S.No. |
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Paper submitted to IJERA: 1050; Accepted papers by peer review process: 365; Rejected Paper:685 ,
Paper Acceptance percentage: 34.76% |
1. |
Improvement Of Aodv Routing Protocol Based On Wireless Networks
Baria Vanrajkumar Dineshkumar |
001-003 |
2. |
Performance Evaluation of channel estimation in TD-SCDMA system
Rashmi Mishra, Rajesh Nema, Sachin Murarka |
004-007 |
Misbah Siddiqui, Saba Khalid,Prof Rizwan Beg |
008-013 |
4. |
Importance Of Frame Selection In Video Quality Assessment
M.T. Qadri, J. Woods, K.T. Tan, M. Ghanbari |
014-017 |
5. |
A Review on Design and Analysis of Bucket Elevator
Snehal Patel, Sumant Patel, Jigar Patel |
018-022 |
6. |
Analysis Of The Patch Antenna Based On The Sierpinski Fractal
Sarita Bajaj, Ajay Kaushik |
023-026 |
7. |
Synergic Effect Of Neem Seed Husk Ash On Strength Properties Of Cement-Sand Mortar
Nuruddeen M. Musa, Stephen P. Ejeh |
027-030 |
8. |
On πgb-D-sets and Some Low Separation Axioms
D.Sreeja, C.Janaki |
031-037 |
9. |
Strength Characteristics Of Concrete With Recycled Aggregates And Artificial Sand
N.K.Deshpande, Dr.S.S.Kulkarni, H.Pachpande |
038-042 |
10. |
Remotely Sensed LANDSAT Image Classification Using Neural Network Approaches
Smriti Sehgal |
043-046 |
11. |
Image Processing Based Stator Fault Severity Detection and Diagnosis of Induction Motor Using Labview
S. SwarnaLatha, R.Mahesh |
047-051 |
12. |
He's Homotopy Perturbation Method for Nonlinear Ferdholm Integro-Differential Equations Of Fractional Order
H. Saeedi, F. Samimi |
052-056 |
13. |
An Effective Solution to Reduce Web Traffic In Wireless Network Architecture By Using Proxy Servers
Venkadesh.R, Dr.K. Rajan |
057-062 |
14. |
Performance Of Wusn In Environmental And Security Monitoring System
Venkadesh.R, DR.K.Rajan, R.Balaji |
063-073 |
15. |
Simulation Of Pre-Emptive Scheduling For Accuracy Improvement By Using RTOS
N.Vignesh, Venkadesh.R, DR.K.Rajan |
074-078 |
16. |
A New Approach to Improve Power Factor, Efficiency and Reduce Harmonics in a Three Phase Diode Rectifier
R.Jagan, Jeji.K, K. Hussain |
079-084 |
17. |
Simulation of 5kw/20khz Soft Switched DC-DC Converter
Jeji Katuri, Rampalli Jagan |
085-089 |
18. |
Experimental Analysis Of Single Cylinder Diesel Engine Fuelled With Methyl Ester Of Palm Kernel Oil Blending
With Eucalyptus Oil
P.Srinivasa Rao, K.Srinivas |
090-095 |
19. |
Effective Elimination of Harmonics By Means Of A Hybrid Series Active Filter (HSAF)
Ch. Ravikiran, G.Indira Kishore, Tlsv .Ayya Rao, M. Rambabu |
096-101 |
20. |
Simulation and Control of A Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) Using Artificial Neural Networks
Jagannath Ch yadav .B, KVR Swathi |
102-106 |
21. |
Structure Of Customer Relationship Management Systems In Data Mining
S.Thiripura Sundari, Dr.A.Padmapriya |
107-111 |
22. |
A Path Distribution Approach For Reliable Data Transmission In MPLS Ring Network
Amit, Mr. Shamsher Singh |
112-115 |
23. |
Kalman Based Lms And Rls Techniques In Smart Antenna
Mallaiah Narayanadas, Prof K.Ashok BABU |
116-118 |
24. |
Emaad Mohamed H. Zahugi, S.V.A.V. Prasad, T.V. Prasad |
119-123 |
25. |
Reconfigurable Viterbi Decoder
D.Rahul Varma, A. Uday Kumar, B. Vijaya Bhaskar |
124-127 |
26. |
Energy Saving Analysis In Building Walls Through Thermal Insulation System
Subhash Mishra, Dr. J A Usmani, Sanjeev Varshney |
128-135 |
27. |
The Integrated Between Total Production Maintenance Practices And Kaizen Event Practices In Malaysian Automotive Industry
Suzaituladwini Hashim, Nurul Fadly Habidin, Juriah Conding, Anis Fadzlin Mohd Zubir,
Nurzatul Ain Seri Lanang Jaya |
136-143 |
28. |
Performance Analysis with AODV Routing Protocol for Wireless Adhoc Network
Salman Abdullah Alhamoodi, Krishna Kumar Raman |
144-148 |
29. |
MHD Boundary Layer Flow of Heat and Mass Transfer over a Moving Vertical Plate in a Porous Medium with Suction and Viscous Dissipation
M.Prasanna Lakshmi, N. Bhaskar Reddy, T.Poornima |
149-159 |
30. |
Optimization of Different Machining Parameters of En24 Alloy Steel In CNC Turning by Use of Taguchi Method
Mahendra Korat, Neeraj Agarwal |
160-164 |
31. |
Effects Of Zero Locations On The Tracking Performance Of Feedforward Trajectory ZPETC
Norlela Ishak, Mazidah Tajjudin, Ramli Adnan, Muhammad Nursalam Mashuti, Hashimah
Ismail, Yahaya Md Sam |
165-174 |
32. |
Electric Field Effect On Particle Trajectory In Three Phase Dielectric Coated Gas Insulated Busduct Using Numerical Methods
Narapareddy Rama Rao, J.Amarnath |
175-180 |
33. |
Design And Analysis Of Dedicated Fixture With Chain Conveyor Arrangement For Multistage Special Purpose Machine
M. Y. Dakhole, Prof. P.G. Mehar, Prof. V.N. Mujbaile |
181-192 |
34. |
Potential Use Of A Mix Of Fly Ash And Diluted Distillery Effluent In Agriculture: A Case Study On The Vegetative Growth And Photosynthetic Pigments Of The Ornamental Plant, Calendula Officinalis
S. N. C. Ray, N. Ranjan, K. Kumari, R. C. Sinha |
193-203 |
35. |
Performance Evaluation Of Ocdma Communication System Under The Effect Of Jitter
Deepinder Singh, Jagtar Singh |
204-209 |
36 |
Clustering and A CHG Approach in MANET
Anzar Ahmad, Prof.R Gowri, Prof SC Gupta |
210-213 |
37. |
A Modified Coding Technique For High Peak-To-Average Power
Ratio Reduction
Charanjit Singh, Gurpreet Singh Walia |
214-217 |
38. |
Coagulation-Flocculation In Leachate Treatment By Using Micro Zeolite
Lee Mao Rui, Zawawi Daud, Abd Aziz Abdul Latif |
218-226 |
39. |
Coagulation-Flocculation In Leachate Treatment By Using Micro Sand
Lee Mao Rui, Zawawi Daud, Abd Aziz Abdul Latif |
227-236 |
40. |
A Modified Feistel Cipher Involving Key Based Substitution, Shifting Of Rows, Key Based Mixing Of Columns, Modular Arithmetic Addition And Shuffling
V.U.K. Sastry, K. Anup Kumar |
237-245 |
41. |
A Innovative method for Image retrieval using perceptual textural features
Prathusha.Perugu, Krishna veni |
246-249 |
42 |
Fuzzy game value of the Interval matrix
Dr.C.Loganathan, M.S.Annie Christi |
250-255 |
43. |
A Survey On Keystroke Authentication By Using Local Search Algorithm
K.D.V.S.Anil kumar, M.suman, A.Ramakrishna, Dr.A.S.N.Chakravarthy |
256-259 |
44. |
Complementary Perfect Triple Connected Domination Number of a Graph
G. Mahadevan, Selvam Avadayappan, A.Mydeen bibi, T.Subramanian |
260-265 |
45. |
A Novel Architecture for Parallel Domain Focused Crawler
Rajender Nath, Naresh Kumar |
266-269 |
46. |
Radiation Effect On Unsteady MHD Free Convective Flow Past An Exponentially Accelerated Vertical Plate With Viscous And Joule Dissipations
Maitree Jana, Sanatan Das, Rabindra Nath Jana |
270-278 |
47. |
Multi Objective Crop Planning For Optimal Benefits
Y.Raghava Rani, Dr P. Tirupathi Rao |
279-287 |
48. |
FEA Based Frequency Optimization Of Duct With Variable Cross Section Through Structural Modifications For Avoiding Resonance
Shweta Deshpande, Dr.R.S.Bindu |
288-292 |
49. |
Area Efficient 128-point FFT Processor using Mixed Radix 4-2 for OFDM Applications
K. Umapathy, D. Rajaveerappa |
293-296 |
50. |
Performance Analysis of Vegetable Oil Blended With Diesel Additive
T.Venkata Subba Rao, K.Srinivas |
297-302 |
51. |
IIR filters using Xilinx System Generator for FPGA Implementation
Harish V. Dixit , Dr. Vikas Gupta |
303-307 |
52. |
A Novel Fast Acting PI based DSTATCOM
Anil Kumar Baddipudi, Chintapally Archana |
308-314 |
53. |
A Survey and Analysis study on Host-to-Host Congestion Control for TCP Data Transmission
Vikram Narayandas, P.Leelavathi, P.Ravinder Kumar, S.Pradeep |
315-321 |
54. |
An Improved and Customized I-K Means For Avoiding Similar Distance Problem
Pankaj Jadwal, Mrs.Ruchi Dave |
322-324 |
55. |
Bit Error Rate Performance Analysis of OFDM Using Matlab
C.Padmaja, Dr.B.L.Malleswari |
325-327 |
56. |
A vital application of security with biometric templates
Dilip Menariya, D. B. Ojha |
328-332 |
57. |
Investigation of microstructure and mechanical properties of commercially pure aluminum produced by RCS process
H.S.Siddesha, M.Shantharaja |
333-341 |
58. |
Methodologies for Access Control and their Interactions
Anshula Garg, Prof. Pradeep Mishra |
342-345 |
59. |
Measurements Of Optical Parameters On 40 Channel 10G Huawei DWDM System |
346-351 |
60. |
An Approach for Virtualization and Integration of Heterogeneous Cloud Databases
Anita Ahuja, Ajay Kumar, Ramveer Singh |
352-355 |
61. |
Symbolic Simulation By Mesh Method Of Complementary Circuitry
I. I. Okonkwo, P. I. Obi, G. C Chidolue, S. S. N. Okeke |
356-363 |
62. |
Adsorption of Chromium on Activated Carbon Prepared from Coconut Shell
B. Veena Devi, A.A. Jahagirdar, M.N. Zulfiqar Ahmed |
364-370 |
63. |
Investigation in to Wear behavior of coir Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composites with the Taguchi Method
C.H.Chandra Rao, S.Madhusudan, G. Raghavendra, E. Venkateswara Rao |
371-374 |
64. |
Investigation in to Erosive wear Performance Of Hybrid Composites Using Taguchi Approach
T.Rajesh, Sri Ram chandra Murthy, G. Raghavendra, K. Venkateswara Rao |
375-378 |
65. |
Investigation In To The Polymer Gear Tooth Thermal By Using Ansys
Sri Rama Chandra Rao, E. Venkateswara Rao, G. Raghavendra, T.Ramakrishna |
379-383 |
66. |
Modified Ultra Smart Counter Based Broadcast Using Neighborhood Information in MANETS
Ms. Nutan Julka, Prof. Dr. J.W Bakal |
384-390 |
68. |
Design And Optimization Of Exhaust Muffler In Automobiles
M.Rajasekhar Reddy, Dr K.Madhava Reddy |
395-398 |
69. |
Method For Solving Hungarian Assignment Problems Using Triangular And Trapezoidal Fuzzy Number
Kadhirvel.K, Balamurugan.K |
399-403 |
70. |
Adhesional Friction Law and Adhesive Wear Law of
Micromechanical Surface Contact
Biswajit Bera |
404-411 |
71. |
Optimized Elliptic Curve Cryptography
A.Durga Bhavani, P.Soundarya Mala |
412-419 |
72. |
An Improved routing efficiency for WiMAX Network using Random 2D direction model in NS3 simulator
Priyanka Dubey, Brajesh Patel |
420-424 |
73. |
A Realistic Secure On-line E-Voting System
Ishtiaque Mahmud, A.K.M. Nazmus Sakib, Shamim Ahmed, Sajeeb Saha, Md. Habibullah
Belali, Nafiz – Al – Naharul Islam, Samiur Rahman |
425-429 |
74. |
Detection and Correction the Decayed Bits of Scope Decay Bloom Filters In Wireless Sensor Networks (Wsns)
Shamim Ahmed, Ishtiaque Mahmud, A.K.M. Nazmus Sakib, Md. Habibullah Belali, Sajeeb
Saha, Quazi Emanual Alendey |
430 -436 |
75. |
The Software For Thermal Analysis Of Helixchanger With Modification In Kern Method
Professor Sunil S.Shinde, Swapnil R. Jayale, Dr.S.Pavithran |
437-443 |
76. |
None Coded Waste Plastics Conversion into Fuel
Moinuddin Sarker, Mohammad Mamunor Rashid, Muhammad Sadikur Rahman |
444-449 |
77. |
Euclid's & RSA Algorithm For 802.11 (Wifi) Security Protocol
A.K.M.Nazmus Sakib, Rezaul Karim, Md. Moshiur Rahman, Abdullah Al Azad, Rasidul Islam,
Md. Monowarul Haque |
450-453 |
78. |
VijayaLakshmi M, Dr K Rama Linga Reddy |
454-457 |
79. |
An Automated Weighted Support Approach Based Associative
Classification With Analytical Study For Health Disease
Mrs. Suwarna Gothane, Dr. G.R.Bamnote |
458-463 |
80. |
SNR & BER Optimization For Pre-DFT Combining In Coded
464-467 |
81. |
High Incidence Supersonic Similitude For Planar Wedge
Asha Crasta, S.A. Khan |
468-471 |
82. |
Case Study On Agile User Stories Prioritization Using Imaginative Standard
Saravana. K.M, G. N. Basavaraj, Rajkumar, Dr. A. Kovalan |
472-480 |
83. |
Nature Inspired Algorithm For Computer Aided Process Planning
E. Raj Kumar, K.Annamalai |
481-484 |
84. |
Modeling And Harmonic Analysis Of Domestic/Industrial Loads
Purushothama Rao Nasini, Narender Reddy Narra, Santosh A
485-491 |
85. |
Survey on Enhancement of Performance of Video Streaming over Ad Hoc Wireless Network
Arif Hidayat |
492-495 |
86. |
Cerium Adsorption Using 1-Phenyl-3-Methyl-4-Benzoyl- 5-Pyrazolone(HPMBP) Loaded Calcium Alginate Beads
Rusnadi Rusnadi, Buchari Buchari, M. Bachri Amran, Deana Wahyuningrum |
496-499 |
87. |
An Area Efficient High Speed Fault Detection Scheme For Advanced Encryption Standard Using Composite Fields
D.V.Nageswara Rao, P.Sunitha |
500-508 |
89. |
Design of Enhanced Throughput Approach In Noisy Environment Using OFDM
Nisha, Mr. Bhavya Singla, Taruna Sikka |
516-520 |
90. |
Diversity and abundance of Dragonflies and Damselflies Of Chatri Lake Region, in Pohara – Malkhed Reserve Forest, Amravati, Maharashtra (India)
N.A. Manwar, P.P. Rathod, I. Ahmad Raja |
521-523 |
91. |
Transient Analysis Of Wind-Based Doubly-Fed Induction
K.K.deepika, Prof.A.Srinivasa Rao |
524-527 |
92. |
Effect Of Off-Take Angles On Spatial Distribution Of Silt Materials At Concave Channel Bifurcation
Obasi, N.L., Oloke, D.A., Agunwamba, J.C. |
528-534 |
93. |
Design And Optimization Of Sheet Metal Control Arm For Independent Suspension System
P. Nagarjuna, k. Devaki Devi |
535-539 |
94. |
Projeto de Banco de Dados Orientado a Objetos com Db4objects e Java
Prof. Everton Castelão Tetila |
540-549 |
95. |
An Efficient 64-Bit Carry Select Adder With Less Delay And Reduced Area Application
K Allipeera, S Ahmed Basha |
550-554 |
96. |
Review of Radix Sort & Proposed Modified Radix Sort for Heterogeneous Data Set in Distributed Computing Environment
Avinash Shukla, Anil Kishore Saxena |
555-560 |
97. |
Investigation Of Effect Of Non Central Circular Holes On Stresses In Rotating Disc
A.Y. Deogade, Dr. D.V. Bhope
561-565 |
98. |
Evaluation of Stress Concentration in Plate with Cutout and its Experimental Verification
D.B.Kawadkar, Dr.D.V.Bhope, S.D. Khamankar |
566-571 |
99. |
An Art Images Retrieval System Based On Similarity Descriptor
Concepción Pérez de Celis, Thania Felix, Maria Somodevilla, Ivo Pineda |
572-577 |
100. |
Spinors as a tool to compute orbital ephemeris
A. Lakshmi, S. N. Hasan |
578-584 |
101. |
Evaluating Data drop in Wireless LAN using TTL and Fragmentation
Jashanpreet Kaur, Amoldeep kaur |
585-588 |
102. |
Universal Mono-Command Support System For Users With Severe Tetraplegia And Anarthria
Rita Pizzi, Danilo Rossetti |
589-592 |
103. |
Analytical Study on Various Types of FRP Beams by using AVSYS
A.Vijayakumar, Dr.D.L.Venkatesh babu, R. Jayaprakash |
593-598 |
104. |
Self-Organized Trust-Based Public-Key Security Management for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
K.Nikhila Reddy, N.Naresh Reddy, Dr.P.Raja Prakash Rao |
599-604 |
105. |
Preparation, Characterization and Application Studies of PVDF-PS Ultrafiltration Membranes
K.H.Shobana, K.S.Radha, D.Mohan |
605-610 |
106. |
Surface Morphology Studies and Thermal analysis of V2O5 doped polyaniline composites
Vijaykumar.B.Chanshetty, Sangshetty.K, Sharanappa.G |
611-616 |
107. |
PI & Fuzzy Logic Based Controllers STATCOM for Grid Connected Wind Generator
N. Sreekanth, N. Pavan Kumar Reddy |
617-623 |
108 |
Image Fusion based on Wavelet Transform for Medical Application
R.J.Sapkal, S.M.Kulkarni |
624-627 |
109. |
Estimation of Uranium Concentration in Water Samples in Bathinda and Suratgarh Thermal Power Stations, India
Dr.Brijesh Pathak, Bindu Khatri |
628-631 |
110. |
Structured Data Extraction from Deepnet
C .Guru Sunanda, K. Ishthaq Ahamed |
632-640 |
111. |
Experimental Buckling Analysis of Thin Cylindrical Aluminium Shells
K.A. SaiAnuraag, Bitragunta VenkataSivaram |
641-646 |
112. |
Design of Two-Stage CMOS Op-Amp and Analyze the Effect of Scaling
Amana Yadav |
647-654 |
113. |
An Optimized design of Wideband Multi-Section Branch Line Coupler at Ka Band
B.V.Raj Gopala Rao, K.Ch.Sri Kavya, K.Sarat Kumar, Habibulla Khan, C.Manjari, Y.Sneha
Priya, G.Siva Sai Sudha |
655-658 |
114. |
Performance Evaluation of Orthogonal Space-Time Block Codes in MIMO Wireless Communications
Kumar Mausam, Sanjay Kumar Sharma |
659-663 |
115. |
Prof.R.V.R.K.Prasad, Akshaya B.Kamdi |
664-666 |
116. |
Parallel-coupled-line microstrip band-pass filter using space mapping Technique
Rajkumar Gehlot, Nidhi Maheshwari, Suruchi Gour |
667-670 |
117. |
16-Bit Fully Functional Single Cycle Processor Based On FSM
Nidhi Maheshwari, Rajkumar Gehlot, Suruchi Gour |
671-674 |
118. |
Viscose Rayon: A Legendary Development in the Manmade Textile
Dr. Tasnim Shaikh, Mr. Satyajeet Chaudhari, Mrs. Alpa Varma |
675-680 |
119. |
Structural and Electrical Properties of the Microwave Irradiated And Conventionally Annealed Tio2 Thin Films Derived From Sol-Gel Process
K.S.Sumana, K.N.Rao, M.Krishna, C.S.Chandrasekhara Murthy, Y.V.Subba Rao, A.R.Phani |
681-686 |
120. |
A Compact L-slit Microstrip antenna for GSM, Bluetooth, WiMAX & WLAN Applications
Barun Mazumdar |
687-691 |
121. |
Comparison of Static, Dynamic & Shock Analysis for Two & Five Layered Composite Leaf Spring
K.A. SaiAnuraag, BitraguntaVenkataSivaram |
692-697 |
122. |
Modelling And Simulation Of Industrial FCC Unit: Analysis Based On Five-Lump Kinetic Scheme For Gas-Oil Cracking
K. K. Dagde, Y. T. Puyate |
698-714 |
123. |
Mechanical Performance Of Natural Fiber-Reinforced Epoxy-Hybrid Composites
Girisha.C, Sanjeevamurthy, Gunti Rangasrinivas, Manu.S |
715-719 |
124. |
Fault Detection By Using Random And Deterministic Test Pattern Techniques In A Mixed-Mode BIST Environment
C.Ravishankar reddy Lecturer, Dr. V. Sumalatha Associate professor, P.Venkata Gopikumar |
720-726 |
125. |
Adsorption Of Phenol From Aqueous Solution By Allium Sativum Linn Peel
P.Muthamilselvi, P.Balamurugan, Dr.R.Karthikeyan |
727-731 |
126. |
Determination Of The Optimum Dissolution Conditions Of Ukpor Clay In Hydrochloric Acid Using Response Surface Methodology
R. O. Ajemba and O. D. Onukwuli |
732-742 |
127. |
Wind Farm to Weak-Grid Connection using UPQC Custom Power Device
G.Jagan mohan reddy, Dr.M.Padmalalitha, M.sudheer babu |
743-750 |
128. |
Classification of MRI Brain Images Using Neural Network
Lalit P. Bhaiya, Virendra Kumar Verma |
751-756 |
129. |
Flow of Single-Phase Water and Two-Phase Air-Water Mixtures through Sudden Contractions in Mini Channels
Manmatha K. Roul, Sukanta K. Dash |
757-763 |
130. |
Survey Paper On Different Virtualization TechnologyWith Its Merits And Demerits On Organization
Mr. Milind Ramesh Kolte |
764-770 |
131. |
Power Factor Correction Based On Fuzzy Logic Controller With Average Current-Mode For DC-DC Boost Converter
K. Periyasamy |
771-777 |
132. |
Improving Power Quality by UsingMC-UPQC
V. Surya Prakash, K. Kalyan Kumar |
778-783 |
133. |
Design and Characteristics of Directional Coupler Based Filters
R. T. Balat, M. F. O. Hameed, S. S. A. Obayya, M. I. Abo el Maaty, M. M. Abo-Elkhier, H. A.
El-Mikati |
784-792 |
134. |
Students Profiling System Based On Mixture Models
G Jyothi, V.DurgaPrasadarao, P.SureshBabu |
793-795 |
135. |
Review Of Heat Transfer Augmentation In Circular And Non-Circular Tube
Neeraj kumar Nagayach, Dr. Alka Bani Agrawal |
796-802 |
136. |
Abrasive Water Jet Machining – The Review
R. V. Shah, Prof. D. M. Patel |
803-806 |
137. |
Bwt Based Lossless Reversible Transformation Algorithms – An Analysis
P. Jeyanthi, V. Anuratha |
807-814 |
138. |
Voltage Stability Enhancement In Radial Distribution Systems By Optimal Placement Of Capacitors
S. Vamsi Krishna, B. Viswanath, K. V. S. Ramachandra Murthy, G. Govinda Rao |
815-821 |
139. |
Gait Based Gender Classification Using Silhouette Image Gait Database
Sudheer Reddy Bandi, A Gopi Suresh , Immanuel Alphonse |
822-827 |
140. |
Effect Of Weed Residues On The Physiology Of Common Cereal Crops
Rajan Katoch, Anita Singh, Neelam Thakur |
828-834 |
141. |
Physico-chemical characterization of the landfill of Mohammedia (Morocco)
Nawal Ezzirari, Lahcen Bahi |
835-845 |
142. |
MithunBarua |
846-856 |
143. |
Green Building Design A Sustainable future
P.D. Aher, Dr. S.S.Pimplikar |
857-860 |
144. |
Imtaiyazul Haque, Haque Mobassir Imtiyaz, Niyaz Ahmed Abdul Mateen Khan, Veena
Narayankar |
861-864 |
145. |
Analysis & Design of Portable Video Transceiver
Major B. Bhikshapathy, Dr. V.M. Pandharipande, Dr. P.G. Krishna Mohan |
865-873 |
146. |
Studies Of Squish And Tumble Effect On Performance Of Multi Chambered Piston Ci Engine
Vinayaka Rajashekhar Kiragi, C.V. Mahesh, C.R. Rajashekhar, Naveen. P, Mohan Kumar S.P |
874-878 |
147. |
Modelling and Determination of the Scattering Parameters Of
Wideband Patch Antenna By Using A Bond Graph Approach
Riadh MEHOUACHI, Hichem TAGHOUTI, Sameh KHMAILIA, Abdelkader MAMI |
879-884 |
148. |
The Effects of Concentration and Hall Current on Unsteady Flow of a Viscoelastic Fluid in a Fixed Plate
E. Omokhuale, I. J. Uwanta, A. A. Momoh, A. Tahir. |
885-892 |
149. |
Statistical Evaluation In Speech Processing Techniques
Prof. Vijaya sughandhi, Prof. D.K.Rai |
893-896 |
150. |
A Survey On Speech Recognition System Implementation Methodologies
Ch. Ramaiah |
897-899 |
151. |
Simulation And Analysis Of Passive And Active Suspension System Using Quarter Car Model For Non Uniform Road Profile
Abdolvahab Agharkakli, Chavan U. S. Dr. Phvithran S. |
900-906 |
152. |
Chemical Reaction And Radiation Effects On MHD Free Convective Flow Past An Exponentially Accelerated Vertical Plate With Variable Temperature And Variable Mass Diffusion
K.Rajasekhar, G.V.Ramana Reddy and B.D.C.N.Prasda |
907-913 |
153. |
Hybrid Algorithm with DSA, RSA and MD5 Encryption Algorithm for wireless devices.
Khushdeep Kaur, Er.Seema |
914-917 |
154. |
Effect of curing periods and strength characteristics of lime and calcium tri-silicate stabilized flyash
B.V.Suresh Kumar, Ganapati Naidu. P, P.V.V .Satyanayarana, S.Adiseshu |
918-923 |
155. |
Elitist Genetic Algorithm For Design Of Aquifer Reclamation Using Multiple Well System
S.M.V. Sharief, T.I.Eldho, A.K.Rastogi |
924-935 |
156. |
Use Of Discriminant Analysis In Classification Of Drug Peddlers
And Non-Drug Peddlers In Kwara State.
O.S. Balogun, B.A. Oyejola, T.J. Akingbade |
936-938 |
157. |
Energy Conservation Hierarchical Cluster Based Routing Protocols For Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks
M.Jagadeeswara Reddy, Dr.P.Chenna Reddy |
939-942 |
158. |
Performance Analysis of Blind Adaptive Multi-user Detection in
D.Swathi, J.Ravindrababu, B. Alekya, Dr.E.V.Krishna Rao |
943-948 |
159. |
A New Unified Software Development Model For Free/Open Source Software
Parul, Ashish Oberoi |
949-950 |
160. |
A Block Cipher Obtained By Blending Modified Feistel Cipher And Advanced Hill Cipher Involving A Single Key Matrix
V.U.K. Sastry, K. Anup Kumar |
951-958 |
161. |
A Block Cipher Obtained By Blending Modified Feistel Cipher And Advanced Hill Cipher Involving A Pair Of Key Matrices
V.U.K. Sastry, K. Anup Kumar |
959-964 |
162. |
Wireless Power Meter Using Data Acquisition
K.Venkata Ramana, U.Phaneendra Kumar Chaturvedula |
965-968 |
163. |
PSAT Model- Based Voltage Stability Analysis for the Kano
330KV Transmission Line
S.M. Lawan |
969-973 |
164. |
Screening of biosurfactants properties of cell-free supernatants of cultures of Lactobacillus spp. isolated from a local fermented milk (Pendidam) of Ngaoundere (Cameroon).
Mbawala Augustin, Mouafo Tene Hippolyte |
974-985 |
165. |
Development Of Islanding Detection Technique For Utility Interactive Distributed Generation System
V.Veera Nagireddy, Dr. D.V. Ashok Kumar |
186-990 |
166. |
Five Steps Block Method For The Solution Of Fourth Order
Ordinary Differential Equations
Adesanya, A. Olaide, A. A. Momoh, Alkali, M. Adamu and Tahir, A. |
991-998 |
167. |
Synthesis of Four bar mechanism by freudenstein Equation
Ajay A. Dhore, Dr. R.D.Askhedkar |
999-1002 |
168. |
Memory-Based Realization of FIR Digital Filter by Look-Up-Table Optimization
Batchu Jeevanarani, Thota Sreenivas |
1003-1009 |
169. |
Classification Of Partial Discharge Patterns Using Fractal Geometry
Elsayed M. Elrefaie, M. K. Abd Elrahman, Sherif Ghoneim, Ahmed Bakr |
1010-1015 |
170. |
Comparison of Magnesium, Aluminium and Cast Iron to obtain Optimum Frequency for Engine Bracket using Finite Element Analysis
Pavan B. Chaudhari, Dr.D. R. Panchagade |
1016-1020 |
171. |
Qualitative Evaluation Of Cross-Layer Protocol For Proficient Communication In Wireless Sensor Networks
N.Venkateswaran, V.Kishore |
1021-1029 |
172. |
Mechanical properties and Corrosion Resistance of nano-Ceria doped Aluminium
K.S. Harishanand, Siddhant Datta, Dr. B.M. Nagabhushana, Dr. H. Nagabhushana, Dr. M.M.Benal |
1030-1035 |
173. |
Cross Language Text Retrieval: A Review
P.Iswarya, Dr.V.Radha |
1036-1043 |
174. |
Secure Speech Communication – A Review
D.Ambika, V.Radha |
1044-1049 |
175. |
Data Storage Collateral In Cloud Computing
Annamaneni Samatha, Nimmala Jeevan Reddy, P.Pradeep Kumar |
1050-1055 |
176. |
Performance Analysis of Cyclic Redundancy Check(CRC) encoded Fixed WiMAX Wireless Communication System under Implementation of M-ary Quadrature Amplitude Modulation(QAM) Technique
Md. Abdul Halim, Md. Ashraful Islam, Tonima Islam, Halida Homyara, Mustari Zaman |
1056-1062 |
177. |
Replication of Query Messages in the Unstructured Overlays Peer-to-Peer Network
Sameer Tuladhar, L. Sumalatha |
1063-1066 |
178. |
Deepika Gurajapu, D.Nagesh |
1067-1071 |
179. |
Effectiveness of Changing Reinforced Concrete Shear Wall Location on Multi-storeyed Building
P. S. Kumbhare, A. C. Saoji |
1072-1076 |
180. |
Application Of Nanotechnology In Building Materials
Saurav |
1077-1082 |
181. |
Performance And Emission Characteristics Of Direct Injection Diesel Engine Using Bio-Diesel With Scr Technology
S.Gowthaman, K.Velmurugan |
1083-1089 |
182. |
An Improved (8, 8) Colour Visual Cryptography Scheme Using Floyd Error Diffusion
Anantha Kumar Kondra, Smt. U. V. Ratna Kumari |
1090-1096 |
183. |
A PMBLDCM Speed Control By Using A Buck DC-DC Converter And Voltage Control
Anitha Arumalla, M.Lokya |
1097-1106 |
184. |
Pseudo Exhustive Test Patterns For Online And Offline Bist On Fpga
Deepthi.P, Vinay.P |
1107-1110 |
185. |
Suggestion of Cyclic Voltammetry based Electrochemical DNA analysis of DNA-Petrol interaction-novel approach in DNA damage analysis
D.N.T.Kumar, Jun Liu,Tao Dan, Qufu Wei |
1111-1116 |
186. |
Purified and Bio-polished Cotton Fibers as DNA-Streptavidin Tags for Bio-applications,using a Novel Approach
D.N.T.Kumar, Li Jing, Hui Qiao, Min Zhang, Qufu Wei |
1117-1123 |
187. |
A Survey Of Current Image Segmentation Techniques For Detection Of Breast Cancer
R.Ramani, Dr.S.Suthanthiravanitha, S.Valarmathy |
1124-1129 |
188. |
Effective Data Distribution Techniques for Multi-Cloud Storage in Cloud Computing
B.AmarNadh Reddy, P.Raja Sekhar Reddy |
1130-1134 |
189. |
Design and Implementation of Linux Based Hybrid Client Honeypot Incorporating Multi Layer Detection
Atinder Pal Singh, Birinder Singh |
1135-1142 |
190. |
Geophysical Engineering Investigation Around Makiyaye Village, Shika Area Within The Basement Complex Of North-Western Nigeria
1143-1153 |
191. |
Subsurface Stratigraphic Mapping Using The D.C Electrical Resistivity Around Shika, Kaduna State, Nigeria
Fadele S.I , Jatau B.S, Patrick N.O |
1154-1161 |
192. |
M.Jyothi kiran, S.Ravi teja |
1162-1167 |
193. |
Simulation Of The Crack Propagation Using Fracture Mechanics Techniques In Aero Structures
J.Veeranjaneyulu, Dr H.Raghavendra Rao |
1168-1173 |
194. |
Deconvolution of the flood hydrograph at the outlet of watershed Kolondieba in the south of Mali
DAO Amidou, KAMAGATE Bamory, MARIKO Adama, SEGUIS Luc, MAIGA Hamadoun Bokar,
GOULA BI Tie Albert, SAVANE Issiaka |
1174-1181 |
195. |
4-Point Block Method for Direct Integration of First-Order
Ordinary Differential Equations
M.R. Odekunle, A.O. Adesanya, J. Sunday |
1182-1187 |
196. |
A Relative Study Of Kalman Filtering For Control Of A Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motor Drive
Munmun Dutta, Balram Timande |
1188-1192 |
197. |
Estimation and cartography of the evapotranspiration from the data AATSR in Sudano–sahelian environment: case study of Kolondièba-Tiendaga basin (Mali)
DAOU Ibrahima, MARIKO Adama, RASMUS Fensholt, MENENTI Massimo, KOUROSH
Khoshelham, MBOW Cheickh, DIALLO Drissa |
1193-1200 |
198. |
Impact Of Climate Variability On Groundwater Resources In Kolondieba Catchment Basin, Sudanese Climate Zone In Mali
Bokar H, Mariko A, Bamba F, Diallo D, Kamagaté B, Dao A, Soumare O, Kassogue P |
1201-1210 |
199. |
Hydrogeochemical Characterization of Groundwater in Sandstone Fractured Media by Multivariate Statistical Analysis: a case study of Bani Basin, Mali
Mariko A., Lam A.A., Dridri A., Benaabidate L., Hamadoun B., DAO A., Kamagaté B., Seguis
L. |
1211-1220 |
200. |
Arithmetic Unit Implementation Using A FPGA IEEE-754-2008 Decimal64 Floating-Point
Raja Gopal Surineedi, G.S.Siva Kumar, P.Sunitha |
1221-1225 |
201. |
Flow Analysis of Rocket Nozzle Using Computational Fluid Dynamics (Cfd)
Pardhasaradhi Natta, V.Ranjith Kumar, Dr.Y.V.Hanumantha Rao |
1226-1235 |
202. |
Local Construction And Demolition Waste Used As Coarse Aggregates In Concrete
Madan Mohan Reddy.K, Bhavani.R, Ajitha. B |
1236-1238 |
203. |
DFT based Channel Estimation Methods for MIMO-OFDM System
using QPSK modulation technique
Rajbir Kaur, Charanjit Kaur |
1239-1243 |
204. |
FPGA Implementation Of Efficient Algorithm Of Image Splitting For Video Streaming Data
Swamy.TN, Rashmi. KM, Dr.P.Cyril Prasanna Raj, Dr.S.L.Pinjare |
1244-1247 |
205. |
Comparison of 2D and 3D Modeling of Hysteresis Motor with HTS Element in the Rotor
Joyashree Das, Rup Narayan Ray |
1248-1257 |
206. |
Replacement Of Natural Fine Aggregate With Granular Slag - A Waste Industrial By-Product In Cement Mortar Applications As An Alternative Construction Materials
Mohammed Nadeem, Dr. A. D. Pofale |
1258-1264 |
207. |
On The Region For Linear Growth Rate Of Perturbation In
Magneto-Thermal Convection In A Couple-Stress Fluid In A
Porous Medium
Ajaib S. Banyal, Daleep K. Sharma |
1265-1271 |
208. |
A Closed Loop for Soft Switched PWM ZVS Full Bridge DC - DC Converter
S.P.Narasimha Prasad, K.Vijaya Bhaskar |
1272-1277 |
209. |
Case Study for Bank ATM Queuing Model
Bhavin Patel, Pravin Bhathawala |
1278-1284 |
210. |
Double Pass-Transistor Logic for High Performance, Low Latency Wave Pipeline Circuit
Santimoy Mandal, Shyam Sundar Prasad |
1285-1289 |
211. |
Optimal Placement Of Multiple Distributed Generator By Hs Algorithm
K.Srinivasa Rao, M.Nageswara Rao |
1290-1294 |
212. |
Studies on effect of Copper corrosion passivators on the Paper insulated copper conductor by XRD, SEM and EDX analysis
R.A. Venkata Lakshmi, T.S.R. Murthy |
1295-1299 |
213. |
A comparative study on Photocatalytic degradation of Violet
GL2B azo dye using CaO and TiO2 nanoparticles
Madhusudhana N, Yogendra K, Mahadevan K M |
1300-1307 |
214. |
Simple Tool For Efficient Image Cryptography
V.Deepthi, Dr.Sandeep.V.M |
1308-1311 |
215. |
Perceptual Color Image Segmentation through K-Means
E.Madhuri, Dr.Sandeep.V.M |
1312-1314 |
216. |
Efficient And Robust Shape Signatures For Object Recognition
V.Harichandana, Dr.Sandeep.V.M |
1315-1319 |
217. |
Statistical Optimization of Media Components for Xylanase Production by Aspergillus fumigatus using SSF
K.Vimalashanmugam, T.Viruthagiri |
1320-1329 |
218. |
Potential of Non Edible Vegetable Oils as an Alternative Lubricants in Automotive Applications
Amit Suhane, A.Rehman, H.K.Khaira |
1330-1335 |
219. |
Fluoride Removal By A Continuous Flow Electrocoagulation Reactor From Groundwater Of Shivdaspura
Sinha R, Khazanchi I, Mathur S |
1336-1341 |
220. |
Attribute Ontological Relational Weights (AORW) For Coherent Association Rules: A Post Mining Process For Association Rules
M.Saritha,T.Venkata Ramana, Kareemunnisa, Y.Sowjanya, M.Nishantha |
1342-1351 |
221. |
Denoising of Spectral Data Using Complex Wavelets
C. Madhu, P. Suresh Babu, S. Jayachandranath |
1352-1357 |
222. |
Cryptography In Cloud-Security Using DNA (Genetic) Techniques
Anup R. Nimje |
1358-1359 |
223. |
Effect of Addition of Nanoclay on Machinability of Al/Nanoclay Metal Matrix Composites
H.S. Manohar, N.Chikkanna, B.Uma Maheswar Gowd |
1360-1370 |
224. |
Integration Analysis Of Safety Critical Systems In Information Technology
Ganesh Panatula, Nagabhushan S.V, Dr. T. V. Suresh Kumar |
1371-1375 |
225. |
Dynamic Adaptive Control of Mobile Robot UsingRBF Networks
D Narendra Kumar, S LalithaKumari , Veeravasantarao D |
1376-1382 |
226. |
Enhancement Of Biogas From Abattoir Cow Liquor Waste With Some Agro-Industrial Wastes
Nitin A.Wankhade, Dr.S.B.Thakre A.V.Dhote, P.S.Wankhade |
1383-1388 |
227. |
Deterministic Seismic Hazard Assessment Of District Headquarters Dantewara And Jagdalpur Sites Of Chhattisgarh State
Ashish Kumar Parashar, Dr. Sohanlal Atmapoojya, Dr. S.S. Rathore |
1389-1402 |
228. |
Analysis Of Wind Power Density In Azmar Mountain (Sulaimani
Region- North Iraq)
Salahaddin A.Ahmed, Meeran A. Omer, Awni A.Abdulahad |
1403-1407 |
229. |
Design, Synthesis & Simulation Of Four Bar Mechanism For Guiding Wheel For Climbing
Rahul R.Gurpude, Dr.R.D.Ashkhedkar |
1408-1412 |
230. |
Low Power DCT Implementation In An Image Compression System
Gulnar Perveen |
1413-1415 |
231. |
Design and Computation of Energy Factor Parameters for an Interleaved Boost Converter
Radha Sree.K, Dr.R.Seyezhai |
1416-1420 |
232. |
Implementation Of Cogeneration Technique In Textile Industry For Energy Conservation
M.Gohul, A.Mohamed Syed Ali, T.G.Raju, M.R.Saravanan, Dr.A.Pasupathy |
1421-1427 |
233. |
Can Computer Mediated communication be effective in globally distributed projects
Srikar Madhira, Sairam Vakkalanka |
1428-1431 |
234. |
A Streamlined Architecture For 3-D Discrete Wavelet Transformation And Inverse Discrete Wavelet Transform
V Ashok, B.Chinna rao, P.M.Francis |
1432-1439 |
235. |
Design And Development Of A Microcontroller Based System For The Measurement Of Blood Glucose
N. Anju Latha, B. Rama Murthy, U. Sunitha |
1440-1444 |
236. |
Finite Element Modeling Of Lime Stabilized Low Volume Rural Roads
Nagrale Prashant P, Katkar Surendrakumar R, Patil Atulya |
1445-1452 |
237. |
Simulation Analysis Of Dynamic Dent Resistance On Auto Body Panel
S.M.Chavan, Dr.R.B.Hiremath |
1453-1457 |
238. |
Verilog Implementation Of Da Based Dct With High Accuracy Error-Compensated Adder Tree
Y Venkat Seshaiah, B.Chinna rao, P.M.Francis |
1458-1462 |
239. |
Steady State Analysis of Self-Excited Induction Generator using
THREE Optimization Techniques
SahilGupta |
1463-1473 |
240. |
Multi Agent System Based Clinical Diagnosis System: An Algorithmic Approach
Shibakali Gupta, Sripati Mukhopadhyay |
1474-1477 |
241. |
Size Reduction And Bandwidth Enhancement Of Rectangular Printed Antenna Using Tripple Narrow Slits For Wireless Communication System And Micro Wave X-Band Applications
Vivekkumar Yadaw, Sudipta Das, S.M Maidur Rahaman, A.P Ramkanu, A.Karmkar |
1478-1484 |
242. |
A New low power Technology for power reduction in SRAM's using Column Decoupling combined with virtual grounding
V. Partha Sarathi Reddy, Durga Prasad |
1485-1489 |
243. |
Secure Arp Protocol For Intrusion Detection System
Mr.D.Y.Thorat |
1490-1494 |
244. |
Performance Comparison Of Different Clustering Algorithms With ID3 Decision Tree Learning Method For Network Anomaly Detection
Sonika Tiwari, Prof. Roopali Soni |
1495-1500 |
245. |
Design Of High Speed FFT Processor Using Vedic Multiplication Technique
Mr. Abhishek Gupta, Mr. Amit Jain, Mr. Anand Vardhan Bhalla, Mr. Utsav Malviya |
1501-1504 |
246. |
Performance Evaluation Of A High Grade Low Heat Rejection Diesel Engine With Crude Pongamia Oil
Ch. Kesava Reddy, M.V.S. Murali Krishna, P.V.K.Murthy, T. Ratna Reddy |
1505-1516 |
247. |
Parametric Study of the Hot Rolling Process Using FEM
Shailendra Dwivedi, Dr. Geeta Agnihotri, Dr. K.K.Pathak |
1517-1522 |
248. |
P.Poornachanra Rao, L.Rajagopal Reddy |
1523-1531 |
249. |
A Unique Approach To Prepare Poly (Acrylamide –Co-Itaconic Acid) /Graphite Composite Polymer For Electrical Conducting Properties
S .K. Bajpai, S. Awasthi, Abhishek Dubey |
1532-1537 |
250. |
Evaluation Of Low Cost Wireless Network Protocol For Rural Villages Based On 802.11KT MAC Protocol
V.K.Taksande, Dr.K.D.Kulat |
1538-1543 |
251. |
A Geometric Programming Model for Production Rate Optimization of Turning Process with Experimental Validation
S. S. K. Deepak |
1544-1549 |
252. |
Characterization And Numerical Optimization Of Chromium Free Nickel Alloy Filler-Materials For Dissimilar Welding With SS304 Based On Induced Residual Stresses And Distortion
Vivek Vanamane, Santhosh kumar B, Nataraj J. R. |
1550-1556 |
253. |
Study And Analysis Of Low Power Low Voltage Pipeline Architecture Of ADC Using 0.18 μm Technology
Anshu Sharma, Rekha Agrawal |
1557-1559 |
254. |
Stability Improvement During Damping of Low Frequency Oscillations with Fuzzy Logic Controller
A.V.Sudhakara Reddy, M. Ramasekhara Reddy, Dr. M. Vijaya Kumar |
1560-1565 |
255. |
Wall Pressure Studies in a Suddenly Expanded Flow for Area Ratio 2.56
Maughal Ahmed Ali Baig, Sher Afghan Khan, E. Rathakrishnan |
1566-1573 |
256. |
Validating UML Diagram for Security
Prof. D.M.Thakore, Torana N.Kamble |
1574-1577 |
257. |
Investigation Of Triangular Microstrip Patch Antenna On Six
Different Substrates For X –Band Applications
Anzar Khan, Rajesh Nema, Puran Gour |
1578-1584 |
258. |
Similarity Assessment of Turned Components: An Approach to Feature Based 3-D Modelling
P.N.E.Naveen, M.Yasaswi |
1585-1588 |
259. |
Web Phishing Detection In Machine Learning Using Heuristic Image Based Method
Vinnarasi Tharania. I, R. Sangareswari , M. Saleembabu |
1589-1593 |
260. |
Multi-Response Optimization By Experimental Investigation Of Machining Parameters In CNC Turning By Taguchi Based Grey Relational Analysis
Pankaj Sharma, Kamaljeet Bhambri |
1594-1602 |
261. |
Problems And Prospect Of Teaching Electricity And Electrical Devices In Primary Classes
1603-1606 |
262 |
Performance Evaluation Of Aodv And Dsr Routing Protocols For Vbr Traffic In Mobile Adhoc Networks
Gurpreet Singh, Atinderpal Singh, Anantdeep Kaur |
1607-1610 |
263. |
Authentication Mechanisim For Session Passwords By Imposing Color With Text
K.Nivetha, M. Muthumeena, R. Srinivasan |
1611-1615 |
264. |
Implementation Of Internet Traffic Classifier Using Dbscan Algorithm
Mr. Shezad Shaikh, Mr. Niket Bhargava, Ms. Urmila Mahor |
1616-1623 |
265. |
Generation of Software Artifacts and Models at Analysis Phase
Prof. D.M.Thakore, Ravi P.Patki |
1624-1630 |
266. |
Survey On Link Prediction In Facebook And Twitter
R.Hema Latha, K.SathiyaKumari |
1631-1637 |
267. |
Fault Analysis And Improve Power Quality By Multilevel Statcoms
Pragallapati Manikanta, K. Anand. M.E |
1638-1645 |
268. |
Performance Evaluation Of Topology Based Routing Protocols In Vanet
Sharnjeet Kaur, Dr. Gurpreet Singh Josan |
1646-1655 |
269. |
Towards Optimal Design of Steel - Concrete Composite Plane Frames using a Soft Computing Tool
D. R. Panchal, N. K. Solanki, S. C. Patodi |
1656-1662 |
270. |
Simplified Thermocouple Interface For Hot Only Or Cold Only Measurement With Linearization Circuit
A,Venkata Naga Vamsi, G.S.S.S.S.V.Krishna Mohan, S.S.S.Srikanth |
1663-1667 |
271. |
Estimation Of parameter For Induction Motor Drive
Y.Sumith, J.S.V.Siva Kumar |
1668-1674 |
272. |
An Efficient Image Compression By Overlapped Discrete Cosine Transform With Adaptive Thinning
Ezhilarasi .P, Dr.Nirmal Kumar .P |
1675-1681 |
273. |
Performance Evaluation Of Congestion Control Tcp Variants In Vanet Using Omnet
Ravinder Kaur, Gurpreet Singh Josan |
1682-1688 |
274. |
Data Warehousing and Business Analytics Implementation
1689-1694 |
275. |
Climatic Assessment Of Rajasthan's Region For Drought With Concern Of Data Mining Techniques
Neha Khandelwal, Ruchi Davey |
1695-1697 |
276. |
Path planning of material handling robot using Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) technique
Ansari Muqueet Husain, Shaikh Mohammad Sohail, V. S. Narwane |
1698-1701 |
277. |
V.K.Srivastava, Dr. Devendra Prasad |
1702-1708 |
278. |
Evaluation Of Mechanical Properties Of Dissimilar Metal Tube Welded Joints Using Inert Gas Welding
N. Arunkumar, P.Duraisamy, S.Veeramanikandan |
1709-1717 |
279. |
Design of Custom Instructions in Cryptographic Processor
M. Lalitha Sowmya, B.Divya, S.Jagadeesh |
1718-1724 |
280. |
Performance Evaluation Of Routing Protocols In Vanets By Using Tcp Variants On Omnet++ Simulator
Reetika Singla, Sukhwinder Sharma, Gurpreet Singh, Ravinder kaur |
1725-1731 |
281. |
An Approach To Estimate Function Point Analysis Using Unadjusted Function Points And Value Adjustment Factor
1732-1735 |
282. |
Comparative Analysis of Transform based Lossy Image
Compression Techniques
Daljit Singh, Sukhjeet Kaur Ranade |
1736-1741 |
283. |
Analysis Of Rotation Invariant Template Matching Techniques For Trademarks
Gurupjit Singh Brar, Amandeep Kaur |
1742-1747 |
284. |
Survey on Link Prediction and Page Ranking In Blogs
S.Geetha, K.Sathiya Kumari |
1748-1755 |
285. |
Analysis of Electric Field Intensity in Gas Insulated Busduct
Nagbhushan, J. Amarnath, D. Subbarayudu |
1756-1760 |
286. |
Simulation of IEEE 754 Standard Double Precision Multiplier
using Booth Techniques
Puneet Paruthi, Tanvi Kumar, Himanshu Singh |
1761-1766 |
287. |
Analytic Representations Of Convex And Starlike Functions
Dr. B. Krishna Gandhi, Dr. M.Aparna |
1767-1771 |
288. |
Control Of An Hybrid Multilevel Converter With Floating DC-Links For The Improvement Of Current Waveform
Lavanya Gundugula, Anand Kakarapalli |
1772-1780 |
289. |
Gyan Prakash, Umesh Dutta, Mohd. Tauheed Khan |
1781-1784 |
290. |
Modal Analysis Of Composite Propeller For Ships Application
Dr.Y.Seetharama Rao, B.Sridhar Reddy |
1785-1787 |
291. |
An Improvement Of Transient Current Response Of Load Transformers For The Series Voltage Sag Compensator
1788-1796 |
292. |
Emotion Identification From Continuous Speech Using Cepstral Analysis
K. Ravi Kumar, V.Ambika, K.Suri Babu |
1797-1799 |
293. |
Efficient Data Transmission with Priority in Heterogeneous Networks
K V Dinesh Kumar, B Swathi, K Suresh, M Suneetha Rani |
1800-1805 |
294. |
A Survey Study Of Supplier Selection Issues In Construction Supply Chain
S. Patil, Prof. Mrs. P. R. Adavi |
1806-1809 |
295. |
Dr.K.V.Durgaprasad, S.Vasundhara |
1810-1816 |
296. |
ENHANCING POWER SYSTEM STABILITY BY USING Thyristor Controlled Series Compensator
N.Srikanth, Atejasri |
1817-1824 |
297. |
Monte Carlo Simulation Technique For Reliability Assessment Of R.C.C. Columns
Sukanti Rout, Santosh Kumar Sahoo, Bidyadhar Basa |
1825-1830 |
298. |
Identification Of Some Of The Factors In The Formation Of Attitude Towards Mathematics
Ranjana Chowdhury, Amitabha Barua |
1831-1838 |
299. |
Structural And Material Properties Of Ti-Si-N Nanocomposite Coatings
Y.V.Subba Rao, B.S.Gangadhara, E.Suresh Babu, K.S.Sumana |
1839-1842 |
300. |
Neural Based Sensor Signal Change Detection By Using Radial Bias Function
Ramanpreet Kaur, Jaspal Singh |
1843-1847 |
301. |
Design & Implementation of MAC Unit Using Reversible Logic
Shaik Nasar, K. Subbarao |
1848-1855 |
302. |
Performance Evaluation Of Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Concrete Matrix
S. C. Patodi, C. V. Kulkarni |
1856-1863 |
303. |
Performance Evaluation of Sonar Signals using Fusion Technique
A.Usharani, P.Srihari, B.L.Prakash, K.Raja Rajeswari |
1864-1868 |

304. |
MAC Enhancement for Performance Improvement of Routing Protocol
Prof Rekha Patil , Ashwini.R.Malipatil |
1869-1873 |
305. |
Simulation of DC/DC Boost Converter by using Three-Phase Indirect Matrix Converter
Hathiram Guguloth, Santosh A |
1874-1883 |
306. |
Energy Minimization of CDK2 bound ligands: A Computational Approach
Nulaka Srinivasu, M. Naresh Babu, Allam Appa Rao |
1884-1887 |
307. |
Image Processing And Pattern Generation
Rashmi A Jain, Mrunalini P Moon |
1888-1893 |
307. |
Design and Implementation of Real Time Wireless Biomedical
System Based on ZigBee-GSM interactive module
Sarvesh B.Rothe, Prof. V.G.Girhepunje |
1894-1899 |
308. |
Modeling And Control Of A Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator Wind Turbine With Energy Storage
K. Uday Kumar Reddy, M. Ramasekhara Reddy, Dr. M. Vijaya Kumar |
1900-1905 |
309. |
Performance Of Rice Husk Ash Bricks
N.Vamsi Mohan, Prof.P.V.V.Satyanarayana, Dr.K.Srinivasa Rao |
1906-1910 |
310. |
Aquatic Macrophytes Of Laokhowa Wildlife Sanctuary, Assam, India
Sanjeeb Kumar Nath |
1911-1913 |
311. |
The Transaction Concept: Integrated With BPEL and WS-AT, WS-BA Coordination Protocols
R.Soujanya, Guide: K.Venkateshwarlu |
1914-1921 |
312. |
Effect Of Moulding Temperature On The Properties Of Polypropylene/High Density Polyethylene/Clay/Glass Fibre Composites
Ranjusha J P, Anjana R, K E George |
1922-1926 |
313. |
Doppler Estimation of RADAR Signals using Complex Wavelets
C. Madhu, V. Madhurima, K.Avinash kumar |
1927-1931 |
314. |
Bandwidth Enhancement In Wireless Applications By Using H-Shape Slot Microstrip Aperture Coupled Antenna
Dr.Naveen Hemrajani, Mrs.Sandhya Sharma, Mr. Rashid Hussain, Ravi Kumar |
1932-1935 |
315. |
Wireless Image Transmission over Noisy Channels Using Turbo Codes and De-noising Filters
Mannava Srinivasa Rao, Boppana Swati Lakshmi, Dr.Panakala Rajesh Kumar |
1936-1941 |
316. |
Hydrochemistry And Environmental Status Of Vaigai River Water In Tamil Nadu, India
Vanitha. G, Shunmugavelu. M |
1942-1946 |
317. |
Control Of Exhaust Emissions Using Nanosized Copper Metal Spray In The Catalytic Converter For Two Stroke Spark Ignition Engine
Mukesh Thakur, N. K. Saikhedkar |
1947-1952 |
318. |
Sorptivity Of Cement Combination Concretes Containing Portland Cement, Fly Ash And Metakaolin
FOLAGBADE, Samuel Olufemi |
1953-1959 |
319. |
Omni Directional Printed Patch Antenna For Wireless LAN
Ansa Tom Kunnel, Suresh Nair, Mrs.Mini P R, Shemeena P M, Dinesh Kumar |
1960-1962 |
320. |
Wavelet Based Texture Analysis And Classification With Linear Regration Model
Manoj Kumar, Prof. Sagun Kumar sudhansu, Dr. Kasabegoudar V. G |
1963-1970 |
321. |
Noninvasive Estimation Of Consciousness Level By Fft Method
Tinku Biswas, Surajit Bagchi, Swarup Sarkar, Akash Ku. Bhoi |
1971-1975 |
322. |
Fluid Flow And Heat Transfer Analysis Of Turbulent Multiple Circular Jets Impinging On A Flat Plate
1976-1985 |
323. |
Process Parameters Optimization Of Micro Electric Discharge Machining Process Using Genetic Algorithm
Ruben Phipon, B.B.Pradhan |
1986-1993 |
324. |
Optimistic Outsourcing of Linear Programming in Cloud Computing Using Stassen's Matrix Multiplication and Sparse Matrix
Surisetti Lavanya |
1994-2003 |
325. |
Use Of Linear Programming For Optimal Production In A Production Line In Coca –Cola Bottling Company, Ilorin
O.S. Balogun, E.T. Jolayemi, T.J. Akingbade, H.G. Muazu |
2004-2007 |
326. |
BER Comparison of MIMO Systems using Equalization Techniques in Rayleigh Flat Fading Channel
Gurpreet Singh, Pardeep Sharma |
2008-2015 |
327. |
Analysing Single Precision Floating Point Multiplier on Virtex 2P Hardware Module
Pardeep Sharma, Gurpreet Singh |
2016-2020 |
328. |
Thermal Analysis Of A Gas Turbine Rotor Blade By Using Ansys
G.Narendranath, S.Suresh |
2021-2027 |
329. |
Determination Of Mechanical Properties Of Al2O3, Mg (OH)2 And Sic Filled E-Glass/ Epoxy Composites
K.Devendra, T. Rangaswamy |
2028-2033 |
330. |
Realization Of Beam Splitter Using Photonic Crystal Fiber(PCF) With And Without Nonlinearity
N.Muduli, G.Palai, S.K.Tripathy |
2034-2037 |
331. |
Authentication Based Scheme In MANET Using Cluster Based Routing Protocol
Prof. Pranita M. Potey, Prof.Manish Potey, Prof. Nandini C. Nag |
2038-2043 |
332. |
Buckling Behaviour Of Compression Loaded Composite Cylindrical Shells With Reinforced Cutouts
Ramanatha Dash, F.Anand Raju |
2044-2048 |
333. |
Electrochemical Behaviour of AA6063 Alloy in Hydrochloric Acid using Schiff Base Compounds as Corrosion Inhibitors
Sanaulla Pathapalya Fakrudeen, Lokesh H. B, Ananda Murthy H. C, Bheema Raju V. B |
2049-2061 |
334. |
Mechanical Behavior Of Modified Of Reactive Powder Concrete
M. K. Maroliya |
2062-2067 |
335. |
Analysing The Invasiveness Of Skin Cancer Using Fractals
Dr. R. Jahir Hussain, V. Shanthoshini Deviha, P. Rengarajan |
2068-2075 |
336. |
Optimal DSR and Load Balancing in MANET
Dr. P.K.Suri, Satmeet Kaur |
2076-2079 |
337. |
Thermophoresis Effect On Unsteady Free Convection Heat And
Mass Transfer In A Walters-B Fluid Past A Semi Infinite Plate
C. Sudhakar, N. Bhaskar Reddy, B. Vasu, V. Ramachandra Prasad |
2080-2095 |
338. |
An Approach For Interval Discrete-Time Systems Reduction
Using Least Squares Method
K.Kiran Kumar, Dr.G.V.K.R.Sastry |
2096-2099 |
339. |
The Investment Portfolio Selection Using Fuzzy Logic And Genetic Algorithm
P.Divya, P. Ramesh Kumar |
2100-2105 |
340. |
Applications Of The Higgs Boson
Prof.Mathew V Karvinkoppa, Prof.Murtuza S Dholkawala, Prof. U S Gawai |
2106-2109 |
341. |
Necessary and sufficient condition for the L1-convergence of a modified trigonometric sum
Nawneet Hooda |
2110-2111 |
342. |
Image Denoising Based On Averaging Of Two Wavelet Transformed Images
Dikendra Verma, Sanjay Mathur |
2112-2119 |
343. |
Simulation Of Surface Acoustic Wave NO2 Gas Sensor Based On Zno/ XY Linbo3 Structure
Shahrzad Arabshahi, Massoud Dousti, Mohammad Bagher Tavackoly |
2120-2123 |
344. |
Design Of Single & 1x1 Microstrip Rectangular Patch Antenna Array Operating At 2.4 GHz Using ADS
Naimul Hasan |
2124-2127 |
345. |
A Novel Energy Efficient Distributed Clustering in Wireless
Sensor Networks
V.Chandrasekaran, S.Anitha |
2128-2131 |
346. |
Mapping Sterile Bodies in the Sidi Chennane phosphatic deposit
(Morocco) using geoelectrical Investigations
Khadija BABA, Lahcen BAHI, Latifa OUADIF, Ahmed AKHSSAS |
2132-2136 |
347. |
Integrtation of Encryption and Hash Function for Improved Message Authenticity
Richa Purohit, Yogendra Singh, Dr. Upendra Mishra, Dr. Abhay Bansal |
2137-2142 |
348. |
Establishment Of The Target Cost In The Development Of New Products
Antonio Sérgio Torres Penedo, Sérgio Takahashi, Marcio Mattos Borges De Oliveira, Mauro
Santo Bernardo, Nilton Cesar Lima |
2143-2148 |
349. |
A Review of Rotating Biological Contactors System
Prashant A. Kadu, Dr. Y. R. M. Rao |
2149-2153 |
350. |
Method For Solving The Transportation Problems Using Trapezoridal Fuzzy Numbers
Kadhirvel.K, Balamurugan.K |
2154-2158 |
351. |
Analysis of Efficient FDDI Network
Harsimranjot, Dr. S.B.L. Tripathi, Hardeep Singh Saini |
2159-2162 |
352. |
Impulse Noise Removal Inimages Using Modified Trimmed Median Filter:Matlab Implementation And Comparitive Study
CH.Sravana Lakshmi, V.Ambika, K.Suri Babu |
2163-2166 |
353. |
Optical, Wear and Corrosive Properties of Ti-Si-N Nanocomposite coatings
Y.V.Subba Rao, K.Esther Nikitha, B.S.Gangadhara, E.Suresh Babu, K.S.Sumana |
2167-2171 |
354. |
Implemetation Of Lean Manufacturing In Small Company
Mr. Vijayendra Singh Sankhla, Mr. Saurabh Singh Chandrawat, Mr. Lalit Yadav |
2172-2176 |
355. |
Hyperspectral Image Classification
Gitanjali S. Korgaonkar, Dr. R. R. Sedamkar |
2177-2184 |
356. |
Captive Energy Methods For Electrical Power System
Siddharth Wadhawan, Harshal Arekar |
2185-2190 |
358. |
Comparison of Low Field Electron Transport Characteristics in
InP,GaP,Ga0.5In0.5P and In As0.8P0.2 by Solving Boltzmann
Equation Using Iteration Model
Hadi Arabshahi, Azar pashaei |
2200-2204 |
359. |
Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis For Residential Land Use Suitability Using Socio-Economic Responses Through AHP
V.D.Patil, R.N.Sankhua, R.K.Jain |
2205-2211 |
360. |
Performance Analysis of AODV & DSR Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks
Harpreet Singh, Gurpreet Singh Josan |
2212-2216 |
361. |
Design And Implementation Of Hdlc Protocol On Fpga
M.Sridevi, Dr P.Sudhakar Reddy |
2217-2219 |
362. |
Optical Properties of the Tysonite Phase of LaF3 Compound in
the Ground State by First Principles Calculations
Masoud Majidiyan, Rooh Allah Taghavimendi, Larousse Khosravi, Khorashad, Gholam Hossein Khorrami, Hadi Arabshahi |
2220-2224 |
363. |
Variation in Inset Parameters of Microstrip Patch Antenna for Improved Performance
Sandhya Sharma, Abhishek Sharma |
2225-2227 |
364. |
Scenario Based Performance Evaluation Of Dsr Routing Protocol For Vbr Traffic In Manets
Gurpreet Singh, Atinderpal Singh |
2228-2231 |
365. |
Estimation of Primary Compression Index (Cc) Using Physical Properties of Pontianak Soft Clay
Slamet Widodo, Abdelazim Ibrahim |
2232-2236 |