference [1] I Cox , M Miller , J.Bloom ,J. Fridrich , T.Kalker,"Digital Watermarking and Steganography", 2 nd Ed. ISBN: 978- 0123725851 [2] Y. Lim, C. Xu, D. D. Feng, "Web-based Image Authentication using Invisible Fragile Watermark", Proceedings of the Pan-Syndney area workshop on Visual Information Processing, Vol. 11, pp. 31-34, Sydney Australia, 2001. [3] A. Wakatani, "Digital Watermarking for ROI Medical Images by Using Compressed Signature Image", Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on System Sciences, Vol 10 pp. 24-28 2002. [4] B. M. Plantiz, A. J. Maeder, "A Study of BlockBased Medical Image Watermarking Using a Perceptual Similarity Metric", Proceedings of the Digital Imaging Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTA 2005), 2005. [5] A. Giakoumaki, S. Pavlopulos, D. Koutsouris, "Multiple Image Watermarking Applied to Health Information Management", IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Bio-Medicine, Vol. 10, No. 4, October 2006. [6] W. Gang, R. Ni, "A Fragile Watermarking Scheme for Medical Images", Proceedings of the 27 th IEEE Annual Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology Shangai China September 2005. [7] R. Raul et al., "Hiding scheme for medical images", Proc.17th International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Computers, ,pp. 32-32 August 2007. [8] C.R. Piao, D.M. Woo, D.C. Park, S.S. Han, "Medical Image Authentication Using Hash Functions and Integer Wavelet Transform", 2008 Congress on Image and Signal Processing, (CISP-2008), [9] Sanya, Hainan, China, the27th IEEE Annual Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology, Shanghai, China, pp.1-4, 2005. [10]F.Y. Shih, Y.T. Wu, "Robust Watermarking and Compression for Medical Images based on Genetic Algorithms", Journal of Information Sciences, Elsevier, Vol. 175, No. 3, pp. 200- 216, 2005. Remya Elizabeth Philip, Sumithra M.G. |
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150. | 1.1Aqueous Corrosion Inhibition Studies Of Mild Steel Alloy By Oxyanion Esters Of Α-Hydroxy Acids And Their Salts
1.1Aqueous Corrosion Inhibition Studies Of Mild Steel Alloy By Oxyanion Esters Of Α-Hydroxy Acids And Their SaltsAbstract: act In this investigation, corrosion inhibition of mild steel in aqueous solutions has been tested primarily via weight-loss tests for their direct corrosion inhibition efficiencies and also for their conversion coating formation abilities. Effects of variables such as inhibitor concentrations, immersion periods, and cationic constituents on the individual and synergistic inhibition efficiencies as well as on their conversion coating formation capacities have been studied. Inhibition efficiency data were recorded using statistics. Some of the studied inhibitors were noted for their very high inhibition efficiencies and a few for their unusual conversion coating formation capabilities. Using the data available in literature and the experimental data obtained in this study, aqueous corrosion inhibition mechanisms of mild steel by oxyanion esters of α-hydroxy acids and their salts are suggested.Key words: conversion coating, inhibition efficiency, weight-loss, immersion Reference 1. Rajendran, S.; Apparao, B. V.; Palaniswamy, N.; Corrosion Inhibition by Calcium Gluconate, J. Electrochem Soc. India, 1999, 48-3, 242-249. 2. Baboian, R. (Ed.); Corrosion Tests and Standards: Application and Interpretation, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1995. 3. Rajendran, S.; Joany, R. M.; Palaniswamy, N.; An Encounter with Microheterogeneous Systems as Corrosion Inhibitors, Corrosion Reviews, 2002, 20, 3, 231-252. 4. Baboian, R.; Dean, S. W. (Eds.); Corrosion Testing and Evaluation, STP 1000, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1990. 5. Abdel-Gaber, A. M.; Khalil, N.; El-Fetouh, A. A.; The Dissolution Mechanism of Steel in Inorganic Acids, Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, 2003, 50, 6, 442-447. 6. ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) Designation G1–90, Undergone editorial change, Standard Practice for Preparing, Cleaning, and Evaluating Corrosion Test Specimen, 1999. 7. ASTM Designation G31-72, Undergone editorial change, Standard Practice Test for Laboratory Immersion Corrosion Testing of Metals, based upon NACE Standard TM-01- 69, Test Method-Laboratory Corrosion Testing of Metals for the Process Industries, 1995. 8. Baboian, R. (Ed.); Corrosion Tests and Standards, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1995. 9. Sternstein, M.; Statistics, Barron's Educational Series, New York, 1994, 105. 10. Merrington, M.; Table of Percentage Points of the t-distribution, Biometrika 32, 1941, 300. Dogan Ozdemir, Volkan Cicek |
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THE RELEVANCE OF OPEN SOURCE TOOLS FOR ENHANCING WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT IN AFRICAAbstract: Open Source tools have received tremendous growth in the past decade. The development of applications in hydroinformatics, as in software applications, is important for effective water resources management. However, these developed software applications are sometimes too expensive for feasible use by hydrologists, engineers and researchers in Africa who may not have enough financial resources to purchase them. The open source movement has created room for water practitioners and researchers to use and apply modelling, assessment and analysis tools for effective management, monitoring and modelling of water resources. The availability of these important and necessary open source tools for water resources management and development, applicable to Africa, remains unknown. Also, the relevance, the categories and the available open source tools that could better improve water resources management in Africa is not well documented. Currently, it seems not even one document exists where one can easily find this. Therefore, this paper attempts to address this issue and to close this gap by examining and documenting available open source tools that could improve water resources planning, monitoring and management Africa. The paper presents a case of the estimation of evapotranspiration using a free source tool – ILWIS Open. In general, this paper anticipates contribution towards the importance of knowledge sharing and collaboration in research, and development in Africa.Key words: Hydroinformatics, knowledge sharing, free and open source software, water management Reference 1. Boakye, K., N. Scott, and C. Smyth, Mobiles for Development. 2010, UNICEF. 2. Tuomi, I., The Future of Open Source. How Open is the Future, 2005: p. 429-459. 3. Weber, S., The success of open source. 2004: Harvard Univ Pr. 4. Michlmayr, M., F. Hunt, and D. Probert. Quality practices and problems in free software projects. 2005: Citeseer. 5. Abdool, S., The theory of FOSS and its acceptance in developing nations 2005. 6. Alkhatib, J., H. Arabia, and H. Noori. Open Source: The next big thing in technology transfer to developing nations. in IAMOT 2008 Proceedings. 2008. 7. Bitzer, J. and P. Schröder, Open source software: Free provision of complex public goods. The economics of open source software development, 2006: p. 57. 8. Su, Z., The Surface Energy Balance System(SEBS) for estimation of turbulent heat fluxes. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2002. 6(1): p. 85-99. 9. Kabo-bah, A.T., C.E. Madamombe, and D.T. Rwasoka, Estimation of hyper-temporal evapotranspiration over the middle-zambezi using the GEONETCAST toolbox and SEBS. , in 12th WaterNet/WARFSA/GWP-SA Symposium, 26-28 October 2011. 2011: Maputo, Mozambique. Amos Tiereyangn Kabo-bah, Donald T. Rwasoka, Josephine Osei-kwarteng |
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152. | Design And Implementation Of An Efficient Ofdm Transreceiver Chain For Wimax
Design And Implementation Of An Efficient Ofdm Transreceiver Chain For WimaxAbstract: The telecommunication industries are insisting on new standardized technologies with high transmission abilities like in IEEE 802.16 versions, which are also referred as WiMAX. WiMAX is a wireless transmission infrastructure that allows fast deployment as well as low maintenance costs. In this system efficient utilization of bandwidth is possible for a wide range of frequencies and can be used as a last mile solution for broadband internet access. It offers both line of sight and non-line of sight wireless communication. This paper elucidates all compulsory features of the WiMAX OFDM physical layer specified in IEEE 802.16 standards by simulating the WIMAX models and also this paper will manifest a study on WiMAX system by comparing different modulation schemes such as BPSK, QPSK and QAM (Both 16 and 64). The performance of the designed system is evaluated based on BER and SNR with the aid of MATLAB toolsKey words: —WiMAX, OFDM, BPSK, QPSK, QAM, BER, SNR Reference [1] IEEE 802.16e-2005, ―IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks, part 16, Air Interface for Fixed and Mobile Broadband Wireless Access Systems‖, IEEE Press, 2006 [2] Koffman I., Roman, V., ―Broadband wireless access solutions based on OFDM access in IEEE 802.16‖ Communications Magazine, IEEE, Vol.40, Issue. 4, April 2002, Pages 96- 103 [3] WiMAX Forum, ―Mobile WiMAX – Part 1: A Technical Overview and Performance Evaluation‖, August 2006 [4] JuhaHeiskala, John Terry, ― OFDM Wireless LANs: A Theoritical and Practical Guide‖, First Edition, Sams Publishing, December 2001 [5] Error Control Coding : Fundamentals & Applications – Shu Lin, Daniel J. Costello, Prentice Publishing. [6] Simon Haykin, ―Digital communications‖, 4th ed., JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC. Publications. Dr.S.Bhargavi |
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153. | Design Analysis of Catalytic Converter to reduce Particulate Matter and Achieve Limited Back Pressure in Diesel Engine By CFD
Design Analysis of Catalytic Converter to reduce Particulate Matter and Achieve Limited Back Pressure in Diesel Engine By CFDAbstract: Now a days the global warming and air pollution are big issue in the world. The 70% of air pollution is due to emissions from an internal combustion engine. The harmful gases like , NOX CO, unburned HC and particulate matter increases the global warming, so catalytic converter plays an vital role in reducing harmful gases, but the presence of catalytic converter increases the exhaust back pressure due to this the volumetric efficiency will decrease and fuel consumption is higher. So analysis of catalytic converter is very important. The rare earth metals now used as catalyst to reduce NOX are costly and rarely available. The scarcity and high demand of present catalyst materials necessitate the need for finding out the alternatives. Among all other particulate filter materials, knitted steel wire mesh material is selected as filter materials in this paper. Through CFD analysis, various models with different wire mesh grid size combinations were simulated using the appropriate boundary conditions. The comparison of back pressure of different catalytic converter models is made in this paper.Reference 1. L.Andreassi, S.Cordiner and V.Mulone,;Cell shape influence on mass transfer and backpressure losses in an automotive catalytic converter,SAE International, 2004-01-1837, 2004. 2. S.Rajadurai, S.Jacob, C.Serrell, R.Morin and Z.Kircanski,;Wiremesh Substrates for Oxidation.TWC and SCR Converters; GPC 2006 Advanced Propulsion and Emission. 3. F.Ekstrom and B.Andersson, "Pressure drop of monolithic catalytic converters experiments and modeling" SAE Internationals, 2002-01- 1010, 2002. 4. S. Narasimha Kumar, K. Kishor,M. V. S.Murali Krishna and P.V. K. Murthy, "Studies on Exhaust Emissions from CopperCoated Gasohol Run Spark Ignition Engine with Catalytic Converter" International Scholarly Research Network ISRN Mechanical Engineering Volume 2011. 5. A.K.M. Mohiuddin and Muhammad Nurhafez – "Experimental Analysis and Comparison of Performance Characteristics of Catalytic Converters Including Simulation", International Journal of Mechanical and Materials Engineering (IJMME), Vol. 2 (2007), No. 1, 1-7. 6. PL.S. Muthaiah, Dr.M. Senthil Kumar, Dr. S. Sendilvelan – "CFD Analysis of catalytic converter to reduce particulate matter and achieve limited back pressure in diesel engine", Global journal of researches in engineering – A: Classification(FOR) 091304,091399, Vol.10 Issue 5 (Ver1.0) October 2010. H.Maheshappa,V.K.Pravin, K.S.Umesh, P.H.Veena |
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154. | Implementation of Complex interface bridge for LOW and HIGH bandwidth Peripherals Using AXI4-Lite for AMBA
Implementation of Complex interface bridge for LOW and HIGH bandwidth Peripherals Using AXI4-Lite for AMBAAbstract: The Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture (AMBA) is a widely used interconnection standard for System on Chip (SoC) design. In order to support high-speed pipelined data transfers, AMBA 4.0 supports a rich set of bus signals, making the analysis of AMBA-based embedded systems a challenging Proposition. The goal of this paper is to synthesize and simulate a complex interface bridge for Advanced High performance Bus (AHB) as well as Advanced Peripheral Bus (APB) to support for both high bandwidth and low bandwidth data transfer using a single AXI4.0 lite transaction. The data transition distinction is made by N- bit comparator which is designed for switching over between APB and AHB. The Paper also involves the Back annotation for Synthesized Net list of Bridge module and to perform Functional and Timing Simulation using Xilinx.Key words: SoC; AMBA; AXI; APB; AHB Reference [1] ARM, "AMBA Protocol Specification 4.0", www.arm.com, 2010. [2] Ying-Ze Liao, "System Design and Implementation of AXI Bus",National Chiao Tung University, October 2007. [3] Clifford E. Cummings, "Coding And Scripting Techniques For FSMDesigns With SynthesisOptimized, Glitch-Free Outputs," SNUG (Synopsys Users Group Boston, MA 2000) Proceedings, September2000. [4] Clifford E. Cummings, "Synthesis and Scripting Techniques forDesigning Multi-Asynchronous Clock Designs," SNUG 2001 [5] Chris Spear, "SystemVerilog for Verification, 2nd Edition", Springer,www.springeronline.com, 2008. [6] Lahir, K., Raghunathan A., Lakshminarayana G., "LOTTERYBUS: anew high-performance communication architecture for system-on-chip deisgns," in Proceedings of Design Automation Conference, 2001. [7] Sanghun Lee, Chanho Lee, Hyuk-Jae Lee, "A new multi-channel onchip-bus architecture for system-on-chips," in Proceedings of IEEE international SOC Conference, September 2004. [8] Martino Ruggiero, Rederico Angiolini, Francesco Poletti, DavideBertozzi, Luca 86 [9] Benini, Roberto Zafalon, "Scalability Analysis of Evolving SoCInterconnect Protocols," Int. Symposium on System-on-Chip, 2004. Lukai Cai, Daniel Gajski, "Transaction level modeling: an overview," inProceedings of the 1st IEEE/ACM/IFIP international conference on Hardware/software codesign and system synthesis, October 2003. [10] Min-Chi Tsai, "Smart Memory Controller Design for VideoApplications," Master thesis: National Chiao Tung University, July 2 K.Shiva Kumar, P.Deepthi |
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155. | Heat And Fluid Flow Analysis Of Argon- Ferrocene Mixture In A High Temperature Reactor Used For Producing Carbon Nanotubes
Heat And Fluid Flow Analysis Of Argon- Ferrocene Mixture In A High Temperature Reactor Used For Producing Carbon NanotubesAbstract: 3D-Single Phase multi species heat and fluid flow analysis of argon ferrocene mixture has been carried out by using CFD tools, GAMBIT for modeling & meshing and FLUENT for analysis. Basically this problem is multi phase problem as at high temperature ferrocene is splits into Carbon, Ferrous and Hydrogen, so chemical reaction of thermal decomposition of ferrocene is incorporated with FLUENT. Different cases, based on plasma torch power and mass inflow of ferrocene are considered and data is generated for the same. Data thus generated is analysed for calculation of cooling rate of the gases inside chamber and estimation of mass fraction of fe is carried out..Key words: 3D-multi species, Carbon Nanotubes, CFD, Ferrocene, Gambit, Fluent, Reference 1. John D. Anderson, Jr. "Computational Fluid Dynamics" (The basic with applications), 2. H.K.Versteeg and W.Malalasekara "An Introduction to computational fluid dynamics" 3. Dr. R. K. Bansal "Fluid mechanics and Hydraulic machines" 4. Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd. New Delhi. 5. S. P. Sukhatme, "A Textbook on Heat Transfer", University press, Hyderabad, 1996. 6. S. V. Patanker, "Numerical Heat transfer and Fluid Flow", Taylor& Francis. 1980. 7. D.S. Pavaskar "A Text Book of Heat Transfer" Eleventh edition, July 2002. 8. Gambit Help and Fluent Help Mr. Sameer Ali Khan, Prof. A.V. Deshpande, Mr. A. K. Tak |
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156. | 3D Stress Distribution Analysis around Blind-holes in Thin Plates Under Non-uniform Tension Loads
3D Stress Distribution Analysis around Blind-holes in Thin Plates Under Non-uniform Tension LoadsAbstract: A three-dimensional photo elasticity analysis and an interactive finite-element package were used in parallel to analyze the stress distribution on the root of blind-holes in thin plates. Experimental analysis was conducted via stress freezing method. The FEM analysis was performed with the ABAQUS commercial code using material properties obtained experimentally as input. The results showed that the maximum stress distribution occurred in three zones: the first one at the beginning of the blind-hole; the second one at the transition zone where the root begins his shape; and at the center of the root.These results are expected to improve blind-hole design according to its function. The combined use of experimental and numerical methods provides more information than each method taken alone. This information is essential when the relation between depth and thickness has to be taken into account. As shown here, the stresses near the free boundary are relevant for failure considerations, for example due to the presence of debris in thin plates or sheets. An analog statement can be made for blind-holes made to fasten metal sheets with bolts or hollows for human prosthesis.Key words: Blind-hole, stress-freezing method, FEM, photoelasticity, stress concentration. Reference 1. Kirsch, G., "Die Theorie der Elastizitat und die Bedürfnisse der Festigkeitslehre," Z. VereinesDeutscherIng., 42, 797-807 (1898). 2. Iancu, F., Ding, X., Cloud, G. L., Raju, B. B., "Three-dimensional Investigation of Thick Single-lap Bolted Joints," Experimental Mechanics, 45 (4), 351-358 (2005). 3. Wang, W. C., Chen, Y-M., Lin, M-S., Wu, C-P., "Investigation of the Stress Field of a Nearsurface Circular Hole," Experimental Mechanics, 45 (3), 244-249 (2005). 4. Peindl, R.D., Harrow, M. E., Connor, P.M., Banks, D.M., D'Allesandro, D.F., "Photoelastic Stress Freezing Analysis of Total Shoulder Replacement Systems," Experimental Mechanics, 44 (3), 228-234 (2004). 5. Gurtin, E. M., "An Introduction to Continuum Mechanics, First ed.," Academic Press, New York (2003). 6. Durelli, A. J., Phillips, E. A., Tsao, C. H., "An Introduction to the Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of stress and Strain, First ed., "McGrawHill Book Co., New York (1958). 7. Dally, J. W., Riley, W. F., "Experimental Stress Analysis, Fourth ed.," College House Enterprises LLC, Knoxville, TN (2005). 8. Cernosek, J., "Three-dimensional Photoelasticity by Stress Freezing, " Experimental Mechanics, 20, 417-426 (1980). 9. Rubayi, N. A., Taft, M. E., "Photoelastic Study of Axially Loaded Thick-notched Bars," Experimental Mechanics, 377-383 (October 1982). 10. Vishay Measurements Group Inc., Photoelastic Division: Instruction Bulletin IB-242, Raleigh, NC (1996). J. Carrera, J.E. Martínez, L. Ferrer |
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157. | The Stroke Filter Based Caption Extraction System
The Stroke Filter Based Caption Extraction SystemAbstract: Captions in videos provide rich semantic information the contents of the video can be clearly understand with help of the captions. Without even seeing the video the person can understand about the video by knowing the captions in the video. By considering these reasons captions extraction in videos become an important prerequisite. In this paper we use a stroke filter, the stroke filter identifies the strokes in the video and usually caption regions have strokes such that the strokes identified belongs to captions by which the captions are detected. Then the locations of the captions are localized. In the next Step the caption pixels are separated from the background pixels. At last a post processing step is performed to check whether the correct caption pixels are extracted. In this paper a step by step sequential procedure to extract captions from videos is proposed.Key words: -stroke filter, caption detection, caption extraction,caption pixels Reference [1] Xiaoqian Liu and Weiqiang Wang (April 2012) "Robustly Extracting Captions in Videos Based on Stroke-Like Edges and SpatioTemporal Analysis ," in Proc. IEEE Transactions on multimedia, vol 14,No 2. [2] Bertini.M, C. Colombo, and A. D. Bimbo,(Aug.2001) "Automatic captionlocalization in videos using salient points", in Proc. Int.Conf.Multimedia and Expo, pp. 68–71. [3] Cho.J, S. Jeong, and B. Choi,( Aug. 2004) "News video retrieval using automatic indexing of korean closed-caption," Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2945, pp. 694–703. [4] Fan.J,D.K.Y. Yau, A.K. Elmagarmid, and W.G. Aref,(2001)"Automatic Image Segmentation by Integrating Color-Edge Extraction and Seeded Region Growing", IEEE Trans. on ImageProcessing, 10(10): 1454-1466. [5] [5] Justin miller, X. R. Chen, W. Y. Liu, and H. J. Zhong, (Sep 2001) "Automatic location of text in video frames", in Proc. ACM Workshop Multimedia :Information Retrieval, Ottawa, ON, Canada. [6] Jagath Samarabandu and Xiaoqing Liu(2007) "An Edge-based TextRegion Extraction Algorithm for Indoor Mobile Robot Navigation", IEEE Transactions of Knowledge and DataEngineeringpp.273-280. [7] K. C. K. Kim, H. R. Byun, Y. J. Song, Y. W. Choi, S. Y. Chi, K. K. Kim, Y. K. Chung, (Aug. 2004) "Scene text extraction in natural scene images using hierarchical feature combining and verification," in Proc. Int.Conf. Pattern Recognition, vol.2, pp. 679–682. [8] M. R. Lyu, J. Song, and M. Cai,( Feb. 2005) "A comprehensive method for multilingual video text detection, localization, and extraction," IEEE Trans.Circuit and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 243–255. [9] S.Liao, Max W. K. Law, and Albert C. S. Chung,( May 2009)" Dominant Local Binary Patterns for Texture Classification", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 18, No. 5. [10] Qixiang Ye, Wen Gao, Weiqiang Wang, Wei Zeng, ( May 2009 ) "A Robust Text Detection Algorithm in Images and Video Frames ", IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol., vol. 19(5), pp. 753–759. Miss.Dharmini Esther Thangam.P, Mrs.Akila Agnes.S |
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158. | Performance Improving and Securing Routing Backup Protocol for MANET from Selective Forwarding Attack
Performance Improving and Securing Routing Backup Protocol for MANET from Selective Forwarding AttackAbstract: An ad hoc mobile wireless network consists of a number of wireless mobile nodes that are capable of communicating with each other without the use of a network infrastructure or any centralized administration. Each device in a MANET is free to move independently in any direction, and will therefore change its links to other devices frequently. MANET faces various problems related to their securities and various types of attacks create problem in network's data transmission. Selective forwarding attack is one of them which is harmful attacks against mobile adhoc network and capable to disturb the whole network communication. The various prevention techniques against selective forwarding attack is overwhelming. In this paper , we present an algorithm to defend against selective forwarding attacks based on AODV routing protocol which provide secure data transmission or forward the data safely, and detect the selective forwarding attack. In first phase, we judge the trust value of each node to select a secure path for message forwarding to detect the malicious nodes which are suspected to launch selective forwarding attack. We also present simulation results with performance evaluation of the proposed algorithm. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper to present an algorithm for defending selective forwarding attacks in MANET.Key words: MANET; Selective Forwarding Attack; Black hole attack ;AODV ; Attack; Reference [1] G. Lavanya, C.Kumar and A. Rex Macedo Arokiaraj, "Secured Backup Routing Protocol for Ad hoc Networks" IEEE 2010, p-45-50 [2] Chris Karlof , David Wagner, "Secure routing in wireless networks: attacks and countermeasures". [3] S. Marti, T. Giuli, K. Lai, and M. Baker, "Mitigating Routing Misbehavior in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks," in Proc. of the Sixth Annual International Conference onMobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom 2000), August 2000, pp. 255-265. [4 Yih-Chun Hu, Adrian Perrig, David B. Johnson,Rushing Attacks and Defense in Wireless Ad Hoc Network, WiSe, ACM, 2003, p 30-40 [5] L. Buttyan and J.P. Hubaux, "Enforcing Service Availability in Mobile Ad-Hoc WANs," Proc. MobiHoc, Aug. 2000. [6] S. Zhong, J. Chen, and Y. Yang, "Sprite: A Simple, Cheat Proof, Credit- Based System for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks," in Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM‟03, March 2003, pp. 1987- 1997. [7] Sonja Buchegger Jean-Yves Le Boudec, "Performance Analysis of the CONFIDANT Protocol Cooperation Of Nodes Fairness In Dynamic Ad-hoc NeTworks" in Proc. IEEE/ACM Workshop Mobile Ad Hoc Netw. Comput. (MobiHoc 2002), June 2002, pp. 226-236. [8] K. Balakrishnan, D. Jing and V. K. Varshney, "TWOACK: Preventing Selfishness in Mobile Ad hoc Networks," in Proc. of Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC‟05), vol. 4, March 2005, pp. 2137-2142 [9] K.Vijaya "Secure 2Ack Routing Protocol In Mobile Ad Hoc Networks," TENCON 2008, IEEE Region 10 Conference, November 2008, pp. 1-7. [10] Srdjan C apkun, Jean-Pierre Hubaux, and Levente Buttya´n, Mobility Help security in Ad Hoc Networks, MobiHoc, ACM 2003, p 46-56 Harsh Lohiya, Rajnish Choubey, Roopali Soni |
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159. | Design of Wallace Tree Multiplier by Sklansky Adder
Design of Wallace Tree Multiplier by Sklansky AdderAbstract: Power consumption has become a critical concern in today's VLSI system design. The growing market for fast floating-point coprocessors, digital signal processing chips, and graphics processors has created a demand for high speed, area-efficient multipliers .A Wallace tree multiplier is an improved version of tree based multiplier architecture. It uses carry save addition algorithm to reduce the latency. This paper aims at additional reduction of latency and power consumption of the Wallace tree multiplier. This is accomplished by the use of 3:2,4:2, 5:2 compressors and by the use divide and conquer tree adder (Sklansky adder). The result shows that the proposed architecture is 3.46% decrease in delay than the conventional CMOS architecture, along with 11.6% of reduced power consumption realization at 50MHz. The simulations have been carried out using the Xilinx ISE tool.Key words: Wallace tree, Sklansky adder, Compressors, adder, multiplier. Reference [1] A. P. Chandrakasan and R. W. Brodersen, Low Power Digital CMOS Design. Norwell. MA:Kluwer. [2] C. H. Chang, J. Gu, M. Zhang, "Ultra lowvoltage low power CMOS 4-2 and 5-2 compressorsfor fast arithmetic circuits" IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems . [3] H. Neil. Weste and Kamran Eshraghian, "Principles of CMOS VLSI design-A Systems Perspective," Pearson Edition Pvt Ltd. 3rd edition, 2005. [4] J. M. Rabaey, A. Chandrakasan , and B. Nikolic, Digital"IntegratedCircuits(Adesign perspective)". [5] List I. Abdellatif, E. Mohamed, "Low-Power Digital VLSI Design,Circuits and Systems," Kluwer Academic Publishers. [6] Milos Ercegovac, Tomas Lang, "Digital Arithmetic",Morgan Kaufman,. [7] R. Zimmermann and W.Fichtner, "Low-power logic styles: CMOS versus pass-transistor logic," IEEE J. Solid- State Circuits. [8] S. F. Hsiao, M. R. Jiang, and J. S. Yeh , "Design of high speed low-power 3-2 counter and 4-2 compressor for fast multipliers,". [9] Z. Wang, G. A. Jullien, and W. C. Miller, "A new design technique for column compression multipliers,". Dakupati.Ravi Sankar, Shaik Ashraf Ali |
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160. | Simulation Model of a new Single-phase toSingle-phase Cycloconverter based on Single-phaseMatnx Converter Topology with Sinusoidal PulseWidth Modulation
Simulation Model of a new Single-phase toSingle-phase Cycloconverter based on Single-phaseMatnx Converter Topology with Sinusoidal PulseWidth ModulationAbstract: In this project, single phase to single phase Cyclo converter and three phase six step Cyclo converter using different frequency conversions implementation is simplified by the use of the well known SPWM technique with R, RL- Load. This thesis presents work on modeling and simulation Cyclo converter using MATLAB / Simulink incorporating Sim Power system Single-phase and Three-phase Block. Matrix converter is very simple in structure and has powerful controllability. However, commutation problem and complicated PWM method keep it from being utilized in industry. The problem of commutation in SPMC occurs when inductive load is used. A systematic switching sequence is required that lengthens the dead time between conduction of each IGBT's in SPMC to protect it from malfunction and damaged as a result of existence of voltage and current spike due to short circuit. Keywords - Power Electronics, Single-Phase Matrix Converter (SPMC), Cyclo converter, Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation (SPWM), MATLab Simulation & Computer Modelling.Reference 1) Zuckerberger, A., Weinstock, D., Alexandrovitz A., "Single-phase Matrix Converter," IEE Proc. Electric Power App, Vol.144(4), Jul 1997 pp 235-240. 2) Firdaus, S., Hamzah, M.K," Modelling and simulation of a single-phase AC-AC matrix converter using SPWM," Research and Development, 2002. SCOReD2002. Student Conference on 16-17 July 2002, pp. 286-289 3) Wheeler, P.W., Clare, J.C., Empringham, L., Bland, M., Kerris, K.G., REE7ERENcEs "Matrix converters," IEEE Industry Applications Magazine, Vol. 10 (1), Jan-Feb2004, pp. 59-65 4) Wheeler, P.W., Rodriguez, J., Clare, J.C., Empringham, L., Weinstein, A., "Matrix converters: a technology review," ,IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 49 (2), April 2002, PP. 276-288 5) M.D. Singh, K.B. Khanchandani written "Power Electronics" 6) B. R. Pelly, Thyristor Phase-Controlled Converters and Cycloconverters, Wiley, New York, 1971 7) Zahirruddin Idris, siti Zaliha mahammud noor, Mustafar kamal Hamza"Safe Commutation Strategy in Single Phase Matrix Converter" IEEE PEDS 2005 Conference. 8) Zahirruddin Idris, siti Zaliha mahammud noor, Mustafar kamal Hamza "Modelling and simulation of Single Phase to single phase Cycloconverter Based on Single phase Matrix Converter Topology with Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation Using Matlab/simulink" IEEE PEDS 2005 Conference. 9) Maamoun, A., "Development of cycloconverters," Canadian Conference (1), JanFeb2004, pp. 59-65.on Electrcal and Computer Engineering, 2003. IEEE CCECE 2003. Durga Babu Kokkeragadda, Amar Kira |
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161. | A Telemedicine Monitor Based On LabVIEW Web Services
A Telemedicine Monitor Based On LabVIEW Web ServicesAbstract: This paper presents a new model of telemedicine monitor based on LabVIEW web services. We describe a vital sign telemonitor (VST) that acquires, records, displays, and provides readings such as: electrocardiograms (ECGs), temperature (T), and oxygen saturation (Spo2) transmits over the Internet .The physiological monitor center, is developed using the Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench (LabVIEW) . Through the internet the patient's physiological signals can be transmitted in real-time to Remote monitor the remote unit can access the data and the case history of the patient . The telemedicine physiological monitor using LabVIEW is superior to the currently used monitors both in mobility and in usability, and, therefore, is better suitable for monitor patients under the state of activities.Key words: Vital Sign Telemonitor [VST,]Web services, LabVIEW , internet protocol. Reference [1] R. Sukanesh, S. Palanivel Rajan, S. Vijayprasath, S. Janardhana Prabhu, P. Subathra GSM based ECG tele alert system International Journal of Computer Science and Application ,ISSN 0974-0767Issue OCT- 2010.Pg.No112-116. [2] Rahmat Sanudin, , Wong Kang Huei, Ida Laila Ahmad, Marlia Morsin and Muhammad haimi Sulong, Small-scale Monitoring System on LabVIEW Platform, Conference on Innovative Technologies in Intelligent Systems and Industrial Applications Malaysia, July 2009, Pg. Nos. 416 -420. [3] D. Balasubramaniam D. Nedumaran ,Implementation of ECG Signal Processing andAnalysis Techniques in Digital Signal Processor based System, International Workshop on Medical Measurements and Applications Cetraro, Italy May 29-30, 2009,Pg Nos 61-63 [4] Sergio Cerutti , Biomedical Signal Processing ,IEEE REVIEWS IN BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, VOL. 1, 2008 Pg.No.8-11. [5] Robert N. Schmidt, Clinical Application Driven Physiology in Biomedical Engineering Laboratory Course Education , Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology 27th Annual Conference Shanghai, China, September 1-4, 2005Pg.No.369-370. [6] Li Chengwei , Zhang Limei , Hu Xiaoming The Study on Virtual Medical Instrument based on LabVIEW Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology,27th Annual Conference Shanghai, China, September 1-4, 2005 Pg.No.4072-4075 [7] Janusz Jezewski, Krzysztof Horoba, Janusz Wrobel, Adam Matonia, Tomasz Kupka,Fast prototyping of an interface between new bedside device and computerized foetal monitoring system , Proc. of the Second Joint EMBS Conference Houston, TX, USA ,October 2002, Pg.Nos.1801- 1802. [8] Gupta Sanjay, Joseph John "Virtual instrumentation using LabVIEW", Electrical Engineering Series, [Tata McGraw Hill pub. second edition India,2006.Pg .No. 1-220] [9] Myer Kutz,"BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING AND DESIGN HANDBOOK Volume 1: Fundamentals"[ McGraw Hill pub second edition Pg. No.1-605] [10] Khandpur R. S "A Handbook of Biomedical Instrumentation",[TataMcGraw Hill publication India, 1993 Pg. No. 1-924] [11]National Instruments Corporation "LabVIEW communications VI reference manual" [Nov. 2010 Pg.No 1-168.] MS.Archana Wasule, Prof.Dr.M.S.Panse |
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SOC TRACER ARCHICTECTURE USING AHB BUSAbstract: In the system-on-chip (SoC) debugging and performance analysis/optimization, monitoring the on-chip bus signals are necessary. But, such signals are difficult to observe since they are deeply embedded in a SoC and no sufficient I/O pins to access those signals. Therefore, we embed a bus tracer in SoC to capture the bus signals and store them. The stored trace memory can be loaded to the trace analyzer software for analysis. In this paper a multiresolution AHB OnChip bus tracer is proposed for system-on-chip (SoC) debugging and monitoring which is capable of capturing the bus trace with different resolutions and efficient built-in compression mechanisms. In addition, it allows the user to switch the trace resolution dynamically so that appropriate resolution levels can be applied to different segments of the trace. It also supports tracing after/before an event triggering, named post-triggering trace/pre-triggering trace, respectively. The SoC can be verified in fieldprogrammable gate array. A multiresolution AHB on-chip bus tracer is named as SYS_HMRBT (AHB Multiresolution Bus Tracer) and is used monitoring. By using this SYS_HMRBT, we can achieve 79%-96% of compression depending on selected resolution mode.Key words: AHB, on-chip bus, compression, multiresolution, tracing Reference [1] E. E. Johnson, J. Ha, and M. B. Zaidi, ―Lossless trace compression,‖ IEEE Trans. Comput., vol. 50, pp. 158–173, Feb. 2001. [2] CoreSight: V1.0 Architecture Specification, ARM. [3] R. Leatherman and N. Stollon, ―An embedded debugging architecture for SoCs,‖ IEEE Potentials, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 12–16, Feb-Mar 2005. [4] ARM Ltd., San Jose, CA, ―ARM. AMBA AHB Trace Macrocell (HTM) technical reference manual ARM DDI 0328D,‖ 2007. [5] T. A. Welch, ―A technique for highperformance data compression,‖IEEE Trans. Comput., pp. 8–19, 1984. [6] Embedded Trace Macrocell Architecture Specification, ARM. [7] C. MacNamee and D. Heffernan, ―Emerging on-chip debugging techniques for real-time embedded systems,‖ IEE Comput. Contr. Eng. J., pp. 295–303, Dec. 2000. [8] B. Tabara and K. Hashmi, ―Transaction-level modeling and debug of SoCs,‖ presented at the IP SoC Conf., France, 2004. [9] ARM, AMBA Specification (Rev 2.0) ARM IHI0011A, May 1999. [10] C.C.Wang, AHB On-Chip Bus Protocol Checker, 2007 S.Jagadeesh, K.Ravinder, Dr.M.Ashok |
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163. | Design of the mobile minimachine capable of motion inside small pipes
Design of the mobile minimachine capable of motion inside small pipesAbstract: This paper deals with utilization possibility of a kinematical couple of screw-matrix in minimachine mechatronic concept which is assigned to move within the pipes having less than 25 mm of the inner diameter. The principle of the movement for a straightforward motion consists in transformation of the actuator rotary movement through a screw and a nut to the linear motion. It causes a change of distance between the front and rear parts of the minimachine modules. Due to minimization of the dimensions, the electrical control and power supply components are placed outside of the minimachine operating area. The control module is based on a programmable integrated circuit (PIC).Key words: control, minimachine , motion, pipe Reference [1] M. Dovica, M. Gorzas, Mechatronics aspects of in-pipe minimachine on screw-nut principle design, Recent Advances in Mechatronics 3, 2007, 335-339. [2] J.G. Zhu, H.W. Lu, Y.G. Guo, Z.W. Lin., Development of electromagnetic linear actuators for micro robots, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, vol. 1- 8, 2008, pp. 3673-3679. [3] L. Jurišica, Mechatronics Systems, Komunikácie 9 , 2007, 5-7. [4] V.G. Chashchukin, Simulation of dynamics and determination of control parameters of inpipe minirobot, Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences 47 (5), 2008, 806-811. [5] R. Isermann, Mechatronic systems: Fundamentals, Springer 2005, p. 624, ISBN-10: 1852339306 [6] J. Skuta, M. Babiuch, Usage of serial interface for communication with MEMS components, Proceedings of 8th ICCC, Strbske pleso, Slovak Republic, May 24-27, 2007, pp. 705-709. [7] G. Carbone, A. Malchikov, M. Ceccarelli, S. Jatsun, Design and simulation of kursk robot for in-pipe inspection, SYROM 2009, Netherlands, 2009. [8] S. Luczak, W. Oleksiuk, M. Bodnicki, Sensing tilt with MEMS accelerometers, IEEE Sensors Journal 6 (6), 2006, 1669-16 Michal Gorzás |
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MITIGATION OF OSCILLATIONS IN POWER SYSTEM BY USING UPFC AND PSSAbstract: Now a days electrical power consumption has been increased and increasing drastically. So it must be supplied to all the consumers with high reliability and quality. Since the load is unpredicted but only estimated the generation must be equal to load all the times. But due to variations in load there is effect on the power system whether the load is switched on or off suddenly which causes low frequency oscillations in the entire system. Low frequency electromechanical oscillations are inevitable characteristics of power systems and they greatly affect the transmission line transfer capability and power system stability. Power system stabilizers (PSS) along with FACTS devices can help in damping these low frequency oscillations. The objective of this paper is to design an advanced PSS and UPFC damping controller using Swing equation. This paper presents a control scheme, comprehensive analysis and result obtained for the dynamic control of power transmission, damping of oscillations with Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) on the basis of theory and computer simulations through MATLAB software. In this paper UPFC is not designed but its controller is designed and the effect of UPFC on the system under the fault condition, disturbances is being verifiedKey words: UPFC damping controller, PSS, Low frequency oscillations. FACTS. Reference [1] Mr.R.H.Adware,Prof.P.P.Jagtap,Dr.J.B.Helonde "Power sytem oscillations using UPFC damping controller". Third International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology [2] Narain G. Hingorani, Laszlo Gyugyi. Understanding FACTS, IEEE Press, 2000 [3] H F Wang. "A Unified Model for the Analysis of FACTS Devices in Damping Power System Oscillations‟ — Part III: Unified Power Flow Controller.‟ IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol 15, no 3, July 2000. [4] H F Wang. "Damping Function of Unified Power Flow Controller.‟ IEEE Proceedings-C, vol 146, no 1, January 1999, p 81. [5] L Gyugyi and C D Schauder, et al. "The Unified Power Flow Controller": A New Approach to Power Transmission Control.‟ IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol 10, no 2, April 1995, p 1085 [6] T Makombe and N Jenkins. "Investigation of a Unified Power Flow Controller.‟ IEEE Proceedings-C, vol 146, no 4, July 1999, p 400. [7] A Nabavi-Niaki M R Iravani. "Steady-state and Dynamic Models of Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) for Power System Studies.‟ IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol 11, no 4, November 1996,p 1937. M.Kishore Kumar, M.Sankaraiah, Dr.S.Suresh Reddy |
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165. | Read stability and Write ability analysis of different SRAM cell structures
Read stability and Write ability analysis of different SRAM cell structuresAbstract: SRAM cell read stability and write-ability is major concerns in nanometer CMOS technologies, due to the progressive increase in intra-die variability and VDD scaling. This paper analyzes the read stability and write ability of 6T, 8T, 9T SRAM cell structures. SRAM cell stability analysis is typically based on Static Noise Margin (SNM) investigation. This paper represents the simulation of three SRAM cell topologies and their comparative analysis on the basis of read noise margin (RNM), write noise margin (WNM). Both 8T SRAM cell and 9T SRAM cell provides higher read noise margin as compared to 6T SRAM cell. Although the size of 9T SRAM cell is higher than that of the 8T SRAM cell but it provides higher write stability. In this paper we propose a methodology to characterize the DC noise margin of 6T, 8T and 9T SRAM. All simulations of the SRAM cell have been carried out in 130nm CMOS technology.Key words: Noise margin, read stability, read noise margin (RNM), SRAM cell, Static Noise Margin (SNM), write ability, Write noise margin (WNM). Reference [1] Jiajing Wang, Satyanand Nalam, and Benton H. Calhoun, Analyzing Static and Dynamic Write Margin for Nanometer SRAMs, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22904, USA. [2] Kanak Agarwal,Sani Nassif .,Statistical Analysis of SRAM Cell Stability, IBM Research, Austin, TX. [3] Mo Maggie Zhang., Performance Comparison of SRAM Cells Implemented in 6, 7 and 8-Transistor Cell Topologies, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California, Davis. [4] B. Alorda, G. Torrens, S. Bota and J. Segura., Static-Noise Margin Analysis during Read Operation of 6T SRAM Cells, Univ. de les Illes Balears, Dept. Fisica, Cra. Valldemossa, 07071 Palma de Mallorca, Spain. [5] Debasis Mukherjee1, Hemanta Kr. Mondal2 and B.V.R. Reddy3, Static Noise Margin Analysis of SRAM Cell for High Speed Application, IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 7, Issue 5, September 2010. [6] Evelyn Grossar, Michele Stucchi, KarenMaex, Read Stability and Write-Ability Analysis of SRAM Cells for Nanometer Technologies, IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLIDSTATE CIRCUITS, VOL. 41, NO. 11, NOVEMBER 2006, pp.2577-2588. [7] Jiajing Wang, Satyanand Nalam, and Benton H.Calhoun, Analyzing Static and Dynamic Write Margin for Nanometer SRAMs, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Virginia. [8] Andrei S. Pavlov, Design and Test of Embedded SRAMs, doctoral diss., University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 2005. Ajay Gadhe, Ujwal Shirode |
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166. | High Speed ASIC Design of Complex Multiplier Using Vedic Mathematics
High Speed ASIC Design of Complex Multiplier Using Vedic MathematicsAbstract: The main aim of the project is to improve the speed of the complex multiplier by using vedic mathematics. This 'Vedic Mathematics' is the name given to the ancient system of mathematics, or, to be precise, a unique technique of calculations based on simple rules and principles, with which any mathematical problem can done with the help of arithmetic, algebra, geometry or trigonometry can be solved. Traditionally complex multiplier provides less speed only, because it does not use Vedic Mathematics concept. By using 'Vedic Mathematics' concept we can skip carry propagation delay. The system is based on 16 Vedic sutras, in which we are using one kind of vedic sutra actually word-formulae describing natural ways of solving a whole range of mathematical problems.The main design features of the proposed system are the reconfigurability and flexibility. The proposed system is design using VHDL or Verilog HDL and is implemented through Xilinx ISE 9.1i navigator or modelsim6.0 softwares.Key words: Complex Multiplier, Exponent Determinant, High Speed Radix Selection Unit, Vedic Formulas. Reference 1. P. K. Saha, A. Banerjee, and A. Dandapat, "High Speed Low Power Complex Multiplier Design Using Parallel Adders and Subtractors," International Journal on Electronic and Electrical Engineering, (/EEE), vol 07, no. II, pp 38-46, Dec. 2009. 2. R. E. Blahut, Fast Algorithms for Digital Signal Processing, Reading, MA: AddisonWesley, 1987. 3. S. He, and M. Torkelson, "A pipelined bitserial complex multiplier using distributed arithmetic," in proceedings IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Seattle, WA, April 30-May-03, 1995,pp. 2313-2316. 4. J. E. VoIder, "The CORDIC trigonometric computing technique," IRE Trans. Electron. Comput, vol. EC-8, pp. 330-334, Sept. 1959. 5. R. Krishnan, G. A. Jullien, and W. C. Miller, "Complex digital M.Nagaraju, R.Surya Prakash, B.Vijay Bhaskar |
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167. | Field capacity (FC) and permanent wilty point (PWP) of clay soils developed on Quaternary alluvium in Niger River loop (Mali)
Field capacity (FC) and permanent wilty point (PWP) of clay soils developed on Quaternary alluvium in Niger River loop (Mali)Abstract: Measurement of soil water retention and soil hydraulic conductivity are laborious and expensive. So, development and utilization of pedotransfer functions (PTFs) have been very important in soil water evaluation. It is recognized that a given model is not suitable for all soil types and there are needs of verification before a pedotransfer function (PTF) utilization outside its original development context. The present study is related to clay soils developed on Quaternary alluvium of Niger River in Mali. It covers comparison of field capacity (FC) values measured in laboratory and calculated (with three formulas), development of a formula for estimating FC according to local soil properties and definition of a relation between FC and permanent wilting point (PWP). Two parametric tests (Student t test and z-test) show that the formulas give different values of the FC and all the calculated values deviate from the measured values. FC values of the study soils are explained by their clay content and the cation exchange capacity (CEC) (R= 0,80).Key words: Clay, Field capacity, Mali, Pedotransfer function, quaternary alluvium Reference [1] Baize D., Jabiol B. 1995. La description des sols. Paris, INRA : 375 p [2] Bouma J, 1989. Using soil survey data for quantitative land evaluation. Advance in Soil Science 9 : 177-213 [3] Wikipedia, 2002. Pedotransfer function. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedotransfer_func tion: 3p [4 ] Pachepsky Ya. A., Rawls W.J., 1999. Accuracy and reliability of pedotransfer functions as affected grouping soils . Soil Sci. Soc.Am. J. 63: 1748-1757 [5] [Osty P.L, 1971 Influence des conditions du sol sur son humidité à pF3. Ann.Agron. 22, (4):451-641 [6] Lipsius, 2002. Estimating available water capacity from basic soil physical properties- A comparison of common pedotransfer functions. Studienarbeit, Department of Geoecology, Braunschweig Technical University: 41p [7] Arrouays D., Jamagne M., 1993. Sur la possibilité d'estimer les propriétés de rétention en des sols limoneux lessivés hydromorphes du sud-ouest de la France à partir de leurs caractéristiques de constitution. C.R. Acad. Agr. de France, 79, 1, 111-121. [8] Bertrand., Bourgeon, 1984. Evaluation du milieu naturel des plaines alluviales de la boucle du Niger (Mali).I Le milieu. Agro. Trop. 39-3 : 199-207 [9] Bertrand R. 1994. Les systèmes de paysage des plaines inondables du delta vif et moyen du Niger (Mali). Une application de la cartographie morphopédologique en vue del'aménagement hydroagricole. L'Agro. Trop n°2-3 : 154-212 [10] Bruand A., 1990. Improved prediction of waterretention properties of clayey soils by pedological stratification. J.Soil Sci., 41, 491- 497. Drissa DIALLO, Adama MARIKO |
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168. | Dynamic Voltage Restorer For Voltage Sag Mitigation Using Pi With Fuzzy Logic Controller
Dynamic Voltage Restorer For Voltage Sag Mitigation Using Pi With Fuzzy Logic ControllerAbstract: This paper deals with terminology and various issues related to 'power quality problems'. This problem occurs in voltage sags, swells, harmonics, surges, sustained over voltage and under voltage originated from power system can often damage / or disrupt computerized process. The main occurrence of voltage sag and harmonics disturbed in power quality improvement and overcome by custom power device called dynamic voltage restorer (DVR). The DVR normally installed between the source voltage and critical or sensitive load. The vital role of DVR depends on the efficiency of the control technique involved in switching circuit of the inverter. In this paper, performance improvement of the DVR based PI with Fuzzy Logic Controller using MATLAB/SIMULINK software. The performance of the DVR works well both in balance and unbalance conditions of voltages.Key words: - Dynamic Voltage Restorer, Pulse Width Modulation (PWM), PI with Fuzzy Logic Controller, Voltage Sag, Voltage Source Converter. Reference [1] R. H. Salimin and M. S. A. Rahim "Simulation Analysis of DVR Performance for Voltage Sag Mitigation" The 5th International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference (PEOCO2011), Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia: 6-7 June 2011, pp. 261-266. [2] Paisan Boonchiam l Promsak Apiratikul l and Nadarajah Mithulananthan 2 "Detailed Analysis of Load Voltage Compensation for Dynamic Voltage Restorers" IEEE Transactions, 2006. [3] Omar R and Rahim, N.A. "New Control Technique Applied in Dynamic Voltage Restorer for Voltage Sag Mitigation" Industrial Electronics and Applications, 2009. ICIEA 2009. 4th IEEE Conference, pp.848 -- 852. [4] A. Teke K. Bayindir and M.Tu¨may"Fast sag/swell detection method for fuzzy logic controlled dynamic voltage restorer" IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2010, Vol. 4, Iss. 1, pp. 1–12. [5] B.Panda, A.K. Mahapatra and D.P. Bagarty* And S. Behera** "Fuzzy Logic Controller - Based Dynamic Voltage Restorer For Mitigation of Voltage Sag" International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST), Vol. 3 No. 2 Feb 2011, pp. 996-1007. [6] Mattavelli, P. Rossetto, L. Spiazzi, G. Tenti, P. "General-Purpose Fuzzy Controller for DCDC Converter" IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 12, No. 1, January 1997. [7] Nise, N. S. "Control Systems Engineering" 5th Edition, John Wiley & Son, Inc. 2008. [8] M.A.Hannan and A Mohamed, "Modeling and Analysis of a 24- Pulse Dynamic Voltage Restorer in a Distribution System", Student Conference on Research and Development proceedings, Shah Alam, Malaysia, pp. 192- 195, 2002. [9] H.P. Tiwari and Sunil Kumar Gupta "Dynamic Voltage Restorer against Voltage Sag", International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology vol.1,no.3, pp. 232-237, 2010. [10] S. S. Choi, B. H. Li and D. D.Vilathgamuwa, "Dynamic Voltage Restoration with Minimum Energy Injection," IEEE Trans. Power Syst, vol. 15, pp. 51–57, Feb. 2000. S.Ezhilarasan, G.Balasubramanian |
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169. | A Heuristic Approach to Preserve Privacy in Stream Data with Classification
A Heuristic Approach to Preserve Privacy in Stream Data with ClassificationAbstract: Data stream Mining is new era in data mining field. Numerous algorithms are used to extract knowledge and classify stream data. Data stream mining gives birth to a problem threat of data privacy. Traditional algorithms are not appropriate for stream data due to large scale. To build classification model for large scale also required some time constraints which is not fulfilled by traditional algorithms. In this Paper we propose a Heuristic approach to preserve privacy with classification for stream data. This approach preserves privacy and also improves process to extract knowledge and build classification model for stream data. This method is implemented in two phases. First is processing of data and second classification analysis. In these two phases first data stream perturbation is applied on data set and after that classification is applied on perturbed data as well as original dataset. Experimental results and charts show that this approach not only preserve privacy but it can also reduces complexity to mine large scale stream data.Key words: Classification, Data Mining, Data Perturbation, Hoefffiding tree, Privacy Preserving, Stream data Reference [1] D. Hand, H. Mannila and P. Smyth, "Principles of Data Mining", The MIT Press,2001 [2] Babcock, B. Babu, S. Datar, M. Motwani, R., and Widom, J.,"Models and issues in data stream systems". In Proceedings of the twenty-first ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGART symposium on Principles of database systems (PODS). Madison, Wisconsin, pp. 1-16, 2002. [3] Muthukrishnan, "Data streams: algorithms and applications", In Proceedings of the fourteenth annual ACM-SIAM symposium on discrete algorithms, 2003. [4] Chaudhry, N.A., Show, K., and Abdelgurefi, M. "Stream Data Management", Advances in Database system, Springer, Vol. 30, 2005. [5] Aggarwal, C.C, "Data Streams: Models and Algorithms", Springer, 2007. [6] Chu, F,"Mining Techniques for Data Streams and Sequences", Doctor of Philosophy Thesis: University of California, 2005. [7] M. Kholghi and M. Keyvanpour, "An analytical framework for data stream mining techniques based on challenges and requirements", International Journal of engineering science and technology (IJEST). [8] A. Bifet, G. Holmes, R. Kirkby, and B. Pfahringer, "MOA: Massive Online Analysis", Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR), 2010. [9] Utgoff, P. E., "Incremental Induction of Decision Trees", Machine Learning, Vol. 4, pp. 161-186, 1989. [10] Schlimmer, J. C. and Fisher, D. H., "A Case Study of Incremental Concept Induction", Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pp. 496-501, 1986. Mr. Tusharkumar J. Trambadiya, Mr. Praveen bhanodia |
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170. | Integrated Land and Watershed Development of Dhobai Watershed in Dumka District, Jharkhand-a GIS-Geonomic analysis
Integrated Land and Watershed Development of Dhobai Watershed in Dumka District, Jharkhand-a GIS-Geonomic analysisAbstract: Land and Water Resources Management imply rational utilisation of land and water resources for optimal and sustained production with the minimum hazard to natural resources and environment. An integrated and reliable GISgeonomic database has been designed and generated for optimal planning, proper development and management of Dhobai watersheds (23°45' N to 24 ° 45' N; 86 ° 15' E to 87° 45' E) ,a part of Mayurakshi river basin in Dumka district, Jharkhand. Knowledge of drainage system, land use/Land cover and hydrogeomorphology and other terrain attributes under this watershed are very much important for planning and management activities.Key words: Watershed management, Geonomy, GIS, TIN Reference 1. Rudraiah, Govinaiah, Vittala., (2008), Morphometry Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques In The Sub-Basins of Kagna River Basin, Gulburga District, Karnataka, India. J Indian soc. of Remote Sensing 36, 351-360. 2. Seethapathi P.V, Dutta D, and Siva Kumar R., (2008), Hydrology of Small Watersheds (eds), New Delhi: TERI (The Energy and Resources Institute). 3. National Remote Sensing Centre: Landuse/Landcover-50k (2005-06), Department of Space, Government of India. 4. Chakraborty, P., 1999, Land Evaluation – Geoinformation: Pragmatic Input for Landuse Planning: Int. Confer. Vol. "Geoinformatics Beyond 2000".Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Dehradun. India, p. 187 – 196. 5. Deb, U., 1995, A new lithostratigraphic unit at the western fringe of West Bengal, India. Indian Journal of Geology. Vol. 67, No. 4, p. 282 – 288. Bhaskar Das, Reshma.Chakraborty |
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171. | Stream Data Mining: A Survey
Stream Data Mining: A SurveyAbstract: A data stream is a massive, continuous and rapid sequence of data elements. Mining data streams raises new problems for the data mining community about how to mine continuous high-speed data items that you can only have one look at. Due to this reason, traditional data mining approach is replaced by systems of some special characteristics, such as continuous arrival in multiple, rapid, time-varying, possibly unpredictable and unbounded. Analyzing data streams help in applications like scientific applications, business and astronomy etc. In this paper, we present the overview of the growing field of Data Streams. We cover the theoretical basis needed for analyzing the streams of data. We discuss the various techniques used for mining data streams. The focus of this paper is to study the problems involved in mining data streams. Finally, suggested we conclude with a brief discussion of the big open problems and some promising research directions in the future in the area.Key words: Data Streams, Association Mining, Classification Mining, Clustering Mining. Reference [1]. S. Muthukrishnan (2003), Data streams: algorithms and applications, Proceedings of the fourteenth annual ACM- SIAM symposium on discrete algorithms. [2]. P. Domingos and G. Hulten, A General Method for Scaling Up Machine Learning Algorithms and its Application to Clustering, Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Conference on Machine Learning, 2001, Williamstown, MA, Morgan Kaufmann. [3]. B. Babcock, S. Babu, M Datar, R Motwani, and 1. Widom, Models and issues in data stream systems, in Proceedings of PODS, 2002. [4] L. O'Callaghan, N. Mishra, A. Meyerson, S. Guha, and R. Motwani. Streaming-data algorithms for high-quality clustering. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, March 2002. [5]. Aggarwal C, Han 1., Wang 1., Yu P. (2003) A Framework for Clustering Evolving Data Streams, VLDB Conference. [6] C. Ordonez. Clustering Binary Data Streams with K-means ACM DMKD 2003. [7]. S. Guha, N. Mishra, R Motwani, and L. O'Callaghan. Clustering data streams. In Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, IEEE, November 2000. [8]. Zhang, T., Ramakrishnan, R, Livny, M.: Birch: An efficient data clustering method for very large databases, In: SIGMOD, Montreal, Canada, ACM (1996). [9] C. Aggarwal, J. Han, J. Wang, and P. S. Yu, On Demand Classification of Data Streams, Proc. 2004 Int. Conf. on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Seattle, WA, Aug. 2004. [10] V. Ganti, J. Gehrke, and R. Ramakrishnan: Mining Data Streams under Block Evolution. SIGKDD Explorations 3(2), 2002. Neha Gupta, Indrjeet Rajput |
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172. | Comparing Gross and Net Additions to Material Stock for Roadways in Japan
Comparing Gross and Net Additions to Material Stock for Roadways in JapanAbstract: The overall material stock of the Japanese economy is growing. Large portion of the stock is invested in construction materials such as asphalt, cement, sand and gravel, crushed stone, and other aggregates. The transport sector, particularly roadways, accounts for a large proportion of the construction material stock. This paper evaulates the Gross Additions to Stock (GAS) and Net Additions to Stock (NAS) in Japan's roadways using novel measures derived directly from stock. Consistent with previous studies, Economy-Wide Material Flow Accounting (EW-MFA) is used as the conceptual framework. Annual GAS is estimated from data on the improvement, maintenance and new extension of roads and pavements, excluding highways. NAS is alternatively estimated on a five year average using total stock. Calculations show that in 2005, GAS for roadways in Japan is 61m tons, while NAS was approximately half of this amount (33m tons). The results of this paper show that while annual GAS and NAS have reduced, total roadway stock has increased over the study period from 754 million tons to 2 billion tons (1970-2005). The implications of these results and the use of GAS and NAS as indicators of sustainability are discussed.Key words: – Gross additions to stock, material stock; net additions to stock; sustainable material society; Economy-Wide Material Flow Accounting (EW-MFA). Reference [1] Economy-wide material flow accounts and derived indicators: A methodological guide. Luxembourg: Euorstat, 2001. [2] Economy-wide material flow accounts and derived indicators: A methodological guide. Luxembourg: Euorstat, 2009. [3] Bringezu, S., H. Schutz, and S. Moll. Rationale for and interpretation of economywide material flow analysis and derived indicators. Journal of Industrial Ecology 7(2), 2003, 43–64. [4] Bringezu, S. Materializing policies for sustainable use and economy-wide management of re- sources: Biophysical perspectives, socio-economic options and a dual approach for the European Union (Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy, 2006). [5] White Paper on a Sound Material-Cycle Society 20011, Ministry of the Environment of Japan, Gyosei, Tokyo. [6] Emily Matthews, et.al The Weight of Nations (Material Outflows from Industrial Economies) (World Resource Institute, Washington, DC, 2000). [7] Nagaoka, K., Tanikawa, H., Yoshida, N., Higashi, O., Onishi, A., Feng, S., Imura, H.: Study of Accumulation/ Distribution tendency to the Material Stock of Construction Sector in All Prefectures and Mega cities in Japan, Papers on Environmental Science, No.23, 2009, 83-88.( in Japanese) [8] Economy-wide material flow accounts and derived indicators: A methodological guide. Luxembourg: Euorstat, 2000. [9] Annual Reports of Road and Railway Statistics in Japan, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport of Japan, 1975-2000. [10] Bringezu, S., Schutz, H., Moll, S., Rationale for and interpretation of economy-wide materials flow analysisand derived indicators, Journal of Industrial Ecology, 7(2), 2003, 43– 64. Cherry Myo Lwin, Seiji Hashimoto, Hiroki Tanikawa |
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173. | A Review Of Wireless Power Transmission
A Review Of Wireless Power TransmissionAbstract: In the present article some of the latest advances and the concept of transmitting power without wires are reviewed.The methods applied for the wireless power transmission such as - induction, electromagnetic transmission, radio and microwave and evanescent wave coupling are discussed here. Furthermore, the various technologies available so far for wireless transmission of electricity and the need for a wireless system of energy transmission is presented.The study also focuses on the latest technologies, merits, demerits and economical aspects in this field.Reference [1] Nikola Tesla " The transmission of electrical energy without wires as a means for furthering peace ", electrical world and engineer.Jan 7, pp.21,1905. [2] Nikola Tesla,my inventions,Ben Johnston,Ed. Austin,Hart Brothers,p.91,1982 travel,p.2007 Modeling and simulation design.Ak peters ltd. [3] S.Sheik Mohammed, K.Ramasamy, T.Shanmuganatham " Wireless power transmission-A next generation power transmission system," International journal of computer applications(0975- 8887),vol.1-no.13,pp.100-103,2010. [4] Vikash choudhary,Abdul Kadir and Satendar pal singh" wireless power transmission-a novel idea ", Int. Journal of scientific and engineering research.vol.2 Issue.9,ISSN 2229- 5518,pp.1-7,sep 2011. [5] Barathwaj.G,Srinag.K," wireless power transmission of space based solar power ", Int. conference on Environmental science and technology.IPCBEE vol.6 pp.V2.227- V2.231,2011. [6] Takanori Narita,Toshihiro Kamiya,Keiji Suzuki Kenichi Anma,Mayuki Niitsu,Nobuhiko Fukuda" The development of solar power system Technologies ",Mitsubishi heavy industries technical Review.vol.48,no.4,pp.17- 22,dec.2011. [7] MIT news office http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2007/wireles s- 0607.html. [8] Sourabh Pawade,Tushar Nimje,Dipti Diwase" goodbye wires:approach to wireless power Transmission ".Int. journal of emerging technology and advanced engineering.ISSN 2250-2459,vol.2 issue 4,pp.382-387,apr 2012. [9] Lei Yao,Jia Hao Cheong,Rui-Feng Xue,Minkyu Je " An inductive coupling based CMOS wireless Powering link for implantable biomedical Application ".world academy of science,engineering and technology 69 2012.pp.456-459. [10] Fraunhofer institute for ceramic technologies and systems IKTS. " power without the cord ",Research news 04/2012,topic 1.ISSN 0948-8383. Senthil Nathan.M, Pandiarajan.K |
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174. | Evaluation of Electronic Health Records Adoption in Egypt
Evaluation of Electronic Health Records Adoption in EgyptAbstract: Information technology offers a lot of systems to develop and facilitate work in different areas. Electronic Health Records system is relevant in providing support and development of work in the medical field, This paper presents the current state of Electronic Health Records in Egypt. It Surveys a sample of public, private, and educational hospitals in Egypt.Key words: Electronic Health Records. Reference [1] D.W. Bates, L.L. Leape, D.J. Cullen, N. Laird, L.A. Petersen, J.M., Teich, E. Burdick, M. Hickey, S. Kleefield, B. Shea, M. Vander, Vliet, D.L. Seger, Effect of computerized physician order entry and a team intervention on prevention of serious, medication errors, JAMA 280 (October (15)) (1998) 1311–1316. [2] D.W. Bates, M. Ebell, E. Gotlieb, J. Zapp, H.C. Mullins, A proposal for electronic medical records in U.S. primary care, J. Am. Med. Inform. Assoc. 10 (January–February (1)) (2003) 1–10. [3] B. Chaudhry, J. Wang, S. Wu, M. Maglione, W. Mojica, E. Roth, S.C. Morton, P.G. Shekelle, Systematic review: impact of health information technology on quality, efficiency, and costs of medical care, Ann. Intern. Med. 144 (May (10)) (2006) 742–752. [4] J.S. Einbinder, D.W. Bates, Leveraging information technology to improve quality and safety, Yearb. Med. Inform. (2007) 22–29. [5] S.J. Wang, B. Middleton, L.A. Prosser, C.G. Bardon, C.D. Spurr, P.J. Carchidi, A.F. Kittler, R.C. Goldszer, D.G. Fairchild, A.J. ,Sussman, G.J. Kuperman, D.W. Bates, A cost-benefit analysis of electronic medical records in primary care, Am. J. Med., 114 (April (5)) (2003) 397–403. [6] R. Kaushal, A.K. Jha, C. Franz, J. Glaser, K.D. Shetty, T. Jaggi, B., Middleton, G.J. Kuperman, R. Khorasani, M. Tanasijevic, D.W., Bates, Brigham and Women's Hospital CPOE Working Group, Return on investment for a computerized physician order, entry system, J. Am. Med. Inform. Assoc. 13 (May– June (3)), (2006) 261–266. [7] P.G. Shekelle, S.C. Morton, E.B. Keeler, Costs and benefits of health information technology, Evid. Rep. Technol. Assess, (Full Rep.) April (2006) 1–71. [8] HIMSS (Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society) http://www.himss.org/ASP/index.asp. [9] Advancing America's Health Care http://www.healthit.gov/ Ahmed Sharaf Eldin, Doaa Saad, Ghada.A.Samie |
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176. | Three Factor Authentication Schemes for the Automation of Inter-Networked banking and Teller Machine operations using Universal Subscriber Identification Modules
Three Factor Authentication Schemes for the Automation of Inter-Networked banking and Teller Machine operations using Universal Subscriber Identification ModulesAbstract: Automated teller machines (ATMs) are well known devices typically used by individuals to carry out a variety of personal and business financial transactions and/or banking functions. ATMs have become very popular with the general public for their availability and general user friendliness. ATMs are now found in many locations having a regular or high volume of consumer traffic. Various services and resources need protection from unauthorized use. Remote authentication is the most commonly used method to determine the identity of a remote client. This paper investigates a systematic approach for authenticating clients by three factors, namely password, smart card, and biometrics. Biometrics is the identification of humans by their characteristics or traits. A physiological biometric would identify by one's voice, Face, hand print or behaviour. Since biometric identifiers are unique to individuals, they are more reliable in verifying identity than token and knowledge-based methods.Key words: User authentication, Smart card, Face Recognition and security Reference [1] Xinyi Huang, Yang Xiang, Member, IEEE, Ashley Chonka, Jianying Zhou, and Robert H. Deng, Senior Member, IEEE "A Generic Framework for Three-Factor Authentication: Preserving Security and Privacy in Distributed Systems" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS, VOL. 22, NO. 8, AUGUST 2011. [2] C.H. Lin and Y.Y. Lai, "A Flexible Biometrics Remote User Authentication Scheme," Computer Standards Interfaces, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 19-23, Nov. 2004. [3] D.V. Klein, "Foiling the Cracker: A Survey of, and Improvements to, Password Security," Proc. Second USENIX Workshop Security, 1990. [4] T.S. Messerges, E.A. Dabbish, and R.H. Sloan, "Examining Smart-Card Security under the Threat of Power Analysis Attacks," IEEE Trans. Computers, vol. 51, no. 5, pp. 541-552, May 2002. [5] Jorge Ferrari, Robert Mackinon, Sasan Poh and Lakshman Yathwara." Smart card: Case Study" International Technical support Organization, October 1998. [6] Srinivasulu Asadi, Dr.Ch.D.V.Subba Rao and V.Saikrishna "A Comparative study of Face Recognition with Principal Component Analysis and Cross-Correlation Technique" International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 10– No.8, November 2010. [7] P. J. Phillips, A. Martin C. L. Wilson and M. Przybocki, "An Introduction to Evaluating Biometric Systems," IEEE Computer, Vol.33, No.2, Feb. 2000, pp. 56- 63. Sivasankar Bandaru, Swapna. S |
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177. | Novelty Approach of "Odd-Even Transposition Technique
Novelty Approach of "Odd-Even Transposition TechniqueAbstract: Cryptography is the science of writing message in secret code and is an ancient art. There are many techniques to encrypt "plain text" and convert it to the "cipher text". In this paper we made an attempt to enhance "Odd-Even Transposition Technique"[1] and make out the technique more advanced. One of the most important point is that we applied the "Rail-Fence Technique" to the cipher text to improve the complexity to the intruders. Any cryptographic scheme is safe if and only if it is unbreakable in reasonable time using feasible resources in spite of the intruder's being aware of the encryption and decryption algorithm and size of the key.Key words: Cipher text, Network cryptography, Network security, Plain text, Transposition. Reference REFERENCES [1] "Odd-Even Transposition Technique"-"The IUP Journal of Computer Sciences", vol.v.No.4,2011 [2] "Handbook of Applied Cryptography"-by "A.Menezes,P.Van Oorschot and S.Vanstone. [3] "Cryptography and Network Security"-by "William Stallings". [4] "Mathematical Cryptology for ComputerScientists and Mathematicians"-by "Wayne". [5] "A Course in Number Theory and Cryptography"-by "Neal Koblitz". [6] "Foundations of Cryptography"-by "Oded Goldreihch". [7] "Cryptography and Network Security"-by "Kahate", 2 nd Edition. [8] "Practical Cryptography"-by "Fergulson, Niels and Schneier". [9] "Cryptography Decrypted"-by "Mel, Baker, Doris". [10] "Understanding Cryptography"-by "ChristofPaar and Jan Pelzl". Mr.Bobba Veera Mallu, Mr.Tammineedi Venkata Satya Vivek, Mr.K.Srinivasulu Achari |
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178. | Managing the Traffic in Multipath Switching system using Flow Slice
Managing the Traffic in Multipath Switching system using Flow SliceAbstract: Multipath switching system are used in as core routers.These routers provide terabit or even petabit switching capacity. The most difficult issues in designing the multipath switching system is how to manage the traffic across its multipath. On the same way that is not disturbing the flow packet orders.Resulting of the previous solution was suffer from delay penalities or load hardware algorithm was used previouslythey perform badly due to the heavyfailed flow size distribution.In this paper,we develop a novel schemeNamely flow slice that cuts the each flow into flow slice at every intraflow interval larger than the slicing threshold and manages the traffic on a finer granularity.The flow slice scheme achieves comparative managing the traffic to a optimal one . it also limits the probability of out-of-order packet to a negligible level, on three popular Mpsec at the cost of little hardware complexity and an internal speedupto two. In this paper the resultsare proven by theoretical analyses and also validated through trace-drivenprotype simulation.Key words: Flowslice,traffic management,switching system Reference [1] A. Aslam and K. Christensen, "Parallel Packet Switching UsingMultiplexors with Virtual Input Queues," Proc. Ann. IEEE Conf.Local Computer Networks (LCN), pp. 270-277, 2002. [2] J. Bennett, C. Partridge, and N. Shectman, "Packet Reordering IsNot Pathological Network Behavior," IEEE/ACM Trans. Networking,vol. 7, no. 6, pp. 789-798, Dec. 1999. [3] N. Brownlee and K. Claffy, "Understanding Internet Traffic Streams: Dragonflies and Tortoises," IEEE Comm. Magazine,vol. 40, no. 10, pp. 110-117, Oct. 2002. [4] Z. Cao, Z. Wang, and E. Zegura, "Performance of Hashing-BasedSchemes for InternetLoad Balancing," Proc. IEEE INFOCOM,pp. 332-341, 2000. [5] L. Carter and M. Wegman, "Universal Classes of HashingFunctions," J. Computer and System Sciences, vol. 18, no. 2,pp. 143-154, 1979. [6] C.S. Chang, D.S. Lee, and Y.S. Jou, "Load Balanced Birkhoff-von Neumann Switch, Part II: Multi-Stage Buffering," Computer Comm., vol. 25, pp. 623-634, 2002. [7] C.S. Chang, D.S. Lee, and Y.S. Jou, "Load Balanced Birkhoff-von Neumann Switches, Part I: One-Stage Buffering," Computer Comm., vol. 25, pp. 611-622, 2002. [8] C.S. Chang, D.S. Lee, and Y.J. Shih, "Mailbox Switch: A Scalable Two-Stage Switch Architecture for Conflict Resolution of Ordered Packets," Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, 2004. [9] C.S. Chang, D.S. Lee, and C.Y. Yue, "Providing Guaranteed Rate Services in the Load Balanced Birkhoff-von Neumann Switches," IEEE/ACM Trans. Networking, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 644-656, June 2006. Dr. M.S. Saravanan, DivyaBaskaran |
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179. | Embedded Reconfigurable Architectures for Multidimensional Transforms
Embedded Reconfigurable Architectures for Multidimensional TransformsAbstract: This paper presents a general approach for generating higher order (longer size) multidimensional (m-d) architectures from 2 m lower order (shorter sizes) architectures. The objective of our work is to derive a unified framework and a design methodology that allows direct mapping of the proposed algorithms into embedded reconfigurable architectures such as FPGAs. Our methodology is based on manipulating tensor product forms so that they can be mapped directly into modular parallel architectures. The resulting circuits have very simple modular structure and regular topology.Key words: Reconfigurable Architectures, Recursive algorithms, multidimensional transforms, tensor products, permutation matrices. Reference 1. E. Cetin, O. N. Gerek, and S. Ulukus, "Block Wavelet Transforms for Image Coding," IEEE Trans. on Circuits and systems for Video Technology, Vol. 3, pp. 433-435, 1993. 2. Elnaggar, Mokhtar Aboelaze, "A Scalable Formulation for 2-D WHT," Proc. of the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS' 2003), pp IV484- IV487, Thailand, May 2003. 3. Elnaggar, H. M. Alnuweiri, "A New MultiDimensional Recursive Architecture for Computing The Discrete Cosine Transform," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 113-119, February 2000. 4. Elnaggar and M. Aboelaze, "An Efficient Architecture for Multi-Dimensional Convolution," IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems II, Vol. 47, No. 12, pp. 1520-1523, 2000. 5. Elnaggar and M. Aboelaze, "A Modified Shuffle Free Architecture for Linear Convolution," IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems II, Vol. 48, No. 9, pp. 862-866, 2001. 6. J. Granata, M. Conner, R. Tolimieri, "A Tensor Product Factorization of the Linear Convolution Matrix", IEEE Trans on Circuits and Systems, Vol. 38, p. 1364--6, 1991. 7. H. S. Hou, "A Fast Recursive Algorithm for Computing the Discrete Cosine Transform," IEEE Trans. On ASSP, Vol. Assp-35, No. 10, 1987. 8. K. R. Rao, P. Yip, "Discrete Cosine Transform: Algorithms, Advantages, and Applications," Academic Press, 1990. 9. W. K. Pratt, Digital Image Processing, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1991. 10. R. Tolimieri, M. An, C. Lu, Algorithms for Discrete Fourier Transform and Convolution, Springer-Verlag, New York 1989. Ayman Elnaggar, Mokhtar Aboelaze |
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180. | RPRT: Energy Efficient Reserved Path Routing Topology for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
RPRT: Energy Efficient Reserved Path Routing Topology for Mobile Ad Hoc NetworksAbstract: Providing Quality of Service (QoS) support in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) is a mainly active research area with a number of proposals being made to support real-time applications that are based upon the communication between the routing scheme and a QoS provisioning mechanism. This paper construct upon such ideas and presents Energy Efficient Reserved Path Routing Topology (RPRT), a routing scheme that have been shown to offer important network development when compared to earlier proposed schemes. RPRT fundamentally modifies the previously proposed energy efficient scheme Mtrace to clearly provide QoS assurance. The new proposed scheme permit nodes to obtain and then use estimation of the energy levels to make appropriate channel admission control decisions. The performance discrepancy are investigated by developing simulation models. Results demonstrate the merits of the proposed scheme with a 16% increase in energy competence while end-to-end delay is reduced by 37% when compared with Mtrace and the necessity of Energy Efficient Reserved Path routing schemes in MANETs becomes more apparent.Key words: Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Reserved Path routing, Quality of Service, Shortest Reserved Path Routing Topology Reference [1] IETF Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANET) Working Group, http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/manetcharter.html [2] J. Broch, D.A. Maltz, D.B. Johnson, Y. Hu, J. Jetcheva, "A performance comparison of multi-hop wireless ad hoc network routing protocols", Proc. Fourth Annual ACM/IEEE International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, Dallas, TX, October 1998, pp. 85–97. [3] S. Lee, M. Gerla, "Split Multipath Routing with Maximally Disjoint Paths in Ad hoc Networks", Proc. IEEE International Conference on Communication, Helsinki, June 2001, pp. 3201–3205. [4] C.S. Murthy, B.S. Manoj, Ad hoc Wireless Networks Architectures and Protocols, Prentice Hall, NJ, USA, 2004. [5] P. Mohapatra, J. Li, C. Gui, "Qos in Mobile Ad hoc Networks", IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine Special Issue on QoS in Next-Generation Wireless Multimedia Communications Systems, Vol. 10, No. 3, June 2003, pp. 44–52. [6] H. Zhu, M. Li, I. Chlamtac, B. Prabhakaran., "A survey of quality of service in IEEE 802.11 networks", IEEE Wireless Communications, Vol. 11, No. 4, August 2004, pp. 6–14. [7] L. Hanzo (II.), R. Tafazolli, "A Survey of QoS Routing Solutions for Mobile Ad hoc Networks", IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, Vol. 9, No. 2, 2007, pp. 50–70. [8] L. Chen; W.B. Heinzelman, "A Survey of Routing Protocols that Support QoS in Mobile Ad hoc Networks", IEEE Network, Vol. 21, No. 6, December 2007, pp. 30–38. [9] S. Chen, K. Nahrstedt, "Distributed Quality-of-Service Routing in Ad hoc Networks", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 17, No. 8, August 1999, pp. 1488–1505. [10] C.R. Lin, "On-Demand QoS Routing in Multihop Mobile Networks", Proc. IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), April 2001, pp. 1735–1744. V.Ajay Kumar, M.L.Ravichandra |
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181. | An Investigation of Optimum Heat Treatment Strategy for M2 Tool Steel
An Investigation of Optimum Heat Treatment Strategy for M2 Tool SteelAbstract: M2 tool steel is categorised as molybendum tool steel. Due to high hardness and wear resistance it is well suited for drill bits, milling cutters and hobs. The current work reports and analyzes results of mechanical testing performed on various heat treated samples of M2 tool steel (Twist Drill size 16mm dia.). It was found that maximum tool life obtained when M2 tool steel hardened at 1200 0 C and tempered at 560 0 C temperature.Reference [1] S.Z. Qamar Effect of heat treatment on mechanical properties of H11 tool steel Journal of Achievement in material and manufacturing Engineering Vol 35 Pp 115- 120, 2009. [2] J. Kaszynski, R. Breitler, How the Steelmaking Process Influences the Properties of Hot Work Die Steels, Technical Paper - Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Pp 1-12,2002. [4] ASM International, ASM Handbook Volume 1: Properties and Selection - Nonferrous Alloys and Special Purpose Materials, 10th edition, American Society for Metals, Metals Park, Ohio,1990. [5] J.R. Davis ASM Specialty Handbook: Tool Materials, ASM International, Materials Park, Ohio, 1995. [4] G.A. Roberts, G. Krauss, Kennedy, Tool Steels, 5th edition, American Society for Metals, Metals Park, Ohio, 1998. [6] Material Science and metallurgy by V.K kodgire & S.V. kodgire Everest Publishing House. [7] Alam M. Bayer ,Bruce A, Becere R and Teledyne vasco "High Speed Tool Steel" ASM Handbook, Volume16,1989 ,Pp 51- 59. [8] A.Kokosza and J.Pacyna "Effect of retained austenied on fracture impact energy of tool steel' studied about heat treatment on 70MnCrMoVn 2-42 tool steel. Journal of Archive of materials Science and Engineering,, Vol 31,(2008) Pp,87-90. S.N.Chaudhari, Dr. G.J. Vikhe Patil |
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182. | Design and Implementation of Skin Segmentation System in Various Light Conditions
Design and Implementation of Skin Segmentation System in Various Light ConditionsAbstract: Image processing and its applications in terms of skin segmentation are gaining importance in these days due to wide use it in virtually every field. Detection and tracking of human faces are important for gesture recognition and human computer interaction. In this paper, a RGB and HSV based skin segmentation technique is being presented. We frequently tested RGB, HSV color models for skin segmentation. These color models with thresholds, help to remove non skin like pixels from an image. In different lighting conditions it becomes paramount importance to switch to different Color spaces than the traditional RGB (Red-Green-Blue) model to achieve greater efficiency in pixel detection rate. We have analyzed and tested various color models like RGB, HSV, YCbCr, HIS, nRGB and lighting conditions has been kept to as most vary as it can be. Under various lighting conditions and noise, a list of experiments has been performed to detect human skin. The experiment result shows that, the algorithm gives hopeful results. At last, we concluded this paper and proposed future work.Key words: Pixel Classifications, skin segmentation, Color Space, Image Processing. Gesture Recognitions Reference [1]. SKIN SEGMENTATION USING COLOR AND EDGE INFORMATION Son Lam Phung, AbdesselamBouzerdoum, and Douglas Chai, School of Engineering and Mathematics, Edith Cowan University Perth, Western Australia, AUSTRALIA, 2012 [2]. J. Liu and Y. H. Yang, ―Multiresolution Color Image Segmentation‖, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 16, No. 7, pp. 689-700, 1994. [3]. Devendra Singh Raghuvanshi and DheerajAgrawal, Human Face Detection by using Skin Color Segmentation, Face Features and Regions Properties, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887), Volume 38– No.9, January 201. [4]. M.J. Jones and J.M. Rehg, ―Statistical Color Models with Application to SkinDetection,‖ Int'l J. Computer Vision, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 81-96, Jan. 2002. [5]. J. Brand and J. Mason, ―A Comparative Assessment of Three Approaches toPixelLevel Human Skin Detection,‖ Proc. IEEE Int'l Conf. Pattern Recognition,vol. 1, pp. 1056-1059, Sept. 2000. [6]. J.-C. Terrillon, M.N. Shirazi, H. Fukamachi, and S. Akamatsu, ―ComparativePerformance of Different Skin Chrominance Models and ChrominanceSpaces for the Automatic Detection of Human Faces in Color Images,‖ Proc.IEEE Int'l Conf. Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, pp. 54-61, Mar. 2000. [7]. M.C. Shin, K.I. Chang, and L.V. Tsap, ―Does Colorspace TransformationMake Any Difference on Skin Detection?‖ Proc. IEEE Workshop Applicationsof Computer Vision, pp. 275-279, Dec. 2002. [8]. C. Maoyuan, ―Design of Color Image Skin Area Seg-mentationSystem in the Matlab Environment‖, Computer Applications, vol. 4,Nov. 2007, pp. 128–130. [9]. Phung, SL, Bouzerdoum, A & Chai, D, Skin segmentation using color pixel classification:analysis and comparison, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis andMachine Intelligence, January 2005, 27(1), 148-154. [10]. J.D. Foley, A.v. Dam, S.K. Feiner, and J.F. Hughes, Computer Graphics:Principles and Practice. New York: Addison Wesley, 1990. Rajandeep Sohal, Tajinder Kaur |
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183. | Design Analysis of parallel robot for Surgical applications
Design Analysis of parallel robot for Surgical applicationsAbstract: Laparoscopic surgery also referred to as minimally invasive surgery(MIS) describes the performance of surgical procedures with the assistance of a video camera and several thin instruments. During the surgical procedure, small incisions of up to half an inch are made and plastic tubes called ports are placed through these incisions. The camera and the instruments are then introduced through the ports which allow access to the inside of the patient The camera transmits an image of the organs inside the abdomen onto a television monitor. The surgeon is not able to see directly into the patient without the traditional large incision. The video camera becomes a surgeon's eyes in laparoscopy surgery, since the surgeon uses the image from the video camera positioned inside the patient's body to perform the procedure. In the common mode of operation in laparoscopic surgery, the surgeon holds in his right hand the laparoscope and in his left hand the surgical tool. In some cases, the surgeon works with a human assistant who holds the laparoscopic camera in a desired orientation. This arrangement is far from being satisfactory because of the fact that one of the surgeon's hands is occupied in manipulating the laparoscope. In addition, the requirement for steadily holding the laparoscope camera for long time is physically demanding, thus, consuming unnecessary effort from the surgeon. Incorporating a robotic assistant for steadily holding the laparoscope camera reduces the workload of the surgeons, and in many procedures eliminates the necessity for a second one.The project aim to design a parallel robot/serial robot for steady holding of cameraKey words: parallelrobot ,laproscopicsurgery Reference 1. Analysis and Synthesis of Parallel Robots for Medical Applications thesis -Nabil Simaan 2 A.C.Rao , A.Srinath -Planar linkages: structural influence on mechanical advantage and function generation -- Mechanism and Machine Theory 42 (2007) 472–481 3. A. Srinath , A.C. Rao - Kinematic chains for robot hands: Grasp and rigidity Mechanism and Machine Theory 42 (2007) 691–697 4. Ben-Horin, R., and Shoham, M., "Construction of a Six Degrees-ofFreedom Parallel Manipulator with Three Planarly Actuated Links." Proceedings of the 1996 ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference and Computers in Engineering Conference, August 18- 22,1996.– 1129. 5. Ben-Horin, R., Criteria for Analysis of Parallel Robots, Ph.D. dissertation, The Technion, Israel, 1997. Brandt, G., Radermacher, K., Lavallee, S., Staudte, H.- 6. W., Rau, G., " A Compact Robot for Image Guided Orthopedic Surgery: Concept and Preliminary Results." Lecture notes in Computer Science 1205, CVRMedMRCAS'97, Troccaz, J., Grimson, R., and Mosges R.eds., 1997, Springer, pp. 767- 776. 7. Brodsky, V., Glozman, D., Shoham, M. "Double Circular-Triangular Six-Degreesof-Freedom Parallel Robot." Advances In Robot Kinematics: Analysis and Control, Lenarčič, J. and Husty, M. L., eds., , Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998, pp. 155-164. 8. Harris, S. B. L., "ExperiencesWith Robotic Systems for Knee Surgery." Lecture notesin Computer Science 1205, CVRMedMRCAS'97,Troccaz, J., Grimson, R., and Mosges R., eds., 1997,Springer, pp. 757- 766.. 9. Taylor, R. ., "A Telerobotic Assistant for LaparoscopicSurgery." IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology 10. Grace, K. W., Colgate, j. H., "A Six Degree of Freedom Micromanipulator for Ophthalmic Surgery." IEEE International Conference onRobotics and Automation, 1993, pp. 630-635. 11. [Behi, 1988] Behi, F., "Kinematic Analysis for a Six-Degrees-of-Freedom 3-PRPS Parallel echanism," IEEE Journal of Robotics and Automation, Vol. 4, No. 5, pp. 561-565 12 .Kavoussi, , "Comparison of Robotic Versus Human Laparoscopic Camera Control." 2nd Annual International Symposium on Medical Robotics and Computer-Assisted Surgery (MRCAS'95), pp. 284-287 13. Kazanzides,. "An Integrated System for CementlessHip Replacement." IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology, May/June 1995, Vol. 14, pp.307-312. K.Kishore Kumar, Dr.A.Srinath, A.Srikanth |
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184. | Modelling the Effect of Infill Walls on Seismic Performance of Reinforced Concrete Buildings
Modelling the Effect of Infill Walls on Seismic Performance of Reinforced Concrete BuildingsAbstract: Infill walls contribute to lateral stiffness and resistance of buildings they stuff. These variations of rigidity and strength are dependent on the mechanical properties of the material used for the infill and also on the interaction existing between this last and the frame. In this work, masonry like infill walls were modeled by using the equivalent diagonal strut concept in order to asses their involvement in seismic resistance of regular reinforced concrete building. Pushover analysis was performed by means of ZeusNL software package. Various scenarios of infilled frames that include weak story arrangements at different storey levels were considered. Comparison between complete infilled building, partially infilled with a weak story and bared buildings was performed. The obtained results have shown that infill walls have considerable effect on the lateral stiffness and resistance of reinforced concrete buildings when subjected to the static equivalent seismic loads. It was found also that infill enhances seismic performance. This enhancement is however largely affected by the distribution of infill through the building stories. The soft storey mechanism was found to be more severe when the bared storey is located in the inferior part of the building. For non infilled higher stories an unusual equilibrium state can be reached showing very high lateral resistance.Key words: masonry infills, reinforced concrete buildings, seismic performance, pushover, equivalent diagonal strut Reference [1] H. Holmes. Steel frames with brickwork and concrete infilling. Proceedings of the Institute of Civil Engineers 1961; 19:473- 478. [2] B. Stafford Smith. Behaviour of the square infilled frames. Journal of Structural Div. ASCE 1966; 92:381-403. [3] R.E. Klingner, V.V. Bertero. Earthquake resistance of infilled frames. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE 1978; 104:973-989. [4] T.N. Valiasis, K.C. Stylianidis, G.G. Penelis. Hysteresis Model for weak brick masonry infills in R/C frames under lateral reversals. European Earthquake Engineering 1993; 1:1–9. [5] T.B. Panagiotakos, M.N. Fardis. Seismic response of infilled RC frames structures. Proceedings of the 11th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Acapulco, Mexico. Paper no. 225. Oxford: Pergamon, 1996. [6] Applied Technology Council. NEHRP Guidelines for the seismic rehabilitation of buildings. FEMA 273, prepared by ATC (project 33) for the Building Seismic Safety Council. Washington (DC): Federal Emergency Management Agency; 1997. [7] Applied Technology Council. Evaluation of earthquake damaged concrete and masonry wall buildings - basic procedures manual. FEMA 306, prepared by ATC (project 43) for the Partnership for Response and Recovery. Washington (DC): The Federal Emergency Management Agency; 1998. [8] ASCE. FEMA 356 Prestandard and commentary for the seismic rehabilitation of buildings. Reston (VA): American Society of Civil Engineers; 2000. [9] R.J. Mainstone. On the stiffnesses and strengths of infilled frames. Proc Inst Civil Eng 1971(Suppl. iv):57-90 [7360 S]. [10] B. Stafford Smith. Behavior of square infilled frames. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE 1966:381-403. [11] A.S. Elnashai, V.K. Papanikolaou, D.H. Lee, 2008. Zeus NL A system for inelastic analysis: User Manual, Version 1.8.7, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Mid- America Earthquake Center. Sabri Attajkani, Abdellatif Khamlichi, Abdellah Jabbouri |
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185. | JPEG 2000 Region of Interest Coding Methods
JPEG 2000 Region of Interest Coding MethodsAbstract: JPEG 2000 is international standards for image compression and exploiting various features. Region of interest (ROI) coding is one of the extensive features of JPEG2000.JPEG 2000 works as lossy and lossless compression. However it is needed to provide high compression rate with available bandwidth and speed of internet. It would be more appropriate that regions of interest are prioritized for interpretability. JPEG 2000 provides various ROI coding techniques to achieve high quality ROI as compared to Background. Various ROI coding techniques for still image compression are general scaling based method, max-shift method, bitplane-by-bitplane shift method (BbBShift), partial significant bitplane shift method (PSBShift) and ROITCOP (ROI coding through component priority) method. The choice of methods for ROI coding is very much dependant on the requirements of the application at hand.Key words: JPEG2000, ROI, general scaling based method, max-shift method, BbBShift, PSBShift and ROITCOP. Reference [1] Cao Song, "ROI image coding methods in JPEG2000", TV Engineering, 5, pp.15-18, 2002. [2] Zhang Li Bao, Zhao Ming, "ROI Coding Research Based on Residual Image", Journal of Optoelectronics·Laser, 14(1), pp.75-78, 2003. [3] Michael W. Marcellin, Michael J. Gormish, Ali Bilgin, Martin P.Boliek, "An overview of JPEG2000", Proc .of IEEE Data Compression Conference, pp-523-541. [4] M.A. Ansari, R.S. Anand,"Context based medical image compression for ultrasound images with contextual set partitioning in hierarchical trees algorithm", Advances in Engineering Software vol-40, pp-487–496, 2009. [5] ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 1 (ITU-T SG8), JPEG 2000 Part II FinalCommittee Draft, Dec. 2000. [6] ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 1 (ITU-T SG8), JPEG 2000 Part I FinalCommittee Draft Version 1.0, Mar. 2000. [7] Charalampos Doukas and Ilias Maglogiannis," Region of Interest Coding Techniques for Medical Image Compression" IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine 26(5) (227) 29-35. [8] C. Liu, T. Xia, and H. Li, "ROI and FOI algorithms for wavelet-based video compression," in Proc. 5th Pacific Rim Conf. Multimedia, Tokyo, p.241, Nov. 2004. [9] Z. Wang and A.C. Bovik, "bitplane-bybitplane shift (BbBShift) - a suggestion for JPEG2000 region of interest coding," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 9, no.5, pp- 160-162, May, 2002 [10] Yan Liang, Wenyao Liu,"A new JPEG2000 region-of-interest coding method:generalized partial bitplanes shift" Electronic Imaging and Multimedia Technology IV, edited by Chung-Sheng Li, Minerva M. Yeung, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 5637 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA, 2005)0277- 786X/05/$15 · doi: 10.1117/12.573246 [11] L. Liu and G. Fan, "A new JPEG2000 region-of-interest image coding method: partial significant bitplane shift," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol.10, no.2, pp- 35-38, februrary, 2003 [12] Joan Bartrina-Rapesta , Joan SerraSagristà, Francesc Aulí-Llinàs, "JPEG2000 ROI coding through component priority for digital mammography", Computer Vision and Image Understanding 115 2011, pp- 59–68. [13] Narvinder Kaur"A Review of Region-ofInterest Coding Techniques of JPEG2000" IJCA Special Issue on "Computational Science - New Dimensions & Perspectives" NCCSE, 2011 Jyoti S. Pawadshetty, Dr.J.W.Bakal |
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186. | Empirical Models for Correlation of Clearness Index with Cloud Index at Rutba, Iraq State
Empirical Models for Correlation of Clearness Index with Cloud Index at Rutba, Iraq StateAbstract: In this study, the monthly average daily values of global solar radiation and relative sunshine hours global solar radiation on a horizontal surface over a period of five years (2004-2008) using multi-linear polynomial form of the Angstrom-Prescott model have been developed to estimate global solar radiation for Rutba (one of west Iraqi cities) which lies on latitude 30°03'N and longitude 40 o 28' E. It was found that the five different mathematical correlations models ( first order, second order, exponential, powered, and logarithmic ) utilizing relative sunshine hours gave the best overall estimate of the total solar radiation in Rutba. The agreement between the measured values (that obtained from the archives of Iraqi meteorological office) and the computed values is remarkable and the models are recommended for use in Rutba.Key words: - Global solar radiation, Rutba, Solar energy. Reference [1] M. Hussain, L. Rahman, and M. M. Rahman, Renewable Energy, 18 (1999), pp. 263-275. [2] V. Badescu, Correlations to estimate monthly mean daily solar global irradiation: Application to Romania. Energy, 24 ( 1999), 883-893. [3] A. A. Trabea, and M. A. Shaltout, Correlation of global solar-radiation with meteorological parameters over Egypt. Renew. Energ., 21 ( 2000 ), 297-308. [4] A. Sfetsos, and A. H. Coonick, Univariate and multivariate forecasting of hourly solar radiation with artificial intelligence techniques. Solar Energ., 68 (2000), 169- 178. [5] L. E Akpabio, S.O. Udo and S.E. Etuk, Empirical correlation of global solar radiation with meteorological data for Onne, Nigeria. Turk. J. Phys., 28 (2004), 301-307. [6] E. O. Falayi, and A. B. Rabiu, Modelling global solar radiation using sunshine duration data. Nigeria J. Phys., 17S (2005), 181-186. [7] B. Safari, and J. Gasore, Estimation of global solar radiation on horizontal surface in Rwanda using empirical model. Asian J. Sci. Res., 2 (2009), 68-75. [8] H. O. Menges, C. Ertekin and M. H. Sonmete, Evaluation of global solar radiation models for Konya, Turkey. Energ. Convers. Manage., 47 (2006), 3149-3173. [9] J. A. Duffie, and W. A. Beckman, Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes. John Willey, New York, U.S.A. 2nd (1994), pp 234 – 367. [10] R. F Tiwari, and T. H. Sangeeta, Solar Energy. 24 (1997), pp. 89 – 95. [11] C. Frolich, and R. W. Brusca, Solar Physics, 74 (1981), 209. [12] P. I. Cooper, Solar Energy, 12 (1969), 333. [13] J. Almorox, and C. Hontoria, Global solar radiation estimation using sunshine duration is Spain, Energy conversion Amani J. Majeed |
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187. | Synthesis of coupler curve of a Four Bar Linkage with joint Clearances
Synthesis of coupler curve of a Four Bar Linkage with joint ClearancesAbstract: In this paper, synthesis of linkages with joint clearances to generate a desired coupler curve is studied. These clearances are treated as a mass less link and the equation of its motion were found by using Lagrange's equation. Dynamic parameters are used in Lagrange's equation to define the direction of motion of clearance. Deferential evaluation (DE) method was used to analyze the optimization of link parameters for minimizing the error between desired and actual path due to clearances at joint of coupler and follower. .Key words: path synthesis, joint clearances, Lagrange's equation, Differential evaluation (DE), optimization. Reference [1] R.H. Burns and F.R.E. Crossley, Structural Permutations of Flexible Link Mechanisms, ASME Paper, 66-Mech-5. [2] T. G. Boronkay and C. Mei, Analysis and Design of Multiple Input Flexible Link Mechanisms, Journal of Mechanisms 5 (1970), pp.29-40. [3] S. Dubowsky, On predicting the dynamic effect of clearances in planar mechanisms, ASME Journal of Engineering for industry 93B (1974) (1) pp. 317-323. [4] T. Furuhashi, N. Morita and M. Matsuura, Research on dynamics of four-bar linkage with clearances at turning pairs (1st Report, General theory of continuous contact model), Bulletin of the JSME 21 (1978), pp. 518–523. [5] N. Morita, T. Furuhashi and M. Matsuura, Research on dynamics of four-bar linkage with clearances at turning pairs (2nd Report, Analysis of crank-level mechanism with clearance at joint of crank and coupler using continuous contact model), Bulletin of the JSME 21 (1978), pp. 1284–1291. [6] A.K. Mallik and S.G. Dhande, Analysis and synthesis of mechanical error in pathgenerating linkages using a stochastic approach, Mechanism and Machine Theory 22 (1987), pp. 115-123. [7] K.W. Ting, J. Zhu and D. Watkins, The effects of joint clearance on position and orientation deviation of linkages and manipulators, Mechanism and Machine Theory 35 (2000), pp. 391–401. [8] A.L. Schwab, J.P. Meijaard and P. Meijers, A comparison of revolute joint clearance models in the dynamic analysis of rigid andelastic mechanical systems, Mechanism and Machine Theory 37 (2002) 895–913. [9] M.J. Tsai and T.H. Lai, Kinematic sensitivity analysis of linkage with joint clearance based on transmission quality, Mechanism and Machine Theory 39 (2004), pp. 1189–1206. [10] P. Flores, J. Ambrosio, J.C.P. Claro, H.M. Lankarani and C.S. Koshy, A study on dynamics of mechanical systems including joints with clearance and lubrication, Mechanism and Machine Theory 41 (2006), pp. 247–261. [11] M.J. Tsai and T.H. Lai, Accuracy analysis of a multi-loop linkage with joint clearances, Mechanism and Machine Theory 43 (2008) 1141–1157. [12] S. Erkaya and I. Uzmay, Determining link parameters using genetic algorithm in mechanisms with joint clearance, Mechanism and Machine Theory 44 (2009) 222–234. Ruby Mishra, T.K.Naskar, Sanjib Acharya |
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188. | Design Sensitivity Analysis of Raft Foundation for Marine Engines and Machinery in Warships
Design Sensitivity Analysis of Raft Foundation for Marine Engines and Machinery in WarshipsAbstract: It is necessary to design warships so as to acoustically insulate them from enemy vessels. The conventional designs of various systems have to be modified for achieving this purpose. The aim is to keep all the types of sound transmission to a low level viz. air-borne, water-borne or structure borne. As such the structure borne noise i.e. engine or machinery noise transmitted through the foundation and hull of the vessel has to be minimized. The design of the machinery mounting system hence becomes very important. One of the techniques used is to mount all vital machinery on double stage vibration isolation systems. A two-stage mounting system (also called as raft mounting) is employed where there is a demand for high structure-borne noise attenuation. The present paper deals with the dynamic analysis and design sensitivity analysis of such a marine engine foundation system considering it as a two degree freedom system. An algorithm has been developed for the same. The vertical vibrations of the system are assumed to be most predominant. The other types of vibrations like rocking or transverse type of vibrations are assumed to negligible and to be taken by the mounts and limiters.Key words: Double-stage vibration isolation, raft foundation for warships, marine engine foundation, computational methods, dynamic analysis. Reference [1] L. Gaul, "Substructure Behaviour of Resilient Support mounts for Single and Double stage mounting systems" Mechanical systems and Signal processing, Volume no. – 5 (1991). [2] Dr. V. Bhujanga Rao, "Self-Reliance in Warship technology" Report on handing over of warship technology products at NSTL, Vishakhapatnam (2007) [3] J. S. Tao, G.R. Liu & K. Y. Lam, "Design Optimization of marine engine mount system." Journal of Sound and Vibration. 235(3) (474-494) (2000). [4] S. G. Hutton, "Optimization of vibration mount properties for application to shipboard diesel engines" Defense research establishment Atlantic – Technical report DREA CR 2000-077 (Jan 2001). [5] G. K. Grover, Mechanical Vibrations, Nem Chand & Bros, Roorkee, India. (2009). [6] Charles Crede (California) Vibrations & Shock Isolation. (Volume no - 8). A. L. Tappu, A. K. Sen, M. M. Lele |
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189. | Design of PID Controller for Flexible Link Manipulator
Design of PID Controller for Flexible Link ManipulatorAbstract: This paper focuses on the end-point control of a single flexible link which rotates in the horizontal plane. The dynamic model is derived using a Lagrangian assumed modes method based on Euler–Bernoulli beam theory. Initially the system is modeled as a voltage-input model, and different controllers were applied to control the system. The position and trajectory control is performed by PID control methods for this system. The purpose of this study is to keep the rotate angle of the link at desired position and to eliminate the oscillation angle of end effectors. The results were produced for mode 1 and mode 2 operation. The control blocks required for this system are performed on MATLAB – SIMULINK. The simulated results of the system based on PID controller are quite satisfactory.Key words: Flexible Link Manipulator, PID controller, High Frequency modes Reference [1] S. Centikunt, B. Siciliano, and W. J. Book, Symbolic modeling and dynamic analysis of flexible manipulators, Proceedings on IEEE International Conference Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Oct. 1986, 798–803. [2] G. G. Hastings and W. J. Book, A linear dynamic model for flexible robotic manipulators, IEEE Control System Magazine, 7, Apr. 1987, 61–64. [3] P. B. Usoro, R. Nadira, and S. S. Mahil, "A finite element/Lagrange approach to modeling lightweight flexible manipulators," Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 108, 1986, 198–205. [4] B. Siciliano and W. J. Book, A singular perturbation approach to control of lightweight manipulators, International Journal on Robotic Research, 7(4), Aug. 1988, 79–90. [4] W. J. Book, Modeling, design, and control of flexible manipulator arms: A tutorial review, Proceedings on 29th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Dec. 1990, pp. 500–506. [5] H. Asada, Z.-D. Ma and H. Tokumaru, Inverse dynamics of flexible robot arms: modeling and computation for trajectory control, Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 112, June 1990, 177–185. [6] D. Wang and M. Vidyagasar, Transfer functions for a single flexible link, International Journal on Robotic Research, 10(5), Oct. 1991, 540–549. [7] M. W. Vandegrift, F. L. Lewis, and S. Zhu, Flexible-link robot arm control by a feedback linearization/singular perturbation approach, Journal on Robotic Systems, 11(7), 1994, 591–603. [8] D. E. Torfs, R.Vuerinckx, J. Sewevers and J. Schoukens, Comparison of two feed forward design methods aiming at accurate trajectory racking of the end point of a flexible robot arm, IEEE Transactions Control Systems Technology, 6(1), Jan. 1998, 2-14. [9] Joono Cheong, PID composite controller and its tuning for flexible link robots, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 3, 2002, 2122-2127. [10] L. H. Keel, J. I. Rego, and S. P. Bhattacharyya, A new approach to Digital PID Controller Design, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 48(4), Apr. 2003, 687-692. [11] Ming-Tzu Ho and Yi-Wei Tu, PID controller for flexible link manipulator, Proceedings of the 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, and the European Control Conference, 2005, 6841-6846. [12] T. Mansour, A. Konno and M. Uchiyama, Modified PID Control of a Single- Link flexible Robot, Advanced Robotics, 22(4), 2008, 433-449./span> S. Mallikarjunaiah, S. Narayana Reddy |
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190. | Simulation of energy consumption analysis of multi-hop 802.11 wireless ad-hoc networks on reactive routing protocols
Simulation of energy consumption analysis of multi-hop 802.11 wireless ad-hoc networks on reactive routing protocolsAbstract: In this paper we compare energy consumption in multi-hop IEEE 802.11 wireless ad-hoc networks using different routing protocols and various TCP/IP topologies. The performance costing of three MANET routing protocols: such as STAR, RIP and OLSR based on multi-hop IEEE 802.11 through simulator. When a source node has data to send to a destination node, if does not have the same route, than it will initiate a broadcast route-query process. The implementation was achieved over a real-world considering some vital metrics with application, MAC and physical layer model to define the performance effectiveness of routing protocols. Performance is analyzed and compared on performance measuring metrics like average jitter, throughput, average end to end delay, Energy consumed (mjules) in transmit, received and ideal modes, in different mobility models with varying CBR traffic load and then their performance is compared using QualNet 5.0 network simulator.Key words: Ad hoc network, STAR, RIP, OLSR QualNet 5.0 Reference [1] J.Broch, D. A. Maltz, D. B. Johnson, Y.ch and hu and J. Jetcheva, "A performance comparison of Multi – hop wireless sensor ad-hoc for mobile ad-hoc networks" in proc. 4th annual IEEE/ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, Dallas, Texas, US Oct. 1998, pp. 85-97. [2] Q. Jiang and D. Manivannan, "Routing techniques in wireless sensor networks:a survey," CCNC '04, pp. 93 – 98, 2004. [3] F. Bai, A. Helmy, "A Survey of Mobility Modeling and Analysis in Wireless Adhoc Networks" in Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks,Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004 . 33-40. [4] A. Boukerche, Performance Evaluation of Routing Protocols for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks, Mobile Networks and Applications 9, Netherlands, 2004, pp. 333- 342 [5] Samir R.Das, Charles E.Perkins, Elizabeth .Royer , Performance Comparison of Two On-demand Routing Protocols for Ad Hoc Networks. IETF RFC, No. 3561, Jul.2003. [6] Muktadir A.H.A. 2007. "Energy Consumption study of OLSR and DYMO MANET Routing Protocols" in Urban Area, National Conference on Communication and Information Security, Daffodil International University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. pp.133-136. [7] Sabina Barakovic and Jasmina Barakovic, "Comparative Performance Evaluation of Mobile Ad Hoc Routing Protocols." In the proceeding of MIPRO, p.p. 518-523, 24-28 May, 2010. [8] Ahmed S. and Alam M. S., "Performance Evaluation of Important Ad Hoc Network Protocols". EURASIP Journal on Wireless Com. and Networking. Vol. 2006. Issue 2. pp.1-11. [9] E Royer and C.K Toh, "A Review of Current Routing Protocols for Ad Hoc Mobile Wireless Networks", IEEE Personal Communications pp no 46-55, April 1999. [10] Amrit Suman, Ashok Kumar Nagar, Sweta Jain and Praneet Saurav, " Simulation Analysis of STAR, DSR and ZRP in Presence of Misbehaving Nodes in MANET." November, 2009. [11] Hong Jiang, "Performance Comparison of Three Routing Protocols for Ad Hoc Networks", IEEE Journal on Computer Communication and Networks, Volume 3, PP.547-554, August 2002. [12] Subir Kumar Sarkar, T,G. Basavaraju, and C. Puttamadappa, "Ad Hoc Mobile Wireless Networks: Principles, Protocols and Applications", Auerbach Publications, US, 2008. [13] Royer, E., and Chai-Keong, O. A review of current routing protocols for ad hoc mobile wireless networks. IEEE Personal Communications 6, 2 (Apr 1999), 46-55. [14] QualNet Simulator Version 5.0.1 Scalable Network Technologies, www.scalablenetworks.com Dharam Vir, Dr. S.K.Agarwal, Dr. S.A.Imam |
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191. | Design and Development of Real Time Clock based efficient Solar
Tracking System
Design and Development of Real Time Clock based efficient Solar Tracking SystemAbstract: The growth or energy demand in response to industrialization, urbanization, and societal affluence has led to an extremely uneven global distribution of primary energy consumption. The sun, wind, waves and geothermal heat are renewable energy sources that will never run out. They are perpetual, or self-renewing. The rate of consumption does not exceed the rate of renewability. The cost of generating electricity from wind and solar power has decreased by 90% over the past 20 years. Maximizing power output from a solar system is desirable to increase the efficiency of a solar tracing system. To maximize the power output from solar panels, we need to keep the panels aligned with the sun. In this paper, the design of an efficient solar tracking system based on Real Time Clock (RTC) using ARM processor is described. The proposed tracking system is a low cost, high accurate, more efficient with low power consumption.Key words: ARM processor, Real Time Clock, Renewable energy, Solar tracking system Reference [1]. S. R. Bull, "Renewable energy today and tomorrow," IEEE Proc., vol.89, no. 8, pp. 1216-1226, 2001. [2]. S. Rahman, "Green power: what is it and where can we find it?" IEEE Power and Energy Magazine, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 30-37, 2003. [3]. J. A. Beltran, J. L. S. Gonzalez Rubio, C.D. Garcia-Beltran, "Design, Manufacturing and Performance Test of a Solar Tracker Made by an Embedded Control", CERMA 2007, Mexico. [4]. M. A. Panait, T. Tudorache, "A Simple Neural Network Solar Tracker for Optimizing Conversion Efficiency in OffGrid Solar Generators", ICREPQ 2008, Spain. [5]. A. M. Morega, J. C. Ordonez, P. A. Negoias, R. Hovsapian, "Spherical Photovoltaic Cells – A Constructal Approach to Their Optimization", OPTIM 2006, Romania. [6]. A. M. Morega, A. Bejan, "A Constructural Approach to the Optimal Design of Photovoltaic Cells", Int. Journal of Green Energy, pp. 233-242, 2005 [7]. P.I.Widenborg, G. Aberle, "Polycrystalline Silicon Thin-Film Solar Cells on AITTextured Glass Superstrates", Advances in Opto-Electronics Journal, Vol. 2007. [8]. P. Turmezei, "Chalcogenide Materials for Solar Energy Conversion", Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 13-16, 2004. [9]. J. Rizk, and Y. Chaiko, "Solar Tracking System: More Efficient Use of Solar Panels", World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 41, 2008, pp:313-315. [10]. Damm, J, "An active solar tracking system", HomeBrew Magazine, Issue 17, 1990. K. Anusha, S. Chandra Mohan Reddy |
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192. | Optimizations Of Ingredients For Sensory Evaluation Of Aloe Vera Jam Preparation Using Response Surface Methodology (RSM)
Optimizations Of Ingredients For Sensory Evaluation Of Aloe Vera Jam Preparation Using Response Surface Methodology (RSM)Abstract: The present work is focused on the sensory quality of jam produced by aloe vera. Response surface methodology (RSM) was used to optimize the ingredients like: aloe vera juice (800-1200 ml), sugar (800-1200 g kg -1 ), pectin (35- 60 g kg -1 ) and citric acid (20-40 ml). Results showed that the model fit was significant (p < 0.05) and there was satisfactory correlation between actual and fitted values. The statistical model was used to optimise the factors levels for highest acceptability, to produce aloe vera jam. Data obtained from RSM on aloe vera jam production were subjected to the analysis of variance (ANOVA) and analyzed using a second order polynomial equation. Sensory analysis for color, taste, aroma and texture in the aloe vera jam produced at the optimized ingredients composition were performed. The optimum condition for the best sensory score is aloe vera juice 990 ml, sugar 1022 g kg -1 , pectin 50.3 g kg -1 and citric acid 28.2 ml. Jam produced under the optimum conditions for sensory score was again subjected to evaluation of sensory values and the results were compared with the RSM predictionsKey words: Jam, pectin, sugar, optimization, citric acid. Reference [1] Lal G, Siddappaa GS, Tandon GL, Preservation of Fruit and Vegetables, ed.by ICAR Publication, New Delhi, India (1998). [2] Baker RA, Berry N, Hui YH, Barrett DM, Barrett DM, Somogyi L, Ramaswamy HS, Food preserves and jams, In Processing Fruits, second ed. by CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA (2005). [3] PFA, 2004. The Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules, 1955. A.16.07.287. http://www.mohfw.nic.in/pfa%20acts%20 and%20rules.pdf (14 th July, 2009). [4] CODEX. 2009. Codex standard 296: Standard for Jams, Jellies and Marmalades.Website:http://www.codexali mentarius.net. ( June 6, 2010). [5] Hyvönen L, Torma R, Examination of sugars, sugar alcohols, and artificial sweeteners as substitutes for sucrose in strawberry jam. Product development. Journal of Food Science 48:183–185, 192 (1983). [6] Albuquerque JP, Nacco v, Faro A, Avaliação global de geléias de uva através do método de dados difusos, Ciênc. Tecnol. Aliment. Campinas 16: 250– 254 (2006). [7] Atherton Peter, The Essential Aloe Vera – The actions and the evidence, Private publication (1997). [8] Cochrane C , Knottenbelt D, Preliminary study of the effects of Aloe Vera on equine dermal fibroblasts. Personal communication. University of Liverpool, Faculty of Veterinary Science (1999). [9] Danhof,IE, McAnelley BH, Stabilised Aloe Vera – effects on human skin cells,Drug and Cosmetic Industry, 133:105-106 (1983). [10] Gottshall , Antibacterial substances in seed plants active against tubercle bacilli, American Review of Tuberculosis (1950). K.Jayabalan, C.Karthikeyan |
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193. | Multilevel Inverter with Natural Balancing of DC Sources for PV System Applications
Multilevel Inverter with Natural Balancing of DC Sources for PV System ApplicationsAbstract: This paper presents a photovoltaic system as a standalone system. The proposed system consists of photovoltaic (PV) module, battery energy storage system (BESS), high frequency transformer, and multilevel inverter (MLI). The MLI consists of two H-bridge single phase inverter per arm (phase) with unequal dc voltages which needs 6 isolated dc sources for the conventional MLI. The relative values between the upper (auxiliary) inverter dc voltage and the lower H-bridge (main) inverter is 1/3 resulting in 9 levels MLI. Each isolated dc source comes from a PV module accompany with a BESS. A high frequency transformer (HFT) is proposed in this paper to generate the dc bus voltage of the auxiliary inverter from the main inverter dc bus voltage. As a result of that the number of isolated dc bus voltages required is reduced by half which is reflected in reducing the number of PV required and thus reducing the cost of the overall system. In addition, a natural balancing between the main and auxiliary inverters dc bus voltages of each arm will be attained due to the HFT turns ratio which result in simplifying the overall control of the whole system. In order to reduce the size of the HFT a judicious modulation index (MI) will be chosen. The proposed system has been simulated using static inductive load. Analyses and simulation have been proposed to validate the proposed control scheme.Key words: MLI; PV; HF Transformer; bidirectional converter; Isolated dc sources. Reference [1] Soeren Baekhoej Kjaer, John K. Pedersen, and Frede Blaabjerg, "A Review of SinglePhase Grid-Connected Inverters for Photovoltaic Modules" IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 41, No. 5, September/October, 2005, pp: 1292 – 1306. [2] Eduardo Román, Ricardo Alonso, Pedro Ibañez, Sabino Elorduizapatarietxe, and Damián Goitia, "Intelligent PV Module for Grid-Connected PV Systems", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 53, No. 4, August 2006, pp: 1066 – 1073. [3] M. N. A. Kadir S. Mekhilef, and H. W. Ping Voltage Vector Control of a Hybrid ThreeStage Eighteen-Level Inverter by Vector Decomposition IET Transaction on Power Electronics, Volume 3, Issue 4, pp.601- 611, [4] Saad Mekhilef, and Mohamad N. Abdul Kadir, "Novel Vector Control Method for Three-Stage Hybrid Cascaded Multilevel Inverter", IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 58, No. 4, April 2011. [5] Samir Kouro, Rafael Bernal, Hernán Miranda, César A. Silva, and José Rodríguez, "High-Performance Torque and Flux Control for Multilevel Inverter Fed Induction Motors", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 22, No. 6, November 2007, pp: 2116 – 2123. [6] Baruschka, L.; Mertens, A., "Comparison of Cascaded H-Bridge and Modular Multilevel Converters for BESS application", IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2011, pp: 909 – 916. [7] Sepahvand, H.; Jingsheng Liao; Ferdowsi, M., "Investigation on Capacitor Voltage Regulation in Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Converters With Fundamental Frequency Switching", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol.: 58 , Issue: 11, 2011, pp: 5102 – 5111. [8] D. Zhong, B. Ozpineci, L. M. Tolbert, and J. N. Chiasson, "DC-AC Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Boost Inverter With No Inductors for Electric/Hybrid Electric Vehicle Applications," Industry Applications, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 45, no. 3,2009, pp. 963-970. [9] S. Vazquez, J. I. Leon, L. G. Franquelo, J. J. Padilla, and J. M. Carrasco, "DC-VoltageRatio Control Strategy for Multilevel Cascaded Converters Fed With a Single DC Source," Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 56, no. 7, 2009, pp. 2513-2521. [10] Femia, N.; Petrone, G.; Spagnuolo, G.; Vitelli, M., "Optimization of perturb and observe maximum power point tracking method", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 20 , Issue: 4, 2005 , pp: 963 – 973. [11] Chee Wei Tan; Green, T.C.; HernandezAramburo, C.A, "Analysis of perturb and observe maximum power point tracking algorithm for photovoltaic applications", IEEE 2nd International Power and Energy Conference, PECon 2008, pp: 237 – 242. [12] Elgendy, M. A.; Zahawi, B.; Atkinson, D. J., "Evaluation of perturb and observe MPPT algorithm implementation techniques", 6th IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD 2012), 2012 , pp: 1 – 6. [13] Seul-Ki Kim, Jin-Hong Jeon, Chang-Hee Cho, Jong-Bo Ahn, and Sae-Hyuk Kwon, "Dynamic Modeling and Control of a GridConnected Hybrid Generation System With Versatile Power Transfer", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 55, No. 4, April, 2008, pp: 1677- 1688. Mahrous Ahmed, Ibrahim Taha, Sherif Ghoneim |
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194. | Design, Analysis and Study of 2x1 Rectangular Microstrip Antenna Array At 2.45 GHz for Beam Steering
Design, Analysis and Study of 2x1 Rectangular Microstrip Antenna Array At 2.45 GHz for Beam SteeringAbstract: This paper presents an experimental Phased Array Antenna System operating at 2.4 GHz. Antenna element excitation amplitudes are taken to be constant. Antenna element excitation phases are changed. The obtained radiation patterns provide steerable main lobes and nulls at predefined directions including control of the side lobes at specified levels. Units of the system are presented in detail and their architecture is explained. A phase calibration is used to compensate the system. Measurements of radiation patterns are presented and are compared with calculated patterns.Key words: Microstrip, patch antennas, beams steering. Reference 1. Antenna Theory - Analysis and Design - by Balanis - [2006] 2. L. Stark, ―Microwave Theory of PhasedArray Antennas—A Review,‖ Proc. IEEE, Vol. 62, pp. 1661–1701, December 1974. 3. F. M. Kashif, W. Qadeer, and S. I. Shah, ―Efficient implementation of quadrature amplitude modulation transmitters,‖ in IEEE INMIC Technology for the 21st Century, 2001. 4. W. Aerts, P. Delmotte, G. A. E. Vandenbosch ―Conceptual Study of Analog Baseband Beam Forming: Design and Measurement of an Eight-by-Eight Phased Array‖, Transaction on Antenna Propagation, vol. 57, No. 5, pp. 000-999, 2009. 5. . Aliakbarian* , V. Volski * , E. van der Westhuizen+ , R. Wolhuter+, and G. A. E. Vandenbosch ―Analogue versus Digital for Baseband Beam Steerable Array used for LEO Satellite Applications‖ 6. POZAR D.M., and SCHAUBERT D.H., ―Microstrip Antennas, the Analysis and Design of Microstrip Antennas and Arrays‖, IEEE Press, New York, USA, 1995 7. Guru Parsad, Tirupathi.‖ Design, Analysis and Study of 2x2 Rectangular Microstrip Antenna Array At 430 MHz for Wind Profiler RADAR‖ International Journal of Computer Applications & Information Technology Vol. 1, No.1, July 2012 8. J.R.JAMES, P.S.HALL and C.WOOD, ―Microstrip Antenna Theory and Design‖, London, UK,: Peter Peregrinus, 1981. 9. M. Amman, Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna for the 2.4 Ghz Band, Applied Microwave and Wireless, pp. 24-34, November /December 1997 JAMES J.R., and HALL P.S., ―Handbook of Microstrip Antennas‖ Peter Peregrinus Ltd., London, UK, 1989. 10. K.R.CARVER and J.W.MINK, ―Microstrip Antenna Technology‖, IEEE Trans. Antenna Propag., Vol.AP-29, pp.2- 24, Jan 1981. 11. I.J.BAHL and P.BHARTIA, ―Microstrip Antennas‖, Dedham, MA: Artech House, 1980. Mr. Patil Sarang M., Prof.Dr.Bombale |
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195. | Kinematic Synthesis of Variable Crank-rocker and Drag linkage planar type Five-Bar Mechanisms with Transmission Angle Control
Kinematic Synthesis of Variable Crank-rocker and Drag linkage planar type Five-Bar Mechanisms with Transmission Angle ControlAbstract: Analytical method to synthesize a variable crank-rocker and drag-linkage planar type planar five-bar mechanism with transmission angle control is designed. The method is useful to reduce the solution space and thus the number of trials and the time required for synthesis. In this paper the synthesis of fivebar mechanism motion, for two separated positions are considered. The portion of the fivebar linkage in Phase-I and in Phase-II is assumed to be a crank rocker type four-bar mechanism and the portion of the five-bar linkage in PhaseIII and in Phase-IV is assumed to be a DragLinkage type four-bar mechanism.Reference 1. S.S Balli and S.Chand, Synthesis of a Five bar mechanism with variable topology for motion between extreme positions, mechanism and machine theory, vol 37, no 11, pp – 1435-1445, 2002 2. S.S. Balli and S.Chand transmission angle in mechanisms, mechanism and machine theory, vol 37, no.2, pp 175-195, 2002 3. C.Chen, S. Bai and J. Angeles, The synthesis of dyads with one prismatic joint, journal of mechanical design, vol 130, no 3, Article ID 034501, 2008 4. E.Soylemez, Classical transmission – angle problem for slider-crank mechanisms, mechanism and machine theory, vol 37, no.4, pp.419-425,2002 5. H. Zhou, Synthesis of adjustable function generation linkages using the optimal pivot adjustment, mechanism and machine theory, vol. 44, n05, pp 983-990 6. H. Zhou, K.L. Ting, Path generation with singularity avoidance for five-bar slidercrank parallel manipulators, mechanism and machine theory, vol.40, no 3, pp. 371- 384, 2005 7. Soni A.H : Mechanism synthesis and analysis, McGraw Hill. 8. Paul B : Kinematics and Dynamics of planar machinery. 9. Erdman A.G, Sandor G.N : Advanced Mechanism Design : Analysis and synthesis volume-II, Prentice Hall. 10. Williams R.J, Rupprecht.S : Dynamic force analysis of planar mechanisms. P. Srinivasa Rao |
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196. | The Graceful Of A Finite Number Of Copies Of C4 With Dotnet Framework 3.5
The Graceful Of A Finite Number Of Copies Of C4 With Dotnet Framework 3.5Abstract: The gracefulness of a finite number of copies for circuit with length 4 is obtained with Dotnet Framework 3.5.Key words: Graceful labeling, Graceful Graph, Generalized the Graceful of a Finite number of Copies of C4 Reference 1. R. L. Graham and N. J. A. Sloane, On additive bases and harmonious graph, SIAM J. Alg. Discrete Math., 1 (1980) 382 – 404. 2. A. Rosa, On certain valuation of the vertices of a graph, Theory of graphs (International Synposium,Rome,July 1966),Gordon and Breach, N.Y.and Dunod Paris (1967), 349-355. 3. A.Solairaju and K.Chitra Edge-odd graceful labeling of some graphs, Electronics Notes in Discrete Mathematics Volume 33,April 2009,Pages 1. 4. A. Solairaju and P.Muruganantham, evenedge gracefulness of ladder, The Global Journal of Applied Mathematics & Mathematical Sciences(GJ-AMMS). Vol.1.No.2, (July-December- 2008):pp.149-153. 5. A. Solairaju and P.Sarangapani, even-edge gracefulness of Pn O nC5, Preprint (Accepted for publication in Serials Publishers, New Delhi). 6. A.Solairaju, A.Sasikala, C.Vimala Gracefulness of a spanning tree of the graph of product of Pm and Cn, The Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 1, No-2 (July-Dec 2008): pp 133- 136. 7. A. Solairaju, C.Vimala,A.Sasikala Gracefulness of a spanning tree of the graph of Cartesian product of Sm and Sn, The Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 1, No-2 (July-Dec 2008): pp117-120. 8. A. Solairaju, N.Abdul ali , s. Abdul saleem Gracefulness of Tp-tree with five levels obtained by java programming, The International Journel of Scientific and Research Publication (IJSRP),Volume 2,Issue 12,December 2012 Edition [ISSN 2250 – 3153] 9. A. Solairaju, N.Abdul ali, Gracefulness of n c4 Merging with paths, International Organization of Scientific Research (IOSR),Volume 4,Issue 4, 20 December 2012.Paper ID:G22078 10. A. Solairaju, N.Abdul ali, A new class of gracefull trees. International journal of science & engineering research (IJSER),Volume 4,1 st dec 2013.paper ID : I01653 11. A. Solairaju, N.Abdul ali, Gracefull ness of PK ∘ 2𝐶𝑘 , International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology(IJERT),Volume 1,Issue :10 th dec 2012,Paper ID :P12552 [ISSN 2278 – 0181] 12. Tbuan thai & hoang Q.Lan,".Net Framework Essentials",O`reilly,2 nd Edition 2007. 13. D.Nikhil Kothari,",.Net Framework",Addison-Wesley Professional,2008. 14. Christian Nagel et al,"Programming in C#",Wrox Publication,2001 Solairaju, N. Abdul Ali, A. Sumaiya Banu |
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197. | Comparative Study of Data Mining echniques toEnhance Intrusion Detection
Comparative Study of Data Mining echniques toEnhance Intrusion DetectionAbstract: Today, Intrusion Detection Systems have been employed by majority of the organizations to safeguard the security of information systems. Firewalls that are used for intrusion detection possess certain drawbacks which are overcome by various data mining approaches. Data mining techniques play a vital role in intrusion detection by analysing the large volumes of network data and classifying it as normal or anomalous. Several data mining techniques like Classification, Clustering and Association rules are widely used to enhance intrusion detection. Among them clustering is preferred over classification since it does not require manual labelling of the training data and the system need not be aware of the new attacks. This paper discusses three different clustering algorithms namely K-Means Clustering, Y-Means Clustering and Fuzzy CMeans Clustering. K-Means clustering results in degeneracy and is not suitable for large databases. Y-Means is an improvement over Kmeans that eliminates empty clusters. Fuzzy C-Means is based on the fuzzy logic that allows an item to belong to more than one cluster and concentrates on the minimization of the objective function that examines the quality of partitioning. The performance and efficiency of Fuzzy C- Means clustering is the best in terms of intrusion detection than the other two techniques. Finally, the paper discusses the comparison of the three clustering algorithms.Key words: Intrusion detection, K-Means Clustering, Y-Means Clustering, Fuzzy C-Means Clustering, Data Mining, Firewall. Reference [1] Ye Qing, Wu Xiaoping and Huang Gaofeng, ―An Intrusion Detection Approach based on Data Mining‖, 2nd International Conference on Future Computer and Communication, pp. no. 695 – 698, 2010 IEEE. [2] Disha Sharma, ―Fuzzy Clustering as an Intrusion Detection Technique‖, International Journal of Computer Science & Communication Networks, pp. no. 69 – 75, Vol 1 (1), September-October 2011. [3] Deepthy K Denatious and Anita John, ―Survey on Data Mining Techniques to Enhance Intrusion Detection‖, International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics, Jan 2012. [4] Yu Guan, ―Y-Means: A Dynamic Clustering Algorithm‖. [5] Sivanadiyan Sabari Kannan, ―Y-means Clustering vs N-CP Clustering with canopies for Intrusion Detection‖. [6] Ming-Chuan Hung and Don-Lin Yang, ―An Efficient Fuzzy C-Means Clustering Algorithm‖, pg. no. 225-232, 2001 IEEE. [7] Yu Guan and Ali A. Ghorbani, Nabil Belacel, ―Y-Means: A Clustering Method for Intrusion Detection‖, CCECE 2003 CCGEI 2003, Montreal May 2003 IEEE. [8] E. Kesavulu Reddy, V. Naveen Reddy and P. Govinda Rajulu ―A Study of Intrusion Detection in Data Mining‖, Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering, July 2011, Vol III, London, UK. [9] Reema Patel, Amit Thakkar and Amit Ganatra, ―A Survey and Comparative Analysis of Data Mining Techniques for Network Intrusion Detection Systems‖, International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE), pp. no. 265 – 271, ISSN: 2231-2307, Volume- 2, Issue-1, March 2012. [10] Intrusion Detection Systems: Definition, Need and Challenges [11] Harley Kozushko, ―Intrusion Detection: Host-Based and Network-Based Intrusion Detection Systems‖, Independent Study, September 11, 2003. [12] Manish Joshi, ―Classification, Clustering and Intrusion Detection System‖, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), pp.961-964, ISSN: 2248-9622 www.ijera.com Vol. 2, Issue 2, Mar-Apr 2012. [13] Gerhard Munz and Sa Li, Georg Carle, ―Traffic Anomaly Detection Using KMeans Clustering‖, [14] Raymond Chi-Wing Wong and Ada WaiChee Fu, ―Association Rule Mining and its Application to MPIS‖ Mitchell D'silva, Deepali Vora |
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198. | Characterization of CMOS Four Quadrant Analog Multiplier
Characterization of CMOS Four Quadrant Analog MultiplierAbstract: Real-time analog multiplication of two signals is one of the most important operations in analog signal processing. The design and various analysis of low power, high bandwidth analog multiplier is presented. The multiplier combines the features of both, the Differential structure of Flipped voltage follower cell and Source Follower. This design will improve the multiplier bandwidth by reducing the power dissipation, with low power supply. Simulation results are obtained in 0.35µm, 0.25µm, 0.18µm and 90nm with supply voltages of 1.8v, 1.5v, 0.9v and 0.5v respectively.Key words: Analog Multiplier, Four-Quadrant, FVF Differential Structure, Source Follower. Reference 1. Chen, Z. Li., "A Low Power CMOS Analog Multiplie,"IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems .11, Volume 53, pp. 100-104, Feb. 2006. 2. N. Kiatwarin, W. Ngamkham and W. Kiranon "A Compact Low Voltage CMOS Four-QuadrantAnalog Multiplier" ECTI International Conference App 2007. 3. Chaiwat Sakul , Kobchai Dejhan" Squaring And Square-Root Circuits Based On Flipped Voltage Follower And Applications" International Journal of Information Systems and Telecommunication Engineering (Vol.1- 2010/Iss.1) pp 19-24 App.2010 4. Neeraj Yadav , Sanjeev Agrawal , Jayesh Rawat , Chandan Kumar Jha "Low Voltage Analog Circuit Design Based on the Flipped Voltage Follower "International Journal of Electronics and Computer Science Engineering ISSN: 2277-1956 pp 258-273 5. Amir h. Miremadi, Ahmad, Ayatollahi "A Low Voltage Low Power CMOS Analog Multiplier" IEEE App.2011. 6. Ramraj Gottiparthy" An Accurate CMOS Four-Quadrant Analog Multiplier",Master of Science thesis, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering ,Auburn University 2006. 7. Amit Chaudhary "Low Voltage Analog Circuits Based on Flipped Voltage Follower cell", M.Tech thesis , Dept. of electronics & communication, Thaper University 2010. 8. Baker, Li, Boyce 1997. CMOS: Circuit Design, Layout and Simulation. 2 nd ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons. 1997.pp 704-716. Nipa B. Modi, Priyesh P. Gandhi |
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199. | A modified approach for Removal of High density Salt and Pepper Noise in Color Images
A modified approach for Removal of High density Salt and Pepper Noise in Color ImagesAbstract: This paper proposed a simple edge preserved denoising algorithm to remove high density salt and pepper noise in digital color images. The proposal has three steps: noisy pixel detection, replacement of noisy pixels and edge preservation using Kuwahara filter. The noisy pixel is replaced by trimmed median value when some of the elements with value 0's and 255's are present in the selected window. If all the pixel values in the selected window are 0's and 255's then the noisy pixel is replaced by mean value of all the elements present in that selected window. The color images are denoised by extracting the R, G and B planes from the noisy image, denoised separately and are merged together to form the color image, rather than converting to gray for denoising and then reconstructing from the denoised gray image. The proposed algorithm will yields visually pleasing images in terms of qualitative and quantitative evaluation compared to other standard algorithms.Key words: Color image de-noising, salt and pepper noise, Kuwahara filter. Reference [1] T. Nodes and N. Gallagher, "Median filters: Some modifications and their properties," IEEE Trans. Acoust., Speech, Signal Process., vol. ASSP-30, no. 5, pp. 739–746, Oct.1982. [2] Ho-Ming Lin and Alan"Median filters with Adaptive Length", IEEE transactions of the circuits and systems, vol..35, no.6, june 1988. [3] W. Luo, "Efficient removal of impulse noise from digital images,"IEEE Trans. Consum. Electron.,vol. 52, no. 2, pp. 523– 527, May 2006.. [4] W. Luo, "An efficient detail-preserving approach for removing impulse noise in images," IEEE Signal Process. Lett.,vol. 13, no. 7, pp. 413–416, Jul. 2006. [5] K. S. Srinivasan and D. Ebenezer, "A new fast and efficient decision based algorithm for removal of high-density impulse noises," IEEE Signal Process. Lett., vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 189–192, March 2007. [6] Stefan Schulte , Valerie De Witte, "A Fuzzy Noise Reduction method for color images," IEEE Trans. Image processing., vol. 16, no. 5, May 2007. [7] Qin Zhiyuan, Zhang Weiqiang , Zhang Zhanmu , Wu Bing , Rui Jie, Zhu Baoshan "A robust adaptive image smoothing algorithm". [9] GOPI KRISHNA,T. SREENIVASULU REDDY , "Removal of High Density Salt and Pepper Noise Through Modified Decision Based Unsymmetric Trimmed Median Filter," (IJERA) Vol. 2, Issue 1, Jan-Feb 2012, pp.090-094 Gaganpreet Kaur Bhullar, Vinod Singla |
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200. | Designing CBR-BDI Agent for implementing Supply Chain system
Designing CBR-BDI Agent for implementing Supply Chain systemAbstract: The intelligent agent becomes supplementary the budding technology of Artificial Intelligence that is being used for scheming the enterprise applications. AI is concerned in studying the mechanism of intelligence (e.g., the ability to learn, plan) while the study of agents deals with integrating these same components. The reasoning capability & autonomous features of intelligent agents makes the programmers to resolve the complex problem. But the inability of learning from the environment is the main problem faced with intelligent agent. The case-based reasoning is the major approach that enables to learn from the existing environment. Hence the CBR-BDI agent are the variety of intelligent agents that utilize the features of case-based reasoning to enable the intelligent agents to learn from the environment & make the decisions by using the existing solutions. In global market competitions, more companies know that without handling supply chain management they can survive for long time period. Supply chain system consists of various entities, flows and relationships. In this paper, the CBR-BDI agents are applied to imitate the entities of supply chain system. These agents maintain the flows of material, products and information. This system helps managers to analyze the business policies with respect to different situations arising in the supply chain.Key words: Intelligent Agent, Case-based Reasoning, Supply chain, CBR-BDI agent Reference [1] Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1995. [2] Martin L. Griss, Software Agents as Next Generation Software Components, Chapter 36, Component-based software engineering, Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc. pp. 641-657. [3] J. M. Corchado, Agent-based Web Engineering, Proc. ICWE'03 Proceedings of the 2003 international conference on Web engineering, 2003, 17-25 [4] Cindy Olivia, Chee-Fon Chang, CaseBased BDI Agents: An Effective Approach For Intelligent Search On the World Wide Web Proc. AAAI - National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 1999, 20-27. [5] M. G. Bedia and J. M. Corchado, Constructing autonomous distributed systems using CBR-BDI agents, Innovations in Knowledge Engineering, Chapter 11, (Advanced Knowledge International, Magill, S. Aust, 2003). [6] J. M. Corchado, R. Laza, Constructing Deliberative Agents with Case-based Reasoning Technology, International Journal of Intelligent Systems , 18(12), 2003, 1227-1241. [7] Rosalia Laza, A Case-Based Reasoning Approach to the Implementation of BDI Agents, Proc. European Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning - EWCBR, 2002, 27-30. [8] Juan M. Corchado-Rodríguez, An AgentBased Architecture for Developing Internet-Based Applications, The European Journal for the Informatics Professional, 5(4), 2004, 51-55. [9] Juan M. Corchado and M. A. Pellicer, Development of CBR-BDI Agents, International Journal of Computer Science & Applications, 2(1), (2005), 25 -32. [10] Javier Bajo, Constructing Deliberative Agents Using a Hybrid System, Proc. International Joint Conference, Brazil, 2006. [11] Mart´Navarro and Stella Heras, Guidelines to apply CBR in Real-Time Multi-Agent Systems, Journal of Physical Agents, (2009) 3(3), 39-43. [12] Costin Bădică, Software Agents: Languages, Tools, Platforms, ComSIS 8(2), Special Issue, (2011), 256-295 Surjeet Dalal, Gundeep Tanwar, Naveen Alhawat |
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201. | Review of Distributed File Systems: Case Studies
Review of Distributed File Systems: Case StudiesAbstract: Distributed Systems have enabled sharing of data across networks. In this paper four Distributed File Systems Architectures: Andrew, Sun Network, Google and Hadoop will be reviewed with their implemented architectures, file system implementation, replication and concurrency control techniques employed. For better understanding of the file systems a comparative study is required.Key words: Distributed File Systems, Andrew File System, Sun Network File System, Google File System, Hadoop File System. Reference [1] Howard J. "An Overview of the Andrew File System". [2] Sandberg R., Goldberg D., Kleiman S., Walsh D., Lyon B., "Design and Implementation of the Sun Network Filesystem". [3] Ghemawat S., Gobioff H., Leung S., "The Google File System". [4] Shvacko K., Kunang H., Radia S., Chansler R., "The Hadoop Distributed File System", IEEE 2010. [5] Dean J., Ghemawat S., "MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters", OSDI 2004. [6] Keerthivasan M., "Review of Distributed File Systems: Concepts and Case Studies", ECE 677 Distributed Computing Systems Sunita Suralkar, Ashwini Mujumdar, Gayatri Masiwal, Manasi Kulkarni |
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202. | Network programming in Java using Socket
Network programming in Java using SocketAbstract: This paper describes about Network programming using java. The Network programming is similar to socket programming or Client-Server programming. Where Socket programming is important to understand how internet based interprocess communication work. In this we describe about different types of socket used in interprocess communicate on. Network programming basically uses the Client Server model. In Client-Server programming there are two different programs or process, one which initiates communication called Client process and other who is waiting for communication to start called Server process. In this paper we also focus on the Secure Socket Layer needed for security purpose. Finally comparison between the Network programming using C language and Network Programming using Java is shown.Key words: Network programming, java, socket, Client-Server, Secure socket layer Reference [1] Mengjou Lin, Jenwei Hsieh, David H.C.Du, Joseph P.Thomas and James A. MacDonald, ―Distributed Network Computing over Local ATM Networks,‖ IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 13. No. 4, May 1995 [2] David K. Y. Yau and Simon S. Lam,‖ Migrating Socket – End System Support for Networking with Quality of Service Guarantees,‖IEEE/ACM Transaction on Networking, Vol. 6,No. 6 , December 1998. [3] Stefan Bocking,‖Socket++: A Uniform Application Programming Interface for Basic-Level Communication Services,‖ IEEE Communication Magazine December 1996. [4] Mark A. Holliday,J. Traynham Houston and E. matthew Jones,‖From Socket and RMI to Web Services,‖SIGCSE'08 , Portland, Oregon,USA. March 12-15,2008. [5] S.Kwong, K.T. Ng and W.N. Chau,‖ Design and Implementation of Remote Procedure Call Based on ISO/OSI Reference Model,‖IEEE TENCON Bejing,1993. [6] Mattew Cook and Syed(shawon)M. Rahman,‖ Java and C/C++ language feature in terms of Network Programming,‖ 2005. [7] George Apostolopoulos,Vinod Peris,Prashant Pradhan and Debanjan Saha,‖Securing Electronic Commerce:Reducing the SSL Overhead,‖ IEEE Network July/August 2000 [8] Li Zhao, Ravi Iyer, Srihari Makineni and Laxmin Bhuyan,‖Anatomy [9] Wesley Chou,‖ Inside SSL: The Secure Sockets layer Protocol,‖ IEEE IT pro, July/August 2002 . [10] Elliotte Rusty Harold,‖Java Network Programming,‖ O'Reilly, 3 rd edition, October 2004. [11] Sherali Zeadally and Jia Lu,‖ A performance Comparison of Communication APIs on Solaris and windows Operating systems,‖ IEEE 2003. Abhijit A. Sawant, Dr. B. B. Meshram |
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203. | Offset-Strip Fin Heat Exchangers A Conceptual Review Study
Offset-Strip Fin Heat Exchangers A Conceptual Review StudyAbstract: This paper is a review of research work of last few years on heat transfer growth in offset-strip fin heat exchangers. It features a broad discussion on the application of enhanced heat transfer surfaces to offset strip fin heat exchangers. In this paper we are discussing 2D & 3D Analysis in OSF, Experimental & investigating research on OSFs, Analytical model to predict the heat transfer coefficient and the friction factor of the OSFs geometry, Heat transfer and pressure drop Characteristics of an OSFs Thermal performance, CFD Analysis on OSFs.Key words: CFD Analysis, Offset-strip fin, Heat transfer growth, laminar and turbulent flow. Reference 1. London, A. L. A Brief History of Compact Heat Exchanger Technology, in R. K. Shah, C. F. McDonald and C. P. Howard (Eds), Compact Heat Exchanger – History, Technological Advancement and Mechanical Design Problems, HTD, 10, ASME, 1-4, (1980) 2. Patankar S. V. and Prakash C. 1981 An Analysis of Plate Thickness on Laminar Flow and Heat transfer in Interrupted Plate passages. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 24:1801-1810 3. Fangjun Hong & Ping Cheng Three dimensional numerical analyses and optimization of offset strip-fin microchannel heat sinks International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer volume36,issue- 7,August2009,Pages 651–656 4. Manglik and Bergles A. E. 1995 Heat Transfer and Pressure drop Correlations for Rectangular Offset Strip Finn Compact Heat Exchangers. Experimental Fluid Science 10:171-180. 5. Kays, W. M. and London, A. L. Compact Heat Exchangers, McGraw-Hill, New York (1984) 6. Hu S and Herold K. E. 1995a Prandtl Number Effect on Offset Strip Fin Heat Exchanger Performance: Predictive Model for Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 38(6) 1043-1051 Hu S and Herold K. E. 1995b Prandtl number Effect on Offset Strip Fin Heat Exchanger Performance: Experimental Results. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 38(6) 1053-1061. 7. Zhang L. W., Balachandar S., Tafti D. K. and Najjar F. M. 1997. Heat Transfer Enhancement Mechanisms in Inline and Staggered Parallel Plate Fin Heat Exchanger. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 40(10):2307-2325 8. Dejong N. C., Zhang L. W., Jacobi A. M., Balchandar S. and Tafti D. K. 1998.AComplementaryExperimental and Numerical Study of Flow and Heat Transfer in Offset Strip Fin Heat Exchangers. Journal of Heat Transfer 12:690:702 9. S.YoucefAli_,J.Y.Desmons,Numerical and experimental study of a solar equipped with offset rectangular plate fin absorber plate Volume 31, Issue 13, Pages 2025- 2206 (October 2006) Renewable Energy an InternationalJournal,http://www.sciencedir ect.com/science/journal/09601481 10. Joshi H. M. and Webb R. L. 1987. Heat Transfer and Friction in Offset Strip Fin Heat Exchanger, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 30(1): 69-80 Alok Vyas, Dr. Alka Bani Agrawal |
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204. | The study of effect and evaluation of modular product design on manufacturing processes
The study of effect and evaluation of modular product design on manufacturing processesAbstract: Basically involvement of modularity in the manufacturing of products produced some effects extensively in development. This Paper presents a methodology of modular based design in different conceptual stages of manufacturing system to support modularity. The results of the study will identify that how the modularity also influence the time and cost factors by functional changes in process planning ,productivity and manufacturing processes, Which will be intuitive and provide resolutions of modularity in formation of strategy of manufacturing and working processes to improve delay of production and reduce the product investment . Firstly, the function will be classified into different types of modules according to the consideration of manufacturing and assembling of the products with parts as designs. Then modules will be utilize to make changes of results of efficiency, productivity and overall cost to represents the modularity concept of product development and evaluation of effect and modular product design of manufacturing processReference [1] Baldwin, Carliss Y. and Kim B. Clark (2000). Design Rules: The Power of ModularitCambridge, MA: MIT Press. [2] Clark, Kim B. and Takahiro Fujimoto (1991). Product Development Performance [3] Harvard Business School Press.Cusumano, Michael A. and Akira Takeishi (1991). "Supplier Relations and Management: A Survey of Japanese, Japanese-Transplant [4] Advantage. Reading, MA: Peruseus Books.Fujimoto, Takahiro (1999). The Evolution of a Manufacturing System at Toyota. NewYork: Oxford University PressFujimoto, Takahiro (2001). "Akitekucha no Sangyoron [5] Bijinesu Akitekucha: Seihin, Soshiki, Purosesu no Senryakuteki Sekkei [Business Architecture: Strategic Design of Products, Organizations, and Processes] Tokyo:Yuhikaku.Fujimoto, Takahiro and Ge Dong Sheng (2001). [6] Components and Choices of Transaction Systems]." In Takahiro Fujimoto, Akira Takeishi and Yaichi Aoshima (eds.), Bijinesu Akitekucha: [7] Strategic Design of Products, Organizations, and Processes] Tokyo: Yuhikaku.Fujimoto, Takahiro, Takashi Matsuo, and Akira [8] Torihiki Patan no Hatten to Henyo: Wagakuni Ichiji Buhin Meka heno Anketo [9] Chosa Kekka wo Chushin ni [Development and Transformation of Car Component [10] Transaction Patterns: Results from a Questionnaire Survey [11] Tokyo.Fujimoto, Takahiro and Akira Takeishi (1994). Jidosha Sangyo 21-seiki heno Shinario [12] [The Automobile Industry: A Scenario towards the 21st Century] [13] Göpfert, Jan, and Mitchel Steinbrecher (1999). "Modular Product Development: Ankur Dutt Sharma, Ankur Pareek |
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205. | Electromagnetic Modeling of Electronic Package wirebond
Electromagnetic Modeling of Electronic Package wirebondAbstract: This paper will describes the modern packaging issues and the simulated studies using CST MWS as electromagnetic full wave solver. In fact, the aim of this study is to present the impact of the contribution of the geometrical parameters and to know how much it is the impact on. In the other hand, the position of a BW is not exact as it was excepted, then an error evaluation of the difference in return loss between theoretical and practical bond wire positions is simulated to know how much it is the impact on. The simulation is performed using CST MICROWAVES software, whose calculations are based on The Finite Integration Technique (FIT).Key words: Bond Wire, Cross talk, Geometrical parameters, processes error. Reference [1] David M. Pozard, Microwave engineering, 3 rd Ed, John Wiley & Sons, 2005. [2] J.O. Hallquist, LS-DYNA User's ManualVersion 940, Livermore Software Technology Corporation, June 1997. [3] C.Guiffaut. Contribution à la method FDTD pour l'étude d'antennes et de la diffraction d'objets enfouis. Thèse de doctorat d'université. Rennes : Université de Rennes, 2005, 1, 200,220p. [4] K .S. Yee. Numerical Solution of initial boundary value problems involving Maxwell. IEEE, transaction Antennas and Propagation, Vol, 14, 1996,p 302-307. [5] Lau JH, editor. Ball grid array technology. McGraw-Hill; 1995. p. 396. Khalid Hati, Abdellah El Hajjaji, Mourad Hati |
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206. | Design and Assessment of Low Cycle Fatigue Life of a Heavy Duty PressDesign and Assessment of Low Cycle Fatigue Life of a Heavy Duty PressAbstract: Our project involves investigations on the failure of an 8000 ton heavy duty press. This press is used for forming boiler drums by U-shell pressing operation. The failure of the press had occurred due to formation of several cracks in the upper tool part of the press. Initially the detailed three dimensional model of the upper tool is developed using the popular solid modeling package, Pro/E. Later meshing of the model is done in Hypermesh and analysis of the meshed model is carried out using the analysis package Ansys 8.0. The upper tool of the press has been analysed using After getting the stresses and strain values in the upper tool body from the analysis, the expected low cycle fatigue life of the press is predicted using the Coffin-Manson's relations. These investigations have clearly brought out the cause of the failure of the press. The upper tool part of the press has a finite life design as regards cold correction operations, and, low cycle fatigue is the life consuming mechanism responsible for its failure. Further recommendations are made for extension of life of upper tool part of press by way of stiffening. The scope of the work is further enhanced by finding the real stress distribution and strains existing in the upper tool by Neuber's approximation method. Thereafter the reliability of the method is discussed.Reference 1. Low Cycle Fatigue and Life Prediction: Amzallag, Leis and Rabbe Publisher A.S.T.M International. 2. Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics C/C of Zhurnal Prikladnoi Mekhaniki I Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki 28 3. Journal of Strain Analysis For Engineering Design 4. Transactions - American Society of Mechanical Engineers Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology 5. Materials Science and Engineering (Lausanne) 6. Transactions - American Society of Mechanical Engineers Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology 7. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 8. Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures |
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207. | On The Existence Of Periodic Solutions Of Certain Fourth Order Differential Equations With DealyOn The Existence Of Periodic Solutions Of Certain Fourth Order Differential Equations With DealyAbstract: We derive existence results for the periodic boundary value problem ( ) ( , ( ) ( ) ( ) x ax f x x cx g t x x p t iv x(0) = x(2π), x x (0) = x (2 ), x 0) = x( 2 ), (0) = x (2 ) using degree theoretic methods. The uniqueness of periodic solutions is also examinedKey words: "Periodic Solutions, Caratheodony Conditions, Fourth Order Differential Equations with delay. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 34B15; 34C15, 34C25. Reference [1] F. Ahmad. Linear delay differential equations with a positive and negative term. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations. Vol. 2003 (2003) No. 9, 1-6. [2] J.G. Dix. Asymptotic behaviour of solutions to a first order differential equations with variable delays. Computer and Mathematics with applications Vol 50 (2005) 1791 - 1800 [3] R. Gaines and J. Mawhin, Coincidence degree and Non-linear differential equations, Lecture Notes in Math, No.568 Springer Berlin, (1977). [4] S.A. Iyase: On the existence of periodic solutions of certain third order Nonlinear differential equation with delay. Journal of the Nigerian Mathematical Society Vol. 11, No. 1 (1992) 27 - 35 [5] S.A. Iyase. Non-resonant oscillations for some fourth-order differential equations with delay. Mathematical Proceedings of theRoyal Irish Academy, Vol.99A, No.1, 1999, 113-121 [6] S.A. Iyase and P.O.K. Aiyelo, Resonant oscillation of certain fourth order Nonlinear differential equations with delay, International Journal of Mathematics and Computation Vol.3 No. J09, June 2009 p67-75 [7] Oguztoreli and Stein, An analysis of oscillation in neuromuscular systems. Journal of Mathematical Biology 2 1975 87-105. [8] E.De. Pascal and R. Iannaci: Periodic solutions of generalized Lienard equations with delay, Proceedings equadiff 82, Wurzburg (1982) 148 - 156 [9] H.O. Tejumola, Existence of periodic solutions of certain third order non-linear differential equations with delay. Journal of Nigerian Mathematical Society Vol. 7 (1988) 59-66 |
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208. | QoS oriented vertical handoff scheme for interworking of WLAN and WiMAXQoS oriented vertical handoff scheme for interworking of WLAN and WiMAXAbstract: A Mobile Node (MN) continuously moves in heterogeneous networks. When connections need to migrate between heterogeneous networks for performance and high-availability reasons, seamless vertical handoff is necessary first step. Everyone around the world would like to be connected seamlessly anytime anywhere through the best network. When MN changes its point of access technology handoff occurs. In this paper, a vertical handover scheme is proposed for interworking of WLAN and WiMAX to improve QoS in terms of throughput. Available bandwidth and average end to end delay will be taken in to account for making handoff decisions. Vertical handoff between WLAN and WiMAX occurs by satisfying QoS parameters.Key words: MN, QoS, vertical handoff, WLAN, WiMAX. Reference [1] R. O'Hara and T.L.Cole, Local and metropolitan area networks specific requirements, IEEE Std 802.11-2007. [2] R.B. Marks and J.Puthenkulam, Local and metropolitan area networks-part 16: Air interface for broadband wireless access systems, IEEE Computer Society .IEEE Std 802.16-2009. [3] Mandeep Kaur Gondaral and Dr.Sanjay kadam, Requirements of vertical handoff mechanism in 4G Wireless networks, international journal of wireless and mobile networks (IJWMN) vol. 3,no.2,April 2011. [4] Pramod Goyal and S.K.Saxena,"a Dynamic decision model for vertical handoff across heterogeneous wireless networks, 677? 2008 WASET.ORG, World academy of science, engineering and technology, issue 41, pp 676-682. [5] Bushra Naeem, Able Nyampfene, Seamless vertical handover in wifi and WiMAX networks using RSS and motion detection, Pacific journal of science and technology vol 12 May 2011. [6] D Ma and M Ma, A QoS based vertical handoff scheme for interworking of WLAN and WiMAX, Proc.IEEE global telecomm. Conf,PP.2260-2265,Nov./Dec.,2009. [7] R.Prasad,C.Dovrolis,M.Murray,And K.Claffy, Bandwidth estimation metrics ,measurement techniques and tools, IEEE network vol.17,No.6,PP.27-35,NovDec.2003. [8] Rajendra Kumar and Brahmjit Singh, Comparison of vertical handover mechanisms using generic QoS trigger for next generation network, International journal of next generation networks (IJNGN) Vol.2, No.3, Sept.2010. |
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209. | Simulated annealing algorithm for optimization of welding variables for percentage of dilution and application of ANN for prediction of weld bead geometry in GMAW processSimulated annealing algorithm for optimization of welding variables for percentage of dilution and application of ANN for prediction of weld bead geometry in GMAW processAbstract: This paper presents an integrated method with a new approach using experimental design matrix of experimental design techniques on experimental data available from conventional experimentation, application of neural network for predicting weld bead geometry and use of simulated annealing algorithm for optimizing percentage of dilution. Quality of weld is affected by large number of welding parameters .Modelling of weld bead geometry is important for predicting quality of weld.Key words: GMAW, Weld bead geometry, Multiple Regression, SA. Reference [1] kannan,T.;Murugan,N.(2006).Effect of flux cored arc welding process parameters on duplex stainless steel clad quality ,journal of Material Processing Technology vol.176 pp 230-239. [2] Kannan,T.; Murugn,N.(2006).Prediction of ferrite number of duplex stainless steel clad metals using RSM, Welding Journal. pp. 91 - 99. [3] Gunaraj,V.; Murugan, N. (2005). Prediction and control of weld bead geometry and shape relationships in submerged arc welding of pipes, Journal of Material Processing Technology. Vol. 168, pp. 478 – 487. [4] Kim, I,S.; Son, K,J.; Yang, Y, S.; Yaragada, P, K, D,V. (2003). Sensitivity analysis for process parameters in GMA welding process using factorial design method, International Journal of Machine tools and Manufacture. Vol.43, pp. 763 - 769. [5] Cochran, W,G.; Coxz, G,M. (1987). Experimental Design. pp.370, New York, John Wiley & Sons. [6] Serdar Karaoglu.; Abdullah Secgin. (2008). Sensitivity analysis of submerged arc welding process parameters,Journal of Material Processing Technology. Vol-202, pp 500-507. [7] Ghosh, P,K.; Gupta, P,C.; Goyal, V,K. (1998) . Stainless steel cladding of structural steel plate using the pulsed current GMAW process, Welding -314. [8] Gunaraj, V.; Murugan, N. (1999) . Prediction and comparison of the area of the heat effected zone for the beadon plate and bead on joint in SAW of pipes, Journal of Material processing Technology. Vol. 95, pp. 246 - 261. |
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210. | Designing Flood Control Systems Using Wireless Sensor NetworksDesigning Flood Control Systems Using Wireless Sensor NetworksAbstract: Recent advancement in information and communication technology (ICT) and wireless sensor networks have made new trends to emerge in flood control practice. Proper prevention and management of flood is more needed now for sustainable socio-economic conditions of the people. The paper presents an automated flood control system based on supervisory control, wired and wireless communication. Efficient monitoring and control of water level which however represents an important input on flood prevention and control is realised. This technology, if wisely deployed, could prevent or reduce the incessant flooding and its attendant hazards on the populace. The benefit of this design can be extended to other control systems e.g. irrigation control, oil spillage control etc.Key words: Flood, Control, Sensor, System, Controller. Reference (1) Bautista, E. and Clemmens, A. J., (2006), Response of ASCE Task Committee Test to open loop control measure. Journal of Irrigation, Flood and Drainage Engineering. (2) Feng, X; Yu-Chu T., Yanjun, L. Youxian, S. (2009). Actuator Network Design for Mobile Control Application. Page 215- 217. (3) Reddy, M. J. (1999), Stochastic optimal and suboptimal control of irrigation canals. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 125(6); 369- 374. (4) Zhang, Z. (2004), Investigation of wireless sensor network for precision agriculture. Asebe Paper No. 041154, Asebe, St Joseph MI. (5) Jacobian, B. K., Jones, P. H., Jones, J. W., Paramore,, J. A., (1989). Real-time greenhouse monitoring and control with an expert system. page 271-275 (6) Richard, G. A., Luis, S. P., Dirk, R., and Martin, S. (2006). FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper. No 56; Crop Evapotranspiration. (7) Kim, Y., Evens, R. G., Iversion, W. M., Pierce, F. J., Chavez, J. L., (2006), Software design for wireless in-field sensor-based management. Asebe Paper No. 063074. Asebe, St Joseph MI. (8) Zuo, X., Gao, W., Zhang, G., Zhu, Y. and Xia, D., (2011). Design of Enviromental Parameter Monitoring System for Watermelon seedling, based on wireless sensor networks; Applied mathematics and information science; Page 244-247. (9) George, W. I., Jeremy, C.and William, G. S., (2006), " An overview of Wireless Networks in Control and Monitoring" International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Kunming, China, vol. 4114. Page 161-163. |
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211. | Metadata Search In Large File System Using Wise StoreMetadata Search In Large File System Using Wise StoreAbstract:Reference [1] S.A. Weil, S.A. Brandt, E.L. Miller, D.D.E. Long, and C. Maltzahn,"Ceph: A Scalable, High-Performance Distributed File System," Proc. Symp. Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI),2006. [2] Y. Hua, Y. Zhu, H. Jiang, D. Feng, and L. Tian, "Supporting Scalable and Adaptive Metadata Management in Ultralarge-Scale File Systems," IEEE Trans. Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 22,no. 4, pp. 580- 593, Apr. 2011. [3] M. Stonebraker and U. Cetintemel, "One Size Fits All: An Idea Whose Time Has Come and Gone," Proc. Int‟l Conf. Data Eng.(ICDE), 2005. [4] A.W. Leung, M. Shao, T. Bisson, S. Pasupathy, and E.L. Miller,"Spyglass: Fast, Scalable Metadata Search for Large-Scale Storage Systems," Proc. Conf. File and Storage Technologies (FAST), 2009. |
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213. | Portable Refreshable E-BraillePortable Refreshable E-BrailleAbstract: Braille is an important language used by the blind to read and write. It is vital for communication and educational purposes. The scarcity of accessible information mediums for visually impaired people is recognized by many international organizations. But with advancement many products developed, failed to address issues like cost, portability, expanse in mass society and education etc. In order to overcome the above said challenges we design a device called "Portable Refreshable e-Braille" which is able to read eBooks that are stored in microSD cards, reads SMSes from mobile phones over Bluetooth and display them as Braille. It is a portable, simple and versatile device for visually impaired that eases their difficulties in reading any sort of literary material.Key words: Bluetooth, E-Braille, MicroSD Portability Reference [1] Sunil Kumar M.E –Karnataka University Braille language learner for blinds International Journal Of infinite Innovations in technology 2012-2013Reg. No.:20120905|DOI:V1I2P05. [2] Kumar J.A.V, Visu A , Raj M.S, Prabhu M.T, Kalaiselvi V.K.G "A pragmatic approach to aid visually impaired people in reading, visualizing and understanding textual contents with an automatic electronic pen "Computer Science Automation Engineering (CSAE), 2011 IEEE International Conference. [3] Dias M.B, Dias M.F, Belousov S, Rahman M.K, Sanghvi S, Fanaswala I, Ghazzawi W, Abdulsalam A, El-Moughny N, Menon S.R "An automated Braille writing Tutor with multilingual exercises and educational games "Information and Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD), 2009 International Conference. [4] Rantala, J.; Raisamo, R.; Lylykangas, J.; Surakka, V.; Raisamo, J.; Salminen, K.; Pakkanen, T.; Hippula, A. "Methods for presenting Braille Characters on a mobile device in with a touch screen and tactile devices" Haptics IEEE transactions vol-2 2009 . [5] Ramiro Velazquez, Enrique Preza and Hermes Hernandez, "Making eBooks Accessible to blind Braille Readers‟, in IEEE International workshop on Haptic Audio Visual Environments and their Applications, Ottawa, Canada, 2008, pp.25- 29. [6] Al-Salman, Y. Alohali, M. AlKanhal, and A. AlRajih, 2007. "An Arabic Optical Braille Recognition System" in Proceedings of the First International Conference in Information and Communication Technology & Accessibility ICTA‟07, Tunisia, pp. 81-86. [7] Haihong Zhu, Mark G. Allen, Seong Hyok Kim, Xiaosong Wu ,"Portable Pneumatically Actuated Refreshable Braille Cell‟, The 14th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems, Lyon, France, pp. 1409- 1412, (2007). [8] Sribunruangrit, N., C. Marque, C. Lenay, and O.Gapenne,‟Graphic –User-Interface for people with severely impaired Vision in Mathematics class,‟in proc.26: Annual Int‟l Conf. of the IEEE-EMBS, San Francisco, USA, 2004, pp.5145-5148. [9] Ebnet, Matthew (2001),"Braille challenge gives young blind students a chance to shine", LosAngelesTim:http://articles.latimes.com/ 2001/jun/30/local/me-16960,retrieved 2009-04-15. |
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214. | Detection of multiple failures in wavelength division multiplexed optical network using graph based light path restoration methoDetection of multiple failures in wavelength division multiplexed optical network using graph based light path restoration methoAbstract: In an Optical WDM network, link/path failure may occur in a very normal way which may cause a great amount of data loss if the link is not restored to reroute the affected traffic accurately and quickly using the redundancy the network. Wavelength Division Multiplexed (WDM) networks, employing wavelength routing have emerged as the dominant technology to satisfy this growing demand for bandwidth. As the amount of traffic carried has increased, any single failure can be catastrophic. Survivability becomes indispensable in such networks. Therefore, it is imperative to design networks that can quickly and efficiently recover from failures. Most research to date in survivable optical network design and operation focuses on single link failures, however, the occurrence of multiple-link failures are not uncommon in a network topology. Multi-link failure scenarios can arise out of two common situations. First, an arbitrary link may fail in the network, and before that link can be repaired, another link fails, thus creating a multi-link failure sequence. Secondly, it might happen in practice that two distinct physical links may be routed via the same common duct or physical channel. In our proposed method predefined cycles are used to survive a failure link. When a link fails at first its adjacent shorter cycle is used as its backup path. This can decrease the time complexity. Then these adjacent cycles are updated by using this restoration method can survive multiple link failures. This method theoretically ensures better performances than existing restoration method.Key words: Network survivability, Network topology, Optical networks, Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM). Reference [1] Sateesh Chandra Shekhar, "Survivable Multicasting in WDM Optical Networks," By Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Engineering) University of Pune, August 2004. [2] O. Crochat, J. Y. Boudec, and O. Gerstel,"Protection interoperability for WDM optical networks," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, June 2000. [3] Pallab Datta, "Survivability approaches for multiple failures in WDM optical networks," Iowa State University Ames, Iowa 2005. [3] C.Silva Ram Murthy and Mohan Gurusami,"WDM Optical Networks Concepts, Design, and Algorithm," Pearsonal Education. [4] Andrew Tanenbaum "Computer Networks"-fourth edition Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2007-2008. [5] Son Hong Ngo," Dynamic Lightpath Protection in WDM optical Networks Using Ant-based Mobile Agents," Graduate School of Information Science JAIST, Japan Email: sonhong@jaist.ac.jp November 2005. [6] M. M. A. Azim and Md. Mamun-ur-Rashid Khandker, "An Active Lightpath Restoration Method Using Multi-Backup Paths in WDM Networks", Proceedings of the International Symposium on Towards Peta-Bit Ultra-Networks, Ishikawa, Japan, September 8-9, 2003. [7] Md.Mahabubur Rahman, Syed Md.Galib and Md.Hasem Uddin,"a new Rearrangement based Lightpath Restoration Scheme in Optical Networks", International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT)'2005. [8] Retrieved from http://en.giswiki.net/wiki/Dijkstra%27s_alg orithm |
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215. | Performance Comparison Of Medical Image Fusion Methods Based On Redundant Discrete Wavelet Transform, Wavelet Packet Transform And Contourlet TransformPerformance Comparison Of Medical Image Fusion Methods Based On Redundant Discrete Wavelet Transform, Wavelet Packet Transform And Contourlet TransformAbstract: Image fusion is the process of combining relevant information from two or more images into a single fused image. The resulting image will be more informative than any of the input images. The fusion in medical images is necessary for efficient diseases diagnosis from multimodality, multidimensional and multi parameter type of images. This paper describes a multimodality medical image fusion system using different fusion techniques and the resultant is analysed with quantitative measures. Initially, the registered images from two different modalities such as CT (anatomical information) and MRI - T2, FLAIR (pathological information) are considered as input, since the diagnosis requires anatomical and pathological information. Then the fusion techniques based on Redundancy Discrete Wavelet Transform (RDWT), Wavelet Packet Transform and Contourlet Transform are applied. Further the fused image is analyzed with quantitative metrics such as Standard Deviation (SD), Entropy (EN), and Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) for performance evaluation. From the experimental results it is observed that RDWT method provides better information quality for SD and SNR metric and the Contourlet Transform method provides better information quality using EN metric.Key words: Contourlet Transform,Entropy, SD, SNR. Reference [1] Firooz Sadjadi " Comparative Image Fusion Analysis" , lEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, vol. 3, June 2005. [2] Richa Singh, Mayank Vatsa " Multimodal Medical Image Fusion using Redundant Discrete Wavelet Transform", In proceedings of Seventh International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition, pp. 232-235, February 2009 [3] S .Rajkumar, S.Kavitha, " Redundancy Discrete Wavelet Transform and Contourlet Transform for Multimodality Medical Image Fusion with Quantitative Analysis", 3rd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology, November 2010. [4] L Yang, B.L.Guo, W.Ni, " Multimodality Medical Image Fusion Based on Multiscale Geometric Analysis of Contourlet Transform", Elsevier Science Publishers, vol. 72, pp. 203-211, December 2008. [5] Minh N. Do, "The Contourlet Transform: An Efficient Directional Multiresolution Image Representation", IEEE Transaction on Image Processing, Vol. 14,pp. 2091- 2106, November 2005. [6] .J. Fowler, "The Redundant Discrete Wavelet Transform and Additive Noise", IEEE Signal Proessing Letters, vol. 12, pp. 629- 632, September 2005. [7] L Yang, B. L. Guo, W. Ni, "Multifocus Image Fusion Algorithm Based on Contourlet Decomposition and Region Statistics", Fourth International Conference on Image and Graphics, pp. 707- 712, September 2007. [8] .R. Maruthi, R.M. Suresh, "Metrics for Measuring the Quality of Fused Images", International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications, December16, 2007 [9] Wavelet transforms by Robi Polikar. |
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216. | Channel Estimation in OFDMChannel Estimation in OFDMAbstract: Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is a special case of multicarrier transmission and it can support high data rate requirement of multimedia based wireless systems. Since channel estimation is an integral part of OFDM systems, it is complicated to understand the basis of channel estimation techniques for OFDM systems so that the most proper method can be applied. The estimation of channel at pilot frequencies is based on LS and MMSE estimation techniques by using BPSK modulation scheme, and multi-path Rayleigh fading channels as channel models. The purpose of this paper is to use a Mat lab simulation of OFDM to see how the Bit Error Ratio (BER) of a transmission varies when Signal to Noise Ratio (S/N Ratio) and Multi propagation effects are changed on transmission channel.Key words: BER, ISI, OFDM, S/N Reference [1] Sinem Coleri,Mustafa Ergen," Channel Estimation Techniques Based on Pilot Arrangement in OFDM Systems," IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, "vol. 48, no. 3, September 2002 . [2] Orlandos Grigoriadis, H. Srikanth Kamath," Ber Calculation Using Matlab Simulation for OFDM Transmission," IAENG Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2008 vol. II, IMECS 2008, 19-21 March, 2008 [3] Jan-Jaap van de Beek, Ove Edfors, Magnus Sandell, Sarah Kate Wilson and Per Ola B.rjesson," On Channel Estimation In OFDM Systems," In Proceedings of Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Ô95), vol. 2, pp. 815-819, Chicago, USA, September 1995. |
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217. | A Novel Approach for the fuzzy optimal solution of Fuzzy Transportation ProblemA Novel Approach for the fuzzy optimal solution of Fuzzy Transportation ProblemAbstract: In this paper we propose a new method for the Fuzzy optimal solution to the transportation problem with Fuzzy parameters. We develop Fuzzy version of Vogels and MODI algorithms for finding Fuzzy basic feasible and fuzzy optimal solution of fuzzy transportation problems without converting them to classical transportation problems. The proposed method is easy to understand and to apply for finding Fuzzy optimal solution of Fuzzy transportation problem occurring in real world situation. To illustrate the proposed method, numerical examples are provided and the results obtained are discussed.Key words: Fuzzy sets, Fuzzy numbers, Fuzzy transportation problem, Fuzzy ranking, Fuzzy arithmetic Reference [1]. Amarpreet Kau, Amit Kumar, A new approach for solving fuzzy transportation problems using generalized trapezoidal fuzzy numbers, Applied Soft Computing, 12 (2012) 1201–1213. [2]. H. Arsham and A. B. Kahn, A simplex type algorithm for general transportation problems: An alternative to steppingstone, Journal of Operational Research Society, 40 (1989), 581-590. [3]. R. E. Bellman and L. A. Zadeh, Decision making in a fuzzy environment, Management science, 17(1970), 141-164. [4]. S. Chanas, D. Kuchta, A concept of optimal solution of the transportation with Fuzzy cost co efficient, Fuzzy sets and systems, 82(9) (1996), 299-305. [5]. S. Chanas, W. Kolodziejczyk and A. Machaj, A fuzzy approach to the transportation problem, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 13(1984), 211-221. |
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218. | Fixed Point Theorems For Weakly Compatible Mappings in Fuzzy Metric Spaces For Integral Type MappingFixed Point Theorems For Weakly Compatible Mappings in Fuzzy Metric Spaces For Integral Type MappingAbstract: In this paper, we prove some fixed point theorems for six occasionally weakly compatible maps in fuzzy metric spaces for integral type. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 47H10, 54H25.Key words: Fuzzy metric space, fixed point theorem, Occasionally weakly Compatible mappings Reference [1] A.Branciari. A fixed point theorem for mappings satisfying a general contractive condition of integral type. Int.J.Math.Sci. 29(2002), no.9, 531 - 536. [2] A.Al -Thagafi and Naseer Shahzad, "Generalized I-Nonexpansive Selfmaps and Invariant Approximation", Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series May,2008, Vol.24, No.5, pp.867876. [3] B.E. Rhoades, Two fixed point theorems for mappings satisfying a general contractive condition of integral type. International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, 63, (2003), 4007 - 4013. [4] George A, Veeramani P. On some result in fuzzy metric space. Fuzzy Set Syst 1994; 64:395–399. [5] G. Jungck and B.E. Rhoades," Fixed Point for Occasionally Weakly Compatible Mappings", Fixed Point Theory, Volume 7, No. 2, 2006, 287-296. [6] G. Jungck and B.E. Rhoades, " Fixed Point for Occasionally Weakly Compatible Mappings" , Erratum, Fixed Point Theory, Volume 9, No. 1,2008,383- 384. [7] H.K. Pathak and Prachi Singh," Common Fixed Point Theorem for Weakly Compatible Mapping", International Mathematical Forum, 2(57): 2831-2839 (2007). [8] Kramosil I, Michalek J. Fuzzy metric and statistical metric spaces. Kybernetica 1975; 11:326–334. |
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219. | Effect Of Welding Conditions On Residual Stresses And Heat Source Distribution On Temperature Variations On Butt Welds : A ReviewEffect Of Welding Conditions On Residual Stresses And Heat Source Distribution On Temperature Variations On Butt Welds : A ReviewAbstract: Fusion welding is a joining process in which the coalescence of metals is accomplished by fusion. Owing to localized heating by the welding process and subsequent rapid cooling, residual stresses can arise in the weld itself and in the base metal. Residual stresses attributed to welding pose significant problems in the accurate fabrication of structures because those stresses heavily induce brittle fracturing and degrade the buckling strength of welded structures. Therefore, estimating the magnitude and distribution of welding residual stresses and characterizing the effects of certain welding conditions on the residual stresses are deemed necessary. The transient temperature distributions and temperature variations of the welded plates during welding were predicted and the fusion zone and heat affected zone were obtained.Key words: residual stresses , transient temperature history . Reference 1. D. Rosenthal, Mathematical theory of heat distribution during welding and cutting, Welding J. 20 (5) (1941) 220–234. 2. G.H. Little, A.G. Kamtekar, The effect of thermal properties and welding efficiency on transient temperatures during welding, Comput. Struct. 68 (1998) 157–165. 3. Norton JH, Rosenthal D. Stress measurement by X-ray diffraction. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Stress Analysis 1944;1(2):73–76. 4. Shim Y, Feng Z, Lee S, Kim D, Jaeger J, Papritan JC, Tsai CL.Determination of residual stresses in thick-section weldments. Welding Journal 1992;September:305–312. 5. D. Gery , H. Long,P. Maropoulos , Effects of welding speed, energy input and heat source distribution on temperature variations in butt joint welding, Journal of Materials Processing Technology 167 (2005) ,393–401 . 6. Tso-Liang Teng , Chih-Cheng Lin, Effect of welding conditions on residual stresses due to butt welds , International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 75 (1998), 857–864. |
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221. | Intelligent Home Monitoring SystemIntelligent Home Monitoring SystemAbstract: Intelligent home system is the use of advanced computer technology, network communication technology and automatic control technology, which combines the relevant subsystem into a whole control system concluding the family communication, family equipment automatic control, family safety precautions. A sample house environment monitor and control system that is one branch of the Smart home is addressed in this paper. The system is based on the Lab VIEW software and can act as a security guard of the home. The system can monitor the temperature, humidity, lighting, fire & burglar alarm, gas density of the house and have infrared sensor to guarantees the family security. The system also has internet connection to monitor and control the house equipment's from anywhere in the world. This seminar presents the hardware implementation of a multiplatform control system for house automation using LabVIEW. Such system is named smart house systems. The approach combines hardware and software technologies.Key words: Smart House, LabVIEW, PIC16F877A, Data Acquisition Card, Remote Control. Reference [1] XiangYang, Hui-hong Wang,"The Design and Implementation of Embedded M2M Smart Home System",IEEE ,Nov 2011. [2] Rosslin John Robles1 and Tai-hoon Kim," Applications, Systems and Methods in Smart Home Technology: A Review",International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology Vol. 15, February, 2010. [3] Suman Pandey, Mi-Jung Choi, MyungSup Kim, and James W. Hong, "Towards Management of Machine to Machine Networks", Computer Science, 2010. [4] Dr. Basil Hamed , "The Design and Implementation of Smart House Control Using Lab VIEW", International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering(IJSCE)ISSN: 2231-2307, Volume-1, Issue-6, January 2012. [5] Dusit Niyato, Lu Xiao, and Ping Wang, "Machine-to-Machine Communications For Home Energy Management System in Smart Grid," School of Computer Engineering. [6] DAQ using LabVIEW manual. |
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222. | Classification Of Speech Using Mfcc And Power SpectrumClassification Of Speech Using Mfcc And Power SpectrumAbstract: In human machine interface application, emotion recognition from the speech signal has been research topic since many years. To identify the emotions from the speech signal, many systems have been developed. In this paper speech emotion recognition based on the previous technologies which uses different classifiers for the emotion recognition is reviewed as well as which will be best to classify is suggested. The classifiers are used to differentiate emotions such as anger, happiness, sadness, surprise, neutral state, etc. The database for the speech emotion recognition system is the emotional speech samples and the features extracted from these speech samples are the energy, pitch, linear prediction cepstrum coefficient (LPCC), Mel frequency cepstrum coefficient (MFCC), Power spectrum . The classification performance is based on extracted features. Inference about the performance and limitation of speech emotion recognition system based on the different classifiers are also discussed. Keywords – Back propagation neural network, Mel frequency Cepstrum Coefficient, Power spectrum .Key words: MRAC, Induction Motor drive, drift and saturation Reference [1] Emotion Recognition Using Neural Networks MEHMET S. UNLUTURK, KAYA OGUZ, COSKUN ATAY Proceedings of the 10th WSEAS International Conference on NEURAL NETWORKS 2010 [2] DWT and MFCC Based Human Emotional Speech Classification Using LDA M Murugappan, Nurul Qasturi Idayu Baharuddin, Jerritta S 2012 International Conference on Biomedical Engineering (ICoBE),27-28 February 2012,Penang [3] J. A. Freeman and D. M. Skapura, Neural Networks: Algorithms, Applications and Programming Techniques, Addison Wesley Publishing Company, 1991. [4] T. Masters, Practical Neural Network Recipes in C++, Academic Press Publishing Company, 1993. [5] A. Cichocki and R. Unbehauen, Neural Networks for Optimazing and Signal Processing, John Wiley & Sons Publishing Company, 1993. [6] Werbos, P. The Roots of Backpropagation: From Ordered Derivatives to Neural Networks and Political Forecasting, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1994. [7] Gelfer M. P., Mikos, Victoria A, "The Relative Contributions of Speaking Fundamental Frequency and Formant Frequencies to Gender Identification Based On Isolated Vowels," Journal of Voice 1 December 2005 |
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223. | Characterization Studies Of Aqueous Immersion Solutions Of Novel Environmentally Friendly Organometallic Corrosion Inhibitors Used To Cure Mild Steel Substrates In Corrosive MediaCharacterization Studies Of Aqueous Immersion Solutions Of Novel Environmentally Friendly Organometallic Corrosion Inhibitors Used To Cure Mild Steel Substrates In Corrosive MediaAbstract: In this investigation, aqueous immersion solutions of novel environmentally friendly corrosion inhibitors that are used to inhibit corrosion of mild steel substrate surfaces in corrosive media are characterized since immersion solutions are indicators of the extent of corrosion, which can even be observed visually in a qualitative manner, e.g. salt solutions of gluconate salts remained clear throughout the immersion of mild steel coupons, while the salt solution in which the control coupon was immersed, changed its color from clear to dark brown indicating the presence of corrosion products of iron. On the other hand, the color of salt solutions of molybdenum esters of gluconate salts changed from clear to yellow and the salt solution of vanadium ester of potassium benzilate changed color from clear to light yellow indicating some corrosion was taking place. In addition to visual observations revealing the extent of corrosion qualitatively, the pH, conductivity and oxidation-reduction potential of the immersion solutions were measured with respective probes prior to and after the immersions and relevant conclusion made extensively to propose the chemical mechanisms with regards to the inhibitors used for corrosion inhibition of mild steel alloy. Inhibitors used were previously synthesized by the author as replacements for carcinogenic hexavalent chromium inhibitors. Syntheses and characterization studies of the novel environmentally friendly corrosion inhibitors, the results of weight-loss tests performed to obtain the inhibition efficiencies of these inhibitors and characterization studies of the substrate surfaces immersed in aqueous inhibitor solutions by means of different surface techniques such as FT-IR, X-Ray, SEM, XPS and digital imaging were reported in author's various work elsewhere in the literature.Key words: carcinogenic, characterization, conversion coating, immersion, substrate Reference [1] Bardal, E. (2003) Corrosion and Protection, Springer, 154. [2] Clark, W. J.; McCreery, R. L. (2002) Journal of Electrochemical Society, 2002, 149, B379. [3] Osborne, J. H.; Du, J.; Nercissiantz, A.; Taylor, S. R.; Bernard, D.; Bierwagen, G. P. (2000) Advanced Corrosion-Resistant Aircraft Coatings, prepared under contract no. F33615-96-C-5078, Dayton, OH, Wright-Patterson AFB, Air Force Material Command. [4] Kending, M. W.; Buchelt, R. G. (2000) Corrosion Inhibition of Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys by Soluble Chromates, Chromate Coatings, and Chromate-Free Coatings, Corrosion, 59, 379-400. [5] Lunn, G.; Sansone, E. B. (1990) Destruction of Hazardous Chemicals in the Laboratory, Toronto, John Wiley & Sons, 63-66. [6] Sax, N. I.; Lewis, R. J. Sr. (1989) Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials, 7th ed., New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 2, 912913. [7] Becker, G. (1969) Arch.Eisenhuettenwes., 40, 341. [8] Metroke, T. L.; Gandhi, J. S.; Apblett, A. (2004) Corrosion Resistance of Ormosil Coatings on 2024-T3 Aluminum Alloy, Progress In Organic Coatings, 504, 231-- 246. [9] O'Brien, P. O.; Kortenkamp, A. (1995) Transition Metal Chemistry, 20, 636. [10] International Agency for the Research on Cancer (1990) Chromium and Nickel Welding in Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans, Lyon, France, 49. |
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224. | 2D-DTDWT Based Image Denoising using Hard and Soft Thresholding2D-DTDWT Based Image Denoising using Hard and Soft ThresholdingAbstract: Wavelet Techniques can be applied successfully in various signal and image processing techniques such as image denoising, segmentation and motion estimation. Complex Discrete Wavelet Transform (CDWT) has significant advantages over real wavelet transform for certain signal processing problems .CDWT is a form of discrete wavelet transform, which generates complex coefficients by using a dual tree of wavelet filters to obtain their real and imaginary parts. This Paper describes the application of complex wavelets for denoising the corrupted images and the results are compared with normal Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) and Stationary Wavelet Transform (SWT).The algorithm exhibits consistency in denoising for different Signal to Noise Ratios( SNRs).Key words: Complex Wavelet Transform (CWT), Denoising, Discrete Wavelet Transform(DWT), Stationary Wavelet Transform(SWT). Reference [1]. I.W.Selesnick, R.G Baraniuk and N.G.Kingsbury , The Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Transform IEEE Signal Proc,Mag,22(6) 123-151,November 2005 [2]. Hadeel Nasrat Abdullah ,SAR Image Denoising based on Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Transform, Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 3(7):587-590,2008 [3]. P.D.Shukla .Complex Wavelet Transforms and Their Applications .PhD thesis the university of Strathelyde in Glasgow,2003 [4]. http://taco.poly.edu/Wavelet software. [5]. C Sidney Burrus, R A Gopinath, and Haitao Guo, 'Introduction to Wavelets and Wavelet Transforms: A Primer', Prentice Hall, NJ, 1998 [6]. Homepage of Prof. N G Kingsbury, http://www-sigproc.eng.cam.ac.uk/~ngk/ [7]. R C Gonzalez, and R E Woods, 'Digital Image Processing'. [8]. D L Donoho, 'De-noising by Soft Thresholding', IEEE Trans. Info. Theory, 41(3), 613-627, 1995 |
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226. | Optimization and Validation of Process Parameters in Friction Stir Welding on AA 6061 Aluminum Alloy Using Gray Relational AnalysisOptimization and Validation of Process Parameters in Friction Stir Welding on AA 6061 Aluminum Alloy Using Gray Relational AnalysisAbstract: Friction stir welding, a solid state joining technique, is widely being used for joining Aluminum alloys for aerospace, marine, automotive and many other applications of commercial importance. Friction stir welding (FSW) can produce better mechanical properties in the weld zone compared to other conventional welding techniques. FSW trials were carried out using a vertical milling machine on AA 6061 alloy. The main objective of this article is to find the optimum operating conditions for butt joint made of aluminum alloy AA6061. Four major controllable factors each at four levels, namely, rotational speed, welding speed, tool pin length, offset distance are considered for the present study. The uncontrollable factors include ultimate tensile strength, percentage of elongation and hardness which can be converted to signal-to-noise ratios. The gray based taguchi method which is a multiple response process is used to optimize the factors. A gray relational grade obtained from gray relational analysis is used as the multiple performance characteristic. The resulting optimum process parameters are rotational speed at 800 rpm, welding speed at 10 mm/min, pin tool length at 5.7mm and offset distance 0.4mm for the best multiple performance characteristics. Further a three dimensional solid model has been developed using Ansys parametric development language code(APDL) for validation of the experimental results. The results of the simulation are in good agreement with that of experimental results.Key words: Aluminum; Ansys; Friction Stir welding; Gray based Taguchi; Optimization; Reference [1]. Thmoas,W.M., "Friction stir butt welding .GB patent application", 91259788.US Patent 995,5460317(1991). [2]. Elangovan, K., Balasubramanian, V., and Babu, S., "Developing an empirical relationship to predict tensile strength of friction stir welded AA2219 aluminum alloy".Journal of materials engineering and performance, 17 (7), 820–830(2008). [3]. Chien,C.H,Chen,T.P., and Chao,Y.J., "Thermal modeling and optimal tool moving velocity for friction stir welding". Journal of the chinese society of mechanical engineers,26(6),195- 200(2005). [4]. P.Prasanna,B.subbarao,G.Krishna mohana Rao.," Experimental and Numerical evaluation of friction stir welds of AA 6061-T6 Aluminium alloy", ARPN Journals of Engg and applied sciences,vol.5,No.6,June (2010). [5]. P.Prasanna,B.subbarao,G.Krishna mohana Rao., " Finite Element Modelling for maximum temperature in Friction stir welding and its validation", Int J Adv Manuf Technol 51:925-933(2010). [6]. Song,M. and Kovacevic, R., "Thermal modeling Friction stir welding in a moving coordinate system and its validation", International journal of machine tools and manufacture, 43, 605- 615(2003). [7]. Jayaraman.M, R. sivasubramanian, V. balasubramanian, and a.k laxminarayanan ., "optimization of process parameters for friction stir welding for cast aluminum alloy a319 by Taguchi method", Journal of scientific and industrial research vol 68. pp.no (36-43)(2009). [8]. Tarng, y.s., juang, s.c., and chang, c.h., " The use of grey-based taguchi methods to determine submerged arc welding process parameters in hard facing", Journal of 1.materials processing technology, 128, 1–6 (2002). [9]. Peel, M., " Microstructure, mechanical properties and residual stresses as a function of welding speed in aluminum AA5083 friction stir welds", Acta materialia, 51 (16), 4791–4801(2003). [10]. Chi-Hui Chien a , Wei-Bang Lin b & Thaiping Chen, "Optimal FSW process parameters for aluminum alloys AA5083 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 34:1,99-105(2011). |
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227. | Investigating The Effect Of Classroom Amplification On Students' Listening Behaviour In Akwa Ibom State, South- South NigeriaInvestigating The Effect Of Classroom Amplification On Students' Listening Behaviour In Akwa Ibom State, South- South NigeriaAbstract: Investigation of the effects of classroom amplification on students' listening behaviour in Akwa Ibom state has shown high correlation between the teachers' rating of the listening behaviour of students studying under a sound field amplified classroom conditions which was rated excellent by 14.5% ,very high by 53%, good by 22.3% of the respondents and the SNR of the lecturers amplified speeches. A correlation coefficient of 0.87 between these two variables clearly shows that sound field amplification of classrooms greatly increases the SNR of the lecturers speeches which in turn positively influences the listening behaviour of the students . It is therefore necessary to encourage the teaching of students in amplified classroom conditions as this will enhance their listening and attending behaviour and their academic performance as a whole. Schools should not be sited close to major and busy highways where vehicular noise will greatly increase their background noise as this will negatively affect the listening and attentive behaviour of the students which of course will have adverse affect on their general academic performance. If sited close to highways, the schools should be well shielded from vehicular traffic.Key words: Classroom amplification, Students' listening behaviour, Signal to noise ratio, Background noise Reference [1]. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). (1995). Position statement and guidelines for acoustics in educational settings. ASHA, 37(14), 15-19. [2]. Aniefiok Akpan et al (2012). Aircraft noise and the quality of life of community residents around Port Harcourt international airport, South-South Nigeria. Journal of Environment and Earth Science,Vol. 2, No 5. [3]. Aniefiok Akpan et al (2012). Dose- Effect relationship on annoyance and sleep disturbance due to industrial and aircraft noise in Calabar, Cross River State, SouthSouth Nigeria. Innovative Systems Design and Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 11 [4]. Aniefiok Akpan et al (2012). Study of Noise pollution during pre-carnival, carnival and post-carnival festivals in Calabar municipality, Calabar, Cross Rivers State, South-South Nigeria. Prime Journals, Vol. 2 (10), pp 373-377 [5]. Beattie, R. C., & Zipp, J. A. (1990). Range of intensities yielding PB max and the threshold for monosyllabic words for hearing-impaired subjects. Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders, 55, 417 – 426. [6]. Bess, F. (1985). The minimally hearingimpaired child. Ear and Hearing, 6, 43 – 47. [7]. Crandell, C. C., Smaldino, J. J., & Flexer, C. (1995). Sound-field fin applications: Theory and practical applications. San Diego: Singular. [8]. Crandell, C., & Smaldino, J. (1994). The importance of room acoustics. In R. Tyler & D. Schum (Eds.), Assistive listening devices for the hearing impaired (pp. 142 – 164). Baltimore, MD: Williams & Wilkins. [9]. Crandell, C., & Smaldino, J. (1995). An update of classroom acoustics for children with hearing impairment. Volta Review, 1, 4 – 12. [10]. Crandell, C., & Smaldino, J. (1999). Sound field amplification in the classroom: Applied and theoretical issues. In F. Bess, J. Gravel, & A. Tharpe (Eds.), Amplification for children with auditory deficits (pp. 229 – 250). Nashville, TN: Bill Wilkerson Center Press. |
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228. | Performance Evaluation of Routing Protocol like AODV and DSR under Black Hole AttacksPerformance Evaluation of Routing Protocol like AODV and DSR under Black Hole AttacksAbstract: The Wireless mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a self-configuring network which is composed of several movable mobile nodes. These mobile nodes communicate with each other without any infrastructure. As wireless ad-hoc networks lack an infrastructure, they are exposed to a lot of attacks. One of these attacks is the Black Hole attack. In Black Hole attack, a malicious node falsely advertises shortest path to the destination node and absorbs all data packets in it. In this way, all packets in the network are dropped. In this paper, performance of AODV and DSR are evaluated in presence of black hole attack (malicious node) and without black hole attack with CBR traffic under different scalable network mobility. In this paper, via simulation, we evaluate effect and compare it with standard protocol in terms of throughput, Packet delivery ratio and End to End Delay. We have conducted extensive experiments using the network simulator-2 to validate our research.Key words: MANET, ADOV, DSR, Black hole, Reference [1] Varsha Patidar,Rakesh Verma, "Risk Mitigation of Black Hole Attack for Aodv Routing Protocol," IOSRJCE, Volume 3, Issue 3,July-Aug. [2] N. Bhalaji, A. R. Sivaramkrishnan, Sinchan Banerjee, V. Sundar, and A. Shanmugam. , "Trust Enhanced Dynamic Source Routing Protocol," World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 49 2009. [3] C. Y. Lin, M. Wu, J. A. Bloom, I. J. Cox, and M. Miller, "Rotation, scale, and translation resilient public watermarking for images," IEEE Trans. Image Process., vol. 10, no. 5, pp. 767-782, May 2001. [4] Nor Surayati Mohamad Usop, Azizol Abdullah, Ahmad Faisal Amri Abidin, ""Performance Evaluation of AODV, DSDV & DSR Routing Protocol in Grid Environment‟‟, IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.9 No.7, July 2009 Q. Feng , Z. Cai, J. Yang, and X. Hu . "A Performance Comparison of the Ad Hoc Network Protocols." Second International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering. 2009. [5] E. Gerhards-Padilla, N. Aschenbruch, and P. Martini. "Detecting Black Hole Attacks in Tactical MANETs using Topology Graphs." 32nd IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks. 2007. [6] Rajiv Misra and C.R.Manda, ""Performance Comparison of AODV/DSR On-demand Routing Protocols for Ad Hoc Networks in Constrained Situation‟‟, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur (India). [7] Vahid Nazari Talooki & Koorush Ziarati, ""Performance Comparison of Routing Protocols For Mobile Ad Hoc Networks‟‟, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, School of Engineering, Shiraz University [8] marjan kuchaki rafsanjani, ali movaghar, and faroukh koroupi, ""Investigating Intrusion Detection Systems in MANET and Comparing IDSs for Detecting Misbehaving Nodes‟‟, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 44 2008. |
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229. | Four key Secured Data Transfer Using Steganography and CryptographyFour key Secured Data Transfer Using Steganography and CryptographyAbstract: Steganography and cryptography are used to send the data in a confidential way. Steganography hides the existing message and cryptography will confuse the message. The transformation of plain text to cipher text is called as encryption. The transformation of cipher text to plain text is called decryption. Encryption and decryption are controlled by keys. Hashing, symmetric and asymmetric algorithms are cryptographic techniques. There is a difficulty to find the hidden messages. For this purpose various transformations like DCT, FFT, FFT, and 2DDCT are used. A system is proposed in this paper to develop a new technique along with a newly enhanced security model in which cryptography and Steganography are used. In cryptography DES algorithm is used to encrypt a message and part of the message is hidden in 2DDCT of an image and the rest of the message will generate two secrete keys for the generation if high security.Key words: Steganography, Cryptography, Data hiding, 2DDCT, DES algorithm Reference [1] Owen, M.," A discussion of covert channels and Steganography", SANS institute, 2002 [2]J. Zollner, H.federrath, H.klimant, et al.,"modeling the security of systems:, steganographic in 2 nd workshop on information hiding,Portland,april 1998, pp.345-355.July1999. [3] D.R.Stinson, cryptography: Theory and practice, Boca Raton, Press, 1995.ISBN: 0849385210 [4] M.M Amin, M.Salleh, S.Ibrahim, M.R.katmin, and M.Z.I. Shamsuddin," information Hiding using Steganography", IEEE 0-7803-7773-March 7, 2003. [5] Marvel, L. M., Boncelet Jr., C.G.&Retter, C.,"Spread spectrum Steganography", IEEE Transactions on image processing,8:08,1999 [6] Alain C.Brainos II East Carolina university," Study of Steganography and The Art of Hiding information", November 13,2003. [7] Dunbar,B.,"Steganography techniques and their use in an Open-Systems environment", SANS Institute,Januray 2002 [8]Stinsown,D."Cryptography: Theory and Practice" [9] Neil F.Johnson, Zoran uric, Sushil jajodia,"Information hiding: steganography and watermarking attacks and countermeasures", Kluwer academic press, Norway, MA, Newyork, 2000. [10] N.Provos, P.Honeyman," Detecting Steganography content on the Internet". Transformation", ZEICE Tram. [11]Chandramouli, R., Kharrazi, M.& Memon,N.,'Image proceedings of the 2 nd Workshop on Digital Watermarking, October 2003. |
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230. | The Comparison Between Pull-Out Test And Beam Bending Test To The Bond Strength Of Bamboo Reinforcement In Light Weight ConcreteThe Comparison Between Pull-Out Test And Beam Bending Test To The Bond Strength Of Bamboo Reinforcement In Light Weight ConcreteAbstract: Bamboo reinforced concrete as a building material is expected to be an alternative to steel reinforced concrete. Due to the fact that steel is not renewable and polluting steel mills are fairly high. The bond strenght is a major concern for the natural fiber used as reinforcement in structural composites. This paper reports study on the bond strenght of bamboo reinforcement in concrete. To determine the adhesion reinforcement in concrete often do by the pull-out test. The research objective was to compare the bond strenght between pull-out test and beam bending tests . The test used light weight concrete with foam additives klerak. Bamboo slats, coated paint and sprinkled with sand. The result pull-out test is equal to 0.41 MPa. Bond strenght bamboo in bending test is 1.49 MPa. The results obtained showed that the bond strenght of bamboo pull-out test is smaller than the beam bending test.Key words: Bamboo, reinforcement, pull-out test, light weight concrete. Reference [1]. Elagroudy, H., (2003). Bond Characteristics Of Micro-Composite Multistructural Formable Steel Used In Reinforced Concrete Structures, Master of Science Thesis, Civil Engineering, North Carolina State University, USA, http://www.lib.ncsu.edu/theses/available/etd -7252003-213630/unrestricted/etd.pdf [2]. Ghavami, K. (2005). "Bamboo as reinforcement in structural concrete elements". Journal of Cement and Concrete Composites. 27(6), 637-649. 2004. [3]. Harish Sakaray (2012). "Investigation on Properties of Bamboo as Reinforcing Material in Concrete". IJERA Vol 2, Issue 1, Jan-Feb 2012, pp.077-083. [4]. Nawy, E.G., (1998). Beton Bertulang suatu Pendekatan Dasar, Cetakan II, PT Refika Aditama, Bandung. [5]. Park & Paulay (1975). "Reiforced Concrete Structure. New York: John Wiley and Son Inc. |
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231. | Classification: A Decision Tree For Uncertain Data Using CDFClassification: A Decision Tree For Uncertain Data Using CDFAbstract: The Decision trees are suitable and widely used for describing classification phenomena. This paper present a decision tree based classification system for uncertain data. The uncertain data means lack of certainty. Data uncertainty comes by different parameters including sensor error, network latency measurements precision limitation and multiple repeated measurements. We find that decision tree classifier gives more accurate result if we take "complete information" of data set .In this paper we improve the traditional decision tree algorithm which works on with known and precise data , including gini index method for determining the goodness of a split and considering cumulative distribution function . The experimental study shows that proposed CDF-distribution based algorithm gives accurate result for uncertain numerical dataset and it is computationally efficient in terms of memory, time and accuracy.Key words: Classification,CDF,Datamining ,Decision tree ,Uncertain data . Reference [1] S.Tsang ,B.Kao, K.Y.Yip, W-S Ho and SD.Lee; (2009) Decision Trees For Uncertain Data in IEEE. [2] B.Qin ,Y.Xia and F.Li ;(2009) , DTU:A decision tree for classifying uncertain data the PAKDD pp,4-15. [3] C.Liang, Y.Zhang and Q.Song ;(2010), Decision tree for Dynamic and Unceratin Data Strems JMLR: workshop and conference proceeding 13:209-224. [4] B.Qin ,Y.Xia ,S.Prabhakar and Y.Tu ;(2009) A rule-based classification algorithm for uncertain data: the proc the IEEE workshop on Management and Mining of Uncertain Data (MOUND) . [5] C.L.Tsien , I.s. Kohane and N.Mclntosh ,Multiple signal integration by decision tree induction to detect artifacts in the neonatal intensive care unit. Artificial intelligence In Medicine , vol.19 , no.3, pp.189-202, 2000. [6] J.Gama, P.Medas and P.Rodrigues .Learning Decision Trees from Dynamic data streams . Journal of Universal Computer Science, 11(8):1353-1366,2005. [7] J. Gama, R.Fernandes and R.Rocha.Decision trees for mining data streams .Intell . Data Anal ,1:23c-45,2006. [8] J.R. Quinlan .Induction of decision trees. Machine Learning, Vol-1, no.1, pp.81- 106.0986. [9] R.Agrawal ,T.Imielinski and A.N Swami . Databaesmining : A performance perspective. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng., vol.5, no.6, pp. 914-925, 1993. [10] M.Chau , R .Cheng , B.Kao and J.Ng,. Uncertain data mining: An example in clustering location data. In PAKDD ,ser.Lecture Notes in Computer Science , vol.3918. Singapore: Springer ,9-12 Apr.2006 pp 199-204. |
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232. | Progressive Image Compression Analysis Using Wavelet TransformProgressive Image Compression Analysis Using Wavelet TransformAbstract: With the use of digital cameras, requirements for storage, manipulation, and transfer of digital images has grown explosively. These images can be very large in size and can occupy a lot of memory, so compression of images is required for efficient transmission and storage of images. Image data comprise of a significant portion of the multimedia data and they occupy the major portion of the channel bandwidth for multimedia communication. Therefore development of efficient techniques for image compression has become quite necessary. The design of data compression schemes involves trade-offs among various factors, including the degree of compression, the amount of distortion introduced (if using a lossy compression scheme) and the computational resources required for compressing and decompressing of images. Wavelet based compression methods, when combined with SPIHT (Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees) algorithm gives high compression ratio along with appreciable image quality (like lossless). SPIHT belongs to the next generation of wavelet encoders, employing more sophisticated coding. In fact, SPIHT exploits the properties of the wavelet-transformed images to increase its efficiency. Progressive image compression methods are more efficient than conventional wavelet based compression methods it gives the facility to user choose the best compressed image which does not have recognizable quality loss.Key words: Compression, SPIHT, PSNR, MSE, Wavelet. Reference [1] Sadashivappan Mahesh Jayakar, K.V.S Anand Babu, Dr Srinivas K "Color Image Compression Using SPIHT Algorithm" International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 16– No.7, February 2011 pp 34-42. [2] David F. Walnut, "An Introduction To Wavelet Analysis" American Mathematical Society Volume 40,Number 3, Birkhauser, 2003, Isbn-0-8176- 3962-4.Pp. 421- 427 [3] Sachin Dhawan "A Review Of Image Compression And Comparison Of Its Algorithms" IJECT Vol. 2, Issue 1, March 2011 pp22-26. [4] M.A. Ansari & R.S. Anand "Performance Analysis of medical Image Compression Techniques with respect to the quality of compression" IET-UK Conference on Information and Communication Technology in Electrical Sciences (ICTES 2007)pp743-750. [5] K. Siva Nagi Reddy, B. Raja Sekheri Reddy, G.Rajasekhar and K. Chandra Rao "A Fast Curvelet Transform Image Compression Algorithm using with Modified SPIHT" International Journal of Computer Science and Telecommunications [Volume 3, Issue 2,February 2012]. [6] Aldo Morales and Sedig Agili "Implementing the SPIHT Algorithm in MATLAB" Penn State University at Harrisburg. Proceedings of the 2003 ASEE/WFEO International Colloquium. [7] Mario Mastriani "Denoising and Compression in Wavelet Domain Via Projection onto Approximation Coefficients " International journal of signal processing 2009 pp22-30. [8] Nikkoo Khalsa, G. G. Sarate, D. T. Ingole " Factors influencing the image compression of artificial and natural image using wavelet transform" International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Vol. 2(11), 2010, pp 6225-6233. [9] Sayood, Khalid (2000), "Introduction to data compression" Second edition Morgan Kaufmann, pp. 45-494. [10] J.Shi, and C. Tomasi, "Good features to track," International conference on computer vision and pattern recognition, CVPR 1994, Page(s): 593 - 600. |
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233. | Comparison of Multipliers Based on Modified Booth AlgorithmComparison of Multipliers Based on Modified Booth AlgorithmAbstract: In this paper comparison of different 16 x 16 and 4 x 4 multipliers based on booth algorithm has been presented. Different variations of booth algorithm for recording circuitry and the adder for final compression of partial products are implemented.. The proposed architecture was synthesized using Xilinx tool. Based on the theoretical and experimental estimation, analysis was carried on results such as the amount of hardware resources and delay . Proposed multipliers can be used for high performance applications like signal processing, image processing.Key words: Booth Algorithm,Carry Save Adder,Kogge Stone Adder ,Digitl Signal Processing Reference [1] Young-Ho Seo and Dong-Wook Kim, "A New VLSI Architecture of Parallel Multiplier Accumulator Based on Radix-2 ModifiedBooth Algorithm", IEEE trans. on VLSI Systems, Vol.18 No. 2, Feb. 2010. R.J. J. F. Cavanagh, "Digital Computer Arithmetic", New York: McGraw- Hill, 1984. [2] F. Elguibaly, "A fast parallel multiplier– accumulator using the modified Booth algorithm", IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst., vol. 27, no. 9, [3] C. S. Wallace, "A suggestion for a fast multiplier", IEEE Trans. Electron Comput., vol. EC-13, no. 1, pp. 14–17, Feb. 1964 [4] Fayed and M. Bayoumi, "A merged multiplier-accumulator for high speed signal processing application", Proc. ICASSP, vol. 3, pp.3212–3215, 2002. [5] R. Cooper, "Parallel architecture modified Booth multiplier", Proc. Inst. Electr. Eng. G, vol. 135, pp. 125–128, 1988. [6] J.Fadavi-Ardekani, "M x N Booth encoded multiplier generator usingoptimizedWallace trees," IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integr. (VLSI)Syst., vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 120–125, Jun. 1993. [7] Marc Hunger and Daniel Marienfeld, "New self checking booth multiplier", Int. J. Appl. Math, Comput. Sci., Vol.18, No.3, 319–328,2008 |
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234. | Partially reconfigured self test controller for fault detection and correction for FPGAsPartially reconfigured self test controller for fault detection and correction for FPGAsAbstract: Field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are the reconfigurable logic devices which are widely used in many applications like system prototyping, complex computing systems, automotive electronics and mobile devices. Configurable Logic Blocks (CLBs) are the main logic resources for implementing sequential as well as combinatorial circuits in FPGA. However, increase in density and complexity also has resulted in more probability of faults. To effectively deal with the increased defect density, we need efficient methods for fault detection and correction. Many methods have been developed for fault detection, fault diagnosis and fault tolerance. Partial reconfiguration [PR] is a powerful solution which extends the capabilities of FPGAs. PR is a technique, which allows a portion of an FPGA to be reconfigured while other regions of the device continue to operate without any interruption. It is very useful for the devices operating in mission-critical applications which cannot be disrupted while some subsystems are being reconfigured. Here, we introduce an approach for FPGA testing that exploits the reprogram ability of a FPGA to create the self-test logic by configuring it using partial reconfiguration process. We have designed a reconfigurable built-in self test controller (RBIST) for coordinating the operations like detection and correction of faults. This technique is based on high level description without modifying the device architecture. All the reconfigurable modules are designed and implemented using Xilinx ISE 12.4 and ML 507 FPGA board.Key words: Configurable logic block, Field programmable gate array, Partial Reconfiguration, RBuilt-in self test, SRAM, Reference [1]. M.Bushnell and V.D. Agarwal, " Essentials of Electronic Testing for Digital, Memory and Mixed-signal VLSI Circuits" Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000. [2] C. Metra, G. Mojoli, S. Pastore, D. Salvi, and G.Sechi, "Novel technique for testing FPGAs," Proc. IEEE Design Automation and Test in Europe, pp. 89–94, 1998. [3] Xilinx, "Two Flows for Partial Reconfiguration: Module Based or Difference Based," XAPP290, [4] L.T. Wang, Cheng- Wen Wu and Xiaoqing Wen, "VLSI Test Principles & Architectures Design for testability". [5] C. Stroud, S. Konala, P. Chen, and M.Abramovici, "Built-in self-test of logic in FPGAs," in Proc. 14th Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Test Symp., 1996, pp. 387–392. [6] W. K. Huang, M. Y. Zhang, F. J. Meyer, and F. Lombardi, "A XOR-tree based technique for constant testability of configurable FPGAs," in Proc. Asian Test Symp., 1997, pp. 248–253. [7] W. K. Huang, F. J. Meyer, and F. Lombardi, "Multiple fault detection in logic resources of FPGAs," in Proc. Defect and Fault Tolerance in Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, 1997, pp. 186– 194. [8], "Testing configurable LUT-basedFPGAs," IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst., vol. 6, pp. 276– 283,June 1998. [9] W. K. Huang and F. Lombardi, "An approach for testing programmable/ configurable field programmable gate arrays," in Proc. IEEE Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Test Symp., Princeton, NJ, 1996, pp. 450–455. [10] T. Inoue, H. Fujiwara, H. Michinishi, T.Yokohira, and T. Okamoto, "Universal test complexity of field-programmable gate arrays," in Proc. 4th IEEE Asian Test Symp., Nov. 1995, pp. 259–265. |
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235. | Low Bandwidth and Low Power Video EncodingLow Bandwidth and Low Power Video EncodingAbstract: In video compression, using reference frames next frames are represented with less number of bits. For this the reference frame has to be stored in eternal memory. Accessing reference frame while ME and MC, Large external memory bandwidth required this leads to increased system power dissipation and cost. By compressing the reference frame before storing to external memory can significantly reduces the memory bandwidth and power with minimal impact on quality. For this MMSQ-EC algorithm is used.Key words: Chroma pixels, DDR SDRAM, luma pixels, macroblock (MB), motion compensation (MC), motion estimation (ME), scalar quantization. Reference [1] J. Trajkovic, A. V. Veidenbaum, and A. Kejariwal, "Improving SDRAM access energy efficiency for low power embedded systems," ACM Trans. Embedded Comput. Syst., vol. 7, no. 3, article 24, p. 21, Apr. 2008. [2] F. Catthoor, F. Franssen, S. Wuytack, L. Nachtergaele, and H. D. Man, "Global communication and memory optimizing transformations for low power signal processing systems," in Proc. Workshop VLSI Signal Process., Oct. 1994, pp. 178– 187. [3] T. Takizawa, J. Tajime, and H. Harasaki, "High performance and cost effective memory architecture for an HDTV decoder LSI," in Proc. Int. Conf. Acou., Speech Signal Process., vol. 4. Mar. 1999, pp. 1981–1984. [4] L. Benini, D. Bruni, A. Macii, and E. Macii, "Memory energy inimization by data compression: Algorithms, architectures and implementation," IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integr. Syst., vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 255– 268, Mar. 2004. [5] C. Cheng, P. Tseng, C. Huang, and L. Chen, "Multi-mode embedded compression codec engine for power-aware video coding system," in Proc. IEEE Workshop Signal Process. Syst. Des. Implement., Nov. 2005, pp. 532–537. [6] T.-C. Chen, S.-Y. Chien, Y.-W. Huang, C.- H. Tsai, C.-Y. Chen, T.- W. Chen, and L.-G. Chen, "Analysis and architecture design of an HDTV720p 30 frames/s H.264/AVC encoder," IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol., vol. 16, no. 6, pp. 673–688, Jun. 2006. [7] M. Budagavi and Z. Minhua, "Video coding using compressed reference frames," in Proc. Int. Conf. Acou., Speech Signal Process., Mar. 2008, pp. 1165–1168. [8] S. Lei, "Compression and decompression of reference frames in a video decoder," U.S. Patent 6272180, Aug. 7, 2001. |
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236. | Assessment Of Surface Ozone Levels in A Semi-Urban Site and Its Predictions Using Neural Network.Assessment Of Surface Ozone Levels in A Semi-Urban Site and Its Predictions Using Neural Network.Abstract: Ozone (O3) is one of the important trace gases because of its role as both an oxidant and a greenhouse gas. Around 90% of the ozone lies in the stratosphere and the remaining lies in the Earth's surface (troposphere).Elevated levels of surface ozone can be phytotoxic and cytotoxic as well. This steady intends to access the amount of surface ozone concentration at a site in Suchindrum (8° 9′ 18″ N, 77° 27′ 54″ E) of southern Tamilnadu during March 2011- Febraury 2012 for a period of 12 months. The surface ozone variation marked a clear diurnal cycle with maximum values around 1430 hrs and minimum around 0530 hrs. The maximum value of surface ozone recorded was 56 ppb during April 2011 and minimum of 13 ppb during November 2011.Seasonal pattern of surface ozone showed maximum values during summer and minimum during NE Monsoon. Also a simple Neural Network model was proposed to predict the peak surface ozone concentration (1430 hrs) depending upon the various input parameters like temperature, relative humidity, Nitrogen dioxide and build-up ozone concentration and all corresponding to the morning hours. The network yields good predictions and it showed a correlation of r = 0.80 between observed and predicted surface ozone levels.Key words: Surface ozone, cytotoxic, diurnal cycle, seasonal pattern, greenhouse gas, neural network Reference [1] Rasa Girgzdiene, Aloyzas Girgzdys, The Troposphere Ozone – an Indicator of the Environmental Sustainability, Journal of Environmental research, engineering and management, Vol.26,No.4,2003,pp.45-50. [2] A.L. Londhe, D. J. Surface ozone variability in the urban and nearby rural locations of tropical India. CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 95, NO. 12.2008. [3] Elampari K, Chithambarathanu T, Krishna Sharma R, Examining the variations of ground level ozone and nitrogen dioxide in a rural area influenced by brick kiln industries, Indian journal of Science and technology,Vol.3,No.8,2010. [4] Grunhage L, Jager HJ, Influence of the atmospheric conductivity on the ozone exposure of plants under ambient conditions, Environmental pollution, Vol.85, No.2, 1994, pp.125-129. [5] Akram Ali, Factors Affecting on Response of Broad Bean and Corn to Air Quality and Soil CO2 Flux rates in Egypt, Journal of water, air and soil pollution,Vol.195,No.1- 4,2008,pp.311-323. [6] Dominik Wieland and Franz Otawa,Local Maximum ozone concentration prediction using neural networks,AAAI Technical Report ,1999 WS 99-07. [7] Arigiriou.A, Use of neural networks for tropospheric ozone time series approximation and forecasting,a review.,Atmos.Chem.Phys-Discuss. 7, 2007, pp.5739-5767. [8] Lin Tang, Regional and local surface ozone variations in relation to meteorological conditions in Sweden, Ph.D.,Thesis, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 2009. [9] S. Renuka GS, Satsangi and Taneja A, Concentrations of surface O3, NO2 and CO during winter seasons at a semi-arid region Agra, India, Indian Journal of Radio & Space Physics, vol.37, 2008,pp. 121-130. [10] Seinfeld.J.H., Pandis,S.N.,From Air pollution to climate change, Atmospheric chemistry and Physics,1998,J.wiley,Newyork. |
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237. | Analysing Image Quality via Color SpacesAnalysing Image Quality via Color SpacesAbstract: Color space is the mathematical representation of a set of colors. A large amount of color spaces have been proposed for different purposes. But the RGB color space is a basic and widely used color space, and other color spaces are usually defined by transformation of the RGB color space. This paper focuses on the application of Other color spaces in images by transforming the RGB color space. Also a statistical analysis of the sensitivity and consistency behavior of objective image quality measures are performed. So that resulting the image qualities can be decided that which Color space is better without the interference of RGB color space.Key words: Color Space, Image Quality, RGB color space. Reference [1] Rafael C. Gonzales. Digital Image Processing. Tom Robbins, 2 edition, 2002. [2] Users Guide Statistics Toolbox 7. MathWorks Matlab. MathWorks Matlab, 2010. [3] Jian Yang , ChengjunLiu , LeiZhang ,2009," Color space normalization: Enhancing the discriminating power of color spaces for face recognition". [4] I. Avcibas, B. Sankur, K. Sayood, "Statistical Evaluation of Quality Measures In Image Compression", J. of Electronic Imaging, (in review). [5] Adrian Ford and Alan Roberts August 11, 1998(b)," Colour Space Conversions". [6] Bauer S., Zovko-Cihlar B. and Grgic M. (1996a) "Objective and Subjective Evaluations of Picture Quality in Digital Video Systems‟,Multimedia Technology and Digital Communication Services, lCOMT 1996, pp. 145-150. [7] Hamid Rahim Sheikh, Muhammad Farooq Sabir and Alan C. Bovik (2006) "A statistical evaluation of recent full reference image quality assessmentalgorithms‟, IEEE Trans Image Processing, Vol. 15, No. 11, pp. 3440- 3451. [8] Richard Dosselmann and Xue Dong Yang (2005) "Existing and emerging image quality metrics‟, CCECE/CCGEI, pp. 1906-1913. [9] Sonja Grgic, Mislav Grgic and Branka Zovko-Cihlar (1996) "Objective and subjective measuruments for video compression system‟,Proceedings of the International Conference of Multimedia Technologies, ICOMT 1996, pp. 145-150. [10] Tomas Kratochvil and Pavel Simicek (2005) "Utilization of MATLAB for picture quality evaluation‟, Institute of Radio Electronics, Brno University of Technology, Czech. Republic. |
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238. | Parametric Optimization & Modeling for Surface Roughness, Feed and Radial Force of EN-19/ANSI-4140 Steel in CNC Turning Using Taguchi and Regression Analysis MethodParametric Optimization & Modeling for Surface Roughness, Feed and Radial Force of EN-19/ANSI-4140 Steel in CNC Turning Using Taguchi and Regression Analysis MethodAbstract: Efficient turning of high performance EN series material can be achieved through proper selection of turning process parameters to minimize surface roughness, feed and radial forces. In this present paper outlines an experimental study to optimize and study the effects of process parameters in CNC turning on Surface roughness, feed and radial forces of EN19/AISI4140 (medium carbon steel) work material in dry environment conditions. The orthogonal array, signal to noise ratio and analysis of variance are employed to study the performance characteristics in CNC turning operation. Three machining parameters are chosen as process parameters: Cutting Speed, Feed rate and Depth of cut. The experimentation plan is designed using Taguchi's L9 Orthogonal Array (OA) and Minitab-16 statistical software is used. Optimal values of process parameters for desired performance characteristics are obtained by Taguchi design of experiment. Prediction models are developed with the help of regression analysis method using Minitab-16 software and finally the optimal and predicted results are also verified with the help of confirmation experiments.Key words: Taguchi method, surface roughness, feed and radial force, CNC turning, regression modeling. Reference 1. Mottram R A & WoolMan J, (1966), "The mechanical and physical properties of British standard EN steels", vol.2, 1st ed, pp.21-39, 2. Kackar N. Raghu, (1985), "Off-line Quality Control Parameter Design & Taguchi Method" Journal of Quality Technology, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 176-188. 3. Kackar N. Raghu, (1986), "Taguchi‟s Quality philosophy analysis and commentary", Quality Progress, Dec., pp. 21-28. 4. Yang H.W. and Tarng S.Y., (1998), "Design Optimization of Cutting Parameters for Turning Operations Based on The Taguchi Method". Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol.84, pp.122-129. 5. Petropoulos G., Ntziantzias I. and Anghel C.,(2005) "A Predictive Model of Cutting Force in Turning Using Taguchi and Response Surface Techniques", 1st International Conference on Experiments/Process/System Modeling/Simulation/Optimization 1st ICEpsMsO Athens, 6-9 July, 2005. 6. Gopalsamy Murugan Bala, Mondal Biswanath and Ghosh Sukamal,(2009) "Taguchi method and ANOVA: An approach for process parameters optimization of hard machining while machining hardened steel" Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research,Vol. 68, pp. 686-695. 7. DaveK.H., Patel S. L.(2012),"Effect of machining conditions on MRR and surface roughness during CNC Turning of different Materials Using TiN Coated Cutting Tools – A Taguchi approach"., International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations,Vol. 3,pp.925–930 8. Kalpakjian S. and Schmid Steven R. (2000), "Manufacturing Engineering and Technology", 4th ed, Pearson Education Asia. ISBN 81-7808-157-1. 9. Ross,Phillips J.(2005) "Taguchi Techniques for quality Engineering "second edition, Tata McGraw-Hill. ISBN 0-07-053958-8. 10. Bass Issa,(2007), "Six Sigma Statistics with Excel and Minitab", McGraw-Hill Publication, ISBN: 0-07-154268-X. |
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239. | Neural Network and Fuzzy Logic Based Protection of Series Compensated Double Circuit Transmission lineNeural Network and Fuzzy Logic Based Protection of Series Compensated Double Circuit Transmission lineAbstract: Main purpose of every relay is to detect and classify the fault and isolate the faulty part as soon as possible. Protective distance relays, which make use of impedance measurements in order to determine the presence and identification of faults, are not accurate to that extent after installed series capacitance on the line. In this proposed scheme, Neural network and Fuzzy logic are proposed for protection of series compensated double circuit transmission line. A Neural Network is used to estimate the actual power system condition that improves the protection system selectivity. Fuzzy logic is used for decision making that offers an appropriate tripping decision. The effect of series compensation, mutual zero-sequence coupling, remote infeed and fault resistance have been considered.Key words: mutual coupling, series compensation, adaptive protection, artificial neural network, fuzzy logic Reference 1. P.M.Anderson, Power system protection. New York: IEEE Press, 1999. 2. A.G.Phadke and Stanley H.horowitz, "power system relaying" 3. P.M.Anderson, "Series compensation of power system'. PBLSH Inc.Encinitas CA 4. Y.Hu, D.Novosel, M.M.Saha and V.Leitloff, An adaptive scheme for parallel line distance protection , IEEE Trans. Power Del. Vol.17 no1,pp.105- 110,jan 2002 5. Bouthiba ,Tahar(2004) ,Fault location in EHV transmission line using artificial neural networks,Int.J.Appl.Math.Compt.Sci.Vol- 14 ,no.1,pp.69-78 6. J. Gracia and A. J. Mazón and I. Zamora, (2005) ,Best ANN Structures for Fault Location in Single and Double-Circuit Transmission Lines, IEEE transactions on power delivery, vol. 20, NO. 4, 7. Kale ,V.S and Bhide,S.R and Bedekar, P.P. and G.V.K.Mohan (2008), Detection and Classification of Faults on Parallel Transmission Lines using Wavelet Transform and Neural Network , International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering , vol-3,pp-15 8. Srivani, S.G.and Vittal, K.P.(2010), Adaptive distance relaying scheme in series compensated transmission lines, IEEE Conference Publications Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES) , , Page(s): 1 - 7 9. Pradhan, A and Jena, P (2011), A positive sequence directional relaying algorithm for series compensated line, IEEE Trans. Power and Energy Society General Meeting, , Page(s): 1 – 1 10. Jain, Anamika and Thoke A.S. (2009), Classification of single line to ground fault on double circuit transmission line using ANN, Int .journal of computer and electrical engineering, vol-1, no-2 |
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240. | Integrated WiMAX / Wi-Fi Network Coupler & Its Performance Analysis through QUALNET 5.0.1 SimulatorIntegrated WiMAX / Wi-Fi Network Coupler & Its Performance Analysis through QUALNET 5.0.1 SimulatorAbstract: To provide uninterrupted service to all subscribers, we need to incorporate a low cost, flexible Heterogeneous network which can able to couple any kind of network for efficient spectrum utilization, hence improve system capacity. Therefore we have designed an integrated Wi-Fi, WiMAX network which provides high throughput, low end to end delay, flat and low jitter.Reference [1] IEEE 802.16e-2005: "IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks – Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed and Mobile Broadband Wireless Access Systems" [2] Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical layer (PHY) specifications: Amendement 7: Medium Access Control (MAC) Quality of Service (QoS) Enhancements, IEEE Unapproved Draft, Rev. D12.0, 2004. [3] Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access Systems, IEEE Std. 802.16, 2004. [4] "STRIKE : HIPERMAN/HIPERLAN/2 Interworking Methods," Deliverable D3.1.1, Information Society Technologies, June 2003 [5]E. Ziouva and T. Antonakopoulos, "A dynamically adaptable polling scheme for voice support in IEEE802.11 networks," Computer Communications, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 129-142, Feb. 2003. [6] "What WiMAX Forum Certified products will bring to Wi-Fi," Business White Paper, WiMAX Forum, 2004. |
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241. | Failure of Underground Unplasticized Polyvinyl Chloride Plastic Sewer Chamber Cover when the Vehicle Passing OverFailure of Underground Unplasticized Polyvinyl Chloride Plastic Sewer Chamber Cover when the Vehicle Passing OverAbstract: This paper focuses on the strength of uPVC and FRP Materials. These material shows differ strength on same application. The uPVC inspection chamber ultra- 450 is used for light vehicle road traffic and it specifically facing or suffers from breakages when the vehicle passing over it. Whenever the light or small utility vehicle (SUV) about 14 to 16 tonne loaded passes over the underground uPVC chamber, it should not be failed or broken during functioning. Here , hence consider one wheel of vehicle when passes over uPVC chamber , it should be so designed to bare the ¼ th load of total load of SUV i.e. 3.5 ton . But actually, SUV passes it may be fail at central region or at corner of plate which is mounted at the top in chamber. Under the study it is proved that it is failed due to weak strength of the uPVC material. Its causes and influences. Therefore, From the experimental test and software verification trying to get find solution by altering the dimensions of chamber cover and testing it by software on same material for optimize solution. But even after dimension modified, it resulted completely failed. Hence material replacement options will more predominantly emphasis on those aspects which can be improving strength of chamber cover without altering the design parameter specifically improving sizes. For conclusion apporvence, the experimental test result of failure and analyzing & optimizing solution obtained from Pro-Mechanica software FEM analysis are verified.Key words: uPVC, FRP or GRP, Von Mises stress, UTM, SUV, Reference [1] National water quality management strategy "guide line for sewerage system sewerage System overflows" nov.2004 made by govt. of Australia - page no.01 para 1 & 2. [2] Environmental Pollution Monitoring and Control- by Environmental Pollution Monitoring and Control page 14 para 1and page no15 para no.1 By S. M. Khopkar, edition of book in 2007 New Age International. [3] Peroxide Crosslinking of Unplasticized Poly (vinyl chlorideJ. C. GARCI´AQUESADA 1 , M. GILBERT 2 1. Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Alicante, E-03080 Alicante, Spain 2. Institutes of Polymer Technology and Materials Engineering, Loughborough University, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE11 3TU, UK Received 21 October 1999; accepted 18 January 2000. [4] DOC: STI/15328/1 at September 2004 Scheme of testing and inspection for certification of non-pressure polyvinyl chloride (uPVC- u) pipes for use in underground drainage and sewerage systems. According to is 15328:2003 by Government of India. [5] Mayer, Rayner M.(1993), Design with reinforced plastics, Springer, p.7, ISBN 978-0-85072-294-9. [6] Nawy, Edward G. (2001), Fundamentals of high-performance concrete (2 ed.), John Wiley and Sons, p. 310, ISBN 978-0-471- 38555-4. [7] Composites - Design Manual by J A Quinn Third Edition, ISBN 0-9534654-1- 1, James Quinn Associates Ltd 2002, Published by:-James Quinn Associates Ltd 415 Woolton Rd Liverpool L254SY Email: quinn@rapid.co.uk use following inter link for Getting data http://www.scribd.com/doc/75683599/Co mposites-Design-Manual-3-Ed. [8] Supreme industries product information broucher "Nu-Drain Underground Drainage Sewerage System". Page no.03- 08. [9] Tutorial book of PRO-E wildfire for engineers &designers by Sham Tick dreamtech press publication, New Delhi, edition 2006 and Tutorial online help from PRO-E software Web site http://www.ptc.com. [10] CAD CAM and Automation by R. B. Patil third edition Tech-Max publication, Pune. |
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242. | Camparision Between Design And Analysis Of Various Configuration Of Industrial ShedsCamparision Between Design And Analysis Of Various Configuration Of Industrial ShedsAbstract: Paper includes the comparison between various configurations of industrial shed. There are various types of industrial sheds. But here we compare the various configurations of industrial sheds, such as hot rolled steel shed such as shed using Howe truss, A-type, portal truss etc. This paper will gives us the suitable configuration of industrial shed by making and comparing design and analysis of various configurations of industrial sheds. Design of industrial shed, by using STAAD-Pro 2007 which gives results very quickly and accurately. This paper work compares the design of various configuration of industrial shed and concluded that which is suitable & economical in all views. The comparison gives us suitable configuration which suitable strength point of viewKey words: A- type truss, portal frame, Saw tooth type truss, STAAD-Pro 2007 Reference 1. Information given by Er Gursharan Singh and then modified by Er Kanwarjot Singh. 2. Comprehensive design of steel structure – By Punmia, Ashok kumar Jain, B.C.Punmia 3. Design of steel structure- L. S. Negi |
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243. | Corrosion, Mechanical and Wear Properties of nano-ZnO doped AluminiumCorrosion, Mechanical and Wear Properties of nano-ZnO doped AluminiumAbstract: Zinc Oxide (ZnO) Nano powder was produced by Solution Combustion Synthesis (SCS) at 350 ± 10° C temperature using sugar solution as fuel. The final product was characterized by means of XRD, SEM and EDX. The powder blends of ZnO/Al were prepared by low energy ball milling and the composite blocks of ZnO/Al were fabricated by powder metallurgy technique. The microhardness, wear resistance and corrosion resistance of ZnO/Al blocks were studied. The results show that the microhardness, wear resistance and corrosion resistance can be improved significantly with addition of ZnO nano powder up to 1 wt%; at the same time, the optimal microhardness and microstructure were obtained when the mass fraction of ZnO nano powder is 1wt% where as sample with 5 wt% of ZnO nano powder show best wear resistance. Corrosion tests reveal that there was a slight mass loss due to corrosion.Key words: ZnO, Microhardness, Wear resistance, Corrosion resistance and Microstructure. Reference 1. I. O Owate and E. Chukwuocha, Scientific Research and Essay. 3 (2007) 074-080. 2. A. I. Ogbonna, S. N. Asoegwu and P. C. Okebanama. Journal of Corrosion Science and Technology. 1 (2004) 135-146. 3. A. I. Onuchukwu, Journal of Corrosion Science and Technology. 2 (2004) 138- 148. 4. K.S. Harishanand, Siddhant Datta, B.M. Nagabhushana, H. Nagabhushana, M.M. Benal, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, 5 (2012) 1030-1035. 5. A. Ansary Yar, M. Montazerian, H. Abdizadeh, H.R. Baharvandi. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 484 (2009) 400– 404. 6. Chunyan Tiana, Ning Liua, Maohua Lua. Journal of materials processing technology 205 (2 008) 411-418. 7. Wang Qian. Trans. Nonferrous. Soc. China 17 (2007) 622-625. 8. Abdulkadir EKSI, Suleyman SARITAS Turkish. J. Eng. Env. Sci. 26 (2002) 377 - 384. 9. B. Weintraub, Z. Zhou, Y. Li, and Y. Deng, Nanoscale, 2 (2010) 1573–1587. 10. Y. Xia, P. Yang, Y. Sun et al., Advanced Materials, 15 (2003) 353–389. |
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244. | Investigation of Electromagnetic Interference from a Pulsed Solid State Laser Power SupplyInvestigation of Electromagnetic Interference from a Pulsed Solid State Laser Power SupplyAbstract: This paper investigates the near field, far field and conducted electromagnetic emissions in a pulsed power supply circuit for a flash lamp pumped solid-state laser amplifier. The power supply consists of a charging circuit, which energizes 300 µF of energy storage capacitor bank to 3 kV. The stored energy is discharged through a flash lamp in the form of pulsed current. It is a single shot event as commonly encountered in large scale high power laser systems. Measurements of the pulsed electromagnetic interference (EMI) are carried out in time domain with the help of a Bi-conical and a Dipole antenna for radiated noise up-to frequency range of 1 GHz, near field E-H probes and a line impedance stabilization network (LISN) for conducted line noise. The post storage time domain transient EMI signals are converted to frequency domain with the help of Welch mean square spectrum estimate in MATLAB. Quantitative measurements and characterization are helpful to understand the noise characteristics in pulsed laser power supplies, to mitigate the noise related issues and to validate them for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) compliance standards.Key words: EMI, Flash Lamps, Laser power supply Reference [1]. Walter Koechner, "Solid-State Laser Engineering", Springer Series in Optical Sciences. [2]. C. P. Navathe, M. S. Ansari, N. Sreedhar, R. Chandra, S. Gupta, A. P. Kulkarni and M. P. Kamath, "A bipolar power supply for Nd:Glass laser amplifiers'', Proc. DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium' 2001, CAT, Indore, 35(2001). [3]. J. P. Markiewicz and J. L. Emmett, "Design of flash lamp driving circuits", IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol. QE-2, No. 11, pp. 707-711, 1966. [4]. International Electro-technical Commission (IEC), www.iec.ch. [5]. M. Kanda, "Standard antennas for electromagnetic interference measurements and methods to calibrate them," IEEE Trans. EMC, vol. 36, No. 4, 1994. [6]. C. E. Baum, "General properties of antennas", IEEE Trans. EMC, vol. 44, No. 1, pp 18-24, 2002. [7]. MathWorks, www.mathworks.com. |
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245. | Design Of 2:1 Multiplexer Using Two Phase Drive Adiabatic Dynamic CMOS Logic For Low Power ApplicationsDesign Of 2:1 Multiplexer Using Two Phase Drive Adiabatic Dynamic CMOS Logic For Low Power ApplicationsAbstract: A MULTIPLEXER is an essential electronic device which is basically used for all kind of electronic switching. It is commonly called as data selector. The contemporary in VLSI is demanding the need of devices which dissipates low power. Adiabatic logic family is fulfilling our demands, which dissipates low power through them. In this paper, we have studied the various adiabatic logic styles: Adiabatic dynamic CMOS logic, two phase drive adiabatic dynamic logic, Glitch free and Cascadable adiabatic logic and two phase clocked adiabatic static CMOS logic. Further, we design a 2:1 multiplexer using Static CMOS and 2PADCL logic style. The 2:1 multiplexer was designed and simulated using HSPICE with 180nm technology parameters provided by predictive technology. The 2:1 multiplexer designed using 2padcl is analyzed on the basis of average power consumed by them for various values of load capacitance, input frequency and temperature. The results are then compared with static CMOS. It is observed that, multiplexer designed using adiabatic logic consumes low power in comparison to multiplexer designed using static CMOS and also, this power saving comes at the cost of increased propagation delay. Under certain operating conditions, 2PADCL of adiabatic logic design of 2:1 multiplexer successfully accomplished a power saving of upto 65% in comparison to multiplexer designed using static CMOS logic.Key words: CMOS; adiabatic; energy restoration; low power; 2:1 multiplexer. Reference [1]. A. P. CHANDRAKASAN AND R. W. BRODERSEN, Low-power CMOS digital design, Kluwer Academic, Norwell, Ma, 1995. [2]. A. BLOTTI, S. PASCOLI and R. SALETTI, "Sample model for positive feedback adiabatic logic power consumption estimation," Electronic Letters, Vol. 36, No. 2, PP. 116-118, Jan. 2000. [3]. B. VOSS AND M. GLESNER, "A Low Power Sinusoidal Clock," In Proc. of the International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 2001. [4]. G. DICKINSON and J. S. DENKEN, "Adiabatic Dynamic Logic", IEEE Journal of Solid – State Circuits, Vol. 30, No. 03, pp. 311 -315,March 1995. [5]. K. TAKAHASHI and M. MIZUNUMA, "Adiabatic dynamic CMOS logic circuits", IEICE Trans. Electron., Vol. J81-CII, Issue 10, pp. 810 -817, October 1998. [6]. N. ANUAR, Y. TAKAHASHI, and T. SEKINE, "Two phase clocked adiabatic static CMOS logic", Proc. IEEE SOCC 2009, pp. 83-86, Oct. 2009. [7]. N. ANUAR, Y. TAKAHASHI, and T. SEKINE, "Two phase clocked adiabatic static CMOS logic and its logic family," Journal of Semiconductor Technology and Science, Vol. 10, No. 01, pp. 1-10, March 2010. [8]. PRAVEER SAXENA, DINESH KUMAR and SAMPATH KUMAR V, "Design of 1- bit full adder for low power applications", International Journal Of Advanced Engineering Sciences And Technologies, Vol. No. 10, Issue No. 1, pp. 019 – 025, 2011. [9]. PRAVEER SAXENA, DINESH CHANDRA and SAMPATH V, "An adiabatic approach for low power full adder design, International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering, Vol. No.3, No. 9, pp. 3207 -3221, September 2011. [10]. N.S. S. Reddy, M. SATYAM and K. L. KISHORE, "Cascadable adiabatic logic circuits for low power applications", IET Circuits Devices Syst., Vol. 2, No. 06, pp. 518 – 526, 2008. |
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246. | Design and Development of Fixture for eccentric shaft: A ReviewDesign and Development of Fixture for eccentric shaft: A ReviewAbstract: This paper present a fixture design system of eccentric shaft for ginning machine.. Fixture is required in various industries according to their application. Designer design fixture according to dimension required by industry to fulfill our production tar gate. In traditional manufacturing process performing operation on eccentric shaft is critical. so holding a work piece in proper position during a manufacturing operation fixture is very necessary and important. Because the shaft is eccentric so for this requirement of manufacturing process Designer design proper fixture for eccentric shaft. Fixtures reduce operation time and increases productivity and high quality of operation is possible.Key words: Eccentricity, Fixture design, Computer aided fixture design (CAFD) Reference [1] E. Caillaudli 2, 3, D. Noyes2, G. Anglerot1 and P. Padillal "Concurrent Engineering: an expert system for fixture design" 1995 IEEE. [2] Zhang Yuru ,Peng Gaoliang "Development of and integrated system for setup planning and fixture design in CAPP" International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics Monterey, California, USA, 24-28 July, 2005J. Newman, Electrochemical Systems, 2nd ed., Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1991. [3] Jose F. Hurtado, Shreyes N. Melkote, "Effect of Fixture Design Variables on Fixture-Work piece Conformability and Static Stability" 2001 IEEHASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronic Proceedings 8-12 July 2001 COW Italy [4] Dan Ding Guoliang Xiang Yun-Hui Liu and Michael Yu Wang "Fixture Layout Design for Curved Work pieces*"Proceedings of the 2002 IEE international Conference on Robotics 8 Automation Washington, DC May 2002 [5] Zhang Yuru ,Peng Gaoliang "Development of an integrated system for setup planning and fixture design in CAPP" International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics Monterey, California, USA, 24-28 July, 2005J. Newman, Electrochemical Systems, 2nd ed., Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1991. |
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247. | Iterative Learning Algorithm based on Observer and Linear Quadratic Performance FunctionIterative Learning Algorithm based on Observer and Linear Quadratic Performance FunctionAbstract: In this paper we propose an iterative learning algorithm based on observer and linear quadratic performance function. We calculate the initial control value for the iteractive learning algorithm based on the estimation of the states, which guarantees the efficient asymptotic tracking of any desired trajectories. Furthermore, with Linear quadratic optimal control theory, we obtain the optimized control value for the interactive progress by minimizing the performance function. Finally, we simulate the performance our ILC algorithm and it shows that this new method can provide the initial control value for the uncertain linear timeinvariant systems, as well as decrease the tracking errors asymptotically in the interactive progress.Key words: iterative learning control(ILC), observer, linear quadratic performance function, initial control value Reference [1] Arimoto S, Kawamura S, Miyazaki F. Bettering operation of robots by learning, J of Robotic Systems, 1984, 1(2), 123-140. [2] David H Owens, Bing Chu, Mutita Songjun. Parameter-optimal iterative learning control using polynomial representations of the inverse plant, International Journal of Control, 2012, 85(5), 533-544. [3] Hou Zhong-sheng, Xu Jian-xin. A new feedback-feedforward configuration for the iterative learning control of a class of discrete-time system, Acta Automatica Sinica, 2007, 33(3), 323-326. [4] Deyuan Meng, Yingmin Jia, Junping Du, Shiying Yuan. Feedback iterative learning control for time-delay system based on 2D analysis approach, Journal of Control Theory and Application, 2010, 8(4), 457- 463. [5] Hoa N D, David B. An LMI approach for robust iterative learning control with quadratic performance criterion, Journal of Process Control, 2009, 19(6), 1054- 1060. [6] Liu Shan, Wu Tie-jun. Stable-inversion based iterative learning control for nonminimum phaseplants, Control Theory & Applications, 2003, 20(6), 831-837. [7] Xu J. On iterative learning from different tracking tasks in the presence of timevarying uncertainties, IEEE Trans on System, Man, and Cybernetics,2004, 34(1), 589-597. [8] Yan-Yi Du, Jason Sheng-Hong Tsai, ShuMei Guo, Te-Jen Su, Chia-Wei Chen. Observer-based iterative learning control with evolutionary programming algorithm for MIMO nonlinear systems, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 2011, 7(3), 1357-1374. [9] Wei-Sheng Chen, Rui-Hong Li, Jing Li. Observer-based adaptive iterative learning control for nonlinear system with timevarying delays, International Journal of Automation and Computing, 2010, 7(4), 438-446. |
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248. | Investigation into the Effects of Education, Training And Business Location on Product QualityInvestigation into the Effects of Education, Training And Business Location on Product QualityAbstract: The quality of products from the micro and small enterprise sector is affected by both the entrepreneur's and enterprise's attributes. This paper presents and discusses findings of a study that was designed to investigate experimentally the relationship between the quality of arc welding in the Small Scale Metalwork sub-sector and the artisan's education and training levels and business location. Four pairs of groups with a total of 36 with secondary education and 36 with primary education consisting of formally and informally trained artisans from urban and rural areas participated in the evaluation. A mild steel product was fabricated by each participating artisan, assessed and scores awarded based on the quality of arc welding. The data collected was analyzed using the Statistical Analysis System (SAS) and excel spreadsheet. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to show any variation in the quality of arc welding; comparisons of means using the Least Significant Difference (LSD) at the alpha level of 5% were done to determine which pairs of artisans affected quality significantly. The study found out that informally trained artisans with secondary education working in urban areas exhibited the highest quality of arc welding. The informally trained artisans with primary education working in rural areas exhibited the lowest quality of arc welding. Generally the product quality from artisans with secondary education was higher than that from artisans with primary education. Formal training can improve the quality of products from rural artisans. Business location does only affect the quality of welding from informally trained artisans at any education level.It is recommended that the quality of products from artisans with lower education and especially those working in rural areas can be improved by raising their standard of education and/or by formal training.Key words: Modes of Training, Product Quality, MSE, Metalworking sub-sector, Arc welding Reference [1]. Baucus, A. and Human, S., (1994). Second career entrepreneurs: A multiple case study analysis of entrepreneurial processes and antecedent variables. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 19, No. 2: pp. 41-71. [2]. Bosire, J and Gamba, P. (2003).Measuring Business Skills Cognition: The Case of Informal Sector Entrepreneurs in Kenya.EASSRR, vol. XIX, No. 2 [3]. Ferej, A., (1994).The efficacy of apprenticeship training as preparation for self-employment in Kenya.Doctoral Thesis.Illinois; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. [4]. Government of Kenya, (2010).Economic Survey 2010. Nairobi, Government Printer. [5]. Government of Kenya (2005).Sessional Paper No.2 of 2005 on Development of Micro and Small Enterprises for Wealth and Employment Creation for Poverty Reduction.Government Printers, Nairobi. [6]. Government of Kenya, (2004).Directorate of Industrial Training Records on Trade Tests. Nairobi; DIT records [7]. Government of Kenya, (1999).National Micro and Small Enterprise Baseline Survey 1999. Nairobi: Government Printer [8]. Kinyanjui, M., (1997).A study of training needs and aspects of training in informal workshop clusters in Nairobi. Nairobi; Institute for Development Studies, University of Nairobi. [9]. McGrath S. and King K. with Leach F. and Roy C., in association with BoehOcansey, O., D'Souza, K., Messina, G. and Oketch, H., (1994). Education and training for the informal sector. Education Research Paper No. 11. London; ODA. [10]. Mullei, A. (ed) (2003).Growth and Transformation of Small Manufacturing Firms in Africa: Insights from Ghana, Kenya, and Zimbabwe, Nairobi: African Centre for Economic Growth. |
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249. | Fuel Injector's Stratergies Of Hcci EngineFuel Injector's Stratergies Of Hcci EngineAbstract: The traditional fuel injection systems for diesel engines are designed with the objective to secure acceptable fuel spray characteristics during the combustion process at all load conditions. Incorrect injection causes reduced efficiency and increased emission of harmful species. In the later years, different fuel injection system with electronic controls has been promoted as the future standard in fuel injection systems for diesel engines. Among the advantages claimed with respect to injection rate shaping, variable timing and duration of the injection, in addition to variable injection pressure, enabling high injection pressure even at low engine loads. When the rate of injection is the key to an effective combustion process, it is vital to determine. Alternative methods to change the combustion process, to improve engine efficiency. The combustion of a homogeneous air/fuel mixture in the cylinder of a diesel engine is very efficient way to do this, where the concept is called "Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) ."The purpose of this paper is to study on different fuel injection and combustion performances in addition to the engine operating zone for HCCI engines with alternative fuels.Key words: HCCI, fuel injectors, alternative fuels , emission , VVT, VCR, hydrogen Reference 1. Christensen, M., Johansson, B., Amneus, P. Mauss, F., "Supercharged homogeneous charge compression ignition," SAE Paper 980787. 2. Christensen, M., Johansson, B., "Supercharged homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) with exhaust gas recirculation and pilot fuel," SAE Paper 2000-01-1835. 3 Hyv¨onen, J., Haraldsson, G., Johansson, B., "Supercharging HCCI to extend the operating range in a multi-cylinder VCR-HCCI engine," SAE Paper 2003-01-3214 . 4. J. B. Heywood: "Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals", McGraw-Hill, New York, 1988. 5. J. E. Dec: "A conceptual model of DI diesel combustion based on laser-sheet imaging", SAE Paper 970873, 6. Mingfa Yao and Jung Qin, "Simulating the Homogenous Charge Compression Ignition Process Using a Detailed Kinetic Model for Dimethyl Ether (DME) and Methane Dual Fuel", omogenous Charge Compression Ignition, 2004, Vol –SP1896. 7. Richard R. Steeper and Shane De Zilwa, " Improving the NOx-Co2 Trade-Off of an HCCI Engine Using a Multi-Hole Injector," Homogenous Charge Compression Ignition Engines, vol. Sp-2100, no. 2007, pp. 71. 8. Jincai Zheng, David L. Miller and Nicholas P. Cernansky, "A Global Reaction Model for HCCI Combustion Process", Homogenous Charge Compressed Ignition, 2004, Vol SP- 1896, pp.63. 9. Zhijun Peng 1,*, Bin Liu 1, Weiji Wang 1 and Lipeng Lu 2, "CFD Investigation into Diesel PCCI Combustion with Optimized Fuel Injection" Published: 18 March 2011, Energies 2011, ISSN 1996-1073. 10. Amsden, A.A. Kiva-3v: A Block-Structured Kiva Program for Engines with Vertical or Canted Values; Technical Report Number LA- 13313-MS; Los Alamos National Laboratory: Los Alamos, NM, USA, 1997. |
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250. | An Efficient Iris Recognition System using Phase-based Matching TechniqueAn Efficient Iris Recognition System using Phase-based Matching TechniqueAbstract: A major approach for iris recognition today is to generate feature vectors corresponding to individual iris images and to perform iris matching based on some distance metrics. One of the difficult problems in featurebased iris recognition is that the matching performance is significantly influenced by many parameters in feature extraction process, which may vary depending on environmental factors of image acquisition. This paper presents an efficient algorithm for iris recognition using phase-based image matching. The use of phase components in 2D (two-dimensional) discrete Fourier transforms of iris images makes possible to achieve highly robust iris recognition in a unified fashion with a simple matching algorithm. Experimental evaluation using an iris image database clearly demonstrates an efficient matching performance of the proposed algorithm.Key words: Phase-based matching, Phase only correlation, Band limited phase-only correlation, Iris Recognition, image processing. Reference [1] J. Daugman, "High confidence visual recognition of persons by a test of statistical independence," IEEE Trans. Pattern Analy. Machine Intell., vol. 15, no. 11, pp. 1148–1161, Nov. 1993. [2] L. Ma, T. Tan, Y. Wang, and D. Zhang, "Efficient iris recognition by characterizing key local variations," IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 739–750, June 2004. [3] B. Kumar, C. Xie, and J. Thornton, "Iris verification using correlation filters," Proc. 4th Int. Conf. Audio- and Video-based Biometric Person Authentication, pp. 697–705, 2003. [4] K. Miyazawa, K. Ito, T. Aoki, K. Kobayashi, and H. Nakajima, "An efficient iris recognition algorithm using phasebased image matching," Proc. Int. Conf. on Image Processing, pp. II– 49–II–52, Sept. 2005. [5] K. Miyazawa, K. Ito, T. Aoki, K. Kobayashi, and H. Nakajima, "A phasebased iris recognition algorithm," Lecture Notes in Computer Science (ICB2006), vol. 3832, pp. 356–365, Jan. 2006. [6] CASIA iris image database ver 1.0. http://www.sinobiometris.com [7] K. Ito, H. Nakajima, K. Kobayashi, T. Aoki, and T. Higuchi, "A fingerprint matching algorithm using phase-only correlation," IEICE Trans. Fundamentals,vol. E87-A, no. 3, pp. 682–691, Mar. 2004. [8] K. Ito, A. Morita, T. Aoki, T. Higuchi, H. Nakajima, and K. Kobayashi, "A fingerprint recognition algorithm combining phase-based image matching and feature-based matching," Lecture Notes in Computer Science (ICB2006), vol. 3832, pp. 316–325, Jan. 2006. [9] H. Nakajima, K. Kobayashi, M. Morikawa, K. Atsushi, K. Ito, T. Aoki, and T. Higuchi, "Fast and robust fingerprint identification algorithm and its application to residential access controller," Lecture Notes in Computer Science (ICB2006), vol. 3832,pp. 326–333, Jan. 2006. [10] Products using phase-based image matching. http://www.aoki.ecei.tohoku.ac.jp/poc/ |
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251. | Evaluating Cluster Quality Using Modified Density Subspace Clustering ApproachEvaluating Cluster Quality Using Modified Density Subspace Clustering ApproachAbstract: Clustering of the time series data faced with curse of dimensionality, where real world data consist of many dimensions. Finding the clusters in feature space, subspace clustering is a growing task. Density based approach to identify clusters in dimensional point sets. Density subspace clustering is a method to detect the density-connected clusters in all subspaces of high dimensional data for clustering time series data streams Multidimensional data clustering evaluation can be done through a density-based approach. In this approach proposed, Density subspace clustering algorithm is used to find best cluster result from the dataset. Density subspace clustering algorithm selects the P set of attributes from the dataset. Then apply the density clustering for selected attributes from the dataset .From the resultant cluster calculate the intra and inter cluster distance. Measuring the similarity between data objects in sparse and high-dimensional data in the dataset, Plays a very important role in the success or failure of a clustering method. Evaluate the similarity between data points and consequently formulate new criterion functions for clustering .Improve the accuracy and evaluate the similarity between the data points in the clustering,. The proposed algorithm also concentrates the Density Divergence Problem (Outlier). Proposed system clustering results compared them with existing clustering algorithms in terms of the Execution time, Cluster Quality analysis. Experimental results show that proposed system improves clustering quality result, and less time than the existing clustering methods.Key words: Density Subspace Clustering, Intra Cluster, Inter Cluster, Outlier, Hierarchical Clustering. Reference [1] Yi-Hong Chu, Jen-Wei Huang, Kun-Ya Chuang, DeNian Yang, ―Density Conscious Subspace Clustering for High Dimensional Data‖ IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. Vol 22, No 1, January 2010. [2] M. Ester, H.-P. Kriegel, J. Sander, and X. Xu, ―A density-based algorithm for discovering clusters in large spatial databases with noise,‖ in Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, E. Simoudis, J. Han, and U. Fayyad, Eds. AAAI Press, 1996, pp. 226–231. [3] Y. Kim, W. Street, and F. Menczer, ―Feature Selection in Unsupervised Learning via Evolutionary Search,‖ Proc. Sixth ACM SIGKDD Int'l Conf. Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, pp. 365-369, 2000. [4] M. Halkidi, Y. Batistakis, and M. Varzirgiannis, ―On clustering validation techniques,‖ Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, vol. 17, no. 2-3, pp. 107–145, 2001. [5]. Pedro Pereira Rodriguess and Joao Pedro Pedroso, ―Hierarchical Clustering of Time Series Data Streams,‖ Sudipto Guha, Adam Meyerson, Nine Mishra and Rajeev Motiwani, ―Clustering Data Streams: Theory and Practice‖, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. Vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 515-528, May/June 2003. [6] Ashish Singhal, and Dale E Seborg, ―Clustering Multivarriate Time Series Data,‖ Journal of Chemometrics, vol. 19, pp. 427-438, Jan 2006. [7] Sudipto Guha, Adam Meyerson, Nine Mishra and Rajeev Motiwani, ―Clustering Data Streams: Theory and Practice‖, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. Vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 515-528, May/June 2003. [8] Ashish Singhal, and Dale E Seborg, ―Clustering Multivarriate Time Series Data,‖ Journal of Chemometrics, vol. 19, pp. 427-438, Jan 2006. |
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252. | Analysis Of Routing Protocols In Wmn Using Certain Parameters To Maintain Quality Of ServiceAnalysis Of Routing Protocols In Wmn Using Certain Parameters To Maintain Quality Of ServiceAbstract: Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) are bringing rapid change in the field of wireless networking. It is a trustworthy technology in applications like broadband home networking, network management and latest transportation systems. WMNs consist of mesh routers, mesh clients and gateways. It is a special kind of wireless Ad-hoc networks. Parameters in WMNs include delay, throughput, network load etc. There are two types of routing protocols i.e. reactive protocols and proactive protocols. Three routing protocols AODV, DSR and OLSR have been tested in WMNs under certain parameters which are delay, throughput and network load. The testing of these protocols will be performed in the Optimized Network Evaluation Tool (OPNET) Modeler 14.5. The obtained results from OPNET will be displayed in this paper in the form of graphs.Key words: Wireless Mesh Networks, Dynamic Source Routing, QoS, Mesh Routing Protocol Reference [1] Karchik, Ramakrishnan, "An improved model for dynamic routing effect algorithm for mobility protocol", Electrical Engineering Waterloo, Ontario, Canada 2004. [2] Jangeun Jun and Mihail L. Sichitiu, "MRP: Wireless Mesh Networks Routing Protocol". Raleigh, NC 27695-7911. [3] Rainer Baumann, Simon Heimlicher, Vincent Lenders and Martin May, "Routing Packets into Wireless Mesh Networks". [4] Sonia Waharte, Raouf Boutaba, Youssef Iraqi and Brent Ishibashi, "Routing Protocols in Wireless Mesh Networks: Challenges and Design Considerations". School of Computer Science Waterloo, Canada. [5] Tony Larsson and Nicklas Hedman, "Routing Protocols in wireless Ad-hoc Networks-A simulation study". Stockholm 1998. [6] Yuyan Xue, "Security issues in Wireless Mesh Networks", Department of computer science and engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, July 2007. [7] Zhang Yan, Luo Jijun, Hu Honglin. "Wireless Mesh Networking, Architectures Protocols and Standard". USA: Auerbach Publications 2007. [8] Ioannis Glaropoulos, Athanasios Makris and Bobak Tighnavard, "Performance Analysis of OLSR and comparison with OSPF and AODV", School of Electrical Engineering KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Sweden. |
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253. | Advanced Video Steganography AlgorithmAdvanced Video Steganography AlgorithmAbstract: Data embedding is the process of embedding information in a data source without changing its perceptual quality. Several constraints affect this process: the quantity of data to be hidden, the need for invariance of these data under the conditions where a host signal is subject to distortions such as lossy compression and the degree to which the data must be immune to interception, modification or removal by a third party. A new technique is proposed in this paper for data embedding and extraction for high resolution AVI videos. In this method instead of changing the LSB of the cover file, the LSB and LSB+3 bits are changed in alternate bytes of the cover file. The secret message is encrypted by using a simple bit exchange method before the actual embedding process starts. An index can also be created for the secret information and the index is placed in a frame of the video itself. With the help of this index, we can easily extract the secret message, which can reduce the extraction time. The different techniques and advantages of video steganography is discussed in this paper.Key words: Encryption, Index Creation, LSB Technique, Stego Key. Reference [1] A.Nath, S.Das, A.Chakrabarti, Data Hiding and Retrieval, Proceedings of IEEEInternational conference on Computer Intelligence and Computer Network held at Bhopal from 26-28 Nov, 2010. [2] Samir K Bandyopadhyay, Debnath Bhattacharyya1, A Tutorial Review on Steganography, UFL & JIITU, IC-2008, pp. 105-114. [3] A.Nath, S.Ghosh, M.A.Mallik, Symmetric key cryptography using random key generator, Proceedings of International conference on SAM- 2010 held at Las Vegas(USA) 12-15 July, 2010, Vol-2, pp. 239-244 [4] Arup Kumar Bhaumik, Minkyu Choi, Rosslin J. Robles, and Maricel O. Balitanas, Data Hiding in Video, International Journal of Database Theory and Application, June 2009. [5] Joyshree Nath, Sankar Das, Shalabh Agarwal and Asoke Nath , Advanced steganographic approach for hiding encrypted secret message in LSB, LSB+1, LSB+2 and LSB+3 bits in non-standard cover files, International Journal of Computer Applications(0975-8887) Vol 14-No7, Feb 2011 [6] Yongjian Hu, and Heung Kyu Lee, and Jianwei Lee, DE-based reversible data hiding with improved overflow location map, IEEE Transaction on circuits and systems for video technology, volume 19, number 2, February, pp. 250-260, 2009. [7] Joyshree Nath and Asoke Nath, Advanced Steganography Algorithm using encrypted secret message, International Journal of Advanced ComputerScience and Application (IJACSA)Vol-2 No.3, pp. 19-24, March (2011). [8] Agniswar Dutta, Abhirup Kumar Sen,Sankar Das, Shalabh Agarwal, AsokeNath, New Data Hiding Algorithm in MATLAB using Encrypted secret message,IEEE ICCSNT-201,pp.262-267. [9] R. Balaji, G. Naveen, Secure Data Transmission Using Video Steganography. [10] V.S.,K.Balasuhramaniyam ,N.Murali, M.Rajakumaran, Vigneswari, Data Hiding in Audio Signal, Video Signal, Text and JPEG Images,IEEE ICAESM -2012, pp.741-746. |
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254. | A Review: Influence of electrode geometry and process parameters on surface quality and MRR in EDM using Artificial Neural NetworkA Review: Influence of electrode geometry and process parameters on surface quality and MRR in EDM using Artificial Neural NetworkAbstract: Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) is a non conventional machining process, where electrically conductive materials are machined by using precisely controlled sparks that occur between an electrode and a work piece in the presence of a dielectric fluid. It has been a demanding research area to model and optimize the EDM process in the present scenario. Lots of efforts have been exercised to model and optimize the performance and process parameters of EDM process using ANN. To model ANN architectures, learning/training algorithms and nos. of hidden neurons are varied to accomplish minimum error, but the deviation is made in an arbitrary manner. Artificial Neural Network model should be generated for both electrode geometry and various electrode materials to compare the influence of both in EDM.Key words: Artificial Neural Network (ANN), MRR, Surface Roughness, Tool Geometry Reference [1] Kamlesh V. Dave, D. S. Patel, Influence of Electrode Geometry and Process Parameters on Surface Quality and MRR in Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) of AISI H13, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 2, Issue 3, May-Jun 2012, pp. 1498-1505. [2] Kamlesh V. Dave, D. S. Patel, Effect of Tool geometry and Process parameters on Surface roughness and MRR in EDM of Tool Steel, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) Vol. 1 Issue 5, July - 2012 ISSN: 2278-0181. [3] Pradhan, B. B., Masanta, M., Sarkar, B. R., Bhattacharyya, B., Investigation of electrodischarge micro-machining of titanium super alloy. International Journal advanced Manufacturing technologies (2008) 1-13. [4] Kiyak, M., Cakir, O., Examination of machining parameters on surface roughness in EDM of tool steel. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, (2007)191(1-3), 141-144. [5] Debabrata Mandal, Surjya K. Pal, Partha Saha, Modeling of electrical discharge machining process using back propagation neural network and multi-objective optimization using non-dominating sorting genetic algorithm-II, Journal of Materials Processing Technology (2007), 186,154– 162. [6] Ali Ozgedik, Can Cogun. An experimental investigation of tool wear in electric discharge machining. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, (2006) 27, 488-496. [7] Cao Fenggou, Yang Dayong, The study of high efficiency and intelligent optimization system in EDM sinking process, Journal of Materials Processing Technology (2004), 149 83–87. [8] Shing, S., Maheswari, S., Pandey, P.C., Some investigation into the electric discharge machining of hardened tool steel using different electrode materials. Journal of Material Processing Technology (2004), 149,272-277. [9] Kuo-Ming Tsai, Pei-Jen Wang, Comparison of neural network models on material removal rate in electric discharge machining. Journal of Materials Processing Technology (2001), 117,111- 124. [10] H. Juhr, K. Künanz, A. Nestler, G. Leitte, Generation of parameter technologies for EDM die sinking with artificial neural networks (ANN) and nonlinear regression functions (NRF), Forschungsergebnis bericht, 2004. |
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SOME ENGINEERING PROPERTIES TOMATEOSSOME ENGINEERING PROPERTIES TOMATEOSAbstract: Some physical and mechanical properties of two tomatoes cultivar, local Dwarf and Roma VF were determined with a view to obtaining information needed as parameter in computer simulation of deformation of this vegetable under compressive loading using Discrete Element method. The properties were determined using standard methods. The major and minor diameters have normal distribution, the sphericity is found to be above 80% implying the fruit can be modeled as a sphere. The bulk densities for the two cultivars ranged between 500 – 630 kg/m 3 . The rupture force of less than 50N for the two cultivars is a confirmation of the soft and delicate nature of the fruit. These properties are useful in the modeling of the behavior as the necessary threshold values have been obtained.Key words: DEM, Physical properties, Mechanical properties, Tomatoes. Reference 1. Tunde-Akintunde T. Y; T. J. Afolabi and Akintunde B. O (2005); Influence of drying methods on drying of bell pepper (Capsicum annum). J. Food Engineering, 68: 439 – 442 2 Raji , A.O and Favier, J.F (2004) Model for the Deformation in Agriculture and Food Particulate Material under Bulk Compressive Load using Discrete Element Method. I: Theory, Model Development and Validation. Journal of Food Engineering, 64, 359-371. 3 Raji , A.O and Favier, J.F (2004) Model for the Deformation in Agriculture and Food Particulate Material under Bulk Compressive Load using Discrete Element Method. I:Theory, Model Development and Validation. Journal of Food Engineering, 64, 359-371. 4 Raji , A.O and Favier, J.F (2004) Model for the Deformation in Agriculture and Food Particulate Material under Bulk Compressive Load using Discrete Element Method. I: Theory, Model Development and Validation. Journal of Food Engineering, 64, 359-371. 5 Raji , A.O and Favier, J.F (2004) Model for the Deformation in Agriculture and Food Particulate Material under Bulk Compressive Load using Discrete Element Method. I:Theory, Model Development and Validation. Journal of Food Engineering, 64, 359-371. 6 Raji , A.O and Favier, J.F (2004) Model for the Deformation in Agriculture and Food Particulate Material under Bulk Compressive Load using Discrete Element Method. I:Theory, Model Development and Validation. Journal of Food Engineering, 64, 359-371. |
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256. | Dynamic AES-128 with Key-Dependent S-boxDynamic AES-128 with Key-Dependent S-boxAbstract: Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) block cipher system is widely used in cryptographic applications. The main core of AES block cipher is the substitution table or SBox. This S-box is used to provide confusion capability for AES. The aim of this paper is to design dynamic S-box which depends on the secret key. The parameters of the new created SBOXes have characteristics equal to those in the original algorithm AES. This algorithm is suitable to exchange keys on insecure communication channels in order to achieve secure communications. In this paper, a dynamic AES-128 with key dependent S-box is designed and implemented. Also, the quality of the implemented S-boxes is experimentally investigated. Also, the designed AES is compared with original AES in terms of security analysis, and simulation timeKey words: Advanced encryption standard (AES), dynamic S-box, S-box, security analysis Reference [1] Rhee, Man Young. "Internet Security Cryptographic Principles, Algorithms and Protocols". England: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester,West Sussex PO19 8SQ, 2003. [2] Welschenbach and Michael. "Cryptography in C and C++". second . GraceWong,Michael Welschenbach, 2005. [3] Boudriga Noureddine "SECURITY of mobile communications" [Book]. - [s.l.] : Taylor and Francis Group, LLC, 2010 . [4] Joan Daernen Vincent Rijrnen "The Design of Rijndael {AES - The Advanced Encryption Standard}" [Book]. - Verlag Berlin Heidelberg : Springer-, 2002. [5] I. Abd-ElGhafar A. Rohiem, A. Diaa, F. Mohammed "Generation of AES Key Dependent S-Boxes using RC4 Algorithm" [Conference] // "AEROSPACE SCIENCES & AVIATION TECHNOLOGY ASAT- 13". - cairo : "Military Technical College", 2009. |
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257. | Area Efficient Fast Block LMS Adaptive Filter Using Distributed ArithmeticArea Efficient Fast Block LMS Adaptive Filter Using Distributed ArithmeticAbstract: In FBLMS algorithm, the filter weights are adapted in the frequency domain by using the FFT algorithm. The main hardware complexity of the system is due to hardware multipliers in FFT/IFFT block. Introduction of Distributed Algorithm eliminates the need of that multipliers by a mechanism that generates partial products and then sums the products together and resulting system will have high area efficiency. Using DA, FFT can be efficiently calculated by jointly employing the Good-Thomas and Rader algorithms. In the proposed FBLMS algorithm using DA, it is required to calculate only half of the conjugate symmetric coefficients, under that condition the hardware requirements for the proposed system is approximately half of that of existing one.Key words: FBLMS, signed DA, Unsigned DA, Good-Thomas, Rader algorithm. Reference [1] S. Haykin, Adaptive Filter Theory, 4th ed., T. Kailath, Ed. Pearson Education, 2008. [2] U Meyer Baese, Digital Signal Processing With field Programmable Gate Arrays,3rd ed. [3] Sudhanshu Baghel , Rafiahamed Shaik, "FPGA Implementation of Fast Block LMS Adaptive Filter Using Distributed Arithmetic for High Throughput", p443-p447, 2011. [4] Arman Chahardahcherik, Yousef S. Kavian, Otto Strobel, and Ridha Rejeb, "Implementing FFT Algorithms on FPGA", IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.11 No.11, pp. 148 – 156, November 2011. [5] S. A. White, "Applications of distributed arithmetic to digital signal processing: A tutorial review," IEEE ASSP Magazine, July 1989 |
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258. | Efficient Implementation of Pipelined Double Precision Floating Point MultiplierEfficient Implementation of Pipelined Double Precision Floating Point MultiplierAbstract: Floating-point numbers are widely adopted in many applications due their dynamic representation capabilities. Floating-point representation is able to retain its resolution and accuracy compared to fixed-point representations. Unfortunately, floating point operators require excessive area (or time) for conventional implementations. The creation of floating point units under a collection of area, latency, and throughput constraints is an important consideration for system designers. This paper presents the implementation of a general purpose, scalable architecture used to synthesize floating point multipliers on FPGAs. Although several implementations of floating point units targeted to FPGAs have been previously reported, most of them are customized for specific applications. This paper presents a fully parallel floating-point multiplier compliant with the IEEE 754 Standard for Floating-point Arithmetic. The design offers low latency and high throughput. A comparison between our results and some previously reported implementations shows that our approach, in addition to the scalability feature, provides multipliers with significant improvements in area and speed. We implemented our algorithms using Xilinx ISE 12.1, with Xilinx Virtex-II Pro XC2VP100 FPGA as our target device.Key words: Floating Point Multiplier, FPGA, VHDL. Reference [1] M. de Lorimier and A. DeHon. Floating point sparsematrix-vector multiply for FPGAs. In Proceedings of the ACM International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate Arrays, Monterey, CA, February 2005. [2] The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc. IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-point Arithmetic. ANSI/IEEE Std 754- 1985. [3] K. D. Underwood. FPGAs vs. CPUs: Trends in peak floating-point performance. In Proceedings of the ACM International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate Arrays, Monterrey, CA, February 2004. [4] I. Koren. Computer Arithmetic Algorithms. Brookside Court Publishers, Amherst, MA, 1998. [5] IEEE Standards Board. IEEE standard for binary floating-point arithmetic. Technical Report ANSI/IEEE Std. 754-1985, The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, New York, 1985. |
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259. | Study of buckling behavior of FRP corrugated- core sandwich platesStudy of buckling behavior of FRP corrugated- core sandwich platesAbstract: Fiber-reinforced plastic corrugated core sandwich panels were tested for buckling in uni-axial compression. Three types of corrugation i.e. sinusoidal, square and triangle of different thickness core of epoxy based were tested. The sandwich panels were fabricated using the hand layup method process. The two short edges of the sandwich panels were clamped, while the two long edges were simply supported for testing. A Bifurcation in the load versus engineering strain curve was noted in all cases. For all sandwich panels tested using corrugation core, the type of failure was easily identified as face sheet delamination followed by core shear failure. In the failed core panels there was little or no evidence of core remaining on the FRP face sheet, however, lower strain rate in the PVC foam core panels there were ample amounts of foam left on the FRP face sheet. It was concluded that although the buckling loads for the sinusoidal corrugated core panels showed very high buckling strength.Key words: Buckling, Corrugated sandwich, Damage mechanism, FRP Reference [1] Wan-Shu Chang , Edward Ventsel , Ted Krauthammer and Joby John, Bending behavior of corrugated-core sandwich plates, Composite Structures, vol. 70 (2005), pp.81–89. [2] A. Martınez, J.A. Rayas, R. Corderob and F. Labbe, Comparative measurement of in plane strain by shearography and electronic speckle pattern interferometry, Revista Mexicana de Fısica, vol. 57 (2011) pp.518–523. [3] S.V. Rocca and A. Nanni. Mechanical characterization of sandwich structurecomprised of glass fiber reinforced core: part 1, Composites in Construction Third International Conference, (2005), pp 1-8. [4] Sohrab Kazemahvazi, Daniel Tanner and Dan Zenkert. Corrugated all-composite sandwich structures Part 2: Failure mechanisms and experimental programme, Composites Science and Technology, vol. 69 (2009), pp.920–925. [5] Jian Xiong, Ashkan Vaziri , Li Maa, Jim Papadopoulos b and Linzhi Wua, Compression and impact testing of two-layer composite pyramidal-core sandwich panels, Composite Structures, vol 94, Issue 2, January 2012, pp 793–801. |
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260. | Study of MHD Flow in Parallel Pipe with Parallel and Counter Flow Pattern Using CFD AnalysisStudy of MHD Flow in Parallel Pipe with Parallel and Counter Flow Pattern Using CFD AnalysisAbstract: Magneto hydrodynamics is the study of interaction of moving conducting fluids with electric and magnetic fields. Effects from such interactions can be observed in liquids, gases, twophase mixtures, or plasma. MHD technology is based on a fundamental law of electromagnetism: When a magnetic field and an electric current intersect in a liquid, their repulsive intersection propels the liquid in a direction perpendicular to both the field and the current. At the time of studying flow through parallel channels in parallel and counter manner then it shows difference in basic nature of velocity profile. Similarly the current density profile is also showing interesting difference for parallel flow and counter flow fluids. This paper is produced to make focus on the difference of several properties like current density, velocity etc. When there is change in velocities of MHD fluid and change in magnetic field applied then proportionate change is appeared in all profiles and results. Here in this paper for studying MHD impact on fluid flow, CFD analysis is carried out with the help of Ansys FLUENT Software.Key words: Magneto hydrodynamic, parallel and counter manner, CFD analysis, current density & velocity Profile, Ansys FLUENT. Reference [1] J.A. SHERCLIFF, ENTRY OF CONDUCTING AND NON-CONDUCTING FLUIDS IN PIPES, JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PROC. OF THE CAMBRIDGE PHILOSOPHICAL SOC., 52 (1956), 573-583. [2] D.G. Drake, On the flow in a channel due to a periodic pressure gradient, Quart. J. of Mech. and Appl. Math's., 18, No. 1 (1965). [3] C.B. Singh, P.C. Ram, Unsteady Magnetohydrodynamic Fluid Flow through a Channel': Journal of Scientific Research. XXVIII, No. 2 (1978). [4] P.C. Ram, C.B. Singh, U. Singh, Hall effects on heat and mass transfer flow through porous medium, Astrophysics Space Science, 100 (1984), 45-51. [5] Y. Shimomura, Large eddy simulation of Magnetohydrodynamic turbulent channel flow under uniform magnetic field, Physics Fluids, A3, No. 12 (1991), 3098. [6] C.B. Singh, Magnetohydrodynamic steady flow of liquid between two parallel plates, In: Proc. of First Conference of Kenya Mathematical Society (1993), 24-26.. [10] S. Ganesh, S. Krishnambal, Unsteady MHD Stokes flow of viscous fluid between two parallel porous plates, Journal of Applied Sciences, 7 (2007),374-379. |
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261. |
Communication of Ionosonde system with a PC using LabVIEW for Hexadecimal data and comparison between Hexadecimal and ASCII modesCommunication of Ionosonde system with a PC using LabVIEW for Hexadecimal data and comparison between Hexadecimal and ASCII modesAbstract: Ionosonde is a RADAR system used to study the Ionosphere of the earth. The data collected by the Ionosonde must be transferred to a PC for analysis. This communication is done using TCP/IP protocol with hexadecimal data format. LabVIEW program is used to communicate with the Ionosonde system. LabVIEW, by default, uses ASCII format for data communication over internet. Hexadecimal data format is required in various data processing applications. To communicate hexadecimal data over internet, certain conversion steps are needed. This paper examines the way to communicate hexadecimal data over internet using LabVIEW. Further a comparison is also made between the hexadecimal data communication and ASCII data communication over the internet using LabVIEW.Key words: ASCII, Hexadecimal, Internet, Ionosonde, LabVIEW, TCP/IP Reference [1] R.S.Cahn, "ASCII protocol conversion revisited", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Jan 1990, vol 8, issue 1, pp 93-98 [2] A. Yazidi, "A Web-Based Remote Laboratory for Monitoring and Diagnosis", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol 58, Issue 10, Oct 2011, pp. 4950-4959 [3] P.Reddy, "Ethernet aggregation and transport infrastructure OAM and protection issues", IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol 47, Issue 2, Feb 2009, pp 152 – 159 [4] Decotignie, "Ethernet-Based Real-Time and Industrial Communications", Proceedings of the IEEE, June 2005,vol 93, issue 6, pp 1102-1117 [5] J.J.Shea, "Internet applications in LabVIEW", IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine, Jan-Feb 2001, vol 17, issue 1 [6] Bingsheng Wu, "Remote Data Acquisition and Signal Processing System Based on LabVIEW", ICMTMA '09, April 2009, Vol 1, pp 308-3 |
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262. | Crankshaft Strength Analysis Using Finite Element MethodCrankshaft Strength Analysis Using Finite Element MethodAbstract: Ionosonde is a RADAR system used to study the Ionosphere of the earth. The data collected by the Ionosonde must be transferred to a PC for analysis. This communication is done using TCP/IP protocol with hexadecimal data format. LabVIEW program is used to communicate with the Ionosonde system. LabVIEW, by default, uses ASCII format for data communication over internet. Hexadecimal data format is required in various data processing applications. To communicate hexadecimal data over internet, certain conversion steps are needed. This paper examines the way to communicate hexadecimal data over internet using LabVIEW. Further a comparison is also made between the hexadecimal data communication and ASCII data communication over the internet using LabVIEW.Key words: ASCII, Hexadecimal, Internet, Ionosonde, LabVIEW, TCP/IP Reference [1] R.S.Cahn, "ASCII protocol conversion revisited", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Jan 1990, vol 8, issue 1, pp 93-98 [2] A. Yazidi, "A Web-Based Remote Laboratory for Monitoring and Diagnosis", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol 58, Issue 10, Oct 2011, pp. 4950-4959 [3] P.Reddy, "Ethernet aggregation and transport infrastructure OAM and protection issues", IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol 47, Issue 2, Feb 2009, pp 152 – 159 [4] Decotignie, "Ethernet-Based Real-Time and Industrial Communications", Proceedings of the IEEE, June 2005,vol 93, issue 6, pp 1102-1117 [5] J.J.Shea, "Internet applications in LabVIEW", IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine, Jan-Feb 2001, vol 17, issue 1 [6] Bingsheng Wu, "Remote Data Acquisition and Signal Processing System Based on LabVIEW", ICMTMA '09, April 2009, Vol 1, pp 308-3 |
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263. | Control of Rotary Flexible Link with Linear Quadratic RegulatorControl of Rotary Flexible Link with Linear Quadratic RegulatorAbstract: This paper deals with the position control of robot arm, Rotary Flexible Link constitutes main function of positioning the arm. The precision with which the arm is controlled depends on the response of motor and on different parameters of flexible link. This paper concentrates on development of Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) for flexible link operated by a dc servomotor. The comparison of performance of real time system with simulation is done by simultaneously observing measured and simulated angular position of flexible link. It is found that the response is improved with LQR.Key words: MATLAB/Simulink, WinCon software, LQR, real-time experiment Reference [1] A., Albassam, Fast maneuver control design for flexible structures using concentrated masses. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 273, (2004), 755-775. [2] R.Y. Chiang, M.G. Safonov: "Robust Control Toolbox", The Math Works, Inc., 1992 [3] Rotary Flexible Link Experiment. [Online: www.quanser.com]. [4] Flexible Link Experiment ROTFLEX. [Online: www.quanser.com]. [5] WinCon web site. [Online: www.quanser.com]. [6] Bobasu E, Modelling and simulation. Theory and applications, Craiova, 2002. [7] Ionete C., LQG/LTR controller design for flexible link quanser real-time experiment, International Symposium on System Theory SINTES11, Craiova, 2003. [8] W.J. Book, "Modeling, design and control of flexible link manipulator arms: a tutorial review", Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 500-506, 1990. [9] Camacho E. F and Bordons C., Model Predictive Control, Springer, London, 1999. |
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264. | Joint Characteristics of Bamboo Reinforced Concrete Using Bamboo Mechanical Bamboo Anchors in Cyclic LoadingJoint Characteristics of Bamboo Reinforced Concrete Using Bamboo Mechanical Bamboo Anchors in Cyclic LoadingAbstract: A major cause of collapse in structures from earthquakes is the failure of beam column joints, thus the need for strengthening them. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate bamboo anchor (headed bar) characteristics when used in the beam column joints of bamboo reinforced concrete structures, and their mechanical anchors which consisted of two parts namely, the head and the leg. This study was conducted in the Civil Engineering Structural Laboratory of Brawijaya University. The materials employed were mechanical bamboo anchors heads made in three sizes from bamboo culms, B1, B2, and B3. Ratios of the head area to the bar area were 2.09, 2.88, and 2.78 for B1, B2, and B3 respectively. Method, these three specimens of the beam column joints were tested using cyclic loading. Deformations for each stage of the load were plotted, and the relationship between load and deformations (P-∆ and P-ε) were noted on graph paper in the form of loop hysteresis. The results indicated that the maximum shear force strain reached by the B1 and B3 specimen was 16.56 kN. Whereas, the B2 specimen reached 12.42 kNKey words: anchors, bamboo reinforced concrete, beam column joint, cyclic loading, headed bars Reference [1] Sahabat Bambu, Bamboo Preservation (IndoGlobalWeb.com, 2008). [2] Kankam, J. A.,George, M. Ben, and Perry, S. H., Bamboo Reinforced Concrete Beams Subjected to Third-Point Loading, ACI Structural Journal, January-February, 1988, 61-67. [3] Umniati, B.S. & Karyadi, Pengembangan Model Struktur Beton Bertulangan Bambu Tahan Gempa Sistim Ganda Untuk Pembangunan Rumah Sederhana Tahan Gempa pada Wilayah Gempa Tertinggi (Zona 6) di Indonesia, Laporan Penelitian Hibah Strategis Nasional. Dana DP2M, 2009. (In Indonesian). [4] Nindyawati & Umniati, B.S., Portal Beton Bertulangan Bambu Yang Dikekang Di Jalur Gaya Tekannya, Sebuah Solusi Pembangunan Rumah Sederhana Tahan Gempa, Laporan Penelitian Hibah Bersaing. Dana DP2M, 2009. (In Indonesian). [5] Chun, S.,C., Bohwan,O., Lee, S.,H., Kang, T.,H.,K., and Wallace, J., W., Mechanical Anchorage In Eksterior Beam Column Joints Subjected to Cyclic Loading, ACI Structural Journal. January-February, 2007, 102-111. [6] Chun, S.,C., Bohwan,O., Ho Lee, S., and Naito, J., C., Anchorage Strength and Behavior of Headed Bars In Eksterior Beam Column Joints, ACI Structural Journal, September-Oktober, 2009, 579-590. [7] Lee, H.,J., and Yu, S.,Y., Cyclic Response of Eksterior Beam Column Joints With Different Angchorage Methods, ACI Structural Journal, September-Oktober, May-June, 2009, 329-339. [8] Lee, N.H., Park, K.R., and Suh, Y.P., Shear Behavior of Headed Anchors with Large Diameters and Deep Embedments, ACI Structural Journal. March-April,' 2010, 146- 156. [9] Lee, H.,J., dan Yu, S.,Y., Cyclic Response of Eksterior Beam Column Joints With Different Angchorage Methods, ACI Structural Journal. May-June. 2009, 329-339. |
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265 | Effect of Rice Husk Ash on MortarEffect of Rice Husk Ash on MortarAbstract: Through this work, different cement replacement materials were employed as a partial replacement of cement with percentage of 10% in mortar mixes. The mechanical properties of control cement mortar, Cement dust mortar, Silica Fume (SF) mortar, Slag(S) mortar, Calcite clay (grog) mortar; Fly Ash (FA) mortar and Rice Husk Ash (RHA) mortar were tested to determine the effect of these materials on mortar properties. Mortar specimens were cured in water for 28 days, through which, compression strength were tested at ages 3, 7 and 28 days. Through this period, the specimens were tested for compressive strength at 1, 2 and 3 months to investigate its durability. The obtained results show that the compressive strength of the mortar containing cement dust, silica fume, slag, grog, fly ash and rice husk ash were better than that of the control cement mortar and the silica fume was the best pozzolana used in this research. It was also found that magnesium sulfate has a more severe effect on the durability when compared with sodium sulfate.Key words: Rice husk ash, compressive strength, pozzolana, mortar. Reference 1. Kilinckale, F. M., "The Effect of MgSO4 and HCL Solutions on the Strength and Durability of Pozzolan Cement Mortars", Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 27, No. 12, pp. 1911- 1918, 1997. 2. Kilinckale, F.M. And Uyan, M., Turkish Chamber of Civil Engineers, Technical Journal 7, 1231, 1996. 3. Kumar, S. and Kameswara C.V.S., "Effect of Sulfates on the Setting Time of Cement and Strength of Concrete", Cement and Concrete Research, Vol.24, No.7, pp. 1237-1244, 1994. 4. Massazza, F., Cem. Conc. Compos., 15, 185, 1993. Torii, K., and Kawamura, M. "Effects of Fly Ash and Silica Fume on the Resistance of Mortar to Sulfuric Acid and Sulfate Attack" , Cement and Concrete Research, Vol.24, No.2, pp.361-370, 1994. 5. Chengzhi, Z., Aiqin, W., Mingshu, T. and Xiaoyu, Liu, "The Filling Role of Pozzolanic Material", Cement and Concrete Research, Vol.26, No.6, pp.943-947, 1996. 6. ASTM C305-99, "Standard Practice for Mechanical Mixing of Hydraulic Cement Pastes and Mortars of Plastic Consistency". 7. ASTM C 348-97, "Standard Test Method for Flexural Strength of Hydraulic- Cement Mortars)". 8. ASTM C 307- 99, "Standard Test Method for Tensile Strength of Chemical-Resistant Mortar, Grouts and Monolithic Surfacing". 9. " Malhotra, V.M. ed. (1980) Progress in Concrete Technology, CANMET, Ottawa, pp 367-419. 10. Mehta P.K. and Monteiro, Paul J.M. (1997) Concrete: Microstructure, Properties, and Materials. Indian Concrete Institute, Chennai |
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266. | Effect of Rice Husk Ash on ConcreteEffect of Rice Husk Ash on ConcreteAbstract: In the last decades, the use of residue in civil construction, especially in addition concrete, has been subject of many researches due to, besides to reduce the environmental polluters factors, it may lead several improvements of the concrete properties. The world rice harvest is estimated in 500 million tons per year. Considering that 20% of the grain is husk, and 20% of the husk after combustion is converted into ash, a total of 20 million tons of ash can be obtained. This report evaluates how different contents of rice husk ash (RHA) added to concrete may influence its physical and mechanical properties. Samples with dimensions of 15 X 15 cm were tested, with 12.5, 25, & 37.5% of RHA, replacing in mass the cement. Properties like simple compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, water absorption and modulus of elasticity were evaluated. The results were compared to controlled sample and the viability of adding RHA to concrete was verified.Key words: Rice husk ash, compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, water absorption and modulus of elasticity Reference 1. Concrete technology – M.S. Shetty 2. All India seminar on concrete for infrastructural developments. 3. Concrete microstructure, property and material –KUMAR MEHTA AND J.M.MONTEIRO. 4. Romualdi, J.P. and Batson, G.B., "Mechanics of Crack Arrest in Concrete", Proceedings of ASCE, Vol.89, June 1963, pp.147-168. 5. Ramaswamy, "Behaviour of Fibre Concrete ", M.Tech. thesis ,IIT-Delhi,1978 6. Khan, T.A.H, Laid, S.M. and Ramakrishnan, B. "Experimental Study of SFRe under Compression and Pure bending ", Journal of ACI, Vol.89, pp.96100, Feb.1972. 7. Gabbler and Krieger, "Abrasion. Resistance of High Strength Concrete made with ClassC Flash ", ACI Journal, Nov.-Dec. 1995, pp.650- 655 8. Étagère Rao.M.V. "Study of rice husk ash cement concrete as a structural material ", PhD thesis, JNTU, Hyderabad, 1992. 9. "Malhotra, V.M. ed. (1980) Progress in Concrete Technology, CANMET, Ottawa, pp 367-419. 10. Mehta P.K. and Monteiro, Paul J.M. (1997) Concrete: Microstructure, Properties, and Materials. Indian Concrete Institute, Chennai |
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267. | Bumper Shape Optimization for Pedestrian SafetyBumper Shape Optimization for Pedestrian SafetyAbstract: Almost 28% of the total accidents are encountered annually in road traffic crashes worldwide are pedestrians. Pedestrian means a person traveling on foot, whether walking or running. The objective of project is to Optimize Bumper shape to increase pedestrian safety. The main focus will be to design a bumper shape to reduce lower and upper leg injuries. The system will be analyzed using computational codes like LS Dyna and Optimization tools like HyperStudy. This study indicates that the increase in the bumper area to optimize its shape not always a solution. If we just keep on increasing the bumper size then the bumper becomes very weak and fails during the pedestrian collision.The bumper shape optimization is done by a new method called HPERMORPH technique.Key words: LSDYNA, HYPERMORPH, HYPERMESH Reference 1. Andy Bailey, Koki Ikeda, Hideki Ishitobi, "Development Of Aluminium Hood Structure For Pedestrian Protection", Toyota Motor Corporation, 2. D.K. Park, C.D.Jang, S.B. lee, S.J. Heo, H.J. Yim, M.S. Kim. (2010), "Optimizing The Shape Of A Bumper Beam Section Considering Pedestrian Protection", International Journal of Automotive Technology, Vol. 4, pp.489-494 3. T.L. teng, V.L NGO (2011), "analyzing Pedestrian Head Injury To Design Pedestrian – Friendly Hood", International Journal of Automotive Technology, Vol. 12, pp.213-224 4. A.Abvabi, A.Nasr, A.Noorpoor, M.S. Kiasat (2009), "Lower Extremity Injuries In vehicle – pedes trian Collisions Using A legform Impactor Model", Journal of Zhejiang University, Vol. 2, pp.97-105 5. Tso-Liang Teng , Trung – Kien Le (2009), "Development and validation Of a Pedestrian Deformable Finite Element Model", Journal of Mechanical Science And Technology, Vol.23 . pp.2268-2276 |
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268. | Effect Of Chemical Reaction And Radiation Absorption On Unsteady Convective Heat And Mass Transfer Flow Of A Viscous Electrically Conducting Fluid In A Vertical Wavy Channel With Traveling Thermal Waves And Hall EffectsReaction And Radiation Absorption On Unsteady Convective Heat And Mass Transfer Flow Of A Viscous Electrically Conducting Fluid In A Vertical Wavy Channel With Traveling Thermal Waves And Hall EffectsAbstract: In this paper we investigate the effect of chemical reaction, Hall currents on unsteady mixed convective heat and mass transfer flow of a viscous, electrically conducting fluid in a vertical channel under the influence of an inclined magnetic fluid with heat sources. The equations governing the flow, heat and mass transfer are solved by employing perturbation technique with aspect ratio as perturbation parameter. The velocity, temperature and concentration distributions are investigated for different values of M, m, Q1, k, , . The rate of heat and mass transfer are numerically evaluated for different variations of the governing parameters.Key words: Hall effect, Chemical reaction, Radiation absorption, Wall wavyness, Inclined magnetic filed. Reference [1]. M.M. Alam, and M.A. Sattar, Unsteady free convection and mass transfer flow in a rotating system with Hall currents, viscous dissipation and Joule heating., Journal of Energy heat and mass transfer, V.22, 2000, pp.31-39. [2]. A.J. Chamka, MHD flow of a numerical of uniformly stretched vertical permeable surface in the presence of heat generation/absorption and a chemical reaction. Int Comm Heat and Mass transfer, Vol 30, 2003, pp.413-22. [3]. C.Y. Cheng, Natural convection heat and mass transfer near a wavy cone with Constant wall temperature and concentration in a porous medium, Mech. Res. Commun,V.27, 2000, pp.613-620. [4]. C.Y Cheng, Natural convection heat and mass transfer near a vertical wavy surface with constant wall temperature and concentration in a porous medium, Int. commun.Heat Mass Transfer.,V.27, 2000, pp.1143-1154. [5]. G,C Comini, Nomino and S.Savino, Convective heat and mass transfer in wavy finned-tube exchangers., Int.J.Num.Methods for heat and fluid flow.,V.12(6), 2002, pp.735-755. |
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269. | Network Database Security Issues and DefenseNetwork Database Security Issues and DefenseAbstract: Database security is the mechanisms that secure the database against deliberate or accidental threats, unauthorized users, hackers and ip snoopers. In this paper we proposed two mixed techniques to secure the database ie one is authentication followed by cryptography of database. In existing system the algorithm is less secure, less complex and much superior to implement in any system. The encryption algorithm is built on genetic algorithm, it is used to encrypt the database and validate the user's login id and password, it must verify the user and allow the user to access the database. The decryption also has a login and password based on decryption algorithm and genetic algorithm. The database used is SQL Server 2003. This paper researches and analyzes the issues of security and defense .Key words: Network database, cryptography, genetic algorithm, encryption and decryption Reference 1. website:http://www.wikipedia.com/database security 2. Zixin Wag, Guoyuan Lin, Computer Network Database attack and defense, 978-1-61284- 459/11/$2600©2011 IEEE 3. R.Chella Govindarajan, V.Veda Narayanan, G Vinodhini, Prof.C.D.Suriyakala. Immunity of Alpha-Numeric Data. In Proc. Of 6th Control Instrumentation & System Conference (CISCON-09), PP. 190-192, Nov. 2009 4. Ueli Maurer, The Role of Cryptography in Database security. SIGMOD 2004, June 13– 18,2004, Paris, France. Copyright 2004 ACM 1581138598/04/06 5. Mario Guimaraes, New Challenges In Teaching Database Security, InfoSecCD Conference'06, September 22-23, 2005, Kennesaw, GA, USA. Copyright 2006 ACM 1-59593-437-5/00/0006. 6. website: http://www.obitko.com/tutorials/ geneticalgorithms/ crossover-mutation.php 7. A Genetic Algorithm for Cryptanalysis with Application to DES-like Systems, International Journal of Network Security, Vol.8, No.2, PP.177–186, Mar. 2009 8 Bagnall A., The Application of Genetic Algorithm Cryptanalysis, Mater Degree Thesis, 1996, School of Information Systems, University of East Anglia 9. Cryptography with chaos by Baptista, M. S. Physics Letters A, Volume 240, Issue 1-2, p. 50-54. |
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270. | A Study On (I,V)- Fuzzy Rw-Open Maps, (I,V)-Fuzzy Rw-Closed Maps And (I,V)-Fuzzy Rw-Homeomorphisms In (I,V)-Fuzzy Topological SpaceA Study On (I,V)- Fuzzy Rw-Open Maps, (I,V)-Fuzzy Rw-Closed Maps And (I,V)-Fuzzy Rw-Homeomorphisms In (I,V)-Fuzzy Topological Space<Abstract: In this paper, we study some of the properties of interval valued fuzzy rwopen maps, interval valued fuzzy rw-closed maps and interval valued fuzzy rwhomeomorphism in interval valued fuzzy topological spaces and prove some results on these.Note interval valued is denoted as (i,v). 2000 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION: 03F55, 08A72, 20N25.Key words: (i,v)-fuzzy subset, (i,v)-fuzzy topological spaces, (i,v)-fuzzy rw-closed, (i,v)-fuzzy rw-open, (i,v)-fuzzy rw-continuous maps, (i,v)-fuzzy rw-irresolute maps, (i,v)-fuzzy rw-open maps, (i,v)- fuzzy rw-closed maps, (i,v)-fuzzy rwhomeomorphism. Reference 1. Anjan Mukherjee, On fuzzy completely semi continuous and weakly completely semi continuous functions, Indian J. Pure appl. Math., 29(2) (1998), 191-197. 2. Azad.K.K., On fuzzy semi continuity, fuzzy almost continuity and fuzzy weakly continuity. JI.Math. Anal. Appl. 82 No. 1 (1981), 14-32. 3. Balachandran.K, Sundaram.P and Maki.H, On generalized continuous maps in topological spaces, Mem.Fac Sci.Kochi Univ. Math., 12 (1991), 5-13. 4. Balasubramanian.G and Sundaram.P, On some generalizations of fuzzy continuous functions, Fuzzy sets and systems, 86 (1997), 93-100. 5. Chang.C.L., FTSs. JI. Math. Anal. Appl., 24(1968), 182-190 |
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271. | The Research of Power Quality Analysis Based on family of TransformThe Research of Power Quality Analysis Based on family of TransformAbstract: Power quality (PQ) disturbance recognition is the foundation of power quality monitoring and analysis. The S- transform (ST) is an extension of the ideas of the continuous wavelet transform (CWT) or variable window of short time Fourier transform (STFT). It is based on a moving and scalable localizing Gaussian window. S-transform has better time frequency and localization property than traditional. With the excellent time—frequency resolution (TFR) characteristics of the S-transform, ST is an attractive candidate for the analysis and feature extraction of power quality disturbances under noisy condition also has the ability to detect the disturbance correctly but it involves high computational overhead which is of the order of O(N 2 log N) . This paper overviewed the theory of basis S-transform and fast discrete S-transform (FDST) summarized their computational requirement in the area of power quality disturbance recognition.Key words: STFT, CWT, S-Transform, Discrete S-Transform, FDST. Reference [1] R. G. Stockwell, L Mansinha and R P Lowe, "Localization of the complex spectrum: The S Transform," IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 44, no. 4, pp. 998-1001, April. 1996. [2] B. Boashash, "Notes on the use of the wigner distribution for time-frequency signal analysis," IEEE Trans. Acoust. Speech, Signal Processing, vol. ASSP-35, no. 9, Sept. 1987. [3] C. R. Pinnegar, L. Mansinha, "Time-local Fourier analysis with a scalable, phasemodulated analyzing function: the S-transform with a complex window," Signal Processing, vol. 84, pp. 1167-1176, July. 2004 [4] C. R. Pinnegar, L. Mansinha, "The Bi-Gaussian S transform," SIAM J. SCI. COMPUT, vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 1678-1692, 2003. [5] I. S. Gradshteyn and I. M. Ryzhik, Table of Integrals, Series andPr oducts, 6th ed., Academic Press, New York, 2000. |
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272. | Rapid Prototyping for Indexing and Retrieval for Text and ImagesRapid Prototyping for Indexing and Retrieval for Text and ImagesAbstract: In today's complex and interconnected world, information increasingly exists in forms that can be stored and transmitted electronically. The challenging part is to provide information required by the user. This task of providing information requested by the user is done by the search engines. Indexing plays an important role in optimizing the speed and performance of finding relevant documents for a search query. Without an index, the search engine would scan every document in the corpus, which would take a lot of time and computing power. For example, an index of 10,000 documents can be queried within milliseconds, where a sequential scan of every word in 10,000 large documents could take hours. Indexing means transformation of a raw document collection into an easily accessible representation of documents [6]. The system uses three-layered neural network to train the system using image clusters as training dataset by a supervised approach. Also after taking the feedback from the user, the image clusters are re-clustered by rearranging the images after a successful retrieval. Given a user query as an image, the neural system retrieves related images by computing similarities with images in the given image clusters. To provide preference, from all the retrieved images user selects an image as relevant one and all other are hence treated as irrelevant ones. So, the rank of the selected image is increased while the ranks of other images are decreased. With this feedback, the system refinement method estimates global approximations and adjusts the similarity probabilities.Key words: XML, Genetic Algorithm, Neural Network, CBIR System, Relevance Feedback, GLCM Structure, Heuristic Algorithm Reference 1. XRel: A Path-Based Approach to Storage and Retrieval of XML Documents Using Relational Databases MASATOSHI YOSHIKAWA and TOSHIYUKI AMAGASA ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, Vol. 1, No. 1, August 2001. 2. XIRQL: An XML Query Language Based on Information Retrieval Concepts NORBERT FUHR and KAI GROßJOHANN ACM Transactions on Information Systems, Vol. 22, No. 2, April 2004. 3. An Introduction to Information Retrieval Christopher D. Manning Prabhakar Raghavan Hinrich Schütze Cambridge University Press Cambridge, England. 4. Home>Research>Projects>Conceptual Indexing knowledge Technology Group Sun Microsystems 5. Jan Kuper, Horacio Saggion Hamish Cunningham Thierry Declerck, Franciska de- Jong , Dennis Reidsma, Yorick Wilks ,Peter Wittenburg Intelligent Multimedia Indexing and Retrieval through Multi-Source Information Extraction and Merging. International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence, 10 th IJCAI 408-414, 2003. Link http://dli.iiit.ac.in/ijcai/IJCAI-2003/PDF/061.pdf |
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273. | Estimation Of Peak Ground Acceleration for Jabalpur CityEstimation Of Peak Ground Acceleration for JabalpurAbstract: Earthquakes, the most destructive natural hazards in the world, manifest themselves in the form of vibrations of the earth which are caused by the abrupt release of strain that has accumulated over time. Recent years have witnessed an increase in awareness about earthquake and their causes. This article presents an engineering approach to estimate the existing seismic hazard for Jabalpur city which comes under zone 3 and surrounded by number of faults, one of them is Narmada Son Fault (North and South).Jabalpur already experience devastating earthquake of magnitude 5.8 on 22 May 1997 and there will be possibility of occurrence of earthquake in future. After assembling a catalogue of past earthquakes and also fault map , maximum magnitude at or near each sources are marked .The major aim of this study is to perform the seismic hazard analysis of Jabalpur i.e, to found Peak Ground Acceleration by using predictive relationship. It is observed that Jabalpur showed highest value of PGA of 0.15gKey words: Ground motion, Jabalpur city, seismic hazard analysis, PGA, PSHA. Reference 1) Iyengar R. N.and Raghu Kanth S. T. G., Seismic Hazard Estimation for Mumbai city. Current Science 91 (11, 10), 1486-1494. 2006 2) Iyengar R. N.and Raghu Kanth S. T. G., Attenuation of Strong Ground Motion in Peninsular India. Seismological Research Letters 79, 530 – 540. 2004 3) Kramer .S L., Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, Pearson Education Pvt Ltd, Delhi, 2008. 4) Jaiswal, K. and Sinha, R. (2008), Spatialtemporal variability of seismic hazard in peninsular India, J. Earth Syst. Sci. 117, S2, 707–718. 5) SEISAT: 2000, Seismotectonic Atlas of India, Geological Survey of India. 6) BIS-1893:2002. Indian Standard Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures, Part 1 – General Provisions and Buildings, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, India. |
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Skin Segmentation Using RGB Color Model and Implementation of Switching ConditionsSkin Segmentation Using RGB Color Model and Implementation of Switching ConditionsAbstract: Skin color segmentation is a technique of discrimination between skin and non-skin pixels of an image. But when we are talking about robust techniques for detection of skin pixels, there are always some difficulties as skin segmentation is still an ongoing hard problem to be sorted out by the researchers. In order to segment human skin regions from non-skin regions, a reliable skin model is needed who is adaptable to different colors and light conditions. In this paper, implementation and extraction of skin pixels in RGB color model is being presented and depicted that there is a requirement of switching color models by observing the effect of noise, light etc. The color spaces that are frequently used in studies are HIS, HSV, TSL and YUV. The presence of light, shadows, noise etc can affect the appearance of the skin color. However an effective skin segmentation algorithm should be capable to detect skin pixels efficiently by overriding these effects. In this research study, a RGB based skin segmentation technique is being presented for extraction of skin pixels. Therefore, for robust skin pixel detection, a dynamic skin color model that can cope with the changes must be employed. We present the automated system for switching of color models automatically in different color space such RGB into HSV or vice-versa to get the better visible image pixels. The experiment result shows that, the algorithm gives hopeful results.Key words: Skin Segmentation, Image Processing, MATLAB, color models. Reference [1]. Design and Implementation of Skin Segmentation System in Various Light Conditions, Rajandeep Sohal, Tajinder Kaur / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 www.ijera.com Vol. 3, Issue 1, January - February 2013, pp.1167-1172 [2]. J. Automated Switching System for Skin Pixel Segmentation in Varied Lighting, A Chaudhary 19 th International Conference on Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice (M2VIP12), 28-30 th Nov,2012, Auckland, New-Zealand [3]. Skin Detection - a Short Tutorial, Ahmed Elgammal, Crystal Muang and Dunxu Hu Department of Computer Science, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ, 08902, USA [4]. Jones, M.J., Rehg, J.M.: Statistical color models with application to skin detection. International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV) 46(1) (2002) 81–96 [5] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RGB_color_model |
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275. |
Co-Axial Feed 'O' Slot Circularly Polarized Corner Truncated Rectangular Micro-strip Patch AntennaCo-Axial Feed 'O' Slot Circularly Polarized Corner Truncated Rectangular Micro-strip Patch AntennaAbstract: In this paper a design of Co-axial feed 'O' slot circularly polarized corner truncated rectangular micro-strip patch antenna. Here micro-strip patch antenna is designed to improve the efficiency. The micro-strip patch antenna is very popular for its low profile, low cost, light weight, easy to feed, and their attractive application. The return loss is below -15.017 dB from 3.5 GHz to 3.75 GHz. A maximum gain achieved at 3.66 GHz frequency and VSWR < 2. The substrate material of RT-duriod-5880 with relative permittivity 2.2 and loss tangent of 0.009 is used in this proposed antenna. The input impedance and VSWR have been measured with the help of Network analyzer. The total simulation done on An soft HFSS software.Key words: Co-axial feed, efficiency, corner truncated, micro-strip patch antenna, Patch length and width co-axial feed. Reference [1] V. RatnaBhargavi, P. PoornaPriya, Dr. Habibulla Khan/ IJERA"GainEnhancement Of V-Slotted Triangular Shape Micro-Strip Patch Antenna For Wimax Application", ISSN: 2248-9622,ijera, vol. 2 issue 3, mayjun 2012, pp 1187-1193. [2] M. VenkataNarayana, M. Sowmya, GovardhaniImmadi, K. Sweta, R. Ranjana/ IJERA " Designing of coaxial Feed YShaped Micro-strip Patch Antenna for CDMA Applications". ISSN: 2248-9622, ijera., Vol.2, Issue 3, May-jun 2012, pp 100- 103. [3] Ram Singh Kushwaha, D.K. Srivastava, J.P. Saini," A Design of H-shape Slot loaded Wideband Micro-strip Patch Antenna". [4] "Design of a Compact Broadband Microstrip Antenna" AnkitaPatil, ChetanNawale, PranavPawar, Prof. S.V. MapareSinhgad Institute of Technology, Kusgaon (Bk), Lonavala Pune, Maharashtra [5] Kawai Qian and Xiaohong Tang, " compact LTCC dual-band circularly polarized perturbed hexagonal micro -strip antenna" IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propogation Letters, Vol. 10, pp. 1212-2011. |
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276. | Sensorless Speed Control of Surface PMSM using DTC Control
Based on Extended Kalman FilterControl of Surface PMSM using DTC Control Based on Extended Kalman FilterAbstract: Speed control of permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) using Direct Torque Control has rapid response and good static and dynamic performance but less accurate since current, torque and flux linkage wave forms contain big ripples. To overcome these disadvantages stator flux linkage and rotor speed are estimated using Extended Kalman Filter. Therefore, sensorless speed control of surface permanent magnet synchronous motor using DTC control based on Extended Kalman Filter is realized. Simulation results have proved that this method has rapid torque response of DTC control as well as robust to motor parameters and load disturbance because of EKF.Key words: Permanent magnet synchronous motor, Direct Torque Control, Stator flux linkage observation, Extended Kalman filter, Sensorless Speed control. Reference [1] L.Zhong, M.F.Rahman, W.Y. Hu , K.W.Lim, "Analysis of direct torque control in permanent magnet synchronous motor drives," IEEE Trans. On Power Electronics, 1997, 13(5), pp:528-536. [2] Jun Hu, Bin Wu. "New integration algorithms for estimating motor flux over a wide speed range," IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, 1998, 13(5),pp:969-977. [3] Cenwei Shi, Jianqi Qiu, Mengjia Jin, "Study on the performance of different direct torque control methods for permanent magnet synchronous machines," Proceeding of the Csee, 2005, 25(16),pp:141- 146. [4] Limei Wang, Yanping Gao. "Direct torque control for permanent magnet synchronous motor based on space voltage vector pulse width modulation," Journal of Shenyang University of Technology, 2007,29(6), pp:613- 617. [5] Zhiwu Huang, Yi Li, Xiaohong Nian, "Simulation of direct torque control based on modified integrator," Computer Simulation, 2007,24(02),pp:149-152. |
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277. | Erasure Code based Cloud Storage File system-Minimizing IO RecoveryErasure Code based Cloud Storage File system-Minimizing IO RecoveryAbstract: Cloud storage is a model of networked online storage where data is stored in virtualized pools of storage which are generally hosted by third parties. To reduce storage overhead, cloud file systems are transitioning from replication to erasure codes. This paper present an algorithm that finds the optimal number of codeword symbols needed for recovery for any XOR-based erasure code and produces recovery schedules that use a minimum amount of data. Several cloud systems have adopted ReedSolomon (RS) codes, because of their generality and their ability to tolerate larger numbers of failures. We define a new class of rotated ReedSolomon codes that perform degraded reads more efficiently than all known codes, but otherwise inherit the reliability and performance properties of Reed-Solomon codes.Key words: Erasure Code, Reed-Solomon code, Reliability, Replication, Virtualized pool Reference [1] H. P. Anvin. The mathematics of RAID-6. http://kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/ people/hpa/raid6.pdf, 2009. [2] M. Blaum. A family of MDS array codes with minimal number of encoding operations. In IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, September 2006. [3] M. Blaum, J. Brady, J. Bruck, and J. Menon. EVENODD: An efficient scheme for tolerating double disk failures in RAID architectures. IEEE Transactions on Computing,44(2):192– 202, February 1995. [4] M. Blaum, J. Bruck, and A. Vardy. MDS array codes with independent parity symbols. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 42(2):529–542, February 1996. [5] M. Blaum and R. M. Roth. On lowest density MDS codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 45(1):46–59, January 1999. |
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278. | Study on Influences of Addition of Alloying Elements on Properties of Aluminium – Silicon Alloys: A ReviewStudy on Influences of Addition of Alloying Elements on Properties of Aluminium – Silicon Alloys: A ReviewAbstract: Now a day's aluminum and aluminum alloys are widely used in automotive industries. These are light weight (density of about 2.7g/cc), having good malleability and formability, high corrosion resistance and high electrical and thermal conductivity. High machinability and workability of aluminum alloys are prone to porosity due to gases dissolved during melting processes. However, in the engineering application pure aluminum and its alloys still have some problems such as relatively low strength, unstable mechanical properties. The microstructure can be modified and mechanical properties can be improved by alloying, cold working and heat treatment in this regards, this paper reports the influences of some alloying elements on the microstructures and mechanical properties of Aluminum-silicon alloys and its composites.Key words: Aluminium alloy, aluminium- silicon alloy, aluminium- silicon-titanium alloy, tribological properties. Reference 1. M.A. Chaudhari, M.K. Khalil, D.M. Nuruzzaman, M.L. Rahaman, The effect of sliding velocity and normal load on friction and wear property of Aluminium., International Journal of Mechanical & Mechatronics Engg., Vol: 11, 2011, 53-57 . 2. Haizhi Ye, An Overview of the Development of Al-Si-Alloy based material for Engine Applications, Journal of Material Engg. And Performance, Vol: 12(3), 2003, 288-297. 3. Tuti Y. Alias and M.M. Haque, "Wear properties of aluminum – silicon eutectic Alloy.", ICME03- AM-15, 2003. 4. Dewan Muhammad Nuruzzaman, Mohammad Asaduzzaman Chowdhury, Effect of Normal Load and Sliding Velocity on Friction Coefficient of Aluminum Sliding Against Different Pin Materials, American Journal of Materials Science, 2(1), 2012, 26-31. 5. Francis Uchenna Ozioko, Synthesis and Study on Effect of Parameters on Dry Sliding Wear, Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and Technologies, ISSN 1583-1078, Issue 20, 2012, 39- 48. |
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279. | Parallel Genetic Load Balancing with Competency Rank in Computational Grid EnvironmentParallel Genetic Load Balancing with Competency Rank in Computational Grid EnvironmentAbstract: Computational grid is an aggregation of geographically distributed network of computing nodes specially de-signed for compute intensive applications. The maximized utilization of the resources in the computational grid has helped to support all jobs: fine grain and coarse grain. There has been degradation in the performance over a period of time due to the imbalance in the load of heavy jobs though it has been scheduled optimally. Hence most of the complex optimization problems can be solved using an evolutionary computation technique, Genetic Algorithm. This paper presents a new method by which the resources are placed in different sites depending on their processing power. The fitness value and maximum utilization is calculated using genetic algorithm so that the jobs are allocated to the appropriate processor and thereby reducing the idleness of the processors.Reference [1] Said Fathy, El-Zoghdy, A Capacity –Based Load balancing and Job migration algorithm for heterogeneous computational Grids, International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC) Vol.4, No.1, January 2012. [2] M.Mezmaz, et.al, An efficient load balancing strategy for grid-based branch and bound algorithm: Parallel Computing 33(2007) 302-313. [3] B.Yagoubi and Y.Slimani, Task Load Balancing for Grid Computing: Journal of Computer Science 3(3):186-194, 2007. [4] BibhudaSahoo,SudiptaMohapatra,Sanjay Kumar jena,A Genetic Algorithm Based Dynamic Load Balancing Scheme for Heterogeneous Distributed Systems: Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications,PDTA 2008,ISBN 1-60132-084-1. [5] Mohsen Amini Salehi,Hossein Deldari,Bahare Mokarram Doori, Balancing Load in Computational Grid Applying Adaptive Intelligent Colonies of Ants: Informatica32(2008) 159-167 |
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280. | Strengths Prediction of Plastic fiber Reinforced concrete (M30)Strengths Prediction of Plastic fiber Reinforced concrete (M30)Abstract: Now a day we are facing environment protection problems. Many things which are invented for our luxurious life are responsible for polluting environment due to improper waste management technique. One of them is a plastic which has to be disposed or recycled properly to maintain the beauty of our nature. To address this issue the fibers from used plastics were added in various percentages in the M30 grade concrete. This paper describes the performance of plastic fiber reinforced concrete (M30). An experimental work has been carried out on the specimens like cubes and cylinders which were casted in the laboratory and their behavior under the test was observed. The plastic fibers were added from 0.0 % to 3.0 %. The compressive and split tensile strengths of concrete were determined after 28 days of curing period. The test results were compared and the relationships between the observed and predicted strengths were given.Key words: Cement concrete composites, plastic fibers, compressive strength, split tensile strength, strengths prediction.. Reference 1. T T.Ochi, S.Okubo, K. Fukui, 'Development of recycled PET fiber and its application as concretereinforcing fiber', Cement & Concrete Composites 29, 2007, pp 448-455 2. Dr. Kenneth W. Stier, Dr. Gary D. Weede, 'A study conducted to investigate the feasibility of recycling commingled plastics fiber in concrete', Journal of Industrial Technology, Volume 15, 1999,pp 1-8 3. Marzouk, O. Y., Dheilly R.M., Queneudec, M., 'Valorization of post-consumer waste plastic in cementitious concrete composites', Waste Management (27), 2007 pp 310–318 4. Ismail ZZ, Al-Hashmi EA, 'Use of waste plasic in concrete mixture as aggregate replacement', Waste Management. 28(11), 2008,pp 2041-2047 5. Dr. Prahallada M.C., Dr. Prakash K.B., 'Strength and workability characteristic of waste plastic fibre reinforced concrete produced from recycled aggregates', International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, Vol.1 Issue 4,2011, pp 1791-1802 |
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281. | Automating The Normalization Process For Relational Database ModelAutomating The Normalization Process For Relational Database ModelAbstract: It has been estimated that more than 80 percent of all the computer programming is database related. Studies have shown that the vast majority of the content in the WWW resides in the deep web sources which store their content in backend databases which have been growing by leaps and bounds. Due to its great importance for database applications database schema design has attracted substantial research. Database normalization is a theoretical approach for structuring a database schema and it is very well developed but unfortunately, the theory is not yet understood well by practitioners. It has been difficult to motivate students to learn database normalization because students think the subject to be dry and purely theoretical.Key words: Database, Database Normalization, Functional Dependency, Redundancy, Relational Data Model. Reference [1] Database Design Ryan K. Stephens and Ronald R. Plew. [2] http://support.microsoft.com/kb/283878 [3] Web Based E-Learning System for Data Normalization by Sara Javanbakht Yousefi (Dublin Institute of Technology). [4] Supporting Self-Explanation in a Data Normalization Tutor by Antonija MITROVIC- October 2002. [5] A Web Based Relational Database Design Tool to Perform NormalizationRadhakrishna Vangipuram(Associate Professor of CSE), Raju velpula (Department of CSE), V.Sravya (Department of CSE) - International Journal of Wisdom Based Computing, Vol. 1(3), December 2011 |
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Design of a low power and high performance digital multiplier using a novel 8T adderDesign of a low power and high performance digital multiplier using a novel 8T adderAbstract: Low power VLSI circuits have become important criteria for designing the energy efficient electronic designs for high performance and portable devices .The multipliers are the main key structure for designing an energy efficient processor where a multiplier design decides the digital signal processors efficiency.Multiplier is the most commonly used circuit in the digital devices. Multiplication is one of the basic functions used in digital signal processing. Full Adder is the main block of power dissipation in multiplier. So reducing the power dissipation of full adder ultimately reduces the power dissipation of multiplier. In this paper a XNOR gate using three transistors has been presented. A single bit full adder using eight transistors has been designed using XNOR cell, which shows power dissipation of 620.5μW. A 4x4 Wallace tree multiplier has been implemented by using the proposed 8T adder. Simulations have been carried out by using cadence tool based on gpdk180nm CMOS technologyKey words: CMOS, exclusive-OR (XOR), exclusiveNOR (XNOR), full adder, low power, multiplier. Reference [1] B.Millar, P. E. Madrid, and E. E. Swartzlander, Jr., A fast hybridmultiplier combining Booth and Wallace/Dadda algorithms.‖ Pro-ceedings of the 35th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems(1992), pp. 158–165. [2] C. Lemonds and S. S. Shetti, A low power 16 by 16 multiplierusing transition reduction circuitry. Proceedings of the InternationalWorkshop on Low Power Design (1994), pp. 139–144. [3] E. de Angel and E. E. Swartzlander, Jr., Low power parallel multipli-ers. IX Proceedings of Workshop on VLSI Signal Processing (1997),pp. 199–208. [4] C.S.wallace, ―A Suggestion for a fast multiplier‖IEEETrans.Elechon.con@.,vol.EC 13,pp.14-17,Feb.1964. [5] A. M. Shams and M. Bayou, ―A novel highperformance CMOS1-bit full adder cell,‖ IEEE Transaction on Circuits Systems II, Analog Digital Signal Process, vol. 47, no. 5, pp. 478–481, May 2000. |
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283. |
Performance Evolution of Improved QOSTBC in Wireless Communication SystemPerformance Evolution of Improved QOSTBC in Wireless Communication SystemAbstract: In this paper, a block code technique is proposed to increase the data rate and to reduce the symbol error rate for the wireless communication. The designed space time block code (STBC) is compared with golden code 2x2, silver code 2x2. STBC is used to realize the diversity gain and provide the remarkable performance in wireless communication systems using MIMO. STBC is based on improved Quasi orthogonal space time block codes (QOSTBC). Quasi orthogonal space time block codes provide higher symbol transmission rates at the expense of losing the diversity gain which provide partial diversity. The symbol error rate is to be analyzed by increasing the number of receiver antennas in power of 2 taking transmitter antenna as '2'. Other part of this work evaluate the performance of improved QOSTBC at 1, 1/2, 3/4 code rate. The proposed code reduce SER 60%.The proposed code has been designed and simulated using Matlab 7.10.Key words: Cyclic division algebra , Space time coding, symbol error rate, Golden Code , Silver code, Quasi-orthogonal code(QOSTBC), sphere decoding Reference [1] I. E. Telatar, "Capacity of multi antenna gaussian channels," Eur. Trans. Tel., vol. 10, pp. 585-595, November- December 1999. [2] N. Balaban and J. Salz, "Dual diversity combining and equalization indigital cellular mobile radio," IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 40, pp.342–354, May 1991 [3] J.-C. Guey, M. P. Fitz, M. R. Bell, and W.-Y. Kuo, "Signal design for transmitter diversity wireless communication systems over Rayleigh fading channels," in Proc. IEEE VTC'96, Apr. 1996, pp. 136–140. [4] J. Winters, J. Salz, and R. D. Gitlin, "The impact of antenna diversity on the capacity of wireless communication systems," IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 42. no. 2/3/4, pp. 1740–1751, Feb./Mar./Apr. 1994. [5] Vahid Tarokh, Hamid Jafarkhani and A. Robert Calderbank, IEEE Fellows, "Space– Time Block Coding for Wireless Communications: Performance Results", IEEE Journal on selected areas in communications, vol. 17, No. 3, March 1999, pp. no 451-460. [6] F. Oggier, J.-C. Belfiore and E. Viterbo"Foundations and Trends in Communications and Information Theory" Vol. 4, No. 1 (2007), pp.no 1–95. |
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284. | Performance of Linked Column System under Seismic forces for Concrete StructuresPerformance of Linked Column System under Seismic forces for Concrete StructuresAbstract: Structures subjected to seismic forces must have adequate strength and stiffness to control inter storey drift in order to prevent damage to structural and nonstructural elements during excitations. Linked column concept for steel structures was proposed by Peter Dusicka et.al(2009) with the objective of utilizing replaceable components that are strategically placed to protect the gravity load carrying system. The non-braced lateral system relies on the inelastic behavior of bolted shear links. In this paper the concept is extended to concrete structures. The replaceable link beams are also designed as concrete structures connected to the columns through bolted joints. Non-linear pushover analysis was used to investigate the performance of a four-story building. The drift limits and base shear were studied. Results show that this system shows better load dissipation capabilities.Key words: linked column, push over analysis, Seismic resistance, Reference [1] V. Kapur and Ashok K. Jain, Seismic response of shear wall frames versus braced concrete frames. Indian Concrete Journal, 57,1983,107 [2] Jain A, Seismic Response of RC Frames with Steel Braces, J.Struct. Eng., 111(10),1985,2138-2148. [3] J.P. Desai, Seismic Response of RC Braces Frames, Computers and Structures, 29(4),1988, 557-568. [4] Bush T , Behavior of RC Frame Strengthened using Structural Steel Bracing, J. Struct. Eng, 117(4), 1991, 1115-1126. [5] Maheri MR, Sahebi A, Use of Steel Bracing in Reinforced Concrete Frames, Engineering Structures, 19(12),1997, 1018-1024. [6] Maheri M R, Kousari R, Razazzan M, Pushover Tests on Steel X-Braced and KneeBraced RC Frames, Engineering Structures, 25(13), 2003,1697-1705. |
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285. | Pextral Coding In The Framework Of Cellular Automaton And Its Application To Visual CryptographyPextral Coding In The Framework Of Cellular Automaton And Its Application To Visual CryptographyAbstract: Cryptography has gained much importance in the recent past due to the advancement in the technology for securing information. Visual Cryptography is such a cryptographic technique through which users hide information securely based on key authentication. This paper examines a new approach in visual cryptography using pextral coding algorithm in the framework of cellular automata. Primarily a 3 x 3 matrix pextral icon is considered. A 2D pextral icon is a convex polygon formed of pixels in a nine neighbourhood enclosing the central pixel. This central pixel is similar to a pixel considered for an image in Cryptography. Dropping one, two or three pixels in the given matrix forms 16 convex polygons. Out of these 16 polygons, few will have mirror symmetry. Two such mirror symmetry polygons were considered and the central pixel of these polygons will form the image pixel. An algorithm is developed to generate two signatures on an ASCII image. Combining the two signatures will reconstruct the original image. Results show that no loss of information and improved security.Key words: Cryptography, Pextral Coding, Cellular Automata, ASCII Image, Authentication, Visual Cryptography. Reference [1] Shyamalendu Kandar, "K-N Secret Sharing Visual Cryptography Scheme for Color Image Using Random Number", International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Vol. 3, No. 3, March 2011. [2] Sozan Abdulla, "New Visual Cryptography Algorithm For Colored Image", Journal of Computing, Vol.2, Issue 4, APRIL 2010. [3] Shyamalendu Kandar, Arnab Maiti, Bibhas Chandra Dhara, "Visual Cryptography Scheme for Color Image Using Random Number with Enveloping by Digital Watermarking", International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 8, Issue 3, No. 1, May 2011. [4] Pavan Kumar Gupta, Naveen Hemrajani,Savita Shiwani, Ruchi Davey, "Halftone based Secret Sharing Visual Cryptographic Scheme for Color Image using Bit Analysis", International Journal of Computer Technology and Applciations, Vol 3 (1), 17-22, Jan-Feb 2012. [5] Krishnan, G.S.Loganathan, D., "Color image cryptography scheme based on visual cryptography", International Conference on Signal Processing, Communication, Computing and Networking Technologies, 404-407, 21-22 July, 2011. |
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286. | Ethical Hacking in Linux EnvironmentEthical Hacking in Linux EnvironmentAbstract: "Ethical Hacking" which attempts to pro-actively increase security protection by identifying and patching known security vulnerabilities on systems owned by other parties. Ethical hackers may beta test unreleased software, stress test released software, and scan networks of computers for vulnerabilities. Ethical hacking can be defined as the practice of hacking without no malicious intention, rather evaluate target system with a hackers perspectives.[1][7] Hacking is a process to bypass the security mechanisms of an information system or network. In common usage, hacker is a generic term for a computer criminal. Hacking is an unprivileged usage of computer and network resources. The term "hacker" originally meant a very gifted programmer. In recent years though, with easier access to multiple systems, it now has negative implications.Key words: Ethical standards[2], Penetration, Exploits, Philosophy of Hacking, Emanations, Vandalism. Reference 1) Packet Sniffing:A Brief Introduction DECEMBER 2002/JANUARY 2003 0278- 6648/02/$17.00 © 2002 IEEE 2) PERVASIVE computing Published by the IEEE CS n 1536-1268/08/$25.00 © 2008 IEEE 3) Teaching Students to Hack: Ethical Implications in Teaching Students to hack at university level 4) ―What Hackers Learn that the Rest of Us Don't‖, THE IEEE COMPUTER SOCIETY, 1540-7993/07/$25.00 © 2007 IEEE. 5) Ethical Hacking: The Security Justification Redux by Bryan Smith William Yurcik David Doss Illinois State University, 0- 7803-7824-0/02/%10.00 62002 IEEE. 6) Network Viruses: Their Working Principles and Marriages with Hacking Programs by Yanjun Zuo and Brajendra Panda Computer Science & Computer Engineering Department University of Arkansas, ISBN 0- 7803-7808-3/03/$17.00 0 2003 IEEE. |
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287. | On πgr-Continuous functionsOn πgr-Continuous functionsAbstract: The aim of this paper is to consider and characterize πgr-closure ,πgr- interior, πgr-continuous and almost πgr-continuous functions and to relate these concepts to the classes of πgr-compact spaces, πgr-connected spaces.Key words: πgr-cl(A), πgr-int(A), almost πgr-continuous, πgr-compactness, πgr-connectedness and τ * gr . Reference [1] Aslim.G.Caksu Guler.A and Noiri.T, On πgs-closed sets in topological spaces, Acta Math. Hungar., 112(4) (2006),275-283. [2] Balachandran.K , P.Sundram and J.Maki, On generalized continuous maps in topological spaces, mem. Fac/. Sci. Kochi Univ. (math) 12(1991) , 5-13. [3] Carnahan.D.A, Some properties related to compactness in topological spaces, Ph.D, Univ. of Arkansas. [4] Dontchev.J, Noiri.T, Quasi normal spaces and πg-closed sets, Acta Math. Hungar 89(3), 2000, 211-219. [5] Gnanambal.Y, On gpr-continuous functions in topological spaces, Indian J.Pure and appl.Math., 30(6):581-593,June 1999. |
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288. |
Retinal Image Analysis for Exudates Dete Retinal Image Analysis for Exudates Dete
Abstract: This project proposes a glaucomatous
image classification using texture features within
images and it will be classified effectively based on
feature ranking and neural network. In addition
with, an efficient detection of exudates for retinal
vasculature disorder analysis performed. The
states of retinal blood vessels can be used to detect
some diseases like diabetes. The important texture
features can be found by using the Energy
distributions over wavelet subbands. This system
uses different wavelet features obtained from the
daubechies (db3), symlets (sym3), and biorthogonal (bio3.3, bio3.5, and bio3.7) wavelet
filters. The energy signatures obtained from 2-D
discrete wavelet transform subjected to different
feature ranking and feature selection strategies.
The energy obtained from the detailed coefficients
can be used to distinguish between normal and
glaucomatous images with very high accuracy.
This performance will be done by artificial neural
network model. The exudates are also detected
effectively from the retina fundus image using
segmentation algorithms. Finally the segmented
defect region will be post processed by
morphological processing technique for smoothing
operation. |
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289. | Vertical Handover Decision (VHD) Algorithms Analysis and Efficient Approach for VHDVertical Handover Decision (VHD) Algorithms Analysis and Efficient Approach for VHAbstract: In the fourth generation wireless network, the main objective is to facilitate seamless mobility of users between heterogeneous networks while satisfying QoS requirements Vertical handover decision (VHD) algorithms are essential components of the architecture of the fourth Generation (4G) heterogeneous wireless networks. These algorithms need to be designed to provide the required Quality of Service (QoS) to a wide range of applications while allowing seamless roaming among a large number of access network technologies. In this study paper we are presenting analysis of existing VHD algorithms and presenting new prediction based approach for vertical handoff decision. The prediction based vertical handoff decision algorithm has been proposed based on mobility. For the proposed algorithm HMM (Hidden Markov Model) predictor is applied which has been utilized in this algorithm that can accurately estimate the next location to be visited by a mobile user, given current and historical movement information. This paper we discuss the theoretical analysis of this approach.Key words: Horizontal Handover, HMM, Vertical Handover, WLAN, WIMAX, UMTS. Reference [1] Q.-T. Nguyen-Vuong, N. Agoulmine, Y. Ghamri- Doudane, Terminal controlled mobility management in heterogeneous wireless networks, IEEE Communications Magazine 45 (4) (2007) 122–129. [2] W. Wang, Mobility management in nextgeneration wireless systems, Proceedings of the IEEE 87 (8) (1999) 1347– 1384. [3] F. Barcelo, Performance analysis of handoff resource allocation strategies through the state-dependent rejection scheme, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 3(3) (2004) 900– 909. [4] A.H. Zahran, B. Liang, A. Saleh, Signal threshold adaptation for vertical handoff in heterogeneous wireless networks, Mobile Networks and Ap plicatio ns 11 (4) (20 06)625–640. [5] S. Mohanty, I.F. Akyildiz, A cross -layer (layer 2 + 3) handoff management protocol for next-generation wireless systems, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 5 (10) (2006) 1347–1360. [6] K. Yang, I. Gondal, B. Qiu, L.S. Dooley, Combined SINR based vertical handoff algorithm for next generation heterogeneous wireless networks, in: Proceedings o f the 2007 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM'07), Washington, DC, USA, November 2007, pp. 4483–4487. [7] C. Chi, X. Cai, R. Hao, F. Liu. Modeling and analysis of handover algorithms, in: Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM'07), Washington, DC,USA, November 2007, pp. 4473–4477. |
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290. | Application of Ergonomics to the Safety, Health Quality and Productivity in Industry Application of Ergonomics to the Safety, Health Quality and Productivity in IndustryAbstract: The present paper deals with the important aspects of concern to every industry i.e. the safety, health quality and productivity. Ergonomics is a system concerned with the relationship between the human beings machines and the work environment. The objective is to obtain an optimum balance between the human characteristics. Capabilities and limitations with demands of the task i.e. to fit the task to the person, This paper relates ergonomics with quality, productivity, safety, health in modern industrial setting and discusses ergonomic risks of injuries, work related limb disorders and work environment.Key words: Ergonomics, safety, health, efficiency, quality, productivity, work environment. Reference 1: Grandjean,E,Fitting, ―The task to the man an ergonomics approach.taylor and francis ,London‖ 2: MacLeod,D,‖The Ergonomics Edge:Improving Safety,Quality and productivity‖ 3: Khan M I, Serajul Haque ―Application of Ergonomics to control upper limb work related musculoskeletal disorder‖(proc. All India seminar on ergonomics to improve productivity, institute engg (India) (Nov 21-22 2009) 4: Peltier Jimmy, andy Dahl, whitewater, frank mulhern ―The relationship between employee satisfaction and hospital patient experiences ― (april 2009) 5: http://www.ergoweb.com Ergoweb Consulting and Training Services . |
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291. |
T-S Fuzzy Maximum Power Point Tracking Modelling And Control Of Solar Power GenerationT-S Fuzzy Maximum Power Point Tracking Modelling And Control Of Solar Power GenerationAbstract: This paper presents maximum power point tracking (MPPT) control for stand-alone solar power generation systems via the Takagi– Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy-model-based approach. In detail, we consider a DC/DC boost converter to regulate the output power of the photovoltaic panel array. First, the system is represented by the T-S fuzzy model. Next, in order to reduce the number of measured signals, a T-S fuzzy observer is developed for state feedback. Then, a fuzzy direct MPPT controller is proposed to achieve asymptotic MPPT control, in which the observer and controller gains are obtained by separately solving two sets of linear matrix inequalities. Different from the traditional MPPT approaches, the proposed T-S fuzzy controller directly drives the system to the maximum power point without searching the maximum power point and measuring insolation. Therefore, the proposed method provides an easier implementation of modeling and controlling of maximum power tracking of solar power generation. Finally, the control performance is shown from the numerical simulation and experimental results.Key words: —Linear matrix inequalities (LMIs), maximum power point tracking (MPPT), photovoltaic (PV) array, Takagi– Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy model. Reference [1] Francisco M. Gonzalez-Longatt, "Model of Photovoltaic Module in MATLAB", 2DO Congresoiberoamericano de estudiantes de ingenieríaeléctrica, electrónicay Computación (ii cibelec 2005). [2] TrishanEsram and Patrick .L.Chapman. "Comparison of photovoltaic array maximum power point tracking techniques" – IEEE transactions on industrial electronics-2007. [3] T.J. Liang, Y.C.Kuo AND J.F.Chen. "Single phase photovoltaic energy conversion system"- IEEE transactions on industrial electronics-2001. [4] Mohammed Rashid "Power Electronics Circuits Devices and Applications" Third Edition-Pearson Education. [5] Rick Zaitsu -Understanding Boost Power Stages in Switch mode Power Supplies (SLVA061), Everett Rogers, Texas Instruments. |
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292. |
Dynamic Random Access Memory with Self-controllable Voltage Level to reduce low leakage current in VLSI Dynamic Random Access Memory with Self-controllable Voltage Level to reduce low leakage current in VLSIAbstract: Today trend is circuit characterized by reliability, low power dissipation, low leakage current, low cost and there is required to reduce each of these. To reduce device size and increasing chip density have increase the design complexity. The memories have provided the system designer with components of considerable capability and extensive application. Dynamic random access memory (DRAM) gives the advantage for highdensity data storage. DRAM basically a memory array with individual bit access refers to memory with both Read and Write capabilities. Here 3T DRAM is implementing with self controllable voltage level (svl) technique is for reducing leakage current in 0.12um technology. The simulation is done by using microwind 3.1 & dsch2 and gives the advantage of reducing the leakage current up to 57%.Key words: low leakage power, high performance, self controllable voltage level technique, low cost, low power.br /> Reference 1. W. K. Luk And R. H. Dennard, "A Novel Dynamic Memory Cell With Internal Voltage Gain," Ieee Journal Of Solid-State Circuits, Vol. 40, No. 4, April 2005. 2. H. J. Yoo, "A Low Voltage High Speed SelfTimed Cmos Logic For The Multi-Gigabit Synchronous Dram Application," Ieice Trans. Electron., Vol. E80-C, No. 8, Pp. 1126–1128, Aug. 1997.. 3. John E. Leiss, Pallab K. Chatterjee, And Thomas C. Holloway, " Dram Design Using The Taper-Isolated Dynamic Ram Cell,‟‟ Ieee Transactions On Electron Devices, Vol. Ed-29, No. 4, April 1982. 4. G. W. Taylor, P. K. Chatterjee, H-S. Fu, And A. F. Tasch, Jr., "A Punch-Through Isolated Ram Cell," In Ieee Iedm Tech. Dig., P. 352, 1978. 5. K. M. Cao, W. –C. Lee, W. Liu, X. Jin, P. Su, S. K. Fung, J. X. An, B. Yu, C. Hu, "Bsim4 Gate Leakage Model Including Source-Drain Partition," Iedm Meeting 2000, Iedm Technical Digest, Pp. 815-818, December, 2000. 6. R. X. Gu, And M. I. Elmasry, "Power Dissipation Analysis And Optimization For Deep Submicron Cmos Digital Circuits," Ieee Jssc, 31(5):707–713, May 1996. |
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293. |
Average Bandwidth Relevance in Parallel Solving Systems of Linear EquationsAverage Bandwidth Relevance in Parallel Solving Systems of Linear EquationsAbstract: This paper presentssomeexperimental resultsobtainedon aparallel computerIBMBlueGene /Pthat showsthe average bandwidth reduction [11] relevancein the serial and parallel cases ofgaussianeliminationandconjugate gradient.New measuresfor the effectivenessofparallelizationhave beenintroducedin order to measurethe effects of average bandwidth reduction. The main conclusion is that the average bandwidth reduction in sparse systems of linear equations improves the performance of these methods, a fact thatrecommendusing thisindicator inpreconditioningprocesses, especially when thesolvingis doneusing aparallel computer.Key words: average bandwidth, linear system of equations, parallel methods, gaussian elimination, conjugate gradient, sparsematrices Reference [1] Michele Benzi, "PreconditioningTechniques for Large Linear Systems: A Survey", Journal of ComputationalPhysics, Vol. 182, Issue 2, 1 November 2002, Pages 418–477, Elsevier 2002 [2] YousefSaad, "Iterative Methodsfor Sparse Linear Systems", second edition, ISBN-13: 978-0-898715-34-7 SIAM 2003 [3] O. Axelsson, "A survey of preconditioned iterative methods for linear systems of algebraicequations", Springer, BIT NumericalMathematics 1985, Volume 25, Issue 1, pp 165-187 , 1985 [4] E. Cuthilland J. McKee, Reducingthebandwidth of sparse symmetricmatrices. In Proc. of ACM, pages 157-172, New York, NY, USA, 1969. ACM. [5] N.E. Gibbs, W.G. Poole, and P.K. Stockmeyer. An algorithm for reducingthebandwidthandprofle of a sparse matrix. SIAM Journal on NumericalAnalysis, 13:236-250, 1976. |
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294. | Effect of anionic size of PMMA Based Polymer Gel Electrolytes for Redox Capacitor
Effect of anionic size of PMMA Based Polymer Gel Electrolytes for Redox CapacitorAbstract: Different types of polypyrrole based electrochemical redox supercapacitors have been fabricated using the polymeric gel electrolytes comprising of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA)- propylene carbonate (PC)-ethylene carbonate (EC)-sodium salts of different anions [I - , (ClO4) - , (SCN) - ] with a view to using them as electrolytes in redox supercapacitors to see the effect of anionic size in the performance of electrochemical capacitor cells. These gel electrolytes exhibit high ionic conductivity of the order of nearly 10 -3 S/cm at room temperature with good mechanical/dynamical stability suitable for the fabrication of capacitor cells. Comparative studies of all the above supercapacitor cells have been characterized using complex impedance spectroscopy, linear sweep cyclic voltammetry and constant current charge discharge tests. The capacitance values of the cells have been observed to be in the range of 31-75 mF cm -2 which is equivalent to single electrode specific capacitance of 207-501 F/gm. It corresponds to the energy density of 03-30 Wh/kg and power density of 02- 04 kW/kg. Working voltage was kept at 1 V. Further it was observed that the capacitance of the capacitor cells is highly dependent on the anionic size of the salts used in the synthesis of gel electrolytes and it was in the order of NaI based gel > NaSCN > NaClO4,showing smaller anion of the salts with higher capacitance values and vice versa.Key words: Supercapacitors, Polypyrrole, PMMA, EC, PC Reference [1] B.E.Conway (1999) Electrochemical supercapacitors: scientific fundamentals and technical applications. Kluwer Academic/ Plenum Publishers. [2] Kotz R, Carlen M (2000) Principles and applications of electrochemical capacitors Electrochim Acta 45:2483-2498. [3] Sarangapani S, Tilak BV, Chen C-P (1996) Materials for electrochemical capacitors J Electrochem Soc 143:3791-3799. [4] Hashmi SA, Tripathi SK (2007) Polymeric gel electrolytes based electrochemical supercapacitors Proceedings of the International Conference on Electroactive Polymers: Materials & Devices, 68, Vol-I. [5] Hashmi SA, Kumar Ashok, Tripathi SK (2007) Experimental studies on polymethyl methacrylate based gel polymer electrolytes for application in electrical double layer capacitors. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 40:6527-6534. [6] Rudge A, Davey J, Raistrick I, Gottesfeld S (1994) Conducting polymers as active materials in electrochemical capacitors. J Power Sources 47: 89-107. [7] Hashmi SA, Lathum RJ, Linford RG, Schlindwien WS (1998) conducting polymerbased electrochemical redox supercapacitors using proton and lithium ion conducting polymer electrolytes. Polym Int 47: 2-33. Ashish Gupta and S.K. Tripathi |
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295. | Implementation of Binary Canonic Signed Digit Multiplier using Application Specific IC
Implementation of Binary Canonic Signed Digit Multiplier using Application Specific ICAbstract: This paper presents a novel high-speed Binary CSD (BCSD) multiplier which takes advantage of the benefits coming from the Canonic Signed Digit (CSD) number system, while overcoming the inherent overhead due to the CSD ternary representation. BCSD is a binary number system which allows representing any CSD number using the same word-length used by the two's complement representation. Thus, multipliers which make use of the BCSD technique exhibit a considerable advantage especially when the multiplicand belongs to a set of coefficients stored in a memory in its BCSD notation.Key words: Canonic signed digit, Ternary number system, Optimally convertible block, T2I transformation,ASIC. Reference [ I ] A. Peled, "On the hardware implementation of digital signal processors", IEEE Trans. On Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Proc, vol. 24(1), pp. 76-86, Feb. 1976. [2] R. Hashemian, "A New Method for Conversion of a 2's Complement to Canonic Signed Digit Number System and its Representation", IEEE 3d" Asilomar Con$ on Signals Systems and Comp., vol. 2, pp. 904-907, Nov. 1996. [3] P.M. Kogge, H.S. Stone, "A Parallel Algorithm for the Eficient Solution of a General Class of Recurrence Equations", IEEE Trans., vol. 22(8), pp. 786-793, Aug. 1973. [4] R.P. Brent, H.T. Kung, "A Regular Layout for Parallel Adders" IEEE Trans. on Comp., vol. 31(3), pp. 260-264, Mar. 1982. [5] J. Sklansky, "Conditional sum addition logic", IRE Trans. On Electron. Comp., vol. 9(6), pp. 226-231, Jun. 1960. [6] O.L. MacSorley, "High Speed Arithmetic in Binary Computers", Proc. IRE, vol. 49, Jan. 1961. [7] Advanced ASIC Chip Synthesis using Synopsys Design Compiler, Physical Compiler, and primetime- Himanshu Bhatnagar, Kluwer Academic Publishers. Mrs. Pushpawati Changlekar, Mrs. Sujatha.S, Mrs. P. Anita |
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296. | Investigation of routing protocols and group members reliability in MANET
Investigation of routing protocols and group members reliability in MANETAbstract: Investigation of routing protocols and group members' reliability in Ad hoc or MANET by making a multi-step wireless network with a specific structure and out of sight connection provides a good framework for achievement of subjective objectives. In architecture of such network there is no fixed and specified structure available and the nodes are mobile. Some of the existing challenges in these networks are included of: discussion on finding node's position, routing and way of their safe sending, etc that in this paper we will proceed.Key words: MANET, Topology-based routing, Position-based routing protocols, Security, Categorizing Ad Hoc. Reference [1] James A. Freebrersyser , Barry Leiner A DOD perspective on mobile ad hoc Networks In : chales E. parkins(Ed.), Ad hoc Networking, Addison Wesley, Reading MA, pp29-51 [2] W. Fifer,F.Bruno The Low-cost Packet Radio Proceedings of the IEEE , pp 33-42 [3] B. Leiner, R. Ruth, A.R.Sastry Goals and challenges of the DARPA Glomo Program IEEE Personal Communications , pp 34-43 [4] IEEE Standard for Wireless LAN-Medium Access Control and Physical Layer Specification P802.11 [5] D. Beyer , M. D. Vestrich, and J. J. GarciaLuna-Aceves The Rooftop Network : Free , High-Speed Network Access For Communities , Hurley Community and Keller , Edrs., The First 100 : New Options For Internet and Broadband Access, MIT Press , pp75-91. [6] C. perkins and P.Bhagwat Highly Dynamic Destination Sequenced vector Routing (dsdv) for Mobile Computers Comp. Commun. Rev. Distance Oct. pp 234-44. [7] P.Jacquet et al Optimized Link State Routing Protocol. Internet draft, manet – olsr-04. [8] B. Bellur , R. Ogier , and F. Templin Topology Broadcast Based on Forwarding (tbrpf), Internet draft, draft-ietf-manet-tbrpf-01. Txt, Revers-Path work in progress . [9] D. Johnson and D. Maltz Mobile Computinng, Chap. 5- Dynamic SourceRouting, Kluwer Academic Publishers , pp 153-81. [10] V.Park and M. Corson A Highly Adaptive Distributed Routing Algorithm for Mobile Wireless Networks Proc. INFOCOM '. Ghasem Farjamnia, Mehdi Zekriyapanah Gashti |
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297. | Performance Evaluation of Adjustable Speed Drives Using Multilevel Inverter Based STATCOM
Performance Evaluation of Adjustable Speed Drives Using Multilevel Inverter Based STATCOMAbstract: Adjustable speed drives (ASD) employing induction motors are widely used in the industrials and process control in the form of varied applications such as fans, compressors, pumps etc. They are energy efficient and can result in substantial energy saving when properly installed. However, they inject high harmonic content into current drawn from the ac system. This paper deals with the application of a STATCOM for compensation of such loads. The MATLAB / Simulink based models are developed for adjustable speed drive loads. The analysis is carried out with and without STATCOM. The results shown in the paper prove that STATCOM can be used as a good harmonic filter. Cascaded multi-level converter based STATCOM (CMCSTATCOM), with a topology of modular-cascaded structure, has a wide prospect of applications in both transmission and distribution system. Under the background of application of STATCOM in high voltage power grid, there are many advantages of CMC-STATCOM compared with other kinds of STATCOM. On the basis of mathematical model of main topology, the states feedback decoupled reactive power control strategy based on the d-q coordinate system is studied in this paper, together with the application principle of carrier phase shift PWM modulation method in CMC. The balance of DC bus voltage is a key factor to the stable operation of devices In this paper, the hierarchical control method is used to achieve a balance of DC bus voltage, and it involves the DC bus voltage overall control and individual control of each cascade module.Key words: Cas caded H-Bridge, Multilevel Converter, STATCOM, Drives. Reference [1] A. Ghosh and G. Ledwich, Power Quality Enhancement Using Custom Power Devices, Kluwer Academic Publishers, London, 2002. [2] E. Acha, V.G. Agelidis, O. Anaya-Lara and T.J.E Miller, Power Electronic Control in Electrical Systems, Newnes Power Engineering Series, Oxford, Britain, 2002. [3] N.G. Hingorani, "Introducing Custom ," IEEE Spectrum, Vol. 32, pp. 41-48, June 1995. [4] W.E. Reid, "Power quality issues – Standards and guidelines", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 32, No.3, May/ June 1996. [5] T.J.E. Miller, "Reactive Power Control in Electric Systems," John illey Sons, Toronto, 1982. [6] R. Schnell, U. Schlapbach, "Realistic benchmarking of IGBT – modules with the help of a fast and easy to use simulation tool". [6] Ding Kai, Zou Yunping, Wang Zhan, Wu Zhichao, Zhang Yun, "A novel hybrid diode-clamp cascade multilevel converter for high power application, " Proceedings of the CSEE, vol. 24, no. 9, pp. 62-67, Dec. 2004. [7] Peng Fangzheng, Lai Jihsheng, "Dynamic performance and control of a static var generator using cascade multilevel inverters, " IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 748-755, Aug. 1997. [8] Cengelci E, Sulistijo S U, Woo B O, et al. "A new medium-voltage PWM inverter topology for adjustable-speed drives, " IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 628-637, Jun. 1998 [7] JeanPhilipe Hasler, "DC Capacitor Sizing for SVC Light Industrial Application". [9] M. A .Eldery, E.F. El-Saadany and M.M.A. Salama, "DSTATCOM Effect on the Adjustable Speed Drive Stability Boundaries", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 22, No.2, pp.1202 – 1209, April 2007. SOUMYA .K |
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298. | Implementation of Smartphone using ARM9 and Embedded Linux operating system: A survey approach
Implementation of Smartphone using ARM9 and Embedded Linux operating system: A survey approachAbstract: As the features of mobile phones are being enhanced and the performance is being greatly improved, the generic operating systems are being incrementally used in mobile phones. However, since the mobile phones have different requirements in both features and performance compared with desktop or server systems, the operating systems for generic systems could not be used without customization and modification. This paper describes the Linux-based smartphone Current popular smartphones, which are quite expensive, all are developed to face to the high-end market. This paper is based on the smartphone system which is low-cost, low- consumption and facing the mass market. This system, based on free Linux operating system, saves development charges. Adoption of ARM9 processor increases the level of integration and dependability, as well as reduces power consumption. With the function of PDA and wireless communication, this smartphone system sets up a powerful, stable and low-price performance, which possesses significant practical prospective in the mass market.Key words: ARM9, GSM modem, Linux System, Qtopia, Smartphone Reference [1] Liviu Iftode, Cristian Borcea, Nishkam Ravi, Porlin Kang, Peng Zhou, "Smart Phone: An Embedded System for Universal Interactions", 10th IEEE International Workshop on Future Trends of Distributed Computing Systems (FTDCS'04), pp 88-94, May 2004. [2] Yanpeng Sun, Peng Peng, Yuan Zhang, "Linux Transplantation Based on The Processor S3C2440", The Ninth International Conference on Electronic Measurement & Instruments, 2009, pp.2- 306–2-309. [3] Wenyan Ci, Xueli Chen, Suhua Cai, Chunmei Xia, "Methods and skills on transplanting Linux to ARM S3C2410", 2nd International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology, 2010, pp.V4- 8–V4-11. [4] ARMV7-A architecture reference manual. Available on Request from ARM [5] Camacho, G.; Alducin, G.; Gutierrez, J.; Miranda, " Software Development for Local Data Transfer for Mobile Applications Using GPS and GPRS Technology" International conference on electronics and communication, pp.7,March 2006 [6] Wang Guofang, Wang Wei,"The Design of interface circuit based on S3C2410 data acquisition system", International Conference on computer modeling and simulation, vol.3, pp.90 – 94, Sep.2010. [7] Ming Yang; Feilong Zhu;" The Design of Remote Update System Based on GPRS Technology" International conference on management and service science,vol.1, pp.1 – 4. September 2010 Miss Swati Malgonde, Prof. Mrs. P.S. Deshpande |
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299. | Wind monitoring with greater accuracy using GPS based pilot balloon
Wind monitoring with greater accuracy using GPS based pilot balloonAbstract: Most of the Meteorological agencies in the world have adopted the GPS based system of observations for use in Radiosonde observations. The GPS technique can be utilized for Pilot Wind observations also. This paper is an attempt to describe the design and development of GPS based Pilot Wind observing system for upper air exploration. The GPS based ground receiver systems being used in RS/RW observations can be used for Pilot Wind observations, hence no separate ground equipment are required. The cost of GPS modules available in the market shows a reducing trend due to competition in the market. Hence, this has become now a viable option for getting accurate Pilot Wind observations in all weather conditions up to height of more than 20 Kms, hence a considerable improvement over the traditional Pilot Wind observation method using optical theodolites.Key words: GPS, Wind, Pilot, Monitoring Reference [1] O. Nogués-Correig, E. Cardellach Galí, J. Sanz Campderrós, and A. Rius, "A GPS reflections receiver that computes Doppler/delay maps in real time," IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., vol. 45, no. 1, pp. 156–174, Jan. 2007 [2] Sankar.P., Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar Coll. of Eng., Chennai, India Norman, S.R. "Embedded system for monitoring atmospheric weather conditions using weather balloon" International Conference on Control, Automation, Communication and Energy Conservation, 2009. Page(s): 1 - 4 ,4-6 June 2009. [3] Siegel,H.J.;Maciejewski,A.A.;Oltikar,M.;Bratem an,J.;White,J.;Martin,J.;Knapp,K. "Heuristics for Robust Resource Allocation of Satellite Weather Data Processing on a Heterogeneous Parallel System" IEEE transactions on parallel and distributed systems. Volume: 22 , Issue:11,Page(s): 1780 – 1787, Nov. 2011 [4] Gajendra Kumar, R Madan, K. C. Saikrishnan, S. K. Kunduand P. K. Jain "Technical And Operational Characteristics Of GPS Radiosounding System in the Upper Air Network Of IMD", Mausam, 62, No.3, July 2011, Pg 403- 416. [5] Michael Douglas, John Mejia, Raquel Orozco, "Underutilized observations for studying tropical climate variations: the historicalpilot balloon database" National Severe Storms Laboratory/NOAA, Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies, 3Weather Decision Technologies Norman, Oklahoma. Rashmi Nayak, Dr. M.S. Panse, Anil kulkarni |
1932-1933 | ![]() |
300. | An Adopted Secured Business Framework in the Cloud Environment
An Adopted Secured Business Framework in the Cloud EnvironmentAbstract: Infrastructure as a Service is a provision model in which a Cloud Service Provider (CSP) outsources the equipment used to support operations, including storage, hardware, servers and networking components. In such an service model customer stores his/her information in the hands of service providers, the insider attacker, hacking etc are vital corners to be handled, many have proposed solutions but lack in basic business modelling, we present an business framework which can take a perfect role in governing the security structure and adoptability for the customer and the services providers.Key words: cloud computing; service level agreements; encryption and decryption cloud service; data privacy protection Reference [1] Gill, A.Q.; Bunker, D. Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing (DASC), 2011, pp. 760-767. [2] Hongxin Hu; Gail-Joon Ahn; Kulkarni, K. Dependable and Secure Computing, IEEE Transactions on Volume: 9, Issue: 3, 2012, pp. 318-331. [3] M. Baker, R. Buyya, and D. Laforenza, "Grids and grid technologies for wide-area distributed computing," International Journal of Software: Practice and Experience, vol.32, pp. 1437-1466, 2002. [4] B. R. Kandukuri, V, R. Paturi and A. Rakshit, "Cloud security issues," in Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing, pp. 517-520, September 2009. [5] R. Sterritt, "Autonomic computing," Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering, vol. 1, no. 1, Springer, pp. 79- 88. 2005. [6] R. Buyya, C. S. Yeo, S. Venugopal, J. Broberg, and I. Brandic, "Cloud computing and emerging IT platforms: vision, hype, and reality for delivering computing as the 5th utility," Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 25, issue 6, pp. 599-616, June 2008. [7] L. M. Vaquero, L. Rodero-Merino,J. Caceres, and M. Lindner, "A break in the clouds: towards a cloud definition," ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 50-55, January 2009. [8] C. Weinhardt, A. Anandasivam, B. Blau, N. Borissov, T. Meinl, W. Michalk, and J. Stößer, "Cloud computing – a classification, business models, and research directions," Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE), vol. 1, no. 5, pp. 391- 399, 2009. [9] N. Hawthorn, "Finding security in the cloud," Computer Fraud & Security, vol. 2009, issue 10, pp. 19-20, October 2009. [10] A. Parakh and S. Kak, "Online data storage using implicit security", Ms. Palvi Gupta, Ms. Ruchika Arora, Ms. Neha Pandey |
1934-1941 | ![]() |
301. | Determination of tolerance level of impaired growth hormone secretion of humans
Determination of tolerance level of impaired growth hormone secretion of humansAbstract: In this model it is supposed that shocks contributing additively to the amount of damage occur at random points of time. Common assumptions are that the sequence of shock amounts and the process N (t), say counting their number are stochastically independent and that the shock amounts 𝜺� , 𝜺�…(Where 𝜺𝒊 is the increment of the damage caused by the i-th shock) are independent and identically distributed nonnegative random variables. The tolerance level is given by some constant β > 0 fixed on advance. The objective is to stop the cumulative damage process 𝑺𝒏 = 𝜺� + 𝜺� +......𝜺𝒏 before it exceeds the level β, but such that 𝑺𝒏 is not too far apart from β. In our medical Application we have taken impaired growth hormone secretions as shocks so that the occurrence times of the "shocks" should be modeled as random.Key words: cumulative damage, tolerance level, GH Reference [1]. Feldman RM (1976) Optimal replacement with semi-Markov shock models J Appl Probab 13:108- 117. [2]. Krulich, L.1979.Central neurotransmitters and the secretion of prolactin, GH, LH and TSH.Annu.Rev.Physiol.41:603-615. [3]. Othmer, E., W.R.Levine, W.B.Malarkey, J.C.Corvalan, M.P.Hayden-Otto P.M. Fishman, and W.H.Daughaday.1974.Body build and sleep-related growth hormone secretion. Horm.Res.(Basel).5:156-166 [4]. Pecile,A.,E.Muller , and G.Falconi.1965.Growth hormone releasing activity of hypothalamic extracts at different ages. Endocrinology. 77:241-246. [5]. Phillips, L.S., A.T.Oraeski, and D.C.Belosky.1978.Somatomedin and nutrition, IV.Regulation of Somatomedin activity and growth cartilage activity by quantity and composition of diet in rats.Endocrinology.103:121-127. [6]. Phillips, L.S., and R.VassilopoulouSellin.1980. Somatomedin.Part I.n.Engl.J.Med.302:371-380. [7]. Quabbe, H.J.1977.Chronobilogy of growth hormone secretion.Chronobiologia 4:217- 246. [8]. Saunders SG (1982) Cumulative damage models.In: Johnson S, Kotz NL (Eds) Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences.Wiley, New York,pp 230-233 [9]. Smith, S.R., P.J.Edgar, T.Pozefsky, M.K.Chhetri, and R.E.Prout.1974.Growth hormone in adults with Protein-calorie malnutrition.J.Clin Endocrinol.Metab.39:53- 62. [10]. Taylor HM (1975) optimal replacement under additive damage and other failure models.Nav Res Logist Q 22:1-18. [11]. Verzar,F.,and H.Spichten. 1966. The role the pituitary in the aging of collagen.Gerontologia (Basel).12:48-56. [12]. Zuckerman D (1978) optimal stopping in a semi-Markov shock model J Appl Probab 15:629-634. [13]. Zuckerman D (1980b) optimal stopping in terminating one-sided processes with unbounded reward functions. Z Oper Res 24:145-154. S.Lakshmi, A. Manickam |
1942-1946 | ![]() |
302. | Effects of Crude Oil, Low Point Pour Fuel Oil and Vacuum Gas Oil Contamination on the Geotechnical Properties Sand, Clay and Laterite Soils
Effects of Crude Oil, Low Point Pour Fuel Oil and Vacuum Gas Oil Contamination on the Geotechnical Properties Sand, Clay and Laterite SoilsAbstract: A laboratory testing program was carried out on three selected soils namely, clay, laterite and sand fraction contaminated with used engine oil, low pour point fuel oil (LPFO) black and crude oil. The testing program was carried out to establish the effect of the contaminants on the engineering properties of the materials. Testing included Atterberg properties, compaction, consolidation, California Bearing Ratio (CBR), triaxial compression etc. on both clean and contaminated specimens. Contaminated specimens were prepared by mixing each soil type with 2, 4, and 6% by weight of the contaminants. The results obtained showed that the shear strength of sand and laterite increased with used engine oil contamination. The shear strength of clay soil increased with used engine oil contaminations at 2 and 4% LPFO contaminations. However, at 6% LPFO contamination and 2 to 6% crude oil contamination, the shear strength of clay decreased. The CBR values of the contaminated sand and laterite recorded higher values at 2% oil contaminations and subsequently decreased with further increase in oil content to 4% and 6%. The CBR values for the clay decreased with oil contaminations. Other deleterious changes included an increase in consolidation settlement for used engine oil contaminated laterite. However, the consolidation settlement of the contaminated clay soil generally decreases with all the contaminants.Key words: Contaminated samples, California Bearing Ratio, Consolidation, Laterites, Shear Strength, Triaxial Compression. Reference [1] Udiwal and Patel (2010)."Restoration of Oil Contaminated Soil by Bioremediation for Ground water Management and Environmental Protection." International Journal of Chemical Environmental and Pharmaceutical Research 1, 17-26 [2] Jinlan, X. et al. (2011). "Chemical Oxidation of Cable Insulating Oil Contaminated Soil." Chemosphere 84: 272-277. [3] Benyahia, F., M. Abdulkarim, et al. (2005). "Bioremediation of Crude Oil Contaminated Soils: A Black Art or an Engineering Challenge." Process Safety and Environmental Protection 83(B4): 364-370. [4] Mashalah, K., et al. (2007). "Effects of Crude Oil Contamination on Geotechnical Properties of Clayey and Sandy Soils."Engineering Geology, 89: 220-229. [5] Meegoda, J.N and Ratnaweera, P. (1994). Compressibility of contaminated fine grained soils, Geotechnical Testing Journal 17 (1) (1994) 101–112. [6] Al-Sanad H.A. and Nabil F.I. (1997). "Aging effects on Oil Contaminated Kuwaiti Sand." Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 123(3): 290- 293. [7] Ashraf K. N. (2011). "Effect of Motor Oil Contamination on Geotechnical Properties of Over Consolidated Clay." Alexandria Engineering Journal 50: 331-335. [8] Rehman, H., Abduljauwad, S.N. and Arkam, T., (2007). Geotechnical behaviour of oil contaminated fine-grained soils. The Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 12. (Bundle A). [9] Mohammad, H.M. and Shahaboddin, S.Y., (2008). Volume change behaviour of compacted clay due to organic liquids as permeant. Applied Clay Science 39 (1–2), 60– 71. [10] Murat, O. and Y. Mustafa (2010). "Effect of Organic Fluids on the Geotechnical Behaviour of a Highly Plastic Clayey Soil." Applied Clay Sciences 48: 615-621. Hashim Mohammed Alhassan, Sabiu Abdullahi Fagge |
1947-1954 | ![]() |
303. | Computational evaluation of strut based scramjet engine combustion with different conventional fuel/oxidizer
Computational evaluation of strut based scramjet engine combustion with different conventional fuel/oxidizerAbstract: The high performance and instability in combustion chamber are the most challenging requirements for faster developments and technical advances in most of the engines. The design and development challenges of such engines are highly influenced by its combustion behavior taking place inside the combustion chamber. Studies on the injection, vaporization and combustion phenomena inside combustion chamber are a growing challenge and difficult entities in design and vigorously investigated by researchers. In this domain, the present research is formulated for analyzing the combustion performance of hydrogen/hydrocarbon and oxygen computationally in a strut based combustion chamber. This work leads way to identify the injection flow behavior and the hypersonic combustion nature of various fuels with comparison of different parameters. CFD simulations of the hydrogen/hydrocarbon fuelled strut based scramjet combustor are performed at Mach 2 airstream having typical Mach 10 flying conditions. The primary objective of this study is to numerically evaluate the combustor performance for varying fuels and its injection parameters .Mixing and reacting flow characteristics of the combustor are studied for the centrally located strut based scramjet combustor solving three dimensional RANS equations k-epsilon turbulence model using coupled implicit solver based on finite volume approach. Salient results of non-reacting and reacting flow simulations are presented. Performance parameter like mixing efficiency, total pressure recovery and hydrogen/hydrocarbon consumption are computed and compared for different cases. The computation is performed by using a CFD solver FLUENT and analyzed for LES model of four different fuels.Key words: Hydrogen fuel, Hypersonic combustion, Combustion performance, Strut injector, Air breathing hypersonic vehicle Reference [1] Ahmed, A., and Briec, E., ―Overview of CFD in automotive engine combustion‖, Network Newsletter, Vol-1, No.-3, Dept.of Engine Engineering, Renault, January, 2002, pp. 17-20. [2] Ananias, T., ―A numerical approach for the simulation of non-premixed counter flow flames and reacting mixing layer‖, Institution for Mathematics and it's Applications Publication,Vol-3, 1999-2000, pp. 1-2. [3] Arunajatesan, S., and Sinha, N., ―Large eddy simulations of supersonic impinging jet flow fields‖, AIAA 2002-4287, proceedings of 38 AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conf. and Exhibit, Vol-1, July 7-10, 2002, pp. 1-9. [4] Bai, H.C, Le, J.L, Zhang, Z.C, Goldfield, M.A, Nestoulia, R.V., and Starov, A.V, " Methodical aspects of investigation of kerosene ignition and combustion in a scramjet model",Report of Centre of Aerodynamic Research and Development,China, Vol-13,July, 2002, pp. 101-105. [5] Behera, and Chakraborty, D "Numerically studied the flow field of a ramp cavity based2006–3895 2010. [6] Bhatia, R., and Sirignano, W.A., "Onedimensional analysis of liquid fuelled combustion instability", Jr. of Prop. and Power, Vol. 7, No. 6, November-December, 1991, pp. 652-660. [7] Bogdanoff, D.W., "Advanced injection and mixing techniques for scramjet combustors", Jr. of Prop. and Power, Vol. 10, No.2, March-April, 1994, pp. 183-187. 111 [8] Broadbent, E.G., "Calculation of inviscid 3- d supersonic flows with heat and mass addition", Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. London,A (1999) 357, 1999, pp. 2379- 2386 [9] Burkhardt, H., Sippel, M., Herbertz, A., and Klevanski, J., "Comparative study of kerosene and methane propellant engines for reusable liquid booster stages", Proceedings of 4th Intl. Conf. on Launcher Tech., December 3-6, 2002, pp. 1-12 [10] Charles. M., Gokhale, S.S, and Jayaraj, S., "The Nonreactive mixing study injector of a scramjet swept-strut fuel injector", Jr. of Aerospace Sciences and Technologies , Vol 58, No 4, November, 2006, pp. 1-7 G.Dinesh kumar, D.Gowri Shankar, D.Balaji |
1955-1960 | ![]() |
304. | Analysis And Design Of Pyramidal Roof Slab BY MATLAB
Analysis And Design Of Pyramidal Roof Slab BY MATLABTitle
Abstract: Many historical buildings/monuments
have been built having shape of a pyramid. The
mystery and attractiveness of pyramidal shape
have made pyramidal building undergo a
renaissance in today's architectural design.
Pyramidal roof slab is not a common structure
because of its typical formwork and expensiveness.
In countries where there is heavy snowfall,
pyramidal slab is adopted so that snow can slide
easily due to its sloping pattern. But in India it is
constructed rarely due to less snow fall, typical
form work, requirement of skilled labor and its
expensiveness. A roof/slab consisting of a plane
surface triangular in shape and bounded on each
side by a sloping ridge forming the intersection of
adjacent planes and culminating in a common
vertex is known as pyramidal roof. Triangular
panels of pyramidal slabs make an angle with
vertical axis. According to that angle effect of
thrusts and moments is decided. There are two
types of moments: i) Along the slope ii) Across the
slope depending upon the boundary conditions. The
primary aim of the work is to analyze and design
the Pyramidal roof slab. Different boundary
conditions are considered like Pyramidal panels
(a) with and without ridge beam (b) with and
without edge beam (c) supported on wall and (d)
supported on columns with different
conditions. Primary thrust, Secondary thrust,
Moments in different direction as well as at the
edges and ridges are determined. As per that
Design is carried out using Limit State Method.
Analysis is also checked using MATLAB.
Key words: Pyramidal roof slab Reference 1) M. Ikhwan, B.Ruck, Flow and Pressure field characteristics around Pyramidal buildings, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 94 (2006) 745 765. 2) Richard Bradshaw, David Campbell, Mousa Gargari, Amir Mirmiran, and Patrick Tripeny (2002). 3) J.Terrington, Design of Non Planer roof, (1964). 4) P.C. Varghese "Design of Reinforced concrete shells and Folded Plates". 5) G.S.Ramaswamy, Design and Construction of Concrete Shell Roof - First Edition, Delhi 1986. 6) O.P.Jain, Jai Krishna, Plain and Reinforce Concrete (Vol 2), Eighth Edition – Roorkee, 1980. 7) N.K.Bairagi, Plate Analysis, First EditionDelhi, 1986. 8) H.J.Shah Reinforced Concrete Patil S.S, Kondekar A.R |
1961-1964 | ![]() |
305. | Intelligent Controller for Maximum Power Point Tracking Control of Solar Power Generation System
Intelligent Controller for Maximum Power Point Tracking Control of Solar Power Generation SystemAbstract: This paper presents the improved model of solar photovoltaic module and back propagation neural network based maximum power point tracking (MPPT) for boost converter in a standalone photovoltaic system under variable temperature and insolation in static and dynamic conditions.Solar panel is a power source having nonlinear internal resistance. As the intensity of light falling on the panel varies, its voltage as well as its internal resistance both varies. To extract maximum power from the panel, the load resistance should be equal to the internal resistance of the panel. Maximum power point trackers are used to operate a photovoltaic panel at its maximum power point in order to increase the system efficiency. This is done, with the aid of MATLAB-7.6 environment and Artificial Neural Network (ANN).Key words: Solar Photovoltaic system (SPV), ANN, SNN, DNN,MPPT, Boost converter, MATLAB. Reference [1] C. Hua and C. Shen, "Comparative Study of Peak Power Tracking Techniques for solar Storage System", IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition Proceedings, Vo1.2, pp.679- 683, 1988. [2] K.H.Hussein, I. Muta, T. Hoshino and M. Osakada, "Maximum Photovoltaic Power Tracking: An Algorithm for Rapidly Changing Atmospheric Conditions," IEEE Proceedings on Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Vol.142, No.1, pp.59-64, January 1995. [3] Brambilla, "liew Approach U1 Photovoltaic Arrays Maximum Power Point Tracking", Proceedings of 35 th IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, vol. 2, G. 632-637., 1998. [4] D.P. H u h and M.E. Ropp, "Comparative Study of Maximum Power Point tacking Algorithm Using an Experimental, Programmable, Maximum Power Point Tracking Test Bed", Proceedings of 28th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, pp. 1699-1702, 2000. [5] T. Hiyama and K. Kitabayashi, "Neural Network Based Estimation of Maximum Power Generation from PV Module Using Environment Information", IEEE Transactiom on Energy, Conversion, Vol. 12, NO.3, pp.241-247, September 1997. [6] T. Hiyama, S. Kouzuma, T. Imakubo, and T.H. Ortmeyer, "Evaluation of Neural Network Based Real Time Maximum Power Tracking Controller Far PV System", IEEE Transaction On Energv Conversion, Vol.10, No3,pp.543- 548, Sept. 1995. [7] T. Hiyama, S. Kausuma, and T. Imakubo,"Identification Of Optimal Operating Point Of PV Modules Using NeuralNetwork for Real Time Maximum Power Tracking Control",IEEE Transaction on Energv Conversion, Vol.10, No. 2 , pp.360-367, June 1995. [8] A. de Medeiros Torres, F.L.M. Antunes, and F.S. dos Reis,"An Artificial Neural NetworkBased Real Time MaximumPower Tracking Controller For Connecting a PV System tothe Grid", Proceeding of IEEE the 24th Annual Conferenceon Industrial Electronics Society , Vol. 1 , pp. 554 -558,1998. [9] A. AI-Amoudi and L. Zhang, "Application of Radial BasisFunction Networks For SolarArray Modelling And Maximum PowerPoint Prediction", IEE Proceeding - Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Vol. 147, No. 5,pp. 310-316,Sept. 2000. [10] R.Ramaprabha and Dr.B.L.Mathur,"A Technique to extract maximum Power from Photovoltaic Panels",Proc. of IEEEInt. Conf. on Recent Advancements and Applications ofComputer in Electrical Engineering, pp. 447 –449, Bikaner,Rajastan, India, Mar. 24- 25, 2007 T.M.Vishnukumar, Dr. G.Uma |
1965-1969 | ![]() |
306. | Direct and Indirect Control Strategies of DSTATCOM Power Factor Controller
Direct and Indirect Control Strategies of DSTATCOM Power Factor ControllerAbstract: The device analyzed in this paper is Distribution STATic COMpensator (DSTATCOM). The objective is to focus on the power factor control with the two different control strategies i.e., Indirect and Direct Control Strategies. This paper presents a study about the control strategies of DSTATCOM device and their impact on the dynamic performance of distribution network. Simulation results were presented to illustrate and understand the reliability and robustness of these control strategies in the system response to load variations.Key words: Distribution Static Compensator, Power Factor, Indirect Control Strategy and Direct Control Strategy Reference [1] N.G. Hingorani and L. Gyuyi,Understanding FACTS- Concepts and Technology of Flexible AC Transmission Systems. (Ist edition,IEEE Press,2001). [2] Walmir Freitas, Andre Morelato, Wilsun Xu and Fujio Sato, Impact of AC Generators and DSTATCOM Devices on the Dynamic Performance of Distribution Systems, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 20(No. 2):1493-1501, April 2005. [3] E. Acha, V.G. Agelidis, O. Anaya – Lara and T.J. Miller, Power Electronics Control in Electrical Systems. (Ist edition, Newnws,2002). [4] O. Anaya-Lara, E. Acha, Modeling and Analysisof Custom Power System by PSCAD/EMTDC, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 17(No. 1):266-272, 2005. [5] N.G. Hingorani, Introducing Custom Power, EEE Spectrum. Vol.31: 41-48, 1995. [6] Chris Fitzer, Mike Barnes and Peter Gree, Voltage Sag Detection Technique for a Dynamic Voltage Restorer, IEEE Trans. Power Electronics, Vol. 22,( No.2): 626-635, March 2007. [7] H.K.Al-Hadidi, A.M.Gole, David A.Jacobson, A Novel Configuration for a Cascade Inverter – Based Dynamic Voltage Restorer with Reduced Energy Storage Requirements, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 23(No. 2), April 2008. [8] C. Benachaiba and B. Ferdi,,Power Quality Improvement Using DVR, American Journal of Applied Sciences, Vol. 6(No. 3): 396-400, 2009. [9] Koen J.P.Macken, Math H.J.Bollen, Ronnie J.M.Belmans , Mitigation of Voltage Dips Through Distributed Generation Systems, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 40(No. 6): 1686-1693, November/December 2004. [10] M. A. Hannan and Azah Mohamed, PSCAD/EMTDC Simulation Of Unified Series, Shunt Compensator for Power Quality Improvement, IEEE Transactions on power delivery, Vol.20(No. 2): 1650-1656, April 2005. K. Sandhya, Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, Dr. M.P. Soni |
1970-1975 | ![]() |
307. | Computational Analysis of S-type Biological Systems
Computational Analysis of S-type Biological SystemsAbstract: S-systems identify the direct interaction of genes and proteins in biological systems. Therefore, mathematical and computational analysis of the S-type models is important to achieve a true understanding of biological systems. However, theoretical approaches for Ssystems are limited, and computational identification of S-systems' parameters is challenging. How to make a trade-off between accuracy and computational cost is in development. In this study, we first propose a memetic differential evolution scheme to identify the parameters of S-systems. The proposed scheme ameliorates the disadvantages in traditional gradient-based optimization methods, and solves the slow-convergence problem of stochastic algorithms. This scheme not only improves the global-search power of differential evolution (DE) but also largely increases the convergence speed. We then discuss and analyze the dynamic behavior of S-type biological systems. Four biological systems are used to demonstrate our approaches.Key words: Inverse problem, parameter estimation, memetic computation, evolution algorithm. Reference 1. M. Vilela, I. C. Chou, S. Vinga, A. T. R. Vasconcelos, E. O. Voit, and J. S. Almeida, "Parameter optimization in S-system models," BMC Syst. Biol., vol. 2, no. 35, 2008. 2. M. A. Savageau, Biochemical Systems Analysis: A Study of Function and Design in Molecular Biology. Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1976. 3. E. O. Voit, Computational Analysis of Biochemical Systems: A Practical Guide for Biochemists and Molecular Biologists. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K., 2000. 4. S. Marino and E. O. Voit, "An automated procedure for the extraction of metabolic network information from time series data," Bioinform. Comput. Biol., vol. 4, no. 665, 2006. 5. I. C. Chou, H. Martens, and E. O. Voit, "Parameter estimation in biochemical systems models with alternating regression," Theor. Biol. Med. Model, vol. 3, no. 25, 2006. 6. Z. Kutalik, W. Tucker, and V. Moulton, "S-system parameter estimation for noisy metabolic profiles using Newton-flow analysis," IET Syst. Biol., vol. 1, pp. 174- 180, 2007. 7. E. Sakamoto and H. Iba, "Inferring a system of differential equations for a gene regulatory network by using genetic programming," in CEC: Proc. Congr. Evol. Comput., 2001, vol. 1, pp. 720-726. 8. S. Ando, E. Sakamoto, and H. Iba, "Evolutionary modeling inference of gene network," Inf. Sci., vol. 145, pp. 237-259, 2002. 9. D. Y. Cho, K. H. Cho, and B. T. Zhang, "Identification of biochemical networks by S-tree based genetic programming," Bioinform., vol. 22, pp. 1631-1640, 2006. 10. S. Kimura, K. Ide, A. Kashihara, M. Kano, H. Mariko, R. Masui, N. Nakagawa, S. Yokoyama, S. Kuramitsu, and A. Konagaya, "Inference of S-system models of genetic networks using a cooperativecoevolutionary algorithm," Bioinform., vol. 21, pp. 1154-1163, 2005. Cheng-Tao Wu, Shinq-Jen Wu, Jyh-Yeong Chang |
1976-1987 | ![]() |
308. | Multi-Band Fractal Antenna for WiMAX Application
Multi-Band Fractal Antenna for WiMAX ApplicationAbstract: The fractal antennas that have the multiband operation due to the self-similar property in fractal geometry, which plays a key role to create a fractal circular monopole patch antenna. The other important property that is, Space-filling property which actually determines the reduction in the size of the antenna. This property adds more electrical length in less volume which reduces the size of the antenna. Based on these two properties the fractal antennas are designed. These two properties of fractal geometry making the fractal antenna to apply for several advanced applications. The CPW feed also helps the antenna to achieve the bandwidth in the ratio of 6:1.Though it is difficult to construct a CPW feed for an antenna, but it exhibits wider bandwidth. The proposed antenna is designed by using the CPW feed for fractal antenna that is, Crown shaped CPW-fed circular monopole fractal antenna and implemented to effectively support mobile worldwide interoperability for microwave access (Mobile WiMAX), and WiMAX which operate in the 2.3/2.5 GHz (2.305–2.360 GHz/2.5–2.69) GHz.Key words: Microstrip Patch Antennas, CPWFed, Fractal Antennas, Circular Monopole antenna, WiMAX Reference [1] Constantine A. Balanis, (1997),"Antenna Theory Analysis and Design", John Wiley and Sons Inc. [2] "Hand book of Microstrip Antennas " Edited by JR James and PS Hall, IET. [3] Pozar, D.M. Microstrip antennas. Proceedings of the IEEE. Volume 80, Issue 1,Jan. 1992 Page(s):79-91 [4] Ramesh Garg, Prakash Bhartia, Inder Bahl, Apisak Ittipon, (2000)," Microstrip Antenna Design Handbook", Artech House. [5] http://www.antenna-theory.com [6] N. Behdad and K. Sarabandi, A compact antenna for ultra wide-band applications, IEEE Trans Antennas Propag 53 (2005), 2185–2192. [7] J. Liang, C.C. Chiau, X. Chen, and C.G. Parini, Printed circular disc monopole antenna for ultra-wideband applications, Electron Lett 40 (2004), 1246–1247. [8] J. Liang, L. Guo, and C.C. Chiau, CPW-fed circular disc monopole antenna for UWB application, IEEE International Workshop on Antenna and Technology: Small Antennas and Novel Metamaterials, Marina Mandarin, Singapore, March 7–9, 2005, pp. 505–508. [9] J. Guterman, A.A. Moreira, and C. Peixeiro, Microstrip fractal antennas for multistandard terminals, IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag Lett 3 (2004), 351–354. [10] J.P. Gianviffwb and Y. Rahmat-Samii, Fractal antennas: A novel antenna miniaturization technique, and applications, Antennas Propag Mag 44 (2002), 20–36. V.Manoj Kumar, P.Venu Madhav, V. Nagaraju |
1988-1994 | ![]() |
309. | Video Streaming issues and Techniques over MANETs
Video Streaming issues and Techniques over MANETsAbstract: Video streaming in MANETs is most Challenging issue and it mainly affected by these factors like node mobility, dynamic change in topology, multi path shadowing and fading, collusion, interference and many more. The dynamic change in topology causes periodic connectivity which results in large packet loss. Video streaming in real time requires special techniques that can overcome the losses of packets in the unreliable networks. Developments in mobile devices and wireless networking provide the technical platform for video streaming over mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs). And efforts to realize video streaming over MANETs have met many challenges, which are addressed by several different techniques. Here in this paper we have studied and reviewed many issues and different techniques present for video streaming over MANETs. This paper contain work done in the field of video streaming in MANETs and guide newcomers who are willing to work in video streaming in MANETs field.Key words: Video streaming ,MANETs , cross layer design, MDC, Multipath routing. Reference [1] Harsharndeep Singh,Meenu Dhiman, Pankaj Kumar Sehgal ―A Survey on Video Streaming Schemes over. MANETs‖ Vol. 2, Issue 3, May-Jun 2012, pp.1116-1122. [2] Tim Bohrloch,Carlos T. Calafate, A. Torres, J.C.Cano, P.Manzoni, ―Evaluating video streaming performance in MANETs using a testbed,‖ XXII Jornadas de Paralelismo Sept.2011. [3] M. Lindeberg, S. Kristiansen, T. Plagemann, V. Goebel, ―Challenges and techniques for video streaming over mobile ad hoc networks‖, Multimedia Systems, Volume 17, Number 1, pp. 51-82, Springer – Verlag, 2011. [4] Cisco Systems Cisco Visual Networking Index: Forecast and Methodology, 2008– 2013. Technical report, Cisco Systems (2009). [5] Carlos T. Calafate, Manuel P. Malumbres and Pietro Manzoni ―ROUTE STABILITY TECHNIQUES FOR ENHANCED VIDEO DELIVERY ON MANETS‖. [6] Braden, R.: Requirements for internet hosts communication layers. RFC 1122 (1989). [7] Rajaraman, R.: Topology control and routing in ad hoc networks: a survey. SIGACT News 33(2), 60–73 (2002) [8] Feeney, L.M.: A taxonomy for routing protocols in mobile ad hoc networks. Technical report, SICS—Swedish Institute of Computer Science (1999). [9] Fu, Z., Meng, X., Lu, S.: A transport protocol for supporting multimedia streaming in mobile ad hoc networks. IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun. 21(10), 1615–1626 (2003). [10] Jan, F., Mathieu, B., Meddour, D.: Video streaming experiment on deployed ad hoc network. In: 3rd International Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructure for the Development of Networks and Communities, 2007. TridentCom 2007, pp. 1–10 (2007). Kavita Tandel, Rachana Shelat |
1995-2002 | ![]() |
310. | Optimization Of Patch Size Of Fractal Hybrid Antenna For Gps Application
Optimization Of Patch Size Of Fractal Hybrid Antenna For Gps ApplicationAbstract: In this paper we propose the optimization of patch size for a fractal hybrid antenna that can be used in GPS applications. This project is about two different models namely sierpinski gasket fractal antenna and Koch rectangular fractal antenna. A fractal antenna in general is characterized by space filling and self-similarity properties. These fractal shaped antennas have their own unique characteristic that improves antenna achievement without degrading antenna properties. Due to the space-filling properties of fractal geometry, the proposed antennas are smaller in size than conventional Euclidean-type ones. The antenna designs for dual-band Global Positioning System (GPS) is usually done in the frequency range of 1.2GHz to 1.575GHz. In conclusion, we says that it is possible to optimize the patch size, keeping the operational frequencies same to that of the earlier antenna models, and with a few deviations from the previous results like radiation pattern, bandwidth and gain are computed, it can also be normalized by using advanced manufacturing tools and selection of appropriate materials for better results.Key words: Antenna, Bandwidth, GPS, Hybrid model, Koch, Optimization, Microstrip, Parameters, Sierpinski, Reference [1] "Introduction to Gps: the Global Positioning system" by Ahmed ElRabbany, Artech House. [2] "Hand book of Microstrip Antennas "Edited by JR James and PS Hall, IET. [3] John Gianvittorio and Yahya Rahmat Samii, (2002),"Fractal Antenna: A Novel of Miniaturization Technique and application", University of California, Los Angeles. [4] Lora Schulwitz, "The Small Koch Fractal Monopole: Theory, Design and Application", Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Michingan. [5] Constantine A. Balanis, (1997),"Antenna Theory Analysis and Design", John Wiley and Sons Inc. [6] Ramesh Garg, Prakash Bhartia, Inder Bahl, Apisak Ittipon, (2000)," Microstrip Antenna Design Handbook", Artech House. [7] "Optimization of Patch Size of Fractal Hybrid Antenna for GPS Application", submitted in national conference on SIGNALS & IMAGE PROCESSING volume .1, 2011, 158-163, by Sri Sai Aditya Institute Of Science & Technology,A.P. V.NAGARAJU, P.VENU MADHAV, V. MANOJ KUMAR |
2003-2008 | ![]() |
311. | Implementation of OFDM System using IFFT and FFT
Implementation of OFDM System using IFFT and FFTAbstract: Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is a multi-carrier system where data bits are encoded to multiple subcarriers, while being sent simultaneously. This results in the optimal usage of bandwidth. A set of orthogonal sub-carriers together forms an OFDM symbol. To avoid ISI due to multi-path, successive OFDM symbols are separated by guard band. This makes the OFDM system resistant to multipath effects. The principles of OFDM modulation have been around since 1960s. However, recently, the attention toward OFDM has grown dramatically in the field of wireless and wired communication systems. This is reflected by the adoption of this technique in applications such as digital audio/video broadcast (DAB/DVB), wireless LAN (802.11a and HiperLAN2), broadband wireless (802.16) and xDSL. In this work, a pure VHDL design, integrated with some intellectual property (IP) blocks, is employed to implement an OFDM transmitter and receiver. In this paper design of OFDM system using IFFT and FFT blocks has been introduced and simulation was done on XILINX ISE 14.2 software.Key words: FFT, IFFT, OFDM, QAM, VHDL. Reference [1] A reference Joaquin Garcia, Rene Cumplido,"On the design of an FPGA-based OFDM modulator for IEEE 802.16.", proceedings of 2005 international conference on reconfigurable computing and FPGAs. [2] Farzad Manavi, Yousef R. Shayan, "Implementation of an OFDM modem for the physical layer of IEEE 802.11a standard based on Xilinx Virtex-II FPGA.",a 0-7803- 8255-2/04/$20.00 2004 IEEE. [3] R.Van Nee, R. Prasad Publication by Artech House,"OFDM for wireless Multimedia Communications.", e-book. [4] R.W. Chang, "Synthesis of band limited Orthoganal Signals for Multichannel data transmission," Bell syst. Tech. J., Vol. 45, pp. 1775-1776, December.1996. [5] Salzberg, B. R., "Performance of an efficient parallel data transmission system," IEEE transaction comm., Vol. COM-15, pp. 805- 813, December. 1967. [6] Mosier, R. R., and R. G. Clabaugh, "Kineplex, a bandwidth efficient binary transmission system," AIEE Trans. Vol. 76. pp., 723-728, January. 1958. [7] Weinstein, S. B., and P. M. Ebert, "Data transmission by Frequency Division Multiplexing using the DFT," IEEE Trans. Comm., Vol. COM – 19, pp. 628-634, October.1971. [8] Horosaki B., "An orthogonally multiplexed QAM system using the DFT," IEEE Trans. Comm. Vol. COM-29, pp. 982-989, July 1981. [9] "Design & Implementation of OFDM base band for The IEEE 802.11a WLAN" by Chandrashekhar Kukade, R. M. Patrikar, R. B. Deshmukh(VNIT Nagpur). [10]Article "Implementation of FFT and IFFT algorithms in FPGA" by Ilgaz Az and Suhap Sahin Nilesh Chide, Shreyas Deshmukh, Prof. P.B. Borole |
2009-2014 | ![]() |
312. | Criticality of a Structural Column When Subjected to an Impact Load from Water Born Debris in Tsunami Event
Criticality of a Structural Column When Subjected to an Impact Load from Water Born Debris in Tsunami EventAbstract: Tsunami is a rare event, but when it strikes the shore line it not only destroys the structural objects but also affected more on human lives. Tsunami resistant buildings, where the lower level is elevated by means of RC columns to allow the free flow of tsunami waves, recently constructed in many tsunami prone countries. However these columns are very vulnerable to impact due to water-borne massive debris. Tsunami field survey observations showed the building destruction is often exacerbated by the impact of tsunami waterborne massive objects such as automobiles, wooden logs, boats, empty storage tanks and shipping containers. This paper emphasis, the impact of tsunami water-borne massive objects (debris) on RC buildings which are located in the vicinity of the shoreline in Tsunami-prone coastal areas in India A G+3 frame model building is analyzed using software SAP2000v14 prior to impact simulation. Linear static analysis is conducted to investigate response from structural elements due to impact of wooden log. The study concludes, Small masses converted to large impact when speed of waves increases. Corner column of a building and impact above the water level is proved to be more vulnerable. Such buildings need an effective protection against debris to control simulation of heavy forces in structural columns.Key words: coast-line structures, columns, debris, displacements, hydrodynamic force, impact force, Tsunami, Tsunami runup, wooden log, etc. Reference [1] Saatcioglu M., Ghobarah A. and Nistor I., "Effects of the December 26, 2004 Sumatra Earthquake and Tsunami on Physical Infrastructure", ISET Journal of Earthquake Technology, Paper No. 457, Vol. 42, No. 4, December 2005, pp. 79-94. [2] Anandan. C and Sasidhar. P, "Assessment of the impact of the tsunami of december 26, 2004 on the Near-shore bathymetry of the kalpakkam coast, east coast of India", Science of Tsunami Hazards, Vol. 27, No. 4, 2008, pp 26-35. [3] Nakano. Y, "Design load evaluation for tsunami shelters based on damage observations after Indian ocean tsunami disaster due to the 2004 Sumatra earthquake", Science of Tsunami Hazards, Vol. 29, No. 1, 2010, pp 11-20. [4] Jaiswal R. K., Rastogi B. K and Murty T. S., "Tsunamigenic Sources in the Indian Ocean", Science of Tsunami Hazards, Vol. 27, No. 2, 2008, pages 32-42. [5] Lukkunaprasit P., Ruangrassamee A. And Thanasisathit N., "Tsunami loading on buildings with openings", Science of Tsunami Hazards, Vol. 28, No. 5, 2009, page 303-310 [6] Maheshwari B. K., Sharma M. L. and Narayan J. P., "Structural Damages on the Coast of Tamil Nadu due to Tsunami Caused by December 26, 2004 Sumatra Earthquake", ISET Journal of Earthquake Technology, Paper No. 456, Vol. 42, No. 2-3, June-September 2005, pp. 63-78. [7] Apotsos A., Jaffe B. and Gelfenbaum G, "Wave characteristic and morphologic effects on the onshore hydrodynamic response of tsunamis", Coastal Engineering, Vol.58, 2011, pp 1034– 1048. [8] Cuomo G., Shams G., Jonkman S. and Gelder P., "Hydrodynamic loading of buildings in flood", Journal of Coastal engineering, 2008. [9] Ghobaraha A., Saatcioglub M. and Nistor I., "The impact of the 26 December 2004 earthquake and tsunami on structures and infrastructures", Engineering Structures, Vol. 28, 2006, pages 312–326. [10] Huang Z., Li Y. and Liu Y., "Hydraulic performance and wave loadings of perforated/slotted coastal structures: A review", Ocean Engineering, Vol. 38, 2011, pp 1031– 1053. Amit S. Kharade, Atul K. Desai, Sandip V. Kapadiya |
2015-2023 | ![]() |
313. | Organic Solar Technique using P3HT and PCBM as Promising Materials
Organic Solar Technique using P3HT and PCBM as Promising MaterialsAbstract: The Solar cells have the ability to meet some of these power demands by directly converting sunlight into electricity and can potentially generate power anywhere there is light. Organic solar cells represent of organic semiconductors have attracted considerable attention in the areas of electronics and photonics during the last decade. The conversion of sunlight to electricity by organic solar cells is very interesting and promising since organic solar cells offer the possibility of fabricating large area, flexible, light-weight, cost-effective devices using simple and environmental friendly techniques. Compared with inorganic solar cell, organic photovoltaic cell are less in cost, considering that organic solar cells can be fabricated onto the substrate by high-throughput, low cost fabrication methods. As a clean renewable energy source organic solar cells are rapidly developing. Power conversion efficiency over 7–8% was reported recently. On the other hand, there is a considerable progress in the evolution of organic solar cells from pure scientific research to a possible industrial application. Recent efforts are devoted to the investigation of operating mechanisms, new synthesis routes, new device architectures, stability of the organic materials, lifetime, encapsulation, etc.Key words: P3HT, PCBM, organic photovoltaic, organic material Reference [1] Rowell, Michael W.; Topinka, Mark A.; McGehee, Michael D.; Prall, Hans-Jurgen; Dennler, Gilles; Sariciftci, Niyazi Serdar; Hu, Liangbing; Gruner, George Organic solar cells with carbon nanotube network electrodes, Appl Phys Lett, 88(23), 2006, 233506–233509 [2] M. Sze and Kwok K. Ng, physics of semiconductor devices ( john wiley & sons, inc., New jersey and Canada, 2007). [3] Chenming Hu, Richard M., White University of California, Berkeley solar cells from basics to advanced systems (Mc Graw-Hills series, inc1983) [4] Serap Günes, Organic Solar Cells and Their Nanostructural Improvement, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Through Nanotechnology, (London Limited: Springer-Verlag, 2011) 171-225. [5] William J. Potscavage, Jr., Physics and engineering of organic solar cells, Doctor of Philosophy diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2011. [6] Yu-Min Shen, Chao-Shuo Chen, ShouYuan Ma, Ching-Fuh Lin, Improve the thin film morphology and efficiency performance of P3HT:PCBM based solar cells by applying external electric fields, 37 th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), Seattle, WA, 2011, 001200 – 001202. [7] Yang Shen and Mool C. Gupta, Investigation of Electrical Characteristics of P3HT:PCBM Organic Solar Cells, 38th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), Austin, TX 2012 , 002770 – 002774. Chetan Kamble, D. R. Mehta |
2024-2028 | ![]() |
314. | Advantage of DG for improving voltage profile over facts devices
Advantage of DG for improving voltage profile over facts devicesAbstract: These days DG(Distribution Generation) is going to be a credible alternative generation paradigm by overcoming significant economic, regulatory, technical and environmental hindrance. DG has unique advantages in supporting the power system reducing energy consumption, using new energy, enhancing reliability and flexibility. In this paper the advantages of DG for improving voltage profile and reliability of a system through a load flow based approach is discussed with Etap. Further it is compared to two other voltage profile improvement methods - Static Var Compensator and Fixed capacitor. In this paper two radial test distribution systems are considered with active load of 3.715 MW and 2.57 MW. The circuit is simulated with Etap 7.0 software by placing DG, Static Var Compensator(SVC) and Fixed Capacitor(FC) separately. The result with DG gives the pleasing improvement of voltage profile and reliability of the system.Key words: Distributed Generations, Static Var Compensator, Fixed Capacitor, Reactive Power compensation, ETAP software. Reference [1] Thomas Ackermann, GoranAndersson, LennartSoder; Distributed generation: adefinition; Electric Power Systems Research 57 (2001) 195–204. [2] ZhengKuan, ZhangJian-hua, Liu Wen-xia; Distribution Network Reliability Considering Complementary Distribution Generation with Wind and Photovoltaic Powers; 978-1-4244-8081-4. [3] T. Ohtaka, A. Uchida, S.Iwamoto, A Voltage Control Strategy with NAS Battery Systems Considering Interconnection of Distributed Generations, 0-7803-8610-810U. [4] LiuZhengyi, et al, A Novel Scheme of Stability Control forDistributed Generation Systems;0-7803-8610-8/041. [5] AzniWatiAzizan, Vigna Kumaran Ramachandara murthy, Chin Koon Loo,Distributed Generator control mode and its effect on the dynamicbehaviour of distribution network, Prague, 8-11 June 09,CIRED. [6] Hiroyulu MoriHidenobuTani, Two-Staged Tabu Search for Determining Optimal Allocation of D-FACTS in Radial Distribution Systems with Distributed Generation, 0-7803-7525-4/02. [7] A. H. Parsaeifard, M. Manbachi, M. B. AbaeeKopayi, M. R. Haghifam, A Market-based generation expansion planning in deregulated environment based on distributed generations development, 978-1-4244-5721-2/10. [8] Carmen L.T. Borges, Djalma M. Falcao, Optimal distributed generation allocation for reliability, losses, and voltage improvement, 0142-0615. [9] Karar Mahmoud, Mamdouh Abdel-Akher, Abdel-Fatah A.Ahmed, Sizing and Locating Distributed Generations for Losses Minimization and Voltage Stability Improvement, 9781-1-4244-8946-6/10. [10] K. Vinothkumar, M.P. Selvan, Planning and Operation of Distributed Generations in Distribution Systems for Improved Voltage Profile,978-1-4244-3811-2/09. Soumesh Chatterjee, Pritom Nath, Rashmi Biswas, Minakshi Das |
2029-2032 | ![]() |
315. | Utilisation of Waste Product of Steel Industry
Utilisation of Waste Product of Steel IndustryAbstract: Natural aggregates are becoming increasingly scarce and their production and shipment is becoming more difficult. Steel slag is currently used as aggregate in hot mix asphalt surface applications, but there is a need for some additional work to determine the feasibility of utilizing this industrial by-product more wisely as a replacement for both fine and coarse aggregates in a conventional concrete mixture. The primary aim of this research was to evaluate the durability of concrete made with steel slag aggregates. This study presents result of experimental investigations carried out to evaluate effects of replacing aggregate (coarse and fine) with that of slag on various concrete properties. In the present study M20 and M25 grade of concrete each having four types of concrete mix C:S:A, C:S:SS, C:SS:A, C:SS:SS (SS is steel slag), and the compressive strength, flexural strength and tensile strength were determined adopting conventional testing procedure. From the results of the present study we can say that as the % of steel slag as replacement is increased the strength of aggregate increases. After 75% replacement of sand as steel slag slight decrease in strength is observe but still it is higher than 0% replacement without any adverse effect on the strength of concrete.Key words: compressive strength, flexural strength split tensile strength, water absorption. Reference 1. ASTM C 33. (2003). ―Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates‖. ASTM International. 2. ASTM C 39/C 39M. (2003). ―Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens‖. ASTM International. 3. ASTM C 78. (2002). ―Standard Test Method for Flexural Strength of Concrete (Using Simple Beam with Third-Point Loading)‖. ASTM International 4. ASTM C 138/C 138M. (2001). ―Standard Test Method for Density (Unit Weight), Yield, and Air Content (Gravimetric) of Concrete‖. ASTM International. 5. ASTM C 143/C 143M. (2005). ―Standard Test Method for Slump of Hydraulic-Cement Concrete‖. ASTM International. 6. ASTM C 150. (2005). ―Standard Specification for Portland Cement‖. ASTM International. 7. ASTM C 157/C 157 M. (2004). ―Standard Test Method for Length Change of Hardened Hydraulic-Cement, Mortar, and Concrete‖. ASTM International. 8. ASTM C 173. 2004. .Standard Test Method for Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Volumetric Method.. ASTM International. 9. ASTM C 192/C 192M. 2002. ―Standard Practice for Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Laboratory‖. ASTM International. 10. ASTM C 215. (1997). ―Standard Test Method for Fundamental Transverse, Longitudinal, and Torsional Resonant Frequencies of Concrete Specimens‖. ASTM International. 11. IS 10262:2009- Concrete Mix Design - Guidelines, Bureau of Indian Standards,(BIS), New Delhi India 12. IS 383 (1997) — Specification for course and fine aggregates from Natural Sources for Concrete 13. IS-516 (1959) — Methods of Tests for Strength of Concrete 14. IS-5816 (1999) — Splitting tensile strength of concrete- Method of test. 15. Juan M Manso, Javier J Gonzalez and Juan A Polanco, (2004)"-Electric Arc Furnace Slag in Concrete". Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering ASCE Nov 2004. Dr. P.S. Pajgade, N.B.Thakur |
2033-2041 | ![]() |
316. | Area Efficient Parallel Fir Digital Filter Structures Based On Fast Fir Algorithm
Area Efficient Parallel Fir Digital Filter Structures Based On Fast Fir AlgorithmAbstract: Many algorithms are known to reduce the arithmetic complexity of FIR filtering. This paper proposes new parallel FIR filter structures, which are beneficial to symmetric coefficients in terms of the hardware cost, under the condition that the number of taps is a multiple of 2 or 3. The proposed parallel FIR structures exploit the inherent nature of symmetric coefficients reducing half the number of multipliers in sub filter section at the expense of additional adders in preprocessing and post processing blocks. Exchanging multipliers with adders is advantageous because adders weigh less than multipliers in terms of silicon area; in addition, the overhead from the additional adders in preprocessing and post processing blocks stay fixed and do not increase along with the length of the FIR filter, whereas the number of reduced multipliers increases along with the length of the FIR filter.Key words: Digital Signal Processing (DSP), Fast Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Algorithms (FFA), Parallel FIR, Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI). Reference [1] Yu-Chi Tsao and Ken Choi , 2012. "Area-Efficient Parallel FIR Digital Filter Structures for Symmetric Convolutions Based on Fast FIR Algorithm" IEEE transactions on very large scale integration (vlsi) systems, vol. 20, no. 2, feb. 2012. [2] D. A. Parker and K. K. Parhi, 1997. "Lowarea/power parallel FIR digital filter implementations," J. VLSI Signal Process. Syst., vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 75–92, 1997. [3] J. G. Chung and K. K. Parhi, 2002. "Frequencyspectrum-based low-area low-power parallel FIR filter design," EURASIP J. Appl. Signal Process., vol. 2002, no. 9, pp. 444–453, 2002. [4] K. K. Parhi, 1999. VLSI Digital Signal Processing Systems: Design and Implementation. New York: Wiley, 1999. [5] Z.-J. Mou and P. Duhamel, 1991. "Short-length FIR filters and their use in fast non recursive filtering," IEEE Trans. Signal Process., vol. 39, no.6, pp. 1322–1332, Jun. 1991. [6] J. I. Acha, 1989. "Computational structures for fast implementation of L-path and L-block digital filters," IEEE Trans. Circuit Syst., vol. 36, no. 6, pp.805–812, Jun. 1989. [7] C. Cheng and K. K. Parhi, 2004. "Hardware efficient fast parallel FIR filter structures based on iterated short convolution," IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I, Reg. Papers, vol. 51, no. 8, pp. 1492–1500, Aug. 2004. [8] C. Cheng and K. K. Parhi, 2005. "Further complexity reduction of parallel FIR filters," in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits Syst. (ISCAS 2005), Kobe, Japan, May 2005. [9] C. Cheng and K. K. Parhi, 2007. "Low-cost parallel FIR structures with 2-stage parallelism," IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I, Reg. Papers, vol.54, no. 2, pp. 280–290, Feb. 2007 Lavina Magdalene Mary.J, Dhanasekar.B |
2042-2046 | ![]() |
317. | Survey on MIMO antennas for mobile and compensating user's induced loss
Survey on MIMO antennas for mobile and compensating user's induced lossAbstract: An analysis of MIMO antenna system in the development of LTE (Long Term Evolution) terminal and the compensation of user's induced loss is presented in this paper. MIMO wireless systems have antenna arrays at both the transmitter and receiver terminals. Multiple input multiple output (MIMO) technology has been regarded as a practical approach to achieve significant increase of wireless channel capacity and reliability. LTE terminal adopts MIMO technology to improve its performance.Key words: - LTE antenna, MIMO antenna, mobile terminal antenna, OTA performance, radiation efficiency Reference [1] K. L. Wong, Planar Antennas for Wireless Communications, Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Inter science, 2003. [2] S. Zhang, K. Zhao, Z. Ying, and S. He, Body-effect adaptive compact wideband LTE MIMO antenna array with quad-elements for mobile terminals, in iWAT, 2012. [3] K. Fujimoto and J. R. James, Mobile Antenna Systems(Artech House, 2008). [4] D. A. Sanchez-Hernandez, Ed., Multiband Integrated Antennas for 4G Terminals. Reading, MA: Artech House, 2008. [5] ChungHuan Li, Erdem Ofli, Nicolas Chavannes, and Niels Kuster ,The Influence of the User Hand on Mobile Phone Antenna Performance in Data Mode, in EuCAP 2009. [6] M. Berg, M. Sonkki, and E. Salonen, Experimental study of hand and head effects to mobile phone antenna radiation properties, European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, pp.437-440, March 2009 [7] E.L. Firrao, A-J. Annema and B. Nauta, An automatic antenna tuning system using only RF signal amplitudes. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, Vol. 55, pp. 833837, 2008. [8] M. Berg and E. Salonen, Compensating the influence of human hand with two switchable antennas. IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation: vol. 5, issue 13, pp. 1576-1582, 2011 [9] M. Pelosi, O. Franek, M. B. Knudsen, M. Christensen, and G. F. Ped- ersen, A grip study for talk and data modes in mobile phones, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 57, no. 4, pp. 856–865, Apr. 2009. [10] R. Valkonen, S. Myllymäki, A. Huttunen, J. Holopainen, J. Ilvonen, P. Vainikainen, and H. Jantunen, Compensation of finger effect on mobile terminal antenna by antenna selection, in Proc. ICEAA, Sydney, Australia, Sep. 20–24, 2010, pp. 364–367. [11] J. Ilvonen, J. Holopainen, O. Kivekäs, R. Valkonen, C. Icheln, and P. Vainikainen, Balanced antenna structures of mobile terminals, in Proc. 4th EuCAP, Barcelona, Spain, Apr. 12–16, 2010, pp. 1–5. [12] O. Kivekäs, J. Ollikainen, T. Lehtiniemi, and P. Vainikainen, Bandwidth, SAR, and efficiency of internal mobile phone antennas, IEEE Trans. Electromagn. Compat, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 71–86, Feb. 2004. [13] Z. Ying, S. Zhang, and K. Zhao, Body losses analysis of different LTE MIMO antenna designs for smart mobile phone, Sony Ericsson Internal Rep., Dec. 2011. Deepika Singh, Puran Gour, Rajeev Thakur |
2047-2051 | ![]() |
318. | Multifunctional Confidence Reliability Algorithm(MCRA) For Knowledge Discovery using Evaluation Of Learning Algorithms in Data Mining
Multifunctional Confidence Reliability Algorithm(MCRA) For Knowledge Discovery using Evaluation Of Learning Algorithms in Data MiningAbstract: Association rule mining is the most popular technique in data mining. Mining association rules is a prototypical problem as the data are being generated and stored every day in corporate computer database systems. To manage this knowledge, rules have to be pruned and grouped, so that only reasonable numbers of rules have to be inspected and analyzed. In this paper, we present a detailed multifunctional itemset mining algorithm called MCRA. MCRA shows a number of additional features and performs the following, usually independent, tasks: identify frequent closed itemsets and associate generators to their closures. This makes MCRA a complete algorithm for computing classes of itemsets including generators and closed itemsets. These characteristics allow one to extract minimal non-redundant association rules, a useful and lossless representation of association rules. In addition, being based on the Pascal algorithm, MCRA has a rather efficient behavior on weakly and strongly correlated data. In particular, MCRA is able to perform the following, usually independent, tasks: identify frequent closed itemsets and associate generators to their closures. This allows one to find minimal non-redundant association rules.Key words: Confidence, Balanced tree, Association Rules, Data Mining, Multidimensional dataset, Pruning, Frequent itemset, Minimal Non-Redundant Association Rules. Reference 1. Bastide, Y., Taouil, R., Pasquier, N., Stumme, G., Lakhal, L.: Mining minimalnon-redundant association rules using frequent closed itemsets. In Lloyd, J.et al..,ed.: Proc. of the Computational Logic (CL'00). Volume 1861 of Lecture Notes inArtificial Intelligence – LNAI., Springer (2000) 972–986. 2. Kryszkiewicz, M.: Representative association rules. In: PAKDD '98: Proceedings of the Second Pacific-Asia Conference on Research and Development in KnowledgeDiscovery and Data Mining, London, UK, Springer-Verlag (1998) 198–209. 3. Guigues, J.L., Duquenne, V.: Familles minimales d'implications informativesr´esultant d'un tableau de donn´ees binaires. Math´ematiqueset Sciences Humaines95 (1986) 5–18. 4. Luxenburger, M.: Implications partielles dans un contexte. Math´ematiques, Informatiqueet Sciences Humaines 113 (1991) 35–55. 5. Pasquier, N., Bastide, Y., Taouil, R., Lakhal, L.: Closed set based discovery ofsmall covers for association rules. In: Proc. 15emes Journees Bases de DonneesAvancees, BDA. (1999) 361–381. 6. Kryszkiewicz, M.: Concise representations of association rules. In: Pattern Detection and Discovery. (2002) 92–109. 7. Pasquier, N., Bastide, Y., Taouil, R., Lakhal, L.: Efficient mining of associationrules using closed itemset lattices. Inf. Syst. 24(1) (1999) 25–46. 8. Pasquier, N., Bastide, Y., Taouil, R., Lakhal, L.: Discovering frequent closed itemsets for association rules. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1540 (1999) 398–416. 9. Stumme, G., Taouil, R., Bastide, Y., Pasquier, N., Lakhal, L.: Computing IcebergConcept Lattices with TITANIC. Data and Knowledge Engineering 42(2) (2002)189–222. 10. Zaki, M.J., Hsiao, C.J.: CHARM: An Efficient Algorithm for Closed Itemset Mining. In: SIAM International Conference on Data Mining SDM'02. (2002) 33–43. Dr.N.Chandra Sekhar Reddy, Dr.P.C.Rao.Vemuri, Ms.M.SaradaVaralakshmi, Mr B. Aswani Kumar |
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319. | A Survey: On Association Rule Mining
A Survey: On Association Rule MiningAbstract: Data mining becomes a vast area of research in past few years. Several researches have been made in the field of data mining. The Association Rule Mining (ARM) is also a vast area of research and also a data mining technique. In this paper a survey is done on the different methods of ARM. In this paper the Apriori algorithm is defined and advantages and disadvantages of Apriori algorithm are discussed. FP- Growth algorithm is also discussed and advantages and disadvantages of FP- Growth are also discussed. In Apriori frequent itemsets are generated and then pruning on these itemsets is applied. In FP-Growth a FP-Tree is generated. The disadvantage of FP- Growth is that FP-Tree may not fit in memory. In this paper we have survey various paper based on mining of positive and negative association rules.Key words: ARM, frequent itemset, pruning, positive association rules, negative association rules. Reference [1] Han and M. Kamber, Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques, San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers,2001. [2] R. Agrawal, T. Imielinski, and A. Swami, "Mining association rules between sets of items in large databases," in Proceedings of the 1993 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Washington, D.C., 1993, pp. 26–28. [3] Wu, X., Zhang, C., Zhang, S.: Efficient Mining of both Positive and Negative Association Rules. ACM Transactions on Information Systems 22(3):381– 405(2004) [4] M. J. Shaw, C. Subramaniam , G. W. Tan and M. E. Welge, "Knowledge management and data mining for marketing", Decision Support Systems, v.31 n.1, pages 127-137, 2001 [5] G. Serban, I. G. Czibula, and A. Campan, "A Programming Interface For Medical diagnosis Prediction", Studia Universitatis, "Babes-Bolyai", Informatica, LI(1), pages 21-30, 2006 Applications, 2001. [6] D. Gamberger, N. Lavrac, and V. Jovanoski, "High confidence association rules for medical diagnosis", In Proceedings of IDAMAP99, pages 42-51. [7] C. Branden and J. Tooze, "Introduction to Protein Structure", Garland Publishing inc, New York and London, 1991 [8] N. Gupta, N. Mangal, K. Tiwari and P. Mitra, "Mining Quantitative Association Rules in Protein Sequences", In Proceedings of Australasian Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining – AUSDM, 2006 [9] D. Malerba, F. Esposito and F.A. Lisi, "Mining spatial association rules in census data", In Proceedings of Joint Conf. on "New Techniques and Technologies for Statistcs and Exchange of Technology and Know-how", 2001 [10] G. Saporta, "Data mining and official statistics", In Proceedings of Quinta Conferenza Nationale di Statistica, ISTAT, Roma, 15 Nov. 2000 Jeetesh Kumar Jain, Nirupama Tiwari, Manoj Ramaiya |
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320. | Performance Analysis of LRU Page Replacement Algorithm with Reference to different Data Structure
Performance Analysis of LRU Page Replacement Algorithm with Reference to different Data StructureAbstract: The process takes less time for handling instructions then would be speedy and efficient. The speed of the process is not only depends on architectural features and operational frequency, but also depends on the algorithm and data structure, which is used for that process. There are many page replacement algorithms such as Least Recently Used ((LRU), First-In-First-Out (FIFO), etc. are available in memory management. Performance of any page replacement algorithm depends on data structure which is used to implement a page table. Now a day, hash table is widely used to implement a page table because of its efficiency in dictionary operations. In this paper we use self-adjustable doubly circular link list, skip list and splay tree as a data structure to implement page table for LRU algorithm. This paper shows that how the combination of LRU with self-adjustable doubly circular link list, skip list and splay tree towards improvement of hit ratio.Key words: Memory Management, Cache Performance, Replacement Policy, Data structure. Reference [1] Debabrata Swain, Bancha Nidhi Dash, Debendra O Shamkuwar, Debabala Swain," Analysis and Predictability of Page Replacement Techniques towards Optimized Performance", IRCTITCS,2011, pp. 12-16. [2] S.M.Shamsheer Daula, Dr. K.E. Sreenivasa Murthy and G amjad Khan, "A Throughput Analysis on Page Replacement Algorithms in Cache Memory Management," IJERA, vol. 2, March-April 2012, pp. 126-130. [3] Abraham Silberschatz, Peter B Galvin and Greg Gagne, "Virtual Memory," Operating System Concept, 8 th ed., Wiley Student Edition, ch. 9, pp. 315-370. [4] Andrew S. Tanenbaum, "Memory Management," Modern Operating System, edition, year, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2008, ch. 3, pp. 175-248. [5] Kaveh Samiee and GholamAli Rezai Rad, "WRP: Weighting Replacement Policy to Improve Cache Performance," International Symposium on Computer Science and its Application, IEEE, 2008. [6] W. Pugh, "Skip lists: a probabilistic alternative to balanced trees," Communications of the ACM, Vol. 33, 1990. [7] Jaafar Alghazo, Adil Akkaboune and Nazeih Botros, "SF-LRU Cache Replacement Algorithm," MTDT, IEEE, 2004. [8] Debabala Swain, Bijay Paikaray and Debabrata Swain, "AWRP: Adaptive Weighting Replacement Policy to Improve Cache Performance," IJournal of Computing, volume 3, Issue 2, February 2011. [9] Elizabeth J. O'Neil, Patrick E. O'Neil and Gerhard Weikum, "An Optimally Proof of the LRU-K Page Replacement Algorithm," Journal of the ACM, vol. 46, No. 1, January 1999, pp. 92-112. [10] Donghee Lee, Jongmoo choi, Jong-Hun Kim, Sem H. Noh, Sang Lyul Min, Yookun Cho, Chong Sang Kim, "LRFU: A Spectrum of Policies that Subsumes the Least Recently Used and Least Frequently Used Policies," IEEE Transaction on computer, vol. 50, no. 12, December 2001. Mr.C.C.Kavar, Mr. S.S.Parmar |
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IMPLEMENTATION OF TOTAL PRODUCTIVE MAINTENANCE: A CASE OF DEVELOPING COUNTRIESAbstract: The paper seeks to give a guideline on the implementation of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) in a typical manufacturing facility. It further shows the importance of the commitment and involvement of the management in the implementation and sustaining of continuous improvement as well as involvement in strategic changes particularly in the implementation of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) for all employees. TPM is a dynamic, team-based methodology for involving all employees in identifying and eliminating equipment related losses such as equipment failure, lengthy set-up time, inconsistent adjustment procedures, idling and minor stoppages, reduced production yields, processing defects, etc. It combines preventive maintenance with Japanese concepts of total quality control and total employee involvement. The paper concludes by affirming the possibility of using the holistic TPM approach which is people centred.Key words: Total productive maintenance, customer satisfaction. Reference [1] F. Ireland, B.G. Dale, (2001) "A study of total productive maintenance implementation", Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, Vol. 7 Issue: 3, pp.183 – 192. [2] K. Mugwindiri, Lecture Notes, Engineering Management IV (1999-2000), Univesity of Zimbabawe, Harare. [3] K. Mugwindiri, Lecture Notes, MSc in Manufacturing Systems and Operations Management (2003-2004), Maintenance Engineering and Management, Univesity of Zimbabawe, Harare. [4] B. Gorelick, Getting the most from maintenance, Enercheck Systems, UE Systems Inc.,1998,TWI Press Inc., Charlotte NC. [5] J.Moubray, Maintenance Management – A New Paradigm, Managing Director, Aladon Ltd. 1998. Kumbi Mugwindiri, Tauyanashe Chikuku, Simon Chinguwa |
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323. | Stress Analysis of Axial Flow Fan Impeller
Stress Analysis of Axial Flow Fan ImpellerAbstract: In this work, stresses and natural frequencies of axial flow fan are evaluated. Various combinations of hub thickness and ring thickness are considered to calculate stresses and frequencies. It is observed that in case of solid hub the maximum stresses are induced at root of the blade and if the thickness of the hub reduces the stresses at the root of the blade increases and natural frequency decreases. Finite element analysis is done on impeller for investigation of stresses and natural frequency.Key words: Axial fan, Stress, Natural Frequency, Ring. Reference 1] V. Ramamurti, Indian Institute of technology and T. Shanmugavel, Indian Institute of technology (1981), "Stress Analysis of Axial Flow Cooling Fans", Journal of strain analysis, Vol. 17, No.2, Pg. 87-93. 2] Haruhiro Tsubota (2007), "Research and Development of Ring Fan", komatsu Technical Report, Vol. 53, No.159, Pg. 1- 7. 3] S-C Lin and M-L Tsai (2009), Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Republic of China, "An Integrated Performance Analysis for A Small Axial Flow Fan", JMES, Vol. 224, part C, Pg. 1981-1994. 4] Fernandez Oro, J. Arguelles Diaz, Santolaria Morros C, Ballesteres Tajadura R (2003), "Unsteady Flow Analysis of The Stator Rotor Interaction In An Axial Flow Fan, ASME, S-356 TOC. 5] S D Hill, R L Elder and A B McKenzie (1998), School of Mechanical Engineering, Cranfield University, Bedford, "Application of casing Treatment to An Industrial Axial Flow Fan", IMechE, Vol. 212, Part A, Pg. 225- 233. 6] William C. Osborne (1977), "Fans" 2 nd Ed, Pergamon Press. Ms. A. P. Arewar, Dr. D. V. Bhope |
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324. | Experimental Investigation of Effect of Straight Vegetable Oil Fuel on Engine Performance Parameters
Experimental Investigation of Effect of Straight Vegetable Oil Fuel on Engine Performance ParametersAbstract: Experimental investigations have been carried out to evaluate the effect of addition of ethanol to vegetable oil on performance and emission characteristics of a compression ignition engine. Use of straight vegetable oil (SVO) for diesel engine is limited due to their higher viscosity and poor volatility. The SVO shows lower thermal efficiency and higher unburnt hydrocarbon emissions, etc. In long term, SVO exhibits injector coking, fuel pump damage and fuel filter clogging, etc. To reduce the viscosity and to increase the volatility of the fuel, an ethanol is added to the vegetable oil so that thermal efficiency and emissions can be improved. During investigation, blends of vegetable oil with different proportions of ethanol are prepared. Blends BSVO-80 and BSVO-70 are prepared using 20% and 30% of ethanol with SVO respectively. Basic properties like viscosity, calorific value, specific gravity, etc. are evaluated for all test fuels. The blends of SVO with alcohol show lower viscosity, improved volatility, better combustion and less carbon deposits as compared to SVO. Improvement in brake thermal efficiency, reduction in oxides of nitrogen, carbon monoxide and smoke emissions are observed with increase in amount of ethanol in blend. The engine performance with the blend BSVO-70 is in closer approximation with diesel fuel. It could be concluded that blend BSVO-70 can be a good substitute for diesel.Key words: Compression Ignition engine, Vegetable oils, Blend, Performance, Emissions, Etherification. Reference [1] Tadashi, Young. "Low carbon build up, low smoke and efficient diesel operation with vegetable oil by conversion to monoesters and blending of diesel or alcohols". SAE 841161, 1984 [2] Vellguth G. "Performance of vegetable oil and their monoesters as fuels for diesel engines". SAE 831358, 1983. [3] Wang YD, AZ-Shemmeri T, Eames P, McMullan J, Hewitt N, Huang Y."An experimental investigation of the performance and gaseous exhaust emission of a diesel engine using blends of a vegetable oil". Appl Therm Eng.2006. Vol.26. pp.1684–91. [4] Barsic NJ, Humke AL. "Performance and emission characteristic of a naturally aspirated diesel engine with vegetable oil fuels". SAE 1981;pp.1173-87, paper no.810262 [5] Murayama T. "Low carbon flower build – up, low smoke and efficient diesel operation with vegetable oil by conversion into monoesters and blending with diesel or alcohol" .SAE 1984:5:pp.292-301 [6] Can Has-imoglu, Murat Ciniviz, Ibrahim O¨ zsert, Yakup Icingu¨ r, Adnan Parlak, M. Sahir Salman. "Performance characteristics of a low heat rejection diesel engine operating with biodiesel". Renewable Energy 33.2008.pp.1709–1715 [7] Deepak Agarwal, Shailendra Sinha, Avinash Kumar Agarwal. "Experimental investigation of control of NOx emissions in bio-diesel-fueled compression ignition engine". Renewable Energy.vol.31,2006.2356–2369 [8] Deepak Agarwal, Lokesh Kumar, Avinash Kumar Agarwal. "Per-formance evaluation of a vegetable oil fuelled compression ignition engine". Renewable Energy 33. 2008.pp.1147-1156 [9] T. K. Bhattacharya, Ram Chandra and T. N. Mishra. "Performance Characteristics of a Stationary Constant Speed Compression Igni-tion Engine on Alcohol-Diesel Microemulsions". Agricultural Engineering international: the CIGR E journal. Manuscript EE04002.Vol VIII. June 2006 [10] Kerihuel, M.SenthilKumar, J.Bellettrean M.Tazerout. "Investiga-tion on a CI Engine Using Animal Fat and its Emulsions with Water and Methanol as fuel". SAE 2005- 01-1729. [11] Mustafa Canakci,Cenk Sayin, Ahmet Necati Ozsezen and Ali Tur-kan. "Effect of Injection pressure on the Combustion, Performance and Emission Characteristics of a Diesel Engine Fueled with Meth-anol blended Diesel fuel". Int.Jr. of Energy and fuels, vol. 23,2009. pp.2908-2920. [12] Prommes K. Wanchareon, Apanee Luengnaruemitchai,Samai Jai-in. "Solubility of a diesel-biodiesel-ethanol blend, its fuel properties, and its emission characteristics from diesel engine".Fuel,Vol.86. pp.1053-1061. Vijay Sisarwal, Dr. A C Tiwari |
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325. | A look at the research in the field of plastic electronics: "Polymer challenge"
A look at the research in the field of plastic electronics: "Polymer challenge"Abstract: Whenever we talk about clean and green energy alternatives, plastic is the last thing that comes to anyone's mind. How would we feel if the first completely plastic solar cell has created. The field of plastic electronics - a branch of organic electronics that uses organic carbon based polymers which are semi conductive in nature to build electronics instead of silicon. It was initially difficult to produce plastics which excelled in three attributes, namely translucence, malleability and conductivity. Materials matters a lot when it comes to making plastic conductive. Polymer semiconductors are developed for their own specific application. Another advantage with plastic electronics lies with the sample manufacture process involved. Because of its thin size and ability to bend, it can be installed anywhere as window slides, over cars, on backpack etc. "Plastic electronics is complementary to silicon and is unlikely to replace silicon in applications which are suited to silicon, such as computation". The future should accommodate fast siliconKey words: Polymer, plastic electronics, acid processing, etching and lithography etc. Reference 1. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 2000: Conductive polymers, nobelprize.org 2. Herbert Naarmann "Polymers, Electrically Conducting" in Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry 2002 Wiley-VCH, Weinheim. doi:10.1002/14356007.a21_429 3. McNeill, R.; Siudak, R.; Wardlaw, J. H.; Weiss, D. E. (1963). "Electronic Conduction in Polymers. I. The Chemical Structure of Polypyrrole". Aust. J. Chem. 16 (6): 1056–1075. doi:10.1071/CH9631056. 4. Baracus, B. A.; Weiss, D. E. (1963). "Electronic Conduction in Polymers. II. The Electrochemical Reduction of Polypyrrole at Controlled Potential". Aust. J. Chem. 16 (6): 1076–1089. doi:10.1071/CH9631076. 5. Bolto, B. A.; McNeill, R.; Weiss, D. E. (1963). "Electronic Conduction in Polymers. III. Electronic Properties of Polypyrrole". Aust. J. Chem. 16 (6): 1090– 1103. doi:10.1071/CH9631090. 6. McGinness, John; Corry, Peter; Proctor, Peter (1974). "Amorphous Semiconductor Switching in Melanins". Science 183 (4127): 853–5. Bibcode 1974Sci...183..853M. doi:10.1126/science.183.4127.853. PMID 4359339. 7. Organic Semiconductor (I/O), 1973 a melanin (polyacetylenes) bistable switch. 8. Inzelt, György (2008). "Chapter 1: Introduction". In Scholz, F.. Conducting Polymers: A New Era in Electrochemistry. Monographs in Electrochemistry. Springer. pp. 1–6. ISBN 978-3-540- 75929-4. http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=4rFD Azo5lPQC&lpg=PA264&pg=PA2#v=one page&q&f=false. 9. Forrest, Stephen (June 2012). "Energy efficiency with organic electronics: Ching W. Tang revisits his days at Kodak". Cambridge Journals Online MRS Bulletin. http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displa yAbstract?fromPage=online&aid=860682 5. 10. McGinness JE (1972). "Mobility gaps: a mechanism for band gaps in melanins". Science 177 (4052): 896–7. Bibcode 1972Sci...177..896M. doi:10.1126/science.177.4052.896. PMID 5054646 Ajay Oraon, A.G.P. Kujur, Rakesh |
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326. | A Survey on IP Traffic Classification Using Machine Learning
A Survey on IP Traffic Classification Using Machine LearningAbstract: Traffic classification is the major part to identify traffic based on the application in a large network. Here the traffic classification is useful to provide the Quality of Service (QOS), lawful interception and intrusion detection. The popular methods such as port and payload based techniques exhibit a number of limitations. Hence the research community uses the machine learning techniques. It analyzes the flow statistics to detect network applications. The statistical based approach is useful to assist in the traffic identification and classification process. This paper takes a review of supervised and unsupervised machine learning algorithms to identify the traffic when mixes up with other traffic.Key words: Supervised learning, Unsupervised learning Reference [1] Patrick Haffner, Subhabrata sen, Oliver Spatcheck, Dongmei Wang. 2005. ACAS: Automated Construction of Application Signatures in Proc. ACM SIGCOMM MineNet. [2] Sen, S., Spatscheck, and Wang, D. 2004. Accurate, Scalable In-Network Identification of P2P Traffic Using Application Signatures in WWW2004. [3] Patrick Schneider. TCP/IP Traffic Classification Based on Port Numbers. Division Of Applied Sciences, Cambridge, MA 02138. [4] Li, W and Moore, A.W. 2007. A Machine Learning Approach for Efficient Traffic Classification in proc Comput.Telecommun.Syst. [5] Erman, J., Mahanti, A and Arlitt, M. 2006. Internet Traffic Identification Using Machine Learning in proc. IEEE GLOBECOM. [6] Bouckaert, R. 2005. Bayesian Network Classifiers in Weka. Technical Report, Department of Computer Science, Waikato University. [7] Kohavi, R., Quinlan, J.R., Klosgen, W and Zytkow, J. 2002. Decision Tree Discovery, Handbook Data Mining Knowledge. [8] Kohavi, R. 1996. Scaling Up the Accuracy of Naïve-Bayes Classifiers: a Decision – Tree Hybrid in proceedings of 2 nd International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. [9] Moore, A and Zuev, D. 2005. Internet Traffic Classification Using Bayesian Analysis Techniques in SIGMETRICS'05, Banff, Canada. [10] Carlos Bacquet, Kubra Gumus,Dogukan Tizer. 2010. A Comparison of Unsupervised Learning Techniques for Encrypted Traffic Identification in Journal of Information Assurance and Security. [11] McGregor, A., Hall, M., Lorier, P., Brunskill, J. 2004. Flow Clustering using Machine Learning Techniques in Proc.PAM [12] Martin Ester,Hans-Peter Kriegel, Jorg Sander, Xiawowei Xu. A Density-Based Algorithm for Discovering Clusters in Large Spatial Databases in Noise in Proc of 2 nd International Conference on Knowledge-Discovery and Data Mining [13] Erman, J., Arlitt, M and Mahanti, A. 2006. Traffic Classification using Clustering Algorithms in proc of the SIGCOMM workshop on Mining network data.ACM P.Pinky, S E .Vinodh Ewards |
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327. | Novel material; non catalytic functioning of linear polystyrene with diaminopropane-β cylodextrin that will be used in α-amylase separation and purification
Novel material; non catalytic functioning of linear polystyrene with diaminopropane-β cylodextrin that will be used in α-amylase separation and purificationAbstract: The functionalizing of linear polystyrene with diaminopropane-β-cyclodextrin that will be used as stationary phase in affinity chromatography on α-amylase purification is described. Polystyrene is altered to (chloromethyl)polystyrene by substituting one hydrogen of aromatic ring with methylene chloride. Substitution reaction between chloride and amine functional groups in diaminopropane was carried out to bind the diaminopropane to linear polystyrene. β- cyclodextrin was reacted with tosylchloride to produce 6-O-(paratosyl)-β- cyclodextrin before incorporating to diaminopropane-polystyrene. It was grafted without catalyst using DMF as solvent to the polystyrene-diaminopropane and novel material polystyrene-diaminopropane-β-cyclodextrin was produced. The characterization of all materials involved was carried out using FTIR, 13C and 1H NMR, elemental analysis, TEM, and SEM.Key words: β-cyclodextrin, diaminopropane, linear polystyrene, α-amylase Reference [1] J. E. Nielsen, T. V. Borchert, Review Protein engineering of bacterial α- amylases, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1543, 2000, 253-274. [2] C. Mitchell, and D. W. Armstrong, Cyclodextrine-based chiral stationary phase for liquid chromatography, Methods in biomolecular biology, 243, 2004, 62-112. [3] E.M. Ben, H. Khemiri, T. Jridi, H.J. Ben, Purification and characterization of α- amylase from safflower (Carthamus Tinctorius L) germinated seed, C.R.Biol, 332 (5), 2009, 426-432. [4] U.b. Tamer, H. Rasmus, N. Yusuf, B. Abidin, H. Jale, T. Levent, B. Flemming, K. Peter, Cyclodextrin functionalized poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) electrospun nanofibers for organic vapors waste treatment, Journal of Membrane Science., 365, 2010, 409–417. [5] F.V. Adams, N.N. Feyisayo, , K. Edward, W.M. Rui, M.V. Hoek, M.B. Eric, Bhekie, Preparation and characterization of polysulfone/_-cyclodextrin polyurethane composite nanofiltration membranes, Journal of Membrane Science. 405– 406, 2012, 291– 299. [6] N. Li, Z. Mei, X. Wei, Study on sorption of chlorophenols from aqueous solutions by an insoluble copolymer containing bcyclodextrin and polyamidoamine units, Chemical Engineering Journal, 192, 2012, 138–145. [7] T. Uyar, F. Besenbacher, Electrospinning of cyclodextrin functionalized polyethylene oxide (PEO) Nanofibers, Europe Polymer Journal, 45, 2009, 1032–1037. [8] C. Staak, F. Salchow, P.-H. Clausen, E. Luge, Polystyrene as an affinity chromatography matrix for the purification of antibodies Journal of Immunological Methods 194, 1996, 141- 146. [9] W-C..Lee, C-H. Lin, R-C.Ruaan, , K-Y. Hsu, High performance affinity chromatography of protein on non-porous polystyrene beads, Journal of chromatography A, 704, 1995, 307-314.A [10] T. Uyar, R. Havelund, Y. Nur, J. Hacaloglu, F. Bessenbacher, & P. Kingshott, Molecular filter based on cyclodextrin functionalized electrospun fibers, Journal of Membrane. Science, 2009, 332, 129-137. [11] G. Crini, G. Torri, M. Guerrini, B. Martel, Y. Leckchiri & M. Morcellet, Linear cyclodextrine-Poly(vinylamine): Synthesis and NMR Characterization, Europe. Polymer. Journal, 33(7), 1997, 1143-1151. [12] B. Gao, Q. Liu, & L. Jiang, Studies on performing chloromethylation reaction for polystyrene by micellar catalysis in aqueous surfactant solutions, Chemical Engineering Process, 47, 2008, 852-858. [13] R. Law, C.V, Sherrington, C.E. Snape, I. Ando, H. Kurosu, Solid-State 13 C MAS NMR studies of hyper-cross-linked polystyrene resins, Macromolecules, 29, 1996, 6284-6293. [14] J. Carvalho, C. Goncales, A.M. Gil, and F. M. Gama, Production and characterization of a new dextrin based hydrogel, Europe Polymer Science, 43, 2007, 3050-3059. Sri Widarti, Muhammad Bachri Amran, Zeily Nurrahman, Buchori, Toyohide Takeuchi |
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