Volume 3- Issue 3 [May-June 2013]
S.No. | Title & Authors | Page | Downloads |
Paper submitted to IJERA : 807 Accepted papers by peer review process : 259 Rejected Paper : 548 Paper Acceptance percentage : 32.09% |
1. | Encircled Energy Factor in the PSF of an Amplitude Apodised Optical System
Encircled Energy Factor in the PSF of an Amplitude Apodised Optical SystemAbstract: In the present paper, the Encircled Energy Factor (EEF) of an optical system has been studied with an amplitude apodisation filter. It has been found that for a given percentage of light flux within the diffraction pattern, the value of the encircled radius increases gradually with apodisation parameter.Key words: Fourier Optics, Apodisation, Encircled Energy Factor…EEF (δ). Reference [1] G.O Reynolds et al, "The New physical Optics Note-book Tutorials in Fourier Optics", SPIE Optical Engineering Press, revised Edn, Bellingham, Washington USA, 1989. [2] Born M. and Wolf .E "Principles of Optics", 4th Edn, Pergamon Press London, 2006. [3] P.K.Mondal, "Fourier Analytical Treatment of Optical Images a review" Ind.Jour.Opti. (2009). [4] Ref.1 above. [5] Ref.2 above C.Vijender, A.Srisailam, M.V.Ramana Murthy |
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2. | A Criss-Cross Metamaterial Based Electrically Small Antenna
A Criss-Cross Metamaterial Based Electrically Small AntennaAbstract: Metamaterials (MM) have been able to make their position strong in the world of electromagnetic in the past years. Researchers have come up with several novel shapes which behave as metamaterials. The characteristic parameters of permittivity ε and the permeability μ were extracted by doing several experimentations and found them to be negative. This paper presents such a new shape namely Criss-Cross whose negative behaviour has been discussed. The mathematical modelling for finding the transmission and reflection coefficient of the wave in such medium has also been derived. Further, it has been used to reduce the size of a rectangular patch antenna.Key words: Metamaterial, negative index, permeability, permittivity, Jerusalem Cross. Reference [1] A. Shivola, "Electromagnetic mixing formulas and applications", The Institution of Electrical Enginners, London, 1999. [2] Veselago, V. G., "The electrodynamics of substances with simultaneously negative values of permittivity and permeability," Sov. Phys. Usp., Vol. 10, 509, 1968. [3] Kong, J.A., "Electromagnetic fields due to dipole antennas over stratified anisotropic media," Geophysics, Vol. 37, December, 1972, pp. 985-996. [4] D. R. Smith, et al., "Electromagnetic parameter retrieval from inhomogeneous metamaterials", Physical Review E 71, 036617, 2005. [5] Alexander Remley Katko, "Artificial Negative Permeability Based on a Fractal Jerusalem Cross", Graduation thesis, 2009. [6] A.M. Nicolson, G.F. Ross,"Measurement of the intrinsic properties of materials by time-domain techniques", IEEE Trans. Instr. and Meas. vol. IM-19, no. 4, 1970, pp. 377-382. [7] W.B. Weir, "Automatic measurement of complex dielectric constant and permeability at microwave frequencies", Proc. of the IEEE vol. 62, no. 1, pp. 33- 36, 1974. [8] Ansoft HFSS Version 13.1, Ansys Inc. Canonsburg, PA. Kirti Inamdar, Dr. Y. P. Kosta, Dr. S. Patnaik |
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Energy Planning Policies With Environmental Considerations In Nigeria
Energy Planning Policies With Environmental Considerations In NigeriaAbstract: The last decade has witnessed a fundamental change in the planning process for development in Nigeria. It is now recognized that the dimension of environment protection is of vital importance for sustainable development. From the comparative survey of available energy planning models, it was found that the environmental considerations are limited only to estimating the pollution load, thus sending false price signals to the technology market and leading to environmentally distorted policy decisions. The main focus of this research is a methodology for integrated energy sector planning, policy impact assessment, and policy mix analysis, incorporating the impact of environmental externality cost of energy supply and use into the planning process. The model aims at determining the least cost energy planning policy path for Nigeria with the least environmental damage.Key words: Energy Policy, Externality, Nigeria Reference [1]. Choppa, K. L. and Das S. R. (1983), Thin Film Solar Cells. Plenum Press, New York. [2]. Finon, D. (1976), Un Modele Energetique Pour La France, Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique, Washington D. C.. [3]. Fonash, S. J. (1981), Solar Cell Device Physics, Academic Press, New York. [4]. Hoffman, X. and Wood, X. (1976), Energy System Modeling and Forecasting, Brookhaven National Laboratory, New York. [5]. Khella, A. F. A. (1997), Energy Policy, Vol. 25. No. 1, Elsevier Science Ltd, UK. [6]. Ottinger, R. L., Wooley, D. R. and Babb, S. E. (1991), Environmental Cost of Electricity, Pace University Centre for Environmental Legal Studies, Oceana Publications, New York. [7]. Schaller, R. D. and Klimov, V. I. (2004), High Efficiency Carrier Multiplication in PbSe Nanocrystals: Implications for Solar Energy Conversion, Physical Review Letters, Vol. 92, No. 18, 186601/1-4. [8]. Stock, K. J. and Mangrove, A. R. (1994), A Regionalized Version of Markal: The International Energy Association, Australia. C. U. Ike, S. S. N. Okeke |
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4. | Optical Fibres in the Modeling of Translucent Concrete Blocks
Optical Fibres in the Modeling of Translucent Concrete BlocksAbstract: Translucent concrete is a concrete based material with light-transmissive properties, obtained due to embedded light optical elements like Optical fibers in it. Light is conducted through the stone from one end to the other. This results into a certain light pattern on the other surface, depending on the fibre structure. Optical fibres transmit light so effectively that there is virtually no loss of light conducted through the fibres. Our paper deals with the modelling of such translucent or transparent concrete blocks and their usage and also the advantages it brings in the field of smart construction.Key words: Translucent concrete, optical fibre, energy saving, smart construction. Reference [1]. Zhi Zhou1,2, Ge Ou, Ying Hang, Genda Chen, Jinping Ou., Research and Development of Plastic Optical Fiber Based Smart Transparent Concrete, published on Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7293 72930F-1 [2]. Jianping He, Zhi Zhou and Jinping Ou, Study on Smart Transparent Concrete Product and Its Performances ,proceedings of The 6th International Workshop on Advanced Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technology ANCRiSST2011 July 25-26, 2011, Dalian, China [3]. D.D.L. Chung - Cement reinforced with short carbon fibers: a multifunctional material, paper published on Elsevier, Composites: Part B 31 (2000) 511±526 [4]. Francesca Albani Transparent and Translucent Surfaces of Italian Architecture in the Thirties of XX Century, Proceedings of the Third International Congress on Construction History, Cottbus, May 2009 [5]. Filiz Klassen Material Innovations: Transparent, lightweight, malleable and responsive, from Ryerson University, Toronto Ontario, Canada. [6]. Victoria Bailey, Translucent Concrete, published on MEEN 3344-001, 11:00- 11:50 MWF and http://www.materialproject.org/wiki/Transl ucent_concrete [7]. http://www.luccon.de/en [8]. http://www.lucem.de/index.php?id=156&L =1 [9]. http://www.litracon.hu/ M.N.V.Padma Bhushan, D.Johnson, Md. Afzal Basheer Pasha And Ms. K. Prasanthi |
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5. | An Algorithm For Interval Continuous –Time MIMO Systems Reduction Using Least Squares Method
An Algorithm For Interval Continuous –Time MIMO Systems Reduction Using Least Squares MethodAbstract: A new algorithm for the reduction of Large Scale Linear MIMO (Multi Input Multi Output) Interval systems is proposed in this paper. The proposed method combines the Least squares methods shifting about a point 'a' together with the Moment matching technique. The denominator of the reduced interval model is found by Least squares methods shifting about a point 'a' while the numerator of the reduced interval model is obtained by Moment matching Technique. The reduced order interval MIMO models retain the steady-state value and stability of the original interval MIMO system. The algorithm is illustrated by a numerical example.Key words: Least Squares Mean, Large scale Interval system, order reduction, MIMO Systems Reference [1] SHOJI,F.F., ABE,K., and TAKEDA,H.,: "Model reduction for a class of linear dynamic systems‟, J.Franklin Inst.,319, pp.549-558, 1985. [2] T.N. Lucas and A.R.Munro, "Model reduction by generalized least squares method", Electron.Lett.,vol 27, No. 15, pp1383-1384, 1991. [3] Lalonde, R,J,.Hartley,T.T., and DE AbreuGarica,J.A.: "Least squares model reduction", J.Franklin Inst., 329, pp 215- 240, 1992. [4] Sastry G.V.K.R, Mallikharjuna Rao.P., Surya Kalyan.G., " A Novel model reduction method for linear discrete interval systems using Root clustering technique", Internl. Jourl. of Engg. Research and Industrial Applications, Vol. 2, No. X, 2009. [5] Sastry G.V.K.R, Mallikharjuna Rao.P., Surya Kalyan.G., "Order reduction of discrete time SISO interval systems using pole clustering technique", Internl J. of Engg. Research and Industrial Applications., vol.4, 2011. [6] O.Ismail,"Robust Control and Model Reduction for linear Structured Uncertain systems" Ph.D dissertation, IIT, Mumbai, 1996 K.Kiran Kumar, Dr.G.V.K.R.Sastry |
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6. | Design & Implementation Of An Algorithm For Proximity Estimation In Sensor Network
Design & Implementation Of An Algorithm For Proximity Estimation In Sensor NetworkAbstract: Sensor networks are often used to perform monitoring tasks, such as in animal or vehicle tracking and in surveillance of enemy forces in military applications. In this project we will be introduce the concept of proximity queries that allow us to report interesting events that are observed by nodes in the network that are within certain distance of each other. An event is triggered when a user programmable predicate is satisfied on a sensor node. To study the problem of computing proximity queries in sensor networks using existing communication protocols and then propose an efficient Algorithm that can process multiple proximity queries, involving several different event types. This project gives solution utilizes a distributed routing index, maintained by the nodes in the network that is dynamically updated as new observations are obtained by the nodes. This project presents an extensive experimental study to show the benefits of this techniques under different scenarios.Key words: —position estimation, wireless sensors network, decentralized algorithm, position-based routing, location identification Reference [1] Sanjiv Rao and V Vallikumari, Associate Professor, Dept of IT, Sri Sai Aditya Institute of Science And Technology, Surampalem, AP India. Professor, Dept of CS&SE, College of Engineering, Andhra University. International Journal Of Advanced Smart Sensor Network Systems ( IJASSN ), Vol 2, No.2, April 2012 [2] Khalid K. Almuzaini Student Member and T.AaronGulliverSenior Member Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Victoria Victoria, BC, Canada, [3] Cuong Pham Duc A. Tran Department of Computer Science University of Massachusetts, Boston Razia Haider, Dr. Muhammad Younus Javed, Naveed S. Khattak Department of Computer Science, Military College of Signal, National University of Science & Technology, Rawalpinid, Pakistan. [4] Jaehun Lee, Wooyong Chung, and Euntai Kim School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea. [5] Vaidyanathan Ramadurai, Mihail L. Sichitiu Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering North Carolina State University [6] Umair Sadiq, Mohan Kumar Department of Computer Science and Engineering University of Texas [7] Satoshi Kurihara , Toshiharu Sugawara, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Waseda University, Japan Dhananjay M. Sable , Latesh G. Malik |
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7. | Optimization of Haematite Mass-Input for Minimum Remnant
Sulphur Content in Iron Ore Beneficiated with Powdered
Potassium Chlorate
Optimization of Haematite Mass-Input for Minimum Remnant Sulphur Content in Iron Ore Beneficiated with Powdered Potassium ChlorateAbstract: A model was derived for optimization of haematite mass-input during its beneficiation with powdered potassium chlorate in order to ensure a minimum remnant sulphur condition in the ore. The polynomial model; S=0.1233 2 -0.8042 +18.823 is rooted in the expression 5.3126 x 10-2 S=6.5505 x 10-3 2 - 0.0427 +1 where both sides of the expression are correspondingly approximately equal to 1. The maximum deviation of the model-predicted concentration of remnant sulphur (during the beneficiation process) from the concentrations obtained from regression model and experiment were less than 3 and 2% respectively. These translate to confidence levels of 97 and 98% respectively. The remnant sulphur content of the ore per unit massinput of iron oxide ore beneficiatedas obtained from experiment, derived model and regression model are 0.4920, 0.5520 and 0.5335 mg/kg g -1 respectively. The standard errors in predicting the remnant ore sulphur for each mass-input value of the iron oxide ore beneficiated (STEYX) is 0.3778 compared to experimental (0.4920) and regression model (2.805 x 10-5 ). The measure of variability (AVEDEV) in the results of concentrations of remnant ore sulphur from regression model, experimental and modelpredicted are 6.6625, 6.6625 and 6.6430% respectively. The F-test between the derived and regression model is 0.8234 and then 0.9814 between the derived and experimental results. Evaluations from experimental results and optimization of massinput of the iron oxide ore as well as predictions by derived model (D-Model) and regression model (RModel) indicate that a minimum remnant sulphur content of the ore ≈ 18 mg/kg would be achieved at an optimum ore mass-input of 3.2616g during the beneficiation process providing the mass-input of oxidant (KClO3) and treatment temperature remained constant.Key words: Model, Optimization, Haematite Massinput, Minimum Remnant Sulphur. Reference 1. Chapman W. A. P., Workshop Technology, part 1, 5th edition, Edward Arnold, London, 1972, 31-51. 2. Edneral F. P., Electrometallurgy of steel and Ferroalloys. MIR publishers, Moscow, 1, 1979, 99. 3. Nwoye C. I., Gaseous Desulphrization of Agbaja Iron Ore Concentrate. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences. 3, 2008, 72-75. 4. Nwoye, C. I., Process Analysis and Mechanism of Desulphurization of Agbaja Iron Oxide Ore, JMME, 8, 2009, 27-32. 5. Nwoye C. I, Anyakwo C. N, Nwoye C. U., Inyama S, Ejimofor, R, and Nwakwuo C. C., Model for Predictive Analysis of the Concentration of Sulphur Removed by Molecular-Oxygen-Induced Desulphurization of Iron Oxide OreJournal of Nature and Science. 7, 2009, 36 6. Nwoye C. I, Inyama S, and Eke H., Model for Predicting the Concentration of Sulphur Removed During Temperature Enhanced Oxidation of Iron Oxide Ore. Journal of American Science, 5, 2009, 49- 54. 7. Nwoye C. I, Lee S. O, Nwoye C. U, Obi M. C, Onuora E. and Trans, T., Model for Computational Analysis of the Concentration of Sulphur Removed during Oxidation of Iron Oxide Ore by Powdered Potassium Chlorate, Journal of Advances in Science and Technology. 3, 2009, 45-49. 8. Nwoye C. I, Nwakwuo C. C, Nwoye C. U, Onuora E., Obiji S, Mbuka I. E. and Obasi, G. C. Model for Predicting the Concentration of Sulphur Removed during Gaseous State Desulphurization of Iron Oxide Ore, Journal of Engineering and Earth Sciences (in press) 9. Odesina I. A., Essential Chemistry, 1st Edition, Lagos, 2003, 169-186. 10. Nwoye C. I., C-NIKBRAN; Data Analytical Memory, 2008. C. I. Nwoye, J. T. Nwabanne, E. M. Ameh |
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8. | Efficient Clocking System Using Sequential Elements With Low Power Consumption
Efficient Clocking System Using Sequential Elements With Low Power ConsumptionAbstract: Low power flip-flops which plays a vital role for the design of low-power digital systems. Flip flops and latches consume a large amount of power due to redundant transitions and clocking system. In addition, the energy consumed by low skew clock distribution network is steadily increasing and becoming a larger fraction of the chip power. Almost, 30% - 60% of total power dissipation in a system is due to flip flops and clock distribution network. In order to achieve a design that is both high performances while also being power efficient, careful attention must be paid to the design of flip flops and latches. We survey a set of flip flops designed for low power and High performance.Key words: Flip-flop, Low Power, Clocking system. Reference [1] C. L. Kim and S. Kang, "A low-swing clock double edge-triggered flip-flop," IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 37, no. 5, pp. 648–652, May 2002. [2] J. Rabaey, A. Chandrakasan, and B. Nikolic, Digital Integrated Circuits. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 2003. [3] B. Kong, S. Kim, and Y. Jun, "Conditional capture flip-flop for statistical power reduction," IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 36, no. 8, pp.1263–1271, Aug. 2001. [4] P. Zhao, T. Darwish, and M. Bayoumi, "High-performance and lowpower conditional discharge flip-flop," IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integr. (VLSI) Syst., vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 477–484, May 2004. [5] C. K. Teh, M. Hamada, T. Fujita, H. Hara, N. Ikumi, and Y. Oowaki, "Conditional data mapping flip-flops for low-power and high-performance systems," IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integr. (VLSI) Syst.,vol. 14, no. 12, pp. 1379–1383, Dec. 2006. [6] Peiyi Zhao, Jason McNeely, WeidongKuang, Nan Wang, and"Design of Sequential Elements for Low PowerClocking System" IEEE Transaction May 2011 K.Umadevi, P.Vishnu, B.Kailasam |
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9. | Software as a Service (SaaS) for Management information system using multiple tenants
Software as a Service (SaaS) for Management information system using multiple tenantsAbstract: Today, reliable broadband internet access, service-oriented architectures (SOAs), and the cost inefficiencies of managing dedicated on-premises applications are driving a transition toward the delivery of decomposable, managed, shared, Web-based services called software as a service (SaaS). Tenants using a multitenant service operate in virtual isolation from one another; Organizations can use and customize an application as though they each have a separate instance, yet their data and customizations remain secure and insulated from the activity of all other tenants. The single application instance effectively morphs at runtime for any particular tenant at any given time. Multitenancy is an architectural approach that pays dividends to both application providers and users. Operating just one application instance for multiple organizations yields tremendous economy of scale for the provider. Only one set of hardware resources is necessary to meet the needs of all users, a relatively small, experienced administrative staff can efficiently manage only one stack of software and hardware, and developers can build and support a single code base on just one platform (operating system, database, etc.) rather than many. The economics afforded by multitenancy allow the application provider in turn offer the service at a lower cost to customers.Key words: Cloud Computing, Multitenancy, SaaS, Virtualized database. Reference [1]. Force.com, "The Force.com Multitenant Architecture Understanding the Design of Salesforce.com's Internet Application Development Platform", White paper [2]. Qihong Shao "Towards Effective and Intelligent Multi-tenancy SaaS" ,UMI Dissertation publishing, May 2011 [3] International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE) ISSN: 2231- 2307, Volume-2, Issue-1, March 2012 421 [4] UNDERSTANDING The Cloud Computing Stack SaaS, Paas, IaaS, © Diversity Limited, 2011 Non-commercial reuse with attribution permitted. [5] Volume 2, Issue 1, January 2012 ISSN: 2277 128X International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering. [6] K.H. Bennett et al., "An Architectural Model for Service-Based Software with Ultra Rapid Evolution," Proc.IEEE Int'l Conf. Software Maintenance (ICSM 01),IEEE CS Press, 2001, pp. 292–300. [7] Haitham Yaish, Madhu Goyal, George Feuerlicht, "An Elastic Multi-tenant Database Schema for Software as a Service", 2011 Ninth IEEE International Conference on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing. [8] Wonjae Lee, Min Choi," A Multi-tenant Web Application Framework for SaaS", 2012 IEEE Fifth International Conference on Cloud Computing [9] Lei Ju, Bikram Sengupta,Abhik Roychoudhury," Tenant Onboarding in Evolving Multi-tenant Software-as-aService Systems", 2012 IEEE 19th International Conference on Web Services. [10] www.justlogin.com/leave-managementsoftware,ELeave. [11] www.hr2000.com,e-Leave Management System. Rachana Desale, Purva Kolhatkar, Anju More, Piyush Katira, Vishal Kokane Prof.S.M.Jaybhaye |
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10. | Audio Watermarking Using Lsb With Adjustment Method
Audio Watermarking Using Lsb With Adjustment MethodAbstract: In this paper we are discussing watermarking on audio signals. In this method the recorded audio data is first sampled using a sampling frequency of 22050 Hz. Then the watermark message is watermarked into the sampled data of the audio signal. In this method the adjustment is done to increase the accuracy of the watermarked signal. Finally we extract the message from the audio data.Key words: Watermarking, LSB, Adjustment method Reference [1] F. Hartung and M. Kutter, ―Multimedia Watermarking Techniques,‖ in Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 87, no.7, pp. 1079-1107, July 1999. [2] Chi-Kwong Chan , L.M. Cheng ―Hiding data in images by simple LSB substitution ―Pattern Recognition 37 (2004) 469– 474 , ww.elsevier.com/locate/patcog. [3] Dr.M.A.Dorairangaswamy ―A Robust Blind Image Watermarking Scheme in Spatial Domain for Copyright Protection‖ International Journal of Engineering and Technology Vol. 1, No.3, August, 2009 , ISSN: 1793-8236 . [4] I. Pitas,‖A method for signature casting on digital images,‖Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing,‖ Vol. 3, pp.215-318 ,1996. [5] R. Wolfgang and E. Delp, ‖ A watermark for digital images,‖ Proceeding of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Vol. 2, pp.319-222, 1996. [6] Sanghyun Joo, Youngho Suh, Jaeho Shin, and Hisakazu Kikuchi ―A New Robust Watermark Embedding into Wavelet DC Components ‖ ETRI Journal, Volume 24, Number 5, October 2002. [7] Sadi Vural, Hiromi Tomii, Hironori Yamauchi ―DWT Based Robust Watermarking Embeded Using CRC-32 Techniques‖ World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 5 2005. [8] Kundur D., and Hatzinakos, D., ‗A Robust Digital Image Water- marking Scheme using Wavelet-Based fusion,' Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. On Image Processing, Santa Barbara, California, vol. 1, pp. 544- 547, October 1997. Ansith.S, Priyanka Udayabhanu |
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11. | Kiswahili Linux Localization: Will Kiswahili be used worldwide in the Information and Communication Technology
Kiswahili Linux Localization: Will Kiswahili be used worldwide in the Information and Communication TechnologyAbstract: Any nation using its own language as the national language has to consider herself as a nation of self confidence and identity. Tanzania with a population of more than 40 million people is proud of using its natural language Kiswahili in the daily communications. However, Kiswahili is not present in the potential and promising sector of the new Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). This paper describes the relevance of Kiswahili as the national and regional language and the need for bringing Kiswahili into the Information and Communication Technologies sector. The paper presents an initiative to localize Open Source Software including such as open office, firefox browser, Linux and others to Kiswahili and a proposed methodology to accomplish this challenge.Key words: Kiswahili, ICT, Open Source Software, Localization Reference (1) M.M.Mulokozi, Kiswahili as a National Language, Institute of Asian and African Studies IAS), Finland 2002. (2) Tanzania Planning Commission, The Tanzania National Development Vision 2025. http://www.tanzania.go.tz/vision.htm last accessed on 10/11/2012 (3) GNU Project, Definition of Free Software. http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/freesw.html last accessed 29 Dec 2012 (4) Debian 110n Spanish, Spanish Localization Effort. lists.debian.org/debian- 110n-spanish/ last accessed on 10th Sept. 2012 (5) GNU Gettext Project, Tools to produce multi-lingual messages. http:/www.gnu.org/directory/localization/ge ttext.html last accessed Dec. 2012 (6) S. Visnovsky, M. Kiefer, The Kbabel Handbook http://docs.kde.org/en/3.2/kdesdk/kbabel/. Last accessed 13th August 2012 (7) V. Slavik, Cross.platform gettext catalogs editor. http://poedit.sourceforge.net. Last accessed Nov. 2012 (8) K. Atkinson, GNU Spell Checker http://www.gnu.org/software/spell. Last accessed Oct. 2012 Hashim M. Twaakyondo |
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12. | An Innovative Strategy for Maintenance of Highway Pavement
An Innovative Strategy for Maintenance of Highway PavementAbstract: Highway pavement are deteriorating fast due to lack of timely maintenance, leading to higher vehicle operating costs, increasing number of accidents etc. Thus, timely maintenance of the highway pavement is essential. Because, once pavements start to deteriorate; they deteriorate rapidly beyond the point where maintenance is effective. Thus, there is an urgent need to develop a strategy for maintenance of pavement in a huge highway network. In this study, an innovative strategy for maintenance of highway pavement is proposed. A two stage maintenance strategy is proposed. In stage I, it is proposed to determine priority of highway sections. In Stage II, priority of various maintenance activities to be carried out on various sections will be determined. Maintenance priority of the pavement is based on importance of the road sections, present road conditions, and future road conditions. The methodology proposed in this study is illustrated with the help of example of some hypothetical highway network consisting of 4 sections. Analysis results indicated that the proposed strategy is considered to be more rational, innovative & logical. Some strategies for maintenance of urban roads are also presented in this study. Therefore, it is expected that this study will be useful for maintenance of huge highway network in India and thus will be useful for preserving huge asset of pavement infrastructureKey words: Highway Maintenance; Maintenance Strategy; Maintenance Priority; Maintenance of urban roads, Reference 1) Agarwal, P.K.,"Road Condition, Prioritization and optimal resource allocation for Highway Maintenance at Network Level", Ph. D. thesis, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Kanpur, Kanpur, 2006. 2) Choudhary, S. "An Innovative Strategy for Highway Maintenance in India" M.Tech Thesis, Department of Civil Engineering MANIT, Bhopal, 2011 (thesis submitted). 3) G. Shailendra and Veeraragavan, . A., "Quantification of benefits of Improved Pavement performance due to Good Drainage," IRC Journal Volume. 71- 1January March 2010 4) IRC: 82-1982 "Code of Practice for Maintenance of Bituminous Surfaces of Highway", Indian Road Congress, New Delhi. 5) Jain, S.S., Gupta A.K. and Khanna, S.K., "Pavement Evaluation and Overlay Design for Efficient Management System in India", Proc. 14th ARRB Conference, Australia, Aug-Sept. 1988. 6) Jain, S.S. and Gupta, A.K, Khanna, S.K. & Dayanand, " Development of Maintenance and Rehabilitation Investment Strategy for Flexible Pavements", IRC Journal Volume 57-2, in june-1996 7) Jain, S.S. and Gupta, A.K & Rastogi Sanjeev, "Study of influencing Parameters for Efficient Maintenance Management of Flexible Pavements", Paper No. 411, IRC Journal Volume 53-1, in June 1992, pp. 93- 143. 8) Khanna, S.K., and Justo, C.E.G., (1993), "Highway Engineering", New Chand and Bros, 7th edition, New Delhi. 9) Nagabhushana, M.N., Jain, P.K., Kanchan.P.K. "Innovative Strategies for Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Metropolitan City Roads-A Case Study," Indian Highways, June 2010, pp. 33 - 43. 10) Puare S., "An Development of Pavement Management System for Rigid Pavement in India: Some Issues" M.Tech Thesis, Department of Civil Engineering MANIT, Bhopal, 2011 (thesis submitted). 11) Reddy, Sathees Kumar, Veeraragavan, C.V., "Pragmatic Approach for the Maintenance Management of Rural Highways," Indian Road Congress Journal Volume 56-2, New Delhi, 1995. Sandeep Choudhary, Dr. P. K. Agarwal |
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13. | Power Plant- A Scientific Disaster
Power Plant- A Scientific DisasterAbstract: The present paper emphasisesthe society's movement towards improvement of power sector as a pavement of luxury and on the benighted dark side of it. This produces the reasons for enchanting power plant as a scientific disaster. This paper gives the detailed list of effects caused by the power plants mainly on coal fired, nuclear and hydroelectric power plants, their adverse effects on environment and in turn human life.Key words: power plants, coal, nuclear, human habitation Reference [1] Mishra U.C., Environmental impact of coal industry and thermal power plants in India, J Environ Radio act, 72(1-2), 35-40 (2004) [2] Jamil S., Abhilash P.C., Singh A., Singh N. and BhelHari M., Fly ash trapping and metal accumulation capacity of plant, implication of for green belt around thermal power plant, J. Land Esc. And Urban Plan, 92, 136-147 (2009) [3] Fulekar M.H. and Dave J.M., Release and behaviour of Cr, Mn, Ni and Pb in a fly‐ash/soil/water environment: column experiment, into. Of Environmental Studies, 4, 281-296 (1991) [4] Pvrecek, Lbendik, Pb210 and Po210 in fossil fuel at the sustain thermal power plant (Slovenia), Czechoslovak j of phy, 53-a51-a (2003) [5] F˙IL˙IZ G ¨ UR and G ¨ UNSEL˙I YAPRAK, Natural radionuclide emission from coal-fired power plants in the south western of Turkey and the population exposure to external radiation in their vicinity, J. of Environ. Sci. and Health Part A, 45, 1900–1908 (2010) [6] Kant K., Chakarvarti S.K Environmental impact of coal utilization in thermal power plant, J. of Punjab Acad. of For. Med. &Toxi, 3, 15-18 (2003) [7] SenapatiManasRanjan, Fly ash from thermal power plants – waste management and overview current science, 100, 1791- 1794 (2011) [8] korba.gov.in/kwflyash.htm (2012) [9] Coal ash and mercury: why coal a health hazard by David Shearman and Mariann Lloyd-Smith (2010) Dharmateja Bandlamudi, Sahithi Avirneni |
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14. | Fair Contract Signing Protocol Based On Secret Sharing
Fair Contract Signing Protocol Based On Secret SharingAbstract: A fair contract signing protocol allows two potentially mistrusted parties to exchange their commitments to an agreed contract over the Internet in a fair way so that either each of them obtains the others signature or neither party does. The existing protocols face the problem of more number of transactions in between TTP and party. Also the time complexity and computational complexities are more. In this paper we are proposing a fair contract signing protocol based on secret sharing scheme. The proposed method satisfies property of abuse freeness and fairness. That is if the protocol is executed unsuccessfully, none of the two parties can show the validity of intermediate results to others. The proposed scheme is more reliable, secure and less complex .Key words: Contract signing, Secret Sharing, Visual Cryptography Reference [1] Abadi, N. Glew, B. Horne, and B. Pinkas, "Certified e-mail with a light on-line trusted third party: Design and implementation," in Proc.2002 Int.World Wide Web Conf. (WWW‟02), 2002, pp. 387–395, ACM Press. [2] N. Asokan, V. Shoup, and M. Waidner, "Optimistic fair exchange of digital signatures," in Proc. EUROCRYPT‟98, 1998, vol. 1403, LNCS, pp. 591–606, SpringerVerlag. [3] N. Asokan, V. Shoup, and M. Waidner, "Optimistic fair exchange of digital signatures," IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., vol. 18, no. 4, pp.591–606, Apr. 2000. [4] G. Ateniese, "Efficient verifiable encryption (and fair exchange) of digital signature," in Proc. ACMConf. Computer and Communications Security [5] Rajasree R. S., "RSA based solution for fair contracr signing" International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, Vol. 1, Issue 8. [6] A. Shamir, "How to share a secret," Communications of the ACM, vol. 22, no. 11, pp. 612–613, Nov. 1979. [7] M. Naor, A. Shamir, "Visual cryptography", Proc. Eurocrypt ‟94, Lecture Notes Computer Sci., Vol. 950, pp.1-12, 1994. [8] R.L.Rivest ,A.Shamir and L.Adleman ,"Amethod for obtaining digital signature and public-key cryptosystem",commun.ACM,vol.21 no.2 ,pp. 120-126,Feb.1978 [9] J.M.Park,E.Chhong ,H.J. Siegel and I.Ray ,"Constructing fair exchange for ecommerce via distributed computation of RSA signatures" in Proc.PODC ,2003 ,pp172-181,ACM press Rajasree R.S., Sonali Patil |
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TRANSPORTATION NETWORK ANALYSIS BY USING REMOTE SENSING AND GIS A REVIEWAbstract: With the advent technology of Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS), a network transportation (Road) analysis within this environment has now become a common practice in many application areas. But a main problem in the network transportation analysis is the less quality and insufficient maintenance policies. This is because of the lack of funds for infrastructure. This demand for information requires new approaches in which data related to transportation network can be identified, collected, stored, retrieved, managed, analyzed, communicated and presented, for the decision support system of the organization. The adoption of newly emerging technologies such as Geographic Information System (GIS) can help to improve the decision making process in this area for better use of the available limited funds. The paper reviews the applications of GIS technology for transportation network analysisKey words: GIS, Network Analysis, Remote Sensing, Transportation Reference [1] Emilio Chuvieco and Alfredo Huete, Fundamental of Satellite Remote Sensing (CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, 2010). [2] Michael Batty and Paul J. Densham, Decision Support, GIS, And Urban Planning, January 1996 (http://www.acturban.org/biennial/doc_pla nners /decission_gis_planning.htm). [3] Dr.K.M.Lakshmana Rao and K.Jayasree, Rural Infrastructure Planning with emphasis on road network connectivity by Coplanar Concurrent Theory, Map India Conference 2003. [4] James r. Anderson, Ernest E. Hardy, John T. Roach, and Richard E. Witmer ,A LandUse and Land Cover Classification System for Use with Remote Sensor Data, Geological Survey Professional Paper 964 (1976). [5] Ravindra Kumar Verma, Sangeeta Kumari and R. K. Tiwary, Application Of Remote Sensing And GIS Technique For Efficient Urban Planning In India, (http://www.researchgate.net/publication/2 34097016_Application_of_Remote_Sensi ng_and_GIS_Technique_for_Efficient_Ur ban_Planning_in_India). [6] S. Kazemi and S. Lim, Deriving MultiScale GEODATA from TOPO-250K Road Network Data, (http://www.gmat.unsw.edu.au/snap/publi cations/kazemi_etal2006a.pdf). [7] Alistair Edwardes and William Mackaness, Intelligent Generalisation Of Urban Road Networks, (http://www.geos.ed.ac.uk/homes/wam/Ed wardesMack2000b.pdf). [8] Gopala Raju SSSV, Durga Rani K and Balaji KVGD, Analysis of road network in Visakhapatnam city using geographical information systems, Indian Society for Education and Environment (iSee) International Journal May 2012. [9] Dr. Praveen Kumar, Dhanunjaya Reddy and Varun Singh, Intelligent transport system using GIS, Map India Conference 2003. [10] R.Nijagunappa, Sulochana Shekhar, B. Gurugnanam, P.L.N. Raju And Prabir De, Road Network Analysis Of Dehradun City Using High Resolution Satellite Data And GIS, Journal Of The Indian Society Of Remote Sensing, Vol. 35, No. 3, 2007. Ajay D. Nagne, Dr. Bharti W.Gawali |
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16. | Semantically Detecting Plagiarism for Research Papers
Semantically Detecting Plagiarism for Research PapersAbstract: Plagiarism means copying of published work without proper acknowledgement of source. Plagiarism is a major concern, in an academic environment, which affects both the credibility of institutions as well as its ability to ensure quality of its student. Plagiarism detection of research papers deals with checking similarities with other research papers. Manual methods cannot be used for checking research papers, as the assigned reviewer may have inadequate knowledge in the research disciplines. They may have different subjective views, causing possible misinterpretations. Therefore, there was an urgent need for an effective and feasible approach to check the submitted research papers with support of automated software. A method like- text mining method came into picture to solve the problem of automatically checking the research papers semantically. Our proposed system uses Term Frequency- Inverse Document Frequency (TFIDF) and Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) to semantically find plagiarism.Key words: Decision Support Systems, Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI), Term Frequency- Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF), Text Mining Reference [1] J. Vesanto and E. Alhoniemi, ―Clustering of the self-organizing map", IEEE Trans. Neural Netw, vol. 11, no. 3, May 2000, 586–600. [2] Juan Ramos, ―Using TF-IDF to Determine Word Relevance in Document Queries‖, Department of Computer Science, Rutgers University, 23515 BPO Way, Piscataway, NJ, 08855. [3] R. Feldman and J. Sanger, ―The Text Mining Handbook: Advanced Approaches in Analyzing Unstructured Data‖. New York: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2007. [4] Zukas, Anthony, Price, Robert J., ―Document Categorization Using Latent Semantic Indexing White Paper‖ Content Analyst Company, LLC. [5] Jian Ma, Wei Xu, Yong-hong Sun, Efraim Turban, Shouyang Wang, and OuLiu ―An Ontology-Based TextMining Method to Cluster Papers for Research Project Selection,‖ IEEE transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics—part a: systems and humans, vol. 42, no. 3, may 2012. [6] W.M. Wangn, C.F.Cheung ,―A Semantic-based Intellectual Property Management System (SIPMS) for supporting patent analysis‖ ,Knowledge Management Research Centre, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering,The HongKong Polytechnic University, HungHom,Kowloon, Hong Kong. [7] Milic-Frayling, N., 2005. ―Text processing and information retrieval‖,In Zanasi, A. (Ed.), Text Mining and its Applications to Intelligence, CRM and Knowledge Management. WIT Press, Southampton Boston, pp. 1–45. [8] Wise, M., ―YAP3: improved detection of similarities in computer program and other texts‖, Proceedings of twenty seventh SIGCSE technical symposium on computer science education, Philadelphia, USA. 130-134, 1996. [9] Chen, X., B. Francia, M. Li, B. Mckinnon and A. Seker, ―Shared Information and Program Plagiarism Detection‖, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 50, pp.1545- 1551, 2004 [10] Prechelt, Lutz, Guido Malpohl, Michael Phlippsen, ―JPlag: Finding plagiarisms among set of programs‖, Technical Report 2000-1, March 28, 2000 [11] Apiratikul, P., ―Document Fingerprinting Using Graph Grammar Induction", Masters Thesis submitted to the Department of Computer Sciences, Oklahoma State University,2004 Reena Kharat, Preeti M. Chavan, Vaibhav Jadhav, Kuldeep Rakibe |
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17. | Analysis and Modeling of Agricultural Land use using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System: a Review
Analysis and Modeling of Agricultural Land use using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System: a ReviewAbstract: GIS, remote sensing and Global positioning System are the most widely useful tools for land use planning and decision support system. Remotely sensed imagery is beneficial for agricultural production. It gives the accurate information of agricultural activities such as different crop identification and classification, crop condition monitoring, crop growth, crop area and yield estimation, mapping of soil characteristics and precision farming. Information from remotely sensed imagery, geographic information system and global positioning system allows farmers to carry only affected areas of a field. Problems within the field may be identified before they create a big problem in the agricultural production using remotely sensed images. This paper attempts to review different techniques for various applications of GIS and Remote sensing for land use/land cover change detection, crop identification and classification, crop condition monitoring, crop growth, crop area and yield estimation, mapping of soil characteristics and precision farming. Thus implementating GIS and RS for better production of the crops as well as land use/land cover change detection can be achieved.Key words: Classification, Crop acreage and yield estimation, Precision farming, RS and GIS, Soil mapping Reference [1] Meliadis Ioannis, Miltiadis Meliadis, Multi-temporal Landsat image classification and change analysis of land cover/use in the Prefecture of Thessaloiniki, Greece, Proceedings of the International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, 1(1): 15-25, 2011. [2] D.K. Tripathi and Manish Kumar, Remote Sensing Based Analysis of Land Use / Land Cover Dynamics in Takula Block, Almora District (Uttarakhand), J Hum Ecol, 38(3): 207-212, 2012. [3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Land_cover/L and_use. [4] http://www.nrcan.gc.ca/sites/www.nrcan.g c.ca.earthsciences/files/pdf/resource/tutor/ fundam/pdf/fundamentals_e.pdf. %20Levin/1999-fundamentals-of-remote sensing.pdf.,p.p-3,4,5. [5] Goswami S. B., Dr. Aruna Saxena and Dr. G. D. Bairagi, Remote Sensing and GIS based wheat crop acreage estimation of Indore district, M.P., International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Volume 2, Issue 3, March 2012. [6] http://www.seosproject.eu/modules/agricu lture/agriculture-c00-p01-a.html. [7] Sandeep Kr. Soni, Crop Area Estimation for Bundi Tahsil of Rajasthan using Remote Sensing and GIS Technique, Geospatial World Forum, Hyderabad, India, 18-21-janeuary 2011. [8] Amber L. (Williams) Coleman and John M. Galbraith, Using GIS as an Agricultural Land-Use Planning Tool, Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station, Bulletin 00-2, Department of Crop and Soil Environmental Science College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Virginia Tech, December-2000. http://www.vaes.vt.edu/research/publicati ons/index.html. [9] Ujoh Fanan, Kwabe Isa Dlama and Ifatimehin Olarewaju Oluseyi, Urban expansion and vegetal cover loss in and around Nigeria's Federal Capital City, Journal of Ecology and the Natural Environment Vol. 3(1), pp. 1-10, January 2011. http://www.academicjournals.org/jene. [10] Lakshumanan.C, Pradeep Kishore.V, Viveganandan.S, Krishnakumar.P, Muthusankar.G, Landuse / Land cover dynamics study in Nilgiris district part of Western Ghats, Tamilnadu, International Journal of Geomatics And Geosciences, Volume 2, No 3, 2012. Amol D. Vibhute, Dr. Bharti W. Gawali |
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18. | Autonomous Reconfiguration for Wireless Mesh Network
Autonomous Reconfiguration for Wireless Mesh NetworkAbstract: The demands for the network usage are increasing day by day. During their lifetime, multihop wireless mesh networks (WMNs) experience frequent link failures caused by channel interference, dynamic obstacles, and/or applications' bandwidth demands, which may degrade the system performance. This paper presents an autonomous network reconfiguration system (ANRS) that enables a multiradio WMN to autonomously recover from local link failures to preserve network performance. Using ANRS necessary changes are made in local and radio channel assignments for failure recovery. Next, based on the thusgenerated configuration changes, the system cooperatively reconfigures network settings among local mesh routers. ANRS has been implemented extensively on our IEEE 802.11- based WMN through ns2-based simulation. Our evaluation results show that ANRS outperforms existing failure-recovery schemes in improving channel-efficiency and in the ability of meeting the applications' bandwidth demands.Key words: -IEEE 802.11, multiradio wireless mesh networks (mr-WMNs), Routing, selfreconfigurable networks, wireless link failures. Reference [1] I. Akyildiz, X. Wang, and W. Wang, ―Wireless mesh networks: A survey,‖ Comput. Netw., vol. 47, no. 4, pp. 445– 487, Mar. 2005. [2] P. Kyasanur and N. Vaidya, ―Capacity of multi-channel wireless networks: Impact of number of channels and interfaces,‖ in Proc. ACM MobiCom, Cologne, Germany, Aug. 2005. [3] K. Ramanchandran, E. Belding-Royer, and M. Buddhikot, ―Interference- aware channel assignment in multi-radio wireless mesh networks,‖ in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, Barcelona, Spain, Apr. 2006, pp. 1–12. [4] R. Draves, J. Padhye, and B. Zill, ―Routing in multi-radio, multi-hop wireless mesh networks,‖ in Proc. ACM MobiCom, Philadelphia, PA, Sep. 2004, pp. 114–128. [5] D. Aguayo et al., ―Link-level measurements from an 802.11b mesh network,‖ in Proc. ACM SIGCOMM 2004, Aug. 2004. [6] A. Willsky, ―A Survey of Design Methods for Failure Detection in Dynamic Systems,‖ Automatica, vol. 12, pp. 601– 611, 1976. [7] A. Brzezinski, G. Zussman, and E. Modiano, ―Enabling distributed throughput maximization in wireless mesh networks: A partitioning approach,‖ in Proc. ACM MobiCom, Los Angeles, CA, Sep. 2006, pp26–37. [8] D. S. D. Couto, D. Aguayo, J. Bicket, and R. Morris, ―A high-throughput path metric for multi-hop wireless routing,‖ in Proc. ACM MobiCom, San Diego, CA, Sep. 2003, pp. 134–146. B.Sindhu, V.Bharathi, N.Karthikeyan |
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19. | A Computational Approach for Analyzing and Detecting Emotions in Arabic Text
A Computational Approach for Analyzing and Detecting Emotions in Arabic TextAbstract: The field of Affective Computing (AC) expects to narrow the communicative gap between the highly emotional human and the emotionally challenged computer by developing computational systems that recognize and respond to the affective states of the user. Affect-sensitive interfaces are being developed in number of domains, including gaming, mental health, and learning technologies. Emotions are part of human life. Recently, interest has been growing among researchers to find ways of detecting subjective information used in blogs and other online social media. This paper concerned with the automatic detection of emotions in Arabic text. This construction is based on a moderate sized Arabic emotion lexicon used to annotate Arabic children stories for the six basic emotions: Joy, Fear, Sadness, Anger, Disgust, and Surprise. Our approach achieves 65% accuracy for emotion detection in Arabic text.Key words: Emotion recognition, affective computing, human- machine interaction, emotional Arabic lexicon, text analysis. Reference [1] W. Peter, M. Roger, F. Petra, C. Marc and W. Yorick, Emotion in Human-Agent Interfaces (January 2006). [2] S. Turkle, The Second Self: Computers and the Human Spirit (Simon & Schuster, 1984). [3] S. Mingli , Y. Mingyu, L.Na, Ch. Chun, A robust multimodal approach for emotion recognition (College of Computer Science, Zhejiang University, China, 2008). [4] P. Ekman. "Are there basic emotions?", Psychological Review, 99, pp. 550-553. [5] N. Frijda, "Emotion, Cognitive Structure, and Action Tendency," Cognition and Emotion, vol. 1, pp. 115-143, 1987. [6] O. Zeljko , G. Nestor , L. Miguel , F.Inmaculada , C.Idoia, An Ontology for Description of Emotional Cues, (Computer Science Faculty; University of the Basque Country, 2005). [7] B. Nadia, C. Paul, C. Anna, J. Charlene, and K. Woong. On posture as a modality for expressing and recognizing emotions. UCLIC, University College London, Remax House, Alfred Place, London WC1E 7DP, UK. [8] C. Elizabeth, N. Shami, P. Christian, Let's get emotional: Emotion research in human computer interaction, (California, USA, April 2007). [9] S. Mingli , Y. Mingyu, L.Na, Ch. Chun, A robust multimodal approach for emotion recognition (College of Computer Science, Zhejiang University, China, 2008). [10] Shiv Naresh Shivhare, Saritha Khethawat, "Emotion Detection from Text", CS & IT 05, 2012, pp.371-377. Amira F. El Gohary, Torky I. Sultan, Maha A. Hana, Mohamed M. El Dosoky |
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20. | Reduction Of Cod And Bod By Oxidation: A Cetp Case Study
Reduction Of Cod And Bod By Oxidation: A Cetp Case StudyAbstract: The present study is focused on a Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) located at Umaraya, District Baroda. Waste water from about thirty five small and medium scale industries majorly comprising of chemical manufacturing and pharmaceutical industries are treated in this CETP. The incoming wastewater was collected and segregated into three groups as per their BOD/COD ratio. They were then oxidized independently by two oxidants Fenton's reagent (Fe2+/H2O2) and Sodium Hypochlorite (NaOCl) and reduction in COD and BOD were observed at different chlorine, H2O2, FeSO4 doses, different pH values and contact time for determining the optimum values. COD and BOD values at optimized conditions for the two oxidants were compared and observed that maximum reduction of 64.35% and 68.57% respectively was achieved by Fenton's reagent. The results clearly indicate that conventional system should be replaced by advanced oxidation process and Fenton's reagent is a suitable choice.Key words: CETP, COD and BOD reduction, Fenton's Reagent, Optimum Conditions, Oxidation Reference [1] Putri F. Khamaruddin, M. Azmi Bustam and A. Aziz Omar, Using Fenton's Reagents for the Degradation of Diisopropanolamine: Effect of Temperature and pH, International Conference on Environment and Industrial Innovation IPCBEE 12, Singapore, 2011, 12-17. [2] Metcalf and Eddy, Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse (Tata McGraw-Hill, Fourth edition, 2003). [3] F. Vaezi, K. Naddafi, F. Karimi and M. Alimohammadi, Application of chlorine dioxide for secondary effluent polishing, International Journal of Environmental Science & Technology, 1(2), 2004, 97-101. [4] Qingxuan Zhang and Guohua Yang, The removal of COD from refinery wastewater by Fenton reagent, IEEE Conference (RSETE), China, 2011, 7974 – 7977. [5] Lech Kos, Karina Michalska and Jan Perkowski, Textile Wastewater Treatment by the Fenton Method, Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe, 18 (4), 2010, 105-109. [6] Cláudia Telles Benatti and Célia Regina Granhen Tavares, Fenton's Process for the Treatment of Mixed Waste Chemicals, in Dr. Tomasz Puzyn (Ed.), Organic Pollutants Ten Years After the Stockholm Convention - Environmental and Analytical Update, (InTech, 2012) 247-270. [7] M. Ali Awan, Reduction of chemical oxygen demand from Tannery wastewater by oxidation, Electronic Journal of Environmental, Agricultural and Food Chemistry 3(1), 2004, 625-628. Prashant K. Lalwani, Malu D. Devadasan |
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21. | Production of gasoline-like fuel obtained from waste lubrication oil and its physicochemical properties
Production of gasoline-like fuel obtained from waste lubrication oil and its physicochemical propertiesAbstract: In this study, our main focus is on finding alternative fuel resources and utilizing them to eliminate their negative effects. Because of the limitations of petroleum products, the used engine oils can be used in engine as engine oil after purifying it. Production of gasoline like fuel from used engine oil is involving chemical filtrations and blending process. The GLF is produced from waste engine lubrication oil (WLO) using the pyrolitic distillation method. Firstly, the WLO collected in a tank was particulates removed by a refining process. The refined lubrication oil samples were taken into a reactor and blended with some catalysts, and purified from dust, heavy carbon soot, metal particles, gum-type materials and other impurities. A fuel production system mainly consisting of a seven main parts using are waste oil storage tank, filters, a reactor, oil pump, a product storage tank, thermostats and control panel. The characteristic such as density, viscosity, flash point, heating value, sulphur content and distillation of the GLF are deliberated. The gasoline like fuel can be used in gasoline engine without any problem and increases the engine performance.Key words: Waste oil; Gasoline fuel; Gasoline engine; properties; pyrolitic distillation method; Engine performance Reference [1] Phan AN, Phan TM. Biodiesel production from waste cooking oils. Fuel 2008;87:3490e6. [2] Fuentes MJ, Font R, Gómez-Rico MF, Martín-Gullón I. Pyrolysis and combustionof waste lubricant oil from diesel cars: decomposition and pollutants. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 2007;79:215e26. [3] Bhaskar T, Uddin MA, Muto A. Recycling of waste lubricant oil into chemical feedstock or fuel oil over supported iron oxide catalysts. Fuel 2004;83:9e13. [4] Sakata Y, Uddin MA, Muto A. Degradation of polyethylene and polypropylene into fuel oil by using solid acid and non-acid catalysts. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 999;51(2):135e55. [5] Lazaro MJ, Moliner R, Suelves I, Herod AA, Kandiyoti R. Characterisation of tars from the co-pyrolysis of waste lubricating oils with coal. Fuel 2001;80:179e94. [6] Kim SS, Kim SH. Pyrolysis kinetics of waste automobile lubricating oil. Fuel 2000;79:1943e9. [7] Poutsma ML. Fundamental reactions of free radicals relevant to pyrolysis reactions. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 2000;54:5e35. [8] Arvanitoyannis IS, Tserkezou P. Cereal waste management: treatment methods and potential uses of treated waste. Waste Management for the Food Industries; 2008:629e702. [9] Daniel M, Otto J, Centereach NY. Method and apparatus for recycling waste lubrication oil for reuse as fuel. USA Patent No: 5507307, 2004. [10] Research Triangle Institute. Toxicological profile for used mineral-based crankcase oil. In: Prepared for US Department of Health and Human Services; 1997. Juhi Sharaf, Beena Mishra, R B Sharma |
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22. | Deciding the Correct Usage of Database Queries, Data Mining and OLAP in an Applications
Deciding the Correct Usage of Database Queries, Data Mining and OLAP in an ApplicationsAbstract: In the recent years, numbers of the studies have been done on different techniques of information retrieval. These retrieval techniques includes Database Queries, Data Mining and Online Analytical Processing (OLAP).The retrieved information is used for various purposes according to the different requirements. The retrieved information might be used for the purpose of Analysis, for the purpose of various users behavior prediction or for the purpose of Decision Support System (DSS).Now the confusion is that when to use Database Queries, when to use Data Mining and when to use Online Analytical Processing (OLAP).This paper elaborates the usage of Database queries, Data Mining, OLAP according to the user's purpose, requirements at the particular instant. The paper also emphasized on performance of these techniques with appropriate examples. The goal of paper is to give the better clue to the user about the usage of techniques such as Database Queries, Data Mining and OLAP in an application to get the information in an easy way with efficient performance.Key words: Database Queries, Data Mining, Decision Support System (DSS), Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) Reference [1]. S. Goil and A. Choudhary, "High performance OLAP and data mining on parallel computers," Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 391-417, Dec. 1997. [2]. S. Asghar, D. Alahakoon and A. Hsu, "Enhancing OLAP functionality using selforganizing neural networks," Neural, Parallel and Scientific Computations, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 1-20, March 2004. [3]. R. B. Messaoud, O. Boussaid and S. Rabaseda, "A new OLAP aggregation based on the AHC technique," in Proc. of the 7th ACM Int'l Workshop on Data Warehousing and OLAP (DOLAP), ACM New York, 2004, pp. 65-72. [4]. J. Han, "Towards online analytical mining in large databases," ACM SIGMOD Record, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 97-107, March 1998 [5]. H. Zhu, "Online analytical mining of association rules," Master Thesis, Simon Fraser University, 1998, pp. 1-117 [6]. J. Fong, H. K. Wong and A. Fong, "Online analytical mining Webpages tick sequences," J. of Data Warehousing, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 59-67, 2000 [7]. S. Dzeroski, D. Hristovski and B. Peterlin, "Using data mining and OLAP to discover patterns in a database of patients with Y chromosome deletions," in Proc. AMIA Symp., 2000, pp. 215–219. [8]. J. Seo, et. al., "Interactive color mosaic and dendrogram displays for signal/noise optimization in microarray data analysis," in Proc. of the Intl. Conf. on Multimedia and Expo-Volume 3, 2003, pp. 461-464. [9] Sarbani Dasgupta, Soumya Sen, Nabendu Chaki; "A Framework To Convert XML Schema to ROLAP"; Proc. of 2nd Intl. Conf. on Emerging Applications of Information Technology, 2011. [10] Muhammad Usman, Sohail Asghar, Simon Fong"Data Mining and Automatic OLAP Schema Generation". [11] Soumya Sen, Ranak Ghosh, Debanjali Paul, NabenduChaki; "Integrating Related XML Data into MultipleData Warehouse Schemas"; Proc. of the First International Conference on Information Technology Convergence and Services (ITCS 2012), Bangalore, India. Nitin S.Kharat |
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23. | Performance Evaluation Of Some Algorithms For Acoustic Images Using Image Segmentation Techniqes
Performance Evaluation Of Some Algorithms For Acoustic Images Using Image Segmentation TechniqesAbstract: This paper is concerned with Unsupervised sonar image segmentation .We present a new estimation and segmentation procedure on images provided by a high resolution sonar. The sonar image is segmented in to two kinds of regions:Shadow (corresponding to a lack of acoustic reverberation behind each object lying on seabed) and Reverberation (Due the reflection of acoustic wave on the seabed and on the objects).The unsupervised contextual method is defined as a two-step processExpectation Maximization Algorithm and Statistical Region SnakeTheory[1]. The expectation maximization algorithm is very useful for parameter estimation problems in finite mixtures. The stochastic EM algorithm is a widely applicable approach for computing maximum likelihood estimates for the mixture problem[2].During past years the active contour models (Snakes) have been widely used for finding the contours of objects. This segmentation strategy is classically edge-based in the sense that the snake is driven to fit the maximum of an edge map of the scene.This technique has been successfully applied to real sonar images, and is compatible with an automatic processing of massive amounts of dataKey words: Active contours , Image edge detection , Imageprocessing ,Unsupervised Imagese gmentation ,Expectation,MaximizationAlgorithm, Snake Algorithm , Reference [1] R. Adams and L. Bischof, "Seeded region growing," IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Machine Intell., vol. 6, June 1994. [2] A. C. Bovic, M. Clark, and W. S. Geisler, "Multichannel texture analysis using localized spatial filters," IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Machine Intell., vol. 12, pp. 55–73, Jan. 1990. [3] J. M. H. Du Buf, "Gabor phase in texture discrimination," Signal Process., vol. 21, pp. 221–240, 1990. [4] J. M. H. Du Buf and P. Heitkämper, "Texture features based on Gabor phase," Signal Process., vol. 23, pp. 225–244, 1991. [5] J. Canny, "Computational approach to edge detection," IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Machine Intell., vol. 8, pp. 679–698, Nov. 1986. [6] L. D. Cohen, "On active contour models and balloons," CVGIP: Image Understand., vol. 53, pp. 211–218, Mar. 1991. [7] J. G. Daugman and C. J. Downing, "Demodulation, predictive coding, and spatial vision," J. Opt. Soc. Amer. A, vol. 12, pp. 641–660, Apr. 1995. [8] R. Deriche, "Optimal edge detection using recursive filtering," in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Computer Vision, 1987, pp. 501– 505. [9] D. Dunn, W. E. Higgins, and J. Wakeley, "Texture segmentation using 2-D Gabor elementary functions," IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Machine Intell., vol. 16, pp. 130–149, Feb. 1994. [10] T. Meier and K. Ngan, "Automatic segmentation of moving objects for video object plane generation," IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol., vol. 8, pp. 525–538, 1998. Raviteja.Bhima |
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24. | A Simplified Topology for Seven Level Modified Multilevel Inverter with Reduced Switch Count Technique
A Simplified Topology for Seven Level Modified Multilevel Inverter with Reduced Switch Count TechniqueAbstract: In this paper, a seven level modified cascaded multilevel inverter is proposed for industrial drive applications. Apart from selecting the conventional level inverters, Multi level inverters has been chosen for the industrial drive applications as it reduces the total harmonic distortion. The involvement of higher number of switches increases the complexity of the system, which leads to losses in switching, producing huge harmonics and in the end, it entirely reduces the efficiency of the system. The cascaded multilevel inverter involves only fewer switches, where it reduces the complexity of the system which in turn reduces the harmonics and reduces the complexity of the system and in total it reduces the total harmonics distortion.Key words: Cascaded Multilevel Inverter, Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor, Pulse Width Modulation, Total Harmonic Distortion. Reference [1] Franquelo, L.G., (2008), "The age of multilevel converter arrives", IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine, Vol.2, No.2, 28-39. [2] Rodriguez, J., Lai, J.S. & Peng, F.Z., (2002) "Multilevel Inverters: Survey of topologies, controls, and applications", IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl. Vol.49, No.4, 724- 738. [3] Corzine, K.A., Wielebski, M.W., Peng, F.Z & Wang, J., (2004), "Control of cascaded multilevel inverters", IEEE Trans. Power Electron. Vol.19, No.3, 732-738. [4] Chiasson, J.N. Tobert, L.M., McKenzie, K.J. & Du, Z., (2004), "A Unified Approach to Solving the Harmonic Elimination Equations in Multilevel Converters", IEEE Trans. Power Electron, Vol.19, No.2, pp. 478-490. [5] Patel, H.S. & Hoft, R.G., (1973), "Generalized Techniques of Harmonic Elimination and Voltage Control in Thyristor Inverters: Part I – Harmonic Elimination", IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., 3, pp. 310-317. [6] B. Ismail, S. T. "Development of a Single Phase SPWM Microcontroller-Based Inverter" First International Power and Energy Conference PEC, Putrajaya, Malaysia: IEEE, Nov, 28 -29, 2006. [7] Fang Zheng Peng "A Generalized Multilevel Inverter Topology with Self Voltage Balancing", IEEE Trans. Ind .Appl., Vol.37, No.2, March/April 2001. [8] Z.Du, L.m.Tolbert, J.N.Chiasson, and B.Opineci, "A cascaded multilevel inverter using a single dc power source", in Proc. IEEE APEC, pp.426-430, 2006. [9] W.Menzies, P.Steimer, and J.K.Steinke, "Five level GTO inverters for large induction motor drives," IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol.30, No.4, pp.938-944, July 1994. [10] Martin Veenstra, INVESTIGATION AND CONTROL OF A HYBRID ASYMMETRIC MULTI-LEVEL INVERTER FOR MEDIUM-VOLTAGE APPLICATIONS, 2003, Lausanne, EPFL. G.Arunkumar, A.Prakash, R.Subramanian |
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25. | The Effect Of Rice Husk Ash Used As Supplementary Cementing Material On Strength Of Mortar
The Effect Of Rice Husk Ash Used As Supplementary Cementing Material On Strength Of MortarAbstract: This paper summarizes the experimental studies on strength characteristics of cement mortar in which rice husk ash (RHA) is used as partial replacement of ordinary Portland cement (OPC). Cement mortar paste were proportioned with varying dosages of RHA as partial replacement of OPC in the range of 5%to 30% by weight of cement. The compressive strength test was carried out as per relevant Indian standard code of practice. It has been observed that replacement of cement to the extent of approximately 10% by weight of cement was found to give the optimum results for the 28 days strength.Key words: Rice husk ash, mortar, pozzolanic material, strength. Reference [1] A.A. Ramezanianpour, P. pourbiek, M. Mahdikhani, and F. Moodi. "Mechanical properties and durability of concrete containing rice husk ash as supplementary cementing material" International Journal of Civil Engineering. Vol. 7, No. 2, June 2009, June 2010. [2] Alireza Naji Givi, suraya Abdul Rashid, Farah Nora A. Aziz, Mohamad AmranMohd Salleh. -"contribution of Rice husk ash to the properties of mortar and concrete A Review" Journal of American science: 2010. [3] Moayad N Al-Khalaf and Hana A Yousif, "Use of Rice husk ash in Concrete", the International Journal of Cement Composites and Lightweight Concrete, Vol. 6, November 4 1984. [4] Muhammad Soaib Ismail and A. M. Waliuddin, "Effect of rice husk ash on high strength concrete", Construction and Building Material, Vol. 10. No. 7, 1996, 521-526. [5] Gemma Rodriguez de Sensale, "Strength development of concrete with Rice-husk ash", Cement & Concrete Composite, Vol. 28, 2006, 158-160 [6] IS 456 (2000). Plain and reinforced concrete - Code of Practice. Bureau of Indian Standard, New Delhi [7] IS 8112 (1989). Specification for OPC-43 grade cement. Bureau of Indian Standard, New Delhi. [8] IS 1727-1967 (reaffirmed 1999) edition 2.1 (1991-10) methods of test for pozzolanic materials. Bureau of Indian standards, New Delhi. [9] IS: 650 – 1966. Specification of standard sand for testing cement (first Revision), Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi. 1966 [10] IS: 4031 – 1988 (PART 1to 4). Method of physical test for hydraulic cement. Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi. 1988 [11] Shetty M.S.: Concrete Technology, sixth edition, 2005 S .Chand and Company Ltd. .New Delhi Jayanti Rajput, R.K. Yadav, R. Chandak |
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26. | Experimental Investigation on Mechanical Properties of Flyash Concrete and Flyash Fiber Reinforced Concrete
Experimental Investigation on Mechanical Properties of Flyash Concrete and Flyash Fiber Reinforced ConcreteAbstract: The present Experimental investigation is to study the Mechanical Properties of the Fly ash concrete reinforced with steel fibers. The concrete composite comprises of steel fibers in different percentages and partial replacement of cement in different proportions. Steel fibers varied from 0%, 0.5%, 1% and 1.5% by weight of cement and replacement of fly ash varied from 0%, 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% by weight of cement. Specimens were tested for 28 days, 60 days and 90 days and behaviour of the flyash concrete, steel fiber reinforced concrete and fly ash concrete reinforced with steel fibers were studied. When the specimens were tested for 28 days strength, reduction in the Compressive strength, Split tensile strength and Flexural strength were observed, while the 90 days strength of the specimens were found to increase considerably. Based on the test results on control specimens, it was found that improvement in strength of concrete is achieved with a optimum steel fiber content of 1.5% and replacement of cement upto 30% by fly ash. The investigation programme included the determination of the optimum fiber content which can be provided in the concrete composites. Optimum fiber content was determined based on the Compressive strength, Split tensile strength, Flexural strength of the standard specimens. As the steel fiber percentage selected for our investigation is upto 1.5% by weight, it is suggested that this percentage may be increased to explore the possibility of using more steel fibers in fly ash concrete.Key words: Steel Fiber reinforced concrete, Flyash fiber reinforced concrete, Compressive strength, Split tensile strength, Flexural strength. Reference [1] A.M. Shende and A.M. Pande, "Experimental study and Prediction of Tensile Strength for steel fiber reinforced concrete", International journal of Civil and Structural Engineering, Vol 1, No 4, 2011, ISSN 0976 – 4399. [2] M. Heeralal, P. Rathish Kumar and Y.V. Rao, "Flexural Fatigue characteristics of steel fiber reinforced recycled aggregate concrete", Architecture and Civil Engineering, Vol 7, No 1, 2009, pp 19 – 33. [3] A.R. Khaloo and N. Kim, "Mechanical Properties of normal to high strength steel fiber reinforced concrete", Cement Concrete and Aggregates, CCAGDP, Vol 18, No 2, 1996, pp 92 – 97. [4] A.M. Shende and A.M. Pande, "Compared study on steel fiber reinforced cum control concrete under flexural and deflection", International journal of Applied Engineering Research, Dindigul, Vol 1, No 4, 2011, ISSN 0976 – 4259. [5] Semsi yazici, Gozde inan and Volkan tabak, "Effect of aspect ratio and volume fraction of steel fiber on Mechanical properties of steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC)", Construction and building materials 21, 2007, pp 1250 – 1253. [6] M.N. Soutsos, T.T. Le and A.P. Lampropoulos, "Flexural performance of fibre reinforced concrete made with steel and synthetic fibres", Construction and Building Materials 36, 2012, pp 704–710. [7] Farnoud Rahimi Mansour, Sasan Parniani and Izni Syahrizal Ibrahim, "Experimental Study on Effects of Steel Fiber Volume on Mechanical Properties of SFRC", Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 214, 2011, pp 144- 148. [8] Indrajit Patel and Dr. C.D.Modhera, "Study Basic Properties of Fiber reinforced High volume Flyash Concrete", Journal of Engineering Research and studies, Vol 1, Issue 1, July-Sept 2010, pp 60-70. [9] O. Kayali, "Effect of high volume flyash on Mechanical Properties of Fiber reinforced concrete", Materials and structures / Materiaux et constructions, Vol 37, June 2004, pp 318-327. [10] Ozkan sengul and Mehmet Ali Tasdemir, "Compressive strength and rapid chloride Permeability of concrete with ground flyash and slag", Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol 29, No 9, Sept 2009, pp 494- 501, ISSN: 0899-1561. K. Ramesh, Dr. K. Arunachalam, S. Rooban Chakravarthy |
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27. | Physicochemical properties on Non Edible Crude Oil with Its Performance Analysis on Base Fuel (Diesel Fuel)
Physicochemical properties on Non Edible Crude Oil with Its Performance Analysis on Base Fuel (Diesel Fuel)Abstract: Biodiesel is a mixture of fatty acid alkyl esters obtained by the reaction of triglycerides of vegetable or animal origin with alcohol in the presence of a catalyst. In this work the biodiesel has been taken as non edible type in nature. The problems of this oil are attributed to high viscosity, low volatility and polyunsaturated character of vegetable oils. Hence, process of transesterification is found to be effective method of reducing viscosity and eliminating operational and durability problems. The comparative performance on the basis of physicochemical property of biodiesel and base fuel is also presented in this work. The advantages effect of biodiesel as compare of base fuel has been also shown.Key words: Biodiesel, No edible Oil, Transerterification, Diesel fuel (base fuel). Reference [1] Performance and Emission Characteristics of a Diesel Engine Fueled with Blend of Vegetable Oil Esters by-J.Isaac JoshuaRamesh Lalvani. ISSN: 2278-7798 International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR) Volume 1, Issue 2, August 2012. [2] Exhaust Emission Analysis Using Nakthamala Oil Biodiesel Fuel In A C.I Engine With Ann By-R.Sarala. In International Journal of Research in Environmental Science and Technology withISSN 2249–9695. [3] Performance, emission and combustion 1 characteristics of an indirect injection (IDI) multi-cylinder compression ignition (CI) engine operating on neat jatropha and karanj oils preheated by jacket water. ByA. K. Hossain. [4] Biodiesel from Non Edible Oil Seeds: A Renewable Source of Bioenergy byMushtaq Ahmad, Biofuel Lab., Department of Plant Sciences, Quaid-iAzam University IslamabadPakistan. [5] Production of Biodiesel from Non-edible plant oils having high FFA content, by - M.Mathiyazhagan. April 2011, Volume 2, No.2 International Journal of Chemical and Environmental Engineering. [6] High Free Fatty Acid (FFA) Feedstock Pre-Treatment Method for Biodiesel Production, by- Godlisten G. Kombe. Second International Conference on Advances in Engineering and Technology. [7] Biodiesel production via non-catalytic SCF method and biodiesel fuel characteristics, by-Ayhan Demirbas. [8] Use of vegetable oils by transesterification method as C.I. engines fuels: a technical review, by-Sagar P.Kadu.Journal of Engineering Research and Studies EISSN0976-7916. [9] Performance Evaluation, Emission Characteristics and Economic Analysis of Four Non-Edible Straight Vegetable Oils on a Single Cylinder CI Engine, by- M. C. Navindgi, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, VOL. 7, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 2012 ISSN 1819-6608. Yogendra Prasad Upadhyay, R. B. Sharma |
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28. | Safety Factor on Slope Modeling with Composite Bamboo Pile Reinforcement
Safety Factor on Slope Modeling with Composite Bamboo Pile ReinforcementAbstract: Landslide phenomenon especially on slopes always become interesting issues to be discussed. Last few years, composite bamboo pile is one of the innovative slope reinforcement methods to increase slope stability. Slope modeling with composite bamboo reinforcement was using an experiment box with 1,50 m as length; 1,0 m as width and 1,0 m as height. It used sand soil with fine gradation and composite bamboo pile with various diameters and space between piles. The load has modeled as a strip footing with continuous increases load by load cell until the limit load reached. The problem that occurred in laboratory has analysed with Finite Element Method. It changed 3D slope modeling to be 2D modeling. Composite bamboo pile has choosen as a new utilization innovation of bamboo to be pile reinforced and a positive value to optimize bamboo local material to be a steel reinforced replacement material. The result of experiment shown that utilizing of pile reinforcement on slope has increased slope stability. It shown with significally increase of safety factor, bearing capacity improvement and maximum limit load that able to reached on slopeKey words: Bearing capacity improvement, Composite bamboo pile, Finite element method, Slope reinforcement, Slope stability Reference [1] Eng Chew Ang, " Numerical Investigation of Load Transfer Mechanism in Slopes Reinforced With piles ", Dissertation, Faculty of the Graduate School University of Missouri-Columbia, 2005. [2] Gehan E. Abdelrahman, Mahmoud S.Abdelbaki dan Youssef G. Yousef, " Analysis of Stabilizing Slopes Using Vertical Piles ", Eleventh International Colloqium on Structural and Geotechnical Engineering ", Egypt, 2005 [3] Ghazi Hassen, Patrick de Buhan, " Numerical Implementation of a Multiphase Model for the Analysis and Design of Reinforced Slopes ", First Euro Mesiterranean in Advance on Geomaterial and Structure ", Tunisia, 2006. [4] Ito T. dan T. Matsui, " Methods to Estimate Lateral Force Acting on Stabilizing Piles ", Soils and Foundations, Vol. 15, 1975. [5] Ito T. dan T. Matsui dan WP. Hong, " Design Method for for Stabilizing Piles Against Landslide-One Row of Piles ", Soil and Foundation, Vol. 21, 1981. [6] Jasim M.A. et al.," Single Pile Simulation and Analysis Subjected to Lateral Load ", EJGE, Vo. 13.,2008. [7] X.P., S.M.H.E. dan C.H. Wang, " Stability Analysis of Slope Reinforced With Piles Using Limit Analysis Method ", Advances in Earth Structure Research to Practice, 2006. [8] Mostafa A. El Sawwaf, " Footing Behavior on Pile and Sheet Plie-Stabilized Sand Slope ", Alexandria Engineering Journal, Vol. 43, 2004. [9] Mehmet et al.,"Determination of Lateral Loads on Slope Stabilizing Piles", Pamukkale Universitesi Miihendislik Bilimreli Dergisi, Sayi,Sayfa,194-202, 2009. [10] Osamu Kusakabe et al." Bearing Capacity of Slope Under Strip Loads on The Top Surfaces", Soil and Foundation, Japanese Society of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Vol.21, 1981. As'ad Munawir, Sri Murni Dewi, Agoes Soehardjono, MD, Yulvi Zaika |
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29. | Shape Control And Optimization Using Cantilever Beam
Shape Control And Optimization Using Cantilever BeamAbstract: In this study, Analytical work is carried out for static shape control of cantilever beam structure with a use of laminated piezoelectric actuator (LPA). The mathematical modeling of beam element covered with LPA based on Timoshenko beam element theory and linear theory of piezoelectricity has been used. This work shows how number of actuators, actuator size, actuator location on beam and control voltage are depended on the desired shape of beam. Initial condition of beam is taken as horizontal position and three higher order polynomial curves are taken as desired shapes for beam to achieve. Here error between desired shape and achieved shape is taken as an objective to minimize, size, location and control voltage of actuators taken as variables. Genetic Algorithm for calculating optimum values of all variables is carried out using Matlab toolKey words: – Shape control, Genetic Optimization, Cantilever beam, Reference [1] Brij N Agrawal and Kirk E Treanor, Shape control of a beam using piezoelectric actuators, Smart Mater. Struct. 8 (1999) 729–740. Printed in the UK, [2] Crawley E F and Anderson E H 1985 Detailed models of piezoelectric actuation of beams J. Intell. Mater. Syst. 1 4–25 [3] E.P. Hadjigeorgioua*, G.E. Stavroulakisb, C.V. Massalasa, Shape control and damage identification of beams using piezoelectric actuation and genetic optimization, International Journal of Engineering Science 44 (2006) 409–421, [4] H. Irschik, A review on static and dynamic shape control of structures using piezoelectric actuation, Comput. Mech. 26 (2002) 115–128. [5] H.F. Tiersten, Linear Piezoelectric Plate Vibration, Plenum Press, New York, 1969. of adaptive structures, CMS Conference Report, 11th May 2000 [6] H.S. Tzou, Piezoelectric Shells, Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, 1993. [7] Osama J. Aldraihem, Optimal Size and Location of Piezoelectric Actuator/Sensors: Practical Considerations, journal of guidance, control, and dynamics Vol. 23, No. 3, May–June 2000, [8] Rui Ribeiro and Suzana Da Mota Silva, Genetic algorithms for optimal design and control of adaptive structures, CMS Conference Report, 11th May 2000 [9] S daMota Silva1, RRibeiro2, and JMMonteiro2, The application of genetic algorithms for shape control with piezoelectric patches — an experimental comparison, Smart Mater. Struct. 13 (2004) 220–226, [10] Sunar M and Rao S 1999 Recent advances in sensing and control of flexible structures via piezoelectric materials technology Appl. Mech. Rev. 52 1–16 [11] Y Yu, X N Zhang1 and S L Xie, Optimal shape control of a beam using piezoelectric actuators with low control voltage, Smart Mater. Struct. 18 (2009) 095006 (15pp), Hitesh R. Patel, J. R. Mevada |
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30. | Landmark based shortest path detection by using Dijkestra Algorithm and Haversine Formula
Landmark based shortest path detection by using Dijkestra Algorithm and Haversine FormulaAbstract: — In 1900, less than 20 percent of the world population lived in cities, in 2007, just more than 50 percent of the world population lived in cities. In 2050, it has been predicted that more than 70 percent of the global population (about 6.4 billion people) will be city inhabitants. There is more pressure being placed on cities through this increase in population [1]. With advent of smart cities, information and communication technology is increasingly transforming the way city municipalities and city residents organize and operate in response to urban growth. In this paper, we create a generic scheme for navigating a route through out city. A requested route is provided by using combination of Dijkestra Algorithm and Haversine formula. Haversine Formula gives minimum distance between any two points on spherical body by using latitude and longitude. This minimum distance is then provided to Dijkestra algorithm to calculate minimum distance. The process for detecting the shortest path is mention in this paper.Key words: Haversine Formula, Dijkestra Algorithm, Google Map,XML Reference [1] By Mr. Reid "Shortest distance between two points on earth" http://wordpress.mrreid.org/haversineformula/ This is an electronic document. Date of publishing 20/12/2011. [2] Samuel Idowu, Nadeem Bari, "A Development Framework for Smart City," Luleå University of Technology,9 Nov. 2012. [3] Javin J. Mwemzi,Youfang Huang,"Optimal Facility location on spherical surfaces",New York science Journal,April 2011. [4] Ben Gardiner,Waseem Ahmad,Travis Cooper, "Collision Avoidance Techniques for unmanned Aerial Vehicles",Auburn University, 08/07/2011. [5] Simeon Nedkov,Sisi Zlatanova"Enabling bstacle Avoidance for Google maps",June 2011. [6] Bing Pan,john C. Crotts and Brian Muller,"Developing Web Based Tourism Information using Google Map" Departemnt of Huminity and Tourism Mangement,Charston ,USA. [7] ElinaAgapie.jason Ryder,Jeff Burke,Deborth Estrin,"Probable Path Interference for GPS traces in cities",university of California,2009. Dr. P. V. Ingole, Mr. Mangesh K Nichat |
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31. | Experimental Study of Base Isolation System for Small Equipments and Its Evaluation
Experimental Study of Base Isolation System for Small Equipments and Its EvaluationAbstract: A new device of reduction for seismic response using friction force was developed. In this paper, vibration analysis of a small base isolation system using the device was investigated by excitation experiment using artificial seismic waves. Peak acceleration amplitude on the base isolation system has decreased to 43 - 90% compared to input waves. And root mean square (RMS) amplitude has decreased to 76 - 94%. Although a spectral peak around 0.5 Hz that is equal to natural frequency of the system was identified when the input waves with low frequency band component were used, it was decreased using friction bearings that generate high friction force. Comparing the response waveforms of the excitation experiment and of the numerical analysis using a linear 2DOF model, it was good agreement. This system is useful for reduction of seismic response.Key words: - Seismic Response, Friction Bearing, Ball, Marble Plate, Natural Frequency, Damping Ratio Reference [1] M Ozaki, Y. Adachi, Y. Iwahori, and N. Ishii, Application of fuzzy theory to writer recognition of Chinese characters, International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, 18(2), 1998, 112-116. [2] Ooki, N., Mochizuki, S., Ito, A., Abe, F., Ogawa, O., Hosaka, Y., Akiyama, M. and Mochida, Y., Seismic isolation retrofit to preserve the national museum of western art, AIJ Technol. Des., No. 6, 19-22, 1988 (in Japanese with English abstract). [3] Kawamura, S., Sugisaki, R., Ogura, K., Maezawa S., Tanaka, S. and Yajima, A., Seismic isolation retrofit in Japan, Proc. of the 12th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 2523, 2000. [4] Masuzawa, Y. and Hisada, Y., Seismic isolation retrofit of a prefectural government office building, Proc. of the 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Paper No. 1199, 2004. [5] Nishizawa, T., Ohno, T. and Ohnishi, M., Summary of study for the best choice of seismic retrofit for Aichi prefectural office building, AIJ Technol. Des., No. 24, 177-182, 2006 (in Japanese with English abstract). [6] Yokouchi, H., Nakanishi, S., Adachi, Y. and Aoyama, H., Earthquake response characteristics of an existing R/C building retrofitted with friction dampers, J. Struct. Eng., AIJ, Vol. 73, No. 628, 947-955, 2008 (in Japanese with English abstract). [7] Ozaki, H., Harada, H. and Murakami K., Challenging applications of seismic dampers for retrofit of tall building, Proc. of the 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Paper ID S05-02-008, 2008. [8] Myslimaj B., Gamble S., Chin-Quee D. Davies A. and Breukelman B., Base isolation technologies for seismic protection of museum artifacts, International Association of Museum Facilities Administrators (IAMFA) The 2003 IAMFA Annual Conference in San Francisco, California, September 21-24, 2003. [9] Tsai M., Wu S., Chang K. and Lee G., Shaking table tests of a scaled bridge model with rolling-type seismic isolation bearings, Engineering Structures, 29, 694–702, 2007. [10]Ueda, S., Akimoto, M., Enomoto, T. and Fujita, T., Study of roller type seismic isolation device for works of art, Trans. Jpn. Soc. Mech. Eng., Series C, Vol. 71, No. 703, pp. 807 – 812, 2005 (in Japanese with English abstract). Katsumi Kurita, Shigeru Aoki, Yuji Nakanishi, Kazutoshi Tominaga, Mitsuo Kanazawa |
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32. | Classification of Multi-date, Tempo-Spectral data using NDVI
Classification of Multi-date, Tempo-Spectral data using NDVI valuesAbstract: NASA launched the Earth Observing System's flagship satellite "Terra," named for Earth, on December 18, 1999. Terra has been collecting data about Earth's changing climate Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) is a simple graphical indicator that can be used to analyze remote sensing measurements. These indexes can be used to prediction of classes of Remote Sensing (RS) images. In this paper, we will classify the Terra image on NDVI values of 5 different date's images (Captured by Terra satellite). For classifying images, we will use formulae, which is based on similarity measure. It will compare the clustered image with the Reference image based on the equation, it will classify the image. It is simple process, which can classify much faster.Key words: -Terra, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Remote Sensing, Multi date. Reference [1] A. Murni, A.K. Jain, and J. Rais.An Integrated Multisensor Image Classification Scheme for Landcover Mapping.In Proc. 2nd Asian Conference onComputer Vzsion, pages 111-92 - 111-96, December 1995. [2] A.H. Schistad Solberg, T. T a t , and A.K. Jain. A Markov Random Field Model for Classification of Multisource Satellite Imagery.IEEE Transactionson Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 34(1):100-113, 1996. [3] R. Loizzo, G. SylosLabini, M. Pappalepore, P. Pieri, G. Pasquariello, and M. Antoninetti.Multitemporal and Multisensor Signatures Evaluation for LithologicClassification. In Proc. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, pages 2209-221 1,1995. [4] Y.T. Zhou. Multi-sensor image fusion. In Proc.12th Int. Conference on Pattern Recognition, Jerusalem, pages 193-197, October 1994. [5] J.L. Lee, R.C. Weger, S.K. Sengupta, and R.M. Welch. A Neural Network Approach to Cloud Classification.IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and RemoteSensing, 28(5):846- 855, September 1990. [6] A.H. Schistad and A.K. Jain.Texture analysis in the presence of speckle noise. In Proc. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, pages884-886, May 1992 [7] A. Murni, N. Darwis, M. Mastur, and D. Hardianto.A texture classification experiment for SAR radar images. In Pattern Recognition in Practice IV,E.S. Gelsema and L.N. Kana1 (eds), North Holland, pages 213-225, 1994 [8] D.R. Peddle and S.E. Franklin. Image Texture Processing and Data Integration for Surface Pattern Discrimination.Photogrammetric Engineering and RemoteSensing, 57(4):413- 420, April 1991. [9] G. Lohmann. Co-occurrence-based Analysis and Synthesis of Textures. In Proc.12th Int. Conference on Pattern Recognition, Jerusalem, pages 449-453,0ct.ober 1994. [10] K.A. Soofi, R.S.U.S mith, and R. Siregar.A Planimetrically Accurate SPOT Image Mosaic of Buton Island, Sulawesi, Indonesia.PhotogrammetricEngineering and Remote Sensing, 57(9):1217-1220, September 1991. Ms. Neha Bhatt, Mr. IndrJeet Rajput, Mr. Vinitkumar Gupta |
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33. | Elimination of Harmonics of Induction Furnace by Appling PQ-Theory for the Control of Hybrid Selective Active Filter
Elimination of Harmonics of Induction Furnace by Appling PQ-Theory for the Control of Hybrid Selective Active FilterAbstract: This paper describes how to calculate the different harmonic sequences that should be filtered with a hybrid selective active filter, for two control alternatives: load current measurement or line current measurement. These results are then generalized for hybrid selective active filters. Passive parameters are chosen considering the resonances with the electric system that appear. Design basis are defined in order to obtain a minimum cost filter which also meet the applicable regulations requirements. In this paper presents a hybrid selective active filter configuration to mitigate harmonics, which uses shunt passive and active filters. To obtain the switching signals for the active filter have used instantaneous power theory proposed by H.Akagi. Hybrid selective active filter proposed scheme has been verified through various simulations in MATLAB-SIMULINK environment. Finally, results showing the potentiality of the selective filter controlled for the proposed methods are reported.Key words: Induction furnace, Hybrid selective active filter, pq –theory. Reference [1] H. Akagi, Y. Kanazawa, and A. Nabae, "Instantaneous reactive power compensator comprising switching devices without energy storage components," IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. Vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 625–630, 1984. [2] S. Bhattacharya, P. Cheng, and M. D. Divan, "Hybrid solutions for improving passive filter performance in high power applications," IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 732–747, 1997. [3] S.Bhattacharya and D. Divan, "Design and implementation of a hybrid series active filter system," IEEE, pp. 189–195, June 1995. [4] V.S. Ramsden D. Basic and P. Muttik, "Hybrid filter control system with adaptive filters for selective elimination of harmonics and interharmonics," IEE Proc.-Electr. Power Appl., vol. 147, no. 3, pp. 295–303, May 2000. [5] S.Park J.H.Shung and K.Nam ,"New hybrid parallel active filter configuration minimizing active filter size," IEE Proc. Electr. Power Appl., vol. 147, no. 2, pp. 93– 98, Mar. 2000. [6] P. Mattavelli, "A closed-loop selective harmonic compensation for active filters," IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 81–89, 2001 [7] M.A.Golkar, M.Tavakoli Bina and S.Meschi , " A Novel Method of Electrical Arc Furnace Modeling for Flicker Study" [8] Swapnil Arya , Dr. Bhavesh Bhalja , "Simulation of Steel Melting Furnace in MATLAB and its effect on power Quality problems" , National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology, 13-14 May 2011 [9] M. A. Prieto, M. P. Donsión. "An Improved Time Domain Arc Furnace Model for Harmonic Analysis", IEEE Trans on Power Delivery, V.19, pp.367-373,2004 [10] Labar Hocine, Dgeghader Yacine, Kelaiaia Mounia Samira, and Bounaya Kamel" World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 40 2008 Ramesh Babu P., Ashisa Dash, Smruti Ranjan Panda |
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34. | PLC Based Energy Management and Control Design for an Alternative Energy Power System with Improved Power Quality
PLC Based Energy Management and Control Design for an Alternative Energy Power System with Improved Power QualityAbstract: This paper describes modeling and simulation of a renewable energy based hybrid power system in the aspects of improving power quality, energy management and control, because optimal utilization of primary energy sources will increase the level of supply reliability. In order to meet sustained load demands during varying natural conditions, different renewable energy sources and converters are need to be integrated with each other. The paper focuses on the combination of Photo Voltaic (PV) cell System, Wind turbine system, Fuel cell (FC), and Battery systems for power generation, and to improve power quality we are proposing MotorGenerator model instead of using static converters, and an energy management and control unit using Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). Since wind turbine output power varies with the wind speed, the PV cell output power varies with both the temperature and irradiance, and a FC output power varies with input fuel, and so, along with DC Motor, Diesel engine is also coupled to ensure that the overall system performs under all conditions, especially when PV, Wind, FC power is not enough to drive DC motor. Excess energy when available, is converted to hydrogen using an electrolyzer for later use in the fuel cell for the economic use of fuel. The results show that the proposed hybrid power system can effectively manage the optimal utilization of primary energy sources and improves the power quality in both islanding mode and as well as grid connected mode.Key words: —Hybrid Power system, Renewable energy Sources, DC Motor-Synchronous Generator set, Diesel engine, Islanding (Isolated) mode and grid connected mode, and Energy Management, PLCs. Reference [1] The Math Works http://www.mathworks.com [2] B. Delfino and F. Fornari, "Modeling and Control of an Integrated Fuel Cell-Wind Turbine System," in Proc. 2003 IEEE Bologna Power Tech Conf., pp. 23-26. [3] A. Rowe and X. Li, "Mathematical Modeling of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells," Journal of Power Sources, pp. 82-96, 2001. [4] S. M. Shaahid and M. A. Elhadidy, "Technical and Economic Assessment of Grid independent Hybrid Photovoltaic-DieselBattery Power Systems for Commercial Loads in Desert Environments," Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 11, pp. 1794-1810, Oct. 2007. [5] O. Ulleberg, "Stand-alone Power Systems for the Future: Optimal Design, Operation and Control of Solar-Hydrogen Energy Systems," Ph.D. dissertation, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 1997. [6] K. Sapru, N. T. Stetson, and S. R. Ovshinsky, "Development of a Small Scale Hydrogen Production Storage System for Hydrogen Applications," in Proc. 1997 the 32nd Intersociety Conf., vol. 3, pp. 1947-1952. [7] M. J. Khan and M. T. Iqbal, "Dynamic Modeling and Simulation of a Small WindFuel Cell Hybrid Energy System," Renewable Energy, pp. 421-439, 2005. [8] D. B. Nelson, M. H. Nehrir, and C. Wang, "Unit Sizing and Cost Analysis of Stand-Alone Hybrid Wind/PV/FC Power Systems," Renewable Energy, pp. 1641-1656, 2006. [9] B. C. Kuo, Automatic control systems, 7th ed. New York: Prentice Hall Inc, 1995. [10] Hung-Cheng Chen, Jian-Cong Qiu, and ChiaHao Liu "Dynamic Modeling and Simulation of Renewable Energy Based Hybrid Power Systems," DRPT, April 2008, pp. 2803-2809. Y Jaganmohan Reddy, Y V Pavan Kumar, K Padma Raju, Anilkumar Ramsesh |
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35. | Design And Development Of Small Wind Energy Systems Is A Soft Path For Power Generation And Environment Conservation For Off Grid Applications In India
Design And Development Of Small Wind Energy Systems Is A Soft Path For Power Generation And Environment Conservation For Off Grid Applications In IndiaAbstract: This paper describes the design a new evolving electrical power generation system with small wind turbine. Which offer solutions to meet local energy requirements of a specific location. Energy conservation decreases energy requirements, promotes energy efficiency and facilitates development of renewable. Wind energy dominates as an immediate viable cost effective option which promotes energy conservation and avoids equivalent utilization of fossil fuels and avoids million ton of green house gas emission causing ozone depletion and other environmental impacts like global warming. This paper gives an over view about the current status and a possible development for small wind turbines for off – grid applications in India.Key words: wind energy, wind power generation system, wind sensor, Energy resources, and wind energy conversion system. Reference [1] N. Kodama,T.Matzuaka,and N. Inomita,"power variation control of a wind turbine using probabilistic optimal control, including feed- forward control for wind speed", wind eng, vol24, no1,13-23; jan2000. [2] www.practical action.org. [3] www.cleantechforum.com, Pursuing clean energy business in India pp28. [4] L. L Freris, wind energy conversion system, Engle wood Cliffs NJ: prentice-hall, 182- 184 1990. [5] www.wwindea.org/wwea small wind world report summary 2012. [6] MNRE. "Wind power potential in India, "http://mnre.gov.in/ wpp.htm. [7] Indian wind energy Association (INWEA). "Wind energy program in India" [8] Energy statistics 2012pp2-3. [9] www.cwet.res.in. [10] IRENA volume1: power sector issue 5/5 wind power pp-9. P. Srinivasa Rao, Dr. K. Vijaya Kumar Reddy, Dr. P. Ravinder Reddy |
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36 | Performance Analysis of AODV under Worm Hole Attack through Use of NS2 Simulator
Performance Analysis of AODV under Worm Hole Attack through Use of NS2 SimulatorAbstract: Wireless networks are gaining popularity to its peak from past, as the users want wireless connectivity irrespective of their geographic position. There is an increasing threat of attacks on the Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANET). Any node in mobile ad hoc networks operates not only as end terminal but both as an intermediate router and client. In this way, multi-hop communication occurs in MANETs and thus it is a difficult task to establish a secure path between source and destination. It generally works by broadcasting the information and used air as medium. Its broadcasting nature and transmission medium also help attacker, whose intention is to spy or disrupt the network. When two malicious nodes forward packet through a private "tunnel" in the network, in which one node is nearer to the source and other node is nearer to the destination and packet travelled through this malicious nodes. This type of activity is known as wormhole attack. NS2 is chosen as a simulation environment because it is one of the leading environments for network modeling and simulation.Key words: Mobile Ad hoc network,ns-2, Wormhole attack. Reference [1] C.Siva Ram Murthy and B. S. Manoj. "Ad hoc wireless networks: Architecture and Protocols". Prentice Hall Publishers, May 2004, ISBN 013147023X. [2] P.V.Jani, "Security within Ad-Hoc Networks," Position Paper, PAMPAS Workshop, Sept. 16/17 2002. [3] P.V.Jani, "Security within Ad-Hoc Networks," Position Paper, PAMPAS Workshop, Sept. 16/17 2002. [4] K.Biswas and Md. Liaqat Ali, "Security threats in Mobile Ad-Hoc Network", Master Thesis, Blekinge Institute of Technology" Sweden, 22nd March 2007. [5] Mishra Amitabh, Nadkarni Ketan M., and Ilyas Mohammad. "Chapter 30: Security in wireless ad-hoc networks, the handbook of Ad hoc wireless network".CRC PRESS Publisher, 2003. [6] The ns2 network simulator," http://www.isi.edu/snam/ [7] Y.-C. Hu, A. Perrig, D. B. Johnson; "Packet leashes: a defense against wormhole attacks in wireless networks"; INFOCOM 2003, Twenty-Second Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communication Societies, Vol. 3, pp. 1976-1986, 2003. [8] S.Capkun, L. Buttyan, J.-P. Hubaux; "SECTOR: Secure Tracking of Node Encounters in Multi-Hop Wireless Networks"; Proc. of the 1st ACM Workshop on Security of Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks; 2003. [9] Y-C Hu, A. Perrig, D. Johnson; "Rushing Attacks and Defense in Wireless Ad Hoc Network Routing Protocols"; Proc. of WISE 2003, September 19, San Diego, California, USA, 2003. [10] Korkmaz T.; "Verifying Physical Presence of Neighbours against Replay-based Attacks in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks"; Proc. International Conference on Information Technology: Coding and Computing 2005, ITCC 2005, pp. 704-709, 2005. [11] M.Parsons and P.Ebinger, "Performance Evaluation of the Impact of Attacks on mobile Ad-Hoc networks. Ankur Ratmele, Asst. Prof. Rajesh Dhakad |
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37. | Optimization of Wire Electric Discharge Machining Process of D-2 Steel using Response Surface Methodology
Optimization of Wire Electric Discharge Machining Process of D-2 Steel using Response Surface MethodologyAbstract: In the present study,Response surface methodology was used to investigate the effect of four controllable variables on the material removal rate(MRR).The work piece material is D-2 tool steel and the four process variables are pulse on time,pulse off time,peak current and servo voltage.These parameters are varied to study their effect on the MRR of D-2 steel. The response surface methodology (RSM) in conjunction with central composite design has been used to develop the empirical models for response characteristics. Desirability functions have been used for simultaneous optimization of performance measures.It was found that the material removal rate (MRR) directly increases with increase in pulse on time and peak current while decreases with increase in pulse off time and servo voltage.Key words: Pulse on time(Ton),Pulse off time(Toff),Material removal rate(MRR),Servo voltage(SV),Peak current(IP),Central composite design(CCD) Reference 1. Liao Y.S., Huang J.T., Su H.C. (1997), "A study on the machining-parameters optimization of wire electrical discharge machining", Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 71, pp: 487– 493. 2. Jangra Kamal, Jain Ajai, Grover Sandeep (2010), " Optimization of multiplemachining characteristics in wire electrical discharge machining of punching die using grey relational analysis", Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, Vol.69,pp. 606-612. 3. Mohapatra S.S., Patnaik Amar (2006), "Parametric optimization of wire electrical discharge machining (WEDM) process using taguchi method", Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Vol. 28, pp: 422-429. 4. Kanlayasiri K., Boonmung S. (2007), "Effects of wire-EDM machining variables on surface roughness of newly developed DC 53 die steel: design of experiments and regression model", Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 192-193, pp: 459–464. 5. Tosun, Nihat, Cogun, Can and Gul Tosun (2004), "A study on kerf and material removal rate in wire electrical discharge machining based on Taguchi method", Journal of Material Processing Technology, 152, pp.316-322.. 6. Sanchez J.A., Rodil J.L., Herrero A., Lopez de Lacalle L.N., Lamikiz A. (2007), "On the influence of cutting speed limitation on the accuracy of wire-EDM corner-cutting", Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 182, pp: 574–579 7. Haddad M.J., Tehrani Fadaei Alireza (2008), "Material removal rate (MRR) study in the cylindrical wire electrical discharge turning (CWEDT) process", Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 199,pp. 369–378. 8. Guo, Z. N., Wang, X., Huang, Z. G., Yue, T. M. (2002), "Experimental investigation into shaping particle-reinforced material by WEDM", Journal of Materials processing Technology, Vol.129, pp.56-59. 9. Kuriakose, Shajan and Shunmugam, M. S. (2005), "Multi-objective optimization of wire-electro-discharge machining process by non-dominated sorting Genetic Algorithm", Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol.170, pp: 133- 141 10. Ozdemir, N. and Ozek, Cebeli. (2006), "An investigation on machinability of nodular cast iron by WEDM", International Journal of Advance manufacturing Technology,Vol. 28, pp.869-872. Vijayant Maan , Abhishake Chaudhary |
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38. | Numerical Modeling of the Groundwater Flow in Ennahud Basin, Northern Kordofan state - Sudan
Numerical Modeling of the Groundwater Flow in Ennahud Basin, Northern Kordofan state - SudanAbstract: The groundwater model techniques were used to improve the understanding and evaluate the complex hydrogeological situation of the study area. Visual MODFLOW code was selected to run the model scenarios. The aquifer hydraulic conductivity, storativity, recharge, and constant head boundary (CHB) were adjusted during calibration to obtain acceptable match between calculated and observed heads and fluxes. The calibration of three-dimensional finite difference flow model of Ennuhud sedimentary aquifer was realized through the calibration which is acceptable within the average Root Mean Square error (RMS) of 1.482m, Residual Mean of 0.526m, and standard error of estimate to be 0.22 where the contour maps of the simulated heads produced by visual MODFLOW show fair similarity with those drawn using initial heads which confirm acceptable model calibration. The calculated zone budget reflects that volume of aquifer storage for the three years varies from 3.57 to 8.3 million cubic meters (mcm). The annual average pumpage was estimated through the model run to be 6.73 mcm, whereas, the annual historical pumpage was 6.2 mcm. The annual recharge was estimated to be; 143.8, 579.9 and 867.5 mcm during the three successive years (2005-2007) respectively, whereas the annual average recharge was 530.4 mcm. The model assigns the regional groundwater flow direction towards the center where some water flow diverges to localized cones of depression ascribed to heavy pumping. The contour maps of the simulated heads show fair similarity with those generated from initial heads which confirm acceptable model calibration. The predictive simulation for 10 years starting from 2005 shows that the continued pumping will create relatively high changes in head distribution in the model area, and gives a maximum drawdown of 5m at 2015.Key words: simulation, Trial- and- Error, zonebudget, aquifer, calibration Reference [1] Anderson, MP, and Woessner, WW, 1992. Applied groundwater modelling, Simulation of Flow and Advective Transport, pp.1-27. [2] Brozovic N, Sunding DL, Zilberman, D, 2006. Optimal management of groundwater over space and time. In: Goetz RU, Berga D (eds) Frontiers in water resource economics. Springer, New York [3] Brozovic N, Sunding DL, Zilberman D, 2010. On the spatial nature of thegroundwater pumpin externality. Resour Energy Econ 32:154–164 [4] ElKrail AB, 2004, Numerical simulation of Subsurface Flow and Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment in Songhuajiang River Valley, Dissertation of Doctor of Engineering Hohai UniversityP.R.of China. [5] Ginaya MA, 2001. Hydro- geophysical investigation of En Nuhud basin, Western Kordofan, MSc.Thesis Dep. of Geology and Mining Univ. of Joba. Sudan, [6] Harrington GA, Cook PG, Herczeg AL.,2002. Spatial and temporal variability of groundwater recharge in central Australia: a tracer approach. Ground Water 40(5):518–528 [7] Hsu KC, Wang CH, Chen KC, Chen CT, Ma KW., 2007. Climateinduced hydrological impacts on the groundwater system of the Pingtung Plain, Taiwan. Hydrogeol J 15(5):903–913 [8] Jyrkama MI, Sykes JF, 2007. The impact of climate change on spatially varying groundwater recharge in the Grand River Watershed (Ontario). J Hydrol 338(3– 4):237–250 [9] Keidser, AD, Rosbjerg, K, Hogh Jensen, and Bilsch K, 1990. A joint Kriging and zonation approach to inverse groundwater modeling, In Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modeling (K. Kovar, ed.), IAHS Publ. 195, pp. 171-184. [10] Scanlon BR, Keese KE, Flint AL, Flint LE, Gaye CB, EdmundsWM, Simmers I, 2006.Global synthesis of groundwater recharge in semiarid and arid regions. Hydrol Proc 20:3335–3370 [11] Sibanda T, Nonner JC, Uhlenbrook S, 2009. Comparison of groundwater recharge estimation methods for the semi-arid Nyamandhlovu area, Zimbabwe. Hydrogeol J 17:1427–1441 [12] Stoll S, Hendricks Franssen HJ, Butts M, Kinzelbach W, 2011. Analysis of the impact of climate change on groundwater related hydrological fluxes: a multi-model approach including different downscaling methods. Hydrol Earth Syst Sci 15:21–38 [13] Wood WW, Sanford WE, ,1995. Chemical and isotopic methods for quantifying ground water recharge in a regional, semiarid environment. Ground Water 33(3):458–468 Mohammed Ginaya, Adil Elkrail, Abdalla Farwa |
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39. | Design And Analysis Of Multistoreied Building With Effect Of Shear Wall
Design And Analysis Of Multistoreied Building With Effect Of Shear WallAbstract: Shear wall system are one of the most commonly used lateral load resisting in high rise building Shear wall has high in plane stiffness and strength which can be used to simultaneously resist large horizontal loads and support gravity loads. Incorporation of Shear wall has become inevitable in multistory building to resist lateral forces. It is very necessary to determine effective, efficient and ideal location of shear wall. In this paper Study of G+5 Storey building in Zone IV is presented with some preliminary investigation which is analyzed by changing various position of shear wall with different shapes for determine parameter like axial load and moments. This analysis is done by using Standard package STADD-pro.Key words: Shear wall, Seismic loading, lateral loading, drift, axial load. Reference 1 Definition of shear wallhttp://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-ashear-wall.htm 2 Typical shear wall features, uplift in shear wall, location of shear wallhttp://www.abag.ca.gov/bayarea/eqmaps/f i...ld002.htm,http://www.abag.ca.gov/baya rea/eqmaps/fi...sld008.htm 3 Concrete shear wall construction, http://worldhousing.net/uploads/concret...f?pr=Array 4 Segmented shear wall designhttp://timber.ce.wsu.edu/Supplements/She. ..rTable.htm 5 Wood framed shear wall construction, http://www.shearwalls.com 6 Applied Technology Council, 1995. Cyclic Testing of Narrow Plywood Shear Walls - ATC-R-1, University of California at Irvine. 7 Arima, T., Okabe, M., Maruyama, N. And Hayamura, S., 1990. "Dynamic Behavior and Stiffness of Full-Scale Houses During Progressive Stages of Construction," Proceedings of the International TimberEngineering Conference. Tokyo, Japan, pp. 778-785. 8 Boughton, G.N., and Reardon, G.F., 1984. "Simulated Cyclone Wind Test on a Timber Frame House," Proceedings of the Pacific Timber Engineering Conference, Volume II -Timber Design Theory. Auckland, New Zealand, pp.527-534. 9 Buchanan, A., Dean, J, and Deam, B., 1990. "Seismic Design of Wood Structures," Wood Design Focus, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp 10-13. 10 Bulleit, W.M., 1987. "Markov Model for Wood Structural Systems," Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 113, No. 9, pp 2023-2031. Himalee Rahangdale, S.R.Satone |
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40. | Water Quality Index For Assessment Of Water Samples Of Different Zones In Chandrapur City
Water Quality Index For Assessment Of Water Samples Of Different Zones In Chandrapur CityAbstract: The paper aims at determining the suitability of ground water of different zones in Chandrapur city with reference to index also termed as Water Quality Index (WQI). The objective of the index is to convert complex data pertaining to water quality into the most comprehensible and simple data that can be understood by general public and policy makers as a whole. The present work deals with monitoring of variation of seasonal WQI of selected locations of the city which is one of the most polluted city in the country as far as water and air pollutions are concerned. In the present study, groundwater sample of rainy and winter seasons of the selected different zones of the city were taken for investigation and analysed for various parameters with regard to drinking water standards and assessed for their suitability for human consumption.. After analysis it has been observed that ground water quality of most of the zones are not suitable for drinking water and deteriorates from rainy to winter season due to increase in microbial activity thereby highlighting the major issue of drinking water availability and measures to be adopted due to growing industrialization and unhealthy human activities.Key words: Ground water, Physico- Chemical characteristics, Pollution, Water Quality Index Reference 1) Report on Environment Action Plan of Chandrapur by Pollution Control Board 2) Indian standard drinking water, Specification (First Revision) IS- 10500:1991. BIS, New Delhi, India 3) Assessment of of physico-chemical quality of groundwater in rural area nearby Sagar city (MP)- Mr. Hemant Pathak and his team. 4) Evaluation of drinking water quality of three seasons of Navsari district (Gujrat) - Mr. Krishna Vaidya and his team. 5) Evaluation of various activities affecting to the physico- chemical behavior of Machna river, Betul - Mr. Neelesh Shrivastava and his group 6) Environmental status report of Chandrapur- Maharashta Pollution Control Board- A major source of inspiration to carry out the analysis work. 7) Guidelines for Water Quality MonitoringCentral Pollution Control Board, India 8) WHO's Drinking Water Standards K. Ansari, N. M. Hemke |
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41. | Mining and Predicting Users M-Commerce Patterns using Collaborative Filtering Algorithm
Mining and Predicting Users M-Commerce Patterns using Collaborative Filtering AlgorithAbstract: Mobile Commerce, also known as MCommerce or mCommerce, is the ability to conduct commerce using a mobile device. Research is done by Mining and Prediction of Mobile Users' Commerce Behaviors such as their movements and purchase transactions. The problem of PMCP-Mine algorithm has been overcome by the Collaborative Filtering Algorithm. The main objective is to analyse the Mobile users' movements to the new locations instead of considering only the frequent moving locations. In the existing approach, a Mobile Commerce Explorer Framework has been implemented to make recommendations for stores and items by analysing the Mobile users'. The drawbacks are the recommendations that made are only for frequently moving locations and stores. The proposed work is to recommend stores and items in new locations by considering the rating of items given by the other users in new locations.Key words: MMining, Prediction, Mobile Commerce Reference [1] Eric Hsueh-Chan Lu, Wang-Chien Lee, and Vincent S. Tseng, "A Framework for Personal Mobile Commerce Pattern Mining and Prediction" IEEE transactions on knowledge and data engineering year 2012. [2] R. Agrawal, T. Imielinski, and A. Swami, "Mining Association Rule between Sets of Items in Large Databases," Proc. ACM SIGMOD Conf. Management of Data, pp. 207–216, May 1993. [3] J. Han, J. Pei, and Y. Yin, "Mining Frequent Patterns without Candidate Generation," Proc. ACM SIGMOD Conf. Management of Data, pp. 1-12, May 2000. [4] S.C. Lee, J. Paik, J. Ok, I. Song, and U.M. Kim, "Efficient Mining of User Behaviors by Temporal Mobile Access Patterns," Int'l J. Computer Science Security, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 285-291, Feb. 2007. [5] V.S. Tseng and K.W. Lin, "Efficient Mining and Prediction of User Behavior Patterns in Mobile Web Systems", Information and Software Technology, vol. 48, no. 6, pp. 357-369, June 2006. [6] X. Yin, J. Han, P.S. Yu, "LinkClus: Efficient Clustering via Heterogeneous Semantic Links," Proc. Int'l Conf. Very Large Data Bases, pp. 427-438, Aug. 2006. [7] C.H. Yun and M.S. Chen, "Mining Mobile Sequential Patterns in a Mobile Commerce Environment," IEEE Trans. Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 278-295, Mar. 2007. [8] J.L. Herlocker, J.A. Konstan, A. Brochers, and J. Riedl, "An Algorithm Framework for Performing Collaborative Filtering," Proc. Int'l ACM SIGIR Conf. Research and Development in Information Retrieval, pp. 230-237, Aug 1999. [9] J. Han and Y. Fu, "Discovery of MultipleLevel Association Rules in Large Database," Proc. Int'l Conf. Very Large Data Bases, pp. 420-431, Sept. 1995. [10] Y. Zheng, L. Zhang, X. Xie, and W.Y. Ma, "Mining Interesting Location and Travel Sequences from GPS Trajectories," Proc. Int'l World Wide Web Conf., pp. 791-800, Apr. 2009. [11] Y. Tao, C. Faloutsos, D. Papadias, and B. Liu, "Prediction and Indexing of Moving Objects with Unknown Motion Patterns," Proc. ACM SIGMOD Conf. Management of Data, pp. 611-622, June 2004.2 R.Priyadharshini, N.Geethanjali, B. Dhivya |
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42. | Prediction Tensile Stress of AA6061 Using Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
Prediction Tensile Stress of AA6061 Using Particle Swarm Optimization AlgorithmAbstract: Mechanical properties of materials are conventionally evaluated by experimental tests such as tensile test. However these experiments are almost expensive and time consuming. It is desirable to predict material properties through computer simulations and modeling. Artificial intelligence models can be used successfully in this field. In this paper, the particle swarm optimization algorithm was utilized to predict flow stress of AA6061 aluminum alloy during tensile test. The material constants in Hollomon's equation were determined as well. The simulation results show good agreement with experimental dataKey words: Particle swarm optimization, Al Alloy, Flow Stress, Tensile Test Reference [1] CLERC M. Particle swarm optimization [M]. ISTE USA, 2006. [2] DIETER G. Mechanichal metallurgy [M]. Mc Graw Hill, 1977. [3] ROYLANCE D. Stress-Strain curves: massachusetts Institute of Technology [M]. Cambridge, 2001. [4] LING Y. Uniaxial true stress-strain after necking. AMP Journal of Technology [J]. 1996, 5. [5] SANTHANAM A T, RAMACHANDRAN V, REED-HILL R E. An Investigation of the Shape of the Titanium Stress Strain Curves After a Strain Rate Change [J]. Metallurgical transactions. 1970, 1. [6] LEVITAS V I, STASHKEVICH I E, NEMIROVSKIIi A B. Stress-strain diagrams of metals under large uniform compressive strains [J]. Strength of Materials. 1994, 26. [7] CALLISTER W D, RETHWISCH D G. Materials science and engineering: An introduction [M]. 8th edition ed: John Wiley and Sons, 2009. [8] MAHFOUF M, CHEN M, LINKENS D. A. Multi-objective particle swarm optimization for alloy toughness design using a fuzzy predictive model, 16th IFAC World Congress. Czech Republic,2005. [9] ALTINKOK N. Use of Artificial Neural Network for Prediction of Mechanical Properties of α-Al2O3 Particulatereinforced Al–Si10Mg Alloy Composites Prepared by using Stir Casting Process [J]. Journal of Composite Materials. 2005, 40. [10] LAKSHMINARAYANAN A K, BALASUBRAMANIAN V. Comparison of RSM with ANN in predicting tensile strength of friction stir welded AA7039 aluminium alloy joints [J]. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China. 2008,19. Mina Eskandari, Bahman Mirzakhani, Mostafa Mansourinejad |
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43. | Ancillary Services And Stability Analysis Of Distributed Generation System
Ancillary Services And Stability Analysis Of Distributed Generation SystemAbstract: This paper considers a distributed generation system interconnected to the AC grid through power electronic interfaces and to provide energy service and system ancillary services (in particular voltage regulation and partial compensation or elimination of some power quality disturbances, such as waveform distortion etc.,). In addition to the above, the impact of Wind Energy Systems (WES) on DG network and the stability of the whole system was analyzed. This method is proposed to improve the power quality and stability of DG system. The experimental system was established using MATLAB software and their results are presented and discussed.Key words: Ancillary services, Distributed Energy Resources (DER), Distributed Generation (DG), FACTS(Flexible AC Transmission Systems), Micro Grid, Stability. Reference [1] S.CHOUDHURY, S.P.CHOUDARY AND P.CROSSLEY, "Micro Grids and Active Distribution Networks". Renewable Energy Series 2009. [2] N. G. Hingorani, L. Gyugyi, "Understanding FACTS; Concepts and Technology of Flexible AC Transmission Systems," IEEE Press book, 2000. [3] Standard IEC 1000-3-2 imposes limits to low frequency harmonic currents generated by electronic equipment. [4] MATH H.J. BOLLEN AND FAINAN HASSAN, "Integration of Distributed Generation in the Power System". [5] A.K JHA, B.G FERNADES AND A.KISHORE, "A Single Phase Single Stage AC/DC Converter with High Input Power Factor and Tight Output Voltage Regulation," Progress in electromagnetics Research symposium 2006, Cambridge, USA. [6] J. ELOY GARCI, S.AMALTES AND J.L RODRIGUEZ-AMENDO, "Direct power control of voltage source inverters with Unbalanced grid voltages," IET Power Electronics-20070042. [7] Eminoglu U, Hocaoglu MH, "A new power flow method for radial distribution systems including voltage dependent load models". Electric power systems research. 2005;76:106-114. [8] M.Chakravorty, and D.Das, "Voltage stability analysis of radial distribution networks," Electric Power and Energy System, Vol.23, pp.129-135, 2001. K.R.S.Kashyap, B.Dheeraj Reddy |
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44. | Optimization of Crankshaft using Strength Analysis
Optimization of Crankshaft using Strength AnalysisAbstract: The crankshaft is an important component of an engine. This paper presents results of strength analysis done on crankshaft of a single cylinder two stroke petrol engine, to optimize its design, using PRO/E and ANSYS software. The three dimensional model of crankshaft was developed in PRO/E and imported to ANSYS for strength analysis. This work includes, in analysis, torsion stress which is generally ignored. A calculation method is used to validate the model. The paper also proposes a design modification in the crankshaft to reduce its mass. The modal analysis of modified design is also done to investigate possibility of resonance.Key words: ANSYS, Crankshaft, Finite Element Method, PRO/E, Strength Analysis, Modal Analysis Reference [1] Gu Yingkui, Zhou Zhibo, Strength Analysis of Diesel Engine Crankshaft Based on PRO/E and ANSYS, 2011 Third International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation. [2] Yu Ding, Xiaobo Li, Crankshaft Strength Analysis of a Diesel Engine Using Finite Element Method, Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC), 2011 Asia-Pacific, 978-1-4244-6255-1,2011. [3] IACS Publication, UR M53, Calculation of Crankshafts for I.C Engines, Rev.1 2004, Rev. II 2011. [4] Ahmed Al-Durra, Lisa Fiorentini, Marcello Canova and Stephen Yurkovich, A ModelBased Estimator of Engine Cylinder Pressure Imbalance for Combustion Feedback Control Applications, 2011 American Control Conference on O'Farrell Street, San Francisco, CA, USA June 29 - July 01, 2011 [5] MENG Jian, LIU Yong-qi, LIU Rui-xiang and ZHENG Bin, 3-D Finite Element Analysis on 480 Diesel Crankshaft, Information Engineering and Computer Science (ICIECS), 2010 2nd International Conference. [6]. Meshing User's Guide – ANSYS (www1.ansys.com/customer/content/docum entation/130/wb_msh.pdf) [7] HGC Engineering, Acoustical, Noise Control and Vibration Isolation Services, (http://www.acousticalconsultants.com/noise-control-vibrationisolation-acoustical-engineering-services/) Momin Muhammad Zia Muhammad Idris, Prof. Vinayak H. Khatawate |
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45. | Comparison of Routing Protocol in MANETs
Comparison of Routing Protocol in MANETsAbstract: AOMDV is widely used protocol these days. But, its permissive for link failure. It takes the necessary action after detecting the link failure thus holding/queuing packets till new route is discovered after detecting failure in existing link.. Early Link Failure DetectionAOMDV (ELFDAOMDV) keeps on monitoring distance between two mobile nodes. As soon distance between two nodes crosses specified threshold then it sends a request to source node to start discovering new route but continues to transfer data packets as the link is still up. In most of the cases, new route is discovered (if some exists) before link failure. Then using the intelligence data packets are automatically shifted to this newly discovered route, thus preventing the link failure. Hence, the algorithm is named as Early Link Failure Detection - AOMDV.Key words: Ad hoc networks; Routing protocols; AODV, DSR, AOMDV. Reference [1] www.ietf.org/html.charters/manetcharter.html [2] Murthy, S. and J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves, An Efficient Routing Protocol for Wireless Networks, ACM Mobile Networks and App. J., Special Issue on Routing in Mobile Communication Networks, Oct. 1996, pp. 183-97. [3] C. E. Perkins and P. Bhagwat, "Highly Dynamic Destination-Sequenced DistanceVector Routing (DSDV) for Mobile Computers", in Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM 1994, August 1994, pp. 234- 244. [4] G. Pei, M. Gerla and T.-W. Chen, Fisheye State Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. In Proceedings of the 2000 ICDCS Workshops, Taipei, Taiwan, Apr. 2000, pp. D71-D78 [5] B. Johnson, D.A. Maltz, Y.-C. Hu, "The Dynamic Source Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks", Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-manet-dsr-10.txt, July 2004, [6] V. Park, and S. Corson, Temporally Ordered Routing Algorithm (TORA) Version 1 Functional Specification. IETF Internet draft, 1997. [7] Y. B. Ko and N. H. Vaidya. Location Aid Routing (LAR) in mobile ad hoc networks. In Proc. ACM/IEEE MOBICOM, Oct. 1998. [8] Z. J. Haas and M.R Pearlman, "The Zone Routing Protocol (ZRP) for ad hoc networks", IETF Internet draft , August 1998. [9] Navid Nikaein, Christian Bonnet and Neda Nikaein, "HARP - Hybrid Ad Hoc Routing Protocol", in proceeding of IST 2001: International Symposium on Telecommunications, Iran/Tehran 2001. [10] M. Joa-Ng and I-Tai Lu, "A peer-to-peer zone-based two-level link state routing for mobile ad hoc net-works", IEEE on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 17, no. 8, pp. 1415 1425, 1999. Tejal Arvind Sonawale, Dr Shikha Nema |
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46. | Multiple Web Database Handle Using CTVS Method and Record Matching
Multiple Web Database Handle Using CTVS Method and Record MatchingAbstract: Web databases generate query result pages based on a user's query. For many applications, automatically extracting the data from these query result pages is very important, such as data integration, which needs to cooperate with multiple web databases. We present a novel data extraction and alignment method called CTVS that combines both tag and value similarity. CTVS automatically extracts data from query result pages by first identifying and segmenting the query result records (QRRs) in the query result pages and then aligning the segmented QRRs into a table, in which the data values from the same attribute are put into the same column. We present an unsupervised, online record matching method, UDD, which, for a given query, can effectively identify duplicates from the query result records of multiple Web databases. We propose new techniques to handle the case when the QRRs are not contiguous, which may be due to the presence of auxiliary information, such as a comment, recommendation or advertisement, and for handling any nested structure that may exist in the QRRs.Key words: Data extraction, automatic wrapper generation, data record alignment, information integration, Record matching, duplicate detection, record linkage. Reference [1] Weifeng Su, Jiying Wang, Frederick H. Lochovsky, "Combining Tag and Value Similarity for Data Extraction and Alignment" IEEE Transactions On Knowledge And Data Engineering, Vol. 24, No. 7, July 2012 [2] Weifeng Su, Jiying Wang, Frederick H. Lochovsky, "Record Matching over Query Results from Multiple Web Databases" IEEE Transactions On Knowledge And Data Engineering, Vol. 22, No. 4, April 2010 [3] Y. Zhai and B. Liu, "Structured Data Extraction from the WebBased on Partial Tree Alignment," IEEE Trans. Knowledge and Data Eng., vol. 18, no. 12, pp. 1614- 1628, Dec. 2006.[4] W. Su, J. Wang, and F.H. Lochovsky, "Holistic Schema Matching for Web Query Interfaces," Proc. 10th Int'l. Conf. Extending Database Technology, pp. 77- 94, 2006 [5] C. Tao and D.W. Embley, "Automatic Hidden-Web Table Interpretation by Sibling Page Comparison," Proc. 26th Int'l Conf. Conceptual Modeling, pp. 566- 581, 2007 [6] R. Baxter, P. Christen, and T. Churches, "A Comparison of Fast Blocking Methods for Record Linkage," Proc. KDD Workshop Data Cleaning, Record Linkage, and Object Consolidation, pp. 25-27, 2003. [7] K. Simon and G. Lausen, "ViPER: Augmenting Automatic Information Extraction with Visual Perceptions," Proc. 14th ACM Int'l Conf. Information and Knowledge Management, pp. 381-388, 2005. [8] D. Buttler, L. Liu, and C. Pu, "A Fully Automated Object Extraction System for the World Wide Web," Proc. 21st Int'l Conf. Distributed Computing Systems, pp. 361-370, 2001. [9] J. Wang and F. Lochovsky, "Data-Rich Section Extraction from HTML Pages," Proc. Third Int'l Conf. Web Information System Eng., 2002 [10] K. C.-C. Chang, B. He, C. Li, M. Patel, and Z. Zhang, "Structured Databases on the Web: Observations and Implications," SIGMOD Record, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 61- 70, 2004. Harish Chaware, Prof. Nitin Chopade |
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47. | Quaternary Adder Design Using VHDL
Quaternary Adder Design Using VHDLAbstract: The high speed digital circuits became more prominent with incorporating information processing and computing. Arithmetic circuits play a very critical role in both general-purpose and application specific computational circuits. The modern computers lead to the deterioration in performance of arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, on the aspects of carry propagation delay, large circuit complexity and high power consumption. Designing this adder using QSD number representation allows fast addition/subtraction which is capable of carry free addition and borrows free subtraction because the carry propagation chain are eliminated, hence it reduce the propagation time in comparison with radix 2 system. QSD number system based on quaternary system, each digit can be represented by a number from -3 to -3. Operation on large number of digits such as 64, 128 or more, can be implemented with constant delay and complexityKey words: v Reference [1] Nagamani A. N, Nishchai S, "Quaternary High Performance Arithmetic Logic Unit Design", 14th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design 2011 IEEE. [2] Reena Rani, Laxmikant Singh, Neelam Sharma, "FPGA Implementation of fast Adder using Quaternary Sign Digit Number System", 2009 International comferance on Trend in Eletronic and Photonic Deice & Systems (EECTRO- 2009). [3] Pranali S.Kamble & S.M.Choudhary, "Review of VHDL Implementation of Quaternary Signed Adder System", International Journal on Advanced Electrical and Electronics Engineering, (IJAEEE), ISSN (Print): 2278-8948, Volume-1, Issue-1, 2012 [4] Songpol Ongwattanakul Phaisit Chewputtanagul, David J. Jackson, Kenneth G. Ricks, "Quaternary Arithmetic Logic Unit on a Programmable Logic Device", proc. IEEE conference, 2001. Prashant Y. Shende, Dr. R. V. Kshirsagar |
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48. | A Survey On Seeds Affinity Propagation
A Survey On Seeds Affinity PropagationAbstract: Affinity propagation (AP) is a clustering method that can find data centers or clusters by sending messages between pairs of data points. Seed Affinity Propagation is a novel semisupervised text clustering algorithm which is based on AP. AP algorithm couldn't cope up with part known data direct. Therefore, focusing on this issue a semi-supervised scheme called incremental affinity propagation clustering is present in the paper where pre-known information is represented by adjusting similarity matrix The standard affinity propagation clustering algorithm also suffers from a limitation that it is hard to know the value of the parameter "preference" which can yield an optimal clustering solution. This limitation can be overcome by a method named, adaptive affinity propagation. The method first finds out the range of "preference", then searches the space of "preference" to find a good value which can optimize the clustering result.Key words: Affinity propagation, Clustering, Incremental, Partition adaptive affinity propagation and Text clustering Reference [1] S. Deelers and S. Auwatanamongkol,"Enhancing K-Means Algorithm with Initial Cluster Centers Derived from Data Partitioning along the Data Axis with the Highest Variance,‖International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 2:4 2007 [2] B.J. Frey and D. Dueck, "Clustering by Passing Messages between Data Points," Science, vol. 315, no. 5814, pp. 972-976, Feb. 2007. [3] B.J. Frey and D. Dueck, "Non-Metric Affinity Propagation for Un-Supervised Image Categorization," Proc. 11th IEEE Int'l Conf. Computer Vision (ICCV '07), pp. 1-8, Oct. 2007. [4] L. Michele, Sumedha, and W. Martin, "Clustering by Soft- Constraint Affinity Propagation Applications to GeneExpression Data," Bioinformatics, vol. 23, no. 20, pp. 2708-2715, Sept. 2007. [5] T.Y. Jiang and A. Tuzhilin, "Dynamic Micro Targeting: Fitness- Based Approach to Predicting Individual Preferences," Proc. Seventh IEEE Int'l Conf. Data Mining (ICDM '07), pp. 173-182, Oct. 2007. [6] F. Sebastiani, ―Machine Learning in Automated Text Categorization," ACM Computing Surveys, vol. 34, pp. 1-47, 2002. [7] F. Wang and C.S. Zhang, "Label Propagation through Linear Neighbourhoods," IEEE Trans. Knowledge and Data Eng., vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 55-67, Jan. 2008. [8] Z.H. Zhou and M. Li, "Semi-Supervised Regression with Co- Training Style Algorithms," IEEE Trans. Knowledge and Data Eng., vol. 19, no. 11, pp. 1479-1493, Aug. 2007. [9] A. Blum and T. Mitchell, "Combining Labeled and Unlabeled Data with CoTraining,‖ Proc. 11th Ann. Conf. Computational Learning Theory, pp. 92- 100, 1998. [10] Z.H. Zhou, D.C. Zhan, and Q. Yang, "Semi-Supervised Learning with Very Few Labeled Training Examples," Proc. 22nd AAAI Conf. Artificial Intelligence, pp. 675-680, 2007 Preeti Kashyap, Babita Ujjainiya |
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49. | FPGA Implementation of cache memory
FPGA Implementation of cache memoryAbstract: We describe cache memory design suitable for use in FPGA-based cache controller and processor. Cache systems are on-chip memory element used to store data. Cache serves as a buffer between a CPU and its main memory. Cache memory is used to synchronize the data transfer rate between CPU and main memory. As cache memory closer to the micro processor, it is faster than the RAM and main memory.The advantage of storing data on cache, as compared to RAM, is that it has faster retrieval times, but it has disadvantage of on-chip energy consumption. In term of detecting miss rate in cache memory and less power consumption, The efficient cache memory will proposed by this research work, by implementation of cache memory on FPGA. We believe that our implementation achieves low complexity and low energy consumption in terms of FPGA resource usage.Key words: cache Tag memory, cache controller, counter, cache Tag comparator. Reference [1] Jongsok Choi, Kevin Nam, Andrew Canis, Jason Anderson, Stephen Brown, and Tomasz Czajkowski, "Impact of Cache Architecture and Interface on Performance and Area of FPGA-Based Processor/Parallel-Accelerator Systems" ECE Department, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada ,Altera Toronto Technology Centre, Toronto, ON, Canada [2] Maciej kurek, ioannis ilkos, wayne luk, "Customizable security-aware cache for fpga-based soft processors", Department of computing, imperial college London [3] Nawaf Almoosa, Yorai Wardi, and Sudhakar Yalamanchili, Controller Design for Tracking Induced Miss-Rates in Cache Memories, 2010 8th IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation Xiamen, China, June 9-11, 2010 [4] Computer architecture and organisation : John .p. Hayes(Mc Graw hill publication) [5] Computer architecture: Forth Edition, John L. hennessy and David A. Patterson. [6] Vipin S. Bhure , Praveen R. Chakole, "Design of Cache Controller for Multi-core Processor System" international Journal of Electronics and Computer Science Engineering, ISSN: 2277-1956 Yogesh S. Watile, A. S. Khobragade |
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50. | Determination of SOX Concentration in Ambient Air and its Dependency on Meteorological Parameters: A Case Study
Determination of SOX Concentration in Ambient Air and its Dependency on Meteorological Parameters: A Case StudyAbstract: Present study have been conducted with the objectives of studying the impact of Meteorological parameters on Sox concentration in the campus of Hindustan College of Science and Technology, Farah Mathura. SOx concentration in the study area were determined experimentally for the period from February 2010 to April 2010. Meteorological parameters on Sox concentration the hourly meteorological parameters such as wind speed and direction, temperature, humidity and rainfall were also recorded by automated weather station installed at study site. Air samples were collected as per guidelines of Central Pollution Control Board norms at 24 hours intervals for two days in a week for four consecutive weeks in a month for three months (February, March and April, 2010). 24 Hrs average Sox concentrations determined biweekly on the basis of this experiment indicate that concentrations are higher in winter i.e. in February when temperature were low where as concentration decreases from March onwards when temperature began to rise. However concentration were below the National Ambient Air Quality Standards of Central Pollution Control Board, India i.e. 80µg/m3 for residential and rural area for all the duration of the study. Correlation between 24 Hours average SOX concentration and average daily values of wind speed, temperature and relative humidity were found to be very poor. However the correlation between 24Hrs average Sox concentration and instantaneous values of temperatures at 0.0 Hrs, 18.0 Hrs, 21.0 Hrs and 3.0 Hrs were found to be excellent. Regression equations were derived to predict the 24 Hrs Sox concentration in the study area based on the variables having excellent correlation with Sox concentration. These equations can be used to predict the Sox concentration in the study area when the experiment to determine the SOX concentration is not possible and hourly meteorological parameters are available.Key words: Sulphur Dioxide; air pollution; Wind Speed, Temperature, Humidity Reference [1]. Dariusz Krochmal and Andrzej Kalina [2]. 1997: A method of nitrogen dioxide and sulphur dioxide determination in ambient air by use of passive samplers and ion chromatography [3]. EPA. U.S., Environmental Protection Agency, U S. Air Quality Management Online Portal Air Quality Modeling - Resources: Publications and Reports, 2006.Available: http://www.epa.gov/air/aqmportal/manage ment/links/modeling_resources_pub.htm [4]. E. Lahmann, B. Seifert, H. van de Wiel, C. Huygen, R.W. Lantingc , H. Hartkamp and H. Gies 1976: International comparison programme of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide measurement in ambient air Atmospheric Environment (1976) Volume 10, Issue 10, Pages 835- 839 [5]. Guide Book of Respirable Dust Sampler of Envirotech India Pvt. Ltd. http://www.envirotechindia.com [6]. Mukesh Sharma and Shaily Maloo 2005: Assessment of ambient air PM10 and PM2.5 and Characterization of PM10 in the city of Kanpur, India Atmospheric Environment Volume 39, Issue 33, 6015-6026 [7]. National Ambient Air Quality Standards, Central Pollution Control Board Notification, New Delhi (18th November 2009), Sant Prasad Gautam (Chairman) http://www.cpcb.nic.in/National_Ambient _Air_Quality_Standards.php [8]. Recommended Methods for Chemical Analysis of Sulphur Dioxide and Nitrogen Oxide's In Ambient Air Envirotech India Pvt. Ltd [9]. Report of Center for Science and Environment(July 2010).City action: citizen's report on air quality and urban mobility, Kanpur 2010: [10]. S.B. Jonnalagadd, M. Nyagani, P. Sawunyama and R. Baloyi, 1990: Studies on the levels of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, ammonia, and hydrogen chloride in ambient air of Harare, Zimbabwe [11]. W. L. Cheng, Chen Y. S., Zhang J., Lyons T.J., Pai J.L., Chang S.H., Comparison of the Revised Air Quality Index with the PSI and AQI indices, Science of the Total Environment 382 (2007) 191-198. [12]. X. K. Wang and Lu W.Z , Seasonal variation of air pollution index: Hong Kong case study, Chemosphere 63 (2006) 1261-1272 C.N. Tripathi, Jahanvi Kulshreshtha, Istuti Gupta |
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51. | Analysis Of Various Techniques Used For Implementation Of Video Surveillance System
Analysis Of Various Techniques Used For Implementation Of Video Surveillance SystemAbstract: Video Surveillance software's are developed in order to provide the user of the software security from threats to data and other property from burglars. Image and Pixel matching algorithm are required for implementing the Video Surveillance System. This is especially required for computer security applications, where our algorithms are effectively used. These algorithms are useful for tracking an object in motion and classifying it on the bases of motion level, which would help in subsequent motion detection analysis. So that when an activity occurs in absence of user, the application detects it and performs the required action. This algorithm helps to represent graphically the amount of changes occurred in the environment.Key words: Cluster Matching, Image Comparisons, Pixel Comparisons, Pixel level Estimation, Similarity Threshold, and Sub-pixel level Estimation. Reference [1] Barnes, C., Shechtman, E., Finkelstein, A., Goldman, D.: "PatchMatch: a randomized correspondence algorithm for structural image editing." ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH) 28 (2009) 24 [2] Baker, S., Scharstein, D., Lewis, J., Roth, S., Black, M., Szeliski, R.: "A database and evaluation methodology for optical ow". In: Proc. ICCV. Volume 5. (2007) [3] Buades, A., Coll, B., Morel, J.: "A nonlocal algorithm for image denoising." In: Proc. CVPR. (2005) II: 60 [4] O. Boiman and M. Irani, "Detecting irregularities in im- ages and in video", ICCV, 2005. [5] S.Agarwal, A. Awan, and D. Roth, "Learning to detect objects in images via a sparse, partbased representation." PAMI, 26(11):1475–1490, 2004. [6] J.K. Aggarwal and Q. Cai, "Human motion analysis: a re- view," CVIU, Vol. 73, No. 3, pp. 428-440, 1999. [7] J.Beis and D. Lowe, "Shape Indexing Using Approximate Nearest-Neighbor Search in High- Dimensional Spaces." In CVPR, pages 1000–1006, 1997. [8] V. Bhaskaran and K. Konstantinides, "Image and Video Compression Standards: Algorithms and Architectures," Kluwer, 1997. [9] O.D.Faugeras,"Three dimensional Computer Vision," MIT Press, 1993. [10] L.G Brown,"A Survey of image registration techniques," ACM computing surveys ,vol.24,no.4,pp.325-376,Dec-1992 [11] J.L. Bentley, "Multidimensional binary search trees used for associative searching." In Communications of the ACM, 18(9):509–517,1975 Gopika Mane, Krunank Panchal, Sanchita Sable |
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52. | Motion Detection and Target Tracking using Neural Network Correlation Co-efficient Technique
Motion Detection and Target Tracking using Neural Network Correlation Co-efficient TechniqueAbstract: For an effective human computer intelligent interaction, the computer needs to recognize the motion and track the moving objects. Moving object detection is a crucial aspect of computer vision and video processing areas. Its basic operation involves the selection of significant segments of a video signal. Such operation is also called Target Tracking (the process of locating a moving object throughout a sequence of consecutive frames). The detection of moving objects in complex environments with various types of motion is a challenging problem because the camera motion and the object motion both are mixed. The process of moving object detection based on the background extraction is divided into two steps, background extraction and moving object detection. The basic idea is to capture a series of video pictures of the scene at regular intervals, the selected picture is divided into m*m blocks whose expectation and variance are calculated respectively to describe the vector information of the region. This paper proposes correlation co-efficient methodology to accomplish the process of motion detection and target tracking.Key words: Correlation Network, Motion Detection, Background Extraction, Target Tracking, Neural Network Reference [1] Moving object detection under free moving Camera by Jiman Kim, Guensu Ye, and Daijin Kim in Proceedings of 2010 IEEE 17th International Conference on Image Processing September 26-29, 2010, Hong Kong. [2] Moving Object Detection Based on Background Extraction by Chen Peijiang of Engineering College Linyi Normal University Linyi, Shandong, 276000, China in ©2009 IEEE. [3] "Detection of Moving Images Using Neural Network" by P. Latha, L. Ganesan, N. Ramaraj, and P. V. Hari Venkatesh in World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 46 2008. [4] "Performance evaluation of object detection algorithms for video surveillance" by Nascimento J C and Marques J S, IEEE Trans.On Multimedia, vol. 8, pp. 761-774, April, 2006. [5] "Tracking Humans using Multi-modal Fusion"by Xiaotao Zou, Bir Bhanu Center for Research in Intelligent Systems University of California, Riverside, CA 92521 [6] "Incident detection Algorithm Evaluation" by Dr. Peter T. Martin, Associate Professor Joseph Perrin, Ph.D., PE, PTOE Blake Hansen, M.S.in March 2001 Er. Puneet Sandhu, Dr.Charanjit Singh, Er. Navneet Kaur |
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53. | Design and Implementation of a Microcontroller Based PWM Sinewave Inverter for PV Applications
Design and Implementation of a Microcontroller Based PWM Sinewave Inverter for PV ApplicationsAbstract: A major factor worthy of consideration in the overall performance of any PV system is how the installed system can exploit the sun's energy most effectively by ensuring that arrays have full access to most of the solar resource. This research was therefore concerned with the modification of inverters to enhance the period for which energy is extracted from a PV system and to extend the range of voltages from PV that could operate inverters. To achieve this, the output of a 12V PV system was boosted to 24V then regulated back to 12V before inversion. A Microcontroller-based Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) Power Inverter for PV systems, suitable for use at homes as alternative power source for AC loads was designed, simulated and constructed. The most important feature of this system is that it is suitable for PV systems and highly effective in driving variable loads. Other features include provision for sensing the load voltage to adjust the pulse width to meet the load demand at every instance. It also provides the user with shutdown option in case of the system being idle (on no-load), the system can be put to standby mode instead of switching off the entire device. When on standby mode it consumes very small current of few milliamperes. The system was built around ATMELTM version of 8051 microcontroller AT89C2051.When tested the system was found to provide a constant sinusoidal voltage of 240V even with a varying voltages at the input.Reference [1]. Albert, P. M.(1999);Electronics PrincipleSixth Edition. Glencoe McGraw Hill, [2]. New york pp. 96 – 98. [3]. Lasseter, D. B. (1994) Power Electronics and Control, Penguin Publishers, fifth edition pp.213- 220. [4]. Nabae, A. Takahashi, I. and Akagi, H. (1981); A new neutral-point clamped PWM inverter, IEEE Trans. Industrial. Application, vol. IA-17, pp. 518–523. [5]. Rodríguez, J. (2000); A high performance vector control of a11- level inverter, in Proc. 3rd Int. Power Electronics and Motion Control Conf., Beijing, China, pp. 1116–1121. [6]. Theraja, A.K. and Theraja, B.L.(2002);A textbook of Electrical Technology. S. Chand andCompanyLtd.New Delhi, India pp. 220, 920, 924, 1712 – 1716. Aminu Tukur, I. G. Saidu, M. Momoh, Zainab U., A. S. Mindaudu, M. I. Ilyasu, M.A. Yusuf |
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54. | Design of Rectangular Dielectric Resonator Antenna for Artificial Neural Network
Design of Rectangular Dielectric Resonator Antenna for Artificial Neural NetworkAbstract: This paper represents a study of simulation of a Dielectric Resonator Antenna (DRA) based on its rectangular shape for Artificial Neural Network (ANN). The DRA is intended to be used as the radiating element of a transmitting array of active integrated antennas; its input impedance must exhibit a proper resistive load at the fundamental resonance frequency, as well as a dominant reactive behavior, either inductive or capacitive, at higher harmonics. The design procedure is performed by exploiting Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), to find the resonator geometry starting from the desired resonance frequency, and a finite element based numerical tool for the electromagnetic characterization of the antenna. The ANN can be employed in a designed RDRA over a short range of frequency of 5.68-5.9 GHz. After simulation this network can give a broad acceptance of simulated data of input and output dimensions of DRA with the possible original existence of the corresponding dimensions.Key words: Artificial Neural Network, Dielectric Resonator Antenna (DRA), Far Field, Gain, Bandwidth. Reference [1] Zainud-Deen, S. H., H. A. El-Azem Malhat, and K. H. Awadalla, "A singlefeed cylindrical superquadric dielectric resonator antenna for circular polarization," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 85, 409- 424, 2008. [2] Si, L.-M. and X. Lv, "CPW-FED multiband omni-directional planar microstrip antenna using composite metamaterial resonators for wireless communications," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 83, 133-146, 2008. [3] Al-Zoubi, A. S., A. A. Kishk, and A. W. Glisson, "Analysis and design of a rectangular dielectric resonator antenna fed by dielectric image line through narrow slots," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 77, 379- 390, 2007. [4] Rezaei, P., M. Hakkak, K. Forooraghi, "Design of wide-band dielectric resonator antenna with a two-segment structure," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 66, 111-124, 2006. [5] Tadjalli, A., A. R. Sebak, and T. A. Denidni, "Resonance frequencies and far field patterns of elliptical dielectric resonator antenna: analytical approach," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 64, 81-98, 2006. [6] Saed, M. A. and R. Yadla, "MicrostripFED low profile and compact dielectric resonator antennas," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 56, 151- 162, 2006. [7] Shin, J., A. A. Kishk, and A. W. Glisson, "Analysis of rectangular dielectric resonator antennas excited through a slot over a finite ground plane," IEEE Antennas Propag. Society Int. Symp., Vol. 4,Jul. 2000. [8] Kishk, A. A., "Dielectric resonator antenna elements for array applications," Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Phased-Array Syst. Technol., 300-305, Oct. 2003. [9] Kishk, A. A., "Experimental study of the broadband embedded dielectric resonator antennas excited by a narrow slot," IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag. Lett., Vol. 4, 79-81, 2005. [10] Mongia, R. K. and A. Ittipiboon, "Theoretical and experimental investigations on rectangular dielectric resonator antennas," IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., Vol. 45, No. 9, 1997. Sudeshna Roy |
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55. | An Improved Electronic Load Controller for Isolated Small Hydro Wind Hybrid system
An Improved Electronic Load Controller for Isolated Small Hydro Wind Hybrid systemAbstract: A standalone hydro wind hybrid grid feeding a common three phase four wire load is considered. There are three generators Synchronous and Induction Generator fed by a hydro-turbine and a variable Wind speed turbine driven Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator (PMSG). An Electronic Load Controller (ELC) based on Statcom principle is connected in shunt with the system. Vector control scheme for reference current generation technique of Statcom is developed. The major objectives in a standalone system are regulation of frequency and voltage. A battery bank is used on the dc side of Statcom thus enabling it for active power control and thus regulating the frequency. The ELC also performs other functions such as voltage regulation, reactive power compensation, neutral current compensation and harmonic elimination. The output from PMSG is connected to dc link via three phase voltage source converter (VSC) which is used for maximum power point tracking (MPPT). All models are developed using Matlab, Simulink.Key words: -Battery Energy Storage, Voltage and Frequency regulator, MPPT, Standalone Hydro Wind system Reference [1] I. Tamrakar, L.B. Shilpakar, B.G. Fernandes and R. Nilsen, Voltage and frequency control of parallel operated synchronous generator and induction generator with STATCOM in micro hydro scheme, IET Gener. Transm. Distrib, 1, (5), 2007, pp. 743–750 [2] J. A. Barrado, R. Griñó, H. Valderrama-Blavi, Power-QualityImprovement of a StandAloneInduction Generator Using a STATCOM With Battery Energy Storage System, IEEE transactions on power delivery, vol. 25, no. 4, 2010 , 2734- 2741 [3] Puneet K. Goel, Bhim Singh, S.S. Murthy, and Navin Kishore, Autonomous Hybrid System Using SCIG for Hydro Power Generation and Variable Speed PMSG for Wind Power Generation,IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics Drive Systems, 2009, 55-60 [4] S.-C.KuoL.Wang, Analysis of voltage control for a self-excited inductiongenerator using a current-controlled voltage sourceinverter (CCVSl),IEE Proc.-Genes. Transni. Distrrb., Vol. 148, No. 5, 2001, 431-438 [5] PrabhaKundur, Power System Stability and Control(New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 2006) [6] Muhammad H. Rashid, Power electronics handbook (Burlington: ButterworthHeinemann, 2011) [7] K. R. Padiyar, Facts controllers in power transmission and distribution (Daryaganj, New Delhi: New Age International (P) Ltd, 2007) [8] R. Krishnan,Electric Motor Drives: Modeling, Analysis and Control(New Delhi:PHI Learning, 2009). SamundraGurung, P.Somasundram |
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56. | Performance Analysis of Hybrid Model of Wind Mill, Photovoltaic Cell and Fuel Cell
Performance Analysis of Hybrid Model of Wind Mill, Photovoltaic Cell and Fuel CellAbstract: In society to ensure the quality of life the energy is an essential requirement. According to increase demand of energy in world the science is developing the different energy generation systems, which can supply energy to the world under economic and environmental friendly conditions. . Sources have increased interest in renewable energy sources. Many societies across the world in which we live have developed a large appetite for electrical energy. In this research paper the three conventional energy forms i.e. wind energy, photovoltaic cell and fuel cell are combined together for the economic operation of energy generation.Key words: Hybrid system, wind energy, photovoltaic cell, fuel cell. Reference [1] J. BhagwanReddey, D.N. Reddy "Probablistic Performance Assessment of a Roof Top Wind, Solar Photo Voltaic Hybrid Energy System". [2] Stanley R. Bull, "Renewable Energy Today and Tomorrow", Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 89, No. 8 August 2001. [3] R. Chedid& H. Akiki, "A decision Support Technique for the Design of Hybrid SolarWind Power System", IEEE Transaction of Energy Conversion Vol. 13, No.1, March 1998. [4] D.B. Nelson, M.H. Nehrir and C. Wang, "Unit Sizing of Stand – Alone Hybrid Wind/PV/Fuel Cell Power Generation System". [5] M.A. Laughton, "Fuel Cells", Engineering Science and Education Journal, February 2002 [6] Jegerson M. Correa, Felix A. Farret, Jonas R. Gonos and Marcelo Godoy Simoes, "Simulation of Fuel Cell Stacks using a Computer – Controlled Power Rectifier with the Purposes of Actual High-Power Injection Applications", IEEE Transaction on Industry Application, Vo.39,No.4,July/August 2003 [7] JozefPaska, Piot&Biczel, MariuszKlos, "Experience with Hybrid Power Generating System". [8] Dr. RecayiPecen, Dr. MD Salim&AyhanZora, "A Lab View Based Instrument System for a Wind-solar Hybrid Power Station," Vol 20, No-3 June 2004 through August 2004 [9] KourashSedghisigarchi& Ali Fellachi, "Impact of Fuel Cells on Load – Frequency Control in Power Distribution Systems", IEEE Transaction of Energy Conversion Vol. 21, No.1, March 2006. Hartej Singh Saini, Harinder Singh Sandhu |
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57. | Optimization of cutting parameters in CNC Turning
Optimization of cutting parameters in CNC TurningAbstract: Many manufacturing industries involve machining operations. In metal cutting the turning process is one of the most fundamental cutting processes used. Surface finish and dimensional tolerance, are used to determine and evaluate the quality of a product, and are major quality attributes of a turned product. In this paper experimental work has been carried out for the optimization of input parameters for the improvement of quality of the product of turning operation on CNC machine. Feed Rate, Spindle speed & depth of cut are taken as the input parameters and the dimensional tolerances as output parameter. In the present work L9 Array has been used in design of experiment for optimization of input parameters. This paper attempts to introduce and thus verifies experimentally as to how the Taguchi parameter design could be used in identifying the significant processing parameters and optimizing the surface roughness in the turning operation. The present work shows that spindle speed is the key factor for minimizing the dimensional variation for minimizing the surface roughness.Key words: Turning operation, Taguchi Method, Dimensional Tolerance. Reference [1] Kirby E. D., Zhang Z. and Chen J. C., (2004), "Development of An Accelerometer based surface roughness Prediction System in Turning Operation Using Multiple Regression Techniques", Journal of Industrial Technology, Volume 20, Number 4, pp. 1-8.) [2] Feng, C. X., & Wang, X. F., 2003, Surface roughness predictive modeling: neural networks versus regression. IIE Transactions vol. 35(1), 11-27 [3] Gökkayaa, H., & Nalbant, M., 2007, The effects of cutting tool geometry and processing parameters on the surface roughness of AISI 1030 steel, Materials & Design, vol. 28(2), 717-721 [4] Lalwani, D.I. (2008). Experimental investigations of cutting parameters influence on cutting forces and surface roughness in finish hard turning of MDN250 steel. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 206(1-3), 167-179. [5] Özel, T., Hsu, T.-K., & Zeren, E. (2005). Effects of cutting edge geometry, workpiece hardness, feed rate and cutting speed on surface roughness and forces in finish turning of hardened AISI H13 steel. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 25(3-4), 262- 269. [6] Benardos, P.G. & Vosniakos, G.C., Prediction of surface roughness in CNC face milling using neural networks and Taguchi's design of experiments, Robotics and computer integrated manufacturing, vol. 18 , 343-354. [7] Dhavlikar, M.N., Kulkarni, M.S. & Mariappan, V., 2003, Combined Taguchi and dual response method for optimization of a centerless grindinrningg operation, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, vol. 132, 90-94. [8] Vernon, A., & Özel, T. (2003). Factors affecting surface roughness in finish hard turning. Paper presented at the 17th International Conference on Production Research, Blacksburg, Virginia.) [9] Feng C. X. & Wang X., 2002, Development of Empirical Models for Surface Roughness Prediction in Finish Turning, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 20, 348- 356 [10] N. H. Rafai & M. N. Islam (2009) "An Investigation Into Dimensional Accuracy And Surface Finish Achievable In Dry Turning" Machining Science and Technology, Volume 13, Issue 4 October 2009 , pages 571 - 589 ) Harish Kumar, Mohd. Abbas, Dr. Aas Mohammad, Hasan Zakir Jafri |
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58. | Traffic based energy consumption analysis and improve the lifetime and performance of MAC protocols in ad hoc wireless sensor networks
Traffic based energy consumption analysis and improve the lifetime and performance of MAC protocols in ad hoc wireless sensor networksAbstract: Wireless microsensor networks lend themselves to trade-offs in energy and quality. The service lifetime of such sensor nodes depends on the power supply and energy consumption of nodes, which is usually dominated by the communication subsystem. One of the key challenges in unlocking the potential of such data gathering sensor networks is conserving energy so as to maximize their post deployment active lifetime. This paper described the research carried on the continual development of the novel energy efficient analysis of random placed nodes algorithm that increases the WSNs lifetime and improves on the QoS parameters yielding higher throughput, average end to end delay jitter for next generation of WSNs. Another key advantage of the novel analysis of random placed nodes algorithm is that it can be implemented with existing energy saving protocols like LEACH, SMAC and TMAC to further enhance the network lifetimes and improve on QoS parameters. The main aim of this paper is to improve energy in nodes and to analyze the most energy efficient MAC protocol in order to classify them and compare their performances. We are implemented some of WSN MAC protocol under QualNet 5.0 with the purpose to evaluate their performances.Key words: - MAC protocol, Energy consumption, Delivery ratio, Throughput, Delay Reference [1] T. van Dam and K. Langendoen, "An adaptive energy efficient MAC protocol for wireless sensor networks," in ACM SenSys 03, November 2003. [2] Heinzelman, W. R., A. Chandrakasan, et al. (2000). "Energy-efficient communication protocol for wireless micro-sensor networks." System Sciences, 2000. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Hawaii International Conference. [3] V. Rajendran, K. Obraczka, and J. GarciaLuna-Aceves, "Energy-efficient, collision-free medium access control for wireless sensor networks," in ACMSenSys 03, November 2003. [4] Iqbal, Q. R., D. J. Holding, et al. (2007). "Energy efficient radio range allocation in ad hoc wireless sensor networks." Proceedings of the 2007 spring simulation multi-conference-Volume 1: 58-65. [5] Al-Obaisat Y, Braun R "On Wireless Sensor Networks: Architectures, Protocols, Applications, and Management" Auswireless Conference 2006. [6] M. Takai, J. Martin, and R. Bagrodia. "Effects of wireless physical layer modeling in mobile ad hoc networks". In 2nd ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking & Computing (MobiHoc 2001), pp. 87–94. ACM Press, October 2001. [7] I. Rhee et al., "Z-MAC: a Hybrid MAC for Wireless Sensor Networks". ACM SenSys, San Diego, CA, Nov. 2005. [8] M. Zorzi and R. R. Rao, "Energy constrained error control for wireless channels," IEEE Personal Communications, pp. 27-33, December 1997. [9] W. Ye, J. Heidemann, and D. Estrin. "An Energy-Effcient MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks". INFOCOM 2002, volume 3, pp 1567-1576, June 2002 [10] Li, J., D. Cordes,"Power-aware routing protocols in ad hoc wireless networks." Wireless Communications, IEEE: 69-81. (2005). Dharam Vir, Dr. S.K. Agarwal, Dr. S.A.Imam |
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60. | Tire Pressure Monitoring System And Fuel Leak Detection
Tire Pressure Monitoring System And Fuel Leak DetectionAbstract: Improper tire pressure & temperature is a safety issue that is often overlooked or ignored. A drop in tire pressure by just a few pounds per square inch (psi) can result in the reduction of fuel mileage, tire life, safety, and vehicle performance. This paper presents a kind of Tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) with fuel leak detection, introduces the main chips and the principle of system. Key issue of system are discussed: Installation of master and slave section, Wireless signal transmission, Low power strategies. To address these problems, an automated system that will alleviate the need for actively maintaining tire pressure was designed.Key words: —tire pressure, TPMS temperature, wireless communication, Reference [1] "Wireless Communication based Tire pressure monitoring system" YU Shiming, TANG Jianbin, QIU Hong, CAO Chengrong. IEEE Xplore 1-4244-1312- 5/07/$25.00©2007 IEEE. [2] "Keep Your Tires at Proper Inflation." Doran Manufacturing LLC. [Online]. Available at http://www.doranmfg.com/industry_studie s.htm [3] "Vehicle Safety Research." National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. [Online]. Available at http://www.nhtsa.dot.gov/. [4] "Tire Maintenance and Safety." The Rubber Manufacturers Association. [Online]. Available at http://www.rma.org/. [5] "Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards; Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems; Controls and Displays," Department of Transportation and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, full document available at www.nhtsa.dot.gov/cars/rules/rulings/Tire PresFinal/ [6] Lee Ann Obringer. "How Self-inflating Tires Work". December 10, 2004.[Online]. Available at http://auto.howstuffworks.com/selfinflating-tire.htm [7] "Awareness of mobile equipment". [Online]. Available at www.mobileawareness.com [8] "Tire Safety: Benefits Of Temp. & Pressure Monitoring" By: Gary Rothstein. [9] Federal motor carrier safety administration [Online]. Available at www.fmcsa.dot.gov [10] Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety and Security System Technology Loya Chandreshkumar, Joshi Pranav, Chaudhari Hemraj, Prof. Gayatri Bokade |
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61. | Secure Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks using WEAP Protocol
Secure Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks using WEAP ProtocolAbstract: Wireless sensor networks are usually deployed for gathering data from unattended or hostile environment. Many sensor network routing protocols have been proposed, but they are very defenseless to security threats. Due to limitations of sensor devices, the networks are susceptible to hackers, it is possible for one to enter and render a network. In this paper we focus on a secure routing protocol called Wireless Extensible Authentication Protocol (WEAP). This protocol offers many security benefits to WSN's. Wireless EAP provides username/password-based authentication between a wireless client and a RADIUS server. WEAP only employs one base station and always assumes that it is trustworthy. This protocol tends to significantly reduce the attacks and increase the network performance.Key words: Wireless Sensor Network, WEAP protocol, Compromised nodes, Network protocols. Reference [1] Treanor, Brian, Aspects of alterity: Levinas, Marcel, and the contemporary debate, Fordham University Press, 2006, p.41 [2] Saraogi, M. (n.d.). Security in wireless sensor networks. University of Tennessee, [3] Burgner, D.E, & Wahsheh L. A. (2011). Security of wireless sensor networks. English International Conference on Information Technology : New Generations, [4] Ozaki, Madden, S. R., Franklin, M. J., Hellerstein, J. M., and Hong, W., TAG: A tiny aggregation service for ad-hoc sensor networks. In The Fifth Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI 2002), 2002, [5] Madden, S. R., Szewczyk, R., Franklin, M. J., and Culler, D. Supporting aggregate queries over ad-hoc wireless sensor networks. In Workshop on Mobile Computing and Systems Applications, [6] Zhu, S., Setia, S., Jajodia S., EAP: Efficient Security Mechanisms for Large-Scale Distributed Sensor Networks. In The Proceedings of the 10th ACM conferenceon Computer and communications security, 2003. [7] Jang, J., Kwon, T., & Jooseok, S. (2007). A time-based key management protocol for wireless sensor networks. E. Dawson and D.S. Wong (Eds.): ISPEC 2007, LNCS 4464, pp. 314–328, 2007. [8] Pathan, A. K. (2011). Security of selforganizing networks. (1 ed., pp. 318-344). Florida: CRC [9] Saraogi, M. (n.d.). Security in wireless sensor networks. University of Tennessee S. Shanawaz Basha, N. Musrat Sultana |
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62. | μPCBComplexity
μPCBComplexityAbstract: System design complexity is increasing rapidly. As a result current development costs can be staggering and are constantly increasing. As designers produce ever larger and more complex systems, it is becoming increasingly difficult to estimate how much time it will take to design and verify these designs. To compound this problem, system design cost estimation still does not have a quantitative approach. Although designing a system is very resource consuming, there is little work invested in measuring, understanding, and estimating the effort required. To address part of the current shortcomings, this paper introduces µPCBComplexity, a methodology to measure and estimate PCB (printed circuit board) design effort. PCBs are the central component of any system and can require large amounts of resources to properly design and verify. µPCBComplexity consists of two main parts, a procedure to account for the contributions of the different elements in the design, which is coupled with a non-linear statistical regression of experimental measures. We use µPCBComplexity to evaluate a series of design effort estimators on several PCB designs. By using the proposed µPCBComplexity metric, designers can estimate PCB design effort.Reference [1] C. Bazeghi, F. Mesa-Martinez, and J. Renau. µComplexity: Estimating Processor Design Effort. In International Sympo-sium on Microarchitecture, Nov 2005. [2] M. Chincholkar and J. Herrmann. Modeling the impact of embedding passives on manufacturing system performance. September 2002. [3] J. Cohen. Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavioral Sci-ences. Lawrence Erlbaum, 1988. [4] E.L. Crow and K. Shimizu. Lognormal Distributions: Theory and Application. Dekker, 1988. [5] T. DeMarco and T. Lister. Peopleware Productive Projects and Teams. Dorset House Publishing, 1999. [6] JR. Frederick P. Brooks. The Mythical Man-Month. Addison-Wesley, 1995. [7] A. B. Kahng. Design technology productivity in the dsm era (invited talk). In Conference on Asia South Pacific Design Au-tomation, pages 443–448. ACM Press, 2001. [8] L. H. Putnam and W. Myers. Five Core Metrics: The Intelli-gence Behind Successful Software Management. Dorset House Publishing, May 2003. [9] Numetrics Management Systems. Design Complexity and Pro-ductivity. Technical report, Numetrics Management Systems, Inc., 2004. http://www.numetrics.com. [10] The R Development Core Team. The R Reference Manual - Base Package. Network Theory Limited, 2005. Gollapudi Ramya, M.Anil Kumar |
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63. | Dynamic Analysis of R.C.C. Frame Structure for Looms Industry
Dynamic Analysis of R.C.C. Frame Structure for Looms IndustryAbstract: All real physical structures, when subjected to loads or displacements, behave dynamically. Industrial Building which are equipped with machineries are bound to be subjected to vibrations. Problems of the dynamics of bases and foundations are important from an economic standpoint as well therefore, to understand the response characteristics of the power looms industry structure, dynamic analysis was carried out for Ground + One Storey industry framed structure using STAAD.Pro software. In this paper, an attempt has been made to study the effects of various structural parameters like Beam Size, Column Size and Storey Height variation on Frequency and Displacement of the industry building which will fill the lacunae by serving as guidelines to structural engineers and industry people.Key words: : Looms Industry, Vibration, Time History, Displacement, Modes, Frequency, Storey Height. Reference [1] ACI Committee, "Foundations for Dynamic Equipment", ACI 351.3R-04. [2] Bhatia K. G.,"Foundations For Industrial Machines And Earthquake Effects", 28th ISET Annual Lecture. [3] Cyril M. Harris, 2002, "Harris' Shock and Vibration Handbook. [4] George Gazetas, 1983, "Analysis of Machine Foundation Vibration: State of Art", Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol 2, No 1. [5] Hasmukhrai B., 1996, "Fabric Forming", Co-operative Stores Ltd. [6] IS 2974 (Part I) – 1982, Edition 3.1 Indian Standard Code of Practice for Design and Construction of Machine Foundation. [7] Nurudeen A. Raji, "Impact Analysis of Narrow Loom Beat-up Mechanism", Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 3(9): 923- 927, 2011, ISSN: 2040-7467 [8] Snowden D. C., 1967, "Power-Loom Weaving of Woollen and Worsted Fabrics", C. Nicholls and Company Ltd. [9] Srinivasulu P. And Vaidyanathan C.V, 2003, "Handbook of Machine Foundations", Tata Mcgraw –Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi. [10] Victor Wowk, "A Brief Tutorial on Machine Vibration", Machine Dynamics, Inc. [11] Vijay K. Puri and Shamsher Prakash, 2006, "Foundations For Vibrating Machines", Special Issue, April-May, of the Journal of Structural Engineering, SERC, Madras. INDIA Sarthi B. Bhavsar, Yogesh D. Rathod, Sunil H. Kukadiya, Gaurang A. Parmar, Jigar K. Sevalia |
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64. | Hydrobiological Assessment Of Zoshk River, Mashhad City
Hydrobiological Assessment Of Zoshk River, Mashhad CityAbstract: Zoshk River is one of the major rivers of Mashhad city always filled with water .the present study is devoted to hydrobiological study of Zoshk River in a one –year period , from October 2006 to September 2007 , in four sites the origin or the river to the end of Shandiz region . In this study physical factors such as water temperature , air temperature as well as chemical factors such as NO3 , PO4 , BOD5 and PH were measured . During the study period concentration of soluble Oxygen was always in saturated conditions with an average of 9.6 mg/L and the concentration of BOD5 was always ignorable with an average of 3.7 mg/L . Based on the results , Zoshk River is a good place aquaculture and raising Oncorhynchus mykiss.Key words: Zoshk River; aqua culture; BOD5; PH. Reference [1] M. Ehrhardt and K. Kremling. methods of seawater Analysis. Weinheim : Verlag Chemie, pp.125-131, 1983. [2] M.Hatta. Survival of Escherichia coli in a tropical, Journal of Environmental Sciences, Mahatma Ghandi University, Kerala, India 41-45 pp 2001. [3] M. Ehrhardt and K. Kremling, methods of seawater Analysis. Weinheim:Verlag Chemie, pp.125-131, 1983. H. Nazari, R. Mosavi-nadoshan |
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65. | Part-by-Part-Evaluation-on-Arrival approach involving modified eight point radix-2 FFT/IFFT for an OFDM transceiver to reduce latency
Part-by-Part-Evaluation-on-Arrival approach involving modified eight point radix-2 FFT/IFFT for an OFDM transceiver to reduce latencyAbstract: An OFDM transceiver which will have the FFT/IFFT as an integral part will suffer latency due to the latter. This paper reduces the latency for a OFDM transceiver involving a 512 point FFT/IFFT function by using a modified 8 point radix2 FFT/IFFT. It performs Part-byPart-Evaluation-on-Arrival instead of evaluating FFT after the arrival of a full set of 512 input samples. This approach significantly reduces the latency in the OFDM transceiver and usage of a modified 8 point radix 2 FFT/IFFT as the basic unit to evaluate the large 512 point FFT/IFFT also reduces the computational requirements. The same has been implemented in a Spartan 3 FPGA.Key words: FFT, IFFT, PPEA, Symbol Combiner, latency, OFDM transceiver Reference [1] Koushik Maharatna, Eckhard Grass, Ulrich Jagdhold, A 64 point Fourier Transform Chip for High speed Wireless Lan Application using OFDM IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, Vol.39, No.3 [2] Shen Jui Huang, Sau Gee Chen A High throughput Radix-16 FFT processor with parallel and Normal input/output ordering for IEEE 802.15.3c (WPANS) systems IEEE transactions on Circuits and systems I: regular papers [3] Haining Jiang, Hanwen Luo, Jifeng Tian and Wentao Song, Design of an efficient FFT processor for OFDM systems IEEE transactions on consumer electronics, Vol. 51, No. 4 [4] Xuan Guan, Yunsi Fei, Hai Lin Hierarchical Design of an ApplicationSpecific Instruction Set Processor for HighThroughput and Scalable FFT ProcessingIEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems [5] Le Jin, Lin Liang, A power-of-two FFT algorithm and structure for DRM receiver IEEE transactions on Consumer Electronics [6] Vennila C; Palaniappan C T K; Krishna K V; Lakshminarayanan G; Seok Bum Ko, Dynamic partial reconfigurable FFT/IFFT pruning for OFDM based Cognitive radio, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems [7] "A 64 point Fourier Transform Chip for High speed Wireless Lan Application using OFDM", Koushik Maharatna, Eckhard Grass, Ulrich Jagdhold, IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, Vol.39, No.3, March 2004 [8] "Design and Implementation of MIMO OFDM Baseband processor for High Speed Wireless LANS" Yunho Jung, Jiho kim, Seongjoo Lee, Hongil Yoon, Jaeseok Kim, IEEE transactions on Circuits and SystemsII: Express Briefs, Vol 54. No. 7, July 2007 [9] "All digital baseband frequency hopping OFDM system", Qicun Shi, Zhixing Yang, Lifeng He, Kewu Peng, IEEE Singapore International Conference on Communication systems, June 2008 [10] "A Double data rate Architecture for OFDM based Wireless Consumer devices", R. Simon Sheratt, Oswaldo Cadenas, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 56, No. 1, February 2010 Amos H Jeeva Oli, R Rani Hemamalini |
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67. | Black Spot Analysis on NationalHighways
Black Spot Analysis on NationalHighwaysAbstract: India is a developing country. Accident severity is increasing in increasing order due to increasing in vehicle population.Accident leads to disablement,death,damage to health and property,social suffering and general degradation of environment.The main cause of accidents are the driver,vehicle and road environment.Generally accidents occurs at intersection where low volume traffic mixes with high speed traffic.The location in a roadway where the traffic accident often occur is called a blackspot.A case study was taken on NH-55 of angul district in Orissa state.The main problems on this road are obstruction visibility,badshoulder,trees and poles on the shoulder.Thedefiencies were analysed to improve black spotKey words: Accident Severity,NH-55,Black Spot Reference 1. Hiselius(2004)Estimatingtherelationshipb etweenaccidentfrequencyandhomogeneous andinhomogeneoustrafficflows ,AccidentAnalysisandPrevention vol.36pp.985–992 2. Ivan et al.(2000) Explaining two-lane highway crash rates using land use and hourly exposure ,Accident Analysis and Prevention Vol.32 pp. 787–795 3. Hiselius(2004)Estimatingtherelationshipb etweenaccidentfrequencyandhomogeneous andinhomogeneoustrafficflows ,AccidentAnalysisandPrevention vol.36pp.985–992 4. Golob et al.(2004)Freewaysafetyasafunctionoftraffi cflow,AccidentAnalysisandPrevention Vol.36pp.933–946 A.N.Dehury, A.K.Das,A.K.Pattnaik, U.Chattraj,P.Bhuyan,M.Panda |
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68. | Seismic Response of Buildings with Column Reinforcement Lapped Just Above Floor Level
Seismic Response of Buildings with Column Reinforcement Lapped Just Above Floor LevelAbstract: The response of beam-column joints have long been recognized as a significant factor that affects the overall behavior of reinforced concrete (RC) framed structures subjected to large lateral loads. The reversal of forces in beam-column joints during earthquakes may cause distress and often failure, when not designed and detailed properly. The principle objective of this work is to analyze several "G+10" storey buildings having reinforcement joint (lap) just above the floors. An attempt is made to study the behavior of such structures with the conventional modeling. As a common practice, the structures are constructed by lapping the 100% of the reinforcement just above the floor instead of lapping it at mid height. It is assumed that column joints near the base where 100% lapping is being done, behaves as a hinge which will transfer only vertical/horizontal loads without moments. The response of such structure is compared with those where the detailing is done properly by maintaining the reinforcement joint at mid height and not more than 50% lapping is done.Key words: column joints, joints in RCC structures. Reference P. Rajaram, A. Murugesan and G.S. Thirugnanam, "Experimental Study of Interier RC Beam Column Joints Subjected to Cyclic Loading," International Journal of Applied Engineering and Research, Dindigul, Vol 1, 2010, 49-58. 2. K. Ravichandran, C. Antony Jayasehar "Seismic Retrofitting of Exterior Beam Column Joints using ferrocement", International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol.4, Issue 2 ( 2012), 35-58. 3. Ravi, S Robert, Arulraj and G Prinec, "Experimental Investigation on Behavior of RCC Beam Column Joints Retrofitted with GFRP-CFRP Hybrid wrapping subjected to load Reversal", International journal of Mechanics and Solids, Vol.5, Issue 1, 2010. 4. Gustavo J Parra-montecinos, Sean W. Peterfreund and Shih-ho Chao, "Highly Damage Tolerant Beam Column Joints through use of high performance fiber reinforced cement composites", ACI Structural journal, Vol. 102, No. 3, 2005,487-495. 5. N.Vijayalakshmi, M.Kalaivani, A.Murugesan and G.S.Thirugnanam, "Experimental Investigation of RCBeam Column Joint Strengthening by FPP Wrapping", International Journal of Civil and Structural, Vol.1, No.1, 2010, 35-49. 6. Bindhu K.R, Sreekumar K.J "Seismic Resistance of Exterior Beam Column Joint with Diagonal Collar Stirrups" submitted to International Journal of Civil and Structural Engineering", Volume 2, No 1, 2011. A.K.Chikyal, Karim Pathan, Ansari Altaf ul Hassan, Mohammed Nabeel |
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69. | Mobile SMS Banking Security Using Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem In Binary Field
Mobile SMS Banking Security Using Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem In Binary FieldAbstract: Over the past many years several leading banks in India have launched SMS banking services. However, the security of mobile SMS payment and banking has topped the list of concerns for most of the customers. In this paper the security loopholes in SMS banking and propose a system to make mobile SMS banking secure using Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem(ECC) in binary field is investigated. Also, another aim is to design an API to implement ECC algorithm.Key words: SMS, Elliptic Curve, Digital Signature, ECC Banking Module. Reference [1] Silverman,The arithmetic of elliptic curves, In Graduate Texts in Mathematics, vol.106,1986 [2] N. Koblitz, Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems, Mathematics of computation, No.48,1987,203-209. [3] Tibor Juhas,The Use of Elliptic Curves in Cryptography, MasterThesis,Universityof Tromso, 2007. [4] T. EIGamal,A public key cryptosystem and a signature scheme based on discrete logarithms,IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol.31,1985 [5] N.P. Smart,The Discrete logarithm Problem on Elliptic curves of Trace One, Journal of Cryptology, Vol.12,1999 [6] Stalling W,Cryptography and Network Security,Prentice-Hall, 2001. [7] Stalling W.cryptography and network security Prentice-Hall, 2001. [7] Kumanduri and Romero, Number Theory and Computer Applications, Prentice- Hall, 2001. [8] A. Lenstra and E. Verheul, Selecting Cryptographic key size,Journal of kryptography 14 ,2001,255-293. [9] IEEE P1363, Standard Specifications for PublicKey Cryptography, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 2000. [10] Blake,Seroussi, and Smart, Elliptic Curves in Cryptography,Cambridge University Press,1999. Prof.Avinash Wadhe, Miss Namrata A.Sable |
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70. | Collision Avoidance Mechanism In Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Through Distributed Mac Protocol
Collision Avoidance Mechanism In Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Through Distributed Mac ProtocolAbstract: -In this paper we are going to analyse Medium Access Control Protocols for high performance in Ad hoc Networks by increasing reliability in data transmission. In the mean while we can reduce collision among the nodes while transmitting information, by using collision avoidance Techniques. Medium access control (MAC) has been one of the important issues in wireless networks; CSMA/CA has been used in many high-speed and low-speed networks because of its robustness and simplicity. Performance of the medium degrades due to heavy collision among nodes and due to hiddennode problem.To achieve high-performance MAC is still an important issue in ad-hoc networks.Wireless networks are divided into onehop or multi hop networks. Depending on the number of wireless nodes over which a packet is relayed. Most of the existing networks are onehop, that is simple network and the complex network.Key words: MAC, CAIN, CSMA/CA, Complex network Reference [1] J. I. Chhoi, M. Jain, K. Srinivasan, P.Levis, and S.Katti. "Achieving, Single Channel, Full Duplex Wireless communication". In Proc. Of ACM MobiCom. [2] M. Jain, J. I. Chhoi, T. M. Kim, D. Bharadia, S. Seth, K. Srinivasan, P. Levis, S. Katti, and P. Sinha. "Practical, Real-time, Full Duplex Wireless".In Proc. of ACM MobiCom, 301-312, 2011. [3] M. J. McGlynn and S. A. Borbash. "Birthday Protocols for Low Energy Deployment and Flexible Neighbor Discovery in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks". In Proc. of ACM MobiHoc, 137-145, 2001. [4] S. Vasudevan, D. Towssley, D. Goeckel, and R. Khalili. "Neighbour Discovery in Wireless Network and the Coupon Collector's Problem". In Proc. of ACM MobiCom 181-192, 2009. [5] W. Zeng, X. Chen, A. Russell, S. Vasudevan, B. Wang, and W. Wei. "Neighbour Discovery in Wireless Network with MultiPacket Reception". In Proc. of ACM MobiHoc Dr. B.Vijaya Babu, G. Kiran Kumar, N. Manoj kumar |
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71. | Invention of the plane geometrical formulae - Part II
Invention of the plane geometrical formulae - Part IIAbstract: In this paper, I have invented the formulae for finding the area of an Isosceles triangle. My finding is based on pythagoras theorem.Reference 1 Geometry concepts and Pythagoras theorem. Mr. Satish M. Kaple |
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72. | Review of Various Intrusion Detection Techniques based on Data mining approach
Review of Various Intrusion Detection Techniques based on Data mining approachAbstract: Over the past several years, the Internet environment has become more complex and untrusted. Enterprise networked systems are inevitably exposed to the increasing threats posed by hackers as well as malicious users internal to a network. IDS technology is one of the important tools used now-a-days, to counter such threats. Various IDS techniques has been proposed, which identifies and alarms for such threats or attacks. IDS are an essential component of the network to be secured. The traditional IDS are unable to manage various newly arising attacks. To deal with these new problems of networks, data mining based IDS are opening new research avenues.. Data mining provides a wide range of techniques to classify these attacks. The paper provides a study on the various data mining based intrusion detection techniques.Reference [1] Mrs. Sneha Kumari, Dr. Maneesh Shrivastava "A Study Paper on IDS Attack Classification Using Various Data Mining Techniques" International Journal of Advanced Computer Research Volume-2 Number-3 Issue-5 September-2012. [2] Mitchell D'silva, Deepali Vora "Comparative Study of Data Mining Techniques to Enhance Intrusion Detection " International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) Vol. 3, Issue 1, January -February 2013. [3] S.A.Joshi, Varsha S.Pimprale "Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) based on Data Mining" International Journal of Engineering Science and Innovative Technology (IJESIT) Volume 2, Issue 1, January 2013. [4] Reema Patel, Amit Thakkar, Amit Ganatra "A Survey and Comparative Analysis of Data Mining Techniques for Network Intrusion Detection Systems' International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE) Volume-2, Issue-1, March 2012 [5] Ankita Agarwal " Multi Agent Based Approach For Network Intrusion Detection Using Data Mining Concept" Journal of Global Research in Computer Science, 3 (3), March 2012. [6] Miss. Prajkta P. Chapke & Prof. A.B. Raut " Intrusion Detection System using Fuzzy logic and Data Mining Technique" International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering 2 (12), December – 2012. [7] Monali Shetty, Prof. N.M.Shekokar "Data Mining Techniques for Real Time Intrusion Detection Systems" International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 3, Issue 4, April-2012. [8] Alok Ranjan, Dr. Ravindra S. Hegadi, Prasanna Kumara "Emerging Trends in Data Mining for Intrusion Detection" International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Volume 3, No. 2, March-April 2012. Ms.R.S.Landge, Mr.A.P.Wadhe |
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73. | Implementation and Performance Comparison of Shift-add and Radix-4 Booth Multiplication for Single Precision Floating Point on Xilinx Using VHDL
Implementation and Performance Comparison of Shift-add and Radix-4 Booth Multiplication for Single Precision Floating Point on Xilinx Using VHDLAbstract: This paper presents implementation and comparison of two multiplication methods which are currently being used. The multiplication is carried out between single precision floating point numbers. There is significant reduction in number of intermediate computation using Radix-4 Booth multiplication algorithm. Comparison of both the methods is done on basis of number of registers and LUTs used for designing. The proposed design is implemented using VHDL on Xilinx ISE.Key words: component: Floating-Point, Single Precision, Shift-add, Radix-4, Multiplication. Reference [1] IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic, ANSI/IEEE Standard 754, 1985. [2] K. Babulu,G.Parasuram "FPGA Realization of Radix-4 Booth Multiplication Algorithm for High Speed Arithmetic Logics", (IJCSIT) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Vol. 2 (5) , 2011, 2102-2107. [3] S.Jagadeesh, S.Venkata Chary "Design of Parallel Multiplier–Accumulator Based on Radix-4 Modified Booth Algorithm with SPST", International Journal Of Engineering Research And Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 2, issue 5, SeptemberOctober 2012, pp.425-431. Ratneshwar Urman Hemantkumar, Bariya Rajendrasinh N., Prof. Vishal Mishra |
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74. | Solid State Block Proving By Axle Counter (Digital)
Solid State Block Proving By Axle Counter (Digital)Abstract: SSBPAC is a solid state system used for controlling the coordinated movement of the train in the block section working on absolute block working principle. The system has been developed as per RDSO/SPN/175/2005 both for single line working and double line working. The SSBPAC (D) is of 2 out of 3 hardware architecture with implementations of the fail safety principles. It complies with the CENELEC standards and conforming to Safety Integrity Level - 4 (SIL-4). The system incorporates auto features and eliminates manual co-operations from other end for Line Clear and Line Close operations. Emergency cancellation at the receiving station. Automatic Train On Line. Automatic Line Close after sequence proved at receiving end and section is free. Simplified Block Back / Block Forward Operations. Cooperative Cancellation. Line Clear Block Key (LCB Key) to prevent automatic granting of Line Clear. Station Master Key (SM Key) to prevent unauthorized panel operations. Fully solid state and relays are only for final vital outputs. Single Line Working with provisions for shunting with shunt key EKT Event logging operations and data storage in built in the system. Data logger network interface. Communication media: (1 pair cable in quad or on voice channel in OFC.) Block bell and telephone on separate pair of quad or voice channel of OFC. Two repeater relays to repeat input status at the other end. To implement SSBPAC we used PTHMU SOFTWARE to get the results.Key words: SSBPAC, SM, LCB, CENELEC, PTHMU SOFTWARE Reference [1] Indian railway signaling engineering (vol i-iv) p. pramod joel [2] Specn for Solid State Block Proving by Axle Counter digital Tentative Effective from 15. 01. 05 Version 1 Page 1 of25 SPECIFICATION FOR SOLID. [3] Irs s 22-91, double line block instrument [4] Solid State Blocks proving by axle counter (specifications), RDSO spn 175-2005. [5] Axle Counter System SCA http://www.getransportation.com/resource s/doc_download/92-axle-counter-sca.html [6] Solid State Block Proving By Axle Counter (Digital), Effetronocs. Vinay Polepalli, M Anil Kumar |
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75. | Personal Identification Using Iris Recognition System, a Review
Personal Identification Using Iris Recognition System, a ReviewAbstract: A biometric system provides automatic identification of an individual based on a unique feature or characteristic possessed by the individual. Unlike other biometric such as fingerprints and face recognition, the distinct aspect of iris comes from randomly distributed features. Iris recognition is regarded as the most reliable and accurate biometric identification system available. In this paper, I describe the novel techniques developed to create an Iris Recognition System available. This paper proposes a personal identification using iris recognition system with the help of six major steps i.e. image acquisition, localization, Isolation, normalization, feature extraction and matching and also these six steps consists a numbers of minor steps to complete each step. The boundaries of the iris, as papillary and limbic boundary, are detected by using Canny Edge Detector & Circular Hough Transformation. We can use masking technique to isolate the iris image form the given eye image, this isolated iris image is transformed from Cartesian to polar co-ordinate. Now finally extract the unique features (feature vector) of the iris after enhancing the iris image and then perform matching process on iris code using Hamming Distance for acceptance and rejectance process. Her I am giving my review after studying a number of research papers and my proposed technique works very well and can be easily implemented.Key words: Biometrics, Iris Code, Edge Detection, Transformation, Masking, Feature Vector, Hamming Distance. Reference [1] http://www.amazingincredible.com/show/8 2-the-incredible-human-eye (last referred on 26 April 2013) [2] P.W. Hallinan, "Recognizing Human Eyes," Geomtric Methods Comput. Vision,vol. 1570, pp.214-226, 1991. [3] J. Daugman and C. Downing, "Epigenetic Randomness, Complexity, and Singularity of Human Iris Patterns," Proc. Royal Soc. (London) B: Biological Sciences, vol. 268, pp. 1737-1740, 2001. [4] R. Wildes, J. Asmuth, G. Green, S. Hsu, R. Kolczynski, J. Matey, S. McBride, "A Machine-vision System for Iris Recognition," vol. 9, pp.1-8, 1996. [5] R.P. Wildes, "Iris Recognition: An Emerging Biometric Technology," Proceedings of the IEEE, Sept. vol.85, pp.1348-1363, 1997. [6] http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~jgd1000/applics. html (last referred on 26 April 2013) [7] http://www.forbes.com/global/2010/0412/e ntrepreneurs-hector-hoyos-iris-scannersidentity-we-see-you.html (last referred on 26 April 2013) [8] http://pinktentacle.com/2006/11/irisrecognition-technology-for-mobile-phones/ (last referred on 26 April 2013) [9] http://www.freedomsphoenix.com/News/0 81163-2010-12-31-were-next-napolitanoin-afghanistan-to-see-iris-scanning-at.htm [10] L. Flom and A. Safir, "Iris Recognition System," U.S. Patent, No. 4641394, 1987. Himanshu Srivastava |
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76. | A Conjoint Analysis of the Design Irregularities and Public Realms of a National Highway in Bangalore
A Conjoint Analysis of the Design Irregularities and Public Realms of a National Highway in BangaloreAbstract: A 40m stretch along National Highway (NH4) is considered, which is located on either side of an unmanned exit from Yeswanthpur Railway station. This stretch of pedestrian walkway was extremely congested, with an average pedestrian count of about 4000/hour. This also led to pedestrian spillover and jaywalkers on the main carriageway. The absence of guardrails and the encroachment of footpath by street-hawkers aggravated the problem. Hence, the disruption of smooth pedestrian movement raises the accident rate and causes traffic delays. The width of the existing footpath is only 1.2m, while the ideal width should have been atleast 4m, as per standards. A high blank wall, demarcating the station and footpath, aggravated the persisting problem, by cutting the possible visual connection between them. This stimulated the abuse of the walkway by pedestrians. The dilapidated walkway and the unaltered footpath width continue to be a distress, with the level of service being 'F'. The remedial measures must incorporate proper design of walkways, ensuring transparency and fenestrations in the barricades, to establish a visual access between them, and thereby enhancing the urban public realm of 'seeing' and 'being seen'.Key words: Walkway, pedestrian, urban, jaywalkers, transparency. Reference [1] W.J. Book, EIA Report of Metro Rail Project for Bangalore City, 2010. [2] IRC: 103-1988, "Guidelines for pedestrian facilities". [3] Flaherty, "Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering", Butterworth-Heinemann, 1996. [4] Chakraborty et al., "Facilities for Pedestrian Movement in Metropolitan centres", IRC. [5] Rakesh S., "Evaluation of the Pedestrian Environment", Chennai, 2003. Varuna M., Rajesh Gopinath, Fathima Samana S. |
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77. | Different Techniques Of Edge Detection In Digital Image Processing
Different Techniques Of Edge Detection In Digital Image ProcessingAbstract: Edge detection is a process that detects the presence and location of edges constituted by sharp changes in intensity of an image. Edges define the boundaries between regions in an image, which helps with segmentation and object recognition. Edge detection of an image significantly reduces the amount of data and filters out useless information, while preserving the important structural properties in an image. The general method of edge detection is to study the changes of a single image pixel in an area, use the variation of the edge neighboring first order or second-order to detect the edge. In this paper after a brief introduction, overview of different edge detection techniques like differential operator method such as sobel operator,prewitt's technique,Canny technique and morphological edge detection technique are given.Reference [1]. J. J. Benedetto,M.W. Frazier, 1994, "Wavelets Mathematics and Applications," CRC Press, Inc. [2] K. A. Stevens, 1980, "Surface perception from local analysis of texture and contour,"Artificial Intell. Lab., Mass. Instr. Technol., Cambridge, Tech. Rep. AI-TR- 512. [3]. Wenshuo Gao, Lei Yang, Xiaoguang Zhang, Huizhong Liu, "An Improved Sobel Edge Detection", 2010 IEEE, 978-1-4244- 5540-9/10 [4] Wang Zhengyao, "Edge detection of digital image, Master paper ", Xi‟an: i‟an Jiaotong University,2003. [5]. You-yi Zheng, Ji-lai Rao, Lei Wu, "Edge Detection Methods in Digital Image Processing" The 5th IEEE International Conference on Computer Science & Education, 978-1-4244-6005-2/10 [6]. YAHIA S. AL-HALABI, HESHAM JONDI ABD, "NEW WAVELET-BASED TECHNIQUES FOR EDGE DETECTION", Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology ,2005 - 2010 JATIT & LLS. [7]. Srikanth Rangarajan, "Algorithms For Edge Detection" [8]. R. Owens, "Lecture 6", Computer Vision IT412, 10/29/1997. [9]. Ehsan Nadernejad. Hamid Hassanpour, Sara Sharifzadeh,"Edge Detection Techniques:Evaluations and Comparisons" Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 2, 2008, no. 31, 1507 – 1520. [10]. S. Price, "Edges: The Canny Edge Detector", July 4, 1996. [11]. C.NagaRaju , S.NagaMani, G.rakesh Prasad, S.Sunitha, "Morphological Edge Detection Algorithm Based on MultiStructure Elements of Different Directions", International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Research ©2010-11 IJICT Journal, Volume 1 No. 1, May 2011. [12]. Hui Yang, Jiwu Zhang. "Mathematical Morphology in Edge Detection Application," Journal of Liaoning University (Natural Science Edition), vol.32, no.1, pp. 50-53, 2005. Pooja Sharma,Gurpreet Singh, Amandeep Kaur |
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78. | Verification of TD-PSOLA for Implementing Voice Modification
Verification of TD-PSOLA for Implementing Voice ModificationAbstract: Voice modification is conversion of a model input voice signal into desired output signal. This can be achieved by modifying basic parameters of voice viz. vocal tract, pitch and time scale. Four models which are used for this purpose are discussed here namely LPC model, H/S model, TD-PSOLA model and MBR-PSOLA model. In this paper, TD-PSOLA technique is studied and implemented. Results of this implementation are derived and reviewed. The voice modification system thus developed can contribute greatly to the Medical and Entertainment Industry where desire voice modification is required.Key words: Vocal tract, formants, pitch, voice. Reference [1] Kazi, Rehan A., Vyas M.N. Prasad, Jeeve Kanagalingam, Christopher M. Nutting, Peter Clarke, Peter Rhys-Evans, and Kevin J. Harrington, "Assessment of the Formant Frequencies in Normal and Laryngectomy Individuals Using Linear Predictive Coding", Journal of Voice 21, no. 6:661- 668. [2] Sewall, Gregory K. MD; Jack Jiang, MD, PhD; and Charles N. Ford, MD, "Clinical Evaluation of Parkinson‟s-Related Dysphonia", The Laryngoscope, 2006, 116:1740-1744. [3] J.D. MARKEL, A.H. GRAY Jr, "Linear Prediction of Speech", Springer Verlag, New York, pp. 10-42, 1976. [4] D.W. GRIFFIN, J.S. LIM, "Multi-Band Excitation Vocoder", IEEE Trans. on ASSP, vol. ASSP-36, pp. 1223-1235, august 1988. [5] A. J. ABRANTES, J. S. MARQUES, I. M. TRANSCOSO, "Hybrid Sinusoidal Modeling of Speech without Voicing Decision", EUROSPEECH 91, pp. 231- 234. [6] E.MOULINES, F. CHARPENTIER, "Pitch Synchronous waveform Processing techniques for Text-To-Speech Synthesis using diphones", Speech Communication, Vol. 9, n°5-6. 1989. [7] T. DUTOIT, H. LEICH, "Improving the TD-PSOLA Text-To-Speech Synthesizer with a Specially Designed MBE ReSynthesis of the Segments Database", Proc. EUSIPCO 92, 25-28 august 92, Brussels, pp. 343-347. [8] M. Ryynanen, T. Virtanen, J. Paulus, A. Klapuri, "Accompaniment Separation and Karaoke Application Based on Automatic Melody Transcription", IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2008, pp. 1147-1420. [9] E. Gomez, G. Peterschmitt, X. Amatriain, P. Herrera, "Content-Based Melodic Transformations of Audio Material for a Music Processing Application", Proc of 6th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects, London, UK, Sept 2003. [10] Abdelkader Chabchoub and Adnan Cherif, "Implementation of the Arabic Speech Synthesis with TD-PSOLA Modifier", International Journal of Signal System Control and Engineering Application, 2010, Volume: 3, Issue: 4, pp. 77-80. [11] Cheveigne,A. and H. Ahara,"A comparative evaluation of Fo estimation algorithm", Proceedings of the Euro Speech Conference. (ESC'98), Norvege, pp: 453-467. Vivek Vijay Nar, Alice N. Cheeran, Souvik Banerjee |
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79. | Deriving Mix Proportions For Different Grades Of Phosphogypsum Based Self Compacting Concrete
Deriving Mix Proportions For Different Grades Of Phosphogypsum Based Self Compacting ConcreteAbstract: This paper demonstrates that Phosphogypsum which is a waste by product of fertilizer industry can be successfully used as an admixture in the preparation of SelfCompacting-Concrete (SCC). In order to prepare suitable mix proportions for different grades of Phosphogypsum based Self Compacting Concrete, investigations were undertaken replacing cement with 0%, 10%, 20% and 30% of Phosphogypsum and with different percentages of Super-plasticizer (Glenium B233) and Viscosity Modifying Agent (Glenium stream 2). As per EFNARC guidelines Slump flow test, V-funnel test and L-box test have been carried out on fresh Phosphogypsum based self compacting concrete. The compressive strength, split tensile strength and flexural strengths of the specimens have been analyzed for 7 days and 28 days of curing. And finally Mix proportions have been recommended for M40, M25 and M15 grades of Phosphogypsum based self compacting concrete. The various steps involved in the preparation of suitable mix proportions for Phosphogypsum based Self Compacting Concrete are discussed at length in this paper.Key words: Self-Compacting concrete, Phosphogypsum, EFNARC, Mix Design, Fresh properties, Strength tests, Super-plasticizer ( SP) , Viscosity Modifying Agent (VMA) Reference [1] Okamura, H, "Self-Compacting HighPerformance Concrete", Concrete International, pp.50-54(1997). [2] Bartos, J. M., "Measurement of Key Properties of Fresh Self-compacting Concrete", CEN/PNR Workshop, Paris (2000). [3] Ozawa, K., "Development of high performance concrete based on the durability design of concrete structures", EASEC-2, Vol. 1, pp.445-450 (1989). [4] Atkins, H. N., "Highway Materials, Soils, and Concretes", 4th Edition, Prentice Hall, pp.277-330(2003). [5] Bartos, J. M., "Measurement of Key Properties of Fresh Self-compacting Concrete", CEN/PNR Workshop, Paris (2000). [6] Ouchi, M., M. Hibino, and H. Okamura, "Effect of Superplasticizer on SelfCompactability of Fresh Concrete", TRR 1574, pp.37-40 (1996). [7] Ouchi, M. and M. Hibino, "Development, Applications and Investigations of Selfcompacting Concrete", International Workshop, Kochi, Japan (2000). [8] St John, D. A., "Concrete Petrography", A handbook of investigative techniques, Wiley & Sons, New York (1998). [9] Subramanian, S. and D. Chattopadhyay, "Experiments for mix proportioning of self-compacting concrete", The Indian Concrete Journal, pp.13-20 (2002). [10] Khayat, K.H. and Z. Guizani, "Use of Viscosity-Modifying Admixture to Enhance Stability of Fluid Concrete", ACI Materials Journal, pp.332-340 (1997). [11] Khayat, K.H., M.Vachon, and M. C. Lanctot, "Use of Blended Silica Fume Cement in Commercial Concrete Mixtures", ACI Materials Journal, pp.183- 192 (1997). [12] Khayat, K.H., K. Manai, A. Trudel, "In situ mechanical properties of wall elements cast using self-consolidating concrete", ACI Materials Journal, pp.491- 500 (1997). Dr. Vaishali. G. Ghorpade, Dr. Sudarsana Rao, H., B.V. Ramana Prasad |
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80. | Characterization of Al/(10%Al2O3-10%ZrO2)Nanocomposite Powders Fabricated by High-Energy Ball Milling
Characterization of Al/(10%Al2O3-10%ZrO2)Nanocomposite Powders Fabricated by High-Energy Ball MillingAbstract: Al–10% Al2O3-10% ZrO2 nanocomposite powders were fabricated by high-energy milling of the blended component powders. Planetary Monomill "Pulverisette 6" was used in milling the powders for 45 hours at 300 rpm and a ball-topowder ratio of 10:1. A uniform distribution of the Al2O3 and ZrO2 reinforcements in the Al matrix was successfully obtained after powders milling process. This uniform distribution was confirmed by characterizing these nanocomposite powders by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns were recorded for the milled powders, and analyzed using Williamson–Hall method to determine the crystallite size and the lattice strain. The crystallite size measurements were obtained using TEM observations in order to compare these results with those obtained from XRDKey words: Al-Al2O3-ZrO2; High-energy milling; Nanocomposites Reference [1] Poirier, D.; Drew, R.A.; Trudeauc, M.L.; Gauvin, R."Fabrication and properties of mechanically milled alumina/aluminum nanocomposites". Materials Science and Engineering A, 527, (2010), 7605–7614. [2] Razavi, H. Z.; Simchi, A.; Seyed Reihani, S.M. "Structural evolution during mechanical milling of nanometric and micrometric Al2O3 reinforced Al matrix composites". Mater Sci Eng A, (2006), 428, 159-168. [3] Suryanarayana, C. "Synthesis of Nanocomposites by mechanical alloying". Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 509, supplement 1, (2011), S229-S234. [4] Ozdemir I., Ahrens S., Mucklich S., Wielage B., "Nanocrystalline Al–Al2O3p and SiCp composites produced by high-energy ballmilling", journal of materials processing technology 205, (2008),111-118. [5] Yadav, T. P., Yadav, R.M., Singh D.P. "Mechanical Milling: a Top Down approach for the Synthesis of Nanomaterials and Nanocomposites", Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, (2012), 2(3), [6] Khadem, S.A.; Nategh,. S.; Yoozbashizadeh, H. "Structural and morphological evaluation of Al-5 vol.% SiC nanocomposite powder produced by mechanical milling", Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2011, 509, 2221. [7] Prabhu, B.; Suryanarayana, C.; An, L.; Vaidyanathan, R. "Synthesis and characterization of high volume fraction Al– Al2O3 nanocomposite powders by high-energy milling", Materials Science and Engineering A, (2006), 425, 192–200. [8] Suryanarayana, C. "Mechanical alloying and milling". Prog. Mater. Sci., (2001), 46, 1-184. [9] Mohana, B.; Rajadurai, A.; Satyanarayana, K.G. "Electric discharge machining of Al–SiC metal matrix composites using rotary tube electrode". J Mater Process Technol, (2004), 153:978. [10] Gingua, O.; Mangraa, M.; Orban, R.L. "In-situ production of Al/SiCp composite by laser deposition Technology", J Mater Process Technol, (1999), 89:187. M S Aboraia, H S Wasly, M A Doheim, G A Abdalla, A E Mahmoud |
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81. | Mathematical Model of Sever and Coupler for Folded-Waveguide TWT at W-band
Mathematical Model of Sever and Coupler for Folded-Waveguide TWT at W-bandAbstract: A wideband folded waveguide travellingwave tube (TWT) amplifier has advantages of simple coupling structure and robust structure over conventional helix TWT. In millimeter wave bands sever are used to have good impedance matching especially in high-power tubes where efficiency is important. The common technique for suppressing the backward wave is through the use of one or more severs. In this paper mathematical model for a coupler and sever for the folded waveguide at W –band and numerical simulation is carried out using mat-lab.Key words: Folded-waveguide travelling-wave tube, couple, sever, Folded-waveguide slow wave structure. Reference [1]. John H. Booske, et al "Accurate parametric modeling of folded waveguide circuits for millimeter-wave travelling wave tubes, "vol.52, no.5, pp.May 2005. [2]. Jun Cai, Jinjun Feng,XIANPING Wu, Yinfu Hu,Bo Qu,Mingguang Huang, and Shaoyun Ma," Analysis and test preparation of attenuator for W-band folded waveguide TWT," Proceeding of the IEEE International Vacuum Electronics conference,May 2007,(pp. 55-56). [3]. Jun Cai, Jinjun Feng, Yinfu Hu, Xianping Wu, Bo Qu, Shoayun Ma, Juxian Zhang, and Tongjiang Chen, "Attenuator for Wband folded waveguide TWT ", proceesings of the IEEE International Vaccum Electronics Conference, May 2008(pp. 20- 21). [4]. Shunkang Liu, "Design of coupling structure for MMW Folded waveguide TWTs", International journal of infrared and millimeter waves, Vol. 21, N0.9, 2000. [5]. Santanu Dwari, Ajay Chakrabarty, Subrata Sanjay, " Analysis of linear Tapered Waveguide". [6]. Santanu Dwari, Ajay Chakrabarty, Subrata Sanjay," Analysis of linear Tapered Waveguide by two approaches". ProgressIn Electromagnetics research, PIER 64, 219-238, 2006. [7]. Ajoy Chakra borty and Gitindra S.Sanyal," Transmission Matrix of a Linear Double Taper in Rectangular Waveguide", IEEE Transaction on microwave theory and techniques, Vol.MTT-28, NO.6, June 1980. [8]. Katsu Matsumaru "Reflection Coefficient of E-plane Tapered Waveguide", Ire transaction on microwave theory and techniques, PP NO-143-149. [9]. R.C. Johnson, et al "Linear tapers in rectangular waveguide", IEEE transaction on MTT, vol.9, no.3, May1961. [10]. A.S. Gilmour, Jr.,"Principal of Travelling wave tubes". [11] R.C.Johnson, "Design of linear double tapers in rectangular waveguides", IRE transaction on microwave theory and techniques B.Manoj Kumar, Prof.K.N. Raja rao, L. Christie |
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82. | Biodiesel production from neem oil using two step transesterification
Biodiesel production from neem oil using two step transesterificationAbstract: Currently, most of the biodiesel is produced from the edible/refined type oil using methanol and alkaline catalyst. However, large amount of non-edible type oils and fats are available in our country. In this study, crude neem oil is used as alternative fuel for biodiesel production. The difficulty with alkaline transesterification of these oils have contained large amounts of free fatty acids (FFA). These free fatty acids quickly react with the alkaline catalyst to produce soaps that inhibit the separation of the ester and glycerin. A two-step transesterification process is developed to convert the high FFA oils to its mono-esters. Using 100 ml of oil,the optimum combination of parameters for pretreatment were found to be .45 v/v methanol-oil-ratio,0.5%v/w H2SO4 acid catalyst, 50˚C and 45 min reaction time. After pretreatment of neem oil,transesterification reaction was carried out with 0.3:1 methanol-tooil ratio, 1%KOH as alkaline catalyst,1hr reaction time and 55˚C reaction temperature to produce the fatty acid methyl ester. This two step process gave maximum average yield of 90±2%.Key words: : Biodiesel, free fatty acid, Neem oil, pretreatment, transesterification. Reference [1 ] K. Anbumani and Ajit Pal Singh (2010) "Performance of mustard and neem oil blends with diesel fuel in c.i. engine", ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, VOL. 5(4), 1819-6608 [2] S.S. Ragit et.al.,(2011)""Optimization of neem methyl ester from transesterification process and fuel characterization as a diesel substitute", b i o m a s s and b i o energy,vol. 3 5, 1 1 3 8-1 1 4 4. [3] Anya Uzo Anya, Nwobia Noelle Chioma, and Ofoegbu Obinna (2012) "Optimized reduction of free fatty acid content on neem seed oil, for biodiesel production" Journal of Basic and Applied Chemistry, vol.2(4), 21-28. [4] Anindita Karmakar, Prasanta Kumar Biswas, Souti Mukherjee (2012) ,"Environment-Congenial Biodiesel Production from non-edible neem oil",Environmental engineering research, S27-S32. [5] K.V.Radha, G.Manikandan (2011) "Novel Production Of Biofuels From Neem Oil", Bioenergytechnology, 8-11. [6] H. Muthu et.al (2010), "Synthesis of biodiesel from neem oil using sulfated zirconia via tranesterification", Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering , Vol. 27, No. 04, 601 - 608, [7] Khandelwal Shikha and Chauhan. Y. Rita (2012), " Biodiesel production from non edible-oils : A Review", Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, vol. 4 (9),4219-4230. [8] Emad A. Shalaby1* and Nour Sh. ElGendy (2012), "Two steps alkaline transesterification of waste cooking oil and quality assessment of produced biodiesel", International Journal of Chemical and Biochemical Sciences, 30- 35. [9] Hanumanth Mulimani, Dr. O D Hebbal, M. C. Navindgi (2012), "Extraction of biodiesel from vegetable oils and their comparisons", International Journal of Advanced Scientific Research and Technology, vol.2(2), 2249-9954. [10] Shashikant Vilas Ghadge, Hifjur Raheman (2005), "Biodiesel production from mahua (Madhuca indica) oil having high free fatty acids", Biomass and Bioenergy, 28 , 601–605. [11] V.B. Veljkovic et.al (2006) ," Biodiesel production from tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) seed oil with a high content of free fatty acids", Fuel, 85, 2671–2675. [12] Hanny Johanes Berchmans , Shizuko Hirata (2008) ,"Biodiesel production from crude Jatropha curcas L. seed oil with a high content of free fatty acids", Bioresource Technology, 99 ,1716–1721 [13] Junhua Zhang , Lifeng Jiang (2008) , "Acid-catalyzed esterification of Zanthoxylum bungeanum seed oil with high free fatty acids for biodiesel production", Bioresource Technology ,99 , 8995–8998 T. Sathya, A. Manivannan |
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83. | Calculation of total Current harmonic distortion by PWM method for permanent magnet synchronous motors
Calculation of total Current harmonic distortion by PWM method for permanent magnet synchronous motorsAbstract: Adjustable speed drive are becoming a significant load component for power distribution .It involves the use of permanent magnet synchronous motors This paper involves analysis ,control and modeling of permanent magnet synchronous motors and also investigates its effects on Total current harmonic distortion on an adjustable speed by the use of PWM generator and Vector control method .By using Park's transformation ,we can convert three phase system to two phase and then convert it to stationery two axes system (d, q) By varying two vectors of flux and torque,(one on quadrature and other on direct axis) we can control the rotor current and therefore, speed and THD for current and voltage can be calculated. Harmonics are lesser in amplitude and more in frequency as compared to the fundamental.Key words: —Adjustable speed drives. Field oriented control, PWM generator, MATLAB/Simulink , PMSM ,three phase stator currents Reference [1] M.Farhney ,"Design Considerations when Applying various ASD topologies to meet H armonic Compilance", Paper No. PCIC - 2010- 15 Copyright material IEEE. [2] Mukhtar Ahmed,"High Performance AC drives: Modeling, Analysis and Control", Springer Publications, London, 2010. [3] Yu Yu; Yang Zhao;" H armonic and Interharmonic currents generated by the VSI fed Adjustable Speed Drives", IEEE International Conference IPMEC'09, 2009, pp. 2464-2467. [4] Li Zhang," Power Converter Circuits", Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, 2004. [5] Sumitha Mohan, Henry GCuldner Ralf Briest Henrik Wolf Dresden University of Technology, "Analysis and control aspects of harmonic distortion in the front-end threephase four-wire PWM boost rectffier "EPE 2005 - Ditsdcn [6] "Simulation Study of AC Motor Speed Sensorless Vector Control System Based on SVPWM " JIN Hui, ZHAO Yue-ling College of Electric Engineering Liaoning University of Technology ,Jinzhou, China, 2009 Ninth International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems [7]" A Proof of Concept Study of Predictive Current Control for VSI-Driven Asymmetrical Dual Three-Phase AC Machines Federico Barrero, Senior Member, IEEE, Manuel R. Arahal, Member, IEEE, [8] "Pulse Multiplication in AC–DC Converters for Harmonic Mitigation in Vector-Controlled Induction Motor Drives ",Bhim Singh, Senior Member, IEEE, G. Bhuvaneswari, Senior Member, IEEE, [9] Motores Sinchrones de Imanes Permanents, Manuel Pérez Donsión, Manuel A. Fernandéz Ferro, 1990Universidade de Santiago de Compostela [10] Elektrické pohony pro dynamicky náročné aplikace, Martin Diblík, 2006 Technická univerzita v Liberci [11] Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine Model for Real-time SimulationA. B. Dehkordi, A. M. Gole, T. L. Maguire 2005, International Conference on Power System Transients in Montreal [12] Direct Torque Controlof a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor,David Ocen, 2005 Stockholm Shravani Mathur, Prof. Vikas Kumar |
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SURVEY OF DIFFERENT DATA STRUCTURE BASED ASSOCIATION RULE MINING ALGORITHMSAbstract: Association rule mining is important data mining task for which many algorithms have been proposed. All these algorithms generally work in two phases, finding frequent itemsets and generating association rules from them. First phase is most time consuming in most of the algorithms because algorithm has to scan the database many times. Use of different data structures overcomes this drawback. In this paper we will survey the algorithms which make use of different data structures to improve association rule mining.Key words: Association rule mining, Data structures, Graph, Matrix, Tree. Reference [1] Agrawal R., Imielinski T. and Swami A. N., "Mining Association Rules Between Sets of Items in Large Databases," ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, 1993, pp. 207-216. [2] Show-Jane Yen and Arbee L.P. Chen, "A Graph-Based Approach for Discovering Various Types of Association Rules," IEEE transactions on knowledge and data engineering, vol. 13, NO. 5, 2001, pp. 839-845. [3] Ms.SanoberShaikh, Ms.MadhuriRao and Dr. S. S. Mantha, "A New Association Rule Mining Based on Frequent Itemset," AIAA 2011,CS & IT 03, 2011, pp. 81–95 . [4] K.L. Lee, Guanling Lee and Arbee L. P. Chen, "Efficient Graph-Based Algorithms for Discovering and Maintaining Association Rules in Large Databases," Knowledge and Information Systems 3, 2001, pp. 338–355. [5] Hanbing Liu and Baisheng Wang, "An Association Rule Mining Algorithm Based on a Boolean Matrix," Data Science Journal, Volume 6, Supplement, 9 September 2007, pp. 559-565. [6] Junfeng Ding, Stephen S.T. Yau, "TCOM, an Innovative Data Structure for Mining Association Rules Among Infrequent Items," Computersand Mathematics with Applications 57, 2009, pp. 290-301. [7] R. Haralick, K. Shanmugam, I. Dinstein, "Textural Features for Image Classification," IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC-3),1973, pp. 610-621. [8] G. Webb, "Efficient Search for Association Rules," International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 2000, pp. 99-107. [9] Fernando Berzal, Juan-Carlos Cubero, Nicolas Marin, "TBAR: An Efficient Method for Association Rule Mining in Relational Databases," Data & Knowledge Engineering 37, 2001, pp. 47-64. [10] De-chang Pi, Xiao-Lin Qin, Wang-FengGu, Ran Cheng, "STBAR: A More Efficient Algorithm for Association Rule Mining," Fourth International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Guangzhou, 18-21 August 2005. [11] F. Bodon and L. Ronyai, "Trie: An Alternative Data Structure for Data Mining Algorithms," Mathematical and Computer Modelling 38, 2003,pp739-751. [12] Yubo Yuan and Tingzhu Huang, "A Matrix Algorithm for Mining Association Rules," Advances in Intelligent compting Volume 3644, 2005, pp 370-379. Adhav Ravi, Bainwad A. M. |
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85. | Survey of Combined Clustering Approaches
Survey of Combined Clustering ApproachesAbstract: Data clustering is one of the very important techniques and plays an important role in many areas such as data mining, pattern recognition, machine learning, bioinformatics and other fields. There are many clustering approaches proposed in the literature with different quality, complexity tradeoffs. Each clustering algorithm has its own characteristics and works on its domain space with no optimum solution for all datasets of different properties, sizes, structures, and distributions. Combining multiple clustering is considered as new progress in the area of data clustering. In this paper different combining clustering algorithms are discussed. Combining clustering is based on the level of cooperation between the clustering algorithms; either they cooperate on the intermediate level or end result level. Cooperation among multiple clustering techniques is for the goal of increasing the homogeneity of objects within the clustersKey words: Chameleon , Ensemble clustering, Generic and Kernel based ensemble clustering, Hybrid clustering, Reference [1] Cutting, D., Karger, D., Pedersen, J. and Turkey, J.W., "Scatter/Gather: A Clusterbased Approach to Browsing Large Document Collections," SIGIR '92, 1992, pp. 318-329. [2] M. Steinbach, G. Karypis, V. Kumar, "A comparison of document clustering techniques", In Proceeding of the KDD Workshop on Text Mining, 2000, pp. 109- 110. [3] A. Strehl, J. Ghosh, "Cluster ensembles: knowledge reuse framework for combining partitioning", Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2002), AAAI/MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2002, pp. 93-98. [4] U. M. Fayyad, C. Reina, and P. S. Bradley, "Initialization of iterative refinement clustering algorithms", InProc. 14th Intl. Conf. on Machine learning (ICML), 1998, pp. 194-198. [5] D. Greene, P. Cunningham, "Efficient ensemble methods for document clustering", Technical Report, Trinity College Dublin, Computer Science Department, 2006. [6] N.M. Murty and G. Krishna, "A Hybrid Clustering Procedure for Concentric and Chain-Like Clusters", Int'l J. Computer and Information Sciences, vol. 10, no. 6, 1981, pp. 397-412. [7] C. Lin, M. Chen, "Combining partitional and hierarchical algorithms for robust and efficient data clustering with cohesion self-merging", IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 17 (2), 2005, pp. 145-159. [8] T. Zhang, R. Ramakrishna, and M. Livny, "BIRCH: An Efficient Data Clustering Method for Very Large Databases," Proc. Conf. Management of Data (ACM SIGMOD '96), 1996, pp. 103-114. [9] Jiawei Han and Micheline Kamber, Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques (Second Edition. Jim Gray, Series Editor, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, March 2006). [10] G. Karypis, E.H. Han, and V. Kumar, "Chameleon: Hierarchical Clustering Using Dynamic Modeling," IEEE Computer Society, vol. 32, no. 8, Aug. 1999, pp. 68-75. [11] Y. Zhao, G. Karypis, "Criterion functions for document clustering: experiments and analysis", Technical Report, 2002. [12] S.M. Savaresi, D. Boley, "On the performance of bisecting k-means and PDDP", in: Proceedings of the 1st SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, , 2001, pp. 114. [13] Rasha Kashef, Mohamed S. Kamel, "Cooperative Clustering", Pattern Recognition, 43, 2010, pp. 2315-2329. Mr. Santosh D. Rokade, Mr. A. M. Bainwad |
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86. | Study of Existing Full Adders and To Design a LPFA (Low Power Full Adder)
Study of Existing Full Adders and To Design a LPFA (Low Power Full Adder)Abstract: This paper describes the different logic style used for CMOS full adders and different equation used to implement the required Boolean logic for full adders. This paper also describes that the speed of the design is limited by size of the transistors, parasitic capacitance and delay in the critical path. Power consumption and speed are two important but conflicting design aspects; hence a better metric to evaluate circuit performance is power delay product (PDP).The driving capability of a full adder is very important, because, full adders are mostly used in cascade configuration, where the output of one provides the input for other. If the full adders lack Driving capability then it requires additional buffer, which consequently increases the power dissipation. At last a new LPFA Design is proposed with comparisons between the various full adders to show the better performance of LPFA in terms of power consumption, area (number of transistors) and delay. The LPFA and all other various full adders are designed and simulated using mentor graphics tool in 0.18 μm technology. The frequency used is 100 MHz. the voltage and all the various full adders and others designs are simulated at a voltage supply of 1.8V at same frequency.Key words: CMOS Transmission Gate (TG), PassTransistor Logic (PTL), Complementary Passtransistor Logic (CPL), Gate Diffusion Input (GDI), LPFA (Low Power Full Adder), GDI based full adder Power, Delay Reference [1]. I.Hassoune, A.Neve, J.Legat, and D.Flandre, "Investigation of low-power circuit techniques for a hybrid full-adder cell," in Proc. PATMOS 2004, pp. 189– 197, Springer-Verlag [2]. A.M.Shams, Tarek k.darwish," performance analysis of low-power 1-bit CMOS full adder cells IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integ. (VLSI) Syst vol. 10 no .1, pp.20-29, feb.2002. [3]. C.-H. Chang, M. Zhang, "A review of 0.18 m full adder performances for tree structured arithmetic circuits," I EEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integration. (VLSI) Syst. vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 686–694, Jun. 2005. [4]. M.aguir re, M.linares "an alternative logic app roach to implement high speed low power full adder cells"SBBCI SEP 2005 PP. 166-171. [5] A.K. Aggarwal, S. wairya, and S.Tiwari,"a new full adder for high speed low power digital circuits "world science of journal 7 special issue of computer and IT: June 2009,pp.- 138-144. [6] M.Hossein, R.F.Mirzaee, K.Navi and T.Nikoubin" new high performance majority function based full adder cell" 14 inter national CSI conference 2009, pp. 100- 104. [7] A.M.Shams," A new full adder cell for low power applications" centre for advance computer studies, university of southwestern Louisiana. [8] D.Radhakrishnan," low power CMOS full adder" IEE proc: - circuits devices system vol. 148 no. 1 Feb. 2001.pp- 19-24. [9] John p. Uyemura "Introduction to VLSI circuits and systems" Pardeep Kumar, Susmita Mishra, Amrita Singh |
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87. | Discriminator and Energy Based Demodulators: Revisited
Discriminator and Energy Based Demodulators: RevisitedAbstract: This paper audits FM detectors using non-conventional energy based demodulators. The conventional FM demodulators using diodedetector and square-law are also presented. Simulation results give encouraging results regarding demodulation capabilities of the system. A new method of implementation of a diode detector circuit is proposed using MATLAB SIMULINK. Interesting results are obtained by comparing the single and double Teager Energy Operator. This novel concept of detecting an angle modulated signal has been verified through MATLAB simulation results.Key words: Discriminator, Square-law detector, Teager Energy Operator Reference [1] Tibbs, C.E., "A review of wide band frequency modulation technique", Radio Engineers, Journal of the British Institution of Volume: 4 , Issue: 2 , 1944. [2] B. Boashash, "Estimating and interpreting the instantaneous frequency of a signal," Proc. IEEE, vol. 80, pp. 519–568, Apr. 1992. [3] Alan C Bovic, P Maragos and T F Quatieri, "AM-FM Energy detection and separation in noise using Multiband Energy Operator", IEEE Trans signal processing, vol.41, no12, pp1245-1265, December 1993. [4] B Santhanam, "Multicomponent AM-FM demodulation via periodicity-base algebraic separation and energy based demodulation", IEEE Trans Communications, vol.48, no.3, pp473-490, March 2000. [5] Petros Maragos, James F. Kaiser, and Thomas F. Quatieri, "Amplitude and Frequency Demodulation Using Energy Operators", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 41, pp. 1532-1550, April 1993. [6] Abramowitz, Milton; Stegun, Irene A., eds. (1965), Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables, New York: Dover. [7] Dimitriadis, Dimitrios, Potamianos, A., Maragos, P., "A Comparison of the Squared Energy and Teager-Kaiser Operators for Short-Term Energy Estimation in Additive Noise" , IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 57, pp. 2569-2581, 2009. A Mukherjee, D Muchahary, B Basumatary, P Brahma, B Brahma, M Mushahary |
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88. | Modeling And Simulation of Gas Flow Velocity In Catalytic Converter With Porous
Modeling And Simulation of Gas Flow Velocity In Catalytic Converter With PorousAbstract: Stringent emission regulations around the world necessitate the use of high-efficiency catalytic converters in vehicle exhaust systems. Experimental studies are more expensive than computational studies. Also using computational techniques allows one to obtain all the required data for the Catalytic Converter, some of which could not be measured. In the present work, Geometric modeling ceramic monolith substrate with square shaped channel type of Catalytic converter and coated platinum and palladium using fluent software. In this software we are using crate inlet-outlet flanges and housing of the catalytic converter. After design of modeling us done different parameters in Fluent Preprocess like Analysis Type, Domain Type etc. This project studies the different porosity of porous medium how to affect to flow pressure field under the conditions of same inlet velocity and ceramic diameter by CFD method. Geometric model of the catalytic converter has been establish and meshed by the pre-processing tool of FLUENT. The flow pressure simulation filled contours and curve of center line static pressure distribution of the ceramic porous material show that in the case of other conditions remain unchanged, the less the porosity of the ceramic porous material, the higher the inlet pressure and the more the pressure loss of the porous material. The more Porosity of ceramic is beneficial to exhaust catalytic converter.Key words: Catalytic Converter, Ceramic material, CFX, FLUENT, Porous. Reference [1]. ShahrinHishamAmirnordin, SuzairinMd Seri, Wan Saiful-Islam Wan Salim, HamimahAbd Rahman, and Khalid Hasnan "Pressure Drop Analysis of Square and Hexagonal Cells and its Effects on the Performance of Catalytic Converters" International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, Vol. 2, No. 3, June 2011 [2]. ShahrinHishamAmirnordin, SuzairinMd Seri, Wan Saiful-Islam Wan Salim, HamimahAbd Rahman, and Khalid Hasnan "Pressure Drop Prediction of Square-cell Honeycomb Monolith Structure" 2011 International Conference on Environment Science and Engineering IPCBEE vol.8 (2011) © (2011) IACSIT Press, Singapore [3]. CaiZhanjun,Kang Weimin,Chang Bowen,LiYabin "Study on characteristics of gas flow pressure in catalytic converter with porous" Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol.235 (2012) PP:30-33 [4]. CaiZhanjun,Kang Weimin,Chang Bowen,LiYabin "Study on characteristics of gas flow Velocity in catalytic converter with porous"Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol.229-231 (2012) PP:391-394 [5]. F.M. White, "Fluid Mechanics." Singapore: Mc-Graw Hill, Inc. 295- 334. 2003. [6]. M. Luoma, M. Harkonen, R. Lylykangas and J.Sohlo, "Optimisation of the Metallic Three-Way Catalyst Behaviour." SAE International. 971026. 1997. [7]. E. Abu-Khiran, R. Douglas, and G. McCullough, "Pressure loss characteristics in catalytic converters," SAE International, 2003-32- 0061, 2003. [8]. Manual of ANSYS Fluent, 2005. K.Mohan Laxmi, V.Ranjith Kumar, Y.V.Hanumantha Rao |
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89. | Criteria Interaction Modelling In The Framework Of Lca Analysis
Criteria Interaction Modelling In The Framework Of Lca AnalysisAbstract: In this paper, we emphasize the possibility to aggregate evaluations by using different multi-criteria approaches and operators, actually more suitable for environmental problems. More precisely, values of different indicators, qualitative and quantitative, can be aggregate in a more flexible and efficient way, using operators not necessarily compensatory, allowing partial compensation and/or not transitive preferences, including also the very important possibility to model interactions among criteria. A single descriptor of multiple attributes, known as a composite indicator, can be used to reconcile apparently incommensurable criteria into a comparable basis, but the current aggregation and weighting practices in LCA are not sufficiently rigorous, because its methodological simplicity, usually being just weighted sums that implicitly require preference independence hypothesis and totally compensatory nature. We have explored different MCDA approaches in the literature that may be applied by LCA practitioners to enhance the technical credibility and also identify issues affecting the selection and implementation of a more appropriate aggregation approaches. In this direction, particularly attention can be devoted to some methods allowing the modelling of interaction, where suitable techniques can actually implemented in order to improve the validity of the resultsKey words: : Life Cycle Impact Assessment, impact categories, MCDA, interactions, weighting Reference [1]. Benayoun, R., J., de Montgolfier, J., Tergny, and O.I., Larichev, 1971."Linear Programming with Multiple Objective Functions: STEP Method (STEM)". Math Program 1 (3):366-375 [2]. Bengtsson, M., 2000. "Weighting in practice". J Ind Eco 4 (4): 47-60 [3]. Benetto E., Rousseaux P., "Dealing with the uncertainties of decision making in Life Cycle Assessment". In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Decision Making in Urban and Civil Engineering Lyon, 20-22 November 2000: 765-776 [4]. Brans P., 1982, "L'ingénierie de la décision: élaboration d'instruments d'aide à la décision. La méthode PROMETHEE.". Presses de l'Université Laval [5]. Brans P. and Vincke P.,1985. "A preference ranking organization method: The PROMETHEE method for MCDM". Management Science [6]. Consoli, F., D., Allen, I., Boustead, J., Fava, W., Franklin, A.A., Jensen, N., de Oude, R., Parrish, R., Perriman, D., Postlethwaite, B., Quay, J. Séguin, and B. Vigon, 1993. "Guidelines for Lifecycle assessment: A 'Code of Practice'". Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), Brussels [7]. Del Borghi A., 2013. LCA and communication: Environmental Product Declaration. Int J Life Cycle Assess 18: 293-295 [8]. Figueira, J., S., Greco and M., Ehrgott, 2005. Multiple-criteria decision analysis. State of the art surveys. Springer International Series in Operations Research and Management Science, New York [9]. Finnveden, G., 1999 "A critical rewiew of operational valuation/weighting methods for life cycle assessment. AFR-REPORT 253 AFN, Naturvardsverket Swedish Environmental Protection ASgency 106 48 Stockolm, Sweden [10]. Garrett P, Ronde K., 2013, "Life cycle assessment of wind power: comprehensive results from a state –of-the art approach", Int J Life Cycle Assess 18: 37-48 Agata Matarazzo, Maria Teresa Clasadonte, Carlo Ingrao, Antonio Zerbo |
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90. | Effect of variousEnergy inputs on Energy requirement for Wheat Production in Agro-Climatic Region (Kamore plateau and Satpura Hill), M.P. India
Effect of variousEnergy inputs on Energy requirement for Wheat Production in Agro-Climatic Region (Kamore plateau and Satpura Hill), M.P. IndiaAbstract: Energy in agriculture is important in terms of crop production and agro processing for value adding. The energy requirement in various facets of agriculture varies considerably due to variation in the technology level adopted by the farmers and also because of the diverse agro-climatic conditions. The increased use of inputs such as fertilizer, irrigation water, diesel, plant protection chemicals, electricity etc. demands more energy in the form of human, animal and machinery. The aims of this study were to determine direct input energy and indirect energy in Kamore plateau and Satpura HillRegion,which belongs to wheat-rice zone of Madhya Pradesh, to investigate the efficiency of energy consumption. Data were collected from 120 farmer of Agro-Climatic Region by using a face to face questionnaire method. The results revealed that wheat production in year of 2010- 11 consumed a total of 14345MJ/ha of which chemical fertilizer, diesel fuel and electric energy consumption was 31.1%, 20.5% and 24.2%, respectively. Direct and Indirect energy were 49.6% and 50.4% respectively. Output Energy was 56595 MJ/ha. Output– input energy ratio and specific energy of production and productivity were 3.9, 3.7 MJ/kg and 0.27 kg/MJ, respectively. The use of commercial source is too high as compared to non-commercial energy sources. Commercial sources contributed about 93.4 per cent of total energy (14345 MJ/ha).On the basis of linear programming the prediction of energy requirement for different levels of yield reveals that there exist a significant scope to enhance wheat productivity through increased use of input energy through fertilizer and machinery. This is mainly due to the reason that still agricultural farms of Madhya Pradesh are applying 50-75% of recommendation of fertilizer and machinery use.Key words: Wheat, Energy ratio, Specific Energy, Yield, Productivity Reference [1]. Adhoo (1981) energy use pattern for different sizes farms and crops under varying lands of resource inputs in wardha district of Maharastra state. [2]. Canakci, M., Topakci, I., Akinci, A., Ozmerzi, (2005), Energy use pattern of some field crops and vegetable production for Antalya Region, Turkey, Energy Conversion and Management (46): 655– 666. [3]. Dhawan, K.C. and Mittal, J.P. 1991.Role of fertilizers in increasing yield of various crops in India.Economic Affairs Calcutta.39 (2): 92-99. [4]. Dipankar, De and Babu, Bhushana (2004), Energy consumption pattern in transplanted paddy cultivation in India, Journal of Agricultural Engineering, Vol.41 (4): 15-20. [5]. Franzluebbers A.J. and C.A. Francis (1995) study on crop management systems to help farmers to maintain economic profitability. [6]. Gurushami, T., G.R.K., Murthy, S.R., Desai, M., Mathew, and M., Veeranngoud, (1992). Energy use pattern for dry land crops in Madhya Pradesh, India, J. Agril. Engg. 2(3): 164-170. [7]. Hatirlia, Ozkanb, SelimAdem, Burhan, Cemal, Fertb, (2005), An econometric analysis of energy input–output in Turkish agriculture, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (9): 608–623. [8]. Joshi, N. L. (1989), efficient use of energy inputs in rainfed pearl millet, Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, Vol. 25 (2-3): 91-102. [9]. Mohapatra, P.K; Senapathi, P.C. and Satpathy, D. 1991. Energy studies in cropping systems in lateritic soil of Orissa, India. A.M.A. 22 (1): 49-52. [10]. Monlik T.K., DholakiaBakul H and Shulka PR (2008) Ref: Paper published by 111M Ahmadabad research & Publication department in its series 11MA working paper with number 867. R.S. Yadav, N.K.Khandelwal |
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91. | Study of LF slag composition and its correlation with the desulphurisation and cleanliness aspect of liquid steel
Study of LF slag composition and its correlation with the desulphurisation and cleanliness aspect of liquid steelAbstract: Over the past few decades the demand for steel around the world has been increasing at a rapid rate, coupled with an increase in steel quality. One major technique for improving the quality of steel is to reduce its sulphur content. Sulphur is one of the most detrimental impurities in the steelmaking process, affecting both internal and surface quality. Desulphurization of steel at ladle furnace depends on temperature, amount of oxygen and sulphur in the steel, but mainly on chemical composition and physical properties of slag. Necessary requirement for effective desulphurization is also minimum amount of easy reducible oxides in the slag. There are many correlations for expression of slag desulphurization capacity, where their functional dependency on each other can be found. This paper presents graphical correlation of sulphur capacity with different parameters, correlation of slag colour with composition of slag ( FeO and MnO mainly) ,ternary diagram of slag having CaO , Al2O3 and SiO2 at constant 5% MgO from set of approximately 30 heats and area occupied by slag in ternary plot based on these, the parameters responsible for slag desulphurization capability are expressed using regression analysis of industrial data.Key words: Desulfurization, sulphur capacity, ternary diagram, regression analysis Reference [1] Secondary Steelmaking by Dr. Ahindra Ghosh [2] Fundamentals of Steelmaking by Dr. E.T.Turkdogan [3] Principles of Steelmaking by Dr. Brahma Deo [4] Slag Atlas by Verein Deutscher Eisenhuttenleute [5] Steel Making by Dr. R.H.Tupkary [6] Steel Plant Training Course Software [7] Math work by Matlab Thesis [8] Master Thesis on Improvement of the Desulphurisation Process in the Ladle Furnace by Slag Composition Control ( Dr.Stephen Famurewa Mayowa). [9] Optimisation Slag Composition in Ladle furnace considering to effective desulfurization (Buľko B., Kijac J, Domovec M.) Journal Papers: [10] Deep Steel Desulphurisation Technology in the Ladle Furnace at KSC (D.Takahashi, M.Kamo, Y.Kurose and H.Nomura). [11] Use of Phase diagrams in studies of refractories corrosion ( S.Zhang and W.E.Lee) [12] Slag–metal reactions during ladle treatment with focus on desulphurisation ( M. Andersson, M. Hallberg, L. Jonsson, and P. Jo ¨nsson) Minal Shah, Shoumodip Roy |
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92. | Design and Implementation of 8 Bit Asynchronous Microcontroller
Design and Implementation of 8 Bit Asynchronous MicrocontrollerAbstract: The synchronous microcontroller is a common processor found in many embedded system. By using asynchronous design techniques, the performance of the microcontroller is increased. Through the simulation and existing synchronous design tools in the asynchronous design flow, a "clock enabling technique" is simulated and then implemented. The asynchronous architecture includes an ALU, a decoder, a RAM, a register and a clocking element. This paper mainly deals with design of 8 bit asynchronous microcontroller simulation in Verilog using Xilinx.Key words: ALU, Asynchronous, Clock enabling technique, clock skew, Decoder, Event dependant, Embedded system, Global clock, Handshaking technique, Master-slave, RAM, Register, Synchronous, Time dependant, Verilog, VHDL, Xilinx. Reference [1] Raj Kamal, Embedded systems (The McGraw Hill Companies) [2] Muhammad Ali Mzidi, Janice Gillispie Mazidi, The 8051 microcontroller and embedded sysytems [3] Peter Marwedel, Embedded system design (Springer)[4] Kok – Leong Chang, Bah – Hwee Gwee, Centre for Integrated Circuits and Systems, Nayang Technological University, Singapore, A low – energy low – voltage asynchronous 8051 microcontroller core, 2006 IEEE. [5] Hans van Gageldonk, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands, Kees van Berkel, Ad Peeters, Philips Research Laboratories, The Netherlands, Daniel Baumann, Daniel Gloor, Gerhard Stegmann, Philips Semiconductors, Zurich, Switzerland, An asynchronous low – power 80C51 microcontroller. [6] Kok – Leong Chang and Bah – Hwee Gwee, Centre for Integrated Circuits and Systems, Nayang Technological University, Singapore, Yuanjin Zheng, Integrated Circuits and Systems Laboratory, Institute of Microelectronics, Singapore, A semi – custom memory design for an asynchronous 8051 microcontroller, 2008 IEEE. [7] YU Ying, ZHOU Lei, MIN Hao, ASIC & System State – Key Lab, Fudan University, Shanghai, China, Design and vlsi implementation of an asynchronous low power microcontroller. [8] Jamin M.C.Tse and Daniel P.K.Lun, Department of Electronics Engineering, The Hong Kong polytechnique University, Hong Kong, Asynmpu: a fully asynchronous cics micro – processor, 1997 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, June 9 – 12, 1997. [9] Hans Jacobson, Department of Computer Engineering, Lulea University of Technology, Asynchronous circuit design, May 1996. Srijan Chatterjee, V.V.Subrahmanya Kumar Bhajana |
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93. | Biomedical Images denoising using Symlet Wavelet with Wiener filter
Biomedical Images denoising using Symlet Wavelet with Wiener filterAbstract: Various medical modalities like MRI, CT scan, Ultrasound Imaging have been widely used in medical diagnosis. From all these ultrasound imaging is most popular due to its non-harmful nature and lost cost. But there is a problem in ultrasound images that is speckle noise which effects diagnosis based on the ultrasound images by disappearing low contrast lesions in tissues. Many techniques like Filtering, Morphology, Histogram equalization and wavelets have been developed. From these wavelets based techniques performed better and give superior results. In this paper we discuss Symlet wavelet with Wiener filter technique to reduce speckle noise in ultrasound images. This technique gives better results than previous techniques by minimizing mean square error.Key words: Ultrasound Imaging, Speckle, Wavelet Transform, Symlet and Wiener filter. Reference [1] Sivakumar .R and Nedumaran .D, " Implementation of Wavelet Filters for Speckle noise Reduction in Ultrasound Medical Images: A Comparative Study" International Conference on Signals, Systems and Communication, December 21-23, 2009. [2] Asmaa Abass Ajwad , " Noise Reduction of Ultrasound Image Using Wiener filtering and Haar Wavelet Transform Techniques" Diyala Journal of Medicine, Vol. 2, Issue 1, April 2012. [3] Dhrub Kumar, Maitreyee Dutta, Parveen Lehana, " A Comparative Analysis of Different Wavelets for Enhancing Medical Ultrasound Images", International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) ,Volume 66– No.7, March 2013. [4] N.K. Ragesh, A.R. Anil, DR. R. Rajesh, "Digital Image Denoising in Medical Ultrasound Images: A Survey", IGCST AIML – 11 Conference, Dubai, UAE, 12-14 April 2011. [5] R. Sivakumar, D. Nedumaran, "Comparative study of Speckle Noise Reduction of Ultrasound B-Scan Images in Matrix Laboratory Environment", International Journal of Computer Applications, IJCA, Vol. 10 – No. 9, November 2010. [6] Haryali Dhillon, Gagandeep Jindal, Akshay Girdhar, "A Novel Threshold Technique for Eliminating Speckle Noise in Ultrasound Images", International Conference on Modelling, Simulation and Control, IPCSIT, vol.10 (2011) IACSIT Press, Singapore. [7] R.Vanithamani, G.Umamaheswari, "Performance Analysis of Filters for Speckle Reduction in Medical Ultrasound Images", International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887), Volume 12– No.6, December 2010. [8] J. Li and S. Lei, "Rate-distortion optimized embedding", in Proc. Picture Coding Symp., Berlin, Germany, pp. 201-206, Sept. 10-12, 1997. [9] Rakesh Kumar , B. S. Saini, "Improved Image Denoising Technique Using Neighboring Wavelet Coefficients of Optimal Wavelet with Adaptive Thresholding", International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 3, June 2012. [10] Andy Milkowski, MS, Yadong Li, PhD, David Becker, MS, Syed O. Ishrak, PhD. "Speckle Reduction Imaging", GE Medical Systems Ultrasound. [11] E. Ordentlich, M. Weinberger, and G. Seroussi, "A low-complexity modeling approach for embedded coding of wavelet coef_cients", in Proc. IEEE Data Compression Conf., Snowbird, UT, pp. 408-417, Mar. 1998. [12] W.A. Pearlman, "Performance bounds for subband codes", Chapter 1 in Subband Image Coding, J. W. Woods and Ed. Klvwer. Academic Publishers, 1991. Jaspreet kaur, Rajneet kaur |
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94. | Verification of USB 3.0 Device IP using Universal Verification Methodology
Verification of USB 3.0 Device IP using Universal Verification MethodologyAbstract: Verification of integrated USB 2.0 – USB 3.0 Device IP by developing device reference module connected to XDC side and ready to use USB 3.0 Host Verification IP connected to physical layer. Device reference module has been supporting AHB-XDC in addition to GenericXDC path.Key words: AHB (Advanced High-Performance Bus), AXI (Advanced Extensible Interface), IP (Intellectual Property), SV (System-Verilog), USB (Universal Serial Bus), UVM (Universal Verification Methodology), XDC (Extensible Device Controller). Reference [1] Universal Serial Bus 3.0 Specification, June 2011. [2] Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 2.0, April 2000. [3] PHY Interface for the PCI Express and USB 3.0 Architectures (PIPE), April 2009. [4] UTMI Low Pin Interface (ULPI), October 2009. [5] IEEE 1800-2012 Standard for SystemVerilog – LRM. [6] Universal Verification Methodology (UVM) 1.1 User's Guide, May 2011. [7] AMBA Specification 2.0, May 1999. Krunal Kapadiya |
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95. | Experimental study of the effect of hybridization on Mechanical Behavior of Jute/Glass Fibers Reinforced Polyester Composite Material
Experimental study of the effect of hybridization on Mechanical Behavior of Jute/Glass Fibers Reinforced Polyester Composite MaterialAbstract: Natural fibers are being increasingly used to substitute artificial glass and carbon fibers in polymer composites. It is important to know how the mechanical properties of these natural fiber composites compare with those of the traditional glass and carbon fiber composites. Glass and carbon fiber composites are currently being used in many applications that may not require such high-strength materials a lower strength jute fiber composite may be adequate. Natural fiber composites are currently being used in mostly non-structural applications. The present work focus on the hybridization of natural fiber (jute) and synthetic fiber (glass) with polyester resin. Hybridization of jute fiber along with glass fiber produces better tensile and flexural strength than GFRPC and JFRPC at same wt. percentage of fibers.Key words: FRP Composite, JFRPC, GFRPC, HFRPC, Tensile Strength, Flexural Strength. Reference [1] Kaw A.K.; Mechanics of composite materials, Chapter 1, CRC Press: Taylor & Francis Group, USA, 2006, 2nd ed. ISBN: 0-8493-1343-0 [2] Ghassemieh, E.; Nassehi, V. Polymer Composites. 2001, 22, 528. DOI: 10.1002/pc.10557 [3] Chandra, R.; Singh, S. P.; Gupta, K. Composite Structures. 1999, 46, 41. DOI: 10.1016/S0263-8223(99)00041-0 [4] Haldar, A.K.; Singh, S.; Prince. AIP conference proceedings. 2011, 1414, 211. DOI: 10.1063/1.3669958 [5] Malkapuram, R.; Kumar, V.; Negi Y.S. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites. 2009, 28, 1169. DOI: 10.1177/0731684407087759 [6] Matter, M.; Gmur, T.; Cugnoni, J.; Schorderet, A. Computers and Structures. 2010, 88, 902. DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruc.2010.04.008 [7] Sun, W.; Lin, F. Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, 2001, 14, 327. DOI: 10.1106/YKDM-PX8K-NF6Q-L7FK [8] Gilchrist, M.D.; Kinloch, A.J. Composites Science and Technology, 1996, 56, 37. DOI: 10.1016/0266-3538(95)00126-3 [9] Ascione, F.; Feo, L.; Maceri, F. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2009, 40, 97. DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesb.2008.11.005 [10] Shokrieh, M.M.; Omidi, M.J. Composite Structures, 2009, 88, 595. Amit Kumar, N.K. Batra, Rajesh Khanna |
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96. | Ethernet 40-100 Gbps and future trends
Ethernet 40-100 Gbps and future trendsAbstract: Ethernet 40-100 Gbps or IEEE 802.3ba is an IEEE standard of the IEEE 802.3 family of data link layer standards for Ethernet LAN and WAN applications, whose objective is to support speeds faster than 10 gigabits per second (Gbps). The standard supports 40 Gbps and 100 Gbps transfer rates.Key words: IEEE, Ethernet, OSI (Open System Interconnection), MII (Media Independent Interface), AUI (Attachment Unit Interface). Reference [1] IEEE Standard 802.3ba-2010, June 2010. [2] IEEE Standard 802.3-2008, December 2008. [3] Ilango Ganga, IEEE 802.3ba 40 and 100 Gigabit Ethernet Architecture, October 2010. Krunal Kapadiya |
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97. | Microstrip Patch Array Antenna Pattern Design With Active
Microstrip Patch Array Antenna Pattern Design With Active ElementAbstract: This paper proposed design of microstrip phased patch array antenna . The proposed design array is combination of linear and colinear feed with active element . The Active element pattern technique is applied for analyzing microstrip array, which reduces analysis problem and computation . The mutual coupling effect is added in the results of the proposed design . The FR-4 substrate with Dielectric constant 4.3 and loss tangent 0.019 is used for proposed design at resonant frequency of 3 GHz. Radiation characteristics, gain and return loss of the planar array antenna is simulated using Zeland IE3D simulation software . Operating frequency of these antennas are 3 GHz, 3.5 GHz and 5.4 GHz , so these design is suitable for S-band and C-band application.Key words: - Microstrip patch , array antenna , Mutual Coupling, IE3D . Reference [1] M.A. Soliman, T.E. Taha, W.Swelam, and Gomaa, "3.5/5Ghz Dual Bnad 8×8 Adaptive Array Antenna ", Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol.34,pp. 85- 98 , ,2013. [2] Balanis, C.A., Antenna Theory Analysis and Design, 3rd edition , John Willy & Sons, 2005. [3] Bojana Zivanovic, Thomas M. Weller , and Carlos Coatas "Series-Fed Microstrip Antenna Array and Their Applications to Omni-Directional Antenna ", IEEE Trans. AntennaPropag., Vol.60,No.10. pp.4954-4959,October 2012. [4] Yue Li,Zhijun Zhang and Zhenghe Feng "A Sequential-phase feed using a circularly polarized shorted loop structure " IEEE Trans. AntennaPropag., Vol.61,No.3 pp.1443-1447,March 2013 [5] Bojana Zivanovic ,Thomas M.Weller, and Carlos Costas "Series-Fed Microstrip Antenna Arrays and Their Application to Omni-Directional Antennas", IEEE Trans. AntennaPropag., Vol.60,No.10, pp.4954- 4959,October 2012. [6] K.P.Wei, Z.J.Zhang, and Z.H.Feng ,"Designof dual band omnidirectional planar Microstrip Antenaa Array", Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol.126,pp.101-120,2012. [7] Yifei Zhang, Jian Bai, Shouyuan Shi, and Dennis W. Prather," Ka Band Phased Array Antenna" IEEE Antenna & Prop. Symp., Chicago, IL July 2012. Deepak Sawle, Prof. Rajesh Nema |
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98. | Effects Of Radiation On Mhd Mixed Convection Flow Of A
Micropolar Fluid Over A Heated Stretching Surface With Heat Generation/ Absorption
Effects Of Radiation On Mhd Mixed Convection Flow Of A Micropolar Fluid Over A Heated Stretching Surface With Heat Generation/ AbsorptionAbstract: A theoretical analysis is performed to study the flow and heat transfer characteristics of magnetohydrodynamic mixed convection flow of a micropolar fluid past a stretching surface with radiation and heat generation/absorption. The transformed equations solved numerically using the shooting method. The effects of the velocity, the angular velocity, and the temperature for various values of different parameters are illustrated graphically. Also, the effects of various parameters on the local skinfriction coefficient and the local Nusselt number are given in tabular form and discussed. The results show that the mixed convection parameter has the effect of enhancing both the velocity and the local Nusselt number and suppressing both the local skin-friction coefficient and the temperature. It is found that local skin-friction coefficient increases while the local Nusselt number decreases as the magnetic parameter increases. The results show also that increasing the heat generation parameter leads to a rise in both the velocity and the temperature and a fall in the local skin-friction coefficient and the local Nusselt number. Furthermore, it is shown that the local skin-friction coefficient and the local Nusselt number decrease when the slip parameter increasesKey words: Radiation, stretching surface, micropolar fluid, heat transfer, heat source. Reference 1. Y. J. Kim and A. G. Fedorov, "Transient mixed radiative convection flow of a micropolar fluid past a moving, semiinfinite vertical porous plate," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 46, no. 10, pp. 1751–1758, 2003. 2. R. Bhargava, L. Kumar, and H. S. Takhar, "Mixed convection from a continuous surface in a parallel moving stream of a micropolar fluid," Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 39, no. 5-6, pp. 407–413, 2003. 3. M. M. Rahman and M. A. Sattar, "Transient convective flow of micropolar fluid past a continuously moving vertical porous plate in the presence of radiation," International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol. 12, pp. 497–513, 2007. 4. M. M. Rahman and M. A. Sattar, "Magnetohydrodynamic convective flow of a micropolar fluid past a continuously moving vertical porous plate in the presence of heat generation/absorption," Journal of Heat Transfer, vol. 128, no. 2, pp. 142–152, 2006. 5. Ishak, R. Nazar, and I. Pop, "Heat transfer over a stretching surface with variable heat flux in micropolar fluids," Physics Letters A, vol. 372, no. 5, pp. 559–561, 2008. 6. Ishak, R. Nazar, and I. Pop, "Mixed convection stagnation point flow of amicropolar fluid towards a stretching sheet," Meccanica, vol. 43, no. 4, pp. 411– 418, 2008. 7. Ishak, R. Nazar, and I. Pop, "Magnetohydrodynamic _MHD_ flow of a micropolar fluid towards a stagnation point on a vertical surface," Computers and Mathematics with Applications, vol. 56, no. 12, pp. 3188–3194, 2008. 8. Ishak, Y. Y. Lok, and I. Pop, "Stagnationpoint flow over a shrinking sheet in a micropolarfluid," Chemical Engineering Communications, vol. 197, pp. 1417–1427, 2010. 9. T. Hayat, Z. Abbas, and T. Javed, "Mixed convection flow of a micropolar fluid over a non-linearly stretching sheet," Physics Letters A, vol. 372, no. 5, pp. 637–647, 2008. 10. A. Desseaux, N. A. Kelson, Flow of a micropolar fluid bounded by a stretching sheet, ANZIAM J., Vol. 42, pp. C536- C560, 2000. P. Bala Anki Reddy, D. Vijaya Sekhar |
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99. | Reactivity of cement combinations containing Portland cement, fly ash, silica fume and metakaolin
Reactivity of cement combinations containing Portland cement, fly ash, silica fume and metakaolinAbstract: To examine the reactivity of cement combination, this paper investigated the Ca(OH)2 consumption of cement combination pastes containing Portland cement, fly ash, silica fume and metakaolin. Pozzolanic reaction is slow and it would take a long time to complete. Due to the disparity in their fineness, silica fume is more reactive than metakaolin and metakaolin is more reactive than fly ash. The Ca(OH)2 consumption per unit percentage of the cement additions reduced with increasing content with silica fume consuming more than metakaolin and metakaolin consuming more than fly ash. The Ca(OH)2 consumption of the cement additions, increased with increasing age and increasing fly ash content up to 35%. Hence, for optimum performance, fly ash as a binary cement should be limited to 35% content. Where higher reactivity up to 28 days is required, silica fume or metakaolin as binary cement components would perform better at 5% content than at 10% content. However, beyond 28 days, either 5% or 10% content could be used as there was no difference in the quantity of Ca(OH)2 consumed at both levels. The Ca(OH)2 consumption and reactivity of the ternary cement pastes is higher than that of the binary cement pastes. Also, the quantity of Ca(OH)2 consumed per unit content of the ternary cements increased with increasing content up to 10%. 15% would be more than the optimum content of metakaolin as both binary or ternary cement component.Key words: Blended cement; Ca(OH)2 consumption; cement combination; degree of hydration; pozzolanic reactivity. Reference [1] Antiohos S. K., Papadakis V. G., Chaniotakis E., Tsimas S., Improving the performance of ternary blended cements by mixing different types of fly ashes, Cement and Concrete Research, 37 (6), 2007, 877-885. [2] Fraay A. L. A., Bijen J. M. and De Haan Y. M., The reaction of fly ash in concrete: a critical examination, Cement and Concrete Research, 19 (2), 1989, 235-246. [3] Hassan, K. E., Cabrera, J. G., Maliehe, R. S., The effect of mineral admixtures on the properties of high-performance concrete, Cement and Concrete Composites, 22 (4), 2000, 267-271. [4] McCarthy M. J. and Dhir R. K., Development of high volume fly ash cements for use in concrete construction. Fuel, 84, 2005, 1423-1432. [5] Lam L., Wong Y. L., Poon C. S., Effect of fly ash and silica fume on compressive and fracture behaviours of concrete, Cement and Concrete Research, 28 (2), 1998, 271-283. [6] Mehta, P, K. and Aitcin P. C., Principles underlying production of highperformance concrete, Cement, Concrete and Aggregates, 12, 1990, 70-78. [7] Langan B. W., Weng K. and Ward M. A., Effect of silica fume and fly ash on heat of hydration of Portland cement, Cement and Concrete Research, 32 (7), 2002, 1045- 1051. [8] Lynsdale C. J. and Khan M. I., Chloride and oxygen permeability of concrete incorporatingfly ash and silica fume in ternary systems, in: V.M. Malhotra (Ed.), Proceedings of the 5th CANMET/ACI International Conference on Durability of Concrete, Barcelona, Spain, 2000, 739-753. [9] Wild S., Khatib J. M., Jones A., Relative strength pozzolanic activity and cement hydration in superplasticised metakaolin concrete, Cement and Concrete Research, 26 (10), 1996, 1537-1544. [10] Bai J., Sabir B. B., Wild S. and Kinuthia J. M., Strength development in concrete incorporating PFA and metakaolin, Magazine of Concrete Research, 52 (3), 2000, 153-162. FOLAGBADE Samuel Olufemi |
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100. | Fatigue analysis of glass fiber reinforced composites
Fatigue analysis of glass fiber reinforced compositesAbstract: Some structure materials can match the flexibility and effectiveness of glass fiber Reinforced plastic, commonly called GFRP for short or simply fiberglass. Even it is very high strength, light weight, strong, and completely waterproof, it can be molded into free form shapes such as aerospace structures, and then also it has its endurance limits. Endurance limit means loss of strength and stiffness. This article describes about the fatigue life material properties of GFRP composites are studied based on an extensive experimental study. Then the loss of stiffness was used as a damage parameter and related to raise the temperature. The objective of this project is to analyze the damage and ageing effects in composites and find the change in physical and mechanical properties. The work discusses the experimental investigations carried out on Glass Fiber reinforced plastic (GFRP) composite specimens in which the acquire result is analyzed. Mainly this article explains about the fatigue analysis of glass fiber reinforced composites with varying loads and shown the number of cycles with stand.Key words: Composite materials, GFRP composites, Mechanical properties, Flexural strength, fatigue, cyclic impact. Reference 1. Analysis of fatigue and damage in glassfibre-reinforced polypropylene composite materials. J.A.M. Ferreira a,*, J.D.M. Costa a, P.N.B. Reis b, M.O.W. Richardson c 2. Wysgoski MG, Novak GE. Fatigue fracture of long fiber rein-forced Nylon 66. Polym Compos 1995; 16(1):38-51. 3. Curtis PT. A review of the fatigue of composite materials. Royal Aircraft Establishment, Technical Report 87031, 1987. 4. Compressive strength of &bre composites with random&bre waviness. D. Liu, N.A. Fleck∗ , M.P.F. Sutcli 5. Glass Fiber Reinforced Polypropylene Mechanical Properties Enhancement by Adhesion Improvement. Mariana Etcheverry and Silvia E. Barbosa * 6. Fatigue resistant fiberglass laminates for wind turbine blades. Daniel D. Samborsky and John F. Mandell 7. L. Lorenzo and H. T. Hahn, in "Composite Materials: Fatigue and Fracture", edited by H. T. Hahn, ASTM STP 907, Philadelphia (PA), American Society for Testing and Materials, 1986. 8. Ellyin, F. and El-Kadi, H.A. (1990). A Fatigue Failure Criterion of Fiber Reinforced Laminates, Composite Structures, 15(1): 61–74. 9. Fatigue Life Prediction of Pultruded Eglass/Polyurethane Composites. PIZHONG QIAO* AND MIJIA YANG 10. Hwang, W. and Han, K.S. (1986a). Cumulative Damage Models and MultiStress Fatigue Life Prediction, Journal of Composite Materials, 20(2): 125–153. A.Mohamed Ansar, Dalbir Singh, Balaji.D |
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101. | Comparative Study Of Various Dissolved Gas Analysis Methods To Diagnose Transformer Faults
Comparative Study Of Various Dissolved Gas Analysis Methods To Diagnose Transformer FaultsAbstract: Dissolved gas analysis (DGA) is a reliable technique for detecting the presence of incipient fault conditions in oil immersed transformers. In this method the presence of certain key gases is monitored. The various analysis methods are : Rogers ratio, IEC ratio, Doernenburg, Duval triangle, key gas, artificial neural network (ANN) method. In this paper the various DGA methods are evaluated and compared. The comparative study is carried out from DGA data obtained from published papers. The key gases considered are hydrogen, methane, ethane, ethylene, acetylene.Reference 1. Artificial neural networks applied to DGA for fault diagnosis in oil-filled power transformers: Mohammad Golkhah, Sahar Saffar Shamshirgar and Mohaammad Ali Vahidi. 2. An Artificial Neural Network approach to Transformer Fault Diagnosis. Y. Zhang, X. Ding, Y. Liu, P. J. GriffinThe Bradley Department of Electrical EngineeringVirginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061-0111,USA 3. DiGiorgio, J.B. (2005) Dissolved Gas Analysis of Mineral Oil Insulating Fluids. DGA Expert System: A Leader in Quality, Value and Experience 1, 1-17 4. Chu, D. and A. Lux, On-line monitoring of power transformers and components: a review of key parameters. Electrical Insulation Conference and Electrical Manufacturing & Coil Winding Conference, 1999. Proceedings, 1999: p. 669-675. 5. Siva Sarma, D.V.S.S. and G.N.S. Kalyani, ANN Approach for Condition Monitoring of Power Transformers using DGA. 2004 IEEE Region 10 Conference, TENCON 2004., 2004. C: p. 444-447. 6. Yang, F. and Z. Liang, Comprehensive method detecting the status of the transformer based on the artificial intelligence. 2004 International Conference on Power System Technology, 2004. PowerCon 2004. , 2004. 2: p. 1638- 1643. 7. Hongzhong, M., et al., Diagnosis of power transformer faults on fuzzy three-ratio method. The 7th International Power Engineering Conference, 2005. IPEC 2005., 2005. 8. Wang, M., A.J. Vandermaar, and K.D. Srivastava, Review of Condition Assessment of Power Transformers In Service, in IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine. 2002. p. 12-25. 9. C57.104.1991, I., IEEE Guide for Interpretation of Gases Generated in OilImmersed Transformer, I. The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Editor. 1992, The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc p. 27. 10. FIST3-31, Facilities Instructions, Standards and Techniques Volume 3-31 Transformer Diagnostics. 2003, Bureau of Reclamation Hydroelectric Research and Technical Services Group Denver. p. 5-13. 11. Q.Su, et al., A Fuzzy Dissolved Gas Analysis Method for The Diagnosis of Multiple Incipient Faults in a Transformer. IEEE Transaction On Power System, 2000. 15(2): p. 593-59 S. Saranya, Uma Mageswari, Natalya Roy, R. Sudha |
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102. | A Proposed Design of Five Transistor CMOS SRAM Cell for High Speed Applications
A Proposed Design of Five Transistor CMOS SRAM Cell for High Speed ApplicationsAbstract: Static random access memories (SRAMs) is made up of very large scale integrated (VLSI) circuits. A SRAM cell to operate in the deep submicron ranges it should meet some stringent requirements . This paper presents a new five transistor (5T) CMOS SRAM cell to accomplish improvements in stability, power dissipation, and performance over previous designs, for high speed and high stability memory operation. This circuit is simulated in a proprietary 180 nm CMOS process, using Cadence Spectre and BSIM3v3 models. Here we are comparing 5T SRAM cell with 6TSRAM cell and thus proving how 5T SRAM cells are more beneficial through various simulations.Key words: CMOS, SRAM, VLSI, Static Noise Margin (SNM). Reference [1] A. Agarwal, C. H. Kim, S. Mukhopadhyay, and K. Roy, "Leakage in Nano-Scale Technologies: Mechanisms, Impact and Design Considerations," Proc. of the 41st Design Automation Conference (DAC04), June 2004, pp. 6-11. [2] S. Mukhopadhyay, H. Mahmoodi,and K. Roy, "Modeling of Failure Probability and Statistical Design of SRAM Array for Yield Enhancement in Nanoscaled CMOS," IEEE Trans. on Computer- Aided Designof Integrated Circuits and Systems, Vol. 24, no. 12, p.p 1859-1880,December 2005. [3] Debasis Mukherjee, Hemanta Kr. Mondal, and B.V.R. Reddy, "Static Noise Margin Analysis of SRAM Cell for High Speed Application," IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 7, Issue5, September 2010. [4] Michael Wieckowski, Martin Margala, "A novel five-transistor (5T) SRAM cell for high performance cache," Proc. of the IEEE International SOCConference, Dec 2005, pp.101-102. [5] David A. Hodges, Horace G. Jackson, Resve A. Saleh, Analysis anddesign of digital integrated circuits: In Deep Submicron Technology,McGraw-Hill Edition, 2004., vol. sc-22, no. 5, October 1987. Bala Rama Pavithra, Suresh Angadi |
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103. | Radix-2 Algorithms for Implementation of Type-II Discrete
Cosine Transform and Discrete Sine Transform
Radix-2 Algorithms for Implementation of Type-II Discrete Cosine Transform and Discrete Sine TransformAbstract: In this paper radix-2 algorithms for computation of type-II discrete cosine transform (DCT) and discrete sine transform (DST) of length N = 𝟐 𝒏 (𝒏 ≥ 𝟐) are presented. The DCT/DST can be computed from two DCT/DST sequences, each of length N/2. The odd-indexed output components of DCT/DST can be realized using simple recursive relations. The proposed algorithms require a reduced number of arithmetic operations compared with some existing methods.Key words: Discrete cosine transform, discrete sine transform, radix-2 algorithm, recursive. Reference [1] N.Ahmed, T.Natarajan, and K.R.Rao, Discrete cosine transform, IEEE Trans. Comput., vol. C-23, 1974, 90-93. [2] R.K.Rao and P.Yip, Discrete cosine transform: algorithm, advantages, and applications (New York: Academic, 1990). [3] M.J.Narasimha and A.M.Peterson, On the computation of the discrete cosine transform, IEEE Trans. Communications, vol.COM-26,no.6, June 1978, 934-936. [4] H.S.Hou, A fast recursive algorithms for computing the discrete cosisine transform, IEEE Trans. Acoust., Speech, Signal Processing, vol. ASSP-35(10), Oct.1987, 1455-1461. [5] PeiZong Lee and Fang-Yu Huang, Reconstructed recursive DCT and DST algorithms, IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol.42, no.7, Jul.1994, 1600- 1609. [6] P.Duhamel and C.Guillemot, Polynomial transform computation of 2-D DCT ,in Proc. ICASSP'90, Apr.1990, 1515-1518. [7] E.Feig and S.Winograd, Fast algorithms for the discrete cosine transform, IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol.40, no.9, Sept.1992, 2174-2193. [8] A.K. Jain, A fast Karhunen-Loeve transform for a class of random processes, IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. COM-24, September 1976, 1023-1029. [9] H.B. Kekre and J.K. Solanka, Comparative performance of various trigonometric unitary transforms for transform image coding, Int. J. Electron., vol. 44, 1978, 305-315. [10] A.K. Jain, A sinusoidal family of unitary transforms, IEEE Trans. Patt. Anal. Machine Intell., vol. PAMI-I, September 1979,356-365. M.N.MURTY |
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104. | Building Management & Automation System
Building Management & Automation SystemAbstract: Large Buildings are the main contributors to energy consumption approx one third of the energy consumed in the cities, this energy consumption due to the large buildings significantly decreased through the Building Management & Automation System. This solution is used to reduce the energy usage with the use of the system including sensors like PIR, Fire, Smoke, Temperature etc. This system will be central monitoring & controlling system which will manage the whole building's lighting and cooling system with safety features like Fire & Smoke detection. Based on the design, a prototype system with limited functions has been developed.Key words: Efficiency, Energy Consumption, Energy Saving, Green Building, Security Reference [1] KyungGyu Park, Y oonkee Kim, SeonMi Kim, K wangHo Kim, and Wook Hyun Lee, HwaChoon "Building Energy Management System based on Smart Grid" , 2011 , IEEE [2] Fumiaki Obayashi, Yoshihiko Tokunaga, "A Study of Building Energy Management System based of Multi Agents " SICE Annual Conference, Japan, 2003 [3] Xudong Ma, Ran Cui, Yu Sun, Changhai Peng, Zhishen Wu "Supervisory and Energy Management System of Large Public Buildings" IEEE International Conference, China, 2010 [4] http://www.ladyada.net/learn/sensors/pir. html [5] http://www.pikeresearch.com/research/ commercial-building-automationsystems [6] http://www.magics-notebook.com/lm35. html Thakkar Tejas A. |
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105. | Modeling and Simulation of Brushless DC Motor Using PWM Control Technique
Modeling and Simulation of Brushless DC Motor Using PWM Control TechniqueAbstract: This paper describes a simpler way to control the speed of PMBLDC motor using pwm control method. The performance of the PMBLDC system is simulated. The speed is regulated by PI controller. Simulink is utilized with MATLAB to get a reliable and flexible simulation. In order to highlight the effectiveness of the speed control method used. The method proposed suppresses torque oscillations. This drive has high accuracy, robust operation from near zero to high speed.Key words: Hall position sensors, permanent magnet brushless DC motor, pwm, PI controller. Reference 1 T.J.Sokira and W.Jaffe, Brushless DC motors:Electronic Commutation and Control, Tab Books,USA, 1989 2 Tay Siang Hui, K.P. Basu and V.SubbiahPermanent Magnet Brushless Motor ControlTechniques, National Power and EnergyConference (PECon) 2003 Proceedings, Bangi,Malysia 3 Nicola Bianchi,SilverioBolognani,JiHoonJang,Seung-Ki Sul," Comparison of PM Motorstructures and sensor less ControlTechniques for zero-speed Rotorposition detection" IEEE transactions on powerElectronics, Vol 22, No.6, Nov 2006. 4 P.Thirusakthimurugan, P.Dananjayan,'A NewControl Scheme for The Speed Control ofMBLDC Motor Drive' 1-4244- 0342-1/06/$20.00 ©2006 IEEE 5 R.Krishnan, "Electric Motor Drives Modeling,Analysis, and Control, PrenticeHall InternationaInc., New Jersey, 2001. 6 "New Approach to Rotor Position Detection andPrecision Speed Control of the BLDC Motor"Yong-Ho Yoon TaeWon Lee Sang-Hun ParkByoung-Kuk Lee Chung- 1-4244-0136-4/06/$20.00 '2006 IEEE 7 Ling KV, WU Bingfang HE Minghua and ZhangYu, "A Model predictive controller formultirate cascade system", Proc.of the AmericanControl Conference, ACC 2004, USA, pp.1575-1579.2004. 8 G.Madhusudhanrao,B.V.SankerRam,B.Sa mpathKumar,K.Vijay Kumar," Speed Control of BLDCMotor using DSP", International Journal ofEngineering Science and Technology Vol.2(3),2010. 9 Yingfa Wang, Changliang Xia, Zhiqiang Li, PengSong," Sensorless Control for BLDC motor usingsupport vector machine based on PSO", 2009IEEE 10 Mehdi Nasri, HosseinNezamabadiPour,Malihemaghfoori, "A PSOBasedoptimization of PID controller for a LinearBLDC Motor" Proc. Of World academy ofScience Engg &Tech, Vol.20, April 2007. vinod Kr Singh Patel, A.K.Pandey |
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106. | Implementation of Carrier Synthesis Technique Using DPLL
Implementation of Carrier Synthesis Technique Using DPLLAbstract: DPLLs are used widely in communications systems like radio, telecommunications, computer and other electronic applications. Digital PLLs are a type of PLL used to synchronize digital signals. While DPLLs input and outputs are typically all digital, they do have internal functions which are dependent on analog signals. The main blocks in demodulator are DDS core, Filters, Arc tan estimator, Loop filter. The area reduction for onchip applications can be achieved through optimization of the number of micro rotations in proposed design. For better loop performance of second order complex DPLL and to minimize quantization error, the numbers of iterations are also optimized. Modelsim Xilinx Edition (MXE) and Xilinx ISE will be used simulation and synthesis respectively. The Xilinx Chipscope tool will be used to test the FPGA inside results while the logic running on FPGA. The Xilinx Spartan 3 Family FPGA development board will be used this project.Key words: Digital Signal Processing, DPLL, Micro-rotation, Loop performance, Arctan estimator. Reference 1. Lindsey, W.C., and Chie,C.M: "A Survey of digital phase-locked loos", proc.IEEE,1981 2. Gardner, F.M.: Phase lock techniques 3. Ulrich Rohde, "Digital PLL frequency synthesizers", prentice-hall,London, 1983. 4. G.S.Moschytz, "Miniaturized RC filter using phase-locked loop", Bell system Tech.journal 5. Dan wolaver, "phase-locked loop circuits design", prentice hall, New jersey. 6. Vuori J, "Implementation of a digital phase locked loop using cordic algorithm" IEEE international symposium on circuit and systems Atlanta. DPV Bharathi, B. Sruthi Reddy |
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107. | Analysis of Code Tracking Technique in CDMANon Coherent Receiver
Analysis of Code Tracking Technique in CDMANon Coherent ReceiverAbstract: In this paper, we propose and analyse a new non coherent receiver with PN code tracking for direct sequence code division multiple access (DS-CDMA) communication systems in multipath channels. We employ the decisionfeedback differential detection method to detect MDPSK signals. An "; error signal"; is used to update the tap weights and the estimated code delay. Increasing the number of feedback symbols can improve the performance of the proposed non coherent receiver. For an infinite number of feedback symbols, the optimum weight can be derived analytically, and the performance of the proposed non coherent receiver approaches to that of the conventional coherent receiver. Simulations show good agreement with the theoretical derivation.Key words: -Optimum weights, pn code, DS-CDMA Reference [1] Adaptive DS-CDMA Receiver with Code Tracking in Phase Unknown Environments Fang-BiauUeng, Jun-Da Chen, and ShangChun Tsai, Student Member, IEEE [2] Special Issue on the European Path Towards UMTS, IEEE Personal Communications, Vol. 2, No. 1, Febr. 1995. [3] M. H. Callendar, "Future Public Land Mobile Telecommunication Systems," IEEE Personal Communications, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 18-22, Fourth Quarter 1994. [4] T. Ottosson, A. Svensson, "Multirate schemes for multimedia applications in DS/CDMA systems," Submitted to RVK'96, Luleå, Sweden, June 1996. [5] A. Johansson, A. Svensson, "Interference cancellation in multirate DS/CDMA systems," Submitted to RVK'96, Luleå, Sweden, June 1996. [6] M. El-Tarhuni and A. Ghrayeb, "A robust PN code tracking algorithm for frequency selective Rayleigh-fading channels," IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 1018–1023, July 2004. [7] R. Schober, W. H. Gerstacker, and A. Lampe, "Noncoherent MMSE interference suppression for DS-CDMA," IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 50, pp. 577–587, Apr. 2002. [8] R. Schober and L. H.-J. Lampe, "DF-DD for multi-chip differentially encoded DSCDMA," in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM, vol. 4, pp. 2325– 2329, Dec. 2003. G S Krishnam Naidu Y, CH.Raghava Prasad, Subba Reddy Vasipalli |
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108. | UMTSAND LTE: Their Working Principles And Performance Analysis Of UMTS
UMTSAND LTE: Their Working Principles And Performance Analysis Of UMTSAbstract: Science and Technology never leaves its way. One way or other, there is a change in Science and Technology. Many Wireless technologies like GSM, UMTS, LTE, WiMAX, Wireless LAN and Bluetooth have changed the way we communicate and exchange data by making services like telephony and Internetavailable anytime and from almost anywhere. Today, a great variety of internet sources offer background information about these technologies but they all fall short in one way or another.In this paper we discussed a complete survey on UMTS and LTE and its working principles are discussed.Key words: GSM, LTE,UMTS. Reference [1] Outer-Loop Power Control Optimization Analysis and a New Algorithm In Vehicular Technology Conference, 2007. VTC-2007 Fall. 2007 IEEE 66th,pages 1484{1488, 2007 by Bo Wei, Lin Ma, and M.Shalash. [2] Power control for variable QOS on a CDMA channel. In Military Communications Conference, 1994.MILCOM '94.Conference Record, 1994 IEEE, byL. C. Yun and D. G. Messerschmitt. [3] From GSM To LTE, An Introduction to Mobile Networks And Mobile Broadband by Martin Sauter. [4] The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), 'Stream Control Transmission Protocol', RFC 4960, http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4960. [5] 'Next Generation Mobile Networks, Initial Terminal Device Definition', June 2009. [6] Agilent, 'Security in the LTE-SAE Network', 2009, http://tinyurl.com/2wylrb4. Accessed in 2010 [7] The International Telecommunication Union, 'Framework and Overall Objectives of the Future Development of IMT-2000 Systems Beyond IMT-2000', ITU-R M.1645, 2003. [8] Modeling And Dimensioning of Mobile Networks, from GSM To LTE by MaciejStasiak,Mariusz Gł˛abowski,PiotrZwierzy S.ClementVirgeniya, Dr.V.Palanisamy |
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109. | Application of Univariate Statistical Process Control Charts for Improvement of Hot Metal Quality- A Case Study
Application of Univariate Statistical Process Control Charts for Improvement of Hot Metal Quality- A Case StudyAbstract: Statistical Process Control (SPC) techniques are employed to monitor production processes over time to detect changes. The basic fundamentals of statistical process control and control charting were proposed by Walter Shewhart. Shewhart chart can be used for monitoring both the mean and the variance of a process, however sensitivity of chart to shifts in the variance is often considered inadequate. So, it is common to use the chart coupled with either R chart or S chart, to monitor changes in mean and variance of process. This paper presents the application of univariate control chart for monitoring hot metal making process in a blast furnace of a steel industry for continuous quality improvement.Key words: Control Chart, Regression Analysis, Statistical Process Control, Univariate, chart Reference [1] Juran, J. M.., Editor, & Gryna, F. M., Associate Editor. (1998). Juran's Quality Control Handbook, 4th ed, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York. [2] Montgomery. D.C, and George C. Runger, (2003), Applied Statistics and Probability for engineers, (John Wiley and sons). [3] Samanta . B., A. Bhattacherjee (2004), Problem of Non-normality in Statistical Quality Control- A case study in Surface Mine, The Journal of the South African Institute of Minining and Metallurgy,257- 264. [4] Woodall, W. H. and Faltin, F.W., (1993), Auto correlated Data and SPC, ASQC, Statistics division News Letter, 13, 4, 18- 21. [5] Weller. E.F., (2000), Practical applications of Statistical Process Control, IEEE Software, V.17, 3,48.55 [6] Mohammed MA (2004), Using statistical process control to improve the quality of health care. QualSaf Health Care, 13,243– 5. [7] M A Mohammed,1 P Worthington,2 W H Woodall, (2008), Plotting basic control charts: tutorial notes for healthcare practitioners, QualSaf Health Care;17:137–145. [8] Grigg, N.P.; Daly, J. & Stewart, M. (1998). Case study: the use of statistical process control in fish product packaging. Food Control,Vol. 9, 289-297 [9] Srikaeo, K., &Hourigan, J.A. (2002). The use of statistical process control (SPC) to enhance the validation of critical control points (CCPs) in shell egg washing. Food Control, 263-273. [10] Rashed, H. I. (2005). A Performance Analysis of Univeriate and Multivariate Quality Control Charts for Optimal Process Control. M.Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Engineering, Menoufia University, Egypt, Under Publication. [11] "Dr.AbasMukbelbaarz ,AllaTalalYassin , SahabDia Mohamed,(2012),"" Assessing the quality of Product using statistical quality control maps: a case study"", Diyala Journal for pure sciences.Vol: 8 No: 1, January 2012 ISSN: 2222-8373 [12] M. A. Sharaf El-Din1, H. I. Rashed2 and M. M. El-Khabeery (2006), Statistical Process Control Charts Applied to Steelmaking Quality Improvement, Quality Technology & Quantitative Management, 3, 4, 473-491. O. Rama MohanaRao, K.VenkataSubbaiah, K.NarayanaRao, T. SrinivasaRao |
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110. | High Speed-Low Leakage-Multi Threshold 45 nm Floating Gated SRAM
High Speed-Low Leakage-Multi Threshold 45 nm Floating Gated SRAMAbstract: An asymmetrically six-transistor (6T) high speed low leakage multi Vth 45nm Floating Gated (FG) SRAM circuit is presented in this paper to suppress the power dissipation and leakage current. By using conventional external circuitry (decoder part, read-write circuitry part, voltage control switch part etc.), this technique is reduce up to 83.29% power dissipation and 290.5 times leakage current and also 2.52 times high speed in 45 nm technology. For minimizing power dissipation and leakage current, the function of multi Vdd and multi Vth concept are also included in that paper. Also the total read-write architecture block diagram is included in that paper.Key words: Floating Gate, Multi Vdd, Multi Vth, Read-Write Architecture, SRAM. Reference [1] Dr.Esther Rodriguez-Villegas, "Low Power and Low Voltage Circuit Design with FGMOS Transistor" - IET Circuits, Devices and Systems Series 20. [2] Sung-Mo Kang and Yusuf Leblebici, "CMOS DIGITAL NTEGRATED CIRCUITS Analysis and Design". [3] V. Kursun and E. G. Friedman, MultiVoltage CMOS Circuit Design, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2006. [4] S.Rusu, S. Tam, H. Muljono, D. Ayers, J. Chang, B Cherkauer, J.Stinson, J. Benoit, R. Varada, J. Leung, R. D. Limaye, and S. Vora, "A 65-nm dual-core multithreaded Xeon processor with 16-MB L3 cache," IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Vol. 42, No. 4, pp. 846-852, April 2007. [5] Z. Liu and V. Kursun, "High Read Stability and Low Leakage Cache Memory Cell," Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp. 2774-2777, May 2007. [6] L.Chang et al., "Stable SRAM Cell Design for the 32 nm Node and Beyond," Proceedings of the IEEE Symposiumon VLSI Technology, pp. 128-2129, May 2005. Pratim Bhattacharjee, Ganesh Lakshmana Kumar Moganti, Dr. Susanta K Mandal |
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111. | Seismic Vulnerability Assessment Of Rc Buildings With Shear Wall
Seismic Vulnerability Assessment Of Rc Buildings With Shear WallAbstract: Reinforced concrete multi-storied buildings are very complex to model as structural systems for analysis. The current version of the IS: 1893-2002 requires that practically all multi-storeyed buildings be analyzed as three-dimensional systems. This is due to the fact that the buildings have generally irregularities in plan or elevation or in both. Seismic codes distinguish between regular and irregular configurations, and it is the latter that the irregularity may have a detrimental influence on the effectiveness and on the building seismic performance itself. The present analytical investigation proposes, discusses, and highlights the seismic performance of RC (Reinforced Concrete) buildings having dual system with emphasis on various case studies. The study includes seismic vulnerability assessment of RC buildings without shear wall, with shear wall at centre, shear wall at diagonal corners, shear wall at mid along X-direction, and shear wall at mid along Y-direction, lastly shear wall at mid along X&Y-directions.Key words: Seismic performance, evaluation, irregular RC building and shear wall,dual system Reference 1. Anand S Arya (2000). "Recent Developments toward Earthquake Risk Reduction in India‟, Current Science, 12702-12777, pp. 9- 79. 2. Bungale S. Taranath S (2005). "Wind and Earthquake Resistant Buildings- Structural Analysis and Design", CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton. 3. Clotaire Michel, Philippe Gueguen & Pierre-Yves Bard (2008). "Dynamic Parameters of Structures Extracted from Ambient Vibration Measurements:An Aid for the Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Existing Buildings in Moderate Seismic Hazard Regions‟, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 28, pp. 593-604. 4. C Rudra Srinivasa Reddy and Amlan K Senugupta (2010). "Validation of Indices for Assessing Seismic Vulnerability of Multi-Storeyed Buildings with Typical Vertical Irregularities using Push–over Analysis‟, Journal of Structural Engineering, 4, 256-262. 5. G.M. Calvi, R. Pinho, G. Magenes, J.J. Bommer (2006). "Development of Seismic Vulnerability Assessment Methodologies over the past 30 years‟, ISET Journal of Earthquake Technology, Paper No. 472, Vol. 43, No. 3, pp. 75-104. 6. "IS-1893(Part-1) 2002). "Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures‟, Part 1 General Provision and Buildings (Fifth Revision), Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi. 7. M. Ashraf, siddiqi Z.A and Javed M.A.,(2008)," Configuration of Multistory Building Subjected to Lateral Forces", Asian Journal of Civil Enginieering,Vol.9, pp.525-537. 8. Terala Srikant, Ramancharla Pradeep Kumar, Ajay Pratap Singh, Bal Krishna Rastogi (2010). "Earthquake Vulnerability Assessment of Existing Buildings in Gandhidham and Adipur Cities Kachchh, Gujarat (India)‟, European Journal of Scientific Research, 41(3), 336-353. 9. S.K Gosh (2004). "Update on the NEHRP Provisions: The Resource Document for Seismic Design‟, PCI Journal, pp.96-102. 10. S Ganzerli, C.P.Pantelides and L. D Reaveley (2000). "Performance Based Design using Structural Optimization‟, Earthquake Engineering of Structural Dynamics, 29, pp.1677-1690. 11. V K Manicka Selvam (2011). "A Note on Preliminary Estimate of Member Dimensions of a Short Multi-storey Building Frame based on Serviceability Criterion‟, Journal of Structural Engineering, 37(5), pp. 358-363. C.M. Ravi Kumar, M. B. Sreenivasa, Anil Kumar, M. Vijay Sekhar Reddy |
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112. | A Novel Approach to Medical & Gray Scale Image Enhancement
A Novel Approach to Medical & Gray Scale Image EnhancementAbstract: Image enhancement is a mean as the improvement of an image appearance by increasing dominance of some features or by decreasing ambiguity between different regions of the image. Image enhancement processes consist of a collection of techniques that seek to improve the visual appearance of an image or to convert the image to a form better suited for analysis by a human or machine. Many images such as medical images, remote sensing images, electron microscopy images and even real life photographic pictures, suffer from poor contrast. Therefore it is necessary to enhance the contrast. The purpose of image enhancement methods is to increase image visibility and details. Enhanced image provide clear image to eyes or assist feature extraction processing in computer vision system. Numerous enhancement methods have been proposed but the enhancement efficiency, computational requirements, noise amplification, user intervention, and application suitability are the common factors to be considered when choosing from these different methods for specific image processing applicationKey words: Image Enhancement, Image Negation, Histogram Equalization, DWT, BPHE. Reference [1] AnamikaBhardwaj& Manish K.Sing "A Novel approach of medical image enhancement based on Wavelet transform" Vol. 2, Issue 3, May-Jun 2012, pp.2356- 2360 [2] Rajesh Garg, Bhawna Mittal &SheetalGarg, "Histogram Equalization Techniques For Image Enhancement" IJECT Vol. 2, Issue 1 [3] S. Lau, "Global image enhancement using localinformation," Electronics Letters, vol. 30, pp. 122–123,Jan. 1994. [4] J. Zimmerman, S. Pizer, E. Staab, E. Perry, W. McCartney,B. Brenton, "Evaluation of the effectiveness of adaptivehistogram equalization". Prof. Mr. ArjunNichal, Prof. Mr. PradnyawantKalamkar, Mr. AmitLokhande, Ms. VrushaliPatil, Ms.BhagyashriSalunkhe |
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113. | Real Time Automated Control using PLC-VB Communication
Real Time Automated Control using PLC-VB CommunicationAbstract: This paper is to enable the Delta PLC (Programmable Logic Control) DVP14SS to communicate with the Visual Basic 6.0. The communication between DVP14SS and Visual Basic 6.0 is via Modbus Serial Protocol. Computers are used as a link between humans and PLC systems as they have more graphics and visual capabilities. These are nothing but SCADA systems widely used for determining plant setups and displaying plant status on high quality screens. They also record/log the system data for long period .The SCADA software's are the software packages needs to be purchased from vendors and the cost depends on tag count. Visual Basic 6.0 platform can be used develop the SCADA application effectively. Using VB 6.0 we integrate software and hardware across spectrum of vendors easily. Here we show simple approach to communicate Delta PLC with visual Basic using MSComm control in visual basic. By means of Visual Basic cost effective solution is possible as Visual Basic we do not need to purchase licenses and is cheaper than SCADA packages. It also has the advantages like flexibilityKey words: MSComm control and PLC, plc, communication between PLC and VB 6.0, DVP14SS. Reference [1] "Modbus communication Manual," MTL 8000 process control for process I/O ,The MTL Instruments Group PLC, England [2] NaregalkarAkshay.,Real Time Automated Control of Industrial Pocesses with PLC – LABVIEW Communication,.Ibrahimpatnam, Hyderabad, India, Issue-1, Volume-1 ,035- 038 [3] "DVP PLC communication Protocol," Delta Electronics Inc,www.delta.com.tw/industrialautomatio n. [4] "DVP PLC Application Manual," Delta Electronics Inc,www.delta.com.tw/industrialautomatio n. [5] T.Kalaiselvi, R.Praveena ,Aakanksha.R,, Dhanya.S, "PLC Based Automatic Bottle Filling and Capping System With User Defined Volume Selection," IJETAE., Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2012. Prof.Mrs.S.S.Bidwai, Prof.Mr.V.B. Kumbhar, Prof.Mr. A.R.Nichal |
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114. | Reliable Non invasive First Trimester Screening Test Using Image processing and Artificial Neural Network
Reliable Non invasive First Trimester Screening Test Using Image processing and Artificial Neural NetworkAbstract: Down Syndrome is a chromosomal abnormality caused by the presence of all or part of a third copy of chromosome 21.Any woman can have a baby with Down Syndrome. Physical growth of affected babies are delayed especially the facial characteristics. Recent study proves that Down Syndrome can be detected in early stage by identifying the absence of fetal nasal bone. During the first trimester of pregnancy, visual identification of nasal bone by examining the ultrsonogram is very difficult. Speckle noise is also introducing errors in ultrasonic images. This work presents a new approach for the detection of nasal bone by using different image processing algorithms and Back propagation neural network(BPNN).A high performance hybrid Despeckling method is used in this system which can dramatically increases the accuracy of the whole system. The features in the nasal region are extracted in spatial domain as well as transform domain using Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and wavelet transforms. Features extracted from images with nasal bone and images which don't have nasal bone. The normalized data set is used to train Back Propagation Neural Network (BPNN).This trained artificial feed forward network is used to classify different ultra sonogram. Experimentally prove that the proposed method gives better classification rate than any other non invasive screening method. This method combined with the present detection methods can reduce operator error and enhance overall detection rate.Key words: Back Propagation Neural Network (BPNN), DCT, Despeckling, First Trimester, Non Invasive Screening Reference [1] Nicolaides K. H, Azar G, Byrne D, Mansur C, Marks K. "Fetal nuchal translucency: ultrasound screening for chromosomal defects in first trimester of pregnancy". BMJ 1992; 304: pp 867-889. [2]. R.Vanithamani,G.Umamaheswari, A.AjayKrishnan, C.Ilaiyarasan, K. Iswariya and C.G.Kritika, "A Hybrid Despeckling Model for Medical Ultrasound Images", Journal of computing, Volume 3, Issue 9, ISSN2151-9617, September 2011. [3]. Anjit, T.A., Rishidas, S., "Identification of Nasal Bone for the Early Detection of Down Syndrome using Back Propagation Neural Network ," IEEE Conference on Communications and Signal Processing (ICCSP),2011. [4]. Nirmala.S and Palanisamy.V, "Measurement of nuchal translucency thickness in first trimester ultrasound fetal images for detection of chromosomal abnormalities", International conference on control, automation, communication and energy conservation-2009. [5]. B.Priestley shan and M.Madheswaran, "Revised estimates of ultrasonographic markers for gestational age assessment of singleton pregnancies among Indian population." International journal of advanced science and technology vol.17, april,2010. [6]. Rafael C.Gonzalez, "Digital image processing," Prentice Hall , 2005. [7]. C. Larose, P. Massoc, Y. Hillion, J. P. Bernard, Y. Ville, "Comparison of fetal nasal bone assessment by ultrasound at 11- 14 weeks and by postmortem X- ray in trisomy 21: a prospective observational study", Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Volume 22, Pages 27-30, 2003. [8]. Stephane G. Mallat "A Theory for Multiresolution Signal Decomposition:The Wavelet Representation" ,IEEE Transaction Pattern on Analysis and machine Intelligence. Vol. II, No. 7. Joly 1989. [9]. K. O. kagan, S.Cicero, I.Staboulidou, D.Wright, K.H.Nicolaides, ''Fetal nasal bone in screening for trisomies 21, 18 and 13 and turner syndrome at 11- 13 weeks of gestation", Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Volume 33, Pages 259-264, 2004. [10]. R.Vanithamani, G.Umamaheswari, "Performance Analysis of Filters for Speckle Reduction in Medical Ultrasound Images", International Journal of Computer Application (0975-8887), volume 12-No.6, December 2010. Rafeek T, A Gunasundari |
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115. | Comparative Analysis Of Haar And Coiflet Wavelets Using Discrete Wavelet Transform In Digital Image Compression
Comparative Analysis Of Haar And Coiflet Wavelets Using Discrete Wavelet Transform In Digital Image CompressionAbstract: Images require substantial storage and transmission resources, thus image compression is advantageous to reduce these requirements. The objective of this paper is to evaluate a set of wavelets for image compression. Image compression using wavelet transforms results in an improved compression ratio. Wavelet transformation is the technique that provides both spatial and frequency domain information. This paper present the comparative analysis of Haar and Coiflet wavelets in terms of PSNR, Compression Ratio and Elapsed time for compression using discrete wavelet transform. Discrete wavelet transform has various advantages over Fourier transform based techniques.DWT removes the problem of blocking artifact that occur in DCT.DWT provides better image quality than DCT at higher compression ratio.Key words: Image compression, Discrete Wavelet Transform, wavelet decomposition, Haar, Coiflet, Blocking Artifact Reference [1] Kaleka,Jashanbir Singh., Sharma,Reecha.,"Comparativ performance analysis of Haar,Symlets and Bior wavelets on image compression using Discrete wavelet Transform", International journal of Computers and Dstrbuted Systems, Volume 1,Issue 2,August,2012 [2] Gao, Zigong., Yuan F.Zheng. "Quality Constrained Compression Using DWT Based Image Quality Metric",IEEE Trans,September 10,2007 [3] Singh,Priyanka., Singh,Priti., Sharma,Rakesh Kumar., "JPEG Image Compression based on Biorthogonal, Coiflets and Daubechies Wavelet Families", International Journal of Computer Applications, Volume 13– No.1, January 2011 [4] Kumari,Sarita., Vijay,Ritu., "Analysis of Orthogonal and Biorthogonal Wavelet Filters for Image Compression", International Journal of Computer Applications , Volume 21– No.5, May 2011 [5] Gupta,Maneesha., garg, Amit Kumar., Kaushik ,Mr.Abhishek., "Review: Image Compression Algorithm", IJCSET, November 2011 ,Vol 1, Issue 10, 649-654 [6] Grgic,Sonja., Grgic,Mislav.,"Performance Analysis of Image Compression Using Wavelets",IEEE Trans,Vol.48,No.3,June 2001 [7] Kumar,V., V.Sunil., Reddy,M.Indra Sena., "Image Compression Techniques by using Wavelet Transform", Journal of information engineering and applications, Vol 2, No.5, 2012 [8] Katharotiya,Anilkumar., Patel,Swati.,"Comparative Analysis between DCT & DWT Techniques of Image Compression", Journal of information engineering and applications, Vol 1, No.2, 2011 [9] M. Antonini, M. Barlaud, P. Mathieu, and I. Daubechies, "Image coding using wavelet transform," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 1, pp. 205-220, April 1992. [10] H. Jozawa, H. Watanabe and S. Singhal, "Interframe video coding using overlapped motion compensation and perfect reconstruction filter banks," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, vol. 4, pp. 649-652, March 1992. [11] H. Guo and C. Burrus, "Wavelet Transform based Fast Approximate Fourier Transform," in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, vol. 3, pp. 1973-1976, April 1997. [12] Antonini,M., Barlaud,M., Mathieu,P., Daubechies.I., " Image coding using wavelet transform", IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 1, pp.205-220, 1992. [13] Dragotti, P.L., Poggi,G., "Compression of multispectral images by three-dimensional SPIHT algorithm", IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and remote sensing, vol. 38, No. 1, Jan 2000. Sandeep kaur, Gaganpreet Kaur, Dr.Dheerendra Singh |
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116. | Effect of cement additions on the plastic density and workability of concrete
Effect of cement additions on the plastic density and workability of concreteAbstract: This paper reports the effect of cement combinations containing Portland cement, fly ash, silica fume and metakaolin on the plastic density and workability of concrete. The results show that cement additions would reduce the plastic densities of Portland cement concrete with increasing content. However, while fly ash binary cement concretes had plastic densities less than 2400 kN/m3 , silica fume and metakaolin binary cement concretes had plastic densities equal to or greater than 2400 kN/m3 . However, at a total replacement level less than 55%, all the cement combination concretes achieved plastic densities between 2350-2450 kN/m3 . Since fly ash reduced superplasticiser dosage and silica fume and metakaolin increased superplasticiser dosage, the superplasticiser dosages of the ternary cement concretes reduced with increasing content of fly ash. The cement additions improved the cohesion and stability of concrete. However, due to their increased surface area, concrete becomes sticky resulting in poor finish with increasing content of silica fume and metakaolin. Also, metakaolin concretes had higher plastic densities and required higher superplasticiser dosage than silica fume concretes at equal replacement level.Key words: cement additions; cement combinations; cohesion; finishability; plastic density; workability Reference [1] Antiohos S. K., Papadakis V. G., Chaniotakis E., Tsimas S., Improving the performance of ternary blended cements by mixing different types of fly ashes, Cement and Concrete Research, 37 (6), 2007, 877-885. [2] Lam L., Wong Y. L., Poon C. S., Effect of fly ash and silica fume on compressive and fracture behaviours of concrete, Cement and Concrete Research, 28 (2), 1998, 271- 283. [3] Naik T. R., Singh S., Ramme B., Mechanical properties and durability of concrete made with blended fly ash, ACI Material Journal, 95 (4), 1998, 454-462. [4] Dhir R. K., Jones M. R., Development of chloride-resisting concrete using fly ash, Fuel, 78 (2), 1999, 137-142. [5] Papadakis V. G., Effect of supplementary cementing materials on concrete resistance against carbonation and chloride ingress, Cement and Concrete Research, 30 (2), 2000, 291-299. [6] Concrete Society, The use of GGBS and PFA in concrete: Technical Report No 40 (The Concrete Society, London, 1991). [7] Mindess, S., Young, F. J. and Darwin, D., Concrete (Prentice-Hall, 2003). [8] Helmuth, R., Fly ash in cement and concrete (Portland Cement Association, Skokie, Illinois, 1987). [9] Dhir R. K., McCarthy M. J. and Paine K. A., Use of fly ash to BS EN 450 in structural concrete (Thomas Telford, 2002). [10] Thomas M. D. A., Shehata M. H., Shashiprakash S. G., Hopkins D. S. and Cail K., Use of ternary cementitious systems containing silica fume and fly ash in concrete, Cement and Concrete Research, 29 (8), 1999, 1207-1214. FOLAGBADE, Samuel Olufemi |
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117. | Proposed Algorithm and Parametric Study of Planar Inverted F-Antenna for Wi-Fi Band
Proposed Algorithm and Parametric Study of Planar Inverted F-Antenna for Wi-Fi BandAbstract: This paper presents a comprehensive experimental study of Planar Inverted-F Antennas (PIFA) involving all the parameters which may affect the characteristics of PIFA. It is found that PIFA characteristics are affected by a number of parameters including the dimensions of the ground plane, length, width, height and position of the top plate, positions and widths of shorting pin/plate. These results are very useful for aiding PIFA design in practical applications. A new unique algorithm is designed and reported in this paper to determine the parameters of PIFA for different substrates. A novel technique for obtaining a single band antenna fed with coaxial probe is proposed and demonstrated.Key words: PIFA, Single-Band, IEEE802.11, WiFi, RF antenna. Reference [1] "BROADBAND MICROSTRIP ANTENNAS" by Girish Kumar and K. P. Ray. [2] Kanchan Mishra, Deepak Garg and Mohit Jaju, "Design of a Compact PIFA for PCS Applications", Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati (India). [3] Hassan Tariq Chattha1, Yi Huang2, Muhammad Kamran Ishfaq3, Stephen J. Boyes2, "A Comprehensive Parametric Study of Planar Inverted-F Antenna", 1Department of Electrical, Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, University of Engineering Technology (Lahore), Faisalabad Campus, Faisalabad, Pakistan; 2Department of Electrical Engineering Electronics, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK; 3Department of Telecommunication Engineering, GC University, Faisalabad, Pakistan, Wireless Engineering and Technology, 2012, 3, 1- 11. [4] Milind fernandes, Dr. H. G. Virani, "Design and Implementation of a Planar Microstrip Antenna Array", Department of Electronics and Telecommunication , Goa College of Engineering, Goa, 2012. [5] VidyaBabare, ShubhangiGhorpade, Dr.S.B.Deosarkar, "Slotted Microstrip Patch Antenna Array", VPCOE Baramati, Pune University, National Conference on Electronic Technologies(NCET 2K13), Goa College of Engineering, Farmagudi-Goa, 2013. [6] H.-M. Chen, Y.-F. Lin, P.-S. Cheng, H.-H. Lin, C.T.P. Song and P.S. Hall,"Parametric study on the characteristics of planar inverted-F antenna", IEE Proc.-Microw. Antennas Propag., Vol. 152, No. 6, December 2005. [7] Abdelhakim Elouadih, Ahmed Oulad-Said, Moha Mrabet Hassani, "Design and Parametric Simulation of a Miniaturized PIFA Antenna for the PCS Band", Wireless Engineering and Technology, 2013, 4, 105- 111. Rahul R. Raut Dessai, Dr. H. G. Virani |
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118. | Feature Extraction and Based Pixel Classification for Estimation the Land Cover thematic map using Hyperspectral data
Feature Extraction and Based Pixel Classification for Estimation the Land Cover thematic map using Hyperspectral dataAbstract: There are a few studies have been used the hyperspectral remotely sensed imageries to identify the Land use and land cover into UPM University campus. UPM is one of the oldest Malaysian Universities located in the west Malaysia, Selangor state, Serdang it chosen for this research. High resolution images from hyperspectral satellite and Google earth have been used to conduct this research. The study area divided into nine classes (Clear water, Lake, Soil, Roads, Building R- roof, Building Croof, Building B- roof, Grass, Tree) to estimate the thematic map of land cover of the UPM campus, using two algorithms the classification performed with Support Vector Machine under feature extraction classification and Maximum likelihood under based pixel classification, then did the comparison between the two techniques. Through the whole study duration. The results demonstrated that the accuracy of SVM is better than of Maximum likelihood and the overall accuracy for SVM and Maximum likelihood were 98.23%, 90.48% respectively.Key words: hyper spectral image, support vector machine, Maximum likelihood, feature extraction, based pixel classification. land cover. Reference [1] F. Melgani, L. Bruzzone, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 42, 2004,pp 1778. [2] T. Oommen, D. Misra, N. Twarakavi, A. Prakash, B. Sahoo, S. Bandopadhyay, Mathematical Geosciences 40, 2008,pp 409. [3] G. Foody, A. Mathur, Remote Sensing of Environment 93, 2004,pp 107. [4] G. Foody, A. Mathur, C. SanchezHernandez, D. Boyd, Remote Sensing of Environment 1042006, 1. [5] G. Hughes, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 14 ,1968, 55. [6] M. Pal, P. Mather, International Journal of Remote Sensing 26 , 2005 ,1007. [7] K. Tan, P.J. Du, Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis 28, 2008, 2009. [8] M. Chi, R. Feng, L. Bruzzone, Advances in Space Research 41 (2008) 1793. [9] P.J. Du, X.M. Wang, K. Tan, G. Foody, 8th International Symposium on Spatial Accuracy Assessment in Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences, 25–27,June, 2008, Shanghai, World Academic Union Ltd, Liverpool, 2008, p. 138. [10] N. Ancona, R. Maglietta, E. Stella, Pattern Recognition 39, 2006, 1588. Hayder Abd Al-Razzaq Abd |
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119. | Implementation And Analysis Of Different Types Of Transmultiplexer Structures
Implementation And Analysis Of Different Types Of Transmultiplexer StructuresAbstract: Multirate filter banks have become excellent solution for future wireless communication system. Filter bank based multicarrier system provides high spectral efficiency through removal of redundant information resulting in efficient use of available spectrum. In multicarrier communication system, filter bank based transmultiplexer (TMUX) having same analysis and synthesis filter bank is employed. The TMUX configuration which is core of any FBMC is of our interest here. This paper concentrates on implementation of filter bank based multicarrier/offset quadrature amplitude modulation (FBMC/OQAM). Different TMUX structures like maximally decimated, nonmaximally decimated and partial TMUX have been implemented. In partial transmultiplexer, upsampling and downsampling factor is less than number of sub channels. Frequency sampling technique is used for design of prototype filter and other filters are complex modulated versions of prototype filter. For all the TMUX structures perfect reconstruction is observed with alias cancellation. Further, computation of Intersymbol interference (ISI), Interchannel interference (ICI) will support filter designs for two-band and four-band TMUX. The Optimization criterion is applied to frequency sampling technique and results are compared based on ISI, ICI performance of TMUX.Key words: Transmultiplexer (TMUX), FBMC/OQAM, maximally decimated filter banks, non-maximally decimated filter banks, modified DFT filter banks, complex modulated filter banks, partial TMUX. Reference [1] T. Ihalainen, A. Viholaien, T. Hidalgo Stitz and M.Renfors,"Generation of filter bank based multicarrier waveform using partial synthesis and time domain interpolation", IEEE Trans. On signal and systems, pp.1767-1778, July 2010. [2] A. Viholainen, T. Ihalainen, T. Hidalgo Stitz, M. Renfors, and M. Bellanger, "Prototype filter design for filter bank based multicarrier transmission", in Proc. Eur. Signal Process. Conf., Glasgow, Scotland, pp. 1359–1363, Aug.2009. [3] S. Mirabbasi and K. Martin, "Overlapped complex-modulated transmultiplexer filters with simplified design and superior stopbands", IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II, Exp. Briefs, vol. 50, no.8, pp. 456– 469,Aug. 2003. [4] T. Karp and N. J. Fliege, "Modified DFT filter banks with perfect reconstruction," IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II, Exp. Briefs, vol. 46, no. 11, pp. 1404–1414, Nov. 1999. [5] P. P. Vaidyanathan, Multirate Systems and Filter Banks.,Prentice-Hall, 1993. [6] N. J. Flinge, Multirate Digital SignalProcessing, John Wiley and Sons, 1994. [7] Jie Yan, Wu-Sheng Lu, "Towards global design of orthogonal filter banks and wavelets", CAN. J. ELECT. COMPUT. ENG., Vol. 34, No. 4, pp.145-151, 2009. [8] Pilar Martin, Fernando Cruz-Roldán and Tapio Saramäki, "A New Window for the Design of Cosine-Modulated Multirate Systems", IEEE conference on circuits andsystems, ISCAS'04 volume 03, pp. 529- 532, 2004. [9] Ram Kumar Soni, Alok Jain, Rajiv Saxena, "An improved and simplified design of pseudo- transmultiplexer using Blackman window", Science Direct Digital Signal Processing 20, pp. 743–749, 2010. [10] L. G. Baltar, D. S. Waldhauser, and J. A. Nossek, "Out-of-band radiation in multicarrier systems: A comparison," in Proc. Multi-Carrier Spread Spectrum Lecture Notes Elect. Eng., vol. 1, pp.107– 116, Jun. 2007. [11] B. Farhang-Boroujeny, "Filter bank spectrum sensing for cognitive radios,"IEEE Trans. Signal Process., vol. 56, no. 5, pp. 1801–1811, May2008. [12] T. Ihalainen, A. Viholainen, and M. Renfors, "On spectrally efficient multiplexing in cognitive radio systems," in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp.Wirel. Pervasive Comput., Santorini, Greece pp. 675–679, May 2008 Kulkarni Pranav R , Ajinkya Deshmukh, Desai Suhas R |
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120. | A Design of Fuzzy Approach for Data Clustering
A Design of Fuzzy Approach for Data ClusteringAbstract: Data mining is the process of discovering patterns in large datasets. The objective of data mining is to extract information from a data set and transform it into an understandable structure for further use. Clustering in data mining is used to discover distribution patterns in the underlying data. Clustering aims to group data into clusters based on similarity/dissimilarity measures. Clustering algorithms uses the distance metric based similarity measure in order to partition the database such that data points in the same partition are more similar than points in different partitions. The clustering approaches differ in various aspects like flat or hierarchical structure, crisp or soft (fuzzy) cluster assignments. In this paper, the fuzzy based clustering approach is used to cluster the dataKey words: Clustering, Data Mining, Fuzzy Clustering, Hard clustering, Soft clustering, Reference [1] J. C. Dunn (1973): "A Fuzzy Relative of the ISODATA Process and Its Use in Detecting Compact Well-Separated Clusters", Journal of Cybernetics 3: 32- 57 [2] J. C. Bezdek (1981): "Pattern Recognition with Fuzzy Objective Function Algoritms", Plenum Press, New York. [3] R.Suganya, R.Shanthi," Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm-A Review", International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2012. [4] R. Krishnapuram and J. M. Keller, "A possibilistic approach to clustering," IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 98–110, 1993. [5] Pal N.R, Pal K, Keller J.M. and Bezdek J.C, "A Possibilistic Fuzzy c-Means Clustering Algorithm", IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 13, No. 4, Pp. 517–530, 2005. [6] Hoppner, F., et al., Fuzzy Cluster Analysis: methods for classification, data analysis, and image recognition. 1999, New York: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. [7] Fan, J.L., Zhen, W.Z., and Xie, W.X.,Suppressed fuzzy c-means clusteringalgorithm. Pattern Recognition Letters, 2003.24: pp. 1607- 1612. [8] Gustafson, D.E. and Kessel, W.C.,Fuzzy clustering with a fuzzy covariance matrix. In Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Decision Control. 1979. pp. 761-766. [9] Man, Y. and Gath, I., Detection and separationof ring shaped clusters using fuzzy clustering,IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 1994.16(8): pp. 855-861. [10] Gath, I. and Hoory, D., Fuzzy clustering of elliptic ring-shaped clusters. PatternRecognition Letters, 1995.16(7): pp. 727-741. [11] Ameer Ali, M., Dooley, L.S., and Karmakar,G.C.,Object based segmentation using fuzzy clustering, in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing.2006. Ms.Suchita S.Mesakar, Prof.M.S.Chaudhari |
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121. | Analysis of Adaptive Direct sequence Spread Spectrum using Least mean squares Algorithm
Analysis of Adaptive Direct sequence Spread Spectrum using Least mean squares AlgorithmAbstract: Spread spectrum forms an important aspect of digital communication technology where the message signal is transmitted over a channel having bandwidth much greater than required. Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) belongs to the category of spread spectrum methods and forms an important part in mobile communications. The objective of this paper is to investigate the FIR optimal, Wiener and least mean square (LMS) algorithms in the design of traversal tap delay line filters for the purpose of compensating the effect of the quasi-static communication channel in mobile communication using DSSS. The designed equalizers remove the distortion caused by the channel from the transmitted signal with the help of an adaptive, recursive Weiner filtering technique using the concept of Weiner-Hopf equation using LMS algorithm and to aid in the equalization process, a training sequence is first transmitted to adapt the filter coefficients. The performance metrics are studied for DSSS system with and without adaptive equalization. Further, the convergence of LMS algorithm is also verified as well as the impact of different step-sizes on the speed of the conversion and the accuracy of the overall algorithm. Exhaustive Monte Carlo simulative analysis have been performed to investigate the scheme under varying distortion levels and Signal to noise ratio (SNR) values via impulse response, frequency response and uncoded Bit Error Rate (BER) simulations.Key words: Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum, Least Mean Square, Weiner-Hopf equation, Channel Equalization, Adaptive filter, Transversal tap delay line filters, Bit error rate. Reference [1] G. R. Ansari and B. Liu, "Multirate signal processing," in Sanjit. K. Mitra and James F. Kaiser (ed.), Handbook for Digital Signal Processin, 981-1084, John Wiley, 1993. [2] M.G. Bellanger, G. Bonnerot, and M. Coudreuse, "Digital filtering by polyphase network: application to sample-rate alteration and filter banks," IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, vol. 24, pp. 109-114, April, 1976. [3] M. Bellanger, Digital processing of signals: Theory and practice, New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1989. [4] Crochiere, R.E., and Rabiner, L.R., "Interpolation and decimation of digital signals - A Tutorial Review," Proceedings of the IEEE, vol.78, pp. 56-93, March 1981. [5] R.E., Crochiere and L.R. Rabiner, Multirate digital signal processing Englewood Clifs, Prentice-Hall, 1983. [6] A.G. Dempster and M.D. Macleod, "General algorithms for reduced adder integer multiplier design," Electron. Letters, vol. 31, pp. 261-264, Oct. 1995. [7] W. Drews and L. Gaszi, "A new desig method for polyphase filters using all-pass sections," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, vol. 33, pp. 346-348, March 1986. [8] N. J. Fliege, Multirate digital signal processing, New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1994. [9] F. J. Harris, Multirate Signal Processing, Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall, 2004. [10] T. Hentchel, Sample Rate Conversion in Software Configurable Radios,Morwood, MA: Artech House, 2002. Mainak Chakraborty, Moloy Kumar Chowdhury |
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122. | Development of Flow within a Diffusing C-Duct –Experimental Investigation and Numerical Validation
Development of Flow within a Diffusing C-Duct –Experimental Investigation and Numerical ValidationAbstract: Experimental investigation of flow development within a rectangular 90º curved diffusing C-duct of low aspect ratio and area ratio of 2 was carried out and the threedimensional computational results are then compared with the experimental results for numerical validation. All measurements were made in a turbulent flow regime (Re = 2.35x105 ), based on the duct inlet hydraulic diameter (dh = 0.0666m) and mass averaged inlet velocity of 60m/s. Wall pressures were measured through wall pressure taps. The mean velocities, static and total pressures at six cross-sectional planes (along the centreline of the diffuser) were obtained using a pre-calibrated three-hole pressure probe in null mode. The flow was numerically simulated by using different viscous models available in the commercial CFD software FLUENT 6.3. The experimental inlet and boundary conditions were used as input for the computation and validation of the numerical results. Based on the comparison, it is found that Standard k–ε turbulence model provides better prediction of flow field in the diffusing C-duct. Numerical results of coefficient of mass averaged static pressure recovery (61.6%) and coefficient of mass averaged total pressure loss (9.1%) are in good agreement with the experimentally obtained static pressure recovery and total pressure loss coefficients of 52.48% and 15.5% respectively.Key words: Aspect ratio, area ratio, coefficient of static pressure recovery, C-shaped diffuser, secondary motion, wall pressure. Reference [1] G.S. Williams, C.W. Hubbell, and G.H. Fenkell, Experiments at Detroit, Michigan on the Effect of Curvature upon the Flow of Water in Pipes, Transaction of ASCE, 1902, vol. 47, pp. 1-196. [2] J. Eustice, Flow of Water in Curved Pipes, Proc. Royal Society London, 1910, Series A84, pp. 107-118. [3] J. Eustice, Experiments of Streamline Motion in Curved Pipes, Proc. Royal Society London, 1911, Series A85, pp.119- 131. [4] R. W. Fox, and S. J. Kline, Flow Regimes in Curved Subsonic Diffusers, Trans. of ASME, Journal of Basic Engineering, Sept. 1962, pp. 303-316. [5] P. Bansod, and P. Bradshaw, The flow in S-shaped Ducts, Aeronautical Quarterly, May 1972, pp. 131-140. [6] M. B. Sajanikar, S Kar, and U. S. Powle, Experimental Investigation of Incompressible Flow in Curved Diffusers, Proc. 11th National Conference of FMFP, Hyderabad, India, 1982. [7] N. Hur, S. Thangam, and C. G. Speziale, Numerical Study of Turbulent Secondary Flows in Curved Ducts, NASA Contractor Report 181830, ICASE Report No. 89-25, 1989. [8] D. P Agrawal, and S. N Singh, Flow Characteristics in a Large Area Ratio Curved Diffuser, Proc. 18th National Conference of FMFP, Indore, India, December 1991. [9] B. Majumdar, and D. P. Agrawal, Flow Characteristics in a Large Area Ratio Curved Diffuser, Proc. Instn. Mech. Engrrs., 1996, vol. 210, pp. 65-75. [10] B. Majumdar, R. Mohan, S. N. Singh, and D. P. Agrawal, Experimental Study of Flow in a High Aspect Ratio 90 Deg Curved Diffuser, Trans. of ASME, Journal of Fluids Engineering, 1998, vol. 120, pp. 83-89. [11] B. Djebedjian, Numerical and Experimental Investigations of Turbulent Flow in 180º Curved Diffuser, Proc. FEDSM, ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, May 29-June 1, 2001, New Orleans, Louisiana, pp. 1-9. [12] R. K. Dey, S. Bhavani, S. N. Singh, and V. Seshadri, Flow Analysis in S-shaped Diffusers with Circular Cross-section, The Arabian Journal of Science and Engineering, 2002, vol. 27, No. 2C, pp. 197-206. [13] M. Sedlář, and J. Příhoda, Investigation of Flow Phenomena in Curved Channels of Rectangular Cross-section, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 2007, vol. 14, No. 6, pp. 387-397. Nirmal K. Das, B. Halder, P. Ray, B. Majumdar |
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123. | Optimal Gear Design By Using Box And Random Search Methods
Optimal Gear Design By Using Box And Random Search MethodsAbstract: The development of evolutionary algorithms plays a major role, in recent days, for optimal design of gears, so as to reduce the weight. In this study an optimal weight design (OWD) problem of gear is formulated for constrained bending strength of gear, tortional strength of shafts and each gear dimension as a NIP problem and solved it directly by keeping nonlinear constraint using Box and Random search methods, such that the number of decision {design} variables does not increase and easily get the best compromised solution. An extensive computer program in Java has been written exclusively for their purpose and is successfully used to obtain the optimal gear design.Key words: optimal weight design (OWD), NIP problem, Box Method, Random search method, Decision {design} variables. Reference 1. Jhonson, C.R., 1961, "Optimal Design of Mechanical Elements", John Wiley and Sons Inc, New York 2. Deb, K., 1996, "Optimization for Engineering Design", Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi. 3. Rao, S.S., 1984, "Optimization theory and Applications", Wiley Eastern, New Delhi. 4. TakaoYokota, Takeaki Taguchi, and Mitsuo Gen, 1998, "A Solution Method for optimal Weight Design Problem of Gear Using Genetic Algorithm", Computer and Industrial Engineering Vol.35 (3-4), pp.523-526. 5. Department of Mechanical Engineering, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore 641004, 1983, "Design Data". 6. Dudley, D.W., 1962, "Gear Hand Book", The Design, Manufacture, and Application of Gears", Mc Graw Hill Book Co, New York. Anitha Santhoshi.M, Durga Devi.G |
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124. | Evaluating Measurement Capabilities by Gauge R&R Using ANOVA for Reliability
Evaluating Measurement Capabilities by Gauge R&R Using ANOVA for ReliabilityAbstract: Gauge Repeatability and Reproducibility i.e. R&R measurement by using ANOVA method is the main step of the production control and quality improvement of the final outputs. This is because, it is necessary for the operators to have particular and accurate data for analyzing and solving problems of the production. This paper underlines the study of Gauge R&R using ANOVA on the Minitab software for checking the tools, equipments, parts, operators if they are not finished. It can also remove the errors of the production that gives the better outputs.Key words: Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), Gauge Repeatability and Reproducibility, PartOperator interaction, Quality improvement Reference [1] Afrooz Moatari Kazerouni, "Design and Analysis of Gauge R&R Studies: Making Decisions Based on ANOVA Method", World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 52 (2009) [2] AIAG:Automotive Industry Action Group(2002), "Measurement Systems Analysis, Reference Manual"; third ed. ,Detroit,MI [3] Burdick, R. K., Borror, C. M., and Montgomery, D. C. (2005), Design and Analysis of Gauge R&R Studies: Making Decisions with Confidence Intervals inRandom and Mixed ANOVA Models, SIAM, Philadelphia, PA [4] Smith R.R., McCrary S.W., Callahan R.N., "Gauge repeatability and reproducibility studies and measurement system analysis: A Multi method exploration of the state of practice", Journal of Quality Technology, 23, 1, 1-11, (2007) [5] Tsai.P (1988-89). "Variable Gauge Repeatability and Reproducibility Study Using the Analysis of variance Method", Quality Engineering, 1(1), 107-115 [6] Lin R., "Strategic Application of Measurement System Analysis", Ford LioHo Motor Company, (2004) [7] Keith M. Bower, Michelle E.Touchton "Evaluating The Usefulness of Data By Gauge Repeatability and Reproducibility", Minitab Inc. (2009) Mr.Ravindra Dhawale, Prof.Dr.D.N.Raut |
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125. | Strength Of Ternary Blended Cement Sandcrete Containing Corn Cob Ash And Pawpaw Leaf Ash
Strength Of Ternary Blended Cement Sandcrete Containing Corn Cob Ash And Pawpaw Leaf AshAbstract: The compressive strength of ternary blended cement sandcrete containing corn cob ash (CCA) and pawpaw leaf ash (PPLA) was investigated in this work. 105 sandcrete cubes of 150mm x 150mm x 150mm were produced with OPC-CCA binary blended cement, 105 with OPC-PPLA binary blended cement, and 105 with OPC-CCA-PPLA ternary blended cement, each at percentage OPC replacement with pozzolan of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, and 25%. Three cubes for each percentage replacement of OPC with pozzolan and the control were tested for saturated surface dry bulk density and crushed to obtain their compressive strengths at 3, 7, 14, 21, 28, 50, and 90 days of curing. The 90-day strengths obtained from ternary blending of OPC with equal proportions of CCA and PPLA were 11.30N/mm2 for 5% replacement, 10.90N/mm2 for 10% replacement, 10.60N/mm2 for 15% replacement, 10.10N/mm2 for 20% replacement, and 9.70N/mm2 for 25% replacement, while that of the control was 10.00N/mm2 . Thus, very high sandcrete strength values suitable for use in various civil engineering and building works could be obtained with OPC-CCA-PPLA ternary blended cement at longer days of hydration when good quality control is applied.Key words: Binary blended cement, corn cob ash, pawpaw leaf ash, pozzolan, sandcrete, ternary blended cement. Reference [1]. Adewuyi, A.P., & Ola, B. F. (2005). Application of waterworks sludge as partial replacement for cement in concreteproduction. Science Focus Journal, 10(1): 123-130. [2]. Agbede, I. O., &Obam, S. O. (2008). Compressive Strength of Rice Husk AshCement SandcreteBlocks.Global Journal of Engineering Research, Vol. 7 (1), pp. 43- 46. [3]. Bakar, B. H. A., Putrajaya, R. C., &Abdulaziz, H. (2010).Malaysian Saw dust ash – Improving the Durability and Corrosion Resistance of Concrete: Prereview. Concrete Research Letters, 1 (1): 6-13, March 2010. [4]. Cisse, I. K., &Laquerbe, M. (2000).Mechanical characterization of sandcretes with rice husk ash additions: study applied to Senegal. Cement and Concrete Research, 30 (1): 13– 18. [5]. Cordeiro, G. C., Filho, R. D. T., & Fairbairn, E. D. R. (2009). Use of ultrafine saw dust ash with high-carbon content as pozzolan in high performance concrete. Materials and Structures, 42: 983–992. DOI 10.1617/s11527-008-9437-z. [6]. De Sensale, G. R. (2006). Strength development of concrete with rice-husk ash.Cement&Concrete Composites, 28: 158–160. [7]. Elinwa, A. U., &Abdulkadir, S. (2011). Characterizing Sawdust-ash for Use as an Inhibitor for Reinforcement Corrosion. New Clues in Sciences, 1: 1-10. [8]. Elinwa, A. U., &Awari, A. (2001).Groundnut husk ash concrete.Nigerian Journal of Engineering Management, 2 (1), 8 - 15. [9]. Elinwa, A. U., Ejeh, S. P., &Akpabio, I. O. (2005). Using metakaolin to improve sawdust-ash concrete. Concrete International, 27 (11), 49 - 52. [10]. Elinwa, A. U., Ejeh, S. P., &Mamuda, M. A. (2008). Assessing of the fresh concreteproperties of self-compacting concrete containing sawdust ash. Construction and Building Materials Journal, 22: 1178 - 1182. L. O. Ettu, U. C. Anya, C. T. G. Awodiji, K. O. Njoku, A. C. Chima |
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126. | Statistical property based blind separation algorithm
Statistical property based blind separation algorithmAbstract: A signal that is captured is usually a mix up of two or more original signals and so there is a need to separate them from original sources. It is effective, if this work is done automatically. The process of separating a set of signals from a set of mixed signals without any additional information is known as 'blind source separation'. This work focuses on an image of reflection. Here, we made use of an algorithm developed by Gai et al., This algorithm assumes that the mixtures are linear, with unknown linear mixing coefficients and unknown motions of sources in each image and it is based on the statistics of natural images. Besides the separation of the original sources, the method can automatically identify the number of original images and it has good results even in under-determined cases, where mixtures are fewer than layersKey words: Blind Separation, Moving Images, Image properties, natural image. Reference [1] Blind separation of superimposed moving images, https://sites.google.com/site/ gaikungk/spbsm. [2] Mosek toolbox, https://www.mosek.com/. [3] Phase correlation, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phase_correla tion. [4] Y. Weiss A. Levin, A. Zomet, Separation reections from a single image using local features, IEEE Conf. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (2004). [5] Z. Shi K. Gai and C. Zhang, Blindly separating mixtures of multiple layers with spatial shifts, Proc. Conf. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (2008). [6] Zhenwei Shi Kun Gai and Changshui Zhang, Blind separation of superimposed mov- ing images using image statistics, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Ma- chine Intelligence 99 (2011). [7] Harri Lappalainen and James W. Miskin, Ensemble learning, 2000. [8] James Miskin, Ensemble learning for independent component analysis, 2000. [9] James Miskin and David J.C. MacKay, Ensemble learning for blind image separation and deconvolution, 2000. E. Renuka, K. Mahesh |
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127. | Grid Interconnection of Renewable Energy Sources with Power-Quality Improvement Features at the Distribution Level
Grid Interconnection of Renewable Energy Sources with Power-Quality Improvement Features at the Distribution LevelAbstract: There is growing interest in renewable energy around the world. Since most renewable sources are intermittent in nature, it is a challenging task to integrate renewable energy resources into the power grid infrastructure. In this grid integration, communication systems are crucial technologies, which enable the accommodation of distributed renewable energy generation and play an extremely important role in monitoring, operating, and protecting both renewable energy generators and power systems. This paper presents a novel control strategy for achieving maximum benefits from these grid-interfacing inverters when installed in 3-phase 4-wire distribution systems. The inverter is controlled to perform as a multifunction device by incorporating active power filter functionality. The inverter can thus be utilized as: A) power converter to inject power generated from RES to the grid, and B) shunt APF to compensate current unbalance, load current harmonics, load reactive power demand and load neutral current. All of these functions may be accomplished either individually or simultaneously. With such a control, the combination of grid-interfacing inverter and the 3-phase 4-wire linear/non-linear unbalanced load at point of common coupling appears as balanced linear load to the grid. This new control concept is demonstrated with extensive MATLAB/Simulink simulation studies and validated through digital signal processor-based laboratory experimental results.Key words: power quality (PQ), distribution system, grid interconnection, Active power filter (APF), distributed generation (DG), renewable energy Reference [1] J. M. Guerrero, L. G. de Vicuna, J. Matas, M. Castilla, and J. Miret, "A wireless controller to enhance dynamic performance of parallel inverters in distributed generation systems," IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 1205–1213, Sep. 2004. [2] J. H. R. Enslin and P. J. M. Heskes, "Harmonic interaction between a large number of distributed power inverters and the distribution network," IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 1586– 1593, Nov. 2004. [3] U. Borup, F. Blaabjerg, and P. N. Enjeti, "Sharing of nonlinear load in parallelconnected three-phase converters," IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 37, no. 6, pp. 1817– 1823, Nov./Dec. 2001. [4] P. Jintakosonwit, H. Fujita, H. Akagi, and S. Ogasawara, "Implementation and performance of cooperative control of shunt active filters for harmonic damping throughout a power distribution system," IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 39, no. 2, pp. 556–564, Mar./Apr. 2003. [5] J. P. Pinto, R. Pregitzer, L. F. C. Monteiro, and J. L. Afonso, "3-phase 4-wire shunt active power filter with renewable energy interface," presented at the Conf. IEEE Rnewable Energy & Power Quality, Seville, Spain, 2007. [6] F. Blaabjerg, R. Teodorescu,M. Liserre, and A. V. Timbus, "Overview of control and grid synchronization for distributed power generation systems," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 53, no. 5, pp. 1398– 1409, Oct. 2006. [7] J. M. Carrasco, L. G. Franquelo, J. T. Bialasiewicz, E. Galván, R. C. P. Guisado, M. Á. M. Prats, J. I. León, and N. M. Alfonso, "Powerelectronic systems for the grid integration of renewable energy sources: A survey," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 1002–1016, Aug. 2006. [8] B. Renders, K. De Gusseme, W. R. Ryckaert, K. Stockman, L. Vandevelde, and M. H. J. Bollen, "Distributed generation for mitigating voltage dips in low-voltage distribution grids," IEEE Trans. Power. Del., vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 1581–1588, Jul. 2008. [9] V. Khadkikar, A. Chandra, A. O. Barry, and T. D. Nguyen, "Application of UPQC to protect a sensitive load on a polluted distribution network," in Proc. Annu. Conf. IEEE Power Eng. Soc. Gen. Meeting, 2006, pp. 867–872. [10] M. Singh and A. Chandra, "Power maximization and voltage sag/swell ridethrough capability of PMSG based variable speed wind energy conversion system," in Proc. IEEE 34th Annu. Conf. Indus. Electron. Soc., 2008, pp. 2206– 2211. [11] P. Rodríguez, J. Pou, J. Bergas, J. I. Candela, R. P. Burgos, and D. Boroyevich, "Decoupled double synchronous reference frame PLL for power converters control," IEEE Trans. Power Electron, A.Rajashekar reddy, S.Swathi, P. sadanandam, Md.Yasin |
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129. | Efficient Rare Association Rule Mining Algorithm
Efficient Rare Association Rule Mining AlgorithmAbstract: Data mining is the process of discovering correlations, patterns, trends or relationships by searching through a large amount of data stored in repositories, corporate databases, and data warehouses. In Data mining field, the primary task is to mine frequent item sets from a transaction database using Association Rule Mining (ARM).Whereas the extraction of frequent patterns has focused the major researches in association rule mining, the requirements of reliable rules that do not frequently appear is taking an increasing interest in a great number of areas. Rare association rule refers to an association rule forming between frequent and rare items or among rare items. In many cases, the contradictions or exceptions also offers useful associations. Recent researches focus on the discovery of such kind of associations called rare associations. The mining of associations involving rare items is referred as rare association rule mining. Approaches to association rule mining uses single minimum support for identifying frequent associations. To mine interesting rare association rules, single minimum support approaches are not useful. Hence, we propose an algorithm based on MSApriori ,we call this new algorithm as MSApriori_VDB which uses vertical database format. Experimental results shows that our algorithms out performs previous approaches in both memory requirement and execution time by reducing the number of database scans.Key words: Data Mining, Association rules, Rare items, Rare Association rule mining, MSAPriri_vdb Reference [1] Agrawal, R. and R. Srikanth, 1994. Fast algorithms for mining association rules. VLDB. [2] Agrawal, R., T. Imielinski and A. Swami, 1993. Mining association rules between sets of items in large databases. SIGMOD, 207-216. [3] Kanimozhi Selvi C.S, and A. Tamilarasi, 2009. An automated association rule mining technique with cumulative support thresholds. Int. J. Open Problems Comput. Sci. Math., 2. [4] Koh, Y. and N. Rountree, 2005. Finding sporadic rules using apriori-inverse. Proceeding Of PAKDD '05, Hanoi, Vietnam, LNCS, Springer, pp: 97-106. [5] Liu, B., Hsu, W. & Ma, Y. (1999), Mining associationrules with multiple minimum supports, in 'Proceedingsof the 5th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining', [6] Adda, M., Wu, L, Feng, Y. Rare itemset mining. In Sixth Conference on Machine Learning and Applications. 2007, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, pp-73-80. [7] C. S. Kanimozhi Selvi, A. Tamilarasi 2011 Mining of High Confidence Rare Association Rules .EJSR ISSN [8]. T. Ravi Kumar , K. Raghava Rao 2011 Association Rule Mining using Improved FPGrowth . [9] Cristóbal Romero, José Raúl Romero et al Mining Rare Association Rules from eLearning Data [10] B. Nath, D. K. Bhattacharyya, and A. Gosh. Faster generation of association rules. volume 1, pages 267–279.IJITKM, 2008. [11] B. Nath and A. Ghosh. Multi-objective rule mining using genetic algorithm. pages 123–133. Information Science 163, 2004. [12] R.Srikant and R. Agrawala. Mining generalized association rules. pages 407– 419. Proceedings of the 21st VLDB Conference Zurich, Swizerland, 1995. SunithaVanamala, L.Padma sree, S.Durga Bhavani |
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130. | Classification of Crops from remotely sensed Images: A review
Classification of Crops from remotely sensed Images: A reviewAbstract: Crops identification from remotely sensed images is essential due to use of remote sensing images as an input for agricultural & economic planning by government & private agencies, Available satellite sensors like AWIFS, LISS (IRS series), SPOT 5 and also LANDSAT,MODIS are good source of multispectral data with different spatial resolutions & Hyperion, Hy-Map, AVIRIS are good source of hyper-spectral data. Expected methodology for this work is selection of satellite data, use of suitable method for classification and checking the accuracy of classification, from last four decades various Researcher has been worked on this issues up to some extent but still some challenges are there like multiple crops identification, differentiation of crops of same type this paper investigate the research work done in this concern & critical analysis of that work has been presented here. Multispectral & hyper-spectral images contain spectral information about the crops good soft computing & analysis skills required to classify & identify the class of interest from that datasets, various researchers has been worked with supervised & unsupervised classification along with hard classifiers as well as soft computing techniques like fuzzy C mean, support vector machine & they found different results with different datasetsKey words: Crops Classification, Hypers-pectral, Multispectral,Microwave, Remote sensing, Microwave Reference [1] Perumal, K., and R. Bhaskaran. "Supervised classification performance of multispectral images." arXiv preprint arXiv:1002.4046 (2010). [2]] Lu, D., and Q. Weng. "A survey of image classification methods and techniques for improving classification performance." International Journal of Remote Sensing 28.5 (2007): 823-870. [3] Landgrebe, David. "Information extraction principles and methods for multispectral and hyperspectral image data." Information processing for remote sensing 82 (1999): 3-38. [4] Nellis, M. Duane, Kevin P. Price, and Donald Rundquist. "Remote sensing of cropland agriculture." The SAGE Handbook of Remote Sensing 1 (2009): 368-380. [5] Dutta, Sujay, et al. "Wheat crop classification using multidate IRS LISS-I data."Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 26.1 (1998): 7-14. [6] Manjunath, K. R., N. Kundu, and S. Panigrahy. "Evaluation of spectral bands and spatial resolution of LISS II and LISS III sensors on-board IRS satellites for crop identification." Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 26.4 (1998): 197-208. [7] Vyas, S. P., M. P. Oza, and V. K. Dadhwal. "Multi-crop separability study of Rabi crops using multi-temporal satellite data." Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 33.1 (2005): 75-79. [8] Leite, P., et al. "Crop type recognition based on Hidden Markov Models of plant phenology." Computer Graphics and Image Processing, 2008.SIBGRAPI'08.XXI Brazilian Symposium on.IEEE, 2008. [9] An, Qiong, et al. "Research on feature selection method oriented to crop identification using remote sensing image classification." Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, 2009.FSKD'09.Sixth International Conference on.Vol. 5.IEEE, 2009. [10] Musande, Vijaya, Anil Kumar, and Karbhari Kale."Cotton Crop Discrimination Using Fuzzy Classification Approach." Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing (2012): 1-9. Rajesh K Dhumal, YogeshD.Rajendra, Dr.K.V.Kale |
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131. | Focus on Nefarious Behavior threats in Cloud
Focus on Nefarious Behavior threats in CloudAbstract: Computing over cloud is emerging into internet space with virtual platform based applications and attracting users with its effortless deployments. This enhanced features of cloud computing has withdrawn attention of intruders and has made prone to threats due to which it has lead to security concerns. As more services migrate to cloud architecture the cloud will become a more appealing target for cyber criminals. This journal discusses current threats to cloud computing as well as summarizing the currently available detection systems for malware in the cloud.Key words: Cloud threats, Malware, Security, Threat Detection, Reference Journal Papers: [1] Krešimir Popović, Željko Hocenski, "Cloud computing security issues and challenges" Proc. MIPRO 2010, May 24- 28, 2010, Opatija, Croatia. [2] A. Moser, C. Kruegel, and E. Kirda, "Exploring multiple execution paths for malware analysis," in Security and Privacy, 2007. SP'07. IEEE Symposium on, 2007, pp. 231–245 [3] Shivlal Mewada, Umesh Kumar Singh, Pradeep Sharma, "Security Based Model for Cloud Computing", IRACST– International Journal of Computer Networks and Wireless Communications (IJCNWC), Vol. 1, No. 1, pp(13-19), December 2011 Proceedings Papers: [4] U. Gurav and R. Shaikh, "Virtualization: a key feature of cloud computing," in Proceedings of the International Conference and Workshop on Emerging Trends in Technology, 2010, pp. 227–229 [5] A. Dinaburg, P. Royal, M. Sharif, and W. Lee, "Ether: malware analysis via hardware virtualization extensions," in Proceedings of the 15th ACM conference on Computer and communications security, 2008, pp. 51–62W.J. Book, Modelling design and control of flexible manipulator arms: A tutorial review, Proc. 29th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, San Francisco, CA, 1990, 500-506. [6] Meiko Jensen, J¨org Schwenk, Nils Gruschka, Luigi Lo Iacono " On Technical Security Issues in Cloud Computing" 2009 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Srinivas Naik, Rajesh Adepu |
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132. | Analysis of Heat Transfer and Flow due to Natural Convection in Air around Heated Square Cylinders of Different Sizes inside an Enclosure
Analysis of Heat Transfer and Flow due to Natural Convection in Air around Heated Square Cylinders of Different Sizes inside an EnclosureAbstract: In this paper, analysis of heat transfer and flow due to natural convection in air around heated square cylinders of different sizes inside an enclosure has been computed. The square cylinder is at higher temperature and the vertical walls of the enclosure are at lower temperature with insulated horizontal walls. The various governing equations such as continuity equation, momentum equation, and energy conservation equation are calculated by finite elements using Galerkin method. Assuming constant properties of air, the Rayleigh number depends on the size of square enclosure for fixed high and low temperatures. The sizes of enclosures are taken as 20 mm, 40 mm, and 80 mm for different Rayleigh numbers. The size of the cylinder is taken accordingly for aspect ratio of 0.2, 0.3, and 0.4. Results are displayed in the form of Isotherms, streamline and velocity vector diagrams and the heat transfer and flow around the cylinder is analyzed.Key words: Aspect ratio, Finite Element Method, Fluent, Galerkin method Reference [1] A.Dalal, V. Eswaran, G. Biswas, "Natural convection around a heated square cylinder placed in different angles inside an enclosure," Heat and mass transfer conference, 2008, Paper No.45. [2] G. de Vahl Davis, "Natural convection of air in a square cavity: A benchmark numerical solution," International journal for numerical methods in fluids, 3, 1983, pp. 249-264. [3] N. C. Markatos, and K. A. Perikleous, "Laminar and turbulent natural convection in an enclosed cavity," International journal of heat and mass transfer, 27 (5), 1984, pp. 755-772. [4] S. Ostrach, "Natural convection in enclosures," Journal of heat transfer 50th anniversary issue, 110 (4-B), 1988, pp. 1175-1190. [5] I. Demirdzic, Z. Lilek, M. Peric, "Fluid flow and heat transfer test problems for non- orthogonal grids: Bench-mark solutions," International journal for numerical methods in fluids, 15, 1992, pp. 329-354. [6] D. G. Roychowdhury, S. K. Das, T. S. Sundararajan, " Numerical simulation of natural convective heat transfer and fluid flow around a heated cylinder inside an enclosure," Heat and mass transfer, 38, 2002, pp. 565-576. [7] V. Eswaran, S. Prakash, "A finite volume method for navier stroke equations," Proceeding of third Asian CFD conference, Bangalore, India, 1998, PP. 127-136. [8] A. K. De, A.Dalal, "A numerical study of natural convection around a square horizontal heated cylinder placed in an enclosure," International journal of heat and mass transfer, 49, 2006, pp. 4608- 4623. [9] P. H. Oosthuizen, "Free convective flow in an enclosure with a cooled inclined upper surface," Computational mechanics 14, 1994, pp. 420-430 [10] K. B. Sahu, S. K. Mahapatra, S. Sen, A. Sarkar, "Natural convection in differentially heated rectangular cavities of various aspect ratios," Heat and mass transfer conference, 2008, Paper No. NCH- 1. Ravi Kumar Singh, K. B. Sahu, Thakur Debasis Mishra |
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133. | An Expert System To Detect Malignant Cells In Breast Cancer
An Expert System To Detect Malignant Cells In Breast CancerAbstract: Data mining is the process of analyzing vast amount of data and extracting useful information. In medical diagnosis, data mining techniques have been used to discover hidden relationships and trends i.e. valuable knowledge.In order to achieve successful data mining, feature selection is an indispensablecomponent. It is a process of selecting a subset of original features according to certain criteria, andan important and frequently used technique in data mining for dimension reduction. Rough set has been one of the most successful methods used for medical feature selection.Breast cancer is one of leading causes of death among women in worldwide countries, it is confirmed that the early detection and accurate diagnosis of this disease can ensure a long survival of the patients. This paper presents an automatic system for detection of cancerous cells in breast cancer using rough set theory.Key words: Data mining, Rough set, Feature selection, Breast cancer Diagnosis, Classification. Reference [1]Han and M.Kamber, "Data Mining : Concepts and Techniques, "Morgan Kaufmann. 2000 [2] Dr. DSVGK Kaladhar, B.Chandana and P.Bharath kumar, "Predicting cancer survivability using classification algorithms," IJRRCS,2(2),pp. 34-343. 2011. [3] D. SleZak, "Variuous approaches to reasoning with frequency-based decision reducts: a survey," In L.Polkowski, S.Tsumoto and T.Y.Lin, editors, Rough sets in Soft computing and knowledge discovery : New Development physica verlag. 2000. [4] Zdzislaw Pawlak "Rough Sets-Theoretical Aspects and Reasoning about Data", Klower Academic Publication. 1991. [5] N.Zhong, J.Z. Dong and S.Ohsuga, "Using Rough Sets with Heuristics for feature selection," Journal of Intelligent Information Systems,16.199-214,2001. [6] ww.ics.uci.edu/~mlearn. [7] A.E.Hassanien, Z.Suraj, D.Slezak, and P.Lingras, "Rough Computing: Theories, Technologies, and Applications," NewYork: Information Science Reference, 2008. [8] J.J. Alpigini, J.F. Peters, J.Skowronek, N. Shong(Eds.): "Rough sets and Current Trends in Computing", Third International Conference, RSCTC 2002. Malvern,PA,USA,October 14-16,2002. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2475 Springer 2002, ISBN 3-540-44274-X. [9] Weka: Data Mining Software in java http://www.cs.waikato.ac.nz/ml/weka/ [10] Ian H.Witten and Elbe Frank, "Datamining Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques," Second Edition,Morgan Kaufamann, San Fransisco. 2005. Sridevi T, Murugan A |
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134. | Zone-Based Clustering Protocol for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks
Zone-Based Clustering Protocol for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor NetworksAbstract: Wireless sensor networks (WSN) consist of hundreds or thousands of sensor nodes each of which is capable of sensing, processing, and transmitting environmental information. While wireless sensor networks (WSN) are increasingly equipped to handle more complex functions, innetwork processing still requires the battery powered sensors to judiciously use their constrained energy so as to prolong the effective network life time. There are a few protocols using sensor clusters to coordinate the energy consumption in a WSN. In this paper, we propose a Zone based Heterogeneous Energy Efficient Clustering (ZHEEC) protocol in order to balance the energy consumption among all nodes. In this protocol we have divided the network into various equal size zones. We have implemented ZHEEC protocol in network simulator: MATLAB. Simulation results show that our method outperforms LEACH in terms of network lifetime.Key words: – Clustering, Sensor Nodes, Residual Energy, Wireless Sensor Networks, Zones Reference [1] Imad Aad, Mohammad Hossein Manshaei, and JeanPierre Hubaux, "ns2 for the impatient", EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland, March, 2009. [2] H. W. Kim, H. S. Seo (2010), "Modeling of Energy-efficient Applicable Routing Algorithm in WSN", International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications, vol. 4, no. 5, pp.13-22. [3] W. B. Heinzelman, A. P. Cnandrakasan,(2002) "An applicationspecific protocol architecture for wireless microsensor networks," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 660-670. [4] Li, X., Huang, D., Yang, J.: Energy Efficient Routing Protocol Based on Residual Energy and Energy Consumption Rate for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks. In: The 26th Chinese Control Conference, vol. 5, pp. 587–590 (2007) [5] http://www.mathworks.in [6] Wendi Rabiner Heinzelman (2000)."Energy-Efficient Communication Protocol for Wireless Microsensor Networks" In Proceeding of the 33rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences,pp1-10 [7] W.R. Heinzelman, A. Chandrakasan, and H. Balakrishnan, An Application-Specific Protocol Architecture for Wireless Microsensor Networks. In IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (October 2002), vol. 1(4), pp. 660-670 [8] Lindsey, S., Raghavendra, C.S.: PEGASIS: Power-efficient gathering in sensor information systems. In: Proc. of the IEEE Aerospace Conf. Montana: IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society, pp. 1125– 1130 (2002) [9] Manjeshwar, A., Agrawal, D.P.: TEEN: A protocol for enhanced efficiency in wireless sensor networks. In: Int'l Proc. of the 15th Parallel and Distributed Processing Symp., pp. 2009–2015. IEEE Computer Society, San Francisco (2001) [10] Ossama Younis and Sonia Fahmy, Distributed Clustering in Ad-hoc Sensor Networks: A Hybrid, Energy-Efficient Approach., September 2002 S Taruna, Sakshi Shringi |
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135. | Improvement In Performance Of Power Factor Correction Converters For Distributed Power System
Improvement In Performance Of Power Factor Correction Converters For Distributed Power SystemAbstract: In present situation, the power control of a DC load can be achieved via an AC-DC converter consisting of a rectifier bridge and a switching element (operating by sPWM technique). The use of such a converter causes a lot of high harmonics at the AC side, which reduce the power factor and distort the grid voltage. Using passive filter in the converter input to avoid the high harmonics consequences the power factor decrease. The increase in the utilization of computers, laptops, uninterruptable power supplies, telecom and bio-medical equipments has become uncontrollable as its growth is rising exponentially. Hence, increase in functionality of such equipments leads to the higher power consumption and low power density which provided a large market to distributed power systems (DPS). The development of these DPS posed challenges to power engineers for an efficient power delivery with stringent regulating standards; this is the motivation and driving force of this thesis. The objective is to minimize the switching losses of front-end converters employed in DPS, with the primary aim of achieving nearly unity power factor operation of converters.Key words: PWM, PFC, DPS, DC-DC converter, MOSFET, Active PFC Converter, Passive PFC Converter. Reference [1] Singh B, Singh BN, Chandra A, ALHaddad A, Pandey A and Kothari DP, "A review of three phase improved power quality AC- DC converters", IEEE transactions on industrial electronics, Vol.51, No. 3, pp. 641-659, June 2004. [2] Pandey A, Singh B and Kothari DP, "Comparative study of Single phase Unity power factor ac-dc boost converter topologies", IE (I) Journal EL, pp.102- 109, July 2003, [3] Gui-Jia Su, Donald J. Adems and Leon M. Tolbert, "Comparative study of power factor correction converters for single phase half-bridge inverters" IEEE IECON 2001, pp. 995-1000. [4] Mohan, Underland, Robbins, "Power Electronics Converters, Applications and Design", John Wiley & Sons, 2004. [5] Muthuramalingam, A, Madivanan R and Kalpana R, "Comparative study of High Performance Rectifier", IEEE IICPE, pp.216-221, December 2006, Chennai, India. [6] Nishida Y and Nakoka M, "Simplified predictive instantaneous current control for single phase and three phase voltagefed PFC converters" IEE proceedings, Electr. Power Appl., Vol. 144. No.1, Jan 1997. [7] Hirachi K, Sakane M, Matsui T, Kojima A and Nakaoka M, "Costeffective practical developments of high-Performance and multifunctional UPS with new system configurations and their specific control implementations", IEEE PESC 1995, pp.480-485. [8] Malesani L and Tomasin P, "PWM current control techniques of voltage source converters - a survey", Proceedings of the IEEE IECON 1991, Ankit Tiwari, VinayTripathi, Surya Prakash, Deepak Patel |
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136. | Experimental Investigation on Comparison of Performance Exhaust Emission and Characteristics using Diesel and Bio Diesel in Conventional Diesel Engine and Thermal Barrier Coated LHR Engine
Experimental Investigation on Comparison of Performance Exhaust Emission and Characteristics using Diesel and Bio Diesel in Conventional Diesel Engine and Thermal Barrier Coated LHR EngineAbstract: Biodiesel is a clean- burning diesel replacement fuel made from natural, renewable sources such as new and used vegetable oils and animals fats. The biodiesel was characterized by determining its density results in combustion problems and hence it is proposed to used biodiesel in Low Heat Rejection (LHR) diesel engine to obtain efficiency. In this work biodiesel from Jatropha oil called as Jatropha Oil Methyl Ester (JOME) was used as sole fuel in conventional diesel engine and LHR direct injection (DI) diesel engine. The low heat rejection engine was developed with uniform ceramic coating of combustion chamber (includes piston crown, cylinder head, valves and cylinder liner) by Partially Stabilized Zirconia (PSZ) thickness of 0.5 mm thickness. The experimental investigation was carried out in a single cylinder water-cooled LHR direct injection diesel engine. In this investigation, the combustion, performance and emission analysis were carried out in a diesel and biodiesel fueled conventional and LHR engine under identical operating conditions. The test result of biodiesel fueled LHR engine was quite identical to that of the conventional diesel engine. The brake thermal efficiency (BTE) of LHR engine with biodiesel is decreased marginally than LHR engine operated with diesel. Carbon monoxide (CO) and Hydrocarbon (HC) emission levels are decreased but in contrast the Oxide of Nitrogen (NOX) emission level was increased due to the higher peak temperature. The results of this comparative experimental investigation reveals that, some of the drawbacks of biodiesel could be made as advantageous factors while using it as a fuel in the LHR diesel engine, and finally the analysis was found to be quite satisfactory.Key words: Biodiesel – Conventional Diesel, PSZ, LHR engine, Diesel engine. Reference [1] Bryzik WR, Kamo R," TACOM/ Cummins adiabatic engine program', SAE paper No. 830314, February 1983. [2] Woschni G, Spindler W, Kolesa K," Heat insulation of combustion chamber walls— a measure to decrease the fuel combustion of I.C. engines," SAE paper No.850359. [3] Kamo R, Mavinahally NS, Kamo L, Bryzik W, Schwartz E," Injection characteristics that improve performance of ceramics coated diesel engines", SAE paper No.1999-01-0972. [4] Aman CA," Promises and challenges of the low-heat-rejection diesel", J Eng Gas Turb Power 1988; 110:475-81. [5] Herzog PL, Burgler L," NOx reduction strategies for DI Diesel engines", SAE No. 920470, 1992. [6] Maramatsu G, Abe A, Yosdiha K," Catalytic reduction of NOx in Diesel exhaust", SAE paper No. 930135, 1993. [7] P. Tamil Porai, "Simulation and Analysis of combustion and heat transfer in low heat rejection diesel engine using two zone combustion model an different heat transfer models". Ph.D Thesis, Anna University, Feb 1998. [8] Pryde EH," Vegetable oil as diesel fuels: overview. Papers from the symposium on vegetable oils as diesel fuels", Presented at the 73rd AOCS annual meeting, Toronto, Canada. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 1983; 60(8). [9] Ryan TW, Dodge LG, Callahan TJ," The effects of vegetable oil properties on injection and combustion in two different diesel engines," J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 1984; 61(10): 1610-9. [10] Ziejewski M, Kaufman KR," Laboratory endurance test of sunflower oil blend in a diesel engines using vegetable oil fuels", J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 1985; 62(11): 1563-4 R. Lokanatham, Prof. K. Ravindranath |
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137. | Parametric study of grout mix design using admixture
Parametric study of grout mix design using admixtureAbstract: This paper is part of the dissertation work in which an experimental investigation is carried out to study the performance of the grout mixtures subjected to different types of curing regimes. Different grout mixtures have been designed varying the water/solids ratio and the dosage of the admixtures. The grout mixtures were then tested to study the mechanical property i.e Compressive strength of the various grout mixes thus designed and subjected to two different curing regimes i.e Air curing and water curing (full immersion curing).Key words: —Water solids ratio, water cement ratio, curing regime Reference [1]. "Response of Grout Compressive Strength to increasing replacement of Portland cement with Class F Fly ash and Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag" by Robert Crookston Godfrey, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Brigham Young University, August 2012. [2]. "High Volume Fly Ash Maosnry Grout" by Fernando S.Fonseca and Kurt Siggard, Structure Magazine, May 2012. [3]. "Masonry Grout" by The International Masonry Institute, August 2009. [4]. "Mix design and Quality Control Procedures for High Mobility Cement Based Grouts" by M.Chuaqui and D.A.Bruce, Research Paper. [5]. "Effect of Slag Content to cement grout on the compressive strength development in tropical weather environment" by S,k.Lim, F.Zakariya and M.W.Hussain,Z.Abd. Hamid, R.Muhamad, Proceedings of the 6 th Asia –Pacific Structural Engineering and Construction Conference (APSEC 2006) ,5-6 th September 2006, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. [6]. "Effect of Admixtures on the Behaviour of Cement Grouts" by Jose B.T., Lovely. K.M., Sridharan. A. & Abraham. B.M. (2000). IGC 2000. [7]. "Effect of Admixtures on the Properties of Cement-bentonite Grouts" by Lovely K.M., Jose B.T., Sridharan. A. & Abraham B.M. (1996). 2nd Int. Con. on Ground Improvement Techniques, Singapore, Oct. 1998. [8]. "Grouting Theory and Practice" by Nonveiller E., (1989). Elsevier, Amsterdam. [9]. "Slag-cement-bentonite Slurry Walls" by Opdyke S.M. & Evans. J.C. (2005). J. Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering, Vol. 131, No. 6, 673–681. [10]. "Grouting Technology in Tunneling and Dam Construction" by Shroff, A.V. and Shah, D.L. (1992) IBH Publication Co., New Delhi. Prof M.G.Vanza, Prof P.I.Modi, P.A.Chaudhari |
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138. | Performance Analysis of Collection Tree Protocol in Mobile Environment
Performance Analysis of Collection Tree Protocol in Mobile EnvironmentAbstract: Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is growing over widely and with its growth more emphasis has been seen in mobile sensor nodes. Collection tree protocol (CTP) is one of the most promising data collection tree protocol. CTP is very efficient routing protocol and it forms the basis for other protocols. CTP has a wide range of applications in static WSN. In this paper we will analyze the performance of CTP in static and mobile environment. We will also identify important factors that contribute to the degradation of CTP's performance in mobile environment. The paper will also show the solution based on the analyses which results in increased data delivery ratio without any control overhead.Key words: Collection Tree Protocol (CTP), Data Collection, Routing Protocol, Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Reference [1] Silvia Santini and Ugo Colesanti, "The Collection Tree Protocol for the Castalia Wireless Sensor Networks SimulatorBased On Its Implementation For The," Technical Report Nr. 729, Department of Computer Science ETH, Zurich, June 2011. [2] Javad Rezazadeh, Marjan Moradi, Abdul Samad Ismail, "Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks Overview", IJCCN International Journal of Computer Communications and Networks, Volume 2, Issue 1, February 2012. [3] S. R. Sawant, R. R. Mudholkar, V.C.Patil Rajashree.V.Biradar, "Multihop Routing In Self-Organizing Wireless Sensor," IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science, vol.8, no. 1, 2011 [4] Peter PECHO, Petr HAN´ACˇEK, Jan NAGY, "Simulation and Evaluation of CTP and Secure-CTP Protocols", Radio Engineering, Vol 19, April 2010. [5] K. Srinivasan, M. Kazandjieva, S. Agarwal, and P. Levis,"The beta-factor: Measuring wireless link burstiness", In Proceedings of the 6th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys), 2008. Bijal Chawla, Dhaval Patel, Chandresh Parekh, Miren Karamta, Dr M B Potdar |
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139. | A Review of recent work in wire electrical discharge machining (WEDM)
A Review of recent work in wire electrical discharge machining (WEDM)Abstract: Wire electrical discharge machining (WEDM) is a specialized thermal machining process capable of accurately machining parts with varying hardness or complex shapes, which have sharp edges that are very difficult to be machined by the main stream machining processes. This practical technology of the WEDM process is based on the conventional EDM sparking phenomenon utilizing the widely accepted non-contact technique of material removal. Since the introduction of the process, WEDM has evolved from a simple means of making tools and dies to the best alternative of producing micro-scale parts with the highest degree of dimensional accuracy and surface finish quality. This paper reviews the vast array of research work carried out from the EDM process to the development of the WEDM. It reports on the WEDM research involving the optimization of the process parameters surveying the influence of the various factors affecting the machining performance and productivity. The paper also highlights the adaptive monitoring and control of the process investigating the feasibility of the different control strategies of obtaining the optimal machining conditions. A wide range of WEDM industrial applications are reported together with the development of the hybrid machining processes. The final part of the paper discusses these developments and outlines the possible trends for future WEDM research.Key words: Wire electrical discharge machining (WEDM);Process optimization; Cutting rate; Material removal rate; Surface finish Electric discharge machining (EDM), Metal removal rate (MRR), Surface roughness (SR) Reference [1] E.C. Jameson, Description and development of electrical dis-charge machining (EDM), Electrical Discharge Machining, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Dearbern, Michigan, 2001, pp. 16. [2] G.F. Benedict, Electrical discharge machining (EDM), Non-Traditional Manufacturing Processes, Marcel Dekker, Inc, New York & Basel, 1987, pp. 231– 232. [3] K.H. Ho, S.T. Newman, State of the art electrical discharge machining (EDM), Int. J. Mach. Tools Manuf. 43 (13) (2003) 1287–1300. [4] A.B. Puri, B. Bhattacharyya, An analysis and optimization of the geometrical inaccuracy due to wire lag phenomenon in WEDM, Int. J. Mach. Tools Manuf. 43 (2) (2003) 151–159. [5] E.I. Shobert, What happens in EDM, in: E.C. Jameson (Ed.), Electrical Discharge Machining: Tooling, Methods and Applications, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Dearbern, Michi-gan, 1983, pp. 3–4. [6] H.C. Tsai, B.H. Yan, F.Y. Huang, EDM performance of Cr/ Cu-based composite electrodes, Int. J. Mach. Tools Manuf. 43 (3) (2003) 245–252. [7] G. Boothroyd, A.K. Winston, Nonconventional machining processes, Fundamentals of Machining, Marcel Dekker, Inc, 1989, pp. 491. [8] J.A. McGeough, Electrodischarge machining, Advanced Meth-ods of Machining, Chapman & Hall, London, 1988, pp. 130. [9] S.F. Krar, A.F. Check, Electrical discharge machining, Tech-nology of Machine Tools, Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, New York, 1997, pp. 800. [10] M. Kunieda, C. Furudate, High precision finish cutting by dry WEDM, Ann. CIRP 50 (1) (2001) 121–124. Prof. Vijay D.Patel, Dr. Rajeev V. Vaghmare |
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140. | Optimization Of Hexavalent And Trivalent Chromium Present In Waste Water By Chemical Treatment
Optimization Of Hexavalent And Trivalent Chromium Present In Waste Water By Chemical TreatmentAbstract: Chromium is one of the heavy metal coming from various industries having high toxicity. The main objective is to adopt appropriate methods and to develop suitable techniques either to prevent metal pollution or to reduce it to very low levels. Initially, experiments were conducted on Potassium dichromate synthetic sample to find the optimum pH of reduction, optimum dosage of reducing agents and optimum reduction period for Ferrous sulphate and Sodium metabisulphite .The hexavalent chromium reduced synthetic samples were used to find optimum pH of precipitation, optimum dosage of precipitating agents for calcium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide and combination of these two chemicals . Experiments were carried out on industrial waste water for the removal of Hexavalent and Trivalent chromium with optimum operating conditions which were obtained from the experiments on synthetic sample.Key words: Reducing agents, Precipitating agents, Hexavalent chromium Cr(VI) , Trivalent chromium Cr(III). Reference [1]. Hossain M.A, Alam M. and Yonge D.R., Estimating the dual-enzyme kinetic parameters for Cr (VI) reduction by Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 from soil column experiments., Water Research, 39, 3342–3348, (2005). [2]. Viamajala S., Peyton B.M., Apel W.A.and Petersen J.N., Chromate reduction in Shewanella oneidensis MR-1, Is an inducible process associated with anaerobic growth., Biotechnology. Prog.,18, 290– 295, (2002) [3]. Arumugam V., Recovery of chromium from spent chrome tan liquor by chemical precipitation, Indian J.of Environmental Health, 39(2), 192-198, (1976). [4]. MINAS, Pollution control acts, rules, and notification there under Central Pollution Control Board, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India, New Delhi, 2011. [5]. Water discharge standard of Central Pollution Control Board . ISI, 1991. Methods of sampling and test (Physical and chemical) for water and waste water: 3025: IS 105005. Indian Standard, Drinking water-specification (first revision). 1991. IS 10500. [6]. B.H. Hintermeyer, N.A. Lacour, A.Perezpadilla, and E.L.Tavani,, 2008,"Separation of the chromium(III) present in a tanning waste water by means of precipitation, reverse osmosis and adsorption" Latin American Applied Research, vol.38, pp.63- 71, 2008 [7]. J. Kotai. Z. Stasicka. Chromium Occurrence in the Environment and Methods of its Speciation. ELSEVIER. Amsterdam.107, 2000 (263- 283) [8]. Tiwari D.P. et.all., Removal of toxic metals from electroplating industries, Indian J.of Environmental Health, 31(2), 122-126, (1989). [9]. R.S. Karale, D.V.Wadkar and P.B.Nangare, Removal and Recovery of Hexavalent Chromium from Industrial Wastewater by precipitation with due consideration to cost optimization, Journal of Environmental Research and Development, Volume 2(2), pp 209-216, 2007. [10]. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF) Publication, 2006 Sowmya T.P, Prof. G.K. Mahadevraju, A. Ramesh, V. Sreenivas |
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141. | Analysis of Power Flow Control in Power System Model using Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC)
Analysis of Power Flow Control in Power System Model using Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC)Abstract: The characteristic of a thyristor controlled series compensator (TCSC) is usually defined by the overall reactance of the device versus the firing angle of the TCR that is connected in parallel with a fixed capacitor. We represents a model control circuit by using microcontroller to generate trigger pulses to fire the gate of the thyristors according to the set firing angle for required output. It brings out the operation of TCSC along with numerical equations. It also gives impedance characteristics curve of a TCSC device and specifies the range of inductance and capacitance region and also finds a suitable value of inductance and capacitance. We analyze the different waveforms in the capacitive as well as inductive region of TCSC, optimal setting of TCSC is determined through the software code written in MATLAB.Key words: Firing angle, Thyristor Controlled Series Compensator (TCSC), Optimal Power Flow, Power system analysis, Zero Crossing Detector Reference [1] N.G. Hingorani and L. Gyugyi "Understanding FACTS Concept and Technology of Flexible AC Transmission Systems",IEEE. [2] Caudio A, Zeno & T.Faur, Canada – "Analysis of SVC and TCSC Controllers in Voltage Collappse" IEEE Trans. Power Systems, Vol: 14, 1st Februrary 1999 pp 158-165. [3] Preeti Singh, Mrs.Lini Mathew, Prof.S.Chatterji, NITTTR, Chandigarh "Matlab based Simulation of TCSC FACTS Controller"- 2 ND National Conference on Challenges & Opportunities in Information Technology (COIT-2008) - March 2008. [4] Hailian Xie, Lennart Angquist, Student Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm ON "Synchronous Voltage Reversal control of TCSC – Impact on SSR Conditions‟. [5] T.Venegas,C.R.Fuerte-Esquivel ON "Steady State Modeling of an Advanced Series Compensator for Power Flow Analysis of Electric Networks in Phase Co-ordinates" IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery , Vol.16,No.4, October 2001. [6] Mojtaba Khederzadeh and Tarlochan Singh Sidhu, Fellow IEEE ON "Impact of TCSC on the Protection of Transmission Lines" – IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol:21, No:1, January 2006. [7] R. M Mathur and R. K. Verma, Thyristorbased FACTS Controllers for Electrical Transmission Systems, IEEE press, Piscataway, 2002. [8] Othman HA, Ongquist L. Analytical modeling of thyristor-controlled series capacitor for ssr studies. Tran IEEE Power Syst 1996; 11:1–10. [9] Rajaraman R, Dobson I, Lasseter RH, Shern Y. Computing the damping of subsynchronous oscillations due to a thyristor-controlled series capacitor. IEEE Trans Power Delivery 1996; 11(2):1120– 1126. [10] H.G. Han, J.K. Park, B.H. Lee, Analysis of thyristor controlled series compensator dynamics using the state variable approach of a periodic system model, IEEE Trans. Power Deliver. 12 (4) (1997) 1744–1750. Kusum Arora, Dr. S.K. Agarwal, Dr. Narendra Kumar, Dharam Vir |
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142. | Effect of natural rubber latex on strength and workability of fibre reinforced high-performance - concrete with metakaolin admixture
Effect of natural rubber latex on strength and workability of fibre reinforced high-performance - concrete with metakaolin admixtureAbstract: To increase the applications of Natural Rubber Latex Modified Fiber Reinforced HighPerformance-Concrete (NRLMFRHPC) in India, greater understanding of NRLMFRHPC produced with locally available materials such as cement , Fine aggregates , coarse aggregates, Metakaolin and Crimped Steel fibers is essential. In the present investigation, NRLMFRHPC has been produced with locally available aggregates and mineral admixture (Metakaolin) and Natural Rubber Latex based NRLMFRHPC mixes were designed by absolute volume method. Cubes of 150X150X150 mm in dimension were cast and cured for 28 days and then tested for compressive strength to assess the strength characteristics of NRLMFRHPC. Workability has been measured by conducting compaction factor test on fresh NRLMFRHPC mixes. The experimental results indicate that Natural Rubber Latex can be utilized in producing durable Fiber Reinforced HighPerformance-Concrete. The various results which indicate the effect of Steel Fibers and Natural Rubber Latex on the strength and workability characteristics of highperformance-concrete are presented in this paper to draw useful conclusions.Key words: Metakaoline, Natural Rubber Latex, Steel Fibers, High Performance Concrete. Reference [1] ACI Committee 440. 1996. State-of-theArt Report on Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP) for Concrete Structures (ACI 440R). ACI Manual of Concrete Practice, Part 5, American Concrete Institute, Detroit, MI, 68 pp. [2] P. N. Balaguru and S. P. Shah. 1992. Fiber Reinforced Cement Composites. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1992 [3] Kuhlmann, L.A [1981] performance History of Latex-Modified Concrete Overlays, Applications of polymer Concrete, ACT SP-69,1981,ppt 123-144. [4] Ohama, Y, "Chapter 7, Polymer-Modified Mortars and Concretes", Concrete Admixtures Handbook, Properties, Science, and Technology, Editor: V.S. Ramachandran, Noyes Publications, Park Ridge, New Jersey, 1984, p. [5] Bhatty, JI. J Gajda, PE. Botha, F. and MM Bryant, PG. 2006. Utilization of Discarded Fly Ash as a Raw Material in the Production of Portland cement. Journal of ASTM International, Vol. 3, No. 10, pp. [6] Goh, Chia-Chia., Show, Kuan-Yeow and Cheong, Hee-Kiat. 2003. Municipal Solid Waste Fly Ash as a Blended Cement Material. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol. 15, No. 6, pp. 513-53- 23. [7] Gopalakrishna, S., Raja mane, N.P., Neelamegam, M., Peter, J.A. and Dattatreya, J.K. 2001. Effect of partial replacement of cement with fly ash on the strength and durability of HPC. The Indian Concrete Journal, pp. 335-341. [8] Hassan, K.E., Cabrera, J.G., and Maliehe, R.S. 2000. The Effect of Mineral Admixtures on the Properties of HighPerformance Concrete. Cement & Concrete Composites, Vol. 22, pp. 267- 271. [9] Isaia, G. C., Gastaldini, A. L. G. and Moraes, R. 2003, Physical and pozzolanic action of mineral additions on the mechanical strength of high-performance concrete, Cement & Concrete Composites, Vol. 25, pp. 69-76. [10] Jerath, Sukhvarsh P.E. and Hanson, Nicholas. 2007. Effect of Fly Ash Content and Aggregate Gradation on the Durability of Concrete Pavements. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol. 19, No. 5, pp. 367-375. [11] Long, Guangcheng. Wang, Xinyou and Xie, You Jun. 2002. Very-HighPerformance Concrete with Ultra-fine Powders. Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 32, pp. 601-605. [12] Uzal, B. and Turanli, L. 2003, Studies on blended cements containing a high volume of natural Pozzolans, Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 33, pp. 1777- 1781. [13] Wang, Shuxin and Li, Victor C. 2007. Engineered Cementitious Composites with High Voume Fly Ash, Materials Journal of ACI, Vol.104,No.3,pp.233-241 Dr. Vaishali.G.Ghorpade, Sri. K. Munirathnam, Dr.H. Sudarsana Rao |
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143. | Quality improvement in manufacturing processes using SQC tools
Quality improvement in manufacturing processes using SQC toolsAbstract: The aim of this paper is to apply the quality tools to find out the root causes of the quality problems related to manufacturing of mechanical seal. The modes of defects on production line are investigated through direct observation on the production line and statistical tools like Check sheets, Histogram, Pareto analysis, Cause and Effect diagram etc are used in enhancing the process by continuous monitoring through inspection of the samples. The work shows utility of quality tools to find the root causes of the problems and eliminate them. A case study has been carried out in 'EKK Eagle Products India Pvt. Ltd' company that specializes in manufacturing of mechanical seal.Key words: Control Charts, Cause and effect diagram, Histogram, Pareto Analysis, Mechanical Seal, Statistical Quality control. Reference [1] Mohamed Aichouni, "On the use of the basic quality tools for the improvement of the construction industry: A case study of a ready mixed concrete production process", International Journal of Civil & Environmental Engineeing IJCEE-IJENS Vol: 12 No: 05, 2012. [2] Paliska G, Pavletic D, Sokovic M, "Application of Quality Engineering tools in process industry", Advanced Engineering, ISSN 1846-5900, 2008. [3] S Raghuraman, K Thiruppathi, J Praveen Kumar, B Indhirajith, "Enhancement of quality of the processes using statistical tools- A review", International Journal of Engineering Science & Advanced technology, ISSN: 2250-3676, volume-2, Issue-4,1008-1017,2012. [4] Rami Hikmat Fouad, Adnan Mukattash, "Statistical Process control tools: A Practical guide for Jordanian Industrial Organizations", Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, volume 4, Number 6, 2010. [5] Kamalesh Panthi, Syed M. Ahmed, "Application of Quality Tools to Improve Quality: A case study of a building Remediation Contractor", Florida International University Miami, Florida. Samadhan D. Bhosale, S.C.Shilwant, S.R. Patil |
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144. | Performance comparison of AODV and DSR under various network conditions
Performance comparison of AODV and DSR under various network conditionsAbstract: Mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) are self-created and self organized by a collection of mobile nodes, interconnected by multi-hop wireless paths in a strictly peer to peer fashion. Ad-Hoc routing protocols such as Dynamic source routing (DSR), Ad-hoc on demand distance vector (AODV) and Destination sequence Vector (DSDV) has been proposed to solve the routing problem in Ad-hoc networks. Extended research has been done in comparing the different proposed ad-hoc routing protocol under various network conditions. Packet delivery ratio (PDR), routing overhead, path optimality, end to end delay and throughput are some parameters commonly used in the comparisons. This survey paper provides the analyzed performance of the routing protocol under the various conditions.Key words: MANET , AODV, DSR, Throughput. Reference [1] Mandeep Kaur Gulati, Krishan Kumar -"A Review of QoS Routing Protocols on MANETs" 2013 Interntinal Conference on Computer Communication And Informatics(ICCI-2013),Jan.04-06- 2013,Combitore,INDIA. [2] Ashish Bagwari, Raman Jee, Pankaj Joshi and Sourabh Bisht - " Performance of AODV Routing Protocol with increasing the MANET Nodes and it's effects on QoS of Mobile Ad hoc Networks". 2012 International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies [3] Rajneesh Kumar Gujral, Jitender Grover, Anjali, Sanjeev Rana.-" Impact of Transmission Range and Mobility on Routing Protocols over Ad hoc Networks". 2012 International Conference on Computing Sciences. [4] N. Adam, M. Y. Ismail and J. Abdulla,- "Effect of node density on performance of three MANET routing protocols". ICEDSA- 2010, pp. 321-325. [5] K. Amjad and A. J. Stocker, "Impact of node density and mobility on performanceof AODV and DSR in MANET". CSNDSP- 2010, pp. 61-65. [6] Broch J., D. Johnson and D. Maltz, "The Dynamic Source Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks", http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draftietf-manet-dsr-03.txt, IETF Internet draft, Oct., 2009. [7] David Maltz, Josh Broch, Jorjeta Jetcheva, and David Johnson.The effects of ondemand behavior in routing protocols for multi hop wireless ad hoc networks .IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communication, 2009. [8] Charles Perkins and Elizabeth Royer. Ad hoc on-demand distance vector routing. In Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications, pages 90–100, Feb2008. [9] Charles Perkins, Elizabeth Royer, and Samir Das. Ad hoc on demand distance vector (AODV) routing. http:// www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/ draft-ietfmanet-aodv-03.txt, June 2007. IETF Internet Draft (work in progress). [10] Magnus Frodigh, Per Johansson and Peter Larsson ―Wireless ad hoc networking-The art of networking without a network‖ Ericsson Review No. 4, 2005. [11] V.D Park and M.S Corson, ―A highly adaptive distributed routing algorithm for mobile wireless Networks‖, Proc.INFOCOM'97, Apr.2005. [12] J. Broch, David A. Maltz, David B. Johnson, Y-Ch Hu and J Jetcheva, ―A performance Comparison of Multi-hop Wireless Ad Hoc Network for mobile ad hoc networks‖, in Proc. 4th annual IEEE/ACM international conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, Dallas, Texas, U.S. pp. 85-97, Oct. 2004. Prince Yadav, Pankaj Audichya |
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145. | Mathematical Models for drying behaviour of green beans
Mathematical Models for drying behaviour of green beansAbstract: Drying is the oldest methods for prevention of the Agricultural products such as fruits and vegetables. Green Beans have a significant share in vegetables production in the world. It is also important raw material for many food products. Temperature velocity and relative humidity of drying air are important parameters for hot air drying process. Drying characteristics of green beans were examined for average moisture content from 90.53 ± 0.5% to 14 ± 0.3% using hot air of the temperature range of 50 0C. The experimental drying curves obtained were fitted to a number of semi-theoretical models, namely Handerson and Pabis, Lewis and page models. Comparing the determination of coefficient, reduced chi-square and root mean square values of three models, it was concluded that the page model represents drying characteristics better than others. The effective diffusivity coefficient of moisture obtained as 2.641 * 10-9 m2 / s over the temperature range.Key words: Drying rate; Modelling; Effective diffusivity, Equilibrium Moisture content. Reference 1. Mujumdar, A. S. (1995). Handbook of industrial drying. New York:Marcel Dekker. 2. Hutchinson, D., & Otten, L. (1983). Thin layer air drying of soybeans and white beans. Journal of Food Technology, 18, 507–524. 3. Sender, W., Bhandari, B. R., Young, G., & Wijesinghe, B. (2003). Influence of shapes of selected Vegetables on drying kinetics during fluidized bed drying. Journal of Food Engineering, 58, 277–283. 4. Akpinar, E. K., Bicer, Y., & Yildiz, C. (2003). Thin layer drying of red pepper. Journal of Food Engineering, 59, 99–104. 5. Doymaz, I. (2004). Convective air drying characteristics of thin layer carrots. Journal of Food Engineering, 61, 359– 364. 6. Ertekin, C., & Yaldiz, O. (2004). Drying of eggplant and selection of a suitable thin layer drying model. Journal of Food Engineering, 63, 349–359. 7. Yaldiz, O., & Ertekin, C. (2001). Thin layer solar drying of some vegetables. Drying Technology, 19, 583–596. 8. Henderson, S. M., & Pabis, S. (1961). Grain drying theory. I. Temperature effect on drying coefficients. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, 6, 169–174. 9. Panchariya, P. C., Popovic, D., & Sharma, A. L. (2002). Thin-layer modelling of black tea drying process. Journal of Food Engineering, 52, 349–357. 10. Doymaz, I., & Pala, M. (2003). The thinlayer drying characteristics of corn. Journal of Food Engineering, 60, 125– 130. S. Sharada |
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146. | Queue Balancing Dynamic Resource Allocation Management in CR networks
Queue Balancing Dynamic Resource Allocation Management in CR networksAbstract: In Future wireless communication and networking Cognitive radio is a powerful technology. It is a new communication paradigm in spectrum. When the spectrum is left unused by the licensed users it allows the unlicensed users to access the spectrum efficiently. However the secondary users vacate the current occupied channel the specific primary users for that channel to transmit data by that channel itself because the primary users have the priority to access the channel. To provide reliable transmission to the secondary users, spectrum hand off method is help the secondary user return the channel to the specific primary users and stop the secondary user's transmission and the remaining transmission of the secondary user at other free channel. The problem is allocating channels and transmission power in multihop CR networks. This research paper proposed a frequent feature selection method for CR networks. Good performance of this method comes from the use of the spectrum utilization. The proposed approach improves the data transmission accuracy and reduces the packet loss of the secondary user transmission.Key words: cognitive radio (CR),Muihop networks. Reference [1] J. Mitola and G. Maguire, "Cognitive radio: Making software radios more personal," IEEE Pers. Commun., vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 13–18, Aug.1999. [2] C. Xin, B. Xie and Shen, "A Novel Layered Graph Model for Topology Formation and Routing in Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks," IEEE DySPAN, 2005. [3] T. Weiss, J. Hillenbrand, A. Krohn, and F. K. Jondral, "Mutual interferencein OFDM-based spectrum pooling systems," in Proc. IEEE VTC,May 2004, vol. 4, pp. 1873–1877. [4] N. Hoven and A. Sahai, "Power scaling for cognitive radio," in Proc.WCNC, Maui, Hawaii, USA, June 2005, vol. 1, pp. 250–255. [5] Y. Xi and E. M. Yeh, "Distributed algorithms for spectrum allocation,power control, routing, and congestion control in wireless networks,"in Proc. ACM MobiHoc, Sep. 2007, pp. 180–189. [6] L. Xiao, M. Johansson, and S. P. Boyd, "Simultaneous routing and resource allocation via dual decomposition," IEEE Trans. Commun.,vol. 52, no. 7, pp. 1136– 1144, Jul. 2004. [7] R.K.Ahuja,T.L.Magnanti,andJ.B.Orlin, Network Flows: Theory,Algorithms and Applications. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall,1993. [8] B. Awerbuch and T. Leighton, "A simple local-control approximation algorithm for multicommodity flow," in Proc. IEEE FOCS, Nov. 1993,pp. 459–468. [9] B. Awerbuch and T. Leighton, "Improved approximation algorithms for the multicommodity flow problem and local competitive routing in dynamic networks," in Proc. ACM STOC, 1994, pp. 487–496. [10] C. Peng, H. Zheng, and B. Y. Zhao, "Utilization and fairness in spectrum assignment for opportunistic spectrumaccess," Mobile Netw.Appl., vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 555–576, May 2006. D.Kalaiabirami, D.Kalaiselvi |
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147. | Application of the Schwinger variational principle to the excitation of Kr34 + by impacts of bare atoms at intermediate energies
Application of the Schwinger variational principle to the excitation of Kr34 + by impacts of bare atoms at intermediate energiesAbstract: In the impact parameter formalism, variational approach based on the fractional form of Schwinger's variational principle is applied to evaluate the total direct excitation cross sections to n=2, n=3 and 2p+3 of the helium like ion Kr34 + by impact of various atoms Zp charges including those of rare gases (C, Si, Ar, Cu, Zr) at an energy equal to 33.9 MeV.u-1 . Our theoretical predictions of the saturation for total excitation cross sections, obtained by this new variational approach are compared with the experimental results of Chabot et al.Key words: Atomic collision; Schwinger variational principle; Atomic excitation; Excitation cross sections. Reference [1] R. Gayet and M. Bouamoud, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 42 .515-522 (1989). [2] L. Adoui, M. Chabot, « Recent questions about the excitation mechanism at intermediate velocities (1994). [3] B. Brendlé, R. Gayet and K. Woher, Phys. Rev. Lett. 54. 2007(1985). [4] M. Chabot, K. Woher, A. Chetioui, J P. Rozet, A. Touati, D. Vernhet, M F. [5] L. Hulthén, K. Fysiogr. Sällsk. Lund. Förh.257 (1944). [6] W.Kohn, Phys. Rev. 74, 1763 (1948). [7] S.I.Rubinow, Phys. Rev. 96, 218 (1954). [8] J.L. Jackson, Phys. Rev. 83, 301 (1951). [9] R.K.Nesbet, « Variational Methods in Electron-Atom Scattering Theory », Plenum Press, New York (1980). [10] B.I. Schneider , « An R-Matrix Approach to Electron Molecule Collisions » chapter 8 in Computational Methods for ElectronMolecule Collisions Edited by W.M. Huo and F.A. Gianturco , Plenum Press , New York (1995). Hadja Aicha Rekrak, Boumediene Lasri, Oukacha Abbes, Friha Khelfaoui, Yamina Si Abderrahmane |
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148. | Power Flow Control In Induction Motor By Using Assymmetrical Multilevel Inverter
Power Flow Control In Induction Motor By Using Assymmetrical Multilevel InverterAbstract: The Assymetrical multilevel inverter topology is used for the optimization of levels with a mimimum no. of voltage sources. It is used where medium voltage and higher power is required.There are three or four H-bridge of single phase inverter (consist of MOSFET or Optocoupler)connected to Induction motor.All H-Bridges are working with different votage sources bases on the G.P ratio(2or3).A multilevel inverter is more advantageous in comparison with a conventional two-level converter that uses high switching frequency pulse width modulation(PWM).The increase in the number of level in multilevel inverter reduces the total harmonic distortion (THD),common mode voltages,the output filters and the switching losses and hence power flow can be controlled by providing smooth a.c sine wave to the induction motor to mainly prevent the reduction of the efficiency of the motor due to harmonics which are present in normal power supply.But in multilevel there are also some limitations if we will go for higher levels i.e.beyond 27 level that we will also see here in detail description by the results of simulation done on MATLAB7.10.Key words: Assymetrical multilevel inverter, MOSFET, Optocoupler, Induction motor,HBridge(consist of MOSFET),G.P ratio, Conventional two-level converter, PWM,THD, common mode voltages,output filters, switching losses, harmonics, ac sine wave, efficiency, simulation Reference [1]. Juan Dixon, Javier Pereda "Asymmetrical Multilevel Inverter for Traction Drives Using Only One DC Supply" IEEE Transactions On Vehicular Technology, Vol. 59, No. 8, October 2010 [2]. Farid Khoucha, Mouna Soumia Lagoun, Abdelaziz Kheloui, and Mohamed El Hachemi Benbouzid "A Comparison of Symmetrical and Asymmetrical ThreePhase H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter for DTC Induction Motor Drives" IEEE Transactions On Energy Conversion, Vol. 26, No. 1, March 2011 [3]. Bambang Sujanarko, Mochamad Ashari "Advanced Carrier Based Pulse Width Modulation in Asymmetric Cascaded Multilevel Inverter" International Journal of Electrical & Computer Sciences IJECSIJENS Vol: 10 No: 06. [4]. Diorge Alex Báo Zambra, Cassiano Rech◊ and José Renes Pinheiro "COMPARISON AMONG THREE TOPOLOGIES OF MULTILEVEL INVERTERS" Miss Vani Mishra, Mrs.Paramjeet Kaur |
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APPLICATION OF (∈ , ∈ ∨ Q ) - FUZZY IDEALS TO MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS SYSTEMAbstract: A developing theory of (∈ , ∈ ∨ q) - fuzzy ideals is applied to medical diagnosis system. This theory will help doctors to select the effective symptoms and could make diagnosis of diseases concern. Two cases have been studied in detail and 15 cases have been summarized to strengthen the application. AMS Classification : 06B10, 06D72Key words: (∈ , ∈ ∨ q) - fuzzy ideals, Fuzzy ideal medical diagnosis system. Reference [1] N. Ajmal and K. V. Thomas, Fuzzy lattices, Info. Sciences, 79 (1994), 271- 291. [2] S. K. Bhakat and P. K. Das, Fuzzy subrings and ideals redefined, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 81 (3) (1996), 383–393. [3] S. L. Chen, Urysohn - Closedness on Fuzzy Lattices, International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge - Based Systems, 4(1) (1996), 87-93. [4] B. Chetia, An Application of Interval - Valued Fuzzy Soft Sets in Medical Diagnosis, Int. J. Contemp. Math. Sciences, 5(38) (2010), 1887–1894. [5] P. K. Das, R. Borgohain, An application of fuzzy soft set in medical diagnosis using fuzzy arithmetic operations on fuzzy number, SIBCOLTEJO, 5 (2010), 107- 116. [6] B. Davvaz, Roughness in rings, Inform. Sci., 164 (2004), 147-163. [7] B. Davvaz, ( , q ) - fuzzy subnearrings and ideals, Soft. Computing, 10 (2006), 206–211. [8] S. K. De, R. Biswas, A. R. Roy, An application of intuitionistic fuzzy sets in medical diagnosis, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 117(2001), 209-213. [9] S. H. Dhanani and Y. S. Pawar, (∈ , ∈ ∨ q ) - fuzzy ideals of lattice , International Journal of Algebra, 4(26) (2010), 1277– 1288. [10] B. R. Gaines, Fuzzy and Probability Uncertainty Logics, Infor. and Control,38(1978),154-169. Dr. Khyalappa R., Pawar Y. S., Dhanani S. H. |
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150. | A Review on Power System Stability and Applications of FACT Devices
A Review on Power System Stability and Applications of FACT DevicesAbstract: stability is one of the major concerns related to power system. The instability causes the fluctuations in different parameters of power system but the voltage and frequency are most importantly considered because may cause great damage and even cause complete shutdown of power system. This paper presents brief overview of different types of instabilities in power system and the techniques used to overcome it. The paper also compares the applicability of different techniques on the basis of performance.Key words: power system stability, FACT devices. Reference [1] Dr. Mohammad A.S. Masoum "Synchronous Machine Dynamics", Electrical & Computer Engineering Department Curtin University of Technology Perth, West Australia [2] M.P.Donsión, J.A. Güemes and J.M. Rodríguez" Power Quality. Benefits of Utilizing Facts Devices in Electrical Power Systems". [3] Richard G. Farmer "Power System Dynamics and Stability" Richard G. Farmer, Arizona State University [4] Simon P. Teeuwsen "Oscillatory Stability Assessment of Power Systems using Computational Intelligence". [5] A. Adamczyk, R. Teodorescu, R.N. Mukerjee and P. Rodriguez "FACTS Devices for Large Wind Power Plants", [6] D. Murali, Dr. M. Rajaram and N. Reka "Comparison of FACTS Devices for Power System Stability Enhancement" International Journal of ComputerApplications (0975 – 8887) Volume 8– No.4, October 2010. [7] Claudio A. Canizares and Zeno T. Faur "Analysis of SVC and TCSC Controllers in Voltage Collapse", IEEE Trans. Power Systems, Vol. 14, No. 1, February 1999, pp. 158-165 [8] Sidhartha Panda, R.N.Patel and N.P.Padhy "Power System Stability Improvement by TCSC Controller Employing a MultiObjective Genetic Algorithm Approach", International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 1:7 2006 [9] Alok Kumar Mohanty and Amar Kumar Barik" Power System Stability Improvement Using FACTS Devices", International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Vol.1, Issue.2, pp-666-672 [10] M. A. Abido "Power System Stability Enhancement Using Facts Controllers: A Review", the Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Volume 34, Number 1B, April 2009 [11] Sara Molazei, Malihe M. Farsangi and Hossein Nezamabadi-pour "Enhancement of Total Transfer Capability Using SVC and TCSC", Proceedings of the 6th WSEAS International Conference on Applications of Electrical Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey, May 27-29, 2007. [12] Arthit Sode Yome, Nadarajah Mithulananthan and Kwang Y. Lee "Comprehensive Comparison of FACTS Devices for Exclusive Loadability Enhancement", IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering IEEJ Trans 2013; 8: 7–18 Priyank Srivastava, Rashmi Pardhi |
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151. | Clustering on High Dimensional data Using Locally Linear Embedding (LLE) Techniques
Clustering on High Dimensional data Using Locally Linear Embedding (LLE) TechniquesAbstract: Clustering is the task of grouping a set of objects in such a way that objects in the same group (called cluster) are more similar (in some sense or another) to each other than to those in other groups (clusters). The dimension can be reduced by using some techniques of dimension reduction. Recently new non linear methods introduced for reducing the dimensionality of such data called Locally Linear Embedding (LLE).LLE combined with K-means clustering in to coherent frame work to adaptively select the most discriminant subspace. K-means clustering use to generate class labels and use LLE to do subspace selection.Key words: Clustering, High Dimension Data, Locally Linear Embedding, k-means clustering, Principal Component Analysis Reference [1] Alone et alum Broad Pattern of gene expression revealed by clustering analysis of tumor and normal colon cancer tissues probed by oligonucleatide arrays. PNAS, 96(12): 6745-6750, 1999. [2] Anton Schwaighofer. Matlab interface to svmlight.In (2004) [3] Banerjee, A., Dhillon, I., Ghosh, J., Merugu, S., & Modha, D. (2004). A generalized maximum entropy approach to bregman co-clustering and matrix approximation. Proc. ACM Int'l Conf Knowledge Disc. Data Mining (KDD). [4] arbara.D,‖ An Introduction to Cluster Analysis for Data mining‖, [5] room Head .D.S, Kirby, A new approach to dimensionality reduction:Theory and algorithms, SIAM journal of applied Mathematics 60 (6) (2000)2114-2142. [6] Carreira-Perpinan.M.A, Areview of dimension reduction techniques. Technical report CS-96-09, Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield, 1997. [7] Cheng, Y., & Church, G. (2000). Biclustering of expression data. Proc. Int'l Symp. Mol. Bio (ISMB), 93–103. [8] Chrisding et al ―K-means clustering Via PCA‖ 21st International Conference on Machine Learning, Canada-2004. [9] Diamantras. K.I and Kung.S-Y.Principal Component Neural Networks. Theory and Applications. John Wiley & Sons, New York, Londin, Sydney, 1996. [10] Ding, C., & He, X. (2004). K-means clustering and principal component analysis. Int'l Conf. Machine Learning (ICML) J.Shalini, R.Jayasree, K.Vaishnavi |
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152. | Phenylalanine Imprinted Microbeads Prepared by Shaking Method
Phenylalanine Imprinted Microbeads Prepared by Shaking MethodAbstract: Molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) technology is an emerging tool for the separation and isolation of structurally related compounds. MIP beads are considered useful in HPLC, CC, SEC, TLC, drug delivery systems as well as in chemical and biosensors. In this work a new shaking method using baffle flask as reactor for suspension polymerization for the preparation of MIP microbeads has been developed. This attempt proved to be simple, cheap and has greatly reduced the chances of oxygen entrapment during polymerization process. Characterization of the prepared nonimprinted beads (NIBs), D-Phe imprinted beads (DIBs) and L-Phe imprinted beads (LIBs) was made with SEM and FTIR analysis. Round shape, porous structure beads with a size distribution of 1-12 µm have been synthesized. The prepared DIBs and LIBs were used for the separation of D, L-Phe racemic mixture and showed good adsorption capacity (0.109 and 0.128 mg/g respectively) and adsorption selectivity (1.271 and 1.303 respectively) compared to NIBs with adsorption capacity 0.063 mg/g and adsorption selectivity 0.969.Key words: D-Phe imprinted microbeads, L-Phe imprinted microbeads, shaking method Reference 1. A. Strikovsky, J. Hradil, and G. Wulff , Catalytically active, molecularly imprinted polymers in bead form, Reactive & Functional Polymers, 54, 2003, 49–61. 2. L. Ye, and K. Mosbach , Molecularly imprinted microspheres as antibody binding mimics, Reactive & Functional Polymers 48, 2001, 149–157. 3. N. Shah, M. Ul-Islam, M. Haneef and J.K. Park, A Brief Overview of Molecularly Imprinted Polymers: From Basics to Applications, Journal of Pharmacy Research 5(6), 2012, 3309-3317. 4. O. Bruggemann, K. Haupt, L. Ye, E. Yilmaz, and K. Mosbach, New configurations and applications of molecularly imprinted Polymers, Journal of Chromatography A, 889, 2000, 15–24. 5. V.B. Kandimalla and H. Ju, Molecular imprinting: a dyanamictechnique for diverse application in analytical chemistry, Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 380, 2004, 587-605. 6. J.D. Lei, and A.J. Tong, Preparation of Zl-Phe-OH-NBD imprinted microchannel and its molecular recognition study, Spectrochimica Acta Part A, 61, 2005, 1029-1033. 7. H. Khan and J.K. Park, The preparation of d-phenylalanine imprinted microbeads by a novel method of modified suspension polymerization, Biotechnol. Bioprocess. Eng. 11, 2006, 503–509. 8. N. Shah, J.H. Ha, M. Ul-Islam and J.K. Park, Highly improved adsorption selectivity of L-Phenylalanine imprinted polymeric submicron/nanoscale beads by modified uspension polymerization, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 28(9), 2011, 1936-1944. 9. F.G. Tamayo, M.M. Titirici, A.M. Esteban and B. Sellergren, Synthesis and evaluation of new propazine-imprinted polymer formats for use as stationary phases in liquid chromatography, Anal. Chim. Acta, 542, 2005, 38-46. 10. K. Yang, Z. Liu, M. Mao, X. Zhang, C. Zhao and N. Nishi, Molecularly imprinted polyethersulfone microspheres for the binding and recognition of bispheno Nasrullah Shah, Mazhar UlIslam, Muhammad Haneef, Zahid Hussain, Muhammad Balal, Joong Kon Park |
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153. | Study of Stress Relief Features at Root of Teeth of Spur Gear
Study of Stress Relief Features at Root of Teeth of Spur GearAbstract: Spur gear is cylindrical shaped gear in which the teeth are parallel to the axis. It is easy to manufacture and it is mostly used in transmitting power from one shaft to another shaft up to certain distance & also used to vary the speed & Torque. The cost of replacement of spur gear is very high and also the system down time is one of the effect in which these gears are part of system. Failure of gear causes breakdown of system which runs with help of gear. When gear is subjected to load, high stresses developed at the root of the teeth, Due to these high stresses, possibility of fatigue failure at the root of teeth of spur gear increases. There is higher chance of fatigue failure at these locations. So to avoid fatigue failure of the gear, the stresses should be minimized at maximum stress concentrated area. Design of spur gear can be improved by improving the quality of material, improving surface hardness by heat treatment, surface finishing methods. Apart from this stress also occurs during its actual working. Hence it is important to minimize the stresses. These stresses can be minimized by introducing stress relief features at stress zone. Many simulation packages are available for checking the different values of stresses. Simulation is doesn't give exact results but gives a brief idea where stresses are induced. Hence experimental stress analysis method can also be adopted for studying stresses.Key words: Spur gear, Stress, Simulation, Ansys Reference 1. Andrews J.D. (1991) – "A Finite Element Analysis of Bending Stresses induced in external and internal involute spur gears", The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, page no.153-163. 2. Costopoulos Th. Spitas V. (2009) – "Reduction of gear fillet stresses by using one-sided involute asymmetric teeth", page no.1524 – 1534. 3. Hebbal M. S., Math V. B., Sheeparamatti B. G. (2009) – "A Study on Reducing the Root Fillet Stress in Spur Gear Using Internal Stress Relieving Feature of Different Shapes", International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 5, May 2009, page no.163 – 165. 4. Senthil Kumar V., Muni D.V., Muthuveerappan G. (2008) – "Optimization of asymmetric spur gear drives to improve the bending load capacity", Mechanism and Machine Theory, page no. 829 – 858. 5. Ulrich T.W., Moslehy F.A. (1995) – "A boundary element method for stress reduction by optimal auxiliary holes", Engg. Analysis with Boundary elements, page no. 219 – 223. Dhavale A.S., Abhay Utpat |
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154. | Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery: Applications, Techniques, Challenges and Process Models in Healthcare
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery: Applications, Techniques, Challenges and Process Modelsin HealthcareAbstract: Many healthcare leaders find themselves overwhelmed with data, but lack the information they need to make right decisions. Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) can help organizations turn their data into information. Organizations that take advantage of KDD techniques will find that they can lower the healthcare costs while improving healthcare quality by using fast and better clinical decision making. In this paper, a review study is done on existing data mining and knowledge discovery techniques, applications and process models that are applicable to healthcare environments. The challenges for applying data mining techniques in healthcare environment will also be discussed.Key words: Data mining, knowledge discovery, healthcare, Electronic health record, health informatics Reference [1] S. K.Wasan, V. Bhatnagar, H. Kaur, The impactofdataminingtechniquesonmedical diagnostics,in the proceeding of Data Science Journal, Vol. 5, 2006, 119-126. [2] K.Srinivas, Applications of Data Mining Techniques in Healthcare and Prediction of Heart Attacks, International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE), 02(02), 2010, 250-255. [3] M. Khajehei, F. Etemady, Data Mining and Medical Research Studies, IEEE Second Int. Conference on Computational Intelligence, Modeling and Simulation (CIMSiM),2010, 119 – 122. [4] L. Li, et al., Data mining techniques for cancer detection using serum proteomic profiling, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, vol. 32(2), 2004, 71-83. [5] O. Shmiel, et al., Data mining techniques for detection of sleep arousals, Journal of Neuroscience Methods, vol. 179(2), 2009, 331-337. [6] J. L. Breault,Data mining a diabetic data warehouse, Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 26 (1-2), 2002, Pages 37-54. [7] A. Kusiak, et al., Predicting survival time for kidney dialysis patients: a data mining approach, Computers in Biology and Medicine, vol. 35(4), 2005, 311-327. [8] N. Aggarwal, A. Kumar, H. Khatter, V. Aggarwal, Analysis the effect of data mining techniques on database, Advances in Engineering Software 47(1), 2012, 164– 169. [9] C. Bennett, T. Doub; Data Mining and Electronic Health Records: Selecting Optimal Clinical Treatments in Practice, Proceedings of the 6th Int. Conference on Data Mining, pp. 313-318, 2011. [10] Fayyad, U., Piatetsky-Shapiro G. and Smyth, P., from data mining to knowledge discovery: an Overview, In Fayyad, U, Piatetsky-Shapiro, G, Smyth, P and Uthurusamy, R (eds) Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. AAAI Press, 1996, 1-34. Shaker H. El-Sappagh, Samir El-Masri, A. M. Riad, Mohammed Elmogy |
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155. | Design and Modification of vacuum braking system
Design and Modification of vacuum braking systemAbstract: Vacuum brakes are first used in place of the air brake in railway locomotives. This braking system uses a vacuum pump for creating vacuum in the brake pipe. The integral construction of the brake cylinder uses this vacuum reservoir for the application of brakes. Nowadays most of the light vehicles are fitted with vacuum-assisted hydraulic braking system where vacuum is created from the engine which reduces the driver effort on foot pedal. The vacuum braking system was modified from above said reasons and the same was tested for implementation in both light and heavy vehicles. In this work, vacuum is created and used for the application of brakes. The system operation is somehow similar to air braking system. The main difference with air brake system is that vacuum is used instead of compressed air. The design and modified system also includes the Vacuum brake system i.e., the loss of vacuum will cause the brake to be applied due to spring force.Key words: Air braking system, Fail safe condition, Heavy vehicle, Hydraulic brake, Light vehicle, Vacuum braking system . Reference [1] W. Bartlett, Passenger vehicle Braking Performance with a Disabled Vacuum Power Booster, (1997), SAE paper, 970946. [2] Y. Goto, Atsushi Yasuda and Satoshi Ishida, Brake Master Cylinder for Secure Brake Feel and Improved System Failure Performance, (1997), SAE paper 2003-01- 3304. [3] S.J. Shaffer, and G.H. Alexander, Commercial Vehicle Brake Testing Part 2 Preliminary Result of Performance-Based Test Program, (1995), SAE paper, 952672. [4] Saeed Mohammadi and Asghar Nasr, Effects of the power unit location on in-train longitudinal forces during brake application, International Journal of Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing, Vol. 5, No.2/3, (2010), pp. 176 – 196. [5] B.P. Chinmaya and Raul, G. L. Raul, Modular design and testing for anti- lock brake actuation and control using a scaled vehicle system, International Journal of Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing, Vol. 2, No.4, (2007), pp. 411 - 427. [6] S. Bharath, B.C. Nakra and K.N Gupta, Modelling and analysis of pneumatic railway brake system, Applied mathematical modelling, 14, (1990), 58-66. [7] Q. Chen, Guangju Xu, Jie Meng and Hongyu Jiao, Study on the brake pedal control model for regenerative braking integrated system, International Journal of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles, Vol. 4, No.3, (2012), pp. 289 – 296. [8] D. Lie and C.K Sung, Synchronous brake analysis for a bicycle, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 45 , (2010), 543-554. [9] S. Park, Sangwoo Bae and Jang Moo Lee, Numerical evaluation of braking feel to design optimal brake-by-wire system, International Journal of Vehicle Design, Vol. 37, No.1, (2005), pp. 1 - 23. [10] Moh Nasr, Noise signatures of brake vacuum booster and their acoustic treatment, International Journal of Vehicle Noise and Vibration, Vol. 7, No.1, (2011), pp. 51 - 67. [11] N. Ding, Guizhen Yu and Weida Wang, Estimation of brake pressure and tyre-road friction during ABS activation, International Journal of Vehicle Design, Vol. 58, No.1, (2012), pp. 33 - 45. [12] L.J Yang and B.G Hong, Experimental study on braking force characteristics of tugboat, Journal of hydrodynamics, 22(5), supplement: (2010), 343-348. [13] H. Liang and K.T. Chong, (2003) Vehicle longitudinal brake control using variable parameter sliding control, Control Engineering practice11,(2003), 403-411. Anbalagan . R, Jancirani .J, Venkateshwaran. N |
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156. | Improving The Performance Of Congestion Control In Wireless Networks
Improving The Performance Of Congestion Control In Wireless NetworksAbstract: The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) provides an end-to-end, ordered transmission of data over a logical connection which links two applications during their communication.TCP is a mainly concerned with moving data between applications and it uses the routing services provided by IP. The most widely used Internet protocol in the present days is TCP. It should have the knowledge of locating the applications and it need not know about the topology of the network. TCP actually takes the data from the source application and delivers to the destination application.TCP is mainly designed for using with unreliable systems such as IP, which only gets the data from one host to another and perform less error checking. The important feature of TCP with respect to its performance is congestion control algorithm.TCP mainly uses a number of techniques for achieving high performance and avoiding congestion collapse, which makes the network performance to fall by several levels of magnitude. The TCP congestion avoidance algorithm is the primary basis for the control of congestion.Key words: Congestion Control, TCP, Internet Protocol. Reference [1] J. Postel, ―RFC793—transmission control protocol,‖ RFC, 1981. [2] C. Lochert, B. Scheuermann, and M. Mauve, ―A survey on congestion control for mobile ad hoc networks,‖ Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, vol. 7, no. 5, p. 655, 2007. [3] J. Postel, ―RFC791—Internet Protocol,‖ RFC, 1981. [4] A. Al Hanbali, E. Altman, and P. Nain, ―A survey of TCP over ad hoc networks,‖ IEEE Commun. Surveys Tutorials, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 22–36, 3rd quarter 2005. [5] J. Widmer, R. Denda, and M. Mauve, ―A survey on TCP-friendly congestion control,‖ IEEE Network, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 28–37, May/June 2001. [6] H. Balakrishnan, V. N. Padmanabhan, S. Seshan, and R. H. Katz, ―A comparison of mechanisms for improving TCP performance over wireless links,‖ IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw., vol. 5, no. 6, pp. 756–769, December 1997. [7] K.-C. Leung, V. Li, and D. Yang, ―An overview of packet reordering in transmission control protocol (TCP): problems, solutions, and challenges,‖ IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst., vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 522–535, April 2007. [8] S. Low, F. Paganini, and J. Doyle, ―Internet congestion control,‖ IEEE Control Syst. Mag., vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 28–43, February 2002. [9] G. Hasegawa and M. Murata, ―Survey on fairness issues in TCP congestion control mechanisms,‖ IEICE Trans. Commun. (Special Issue on New Developments on QoS Technologies for Information Networks), vol. E84-B, no. 6, pp. 1461–1472, June 2001. [10] M. Gerla and L. Kleinrock, ―Flow control: a comparative survey,‖ IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 553–574, April 1980. P.Praveen Kumar, Dr.K. Rameswaraiah |
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157. | A Review On Mechanical Alloying
A Review On Mechanical AlloyingAbstract: Ball milling is one of the most extensively used technique to produce ultrafine materials. The ball milling process is widely used in ceramic and metal processing industries. Ball milling consists of repeated fracture, mixing, and cold welding of a fine blend of metal, oxide, and alloy particles resulting in size reduction and sometimes in chemical reactions. In recent years the ball milling process is employed to prepare nanostructured materials which are intensively studied, particularly because the physical and chemical properties of these materials are quite different from those of the bulks material. In nano-materials research, this technique is well used to fine-tune the grain sizes of the materials in nano-scales. However scientists and engineers are optimizing the processing parameters and machine construction to obtain powders with desired size and performance characteristics. The purpose of this work is to review the findings of some of the researchers, relevant to the ball milling process for soft magnetic materials such iron, cobalt and nickel and to emphasize the importance of key process parameters on grain size, particle size and performance characteristics.Reference 1. C.Suryanarayana E.Ivanovb, V.V.Boldyrev, The science and technology of mechanical alloying,Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, USA. 46(2001) 1-184. 2. www.google.com,http://nanospinel.blogspo t.com/2007/09/highenergy ball-milling. 3. C. Suryanarayana, E. Ivanovb, V.V. Boldyrev c, The science and technology of mechanical alloying, Materials Science and Engineering, USA A304–306 (2001) 151– 158, 4. H.F. Li and R.V. Ramanujan, Micro structural evolution and nanocrystalline formation kinetics in FeCo based alloys during mechanical alloying , Journal of Metastable and Nanocrystalline Materials Vol. 23 (2005) 5. YANG Yuanzheeng, MA Xueming, DONG Yizhen, The Nano- structuctuer of Iron Formed by Mechanical Grinding, Institute of Solid state Physics, Hefei. - Vol.9, No.5 (1992)266, 4 October 1991. 6. R.Hamzaoui, O.Elkedim, N.Fenineche, Structure and magnetic properties of nanocrystalline mechanically alloyed Fe- 10% Ni and Fe-20 Ni. University de Technologie de Belfort- France.vol- 360(2003) 299-305 7. W. Pilarczyk, R. Nowosielski , A. Pilarczyk, Structure and properties of FeCo-Ni-B-Si-Nb alloy prepared by mechanical alloying method. journal of achievement in materials and manufacturing engineering volume 30 issue-2 October -2008 8. D. A. Sanchez-Ramirez, A. RodríguezRodriguez1, Sagrario M. Montemayor, E. M. Muzquiz-Ramos, O. S. RodriguezFernandez, CoFe2O4 nanoparticles: ball milling (assisted by NaOH) vs. polymerized complex, vol-09-12 March, 2009 9. A.M. Glushenkov, H.Z.Zhang, Y.Chen. The study on reactive ball milling to produce nanocrystalline ZnO, department of Electronic materials engineering research school of physical Science and Engineering, Australia. -Vol 62 (2008) 4047-4049 10. S.R. Mishra, G.J. Long, F. Grandjean, R.P. Hermann, S. Roy, N. Ali, and A. Viano Magnetic properties of iron nitride-alumina nanocomposite materials prepared by highenergy ball milling D 24, 93–96 (2003) K V Nagesha, Rajanish M, D.Shivappa |
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158. | Physical and Thermal Properties of Baobab Fruit Pulp Powder
Physical and Thermal Properties of Baobab Fruit Pulp PowderAbstract: In this study the physical and thermal properties of baobab (Adansonia digitata) fruit pulp powder which are essential for designing engineering processes, material handling, storage, equipment design and fabrication were determined. The physical properties, namely, mean particle size, bulk density, true density and porosity were determined. Also, angle of repose and coefficient of friction were tested on mild steel, plywood and PVC plastic which are probable engineering materials for construction of food processing equipment. The specific heat capacity, thermal diffusivity and thermal conductivity were also determined. The mean particle size of the powder was 0.953 mm, while the bulk density, true density and porosity were found to be 301 kg/m3 , 1167 kg/m3 and 73%, respectively. The angle of repose and coefficients of static friction of the fruit pulp powder were found to be 40.63o and 0.8339, 39.18o and 0.7796, 37.28o and 0.7501, respectively for mild steel, plywood and PVC plastic surfaces. The specific heat capacity and thermal conductivity decreased with increase in temperature, while thermal diffusivity increased from 1.217×10-5 to 2.341×10-5 m 2 /s within the temperature range of 40 and 60oC.Key words: Baobab pulp powder, thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, specific heat capacity, particle size Reference [1]. DeVries, Femke,T. 1991 Chufa, "(cyperrusesculentus) a weedy cultivar or a cultivated weed". Econ. Bot., 45:27-37 [2]. Dickerson, R.W. 1965. An apparatus for the measurement of thermal diffusivity of foods. J. Food Tech., 19(5): 198-204. [3]. Dutta, S.K., Nema, V.K. and Bhardwaj, R.K. 1988. Physical properties of grape. J. Agric. Eng. Res., 39:259-268 [4]. Fraser, B.M., Verma, S.S. and Muir, W.E. 1978. Some physical properties of Fababeans. J. Agric.Eng.Res., 23: 53-57. [5]. GonulKaletunc.2007. Prediction of specific heat of cereal flours: A quantitative empirical correlation. J. Food Eng., 82: 589–594 [6]. Maduako, J.N. and Faborode M.O. 1990.Some physical properties of cocoa pods in relation to primary processing. Ife J. Tech., 2: 1-7 [7]. Mcproud, L.M. and Lund, D.B.1983. Thermal properties of beef loaf produced in food services systems. J. Food Sci., 5: 677-680 [8]. Murray S.S., Schoeninger, M.J., Bunn, H.T., Pickering, T.R. and Marlett, J.A. 2001.Nutritional composition of some wild plant foods and honey used by Hadza forager in Tanzania. J. Food Comp. Anal., 14: 3-13. [9]. Nithatkusol, A. 1998.The development of apparatus for determination of thermal conductivities of nonfrozen food by the line heat source method.MSc thesis, King Mongkuts University of Technology, Thonburi. [10]. Prentice A., Laskey M.A., Shaw J., Hadson. G.J., Day, K.C., Jarjon, L.M.A., Dibba, B. and Paul, A.A. 1993. The calcium and phosphnus in takes of rural Gambian women during pregnancy and lactation portish. J. Nutr., 69: 885-896 A.A. Adekunle, T.A. Shittu, A.O. Abioye, J.A. Adeyanju, F.G.Osanaiye |
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159. | A Review on Web Service Selection for Web Service Composition
A Review on Web Service Selection for Web Service CompositionAbstract: Since there are lot of Web services to perform same functionality, we need to select a proper Web Service based on QoS requirements. In this paper, we will study different Web Service selection techniques which are available in market. We will compare these web service selection methodologies using different parameters. Then we can recommend a particular web service for web service composition.Key words: Selection of Web Services, Quality of Service, Web Service composition Reference [1] A. Liu, L. Huang, and Q. Li, "QoSAware Web Ser- vices Composition Using Transactional Composition Operator," Proc. Seventh Int'l Conf. Advances in Web-Age Infor- mation Management (WAIM '06), pp. 217-228, June 2006. [2] M.C. Jaeger, G. Roec-Goldmann, and G. Muehl, "QoS Aggregation for Web Service Composition Using Workflow Patterns," Proc. Eighth IEEE Int'l Enterprise Distributed Ob- ject Computing Conf. (EDOC '04), pp. 149-159, 2004. [3] D. Menasce, "Composing Web Services: AQoS View," IEEE Internet Computing, vol. 6, no. 8, pp. 88-90, Dec. 2004. [4] B. Wu, C.H. Chi, and S. Xu, "Service Selection Model Based on QoS Reference Vector," Proc. IEEE Congress Ser- vices (Services '07), pp. 270-277, 2007. [5] L. Zeng, A.N.B. Benatallah, M. Dumas, J. Kalagnanam, and H. Chang, "QoS-Aware Middleware for Web Services Composition," IEEE Trans. Software Eng., vol. 30, no. 5, pp. 311-327, May 2004. [6] W. Zhang, Y. Yang, S. Tang, and L. Fang, "QoS-Driven Service Selection Optimization Model and Algorithms for Composite Web Services," Proc. 31st Ann. Int'l Computer Software and Applications Conf. (COMPSAC '07), vol. 2, pp. 425-431, 2007. [7] S. Bhiri, O. Perrin, and C. Godart, "Ensuring Required Failure Atomicity of Composite Web Services," Proc. 14th Int'l Conf. World Wide Web (WWW), pp. 138-147, 2005. [8] S. Bhiri, O. Perrin, and C. Godart, "Extending Workflow Patterns with Transactional Dependencies to Define Reliable Composite Web Services," Proc. Advanced Int'l Conf. Telecomm. and Int'l Conf. Internet and Web Applications and Services (AICT ICIW), p. 145, 2006. [9] L. Li, C. Liu, and J. Wang, "Deriving Transactional Properties of Composite Web Services," Proc. IEEE Int'l Conf. Web Services (ICWS '07), pp. 631-638, July 2007. [10] F. Montagut, R. Molva, and S.T. Golega, "Automating the Composition of Transactional Web Services," Int'l J. Web Services Research, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 24- 41, 2008. Kartik N. Shah, Shantanu Santoki, Himanshu Ghetia, RA. K. Saravanaguru |
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160. | Clustering students' based on previous academic performance
Clustering students' based on previous academic performanceAbstract: Educational data mining is very popular research area for studying the behavior of students based upon their past performance. As Education is very basic need, which must be given to all, the study of student behavior plays a vital role. Grouping students on the basis of their performance, we can make a good team for any competitions to represent from institute or university. Also we can make some more focus on the students who are having bad performance by giving some extra lectures and motivating them for better study. In this paper, we will cluster the similar behavior students based upon their past academic performance. We are using Similarity measure as Canberra Distance for clustering same type of students. We will use VIT university data for analyzing performance.Key words: Educational Data Mining, Clustering Students, Grouping Method, Students behavior. Reference [1] Kartik N. Shah, Shantanu Santoki, Himanshu Ghetia, L.Ramanthan, "Mining on Student‟s Records to Predict the Behavior of Students", IEEE - International Conference on Research and Development Prospects on Engineering and Technology, March 29,30 - 2013 Vol.4, pp. 54-57. [2] R. Baker, "Data mining for education," in International Encyclopedia of Education, B.McGaw, P. Peterson, and E. Baker, Eds., 3rd ed. Oxford, U.K.: Elsevier, 2010. [3] T. Barnes, M. Desmarais, C. Romero, and S. Ventura, presented at the 2nd Int. Conf. Educ. Data Mining, Cordoba, Spain, 2009. [4] F. Castro, A. Vellido, A. Nebot, and F. Mugica, "Applying data mining techniques to e-learning problems," in Evolution of Teaching and Learning Paradigms in Intelligent Environment (Studies in Computational Intelligence), vol. 62, L. C. Jain, R. Tedman, and D. Tedman, Eds. New York: Springer-Verlag, 2007, pp. 183–221. [5] Minaei-Bidgoli, B., Punch, W. Using Genetic Algorithms for Data Mining Optimization in an Educational Web-based System. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, Part II. 2003. pp.2252–2263. [6] Romero, C., Ventura, S. Educational Data Mining: a Survey from 1995 to 2005. Expert Systems with Applications, 2007, 33(1), pp.135-146. [7] J. Mostow and J. Beck, "Some useful tactics to modify, map and mine data from intelligent tutors," J. Nat. Lang. Eng., vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 195– 208, 2006. [8] C. Antunes, Acquiring background knowledge for intelligent tutoring systems, in: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Educational Data Mining, 2008, pp. 18–27. [9] Baker, R.S.J.D. and De Carvalho, A.M.J.A. 2008. Labeling Student Behavior Faster and More Precisely with Text Replays. In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Educational Data Mining, 38-47 [10] Nguyen Thai Nghe, Paul Janecek, and Peter Haddawy "A Comparative Analysis of Techniques for Predicting Academic Performance" 37th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, October 10 – 13, 2007, Milwaukee, WI, T2G-7 Kartik N. Shah, Srinivasulu Kothuru, S. Vairamuthu |
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161. | A Finite Element Model And Active Vibration Control Of Composite Beams With Distributed Piezoelectrics Using Third Order Theory
A Finite Element Model And Active Vibration Control Of Composite Beams With Distributed Piezoelectrics Using Third Order TheoryAbstract: In this study, A finite element model based on the third order theory is presented for the active vibration control of composite beams with distributed piezoelectric sensors and actuators. For calculating the total charge on the sensor, the direct piezoelectric equation is used and the actuators provide a damping effect on the composite beam by coupling a negative velocity feedback control algorithm in a closed control loop. A modal superposition technique and a Newmark-β method are used in the numerical analysis to compute the dynamic response of composite beams. Algorithm for calculating the various values of variables is carried out using Matlab toolKey words: Active vibration control, cantilever composite beam, Newmark-β method Reference [1] Bailey T. and Hubbard J.E., Distributed piezoelectric-polymer active control of a cantilever beam, Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, vol. 8, pp. 605- 611, (1985). [2] P. R. Heyliger and J. N. Reddy, A higher order beam finite element for bending and vibration problem, Journal of Sound and Vibration 126, 309-326 (1988). [3] S. K. Ha, C. Keilers and F. K. Chang, Finite element analysis of composite structures containing distributed piezoceramics sensors and actuators, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Journal, pp. 772-780 (1992). [4] H. S. Tzou and C. I. Tseng, Distributed piezoelectric sensor/actuator design for dynamic measurement/control of distributed parameter system: a piezoelectric finite element approach, Journal of Sound and Vibration 138,17-34 (1990). [5] K. Chandrashekhara and S. Varadarajan, Adaptive shape control of composite beams with piezoelectric actuators, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, vol. 8, pp. 112-124, (1997). [6] Woo-Seok Hwang, Woonbong Hwang and Hyun Chul Park, Vibration control of laminated composite plates with piezoelectric sensor/actuator: Active and passive control methods, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, vol. 8(5), 571-583, (1994). [7] X. Q. Peng, K. Y. Lam and G. R. Liu, Active vibration control of composite beams with piezoelectrics, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 209, 635-650, (1998). [8] Bohua Sun, Da Huang, Vibration suppression of laminated composite beams with piezoelectric damping layer, Composite Structures vol. 53, 437-447, (2001). [9] V. Balamurugan and S. Narayanan, Finite element formulation and active vibration control study on beam using SCLD treatment, Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 249(2), 227-250, (2002). [10] S. Narayanan and V. Balamurugan, Finite element modeling of piezolaminated smart structures for active vibration control with distributed sensors and actuators, Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 262, 529-562, (2003). [11] K. J. Bathe, Finite element procedures in engineering analysis. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice- Hall. [12] IEEE Standard on Piezoelectricity ANSIIEEE Std 176-187, (1987) Pratik K. Gandhi, J. R. Mevada |
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162. | Performance Analysis of MIMO-OFDM (802.11n System) for WLAN Channel Model
Performance Analysis of MIMO-OFDM (802.11n System) for WLAN Channel ModelAbstract: Fading is a common problem for the wireless communication system especially in urban areas where a large number of buildings reflecting the radio signals that result in interference between the reflected signals makes the fading effect since multiple selective nature of the spectrum at some specific place cancels out so the reception signal loss any part of your information in this sharply increases the communication system BER in slight motion of receiver, this paper specially analyzes the BER performance under Rayleigh fading channel conditions of MIMO-OFDM in presence of AWGN (Additive White Gaussian Noise) for different number of Transimitting, different number of users, and different path gains system analysis is performed by simulating the MIMOOFDM using MATLAB program, and finally the paper also presents a comparison between simulated results.Key words: MIMO-OFDM, AWGN (Additive White Gaussian Noise), Rayleigh fading Reference [1] Yoon Hyun Kim and Jin Young Kim "Performance Comparison of 802.11n System with WLAN Channel Model", Communications and Information Technology, 2009. ISCIT 2009. 9th International Symposium on 28-30 Sept. 2009. [2] D. Love, R. Heath, V. Lau, D. Gesbert, B. Rao and M. Andrews, An overview of limited feedback in wireless communication systems, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas Communications, vol 26, pp. 1341–1365, 2008. [3] L. Zheng and D. N. C. Tse (May 2003). "Diversity and multiplexing: A fundamental tradeoff in multiple-antenna channels". IEEE Trans. Inf. Th. 49 (5): 1073–1096. [4] F. Adachi, D. Garg, S. Takaoka, and K. Takeda, "Broadband CDMA techniques," Wireless Communications, IEEE [see also IEEE Personal Communications], vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 8–18, April 2005. [5] A. Jamalipour, T. Wada, and T. Yamazato, "A tutorial on multiple access technologies for beyond 3G mobile networks," CommunicationsMagazine, IEEE, vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 110–117, Feb. 2005. [6] S. Zhou, G. B. Giannakis, and C. L. Martret, "Chip-interleaved block-spread code division multiple access," Communications, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 235–248, Feb 2002. [7] M. Ma, Y. Yang, H. Cheng, and B. Jiao, "A capacity comparison between MIMOOFDMand CP-CDMA," Vehicular Technology Conference, 2006. VTC-2006 Fall. 2006 IEEE 64th, pp. 1–4, Sept.2006. [8] D. Gesbert, M. Kountouris, R. W. Heath, Jr., C.-B. Chae, and T. Sälzer, "Shifting the MIMO Paradigm: From Single User to Multiuser Communications," IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 36–46, Oct. 2007 [9] http://en.wikipedia.org/ Prof. Shivendra Singh, Prof. Vikas Gupta, Shiv kumar Yadav |
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163. | Design of an Algorithm For Materialized View Selection
Design of an Algorithm For Materialized View SelectionAbstract: Quick responds and accurate data are important factors in the data warehouse. In distributed database, large amount of database required quick response to the user which can enhance the query processing. A data warehouse is the collection of materialized views which are used to process a given set of queries. Materialized views are found useful for fast query processing. It can be the result of a query, subset of the rows or column or can be the join result. Instead of accessing the original database , some immediate result can store in the form of materialized view which can give the fast access to the data .There are two issues should be consider while developing materialized views i.e. space constraint & maintenance cost constraint .Because materialized view required large amount of space on to the disk, materialization of all queries or views are not possible. Therefore Materialized views selection is one of the important decisions in designing a data warehouse. This work will implement an algorithm which can select the queries based on frequently accessing by the user & materialized that query so that user can get fast access to there useful data & automatically query processing will be faster and maintenance of data in order to get up-to-date information..Key words: Data warehouse, materialized views, maintenance cost, query processing cost. Reference [1] V. Harinarayan, A. Rajaraman, and J. Ullman. "Implementing data cubes efficiently". Proceedings of ACM SIGMOD 1996 International Conference on Management of Data, Montreal, Canada, pages 205- 216, 1996. [2] T.Nalini, Dr. A.Kumaravel, Dr.K.Rangarajan , "An Efficient I-MINE Algorithm for Materialized Views in a Data Warehouse Environment" , International Conference on Computer Science, Vol.8, Issue 5, No 1, September 2011. [3] Mahip Bartere and Dr. Prashant Deshmukh, "Optimization of Query Processing Time Base on Materialized Sample View ", (IJCSIT) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Vol. 2 (3) , 2011, 1222-1228 [4] H. Gupta, I.S. Mumick, Selection of views to materialize under a maintenance cost constraint. In Proc. 7th International Conference on Database Theory (ICDT'99), Jerusalem, Israel, pp. 453–470,1999. [5] C. Zhang and J. Yang, "Genetic algorithm for materialized view selection in data warehouse environments," Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery , LNCS, vol. 1676, pp. 116–125, 999. [6] B.Ashadevi and Dr.R.Balasubramanian, "Optimized Cost Effective Approach for Selection of Materialized Views in Data Warehousing", JCS&T Vol. 9 No. 1,April 2009. [7] Sanket Patel and Deepak Dembla, "An Approach for Selection and Maintenance of Materialized View in Data Warehousing", International Journal of Information Sciences and Application.ISSN 0974-2255 Volume 4, Number 1 (2012). [8] Imene Mami and Zohra Bellahsene, "A Survey of View Selection Methods", SIGMOD Record, March 2012 (Vol. 41, No. 1). [9] MR. P. P. Karde, DR. V. M. Thakare, "Materialized View Selection Approach Using Tree Based Methodology",ISSN:0975-6698-NOV 09 to Oct 10-vol 1. Hema S. Botre, Prof.M.S.Chaudhari |
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164. | Design, Synthesis And Simulation Of Four Bar Mechanism For Eliminate The Plowing Depth Fluctuations In Tractors
Design, Synthesis And Simulation Of Four Bar Mechanism For Eliminate The Plowing Depth Fluctuations In TractorsAbstract: In this paper, a four bar mechanism was designed for the specified performance output for a tractor. In tractor's plowing is engaged with the assistance of a hydraulic cylinder. Looking on the soil hardness the plowing depth fluctuates that isn't fascinating. To induce the correct plowing depth an Electrical control system is introduced. It consists of hydraulic valve, control unit and also the angular sensor. The control system helps to regulate the plowing depth accurately. The device measures the position of pivot and offers feed back to the system. Thus a sturdy, reliable and safe link mechanism is developed to measure the angular motion of the pivot. The main focus of this paper is to analyze Dimensional synthesis is performed supported Freudenstein's Equation and Chebechev's formula in Matlab and calculate the structural error of linkage mechanism by using Adams. Dimensional synthesis of 4 bar link mechanisms helps the designer to design link mechanisms with correct dimensions and simulation in Adams helps to optimize the link mechanism.Key words: Adams Simulation, Function Generation in Matlab, Structural Error Reference [1] D. Sangamesh and G.K. Ananthasuresh, James Watt and his Linkages, Resonance, 14(6), 2009, 530–543. [2] F. Freudenstein, Design of Four-link Mechanisms, PhD Thesis, Columbia University, USA, 1954. [3] F. Freudenstien, An Analytical Approach to the Design of Four-Link Mechanisms, ASME Trans,76(3), 1954, 483–492. [4] F. Freudenstien, Approximate Synthesis of Four-Bar Linkages, ASME Trans, 77(8), 1955, 853–861. [5] T.S. Mruthyunjaya, A Computerised Methodology for Structural Synthesis of Kinematic Chains: Part 1 -Formulation, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 19(6), 1984, 487-495. [6] T.S. Mruthyunjaya, Structural Synthesis by Transformation of Binary Chains, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 14, 221- 231. [7] G.N. Sandor and A.G. Erdman ,Advanced Mechanism Design, I and II, Prentice – Hall, 1988. [8] J.E. Shigley and J.U. John, Theory of machines and mechanisms, International Student Edition [9] R.L. Williams II and C.F. Reinholtz, Proof of Grashof's Law Using Polynomial Discriminants, Journal of Mechanisms, Transmission, and Automation in design,108,1986, 562-564. [10] I.W. Long and W. Shiau-huei, A Note on Freudenstein's Theorem, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 33(1/2), 1998, 139-149. [11] G. Gogu, Mobility of Mechanisms: A Critical Review, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 40(9), 2005, 1068–1098. [12] Kwun and T. Lon, Mobility Criteria of Single-Loop N-Bar Linkages, Journal of Mechanisms, Transmission, and Automation in design,111, 1989,504-505. Retheesh Kumar, Prof.Akash Mohanty |
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165. | VLSI Testing Technique for BIST:Using Priority Based Algorithm
VLSI Testing Technique for BIST:Using Priority Based AlgorithmAbstract: The paper presents a low test time BIST based on Priority Algorithm (PA) is applied for the 32-bit Carry Look-Ahead Adder. This method assigns priority to the test patterns based on faulty coverage and independent faulty detecting test patterns. Experiment conducted on Cadences' RTL Compiler Tool and Cadences' Encounter Tool demonstrate that proposed scheme gives better performance with large reduction in test time and power dissipation during testing.Key words: BIST, LFSR, Priority Test Patterns, Test Time Reference 1. Michael L. Bushnell,Vishwani D. Agrawal "Essentials of ElectronicTesting fordigital, memory and mixed-signal vlsi circuits"Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp.11-12. 2. Y Zorian, "A Distributed BIST control scheme for Complex VLSIdevices.". IEEE PZSITeslSymp. 1993, pp.4-9. 3. Michael L. Bushnell,Vishwani D. Agrawal "Essentials of ElectronicTesting fordigital, memory and mixed-signal vlsi circuits"Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp.496-498. Ganesh L K M, LopamudraPattanayak |
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166. | An Electronic tongue for core taste identification based on conductometry
An Electronic tongue for core taste identification based on conductometryAbstract: This paper presents a method for identification of basic tastes, i.e. sweet, sour, bitter and salty with the help of electronic tongue. The electronic tongue works on the basis of conductometric technique and having two electrodes. This technique determines the concentration of ions in solutions in terms of current flow as a function of voltage when polarization of ions occurs around the electrode. This measured current is a function of different chemical composition and hence can be used for the identification of different taste, as different taste having different chemical composition. The main objective of the present work is to test samples from four different tastes with the help of electronic tongue and analyzing the output current obtained from different solution in time domain.Key words: Electronic Tongue, Basic Test, Conductometry, Electrode. Reference [1] Boyko Iliev, Malin Lindquist, Linn Robertsson, PeterWide, A fuzzy technique for food- and water quality assessment with an electronic tongue, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 157 (2006) 1155 – 1168. [2] Saorabh Kr. Mondal, Uday Maji, Bipan Tudu and Chiranjib Koley, Basic Taste Identification Using Voltammetric Type Electronic Tongue Technique, International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE),ISSN: 2231- 2307, Volume-1, Issue-NCRAMT2011, July 2011. [3] Hitesh Jain, Rushi Panchal, Prasanna Pradhan, Hardik Patel, T. Y. Pasha, Electronic tongue: a new taste sensor, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research¸ Volume 5, Issue 2, November – December 2010; Article-017. [4] Martin Nissfolk, Development of an Electronic Nose-Tongue Data Acquisition System using a Microcontroller, UPTEC IT09 002. [5] Linn Robertsson and Peter Wide, Improving food quality analysis using a wavelet method for feature extraction, IMTC 2005 - Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, May 17–19, 2005. JENISH S SHAH |
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167. | Enterotoxigenic Profiles of psychrotolerant and mesophilic strains of the Bacillus cereus group isolated from food in Morocco
Enterotoxigenic Profiles of psychrotolerant and mesophilic strains of the Bacillus cereus group isolated from food in MoroccoAbstract: The species Bacillus cereus, known for its ability to cause food borne disease, consists of a large variety of strains. An important property for discrimination of strains is their growth temperature range. Fifty-two strains of Bacillus cereus isolated from different sources of food (milk, dairy product, spices and rice salad) for two years were determined to be either mesophilic or psychrotrophic by growth at 6 °C and at 43° C on optimal agar medium. The strains were also screened by real time polymerase chain reaction to discriminate between mesophilic and psychrotrophic types. The result obtained allowed highlighting eight profiles. Thirty seven of the 52 strains were able to grow at 6°C, but only thirteen conformed to the new psychrotolerant species Bacillus weihenstephanensis. The presence of the gene components encoding production of enterotoxins Nhe, Hbl, EntT and a recently described cytotoxin K was determined by PCR. All the strains possessed genes for at least one of these toxins. The nhe genes were detected in a higher proportion than hbl genes. Haemolytic enterotoxin was detected in 71.1 per cent of the isolates. Results of this study indicate that there are intermediate forms between B. cereus and B. weihenstephanensis, these results might be of importance for gaining further understanding of the growth properties of B. weihenstephanensis and psychrotolerant B. cereus as well as their contribution to food poisoning. However, no relationship among haemolysis test, enterotoxin genes and growth temperatures of the strains was found.Key words: Bacillus cereus group, mesophilic, Morocco, psychrotolerant, virulence genes Reference [1] Adams, MR., Moss, MO. Bacterial agents of food borne illness. Food microbiology. Cambridge, England: Royal Society of Chemistry, 1995, 160-163. [2] Agata, N., Ohta, M., Arakawa, Y. and Mori, M. The bceT gene of Bacillus cereus encodes an enterotoxic protein. Microbiology, 141, 1995, 983-988. [3] Lund, T., M. L. DeBuyser, and P. E. Granum. A new cytotoxin from Bacillus cereus that may cause necrotic enteritis. Mol. Microbiol, 2000, 38:254–261. [4] Beecher, D. J., and A. C. Wong. Tripartite hemolysin BL from Bacillus cereus. Hemolytic analysis of component interactions and a model for its characteristic paradoxical zone phenomenon. J. Biol. Chem, 1997, 272:233–239. [5] Heinrichs, J. H., D. J. Beecher, J. D. MacMillan, and B. A. Zilinskas. Molecular cloning and characterization of the hblA gene encoding the B component of hemolysin BL from Bacillus cereus. J. Bacteriol, 1993,175:6760–6766. [6] Ryan, P. A., J. D. Macmillan, and B. A. Zilinskas. Molecular cloning and characterization of the genes encoding the L1 and L2 components of hemolysin BL from Bacillus cereus. J. Bacteriol. 1997, 179:2551–2556. [7] Granum, P. E., S. Brynestad, and J. M. Kramer. Analysis of enterotoxin production by bacillus cereus from dairy products, food poisoning incidents and non gastro-intestinal infections, Int. J. Food Microbiol. 1993,17:269-279. [8] Lechner, S., Mayr, R., Francis, K.P., Pruss, B.M., Kaplan, T., WiessnerGunkel, E., Stewart, G.S. and Scherer, S. Bacillus weihenstephanensis sp is a new psychrotolerant species of the Bacillus cereus group. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol, 1998, 48, 1373-1382. [9] Guinebretière, M.H., Thompson, F.L., Sorokin, A., Normand, P., Dawyndt, P., Ehlich- Schulz, M., Svensson, B., Sanchis, V., Nguyen-The, C., Heyndrickx, M., De Vos, P., Ecological diversification in the Bacillus cereus group. Environ. Microbiol, 2008, 10, 851-865. [10] Von stetten, F., Mayr, R., Scherer, S. Climatic influence on mesophilic Bacillus cereus and psychrotolerant Bacillus weihenstephanensis populations in tropical, temperate and alpine soil. Environ. Microbiol, 1999, 503-515. Souad Merzougui, Nozha Cohen, Noël Grosset, Michel Gautier, Mustapha Lkhider |
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168. | Analysis Of Face Recognition- A Case Study On Feature Selection And Feature Normalization
Analysis Of Face Recognition- A Case Study On Feature Selection And Feature NormalizationAbstract: In this the effects of feature selection and feature normalization to the face recognition scheme is presented. From the local features that are extracted using block-base discrete cosine transform (DCT), three feature sets are derived. These local feature vectors are normalized in two different ways by making them unit norm and by dividing each coefficient to its standard deviation that is learned from the training set. In this work use local information by using block based discrete cosine transform. Here the main idea is to mitigate the effects of expression, illumination and occlusion variations by performing local analysis and by fusing the outputs of extracted local features at the feature and at the decision level.Key words: Image Processing, DCT, Face recognition; Reference [1]. R. Gottumukkal, V.K. Asari, ―An Improved Face Recognition Technique Based On Modular Pca Approach‖,Pattern Recognition Letters, 25(4), 2004. [2]. B. Heisele Et Al, ―Face Recognition: Component-Based Versus Global Approaches‖, Computer Vision And Image Understanding, 91:6-21, 2003. [3]. T. Kim Et Al, ―Component-Based Lda Face Description For Image Retrieval And Mpeg- 7 Standardisation‖, Image And Vision Computing, 23(7):631-642, 2005. [4]. A.Pentland, B. Moghaddam, T. Starner And M. Turk,―View Based And Modular Eigenspaces For Face Recognition‖, Proceedings Of Ieee Cvpr, Pp. 84-91, 1994. [5]. Z. Pan And H. Bolouri, ―High Speed Face Recognition Based On Discrete Cosine Transforms And Neural Networks‖, Technical Report, University Of Hertfordshire, Uk, 1999. [6]. Z. M. Hafed And M. D. Levine, ―Face Recognition Using The Discrete Cosine Transform‖, International Journal Of Computer Vision, 43(3), 2001. [7]. C. Sanderson And K. K. Paliwal, ―Features For Robust Facebased Identity Verification‖, Signal Processing, 83(5), 2003. [8]. T. Sim, S. Baker, And M. Bsat, ―The Cmu Pose, Illumination, And Expression (Pie) Database‖, Proc. Of Intl.Conf. On Automatic Face And Gesturerecognition,2002 [9]. W. L. Scott, ―Block-Level Discrete Cosine Transform Coefficients For Autonomic Face Recognition‖, Phd Thesis,Louisiana State University, Usa, May 2003. [10]. A. Nefian, ―A Hidden Markov Model-Based Approach For Face Detection And Recognition―, Phd Thesis, Georgia Institute Of Technology, 1999. B.Vijay, A.Nagabhushana Rao |
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169. | Power saving Run Time Reconfigurable Cordic Processor
Power saving Run Time Reconfigurable Cordic ProcessorAbstract: The CORDIC algorithm provides an efficient method of computing trigonometric functions by rotating a vector through some angle, specified by its coordinates. This rotation is obtained by performing a number of micro rotations through elementary rotation angles, into which the total rotation angle has been decomposed. This paper presents the design and implementation of a runtime reconfigurable CORDIC processor which can be used for various calculations including rectangular to polar and polar to rectangular co-ordinate conversion. Efficient floor planning is done using Xilinx Plan Ahead 14.2 to reduce the area and device utilization.Key words: CORDIC, Power saving, Reconfigurable, Floor Planning, co-ordinate conversion. Reference [1] Amritakar Mandal and Rajesh Mishra Journal of Signal Processing Theory and Applications (2012) 1: 27-35 doi:10.7726/jspta.2012.1003 Books: [2] Mios D Ercegovac and Tomas Lang Digital Arithmetic (Morgan Kaufman Publishers). Proceedings Papers: [3] J.E. Volder, "The CORDIC Trigonometric Computing Technique", IRE Trans. Electronic Computers, vol. EC-8, pp. 330- 334, Sept. 1959. [4] J.S. Walther, "A unified Algorithm for elementary functions", Proc. AFIPS Spring Joint Computing Conf., vol. 38, pp. 379- 385, 1971. [5] R. Bakthavatchalu, M.S. Sinith, P.Nair, K.Jismi, "A comparison of pipelined, parallel and iterative CORDIC design on FPGA", Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS), 2010 International conference, pp 239-243, September 2010 [6] Antelo, E., Lang, T. and Bruguera, J. D., 2000. Very-high radix CORDIC rotation based on selection by rounding.J. VLSI Signal Processing, 25:2, 141–153 [7] K. Maharatna, S. Banerjee, A.Troya and E. Grass ,"Virtually Scalingfree adaptive CORDIC rotator", IEEE Proc, Comput. Digit Tech ,Volume 151, Issue 6,p 448-456, November 2004 [8] K. Maharatna, S. Banerjee, E. Grass ,M.Krstic and A.Troya, "Modified Virtually Scaling-free adaptive CORDIC rotator Algorithm and architecture", IEEE Transactions on circuits and systems for video technology, Vol.15, No.11, November 2005 [9] E.I.Garcia, R.Cumplido, M.Arias,'Pipelined CORDIC design on FPGA for digital sine and cosine waves generator", IEEE 2006 3rd International conference, pp 1-4, December 2006 [10] Y.H.Hu, "The quantization effects of cordic algorithm", IEEE transactions on signal processing, Vol 40, No 4, April 1992 [11] K.Kota, J.R.Cavallaro, "Numerical accuracy and hardware tradeoffs for cordic arithmetic for special purpose processors", IEEE transactions on computers, Vol 42, No 7, July 1993. Arun Babu, Monisha Manohar |
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170. | Modelling And Simulation Of Distribution Transformer For Analysing The Transformer Losses Using Analytical And Simulation Method
Modelling And Simulation Of Distribution Transformer For Analysing The Transformer Losses Using Analytical And Simulation MethodAbstract: In this paper, losses due to linear load has been calculated using analytical and simulation method and also losses due to harmonic load current has been calculated by analytical method .Transformer is basic component of power system and it is usually constructed and basically designed to work at rated frequency and perfect sinusoidal load current .Now days use of non linear load has increased a lot ,so losses due to harmonic current has increased .This in turn detoriates the insulation of the winding and life of transformer due to heating .In this paper a 200 KVA 3 phase distribution transformer is taken and losses has been calculated under linear load ,using two methods . i.e computational method and simulation method .Also losses due to harmonic current has been calculated analytically and has been compared with losses of linear load. For simulation method ,a SIMULINK model of transformer is designed and finally both the method has been compared.Key words: Transformer losses ,non linear loads ,harmonic current, KVA rating ,Eddy current Reference [1] IEEE Std C57.110-1998, "IEEE Recommended Practice for Establishing Transformer Capability When Supplying Non sinusoidal Load Currents" [2] SAFET AYASUN,1 CHIKA O.NWANKPA "Transformer Tests Using MATLAB/SIMULINK and their Integration into Undergratuade Electric Machnery Courses.IEEETRANS EDU,2005 . [3]. S.B.Sadati, A.Tahani, M.Jafari, M.Dargahi, Derating of transformers under Nonsinusoidal Loads, Proc. of the 11th International Conference on Optimization of Electrical andElectronic Equipment OPTIM 2008, Brasov, Romania. [4]. Sadati, S.B., A. Tahani, B. Darvishi, M. Dargahi and H. Yousefi, 2008. Comparison of Distribution Transformer Losses and Capacity under Linear and Harmonic Loads. In the proceedings of the IEEE 2nd International Power and Energy Conference, 2008, PP: 1265-1269. [5] M.Yazadani-Asrami,M.mirzaie and A.Shayegani Akmal. Calculation of transformer losses under non sinusoidal currents using analytic methods and finite element analysis .World applied journal.Vol. II, IMECS 2011, March 16- 18, 2011, Hong Kong [6]. Amit Gupta,Ranjana Singh. Comparison of transformer losses under the effect of non sinusoidal load currents, An International Journal,vol.2,No.6,November 2011. [7]. Mohammed k,Edan. Non Sinusoidal Loading Effect On Oil Immersed Power Transformers .Eng & Tech Journal ,Vol 29,No 12,2011 [8]. A.H. Al-badi, A. Elmoudi, I. Metwally. Losses reduction in distribution transformers, Proceedings of the International Multi Conference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2011 VOL II IMECS 2011,MARCH 16- 18.2011,HONG KONG [9] H.I.Zynal, Ala'a a.Yass.The Effect of Harmonic Distortion on a Three Phase Transformer losses. Canadian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Vol.3,no .5,May 2012. Reetima Mary Sah, Jyoti Srivastava |
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171. | Cold Drawing Process –A Review
Cold Drawing Process –A ReviewAbstract: Cold drawing is widely used metal forming process with inherent advantages like closer dimensional tolerances, better surface finish and improved mechanical properties as compared to hot forming processes. Due to the ever increasing competition with the advent of globalization it has become highly important to keep on improving the process efficiency in terms of product quality and optimized use of resources. In view of this different models have been proposed and validated using experimental results over a long period of time. The demands in the automobile sector, energy sector and mining sector have led to several modifications in the drawing process. In this paper, process details of cold drawing, major analytical, experimental and numerical studies reported in literature have been reviewed. The review focuses on highlighting the developments associated with the drawing technology that includes improvement in tool design, modification in product geometry, process optimization etc. with the use of Finite element method to achieve the process related objectives.Key words: Cold drawing, Finite element method, Process optimization, Product geometry, Tool design. Reference [[1] Groover, M. P. Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 4/e 2010. [2] Kopp, R. Some Current Development Trends in Metal-Forming Technology (1996). Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 60, 1-9. [3] Rosochowska, Malgorzata, Andrzej Rosochowski and Lech Olejnik (2009). Finite Element Analysis of Cold Forward Extrusion of 1010 Steel. The Annals of "Dunărea De Jos" University Of Galaţi Fascicle V, Technologies in Machine Building, ISSN 1221- 4566, 101-106. [4] Jurkovic, M., Z. Jurkovic and S. Buljan (2006). The Tribological State Test in Metal Forming Processes using Experiment and Modelling. Journal of Achievements inMaterials and Manufacturing Engineering, Vol. 18, Issue 1-2. [5] Chuiko, V. N., Savin G. and A. Kalashnikov(1973).Cold Drawing of Stainless Steel Tubes on Short Mandrel. Metallurg, No. 3, 32-33. [6] Obi, A. I. and A.K. Oyinlola (1996). Frictional Characteristics of Fatty-Based Oils in Wire Drawing. Wear, 194, 30-37. [7] Neves, F. O, S. T. Button, C. Caminaga and F. C. Gentile (2005). Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Tube Drawing with Fixed Plug. J. of the Braz. Soc. of Mech. Sci. & Eng., Vol. XXVII, No. 4, 426- 431. [8] Byon, S. M., S. J. Lee, D. W. Lee, Y. H. Lee and Y. Lee (2011). Effect of Coating Material and Lubricant on Forming Force and Surface Defects in Wire Drawing Process. Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 21, S104−S110. [9] Kim, S. W., Y. N. Kwon, Y. S. Lee and J. H. Lee (2007). Design of Mandrel in Tube Drawing Process for Automotive Steering Input Shaft. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 187–188, 182– 186. [10] Gunasekera, J. S. and S. Hoshino (1982). Analysis of Extrusion or Drawing of Polygonal Sections through Straightly Converging Dies. Journal of Engineering for Industry, Vol. 104, 38-45. Praveen Kumar, Dr. Geeta Agnihotri |
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172. | Contribution of Transparent cryptography in prevention of information leakage
Contribution of Transparent cryptography in prevention of information leakageAbstract: The aim of this paper is to analyze how transparent cryptography protected digital content of mobile in an effective way. In this chapter we will look for possibilities to use transparent cryptography for AES in a secure way. We discuss an application of transparent cryptography in which we split the set of white-box tables into a dynamic part and a static part . The result is that whenever a key needs to be updated, no longer the whole set of tables needs to be updated. In §6.3 different possibilities for using external encodings are described. We discuss what the best possibility .we discuss the problem of the storage space and we look for possibilities to use less tables to save storage. Finally, we look for possibilities to use transparent cryptography for OMA-DRM.Reference [1] D. Aucsmith, Tamper Resistant Software and Implementation, Proc. 1st International Information Hiding Workshop (IHW), Cambridge, U.K. 1996, Springer LNCS 1174, pp. 317-333 (1997). [2] B. Barak, Can We Obfusacate Programs?, http://www.math.ias.edu/ boaz/Papers/obf informal.html. [3] B. Barak, O. Goldreich, R. Impagliazzo, S. Rudich, A. Sahai, S. Vadhan and K. Yang, On the (Im)possibility of Obfuscating Programs,pp 1-18, Advances in Cryptology - Crypto 2001, Springer LNCS 2139 (2001) [4] O. Billet, H. Gilbert, C. Ech-Chatbi, Cryptanalysis of a White-box AES Implementation, SAC 2004. [5] H. Chang, M. Atallah, Protecting Software Code by Guards, Proc. 1st ACM Workshop on Digital Management (DRM 2001), Springer LNCS 2320, pp.160-175 (2002). [6] Y. Chen, R. Venkatesan, M. Cary, R. Pang, S. Sinha, M. Jacubowski, Oblivious Hashing: A stealthy Software Integrity Verification Primitive, Proc. 5st Information Hiding Workshop (IHW), Netherlands (October 2002), Springer LNCS 2578, pp.400-414. [7] S. Chow, P. Eisen, H. Johnson, P.C. van Oorschot, AWhite-Box DES implementation for DRM Applications, pp. 1-15, Proceedings of DRM 2002 - 2nd ACM Workshop on Digital Rights Management (DRM 2002), Springer LNCS 2696 (2003). [8] S. Chow, P. Eisen, H. Johnson, P.C. van Oorschot, White-Box Cryptography and an AES implementation, pp. 250-270, Proceedings of the NinthWorkshop on Selected Areas in Cryptography (SAC 2002), Springer LNCS 2595 (2003). [9] F. Cohen, Operating System Protection Through Program Evolution, Computers and Security 12(6), 1 Oct. 1993, pp. 565- 584. [10] C. Collberg, C. Thomborson, and D. Low. A Taxonomy of Obfusacting Transformations. Technical Report 148, Department of Computer Science, University of Auckland, July 1997. [11] J. Daemen, V. Rijmen, AES Proposal: Rijndael, http://csrc.nist.gov/encryption/aes/rijndael / Rijndael.pdf, 1999. Mr.Shish Ahmad, Dr. Rizwan Beg, Ms. Raziqa Masood |
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173. | Mathematical Modelling of Solar Air Heater
Mathematical Modelling of Solar Air HeaterAbstract: Mathematical modeling has become an accepted tool for predicting the performance, and optimization of thermal processes. Solving the mathematical models representing solar air heating process and systems is one of the most tedious and repetitive problems. Mathematical modeling of conventional solar air heater with single glass cover is presented. Calculations for a collector of aperture area 2m2 have been done for Chennai. It has been found that at solar insolation of 734 W/m2 , average temperature of outlet air is 328.352K (55.32˚C) i.e. rise in temperature of air through the collector is 8˚C for air flow rate of 440 kg/h, Instantaneous efficiency of collector is found as 51.8 % and the pressure drop is 36.982 Pa. Results are closely matching with such experimental results. Finite Difference Method can also be used to solve heat transfer equations for conventional solar air heaters. These equations have also been presented in this work.Key words: FLAT PLATE SOLAR AIR HEATER (FPSAH), SOLAR INSOLATION,FINITE DIFFERENCE METHOD (FDM) Reference 1. A Álvarez, M.C. Muñiz, L.M. Varela, O. Cabeza,23th to 25th March 2010, Finite element modelling of a solar collector, International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality (ICREPQ'10) Granada (Spain). 2. A.A.Mohamad, 1997, High efficiency Solar air heater, Solar Energy Vol. 60, No. 2, 71-76. 3. Bala B. K. and Woods J. L. ,1994, Simulation of the indirect natural convection solar drying of rough rice. Solar Energy, Vol. 53, 259-266. 4. Biondi P., Cicala L. and Farina G.,1988, Performance analysis of solar air heaters of conventional design, Solar Energy, Vol. 41, 101-107. 5. C L. Gupta and H. P. Garg,1966, Performance Studies on Solar Air Heaters, Solar Energy Vol. 11, No. 1. 6. Chandra R, Sodha M S., 1991, Testing procedures for solar air heaters: a review, Energy Conversion and Management; Vol. 32, No 1, 11–33. 7. Choudhury, C., Anderson, S.L., Rekstad, J.,1988 A solar air heater for low temperature applications, Solar Energy, Vol. 40, 335-344. 8. Chow T T., 2010, A review on photovoltaic/thermal hybrid solar technology, Applied Energy, Vol.87, 365–379. 9. Deniz Alta, Emin Bilgili, C. Ertekin, Osman Yaldiz, 2010, Experimental investigation of three different solar air heaters: Energy and exergy analyses, Applied Energy , Vol. 87, 2953–2973. 10. Duffie J. and Beckmann W., 1991, Solar engineering of thermal processes, 2nd edition, Wiley Interscience, New York. Amey P Marathe, Sandeep M Joshi, Gajanan N Thokal |
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174. | Parametric Optimization of Hard turning of AISI 4340 Steel by solid lubricant with coated carbide insert
Parametric Optimization of Hard turning of AISI 4340 Steel by solid lubricant with coated carbide insertAbstract: This study investigated the optimization of Hard turning of AISI 4340 steel by solid lubricant assisted environment using the Grey relational analysis method. Hexagonal boron nitride (H-bn) has been selected as solid lubricant. All the experiment are carried out at different cutting parameter (Cutting speed, Feed rate, Depth of cut and nose radius) in Dry, Wet and solid lubricant assisted environment.Twenty Seven experiments runs based on an orthogonal array of Taguchi method were performed. Each nine experiments were carried out in Dry, Wet and Solid lubricant assisted environment. Surface roughness and cutting force selected as aresponsevariable.An optimal parameter combination of the turning operation was obtained via Grey relational analysis. By analyzing the Grey relational grade matrix, the degree of influence for each controllable process factor onto individual quality targets can be found. The optimal parameter combination is then tested for accuracy of conclusion with a test run using the same parameters.Key words: Optimization, Grey relational analysis, surface roughness, cutting force, feed force. Reference [1]. APS Gaur, Sanjay Agarwal"Investigation to Study the Applicability of Solid Lubricant in Turning AISI 4340 Steel",Procedia CIRP 1 (2012) 243 – 248. [2]. PatilDeepak Kumar h, Dr. M. Sadaiah, "investigations on finish turning of AISI 4340 steel in different cutting environments by CBN insert"ISSN : 0975-5462, Vol. 3 No.10 October 2011. [3]. Dilbag Singh, P. VenkateswaraRao, "Improvement in Surface Quality with Solid Lubrication in Hard Turning"International Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 1-2, January-December 2011. [4]. L B Abhang, M. Hameedullah, "Experimental investigation of minimum quantity lubricants in alloy steel turning",International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Vol. 2(7), 2010, 3045-3053. [5]. P. Vamsi Krishna, D. NageswaraRao, "The influence of solid lubricant particle size on machining parameters in turning",International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 48 (2008) 107–111. [6]. N.R. Dhar, M. Kamruzzaman, Mahiuddin Ahmed, "Effect of minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) on tool wear and surface roughness in turning AISI-4340 steel".Journal of Materials Processing Technology 172 (2006) 299–304 [7]. PatrikDahlman, Fredrik Gunnberg, Michael Jacobson, "The influence of rake angle, cutting feed and cutting depth on residual stresses in hard turning", Journal of Materials Processing Technology 147 (2004) 181–184 [8]. R.F. Avila,A.M. Abrao, "The effect of cutting fluids on the machining of hardened AISI 4340 steel"Journal of Materials Processing Technology 119 (2001) 21–26 [9]. Mohd H.I. Ibrahim, NorhamidiMuhamad , Khairur R. Jamaludin , Nor H.M. Nor and Sufizar Ahmad, Optimization of Micro Metal Injection Molding with Multiple Performance Characteristics using Grey Relational Grade, Chiang Mai J. Sci. 38(2) : 231-241, (2011) [10]. Ramanujam R., Raju R., Muthukrishnan N. , Optimization Of Machining Parameters For Turning Al-Sic (10p) Mmc Using Taguchi Grey Relational Analysis, International Journal Of Industrial Engineering, 18(11), 582-590, (2011) [11]. J.L. Deng, "Introduction to Grey system," J. Grey Syst., vol. 1, pp. 1–24, 1989. Jitendra. M. Varma, Chirag. P. Patel |
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175. | Theoretical And Experimental Analysis Of Corroded Pipe Strength
Theoretical And Experimental Analysis Of Corroded Pipe StrengthAbstract: Process industries have vast networks of pipelines. Those pipelines are prone to external and internal corrosion. Usually environmental conditions and other operating factors cause corrosion. Although there are various ways to protect corrosion but it is inevitable. It may lead to uniform material loss of the wall thickness or pitting, which corresponds to the local wall thickness reduction or general form of cavitations. Corrosion cavity can appear as simplified or in other general form as shown in Fig. 1. These corrosion defects can appear externally as well as internally. Corrosion reduces strength of pipe leading to risk on production, facilities and even human life. To avoid failures due to corrosion and ensure safe and continued operation, corrosion has to be detected and measured. The strength of these corroded areas has to be determined to ensure safety of pipeline, facilities and human life. In this paper different theoretical method are mentioned which are used to evaluate pressure carrying capacity corroded pipe. And also brief information is added about experimental validation of analytical methods. It is very important to carry out periodic assessment and inspection of the pipeline by assessing remaining strength of corroded pipe.Reference 1. Belachew C. T., Mokhtar C. Ismail, and Saravanan K. "Evaluation of available codes for capacity assessment of corroded pipelines" Feb 2009. 2. Seifedine Kadry , "Corrosion Analysis of Stainless Steel" European Journal of Scientific Research , ISSN 1450-216X Vol.22 No.4 (2008). 3. Zhe Zhanga, Janet E. Stouta, Victor L. Yub, Radisav Vidica , " Effect of pipe corrosion scales on chlorine dioxide consumption in drinking water distribution systems", Water Research 42 (2008 4. V. Seleznev, V. Aleshin, V. Kobyakov, "Analysis of the corroded pipeline segments using inline inspection data "The 8th International Conference of the Slovenian Society for NonDestructive Testing" September 1-3, 2005. 5. Jin Weon Kim 1) and Chi Yong Park 2, "Criterion for Failure of Internally Wall Thinned Pipe Under a Combined Pressure and Bending Moment", 17th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, August 17 –22, 2003. 6. O.H. Bjornoy and M.d. Marley,Det Norske Veritas Oslo," Assessment of Corroded Pipelines: Past, Present and Future" International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference Stavanger, Norway, June 17-22, 2001. 7. Neil g. thompson , "Gas and liquid transmission pipelines" , Summary and analysis of results. Y K Bhingare, L.B.Raut |
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176. | Flexible Windows Design Preferred by Homeowners: a Survey of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Staff Members
Flexible Windows Design Preferred by Homeowners: a Survey of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Staff MembersAbstract: User-oriented home construction necessitates participation on the part of the user in the initial design stage of gathering feedback regarding performance. The gap between designers and users, and time considerations means that developing flexible windows is a coping strategy for encouraging user participation and ensuring quality products that are economical and fully sustainability. This study investigated flexible window design based on the principles of design for disassembly and the relationship between the expectations of prospective users and windows features by understanding user motivations, what features they expected and the need for flexible windows. To achieve these goals, a self-administered questionnaire was given to Universiti Teknologi Malaysia staff. The results indicated that the best configuration for flexible windows had few parts, were easy to operate, had a simple structure, and could be quickly installed, were important while selecting windows. Moreover, a variety of designs, ease of maintenance, reusability and lightness of construction materials were additional appreciated factors. Slider windows and windows made of wood were the most preferred in terms of structure and construction material. The features expected by the users served as the basic knowledge that could be used to adopt an appropriate development perspective for the intended users.Key words: Flexibility; design for disassembly; flexible windows design; user expectation; survey; Malaysia Reference [1]. Booker, J. D., Swift, K. G., & Brown, N. J. (2005). Designing for assembly quality: strategies, guidelines and techniques. Journal of Engineering Design, 16(3), 279-295. [2]. Branan, B. (1991). DFA cuts assembly defects by 80%. Appliance Manufacturer, 39(11), 51. [3]. Christiansson, P., Sørensen, K. B., Rødtness, M., Abrahamsen, M., Riemnann, L. O., & Alsdorf, M. (2008). User driven innovation in the building process. Tsinghua Science & Technology, 13, 248-254. [4]. Christiansson, P., Svidt, K., Sørensen, K. B., & Dybro, U. (2011). User participation in the building process. Journal of Information Technology in Construction, 16, 309-334. [5]. Deller, K., King County, W. A., Price, K., & Kahley, E. (n.d.). DfD Design for Disassembly in the built environment. [6]. Farley, K. M. J., & Veitch, J. A. (2001). A room with a view: a review of the effects of windows on work and well-being: Institute for Research in Construction, National Research Council Canada. [7]. Fawcett, W., Hughes, M., Krieg, H., Albrecht, S., & Vennström, A. (2012). Flexible strategies for long-term sustainability under uncertainty. [doi: 10.1080/09613218.2012.702565]. Building Research & Information, 40(5), 545-557. [8]. Guy, B., Shell, S., & Esherick, H. (2006). Design for deconstruction and materials reuse. Proceedings of the CIB Task Group, 39, 189-209. [9]. Hanser, A. (2003). Assembly+ Disassembly of Interior Wall. NIST SPECIAL PUBLICATION SP, 299-304. [10]. Hardman, B. G., & Katsaros, J. D. (2005). A Rediscovery for Fenestration Installation; Correcting the Mistakes of the Past Century. Vahid Moghimi, Mahmud Bin Mohd Jusan |
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177. | FPGA Implementation of Radio Navigation Based on MicroBlaze
FPGA Implementation of Radio Navigation Based on MicroBlazeAbstract: In moderm aviation, navigation is an important technology. So far, equipped in almost all the military and civil airports, radio navigation system is the most widely used navigation devices in aviation. At present, radio navigation still has priority in short-range navigation of civilian and military aviation in our country. Also, due to the imperfect landing system device in the existing aircraft, radio navigation system is of vital importance in ensuring safety in Plane's homing and approaching. In the actual navigation test, to simulate the RF signal of combined antenna in radio navigation, various signal generators are often designed to satisfy performance of navigation system and meet technical requirements. Meanwhile, the signal generator must adjust signal types, parameters and work modes timely according to the navigation system requirements. Therefore, signal generator must have the feature that signal can be generated flexibly, parameters change quickly, signal spectrum stay stabilized, and the system is reliable, etc. The proposed system adopts Micro Blaze soft processor as the control core of generator to communicating command with PC. which can satisfy each requirement in actual application of testing and debugging on navigation. The important role in navigation test, radio navigation generator is widely used in the people/military plane. But traditional equipment composed of analog circuit Presents low accuracy and poor reliability. A new kind of digital navigation signal generator is designed. It receives data and commands from PC by MicroBlaze embedded soft processor of Xilinx Company and demodulates information to control FPGA load different softwares to generate various navigation signals, which fully meets general radio navigation system test technical requirements by giving full play to the system hardware and software advantages and fulfilling design targets such as the accuracy, flexibility and expansibility. Therefore, providing a new idea for radio navigation system. this generator can be widely applied to debugging use on people/military plane radio navigation. Using FPGA instead of an ASIC gives also flexibility for reconfiguration, which is a need for the Software Defined Radio (SDR) concept. Modelsim Xilinx edition will be used for simulation. The Xilinx ISE will be used for synthesis; place & route and bit file generation. Xilnix Spartan 3E family FPGA board will be used testing the logic. The chipscope pro analyzer is used to display the captured set of results.Key words: DDS signal generation, UART,FPGA, Micro blaze. Reference [1] M.Cunbao, Z.Tianwei and L.Hongjuan, "Communication Navigation and Radar of Civil Aircrft," Civil Avitation Engineering College, NPU, 2000. [2] X.Song, "Reasearch on software radio compass technology," University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, 2007. [3] L.QIN, D.Liebo and W.Peng, "Design of Simulative Satellite Image Resource System Based on FPGA," Journal of Test and Measurement Technology, vol. 23, Mar.2009, pp. 261-265, doi: CNKI: SUN: CSJS.0.2009-03-015. [4] Z.Mingjie, G.Wei, "Design of GPS IF signal generator in FPGA," Information Technology, NO.8, Aug.2008, pp. 56-58, doi: CNKI: SUN:HDZJ.0.2008-08-021. F1'GA XilUlX V2 Interface of powerCache CacheLblJ Indicator Rf signal Output PC . [5] L.Xiaoming and Q.xiujie, "Application of DDSIFPGA in Signal Generator Systems," Modem Electronics Technique, vol. 29, Sep.2006, NO.9, pp.78-79, doi: CNKI:ISSN:I004-373X.0.2006-09- 027. [6] Y. Yong and Z.xiaolin, "Design and Implementation of Direct Digital Frequency Synthesis Sine Wave Generator Based on FPGA," Journal of Electron Devices, vo1.28, NO.1, Mar.2005, pp: 596-599, doi:cnki:ISSN: 1 00 5-9490 .0.200 5-03-034. [7] A.Grama and G.Muntean. "Direct digital frequency synthesis implemented on a FPGA chip," the 29th International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology: Nano Technologies for Electronics Packaging, May.2006, pp. 92-97, doi: 10.1109/ISSE.2006.365365. [8] D.J.Betowski and V.Beiu, Considerations for phase accumulator design for Direct Digital Frequency Synthesizers, IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks and Signal Processing, Dec.2003, pp: 176-179, doi: 10.ll09/ICNNSP.2003.1279240. S.MohammedInthiyaz, B.Sumithra |
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178. | Optimization of extrusion processing conditions for preparation of an instant grain base for use in weaning foods
Optimization of extrusion processing conditions for preparation of an instant grain base for use in weaning foodsAbstract: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of process conditions on the properties of instant grain base. A blend of wheat, mungbean and groundnut was used in the study. The effects of feed moisture, barrel temperature and screw speed on product responses viz. specific mechanical energy (SME), expansion ratio (ER), density (D), water absorption index (WAI) and water solubility index (WSI) was studied using response surface methodology.The blend was extruded at different moisture content (12.6 -19.4%), screw speed (349 - 601 rpm) and barrel temperature (116 - 184°C). The regression models for SME, expansion ratio, bulk density, WAI and WSI were highly significant. SME has been found to decrease with increase of moisture and temperature and increased with increase in screw speed. Expansion ratio and density were significantly affected by feed moisture and temperature. WAI and WSIwere found to decrease significantly with increase in moisture content and increased significantly with increase in Screw speed and temperature.The optimum values for moisture content, screw speed and temperature were 14.08%, 521 rpm and 140oC respectively. The desirability was found to be 0.835 for this model.Key words: Weaning, Optimization, Wheat, Mungbean, Groundnut, Extrusion Reference [1] R. Bressani, J.M. Harper and B. Whickstrom (1984) Processed and package weaning foods: Development, manufacture and marketing. In: Mitzner N, Scrimshaw N,Morgan R (eds), Improving the Nutritional Status of Children During Weaning Period. International Food and Nutrition Program, MIT, Cambridge, MASS, USA. [2] M.E. Camire, A. Camire and K. Krumhar (1990) Chemical and Nutritional changes in foods during extrusion .CRC Reviews Food Science Nutrition 30: 35‑45. [3] G. Sacchetti, P. Pittia and G.G. Pinnavaia (2005) The effect of extrusion temperature and drying-tempering on both of kinetics of hydration and the textural changes in extruded ready-toeat breakfast cereals during soaking in semi-skimmed milk. Int J Food Sci Technol 40: 655–663. [4] T.J. Shankar and S. Bandopadhyay (2005) Process variables during single-screw extrusion of fish and rice-flour blends. J Food Process Preserv 29: 151–164. [5] J.R. Hernandez-Diaz, A.Quintero-Ramos, J.Barnard and R.R. Balandran-Quintana (2007) Functional properties of extrudates prepared with blends of wheat flour/pinto bean meal with added wheat bran. FoodScience and Technology International13: 301–330. [6] C.H. Lee, D.C. Kim, J.H. Chun, J.B. Kim, J.D. Kim and C.C. Son (1987) Food Extrusion Technology (Korean) Journal of Food Science and Technology 15:392. [7] C. Mouquet, B. Salvignol, N. Van Hoa, J. Monvois, and S. Treche (2003) Ability of a " very low-cost extruder" to produce instant infant flours at a small scale in Vietnam. Food Chemistry, 82, 8. [8] W.A. Plahar, O.B. Onuma and N.T. Annan (2003) nutritional quality and storage stability of extruded weaning foods based on peanut, maize and soybean. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 58, 1-16. [9] E.O. Afoakwa, S. Sefa-Dedeh and E. Sakyi-Dawson (2004) Effect of cowpea fortification, dehydration method and storage time on some quality characteristics of maize based weaning foods. African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development, 4, 410-415. [10] S. Choudhary, A.K. Choudhary and O.P. Sharma(2011) Screening of mung bean(Vigna radiata) genotypes to identify source of resistance to dry root rot. Journal of Food Legumes. 24, 117-119. Shivani Pathania, Baljit Singh, Savita Sharma, Vandana Sharma, Smita Singla |
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179. | Mathematical Modelling And Position Control Of Brushless Dc (Bldc) Motor
Mathematical Modelling And Position Control Of Brushless Dc (Bldc) MotorAbstract: The aim of the paper is to design a simulation model of Permanent Magnet Brushless DC (PMBLDC) motor and to control its position. In the developed model, the characteristics of the speed, torque, back EMF, voltages as well as currents are effectively monitored and analysed. The PID controller is used to control the position of a Permanent magnet brushless DC motor by changing the current flow to control the average voltage and thereby the average current. Most useful application is in controlling of CNC machine.Key words: Brushless dc (BLDC) motor, position control, mathematical modelling, PID controller Reference 1. P. S. Bimbhra, "Generalized Theory of Electrical Machines", Khanna Publishers, Delhi, India, 2001, pp. 93-98. 2. G. K. Dubey, "Power Semiconductor controlled Drives", Englewood, Cliffs, N.J.Prentice Hall, 1989 3. P. C. Sen, "Electric Motor Drives and Control: Past, Present and Future", IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics, Vol. IE37, No. 6, 1990, pp. 562-575 4. J. J. D‟Azzo and C. H. Houpis, "Linear control system analysis and design", McGraw Hill, New York, 1995. 5. Sim power Systems for use with Simulink, user‟s guide, Math Works Inc., Natick, MA, 2002. Math Works, 2001, Introduction to MATLAB, the Math Works, Inc. 6. T.J.E. Miller, "Brushless Permanent Magnet & Reluctance Motor Drives" Clarendon Press, Oxford, Vol.2, pp: 192- 199, 1989 Hemchand Immaneni |
1050-1057 | ![]() |
180. | Optimizing the Use of Sodium Polyacrylate in Plain Concrete
Optimizing the Use of Sodium Polyacrylate in Plain ConcreteAbstract: This study focusses on the use of an optimum amount of Sodium Polyacrylate, SP, to be mixed in ordinary plain concrete. SP has two major effects on concrete. The first is to provide internal water source that helps in the hydration process, and curing and ultimately increases the concrete strength. The second effect is providing additional voids, due to drying process, in the concrete mass. These voids affect the concrete strength negatively; at the same time improve the concrete performance by improving the concrete workability and placeability, reducing the concrete susceptibility to freezing thawing cycles, reducing shrinkage, and improving the fresh concrete stability. The main focus of this study will be on the concrete strength. Several batches were prepared to determine the most effective amount of SP to use in the concrete mix.Key words: Concrete Durability, Hydration, Internal Curing, Sodium Polyacrylate Reference 1. Jensen, M, "Use of superabsorbent polymers in concrete," Concrete International, Vol. 35, No. 1, January 1, 2013, pages 48-52. 2. Jensen, O., and Hensen, "Autogenous deformation and RH-Change in prospective," Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 31, No. 12, Dec. 2001, pages 1859-1865. 3. Jensen, O., and Hensen, "Water-Entrained cement-based materials: Experimental observations," Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 32, No. 6, June 2002, pages 973-978. 4. Snoeck, Didier, Van Tittelboom, Kim, De Belie, Nele, Steuperaert, Stijin and Peter Dubruel, Peter, "The use of superabsorbent polymers as a crack sealing and crack healing mechanism in cementitious materials," 3rd International conference on Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting (ICCRRR -2012), Cape Town, South Africa, pages 152 – 157, ISBN:9780415899529. 5. RILEM. Internal Curing of Concrete - State-of-the-Art Report of RILEM Technical Committee 196-ICC. State of the Art Report, RILEM Publications SARL, 2007. Moayyad Al-Nasra |
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181. | A Machinability Study of Mild Steel using Abrasive Water Jet Machining Technology
A Machinability Study of Mild Steel using Abrasive Water Jet Machining TechnologyAbstract: Abrasive water jet machining is a non conventional machining process in which removal of material takes place by impact erosion of high pressure, high velocity of water and entrained high velocity of grit abrasives on a work piece. The objective of experimental investigation is to conduct research of machining parameters impact on Material removal rate and Surface roughness of work piece of Mild Steel (MS). The approach was based on Taguchi's method, analysis of variance and signal to noise ratio (SN Ratio) to optimize the Abrasive Water Jet Machining process parameters for effective machining and to predict the optimal choice for each AWJM parameter such as Traverse speed, Abrasive flow rate, and Standoff distance. There is L9 orthogonal array used by varying Transverse Seed, Abrasive flow rate, standoff distance respectively and for each combination we have conducted three experiments and with the help of Signal to Noise ratio we find out the optimum results for AWJM. It was confirmed that determined optimal combination of AWJM process parameters satisfy the real need for machining of Mild Steel (MS) in actual practice.Key words: Abrasive Water Jet Machining, Garnet, Mild Steel Reference 1. M. Chithirai pon selvan and Dr. N. Mohana sundara raju "Analysis of surface roughness in abrasive waterjet cutting of cast iron" International journal of science, environment and technology, vol. 1, no 3, 2012, 174 – 182. 2. F.L. Chen, E. Siores "The effect of cutting jet variation on striation formation in abrasive water jet cutting" International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 41 (2001) 1479–1486. 3. Veselko Mutavgjic, Zoran Jurkovic "Experimental investigation of surface roughness obtained by abrasive water jet machining" 15th International Research/Expert Conference "Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology" TMT 2011, Prague, Czech Republic, 12-18 September 2011 4. Vinod B. Patel, Prof. V. A. Patel "Parametric analysis of Abrasives water jet machining of EN8 Material" International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), Vol. 2, Issue 3, May-Jun 2012. 5. Leeladhar nagdeve, vedansh chaturvedi, jyoti vima "Parametric optimization of abrasive water jet machining using taguchi methodology" international journal of research in engineering & applied sciences, volume 2, issue 6 (june 2012). Prof.Kamlesh H.Thakkar, Prof.Vipul M.Prajapati ,Prof.Shreyash A.Thakkar |
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182. | Controlling Temperature of water Using Microcontroller And Correction Using Fuzzy Logic
Controlling Temperature of water Using Microcontroller And Correction Using Fuzzy LogicAbstract: Many people of our country is involve in fishery, but different fish live in different temperature and pressure if the temperature vary the fish may be die, so the temperature must maintain within certain range but it is very difficult for them to maintain the temperature and pressure, if they try to maintain all the parameter the cost also higher, so we must think a alternate process which is our desire project. In this project we basically control the water temperature using microcontroller PIC18F4520.We first measure the water temperature of the water and then display it in the seven segment display now if the temperature is higher than on the cooler and if the temperature is lower than on the hot air fan. We also use fuzzy controller to control the water temperature and pressure perfectly. To program the microcontroller we first write the program in C-language, and then we convert the code in the hexadecimal code and burn the code within the chip and configure the microcontroller according tKey words: Fuzzy Logic, Microcontroller, PIC18F4520, RS232, Lampex Display Reference [1] http://www.egr.msu.edu/classes/ece480/go odman/ForMinipro [2] jects/Lab3.pdf [3] http://www.egr.msu.edu/eceshop/Parts_In ventory/datasheets/74ls12. pdf [4] http://www.egr.msu.edu/eceshop/Parts_In ventory/datasheetZ/sn7407 .pdf [5] http://www.egr.msu.edu/eceshop/Parts_In ventory/datasheets/sn7407. pdf [6] http://ulcape.org/wiki/TutorialPIC_Programming_Basics [7] A. Di Stefano's �machine a state, published in his article [8] di un timer digital programmable on the 257n of the �Fare Electronic [9] Manish Agarwal Department of Mechanical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur - 721302, India [10] "Designing With Fuzzy Logic" by Kevin Self, IEEE SPECTRUM, November 1990, 42:44,105 Utsav modi, Parita patel |
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183. | Business Cycles Synchronization Assessment: AnEBA-Wavelets Approach
Business Cycles Synchronization Assessment: AnEBA-Wavelets ApproachAbstract: This paperuses an Extreme Bound Analysis (EBA) and Wavelet Transformation (WT) to provide a detailed characterization of the Business Cycle Synchronization (BCS) within the selected countries belonging to the Euro Area (EA) and Gulf Cooperation Council countries (GCC). In addition, a cross wavelets transformation and wavelets coherency transformation analysis is introduced in order to understand how wavelets could be used in BCS leading likely to achieve high levels of economic activity integration betweencountries or groups of countries. The analyses are conducted by introducing the main determinants of BCS existing in the literature in order to understand how they could evolve both in time and in scale as far as the difference phases of the economic system construction is concerned. Globally, and unlike the EA, the results show not only a considerable delay in creating an economic and financial integration in the GCC, but more importantly, a growing divergence in business cycles (BC) among the GCC countries.Key words: Business Cycles, Extreme Bounds Analysis, Synchronization, Wavelets. Reference [1] Aguiar-Conraria L. and Soares M.J.: Business Cycle Synchronisation across the Euro Area: A Wavelet Analysis. University of Minho, NIPE Working Papers 8, 2009. http://www3.eeg.uminho.pt/economia/nipe/ docs/2009/NIPE_WP_8_2009.pdf [2] Artis M., Krolzig H. M. and Toro J.: The European business cycle, Oxford Economic Papers, vol. 56, pp1-44, 2004. [3] Baxter M. and Kouparitsas M.: Determinants of business cycle comovement: a robust analysis, Journal of Monetary Economics, vol. 52, pp113-157, 2005. [4] Bradley. P.: Shift-invariance in the discrete wavelet transform. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications, pp29-38, 2003. [5] Camacho M., Perez-Quiros G. and Saiz L.: Are European business cycles close enough to be just one? Journal of Economics Dynamics and Control, vol. 30, pp1687- 1706, 2006. [6] Chinn M. and Ito H.: Capital Account Liberalization, Institutions and Financial Development: Cross Country Evidence, National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper No 9867, 2002. [7] Clark T.E. and Wincoop E.: Borders and business cycles, Journal of International Economics, vol. 55, pp59-85, 2001. [8] Cohen E. A. K. and Walden A. T.: A Statistical Analysis of Morse Wavelet Coherence, IEEE Transactions of Signal Processing, vol. 58(3), pp980-989, 2010a. [9] Crowley P.M. and Lee J.: Decomposing the Co-movement of the Business Cycle: A Time-Frequency Analysis of Growth Cycles in the Euro Area. Bank of Finland, Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 12, 2005. http://www.suomenpankki.fi/en/julkaisut/tu tkimukset/keskustelualoitteet/Documents/0 512netti.pdf [10] Crowley P.M., Maraun D. and Mayes D.: How Hard Is the Euro Area Core? An Evaluation of Growth Cycles Using Wavelet Analysis. Bank of Finland, Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 18, 2006. http://www.suomenpankki.fi/en/julkaisut/tu tkimukset/keskustelualoitteet/Documents/0 618netti.pdf Mohamed BENBOUZIANE, Mustapha DJENNAS, Nasradine CHERIF |
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184. | A Microcontroller Based Electric Cooker/Oven with Temperature and Time Control for the Developing Countries
A Microcontroller Based Electric Cooker/Oven with Temperature and Time Control for the Developing CountriesAbstract: This article presents the development of a novel microcontroller based electric cooker/Oven with time and temperature control. It employs the rich application of ATmega8- microcontroller as the core component. The system is software driven through the Clanguage code written to the microcontroller. Temperature control is achieved using a temperature sensor (LM35). The sensor monitors and measures the temperature of the system, keeping it at a preset value. The internal timing function of the microcontroller is used to time the cooking, baking or drying process. This whole cycle of temperature and time control is repeated until the set time elapses or until the item being cooked, dried or baked is ready (that is when the time is set to infinity mode). These processes conserve power and essential food nutrients. The cooker/oven is a cutting edge innovation and it is efficient, reliable and user friendly.Key words: MEnergy conservation, microcontroller, control, efficiency Reference [1]. Adiya, P. M. (1989). Introduction to microprocessor. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, India. [2]. ATMEL Corporation, (2011). ATMEL8-bit AVR with 8 kBytes in-System programmable Flash. San Jose, CA 95131: ATMEL Corporation. [3]. Bany, W. G. (1984). Practical Electronics, 2 nd edition. McGraw Hill, 1984. [4]. Company, N. Y. (2012). History of oven from cast iron to electricity. Retrieved may 8, 2012, from About.com: http://inventors.about.com/od/ofamousinve ntions/a/oven.htm [5]. EdInformatics. (1999). Gas and Electric Stoves. Retrieved April 14, 2012, from EdInformatics:http://www.edinformatics.co m/gas_and_elecrtric_stoves [6]. Hitachi Semiconductors and inctegrated circuits, (1998). HD44780U (LCD-II). Tokyo Japan: Hitachi Ltd. [7]. Microcontroller Based Smart Natural Gas Oven. International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 1, Issue3. ISSN 2278-7763. [8]. National Semiconductor (2008). LM35 precision centigrade temperature sensor. America: National Semiconductors Americas. [9]. Philips Semiconductor (2008). BC547 npn transistor. Rahman,M. M., Ronee, A. H., Islam, M. A., Huq, M. A. and Islam, M. R. (2012). [10]. Wikimedia foundation INC. (2012, April 7). Heating Element. Retrieved May 7, 2012, from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: http://www.wikipedia/heating element.htm [11]. Yong, K. P., Min, G. L., Jung, K. K., and Yoo, J. J. Evaluation of Occupancy-Based Electricity Management System ;Embedded Software Convergence Research Center, Korea Technology Institute Seongnam-si, 463-816, Korea. http://www.iiis.org/CDs2012/CD2012SCI/ SCI_2012/PapersPdf/SA130BJ.pdf Michael David, Vwamdem Kwoopnaan I.T., Bukola Ademola, W. M. Audu |
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185. | Gene Expression Programming Based Dataset Decoration for Improved Churn Prediction
Gene Expression Programming Based Dataset Decoration for Improved Churn PredictionAbstract: Mobile network operators rely on business intelligence tools to derive valuable information regarding their subscribers. A key objective is to reduce churn rate among subscribers. The mobile operator needs to know in advance which subscribers are at risk of becoming churners. This problem is solved with classification algorithms having as input data derived from the large volumes of usage details recorded. For certain categories of subscribers, available data is limited to call details records. Using this primary data, a dataset is created to be conveniently used by a classification algorithm. Classification quality using this initial dataset is improved by a proposed method for dataset decoration. Additional attributes are derived from the initial dataset through generation, based on gene expression programming. Classification results obtained using the decorated dataset show that the derived attributes are relevant for the studied problem.Key words: - business intelligence, churn prediction, classification, data mining, gene expression programming Reference [1] A. Tudor, A. Bara, I. Botha, Data Mining Algorithms and Techniques Research in CRM Systems, Proc. 13th WSEAS International Conference on Mathematical Methods, Computational and Intelligent Systems, Iasi, Romania, 1-3 July 2011, 265- 270. [2] S. Trif, A. Vișoiu, USSD based one time password service , Proc. 5th International Conference on Security for Information Technology and Communications 2012, Bucharest, 2012, 141 -149. [3] S. Yuan-Hung, David C. Yen, Hsiu-Yu Wang, Applying Data Mining to Telecom Churn Management, Expert Systems with Applications, 31(3), 2006, 512-524. [4] R. J. Jadhav, Churn Prediction in Telecommunication Using Data Mining Technology, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 2(2), 2011, 87-110. [5] J. Sathyan, M. Sadasivan, Next Generation Mobile Care Solution , Proc 10th WSEAS International Conference on Telecommunications and Informatics, Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Spain, May 27- 29 2011, 265-270 [6] D. Camilovic, D. Becejski-Vujaklija, N. Gospic, A Call Detail Records Data Mart: Data Modeling and OLAP Analysis, Computer Science and Information Systems, 6(2), 2009, 17-19. [7] Li-Shang Yangi , C. Chiu, Knowledge Discovery on Customer Churn Prediction", Proc. 10th WSEAS Interbational Conference on Applied Mathematics, Dallas, Texas, USA, November 1-3, 2006, 523-528. [8] S. Trif, A. Visoiu, Improving Churn Prediction in Telecom through Dataset Decoration , Proceding 7th WSEAS International Conference on Computer Engineering and Applications (CEA '13),9- 11 Ianuarie 2013 Milano, Recent Researches in Information Science and Applications, Recent Advances in Computer Engineering Series, Vol. 9 , WSEAS Press, 223 – 228 [9] K. Dasgupta, R. Singh, et al., Social Ties and their Relevance to Churn in Mobile Telecom Networks, Proc. 11th international conference on Extending database technology: Advances in database technology, 2008, 668-677. [10] B. C. Ferreira, Gene Expression Programming: Mathematical Modeling by an Artificial Intelligence 2nd Edition (Springer Publishing, May 2006). Silvia Trif, Adrian Visoiu |
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186. | Optimal Allocation of SVC & IPFC in Different Over Load & Contingency Conditions
Optimal Allocation of SVC & IPFC in Different Over Load & Contingency ConditionsAbstract: In this research work two types of FACTS devices i.e. SVC and IPFC are optimally located to reduce active power losses and as well as improvement of voltage profile in normal, over load and contingency conditions using Partial Swarm Optimization Technique. The simulations are performed on an IEEE 30-bus system and results are presented.Key words: SVC, IPFC, Over load, Contingency, Power loss, Voltage profile, PSO, IEEE 30 bus. Reference [1] S.Gerbex, R.cherkaoui, and A.J.Germond, "Optimal Allocation of FACTS Devices by Using Multi-Objective Optimal Power Flow and Genetic Algorithms". IEEE trans.power system, vol.16, pp.537-544, August 2001. [2] M.V.Ramesh, Dr V.C.Veera Reddy " Optimal Allocation of FACTS devices in different over load conditions". International Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, Volume 4, issue 1, January- February(2013), pp 208- 222. [3] L.J.Cai, I.Erlich, G.Stamtsis "Optimal Choice and Allocation of FACTS Devices in Deregulated Electricity Market using Genetic Algorithms" IEEE transactions on 2004. [4] H.R.Bahaee, M.Jannati, B.Vahidi, S.H.Hosseinnian, H.Rastager: Improvement of voltage stability and reduce power system losses by optimal GA-base allocation of Multi-Type FACTS devices. The 11th international IEEE conference on May 2008,OPTIM 2008. [5] K.Sundareswaran, P.Bharathram, M.siddharth, Vaishavi.G, Nitin Anand Srivastava, Harish Sharma: Voltage Profile enhancement through optimal placement of FACTS devices using Queen Bee Assisted GA. The 3rd international conference on power systems, Kharagapur, December 2009. [6] S Teerathana, A. Yokoyama, "An Optimal Power Flow Control Method of Power System using Interline Power Flow Controller (IPFC)", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 23,pp. 343-346, Aug. 2004. [7] P. Subburaj, N. Sudha, K. Rajeswari, K. Ramar,and L. Ganesan, "Optimum Reactive Power Dispatch Using Genetic Algorithm," Academic Open Internet Journal, Vol.21, 2007, p6 [8] B.Geethalakshmi, T. Hajmunisa and P. Dhananjayan, "Dynamic characteristics analysis of SSSC based on 48 pulse inverter", The 8th International Power Engineering Conference (IPEC) pp. 550- 554, May 2007. [9]. A.V.Naresh Babu, S.Sivanagaraju, Ch.Padmanabharaju and T.Ramana "Multi-Line Power Flow Control using Interline Power Flow Controller (IPFC) in Power" Transmission Systems International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 4:7 2010 M.V.Ramesh, Dr. V.C. Veera Reddy |
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187. | Enterprise Systems and Labor Productivity: Disentangling Combination Effects
Enterprise Systems and Labor Productivity: Disentangling Combination EffectsAbstract: This study analyzes the relationship between labor productivity and the three widely established enterprise software systems, i. e. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Supply Chain Management (SM) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM), revealing performance gains incurred through the varying combinations of the systems with an exclusive focus on complementarities and interactions among them. Using German firm-level data, the results show that the highest productivity gains based on enterprise system usage are realized through the use of the three enterprise software systems in concert and not by relying on one or two of the systems alone. Concerning complementarity the results indicate that SCM and CRM function as complements if the firms already have an ERP System running or get the system in conjunction. The results stay robust to different model specifications and complementarity testing procedures.Reference [1]. Aral S, Brynjolfsson E, Wu D J (2006) Which came first, IT or productivity? The virtuous cycle of investment and use in enterprise systems.Proceedings of the 27th Conference on Information Systems, Milwaukee [2]. Aral S, Aral S, Brynjolfsson E, Wu L (2011) Three-Way Complementarities: Performance Pay, Human Resource Analytics and Information Technology. Management Science – Articles in Advance: 1-19. [3]. Atrostic B K, Nguyen S (2005) Computer Investment, Computer Networks and Productivity. Working Papers 05-01, Center for Economic Studies, U.S. Census Bureau [4]. Athey S, Stern S (1998) An empirical framework for testing theories about complementarity in organizational design. NBER working paper 6600 [5]. Athey S, Stern S (2002) The Impact of Information Technology on Emergency Health Care Outcomes. The RAND Journal of Economics 33 (3): 399-432 [6]. Baldwin J R, Gu W (2004) Export-market Participation and Productivity Performance in Canadian Manufacturing. Canadian Journal of Economics 36 (3): 634-657 [7]. Baumol W, Panzar J C, Willig R D (1988) Contestable Markets and the Theory of Industry Structure. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, San Diego [8]. Belderbos R, Carree M, Lokshin B, (2006) Complementarity in R&D cooperation strategies. Review of Industrial Organization 28 (4): 401-426 [9]. Bernard A B, Jensen J B (2004) Exporting and Productivity in the USA. Oxford Review of Economic Policy 20: 343-357 [10]. Bertschek I, Fryges H, Kaiser U (2000) B2B or Not to Be: Does B2B ECommerce increase Labour Productivity? International Journal of the Economics of Business 13 (3): 387–405 Benjamin Engelstätter |
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188. | Preservation Of Privacy And Integrity In WSN With Safeg Protocol
Preservation Of Privacy And Integrity In WSN With Safeg ProtocolAbstract: In two-tiered wireless sensor networks, storage nodes play an intermediary role between the sensors and the sink node. These storage nodes store data and processes queries. This technique preserves power and the memory for sensor nodes, as everything is managed by storage nodes including query processing. This importance of storage nodes grabs attackers to intrude storage node in order to affect its integrity and privacy. Thus, there is a need to protect storage node and we propose a new protocol named 'SafeG'. If storage node is protected then, the attacker cannot infer about the data present and also the queries passed by sinks. SafeG provides both privacy and integrity. SafeG encodes both the data and query and so the encoded query acts upon encoded data. SafeG relies on authentication chain to provide integrity.Key words: - Integrity, Privacy, Authentication. Reference [1] F. Chen and A. X. Liu, "SafeQ: Secure and efficient query processing in sensor networks," in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, 2010, pp. 1–9. [2] S. Ratnasamy, B. Karp, S. Shenker, D. Estrin, R. Govindan, L. Yin, and F. Yu, "Data-centric storage in sensornets with GHT, a geographic hash table," Mobile Netw. Appl., vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 427–442, 2003. [3] P. Desnoyers, D. Ganesan, H. Li, and P. Shenoy, "Presto: A predictive storagearchitectureforsensornetworks,"inP roc.HotOS,2005,p.23. [4] D. Zeinalipour-Yazti, S. Lin, V. Kalogeraki, D. Gunopulos, and W. A. Najjar, "Microhash: An efficient index structure for flash-based sensor devices," in Proc. FAST, 2005, pp. 31–44. [5] B. Sheng, Q. Li, and W. Mao, "Data storage placement in sensor net- works," in Proc. ACM MobiHoc, 2006, pp. 344–355. [6] B.Sheng,C.C.Tan,Q.Li,andW.Mao,"Anappr oximationalgorithm for data storage placement in sensor networks," in Proc. WASA, 2007, pp. 71–78. [7] B.ShengandQ.Li,"Verifiableprivacypreservingrangequeryintwo- tiered sensor networks," in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, 2008, pp. 46–50. [8] Xbow, "Stargate gateway (spb400)," 2011 [Online]. Available: http:// www.xbow.com [9] W. A. Najjar, A. Banerjee, and A. Mitra, "RISE: More powerful, en- ergy efficient, gigabyte scale storage high performance sensors," 2005 [Online]. Available: http://www.cs.ucr.edu/~rise [10] S. Madden, "Intel lab data," 2004 [Online]. Available: http://berkeley. intelresearch.net/labdata Dr. V. Palanisamy, D. Gandhimathi |
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189. | Lossless Compression in MPEG4 Videos
Lossless Compression in MPEG4 VideosAbstract: This work considers object repetition, which means the occurrence of same object with similar motion is repeated in two or more frames. A single video is divided into several frames. All the objects are extracted from the stationary background and their features like motion and shape are preserved. After extraction, a two step compression is employed in which the algorithm checks for the continuous motion of all objects and then the video sequence are segmented. Now, the segmented video is compressed. This methodology maintains the video quality of the compressed video to be the same as source video.Key words: Video, Compression. Reference [1] Raj Talluri, Member, IEEE, Karen Oehler, Member, IEEE, Thomas Bannon, Jonathan D. Courtney, Member, IEEE, Arnab Das, and Judy Liao "A Robust, Scalable, Object-Based Video Compression Technique for Very Low BitRate Coding", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 7, NO. 1, FEBRUARY 1997. [2] G.Suresh, P.Epsiba, Dr.M.Rajaram, Dr.S.N.Sivanandam "A LOW COMPLEX SCALABLE SPATIAL ADJACENCY ACCDCT BASED VIDEO COMPRESSION METHOD", 2010 Second International conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies. [3] Tarek Ouni, Walid Ayedi, Mohamed Abid "New low complexity DCT based video compression Method", 2009 IEEE. [4] K.Uma, P.Geetha palanisamy, P.Geetha poornachandran "Comparison of Image Compression using GA, ACO and PSO techniques" , IEEE-International Conference on Recent Trends in Information Technology, ICRTIT 2011. [5] Tzong-Jer Chen, Keh-Shih Chuang "A Pseudo Lossless Image Compression Method", 2010 3rd International Congress on Image and Signal Processing. [6] Nasir D. Memon, Khalid Sayood "Asymmetric Lossless Image Compression", 2011IEEE K.Rajalakshmi, K.Mahesh |
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190. | The Effect Of Cooling Rate On Cyclic Stress Strain Response Of Al-2024
The Effect Of Cooling Rate On Cyclic Stress Strain Response Of Al-2024Abstract: Cyclic stress strain curves (CSSC) response of Al-2024 Annealed condition was conducted under symmetric tension-compression at room temperature and constant frequency, using a servo-hydraulic testing machine, to study the effect of cooling rate on cyclic stress strain curves (CSSC) response. The fatigue response of Al-2024 alloy was evaluated macroscopically in terms of cyclic stress strain response and microscopically in terms of appearance of precipitations free zones. It was found that the cyclic stress strain response of air-cooled specimens group exhibited a higher saturation stress with plastic strain and smaller PFZ regions whereas the cyclic stress strain response of furnace cooled specimens group exhibited a lower saturation stress and larger PFZ region. Both types of the cooling rates were showed precipitates free zones (PFZ's) were observed adjacent to the grain boundaries. However, (PFZ's) were more pronounced in furnace cooled specimens group than that in aircooled specimens group.Key words: cyclic stress strain curve, plastic strain rate, precipitate free zone, air-cooled, furnace cooled. Reference [1] L., Jia-Kuen and C. Laird. Cyclic deformation in Al 4wt. % Cu alloy single crystals containing coherent θ″ precipitates I: Cyclic stress-strain response, Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 54, no.1, pp. 39–51, 1982. [2] T. H. Sanders, J. T. Staley, and D. A. Mauney, Strain Control Fatigue as a Tool to Interpret Fatigue Initiation of Aluminum Alloy, Presented at 10th Annual International Symposium on Material Science, Seattle, Wash, 1975. [3] C.D. Liu, D.X. You, M.N. Bassim Cyclic strain hardening in polycrystalline copper, Acta Metallurgica et Materialia, vol. 42, no. 5, pp. 1631–1638, 1994. [4] V. T. Kuokkala, T. Lepisto and P. Kettunen. Random strain cycling of largegrained polycrystalline copper. Scripta Metallurgica vol. 16, no. 10, p p. 1149- 1152, 1982. [5] H. Inoue and T. Takasugi, Texture Control for Improving Deep Drawability in Rolled and Annealed Aluminum Alloy Sheets, Materials Transactions, vol. 48, no. 8, pp. 2014-2022, 2007. [6] A. T. Winter, A model for the fatigue of copper at low plastic strain amplitudes, Philosophical Magazine, vol. 30, no. 4, 1974. [7] American Society for Metals (ASM), Metals Handbook Desk Edition, 1985, p.7. Aezeden Mohamed |
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191. | Development Of System With Transitory Steadiness Of A Bi-Machine Transmission System With Power System Stabilizers And Static Var Compensator
Development Of System With Transitory Steadiness Of A Bi-Machine Transmission System With Power System Stabilizers And Static Var CompensatorAbstract: In the previous studies the effect of Static Var Compensator (SVC) and Power System Stabilizers (PSS) has not been considered specially for various faults in a three phase system. For improvement in inductive and capacitive power flows Shunt Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) devices can be used and when they are placed in the center of transmission line of a electrical power transmission network. We made models with different FACTS devices and also varied their location for reducing fluctuations in voltage and improvement in transient stability. We have found that, shunt Static Var Compensator are best, so we have continued our research using shunt SVC. Again during our study we have found that if we slightly change the position of FACTS devices towards generator performance of the system improves but it eventually depends on load either local or of overall system. The work described here illustrates modeling of a simple transmission system containing two hydraulic power plants. A static var compensator (SVC) and power system stabilizers (PSS) are used to improve transient stability and power oscillation damping of the system. The power system illustrated in this thesis is quite simple. However, the phasor simulation method allows the user to simulate more complex power grids. We have used MATLAB for the study of the system.Key words: Var Compensator (SVC) and Power System Stabilizers (PSS), Thyristor Controlled Reactor (TCR), Three phase system. Reference [1] P. Kundur, Power System Stability and Control. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1994. [2] Journal of Electrical Systems Science and Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 1-8,2008. [3] N. G. Hingorani, L. Gyugyi, Understanding FACTS: Concepts and Technology of Flexible AC Transmission Sidhartha Panda and N.P.Padhy, "Robust power system stabilizer design using particle swarm optimization technique", International Systems, IEEE Press, New York, 2000. [4] Y. H Song, T. A. Johns, Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS), IEE, London, 2000. [5] R. M Mathur, R. K. Verma, Thyristor-based FACTS Controllers for Electrical Transmission Systems, IEEE Press, Piscataway, 2002. [6] L. Gyugyi, "Reactive power generation and control by thyristor circuits" IEEE Trans. Industrial Applications, Vol. IA-15, No.-5, pp.521-532, Sept./Oct. 1979. [7] L. Gyugyi, "Power electronics in electric utilities: static var compensators," IEEE Proceedings, vol.76, No. 4, pp. 483-494, April 1988. [8] Acha, E., V.G. Agelidis, O. Anaya-Lara and T.J.E. Miller, 2002. Power Electronic Control in Electrical Systems, Newnes Power. Engineering Series. Asraf Ali |
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192. | Performance Analysis Of Energy Optimization Techniques In Wireless Sensor Networks
Performance Analysis Of Energy Optimization Techniques In Wireless Sensor NetworksAbstract: Fast growth of wireless services in recent years is an indication that considerable value is placed on wireless networks. Wireless devices have most utility when they can be used anywhere at any time. One of the greatest challenges is limited energy supplies. Therefore, energy optimization is one of the most challenging problems in wireless networks. In recent years, Wireless Sensor Networks have gained growing attention from both the research community and actual users. As sensor nodes are generally battery-energized devices, so the network lifetime can be widespread to sensible times. Therefore, the crucial issue is to prolong the network lifetime. In this paper, two Energy Optimization Schemes Clustering and Direct Diffusion for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) has been compared on the basis of different parameters like scalability, energy efficiency and reliability etc. on the basis of this comparison we can use better Optimization technique according to the situation.Reference [1] I.F. Akyildiz, W. Su, Y. Sankarasubramaniam and E. Cayirc" Wireless sensor networks:a survey"; COMNET Vol. 38(2002), pp. 393422 [2] J. Bredin, E. Demaine, M. Hajiaghayi, and D. Rus "Deploying sensor networks with guaranteed capacity and fault tolerance", in Proc. ACM MobiHoc, 2005, pp. 309319 [3] Chong, C.Y., Kumar, S.P., 2003." Sensor networks: evolution, opportunities, and challenges". Proceedings of the IEEE 91 (8),1247– 1256. [4] F.L. Lewis, "Wireless Sensor Networks", http://arri.uta.edu/acs/networks/WirelessSe nsorNe tChap04.pdf, 2004 [5] K. Akkaya, M. Younis "A survey on routing protocols for wireless sensor networks", http://www.adms.ethz.ch/teaching/lectures/ ss2007 /hotdms/papers/routing_survey.pdf, 2003 [6] C. Mu-Huan, "Energy Optimization in Sensor Networks", http://www.lib.ncsu.edu/theses/available/et d- 11022007-115419/unrestricted/etd.pdf, 2007 [7] W.B. Heinzelman,A.P.Chandrakasan, andH. Balakrishnan," An application specific pro- tocol architecture for wireless microsensor networks", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 1(4), 660670, 2002. [8] C. Mu-Huan, "Energy Optimization in Sensor Networks", http://www.lib.ncsu.edu/theses/available/et d- 11022007-115419/unrestricted/etd.pdf, 2007 [9] A. Manjeshwar and D.P. Agrawal,TEEN:"A routing protocol for enhanced efficiency in wireless sensor networks", in Proceedings of the 15th International Parallel and Dis- tributed Processing Symposium, San Francisco, CA, 2001 [10] Do-hyun Nam, hong-ki min," An Efficient Ad-Hoc Routing Using aHybrid Clustering Method in a Wireless Sensor Network", Wirelessand Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications, pp. 60- 60, Oct 2007 Manpreet Kaur, Jagroop Kaur |
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194. | Comparative Analysis of Speed Control of DC Motor Using AI Technique
Comparative Analysis of Speed Control of DC Motor Using AI TechniqueAbstract: This paper presents a comparative study of various controllers for the speed control of DC motor. The Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controller is one of the most common types of feedback controllers used in dynamic systems. This controller has been widely used in many different areas such as aerospace, process control, manufacturing, robotics, automation etc. As PID controllers require exact mathematical modelling, the performance of the system is questionable if there is parameter variation. Further two more controllers are proposed namely; Fuzzy Logic Controller and FOPID Controller. The performances of the three controllers are compared. Simulation results are presented and analysed for all the controllers. It is observed that Fuzzy Logic based controller gives better response than PID and FOPID controller for the speed control of dc motor.Key words: Proportional-Integral-Derivative controller, Fuzzy Logic controller, FOPID controller, DC motor speed control. Reference [1] Zhang G and Funji Furusho Fungi, "Speed Control of Two-Inertia System by PI/PID Control", IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics, Vo1. 47, pp. 603-609, June, 2000. [2] I-Hai Lin P and Ellsworth Chris, "Design and Implementation of a PC-Based Universal Fuzzy Logic Controller System", Proceedings of International IEEE/IAS Conference on Industrial Automation and control, pp. 399-408, 06 August, 2002. [3] Zadeh L.A., "Fuzzy Logic: Issues, Contentions and Perspectives", IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, VI, pp. VI/183, Vol. 6, 19 April, 1994. [4] Prommeuan S., Boonpiyathud S and Suksri T, "Fuzzy Logic Based on LabVIEW for Speed Control of TwoInertia System", Proceedings of International Joint Conference by the Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems (ICROS) and the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers (SICE) on Industrial Electronics, pp. 2867-2870, August, 2009. [5] Tipsuwan Y., Mo-Yuen Chow, "Fuzzy logic Microcontroller Implementation for DC Motor Speed Control", Proceedings of International IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronic Society, Vol. 3, pp. 1271-1276, 29 November, 1999. [6] Sousa G.C.D and Bose B.K, "A Fuzzy Set Theory Based Control of a PhaseControlled Converter DC Machine Drive" IEEE Transaction on Industrial Applications, Vol. 30, pp. 34-44, January, 1994. [7] Katbab A., "Fuzzy Logic and Controller Design-a Review", Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Visualize the Future, pp. 443-449, March, 1995. [8] Wen J. Sheng Wang C. Hsu; Chang Y. De; Teng C. Cheng., "Intelligent Control of High-speed Sensorless Brushless DC Motor for Intelligent Automobiles", Proceedings of IEEE Conference on System, Man and Cybernetic, pp. 3394- 3398, October, 2008. [9] N. Barakat., "Speed Control of a DC Motor using a Feedforward Computed Torque Control Scheme", Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Intelligent Control, pp. 432-437, September, 1996. [10] Khoei A., Hadidi Kh. and Yuvarajan S., "Fuzzy-Logic DC-Motor Controller with Improved Performance", Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Industry Applications, Vol. 3, pp. 1652-1656, October, 1998. Safina Al Nisa, Lini Mathew, S Chatterji |
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195. | Influence Of Fiber/Filler Particles Reinforcement On Epoxy Composites
Influence Of Fiber/Filler Particles Reinforcement On Epoxy CompositesAbstract: This paper presents the study of tensile, flexural & moisture absorption properties of composites made from areca fibers, maize powder filler particles & epoxy resin. The specimens are prepared using hand lay-up techniques as per ASTM standard for different weight fractions of fiber, filler & matrix material. The specimens were tested as per ASTM standards. Experimental results showed that tensile and flexural properties of the composites increased with increase of filler particle content and fiber content. The relation between stress & strain found to be linear the moisture absorption increases with the fiber, filler content and duration of immersion in waterKey words: Weight fractions, Filler, Fiber, Flexural strength, Hand lay-up Reference [1] S.M. Sapaun and M.Harini, 2003, Mechanical properties of epoxy /coconut shell filler particle composites, The Arabian journal for science and engineering, vol 28, number 2B [2] Paul Wambua, Jam Ivens, Ignaas Verpoest, 2003, Natural fibers can they replace glass in fiber reinforced plastics, Composites science and technology, 63, 1259 -1264 [3] A.C. dc Albuquerque, Kurruvilla Joseph, Laura Hecker de carvallo, 2000, Effect of wet ability and ageing conditions on the physical and mechanical properties of uniaxially oriented jute-roving-reinforced polyester composites, Composites science and technology, 60, 833 - 844 [4] J.C.Giridhar, Kishore and V.G. Rao, 1985, Moisture absorption characteristics of natural fiber composites, journal of reinforced plastics and composites, vol 15 [5] T. Munikenche Gowda, A.C.B. Naidu, Rajput Chhaya, 1998, some mechanical properties of untreated jute fabricreinforced polyester composites, Composites: part A 30, 277 – 284 [6] K. Sabeel Ahmed , S. Vijayarangan , 2008 , Tensile , flexural and interlaminar shear properties of woven jute and jute-glass fabric reinforced polyester composites , Journal of materials processing technology , 207 , 330-335 [7] Moe Thwe, Kin Liao, 2003, Durability of bamboo-glass fiber reinforced polymer matrix hybrid composites, Composites science and technology, 63, 375-387 [8] Seung-Hwan Lee, Siqun wang, 2005, Biodegradable polymers/ bamboo fiber biocomposite with bio-based coupling agent, Composites: Part A 37, 80-91 [9] Ariel Stocchi, Bernd Lauke, Analia Vazquez, Celina Bernal, A novel fiber treatment applied to woven jute fabric/vinylester laminates, 2006, Composites: Part A 38, 1337-1343 [10] R.C. Prasad, P. Ramakrishna, 2000, "Composites science and technology", New age international publishers, New Delhi B.H.Manjunath, Dr. K Prahlada Rao |
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196. | Design and Implementation of Pipelined FFT Processor
Design and Implementation of Pipelined FFT ProcessorAbstract: It is important to develop a highperformance FFT processor to meet the requirements of real time and low cost in many different systems. So a radix-2 pipelined FFT processor based on Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) for Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN) is proposed. Unlike being stored in the traditional ROM, the twiddle factors in our pipelined FFT processor can be accessed directly. A novel simple address mapping scheme is also proposed. The FFT processor has two pipelines, one is in the execution of complex multiplication of the butterfly unit, and the other is between the RAM modules, which read input data, store temporary variables of butterfly unit and output the final results. Finally, the pipelined 64-point FFT processor can be completely implemented within only 67 clock cycles.Key words: FFT; FPGA; address mapping Reference [1] J. A. C. Bingham, "Multicarrier modulation for data transmission: an idea whose time has come," IEEE Communication Magazine, vol. 28, no. 5, pp. 5-14, May 1990. [2] J. Palicot and C. Roland, "FFT: a basic function for a reconfigurable receiver," 10th International Conference on Telecommunications, vol. 1, pp. 898-902, March 2003. [3] Min Jiang, Bing Yang, Yiling Fu, et al., "Design Of FFT processor with Low Power complex mutliplier for OFDMbased high-speed wireless applications," International Symposium on Communications and Information Technology, vol. 2, pp. 639-641, Oct. 2004. [4] Kai Zhong, Hui He, and Guangxi Zhu, "An ultra-high speed FFT processor," International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems, vol. 1, pp. 37 - 40, July 2003. [5] Hongjiang He and Hui Guo, "The Realization of FFT Algorithm based on FPGA Co-processor," Second International Symposium on Intelligent Information Technology Application, vol. 3, pp. 239-243, Dec. 2008. [6] J. G. Proakis and D. G. Manolakis, "Introduction to Digital Signal Processing," New York: Macmillan, 1988. [7] R. B. Perlow and T. C. Denk, "Finite word length design for VLSI FFT processors," Conference Record of the Thirty-Fifth Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, vol. 2, pp. 1227– 1231, Nov. 2001. [8] J. W. Cooky and J. W. Tukey, "An algorithm for the machine calculation of complex Fourier series," Math. of Comp., vol. 19, No. 90, pp. 297-301, April 1965. [9] S. Oraintara, Y. J. Chen, and T. Q. Nguyen, "Integer fast Fourier transform," IEEE Trans. Acoustics, Speech, Signal Processing, vol. 50, No. 3, pp. 607-618, March 2002. [10] J. H. Takala, T. S. Jarvinen, and H. T. Sorokin, "A Conflict-free parallel memory access scheme for FFT processors," International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, vol. 4, pp. 524-527, May 2003 D.Venkata Kishore, C.Ram Kumar |
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197. | An Overview of Disarray in Active Suspension System
An Overview of Disarray in Active Suspension SystemAbstract: When designing a suspension system, the dual objectives are to minimize the Vertical forces transmitted to the passengers and to maximize the tire-to-road contact for handling and safety. Comfort ability of passenger is very much related to the vertical forces that transmitted from the car body. This objective can be achieved by minimizing the vertical car body acceleration. An excessive wheel travel will result in non-optimum attitude of tyre relative to the road that will cause poor handling and adhesion. Furthermore, to maintain good handling characteristic, the optimum tyre toroad contact must be maintained on four wheels. In conventional suspension system, these characteristics are conflicting and do not meet all conditions. So there are various investigations are going on for the study of improvement in active suspension over passive suspension system. In this paper overview of various works are done. This paper tries to give an idea about the previous researches & their finding about study of passive and active suspension system parameters by considering quarter car model.Key words: Active suspension system, control system, dynamics, passive suspension, vehicles. Reference [1] D.H.Rovat, "Optimal Active Suspension for Quarter Car Vehicle Models, "Automates, Vol.26.No.5.pp.860.1990. [2] Keum-Shik Hong, Hyun-Chul Sohn, J. Karl Hedrick "Modified Skyhook Control of Semi-Active Suspensions: A New Model, Gain Scheduling, and Hardwarein-the-Loop Tuning" Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, Vol 124, No.159-167 [3] C. Yue, T. Butsuen,and J. K. Hedrick,"Alternative Control Laws for Automotive Suspensions" Automates, Vol. 26.No. 5.pp. 860.1990. [4] AndrewAlleyne, J. KarlHedrick, "Non Linear Adoptive Control of Active Suspensions," IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Vol.3.No.1.March 1995. [5] Claude Kaddissi et al, "Drive by Wire Control of an Electro-Hydraulic Active Suspension a Backstepping Approach". Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Control Applications Toronto, Canada, August 28- 31, 2005. Pranit M. Patil, Vijay R. Patil, Ganesh N. Rakate |
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198. | A Comparative Study on Methods of Curing Concrete –Influence of Humidity
A Comparative Study on Methods of Curing Concrete –Influence of HumidityAbstract: Efficient uninterrupted curing is the key to quality concrete. Proper curing of concrete is crucial to obtain design strength and maximum durability. The curing period depends on the required properties of concrete, the purpose for which it is to be used, and the surrounding atmosphere namely temperature and relative humidity. Curing is designed primarily to keep the concrete moist, by preventing the loss of moisture from the concrete during the period in which it is gaining strength. Curing may be applied in a number of ways and the most appropriate means of curing may be dictated by the site or the construction method. The present paper is directed to evaluate effectiveness of different curing methods and study the influence of climate on the strength properties of concrete.Key words: Curing of Reference 1. Kosmatka, S.H.; Panarese, W.C. (1988). Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures. Skokie, IL, USA: Portland Cement Association. pp. 17, 42, 70, 184. 2. Zain M.F.M (2007) Ef f ect of dif f erent Curing Methods on the Properties of Micro Silica Concrete. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Science, 1 (2): 87 – 95, 2007 3. ACI Committee 308 - Standard Practice for Curing Concrete ACI 308-92. American 4. Concrete Institute, Detroit, Mich., 1992, 2000. 5. ACI 211.1 – 91 Standard practice for selecting proportions for normal, heavy weight and 6. mass concrete 7. IS 12269: 1987 – Specifications for 53 Grade of Ordinary Portland cement 8. IS 383: 1970 – Specifications for coarse and fine aggregates from natural sources for 9. Concrete 10. IS 2386: 1963 – Methods of test for aggregates for concrete Dr. K.V.Krishna Reddy |
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199. | Engineering of Weak Grounds
Engineering of Weak GroundsAbstract: In this paper an attempt is made here to highlight the principles for improvement of weak grounds. A few successful case histories in relation to pre-compression, granular piles, soil reinforcement are brought out. One case history, which needs special attention, was the treatment of an area filled with garbage making it fit for an expressway.Key words: Weak grounds Garbage fills Soil reinforcement Reference [1]. Nararajan.T.K. and Rao.E.S. (1977) "Geotechnical Engineering and Environmental Control", 9 th ICSMFE, Tokyo. [2]. CRRI (1971), Report on "Foundation Analysis of the Ore-Handlig Yard, Outer Harbour Project, Visakhapatnam. [3]. Natarajan. T.K., Bandari.R.K., Rao.E.S., Ajaib Singh, (1982) "A Major Landslide in Sikkim, Analysis, Correction and Efficacy of Protective Measures", International Conference on Landslides, New Delhi. [4]. Naresh.D.N., Ratnam.M.V. and Subramanyam.G.,(1988), "An Experimental Study on Performance of a Prototype Reinforced Earth Embankment", Proceedings of the International Geotechnical Symposium on Theory and Practice of Earth Reinfocement, Japan. Dr. K.V.Krishna Reddy, Prof. E.S.Rao |
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200. | Extreme And Distribution Data Of Drainage System In The City Of Ambon
Extreme And Distribution Data Of Drainage System In The City Of AmbonAbstract: Climate change has been a significant environmental issue during this century. Various studies have been conducted in order to identify the causes of climate change. To avoid the harmful effects of extreme rainfall events and climate, it is necessary to give special attention to the extreme values, given the inability of human beings to avoid or escape from disaster that is caused by phenomena of precipitation and climate (temperature). One theory that specifically addresses extreme events is EVT (Extreme Value Theory). The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of extreme, distribution and modeling values as well as diagnostics model which is modeled with GEV distribution. The family of GEV distribution has three sub-families namely Gumbel, Fréchet and Weibull. This distribution is characterized by three parameters: the location, scale, and shape parameter. From the data distribution test with error rate (α) of 0.05, it gives a result that the tested distribution fits with GEV and Normal distribution. For the suitability distribution, in addition to specific inferential test, it can also be tested using the P-P plot and Q-Q plot. While empirical CDF graph is used to evaluate the fit of the data compared to the data distribution of the cumulative distribution of samples in which both probability values gives a similar profile at both levels axis. Based on return level of 100 years from the analysis of the maximum temperature, it increases only 10.66% or the xk value = 29.367 °C which means that in the period (return period) of 100 years, temperatures in the study area of Ambon will surpass 29.367 °C. Therefore, it is certain that the temperature changes in the study area are not too significant and have extreme phenomenon compared to the one with the maximum rainfall.Key words: Climate change, GEV distribution, return level Reference 1. Ramachandra Rao, Shih-Chieh Kao. Statistical Analysis of Rainfall Data Indiana, Joint Transportation Research Program, Purdue University. 2006 2. Ci Yang and David Hill. Modeling stream extremes under non-stationery-time conditions, XIX International Conference on Water Resources CMWR 2012 University of Illinois at Urbanachampaign June 17-22, 2012. 3. Dana Draghicescu, Rosaria Ignaccolo. Modeling threshold exceedance probabilities of spatially correlated time series, Electronic Journal of Statistics Vol. 3 (2009) 149-164 ISSN: 1935-7524 DOI: 10.1214/08-EJS252.2009. 4. Hosking, JRM, and Wallis, JR, and quantile Parameter Estimation for the Generalized Pareto Distribution, Technometrics, 29, 1987, pp. 339-349. 5. Indriati Bisono. Knowing Extreme Data and Distribution, Industrial Engineering Journal, Vol. 13, No.. 2, December 2011, 81-86. 2011 6. James A. Smith and Mary Lynn Baeck, Julia E. Morrison. The Regional Hydrology of Extreme Floods in an Urbanizing Drainage Basin, AMS Online Journal Volume 3, Issue 3 (June 2002). 7. Julia E. Morrison, James A. Smith. Stochastic modeling of flood peaks using the generalized extreme value distribution, Water Resources Research Volume 38, Issue 12, pages 41-1-41-12, December 2002. 8. P. Willems, K. Arnbjerg-Nielsen, J. Olsson, VTV Nguyen. Climate change impact assessment on urban rainfall extremes and urban drainage: Methods and shortcomings, Atmos-02 405; No. of Pages 13.2011 9. Richard W. Katz, Marc B. Parlange, Philippe Naveau. Statistics of extremes in hydrology, Advances in Water Resources 25 (2002) 1287-1304.2002 10. K. Riipunjaii. Shuklla, M.. Triivedii, Manoj Kumar. Proffiiciientt On tthe use off GEV disttriibuttiion, anale. Seria Informatica. Vol. VIII fasc. I - 2010. 11. Slobodan P. Simonovic, Angela Peck. Updated rainfall intensity duration frequency curves for the City of London under the changing climate, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering The University of Western Ontario London, Ontario, Canada.2010 12. Song Feng, Saralees Nadarajah, Qi Hu. Modeling annual extreme precipitation in china using the generalized extreme value distribution, Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, Vol.85.no.5, pp.599- 613.2007. 13. Stevan Hadživukovic, RA Fisher and Modern Statistics, International Statistical Institute, 55th Session 2005: Stevan Hadzivukovic, Emilija Nikolic-Doric. , 2005. 14. Xin Liu, Data Analysis in Extreme Value Theory, Department of Statistics and Operations Research University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. April 30, 2009. Obednego Dominggus Nara, Muhammad Bisri, Aniek Masrevaniah, Agus Suharyanto |
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201. | Dynamic Analysis of Single Cylinder Petrol Engine
Dynamic Analysis of Single Cylinder Petrol EngineAbstract: -In this study a dynamic analysis of single cylinder petrol engine was conducted. Finite element analysis was performed to obtain the variation of the stress magnitude at critical locations of connecting rod and crankshaft. The dynamic analysis resulted in the development of the load on piston. This load is calculated from MATLAB. This load was then applied to the FE model and boundary conditions were applied according to the engine assembly. It is observed that maximum stress is developed at crank pin of crank shaft. The maximum stresses are developed at the fillet section of the big and the small end of connecting rod. Hence, the project deals with the stress analysis of connecting rod and crankshaft by Finite Element Method using ANSYS WORKBENCH 11.0 Software. Also Results obtained from the analysis were then compared with analytical method.Key words: —Crankshaft, connecting rod and Ansys workbench 11.0 Reference [1] H. D. Desai "Computer Aided Kinematic and Dynamic Analysis of a Horizontal Slider Crank Mechanism Used For Single-Cylinder Four Stroke Internal Combustion Engine"London, U.K. [2] Vivek. C. Pathade, BhumeshwarPatle, Ajay N. Ingale "Stress Analysis of I.C.Engine Connecting Rod by FEM.‟ Department of mechanical engg, Wardha. [3] Momin Muhammad Zia Muhammad Idris "Crankshaft Strength Analysis UsingFinite Element Method‟ PIIT, New Panvel, India. [4] Anil kumar, Kamaldeep Grover Balvinder Budania "Optimization of Connecting Rod Parameters using CAE Tools‟ ,International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJLTET) [5] Gunter Knoll .Richard Schönen. Klaus Wilhelm, "Full dynamic analysis of crankshaft and engine block with special respect to elastohydrodynamic bearing coupling‟ Germany [6] Amit Solanki, Ketan Tamboli, M.J.Zinjuwadia" Crankshaft Design andOptimization- A Review‟ National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology [7] Farzin H. Montazersadgh and Ali Fatemi "Dynamic Load and Stress Analysis of a Crankshaft‟ The University of Toledo SAE International 2007-01-025 [8]. Pravardhan S. Shenoy, "Dynamic Load Analysis and Optimization of Connecting Rod"Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Toledo. A Thesis, May 2004 [9 ] M. F. Spotts, "Design of Machine Elements", Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, New delhi, [10] Reddy J.N. ."An Introduction to Finite Element Method", Tata McGraw-Hill Publication, Fifth Edition.‟ [11] V.B. Bhandari, "Design of Machine Elements", Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co .Ltd, New Delhi, 2005. [12] Joseph Edward Shigley, Charles R. Mischke"Mechanical Engineering Design",McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 2000, Sixth Edition. [13] Ansys User Guide- 2010 Dr. K.H. Jatkar, Mr. Sunil S. Dhanwe |
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202. | Optimizing Design Of Heat Pump Using Fuzzy Logic And Genetic Algorithm
Optimizing Design Of Heat Pump Using Fuzzy Logic And Genetic AlgorithmAbstract: Heat pumps offer economical alternatives of recovering heat from different sources for use in various industrial, commercial and residential applications. In this study, singlestage air-source vapor compression heat pump system has been optimized using a genetic algorithm (GA) and fuzzy logic (FL). The necessary thermodynamic properties for optimization were calculated by FL. Thermodynamic properties obtained with FL were compared with actual results. Then, the optimum working conditions of heat pump system were determined by the GA.Reference 1. Chua KJ, Chou SK, Yang WM (2010) Advances in heat pump systems: a review. Apple Energy 87:3611–3624 2. http://www.energysavers.gov/your_home/s pace_heating_cooling/ index. cfm/mytopic=12610 (Heat pumps 26.09.2010) 3. Comely K, Simsek F, Comakli O, Sahin B (2009) DeterminCfmon of optimum working conditions R22 and R404A refrigerant mixtures in heat-pumps using Taguchi method. Apple Energy 86:2451– 2458 4. Zogou O, Stamatelos A (1998) Effect of clımatıc conditions on the design optimızation of heat pump systems for space heating and cooling. Energy Convers Man 39 (7): 609–622 5. Ceylon I, Aktas M (2008) Modeling of a hazelnut dryer assisted heat pump by using artificial neural Networks. Apple Energy 85:841–854 6. Essen H, Inalli M, Sengur A, Esen M (2008) Modelling a ground-coupled heat pump system using adaptive neural-fuzzy inference systems. Int J Refrig 31:65–74 7. Saudi H, Hadaddi Amlashi E, Amidpour M (2009) Multi-objective optimization of a vertical ground source heat pump using evolutionary algorithms. Energy Convers Managua 50:2035– 2046 8. Chen L, Li J, Sun F, Wu C (2008) Performance optimization for a two-stage thermo-electric heat-pump with internal and external irreversibilities. Apple Energy 85:641–649 9. Sozen A, Arcaklioglu E, Erisen A, Akcayol MA (2004) performance prediction of a vapor-compression heat-pump. Apple Energy 79:327–344 10. Sanaa S, Niroomand B (2009) Thermaleconomic modeling and optimization of vertical ground-coupled heat pump. Energy Convers Managua 50:1136–1147 G.Kumaresan |
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203. | Productivity Analysis of Reactive Routing Protocol for IEEE 802.11e standard using QualNet Simulator
Productivity Analysis of Reactive Routing Protocol for IEEE 802.11e standard using QualNet SimulatorAbstract: The continuous improvement of sensor skill and wireless communication is encouraging wireless sensor networking. The IEEE 802.11e Medium Access Control (MAC) is upcoming standard of IEEE to support Quality of Service (QoS). The IEEE 802.11e MAC enhances the basic 802.11 MAC to provide quality-of-service support for audio and video streams. The 802.11e MAC defines a new Hybrid Coordination Function (HCF), which provides an Enhanced Distributed Channel Access (EDCA) method and an HCF Controlled Channel Access (HCCA) method. Some recent work can prove that 802.11e Hybrid Coordinate Function (HCF) can improve significantly the quality of service (QoS) in 802.11 networks. The HCF scheduling algorithm is only for Constant Bit Rate (CBR) characteristics. In this paper we investigate the performance of 802.11e through computer simulations. We design a scenario and analysis the performance metrics of Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV) and Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) protocols for IEEE 802.11e standards. Performance metrics like throughput, average end-to-end delay, average jitter, energy consumed in transmit and received modes, which is carried out using QualNet simulator.Key words: AODV, DSR, Average End-to-end delay, IEEE 802.11e standard, QualNet Reference [1] Mayank Mishra and Anirudha Sahoo. An 802.11 based MAC Protocol for Providing QoS to Real Time Applications. IEEE 10th International Conference on Information Technology, 6:615-619,2007 [2] Jamal N. AL-Karaki, Ahmed E.Kamal, "Routing techniques in Wireless Sensornetworks: A Survey" IEEE Wireless Communication, December 2004. [3] Lamia Romdhani, Qiang Ni, and Thierry Turletti.Adaptive EDCF: enhanced service differentiation for IEEE 802.11 wireless ad-hoc networks. Wireless Communications and Networking, 2003. WCNC 2003. 2003 IEEE, 2(1):1373-1378, March 2003. [4] A. Chen,D.Lee,G. Chandrasekaran,and P. Sinha, "HIMAC: High Throughput MAC Layer Multicasting in Wireless Networks," Proc. IEEE Int'l Conf. Mobile Adhoc and Sensor System (MASS'06),2006. [5] Bilal Rauf, M Faisal Amjad, Kabeer Ahmed, Performance Evaluation of IEEE 802.11 DCF in comparison with IEEE 802.11e EDCA. "Natinal University of Sciences and Technology, Pakistan" [6] Stefan Mangold, Sunghyun Choi, Peter May, Ole Klein, Guido Hiertz, and Lothar Stibor, "IEEE 802.11e Wireless LAN for Quality of Service," in Proc. European Wireless '02, Florence, Italy, February 2002. [7] Heegard, C. and Coffey, J. and Gummadi, S. and Murphy, P. A. and Provencio, R. and Rossin, E. J. and Schrum, S. and Shoemake, M. B., High- Performance Wireless Ethernet, IEEE Comm. Magazine , vol. 39, no. 11, Nov. 2001. [8] J.Q. Bao and L. Tong, A performance comparison between ad hoc and centrally controlled CDMA wireless LANs, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol.1 (Oct 2002) pp. 829-841. [9] Fasee Ullah, Muhammad Amin and Hamid ul Ghaffar " Simualting AODV and DSDV For Adynamic Wireless Sensor Networks", IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.10 No.7,July 2010. [10] Charles E. Perkins, Elizabeth M. BeldingRoyer, S. Das, "AdHoc on Demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing, Mobile Ad Hoc Networking Working Group" July 2003, Internet-Draft. Dharam Vir, Dr. S.K.Agarwal, Dr. S.A.Imam |
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204. | Effects of Hall Current on MHD Free and Forced Convection flow of Newtonian fluid through a Porous medium in an Infinite vertical plate in presence of Thermal radiation heat transfer and surface temperature oscillation
Effects of Hall Current on MHD Free and Forced Convection flow of Newtonian fluid through a Porous medium in an Infinite vertical plate in presence of Thermal radiation heat transfer and surface temperature oscillationAbstract: In this paper, we study the steady and unsteady magneto hydro dynamic (MHD) viscous, incompressible free and forced convective flow of an electrically conducting Newtonian fluid through a porous medium in the presence of appreciable thermal radiation heat transfer and surface temperature oscillation taking hall current into account. The fluid is assumed to be optically-thin and magnetic Reynolds number small enough to neglect induced hydro magnetic effects. Secondary (cross-flow) effects are incorporated. The governing equations are solved analytically using complex variables. Detailed computations of the influence of governing parameters on the unsteady mean flow velocity (u1) and unsteady mean cross flow velocity (w1), the plate shear stresses for the unsteady main and the secondary flow and also temperature gradients due to the unsteady main flow and the unsteady cross flow, are presented graphically and tabulated. The closed-form solutions reveal that the shear stress component due to a steady mean flow experiences a non-periodic oscillation which varies as a function of the Hartmann number (M 2 ) and radiation parameter (K1). However the shear stress components due to main and cross flows for an unsteady mean flow are subjected to periodic oscillation which depends on Hartmann number, inverse Darcy parameter, radiation parameter but also on the Prandtl number and frequency of oscillation. Applications of the model include fundamental magneto-fluid dynamics, MHD energy systems and magnetometallurgical processing for aircraft materials.Key words: steady and unsteady flows, thermal radiation heat transfer, hall current effects, free and forced convective flows, surface temperature oscillation and porous medium. Reference [1]. Aboeldahab E.M. and El-Din. A.A.G. (2005): "Thermal radiation effects on MHD flow past a semi-infinite inclined plate in the presence of mass diffusion", Heat & Mass Transfer, 41(12), pp. 1056- 1065. [2]. Alagoa. K.D., Tay. G. and Abbey. T.M. (1998): "Radiative and free convective effects of MHD flow through a porous medium between infinite parallel plates with time-dependent suction". Astrophysics and Space Science, 260(4), pp. 455-468. [3]. Alam. M.S., M.M. Rahman, and M.A. Sattar (2008): "Effects of variable suction and thermophoresis on steady MHD combined free-forced convective heat and mass transfer flow over a semi-infinite permeable inclined plate in the presence of thermal radiation". Int. J. Thermal Sciences, 47(6), pp. 758-765. [4]. Anwerbeg. O and S.K. Ghosh (2010): "Analytical study of magneto hydro dynamic radiation-convection with surface temperature oscillation and secondary flow effects", Int. J. of Appl. Math and Mech. 6 (6), pp. 1-22. [5]. Audunson.T. and Gebhart.B. (1972): "An experimental and analytical study of natural convection with appreciable thermal radiation effects", J. Fluid Mechanics, 52(1), pp. 57-95. [6]. Bestman. A.R. (1989): "Radiative transfer to oscillatory hydro magnetic rotating flow of a rarefied gas past a horizontal flat plate". Int. J. Numerical Methods in Fluids, 9(4), pp. 375-384. [7]. Duwairi.H.M. (2005): "Viscous and Joule heating effects on forced convection flow from radiate isothermal porous surfaces", Int. J. Numerical Methods Heat Fluid Flow, 15(5), pp. 429-440. [8]. Duwairi.H.M. and Damseh.R.A), pp. 57- 95. [9]. Bestman. A.R. (1989): "Radiative transfer to oscillatory hydro magnetic rotating flow of a rarefied gas past a horizontal flat plate". Int. J. Numerical Methods in Fluids, 9(4), pp. 375-384. [10]. Duwairi.H.M. (2005): "Viscous and Joule heating effects on forced convection flow from radiate isothermal porous surfaces. (2004): "Magneto hydro dynamic natural convection heat transfer from radiate vertical porous surfaces", Heat Mass Transfer, 40(10), pp. 787-792 E.Neeraja and M.Veera Krishna |
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205. | Survey of Security in Service Oriented Architecture
Survey of Security in Service Oriented ArchitectureAbstract: Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is a driving force behind all present and evolving techniques of data exchange and resource sharing over the network. This helps in adapting to the changing market needs efficiently and effectively. Inherent characteristics of SOA framework have nurtured agility and flexibility in distributed computing environment but also have posed high security challenges. This is especially because of the anonymity of the end user of a service and data exchange over unsecured network. This paper discusses risks posed by SOA related to important aspects of security Authentication, Authorization, Confidentiality, Data Integrity and Nonrepudiation. It also presents mechanisms which are being used by service providers to deal with these security concerns.Key words: – Kerberos, Public Key Cryptography, Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), Security, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), Reference [1] "A Review of Grid Authentication and Authorization Technologies and Support for Federated Access Control, WEI JIE, Thames Valley University et al.- ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 43, No. 2, Article 12, January 2011. [2] "Service oriented architectures: approaches, technologies and research issues", Mike P. Papazoglou · Willem-Jan van den Heuvel - The VLDB Journal (2007) 16:389–415 DOI 10.1007/s00778- 007-0044-3. [3] "Computationally Efficient PKI-Based SingleSign-On Protocol PKASSO for Mobile Devices", Ki-Woong Park, et al. - IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERS, VOL. 57, NO. 6, JUNE 2008. [4] "How Kerberos Authentication works",http://learn-networking.com/network-security/howkerberos-authentication-works. [5] "Kerberos Explained", http://technet.microsoft.com/enus/library/bb742516.aspx [6] "Basic Components of a Public Key Infrastructure", http://technet.microsoft.com/enus/library/cc962020.aspx [7] "Kerberos: An Authentication Service for Computer Networks" , http://gost.isi.edu/publications/kerberosneuman-tso.html [8] "Core PKI Services: Authentication, Integrity, and Confidentiality " http://technet.microsoft.com/enus/library/cc700808.aspx [9] "Introduction to Digital Certificates", http://www.verisign.com.au/repository/tut orial/digital/intro1.shtml#step1 [10] "Formalizing Service Oriented Architectures", Khalil A. Abuosba and Asim A. El-Sheikh, - P u b l i s h e d by t h e I E E E Comp u t e r S o c i e t y July / August 2008 Nilambari Joshi, Paras Patel, Dr. B.B. Meshram |
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206. | Experimental Investigation on Performance Improvement of Biogas Plant
Experimental Investigation on Performance Improvement of Biogas PlantAbstract: Biogas is a sustainable fuel that stands out from other biofuels because of the major environmental and socio-economic benefits that can be achieved. This opens up enormous potential for sustainable economic growth and will also improve our energy security. An attempt has been made to find the different ways to improve the overall performance of biogas plant. The present work comprise of improving the biogas yield in terms of quality and quantity. Since it is a well known fact that temperature improves the performance of biogas plant, experimentation is carried out to modify the existing mild steel dome based biogas plant by transparent type fibre dome to capture the green house effect. Modifications are carried out in one of the plant and the second plant is kept as a reference. So far these two biogas plants were studied for composition, yield, temperature effect; pH value of the end digestate.Key words: ENERGY SECURITY, TRANSPARENT FIBRE DOME, MILD STEEL DOME, TEMPERATURE, PH. Reference [1] Khapre UL. Studies on biogas utilization for domestic cooking. Paper presented at XXV annual convention of ISAE, held at CTAE, Udaipur; 1989. [2] Janani Chakravarthi "Biogas and energy production from cattle waste" IEEE Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, IECEC-97 32nd Intersociety pp: 648 - 651 vol.1.1997. [3] Karve of Pune A.D (2006). Compact biogas plant compact low-cost digester from Waste starch. www.bioenergylists.org. [4] The University of Southampton and Greenfinch Ltd. - Biodigestion of kitchen waste a comparative evaluation ofmesophilic and thermophilic biodigestion for the Stabilization and sanitization of kitchen waste. [5] http://www.renewableenergyworld.com [6] www.fao.org Subbarao Chamarthi, N.Srinivasa Reddy, G Ravi Chandra |
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207. | Combined Economic Load And Emission Dispatch Evalution Using Bat Algorithm
Combined Economic Load And Emission Dispatch Evalution Using Bat AlgorithmAbstract: This paper presents an application of BAT algorithm for multi-objective optimization problem in power system. Considering the environmental impacts that grow from the emissions produced by fossil-fuelled power plant, the economic dispatch that minimizes only the total fuel cost can no longer be considered as single objective. Application of BAT algorithm in this paper is based on mathematical modelling to solve economic, emission and combined economic and emissions dispatch problems by a single equivalent objective function. BAT algorithm has been applied to two realistic systems at different load condition. Results obtained with proposed method are compared with other techniques presented in literature. BAT algorithm is easy to implement and much superior to other algorithms in terms of accuracy and efficiency.Key words: Economic dispatch; BAT algorithm; Artificial Bee Colony algorithm; Combined economic and emission dispatch; Mathematical modelling. Reference [1] Gaurav Prasad Dixit, Hari Mohan Dubey, ManjareePandit, B. K. Panigrahi, "Artificial Bee Colony Optimization for Combined Economic Load and Emission Dispatch",International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Intelligent System (SEISCON 2011) ,Dr. M.G.R. University, Maduravoyal, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. July.20-22, 2011. [2] Xin-She Yang, A new metaheuristic bat-inspired algorithm. [3] Wood, A. J. and Wollenberg, B. F., Power Generation, Operation, and Control, 1996, Wiley, New York, 2nd ed. [4] K.P. wang, C.C. Fung, "Simulated annealing based economic dispatch algorithm," IEE Proc. C 140, volume. 6,Nov. 1993 pp. 507-513. [5] L.G. Damousis, A.G. Bakirtzis, S. Dokopoulos, , "Networkconstraint economic dispatch using real coded genetic algorithm,"IEEE Trans. Power Syst., volume 1, Feb 2003 pp.198-205. [6] C. Palanichamy, K. Srikrishna, "Economic thermal power dispatch with emission constraint" J. Institute OfEngg. (India)volume-72, April-1991, 11. [7] M. Sudhakaran, S.M.R Slochanal, R. Sreeram and N Chandrasekhar, "Application of Refined genetic Algorithm toCombined Economic and Emission Dispatch" J. Institute Of Engg. (India) volume-85, Sep. 2004pp. 115-119. [8] A. Immanuel Selvakumar, K. Dhanushkodi, J. Jaya Kumar, C. Kumar Charlie Pual, "Particle swarm optimization solutionto emission and economic dispatch problem ," IEEEConference Tencon, paper ID-075 Oct.2003 [9] M. Sudhakaran and S.M.R Slochanal, "Integrating Genetic Algorithm and Tabu Search for Emission and Economic Dispatch Problem" J. Institute OfEngg. (India) volume-86, June.2005, pp-22-27. [10] Rughooputh HCS, King RTFA., "Environmental economic dispatch of thermal units using an elitist multi-objectiveevolutionary algorithm" In Proceeding of the IEEE international conference on Indus trial technology, ICIT'03, Maribor, Slovenia;. December 10–14, 2003 pp. 48–53.. Rakesh.V, Mrs.S.B.Aruna, Dr.T. Deva Raju |
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208. | Efficiency Analysis of Hydraulic Power Steering System
Efficiency Analysis of Hydraulic Power Steering SystemAbstract: Hydraulic assisted power steering system is a high bandwidth servo with stringent performance requirements on accuracy, reliability, and cost. Design of such a system can be best achieved by using a validated and user friendly computer simulation program. Hydraulic integrated power steering ( HIPS ) program has been developed using basic concepts from science and engineering. HIPS provides a design and test environment for the integrated steering and suspension system subjected to disturbance forces, which may be induced by pump flow oscillations and tire loads. Two real-world automotive hydraulic steering systems are simulated with HIPS. The simulation results agree closely with the dynamometer test results. The application of HIPS for design optimization is also demonstrated.Reference [1] CSSL-IV User Guide and Reference Manual, Simulation Services, Chatsworth, CA [2] Sahinkaya, Y., A Novel Steering Vibration Stabilizer, 1996 SAE International Congress and Exposition, February, Detroit, MI [3] Bosch: Kraftfahrtechnisches Taschenbuch, Publisher: Robert Bosch GmbH,Stuttgart, Vieweg Verlag, 23rd printing, Wiesbaden, Germany, 1999 [4] Brander, M.:Modellerstellung und Simulation einer wirkungsgradoptimierten hydraulischen Fahrzeuglenkung. Diploma-Thesis, Chair of Turbomachinery and Fluidpower, Technical University of Darmstadt, Darmstadt, 2001 [5] Dominke, P.: Die Lenkung im Wandel – Von der Mechanik zur Mechatronik Presentation at the Fahrzeug- und Motorentechnisches Seminar, Chair of Automotive Engineering (fzd), Technical University of Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany. [6] Ivantysynova, M.: Ways For Efficiency Improvements Of Modern Displacement Machines.TheSixth Scandinavian International Conference on Fluid Power,SICFP'99, May 26-28, Tampere, Finland, 1999 [7] Lang,A.:AlternativeEnergiesparende Servolenksysteme.Hydraulik und Pneumatik in der Fahrzeugtechnik, Haus der Technik, Essen, Germany, Feb. 1995 [8] Murrenhoff, H., Wallentowitz, H.:Grundlagen der Fluidtechnik, Teil 1: Hydraulik Verlag Mainz, Aachen, 1st printing, Germany, 1998 [9] Stoll, H.: Fahrwerktechnik: Lenkanlagen und Hilfskraftlenkungen . Publisher: J. Reimpell, Vogel Buchverlag Würzburg, 1st printing, Würzburg, Germany, 1992 [10] ZF integral Hydraulic Ball & Nut power steering Gear-Short Version: By ZF Steering Gear (India) Ltd. M. R. Nimbarte, L.P. Raut |
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STEGO-WATERMARKAbstract: The evolution of the Internet helps the transmission of digital multi- media content such as text, audio, images, and video easier. Digital media can be accessed or distributed through the network. As the communication over internet is easier and convenient, the security becomes main concern. One of the approaches for secured transmission is Steganography in which secrete message is hidden behind the image. For authenticity, digital watermarking is a technique which embeds a digital signature or digital watermark that asserts the ownership or intellectual property rights of the owner .In this a hybrid approach is used, in which watermarking and Steganography techniques have been combined, which exploits the advantages of both techniques results in more robustness against different types of attacks.Key words: Robustness, Steganography, Watermarking. Reference [1] Tsung-Yuan Liu,Wen-Hsiang Tsai "Generic Lossless Visible Watermarking (IEEE Journal)." [2] Satya Prakash Sahu, Satya Verma. "Computer Networks and Information Technologies. (Second International Conference).Year: March 2010-11." [3] Pei pei Shi,Tao Zhang "A Technique of Improved Steganography using BPCS And Chaos(IEEE Journal 2010)." [4] ZHANG H L, ZHANG X Y. "A secure BPCS Steganography against statistical analysis". 8th International Conference on Signal Processing. 2006: 990-992." [5] Hioki H.A "data embedding method using BPCS principle with new complexity measures". Pacific Rim Workshop on Digital Steganography,2002. [6] Wei, H., Yuan, M., Zhao, J., Kou, Z. "Research and Realization of Digital Watermark for Picture Protecting". In: First International Workshop on Education Technology and Computer Science (2009). Rikki Sharma, Priyanka Surve, Mrs. Devyani Bonde |
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210. | Alternative Method of Forming Hard To Form Metal by using LASER: A Review
Alternative Method of Forming Hard To Form Metal by using LASER: A ReviewAbstract: This paper gives a review for a new technique to give shape to metal by laser source is presented. Typically metal forming by Laser is contactless method in which laser beam is used as energy source and by inducing temperature induced stress in material, we can form material in various shapes. The main benefit of laser forming lies in its capability to form low ductility metal and with high accuracy of forming which normally not possible in conventional forming process which uses mechanical tool and die. In this paper various experimental result and observation of laser forming technique is presented so that one can easily analyze the laser forming technique and its capability and limitations. The important parameters which affect process results are laser beam diameter, sheet thickness, laser input power, scan velocity and material properties. By suitably choosing above parameters two dimensional and three dimensional geometry had been formed from sheet metal.Key words: Laser forming, temperature induced stress, Scanning velocity. Reference [1] K.C. Chan, J. Liang, " Laser bending of a Ti Al-based intermetallic alloy", Materials Letters 49 _2001.pp.51–55 [2] Gigliola Lubiano, Jorge A. Ramos, "Laser Bending of Thin Metal Sheets by Means of a Low Power CO2 Laser" [3] K. G. Watkins, S. P. Edwardson, J. Magee, G. Dearden, P. French," Laser Forming of Aerospace Alloys", Aerospace Manufacturing Technology Conference September 10-14, 2001Washington State Convention & Trade Center Seattle, Washington, USA [4] A.R. majed, F.Ahmadi, M.Farzin, "Experiment and finite element simulation of laser bending of tubes",Iranian conference on manufacturing engineering(ICME2009), march 3-5,2009, Birjanal, Iran [5] X. R. Zhang, G. Chen1, X. Xu2," Numerical Simulation of Pulsed Laser Bending", Vol. 69,p-p 254-263, MAY 2002, Transactions of the ASME [6] C.Carry, W.J. Cantwell, "Effect of laser interaction with graphite coating", Laser Assisted net shape Engineering 5, proceedings of the LANE 2007. [7] M. Hoseinpour Gollo, S. Ding, "Experimental analyses of bending angle by a pulsed Nd:YAG laser in sheet metal forming process", Scientific Research and Essays Vol.7(3), pp. 279-287, 23 January, 2012 [8] M-L Chen, J Jeswiet, P J Bates, and G Zak, " Experimental study on sheet metal bending with medium-power diode laser", Proc. IMechE Vol. 222 Part B: J. Engineering Manufacture. [9] Darpan Prakash Shidid ,"Theoretical and Experimental Analyses of Titanium Sheet Metal Bending by Nd:YAG" March 2011 Ms. Sweety patel, Prof. R.I.Patel |
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211. | Research on risk assessment of underground logistics system project based on Grey Analytic Hierarchy Process
Research on risk assessment of underground logistics system project based on Grey Analytic Hierarchy ProcessAbstract: The reasons of the risk of city underground logistics system are discribed from three aspects of technology, careerman and environment,the risk evaluation index system is constructed based on the method of analytic hierarchy process,the Grey Analytic Hierarchy model is established and the feasibility and validity of this evaluation model is verified by using it in the risk assessment of a underground logistics system project.Key words: Grey Analytic Hierarchy Process, risk assessment,underground logistics system Reference [1] Sun Bindong, Study on the spatial strategy of big city's traffic development in our country -taking Shanghai as an example(Nanjing:Nanjing University press,2009). [2] Zheng Liqun,Wu Yuhua,Zhou Bokang,Xia Qing,The application of artificial neural network(ANN) on investment risk evalucation,Journal of Management Science in China,2(4),1999:93-95. [3] Dong Xianzhou,Xu Peide,Design of Risk Analysis System Based on Probabilistic Risk Assessment,JOURNAL OF SYSTEM SIMULATION,13(6),2001:756-758. [4] Sun Shusheng,Liu Xiaokang,Risk Analysis and Control of Losgistic Park Projects Based on Life-cycle Management,Logistics technology,28(12),2009. [5] Qian Qihu,Guo Dongjun,An introduction to the city underground logistics system(Beijing:China Communications Press,2007). [6] Zhong Caigen,Liu Huixia,Deep foundation pit engineering risk source analysis and countermeasures,Construction supervision,(6),2009:64-66. [7] Cai Jianchun,Wang Yong,Li Hanling,Grey Hierarchy Evaluation for Investment Risk of Venture Capitial,Journal of Industrial Engineering/Engineering Management,(2),2003:94-97. [8] JamesH.BoykinA.Ring,The Valuation of Real Estate.Rogenss PrentieeHall.Ine.1993. [9] Duan Jinli,Zhang Qishan,Liu Weijia,Risk assessment model of information system based on AHP method and Grey Theory,Journal of Guangdong University of Technology,23(4),2006:12-14. Yanhong Qin, Wentao Yan |
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AN ENHANCED DSR PROTOCOL USING PATH RANKING TECHNIQUEAbstract: Mobile Adhoc networks are infra structure-less and are categorized by multi-hop wireless connectivity and dynamic changing network topology. They are self organized networks without dependency on any fixed infrastructure. Application area of MANET is varied, ranging from small, static networks to large scale highly mobile and highly dynamic networks. Routing is an important issue in wireless adhoc networks. Routing protocols plays a very important role because MANET use dynamic changing network topology. Most famous categories are Proactive, Reactive and Hybrid. Proactive routing protocols setup route based on continuous control traffic information. All routes and maintained all the times. On the other hand Reactive routing protocols does not take any initiative for finding routes. It establishes routes 'on demand' basis. Hybrid protocol have the advantages of both proactive and reactive protocol. In this paper, an attempt has been made to compare performance of ZRP (hybrid), DSDV (Proactive) and reactive (DSR and modified DSR) on the basis of their performance in MANETs using NS2 simulator. A comparative study on reactive and proactive has been done by some modification that how DSR can be modified for its performance enhancement from average to something extra to make MANETs more reliable. To achieve this goal DSR is modified by using route ranking technique in order to load balancing, to avoid congestion and lower packet delivery.Key words: Proactive protocol, Reactive protocol, Hybrid protocol, NS2, Performance evaluation Reference [1] Chai-Keong Toh. Ad Hoc Mobile Wireless Networks. Prentice Hall PTR, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 2002. [2] D. Kim, J. Garcia and K. Obraczka, "Routing Mechanisms for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks based on the Energy Drain Rate", IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. Vol 2, no 2, 2003, pp.51-173. [3] Dr. Jitendrnath Mungara and Sree Ranga Raju, 2010. "ZRP versus AODV and DSR : A Comprehensive Study on ZRP Performance" International Journal of Computer Applications (09758887) Volume 1, No. 12. [4] Dr. M.Nagendra, G.Vijaya Kumar and Y.Vasudeva, 2010. " Current Research Work on Routing Protocols for MANET: A Literature Survey" International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering Vol. 02, No. 03, 706-713. [5] J.C. Kavitha, 2010. Fundamentals of Mobile Computing. New Delhi, ACME LEARNING PRIVATE LIMITED. [6] Dr. M.Nagendra, G.Vijaya Kumar and Y.Vasudeva, 2010. " Current Research Work on Routing Protocols for MANET: A Literature Survey" International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering Vol. 02, No. 03, 706-713. [7] The network simulator - ns-2, http://www.isi.edu/nsnam/ns/. [8] Abhishek Swaroop and Kavita Pandey, November 2011. "A Comprehensive Performance Analysis of Proactive, Reactive and Hybrid MANETs Routing Protocols" IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 8, Issue 6, No. 3. [9] Manijeh Keshtgary and Vahide BaBaiyan, "Performance Evaluation of Reactive, Proactive and Hybrid Protocols in MANET" International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE). Zaiba Ishrat , Pankaj Singh |
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213. | Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Copper-ABS Composites for FDM Feedstock
Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Copper-ABS Composites for FDM FeedstockAbstract: This paper presents an investigation of dynamic mechanical properties of a copper-ABS composite material for possible fused deposition modeling (FDM) feedstock. The material consists of copper powder filled in an acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS). The detailed formulations of compounding ratio by volume percentage (vol. %) with various combinations of the new polymer matrix composite (PMC) are investigated experimentally. Based on the result obtained, it was found that, increment by vol. % of copper filler ABS affected the storage modules (E') and tan δ results. The storage modulus and tangent delta increased proportionally with increment of copper filled ABS. It can be observed that, the storage modulus and tangent delta are dependent on the copper filled ABS in the PMC material.Key words: Polymer Matrix Composites, Dynamic Mechanical Properties, Storage Modulus, Loss Modulus, Tan δ, Fused Deposition Modelling Reference 1. Akinci, Mechanical and Morphological Properties of basalt filled Polymer Matrix Composites, Science Journal, 35, 2009, 29-32. 2. Gungor, Mechanical Properties of Iron powder filled high density Polyethylene Composites, Journal of Materials and Design, 28, 2007, 1027-1030. 3. Huang, S. Liang, and X. Qu, The Rheology of metal Injection Molding, Journal. of Material Processing Technology, 137, 2003, 132-137. 4. H. Lee, J. Abdullah, and Z. A. Khan, Optimization of Rapid Prototyping Parameters for Production of Flexible ABS Object, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 169, 2005, 54-61. 5. L. Merz, S. Rath, V. Piotter et. al., Feedstock Development for micro powder Injection Molding, Microsystem Technolology, 8, 2002, 129-132. Sa'ude, N., Masood, S. H., Nikzad, M., Ibrahim, M., Ibrahim, M. H. I. |
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214. | An Efficient Algorithm For Deblurring A Natural Image
An Efficient Algorithm For Deblurring A Natural ImageAbstract: Blurred image has always been a bottleneck for investigating agencies. Deblurring from a single image has been an ill-posed and challenging problem due to the large number of unknowns in the estimation process. The unknowns are the type of blur, the extent of blur and the noise, which degrade the image further. There does not exist any efficient algorithm that can deblur any given image. This paper attempts to deblur blindly a given natural image with an assumption of uniform blur throughout the image. The algorithm uses the Variation Bayesian approach for optimizing the posterior probability and deriving the most probable Point Spread Function (PSF). Once the PSF is estimated, a modified Lucy Richardson algorithm is used to do the deconvolution operation and to get the deblurred image. The algorithm is found to be very effective for natural images and the results are quantified using the Cumulative Probability of Blur Detection (CPBD) valuesReference [1] Wikipedia, Point spread function --- Wikipedia [2] R. Lokhande, K. V. Arya, and P. Gupta, "Identification of parameters and restoration of motion blurred images," in Proc. of the 2006 ACM symposium on Applied computing, 2006, pp. 301-305. [3] N. Joshi, R. Szeliski, and D. J. Kriegman, "PSF estimation using sharp edge prediction," in Proc. IEEE Conf. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition CVPR 2008, 2008, pp. 1-8. [4] Anat Levin, "Blind motion deblurring using image statistics," i Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 2006. [5] Rob Fergus, Barun Singh, Aaron Hertzmann, Sam T. Roweis, and William T.Freeman, "Removing camera shake from a single photograph," in SIGGRAPH '06, 2006, pp. 787-794. Vipul pathak, Deepali Kaushik, Pawan Verma, Rohit Pathak |
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215. | Develop a scanning algorithm for the detection of selfish nodes in cognitive radio networks
Develop a scanning algorithm for the detection of selfish nodes in cognitive radio networksAbstract: Cognitive radio is a wireless based communication technology which has intelligence built into it. Secure communication is a key for any wireless network . Like all other networks, cognitive radios are susceptible to various kinds of attacks like DOS attack , PUE attack , tunnel attack and jamming attack . While performing these attacks nodes in the network becomes selfish and start maximizing their own spectrum usage and they prevent other users from communicating in the same network . In this paper an algorithm is generated which can detect selfish nodes in a network . This analysis will help to give better future products that could use the resources in a more efficient way .Key words: Cognitive Radio , Selfish node , Spectrum band, Sweet spot . Reference [1] Ruiliang Chen, Jung-Min Park, and Jeffrey H. Reed ,"Defense against primary user emulation attacks in cognitive radio networks" , Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in 2008, Pages 25-37 [2] Trang V. Mai, Joseph A. Molnar and Dr. Kevin Rudd , "Security vulnerabilities in case of cognitive radio networks" Publication Year: 2011 , Page(s): 1 – 4 , IEEE 54th international Midwest symposium [3] Husheng Li and Zhu Han ,"Combating Primary User Emulation Attacks in Cognitive Radio Systems" ( IEEE transactions on wireless communications , Vol 9 , No.11, November 2010 ), Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on Volume: 9 , Issue: 11 , Publication Year: 2010 , Page(s): 3566 – 3577. [4] Husheng Li and Zhu Han ,"Combating Primary User Emulation Attacks in Cognitive Radio Systems" ( IEEE transactions on wireless communications , Vol 9 , No.11, November 2010 ), Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on Volume: 9 , Issue: 11 , Publication Year: 2010 , Page(s): 3566 – 3577. [5] MacKenzie, A.B, Reed, J.H.,Athanas, P Bostian, C.W."Cognitive Radio and Networking Research at Virginia Tech "Volume:97, Issue: 4,Publication Year: 2009,Page(s): 660 – 688. Pallavi Sharma, Manpreet kaur |
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216. | Control of Two Wheeled Inverted Pendulum Using Silding Mode Technique
Control of Two Wheeled Inverted Pendulum Using Silding Mode TechniqueAbstract: In this paper, a controller via sliding mode control is applied to a two-wheeled inverted pendulum, which is an inverted pendulum on a mobile cart carrying two coaxial wheels. The controller is developed based upon a class of nonlinear systems whose nonlinear part of the modeling can be linearly parameterized. The tracking errors are defined, then the sliding surface is chosen in an explicit form using Ackermann's formula to guarantee that the tracking error converge to zero asymptotically. The control law is extracted from the reachability condition of the sliding surface. In addition, the overall control system is developed. The simulation and experimental results on a two-wheel mobile inverted pendulum are provided to show the effectiveness of the proposed controller.Key words: Sliding mode controller, two wheeled inverted pendulum. Reference [1] F. Grasser, A. D'Arrigo, S. Colombi and A. C. Rufer, JOE: a Mobile, Inverted Pendulum, IEEE Trans. Industrial Electronics, Vol. 49, No. 1(2002), pp. 107~114. [2] C.S. Chen and W.L. Chen: Robust Adaptive Sliding-mode Control Using Fuzzy Modeling for an Inverted-pendulum System, IEEE Trans. Industrial Electronics, Vol. 45, No. 2(1998), pp. 297~306. [3] S.J. Huang and C.L. Huang: Control of an Inverted Pendulum Using Grey Prediction Model, IEEE Trans. Industrial Applications, Vol. 36, No. 2(2000), pp. 452~458. [4] J. Ackermann and V. Utkin: Sliding Mode Control Design Based on Ackermann's Formula, IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, Vol. 43, No. 2(1998), pp. 234~237. [5] D. Necsulescu: Mechatronics, Prentice-Hall, Inc. (2002), pp. 57~60. [6] M.T. Kang: M.S. Thesis, Control for Mobile Inverted Pendulum Using Sliding Mode Technique, Pukyong National University, (2007). Nguyen Thanh Phuong, Ho Dac Loc, Tran Quang Thuan |
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217. | Study of Self Compacting Concrete Using Brick Dust and Marble Powder
Study of Self Compacting Concrete Using Brick Dust and Marble PowderAbstract: In recent years, Self Compacting Concrete (SCC) has gained a wide use for placement in congested reinforcement concrete structures where casting conditions are difficult and in high rise buildings where pump ability properties are required. For such applications the fresh concrete must possess high fluidity and good cohesiveness. The use of fine materials such as brick dust, marble powder and viscosity modifying agent can ensure the required concrete properties. In this experimental work attempt has been made to replace fine aggregate with brick dust and marble powder. Both brick kiln dust and marble powder are waste materials and are dumped as waste, causing land scarcity and environmental pollution. Using these types of waste material for concrete is a bigger step towards sustainable infrastructure developmentReference 1. Okamura,H.andOuchi,M.,(2003)."Self-compacting concrete", Journal of Advance Concrete Technology, Vol. 1, No. 1, April, pp. 5-15. 2. Okamura, H. and Ozawa, K., (1995). "Mix design for self-compacting concrete", Concrete Library of JSCE, 25, pp. 107-120. 3. IS:456-2000(2000)"Code of practice plain and reinforced concrete" Bureau of Indian Standards,New Delhi. 4. IS:516-1959(reaffirmed 1999) "Methods of tests of concrete"Bureau of Indian Standards,New Delhi 5. Neville,A.M,"Properties of concrete",Longman Publishers,pp-300 6 . EFNARC:Specification and Guidelines for Self-Compacting Concrete. Farnham, February 2002. 7. IS:383-1970(reaffirmed1997):"Specifications of coarse and fine aggregates from natural sources of concrete "Bureau of Indian Standards,New Delhi. 8. Chai,H.W (1998)"Design and testing of self compacting concrete "PhD Thesis Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering ,University College London. 9. Gagne, R., Pigeon, M., and Aitcin, P. C. (1989). "Deicer salt scaling resistance of high performance concrete Paul Klieger Symposium on Performance of Concrete, SP-122, ACI. 10. Hayakawa, M., Matsuoka, Y., and Shindoh, T. (1993) "Development & application of super workable con crete." RILEM International Workshop on Concretes: Workability and Mixing. Ranjodh Singh, Rohin Kaushik, Gurniwaz Singh |
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218. | Segmenting: A New-Fangled Advance to Isolation Conserving Facts Distributing
Segmenting: A New-Fangled Advance to Isolation Conserving Facts DistributingAbstract: Re-identification is a major privacy threat to public datasets containing individual records. Many privacy protection al- gorithms rely on generalization and suppression of "quasi- identifier" attributes such as ZIP code and birthdate. Several anonymization techniques, such as generalization and bucketization, have been designed for privacy preserving micro data publishing. Recent work has shown that general- ization loses considerable amount of information, especially for high-dimensional data. Bucketization, on the other hand, does not prevent membership disclosure and does not apply for data that do not have a clear separation between quasiidentifying attributes and sensitive attributes.Reference 1. J. Li, Y. Tao, and X. Xiao. Preservation of proximity privacy in publishing numerical sensitive data. In SIGMOD, pages 473–486, 2008. 2. J. Brickell and V. Shmatikov. The cost of privacy: destruction of data-mining utility in anonymized data publishing. In KDD, pages 70–78, 2008. 3. R. Agrawal and R. Srikant. Privacy-preserving data mining. SIGMODREC: ACM SIGMOD Record, 29, 2000. 4. R. Bayardo and R. Agrawal. Data privacy through optimal k-anonymization. In ICDE, 2005. 5. I. Dinur and K. Nissim. Revealing information while preserving privacy. In PODS, 2003. N. Venkata Krishna, M. Venkata Ramana, N. Venkata Siva Reddy, E. Prasanna Kumar |
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219. | Improve Security & Quality of Stego Image Using Proposed LSB Method
Improve Security & Quality of Stego Image Using Proposed LSB MethodAbstract: Steganography is the art of hiding the fact that communication is taking place, by hiding information in other information.In this paper proposed method focus on improving quality of stego image by increasing value of PSNR and SNR with less number of LSB changed compare to simple LSB method result in better security. This paper also compares results of proposed method with simple LSB.Reference [1] Moerland, T., "Steganography and Steganalysis", Leiden Institute of Advanced Computing Science, www.liacs.nl/home/ tmoerl/privtech.pdf [2] Wang, H & Wang, S, "Cyber warfare: Steganography vs. Steganalysis", Communications of the ACM, 47:10, October 2004 [3] Dunbar, B., "Steganographic techniques and their use in an Open-Systems environment", SANS Institute, January 2002 [4] Artz, D., "Digital Steganography: Hiding Data within Data", IEEE Internet Computing Journal, June 2001 Rahul Joshi, Lokesh Gagnani |
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220. | Hiding Text behind Image for Secure Communication
Hiding Text behind Image for Secure CommunicationAbstract: Steganography is the art of hiding the fact that communication is taking place, by hiding information in other information. Many different carrier file formats can be used, but digital images are the most popular because of their frequency on the Internet. For hiding secret information in images, there exist a large variety of steganographic techniques some are more complex than others and all of them have respective strong and weak points. Different applications have different requirements of the steganography technique used. This paper intends to give an overview of image steganography, its uses.Reference [1] Moerland, T., "Steganography and Steganalysis", Leiden Institute of Advanced Computing Science, www.liacs.nl/home/ tmoerl/privtech.pdf [2] Wang, H & Wang, S, "Cyber warfare: Steganography vs. Steganalysis", Communications of the ACM, 47:10, October 2004 [3] Anderson, R.J. & Petitcolas, F.A.P., "On the limits of steganography", IEEE Journal of selected Areas in Communications, May 1998 [4] Dunbar, B., "Steganographic techniques and their use in an Open-Systems environment", SANS Institute, January 2002 [5] Artz, D., "Digital Steganography: Hiding Data within Data", IEEE Internet Computing Journal, June 2001 Salony Pandey, Prof. Amit.M.Lathigara |
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221. | Buy Back Contract Considering Fairness Preference under the Framework of Nash-Bargain in a Two Stage Supply Chain Buy Back Contract Considering Fairness Preference under the Framework of Nash-Bargain in a Two Stage Supply ChainAbstract: This paper using the method of establish models and analysis data mainly research the influence on a two stage supply chain that contains one supplier and one retailer caused by buy back contract considering fairness preference. The research shows that buy back contract can coordinate the supply chain and fairness preference will not affect the coordination of buy back contract. Moreover, the retailer's optimal order quantity will not change as buy back contract concerning fairness preference, but the retailer's optimal order quantity will be increase as the cost increase. The most important finding in this paper is that even when the supplier don't know the retailer's degree of fairness preference, he can also design a wholesale price and a buyback price to achieve the best profits or utility.Key words: Nash bargaining; Newsvendor model; Buy back contract; Fairness preference; Supply chain coordination Reference [1] Gilbert H M. The Role of Returns Policies in Pricing and Inventory Decisions for Catalogue Goods, Management Science, 44(2), 1998, 276-283. [2] Donohue K L. Efficient Supply Contracts for Fashion Goods with Forecast Updating and Two Production Modes, Management Science, 46(11) 2000, 1397-1411. [3] Qiang Gong, Optimal Buy-Back Contracts with Asymmetric Information, International Journal of Management and Marketing Research, 1(1), 2008, 23-47. [4] Wang Ju-xiang, Wang Qing-jin, and Sang Seng-jin, Buy Back Policy in Supply Chain under Stochastic Demand, operations research and management science, 17(3) 2008, 164-167. [5] Liu Jia-guo, Wu Chong, Study of A Tow- Level Supply Chain Returns Policy Model Based on the Newsboy Model, Chinese Journal of Management Science, 18(4), 2010, 73-78. Qin Yanhong, Yin Yaxian, Wei Guangxing |
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222. | The Strategy to Strengthen the Logistics Practice of Experimental Teaching and Improve Innovation Ability- For "Distribution and Inventory Management" Course as An Example
TitleAbstract: with the strong development of logistics industry in our country, logistics professional talent demand is more and more strong, and the corresponding logistics professional talent training, but from the logistics professional education present situation: on the one hand, a large number of logistics professional graduates have been trained, on the other hand, the real society needed logistics professionals are difficult to meet, especially the lined logistics professional talents with practical ability. Therefore, in the logistics professional teaching, we should attach great importance to logistics experiment teaching and laboratory construction, lets the student in the laboratory simulation practice carries on the comprehensive skills training, so as to rapidly improve the students' practical and innovative ability, and relying on the development of logistics industry change request, eventually adapt to rapidly changing market needsKey words: Innovation ability; Experimental teaching; Logistics management Reference [1] H. Tan, Vigorously carry out cooperative education, and actively explore the application of personnel training. China's Higher Education Research, July, (2008) [2] Z. X. Luo, Both theory and engineering practice to cultivate creative talents. Experimental Technology and Management, vol.23, February, (2006). [3] Y. Zhang, Develop students' creative and practical ability of the experimental teaching model . Electrical & Electronic Education, July, (2008). [4] J. Cheng, J. Liu, Carried out traffic management professional practical teaching according to grass-roots demands. Yunnan Landscape Institute, January, (2007) [5] Y.Q. Cui, Discussion on Vocational Logistics Management Mechanism of practical teaching system. Journal of Value Engineering, 2010 (28). [6] Z.Q. Zhang, The Research on Vocational Taining of Professional Logistics. Vocational Education, 2010 (6) Yanhong QIN, Guixiao XU |
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223. | Data leakage analysis on cloud computing
Data leakage analysis on cloud computingAbstract: Cloud describes the use of a collection of services, applications, information, and infrastructure. It is like a pool of resources and services available in a pay as- you-go manner. Services like computation, network, and information storage. This paper mainly focus on the major security concerns about cloud computing. The major areas of focus are: - Information Protection, Virtual Desktop Security, Network Security, and Virtual Security. In today's business world, many organizations use Information Systems to manage their sensitive and business critical information. The need to protect such a key component of the organization cannot be over emphasized. Data Loss/Leakage Prevention has been found to be one of the effective ways of preventing Data Loss. DLP solutions detect and prevent unauthorized attempts to copy or send sensitive data, both intentionally or/and unintentionally, without authorization, by people who are authorized to access the sensitive information. DLP is designed to detect potential data breach incidents in timely manner and this happens by monitoring data.Key words: Data leakage analysis in cloud computing; Data leakage prevention in cloud computing; Checking sensitivity of data; Data security in cloud Reference [1] Ma Jun, Wang Zhiying, Ren Jiangchun, Wu Jiangjiang, Cheng Yong and Mei Songzhu," The Application of Chinese Wall Policy in Data Leakage Prevention" in International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies,2012. [2] Charles PEREZ, Babiga BIRREGAH, Marc LEMERCIER, "The Multi-layer imbrication for data leakage prevention from mobile devices" in IEEE 11th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications,2012. [3] Zhang Xiaosong , Liu Fei , Chen Ting , Li Hua , "Research and Application of the Transparent Data Encpryption In Intranet Data Leakage Prevention" in International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security,2009. [4] Janusz Marecki, Mudhakar Srivatsa, Pradeep Varakantham, "A Decision Theoretic Approachto Data Leakage Prevention" in IEEE International Conference on Social Computing / IEEE International Conference on Privacy, Security, Risk and Trust. [5] M. Srivatsa, P. Rohatgi, S. Balfe, and S. Reidt, "Securing information flows: A metadata framework," in Proceedings of 1st IEEE Workshop on Quality of Information for Sensor Networks (QoISN), 2008. Bijayalaxmi Purohit, Pawan Prakash Singh |
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224. | Analysis of Partial Discharge using Phase-Resolved (n-q) Statistical Techniques
Analysis of Partial Discharge using Phase-Resolved (n-q) Statistical TechniquesAbstract: Partial discharge (PD) patterns are an important tool for the diagnosis of high voltage (HV) insulation systems. Human experts can discover possible insulation defects in various representations of the PD data. One of the most widely used representations is phase-resolved PD (PRPD) patterns. In order to ensure reliable operation of HV equipment, it is vital to relate the observable statistical characteristics of PDs to the properties of the defect and ultimately to determine the type of the defect. In this work, we have obtained and analyzed phase-resolved discharge patterns using parameters such as mean, standard deviation, variance, skewness and kurtosis.Key words: Partial Discharge, Phase-resolved, Statistical parameters Reference [1] Partial Discharge Measurements, IEC Publication 270, 1981. [2] Nur Fadilah Ab Aziz, L. Hao, P. L. Lewin, "Analysis of Partial Discharge Measurement Data Using a Support Vector Machine," The 5th Student Conference on Research and Development, 11-12 December 2007, Malayasia. [3] M. G. Danikas, "The Definitions Used for Partial Discharge Phenomena," IEEE Trans. Elec. Insul., Vol. 28, pp. 1075-1081, 1993. [4] E. Gulski and F. H. Kreuger, "Computer-aided recognition of Discharge Sources," IEEE Transactions on Electrical Insulation, Vol. 27 No. 1, February 1002. [5] N.C. Sahoo, M. M. A. Salama, R. Bartnikas, "Trends in Partial Discharge Pattern Classification: A Survey", IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, Vol. 12, No. 2; April 2005. Priyanka M. Kothoke, Namrata R. Bhosale, Amol Despande, Dr. Alice N. Cheeran |
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225. | Performance evaluation of Rayleigh and Rician Fading Channels using M-DPSK Modulation Scheme in Simulink Environment Performance evaluation of Rayleigh and Rician Fading Channels using M-DPSK Modulation Scheme in Simulink EnvironmentAbstract: The Computation of Bit Error Rate is a mandatory requirement for the analysis of multipath fading channels in any modulation scheme .Fading is nothing but the attenuation in signal strength when it is obtained at the receiver side and it is broadly classified into two types as fast fading and slow fading. If a line of Sight exists between the transmitter and receiver then Rician fading is modelled and in the absence of a line of Sight path Rayleigh fading can be modelled. The multipath intensity profile of a mobile radio channel depends critically on the type of terrain. The Performance comparison of the Rayleigh and Rician Fading channels in Differential Phase Shift Keying modulation using Simulink tool is dealt in this paper.Key words: Fading, Rayleigh, Rician, DPSK. Reference [1] L.Boithias, Radio Wave Propagation (New York:McGraw-Hill, 1987). [2] A.Goldsmith, Wireless Communications (Cambridge, UK:Cambridge University Press, 2005). [3] T.S.Rappaport, Wireless Communications: Principles and Practise, 2nd edn (Upper Saddle River, NJ:Prentice Hall PTR,2002). [4] A.G.Molisch, Wireless Communications (Chichester : Wiley-IEEE, 2005). [5] A.A.M.Saleh and R.A.Valenzuela, A statistical model for indoor multpath propagation. IEEE J.Sel.Areas Commun., 5:2(1987), 1281C-137. [6] G.L.Stuber, Principles of Mobile Communication, 2nd edn (Boston, MA:Kluwer, 2001). [7] John G.Proakis, Digital Communications, fourth edn (McGraw-Hill International Edition, 2000). Mr.P.Sunil Kumar, Dr.M.G.Sumithra, Ms.M.Sarumathi |
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226. | A Novel Approach for Increasing Channel Navigation in IPTV Based on User's Channel Selection Interests'
A Novel Approach for Increasing Channel Navigation in IPTV Based on User's Channel Selection Interests'Abstract: With the recent advances in the video technologies as well as the widespread adoption of broadband internet services, there has been a significant increase in the interest & demand for multimedia streaming services & the IPTV (Internet Protocol Television) has become one of the major internet applications. The IPTV has several unique features when compared to traditional broadcasting services such as terrestrial, cable, and satellite broadcasting services in some aspects. Unlike satellite or terrestrial broadcasting Televisions that support limited number of channels due to fixed radio frequency bandwidth , the IPTV can accommodate more than hundreds of channels by using the IP (Internet Protocol) network. The increased No. of channels allows IPTV users to enjoy a variety of contents, but the task of finding one's favourite contents becomes even more difficult. To relieve this problem, our paper presents a popular channel concentration scheme for efficient channel navigation in IPTV. Based on the property that TV channel selections concentrate on several frequently selected channels, the proposed scheme reorganizes channel sequences by clustering popular channels. Specifically, channels are rearranged in a frequency interleaved way to minimize the seek distance. Simulation studies show that the proposed scheme reduces the seek time of IPTV channel navigation significantly when up-down channel selection interfaces are used.Key words: IPTV, channel navigation, channel selector, channel seek time, watching behavior. Reference [1] H. Lee, S. Lee, H. Kim, and H. Bahn, "Personalized Recommendation Schemes for DTV Channel Selectors," IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, vol.52, no.3, pp.1064-1068, 2006. [2] C. Cho, I. Han, Y. Jun and H. Lee, "Improvement of Channel Zapping Time in IPTV Services Using the Adjacent Groups Join-Leave Method," Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology, vol.2, pp. 971-975, 2004. [3] J. Kim, H. Yun, M. Kang, T.Y. Kim and J. Yoo, "Performance Evaluation of Channel Zapping Protocol in Broadcasting Services over Hybrid WDM-PON," Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology(ICACT), vol.2, pp. 1152- 1155, 2005. [4] Y. Lee, J. Lee, I. Kim and H. Shin, "Reducing IPTV Channel Switching Time Using H.264 Scalable Video Coding," IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 54, No. 2, pp. 912-919, 2008. [5] J.M. Boyce and A.M. Tourapis, "Fast Efficient Channel Change," Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), 2005. L.Manjunath, Dr.S.Aruna Mastani |
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CHEMICAL MECHANICAL POLISHING BY COLLOIDAL SILICA SLURRYAbstract: Chemical Mechanical Polishing is a unique process enabling technology that allows chip makers to readily drive lithographic patterning steps to smaller dimensions, an ages old, "retro" technology related to glass polishing and metallographic finishing, thus enabling optical lithography to work. It represents a situation that is a true paradigm shift from the typical way in which technological advancements become main stream in high-technology semiconductor manufacturing processes. Colloidal nano-abrasives with different particle sizes are required for slurries in different CMP processes. Colloidal silica is used as polishing slurry for producing reflecting surfaces for mirrors, lenses and the planarization of computer chips. Industrial use of colloidal silica's is growing steadily in both traditional areas and ever-increasing numbers of novel areas. Colloidal silica's are found in fields as diverse as catalysis, metallurgy, electronics, glass, ceramics, paper and pulp technology, optics, elastomers, food, health care and industrial chromatography, polishing sophisticated microcircuit parts to outer space and play vital role in the safe reentry of space vehicles and the development of Western for that matter, world civilization. The paper focuses a brief overview of chemical mechanical polishing using colloidal slurry.Key words: Chemical Mechanical Polishing, Colloidal silica, Nanoabrasives, Slurry, Semiconductor Reference [1] Walsh R J, Herzog A.H "Process for polishing semiconductor materials" [p] U.S.3170273,1965.2.23 [2] Chen W C, Lin S C, Dai Bau ,Tong Tsai, Ming Shih "Chemical Mechanical Polishing of low dielectric constant polymers: hydrogen silesquioxane and methyl silesquioxane"[J]. J.Electrochem. Soc, 1999, 146(8) 3004-3008. [3] Hara Tohru,Tomisawa Tomohiro,Kurosu Toshiaki ,Doy Toshiro K "Chemical Mechanical polishing of polyarylether low dielectric constant layers by manganese oxide slurry"[J] J. Electrochem. Soc 1999 146(6) : 2333-23336 [4] J.F. Luo, and D.A. Dornfeld, IEEE Trans. Semiconduct. Manufact 16[1] (2003) 45-56. [5] Y.L. Liu, K.L. Zhang, and F. Wang, Micro electronic Engineering 66[1-4](2003) 438-444. M.Sivanandini, Dr. Sukhdeep S Dhami , Dr. B S Pabla |
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228. | A new approach to solve n-queens problem based on series
A new approach to solve n-queens problem based on seriesAbstract: The N-queens problem is a popular classic puzzle where numbers of queen were to be placed on an n x n matrix such that no queen can attack any other queen. The Branching Factor grows in a roughly linear way, which is an important consideration for the researchers. However, many researchers have cited the issues with help of artificial intelligence search patterns say DFS, BFS and backtracking algorithms. The proposed algorithm is able to compute one unique solution in polynomial time when chess board size is greater than 7. This algorithm is based on 8 different series. For each series a different approach is taken to place the queen on a given chess board.Key words: Analyzer, Move, Rule, Partz Reference [1] V. Kesri, Va. Kesri and P. Ku. Pattnaik. "An Unique Solution for N queen Problem". International Journal of Computer Applications.Vol:43 Issue:12 pp: 1-6, 2012. [2] Gutiérrez-Naranjo, Miguel A., Martínez – del - Amor Miguel A. , Pérez-Hurtado Ignacio, and Pérez-Jiménez Mario J. February 02, 2009. "Solving the N-Queens Puzzle with P Systems", 7th Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing, volume 1, pp199-210. [3] Letavec, C. and Ruggiero, J. 2002. "The n-queen problem", Informs Transaction on Education, volume 2 number 3, May 2002. [4] Uninformed Search Analysis of the N-queens Problem, Ben Sauerwine, September 20, 2003. Available at: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/bsauerwi/research/P1.pdf [5] Russell, S. and Norvig, P. "Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach", Second Edition, pp 139-140. Vishal Kesri, Manoj Kumar Mishra |
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WEC'S USING SIX SWITCH AC/DC/AC CONVERTERAbstract: The wind energy is free, inexhaustible and it produces no waste or greenhouse gases. Furthermore, it is a good method of supplying energy to remote areas. With growing application of wind energy conversion systems (WECSs), various technologies are developed for them. Squirrel cage induction motors are the most commonly used electrical machine in AC drives. In this paper, a new wind energy conversion systems (WECSs) with a squirrel cage induction generator (SCIG),VSI Induction motor drive and a new six-switch AC/DC/AC converter as power electronic interface between SCIG and network is proposed. Characteristics of six-switch AC/DC/AC converter are used for maximum power tracking control. This configuration uses only six active switches and six diodes and has the lowest number of active switches among three-phase to three-phase AC/AC converters.Key words: Squirrel Cage Induction Generator (SCIG); Wind energy conversion system (WECS); Six-Switch AC/DC/AC Converter. Reference [1] L. H. Hansen et aI, "Conceptual survey of Generators and Power Electronics for Wind Turbines", Ris0 National Laboratory, Roskilde, Ris0-R-1205 (EN), Denmark, December 2004. [2] Ahmed G, Abo-Khalil, Dong-Choon Lee, Jul-Ki Seok, "Variable Speed Wind Power Generation System Based on Fuzzy Logic Control for Maximum Output Power Tracking", IEEE PESC proc , vol. 3, pp. 2039 -2043,2006. [3] Surgevil T., Akpmar E. "Modelling of a 5-kW wind energy conversion system with induction generator and comparison with experimental results", Renewable Energy 30, pp. 913-929,2005. [4] Mehdi Karrar, W. Rosehart, O. P. Malik, "Comprehensive Control Strategy for a Variable Speed Cage Machine Wind Generation Unit" IEEE Trans. On Energy Convers, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 415 - 423,2005. [5] Pena, R., Cardenas, R., Blasco, R., Asher, G., Clare, J, "A cage induction generator using back to back PWM converters for variable speed grid connected wind energy system" IEEE IECON proc., vol.2, pp. 1376 - 1381,2002. S.Ravi kumar, V.Shravan kumar, B.K.Karunakar Rao |
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230. | Evaluation of Effective Factors on Auditing Fees Using Fuzzy Regression Compared with Linear Regression
Evaluation of Effective Factors on Auditing Fees Using Fuzzy Regression Compared with Linear RegressionAbstract: Fuzzy regression can be used to evaluate the relationships between the variants when their information is indefinite. As one of the biggest challenges of auditing firms is to determine the auditing fees, evaluating the factors effective on their remunerations is of high importance. Here we use fuzzy regression in evaluating the factors effective on auditing fee, when it is indefinite, and eventually their final results are compared with the regression of the least squares. The final results of this research show a meaningful relationship between the firm's size (scale), tenure (ownership) and consultancy services with the auditing fee.Key words: auditing fee, fuzzy regression, firm's size, tenure, consultancy services. Reference [1] B.K.Alsberg, R.Goodacre, J.J.Rowland, D.B.Kell, Classification of pyrolysis mass spectra by fuzzy multivariate rule induction – comparison with regression, K-neurest neighbor,neural and decision – tree methods, analytica chimica Acta 348(1997) 389-437. [2] B.Kim, R.R.Bishu, Evaluation of fuzzy linear regression models by comparison membership function, fuzzy sets and systems 100(1998) 343-352. [3] Chan P,Ezzamel M, G.William D.Determinants of audit fees for quoted UK Companies. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting 1993, 20(6): 765-86. [4] Deberg C, Kaplan S, Pang K. An examination of some relationship between nonaudit services and audit change. Accounting Horizons 1991,5:17-28. [5] D.T.Redden,W.H.Woodall, Properties of certain fuzzy linear regression methods, fuzzy sets and systems 64(1994) 361-375. Reza Daneshvar Bondari |
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231. | Proof of the Energy-Time uncertainty principle in Powerful Statement
Proof of the Energy-Time uncertainty principle in Powerful StatementAbstract: In this paper we have tried to perform a comprehensive summery of Energy-Time uncertainty principle. At first we review the history of uncertainty principle then the most well-known arguments between Einstein and Bohr. Our main aim is to provide an acceptable relationship for Energy-Time uncertainty principle and proof to it.Reference [1] E.A.Gislason, N.H.Sabelli, J.W.Wood, New form of the time-energy uncertainty relation, Phys.Rev.A31,4(1985) 2078-2081. [2] Schiff, L.1., "Quantum Mechanics", McGraw-Hill, (1968). [3] N.Bohr: Essays 1958-1962 on atomic physics and human knowledge, Wiley 1963. [4] N.Bohr: Discussion with Einstein on epistemological problems in atomic physics, in Albert Einstein: philosopher-scientist ( ed. By P.A. Schilpp ) Open Court Press, 1982 reprint. [5] L.Mandelstam & Ig. Tamm, The uncertainty relation between energy and time in quantum mechanics, J.Phys. USSR 9 (1945) 249-254. H. Arabshahi, A. Haji Mohammadi Fariman and M. Jafari Matehkolaee |
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232. | Leakage Power Reduction in CMOS
Leakage Power Reduction in CMOSAbstract: The advantage of scaling devices is to achieve high performance, low power, large integration and low cost continues to be attractive to the semiconductor industries. However, increasing variability in the device characteristics, soft errors and device degradation in CMOS technologies pose major challenges in the future scaling. Variation in process, voltage and temperature cause uncertainty in the worst case critical path delays. Delay Margins or Voltage Margins are added to obtain fully functional chips, but results in high power consumption and/or performance loss.Key words: CMOS, Leakage Power, Static Power, Threshold Voltage, Dynamic Power. Reference [1] Hiroshi Kawaguchi and Takayasu Sakurai "A Reduced Clock-Swing Flip-Flop (RCSFF) for 63% Power Reduction" IEEE 1998. [2] Young-Su Kwon, In Cheol Park and Chong- Min Kyung "A New Single Clock Flip Flop for Half Swing Clocking" Vol. E82-A, No. 11, IEICE 1999. [3] Chulwoo Kim, Member, IEEE, and Sung-Mo (Steve) Kang, Fellow, IEEE "A Low-Swing Clock Double-Edge Triggered Flip-Flop" VOL. 37, NO. 5, IEEE 2002. [4] Sung- Hyun Yang, Younggap You and Kyoung- Rok Cho " A New Dynamic D Flip Flop Aiming at Glitch and Charge Sharing Free" Vol. E86-C, No. 3, IEICE 2003. [5] Afshin Abdollahi, Farzan Fallah and Massoud Pedram "Leakage Current Reduction in CMOS VLSI Circuits by Input Vector Control" Vol. 12, No. 2, IEEE 2004. Ruchika Mittal, Sarita Bajaj, Neha |
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233. | Design and FPGA Prototyping of Embedded Ethernet Controller
Design and FPGA Prototyping of Embedded Ethernet ControllerAbstract: Presently, the embedded system, which was composed of SOC, entered into people's life more and more widely. We can see it frequently whether in the mobile phones, television, industrial control equipment or network devices. With the continuous expansion of network scale and the increase of service, the embedded Internet has played an increasingly important role. Ethernet is the most widely used LAN technology in the present day world. With the increasing use of embedded systems, the need for incorporating Ethernet connectivity into the embedded systems is greatly felt. Therefore, the study of Ethernet communication on embedded system is necessary. The embedded Ethernet is widely applied, and its research is very important.Key words: LAN, Ethernet, OSI reference model, MII, CSMA/CD, EMAC, and Ethernet PHY. Reference [1]. Jos C Antonio Moreno Zamora, Pedro Jose Rodriguez Corrales and Juan Manuel Sanchez PCrez et al. 'Design of a parametrizable low cost Ethernet MAC core for Soc Solutions', IEEE publication, 2003. [2]. Ilija Hadzic, 'Hierarchical MAC Address Space in Public Ethernet Networks', Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies, IEEE publication 2001. [3]. Louis Litwin, 'Resolving multi-access channel contention in a broadcast Network, IEEE publication, 2001. [4]. Richard F. Hobson, Keith L. Cheung, "A High-performance CMOS 32-Bit Parallel CRC Engine," Solid-State Circuits, IEEE, 1999. [5]. Jose Antonio Moreno Zamora, etc, "Design of a parametrizable low cost Ethernet MAC core for Soc solutions," System-on-Chip, 2003. N.Prathima, K.HariKishore, Dr.Fazal Noorbasha |
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234. | An Adaptive MT-BGP Traffic Engineering Based on Virtual Routing Topologies
An Adaptive MT-BGP Traffic Engineering Based on Virtual Routing TopologiesAbstract: Internet is not a single network. The Internet is a collection of networks, each controlled by different administrations. Traffic engineering is an important mechanism for Internet network providers seeking to optimize network performance and traffic delivery. Routing optimization plays a key role in traffic engineering, finding efficient routes so as to achieve the desired network performance. BGP is the de facto protocol used for inter-autonomous system routing in the Internet. BGP has been proven to be secure, efficient, scalable, and robust. In proposed introduced AMPLE – an efficient traffic engineering and management system that performs adaptive traffic control by using multiple virtualized routing topologies in MT-BGP. The proposed system contains three complementary components: offline link weight optimization that takes as input the physical network topology and tries to produce maximum routing path diversity across multiple virtual routing topologies for long term operation through the optimized setting of link weights in BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) with admission traffic control algorithm. In our proposal, AMPLE (Adaptive Multi-toPoLogy traffic Engineering), a holistic system based on virtualized BGP routing topologies for dynamic traffic engineering. This paper also concentrates creates new path with help of ADC algorithm. This scheme allows a network to operate in the region of low delay, no packet loss and high throughput.Key words: Admission control algorithm, ATC, BGP, OLWO, Reference [1] S. Murphy, "BGP Security Vulnerabilities analysis", IETF draft, 2002. [2] N. Feamster, J. Winick, and J. Rexford, ."A model of BGP routing for network engineering",. In Proc. ACM SIGMETRICS, June 2004. [3] Amit Narayanan "A Survey on BGP Issues and Solutions ". [4] J. W. Stewart, "BGP4: Inter-Domain Routing in the Internet, the Addison-Wesley Networking Basics Series". [5] Ning wang, Kin hon ho, George pavlou, and Michael howarth, university of surrey "An overview of routing optimization for internet traffic engineering". Dr.V. Palanisamy , K. Gowri |
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235. | Orthogonal Space-Time Block Codes for Four, Five and Transmit Antennas with 4/7 and 5/11 code rates Orthogonal Space-Time Block Codes for Four, Five and TransmitAbstract: Orthogonal designs using Space-time block codes has significant role to achieve maximum code rate, bandwidth efficiency and simple decoding algorithm. Alamouti invented two branch diversity Scheme with full code rate. V. Tarokh, H. Jafarkhani, and A. R. Calderbank has proposed three and four transmit antennas with code rates of ¾. Complex orthogonal designs of space-time block codes for five, six, seven and eight transmit antennas with code rates 2/3, 2/3,5/8, and 5/8 were proposed . In this paper we achieved new matrix of Complex orthogonal STBC for four and five with code rates of 4/7 and 5/11Key words: Diversity, (generalized) complex orthogonal designs, space –time block codes. Reference [1] S. Alamouti, "A simple transmit diversity technique for wireless communications," IEEE J. Select. Areas Commun., vol. 16, pp. 1451– 1458, Aug. 1998.. [2] V. Tarokh, N. Seshadri, and A. R. Calderbank, "Space–time codes for high data rate wireless communication: Performance criterion and code construction," IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. 44, pp. 744–765, Mar. 1998. [3] V. Tarokh, H. Jafarkhani, and A. R. Calderbank, "Space–time block codes from orthogonal designs," IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. 45, pp. 1456–1467, July 1999. [4] "Correction to 'Space–time block codes from orthogonal designs'," IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. 46, p. 314, Jan. 2000. [5] G. Ganesan and P. Stoica, "Space–time block codes: A maximum SNR approach," IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. 47, pp. 1650–1656, May 2001. N.S.Murthy, Dr.S.Sri Gowri, Dr.B.Prabhakara Rao |
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236. | Analysis of Effect on Transient Stability of Interconnected Power System by Introduction of HVDC Link.
Analysis of Effect on Transient Stability of Interconnected Power System by Introduction of HVDC LinkAbstract: Modern power employs HVDC links as a reliable and economical option for long EHVAC transmission line. The HVDC link in the power system behaves very differently than conventional HVAC lines during the disturbances in the power system. This paper analyses the effect of HVDC system on the transient stability of power system. Effect is studied on IEEE 24 bus reliability test system. A self-sufficient model developed in MATLAB Simulink has been given with full details, which can work as a basic structure for an advanced and detailed study.Key words: Transient Stability, HVDC Reference [1] W.D Stevensen,J.J.Grainger, Power System Anlysis (Tata Mcgraw Hill Education, 2003) [2] P. Kundur,Power System Stability and ControlI (Tata McGraw Hill Education,2011 ) [3] E.W.Kimbark,Power System Sability Vol I,II,III, (John Willey , 2003) [4] P. M. Anderson and A. A. Fouad, Power System Control and Stability (Iowa State University Press, Ames, IA, 1977) [5] A report prepared by the Reliability Test System Task Force of the Application of Probability Methods Subcommittee, IEEE reliability test system, IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-98, No.6 Nov./Dec. 1979 [6] J. Arrillaga, High Voltage Direct Current Transmission, (IEE Press Power Engineering Series, 1883). [7] A.G.Phadke, J.S. Thorp,Synchronised Phasor Measurement and Their Applications,(Springer 2008). [8] A.G.Phadke,J.S.Thorp,M.G.Admaik,A New Measurement Technique for Tracking Voltage Phasors,Local System frequency,and Rate of Change of Frequency,Power Engineering Review,Vol 2 Issue 5, 1983,0272-1724 [9] IEEE Standard for Synchrophasors for Power System , IEEE Std 1344-1995(R2001). Mr.S.B.Dandawate*, Mrs.S.L.Shaikh |
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Review: PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF CHANNEL ESTIMATION IN MIMO OFDMAbstract: A multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) communication system combined with the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) modulation technique can achieve reliable high data rate transmission high data rate transmission over broadband wireless channels. The data rate and spectrum efficiency of wireless mobile communications have been significantly improved over the last decade or so. Recently, the advanced systems such as 3GPP LTE and terrestrial digital TV broadcasting have been sophisticatedly developed using OFDM and CDMA technologyChannel state information for both single-input single-output (SISO) and MIMO systems is investigated in this paper. The estimation of channel at pilot frequencies with conventional Least Square (LS) and Minimum Mean Square (MMSE) estimation algorithms is carried out through Matlab simulation. The performance of MIMO OFDM and SISO OFDM are evaluated on the basis of Bit Error Rate (BER) and Mean Square Error (MSE) level. Further enhancement of performance can be achieved through maximum diversity Space Time Block Coding (STBC) and Maximum Likelihood Detection at transmission and reception ends respectively. MMSE estimation has been shown to perform much better than LS but is more complex than LS for the MIMO system using pilot carriers.Key words: Channel Estimation, MIMO-OFDM, Pilot carriers, Diversity, Spatial Multiplexing, Space time coding Reference [1] Ramjee Prasad, "OFDM for wireless communications systems" Artech House, Inc. Publications. [2] Ezio Biglieri, Robert Calderbank, Robert Calderbank, Anthony Constantinides, Andrea Goldsmith, Arogyaswami Paulraj, H. Vincent Poor, "MIMO wireless communications" Cambridge Press. [3] A. Petropulu, R. Zhang, and R. Lin, "Blind OFDM Channel Estimation Through Simple Linear Pre-Coding" IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 3, no.2, March 2004, pp. 647-655. [4] Osvaldo Simeone, Yeheskel Bar-Ness, Umberto Spagnolini, "Pilot-Based Channel Estimation for OFDM Systems by Tracking the Delay-Subspace", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 3, No. 1, January 2004. [5] D. Mavares Terán, Rafael P. Torres, " Space-time code selection for OFDM-MISO system", ELSEVIER journal on Computer Communications, Vol. 32, Issue 3, 25 February 2009, Pages 477-481. Varinder Pal Sahni, AbhishekKaushik |
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238. | Novel Delay Efficient Approach for Vedic Multiplier with Generic Adder Module
Novel Delay Efficient Approach for Vedic Multiplier with Generic Adder ModuleAbstract: This paper discusses about the implementation of Vedic multiplier in digital hardware. As the multiplier block has adder as the basic component, various generic adder architecture are considered for the implementation the combinational delay for various adder architecture is found. In this paper a 4×4, 8×8, and 16×16, bit multiplier circuit is designed with hierarchical structuring, it has been optimized using Vedic Multiplication "Urdhva Triyagbhyam" Sutra (Algorithm).Algorithm is implemented with Spartan xc2s200-5-pq208 device, Virtex2 Xc2V250FG256-5 device, Virtex5 Xc5VLX220-2ff1760 device, FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array). The proposed multiplier implementation with Kogge-Stone Adder as a basic component yields a significant reduction in Combinational path delay.Key words: Carry look ahead adder (CLA), Kogge-Stone adder (KSA), Ripple Carry Adder (RCA), Vedic Multiplier Reference [1] Jagadguru Swami, Sri Bharati Krishsna Tirthji Maharaja,Vedic Mathematics,Motilal Banarsidas, Varanasi, India,pp. 40-63, 1986. [2] Harpreet Singh Dhilon and Abhijit Mitra, A Reduced-Bit Multiplication Algorithm for Digital Arithmetic, International Journal of Computational and Mathematical Sciences, Waset. [3] John P. Uyemura, Introduction to VLSI Circuits and Systems, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [4] Abhijith Kini G. , Asynchronous Hybrid Kogge-Stone Structure Carry Select Adder Based IEEE-754 Double-Precision Floating-Point Adder, IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 8, Issue 5, No 2, September 2011. [5] Abhijith Kini G. Generic Kogge-Stone Structure Carry Select Based Adder,International Journal of Algorithms, Computing and Mathematics, Volume 4, Number 1, February 2011. N.G.Nirmal, Dr. D.T.Ingole |
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240. | Thermal Analysis of Piston for the Influence on Secondary motion
Thermal Analysis of Piston for the Influence on Secondary motionAbstract: The gas force due to the combustion in the cylinder of an IC engine will cause the piston to move with primary motion and secondary motion. The primary motion of the piston from TDC to BDC is linear in nature. This motion is desired for translation of motion of engine components. Secondary motion is due to the transverse motion of the piston while piston moving from TDC to BDC and vice-versa. The secondary motion of the piston is considered as the main source for the piston slap, which in turn causes the impact on the cylinder walls resulting in engine vibration and noise. In the present study, an effort is made to understand the effect of the thermal load, generated by the combustion of fuel inside the cylinder, on the piston deformation and thermal stresses induced in piston. This deformation of the piston inside the cylinder causes the gap between the cylinder and piston to vary and also the piston to move transversely along with impact forces.Key words: Deformation, FEA, Piston, Secondary motion, Simulation Reference [1] O.S. Lee, HongMin Kim and HeyBin Choi., "High temperature dynamic deformation of aluminum alloys using SHPB by mechanical science and technology", 2011. [2] Dongfang Bai., "Solving Piston Secondary Motion of Internal Combustion Engines", Sloan Automotive Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. [3] Hirotaka Murakami, Narutake Nakanishi, Naoto Ono and Tomoharu Kawano., "New Three dimensional piston secondary motion analysis method coupling structure analysis and multi body dynamics analysis" JSAE 20119559 / SAE 2011-32-0599. [4] Z. Geng, J.Chen., "Investigation into piston slap induced vibration for engine condition simulation and monitoring", Journal of Sound and Vibration 282, 2005. [5] P. Gustof, A. Hornik., "The influence of the engine load on value and temperature distribution in the piston of the turbocharged Diesel engine", Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering. AMME, Received 16.02.2009; published in revised form 01.08.2009. Vinay V. Kuppast, Dr.S.N.Kurbet, H.D Umeshkumar, Adarsh B.C |
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EMBEDDED SOFTWARE DESIGN & IMPLEMENTATION FOR PLATFORM STABILIZATION USING MEMSAbstract: Platform stabilization is more important in most of the large scale applications like the oil well and nuclear product based processing machines and systems. So stabilization of that machinery is more important, failing to do so may cause a major damage to the society and which may even lead to an accident. Hence to avoid those kinds of accidents and damage, manual monitoring of those large systems and making necessary changes is practically impossible. This can be fully automated using the MEMS technology which will be more accurate and reliable in stabilizing the platform thereby making the whole system safe. Outcome of the project will be a cost effective method of stabilizing a platform and making the needful changes so that the platform or any system is stable. The process is automated by using MEMS technology and with the help of Microcontroller.Key words: MEMS(Micro Electro Mechanical Systems), Microcontroller, Automation. Reference [1] J.F. Leonard, H. F. Durrant-Whyte, (1991) "Mobile robot localization by tracking geometric beacons", IEEE Transactions Robotics and Automations Vol. 7 No. 3, pp 376-382. [2] L. Kleeman, ( 1989) "Ultrasonic autonomous robot localization system", IEEE international conference Intelligent Robots and Systems '89 Tsukuba, JAPAN, pp.212-219 . [3] K. Hyyppa, (1989) "Lulea turbo turtle (LTT)", IEEE international conference Intelligent Robots and Systems '89 Tsukuba, JAPAN, pp.620-623 September 1989. [4] http://documentation.renesas.com/eng/products/.../rej03b0257_16c65ds.pdf [5] www.renesas.com/products/.../m16c/m16c60/m16c65/m16c65_root. Selva Vasanth M |
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242. | Design and Development of Semi-Active Beams Based on Embedded Magneto-Rheological Fluid Dampers
Design and Development of Semi-Active Beams Based on Embedded Magneto-Rheological Fluid DampersAbstract: There are two types of vibration controlling strategies which are passive strategies and active strategies. But one modified strategy was developed known as semi-active vibration control strategy. MR phenomenon was studied. Need of these semi-active devices was explained. Economical, durable and robust MR damper was developed. MR fluid filled beam and MR fluid was prepared. Two types of composite beams are developed and experimented by varying the dimensions of beams, iron particle percentage in magnetorheological fluid, magnetic field at different excitation current. For this composite beam with increase in magnetic field, damping was increased and the frequency shift was observed. Also change in amplitude of vibration was observed.Key words: Amplitude, Damping, Magnetic field, MR phenomenon Reference Amplitude, Damping, Magnetic field, MR phenomenon on ER Fluids, MR Fluids and Associated Technologies, Sheffield. [2] Karakoc K., Park E.J. and Suleman A. (2008) "Design Considerations for an Automotive Magnetorheological Break." Journal of Mechatronics, volume 18, pages 434-447. [3] Pan G., Matsuhisa H. and Houda Y. (2000), "Analytical Model of a Magnetorheological Damper and Its Application to The Vibration Control." Paper from Industrial Electronics Society 2000, IECON2000, 26th Annual Conference of the IEEE, volume 3, pages 1850-1855. [4] Rajamohan V., Sedaghati R. and Rakheja S. (2010) "Vibration Analysis of Multilayer Beam Containing Magnetorheological Fluid." Journal of Smart Materials and Structures, volume 19, issue 1, number 1,015013. [5] Rajamohan V., Sedaghati R. and Rakheja S. (2010) "Vibration Analysis of a Partially Treated Multilayer Beam with Magnetorheological Fluid."Journal of Sound and Vibration, volume 329, pages 3451-3469. Nakate A.V., Prashant Pawar |
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243. | Analysis Of Anti Vibration Mounts For Vibration Isolation In Diesel Engine Generator Set
Analysis Of Anti Vibration Mounts For Vibration Isolation In Diesel Engine Generator SetAbstract: Engine vibrations have been one of the major problems for the engine manufacturers in the world. The engine excitation forces, arising from the gas pressure and unbalance forces are the sources of vibrations.Anti Vibration Mounts(AVMs) are the structures used to absorb the vibrations and dampen the harm causing forces. Mount result in a system which is modeled as mass/spring/damper. The elastomer is under vertical and shear load at the same time. The engine is bolted freely on mount which dampens the vibrations going to the base frame/canopy. The validation of their characteristics is implemented in a single degree of freedom system with response to frequency domain. The engine is mounted freely on the AVM's which helps to dampen the vibrations to base frame. Frequency Response Function(FRF) is derived for analysis, analytically and Computer Aided Engineering(CAE).Key words: Anti-Vibration Mounts (AVMs), CAE,Elastomers,Engine,FRF,Vibrations. Reference [1] Schmitt.R.V. andLeingang.C.J ,Design of Elastomeric Vibration Isolation Mounting Systems for Internal Combustion Engines, Society of Automotive Engineers,Technical Paper ,760431. [2] Raymond L.Straw,The Development of Isolation Mounts, Society of Automotive Engineers, Technical Paper, 840781. [3] Ramachandran. T, Padamanabhan K. P, Nesamani. P,Modelling and Analysis of IC Engine Rubber Mounts using FEM and RSM, Journal ofProceedia Engineering 38 (2012),1683-1692. [4] CarellaA,Non-linear identifications using Transmissibility: Dynamic Characterization of Anti Vibration Mounts with standard approaches and Nonlinear Analysis, Journal of Mechanical Science 63(2012),74-85. [5] Chandra PrakashMishra,Vinay Kumar Singh,AbhishekPyasi,,A Comparative Study of Engine Mounting System for NVH Imporovement,Society of Automotive Engineers, Technical Paper, 870797. [6] Hamid Mir, "Focused 4-Mount Concept Evaluation", Technical report, NVH Developmentand Engineering, DaimlerChrysler Corporation, 2001. V.S.Chavan, R.Askhedkar, S.B.Sanap |
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244. | "Solar Roadways" – Rebuilding our Infrastructure and Economy
"Solar Roadways" – Rebuilding our Infrastructure and EconomyAbstract: The Solar Roadway is a series of structurally-engineered solar panels that are driven upon. The idea is to replace all current petroleum-based asphalt roads, parking lots, and driveways with Solar Road Panels that collect energy to be used by our homes and businesses. The renewable energy generated by solar road panels will replace the current need for fossil fuel which is used for generation of electricity as also oil used for driving the vehicles which in turn reduces the greenhouse gases nearly to half. The implementation of Solar Roadways Technology will create the clean energy boom, spurring private investment on a massive scale, with relatively little extra cost. An intelligent highway infrastructure and a self-healing decentralized power grid that will eliminate our need for fossil fuels. Solar Roadways will also features wildlife preservation, the elimination of impervious surfaces, law enforcement, DUI detection, counter-terrorism, etc. It provides a decentralized, secure, intelligent, self-healing power grid which pays for itself. So it's time to upgrade our infrastructure (especially roads & power grids) with the 21st century technology i.e. "Solar Roadways".Key words: Electric Vehicles, Fossil Fuel, Intelligent Roads, Smart Gird, Solar Panels, Solar Roadways. Reference 1. New Energy Centre, Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei 10617, Taiwan 2. Solar roadway at Tedx by Scott. 3. "Bonner County Daily" Bee by Keith Kinnaird Posted Thursday, April 10th, 2008 4. "They Really Do Own the Road" Time Magazine, by Barbara Kiviat, October 29, 2007 Alark A. Kulkarni |
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245. | Electron Mobility in InP at Low Electric Field Application
Electron Mobility in InP at Low Electric Field ApplicationAbstract: Temperature and doping dependencies of electron mobility in InP semiconductor has been calculated using an iterative technique. The following scattering mechanisms, i.e, impurity, polar optical phonon, acoustic phonon and piezoelectric are included in the calculation. It is found that the electron mobility decreases monotonically as the temperature increases from 100 K to 600 K. The low temperature value of electron mobility increases significantly with increasing doping concentration. The iterative results are in fair agreement with other recent calculations obtained using the relaxation-time approximation and experimental methods.Key words: Polar optical; ionized impurity scattering; electron mobility Reference [1] Bhatta, Rudra Prasad, "Electron pectroscopic Study of Indium Nitride Layers" (2008). Physics & Astronomy Dissertations. Paper 23. [2] Jacoboni C, Lugli P (1989). The Monte Carlo Method for semiconductor and Device Simulation, Springer-Verlag. [3] Moglestue C (1993). Monte Carlo Simulation of Semiconductor Devices,Chapman and Hall [4] Ridley BK (1997). Electrons and phonons in semiconductor multilayers,Cambridge University Press. [5] Chattopadhyay D, Queisser HJ (1981). Review of Modern Physics, 53,part1. [6] H. Arabshahi, "Comparison of SiC and ZnO Field Effect Transistors for High Power Applications", Modern Physics Letters B, 20, (2006), pp.7-10 M. Tohidi and F. Z. Tohidi |
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246. | Democracy and Human Development Case Study: OPEC member countries
Democracy and Human Development Case Study: OPEC member countriesAbstract: Democracy is a concept that encompasses people´s participation in decision-making in their community to determine whether political, economic, social and cultural structure, freedom of expression, freedom to create coalitions, right to protest and so on. What is more important than others in this area is that in every country, the will of the people must be the foundation of state power that will be stated through periodic and genuine elections with universal suffrage and equal held on free voting procedures.Key words: Democracy, Human development, Panel data, OPEC member countries Reference [1] Acemoglu, Daron, James A. Robinson, (2005), "Economic Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy", Cambridge University Press. [2] Baltagi, Badi H, (2008), "Econometric Analysis of Panel Data", John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 4th edition. [3] Cohen, Carl, (1994), "Democracy", pecpub – university of Georgia press Athens. [4] Dahl, Robert, (1971), Polyarchy: Participation and Opposition. New Haven: Yale University Press. [5] Eliasson, Jan, (2006), "Democracy, Conflict and Human security", International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, SE-730,34, Stockholm, Sweden. Sadegh Bafandeh Imandoust and Samane Montazeri TitleAbstract: In this paper, environment.Key words: MRAC, Induction Motor drive, drift and saturation Reference [1] B. K. Bose, Modern Power Electronics and AC Drives. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: PrenticeHall, 2002 |
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247. | Comparison of Low Field Electron Transport Properties in InN and GaN Semiconductors Using Iteration Model
Comparison of Low Field Electron Transport Properties in InN and GaN Semiconductors Using Iteration ModelAbstract: Electron mobility in GaN and InN are calculated, by solving Boltzmann equation using iteration model, as a function of temperature for carrier concentrations of 1016, 1017, and 1018 cm-3. Both GaN and InN have maximum mobility between 100 and 200 K, depending on the electron density. The theoretical maximum mobility in GaN and InN at 300 K are about 1000 and 4400 cm2V-1s-1. We compared the results with experimental data and find reasonable correlation.Key words: Iteration Model; ionized impurity scattering; Electron mobilities. Reference [1] Bhatta, Rudra Prasad, "Electron Spectroscopic Study of Indium Nitride Layers" (2008). Physics & Astronomy Dissertations. Paper 23. [2] Jacoboni C, Lugli P (1989). The Monte Carlo Method for semiconductor and Device Simulation, Springer-Verlag. [3] Moglestue C (1993). Monte Carlo Simulation of Semiconductor Devices,Chapman and Hall [4] Ridley BK (1997). Electrons and phonons in semiconductor multilayers,Cambridge University Press. [5] Chattopadhyay D, Queisser HJ (1981). Review of Modern Physics, 53,part1 [6] H. Arabshahi, "Comparison of SiC and ZnO Field Effect Transistors for High Power Applications", Modern Physics Letters B, 20, (2006), pp.787-793. F. Z. Tohidi and M. Tohidi |
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248. |
Critical Review On Structural Dynamic Modification On Beam Structures
Critical Review On Structural Dynamic Modification On Beam StructuresAbstract: The present paper illustrates the various developments in the field of structural dynamic modification (SDM). SDM techniques can be defined as the methods by which the dynamic behavior of a structure is improved by predicting the modified behavior brought about by adding modifications like those of lumped masses, rigid links, dampers, beams etc or by variations in the configuration parameters of the structures itself.Key words: Beam Analysis, Eigen Values, Natural frequencies, SDM Reference [1] Bo Ping Wang, Structural Dynamic Modification using Modal Analysis Data, pp 42-45, 1980 [2] Bo Ping Wang, G.Clark, F.H.Chu, The Limitation of Local SDM, pp 53-55, 1980. [3] Fabrizo Pinazzi And Luciana Ricciardiello, The Effect Of Structural Variations On The Dynamic Behaviour Of A System, Computers & Structure, Vol. 20. No. 4, pp. 659-667, 1985. [4] J. A.Brandon, K. Sadeghipour and A. Cowley, Exact Reanalysis Techniques For Predicting The Effects Of Modification On The Dynamic Behaviour Of Structures, Their Potential And Limitations, Int. J. Mach. Tools Manufac!. Vol. 28. No.4. pp.351-357. 1988. [5] A. Sestieri And W. D'ambrogio, A Modification Method For Vibration Control Of Structures, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing Vol 3(3), pp 229-253, 1989 R.J.V. Anil Kumar, Dr Y.Venkata Mohana Reddy, Dr. K.Prahlada Rao |
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249. | Optimization Of Shielded Metal Arc Welding Parameters For Welding Of Pipes By Using Taguchi Approach
Optimization Of Shielded Metal Arc Welding Parameters For Welding Of Pipes By Using Taguchi ApproachAbstract: The Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) is the most widely used welding process in the small scale industries, because of its low cost, flexibility, portability and versatility. The SMAW welding parameters are the most important factors affecting the quality, productivity and cost of welding. The objective of this study is to develop the parameters for Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) to provide continuous and leak proof joints in 48mm diameter steel pipe with 3mm thickness during the process. The selected important welding parameter like welding current, welding speed, root gap and position of electrode based on field expert suggestion available literature and on scientific reasons.Key words: Welding parameters; Taguchi technique; Shielded metal are welding (SMAW); Optimization; Orthogonal array; Variation and Contribution. Reference [1] Arvind Kumar Kachhoriya, Ajay Bangar, Rajan Sharma and Neetu. Optimization of Welding Parameters by Regression Modeling and Taguchi Parametric Optimization Technique. International Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Vol.1, Pages.2231 to 6477, 2012. [2] A. G. Thakur T. E. Rao. Application of taghuchi method for resistance spot welding of galvanized steel. Asian Research Publishing, Vol. 5, pages, 22 to 26, November 2010. [3] J. Edwin Raja Dhas. Neuro Hybrid model to predict weld bead width in submerged arc welding process. Journals of scientific and industrial research, Vol. 69, pages, 350 to 355, May 2010. [4] Catarina Vidal, Virginia Infantea. Assessment of Improvement Techniques Effect on Fatigue Behavior of Friction Stir Welded Aerospace Aluminum Alloys. Journals of Procedia Engineering, pages, 1605 to 1616, March 2010. [5] Sathya .P.C and Abdul Jaleel. Grey-Based Taguchi method for optimization of Bead Geometry in laser bead on plate welding. Advanced production engineering and management paper. Vol. 69, pages, 225 to 234, 2010. Shivakumara C.M, Prof.B.R Narendra Babu, B.S Praveen kumar, Dr Y .Vijayakumar |
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250. | Numerical Analysis On The Performance Characteristics Of The Centrifugal Pump
Numerical Analysis On The Performance Characteristics Of The Centrifugal PumpAbstract: The research is based on the performance of the centrifugal pump having the backward, radial and forward bladed type of impeller. The impeller is modeled using Creo Parametric 1.0 having 70 and 80 degree outlet blade angle for the backward type and outlet blade angle 90 for radial and 100 degree for forward type impeller respectively. Numerical simulation is carried out using ANSYS CFX and standard k- turbulence model is adopted for the analysis purpose. Cavitation is clearly predicted in the form of water vapor formation inside the centrifugal pump. The performance of the pump is affected by the cavitation and hence cavitation number (σc) is a measure of the cavitation phenomenon for the centrifugal pump, it is determined by analytical calculations. From the numerical results it has been found that the pump working on low head gives the best performance when it is operated with the backward bladed type impeller.Key words: ANSYS CFX, Cavitation, Cavitation number, Centrifugal pump, numerical simulation, Turbulence Model k- Є. Reference [1] S.R.Shah , S.V.Jain , V J Lakhera- "CFD Based Flow Analysis Of Centrifugal Pump " In Proceedings Of The 37th National & 4th International Conference On Fluid Mechanics And Fluid Power December 16-18, 2010, IIT Madras, Chennai, India. [2] SHI Weidong, ZHOU Ling*, LU Weigang, PEI Bing, and LANG Tao-" Numerical Prediction and Performance Experiment in a Deep well Centrifugal Pump with Different Impeller Outlet Width"- CHINESE JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Vol. 26,No.-2013 [3] Wen-Guang LI "Blade Exit Angle Effects on Performance of a Standard Industrial Centrifugal Oil Pump"- Department Of Civil And Environmental Engineering Cvng 1001: Mechanics Of Fluids. [4] E.C. Bacharoudis, A.E. Filios, M.D. Mentzos And D.P. Margaris- " Parametric Study Of A Centrifugal Pump Impeller By Varying The Outlet Blade Angle" In The Open Mechanical Engineering Journal, 2008, 2, 75-83. [5] M.H.S.Fard And F.A.Bhoyaghchi –" Studies On The Influence Of The Various Blade Outlet Angles In A Centrifugal Pump When Handling Viscous Fluid" In American Journal Of Applied Science 2007. [6] S.Rajendran and Dr.K.Purushothaman- "Analysis of a centrifugal pump impeller using ANSYS-CFX".International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) Vol. 1 Issue 3, May - 2012 ISSN: 2278-0181 [7] Mr. Ashok Thummar, Mr. Vijay F. Pipalia, Tushar V. Javiya -"Experimental investigation of open well centrifugal pump performance". International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol.01, Issue 03, pp. 01-08 Shalin P Marathe, Mr.Rishi R Saxena, Mr. Chetan H Solanki |
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251. | Experimental Behavioural Study Of Ductile Cast Iron Microstructure And Its Mechanical Properties
Experimental Behavioural Study Of Ductile Cast Iron Microstructure And Its Mechanical PropertiesAbstract: Ductile cast Iron also referred to as nodular iron or spheroidal graphite iron. The Ductile cast iron contains graphite it is in the form of discrete nodules or spheroids. This paper deals with some factors influencing microstructure and mechanical properties of ductile cast iron (DCI). Ductile cast iron have been used for a wide variety of application in automotive, rail and heavy engineering industry because of its excellent mechanical properties such as high strength with good ductility, good wear resistance and good fatigue properties. The properties of ductile cast iron are dependent on both chemistry and heat treatment. Nodular cast iron are primarily heat treated to create matrix micro structure and associated mechanical properties not readily obtain in the as-cast condition. Final structure and properties of DCI are obtained by exactly controlled process of heat treatment. Experiments are conducted on 600/3 and 500/7 grades of ductile cast iron and following observations are made to know the properties of metal. Results of the experiment shows that it dependence of temperature and various matrixes can be obtained (i.e. mixture of graphite, ferrite and pearlite). Different quenching medias are selected to check the behaviour of the materials. Quenching medias like vegetable oil, mineral oil and water are used for this experimental analysis. After heat treatment the tensile strength, hardness, elongation and yield stress of the specimens are obtained with respect to different quenching medias.Key words: DCI (Ductile cast iron), heat treatment process, quenching medias. Reference [1] Alan Vasko. "Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Austempered Ductile iron". International Journal of Engineering, pp. 53-57, 2012 [2] Hasan Avdusinovic and Almaida Gigovic-Gekic. "Heat Treatment of Nodular Cast Iron" .Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology, pp. 669-672, October 2009. [3] Oyetunji Akinlabi and Barnabas A. A. "Development of Martempered Ductile Iron by Step Quenching Method in Warm Water". Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol. 3, pp.470-474, 2012. [4] M.Tadayon Saidi, N.Baghersaee, Dr.N.Varahram, M.Hanumantha Rao and Dr.G.V.S.Nageswara Rao. "Effect of Heat Treatment Cycle on the Mechanical Properties of Machinable Austempered Ductile Iron". Journal of Material Processing Technology, pp.1-7, 2007. [5] Nuchthana Poolthong, Hiroyuki Nomura and Mitsuharu Takita. "Effect of Heat Treatment on Microstructure and Properties of Semi-Solid Chromium Cast Iron". Materials Transactions, Vol. 45, pp. 880 – 887, 2004. Lisa Shifani Madtha, Prof.B.R Narendra Babu |
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252. | Survey of Harmonics Measurements in Electrical Distribution System of a Technical Institution
Survey of Harmonics Measurements in Electrical Distribution System of a Technical InstitutionAbstract: Growing use of non-linear loads give rise to power pollution in the three-phase four-wire distribution system. This has already become an alarming situation in an engineering institute where quality power is an essential requirement.To ensures quality power it is necessary that a harmonic study is carried out to identify the details of pollution that is polluting sources, the parameters or quantities they pollute in each instance. The paper includes a harmonic survey in the Electrical machine lab of National Institute of Technology, Agartala where various non-linear devices are used everyday. The level and type of the harmonics present in the system are identified. According to the measurement and analysis, the effect of most prominent harmonics are found out that could cause problem in the power quality. The harmonic survey is performed to improve the power quality.Key words: Distribution system, harmonics, harmonic survey non-linear loads, power quality, power quality analyzer, total harmonic voltage distortion, total harmonic current distortion,three-phase, technical institution. Reference [1] Rajesh M Holmukhe and Mrs.J.V.Satre "Harmonic Measurement And Analysis, A Case study of Electrical and Machine Lab", Bharati Vidyapeeth University college of Engineering, Pune,India,2007J. F. Fuller, E. F. Fuchs, and K. J. Roesler, "Influence of harmonics on power distribution system protection," IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, vol. 3, pp. 549-557, Apr. 1988. [2] Ashok.S. Babitha, Dr.S.Thiruvengadom, "Harmonics in distribution System of an educational Institution', IEEE 1998. [3] Leon M. Tolbert, Harold D.Hollis and Peyton S.Hale, Jr., "Survey of Harmonic Measurement in Electrical Distribution System", IEEE IAS Annual Meeting, Oct6-10, pp 549-557, 1996. [4] N.Karthikeyan,Sastharan S.,Srinivas Bhaskar K, "Power Quality Survey in a Technological Institute",3rd international Conference on Power System,Karagpur,India,Paper ID 289,27-29 December,2009. [5] V.Suresh Kumar, P.S.Kannan, T.D.Sudhakar and B.Anand Kumar, "Harmonics and Interharmonics in the Distribution System of an Educational Institution-A Case Study", International Conference on Power System Technology, Singapore, 2004. Nandita Dey , Dr.A.K.Chakraborty |
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253. | Extended Adaptive Pixel Pair Matching
Extended Adaptive Pixel Pair MatchingAbstract: Steganography is a method of hiding secret messages into a cover-media such that an unintended observer will not be aware of the existence of the hidden messages. The carrier of steganography can be various kinds of digital media such as image, audio, and video, etc. Digital images are widely transmitted over the Internet; therefore, they often serve as a carrier for covert communication. A good data-hiding method should be capable of evading visual and statistical detection while providing an adjustable payload. In [1], authors proposed Adaptive Pixel Pair Matching (APPM). The basic idea of Pixel Pair Matching (PPM) is to use the values of pixel pair as a reference coordinate, and search a coordinate in the neighborhood set of this pixel pair according to a given message digit. The pixel pair is then replaced by the searched coordinate to conceal the digit. APPM allows users to select digits in any notational system for data embedding, and thus achieves a better image quality. APPM not only resolves the low-payload problem in EMD, but also offers smaller MSE compared with OPAP and DE. Moreover, because APPM produces no artifacts in stego images and the steganalysis results are similar to those of the cover images, it offers a secure communication under adjustable embedding capacity. This paper proposes an extension to APPM, for high definition color images. EAPPM provides high data capacity without compromising on performance and security of APPM.Key words: Steganography, Pixel Pair Matching (PPM), Diamond Encoding (DE), Least Significant Bit (LSB) Reference [1] Wien Hong and Tung-Shou Chen, "A Novel Data Embedding Method Using Adaptive Pixel Pair Matching", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION FORENSICS AND SECURITY, VOL. 7, NO. 1, FEBRUARY 2012. [2] Ruey-Ming Chao,Hsien-ChuWu,Chih-Chiang Lee, and Yen-Ping Chu, "A Novel Image Data Hiding Scheme with Diamond Encoding", EURASIP Journal on Information Security Volume 2009, Article ID 658047. [3] Chi-Kwong Chan, L.M. Cheng, "Hiding data in images by simple LSB substitution", Pattern Recognition Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. [4] A. Cheddad, J. Condell, K. Curran, and P. McKevitt, "Digital image steganography: Survey and analysis of current methods," Signal Process., vol. 90, pp. 727–752, 2010. [5] T. Filler, J. Judas, and J. Fridrich, "Minimizing embedding impact in steganography using trellis-coded quantization," in Proc. SPIE, Media Forensics and Security, 2010, vol. 7541, DOI: 10.1117/12.838002. M.Lakshmi Prasanna, Mr. Sk.Mahaboob Basha |
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254. | Heat Transfer Augmentation in Concentric Tube Heat Exchanger Using Twisted Tapes
Heat Transfer Augmentation in Concentric Tube Heat Exchanger Using Twisted TapesAbstract: The present paper deals with the results of an experimental investigation carried out to find the overall performance of suitably designed concentric tube heat exchanger with passive heat transfer augmentation technique. The desired augmentation is attained with the help of twisted tape inserts. In addition to this, the performance of twisted tapes with holes and with baffle plates is carried out to find the suitable design for the heat transfer augmentation. The effect of twisted tape inserts on effectiveness of heat exchanger is analyzed at different mass flow rates. It is found that full length twisted tapes produce a better performance as compared to other designs tested.Key words: Effectiveness, Heat exchangers, Inserts, Twisted Tapes Reference [1] S.K.Saha A.Dutta " Thermo hydraulic study of laminar swirl flow through a circular tube fitted with twisted tapes" Trans. ASME Journal of heat transfer June 2001, Vol-123/ pages 417-427. [2] Zhi-Min Lin, Liang-Bi Wang "Convective heat transfer enhancement in a circular tube using twisted tape" Trans ASME journal of heat transfer Aug 2009,Vol- 131/081901-1-12. [3] Watcharin Noothong, Smith Eiamsa-ard and Pongjet Promvonge" Effect of twisted tape inserts on heat transfer in tube" 2nd joint international conference on "sustainable Energy and Environment 2006" Bangkok, Thiland. [4] Paisarn Naphon "Heat transfer and pressure drop in the horizontal double pipes with and without twisted tape in-sert" 2005 Elsevier Ltd. [5] Smith Eiamsa-ard , Chinaruk Thianpong, Pongjet Promvonge " Experimental investigation of heat transfer and flow friction in a Circular tube fitted with regularly spaced twisted tape elements" International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer Vol. 33, Dec 2006. Maughal Ahmed Ali Baig, Ibrahim Nouzil, Azzam Sheik, Ferraz Mohammed, Thameez |
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255. | Comparative Study of Effect of Silica Fume and Quarry Dust on Strength of Self Compacting Concrete
Comparative Study of Effect of Silica Fume and Quarry Dust on Strength of Self Compacting ConcreteAbstract: Self compacting concrete; Silica Fume; Quarry Dust; Compressive Strength; Split Tensile Strength.Key words: MRAC, Induction Motor drive, drift and saturation Reference [1] The European Guidelines for SCC, May 2005. [2] Zoran Grdic, Iva Despotovic, Gordana Toplicic Curcic, Properties of Self Compactability Concrete with Different types of Additives, FACTA University, Architecture and Civil Engineering, Vol. 6, 173-177, No. 2, 2008. [3] Hajime Okamura and Masahiro Ouchi, "Self Compacting Concrete", Journals of Advanced Concrete Technologies, Vol. 1, No. 1 April 2003, pp. 5-15. [4] Nans, Kung-chung HSU, His Wen Chai, "A Simple Mix Design, Method For Self Compacting Concrete (2001) 1799 – 1807. [5] Pratibha Aggarwalh Yogeh Aggarwal, S. M. Gupta, R. Siddique, "Properties of Self Compacting Concrete – An Overview" 30th Conference on Our World In Concrete And Structures 23-24 August 2005, Singapore. [6] G. Kaur, S. P. Singh And S. K. Kaushik, "Reviewing Some Properties of Concrete Containing Mineral Admixtures" Indian Concrete Journal July 2012, 35-49. [7] Vilas V. Karjinni, Shrishail B. Anandinni and Dada S. Patil, An investigation on the characteristic properties of high performance SCC with mineral admixtures. The Indian Concrete Journal, 2009, 15-19. [8] M. Rame Gowda, Mattur C. Narasimhan and Karisiddappa, Strength behavior of selfcompacting concrete mixes using local materials, The Indian concrete journal, July 2012, 54-60. [9] C. Selvamony, M. S. Ravikumar, S. U. Kannan and S. Basil Gnanappa, Investigations on selfcompacted self-curing concrete using limestone powder and clinkers, APRN journal of engineering and applied sciences, vol. 5, March 2010, 01-06. [10] A. Navaneethakrishnan, V. M. Shanthi, Experimental study of self-compacting concrete (SCC) using silica fume, International journal of emerging trends in engineering and development, vol. 4, May 2012, 475-482. [11] S. Bhaskar, Ravindra Gettu, B. H. Bharatkumar and M.Neelamegam, Strength, bond and durability related properties of concretes with mineral admixtures, The Indian concrete journal, February 2012, 09-15. [12] M.S. Shetty, "Concrete Technology", S. Chand. [13] www.microsilicachina.com Ms. Priyanka P. Naik, Prof. M. R. Vyawahare |
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256. | Comperative Study Of S.M.R.F. Building Over O.M.R.F. Building With Seismic And Wind Effect
Comperative Study Of S.M.R.F. Building Over O.M.R.F. Building With Seismic And Wind EffectAbstract: Seismic evaluation will provide a general idea about the building performance during an earthquake. The criteria of evaluation of building will depend on materials, strength and ductility of structural components and detailing of reinforcement. In this report Special Moment Resisting Frame (Ductile Detailing) and Ordinary Moment Resisting Frame are considering as structural frame and Comparison are made for seismic load. Detailing of reinforcement and design in case of Ordinary Moment-Resisting Frame are made by using IS 456 Provision's, while in case of Special Moment-Resisting Frame detailing of reinforcement and design are made by using IS 456:2000, as well as detailing done by IS 13920:1993. Hence OMRF Structure are to be designed for relatively very higher equivalent forces that of SMRF Structures. This helps in to why use of IS 1390:1993 is very effective for detailing the structure, hence it is economical. Thus the performance of SMRF structure in Earthquake is quiet good as compare to OMRF structure.Reference [1] Kaur S., Singh B., Singh S P, Lal R "Analytical Investigation on the Strength and Deformation Characteristics of Reinforced Concrete Beams - IE(I) Journal- CV Volume 87, February 2007" [2] Haselton1 C. B. and. Deierlein G. G "Benchmarking Seismic Performance of Reinforced Concrete Frame Buildings - ASCE Structures Congress – New York, NY – April 2005" [3] Engr. Najif Ismail "Comparative studies of IMRF and SMRF in moderate seismic zones" [4] T. A. Nelson, A.M.ASCE and E. M. Hines, P.E., M.ASCE "Performance of a 9-Story Low-Ductility Moment Resisting Frame Under Moderate Seismic Demands" [5] IS 456: 2000 Plain and Reinforced Concrete- Code of Practice [6] IS 1893:2002 Part-I [7] IS 13920:1993- Ductile Detailing of Reinforced Concrete Structure subject to Seismic Force- Code of practice [8] Mario Paz "Dynamics of Structures book" [9] Aggarwal&Shrikhande" Earthquake Resistant Design book" Dr. Valsson Varghese, YogeshRamakantBorkar |
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257. | Seismic Evaluation and Retrofitting of RC Building by Using Energy Dissipating Devices
Seismic Evaluation and Retrofitting of RC Building by Using Energy Dissipating DevicesAbstract: The Buildings, which appeared to be strong enough, may crumble like houses of cards during earthquake and deficiencies may be exposed. Experience gain from the recent earthquake of Bhuj, 2001 demonstrates that the most of buildings collapsed were found deficient to meet out the requirements of the present day codes. In last decade, four devastating earthquakes of world have been occurred in India, and low to mild intensities earthquakes are shaking our land frequently. It has raised the questions about the adequacy of framed structures to resist strong motions, since many buildings suffered great damage or collapsed. Under such circumstances, seismic qualification of existing buildings has become extremely important. Seismic qualification eventually leads to retrofitting of the deficient structuresReference [1] V.S.R. Pavan Kumar.Rayaprolu, P. Polu Raju, Incorporation of Various Seismic Retrofitting Techniques and Materials for RC Framed Building Using SAP2000, International Journal of Emerging trends in Engineering and Development ISSN 2249-6149 Issue 2,Vol.3 (April-2012) [2] Murty C.V.R. (2002). "Quantitative approach to seismic strengthening of RC frame buildings", Seminar on seismic assessment and retrofitting of buildings at mumbai, 16th Feb 2002 [3] W. Huang, L.A. Toranzo-Dianderas, A Case Study Of Performance-Based Seismic Evaluation And Retrofit Of An Existing Hospital Building In California, U.S, The 14thWorld Conference on Earthquake Engineering October12-17, 2008, Beijing, China. [4] Giuseppe Oliveto and Massimo Marletta, Seismic Retrofitting Of Reinforced Concrete Buildings Using Traditional And Innovative Techniques, ISET Journal of Earthquake Technology, Paper No. 454, Vol. 42, No. 2-3, June-September 2005, pp. 21-46 [5] Ghobarah, Rehabilitation of a Reinforced Concrete Frame Using Eccentric Steel Bracing, Engineering Structures Volume. 23 Pages 745–755, 2001. S. I. Khan, Prof. P. O. Modani |
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258. | Study Of Switching And Analysis Behaviour Between Fault And Magnetizing Inrush Current In Transformer
Study Of Switching And Analysis Behaviour Between Fault And Magnetizing Inrush Current In TransformerAbstract: A new scheme to classify between internal fault current and inrush current of power transformer is presented in this paper conventionally this paper presents a novel technique for three phase transformer protection, which the method effectively identify Magnetizing inrush currents from internal fault currents. This technique employs symmetrical components. When transformer is switched, inrush current happens. This current has some Features, which it is enough for identify itself. In this paper, by extract these features, a new criterion is proposed to discriminate inrush currents from internal faults in power transformers. In faulty time such as switching or short circuit, the value of negative sequence for differential current is different from positive sequence value. Helping this feature, new criterion is introduced. Simulations show this criterion works properly in over-flux and CT saturation condition too. The simulated results presented clearly, the proposed algorithm can accurately discriminate between an internal fault and a magnetizing inrush current in power transformer protection in all cases.Key words: inrush current, internal fault, Symmetrical component, transformer protection, type of Faults, Transformer energizing, PSCAD Reference [1] F. Wang and M. H. J. Bollen, "Quantification of transient current signals in the viewpoint of overcurrent relays," in Proc. Power Eng. Soc. General Meeting, Jul. 13–17, 2003, vol. 4, pp. 2122–2127. [2] "Classification of component switching transients in the viewpoint of protection relays," Elect. Power Syst. Res., vol. 64, pp. 197–207, 2003. [3] J. H. Brunke and H. J. Frohlich, "Elimination of transformer inrush currents by controlled switching-Part II: Application and performance considerations," IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 281–285, Apr. 2001. [4] M. A. Rahman and B. Jeyasurya, "A state-of-the-art review of transformer protection algorithms," IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 534–544, Apr. 1988. [5] P. Liu, O. P. Malik, C. Chen, G. S. Hope, and Y. Guo, "Improved operation of differential protection of power transformers for internal faults," IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 1912–1919, Oct. 1992. Mr. R.V.Katre, Prof.D.S.Chavan |
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259. | Plasticity and Compaction Characteristics of Soil Mixtures Comprising Of Expansive Soils and A Cohesive Non-Swelling Soil
Plasticity and Compaction Characteristics of Soil Mixtures Comprising Of Expansive Soils and A Cohesive Non-Swelling SoilAbstract: In Soil is naturally occurring material that is used for the construction of structures except the surface layers of pavements. This naturally occurring soil may not suit the design requirements of ongoing project. So, soil is to be prepared to meet the requirements called soil stabilization. Stabilization is the process of blending of different soils or mixing of additives to a soil to improve characteristics of the soil such as gradation, strength, durability, workability, plasticity etc. and thus making it more stable. It is required when the soil available for construction is not suitable for the intended purpose. The present paper emphasized on investigation of soil mixtures comprising of three expansive soils mixed with a cohesive non-swelling soil pertaining to plasticity characteristics, compaction characteristics, Soil-mixtures are prepared with expansive soils adding different percentages of cohesive non-swelling soil varying from 15% to 35% by weight of expansive soil with 5% interval.Key words: soil mixtures, soil stabilization, Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, Light Compaction Test Reference [1] Acosta, H.A., Edil, T.B., Benson, C.H. (2003). "Soil stabilization and drying using FlyAsh".Geo Engineering Report No. 03-03 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison. [2] Anon,(1985)."Lime stabilization construction manuals," English edition. National lime association, Arlington, VA. [3] ASTM (1993)."Standard specification for Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined natural pozzolan for use as a mineral Admixture in Portland cement concrete," Annual books of ASTM standards,618-93, vol.02,Philadelphia,PA,USA,PP.310-312. [4] Broms,B., and Boman,p. (1975) "Lime stabilized columns" 5th Asian regional conference on SM and FE. Bangalore, India 227-234. [5] Broms, B., and Boman,p. (1993) ,"Lime columns-a new foundation method". Journal of Geotechnical Engineering division, ASCE 105,PP.539-556. Dr. Ch. Sudha Rani & G. Suresh |
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