Volume 3- Issue 5 [Sep-Oct 2013]
S.No. | Title & Authors | Page | Downloads |
Paper submitted to IJERA : 927 Accepted papers by peer review process : 335 Rejected Paper : 592 Paper Acceptance percentage : 36.13% |
1. | Power System Stability Improvement of Long Transmission Line
System by Using Static Var Compensator (SVC)
Power System Stability Improvement of Long Transmission Line System by Using Static Var Compensator (SVC)Abstract: Power system stability is defined as the ability of power system to preserve it's steady stability or recover the initial steady state after any deviation of the system's operation. This paper will discuss how SVC has successfully been applied to control dynamic performance of transmission system and regulate the system voltage effectively. Present time power systems are being operated nearer to their stability limits due to economic and environmental reasons. Maintaining a stable and secure operation of a powersystem is therefore a very important and challenging issue. Shunt FACTS devices play an important role in improving the transient stability, increasing transmission capacity and damping low frequency oscillations. In this paper shunt FACTS device-SVC is used in a two area power system for improving the power system stability. MATLAB software has been used in this study.Key words: FACTS, long transmission line, MATLAB, SVC, power system stability, three phase fault. Reference [1] Atef Aly El-Emary, "Effect of static VAR compensator upon synchronizing Torque coefficient." Electric Machines and Power Systems 25:371-386, 1977. [2] IEEE TASK FORCE: ‟ Proposed Terms and Definitions for Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS)", IEEE Trans. On Power Delivery, vol.12, No.4, 2005. [3] N. Hingorani, ―FACTS — Flexible ac transmission systems,‖ in Proc. IEE5th Int. Conf. AC DC Transmission, London, U.K., 1991, Conf. Pub. 345, pp. 1–7. [4] N. G. Hingorani and L. Gyugyi, Understanding FACTS: Concepts and Technology of Flexible AC Transmission Systems. New York: Wiley, 2000, vol. I [5] Mathur, R. Mohan and Varma, Rajiv K., ―Thyristor-Based Facts Controllers for Electrical Transmission Systems‖, John Wiley & Sons. Pardeep Singh Virk, Vijay Kumar Garg |
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2. | Novel Method for Edge Detection Using Canny In Digital Images
Mada Swetha, Banda Srinivas |
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Collision Free Intelligent Bloom Join Filters
Collision Free Intelligent Bloom Join FiltersAbstract: In operation research, there is no single method available for solving all optimization problems. Hence a number of techniques have been developed for solving different types of optimization problems. Optimization is the act of obtaining the best result under given circumstances. The ultimate goal of optimization is either to minimize the efforts required or to maximize the desired benefit [5]. Query Optimization is one of the optimization problems in database management system. It is a process of determining the most efficient way to execute a given query by considering the possible query plans. The approach suggested in the paper is mainly focused on join operation of the query. Previous work done was based on semi-join approach for query optimization but a semi-join needs more local processing such as projection and higher data transmission. To improve the previous approach, the filter based approach is utilized. The evaluation of filter is done by considering the collisions occurred, using perfect hash function and using sets of filters. Paper focuses on importance of optimization and Intelligent Bloom Join filter approach for data reduction in query optimization.Key words: Optimization; Query Optimization; Bloom Join; Bloom Filter Reference [1] B. H. Bloom, "Space/time trade-offs in hash coding with allowable errors," ACM Communications, vol.13, no. 7, pp. 422–426, 1970. [2] J.M.Morrissey and W.Osborn,"Experiments with the use of reduction filters in distributed query optimization" , in proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems,(pp.327-330). [3] Yu Liang," Reduction of collisions in bloom filters during distributed query optimization ",Master's Thesis, University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada 1999. [4] W.Osborn "The use of reduction filters in distributed query optimization", Master's thesis, The University of Windsor,1998. [5] Richard I.Levin, David S. Rubin,"Statistics for Management", Pearson Publication, seventh edition Dr. Sunita M. Mahajan, Ms. Vaishali P. Jadhav |
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4. | Probabilistic Design and Random Optimization of Aerofoil Wing by Using Finite Element Method
Probabilistic Design and Random Optimization of Aerofoil Wing by Using Finite Element MethodAbstract: This study represents simulation of aerofoil composite beam by using Monte Carlo method i.e.direct sampling. A three dimensional transient analysis of large displacement type has been carried out.Finite element analysis of NACA0012 aerofoil composite structure has been carried out and uncertainty in bending stress is analyzed. More over optimization of selected design variables has been carried out by using random optimization method. Bending stress was objective function.Chord length , elastic modulus of epoxy graphite, ply angle of aerofoil section, Beam length , moment of inertia and force are randomly varied within effective range and their effect on bending stress has been analyzed.In order to validate the results, one loop of simulation is benchmarked from results in literature. Ultimately, best set of optimized design variable is proposed to reduce bending stress under different loading condition.Key words: Aerofoil wing, Monte Carlo Simulation, Random Optimization. Reference [[1]. Lee, J., and Lee, S., "Flexural-torsional behavior of thin-walled composite beams", ELSEVIER, Thin-walled Structures, vol. 42, 2004, pp. 1293-1305. [2]. Mitra, M., Gopalakrishnan, S., and Seetharama, M., "A new super convergent thin walled composite beam element for analysis of box beam structures", ELSEVIER, International Journal of Solids and Structures, vol. 41, 2004, pp. 1491-1518. [3]. Chan, W. S., and Demirhan K. C., "A Simple Closed-Form Solution of Bending Stiffness for Laminated Composite Tubes", Journal of Reinforced Plastic & Composites, vol. 19, 2000, pp. 278-291. [4]. Lin, C. Y., and Chan, W. S., "A Simple Analytical Method for Analyzing Laminated Composites Elliptical Tubes", Proceedings of the 17th Technical Conference of American Society of Composites, Dearborn, Michigan ,2002. [5]. Syed, K., and Chan, W., "Analysis of Hat-Sectioned Reinforced Composite Beams", Proceedings of American Society for Composites Conference, Dearborn, Michigan, 2006. Mr.Sachin M. Shinde,Prof.Dr.B.P. Ronge, Prof.Dr.P.M.Pawar |
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5. | Experimental &Theoretical Analysis Of Heat Transfer Augmentation From Dimpled Surface
Experimental &Theoretical Analysis Of Heat Transfer Augmentation From Dimpled SurfaceAbstract: In the present work the heat transfer characteristics and the pressure drop of the forced convection apparatus of six dimpled plates is studied. Six test plates with varying dimple densities; by varying the input voltage Nusselt No. variation was recorded. It is found that Nusselt No. increases as the dimple density increases .Also it was found that percentage increase in Nusselt No. is greater for staggered dimple arrangement. The sample experimental results obtained are presented in graphical forms as shown in Figure shows the calculated results based on the observations to show the comparative Nusselt numbers enhancements with that obtained with different parameters combinations. Dimpled typical technique that offers a higher heat transfer increase at the cost of mild pressure drop penalty. This study investigates the heat transfer characteristics of Plate with dimpled surface. Over the past couple of years the focus on using concavities or dimples provides enhanced heat transfer has been documented by a number of researchers.Reference [1] R.K.Ali 2009 Elsevier Inc " Augmentation of heat transfer from heat source placed downstream a guide" [2] Arthur E. Bergles " high-flux processes through enhanced heat transfer" [3] Yaroslav Chudnovsky 2004 AI ChESpring Technical Meeting "vortex heat transfer enhancement for chemical industry fired heaters [4] Qiuwang Wang , Qiuyang Chen, Ling Wang , Min Zeng, Yanping Huang, Zejun Xiao ,2006 Elsevier " Experimental study of heat transfer enhancement in narrow rectangular channel with longitudinal vortex generators" [5] Srinath V. Ekkad , David Kontrovitz 2002 Elsevier Science "jet impingement heat transfer on dimpled target surfaces" Dhananjay R.Giram, A.M.Patil |
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6. | CFD Studies on Multi Lead Rifled [MLR] Boiler Tubes
CFD Studies on Multi Lead Rifled [MLR] Boiler TubesAbstract: This paper reports the merits of multi lead rifled [MLR] tubes in vertical water tube boiler using CFD tool. Heat transfer enhancement of MLR tubes was mainly taken in to consideration. Performance of multi lead rifled tube was studied by varying its influencing geometrical parameter like number of rifling, height of rifling, length of pitch of rifling for a particular length. The heat transfer analysis was done at operating conditions of an actual coal fired water tube boiler situated at Apollo Tyres LTD, Chalakudy, India for saturated process steam production. The results showed that the heat transfer increased when compared with existing inner plane wall water tubes.Key words: CFD, Coal fired water tube boiler, Geometrical parameters, Multi Lead Rifled [MLR] tube, Operating conditions Reference [1] D.K. McDonald et.al, Vertical Tube, Variable Pressure Furnace for Super Critical Steam Boilers, POWER-GEN International 2001 December 11-13, 2001 [2] Stephen J. Goidich et.al. Innovation in Supercritical Boiler Technology, PowerGen International Orlando, Florida, USA December 2 – 4, 2008 [3] Sara Rainieri et.al. Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Augmentation for Laminar Flow in Spirally Enhanced Tubes [4] Shaji Kumar K.R et.al,, An Investigation on Tube Temperature Distribution in a Water Tube Boiler, IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering ISSN: 2278-1684 Volume 2, Issue 3 (Sep-Oct. 2012), PP 45-50 [5] Lixin Cheng. et,al, Flow Boiling Heat Transfer In Spirally Internally Ribbed Tube ,Heat And Mass Transfer 37(2001) 229-236 Springer-Verlag 2001 Dr T C Mohankumar, Nice Thomachan |
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7. | A Noble Design of Energy Recovery Flip-Flops
A Noble Design of Energy Recovery Flip-FlopsAbstract: The power consumption of the clock tree dominates over 40% of the total power in high performance VLSI designs. Hence, low power clocking schemes are promising approaches for low power design. We propose energy recovery clocked flip-flops that enable energy recovery from the clock network, resulting in significant energy savings. These flip-flops operate with a single-phase sinusoidal clock which can be generating with high efficiency. In Cadence 180nm CMOS technology, we implemented these energy recovery clocked flip flops through an H tree clock network driven by a resonant clock generator to generate a sinusoidal clock. The proposed flip-flops exhibit more than 80% delay reduction, 47% power reduction, as compared to the conventional energy recovery flip-flop. Simulation results show a power reduction of 90% on the clock tree and total power saving of up to 80% as compared to the conventional square wave clocking schemes and flip flops. In this paper, we also propose clock gating solution for the energy recovery clocked flip flops reduces their power and delay. A pipelined array multiplier is designed which show a total power savings of 25%-69% as compared to the same multiplier using conventional square wave clocking scheme and corresponding flip-flops.Reference [1] M. Cooke, H. Mahmoodi-Meimand, and K. Roy, "Energy recovery clocking scheme and flip flops for ultra low energy application," in Proc. Int. Symp. Low Power 4 Electron. Des. , Aug. 2003, pp.54-59. [2] F. Moradi, C. Augstine, A. Goel, G. Karakonstantis, T.V. Cao, D. Wisland, H. Mahamoodi and K. Roy "Data dependent Sense Amplifier flip flop for low power application," IEEE con.2010 [3] H. Kawaguchi and T. Sakurai, "A reduced clock swing flip flop (RCFF) for 63% Power reduction" IEEE J. Solid State Circuits. Vol.33, pp.807-811 May 1998 [4] G. Gerosa et al., "A. 2.2W, 80MHz Superscalar RISC microprocessor," IEEE J. Solid State Circuits, vol.29, pp 1440-1452, Dec. 1994 [5] S. Rusu, S. Tam, H. Muljono, D. Ayers, J. Chang, B. Cherkauer, J. Stinson, J. Benoit, R. Varada, J. Leung, R.D. Limaye and S. Vora, "A 65nm dual core multithreaded xeon processor with 16MB L3 cache," IEEE J. Solid State Circuits, Vol.42, no.1 pp. 17-25, Jan 2007. Mashkoor Alam and Rajendra Prasad |
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8. | Optimization of Boiler Blowdown and Blowdown Heat Recovery in Textile Sector
Optimization of Boiler Blowdown and Blowdown Heat Recovery in Textile SectorAbstract: Boilers are widely used in most of the processing industries like textile, for the heating applications. Surat is the one of the largest textile processing area in India. In textile industries coal is mainly used for the steam generation. In a textile industry normally a 4% of heat energy is wasted through blowdown. In the study conducted in steam boilers in textile industries in surat location, 1.5% of coal of total coal consumption is wasted in an industry by improper blowdwon. This thesis work aims to prevent the wastage in the coal use by optimizing the blowdown in the boiler and maximizing the recovery of heat wasting through blowdownKey words: Blowdown, Boilers, Enthalpy, Flash steam, Flash vessel, Heat exchangers, Steam. Reference [1] Sonntag, Borgnakke, Van Wylen (1998). Fundamentals of Thermodynamics (5th edition). New York, NY: John Wiley and Sons Inc. [2] Franklin Kreith, Mark S. Bohn (1996). Principles of Heat Transfer (5th edition). Boston, MA: PWS Publishing Company. [3] Dukelow, S.G. 1991. The Control of Boilers, pp. 74–85 Research Triangle Park: Instrument Society of America [4] Stultz, S.C. and J.B. Kitto. 1992. Steam. Its Generation and Use, 40th Edition, pp. 9 –22 to 9 – 27. Lynchburg, Va.: The Babcock & Wilcox Company. [5] Greg Harrell , Boiler Blowdown Energy Recovery, Energy Engineering, Volume 101, Issue 5, 2004, pages 32-42, DOI:10.1080/01998590409509277 [6] Everett B. Woodruff, Herbert B. Lammers, Thomas F. Lammers (1998). Steam Plant Operation (7th edition). New York, NY: McGraw Hill. Sunudas T, M G Prince |
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9. | Review of Incremental Forming of Sheet Metal Components
Review of Incremental Forming of Sheet Metal ComponentsAbstract: Incremental sheet forming has demonstrated its great potential to form complex three dimensional parts without using a component specific tooling. The die-less nature in incremental forming provides competitive alternative for economically and effectively fabricating low volume functional sheet products. The process locally deforms sheet metal using a moving tool head achieving higher forming limit than those conventional sheet metal stamping process. Incremental sheet metal forming has the potential to revolutionize sheet metal forming, making it accessible to all level of manufacturing. This paper describes the current state of the art of Incremental sheet metal forming.Key words: Incremental sheet forming, Forming limit diagram, Tool path, Finite element analysis Reference [1] Le Van Sy, " Modeling of Single Point Incremental Forming Process For Metal and Polymeric Sheet" PhD thesis University Of Pauda-2009 [2] W.C. Emmensa, G. Sebastianib, A.H. van den Boogaardc "The technology of Incremental Sheet Forming—A brief review of the history"-Journal of Materials Processing Technology 210 (2010) 981–997 [3] Kathryn Jackson, Julian Allwood "The mechanics of incremental sheet forming"- journal of materials processing technology 2 0 9 ( 2 0 0 9 ) 1158–11 [4] A. Petek, B. Jurisevic, K. Kuzman, M. Junkar "Comparison of alternative approaches of single point incremental forming processes" journal of materials processing technology 2 0 9 ( 2009 ) 1810–1815 [5] J. Jeswiet, F. Micari , G. Hirt, A. Bramley, J. Duflou , J. Allwood "Asymmetric Single Point Incremental Forming of Sheet Metal"-CIRP Annals manufacturing technology,2005,54(2),623-649 Nimbalkar D.H and Nandedkar V.M. |
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10. | Fluid Flow Behaviour under Different Gases and Flow Rate during Gas Metal Arc Welding
Fluid Flow Behaviour under Different Gases and Flow Rate during Gas Metal Arc WeldingAbstract: Gas metal arc welding (GMAW) is a highly efficient and fast process for fabricating high quality weld. High quality welds are fabricated by proper selection of consumable includes gas and filler metals. The optimum flow rate of gas will ensure the proper quality of weld. In this project, a fluid flow behavior of different flow rate is modeled and the change quality will be studied.Key words: Hydraulic diameter, Gas flow rate, Pipeflow, Reynolds number Reference [1] Lancaster., The Physics of Welding,Pergamon Press, New York,USA. [2] Nosse J.R. Nozzle for Shielded Arc Welding Gun ,April 2001. [3] Cooper P., Godbole A. and Norrish J., Modelling and simulation of gas flows in arc welding – Implications for shielding efficiency and fume extraction, 2007. [4] Settles G.S., Schlieren & Shadowgraph Techniques, 2006. [5] Malin,V.Y., The state oft he art of Narrow Gap welding, Part II, Welding Journal , Vol.62(6),1983,pp.37-46. [6] Lainh, Pollack.,Narrow gap welding of HY-100 plate using close loop adaptive feedback, through the arc tracking technology, Welding journal, Vol.62(4),1985,pp38-44. [7] Fan,F.G and Kovacevic.R., A unified model of transport phenomenain gas metal arc welding including electrode arc plasma and molten metalpool, Journal of Physics d:Applied physics, Vol.37,2004,pp2531-2544 Jaison Peter, Anoop Kumar |
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11. | Multidimensional Data Mining to Determine Association Rules in an Assortment of Granularities
Multidimensional Data Mining to Determine Association Rules in an Assortment of GranularitiesAbstract: Data Mining is one of the most significant tools for discovering association patterns that are useful for many knowledge domains. Yet, there are some drawbacks in existing mining techniques. The three main weaknesses of current data- mining techniques are: 1) rescanning of the entire database must be done whenever new attributes are added because current methods are based on flat mining using predefined schemata. 2) An association rule may be true on a certain granularity but fail on a smaller ones and vise verse. This may result in loss of important association rules. 3) Current methods can only be used to find either frequent rules or infrequent rules, but not both at the same time. This research proposes a novel data schema and an algorithm that solves the above weaknesses while improving on the efficiency and effectiveness of data mining strategies. Crucial mechanisms in each step will be clarified in this paper. This paper also presents a benchmark which is used to compare the level of efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed algorithm against other known methods. Finally, this paper presents experimental results regarding efficiency, scalability, information loss, etc. of the proposed approach to prove its advantages.Key words: Multidimensional Data Mining; Granular Computing; Apriori Algorithm; Concept Taxonomy; Association Rule Reference [1] Agrawal,R and Shafer, J.C, "Parallel mining of association rules", IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 8(6) (1996) 962-969. [2] He, L-J., Chen, L. C. and Liu, S.-Y., "Improvement of aprioriTID algorithm for mining association rules", Journal of Yangtai University, Vol. 16, No. 4, 2003 Article in conference proceedings: [3] Srikant, R. and Agrawal, R, "Mining generalized association rules, Proceedings of the 21th VLDB Conference, Zurich, Swizerland, 1995 [4] Agrawal, R. and Srikant, R, "Fast algorithms for mining association rules in large databases", in Proceedings of the '94 International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, 1994, pp. 487–499. [5] Agrawal, R., Imielinski, T. and Swami, A.N, "Mining association rules between sets of items in large databases", in Proceedings of the ACM-SIGMOD 1993 International Conference on Management of Data, 1993, pp. 207–216. C. Usha Rani, B. Rupa Devi |
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12. | Modeling And Experimental Analysis Of Generator In Vapour Absorption Refrigeration System
Modeling And Experimental Analysis Of Generator In Vapour Absorption Refrigeration SystemAbstract: A breadboard prototype of an absorption system for refrigeration using heat from the exhaust-gases is to be designed, built and tested. In the commercial vapour absorption refrigeration system a heating coil generator system has been employed to vaporize the ammonia refrigerant. In the present work, the heating coil generator system has been replaced by the frame plate type heat exchanger. The exhaust gases from the IC engine have been utilized to vaporize the ammonia refrigerant. The available heat in the exhaust gases has to be estimated based on actual I.C-Engine driving cycles. The frame plate type heat exchanger has to be modeled and flow analysis inside the heat exchanger has to be analyzed. In addition, the recoverable energy of the exhaust gases is to be analyzed for representative Internal Combustion Engine..Key words: Absorption system, Ammonia-water, Exhaust gas, Internal combustion engine, Plate frame heat exchanger. Reference [1] Ajit Apte, Notes on Ammonia Absorption Refrigeration Plants for Economical and Enviro-friendly Refrigeration" [2] Arora.S.C., Domkundwar.S, (2000), A Course in Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning. [3] Cornelissen.R.L, Hirs.G.G, (1999), Thermodynamic optimisation of a heat exchanger, journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.42, pp.951-959. [4] Gu Yaxiu, Wu Yuyuan, Ke Xin, (2008), Experimental research on new solar pump-free lithium bromide absorption refrigeration system with a second generator, journal of Solar Energy, Vol.82, pp.33-42. [5] He Yijian, Hong Ronghua & Chen Guangming, (2005), Heat driven refrigeration cycle at low temperatures, journal of science, Vol.50, pp.485-489. Christy V Vazhappilly, Trijo Tharayil, A.P.Nagarajan |
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13. | Three Level Diode Clamped Inverter Fed Induction Motor with Dtc-Svm
Three Level Diode Clamped Inverter Fed Induction Motor with Dtc-SvmAbstract: This project presents a three-level diode-clamped inverter feeding an asynchronous motor drive with direct torque control (DTC). The control method is based on DTC operating principles. The stator voltage vector reference is computed from the stator flux and torque errors imposed by the flux and torque controllers. This voltage reference is then generated using a diode-clamped inverter, where each phase of the inverter can be implemented using a dc source, which would be available from fuel cells, batteries, or ultra capacitors. This inverter provides nearly sinusoidal voltages with very low distortion, even without filtering, using fewer switching devices. In addition, the multilevel inverter can generate a high and fixed switching frequency output voltage with fewer switching losses, since only the small power cells of the inverter operate at a high switching rate. Therefore, a high performance and also efficient torque and flux controllers are obtained, enabling a DTC solution for multilevel-inverter-powered motor drives. The Pulse Width modulation technique for an inverter permits to obtain three phase system voltages, which can be applied to the controlled output. Space Vector Modulation (SVPWM) principle differs from other PWM processes in the fact that all three drive signals for the inverter will be created simultaneously. The implementation of SVPWM process in digital systems necessitates less operation time and also less program memory. This project uses SVPWM technique for generation of pulses for three-level diode clamped inverter. Simulation is carried out on MATLAB-Simulink software..Key words: multilevel inverters, direct torque control, svpwm, induction motor Reference [1] Y.P. Obulesu, M.V.Kumar, "Design and simulation of direct torque control of Induction Moto[r drive using Matlab/Simulink," International Journal of Power and Energy Systems, Vol. 27, No.2, 2007. [2] G. Buja, M. P. Kazmierkowski, "Direct torque control of PWM inverter fed AC motors – A Survey," IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 51, no. 4, pp. 744-757, August 2004. [3] T. G. Habetler, F. Profumo, M.Pastorelli, L. Tolbert "Direct torque control of induction machines using space vector modulation,"IEEE ransaction on Industry Applications, Vol. 28, no. 5, pp. 1045-1053, septembre/October 1992. [4] J. L. Romeral, A. Arias, E. Aldabas, M. G.Jayne "Novel direct torque control (DTC) scheme with fuzzy adaptive torque ripple reduction,"IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 50, no. 3, pp. 487-492, June 2003. [5] I. G. Bird, H. Zelaya "Fuzzy logic torque ripple reduction for DTC based AC drives,"IEE Electronics Letter, Vol. 33, no. 17, August 1997. V. Ranjith Kumar, Pg Scholar, B. Urmila, M.Tech |
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14. | Design and Implementation of Glitch-Free Phase Switching Plls to Suppress Quantization Noise
Design and Implementation of Glitch-Free Phase Switching Plls to Suppress Quantization NoiseAbstract: A programmable frequency divider for quantization noise suppression in fractional- phase-locked loops is presented in this paper. The proposed phase switching Multi-modulus frequency divider (PS-MMFD) utilizes a novel glitch-free phase switching (PS) divide-by-0.5/1/1.5/2 cell to reduce the frequency division step to 0.5 and its QN induced by modulation is thus suppressed by additional 6 dB. Compared with other frequency dividers used for QN suppression, the proposed glitch-free PS-MMFD is more robust, can operate at higher input frequency and consumes less power.Key words: Glitch-free, phase switching (PS), phase switching multi-modulus frequency divider (PS-MMFD), phase-locked loops (PLLs), quantization noise (QN) suppression Reference [1] G.C Gillette Digi phase synthesizer, "in proc.23rd annu.ieee frequency control Symp., 1969,pp.201-210 [2] S. Pamarti, L. Janssen, and I. Galton, "A wideband 2.4- GHz delta-sigma fractional-NPLL with 1-Mb/s in-loop modulation," IEEEJ. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 49–62, Jan. 2004. [3] M. Gupta and B. S. Song, "A 1.8-GHz spur-cancelled fractional-N frequency synthesizer with LMS-based DAC gain calibration," IEEE J.Solid-State Circuits, vol. 41, no. 12, pp. 2842–2851, Dec. 2006. [4] C. C. Hung and S. I. Liu, "A noise filtering technique for fractional-N frequency synthesizers," IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II, Exp. Briefs, vol. 58, pp. 139–143, Mar. 2011. [5] Y. C. Yang, S. A. Yu, Y. H. Liu, T. Wang, and S. S. Lu, "A quantization noise suppression technique for fractional-N frequency synthesizers," IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 41, no. 11, pp. 2500–2511, Nov. 2006. [6] L. Lu, Z. Gong, Y. Liao, H. Min, and Z. Tang, "A 975-to-1960 MHz fast-locking fractional-N synthesizer with adaptive bandwidth control and 4/4.5 prescalar for digital TV tuners," in Proc. ISSCC Dig. Tech. Papers, Feb. 2009, pp. 396–397. M. Ansar Ali Baig, P Srinivas, K. Sateesh Kumar |
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15. | Influence of Silica Fume on Normal Concrete
Influence of Silica Fume on Normal ConcreteAbstract: The incorporation of silica fume into the normal concrete is a routine one in the present days to produce the tailor made high strength and high performance concrete. The design parameters are increasing with the incorporation of silica fume in conventional concrete and the mix proportioning is becoming complex. The main objective of this paper has been made to investigate the different mechanical properties like compressive strength, compacting factor, slump of concrete incorporating silica fume. In this present paper 5 (five) mix of concrete incorporating silica fume are cast to perform experiments. These experiments were carried out by replacing cement with different percentages of silica fume at a single constant water-cementitious materials ratio keeping other mix design variables constant. The silica fume was replaced by 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% for water-cementitious materials (w/cm) ratio for 0.40. For all mixes compressive strengths were determined at 24 hours, 7 and 28 days for 100 mm and 150 mm cubes. Other properties like compacting factor and slump were also determined for five mixes of concrete.Key words: Silica Fume, Compressive Strength, Concrete, High performance concrete, Slump. Reference [1]. Bayasi Zing, Zhou Jing, (1993). "Properties of Silica Fume Concrete and Mortar", ACI Materials Journal 90 (4) 349 - 356. [2]. Venkatesh Babu DL, Nateshan SC. "Investigations on silica fume concrete", The Indian concrete Journal, September 2004, pp. 57-60. [3]. Khedr S. A., Abou Zaid M. N., (1994). "Characteristics of Silica-Fume Concrete", Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE 6 (3),pp. 357 - 375. [4]. Bhanja Santanu, and Sengupta Bratish, (September,2003). "Optimum Silica Fume Content and Its Mode of Action on Concrete", ACI Materials Journal, V (100), No. 5, pp. 407-412. [5]. Sensale GR. "Strength development of concrete with rice-husk ash", Cement and Concrete Composites. ScienceDirect (2006). Debabrata Pradhan, D. Dutta |
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16. | Design of Aware Flip-Flop with Low Power Variations by P-Spice
Design of Aware Flip-Flop with Low Power Variations by P-SpiceAbstract: Excessive power dissipation causes overheating, which can lead multiple impacts like, packaging cost, reliability & functionality of IC and other soft errors. This naturally limits battery life of hand held equipments and need urgent solution to enable the proliferation of technology at large. Parameter variations in nanometer process technology are one of the major design challenges. They cause to be increased delay on the critical path and to change the logic level of internal nodes. The basic concept to solve these problems at the circuit level, design-for-variability (DFV), is to add error handling circuits at the conventional circuits so that they are robust to nanometer related variations. The state-of-the-art variation-aware flip flops are mainly evolved from aggressive DVFS (dynamic voltage and frequency scaling) -based low power application systems which handle errors caused from the scaled supply voltage. They only detect the timing errors and cannot correct the errors. We propose a variation–aware flip flop which can detect and correct the timing error efficiently. The experimental results show that the proposed variation aware flip flop is more robust and lower power than the existing approaches.Reference [1] International Technology Roadmap forrSemiconducctors, http://www.itrs.nnet/Links/2009IT RS/Home2009.httm [2] J. Guido Groesseneken, Robin DDegraeve, Ben KKaczer and Phillippe Roussel, "Challeenges in Reliabillity Assessment of Advanced CMMOS Technologies," PProceedings of 144th IPFA 2007, ppp. 1-9. [3] Shekhar Borkaa, "Designing RReliable Systemms from Unreliiable Components: TThe Challengess of Transistoor Variability and Degradation,"IEEEE Micro maga zine 2005, Noveember-December,, pp. 10-16. [4] .J.W. McPhersonn, "Reliability Chhallenges for 45nmm and Beyond," DDAC 2006, pp. 176-1881. [5] Hisashige Ando , "Microprocessoor Architecture foor Yield Enhancemment and Reliable Opperation" Chap 9 oof High-Performaance Energy-Efficcient Microprocessor Design 2005 Sprringer Edited by Vojin G. Oklobddzija and Ram K. Krisshnamurthy. M.Prasanna Jyothi & Dr.M.V. Subramanyam |
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17. | Effect of Artificial Roughness on Solar Air Heater: An Experimental Investigation
Effect of Artificial Roughness on Solar Air Heater: An Experimental InvestigationAbstract: It is well known, that, the heat transfer coefficient between the absorber plate and working fluid of solar air heater is low. It is attributed to the formation of a very thin boundary layer at the absorber plate surface commonly known as viscous sub-layer The heat transfer coefficient of a solar air heater duct can be increased by providing artificial roughness on the heated wall (i.e. the absorber plate) The use of artificial roughness on the underside of the absorber plate disturbs the viscous sub-layer of the flowing medium. It is well known that in a turbulent flow a sub-layer exists in the flow in addition to the turbulent core. The purpose of the artificial roughness is to make the flow turbulent adjacent to the wall in the sub-layer region. Experiments were performed to collect heat transfer and friction data for forced convection flow of air in solar air heater rectangular duct with one broad wall roughened by discrete v –groove & v- shape ribs. The range of parameters used in this experiment has been decided on the basis of practical considerations of the system and operating conditions. The range of Reynolds number of 3000-14000, Relative Roughness Height ( eh/D ) of height 0.030 to 0.035, Rib angle of attack 600, heat flux 720 W/m2 and pitch of relative roughness pitch 10 the Result has been compared with smooth duct under similar flow and boundary condition It is found from the investigation that on increasing the roughness of a roughened plate the friction factor andheat transfer performance of solar air heater increase and the rate of increase of heat transfer performance of solar air heater get reduced as the roughness of plate increases.Key words: Solar Air Heater, Duct, Absorber Plate, ArtificialRoughness, Reynolds Number Reference [1] Hsieh, J.S., Solar Energy Engineering, Printing Hall Inc.,New Jersey,1986. [2] Veziroghu, T.N., Solar Energy International Progress, Pergamon Press, 1,167-173, 1980. [3] Duffie J.A. and Backman W.A., "Solar Energy Thermal Process", Wiley Interscience,1974 [4] Sukhatme S.P., "Solar Energy: Principles of Thermal Collections and Storage", Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi 1994. [5] Denton, J.C. and Afgan, N.H., Future Energy Production,Academic Press, 1, 1976. Manash Dey, Devendra Singh Dandotiya |
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18. | "Minimization of Inventory & Transportation Cost Of an Industry"-A Supply Chain Optimization
"Minimization of Inventory & Transportation Cost Of an Industry"-A Supply Chain OptimizationAbstract: In this paper a study on three in-stock strategies – flow-through, regional and single DC central stock and developed a simple transportation-inventory model in order to compare their total costs is done. We have also described a distribution model proposed by in which the model is formulated as a non-linear integer optimization problem. Due to the non-linearity of the inventory cost in the objective function, two heuristics and an exact algorithm is proposed in order to solve the problem. The results obtained from the transportation-inventory models show that the single DC and regional central stock strategies are more cost-efficient respectively compared to the flow-through approach. It is recommended to take the single DC and the regional central stock strategies for slow moving and demanding products respectively: Minimizing inventory & transportation cost of an industry: a supply chain optimizationKey words: Supply chain, Preliminary Distribution model , Cross-Dock and Direct Shipment Models Lagrangian Method Reference [1] A. Tversky and D. Kahneman, "Advances in Prospect Theory: Cumulative Representation of Uncertainty," Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, vol.5, pp.297-323, , October, 2005 [2] Berman O., Whang Q. [2006], "Inbound Logistic Planning: Minimizing Transportation and Inventory Cost" transportation Science, 2006 [3] 1989Berman O., Whang Q. [2006], "Inbound Logistic Planning: Minimizing Transportation and Inventory Cost" transportation Science, 2006 [4] Chopra S., Meindl P. [2003], Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operations, 2nd ed. Prentice Hall [5] D. Schmeidler, "Subjective probability and expected utility without additivity", Econometrica, vol.57, pp.571-587, Nonihal Singh Dhakry, Prof. Ajay Bangar |
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19. | Space Vector Based Generalized Dpwm Algorithms for Vsi Fed Induction Motor Drive
Space Vector Based Generalized Dpwm Algorithms for Vsi Fed Induction Motor DriveAbstract: This paper presents Space Vector based Generalized DiscontinuousPulse width modulation (GDPWM) algorithms for VSI fed Induction motor drive. To avoid the complexity due to angle calculation and sector identification involved in Conventional space vector pulse width modulation (CSVPWM). The Proposed algorithms use the concept of Imaginary Switching times and a constant variable μ and modulation phase angle δ are used to generate modulating waveforms.The proposed algorithms results in reduced current ripple over CSVPWM. To validate the proposed methods, simulation is carried on V/f controlled Induction Motor drive in MATLAB/SIMULINK environment and the results are discussed.Key words: CSVPWM, GDPWM, Imaginary Switching times, Induction motor, V/f control. Reference [1] G.Narayanan, "Space vector based hybrid PWM Techniques for reduced current ripple,"IEEE, Trans, vol 55, No 4,april 2008. [2] G.Narayanan and V. T. Ranganathan, "Analytical evaluation of harmonic distortion in PWM AC drives using the notion of stator flux ripple," IEEE Trans. Power Electronics., vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 466–474, Mar. 2005. [3] K. Sri Gowri,"High-Performance Generalized ADPWM Algorithm for VSI Fed IM Drives for Reduced Switching Losses."International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, Vol 2, No. 5, November 2009 [4] AhmetM.hava and Thomas "Simple Analytical and Graphical Methods for Carrier- based PWM-VSI Drives", IEEE Trans on power electronics vol14 no1 jan 1999 [5] N.Ravisankar Reddy and T. Brahmananda Reddy "Simplified Space Vector Based Hybrid PWM Algorithm for Reduced CurrentRipple",International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, Vol 2, No. 5, November 2009 N. Praveena, G. Satheesh, R. Ram Prasad |
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20. | Development of a Composite Leaf Spring for a Light Commercial Vehicle (Tata Magic)
Development of a Composite Leaf Spring for a Light Commercial Vehicle (Tata Magic)Abstract: Present time the main issue of automobile industry are weight reduction. The automobile industry has looking for any implementation or modification to reduce the weight of the vehicle. The suspension leaf spring is one of the potential items for weight reduction in automobile as it accounts for 10% to 20% of the unsprung weight. The introduction of composite leaf spring made of glass fiber rein forced plastic (GFRP) has made it to possible to reduce the weight of spring without any reduction on load carrying capacity and stiffness. The achievement of weight reduction with adequate improvement of mechanical properties has made composite a very good replacement material for conventional steel spring. This work deals with the replacement of multi-leaf steel spring with mono composite leaf spring for the LCV. Suspension system in an automobile determines the riding comfort of passengers and the amount of damage to the vehicle. The main function of leaf spring assembly as suspension element is not only to support vertical load, but also to isolate road-induced vibrations. the behavior of leaf spring is complicated due to its clamping effects and inter-leaf contact etc. the objective of this paper is to replace the multi-leaf steel spring by mono composite leaf spring for the same load carrying capacity and stiffness. Since the composite materials have more elastic strain energy storage capacity and high strength-to-weight ratio as compared to those of steel. It is possible to reduce the weight of the leaf spring without any reduction on load carrying capacity and stiffness. The design constraints were limiting stresses and displacement. Modeling and analysis of both the steel and composite leaf springs have been done using ANSYS software.Key words: Composite Materials, Leaf Spring, Material Property, FEA, ANSYS, and Pro-E. Reference [1] Pozhilarasu and T. Parameshwaran Pillai, Comparison of Performance f Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic Leaf Spring with Steel Leaf Spring. International Journal of ChemTech Research, 5(3), 2013, pp 1339-1345 [2] Dakshraj Kothari et al, Comparison of performance of two leaf spring steels used for light passenger vehicle. VSRD International Journal of Mechanical, Automobile & Production Engineering, 2(1), 2012, 9-16. [3] Kumar Krishan and Aggarwal M.L, A Finite Element Approach for Analysis of a Multi Leaf Spring using CAE tools. Research Journal of Recent Sciences, 1(2), 2012, 92-96. [4] B.Vijaya Lakshmi and I. Satyanarayana, Static and dynamic analysis on composite leaf spring in heavy vehicle. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Studies, 2(1), 2012, 80-84. [5] K. Devendra and T. Rangaswamy, Evaluation of Thermal Properties of E-Glass/ Epoxy Composites Filled By Different Filler Materials. International Journal of Computational Engineering Research (ijceronline.com) 2(5), 2012, 1708-1714. Vivek Rai, Gaurav Saxena |
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21. | Design of Bumper as a Collision Energy Absorbing System
Design of Bumper as a Collision Energy Absorbing SystemAbstract: In a vehicle Bumper is the front most or rears most Part and designed to allow car to sustain an impact without damage to the vehicle's safety systems. It is increasingly being designed to minimise the flow of collision energy struck by cars. In this paper I worked to minimises the flow of energy by making some modification with the front bumper of the car. Results are carried out on the basis of collision test. These tests are performing on the software (Auto desk).These tests are performing with the normal bumper and the modified bumper. The results are correlated to find out the flow or distribution of the energy at the time of front end collision of the vehicle.Key words: Bumper, Collision Energy, Auto desk, Impact. Reference [1] Gintautas Dundulis et al, Static analytical and experimental research of shock absorber to safe guard the nuclear fuel assemblies. Elsevier, Nuclear engineering and design, 239, 2009, 1-8. [2] C. Ferreira et al, a novel monolithic silicon sensor for measuring acceleration, pressure and temperature on a shock absorber. Procedia Chemistry, 1, 2009 88– 91. [3] Shinichi Nishizawa and Tadashi Sakai, Reverse Engineering Based Coil Spring Design Method. NHK International Corporation. [4] Ping Yang et al, Design, test and modeling evaluation approach of a novel Si-oil shock absorber for protection of electronic equipment in moving vehicles. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 43, 2008, 18–32. [5] Alessandro Beghi et al, Grey-box modeling of a motorcycle shock absorber for virtual prototyping applications. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 15, 2007, 894–907. Mohit Tomar, Abhishek Chakraborty |
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22. | Design of Rigid and Flexible Pavements by Various Methods & Their Cost Analysis of Each Method
Design of Rigid and Flexible Pavements by Various Methods & Their Cost Analysis of Each MethodAbstract: Highway and pavement design plays an important role in the DPR projects. The satisfactory performance of the pavement will result in higher savings in terms of vehicle operating costs and travel time, which has a bearing on the overall economic feasibility of the project. This paper discusses about the design methods that are traditionally being followed and examines the "Design of rigid and flexible pavements by various methods & their cost analysis by each method". Flexible pavement are preferred over cement concrete roads as they have a great advantage that these can be strengthened and improved in stages with the growth of traffic and also their surfaces can be milled and recycled for rehabilitation. The flexible pavements are less expensive also with regard to initial investment and maintenance. Although Rigid pavement is expensive but have less maintenance and having good design period. The economic part are carried out for the design pavement of a section by using the result obtain by design method and their corresponding component layer thickness. It can be done by drawing comparisons with the standard way and practical way. This total work includes collection of data analysis various flexible and rigid pavement designs and their estimation procedure are very much useful to engineer who deals with highways.Key words: Design of flexible pavement, Design of rigid pavement, Cost analysis, Estimation. Reference [1] AASHTO 1993, "AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures", American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Washington, D.C. [2] IRC: 37-2001 "Code of guideline for the design of flexible pavement ", Indian Road Congress, New Delhi 2001. [3] IRC: 58-2002 "Code of guideline for the design of plain jointed rigid pavement for highway", Indian Road Congress, New Delhi 2002. Saurabh Jain, Dr. Y. P. Joshi, S. S. Goliya |
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23. | Design and Optimization of Microstreap Patch Antenna for Ultra High Frequency(UHF) Band
Design and Optimization of Microstreap Patch Antenna for Ultra High Frequency(UHF) BandAbstract: Microstrip patch antenna is versatile and vast field of antenna theory. A particular aspect of work done in this field is presented. In addition a different antenna configuration that improves electrical performance and sustainability is described. We analyzed microstrip antenna in IE3D by finite moment of method. In this paper a rectangular microstrip patch antenna with a ground plane is proposed. The antenna is resonant at 1 GHz frequency. The FR-4 substrate with Dielectric constant 4.3 and loss tangent 0.019 is used for proposed design at resonant frequency of 1GHz. Radiation characteristics, gain and return loss of the proposed antenna is simulated using Zeland IE3D simulation software.Key words: Microstrip patch antenna, gain, directivity, IE3D Simulator, Dielectric substrate, return loss. Reference [1] Jun Zhang, Yunliang Long, Senior Member, IEEE "A Dual-layer Broadband Compact UHF RFID Tag Antenna for Platform Tolerant Application "2013 [2] Balanis C.A(1982) Handbook of Microstrip Antennas. John Wiley and Sons New York [3] New Multiband E-Shape Microstrip Patch Antenna On RT DUROID 5880 Substrate and RO4003 Substrate for Pervasive Wireless Communication. Dr. Anubhuti Khare, Rajesh Nema and Puran Gour [4] Bojana Zivanovic, Thomas M. Weller , and Carlos Coatas "Series-Fed Microstrip Antenna Array and Their Applications to Omni-Directional Antenna ", IEEE Trans. AntennaPropag., Vol.60,No.10. pp.4954-4959,October 2012 [5] Experimental Investigation of an Equilateral Triangular Microstrip Antenna with a Dielectric Radome. Manotosh Biswas and Debatosh Guha, Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics, University of Calcutta, Kolkata (India). International Conference on Microwave – 08. Jitendra Badole, Prof. Rajesh Nema, Puran Gour |
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24. | Fractal Approach to Identify Quantitatively Intracardiac Atrial Fibrillation from ECG Signals
Fractal Approach to Identify Quantitatively Intracardiac Atrial Fibrillation from ECG SignalsAbstract: In this paper it has been studied how ECG signals show fractal pattern and thus it has been tried to find the fractal dimension of the ECG time series. For this we have used Hurst's Rescaled Range Analysis method. In this work, ECG signals are acquired from normal subjects. Intracardiac Atrial Fibrillation ECG time series data are collected from MIT-BIH Physionet database. From this analysis, we have tried to identify this type of disease by looking at the Fractal dimension.Reference [1] W. J. Tompkins, Biomedical Digital Signal Processing, Prentice Hall India [2] Shreya Das and Monisha Chakraborty, "Extraction of Fibrillation Components from Ventricular Arrhythmic Electrocardiograms", National Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics, Karnataka, December, 15-17, 2011, published in IEEE Xplore Conference Publishing Service (CPS), pp-138-141. http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/NCVPRIPG.2011.37) [3] Monisha Chakraborty and Shreya Das, "Determination of Signal to Noise Ratio of Electrocardiograms Filtered by Band Pass and Savitzky-Golay Filters", Elsevier Procedia Technology, Vol. 4, 2012, pp-830 – 833. [4] Sayanti Sankhari and Monisha Chakraborty, "Optimisation of Filter Order and Frame Length of Savitzky-Golay Filter in Eliminating Noise From Electrocardiograms", CSIR Sponsored National Conference on Modern Trends in Electronic Communication and Signal Processing, August, 3-4, 2012, pp-10-12. [5] Shreya Das and Monisha Chakraborty, "QRS Detection Algorithm Using Savitzky-Golay Filter", ACEEE Int. J. on Signal and Image Processing, Vol. 03, No. 01, Jan 2012, pp-55-58 Prof. (Dr.) Dipak Chandra Ghosh, Dr. Monisha Chakraborty And Tithi Das |
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25. | Effect of Burning By Fire Flame on Load Carrying Capacity of Self-Compacting Concrete Columns
Effect of Burning By Fire Flame on Load Carrying Capacity of Self-Compacting Concrete ColumnsAbstract: This research presents experimentally investigated the effect of burning by fire flame on the behavior and load carrying capacity of reduced scale SCC column models. Residual ultimate load carrying capacity, load versus deflection curves, maximum crack width, axial deformation and crack pattern for column specimens with and without burning were recorded and discussed. The reinforced SCC columns were exposed to direct fire fame temperature levels of 752 and 1472oF (400 and 800oC) for 1.5 hour period of exposure at 60 days age. It was found that the predicted load carrying capacity of SCC columns by three codes (ACI-318/08, BS-8110/97 and Canadian/84), was unconservative after burning except the BS Code equation which was found able to predict load capacity after exposure to high fire temperature levels. Load-deflection curves indicate deleterious response to the fire exposure.Key words: Burning; Fire Flame; Load Carrying Capacity; SCC Columns Reference [1] Sakai, K., and Sheikh, S. A., "What Do We Know about Confinement in Reinforced Concrete Columns," ACI Structural Journal, V. 86, No. 2, Mach-April, 1989, pp. 192-207. [2] Campion, M., and Jost, P., "SCC: Expanding the Possibilities of Concrete Design and Placement," Concrete International, No. 4, April, 2000, pp. 31-34. [3] Frank J. and Fritz H., "Ecological Performance of SCC," The Swiss Society of Engineering and Architects, 2001, pp. 1-8. [4] Dirch, H.; Mehta, R; and Rune, M., "Rheology of Self-compacting Mortars, Influence of Particle Grading," Research and Development Centre, Aalborg, Denmark, 2000, pp. 1-15. [5] Su, K.; Cho, W.; Yang, C.; and Huang, R., "Effect of Sand Ratio on the Elastic Modulus of SCC," Journal of Marine Science and Technology, V. 10, No. 1, 2002, pp. 8-13. Dr. Mohammed Mansour Kadhum Alkafaji, Saif Salah Alkaizwini |
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26. | Detection of Fault Location in Transmission Lines using Wavelet Transform
Detection of Fault Location in Transmission Lines using Wavelet TransformAbstract: This paper presents a technique to detect the location of the different faults on a transmission lines for quick and reliable operation of protection schemes. The simulation is developed in MATLAB to generate the fundamental component of the transient voltage and current simultaneously both in time and frequency domain. One cycle of waveform, covering pre-fault and post-fault information is abstracted for analysis. The discrete wavelet transform (DWT) is used for data preprocessing. It is applied for decomposition of fault transients, because of its ability to extract information from the transient signal, simultaneously both in time and frequency domain. MATLAB software is used to simulate different operating and fault conditions on high voltage transmission line, namely single phase to ground fault, line to line fault, double line to ground and three phase short circuit.Key words: Simulink, Transmission line Fault Detection, Wavelet, Discrete Wavelet Transform, Reference [1] A.H.Osman and O.P.Malik," Transmission line protection based on wavelet transform" ,IEEE Trans. Power Delivery,Vol.19,No.2,pp.515-523,April 2004. [2] Sukumar M.Brahma "Fault location on a transmission line using Synchronized voltage measurements", IEEE Transactions on power Delivery,Vol.19,No.4,pp.1619-1622,2004 [3] Feng Liang and B.JeyaSurya,"Transmission line protection using wavelet transform based algorithm", IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, Vol.19,No.2,pp.545-553,April 2004. [4] Ching-shan Chen, Ying-Hong Lin, Chih-Wen Lin "A new PMU based fault detection/loction technique for transmission lines with consideration of arcing fault discrimination-Part I&&II", IEEE Transactions on power Delivery,Vol.19,No.4,pp.1587-1601,2004. [5] Robi Polikar," The wavelet Tutorial part-2 for Fourier Transform & Short term Fourier Transform and part-3 for continuous Wavelet transform", Ames,Iowa, 2nd Edition,1996 Shilpi Sahu, Dr. A. K. Sharma |
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27. | Energy Saving Multipath Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
Energy Saving Multipath Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor NetworksAbstract: The Wireless sensor networks have many characteristics such as limited energy resources, low bandwidth and unreliable links. Due to these characteristics there are many challenges in the design of sensor networks. Routing in WSN is very challenging task. Multipath establishes several path for data transmission rather than single path. Due to this data delivery is high. In this paper, we propose energy saving multipath routing protocol (ESMRP). ESMRP make use of load balancing algorithm to transfer the data. ESMRP calculates node strength to discover its next best hop. Our protocol uses two versions, in the first version, data is transmitted through single path, if some path failure occurs or discovered path node strength goes below 15% of alternative path node strength then it will switch to next alternative path. In the second version of ESMRP, message is split into various segments and some correction codes are added to these segments. After that these segments are transmitted across multiple paths. Simulation results shows that the proposed protocol is more energy saving than previous protocol in providing efficient resource utilization.Key words: Correction codes, Energy Saving, Load Balancing, Multipath Routing, Wireless Sensor Networks Reference [1] T. Bokareva, W. Hu, S. Kanhere, B. Ristic, N. Gordon, T. Bessell, M.Rutten and S. Jha ",Wireless Sensor Networks for Battlefield Surveillance",In Proc. of LWC – 2006. [2] A. Mainwaring, J. Polastre, R. Szewczyk, D. Culler, and J. Anderson, "Wireless Sensor Networks for Habitat Monitoring," in the Proceedings of ACM-WSNA Conf., Sep. 2002. [3] Kemal Akkaya *, Mohamed Younis, "A survey on routing protocols for wireless sensor networks. [4] Jayashree A, G. S. Biradar, V. D. Mytri " Review of Multipath Routing Protocols in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Network –A Survey", International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 3, Issue 7, July-2012 1 ISSN 2229-5518. [5] W. Lou, "An efficient N-to-1 mutlipath routing protocol in wireless sensor networks", Proceedings of IEEE international Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS), Washington, DC, November 2005. Yash Arora, Himangi Pande |
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28. | An Adaptive Vague Controller based Power System Stabilizer
An Adaptive Vague Controller based Power System StabilizerAbstract: This paper presents an adaptive Power System Stabilizer (PSS) using an Adaptive Network Based Vague Inference System (ANVIS). An Adaptive Vague Set Based Controller Power System Stabilizer (AVCPSS) has been evaluated. This AVCPSS is capable of providing appropriate stabilization signals over a broad range of operating conditions and disturbances. A Vague Controller (VC) is synthesized by using the notion of vague sets, which are a generalization of fuzzy sets and synonyms of the interval type fuzzy set. In the proposed vague expert system, speed deviation and its derivative have been selected as vague inputs.Key words: Adaptive Network Based Vague Inference System (ANVIS); Adaptive Vague Set Based Controller Power System Stabilizer (AVCPSS) Reference [1] L.A. Zadeh, "Fuzzy sets", Information and Control, vol.8, pp.338-353, 1965. [2] C.C. Lee, "Fuzzy logic in control systems: Fuzzy logic controller- Part I", IEEE Trans. on Syst. Man Cybern., vol 20, no. 2, pp. 404-418, March/April 1990. [3] W.L. Gau and D.J. Buehrer , "Vague Sets", IEEE Trans. on Syst., Man ,and Cybern. vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 610-614, March/April 1993. [4] C.L. Chen and C.T. Hsieh "Vague controller: A generalization of fuzzy logic controller", Int. J. of Syst. Science, vol. 30, pp. 1167 -1186, 1999. [5] P. Hoang and K. Tomsovic, "Design and analysis of an adaptive fuzzy power system stabilizer", IEEE Trans. on Energy Consve., vol. 11,No. 2, pp. 455-461, June 1996. Ritu Agrawal, Shailja Shukla, S.S. Thakur |
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29. | Bit Error Rate Investigations on Mimo System With Different Number of Transmitting Antennas
Bit Error Rate Investigations on Mimo System With Different Number of Transmitting AntennasAbstract: Fading is a common problem in wireless communication systems. MIMO has emerged as a technology that can be used to combat this problem using multiple antennas at transmitter and receiver. In this paper bit error performance of MIMO system with different transmitting antennas has been investigatedKey words: Alamouti Scheme, Bit Error Rate, Fading, MIMO, Rayleigh Fading. Reference [1] Costa Nelson, Haykin Simon (1978) Multiple-Input, Multiple-Output Channel Models: Theory and Practice. New York: John Wiley & Sons. [2] Rappaport Theodore S. (2) (2008) Wireless Communications. Prentice-Hall, Inc. [3] Jakes W. C. Mobile Communications (1974) New York: John Wiley & Sons. [4] Winters J. H. (1998) Smart antennas for wireless system. IEEE Personal Communication Magazine, 5: 23–27. [5] Godara L. C. (1997) Applications of antenna arrays to mobile communications, part I: performance improvements, feasibility, and system considerations. IEEE, 85: 1031–1060. Shakey Garg |
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30. | Re-Designing Of A Service Center with the Free and Open Source SoftwaresProviding R4 (A Comparative Study with the Existing and the Modern Tools of Technology)
Re-Designing Of A Service Center with the Free and Open Source SoftwaresProviding R4 (A Comparative Study with the Existing and the Modern Tools of Technology)Abstract: Aim: To conduct a research study in a service center with the systematic scientific approach as an activity for the purpose of the descriptive analysis .And to suggest a method to customize the service offerings to the customer using the internet technologies . Methodology:As an expost facto study ,there was no control over the local and the global variables but an attempt had been made with the service determinants and the SPSS to relate the same to the modern times .This paper focuses on the observationsfrom the concepts of the industrial Engineering practice for a Service Center and with the help of the QWERLS tries to develop the redesign for the same using the Internet of the Services . Result(S):The results of the same had been analysed with the graphs ,tables and the cronbach's alpha model. Conclusion(S):The conclusion of the paper ended up with the suggestive opinions on the usage of the latest tools and techniques which could be inherited from the concepts of the Total Quality Management and the Information Technology (IT).Key words: QWERLS,SPSS,TQM,IT Reference [1] E-Commerce by Mamta Bhusry. [2] The handbook of management consultancy by Philip Sadler. [3] Engineering Economics & Management Concepts ,Acme Learning Private Limited ,New Delhi by Dr.Rama Mohana Rao&G.V.SatyaSekhar.Weblinks[W]: [4] www.e-surveyspro.com. [5] www.datawinners.com. R.Surya Kiran, VIKAS KUMAR SINGH, BHARAT PARAKH, G SRUJAN KUMAR REDDY, ADEETYA PRAKASH |
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32. | Person Authentication Using Color Face Recognition
Person Authentication Using Color Face RecognitionAbstract: Face is a complex multidimensional structure and needs good computing techniques for recognition. Our approach consists of two feature extraction algorithms that are Gabor wavelet and local binary pattern for the purpose of color face recognition. These methods provide excellent recognition rates for face images taken under severe variation in pose, illumination as well as for small resolution face images. Face recognition is done by Principal Component Analysis. This work shows the performance of color face recognition with YCbCr color space using GW and LBP. The experiments are performed on FEI color database. Result includes recognition rate (in percent) for different method such as YCbCr and Gray using GW and LBP for different pixels resolution such as 54x36, 81x54, and 108x72.Key words: Gabor wavelet, local binary pattern, Principal Component Analysis, FEI color database, YCbCr color space. Reference [1] A. K. Jain, A. Ross, and S. Prabhaker, "An introduction to biometric recognition," IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol., vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 4–20, Jan. 2004. [2] K. W. Bowyer, "Face recognition technology: Security versus privacy," IEEE Technol. Soc. Mag., vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 9–19, Spring 2004. [3] J. Y. Choi, Y. M. Ro, and K. N. Plataniotis, "Color Local Texture Features for Color Face Recognition," IEEE Trans. Image Process., vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 1366–1380, March 2012. [4] Linlin Shen, Li Bai, "A review on Gabor wavelets for face recognition", Pattern Anal Applic Springer-Verlag London Limited, pp. 273–292, August 2006. [5] S. Xie, S. Shan, X. Chen, and J. Chen, "Fusing local patterns of Gabor magnitude and phase for face recognition," IEEE Trans. Image Process., vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 1349–1361, May 2010. Kiran Davakhar, S. B. Mule, Achala Deshmukh |
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33. | MVEMFI: Visualizing and Extracting Maximal Frequent Itemsets
MVEMFI: Visualizing and Extracting Maximal Frequent ItemsetsAbstract: Association rule is a data mining technique that has a huge number of applications. One of the crucial steps in association rule is the extraction of frequent itemsets. This research is inspired by simple appealing visualization of itemsets frequencies in the simple well known two dimension matrix representations. This paper proposes a new procedure to extract maximal frequent itemsets called Matrix Visualization and Extraction of Maximal Frequent Itemsets. The procedure consists of two steps. The first step sets the environment to mine data while the second extracts frequent itemsets. MVEMFI procedure has been tested by three synthetic datasets and processing time has been recorded. It has been found that MVEMFI performance is not affected by the number of transactions or the density of items' occurrences in the dataset.Key words: Association rules, Data mining, Maximal frequent itemset Reference [1] E. Ngai, L. Xiu, and D. Chau, Application of data mining techniques in customer relationship management: A literature review and classification, Expert Systems with Applications, 36(2), 2009, 2592–2602. [2] M. Mak, G. Ho, and S. Ting, A financial data mining model for extracting customer behavior, International Journal of Engineering Business Management, Wai Hung Ip (Ed.), ISBN: 1847-9790, InTech, DOI:10.5772/50937. Available from: http://www.intechopen.com/journals/international_journal_of_engineering_business_management/a-financial-data-mining-model-for-extracting-customer-behavior [3] Q. Zhu, L. Guo, J., N. Xu, and W. Li, Research of tax inspection cases – choice based on association rules in data mining", Proceedings of the Eighth International IEEE Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Hebei, China, 2009, 2625 - 2628. [4] W. Cheng, X. Ji, C. Han, and J. Xi, The mining method of the road traffic illegal data based on rough sets and association rules", IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computation Technology and Automation, Changsha, China, 2010, 856 - 859. [5] L. Li, and M. Zhang, The Strategy of Mining Association Rule Based on Cloud Computing, International Conference on Business Computing and Global Informatization (BCGIN), Shanghai, China, 2011, 475-478. Maha Attia Hana |
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34. | Impact of Condensate Recovery on Boiler Fuel Consumption in Textile Sector
Impact of Condensate Recovery on Boiler Fuel Consumption in Textile SectorAbstract: Energy is one of the main cost factors in the textile industry. Especially in times of high energy price volatility, improving energy-efficiency should be a primary concern for textile plants. There are various energy-efficiency improving opportunities that exist in every textile plant, many of which are cost-effective. Energy consciousness and environmental awareness have transformed condensate from an inexpensive byproduct of steam distribution to a valuable resource that can substantially reduce operating costs. The flash steam generated can contain up to half of the total energy of the condensate, hence flash steam recovery is also an essential part of an energy efficient system. This paper provides information on the steam consumption and recovery technologies and measures applicable to the textile industry. The paper includes case studies from various textile plants in sachin GIDC (Gujarat) and also provides the range of saving under varying conditions..Key words: Condensate recovery, Flash steam, Steam consumption, Textile industry Reference [1] Goyal Sandeep, "Energy Conservation in Textile industry, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing 2011 [2] Saad El-Din A. Energy conservation potential of measurement & control systems and energy saving equipment in textile (dyeing) processes; (gujarat,2004). [3] Sathaye, J, Price, L,e la Rue du Can, S Assessment of Energy Use and Energy Savings Potential in Selected Industrial Sectors in India. Report No. 57293, Berkeley, Berkeley National Laboratory, 2005 [4] Energy Manager Training (EMT). Bestpractices/case studies– Indian industries, energy-efficiency measures in Kanco Overseas Gujarat; 2005 [5] Energy Manager Training (EMT), Best practices/case studies – Indian industries, energy-efficiency measures in Vardhman Yarns & Threads LtdHoshiarpur; 2008. [6] Prince Aravin, "Energy conservation in textile industries &savings, Jun 11 2008 Vineeth C, M G Prince |
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35. | Wireless Sensor Network System to Monitor The Fish Farm
Wireless Sensor Network System to Monitor The Fish FarmAbstract: In recent years, the interest in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) has been growing dramatically. To meet this trend, we have designed Wireless Sensor Network system to monitor the fish farm. We present a practical appli-cation of wireless network. The application requires two different kinds of modules; the sensor itself and the wireless module. The sensor collects and transmits the information to a wireless module using wired connection. Once the information reaches the wireless node, it is forwarded to the central unit through a wireless protocol. The sensor module includes a temperature sensor and pH sensor. The wireless node collects the sensed data by means of an asynchronic wired serial polling communication. The use of this kind of protocol allows connecting a single master with multiple slaves. In our particular case, we have connected one master with two slaves using a transmission rate of 9600 bits per second. The wireless transmission follows the standard IEEE 802.15.4 and implements the routing protocol based on the ZigBee standard.Key words: pH, Temperature, Wireless Sensor Network, ZigBee. Reference [1] M.Lopez,J.M Gómez,J. Sabater,A.Herms, "IEEE 802.15.4 based Wireless monitoring of pH and temperature in a fish farm" IEEE 2010 Conference. [2] Santoshkumar, Vishal Hiremath, "Design and Development of Wireless Sensor Network sys-tem to Monitor Parameters Influencing Freshwater Fishes ", International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering, June, 2012. [3] Joseph K.Butter "An Introduction to Water Chemistry in Freshwater Aquaculture" NRAC Fact sheet No.170-1993 [4] Liqiang Zheng,Jingxuan Li,Michel Hayes,Brendan O'Flynn "Design of a Low Power Wireless Sensor Node for Environmen-tal Monitoring"ISSC,June,2011. [5] Dipanjan Bhattacharjee, Sushaban Choudhury, Ajay kumar, "Wireless intelligent smart sensor node for hazardous gas monitor-ing" international journal of Computer Sci- ence and Information Technology (IJCSIT), Vol 3, No 1, Pp. 53-57. June 2010 Kirankumar G.Sutar, Prof.Ramesh T.Patil |
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36. | Content based web spam detection using naive bayes with different feature representation technique
Content based web spam detection using naive bayes with different feature representation techniqueAbstract: Web Spam Detection is the processing to organize the search result according to specified criteria. Most often this refers to the automatic processing of search result, but the term also applies to the automatic classification of search results into ham and spam. Our work also evaluates change in performance by using different representation for the document vector like term frequency (TF), Binary, inverse document frequency (IDF) and TF-IDF. There are various Benchmark Datasets available for researchers related to web spam filtering. There has been significant effort to generate public benchmark datasets for anti- web spam filtering. One of the main concerns is how to protect the privacy of the users whose ham links are included in the datasets. We perform a statistical analysis of a large collection of WebPages, focusing on spam detection. Dimension reduction is important part of classification because it provides ease to visualize high dimensional data. This work reduce dimension of training data in 2D and full and mapped training and test data in to vector space. There are several classification here we use Naive Bayes classification and train data set with varying different representation and testing perform with different spam ham ratioKey words: Content spam, keyword count, variety, density and Hidden or invisible text Reference [1] Alexa, "Alexa top 500 sites." http://www.alexa.com/site/ds/top_sites?ts_mode=global, 2008. [2] Anderson, D. S. and others, "Spamscatter: Characterizing Internet Scam Hosting Infrastructure," in Proceedings of 16th Usenix Security Symposium (Security '07), 2007 [3] Acquisti, A. and Gross, R., "Imagined communities: Awareness, information sharing, and privacy on the facebook," in Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PET '06), pp. 36 – 58, 2006. [4] Associated Press, "Official sues students over myspace page." http: //www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/news/archive/2006/09/22% /national/a092749D95.DTL, 2006 [5] Androutsopoulos, I., Paliouras, G., and Michelakis, E., "Learning to Filter Unsolicited Commercial E-mail," Tech. Rep. 2004/2, National Center for Scientific Research "Demokritos", 2004. Amit Anand Soni, Abhishek Mathur |
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37. | Optimization of Process Parameters for Multi-Layer- Cum Microwave Drying Of Oyster Mushrooms (Pleurotus Sajor Caju)
Optimization of Process Parameters for Multi-Layer- Cum Microwave Drying Of Oyster Mushrooms (Pleurotus Sajor Caju)Abstract: Experiments on oyster mushroom were carried out to study the effect of multi layer-cum-microwave drying process parameters viz. loading density, air velocity and power level on the quality characteristics of the dried product. Quality characteristics viz. rehydration ratio, shrinkage ratio, texture, colour, overall acceptability of dried mushroom were analyzed. The process parameters were optimized using response surface methodology for responses with significant model and non significant lack of fit. The optimum operating conditions for air velocity, loading density and power level were 3.80 m/sec 38.80 kg/m2 and 413 W at 600C drying air temperature. Corresponding to these values of process variables, the value of rehydration ratio, shrinkage ratio, hardness, chewiness, colour change was 2.15, 0.84, 720 N, 473N and 15.50 respectively. The overall desirability was 0.78.Key words: Multi layer-cum-microwave drying, optimization, oyster mushroom, quality. Reference [1] Abasi S, Mousavi S M, Mohebi M and Kiani S (2009) Effect of time and temperature on moisture content, shrinkage and rehydration of dried onion. Iranian J chem Engg 6(3). [2] Ade O, Rastogi N K, Angersbach A and Knorr D (2002) Osmotic dehydration behavior of red paprika (Capsicum annum L.) J Fd Sci 67: 1790-96. [3] Brennan M H and Gormely (2000) Extending the shelf life of fresh sliced mushrooms. J Sci Fd Agric 26: 401-11. [4] Chang S T and Buswell J A (1996) Mushroom nutraceuticals. W Microbiol Biotechnol 12: 473-76. [5] Chauca C, M., Ramos, A M and Stringheta, P. C. (2002). Color and texture change during banana drying (Musa spp. nanica).Allimentaria, 337:153–58. Shakti Bansal, Satish Kumar, M.S Alam, Mahesh Kumar |
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38. | Fast Data Collection in Multipath Routing With Independent Directed Acyclic Graphs
Fast Data Collection in Multipath Routing With Independent Directed Acyclic GraphsAbstract: in this paper, we introduce the concept of Independent Directed Acyclic Graphs (IDAGs) to achieve resilient multipath routing. The algorithm developed in this paper: (1) achieves multipath routing; (2) guarantees recovery from single link failure. The multipath routing scheme consists of an algorithm to determine a set of multiple disjoint or partially disjoint paths and a mechanism for distributing traffic over a multipath route to reduce the traffic load on a congested link. Multipath routing is capable of aggregating the resources of multiple paths and reducing the blocking capabilities in QoS oriented networks, allowing data transfer at higher rate when compared to single path. To improve the failure resiliency without jeopardizing the routing stability, we propose a local rerouting based approach called failure insensitive routing. Under this approach, upon a link failure, adjacent router suppresses global updating and instead initiates local rerouting. We demonstrate that the proposed approach provides higher service availability than the existing routing schemes.Reference [1] S. Cho, T. Elhourani,and S. Ramasubramanian, "Resilient multipath routing with independent directed acyclic graphs," in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Commun., Cape Town, South Africa, May 2010, pp. 1–5. [2] Z. Ye, S. V. Krishnamurthy, and S. K. Tripathi, "A framework for reliable routing in mobile ad hoc networks," in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, Apr. 2003, pp. 270–280. [3] P. P. Pham and S. Perreau, "Performance analysis of reactive shortest path and multi-path routing mechanism with load balance," in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, 2003, pp. 251–259. [4] J. Tsai and T. Moors, "A review of multipath routing protocols: From wireless ad hoc to mesh networks," in Proc. ACoRN Early Career Res. Workshop Wireless Multihop Netw., Jul. 17–18, 2006, pp. 17–22. [5] S. Murthy and J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves, "Congestion-oriented shortest multipath routing," in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, Mar. 1996, vol. 3, pp.1028–1036. N. Niharika, R.V. SubbaRayudu, K. Manjula |
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39. | Development of Self Repairable Concrete System
Development of Self Repairable Concrete SystemAbstract: During the serviceability of structure concrete is subjected to different damages. The common approach for repair of Structural concrete are: Polymer Injunction, External prestressing, Geomembranes and Polymer wraps. The above technique is based on addition of a repair material to concrete from outside to inside of structural members. Now we are going to develop the self-repairing concrete by adding the materials from inside the concrete to repair. Our technique to develop self-repairing concrete consists of embedding repairing materials in hollow ducts in the repairing zone before it is subjected to damage. Therefore when cracks occurs this repairs materials will get released from inside and it will enter the repairing zone. Where it will penetrate into cracks and rebound to mother material of Structure and it will repair the damage.Key words: Concrete – Serviceability – Cracks - Epoxy resins - Repairs Reference 1. Dr. Carolyn Dry Has Carried Out Lot Of Work On Development Of Self Repairing Durable Concrete. Natural Process Design, Inc. Winona, Minnesota (507-452-9113). 2. Mihashi, H. and Y. Kaneko, Intelligent concrete with self-healing capability. Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan, 2000. 25(2): p. 557-560. 3. Li, V.C., Y.M. Lim, and Y.-W. Chan, Feasibility study of a passive smart self-healing cementitious composite. Composites Part B, 1998. 29B: p. 819-827. 4. Pang, J.W.C. and I.P. Bond, A hollow fibre reinforced polymer composite ecompassing self-healing and enhanced damage visibility. composites Science and Technology, 2005. 65: p. 1791-1799. 5. Dry, C.M., Alteration of matrix permeability and associated pore and crack structure by timed release of internal chemicals. Ceramic Transactions, 1991: p. 191-193. S.G.Kadam, A. A. Gandhi, Dr. M.A.Chakrabarti |
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40. | Performing DCT8x8 Computation on GPU Using NVIDIA CUDA Technology
Performing DCT8x8 Computation on GPU Using NVIDIA CUDA TechnologyAbstract: In this paper, we have proposed sequential and parallel Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) in compute unified device architecture (CUDA) libraries. The introduction of programmable pipeline in the graphics processing units (GPU) has enabled configurability. GPU which is available in every computer has a tremendous feat of highly parallel SIMD processing, but its capability is often under-utilized. The two-dimensional variation of the transform that operates on 8x8 blocks (DCT8x8) is widely used in image and video coding because it exhibits high signal de-correlation rates and can be easily implemented on the majority of contemporary computing architectures. Performing DCT8x8 computation on GPU using NVIDIA CUDA technology gives significant performance boost even compared to a modern CPU.Key words: Discrete Cosine Transform, Graphics Processor unit (GPU), Computed unified device architecture (CUDA). Reference [1] Syed Ali Khayam. "The Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT): Theory and Application". ECE 802 – 602: Information Theory and Coding, March 10th 2003. [2] R. Kresch and N. Merhav, "Fast DCT domain filtering using the DCT and the DST". HPL Technical Report #HPL-95-140, December 1995. [3] Tze-Yun Sung, Yaw-Shih Shieh, Chun-Wang Yu, Hsi-Chin Hsin,"High-Efficiency and Low-Power Architectures for 2-D DCT and IDCT Based on CORDIC Rotation", Proceedings of the 7th ICPDC, pp. 191-196, 2006. [4] Simon Green. Discrete Cosine Transform GPU implementation.http://developer.download.nvidia.com/SDK/9.5/Samples/vidimaging_samples.html#gpgpu_dct. [5] K. Fatahalian and M. Houston, "GPUs: A Closer Look", ACM Queue, Vol. 6, No. 2, March/April 2008, pp. 18–28. Jagdamb Behari Srivastava, R. B. Singh, Jitendra Jain |
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41. | An Investigation On Performance Characteristics of Radial In-Flow Turbo-Expander with Backswept Curved Rotor
An Investigation On Performance Characteristics of Radial In-Flow Turbo-Expander with Backswept Curved RotorAbstract: In this research, results of the designed radial inflow turbo-expander with back swept curve blade rotor have been presented. The spiral casing is designed considering constant mean flow velocity and the areas of cross-sections of the spiral casing are decreased gradually by reducing the width of the flow areas from inlet to end. The rotor is shrouded to cope up with centrifugal as well as bending load on the vanes of the rotor and avoid energy losses due to the tip clearance. The degree of reaction is selected as 0.25 in contrast to usual value of 0.5 at design point on the consideration of absolute velocity of air at nozzle exit needs to be higher than the rotor tip speed. The rotor shaft assembly is supported by externally pressured air bearing. The turbine with coupled brake centrifugal compressor, aerostatic radial and thrust bearing and test rig are developed for conducting experiments. The experiments are conducted with compressed cold air by varying mass flow rates and pressure ratios. At the pressure ratio of 1.6 the temperature drop of 12.5oC of flowing air across turbo expander is achieved and 41% total to static efficiency is obtained. The findings of exhaustive experimentation with the developed turbo expander are illustrated in details in this paper.Key words: Air bearing, turbo expander, shrouded rotor, temperature drop Reference [1] Philip P. Walsh / Paul Fletcher, Gas Turbine Performance, John Wiley & Sons, 2004 [2] R G Chen, Y Liu, Y Hou and G Xi, The experimental study of a miniature high-speed gas-bearing expansion turbine, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, Vol. 225, Part A, 2010,319 -326 [3] G. B. McDonald, E. Lennemann and J. H. G. Howard, Measured and Predicted Flow Near the Exit of a Radial-Flow Impeller, ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 93(4), 1971,441-446 [4] O. E Balje, Turbomachines: A Guide to Design Selection and Theory," John Wiley & Sons, 1981 [5] S. L. Dixon, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Turbomachinery, 4th Edition, Pergamon Press, London, 1998 Lal Gopal Das, Pranab Samanta And Naresh Chandra Murmu |
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43. | Text Mining For Information Filtering Using Patterns
Text Mining For Information Filtering Using PatternsAbstract: Many data mining techniques have been proposed with regard to mining valuable patterns with text docs. However, how you can effectively utilize and update discovered patterns is still an start research problem, especially from the domain regarding text mining. Since nearly all existing text message mining methods adopted term-based methods, they all experience the problems of polysemy and also synonymy. Over the years, people include often used the hypothesis that style (or phrase)-based methods should perform better than the term-based people, but a lot of experiments don't support this hypothesis. This project presents a progressive and effective pattern discovery technique which includes the techniques of style deploying and also pattern changing, to improve the potency of using and also updating observed patterns with regard to finding applicable and fascinating information.Key words: Classification, Granule mining, Pattern Mining, Text Mining, Reference [1] M. Sassano, "Virtual Examples for Text Classification with Support Vector Machines," Proc. Conf. Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP '03), pp. 208-215, 2003. [2] X. Yan, J. Han, and R. Afshar, "Clospan: Mining Closed Sequential Patterns in Large Datasets," Proc. SIAM Int'l Conf. Data Mining (SDM '03), pp. 166-177, 2003. [3] N. Jindal and B. Liu, "Identifying Comparative Sentences in Text Documents," Proc. 29th Ann. Int'l ACM SIGIR Conf. Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR '06), pp. 244-251, 2006. [4] Y. Li, W. Yang, and Y. Xu, "Multi-Tier Granule Mining for Representations of Multidimensional Association Rules," Proc. IEEE Sixth Int'l Conf. Data Mining (ICDM '06), pp. 953-958, 2006. [5] N. Cancedda, E. Gaussier, C. Goutte, and J.-M. Renders, "Word- Sequence Kernels," J. Machine Learning Research, vol. 3, pp. 1059- 1082, 2003. Srujini.T, Deepthi.B |
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44. | Robotics in Medicine Applications
Robotics in Medicine ApplicationsAbstract: Robotics for medical applications started fifteen years ago while for biological applications it is rather new (about five years old). Robotic surgery can accomplish what doctors cannot because of precision and repeatability of robotic systems. Besides, robots are able to operate in a contained space inside the human body. All these make robots especially suitable for non-invasive or minimally invasive surgery and for better outcomes of surgery. Today, robots have been demonstrated or routinely used for heart, brain, and spinal cord, throat, and knee surgeries at many hospitals in the United States (International Journal of Emerging Medical Technologies, 2005).Key words: Bearings, Robot Machinery, Sensors, Synthetic molecular motors, Telesurgery techniques Reference [1] "Telepresence surger'', SRI Center for Medical Technology "Medical Robotics'', Lara Crawford, Robotics Lab, University of Berkeley, California [2] "An experimental telesurgery robot", G.C. Thorne, M. Halliwell, P.N.T. Wells, IEE Colloquium on 'Towards Telesurgery', No. 1995/137, pp. 4/1-4 "The Karlsruhe Endoscopic Surgery Trainer'', Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe Technik und Umwelt. [3] "A Robot with Improved Absolute Positioning Accuracy for CT Guided Stereotactic Brain Surgery", Y.S.Kwoh, J.Hou, E.A. Jonckheere, S.Hayati, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol.35, Feb.1988, pp.153-60 "3D image reconstruction and its application to surgery automation" [4] C.H.Cheng, W.H.Yeng, M.C.Tsai, H.B.Hsieh, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Systems Integration, Aug.1994, pp.967-73 "Safety Critical Problems In Medical Systems", Brian Davies, Proceedings of the Second Safety-Critical Systems Symposium, pp. 55-68 [5] "Robotics in Medicine", P.Dario, E.Guglielmelli, B.Allotta, IROS '94. Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ/GI International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. Advanced Robotic Systems and the Real World (Cat.No.94CH3447-0), Sept.1994, Vol.2, pp.739-52 Shripad Shashikant Chopade, Sagar Pradip Kauthalkar, Chaitanya Bhalchandra Bhandari |
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45. | Embedded Multi-Resolution Signal Tracing For Amba Ahb With Real Time Lossless Compression
Embedded Multi-Resolution Signal Tracing For Amba Ahb With Real Time Lossless CompressionAbstract: AHB Bus Tracer is a significant infrastructure that is needed to monitor the on chip-bus signals, which is vital for debugging and performance analysis and also optimizing the SOC. Basically on chip signals are difficult to observe since they are deeply embedded in a SoC and no sufficient I/O pins are required to access those signals. Therefore, we embed a bus tracer in SoC to capture the bus signals and store them. In this paper a multiresolution AHB On-Chip bus tracer is proposed for system-on-chip (SoC) debugging and monitoring which is capable of capturing the bus trace with different resolutions and efficient built-in compression mechanisms. Subsequently compression of the trace without any loss of the actual trace which when reconstructed at the analyzer will remain the same. The trace data will be decompressed on the host for further observation and debugging. The experimental results show that the proposed approach was designed successfully; the RTL simulations were performed successfully along with successful synthesis using Xilinx ISE.Key words: AMBA, AHB Bus Tracer, Real Time Compression, multi-resolution, signal tracing. Reference [1] An On-Chip AHB Bus Fu-Ching Yang, Member, IEEE, Yi-Ting Lin, Chung-Fu Kao, and Ing-Jer Huang IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VERY LARGE SCALE INTEGRATION (VLSI) SYSTEMS, VOL. 19, NO. 4, APRIL 2011 [2] ARM Ltd., San Jose, CA, ―ARM. AMBA AHB Trace Macrocell (HTM) technical reference manual ARM DDI 0328D, 2007. [3] B. Vermeulen, K. Goosen, R. van Steeden, and M. Bennebroek, "Communication- centric SoC debug using transactions," in Proc. 12th IEEE Eur. Test Symp., May 20–24, 2007, pp. 69–76. [4] ARM Ltd., San Jose, CA, "Embedded trace macro cell architecture specification," 2006. [5] First Silicon Solutions (FS2) Inc., Sunnyvale, CA, "AMBA navigator spec sheet," 2005. B. H. K. Bhagat Kumar, B. S. S.Vidya |
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46. | Unknown Input Full Order Observer Construction Using Generalized Matrix Inverse
Unknown Input Full Order Observer Construction Using Generalized Matrix InverseAbstract: In this paper a design methodology is proposed to provide a constructive solution to the problem of designing a full order observer for linear time invariant systems subjected to unknown disturbances. Necessary conditions for existence of unknown input observers are stated and solved using generalized matrix inverse. The effect of unknown disturbance present in the system is eliminated from the observer by proper selection of gain parameter. Simulation is carried out and results are discussed to illustrate the proposed procedure.Key words: Full Order Observer, Generalized Matrix Inverse, Linear Time Invariant System (LTI), Missile autopilot, Unknown Input Observer (UIO). Reference [1] G. Basile and G. Marro,"On the observability of linear, time-invariant systems with unknown inputs," Journal of Optimization theory and applications, vol. 3, no. 6, pp. 410-415, June 1969. [2] F. Yang and R. W. Wilde. "Observers for linear systems with unknown inputs," IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control , vol. 33, no. 7, pp. 677-681, July 1988. [3] M. Darouach, M. Zasadzinski, and S. J Xu " Full-order observers for linear systems with unknown inputs," IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. 39, no. 3, pp. 606-609, March 1994. [4] B. Sfaihi, O Boubaker, "Full order observer design for linear systems with unknown inputs," IEEE International Conf. on Industrial Technology (ICIT), Hammamet, Tunisia, pp. 1233-1238, December 2004. [5] S. Hui and S. H. Zak., "Observer design for systems with unknown inputs," International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 431-446, 2005. Samoshri Mitra, Avijit Banerjee, Gourhari Das |
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47. | Study Of Height Dependency Of Drape Parameters
Study Of Height Dependency Of Drape ParametersAbstract: Drape coefficient is a dependent value which itself is not sufficient to describe drape. Along, with this other drape parameters are also required to have a profound understanding of drape. In this paper it has been tried to find out the height dependency of these parameters to explain drape more explicitly. It shows that a positive correlation exists between the height of hanging and drape coefficient, Nodal length whereas a negative correlation exists with drape distance ratio. Poor correlation is seen with other parameters. These outcomes can be used to improve garment designing applications.Key words: Drape, Drape coefficient, Height of Hanging, Node parameters, Drape parameters Reference [1] Mailis Mäkinen and Harriet Meinander, "Influence of Physical Parameters on abric Hand",Tampere University of Technology, SmartWearLab, Christiane Luible and Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann University of Geneva, MIRALab. [2] Ajit Kumar Pattanayak, Ameersing Luximon and Asimananda Khandual," Prediction of drape profile of cotton woven fabrics using artificial neural network and multiple regression method", Textile Research Journal 81(6) 559–566. [3] Stylos GK and Wan TR. The concept of virtual measurement – 3D fabric drapability. Int J Cloth Sci Tech 1999; 11(1): 10–18. [4] Matsudaira M and Zhang YM. Method of measuring drape coefficient of fabrics and the regression equation with mechanical parameters. Proceedings 26th Textile Research Symposium Mt. Fuji, Fibrous Materials Research Group Kyoto. 1997, pp.219–224. [5] Behera BK and Pangadiya A. Drape measurement by digital image processing. Textile Asia 2003; 34(11): 45–50. Mrs. S. A. Agrawal |
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48. | Design and Implementation of Robust Router Using Vlsi
Design and Implementation of Robust Router Using VlsiAbstract: In his paper we attempt to give a networking solution by applying VLSI architecture techniques to router design for networking systems to provide intelligent control over the network. Networking routers today have limited input/output configurations, which we attempt to overcome by adopting bridging loops to reduce the latency and security concerns. Other techniques we explore include the use of multiple protocols. We attempt to overcome the security and latency issues with protocol switching technique embedded in the router engine itself. The approach is based on hardware coding to reduce the impact of latency issues as the hardware itself is designed according to the need. We attempt to provide a multipurpose networking router by means of Verilog code, thus we can maintain the same switching speed with more security as we embed the packet storage buffer on chip and generate the code as a self-independent VLSI Based router. Our main focus is the implementation of hardware IP router. The approach enables the router to process multiple incoming IP packets with different versions of protocols simultaneously, e.g. for IPv4 and IPv6. The approach will results in increased switching speed of routing per packet for both current trend protocols, which we believe would result in considerable enhancement in networking systems.Key words: Robust Router, packets, FPGA, RTL, IP Reference [1] Y. Katsube, K. Nagami, and H. Esaki, "Toshiba's Router Architecture Extensions for ATM: Overview," IETF RFC2098, April 1997. [2] Y. Rekhter, B. Davie, D. Katz, E. Rosen, and G. Swallow, "Cisco Systems' Tag Switching Architecture Overview," IETF RFC 2105, Feb. 1997. Amir.Palnitkar. 2nd Edition [3] J. Moy, OSPF: Anatomy of an Internet Routing Protocol, 1998 [4] Tobias Bjerregaard and Shankar Mahadevan. A survey of research and practices of network-on-chip. ACM Comput. Surv., 38(1):1, 2006. [5] Charles.H.Roth,Jr Digital System Design Using VHDL Shaik. Mallika, P. Srinivas, Md. Taj |
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49. | Reduction of Losses and Comparision of Sensor and Sensor less
Control of Four-Switch Inverter Fed Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motor for Low Cost Commercial Applications
Reduction of Losses and Comparision of Sensor and Sensor less Control of Four-Switch Inverter Fed Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motor for Low Cost Commercial ApplicationsAbstract: The main purpose of this paper is to develop low costfour-switch brushless dc (BLDC) motor drives for practical industrial applications. Permanent Magnet Brushless DC (PMBLDC)machines are more popular due to its simple structure and low cost. Improvements in permanent magnetic materials and power electronic devices have resulted in reliable, cost effective PMBLDC drives, for many applications. PMBL motors find applications in diverse fields such as domestic appliances and automobiles due to its low cost and performance. Modelling, simulation and experimentation of drives with new converter configuration and control schemes are essential for making this drive competitive. In this paper, a comparative study between sensor and sensor less control of four-switch Inverter fed PMBLDC is discussed and Simulation model using transfer function of BLDC motor is presented.Key words: PMBLDC Motor, Simulation models, sensor less, Fuzzy logic controller Reference [1] Pragasan Pillay and R.Krishnan,(1988), "Modeling of Permanent Magnet Motor Drives",IEEE'1988,vol35, No.4. PPillay and R Krishnan. 'Modelling, Simulation and Analysis of a Permanent Magnet Brushless dc Motor Drive.'Conference Record of IEEE/IAS Meeting, 1987, p 8 [2] R. Krishnan, "A novel single-switch-per-phase converter topology for four-quadrant pm brushless dc motor drive", IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., Vol. 33, No. 5, pp. 1154-1161, Sep./Oct., 1997 [3] R. Krishnan and P. Vijayraghavan, "A new power converter topology for PM Brushless dc motor drives", in Proc. IEEE IECON, Vol. 2, pp. 709– 714, 1998 [4] B. K. Lee and M. Ehsani, "Advanced BLDC motor drive for low cost and high performance propulsion system in electric and hybrid vehicles", in Proc. IEEE Electric Machines and Drives Conf., pp. 246-251, 2001. [5] B. K. Lee, T. H. Kim and M. Ehsani, "On the feasibility of four-switch three-phase BLDC motor drives for low cost commercial applications: topology and control", in Proc. IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conf. and Expo., Vol. 1, pp. 428-433, 2001 Pvsl Pavana Kumari, P.Sri Hari |
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50. | Base Rock Vibration Characteristics Analysis from Surface Ground Motion
Base Rock Vibration Characteristics Analysis from Surface Ground MotionAbstract: A computer program is developed assuming underlying soil as horizontally layered and one-dimensional. Soil material non-linearity is considered in this problem. One dimensional shear wave equation is solved. Space is discretized by Finite Element method and time is discretized by Central Difference method. Two parameter hyperbolic model and Masing rule are used to obtain the dynamic stress-strain behaviour. The number of soil layers, the properties of different soil layers such as density, initial shear modulus, reference strain and the properties of rigid base rock such as density and shear modulus are used as input data. Record of the earthquake which occurred at El-Centro in 1940, is used here as surface acceleration data. The output of the program is dynamic stress-strain behaviour in different soil layers, variation of secant shear modulus with time in different soil layers, deformation in different soil layers and base rock acceleration of the soil layer. The soil properties data assumed here is soft layer in the upper portion and comparatively stiffer layer in the bottom layer. The base rock layer is the stiffest layer. The peak base rock acceleration is found greater than the peak surface acceleration. Hysteresis loop is maintained in each layer of the soil column for obtaining dynamic stress-strain behaviour. Variation of secant shear modulus with time is fluctuating. The surface deformation is found greater than the base rock deformation.Key words: Central Difference method, Finite Element Method, Hyperbolic Model, Secant Shear Modulus, Hysteresis Loop. Reference [1] Raheem, S.E.A, Hayashikawa, T., Hashimoto, I. (2003), "Effect of soil-foundation-superstructure interaction on seismic response of cable stayed bridges tower with spread footing foundation", Journal of Structural Engineering Vol.49A. Books: [2] Chopra, A.K. (2006), "Dynamics of Structures" (Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi-110 001, ISBN-81-203-2139-1). [3] Clough, R.W and Penzien, J. (1993), "Dynamics of Structures" (Second Edition, McGraw-Hill, Inc, ISBN 0-07-113241-4). [4] Ishihara, K. (1996)," Soil Behaviour in Earthquake Geotechnics" (Clarendon Press, Oxford , ISBN 019 856224). Theses: [5] Hassan, Md. Raquibul, Estimation of base rock vibration characteristics from surface ground motion. BSc Thesis, Department of Civil Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, BUET, 2011. Md. Raquibul Hassan, Md. Tarik Hossain, Faisal Shakib Ahmed |
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51. | Design of Pmsm Based On Dtc Method with Mras
Design of Pmsm Based On Dtc Method with MrasAbstract: Permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSM) are appropriate for applications with load-independent speeds or synchronous operation with high accuracy under defined speed. In this paper analysis the structure and equations of the PMSM, direct torque control (DTC) and voltage space vector process then study model reference adaptive system (MRAS) estimators. The PI controller uses from estimate speed feedback and do the speed sensor less control of PMSM based on DTC method with MRAS. The simulation results show that the speed of rotor estimates with high precision and torque response is considerably fast.Key words: permanent magnet synchronous motor; speed control; direct torque control; model reference adaptive system. Reference [1] M. Jafarboland, E. Babaei, "Sensorless speed/position estimation for permanet magnet synchronous machine via extended Kalman filter",Jour. of Trans. on Elec. Tech. (JTET), Vol.1, No.1, pp.31-36, Winter 2009. [2] L. Zhong, M..F. Rahman, W.Y. Hu, K.W. Lim, "Analysis of direct torque control in permanet magnet synchronous motor drives", IEEETrans. on Pow. Elec., Vol.12, No.3, pp. 528-536, 1997. [3] Z. Tan , Y. Li, Z. Ji, "Speed sensorless DTC and parameter estimationof induction motor based on a full-order MRAS method", IEEE Trans on Pow. Elec. ,pp.1202– 1206, 2000. [4] S. Özçıra, N. Bekiroğlu, E. Ayçiçek "Speed control of permanent magnet synchronous motor based on direct torque control method",IEEE/ISPE, pp. 268-272, 2008. [5] M. F. Rahman, L. Zhong, E. Haque, "Selection of voltage switching tables for DTC controlled interior permanent magnet motor", Sch. ofElec. Eng. and Tele., The Uni. of New Sou. Wal., Sydney, NSW 2052 Australia, 1999. M. Pradeep Kumar, S. Sirisha, M. Chandramouly |
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52. | Stress Analysis Of Rocker Arm Of Internal Combustion Engine
Stress Analysis Of Rocker Arm Of Internal Combustion EngineAbstract: The effect of total force i.e. gas pressure, inertia force and initial spring force acting on the existing rocker arm is evaluated. It is found that the maximum stress is occurred at the push rod side end. For optimization the various models of rocker arm are developed, keeping its weight constant. The effect of total force on this various models are evaluated. The model showing less stress is found suitable as compared to other models. Geometric models are developed in software Pro-E and for analysis software ANSYS 11 is used.Key words: Gas pressure, Inertia force, Initial spring force, Analysis Reference [1] Kun cheng, College of Manufcturing Science and Engineering,Southwest University of Science and Technology, Mianyang China "Finite Element Analysis for Rocker Arms of verticall Roller Mill on the ANSYS Workbench". [2] Chin-Sung Chung, Ho-Kyung Kin,, Department of Automobile Engineering, Seoul national University of Technology, republic of Korea, "Safety Evaluation of the Rocker Arm of a diesel engine". [3] Z.W. Yu, X. L. Xu , Institute of Metal and Technology, Dalian Maritime university, chin, "Failure Analysis of Diesel Engine Rocker Arm". [4] J.W. David and Yimin Wei, North Carolina State University and J.A. Covey, General Motors, "Optimal Rocker Arm Design in High Speed Internal Combustion Engine". [5] N. B. Bhandari, Design of Machine Element (Tata McGraw-Hill). Mr.V.H.Waghmare, Prof. Y.L. Yenarkar |
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53. | Usage-Based Methodology for Transmission Network Cost Allocation
Usage-Based Methodology for Transmission Network Cost AllocationAbstract: This paper presents a procedure for allocating transmission cost to generators and loads. The procedure is based on the network Z-bus matrix. This work proposes three methods using bus impedance matrix Zbus. The three techniques are Zbus method, Zbus avg method and a newly proposed technique. The new method is very effective in transmission cost allocation A physically-based network usage procedure is proposed.. Case studies IEEE 24-bus system is used to illustrate the working of the proposed techniques using MATLAB programming.Key words: Impedance and Admittance matrix, Network u s a g e , t r a n smi s s i o n cost allocation Reference [1] M. Ilic, F. Galiana, and L. Fink, Power Systems Restructuring: Engi- neering and Economics. Norwell, MA: Kluwer, 1998. [2] D. S. Kirschen and G. Strbac, Fundamentals of Power System Eco- nomics. Chichester, U.K.: Wiley, 2004. [3] J. W. M. Lima, "Allocation of transmission fixed rates: An overview,"IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol. 11, no. 3, pp.1409–1418, Aug. 1996. [4] J. Bialek, "Topological generation and load distribution factors for sup-plement charge allocation in transmission open access," IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol.12, no. 3, pp. 1185–1193, Aug. 1997. [5] D. S. Kirschen, R. N. Allan, and G. Strbac, "Contributions of individual generators to loads and flows," IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 52–60, Feb. 1997. G.Venkat Pradeep*, K.Janardhan |
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54. | Theoretical And Numerical Slop Effect Study Of Non-Prismatic Beam On Fatigue Load And Location Failure Of Beam
Theoretical And Numerical Slop Effect Study Of Non-Prismatic Beam On Fatigue Load And Location Failure Of BeamAbstract: In this paper, study of effect of slop of non-prismatic beam on the values of fatigue load required of failure the non-prismatic beam and the location of failure of beam. The study presented, theoretical study of non-prismatic beam with dynamic fatigue load in bending effect on the non-prismatic beam. And the compare of analytical results with numerical results presented and given good agreement with maximum error about 2.8% and minimum error about 1.3%. The parameters study are the small to large diameter non-prismatic beam ratio, length to large diameter beam ratio, large diameter of beam , and the type of material using on the values of fatigue load, location of failure of beam, and fatigue stress applied to maximum fatigue stress of beam ratio and the location of maximum fatigue stress on non-prismatic beam. The length to large diameter ratio using from ' 10 to 100' and small to large diameter beam ratio using from ' 0 to 1 ' and the large beam diameters using are ' 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, and, 250 mm'.Key words: Fatigue Study, Non-Prismatic Beam, Fatigue Location, Slope Beam Effect, Fatigue Effect. Reference [1] H. J. Al_Gahtani and M. S. Khan 'Exact Analysis of Non-prismatic Beams' Journal of Engineering Mechanics/ November 1998. [2] John W. Fisher, Karl H. Frank, Manfred A. Hirt, and Bernard M. McNamee 'Effect of Weldments on the Fatigue Strength of Steel Beams' Fritz Engineering Laboratory Report No. 334.2, 1969. [3] Kiang Hwee Tan 'design of Non-Prismatic RC Beams Using Strut-and-Tie Models' Journal of Advance Concrete Technology, Vol. 2, No. 2, 249-256, June 2004. [4] Mumuni I. 'A Finite Element Model for the Analysis and Optimal Design of Beams and Plates with Variable Flexural Rigidly' Thesis Presented to Vanderbilt university at Nashville, Tenn in Partial Fulfillment of the requirement, for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, 1983. [5] M. S. Khan and H. J. Al_Gahtani 'Analysis of Continuous Non-Prismatic Beams Using Boundary Procedures' The Fourth Saudi Engineering Conference, Vol. 2, No. 5, 1995. Dr. Muhannad Al-Waily |
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55. | Stability Analysis of Controlled Two Area System Using Fgpi Controller
Stability Analysis of Controlled Two Area System Using Fgpi ControllerAbstract: The dynamic behavior of power system depends up on disturbances and on changes in the operating point. In interconnected large power systems, variations in frequency can lead to serious large scale stability problems. Load characteristics, unexpected changes in power demand and faults also affect the stability. Load frequency control (LFC) is one of the major requirements in providing reliable and quality operation in multi-area power system. Conventional PID control schemes will not reach a high performance. A gain scheduling controller can be used for nonlinear systems. Some fuzzy gain scheduling of PI controllers have been proposed to solve such problems in power systems and who developed different fuzzy rules for the proportional and integral gains separately.Index Terms: LFC, ACE, FGPI etc., Reference [1] E. Cam and I. Kocaarslan, Load frequency control in two area power systems using fuzzy logic controller, Energy Conversion and Management, vol.46, no.2, pp.233-243, 2005 [2] K.S. Tang, K.F. Man, G. Chen, S. Kwong, An optimal fuzzy PID controller, IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 48 (4) (2001) 757–765. [3] W. Tan, Uni ed tuning of PID load frequenccontroller for power systems via IMC, IEEE Trans.on Power Systems, vol.25, no.1, pp.341-350, 2010 [4] Ertugrul Cam ,IlhanKocaarslan, A Fuzzy gain scheduling PI controller application for an interconnection electrical power system,vol.73,in 2005,pp.267-274. [5] L. H. Hassan, H. A. F. Mohamed, M. Moghavvemi and S. S. Yang, Automatic generation control of power system with fuzzy gain scheduling integral and derivative controllers, International Journalof Power Energy and Artificial Intelligence, vol.1, no.1, pp.29-33, 2008. G. Shiny Vikram, V. N. Srihari Relangi, N. Venkata Ramana |
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56. | Performance Analysis of Modified CHB Multilevel Inverter using Various Carrier Modulation Schemes
Performance Analysis of Modified CHB Multilevel Inverter using Various Carrier Modulation SchemesAbstract: This paper describes various Carrier Modulation PWM scheme and its performance analysis for nine-level Modified Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter (M-CHB-MLI). This M-CHB-MLI topology with a multi conversion cell consists of four equal voltage sources with four controlled switches and four diodes. Instead of 16-controlled switches used in conventional topology for 9-level output voltage, only eight controlled switches are required for 9-level M-CHB-MLI topology which in turn reduces the switches losses and also improves its performance parameters. The various carrier modulation schemes are applied for this M-CHB-MLI to analyze its output voltage harmonics and Vrms.Key words: Carrier Overlapping Phase Disposition PWM (CO-PD PWM), Carrier Overlapping Phase Opposition Disposition PWM (CO-POD PWM), Carrier Overlapping Alternate Phase Opposition Disposition PWM (CO-APOD PWM), Variable Carrier Frequency PWM (VCF PWM), Modified Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter (M-CHB-MLI), Multicarrier sinusoidal PWM. Reference [1] L. G. Franquelo, J. Rodriguez, J. I. Leon, S. Kouro, R. Portillo, and M. A. M. Prats, "The age of multilevel converters arrives," IEEE Ind.Electron. Mag., vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 28–39, Jun. 2008. [2] Z.Du, L.m.Tolbert, J.N.Chiasson, and B.Opineci, "A cascaded multilevel inverter using a single dc power source", in Proc. IEEE APEC, pp.426-430, 2006 [3] Fang Zheng Peng "A Generalized Multilevel Inverter Topology with Self Voltage Balancing", IEEE Trans. Ind .Appl., Vol.37, No.2, March/April 2001 [4] J. I. Leon, R. Portillo, S. Vazquez, J. J. Padilla, L. G. Franquelo, and J.M. Carrasco, "Simple unified approach to develop a time-domain modulation strategy for single-phase multilevel converters," IEEE Trans.Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 9, pp. 3239–3248, Sep. 2008. [5] Y. Li and B. Wu, "A novel dc voltage detection technique in the chb inverter-based statcom," IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 23, no. 3, pp.1613–1619, Jul. 2008. G. Prem Sunder, Dr.B.Shanthi, Dr.Alamelu Nachiappan, Dr.S.P.Natrajan |
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57. | Energy-Efficient Power Allocation And Performance Estimation For MIMO-MRC Systems
Energy-Efficient Power Allocation And Performance Estimation For MIMO-MRC SystemsAbstract: Adaptive power allocation problem where it minimizes the energy-per-good bit (EPG) of a system employing a multiple-input multiple-output maximum ratio combining (MIMO-MRC) scheme is formulated. Closed-form results are obtained for the optimum transmit power and minimum EPG as a function of the number of antennas employed and the quality of the channel. The cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the minimum EPG in closed form is obtained to assess the performance of the solution in a statistically varying channel. The energy-efficiency trade-off between enhanced diversity and the increased circuit power consumption of multiple antennas is explored. In particular, EPG CDF in a numerical example is used to find the most energy-efficient number of antennas for a given probability of outage. Both Rayleigh and Rician MIMO fading channels are considered.Key words: Energy minimization, MIMO, beamforming, MIMO MRC, fading channels, adaptive power allocation. Reference [1]. G. Caire, G. Taricco, and E. Biglieri, "Optimum power control over fading channels," IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. 45, no. 5, pp. 1468–1489, July 1999. [2]. C. Schurgers, O. Aberthorne, and M. Srivastava, "Modulation scaling for energy aware communication systems," in Proc. 2001 International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design, pp. 96–99. [3]. R. M. Corless, G. H. Gonnet, D. E. G. Hare, D. J. Jeffrey, and D. E.Knuth, "On the Lambert W function," Advances in ComputationalMathematics, vol. 5, pp. 329–359, 1996. [4]. S. Cui, A. Goldsmith, and A. Bahai, "Energy-constrained modulation optimization," IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 4, no. 5, pp. 2349–2360, Sep. 2005. [5]. A. Goldsmith and S.-G. Chua, "Variable-rate variable-power MQAM for fading channels," IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 45, no. 10, pp. 1218–1230, Oct. 1997. Ananda Reddy Mekala, Penchalaiahyadla, Irala Suneetha, Anitha Mekala |
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58. | Potential of Waste Heat Recovery in Textile Industries
Potential of Waste Heat Recovery in Textile IndustriesAbstract: Many developing countries, including India, look forward to developing strong integrated textile industries to add value to already-available raw materials. Textile industry is one of the largest industries, which consumes energy in the form of heat. Dyeing and finishing activities are, however, energy-intensive. In many cases, these depend on imported fossil fuels. By turning to heat recovery, significant cost savings can be achieved improving profitability and competitiveness. New technologies are required to recover some percentage of loss of energy. The techniques and technologies of heat recovery from boiler blow down, condensate and waste water are analyzed. Waste heat utilization in the textile industry is gaining vital importance in the Indian textile industry as international legislations are also to come into force in our country. This paper focuses on potential of heat recovery has brought significant cost reduction in textile dyeing and processes. The focus is on steam utilization in textile mills. The paper includes case studies from various textile dyeing plants in Tirupur area of TamilNadu.Key words: Boiler blow down, Condensate recovery, Steam utilization, Textile industry, Waste water. Reference [1] G.F.Hewitt, G.L.Shires and T.R.Bott, "Process Heat Transfer", CRC Press, Boca Rato, FL, 1994. [2] Bureau of Energy Efficiency. Energy Efficiency in Thermal Utilities. Book 2, 2004 [3] Barclay, S.; Buckley, C., 2000. Waste Minimization Guide for the Textile Industry. [4] The Steam and Condensate Loop Book. Spirax and sarco. [5] Industrial Energy Conservation by Melvin H.Chiogioji, Marcel Dekker Inc, 1979, New York. Sherin K M, M G Prince |
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59. | Design and Simulation of Dual Band Rectangular Patch Antenna for Bluetooth & Wimax Applications
Design and Simulation of Dual Band Rectangular Patch Antenna for Bluetooth & Wimax ApplicationsAbstract: This paper presents a dual band rectangular patch antenna. Here Neltec NX 9240 epoxy[6] substrate material with dielectric constant 2.4 and tangent loss 0.0016 is used. The two bands produced are used for Bluetooth (2.4GHz-2.484GHz) and WiMax (3.2GHz-3.8GHz)[3] applications. The frequency used to set design parameters is 2.43 GHz, so our main focus is on the first Bluetooth band. The feeding technique used for feeding the antenna is coaxial probe feeding technique. When patch is slotted from the middle then its various parameters are being reached to the excellence. The antenna will be fruitful for Bluetooth and middle band WiMax applications. All the simulations are carried out on the IE3D Zeland software.Key words: Rectangular Patch Antenna, Bluetooth and WiMax applications Reference [1]. C. A. Balanis,"Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design "Third edition John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2005 [2]. Vinay Kumar Singh, Reena Kumbhare, "Comparison Of Microstrip Antenna and Microstrip Antenna With Slots For Microwave Life Detection System", International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering &Technology, Volume 1, Issue4, pp 088-091, July 2012 [3]. U. Chakraborty, S. Chatterjee, S. K. Chowdhury, P. P. Sarkar, "A Compact Microstrip Patch Antenna For Wireless Communication", Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 18, 211-220, 2011. [4]. Sudipta Das, Dr.P.P.Sarkar, Dr. S.K.Chowdhury, "A Compact Novel Multi Frequency Slotted Microstrip Patch Antenna For WiMax And C Band Application", Journal of Engineering Research and Studies, Vol. III, Issue II,57-59,April-June,2012 [5]. Alka Verma, "Analysis And Design of E Shaped Patch Antenna In X Band", International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology, Vol.III, Issue I,223-224,January-March, 2012 Amit Sharma, Atal Rai, Reeta Verma |
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60. | An Efficient Security Mechanism for Data Reporting In Wireless Sensor Networks
An Efficient Security Mechanism for Data Reporting In Wireless Sensor NetworksAbstract: Wireless sensor networks consist of a large number of small sensor nodes having limited computation capacity, restricted memory space, limited power resource, and short-range radio communication device. In these scenarios, sensor networks may suffer different types of malicious attacks. The adversaries can inject false data reports via compromised nodes and launch DoS attacks against legitimate reports. Recently, a number of filtering schema for removing false data report .But due to lack of strong filtering capacity and not support dynamic sensor networks The main objective of this application is to propose a dynamic en-route filtering scheme that addresses both false report injection and DoS attacks in wireless sensor networks. In our scheme, each node has a hash chain of authentication keys used to endorse reports; meanwhile, a legitimate report should be authenticated by a certain number of nodes. First, each node release its key to forwarding nodes. Then, after sending reports, the sending nodes disclose their keys, allowing the forwarding nodes to verify their reports. The Hill Climbing key release approach is used in this approach which ensures the nodes closer to data sources have stronger filtering capacity The DoS attacks can be solved with multipath routing to deal with the topology changes of sensor networks. The proposed filtering scheme can drop false reports earlier with a lower memory requirement, especially in highly dynamic sensor networks.Key words: Data reporting, en-route filtering scheme, wireless sensor networks Reference [1] N. Bulusu, J. Heidemann, and D. Estrin, "GPS-less low cost outdoor localization for very small devices," IEEE Personal Commun. Mag.,vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 28–34, Oct. 2000. [2] S. Capkun and J. Hubaux, "Secure positioning of wireless devices with application to sensor networks," in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, 2005, vol. 3, pp. 1917–1928 [3] T. He, C. Huang, B. Blum, J. Stankovic, and T. Abdelzaher, "Rangefree localization schemes in large scale sensor network," in Proc. ACM MobiCom, 2003, pp. 81–95. [4] B. Karp and H. T. Kung, "GPSR: Greedy perimeter stateless routing for wireless networks," in Proc. ACM MobiCom, 2000, pp. 243–254. [5] L. Lazos and R. Poovendran, "SeRLoc: Secure range-independent localization forWireless sensor networks," in Proc. ACMWiSe, 2004, pp. 21–30 P. Jeyabharathi, A. Sivasankari, M. Maharasi |
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61. | Enhancement of Information Retrieval in Distributed Systems
Enhancement of Information Retrieval in Distributed SystemsAbstract: The distributed system enables multiple, simultaneous connections between clients and Inquery servers. The different components of the system communicate using a local area network. Each component may reside on a different host and operates independently of the others. In this section, we describe the functionality and interaction between the clients, the connection server, and the Inquery servers. The clients are lightweight processes that provide a user interface to the retrieval system. Clients interact with the distributed IR system by connecting to the connection server. The clients initiate all work in the system, but they perform very little computation. The clients can issue the entire range of IR commands but, in this paper, we focus on inquery, document retrieval commands and query evaluation measurements. A client sends query commands to the connection server.Key words: Simulation model, Query retrieval measurements, Document retrieval measurements, Distributed retrieval. Reference [1]. Bailey and Hawking, A parallel architecture for query processing over a terabyte of text. Technical Report TR-CS-The Australian National University. [2]. Bell. C, A. Moat, I.H. Witten, and J. Zobel. The MG retrieval system: compressing for space and speed. Communications of the ACM, April 2005. [3]. Brumfield, J. A., Miller, J. L., and Chou, H.-T. Performance modeling of distributed object-oriented database systems [4]. B. Cahoon and K.S. McKinley. Performance evaluation of a distributed architecture for information retrieval. In H.-Development in Information Retrieval, Zurich, Switzerland. [5]. Callan J.P. ., Z. Lu, and W.B. Croft. Searching distributed collections with inference networks. In E.A. Fox, P. Ingwerson, and R. Fidel, editors, Proc. ACM-SIGIR International Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, Seattle, Washington. R.Senthilkumar, Dr. M. Ramakrishnan |
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62. | Extract the Punjabi Word from Machine Printed Document Images
Extract the Punjabi Word from Machine Printed Document ImagesAbstract: Extract the Punjabi Word from image has been a very intensive area of research during last decades due to it is wide range of solution to real world problems. A lot of work has been done in languages like Chinese, Arabic, Devnagari, Urdu and English. A neural network based Gurmukhi recognition system has been developed. Range free skew detection and correction algorithms for de-skewing Gurmukhi machine printed text skewed at any angle have been developed. If different classifiers cooperate with each other group decisions may reduce errors drastically and achieve a higher performance. The whole process consists of two stages. The first, feature extraction stage analyzes the set of isolated characters and selects a set of features that can be used to uniquely identify characters. The performance depends heavily on what features are being used. Main advantage of this system is its accuracy to extract the Punjabi word. Input to the system is the scanned images from newspaper, magazines and old books and Extract the Punjabi Word from Machine printed Document Images.Key words: OCR, Extraction, Punjabi Word, Machine Printed, Gurmukhi, Segmentation, Pre-Processing, Skeletonization, Noise Removal, HGCR, MATLAB Reference [1] J. Mantas, An overview of character recognition methodologies, Pattern Recognition, Vol. 19, pp 425-430 (1986).br /> [2] V. K. Govindan and A. P. Shivaprasad, Character recognition – A survey ,Pattern Recognition, Vol. 23, pp 671-683 (1990).br /> [3] B. Al-Badr and S.A. Mahmoud, Survey and bibliography of Arabic optical text Recognition, Signal Processing, Vol. 41, pp. 49-77(1995).br /> [4] G S Lehal and R. Dhir, A Range Free Skew Detection Technique for Digitized Gurmukhi Script Documents , In Proceedings 5th International Conference of Document Analysis and Recognition, IEEE Computer Society Press, California, pp. 147-152, (1999)br /> [5] A. K. Goyal, G S Lehal and S S Deol, Segmentation of Machine Printed Gurmukhi Script, Proceedings 9th International Graphonomics Society Conference, Singapore, pp. 293-297 1999) Gaurav Singla, Dr. Parmod Kumar |
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63. | Effect of Focal Length on Surface Roughness of 1mm Thin Brass sheet
Effect of Focal Length on Surface Roughness of 1mm Thin Brass sheetAbstract: The Laser cutting characteristics including power level and focal length are investigated in order to obtain surface roughness with maximum cutting speed. The surface roughness is investigated for a laser power range of 1000–1500W and focal length 122-132, gas pressure 18 bar constant for brass materials.This paper is studied the effect of focal length on surface roughness 1mm thin brass sheet using an nitrogen as assist gas. The cutting cross section was measured surface roughness. The variation was analyzed with laser power and focal length. We use here plasma detector sensor for predetermined cutting speed. The full factorial method is used for cutting speed and surface roughness. Result revealed that good quality cuts can be produced in brass sheets, at a window of laser power1500 watt and focal length 122 mm surface roughness is 1.941μm and 7500mm/min cutting speed is achieved.Reference [1] Avanish Kumar Dubey, Vinod Yadava "Laser beam machining review paper", International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 48 (2008) 609–628 [2] Miroslav RADOVANOVIC, Predrag DASIC ,"Research on surface roughness by laser cut." The Annals of university "DUNĂREA DE JOS " OF GALAŢI FASCICLE VIII, 2006 (XII), ISSN 1221-4590 [3] K. Abdel Ghany , M. Newishy,2005. "Cutting of 1.2mm thick austenitic stainless steel sheet using pulsed and CW Nd:YAG laser" Journal of Materials Processing Technology 168 (2005) 438–447 [4] Abdulla Khudiar Abass "Calculating the Focusing Effect of Laser Beam on the Penetrating & Cutting Speed" , Eng. & Tech. Journal, Vol.28, No.3, 2010 [5] Yamazaki et al."Plasma Detector and laser beam machine with plasma detector." United States Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2005/0178749 A [6] P.S Chaudhary, Prof D.M Patel, "Parametric effect of fiber laser cutting on surface roughness in 5mm thick mild steel sheet (IS-2062)", International journal of engineering research and technology.ISSN:2278-0181, Vol. 1 issue 6 August, 2012. Mayank N Madia, Prof. Dhawal M Patel |
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64. | Invasive Alien Plant Species in the Roadside Areas of Jorhat, Assam: Their Harmful Effects and Beneficial Uses
Invasive Alien Plant Species in the Roadside Areas of Jorhat, Assam: Their Harmful Effects and Beneficial UsesAbstract: Alien invasive plants are becoming a major concern, during past two decades, among conservationists. Now it is an established fact that Invasive alien plant species have caused extensive economic and ecological damage world over. Many of the exotic plants are of economic benefit also, due to which some alien species, often cultivated, may provide food, medicine, fuel, or fodder to local communities. The present paper discusses the status of invasive plant species in the roadside areas in the Jorhat district of Assam along with their harmful impacts as well as their beneficial uses. A total of 18 invasive alien plants of 10 families were recorded from the road side areas of the study site. All the recorded invasive species of the study site are used by the different ethnic communities as ethnomedicines. Other uses were recorded as vegetables, fooder, live fancing etc. Harmful effects were identified on native plants, crop production, livestock grazing human health ,water drainage etc.Key words: Invasive Plants, Obnoxious weeds Harmful effect, Beneficial uses, Jorhat Reference [1] Chatterjee. S, Chatterjee. S, Bhattacharya. A, Dutta. S. (2012) Allelopathic effect of Cassia occidentalis on mustard seeds, Trends oin Biotechnology Research, Vol-I [2] Chauhan NS (1999). Indigenous Medicinal Plants. Today and Tomorrow's Printers and Publishers New Delhi, India pp. 199-205. [3] Chowdhery HJ, Wadhwa BM (1984). Flora of Himachal Pradesh, Analysis. Vols. 1-3. BSI, Calcutta. [4] D'Antonio, C.M. & P.M. Vitousek. 1992. Biological invasions by exotic grasses, the grass /fire cycle and global change. Ann. Rev. Ecol. Syst. 23: 63–88. [5] Kanjilal, U.N. et.al. Flora of Assam (4vols) Govt of Assam, Shillong 1934-40. Kalyan Das, Pallwabee Duarah |
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65. | Method for Solving Unbalanced Assignment Problems Using Triangular Fuzzy Numbers
Method for Solving Unbalanced Assignment Problems Using Triangular Fuzzy NumbersAbstract: In this paper, we proposed the fuzzy salesman and areas by Hungarian unbalanced assignment problems. In this problems denotes the cost for assigning the salesman to the areas. The cost is usually deterministic in nature. In this paper has been considered to be triangular and trapezoidal numbers denoted by which are more realistic and general in nature. For finding the optimal assignment, we must optimize total cost this problem assignment. In this paper first the proposed balanced assignment problem and it is formulated to the crisp assignment problem in the linear programming problem form and solved by using Hungarian method and using Robust's ranking method (3) for the fuzzy numbers. Numerical examples show that the fuzzy ranking method offers an effective tool for handling the fuzzy unbalanced assignment problem.Key words: Fuzzy sets, fuzzy unbalanced assignment problem, Triangular fuzzy number, Trapezoidal fuzzy number, ranking function. Reference [1] H.W.Kuhn, the Hungarian Method for the assignment problem, Naval Research Logistic Quartely Vol.02.1995 PP.83-97 [2] M.Sakaw, I.Nishizaki, Y.Uemura, Interactive fuzzy programming for two level linear and linear fractional production and assignment problems, a case study. European J.Oer.Res.135 (2001) 142-157. [3] P.Fortemps and M.Roubens "Ranking and defuzzification methods based area compensation" fuzzy sets and systems Vol.82.PP 319-330,1996 [4] Chi-Jen Lin, Ue-Pyng Wen, A Labelling algorithm for the fuzzy assignment problem, fuzzy sets and system 142 (2004) 373-391. [5] M.S.Chen, on a fuzzy assignment problem, Tamkang.J, fuzzy sets and systems 98 (1998) 291-29822 (1985) 407-411. Kadhirvel.K, Balamurugan,K |
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66. | User Specific Word Based Image Search from Photo Sharing Websites
User Specific Word Based Image Search from Photo Sharing WebsitesAbstract: Increasingly developed social sharing websites, like Flickr and Youtube, allow users to create, share, annotate and comment medias. The large-scale user-generated meta-data not only facilitate users in sharing and organizing multimedia content, but provide useful information to improve media retrieval and management. Personalized search serves as one of such examples where the web search experience is improved by generating the returned list according to the modified user search intents. In this paper, we exploit the social annotations and propose a novel framework simultaneously considering the user and query relevance to learn to personalized image search. The basic premise is to embed the user preference and query-related search intent into user-specific topic spaces. Since the users' original annotation is too sparse for topic modeling, we need to enrich users' annotation pool before user-specific topic spaces construction. The proposed framework contains two components: 1) A Ranking based Multi-correlation Tensor Factorization model is proposed to perform annotation prediction, which is considered as users' potential annotations for the images; 2) We introduce User-specific Topic Modeling to map the query relevance and user preference into the same user-specific topic space. For performance evaluation, two resources involved with users' social activities are employed. Experiments on a large-scale Flickr dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.Index Terms: personalized image search, tensor factorization, topic model, social annotation. Reference [1] B. Smyth, "A community-based approach to personalizing web search," Computer, vol. 40, no. 8, pp. 42–50, 2007. [2] S. Xu, S. Bao, B. Fei, Z. Su, and Y. Yu, "Exploring folksonomy for personalized search," in SIGIR, 2008, pp. 155–162. [3] Koifman, N. Har'El, I. Ronen, E. Uziel, S. Yogev, and S. Chernov, "Personalized social search based on the user's social network," in CIKM, 2009, pp. 1227–1236. [4] Y. Cai and Q. Li, "Personalized search by tag-based user profile and resource profile in collaborative tagging systems," in CIKM, 2010, pp. 969–978. [5] D. Lu and Q. Li, "Personalized search on flickr based on searcher's preference prediction," in WWW (Companion Volume), 2011, pp. 81– 82. Chelli Sunil Kumar, Bandaru A Chakravarthi, Y Sowjanya Kumari |
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67. | Simulation Model of Buck Converter Closed System Using PMBLDC Drive
Simulation Model of Buck Converter Closed System Using PMBLDC DriveAbstract: The PMBLDC motor is 3 phases, 4 poles, Y connected; trapezoidal back-EMF type of BLDC motor for automotive industry application is modeled and simulated in MATLAB / SIMULINK. A MATLAB program is developed to simulate the overall motor drive system. A closed loop speed control strategy is developed and simulated. The drive system is proposed with a buck converter topology. In this model the buck converter is used as a step-down DC voltage. A single neuron PI controller is used to control the speed. According to simulation and experimental results, the proposed strategy shows good self adapted track ability, also the structure of the drive is simplified. A detailed discussion about the simulation of the proposed drive system is presented.Key words: PMBLDC, EMF, buck converter, hall effect, inverter Reference [1] S. Prakash, Modelling and Simulation of Closed Loop Controlled Buck Converter Fed Pmbldc Drive System, 2011 [2] Jibin M Varghese, Jaya B and Justin Baby "PI tuning control of Four Switch Three Phase Brushless DC Motor" IPCSIT vol.21 (2011) [3] T.S. Low,K.J. Tseng,T.H. Lee K.W. Lim, K.S. Lock "Strategy for the instantaneous torque control of permanent-magnet brushless DC drives" IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 137, Pt. B, No. 6, NOVEMBER 1990 [4] Ahmed Rubaai ,Raj C. Yalamanchili, "Dynamic study of an electronically brushless dc machine via computer simulation" IEFE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 7, No.1, March 1992 [5] Tilak Gopalarathnam, Hamid A. Toliyat "A New Topology for Unipolar Brushless DC Motor Drive with High Power Factor" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, VOL. 18, NO. 6, NOVEMBER 2003 Ajay Mishra, Arti Bhandakkar |
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68. | A Deterministic Economic Order Quantity Model with Delays in Payments and Price Discount Offers
A Deterministic Economic Order Quantity Model with Delays in Payments and Price Discount OffersAbstract: Inventories are being considered to be an important aspect for any organization. EOQ model is defined as a controller of quantity and total cost per unit. The main objective of this paper is to generate model for the profit of profit maximization strategy for retailer when confronted with trade offer of credit and price discount for merchandise. In present situation, retailers have to correlate between the selling price and supplier's price and supplier's trade offer, keeping in mind profit maximization strategy. In the proposed model, all deterministic demands are discussed analytically, numerically and graphically in the environment of permissible delay in payment and discount offer to the retailer with varies time't'. This paper focus on retailer's payment system that they are not ready for full payment as soon as the items received and want such period of time and to fulfill this condition present model is derived.Key words: EOQ Model, price discount, delay payment, Replenishment rate, time (t). Reference [1] Aggarwal, S.P., and Jaggi, C.K., "Ordering policies of deteriorating items under permissible Delay in payments", Journal of the Operational Research Society, 46 (1995) 658- 662. [2] Chu, P., Chung, K. J., and S. P., "Economic order quantity of deteriorating items under permissible delay in payments", Computers and Operations Research, 25 (1998) 817 – 824. [3] Chung, K. J., "A theorem on the determination of economics order quantity under permissible delay in payments", Computers and Operations Research, 25 (1998) 49 – 52. [4] Shah, N.H., "A probabilistic order level system when delay in payment is permissible" Journal of Korean OR / MS Society (Korea), 18 (1993b) 175 – 182. [5] Teng, J. T., "On economic order quantity conditions of permissible delay in payments", to appear in Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2002. [6] Anil R. Maisuriya, Pravin H. Bhathawala., "An EOQ Model With Stock Dependent Demand Rate and Variable time", International Journal o Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol.3, Issue 2,March-April 2013, pp. 474-479. Anil R. Maisuriya, Pravin H. Bhathawala |
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FABRICATION AND TESTING OF ULTRASONICALLY ASSISTED STIR CAST AA 5083-Sicp COMPOSITESAbstract: Aluminum Matrix composites (AMCs) are light weight, high-strength materials with potential application in areas such as automobile, aerospace, defence, engineering and other industries. AMCs are projected to significantly reduce the overall weight of the vehicles and aircraft while maintaining satisfactory structural strength. Reinforcement of micron or nano-sized range particles with aluminium matrix yields improved mechanical and physical properties in composite materials. The distribution of nano sized reinforcing particles also changes morphology and interfacial characteristics of nanocomposites. In this study, AA 5083 alloy micron and nano SiC composites have been fabricated by Ultrasonic assisted stir casting. Different weight % of SiC particles Micron (3, 5, 8, and 10 wt%) and Nano (1, 2, 3 and 4 wt%) were used for synthesis of composites. SEM microstructure shows uniform distribution of SiC particles with agglomeration at some places. Various properties of composites like tensile strength, compressive strength, hardness, ductility, density were measured. Results revealed that the tensile strength, compressive strength and hardness of composites increases with increase the weight % of SiC particles and particle size reduction. However ductility of composites with micron SiC particles reduced in large value with increasing the weight % of SiC however with addition of nano SiC particles only a small reduction in ductility was observed. The application of ultrasonic vibration on the composite during melting not only refined the grain structure of the matrix, but also improved the distribution of nano-sized reinforcement.Key words: Aluminum Matrix Composites, Ultrasonic Assisted Casting, Agglomeration, Nanocomposites Reference [1] Rupa Dasgupta, Humaira Meenai, "SiC particulate dispersed composites of an Al–Zn–Mg–Cu alloy: Property comparison with parent alloy", Materials Characterization, 54, 2005, 438-445. [2] Y Zhao T, S L Zhang, G Chen, X N Cheng, C Q Wang, "In situ (Al2O3+Al3Zr) NP /Al nano composites synthesized by magneto-chemical melt reaction", Composite Science Technology, 68, 2008, 1463-1470 [3] 3.A.Mazahery, H.Abdizadeh., H.R. Baharvandi, "Development of high-performanceA356/nano-Al2O3 composites", Material Science Engineering A 518, 2009, 61–64. [4] A. Sakthivel, R. Palaninathan, R. Velmurugan, P. Raghothama Rao, "Production and mechanical properties of SiCpp particle-reinforced 2618 aluminum alloy composites", Journal of Material Science 43, 2008, 7047–7056. [5] S. A. Sajjadi, H.R. Ezatpour, H. Beygi, "Microstructure and mechanical properties of Al–Al2O3 micro and nano composites fabricated by stir casting", Materials Science and Engineering A 528, 2011, 8765– 8771. R. S. Rana, Rajesh Purohit, S. Das |
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70. | Introduction To Turbochargers For Modern Diesel Engines
Introduction To Turbochargers For Modern Diesel EnginesAbstract: CO2 emissions reduction for vehicles and demand for more driving comfort are the challenges for the automobile industry today. One approach to this problem is the reduction of the displacement of combustion engine while maintaining the characteristics of large displacement engine. This method is often referred to using the term" downsizing" and requires the engine to be turbocharged to improve its performance and torque. It has been demonstrated that a simple charging unit alone is not enough and more complex charging systems are required when emission norms are stringent. The goals of a developed engine in terms of the thermodynamics and operation of future passenger car are increase in the power density of the engine, highest possible maximum torque at low engine speeds across the widest possible range of speeds, improvement of the driving response in transient operating conditions like start up response and elasticity response, reduction of the primary energy consumption during testing and driving on the road, observances of the future exhaust gas thresholds which mean a drastic reduction in the current emission levels. The latter goals can be reached through the use of smaller displacement engines. Engines with low engine displacement yield significant advantages in the test cycles with respect to fuel consumption and emissions, but the torque produced by small engine is pronouncedly less than that of a large displacement, naturally aspirated engine attained in terms of the steady state response and of the transient response. This paper summarizes review of advancements in turbocharger technology to meet the demand of high performance and low emission of passenger car vehicle applicationKey words: Emission, performance, turbocharger, VNT, VTG Reference [1] Steven D. Arnold: Turbocharging Technologies to Meet Critical performance Demands of Ultra Low Emissions Diesel Engines, 19th cliff Garret Turbomachinary Award lecture, SAE international, 2004-01-1354. [2] Junmin Wang and Et al: Development of High Performance Diesel Engine Compliant with Euro V Norms, 2008 World Congress, Detroit ,Michigan April 2008.Ruhkamp,L;Kruger, 2008-01-1198. [3] Borg-Warner Turbo & emission systems, 'Modern Turbo charging systems for pass car'. [4] http://www.dieselnet.com/standards/us/a_gh g.php(2007) [5] Mac INNES, H., 'Turbochargers', HP Books, ISBN 0-912656-49-2. (1984) Kaustubh P. Ghodke |
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71. | A Comparative Study on Design and Operation of Fluorescent Lamps, Cfls and Leds
A Comparative Study on Design and Operation of Fluorescent Lamps, Cfls and LedsAbstract: Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFLS) and Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) have risen to a great popularity in recent years due to outstanding features such as longevity and energy-efficient design. These bright, compact lights are usually designed to reduce the energy consumption without sacrificing light or productivity. In fact, manufacturers are now producing CFLs that are designed to fit into our exiting light fixtures which eases the transition from traditional incandescent bulbs to more energy-efficient alternatives.Fluoroscent Lamps practically emerged in 1934.During the past 80 years this lamp has undergone numerous changes in materials and design to ensure a leading position as the lamp offering the lowest total cost of ownership while producing a high quality white light. This paper presents the design, working, operation,advantages and future use of the above technologies. It also compares the LED system with other technologies(CFLand Fluoroscent lamps).Key words: Ballast,CFLs,LEDs,Fluorescent,Lumen Reference [1]. Agrawal, D. C. & Menon, V. J. (1998). Lifetime and temperature of incandescent lamps, Physics Education,33(1) 55-58. [2]. Bazaraa, M. S., & Jarvis, J. J. (1977). Linear programming and network flows. New York: John Wiley and Sons. [3]. Haverlag, M., Kraus, A., Sormani, J., Heuvelmans, J., Geven, A., Kaldenhoven, L., & Heijne, G. (2002). High-frequency cold ignition of fluorescent lamps, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 35(7) 1695-1701. [4]. Kooreman, P. (1996). Individual discounting, energy conservation and household demand for lighting, Resource and Energy Economics, 18(1) 103-114. [5]. Hilscher, A. (2002). Determination of the cathode fall voltage in fluorescent lamps by measurement of the operating voltage. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 35(7) 1707-1715. Lokendra Pal Singh, Goldy Katal |
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72. | Speech Recognition for Robotic Control
Speech Recognition for Robotic ControlAbstract: The main goal of this paper is to introduce "hearing sensor" and also the speech synthesis to the Mobile robot such that it is capable to interact with human through spoken natural language. The context of speech recognition refers to system where a person can speak via a microphone to a computer. The computer translates the spoken words into either text or commands to execute functions in the computer. The intelligent speech recognition system enables the robot to understand spoken instructions. The speech recognition system is trained in such a way that it recognizes defined commands and the designed robot will navigate based on the instruction through the speech commands. The complete system consists of three subsystems: the speech recognition system, a central controller, and the robot. The results prove that the proposed robot is capable of understanding the meaning of speech commands. They will act autonomously in a natural environment and will communicate in a natural way with those people they are supposed to support.Key words: human robot interface, robot, speech recognition, Reference [1] P. Nauth, "Speech and Image Recognition for Intelligent Robot Control with Self Generating Will", IWSSIP 2010 - 17th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing [2] R. Jain and S. K. Saxena, "Voice Automated Mobile Robot", International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) vol. 16, no.2, February 2011 [3] H. Huang, "Manual Wheelchair Automator: Design of a Speech Recognition System with Hidden MarkovModels and Joystick Steering Control" McMaster University Digital Commons@McMaster. [4] Md. A. Al Ahasan, Md. A. Awal and S. S Mostafa "Implementation of Speech Recognition Based Robotic System". COPYRIGHT © 2011 IJCIT, ISSN 2078-5828 (PRINT), ISSN 2218-5224 (ONLINE), vol. 01, no. 02, Manuscript Code: 110108 [5] M. Balaganesh, E. Logashanmugam, and R. Manikandan, Sathyabama University, Chennai, India and C.S. Aadhitya Loughbrough University UK "Robotic Arm Showing Writing Skills by Speech Recognition", 978-1-4244-9005-9/10/$26.00©2010,IEEE Shraddha D. Gosavi, Uday Pandit Khot, Seema Shah |
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73. | Characterization of New Cast Iron Alloys for the Stub-Anode Connection in the Aluminium Reduction Cells
Characterization of New Cast Iron Alloys for the Stub-Anode Connection in the Aluminium Reduction CellsAbstract: High phosphorus gray iron (HPGI) is used to connect the steel stub of an anode rod to a prebaked anode carbon block in the aluminium reduction cells. The electrical resistance and resistivity properties, for different grades of cast iron, were tested and measured at different temperatures - using bench scale set ups- and evaluated as a potential replacement for the existing HPGI due to the limitations of that material. These cast iron alloys include low-phosphorus gray iron, ductile irons with compositions typical for ferritic (FDI), pearlitic (PDI) ductile iron grades and three alloys with low phosphorous irons with different carbon equivalents. The thermal expansion for steel stub, HPGI, and for the succeeded cast iron alloy was measured using high precision automatic dilatometer and analyzed. Microstructures and mechanical properties of the selected alloy were tested and compared with the existing HPGI. The results shown that, the contact pressure, at steel stub-cast iron collar-anode connection, plays the major role in determining the electrical resistance and hence the voltage drop. Gray iron with carbon equivalent=4.5 has the lowest electrical resistivities compared with the other tested cast iron alloys, meanwhile carbides in the as-cast structures seem to be beneficial in increasing the thermal expansion and hence the contact pressure during the anode service life. The saving percent in voltage drop between gray iron with carbon equivalent =4.5 and HPGI reached to 18%.Key words: Different cast iron alloys, microstructure, electrical resistivity and resistance, thermal expansion and mechanical testing Reference [1] S. Wilkening & J. Côté, "Problems of the stub anode connection", Light Metals, (2007), pp. 865-873 [2] K. Grjotheim & H. Kvanda ," Introduction to aluminium electrolysis ", Aluminium-Verlag GmbH ,Dusseldorf (1993) [3] A. Burkin, "Production of aluminium and alumina", John Wiley & Sons: New York (1987). [4] K. Grjotheim& B.J.Welch, "Aluminium smelter technology", Aluminium-Verlag GmbH, Dusseldorf (1980). [5] M. Meier, ˝International course on process metallurgy of aluminium˝ Trondheim, Norway, (May 2004), p.225. Adel Nofal, Mohamed M. Ali, Amr Kandil, Mahmoud Agour |
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74. | Thermal Stress Analysis of Beam Subjected To Fire
Thermal Stress Analysis of Beam Subjected To FireAbstract: The effect of thermal stresses and deformations on the performance of structure due to increase in temperature is generally not treated in design codes and standards. This project describes the behaviour of structure when subjected to high temperature. The change in temperature makes material to expand and if this expansion is restrained, stresses are induced which affect expected performance of structure. The force generated by restrains is very large and its ignorance can lead to unsafe design. When structure is subjected to high temperature, it results in reduction in stiffness and strength which significantly affects the structural performance. In this paper analysis of beam subjected to fire loading is done. Response of steel beam subjected to ISO 834 fire with different types of restraining support condition is studied.Key words: fire load, heat transfer, ISO 834, thermal analysis, thermal properties. Reference [1] R. Borst and P. Peeters. "Analysis Of Concrete Structures Under Thermal Loading." 1989. [2] . Yousong, and Shizhong. "Analytical solution to temperature variations in highway concrete bridges due to solar radiation." International Conference on Transportation Engineering 2007. [3] Mirambell, Enrique, and Antonio Aguado. "Temperature and stress distributions in concrete box bridges." Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 116, No. 9, September, 1990. ©ASCE, Paper No. 25035, 1990. [4] C.A.Wade. "summary report on a finite element program for modelling of thermal response of building components exposed to fire." Engineering Mechanics Research Corporation, Troy, Michigan 48099 USA, 1993. [5] Usmani, A.S., J.M. Rotter, S. Lamont, A.M. Sanad, and M. Gillie. "Fundamental principles of structural behaviour under thermal effects." A.S. Usmani et al. / Fire Safety Journal 36 (2001) 721–744, 2001. Hemangi K. Patade, Dr. M. A. Chakrabarti |
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75. | Performance Evaluation of Effluent Treatment Plant For Thermal Power Plant
Performance Evaluation of Effluent Treatment Plant For Thermal Power PlantAbstract: The physical and chemical parameters in Thermal Power Pant wastewater were determined. The work of the present study is aimed at determining the physical and chemical parameters of the waste water or the effluent, at inlet and outlet of the effluent treatment plant located at about 20 kms from Nagpur. Thermal Power Plant wastewater were collected for the determination of pH, temperature, phosphate, SS, TDS, COD, and heavy metals using standard procedures. The variation in the parameters at temperature values observed were 31 - 330C at inlet and 30 - 320C at outlet. pH values observed were 7.4 - 7.9 at Inlet & 7.1 - 7.5 at Outlet. COD values observed were 40 - 92 at Inlet & 32 - 68 at Outlet. Variation in the heavy metal parameter at Chromium value observed were 0.23 - 0.34 at Inlet and 0.16 - 0.26 at Outlet. Copper value observed were 0.26 - 0.33 at Inlet and 0.15 - 0.32 at Outlet. The average performance efficiency of the plant is calculated for the period of study & observed to be 28.74 % for COD, 27.31 % for TDS, 22.26 % for Chromium, and 19.34 % Copper. The mean concentration of the Cr, Fe are found to be beyond the permissible limits set by Indian standards set for discharge of effluent to the rivers, hence it should be closely monitored.Key words: Chemical, Physical Parameters, Heavy Metals, Power Plant, wastewater. Reference [1] Saeedi M, Amini H. R (2003) "Characterization of a thermal power plant air heater washing waste: a case study from Iran" Vol 78(3), PP.654-665 [2] Leo, P.P. ; Rossoff, J. ( 2003) "Control of waste and water pollution from power plant flue gas cleaning system" Vol 87(3), PP.456-468 "Journal of power sources" [3] Zhang Jinjiang, Wang Shaohua. (2009) "Determination of carbonate in water from thermal power plant". "Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radioactive Transfer" (Anshan Thermal Power New Materials Co. Ltd., Anshan114012, China) Vol 23(9), PP.345-350 [4] Saeedi, M.*, Amini, H.R.(2007) "Chemical, Physical, Mineralogical, Morphology and Leaching Characteristics of a Thermal Power Plant Air Heater Washing Waste" Int. J. Environ. Res. 1 (1): 74-79 [5] Saeedi M, Amini H (2009). "Stabilization of heavy metals in wastewater treatment sludge from power plants air heater washing "Waste Manag. Res. 27(3): 274-280. Megha S. Kamdi, Satish Bhalme, Viveka Mude |
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76. | Impact of Cold and Hot Exhaust Gas Recirculation on Diesel Engine
Impact of Cold and Hot Exhaust Gas Recirculation on Diesel EngineAbstract: Today most of the transport vehicles in countries like India where cost effective is the predominant criteria utilize diesel engines rather than petrol engines. From past 5 years usage of diesel engines was rapid which can be addressed from the sales report of many automobile companies. The reason behind this could be cost of diesel fuel and efficiency of the diesel engine when compared to petrol engine. But when we look on the worse side of diesel engine, emissions from diesel engine are high especially NOx. So there is a need for a technique which could reduce the emissions without affecting the performance of engine. One such technique could be Exhaust gas recirculation. Present paper aims to find the impact of cold and hot EGR on emissions of diesel engine.Key words: Effective, Efficiency, Emissions , NOX Reference [1] Ming Zheng a, Graham T. Reader b, J. Gary Hawley C, Diesel engine exhaust gas recirculation –– a review on advanced and novel concepts, Energy Conversion and Management ,vol.45 ,pp 883–900, 2004 [2] N.Ladommatos, S. Abdelhalim and H. Zhao, Control of Oxides of nitrogen from diesel engines using diluents which minimizing the impact on particulate pollutants,Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 18, Issue 11, November 1998, pp 963-980, 1998. [3] K. Venkateswarlu, "Effect of Exhaust Gas recirculation and ethyl hexyls nitrate additive on bio diesel fuelled diesel engine for the reduction of Nox Emissions", Frontiers in Energy, July 2012, Vol. 2095-1698. [4] Mohamed Y.E. Selim, Effect of exhaust gas recirculation on some combustion characteristics of dual fuel engine, Energy Conservation and Management , vol.44, pp 707 -721, 2003. [5] Nidal H. Abu-Hamdeh, Effect of cooling the recirculated exhaust gases on diesel engine emissions, Journal of Energy Conservation and Management, vol.44, pp 3113 -3124, 2003. P. Saichaitanya1, K. Simhadri2, G.Vamsidurgamohan |
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77. | High Gain Conformal Super High Frequency Antenna
High Gain Conformal Super High Frequency AntennaAbstract: A high gain conformal antenna is proposed having E-shaped patch to be used in SHF frequency range. A comprehensive parametric study has been carried out to understand the effects of various dielectric substrate effects and to optimize the performance of the antenna. For various substrate materials the effect of dielectric constant, loss tangent, mass density, bulk conductivity is observed .Results are compared in two simulation software and found in good agreement.Key words: Conformal antenna, tri-band ,high gain, E-shaped Patch. Reference [1] I.J.Bahl and P.Bhartia, Microstrip Antennas, ArtechHouse,Dedham,MA,1980 [2] K.R.Carver and J.W.Mink,"Microstrip Antenna Technology,"IEEE Trans. Antennas propagate.,Vol. AP-29,No. 1,pp.25-27, January. [3] P. B. Katehi and N. G. Alexopoulos,"On the Modeling ofElectromagnetically Coupled Microstrip Antennas-The Printed StripDipole,"IEEETrans.AntennasPropagat.,Vol.AP-32,No. 11,pp.1179-1186,November 1984 [4] J.R.James and P.S. Hall, and Handbook of MicrostripAntennas,Vols. 1and 2, Peter Peregrinus,London,UK,1989 "MicrostripAntennas," Proc.IEEE,Vol.80,No. 1 pp.79-81,January 1992. Rashmi Shukla, Prof Sunil Kumar Singh |
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78. | High Gain Conformal Tri Band Antenna
High Gain Conformal Tri Band AntennaAbstract: In this paper, a tri-band E-shaped microstrip patch antenna is presented for SHF and microwave data links. The proposed antenna has symmetrical properties and has been designed by forming E-shape structure on substrate with Wave guide feed. It radiates for three bands having two bands in SHF and one in lower EHF frequency bands. It is demonstrated that the fabricated antenna offers improved values of S11, gain and efficiency. Parametric study is done for different patch dimensions. The return loss S11 of the fabricated antenna was simulated using Ansoft HFSS which was in good agreement when compared with CST STUDIOIndex Terms: Patch antenna; tri-band; SHF; EHF; return loss; VSWR. Reference [1] I.J.Bahl and P.Bhartia, Microstrip Antennas, ArtechHouse,Dedham,MA,1980 [2] K.R.Carver and J.W.Mink,"Microstrip Antenna Technology,"IEEE Trans. Antennas propagate.,Vol. AP-29,No. 1,pp.25-27, January. [3] P. B. Katehi and N. G. Alexopoulos,"On the Modeling ofElectromagnetically Coupled Microstrip Antennas-The Printed StripDipole,"IEEETrans.AntennasPropagat.,Vol.AP-32,No. 11,pp.1179-1186,November 1984 [4] J. R. James and P.S. Hall, and Handbook of Microstrip Antennas, Vols. 1and 2, Peter Peregrinus, London,UK,1989 [5] D.M.Pozar,"Microstrip Antennas," Proc. IEEE, Vol.80,No. 1 pp.79-81,January 1992. Rashmi Shukla, Prof Sunil Kumar Singh |
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79. | Characterization and Corrosion Study of Titanium Anodized Film Developed in KOH Bath
Characterization and Corrosion Study of Titanium Anodized Film Developed in KOH BathAbstract: Anodizing is an electrolytic passivation process used to increase the thickness of the natural oxide layer on the surface of metal parts. Aluminum is ideally suited to anodizing, although other nonferrous metals, such as tantalum and titanium, can also be anodized. Titanium is used as a biocompatible material in human implants due to its excellent corrosion and wears resistance. Stable, continuous, highly adherent, and protective oxide films can be developed on titanium using various acid or alkaline baths. Anodizing of titanium generates a spectrum of different color without use of dyes. This spectrum of color dependent on the thickness of the oxide, interference of light reflecting off the oxide surface and reflecting off the underlying metal surface. The anodized film of Titanium is mainly consists of TiO2 or mixtures of TiO2 & Ti2O3 etc. In the present work, Pure Titanium plate has been anodized using bath of KOH at different voltage ranges. The anodized film is characterized by visual observation, SEM & EDAX analysis & A.C impedance spectroscopy, while the corrosion studies were performed using salt spray test & potentiodynamic studies. Result of various studies shows that Anodized film was mainly consisting of TiO2 and Ti2O3, having spectrum of colors from Blue-Yellow-Purple-Green. The film is more compact, adherent and more uniform due to which it exhibits good corrosion resistance.Key words: Anodizing of Titanium, Coloring Effect, Potentiodynamic Test, AC Impedance Test, Salt Spray Test, and SEM & EDAX analysis Reference [1] A. K. Sharma, Anodizing Titanium For Space Applications, Thin Solid Films. (1992), P 48 [2] Han-Jun Oh,, Jong-Ho Lee, Yongsoo Jeong, Young-Jig Kim, Choong-Soo Chi, Microstructural Characterization Of Biomedical Titanium Oxide Film Fabricated By Electrochemical Method, Surface & Coatings Technology 198 (2005) pp 247– 248 [3] J.-L. Delplancke,M. Degrez, A. Fontanaand R. Winand, Self colouring of Titanium, Surface Technology, 16 (1982) pp 154 -158 [4] A. Mazzarolo, M. Curioni, A. Vicenzo, P. Skeldon,, G.E. Thompson, Anodic Growth Of Titanium Oxide: Electrochemical Behaviour And Morphological Evolution, Electrochimica Acta 75 (2012) pp 289–291 Books: [5] C Rajagopal : Conversion coatings- a reference for phosphating, chromating andanodizing processes" p p 345-348 [6] S. Narain, An introduction to electrometallurgy p, 193. [7] Mars G. Fontana & Norbert D. Green, "Corrosion Engineering", Mcgraw Hill International Book Company, New Delhi p 154 Mr. Sunil D. Kahar, Arpit Macwan, Ms. Riddhi Oza ,Vrund Oza, Smit Shah |
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80. | Discriminative Feature Based Algorithm for Detecting And Classifying Frames In Image Sequences
Discriminative Feature Based Algorithm for Detecting And Classifying Frames In Image SequencesAbstract: This method is used to detect and classify frames in different videos. By detecting frames similar video as input video and related videos are retrieved. Content Based Copy Detection method used to find content related frames from multiple shots. To improve the efficiency of Content Based Copy Detection the videos are cropped that means removing the black bars from horizontal and vertical position. These cropped videos are robust to cam cording and encoded video. Affinity Propagation and exemplar based clustering used to reduce the number of frames in each video. In Exemplar based clustering unique frames are selected from multiple shots and Affinity Propagation used to cluster the unique frames. So it will be useful in detect the frames and compare the input video with all frames. Affinity Propagation uses different similarity metrics to detect the difference between two frames or two videos. Frame classification results are achieved by tiny videos when compared with the tiny images framework. Therefore video frames convert into low dimensional resentation that means resize the frames Frames into 32*32 pixels and concatenating the color channels to reduce the sensitivity in variation. Simple data mining technique that is nearest neighbor method to perform related video retrieval and frame classification. This method can be effectively used for recognizing research that is video as same as to input video will be retrieved and related videos also retrieved.Reference [1] Aarabi.P and Karpenko.A , (2008 ) 'Tiny Videos: Non-Parametric Content-Based Video Retrieval and Recognition,' Proc. Tenth IEEE Int'l Symp. Multimedia, pp. 619-624, Dec. [2] Alexandre Karpenko and Parham Aarabi (2011), 'Tiny Video:A Large Dataset For Nonparametric Video Retrieval and Frame Classification',IEEE Transaction on pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,vol 33,No.3. [3] Buisson.O ,Boujemaa.N , Brunet.V , Chen.L , Gouet , Joly.A , Law-To.J, Laptev.I and Stentiford.F, (2007) 'Video Copy Detection: A Comparative Study,' Proc. Sixth ACM Int'l Conf. Image and Video Retrieval, pp. 371-378. [4] Buisson,O , Fre´licot.C and Joly.A, (2003) 'Robust Content-Based Video Copy Identification in a Large Reference Database,' Proc. Conf. Image and Video Retrieval, pp. 414-424. [5] Das.M, Liou.S.P, Toklu.C, (2000) 'Video abstract: A Hybrid Approach to Generate Semantically Meaningful Video Summaries', Proc. IEEE Int'l Conf. Multimedia and Expo, vol. 3, pp. 1333-1336. M. Antony Arockia Victoria, R. Sahaya Jeya Sutha |
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81. | Text Categorization Using First Appearance And Distribution Of Words
Text Categorization Using First Appearance And Distribution Of WordsAbstract: Text categorization is the task of assigning predefined categories to natural language text. Previous researches usually assign a word with values that express whether this word appears in the document concerned or how frequently this word appears. These features are not enough for fully capturing the information contained in a document. This project extends a preliminary research that advocates using distributional features of a word in text categorization. The distributional features encode a word's distribution from some aspects. In detail, the compactness of the appearances of a word and the position of the first appearance of a word are used. The proposed distributional features are exploited by a tfidf style equation, and different features are combined using ensemble learning techniques. The distributional features are especially useful when documents are long and the writing style is casual.Reference [1] L. D. Baker and A.K. Mc Callum," Distributional Clustering ofWords for Text Classification," Proc. ACM SIGIR '98, pp. 96-103, 1998. [2] R. Bekkerman, R. El-Yaniv, N. Tishby, and Y. Winter, "Distributional Word Clusters versus Words for Text Categorization," J. Machine Learning Research, vol. 3, pp. 1182-1208, 2003. [3] D. Cai, S.-P. Yu, J.-R. Wen, and W.-Y. Ma, "VIPS: A Vision-Based Page Segmentation Algorithm," Technical Report MSR-TR- 2003-79, Microsoft, Seattle, Washington, 2003. [4] J.P. Callan, "Passage Retrieval Evidence in Document Retrieval," Proc. ACM SIGIR '94, pp. 302-310, 1994. [5] M.F. Caropreso, S. Matwin, and F. Sebastiani, "A Learner- Independent Evaluation of the Usefulness of Statistical Phrases for Automated Text Categorization," Text Databases and Document Management: Theory and Practice, A.G. Chin, ed., pp. 78-102, Idea Group Publishing, 2001. M. Maharasi, P. Jeyabharathi, A. Sivasankari |
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82. | A Novel Technique For Simulation & Analysis Of SVPWM Two &Three Level Inverters
A Novel Technique For Simulation & Analysis Of SVPWM Two &Three Level InvertersAbstract: This paper proposes a software implementation for two level & three level inverter using space vector modulation techniques. This software implementation is performed by using MATLAB/SIMULINK software. This paper gives comparison between SVPWM Three phase two level & three level inverter. Two level inverter is the basic technique to implement any level. The main advantage of the two level inverter is simple in computation and also switching device selection is simple. It is becomes difficult in high voltage & high power applications due to the increased switching losses and limited rating of the dc link voltage. Multilevel inverters are used in high voltage and high power applications with less harmonic contents. The harmonic contents of a three level inverter are less than that of two level inverters. And also rating of the dc link voltage is high. The simulation study reveals that three level inverter generates less THD compared to two-level inverter.Key words: SVPWM, THD, TWO LVEL &THREE LEVEL INVERTERS Reference [1] D.Rathnakumar and LakshmanaPerumal, and T.Srinivasan, "A New software Implementation of Space vector PWM," 0-7803-8865-8/05/$20.00 ©2005 IEEE. [2] Lei Lin, Yunping Zou, Jie Zhang, Xudong Zou, "Digital implementation of Diode clamped three phase three level SVPWM inverter" 0-7803-7885-7/031$17.00 02003 IEEE. [3] BY P.Sanjeevikumar, "Space vector PWM for three phase voltage source inverter," IEEE Trans. Power Electron . vol.14, PP. 670–679, Sept. 1997 [4] Hind Djeghloud, Hocine Benalla, "Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation Applied to the Three-Level Voltage Inverter," IEEE Trans. Ind Electro technic's Laboratory of Constantine) [5]. Keliang Zhou and Danwei Wang."Relationship between space vector modulation and three phase carrier based PWM:A Comprehensive Analysis" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS,VOL.49,NO.1,FEB 2002 K. Lavanya, V. Rangavalli |
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83. | Design of Microstrip Antenna Using Artificial Neural Network
Design of Microstrip Antenna Using Artificial Neural NetworkAbstract: This paper presents the general design of microstrip antennas using artificial neural networks for rectangular patch geometry. The design consists of synthesis in the forward side and then analyzed as the reverse side of the problem. In this work, the neural network is employed as a tool in design of microstrip antennas. The neural network training algorithms are used in simulation of results for training the samples to minimize the error and to obtain the geometric dimensions with high accuracy for selective band of frequencies.Key words: Artificial Neural Network, Microstrip antennas, Patch antennas Reference [1] V.V. Thakre, P.K. Singhal " Bandwidth analysis by introducing slots in Microstrip antennas design using ANN". [2] K. Guney, N. Sarikaya "Comparison of adaptive-network-based fuzzy inference systems for bandwidth calculation and rectangular microstrip antennas". [3] Narayana, J.L." Design of Microstrip antennas using artificial neural networks" [4] W.Silabut, V.Kesornpatumanun, W.Wongtrairat "Improvement of antenna return loss using binary particl swarm optimization". [5] A. Patnaik, R. K. Mishra, G. K. Patra, and S. K. Dash, "An Artificial Neural Network Model for Effective DielectricConstant of Microstrip Line". [6] A. Patnaik and R. K. Mishra, "ANN Techniques in Microwave Engineering". Shivendra Rai, Syed Saleem Uddin, Tanveer Singh Kler |
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84. | Combined Scheduling Of Gps Signals in a Gsm Based Guidance System
Combined Scheduling Of Gps Signals in a Gsm Based Guidance SystemAbstract: As the population is increasing in cities transportation has become difficult. In this paper, we present an easy way of transportation. The GPS module collects the position of the bus via GPS receiver and then sends the data of positions to specified center through SMS by using GSM service. After processing data, the position of the mobile vehicle will be displayed on the PC.Key words: Bus station module, GPS, GSM and In bus module Reference [1] Umar Farooq, Tanveer ul Haq, Senior Member IEEE,Muhammad Amar, Muhammad Usman Asad,Asim Iqbal , Second International Conference( Computer Engineering and Applications) 2010. [2] Muhammad Imran and Nicholas Low, International Journal of World Transport Policy and Parctice, vol. 9, pp. 32-39, Nov 2003. [3] P & D Department Punjab and Dainichi Consultants Inc.,Urban transport policy study for five cities of Punjab Provinc, Nov 2008. [4] Muhammad Imran and Nicholas Low, Time to change old paradigm International Journal of World Transport Policy and Parctice, vol. 9, pp. 32-39, Nov 2003. [5] Muhammad Imran and Nicholas Low, Impact of global institutions on urban transport in Pakistan cities, Proc. 39 th ISoCaRP Congress, 2003. J. Aarti, B. Premlatha, S. Krishnaveni |
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85. | Design and Analysis of Quality Control in Process Industries Using Labview
Design and Analysis of Quality Control in Process Industries Using LabviewAbstract: In all process Industries, to get quality product as output, the ingredients have to be composed in correct composition. So, to control quality of output product, we have to control the quantity of ingredients to be composed. In this paper, we have designed virtual Instrument which controls the process assessing the percentages of ingredients of any product using Lab VIEW. It checks whether added sum of percentages is equal to 100% or else halts the process. There by, it prevents the unequal percentage composition of ingredients to be composed. In spite of having many more techniques to make quality analysis followed by quantity analysis, Lab VIEW is most preferred among them. This paper provides the facility to evaluate a chemical composition before it is to be composed.Key words: Composition, Ingredients, Lab View, Quality Analysis Reference [1] The handbook of Virtual Instrumentation using Lab VIEW [2] The handbook of PC- based Instrumentation by N.Mathivanan [3] Lab VIEW Tutorial Mannual,Jan 1996 Edition [4] Gary Johnson, Lab VIEW Graphical Programming, 2nd edition, McGraw Hill, Newyork, 1997 [5] Lisa K. wells & Jeffrey Travis, Lab VIEW for everyone, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1997 V. Lohith Kumar, S.Varsha |
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86. | Casting Selfish Nodes Into Non Selfish In Replica Allocation Over Mobile Ad Hoc Network
Casting Selfish Nodes Into Non Selfish In Replica Allocation Over Mobile Ad Hoc NetworkAbstract: The nodes in Mobile Ad Hoc Network are resource constrained. This drawback and mobility nature of nodes can cause network partitioning and degradation of performance. Traditionally replica allocation techniques were used to overcome the drawback of performance degradation. It is assumed that all nodes in MANET share their memory resources fully. However, in reality the nodes may behave selfishly instead of cooperating in communication process. The selfishness exhibited by some of the nodes may lead to reduced quality of data accessibility over network. Recently Choi et al. studied the impact of selfish nodes from replication allocation perspective. Their solution is named "Selfish Replica Allocation". They proposed a novel replica allocation and selfish node detection. In this paper we implemented those mechanisms for casting selfish nodes in non selfish from the perspective of replica allocation. We built a custom Java simulator to demonstrate the proof of concept. The empirical results reveal that the approach shows higher performance when compared with existing techniques in terms of communication cost, data accessibility and average query delay.Index Terms: Mobile ad hoc networks, selfish node, selfish replica allocation Reference [1] T. Hara and S.K. Madria, "Data Replication for Improving Data Accessibility in Ad Hoc Networks," IEEE Trans. Mobile Computing, vol. 5, no. 11, pp. 1515-1532, Nov. 2006. [2] T. Hara and S.K. Madria, "Consistency Management Strategies for Data Replication in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks," IEEE Trans. Mobile Computing, vol. 8, no. 7, pp. 950-967, July 2009. [3] S.-Y. Wu and Y.-T. Chang, "A User-Centered Approach to Active Replica Management in Mobile Environments," IEEE Trans. Mobile Computing, vol. 5, no. 11, pp. 1606-1619, Nov. 2006. [4] P. Padmanabhan, L. Gruenwald, A. Vallur, and M. Atiquzzaman, "A Survey of Data Replication Techniques for Mobile Ad Hoc Network Databases," The Int'l J. Very Large Data Bases, vol. 17, no. 5, pp. 1143-1164, 2008. [5] G. Ding and B. Bhargava, "Peer-to-Peer File-Sharing over Mobile Ad Hoc Networks," Proc. IEEE Ann. Conf. Pervasive Computing and Comm. Workshops, pp. 104-108, 2004. Jaya Krishna Katti, Venkata Naga Sudheer |
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87. | Eco-Friendly Electricity Generator Using Scintillating Piezo
Eco-Friendly Electricity Generator Using Scintillating PiezoAbstract: The concept is to capture the normally lost energy surrounding a system and converting it into electrical energy that can be used to extend the lifetime of that system's power supply or possibly provide an endless supply of energy to an electronic device which has led to power harvesting. One of the most interesting methods of obtaining the energy surrounding a system is to use piezoelectric materials. There exists variety of energy harvesting techniques but mechanical energy harvesting happens to be the most prominent. This technique utilizes piezoelectric components where deformations produced by different means are directly converted to electrical charge via piezoelectric effect. Subsequently the electrical energy can be regulated or stored for further use. The proposed work in this research recommends Piezoelectricity as a alternate energy source. The motive is to obtain a pollution-free energy source and to utilize and optimize the energy being wasted. In this paper important techniques are stressed upon to harness the energy generated from piezo crystals. Piezoelectric materials have a crystalline structure that provides a unique ability to convert an applied mechanical strain into an electrical potential or vice versa. These two properties allow the material to function as a power harvesting medium. In most cases the piezoelectric material is strained through the ambient vibration around the structure, thus allowing a frequently unused energy source to be utilized for the purpose of powering small electronic systems.Key words: Piezoelectric materials, Electrical energy, Piezoelectricity, Mechanical strain, Electrical potential, Pollution-free energy, Crystalline structure Reference [1] Ramakant A. Gayakwad Papers: [2] Tanvi Dikshit, Dhawal Shrivastava, Abhijeet Gorey, Ashish Gupta, Parag Parandkar, Sumant Katiyal, "Energy Harvesting via Piezoelectricity", BVICAM's International Journal of Information Technology 2010. [3] Takeuchi M, Matsuzawa S, Tairaku K, Takatsu C. "Piezoelectric generator as power supply for RFID-tags and applications", Proc. IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, New York City, USA,28–31 Oct. 2007, pp. 2558–2561. [4] Y. C. Shu and I. C. Lien, "Analysis of power output for piezoelectric energy harvesting systems", Smart Materials and Structures 15 (2006), pp. 1499-1512. [5] Roundy S., Wright P. K. and Rabaye J., "A. study of low level vibrations as a power source for wireless sensor nodes", Computer Communications 26 (2003) 1131–1144. Pratibha Arun V, Divyesh Mehta |
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88. | A Zigbee Based Patient Health Monitoring System
A Zigbee Based Patient Health Monitoring SystemAbstract: This paper, presents a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) for monitoring patient's physiological conditions continuously using Zigbee. Here the physiological conditions of the patient's are monitored by sensors and the output of these sensors is transmitted via Zigbee and the same has to be sent to the remote wireless monitor for acquiring the observed patient's physiological signal. The remote wireless monitor is constructed of Zigbee and Personal Computer (PC). The measured signal has to be sent to the PC, which can be data collection. Although Bluetooth is better than Zigbee for transmission rate, Zigbee has lower power consumption. The first procedure of the system is that the wireless sensors are used to measure Heart rate, temperature and fall monitoring from human body using Zigbee. Next procedure of the system is to measure saline level in bottle using zigbee. The measured signal is sent to the PC via the RS-232 serial port communication interface. In particular, when measured signals cross the standard value, the personal computer will send a message to the caretaker's mobile phone.Key words: Wireless Sensor Network, physiological signal, GSM, MEMS Reference [1] Neha Mahajan, K.T.V. Reddy, "Patient Monitoring using ZigBee technology," National conference on Nascent trends in Information and Communication technologies, Equinox 2010 [2] Neha Mahajan, K.T.V. Reddy, "Wireless Monitoring of Physiological parameters using ZigBee technology," in CIT journal of Research, Volume 1, Issue 3, Nov. 2010, Pages: 154-162. [3] Y. Hao and J. Foster, "Wireless sensor networks for health monitoring applications," Physiological Meas., vol. 29, no. 11, pp. R27–R56, 2008. [4] S. Ohta, H. Nakamoto, Y. Shinagawa, and T. Tanikawa, "A Health monitoring system for elderly people living alone," J. Telemedicine and Telecare, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 151–156, Jun. 2002. [5] N. Hamza, F. Touati, and L. Khriji,"Wireless biomedical system design based on ZigBee technology for autonomous healthcare," in Proc. Int. Conf. Commun., Comput., Power (ICCCP'09), Muscat, Feb. 15–18, 2009, pp. 183–188. K. Navya, Dr. M. B. R. Murthy |
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89. | Automobile Driver Safety Scheme
Automobile Driver Safety SchemeAbstract: The continuous growth of vehicular traffic has led to increase in traffic density and higher chances for road accidents of which some are fatal. In the road accidents some people succumb to injuries due to non availability of timely medical aid. There are various reasons for vehicle accidents like sudden mechanical break down or failure, over speeding, and drowsiness during driving etc. This paper is aimed at finding a solution to some of the above problems with an intention to avoid or at least minimize the accidents and arrange medical help at the earliest.Key words: ARM7micro-controller, GPS, GSM, MEMS sensor, Speed sensor, Ultrasonic sensor. Reference [1].2009 FARS/NASS GES Standardization Fatality Analysis Reporting System PARS). National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, NHTSA- US department of transportation report-2010 [2].Hong hong Wang and Shuhua Xu, "An Automatic Supervisory Control System Based Real-Time Technology and GSM or GPRS Network- WiCOM '08. 4th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, 2008. [3].Design of Intelligent Transport Related Issue System Based on ARM7, V.Dhanaraj, et al, International Journal of research in Computer & Communication Technology, IJRCCT,ISSN 2278-5841, Vol 1, Issue 4, September 2012 [4]. Vehicle Speed Limit Alerting and Crash Detection System at Various Zones, International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJLTET) ISSN: 2278-621X Vol. 2 Issue 1 January 2013 [5] Book: "ARM System On-Chip Architecture",-second edition by Steve Furber. P. Geethasri, M. B. R. Murthy |
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90. | Keyphrase Extraction From Punjabi Corpus
>Keyphrase Extraction From Punjabi CorpusAbstract: Punjabi, the official language of the Indian Punjab, is an Indo-Aryan language. Keyphrase extraction is a Natural Language Processing task to identify keyphrases in a document. Keyphrases are groups of words that describe the meaning of a document, provide a brief summary and characterize the document's contents. This paper describes an automated system for extraction of keyphrases from Punjabi corpus.Reference [1] U. S. Tiwary, Tanveer Siddiqui Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval (Oxford Higher Education 2008). [2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_ langu age _processing [3] Chowdhury, G. G.: Dept of Computer and Information Sciences, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow G1 1XH, UK. [4] WWW.google.com [5] http://examples.yourdictionary.com/exam pl es/phrase-examples.html Preeti, Brahmaleen Kaur Sidhu |
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91. | Reservation Based Vehicle Parking System Using GSM and RFID Technology
Reservation Based Vehicle Parking System Using GSM and RFID TechnologyAbstract: This paper is to develop a Reservation based vehicle parking reservation system to overcome the problem of unnecessary time consumption in finding parking spot in commercial parking areas. In this proposed system, we reserve the parking slot in shopping malls, theatres and offices by using short message service (SMS). User reserves the slot by sending a message to GSM modem placed at the parking end. GSM modem gives slot number and a password if the slots are available which is used to allow or deny access to the parking area at the entrance and exit. IR sensor is used for the indication of empty slot with a green LED. User can park the vehicle at the given zone, and this is valid up to a certain grace period only after that the priority will be given to next user. RFID technology is used for entering and exiting parking area and also used to debit the amount for parking charges through RFID tag. The main contribution is the system has more security .Thus users can just reserve the parking slots using the SMS.Key words: GSM, RFID, IR sensor, SMS Reference [1]. Rushikesh Shinde "Parking Space Searching & Reserving With Mobile Using Bluetooth Technology" Proceedings of the NCNTE-2012, Third Biennial National Conference on Nascent Technologies. [2]. Pala Z., Inanc N., "Smart Parking Applications Using RFID Technology", 1st Annual Eurasia RFID Conference, September 2007, Turkey. [3]. www.wikipedia.org. [4]. "RFID based Parking Management System "Rutuja Patil, Student Member, IEEE, Shruti Shetty, Student Member, IEEE and Sreedevi Sanjeev Nair, Asst. Professor, Dept. of EXTC FCRIT, Vashi [5]. Zeydin Pala, "Smart Parking Applications using RFID Technology", Yuzuncu Yil University, Electrical and Electronics Engineering Dept. K.Sushma, P. Raveendra Babu, J. Nageshwara Reddy |
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92. | Comparative Analysis of Mobile Security Threats And Solution
Comparative Analysis of Mobile Security Threats And SolutionAbstract: Presently, 96% of smartphones do not have pre-installed security software. This lack in security is an opportunity for malicious cyber attackers to hack into the various devices that are popular i.e. Android, iPhone and Blackberry. Traditional security software found in personal computers (PCs), such as firewalls, antivirus, and encryption, is not currently available in smartphones. Smartphones are small and are easy to carry anywhere. Unfortunately, the convenience of using smartphones to do personal task is the loophole cyber attackers need to gain access to personal data. In this paper, we have tried to identify threats and deal with the subject of security in four fields. These four areas include: Security of mobile device, security of operating system on mobile device, security of mobile database and security of mobile network. This paper also discusses the solutions for above problem.Key words: Android, Ios, Mobile Security, Threats. Reference [1] http://www.itbusiness.ca/news/mobile-threa ts-are-growing-mcafee-report-finds /42231 [2] Ghorbanzadeh, Parviz; Shaddeli, Aytak; Malekzadeh, Roghieh; Jahanbakhsh, Zoleikha "A Survey of Mobile Database Security Threats and Solutions for It." Information Sciences and Interaction Sciences (ICIS),3rd International Conference Chengdu, China Aug 2010 [3] Ken Dunham, "Mobile Malware Attacks and defence", 2009 [4] http://www.juniper.net/us/en/local/pdf/additional-resources/jnpr-2012-mobile-threats-repo rt.pdf [5] Cyber_Security_and_Mobile_Threats__The_Need_for_Antivirus_Applications_for_Smart_Phones.pdf [6] https://www.lookout.com/resources/reports/mobile-threat-report Hezal Lopes, Rahul Lopes |
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93. | Adaptive Modulation and Coding With Incremental Redundancy Hybrid ARQ in MIMO Systems: A Cross Layered Design
Adaptive Modulation and Coding With Incremental Redundancy Hybrid ARQ in MIMO Systems: A Cross Layered DesignAbstract: The present generation wireless systems has significant growth in the demand for reliable high-speed wireless communication links for multimedia applications like voice, video, e-mail, web browsing, etc. Attaining highly reliable links is a challenging task in wireless environment. MIMO exploits space dimension to improve the system capacity, range, and reliability. In this paper a cross layered approach with Adaptive Modulation and Coding (AMC) in the physical layer and Incremental Redundancy Hybrid Automatic Retransmission Request (IR-HARQ) in the data link layer is proposed for the fourth generation MIMO systems. The proposed model improves the transmission rate and also reliability of the MIMO system.Key words: Adaptive Modulation and Coding (AMC), Incremental Redundancy Hybrid Automatic Repeat Request (IR-HARQ), Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO). Reference [1]. S.-Y. Lien, K.-C. Chen, and Y. Lin, "Toward ubiquitous massive accesses in 3GPP machine-to-machine communications," Communications Magazine, IEEE, vol. 49, no. 4, pp. 66 –74, April 2011. [2]. GhassaneAniba and Sonia Aissa, "Cross-Layer Designed Adaptive Modulation Algorithm with Packet Combining and Truncated ARQ over MIMO Nakagami Fading Channels", IEEE Trans. Wireless Communication. , VOL. 10, NO. 4,.pp.1026 to 1030, APRIL 2011. [3]. L. Cao and P.-Y. Kam, "On the performance of packet ARQ schemes in Rayleigh fading: The role of receiver channel state information and its accuracy," Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 60, no. 2,pp. 704 –709, feb. 2011. [4]. JaumeRamis and GuillemFemenias, "Cross-Layer Design of Adaptive Multirate Wireless Networks Using Truncated HARQ" IEEE Transc on Vehicular Technology, vol. 60, no.3,p.p. 944-954, MARCH 2011. [5]. YulingZhanga, DongfengYuana and Cheng-XiangWang, "Cross-layer design based on RC-LDPC codes in MIMO channels with estimation errors", Elsevier, International Journal of Electronic Communication, (AEÜ), pp-659 – 665, 2008. J. Sofia Priya Dharshini, Dr. M.V. Subramanyam, Dr. K. Soundararajan |
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94. | An ANN Based Speed Control of PMBLDCM Drive Using a Single-Stage PFC Half-Bridge Converter
An ANN Based Speed Control of PMBLDCM Drive Using a Single-Stage PFC Half-Bridge ConverterAbstract: In this paper, a buck half-bridge DC-DC converter is used as a single-stage power factor correction (PFC) converter for feeding a voltage source inverter (VSI) based permanent magnet brushless DC motor (PMBLDCM) drive. The front end of this PFC converter is a diode bridge rectifier (DBR) fed from single-phase AC mains. The PMBLDCM is used to drive a compressor load of an air conditioner through a three-phase VSI fed from a controlled DC link voltage. The speed of the compressor is controlled to achieve energy conservation using Back Propagation network Algorithm Where DC link voltage is controlled proportional to the desired speed of the PMBLDCM. Therefore the VSI is operated only as an electronic commutator of the PMBLDCM. The stator current of the PMBLDCM during step change of reference speed is controlled by a rate limiter for the reference voltage at DC link. The proposed PMBLDCM drive with voltage control based PFC converter is designed, modeled and its performance is simulated in Matlab-Simulink environment for an air conditioner compressor driven through a 1.5 kW, 1500 rpm PMBLDC motor. The evaluation results of the proposed speed control scheme with Back propagation agorithm a concept of ANN (Artificial neural network)are presented to demonstrate an improved efficiency of the proposed drive system with PFC feature in wide range of the speed and an input AC voltage.Key words: PFC, PMBLDCM, Air conditioner, Buck Half bridge converter, Voltage control, VSI Reference [1] T. Kenjo and S. Nagamori, Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motors, Clarendon Press, oxford, 1985. [2] T. J. Sokira and W. Jaffe, Brushless DC Motors: Electronic Commutation and Control, Tab Books USA, 1989. [3] J. R. Hendershort and T. J. E. Miller, Design of Brushless Permanent- Magnet Motors, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1994. [4] J. F. Gieras and M. Wing, Permanent Magnet Motor Technology – Design and Application, Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, 2002. [5] Limits for Harmonic Current Emissions (Equipment input current ≤16 A per phase), International Standard IEC 61000-3-2, 2000. C.B. Saravanan, G. Devanatha Reddy |
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95. | A Simulation of Effects of Compression Ratios on the Combustion in Engines Fueled With Biogas with Variable CO2 Concentrations
A Simulation of Effects of Compression Ratios on the Combustion in Engines Fueled With Biogas with Variable CO2 ConcentrationsAbstract: The structure of conventional engines is maintained while they are converted to biogas- powered engines so that they can reuse petroleum as fuel when needed as before conversion. In this case the detonation problem should be treated. This paper simulates the effects of compression ratio on the combustion in the engines fueled with biogas containing different CO2 concentrations. The results show that the compression ratio strongly influences the pressures at the end of combustion processes, but it presents some effect on the final combustion temperatures and on heat release curves. With a given compression ratio of 12, the temperatures and pressures at the end of combustion in engines decrease by 473K and 2 MPa respectively; while, the molar concentration of CO2 in the fuel increases from 20% to 40%.Key words: Biogas, Combustion, Compression ratio, Engine, Simulation. Reference [1] B.V. Ga, L.M Tien, T.L.B Tram, N.V. Dong, Limitation of Emissions of Greenhouse Gases with the Application of Biogas Technology to Internal Combustion Engines, Proceedings of Scientific Researches at the Eight National Conference on Mechanics, Volume 1, Hanoi, 2009, 383-392. [2] B.V. Ga, T.V. Nam, N.T.T Xuan, Utilization of Biogas Engines in Rural Areas: A Contribution to Climate Change Mitigation, Colloque International RUNSUD 2010, Universite Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France, 2010, 19-31. [3] (http://vietbao.vn/Khoa-hoc/May-phatdien- sach/45265746/188/) [4] (http://www.sdxsgs.com) [5] http://www.vatgia.com Bui Van Ga, Tran Van Nam, Tran Thanh Hai Tung |
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96. | Cost and Stability Analysis of Microgrids in Presence Of Evs Based On Dynamic Modeling
Cost and Stability Analysis of Microgrids in Presence Of Evs Based On Dynamic ModelingAbstract: Development of Electrical Vehicles (EVs) has been created many challenges and also advantages for grids. One of the most important subjects is capability of which as energy storage device. In this paper, role of EVs has been studied as useful element in microgrids as energy storage device to reduce the on-peak load in microgrid and decrease the total cost of microgrid. For this goal the problem has been considered as an objective function that optimized with Big Bang-Big Crunch optimization algorithm with MATLAB software for the first time and its results have been compared with PSO algorithm. Also, the role of penetration of EVs in microgrid stability has been studied by use of dynamic modeling of microgrid components and the ways to reduce the problems have been proposed. The dynamic simulations are performed by PSCAD simulation software.Key words: Big Bang-Big Crunch optimization algorithm, distributed generation (DG), electrical vehicle (EV), microgrid; power market, renewable energy. Reference [1] HannuJaakkoLaaksonen, "Protection Principles for Future Microgrids," IEEE transactions on power electronics, vol. 25, no. 12, december 2010. [2] M. Erol-Kantarci, J. H. Sarker, H. T. Mouftah, "Communication-based Plug-in Hybrid Electrical Vehicle Load Management in the Smart Grid," IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), Corfu, Greece, June 28- July 1, 2011. [3] Donald Rickey, "ElectricPlugging Electric Vehicles into the Smart Grid". Available at: http://www.dailyenergyreport.com/2011/09/plugging-electric-vehicles-into-the-smart-grid/. [4] M. Valentine-Urbschat and W. Bernhart, Powertrain 2020-The Future Drives Electric Roland Berger Strategic Consultants Report, Sep. 2009, pp. 1–95. [Online]. Available: http://www.rolandberger.com/. [5] Electrification Coalition. Electrification Roadmap: Revolutionizing Transportation and Achieving Energy Security, Nov. 2009. [Online]. Available: http://www.electrificationcoalition.org/. Farzad Vazinram, Majid Gandomkar, Mehdi Bayat Mokhtari |
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97. | Zigbee Network for Biomedical Signal Monitoring: Preliminary Results
Zigbee Network for Biomedical Signal Monitoring: Preliminary ResultsAbstract: Wireless medical devices have been widely used inside hospitals, medical centers, ambulances and patients home. The wireless connectivity enable remote monitoring of patients' vital signs and improved care providers' ability to deliver timely treatment, leading to a better health care system. ZigBee is one of the technologies which have been widely used for wireless monitoring bioelectrical signals from patient freely moving. The objective of this work is to develop a wireless monitoring system for acquiring, monitoring and processing blood oxygenation, heart rate and body temperature. It is also presented a graphical interface for controlling and managing the ZigBee network devices. The ZigBee network was implemented by using the MC13213-EVK kit from Freescale Semiconductor and data were measured by the MED-SPO2 development kit. Additionally, the body temperature circuit was developed by using a negative temperature coefficient resistor. Data were recorded from 3 healthy volunteers of 25, 28 and 65 years old and recorded to a host computer. Comparisons were made by using commercial standard devices. The maximum error was found to be approximately 3.2% for the heart rate whereas a maximum of 1% for the others measured data. The network communication link between the sensors and the host computer was approximately 13 meters inside a room with walls but without using router devices. It can be concluded that the use of a wireless ZigBee system for monitoring and transmitting bioelectrical signals is feasible and it can be adjusted according to the patient needs. This might give to patient greater mobility for their daily activities during the day and it may also assist hospitals and medical centers with a great tool for monitoring and post-processing patients' vital signs.Key words: Biomedical Sensors, Signal Acquisition, Wireless Network, ZigBee. Reference [1] VALENTIM, Ricardo Alexsandro de Medeiros. Automação Hospitalar: O Estado Da Arte. Revista Brasileira de Inovação Tecnológica em Saúde. 2012. [2] RIBEIRO, Anna G. C. D., MAITELLI, André L., VALENTIM, Ricardo A. M., ARAÚJO, Bruno G., BRANDÃO, Gláucio B., GUERREIRO, Ana M. G.. Uso de tecnologias móveis no monitoramento de pacientes hospitalares e em homecare. XII Brazilian Congress of Health Informatics. 2010. [3] HOU, James, CHANG, Benjamin, CHO, Dae-Ki, GERLA, Mario. Minimizing 802.11 Interference on ZigBee Medical Sensors. BodyNets '09 April 1-3, 2009 Los Angeles, CA, USA [4] P. Frehill, D. Chambers, and C. Rotariu. Using ZigBee to Integrate Medical Devices. In IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS), Convention Center, "Cite Internationale", Lyon, France, Aug. 2007. [5] Maceratini, Ricardo e Sabattini, Renato M.E. Telemedicina: A Nova Revolução. Revista Informédica. Volume: 1, Number: 6, Pages: 5-9, Janeiro 1994. Felipe Cubas Schulz, Pedro Bertemes Filho |
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98. | Human Emotion Recognition by Using Pattern Recognition Network
Human Emotion Recognition by Using Pattern Recognition NetworkAbstract: Identifying Human Emotion is important in facilitating communication and interactions between individuals. They are also used as an important mean in studying behavioral Science and in studying Psychological changes. Since face is the prime source for recognizing human emotion, the proposed system will provide a quick and practical approach for non-invasive emotion detection. The recognition of emotions is done by deploying an intelligent system using neural network, signal processing and image processing toolbox of Matlab 7.12.0(R2011a). The network classifier is pattern recognition network which is actually a feed forward neural network that will be trained for some images bearing different emotions. The trained network is then simulated to test the new data for recognizing different emotions.Key words: Discrete Cosine Transform, Pattern Recognition Network Reference [1]. Caifeng Shan1, Shaogang Gong2, Peter W. McOwan2 "Facial Expression Recognition Based on Statistical Local Features". [2]. Recognition Darwin C. "The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals" [M]. London: John Murray, 1872. [3]. Ayako Katoh, Yasuhiro Fukui "Classification Of Facial Expressions Using Self-Organizing Maps" Proceedings of the 20th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vol. 20, No 2,1998 [4]. Kyungnam Kim "Face Recognition using Principle Component Analysis". [5]. Behzad Oshidarit and Babak N. Araabi "An Effective Feature Extraction Method for Facial Expression Recognition using Adaptive Gabor Wavelet", 2010. Shivani Gangwar, Shashwat Shukla, Dr. Deepak Arora |
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99. | Pushover Analysis of Medium Rise Multi-Story RCC Frame With and Without Vertical Irregularity
Pushover Analysis of Medium Rise Multi-Story RCC Frame With and Without Vertical IrregularityAbstract: The performance of a structural system can be evaluated resorting to non-linear static analysis. This involves the estimation of the structural strength and deformation demands and the comparison with the available capacities at desired performance levels. This study aims at evaluating and comparing the response of five reinforced concrete building systems by the use of different methodologies namely the ones described by the ATC-40 and the FEMA-273 using nonlinear static procedures, with described acceptance criteria. The methodologies are applied to a 3 storey frames system with and without vertical irregularity, both designed as per the IS 456-2000 and IS 1893-2002 (Part II) in the context of Performance Based Seismic Design procedures. Present study aims towards doing Nonlinear Static Pushover Analysis of G+3 medium rise RCC residential building frame which is to be designed by Conventional Design Methodology. A Nonlinear Static Analysis (Pushover Analysis) had been used to obtain the inelastic deformation capability of frame. It was found that irregularity in elevation of the building reduces the performance level of structure there is also decrease in deformation or displacement of the building.Key words: Performance based design, Static Pushover Analysis, Lateral displacement, story shear, Base shears, story drift, etc. Reference [1] Dakshes J. Pambhar (2012), "Performance Based Pushover Analysis of R.C.C. Frames", International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Studies IJAERS/Vol. I/ Issue III/April-June, 2012/329-333. [2] Mehdi Poursha et al. (2011), "A Consecutive Modal Pushover Procedure for Nonlinear Static Analysis of One-Way Unsymmetric-Plan Tall Building Structures", Engineering Structures 33 (2011) 2417–2434. [3] Anil K. Chopra, et al. (2002), "A modal pushover analysis procedure for estimating seismic demands for buildings", Earthquake Engineering And Structural Dynamics (Earthquake Engng Struct. Dyn. 2002; 31:561–582). [4] A.M. Mwafy, et al. (2001), "Static pushover versus dynamic collapse analysis of RC buildingsStatic pushover versus dynamic collapse analysis of RC buildings", Engineering Structures 23 (2001) 407–424. [5] A.S. Elnashai, (2001), "Advanced inelastic static (pushover) analysis for earthquake applications", Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Vol. 12, No. 1 (200!) 51-69 Mohommed Anwaruddin Md. Akberuddin, Mohd. Zameeruddin Mohd. Saleemuddin |
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100. | Peak-To-Average Power Ratio (PAPR) Reduction in Ofdm Systems Using Dummy Signal Hybrid Slm-Pts Technique
Peak-To-Average Power Ratio (PAPR) Reduction in Ofdm Systems Using Dummy Signal Hybrid Slm-Pts TechniqueAbstract: OFDM is a promising technique for the present generation communication systems where high data rate and fading channels are of major concern. However still some challenging issues remain unresolved in the design of OFDM systems. One of the major problem is high PAPR. The high PAPR of transmitted systems reduces the system efficiency and hence increases the cost of Radio Frequency(RF) Power Amplifier and also degrades the BER. In this paper, a Dummy Signal Hybrid (DH) SLM-PTS scheme is proposed to obtain the better PAPR reduction performance with reduced computational complexity. The simulation results are examined with other hybrid schemes and found that DH scheme provides better PAPR reduction performance compared to other hybrid schemes but at the cost of computational speed, because each time it compares the PAPR of the signal with threshold value and generates dummy signal accordingly with reduced PAPR.Key words: CCDF, OFDM, PAPR, PTS, SLM. Reference [1] Pankaj Kumar Sharma, and R.K. Nagaria, ʻʻ An SLM based PAPR Reduction Method Using New Volterra Predistorter Model In The OFDM System ʻʻ, WSEAS transactions on communications, Issue 10, Vol. 11, October 2012, pp. 367-374. [2] Lin Chen, and Xuelong HU, ʻʻ Research On PAPR Reduction In OFDM Systems ʻʻ, JOFCIS, December 2010, pp.3919-3927. [3] Sheng-Ju Ku, and Chin-Liang Wang, ʻʻA Reduced Complexity PTS Based PAPR Reduction Scheme For OFDM Systems, IEEE transactions on wireless, Vol. 9,NO.8,August 2010, pp. 2455-2460. [4] Jun Hou, Jianhua Ge and Jing Li, ʻʻPeak -To –Average Power Reduction In OFDM Signals Using PTS Scheme With Low Computational Complexityʻʻ, IEEE transactions on broadcasting, Vol.57, NO.1, March 2011, pp. 143-148. [5] Swami Parmanand, and Maharshi Markandeshwar, ʻʻ Signal Scrambling Techniques For PAPR Reduction in OFDM Systems ʻʻ, IJECS, Issue 1, Vol. 2, January 2013,pp. 311-317. K. Mohan Krishna, V. Sudharani |
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101. | Parametric Performance Analysis of 2-GHz Low Noise Amplifier
Parametric Performance Analysis of 2-GHz Low Noise AmplifierAbstract: In this paper designed, implemented and simulated LNA is divided into two parts. In the first part, LNA is based on lumped elements and in second part LNA is based on distributed elements. Two designed methods have been compared and best performance is obtained with lumped elements. The designed amplifier provides a noise figure of 0.358 dB , gain of 16.778 dB, input return loss is -4.917dB and output return loss is -10.045 dB. LNA is simulated at 2 GHz by employing active device like MESFET sp_hp_ATF34143_4_19990129. Parametric performance analysis is carried out using Advanced Design Simulation (ADS) tool of Agilent Technologies. This paper highlights or shows the all necessary steps or different performance parameters for LNA design.Key words: ADS (Advanced Design System), LNA(Low Noise Amplifier), Smith Chart, S-parameters Reference [1] M. Challal, A. Azrar, H. Bentarzi, A.Recioui, M. Dehmas. and D. Vanhoenacker Janvier,"On Low Noise Amplifier Design for Wireless Communication Systems" University of Boumerdes UMBB Boumerdes, mchallal@gmail.com [2] M. Challal, A. Azrar and D. Vanhoenacker Janvier, "K-Band Two Stages Low Noise Amplifier Design in MicrostripTechnology" Eighth International Multi-Conference on Systems ,March 22-25, 2011. mchallal@ieee.org [3] Dan Zhang and Wei Wu, "Parameter Analysis and Design of A 1.5GHz, 15mw Low Noise Amplifier" International Conference on Circuits, System and Simulation, vol.7, 2011 [4] Ratnaparkhi V, S. B. Deosarkar,and L. Punitha and,"An Effective Design of Two Stage Low Noise Amplifier for WiMAX" Dr.B.A.T.U. Lonere,(India) (India),May-2008, E-mail: ratnaparkhi_vivek@yahoo.co.in [5] Varish Diddi , Kumar V. S. and Animesh Biswas, "Design of Low Power LNA for GPS Application" International Conference on Circuits, System and Simulation , IACSIT Press, Singapore, vol.7, March-2011. S. S. Gore, G. M. Phade |
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102. | Joco 0.1: Conteneur D'application Modulaire A Base Des Agents BDI De La Plateforme Jadex Suivant La Méthodologie O-Mase
Joco 0.1: Conteneur D'application Modulaire A Base Des Agents BDI De La Plateforme Jadex Suivant La Méthodologie O-MaseAbstract: As part of the technology and specially the aspects of structuring programming methodologies, the notion of agents and agent oriented programming AOP[3, 6] oriented become an important aspect of programming. However, the multitude of technologies using agents and diversity of types of agents, the choice of development using agents becomes a tedious task In this article, we present the container jocov0.1, an implementation of the O-MaSE [2] methodology for modeling agents and specially the BDI agents using Jadex framwork.Key words: AOP, O-MaSE, MAS, Agent, BDI, meta-model, Jadex , JOCO, JOCOLipse, JOCOCore Reference [1] Anand S. Rao and Michael P. George,BDI Agents : From Theory to Practice, April 1995. [2] Scott A. DeLoach and Juan Carlos García-Ojeda, O-MaSE: a customisable approach to designing and building complex, adaptive multi-agent systems, Int. J. Agent-Oriented Software Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 3, 2010. [3] Ingrid Nunes, Carlos J.P. de Lucena, Uira Kulesza, and Camila Nunes, On the Development of Multi-agent Systems Product Lines: A Domain Engineering Process, AOSE 2009 [4] Ingrid Nunes, Simone Barbosa, Michael Luck, and Carlos Lucena, Dynamically Adapting BDI Agent Architectures based, AOSE 2011 [5] Busetta, P., Howden, N., R¨onnquist, R., Hodgson, A.: Structuring BDI agents in functional clusters. In: ATAL '99. pp. 277–289 (2000) Jamal Berrich, Toumi Bouchentouf, Abdelhamid Benazzi |
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103. | A Novel Approach for Controlling Mobile Data Offloading Between 3GPP and Non-3GPP Access Networks.
A Novel Approach for Controlling Mobile Data Offloading Between 3GPP and Non-3GPP Access Networks.Abstract: Mobile network traffic is growing rapidly, and service providers must manage their networks efficiently to meet consumer demand. Mobile data offloading is the use of complementary network technologies for delivering data originally targeted for cellular networks. Access network discovery and selection function (ANDSF) is the most complete 3GPP approach to date for controlling offloading between 3GPP (such as HSPA or LTE) and non-3GPP access networks (such as Wi-Fi or WIMAX). The purpose of the ANDSF is to assist user devices to discover access networks in their vicinity and to provide rules (policies) to prioritize and manage connections to all networks. In this paper, we propose a new ANDSF- assisted Wi-Fi regulator method based on end user's high-level motion states, such as driving ,walking, and recognizing whether the user is motionless or not, to avoid unnecessary Wi-Fi scanning and connections. The client-based Wi-Fi connection manager, which performs cyclic Wi-Fi scanning, is compared with the proposed method. According to the performance results, the proposed method shows significant performance enhancement in terms of efficient Wi-Fi control and connectivity with 3G and Wi-Fi.Key words: component; ANDSF, Mobile Data offloading, LTE, Handover, Wi-Fi,WIMAX Reference [1] Cisco, Visual Networking Index: Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast Update, 2011–2016, February 2012. [2] Muntean, V.H., Marius Otesteanu, "WiMAX versus LTE - An overview of technical aspects for Next Generation Networks technologies," ISETC 2010, November 2010. [3] 3GPP TS 23.402, "Architecture Enhancement for Non-3GPP Accesses (Release 11)," December 2011. [4] 3GPP TS 24.312, "Access Network Discovery and Selection Function (ANDSF) Management Object (MO) (Release 11)," December 2011. [5] JeongyeupPaek, Joongheon Kim, Ramesh Govindan, "Energy-efficient rate-adaptive GPS-based positioning for smartphones," MobiSys 2010, June 2010. [6] Place lab: A privacy-observant location system. http://www.placelab.org/. P. P. Nagarajarao, G. Sunil |
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104. | Generation of Test Data Using Genetic Algorithm
Generation of Test Data Using Genetic AlgorithmAbstract: Genetic Algorithm has been implemented to automate the generation of test data. The test data was derived from the program's structure with the aim to traverse every line of code in the software. This work uses fitness function and variables are represented in binary code. The power of using Genetic Algorithm lies in its ability to handle input data which may be of complex structure. Thus, the problem of test data generation is treated entirely as an optimization problem. The advantage of Genetic Algorithm is that through the search and optimization process, test sets are improved. The work has been tested with the help of Triangle Type Classification program.Key words: Genetic Algorithm, Crossover, Mutation, Test Data, Fitness Function Reference [1] Mansour N, Miran Salame," Data Generation for PathTesting", Software Quality Journal, 12, 121–136, 2004,Kluwer Academic Publishers. [2] Michael, C.C., McGraw, G.E., Schatz, M.A., Walton, C.C., " Genetic algorithm for dynamic test data generation" , Technical Report, RSTR-003-97-11 [3] Nirpal Premal B ,Kale K V," Using Genetic Algorithm for Automated Efficient Software Test Case Generation for Path Testing", International Journal in Advanced Networking and Applications Volume: 02, Issue: 06, Pages: 911-915 (2011) [4] Srivastava, P.R., Kim, T.H." Application of genetic algorithm in software testing", International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications 3(4) (October 2009) [5] Srivastava P. R. et al, "Generation of test data using Meta heuristic approach" IEEE TENCON (19-21 NOV 2008), India available in IEEEXPLORE. Rupinder Kaur, Sandeep Kaur Dhanda |
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105. | Automatic Traffic Information System Without Gps
Automatic Traffic Information System Without GpsAbstract: In a densely populated country like India, traffic and accidents are major problems. To overcome this, the government has to enlarge roads and introduce many infrastructures to reduce the traffic problems, but it's not possible make infrastructural renovations in every requisite place. In order to reduce the traffic and road accidents this project introduces a TRANSCEIVER which is more or less like radar and it also uses a DIRECTION SENSOR – (like "cherry SD1012"). Each vehicle has these two modules and each vehicle transmits and receives the signals of the vehicles around the range of the transceiver (say 500m). With the reception of these signals from the vehicles around the specified range the traffic density can be found and we can prompt the user to take a different route or to slow down their speed using software programs from the received data. In order to know the vehicles that are going in the direction of the user, a direction sensor is used. If N number of vehicles are going in a direction (say north), then the TRANSCEIVER will filter the other signals and it will receive signals only from vehicles which are heading in the same direction, so the number of signals received is directly proportional to the traffic density, there by using algorithms we can instruct the user to either slow down or take detour. Using this same principle, by receiving the data from the upcoming traffic signal, we can also know the status of the signal and using algorithms we can instruct the user to either slow down or speed up, in this case traffic signals from a junction are given directions (north, south, east and west) so only the information of the traffic signal which matches the direction of the users' vehicle will be received and other signals can be attenuated. Thus the DIRECTION and TRANSRECIEVER module together helps to know the locations of vehicles. Once these modules implemented in all vehicles this project finds various applications in ambulance path clearance, traffic police department surveillance, public transports, accident location etc.Key words: Traffic reduction, Automation, Speed ontrol, Transciever, traffic surveillance Reference [1] "ZigBee Wireless Networks and Transceivers" By Shahin Farahani [2] Tung, H.; Tsang, K.; Chui, K.; Tung, H.; Chi, H.; Hancke, G.; Man, K., "The Generic Design of a High Traffic Advance Metering Infrastructure Using ZigBee," Industrial Informatics, IEEE Transactions on , vol.PP, no.99,pp.1,1,0doi: 10.1109/TII.2013.2280084 [3] Aisha Al-Abdallah, A.; Asma Al-Emadi, A.; Mona Al-Ansari, M.; Nassma Mohandes, N.; Malluhi, Q., "Real-time traffic surveillance using ZigBee," Computer Design and Applications (ICCDA), 2010 International Conference on , vol.1, no., pp.V1-550,V1-554,25-27June2010doi : 10.1109/ICCDA.2010.5540694 [4] Wei Shen; Wynter, L., "Real-time road traffic fusion and prediction with GPS and fixed-sensor data," Information Fusion (FUSION), 2012 15th International Conference on , vol., no., pp.1468,1475, 9-12 July 2012 [5] Mittal, A.K.; Bhandari, D., "A novel approach to implement green wave system and detection of stolen vehicles," Advance Computing Conference (IACC), 2013 IEEE 3rd International , vol., no., pp.1055,1059,22-23Feb.2013 doi: 10.1109/IAdCC.2013.6514372 Melvin F., P. Muthu Subramanian |
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106. | A Review on Software Testing Methodology
A Review on Software Testing MethodologyAbstract: Software engineering played important role in today's life.Now in these days in our daily life we encountered with various software tools and applications these applications are provide ease in business invigilation, banking and other domains. These applications are results of effort of software engineering;any quality software application development needs a large amount of planning, team work and money. Thus to maintain the quality of software, testing is an optimal way to produce a quality software application.There are various testing tools and techniques are previously developed. This paper providesa study about various testing methodologies. On the basis of performance of methodologies adopted previously a review of about testing methodology is given in this paper.Key words: software engineering, testing, testing methodology. Reference [1] Software Testing,Carnegie Mellon University,spring 1999,www.ece.cmu.edu/~koopman/des_s99/sw_testing/ [2] Software Testing Fundamentals—Concepts, Roles, and Terminology, John E. Bentley, Wachovia Bank, Charlotte NC,http://www2.sas.com/proceedings/sugi30/141-30.pdf [3] An Evaluation of Test Coverage Tools in Software Testing,Muhammad Shahid, Suhaimi Ibrahim,Proc .of CSIT vol.5 (2011) © (2011) IACSIT Press, Singapore [4] Who tested my software? Testing as an organizationallycross-cutting activity,Mika V. Ma¨ntyla¨, Juha Itkonen Joonas Iivonen,Published online: 21 August 2011 [5] Adaptive Random Testing: the ART of Test Case Diversity,Tsong Yueh Chena, Fei-Ching Kuoa, Robert G. Merkela, T.H. Tseb,Journal of Systems and Software. Copyright © Elsevier 2010 Khushboo Pandey |
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107. | Mashhad PNU Readiness For Rmplementation Of Total Quality Management(TQM)
Mashhad PNU Readiness For Rmplementation Of Total Quality Management(TQM)Abstract: This study investigated the relationship of total quality management through Mashhad PNU ready to run TQM descriptive and correlational analysis was performed and the data is used. The population consists of 50 directors of Morgan questionnaire was based on a sample of 45 patients were available. A researcher-made questionnaire was Likert format to assess the validity of the diagnostic validity and reliability of Cronbach`s alpha was used to measure. Data using the software package (spss. 18) pasw by descriptive statistics and statistical model T single-sample analysis. . Results showed a penchant for TQM concept and variables in the PNU coordinated efforts of the management team, participate in hands-on efforts to improve quality, time to spread the philosophy of Total Quality Management, Resources and giving praise and rewards for good in the process of promoting and applying the variable Total Quality Management philosophy in words and deeds more than the average High contrast and bright plans for the future are less variable and lower than average.Key words: Total Quality Management, Quality Management, Payam Noor University of Mashhadz Reference [1] Quraishi,Uzma et aI.2010.Faculty satisfaction Higher Education: A TQM Approach. http:/Iwww.eric.ed.gov of Improving Student Learning. Source: proquest LLC/D. Ed. Dissertation, university of Minnesota. http://www.eric.ed.gov [2] Houston, Don.2007. TQM and Higher Education: A Critical systems perspective on fitness for purpose. http://www.eric.ed.gov [3] S. Alavee, (2004). Relationship of Personnel Creativity and Organizational Environment, Payam modereyat, 8: 133. [4] R. Melina, (2007). Senior Management's Influence on the Contextual Components of an Organization that Affect Creativity: A Case Study of a New Zealand Manufacturing Company, PhD thesis, Lincoln University. [5] W. Cindy, (2006), The influence of leader regulatory focus on employee creativity, Journal of Business Venturing, 23, 5. N. Afrooz, M. Golmakani |
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108. | Comparison of Characteristic Curve of Drain-Source Electron Transport Properties in ZnO and GaAs Based MOSFETs Using Monte Carlo Simulation
Comparison of Characteristic Curve of Drain-Source Electron Transport Properties in ZnO and GaAs Based MOSFETs Using Monte Carlo SimulationAbstract: The effect of gate length and Thickness on the characteristic curve of drain-source current verse gate voltage in ZnO and GaAs MOSFETs have been simulated. Three transistors with gate lengths of 30, 40 and 50 nm are simulated. Simulations show that with a fixed channel length, when the gate length is increases, the output drain current would be increased, the Moreover, with increasing oxide Thickness the drain current is reduced, which results in the reduced drain barrier lowering. At last, A comparison between thickness and gate lengths of two semiconductors have been discussed.Key words: MOSFET, ZnO, GaAs, Gate Length, Oxide thickness, Drain voltage Reference [1] K. Nomura, H. Ohta, K. Ueda, T. Kamiya, M. Hirano, and H. Hosono, Science 300, 1269 (2003). [2] Xiang Li , " Electerical properties and device applications of In Alp native oxide/ Ga As MOS structures", Graduate Program in Electrical Engineering Notre Dame, Indiana, July 2005. [3] H. Arabshahi, "The effect of gate length and temperature on ZnO MOSFETs operation", Pelagia Research Library Advances in Applied Science Research, (2010), 1 (1): 44- 48 M. Ghafourian, S. Nobakht, H. Arabshahi, M. H. Tayarani, A. Vatan-Khahan, M. Bazrafshan |
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109. | Design of NETWORK Device Driver with NAPI Implementation
Design of NETWORK Device Driver with NAPI ImplementationAbstract: With the advent of extremely high speed Ethernet interfaces the number of interrupts the NIC receives is enormously high. To overcome this kind of problem NAPI mixes interrupts with polling and gives higher performance under high traffic load than the old approach, by reducing significantly the load on the CPU. NAPI is a technique to improve network performance on Linux. In this paper, the design of network device driver includes with NAPI implementation in Linux operating system based on ARM920T processor is implemented on the S3C2410-S development platform made in Beijing universal pioneering technology.Key words: ARM9 processor; embedded linux; network device driver; e100 Reference [1] Q.Sun, Developing Detail Explain of Embedded Linux Application, Beijing, Posts & Telecom Press, July 2006. [2] T.Z.Sun and W.J.Yuan, embedded design and Linux driver development guide, Beijing, Publishing House of Electronics Industry, October 2009. [3] Jonathan Corbet, Alessandro Rubini, Greg Kroah-Hartman, Linux Device Drivers, 3rd Edition, O'Reilly Media, February 2005. [4] D.Cao and K.Wang, "Research of Network Device Driver based on Linux", Computer Knowledge and Technology, 2005( 21). [5] F.J.Li and W.D.Jin,"Research and Implementation of Network Driver in Embedded Linux", Modern Electronic Technique, 2005(16) G. Sivaram, B. Krishna, K. Prabhu |
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110. | An Advanced Control Method for Inductive Load of Z-Source Inverter
An Advanced Control Method for Inductive Load of Z-Source InverterAbstract: In this paper, the operation principle of the Z-source inverter is analysed in detail. According to the characteristics of allowed short–shrougt zero state in the Z-source inverter, SPWM control method of the Z-source inverter is obtained by inserting fixed short–shrougt zero state into zero state of SPWM. It is simple and easily implemented in practice. However, in inductive load condition the output voltage and current of Z-source inverter have serious distortion and affect the inverting quality. The cause of this distortion is analysed in detail and an improved SPWM control method is proposed, which can better solve the output voltage and current distortion problem of the Z-source inverter under the condition of inductive load. Matlab simulation results verify that the improved SPWM control method not only eliminates distortion caused by inductive load, but also decreases the switch times and quantities in each cycle. Therefore, it decreases the THD of AC output effectively and improves the efficiency of the inverter, and its theoretical analysis is verified to be effective.Key words: Z-source, inverter, SPWM, the shoot–shrougt zero state, inductive load, voltage distortion Reference [1] Fang zheng peng. Z-Source Inverter. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications [J]. 2003,39(2):504~510 [2] J. Holtz. Pulse width Modulation – a Survey. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics [J]. 1992, 39(5):410 ~420 [3] Romli M.S.N Idris, Z., Saparon A, Hamzah M.K. An Area-Efficient Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation (SPWM) Technique for Single Phase Matrix Converter (SPMC). Industrial Electronics and Applications, 2008. 2008:1163~1168. [4] WANG Rutian, WANG Jianze, TAN Guanghui, JI Yanchao. Study of three-phase converter with repetitive control [J]. Electric Power Automation Equipment. 2008,28 (6) :11~16. [5] WANG Shuwen, JI Yanchao, MA Wechuan. Research on a novelsingle phase inverter source and its modulation technology [J] .Proceedings of the CSEE, 2006, 26( 17) : 62~66. [5] TAN Guang-hui; CHEN Xi;; WANG Jian-ze; JI Yan-chao. A Novel Single-stage Buck- boost Inverter Based on Improved Spwm Control Method. [J]. Proceedings of the CSEE, 2007, 27(16): 65~71. P. Mallikarjuna, M. Abid Nayeemuddin |
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111. | Concrete Made For Energy Conservation Mixed With Sodium Polyacrylates
Concrete Made For Energy Conservation Mixed With Sodium PolyacrylatesAbstract: This study focusses on the heat transfer properties of plain concrete mixed with superabsorbent polymer called sodium polyacrylate. An optimum amount of sodium polyacrylate is used in the concrete mix based on the general concrete strength. There are several advantages of mixing super absorbent polymer in concrete. Some of these advantages are; providing internal water source that helps in the hydration process, internal curing and ultimately increases the concrete strength, providing additional voids due to drying process in the concrete mass, and improving the insulation properties of concrete. The additional water voids affect the concrete strength negatively; at the same time improve the concrete performance by improving the concrete workability and place ability, reducing the concrete susceptibility to freezing thawing cycles, reducing shrinkage, and improving the fresh concrete stability. Several batches were prepared to determine the most effective amount of sodium polyacrylate to use in the concrete mix.Key words: Concrete Durability, Hydration, Internal Curing, Sodium Polyacrylate, Hot box, Thermal conductivity. Reference [1] Jensen, M, "Use of superabsorbent polymers in concrete," Concrete International, Vol. 35, No. 1, January 1, 2013, pages 48-52. [2] Jensen, O., and Hensen, "Autogenous deformation and RH-Change in prospective," Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 31, No. 12, Dec. 2001, pages 1859-1865. [3] Jensen, O., and Hensen, "Water-Entrained cement-based materials: Experimental observations," Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 32, No. 6, June 2002, pages 973-978. [4] Snoeck, Didier, Van Tittelboom, Kim, De Belie, Nele, Steuperaert, Stijin and Peter Dubruel, Peter, "The use of superabsorbent polymers as a crack sealing and crack healing mechanism in cementitious materials," 3rd International conference on Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting (ICCRRR -2012), Cape Town, South Africa, pages 152 – 157, ISBN:9780415899529. [5] RILEM. Internal Curing of Concrete – State of-the-Art Report of RILEM Technical Committee 196-ICC. State of the Art Report, RILEM Publications SARL, 2007. Moayyad Al-Nasra |
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112. | Application of K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) Approach for Predicting Economic Events: Theoretical Background
Application of K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) Approach for Predicting Economic Events: Theoretical BackgroundAbstract: In the present study k-Nearest Neighbor classification method, have been studied for economic forecasting. Due to the effects of companies' financial distress on stakeholders, financial distress prediction models have been one of the most attractive areas in financial research. In recent years, after the global financial crisis, the number of bankrupt companies has risen. Since companies' financial distress is the first stage of bankruptcy, using financial ratios for predicting financial distress have attracted too much attention of the academics as well as economic and financial institutions. Although in recent years studies on predicting companies' financial distress in Iran have been increased, most efforts have exploited traditional statistical methods; and just a few studies have used nonparametric methods. Recent studies demonstrate this method is more capable than other methods.Key words: Predicting financial distress- Machine learning- k-Nearest Neighbor. Reference [1] Audibert, J.Y. & Tsybakov, A.B. (2007) "Fast learning rates for plug-in classifiers under the margin condition", Ann. Statist, 35: 608–633. [2] Bailey, T. & Jain, A. (1978) "A note on distance-weighted k-Nearest Neighbor rules", IEEE Trans. Systems, Man, Cybernetics, 8: 311-313. [3] Baoli, L., Shiwen, Y. & Qin, L. (2003) "An Improved k-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm for Text Categorization, ArXiv Computer Science e-prints. [4] Bauer, M.E., Burk, T.E., Ek, A.R., Coppin, P.R. Lime, S.D., Walsh, T.A., Walters, D.K., Befort, W. & Heinzen, D.F. (1994) "Satellite Inventory of Minnesota's Forest Resources", Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 60(3): 287–298. [5] Bax, E. (2000) "Validation of nearest neighbor classifiers", IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 46: 2746–2752. Sadegh Bafandeh Imandoust, Mohammad Bolandraftar |
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113. | Curing Acceleration of Concrete Bricks by Using Chemical Admixture
Curing Acceleration of Concrete Bricks by Using Chemical AdmixtureAbstract: The study was carried out to assess the effect of chemical admixture on the curing of concrete bricks. The effect was assessed in terms of compressive strength gained by the bricks during predetermined period in days. After manufacture, the batches of bricks cured by conventional method. Four sample batches were prepared viz. 0.0, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 percentage of chemical admixture of the cement used. The compressive strength of the bricks was made on compression testing machine. The plot of the average compressive strength of each batch versus curing time in days obtained on the basis of findings during the tests. It was found that the use of the chemical admixtures improves the rate of curing and helps the concrete to gain earlier strength.Key words: Chemical Admixture, Compressive Strength, Concrete bricks, Curing, Hydration. Reference [1] Pfeifer, Donald W., (1982)."Development of the Concrete Technology for a Precast Prestressed Concrete Segmental Bridge," PCI Journal, September-October 1982, pp. 78-99. [2] Levitt, M., (1982). Precast Concrete, Materials, Manufacture, Properties and Usage, Applied Science Publishers, INC., Englewood, NJ, pp. 33-38, 53-73 [3] Kosmatka, Steven H., and William C. Panarese, (1988). Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures, Portland Cement Association, Skokie, Illinois, pp. 16, 6667. M. N. Shete, P. S. Bhandari, S. S. Rikame, P. M. Pathak |
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114. | Air Bag: A Safety Restraint System of an Automobile
Air Bag: A Safety Restraint System of an AutomobileAbstract: The present paper represents a brief review of life saving system in roll- over accidents, while driving on the road by a four wheeler. An Airbag is an automotive safety restraint system for an occupant as well as passengers. The system consists of a flexible fabric envelope or cushion, designed to inflate rapidly during an automobile collision. Its purpose is to cushion occupants during a crash and provide protection to their bodies when they strike interior objects such as the steering wheel or a window etc. Thus it lowers the number of injuries by reducing the force exerted by steering wheel, windows and the dashboard at any point on the body. Continuing research and developments are going on in its module design, combustible material, air bag fabric design and material, coating etc. in making this life saving safety device further efficient. However, success of any safety restraint device depends on its correct implementation and certain safety rules to be followed.Key words: Air bag, Collision, Occupant, Fatal injury, Safety, Passenger. Reference [1] Study 2 , "Test Procedure for Airbags", IKA report in 2008 , 8328 , pp 1-125. [2] Panchal. M, Dayaramani. A , project done by DKTE students, online launched on, "http://www.textilepapers.tripod.com ", pp 1-9. [3] Goltner .W , Hohnke .G , Swoboda .P , "Fabric for airbag" US5236775 A patent published in Aug 17, 1993, pp 1-7. [4] Khan. M. S, project done by DKTE students, online launched on Textile learner –" Air-bag for automobiles", http://www.textilelearner.blogspot.com , pp 1-14. [5] Dupont , Sun. J, Barnes J. A, Airbag End-Use Technology, "Marerial selection for Air-bags" , pp 1-8. Tasnim N. Shaikh, Satyajeet Chaudhari and Hiren Rasania |
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115. | Evaluation of Frequency Domain Features for Myopathic EMG Signals in Mat Lab
Evaluation of Frequency Domain Features for Myopathic EMG Signals in Mat LabAbstract: The proposed EMG signals analysis relies on the frequency domain where features of healthy EMG signal and myopathic EMG signals are analyzed and compared. Methodology described the relationship between the EMG signals and the properties of a contracting & myopathic muscle by analysing its power density spectrum. Periodogram Mean-Square Spectrum Estimate (PMSSE) of EMG Signal and the Power spectral Density is calculated with Welch's PSD estimate method by taking Hamming & Kaiser Window for both the healthy & myopathic signals. The analysis can provide important clues to design feature extraction methods and the resulting information can be used to determine the origin of the weakness.Key words: EMG Signal, Myopathic Signal, power density spectrum, Welch's PSD, PMSSE Reference [1] N. S. Arikidis, A. Forster, and E. Abel. Interscale Wavelet Maximum - A Fine to Coarse Algorithm for Wawelet Analysis of the EMG Interference Pattern. IEEE Transaction on Biomedical Engineering, 49(4), April 2002. [2] Krarup C. Pitfalls in electrodiagnosis. J Neurophysiol 1999; 81:1115—26. [3] McGill KC. Optimal resolution of superimposed action potentials. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 2002;49:640—50. [4] Richfield EK, Cohen BA, Albers JW. Review of quantitative and automated needle electromyographic analyses. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 1981;506—14. [5] Gerber A. A new framework and computer program for quantitative EMG signal analysis. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 1984;31:857—63. Akash Kumar Bhoi, Devakishore Phurailatpam, Jitendra Singh Tamang |
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116. | Study Of Recent Developments In DTH (Direct-To-Home) Technology
Study Of Recent Developments In DTH (Direct-To-Home) TechnologyAbstract: As the customer becomes more and more aware of the technology, he or she will look for a decent package all together, including all the advanced features of a package he can have. Hence the search for new technology is always the main motive of the leading DTH giants to out innovate their competitors. DTH stands for Direct-To-Home television. DTH is defined as the reception of satellite programmers with a personal dish in an individual home. This paper describes the needs that demand continued development of DTH, and explains some background on who is involved and what is currently happening in bringing DTH world.Key words: Advantages, DTH, Players in DTH, Recent developments Reference [1] "Bharti Airtel launches DTH service". The Financial Express. 7 October 2008. Retrieved 12 August 2010. [2] "Dish TV India — First DTH TV, Satellite TV, Digital Picture and DTH Services in India". Dishtv.in. Retrieved 2010-07-16. [3] "About Us". Bigtv.co.in. Retrieved 2008-11-11 [4] "Tata Sky on Insat 4A". LyngSat. Retrieved 2008-08-10 [5] Raychaudhuri, Dipankar, et al. "An HDTV compression system." U.S. Patent No. 5,122,875. 16 Jun. 1992. [6] Benzie, Philip, et al. "A survey of 3DTV displays: techniques and technologies."Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, IEEE Transactions on 17.11 (2007): 1647-1658. Dheeraj Gandla |
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117. | A Novel Approach to Cloud Computing Security over Single to Multi Clouds
A Novel Approach to Cloud Computing Security over Single to Multi CloudsAbstract: The usage of cloud computing has increased speedily in the society. Cloud computing presents many benefits in terms of accessibility of data and low cost. A main characteristic of the cloud services is that users' data are usually processed remotely in unknown machines that users do not operate. It can be converted into a significant roadblock to the wide adoption of cloud services. Make sure that the security of cloud computing is a main factor in the environment of cloud computing, as users repeatedly store perceptive information with cloud storage providers but these providers may be untrusted. Dealing with "single cloud" providers is expected to become less accepted with customers due to risks of service accessibility collapse and the possibility of malicious insiders in the single cloud. A movement towards "multi-clouds", or in other words, "interclouds" or "cloud-of-clouds" has come into view recently. The growing popularity of cloud storage space services has show the way companies that handle critical data to think about using these services for their storage space needs. However the reliability and security of data stored in the cloud still remain main concerns. It is found that the investigation into the use of multi-cloud providers to maintain security has acknowledged less thought from the research community has the use of single clouds. My work aims to support the use of multi-clouds due to its capability to decrease security risks that affect the cloud computing user.Index Terms: Cloud computing, DepSky Architecture single cloud, multi-clouds, cloud storage, data integrity, data intrusion, service availability. Reference [1] I. Abraham, G. Chockler, I. Keidar and D. Malkhi, "Byzantine disk paxos: optimal resilience with Byzantine shared memory", Distributed Computing, 18(5), 2006, pp. 387-408. [2] G. Ateniese, R. Burns, R. Curtmola, J. Herring, L. Kissner, Z. Peterson and D. Song, "Provable data possession at untrusted stores", Proc. 14th ACM Conf. on Computer and communications security, 2007, pp. 598-609. [3] H. Abu-Libdeh L. Princehouse and H. Weatherspoon "RACS: a case for cloud storage diversity", SoCC'10:Proc. 1st ACM symposium on Cloud computing, 2010, pp. 229-240. [4] Ittai Abraham, Gregory Chockler, Idit Keidar, and Dahlia Malkhi. Byzantine disk Paxos: optimal resilience with Byzantine shared memory. Distributed Computing, 18(5):387– 408, April 2006. [5] Hussam Abu-Libdeh, Lonnie Princehouse, and Hakim Weatherspoon. RACS: A case for cloud storage diversity. Proc. of the 1st ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing, pages 229–240, June 2010. I. Sapthami, P. Srinivasulu, B. Murali Krishna |
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118. | Estimation of Ground and Excited State Dipole Moments of Some Laser Dyes
Estimation of Ground and Excited State Dipole Moments of Some Laser DyesAbstract: The ground state (μg) and the excited state (μe) dipole moments of three laser dyes namely 5-chloro-2-phenylindole (CPI), 5-methyl-2-phenylindole (MPI) and 1, 3-diphenyl benzene (MT) were studied at room temperature in various solvents. The ground state dipole moments (μg) of all the three laser dyes were determined experimentally by Guggenheim method. The excited state dipole moments (μe) were estimated from Lippert's, Bakshiev's and Chamma Viallet's equations by using the variation of the Stokes shift with the solvent dielectric constant and refractive index. Ground and excited state dipole moments were evaluated by means of solvatochromic shift method and also the excited state dipole moments are determined in combination with ground state dipole moments. It was observed that dipole moment values of excited states (μe) were higher than corresponding ground state values (μg), indicating a substantial redistribution of the π-electron densities in a more polar excited state for all the dyes investigated.Key words: Laser dyes; Ground state dipole moments; Excited state dipole moments; Solvatochromic shift method Reference [1] P. Cyril, S.A. Maged, J.J. Aaron, B. Michaela, T. Alphonse, C. Lamine, Spectrosc. Lett. 27 (4) (1994)439. [2] J.J. Aaron, A. Tine, M.D. Gaye, C. Parkanyi, C. Boniface, T.W.N. Bieze, Spectrochim. Acta 47A (1991) 419. [3] L. Onsager, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 58 (1936) 1482. [4] V.K. Syrkin, C.R. Acad. Sci. USSR 35 (1942) 43. [5] J.G. Kirkwood, J. Chem. Phys. 7 (1939) 911. Kalpana M Painagoni, H D Patil |
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119. | A Mitigation Technique for Inrush Currents in Load Transformers for the Series Voltage Sag Compensator
A Mitigation Technique for Inrush Currents in Load Transformers for the Series Voltage Sag CompensatorAbstract: In many countries, high-tech manufacturers concentrate in industry parks. Survey results suggest that 92% of interruption at industrial facilities is voltage sag related. An inrush mitigation technique is proposed and implemented in a synchronous reference frame sag compensator controller. The voltage sag compensator consists of a three phase voltage source inverter and a coupling transformer for serial connection. It is the most cost effective solution against voltage sags. When voltage sag happen, the transformers, which are often installed in front of critical loads for electrical isolation, are exposed to the disfigured voltages and a DC offset will occur in its flux linkage. When the compensator restores the load voltage, the flux linkage will be driven to the level of magnetic saturation and severe inrush current occurs. The compensator is likely to be interrupted because of its own over current protection. This paper proposes an inrush current mitigation technique together with a state-feedback controller for the Voltage sag compensator.Key words: Voltage sag, Flux linkage, inrush current, Transformer, power quality, voltage sag compensator Reference [1] D. L. Brooks and D. D. Sabin, "An assessment of distribution system power quality," Elect. Power Res. Inst., Palo Alto, CA, EPRI Final Rep. TR-106249-V2, May 1996, vol. 2. [2] W. E. Brumsickle, R. S. Schneider, G. A. Luckjiff, D. M. Divan, and M. F. McGranaghan, "Dynamic sag correctors: Cost-effective industrial power line conditioning," IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 212–217, Jan./Feb. 2001. [3] N. H. Woodley, "Field experience with dynamic voltage restorer (DVRTMMV) systems," in Proc. IEEE Power Eng. Soc. Winter Meeting, Jan. 23–27, 2000, vol. 4, pp. 2864–2871. [4] R. Affolter and B. Connell, "Experience with a dynamic voltage restorer for a critical manufacturing facility," in Proc. IEEE Transmiss. Distrib. Conf. Expo., 2003, vol. 3, pp. 937–939. [5] C. N.-M. Ho, H. S. H. Chung, and K. T. K. Au, "Design and implementation 20of a fast dynamic control scheme for capacitor-supported dynamic voltage restorers," IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 237–251, Jan. 2008. B.Hari Prasad, P.Harsha Vardhan Reddy, Dr. M. Padma Lalitha |
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120. | The Spinning Motion of a Gyrostat under the Influence of Newtonian Force Field and a Gyrostatic Moment Vector
The Spinning Motion of a Gyrostat under the Influence of Newtonian Force Field and a Gyrostatic Moment VectorAbstract: In this paper, the rotational motion of a gyrostat about a fixed point in a central Newtonian force field is considered. This body is acted upon by a gyrostatic moment vector . We consider the motion of the body in a case analogous to Lagrange's case. The analytical periodic solutions of the equations of motion are obtained using the Poincaré's small parameter method. A geometric interpretation of motion is given by using Euler's angles to describe the orientation of the body at any instant of time. The graphical representations of these solutions are presented when the different parameters of the body are acted. The fourth order Runge-Kutta method is applied to investigate the numerical solutions of the autonomous system. A comparison between the analytical and the numerical solutions shows a good agreement between them and the deviations are very small. MSC (2000): 70E15, 70D05, 73V20Key words: Euler's Equations, Gyrostat, Newtonian force field, Perturbation methods Reference [1] Arkhangel'skii, Iu. A., On the algebraic integrals in the problem of motion of a rigid body in a Newtonian field of force, PMM 27, 1, 171-175, 1963. [2] Kharlamov, P. V., A solution for the motion of a body with a fixed point, PMM 28, 1, 158-159, 1964. [3] Keis, I. A., On algebraic integrals in the problem of motion of a heavy gyrostat fixed at one point, PMM 28, 3, 516-520, 1964. [4] Ismail, A. I. and Amer, T. S., A Necessary and Sufficient Condition for Solving a Rigid Body Problem, Technische Mechanik 31, 1, 50 – 57, 2011. [5] Arkhangel'skii, Iu. A., On the motion of the Hess gyroscope, PMM 34, 5, 973-976, 1970. T. S. Amer, Y. M. Abo Essa, I. A. Ibrahim and W. S. Amer4 |
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121. | Some Statistical Characteristics of MRC Signal Envelope in Rayleigh Fading Environment
Some Statistical Characteristics of MRC Signal Envelope in Rayleigh Fading EnvironmentAbstract: In this paper Maximal Ratio Combining (MRC) technique over Rayleigh fading channel is described and some statistical characteristics of received signal envelope are analyzed. For analytical and numerical evaluation of system performance, the probability density functions (pdf) of received signal envelope after MRC are analyzed like particular solutions of corresponding differential equation, while the existence of singular solution is considered and analyzed under different conditions.Key words: Maximal Ratio Combining (MRC) technique, probability density function (pdf), Rayleigh fading channel, singular solution Reference [1] J. Proakis, Digital communications (3rd Ed., McGraw-Hill, 1999). [2] W.Y.C. Lee, Mobile cellular communications (McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1989). [3] M.K. Simon, and M.S. Alouini, Digital communication over fading channels (New York: Wiley, 2000). [4] M. Nakagami, The m-distribution, a general formula of intensity distribution of rapid fading in statistical methods in radio wave propagation (W. G. Hoffman, Ed.Oxford, England: Pergamon, 1960). [5] G.K. Karagiannidis, Moments-based approach to performance analysis of equal gain diversity in Nakagami-m fading", IEEE Trans. on Communications, vol. 52, no. 5, 2004, 685-690. Hana Stefanovic, Dejan Milic |
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122. | Experimental Analysis of OLSR Routing Protocol and Performance Evaluation Using NS-2 Simulator
Experimental Analysis of OLSR Routing Protocol and Performance Evaluation Using NS-2 SimulatorAbstract: Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) is a collection of wireless moving nodes which communicate with each other and exchange data without any fixed base station or without the need of any kind of wired backbone network. These design characteristics make routing in wireless network a critical issue as routing protocols adopted in wireless network is completely different from wired network in which a backbone router determines the routing path. In this paper we discussed a OLSR routing protocol for routing path determination as well as we measured the various performance oriented parameters using NS2 simulator. During the research implementations, we also use trace graph, a open source tool for generation of graphs of various statistics such as end to end delay, jitter, throughput etc. This study presents the sequence of steps which highlight the adoption of OLSR routing based on the number of nodes and statistics generated in simulation environment.Key words: MANET, OLSR, NS2, Throughput, Delay, Packet Delivery Ratio Reference [1] J.Macker,"mobile ad hoc Networking (MANET): routing protocol performance issues and Evaluation considerations".IETF RFC 2501, January 1999. [2] Amendeep verma," A study of performance comparision of simulation ad-hoc network routing protocol" IJCTA vol 2 (3), 565-569. [3] M.UMA AND DR.G.PADMAVATHI, A COMPARATIVE STUDY AND PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF REACTIVE QUALITY OF SERVICE ROUTING PROTOCOLS IN MOBILE ADHOC NETWORKS, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology [4] S.Capkun, L.Buttyan and J.-P. Hubaux, " Self-organised Public- Key Management for Mobile Ad-Hoc network", IEEE transcations on Mobile Computing , Vol.2 , pp. 52-64,2003. [5] Z. J. Haas, J.Deng, B. Liang, P.Papadimitratos and S. Sajama, "Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks" in Encyclopedia Of Telecommunications. John Willey, 2002. Ankur Sharma, Er. Rakesh Kumar |
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123. | Avoidance of Ranking Capabilities in Retrieval of Queries on Hidden-Web Text Databases
Avoidance of Ranking Capabilities in Retrieval of Queries on Hidden-Web Text DatabasesAbstract: Many online or local data sources provide powerful querying mechanisms but limited ranking capabilities. For instance, Pub Med allows users to submit highly expressive Boolean keyword queries, but ranks the query results by date only. However, a user would typically prefer a ranking by relevance, measured by an information retrieval (IR) ranking function. A naive approach would be to submit a disjunctive query with all query keywords, retrieve all the returned matching documents, and then re-rank them. Unfortunately, such an operation would be very expensive due to the large number of results returned by disjunctive queries. In this paper, we present algorithms that return the top results for a query, ranked according to an IR-style ranking function, while operating on top of a source with a Boolean query interface with no ranking capabilities (or a ranking capability of no interest to the end user). The algorithms generate a series of conjunctive queries that return only documents that are candidates for being highly ranked according to relevance metric. Our approach can also be applied to other settings where the ranking is monotonic on a set of factors (query keywords in IR) and the source query interface is a Boolean expression of these factors. Our comprehensive experimental evaluation on the Pub Med database and a TREC data set show that we achieve order of magnitude improvement compared to the current baseline approaches.Index Terms: Hidden-web databases, keyword search, top-k ranking Reference [1] RamezElmasri, ShamkantB. Navathe, "Fundamental of Database Systems", Pearson Education. [2] A. Ntoulas, P. Zerfos, and J. Cho, "Downloading Textual Hidden Web Content by Keyword Queries," Proc. Fifth ACM and IEEE Joint Conf. Digital Libraries (JCDL '05), 2005. [3] Database Management Systems,Peter Rob, Carlos Coronel,Cengage Learning. [4] Z. Lu, W. Kim, and W.J. Wilbur, "Evaluating Relevance Ranking Strategies for Medline Retrieval," J. Am. Medical Informatics Assoc., vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 32-36, 2009. [5] Silber Schatz.Korth,Database System Concepts, Tata Mc Graw Hill. S K.Rubeena, T. Srinivasa Rao |
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124. | Metacluster Model Using an Aggregate Function In The Presence Of Data Domain Membership
Metacluster Model Using an Aggregate Function In The Presence Of Data Domain MembershipAbstract: Once with the exponential increase of data generated by the business environment, the need of rapid, precise and robust algorithms appeared in data analysis. The improvements given by database technologies, computational performances and artificial intelligence have contributed to the development of intelligent data analysis. The principal clustering methods are presented in comparison. A technique for object grouping validation generated by the clustering methods is proposed and applied on a dataset a priori classified according to their domain membership. Metaclustering is introduced as an aggregation method for more clustering techniques in order to improve the performances of the clustering process in terms of results' correctness.Key words: Cluster evaluation, DBSCAN, k-Means, k-Medoids, Metacluster Reference [1] Ruxanda, Gh. "Analiza multidimensională a datelor", Doctoral course Academy of Economic Studies, 2011, 133 pp. [2] MacQueen, J., "Some methods for classification and analysis of multivariante observations", Proceeding of the 5th Berkeley Symp., Mathematics, Statistics and Probabilities [3] Kaufman, L., Rousseew, P.J., "Finding Groups in Data: an Introduction to Cluster Analysis", John Wiley & Sons [4] Hu, X., Zhang, X., Lu, C., Park, E.K., Zhou, X., "Exploiting Wikipedia as External Knowledge for Document Clustering", 2009 [5] Gokcay, E., Principe, J.C. "A New Clustering Evaluation Function Using Renyi's Information Potential", International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 2000 Zurini Madalina, Cioloca Cecilia, Georgescu Mihai |
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125. | Utility Of 2-Amino-4,5,6,7-Tetrahydrobenzo[b]Thiophene-3-Carboxylic Acid In The Synthesis Of Novel Thieno[2,3-b] [1,2,4]Triazepinones And Thieno[2,3-d][1,3,4]Thiadiazolo
Utility Of 2-Amino-4,5,6,7-Tetrahydrobenzo[b]Thiophene-3-Carboxylic Acid In The Synthesis Of Novel Thieno[2,3-b] [1,2,4]Triazepinones And Thieno[2,3-d][1,3,4]Thiadiazolo [2,3-b]PyrimidinonesAbstract: A new series of thienothiadiazolopyrimidinone 4 was prepared via the reaction of hydrazonoyl chlorides 2 with 2-amino-tetrahydrobenzo[b]thiophene-3-carboxylic acid 1 followed by cyclization with 1,1`-carbonyldiimidazole. Furthermore, benzothienothiadiazolo pyrimidinone derivatives 11a-c were prepared. The structure of the newly synthesized compounds were established on the basis of spectral data (Mass, IR, 1H and 13C NMR) and elemental analyses.Key words: Hydrazonoyl halides, 2-amino-tetrahydrobenzo[b]thiophene-3-carboxylic acid, thienothiadiazolo- pyrimidinone, thienothiadiazolopyrimidinone. Reference [1] A. S. Shawali, and T. A. Farghaly, Arkivoc 2008, (i), 18. [2] A. S. Shawali, and S. M. Gomha, Tetrahedron 2002, 58, 8559. [3] S. M. Gomha, and H. A. Abdel-Aziz, Heterocycles 2012, 85(9), 2291. [4] S. M. Gomha, and S. M. Riyadh, Arkivoc 2009, xi, 58. [5] S. M. Gomha, Monatsh. Chem., 2009, 140, 213. Sobhi M. Gomha and Hassan M. Abdel-Aziz |
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126. | Vehicular Route Prediction In City Environment Based On Statistical Models
Vehicular Route Prediction In City Environment Based On Statistical ModelsAbstract: Travel route analysis and prediction are essential for the success of many applications in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs). It is challenging to make accurate route prediction for general vehicles in city settings due to several practical issues such as very complicated traffic networks, the highly dynamic real-time traffic conditions and their interaction with driver's route selections. The traffic conditions on complicated road networks keep changing from time to time. Inspired by the observation that a vehicle often has its own route selection flavour when traversing between its sources and destinations, here it defines a mobility pattern as a consecutive series of road segment selections that exhibit frequent appearance along all the itineraries of the vehicle. Here with the help statistical models like Markov Model with only first order Markov Model (MM) to choose only the next intersection point of the road segment with only one pattern without considering traffic conditions again by using the Hidden Markov Model(HMM) to predict next intersection point by considering traffic conditions with shortest distance and obstacle and Variable-order Markov Model (VMM) to select mobility patterns from the source to destination which is chosen by the driver by considering the traffic conditions .Key words: MM, HMM, VMM, RSU, OBU. Reference [1] Guangtao Xue, Zhongwei Li, and Hongzi Zhu "Traffic-Known Urban Vehicular Route Prediction Based on Partial Mobility Patterns", 2009 IEEE. [2] SAE 2008 world Congress,April-2008,USA."A Markov Model For Driver Turn Prediction". [3] Jon Froehlich and John Krumm,"Route Prediction from Trip observations", SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) World Congress, 2008, Paper 2008-01-0195: Detroit, Michigan USA. [4] John Krumm," A Markov Model for Driver turn prediction.", SAE( Society of Automotive Engineers) 2008 World Congress, April 14-17, 2008, Detroit, MI USA. Paper Number 2008-01-0195. [5] Reid Simmons,Brett Browning,Yilu Zhang & Varsha Sadekar," Learning to predict driver Route and Destination Intent ", Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, 2006, pp127-132 Prof.Uma Nagaraj, Ms.Nivedita Kadam |
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127. | A Systematic Methodology for the Detection and Correction of Soft Errors
A Systematic Methodology for the Detection and Correction of Soft ErrorsAbstract: Continuous shrinking in feature size, increasing power density etc, increases the vulnerability of microprocessors against soft errors even in terrestrial applications. The register file is one of the essential architectural components where soft errors can be very mischievous because errors may rapidly spread from there throughout the whole system. Thus, register files are recognized as one of the major concerns when it comes to reliability. The project introduces Self-Immunity, a technique that improves the integrity of the register file with respect to soft errors. Based on the observation that a certain number of register bits are not always used to represent a value stored in a register. The project deals with the difficulty to exploit this obvious observation to enhance the register file integrity against soft errors. It shows that our technique can reduce the vulnerability of the register file considerably while exhibiting smaller overhead in terms of area and power consumption compared to state-of-the-art in register file protection. For embedded systems under stringent cost constraints, where area, performance, power and reliability cannot be simply compromised, it proposes a soft error mitigation technique for register files. Xilinx-ISE tool for synthesizing and the VHDL language is used.Key words: Error Correction Code, Self-Immunity Technique, Register file Integrity, Vulnerability Reference [1] Greg Bronevetsky and Bronis R. de Supinski,"Soft ErrorVulnerability of Iterative Linear Algebra Methods," in the 22ndannual international conference on Supercomputing, pp. 155-164,2008. [2] J.L. Autran, P. Roche, S. Sauze, G. Gasiot, D. Munteanu, P. Loaiza,M. Zampaolo and J. Borel, "Real-time neutron and alpha soft-errorrate testing of CMOS 130nm SRAM: Altitude versus undergroundmeasurements," in ICICDT'08, pp. 233–236, 2008. [3] S.S. Mukherjee, C. Weaver, J. Emer, S.K. Reinhardt and T. Austin,"A Systematic Methodology to Compute the ArchitecturalVulnerability Factors for a High-Performance Microprocessor," inInternational Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO-36), pp.29-40, 2003. [4] T.J. Dell, "A whiteproject on the benefits of Chippkill-Correct ECC forPC server main memory," in IBM Microelectonics division Nov1997. [5] S. Kim and A.K. Somani, "An adaptive write error detectiontechnique in on-chip caches of multi-level cache systems," in Journalof microprocessors and microsystems, pp. 561-570, March 1999. K. Aruna, Mr. T. Suneel Kumar |
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128. | Suggested Approach to Embedded Playfair Cipher Message in Digital Image
Suggested Approach to Embedded Playfair Cipher Message in Digital ImageAbstract: This research presents a technique for protect the data through using cryptography and steganography. The cryptography stage is using Play fair cipher to encrypted the secret message. In steganography stage convert Playfair cipher text to binary and store the first bit in every letter in secret message in the LSB of pixel in the image and then the second bit in every letter embedded in the LSB of pixel and continue so until the last bit in last letter in the secret message. The greater size of the text more difficult to decode See's picture does not know what the image bits and what are bits of text.Key words: cryptography, LSB, Playfair cipher, steganography, text embedded. Reference [1] William Stallings, Cryptography and Network Security Principles and Practice. Second edition, Pearson Education. Simon Haykin , Communication Systems. , 4th Edition, Willey. [2] Kurak, C. and McHugh, J.: A Cautionary Note on Image Downgrading. Proc. IEEE 8th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference. San Antonio, USA, Nov./Dec. 1992, pp. 153-155. [3] Moskowitz, I., Longdon G. and Chang, L.: A New Paradigm Hidden in Steganography. Proc. 2000 Workshop on new security paradigms, Ballycotton, Country Cork, Ireland, 2000. ACM Press, New York, pp. 41-50. [4] Sharp, T.: An implementation of key-based digital signal steganography. Proc. 4th International Workshop on Information Hiding, Pittsburgh, USA, April 25, 2001. Springer LNCS, vol. 2137, pp. 13-26. [5] ttp://jnicholl.org/Cryptanalysis/Ciphers/Play fair Hadab Khalid Obayes |
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129. | Comparison in Wavelets for Dynamic Monitoring Of Voltage Fluctuation & Flicker
Comparison in Wavelets for Dynamic Monitoring Of Voltage Fluctuation & FlickerAbstract: Voltage fluctuation is depicted as a sequence of root mean square voltage changes or a cyclic difference of the voltage waveform envelopeThe non-resistive loads used in the power system are the major source of fluctuation. Such fluctuating loads include arc furnaces, rolling mill drives, and main winder. All of these have loads with a high rate of change of power with respect to the short-circuit capacity at the point of common coupling (PCC). Small power loads also can be sources of flicker, such as starting of induction motors, welders, boilers, power regulators, electric saws and hammers, pumps and compressors, cranes, and elevators. In power systems, a number of harmful technical problems occur due to voltage fluctuation, resulting in disturbance to production processes and considerable costs. But flicker has its negative physiological results, which can affect worker safety as well as productivity. This paper represent various wavelets used for monitoring of Fluctuation and Flicker.Key words: flicker, frequency, power Reference [1] Tom Short, "Electric Power Distribution Handbook", CRC Press, Vol. 143, no.1, Jan 2004. [2] G. Morison, B. Gao, P. Kundur, "Voltage stability analysis using static and dynamic approaches", IEEE Transactions on Power System, vol.8, no.3, pp.1159-1171, August 1993 [3] "Voltage Stability Assessment: Concepts, Practices and Tools," IEEE Catalog Number SP101PSS, August, 2002. [4] D. Zhang, W. Xu, A. Nassif, "Flicker source identification by inter harmonic power direction", In the proceedings of Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 1-4, May 2005 [5] Y. Y. Hong, L. H. Lee, "Stochastic voltage-flicker power flow", Power Delivery, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 407-411, Jan 2000 Amandeep Kushan, Prof.Khushdeep Singh |
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130. | Usage Based Methodology for Calculating Of Complex Power Dynamic Distribution Factor
Usage Based Methodology for Calculating Of Complex Power Dynamic Distribution FactorAbstract: In the environment of power market, It is an important index about system security performance and is the foundation for normal operation of power market. So, to calculate PDF precisely and quickly is of great significance. In this paper, an attempt has been made to provide a deterministic based approach to achieve deregulated power systems calculation by using Dynamic Distribution Factor (DDF) without violating line thermal limits.Key words: Distribution factor, Dynamic distribution factor, PTDFbr /> Reference [1] Santiago Greave, Member, Peter W. Sauer, Fellow, and James D. Weber, "Enhancement of Linear ATC Calculations by the Incorporation of Reactive Power Flows", IEEE transactions on power systems, VOL. 18, NO. 2, MAY 2003. 619-624. [2] S. Greave and P. W. Sauer, "Reactive power considerations in linear ATC computation," in Proc. 32nd Annul. HI Int. Conf. Syst. Sci., HI, 1999, HICSS-32. [3] G.W. Stagg, A.H. El-Abiad, Computer Methods in Power System analysis, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1968. [4] TINNEY, W.F., and HART,C.E "Power flow solution by Newton's method" IEEE Trans. Power Appar. Syst., 1967, PAS-96,(11), pp 1449-1460. [5] H. Saadat, Power system analysis, McGraw-Hill Primis Custom Publishing, ISBN:0-07-284796-4. K. Dharanisree, C. Sreeharibabu |
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131. | Cross-Layer Based Secure Routing In Manets
Cross-Layer Based Secure Routing In ManetsAbstract: The security of wireless networks has been a constant topic in the recent years. With the advance of wireless networks, building reliable and secure communication is becoming extremely important. Security is an essential requirement in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) to provide protected communication between mobile nodes. In this paper, we propose a novel security mechanism: Cross-layer based Secure Routing in MANETs (CSR-MAN). Cross-layer design is a promising method to satisfy the network requirements which has gained its popularity during the recent years. A cross-layer based secure routing mechanism is proposed in this paper which includes passing of the information from physical layer and MAC layer to the network layer. The route is selected based on the parameters obtained from the lower layers. An evaluation of this mechanism has been provided using simulations with ns-2. The simulation results illustrate good comparison of network performance parameters for different conditions.Key words: Cross-layer, MANETs, Routing, Security Reference [1] Todd R. Andel, Alec Yasinsac, "Surveying Security Analysis Techniques in MANET Routing Protocols", IEEE Communications Surveys, 4th Quarter, No.4, 2007. [2] N.H Saeed, M.F Abbod, H.S Al-Raweshidy, "Modeling MANET Utilizing Artificial intelligence", Second UKSIM European Symposium on Computer Modeling and Simulation, EMS '08, Page(s):117–122, 8–10 Sept.2008. [3] E.M. Belding-Royer and C.-K. Toh. A review of current routing protocols for ad-hoc mobile wireless networks. IEEE Personal Communications Magazine, pages 46–55, April 1999. [4] D. Johnson, D. Maltz, Y.-C. Hu, and J. Jetcheva. The dynamic source routing protocol for mobile ad hoc networks. IEEE Internet Draft, March 2001. draft-ietf-manet-dsr-05.txt. [5] S. Murthy and J.J. Garcia-Lunca-Aceves, "An efficient routing protocol for wireless networks". ACM Mobile Networks and Applications Journal, pages 183–197, Oct. 1996. Sreedhar C, Dr. S. Madhusudana Verma, Dr. N. Kasiviswanath |
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132. | Monte Carlo Simulation in InAsxP1-X, InAs and InP at High Field Application
Monte Carlo Simulation in InAsxP1-X, InAs and InP at High Field ApplicationAbstract: We study how electrons, initially in thermal equilibrium, drift under the action of an applied electric field within bulk zincblende InAsxP1-x, InAs and InP. Calculations are made using a non-parabolic effective mass energy band model, Monte Carlo simulation that includes all of the major scattering mechanisms. The band parameters used in the simulation are extracted from optimized pseudopotential band calculations to ensure excellent agreement with experimental information and ab-initio band models. The effects of alloy scattering on the electron transport physics are examined. For all materials, it is found that electron velocity overshoot only occurs when the electric field is increased to a value above a certain critical field, unique to each material. This critical field is strongly dependent on the material parameters.Key words: Non-parabolic; pseudopotential; alloy scattering; velocity overshoot Reference [1] K. Brennan, K. Hess, J. Y. Tang and G. J. Iafrate, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, 30, 1750 (1983) [2] N. Newman, T. Kendelewicz, L. Bowman and W. E. Spicer, Appl. Phys. Lett., 46, 1176 (1985) [3] N. Newman, V. Schilfgaarde, T. Kendelewicz and W. E. Spicer, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 54, 443 (1986) [4] D. C. Cameron, L. D. Irving, C. R. Whitehouse, Thin Solid Films.,103, 61 (1983) [5] D. C. Cameron, L. D. Irving, C. R. Whitehouse, Electron. Lett., 18, 534 (1982) F. Nofeli and M. Abedzadeh Fayzabadi |
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133. | Synthesis and Electric Conductivity Study of the New Azo Dye 4-(9-Anthrylazo) Phenol
Synthesis and Electric Conductivity Study of the New Azo Dye 4-(9-Anthrylazo) PhenolAbstract: A phenolic azo dye, 4-(9-anthrylazo) phenol, has been synthesized and its spectroscopic properties were studied. According to the spectroscopic study, the synthesized azo dye is thought to be existing as two tautomers which are the azo phenol tautomer and the hydrazo keto tautomer. This finding was supported by the fact that the vibrational band of the phenolic hydroxyl group was seen at 3480 cm1 along with the absorption band of an ,-unsaturated ketone at 1700 cm1 and the azo vibrational band at 1540 cm1 in the IR spectrum. The DC electric conductivity of the resulting dye was determined and its electric resistivity was found to be within the range of the semiconductors.Key words: azo dye, synthesized, spectroscopic, tautomers, DC electric conductivity, semiconductors. Reference [1] F. Van der Zee ; Anaerobic Azo Dye Reduction, 2002, Thesis Wagningen Universety, Wagningen, Netherlands, pp 2 – 7, 32, 33, 84. [2] H. Erkurt; Biodegradation of Azo Dyes, Spring-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, Germany, 2010, Vol. 9, pp 40 – 42. [3] M. Aziz and H. El-Mallah, Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics, 47, 2009, 530 – 534. [4] S. Yin, H. Xu, W. Shi, Y. Gao, Y. Song, J. Lam and B. Tang, Polymer, 46, 2005, 7670 – 7677. [5] C. Kittel, Introduction to Solid State Physics 5th Ed, Jonhn Wiley & Sons, New York, USA, 1976, p 207. Ramadan Ali Bawa, Ebtisam Mohammed Alzaraide and Najla Nasser Ben Ehmidah |
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134. | Design of Full Order Observer Using Generalized Matrix Inverse for Linear Time Invariant Systems
Design of Full Order Observer Using Generalized Matrix Inverse for Linear Time Invariant SystemsAbstract: In this paper a full order observer has been designed using generalized matrix inverse. The design method resolves the state vector into two unique components, of which one is known and the other is unknown. This method does not assume any structure of the observer and imposes no restriction on the output distribution matrix. Condition of existence of such observer is presented with proof. An illustrative numerical example of two loop missile autopilot is also included with simulation results.Key words: Das & Ghoshal Observer (DGO), Full Order Observer, Generalized Matrix Inverse, Linear Time Invariant (LTI) Systems, Missile Autopilot. Reference [1] D. G. Luenberger, "Observing the states of a linear system," IEEE Trans. on Military Electronics, Vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 74-80, April 1964. [2] D. G. Luenberger, "An introduction to observers," IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. 16, no. 6, pp. 596-602, December 1971. [3] D. G. Luenberger, "Observers for multivariable systems," IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 190-197, April 1966. [4] S. D. G. Cumming, "Design of observers of reduced dynamics," IEEE Trans. on Electronics Letters, vol. 5, no. 10, pp. 213-214, May 1969. [5] J. O'Reilly, Observer for linear systems, New York, Academic, 1983. Riju Samanta, Avijit Banerjee, Gourhari Das |
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135. | Design and Implementation of Quad Core Architecture Using FPGA
Design and Implementation of Quad Core Architecture Using FPGAAbstract: The quad processor core is a design philosophy that has become a mainstream in Scientific and engineering applications. Increasing performance and gate capacity of recent FPGA devices permit complex logic systems to be implemented on a single programmable device. The Embedded multiprocessors face a new problem with thread safety [5]. It is caused by the shared memory, when thread safety is violated the processors can access the same value at the same time. Basically the processor performance can be increased by adopting clock scaling technique [4] and micro architectural enhancements. Therefore, designed a new Architecture called quad processor core architecture for SOC applications. This is implemented on the FPGA chip using VHDL.This architecture performs a simultaneous use of both parallel and distributed computing. The full architecture of a Quad processor core designed for realistic to perform arithmetic, logical, shifting and bit manipulate operations. The proposed quad processor core contains Homogeneous RISC processors [3],[7] added with pipelined processing units, multibus organization and I/o ports along with the other functional elements required to implement embedded SoC solutions. The designed Quad core performance issues like area, speed and power dissipation.Key words: MPSoC, Quad processor, Architecture, Embedded system design, Fpga. Reference [1] Tai-Hua, Lu, Chung-Ho Chen, KuenJong Lee. "Effective Hybrid Test Program Development for Software-Based Self-Testing of Quad Cores" ,IEEE Manuscript received April 03, 2012, revised August 14, 2012, first published December 18, 2012. [2] Gohringer, D., Hubner, M.Perschke, T., Becker. J. "New Dimensions for Quad core Architectures Demand Heterogeneity", Infrastructure and Performance through reconfigurability The EMPSoC Approach". In Proc of FPL 2010, PP.495-498, Sept 2010. [3] Lysaght, P. Blodget, B. Mason, J.Young, B.Bridgford. "Invited Paper: Quad core design Methodologies and CAD Tools for Dynamic Reconfiguration of Xilinx FPGAs". In Proceedings of FPL 2009, August 2009. [4] D. Tullsen, S. Eggers, and H. Levy, "Simultaneous Multithreading: Maximizing On- Chip Parallelism," Proc. 22nd Ann. Int'l Symp. Computer Architecture, ACM Press, New York,1995, pp. 392-403. [5] J. lo, S. Eggers, J. Emer, H. Levy, R. Sstamm, and D. Tullsen."Converting thread level parallelism into instruction-level parallelism via simultaneous multithreading". ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, 15(2), pp. 323-354, August 1997. V.Prasanth, K.Raja Sekhar |
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136. | High Field Electron Mobility In Gaas In Comparison With Gasb
High Field Electron Mobility In Gaas In Comparison With GasbAbstract: Electron transport properties in GaSb and GaAs are calculated for different temperature, doping dependencies at high electric field applications. The calculations are performed using a three valleys ensemble Monte Carlo model that includes numerical formulations of the phonon scattering rates and ionized impurity scattering rates. For two materials, we find that electron velocity overshoot only occurs when the electric field in increased to a value above a certain critical field .This critical field is strongly dependent on the material parameters. Results from the two materials are finally compared. The agreement with the available experimental data is found to be satisfactory.Key words: Monte Carlo method; ionized impurity scattering; overshoot velocity. Reference [1] G. W. Turner, S. J. Eglash and A. J. Strauss," Comparison of High Field Staedy State and Transient Electron Transport in Wurtzite GaN, AlN and InN",J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, 11, (1993), pp. 864-870. [2] J. E. Maslar, W. S. Hurst and C. A. Wang, "The Effect of Strain Rate Variations on the Microstructure and Hot Deformation Behaviour of AA2024 Aluminium Alloy", Appl. Spectrosc., 61, (2007), pp.1093-1098. [3] H. S. Bennett, H. Hung and A. Heckert, "Calculation of Electron Hall Mobility in GaSb, GaAs and GaN Using an Iterative Method", J. Appl. Phys., 98, (2005), pp. 103705-103709. [4] J. R. Meyer, C. A. Hoffman, F. J. Bartoli and L. R. Ram-Mohan," Comparison of Steady-State and Transient Electron Transport in InAs, InP and GaAs", Appl., Lett., 67, (1995), pp. 2756-2762. [14] H. Xie, W. I. Wang, J. R. Meyer and L. R. Ram-Mohan, "Comparison of High and Low Field Electron Transport in AlGaN, AlN and GaN", Appl. Phys. Lett., 65, (1994), pp.2048-2052. [5] H. Arimoto, N. Miura, J. R. Nichola, N. J. Mason and P. J. Walker, "Comparison of Low Field Electron Transport in SiC and GaN Structures for High-Power and high Temperature Device Modeling", Phys. Rev. B., 58, (1998), pp. 4560-4566. M. Abedzadeh Feyzabadi |
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137. | Space Vector Based Random Pwm Algorithms Based Direct Torque Controlled Induction Motor Drive
Space Vector Based Random Pwm Algorithms Based Direct Torque Controlled Induction Motor DriveAbstract: In this proposed paper, to get fast transient response, DTC algorithm has to be developed for an /induction motor. Then, to get constant frequency, hysteresis controllers have to be replaced with space vector PWM (SVPWM) modulator. However, the SVPWM algorithm gives more harmonic distortion. Hence, to reduce the complexity involved in classical SVPWM algorithm and acoustical noise, various spread spectrum modulation methods which are also known as random pulse width modulation algorithms, have to be developed by using the instantaneous phase voltages only. The proposed paper mainly focuses on the generation of a family of spread spectrum modulation methods by using both space vector approach. To validate the proposed algorithms, several numerical simulation studies have been developed by using Matlab-Simulink. Finally the simulation results are compared with the existing methods.Key words: Induction Motor, Total Harmonic Distortion,Direct Torque Control,Space Vector PWM,Random PWM Reference [1]. Joachim Holtz,"Pulsewidth modulation -A Survey" IEEE Trans.Ind.Electron.., vol.39,no.5, Dec1992,pp.410-420. [2]. Heinz Willi Vander Broeck,Hnas-Christoph Skudelny and Georg Victor Stanke,"Analysis and realization of a pulsewidth modulator based on voltage space vectors" IEEE Trans.Ind. Applicat., vol.24, no.1, Jan/Feb 1988, pp.142-150. [3]. G.Narayananand V.T.Ranganathan,"Triangle comparison and space vector approaches to pulsewidth modulation in inverter fed drive", Journal of Indian Institute of Science, Sept/Oct 2000, pp.409-427. [4]. Ahmet M.Hava, Russel J.Kerkman and Thomas A.Lipo,"Simple analytical and graphical methods for carrier-based PWM-VSI drives" IEEE Trans.Power Electron., vol.14, no.1, Jan 1999, pp.49-61. [5]. Dae-Woong Chung, Jooohn-Sheok Kim and Seung –Ki Sul,"Unified voltagemodulation technique for real-time three-phase power conversion" IEEE Trans.Ind.Applicat., vol.34, no.2, Mar/Apr 1998, pp. 374-380. B. Mazreena Begum, Dr. T. Bramhananda Reddy |
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138. | Reduction of Total Harmonic Distortion in Power Invertors Using Genetic Algorithm
Reduction of Total Harmonic Distortion in Power Invertors Using Genetic AlgorithmAbstract: In this paper, Genetic Algorithm is developed as the favored solution algorithm of specific harmonic elimination (PWM-SHE) switching pattern. Genetic algorithms are a class of parallel processing learning techniques. In this paper first, the 7-level and 9-level cascaded inverter's structures are briefly described, and optimum switching angles are determined to eliminate low order harmonics and to reduce THD. Comparison has been done between the 7-level and 9-level with respect to the consideration of THD. Simulation results validate purpose method.Key words: Genetic algorithm, multilevel inverter, Selective harmonic elimination pulse width modulation (SHEPWM), Total harmonic distortion Reference [l] P.M. Bhagwat and V.R. Stefanovic, "Generalized structure of a multilevel PWM inverter", IEEE Trans. On I.A., Vol. IA-19, n. 6. 1983, pp. 1057-1069. [2] J. Lai and F.Z. Peng, "Multilevel converters - A new breed of power converters", IEEE IAS Annual Conference Records, 1995, pp. 2348- 2356. [3] F.Z. Peng, J. Lai, J. McKeever and J. VanCOevering, "A multilevel voltage-source inverter with separate dc sources for static var generation", IEEE IAS Annual Conference Records, 1995, pp. 2541-2548. [4] H. L. Liu and G.H. Cho, "Three-level space PWM in low index modulation region avoiding narrow pulse problem", IEEE IAS Annual Conference Records, 1993, pp. 257- 262. [5] Rodriguez J, Bernet S, Wu B, Pontt J.O, Kouro S. "Multilevel voltage-sourceconverter topologies for industrial mediumvoltage drives". IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. Vol. 54, Dec. 2007, 2930 – 2945 Mrs. Geetika Gera, Mr. Ashish Malik, Mr. Darshan Kumar |
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139. | Kinetics and Mechanism of Base-Catalyzed Oxidation of 1, 4, 7,
10-Tetrazacyclododecane-1-Carbaldehyde with Hexacyanoferrate
Kinetics and Mechanism of Base-Catalyzed Oxidation of 1, 4, 7, 10-Tetrazacyclododecane-1-Carbaldehyde with Hexacyanoferrate (III)Abstract: 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-1-carbaldehyde, is oxidized by hexacyano ferrate (III) in alkaline media to 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-1-formic acid. The reaction is first order with respect to to aldehyde , alkaline catalyst and hexaeyanoferrate(III). The kinetic data suggest that the oxidation involves the formation of an anion of the substrate undergoes oxidation with hexaeyanoferrate(III) via charge transfer process. The free radical thus produced is further oxidised to form the final products. The derived rate law is Effect of temperature was also studied for calculating different activation parameters.Key words: Catalyzed oxidation, kinetics, Hexacyanoferrate, Activation parameters, Charge transfer, thermodynamic parameters. Reference [1] Reichert, D. E.; Lewis, J.; Anderson, C. J. Coord. Chem. Rev. 1999, 184, 3-66. [2] Sibert, J. W.; Cory, A. H.; Cory, J. G. Chem. Commun. (Cambridge, United Kingdom) 2002, 154-155. [3] Liang, X.; Parkinson, J. A.; Weishaeupl, M.; Gould, R. O.; Paisey, S. J.; et al. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2002, 124, 9105-9112. [4] A. H. Abu-Nawwas, P. V. Mason, V. A. Milway, C. A. Muryn, R. J. Pritchard, F. Tuna, D. Collison and R. E. P. Winpenny, Dalton Trans., 2008, 198. [5] A. H. Abu-Nawwas, C. A. Muryn . Inorg. Chem. Commun. 2009, 174. Abd-Alhakeem H. Abu-Nawwas and Reda S. Abdel Hameed |
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140. | Implementation of Pipeline Architecture for High-Speed Computation of the Discrete Wavelet Transform Using HDL
Implementation of Pipeline Architecture for High-Speed Computation of the Discrete Wavelet Transform Using HDLAbstract: In this paper, a scheme for the design of a high-speed pipeline VLSI architecture for the computation of the 2-D discrete wavelet transform (DWT) is proposed. The main focus in the development of the architecture is on providing a high operating frequency and a small number of clock cycles along with efficient hardware utilization by maximizing the inter-stage and intra-stage computational parallelism for the pipeline. The inter-stage parallelism is enhanced by optimally mapping the computational task of multi decomposition levels to the stages of the pipeline and synchronizing their operations. The intra-stage parallelism is enhanced by dividing the 2-D filtering operation into four subtasks that can be performed independently in parallel and minimizing the delay of the critical path of bit-wise adder networks for performing the filtering operation. To validate the proposed scheme, a circuit is designed, simulated, and implemented in FPGA for the 2-D DWT computation. The results of the implementation show that the circuit is capable of operating with a maximum clock frequency of 80.749MHz and processing 1022 frames of size 512 × 512 per second with this operating frequency. It is shown that the performance in terms of the processing speed of the architecture designed based on the proposed scheme is superior to those of the architectures designed using other existing schemes, and it has similar or lower hardware consumption.Key words: Computational parallelism, Discrete Wavelet Transform FPGA implementation, Image Processing, Multi-resolution filtering, Non-separable approach, Parallel architecture. Reference [1] H. Y. Liao, M. K. Mandal, and B. F. Cockburn, "Efficient architectures for 1-D and 2-D lifting-based wavelet transforms," IEEE Trans. Signal Process., vol. 52, no. 5, pp. 1315–1326, May 2004. [2] P. Wu and L.Chen, "An efficient architecture for two-dimensional discrete wavelet transform," IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol.,vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 536–545, Apr. 2001. [3] S. Masud and J. V. McCanny, "Reusable silicon IP cores for discrete wavelet transform applications," IEEE Trans.Circuits Syst. I, Reg. Papers, vol. 51, no. 6, pp. 1114–1124, Jun. 2004. [4] T. Huang, P. C. Tseng, and L. G. Chen, "Generic RAM-based architectures for twodimensional discrete wavelet transform with line-based method," IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol., vol. 15, no. 7, pp. 910–920, Jul. 2005. [5] P. K. Meher, B. K. Mohanty, and J. C. Patra, "Hardware-efficient systolic- like modular design for two-dimensional discrete wavelet transform," IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II, Exp. Briefs, vol. 55, no. 2, pp.151–155, Feb. 2008. G. Pavan Kumar1, T. Vishnu Murthy2, David Solomon Raju Y |
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141. | Analyzing Data Security for Cloud Computing Using Cryptographic Algorithms
Analyzing Data Security for Cloud Computing Using Cryptographic AlgorithmsAbstract: Cloud computing is the next generation architecture, which focuses on IT enterprise, through which potentiality on delivery of services in an infrastructure is increased. By the means of cloud computing investing in new infrastructure, training new personnel and licensing new software descends. It offers the massive storage to the users. It moves the application databases to centralized data centers, where the data management may not be trustworthy. This paper analyze the performance of security algorithms, namely, AES, DES, BLOWFISH, RSA and MD5 on single system and cloud network for different inputs. These algorithms are compared based on two parameters, namely, Mean time and Speed-up ratio.Key words: AES, DES, BLOWFISH, Cloud computing, Google app engine, MD5, RSA. Reference [1] Amazon Web Services "Overview of Security Processes "http://aws.amazon.com/ August 2013 [2] Bruce Schneier. "The Blowfish Encryption Algorithm Retrieved ",October 25, 2008 [3] Center Of The Protection Of National Infrastructure CPNI by Deloitte"Information Security Briefing 0112010 Cloud Computing", p.71, Published March 2010 [4] Google App Engine. http://code.google.com/appengine/, Aug 2013 [5] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_App _Engine. Cited Aug 2013 Gurpreet Kaur, Manish Mahajan |
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142. | Photovoltaic Micro Inverter System Using Maximum Power Point Tracking
Photovoltaic Micro Inverter System Using Maximum Power Point TrackingAbstract: In this paper grid connected boost photovoltaic micro inverter system using maximum power point tracking is presented. First the photovoltaic module is analyzed using SIMULINK software. The main aim of the Paper is the boost converter is to be used along with a Maximum Power Point Tracking control mechanism. The MPPT is responsible for extracting the maximum possible power from the photovoltaic and feed it to the load via the boost converter which is used to steps up the voltage to required magnitude. Both the boost converter and the solar cell are modeled using Sim Power Systems blocks. Here the voltage source inverter is cascaded and it injects sinusoidal current to the grid. The dynamic stiffness is obtained when load or solar illumination changing rapidly. This investigates in detail concept of Maximum PowerPoint Tracking [MPPT] which significantly increases the efficiency of the solar photovoltaic system.Index Terms: Boost converter, grid connected photovoltaic [PV] system, Voltage Source Inverter, maximum power point tracking [MPPT], PWM generator. Reference [1] S. B. Kjaer, J. K. Pedersen, and F. Blaabjerg, "A review of single-phase grid-connected inverters for photovoltaic modules," IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 41, no. 5, pp. 1292–1306, Sep./Oct. 2005 [2] Q. Li and P. Wolfs, "A review of the single phase photovoltaic module integrated converter topologies with three different DC link configurations ,"IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 1320–1333, May 2008. [3] R. Wai and W.Wang,"Grid-connected photovoltaic generation system, "IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst.-I, vol. 55, no. 3, pp. 953–963, Apr. 2008. [4] M. Andersen and B. Alvsten, "200W low cost module integrated utility interface for modular photovoltaic energy systems," in ProcIEEEIECON, 1995, pp. 572–577. [5] A. Lohner, T. Meyer, and A. Nagel, "A new panel-integratable inverter concept for grid connected photovoltaic systems," in Proc. IEEE Int.Symp. Ind. Electron., 1996, pp. 827–831. R. Suganya, K. Arulselvi, P. Pughazhendiran, S. Meenakshi4 |
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143. | An Approach towards Optimization of Enterprise Network and Firewall Environment
An Approach towards Optimization of Enterprise Network and Firewall EnvironmentAbstract: We must admit that there information technology is the most vital part of most of the business operational environment where the companies performs immense information transaction from workstations to workstations, from servers to servers, and from LAN to WAN. So an optimized, planned and secure Information and communication system should be in place for an optimized business operation. Here we are concerned about enterprise network environment where this paper will help IT engineers to initiate an organized IT infrastructure deployment and finally to make it secure. Network setup and server installation is a common practice on any Business environment now a day. This paper will focus on how to optimize the whole setting and how to maintain a concurrency within each layer of IT operation.Key words: Network optimization; date center design; virtualization; layered approach; security; infrastructure mapping Reference [1] Shameemraj M Nadaf, Hemant Kumar Rath and AnanthaSimha, "A novel approach of enterprise network transformation and optimization," IEEE, 2012. [2] "Virtual desktop infrastructure planning overview", [online]http://ws.iaitam.org/Misc/Scalable_Virtual_WP.pdf . [3] "Boost network performance with segmentation", [online]http://www.rockwellautomation.com/news/the-journal/exclusive/2013/march4.page, March 2013. [4] Dwen-Ren Tsai,Allen Y. Chang, Sheng-Chieh Chung, You Sheng Li "A Proxy-based Real-time Protection Mechanism for Social Networking Sites", IEEE, 2010 [5] Victor Y.T Wang, "Testing of Ethernet switch",[online] http://speed.cis.nctu.edu.tw/~ydlin/course/cn/srouter/test.pdf, Acute Communication Corporation,2010. Faisal Rahman, Parves Kamal |
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144. | Voltage Collapse Prediction and Voltage Stability Enhancement by Using Static Var Compensator
Voltage Collapse Prediction and Voltage Stability Enhancement by Using Static Var CompensatorAbstract: Voltage instability is gaining importance because of unusual growth in power system. Reactive power limit of power system is one of the reasons for voltage instability. Preventing Voltage Collapsesare one of the challenging tasks present worldwide.This paper presents static methods like Modal Analysis, Two Bus Thevenin Equivalent and Continuation Power Flow methods to predict the voltage collapse of the bus in the power system.These methods are applied on WSCC – 9 Bus and IEEE – 14 Bus Systems and test results are presented.Key words: Continuation Power Flow, FACTS, QV Modal Analysis, SVC, Two Bus Thevenin Equivalent, Voltage Collapse Reference [1] P. Kundur, "Power system stability and control",New York: McGraw-Hill 1994. [2] Hingorani, N.G. and Gyugyi, L., "Understanding FACTS - Concept and technology of flexible ac transmission systems", IEEE Press,1999. [3] Mohamed, G.B.Jasmon, S.Yusoff, "A Static Voltage Collapse Indicator using Line Stability Factors", Journal of Industrial Technology, Vol.7, N1, pp. 73-85, 1989. [4] Yokoyama, A. and Kumano, T., "Static voltage stability index using multiple load flow solutions'', Journal of Electrical Engineering in Japan, Vol. 111. [5] Overbye, T.J. and DeMarco, C.L., "Improved technique for power system voltage stability assessment using energy methods", IEEE Trans. On Power Systems, Vol. 6, No. 4, 1991, pp. 1446-1452. D. V. Bhaskar Reddy |
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145. | Qualitative Evaluation of Sasthamkotta Lake by Using GIS
Qualitative Evaluation of Sasthamkotta Lake by Using GISAbstract: Sasthamkotta Lake, also categorized as a designated wetland of international importance under the Ramsar Convention since November 2002 is the largest fresh water lake in Kerala, a state of India on the south of the West Coast and one among the nineteen wetlands identified for conservation and management by the ministry of environment and forests under the national wetland conservation program. It meets the drinking water needs of half a million people of Kollam district in Kerala and also provides fishing resources. The lake is facing degradation due to anthropogenic activities such as directing human waste, soil erosion due to destruction of vegetation, changes in land use pattern etc. thus leading to the deterioration of environmental quality as well as a decrease in the surface area and depth. The present study is to assess the quality of the water in Sasthamkotta Lake by GIS interpolation and to predict the future pollution level and its impact.Key words: Biological parameters, Chemical parameters, Fresh water lakes, GIS Interpolation, Physical parameters, Statistical analysis Water Quality Analysis Reference [1] Salin Peter and C. Sreedevi, Water Quality Assessment and GIS mapping of ground water around KMML industrial area, Chavara, IEEE Journal Conference Proceedings, International Conference on Green Technologies, Thiruvananthapuram, India, pp.117-123,18-20 Dec. 2012. [2] Salin Peter and C.Sreedevi, Qualitative Evaluation of Sasthamkotta Lake, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol.2, pp.4675-4684, 2013. [3] Curtis G Cude, Oregon, Water Quality Index: A Tool for Evaluating Water Quality Management Effectiveness, Journal of American Water Resource Association, Vol.37 (1), pp.125-130, 2001. [4] J. A. Foster and A. T. McDonald, Assessing pollution risks to water supply intakes using geographical information systems (GIS), Environmental Modeling & Software, 15: 225–234, 2000. [5] M. Morioa, Flow guided interpolation-A GIS based method to represent contaminant concentration distributions in ground water, Environmental Modeling & Software, 25: 1769-1780,2010. Salin Peter, Prof. Sreedevi C |
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146. | Investigation of Printing Performance of Solder Paste at Different Temperatures
Investigation of Printing Performance of Solder Paste at Different TemperaturesAbstract: The properties of solder paste are immensely affected by temperature variations and humidity. Apparently, temperature plays a vital role in achieving reliability in print performance and good quality. The printing performance of the solder paste at different temperatures was investigated using two types of lead-free solder paste. Three temperatures were investigated under three different time intervals. Issues to be considered are the solder paste deposit defects associated with the pre-printing temperatures.Key words: Surface Mount Technology, Printed Circuit Board Assembly, Slump test, Reflow Soldering, Solder Paste. Reference [1] Clements, D., Desmulliez, M. P. Y. and Abraham, E (2007), "The evolution of paste pressure during stencil printing", Soldering and Surface Mount Technology, 19, 3, pp. 9 -14. [2] Colin C. Johnson and Joseph Kevra (1989). Solder paste technology: principles and applications. Edition: Illustrated. Publisher TAB Professional and Reference Books. [3] Durairaj, R, Ekere, N. N. and Salam, B. (2004), "Thixotropy flow behaviour of solder and conductive adhesive pastes", Journal of materials science: materials in electronics, 15, 677 – 683. [4] Durairaj, R, Nguty, T. A. and Ekere, N. N. (2001), "Critical Factors Affecting Paste Flow During Stencil Printing of Solder Paste", Soldering and Surface Mount Technology, 13, 2, pp 30 – 34.. [5] John H. Lau, C. P Wong, Ning-Cheng Lee, S. W Ricky Lee (2002). Electronics manufacturing: with lead-free, halogen-free, and conductive-adhesive materials. Edition: illustrated. Published by McGraw-Hill Professional. ISBN: 0071386246, 9780071386241 Okafor P.U, Eneh I.I |
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147. | The Aesthetics Of Saj'In The Quran And Its Influence On Music By The Survey Of Saj'And The Music In Surah Al-Takwir
The Aesthetics Of Saj'In The Quran And Its Influence On Music By The Survey Of Saj'And The Music In Surah Al-TakwirAbstract: The Quran is a miracle and it is proved in different aspects. If you consider the philosophy of it appearance in Jahiliyyah times –the Arabs were really grate in composing poems - you will understand the most important aspect of its miracle is the eloquence. A lot of expert fishermen have tried to achieve eloquence pearls in the Quran ocean and search for eloquence aspects in the book. They have found Maani, Bayan and Badii` pearls in this ocean full of different pearls. This essay tries to image a little of this ocean beauties for the readers. Aesthetics of Saj' in the Quran and its influence on the special music of its verses is the subject of this essay by considering the saj' and music in surah al-Takwir.Key words: saj', the Quran, music, surah al-Takwir Reference [1] The Quran [2] Bint al-Shati, A. (1997), al-E`jaz al- Bayani, Saberi, H., Tehran, Cultural and Scientific Press. [3] Jorjani, A., (2007) Raed al-tollab, Anzabi nejad, Reza, Mashhad, Astan Ghods Press. [4] Daei javad, M.,(1956) The speech Beauties or Badi`in Persian Language, Taeid Press [5] Al-Rafe'ie, M., E`jaz al-Quran va al-Balaghah al-Nabaviyyah, Beirut, Dar al-Kitab Fatemeh Karimi Tarki |
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148. | An Efficient Approach to Zero Crossing Detection Based On Opto-Coupler
An Efficient Approach to Zero Crossing Detection Based On Opto-CouplerAbstract: Zero crossing detection is the most common method for measuring the frequency or the period of a periodic signal. This paper presents a comparative study of various zero crossing detector techniques. The accuracy of measuring zero crossing for synchronizing power system control and instrumentation requires a diverse approach to minimize phase detection errors from signals corrupted with noise and extraneous signals. An approach to detect zero crossing with the use of opto coupler is detailed describe in the paper. The issues related to the previous approaches has been discussed along with their pros and cons.Key words: Zero Crossing Detector, Delay, Semiconductor, Interpolation. Reference [1] Richard Weidenburg, F.P Dawson, and R Bonert, "New Synchronization Method for Thyristor Power Converters to Weak AC-Systems" , IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, VOL 40, NO 5. October, 1993, pp. 505-511. [2] Olli Vainio and S.J.Ovaska, "Noise Reduction in Zero Crossing Dection by Predictive Digital Filtering", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, VOL 42, NO 1. February, 1995, pp.58-62. [3] Olli Vainio and S.J. Ovaska, "Digital Filtering for Robust Zero Crossing Detectors", IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurements, April, 1996, pp 426-430. [4] Olli Vainio and S.J.Ovaska, Adaptive Lowpass Filters for Zero- Crossing Detectors", Proceedings of the 28 th Annual International Conference of IEEE, Sevilla, Spain, November 5-8, 2002. [5] Mažeika L., Draudvilienė L., Žukauskas E. Influence of dispersijon on measurement of phase and group velocities of Lamb waves. Ultrasound. 2009. Vol.64. No.4. P.18-21. Ankita Gupta, Rajeev Thakur, Sachin Murarka |
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149. | A Survey: Content Based Image Retrieval Based On Color, Texture, Shape & Neuro Fuzzy
A Survey: Content Based Image Retrieval Based On Color, Texture, Shape & Neuro FuzzyAbstract: In current technology the acquisition, transmission, storing, and manipulation are allowed on the large collections of images. With the increase in popularity of the network and development of multimedia technologies, users are not satisfied with the traditional information retrieval techniques. So nowadays, the content based image retrieval is becoming a source of exact and fast retrieval. Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) is a technique which uses visual features of image such as color, shape, texture, etc. to search user required image from large image database according to user's requests in the form of a query image. Images are retrieved on the basis of similarity in features where features of the query specification are compared with features from the image database to determine which images match similarly with given features. Feature extraction is a crucial part for any of such retrieval systems. So far, the only way of searching these collections was based on keyword indexing, or simply by browsing. Literature survey is most important for understanding and gaining much more knowledge about specific area of a subject. In this paper we survey some technical aspects of current content-based image retrieval systems and described the image segmentation in image processing and the features like neuro fuzzy technique, color histogram, texture, and shape for accurate and effective Content Based Image Retrieval System after doing the deep study of related works.Key words: Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR), Neuro Fuzzy, Color Histogram, Texture, HSV Color and Wavelet decomposition, Image Segmentation Reference [1] Ying Liua , Dengsheng Zhanga, Guojun Lua, Wei-Ying Mab, "A survey of content-based image retrieval with high-level semantics", The journal of the Pattern Recognition society, Pattern Recognition 40 (2007) 262–282. [2] Gonzalez, R.C., Woods, R.E., Digital Image Processing, 2nd Ed, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. [3] Source : www.mathworks.com [4] Source http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Content-based_image_retrieval [5] Ville Viitaniemi, "Image Segmentation in Content-Based Image Retrieval", Helsini University OF Technology, Department of Electrical and Communications Engineering, Master Thesis, Finland 24th May 2002. Mohd. Danish, Ritika Rawat, Ratika Sharma |
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150. | Fuzzy Controller Based Seven Level Modified H-Bridge Inverter For Grid Connected PV System
Fuzzy Controller Based Seven Level Modified H-Bridge Inverter For Grid Connected PV SystemAbstract: This paper proposes a single-phase seven-level inverter for grid-connected photovoltaic systems, with a novel pulse width-modulated (PWM) control scheme. Three reference signals that are identical to each other with an offset value that is equivalent to the amplitude of the triangular carrier signal were used to generate the PWM signals. The inverter is capable of producing seven levels of output-voltage levels (Vdc, 2Vdc/3, Vdc/3, 0, −Vdc, −2Vdc/3, −Vdc/3) from the dc supply voltage. And it recounts the development of a novel modified Hbridge single-phase multilevel inverter that has two diode embedded bidirectional switches and a novel pulse width modulated (PWM) technique. The topology was applied to a grid-connected photovoltaic system with considerations for a maximum-power-point tracker (MPPT) and a current-control algorithm. Multilevel inverters offer improved output waveforms and lower THD. The circuit topology, modulation law, and operational principle of the proposed inverter were analyzed in detail. A FUZZY control is implemented to optimize the performance of the inverter. MATLAB/SIMULINK results indicate that the THD of the Fuzzy Controller Circuit is much lesser. Furthermore, both the grid voltage and the grid current are in phase at nearunity power factor. By controlling the modulation index, the desired number of levels of the inverter's output voltage can be achieved. The less THD in the seven-level inverter compared with that in the five- and threelevel inverters is an attractive solution for grid-connected PV inverters.INDEX TERMS: Grid connected Photovoltaic system, Maximum power point tracking system, Single phase seven level inverter and fuzzy logic controller. Reference [1] M. Calais and V. G. Agelidis, "Multilevel converters for single-phase grid connected photovoltaic systems—An overview," in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Ind. Electron., 1998, vol. 1, pp. 224–229. [2] S. B. Kjaer, J. K. Pedersen, and F. Blaabjerg, "A review of single-phase grid connected inverters for photovoltaic modules," IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 41, no. 5, pp. 1292–1306, Sep./Oct. 2005. [3] P. K. Hinga, T. Ohnishi, and T. Suzuki, "A new PWM inverter for photovoltaic power generation system," in Conf. Rec. IEEE Power Electron. Spec. Conf., 1994, pp. 391–395. [4] Y. Cheng, C. Qian, M. L. Crow, S. Pekarek, and S. Atcitty, "A comparison of diode-clamped and cascaded multilevel converters for a STATCOM with energy storage," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 53, no. 5, pp. 1512– 1521, Oct. 2006. [5] M. Saeedifard, R. Iravani, and J. Pou, "A space vector modulation strategy for a back-to-back five-level HVDC converter system," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 452–466, Feb. 2009. P.Srinivasa Reddy,S.Shamshul Haq, A.Mallikarjuna Prasad, S.Thirumalaiah |
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151. | Design of Distribution Network for Water Supply Scheme at Pindkepar Village by Branch Software
Design of Distribution Network for Water Supply Scheme at Pindkepar Village by Branch SoftwareAbstract: In the present study Pindkepar village's Water Distribution Network (WDN) is designed which is located at district Gondia, State Maharashtra, India. For the design of Pindkepar village water distribution network, study of present population, population forecast for the three decades, daily water demand, flow characteristics and also survey of the village is done. with the help of digital global positioning system. From the survey, a road map is created and also contours, lengths, & elevations are determined. The flow is calculated with the help of elevation, length & other data. The node no. and pipe no. are done on the road map of Pindkepar village. Water Distribution Network for the villages is analyzed & designed with the help of branch software.Key words: Branch, water distribution network, flow, daily demand, population forecast etc. Reference [1] Dr. P.R. Bhave and S.D. Shangarpwar from IWWA march 2001 "computer aided analysis and design of water distribution network" [2] Dr. P.R.Bhave and Dr. R.Gupta "Analysis of Water Distribution Network" [3] Eiger G, Shamir U, Ben-Tal A. (1994) "Opatimal Design of Water Distribution Network" Water Resources Research, Vol. 30, No.9, pp- 2637-2638 [4] Nemanja Trifunovic (2002) "Water Distribution". [5] Shamir U.(1968) "Water Distribution Systems Analysis", Journal of the Hydraulic Division Proceeding of the ASCE, HY.1, 1968: pp.219-222. [6] Walski, Thomas M., (march 2006) "A History of Water Distribution", Journal AWWA, Vol 98, No.3, pp-110-111. Piplewar S.K, Chavhan Y.A |
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152. | Simulation Using Quazi Linearization of Homogeneous Transient Model of Vapor Liquid Two Phase Flow inside Evaporator
Simulation Using Quazi Linearization of Homogeneous Transient Model of Vapor Liquid Two Phase Flow inside EvaporatorAbstract: A homogeneous model for prediction of the transient performance of an evaporator with vapor liquid two phase flow inside is presented. The model is capable of predicting the refrigerant temperature distribution, velocity of refrigerant, tube wall temperature as a function of position and time. An efficient finite difference method is proposed to obtain the numerical solution of the model without solving a large set of non-linear equations simultaneously. A single tube evaporator with refrigerant R22 as working fluid was chosen as a sample and some tests were carried out to determine its transient response. The examination of results indicates that the theoretical model provides a reasonable prediction of dynamic response which is useful in designing a controllable compressor to reduce power consumption. Transient behavior of temperature of refrigerant has been obtained using MATLAB programs.Key words: Vapor liquid two phase flow, Homogeneous Model, set of non linear equations, finite difference method, and MATLAB program Reference [1] G. F. Hewitt, Hemisphere Handbook of Heat Exchanger Design. Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, New York (1990). [2] Wang H. & Touber S., 1991, "Distributed and non-steady-state modeling of an air cooler", International Journal of Refrigeration, Vol. 12. [3] Notes on Fundamentals of Multiphase flow, Prof. Michael L. Corradini, Department of Engineering Physics, University of Wisconsin, Madison WI 53706. [4] Bird, R.B, Stewart, W.E., and Lightfoot, E.N., Transport Phenomena, John Wiley and Sons, 2nd edition, New York, NY, 2002. [5] M. Turaga, S. Lin and P. P. Fazio, Performance of direct expansion plate finned tube coils for air cooling and dehumidifying coils. Int. J. Refrig. 11, 78-86 (1988). Dr. Sandeep Malhotra |
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153. | Improving the Performance of Bituminous Concrete Mix by Waste Plastic.
Improving the Performance of Bituminous Concrete Mix by Waste PlasticAbstract: The population of our country is increasing rapidly and due to it plastic waste is also increasing day to day due to urbanization, development activities and changes in life style, which leading extensive environment pollution. Thus disposal of waste plastic is a threat and become a serious problem globally due to their non-biodegradability and anaesthetic view. Since these are not disposed scientifically & possibility to create ground and water pollution. This waste plastic partially replaced the conventional material to improve desired mechanical characteristics of road mix. In the present paper developed techniques to use plastic waste for construction purpose of roads and flexible pavements has reviewed. In conventional road making process bitumen is used as binder. Such bitumen can be modified with plastic waste pieces and bitumen mix is made, which can be used as a top layer coat of flexible pavement. This waste plastic modified bitumen mix show better binding property, stability, stiffness, density and extra resistant to water.Key words: Optimum Bitumen content, Mechanical characteristics, Bitumen mix. Reference [1] IRC SP: 16-2004, Guide lines for surface evenness of highway pavements. [2] Garg, S.K., A Support Manual for Municipal Solid Wastes, Environmental Engineering, Central Pollution Control Board, Vol. II, July, 2003. [3] IRC SP: 53-2002, Guide lines on use of polymer and rubber modified bitumen in road construction. [4] Specifications of Ministry of Road Transport and Highways,4th revision(Govt of India, New Delhi) 2001 [5] S.S Verma,"Roads from Plastic Waste", The Indian Concrete Journal, pp.43-44, 2008. Kapil Soni, K.K Punjabi |
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154. | Hosting Services by Cloud Computing
Hosting Services by Cloud ComputingAbstract: Cloud computing is basically an Internet-based network made up of large numbers of servers - mostly based on open standards, modular and inexpensive. Clouds contain vast amounts of information and provide a variety of services to large numbers of people. The benefits of cloud computing are Reduced Data Leakage, Decrease evidence acquisition time, they eliminate or reduce service downtime, they Forensic readiness, they Decrease evidence transfer time. The main factor to be discussed is security of cloud computing, which is a risk factor involved in major computing fields.Key words: Metaphor, data leakage, forensic, cloud, hosted services. Reference [1]. Web guild.org http://www.webguild.org/ [2]. How stuff works.com http://communication.howstuffworks.com/ [3]. Cloud security.org http://cloudsecurity.org [4]. IBM http://www.ibm.com/developerworks /websphere/zones/hipods/ [5]. Google suggest http://www.google.com/webhp?complete=1&hl=en A. Mallikarjuna, S. Madhuri |
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155. | Investigating the Relationship between Self Efficacy, the Locus of Control and Male and Female Students' Academic Achievements in Chenaran High School
Investigating the Relationship between Self Efficacy, the Locus of Control and Male and Female Students' Academic Achievements in Chenaran High SchoolAbstract: The purpose of present study is to investigate the relationship between self efficacy, locus of control and academic achievement in high school students (boys and girls). The sample of the research consisted of 266 high school students in the chenaran city, which were selected by using random sampling. The pentrich self efficacy questionnaire and the nowicki-strickland locus ofcontrol scale were presented to them, and so first grade average high school used for achievement academic assessment. Data were analyzed bye Pearson correlation coefficients and stepwise regression. Result showed that there is a positive meaninigful relationship between self efficacy and academic achievement. In the other wise, there is a negative meaningful relationship between locus of control and academic achievment. Also, the result of regression showed that the self efficacy had most role in academic achievement.Key words: academic achievement, self efficacy, locus of controlInvestigating The Relationship Between Self Efficacy, The Locus of Control And Male And Female Students' Academic Achievements In Chenaran High School. Reference [1] Bandura, A. (2001). SOCIAL COGNITIVE THEORY: An Agentic Perspective. Annual Review of Psychology. Vol. 52: 1-26 (Volume publication date February 2001). DOI: 10.1146/annurev.psych.52.1.1 [2] Bandura, A. (1997). Self efficacy: The exercise of controle, New Yourk: freeman. [3] Coutinho, S. A., Neuman, G. (2008). A model of meta cognition, achievement goal orientation, learning style and self efficacy . Learning Environments Research, 11, 137-151. [4] Elliot, A.& McGregor, H. A. (1999). Test anxiety and hierarchical model of approach and avoidance achievement motivation. Journal of personality and social psychology. 76 (4), 628-644. [5] Elliot, A.& McGregor, H. A.& Gable, S. (1999). Achievement goals study strategies, and exam performance; A meditational analysis. Journal of Educational Psychology; 91 (3), 549-563. Akram Ahangi1 and Zeinab Sharaf |
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156. | Design of Approximate Multiplier for Error-Tolerant Applications
Design of Approximate Multiplier for Error-Tolerant ApplicationsAbstract: CMOS scaling has reached to the level, where process variation has become significant problem hindering further scaling. Various approaches to mitigate process variation effect try to nullify at the cost of increased area/power consumption. There are some applications which accept small errors such as multimedia processing. Designing accurate circuit for these applications is waste of area/power. This paper proposes low power, high speed approximate multiplier. The proposed multiplier outperforms and provides significant improvement in power, area, and delay at the cost of little degrade in accuracy. Experimental result shows that the proposed multipliers consume less power and require less area compared to conventional truncated multiplier.Key words: CMOS technology, error-tolerant, low power, multiplier, truncation. Reference [1] S.R Kuang , J.M Jou and Y.L Chen ,"The design of an adaptive on-line binary arithmetic coading chip", IEEE Trans. Circuits syst. 1.vol.45,pp, 693-706, July 1998. [2] T.J Terrell, Introduction to digital filters. New York: Wiley, 1998. [3] M. J. Schutle and E. E. Swartzlander Jr, "Truncated multiplication with correction constant," VLSI Signal Processing, vol. 6, pp. 388-396, 1993 [4] S. S. Kidambi, F. EI-Guibaly, Senior Member and A. Antoniou, Fellow IEEE, "Area-Efficient Multipliers for Digital Signal Processing Applications," IEEE Trans. On Circuits and Systems-IL vol. 43, no. 2, Feb 1996. [5] J.M. Jou, S.R. Kuang, and R.D. Chen, "Design of low-error-fixed-width multipliers for DSP applications, " IEEE Trans, Circuits System If, Analog and Digital Signal Processing, vol. 46, no. 6, pp. 836-842, lun 1999. Shikha Anand1, Dr. Anil Kishore Saxena2 |
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157. | Systematic Study of Fuzzy, Neural Network and Neurofuzzy Systems
Systematic Study of Fuzzy, Neural Network and Neurofuzzy SystemsAbstract: The techniques in artificial intelligence are used in almost all the fields where human reasoning and uncertainties can be effectively modeled. The popular techniques in AI are fuzzy logic and neural networks which can be used either separately or applied together. When they are used in combined way, they are called Neuro-Fuzzy Systems. The reasons to combine these two paradigms come out of the difficulties and inherit limitations of each isolated paradigm. This paper shows uniqueness in each technology and compares with others to show the need for hybrid system (Neuro fuzzy).It gives an insight of different concepts how they are utilized in various fields to yield optimized solution.Key words: Fuzzy Set, Fuzzy Logic, Fuzzy Rules, Neural Networks, Neural Network Architecture, Learning Methods, Neuro-Fuzzy System Reference [1] J. J.Buckley. "Fuzzy Complex numbers",Fuzzy sets system.pp.333-345,1989. [2] S.Abe,M.S.Lan. "Fuzzy rules extraction directly from numerical data for function approximation".IEEE Trans.Syst.Man Cyben.,25(1),pp.119-129,1995. [3] M. F. Azeem, M. Hanmandlu, N. Ahmad."Generalization of adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference systems", IEEE Trans.Neural Networks 11(6), pp.1332-1346, 2000. [4] E.Czogala and J.Leski."Neuro-Fuzzy Intelligent Systems, Studies in Fuziness and Soft Computing",Springer Verlag,Germany,2000. [5] T.C.Lin, C.S.Lee,"Neural Network Based Fuzzy Logic Control and Decision System", IEEE Transactions on Computers, 1991, Vol.40, no.12.pp.1320-1336. K .Geetha and Dr. S. Santhosh Baboo |
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158. | Adsorption of Cu (II) Ions from Aqueous Solution by Hydrochloric Acid, Hydrofluoric Acid Treated Lignite Fly Ash
Adsorption of Cu (II) Ions from Aqueous Solution by Hydrochloric Acid, Hydrofluoric Acid Treated Lignite Fly AshAbstract: The adsorption of toxic compounds from industrial wastewater is an effective method for both treating these effluents. In this context, the lignite fly ash was demineralised using concentrated HCl (FA-HCl) and HF (FA-DEM) and were used as adsorbents for Cu(II) ions from aqueous solutions. Batch experiments were carried out under various adsorbent dosages, pH, contact time and different metal ion concentrations. For FA-HCl, the adsorption percentage of Cu(II) ions was 76.92% and for FA-DEM, the adsorption percentage of Cu(II) ions was 48.23% achieved under the optimum conditions of adsorbent dosages, pH, temperature, the contact time and the influence of other metals. The adsorption of Cu(II) ions onto FA-HCl and FA-DEM followed the pseudo second order kinetics. The Langmuir isotherm model best represented the equilibrium data for both the adsorbents compared to other studied adsorbents. Influence of Ni(II) ions and Zn(II) ions on adsorption of Cu(II) ions on FA-HCl and FA-DEM in binary and tertiary systems showed certain decrease on adsorption of Cu(II) ions.Key words: Fly ash, Adsorption, Kinetics, Isotherm. Reference [1] V. Boonamnuayvitaya, C. Chaiya, Tanthapanichakoon and S. Jarudilokkul, Removal of heavy metal by adsorbent prepared from pyrolyzed coffee residues and clay, Separation and Purification Technology, 35, 2004, 11–22. [2] F. A. Lopez, M. I. Martin, C. Perez, A. Lopez-Delgado and F. J. Alguacil, Removal of copper ion from aqueous solution by a steel-making by-product, Water Resource, 37, 2003, 3883–3890. [3] K. S. Hui, C. Y. H. Chao and S. C. Kot, Removal of mixed heavy metal ions in wastewater by zeolite 4A and residual products from recycled coal fly ash, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 127, 2005, 89–101. [4] V. K. Gupta and I. Ali, Utilisation of bagasse fly ash (a sugar industry waste) for the removal of copper and zinc from wastewater, Separation Purification Technology, 18, 2000, 131–140. [5] C. S. Rao, Environmental Pollution Control Engineering, Wiley Eastern, New Delhi, 1992 Malarvizhi. T. S., Santhi. T |
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159. | Analysing the Risk Issues in Supply Chain Management on Medium-Sized Industries
Analysing the Risk Issues in Supply Chain Management on Medium-Sized IndustriesAbstract: In this paper we have a research work for analysing the supply chain management risk issues that occur in the industries. The application of AHP, FMEA etc. here can be used as a one of the possibilities that can be used to evaluate the mentioned circumstances. This paper represents various types of risk factors available that are required to be work upon in order to reduce the losses occur in Industries. The role of supply chain management and the concerned risk has been explained at various steps in this paper.Key words: Supply Chain, Analytical Hierarchy Process, Supply Chain Risks, Supply Chain Risk Management Reference 1. Huizingh, E.,Vrolijk,H.: Decision Support for Information Systems Management: Applying Analytic Hierarchy Process,SOM- reports University of Groningen,1995. 2. Saaty,T. The Analytic Hierarchy Process, McGraw-Hill, New York.1980 Rohit Rakheja, Bharat Bhushan, Dr. R.K. Gupta |
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160. | Response of Wire Electrical Discharge Machining For H13 Using Taguchi L9 Array
Response of Wire Electrical Discharge Machining For H13 Using Taguchi L9 ArrayAbstract: This paper presents, the experimental study has been made to optimize the process parameters during machining of H-13 by wire electrical discharge machining (WEDM) using Taguchi L9 orthogonal array method. Following input process parameters of WEDM [Pulse-On time (TON), Pulse-Off time (TOFF) and Wire Speed rate (WS) and Wire Tension (WT)] were chosen as variables to study the process output in terms of Material Removal Rate (MRR), Wire wear ratio(WWR),Surface Flatness(SF). In the present work, the parametric optimization method using Taguchi's robust design is proposed for wire-cut electric discharge machining of H-13. H13 has its wide application in pressure die casting tools, extrusion tools, forging dies, hot shear blades, stamping dies, plastic molds. ESR H13 is great for aluminum die-casting tools and plastic mold tools requiring a very high polish. In the present study, the zinc coated copper wire electrode is used as the best compromise of above complex needs. Experimentation has been done by using Taguchi's L9 orthogonal array. Each experiment was conducted under different conditions of pulse on time, pulse off time, wire speed, and wire tension. Result of response of material removal rate, wire wear ratio, surface flatness is considered for improving the machining efficiency. Optimal combinations of parameters were obtained by Taguchi's L9 orthogonal array and Mean of Mean approach method.Key words: WEDM, MRR, WWR, SF, Mean of Mean, Taguchi L9 OA, Zinc coated wire. Reference [1] Donald B.Moulton (Usa)., Edm Network Sugar Grove, IL USA Fundamentals of WEDM pp 3-7. [2] Ramakrishnan, R. and Karunamoorthy, L.,(2006), Multi response optimization of wire EDM operations using robust design of experiments, International journal of advanced manufacturing technology, 29, pp. 105–112. [3] Williams, R. and Rajurkar., K.,(1991),Study of wire electrical discharge machined surface characteristics, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 28, pp.127-138. [4] G. Krishna Mohan Rao. G. Ranga . Janardhan, and M . Srinivasa Rao , (2007) ,optimal machining parameters on Diesinking EDM using Taguchi technique on Aluminum Alloy (HE 20), pp. 103-116 . [5] Davies M. A., Ueda. T., Saoubi., and Mullany., B., (2007), On the measurement of temperature in material removal process, Annals of the CIRP vol. 56, pp. 581-604. Parveen Kumar, Bharat Bhushan, Dr. R.K. Gupta |
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161. | Vector Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Based On Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulated Inverter with Proportional Integral Controller
Vector Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Based On Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulated Inverter with Proportional Integral ControllerAbstract: This paper is concerned with vector control of permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM). The mathematical model of PMSM, using the powerful simulation modeling capabilities of Matlab/Simulink is implemented. The entire PMSM control system is divided into several independent functional modules such as PMSM body module, inverter module and coordinate transformation module and Sinusoidal pulse width modulation (SPWM) production module and so on. we can analyzed a variety of simulation waveforms and it provide an effective means for the analysis and design of the PMSM control system.Key words: Clarke Transformation, Mathematical model of Permanent magnet synchronous motor, Park Transformation, Sinusoidal pulse width modulation, Vector control. Reference [1] Chen Junfeng, Permanent Magnet Motor[M], (Beijing, china Machine Press, 2002) [2] Zhonghui Zhang and Jiao Shu, Matlab based Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Vector Control Simulation, IEEE, 978-1-4244-5540-9/10 [3] Analog Devices Inc, Reference Frame Conversion with the admc-401, 2000 [4] P. S. Bimbhra, Generalized Theory of Electrical Machines (Khanna Publishers, 2002) [5] R. Krishnan, Electric Motor Drives (Prentice-Hall, 2003) Kaushik Jash, Prof. Pradip Kumar Saha, Prof. Goutam Kumar Panda |
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162. | Power Factor Correction By Interleaved Boost Converter Using PI Controller
Power Factor Correction By Interleaved Boost Converter Using PI ControllerAbstract: The equipment connected to an electricity distribution network usually needs rectification. The conventional single phase diode rectifier uses a large electrolytic capacitor to reduce DC voltage ripple, which produces a non-sinusoidal line current. So power factor correction (PFC) techniques are gaining increasing attention. The boost topology is most popular than others in PFC applications. This paper presents a two-phase interleaved boost converter which ensures 180˚ phase shift between the two interleaved converters. The PI controller is used to reshape the input current so as to reduce the harmonics.Key words: Average Current mode control, Boost converter, Interleaved Boost converter, PI controller, Power factor. Reference [1] Muhammad H. Rashid, Power Electronics Handbook (Academic Press, 2001). [2] Y.-S. Jung and M.-J. Youn, sampling effect in continuous-time small-signal modeling of average-current mode control, IEE Proc. – Electr. Power Appl., vol. 149, no.4, July 2002. [3] Wa Ma, Mingyu Wang, Shuxi Liu, Shan Li, and Peng Yu, Stabilizing the Average-Current-Mode-Controlled Boost PFC Converter via Washout-Filter-Aided Method IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-II, Express Briefs, vol. 58, no. 9, September 2011. [4] Jian-Min Wang, Sen-Tung Wu, Yanfeng Jiang, and Huang-Jen Chiu, A Dual-Mode Controller for the Boost PFC converter, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 58, no. 1, January 2011. [5] Po-Wa Lee, Yim-Shu Lee, David K. W. Cheng, and Xiu-Cheng Liu, Steady-State Analysis of an Interleaved Boost Converter with Coupled Inductors, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 47, no. 4, August 2000. Saubhik Maulik, Prof. Pradip Kumar Saha, Prof. Goutam Kumar Panda |
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163. | Effect of Modulation on the Onset of Thermal Convection in a Viscoelastic Fluid-Saturated Nanofluid Porous Layer Effect of Modulation on the Onset of Thermal Convection in a Viscoelastic Fluid-Saturated Nanofluid Porous LayerAbstract: The stability of a viscoelastic fluid-saturated by a nanofluid in a horizontal porous layer, when the boundaries of the layer are subjected to periodic temperature modulation, is analyzed. The Darcy-Brinkman-Oldroyd-B fluid model is employed and only infinitesimal disturbances are considered. The model used for the nanofluids incorporates the effect of Brownian motion. The thermal conductivity and viscosity are considered to be dependent on the nanoparticle volume fraction. Three cases of the oscillatory temperature field were examined (a) symmetric, so that the wall temperatures are modulated in phase, (b) asymmetric corresponding to out-of phase modulation and (c) only the bottom wall is modulated. Perturbation solution in powers of the amplitude of the applied field is obtained. The effect of the frequency of modulation on the stability is clearly shown. The stability of the system characterized by a correction Rayleigh number is calculated as a function of the viscoelastic parameters, the concentration Rayleigh number, porosity, Lewis number, heat capacity ratio, Vadász number, viscosity and conductivity variation parameters and frequency of modulation. It is found that the onset of convection can be delayed or advanced by the factors represented by these parameters. The nanofluid is found to have more stabilizing effect when compared to regular fluid. The effect of all three types of modulation is found to be destabilizing as compared to the unmodulated system.Reference [1] Xuan YM, Li Q: Investigation on convective heat transfer and flow features of nanofluids. J Heat Tran-Trans ASME 2003, 125:151- 155. [2] Wen DS, Ding YL: Experimental investigation into the pool boiling heat transfer of aqueous based gamma-alumina nanofluids. J Nanopart Res 2005, 7:265-274. [3] Maxwell JC: Electricity and magnetisim. Clarendon Press Oxford 1873. [4] Choi SUS, Eastman JA: Enhancing thermal conductivity of fluids with nanoparticles. in: Conference: 1995 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exhibition, San Francisco, CA (United States), pp. 12-17 Nov 1995, ASME, San Francisco, pp. 99-105. [5] Goldstein RJ, Joseph DD, Pui DH: Convective Heat Transport in Nanofluids proposal. Faculty of Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics University of Minnesota, Minnesota, September (2000). J.C. Umavathi |
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164. | Investigation of Aniline Adsorption onto Spherical Carbon: Optimization Using Response Surface Methodology
Investigation of Aniline Adsorption onto Spherical Carbon: Optimization Using Response Surface MethodologyAbstract: In the present study, spherical carbon was used to optimize the removal efficiency for aniline by using Response Surface Methodological approach. The carbon sample was obtained by the commercial activated spherical carbon and treated with phosphoric acid and sodium hydroxide. The surface structure of spherical carbon was analysed by Scanning Electron Microscopy coupled with Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis. The effect of four parameters, that is, pH of the solution (2-11), initial aniline concentration (10-70 mg/L), temperature (25-55°C) and adsorbent dose (0.02-0.3 g/100 mL) was optimized for the removal of aniline. A Box-Behnken experimental design was employed for the optimization of adsorption of aniline on spherical carbon to ensure high adsorption efficiency in a low adsorbent dose and high initial aniline concentration. The analysis of variance showed a high coefficient of determination value (R2 = 0.9749) and satisfactory prediction second-order model was derived. Maximum aniline removal efficiency was predicted and experimentally validated.Key words: Aniline, Adsorption, Box-Behnken design, Response Surface methodology, Spherical carbon. Reference [1]. K. Kadirvelu, M. Palanivel, R. Kalpana, and S. Rajeswari, Activated carbon prepared from an agricultural by-product for the treatment of dyeing industry wastewater, Bioresource Technology, 74(3), 2000, 263-265. [2]. C. Namasivayam, and K. Kadirvelu, Uptake of mercury (II) from wastewater by activated carbon from an unwanted agricultural solid by-product: coirpith, Carbon, 37(1), 1999, 79-84. [3]. R.R. Beard, and J.T.Noe, Aromatic nitro and amino compounds (John Wiley and Sons, NY, 1981). [4]. A. Niosh, Registry of toxic effects of chemical substances. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (Washington DC, 1982). [5]. G. Calleja, J. Serna, and J. Rodriguez, Kinetics of adsorption of phenolic compounds from wastewater onto activated carbon, Carbon, 31(5), 1993, 691-697. Bhargavi Roshan,* Krishna Kadirvelu, Nallaperumal Shunmugha Kumar |
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165. | Effect of MHD on Jeffery-Hamel Flow in Nanofluids by Differential Transform Method
Effect of MHD on Jeffery-Hamel Flow in Nanofluids by Differential Transform MethodAbstract: In this paper, the problem of Jeffery-Hamel flow of nanofluid with magnetic effect is analyzed. The basic governing equations which are highly nonlinear are solved analytically using a semi-numerical-analytical technique called differential transform method (DTM) and numerically using Runge-Kutta shooting method (RKSM). The principle of differential transformation is briefly introduced, and then applied for the aforementioned problem. Results for velocity filed in a divergent channel are presented for various values of nanoparticle solid volume fraction, Hartmann number and Reynolds number. The values obtained by DTM and RKSM are agree to the order of 10-5. Further the values obtained by DTM are justified by comparing with the values obtained by Moghimi et al. [1,2] and Sheikholeslami et al. [3] and the values agree to the order of 10-5, 10-5 and 10-4 respectively.Key words: Jeffery-Hamel flow, MHD, nanofluid, Differential Transform method. Reference [1]. S.M. Moghimi, G. Domairry, Soheil Soleimani, E. Ghasemi, H. Bararnia, Application of homotopy analysis method to solve MHD Jeffery–Hamel flows in nonparallel walls, Advances in Engineering Software 42 (2011) 108–113. [2]. S.M. Moghimia, D.D. Ganji, H. Bararnia, M. Hosseini, M. Jalaal, Homotopy perturbation method for nonlinear MHD Jeffery–Hamel Problem, Computers and Mathematics with Applications 61 (2011) 2213–2216. [3]. M. Sheikholeslami, D.D. Ganji, H. R. Ashorynejad, H.B. Rokni, Analytical investigation of Jeffery-Hamel flow with high magnetic field and nanoparticle by Adomian decomposition method, Appl. Math. Mech. - Engl. Ed. 33 (2012) 25–36 [4]. G. Hamel, Spiralförmige Bewgungen Zäher Flüssigkeiten. Jahresber. Deutsch. Math. Verein. 25 (1916) 34–60. [5]. M. Hamadiche, J. Scott, D. Jeandel, Temporal stability of Jeffery–Hamel flow. J. Fluid Mech. 268 (1994) 71–88. J.C. Umavathi, and M. Shekar |
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166. | Adaptive Filter Based On TDBLMS Algorithm for Image Noise Cancellation
Adaptive Filter Based On TDBLMS Algorithm for Image Noise CancellationAbstract: Images are often degraded by noises. Noise can occur during image capture, transmission, etc. Noise removal is an important task in image processing. In general the results of the noise removal have a strong influence on the quality of the image processing technique. Several techniques for noise removal are well established in color image processing. The nature of the noise removal problem depends on the type of the noise corrupting the image. An adaptive filter for two-dimensional block processing in image noise cancellation is proposed in this paper. The processing includes two phases. They are the weight-training phase and the block-adaptation phase. The weight-training phase obtains the suitable weight matrix to be the initial one for the block-adaptation phase such that a higher signal-to-noise ratio can be achieved. To verify the feasibility of this approach, the simulation with the block sizes of 4 x 4, 8 x 8, 16 x 16, and 32 x 32 are performed. The simulation results show that this approach performs well.Key words: Adaptive filter, Adaptive algorithm, Least squares approximation, Noise cancellation, PSNR Reference [1] S. Haykin, Adaptive Filter Theory, 4th ed Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 2001. [2] B. Widrow, J. McCool, M. Larimore, and C. Johnson, "Stationary and nonstationary learning characteristics of the LMS adaptive filter", IEEE Proc., vol. 64, pp. 1151-1162, Aug. 1976. [3] N. A. M. Verhoeckx et aI., "Digital echo cancellation for baseband data transmission", IEEE Trans. Acoust., Speech, Signal Processing, vol. ASSP-27, pp. 768-781, Dec. 1979. [4] B. Widrow et aI., "Adaptive noise cancelling Principles and applications", IEEE Proc., vol. 63, pp. 1692-1716, Dec. 1975. [5] B. Friedlander, "System identification techniques for adaptive noise canceling", IEEE Trans. Acoust., Speech, Signal Processing, vol. ASSP-30, pp. 699-709, Oct. 1982. Ms. Rutu Agrawal, Dr. A. J. Patil, Mr. C. S. Patil |
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167. | Effect of first order chemical reaction in a vertical double-passage channel
Effect of first order chemical reaction in a vertical double-passage channelAbstract: Fully developed laminar mixed convection flow in a vertical channel in the presence of first order chemical reactions has been investigated. The channel is divided into two passages by means of a thin, perfectly plane conducting baffle and hence the velocity, temperature and concentration will be individual in each stream. The coupled, nonlinear ordinary differential equations are solved analytically using regular perturbation method valid for small values of Brinkman number. The effects of thermal Grashoff number, mass Grashoff number, Brinkman number and chemical reaction parameter on the velocity, temperature and concentration fields at different positions of the baffle are presented and discussed in detail. The increase in thermal Grashof number, mass Grashoff number and Brinkman number enhances the flow, whereas the chemical reaction parameter suppress the flow at all baffle positions.Reference [1] Merkin JH (1980) Mixed convection boundary layer flow on a vertical surface in a saturated porous medium. J Eng Math 14:301–303. [2] Merkin JH (1985) On dual solutions occurring in mixed convection in a porous medium. J Eng Math 20:171–179. [3] Aly EH, Elliot L, Ingham DB (2003) Mixed convection boundary layer flow over a vertical surface embedded in a porous medium. Eur J Mech B, Fluids 22:529–543. [4] Nazar R, Pop I (2004) Mixed convection boundary layer flow over a vertical surface in a porous medium with variable surface heat flux. In: Recent advances and applications in heat and mass transfer. IMECE, Kuwait, pp 87–97. [5] J. Prathap Kumar, J.C. Umavathi, Ali J. Chamkha and H. Prema (2011) Free convection in a vertical double passage wavy channel filled with a Walters fluid (model B'). Int. J. Energy & Technology, 3: 1–13. J. Prathap Kumar, J.C. Umavathi, and Jagtap Sharadkumar |
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168. | Performance Improvement Of Self-Aspirating Porous Radiant Burner By Controlling Process Parameters
Performance Improvement Of Self-Aspirating Porous Radiant Burner By Controlling Process ParametersAbstract: This paper presents the heat transfer characteristics of a self-aspirating porous radiant burner (SAPRB) that operates on the basis of an effective energy conversion method between flowing gas enthalpy and thermal radiation. The temperature field at various flame zones was measured experimentally by the help of both FLUKE IR camera and K-type thermocouples. The experimental setup consisted of a two layered domestic cooking burner, a flexible test stand attached with six K-type thermocouples at different positions, IR camera, LPG setup and a hot wire anemometer. The two layered SAPRB consisted of a combustion zone and a preheating zone. Time dependent temperature history from thermocouples at various flame zones were acquired by using a data acquisition system and the temperature profiles were analyzed in the ZAILA application software environments. In the other hand the IR graphs were captured by FLUKE IR camera and the thermographs were analyzed in the SMARTView software environments. The experimental results revealed that the homogeneous porous media, in addition to its convective heat exchange with the gas, might absorb, emit, and scatter thermal radiation. The rate of heat transfer was more at the center of the burner where a combined effect of both convection & radiation might be realized. The maximum thermal efficiency was found to be 64% which was having a good agreement with the previous data in the open literature.Key words: IR Thermography, LPG, Self-Aspirating Porous Radiant Burner (SAPRB), Thermal Efficiency, Transient Temperature. Reference [1] D'Sa Antonette, N Murthy, 2004.Report on the use of LPG as a domestic cooking fuel option in India. Int. Energy Initiative, http://www.iei-asia.org/ IEIBLR-LPG Indiahomes.Report.pdf. [2] Mnril R. LPG in India subsidy with a purpose, In: WLPGA – North Africa LPG summit 20th May 2010. [3] N.K Mishra, P. Muthukumar, S.C Mishra. Performance Tests on Medium-Scale Porous Radiant Burners for LPG Cooking Applications, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Volume 3, Special Issue 3: ICERTSD 2013, Feb 2013, pages 126-130, ISSN 2250-2459. [4] V.K Pantangi, S.C Mishra, P.Muthukumar and R Reddy, "Studies of PRBs for Cooking Application", Energy, 2011, 36:6074-6080. [5] P.Muthukumar, P.I Shyamkumar "Development of a novel porous radiant burner for LPG cooking application", Fuel, 2013, 112; 562-566. Purna C. Mishra, Bibhuti B. Samantaray, Premananda Pradhan, Rajeswari Chaini, Durga P. Ghosh |
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169. | Comparison of Fenton and Anaerobic Process in Treating Mature Landfill Leachate
Comparison of Fenton and Anaerobic Process in Treating Mature Landfill LeachateAbstract: Mature landfill leachate from Vilapilsala site was subjected to both anaerobic and Fenton process separately. After Fenton treatment removal of COD, BOD, turbidity, nitrate, sulphate and TSS were 92.1%, 83.5%, 94.2%, 18.86%, 11% and 96.6% respectively (optimized treatment conditions pH 3, reaction time 30min, H2O2/COD ratio 3, [H2O2]/[Fe2+] ratio 15 and 3g/L sludge recycling). Biodegradability enhanced from 0.3 to 0.65 and acute toxicity reduced to 6.3% from initial 3.2%. Whereas by anaerobic treatment at an HRT of 11days and pH 7, removal of COD, BOD, turbidity, nitrate, sulphate and TSS were 40.5%, 50.0%, 23.5%, 46.2%, 35.3% and 37% respectively. Biodegradability reduced from 0.3 to 0.26 and acute toxicity remained almost the same. Economic analysis revealed that initial cost will come around 50,978/- for Fenton process and Rs.11,16,555/- for anaerobic process in batch mode. Operating cost was around 1,23,240/m3 wastewater for Fenton process and it came only around 527/m3 for anaerobic process.Key words: Acute Toxicity, Anaerobic Process, Biodegradability, Fenton Process, Mature landfill leachate Reference 1] Barjinder Bhalla, M.S.Saini and M.K.Jha, Characterization of Leachate from Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Landfilling Sites of Ludhiana, India: A Comparative Study, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications,2(6), 2012, 732-745. [2] Dr.Sunil Edward and Vijitha V Kumar, Assessment of the Solid Waste Management System in Trivandrum City, 10th National Conference on Technological Trends (NCTT09), 2009, 216-221. [3] SellamiImen, Trabelsi Ismaila, Sayadi Samib, Aloui Fathib, Medhioub Khaled, Ghrabi Ahmeda and Bousselmi Latifaa, Characterization and anaerobic batch reactor treatment of Jebel Chakir Landfill leachate, Desalination, 248, 2009, 96-103. [4] Seyed Mohammad, DaraGhasimi, Azni Idris, Fakhrul Razi Ahmadun, Beng Ti Tey and Teong Guan Chuah, Batch anaerobic treatment of fresh leachate from transfer station, Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 3, 2008, 256-264. [5] Keerti Raj, Anaerobic treatment of municipal solid waste landfill leachate, Dissertation Report, Thapar University, Patiala, 2009-2011. Asha Sivan*, Latha P |
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170. | Performance /efficiency enhancement of Dynamic Source Routing Protocol in Wireless Mesh Networks
Performance /efficiency enhancement of Dynamic Source Routing Protocol in Wireless Mesh NetworksAbstract: A Wireless Mesh Network is a collection of wireless nodes that form a network connection. There are several routing protocols like TORA, HEAT, AODV and DSR etc. which have been designed for providing communication among all the nodes in the wireless network. DSR is a reactive routing protocol and comfortable for unlimited number of nodes. This paper presents the comparison performance of DSR protocol with E-DSR (enhanced-DSR) protocol. In the enhanced approach of DSR, we improve the performance of Packet Delivery Ratio and throughput of the Wireless Mesh Networks. In E-DSR the destination a node recognizes first route request message (RREQ), it produces Turn-Around route request (TA-RREQ) message and deluges it to neighbor nodes within transmission range. E-DSR decreases route fail variation messages and gets very good performance as compared to Dynamic Source Routing protocol (DSR).Key words: WMNs, Packet Delivery Ratio, HEAT, E-DSR, RREQ (Route Request), RREP (Route Reply); Reference [1] C. Siva Ram Murthy and B. S. Manoj, "Ad Hoc Wireless Networks: Architectures and Protocols" Prentice Hall, 2004. [2] C.E.Perkins and E.M.Royer "Ad hoc on demand distance vector routing", Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Mobile computing systems and Applications 1999, pp. 90-100, February 1999. [3] D. Johnson, D. Maltz, Y. Hu, and J. Jetcheva, "The dynamic source routing protocol for mobile ad hoc networks". Internet Draft, Internet Engineering Task Force, Mar 2001.http://www.ietf.org/internetdrafts/draft-ietf. [4] David B. Johnson, David A. Maltz, and Josh Broch, "DSR: The Dynamic Source Routing Protocol for Multi-Hop Wireless Ad Hoc Networks", in Ad Hoc Networking, Editor: Charles E.Perkins, Chapter 5, pp. 139-172, Addison-Wesley, 2001. [5] Jochen H. Schiller, "Mobile Communiction", Addison-Wesley, Second Edition, pp.336-339, 2003. Pushpender, Prof. (Dr.) Sohan Garg, Prof. (Dr.) YashPal Singh |
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171. | Microstrip Patch Antenna: Analysis of Surface Area for Bandwidth Improvement
Microstrip Patch Antenna: Analysis of Surface Area for Bandwidth ImprovementAbstract: A rectangular Microstrip patch antenna with edge feeding technique is presented in this paper. The H-shape patch antenna has wide bandwidth and high Gain. The surface area plays a major role in bandwidth of any antenna. This paper describes the comparison of the increase in the bandwidth with the increase in the surface area of the patch. A novel H-shaped patch antenna suitable for wireless and satellite communications is presented. This paper presents the dual U slot H-shaped microstrip patch antenna feed by transmission line. The decrease in the prices of handheld devices and services has made available on the move internet and web services facility to the customers, small antennas requirement are increasing. In this paper H-shaped patch antenna is designed using FR4 substrate. The proposed modified H shaped antenna is designed and simulated using HFSS and caters to various wireless applications such as WiMAX, Wi-Fi, UMTS and Digital Multimedia Broadcasting (DMB) e.g. T V, etc.Key words: MPA, Wimax, DMB, HFSS. Reference [1] Indrasen Singh et al, Int. J. Comp. Tech. Appl., Vol 2 (5), 1595-1599, "Micro strip Patch Antenna and its Applications: a Survey" Page no-1. [2] "MODERN ANTENNA DESIGN" by Thomas A Milligan. [3] Rahul Batra, P.L.Zade & Dipika Sagne, "Design and analysis of modified H-shape antenna for wireless communication", 3rd IEEE, IACC, 2013. [4] "Broadband patch antenna with ring slot coupling" by Y. Qin, S. Gao, A. Sambell, E. Korolkiewicz and M. Elsdon ELECTRONICS LETTERS 8th January 2004 Vol. 40 No. 1 [5] J. A. Ansari, Satya Kesh Dubey, Prabhakar Singh, R. U. Khan, and Babau R. Vishvakarma, "Analysis of compact H-shaped microstrip antenna", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters / Vol. 50, No. 7, July 2008. Sapna Panwar, Asst. Prof. Bhagwan Swaroop Sharma |
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172. | Model Building And Cascade Compensation Of Angle Servo Control System
Model Building And Cascade Compensation Of Angle Servo Control SystemAbstract: Control theory is foundation to construct the control system and Automation technologies tools are material ensure to construct the control system. The control system experiments are essential in the field of development and research performance by using mathematical model building and cascade compensation. From this point of the design, Angle servo control system emphasizes with mathematical model building and cascade compensation both in theoretical foundation and experimental techniques. In this report, we are analyzed the working principle and function of components in system. To learn how to measure the transfer functions of all components and prepare how to calculate performance parameters using step response curve. In the end of experiment, we gain the values of response curves of the angle servo system and also studied calculation reading as well.Key words: Control system, Angle servo, Cascade, Mathematical model building, Experiment, Simulation Reference [1] Craig, (2013). Design and Implementation on Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Servo System, http://www.research-degreethesis. com/showinfo-92-741108-0.html [2] NEETS, (2013), Principles of Synchros, Servos, and Gyros http://www.rfcafe.com/references/electrical/ NEETS%20Modules/NEETS-Module-15-2- 31-2-38.htm [3] Wang, Xiaohui, Sun, Tao "Fast tool servo system for online compensation of error motion on an ultraprecision lathe" 4th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Advanced Optical Manufacturing Technologies, Proceedings of the SPIE, Vol.7282, pp. 5, 2009. [4] Tim Wescott, (2013), designing a Control System, http://www.eetimes.com/document.asp?doc_ id=1274122-1 [5] Li, Zhu-Lian, Xiong, Yao-Heng "The research on property of servo-control and drive system for 1.2 m Alt-Az telescope" Journal of Astronomical Research and Technology, Publications of National Astronomical Observatories of China, Vol. 2, pp. 130 – 136, 2005. Muhammad Usman, Dai Zhongjian, Irfan Jamil, Rehan Jamil, Hassan Syed Mubashir |
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173. | Static and Dynamics Drape Of Fabric: An Emerging Arena of Fabric Evaluation
Static and Dynamics Drape Of Fabric: An Emerging Arena of Fabric EvaluationAbstract: Drape is one of the most important fabric properties from designer as well as end user point of view. The standard method of drape measurement is as per IS 8357:1977. This can be classified as static drape. In today's scenario, across all the areas, advancement of technology is remarkable. There is little doubt that the influence of technology has overtaken our lives. In the manufacturing field, technology solves a number of problems related to design, production and dispatching of products, providing the consumer with either low cost or large varieties of enhanced, sophisticated or unique products depending on the direction and philosophy of the company and its marketing strategy. One has to learn to co-exist with technology so are industries and it is not who will use the technology to combat competition in the world of markets of the future that is crucial, but rather who will develop new technologies to stay competitive. Dynamic drape behavior and simulations are gaining more and more popularity day by day. It is so, because it gives to some extent close to real life situation. Many research worker in abroad are working on the same since last decade, but unfortunately very few information, particularly data base information are available here. No readymade instrument is available here to study the dynamic drape behaviour of fabric.Key words: drape, static drape, dynamic drape, instrument, simulation Reference [1]. Modelling the dynamic drape of garments on synthetic humans in a virtual fashion show by George K. Stylios, T. R. Wan and N. J. Powell, International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, vol 8, No. 3, 1996, pp. 95-112. [2]. Hu J & Chan Y F, Effect of Fabric Mechanical Properties on Drape, Text. Res. J., 68, (1998), 57. [3]. Xiaoqun D, Takao F, Shijeru M, Masayuki T & Yoshio S, Drape Formation Based on Geometric Constraint and its Application to Skirt Modeling, Int J Clothing Sci Technol., 13, 2001, 23. [4]. Measurement and Modeling of Drape using Digital Image Processing, B K Behra & Ajit Kumar Pattanayak, Indian J of Fibre & Textile Res.,33, September 2008, pp 230-238 [5]. The dependence of fabric drape on bending and shear stiffness by G. E. Cusick, J. Text. Inst., 56(5), T596-T606 (1965). P. Pratihar |
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174. | Dynamic Drape Behavior of Textile Fabric: Part I - Development of an Instrument and Its Implications
Dynamic Drape Behavior of Textile Fabric: Part I - Development of an Instrument and Its ImplicationsAbstract: There are instruments available to measure the drape coefficient of fabric. The most widely accepted method (IS 8357:1977) is hang a circular fabric sample and measure the drape coefficient. This measurement technique gives quite a bit of fair idea about drape coefficient of a fabric in static condition. But when it's static condition is disturbed as the case in practical application of fabric in the form of using as garment or in the form of any domestic application like using it as curtain or table cloth, it's shape of fabric fall pattern i.e nodes in term of drape terminology changes. Therefore, to get some idea about the effect of above mentioned static condition to dynamic condition of the fabric, a need was felt to have some sort of simulation. Here simulation might not be possible exactly to the practical condition, but one can think of some sort of simulation, similar to it and find out the effect of the same on drape properties of fabric. Therefore, it was thought that some simple, inexpensive, easy to handle instrument would be developed to measure the dynamic drape coefficient of fabric. The present work is the result of the same.Key words: drape, drape coefficient, instrument, dynamic drape, simulation Reference [1]. Peirce, F.T., (1937) The geometry of cloth structure. Journal of the Textile Institute, Vol.28, No. T45, pp.43-77. [2]. Chu C C, Cumings C L and Teixeira N A (1950), "Mechanics of Elastic Performance of Textile Materials, Part V: A Study of the Factors Affecting the Drape of Fabrics – The Development of a Drape Meter", Text. Res. J., 20(8), pp 539-548. [3]. Investigation of the Factors Affecting the Drapeability of Fabrics by C. C. Chu, M. M. Platt and W. J. Hamburger Text. Res. J., 30, 66-67 (1960). [4]. The resistance of fabric to shear forces by G. E. Cusick, J. Text. Inst., 52(9), T395-T406 (1961). [5]. The measurement of fabric drape by G. E. Cusick, J. Text. Inst., 59(6), T253-T260 (1965). P. Pratihar |
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175. | Dynamic Drapen Behavior of Textile Fabric: Part II - Attributes of Various Fabric Parameters
Dynamic Drapen Behavior of Textile Fabric: Part II - Attributes of Various Fabric ParametersAbstract: Substantial amount of work has been done on static drape behavior of fabric by Cusick in 60s. In 70s & 80s, it was felt that drape is not much important. Therefore the main focus during this period was on tensile behavior of the fabric. But during 90s, due to rapid growth of readymade garment along with computerized manufacturing system, it was felt by various research workers and market surveyors that drape is very important property. So, one need to look into the matter to give proper shape to a garment after its cutting and sewing. Moreover, to meet the customer requirement and stringent competition from the market one need to give the best quality of the fabric, so that when one uses the fabric its drape property does not change much from morning to evening. The crease resistant fabric with special finish has come into existence because of this development. Therefore a need was felt on evaluating dynamic drape properties of fabric when its static condition is disturbed. To find dynamic drape coefficient, we need to simulate body motion or the actual condition of use of fabric. Therefore, an instrument has been developed as reported in the last paper in this series. Here in this part the study conducted on dynamic drapeabilty of fabric in the newly developed instrument is reported.Key words: drape, static drape, dynamic drape, instrument, simulation Reference [1]. Chu C C, Cumings C L and Teixeira N A (1950), "Mechanics of Elastic Performance of Textile Materials, Part V: A Study of the Factors Affecting the Drape of Fabrics – The Development of a Drape Meter", Text. Res. J., 20(8), pp 539-548. [2]. The measurement of fabric drape by G. E. Cusick, J. Text. Inst., 59(6), T253-T260 (1965). [3]. Shanahan, W.J., Lloyd, D.W. and Hearle, J.W.S., (1978) Characterizing the elastic behavior of textile fabrics in complex deformation. Textile Research Journal, Vol.48, pp. 495-505. [4]. Lloyd, D.W., Mete, F. and Hussain, K., (1996) An approach to the theoretical mechanics of static drape, International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, Vol.8, No.3, pp. 43-58. [5]. H Imaoka, H Okabe, H Akami, A Shibuya, N Aisaka Analysis of Deformations in Textile Fabric, Sen-i Gakkaishi 44, pp 217-228 (1988). P. Pratihar |
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176. | Application Of Optimisation Techniques In Aviation Industries
Application Of Optimisation Techniques In Aviation IndustriesAbstract: In the modern aircraft many components were produced because of the effort of engineering fraternity, most of the components were designed in a manner that they are subjected to various types of loads and stresses. In their life span members need to carry more amount of load but with a shorter thickness, designing them will induce curiosity among the engineers. There are many tools which are used practically for the design purpose and one such tool is optimization techniques. Design of engineering components is a costly process in which a small reduction in size wills ultimate lead to huge saving, many researchers and engineers focus on this area of called as optimization. To support optimization process many techniques were evolved in the recent decades some of them proved to be highly successful in optimizing and also widely used by many industries. Aviation industry one of the core engineering industry carries importance in designing and many design procedures were evolved in designing aircraft components which are not only costly to produce but also need utmost care in designing. Optimization plays a key role in design process let it be designing of a wing or landing gears, fuselage or rudders reducing the size for the load applied proves to be the only viable option for cost reduction. In this work an attempt is made to optimize the thickness of wing of an aircraft using Size-topology optimization technique.Key words: Optimisation, Size-topolody optimisation, crossover, Genetic algorithm, particle swarm optimization Reference [1] Daniel Neufeld, et al, 2008, "Development of a Flexible MDO Architecture for Aircraft Conceptual Design" EngOpt 2008 - International Conference on Engineering Optimization [2] Juan Pablo Leiva, et al, "Modern Structural Optimization Concepts Applied to Topology Optimization" AIAA 99-1388. [3] Master's Programme Handbook Applied Mathematics, 2004, Delft University of Technology [4] Naveen kumar.R.0 and Abbani Rinrku "Structural Optimization of Stubwing Structure of a Typical Light Transport Aircraft" [5] Susana Angélica Falco and Alfredo Rocha de Faria, 2001, Optimization of a Simple Aircraft Wing [6] web.mit.edu [7] www.kxcad.net Murali.K, Senthilkumar.S.K, Sivanesh Prabhu.M |
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177. | Minimizing Routing Attacks in MANET Using Extended Dempster-Shefer Theory
Minimizing Routing Attacks in MANET Using Extended Dempster-Shefer TheoryAbstract: Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANET) have been highly vulnerable to attacks due to the dynamic nature of its network infrastructure. Among these attacks, routing attacks have received considerable attention since it could cause the most devastating damage to MANET. Even though there exist several intrusion response techniques to mitigate such critical attacks, existing solutions typically attempt to isolate malicious nodes based on binary or na¨ıve fuzzy response decisions. However, binary responses may result in the unexpected network partition, causing additional damages to the network infrastructure, and na¨ıve fuzzy responses could lead to uncertainty in countering routing attacks in MANET. In this paper, we propose a risk-aware response mechanism to systematically cope with the identified routing attacks. Our risk aware approach is based on an extended DempsterShafer mathematical theory of evidence introducing a notion of importance factors. In addition, our experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach with the consideration of several performance metrics. Route request flooding attack is one such distributed DoS attack, launched by compromised nodes or intruders. This triggers an acute need of flooding attack prevention mechanisms for this highly vulnerable type of network. In this paper, a reputation based scheme is proposed to resist the impact of flooding attack in MANET. This scheme observes the behavior of a node in the network periodically and limits its route request sending rate accordingly.Index Terms: Mobile ad hoc networks, intrusion response, risk aware, dempster-shafer theory. Flooding Attack, Reference [1] H. Wu, M. Siegel, R. Stiefelhagen, and J. Yang, "Sensor Fusion Using Dempster- Shafer Theory," Proc. IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conf., vol. 1, pp. 7-12, 2002. [2] T. Clausen and P. Jacquet, "Optimized Link State Routing Protocol," Network Working Group, 2003. [3] C. Perkins, E. Belding-Royer, and S. Das, "Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing," Mobile Ad-Hoc Network Working Group, vol. 3561, 2003. [4] H. Deng, W. Li, and D. Agrawal, "Routing Security in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks," IEEE Comm. Magazine, vol. 40, no. 10, pp. 70-75, Oct. 2002. [5] Y. Hu and A. Perrig, "A Survey of Secure Wireless Ad Hoc Routing," IEEE Security and Privacy Magazine, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 28-39, May/June 2004. A. V. R. Sandesh Guptha, S. Reshma |
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178. | Performance Evaluation of WIMAX System Using QPSK Simulation and Rayleigh (NLOS) Multipath with Added AWGN
Performance Evaluation of WIMAX System Using QPSK Simulation and Rayleigh (NLOS) Multipath with Added AWGNAbstract: In modern world, wireless communication systems are involved in every part of life. WiMAX is the upcoming wireless system which uses IEEE standard 802.16.By using WiMAX technology we can overcome the limitations of the existing wireless communication like short coverage area, lack of security and low data rate. In my thesis, initially I analyzed the basic concept of WiMAX. Then we have work on the improvement BER at different SNR of WIMAX system using MATLAB simulation.Key words: Wimax; QPSK; NLOS; AWGN. Reference [1] PROAKIS, Digital Communications 4th ed. (chapter 14)14.4.2 Fading Multiphase Signals. [2] B. Chaitanya , T.S. Prasad, K. Sruthi, T. Tejaswi, "Adaptive Modulation Techniques for WIMAX," (IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security, Vol. 2, No. 5, May 2010 . [3] J. El-Najjar,B. Jaumard,C. Assi, "Minimizing Interference in WiMax/802.16 Based Mesh Networks with Centralized Scheduling" Global Telecommunications Conference, 2008. IEEE GLOBECOM 2008. IEEE, ISBN: 978-1-4244-2324-8, pp. 1 – 6, Dec. 2008 . [4] G. A. Jubair, M. I. Hasan, Md. Obaid Ullah, "Performance Evaluation of IEEE 802.16e (Mobile WiMAX) in OFDM Physical Layer" . ING/School of Engineering, 2009, pp. 93. [5] A. Yarali, A. Mbula, A. Tumula, " WiMAX: A key to bridging the digital divide" Southeast Con, 2007. Proceedings. IEEE, ISBN: 1-4244-1028-2, pp. 159 – 164, March 2007 . Joydev Ghosh, Abhishek Dey, Somnath Yadav |
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179. | Towards An Intelligent Environment for Urban Flood Rescue Scenarios
Towards An Intelligent Environment for Urban Flood Rescue ScenariosAbstract: In a city devastated by flood is common that communication infrastructure is disrupted. An alternate communication infrastructure to provide basic services to victims is proposed in this paper. We introduce an intelligent environment design to handle urban flood alert and rescue scenarios. It is based on three different types of wireless communication networks: a Wireless Sensor Network to measure the level of rivers and alert people living in flood prone lands; an Ad hoc Mobile Network to route messages from victims to care facilities, and a Wireless Mesh Network to handle people information hosted in temporal shelters. The Wireless Mesh Network includes the usage of RFID technology. People hosted in temporal shelters use smart labels to access instantly a website link, send an e-mail, send a SMS or dial a phone number.Key words: Ambient Intelligence, Mobile Ad Hoc networks, Wireless Mesh Networks, Wireless Sensor Networks, Disaster relief operation. Reference [1] I. F. Akyildiz, W. Su, Y. Sankarasubramaniam, and E. Cayirci. Wireless sensor networks: a survey. Computer Networks, 38(4):393 – 422, 2002. [2] I. F. Akyildiz, X. Wang, and W. Wang. Wireless mesh networks: a survey. Computer Networks, 47(4):445 – 487, 2005. [3] N. Aschenbruck, M. Frank, P. Martini, and J. Tolle. Human mobility in manet disaster area simulation - a realistic approach. Local Computer Networks, Annual IEEE Conference on, 0:668–675, 2004. [4] J. ravo lama n, and T. Riesgo. Ubiquitous computing and ambient intelligence: New challenges for computing. j-jucs, 12(3):233–235, March 2006. [5] J. ravo lama n, and T. Riesgo. Ubiquitous computing and ambient intelligence. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 5(4):315–316, April 2011. Miguel Wister, Francisco Acosta, Pablo Pancardo and Jose A. Hernandez-Nolasco |
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180. | High Performance Error Detection and Correction Technique for Memories Using Difference - Set Codes
High Performance Error Detection and Correction Technique for Memories Using Difference - Set CodesAbstract: As technology scales, Single Event Upsets (SEU) become more common and affect a large number of memory cells. In order to protect memories against SEUs is to make use advanced error detecting and correcting codes are used. An error detection method for difference – set cyclic codes with majority logic is presented in this paper. Majority logic decodable codes have the capability to correct a large number of errors so these codes are used in memory applications. But they require a large decoding time which affects the memory performance. The proposed fault detection technique resolves this problem. It reduces the memory access time when there is no error in the data read. In this technique the Majority Logic Decoder (MLD) itself used to detect failures, thus area become minimal and keeps the extra power consumption low.Key words: Error Correcting Code, block codes, majority logic. Reference [1] S. Lin and D. J. Costello, Error Control Coding, 2nd ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2004. [2] I. S. Reed, "A class of multiple-error-correcting codes and the decoding scheme," IRE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. IT-4, pp. 38–49, 1954. [3] E. J.Weldon, Jr., "Difference-set cyclic codes," Bell Syst. Tech. J., vol.45, pp. 1045–1055, 1966. [4] Shih – Fu Liu, Pedro Reviriego, Juan Antonio Maestro, "Efficient majority logic fault detection with Difference – set Codes for memory applications", IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst., vol. 20, no 1, pp. 148 -156, Jan 2012. [5] I. S. Reed, "A class of multiple-error-correcting codes and the decoding scheme," IRE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. IT-4, pp. 38–49, 1954. Teena Ann Thomas, Ashad Kumar A |
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181. | Pattern Recognition Approach for Fault Identification in Power Transmission Lines
Pattern Recognition Approach for Fault Identification in Power Transmission LinesAbstract: This paper presents an improved algorithm for fault detection and classification of transmission line fault current signals using MATLAB/SIMULINK. The proposed algorithm presents a fault discrimination method based on the three-phase current and voltage waveforms measured when fault events occur in the power transmission-line network. The algorithm for fault classification employs wavelet multi resolution analysis (MRA) to overcome the difficulties associated with conventional voltage and current based measurements due to effect of factors such as fault inception angle, fault impedance and fault distance. The proposed algorithm for fault location, different from conventional algorithms that are based on deterministic computations on a well-defined model to be protected, employs wavelet transform. The wavelet transform captures the dynamic characteristics of the non-stationary transient fault signals using wavelet MRA coefficients.Index Terms: Wavelet transforms Multi resolution analysis (MRA), Fault classification, Transmission lines Reference [1]. M. Jayabharata Reddy, and D.K. Mohanta, "A wavelet-fuzzy combined approach forclassification and location of transmission line faults ",International journal of Electrical Power and Energy system, Volume 29, Issue 9, pp 669-678, November 2007. [2]. P. Chiradeja and C. Pothisarn "Identification of the Fault Location for Three- Terminal Transmission Lines using Discrete Wavelet Transforms" IEEE T&D Asia 2009. [3]. Jianyin liu, Zhong Zheng " Fault Location and Type Identification on Transmission Line Using a Novel Traveling Wave Method" 2012 International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Application, Shanghai, China, September 17-20, 2012978-1-4673-4746-4/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE 290. [4]. Shao Wenquan, Suonan Jiale "Single-phase Permanent Fault Detection for Reactored EHV/UHV Transmission Lines" 978-1-4244-6255-1/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE. [5]. A. Jamehbozorg and S. M. Shahrtash "A Decision Tree-Based Method for Fault Classification in Double-Circuit Transmission Lines" IEEE Transactions On Power Delivery, Vol. 25, No. 4, October 2010. P.Srinivasa Rao and B.Baddu Naik |
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182. | Design of Bandpass Finite Impulse Response Filter Using Various Window Method
Design of Bandpass Finite Impulse Response Filter Using Various Window MethodAbstract: In the digital signal processing, digital filtering occupies an extremely important position. This paper introduces the definition and basic principles of FIR digital filters, and the design methods based on MATLAB. After the description of the process of design and simulation of a FIR band-pass filter by means of window function method, the results prove that various performance of the designed FIR filter reach the appointed requirement, the designed method is simple.Key words: FIR filter, LTI, bandpass filter, window function, MATLAB Reference [1] Rohit Patel, Mukesh Kumar, A.K. Jaiswal, Rohini Saxena, " Design Technique of BandpassFIR filter using Various Window Function", IOSR-JECE volume 6, issue 6 august 2013. [2] Saurabh Singh Rajput, Dr. S. S. Bhadauria, "Implementation of FIR Filter using Efficient Window Function and its Application in Filtering a Speech Signal", International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Mechanical Controls Volume 1, Issue 1, November 2012. [3] Sonika Gupta, Aman Panghal Performance, "Performance Analysis of FIR Filter Design by Using Rectangular, Hanning and Hamming Windows Methods", International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering Volume 2, Issue 6, June 2012. [4] J.G. Proa is and D.G. Manola is,"Digital Signal Processing-Principles, Algorithms and Applications" New Delhi: Prentice-Hall, 2000. [5] S. Salivahanan, A. Vallavaraj, C. Gnanaapriya, "Digital Signal Processing", Tata McGraw-Hill, 2000. Er. Mukesh Kumar, Rohit Patel, Er. Rohini Saxena, Saurabh Kumar |
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183. | Comparative Study of Different Types of Full Adder Circuits
Comparative Study of Different Types of Full Adder CircuitsAbstract: The 1-bit full adder circuit is one of the most important components of any digital system applications. The power-delay product is a measurement of the energy expanded per operational cycle of an arithmetic circuit. In this we have discussed about the various types of full adders. Also reviewed about the average power and delay of various types of 1 bit full adders.and at last we concluded that which is the low power consuming and more speed giving I bit full adder design.Key words: Full-adder, High performance, MUX, Low-power, PDP, XOR Reference [1] Navi, K., M. Maeen, V. Foroutan, S. Timarchi and O. Kavei, 2009. "A novel low power full-adder cell for low voltage," Integration the VLSI J., 42(4): 457-467. [2] J. F. Lin, Yin-Tsung Hwang, Ming-Hwa Sheu, and Cheng-Che Ho,May 2007. "A Novel High-Speed and Energy Efficient 10-Transistor Full Adder Design," IEEE Trans. On circuits and systems-I, VOL. 54,NO.5,PP.1050-1059. [3] H. T. Bui, Y. Wang, and Y. Jiang, "Design and Analysis of 10- Transistor Full Adders Using XOR-XNOR Gates," IEEE Trans. Circuits and Syst. II, Analog Digit. Signal Process., vol 49, no. 1, pp. 25-30, Jan. 2002 [4] Jiang, Y., A Al-Sheraidah, Y. Wang, E. Sha and J. Chung, 2004. A novel multiplexer-based low power full adder", IEEE Tran. On Circuits and Systems-II: Express Briefs, 51(7): 345-348. [5] D. Garg and M. K. Rai / IJECCT 2012, Vol. 2 (4) CMOS Based 1-Bit Full Adder Cell for Low-Power DelayProduct Sansar Chand Sankhyan, Shruti Hathwalia |
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184. | Analysis of Power Semiconductor Device to Regulate the Load Voltage Using Dynamic Voltage Restorer (Dvr)
Analysis of Power Semiconductor Device to Regulate the Load Voltage Using Dynamic Voltage Restorer (Dvr)Abstract: This paper deals with simulation and implementation of three level inverter based Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR). The control of DVR that injects a voltage in series with a distribution feeder is presented. DVR is a power electronic controller that can protect sensitive loads from disturbances in supply system. DVR can regulate the voltage at the load. The design issues, implementation procedures and system analysis for a fast transient control scheme for three phase capacitor-supported dynamic voltage restorers (DVR) are presented in this paper. The dynamic behaviors of the prototype under different sagged and swelled conditions and depths will be investigated. The dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) is one of the modern devices used in distribution systems to protect consumers against sudden changes in voltage magnitude. The analysis for a fast transient control scheme for three phase capacitor-supported dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) is presented in this paper. This work provides us to find the optimal location and the optimal DVR settings to enhance the distribution related loading issues. Conventional voltage-restoration technique is based on injecting voltage being in-phase with the supply voltage. The injected voltage magnitude will be the minimum, but the energy injected by the DVR is no minimal. In order to minimize the required capacity of the dc source, a minimum energy injection concept is taken into the considerations. It is based on maximizing the active power delivered by the supply mains and the reactive power handled by the DVR during the sag and swell cases. The review model has been built and tested the dynamic behaviors of the model under different sagged and swelled conditions and depths will be investigated. The quality of the load voltage under unbalanced and distorted phase voltages, and nonlinear inductive load is analyzed.Reference [1] Olimpo Anaya-Lara and E. Acha "Modelling and analysis of custom power devices by psacd/emtdc ", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY, vol17, No-1, pp 266- 272, Jan 2002. [2] W.freitas, A.Morelato, "comparative study between power system blockset and PSCAD / EMTDC for transient analysis of custom power devices on voltage source converter ", International conference on power system transients – IPST 2003 in New orleans, USA. [3] Dong-Myog lee, Thomas G.H.habhlter," A voltage sag supporter utilizing a PWM switched auto transformer ", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, VOL22, NO-2, pp626-635, March 2007. [4] Math H.J.Bollen,"Understanding power quality problems (voltage sags and interruptions), first edition, IEEE press, 2001. [5] Hui-Yung Chu, Hurng-Liahng Jou, and Ching-Lien Huang," Transient Response of a Peak Voltage Detector for Sinusoidal Signals", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, VOL. 39, NO. 1 ,pp 74-79, FEBRUARY 1992. J. Anjaiah, P. Sadanandam |
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185. | Corrosion Monitoring Of Reinforcement in Underground Galleries of Hydro Electric Project
Corrosion Monitoring Of Reinforcement in Underground Galleries of Hydro Electric ProjectAbstract: The hydro projects in Himalayan region in India are constructed in head reaches of river basins. These projects envisage a concrete or masonry or rockfill or even an earthen dam. The underground inspection galleries and drainage gallery of these dams are constructed using concrete linings of different grades. Its durability is determined by various factors viz. aggressivity of surrounding water, temperatures fluctuations etc. The water in Himalayan Rivers is generally soft which is injurious to the useful life of concrete structures as it leads to leaching of lime. Leaching is a phenomenon that is caused by water migrating through the permeable concrete. The reduced alkalinity and permeated water causes corrosion of reinforcement leading to weakening of structure. Once such phenomenon is observed in any such structures a vigilant periodic monitoring approach becomes mandatory. The suitable remedial measure to be adopted will depend on the observed degree of deterioration. In this paper effort has been made to assess degree of corrosion of reinforcement in the gallery of one of the projects in Himalayan region using Half Cell Potentiometer which is a technique, used for assessment of the durability of reinforced concrete and helps in diagnosing reinforcement corrosionKey words: Corrosion, galleries, half cell potentiometer, reinforcement, rebar. Reference [1] ASTM C 876-91 (Reapproved 1999), "Standard Test Method for Half-cell Potentials of Uncoated Reinforcing Steel in Concrete," Annual Book of ASTM Standards, 03.02 (2006), 11-16. [2] Clemena, G. G., "Benefits of Measuring Half-cell Potentials and Rebar Corrosion Rates in Condition Surveys of Concrete Bridge Decks," Virginia Transportation Research Council (1992). [3] Diagnosis of Deterioration of Concrete Structures- Identification of Defects, Evaluation and Development of Remedial Actions, Concrete Society Camberley, UK, Technical Report 54, (2000) [4] Elsener, B. and Bohni, H., "Potential Mapping and Corrosion of Steel in Concrete," in "Corrosion Rates of Steel in Concrete," ASTM STP 1065, N.S. Berke, V. Chaker, D. Whiting eds. American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1990), 143-156. [5] JSCE-E 601-2000, "Test Method for Half-cell Potentials of Uncoated Rebars in Concrete Structures," Standard Specifications for Concrete Structures – 2002, Test Methods andSpecifications, Japan Society of Civil Engineers (2002). Nv Mahure, Rp Pathak, Sameer Vyas, Pankaj Sharma, Sl Gupta |
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186. | Hybrid Technology Solar Thermal Membrane Desalination of Salt Water for Populations In The Saloum River Delta
Hybrid Technology Solar Thermal Membrane Desalination of Salt Water for Populations In The Saloum River DeltaAbstract: The use of brackish water in the Saloum Delta in Senegal can be made by combining the processes of desalination as a source of solar energy, usually thermal and photovoltaic processes for membrane distillation. But the demand for energy is growing; the use of solar energy can be a good solution, given the high solar potential in these areas. Different experiences around the world have shown that the process AGMD (Air Gap Membrane Distillation) is properly adapted to renewable energy. Our work has shown that the production of fresh water by a hybrid method of desalination is possible. Then we analyzed the results on the effect of the pore size of the membrane on the mechanisms of mass transfer to estimate the production of fresh water per day generated. We also showed the effect of hot water heated by a solar panel on the phenomena of polarization membrane solution. And the final result allowed us to estimate in a dynamic system and for a small model, a daily production of about 4 L / h.Key words: Solar-Desalination-Membrane distillation - production flow-dynamic system-hybrid method–brackish water Reference [1] ALKLAIBI. A. M, LIOR. N: Membrane-distillation desalination: Status and potential, Desalination, 171, pp.111-131, 2005. [2] E. MATHIOULAKIS, V. BELESSIOTIS, E. DELYANNIS - Desalination by using alternative energy - Review and state-of-the-art National Center for Scientific Research (NCSR) "Demokritos", Aghia Paraskevi, 153-10, Athens, Greece, 2006 [3] M.SENE, –Transferts de chaleur et de masse dans des procédés de dessalement par distillation membranaire, type AGMD.valorisation des ressources en eau dans le delta du saloum – Thèse de doctorat, Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar Sénégal (2010). [4] AKILI D. K, IBRAHIM K. K, Jong-Mihn WIE – Advances in seawater desalination technologies – Royal Commission for Jubail & Yanbu, Saudi Arabia. [5] Nizar LOUSSIF, Jamel ORFI, Moussa SENE, Ousmane SOW, Thierry MARE, Mamadou ADJ – Transferts couplés de chaleur et de masse dans une unité de dessalement par distillation membranaire – Université de Monastir, Tunisie, King Saud University, Riyadh, KSA, Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar, Sénégal, IUT St Malo, France M. Sene Y. Mandiang, D. Azilinon |
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187. | Efficient VLSI Architecture For1-D Dwtusing 9/7 Filter Based On 2's Complement DBA
Efficient VLSI Architecture For1-D Dwtusing 9/7 Filter Based On 2's Complement DBAAbstract: A 1-D discrete wavelet transform (DWT) hardware design based on 2's complement design based architecture(DBA) is presented in this paper. We have proposed based on arithmetic for low complexity and efficient implementation of 1-D discrete wavelet transform. The 2's complement design based technique has been applied to reduce the number of full adders. This architecture is suitable for high speed on-line applications, the most important one being image processing. With this architecture the speed of the 1-D discrete wavelet transform is increased. It has 100% hardware utilization efficiency.Key words: 1-D Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT), 2's Complement Design Based Architecture (DBA), Xilinx simulation. Reference [1] S.G. Mallat, "A Theory for Multiresolution Signal Decomposition: The Wavelet Representation", IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis on Machine Intelligence, 110. July1989, pp. 674-693. [2] O.Rioul, and M. Vetterli, "Wavelets and Signal Processing". IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, October 1991, pp. 14-38. [3] Z. Xiong, K. Ramchandran, and M.T. Orchad, "wavelet packet image Coding using space-frequency quantization," IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 7,pp. 160-174, 1998. [4] O. Farooq and S. Datta, "Mel filter-like admissible wavelet packet structure for speech recognition," IEEE Signal Process. Lett. vol. 8, no.7, pp. 196-198, jul.2001. [5] S.G. Mallat, "A Theory for Multiresolution Signal Decomposition: The Wavelet Representation", IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis on Machine Intelligence, 110. July1989, pp. 674-693. Ashish Kumar Gupta, Prof. Yogesh Khandagare |
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189. | Determination of Hyper Static Moments in Post-Tensioned Concrete Flat Slab
Determination of Hyper Static Moments in Post-Tensioned Concrete Flat SlabAbstract: Hyperstatic forces develop in an indeterminate structure. These forces result when the imposed deformations due to prestressing are restrained or prevented by the support conditions of the structure. The presence of these secondary moments involves extra work in the analysis and design of statically indeterminate prestressed concrete structures. A parametric study has been presented in this paper where three flat slabs of different aspect ratios have been analysed. Based on the observations of this study further problem has been defined. In this paper, a 3x3 panel flat slab of size 7.2mx5.76m has been selected for the analysis. The ultimate moments due to dead load and live load are balanced totally by cables. Percentage hyperstatic moments developed in comparison to primary moments in all strips are computed. Further balancing of moments to a selected range of 50%, 60% and 70% has been made. The compressive stress check of all the models at transfer and service stage has been made.Key words: Hyperstatic moments, post-tensioned flat slab, concordant profile Reference [1] IS:1343-1980 Indian Standard Code of Practice For Prestressed Concrete. [2] Aalami, D. B. (Dec 1998). Hyperstatic Actions In Prestressing And Their Computations. Pti Technical Notes. [3] Bommer, A. (January 2004). Complete Secondary (Hyperstatic) Effects. Pti Journal. [4] Burgoyne, C. (March 2005). Analysis Of Continuous Prestressed Concrete Beams. [5] Eakarat Witchukreangkrai, H. M. (2003). Secondary Moment And Moment Redistribution In A Two-Span Continuous Pc Beam With Large Ecceentricity. Teresa Peter, Dr. K. K.Sangle |
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190. | AABS Technique for Detection of Moving Objects.
AABS Technique for Detection of Moving ObjectsAbstract: Image and Video Processing has a wide range of applications among various communities. Real Time moving object detection has become an important task in the Image and Video processing applications like robotics and video surveillance systems. There are various techniques in order to detect moving objects. In this paper we bring forward a hardware and software implementation of detection of moving objects using Background Subtraction technique. And we also bring forward the details of the moving objects which are detected, by using the Image reconstruction. For this purpose the following steps are executed – 1) A background image is stored in the SRAM Memory. 2) Low-pass filter is applied to both background image and the foreground images. 3) Foreground images are subtracted from the background image in order to identify the moving object. 4) Image processing techniques are applied to identify the moving object. 5) Image reconstruction techniques are used to obtain the details of the moving object. Interfacer is used either to store the resultant images in the memory or to display them on the screen.Key words: Background Subtraction Technique, Moving Object Details, Moving Object Detection, RGB to Gray Scale, Shadow Removal Technique Reference [1]. Background Subtraction for detecting of Moving Objects "https://computation.llnl.gov/casc/sapphire/background/background.html" [2]. Background Subtraction details, "h ttp://www.cse.iitk.ac.in/users/tarunb/node4.html" [3]. Raman Maini and Dr. Himanshu Aggarwal, "Study and Comparison of Various Image Edge Detection Techniques", International Journal of Image Processing (IJIP), Volume (3) : Issue (1) [4]. Details about Background Subtraction "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Background_subtraction" [5]. Pushpajit A. Khaire and Dr. Nileshsingh V. Thakur, "A Fuzzy Set Approach for Edge Detection", International Journal of Image Processing (IJIP), Volume (6): Issue (6), 2012 Dinesh Varma. S, Sk. Saidulu, Prof. B. Kedarnath |
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191. | Human Re-Identification In Surveillance Network
Human Re-Identification In Surveillance NetworkAbstract: This paper presents an appearance-based model to address the human re-identification problem. Human re-identification is an important and still unsolved task in computer vision. Re-identification refers to the problem of establishing correspondence among various observations of the same subject viewed at different time instances in different camera positions. It can also be defined as the process to match persons observed in non overlapping camera views with visual features for inter-camera tracking. The ambiguity increases with the number of candidates to be distinguished. Simple temporal reasoning can simplify the problem by pruning the candidate set to be matched. In many systems there is a requirement to identify individuals or determine whether a given individual has already appeared over a network of cameras. The human appearance obtained in one camera is usually different from the ones obtained in another camera. In order to re-identify people a human signature should handle difference in illumination pose and camera parameters. The paper focuses on a new appearance model based on Mean Riemannian Covariance (MRC) patches extracted from tracks of a particular individual to capturing from a distance even at low resolution without active co-operation of subjects, has motivated us to use it for re-identification in the computer surveillance network.Key words: Re-identification, Riemannian manifold, Human detection, Gait, Phase of motion Reference [1] Rabiner, L.R., 1989. A tutorial on hidden markov models and selected applications inspeech recognition. Proc. IEEE 77 (2), 257–286. [2] Rahimi, A., Darrell, T., 2004. Simultaneous calibration and tracking with a network of non-overlapping sensors. Proc. CVPR 1, 187–194. [3] M. Farenzena, L. Bazzani, A. Perina, V. Murino, M. Cristani, Person reidentification by symmetry-driven accumulation of local features, in: CVPR, 2010. [4] A. Yilmaz, O. Javed, M. Shah, Object tracking: A survey, ACM Computer Survey 38. doi: http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/ 1177 352.1177355 [5] Veeraraghavan, A., Srivastava, A., Roy-Chowdhury, A.K., Chellappa, R., 2009. Rate- invariant recognition of humans and their activities.IEEE Trans. Image Process. 18 (6), 1326–1339. Shubham Lavania |
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192. | Enhanced New Improvement Algorithm in WSN with Efficient Transmission for Energy-Saving
Enhanced New Improvement Algorithm in WSN with Efficient Transmission for Energy-SavingAbstract: The Coverage problem is very eminent and tough to maintain in WSN. This paper firstly finds out redundant nodes using classical Coverage Preserving Nodes Scheduling Scheme (CPNSS) algorithm and Sponsor Sector Based Off-duty Eligibility Rule of the WSN. We propose an Enhanced New Improvement Algorithm (ENIA) which focuses on the problem of CPNSS low efficiency and energy unbalance and save the extensive amount of energy of network. Here sensor nodes are grouped to form several independent sets and each set can cover all the area of the WSN. The Set having the largest average energy becomes the working node of particular portion of an area. Based on both residual energy and distance to base station, a Main M-working-Set is chosen among all working-sets. So, The Sets having the largest energy residual and minimum distance will communicate to base station without involvement of other working sets. Therefore this leads to energy-saving, congestion-control and reduced overhead at base station.Key words: WSN; Coverage; Redundancy; Energy-balance; Average energy; Distance Reference [1] Yang Tao, Lian-yong Yuan, Ya-li Wang. Optimized Coverage Algorithm in WSN Based on Energy Balance. IEEE 2008 [2] Detain, N. D. Georgians. A Coverage-preserving Node Scheduling Scheme for large wireless sensor networks. ACM Int'l Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks and Applications (WSNA), pages 32–41, 2002 [3] B.Chen,K.Jamieson,H.Balakrishnan and R.Moris. SPAN: An Energy Efficient Coordination Algorithm for Topology Maintenance in Ad Hoc Warless Network MOBICOM 2001 [4] Y.Xu, J.Heidemam, D.Destrin.Adaptive Energy-Conserving Routing for Multichip Ad Hoc Networks.USC/ISI Research Report527, October, 2000 [5] Ye F, Zhong G, Cheng J, Lu SW, Zhang LX. PEAS: A robust energy conserving protocol for long-lived sensor networks. In: Stankovic J, Zhao W, eds. Proc. of the Int'l Conf. on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS). Providence: IEEE Press, 2003.28 37. Anita Chandra, Manish Kumar |
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193. | Interphase Slipping Effect on Flame Propagation Characteristics in Micro-Iron Dust Particles
Interphase Slipping Effect on Flame Propagation Characteristics in Micro-Iron Dust ParticlesAbstract: In this paper, the impact of interphase slipping (i.e., relative velocity between micro-iron dust particles suspended in air and surrounding gas flow) on flame propagation characteristics is studied. Initially, to obtain an explicit algebraic equation for the flame velocity, mass and energy conservation equations are solved. Then, dynamic equations of micro-iron particles during the upward flame propagation in a vertical duct are considered to calculate the particle velocities as a function of their distances from the leading edge of the flame. After that, by balancing the mass flux passing through a control volume above the leading edge of the flame, the change in the number density of the particles is determined. As a result, it is shown that due to the interphase slipping effect, mass concentration of micro-iron particles upon the leading edge of the flame is approximately twice as large as it at a distance far from the flame. This accumulation causes flame moves in a denser dust cloud, which has a significant effect on the flame propagation characteristics such as flame velocity and temperature. The theoretical results show reasonable correlation with the experimental data.Key words: Micro-iron particles; Interphase slipping; Flame velocity; Mass concentration; Heterogeneous combustion Reference [1] G. Joseph, CSB Hazard Investigation Team, Combustible dusts: A serious industrial hazard, J. Hazard. Mater. 142 (2007) 589-591. [2] O. Dufaud, L. Perrin, M. Traore, S. Chazelet, D. Thomas, Explosions of vapour/dust hybrid mixtures: a particular class, Powder Technology 190 (2009) 269-273. [3] A. Garcia-Agreda, A. Di Benedetto, P. Russo, E. Salzano, R. Sanchirico, Dust/gas mixtures explosion regimes, Powder Technology 205 (2011) 81-86. [4] W. Gao, R. Dobashi, T. Mogi, J. Sun, X. Shen, Effects of particle characteristics on flame propagation behavior during organic dust explosions in a half-closed chamber, J. Loss Prev. Process Ind. 25 (2012) 993-999. [5] D.B. Beach, A.J. Rondinone, B.G. Sumpter, S.D. Labinov, R.K. Richards, Solid-state combustion of metallic nanoparticles: new possibilities for an alternative energy carrier, J. Energy Resour. Technol. 129 (2007) 29-32. Mohsen Broumand, Saeed Shayamehr, Mehdi Bidabadi |
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194. | Enhancement of Power Quality in Distribution System with Reduced DSTATCOM Voltage Rating
Enhancement of Power Quality in Distribution System with Reduced DSTATCOM Voltage RatingAbstract: In power distribution network, distribution static compensator (DSTATCOM) is used for enhancing power quality. This paper investigates the application of DSTATCOM with non-stiff source connected to distribution network to enhance power quality. The model discussed in this paper is designed to have reduced DC-link voltage rating without compromising compensation capability when non-linear loads are connected to distribution network. This model uses a series capacitor along with interfacing inductor and a shunt filter capacitor. Having this reduced DC-link voltage, the average switching frequency of insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) switches of DSTATCOM reduces and thus reducing switching losses in inverter. Simulation studies are carried out using matlab/simulink and the results shown proves the performance of the system when non-linear loads are connected.Key words: DSTATCOM, DC-link voltage, non-linear loads, non-stiff source, power quality. Reference [1] M. Bollen, Understanding Power Quality Problems: Voltage Sags and Interruptions. New York: IEEE Press, 1999. [2] A. Ghosh and G. Ledwich, "Load compensating DSTATCOM in weak ac systems," IEEE Trans. Power Del.,, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 1302–1309, Oct. 2003. [3] S. V. R. Kumar and S. S. Nagaraju, "Simulation of DSTATCOM and DVR in Power Systems," ARPN J. Eng. Appl. Sci., vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 7–13, 2007. [4] B. T. Ooi, J. C. Salmon, J. W. Dixon, and A. B. Kulkarni, "A three- phase controlled-current PWM converter with leading power factor," IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. IA-23, no. 1, pp. 78–84, Jan. 1987. [5] H. Fujita and H. Akagi, "A practical approach to harmonic compensation in power systems-series connection of passive and active filters," IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 27, no. 6, pp. 1020–1025, Nov./Dec. 1991. Ravi Kiran Dasari, K K Pratap Singh |
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195. | Effect Of Sulphate Attack On Strength Characteristic Of Fiber Reinforced High Volume Fly Ash Concrete
Effect Of Sulphate Attack On Strength Characteristic Of Fiber Reinforced High Volume Fly Ash ConcreteAbstract: The production of fly ash increases with the coal utilisation and contributes to environmental degradation. The dumping problem of fly ash raised the alarming situation in the world which initiated towards consumption of fly ash in industry. The road construction industry is one which consumes the cement for its pavement and other structures. The pavement will fail mostly due to excessive tensile stress. The use of plain high volume fly ash concrete suffers from low tensile strength and limited ductility. These problems can be eliminated by introducing the reinforcement. When the fibers are mixed with concrete the tensile property of concrete increases. There were numerous studies on the strength characteristic of concrete containing fly ash. However, there is little study in the literature regarding the strength of HVFA concrete with fibers subjected to sulphate media. Thus the aim of this work is to study the effect of variation of fiber content from 0.2% to 1.8% in high volume fly ash concrete exposed to sulphate media. It is also aimed to study the effect of fibers on HVFAC subjected to sulphate attack for different periods. The studies cited in this paper, regarding sulphate attack on fiber reinforced high volume fly ash concrete, are presented the strength characteristics up to 90 days of exposer condition. In this research work locally available materials are used. The fly ash is obtained from Raichur thermal power plant. Crimped steel fibers are used. The design of HVFAC mix was carried out as per the guidelines of CANMET hand book [1]. The study reveals the fact that the strength characteristics of fiber reinforced high volume fly ash concrete (FRHVFAC) attain higher value at 1.4% additions of steel fibers, when subjected to sulphate attack.Key words: Fly ash, HVFAC, FRHVFAC, Pavement, Compressive strength, Tensile strength. Flexural strength, Impact strength, sulphate attack Reference [1]. CIDA, NRCAN, CII. "High volume fly ash concrete technology, Best practice Guidelines". New Delhi : Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), 2005. [2]. Cindy, K. Estakhri, Donald Saylak "Reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Texas with high-volume fly ash concrete". URL: Transportation Research Record No. 1941, 2005: 167-174. [3]. Kumar B., etal, "Evaluation of properties of high volume fly ash concrete for pavements.", Journal of Material in Civil Engineering, 2007, Vol 19. [4]. Malhotra, V.M.,and Gjrov, O.E., "Properties of cement concrete containing fly ash and condensed silica fume"., Cement and Concrete Research,12, 1982. [5]. Report No. T(S) 006, January, 2005, "Use of higher volume fly ash in concrete for building sector", CBRI, Roorkee. Shivakumara B, Dr. Prabhakara H R, Dr. Prakash K B |
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196. | Design of Linear and Planar Fractal Arrays
Design of Linear and Planar Fractal ArraysAbstract: This paper describes the theories and techniques for designing linear and planar fractal arrays and compare their radiation pattern with conventional arrays. Fractals are recursively generated object having fractional dimension. We have compared radiation pattern of cantor linear arrays with conventional linear arrays using MATLAB program. Another program was developed to characterize the radiation pattern of periodic, random and Sierpinski fractal arrays.Key words: Uniform, linear, planar, cantor, sierpinski fractal Reference [1] B. B. Mandelbrot, The Fractal Geometry of Nature. W. H. Freeman and Company, 1983. [2] H. Peitgen, H. Jürgens, and D. Saupe, Chaos and Fractals, New Frontiers of Science. Springer-Verlag, 1992. [3] M. F. Barnsley, R. L. Devaney, B. B. Mandelbrot, H. O. Peitgen, D. Saupe, and R. F. Voss, The Science of Fractal Images. Springer Verlag, 1988. [4] D. H. Werner, R. L. Haupt, and P. L. Werner, "Fractal antenna engineering: The theory and design of fractal antenna arrays," IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, vol. 41, pp. 37–58, October 1999. [5] D.L. Jaggard, "On Fractal Electrodynamics" , in H.N. Kritikos and D.L. Jaggard (eds): Recent advances in Electromagnetic Theory, New York, Springer-Verlag, pp. 183-224 (1990) S. Kavitha, S.P. Krishna Chaitanya |
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197. | Mathematical Modeling as a Novel View for Advanced Research in Ground Water
Mathematical Modeling as a Novel View for Advanced Research in Ground WaterAbstract: Water pollution has been a crucial problem in many countries and has attracted researcher's attention from all over the world. The variations in selected physico-chemical factors were investigated for twelve sampling stations to determine the water quality of Batlagundu, Dindigul District, Tamilnadu for drinking and other domestic activities. The samples have been analyzed to determine 24 physico chemical parameters. The parameters namely temperature, turbidity, pH, sulphate, potassium, phosphate, Dissolved Oxygen, Biochemical Oxygen Demand and Chemical Oxygen Demand were within the permissible limits of BIS and WHO while other parameters such as total dissolved solids, electrical conductivity, total hardness, total alkalinity, calcium, magnesium, chloride, nitrate, nitrite, fluoride, sodium and iron were found to exceed the limit. This paper proposed a mathematical model to predict the effect of various physico-chemical parameters present in ground water. The parameters chosen for modeling include electrical conductivity, temperature, sodium, Potassium, Total hardness, calcium and magnesium. Results of the modeled equations coincides favorably with the experimental values with the highest percentage deviation of 0.92% and the lowest of 0.03%.The models could serve as a tool for controlling and monitoring of environmental pollution.Key words: Parameters, Mathematical Model, Environmental Pollution, BOD, COD, Batlagundu Reference [1] Chindah A. C., Braide A. S. and Sibeudu O. C., Distribution of Hydrocarbons and Heavy metals in sediment and a crustacean (shrimps-Penaceous notialis) from the bonny/new Calabar river estuary, Niger Delta. Ajeam-Ragae, 9, 2009,1-14. [2] Furtado A. A. L., Albuquerque R.T., Leite S, G. F. and Pecanha R. P.,. Effect of hydraulicretention time on nitrification in an airlift biological reactor. Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 15,1998, 1-7. [3] Oluduro. A. O, Adewoye. B. I.. Efficiency of moringa Oleifera Sead extract on the micro flora of surface and ground water J. plant Sci. 6, 2007 453-43 [4] Versari. A., Parpinello. G. P., S. Galassi. . Chemometric survey of Italian bottled mineral waters by means of their labelled physico-chemical and chemical composition. J. Food Compos.Anal., 15, 2002 ,251. [5] Ikem. A., Egiebor. N.O., Nyavor. K. Trace Elements in Water, Fish and Sediment from Tuskegee Lake, Southeastern USA, Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 2003 51-75. Sarala Thambavani D, Uma Mageswari T. S. R |
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198. | FPGA Based Implementation for Ripple Carry Adder with Reduced Area and Low Power Consumption
FPGA Based Implementation for Ripple Carry Adder with Reduced Area and Low Power ConsumptionAbstract: A multiplier is one of the key hardware blocks in most digital and high performance systems such as FIR filters, digital signal processors and microprocessors etc. With advances in technology, many researchers have tried and are trying to design multipliers which offer either of the following- high speed, low power consumption, regularity of layout and hence less area or even combination of them in multiplier. However area and speed are two conflicting constraints. So improving speed results always in larger areas. So here we try to find out the best trade off solution among the both of them. While comparing the adders we found out that Ripple Carry Adder had a smaller area while having lesser speed, in contrast to which Carry Select Adders are high speed but possess a larger area. And a Carry Look Ahead Adder is in between the spectrum having a proper tradeoff between time and area complexities.Key words: Ripple Carry Adder, Carry Select Adder, Carry Skip Adder, Carry Look Head Adder FIR Filter. Reference [1] K. Rawwat, T. Darwish, and M. Bayoumi, ".A low power carry select adder with reduces area", Proc. Of Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp. 218- 221, 2001. [2] W. Jeong and K. Roy, "Robust high-performance low power adder", Proc. of the Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference, pp. 503-506, 2003. [3] Y. Kim and L-S Kim, "64-bit carry-select adder with reduced area", Electronics Letters, vol. 37, pp. 614-615, May 2001. [4] O. Kwon, E. Swartzlander, and K. Nowka, "A fast hybrid carry-look ahead/carry-select adder design", Proc. of the 11th Great Lakes symposium on VLSI, pp.149-152, March 2001. [5] B. Parhami, Computer Arithmetic, Algorithm and Hardware Design, Oxford University Press, New York, pp.91-119, 2000. Amit Jain, Nitin Meena |
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199. | Microblaze Architecture Development for Medical Image Fusion Using Wavelet Transform
Microblaze Architecture Development for Medical Image Fusion Using Wavelet TransformAbstract: Now-a-days, almost all areas of medical diagnosis are impacted by the digital image processing. . For medical diagnosis, Computed Tomography (CT) provides the best information on denser tissue with less distortion. Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI) provides better information on soft tissue . With more available multimodality medical images in clinical applications, the idea of fusing images from different modalities become very important and medical image fusion has emerged as a new promising research field .In this paper two input images i.e. CT and MRI medical images are converted to header files containing pixel values using mat lab . header file of image are taken as input to D WT algorithm using lifting scheme . we will take average value of both input image pixel values for final fusion. We will apply IDWT to get the original fused output of input images.finally we will get the fused image of input CT and MRI for medical diagnosis .In this paper hardware implementation of a real-time image fusion is performed. The system is based on an Xilinx Spartan 3 EDK FPGA and implements a configurable linear pixel level D WT algorithm which is able to result in color fused images using System C language.Key words: Fusion, Wavelets Transform Reference [1] Rafael c. Gonzalez,richard E.woods Digital image processing, - Addison-wesley.an imprint of pearson education, 1st edition [2] Introduction to wavelets and wavelet transforms BURRUS C.,S.Gopinath, R.A and GUO[Englewoodcliffs, NT:prentice –hall] [3] H. Li, B.S. Manjunath, and S.K. Mitra. Multisensor image fusion using the wavelet Graphical Models and Image Processing, 57:235–245, 1995. [4] S. Udomhunsakul, and P. Wongsita, "Feature extraction in medical MRI images," Proceeding of 2004 IEEE Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems, vol.1, pp. 340- 344, Dec. 2004. [5] L.J. Chipman, T.M. Orr, and L.N. Lewis. Wavelets and image fusion. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 3:248–251. P.Saichand, A.Swetha |
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200. | Network and Generator Constrained Economic Dispatch Using Real and Binary Coded Genetic Algorithms
Network and Generator Constrained Economic Dispatch Using Real and Binary Coded Genetic AlgorithmsAbstract: The efficient and optimum economic operations of electric power generation systems have always occupied an important position in the electric power industry. This involves allocation of the total load between the available generating units in such a way that the total cost of operation is kept at a minimum. Network constrained economic dispatch have been applied to obtain optimal fuel cost while satisfying transmission line power flow limits. Similarly generator constrained economic dispatch schedules the outputs of generating units to meet the demand at minimum cost considering the prohibited zones. This paper proposes different types of Genetic Algorithms such as Binary Coded GA, Real Coded GA and Directional Search GA for solving the classical economic dispatch problem. The purpose of Network Constrained Economic Dispatch (NC-ED) and Generator Constrained Economic Dispatch is to minimize the operating fuel cost while satisfying load demand and operational constraints. As such, a Heuristic Algorithm is developed in this paper to adjust the generation output of a unit in order to avoid unit operation in the prohibited zones.Key words: Economic Load Dispatch, Genetic Algorithm, Heuristic Algorithm, Network Constraints Reference [1] Ioannis G.Damousis, Anastasios G. Bakirtzis, Petros S. Dokopoulos, "Network Constrained Economic Dispatch using Real Coded Genetic Algorithms", IEEE Trans. on Power Syst., vol 18.No 1,pp198-205 February 2003. [2] Allen J. Wood, Bruce F. Wollenberg, "Power Generation, Operation, And Control", John Wiley & Sona, Inc., New York, 2004. [3] J.-Y. Fan and L. Zhang, "Real-time economic dispatch with line flow and emission constraints using quadratic programming," IEEETrans.PowerSyst.,vol.13,pp.320–325,May 1998. [4] B. Scott and E. Hobson, "Power systems security control calculations using linear programming,PartI&PartII,"IEEETrans.PowerApparat.Syst,vol.PAS-97,pp.1713–1731. [5] D. E. Goldberg, Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization, and Machine Learning. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1989. G Kalidas Babu, Rajesh Kumar Samala |
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201. | Multi Objective Optimization during Turning of EN24 Alloy Steel
Multi Objective Optimization during Turning of EN24 Alloy SteelAbstract: The paper envisages the study to optimize the effects of process variables on surface roughness, MRR and power consumption of En24 of work material using PVD coated tool. In the present investigation the influence of spindle speed, feed rate, and depth of cut were studied as process parameters. The experiments have been conducted using full factorial design in the design of experiments (DOE) on a conventional lathe. A Model has been developed using regression technique. The optimal cutting parameters for minimum surface roughness, maximum MRR and minimum power consumption were obtained using Taguchi technique. The contribution of various process parameters on response variables have been found by using ANOVA technique.Key words: En 24 alloy steel, PVD tool, DOE, Taguchi technique, ANOVA. Reference [1] Mahendra korat, Neeraj Agarwal, Optimization of different Machining parameters of En 24 Alloy steel in CNC Turning by use of Taguchi method". International journal of engineering research and application. ISSN: 2248-9622[VOL 2]. [2] Hardeep singh, Rajesh khanna ,M.P. Gary". Effect of Cutting Parameters on MRR and Surface Roughness, in Turning En- 8".International journal of current Engineering and Technology vol 1, Dec 2011. [3] Hari singh, Pradeep kumar". Optimizing cutting forces for turned parts by Taguchi parameters design approach", Indian journal of Engineering and Material science vol-12 April 2005 PP97-103. [4] Yang H , Tang Y.S (1988), Design of Optimization of cutting parameters for turning operation based on Taguchi method, Journal of material processing technology vol84, 122-129. [5] Erasan Alsan, Necip CamscuBurak Bingoren, Design of optimization of cutting parameters When turning hardened AISI 4140 steel (63 HRC) with Al2O3+ TiCN mixed ceramic tool, material and design, date received 21.07.2005 and date accepted 06.01.2006. M. Adinarayana, G. Prasanthi, G. Krishnaiah |
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202. | Design and Implementation of Secured Power Line Communication with Enhanced Rfid Applications
Design and Implementation of Secured Power Line Communication with Enhanced Rfid ApplicationsAbstract: Evaluation of any communication technology is only relevant in the context of the operating environment. This seemingly obvious point, frequently bypassed in general analysis, cannot be overlooked in the field of power line communications. The conditions required for superposition to be applicable (i.e., linearity and time invariance) are not met for the majority of power line networks. In this project, current meter reading along with appliance information will be sent to RFID and power cables. Appliance information is collected by RFID tags and it will be forwarded to power station through PLC.Key words: PLC (Power Line Communication), Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), Broad band communication, Transducer, Invariance. Reference [1] R.C. Dixon, Spread Spectrum Systems, Second Edition, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York (1984). [2] http://www.isplc.org/docsearch/Proceedings /2 001/pdf/0723_001.pdf [3] Broadridge.R. (1989). "Power line modems and networks".Second IEEE NationalConferenceon Telecommunications. London UK. pp. 294–296. [4] Hosono, M (26–28 October 1982). "Improved Automatic meter reading and load control system and its operational achievement". 4th International Conference on Metering, Apparatus and Tariffs for Electricity Supply. IEEE. pp. 90–94. [5] Sheppard, T J (17–19 November 1992). "Mains Communications- a practical metering system". 7th International Conference on Metering Applications and Tariffs for Electricity Supply. London UK: IEEE. pp. 223–227. N. Chris Diana, T. Surya Kavita, U. Yedukondalu |
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203. | Low Power, High Speed Parallel Architecture For Cyclic Convolution Based On Fermat Number Transform (FNT)
Low Power, High Speed Parallel Architecture For Cyclic Convolution Based On Fermat Number Transform (FNT)Abstract: The power consumption, Delay and Area of this new novel 4-2 Compressor Architecture is compared with Existing architecture. In the proposed architecture the outputs are efficiently used to improve Low power, high speed, performance, less and delay. FNT is exact with no round off errors and Truncation errors. The Binary Arithmetic in FNT performs the Exact Computation. To perform the cyclic convolution in FNT some techniques are implemented. The Techniques are code Conversion method without Addition (CCWA) and Butterfly Operation without Addition (BOWA) are proposed to perform the FNT and its Inverse (IFNT) except their final stages in the Convolution. Here the Point wise Multiplication in the Convolution is accomplished by Modulo 2^n+1 Partial Products Multipliers (MPPM) and Output partial products which are Inputs to the IFNT. Thus Modulo 2^n+1 Carry save Propagation Additions are avoided in the FNT and the IFNT except their final stages and the Modulo 2^n+1 multiplier. Thus the Power and Execution delay of the entire FNT will be reduced which is only because of usage of above techniques in the Design. Therefore the proposed one has less Power better Throughput Performance and involves less hardware complexity. This will be done by using Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) technology and various Cad tools available, so as to implement hardware The synthesis results using 180nm SOC Technology is been used.Reference [1] J. G. Proakis and D. G. Manolakis, Digital signal processing: principles, algorithms, and applications, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2007. [2] A. B. O'Donnell, C. J. Bleakley, "Area efficient fault tolerant convolution using RRNS with NTTs and WSCA", Electronics Letters, 2008, 44(10), pp.648-649 [3] R. Conway, "Modified Overlap Technique Using Fermat and Mersenne Transforms", IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 2006, 53(8), pp.632 – 636 [4] H. H. Alaeddine, E. H. Baghious and G. Madre et al., "Realization of multi-delay filter using Fermat number transforms", IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, 2008, E91A(9), pp. 2571-2577 [5] L. M. Leibowitz, "A simplified binary arithmetic for the Fermat number transform," IEEE Trans. Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, 1976, 24(5):356-359 T.Jyothsna, M.Pradeep |
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204. | Quality Inspection and Grading Of Mangoes by Computer Vision & Image Analysis
Quality Inspection and Grading Of Mangoes by Computer Vision & Image AnalysisAbstract: The paper presents the recent development and application of image analysis and computer vision system in quality evaluation of products in the field of agricultural and food. It is very much essential to through light on basic concepts and technologies associated with computer vision system, a tool used in image analysis and automated sorting and grading is highlighted. In agricultural industry the efficiency and the proper grading process is very important to increase the productivity. Currently, the agriculture industry has a better improvement, particularly in terms of grading of fruits, but the process is needed to be upgraded. This is because the grading of the fruit is vital to improve the quality of fruits. Indirectly, high quality fruits can be exported to other countries and generates a good income. Mango is the third most important fruit product next to pineapple and banana in term of value and volume of production. There are demands for this fresh fruit from both local and foreign market. However, mangoes grading by humans in agricultural setting are inefficient, labor intensive and prone to errors. Automated grading system not only speeds up the time of the process but also minimize error. Therefore, there is a need for an efficient mango grading method to be developed. In this study, we proposed and implement methodologies and algorithms that utilize digital image processing, content predicated analysis, and statistical analysis to determine the grade of local mango production. Computer vision provides one alternative for an automated, non-destructive and cost-effective technique to accomplish these requirements. This inspection approach based on image analysis and processing has found a variety of different applications in the food industry.Key words: Agricultural and Food Products, Computer vision, , Fruit ,Grading and Sorting, Image analysis and Processing , Machine Vision, Mango grading, Online inspection, Quality,. Reference [1] Tajul Rosli B. Razak¹, Mahmod B. Othman², Mohd Nazari bin Abu Bakar³, Khairul Adilah bt Ahmad4, Ab Razak Mansor5. Mango Grading By Using Fuzzy Image Analysis. International Conference on Agricultural, Environment and Biological Sciences (ICAEBS'2012) May 26-27, 2012 Phuket. [2] Tadhg Brosnan, Da-Wen Sun. Improving quality inspection of food products by computer vision––a review. Journal of Food Engineering 61. [3] Narendra V G & Hareesh K S. Quality Inspection and Grading of Agricultural and Food products by Computer Vision- A Review. International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 2 – No.1, May 2010. [4] Abdullah, Z. M., Aziz, A. S., & Dos-Mohamed, A. M. (2000). Quality inspection of bakery products using a colour-based machine vision system. Journal of Food Quality, 23(1), 39–50. [5] Anon (1995). Focus on container inspection. International Bottler and Packaging, 69(1), 22–31. Dr.Vilas D. Sadegaonkar, Mr.Kiran H.Wagh |
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205. | Detecting Sudden Pedestrian Crossings and Avoiding Accidents Using Arm 11
Detecting Sudden Pedestrian Crossings and Avoiding Accidents Using Arm 11Abstract: We are aware of the problem of detecting sudden pedestrian crossings to assist drivers in avoiding accidents. We design embedded system, the application has two major requirements: to detect crossing pedestrians as early as possible just as they enter the view of the car-mounted camera and to maintain alarm system to alert the Driver. Our Embedded system using ARM 32 bit Microcontroller has feature of image/video processing by using various features and classification algorithms have been proposed for pedestrian detection. It overcomes the performance in terms of sensors and hardware cost is also too high. So, our design Embedded system that detects partially visible pedestrians just as they enter the camera view, with low false alarm rate and high speed. This system takes capture image by means of web camera connected to ARM microcontroller through USB and the image is processed by using image processing technique. When any pedestrian is detected it alerts driver by providing alarm sound and also it stops vehicle automatically. The display unit in vehicle provides clear details at position it detects pedestrian either right or left.Key words: S3C6410 controller, USB device, USB camera and stepper motor Reference [1] K. Huang, D. Tao, Y. Yuan, X. Li, and T. Tan, "View-independent human behavior analysis," IEEE Trans. Syst., Man, Cybern. B, Cybern, vol. 39, no. 4, pp. 1028–1035, Aug. 2009. [2] R. Poppe, "Vision-based human motion analysis: An overview," Comput. Vis. Image Understand., vol. 108, no. 1/2, pp. 4–18, Oct. 2007. [3] K. Huang, D. Tao, Y. Yuan, X. Li, and T. Tan, "Biologically inspired features for scene classification in video surveillance," IEEE Trans. Syst., Man, Cybern. B, Cybern., vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 307–313, Feb. 2011, DOI: 10.1109/TSMCB.2009.2037923. [4] X. Li, S. Maybank, Y. Yan, D. Tao, and D. Xu, "Gait components and their application to gender recognition," IEEE Trans. Syst., Man, Cybern. C, Appl. Rev., vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 145–155, Mar. 2008. [5] N. Bellotto and H. S. Hu, "Multisensor-based human detection and tracking for mobile service robots," IEEE Trans. Syst., Man, Cybern. B, Cybern., vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 167–181, Feb. 2009. K. Sri Krishna Aditya, T. Surya Kavita, U. Yedukondalu |
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206. | Enhancement of the Performance of Vector Controlled Back-to-Back VSC System under Grid Disturbances
Enhancement of the Performance of Vector Controlled Back-to-Back VSC System under Grid DisturbancesAbstract: The increasing emergence of VSC-based transmission is the result of development in semiconductor devices, power electronic circuits, control, and executive engineering, The most important limiting factor of power semiconductors is their switching properties since they are usually optimized for the conduction intervals. This concept specifically proposes a control structure to improve the performance of high-power vector-controlled back-to-back VSC systems for wind generators and for transmission systems applications. The main improvement is to suppress the possible dc-link voltage fluctuations under power line faults and unbalanced conditions. The proposed controller structure is designed based on regulating the converter system's states locally in d-q synchronous reference frame without sequence components extraction or resonant notch compensator. The mat lab results verify the validity of the proposed control architecture during normal and unbalanced power system conditions.Index terms: Vector controlled, VSC, Wind, Recovery transformer,Matlab Reference [1] A. Petersson and A. Edris, "Dynamic performance of the Eagle Pass back-to back HVDC light tie," in Proc. IEEE 7th Int. Conf. AD-DC Power Transmiss., Nov. 2001, pp. 220–225. [2] S. Teeuwsen, "Modeling the Trans Bay Cable project as voltage-sourced converter design," in. IEEE Power Energy Soc. Annu. Meeting, Jul. 2011, pp. 1–8. [3] 3.N. G. Hingorani and L. Gyugyi, Understanding FACTS, Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Press, 1999. [4] M. Callavik, "ABB-HVDC grids for integration of renewable power sources," in Proc. EPRI HVDC & FACTS Users Meeting, 2010. [5] V. Hild and J. Vivian, "Siemens HVDC & FACTS innovations and projects," in Proc. EPRI HVDC & FACTS Users Meeting, 2010. G. Bhaskar Rao, Ch. Sreenu |
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207. | Review of Sensor & Sensor less Control Topologies for a Four-Switch Inverter Fed Permanent Magnet Brushless Dc Motor
Review of Sensor & Sensor less Control Topologies for a Four-Switch Inverter Fed Permanent Magnet Brushless Dc MotorAbstract: Permanent Magnet (PM) Brushless DC machine has distinct advantages of high efficiency, high power density, high power factor, high torque, simple control, and minimal maintenance. Modelling, simulation and experimentation of drives with new converter configuration and control schemes are essential for making this drive competitive. This paper describes modelling of four switch inverter fed BLDC motor, is explained with transfer function model. The simulation of sensor and sensor less control of drive is done in Matlab/Simulink. Control with sensor, the controller is used Fuzzy logic Controller and in sensor less control the method is used is terminal voltage sensingKey words: Fuzzy logic controller, PMBLDC Motor, sensor less control, Simulation models. Reference [1] Pragasan Pillay and R.Krishnan,(1988), "Modeling ofPermanent Magnet Motor Drives",IEEE'1988,vol35, No.4. PPillay and R Krishnan. 'Modelling, Simulation and Analysis of a Permanent Magnet Brushless dc Motor Drive.'Conference Record of IEEE/IAS Meeting, 1987, p 8 [2] J. Shao, D. Nolan, and T. Hopkins, "A novel direct back EMF detection for sensorless brushless DC(BLDC) motor drives," in Proc.IEEE Appl.Power Electron. Conf. Expo., 2002, vol. 1, pp. 33–37. [3]M. Nasir Uddin, Tawfik S. Radwan M. Azizur Rahman, " Fuzzy-Logic-Controller-Based Cost-EffectiveFour-Switch Three-Phase Inverter-Fed IPM Synchronous Motor Drive System ", IEEE Trans Ind.Appl Conf Vol. 42, No. 1, JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2006 [4]B. K. Lee, T. H. Kim, and M. Ehsani, "On the feasibility of four-switch three-phase BLDC motor drives for low cost commercial applications:Topology and control," IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 18, no. 1, pp.164–172, Jan. 2003. [5] J. P. Jahnson, M. Ehsani, and Y. Guzelaunler, "Review of sensorless methods for brushless DC," in Proc. IEEE IAS Annu. Meeting Conf.,1999, pp. 143–150. V. P. P. Acarnley and J. F. Watson, "Review of position-sensorless operation of brushless permanent-magnet machines,"IEEE.Trans.Ind.Electron.,vol.53,no.2,pp.352– 362,Apr.2006. Y. V. Aruna, A. Mallikarjuna Prasad, E. Ramakrishna |
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208. | Congestion Control Load Balancing Techniques in MANET: A Survey
Congestion Control Load Balancing Techniques in MANET: A SurveyAbstract: In Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET), there is no pre-existing communication infrastructure (no access points, no base stations) and the nodes can freely move and self-organize into a network topology. Such a network can contain two or more nodes. Hence, balancing the load in a MANET is important because the nodes in MANET have limited communication resources such as bandwidth, buffer space and battery power. Scalability is of particular interest to ad hoc network designers and users and is an issue with critical influence on capability and capacity. Where topologies include large numbers of nodes, routing packets will demand a large percentage of the limited wireless bandwidth and this is exaggerated and exacerbated by the mobility feature often resulting in a high frequency of failure regarding wireless links. In this paper we present a inclusive survey and categorization of recently published congestion handling and load sharing multipath techniques. These surveys focus on various load metrics and various load balancing routing protocols for efficient data transmission in MANET.Index Terms: Survey, Load balancing, Mobile Ad hoc networks, routing, multipath. Reference [1] Ramratan Ahirwal, Ganesh Lokhande "TCP Congestion control through bandwidth estimation mechanism in Manet" International Journal of Applied Information Systems (IJAIS) – ISSN : 2249-0868, May 2012. [2] Maysam Y., Hossein M., Nasser Y., "Multipath Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: Design Issues", 12 th International CSI Computer Conference (CSIC'07), Tehran, Iran, 2007. [3] Banner R. and Orda A., "Multipath routing algorithms for congestion minimization," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 15(2), pp. 413–424, 2007. [4] Cho, H.K., Kim, E.S., Kang, D.W."A load-balancing routing considering power conservation in wireless ad hoc networks.", Proc. of 16th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications. (2005) 128–132. [5] N.Cooper and B.Meghanathan,"Impact of Mobility Models on Multi-Path Routing In Mobile Ad Hoc Networks". International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC), Vol. 2, No.1, 2010. Purushesh Shukla, Tushar Kanti |
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209. | Performance Evaluation of Wimax Network Based On Probability Transition Matrix
Performance Evaluation of Wimax Network Based On Probability Transition MatrixAbstract: Although operating on the same general principles as Wi-Fi; sending data from one computer to another via radio signals, WiMAX is much faster (70 megabits per second) and covers more distance (blanket a radius of 50km) than Wi-Fi. As fourth generation wireless mobile communications, WiMAX provides group of users with a connection and a queue of fixed length. Performance of such wireless technology is analyzed using SIMO, MIMO, Markov arrival process (MAP) and so on. In this paper a probability transition matrix is used to evaluate performance of network and two Connection Admission Control (CAC) schemes have been proposed to ensure Quality of Service (QoS). Finally, blocking probability due to proposed CAC has been measured to evaluate proposed scheme. Entire analysis is kept independence of modulation and coding scheme.Key words: Blocking Probability, Connection admission control (CAC), Probability Transition Matrix, Quality of Service (QoS), WiMAX. Reference [1] Jeffrey G. Andrews, Arunabha Ghosh, Arunabha Ghosh, Rias Muhamed, Fundamentals of WiMAX: Understanding Broadband Wireless Networking (Prentice Hall ,2007). [2] D. S. Shu'aibu, S. K. Syed Yusof and N. Fisal, Dynamic resource allocation in mobile WiMAX using particle swarm optimization techniques, International Journal of the Physical Sciences, 6(5), 2011, 1009-1014, http://www.academicjournals.org/IJPS. [3] Rakesh Kumar Jha, Dr. Upena D. Dalal, A Performance Comparison With Modulation Schemes In WiMAX Physical Layer Security Aspect, International Journal of Computer Applications, 6(8), 2010. [4] Jae-Woo So, Performance Analysis of VoIP Services in the IEEE 802.16e OFDMA System With Inband Signaling, IEEE Transactions on vehicular technology, 57(3), 2008. [5] WiMAX Forum, http://www.wimaxforum.org/ Tonmoy Saha, Nafiz –Al – Naharul Islam, Liton Kumar Saha |
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210. | Energy and Economic Evaluation of Solar Photovoltaic Plants in
Energy and Economic Evaluation of Solar Photovoltaic Plants inAbstract: The greatest source of energy is solar energy that energy emitted from the different forms is used in order to provide the required energy fossil fuels. This becomes more important in time energy conversion systems who Know sun energy using photovoltaic systems directly without due process is converted into electrical energy. Since the Electricity production is One of the bases of the economic power of a country Because of the Has been Attention Increase in electricity production and value added in recent decades. Mean while, with the collection and access to advanced technology, Implementation and use of clean energy and renewable energy systems for human needs has been a significant growth. This paper introduces a new system of photovoltaic systems as an energy we willevaluateTechnicalandeconomicassessmentofphotovoltaiccellsforthe study case.Key words: Solar panels, photovoltaic power plants, payback period (Life-Cycle Cost) Reference [1] www.solarelectricityhandbook.com [2] www.weather2travel.com [3] Duffie JA., Beckman WA., 0612. "Solar Engineering ofThermal Processes", Wiley. [4] Lunde PJ., 0610. "Solar Thermal Engineering", Wiley. [5] Shariah A, Al-Akhras MA, Al-Omari IA. , " .2002Optimizing the tilt angle of solar collectors". RenewableEnergy,117– .61 [6] Qiu G., Riffat S. B. ,2000. " Optimum tilt angle of solarcollectors and its impact on performance" Internationaljournal of ambient energy, pp. .20-00 Kerman City Javad Mohammadi, Mahdi Mozaffari Legha, Moein Khosravi |
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211. | FPGA Implementation of Park-Miller Algorithm to Generate Sequence of 32-Bit Pseudo Random Key for Encryption and Decryption of Text Message
FPGA Implementation of Park-Miller Algorithm to Generate Sequence of 32-Bit Pseudo Random Key for Encryption and Decryption of Text MessageAbstract: In today's world, all the e-commerce transaction happens over the internet. The data that is transferred over the internet needs to be secured before the transmission process happens. The proposed scheme is a FPGA implementation of Park-Miller algorithm for generating sequence of Pseudo-Random keys. The generated pseudo random sequences are comparatively less complex in computation, power efficient and flexible so that it makes the digital circuit faster and smaller. The operation of Park-Miller algorithm to generate pseudo random number uses 32-bit Booth multiplier for multiplication, 32-bit floating point divider for division and a finite state machine for the flow of Park-Miller algorithm operation. After generating a sequence of 32-bit pseudo-random numbers, it is used as a key to encrypt the text message which is known as cipher text. Using the same key to decrypt the encrypted data to get back original text message. The programming is done in Verilog-HDL and MATLAB to verify the result. The design is simulated in Modelsim (version 10.5). The proposed module is successfully synthesized using Cadence RTL compiler. Area and power of the design is computed for 180nm technology. Finally design is implemented on Spartan 6E FPGA.Key words: Cryptography security, Encryption, Decryption, Park-Miller Algorithm, Pseudo random bit generator Reference [1] Z.G. Xiao, Pseudo-Random Sequence and Its Applications, Beijing, China: Nat. Defence Ind., 1985. [2] L.Xu and X. Li, "Dual-Channel Pseudorandom Sequence Generator with Precise Time Delay Between Its Two Channels," IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., vol. 57, no. 12, Dec. 2008, pp. 2880-2884. [3] C.H. Yen and B.F. Wu, "An Error-Correcting Stream Cipher Design with State-Hopping Architecture," J. Chin. Inst. Eng., vol. 28, no. 1, 2005, pp. 9-16. [4] X.G.Wangetal.,"Spread-Spectrum Communication Using Binary Spatiotemporal Chaotic Codes," Phys. Lett. A, vol. 334,no. 1, Jan. 2005, pp. 30-36. [5] H.J. Kim et al., "PN Sequence Generation from 2-D Array of Shift Registers," ETRI J., vol. 27, no. 3, June 2005, pp. 273-279. Mr. Rohith. S, Mr. Bharatesh. N |
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212. | A Novel Approach Of Performance Analysis Of A Novel ICI Through ICI Self-Cancellation-Scheme In OFDM Systems Using BER
A Novel Approach Of Performance Analysis Of A Novel ICI Through ICI Self-Cancellation-Scheme In OFDM Systems Using BERAbstract: OFDM is a multicarrier modulation technique in which a high rate bit stream is split into N parallel bit-streams of lower rate and each of these are modulated using one of N orthogonal sub-carriers. In a basic communication system, the date is modulated onto a single carrier frequency. The available bandwidth is then totally occupied by each symbol. This kind of system can lead to inter-symbol-interference (ISI) in case of frequency selective channel. The basic idea of OFDM is to divide the available spectrum into several orthogonal sub channels so that each narrowband sub channels experiences almost flat fading. Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is becoming the chosen modulation technique for wireless communications. A well-known problem of OFDM is its sensitivity to frequency offset between the transmitted and received signals, which may be caused by Doppler shift in the channel, or by the difference between the transmitter and receiver local oscillator frequencies. This carrier frequency offset causes loss of orthogonality between sub-carriers and the signals transmitted on each carrier are not independent of each other. The orthogonality of the carriers is no longer maintained, which results in inter-carrier interference (ICI). The undesired ICI degrades the performance of the system. This paper investigates an efficient ICI cancellation method termed ICI self-cancellation scheme for combating the impact of ICI on OFDM systems.Key words: Inter carrier interference, orthogonality, Doppler shift, Self-cancellation, BER etc.., QPSK, QOSTBC (Quasi-Orthogonal Space-Time Block Code) Reference [1] Z.Yuping and S.-G. Haggman, "Intercarrier interference self-cancellation scheme for OFDM mobile communication systems," IEEE Trans. On Commun ., vol. 49, no. 7, pp. 1185-1191, 2006. [2] J.-D. Kim, Y.-S. Byun, "A New Inter-Carrier Interference Cancellation Using CP-ICA Sc heme in OFDM Systems," IEEE 65th Vehicular Technology Conference, 2007. VTC2007-Spring, Dublin (Ir), 22-25 April 2007, pp. 2369 - 2373.. [3] Lorenzo Favalli, Pietro Savazzi, Anna Vizziello "Frequency Domain Estimation and Compensation of Inter carrier Interference in OFDM Systems" 2008 IEEE. [4] Sharifah Kamilah Syed Yusof and Anis Izzati Ahmad Zamani"Intercarrier Interference Self-Cancellation for Space-Time-Frequency MIMO OFDM System " 2008 ieee international rf and microwave conference proceedings december 2-4, 2008, kuala lumpur, malaysia . [5] 5. K. Raghunath and A. Chockalingam, Senior Member, IEEE "SIR Analysis and Interference Cancellation in Uplink OFDMA with Large Carrier Frequency/Timing Offsets " ieee transactions on wireless communications, vol. 8, no. 5, may 2009 V Krishna Pedagamalla, A.Ashok Babu |
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213. | The Role of Spiritual Leadership in the Empowerment of Personnel.
The Role of Spiritual Leadership in the Empowerment of PersonnelAbstract: Introduction: This research aims at examining the role of spiritual leadership in the empowerment of personnel of the Technical and Professional Centers of IsfehanProvince (T.P.C.I.P). Method: It is qualitatively and measurable and it is done on 246 population among 1040 people of the foregone centers in 1391 via random sampling according to Morgan volume sampling method. They were asked to respond two researcher made questionnaires. validity and reliability of questionnaires are calculated according to confirmation of experts and Cronbakh Alfa coefficient and data analysis have been done by lizrd software in two levels, descriptive (frequency-mean- standard deviation and percentage)and inferential.Results: findings show that spiritual leadership has positive impact on the employees of T.P.C.I.P and confirm the hypothesis of the research. Reference [1] Ashforth, B.E,(1989),The Experience of Powerlessness in Organization: Organizational Behavior And Human Decision Processes Review, Vol.43.pp.207-242. [2] Burack,E. (1999), Spirituality in the work place, Journal of Organizational Change Management, Vol.12,No.4,pp.280 - 91 - Blanchard, K.H. Carlos, J.P. and Randolph, W.A. (1995), The Empowerment Barometer and Action Plan, Blanchard Training and Development, Escondido, CA. [3] Blanchard, K. H Carlos, J.P and Randolph, A. (2003). Empowerment Take More Than One Minute, Barrett-Koehler. Sanfrancisco. [4] Bowen, D. E. And Lawler, E.E. (1992) The Empowerment of Service Workers. What, Why, Who, When, Sloan Management Review. [5] Conger, J. A & Kanungo, R.N.,(1985)The empowerment process: Ali Nejatbakhsh-E-Esfahani, Seyedalighoreyshian |
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214. | A Novel Approach for Reduction of Poisson Noise in Digital Images
A Novel Approach for Reduction of Poisson Noise in Digital ImagesAbstract: An image is often corrupted by noise in its acquisition and transmission by various kinds of noises. Image denoising using thresholding methods means find appropriate value (threshold)which separates noise values to actual image values without affecting the significant features of the image.Wavelet transform represents image energy in compact form and representation helps in determining threshold between noisy features and important image feature. This paper is organized as follows: First poison noise is removed by median filter; and then removed by wiener filter, second noisy image is denoised with the help of wavelet based techniques using thresholding, third thresholding is applied on the result of first and second simultaneously for image denoising and fourth PSNR (Peak Signal To Noise Ratio), MSE (Mean Square Error) calculated and results are compared in all cases. The aim of this paper is to identify the best poison noise removal filter from the comparative study analysis of filtering methods and wavelet based thresholding technique. The best filter is estimated by calculating Peak Signal Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Means Square Error (MSE).Key words: Image denoising, PSNR, MSE, Median filter, Wiener filter, Thresholding, Wavelet Transform. Reference [1] P.SARAVANAN Dr.M.LAKSHMI: An Optimal Noise Removal Approach for Lateral Skull Images IJITR Volume No. 1, Issue No. 2, February - March 2013, 182 – 186 [2] PankajHedaoo and Swati S Godbole:wavelet thresholding approach for image denoising IJNSA, Vol.3, No.4, July 2011. [3] Photon , Poisson noise Samuel W. Hasinoff, Google Inc. [4] Rajesh Kumar Rai, Trimbak R. SontakkeImplementation of Image Denoising using Thresholding Techniques, IJCTEE Volume 1 , Issue 2. [5] B.ChinnaRao1, M. Madhavilatha2, N.L. Pratap3 improved image denoising algorithm using dual tree complex wavelet transform with new thresholding technique ,IJEE 4(1) pp. 135– 139, 2012 Ayushi Jaiswal, J.P. Upadhyay, Ravi Mohan S., P. Bohre |
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215. | Cost Estimation Using Parameterized For Use Case Point Model (P-UCP)
Cost Estimation Using Parameterized For Use Case Point Model (P-UCP)Abstract: Estimating the cost of development is one of the most important and scaring tasks for a software project engineer. A lot of cost estimation models were reported become obsolete because of rapid changes on technology. Earlier methods were only applicable in procedural software estimation. There is a paradigm shift from procedural to object oriented software development. Gustav Karner [3] model for use case point estimation method was further enhanced in this paper for better evaluation. Additionally use case narratives [4] and sixteen most influential environment factors [2] were used for cost estimation.Key words: use case point method (UCP), Function Point, Software cost estimation. Reference [1] Albrecht, A.J., 1979. Measuring Application Development productivity. IBM Applications Development Symp, GUIDE Int. and SHARE Inc., IBM Corp., Monterey, CA, Oct. 14-17, 1979. [2] Jaber Alwidian, Wael Hadi ITC department CIS department Arab Open University Philadelphia University Riyadh- Saudi Arabia Amman- Jordan Enhancing the Results of UCP in Cost Estimation Using New External Environmental Factors ,IEEE 2012, 2012 International Conference on Information Technology and e-Services [3] Karner's works on use case points was written in his diploma thesis titled "Metrics Objectory", Page no-126. Object Oriented Software Engineering. PHI Learning Private Limited. Yogesh Singh, Ruchika Malhotra Kasi [4] Periyasamy and Aditi Ghode Department of Computer Science University of Wisconsin-La Crosse La Crosse, WI 54601 Cost Estimation using extended Use Case Point (e-UCP) Model ,IEEE 2009. [5] Smith, J. The Estimation of Effort Based on UseCases . Rational Software, White paper. 1999. Pragya Jha, Dr. Rajani Kanta Malu |
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216. | Analysis of Steel Alloy 1040 Cold Drawn Material in the Appication of Windmill Turbine
Analysis of Steel Alloy 1040 Cold Drawn Material in the Appication of Windmill TurbineAbstract: Energy is one of the crucial inputs for social-economy and human lives. Global population is increasedday to day this result of development of activities the energy demand is also increased. Energy source is mainly from fossil fuel like oil, coal etc and also from renewable energy is like wind hydro, Geothermal energy etc. The tower of the windmill mainly affected by various loads acting over on it such as air forces, rotating of rotors develop forces, blades weight and atmospheric temperatures. Therefore the towerwould be getting failure soon. Practically it is impossible to check the failures of the components in running condition. And also it is very difficult and makes lot of losses (material, cost, time etc). Hence with the help of FEA SOFTWARE different materials where analyzed and found that the Steel Alloy 1040 Cold Drawn material deflection was lowReference [1] T. Aravinthan& T. Omar"fibre composite windmill structure – challenges in the Design and development". (cice2008) 22-24july 2008, Zurich, Switzerland no.1. [2] Ching-Wen Chien, Jing-Jong Jang "a study of wind resistant safety designs of wind Turbines tower system". The Seventh Asia-Pacific Conference onWind Engineering, November 8-12, 2009, Taipei, Taiwan [3] Jasbir S Arora "Formulations for the optimal design of rc wind turbine towers" EngOpt 2008 - International Conference on Engineering OptimizationRiode Janeiro, Brazil, 01 - 05 June 2008. [4] Leithead"analysis of tower/blade interaction in the ancellation of the tower fore-Aft Mode via controlw.e."no.1. [5] J. Peeters "structural analysis of a wind turbine and its drive train using the Flexible Multimode simulation technique". M.Lava Kumar, B. Siddeswara rao, R. Prasannasrinivas |
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217. | Aqua Plant -Based Sewage Treatment Plants: Review
Aqua Plant -Based Sewage Treatment Plants: ReviewAbstract: These studies present a general perspective of the field with most known examples from common literature, emphasizing a practical point of view in this technologically oriented topic. Conventional wastewater treatment plants as major contributors to greenhouse gases. Duckweed, Algae and Fish culture based wastewater treatment also releases CO2 but the algae consume more CO2 while growing than that is being released by the plant, this makes the entire system carbon negative .Algae-based wastewater treatment technology is suited for tropical countries where the temperature is warmer and sunlight is optimum. Environmental factors play a major role in algae cultivation. Maintenance of optimum temperature and lighting in algae ponds are difficult. Apart from these environmental factors, there are a number of biological problems and operational problems can arise in the mass cultivation of microalgae using wastewater. These include contamination and grazing. Control measures for avoiding contamination by bacteria and other algal species are sterilization and ultra-filtration of the culture medium.Key words: FACTS system stability, three phase fault. Reference [1] Abdel Hameed, M.S., 2007. Effect of algal density in bead, bead size and bead concentrations on wastewater nutrient removal. Afr. J. Biotechnol. 6, 1185–1191. [2] Abdel-Raouf, N., Ibraheem, I.B.M., Hammouda, O., 2003. Eutrophication of River Nile as indicator of pollution. In: Al-Azhar Bull. of Sci., Proceeding of 5th Int. Sci. Conf. 25–27 March 2003, pp. 293–306. [3] Abdulayef, D. A. 1969. "The Use of Common Duckweed as Green Feed for Chickens." Uzbekskii Biologicheskii Zournal (USSR) 13(3): 42. [4] Abe, K., Matsumura, I., Imamaki, A., Hirano, M., 2003. Removal of inorganic nitrogen sources from water by the algal biofilm of the aerial microalga Trentepohlia aurea. World J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 19, 325–328. [5] Abel, P.D., 1989. Water pollution biology. Ellis Horwood Series in Wastewater Technology. Ellis Horwood Ltd., John Wiley & Sons, Chichester. Ashtashil V. Bhambulkar, Dr. Narendra P. Shinkar |
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218. | Comparative Study of Various Impulse Noise Reduction Techniques
Comparative Study of Various Impulse Noise Reduction TechniquesAbstract: Removal of noise is an essential and challengeable operation in image processing. Before performing any process, images must be first restored. Images may be corrupted by noise during image acquisition and transmission. Noise and blurring effects always corrupts any recorded image. To reduce the impulse noise level in digital images various filters were introduced amongst we have presented a concise overview of the most useful restoration filters. In this paper we have presented the study and comparison of filtering techniques for the detection and filtering of impulse noise from the gray scale images. Performance of Non fuzzy filters i.e. classical filters and the fuzzy filters are analyzed based on various image quality assessment parameters.Reference [1] Kh. Manglem Singh, "Fuzzy rule based Median Filters for Gray Scale Images", Journal of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, vol 2, No.2, PP 108 – 120 April 2011. [2] Mahdi Jampour, Mehdi Ziari, Roza Ebrahim Zadeh, Maryam Ashourzadeh, "Impulse noise Detection and reduction using fuzzy logic and median Heuristic Filter", IEEE pp 19 -23, 2010. [3] Jasdeep Kaur, Pawandeep Kaur, Preetinder Kaur, "Review of impulse noise reduction technique using fuzzy logic for Image Processing", International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology(IJERT) ISSN 2278-0181 vol I, Issue 5, July 2012. [4] Geoffring Judith M.CI and N.Kumarasabapathy, "Study and Analysis of Impulse Noise Reduction Filters", Signal & Image Processing: An International Journal (SIPIJ) vol 2, No 1, pp 82-92, March 2011. [5] M.Juneja, R.Mohan, "An Improved Adaptive Median filtering method for Impulse Noise Detection", International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, vol 1, No. 1 pp 274- 278 May 2009. A.Suganthi, Dr.M.Senthilmurugan |
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219. | Effects of Silica Fume in Conventional Concrete
Effects of Silica Fume in Conventional ConcreteAbstract: The production of tailor made high strength and high performance concrete are made by incorporating silica fume into the normal concrete and it is a routine one in the present days. The mix proportioning is intricate and the design parameters are increased due to the incorporation of silica fume in conventional concrete. The aim of this paper is to look into the different mechanical properties like compressive strength, compacting factor, slump of concrete incorporating silica fume. In this present paper concrete incorporating silica fume are cast for 5 (five) mixes to perform experiments. Different percentages of silica fume are used for cement replacement in order to carry out these experiments at a single fixed water-cementitious materials ratio keeping other mix design parameters constant. The cement replacement level by silica fume was 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% for a constant water-cementitious materials (w/cm) ratio for 0.50. 100 and 150 mm cubes are used to determine the compressive strengths for all mixes at the age levels of 24 hours, 7 and 28 days. Besides the compressive strengths other properties like compacting factor, slump of concrete are also determined for five mixes of concrete.Key words: Silica fume, High strength concrete, High performance concrete, Strength. Slump. Reference [1] F.P. Zhou, B.I.G. Barr, F.D. Lydon, Fracture properties of high strength concretes with varying silica fume content and aggregates, Cement and Concrete Research, 25 (3), 1995, 543–552. [2] S.A. Khedr, M.N. Abou-Zeid, Characteristics of silica-fume concrete, J. Mater. Civ. Eng. ASCE, 6 (3), 1994, 357–375. [3] V. Yogendran, B.W. Langan, M.N. Haque, M.A. Ward, Silica fume in high strength concrete, ACI Material Journal. 84 (2), 1982, 124–129 [4] S. Bhanjaa, B. Sengupta, Influence of silica fume on the tensile strength of concrete, Cement and Concrete Research, 35, 2005, 743-747. [5] S. Bhanjaa,, B. Sengupta , Investigations on the compressive strength of silica fume concrete using statistical methods, Cement and Concrete Research, 32, 2002, 1391-1394. Debabrata Pradhan, D. Dutta |
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220. | Implementation of Haar Wavelet through Lifting For Denoising
Implementation of Haar Wavelet through Lifting For DenoisingAbstract: Techniques based on Haar wavelet through lifting coefficients are gaining popularities for denoising data. The idea is to transform the data in to the wavelet basis, where large magnitude wavelet coefficients are mainly the signals and the smaller magnitude coefficients represents the noise. By suitably modifying these coefficients, the noise can be removed from data .wavelet denoising is problem on implementation on computer is somewhat difficult. In order to implement on computer we will use Haar wavelet through lifting for denoisingReference [1] D.L. Donoho and I.M. Johnstone, "Ideal spatial adaptation by wavelet shrinkage", Biometrika, Vol.81, No.12, 1994, pp.425-455 [2] D.L. Donoho, "De-noising by soft thresholding." IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 41, no.3, pp. 613-627, May 1995. [3] C. Taswell, "The what, how, and why of wavelet shrinkage de-noising." IEEE Computational Science & Engineering, vol. 2, Issue 3. pp. 12-19, May/Jun 2000. [4] I. Daubechies and W. Sweldens, "Factoring wavelets into lifting steps," Journal Fourier and Applications. Vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 247–269, 1998. [5] A. Jensen and la Cour-Harbo, "A. Ripples in Mathematics: Discrete Wavelet Transform," Germany: Springer-Verlag, 2001. Dulam Srikanth, Monika Mittal |
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221. | Review the Role of the Balanced Scorecard in the Effectiveness of Office in Khorasan Railway
Review the Role of the Balanced Scorecard in the Effectiveness of Office in Khorasan RailwayAbstract: In this study, it considers the role of the balanced scorecard in the effectiveness of the Khorasan railways organization. In the present study, it issues the basic question, whether the implementation of the balanced scorecard in railway organization since1385 has achieved to the effectiveness level or not? And it offers assumptions based on whether is there a significant relationship between increasing in financial efficiency, customer retention, improve internal processes of organization, organization all earning and organizational effectiveness, or not? It has tried to determine the role of four sides of the Balanced Scorecard in the effectiveness of the organization railway. The study was conducted in two stages of the tool. In the first step by studying the reports, documents obtained from the department of Railways and in the second step by distributing questionnaires among qualified experts and executives through analysis of Student t test and Kay Do analysis course determined the role of four sides in the effectiveness of organization. The main objective of this study is to evaluate the current performance of the railway organization, and create a practical model for improving the effectiveness of the railway organization of Khorasan .The results indicate that, the correlation coefficient rate of performance indicators of this organization from the beginning of the implementation of the system has been from the financial aspects 53% and 76% customer, 78% of internal processes, and learning and growth 59/4%. It is shown that the internal and customer processes have had a considerable growth in the railway of Khorasan and financial, growth and learning processes need to be reviewed and amended.Key words: Balanced scorecard, performance evaluation, effectiveness, strategies, railway Khorasan Reference [1] Davis;s;b(2000).an investigation of the development; implementation; and effectiveness of the balanced score card : a field studay. College of engineering. Alabama [2] Argyris(1996) preface. In Kaplan. R.s.&nortone.d.p . the balanced score card . translating strategy into action .harvard business school press.Kaplan,R.S. and Norton, D( .1997 [3] Translating Strategy Into Action : The Balanced Scorrecard ,HBS Press,Boston, MA ..Bacal, Robert. Performance Management, McGraw-Hill ,1999,USA.12- Mansuri, Masoud. Performance Management, IGS Training Center ,2001 , Tehran [4] Neale, Frances. Handbook of Performance Management, Jaico Publishing House, Mumbai, 2002 Procurement Executives' Association. Guide 14 202 to a Balanced Scorecard Performance Management Methodology. [5] Methodology " , Shahin A. , Zairi M. , International management Journals , 2005 H. R. Mir Ali1, H. R. Ghaderi2 and F. Rostami |
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222. | Massive Energy Production from Renewable Sources
Massive Energy Production from Renewable SourcesAbstract: Renewable and non-conventional distributed energy resources (DERs), such as, wind, solar PV, micro-turbines, fuel cells, diesel generators etc. are gradually becoming more popular as energy efficient and low-emission energy sources. Demand-side management, along with the integration of distributed energy generation and storage, are considered increasingly essential elements for implementing the Micro-grid concept and balancing massive energy production from renewable sources. This paper reviews on a micro- grid concept in which the demand-side comprises traditional users as well as users owning some kind of distributed energy sources and/or energy storage devices. This paper gives simulation results of PV-Wind-and battery, Hybrid system for emergency load using HOMER software.Reference [1] S. Chowdhury, S.P. Chowdhury and P. Crossley. Micro-grids and Active Distribution Networks [2] IEA, Distributed Generation in Legalised Electricity Markets, Paris, 2002. [3] Italo Atzeni, Luis G. Ordóñez, Gesualdo Scutari, and Javier Rodríguez Fonollosa. "Demand-Side Management via Distributed Energy Generation and Storage Optimization" IEEE Transactions On smart Grid, Vol.4, No. 2, June 2013 [4] R.A. Jabr, B.C. Pal, "Ordinal optimisation approach for locating and sizing of distributed generation" Published in IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution Received on 14th January 2009. [5] J. A. Momoh, Electric Power Distribution, Automation, Protection, and Control, London: CRC Press, 2008. Sheetal Shinkhede, Dr. C.D.Kotwal |
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223. | A Study of Working Capital Management of Flat Glass Industries in India
A Study of Working Capital Management of Flat Glass Industries in IndiaAbstract: The major objective of this paper is to examine the impact of working capital soundness of the flat glass industries .This paper investigates the short term financial position by evaluating current Ratio, Liquid ratio, Inventory turnover ratio, Debtor turnover ratio and Average collection period. In this study, selected Flat Glass companies are taken for analysis and are examined with the help of Average, S.D and C.V. it is concluded that selected flat glass industries are not equally financial sound. A general conclusion that could be made from the analysis is that, in all the measures, there was a significant improvement in the Indian Flat Glass industries from working Capital point of view. It is concluded that overall working Capital performance of flat glass industries are satisfactory but not equally sound.Reference [1] Ravi m. Kishore(TAXMANN'S), "Financial management". [2] M Y Khan, P K Jain, Second Edition Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited. [3] Www.mca.gov.in [4] Master guide to Indian flat Glass 2005-06 [5] Master guide to Indian flat Glass 2010-11 Shailendra Saxena |
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224. | Control of Power at Weak-Grid Using Upqc
Control of Power at Weak-Grid Using UpqcAbstract: In this paper a compensation strategy based on a particular CUPS device, the Unified Power Quality Compensator (UPQC) has been proposed. A customized internal control scheme of the UPQC device was developed to regulate the voltage in the WF terminals, and to mitigate voltage fluctuations at grid side. The voltage regulation at WF terminal is conducted using the UPQC series converter, by voltage injection "in phase" with PCC voltage. On the other hand, the shunt converter is used to filter the WF generated power to prevent voltage fluctuations, requiring active and reactive power handling capability. The sharing of active power between converters, is managed through the common DC link. Therefore the internal control strategy is based on the management of active and reactive power in the series and shunt converters of the UPQC, and the exchange of power between converters through UPQC DC–Link.Index terms: windfarm, weakgrid, upqc, induction generator, cups. Reference [1] M.P. P´alsson, K. Uhlen, J.O.G. Tande. "Large-scale Wind Power Integration and Voltage Stability Limits in Regional Networks"; IEEE 2002. p.p. 762–769 [2] P. Ledesma, J. Usaola, J.L. Rodriguez "Transient stability of a fixed speed wind farm" Renewable Energy 28, 2003 pp.1341–1355 [3] P. Rosas "Dynamic influences of wind power on the power system". Technical report RISØR-1408. Ørsted Institute. March 2003. [4] R.C. Dugan, M.F. McGranahan, S. Santoso, H.W. Beaty "Electrical Power Systems Quality" 2nd Edition McGraw–Hill, 2002. ISBN 0-07- 138622-X [5] P. Kundur "Power System Stability and Control" McGraw-Hill, 1994. ISBN 0-07-035958-X Bhanu Ganesh Lukka, Bongu Mahesh, Vutukoori Bharath |
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225. | Doubly Fed Induction Generator Control under Unbalanced Condition
Doubly Fed Induction Generator Control under Unbalanced ConditionAbstract: The global electrical energy consumption is rising and there is steady increase of the demand on power generation. So in addition to conventional power generation units a large number of renewable energy units are being integrated into the power system. A wind electrical generation system is the most cost competitive of all the environmentally clean and safe renewable energy sources in world. The recent evolution of power semiconductors and variable frequency drive technology has aided the acceptance of variable speed generation systems. Both fixed-speed squirrel-cage induction generator and variable speed double fed induction generator are used in wind turbine generation technology. Therefore, a detailed model of induction generator coupled to wind turbine system is presented in the thesis. Modeling and simulation of induction machine using vector control computing technique is done in MATLAB/SIMULINK platform. The significant result of the analysis is also shown and being compared with the existing literature to validate approach.Index Terms: AC generators, induction motors, power system dynamic stability, reactive power control, torque control, variable speed drives, wind energy. Reference [1] Ned Mohan, Ted K. A. Brekken "Control of a Doubly Fed Induction Wind Generator Under Unbalanced Grid Voltage Conditions" IEEE Transaction Energy conversion, vol.no22. 1, march 2007 page 129-135. [2] Y. Zhou, P. Bauer "Control of DFIG under Unsymmetrical Voltage dips" Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 2007. PESC 2007. IEEE 17-21 June 2007 Page(s):933 – 938 [3] Rubén Penaa, Roberto Cardenasb,∗, Enrique Escobarb, Jon Clarec, Pat Wheelerc "Control strategy for a Doubly-Fed Induction Generator feeding an unbalanced grid or stand-alone load" Electric Power Systems Research (2009) 355–364.vol.79 [4] Johan Morren, Sjoerd W. H. de Haan, "Ridethrough of Wind Turbines with Doubly-Fed Induction Generator During a Voltage Dip" IEEE transaction on energy conversion june, 2005 pages 435-441 vol. 20. [5] Sae-Kok, W.,Grant, D.M. "Open Switch Fault Diagnosis for a Doubly-Fed Induction Generator" Power Electronics and Drive Systems, IEEE 2007. PEDS '07. 7th International Conference on 27-30 Nov. 2007 Page(s):131 – 138 Bhanu Ganesh Lukka, Bongu Mahesh, Vutukoori Bharath |
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WSNs BASED NETWORK DENSITY ON THE OPTIMAL NUMBER OF CLUSTER USING ARM PROCESSORAbstract: A wireless sensor network (WSN) consists of spatially distributed autonomous sensors to monitor physicalor environmental conditions, suchas temperature, sound, pressure, PIR etc. and to cooperatively pass their data through the network to a main location. The development of wireless sensor networks was motivated by military applications such as battlefield surveillance; today such networks are used in many industrial and consumer applications, such as industrial process monitoring and control, machine health monitoring, and so on. The WSN is built of "nodes" from a few to several hundreds or even thousands, where each node is connected to one (or sometimes several) sensors. Each such sensor network node has typically several parts: a radio transceiver with an internal antenna or connection to an external antenna, a microcontroller, an electronic circuit for interfacing with the sensors and an energy source, usually a battery or an embedded form of energy harvesting. A sensor node might vary in size from that of a shoebox down to the size of a grain of dust, although functioning "motes" of genuine microscopic dimensions have yet to be created. The cost of sensor nodes is similarly variable, ranging from a few to hundreds of dollars, depending on the complexity of the individual sensor nodes. Size and cost constraints on sensor nodes result in corresponding constraints on resources such as energy, memory, computational speed and communications bandwidth. The topology of the WSNs can vary from a simple star network to an advanced multi-hop wireless mesh network. The propagation technique between the hops of the network can be routing or flooding.Key words: Zigbee ; wireless sensor network; routing; sensors; clustering; ARM7 processor Reference [1] I.Mahgoub and M. Ilyas, SMART DUST: sensor network applications, architecture, and design. CRC Press, 2006. [2] M. Ilyas and I.Mahgoub, Handbook of sensor Networks: Compact Wireless and Wired sensing systems. CRC press. 2005. [3] I. Mahgoub and M. Ilyas, sensor network protocols. CRC press. 2005. [4] I.F.Akyildz, W. Su, Y. Sankarasubramaniam. and E.Cayirci, "A Survey on sensor networks". IEEE Communication magazine, vol.39,no.12, pp. 102-114, august 2002. [5] C. Inatanagonwiwat, R.Govindan, D.Estrin and F. Heidemann, J. and silva."Directed diffusion for wireless sensor networking" IEEE/ACM Transactions on networking vol.11, pp.1-16, feburary 2003. Aravam Babu, Y.Chalapathi Rao, Dr.Ch.Santhi Rani |
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227. | An Approach towards Repairing Of Nimonic Alloy Component through Laser Based Layered Manufacturing Technique
An Approach towards Repairing Of Nimonic Alloy Component through Laser Based Layered Manufacturing TechniqueAbstract: In this work investigate has been done to identify the possibility of depositing a layer of Ni-Co-Cr powder mixture over an experimental block of Nimonic 263 alloy material in order to repair it by a 2 kW Ytterbium fiber laser. The various process parameters have been optimized to obtain the best quality deposition free of porosity and cracks. An optical microscopic study of the resulting microstructures of the substrate and deposited layers has been conducted. For further study SEM, analysis have also been carried out. The microhardness of deposited layer ranged from HV0.05306 to HV0.05331. The hardness decreases gradually from the top of the deposited layer to the substrate zone. The knowledge achieved in this study would help in taking decisions with regard to setting the parameters required for subsequent repair a Nimonic component through layered manufacturing.Key words: Laser, Direct Metal Laser Sintering, Nimonic 263, Repair Reference [1] J. O. Milewski, G. K. Lewis, D. J. Thoma, G. I. Keel, R. B. Nemec, and R. A. Reinert, "Directed light fabrication of a solid metal hemisphere using 5-axis powder deposition," J. Mater. Process. Technol. 75, 165–172 (1998). [2] J. Mazumder, D. Dutta, N. Kikuchi, and A. Ghosh, "Closed loop direct metal deposition—Art to part," Opt. Lasers Eng. 34, 397–414 (2000). [3] Nakata, K., Owashi, M., Koshiwashi, M., Hashimoto, T., Anzai, H., Saito, Y., and Kono, W. Re-weldability of neutron-irradiated stainless steels studied by multi-pass TIG welding. J. Nucl. Mater., 2002, 307, 1578–1583. [4] Tusek, J. and Ivancic, R. Computer-aided analysis of repair welding of stamping tools. Z. fu¨r Metallkunde, 2004, 95(1), 8–13. [5] Su, C., Chou, C., Wu, B., and Lih, W. Plasma transferred arc repair welding of the nickel-base superalloy IN-738LC. J. Mater. Engg and Performance, 1997, 6(5), 619–627. Bansiya S., Dhanda M., Saha P |
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228. | Performance Comparison of Physical Clock Synchronization Algorithms
Performance Comparison of Physical Clock Synchronization AlgorithmsAbstract: This project mainly focuses on comparing and analyzing clock synchronization algorithms in distributed system. Clock synchronization is required for transaction processing applications, process control applications etc. This generates transmission delays and synchronization errors for processes and the clock synchronization algorithms try to synchronize the clocks in the system under the effect of these barriers. Two centralized clock synchronization algorithms are used for testing Cristian's and Berkeley clock synchronization algorithms, and the third, the distributed clock synchronization algorithm, Network time protocol for synchronization of clocks in the internet.Key words: Clock Synchronization, Coordinator, Distributed System, Global Time, Transmission Delay, Time Server. Reference [1] F. Cristian Probabilistic clock synchronization. In Distributed Computing, volume 3, pages 146-158. Springer Verlag, 1989 [2] R. Gusella and S. Zatti, "TEMPO-A network time controller for a distributed Berkeley UNIX system."IEEE Distributed Processing Tech.Comm. Newslett., vol. 6, no. S1-2, pp. 7-15, June 1984. [3] J.Y. Halpern et al., "Fault-Tolerant Clock Synchronization,"Proc. Third Ann. ACM Symp. Principles of Distributed Computing, ACM, New York, 1984, pp. 89-102. [4] T. Clouser, R. Thomas, M. Nesterenko "Emuli: Emulated Stimuli for Wireless Sensor Network Experimentation", technical report TR-KSU-CS-2007-04, Kent State Univesity. [5] Distributed Systems ©2000-2009 by Paul Krzyzanowski, Rutgers University D.Adithya Chandra Varma, Praveen Kumar Reddy.M, Prof.Gopinath. |
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229. | Adiabatic Implementation on Full Adder Circuits
Adiabatic Implementation on Full Adder CircuitsAbstract: In this paper we are going to design a adiabatic full adder using ECRL & PFAL logics and they are designed using DSCH & Micro Wind Software's. Thus the efficiency of the circuits are shown & compared using different nano meter technologies.Key words: Adiabatic, ECRL Adder, PFAL Adder, Full adder, Low Power Adders, Reference [1]. P.CHANDRAKASAN, S.SHENG, ANDR. W. BRODERSEN," Low Power CMOS Digital Design," IEEE Journal of Solid-stateCircuits,Vol.27,No.04,pp.473-484, April 1999. [2]. H.J.M.VEENDRICK, "Short-circuit Dissipation of Static CMOS Circuitry and its Impact on the Design of Buffer Circuits," IEEE JSSC, pp. 468-473, August 1984. [3]. J. M.RABAEY, AND M.PEDRAM, "Low Power Design Methodologies," Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002. [4]. M. HOROWITZ,T. INDENNAUR,AND R. GONZALEZ," Low Power Digital Design, "Technical Digest IEEE Symposium Low Power Electronics, San Diego, pp. 08-11, October 1994. [5]. T.SAKURAIANDA. R.NEWTON," Alpha-Power Law MOSET Modelandits ApplicationstoCMOSInverterDelayandotherFormulas,"IEEEJSSC,vol.25, no. 02, pp. 584- 594, October 1990 R.Swapna, Shoban Mude |
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230. | Studies on Drag Reduction for Flow through Circular Conduits with Coaxially Placed Single Disc Turbulence Promoter
Studies on Drag Reduction for Flow through Circular Conduits with Coaxially Placed Single Disc Turbulence PromoterAbstract: The Paper Reports on Studies on effect of drag reduction study were conducted in flow through circular conduits with coaxially placed single disc turbulence promoter using with polyacrylamide (PAA) as additive was chosen as the system of the study. The study covered range of parameters like effect of disc diameter, flow rate, polyacrylamide concentration. The percentage drag reduction varied between 87 to 97% as the coaxial disc diameter increases from 0.03 m to 0.04 m. The percentage drag reduction of 89 to 93% is observed as the polyacrylamide concentration is varied from 50 to 200ppm. A model was developed for mass transfer data. The developed model is presented here under.Key words: circular conduits, disc diameter, flow rate, polyacrylamide concentration, mass transfer, modeling. Reference [1] Virk P. S, "Onset shear stress and velocity profile data by turblent drag reduction in polymer solution", Drag reduction fundamentals, A.I.Ch.E. Journal, 21 (4), 1975, 625–656. [2] Toms, B. A, "Some observation on the flow of linear polymer solutions through straight tubes at large Reynolds number, in proceedings of the first international congress of rheology", North Holland, Amsterdam, 2, 1949,135-141. [3] Lumley J. L., "Drag Reduction by additives", Ann.Rev. Fluid Mech., 1, 1969, 367. [4] Hoyt, J.W. 1972B, "Turbulent flow of drag reducing suspensions", Naval Undersea centre Rep. NUC TP 299. [5] Landahal, M.T 1973A, "Drag reduction by polymer addition", Proc 13th IUTAM congr. (ed.E.Becher & G.R.Mikhailov), Springer. Penta Rao.T*, Rajendra Prasad, P., Arun Chaitanya, G., Sujatha, V |
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231. | CR- Submanifolds of Nearly Hyperbolic Sasakian Manifold Endowed With A Quarter Symmetric Non-Metric Connection
CR- Submanifolds of Nearly Hyperbolic Sasakian Manifold Endowed With A Quarter Symmetric Non-Metric ConnectionAbstract: We consider a nearly hyperbolic Sasakian manifold endowed with a quarter symmetric non-metric connection and study CR- submanifolds of nearly hyperbolic Sasakian manifold endowed with a quarter symmetric non-metric connection. We also obtain parallel distributions and discuss inerrability conditions of distributions on CR-submanifolds of nearly hyperbolic Sasakian manifold with quarter symmetric non-metric connection.Key words: CR-submanifolds, nearly hyperbolic Sasakian manifold, quarter symmetric non-metric connection, integrability conditions, parallel distribution. Reference [1] A. Bejancu, CR- submanifolds of a Kaehler manifold I, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 69 (1978), 135-142. [2] ---------------, CR- submanifolds of a Kaehler manifold II, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 250 (1979), 333- 345. [3] C.J. Hsu, On CR-submanifolds of Sasakian manifolds I, Math. Research Center Reports, Symposium Summer 1983, 117-140 [4] M. Kobayashi, CR-submanifolds of a Sasakian manifold, Tensor N.S. 35 (1981), 297-307. [5] A. Bejancu and N. Papaghuic, CR-submanifolds of Kenmotsu manifold, Rend. Mat.7 (1984), 607-622. Mobin Ahmad, Kashif Ali |
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232. | A Review on Polymer Tio2 Nanocomposites
A Review on Polymer Tio2 NanocompositesAbstract: Nano materials are manufactured through different techniques. The small length scales present in nanoscale systems directly influence the energy band structure and can lead indirectly to changes in the associated atomic structure termed as quantum confinement. Conventional polymer composites usually reinforced by micrometer-scale fillers into polymer matrices involve compromises in properties. Nanoscale filled polymer composites or polymer nanocomposites gave a new way to overcome the limitations of traditional counterparts. Polymer nanocomposites are synthesised through different techniques depend on their nature. Stereoregular polypropylene is produced due to its industrial use. The properties of polypropylene-TiO2 nanocomposite material improved compared to polypropylene in terms of antibacterial, mechanical, UV protection, thermal and hydrophilicity properties.Key words: polypropylene, nanocomposite, TiO2, antibacterial, UV, thermal, hydrophilicity Reference [1] Brydson, R. M., and Hammond, C., Generic methodologies for nanotechnology: classification and fabrication, in "Nanoscale Science and Technology", edit. Kelsall, R. W., Hamley, I. W., and Geoghegan, M., John Wiley & Sons Ltd, The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester,West Sussex, England , pp. 1- 54 (2005). [2] What is it and how it works, National Nanotechnology Initiative http://www.nano.gov/nanotech-101/what, accessed on 9 April 2013. [3] Gowri, S., Almeida, L., Amorim, T., Carneiro, N., Pedro Souto, A., and Esteves M. F., Polymer Nanocomposites for Multifunctional Finishing of Textiles - a Review, Textile Research Journal , 80, 1290-1306 (2010). [4] Chaudhari, S. B., Mandot, A. A. and Patel, B.H., 2012, "Effect of nano TiO2 pretreatment on functional properties of cotton fabric", International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, 1(9), pp-24-29. [5] Mandot, A. A., Chaudhari, S. B. and Patel, B.H., 2012, "Nano composite: Manufacturing and applications in textiles", Melliand international, 18 (3), pp.188-189. Satyajeet Chaudhari, Tasnim Shaikh and Priyesh Pandey |
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233. | Effect of Hall Currents and Thermo-Diffusion on Unsteady Convective Heat and Mass Transfer Flow in a Vertical Wavy Channel under an Inclined Magnetic Field
Effect of Hall Currents and Thermo-Diffusion on Unsteady Convective Heat and Mass Transfer Flow in a Vertical Wavy Channel under an Inclined Magnetic FieldAbstract: In this chapter we investigate the convective study of heat and mass transfer flow of a viscous electrically conducting fluid in a vertical wavy channel under the influence of an inclined magnetic fluid with heat generating sources. The walls of the channels are maintained at constant temperature and concentration. The equations governing the flow heat and concentration are solved by employing perturbation technique with a slope of the wavy wall. The velocity, temperature and concentration distributions are investigated for different values of G, R, D-1, M, m, Sc, So, N, β, λ and x. The rate of heat and mass transfer are numerically evaluated for a different variations of the governing parametersKey words: Heat and mass Transfer, Hall Currents, Wavy Channel, Thermo-diffusion, Magnetic Field Reference [1] David Moleam, Steady state heat transfer with porous medium with temperature dependent heat generation, Int.J.Heat and Mass transfer, 19(5), 1976, 529-537. [2] S. Chandrasekhar, Hydrodynamic and Hydromagnetic stability, Claranden press, Oxford, 1961. [3] E. Palm, J.E. Weber, and O. Kvernvold, On steady convection in a porous medium, JFM, 54(1), 1972, 153- 161 [4] M. Mohan, Combined effects of free and forced convection on MHD flow in a rotating channel, Ind.Acad .Sci., 74(18), 1977, 393-401. [5] K. Vajravelu, and A.H. Neyfeh, Influence of wall waviness on friction and pressure drop in channels, Int.J.Mech and Math.Sci., 4(4), 1981, 805-818. T. Siva Nageswara Rao and S. Sivaiah |
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234. | Single-Stage Inverter cum Chopper (Ssicc) For Pv-Battery System
Single-Stage Inverter cum Chopper (Ssicc) For Pv-Battery SystemAbstract: This paper introduces a single stage inverter cum chopper (SSICC). This SSICC finds wide applications in grid connected solar system since it uses single stage conversion instead of multistage conversion, reduced losses, low cost, simple in construction, improved efficiency and reduced volume .The main concept of the SSIC is to prefer single stage power converter on behalf of multistage converter for dc/ac and dc/dc operation for solar energy storage applications.Index Terms: Photovoltaic (PV) system, Maximum power point tracking, Power Converter, energy storage system. Reference [1] U.S. Department of Energy, "Solar energy grid integration systems-energy storage (SEGIS-ES)," May 2008. [2] D. Bundestag, "Gesetz zur Neuregelung des Rechts der erneuerbaren Energienim Strombereich und zur A¨ nderung damitzusammenha¨ngenderVorschriften,"Bundesgesetzblatt, 2008. [3] H. Konishi, T. Iwato, and M. Kudou, "Development of large-scale power conditioning system in Hokuto mega-solar project," in Proc. Int. Power Electron. Conf., 2010, pp. 1975–1979. [4] J. H. Enslin and D. B. Snyman, "Combined low-cost, high efficient inverter,peak power tracker and regulator for PV applications," IEEE Trans.Power Electron., vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 73–82, Jan. 1991. [5] H. Ertl, J. W. Kolar, and F. Zach, "A novel multicell dc-ac converter for applications in renewable energy systems," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.,vol. 49, no. 5, pp. 1048–1057, Oct. 2002. Mr. C. Pavankumar, Mr. C. Sudhakar, Mr. Kantae Visweswara |
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235. | Privacy of Integrated Data Using Efficient Classification Algorithm
Privacy of Integrated Data Using Efficient Classification AlgorithmAbstract: Data mining is a field where analysis on the basis of certain parameters can be analyzed. During the process of data mining dataset plays an important role on the basis of which analyses can be fulfilled. But during the processing of the dataset security is also important issue, since the chances of data leak or attacks have increased. Hence privacy preservation is important for the security of these datasets. Here in this paper an efficient implementation of privacy preservation of data using horizontal partition id3 classification tree is proposed which can used as an application for the data integration services. Here data can be collected from different sources which can be integrated at the UTP and privacy of this data can be preserved using our proposed algorithm.Key words: privacy preservation, integration, PPDM, Anonymity, UTP, classification, decision tree. Reference [1]. Yaping Li, Minghua Chen, Qiwei Li, And Wei Zhang "Enabling Multilevel Trust In Privacy Preserving Data Mining" , Ieee Transactions On Knowledge And Data Engineering, Vol. 24, No. 9, September 2012. [2] S. Papadimitriou, F. Li, G. Kollios, And P.S. Yu, "Time Series Compressibility And Privacy," Proc. 33rd Int'l Conf. Very Large Data Bases (Vldb '07), 2007. [3]. R. J. Bayardo and R. Agrawal. Data privacy through optimal k-anonymization. In ICDE'05. [4]. M.S. Ramya "Partial Information Hiding in Multi-Level Trust Privacy Preserving Datamining" Bonfring International Journal of Software Engineering and Soft Computing, Vol. 2, Special Issue 1, February 2012. [5] Agrawal R., Bayardo R., Faloutsos C., Kiernan J., Rantzau R., Srikant R.Auditing Compliance via a hippocratic database. VLDB Conference, 2004. Smitar. Kapoor, Dr.R.C.Jain |
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236. | Performance Analysis of MC-CDMA Based Fixed Wimax Technology By RS Encoder For Different Modulation
Performance Analysis of MC-CDMA Based Fixed Wimax Technology By RS Encoder For Different ModulationAbstract: WIMAX(worldwide interoperability for microwave access) is next generation high speed wireless technology provides long distance transmission .Generaly WIMAX is OFDM based architecture standardised by IEEE 802.16.Our aim to analyse the performance of Wimax in MC-CDMA(multi carrier code division multiple access) for RS encoder under various modulation techniques.The performance is tested in matlab simulation.The simulation results shows significant performance improvement in MC-CDMA over OFDM and the comparism is based on BER performance under various modulation scheme for Reed solomon encoder.It is shown that wimax based MC-CDMA outperforms OFDM techniques.Index terms: Wimax, RS encoder,OFDMA,MC-CDMA,BER Reference [1] Thenmozhi1, K., Varadarajan, R. and Prithviraj, V. (2006) MC-CDMA promises wireless broadband beyond 3G, India :Electronic Engineering Times-Asia. [2] WiMAX Forum (2006), Mobile WiMAX – Part 1: A Technical Overview and Performance Evaluation, WiMAX Forum. [3] Nee R., V. and Prasad, R. (2000) OFDM for Wireless Multimedia Communications, 1stedition , London : Artech House Publishers. [4] Proakis, J. (1995) Digital Communications , 2nd Edition, New York : McGraw-Hill. [5] J. Cimini, L. (1985) Analysis and Simulation of a Digital Mobile Channel Using Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing, IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 33 No. 4: pp. 665-675. B.vinodh kumar, Arulpugazhendhi.M, A.Arul |
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237. | Advancements in GSM Technology Using Smart Antenna: An Overview
Advancements in GSM Technology Using Smart Antenna: An OverviewAbstract: In this paper, we discuss about the problems facing by GSM technology and how a smart antenna system can efficiently counter these problems. Here we present an overview about smart antenna system and how it can be used to eliminate or reduce the problems which limits the performance of GSM. We show here the potential improvements like range extension, multipath diversity, interference suppression, capacity enhancement and increment in data rate.Key words: Adaptive array system, beam forming network, diversity, fading, interference, switch beam. Reference [1] J.H Wnnters, AT&T Bell Labs, in "USA Personal Communications", IEEE (Volume: 5, Issue: 1), Feb 1998. [2] Rappaport, wireless communications: principles and practice, Pearson Education India, 2009,pp 57-97. [3] Balanis C.A, Antenna Theory & Analysis, John Wiley & Sons, 2007,pp 945-995 [4] Rappaport, Smart Antenna For Wireless Communication, Prentice Hall,1999,pp 81-116. [5] Rhazali, Z.A, Ismail M, Jumari, K, "Simulation of signal-to-interference ratio performance in GSM system employing switched beam smart antenna system", Research and Development, Student Conference on 2002. Sohaib Abbas Zaidi, Parul, Manisha Sharma |
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238. | A Survey Host Load Prediction In Computational Grid Environment
A Survey Host Load Prediction In Computational Grid EnvironmentAbstract: Grid computing is a new dimension in computing where computational resources are utilized in an optimum manner.Grid is a computer network organization where multiple CPUs are working together to solve complex and large computational problem.Now in these days interaction on the grid are increased considerably, thus number of requests per second is increased in the time variant manner.Software and hardware level conflicts are arising due to increasing load on host machines. In addition of that to manage these conflicts required to prepare a fault tolerance and management technique to handle these load problems.This paper provides the survey of predictive techniques which can be utilized to design an effective and efficient load forecasting technique to handle faults and manage them.Key words: grid computing, host load, fault, predictive techniques Reference [1] Introduction to Grid Computing,Bart Jacob, Michael Brown, Kentaro Fukui, Nihar Trivedi,ibm.com/redbooks. [2] A taxonomy and survey of grid resource management systems for distributed computing,Klaus Krauter, Rajkumar Buyya and Muthucumaru Maheswaran,Softw. Pract. Exper. 2002; 32:135–164 (DOI: 10.1002/spe.432). [3] Improving Accuracy of Host Load Predictions on Computational Grids by Artificial Neural Networks,Truong Vinh Truong Duy, Yukinori Sato, Yasushi Inoguchi,Received 20 July 2009; final version received 20 February 2010. [4] Support Vector Machines for Classification and Regression,by Steve R. Gunn, Technical ReportFaculty of Engineering, Science and MathematicsSchool of Electronics and Computer Science, 10 May 1998. [5] Host Load Predictionin a Google Compute Cloud with a BayesianModel, Sheng Di, Derrick Kondo, Walfredo Cirne,978-1-4673-0806-9/12/$31.00, 2012 IEEE. Shweta Jaiswal |
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239. | An Analysis of Current Scenario Development in Open Source Hardware Community and Its Benefits
An Analysis of Current Scenario Development in Open Source Hardware Community and Its BenefitsAbstract: Open Source Hardware is a design made publicly available. The open source development consists of some steps in which it is implemented.Open source project are self-motivated units. Companies, universities and even an individual are adopting open source design due to its properties. This paper focuses towards ongoing trends of open source hardware design. This paper also concentrates on OSHW benefits and its further enhancement. OSHW contribute to develop new research area in the field of hardware designing.Key words: Open Source, OSHW, Aurdino, closed source, current trends on OSHW Reference [1]. AtiehKhanjani, RizaSulaiman (2011),"The Aspects of Choosing Open Source versus Closed Source", Schools of Computer Science & Industrial Computing Faculty of Information Science and Technology UniversitiKebangsaan Malaysia. [2]. Cindy Harnett (2011), "Open Source Hardware for Instrumentation and Measurement". [3]. Gordon D Robinson, Fremont, CA (2004), "Open Architecture ATE: Dream or Reality?" [4]. Ruben van Wendel de Joode, Mark de Bruijne (2006),"The organization of open source communities: Towards a framework to analyze relationship between openness and reliability", University of Technology, Delft. [5]. YU Dong, LIN Hu, GUO Ruifeng, YANG Jiangang, XIAO Pengfei (2005), "The Research on Real-time Middleware for Open Architecture Controller", Shenyang Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang, China. Aditi Trivedi, Himanshi Vijay, Mukti Awad |
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240. | Detection of Errors on Serial Communication Lines in RTOS Based-Embedded Systems
Detection of Errors on Serial Communication Lines in RTOS Based-Embedded SystemsAbstract: Embedded Real Time application uses multi threading, a key concept of any conventional OS. The advantage of multi-threading include greater throughput, more efficient use of CPU such that it cannot remain idle for long time, better system reliability, improved performance on multiprocessor computer. The use of Real Time Operating Systems (RTOSs) became an attractive solution to simplify the design of safety-critical real-time embedded systems. Due to their demanding strict attention to rules and procedures constraints such as high-speed, low voltage operation and battery-power dependence, because of sudden up and down of voltages, transients in flow of current can cause error in serial communication lines. External conditions, such as Electromagnetic Interference (EMI), Heavy-Ion Radiation (HIR) as well as Power Supply Disturbances (PSD) can also cause transient faults. As the major consequence, the system's reliability degrades. In this paper, the main focus will be on the detection of the errors on the serial communication lines. This is achieved by using a hardware approach with the combination of Cyclic Redundancy Check and RTOS. During execution of these programs, the proposed system exposed to EMI according to the international standard for voltage transients, voltage dips and short interruptions on the serial communication lines of electronic systems. The obtained result shows that the proposed approach is able to provide higher fault coverage.Key words: Hardware-Based Approach, Real-Time Operating System, Reliable Embedded System, Electromagnetic Interference (EMI), Serial Communication lines, Cyclic Check Redundancy (CRC). Reference [1] N. Ignat, B. Nicolescu, Y. Savari, G. Nicolescu, "Soft-Error Classification and Impact Analysis on Real-Time Operating Systems", IEEE Design, Automation and Test in Europe, 2006. [2] E. Touloupis, J. A. Flint, V. A. Chouliaras, D. D. Ward, "Study of the Effects of SEU Induced Faults on a Pipeline Protected Microprocessor", IEEE TC, 2007. [3] J. Freijedo, L. Costas, J. Semião, J. J. Rodríguez-Andina, M. J. Moure, F. Vargas, I. C. Teixeira, and J. P. Teixeira, "Impact of power supply voltage variations on FPGA-based digital systems performance", Journal of Low Power Electronics, vol. 6, pp. 339-349, Aug. 2010. [4] J. Arlat, Y. Crouzet, JU. Karlsson, P. Folkesson, E. Fuchs, G. H. Leber, "Comparison of Physical and Software-implemented Fault Injection Techniques", IEEE Trans. on Computer, Vol. 52, N. 9, Sept., 2003. [5] Peterson, W. W. and Brown, D. T. (January 1961). "Cyclic Codes for Error Detection". Proceedings of the IRE 49 (1):228235. doi:10.1109/JRPROC.1961.287814. Saurabh Kumar, Narayanaraju Samunuri |
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241. | Fault Current Detection of Three Phase Power Transformer Using Wavelet Transform
Fault Current Detection of Three Phase Power Transformer Using Wavelet TransformAbstract: The disturbances of power systems are nonperiodic, nonstationary, short duration and impulse super-imposed nature.The wavelet transform is one of the most suitable tool for the analysis of power system disturbances. In this paper, the application of wavelet transforms to determine the type of fault and accurate classification for the change in the wave shape due to fault occurrence is investigated. The maximum detail coefficient and energy level of each type of fault are characteristic in nature and are used for distinguishing the fault types.Key words: Transformer faults, differential protection, frequency analysis, wavelet transforms, Matlab simpower power system disturbance Reference [1] S. A. Saleh, M. A. Rahman," Modeling and Protection of a Three-Phase Power Transformer Using Wavelet Packet Transform" IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 20, no. 2,pp. 1273-1282, April 2005. [2] M. A. Zaman , M. A. Hoque, and M. A. Rahman, "On-line implementation of the Artificial Neural Network based Protection for Power Transformers,"In Proc. NECEC, St. John's, NL, Canada, pp. 5–11, 1996. [3] T. S. Sidhu, M. S. Sachdev, H. C. Wood, and M. Nagpal, "Design, Implementation and Testing of a Micro-processor based High Speed Relay for Detecting Transformer Winding Faults," IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol.7, no. 1, pp. 108–117, Jan. 1992. [4] S. K. Pandy and L. Satish, "Multiresolution Signal Decomposition: A New Tool for Fault Detection in Power Transformers During Impulse Tests," IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 1194–1200, Nov. 1998. [5] S.A. Shaaban and Takashi Hiyama, "Transmission Line Faults Classification Using Wavelet Transform," International MEPCON'10, Cairo University, Egypt, paper ID 225, December 2010. Haroon Ashfaq and Mohammad. Noorullah Quadri |
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242. | A New Topology for 81-Level Hybrid Multilevel Inverter with Reduced Number of Power Electronic Components and Voltage Boosting Capability
A New Topology for 81-Level Hybrid Multilevel Inverter with Reduced Number of Power Electronic Components and Voltage Boosting CapabilityAbstract: In this paper, a new topology is implemented to get high number of levels at the output with reduced number of switches, gate driver circuits. The size, complexity and power consumption in the gate driver circuits is also reduced. In this, the Hybrid Bridge is used to get 81-level output voltage with the use of amplitude modulation. Multilevel inverters can operate not only with PWM techniques but also with amplitude modulation will improves significantly the quality of the output voltage waveform. With the use of amplitude modulation, low frequency voltage harmonics are perfectly eliminated. This paper presents a single-phase 81-level Hybrid multilevel inverter for a grid-connected system which is used for reactive power compensation. The proposed topology has the feature like boost output voltage capability along with capacitor voltage balancing. Simulation results obtained from Matlab/Simulink to simulate 81-levels of voltage with only four power supplies and sixteen transistors.Key words: Amplitude Modulation Technique, Capacitor voltage balancing capability, Matlab/Simulink, Reduction of switches, Voltage boosting capability. Reference [1] J.S. Lai and F.Z. Peng, "Multilevel Converters - A new breed of power converters," Conference Record of the IEEE-IAS Annual Meeting, 1995, pp. 2348-2356. [2] Rodríguez, J., Lai J-S., Zheng Peng, F., "Multilevel Inverters: A Survey of Topologies, Controls, and Applications", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 49, No.4, August 2002, pp. 724-737. [3] M. Manjrekar and G. Venkataramanan, "Advanced topologies and modulation strategies for multilevel inverters," Conference Record of the IEEE-PESC, 1996, pp. 1013-1018. [4] Keith Corzine, and Yakov Familiant, "A New Cascaded Multilevel H-Bridge Drive", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 17 N°1, January 2002, pp.125-131. [5] José Rodríguez, Luis Morán, Jorge Pontt, Pablo Correa and Cesar Silva, "A High Performance Vector Control of an 11-level Inverter", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 50, N°1, February 2003, pp.80-85. Ch.Sajan, T. Praveen Kumar, B. Sharath Chander, B.Rajashekar |
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243. | Modulation and Parsvels Theorem For Generalized Fractional Fourier Transform
Modulation and Parsvels Theorem For Generalized Fractional Fourier TransformAbstract: The fractional Fourier transform (FrFT) was first introduced as a way to solve certain classes of ordinary and partial differential equations arising in quantum mechanics. FrFt has established itself as a powerful tool for the analysis of time-varying signals, especially in optics. FrFt has found applications in areas of signal processing such as repeated filtering, fractional convolution and correlation, beam forming, optimal filter, convolution, filtering and wavelet transforms, time frequency representations. In this paper operational calculus for Generalized fractional Fourier transform are obtained.Key words: Generalized function, Fractional Fourier transform, Fourier transform, signal processing, Test function space. Reference [1]. R. N. Bracewll, The Fourier Transform and its Application, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 1986 [2]. H.M. Ozaktes, A. Zalevsky, M.A. Katay, the FRFT with Application in optics and signal processing, John Wiky, Chichester New York, USA, 2001. [3]. V.D.Sharma, Generalization of Two-dimensional Fractional Fourier transforms, Asian Journal of current Engineering and Maths, 46-48, 2012. [4]. V.D.Sharma, operation transform Formulae on Generalized FrFT, processing of Int. conf. in Recent trends in Inf. Tech. and Comp. Science published in Int. J. of computer applications 15-18, 2012. [5]. Bultheel A. et.al., Recent developments in the theory of the fractional Fourier & linear canonical transform, Preprint (2004), 1-33. V. D. Sharma |
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244. | Generalized Laplace-Finite Mellin Transform
Generalized Laplace-Finite Mellin TransformAbstract: Mellin transform is one kind of non-linear transformation which is widely used for its scale invariance property. It is closely connected to two sided Laplace transform. In this paper we introduce the Laplac- finite Mellin transform in the distributional generalized sense. Using Gelfand-Shilov technique the testing function space LMf,u,b,c,a is defined. Generalized Laplace-finite Mellin transform is a Frechet space is proved. Moreover some of its topological properties are obtained.Key words: Laplace transforms, Mellin transform, finite Mellin transform, Laplace-finite Mellin Transform, Generalized function Reference [1] Zemanian A.H., "Generalized Integral transformation", Inter science publisher, New York 1968. [2] Kilicman A, Eltayeb H. et.al. "A Note on the comparison between Laplace and sumudu Transforms" Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical society, Vol. 37, No. 1, pp 131-141, 2011. [3] Khairnar S.M. and Pise R.M., "Relation of finite Mellin integral transform with Laplace and Fourier transform", contemporary Engineering sciences, Vol. 4, No. 6, pp 269-288, 2011. [4] Xiaohong Hu, (Ph.D. Thesis), "Probability Modeling of Industrial situation using transform technique", 1995. [5] Khairnar S.M. and Pise R.M., et.al., " Bilateral Laplace-Mellin integral transform and its Applications", Int. Journal of pure and Applied science, Tech. 1 (2), pp 114-126, 2010. V.D.Sharma, M.M.Thakare |
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245. | Inversion Formula for Generalized Two-Dimensional Fractional Sine Transform
Inversion Formula for Generalized Two-Dimensional Fractional Sine TransformAbstract: The theory of integral transform is presented a direct and systematic technique for presentation of classical and distributional theory. In this paper,we have proved inversion formula and uniqueness theorem for generalized two dimensional fractional Sine transform.Key words: Fractional Fourier transforms, fractional Sine transform, fractional Cosine transform, Fourier sine transform. Reference [1] Pei Soo-Chang, Min-Mung," The Discrete Fractional Cosine and Sine Transform."IEEE Trans Signal Processing, 2001, 49(6): 1198-1207. [2] Lohmann, A.W., and Mendlovic, D., Zalevsky, Z., and Dorch, R.G.,1996,'' Some important fractional transformation for signal processing,'' Opt.commun, vol.125, pp.18-20 [3] Alemeida, L.B.," The fractional Fourier transform and time frequency representation," IEEE Trans. On sign.. Proc. Vol.42, No.11, 3084-3091. [4] Pie, and Ding, 2001, "Relations between fractional operation and time frequency distributions and their applications," IEEE, Trans –On Sign. Proc;Vol 49, No.8 1638-1654. [5] Bhosale, B. N., and Choudhary, M. S., 2002, "Fourier-Hankel transform of Distribution of compact support," J.Indian Acad. Math, 24(1),169-190. V.D. Sharma, S.A. Khapre |
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246 | Analysis and Assessment of Flow and Strength Behaviour of Clsm with Lyse and Abram's Rule as Basis
Analysis and Assessment of Flow and Strength Behaviour of Clsm with Lyse and Abram's Rule as BasisAbstract: Strength and workability is the main factor in the cement mortar and concrete. These are Controlled Low Strength Materials (CLSM) with required flow characteristics such as self-leveling ability, free from settlement after hardening with potential to develop low strength in the range of 1 to 10 MPa. Presently the use of CLSM in practice is ahead of development of appropriate technology to handle a very wide spectrum of practical needs of flow characteristics and to handle combinations with a wide spectrum of materials. In this investigation it is attempted to develop a phenomenologieal model within the basic framework of Lyse Rule and Abram's Rule, already explored in concrete technology. The basic tenet of this law is that the basic property of present mix is in a particulate state similar to saturated clays. In this fresh state, shearing resistance of the mix is a function of total water content similar to saturated clays. Spread flow test on mixes with low cement content and high volume fly ash and GGBFS combinations with Quarry Dust as fine aggregate as well as with only cement and fly ash pastes are conducted. Thus generated data is analyzed to advance a phenomenological model. The validity or this model is verified with an independent set of data generated for this purposeKey words: Controlled Low Strength Materials (CLSM): Lyse Rule: Spread Flow Test Abram's Rule : Strength test on Phenomenological Model Reference [1] ACI Committee 229 (1994) "Controlled Low Strength Materials" (CLSM) (ACI 229R-94) American Concrete Institute. Michigan. 15p. [2] Janardhanam. R. Burns. F. and Peindl R.D. (1993) "Mix design for flowable Fly ash backfill material." J. Materials in Civil Engineering. ASCE 4(3): 252-263. [3] Abrams D. 1918. "Design of concrete mixtures". Bulletin No.1 Structural Materials Research Laboratory. Lewis Institute Chicago. p20. [4] Lyse I (1932) "Test on consistency and strength of concrete having constant water content" Proc. ASTM Vol 32 No.2 pp 629-636 [5] Nagaraj T.S. Sundra Raja Iyengar K.T.and Shashi Prakash S.G. (1989) "Soil Concrete analogy" – Principles and potentials Journal of cement and concrete Research, Pergamon press USA 19:534-546 P. K. Ravindra, Dr.Vaishyali Ghorpade, Dr.B.C.Udayashankar |
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247. | Preserving Interflow Packet Order in Multipath Switching Systems Using Flow-Based Slicing For Congestion Avoidence
Preserving Interflow Packet Order in Multipath Switching Systems Using Flow-Based Slicing For Congestion AvoidenceAbstract: Congestion avoidance is an important traffic engineering task, which can be performed by making use of load- balancing technique when a link is over loaded or failure of link occur in Multi-Path Switching Systems . Multipath Switching Systems are capable of transferring high rate data in networks. As preserving the inter flow packet orders while avoiding congestion is a major issue in consideration and previous packet based solutions require packet reordering which cause delay penalties. In this paper we use a flow-based slicing scheme which slits each flow in to slices at every inter- flow interval larger than the slicing threshold and balances the load to a finer granularity. We depict that flow-based slicing achieves inter flow packet ordering with little network cost while minimizing the packet out of order probability to negligible level comparatively less than 10-6.Key words: Congestion Avoidence, Flow-Based Slicing(FBS), Interflow Packet Ordering, Multipath Switching Systems(MPS), Reference [1] GAGANA. K AND ASHA "TOPOLOGY CONTROL ACROSS MPS USING FLOW SLICE IN WIRELESS NETWORKS", INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE VOL.3, ISSUE 3 (JUNE 2013), PP 37-41 ISSN(E): 2278-4721, ISSN (P):2319-6483. [2] Srikanth Kandula, Dina Katabi, Shantanu Sinha and Arthur Berger "Dynamic Load Balancing Without Packet Reordering", ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, Volume 37, Number 2, April 2007 [3] Lei Shi, Bin Liu, Changhua Sun, Zhengyu Yin, Laxmi N. Bhuyan, H. Jonathan Chao, "Load-Balancing Multipath Switching System with Flow Slice", IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. 61, No. 3, March 2012. [4] Nikolaos, I. Chrysos "Congestion Management for Non-Blocking Clos Networks" Institute of Computer Science, ICS, Forth Hellas http://archvlsi.ics.forth.gr. [5] Weiguang Shi, M. H. MacGregor, "Load Balancing for Parallel Forwarding", IEE/ACM Transactions On Networking, Vol. 13, No. 4, August 2005. A. Venkata Pradeep, M. Kishore Kumar |
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248. | Prediction of Weld Strength of Resistance Spot Welding Using Artificial Neural Network
Prediction of Weld Strength of Resistance Spot Welding Using Artificial Neural NetworkAbstract: Resistance Spot Welding is one of the oldest electric welding processes in use by industry today. As the name implies, it is the resistance of the material to be welded to current flow that causes a localized heating in the part. This paper focused on the development and evaluation of neural network-based systems for trial resistance spot welding process control and weld quality assessment. Parametric study shows the effect of different parameters i.e., weld current, cycle time, and thickness on the weld strength. The relations between parameters are plotted on the graphs.Index Terms: Process Parameters, Artificial neural network, Reference [1] O.P.Khanna "A textbook of welding technology", Dhanpat Rai Publication [2] Wallace A. Stanley, "Resistance Welding" [3] Miller "Handbook for resistance spot welding" [4] Ugur Esme "Application of Taguchi method for the optimization of resistance spot welding process", The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Volume 34, Number 2B [5] G. Mukhopadhyay, S. Bhattacharya, K.K. Ray, "Effect of pre-strain on the strength of spot-welds", Materials and Design 30 (2009) 2345–2354 Darshan Shah, Prof. Dhaval P Patel |
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249. | Optimal Clustering Scheme For Repeated Bisection Partitional Algorithm Optimal Clustering Scheme For Repeated Bisection PartitionalAbstract: Text clustering divides a set of texts into clusters such that texts within each cluster are similar in content. It may be used to uncover the structure and content of unknown text sets as well as to give new perspectives on familiar ones. The focus of this paper is to experimentally evaluate the quality of clusters obtained using partitional clustering algorithms that employ different clustering schemes. The optimal clustering scheme that gives clusters of better quality is identified for three standard data sets. Also, the ideal clustering scheme that optimizes the I2 criterion function is experimentally identified.Key words: Cluster quality, Criterion Functions, Entropy and Purity Reference [1] C. Charu, C. Stephen, S. Philip, On the Merits of Building Categorization Systems by Supervised Clustering. In Proceeding of the fifth ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. pp. 352-356, 1999. [2] Y. Zhao, G. Karypis, "Criterion functions for document clustering: Experiments and analysis". Technical Report TR #01–40, Department of Computer Science, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, Feb 2002. [3] Y. Zhao, G. Karypis, "Comparison of Agglomerative and Partitional Document Clustering Algorithms". The SIAM workshop on Clustering High-dimensional Data and Its Applications, Washington, DC, April 2002. [4] George Karypis. CLUTO: A Clustering Toolkit. Technical Report: #02-017. University of Minnesota, Department of Computer Science. November 28, 2003 [5] Michael Steinbach, George Karypis, Vipin Kumar. A Comparison of Document Clustering Techniques. Technical Report #00-034. Department of Computer Science and Engineering. University of Minnesota. USA. Kalyani Desikan, G. Hannah Grace |
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250. | Sage Package for Symbolic Computation of Series Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations Sage Package for Symbolic Computation of Series Solution of Ordinary Differential EquationsAbstract: The ordinary linear differential equations with constant coefficients can be solved by the algebraic methods and the solutions are obtained by elementary functions called the fundamental solutions. Most of the differential equations met in mathematics, physics and engineering sciences remain out of this class. In such cases, it is natural to search the solutions in the form of infinite series. The power series method is a well known procedure to solve ODEs with variable coefficients. The resulting series can be used to analyze and visualize the nature of the solutions of ODE's for which direct calculation is difficult. Manually solving a series solution using power series method is tedious and time consuming. In this paper a special package using SAGE (an open source software) have been developed, which can calculate any number of coefficients with no restriction to obtain the series solutions of up to third order ODE at an ordinary point. Also the well known Legendre and Hermite polynomials of any order can be generated and visualized by the way getting series solutions, In addition, Frobenius method for finding series solution around regular singular point cases are discussed.Key words: Ordinary Differential Equations, Power Series Solutions, SAGE for Differential Equations Reference [1] Shepley L . Ross, Differential equations, Third edition, John Wiley & sons [2] Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics,nineth edition, John Wiley & Sons,Inc, 2006 [3] Craig Finch, Sage Beginner's Guide, Packt Publishing,2011 [4] Michael D.Greenberg, Advanced engineering Mathematics, Second edition, Printice Hall,1998 [5] Peter V O'neil, Advanced engineering Mathematics, International student edition, Thomson, 2007. [6] Morris Tenenbaum, Harry Pollard, Ordinary Differential Equations, Dover publications, INC.,NewYork,1963 M.Kaliyappan, A.Vanav Kumar, S.Hariharan |
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251. | Heat Transfer Effects Due To Viscous Dissipation On Unsteady Boundary Layer Fluid Flow Past A Stretching Sheet Subject To Transverse Magnetic Field Heat Transfer Effects Due To Viscous Dissipation On Unsteady Boundary Layer Fluid Flow Past A Stretching Sheet Subject To Transverse Magnetic FieldAbstract: In the present investigation heat transfer character due to viscous dissipation and magnetic field applied to unsteady boundary layer fluid flow past a stretching sheet is investigated. The equations governing the unsteady boundary layer fluid flow are constructed and non-dimensionalized. The non-dimensional equations are discretized using implicit finite difference method of Crank-Nicolson type. The results obtained are interpreted and discussed using graphs. The study is carried out for different Hartmann and Eckert number (Pr = 0.71 and 7.0). Heat transfer effects are studied by plotting the temperature profiles and local Nusselt number. It is observed that increase in Eckert number enables increase in temperature profile and subdues the local Nusselt number.Key words: MHD flow, stretching sheet, unsteady boundary layer flow, viscous dissipation Reference [1] H. Schlichting, K. Gersten, Boundary layer theory, 8th Edition, 2000, Springer. Journals: [2] I. Pop, T-. Y. Na. A note on MHD flow over a stretching permeable surface. Mech Res Commun 25(3):1998;263–269. [3] H. I. Andersson, K. H. Bech, MHD flow of a power-law fluid over a stretching sheet. Int. J. Nonlin. Mech, 1992;27(6):929–936. [4] T. C. Chiam, Magnetohydrodynamic heat transfer over a non-isothermal stretching sheet. Acta Mech., 1997;122:169–79. [5] R. Cortell, A note on magnetohydrodynamic flow of a power-law fluid over a stretching sheet. Appl Math. Comput. 2005;168:557–66. A. Vanav Kumar, M. Kaliyappan |
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252. | Design Of Low Power Cmos High Performance True Single Phase Clock Dual Modulus Prescaler
Design Of Low Power Cmos High Performance True Single Phase Clock Dual Modulus PrescalerAbstract: Dual-modulus prescaler is a critical block in power conscious PLL design. By modifying the second branch in the TSPC DFF, two TSPC DFFs can be cascaded directly to provide multiple division ratios. Domino Logic D-flip-flop is used to improve operating speed of true single-phase clock (TSPC), which results Charge sharing, Glitches and Critical path Delay due to the logic gates for mode selection. In this work True Single Phase Clock (TSPC) based on Ratioed logic D flip-flop and Transmission Gates (TGs) is implemented in 0.18μm CMOS process. A Glitch elimination TSPC D-flip flop is used in the synchronous counter. TGs are used in the critical path and the control logic for mode selection. The power efficient TSPC design technique is applied to 3/4 and 15/16 prescalers, and their performances are compared with previous work.The power efficient dual modulus 3/4 and 15/16 prescalers are designed using Eldo Simulation tool in Mentor Graphics and its performance are compared. Simulation and measurement results show high-speed, low-power, low PDP and multiple division ratio capabilities of the power efficient technique with a frequency range of 0.5-3.125GHz. The improved speed, the power efficiency, and the flexibility will promote its wide deployment in Multi gigahertz range applications.Key words: Dual modulus, frequency divider, prescaler, true single-phase clocked (TSPC) logic. Reference [1] Alioto M and Palumbo G (2006): 'Design of high-speed power efficient MOS current-mode logic frequency dividers', IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II, Exp. Briefs, Vol. 53, No.11, pp. 1165–1169. [2] Cao C (2005): 'A power efficient 26-GHz 32:1 static frequency divider in 130-nm bulk cmos', IEEE Microw. Wireless Compon. Lett., Vol. 15, No.11, pp. 721–723. [3] De Miranda H and Van Noije W (2004): 'A 4 GHz dual modulus divider-by 32/33 prescaler in 0.35 um CMOS technology', in Proc. IEEE 17th Symp. on Circuits and Syst. Design, Vol. 17, pp. 94–99. [4] Huang Q and Rogenmoser R (1996): 'Speed optimization of edge-triggered CMOS circuits for gigahertz single-phase clocks', IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, Vol. 31, No.3, pp. 456–465. [5] Ji-ren J and Svensson C (1989): 'A true single-phase-clock dynamic CMOS circuit technique', IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, Vol. 24, pp. 62–70. Ramesh.K, E.Velmurugan, G.Sadiq Basha |
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253. | Consolidation Stress Effect On Strength Of Lime Stabilized Soil
Consolidation Stress Effect On Strength Of Lime Stabilized SoilAbstract: Improvement of soft soils by deep mixing is gaining popularity in many countries. The strength of stabilized soils is generally estimated by conducting unconfined compression test, whereas triaxial compression tests are used very rarely. Further the undrained strength of the stabilized soil is considered for design. The strength of stabilized soil is treated as being independent of stress. Triaxial tests have shown that the drained strength of stabilized soils is stress dependent in a similar way to that of natural soils. Hence, the stress dependency of the strength of stabilized soils should be considered in the design process for most soil and loading conditions. Hence in the present study an attempt is made to bring out the effect of consolidation stress on the strength of lime stabilized soil. The various laboratory test such as vane shear test, unconfined compressive strength test and Triaxial test were conducxred. In general the undrained cohesion and the angle of internal friction increases with increase in lime content and curing periods. However for a given lime content and curing period, the undrained cohesion increases with increase in consolidation stress and angle of internal friction decreases with increase in consolidation stress. Hence, it is important to consider the consolidation stress effects to arrive at the design strength parameters for stabilized soils.Key words: Lime, Shear strength, Consolidation stress, Triaxial test, Unconfined compressive strength Reference [1] Bell F.G "Stabilization and treatment of clay soils with lime" Part I, Ground Engineering, Vol.21, 1988,PP .10-15. [2] Helen Anberg "Effect of back pressure and strain rate used in triaxial testing of stabilised organic soils and clays" Geotechnical testing journal, Vol .27,No.3,2003, PP. 260-268. [3] A°hnberg H., Johansson S.-E., Pihl H. and Carlsson T. "Stabilising effects of different binders in some Swedish soils". Ground Improvement, 7, No. 1, 2003, PP.9–23. [4] Ganga,V.Lavanya,G.yamuna,Vandsilambarasai,M"Effect of flyash –lime mix on the engineering behaviour of expansive clay" EJGE, No.12,2006, PP.68-72. [5] Thaweesak jirathanaworn, supakij nontananandh, korchoke chantawarangul "Stabilization of clayey sand using flyash mixed with small amount of lime" ASCE, No. 10, 2005, PP.96-102. K. Saranya, Dr. M. Muttharam |
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254. | Phase Trajectories of the Fractal Parametric Oscillator
Phase Trajectories of the Fractal Parametric OscillatorAbstract: In this paper we consider a model of fractal parametric oscillator. Conducted a phase analysis of the decision model, and built its phase trajectoriesKey words: parametric oscillator, the phase trajectories, the Mittag-Leffler function, the operator Gerasimov – Caputo Reference [1] Klimontovich Yu.L. Vvedenie v fiziku otkrytykh system (Мoscow: Yanus-K, 2002). [2] Nakhushev A.M. Drobnoe ischislenie i ego primenenie (Мoscow: Fizmatlit, 2003). [3] Parovik R.I. Fractal Parametric Oscillator as a Model of a Nonlinear Oscillation System in Natural Mediums, International Journal Communications, Network and System Sciences, 6, 2013, 134-138 [4] Meilanov R.P., Yanpolov M.S. Osobennosti fazovoy traektorii fraktalnogo ostsillyatora, Pisma ZHTF, 1(28), 2002, 67-73. [5] Mainardi F. Fractional relaxation-oscillation and fractional diffusion-wave phenomena, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 9(7), 1996, 1461-1477. Parovik R.I. |
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255. | Short- Term Load Forecasting Using Artificial Neural Network Techniques
Short- Term Load Forecasting Using Artificial Neural Network TechniquesAbstract: This paper proposes a neural network approach for forecasting short- term loads. Three ANN- techniques – Radial Basis Function Neural Network, Feed forward Neural Network and Cascade- Forward Neural Network are discussed in this paper. Their performances are evaluated through a simulation study. Historical Load Data from the Load Dispatch Centre Jabalpur are used for training, testing and showing the good performance of the proposed method. The proposed model can forecast the load profile with a lead time of one to seven days.Key words: Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Neural Network, Back-Propagation, Load Forecasting, Power Quality. Reference [1] Hong Chen, Claudio A. Canizares, Ajit Singh, "ANN- based Short- Term Load Forecasting in Electricity Markets", University of Waterloo, Canada [2] Sanjib Mishra, Sarat Kumar Patra, "Short Term Load Forecasting using a Neural Network trained by A Hybrid Artificial Immune System", 2008 IEEE Region 10 Colloquium and the Third International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems, Kharagpur, India December 8- 10, 2008 [3] J.P.S. Catalao, S.J.P.S. Mariano, V.M.F. Mendes, L.A.F.M. Ferreira, "Short Term electricity prices forecasting in a competitive market: A neural network approach", ScienceDirect, Electric Power Systems Research 77 (2007) 1297- 1304 [4] Ajay Gupta, Pradeepta K. Sarangi, "Electrcal Load Forecasting Using Genetic Algorithm Based Back- Propagation Method", ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, vol. 7, no.8, August 2012 [5] Shu Fan, Yuan- Kang Wu, Wei- Jen Lee, Ching- Yin Lee, "Comparative Study on Load Forecasting Technologies for Different Geographical Distributed Loads", proc of IEEE 2011 Ankita Shrivastava and Arti Bhandakkar |
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256. | An Efficient Edge Detection Approach Based On Pollination Based Optimization
An Efficient Edge Detection Approach Based On Pollination Based OptimizationAbstract: Edge detection of pictures is a vital task in computer vision and image processing. Edge detection is always study focus in the field of medical image processing and analysis. It is necessary step in medical image processing. Edge detection of noise free pictures is comparatively less complicated, however in most sensible cases the photographs area unit degraded by noise. Edges in photos provide low-level cues, which could be utilized in higher level processes, like object detection, recognition, and classification, furthermore as motion detection, image matching, and trailing. Edges and textures in image are typical samples of high-frequency information. High-pass filters deduct low-frequency image information and therefore enhance high-frequency information like edges. Many approaches to image interpretation measure supported edges. This paper proposed an enhanced edge detection using Pollination based optimization (PBO) algorithm. In this, The samples of medical images (MRI) with resolution 128×128 is given as input and output as edges of image is produced. All images are gray scaled and we converted all samples to same size (128×128). In this firstly add speckle noise then filter this image by using bilateral filter to make image noise free. A bilateral filter preserves sharp edges by systematically looping through each pixel and adjusting weights to the adjacent pixels accordingly. It extends the concept of Gaussian smoothing by weighting the filter coefficients with their corresponding relative pixel intensities. Then we use PBO for edge detection. PBO based edge detection is a new technique and it perform as well in medical field also and we used MRI images in our work.Key words: Edge Detection, Medical field, MRI images, PBO, Bilateral Filter. Reference [1] Gupta, A., Ganguly, A. ; Bhateja, V., "A noise robust edge detector for color images using Hilbert Transform" Advance Computing Conference (IACC), 2013 IEEE 3rd International, pp. 1207 – 1212, 2013. [2] Verma, Rohit ; Dabbagh, Mohamed-Yahia., "Binary pattern based edge detection for motion estimation in H.264/AVC" Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE), 2013 26th Annual IEEE Canadian Conference , pp. 1-4, 2013. [3] Zhu, T., Xiao, X. ; He, Q. ; Diao, D., "Enhancement of SNR and Spatial Resolution in -OTDR System by Using Two-Dimensional Edge Detection Method" Lightwave Technology, Journal of IEEE ,Volume: 31 , Issue: 17 , pp. 2851 – 2856, 2013. [4] Ricardo Contreras, M. Angélica Pinninghoff, Jaime Ortega., "Using Ant Colony Optimization for Edge Detection in Gray Scale Images" 5th International Work-Conference on the Interplay Between Natural and Artificial Computation, IWINAC 2013, Mallorca, Spain, June 10-14, 2013. Proceedings, Part I, pp. 323-331. [5] Junna Shang ; Hangzhou Dianzi Univ., Hangzhou, China ; Feng Jiang, "An algorithm of edge detection based on soft morphology" Signal Processing (ICSP), 2012 IEEE 11th International Conference on signal processing, Volume:1, pp. 166-169, 2012. Navjot Kaur, Parminder Singh |
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257. | Amplification and Filtering Of ECG Signal Using Instrumentation Amplifier
Amplification and Filtering Of ECG Signal Using Instrumentation AmplifierAbstract: This paper deals with the process of generation of ECG signal and discusses the general shape of the ECG waveform and its generation by using the three bipolar limb lead method based on Einthoven's Triangle. Since the ECG signal has amplitude in mV range, its observation requires the use of Instrumentation Amplifier and moreover, filter is also used for smoothening the signal.Index Items: Einthoven's Triangle, Sinoatrial Node, Electrostatic Discharge (ESD), Instrumentation Amplifier, Butterworth filter Reference [1] Chaitanya R Shetty, Supriya T.V, and Vidya M.J, "Pacemakers and Implantable pacemakers" in the online International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol.1,Issue 2,December 2012. [2] Chattopadhyay and Rakshit P.C., "Electronics, Fundamentals and Applications", New Age International P Limited, Publishers, 2007 [3] Douglas T. Petkie ; Erik Bryan ; Carla Benton ; Charles Phelps ; Joshua Yoakum ; Meredith Rogers ; Amber Reed, "Remote Respiration And Heart Rate Monitoring With Millimeter-Wave/Terahertz Radars",Proc. SPIE 7117, Millimetre Wave and Terahertz Sensors and Technology, 71170I (October 03, 2008); doi:10.1117/12.800356. [4] Drake Richard L.,Vogl Wayne and Mitchell Adam W. M., "Anatomy for Students",Elsevier Publisher, 2005. [5] Gaikwad Ramakant, "Opamp and Linear Integrated Circuits",Pearson Education, 4th Edition. Ananya Dutta |
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258. | The Magnetization of Water Arising From a Magnetic-Field and Its Applications in Concrete Industry
The Magnetization of Water Arising From a Magnetic-Field and Its Applications in Concrete IndustryAbstract: The magnetization of water arising from a magnetic-field and its applications of magnetized water in concrete industry are investigated. In this study we introduce firstly that correct method of magnetization of water. In order to elucidate clearly its applications in the concrete industry we studies and inspect in detail the influences of magnetized water on the mechanical and optic properties of concrete, including mass density tensile strength, tensile strength, compressive strengths, deformation modulus and Poisson's ratio, shear strength of broken (cohesive force internal friction angle) as well as the infrared spectrum of absorption and fluorescence spectrum by different methods involving synthetic method including the ultrasonic and rebounded techniques as well as infrared and fluorescence spectra, respectively. The results obtained from these investigations indicate that the mass density tensile strength, tensile strength, compressive strengths, deformation modulus and Poisson's ratio of the concretes increase, but its cohesive force internal friction angle decrease as well as some new peaks in the concrete occur under influences of magnetized water relative to those of pure water. These show clearly that the magnetized water enhance the combined force among the molecules or corpuscles or components and lifts its mass density. Thus the changes of mechanical and optic properties of the concrete under influence of magnetized water.Key words: magnetic-field, magnetized water, concrete, mechanical properties optic feature Reference [1] Xie WenHui, Magnetized water and its application, Science Press, Beijing 1983, p34 [2] K.M.Joshi, P.V.Kamat, J.Indian Chem. Soc. 43 (1965) 620 [3] K.Higashitani, J.Colloid and Interface Science, 152 (1992) 125 [4] K.Higashitani, J.Colloid and Interface Science, 156 (1993) 90 [5] B.N. Ke LaXin, Magnetization of water, Beijing, Measurement Press, 1982, p56 Pang Xiao-Feng and Zhu Xing-Chun |
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259. | A Study on the Effect of Injection Pressures On the Performance and Emission Characteristics of C I Engine with Pongamia Pinnata Methyl Ester as Fuel
A Study on the Effect of Injection Pressures On the Performance and Emission Characteristics of C I Engine with Pongamia Pinnata Methyl Ester as FuelAbstract: Compression ignition engine is a popular prime mover in rural areas, particularly in the places where electrical power is not available. The rapid depletion of fossil fuel has stimulated worldwide efforts to produce alternative fuel to diesel fuel. Use of bio fuel as an alternative fuel can contribute significantly towards the twin problem of fuel crises. The fuel of bio origin may be the bio diesel obtained from edible or non edible vegetable oil through transesterification process. Most of the properties of bio diesel compare favourably with the characteristics required for diesel fuel. This fuel in the form of blend with diesel performs almost as well as neat diesel fuel with no engine modification. Pongamia pinnata (Honge oil) is non edible vegetable oil. Experiments were conducted on 10 HP single cylinders, four stroke, water cooled CI engine using honge oil methyl esters to study the engine performance and emission at different injection pressures of 180, 200 and 220 bar. Non edible honge oil bio diesel was tested for their use as substitute fuels for diesel engines. The results showed a better performance and reduced emission at an injection pressure of 200 bar.Key words: Honge Oil Methyl Ester; CI Engine; Injection Pressure, Performance and Emission Characteristics. Reference [1] Sawant Rath, "Performance and Emission Analysis of blends of Karanja Methyl Ester in a Compression Ignition Engine", Ph.D. thesis, N.I.T, Rourkela, 2011 [2] Surendra R, Kalbande and Subhash D "Jtaropha and Karanja Bio-fuel: An alternative fuel for diesel engine", ARPN, Journal of Engg, and Applied Sciences, 3, 2008 [3] Avinashkumar Agarwal and Rajamanoharan K, "Experimental investigations of performance and emissions of Karanjaoil and its blends in a single cylinder agricultural diesel engine", Applied Energy, Volume 86, Pages 106-112, 2009 [4] Nagaraja.A.M and Prabhukumar.G.P "Effect of injection pressure on the engine performance with Ricebran oil as Biodiesel", pp. 581-587, XVIII NCICEC 2003. [5] Konthe G., "Analyzing Biodiesel: Standards and Other Methods", J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc., 83, pp823-833, 2006 Honnegowda, Ramesha D K |
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260. | Renewable Power Generation Units through Micro Grid System
Renewable Power Generation Units through Micro Grid SystemAbstract: Micro-grid system is currently a conceptual solution to fulfill the commitment of reliable power delivery for future power systems. Renewable power sources such as wind and hydro offer the best potential for emission free power for future micro-grid systems. This paper presents a micro-grid system based on wind and hydro power sources and addresses issues related to operation, control, and stability of the system. The micro-grid system investigated in this paper represents a case study in Newfoundland, Canada. It consists of a small hydro generation unit and a wind farm that contains nine variable- speed, double-fed induction generator based wind turbines. Using Matlab/Simulink, the system is modeled and simulated to identify the technical issues involved in the operation of a micro-grid system based on renewable power generation units. The operational modes, technical challenges and a brief outline of conceptual approaches to addressing some of the technical issues are presented for further investigation.Key words: Renewable power generation, Distributed generation, Micro-grid, Simulation Reference [1] T. Ackermann and V. Knyazkin, "Interaction between distributed generation and the distribution network: Operation aspects", Sec- ond Int. Symp. Distributed Generations: Power System Market Aspects, Stockholm, Sweden, 2002. [2] C. Abbey, F. Katiraei, C. Brothers, "Integration of distributed generation and wind energy in Canada", Invited paper IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting and Conference, Montreal, Canada, June 18-22, 2006 [3] Frede Blaabjerg, Remus Teodorescu, Marco Liserre, Adrian V. Timbus, "Overview of control and grid synchronization for dis- tributed power generation systems", IEEE Transactions on Indus- trial Electronics, Vol. 53, No. 5,October 2006. [4] F. Katiraei, C. Abbey, Richard Bahry, "Analysis of voltage reg- ulation problem for 25kV distribution network with distributed generation", IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, Montreal, 2006. [5] R. H. Lasseter, "Microgrids (distributed power generation)", IEEE Power Engineering Society Winter Meeting, Vol. 01, pp. 146-149, Columbus, Ohio, Feb 2001. M.Pradeep Kumar, Mr. M.Balasubba Reddy |
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261. | Hardware Implementation of Collision Avoidance in Inter–Vehicular ADHOC Network Using Zigbee and Stellaris ARM Cortex-M4
Hardware Implementation of Collision Avoidance in Inter–Vehicular ADHOC Network Using Zigbee and Stellaris ARM Cortex-M4Abstract: To avoid accidents on highway roads, it is necessary to maintain safe distance between vehicles referred as "Inter-Vehicular Distance". A warning system should be employed inside the vehicle, so that the vehicle could sense the distance between other vehicles by using GPS co-ordinates and ADHOC wireless network and then intimate it to the driver. The main objective of this paper is to implement the Inter Vehicular Adhoc network (IVAN) using Zigbee technology and developing the control circuit using Texas Instruments Stellaris launch pad which uses LM120XL ARM Cortex M4 processor. A graphical LCD is used to display the nearby vehicles dynamic information like position, speed of the vehicle, acceleration, door lock status, break failure, etc., The Zigbee wireless technology itself provides features like data Integrity, low power consumption, low cost, wide coverage area, large network up to 65536 nodes when compared with other wireless technologies. Another objective of this paper is to secure the information passing via Inter-Vehicular ADHOC wireless Network and protect it from intruders. For this a Secure-Pre warning Collision Algorithm (S-PWCA) is implemented in firmware to make the IVAN message more secure. The implementation results show the Zigbee technology is best suit for the IVAN by taking advantage of Low power and coverage areaKey words: IVC, IVAN, IVCN, PKI, S_PWCA Reference [1] Falko Dressler_, Frank Kargly, J¨org Ottz, Ozan K. Tonguzx, Lars Wischhof "Research Challenges in Inter-Vehicular Communication" – Lessons of the 2010 Dagstuhl Seminar. [2] P. Krishnamurthy, "Information dissemination and information assurance in vehicular networks: A survey," in A Conference Poster in iConferenc 08`, Los Angeles, Feb. 2008. [3] L. Xiaodong, L. Rongxing, Z. Chenxi, Z. Haojin, H. Pin-Han, and S. Xuemin, "Security in vehicular ad hoc networks," IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 46, pp. 88-95, Feb. 2008. [4] M. Raya, P. Papadimitratos, and J.P. Hubaux, "Securing vehicular communications," IEEE Wireless Communications, Vol. 13, pp. 8-15, Oct. 2006. [5] Mihail L. Sichitiu, North Carolina State University Maria Kihl, Lund University INTER-VEHICLE COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS: A SURVEY 2ND QUARTER 2008, VOLUME 10, NO. 2 IEEE Communication Surveys. J. Deeksha, N. Radha, U. Yedukondalu |
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262. | Adaptive K-Means Clustering For Improving Non- Local Means Filtering
Adaptive K-Means Clustering For Improving Non- Local Means FilteringAbstract: Recording devices whether analog or digital, have traits which make them susceptible to noise. In selecting a noise reduction algorithm, one must weigh several factors. Image denoising is defined as a method to recover a true image from an observed noisy image and is applied in display systems to improve the quality of image. One of the popular denoising methods, NLM, produces the quality of image compared than other denoising methods. We propose to improve non local means and using rotationally invariant block matching (RIBM) into the NLM framework. NLM applies moment invariants based K-means clustering on the Gaussian blurred image, which provides better classification before weighted averaging.Index Terms: Image, Denoising, NLM, RIBM, Clustering Reference [1] L. Shao, H. Zhang, and G. de Haan, "An overview and performance evaluation of classification-based least squares trained filters,"IEEE Trans. Image Process.,vol. 17, pp. 1772–1782, Oct. 2008. [2] M. Protter and M. Elad, "Image sequence denoising via sparse and redundant representations,"IEEE Trans. Image Process., vol. 18, pp. 27–35, Nov. 2003. [3] G. Varghese and W. Zhou, "Video denoising based on a spatiotem-poral Gaussian scale mixture model,"IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol., vol. 20, no. 7, pp. 1032–1040, Jul. 2010. [4] F. Luisier, T. Blu, and M. Unser, "SURE-LET for orthonormal wavelet-domain video denoising,"IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol., vol. 20, no. 6, pp. 913–919, Jun. 2010. [5] K. Dabov, A. Foi, V. Katkovnik, and K. Egiazarian, "Image denoising by sparse 3-D transform-domain collaborative filtering,"IEEE Trans. Image Process., vol.16, pp. 2080–2095, Aug. 2007. Nandini Prasad K S, Prabha R, Pushpalatha S |
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263. | Experimental Analysis of Vibration of Ball Bearing Considering Solid Contaminants in Lubricants
Experimental Analysis of Vibration of Ball Bearing Considering Solid Contaminants in LubricantsAbstract: Rolling element bearings are common in any rotating machinery. The rolling element bearings subjected to failure under continuous running. Therefore they have received great attention in the field of condition monitoring. Different methods are detection and diagnosis of the bearing defects. Among them the commonly used technique is vibration signature analysis. The information obtained from the system vibration can be used for identifying its response subjected to various conditions. In rolling element bearing, contamination of lubricant grease by solid particles is one among the several reasons for early bearing failure. The main objective of this project is to investigate the effect of lubricant contamination by solid particles on rolling element bearing. This work is carried out to determine the vibrations on good and defective bearing in healthy grease and contaminant grease conditions. Obtained the vibration characteristics of healthy grease tested ball bearings are compared with those of contaminant grease tested ball bearings. Vibration signals are acquired from the ball bearings assembled in an experimental rig. The radial load was applied to the outer ring of the test bearing. An accelerometer placed on bearing housing measures radial vibration both in vertical and horizontal. The SKF-LGWA type of lubricants is used in this test, and also different types of solid particles are used as contaminants. The effect of contaminant concentration and particle size on vibration is to be studied. A way of monitoring machinery performance during operation is through mechanical vibration measurement. In rolling bearings, a sudden increase in vibration can be indicative of failure occurrence. In other techniques such as grease analyses and temperature monitoring can also provide warning of faults. But here, vibration monitoring is more versatile since it can reveal a wider range of faults.Key words: Condition monitoring, Contaminants, Grease, Particle size, Ball bearing Reference [1] Amarnath.M, Shrinidhi.R, Ramachandra.A, Kandagal.S.B (2004), "Prediction of defects in antifriction bearings using vibration signal analysis", IE (I) Journal-MC, Vol 85. [2] Izzet ÿ Onel. Burak Dalci. K and Ibrahim Senol (2005), "Detection of outer raceway bearing defects in small induction motors using stator current analysis", Sadhana Vol. 30, Part 6, pp. 713–722. [3] Ohta.H and Kobayashi.K (1996), "Vibrations of hybrid ceramic ball bearings, Journal of Sound and Vibration", Vol 192(2), pp.481-493. [4] Muszynska A.: Whirl and Whip – Rotor/Bearing Stability Problems, Journal of Sound and Vibration (1986) 110(3), pp. 443–462 [5] Ohta.H and Sugimoto.N (1996), "Vibration characteristics of tapered roller bearings, Journal of Sound and Vibration", Vol 190(2), pp.137-147. Christy V.Vazhappilly, Manoj Kumar V.K, Praveen Raj, P.Kamalesan |
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264. | Development of Functional Chapatti from Texturized Deoiled Cake of Sunflower, Soybean and Flaxseed
Development of Functional Chapatti from Texturized Deoiled Cake of Sunflower, Soybean and FlaxseedAbstract: Effect of texturized defatted meal of sunflower, soybean and flaxseed on quality characteristics of chapatti was investigated. Texturized defatted meal of sunflower, soybean and flaxseed was blended at 10%. 20%, 30% and 40% levels with wheat flour (atta) for making chapatti making. Chapattis were evaluated for physical, textural, sensory and functional properties. Proximate analysis of defatted sunflower meal had 2.56% moisture, 2.53% fat, 43.38% protein, 13.07% fiber and 32.54% protein digestibility. The defatted soybean meal had 2.70% moisture, 2.26% fat, 52.86% protein, 3.29% fiber and 56.33% protein digestibility. The defatted flaxseed meal had 2.61% moisture, 2.71% fat, 38.24% protein, 12.24% fiber and 43.77% protein digestibility. The cutting force for chapattis increased with increased level of texturized defatted meal of sunflower, soybean and flaxseed. Sensory, color and overall acceptability of chapattis were negatively affected when level of texturized flour increased as compared with the control. Overall acceptability scores were maximum for control and chapattis with 10% texturized defatted meal of sunflower, soybean and flaxseed. Functional properties such as water absorption index, foaming capacity and protein digestibility were increased while water solubility index and fat absorption capacity decreased with increased levels texturized defatted meal. The result showed that texturized defatted meal serve as good substitute to wheat flour with increased protein content in chapatti production and utilization.Key words: Chapatti, Deoiled cake, Flaxseed, Sunflower, Soybean Reference [1] E Derbyshire, D. J. Wright, and D. Boulter, Legumin and vicilin, storage proteins of legume seeds. Phytochemistry 15, 1976, 3. [2] AMoure, J. Sineiro, H. Dominguez, and J. C. Parajo, Functionality of oilseed protein products: A review. Food Research International, 39, 2006. 945-963. [3] L. B. Rockland, and T. M. Radke, Legume Protein Quality. Food Technology, 35, 1981. 79. [4] F. M. Anjum, I. Ahmad, M. S. Butt, M. A. Sheikh, and I. Pasha, Amino acid composition of spring wheats and losses of lysine during chapatti baking. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 18, 2005, 523-532. [5] R. H. Myers, Response surface methodology. 1st edition. Boston, Mass: Allyn and Bacon, pp. 247, 1971. Suresh Bhise and Kaur A |
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265. | Performance Comparison on Face Recognition System Using Different Variants of Back-Propagation Algorithm with Radial Basis Function Neural Networks
Performance Comparison on Face Recognition System Using Different Variants of Back-Propagation Algorithm with Radial Basis Function Neural NetworksAbstract: This paper presents the performance comparison of two architectures of neural networks: multi-layer perceptron (MLP) neural networks and radial basis function (RBF) neural networks on face recognition system (FRS). We are training MLP using different variants of back-propagation (BP) algorithm. AT&T database has been used for performance comparison. The BP is gradient descent based iterative algorithm which takes larger training time for high dimensional pattern recognition problem. Local minimum, improper learning rate and over-fitting are some of the other issues. To overcome these issues, we used RBF based FRS that is robust than other conventional methods like BP algorithm and has better performance of recognition rate. The training results show that in all the situations, RBF provides better generalization performance in compared of BPKey words: Face recognition, Performance Comparison Reference [1] Yanping Bai, Haixia Zhang and Yilong Hao," The performance of the BP algorithm with varying slope of the activation function", Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 40 (2009) 69–77. [2] D.E. Rumelhart, G.E. Hinton, and R.J. Williams, Learning internal representations by error propagation. in D.E. Rumelhart and J.L. McClelland (eds), Parallel Distributed Processing, 1986. 1: p. 318-362. [3] R.A. Finan� , A.T. Sapeluk� and R.I. Damper, " Comparison of Multi-layer and Radial Basis Function Neural Networks for Text-Dependent Speaker Recognition" [4] J. Haddadnia and M. Ahmadi, " N-feature neural network human face recognition," Image and Vision Computing, vol. 22, vol. 12, pp. 1071-1082, Oct. 2004. [5] Vu N.P. Dao and Vemuri Rao", A Performance Comparison of Different BP Neural Networks Methods in Computer Network Intrusion Detection" Kiran Arya and Virendra P. Vishwakarma |
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266. | Implementation of Scaled Down Model of Heterogeneous Spectrometers for Radio Astronomy Applications Using Xilinx Fpgas
Implementation of Scaled Down Model of Heterogeneous Spectrometers for Radio Astronomy Applications Using Xilinx FpgasAbstract: we have developed a software package to automatically generate spectrometers with minimal user input.Spectrometer design is often done by building the instrument from scratch. We have automated this design, creating a parameterized spectrometer that only requires a recompile to implement a change in specification. This spectrometer combines FPGAs and GPUs, doing coarse channelization on the FPGA and sending each subband to the GPUs for further processing. The server software is designed for flexibility, allowing astronomers to easily modify the processing algorithm run on the GPU and customize the instrument to their science goals. This project is about a heterogeneous design, allowing us to benefit from the strengths of FPGAs. A design called the Packetized Astronomy Signal Processor, or PASP. In this project a scaled down version of spectrometers are implemented for radio astronomy applications using VHDL for Xilinx FPGA platform. Modelsim Xilinx edition (MXE) will be used for simulation and functional verification. Xilinx ISE will be used for synthesis, P&R and bit file generation. Xilinx FPGA board will be used for testing and demonstration of the implemented system. The final results in FPGA shall be verified with chipscope where the packetized spectrum data can be seen.Reference [1] A Parsons et al. Petaop/second fpga signal processing for seti and radio astronomy. Signals, Systems and Computers, 2006. ACSSC '06. Fortieth Asilomar Conference on, pages 2031 { 2035, 2006. [2] S. M. Ransom, P. Demorest, J. Ford, R. McCullough, J. Ray, R. DuPlain, and P. Brandt. GUPPI: Green Bank Ultimate Pulsar Processing Instrument. In American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #214, volume 214 of American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts, December 2009. [3] Hirofumi Kondo, Eric Heien, Masao Okita, Dan Werthimer, and Kenichi Hagihara. A multigpu spectrometer system for real-time wide bandwidth radio signal analysis. ISPA '10: Proceedings of the Inter- national Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications, Sep 2010. Korani Ravinder, Md Abdul Khader, H.Narasimha Rao |
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267. | Loss Reduction in Radial Distribution Network by Optimal Placement of Type – I DG Using Modified Direct Search Algorithm
Loss Reduction in Radial Distribution Network by Optimal Placement of Type – I DG Using Modified Direct Search AlgorithmAbstract: In this paper, Direct Search Algorithm is implemented to determine the optimal sizes of Type – I Distributed Generators (DGs) and optimal locations such that maximum possible reduction in real power loss is obtained. Type – I DG injects both active and reactive powers. The algorithm searches for all possible locations in the system for a particular size of DG and places it at the bus which gives maximum reduction in active power loss. The optimal sizes of DGs are chosen to be standard sizes i.e., discrete sizes of DGs are considered. The algorithm is tested on 33 bus and 69 bus Radial Distribution Systems. The loss reduction obtained in this paper for the 33 bus and 69 bus test systems are highest compared to other techniques in the literature. Power factor of the DG is considered in this study is 0.85. On 33 bus system, without placement of DGs the loss is 211 kW whereas after placement it is 15.50 kW. There is a reduction of 92.65% in the losses. Before placement of DGs, the power loss is 5.37% of the total power supplied by the slack bus. After optimal placement by the MODIFIED DSA algorithm, the active power loss is 0.415% of the total power supplied by the system. On 69 bus system, without placement of DGs the loss is 225 kW whereas after placement is 5.75 kW. There is a reduction of 97.44% in the losses. Before placement of DGs, the power loss is 5.58% of the total power supplied by the slack bus. After optimal placement by the MODIFIED DSA algorithm, the active power loss is 0.15% of the total power supplied by the system. As the loss is less than 2%, the system is considered as Loss Less Distribution System. It is implemented using MATLAB/Simulink.Key words: Loss Less Distribution, Optimal DG Placement, Distribution Systems, Modified Direct Search Algorithm (MODIFIED DSA). Reference [1] M. Ramalinga Raju, K. V. S. Ramachandra Murthy, K. Ravindra , Direct Search Algorithm for Capacitive Compensation in Radial Distribution systems, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Volume 42, March, 2012, Page: 24 – 30. [2] P.P. Barker, Determining the impact of distributed generation on power systems: Part 1 -radial distribution systems, in: Proceedings of IEEE Power Engineering Society Summer Meeting, 2000, pp. 1645–1656. [3] G. Celli, F. Pilo, Optimal distributed generation allocation in MV distribution networks, in: 22nd IEEE PES International Conference on Power Industry Computer Applications PICA 2001, Sydney, Australia, May 2001, pp. 81–86. [4] N. Mithulananthan, Than Oo, LeVan Phu, Distributed generator placement technique in power distribution system using genetic algorithm to reduce losses, Thammasat Int. J. Sci. Tech. 9 (September (3)) (2004) 56–62. [5] N.S. Rau,Y.H.Wan, Optimum location of resources in distributed planning, IEEE Trans. Power Syst. 9 (4) (1994) 2014–2020. P. Anil Kumar, B. Shankar Prasad |
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268. | Design and Implementation of Digital CMOS VLSI Circuits Using Dual Sub-Threshold Supply Voltages
Design and Implementation of Digital CMOS VLSI Circuits Using Dual Sub-Threshold Supply VoltagesAbstract: Power dissipation in high performance systems requires more expensive packaging. In this situation, low power VLSI design has assumed great importance as an active and rapidly developing field. As the density and operating speed of CMOS VLSI chip increases, power dissipation becomes more significant due to the leakage current when transistor is OFF. This can be observed in both combinational and sequential circuits. Static power reduction techniques are achieved by means of operating the transistor either in Cut-off or in Saturation region completely and by avoiding the clock in unnecessary circuits. In this work, "Dual sub-threshold voltage supply" technique is used to operate the transistor under either OFF or ON state by applying some voltage at the gate of the MOS transistor. The designed circuits are simulated by using Mentor Graphics Backend Tool. With this technique, nearly 10-75% of the power dissipation is reduced for designed circuits. Thereby, the performance of circuit can be increased.Key words: Digital circuits, Dual sub-threshold leakage current, Power dissipation, Performance. Reference [1] Kaushik Roy, Amit Agarwal, Chris H. Kim, Circuit Techniques for Leakage Reduction, LLC 2006. [2] Kaushik Roy, Saibal Mukhopadhyay and Hamid Mahmoodi-Meimand IEEE, Leakage Current Mechanisms and Leakage Reduction Techniques in Deep-Submicrometer CMOS Circuits, Contributed Paper, pp.315-318. [3] Shinichiro Mutoh , Yasuyuki Matsuya , Takahko Aoki and Junzo Yamada "1-V Power Supply High-speed Digital Circuit Technology with Multithreshold-Voltage CMOS", IEEE, vol. 30, pp.847-848, August 1995. [4] R. Gonzalez, B. M. Gordon, and M. A. Horowib. "Supply and threshold voltage scaling for low power CMOS", IEEE, Vol. 32, No. 8, August 1997. [5] L. Clark, R. Patel and T. Beatty, "Managing Standby and Active Mode Leakage Power in Deep Sub-micron Design", IEEE Circuits Devices Mag., vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 7–18, Jan./Feb. 2005. A. Suvir Vikram, Mrs. K. Srilakshmi And Mrs. Y. Syamala |
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269. | A Comparative Study B/W Black Cotton Soil and Alluvial Soil for Economical Pavement Design by Lime & Fly-Ash Stabilization
A Comparative Study B/W Black Cotton Soil and Alluvial Soil for Economical Pavement Design by Lime & Fly-Ash StabilizationAbstract: As we know the road development is one of the major parts of growing infrastructure & Pune, which is expanding at a very fast rate, the construction of roads is of major concern. Fly Ash is one of the abundant forms of Solid Waste produced at thermal power plants. Its disposal is a big problem keeping both these concerns in mind it was tried to come out with a project which will integrate Road development and Fly ash disposal. Thus, in this project we intend to use Fly ash & Lime in roads which will help us in following manner: High volumes of Fly ash will be used which will save the dumping sites to be used for better purposes. The use of fly ash will reduce the consumption of high volumes of fertile soil that can be used for cultivation purposes. Due to binding properties of lime & Fly ash, the pavement designed will be of higher strength. Overall thickness of the pavement can be reduced. Two types of soils were used in this project, namely Alluvial Soil and Black Soil taken from nearby Pune. Key words: Fly Ash, Lime, Pavements, Alluvial Soil, Black Cotton Soil, Solid waste Reference [1] IRC : SP : 20-2002 Rural Roads Manual [2] Document on Rural Road Development in India Vol. II CRRI* 1990 [3] IRC: 37-1984 Guidelines for Design of Flexible Pavements (First Revision) India Road Congress, 1984. [4] IRC: 37-2001 Guidelines for Design of Flexible Pavements (Second Revision) Indian Road Congress, 2001. [5] I.S. 10153-1982, India Standard codes for "Guidelines for utilization and disposal of fly ash", C.B.R.I. Roorkee, Specials Publication (Jan - 1983) -Building Materials from Indian flyashes. Kunal Anand, Awanish Kumar Shukla, Sidharth Sharma |
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270. | Increasing The Strength Of Audio Watermarking Against Desynchronization Attacks
Increasing The Strength Of Audio Watermarking Against Desynchronization AttacksAbstract: Rapid evolution of digital technology has improved the ease of access to digital information enabling reliable, faster and efficient storage, transfer and processing of digital data. It also leads to the consequences of making the illegal production and redistribution of digital media easy and undetectable. Hence, the risk of copyright violation of multimedia data has increased due to the enormous growth of computer networks that provides fast and error free transmission of any unauthorized duplicate and possibly manipulated copy of multimedia information. In audio watermarking area, the robustness against desynchronization attacks, such as TSM (Time-Scale Modification) and random cropping operations is still one of the most challenging issues. To enable the embedding of multiple watermarks a multi-bit robust audio watermarking algorithm based on the two statistical features is proposed by modifying the histogram. The audio histogram with equal-sized bins is extracted from a selected amplitude range referred to the audio mean, and then the relative relations in the number of samples among groups of three neighboring bins are designed to carry the watermark by reassigning the number of samples in the bins. The watermarked audio signal is perceptibly similar to the original one. Simulation results demonstrated that the hidden message is very robust to the TSM, cropping, and a variety of other distortions for Audio.Key words: Audio watermarking, cropping, histogram, jittering, synchronization, TSM. Reference [1]. M. Arnold, "Audio Watermarking: Features, Applications and Algorithms". Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, Vol. 2, New York, USA, (2000) 1013-1016 [2]. Oscal T.-C. Chen, Wen-Chih Wu, "Highly Robust, Secure, and Perceptual-Quality Echo Hiding Scheme", IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, And Language Processing, VOL. 16, NO. 3, MARCH 2008 [3]. M. D. Swanson, B. Zhu and A. H. Tew¯ k:" Current State of the Art, Challenges and Future Directions for Audio Watermarking". Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems, Vol. 1 (1999) 19-24 [4]. S. Katzenbeisser, F. A. P. Petitcolas, ed." Information Hiding Techniques for Steganography and Digital Watermarking". Artech House, Inc. (2000) [5]. Mohammad A. Akhaee, Mohammad J. Saberian, Soheil Feizi, "Robust Audio Data Hiding Using Correlated Quantization With Histogram-Based Detector", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MULTIMEDIA, VOL. 11, NO. 5, AUGUST 2009 Ms. Deepali Chavan, Prof. R.R. Dube |
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271. | A Closer Look at SMS-Based E-Banking Services Using Elliptic Curves
A Closer Look at SMS-Based E-Banking Services Using Elliptic CurvesAbstract: With the ushering in of cellphone technology in the country, many financial institutions have launched SMS-based E-banking Services. However, the transmission of SMS in cellphone networks is not secure as the message is sent in plaintext form. So, the content of the message may be exposed to anybody. As SMS-based E-banking Services have become so popular in our daily life, there is a great demand from the users to implement them in a secure environment. Therefore it is desirable to make SMS-based e-banking Services secure by additional encryption. In this paper, we study SMS-based E-Banking Services using Elliptic Curves. We also give the benefits of using Elliptic Curves over RSA in SMS-based E-Banking Services.Key words: Elliptic Curve, SMS, Encryption, Decryption, E- Banking Reference [1] Ranbir Soram, Mobile SMS Banking Security Using Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem, International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, Vol 9, No. 6, 2009. [2] Ian Blake, Gadiel Seroussi, Higel Smart, Elliptic Curves in Cryptography, Cambridge University Press, 1999. [3] Joseph H. Silverman, John Tate, Rational Points on Elliptic Curves, Springer, 1992. [4] Lawrence C. Washington, Elliptic Curves, Number Theory and Cryptography, CRC Press, 2008. [5] Henri Cohen, Gerhard Frey, Handbook of Elliptic and Hyperelliptic Curve Cryptography, CRC Press, 2006. Ranbir Soram, Memeta Khomdram, Sonamani Takhellambam |
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272. | Impact of Variable Transmission Range and Scalability With Respect To Mobility and Zone Size On Zone Routing Protocol Over Manets
Impact of Variable Transmission Range and Scalability With Respect To Mobility and Zone Size On Zone Routing Protocol Over ManetsAbstract: A variety of protocols are used in ad hoc network but the most popular protocol one is Zone Routing Protocol (ZRP). ZRP is a hybrid routing protocol. Transmission power affects the design and performance of all the protocols in Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs). Mobility of nodes and selection of Zone Size in ZRP are also the major issues. In this paper, the impact of Transmission Ranges and Scalability by varying Mobility rate along with Zone Radius on QoS based performance metrics has been analyzed. The environment has been simulated using NS2.33 Simulator. The objective of our work is to analyze that at what speed and by taking how much zone radius ZRP will be able to perform efficiently and effectively for Mobile Ad hoc Networks.Key words: MANETs, ZRP, QoS, Transmission Range. Reference [1] Jeremy Pitt, Pallapa Venkatarram, and Abe Mamdani, "QoS Management in MANETS Using Norm-Governed AgentSocieties", ESAW 2005, LNAI 3963, 2006, pp. 221- 240. [2] Rajneesh Kumar Gujral, Manpreet Singh "Analyzing the Impact of Scalability on QoS Aware Routing for MANETs "International Journal of Computer Science MANETs vol. 8(3), May 2011, pp no. 487-495. [3] Mr. Rajneesh Gujral, Dr. Anil Kapil "Secure QoS Enabled On-Demand Link-State Multipath Routing in MANETS" Proceeding of BAIP 2010, SPRINGER LNCS-CCIS, Trivandrum, Kerala , India, March 26-27, 2010, pp. 250-257. [4] N.Adam, M.Y.Ismail, J.Abdullah, "Effect of Node Density on Performances of Three Manet Routing Protocols," Proceeding of International Conference on Electronic Devices, Systems and Applications (ICEDSA'10), April 2010, pp. 321-325. [5] C Siva Ram Murthy and BS Manoj "Ad Hoc Wireless Networks architectures and protocols",Pearson education,2005. Jitender Grover, Parneet Kaur |
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273. | Removal of Chlorine Residual in Tap Water by Boiling or Adding Ascorbic Acid
Removal of Chlorine Residual in Tap Water by Boiling or Adding Ascorbic AcidAbstract: Society's preference for bottled water mainly comes from a dislike of the mildly pungent taste and odor of tap water. Such odor and taste may be caused by chlorine residual (in the form of free chlorine or chloramines), which is maintained in a water distribution system to prevent regrowth of microorganisms and is thus present in tap water. To encourage individuals who drink bottled water to shift to tap water, which affords numerous financial and environmental advantages, a simple, effective and low-cost method of reducing chlorine residual in tap water is essential. Two methods of reducing chlorine residual, boiling tap water and adding ascorbic acid to tap water, were tested. The results showed that, for free chlorine, a quick and cheap way to reduce chlorine residual is to add ascorbic acid, which if added in an equal molar amount to free chlorine would completely eliminate chlorine residual within 1 min. For monochloramine, a quick and cheap way to reduce chlorine residual is also to add ascorbic acid, but in greater quantity due to some ascorbic acid being oxidized by oxygen in the air. Although boiling is slower, it is effective in removing low concentrations of chlorine residual.Key words: Drinking Water, Tap Water, Chlorine Residual, Boiling, Ascorbic Acid. Reference [1] L. West, Why is chlorine added to tap water? About: Environmental Issues. Available online at: http://environment.about.com/od/earthtalk columns/a/chlorine.htm. Accessed on 11 April 2013. [2] G. C. White, Handbook of chlorination and alternative disinfectants, 4th ed. (NY: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1999) [3] J. Siritapetawee, W. Pattanasiriwisawa, and U. Sirithepthawee, Trace element analysis of hairs in patients with dementia. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 17(2), 2010, 268‒272. [4] N. McDermott, Chlorine in tap water linked to increase in number of people developing food allergies. Daily Mail Online. Available online at http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-22420 94/Chlorine-tap-water-linked-increase-number-pe ople-developing-food-allergies.html. Accessed on 11 Apr 2013. [5] S. C. Didier, Water bottle pollution facts. In National geographic: green living. Available online at: http://greenliving.nationalgeogra phic.com/water-bottle-pollution-2947.html. Ac-cessed on 11 Apr 2013. Liuqing Albert Zhang |
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274. | Wages, Productivity and Optimal Payment in Efficient Software Projects
Wages, Productivity and Optimal Payment in Efficient Software ProjectsAbstract: In this paper we will study theefficiency wages, productivity, optimal payment and employment. Managerial Economics theory about these topics will be put in practice by research done on the Software Development Department of a software company. Having several samples of input cost and output productivity over the last years this data will help us into demonstrating how theory is put in practice. The paper present the optimal software team structure based on the experience levels of its members and the cost per each level. Simulations are performed with different members that demonstrate the best combination of seniority levels versus the total company cost per member.Key words: Cost, Efficiency, Optimal Payment, Productivity, Software Projects, Wages. Reference [1] M. Hirschey (2009). Fundamentals of Managerial Economics (chapter 7), South-Western. [2] M. Baye (2010). Managerial Economics & Business Strategy. McGraw-Hill Higher Education, New York. [3] Greg Mankiw (2006). How are wages and productivity related?. Available from http://gregmankiw.blogspot.ro/2006/08/how-are-wages-and-productivity-related.html [4] G. Deltas. Profit Maximization - Single Input Firms(Lecture 4). Illinois [5] California State University. Profit Maximization (Lecture 3). California Mihai Georgescu, Cecilia Cioloca, Madalina Zurini, Constantin-Daniel Avram |
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275. | Designing Of Hydraulic Bollard System Using Accumulator Bladder for Better Security Solutions
Designing Of Hydraulic Bollard System Using Accumulator Bladder for Better Security SolutionsAbstract: Bollards are largely used for stopping/control of vehicular traffic and allow the pedestrians passage at entry and exit points for better safety and movement control indifferent places like Shopping malls, Govt. Building, DRDO's, Military Installation , Airport, Oil Refineries and Depots, Gas Plants, Educational Institutions etc. Bollards can be operated manually, electrically, or hydraulically and respond to a wide range of security specifications and design requirements. A bollard designed with hydraulic accumulators system proves to be more successful in providing protection to pedestrians and infrastructure. A hydraulic accumulator stores fluid under pressure and can serve a number of functions within a hydraulic system. It's an item that can provide year of trouble-free service. Thus in country like India, where population rises with very high rate and no control on traffic Bollards are one of the only choices for pedestrian friendly protection from vehicle attack.Reference [1] Bangalore Krishna-Prasad Protective Bollard Design for High Speed Impact Energy Absorption, Wichita State University, 2006. [2] Leda Security Products Pty Ltd. 2010. [3] B. De Clerck Study of the resistance of bollards against impact loads 2012. [4] ANSYS, Inc. ANSYS R Academic Research, Release 13, Help System, Explicit Dynamics Guide. Himmat Singh, Bharat Bhushan, Dr. R.K. Gupta |
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276. | Multi Resolution Analysis of ECG for Arrhythmia Using Soft-Computing Techniques
Multi Resolution Analysis of ECG for Arrhythmia Using Soft-Computing TechniquesAbstract: in this paper, ECG signal analysis for arrhythmia detection using discrete wavelet transform and Back Propagation Neural Network is addressed . Several algorithms have been proposed to classify ECG arrhythmias; however, they cannot perform very well. Therefore, in this paper, an expert system for Electro Cardio Gram (ECG) arrhythmia classification is proposed. Proposed technique used to detect the abnormal ECG Sample and classify it into two different classes (normal and Arrhythmia). We have employed MIT-BIH arrhythmia & Normal Sinus Rhythm (NSR) database and chosen 62 files of ten second recording where 14 files are considered as normal class and 48 files of Arrhythmia class out of total 62 files. The features are break up in to two classes that are DWT based features and morphological feature of ECG signal which is an input to the classifier. Back Propagation Neural Network (BPNN) are employed to classify the ECG signal and the stem performance is measured on the basis of percentage accuracy. For the normal class sample 100% of accuracy is reached whereas 97.9% accuracy is achieved for Arrhythmia class sample. The overall system accuracy obtained is 98.4 % using (BPNN) classifier.Key words: ECG, Arrhythmia, , Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT), BPNN, Accuracy Reference [1] Hari Mohan Rai, Anurag Trivedi "Classification of ECG Waveforms for Abnormalities Detection using DWT and Back Propagation Algorithm" International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology Volume 1, Issue 4, June 2012 [2] S. Osowski, T.H. Linh, "ECG beat recognition using fuzzy hybridneural network", IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. 48 (2001) 1265-1271. [3] Maedeh Kiani Sarkaleh and Asadollah Shahbahrami "CLASSIFICATION OF ECG ARRHYTHMIAS USING DISCRETE WAVELET TRANSFORM AND NEURAL NETWORKS" IJCSEA Vol.2, No.1, February 2012 [4] K. Minami, H. Nakajima and T. Toyoshima, "Real-Time discrimination of ventricular tachyarrhythmia with fourier-transform neural network", IEEE Trans. on Biomed. Eng, vol. 46,(1999) pp.179-185. [5] I. Romero and L. Serrano, "ECG frequency domain features extraction: A new characteristic for arrhythmias classification", in Proc.23rd Annual Int. Conf. on Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society,(2001) pp. 2006-2008. Mangesh Singh Tomar, Mr. Manoj Kumar Bandil, Mr. D.B.V.Singh |
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277. | Effective Compression in Digital Images with SPIHT Algorithm and Entropy
Effective Compression in Digital Images with SPIHT Algorithm and EntropyAbstract: Image compression is achieved by removing data redundancy while preserving information content. SPIHT is computationally very fast and among the best image compression algorithms known today. According to statistic analysis of the output binary stream of SPIHT encoding, propose a simple and effective method combined with Entropy for further compression that saves a lot of bits in the image data transmission.Key words: Encoding; DWT; SPIHT; Huffman Reference [1] M. Rabbani and P. W. Jones, Digital Image Compression Techniques. Bellingham, WA: SPIE Opt. Eng. Press, 1991. [2] Rafael C. GONZALEZ Richard E. WOODS. Digital image processing: second ed [M]. Beijing Publishing House of Electronics Industry 2002. [3] Marc ANTONINI Michel BARLAUD Pierre MATHIEU et al. Image coding using wavelet transform [J]. IEEE Trans. Image Processing 1992 1(2) 205-220. [4] Cheng Li-chi, Wang Hong-xia, Luo Yong. Wavelet theory and applications. Beijing: Science Press, 2004(Chinese). [5] J. M. SHAPIRO. Embedded image coding using zerotree of wavelets coefficients [J]. IEEE Trans. Signal Processing 1993 41(12) 3445-3462. G. Sreenivasulu, B. Srinivasa Rao |
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278. | An Overview Study of Game Engines
An Overview Study of Game EnginesAbstract: We live in a world where people always try to find a way to escape the bitter realities of hubbub life. This escapism gives rise to indulgences. Products of such indulgence are the video games people play. Back in the past the term "game engine" did not exist. Back then, video games were considered by most adults to be nothing more than toys, and the software that made them tick was highly specialized to both the game and the hardware on which it ran. Today, video game industry is a multi-billion-dollar industry rivaling even the Hollywood. The software that drives these three dimensional worlds- the game engines-have become fully reusable software development kits. In this paper, I discuss the specifications of some of the top contenders in video game engines employed in the market today. I also try to compare up to some extent these engines and take a look at the games in which they are used.Key words: engines comparison, engines overview, engines specification, video games, video game engines Reference [1] Jason Gregory, Game Engine Architecture (A K Peters/CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300, Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742) [2] Tomas Akenine-Moller, Eric Haines, and Naty Hoff man Real-Time Rendering (3rd Edition). Wellesley, MA: A K Peters, 2008 [3] James Arvo (editor) Graphics Gems II. San Diego, CA: Academic Press, 1991 [4] David H. Eberly 3D Game Engine Design: A Practical Approach to Real-Time Computer Graphics. San Francisco, CA: Morgan Kaufmann, 2001 [5] Lilly, Pauly Doom to Dunia: AVisual History of Game Engines Maximum PC (July 17, 2009) Faizi Noor Ahmad |
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279. | Effects of Jelly Fish Attack on Mobile Ad-Hoc Network's Routing Protocols
Effects of Jelly Fish Attack on Mobile Ad-Hoc Network's Routing ProtocolsAbstract: This Paper focuses on the effects of jelly fish attack on MANET's routing protocols. Here four protocols AODV, DSR, TORA and GRP are used. Performance of the network has been evaluated in terms of Data dropped (buffer overflow), Data dropped (retry threshold exceeded), Load, Media access delay, Retransmission attempts. Simulations were carried out by using OPNET 14.5 simulator.Key words: AODV, DSR, GRP, Jelly Fish Attack, TORA Reference [1] Ram Ramanathan and Jason Redi, "A brief overview of Ad-hoc networks: Challenges and direction", IEEE Communications magazine 50 Anniversary commemorative Issue/May 2002. [2] Per Johnson, Tony Larsson, and Nicklas Hedman, "Scenario based performance analysis of routing protocols for Mobile ad-hoc network", Mobicom '99 Scattle Washington USA, copyright ACM 1999 1-58113-142-9/99/08. [3] Sanjay Ramaswami, Huirong Fu, Manohar sreekantaradhya John Dixon and Kendall Nygard, "Prevention of cooperative Black hole attack in wireless ad-hoc networks", 2003. [4] Panagiotis papadimitratos and Zygmunt Haas, "Security routing for Mobile ad-hoc networks". In proceedings of CNDS 2002, San Antonio, TX, January 27-31, 2002. [5] Imran Raza, S.A.Hussian, Amjad Ali, Muhammad Hassan Raza"Persistant packet reordering attack in TCP based Ad-hoc wireless network", IEEE, 978-1-4244-8003-6/10-2010. Amandeep Kaur, Deepinder Singh Wadhwa |
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280. | Improving Text Clustering Quality by Concept Mining
Improving Text Clustering Quality by Concept MiningAbstract: In text mining most techniques depends on statistical analysis of terms. Statistical analysis trances important terms within document only. However this concept based mining model analyses terms in sentence, document and corpus level. This mining model consist of sentence based concept analysis, document based and corpus based concept analysis and concept based similarity measure. Experimental result enhances text clustering quality by using sentence, document, corpus and combined approach of concept analysisKey words: Text Mining, Concept Based Mining, Text Clustering. Reference [1] Shehata, Fakhri Karray, and Mohamed S. Kamel, "An Efficient Concept-Based Mining Model for Enhancing Text Clustering", IEEE Transaction on Knowledge and Data Engg, VOL. 22, NO. 10, OCTOBER 2010 [2] S. Shehata, F. Karray, and M. Kamel, "Enhancing Text Clustering Using Concept- Based Mining Model," Proc. Sixth IEEE Int'l Conf. Data Mining (ICDM), 2006 [3] M.-L. Wong, and K.S. Leung, "Scalable Model-Based Clustering for Large Databases Based on Data Summarization," IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 27, no. 11, pp. 1710-1719, Nov. 2005. [4] R. Nock and F. Nielsen, "On Weighting Clustering," IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 28, no. 8, pp. 1223-1235, Aug. 2006 [5] S. Pradhan, K. Hacioglu, V. Krugler, W. Ward, J.H. Martin, and D. Jurafsky, "Support Vector Learning for Semantic Argument Classification," Machine Learning, vol. 60, nos. 1-3,pp. 11-39, 2005. Pradnya Randive, Nitin Pise |
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281. | Framework for Customization of Order Processing In Indian Automobile Industry
Framework for Customization of Order Processing In Indian Automobile IndustryAbstract: This paper deals with the present state map of a leading Indian car manufacturer which makes automobile in almost all segments. The present state map shows a very traditional view of order processing. This car manufacturer has over eighty percent of its supplier as in-house manufacturer. The paper suggests a future state map for this manufacturer especially in the luxury car segment. Suggestions have been made to draw a parallel with DaimlerChrysler which has its majority of its supplier components outsourced from its supplier. With growth of Indian economy and standard of living the paper suggests a shift in the methodology of order process in luxury car sector of this Indian manufacturer.Key words: Built to Stock (BTS), Built to Order (BTO), Just in Time (JIT), Just In Sequence (JIS), DaimlerChrysler Supply System (DCSS) Reference [1] Alicke K, Graf H, Putzlocher S (2004) Unternehmensübergreifendes Supply Chain Management realisiert multi-tier Collaboration (Cross-Company Supply Chain Management Achieves Multi-Tier Collaboration). In: Busch A, Dangelmaier W (eds) Integrates Supply Chain Management (Integrated Supply Chain Management), Gabler Verlag, Wiesbaden, pp 485-497 [2] Baumgarten H, Thoms J (2002) Trends und Strategien in der Logistik (Trends and Strategies in Logistics). German Federal Logistics Association/Technical University of Berlin, Logistics Department, Berlin [3] Bischoff J, Junghanns T, Lässig H (2004) Konzept des Supply Chain Logistics Planning (Concept of Supply Chain Logistics Planning). Supply Chain Management 1/2004:7–11 [4] Buchholz T, Kranke A (2004) Kontrollierter Wareneingang – in Sindelfingen erfasst und steuert DaimlerChrysler neuerdings die auf das Werk zufahrenden Lkw schon lange im Voraus (Controlled material receipt – in Sindelfingen, DaimlerChrysler has recently begun registering and managing traveling to the plant well in advance). Logistik inside (Logistics inside) 03/2004: 28–33 [5] DaimlerChrysler AG (2000) Supply System - Shaping the World's most effective Supply Chain, Stuttgart Gaul, F. (2004) Organisation und Monitoring der Beschaffungslogistik durch proaktives Supply Chain Event Management (Organization and Monitoring of Procurement Logistics through Proactive Supply Chain Event Management). In: Dangelmaier W,Kaschula D, Neumann J (eds) Supply Chain Management in der Automobil- und Zuliefererindustrie (Supply Chain Management in the Automobile and Supplier Industry), Verlag Paderborn, Paderborn, pp 90–97 Mohan Nishith, Gupta Rishi, Sharma S.K. |
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282. | Flexibility Measurement Criteria with Respect To Reconfigurable System Properties
Flexibility Measurement Criteria with Respect To Reconfigurable System PropertiesAbstract: Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS) is used to cope up with the variety and fluctuating market demand. However FMS is very expensive system which increases the unit manufacturing cost. The paper suggests that whenever someone deals with such a condition the Reconfigure Manufacturing System (RMS) is suggested. The elements of the reconfigurable manufacturing system have been measure as partial and total reconfigureability. The reconfigure ability index such so measured to cope with the demand and variety and gives guidelines for measuring the flexibility. The factories s which possess the higher re reconfigureability index can became the preferred supplier for component.Key words: Flexibility, Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS), Reconfigurable Manufacturing System (RMS) Reference [1] Benjaafar, S., "Machine Sharing in Cellular Manufacturing Systems," Planning, Design, and Analysis of Cellular Manufacturing Systems, A. K. Kamrani, H. R. Parasei and D. H. Liles (Editors), Elsevier Science B. V., 1995. [2] Benjaafar, S. and R. Ramakrishnan, "Modeling, Measurement, and Evaluation of Sequencing Flexibility in Manufacturing Systems," International Journal of Production Research, 34, 5, 1195-1220, 1996. [3] Benjaafar, S., A. Soewito and M. Sheikhzadeh, "Performance Evaluation and Analysis of Distributed Plant Layouts" Working Paper, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 1995. [4] Brownie, J., Dubois, D. Rathmill, K., Sethi, S. P., and Stecke, K. E., 1984,Classification of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, The FMS Magazine, April, 114-117. [5] Buzacott, J., 1982, The Fundamental Principles of Flexibility in Manufacturing Systems, Flexible Manufacturing Systems, Proceedings of 1st International Conference, Brighton, U.K., Elsevier, North Holland, Amsterdam, 13-22. Mohan Nishith,Gupta Rishi, Sharma S.K. |
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283. | Application of Mechanical Energy to Activate Pozzolanas
Application of Mechanical Energy to Activate PozzolanasAbstract: Mechanical energy has been used to improve the reactivity of burnt clay pozzolana from two clay deposits in Ghana, Mankranso and Mankessim, by subjecting the pozzolanas to various types and degrees of milling – hammer milling, ball milling and roll milling. The particle sizes and specific surface areas obtained by these types/degrees of milling were analyzed and their effect on the strength development of Portland pozzolana cement mortar cubes prepared from the pozzolana samples evaluated. Both pozzolana samples were chemically suitable with total SiO2+Al2O3+Fe2O3 content ≥ 70% as stipulated by the ASTM C 618 standard. Roll milling gave the finest pozzolana powders with characteristic particle sizes, x of 6 μm and 10 μm respectively for Mankessim and Mankranso pozzolanas. The respective Blaine indices obtained by roll milling were 1311 m2/kg and 1395 m2/kg. Both pozzolana samples showed increase in fineness with increasing duration of continuous ball milling without classification until agglomeration, evidenced by a significant increase in the characteristic particle size, started after 42 h. Compressive strengths for the Portland pozzolana cement mortar cubes prepared from the two pozzolana samples showed that both pozzolanas could be used to replace up to 40% ordinary Portland cement whilst satisfying the ASTM C 595 minimum requirement of 24.1 MPa. Mankessim pozzolana cement mortar cubes gained a 28-day compressive strength of 30.3 MPa after roll milling and 25.6 MPa after 36 h of ball milling whereas Mankranso pozzolana cement mortar gained a 28-day compressive strength of 29.6 MPa after roll milling and 27.7 MPa after 36 h of ball milling—both at 40% ordinary Portland cement replacement.. The 90-day compressive strengths showed that at 50% cement replacement, mortar cubes prepared from Mankranso and Mankessim pozzolanas gained enough strength to satisfy the ASTM C 595 and the EN 197-1 standard requirement. Hammer milling proved to be the least efficient means of activation as compressive strength values obtained at 28 days were below the ASTM C 595 minimum of 24.1 MPa at cement replacement levels above 30%.The activated pozzolanas were found suitable to replace up to 40% of OPC for most ordinary housing construction purposes not requiring high early strength class of cements.Key words: Activated pozzolana, ball milling, roll milling, hammer milling, compressive strength and setting time. Reference [1] American Society for Testing and Materials (2000) 2000 annual book of ASTM standards: mPart 13-C 204; Standard test method for fineness of Portland cement by air permeability method, p.195-201. ASTM, Philadelphia [2] American Society for Testing and Materials (2000) 2000 annual book of ASTM standards: Part 14-C 595; Specification for blended hydraulic cement, p. 337-345. ASTM, Philadelphia [3] American Society for Testing and Materials (2000) 2000 annual book of ASTM standards: Part 14-C 618; Standard specification for fly ash and raw or calcined natural pozzolana for use as a mineral admixture in Portland cement concrete, p.355-358.ASTM, Philadelphia [4] Atiemo, E. (2005) Production of pozzolana from some local clays: prospects for application in housing construction. Biennial Journal of Building and Road Research Inst., 9(1&2), 34 [5] Beke, B. (1981) The process of fine grinding, p: 9-55. MartinusNijhoff / Dr. W. Junk Publishers, Budapest Sarfo-Ansah, James, Eugene Atemo and Momade, Zsuzsanna |
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284. | An Analytical Delay Expression For Deep Sub-Micron RLC Interconnect
An Analytical Delay Expression For Deep Sub-Micron RLC InterconnectAbstract: Continuously scaling down devices is the main goal in very deep sub-micron (VDSM) technology. Though using VDSM technology we are achieving many advantages. But circuit performances are badly affected because of secondary effects like crosstalk noise. According to International Technical Roadmap for Semiconductors(ITRS) 2011 report today's DSM technology outsmarted Moore's law to work in a new industrial trend called "More than Moore" (MtM). To accomplish this, it is necessary to analyze the timing behavior of the interconnect. Various techniques have been proposed for the delay analysis of global interconnects. Those techniques are based on either simulation techniques or analytical formulae. Simulation tools such as SPICE give the most accurate result for verifying timing issues. In our model aggressor and victim lines are represented using a distributed network which is used to derive a closed form on chip analytical model for RLC global interconnects. Then the model is used to get a simplified expression for delay. Results of proposed model are then compared with the results of BSim4 120nm technology which shows very marginal error with faster simulation time.Key words: Crosstalk, Coupling, Delay, Interconnect, VLSI Reference [1] Mingcui Zhou, Wentai Liu, Mohanasankar Sivaprakasam "A Closed-form Delay Formula for On-Chip RLC Interconnects in Current-Mode Signaling" Department of Electrical Engineering, University of California at Santa Cruz, CA 95064, USA ©2005 IEEE. [2] R. Venkatesan, J. Davis, and J. Meindl, "Compact distributed RLC interconnect models ---part IV: unified models for time delay, crosstalk, and repeater insertion," IEEE trans. Electron Devices, vol.50, no. 4, April, 2003, pp.1094-1102. [3] S. Y. Kim, K. Y. Kim and S. Y. Kim, "The Algebraic Calculation of the Delay Time using the Reduction Model of RC-class Interconnect," KIEE Trans, vol 52C, no 5, pp193-200, May 2003. [4] W. C. Elmore, "The transient response of damped liner network with particular regard to wide band amplifier," J. Appl. Phys, vol.19, pp55-63, 1948. [5] C R Paul, "Partial Inductance"Mercer University, Macon, USA ©2010 IEEE. Santosh K Chhotray, Debashish Dash Mohapatra, Swapnila S Dash, Subhakanta Swain |
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285. | A Design of H-Bridge Converter for Power Conversion System
A Design of H-Bridge Converter for Power Conversion SystemAbstract: Now a day's wind turbine power outputs are 2MW and above. If transmission of high power with low voltage conversion system will suffer from a high transmission current. The transmission of high current from wind generator to grid we require larger cable size which is increases losses and cost of the cables as well as voltage drop. This paper proposes a modular, medium voltage and high- power converter topology for the large permanent magnet wind generator system, eliminating the grid-side step-up transformer. The converter modules are cascaded to achieve medium voltage output. Each converter module is fed by a pair of generator coils with 90⁰ phase shift to get the stable dc-link power. The power factor correction (PFC) circuit enables the generator to achieve unity power factor operation and the generator armature inductance is used as ac -side PFC boost inductance. At the grid-side, H-bridge inverters are connected in series to generate multilevel medium voltage output and the voltage-oriented vector control scheme is adopted to regulate the converter active and reactive power transferred to the grid. The Simulation results with a 2MW wind turbine system. The proposed system can successfully deliver power from the wind generator to the grid.Index Terms: Cascaded H-bridge converter, high- power medium voltage converter, permanent magnet generator, trans-former-less, wind power. Reference [1] C N , M Parker, and P Tavner, "A multilevel modular converter for a large light wei ht wind turbine enerator," IEEE Trans. Power Elec-tron., vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 1062–1074, May 2008. [2] H Li and Z Chen, "Desi n opti ization and evaluation of different wind generator syste s," in Proc. IEEE ICEMS'08 Conf., Oct. 2008, vol. 2, pp. 2396–2401. [3] Faulstich, J.K Stinke, and F. Wittwer, "Mediu volta e converter or per anent a net wind power enerators up to 7 MW," in Proc. EPE Conf., Sep. 2009, pp. 9–17. [4] M Sztykiel, "Overview o power converter designs feasible for high voltage transformer-less wind turbines," in Proc. IEEE ISIE 2011 Conf., Jun. 2011, pp. 1420–1425. [5] E. Spooner, P. Gordon, and C.D. French, "Li htwei ht, ironless-stator, PM generators for direct-drive wind turbines," in Proc. Int. Power Electronics, Machines and Drives Conf., Mar. 2004, vol. 1, pp. 29–33. Mr. C.Sudhakar, Mr.C.Pavan Kumar, Mr.Y.Damodharam |
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286. | Comparative Study of Automated Testing Tools: Selenium, Quick Test Professional and Testcomplete
Comparative Study of Automated Testing Tools: Selenium, Quick Test Professional and TestcompleteAbstract: Software testing provides a means to reduce errors, cut maintenance and overall software costs. Testing has become most important parameter in the case of software development lifecycle (SDLC). Testing automation tools enables developers and testers to easily automate the entire process of testing in software development. It is to examine & modify source code. Effective Testing produces high quality software. The objective of the paper is to conduct a comparative study of automated tools such as available in market in Selenium free source, HP Quick test professional (QTP) and TestComplete (TC). The aim of this research paper is to evaluate and compare three automated software testing tools to determine their usability and effectiveness. There is wide variety of software testing tools available in market. Software testing tools has major features likes: web testing, window application etc.Key words: SDLC, STLC, White box testing, Black box testing, Selenium, QTP, TC Reference [1] Ms. Shikha maheshwari1 'A Comparative Analysis of Different types of Models in Software Development Life Cycle' International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering Volume 2, Issue 5, May 2012. [2] Innovative approaches of automated tools in software testing and Innovative approaches of automated tools in software testing and current technology as compared to manual testing Global journal of enterprise of information system, an 2009-jan 2009. [3] Sneha Khoria and Pragati Upadhyay 'Performance Evaluation and Comparison of Software Testing Tools' VSRD International Journal of Computer Science Information Technology, Vol. 2 No. 10 & October 2012. [4] Software Test Automation - http ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Test automation [5] Mohd. Ehmer Khan, "Different Forms of Software Testing Techniques for Finding Errors,"IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 7, Issue 3, No 1, May 2010. Harpreet Kaur, Dr.Gagan Gupta |
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287. | Design of Trapezoidal Patch Antenna with Inverted and Non-Inverted V-Shape Slot
Design of Trapezoidal Patch Antenna with Inverted and Non-Inverted V-Shape SlotAbstract: This paper covers two aspects of microstrip antenna design. The first is the analysis of trapezoidal patch microstrip antenna with V-shaped slot which operate at the centre frequency of 5.5 GHz. The second aspects are the analysis and design of inverted V-shaped slot cut trapezoidal microstrip antenna operates at centre frequency of 4.1 GHz. The simulation has been done through IE3D simulator. The properties of antenna such as Bandwidth, S-parameter, and VSWR has been investigated and compared between a trapezoidal microstrip antenna with or without inverted V-shape slot.Key words: V-shape, Coaxial probe, WLAN, micro-strip antenna, RT duroid 5880. Reference [1] W.He, R.Jin, and J.Gerg, " E-shape patch with wideband & circular polarisation for millimetre wave communication," IEEE Trans. Antenna Propag.,vol.56,no.3,pp.893-895,2008. [2] K.L Lau, K.M. Luk, and K.L.Lee, " Design of a circularly-polarized vertical patch antenna,"IEEE Trans. Antenna Propag.,vol.54,no.3,pp.1332-1335,2006. [3] D.M Pozar & D.H Schauber, "Design of Microstrip antennas and arrays, New york: IEEE Press, 1995. [4] F.Yang,X.Zang, Y.Rahmat samii, " Wideband E-shaped patch antennas for wireless communications,"IEEE Trans. Antenna Propag.,vol.49,no.3,pp.1094-1100,2001. [5] Y.X.Guo, K.M.luk, K.F.Lee, and R.chair, "A quarter-wave U-shaped antenna with two unequal arms for wideband and dual-frequency operation," IEEE Trans. Antenna Propag., vol.50, no.3, pp.1082-1087, 2002. Radha Sharma |
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288. | An Improved Real-Time Speech Signal In Case Of Isolated Word Recognition
An Improved Real-Time Speech Signal In Case Of Isolated Word RecognitionAbstract: In modern computer systems, more attention is given to building natural interface information; directions of speech are the dialogue, which contains automatic speech recognition and synthesis. The system included many different applications, for example voice control, voice access to information resources, language training programming, incapable, accessing through voice verification/identification. Study a starting point on the speech recognition trouble used hidden Markov model, wavelets and neural network could be involved for making more precise prediction are implemented in as a library of Computer Simulation for use with digital signal processors tms320vc-5505 of Texas Instruments Brand. On this library there was created a test speaker dependent system of specific terms recognition with the small size of the dictionary.Key words: voice control, speech recognition, digital signal processing, real-time, providing API Reference [1] An Automatic Speaker Recognition System. http://www.ifp.uiuc.edu/~minhdo/teaching/speaker_recognition. [2] Siva P N ,, T. Kishore Kumar, Real Time Isolated Word Recognition using Adaptive Algorithm, 2012 International Conference on Industrial and Intelligent Information (ICIII 2012)IPCSIT vol.31 (2012) © (2012) IACSIT Press, Singapore, http://www.ipcsit.com/vol31/028-ICIII2012-30005.pdf [3] Vucutury S. Multipath routing mechanisms for traffic engineering and quality of service in the Internet // PhD. Dissertation. - University of California - 2008. - 152 p. [4] Wang Y., Wang Z. Explicit routing algorithms for Internet Traffic Engineering // Proc. of 8th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks - Paris. - 2009. - P. 582 - 588. [5] Oliver G, Carl J. Debono, Micallef P, "A Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space Approach for Speech Enhancement" ISCCSP 2008, Malta, 12-14 March 2008 Takialddin Al Smadi |
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289. | Biometric Cc Cam for Identifying a Particular Object or Person Initially
Biometric Cc Cam for Identifying a Particular Object or Person InitiallyAbstract: Biometrics is not novel to everyone. But we are eager to follow the features provided by biometrics for our security in offices and in any other security required areas. But we are not bothering about the nation security. Today the biometric cc cam is not completely available for our nation security. So we tried to propose a new concept in biometric cc cams to protect our nation. Biometric cc cam is used to trace capture all the pottages and they are stored in the database of control room. If any attacks occurred they will search for proofs at that stage. But we are proposing cc cam with an inbuilt chip which consists of the pottages of most wanted persons and it have the capability of ringing an alarm when any one of those persons whose information is pre stored with a chip. This alarm alerts whole area and also the control room. With this camera we can easily trace the terrorists and any wanted persons. These cams also have the capability of storing large amount pottages per second. If any squad want proves they will approach these cams pottages.Key words: Biometrics, Chips, Data base, Pottages. Reference 1) https://www.TED.COM// 2) https://www.Wikipedia.com 3) https://www.youtube.com 4) http://electronics.howstuffworks.com/gadgets/home/security-cameras.htm 5) http://www.cctvbay.com/how_does_cctv_work.html T. V. M. Sairam, D. Sreenivasulu |
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290. | Mechanistic-Empirical Study of Sensitivity of Truck Tire Pressure to Asphalt Pavement Thickness in Egypt
Mechanistic-Empirical Study of Sensitivity of Truck Tire Pressure to Asphalt Pavement Thickness in EgyptAbstract: Designing, improving and reducing distresses of highway network is an essential responsibility of the roads researchers. Truck tire inflation pressures have steadily increased in the recent decades. In the past, damage resulted from load application to highway pavements focused primarily on the magnitude and frequency of axle loads. In recent years, the effect of increased truck tire pressure on flexible pavements responses has become a subject of great concern. The main objective of this study is to determine which layer thickness is more sensitive to improve the performance of the flexible pavement with respect to the variation of traffic tire pressure. The performance of pavement will be mentioned by optimum tire pressure measure where fatigue and rutting lives are equal. Moreover, the pavement life will be determined as a function of the tire pressure and the most effective thickness on the performance of the pavement due to the variation of traffic tire pressure. Results demonstrate that, the base course thickness is the key element which can cause a marked decrease in the optimum tire pressure. Moreover, the optimum tire pressure should not exceed 0.80 N/mm2 with 375.0 mm optimum base thicknesses.Key words: Flexible Pavement, KENLAYER , Pavement Life, Pavement Strains, Tire Pressure Reference [1] El-Hamrawy, S. "Effect of Wheel Load, Tire Pressure and Subgrade Stiffness on Flexible Pavements Responses", Al-Azhar Engineering 6th International Conference, 489-502, 2000. [2] M.E. Abdel-Motaleb, "Impact of High-Pressure Truck Tires on Pavement Design In Egypt", Emirates Journal for Engineering Research, 12 (2), 65-73, 2007. [3] Fernando, E.G., Musani, D., Park, D. and Liu, W. "Evaluation of Effects of Tire Size and Inflation Pressure on Tire Contact Stresses and Pavement Response" , Texas Transportation Institute; Texas Department of Transportation; 2006. [4] Timm, D., Birgisson, B., & Newcomb, D. "Development of Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design in Minnesota", Transportation Research Record 1629, Transportation Research Board, pp. 181-188. 1998. [5] Wang, F. and Machemehl, R.B. "Mechanistic-Empirical Study of Effects of Truck Tire Pressure on Pavement Using Measured Tire-Pavement Contact Stress Data", Accepted to the 85th TRB Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, January, 2006. Ahmed Ebrahim Abu El-Maaty Behiry, Ahmed Yousry Beltagy |
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291. | A Simple Predictive Pwm Voltage Controlled Technique for Implementation of Single Phase Inverter with Precesion Rectifier
A Simple Predictive Pwm Voltage Controlled Technique for Implementation of Single Phase Inverter with Precesion RectifierAbstract: A single-phase PWM inverter is presented to alleviate harmonic components of the output voltage and the load current. To keep the output voltage being sinusoidal and to have the high dynamic performances even in the cases of load variations and the partial magnetization in filter inductor, the modified digital predictive controller is designed and implemented on a prototype. The validity of the proposed inverter is verified through experiment. Additionally, low-ripple sinusoidal-current waveforms are generated with almost unity power factor. To assess the proposed inverter, it is compared with the conventional single-phase PWM inverter under the conditions of identical supply dc voltage and switching frequency.Key words: PWM inverter, predictive control, single phase, load current, output voltage, harmonics Reference [1] D. M. Brod and D. W. Novotny, "Current control of VSI-PWM inverters", IEEE Trans Ind. Appl., vol. IA-2, no. 4, p. 562–570, Jul./Aug. 1985. [2] A. B. Plunkett, "A current controlled PWM transistor inverted drive", inProc. IEEE IAS Annu. Meeting, 1979, p. 785–792. [3] B. K. Bose,"An adaptive hysteresis–Band current control technique of a voltage-fed PWM inverter for machine drive system,"IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 37, no. 5, p. 402–408, Oct. 1990. [4] Q. Yao and D. G. Holmes,"A simple novel method for variable—Hys-teresis-band current control of a three phase inverter with constant switching frequency,"in Proc. IEEE Ind. Appl. Meeting, Oct. 1993, p. 1122–1129. [5] C. T. Pan, Y. S. Huang, and T. L. Jong, "A constantly sampled current controller with switch status dependent inner bound", IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 50, no. 3, p. 528–535, Jun. 2003. Rahul Ganpat Mapari, Dr. D.G. Wakde |
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292. | VAR Management to Improve Maximum Loading In IEEE 30 Bus System Using FACTS Controllers
VAR Management to Improve Maximum Loading In IEEE 30 Bus System Using FACTS ControllersAbstract: The maximum loading of the transmission lines depends upon various limits. These are related to the environmental conditions, length of the line and various stability related issues. The VAR plays important role in maximising the power transfer through a transmission line. The FACTS Controllers have a major part to play in the VAR Management, in order to increase the maximum loading capability. This gives an additional benefit of enhancing the voltage stability margin of the entire system as well. In this paper this aspect of VAR Management, is investigated for an IEEE 30 Bus Test System incorporating various FACTS Controllers like TCSC, STATCOM and SVC.Key words: VAR, Loadability, Voltage Stability, FACTS, SVC, STATCOM Reference [1] F. D. Galina, " Load flow feasibility and the voltage collapse problem", Proceedings of IEEE conference on Decision and control, Dec. 1984. [2] V. Ajjarapu and Colin Christy, "The Continuation Power Flow: A Tool For Steady State Voltage Stability Analysis." IEEE transactions on power system, Vol. 7, No.1, Feb. 1992. [3] N.G. Hingorani, LGyugyi, "Understanding FACTS, Concepts and Technology of Flexible AC Transmission system.", IEEE Press 2000. [4] O.O. Obadina, G.J.Berg, "Identifying electrically weak and strong segments of a power system from a voltage stability viewpoint" IEE proceedings, Vol. 137, Pt. C, No. 3, MAY I990. [5] A. Edris, "FACTS Technology Development : An Update." IEEE power engineering review, Mar 2000. Dilip Sahasrabudhe, Pawan Pandey |
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293. | Real Time Eye Blinking Detection and Tracking Using Opencv
Real Time Eye Blinking Detection and Tracking Using OpencvAbstract: Robust and accurate algorithm in real time eye tracking system has been a fundamental and challenging problem for computer vision. This paper proposed a new method to estimate eye-position and direction based on initial centroid analysis technique. The proposed method was validated by tracking eye position within high and low occlusion condition. In this paper, we represent a methodology for detection of eye blinking robustly in real time environment. Here we use the connected component technique and centroid method to track and blinking of eyes on OpenCV platform which is open source and developed by IntelKey words: OpenCv, blink detection, connected component, Eye tracking, DR, FAR, Success Rate Reference [1] Patrick K. Sullivan et al, "Systems and methods for intelligent medical vigilance with alert cause indication", U.S. Patent Publication number: US 2010/0052917 A1, Pub Date 4 march 2010. [2] Mu Li, Jia-Wei Fu and Bao-Liang Lu, "Estimating Vigilance in Driving Simulation using Probabilistic PCA", 30th Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, August 20-24, 2008 Electric Engineering and Computer August 19-22, 2011, Jilin, China [3] Weirwille,W.W. (1994), "Overview of Research on Driver Drowsiness Definition and Driver Drowsiness Detection," 14th International Technical Conference on Enhanced Safety ofVehicles, pp 23-26. [4] B. F. Momin and Parag P. Abhyankar "Current Status and Future Research Directions in Monitoring Vigilance of Individual or Mass Audience in Monotonous Working Environment" International Journal on Soft Computing (IJSC) Vol.3, No.2, May 2012 [5] QiangJi, PeilinLan, Carl Looney "A Probabilistic Framework for Modeling and Real-Time Monitoring Human Fatigue", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics—part A: Systems and Humans, vol. 36, no. 5, September 2006 Dhaval Pimplaskar, Dr. M.S. Nagmode, Atul Borkar |
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294. | Designing of Embedded Web Server Based on Energy Meter
Designing of Embedded Web Server Based on Energy MeterAbstract: The embedded web server is a combination of hardware and application software. Now a day's these embedded web servers are widely used in industries for hazardous area data monitoring and controlling applications, like temperature, pressure, field device data can monitor and access remotely through wired or wireless communications. The wired embedded web server data accessed through Ethernet. In the big industries so many equipments are present, those all equipments monitoring directly is not possible, why because that places man not entered places are there like nuclear power plants turbines that type industries very useful web server. We can monitor directly viewing the real time data on web pages of the industries devices, in this web server access through Ethernet by IP address of devices. The web server is design in energy meter, that energy meter real time data can monitor by remotely, in energy meter ARM based microcontroller is used and real time operating system are used. The operating system accurately uses the resources and it is more reliable. The main aim of the energy meter is to measure how much power is consumed and its parameters in industrial or home based applications, its data can monitor remotely through the embedded web server.Key words: ARM Processor, Embedded Web Server; RTOS, Ethernet. Reference [1] S.A.N.Sandeep , P.Malyadri -Embedded Web Server Based on DAC System Using ARM, in International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications,vol.2,no.4,July-August 2012, pp. [2] Dr.M.kamaraju , D.Gopinath, -Development of Embedded web server Based on DAC System using ARM for Industrial Applications, in International Journal of computer & technology,vol 10,no 4,2013. [3] Soumya Sunny P. Roopa.M -Data Acquisition and Control System Using Embedded Web Server, in International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology- Volume3Issue3- 2012 [4] Deepa.chekka and Ravi kanth – Design and development of embedded web server based on Arm9 and Linux, in World journal of Science and Technology2012, 2910094-97 [5] Q. Zhou, W. Wu, and Y. Ma, ―The embedded data acquisition system for Mossbauer spectrum, in Proc. Third Real-Time Linux Workshop Embedded Linux Expo Conf. Real-Time Embedded Comput. Conf., Milan, Italy, Nov. 2001, pp. 26–29. P. Balakrishna, B.Vamsikrishna |
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295. | Effect of Hot End Obstruction and Nozzle on the Performance of
Vortex Tube
Effect of Hot End Obstruction and Nozzle on the Performance of Vortex TubeAbstract: The vortex tube is a very simple device injected with pressurized air through tangential nozzle which splits in to two streams of low pressure air, one warmer leaves near the periphery at plug end known as free vortex and one colder leaves via an orifice at the opposite end known as forced vortex. The entry and exit of tube are key parameters affecting the performance of vortex tube. The nozzle at entry effects the formation of free vortex flow inside the tube and end region of hot pipe effects the converging of air and controls the forced vortex flow pattern. Providing an obstruction at the end of hot pipe boosts up the desired flow and enhances the energy separation. In the present work an attempt is made to revise the effect of inlet pressure, cold fraction, end obstruction of hot pipe end and also the nozzle on the performance of vortex tube. A series of tubes with different level of obstruction and different nozzle inlet diameters were tested. The results indicate that temperature drop increases with increase of nozzle diameter up to 5mm and no significant improvement is observed beyond it and temperature drop is effective at moderate end obstruction area.Key words: Vortex flow, End obstruction, cold fraction, Temperature separation. Reference [1] Ranque G J , Experiences on expansion in a vortex with simultaneous exhaust of hot air and cold air, J. Physics Radium, 7 (1933),4, pp. 112-114. [2] Hilsch R, the use of expansion of gases in centrifugal field as a cooling process, Z Naturforschung, 1(1946),pp. 208-214. [3] M Arjomandi, Y Xue, An investigation of the effect of hot end plugs on efficiency of the vortex tube, journal of Engg science and technology, vol 2, No 3, 2007, 211-217. [4] Takahama H, Yokosawa H, Energy separation in vortex tube with divergent chamber, Transactions of ASME, journal ofheat transfer, 103, may 1981, pp. 196-203. [5] Thomson W J,Soni Y, Optimal design of Ranque Hilsch tube, Transactions of ASME, journal of heat transfer, 94(2), may 1975, pp. 316-317. G. Maruthi Prasad Yadav, K. Naga Lakshmi, Dr. P. Mallikarjuna Reddy, Dr.B.Uma Maheswar Gowd |
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296. | Embedded Smart Video Surveillance Using Histogram
Embedded Smart Video Surveillance Using HistogramAbstract: Video surveillance has long been in use to either monitor security sensitive areas or to know the statistic details for business purposes. Typical application includes banks, shopping complexes, Railway stations, crowded public places and borders. The advancement in computing power, availability of large-capacity storage devices and high speed network infrastructure paved the way for cheaper, multi sensor video surveillance systems. Traditionally, the video outputs are processed online by security officials and usually saved to tapes for later use only after a forensic event. However, assisting the human operators with identification of important events in video by the use of "smart" video surveillance systems has become a critical requirement. The making of video surveillance systems "smart" requires fast, reliable and robust algorithms. This mandates for this smart feature to run on camera itself; embedded software using spare processing capacity in Camera's Digital signal processor (DSP). In this article we propose a novel algorithm which is small in footprint and quick in identifying the activity using Event Trigger and process the image using histogram which can be embedded in DSP system.Key words: Digital Signal Processor, Event Trigger, Histogram, Smart Surveillance, Video Surveillance Reference [1] Chipwrights, "Programmable Visual Signal Processors", www.chipwrights.com [2] W.E.L. Grimson, L. Lee, R. Romano, and C. Stauffer. Using adaptive tracking to classify and monitor activities in a site. In CVPR98, pages 22–31, 1998. [3] Haritaoglu, D. Harwood, and L.S. Davis. W4S: A real-time system for detecting and tracking people in 2 1/2-d. In ECCV98, 1998 [4] Richard J.radke*, srinivas Andre, Omar al-kofahi, and badrinath roysam,"image change detection algorithms:A systematic survey" rensselaer polytechnic institute,USA.august 19,2004 [5] S.S. Intille, J.W. Davis, and A.F. Bobick. Real time closed world tracking. In CVPR97, pages 697–703, 1997. Medari Srikanth, M.Kattaswamy, B.Brahma Reddy, Balachandran G |
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297. | A Comparison of Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Three-Phase Cascaded Multilevel Inverter Using Flexible Control Technique for DTC Induction Motor Drives
A Comparison of Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Three-Phase Cascaded Multilevel Inverter Using Flexible Control Technique for DTC Induction Motor Drives<Abstract: There are problems in the limitations of conventional inverters, especially in high-voltage and high-power applications. Recently multilevel inverters are becoming increasingly popular for high-power applications due to their improved harmonic profile and increased power ratings. Several studies have been reported on multilevel inverters topologies, control techniques, and applications. However, there are few studies that actually discuss or evaluate the performance of induction motor drives associated with three-phase multilevel inverter. This paper presents a comparison study of symmetrical and asymmetrical for a cascaded H-bridge multilevel using flexible control technique and also direct torque control (DTC) for induction motor drive. In this case, symmetrical and asymmetrical arrangements of five-level, seven-level, nine-level and eleven H-bridge inverters are compared using flexible control technique vector space in order to find an optimum arrangement with lower switching losses and optimized output voltage quality. So, as to decrease the THD value (total harmonic distortion) the number of levels is increased. The experiments show that an asymmetrical configuration provides nearly sinusoidal voltages with very low distortion, using less switching devices. Moreover, torque ripples are greatly reduced by increasing number of levels we can bring step waveform to nearly sinusoidal waveform by decreasing the THD value. Thus ripples are reduced and efficiency is increased.Index Terms: THD (Total harmonic distortion), Direct torque control (DTC), multilevel inverters, induction motor. Reference [1] M. F. Escalante, J. C. Vannier, and A. Arzande, "Flying capacitor multilevel inverters and DTC motor drive applications," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. vol. 49, no. 4, pp. 805-815, Aug. 2002. [2] T. Ishida, K. Matsuse, T. Miyamoto, K. Sasagawa, andL. Huang, "Funda mental characteristics of five-level double converters with adjustable DC voltages for induction motor drives," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 49, no. 4, pp. 775-782, Aug. 2002. [3] D. Casadei, F. Profumo, G. Serra, and A. Tani, "FOC and DTC:Twoviable schemes for induction motors torque control," IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 17,no. 5, pp. 779-787, Sep. 2002 [4] G. S. Buja and M. P. Kazmierkowski, "Direct torque control of PWM inverter-fed AC motors—A survey," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 51, no. 4, pp. 744-757, Aug.2004. [5] M. Veenstra and A. Rufer, "Control of a hybrid asymmetric multilevel inverter for competitive medium-voltage industrial drives," IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 41, no. 2, pp. 655-664, Mar./Apr. 2005. V. Chandana, S. Suriya |
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298. | Improvement of DVR Performance Using Fast and Effective Control Scheme under Various Loads
Improvement of DVR Performance Using Fast and Effective Control Scheme under Various LoadsAbstract: The dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) has become popular as a cost effective and efficient solution for the protection of sensitive loads from voltage sags. This paper reports a novel control scheme for DVR to achieve fast response and effective sag compensation capabilities. The DVR, which is placed in series with sensitive load, must be able to respond quickly to voltage sag if end user's of sensitive equipment are to experience no voltage fluctuations. But the proposed control scheme is controls the magnitude and phase angle of the injected voltage for each phase separately. Fast least error squares digital filters are used to estimate the magnitude and phase of the measured voltages. The utilized least error squares estimated filters considerably reduce the effects of noise, harmonics and disturbances on the estimated phasor parameters. This enables the DVR to detect and compensate voltage sags accurately, under linear and non linear load conditions. The proposed control system does not need any phase locked loops. It also effectively limits the magnitude of the modulating signals to prevent over-modulation. Both sides, separately controlling the injected voltage in phase enable the DVR to restore load voltage in short time interval (5ms) with zero steady state. Results of the simulation studies in the MATLAB/SIMULINK software environment indicate that the proposed control scheme performs satisfactorily under linear, non linear loads and BLDC motor drive.Key words: BLDC motor, DVR, Least error square digital filters, voltage sag. Reference [1] D. M. Vilathgamuwa, H. M. Wijekoon, and S. S. Choi, "A novel technique to compensate voltage sags in multiline distribution system—the interline dynamic voltage restorer," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 53, no. 5, pp. 1603–1611, Oct. 2006. [2] H. Awad, J. Svensson, and M. Bollen, "Mitigation of unbalanced voltage dips using static series compensator," IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 837–846, May 2004. [3] N. G. Hingorani, "Introducing custom power," IEEE Spectr., vol. 32, no. 6, pp. 41–48, Jun. 1995. [4] Y. W. Li, D. M. Vilathgamuwa, P. C. Loh, and F. Blaabjerg, "A dualfunctional medium voltage level DVR to limit downstream fault currents," IEEE Trans. Power. Electron., vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 1330–1340, Jul. 2007. [5] M. Radmehr, S. Farhangi, and A. Nasiri, "The power of paper-effects of power quality distortions on electrical drives and transformer life in paper industries," IEEE Ind. Appl. Mag., vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 38–48, Sep./Oct. 2007. P. Harichandana, Madhavi Sunkara |
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299. | Chromatic Dispersion Mitigation in Single Carrier High Speed Coherent Optical Communication Using Digital Signal Processing Techniques
Chromatic Dispersion Mitigation in Single Carrier High Speed Coherent Optical Communication Using Digital Signal Processing TechniquesAbstract: Optical fiber networks have been emerged to be the backbone of global communication infrastructure in present world. But, they are currently experiencing an unprecedented level of stress in order to meet the demand of increasing bandwidth-hungry applications. Moreover signals are frequently subjected to distortion due to optical fiber impairments while being propagating through a fiber optic cable. This paper demonstrates digital signal processing (DSP) based chromatic dispersion (CD) estimation and mitigation technique for single carrier high speed coherent optical communications. Coherent detection permits the optical field parameters (amplitude, phase and polarization) to be available in the electrical domain enabling new opportunity for multi-level signaling (M-ary PSK and M-ary QAM modulation). That is why Coherent detection employing QAM modulation formats have become one of the most promising technologies for next generation high speed transmission systems due to the high power and spectral efficiencies. In recent days, the realizations of DSP algorithms for estimating and mitigating the chromatic dispersion in the coherent transmission systems are the most attractive investigations. In this paper, CD estimation technique has been improved using DSP algorithm and optimal OSNR, BER have been achieved.Key words: chromatic dispersion (CD), coherent detection, digital signal processing (DSP), PSK, QAM. Reference [1] Chongjin Xie, Chromatic dispersion estimation for single-carrier coherent optical communication, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 25(10), 2013, 992-995. [2] F. N. Hauske, M. Kuschnerov, B. Spinnler, and B. Lankl, Optical performance monitoring in digital coherent receivers, J. Lightw. Technol., 27(16), 2009, 3623–3631. [3] R. A. Soriano, F. N. Hauske, N. G. Gonzalez, Z. Zhang, Y. Ye, and I. T. Monroy, Chromatic dispersion estimation in digital coherent receivers, J. Lightw. Technol., 29(11), 2011, 1627–1637. [4] E. Ibragimov, G. Zarris, S. Khatana, and L. Dardis, Blind chromatic dispersion estimation using a spectrum of a modulus squared of the transmitted signal, In Proc. of Eur. Conf. Exhibit. Opt. Commun., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2012, 1–3. [5] X. Zhou and J. Yu., Advanced coherent modulation formats and algorithms: higher-order multi-level coding for high-capacity system based on 100gbps channel, In Proc. of 2010 OFC/NFOEC Conference on Optical Fiber Communication(OFC), Collocated National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference, 2010, 1-3. Md. Monjurul Islam, Md. Siam Uddin, Md. Amir Hamja, Md. Shahid Iqbal, Jakia Sultana |
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300. | Efficient SINR Computation Using LMMSE Approach in MIMOOFDM
Efficient SINR Computation Using LMMSE Approach in MIMOOFDM SystemAbstract: In this paper, we design a communication system with transmitted symbols under flat fading channel and estimate the channel by Least Square (LS) approach and Linear Minimum mean Square Error (LMMSE) approach for channel coefficients. We analyze the link-to-system interface for MIMO-OFDM system level simulations and propose an efficient method for calculation of the effective SINR. The accuracy of the proposed effective SINR is evaluated by simulated BLER performance comparison. In this paper, Efficient SINR computation using LMMSE approach, reduction in the BLER is obtained with reduced computational complexity.Key words: BLER, LMMSE, LS, MIMO-OFDM, SINR. Reference [1] H.malainen, P. Slanina, M. Hartman, A. Lappetelainen, H. Holma and O. Salonaho, "A Novel Interface Between Link and System Level Simulations," Proc. of ACTS Mobile Communications Summit '97, vol 2. October 1997, Aalborg, Denmark, 599-604. [2] X.G.Doukopoulos and G.V.Moustakides, "Blind adaptive channel estimation in OFDM systems," IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 5, no. 7, July 2006, 1716-1725. [3] M. Moisio, A. Oborina, "Comparison of effective SINR mapping with traditional AVI approach for modeling packet error rate in multi–state channel", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Next Generation Teletraffic and Wired/Wireless Advanced Networking, volume 4003/2006, pp. 461-473. [4] 3GPP, "Physical Layer Aspects for Evolved UTRA," 3G Partnership Project, Tech. Rep. TR 25.814 TSG RAN, Sep. 2006, rel. 7. [5] ETSI, "Universal Mobile Telecommunicat-ions System (UMTS) - Selection Procedures for the Choice of Radio Transmission Technologies of the UMTS," European Telecommunications Standards Institute, Tech. Rep. TR 101 112, Apr. 1998, v3.2.0. P. Anvesh, V. Sudha Rani |
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301. | A Personalized User Concept Model For Web Information Gathering
A Personalized User Concept Model For Web Information GatheringAbstract: Nowadays It has become very easy to access information from internet via World Wide Web. If we want any information through search engine they do not deliver the relevant information because they are programmed as one size fits all. Ironically the very vast size of this collection has become an obstacle for information retrieval. It is very logical and reasoning to personalize the retrieval system specific to the preference of a user. However,when representing user profiles,many models have utilized only knowledge from either global knowledge base or a user local information This paper work contribute in improving the accuracy of information gather to personalize the user profile by combining the knowledge base and user local instance repository with 2D ontology mining method is introduced: Specificity and Exhaustivity. This concept model cannot be proven in laboratories; many web ontologists have observed it in a user behavior the results show that this ontology model is successful.Key words: Local instance repository, Ontological user profiles, Personalization, Semantic relations, User context Reference [1] Xiaohui Tao, Yuefeng Li, and N. Zhong, ―A Personalised Ontology Model for Web Information Gathtering, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING, VOL. 23, NO. 4, APRIL 2011. [2] S. Gauch, J. Chaffee, and A. Pretschner, ―Ontology-Based Personalized Search and Browsing, Web Intelligence and Agent Systems, vol. 1, nos. 3/4, pp. 219-234, 2003. [3] R R.Navigli, P.Velardi, and A.Gangemi, ―Ontology Learning and Its Application to Automated Terminology Translation, IEEE Intelligent Systems, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 22-31, Jan./Feb. 2003. [4] D. Quest and H. Ali, ―Ontology Specific Data Mining Based on Dy-namic Grammars, Proc. IEEE Computational Systems Bioinformatics Conf. (CSB '04), pp. 495- 496, 2004. [5] Trajkova and S. Gauch, ―Improving Ontology-Based User Profiles, Proc. Conf. Recherche d'Information Assistee par Ordinateur (RIAO '04), pp. 380-389, and 2004. S.Swapna, Mohd.Ahmed.Ali |
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302. | Fpga Based Moving Object Detection Algorithm Implementation for Traffic Surveillance
Fpga Based Moving Object Detection Algorithm Implementation for Traffic SurveillanceAbstract: The main objective of this paper is detection of vehicles by background subtraction technique and the automatic surveillance of traffic based on the number of vehicles. The algorithm takes into consideration three main techniques namely Background Subtraction, Edge Detection and Shadow Detection. Background Subtraction block is sub-divided into Selective and Non-selective parts to improve the sensitivity and give accurate background. Edge detection helps to detect the exact boundaries of moving vehicles. This is followed by the shadow detection block that removes the falsely detected pixels that are generated due to shadow of the vehicle. By analyzing the output of the blocks discussed above, the final mask is generated. The mask along with the input frame is processed to give the final output frame where the detected object is highlighted. Furthermore, parameters such as number of blobs per frame (vehicles) and the area of blobs can be used for traffic surveillance. The algorithm of object detection is implemented on FPGA using VHDL. Spartan-6 Development Board is used for implementation of the same.Key words: FPGA, Image Processing, SPARTAN6, Traffic surveillance, VHDL. Reference [1]. Sen-Ching S. Cheung and Chandrika Kamath, "Robust Background Subtraction With Foreground Validation For Urban Traffic Video" in Proc. SPIE Video Communication and Image Processing, 2004,pp.881-892. [2]. Marek Wójcikowski, Robert Zaglewski, "FPGA-Based Real-Time Implementation of Detection Algorithm for Automatic Traffic Surveillance Sensor Network". [3]. A. Franois, G. Medioni, "Adaptive Color Background Modeling for Real-Time Segmentation of Video Streams", in Proc. of Int. Conf. Imaging Science, Systems and Technology, Las Vegas, NV, 1999, pp. 227-232. [4]. F. Porikli, Y. Ivanov, T. Haga, "Robust abandoned object detection using dual foregrounds", EURASIP J. Adv. Signal Process,Jan.2008. [5]. D. Duque, H. Santos, P. Cortez, "Moving Object Detection Unaffected by Cast Shadows,Highlights and Ghosts", in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Image Processing, 2005, pp. 413-416. Mayur Salve, Mahesh Rajput, Sanket Shingate |
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303. | Analysis of Changes in Turbidity in the Surface Water Treatment Technological Process
Analysis of Changes in Turbidity in the Surface Water Treatment Technological ProcessAbstract: Increasingly wider application of artificial neural networks (ANN) in researches and analyses of unit and technological processes related to the water treatment was a reason of creating ANN model for predicting of treated water turbidity in newly operating water treatment technological system for surface and retention water in "Sosnówka" water reservoir. For modeling of water turbidity during water treatment process for the selected technological system the following programme was applied Flexible Bayesian Models on Neural Networks (FBM). There was a model created which allows to forecast turbidity of water pretreated through a specific technological system and the basis of which are information coming out from monitoring of physicochemical parameters of water drawn from the reservoir as well as from monitoring process parameters of water treatment systemabstract should summarize the content of the paper.Key words: water treatment, water turbidity, technological system, artificial neural network Reference [1] Pawełek J. Turbidity of water in rivers and mountain torrents in the aspect of water treatment for water mains purposes). Environmental Protection 4(51), pp. 69-73, 1993. [2] Adamski W., Majewska-Nowak K. Application of multifunction reactors for water purification. Environmental Protection, vol. 32, nr 1, pp. 3–8, 2010. [3] Kabsch-Korbutowicz M., Kutyłowska M. Application of artificial neural networks for predicting of water turbidity changes in coagulation/ultrafiltration process. Environmental Protection, vol. 32, nr 2, pp. 15-20, 2010. [4] Tadeusiewicz R. Neural networks. Academic Publisihng House RM, Warsaw, 1993. [5] Cieżak W., Siwoń Z., Cieżak J. Application of for predicting of time series of short-lived water intake in selected water mains. Environmental Protection, vol. 28, no 1, pp. 39–44, 2006. Adam Rak |
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304. | Products of Sport Engineering – Systematic Approach
Products of Sport Engineering – Systematic ApproachAbstract: There are thousands of different kinds of sports. Every sport with a distinct aim and form requires its own technical support. In modern sport activities, both recreational and professional, for healthy and for disabled sportspersons, there are many activities based on using products of engineering. Those products are used by competitors, coaches, referees, servicepersons, organizers, journalists, sport scientists and other personnel. The groups of engineering products that have been developed over many years and are used today within many sports are those: 1) concerning the body – coatings, garments, accessories, genetics; 2) movable – equipment, vehicles, requisites, tools; 3) immovable – appliances, stands, rooms, buildings; 4) concerning information technology – hardware, software, communication, journalism; 5) miscellaneous – security, setting, trophies, gadgets and others.Key words: sport engineering products, human body, movable, immovable, IT Reference [1] W. Liponski, World sport encyclopedia (Poznań: Atena Publishers, 2003). [2] E.F. Kreighbaum, M.A. Smith (Eds.) Sports and Fitness Equipment Design (Champaign, Ill.: Human Kinetics, 1996). [3] L. Pawlowski Encyclopaedic dictionary of sport equipment (in Polish) (Warsaw: Polish Normalization Committee, 1960) – according to: [5]. [4] L. Pawlowski Sport equipment (in Polish) (Warsaw: Omnipress, 1960) – according to: [5]. [5] L. Pawlowski, Sport, in: A.T. Troskolanski (Ed.) Small encyclopaedia of technology (in Polish) (Warsaw: State Scientific Publisher, 1973) 1490-1513. Wlodzimierz S. Erdmann |
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305. | CFPRS: Collaborative Filtering Privacy Recommender System for Online Social Networks
CFPRS: Collaborative Filtering Privacy Recommender System for Online Social NetworksAbstract: Social-networking sites (SNSs) are known to be among the most prevalent methods of online communication. Owing to their increasing popularity, online privacy has become a critical issue for these sites. The tools presently being utilized for privacy settings are too ambiguous for ordinary users to understand and the specified policies are too complicated. In this paper, a collaborative filtering privacy recommender system is proposed. The implementation of the system was initiated by examining the users' attitudes toward privacy; whereby the most significant factors impacting users' attitudes towards privacy were determined to be location, religion and gender. The next step involved the classification of the users into various groups on the basis of the above factors. The paper presents a method of integrating the identified factors into the collaborative filtering algorithm to improve the filtering process. The evaluation of results reflects the accuracy of recommendations and proves that the use of the clustering model assisted the CF recommender in its creation of appropriate recommendations for each user.Key words: Social Networks, Privacy, Collaborative Filtering, Recommender Systems, Privacy Factors. Reference [1] A. Acquisti, and R. Gross, "Imagined Communities: Awareness, Information Sharing, and Privacy on the Facebook", Privacy Enhancing Technologies, Volume 4258, 2006, pp. 36-58. [2] A. Ho., A. Maiga, and E. Aïmeur, "Privacy Protection Issues in Social Networking Sites", in 7th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA-09), 2009, pp. 271-278. [3] M. Soryani and B. Minaei, "Social Networks Research Aspects: A Vast and Fast Survey Focused on the Issue of Privacy in Social Network Sites", International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 8, Issue 6, No 3, November 2011, pp. 363-373. [4] T. Govani, and H. Pashley, "Student Awareness of the Privacy Implications when Using Facebook", 2005. [5] J. Bonneau, J. Anderson, and L. Church, "Privacy suites: Shared Privacy for Social Networks", in international conf. proc. of the 5th Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security, ACM, 2009, pp. 1-2. Bisan A. Alsalibi, Nasriah Zakaria |
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306. | Performance of Optical Encoder and Optical Multiplexer Using Mach-Zehnder Switching
Performance of Optical Encoder and Optical Multiplexer Using Mach-Zehnder SwitchingAbstract: It is an established fact that the bit rate of optical networks is slowed down by the optical to electrical to optical (OEO) conversion, here a simple all optic logic device is composed by the use of a Semiconductor Optical Amplifier and an optical coupler, this configuration is known as a Mach-Zehnder Interferometer. This device is used for generating an optical multiplexer as well as an optical encoder. The simulation of encoder and multiplexer is done at a rate of 10 Gb/s.Reference [1] N. S. Patel, K. A. Rauschenbach, K. L. Hall, 40 Gbps demultiplexing using an Ultrafast Nonlinear Interferometer, Interferometer(UNI), IEEE Photon Techno. Lett. 8(1996)1695-1697. [2] Nakamura K. Tajima, Y. Sugimoto, Experimen- tal investigation on the high speed switching characteristics of a novel symmetric Mach-Zehnder all optical switch, Appl. Phys. Lett. 65(1994)283-285. [3] H. Le-Minh, Z. Ghassemlooy, W. Ngah, Toad switch with symmetric switching window, LCS- 2004, UK, 2004, pp. 89-93. [4] R. Ngah, Z. Ghassemlooy, Noise and crosstalk of the SMZ switches, International Symposium on Communication systems, Networks and Digital Signal processing (CSNDSP 2004), University of Newcastle, UK, July 2004, pp. 437-442. [5] C. Schubert, J. Berger, S. Diez, H. G. Weber, R. Ludwig, U. Fieste, C. Schmidt, H. J. Ehrke, Comparison of interferometric all optical switches for demultiplexing applications in high speed OTDM systems, IEEE J.Lightwave Technol. 20(4) (2002) 618-624 Abhishek Raj, A.K. Jaiswal, Mukesh Kumar, Rohini Saxena, Neelesh Agrawal |
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307. | A Novel Algorithm To Detect Changes In Surveillance Video
A Novel Algorithm To Detect Changes In Surveillance VideoAbstract: Tracking changes in an acquired surveillance video is essentially impractical task for the human due to the complexity of the monitoring process, specifically for a long-time period. Finding changes in a sequence of images captured by surveillance video system is a complicated task for the human and it is complicated by fitting it to a classification model. Given a sequence of images, we are concerned with automatically detecting the occurrence of changes in the given sequence of images. In this paper, the problem of detecting changes in digital images captured by surveillance video system is explored. A novel algorithm, involving correlation coefficients and eigenstructure-based Mosaab distance measure, is suggested. The proposed algorithm is a mobile-based application, that can be used to process pixel-based data (i.e., sequence of images) at camera locations and send only real-time numeric results to client's mobile device(s) . Therefore, the aim of proposed algorithm is to analyize and eliminate the amount of pixel-based data to be sent via the network. Consequently, the received real time numeric results can be visualized using an application software installed in client's mobile device. The main function of the mobile-based application software is to illustrate the received results as a real-time graph. The proposed algorithm shows effectiveness in eliminating the flow of raw pixel-based data in the network.Key words: Mosaab-distance measure, correlation coefficient, surveillance video system. Reference [1] Daoud and Kremer 2006. Daoud, M. and S.C. Kremer. Neural and statistical classification to families of bio-sequences. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2006 (IJCNN '06), pp: 699-704, 2006.http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/IJCNN.2006.246752 [2] Daoud and Kremer 2009. Daoud, M. and S.C. Kremer. A new distance distribution paradigm to detect the variability of the influenza-A virus in high dimensional spaces, Applications of Machine Learning in Bioinformatics Workshop, IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics & Biomedicine (IEEE BIBM 09), November 1-4, 2009, Washington D.C. [3] Daoud, 2010. Daoud, M.. A new variance-covariance structure-based statistical pattern recognition system for solving the sequence-set proximity problem under the homology-free assumption. PhD thesis, 2010, ISBN: 9780494678268. [4] Jain, 2000. Jain, Duin and Mao Anil K. Jain, Robert P. W. Duin and Jianchang Mao. Statistical pattern recognition: A review. IEEE Transactions Pattern Analysis Machine Intell., 22: 4-37, 2000. http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/34.824819 Haitham Kareem Ali, Yasir Khalil Ibrahim |
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308. | Designing and Analysis of Roll Cage of an ATV
Designing and Analysis of Roll Cage of an ATVAbstract: Automotive chassis is an important part of an automobile. The chassis serves as a frame work for supporting the body and different parts of the automobile. Also, it should be rigid enough to withstand the shock, twist, vibration and other stresses. Along with strength, an important consideration in chassis design is to have adequate bending stiffness for better handling characteristics. So, strength and stiffness are two important criteria for the design of the chassis. This report is the work performed towards the static structural analysis of the All-Terrain Vehicle chassis. Structural systems like the chassis can be easily analyzed using the finite element techniques. So a proper finite element model of the chassis is to be developed. The chassis is modeled in Solid Works. FEA is done on the modeled chassis using the Solid Works SimulationKey words: FEA, Tubular frame, Stress analysis, Finite element method, All Terrain Vehicle chassis, structural analysis Reference [1] 2010 Formula SAE rules, SAE India. [2] Sujatha C & V Ramamurti, Bus Vibration Study- Experimental Response to Road Undulation, Int. J. Vehicle Design, Vol. 11, no. 4/5, pp 390-400, 1990. [3] Thomas D Gillespie, Fundamentals of Vehicle Dynamics, SAE 1999. [4] J Reimpell & H Stoll, The Automotive Chassis: Engineering Principles, SAE-2000. [5] John Fenton, Handbook of Automotive Body Systems Design, Professional Engineering Publishing-1998. Amal Tom Kumbiluvelil and Abu Thomas Cherian |
1871-1873 | ![]() |
309. | Secure Scheme For User Authentication And Authorization In Android Environment
Secure Scheme For User Authentication And Authorization In Android EnvironmentAbstract: Providing ultimate security in sensitive transaction and communication of online premium application is still a question mark of standardization in the area of networking and security. It has been seen that currently majority of the authentication and authorization techniques are usually designed on the top of One Time Password on user trusted hand held device. However, due to various lethal threats on mobile security systems, it can be said that existing security is not sufficient. Keeping in viewpoint of security on effective authentication and authorization, this paper proposes a technique that exponentially minimizes the operational cost by using secure hash algorithms that has the potential to generate mobile-based One Time Passwords (OTPs) scheme on Android environment ensuring enhanced protection with respect to password security. Experimented on java platform, the implementation techniques discussed in the paper are found to be very robustKey words: component-Authentication and Authorization, Hash Function, MD5,One Time Password, SHA-3 Reference [1] Zhao, Z., Dong, Z., Wang, Y. (2006). Security analysis of a password-based authentication protocol proposed to IEEE 1363, Elsevier. [2] Conklin, A., Dietrich, G., Walz, D. (2004). Password-Based Authentication: A System Perspective, Proceedings of the 37th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. [3] Elftmann (2006) Secure Alternatives to Password-based Authentication Mechanisms, Doctorial Thesis [4] Marshall, B.K. (2007). Tips for Avoiding Bad Authentication Challenge Questions, White Paper [5] Narayanan, A., Shmatikov, V. (2005). Fast Dictionary Attacks on Passwords Using Time-Space Trade-off, ACM Humaira Dar, Wajdi Fawzi Mohammed Al-Khateeb And Mohamed Hadi Habaebi |
1874-1881 | ![]() |
310. | Performance of Responsibility Discovery in VLSI Circuit Using Accumulator
Performance of Responsibility Discovery in VLSI Circuit Using AccumulatorAbstract: Built-In Self Test (BIST) schemes have been utilized in order to drive down the number of vectors to achieve complete fault coverage in BIST applications. Weighted sets comprising three weights, namely 0, 1, and 0.5 have been successfully utilized so far for Test Pattern Generation, since they result in both low testing time and low consumed power. In this paper an Accumulator-based 3-Weight Test Pattern Generation scheme is presented; the proposed scheme generates set of patterns with weights 0, 0.5, and 1. Since accumulators are commonly found in current VLSI chips, this scheme can be efficiently utilized to drive down the hardware of BIST pattern generation, as well. The output of this pattern generator is applied to a circuit under test where the errors are detected by using MISR circuit.Index Terms: VLSI Testing, Weighted Test Pattern Generation, Built-In Self-Test (BIST), Test Per Clock, Reference [1] P. Bardell, W. McAnney, and J. Savir, Built-In Test for VLSI: Pseudorandom Techniques. New York: Wiley, 1987. [2] P. Hortensius, R. McLeod, W. Pries, M. Miller, and H. Card, "Cellular automata-based pseudorandom generators for built-in self test," IEEE Trans. Comput.-Aided Des. Integr. Circuits Syst., vol. 8, no. 8, pp. 842–859, Aug. 1989. [3] A. Stroele, "A self test approach using accumulators as test pattern generators," in Proc. Int. Symp. Circuits Syst., 1995, pp. 2120–2123. [4] H. J. Wunderlich, "Multiple distributions fbiased random test patterns," in Proc. IEEE Int. Test Conf., 1988, pp. 236–244 [5] I. Pomeranz and S. M. Reddy, "3 weight pseudo-random test generation based on a deterministic test set for combinational and sequential circuits," IEEE Trans. Comput.-Aided Des. Integr. Circuits Syst., vol. 12, no. 7, pp. 1050–1058, Jul. 1993. Md. Azmathullah, K. Nanda Kumar,Syed Reshma |
1882-1886 | ![]() |
311. | The Relation between the Requirements of Knowledge Management and the Academic Human Resources Development in the Colleges of Education in the Jordanian Public Universities
The Relation between the Requirements of Knowledge Management and the Academic Human Resources Development in the Colleges of Education in the Jordanian Public UniversitiesAbstract: This study aimed at identifying the level of the relation between the requirements of knowledge management and the academic human resources development in the colleges of Education in the Jordanian public universities. The population of the study consisted of (409) academic staff and the sample of the study, which was selected according to the stratified random sample method, consisted of (200) academic staff. And to achieve the objectives of the study, two instruments of the study were used to reveal the availability degree of knowledge management requirements and the extent of human resources development in the Jordanian public universities from the academic staff's perspective in the colleges of Education. The validity and reliability of the instruments of the study were asserted. The results of the study showed that the level of human resources development in colleges of Education was medium in all the fields and the degree of the availability of the requirements of knowledge management was medium in all the fields. The results also revealed the there was positive statically significant relation between human resources development and the requirements of knowledge management in the Colleges of Education in the public Jordanian universities. The study recommendation the necessity to have an incentive system that encourages the academic staff to apply their knowledge and expertise and the necessity to have more studies in this field in the future .Key words: Knowledge Management, Human Resources , Colleges of Education , Public Jordanian Universities Reference [1] Loudon, K. and Loudon, J (2007). Essentials and Management Information Systems. Prentice Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. [2] Chou, Yeh. and Yaying, Mary (2005). The Implementation Of Knowledge Management System In Taiwan's Higher Education, Journal of College Teaching & learning (Sepember) Vol. 2, No 9, PP. 35-42. [3] Dueck, G,(2001)."Views of Knowledge are Human Views, IBM Systems Journal, vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 885-888. [4] Amirit, Tiwana (2002). The Knowledge Management Toolkit, Orchestrating, IT, Strategy and Knowledge Platforms, 2ed, New Jersey, Pearson Education. [5] Malkawi, I. (2007). Knowledge management - practices and concepts. Amman: Dar hereditary. Ibrahem H. Tadros, Eman J. Abdullrahman, Read A. Al_Kreimeen, Khaled N. Alzoubi |
1887-1893 | ![]() |
312. | Lifetime Enhancement of Cluster Head Selection for MIMO Routing Algorithm Based On Weighted Sum Method for WSN
Lifetime Enhancement of Cluster Head Selection for MIMO Routing Algorithm Based On Weighted Sum Method for WSNAbstract: Energy-constrained wireless sensor network (WSN) has attained considerable research attention in recent years and requires robust and energy efficient routing protocols for communication in fading environments to minimise the energy consumption.To Mitigate the Fading Effect in Wireless Channel ,Multi- Input Multi Output(MIMO)Scheme is Utilized for Wireless Sensor Network. This Paper proposed a Cluster Head Selection for MIMO Routing Algorithm based on Weighted Sum Method for WSN. The Performance factor of Energy consumption depends on Battery life for WSN. In this Scheme Cluster head nodes Transmit Data to Master Cluster head nodes and that Transmit data to Cooperative nodes. Weighted Sum Method is used to Elect the Healthier Cluster Heads Having Battery Life and Sufficient Residual energy. Further Weighted Sum Method is used to select the Master Head Nodes and Cooperative Nodes for MIMO Communication.The outcome of the simulation results show that the Cluster Head Selection for MIMO Routing Algorithm based on Weighted Sum Method provides more than 40% increase in residual energy as compared to CH-C-TEEMKey words: clustering, energy analysis, MIMO, weighted sum method, wireless sensor network Reference [1] F. Akyildiz, W. Su, Y. Sankarasubramaniam and E. Cayirci, "A survey on sensor networks", IEEE Communications Magazine, vo1.40, no.8, pp.1 02-114, August 2002. [2] Jayaweera S. K," Energy analysis of MIMO techniques in wireless sensor networks" ,Proceedings of Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, Princeton, NJ, 2004; pp. 1-6. [3] S.Cui, A.J. Goldsmith, ABahai, "Energy-efficiency of MIMO and cooperative MIMO techniques in sensor networks," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol 22, no.6, 2004, pp. 1089-1098. [4] YuhRen T sai "Sensing coverage for randomly distributed wireless sensor networks in ,shadowed environments", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, v oL57, no. I , pp.556-564, January 2008. [5] XiongFei, Xu Qi Jian, "Active Trust Transmission Mechanism for Wireless Sensor Network", Proceedings of the 2008 Second International Symposium on Intelligent Information Technology Application-Volume 01. Washington, DC, USA.pp.:626-632, 2008. Ranveer Singh, Gaurav Mittal |
1894-1898 | ![]() |
313. | FPGA Based Area Efficient Turbo Decoder For Wireless Communication
FPGA Based Area Efficient Turbo Decoder For Wireless CommunicationAbstract: To fulfil the extensive need of high data rate transfer in today's wireless communication systems such as WiMAX and 4G LTE (Long Term Evolution), the turbo codes gives an exceptional performance. They have allowed for near Shannon limit information transfer in modern communication systems. As the performance of these codes increases, their decoding complexity is also increases and so the power consumption. To reduce this complexity without decreasing its BER (Bit Error Rate) performance a novel modification over SOVA (Soft output Viterbi Algorithm) is proposed in this paper. The proposed model is also implemented on FPGA Xilinx Virtex 5 XC5VLX85ff676-2. The simulation results over MATLAB has been shown, indicates a comparable BER as compared to LOG-MAP with reduced complexity. The synthesis results over Xilinx FPGA shows an improvement of 12% over area utilization as compared to MAX-LOG-MAP implementation. So with reduced area and low BER, a cost effective solution proposed in this paper.Key words: Turbo code, FPGA, SOVA algorithm, Log MAP algorithm, FEC (Forward Error Correction), Convolutional code (CC), BER etc. Reference [1] Qu Wei, Information theory and coding theory, Sciences Publishing House, 2005. [2] J. Haqenanner, P. Hoer, "A Viterbi Algorithm with Soft-Decision Outputs and Its Applications," IEEE Globecom'89, 1989, pp.1680–1686. [3] Robertson, E. Villegrum, P. Hoeher, "A Comparison of Optimal and Sub-optimal MAP Decoding Algorithm Operating in the Log Domain," Proceedings IEEE international Conference on Communication, 1995, pp. 1009-1013. [4] C. Berrou, A. Gliavieux, and P. Thitimajshima, "Near Shannon limiterror-correcting coding and decoding: turbo codes (1)," in Proceedings IEEE International Conference Communications, pp. 1064-1070, 1993. [5] W. Zhongfeng Wang, Zhipei Chi and Keshab K. Parhi, "Area-Efficient High-Speed Decoding Scheme for Turbo Decoders," IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI) Systems, vol. 10, pp. 902–912, 2002. Mansi Rastogi, Rajesh Mehra |
1899-1904 | ![]() |
314. | Lifting Based-Dwt Compression Technique Using Fpga
Lifting Based-Dwt Compression Technique Using FpgaAbstract: Image compression is one of the major image processing techniques that is widely used in medical, automotive, consumer and military applications. Discrete wavelet transforms is the most popular transformation technique adopted for image compression. Complexity of DWT is always high due to large number of arithmetic operations. A modified Distributive Arithmetic based DWT architecture is proposed and is implemented on FPGA.In this paper" LIFTING BASED-DWT" technique is proposed and is implemented on FPGA. Lifting Scheme entirely relies on spatial domain in this proposed method using LB-DWT area utilization is increased on the Vertex-5 FPGA kit. Instead of using ROM as a cache memory we are using FIFO as a storage device by which latency can be reduced and throughput can be increased.Key words: Image Compression, Discrete Wavelet Transform, Spatial Domain, Lifting Based-DWT. Reference [1] Pipelinined Distributive Arithmetic based Discrete Wavelet Transform IP core", EJSR, Vol . 35, No. 3, pp. 378-392,2010. [2] MajidRannani and Rajan Joshi, "An Overview of the JPEG2000 Still Image Compression Standard", Signal Processing, Image Communication, vol. 17, pp. 3-48, 2010. [3] David S. Taubman, Michael W. Marcellin – "JPEG 2000 – Image compression, fundamentals, standards Nagabushanam, Cyril Prasanna Raj P, Ramachandran, "Design and implementation of Parallel and and practice", Kluwer academic publishers, Second printing – 2009. [4] C. Chakrabarti and M. Vishwanath, "Architectures for Wavelet Transforms: A Syrvey", Journal of VLSI Signal Processing, Kulwervol.lO, pp. 225-236,2007. [5] Daubechies, W. Sweldens,(1998), " Factoring wavelet transform into lifting steps", J. Fourier Anal. Appl. 4, 247–269. Syed Mukhtiyar Ahmed, P. Srinivas |
1905-1910 | ![]() |
315. | Thermal Analysis of Circular Inclined Pipe Subjected To Natural Convection Using CFD
Thermal Analysis of Circular Inclined Pipe Subjected To Natural Convection Using CFDAbstract: The present work deals with experimental studies and CFD technique on the heat transfer characteristics for Natural convection flow through inclined pipe. The parameters varied during the experimentation and software analysis are tube diameter, and heat supplied. The present investigation revealed that the temperature and the heat transfer coefficient are strongly influenced by the heat flux and the tube diameter, weak function of tube inclination. The experimental and CFD results is to be validate with each other. The Experimental results are to be Compare with the CFD results. Boundary condition, Geometry is created in GAMBIT and Solver; Boundary conditions are provided to the pipe in fluent software. From this work as parameters of pipe changes it affects the results of temperature.Key words: Buoyancy, Convection, inclined tube, induced flow, Heat flux Reference [1] Dr. S. V. Prayagi, "Parametric Studies on Buoyancy Induced Flow through Circular Pipes in Solar water heating system" International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST). [2] Henderson D. "Experimental and CFD investigation of an ICSSWH at various inclinations", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Review 11 (2007) 1087–1116. [3] Senthilkumar R. "Performance Analysis of Heat Pipe using Copper Nanofluid with Aqueous Solution of n-Butanol" International Journal of Mechanical and Materials engineering 2010. [4] Bhramara P. "CFD Analysis of Two Phase Flow in a Horizontal Pipe Prediction of Pressure Drop" International Journal of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering 3:2 2009. [5] Hyo Min Jeong, "Natural convection heat transfer estimation from a longitudinallyfinned vertical pipe using CFD", Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 23 (2009) 1517-1527. Prof. Rupesh G. Telrandhe, Prof. T.S.Karhale, Prof. B.B.Deshmukh |
1911-1913 | ![]() |
316. | Glass Fibre Reinforced Concrete
Glass Fibre Reinforced ConcreteAbstract: Glass Fibre Reinforced Concrete is recent introduction in the field of concrete technology. The present day world is witnessing the construction of very challenging and difficult Civil Engineering Structures. Concrete being the most important and widely used material is called upon to possess very high strength and sufficient workability properties. Concrete the most widely used consrtuction material has several desirable properties like high compressive strength, stiffness, durability under usual environmental factors. At the same time concrete is brittle and weak in tension. Efforts are being made in the field of concrete technology to develop high performance concretes by using fibres and other admixtures in concrete upto certain proportions. To improve the concrete properties, the system was named alkali resistance glass fibre reinforced concrete in the present view the alkali resistance glass fibre has been used. In the present experimental investigation the alkali resistance Glass Fibres has been used to study the effect on compressive, split tensile and flexural strength on M20, M40 and M60 grades of concreteKey words: Alkali resistance glass fibres, admixtures, concrete, glass fibres, strength properties. Reference [1]. GAMBHIR, M.L (Fourth Edition).― Concrete Technology. [2]. SHETTY, M.S (2012 edition).―Concrete Technology. [3]. IS: 1489-1991. Indian Standards - Specifaction for Pozzolana Portland cement. [4]. IS: 1199-1999. Indian Standards-Method of Sampling & Analysis of Concrete. [5]. IS: 516-1979. Indian Standards - Method of tests for Concrete. A. Upendra Varma, A.D. Kumar |
1914-1918 | ![]() |
317. | Comparative Study of Seismic Response for Seismic Coefficient and Response Spectrum Methods
Comparative Study of Seismic Response for Seismic Coefficient and Response Spectrum MethodsAbstract: Right from the evolution of the earth, Earthquakes have been cause great disasters in the form of destruction of property, injury and loss of life to the population. The effective design and construction of earthquake resistant structures has much greater importance in this country due to rapid industrial development and concentration of population in cities. In this thesis, the earthquake response of symmetric multi-storied building by two methods are studied. The methods include seismic coefficient method as recommended by IS Code and modal analysis using response spectrum method of IS Code in which the stiffness matrix of the building corresponding to the dynamic degrees of freedom is generated by idealizing the building as shear building. The responses obtained by above methods in two extreme zones as mentioned in IS code i.e. zone II and V are then compared. Test results Base Shears, Lateral Forces and Storey Moments are compared.Key words: Earthquake analysis, Modal analysis, Response spectrum analysis, Seismic coefficient method, SRSS. Reference [1] Clough, R.W., & Penzien, J. 1993. Dynamics of Structures, McGraw-Hill, New York. [2] Duggal, S.K., Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures (Oxford University Press, 2007). [3] IS 1893(Part1):2002, Criteria for earthquake resistant design of structures, Part 1 General provisions and buildings, Bureau of Indian Standard, 2002. [4] Pankaj Agarwal, Manish Shrikhande, Earthquake Resistant design of Structures (Prentice Hall India Publication). [5] Pravin B. Waghmare, P.S.Pajgade and N. M. Kanhe, Response spectrum analysis of a shear frame structure by using MATLAB, Int. Journal of Applied Sciences and Engineering Research, Vol. 1, No. 2, 2012. [6] S.S. Patil, S.A. Ghadge, C.G. Konapure, and C.A. Ghadge, Seismic Analysis of High-Rise Building by Response Spectrum Method, international Journal Of Computational Engineering Research Vol.3 Issue.3. B. Srikanth, V.Ramesh |
1919-1924 | ![]() |
318. | Strength Of Welded Plate Girder With Corrugated Web Plate
Strength Of Welded Plate Girder With Corrugated Web PlateAbstract: The corrugated steel plate is a widely used structural element in many fields of application because of its numerous favorable properties. To increase the shear capacity of web of large steel plate girders, the web with different patterns such as tapered web, haunches, corrugations of different shapes are used. Present paper deals with the determination of buckling strength of a plate girder considering rectangular corrugated web plate. The finite element analysis of a plate girder is carried out using ANSYS. The results obtained from analysis are then compared with the plate girder with plane web of uniform depth. Various parameters like buckling strength and weight are compared. It is concluded that the corrugated web plate has high buckling strength and sufficient reduction in weight with light gauge elements, than plate girder with plane web.Key words: Buckling strength, corrugated web, finite element analysis, moment carrying capacity, plate girder Reference [1] Hartmut Pasternak, Gabriel Kubieniec (2010), "Plate Girder with Corrugated Webs", ASCE Journal of the Structural engineering, Brandenburg University of Technology, Germany, [2] Ezzeldin Yazeed Sayed-Ahmed, "Design aspects of steel girders with corrugated web plate", Professor, Structural Engineering Department, Ain Shams University, Egypt. [3] C.Graciano, E.Casanova, J.Martinez (2010-11), "Imperfection sensitivity of plate girder webs subjected to patch loading", Universidad Simon Bolivar, Venezuela. [4] Sedky Tohamy, Osama Mohamed Abu El Ela, Ahmed Ibrahim Mohamed (2013), "Efficiency of plate girder with corrugated web versus plate girder with flat web", Minia Journal of Engineering and Technology, (MJET), Vol. 32, No 1, Egypt. [5] M.H Abu Hassan, A. Ibrahim, H. Abdul hamid, B.S. Mohamed (2008), " Effect of web and flange thickness of profiled web girder by using LUSAS" , ICCBT 2008 - C - (45) – pp515-528, Malaysia. Limaye A. A, Alandkar P. M |
1925-1930 | ![]() |
319. | Growth And Characterization Of Pure And Glycine Added Morenosite Single Crystals
Growth And Characterization Of Pure And Glycine Added Morenosite Single CrystalsAbstract: Morenosite (NiSO4.7H2O) is a hydrogen bonded crystal having a wide range of applications in various fields. In an attempt to understand the effect of glycine as an impurity on the properties of morenosite crystals, we have grown by the free evaporation method at room temperature and characterized pure and glycine added morenosite single crystals. The grown crystals were characterized structurally, mechanically, optically and electrically. The densities observed indicate that the impurity molecules have entered into the crystal matrix. The grown crystals exhibit good optical transparency in the wavelength range 210-1100 nm. The second harmonic generation measurements indicate that they are nonlinear optically active. Results of microhardness measurements follow the normal indentation size effect. Electrical (AC and DC) measurements indicate that the grown crystals exhibit a normal dielectric behaviour and the electrical conduction is understood to be due to the protonic movement. The present study indicates that glycine addition plays an important role in reducing the dielectric constant εr value significantly to make morenosite crystals low-εr value dielectric materials, expected to be useful in the microelectronics industry.Key words: Crystal growth, Electrical properties, Mechanical properties, Morenosite crystals, Optical properties, Single crystals, X-ray diffraction Reference [1] R.W.G.Wyckoff, Crystal Structures (2nd edn), Vol.3, (Interscience, New York, 1960), p.839 [2] John A. Dean (Edn), Lange's Handbook of Chemistry (12th edn.), (Mc Graw Hill, New York, 1979). [3] M.Theivanayagom and C.Mahadevan, Bull.Mater.Sci., 24, 2001, 441. [4] A.D.Q. Livingsta and C.Mahadevan, Indian J.Phys., 76A, 2002, 271. [5] C.K. Mahadevan, Physica B, 403, 2008, 3164. J. M. Kavitha and C. K. Mahadevan |
1931-1940 | ![]() |
320. | Design and Implementation of CMOS VLSI Digital Circuits Using Self-Adjustable Voltage Level Technique
Design and Implementation of CMOS VLSI Digital Circuits Using Self-Adjustable Voltage Level TechniqueAbstract: In present scenario, an increasing demand for mobile electronic devices such as cellular phones, laptop computers and personal digital assistants requires the use of power efficient circuits. To minimize the power dissipation and to increase the battery lifetime, the supply voltage, VDD has been scaled down continuously. So, scaling down the supply voltage, without scaling down the threshold voltage increases the propagation delay. However the threshold voltage scaling results in substantial increases of sub-threshold leakage current, which increases the leakage or static power dissipation of the circuits. Therefore, the main aim of this work is to minimize the power dissipation by reducing leakage power. In this work, some of the combinational and sequential circuits are designed with CMOS transistors using self-Adjustable Voltage Level (SAL) technique to optimize the power dissipation. The circuits are implemented using the Mentor Graphics Backend Tool to analyze the power dissipation. With this SAL technique less than 50% of the power dissipation can be reduced for designed circuits which lead to improve performance of the circuits.Key words: Pass Transistors, Transmission Gate, Gate Diffusion Input, Power Dissipation, Self Adjustable Voltage Level circuit. Reference [1] Kaushik Roy and Sharat C Prasad, "Low Power CMOS VLSI Circuit Design", Wiley India Publication, 2011. [2] B.S. Deepaksubramanyan and Adrian Nunez, "Analysis of Sub-threshold Leakage Reduction in CMOS Digital Circuits", Proceedings of the 13th NASA VLSI Symposium, USA, 2007. [3] International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors:www.itrs.net/Links/2005ITRS/Design 2005.pdf [4] Borivoje Nikolic, "Design in the Power–Limited Scaling Regime", IEEE transactions on Electron Devices, Vol. 55, No. 1, pp.71-83, 2008. [5] Janaki Rani, Dr. S.Malarkkan, "Leakage Power Optimized Sequential Circuits for use in Nanoscale VLSI Systems" Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE) Vol. 3 No. 1 Feb -Mar 2012. N. Somasekhar Varma, Y. Syamala And K. Srilakshmi |
1941-1946 | ![]() |
321. | Strength of Welded Plate Girder with Tapered Web
Strength of Welded Plate Girder with Tapered WebAbstract: As a result of the general acceptance of the optimum design concepts, slender and, in some cases tapered web is increasingly used in steel structures .These members will reduce dead weight of structure in tern material cost. Present research work is focusing on the determination of buckling strength and economy of tapered web. In the present study comparison is carried out between plate girder with uniform web depth and tapered web depth. Parametric studies with various geometries of tapered web plate were carried out to find the favorable and economical design situations. The present paper involves the finite element analysis of plate girder for different conditions like i) uniform web depth, ii) tapered web depth. The main comparison parameters are i) static behaviour, ii) buckling behaviour, iii) buckling strength. All models were analyzed using finite element based software ANSYS. At the end it is concluded that the tapered web plate has same buckling strength however it achieves economy.Key words: ANSYS, buckling strength, finite element, optimum design, tapered we Reference [1] Bedynek , E. Real, E. Mirambel "Tapered plate girders under shear: Tests and numerical research" Engineering Structures 46[2013]350-358 [2] Anı´sio Andrade a, Dinar Camotim b, P. Borges Dinis, (2007) " Lateral-torsional buckling of singly symmetric webtapered thin-walled I-beams: 1D model vs. shell FEA" Computers and Structures 85, 1343–1359. [3] Siu lai chan1 (1990), " Buckling analysis of structures composed of tapered members" Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE Vol. 116, No. [4] Sung C.Lee and Chai H.Yoo (1990), "strength of plate girder web panels under pure shear" Journal Of Structural Engineering [5] Dimos Polyzois1 and Ioannis G. Raftoyiannis (1990), "Lateral-torsional stability of steel web-tapered I-beams. Bhurke K. N., Alandkar P. M |
1947-1951 | ![]() |
322. | Modified Distribution Network Using HVDS Techniques
Modified Distribution Network Using HVDS TechniquesAbstract: This paper presents the comparison of existing low voltage distribution system with proposed high voltage distribution system. The study is based on a real low voltage feeder in J&K state. The investigation is carried out to determine the losses in the existing low voltage (LT) distribution system and then converting this low voltage distribution system to proposed high voltage distribution system (HVDS) including bifurcation of load and replacing the one large transformer with various transformers of small rating. Since loss reduction in distribution system is of keen importance and main reason behind these losses is the use of low voltage for distribution in existing system. As for the low voltage in existing distribution system, current is high which leads to high power losses and also allow the hooking and hence power theft. This paper aims at reducing losses by using LT less or less LT 'HVDS' system and then determining the reduction in losses in terms of units and annual savings in terms of rupees due to proposed method. To check the feasibility of the proposed work, the annual saving and payback period of the proposed method is also determined.Key words: Annual saving, Capital outlay, Distribution losses, High Voltage Distribution System, Payback period. Reference [1] Essa-J-Abdul Zehra, Mahmoud Moghavvemi, Maher M. I. Hashim and Kashem, Muttaqi, Network Reconfiguration Using PSAT for Loss Reduction in Distribution Systems, 1st International Conference on Energy, Power and Control (EPC-IQ), College of Engineering, University of Basrah, Iraq, 2010, 62-66. [2] L.Ramesh, S.Ravindiran, S.P.Chowdhury, S.Chowdhury, Y.H.Song and P.K.Goswami, Distribution System Loss Minimization and Planning using Cymdist, 42nd International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), University of Brighten, Brighten, UK,2007,316-321. [3] Arefi Ali , Haghifam Mahmood-reza, Yavartalab Akbar, Olamaei Javad and Keshtkar Hessam, Loss reduction planning in electric distribution networks of IRAN until 2025, 16th conference on Electric Power Distribution Network (EPDC), Bandar Abbas , Iran, 2011, 1-6. [4] Dong Zhang, Zhengcai Fu, and Liuchun Zhang, Joint Optimization for Power Loss Reduction in Distribution Systems, IEEE transaction on Power Systems, 23(1), 2008, 161-169. [5] R. Srinivasa Rao, An Hybrid Approach for Loss Reduction in Distribution Systems using Harmony Search Algorithm, International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 2010, 462- 467. Mayank Kumar Arjariya, Dr. Amita Mahor |
1952-1955 | ![]() |
323. | The Use of Optical Remote Sensing For Mapping Flooded Areas
The Use of Optical Remote Sensing For Mapping Flooded AreasAbstract: Flood maps are a crucial tool to support emergency management, disaster recovery and risk reduction planning. Traditional flood mapping methods are time-consuming, labor intensive, and costly. Our goal in this paper is to introduce a novel technique to aggregate knowledge and information to map coastal flooded areas. We proposed a Difference of Normalized Difference Water Indices (DNDWI) derived from two LANDSAT-5/TM surface reflectance product acquired before and after the passage of Hurricane Ike, for Upper Texas in September of 2008. The reference flooded area was delineated interpolating the maximum surge in each location using a spline with barriers method with high tension and a 30 meter Digital Elevation Model (DEM). It was noticed that NDWI values decreased after the hurricane landfall on average from 0.226 to 0.122 for flooded area. However for the non-flooded areas it increased from 0.292 to 0.300. Results from the Monte Carlo simulation showed that mapping flooded areas with DNDWI got an accuracy of 85.68% while the non-flooded areas got an accuracy of 92.13%. Thus, DNDWI is promising tool for mapping flooded areas since it is a cheaper and simple technique which can be applied rapidly for several areas of the planet.Key words: Flood mapping, Hurricane, Monte Carlo Simulation, NDWI, Optical Remote Sensing Reference [1] N. Lott and T. Ross, Tracking and Evaluating U.S. Billion Dollar Weather Disasters, 1980-2005, National Climatic Data Center (NCDC), 2006. Available at: http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/papers/200686ams1.2nlfree.pdf. Accessed on: 12 Oct 2013. [2] National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Tropical Cyclone Report: Hurricane Ike, 2013a. Available at: http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/2008atlan.shtml. Accessed on:10 Oct. 2013. [3] D. Resio and J. Westerink, Modeling the physics of storm surges, Physics Today, 61(9), 2008, 33-38. [4] National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Tides and currents, 2013b. Available at: http://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/. Accessed on: 15 Oct. 2013. [5] United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), The Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS), 2013. Available at: http://www.ioc-goos.org/Accessed on: 11 Oct. 2013. Igor Ogashawara, Marcelo Pedroso Curtarelli and Celso M. Ferreira |
1956-1960 | ![]() |
325. | Experimental Study on the Effect of Welding Parameters and Tool Pin Profiles on Mechanical Properties of the FSW Joints
Experimental Study on the Effect of Welding Parameters and Tool Pin Profiles on Mechanical Properties of the FSW JointsAbstract: To optimize the tool geometry (Pin profile) and process parameters for the FSW process. In the present investigation, an attempt has been made to understand the effect of rotational speed, welding speed and there different pin profiles on the nugget zone formation in AA 6063-T4 aluminum alloy. Three different tool pin profiles (tapered cylindrical, tapered square and square) have been used to fabricate the joints at the different welding conditions and rotational speed. Tensile properties of the joints have been evaluated and correlated with the nugget zone formation. From this investigation it is found that the tapered cylindrical pin profile tool gives maximum strength as compared to other joints. Also the tensile tests are carried out to study the mechanical properties of the FSW joint.Key words: Friction stir welding . Pin profiles . Mechanical properties Reference [1] W.M. Thomas, E.D. Nicholas, J.C. Needham, M.G. Murch, P. Templesmith, C.J. Dawes, G.B. (1991) Patent Application No.91259788. [2] R.S. Mishra, Z.Y. Ma (2005) Friction stir welding and processing. Material Science and Engineering 50:1-78. [3] S. Mandal, J. Rice, A.A. Elmustafa, Experimental and numerical investigation of the plunge stage friction stir welding. Material Processing Technology, 203(2008): 411-419. [4] Yong-Jai Kwon, Seong-Beom Shim, Dong-Hwan Park, Friction stir welding of 5052 aluminium alloy plates. Transactions of non-ferrous metal society of China,19: 23-27 [5] K. Elangovana, V. Balasubramanianb, Influence of tool pin profile and welding speed on the formation of friction stir processing zone in AA2219 aluminium ally. Processing technology, 20(2008): 163-175. Deepak Chouhan, Surjya K Pal, Sandeep Garg |
1972-1978 | ![]() |
326. | Design of Ripple Borrow Subtractor using different logic techniques
Design of Ripple Borrow Subtractor using different logic techniquesAbstract: Power dissipation has become an overriding concern for VLSI circuits and it may come to dominate the total chip power consumption as the technology feature size shrinks. The main aim of this paper is to minimize the leakage power by using a ultra low leakage techniques. In this work we are choosing the Benchmark circuit as full subtractor . This full subtractor are designed by using different techniques such as conventional CMOS, Pseudo NMOS, transmission gate, Static NMOS, Complementary pass logic, push pull logic, 2T, Sleepy Approach, Stack Approach, Sleepy Stack Approach, Sleepy Keeper. The parameters such as power and area are compared for the above techniques. DSCH3.1 and MICROWIND3.1 Tool is used for simulating above techniques.Key words: Sleepyapproach, Lowleakagepower dissipation, Feature size. Reference [1] Harsha Vardhan Ardhan Upadayay, Abhishek Choubey, kaushalnigam "Comparision among different CMOS inverter with stack keeper approach in VLSI Design" IJERA, ISSN:2248-9622, volume 2, issue 3 may-june 2012, page no.640-646. [2] M.Morismano, "Computer System Architecture" 3rd edition, pearson. [3] M.S.G.L.Madhumati, Dr.M.Madhavilatha, Mr.K.Ramakoteshwara Rao "Power and Delay analysis of a 2 to 1 multiplier implemented in multiple logic styles for multiplexer based decoder in flash ADC", international journal of recend trends in engineering, volume 4, may 2009, page no. 29-31. [4] Md.AsifJahangir Chowdhary, Md.Sharhriar Rizwan and M.S.Islam, "An efficient VLSI design approach to reduce static power using variable body biasing", world academy of science, engineering and technology 64 2012, page no. 263-267. [5] Douglas A.Pucknel kamran Eshraghian" VLSI design", 3rd edition, eastern economy edition. M.Padmaja, S.Anusha |
1979-1983 | ![]() |
327. | Study on Stability of Honeycomb Structured Piston
Study on Stability of Honeycomb Structured PistonAbstract: An avant- grade study is carried out to optimize inertial force in the piston of an internal combustion engine by optimizing design and weight of piston crown. Honey comb structures are considered than the cast iron and steel which were used on early slow speed engine to vice verse the speed of the engine. The geometrical model and analysis of piston was developed using CATIA-V5 by considering generative structural analysis.Key words: Honey Comb Structure, IC Engine, Modeling, Piston Head, Structural Analysis Reference [1] Gudimetal. P and Gopinath C.V, "Finite Element Analysis of Reverse Engineered Internal Combustion Engine Piston" AIJSTPME (2009) 2(4): 85-92. [2] R. Bhagat and Y. M. Jibhakate, "Thermal Analysis and Optimization of I.C. Engine Piston using finite Element Method" ISSN: 2249-6645. [3] Piotr Szurgott and Tadeusz Niezgoda, "CI engine as a case study of thermo mechanical FE analysis of the piston – piston rings – cylinder system" journal of kones power train and transport, vol. 19, no. 1 2012. Books: [4] R.S.Khurmi and J.K.Guptha, a text book of thermal engineering, 15thedition, S.CHAND'S Publication. [5] R.S.Khurmi and J.K.Guptha, a text book of machine design, 14thEdition, S.CHAND'S Publication. Kesarapu Sandeep Reddy, K R Senthil Kumar, P R Jeyakrishnan |
1984-1988 | ![]() |
328. | An Image Segmentation to Detect Tumor and Measuring Size of Tumor Using Segmentation of MR Image
An Image Segmentation to Detect Tumor and Measuring Size of Tumor Using Segmentation of MR ImageAbstract: Medical image segmentation is the research focus in the medical image processing field. Detection of tumor requires image segmentation. The segmentation of tissues and tumors in magnetic resonance images has been an emerging field in research. There are several techniques used for tumor detection using MR image segmentation. This paper presents a segmentation algorithm to MR image which is able to detect the tumor in the MR image and also able to measure the size of the segmented image for treatment planning. First, an input image is converted into fixed size then preprocessed by Gaussian law pass filter which improve the quality of an image. Then the image is segmented using the thresholding method in which by selecting the threshold value an image is segmented. Then using region of interest the segmented image is cropped and then after measuring the size of segmented image using pixels for the treatment planning. And also there is post processing for morphological operations. This algorithm is much simpler and less complex in the calculation.Key words: Gaussian law pass filter, thresholding, Region of interest (ROI), erosion and dilation. Reference [1] Subhranil Koley and Aurpan Majumder "Brain MRI Segmentation for Tumor Detection using Cohesion based Self Merging Algorithm" IEEE,2011 [2] Zhu Zhengtao, Yu Xiongyi, Huang Liuqian, Wu De "Fast Capsule Image Segmentation Based on Linear Region Growing" IEEE, 2011 [3] Ayan Chaki, Pragya Jain, Rohit Kumar Gupta "Information Measure Ratio Based Real Time Approach for Hand Region Segmentation With a Focus on Gesture Recognition" IEEE,2011 [4] Qing Ming,Kang-Hyun Jo "Vehicle Detection Using Tail Light Segmentation" IEEE,2011 [5] Huan-Wen Tzeng, He-Chin Lee, Mei-Yung Chen "The Design of Isotherm Face Recognition Technique Based on Nostril Localization" ICSSE, 2011 Ravikumar M Sinojiya, Assi Prof Lokesh Gagnani |
1989-1992 | ![]() |
329. | Application of Quality Function Deployment in an Engineering College Using Analytical Hierarchy Process
Application of Quality Function Deployment in an Engineering College Using Analytical Hierarchy ProcessAbstract: Quality Function Deployment (QFD) technique as a TQM tool, has found wide applications in manufacturing as well as service industries. However its application and practice in educational institutes is still not popular. This paper based on the study in an engineering college is an attempt to demonstrate and encourage the application of QFD for planning and improvement of quality to gain competitive edge by satisfying student needs. The responses of 329 students and 35 faculties were obtained through a questionnaire. Importance ratings for student needs were calculated using AHP and pair wise comparison. These ratings were used for construction of relationship and correlation ship matrices and construction of HOQ. Goals for each customer requirements (CR) and technical requirements (TR) were set after competitive assessment of four other local colleges. All the four phases of QFD from planning to design, delivery and control were constructed. The outcomes of each HOQ suggest "How's" for each "What" and the importance rating for each of them, which can be used for reforming the quality of engineering education in the college under study.Key words: Quality Function Deployment, Customer's (Students/Faculty) Need Analysis, Prioritization of CR, House of Quality Reference [1] Anil R Sahu et al [2008], Key Factors affecting the effectiveness of Technical Education- An Indian perspective, Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering, Vol II, July 2-4, 2004 UK. [2] Arash Shahin [2008], TQM, Contemporary Perspectives and Cases, Icfai University Press(TQM-pp 47-72). [3] Geoff Coyle [2004], The Analytical Hierarchy Process, Practical strategy: Open Access Material on internet, Pearson Education Limited 2004. [4] Glenn H Mazur [1993], QFD for Service Industries, From VOC to Task Deployment, original article included in QFD Hand Book. [5] Glenn H Mazur [2008], Delighting Customers into QFD, VOC meets Voice of Process, 14th International Symposium at QFD Institute. Dr. Devendra S. Verma, Raymal Dawar |
1993-2004 | ![]() |
330. | FPGA Implementation of Motion Human Detection Based On Background Subtraction FPGA Implementation of Motion Human Detection Based On Background SubtractionAbstract: In this paper, a video surveillance-based image processing system is developed on Xilinx Spartan3 Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) device using embedded development kit (EDK) tools from Xilinx. Two different hardware architectures of two dimensional (2-D) video surveillance have been implemented as a coprocessor in an embedded system. It is direct implementation of video surveillance by Motion human detection algorithm. In addition, the hardware cost of these two architectures is compared for benchmark images.Key words: video surveillance, FPGA, EDK, Micro Blaze, FSL Introduction Reference [1] M.Dimitrijevic, "Human body pose detection using Bayesian spatiotemporal templates," 2007 International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems, 2008, pp.764-9. [2] Tao Jianguo, Yu Changhong, "Real-Time Detection and Tracking of Moving Object," Intelligent Information Technology Application, 2008. UTA '08. Second International Symposium on Volume 2, 20- 22 Dec. 2008 Page(s):860 - 863 [3] Niu Lianqiang and Nan Jiang, "A moving objects detection algorithm based on improved background subtraction," Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, 2008. ISDA '08. Eighth International Conference on Volume 3, 26-28 Nov. 2008 Page(s):604 - 607 [4] Du-Ming Tsai and Shia-Chih Lai, "Independent Component AnalysisBased Background Subtraction for Indoor Surveillance," hnage Processing,IEEE Transactions on Volume 18, Issue 1, Jan. 2009 Page(s):158 – 16 [5] K.Kinoshita, M.Enokidani, M. Izumida and K.Murakami, "Tracking of a Moving Object Using One-Dimensional Optical Flow with a Rotating Observer," Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, 2006. ICARCV '06. 9th International Conference on 5-8 Dec. 2006 Page(s): 1 - 6 K. Sarath Babu, K. Surendranath Reddy, U. Yedukondalu |
2005-2009 | ![]() |
331. | A Hardware FPGA Implementation of Adaptive Stegano Analysis Using LSB Technique
A Hardware FPGA Implementation of Adaptive Stegano Analysis Using LSB TechniqueAbstract: This paper deals with the detection of hidden bits in the Least Significant Bit (LSB) plane of a natural image. The mean level and the covariance matrix of the image, considered as a quantized Gaussian random matrix, are unknown. An adaptive statistical test is designed such that its probability distribution is always independent of the unknown image parameters, while ensuring a high probability of hidden bits detection. This test is based on the likelihood ratio test except that the unknown parameters are re-placed by estimates based on a local linear regression model. It is shown that this test maximizes the probability of detection as the image size becomes arbitrarily large and the quantization step vanishes. This provides an asymptotic upper-bound for the detection of hidden bits based on the LSB replacement mechanism. System is developed on Xilinx Spartan3 Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) device using embedded development kit (EDK) tools from Xilinx.Key words: Adaptive detection, information hiding,, FPGA, EDK, Micro Blaze. Reference [1] H. Sencar, M. Ramkumar, and A. Akansu, Data Hiding Fundamentalsand Applications: Content Security in Digital Multimedia. Elsevier:Academic, 2004. [2] I. Cox, M. Miller, J. Bloom, J. Fridrich, and T. Kalker , Digital Water-marking and Steganography. San Francisco, CA: Morgan Kaufmann,2007. [3] J. Fridrich , Steganography in Digital Media—Principles, Algorithms,and Applications . New York: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2009. [4] R. Böhme , Advanced Statistical Steganalysis. New York: Springer,2010. [5] N. Provos and P. Honeyman, "Hide and seek: An introduction to steganography," IEEE Secur. Priv. J., vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 32–44, 2003. L. V. S Subbaraju, P. Praveen, U. Yedukondalu |
2010-2014 | ![]() |
332. | An Efficient Searching Technique by Colonization of Random Data Set Based On Dynamic Programming
An Efficient Searching Technique by Colonization of Random Data Set Based On Dynamic ProgrammingAbstract: The logarithmic behavior of Binary Search to find elements requires data set to be arranged in ascending or descending order. This paper introduces the concept of data colonization which means naturally ordered sub-sequences are grouped together to become a data colony so that any type of searching technique could be applied to any ordered sub-sequence independently. Addresses of the colonies i.e. starting and ending of colonies are remembered by using the concept of memorizations from dynamic programming. We have run different searching techniques in different colonies on the basis of the size of the colony and results are satisfactory after comparing with sequential search. As we keep on increasing the size of the colonies by decreasing the colonizational density of data set, the hybrid memorized technique starts showing more logarithmic behavior rather linear even the list is not arranged.Key words: Colonization, Complexity, Dynamic programming, Memorization, Hybrid approach Reference [1] T. Ehsan, M. Usman, M. Qaisar, An Efficient Sorting Algorithm by Computing Randomized Sorted Sub-sequences Based on Dynamic Programming, International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security (IJCSNS), 13(9), September 2013, 51-57. [2] T. Cormen, C. Leiserson, R. Rivest, C. Stein, Intoduction to Algorithms, 3rd ed, MIT Press, 2011. [3] Deepak Abhyankar, Maya Ingle, Elements of Dynamic Programming in Sorting, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), 1(3), 446-448. [4] S. Baase and A. Gelder, Computer Algorithms:Introduction to Design and Analysis, Addison-Wesley, 2000. [5] Anany Levitin, Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms, 2nd ed, Pearson Education, 2007 Toqeer Ehsan, M. Usman Ali, Meer Qaisar Javed |
2015-2020 | ![]() |
333. | Dielectric Properties of Copper Substituted Nickel Nano-Ferrites
Dielectric Properties of Copper Substituted Nickel Nano-FerritesAbstract: Mixed Ni1-X CuX Fe2 O4 (0 ≤ X ≥ 1) nano-ferrites have been synthesized by Citrate-gel auto combustion technique. The structural characterization was carried out by X-Ray Diffractometer (XRD) and the crystallite size was found to be in the range of 36- 58nm. The dielectric properties such as Dielectric constant (ε'), Dielectric loss tangent (tan δ) and AC conductivity (σac) were studied at room temperature as function of frequency in the range 20Hz – 2MHz. The real part of dielectric constant (ε') and dielectric loss tangent (tan δ) showed a decreases with the increase in frequency where as the ac conductivity (σac) increases with increase in frequency. The dielectric constant (ε') shows an increasing trend with increase of Cu substitution in Ni nano-ferrites.Key words: Nano - Ferrites; Citrate-Gel Technique; X-Ray Diffraction; Dielectric Properties Reference [1] K. J. STANDLEY, "Oxide Magnetic Materials" (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1972). [2] D.R.BROUN and E. ALBERS-SCHOENBERG, Electronics 26 (1953) 146. [3] K.LATHA, K.S.MOHAN and D. RAVINDER, Phys.Status Solidi A 142 (1994) K103 [4] Y. Qu, H. Yang, N. Yang, Y. Fan, H. Zhu, and Zou, Ma-ter. Lett. 60, 3548-3552 (2006). [5] P.C. Dorsey, P. Lubitz, D.B. Chrisey, and J.S.Horwitz, J. Appl. Phys. 85, 6338-6345 (1999). Rapolu Sridhar, D.Ravinder, K.Vijaya Kumar |
2021-2024 | ![]() |
334. | Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Genotype Prevalence among Egyptian Primary Nephrotic and End Stage Renal Diseases Patients
Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Genotype Prevalence among Egyptian Primary Nephrotic and End Stage Renal Diseases PatientsAbstract: The Renin-Angiotensin system (RAS) is a key regulator of both blood pressure and kidney functions and their interaction. In such a situation, genetic variability in the genes of different components of RAS is likely to contribute for its heterogeneous association in the renal disease patients. Angiotensin converting enzyme-1 (ACE-1) is an important component of RAS which determines the vasoactive peptide Angiotensin-II. In the present study, we have investigated 103 end stage renal diseases (ESRD), 104 primary nephrotic (P.N) patients and 102 normal healthy controls from Mansoura city in Egypt to deduce the association between ACE gene polymorphism and ESRD, P.N.The selected samples were assayed for genotyping of ACE I/D by (PCR) based DNA amplification using specific flanking primers. The results revealed that there was a significance distribution in DD genotype between ESRD and control group(p<0.05), with risk value (OR>1) which resulting in increasing the risk for ESRD.There was significance distribution in ID genotype between ESRD and control group (p<0.05), without disease risk (OR <1). Based on these observations we conclude that ACE DD genotype implicate a strong possible role in the in renal damage among Egyptians. The study will help in predetermining the timing, type and doses of therapy for ESRD patients.Key words: Angiotensin converting enzyme-1; end stage renal diseases; primary nephrotic; gene polymorphism. Reference [1] Oktem, F.; Sirin, A.; Bilge, I.; Emre, S.; Agachan, B.; IspirT., (2004): ACE I/D gene polymorphism in primaryFSGS steroid-sensitive nephrotic syndrome. PediatrNephrol; 19:384-9. [2] White,CT.;Macpherson,CF.;Hurlet,RM.;Matsell,DG.(2003): Antiproteinuric effects of enalapril and losartan: a pilot study. PediatrNephrol; 18:1038-43. [3] Rigat, B.; Hubert, C.;Alhenc-Gelas, F.;Cambien, F.;CorvolP.;Soubrier, F.)1990): An insertion/deletionpolymorphism in the angiotensin I-converting enzymegene accounting for half the variance of serum enzymelevels. J Clin Invest; 86:1343-6. [4] Costerousse, O.;Alledgrini, J.; Lopez, M., Alhenc-Gelas,F. (1993):Angiotensin I converting enzyme inhumancirculating mononu-clearcells:geneticpolymorphismofexpression in T-lymphocytes. Biochem J; 290:33-40. [5] Bagga, A.;Srivastava, RN. (2002): Nephrotic syndrome and proteinuria. Indian J Pediatr; 69:1053-4. ZahranFaten, HamedSahar, KeshtaAkaber, Hussien Mohamed |
2025-2031 | ![]() |
335. | Data Mining Tool using Clustering Technique on Exploration Engine Dataset
Data Mining Tool using Clustering Technique on Exploration Engine DatasetAbstract: It is a major issue to retrieve good websites from the larger collections of websites. As the number of available Web pages grows, it is become more difficult for users finding documents relevant to their interests. Clustering is the classification of a data set into subsets (clusters), so that the data in each subset share some common trait - often proximity according to some defined distance measure. By clustering we improve the quality of websites by grouping similar websites in groups. This paper addresses the applications of data mining tool Weka by applying k means clustering to find clusters from huge data sets and find the attributes that govern optimization of search engines. Unlabeled document collections are becoming increasingly common and mining such databases becomes a major challenge.Key words: Websites; Data mining; Weka; k-means, Dataset. Reference [1] A Document Clustering Algorithm for Web Search Engine Retrieval System, Hongwei Yang School of Software Yunnan University, Kunming 650021, China; [2] S. Kantabutra, Efficient Representation of Cluster Structure in Large Data Sets, Ph.D. Thesis, Tufts University, Medford MA, September 2001. [3] Wang Jun, OuYang Zheng-Zheng "The Research of KMeans Clustering Algorithm Based on Association Rules " [4]http://maya.cs.depaul.edu/classes/ect584/weka/k-means.html [5].http://www.cs.ccsu.edu/~markov/wekatutorial.pdf. Mahesh Kumar KondReddy, Sujeeth .T |
2032-2036 | ![]() |