Volume 2- Issue 6 [Nov-Dec 2012]
S.No. | Title & Authors | Page | Downloads |
Paper submitted to IJERA : 835 Accepted papers by peer review process : 259 Rejected Paper : 576 Paper Acceptance percentage : 31.01% |
1. | A Study on web Applications & Protection against Vulnerabilities
A Study on web Applications & Protection against VulnerabilitiesAbstract: Web applications are widely adopted and their correct functioning is mission critical for many businesses. Online banking, emails, eshopping, has become an integral part of today's life. Vulnerabilities in web application can lead to a variety of erroneous behavior at dynamic run time. We encounter the problem of forceful browsing in many web applications, username enumeration can help an attacker who attempts to use guessable passwords, such as test/test, admin/admin, guest/guest, and so on. These accounts are often created by developers for testing purposes, and many times the accounts are never disabled or the developer forgets to change the password, hacking reduces the performance or function of the application, further more, the modified system itself becomes a constraint to counter newer types of vulnerabilities that may crop up from time to time. Hence, the best solution would be to finds the steps to solve that are web-based (firewall) independent for protecting against vulnerabilities in web applications. In our work algorithm is to analyze vulnerabilities that are caused by breaking of the data dependency using problem which work efficient with existing one.Key words: Web Application, Vulnerabilities, Forceful browsing, Testing, Dynamic Testing Reference [1] A registration page had an an HTML comment mentioning a file named " _private/customer.txt"typing http://www.xxx.com/_private/customer.txt sent back all customers information [2] Appending "~" or back or old to GCI names may send back an older version of the source code. For example www.xxx.com/cgi-bin/admin.jsp~ returns admin.jsp source code. Here hacking attempts that every serious business application should be able [3] B. Beizer. Software Testing Techniques. Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1990. [4] Burp Spider. Web Application Security. http://portswigger.net/spider/, 2008. [5] Acunetix. AcunetixWeb Vulnerability Scanner. http://www.acunetix.com/, 2008. [6] D. Balzarotti, M. Cova, V. Felmetsger, N. Jovanov, E. Kirda, C. Kruegel, and G. Vigna. Saner: Composing Static and Dynamic Analysis to Validate Sanitization in Web Applications. In IEEE Security and Privacy Symposium, 2008. [7] Karl Forster, Lockstep Systems, Inc., "Why Firewalls Fail to Protect Web Sites," http://www.lockstep.com/products/ webagain/why-firewalls-fail.pdf, 2007. [8] I. Ristic, "Web Application Firewalls Primer," (IN)SECURE, vol. 1, no. 5, pp. 6- 10, Jan. 2006. [9] Shah, Shreeraj. Hacking Web Services. 2007. Padmaja K |
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2. | Future Effect Of Nano-Medicine On Human Generation
Future Effect Of Nano-Medicine On Human GenerationAbstract: Nanomedicine is the process of diagnosing, treating, and preventing disease and traumatic injury, of relieving pain, and of preserving and improving human health, using molecular tools and molecular knowledge of the human body. In the mid-term, biotechnology will make possible even more remarkable advances in molecular medicine including microbiological engineered organisms. In the longer term, perhaps 10–20 years the earliest molecular machine systems and nanorobots may join the medical armamentarium, finally giving physicians the most potent tools imaginable to conquer human disease, ill-health, and aging. Nanomedicine is defined as the monitoring, repair, construction and control of human biological systems at the molecular level, using engineered nanodevices and nanostructures. Nanomedicine ranges from the medical applications of nanomaterials to nanoelectronic biosensors and even possible future applications of molecular nanotechnology. The aim of nanomedicine is the improvement of healthcare for the benefit of the patient. Nanomedicine is an important and rapidly growing field, which is emerging from the application of nanotechnology to healthcare. Nanomedicine can offer impressive resolutions for various life threatening diseases in child (nano drug addicted next generation).Key words: DNA, Nanomedicine, nanoparticles, nanotubes, nanobiosensor, nanorobotics, nanomaterials Reference 1. Wu YR, Phillips JA, Liu HP, Yang RH, Tan WH. Carbon nanotubes protect DNA strands during cellular delivery. ACSNano 2008;2(10):2023-28. 2. Monteiro-Riviere NA, Nemanich RJ, Inman AO, Wang YYY, Riviere JE. Multiwalled carbon nanotube interactions with human epidermal keratinocytes. Toxicol Lett 2005;155(3):377-384 3. Wilkinson JM. Nanotechnology applications in medicine. Med Device Technol 2003;14:29- 31 4. Li K.C, Pandit S.D, Guccione S, Guccione S, Bednarski MD.Molecular imaging applications in nanomedicine. Biomed Microdevices 2004;6:113- 6. 5. Homola J. Present and future of surface plasmon resonance biosensors. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 2003; 377: 528-539. 6. Zhang XK, Meng LJ, Lu QG, Fei ZF, Dyson PJ. Targeted delivery and controlled release of doxorubicin to cancer cells using modified single wall carbon nanotubes. Biomaterials 2009;30(30):6041-47. 7. Roco MC. Nanotechnology: convergence with modern biology and medicine. Curr Opin Biotechnol 2003;14:337- 46. 8. Rasooly A., Jacobson J. Development of biosensors for cancer clinical testing. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 2006; 21: 1851-1858. 9. J.D.Reuter , A.Myc, M.M.Hayes, Z.Gan, R.Ro y, D.Qin, R.Y in, L.T .Piehler , R.Esf and, D.A.T omalia, and J.R.Bak er, Jr., Bioconjug. Chem. 10, 271 (1999). 10. National Science Foundation. National Nanotechnology Initiative: research and development FY 2002. Available at: www.nano.gov/2002budget.html. Accessed on 27 Sept 2004. 11. I.Lee, B.D.Athe y, A.W .W etzel, A.Kar , W.Meixner , and J.R. Baker, Jr., Macromolecules 35, 4510 (2002). 12. J.R.Bak er, Jr., A.Quintana, L.Piehler , M.Banazak-Holl, D.T omalia, and E.Raczka, Biomed. Microdevices 3, 61 (2001). Ashish Dadhich, Gurudutt Sharma, Devendra Kumar |
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Collocation Approximation Method For Special Linear Integro-Differentialequations Using Chebyshev Basis Function
Collocation Approximation Method For Special Linear Integro-Differentialequations Using Chebyshev Basis FunctionAbstract: In this paper, we consider the solution of first and second order Linear integro-differential by the use of trial solution formulated as Chebyshev form of Fourier cosine series. The behaviour of solution for different degrees (N) of the trial solution is carefully studied and illustrative examples are included to demonstrate the validity and applicability of the techniques.Key words: Chebyshev-collocation, Integrodifferentials, Trial solution Reference 1. Danfu H. and Xufeng S., (2009) Numerical solution of Integro-differential equations by using CAS wavelets operational matrix of integration., Applied math. comp., 194: pp 460-466. 2. H. Brunner,(2004), Collocation methods for Volterra Integral and related Functional Differential equations, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge UK. 3. Clenshaw C. W., (1957), the numerical solution of linear differential equations in Chebyshev series, pro. Camb. Phil. Soc., 53, pp. 134-149. 4. Fox L. and Godwin E. T. (1953), The numerical solution of non-singular linear integral equations, phil. Trans. vol 245A, pp. 501-534. 5. H.Brunner and P. Van Der Houwen, (1986) The Numerical Solution of Volterra Equations, C. W. I monogr. 3, NorthHolland, Amsterdam. 6. H. Brunner and D. S. Zau, (2006), hpDiscontinuous Galerkin time-stepping for volterra integro-differential equations, SIAM J. Numer. Anal.vol 44, no.1 pp.224- 245. 7. L. Fox and I. B. Parker, (1968), Chebyshev Polynomials in Numerical analysis, Oxford University press NY Toroto. 8. Z. Abbas, S. Vahdati, K.A. Atan and N. M. A Nik long (2009) Legendre multi-wavelets direct method for linear integrodifferengial equations, Applied maths sciences, vol. 3, no. 14, 693-700. 9. P. Darania and A. Ebadian,(2007), A method for the numerical solution of the integro-differential equations, applied maths and comp.vol. 188, pp. 657-668. 10. H. Brunner (2004), Collocation methods for volterra integral and related functional differential equations, Cambrige University Press, New York. 11. J. D. Hoffman, (2001), Numerical methods for Engineers and Scientists, 2nd ed., mercel Dekker, Inc. New york. 12. Mercser, b. (1989): An Introduction to the Numerical Analysis of Spectral Methods, Lecture Notes in phys. 318 & Berlin and New York, springer-Verlag Taiwo. O. A., Ayinde M. A., Olaguju A. S. |
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4. | Molding of PVC Air Soles with Modified Formulation
Molding of PVC Air Soles with Modified FormulationAbstract: Molding of PVC Air soles are currently produced with the formulations of Resin (25 Kg), DOP/DBP ( 8+8 Kg), CPW (3 Kg), R9 (0.750 Kg), Ivamol (0.500 Kg), Stearic acid (0.500 Kg), Foaming ADC (0.350 Kg), MBR (8kg) and CaCO3). Quality parameters investigated for such products have shown that internal microcellular structures were not uniform and durability was also weak. Hence the invention was undertaken eliminating CPW and Stearic acid. Instead of this Naphthenic oil was employed for molding the soles. Quality evaluations have shown the internal microcellular structures were quite uniform and had great impact on durability. The formulation was also found to be feasible for the regular production. High resolution pictures of the soles have exhibited the uniform polymeric network.Key words: Resin PVC, Molding, Naphthenic oil, Microcellular Reference 1. J. K. Sears, J. R. Darby, Technology of Plasticizers. John Wiley & Sons, 1982 2. D. M. Bailey, S. D. Foltz, W. J. Rossiter, J. A. Lechner, Performance of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) roofing: results of a ten year field study. Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Roofing Technology, Gaithersburg, M.D., 1997; 253–264. 3. L. G. Krauskopf, Plasticizer structure/performance relationships. Journal of Vinyl Technology, 15(3), 1993, 140– 147. 4. P.W. Diebel, The effect of formulation on the physical properties and durability of flexible PVC geo membranes. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Geo synthetics, Nice, 2002, 28–34. 5. D. Fayoux,, F. Gousse, F. Rummens, Assessment on a PVC geo membrane in a landfill after ten years. Proceedings of the 4 th International Landfill Symposium, Sardinia, 1993; 1:369–378. 6. J. P. Giroud, Aging of PVC geo membranes in uranium mine tailing ponds, Proceedings of the International Conference on Geo membranes, Denver, CO, 2, 1984, 311– 316. 7. J. P. Giroud, L. G. Tisinger, The influence of plasticizers on the performance of PVC geo membranes. Proceedings of the Conference on Geo synthetic Liner Systems: Innovation, Concerns, and Design, St Paul, MN, 1993, 169–196. 8. M.H.G. Hammond, R.E. Mackey, S.B. Levin, The reexamination of a nine-yearold PVC geo membrane used in top cap application. Proceedings of the 31st Annual SWANA Conference, San Jose, CA, 1993; 365–380. 9. W.L. Hawkins, Polymer Degradation and Stabilization, New York: Springer, 1984, 119. 10. Holzmann, To Determine the Criteria for Selecting Plasticizers for Roofing Sheet. BASF, Internal Technical Report. 1988 11. E.M. Kampouris, The migration of plasticizers into petroleum oils. Euro. Polym. J. 11, 1975, 795–710. 12. S. B. Levin, M. Hammond, Examination of PVC in a top cap application. In Geo synthetic Testing for Waste Containment Application, ASTM STP West Conshohocken, PA: American Society for Testing and Materials. 1081, 1990, 369– 382. 13. H .F. Mark, N. G., Gaylord, Encyclopedia of Polymer and Technology: Plastics, Resins, Rubbers, Fibers. New York: Inter science Publishers. 1964 14. D. Messadi, J. Vergnaud, M. Hivert, A new approach to the study of plasticizer migration from PVC into methanol. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 26, 1981, 667–677. 15. W.R. Morrison, J.G, Starbuck, Performance of Plastic Canal Linings, Report No. RECERC-84-1. Denver, CO: US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation. 1984 16. Nass LI, Heiberger CA, Encyclopedia of PVC: Vol. 1 Resin Manufacture and Properties, Marcel Dekker, 1986, 702. 17. J.H. Orem, J.K. Sears, Flexible poly (vinyl chloride) for long outdoor life. Journal of Vinyl Technology, 1(2), 1979, 79–83. 18. V. Papakonstantinou, C. D. Papaspyrides, Plasticizer migration from plasticized into unplasticized poly (vinyl chloride). J. of Vinyl Technology, 16(4), 1994, 192–196. 19. J.K. Sears, J.R. Darby, the Technology of Plasticizers. New York: John Wiley & Sons, (1982), 1166. 20. T.D. Stark, E. Newman, F. P. Rohe, Thirty year old performance of PVC liners in the aquaculture industry, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Geo synthetics, Nice, 4–8, 2002 21. J. Stepek, H. Daoust, Additives for Plastics. New York: Springer, 1983, 243. 22. S. Wilson, Plasticizers: Principles and Practice, Institute of Materials. 1995 Omprakash H. Nautiyal |
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5. | Analysis And Optimization Of Turning Process Parameters Using Design Of Experiments
Analysis And Optimization Of Turning Process Parameters Using Design Of ExperimentsAbstract: In any machining process, apart from obtaining the accurate dimensions, achieving a good surface quality and maximized metal removal are also of utmost importance. A machining process involves many process parameters which directly or indirectly influence the surface roughness and metal removal rate of the product in common. Surface roughness and metal removal in turning process are varied due to various parameters of which feed, speed, depth of cut are important ones. A precise knowledge of these optimum parameters would facilitate reduce the machining costs and improve product quality. Extensive study has been conducted in the past to optimize the process parameters in any machining process to have the best product. Current investigation on turning process is a Response Surface Methodology applied on the most effective process parameters i.e. feed, cutting speed and depth of cut while machining Aluminium alloy and resin as the two types of work pieces with HSS cutting tool. The main effects (independent parameters), quadratic effects (square of the independent variables), and interaction effects of the variables have been considered separately to build best subset of the model. Three levels of the feed, three levels of speed, three values of the depth of cut, two different types of work materials have been used to generate a total 20 readings in a single set. After having the data from the experiments, the performance measures surface roughness (Ra) of the test samples was taken on a profile projector and MRR is calculated using the existing formulae. To analyze the data set, statistical tool DESIGN EXPERT-8 (Software) has been used to reduce the manipulation and help to arrive at proper improvement plan of the Manufacturing process & Techniques. Hypothesis testing was also done to check the goodness of fit of the data. A comparison between the observed and predicted data was made, which shows a close relationship.Key words: Surface Roughness and Metal Removal Rate, Turning, Response Surface Methodology, Aluminium Alloy, Resin. Reference Journals [1] M. Janardhan and A. Gopala Krishna, "Multi-Objective Optimization 0f Cutting Parameters for Surface Roughness and Metal Removal Rate in Surface Grinding Using Response Surface Methodology", International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology, March 2012. IJAET ISSN: 2231-1963. [2] Poornima And Sukumar, "Optimization of Machining Parameters in CNC Turning of Martensitic Stainless Steel Using RSM And GA", International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER), Vol.2, Issue.2, Mar.-Apr. 2012 Pp-539-542 Issn: 2249-6645, Www.Ijmer.Com . [3] Ramo´ n Quiza Sardin˜, Marcelino Rivas Santana, Eleno Alfonso Brindis, "Genetic algorithm-based multi-objective optimization of cutting parameters in turning processes", Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 19 (2006) 127–133, www.elsevier.com. [4] Atul Kumar, Dr. Sudhir Kumar, Dr. Rohit Garg, "Statistical Modeling Of Surface Roughness In Turning Process", International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST), ISSN : 0975-5462 Vol. 3 No. 5 May 2011 [5] Ashok kumar Sahoo and Bidyadhar Sahoo, "Surface roughness model and parametric optimization in finish turning using coated carbide insert: Response surface methodology and Taguchi approach", International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations 2 (2011) 819– 830. [6] E. Daniel Kirby, "A Parameter Design Study in a Turning Operation Using the Taguchi Method", the Technology Interface/Fall 2006 Theses [7] Smruti Ranjan Sahoo, "Prediction of machining parameters for optimum Surface Roughness in turning SS 304", B.Tech Thesis, National Institute of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Rourkela, 2010-2011. [8] T.G.Ansalam Raj, "Analysis And Optimization Of Machining Process Using Evolutionary Algorithms", Doctoral Thesis, Cochin University Of Science And Technology, Kochi, August 2011. Text Books [9] Montegomery. D. C., 1991, Design and Analysis of experiments, Wiley, India. [10] Response Surface Methodology, Raymonds.H.Mayres & Douglas.E.Montgomery, Second Edition,John Whiely Publishers. C. Ramudu, Dr. M. Naga Phani Sastry |
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6. | Multi Sensor Image Fusion For Impulse Noise Removal In Digital Images
Multi Sensor Image Fusion For Impulse Noise Removal In Digital ImagesAbstract: The digital images are corrupted by impulse noise due to errors generated in camera sensors, analog-to-digital conversion and communication channels. Therefore it is necessary to remove impulse noise in-order to provide further processing such as edge detection, segmentation, pattern recognition etc. Filtering a noisy image, while preserving the image details is one of the most important issues in image processing. In this paper, we introduce an image fusion technique for impulse noise reduction, where the fused image will combine the uncorrupted pixels of the filtered noisy images obtained from different sensors. The image captured by different sensors undergoes iterative filtering algorithm, search for the noise-free pixels within a small neighborhood. The noisy pixel is then replaced with the value estimated from the noise-free pixels. The process continues iteratively until all noisy-pixels of the noisy image are filtered. The filtered images are fused in to a single image using a fusion algorithm by using the quality assessment of spatial domain. The experimental results show the proposed algorithm can perform significantly better in terms of noise suppression and detail preservation in images.Key words: Impulse Noise, Impulse Noise Removal, Image Processing. Reference Journals [1] Tao Chen, Kai-Kaung Ma and Li-Hui Chen, "Tri-state median filter for image Denoising", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol 8, no.12, pp.1834-1838, December 1999. [2] Reihard Berstein," Adaptive nonlinear filters for simultaneous removal of different kinds of noise in images," IEEE Trans on circuits and systems , Vol.cas-34, no 11,pp.127- 1291, Nivember 1987. [3] O.Rockinger," Image sequence fusion using ashift invariant wavelet transform," IEEE transactions on image processing, 3:288- 291, 1997. [4] Chaveli Ramesh and T.ranjith, "Fusion performance measures and a lifting wavelet transform based algorithm for image fusion", In Proc. 5th International conference on image fusion, july 2002,pp 317-320. [5] S.Indu , Chaveli Ramesh, " A noise fading technique for images highly corrupted with impulse noise", Proceedings of the ICCTA07 , IEEE. [6] Z. Xuming and X.Youlun,"Impulse Noise Removal using Directional Difference Based Noise Detector and Adaptive Weighted Mean Filter", IEEE Signal processing letters, vol 16,pp.295-298, 2009. [7] W.Zhou and D.Zhang, " Progesssive Switching median filter for the removal of impulse noise from the highly corrupted images", IEEE transactions on circuits and systems II. Analog and Digital Signal Processing, Vol 46, pp.78-80,1999. [8] K.S.Srinivasan, and D.Ebnezer," A New Fast and Efficient Decision based Algorithm for Removal of High Density Impulse Noises", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol14 pp.189-192,2007. V.Anusha, P.Praveen Kumar, Dharmaiah.Devarapalli |
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7. | Effect Of Replacement Of Cement By Metakalion On The Properties Of High Performance Concrete Subjected To Hydrochloric Acid Attack
Effect Of Replacement Of Cement By Metakalion On The Properties Of High Performance Concrete Subjected To Hydrochloric Acid AttackAbstract: This paper presents an experimental investigation on the effect of partial replacement of cement by metakalion by various percentages viz 0%, 10%, 20%, and 30% on the properties of high performance concrete, when it is subjected to hydrochloric acid attack. An aggregate binder ratio of 2 and different water binder ratios viz 0.3, 0.35, 0.40 and 0.45 was used in this investigation. Concrete specimens of size 150 x 150 x 150 mm were casted to find residual compressive strength and specimens of size 100 x 100 x 100mm were casted to find percentage weight loss; both the sizes of specimens were casted and cured as per IS specification. After 28 days water curing, the concrete specimens were kept immersed in 5% concentrated hydrochloric acid solution for 30, 60 and 90 days for observation. Before immersion, they were weighed accurately and after required days of immersion and observation, the specimens were removed from hydrochloric acid media, weighed accurately and tested for their compressive strength; weight loss and hardness of concrete were studied. The various results which indicate the effect of replacement of cement by metakalion on HPC are presented in this paper to draw useful conclusions. The results were compared with reference mix. Test results indicate that use of replacement cement by metakalion in HPC has improved performance of concrete up to 10%Key words: Metakaolin, High Performance Concrete, Hydrochloric acid attack, Residual compressive strength, Weight loss Reference 1. Ankur.A.Patel., Deepa.A.Sinha (2011)., "An Experimental Investigation on the Effect of Flyash and Metakaolin on Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete at Temperature upto 20 0 c, Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology", 13-14 th May, Organized By BVM Engineering College, Vallabh, Vidyanagar-388120. Dist., Anand. (Gujarat), paper Id-101067. 2. Bhattacharjee, et al"(2011)., "Specifications for high performance concrete in India" Proceedings of the International UKIERI Concrete Congress, New Delhi, India, 8-10 th March, pp1-12 3. Maruthachalam.M, et al"(2012)., "Studies of Durability Aspects of Fibre Reinforced Concrete" International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST), Vol.4, No.02, February, pp620-628 4. Patil.B.B, Kumbhar P.D(2012)., "Strength and Durability Properties of High Performance Concrete incorporating High Reactivity Metakaolin", International Journal of Modern Engineering Research, Vol.2, Issue.3, May-June, pp-1099-1104 5. Scott R and Singh S P(2011)., "High Performance Silica Fume Concrete and some Applications in India" Proceedings of the International UKIERI Concrete Congress New Delhi, India, 8-10 th March, pp217-238 6. Sudarsana Rao. H, et al" (2012), "Durability Studies on Metakaolin based Glass Fibre Reinforced High-PerformanceConcrete". International Journal of Advanced Scientific Research and Technology, Issue.2, Vol.2, April, pp204-211 7. Sudarsana Rao. H, et al"(2012)., "Residual Compressive Strength of Fly Ash Based Glass Fibre Reinforced High Performance Concrete Subjected to Acid Attack", International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST), Vol.4, No.01, January, pp71-88 8. Sudarsana Rao. H, et al"(2011), "Strength and Workability Characteristics of Fly Ash based Glass Fibre Reinforced HighPerformance-Concrete", International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST), Vol. 3, No. 8, August, pp 6266-6277 Beulah M., Prahallada M. C. |
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8. | Proposing a Model for Predicting Flow Stress of Aluminium Alloy in Tensile Test
Proposing a Model for Predicting Flow Stress of Aluminium Alloy in Tensile TestAbstract: To obtain materials with desired properties, traditional approaches use experiments, while modern approaches use computer simulation. There is no doubt that computer simulation is cheaper and faster than experiments. By using appropriate computer models, simulation results are in the same accuracy with experiments. In this paper we use genetic algorithm to predict the flow stress of aluminum alloy during tensile test. Experimental results prove the success of our model. Streszczenie.Key words: Genetic Algorithm, Aluminum Alloy, Flow Stress, Tensile Test. Reference [1] G. Dieter, "Mechanichal Metallurgy," ed: Mc Graw Hill, 1977. [2] V. I. Levitas and I.E.Stashkevich and a. A. B. Nemirovskii, "STRESS-STRAIN DIAGRAMS OF METALS UNDER LARGE UNIFORM COMPRESSIVE STRAINS," Strength of Materials, vol. 26, 1994. [3] Y. Ling, " Uniaxial True Stress-Strain after Necking," AMP Journal of Technology, vol. 5, 1996. [4] D. Roylance, "Stress-Strain Curves," MA, Materials Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,Cambridge, 2001. [5] A. T. SANTHANAM and V. RAMACHANDRAN and R. E. REEDHILL, "An Investigation of the Shape of the Titanium Stress Strain Curves After a Strain Rate Change," METALLURGICAL TRANSACTIONS, vol. 1, 1970. [6] B. Mirzakhani and M. Mansourinejad, "The Effect of Pre-ageing on the Mechanical Properties of AA6061 Sheet Products," Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, vol. 110-116, 2012. [7] w. D.Callister and D. G.rethwisch, "Materials scienc and Engineering:An Introduction," 4th edn ed: Wiley, 2011. [8] M. C. M. Mahfouf, D. A. Linkens, "MULTI-OBJECTIVE PARTICLE SWARM OPTIMISATION FOR ALLOY TOUGHNESS DESIGN USING A FUZZY PREDICTIVE MODEL " presented at the 16th IFAC World Congress, Czech Republic, 2005. [9] N. ALTINKOK, "Use of Artificial Neural Network for Prediction of Mechanical Properties of α-Al2O3 Particulatereinforced Al–Si10Mg Alloy Composites Prepared by using Stir Casting Process," Journal of COMPOSITE MATERIALS, vol. 40, 2005. [10] A. K. LAKSHMINARAYANAN and V. BALASUBRAMANIAN, "Comparison of RSM with ANN in predicting tensile strength of friction stir welded AA7039 aluminium alloy joints," Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, vol. 19, 2008. [11] R. L. Haupt and S. E. Haupt, "PRACTICAL GENETIC ALGORITHMS," Second ed: Published by John WlLEY & Sons, 2004. [12] John H. Holland and a. S. W. W. Christopher Langton, "Genetic Programming," ed: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1998. [13] D. Whitley, "A Genetic Algorithm Tutorial," Statistics and Computing, vol. 4, pp. 65--85, 1994. [14] R. Riolo and a. B. Worzel, "GeneticProgrammingTheory and Practice," illustrated ed: Springer, 2003. [15] T. Weise, "Global Optimization Algorithms – Theory and Application," vol. 1, ed: Thomas Weise, 2009, p. 820. [16] M. Meier, "MECHANICAL PROPERTIES," ed: University of California, 2004. Leila Mansouri, Reza Rafeh |
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9. | Analysis and comparison of ECC & ECIES using IBE for securing patient's privacy
Analysis and comparison of ECC & ECIES using IBE for securing patient's privacyAbstract: The work that we are presenting here denotes the comparison between Elliptic curve cryptography and elliptic curve integrated Encryption Scheme using Identity Based Encryption implemented on sensor networks, motivated by those networks' need for an efficient, secure mechanism for shared cryptographic keys' distribution and redistribution among nodes. Both the cryptographic technique can be implemented as an application for securing the patient's privacy in wireless body sensor networks. Hence, we are comparing the their implementation on body sensor network for the encryption and decryption of patient's private recordReference [1] N. Asokan, K. Kostiainen, P. Ginzboorg, J. Ott, and C. Luo. Applicability of identitybased cryptography for disruption-tolerant networking. In MobiOpp 2007. [2] D. Boneh and M. Franklin. Identity-based encryption from the Weil pairing. In CRYPTO 2001. [3] S. Capkun, L. Butty´an, and J.-P. Hubaux. Self organized public-key management for mobile ad hoc networks. IEEE TMC 2003. [4] H. Chan, A. Perrig, and D. Song. Random key predistribution schemes for sensor networks. In IEEE SP 2003. [5] C. Cocks. An identity based encryption scheme based on. quadratic residues. In LNCS 2260 (2001). [6] W. Du, R. Wang, and P. Ning. An efficient scheme for authenticating public keys in sensor networks. In MobiHoc 2005. [7] L. Eschenauer and V. D. Gligor. A keymanagement scheme for distributed sensor networks. In CCS 2002. [8] R. Ganti, P. Jayachandran, and T.Abdelzaher. Satire: A software architecture for smart attire. In Mobisys 2006. [9] J. Girao, D. Westhoff, E. Mykletun, and T. Araki.Tinypeds: Tiny persistent encrypted data storage in asynchronous wireless sensor networks. Ad Hoc Networks 2007. [10] U. Hengartner and P. Steenkiste.Exploiting hierarchical identity-based encryption for access control to pervasive computing information. In SecureComm 2005. [11] C. Karlof, N. Sastry, and D. Wagner. Tinysec: a link layer security architecture for wireless sensor networks. In SenSys 2004. [12] A. Kate, G. Zaverucha, and U. Hengartner. Anonymity and security in delay tolerant networks. In SecureComm 2007. [13] L. Lazos and R. Poovendran. Serloc: Secure range independent localization for wireless sensor networks. ACM TOSN 2005. [14] A. Liu, P. Kampanakis, and P. Ning. Tinyecc: Elliptic curve cryptography for sensor networks (version 0.3). 2007. [15] D. Liu and P. Ning. Establishing pairwise keys in distributed sensor networks. In CCS 2003. [16] B. Lo and G. Z. Yang. Key technical challenges and current implementations of body sensor networks. In BSN 2005. [17] D. Malan, T. Fulford-Jones, M. Welsh, and S. Moulton. Codeblue: An ad hoc sensor network infrastructure for emergency medical care. In BSN 2004. [18] D. J. Malan, M. Welsh, and M. D. Smith. A public-key infrastructure for key distribution in tinyos based on elliptic curve cryptography. In SECON 2004. [19] K. Malasri and L. Wang. Addressing security in medical sensor networks. In HealthNet 2007. [20] M. Mont, P. Bramhall, and K. Harrison. A flexible role-based secure messaging service: exploiting IBE technology forprivacy in health care. In International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications 2003. [21] E. Mykletun, J. Girao, and D. Westhoff. Public key based cryptoschemes for data concealment in wireless sensor networks. In ICC2006. [22] A. Perrig, R. Szewczyk, V. Wen, D. Culler, and J. D. Tygar. SPINS: Security protocols for sensor networks. In Mobicom 2001. [23] A. Shamir. Identity-based cryptosystems and signature schemes. In CRYPTO 1984. [24] L. Zhong, M. Sinclair, and R. Bittner. A phone centered body sensor network platform: cost, energy efficiency and user interface. In BSN 2006. [25] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Identity_based _encryption. [26] M. Abdalla, M. Bellare, P. Rogaway. DHAES: An Encryption Scheme Based on the Diffie-Hellman Problem, contribution to IEEE P1363a, 1998. [27] M. Abdalla, M. Bellare, P. Rogaway. The Oracle Diffie- Hellman Assumptions and an Analysis of DHIES, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2020, pp. 143–158,2001. [28] M. Bellare and P. Rogaway. Minimizing the Use of Random Oracles in Authenticated Encryption Schemes, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1334, pp. 1–16, 1997 Lino Zachariah, Dr. Poonam Sinha |
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10. | Fluid Flow And Heuat Transfer Analysis Of Laminar Multiple Square Jets Impinging On A Flat Plate
Fluid Flow And Heat Transfer Analysis Of Laminar Multiple Square Jets Impinging On A Flat PlateAbstract: A computational study is reported on fluid flow and heat transfer from multiple laminar square jets impinging on a flat surface. The parameter which are varied in this study includes fluid Reynolds number (Re=100,300,500), jet to jet spacing (4D,5D,6D) and nozzle exit to plate distance (AZ) .The commercially available finite volume code Fluent 6.3.26 is used to solve the flow field and heat transfer characteristics. The computationally obtained flow structure reveals the complex interaction of wall jets. Primary peaks are obtained at the stagnation point and secondary peaks are observed at the interaction of the wall jets. Flow structure is strongly affected by the jet -to-plate spacing. A strong correlation between the Nusselt number and pressure distribution is noticed. On the other hand the magnitude of local Nusselt number at the stagnation point is not affected by Jet-to-Jet spacing.Key words: Jet impingement, laminar flow, up wash flow, CFD Reference 1. J. M. M. Barata, D. F. G. Durao, and M. V. Heitor, Impingement of Single and Twin Turbulent Jets through a Cross flow, AIAA Journal, vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 595-602, 1991. 2. A. R. P. V. Heiningen, A. S. Majumdar, and W. J. M. Douglas, Numerical Prediction of the Flow Field and Impinging Heat Transfer Caused by a Laminar Slot Jet, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, vol. 98, pp. 654-658, 1976. 3. Y. J. Chou and Y. H. Hung, Impingement Cooling of an Isothermally Heated Surface with a Confined Slot Jet, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, vol. 116, pp. 479-482, 1994.S. Mikhail, S. M. Morcos, M. M. M. Abou-Ellail, and W. S. Ghaly, Numerical Prediction of Flow Field and Heat Transfer from a Row of Laminar Slot Jets Impinging on a Flat Plat, Proc. 7th Int. Heat Transfer Conf., vol. 3, pp. 337-382, 1982. 4. S. Mikhail, S. M. Morcos, M. M. M. AbouEllail, and W. S. Ghaly, Numerical Prediction of Flow Field and Heat Transfer from a Row of Laminar Slot Jets Impinging on a Flat Plat, Proc. 7th Int. Heat Transfer Conf., vol. 3, pp. 337-382, 1982. 5. T. D. Yuan, J. A. Liburdy, and T. Wang, Buoyancy Effects on Laminar Impinging Jets, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, vol. 31, pp. 2137-2145, 1988 6. D. M. Schafer, F. P. Incropera, and S. Ramadhyani, Numerical Simulation of Laminar Convection Heat Transfer from an In-Line Array of Discrete Sources to a Confined Rectangular Jet, Numeric. Heat Transfer, Part A, vol. 22. pp. 121-141, 1992. 7. D. C. Wadsworth and I. Mudawar, Cooling of a Multichip Electronic Module by Means of Confined Two-Dimensional Jets of Dielectric Liquid, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, vol. 112, pp. 891-898, 1990. 8. I. Sezai and A.A.Mohamad, 3-DSimulation of Laminar Rectangular Impinging Jets, Flow Structure and Heat Transfer, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, vol. 121, pp. 50-56, 1999. 9. S. J. Slayzak, R. Viskanta, and F. P. Incropera, Effects of Interaction Between Adjacent Free Surface Planar Jets on Local Heat Transfer from the Impingement Surface, Int. J.Heat Mass Transfer, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 269-282, 1994. 10. Clayton, D.J., and W. P. Jones, (2006) Large Eddy Simulation of Impinging Jets in a Confined Flow, Flow Turbulence Combust, 77: 127–146. 11. Jung-Yang and Mao-De (2001) investigated the effect of jet-to-jet spacing on the local Nusselt number for confined circular air jets vertically impinging on a flat plate. G. Srivalli, B. Raghavarao, M.R.Ch.Sastry |
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11. | Kinetics and thermodynamic studies of the chlorination of sultams using a spectroscopic technique
Kinetics and thermodynamic studies of the chlorination of sultams using a spectroscopic techniqueAbstract: Kinetics and thermodynamic studies of chlorination of N-(p-substituted phenyl) -3,5- dimethyl -1, 1-dioxo-1,2-thiazine (C4H2(CH3)2SO2 N C6H4-X); {X = H, p-Cl, and p-OCH3} by using sulfuryl chloride (SO2Cl2) in chloroform medium have been investigated by Isolation method the observed rate of chlorination pseudo first order for 1,2-thiazine and SO2Cl2 and second order in overall reaction and using spectrophotometric techniques. The reaction rate constant increases with increasing temperature from 273K to 318K. The kinetic and thermodynamic parameters k, Ea, ΔH # and ΔS # have been calculated. The corresponding halogenated 1,2-thiazine has been identified as a product of halogenation. A suitable reaction scheme is proposed and an appropriate rate law is deduced to account for the observed kinetic and thermodynamic data.Key words: Chlorination (SO2Cl2), Kinetic, Sultam, Spectroscopy, Thermodynamic. Reference [1] C. Hansch, and P.G. Sammes, Comprehensive Medicinal Chemistry (Pergamon press, Oxford, 1990). [2] P. R. Hanson, D. A. Probst, R. E. Robinson, and M. Yau, Tetrahedron let. 40, 4761, 1999. [3] P.J. Seyden, Chiral Auxiliaries and Ligands in Asymmetric synthesis, (Wiley, New York, 1995). [4] R.C. Brown, J.L. Castro, and J-D Moriggi, Tetrahedron Let. 41, 3681, 2000. [5] A. Jenkins, IUPAC compendium of chemical Terminology, 2 nd Ed. 67, 1370, 1995. [6] H. Burckhardt, T. Bonner, Bonu, Germany, U.S. Pattent. No. 2,917,512, Dec.15, 1959. [7] F. Hans, D. Beeck, and H. Tummes, Duisburg-Meiderich, Germany, U.S. pattent. No. 2,866,786, Dec. 30 (1958). [8] Fanghenel E., Mohammed H., Richter A.M. and Radeglia R. Journal of Practical Chemestry, 326, 545, 1984. [9] R.R. Braim, synthsis of some derevatives of the Brominated 1,2-thiazines using ultrasound technique, "M.Sc. Thesis", Salahaddin University, College of Science Chemistry Department, 1998. [10] A.P. Uthman, P.J. Demlein, T.D. Allston, M.C. Withiam, M.J. McClements, and G.A. Takacs, J. Phys. Chem., 82, 2252, 1978. [11] A. Semnani, H. R. Pouretedal, and M. H. Keshavarz Bull. Korean Chemical Society, 27, 6, 2006. [12] G.M. Barrow. physical chemistry (McGrow Hill Inc), 4 th Ed., 1979. [13] B.G. Gowenlock, Quart. Rev., 140, 133 1960. [14] R.W. Missen, Ch. A. Mims, and B. A. Saville; Introduction to chemical reaction engineering and kinetics, 1998. [15] Ch. G. Hill, An introduction to chemical engineering kinetics and reactor design John Wiley and Sons New York, 1977. [16] P.W. Atkins Physical chemistry, (Oxford University Press, USA 5 th Ed., 1995). [17] K.J. Laidler A glossary of terms used in chemical kinetics, including reaction dynamics Pure & Applied Chemistry, 68, (1), 1996, 149-192. [18] S. Alberty, J. Robert and A. Robert Physical chemistry (John Wiley and songs, Inc. New york, 3 rd edition, 2001). [19] E. Earl Royals Advanced organic chemistry (prentice Hall United States America, 1961) [20] A.E. Shchekotikhin, Y.N. Luzikov, Y.B. Sinkevich, V.N. Buyanov, and M.N. Preobrazhenskaya, Heterocyclic analogs of 5,12-naphthacenequinone 7*. Synthesis of naphtha-[2,3-f] isatin-5,10-Dione derivatives', chemistry of Heterocyclic compounds, 44(10), 2008, 1245-1249. Shireen I. Hamadamin, Kareem Sh. Ahmed, Hassan A. Mohammed |
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12. | Design And Finite Element Analysis Of Broaching Tools
Design And Finite Element Analysis Of Broaching ToolsAbstract: Broaching is a machining process in which a cutting tool, having multiple transverse cutting edges, is pushed or pulled through a hole or surface to remove metal by axial method. Broaching, if properly used, is a highly productive, precise and extremely versatile process. It is capable of production rates as much as 25 times faster than any traditional metal removing methods. Objectives are to lower the cost of design process by reducing the time required to design and fabricate broach tools which was materialized by the parametric design of the broach, where the design intent of the broach tool geometry is captured. Another objective is to predict the strength characteristics of the broaching tools in the preliminary stage for the tool engineer which was to evaluate the stress characteristic of the broach tool subjected to the cutting conditions. This would be useful for the tool engineer to keep a check on the tool's strength characteristics during every stage of the tools life and also on improving its characteristics during the wear out period. This was achieved by meshing and performing analysis using the Finite Element Modeller package called IIFEM. The model built from the parametric design was utilized to make a finite element model and analysis was performed to predict the stress and deflection in the tool. This would reduce time to design different broaches. By just changing the dimensions and the constraints when required, a new broach can be designed, thus allowing a lot of flexibility in the design. Further the solid model can be used to perform the finite element analysis which would help in knowing the characteristic of the broach tool under various cutting loads. This would also assist in improving the performance of the tool.Reference 1. Juvinall, R. C., Stress, Strain and Strength, Mcflraw Hill, 1982. 2. Collins, J.A., 'Failure of Material in Mechanical Design', Analysis prediction prevention, John Wiley and sons, 1981. 3. Engineering Modelling System, Reference Manual, Integraph Corporation, 1994. 4. Finite Element Modeller, Operators Training Guide, Integraph Corporation, 1994. 5. Hindustan Machine Tools limited, Production technology, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 1987. 6. Zeid, I., CAD/CAM Theory and Practice, McGraw-Hill, 1991. 7. Burden, W., Broaches and Broaching, Broaching Tool Institute, 1944. Reference sites: 1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boundary_value_pro blem 2. www.sv.vt.edu/classes/MSE2094_NoteBook/.../n um/.../history.html 3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broaching_%28metal working%29 4. http://www.generalbroach.com/internalbroaches.p hp 5. http://www.dumont.com/resourcecenter/standard-broaching-proceduresguide/broaching-with-internal-hole-broaches/ A.V. Pradeep, K. Ram Prasad, T. Victor Babu |
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13. | Carbon Dioxide Sequestration In Alkaline Waste
Carbon Dioxide Sequestration In Alkaline WasteAbstract: The present study focuses on exploring an array of alkaline waste residues, procured from diverse sources as means for sequestering maximal CO2. Alkaline waste residues undertaken for the study included: (1) Cement Bag Filter Dust, (2) Finished Cement Sample, (3) Marble Dust and (4) Baghouse Dust. Experiments were conducted in a self fabricated Carbonation reactor under 80% CO2 concentration and at 40°C, water: solid (w/s) ratio of 0.2 to 1.2 with relative humidity in the reactor was maintained at 100%. Carbonation reactions were carried for 16hrs with sampling done every at intervals of 4hrs. The highest degree of carbonation achieved with Cement Bag Filter Dust was 25.84% at w/s ratio of 0.4 without any amendments to the waste material. Degree of carbonation achieved under similar conditions for other waste residue was 17.21% by Finished Cement Sample followed by Marble Dust 10.98% and finally by Baghouse Dust was 7.54%. It was concluded that a low w/s ratio of 0.4 was optimum for carbonation reaction due to increased access to reaction sites. Detailed experiments are further needed inorder to address the inconsistency in the observed carbonation achieved by different waste due to their heterogeneous nature.Key words: Carbon Sequestration, carbonation, Cement, mitigation, Waste Disposal Reference [1] IPCC (2007). Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. S. Solomon., D. Qin, M. Manning, Z. Chen, M. Marquis, K.B. Averyt, M. Tignor, and H.L. Miller. (Ed.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA. [2] IPCC (2001). Climate Change 2001: The Scientific Basis. Contribution of Working Group I, Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). J.T. Houghton, Y. Ding, D.J. Griggs, M. Noguer, P.J. van der Linden, D. Xiaosu, (Ed.) Cambridge University Press, UK. [3] IPCC (2005). IPCC special report on carbon dioxide capture and storage. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA. [4] K.S. Lackner. Carbonate chemistry for sequestering fossil carbon. Annual Review for Energy and the Environment, 27, 2002, 193-232. [5] K.S. Lackner. Climate change: a guide to CO2 sequestration. Science, 300, 2003, 1677-1678. [6] D.J. Fauth, Y. Soong, and C.M. White. Carbon Sequestration Utilizing Industrial Solid Residues. Symposium-American Chemical Society, Division Fuel Chemistry, 2002, 37- 38. [7] M.F. Bertos, X. Li, S.J.R. Simons, C.D. Hills, and P.J. Carey. Investigation of Acceleration Carbonation for the Stabilisation of MSW Incinerator Ashes and the Sequestration of CO2. Green Chemistry, 6, 2004a, 428-436. [8] M.F. Bertos, X. Li, S.J.R. Simons, C.D. Hills, and P.J. Carey. A Review of Accelerated Carbonation Technology in the Treatment of Cement-Based Materials and Sequestration of CO2. Journal of Hazardous Material , B112, 2004b, 193- 205. [9] W.J.J. Huijgen, G.J. Witkamp, and R.N.J. Comans. Mineral CO2 Sequestration by Steel Slag Carbonation. Environmental Science and. Technology, 39 (42), 2005, 9676-9682. [10] W.J.J. Huijgen and R.N.J. Comans. Carbon Dioxide Sequestration by Mineral Carbonation Literature Review. Energy Resource Center of the Netherlands, 2003, ECNC- 03-016, 2003. Available at www.ecn.nl (Accessed 29 December 2010). [11] H.H. Steinour. Some Effects of Carbon Dioxide on Motars and Concrete – Discussion, Concrete Briefs, Journal. American Concrete Institute, 1959, 905- 907. Anjali Gupta, Arvind K. Nema |
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14. | Chemical Oxidation Process For The Treatment Of Antibiotic Wastewater
Chemical Oxidation Process For The Treatment Of Antibiotic WastewaterAbstract: There is growing concern from the scientific community that pharmaceutical compounds are not treated sufficiently by current wastewater treatment methods and therefore trace amounts of such compounds are being identified in surface water, ground water and sewage effluents. Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) are now being proposed for the specific treatment of industrial wastewaters and wastewaters containing pharmaceutical products. The AOP treatment for the antibiotic wastewater was researched following an anaerobic digestion. Various combinations of AOPs were considered using ozone (O3), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), ultra-violet (UV) and Fenton's reagent. Chemical oxygen demand (COD), total organic carbon (TOC) and sulphate analysis were carried out to evaluate the efficiency of the AOPs. Results showed that the UV/H2O2 and UV/H2O2/O3 AOPs were considered to be most effective for this particular wastewater. A 70% COD removal and a 56% TOC removal were recorded for the UV/H2O2 processes, a 66% COD removal and a 56.6% TOC removal were recorded for the UV/H2O2/O3 processes. Sulphate concentrations increased during all AOPs due to oxidation of hydrogen sulphide (H2S).Key words: Advanced oxidation process, antibiotic wastewater, chemical oxidation, sulphate Reference 1. Parsons P., Advanced oxidation processes for water and wastewater treatment, IWA Publishing, London (2004) 2. Kűmmerer K., Pharmaceuticals in the environment-sources, fates, effects and risks, Springer Publishing (2001) 3. Lanzky P.L. and Halling-Sorensen B., The toxic effect of the antibiotic metronidazole on aquatic organisms, Chemosphere, 35, 2553-2561 (1997) 4. Kasprzyk-Hordern B., Catalytic ozonation and methods of enhancing molecular ozone reactions in water treatment, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 46, 639-669 (2003) 5. Andreozzi R., Caprio V., Insola A., Marotta R. and Sanchirico R., Advanced oxidation processes for the treatment of mineral oil contaminated wastewaters, Water Research, 34, 620-628 (2000) 6. Jones O.A.H., Voulvoulis N. and Lester J.N., Aquatic environmental assessment of the top 25 prescription pharmaceuticals, Water Research, 36, 5013-5022 (2002) 7. Zhu W., Yang Z. and Wang L., Application of ferrous hydrogen peroxide for the treatment of DSD-acid manufacturing process wastewater, Water Research, 35, 2087-2091(2001) 8. Gulyas H., Von Bismarck R. and Hemmerling L., Treatment of industrial wastewaters with ozone/hydrogen peroxide, Water Science and Technology, 7, 127- 134 (1995) 9. Mcardell C.S., Molnar E., Suter M.J.F. and Giger W., Occurrence and fate of macrolide antibiotics in wastewater treatment plants and in the Glatt Valley Watershed, Switzerland, Environmental Science and Technology, 37, 5479-5486 (2003) 10. Ternes T.A., Stűber J., Herrmann N., Mcdowell D., Ried A., Kampmann M. and Teiser B., Ozonation: a tool for removal of pharmaceuticals, contrast media and musk fragrances from wastewater?, Water Research, 37, 1976-1982 (2003) 11. Arslan-Alaton I. and Dogruel S., Pretreatment of penicillin formulation effluent by advanced oxidation processes, Journal of Hazardous Materials, (2004) 12. Esplugas S., Gimémez J., Contreras S., Pascual E. and Rodriguez M., Comparison of different advanced oxidation processes for phenol degradation, Water Research, 36, 1034-1042 (2002) 13. APHA, Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater, 16th eds. Washington, D.C., American Public Health Association, (1985) 14. Balcioğlu I. A. and Őtker M., Treatment of pharmaceutical wastewater containing antibiotics by o3 and o3/h2o2 processes, Chemosphere, 50, 85-95 (2003) 15. Panizza M. and Cerisola G., Removal of organic pollutants from industrial wastewater by electrogenerated fenton‟s reagent, Water Research, 35, 3987-3992 (2001) Hannah Briers, Paul J. Sallis, Ali Yuzir, Norhayati Abdullah, S. Chelliapan |
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15. | Scalability Performance of AODV, TORA and OLSR with Reference to Variable Network Size
Scalability Performance of AODV, TORA and OLSR with Reference to Variable Network SizeAbstract: An ad hoc network is a collection of wireless mobile nodes dynamically forming a temporary network without the use of any pre-existing network infrastructure. A number of ad hoc routing protocols have been developed during the time, but none of these is able to produce efficient routing of packets in large number of nodes due to their own limitations. Therefore, scalability is an open issue in all routing protocols. In this paper, we presented our observations regarding the scalability comparison of the three MANET routing protocols, Ad hoc On Demand Distance Vector (AODV), Temporally Ordered Routing Protocols (TORA) and Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) by varying the number of nodes. The simulation is done by using OPNET Modeler 14.5 simulator by taking throughput and network delay as performance metrics. In case of delay AODV and OLSR perform in a similar manner as the number of nodes increases. However, in throughput OLSR outperforms AODV and TORA.Key words: AODV, MANET, OLSR, Scalability, TORA Reference [1] IETF Working Group MANET: http://www.ietf.org/ html charters/manet-chart er.html. [2] Amandeep Makkar, Bharat Bhushan, Shelja and Sunil Taneja, "Behavioral study of MANET Routing Protocols", International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology, Singapore, Vol. 2,No. 3, PP. 210-216, June 2011. [3] Ashish Shrestha, Firat tekiner, "On MANET Routing protocols for Mobility and Scalability" 2009 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies, Higashi Hiroshima, IEEE, Dec- 2009, [4] Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) Routing: http://tools.ietf.org/ht ml/rfc3561 [5] Temporally-Ordered Routing Algorithm (TORA): http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietfmanet-tora-spec-04. [6] Optimized Link State Routing Protocol (OLSR): http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3626.txt [7] Laxmi Shrivastava, Sarita S. Bhadauria, G. S. Tomar, "Performance Evaluation of Routing Protocols in MANET with different traffic loads", 2011 International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies, Harbin, China, IEEE, June 2011. [8] Sabina Baraković, Suad Kasapović, and Jasmina Baraković, "Comparison of MANET Routing Protocols in Different Traffic and Mobility Models", Telfor Journal, Vol. 2, No. 1,PP. 8-12, 2010. [9] Introduction to OPNET Modeler, 2007 OPNET Technologies. [10] N Vetrivelan and Dr. A. V. Reddy," Performance Analysis of Three Routing Protocols for Varying MANET Size", Proceedings of International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists, IMECS 2008, Singapore, Vol. 2 , PP. 10-21, March 2008. Lovekesh Kumar |
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16. | Performance Evaluation of MAC Protocols in VANETs
Performance Evaluation of MAC Protocols in VANETsAbstract: Vehicular Adhoc Network (VANET) is an example of Mobile Adhoc Network (MANET) that uses moving cars as nodes in a network to create a mobile network. They are popular for life safety applications and internet access applications. There is a no. of issues which are to be resolved for the VANETs and Media Access Protocols (MAC) is one of them. In this paper we will discuss about the performance of 802.11 based MAC protocols i.e. PCF and EDCF. We analyzed the performance of PCF and EDCF protocols in terms of delay and throughput for different types of traffic which are voice, video, HTTP and remote login. The two protocols show different delay and throughput for each type of service during simulation. The simulator OPNET modeler 14.5 has been used to simulate the protocols over same scenario. The simulation results shown that the EDCF protocol performs better than PCF in VANETs.Key words: VANET, MAC, PCF, EDCF, OPNET. Reference [1] Jochen Schiller, Mobile Communication (Institute of Informatics, Freuie Universitat, Berlin, 2004). [2] Gayathri Chandrasekaran, VANETs: The Networking Platform for Future Vehicular Applications, Department of Computer Science, Rutgers University, 2008. [3] H. Agustin Cozzetti, Riccardo M. Scopigno,Luca Casone, Giuseppe Barba, Mapcast: A Map-Constrained Broadcast Solution for VANETs, 6 th IEEE International Conf. on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications, Niagara Falls, Canada, 2010, 172-179. [4] Alexandru Oprea, A Survey and Qualitative Analysis of MAC Protocols for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, IEEE Wireless Communications, October 2006, pp.30-35. [5] Moustafa A. Youssef, Arunchandar Vasan, Raymond E. Miller, Specification and Analysis of the DCF and PCF Protocols in the 802.11 Standard Using Systems of Communicating Machines, Proc. 10th IEEE Conf. on Network Protocols, 2002, 132 – 141. [6] Praveen Durbha and Matthew Sherman, Quality of Service (QoS) in IEEE 802.11 Wireless Local Area Networks: Evaluation of Distributed Coordination Function (DCF) and Point Coordination Function (PCF). [7] Sunghyun Choi, Javier del Prado, Sai Shankar N, Stefan Mangold, IEEE 802.11e Contention-Based Channel Access(EDCF) Performance Evaluation,IEEE International Conf. on Communications, Anchorage, AK, 2003, 1151 - 1156. [8] IEEE 802.1d-1998, Part 3: Media Access Control (MAC) bridges, ANSI/IEEE Std. 802.1D, 1998 edition, 1998 [9] Yue Liu, Jun Bi, Ju Yang, Research on Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, Chinese Control and Decision Conference, Guilin, 2009, 4430 – 4435. [10] Barlomeij Blaszczyszyn & Paul Muhlethaler, Performance of MAC Protocols in Linear VANETs under different Attenuation & Fading conditions, 12 th International IEEE Conf. on Intelligent Transportation Systems, St. Louis, USA, 2009, 715-720. [11] Cuyu, C., Xiang Yong, Meilin, S., Lin Liang, Performance Observations on MAC Protocols of VANETs in Intelligent Transportation System, WRI International Conference on Communications and Mobile Computing, Yunnan, 2009, 373 – 379. [12] Sandeep Kaur, Dr. Jyotsna Sengupta, Performance Evaluation of IEEE 802.11e, International Journal on Computer Science and Technology, 2(4), 2011,40-44. [13] Jong-Moon Chung, Minseok Kim, YongSuk Park, Myungjun Choi, Sangwoo Lee and Hyun Seo Oh, Time Coordinated V2I Communications and Handover for WAVE Networks , IEEE Journal On Selected Areas In Communications, 29(3), 2011, 545-558. Manveer Kaur |
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17. | Impact Of Mesh Quality Parameters On Elements Such As Beam, Shell And 3D Solid In Structural Analysis
Impact Of Mesh Quality Parameters On Elements Such As Beam, Shell And 3D Solid In Structural AnalysisAbstract: This study compares the performance of linear and quadratic tetrahedral elements and hexahedral elements in various structural problems. The problems selected demonstrate different types of behaviour, namely, bending, shear, torsional and axial deformations. It was observed that the results obtained with quadratic tetrahedral elements and hexahedral elements were equivalent in terms of accuracy. The comparison is done for linear static problems, modal analyses and nonlinear analyses involving large deflections, contact and plasticity. The advantages and disadvantages are shown using tetrahedral and hexahedral elements. Some recommendations and general rules are given for finite element users in choosing the element shape.Key words: Linear and Quadratic Element, Bending, Shear, Torsional and Axial Deformation Reference [1] B.M. IRONS, "Engineering applications of numerical integration in stiffness methods", J. Am. Inst. Aeronaut. Astronaut.4 (ll) pp. 2035-2037, 1966. [2] I.C. TAIG, "Structural analysis by the matrix displacement method", English Electric Aviation, Report SO-17, 1961. [3] J. ERGATOUDIS, B. IRONS and O.C. ZIENKIEWICZ, "Curved isoparametric quadrilateral elements for finite element analysis", Int. J. Solids Struct. 4, pp. 31-42, 1968. [4] R.D. COOK, Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis, Wiley, New York, 2nd edn., Chap. 5, 1981. [5] T.J.R. HUGHES, The Finite Element Method, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N J, Section 3.5, 1987. [6] R.L. TAYLOR, J.C. SIMo, O.C. ZIENKIEW1CZ and A.C. CHAN, "The patch test: A condition for assessing finite element convergence", Int. J. Numer. Methods Eng. 22 (l) pp. 39-62, 1986. [7] J. ROBINSON, "Single element test for aspect ratio sensitivity of solids", Finite Element News, pp. 26-32, February 1986. [8] G.P. BAZELEY, Y.K. CHEUNG, B.M. IRONS and O.C. ZIENKIEWICZ, "Triangular elements in plate bending-- Conforming and non-conforming solutions", Proc. 1st Conf. on Matrix Methods in Structural Mechanics, WrightPatterson Air Force Base, Ohio, pp. 547- 576. 1968. [9] J.P. DEN HARTOG, Strength of Materials, Dover Publications, New York, 1961. [10] S. TIMOSHENKO and D.H. YOUNG, Elements of Strength of Materials, Van Nostrand, New York, 1968. [11] S. TIMOSHENKO and J.N. GOODIER, Theory of Elasticity, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1970. [12] R.D. Bt. Evms, Formulas for Natural Frequency and Mode Shape, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1979. Padmakar Raut |
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18. | Neural Network Based Space Vector Pwm Control Of Induction Motor
Neural Network Based Space Vector Pwm Control Of Induction MotorAbstract: The demand for high performance induction motor drives have been increasing at a steady rise in the industry and control techniques also have become sophisticated and it is a scope for implement controllers for ac drives. The conventional control methods need modeling and limited for linear systems. Most of controllers those are designed for drives are linearized near their operating points. Therefore there is scope to improve these using artificial intelligence techniques. Artificial intelligent system contains hard computation and soft computation. Artificial intelligent system has found high application in most nonlinear systems same as induction motors drive. Because artificial intelligent techniques can use as controller for any system without requirement to system mathematical model, it has been used in electrical drive control. Further, the necessity of intelligent controllers is to achieve the satisfactory dynamic performance of conventional methods. This project considered two objectives: To understand and develop conventional SVPWM technique and the same is applied to induction motor drive; and To develop ANN model to realize the functionality of SVPWM. The performances of these methods are verified on induction motor drive in MATLAB/Simulink environment.Key words: artifical neuralnetwork,field oriented control,induction motor,neural based space vector pulse widh modulation, space vector pulse width modulation Reference [1] B.M. IRONS, "Engineering applications of numerical integration in stiffness methods", J. Am. Inst. Aeronaut. Astronaut.4 (ll) pp. 2035-2037, 1966. [2] I.C. TAIG, "Structural analysis by the matrix displacement method", English Electric Aviation, Report SO-17, 1961. [3] J. ERGATOUDIS, B. IRONS and O.C. ZIENKIEWICZ, "Curved isoparametric quadrilateral elements for finite element analysis", Int. J. Solids Struct. 4, pp. 31-42, 1968. [4] R.D. COOK, Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis, Wiley, New York, 2nd edn., Chap. 5, 1981. [5] T.J.R. HUGHES, The Finite Element Method, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N J, Section 3.5, 1987. [6] R.L. TAYLOR, J.C. SIMo, O.C. ZIENKIEW1CZ and A.C. CHAN, "The patch test: A condition for assessing finite element convergence", Int. J. Numer. Methods Eng. 22 (l) pp. 39-62, 1986. [7] J. ROBINSON, "Single element test for aspect ratio sensitivity of solids", Finite Element News, pp. 26-32, February 1986. [8] G.P. BAZELEY, Y.K. CHEUNG, B.M. IRONS and O.C. ZIENKIEWICZ, "Triangular elements in plate bending-- Conforming and non-conforming solutions", Proc. 1st Conf. on Matrix Methods in Structural Mechanics, WrightPatterson Air Force Base, Ohio, pp. 547- 576. 1968. [9] J.P. DEN HARTOG, Strength of Materials, Dover Publications, New York, 1961. [10] S. TIMOSHENKO and D.H. YOUNG, Elements of Strength of Materials, Van Nostrand, New York, 1968. [11] S. TIMOSHENKO and J.N. GOODIER, Theory of Elasticity, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1970. [12] R.D. Bt. Evms, Formulas for Natural Frequency and Mode Shape, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1979. Neelima.A,Hari krishna.Ch |
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19. | Implementation Of Coquos On Unstructured P2P Network To Achieve Continuous Queries
Implementation Of Coquos On Unstructured P2P Network To Achieve Continuous QueriesAbstract: Considering on-demand content discovery mechanism, currently P2P content distribution systems are constructed. By including two major capabilities like a mechanism through which peers register long term interest in network which notify new data items whenever they occur, and second capability is that advertising its content which enhances the utility of the systems. Presents proposals need intricate indexing and routing schemes to fulfil the above two capabilities which not only make them highly complex but also render the overlay network less flexible toward transient peers. For which we proposed a Scalable and effective middleware which is called as CoQUOS to support unremitting queries in unstructured overlay networks. We proposed two techniques namely, cluster-resilient random walk algorithm and dynamic probability-based query registration scheme. First scheme used for propagating the queries to various regions of the network and second scheme to ensure that the registrations are well distributed in the overlay. And we also proposed effective and efficient schemes for providing resilience to the churn of the P2P network and for ensuring a fair distribution of the notification load among the peers.Key words: content delivery, continuous queries, P2P networks, publish-subscribe systems, random walk. Reference [1] R. Baldoni, C. Marchetti, A. Virgillito, and R. Vitenberg. Contentbased PublishSubscribe over Structured Overlay Networks. In Proceedings of ICDCS , 2005. [2] G. Banavar, T. Chandra, B. Mukherjee, J. Nagarajarao, R. E. Strom, and D. C. Sturman. An Ef_cient Multicast Protocol for Content- Based Publish-Subscribe Systems. In Proceedings of ICDCS 1999, 1999. [3] S. Androutsellis-Theotokis and D. Spinellis. A Survey of Peerto- Peer Content Distribution Technologies. ACM Comput. Surv., 2004. [4] J. Chen, L. Ramaswamy, and A. Meka. Message Diffusion in Unstructured Overlay Networks. In Proceedings of NCA, 2007. [5] T. Bu and D. F. Towsley. On Distinguishing between Internet Power Law Topology Generators. In INFOCOM, 2002. [6] A. Carzaniga, D. S. Rosenblum, and A. L. Wolf. Design and evaluation of a wide-area event noti_cation service. ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, 19(3):332.383, 2001. [7] P. Reynolds and A. Vahdat, "Efficient Peer-to-Peer Keyword Searching," Proc. ACM/IFIP/USENIX Int‟l Middleware Conf. ‟03, 2003. [8] B. Segall, D. Arnold, J. Boot, M. Henderson, and T. Phelps, "Content Based Routing with Elvin4," Proc. Australian Unix System User Group Conf., 2000. [9] K. Sripanidkulchai, "The Popularity of Gnutella Queries and Its Implications on Scalability," O‟Reilly‟s www.openp2p.com website. Feb. 2001. [10] I. Stoica, R.Morris, D.Karger, M.F. Kaashoek, and H. Balakrishnan, "Chord: A Scalable Peer-to-Peer Lookup Service for Internet Applications," Proc. ACM SIGCOMM ‟01, Aug. 2001. [11] D.J. Watts and S.H. Strogatz, "Collective Dynamics of "Small- World‟ Networks," Nature, vol. 393, no. 6684, pp. 440-442, 1998. Venkata Santhosh Deepak, Mudiganti Vijaya Bhaskar |
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20. | Environmental Natural Sound Detection And Classification Using Content-Based Retrieval (CBR) And MFCC
Environmental Natural Sound Detection And Classification Using Content-Based Retrieval (CBR) And MFCCAbstract: This paper deals with the extraction and classification of environmental natural sounds with the help of content-based retrieval method. Environmental sounds are extremely unpredictable and are very much hard to classify and store in cluster forms according to its feature contents. Environmental sounds provide many contextual clues that enable us to recognize important aspects of our surroundings environment. This paper presented the techniques that allow computer system to extract and classify features from predefined classes of sounds in the environment.Key words: content-based retrieval, feature extraction, environmental sound, Mel frequency Cepstral coefficiant. Reference [1] Ranjan Parekh, "Classification Of Environmental Sounds",ICEMC2 2007, Second International Conference on Embedded Mobile Commu- nication and Computing, ICEMC2 2007. [2] R. S. Goldhor, "Recognition of Environmental Sounds/' Proceedings of ICASSP, vol.1, pp.149-152, April 1993. [3] Yoshiyuki Toyoda, Jie Huang, Shuxue Ding,Yong Liu, "Environmental Sound Recognition by Multi layered Neural Networks" ,The Fourth International Conference on Computer School of Education Technology, Jadavpur University, Kolkata 32 and Information Technology (CIT'04) pp. 123-127,2004. [4] Yuya Hattori, Kazushi Ishihara, Kazunori Komatani, Tetsuya Ogata, Hiroshi G.Okuno/Repeat Recognition for Environmental Sounds", Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Interactive Communication Kurashiki, Okayama Japan September 20-22, pp. 83-88, 2004. [5] Jia-Ching Wang, Jhing-Fa Wang, Kuok Wai He, and Cheng-Shu Hsu/'Environmental Sound Classification Using Hybrid SVM/KNN Classifier and MPEG-7 Audio Conference on Low-Level Descriptor", 2006 International Joint Neural Networks Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre Hotel, Vancouver, BC, Canada July 16-21, 2006. [6] Ladislava Janku, "Artificial Perception: Auditory Decomposition of Mixtures of Environmental Sounds - Combining Information Theoretical and Supervised Pattern Recognition Approaches", P. Van Emde Boas et al. (Eds.): SOFSEM 2004, LNCS 2932, pp. 229-240,2004 [7] Z, Chen, R. C, Maher, "'Semi-automatic classification of bird vocalizations1 Accost Soc Am., Vol. 120, No. 5, pp. 2974-2984, November 2006. [8] G. Constantine, A, Rizzi, and D, Casali, '"Recognition of musical instruments by generalized min-max classifiers/' in IEEE Workshop on Neural Networks for Signal Processing, pp. 555-564, 2003. Subrata Mondal, Shiladitya Pujari, Tapas Sangiri |
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21. | Using Passive Front-ends on Diode-clamped multilevel converters for Voltage control
Using Passive Front-ends on Diode-clamped multilevel converters for Voltage controlAbstract: This paper presents a novel closed-loop control approach capable of guaranteeing the balance of the dc-link capacitor voltages of multilevel three-phase diode-clamped dc–ac converters with passive front-ends for high modulation indices for all operating conditions of the converters without the need for additional hardware. There are three different phase dutyratio perturbation schemes proposed in this paper. A four-level three-phase diode-clamped dc–ac converter operated with a virtual-vectorbased modulation is compared through simulations. The most straightforward and useful perturbation scheme requiring the sensing of all dc-link capacitor voltages is tested experimentally in the same four-level converter. With the help of the demonstrated results the dclink capacitor voltage balance is guaranteed for all converter operating conditions.Key words: Voltage, Diode, Multilevel converter Reference [1] G. Sinha and T. A. Lipo, ―A four-level inverter based drive with a passive frontend,‖ IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 15, no. 2, pp.285–294, Mar. 2000. [2] M. Marchesoni and P. Tenca, ―Theoretical and practical limits in multilevelMPC inverters with passive front ends,‖ in Proc. Eur. Conf. Power Electron. Appl., 2001, [CD ROM]. [3] J. Pou, P. Rodriguez, J. Zaragoza, V. Sala, C. Jaén, and D. Boroyevich, ―Enhancement of carrier-based modulation strategies for multilevel converters,‖ in Proc. IEEE Power Electron. Spec. Conf., 2005, pp. 2534–2539. [4] B. P. McGrath, T. Meynard, G. Gateau, and D. G. Holmes, ―Optimal modulation of flying capacitor and stacked multicell converters using a state machine decoder,‖ IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 508–516, Mar. 2007. [5] Z. Du, L. M. Tolbert, and J. N. Chiasson, ―Active harmonic elimination for multilevel converters,‖ IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 459–469, Mar. 2006. [6] M. S. A. Dahidah, V. G. Agelidis, and M. V. Rao, ―On abolishing symmetry requirements in the formulation of a fivelevel selective harmonic elimination pulsewidth modulation technique,‖ IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 21, no. 6, pp. 1833– 1837, Nov. 2006. [7] R. Teichmann and S. Bernet, ―A comparison of three-level converters versus two-level converters for low-voltage drives, traction, and utility applications,‖ IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 41, no. 3, pp. 855–865, May/ Jun. 2005. [8] C. Newton and M. Sumner, ―Neutral point control for multi-level inverters: Theory, design and operational limitations,‖ in Proc. IEEE Ind. Appl. Soc. Annu. Meeting, 1997, pp. 1336–1343. [9] G. S. Perantzakis, F. H. Xepapas, and S. N. Manias, ―A novel fourlevel voltage source inverter—Influence of switching strategies on the distribution of power losses,‖ IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 149–159, Jan. 2007. [10] Z. Cheng and B.Wu, ―A novel switching sequence design for five-level NPC/Hbridge inverters with improved output voltage spectrum and minimized device switching frequency,‖ IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 2138–2145, Nov. 2007. Srinivas Dasam, Dr. B.V.Sanker Ram, A Lakshmisudha |
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22. | A novel particle swarm Optimization algorithm based Fine
Adjustment for solution of VRP
A novel particle swarm Optimization algorithm based Fine Adjustment for solution of VRPAbstract: To solve the problem of easily trapped into local optimization and instable calculation results, a new fine-adjustment mechanism-based particle swarm optimized algorithm applicable to solution seeking of VRP model is presented in this paper. This algorithm introduces the fine-adjustment mechanism so as to get adapt to the judgment base of function directional derivative value. By adjusting the optimal value and group value, the local searching ability of algorithm in the optimal area is improved. The experiment results indicate that the algorithm presented here displays higher convergence speed, precision and stability than PSO, and is a effective solution to VRP.Key words: particle swarm, fine adjustment, VRP, perturbation, convergence Reference [1] Claudia Archetti;Dominique Feillet;Michel Gendreau,etl. Complexity of the VRP and SDVRP. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. 2011,19(5): 741-750. [2] Eksioglu B, Vural A V, Reisman A. The Vehicle Routing Problem:A Taxonomic Review. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2009, 57(4): 1472-1483. [3] Zagrafos K G, Androutsopulos K N. A Heuristic Algorithm for Solving Hazardous Materials Distribution Problems. European Journal of Operational Research, 2004, 152(2): 507-519. [4] Ying Li, Bendu Bai, Yanning Zhang. Improved particle swarm optimization algorithm for fuzzy multi-class SVM. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics.2010,21(3): 509-513. [5] Z. Fang, G. F. Tong, X. H. Xu. Particle swarm optimized particle filter. Control and Decision, 2007. 273-277. [6] ZHANG W , LIU Y T. Adaptive particle swarm optimization for reactive power and voltage control in power systems. Lecture Note in Computer Science , 2005 , 449~452. [7] Bergh F van den, Engelbrecht A P. A Study of Particle Swarm Optimization Particle Trajectories. Information Sciences. 2006, 176(8): 937-971. [8] Halil Karahan. Determining rainfall-intensity-duration-frequency relationship using Particle Swarm Optimization. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering.2012,16(4):667-675. [9] Xudong Guo,Cheng Wang, Rongguo Yan. An electromagnetic localization method for medical micro-devices based on adaptive particle swarm optimization with neighborhood search.Measurement.2011,44(5):852-858. [10] Jun LI, Yaohuang GUO. Optimization of logistics delivery vehicle scheduling theory and methods.2001 Shenglong YU, Xiaofei YANG, Yuming BO, Zhimin CHEN, Jie ZHANG |
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23. | Analyzing & Identifying CFD's using the Concepts of Data Mining Venkata Lavanya Korada, Avala Atchyuta Rao |
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24. | Twinned Crystal Structure And Characterization Of [Cu(Hseo3)2Cu0.34Se0.58Cl3(H2O)3]
Twinned Crystal Structure And Characterization Of [Cu(Hseo3)2Cu0.34Se0.58Cl3(H2O)3]Abstract: The structure of a newly layered copper selenium hydrogenselenite [Cu(HSeO3)2Cu0.34Se0.58Cl3(H2O)3] has been solved from single crystal X-Ray diffraction data and refined to a final reliability factor R1= 0.0338 . It was found having an orthorhombic space group Pbn21, with a = 7.1753(4) Å, b=9.0743(4)Å, c=17.7246(9) Å, V = 1154.06(9) Å 3 , and Z = 4. This structure is three-dimensional but it may be described as a bidimensional structure made of layers, parallel to the (010) plane, which contain copper atoms and (HSeO3) - anions. The sheets are interconnected by [CuCl3(H2O)3] groups. The Se and Cu oxidation state was evaluated using bond valence sum calculations. The presence of hydrogenoselenites (Se-O-H, 1222cm -1 ) was confirmed by IR and Raman spectra. The dielectric constant at different frequencies and temperatures revealed a phase transition at 383 K.Key words: Bimetallic hydrogenselenites, Dielectric properties, Structural study. Reference [1]. M.Koskenlinna, Valkonen, J Acta Crystallogr C. 51 (1995) 1637. [2]. M.Z Cermak, Niznansky, Chem.Commun. 55 (1990) 2441. [3]. K.Unterderweide, B.Engelen, K.Boldt, J. Mol. Struct. 322 (1994) 233. [4]. K.Boldt, Thesis, (1994) Universita Siegen,. [5]. J.Valkonen, J. Solid State Chem. 65 (1986) 363. [6]. L.Hiltunen, M.Leskela, L.Niinisto, M.Tammenmaa, Acta Chem.Scand.A, 39 (1985) 809. [7]. J.CTrombe , A.M.Lafront, J. Bonvoisin, Inorg. Chim. Acta, 238 (1997) 47. [8]. A.M.Lafront, J.C.Trombe,J. Bonvoisin, Inorg. Chim. Acta, 238 (1995) 15. [9]. A.M.Lafront, Thesis, (1995) University of Toulouse. [10]. G.M.Sheldrick, SHELXS97. Program for the Refinement of Crystal Structures, University of Gottingen, Germany,. [11]. G.M.Sheldrick, SHELXL97. (1997) Program for the Refinement of Crystal Structures, University of Gottingen, Germany,. [12]. H.D. Flack, Acta Cryst. A39 (1983) 876– 881. [13]. H.D. Flack, G. Bernardinelli, J. Appl. Cryst. 33 (2000) 1143–1148. [14]. K. Brandenburg, DIAMOND, Crystal Impact GbR, Version 2.1e, Bonn, Germany, (2001). [15]. R.D.Shannon, Acta Crystallogr.Sect. A 32 (1976) 751 [16]. C.A.Cody, R.C.Levitt, R.S.Viswanath, P.J.Miller, J. Solid State Chem.26 (1978) 281. [17]. L.Richtera, J.Taraba, J.Toužín, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 629 (2003) 716 [18]. R.Ratheesh, G.Suresh, M.J.Bushiri, Speetrochimica Acta Part A 51 (1995) 1509 [19]. H.D.Lutz, H.Haeuseler, Journal of Molecular Structure 511 (1999) 69 [20]. M.Tanimizu, Y.Takahashi, M. Nomura, Geochemical Journal 41 (2007) 291 [21]. M.F.Claydon, N.Sheppard, Chem. Phys. (1969) 1431. [22]. S.Bartos, H.Ratajczak, J. Mol. Struct.76 (1982) 77. [23]. J.Baran, T.Lis, M.Marchewka, H.Ratajczak, J.Mol. Struct. 250 (1991) 13. [24]. H.Ratajczak, A.M.Yaremko, J.Baran, J. Mol. Struct., 275 (1992) 235. [25]. J.T.Kloprogge, R.L.Frost, Applied Spectroscopy Issue 4 54, (2000) 517 [26]. J.E.Bauerele, J.Hrizo, J. Phys. Chem. Solids 30 (1969) 565. [27]. K. Jaouadia, N. Zouari, T. Mhiri, M. Giorgi, Physics Procedia 2 (2009) 1185– 1194 H. Belgaroui, M. Loukil, A. Kabadou, H. Khemakhem, A. Ben Salah |
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25. | Experimentation on various dies for slicing on improved hydraulic Bamboo processing machine
Experimentation on various dies for slicing on improved hydraulic Bamboo processing machineAbstract: The present work shows the experimentation on various dies on improved bamboo processing machine for slicing of split bamboos. The details of different components, construction and working are explained in this paper. The force required to slice the bamboo in 4 pieces is also included in this paper. This paper also includes the traditional process of slicing the split bamboo.Key words: Bamboo, Splitting, slicing, knot removing, Slicing force estimation. Reference [1] Janssen Jules J.A., Technical Report International Network for Bamboo and Rattan 2001, Designing and Building with Bamboo [2] Gnanaharan R. and Mosteiro A.P., Manual on Processing of bamboo and rattan of International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR), New Delhi, Beijing, Eindhoven. [3] V.S. Oberoi, report of Technology Information, Forecasting & Assessment Council (TIFAC), New Delhi, Annual Report, 2004-05 on National Mission on Bamboo Applications (NMBA). [4] Liu Kekun; "Production Process & Equipment For Bamboo Daily Products", Proceedings Of International Training Workshop On Suitable Bamboo Management & Processing Technique For Small Size Bamboo Enterprises (2000); P.P.: -[88 –104]. [5] Proceeding of International Symposium titled "International Training Workshop On Sustainable Bamboo Management And Processing Techniques For Small – Size Bamboo Enterprises" took place in Hangzhou, Zhejiang of China on Oct. 4 - 16, 2000 organized by Ministry of Science & Technology of China. [6] The proceedings of 7th World Bamboo Congress , New Delhi in Feb., 2004 [7] Zone Fly Industrial and Trade Co., Ltd, China (www.zonefly.cn , http://www.wacatools.com) [8] Basu S.K., Mukherjee S.N., Mishra R., Fundamentals Of Tool Engineering Design, Fifth Edition, Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., P.P.: - [44- 45],[47],[48],[50],[22], 1993. [9] Basu S.K.,Pal D.K , Design of Machine Tools, Fourth Edition, Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., P.P.:- [47],[37],1990. [10] ASTME National Technical Publication Committee, Tool Engineer's Handbook,, Second Edition, Mc-Graw Hill Book Company,Inc,New York, P.P.: - [26(36-37)], 1959. [11] Central Machine Tool Institute, Banglore, Machine Tool Design Handbook, Fifth Edition, Tata Mc-Graw – Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., New York, P.P.: - [639],[666],[638],[639], 1988. [12] Chieze Ibeneche, Torque and optical traps, African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 7 (25), pp. 4663-4666, 29 December, 2008 [13] Mecmesin, testing and perfection (www. mecmesin.com) [14] Jemielniak, K. Commercial tool condition monitoring systems, Int J Adv Manuf Technol,15, 1999, pp. 711-721. [15] Modak, J. P. and Bapat, A. R., "Formulation of Generalised Experimental Model for a Manually Driven Flywheel Motor and its Optimization", Applied Ergonomics, U.K., Vol. 25, No. 2, pp 119- 122, 1994. [16] Shiwalkar B.D., Design Data for Machine Elements, Dattatraya Publications,Nagpur(India). [17] Soumitra Biswas and G Srikanth, report of Technology Information, Forecasting & Assessment Council (TIFAC), New Delhi, Annual Report,2004-05,2005-06,2007-08 on National Mission on Bamboo Applications (NMBA). [18] Hilbert Schenck Junier, Theory of Engineering Experimentation, Mc Graw Hill, New York. [19] Prashant Bamboo Machine Sales Corporation, Nagpur (www.prashantbamboo.com) [20] Wood Masters(India) Machines Pvt. Ltd., Ludhiana (India) (www.woodmasterindia.com) [21] Magazine of Race Engine, Power and Torque : Understanding the relationship between two, by EPI Inc.( www. epieng.com) K. G. Ahuja, P. G. Mehar, Dr. A. V. Vanalkar, Dr. S. S. khandare |
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26. | Client-Side Load Balancing and Resource Monitoring in Cloud
Client-Side Load Balancing and Resource Monitoring in CloudAbstract: Load Balancing is a method to distribute workload across one or more servers, network interfaces, hard drives, or other computing resources. Typical datacenter implementations rely on large, powerful (and expensive) computing hardware and network infrastructure, which are subject to the usual risks associated with any physical device, including hardware failure, power and/or network interruptions, and resource limitations in times of high demand. Load balancing in the cloud differs from classical thinking on loadbalancing architecture and implementation by using commodity servers to perform the load balancing. This provides for new opportunities and economies-of-scale, as well as presenting its own unique set of challenges.Key words: IaaS, PaaS , SaaS, Cloud Computing, Load balancing Reference [1] Tony Bourke: Server Load Balancing, O'Reilly, ISBN 0-596-00050-2 [2] Chandra Kopparapu: Load Balancing Servers, Firewalls & Caches, Wiley, ISBN 0-471-41550-2 [3] Robert J. Shimonski: Windows Server 2003 Clustering & Load Balancing, Osborne McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07- 222622-6 [4] Jeremy Zawodny, Derek J. Balling: High Performance MySQL, O'Reilly, ISBN 0- 596-00306-4 [5] J. Kruskall and M. Liberman. The Symmetric TimeWarping Problem: From Continuous to Discrete. In Time Warps, String Edits and Macromolecules: The Theory and Practice of Sequence Comparison, pp. 125-161, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1983. [6] Matthew Syme, Philip Goldie: Optimizing Network Performance with Content Switching: Server, Firewall and Cache Load balancing'', Prentice Hall PTR, ISBN 0-13-101468-5 [7] Anthony T.Velte, Toby J.Velte, Robert Elsenpeter, Cloud Computing A Practical Approach, TATA McGRAW-HILL Edition [8] 2010.Martin Randles, David Lamb, A. Taleb-Bendiab, A Comparative Study into Distributed [9] Load Balancing Algorithms for Cloud Computing, 2010 IEEE 24th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops. Mladen A. Vouk, Cloud Computing Issues, Research and Implementations, Proceedings of the ITI 2008 30th Int. Conf. on Information Technology Interfaces, 2008, June 23-26. [10] Ali M. Alakeel, A Guide to Dynamic Load Balancing in Distributed [11] http://www.amazon.com/gp/browse.html?n ode=201590011 [12] Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud http://aws.amazon.com/ec2/. [13] M. Vlachos, M. Hadjieleftheriou, D. Gunopulos, and E. Keogh. Indexing MultiDimensional Time-Series with Support for Multiple Distance Measures. Proc. of SIGKDD, 2003. [14] Keogh and C. A. Ratanamahatana. Exact indexing of dynamic time warping. Journal of Knowledge and Information Systems, 2004. Miss.Rudra Koteswaramma |
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27. | Online Estimation Of Rotor Time Constant And Speed For Vector Controlled Induction Motor Drive With Model
Reference Adaptive Controller (MRAC)
Online Estimation Of Rotor Time Constant And Speed For Vector Controlled Induction Motor Drive With Model Reference Adaptive Controller (MRAC)Abstract: In this paper, a detailed study on the Model Reference Adaptive Controller is presented for online estimation of Rotor Time constant and speed for indirect field oriented control Induction Motor Drive with MRAC. This MRAC consists of two models. The first is Reference Model and other one is Adjustable Model. One model is independent of slip speed and other one is dependent on slip speed. The MRAC designed is immune to stator resistance. The design of MRAC is based on Reactive Power concept. Moreover, the unique formation of the MRAC with the instantaneous and steady-state reactive power completely eliminates the requirement of any flux estimation in the process of computation. Thus, the method is less sensitive to integrator-related problems like drift and saturation. This also makes the estimation at or near zero speed quite accurate. 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28. | Simulation of AODV under Black hole Attack in MANET
Simulation of AODV under Black hole Attack in MANETAbstract: This paper analyzes the blackhole attack which is one of the possible attacks in ad hoc networks. In a blackhole attack, a malicious node impersonates a destination node by sending a spoofed route reply packet to a source node that initiates a route discovery. By doing this, the malicious node can deprive the traffic from the source node. In this paper, we simulate the Ad hoc on Demand Vector Routing Protocol (AODV) under blackhole attack by considering different performance metric. The simulation results show the effectiveness of blackhole attack on AODV protocol.Key words: AODV, Black Hole Attack, Security, MANET. Reference [1] C. Bettstetter, G. Resta, and P. Santi, "The node distribution of the random waypoint mobility model for wireless ad hoc networks," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 257-269, Jul./Sep. 2003. [2] H. Deng, W. Li, and D. P. Agrawal, "Routing security in ad hoc networks," IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 40, no. 10, pp. 70-75, Oct. 2002. [3] Y. C. Hu, A. Perrig, and D. B. Johnson, "Ariadne: A secure on-demand routing protocol for ad hoc networks," in EigConference on Mobile Computing and Networking (Mobi- Com 2002), pp. 12-23, Sept. 2002. [4] Y. C. Hu, D. B. Johnson, and A. Perrig, "SEAD: Secure efficient distance vector routing for mobile wireless ad hoc networks," in The 4th IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems & Applications, pp. 3-13, June 2002. [5] C. Perkins and P. Bhagwat. "Routing over multihop wireless network for mobile computers". SIGCOMM '94 : Computer Communications Review: 234-244, Oct. 1994. [6] M. A. Shurman, S. M. Yoo, and S. Park, "Black hole attack in wireless ad hoc networks." In: Proceedings of the ACM 42nd Southeast Conference (ACMSE'04), pp 96- 97, Apr. 2004. [7] Y. A. Huang and W. Lee, "Attack analysis and detection for ad hoc routing protocols," in The 7th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection (RAID'04), pp. 125-145, French Riviera, Sept. 2004. [8] Tamilselvan, L. Sankaranarayanan, V. "Prevention of Blackhole Attack in MANET", Journal of Networks, Vol.3, No.5, May 2008. [9] S. Lee, B. Han, and M. Shin, "Robust routing in wireless ad hoc networks," in ICPP Workshops, pp. 73, 2002. [10] C. E. Perkins, E. M. Royer, S. R. Das, and M. K. Marina, "Performance comparison of two on-demand routing protocols for ad hoc networks," IEEE Personal Communications, pp. 16-28, Feb. 2001. [11] C. E. Perkins, E. M. B. Royer, and S. R. Das, Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing, RFC 3561, July 2003. [12] K. Sanzgiri, D. LaFlamme, B. Dahill, B. N. Levine, C. Shields, and E. M. B. Royer, "Authenticated routing for ad hoc networks,"IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 598-610, Mar. 2005. [13] M. A. Shurman, S. M. Yoo, and S. Park, "Black hole attack in wireless ad hoc networks," in ACM 42nd Southeast Conference (ACMSE'04), pp. 96-97, Apr. 2004. [14] W. Wang, Y. Lu, and B. K. Bhargava, "On vulnerability and protection of ad hoc ondemand distance vector protocol," in The 10th International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT'03), vol. 1, pp. 375-382, French Polynesia, Feb. 2003. [15] M. G. Zapata, Secure Ad Hoc on-demand Distance Vector (SAODV) Routing, IETF Internet Draft,draft-guerrero-manet-saodv-03, Mar. 2005 Vinay P.Viradia, Vidhya P.Patel |
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29. | Data Mining Techniques for Identifying Temporal Patterns of Time Series Data
Data Mining Techniques for Identifying Temporal Patterns of Time Series DataAbstract: A new framework for analyzing time series data called Time Series Data Mining (TSDM) is introduced. This framework adapts and innovates data mining concepts to analyzing time series data. It creates a set of methods with the growing deployment of a large Number of sensors, telemetry devices and that reveals hidden temporal patterns that are characteristic and predictive of time series events. Traditional time series analysis methods are unable to identify complex (nonperiodic, nonlinear, irregular and chaotic) characteristics. TSDM methods overcome limitations of traditional time series analysis techniques.Reference [1]. R.J.Povinelli, Time Series Data Mining: Identifying Temporal Patterns for Characterization and Prediction of time series events, Ph.D. Dissertation, Marquette University, 1999. [2]. J.Han and M.Kamber, "Data Mining Concepts and Techniques", 2001, Academic Press, pp 489-499. [3]. S.M. Pandit and S-M. Wu, "Time Series and System Analysis, With Application", Newyork, Wiley, 1983. [4]. R.J.Povinelli and X.Feng," Temporal Pattern Identification of Time Series Data Using Patterns Wavelets and Genetic algorithm ", Proceeding of Artificial Neural Network, st. Locuis, 1998, pp 691-696. [5]. Chang, I, Tiao, G.C and Chan C (1988) "Estimation of Time Series Parameters in Presence of outlier", Technometrics 30. [6]. Liu, L-M, "Identification of Seasonal ARIMA Models Using Filtering Method", Communication in Statistic A18, 2279-2288. [7]. Chiu, B.Keogh, E & Lonardi (2003) "Probabilistic Discovery of Time Series Analysis", In 9th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, pp 493-498. [8]. Xiong. Y & D. Yeung(2002) "Mixtures of ARIMA Models for Model-based Time Clustering", In Proceeding of IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, pp 717-720. [9]. Agrawal,R Faloustsos, C. & Swami, A Efficient Similarity Search in Sequence database, Proc of 4th Conference of Foundation of Data Organization. Prof. Rupesh Mahajan, Prof. Arivanantham Thangavelu, Prof. Minal Shahakar |
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30. | How to Avoid Passive Attacks on Data Using BB84 Protocol in Quantum Cryptography: A Review
How to Avoid Passive Attacks on Data Using BB84 Protocol in Quantum Cryptography: A ReviewAbstract: This paper discuss about new type of cryptography known as quantum cryptography. We know that, cryptography is an art of converting data from one form to another one so that it would not be easily known by outside world. Many algorithms have been introduced for converting from plain text to cipher text. Though there are various secured algorithms are available for encryption, it is very difficult to avoid passive attacks on data. Passive attacks are very dangerous as both parties included in communication never know that their communication is getting attacked and hence this attack becomes dangerous. Popular example for passive attack is eavesdropping which is also now as dangerous because if anyone is eavesdropping your communication, how you will come to know about that? This paper discusses the concept of quantum cryptography as a solution to this attack.Key words: quantum cryptography, passive attacks, encryption key, eavesdropping, encryption algorithm Reference [1] "Cerberis Encryption Solution - Layer 2 Encryption with Quantum Key Distribution". id Quantique. http://www.idquantique.com/networkencryption/cerberis-layer2-encryption-andqkd.html. Retrieved 1 march 2012 [2] "Products". MagiQ. http://www.magiqtech.com/MagiQ/Product s.html. Retrieved 1 march 2012. [3] Crépeau, Claude; Joe, Kilian (1988). "Achieving Oblivious Transfer Using Weakened Security Assumptions (Extended Abstract)". FOCS 1988. IEEE. pp. 42–52 [4] Joe, Kilian (1988). "Founding cryptography on oblivious transfer". STOC 1988. ACM. pp. 20–31. http://external.nj.nec.com/homepages/joe/c ollected-papers/Kil88b.ps. [5] Gilles, Brassard; Crépeau, Claude; Richard, Jozsa; Langlois, Denis (1993). "A Quantum Bit Commitment Scheme Provably Unbreakable by both Parties". FOCS 1993. IEEE. pp. 362–371. [6] Mayers, Dominic (1997). "Unconditionally Secure Quantum Bit Commitment is Impossible". Physical Review Letters (APS) 78 (17): 3414–3417. arXiv:quantph/9605044. Bibcode 1997PhRvL..78.3414M. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.78.3414. Preprint at arXiv:quant-ph/9605044v2 [7] Mayers, Dominic (1997). "Unconditionally Secure Quantum Bit Commitment is Impossible". Physical Review Letters (APS)78 (17): 3414–3417. arXiv:quantph/9605044. Bibcode 1997PhRvL..78.3414M. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.78.3414. Preprint at arXiv:quant-ph/9605044v2 [8] Damgård, Ivan; Fehr, Serge; Salvail, Louis; Schaffner, Christian (2005). "Cryptography In the Bounded Quantum-Storage Model". FOCS 2005. IEEE. pp. 449–458. A full version is available at arXiv:quantph/0508222. [9] Wehner, Stephanie; Schaffner, Christian; Terhal, Barbara M. (2008). "Cryptography from Noisy Storage". Physical Review Letters (APS) 100 (22): 220502. arXiv:0711.2895. Bibcode 2008PhRvL.100v0502W. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.100.220502. PMID 18643410. http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRL/v100/e2205 02. A full version is available at arXiv:0711.2895 [10] Koenig, Robert; Wehner, Stephanie; Wullschleger, Juerg. "Unconditional security from noisy quantum storage".A full version is available at arXiv: 0906.1030. [11] Koenig, Robert; Wehner, Stephanie; Wullschleger, Juerg. "Unconditional security from noisy quantum storage".A full version is available at arXiv:0906.1030 [12] Cachin, Christian; Crépeau, Claude; Marcil, Julien (1998). "Oblivious Transfer with a Memory-Bounded Receiver". FOCS 1998. IEEE. pp. 493–502. [13] Dziembowski, Stefan; Ueli, Maurer (2004). "On Generating the Initial Key in the Bounded-Storage Model". LNCS. 3027. Eurocrypt 2004. Springer. pp. 126–137. Preprint available at [1]. [14] Chandran, Nishanth; Moriarty, Ryan; Goyal, Vipul; Ostrovsky, Rafail (2009). PositionBased Cryptography. A full version is available at IACR eprint:2009/364. [15] Kent, Adrian; Munro, Bill; Spiller, Tim (2010). "Quantum Tagging with Cryptographically Secure Tags". A full version is available at arXiv:1008.2147 Charushila Kadu, Dipti Sonwane, Dheera Jadhwani |
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31. | Influence of Attitude Towards Mathematics and Study Habit on the Achievement in Mathematics at the secondary stage
Influence of Attitude Towards Mathematics and Study Habit on the Achievement in Mathematics at the secondary stageAbstract: The present study aims at studying the influence of areas in relation to the attitude towards mathematics and study habit on the achievement in mathematics to the pupils' at secondary stage. A sample of 500 students of standard IX from secondary school of south kamrup district, Assam, participated in the present study, in which the relationship among the achievement in mathematics was most closely related with attitude towards mathematics and study habit. Analysis of data indicated that there was no significant difference on achievement in mathematics of the students in case of medium and sex. The regression equation thus obtained shows that attitude towards mathematics; study habit contributes 15.2%, and 29% respectively to the Achievement in mathematics.Key words: Attitude towards Mathematics, Study habit, Achievement in Mathematics, Medium, Sex Reference 1. Evans, R.F. (1972). A study of the reliability of dour arithmetic attitude scales and an investigation of component mathematics attitudes. Doctoral Dissertation. 2. National policy of Education. (1986) Government of India Document. New Delhi, Ministry Of Human Resourse Development 3. Krishnamurthy V. (1990) Larger issues involved in mathematics teaching. The Hindu. 17th April. 4. Dutt, N.K. (1978) Psychological foundations of education .New Delhi: Doaba house 5. Alken . I.R(1976): Update on attitude and other affective variable in learning mathematics " Review of Education research 46,pp 293-311 6. Sakaadvik, Einar.M,Richard.J (1994): " Gender difference in mathematics and verbal achievement, self perception and motivation". British journal of educational pcychology,64, pp 419-428 7. Patel.R.S. 1997. An investigation into the causes of Grade VIII pupils having high numerical ability.Experiments in Education. XXV (12) 238-243 8. Panchalingappa. S.N. 1995. An investigation into the causes of under achievement in secondary school mathematics. Ph.D Edu. Karnataka University 9. National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics (1977). Position paper on basic mathematical skills. Washington: National Institute of Education 10. Mishra, B.B.: (1997): "Correlates of academic achievement of high school student in India."Vol. CIII-No2, Page (21- 25). The Educational Review. 11. Oyedeji,O.A.: " Perseverance, Study habit and self concept as predictors of students' performance in secondary school mathematics in Nigeria." 12. Pal, A. 1989. "A critical study of some affective outcomes of the students as predictors of their mathematical ability." Ph. D. Thesis, Edu. Univ. of kalyani. Fifth survey of Research in Education. Buch.M.V. 1287-1288. 13. Sirohi, V.: "A study of underachievement in relation to study habits and attitude." 14. Subudhi, B. (1990) "Study habit of high school students in relation to intelligence, anxiety, sex, resident and grade." Vol. CVII No-1, Page (5-7). 15. Kline,M. et al. (1967) The liberal education values of science. Readings in science education for the elementary school. NewYork: The Macmillan and company. 16. Noorjehan N. Ganihar, Wajiha A.H. (2009) "Factors affecting academic achievement of IX standard students in mathematics" Vol. 8 No. 7, Page (25-33). Edutracks. 17. Kothary, C.R.: "Research MethodologyMethods & Techniques.", Second Edition; New Age International Publishers. 18. Sixth Survey of Educational Research 1993-2000 Volume II, NCERT Dr. Ranjana Choudhury, Dhiraj kumar Das |
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32. | Recent Trends and Applications of Bio Diesel
Recent Trends and Applications of Bio DieselAbstract: In current scenario, populations continue to increase, It will meets energy demands has become an increasing concern for world scenario and one such solution is to utilize Biodiesel as an alternative fuel is explored, along with his desirable fuel characteristics. The technological requirements for process and production of Biodiesel being comparatively less cumbersome and its ability to fuel an existing diesel vehicle with no or minor modifications also make it a promising alternate fuel and it is discussed. This report also covers attributes like emissions, feed stocks, production method, latest trends and the advantages and disadvantages of the Biodiesel. Pollution reduction is now major issue for changing world situations and it is discussed how exactly Biodiesel meet with the solution.Key words: biodiesel, emissions, petro diesel Reference [1] Bondioli P., Gasparoli A.,Lanzani A., Fedeli E., Veronese S. and Sala M., "Storage stability of Biodiesel", JAOCS, 72 (6), 699- 702 (1995). [2] Daniels. R,. Agrotech to convert Soapstock into Fertilizer, INFORM, 6 (4), 421- 423 (1995) [3] Drown D.C., Harper K. and Frame E., "Screening Vegetable Oil Alcohol Esters as Fuel Lubricity Enhancers", JAOCS, 78 (6), 579-584 (2001). [4] Freedman B., Pryde E.H. and Mounts T.L., "Variables affecting the Yields of Fatty Esters from Transesterified Vegetable Oils", JAOCS, 61 (10), 1638-1643 (1984). [5] Geller D.P. and Goodrum J.W., "Rheology of Vegetable Oil Analogy and Triglycerides", JAOCS, 77 (2), 111-114 (2000). [6] Hass M.J., Bloomer S. and Scott K., "Simple High-Efficiency Synthesis of Fatty Acid Methyl Esters from Soapstocks", JAOCS, 77 (4), 373-379 (2000). [7] Hegde D.M., "The Hindu, Survey of Indian Agriculture", pp 71 (2002). [8] Hodgson A.S., "Alkali Refining of Soyabean Oil Using KOH", INFORM, 6, 425-426 (1995). [9] Kinast J.A., "Production of Biodiesel from Multiple Feedstocks and Properties of Biodiesel and Biodiesel/Diesel Blends", subcontractor report, pp. 1-57 March (2003). [10] Kumar S., Gupta A.K. and Naik S.N., "Conversion of Non-edible Oil into Biodiesel", Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research, 62 , 124-132 (2003). [11] Ma F. and Hanna M.A., "Biodiesel Production: a Review", Bioresource Technology, 70, 1-15 (1999). [12] Poitrat E., "Environmental Aspects of Vegetable Oil Methyl Esters", Eur.J. Lipid Sci. Technol., 104, 369-371 (2002). N.Kanthavelkumaran, Dr.P.Seenikannan |
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33. | Analyzing Delay Performance of Multi-hop Wireless Networks
Analyzing Delay Performance of Multi-hop Wireless NetworksAbstract: In this paper a multi-hop wireless network is considered to analyze the delay performance. We assume that there is a fixed route between a given source and destination pair. The multi-hop nature of network may cause complex correlations of the service process. In order to handle them, we propose a queue grouping technique. An interference model is assumed which is set based. With the help of interference constraints the lower bound of delay performance is obtained. To achieve this systematic methodology is used. The simple-path delay-optimal policy we designed is used for wireless networks. Empirical studies revealed that our approach is good to optimize scheduling policies and analyzing delay in multi-hop wireless networks.Reference [1] P. Chaporkar, K. Kar, and S. Sarkar, "Throughput guarantees through maximal scheduling in wireless networks," in Proc. 43rd Annu. Allerton Conf. Commun., Control, Comput., 2005, pp. 1557–1567. [2] J. G. Dai and W. Lin, "Asymptotic optimality of maximum pressure policies in stochastic processing networks," 2007. [3] H. Dupuis and B. Hajek, "A simple formula for mean multiplexing delay for independent regenerative sources," Queue. Syst. Theory Appl., vol. 16, pp. 195–239, 1994. [4] L. Georgiadis, M. J. Neely, and L. Tassiulas, Resource Allocation and CrossLayer Control in Wireless Networks, Foundations and Trends in Networking. Delft, The Netherlands: Now, 2006, vol. 1. [5] G. R. Gupta and N. B. Shroff, "Delay analysis for wireless networks with single hop traffic and general interference constrains," IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw., vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 393–405, Apr. 2010. [6] S. Jagabathula and D. Shah, "Optimal delay scheduling in networks with arbitrary constraints," in Proc. ACM SIGMETRICS-Performance, Jun. 2008, pp. 395–406. [7] K. Jain, J. Padhye, V. Padmanabhan, and L. Qiu, "Impact of interference on multihop wireless network performance," in Proc. ACM MobiCom, 2003, pp. 66–80. [8] I. Keslassy and N. McKeown, "Analysis of scheduling algorithms that provide 100% throughput in input-queued switches," in Proc. 39 th Annu. Allerton Conf. Commun., Control, Comput., Monticello, IL, Oct. 2001. [9] T. Leandros and A. Ephremides, "Stability properties of constrained queuing systems and scheduling policies for maximum throughput in multi-hop radio networks," Swathi .M, Dr.D.Kavitha |
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34. | Effect Of Balanced Voltages On The Movement Of Metallic Particles In A Three Phase Common Enclosure Gas Insulated Busduct
Effect Of Balanced Voltages On The Movement Of Metallic Particles In A Three Phase Common Enclosure Gas Insulated BusductAbstract: The reliability of gas insulated substations can be improved by eliminating the effects of metallic particles. The purpose of this paper is to develop techniques, which will formulate the basic equations that will govern the movement of particles like aluminum, copper in uncoated as well as coated Busduct.Key words: Aluminium, busduct, copper, gas insulated substation, movement, particles Reference [1] M.M. Morcos, S. Zhang, K.D. Srivastava, and S.M. Gubanski, Dynamics of Metallic particle contamination in GIS with dielectric coating electrodes, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery Vol. 15, No. 2, April 2000 p.p. 455-460. [2] J. Amarnath, B. P. Singh, C. Radhakrishna, S. Kamakshiah, Determination of particle trajectory in a Gas Insulated Busduct predicted by Monte-Carlo technique, International Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomenon (CEIDP), 17-21 October 1999, Texas, Austin, USA. [3] H.Anis, K.D.Srivastava, Breakdown Characteristics of Dielectric Coated Electrodes in Sulphur Hexafluoride Gas with Particle Contamination, Sixth International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering No. 32.06, New Orleans, LA, USA. 1989. [4] J. Amarnath, B. P. Singh, C. Radhakrishna, S. Kamakshiah, Influence of Power Frequency and Switching Impulse Voltage on Particle Movement in GIS – Predicted by Monte-Carlo Technique, IEEE International High Voltage Workshop, April 18-21, 2001, California, USA. [5] J. Amarnath, B. P. Singh, C. Radhakrishna, S. Kamakshiah, Movement of Metallic Particles in Gas Insulated Substations under the influence of various types of voltages, 11 th National Power System Conference (NPSC-2000), 20-22 December, 2000, IISc, Bangalore, INDIA. Nagabhushan, J.Amarnath, D.Subbarayudu |
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35. | Designing Optical Beam Filter And Detector Based On Photonic Crystals Structure By FMCW method
Designing Optical Beam Filter And Detector Based On Photonic Crystals Structure By FMCW methodAbstract: In this study designing and simulation of laser range finder has been studied by FMCW method that a set based on one-dimensional photonic crystals structure as mid-pass filter and beam detector has been replaces and designed. The material of Silicon (Si) and Germanium (Ge) has been considered and gained by transfer matrix method (TMM) of light detector with too narrow band width, about 5 nanometers. Also by using of defect effect and apodization of refraction coefficient profile, wave length bound of optical detector from(630 nm – 645 nm) becomes controllable. So measuring ranges is by choosing transmitter`s laser type and it depends on the wave length of transmitted beam and proportionate to it, error percentage of system is decreased.Key words: Range finder, Frequency Modulation of Continuous Wave (FMCW) , detector , photonic crystals Reference [1] Toshiya Mitomo ,Member, IEEE , Naoko Ono, Hiroaki Hoshino , Yoshiaki Yoshihara, Member , IEEE ,Osamu Watanabe, Member , IEEE, and Ichiro Seto , Member , IEEE "A 77 GHz 90 nm CMOS Transceiver for FMCW Radar Applications " , IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, VOL. 45, NO. 4, APRIL (2010). [2] Jian-Bo Chen , Yan Shen , Wei-Xi Zhou , Yu-Xiang Zheng, HaiBin Zhao and Liang-Yao Chen "Comparison Study of the Band-gap Structure of a 1D - Photonic Crystal by Using TMM and FDTD Analyses", Journal Of the Korean Physical Society,Vol.58,No.4,April(2011) [3] Eugin Hyun , and Jong-Hun Lee " Method to Improve Range and Velocity Error Using Deinterle-aving and Frequency Interpolation for Automotive FMCW Radars", International Journal of Signal Processing , Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Vol. 2, No. 2, June (2009). [4] Shahram Mohammad Nejad,Saeed Olyaee "Comparison of TOF, FMCW and PhaseShift Laser Range Finding Methods by Simulation and Measurement", Quartarly Journal of Technology & Education Vol .1 , No.1 Autumn (2006). [5] D. Dupuy, M . Lescure, M. Cousineau, "A FMCW Laser Range-Finder Based on a Delay Line Technique " , IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference Budapest , Hungary, May 21-23, (2001). [6] Mohammad Nejad S. and Mirsaeedi H. , " Altitude measurement using laser beam reflected from water surface", International Journal of Engineering Science ,Vol. 1, No.1, (2005). [7] Leonhard Reindl , Member , IEEE , Clemens C. W. Ruppel, Senior Member , IEEE, Stefan Berek, Ulrich Knauer , Associate Member , IEEE , Martin Vossiek, Member, IEEE, Patric Heide, Senior Member , IEEE, and Lutz Oréans ,"Design,Fabrication, and Application of Precise SAW Delay Lines Used in an FMCW Radar System " , IEEE TRANSACTION Sn ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, VOL. 49, NO.4, APRIL (2001) [8] Lu Xiaodong , Han Peide, Quan Yujun ,Ran Qijiang, Gao Lipeng , Zeng Fanping , Zhao Chunhua , Yu Jinzhong "Optical response of high-order band gap in onedimensional photonic crystal applying in-plane integration " , Optics Communications 277 (2007). [9] Safwat W. Z. Mahmoud, Moustafa F. Ahmed and M. A.Kaid " Synthesis of Multilayer and Waveguide Filters for use in Optical Communication Systems", Egypt. J. Solids, Vol. (28), No. (1), (2005). [10] Peter K.C.Chan,W.Jin,Senior Member,IEEE,J.M.Gong and M. S.Demokan, Senior Member , IEEE " Multip- lexing of Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors Using an FMCW Technique",IEEE PHOTONICS Technolo Yletters,Vol.11,No.11,November(1999). Reza Khodadadi, Parviz Amiri |
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36 | Restrained Triple Connected Domination Number of a Graph
Restrained Triple Connected Domination Number of a GraphAbstract: The concept of triple connected graphs with real life application was introduced in [9] by considering the existence of a path containing any three vertices of a graph G. In[3], G. Mahadevan et. al., was introduced the concept of triple connected domination number of a graph. In this paper, we introduce a new domination parameter, called restrained triple connected domination number of a graph. A subset S of V of a nontrivial graph G is called a dominating set of G if every vertex in V − S is adjacent to at least one vertex in S. The domination number (G) of G is the minimum cardinality taken over all dominating sets in G. A subset S of V of a nontrivial graph G is called a restrained dominating set of G if every vertex in V − S is adjacent to at least one vertex in S as well as another vertex in V - S. The restrained domination number r(G) of G is the minimum cardinality taken over all restrained dominating sets in G. A subset S of V of a nontrivial graph G is said to be triple connected dominating set, if S is a dominating set and the induced sub graph < s > is triple connected. The minimum cardinality taken over all triple connected dominating sets is called the triple connected domination number and is denoted by 𝜸tc . A subset S of V of a nontrivial graph G is said to be restrained triple connected dominating set, if S is a restrained dominating set and the induced sub graph < s > is triple connected. The minimum cardinality taken over all restrained triple connected dominating sets is called the restrained triple connected domination number and is denoted by 𝜸rtc . We determine this number for some standard graphs and obtain bounds for general graph. Its relationship with other graph theoretical parameters are also investigated.Key words: Domination Number, Triple connected graph, Triple connected domination number, Restrained Triple connected domination number. Reference [1] Cokayne E. J. and Hedetniemi S. T. (1980): Total domination in graphs, Networks, Vol.10: 211–219. [2] John Adrian Bondy, Murty U.S.R. (2009): Graph Theory, Springer, 2008. [3] Mahadevan G., Selvam A., Paulraj Joseph J., and Subramanian T. (2012): Triple connected domination number of a graph , IJMC, Vol.3. [4] Mahadevan G., Selvam A., Paulraj Joseph J., Ayisha B., and Subramanian T. (2012): Complementary triple connected domination number of a graph , Accepted for publication in Advances and Applications in Discrete Mathematics, ISSN 0974-1658. [5] Mahadevan G, Selvam Avadayappan, Mydeen bibi A., Subramanian T. (2012): Complementary perfect triple connected domination number of a graph, International Journal of Engineering Research and Application, ISSN 2248- 9622, Vol.2, Issue 5,Sep – Oct, pp 260- 265. [6] Mahadevan. G, Selvam Avadayappan, Nagarajan. A, Rajeswari. A, Subramanian. T. (2012): Paired Triple connected domination number of a graph, International Journal of Computational Engineering Research, Vol. 2, Issue 5, Sep. 2012, pp. 1333-1338. [7] Nordhaus E. A. and Gaddum J. W. (1956): On complementary graphs, Amer. Math. Monthly, 63: 175–177. [8] Paulraj Joseph J. and Arumugam. S. (1997): Domination and coloring in graphs, International Journal of Management Systems, 8 (1): 37–44. [9] Paulraj Joseph J., Angel Jebitha M.K., Chithra Devi P. and Sudhana G. (2012): Triple connected graphs, Indian Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, ISSN 0973-3329 Vol. 8, No. 1: 61-75. [10] Paulraj Joseph J. and Mahadevan G. (2006): On complementary perfect domination number of a graph, Acta Ciencia Indica, Vol. XXXI M, No. 2.: 847– 853. [11] Sampathkumar, E.; Walikar, HB (1979): The connected domination number of a graph, J. Math. Phys. Sci 13 (6): 607–613. [12] Teresa W. Haynes, Stephen T. Hedetniemi and Peter J. Slater (1998): Domination in graphs, Advanced Topics, Marcel Dekker, New York. [13] Teresa W. Haynes, Stephen T. Hedetniemi and Peter J. Slater (1998): Fundamentals of domination in graphs, Marcel Dekker, New York. G. Mahadevan, Selvam Avadayappan, V. G. Bhagavathi Ammal, T. Subramanian |
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37. | Comparative Study Of Flexural Behaviour Of Reinforced Concrete Beam And Prestressed Concrete Beam
Comparative Study Of Flexural Behaviour Of Reinforced Concrete Beam And Prestressed Concrete BeamAbstract: The tow tensile strength of concrete is overcome either by reinforcing it or by prestressing. Both these methods have certain advantages and disadvantages, and one must be very careful with choosing one these two by taking into consideration the structural requirements and economics of the given problem. The common construction material for residential and commercial buildings and other allied structures is still reinforced concrete, though the prestressed concrete is better in structural behaviour, durability and economy. The aim of present work is to compare the economics and structural behaviour of the reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete beams and finding out the suitability of each. Results show that overall flexural behaviour of prestressed concrete beam is very good in all aspect compared to reinforced concrete beam.Key words: RCC, PSC. Flexural strength, beam Reference 1. Fundamentals of Prestressed Concrete By V. Natarajan B. I. Publications. 2. Prestressed concrete by I.I. Graduck Oxford & I.B.M. Publications. 3. Prestressed concrete structures by P. Dayaratnam oxford & I.B.M. publications. 4. Design of prestressed concrete by Arthur H. Nilson John Wiley & Sons 5. Modern prestressed concrete By james R.Libby Van Nostrand Reinhold. 6. Limit state design of prestressed concrete by Y.Guyon applied science publishers ltd. 7. Design of prestressed concrete structures by T.Y. Lin , Ned H. Burns John Wiley & Sons. 8. Prestressed concrete design by M.K. Hurst Chopman & Hall. 9. The mechanics of prestressed concrete design by S.K. Malik, K.S. Rangasami Khanna Publishers. 10. Prestressed concrete by S.K. Malik, A.P. Gupta oxford & I.B.M. Pubishers. 11. Concrete technology by M.S. Shetty S. Chand & Company. 12. Properties of Concrete by A.M. Neville , Pitman Papar Books. 13. Limit state analysis & design of reinforced Concrete by Dr. S.R. karve, Dr. V.L. Shah Pune Vidyarthi Gruh Prakashan. 14. Prestressed concrete by N. Krishna Raju Tata Mc-Graw hill Publication 15. Design of prestressed concrete by R.I. Gilbert, N.C. Mickleborough , Unwin Hyman. 16. Reinforced Concrete by H.J. Shah, Charotor Publishers. Mr. M K Maroliya |
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38. | Explicit User Profiles for Semantic Web Search Using XML
Explicit User Profiles for Semantic Web Search Using XMLAbstract: The web is diffusing day to day as the number of users are increasing. Nowadays, end users always interested to extract meaningful information from the surplus of accessible Web resources on time. This leads to many problems such as information overload, irrelevant information supply. Filtering irrelevant information is a key issue there are many solutions, among them personalization of information services on the Semantic Web offers a promising solution to alleviate these problems, and to customize the web environment according to user's information needs, interests and preferences. Explicit user profiles are determined and maintained with the help of XML. This helps the search engine presenting the most relevant and expected results to the user.Key words: User profiles, Semantic web, Personalization Reference [1] M. Aktas, M. Nacar, and F. Menczer. Using hyperlink features to personalize web search. 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39. | Analytic Solution Of Burger's Equations By Variational Iteration Method
Analytic Solution Of Burger's Equations By Variational Iteration MethodAbstract: By means of variational iteration method the solutions of (1+1), (1+2) and (1+3) dimensional Burger equations are exactly obtained. In this paper, He's variational iteration method is introduced to overcome the difficulty arising in calculating Adomian polynomials.Key words: Burger's equation, Nonlinear time dependent partial differential equations, Variational iteration method and Lagrange multiplier. Reference 1. Sadighi A and Ganji D, Exact solution of nonlinear diffusion equations by variational iteration method, Commuters and Mathematics with Applications, 54, (2007), pp. 1112-1121. 2. He.J.H. Variational iteration method -- a kind of non-linear analytical technique: some examples, Internat. J. Nonlinear Mech. 34, (1999).,pp. 699–708 3. N.Taghizadeh, M.Akbari and A.Ghelichzadeh, Exact Solution of Burgers Equations by Homotopy Perturbation Method and Reduced Differential Transformation Method, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 5(5): (2011),pp. 580-589, 4. Salehpoor E. and Jafari H., Variational iteration method: A tools for solving partial differential equations, The journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 2, (2011)pp. 388-393. 5. Wazwaz A. M.., The variational iteration method: A Powerful scheme for handling linear and nonlinear diffusion equations. Computer and Mathematics with Applications 54, (2007) pp.933-939. 6. M.A. Abdou and A.A. Soliman, Variational iteration method for solving Burger's and coupled Burger's equations Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 181 (2005), pp. 245 – 251. 7. Junfeng Lu, Variational iteration method for solving a nonlinear system of secondorder boundary value problems, Computers and Mathematics with Applications 54 (2007), pp.1133–1138. P. R. Mistry, V. H. Pradhan |
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40. | AnG-HPR: Analysis of n-Gram based human Promoter
AnG-HPR: Analysis of n-Gram based human Promoter RecognitionAbstract: We describe a promoter recognition method named An-HPR to locate eukaryotic promoter regions and predict transcription start sites (TSSs). We computed n-gram features are extracted and used in promoter prediction. We computed n-grams (n=2, 3, 4, 5) as features and created frequency features to extract informative and discriminative features for effective classification. Neural network classifiers with these n-grams as features are used to identify promoters in a human genome. Analysis of nGram based (AnG) is applied to the feature Extraction and a subset of principal components (PCs) are selected for classification. Our system uses three neural network classifiers to distinguish promoters versus exons, promoters versus introns, and promoters versus 3' untranslated region (3'UTR). We compared AnGHPR with four well-known existing promoter prediction systems such as DragonGSF, Eponine and FirstEF, PCA-HPR. Validation shows that AnG-HPR achieves the best performance with three test sets for all the four predictive systems.Key words: promoter recognition; sequence feature; transcription start sites, Biological data sets, neural networks, Binary classification, cascaded classifiers. Reference [1] T. A. Down et al., Genome Research, 12: 458 (2001) [PMID: 11875034]. [2] R. V. Davuluri et al., Nature Genetics, 29: 412 (2001) [PMID: 11726928] [3] M. Scherf et al., Journal of Molecular Biology, 297: 599 (2000) [PMID: 10731414] [4] V. B. Bajic et al., Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling, 21: 323 (2003) [PMID: 12543131] [5] V. B. Bajic et al., Genome Res., 13: 1923 (2003) [PMID: 12869582] [6] V. B. Bajic et al. Nature Biotechnology, 22: 1467 (2004) [PMID: 15529174] [7] Thomas Abeel, Yves van de peer, and Yvan Saeys. Towards a gold standard for promoter prediction evolution. Bioinformatics, 25(53):i313–i320, July 2009. [8] Bajic,V.B. et al. 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41. | Simulation Of Sensorless Induction Motor Based On Model Reference Adaptive System (MRAS)
Simulation Of Sensorless Induction Motor Based On Model Reference Adaptive System (MRAS)Abstract: Over the past two decades technological advances in power electronics and an increasing demand for high performance industrial machinery has contributed to rapid developments in digital motor control. The aim of this paper is to develop a vector controlled induction motor drive operating without a speed or position sensor but having a dynamic performance comparable to a sensored vector drive. This thesis presents the control of an induction motor through sensorless vector control. The theoretical basis of each algorithm is explained in detail and its performance is tested with simulations implemented in MATLAB/SIMULINK. Vector control of induction motor is based upon the field-oriented co-ordinates aligned in the direction of the rotor m.m.f. However, there is no direct means of measuring the rotor flux linkage position ρ and therefore an observer is needed to estimate ρ for the implementation of sensorless vector control. First the Dynamic model of induction machine was developed in the arbitrary reference frame. With the help of synchronous reference frame model the indirect field oriented vector control, which is very popular and convenient method in real time implementation was developed. Third, Model Reference Adaptive System is studied as a state estimator. Rotor flux estimation scheme is applied to MRAS algorithm to estimate rotor speed.Reference 1. Abbondanti, A. and Brennen, M.B. (1975). Variable speed induction motor drives use electronic slip calculator based on motor voltages and currents. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Applications, vol. IA-11, no. 5: pp. 483-488. 2. Nabae, A. (1982). Inverter fed induction motor drive system with and instantaneous slip estimation circuit. Int. Power Electronics Conf., pp. 322-327. 3. Jotten, R. and Maeder, G. (1983). Control methods for good dynamic performance induction motor drives based on current and voltages as measured quantities. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Applications, vol. IA-19, no. 3: pp. 356-363. 4. Baader, U., Depenbrock, M. and Gierse, G. (1989). Direct self control of inverter-fed induction machine, a basis for speed control without speed measurement. Proc. IEEE/IAS Annual Meeting, pp. 486-492. 5. Tamai, S. (1987). Speed sensorless vector control of induction motor with model reference adaptive system. Int. Industry Applications Society. pp. 189-195. 6. Griva, G., Profumo, F., Illas, C., Magueranu, R. and Vranka, P. (1996). A unitary approach to speed sensorless induction motor field oriented drives based on various model reference schemes. IEEE/IAS Annual Meeting, pp. 1594-1599. 7. Viorel, I. A. and Hedesiu, H. (1999). On the induction motors speed estimator's robustness against their parameters. IEEE Journal. pp. 931-934. Kottala Kiran Kumar, S.Sasikanth, L.Dinesh |
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42 | Genetic Approach for Fuzzy Mining Using Modified K-Means Clustering
Genetic Approach for Fuzzy Mining Using Modified K-Means ClusteringAbstract: A fuzzy-genetic data-mining algorithm for extracting both association rules and membership functions from quantitative transactions is shown in this paper. It used a combination of large 1-itemsets and membershipfunction suitability to evaluate the fitness values of chromosomes. The calculation for large 1- itemsets could take a lot of time, especially when the database to be scanned could not totally fed into main memory. In this system, an enhanced approach, called the Modified cluster-based fuzzy-genetic mining algorithm. It divides the chromosomes in a population into clusters by the modified k-means clustering approach and evaluates each individual according to both cluster and their own information.Key words: Modified k-means Clustering, data mining, fuzzy set, genetic algorithm, Fuzzy Association Rules, Quantitative transactions Reference [1] Chun-Hao Chen, Tzung-Pei Hong, ―ClusterBased Evaluation in Fuzzy-Genetic Data Mining‖,IEEE transactions on fuzzy systems, Vol. 16, No. 1, February 2008 249, pp. 249-262 [2] T. P. Hong, C. H. Chen, Y. L. Wu, and Y. C. Lee, ―A GA-based fuzzy mining approach to achieve a trade-off between number of rules and suitability of membership functions,‖ Soft Computing, vol. 10, no. 11, pp. 1091–1101, 2006. [3] Hung-Pin Chiu, Yi-Tsung Tang, ―A Cluster-Based Mining Approach for Mining Fuzzy Association Rules in Two Databases‖, Electronic Commerce Studies, Vol. 4, No.1, Spring 2006, Page 57-74. [4] Tzung-Pei Hong, Chan-Sheng Kuo, ShengChai Chi, ―Trade-Off Between computation time and number of rules for fuzzy mining from quantitative data‖, International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based systems, Vol. 9, No. 5, 2001, page 587- 604. [5] M. Sulaiman Khan, Maybin Muyeba, Frans Coenen, ―Fuzzy Weighted Association Rule Mining with Weighted Support and Confidence Framework‖, The University of Liverpool, Department of Computer Science, Liverpool, UK. [6] H. Ishibuchi and T. Yamamoto, ―Rule weight specification in fuzzy rule-based classification systems,‖ IEEE Trans. on Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 428-435, August 2005. [7] Miguel Delgado, Nicolás Marín, Daniel Sánchez, and María-Amparo Vila,‖ Fuzzy Association Rules: General Model and Applications‖,IEEE transactions on fuzzy systems, vol. 11, no. 2, April 2003 [8] Tzung-Pei Hong, Li-Huei Tseng and BeenChian Chien, ― Learning Fuzzy Rules from Incomplete Quantitative Data by Rough Sets‖, [9] H. J. Zimmermann, ―Fuzzy set theory and its applications‖, Kluwer Academic Publisher, Boston, 1991. Shaikh Nikhat Fatma, Dr. J. W Bakal |
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43. | Thermodynamic Optimization Of Household Refrigerator Using Propane –Butane As Mixed Refrigerant
Thermodynamic Optimization Of Household Refrigerator Using Propane –Butane As Mixed RefrigerantAbstract: A household refrigerator designed to work with R-134a was used as an investigation unit to assess the prospect of using mixed refrigerants. The recital of the refrigerator using mixed refrigerant was investigated and compared with the performance of refrigerator when R-134a was used as refrigerant. The effect of condenser temperature and evaporator temperature on COP, refrigerating effect was investigated. The energy consumption of the refrigerator during experiment with mixed refrigerant and R-134a was measured. The outcome shows the permanent running and cycling results showed that R134a with a charge of 100 g or mixed refrigerant with charge of 80 mg or more satisfy the required freezer air temperature of −12 °C. The lowest electric energy consumption was achieved using mixed refrigerant with heat level is less than -15 o C. This mixture achieved higher volumetric cooling capacity and lower freezer air temperature compared to R134a. Experimental results of the refrigerator using mixed refrigerant were compare with those using R134a. Pull-down time, pressure ratio and power consumption of mixed refrigerant refrigerator were under those of R134a refrigerator by about 7.6%, 5.5% and 4.3%, respectively. Also, actual COP of mixed refrigerant refrigerator was higher than that of R134a by about 7.6%. Lower on-time ratio and energy consumption of mixed refrigerant refrigerator by nearly 14.3% and 10.8%, respectively, compared to those of R134a refrigerator were achieved. The COP and other result obtain in this experiment show a positive indication of using mixed refrigerant as refrigerants in household refrigerator.Key words: Butane, R134a, Mixed Refrigerant, Chlorofluorocarbons, propane, Isobutane, COP Reference [1] Inan C, Gonul T, Tanes MY. X-ray investigation of a domestic refrigerator. Observations at 25°C ambient temperature. Int. J Refrig. 2003;26(2):205-213. [2] Didion DA, Bivens DB. Role of refrigerant mixtures as alternatives to CFCs. Int J Refrig 1990;13:163–75. [3] Gunther D, Steimle F. Mixing rules for the specific heat capacities of several HFCmixtures. International Journal of Refrigeration 1997;20:235–436 [4] R. Radermacher, K. Kim, Domestic refrigerator: recent development, International journal of refrigeration 19(1996) 61-69 [5] B. A.Akash, S.A. Said, Assessment of LPG as a possible alternative to R-12 in domestic refrigerators. Energy conversion and Management 44 (2003) 381-388. [6] S. Devotta, A. V. Wagmare, N. N. Sawant, B.M. Domkundwar, Alternatives to HFC- 22 for air conditioners, Applied Thermal Engineering 21(2001) 703-715. [7] Joseph Sekhar, D.Mohan Lal, S. Renga narayanan, Improved energy efficiency for CFC domestic refrigerators with ozonefriendly HFC134a/HC refrigerant mixture, International Journal of thermal Science 43(2004) 307-314 [8] Jung D, Kim CB, Song K, Park B. Testing of propane/isobutane mixture in domestic refrigerators. Int. J Refrig. 2000;23(7):517- 527. N.Austin, Dr.P.Senthil Kumar, N.Kanthavelkumaran |
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44. | Adjustable Filters For Optical Communications Systems Based On One-Dimensional Photonic Crystal Structures
Adjustable Filters For Optical Communications Systems Based On One-Dimensional Photonic Crystal StructuresAbstract: IN this paper design and simulation of all optical filters have been done by one-dimensional photonic crystal structures based on some materials like Silicon (Si) and Germanium (Ge). By using of Transfer Matrix Method (TMM), optical fiber with too narrow bandwidth is gained. Also the defect effect has been studied in frequency feature of filters and it has been showed that by replacing defects in suitable places of designed structure, bandwidth and central frequency face changes that we can regulate their parameters according to application type of filters. Also by increasing the number of layers, bandwidth of filter decrease. One of the most important advantages of this structure is having some passing-bands. Wave length limits of mooted structure are about one micrometer.Key words: transfer matrix method , photonic crystal , defect , filter , Bandwidth. Reference [1] S. McNab, N. Moll, Y. Vlasov, Ulrta-low loss photonic integrated circuit with membrance-type photonic crystal waveguides, Opt. Express 11 (2003) 2927– 2939. [2] A. Rosenberg, GaN-based photonic crystals and integrated optics, in: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference and Photonic Applications Systems Technologies, Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2006), paper CTuAA6, 2006. [3] L. Thylen, M. Qiu, S. Anand, Photonic crystals – a step towards integrated circuits for photonics, J. ChemPhysChem 5 (9) (2004) 1268–1283. [4] Kazuaki Sakoda , 2005 , "Optical Properties of Photonic Crystals", 2nd ed., Springer-Verlag, Berlin [5] J.D. Joannopoulos, R.D. Meade, J.N. Winn, Photonic Crystals: Molding the Flow of Light, Princeton Univ. Press, 2008 [6] A. Martinez, F. Cuesta, J. Marti, "Ultrashort 2D photonic crystal directional coupler", IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett, 2003, Vol 15 (5), pp. 694–696. [7] Kuang, W., Kim, W. J., Mock, A. & O'Brien, J. D, "Propagation loss of linedefect photonic crystal slab waveguides", IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 2006, Vol 12(6), pp. 1183–1195. [8] T. Tanabe, M. Notomi, A. Shinya, S. Mitsugi, E. Kuramochi, Fast on-chip all optical switches and memories using silicon photonic crystal with extremely low operating energy, in: Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (QELS'05), QPDA5, Baltimore, May 22–27, 2005. [9] S.S. Oh, C.S. Kee, J.-E. Kim, H.Y. Park, T.I. Kim, I. Park, H. Lim, Duplexer using microwave photonic band gap structure, Appl. Phys. Lett. 76 (2000) 2301–2303. [10] C.M. Soukoulis (Ed.), Photonic Band Gap Materials, Kluwer Academic Publisher, 1996. [11] A. D'Orazio, M. De Sario, V. Petruzzelli, F. Prudenzano, Photonic band gap filter for wavelength division multiplexer, Opt. Express 11 (3) (2003) 230–239. [12] J.C. Chen, H.A. Haus, S. Fan, P.R. Villeneuve, J.D. Joannopoulos, Optical filters from photonic band gap air bridges, J. Lightwave Technol. 14 (1996) 2019– 2575. [13] M. Bayindir, E. Ozbay, Dropping of electromagnetic waves through localized modes in three-dimensional photonic band gap structures, Appl. Phys. Lett. 81 (2002) 4514–4516. [14] S. Guo, S. Albin, Numerical techniques for excitation and analysis of defect modes in photonic crystals, Opt. Express 11 (2003) 1080–1089. [15] Pochi Yeh, Optical Waves in Layered Media, Wiley-Interscience, 1988 Achyut K. Dutta, Niloy K. Dutta, Masahiko Fujiwara, WDM Technologies:Active Optical Components, Academi Press, 2002 Reza Khodadadi, Mir Ali Ghasemi, Hamed Alipour Banaee |
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45. | Response Surface Methodology Optimization Of Process Parameters for Xylanase Production by Aspergillus fumigatus in SSF using Central Composite Design
Response Surface Methodology Optimization Of Process Parameters for Xylanase Production by Aspergillus fumigatus in SSF using Central Composite DesignAbstract: In this work, the production of xylanase enzyme using inexpensive substrate wheat bran by Aspergillus fumigatus under SSF was investigated by optimizing various process parameters such as substrate concentration, temperature, incubation time, initial moisture content and initial pH of the medium. These parameters were optimized using response surface methodology (RSM). The central composite design and RSM have been applied for designing of experiments to evaluate the interactive effects through a full 50 factorial design. The optimum conditions were substrate concentration – 10.7g, temperature – 32.7 0 C, incubation Time – 133 hrs, initial moisture content – 83.2%, initial pH – 5.3. Higher value of the regression coefficient R 2 = 0.9750 indicates excellent evaluation of experimental data by second order polynomial regression model. The Response surface methodology revealed that the maximum xylanase production of 553.17 IU/gds was obtained at the above optimum conditions. Along with xylanase, a concurrent production of a low amount of cellulase activity has also been found.Key words: Xylanase, central composite design, response surface methodology, regression coefficient, operating parameters Reference [1]. Wong, K.K.Y., Tan, L.U.L., Saddler, J.N., Multiplicity of β-1,4-xylanase in microorganisms: functions and applications, Microbiol. Rev, 1988, 52, 305–317. [2]. Kuhad, R.C., and Singh, A., Lignocellulosic biotechnology: current and future prospects, Biotechnology, 1993, 13, 151-172. [3]. Beg, Q.K., Bhushan, B., Kapoor, M., and Hoondal, G.S., Enhanced production of a xylanase from Streptomyces sp. 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46. | Fsw Of Polypropylene Reinforced With Al2o3 Nano Composites, Effect On Mechanical And Microstructural Properties
Fsw Of Polypropylene Reinforced With Al2o3 Nano Composites, Effect On Mechanical And Microstructural PropertiesAbstract: Friction stir welding is a solid state joining process first used for welding of Aluminum and its alloys, is now employed for welding of polymers and composite materials. Polypropylene (pp) is one of polymer materials used in many applications due to its good performance, high strength to weight ratio and excellent processing properties, its application is limited due to its weak abrasive properties, impact resistance at low temperatures. Al2O3 reinforcement used to modify the properties of polymer matrix due to its excellent dielectric properties, good thermal conductivity, high strength and resistance even at the elevated temperatures. In this study ball milling of Al2O3 powder particles was carried out, particles reduced to nano composites size and produces Al2O3 nano composites. The volume percentage of nano sized Al2O3 particles ranged from 5% to 15% in polypropylene matrix. From microscopic observations, it was clear that the distribution of reinforcing particles was uniform. Moreover tensile and micro-hardness tests have been utilized to investigate the mechanical properties of prepared samples in different volume percentages. It has been observed that the samples with high percentage of nano sized Al2O3 powder show higher micro-hardness number as well as higher ultimate tensile strength.Key words: fsw, pp composites, reinforcingdistribution, mechanicalproperties. Reference 1. J.Z. Liang, (2007) " Evaluation of dispersion of nano-CaCO3 particles in polypropylene matrix based onfractal method", Compsites. Part A, vol. 38, no. 6, pp. 1502-1506 2. Chi. MC & Jingshen. W & Jian. XL & Ying. KC, (2002) "Polypropylene/calcium carbonate nanocomposites", Polymer, vol. 43, no.10, pp. 2981-2992. 3. Arbon K, Wahit MUB, Bahraeian S (2011). A study on thermal and electrical properties of high-density polyethylene/high density polyethylene Int. J. Phys. Sci., 6(28): 5895-5902. 4. Grewell DA, Benatar A, Park JB (2003). Plastics and Composites Welding Handbook. Carl Hanser Verlag, Munchen. 5. Kiss Z, Czigany T (2007). Applicability of friction stir welding in polymeric materials. Periodica Polytechnica. 51(1): 15-18. 6. Mishra RS, Mahoney MW (2007). Friction stir welding and processing.ASM International Material Park, Ohio. 7. Payganeh GH, Mostafa Arab NB, Dadgar Asl Y, Ghasemi FA, Saeidi Boroujeni M (2011). Effects of friction stir welding process parameters on appearance and strength of polypropylene composite welds. Int. J. Phys. Sci., 6(19): 4595- 4601.Saeidi M, Arab NB, Ghasemi FA (2009). 8. Strand S (2004). Effects of friction stir welding on polymer microstructure. MS Thesis, Brigham Young University. 9. Abbasi GM, Kokabi AH, Daneshi GH, Shalchi B, Sarrafi R (2006). Theinfluence of the ratio of ""rotational speed/traverse speed‟‟ (o/v) on mechanical properties of AZ31 friction stir welds. Int. J. Mach. Tools Manufact., 46: 1983–1987. 10. Amirizad M, Kokabi AH, Abbasi Gharacheh M, Sarrafi R, Shalchi B,Azizieh M (2006). Evaluation of microstructure and mechanical properties in friction stir welded A356+15%SiC cast composite. Mater. Lett., 60: 565–568. 11. Gopalakrishnan S, Murugan N (2011). Prediction of tensile strength of friction stir welded aluminium matrix TiC particulate reinforced composite, Materials and Design, 32: 462 467. 12. Maguire DM (1989). Joining Thermoplastic Composites. SAMPE J., 25:11–14. Prof.R.V.Prasad, P.Madhu Raghava |
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47. | Direct Torque Control Based on Space Vector Modulation with Adaptive Stator Flux Observer for Induction Motors
Direct Torque Control Based on Space Vector Modulation with Adaptive Stator Flux Observer for Induction MotorsAbstract: This paper describes a combination of direct torque control (DTC) and space vector modulation (SVM) for an adjustable speed sensor less induction motor (IM) drive. The motor drive is supplied by a two-level SVPWM inverter. Using the IM model in the stator – axes reference frame with stator current and flux vectors components as state variables. In this paper, a conventional PI controller is designed accordingly for DTC-SVM system. Moreover, a robust full-order adaptive stator flux observer is designed for a speed sensor less DTC-SVM system and a new speed adaptive law is given. By designing the observer gain matrix based on state feedback control theory, the stability and robustness of the observer systems is ensured. Finally, the effectiveness and validity of the proposed control approach is verified by simulation results.Key words: DTC, Stator Flux Observer, Torque Ripple Reference [1] I. Takahashi and T. Noguchi, "A new quick-response and high efficiency control strategy of an induction motor," IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl.,vol. IA-22, no. 5, pp. 820–827, 1986. [2] Y. S. Lai and J. H. Chen, "A new approach to direct torque control ofinduction motor drives for constant inverter switching frequency andtorque ripple reduction," IEEE Trans. Energy Convers., vol. 16, no. 3,pp. 220–227, 2001. [3] S. Mir, M. E. Elbuluk, and D. S. Zinger, "PI and fuzzy estimators for tuning the stator resistance in direct torque control of induction machines," IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 279–287,1998. [4] F. Bacha, R. Dhifaoui, and H. Buyse, "Real-time implementation ofdirect torque control of an induction machine by fuzzy logic controller," in Proc. ICEMS, 2001, vol. 2, pp. 1244–1249. [5] A. Arias, J. L. Romeral, and E. Aldabas, "Fuzzy logic direct torquecontrol," in Proc. IEEE ISIE, 2000, vol. 1, pp. 253–258. [6] D. Seyoum, M. F. Rahman, and C. Grantham, "Simplified flux estimation for control application in induction machines," in IEMDC'03,2003, vol. 2, pp. 691–695. [7] G. Xi, H. Gao, and W. Xu et al., "A method to determine gain matrixof stator flux full order observer," J. Cent. South Univ.(Science andTechnology),vol. 39, no.4, pp. 793–798, 2008. [8] J. Soltani1, G. R. A. Markadeh, and N. R. Abjadi3 et al., "A new adaptive direct torque control (DTC) scheme based-on SVM for adjustable speed sensorless induction motor drive," in ICEMS 2007, Seoul, Korea, Oct. 8–11, 2007, pp. 497– 502. Srinivasa Rao jalluri, Dr.B.V.Sanker Ram |
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48. | An Identity-Authentication System Using Fingerprints
An Identity-Authentication System Using FingerprintsAbstract: Fingerprint verification is an important biometric technique for personal identification. In this paper, we describe the design and implementation of a prototype automatic identity-authentication system that uses fingerprints to authenticate the identity of an individual. We have developed an improved minutiae-extraction al-gorithm that is faster and more accurate than our earlier algorithm [58]. An alignment-based minutiae-matching algorithm has been proposed. This algorithm is capable of finding the correspondences between input minutiae and the stored template without resorting to exhaustive search and has the ability to compensate adaptively for the nonlinear deformations and inexact transformations between an input and a template. To establish an objective assessment of our system, both the Michigan State University and the National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST 9 fingerprint data bases have been used to estimate the performance numbers. The experimental results reveal that our system can achieve a good performance on these data bases. We also have demonstrated that our system satisfies the response-time requirement. A complete authentication procedure, on average, takes about 1.4 seconds on a Sun ULTRA 1 workstation (it is expected to run as fast or faster on a 200 HMz Pentium [7]).Key words: Biometrics, dynamicprogramming, fingerprint iden-tification, matching, minutiae, orientation field, ridge extraction, string matching, verification. Reference [1] N. Ansari, M. H. Chen, and E. S. H. Hou, ―A genetic algorithm for point pattern matching,‖ in Dynamic, Genetic, and Chaotic Programming, B. Souˆcek and the IRIS Group, Eds. New York: Wiley, 1992, ch. 13. [2] ―American national standard for information systems—Data format for the interchange of fingerprint information,‖ American National Standards Institute, New York, NY, Doc. No.ANSI/NISTCSL 1-1993. [3] J. Atick, P. Griffin, and A. Redlich, ―Statistical approach to shape from shading: Reconstruction of 3D face surfaces from single 2D images,‖ Neural Computation, to be published. [4] R. Bahuguna, ―Fingerprint verification using hologram matched filterings,‖ in Proc. Biometric Consortium Eighth Meeting, San Jose, CA, June 1996. [5] H. Baird, Model Based Image Matching Using Location. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1984. [6] D. H. Ballard, ―Generalized Hough transform to detect arbitrary patterns,‖ IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Machine Intell., vol. PAMI-3, no. 2, pp. 111–122, 1981. [7] MFLOPS Benchmark Results. (Feb. 1997.) [Online]. Available: ftp://ftp.nosc.mil/pub/aburto/_flops_1.tbl. [8] T. Biggs, personal communication, Department of Immigration and Naturalization Services, 1997. [9] F. Bouchier, J. S. Ahrens, and G. Wells. (1996). Laboratory evaluation of the iriscan prototype biometric identifier. [Online].Available:http://infoserve.library. sandia.gov/sand_doc/1996/ 961033.pdf. [10] J. P. Campbell, Jr., L. A. Alyea, and J. S. Dunn. (1996). Biometric security: Government applications and operations. [Online]. Available: http://www.vitro.bloomington.in.us:8080/ BC/. [11] J. Canny, ―A computational approach to edge detection,‖ IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Machine Intell., vol. PAMI-8, no. 6, pp. 679–698, 1986. [12] G. T. Candela, P. J. Grother, C. I. Watson, R. A. Wilkinson, and C. L. Wilson, ―PCASYS: A pattern-level classification automation system for fingerprints,‖ National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, NIST Tech. Rep. NISTIR 5647, Aug. 1995. [13] R. Clarke, ―Human identification in information systems: Management challenges and public policy issues,‖ Info. Technol.People, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 6–37, 1994. [14] L. Coetzee and E. C. Botha, ―Fingerprint recognition in low quality images,‖ Pattern Recognit., vol. 26, no. 10, pp. 1441–1460, 1993. [15] T. H. Cormen, C. E. Leiserson, and R. L. Rivest, Introduction to Algorithms. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1990. Mr. Ratnakar anandrao kharade, Mr. M.S. Kumbhar |
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49. | Energy-Efficient Design of Battery-Powered Embedded Systems
Energy-Efficient Design of Battery-Powered Embedded SystemsAbstract: Energy-efficient design of batterypowered systems demands optimizations in both hardware and software. We present a modular approach for enhancing instruction level simulators with cycle-accurate simulation of energy dissipation in embedded systems. Our methodology has tightly coupled component models thus making our approach more accurate. Performance and energy computed by our simulator are within a 5% tolerance of hardware measurements on the SmartBadge [2]. We show how the simulation methodology can be used for hardware design exploration aimed at enhancing the SmartBadge with real-time MPEG video feature. In addition, we present a profiler that relates energy consumption to the source code. Using the profiler we can quickly and easily redesign the MP3 audio decoder software to run in real time on the SmartBadge with low energy consumption. Performance increase of 92% and energy consumption decrease of 77% over the original executable specification have been achieved.Key words: Low-power design, performance tradeoffs, power consumption model, systemlevel. Reference [1] Advanced RISC Machines Ltd (ARM), ARM Software Development Toolkit Version 2.11, 1996. [2] G. Q. Maguire, M. Smith, and H. W. P. Beadle, ―SmartBadges: A wear- able computer and communication system,‖ in Proc. 6th Int. Workshop Hardware/Software Codesign, 1998, Invited talk. [3] CoWare. CoWareN2c [Online]. Available: url:www.coware.com/n2c. html [4] Mentor Graphics. [Online]. Available: www.mentor.com/codesign [5] Synopsys. [Online]. Available: www.synopsys.com/products/hwsw [6] Cadence. [Online]. Available: www.cadence.com/alta/products [7] Y. Li and J. Henkel, ―A framework for estimating and minimizing energy dissipation of embedded HW/SW systems,‖ in Proc. Design Automation Conf., 1998, pp. 188–193. [8] N. Vijaykrishnan, M. Kandemir, M. Irwin, H. Kim, and W. Ye, ―Energydriven integrated hardware–software optimizations using SimplePower,‖ in Proc. 27th Int. Symp. Computer Architecture, 2000, pp. 24–30. [9] J. Flinn and M. Satyanarayanan, ―PowerScope:A tool for profiling the energy usage of mobile applications,‖ in Proc. 2nd IEEE Workshop Mo-bile Computing Systems Applications, 1999, pp. 23–30. [10] B. Kapoor, ―Low power memory architecutres for video applications,‖ in Proc. 8th Great Lakes Symp. VLSI, 1998, pp. 2–7. [11] M. Lajolo, A. Raghunathan, and S. Dey, ―Efficient power co-estimation techniques for SOC design,‖ in Proc. Design, Automation Test Europe Conf., 2000, pp. 27–34. [12] T. Givargis, F. Vahid, and J. Henkel, ―Fast cache and bus power estima- tion for parameterized SOC design,‖ in Proc. Design, Automation Test Europe Conf., 2000, pp. 333–339. [13] OZ Electronics Manufacturing. PCB Modeling Tools [Online]. Avail- able: url: www.oem.com.au/manu/pcbmodel.html [14] A. El Gamal and Z. A. Syed, ―A stochastic model for interconnections in custom integrated circuits,‖ IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst., vol. CAS-28, pp. 888–894, Sept. 1981. [15] T. Simunic, L. Benini, and G. De Micheli, ―Cycle-accurate simulation of energy consumption in embedded systems,‖ in Proc. Design Automation Conf., 1999, pp. 867–872. [16] T. Simunic, L. Benini, G. De Micheli, and M. Hans, ―Energy-efficient design of battery-powered embedded systems,‖ in Int. Symp. Low-Power Electronics Design, 1999, pp. 212–217. [17] F. Catthoor, S. Wuytack, E. De Greef, F. Balasa, L. Nachtergaele, and A. Vanduoppelle, Custom Memory Management Methodology: Explo- ration of Memory Organization for Embedded Multimedia System De-sign. New York: Kluwer, 1998. [18] M. Pedram and Q. Wu, ―Battery-powered digital CMOS design,‖ in Proc. Design, Automation Test Europe Conf., 1999, pp. 17–23. [19] H. Mehta, R. M. Owens, M. J. Irvin, R. Chen, and D. Ghosh, ―Tech- niques for low energy software,‖ in Proc. Int. Symp. Low Power Elec- tronics Design, 1997, pp. 72–75. [20] M. Kandemir, N. Vijaykrishnan, M. Irwin, and W. Ye, ―Influence of compiler optimizations on system power,‖ in Proc. 27th Int. Symp. Com- puter Architecture, 2000, pp. 35–41. V.Prasanna Kumar |
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50. | Analysing Chebyshev Filter For Displaying Radar Target Track
Analysing Chebyshev Filter For Displaying Radar Target TrackAbstract: Now-a-days, noises are common in communication channels and the recovery of the transmitted signals from the communication path without any noise are considered as one of the difficult tasks. This is accomplished by the denoising techniques that remove noises from a digital signal. The noise in the radar data results in the flutter of the flight target in display screen, which may disturb observer. This paper involves the use of Chebyshev filter for removing the noise from radar signal so that we can receive the clear picture of Radar Signal which is to be displayed. Chebyshev filters are analog or digital filters having steeper roll off and more passband ripple (type 1) and stopband ripple (type 2) than Butterworth filters. Chebyshev filters have the property that they minimize the error between the idealized filter characteristics and the actual over the range of the filter, but with ripples in the passband. By passing the radar signal through the Chebyshev filter noise in radar signal is magnified. The results of MATLAB illustration show that the method has a reliable denoising performance.Key words: Radar target track, Chebyshev filter, Butterworth filter, Denoising, Passband, Stopband. Reference 1. "Electronic warfare receiving systems". New York [USA]. Artech House, 1993. 2. Singer R A, Sea R G, Housewright K B. "Derivation and evaluation of improved tracking filters for use in dense multi-target environment". IEEE Trans. Information Theory.1974, 20(7):423-432. 3. Hu Guangshu. "Digital signal processingtheory, arithmetic and realization". Publish house of Qinhua University, Beijing 2003. 4. Wu Xiao-chao, Wang Guo-liang, Fang Lixin, Yan Liao-liao "Application of Butterworth Filter in Display of Radar Target Track". 2010 International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation 5. Nitish Sharma, "Preprocessing for Extracting Signal Buried in Noise Using LabView, thesis report Thapar University, 2010. Richa Gupta, Onkar Chand |
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51. | Assessment of Cost of poor quality in Automobile Industry
Assessment of Cost of poor quality in Automobile IndustryAbstract: The cost of poor Quality would help in analyzing the operating costs for effective and profitable business management. In the era of cut throat completion, success achieved by market leaders is credited to their improvement initiatives. A common element within many of these successful companies is the use of powerful cost of poor quality concepts in connecting improvement priorities to strategic objectives, assessing the financial impact of poor quality, understanding the root causes of poor quality, selecting high payback improvement projects and managing the Improvement initiative to simultaneously deliver improved financial performance and greater customer satisfaction. A widely used rule of thumb says if a defect costs Rs 100 to fix in the field it would only cost Rs 10 to fix in your facility and only Rs 1 to prevent, so in this case an ounce of prevention is definitely greater than the pound of cure. This means in the manufacturing process we want to stop defects before they are created. The six sigma capability and SPC tools can stop the defects before they are created and reduce the cost of poor quality (COPQ) by allowing maintenance to move toward a predictive model instead of a reactive one. The ability to schedule downtime and get to issues root causes allow for less production interruptions and better quality.Key words: Cost of poor quality (COPQ), six sigma, Taguchi Quality Loss Function (QLF), Deming Wheel: PDCA Cycle. Reference 1. Impacts of cost of poor quality in Indian automobile sector: international journal of engineering research and applications (IJERA), ISSN 2248-9622 Mar-Apr 2012 2. Usage of quality tools in Indian automobile sector: V.K. Khanna, Prem Vrat, Ravi Shankar, & B S Sahay 3. Cost of quality models and their implementation in manufacturing firms: international journal of quality research UDK005.642.3:338.3, scientific review paper (1.02) 4. The Juran Institute Research on Cost of Poor Quality: August, 2005 by Mark De Feo 5. Reducing the Cost of Poor Quality: Michael Cieslinski, Panasonic Factory Solutions Company of America, Buffalo Grove, IL 847-495-6100 6. Impact of Knowledge Management Practices in Indian Automobile Industry –An Empirical Investigation K.Karthikeyan1 & R. Rengaraj Alias Muralidharan2 7. Six sigma implementation in Indian medium scale Automotive enterprises – a review and agenda for Future research, Rajeshkumar U. Sambhe, int. J. Six sigma and competitive advantage, vol. 6, no. 3, 201 8. Principles of quality costsPrinciples,implimentations and use,third edition,ASQ Quality cost committee;Jack Campanella,editor. Prof.S.N.Teli, Dr. U.M.Bhushi, Mr.V.G.Surange |
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52. | Performance Analysis of AODV and WRP in MANET
Performance Analysis of AODV and WRP in MANETAbstract: The Mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) is a wireless networks which have no central bridge, and where each node acts as a destination as well as a router. The MANETs are dynamic networks because the network topology keeps on changing because of the mobility of the nodes. There are many protocols that have been developed to aid in routing in these types of networks. Each of these protocols is designed with some certain mobility scenarios in mind. To achieve effective routing in a given scenario, the right protocol must be chosen. Choosing the right protocol involves evaluating many interdependent performance metrics that define the effectiveness of a routing protocol, and this often poses a challenge to application designers. This research endeavoured to model a simulation platform on which various protocols could be evaluated under various mobility scenarios to determine their suitability. The GloMoSim[1] was used as the simulation platform and two MANET protocols namely wireless routing protocol WRP[4] and ad hoc on-demand distance vector AODV[5] evaluated. Our results demonstrated the usefulness of this modelled platform as it was able to establish that the AODV outperformed WRP in four out of the five of the measured performance metrics. The AODV is thus a better protocol for MANETs compared to WRP. The same simulation platform could be used test other protocols.Key words: AODV, MANET, WRP Reference [1] L. Bajaj, M. Takai, R. Ahuja, R. Bagrodia. "GloMoSim: A Scalable Network Simulation Environment." Technical Report 990027, University of California, 13, November 1999. [2] J. Yoon, M. Liu, B. Noble, "Random Waypoint Considered Harmful," 0-7803- 7753-2/03, IEEE INFOCOM, 2003. [3] R. Al-Ani, "Simulation and performance analysis evaluation for variant MANET routing protocols", International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology, Volume 3, Number 1, February 2011 [4] SandipVijay; Sharma, S.C.; Parmanand; Santhosh Kumar; : Research Reviews of IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ad-hoc Networks,Proceedings of International Journal of Trends in Engineering Vol.1,No.2,May 2009. pp. 234 [5] David Oliver Jorg; :Performance Comparision Of MANET Routing Protocols In Different Network Sizes ,Computer Science Project . Sachchida Nand Singh, Surendra Verma, Ravindra Kumar Gupta |
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53. | Optimal Design Of CMOS Op- Amp Using Geometric Programming
Optimal Design Of CMOS Op- Amp Using Geometric ProgrammingAbstract: The problem of CMOS op-amp circuit sizing is addressed here. Given a circuit and its performance specifications, the goal is to automatically determine the device sizes in order to meet the given performance specifications while minimizing a cost function, such as a weighted sum of the active area and power dissipation. The approach is based on the observation that the first order behavior of a MOS transistor in the saturation region is such that the cost and the constraint functions for this optimization problem can be modeled as posynomial in the design variables. The problem is then solved efficiently as a convex optimization problem. Second order effects are then handled by formulating the problem as one of solving a sequence of convex programs. Numerical experiments show that the solutions to the sequence of convex programs converge to the same design point for widely varying initial guesses. This strongly suggests that the approach is capable of determining the globally optimal solution to the problem. Accuracy of performance prediction in the sizing program (implemented in MATLAB) is maintained by using a newly proposed MOS transistor model and verified against detailed SPICE simulation.Reference [1] P. Mandal and V. Visvanathan, ―A new approach for CMOS op-amp synthesis,‖ in Proc. 12thInt. Conf. VLSI Design, 1999, pp. 189–194. [2] P.E. Allen and D.R. Holberg, CMOS analog circuit design. Holt Rinehart and Winston, 1987. [3]. Pradip Mandal and V. Visvanathan," CMOS Op-Amp Sizing Using a Geometric Programming Formulation,‖IEEE Transactions on Computer- Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, Vol. 20, No. 1, January 2001. [4] Stephen P. Boyd, Seung Jean Kim, Lieven Vandenberghe and Arash Hassibi ―A Tutorial on Geometric Programming‖ [5] C. Taumazou and C. A. Markis, ―Analog IC design automation: Part I—Automated circuit generation: New concept and methods,‖ IEEE Trans. Computer-Aided Design, vol. 14, pp. 218–238, Feb. 1995. [6] S. Boyd and L. Vandenberghe. ―Convex Optimization.‖ Cambridge University Press, 2004. [7] A. Grace, ―Optimization Toolbox User's Guide,‖ The Math Works Inc., Nov. 1992. [8] M. M. Hershenson, S. P. Boyd, and T. H. Lee, ―GPCAD: A tool for CMOS op-amp synthesis,‖ in Proc. Int. Conf. ComputerAided Design, 1998, pp. 296–303. [9] G W.Roberts & Adel S. Sedra,‖SPICE second edition,‖ Oxford University Press, 1959. [10] David Johns & Ken Martin,‖ Analog Integrated Circuit Design‖, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1958. [11] Behzad Razavi,‖ Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits ―, TMH, 2002. Harsh Vardhani, Deepak Agrawal, Abhishek Tripathi |
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54. | Using Sift Algorithm Identifying An Abandoned Object By Moving Camera
Using Sift Algorithm Identifying An Abandoned Object By Moving CameraAbstract: Detection of suspicious items is one of the most important applications in Visual Surveillance. To find out those suspicious items the static objects were detected in a scene using a moving camera which detects a slight color variation, light variation and climatic changes but failed to detect the particular abandoned object. To deal with this detection problem we propose a system, which can detect only those suspicious object by using "SIFT ALGORITHM" which remove alarms in flat areas.Key words: Abandoned object detection, geometric and photometric alignment, video matching. Reference [1] M. Spengler and B. Schiele, "Automatic detection and tracking of abandonedobjects," in Proc. PETS Workshop, 2003, pp. 149–156. [2] F. Porikli, Y. Ivanov, and T. Haga, "Robust abandoned object detectionusing dual foregrounds," EURASIP J. Adv. Signal Process., vol. 2008,no. 1, pp. 1–11, 2008. [3] K. Smith, P. Quelhas, and D. GaticaPerez, "Detecting abandoned luggageitems in a public space," in Proc. PETS Workshop, 2006, pp.75–82. [4] D. Forsyth and J. Ponce, Computer Vision: A Modern Approach.Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 2002. [5] R. Szeliski, "Image alignment and stitching: A tutorial," FoundationTrend Comput. Graph. Vis., vol. 2, no. 1, 2006. [6] M. A. Fischler and R. C. Bolles, "Random sample consensus: A paradigmfor model fitting with applications to image analysis and automatedcartography," Commun. ACM, vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 381–395, 1981. [7] S. Guler and M. K. Farrow, "Abandoned object detection in crowdedplaces," in Proc. PETS Workshop, 2006, pp. 99–106. [8] R. Hartley and A. Zisserman, Multiple View Geometry in ComputerVision, 2nd ed. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2003. [9] H. Kong, J.-Y Audibert, and J. Ponce, "Vanishing Point Detection forRoad Detection," in Proc. IEEE Conf. Computer Vision, 2009, pp.96–103. [10] D. Lowe, "Distinctive Image Features From Scale-Invariant Keypoints,"Int. J. Comput. Vis., vol. 60, no. 2, pp. 91–110, 2004. V.Aarthy, R. Mythili, S.Venkatalakshimi |
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55. | Generating Similar Item Sets Of Temporal Databases Using Spamine Algorithm
Generating Similar Item Sets Of Temporal Databases Using Spamine AlgorithmAbstract: Data mining is the process of extracting interesting like non-trivial, implicit, previously unknown and potentially useful information or patterns from large information repositories such as: relational database, data warehouses, XML repository, etc. Data mining is known as one of the core processes of Knowledge Discovery in Database (KDD). Association rule mining is a popular and well researched method for discovering interesting relationships among various data items in large databases. The existing system uses only frequent item sets for association rule mining. It may easily cause thrashing when dataset becomes large and sparse. To overcome this spamine algorithm is used here for computation of support values of all possible item sets at each time point and generates their support sequences and compares the generated support time sequences with a given reference sequence and finds similar item sets.Key words: Association rule mining, Support values, Similar item set, Candidate item sets. Reference 1. Jin Soung Yoo and Shashi Shekhar, "Similarity-Profiled Temporal Association Mining", IEEE 2009. 2. Juan M.Ale and Gustavo H.Rossi R,"An approach to discovering temporal association rules", ACM SIGDD 2002. 3. Keshri Verma and O.P.Vyas, "Efficient calendar based temporal association rule", SIGMOD Record, Vol.34, No.3, 2005. 4. R. Agarwal and R. Srikant, "Fast Algorithms for Mining Association Rules," Proc. Int'l Conf. Very Large Databases (VLDB), 1994. 5. R.Srikant and R.Agrawal, "Mining Generalized Association Rules," Proc. Int'l Conf. Very Large Databases (VLDB), 1995. 6. C.Bettini, X.Wang, S.Jajodia, and J.Lin, "Discovering Frequent Event Patterns with Multiple Granularities in Time Sequences," IEEE Trans. Knowledge and Data Eng., vol. 10, no. 2, Mar.-Apr. 1998. 7. G.Dong and J.Li, "Efficient Mining of Emerging Patterns: Discovering Trends and Differences," Proc. ACM SIGKDD, 1999. 8. B. Liu, W.Hsu, and Y.Ma, "Discovering the Set of Fundamental Rule Change," Proc. ACM SIGKDD, 2001. 9. W.Teng, M.Chen, and P.Yu, "A Regression-Based Temporal Pattern Mining Scheme for Data Streams," Proc. Int'l Conf. Very Large Databases (VLDB), 2003. 10. Y. Li, P.Ning, X.S. Wang, and S.Jajodia, "Discovering Calendar Based Temporal Association Rules," J. Data and Knowledge Eng., vol. 15, no. 2, 2003. T. Sowmiya, V. Thangamani |
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56. | GIS Tools For Assessing Source Water Protection: Las Vegas Valley Surface Waters
GIS Tools For Assessing Source Water Protection: Las Vegas Valley Surface WaterAbstract: The 1996 amendment to the Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974 created the Source Water Assessment Program (SWAP) with an objective to evaluate potential sources of contamination to drinking water intakes. The major drinking water source for the Las Vegas Valley and Southern Nevada in United States is Lake Mead. This research assesses the vulnerability of the raw water intakes at Lake Mead to potential sources of contamination from the Las Vegas Valley (Wash). This is accomplished by utilizing Geographic Information System (GIS) technology in implementing prescribed steps as part of the Nevada SWAP. GIS tools are used in this analysis to identify the watershed boundary and source water protection area, visualize watershed characteristics and location of contaminants, identify drainage network and flow path, and show the spatial distribution of vulnerability in the watershed. The vulnerability is assigned based on four factors: time of travel from potential contamination activities (PCAs) to the intake, physical barrier effectiveness of the watershed, the risk associated with the PCAs, and evaluation of existing local water quality. The vulnerability analysis shows that the PCAs with the highest vulnerability rating include septic systems, golf courses/parks, storm channels, gas stations, auto repair shops, construction, and the wastewater treatment plant discharges. The drinking water intake at Lake Mead is at a Moderate level of risk for Volatile Organic Compounds, Synthetic Organic Compounds, microbiological and radiological contaminants. The drinking water intake is at a High level of risk for Inorganic Compounds contaminants. However, Las Vegas is protected by high quality water treatment facilities. Source water protection in the Las Vegas Valley is strongly encouraged because of the documented influence of the Las Vegas Wash on the quality of the water at the intake.Key words: water quality; watershed; contamination; risk; vulnerability. Reference 1. Baker. J. R. and L. P. Paulson. (1980). "Influence of the Las Vegas Wash Intrusion on Nutrient Distribution and Phytoplankton Growth in Las Vegas Bay, Lake Mead." In: Proceedings of Symposium on surface Water I. Impoundment. American Society of Civil Engineers, Minneapolis, MN, June 2-5; P. 1638-1646. 2. Baker, J.R., Deacon, J.E., Burke, T.A., Egdorf, S.S., Paulson, L.J., Tew, R.W. (1977). "Limnological Aspects of Lake Mead, Nevada-Arizona". A report prepared and submitted to the Bureau of Reclamation, Lower Colorado region, Boulder City, Nevada, June 1977. 3. Beavans, H.E., Goodbread, S.L., Miesner, J.F., Watkins, S.A., Gross, T.S., Denslow, N.D., 4. Schieb, T. (1996). "Synthetic organic compounds and carp endocrinology and histology in Las Vegas Wash and Calville Bays of Lake Mead, Nevada, 1992-1995." U.S. Geological survey Water Resources Investigation Report 96-4266, 12p. 5. Boralessa, R. and Batista, J.R. (2000). "Historical Perchlorate levels in the Las Vegas Wash and Lake Mead." Proceedings of the 2000 American Water Works Association (AWWA), Inorganic Contaminants Workshop, Albuquerque, NM, February 27-29, 2000. 6. Boralessa, M. (2001). Transport of Perchlorate in the Las Vegas Wash and Lake Mead. M.S. 7. Thesis, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Nevada Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NV. 8. Bureau of Health Protection Services (BHPS), State of Nevada. (1999). "State of Nevada Source Water Assessment Program (SWAP)". 9. California Department of Health Services (CDHS). (1999). "Drinking Water Source Assessment and Protection Program". Division of Drinking Water and Environmental Management. Access http://www.cdph.ca.gov/certlic/drinkingwat er/pages/dwsap.aspx. 10. Clark County Regional Flood Control District (CCRFCD) (2002). Access http://www.ccrfcd.org/ 11. Colorado River Water Users Association (CRWUA) (2002). Access http://crwua.mwd.dst.ca.us/ 12. Covay, K. J., and Beck, D. A. (2001). "Sediment-Deposition Rates and Organic Compounds in 13. Bottom Sediment at Four Sites in Lake Mead, Nevada, May 1998". U.S. Geological Survey, Open File Report 01- 282, Carson City, Nevada. 14. Dan Szumski & Associates (1991). "Lake Mead Eutrophication Model Development and Provisional Calibration". Clark County Sanitation District, Las Vegas, Nevada. 15. Deacon, J.E. (1976). "Lake Mead monitoring program". Final Report to Clark Co. Sanitation 16. District No. 1, Waste Treatment Physical Development Section. 182 p.p. 17. Du, X. (2002). "Algal Growth Potential and Nutrient Limitation in the Las Vegas Bay, Lake 18. Mead, Nevada". M.S. Thesis, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Nevada Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NV. 19. Geographic Information System Management Office (GISMO) (2002). Access 20. http://www.co.clark.nv.us/ceit/gismo/gismo .htm 21. Goldstein, S. T., Juranek, D. D., Ravenholt, O., Hightower, A. W., Martin, J.L., Mesnik, S.S., Griffiths, S.D., Bryant, A.J., Reich, R.R. and Herwaldt, B. L. (1996). "Cryptosporidiosis: An outbreak associated with drinking water despite state-of-the-art water treatment." Annals of Internal Medicine, 124:459-468. 22. Maidment, D., 1993. Handbook of Hydrology, United States of America: McGraw-Hill, Inc. 23. Piechota, T., Batista, J., Reginato, M. and Albuquerque S. (2003). "Source Water Assessment for the Las Vegas Valley Surface Waters". Final Report for the State of Nevada, Bureau of Health Protection Services, Carson City, Nevada, June 2003. 24. Piechota, T., James, D., Batista, J., Amy, P., Du, M., Harbour, S., Reginato, M., Rosenblatt, A. and Brown, C. (2002). "Microbiological, Limnological, and Nutrient Evaluations of the Las Vegas Wash/Bay System". Final Report for Nevada Division of Environmental Protection, Feb 2002, 170 p. 25. Roefer, P. A., Monscvitz, J.T., Rexing, D. J. (1996). "The Las Vegas CryptosporidiosisOutbreak". Journal of the American Water Works Association, 88 (9): 95-106. 26. Roline, R.A., and Sartoris, J.J. (1996). "Las Vegas Wash Water Quality Monitoring Program: 1995 Report of Findings". Tech. Mem. No. 8220-96-13, Bureau of Reclamation, Technical Services Control, 11p. 27. Rosenblatt, A. L., and Amy, P. S. May. (2002). "Antibiotic resistance of the Las Vegas Wash enterococci: A public health issue?". 2002 Annual meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Abstract Q-377. 28. Sartoris, J.J., and Hoffman, D.A. (1971). "Measurement of Currents in Lake Mead with the Deep Water Isotopic Current Analyzer (DWICA)". U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Oct 1971, REC-ERC-71-38. 29. Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA) (2002a). "Water Resources Plan". Access at www.snwa.com. 30. SNWA (2002b). "Arsenic Input to Lake Mead from the Las Vegas Wash, Colorado, Muddy and Virgin Rivers". Internal Memorandum from Steve Acheampong (Hydrologist II) to Kay Brothers (Director of SNWA Resources), March 13, 2002. 31. Stave, A.K. (2001). "Dynamics of wetland Development and Resource Management in Las Vegas Wash, Nevada". Journal of the American Water Resources Association,37(5):1369-1379. 32. Tim, U.S. and S. Mallavaram (2003). "Application of GIS Technology in Watershed based Management and Decision Making". AWRA, Watershed Update, 1(5):1:6. 33. U.S. Census (2000). Access at http://www.census.gov/ 34. U. S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) (1985). Soil Conservation Service. Soil Survey of Las Vegas Valley Area, Nevada. 35. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). (1997a). "State Source Water Assessment and Protection Programs Final Guidance". Fact Sheet, August 1997. 36. USEPA (1997b). "State Methods for Delineating Source Water Protection Areas for Surface Water Supplied Sources of Drinking Water". U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 37. USEPA (1999). "Understanding the Safe Drinking Water Act". EPA 816-F-04-030, June 2004. Access at http://www.epa.gov/ogwdw/sdwa/pdfs/fs_3 0ann_sdwa_web.pdf 38. USEPA (2001). "What is Source Water?" Access at http://www.epa.gov/safewater/prot ect/swbasics.html#Anchor-What-49575 39. Western Regional Climate Center (WRCC) (2002). Access at 40. http://www.wrcc.dri.edu/cgibin/clilcd.pl?nv23169 Thomas C. Piechota, Anil Acharya, Silvia Albuquerque, Marcelo Reginato |
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57. | Selection Of Optimum Process Parameters Of Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) To Weld Steel Pipes By Design Of Experiments
Selection Of Optimum Process Parameters Of Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) To Weld Steel Pipes By Design Of ExperimentsAbstract: The focus of this work is to design parameters for shielded metal arc welding to ensure continuous and leak proof joints. To achieve the object an attempt has been made to selected important welding parameters. The selected welding parameters are welding current, welding speed, electrode angle and electrode angle. The selection is purely based on field expert's suggestions, literature Survey and on Scientific reasons. On the selected parameters, trails runs have been conducted and fixed the higher levels and lower levels for the parameters. Further, for each parameter 3 different levels are fixed. So that the experiment have become 4 parameters (factors) and each with 3 levels. Based on this, L9 (3 4 ) Orthogonal Array (O.A) is selected. Experiments are conducted according to O.A and results are obtained. The results have indicated that a leak proof joints can be produced in few specific operating conditions. Under these conditions effects of noise are nullified. The contribution of each parameter towards the leak is also estimated by ANOVA computations.Reference [1] Genichi Taguchi and Yu-In Wu, Off line Quality control (Central Japan Quality Association Show printings Co. Ltd. 1966) [2] Robert H. and Lochner, Designing for Quality (Productivity press India PVT. LTD) [3] Balasubramani M. Journal of materials technology, Vol.24 (2008). [4] Chen Y.H.International journal of materials and product technology, V0l.11 (1996 )333. [5] Ross J.R. Taguchi techniques for Quality Engineering ( McGraw-Hill, New York, 2006). [6] B.S.Praveen Kumar and Dr, Y.Vijaya Kumar, Optimum blending of powders to obtain desired Mechanical properties by DOE, NATCON-2005 proceeding Ghousia college of engineering, Ramanagaram, Bangalore. [7] Selection of process parameters for Mechanical properties of A1 alloys for centrifugal casting Using Taguchi Method Approach, Shailesh and Sundarrajan, Indian foundry journal, Vol.51, No. 3/March, 2005. [8] Song Liu and Robert.G.Batson (2004) On experimental design for gauge gain in steel tube Manufacturing, Journal of Quality Engineering, Vol.16, No.2, PP269-282. [9] Chapman and Hall, Robust design and analysis for quality engineering (New York 2005) B.S.Praveen Kumar, Dr.Y.Vijayakumar |
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58. | Load Carrying Capacity Of Hollow Concrete Block Masonry Wall
Load Carrying Capacity Of Hollow Concrete Block Masonry WallAbstract: Economy of structure is one of the basic aspect upon which any design is based .stability plays an important role .but best designer is one who comes out with a design which gives the stable and economic structure .the development of construction technology is closely related to the development of adequate mechanization and handling technology. Hollow concrete block is an important addition to the types of masonry units available to the builder and its use for masonry is a constantly increases. An investigation on construction of hollow concrete block masonry emphasizing in the present to study the crack patterns developed in the structural elements such as wall. Though the strength of wall constructed with hollow concrete block give the less strength as compared to crick masonry but cost of construction is very less.Key words: masonry, hollow concrete block, strength of masonry, brick masonry Reference 1. Chemistik, Building products, summary catalog, chemisol Agencies Provate Limited, Bombay. 2. Childe H.L., Concrete Products and cast stone. 3. Dutta N.D., Estimation and costing. 4. IS-10262-1982, Recommended guide lines for concrete Mix Desing, I.S.I. New Delhi. 5. IS-2572-1967, Hollow cement concrete blocks. 6. IS-2572-1963, code of practice for construction of hollow concrete block masonry. 7. IS-456-1978, code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete (Third revision), Tenth Reprint, 1988. 8. IS-269-1976, Ordinary and low heat protland cement. 9. Journal on use of soil cement hollow concrete and others precast cement concrete component and others precast cement concrete components by Indian institute of Engineers (India). 10. Krishna Raju N., Design of concrete Mixes, CBS publishers and Distributors,485,Jain Bhavan, Bholanath Nagar, shandra,Delhi,1985. 11. National seminar on concrete for housing by Indian Concrete Institution. 12. Neville A.M., Properties of concrete, pitman publishing, 1973. 13. Orchard D.F., Concrete Technology volume-I, applied science publishers limited, Third Edition, 1973. 14. Shetty M.S., Concrete Technology, S. Chand & Company Ltd., Ramnagar, New delhi, Second Edition, 1986. 15. Rixom M.R.,Concrete Admixtures use and applications, cement admixtures association,1977. 16. S.P. – 23,Handbook of concrete mixes, Based in Indian standards, Indian Standards Institution, Nanak Bhavan, 9- Bahandurshah Zafar Marg., New Delhi,1983. 17. The Indian Concrete Journal, july 1992. 18. White G.R., concrete Technology, Van Nostrand Company, New York, 1977. Mr. M K Maroliya |
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59. | A Perspective of Gate-Leakage Reduction in Deep Sub-Micron Ics
A Perspective of Gate-Leakage Reduction in Deep Sub-Micron IcsAbstract: Before the CMOS process is scaled into deep sub-micron process, dynamic energy loss has always dominated power dissipation, while leakage power is little. The aggressive scaling of device dimensions and threshold voltage has significantly increased leakage current exponentially, thus the MOS devices will no longer be totally turned-off anymore. The power dissipation caused by leakage current can't be neglected anymore, which attracts extensive attentions. Based on the fact that PMOS transistors have an order of magnitude smaller gate leakage than NMOS ones, it is used for designing circuit for reducing gate leakage power. Series of iterative steps are carried out to find the design perspective effect in different technologies.Key words: ECB, Gate leakage, HVB, PDCVSL, PCPL. Reference [1] "Design Techniques of P-Type CMOS Circuits for Gate- Leakage Reduction in Deep Sub-micron ICs"- Weiqiang Zhang, Linfeng Li, and Jianping Hu ,IEEE 2009 [2] L.G. Heller et al., Cascode voltage switch logic: a differential CMOS logic family, in: 1984 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits [3] Differential and pass-transistor CMOS logic for high performance systems, Vojin G. Oklobdzija, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA. [4] Yano.K.et al "CMOS multiplier using pass transistor logic", IEEE solid states circuit journal 1990. [5] F.Hamzaoglu, M. R. Stan, "Circuit-level techniques to control gate leakage for sub- 100nm CMOS", Proc Int Symp on Low Power Electronics and Design, pp. 60 – 63, 2002. [6] Weste N, Eshraghian K. "Principles of COMS VLSI Design: A Systems Perspective", 2nd Edition.New York:Addison-Wesley,1993. [7] J. M. Rabaey, "Digital Integrated Circuits: A Design Perspective", New York: Prentice Hall, l996. Mohamed Azeem Hafeez, Anuj Shaw |
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60. | Design & Development of Ruggedized Mechanism for Detection of Rotating Metallic Objects Using Inductive Proximity Switches
Design & Development of Ruggedized Mechanism for Detection of Rotating Metallic Objects Using Inductive Proximity SwitchesAbstract: We describe a sensing arrangement for detection of a metallic body rotating at high revolutions per minute (rpm) operating in dusty and muddy environment. For such an environment, the sensing range, switching frequency & ruggedness of proximity switch are key parameters. When an electrical conductor, such as a metal target enters the electromagnetic field, eddy current starts circulating in the conductor. This eddy current draws energy from the field. Presence or absence of metallic objects can be detected by measuring the energy deficit because of the eddy current. An inductive proximity switch based system was developed for detection of rotating metallic objects. Experiments were carried out in the simulated dusty & muddy environment to check the functionality of the system. It has been planned to install the inductive proximity switch based system for detection of metallic objects rotating at high rpm in military application.Key words: Inductive proximity switch, Switching frequency, Sensing range, Eddy current, IP protection Reference [1] http://www.miningonlineexpo.com/mining _hammer_mill_crushers_crushing.html [2] http://www.skkbanjaluckapivara.com/inventMeans for detecting metal objects by Most, Lynn W.; Most, Allen F [3] http://www.skkbanjaluckapivara.com/inve nt/container_with_drinking_tube/means_d etecting_metal_objects.html [4] http://www.ifm.com/ifmind/web/techlex.h tm [5] Ifm electronic gmbh • Friedrichstraße 1 • 45128 Essen —GB — ID5055 — 06.03.2003 [6] Data Sheet Oxford 3 Phase Induction Motor [7] Data Sheet Seimens Quad Channel ILQ74 Phototransistor Opto coupler [8] Data Sheet Texas InstrumentsCD54HC4538 High-Speed CMOS Logic Dual Retriggerable Precision Monostable Multivibrator [9] UM1039 LPC 2148 user manual Volume 1: LPC214x User Manual Rev. 01 AshishDubey, KashinathChillal, Sunil Chauhan |
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61. | An application of Audiomagnetotelluric prospecting method to determine the dip of the sedimentary-metamorphic contact
An application of Audiomagnetotelluric prospecting method to determine the dip of the sedimentary-metamorphic contactAbstract: From the geometric mean values of apparent resistivity, iso-resistivity contour maps were drawn using audiomagnetotellurics data collected along two profiles traversing the metamorphic and sedimentary formations. On these maps, resistivity discontinuity observed along the contour lines indicated the existence in this area of a contact between two blocks of different lithologies. By drawing tangents along a specific contour line (20 Ωm) which is considered as reference separating the two formations, the dips of down dropping under each station were calculated. The values of dip in the sedimentary formation, which have maximum values of 10˚ at a depth of 1400 m and 17˚ at a depth of 800 m,Reference [1]. Adediran, S. A. and Adegoke, O. S. (1987). Evolution of the sedimentary basins of the Gulf of Guinea, in G. Matheis and H. Schandlemeier (eds) Current research in sciences. Balkema Rotterdam p. 283-286. [2]. Baptupe, M. (1996). Aspect of the stratigraphic evolution of the Douala basin, Cameroon (abstract), in S. Jardiné, I. Deklasz and J. P. Debenary eds. Geologie d'Atlantique Sud: Elf Aquitaine edition memoir 16, p. 694. [3]. Belmonte, Y. C. (1996). Stratigraphie du basins sedimentaire du Cameroun, in J. E. Van Hinte (ed.): Proceedings of the second West African Micopaleontological colloquim, Ibadan. P. 7-24. [4]. Emery K. O. (1975). Continental Margin of Western African Angola to Serra Leone. Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull. Vol. 59, No. 12, 2209-2265. [5]. Hausknecht J. J. (1966). Note sur l'etude photogeologique de la bordure du basin sedimentaire du Cameroun entre 3° et 4° N. Entreprise de recherches et activités pétrolières. Département Geologique Central. [6]. De Vries (1936). Mission de recherché des hydrocarbures du Cameroun. Effectuée en 1935-1936. Rapport Général, Service des mines du Cameroun. 72p. [7]. Njike, N. P. R. (1984). Contribution a l'etude geologique, stratigraphique et structurale de la bordure du basin atlantique au Cameroun. These Doc. 3 eme Cycle, Univ.Yaounde. [8]. Njike, N. P. R. and Belinga, S. M., (1987). Le Diachronisme du grès de base, le Paléoenvironnement et le role de l'ouverture de l'Atlantique Sud. Ann. Fac. Sci. Terre IV, No. 3-4, 103-119. [9]. Njingti-Nfor Manguelle-Dicoum E., Tabod C. Tadjou J. M. (2001). Application of audiomagnetotelluric soundings to determine the types of rocks and their geologic ages –A case study of the Eastern Edge of the Douala Sedimentary Basin in Cameroon. The 2nd International Conference on the Geology of Africa, Vol. (I), p-p, 787-797 Assuit, Egypt. [10]. Dumort J. C. (1968). Notice explicative sur la feuille de Douala – Ouest. Direction des Mines et de la Géologie du Cameroun, 69p, index, 1 carte h. t. [11]. Morgan W. J. (1972). Deep mantle convention plumes and plates motions. Am. Ass. Petrol. Geol. Bull. 56, 203-213 [12]. Deltheil J. R., Le Foumier J. and Micholet J., (1975). Schema devolution sédimentaire d'une marge continentale stable: Exemple type du Golfe de Guinee, de l'Angola au Cameroun. IXéme Congrés International de la sédimentologie. MinceFrance. [13]. Benderitter, Y. (1982). Interprétation des mesures magnétotellurique obtenues avec un resistivimètre ECA, CNRS, CRG, Garchy. [14]. Garcia, X., and Jones, A. G., (2001). Atmospheric sources for audiomagnetotelluric (AMT) sounding. Geophysics, 67, 448-458. [15]. Manguelle-Dicoum E., Nouayou R., Bokossah A. S. and Kwende-Mbanwi T. E. (1993). Auomagnetotelluric soundings on the basement – sedimentary transition zone around the eastern margin of the Douala basin in Cameroon. Journal of African earth Sciences, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 487-497. [16]. Groshong R. H. Jr (1999). 3-D Structural Geology. A guide to structure and surface map interpretation. ISBN 3-540-65422-4 springer- Verlag Berlin Heidelberg Ne York. [17]. Manguelle-Dicoum E. (1988). Etude Géophysique des structures superficielles et profondes de la region de Mbalmayo. Thése de Doctorat és-sciences (Géophysique). Université de Yaoundé. [18]. Njingti N., Manguelle-Dicoum E., Mbom-Abane, Tadjou J. M. (2001). Evidence of major tectonic dislocations along the southern edge of the Pan African mobile zone and the Congo Craton contact in Southern region of Cameroon. The 2 nd International Conference on the Geology of Africa, Vol. (I), p-p, 799-811 Assuit, Egypt. [19]. Cagniard, L., (1953). Principe de la methode magnetotellurique, nouvelle methode de prospection géophysique. Annales de Géophysique T. 9. 95-124. Njingti-Nfor, Tadjou J.M., Nouayou R |
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62. | Calculation of Elecron Mobility in WZ-AlN and ZB-AlN at Low Electric Field
Calculation of Elecron Mobility in WZ-AlN and ZB-AlN at Low Electric FieldAbstract: In this work the electron mobility of AlN Wurtzite and AlN Zincblende semiconductor compounds were calculated using iterative method in range of 100-600 K. We compare polar optic phonon scattering, deformation-potential acoustic phonon scattering, piezoelectric scattering and impurity scattering mechanisms. Boltzmann transport equation was solved using iterative method. In addition, we took into account the mixing of wave functions and electron screening and we investigated temperature dependence of mobility of the given compound.Key words: AlN Wurtzite , AlN Zincblende ,electron mobility , iterative method , III-Nitrides. Reference [1] S. AYDOĞU, M. AKARSU and Ö. ÖZBAª. Calculation of the electron mobility of GaN Osmangazi University, Art and Science Faculty, Department of Physics, Eskiºehir, TURKEYsaydogu@ogu.edu.tr,akarsu@ogu .edu.tr, oozbas@ogu.edu.tr [2] H. Arabshahi, Z. Moodi and A. PourhasanInternational NUMERICAL CALCULATION OF THE ELECTRON MOBILITY IN GaAs SEMICONDUCTOR UNDER WEAK ELECTRIC FIELD APPLICATIONJournal of Science, Environment and Technology, Vol. 1, No 2, 80 - 87, 2012 [3] N. A. Masyukov and A. V. Dmitriev. Hot electrons in wurtzite indium nitride. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 109, 023706 _2011_ [4] F Litimein1, B Bouhafs1,2†, Z Dridi1,2 and P Ruterana2The electronic structure of wurtzite and zincblende AlN: an ab initio comparative study. New Journal of Physics 4 (2002) 64.1–64.12 [5] H. Arabshahi. Modeling Low Field Electron Mobility in Group III Nitride Materials . COMPUTER SCIENCE AND APPLICATION, VOL. 1, NO.1, JANUARY, 2012 [6] Fabio Bernardini and Vincenzo Fiorentini. Spontaneous polarization and piezoelectric constants of III-V nitrides . PACS: 77.65.Bn, 77.84.Bw, 77.22.Ej. 23 Jul 1997 [7] S.Loughin and R.H.French –Electronic structure of ALN :Theory and experiment . Appl . phys , lett ,63(9),30 August 1993 [8] P.Jonnard , N.Capron –F.Semond ,J .Massies . Electronic structure of wurtzite and zinc-blende ALN ,February 2,2008 H. Arabshahi, M. Izadifard and A. Karimi |
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63. | Microstrip Decagon Carpet Fractal Antenna For Wireless Applications
Microstrip Decagon Carpet Fractal Antenna For Wireless ApplicationsAbstract: Microstrip Fractal antennas are the most suited for aerospace and mobile applications because of their low profile, light weight and low power handling capacity. They can be designed in a variety of shapes in order to obtain enhanced gain and bandwidth, dual band and circular polarization to even ultra wideband operation.. The paper provides a study of the design of a microstrip decagon carpet fractal antenna. The design parameters of the antenna have studied. For the simulation process ANSOFT HFSS (high frequency structure simulator) has been used. The effect of antenna dimensions and substrate parameters on the performance of antenna have been discussed. The antenna has been designed using the Arlon substrate with relative permittivity of 2.7 and a patch of decagon shaped designed up to 3 rd iteration placed on it. Feed used is the microstrip line feed. The designed antenna is a low profile, small size and multiband antenna since it can be operated at different frequencies within the frequency range of 1 to 12GHz. It can be used for applications like wireless and mobile communicationKey words: Multiband, self-similarity, fractal Reference [1] C. A. Balanis, Antenna Theory, ( New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2005.) [2] N. Cohen, Fractal Antennas: Part I, ConintunicationsQuarterly, Summer, 1995, pp. 7-22. [3] C. Puente, j.romeu, R.pous, j.ramis, a. hijazo, small but long Koch fractal monopole, ELECTRONICS LETTERS, 1998, Vol. 34 No. 7. [4] C. Puente baliarada, ,j.romeu, R.pous, A. cardaa, On the behavior of the Sirpenski Multiband Fractal Antenna, in IEEE Transactions on Aantenna and Propagation, 1988, Vol 46, No 4 [5] P. Simedrea, Design and Implimentation of Compact Microstrip Fractal Antennas, Project Report, 2004, pp 4-9. [6] P.Felber, Fractal Antennas, A literature study as a project for ECE 576, 2000. [7] M. Ahmed, Abdul-Letif, M.A.Z. Habeeb and H.S. Jaffar, performance Characteristics of Minkowski Curve Fractal Antenna, Journal of Engineering and Applies Science 1(4) ,2006, pp 323-328. [8] Paulo H. and F.Silva, Jose I. A. Trinade, Elder E. Oliveria, CARACTERIZACAO DE ANTENAS FRACTAIS DE MINKOWSKI COM APLICACOES PARA REDES SEM FIO, III Congresso de Pesquisa e Inovacao da Rede Norte Nordeste de EducacaoTecnologica Fortaleza, 2008. [9] Shyh-Tirng Fang; Jyh-Wen Sheen, A planar triple-band antenna for GSM/DCS/GPS operations, in Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium IEEE, 2001, vol. 2, pp 136-139. [10] Lamecki, A. and P. Debicki, Broadband properties of a Minkowski fractal curve antenna, in Microwaves, Radar and Wireless Communications 14th International Conference, 2002, vol.3, pp 785-788. [11] G. Tsachtsiris, C. Soras, M. Karaboikis, and V. Makios, A Printed Folded Koch Monopole Antenna for Wireless Devices, in Microwave and Optical Technology, 2004, Vol. 40, No. 5, pp 373-378. Jeetwinder Kaur, Yadwinder Kumar |
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64. | A BIM based Energy and Lifecycle Cost Analysis/Optimization Approach
A BIM based Energy and Lifecycle Cost Analysis/Optimization ApproachAbstract: This paper reports on ongoing research work within the area of building lifecycle cost analysis including energy optimization. It addresses the interoperability problem between different AEC domain applications within the context of a BIM based lifecycle cost analysis / optimization at the design stage of a building. It discusses the available interoperability options between existing mainstream software applications and identifies areas where there are needs for further interoperability tools that facilitate the production of energy efficient and sustainable designs. A double solution strategy (short and long term) is adapted to achieve the objectives of the lifecycle cost analysis/optimization process for developed prototype building(s). The short term strategy aims at optimizing the design parameters of suggested building(s) prototypes within the collaborative multidisciplinary teamwork environment with architects, structural and HVAC engineers. In the meantime, it points out the interoperability shortcomings and proposes the development of missing interoperability solutions. The long term strategy targets the development of such solutions to be deployed among mainstream software applications with the aim of reaching an automated BIM based round-trip lossless data exchange by bridging the gap between existing interoperability islands.Key words: BIM, Lifecycle Cost Analysis, Energy Simulation, Genetic Algorithm Reference [1] M. NOUR, K. BEUCKE, An open platform for processing IFC model versions, Tsinghua Journal of Science and Technology 13 NoS1 ELSEVIER (2008) 126-131. Retrieved from http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/ S100702140870138X [2] F. Sieglinde, Life cycle cost analysis, National Institute of Standards and Technology (2007). Retrieved from http://ironwarrior.org/ARE/Materials_Meth ods/Life-Cycle Cost Analysis.pdf [3] T. Nielsen, S. Svendsen, Life-cycle cost optimization of buildings with regard to energy use thermal indoor environment and daylight, International Journal of Low Energy and Sustainable Buildings (2002) 1-16. [4] H. Winkler, R. Fecher, L. Tyani, K. Matibe, Cost-benefit analysis of energy efficiency in urban low cost housing, Journal of Development Southern Africa (2002) 593-614. [5] N. Huberman, D. Pearlmutter, A life-cycle energy analysis of building materials of Negev desert, Journal of Energy and Buildings (2007) 837-849. [6] S. Jung, M. Dan, Cost-reliability interaction in life-cycle cost optimization of deteriorating structures, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE 130 No. 11 (2007). [7] Autodesk Revit Architecture (2012) http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/item?s iteID=123112&id=16841348 [8] ISO 10303 – 21 STEP 2002 Industrial automation systems and integration, Product data representation and exchange part 21: Implementation methods: Clear text encoding for exchange structure (2002). [9] V. Bazjanac, T. Maile, J. O'Donnell, N. Marzovic, October Data Environments and processing in semi-automated simulation with EnergyPlus, Proceedings of the CIB W78-W102 2011: International Conference –Sophia Antipolis, France, (2011) 26-28 October. [10] Green Building XML schema gbXML: http://www.gbxml.org. [12.03.2012] [11] M. Nour, K. Beucke, Manipulating IFC model data in conjunction with CAD, Proceedings of CIB w78-2005 22nd Conference on Information Technology in Construction (2005) 253–260: http://itc.scix.net/data/works/att/w78-2005- D4-1-Nour.pdf [12] C. Rose, T. Maile, J. O'Donnell, N. Mrazović, V. Bazjanac, The geometry of thermal zone space boundaries for building energy performance simulation, Submitted for publication to Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation, a publication of the Association for Computing Machinery (2011). [13] V. Bazjanac, Space boundary requirements for modeling of building geometry for energy and other performance simulation, CIB W78, Proc. 27th conference, Applications of IT in the AEC Industry Cairo (2010) Mohamed Nour, Ossama Hosny, Ahmed Elhakeem |
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65. | Parallel 2-D MRI Image Filtering Algorithms Implementation For FPGA Using Matlab And Xilinx System Generator |
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66. | Design of Parallel Multiplier–Accumulator Based on Radix-4 Modified Booth Algorithm with SPST
Design of Parallel Multiplier–Accumulator Based on Radix-4 Modified Booth Algorithm with SPSTAbstract: In this paper, we proposed a new architecture of multiplier-and-accumulator (MAC) for high-speed arithmetic By combining multiplication with accumulation and devising a hybrid type of carry save adder (CSA), the performance was improved. But using SPST(Spurious Power Suppression Technique) we can reduce power and the overall performance was elevated. The proposed SPST based radix-4 modified Booth's algorithm (MBA) and has the modified array for the sign extension in order to increase the bit density of the operands. The Booth's radix-4 algorithm, Modified Booth Multiplier improves speed of Multipliers and SPST adder will reduce the power consumption in addition process. Also, the proposed MAC accumulates the intermediate results in the type of sum and carrybits instead of the output of the final adder. Based on the theoretical and experimental estimation, we analyzed the results such as the amount of hardware resources, delay, and power. We expect that the proposed MAC can be adapted to various fields requiring high performance such as the signal processing areas.Key words: Booth multiplier, carry save adder (CSA) tree, Spurious power suppression technique(SPST), Computer arithmetic, digital signal processing (DSP), multiplier andAccumulator (MAC). Reference [1] J. J. F. Cavanagh, Digital Computer Arithmetic. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1984. [2] Information Technology-Coding of Moving Picture and Associated Autio, MPEG-2 Draft International Standard, ISO/IEC 13818-1, 2, 3, 1994. [3] JPEG 2000 Part I Fina1119l Draft, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29 WG1. [4] O. L. MacSorley, "High speed arithmetic in binary computers," Proc.IRE, vol. 49, pp. 67–91, Jan. 1961. [5] S. Waser and M. J. Flynn, Introduction to Arithmetic for Digital Systems Designers. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1982. [6] A. R. Omondi, Computer Arithmetic Systems. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:PrenticeHall, 1994. [7] A. D. Booth, "A signed binary multiplication technique," Quart. J.Math., vol. IV, pp. 236–240, 1952. [8] C. S. Wallace, "A suggestion for a fast multiplier," IEEE Trans. Electron Computer., vol. EC-13, no. 1, pp. 14–17, Feb. 1964. [9] A. R. Cooper, "Parallel architecture modified Booth multiplier," Proc.Inst. Electr. Eng. G, vol. 135, pp. 125–128, 1988. [10] N. R. Shanbag and P. Juneja, "Parallel implementation of a 4�4-bit multiplier using modified Booth‟s algorithm," IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 1010–1013, Aug. 1988. [11] G. Goto, T. Sato, M. Nakajima, and T. Sukemura, "A 54�54 regular structured tree multiplier," IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 27, no. 9, pp. 1229–1236, Sep. 1992. [12] J. Fadavi-Ardekani, "M�N Booth encoded multiplier generator using optimizedWallace trees," IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integr. (VLSI) Syst., vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 120–125, Jun. 1993. [13] N. Ohkubo, M. Suzuki, T. Shinbo, T. Yamanaka, A. Shimizu, K.Sasaki, and Y. Nakagome, "A 4.4 ns CMOS 54�54 multiplier using pass-transistor multiplexer," IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 251–257, Mar. 1995. [14] F. Elguibaly, "A fast parallel multiplier– accumulator using the modified Booth algorithm," IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst., vol. 27, no. 9, pp. 902–908, Sep. 2000. [15] A. Fayed and M. Bayoumi, "A merged multiplier-accumulator for high speed signal processing applications," Proc. ICASSP, vol. 3, pp. 3212–3215, 2002. [16] P. Zicari, S. Perri, P. Corsonello, and G. Cocorullo, "An optimized adder accumulator for high speed MACs," Proc. ASICON 2005, vol. 2, pp. 757–760, 2005. [17] Z. Huang and M. D. Ercegovac, "Highperformance low-power left-toright array multiplier design," IEEE Trans. Comput., vol. 54, no. 3, pp. 272–283, Mar. 2005. [18] M. C.Wen, S. J. Wang, and Y. N. Lin, "Low-power parallel multiplier with column bypassing," Electron. Lett., vol. 41, no. 12, pp. 581–583, May 2005. [19] H. Lee, "A power-aware scalable pipelined Booth multiplier," in Proc.IEEE Int. SOC Conf., Sep. 2004, pp. 123–126. [20] Y. Liao and D. B. Roberts, "A highperformance and low-power 32-bit multiply-accumulate unit with singleinstruction–multiple-data (SIMD) feature," IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 37, no. 7, pp. 926–931, Jul. 2002. [21] A. Danysh and D. Tan, "Architecture and implementation of a vector/ SIMD multiply-accumulate unit," IEEE Trans. Comput., vol. 54, no. 3, pp. 284–293, Mar. 2005. [22] J. S.Wang, C. N. Kuo, and T. H. Yang, "Low-power fixed-width array multipliers," in Proc. IEEE Symp. Low Power Electron. Des., Aug.9–11, 2004, pp. 307–312. [23] W. C. Yeh and C. W. Jen, "High-speed Booth encoded parallel multiplier design," IEEE Trans. Comput., vol. 49, no. 7, pp. 692–701, Jul.2000. S.Jagadeesh, S.Venkata Chary |
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67. | Securing Web Applications By Analyzing The Logs Of The Database Server Or Web Server
Securing Web Applications By Analyzing The Logs Of The Database Server Or Web ServerAbstract: SQL injection attacks [1] are one of the major security threats for web applications. In fact, the open web application security project (OWASP), an international organization of web developers, has placed SQLIAs among the top ten attacks that a web application can have. SQL injection is a technique for maliciously exploiting applications that use client-supplied data in SQL statements. SQL injection is now one of the most common attacks in the Internet. Simply go to Yahoo! or Google and search for "SQL injection" and we can find tones of related documents. Although the awareness of SQL injection is rising, still many people do not have very concrete ideas on how to prevent SQL injection attack. This paper is not going to tell you what is SQL injection, nor going to tell you the latest techniques in SQL injection attacks, but more important, how to prevent SQL injection correctly and in a more integrated approach. Using SQLIAs, an attacker may be able to read, modify, or even delete database information. Solutions to avoid these attacks are, placing a powerful Network SQL Injection Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS), but insider or internal employer of the organizations can easily bypass the security. So, Network Intrusion Detection Systems cannot fully protect the databases from the attacks, The Propose System can detect the attacks that are from Internet and Insider Attacks, by analyzing the logs of the database server or web server log details, and using limited number of signatures it is going to avoid the internal and external attacks.Key words: access log parsing; detection system; sql injection attacks; Reference [1] Advanced SQL Injection In SQL Server Applications, Chris Anley,An NGSSoftware Insight Security Research(NISR) Publication © 2002 Next Generation Security software Ltd. http://www.ngssoftware.com. [2]Intrusion Detection; Hot Based & NetworkBased IDS. Harley kozoshko. [3] Hu, Y., Panda, B., (2003), "Identification of malicious transactions in database systems". In Proceedings of the. International Database Engineering and Applications Symposium (IDEAS). [4] Bertino E., Kamra A., Terzi E. and Vakali A., (2005), "Intrusion Detection in RBAC Administered Databases", Proceedings of Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC). [5] Chung C., Gertz M., Levitt K., (1999), "DEMIDS: A Misuse Detection System for Database Systems". In Third Annual IFIP TC-11 WG 11.5 Working Conference on Integrity and Internal Control in Information Systems,Kluwer Academic Publishers, pages 159-178, November. [6] spett. k. (2005) sql injection; Are your web applications vulnerable/ available t URL http:// www.spidynamics.com/papers/sql injectionwhitepaper.pdf. [7]. Castano, S., Fugini,M.G.,Martella, G. and Samarati, P.,(1995), "Database security". Wokingham, England: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. G.Swapna, R.Pavani Srivatsav |
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68. | Design Of VSI Based STATCOM For Eliminating Harmonic Currents Due To Non Linear Load And To Compensate The Reactive Power In A Grid Connected System
Design Of VSI Based STATCOM For Eliminating Harmonic Currents Due To Non Linear Load And To Compensate The Reactive Power In A Grid Connected SystemAbstract: This paper presents the design of VSI based STATCOM for eliminating harmonic currents due to non linear load and to compensate the reactive power in grid connected system. The Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) is increasingly popular in power quality application. This VSI draw or supply a compensating current from the utility such that it cancels current harmonics on the AC side. STATCOM generates a current wave such that it compensate by cancelling out the non-linear current waveform generated by load. The performance of the wind turbine and thereby power quality are determined on the basis of measurements and the norms followed according to the guideline specified in International Electrotechnical Commission standard, IEC-61400. The influence of the wind turbine in the grid system concerning the power quality measurements arethe active power, reactive power, variation of voltage, flicker, harmonics, and electrical behavior of switching operation and these are measured according to national/international guidelines.The STATCOM control scheme for the grid connected wind energy generation system for power quality improvement is simulated using MATLAB/SIMULINK in power system block set. Finally the proposed scheme is applied for both balanced and unbalanced linear non linear loadsKey words: International electro-technical commission (IEC), power quality, wind generating system (WGS). Reference [1] A Novel Hysteresis control Technique of VSI based STATCOM , R.A.Kantaria1, Student Member, IEEE, S.K.Joshi2, K.R.Siddhapura3 [2] G.Yalienkaya, M.H.J Bollen, P.A. Crossley, "Characterization of Voltage Sags in Industrial Distribution System", IEEE transactions on industry applications, volume 34, No. 4, July/August, PP.682- 688, 1999. [3] "A Novel DC voltage Detection Technique CHB- Inverter based STATCOM‟Yidan Li and Bin Wu, Fellow, IEEE [4] Haque, M.H., "Compensation Of Distribution Systems Voltage sags by DVR and D-STATCOM", Power Tech Proceedings, 2001 IEEE Porto, Volume 1, PP.10-13, September 2001. [5] Anaya-Lara O, Acha E., "Modeling and Analysis Of Custom Power Systems by PSCAD/EMTDC", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Volume 17, Issue: 2002, Pages: 266-272. [6] Bollen, M.H.J.,"Voltage sags in Three Phase Systems", Power Engineering Review, IEEE, Volume 21, Issue :9, September 2001, PP: 11-15. [7] M.Madrigal, E.Acha., "Modelling OF Custom Power Equipment Using Harmonics Domain Techniques",IEEE 2000. [8] R.Meinski, R.Pawelek and I.Wasiak, "Shunt Compensation For Power Quality Improvement Using a STATCOM controller Modelling and Simulation", IEEE Proce, Volume 151, No. 2, March 2004. [9] J.Nastran , R. Cajhen, M. Seliger, and P.Jereb,"Active Power Filters for Nonlinear AC loads, IEEE Trans.on Power Electronics Volume 9, No.1, PP: 92-96, Jan 2004. [10] L.A.Moran, J.W. Dixon , and R.Wallace, A Three Phase Active Power Filter with fixed Switching Frequency For Reactive Power and Current Harmonics Compensation, IEEE Trans. On Industrial Electronics. Volume 42, PP:402-8, August 1995. Manam Ravindra, Devineni Gireesh Kumar |
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69. | Electrochemical Oxidation of Textile Industry Wastewater Using DSA® In Tubular Reactor
Electrochemical Oxidation of Textile Industry Wastewater Using DSA® In Tubular ReactorAbstract: This paper presents the treatment of Acid green V by an electrochemical oxidation using Ti/RuO2 IrO2 TiO2 as anode and cathode and NaCl as supporting electrolyte in a tubular flow reactor under continuous single pass process. During the electrolysis, COD reduction, color removal, and energy consumption were investigated under different flow rates and current densities. The experimental results showed that at 10 l/h flow rate and 2.5 A/dm 2 current density for an initial COD 960 mg/l (3000ppm), COD reduction, color removal and power consumption were found to be 87.5%,100% and 3.2545 kWh/kg COD respectively. At the same flow rate and current density for an initial COD 480 mg/l (1500ppm), COD reduction, color removal and power consumption were found to be 100 %,100% and 6.0417 kWh/kg COD respectively.Key words: Advanced oxidation, COD reduction, Color removal, Electro chemical oxidation, Textile wastewater Reference [1] D. Rajkumar, K. Palanivelu, Electrochemical treatment of organic wastewater, J. Hazard. Mater. B113 (2004) 123–129. [2] A.G. Vlyssides , M. Loizidou , P.K. Karlis , A.A. Zorpas ,D. Papaioannou, Electrochemical oxidation of a textile dye wastewater using a Pt/Ti electrode, J. Hazard.Mater. B70 (1999) 41–52 [3] Sivaramakrishnan, C.N., 2004, Colorage, LI, No.9, 27-32. [4] K. Rajeshwar, J.G. Ibanez, Environmental Electrochemistry, Academic Press, Inc., (1997). [5] N. Mohana, N. Balasubramanian ,C. Ahmed Basha , Electrochemical oxidation of textile wastewater and its reuse, Journal of Hazardous Materials 147 (2007) 644– 651. [6] S.S.Vaghela, A.D. Jethva, B.B. Metha, et al., Laboratory studies of electrochemical treatment of industrial azo dye effluent, J. Environ. Sci. Technol. 39 (2005) 2848– 2856. [7] K. Bindu, S. Velusamy, C.A. Basha, R. Vijayavalli, Mediated electrochemical oxidation of organic pollutants in wastewater treatment, Indian J. Environ. Health 42 (2000) 185–191. [8] Timothy R. Demmin, Ph.D., and Kevin D. Uhrich, A New Development For (Textile Mill) Wastewater Treatment, The American Dyestuff Reporter, Andco Environmental Processes, Inc. Amherst, New York, (1988). E.Kavitha |
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70. | Power Quality Improvement Of Three Phase Four Wire Distribution System Using VSC With A Zig-Zag Transformer
Power Quality Improvement Of Three Phase Four Wire Distribution System Using VSC With A Zig-Zag TransformerAbstract: For the Improvement of power quality in the three-phase four wire distribution system a voltage-source converter (VSC) is proposed which acts as distribution static compensator (DSTATCOM). The proposed VSC as DSTATCOM is used for the mitigation of harmonic currents, neutral current and compensation of reactive power, load balancing, voltage regulation at the point of common coupling (PCC). The zig-zag transformer is connected to the phase which is used for providing the low resistance path for the zerosequence current. The performance of the VSC as DSTATCOM with zig-zag transformer is validated through extensive simulations using MATLAB software with its simulink and power system tool boxes.Key words: power-quality (PQ), distribution static compensator (DSTATCOM), point of common coupling (PCC), zig-zag transformer. Reference [1] M. H. J. Bollen, Understanding Power Quality Problems: Voltage Sags and Interruptions, ser. IEEE Press Power Eng. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2000. [2] IEEE Recommended Practice for Electric Power Distribution for Industrial Plants, IEEE Std. 141, 1993. [3] IEEE Recommended Practices and Requirements for Harmonics Control in Electric Power Systems, IEEE Std. 519, 1992. [4] H. Akagi, "Trends in active power line conditioners," IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 263–268, May 1994. [5] F. Z. Peng, "Harmonic sources and filtering approaches," IEEE Ind. Appl. Mag., vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 18–25, Jul./Aug. 2001. [6] E. Ngandu and D. Paraiso, "Line and neutral current harmonics characteristics in three-phase computer power systems," in Proc. IEEE Conf. [7] T. M. Gruzs, "a survey of neutral currents in three-phase computer systems," IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 719– 725, Jul./Aug. 1990. [8] H.-L. Jou, J.-C. Wu, K.-D. Wu, W.-J. Chiang, and Y.-H. Chen, "Analysis of zigzag Transformer applying in the threephase four-wire distribution power system," IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 20, no. 2, pt. 1, pp. 1168–1173, Apr. 2005. [9] J. C. Montano and P. Salmeron Revuelta, "Strategies of instantaneous compensation for three-phase four-wire circuits," IEEE Power Eng. Rev., vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 63–63, Jun. 2002. [10] M. C. Benhabib and S. Saadate, "New control approach for four-wire active power filter based on the use of synchronous reference frame," Elect. Power Syst. Res., vol. 73, no. 3, pp. 353– 362, Mar. 2005. [11] H.-L. Jou, K.-D.Wu, J.-C.Wu, and W.-J. Chiang, "A three-phase fourwire power filter comprising a three-phase three-wire active filter and a zig-zag transformer," IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 23, no. 1, pp.252–259, Jan. 2008. Sajith Shaik, I.Raghavendar |
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71. | Computation of Stress Intensity Factor of Cracked Aluminium Plate Using Virtual Crack Closure Technique
Computation of Stress Intensity Factor of Cracked Aluminium Plate Using Virtual Crack Closure TechniqueAbstract: The stress intensity factor (SIF) is important parameter for estimating the life of cracked structure. There are several techniques for calculating SIF like displacement extrapolation method, j –integral technique and virtual crack closure technique. In this paper SIF of an Aluminium plate with central crack is computed using virtual crack closure technique (VCCT) with the help pf Finite element software ANSYS .The values obtained are compared with empirical values and displacement extrapolation method values and found that they are in order. Using Paris law the life of the Aluminium plate with fatigue load is also predicted.Key words: stress intensity factor, strain energy release rate, displacement extrapolation technique, and virtual crack closure technique. Reference [1] J.M. Barsom and S.T. Rolfe, "Fracture and Fatigue Control in Structures: Applications of Fracture Mechanics," Third edition, American Society [2] For Testing and Materials, West Conshocken, PA, (199) Chapter 2 [3] E. Orowan, "Fatigue and Fracture of Metals," MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, (1950) 139 [4] Text book of Fracture Mechanics By Nestor Perezn Department of Mechanical Engineering,University of Puerto Rico [5] Stress intensity factors by numerical evaluation in cracked structures S.m.o. tavares*, p.m.g.p. moreira*, s.d. pastrama**, p.m.s.t. Castro** department of mechanical engineering and industrial management, faculdade de engenharia da universidade do Porto, Portugal** department of strength of materials, university "politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania [6] Ansys 13.0 Theory and Reference Manual, 2010. [7] Fracture Mechanics for the Structural Design Computer lab sessions D. Trias October 2011 [8] Text book of Fracture mechanics by E.E GDOUTOS, Second Edition. Mr.A.Gopichand, M.Surendra Kumar, Prof.A.V.N.L.Sharma |
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72. | The Effectsof Backpack Load and Placement on Postural Deviation in Healthy Students: A Systematic Review
The Effectsof Backpack Load and Placement on Postural Deviation in Healthy Students: A Systematic ReviewAbstract: BackgroundKnowledge about the appropriate load and placement of a backpack for children is thought to be important in reducing both immediate and future musculoskeletal problems in students.The purpose of this systematic review is to investigate the evidence related to effects of backpack load and placement on postural deviation in healthy students. Methods Six electronic databases were systematically searched to identify studies that reported the effects of backpack load and placement on postural deviation in healthy students in June 2012.All study designs and years of publication were included.Search results were selected based on relevance to the topic; participants should be healthy, aged between 6 and 12 years, and the full text available in English.Level of evidence for each article was determined based on NHMRC Evidence Hierarchy (2009), while the quality ofeach article was assessed using a modified PEDro and modified Downs & Black scales (1998). Results Seventy relevant articles were identified, of which eleven articles metinclusion and exclusion criteria and six were deemed appropriate for review.Only one article was categorized as Level II hierarchy of evidence.One randomised control article was classified as highquality using the modified PEDro scale and five non-randomised control articles were classified as intermediate quality using modified Downs & Black checklist.Results on appropriate load limit seemed to meet the consensus but the appropriate load placement was inconsistent between articles.Further investigation is urgently required to identify appropriate load and placement of backpacks for school students. Conclusions Most articles have shown that the appropriate load limit for students is between 10%-15% BW.However, lack of articles, the low hierarchy of evidence, inconsistent results, and small sample size are the limitations for recommending the appropriate load placement of backpacks in students. Key words: children, backpack, load limit, placement, postural deviation Reference 1. Abe, D., Yanagawa, K., & Niihata, S. (2004). Effects of load carriage, load position, and walking speed on energy cost of walking. Applied Ergonomics, 35, 329- 335. 2. Bauer, D. H., & Freivalds, A. (2009). Backpack load limit recommendation for middle school students based on physiological and psychophysical measurements. Work, 32(3), 339-350. 3. Brackley, H. M., & Stevenson, J. M. (2004). Are children's backpack weight limits enough? A critical review of the relevant literature. Spine, 29(19), 2184- 2190. 4. Brackley, H. M., Stevenson, J. M., & Selinger, J. C. (2009). Effect of backpack load placement on posture and spinal curvature in prepubescent children. Work, 32(3), 351-360. 5. Brattberg, G. (2004). Do pain problems in young school children persist into early adulthood? A 13-year follow-up. European Journal of Pain, 8(3), 187. 6. Cappuccio, F. P., D‟elia, L., Strazzullo, P., & Miller, M. A. (2010). Quantity and quality of sleep and incidence of type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care, 33, 414-420. 7. Chow, D. H. K., Kwok, M. L. Y., AuYang, A. C. K., Holmesa, A. D., Cheng, J. C. Y., Yao, F. Y. D., & Wong, M. S. (2006). The effect of load carriage on the gait of girls with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis and normal controls. Medical Engineering & Physics, 28, 430-437. 8. Chow, D. H. K., Ou, Z. Y., Wang, X. G., & Lai, A. (2010). Short-term effects of backpack load placement on spine deformation and repositioning error in school children. Ergonomics, 53(1), 56-64. 9. Chow, D. H. K., Ting, J. M. L., Pope, M. H., & Lai, A. (2009). Effects of backpack load placement on pulmonary capacities of normal schoolchildren during upright stance. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 39(5), 703-707. 10. Daneshmandi, H., Rahmani-Nia, F., & Hosseini, S. H. (2008). Effect of carrying school backpacks on cardio-respiratory changes in adolescent students. Sport Science Health, 4, 7-14. 11. Devroey, C., Jonkers, I., de Becker, A., Lenaerts, G., & Spaepen, A. (2007). Evaluation of the effect of backpack load and position during standing and walking using biomechanical, physiological and subjective measures. Ergonomics, 50(5), 728-742. 12. Downs, S. H., & Black, N. (1998). The feasibility of creating a checklist for the assessment of the methodological quality both of randomised and non-randomised studies of health care interventions. Journal of Epidemiol Community Health, 52, 377-384. 13. Fiolkowski, P., Horodski, M., Bishop, M., Williams, M., & Stylianou, L. (2006). Changes in gait kinematics and posture with the use of a front pack. Ergonomics, 49, 885-894. 14. Frank, E., Stevenson, J. M., & Stothart, P. (2003). The effect of load placement on static posture and reaction forces in youth. Medicine & Science in Sport Exercise, 35 (5) Suplement(1), 521. 15. Garde, R. E. (1992). Deformation of the CNS. In: Harisson D D (ed.) Spinal biomechanics: a chiropractic perspective. Paper presented at the Harrison CBP Seminars, Evaston, WY. 16. Gorber, S. C., Tremblay, M., Moher, D., & Gorber, B. (2007). A comparison of direct vs. self-report measures for assessing height, weight and body mass index: A systematic review. Obesity Reviews 8, 307- 326. 17. Grimmer, K., Dansie, B., Milanese, S., Pirunsan, U., & Trott, P. (2002). Adolescent standing postural response to backpack loads: A randomised controlled experimental study. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 3(10). 18. Harisson, D. D. (1992). Deformation of the lumbar spinal ligaments. Journal of Clinical Chiropractic, 2(2), 20-21. 19. Hestbaek, L., Leboeuf-Yde, C., Kyvik, K. O., & Manniche, C. (2006). The course of low back pain from adolescence to adulthood: Eight-year follow-up of 9600 twins. Spine, 31, 468-472. 20. Hong, Y., & Brueggemann, G. P. (2000). Changes in gait patterns in 10-year-old boys with increasing loads when walking on a treadmill. Gait and Posture, 11(3), 254-259. 21. Hong, Y., Li, J. X., Wong, A. S. K., & Robinson, P. D. (2000). Effects of load carriage on heart rate, blood pressure and energy expenditure in children. Ergonomics, 43(6), 717-727. 22. Iyer, S. R. (2001). Schoolchildren and backpacks. The Journal of School Health, 71(3), 88. 23. Iyer, S. R. (2002). Backpacks and musculoskeletal pain: Do children with idiopathic scoliosis face a greater risk? The Journal of School Health, 72(7), 270. 24. Jones, G., T, & Macfarlane, G. J. (2005). Epidemiology of low back pain in child and adolescents. Archives of Disease in Childhood 90(312-316). 25. Kendall, F. P., McCreary, E. K., Provance, P. G., Rodgers, M. M., & Romani, W. A. (2005). Muscles: Testing and Function, with Posture and Pain (5th ed.). Baltimore, MD: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 26. Kistner, F., Fiebert, I., & Roach, K. (2012). Effect of backpack carriage on cervical posture in primary schoolchildren. Work, 41(1), 99-108. 27. Korovessis, P., Koureas, G., Zacharatos, S., & Papazisis, Z. (2005). Backpacks, back pain, sagittal spinal curves and trunk alignment in adolescents: a logistic and multinomial logistic analysis. Spine, 30(2), 247-255. 28. Lai, J. P., & Jones, A. Y. (2001). The effect of shoulder-girdle loading by a schoolbag on lung volumes in Chinese primary school children. Early Human Development, 67, 79-86. 29. Lindstrom-Hazel, D. (2009). The backpack problem is evident but the solution is less obvious. Work, 32(3), 329-338. 30. McEvoy, M. P., & Grimmer, K. (2005). Reliability of upright posture measurements in primary school children. BMC Musculoskelet Disorders 6, 1-10. 31. McMillan, A., & Payne, C. (2008). Effect of foot orthoses on lower extremity kinetics during running: A systematic literature review. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research 1(13). 32. Mohan, M., Singh, U., & Quddus, N. (2007). Effect of backpack loading on cervical and shoulder posture in Indian School Children. Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy, 1(2), 3-12. 33. Negrini, S., & Carabalona, R. (2002). Backpacks on! Schoolchildren's perceptions of load, associations with back pain and factors determining the load. Spine, 27(2), 187-195. 34. Pascoe, D. D., Pascoe, D. E., Wang, Y. T., Shim, D. M., & Kim, C. K. (1997). Influence of carrying book bags on gait cycle and posture of youths. Ergonomics, 40(6), 631-641. 35. . PEDro scale. (1999) Retrieved January 1, 2011, from http://www.pedro.org.au/english/download s/pedro-scale/ 36. Ramprasad, M., Alias, J., & Raghuveer, A. K. (2010). Effect of backpack weight on postural angles in preadolescent children. Indian Pediatrics, 47(7), 575-580. 37. Sayers, A. (2007). Tips and tricks in performing a systematic review. The British Journal of General Practice, 57(545), 999. 38. Singh, T., & Koh, M. (2009). Effects of backpack load position on spatiotemporal parameters and trunk forward lean. Gait & Posture, 29, 49-53. 39. Slade, S. C., & Keating, J. L. (2007). Unloaded movement facilitation exercise compared to no exercise or alternative therapy on outcomes for people with nonspecific chronic low back pain: A systematic review. Journal of Manipulative & Physiological Therapeutics, 30, 301- 311. 40. Talbott, N. R. (2005). The effect of the weight, location and type of backpack on posture and postural stability of children. PhD PhD Dissertation, University of Cincinnati. 41. Trew, M., & Everett, T. (2001). Human Movement: An Introductory Text (4th ed.). United Kingdom: Churchill Livingstone. 42. Zultowski, I., & Aruin, A. (2008). Carrying loads and postural sway in standing: The effect of load placement and magnitude. Work, 30(4), 359-368. Abdul Mujid Abdullah, Rachael McDonald, ShapourJaberzadeh |
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73. | Structural, Dielectric and Magnetic Behavior of Cu2+ Substituted Ni-Zn Ferrite by Auto-combustion Technique
Structural, Dielectric and Magnetic Behavior of Cu2+ Substituted Ni-Zn Ferrite by Auto-combustion TechniqueAbstract: Structural and magnetic properties of Cu 2+ substituted Ni0.8-xCuxZn0.2Fe2O4 ferrites for x = 0.0 to 0.6 with the step increment of 0.2 prepared by an auto-combustion method have been investigated. The X-ray diffraction pattern of these compositions confirmed the formation of the single phase spinel structure. Further, the XRD have been used to calculate the lattice parameter and grain size. The particle size of the starting powder composition varied from 25 nm to 40 nm. The morphological investigations and nanometric sizes of the samples was studied by using scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopic techniques. Dielectric constant varied from 75 to 3000 with frequency, rise in copper concentration and temperature. All the samples follow the MaxwellWagner's interfacial polarization. Saturation magnetization decreased from 152.15 emu/g to 42.05 emu/g for as burnt samples and from 48.63 emu/g to 43.368 emu/g for samples sintered at 700 o C . The influence of Cu substituent on Ni-Zn ferrite is investigated by UV measurement at room temperature and at 700 o C. These nanoferrites may have application in core materials and in electronic device technology.Key words: Auto-combustion, Dielectric Constant, Ferrites, Nanocrystalline Magnetic materials. Reference [01] H. S. Nalwa, Magnetic Nanostructures (American Scientific Publisher, U.S.A.2002) [02] Y-P Fu, C-H Lin, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 251 (2002) 74. [03] C. Liu, B. Zou, A. J. Rondinone, Z. J. Zhang, J. Phys. Chem. B, 104 (2000)1141- 1145. [04] D, K. Kim, Y. Zhang, W. Voit, K. V. Rao, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 225 (2001) 30-36. [5] F.Li, H.Wang, L.Wang, J.Wang, J.Magn.Magn.Mater. 309 (2007) 295-299. [6] S.Sun, H.Zeng, D. B. Robinson, s. Raoux, P.M.Rice, S.X. Wang, G.Li, J.Am.Chem.Soc. 126 (2004) 2782. 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74. | A Comprehensive Study On Different Methods Of Extraction From Guajava Leaves For Curing Various Health Problem
A Comprehensive Study On Different Methods Of Extraction From Guajava Leaves For Curing Various Health ProblemAbstract: Psidium guajava leaf is an important part of guava tree which is useful in curing many health problems. Guava leaves having properties like antibacterial, anti-oxidant, anti-cancer, anti ulcer etc. used in many diseases. In this article different extraction methods are discussed and yield of these methods represented. Extraction processes with different solvent such as ethanol, methanol, ethyl acetate and water are discussed in this article. The purpose of this article is to introduce the different extraction processes for different compounds for curing different health problems. In this study, aqueous extract shows it's widely use in medical as compare to other solvents extract. Aqueous extract of guajava leaf have antiglycation activity and prevent neurodegenerative and cardiovascular disease and also shows antiprostate cancer activityKey words: Psidium guajaya, extracts, flavonoids, tannis, quercetin, antibacterial, antimicrobial Reference [1] Yoriko Deguchi and Kouji Miyazaki "Nutrition and metabolism antihyperglycemic and antihyperlipidemic effect of guava leaf extract", US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health [2] Sade Oguntola "scientists unravel how guava leaves treat Diarrhoea" , Nigerian tribune [3] Sandra M. Barbalho, Flávia M. V. Farinazzi-Machado, Ricardo de Alvares Goulart, Anna Cláudia Saad Brunnati, "Medical and Aromatic plants: Psidium guajava (guava): A plant of multipurpose medical applications 2012" Barbalho et al., Med Aromat Plants 2012, 1:4 [4[ Sriwilaijaroen N, Fukumoto S, Kumagai K, Hiramatsu H "Antivirial effects of Psidium guajava Linn.(guava) tea on the growth of clinical isolated H1N1 viruses: its role in viral hem agglutination and neuraminidase inhibition", Antiviral Res. 2012 May;94(2):139-46. doi: /10.1016/j.antiviral.2012.02.013. Epub 2012 Mar 20. [5] Amit pandey. Shweta "Antibacterial properties of Psidium guajava leaves, fruits and stem against various Pathogens, IJPRD 2011 vol 3 (11) [6] Wei L, Li Z, Chen B.: Clinical study on treatment of infantile rotaviral enteritis with Psidium guajava L. Zhongguo Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Za Zhi. 2000 Dec;20(12):893-5. [7] Zakaria, Muhamad bin & Mohd, Mustafa Ali: Traditional Malay Medicinal Plants. 1994. Penerbit Fajar Bakti Sdn. Bhd. Photocopy. ISBN No. 967-65-2476-X [8] Yoriko deguchi, Kouji miyazaki "Nutrition & metabolism: Anti hyperglycaemic and anti hyperlipidemic effects of guava leaf extract", Nutrition & Metabolism 2010, 7:9 doi: 10. 1186/1743 - 7075-7-9 [9] Sadiq yusuf, Abdulkareem agunu, Nna venessa katung and Uduak E umana " Ethanolic leaf extract of Psidium guajava L. [Myrtaceal] protects the stomach against Ischemia Reperfusion induced gastric mucosal injury" [10] Moonjal, Hyung-kyoon, Young suk, Somi kim "The chloroform fraction of guava (Psidium cattlianum sabine) leaf extract inhibits human gastric cell proliferation via induction of apoptosis", Food Chemistry Volume 125, Issue 2, 15 March 2011, Pages 369–375 [11] Ryu NH, Park KR, Kim SM, Yun HM, Nam D, et al. (2012) A Hexane Fraction of Guava Leaves (Psidium guajava L.) Induces Anticancer Activity by Suppressing AKT/Mammalian Target of Rapamycin/Ribosomal p70 S6 Kinase in Human Prostate Cancer Cells. J Med Food 15: 231-241. [12] Pelegrini PB, Murad AM, Silva LP, Dos Santos RC, Costa FT, et al. (2008) Identification of a novel storage glycinerich peptide from guava (Psidium guajava) seeds with activity against Gram-negative bacteria. Peptides 29: 1271-1279. [13] Metwally AM, Omar AA, Harraz FM, El Sohafy SM (2010) Phytochemical investigation and antimicrobial activity of Psidium guajava L leaves. Pharmacogn Mag 6: 212-218. [14] Huang CS, Yin MC, Chiu, LC (2011) Antihyperglycemic and antioxidative potential of Psidium guajava fruit in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Food Chem Toxicol 49: 2189-2195. [15] Bontempo P, Doto A, Miceli M, Mita L, Benedetti R, et al. (2012) Psidium guajava L. anti-neoplastic effects: induction of apoptosis and cell differentiation. Cell Prolif 45: 22-31. [16] Nascimento RJ, Araújo CR, Melo EA (2010) Antioxidant from agri-industrial wastes of the guava fruits (Psidium guajava L) Alim Nutr 21: 209-16 [17] Oh WK, Lee CH, Lee MS, Bae EY, Sohn CB, et al. (2005) Antidiabetic effects of extracts from Psidium guajava. J Ethnopharmacol 93: 411-415. [18] Oliveira Dda S, Lobato AL, Ribeiro SM, Santana AM, Chaves JB, et al. (2010) Carotenoids and Vitamin C during Handling and Distribution of Guava (Psidium guajava L.), Mango (Mangifera indica L.), and Papaya (Carica papaya L.) at Commercial Restaurants. J Agric Food Chem 58: 6166-6172. Vibha Porwal, Pallavi Singh, Devendra Gurjar |
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75. | Optimal machining conditions for turning of Al/SiC MMC using PSO and Regression analysis
Optimal machining conditions for turning of Al/SiC MMC using PSO and Regression analysisAbstract: Machining of composite materials is an important and current topic in modern researches on manufacturing processes. In this research study of turning of Aluminium Silicon Carbide (Al/SiC) is investigated. The objective of this research manufactures the AMC through a liquid metallurgical route by varying the percentages of SiC particles (5% and 10%). The study employs CNC turning operation and establishes a mathematical relationship between three process parameters, e.g., cutting speed, feed, and depth of cut and surface roughness (Ra). The matrix composite used in the study is Aluminium alloy with Silicon Carbide (SiC) particles as the reinforcement. Analysis of variance has been performed to verify the fit and adequacy of the developed mathematical models. In the present work, a multiple regression model is used to represent relationship between input and output variables and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is used to optimize the processKey words: Aluminium Metal matrix composites, machining, Surface roughness, Regression Analysis, PSO Reference [1] N. Muthukrishnan, J. Paulo Davim, Optimization of machining parameters of Al/SiC-MMC with ANOVA and ANN analysis, Journal of materials processing technology, 209 (2009) 225–232. [2] Pai Dayanand, Rao Shrikantha & Shetty Raviraj, Application of Taguchi and Response Surface Methodologies for Metal Removal Rate and Surface Roughness in Grinding Of Drac's, International Journal of Engineering and Management sciences. Vol-3 2012. [3] Allision, J.E., Gole, G.S, Metal Matrix Composites in automotive Industry: opportunity and challenges, SpringerVerlag Vol-45 1993. [4] H.Ganesan, G.Mohankumar, K.Ganesan, and K.RameshKumar, Optimization of Machining Parameters in Turning Process using Genetic Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization with Experimental Verification, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Vol. 3 No. 2 Feb 2011. [5] Cui Yana, Wang Lifengb and Ren Jianyue, Multi-functional SiC/Al Composites for Aerospace Applications, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics 21(2008) 578-584. [6] A. Chennakesava Reddy and Essa Zitoun, Matrix Al-alloys for silicon carbide particle reinforced metal matrix composites, Indian Journal of Science and Technology vol. 3 No. 12 (Dec 2010). [7] Rabindra Behera and G. Sutradhar, Machinability of Lm6/Sicp Metal Matrix Composites with Tungsten Carbide Cutting Tool Inserts, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences Vol. 7, No. 2, February 2012. [8] R. Ramanujam, R. Raju and N. Muthukrishnan, Taguchi Multi-machining Characteristics Optimization in Turning of Al-15%SiCp Composites using Desirability Function Analysis, Journal of Studies on Manufacturing (Vol.1-2010/Iss.2-3). [9] Muthukrishnan; (2008,b) Machinability issues in turning of AlSiC(10p) metal matrix composites, Int.Journal of Adv.Mfg.Tech, Vol.39, pp.211-218. [10] Raviraj shetty; (2009), Taguchi's techniques in machining of metal matrix composites, J. of the Braz .society ofMech.Sci. & Eng. Vol.16, No.1, pp.12-20. A.V.N.L. Sharma, P. Sandeep Kumar, A.Gopichand, R.Mohan Rao |
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76. | High Performance Predictive Direct Torque Control Of Induction Motor Drives System
High Performance Predictive Direct Torque Control Of Induction Motor Drives SystemAbstract: This paper presents a practical implementation for direct torque control of induction motor drive. Control system experiment is proposed using Digital Signal Processor. This control scheme directly determines the switching states of the inverter and gives optimal characteristics for stator flux and torque control. A simple switching pattern for direct torque control algorithm for induction motor drives has been presented. The main results with the simple approach are greatly reduced torque pulsations, constant and controlled switching frequency. Results show that the simulation meets the experimental results.Key words: Digital Signal Processor (DSP) - Induction Motor (IM) - Direct Torque Control (DTC) - Space Vector Modulation. Reference [1] J. Holtz and J. Quan " Sensorless Vector Control of Induction Motor at Very Low Speed Using a Non Linear Inverter Model and Parameter Identification," IEEE Transaction Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Chicago, Sept. 30- Oct. 4, 2001. [2] M. Depenbrock, " Direct Self Control (DSC) of Inverter-fed Induction Motors, " IEEE Transaction Power Electronics, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 420-429, October1988. [3] I. Takahashi and T. Noguchi " A new Quick Response and High Efficiency Control Strategy of An Induction Motor, " IEEE Transaction Industry Applications, Vol. IA-22, No.5, PP. 820-827, .Sept./Oct. 1986. [4] E. Flach, R. Hoffmann, P. Mutschler " Direct Mean Torque Control of Induction Motor, " in Conf. Rec. of the European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, pp. 3672-3676, 1997. [5] E. E. El-Kholy , S. A. Mahmoud, R. Kennel, A. El-Refaei, and F. El-Kady, "Torque Ripple Minimization for Induction Motor Drives With Direct Torque Control" Electrical Power Components and Systems Journal, Vol. 33, No. 8, pp. 845-859, August 2005. [6] E. E. El-Kholy , S. A. Mahmoud, R. Kennel, A. El-Refaei, and F. El-Kady, "Analysis and Implementation of a New Space-Vector Current Regulation for Induction Motor Drives" Electrical Power Components and Systems Journal, Vol. 34, No. 3, pp. 303-319, March 2006. [7] A. Linder: " A Rapid-Prototyping System Based on Standard PCs with RTAI as Real-Time Operating System, " Third Real-Time Linux Workshop, Milan, Italy, November 26 -29, 2001 [8] R. Kennel, A. El-refaei, F. Elkady, E. Elkholy and S. A. Mahmoud "Improved direct torque control for induction motor drives with rapid prototyping system" IEEE, IECON, 2003 U.S.A. [9] R. Kennel, A. El-refaei, F. Elkady, E. Elkholy and S. A. Mahmoud " Torque Ripple Minimization for Induction Motor Drives with Direct Torque Control (DTC), "The Fifth International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems PEDS 2003, Singapore, November 17 – 20, 2003. [10] J. Chen. Yongdong " Virtual Vectors Based Predictive Control of Torque and Flux of Induction Motor and Speed Sensorless Drives, " IEEE, IECON 1999. [11] Y. Xue, X. Xu, T. G. Habetler and D. M. Divan " A Stator Flux-Oriented Voltage Source Variable-Speed Drive Based on dc Link Measurement," IEEE Transaction Industry applications, Vol. 27, No. 5, pp. 962-969, September/October 1991. [12] T. G. Habetler, F. Profumo, G. Griva " Stator Resistance Tuning In A stator Flux Field Oriented Drive Using An Instantaneous Hybrid Flux Estimator, " The European Power Electronics Association, Brighton, No. 13, pp. 292- 299, September, 1993. [13] N. R. Idris, A. Halim, N. A. Azly, " Direct Torque Control of Induction Machines With Constant Switching Frequency and Improved Stator Flux Estimation," 27 th Annual Conference of the IEEE Ind. Elect. Society, pp. 1285-1291. [14] L. Jansen, D. Lorenz "Observer Based Direct Field Orientation Analysis and Comparison of Alternative Methods," IEEE Transaction Industry applications, Vol. 30, No. 4, pp. 945-953, July /August 1994. [15] B. Kenny, D. Lorenz " Deadbeat Direct Torque Control Of Induction Machines Using Self Sensing at low and zero speed, " Ph. D thesis Wosconsin, Madison, U. S. A., 2001. [16] J. Holtz, J. Quan " Sensorless Vector Control of Induction Motors at Very Low Speed, " Ph. D thesis, Wuppertal university, 2002. [17] A. B. Plunkett, J. D. D'atre, and T. A. Lipo," Synchronous Control of Static AC Induction Motor Drive, " IEEE Trans. On Industry Applications, Vol. IA-15, No.4, pp. 430-437, July/August 1979. [18] D. Casadei, G. Serra, A. Tani, L. Zarri " Performance Analysis of a Speed Sensorless Induction Motor drive Based on a Constant Switching Frequency DTC Scheme, " IEEE, IECON, 2000. [19] Habetler "Direct Torque control of an Induction Machines Using Space Vector Modulation," IEEE Transaction Industry Applications, Vol. 28, No. 5, pp. 11045- 1053, September/October 1992. [20] J. Monteiro, G. Marques, and J. Palma "A Simplified Stator Flux Vector Control Method in d-q Co-ordinates For Induction Machines," ISIE 2000. A. Alwadie |
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77. | Design Of Helical Coil Compression Spring" A Review
Design Of Helical Coil Compression Spring" A ReviewAbstract: This report is a review of fundamental stress distribution, characteristic of helical coil springs. An in depth discussion on the parameters influencing the quality of coil springs is also presented. Factors affecting strength of coil spring, F.E.A. approaches by the researchers for coil spring analysis are also studied. Reduction in weight is a need of automobile industry. Thus the springs are to be designed for higher stresses with small dimensions. This requires critical design of coil springs. This leads to critical material and manufacturing processes. Decarburization that was not a major issue in the past now becomes essential, to have better spring design.Key words: Decarburization; Inclusion; Delayed quench crack; Coil spring; Spring relaxation. Reference 1) "Result of very high cycle fatigue test on helical compression springs". C. Berger, B. Kaiser. 27 th June 2006. 2) "Failure modes of mechanical springs". William H. Skewis. 3) "Failure analysis of passenger car coil spring". S.K. Das, N.K. Mukhopadhyay,B. Ravi kumar, D.K. Bhattacharya. 28 th Feb 2006. 4) "Design and failure modes of automotive suspension springs". Y. Prawoto, M. Ikeda, S.K. Manville, A. Nishikawa.21 st feb 2008. P.S.Valsange |
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78. | Geospatial Analysis Of Primary Health Care Centres In Ughelli North And Warri South Local Government Areas Of Delta State, Nigeria
Geospatial Analysis Of Primary Health Care Centres In Ughelli North And Warri South Local Government Areas Of Delta State, NigeriaAbstract: The mapping of primary health care centres in Ughelli North, Warri South Local Government Areas (LGA) of Delta State was carried out. The objective is to provide Geospatial information about the distribution and accessibility of the Primary Health Care Centres in the Local Government Areas. Germain GPS was used to capture the Co-ordinates of the Health Centres which was analysed using Arc Map 9.3 (ESRI) GIS software. The multivariate analysis showed that the nearest neighbour value for Ughelli North and Warri South LGAs Rn=0.9991144 and Rn=0.665341 respectively. This results showed randomed distribution rather than clustered pattern of distribution. The importance of primary health care centres to the grass root dwellers is discussed.Key words: Ughelli North LGA, Warri South LGA, Primary Health Centre, Germain GPS. Reference 1. Unueroh, K.A. and Agaja S.A. 2011 Identification of suitable Landfill Sites using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques: A study of Warri and Environs in Nigeria. International Journal of Sustainable Development Vol. 4, No 5, P19-24. 2. Fabiyi, S. (2001) Geographic Information Systems: Techniques and Methods RSS1, Ibadan. 3. Fasona, M and Anosike, V. 2002 GIS Based Assessment of the Potential Benefits of Dredging the River Niger: A Case Study of Western Niger Delta. In Uluocha, N.O., Dala, F.A. O. (eds) Maps and Resource management Publication of Nigerian Cartographic Association P70-79. 4. Ufua, M.E. 2002 The Use of SPOT Remotely Sensed Data for the Revision of Nigerian 1:50,000 Topographic maps. In Uluocha, N.O. Dada, F.A. O. (eds), Maps and Resource Management Publication of Nigerian Cartographic Association P98- 113. 5. Uluocha, O.N. 2007 Elements of Geographic Information Systems. San Iroanusi Publication, Lagos. 6. Babara, S., Leigh, S., and James, M., 2005. Millbank Quarterly, Vol. 83, No.3, pp457 – 502 7. Donaldson, M. S, Yordy, K. D., Lohr, K. N., and Vanselow, N. A. 1996 Primary Care America's Health in New Era, Washington, D. c., National Academy Press. 8. Institute of Medicine. 1978 A manpower policy for Primary Health Care, IOM Publication, 78 – 02, Washington, D. C., National Academy of Sciences. 9. World Health Organization. 1978 Declaration of Alma – Ata, International Conference on Primary Health Care, Alma – Ata; USSR 6 – 12 September. Genera. 10. Onokerhoraye, 1999. Access and utilization of Modern Health Care facilities in the Petroleum producing region of Nigeria. The case of Bayelsa State. Takemi program in International Health Boston, USA. Agaja S. A., Unueroh K |
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79. | Simulation of Multicomponent Reactive Distilation Column for the Production of Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (MTBE)
Simulation of Multicomponent Reactive Distilation Column for the Production of Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (MTBE)Abstract: A multicomponent reactive distillation tray column was simulated. A steady state equilibrium stage model was developed for the production of methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) using Isobutene and methanol in the presence of inert n-butane. The model incorporated reaction kinetics and vapour-liquid idealities into the material and heat balance equations. The matrix equation obtained was solved by successive substitution method. The simulation was done using Microsoft Visual Basic programming. The profiles for the composition and temperature were obtained. MTBE purity level of 63.96 percent obtained from this work has deviations of 3.44 and 1.55 percent from previous works validated the developed model. The temperature profile ranged from 368K at the condenser to 419K at the reboiler. The influence of fresh column feed was investigated and a quadratic increase was ascertained when methanol fresh feed flow rate was varied between 300 – 1000 Kmol/hr. As the feed ratio was varied between 0.99 and 1.30, isobutylene concentration began to decline at 1.13 of the feed ratio input. Multiplicity effect was observed between 2 and 9 when reflux ratio was varied from 1 to 12. Variation of butenes feed temperature from 300 to 400K gave output of 26.66MW to 15.62MW (41.40% difference) reboiler heat duty and methanol feed temperature gave 22.0 MW to 20 MW (7.6%) reboiler heat duty. The model can be applied to design and simulate separation capability of an industrial column for multicomponent reactive distillation.Key words: Simulation, Multicomponent Reactive Distilation, MTBE production Reference [1] Bessling, B., Schembecker, G. and Simmrock, K. H.: ‗Design of Processes with Reactive Distillation Line Diagrams, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 36, 1997, 3032. [2] Gumus, Z. H., and Ciric, A. R. Reactive Distillation Column Design with Vapor/Liquid/Liquid Equilibria, Computers and chemical Engineering, 21 1997, S983. [3] Sundmacher, K.; Homann, U.: Steady state multiplicities in reactive distillation columns for the production of fuel ethers MTBE and TAME: theoretical analysis and experimental verification‖, Chemical Engineering Science, 54, 1999,1029 [4] Jones E.M. Contact structure for use in catalytic distillation‖, US Patent 4,536,373, 1985 [5] Daza, O.S. and Perez-Cisneros, E.S: ―Graphical and Stage-to-Stage Methods for Reactive Distillation Column Design‖, American Institute of Chemical Engineering Journal Vol. 49, (11), 2003, 2822 [6] Smith, L. A., and Huddleston, M. N.: ‗‗New MTBE Design Now Commercial,'' Hydrocarbon Process., 3, 1982, 121 [7] Jacobs, R., and Krishna, R. Multiple Solutions in Reactive Distillation for Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether Synthesis, Industrial Engineering Chemistry Research 32, 1993, 1706 [8] Higler, A., Taylor, R. and Krishna, R. Modeling of a reactive separation process using a nonequilibrium stage model, Computers and Chemical Engineering, 22,1998, S111-S118 [9] Baur, R., Higler, A. P., Taylor, R. and Krishna, R. Comparison of equilibrium stage and nonequilibrium stage models for reactive distillation,‖ Chemical Engineering Journal, 33(47), 2000, 76 [10] Noeres, C., E.Y. Kenig, Gorak, A. ―Modelling of reactive separation processes: reactive absorption and reactive distillation,‖ Chemical Engineering Process, 42(3), 2003, 157–178 K. K. Dagde, T. F. Harry |
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80. | Kinetics Of Ethanol Production From Nypa Palm (Mangroves Palm) Through Fermentation Process
Kinetics Of Ethanol Production From Nypa Palm (Mangroves Palm) Through Fermentation ProcessAbstract: The kinetics for production of ethanol from Nypa palm by fermentation was studied. The pH and initial glucose concentration of sap were found to be 4.96 and 108.387 g/L respectively with 5.0 g/L saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biomass, ethanol and glucose concentrations were measured at different time interval during fermentation. The experimental data obtained were fitted using different models for yeast growth. The logistic model gave the best fitting and was the basis for the development of the overall kinetic model. For ethanol formation, different model based on the logistic model for yeast growth were used to fit the experimental data and the leudeking – piret model was adopted because of its good fit. The leudeking – piret model was also adopted for substrate consumption The estimated values of the kinetic parameters in the developed model were 𝝁𝒎=0.0372 hr -1 , Xm = 6.932g/L, a = 23.64g/g.hr, Yx/s = 0.1739g/g and m = 0.006613g/g.hr. Therefore, a model based on the logistic equation of yeast growth, growth associated production of ethanol, and consumption of glucose for biomass and maintenance was found to accurately fit the production of ethanol from Nypa palm.Key words: concentration. ethanol, fermentation, kinetics, model, Nypa palm, Reference 1 Kompala,D.S..Yeast Fermentation. http://spot.colorado.edu/~kompala/lab2., 1996. 2 wikipedia. Fermentation Bochemistry http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/fermentation_ %28biochemistry%29, 2008. 3 ww.eng.umd.edu/~nsw/ench485/lab9c.htm: wang.ns 4 www.worldagroforestry.org/products/speci eninfo.asp 5 www.wikipedia.com/nypafrutians/agrofores try/edu 6 Amenaghawon N.A, Okieimen C.O, Ogbeide S.E ''Kinetic Modelling of Ethanol Inhibition during Alcohol fermentation of Corn Stover using Saccharomyces Cerevisiae '' International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) Vol. 2, Issue 4, July-August 2012, 798- 80 7 Wang,D,Xu,Y;Hu,J and Zhao.G.'' Kinetics of different Sugarsby Apple wine yeast saccharomyces cerevisiae.'' Inst.Brew 110(4) 2004,340-346 8 Blanch,H.W.and Clark,D.S.''.Biochemical Engineering''. Marcel Dekkel Inc .New York. 1997. 9 Levespiel,O.. ''Chemical Reaction Engineering'',3 rd Edition,Mchraw HillPublishers,New York.2006.20-40 10 Leudenking,R and Piret,E.L. ''A kinetic study of the Lactic acid fermentation batch process at controlled pH''. Journal of Biochem. Microbiol.Tech.Engrg1(14) 1959 p 393 11 Weiss,R.M.and Ollis,D.R.''Extracelullar Microbial Polysaccharides in substrate, biomass and product kinetics quations for batch Xanthan gum fermentation''.Biotechnol.Lett 22,1980, 859 12 Miller,G.L. "Use of Dinitrosalicylic Acid Reagent for Determination of Reducing Sugar," Analytical Chemistry, 1(3), 1959, 426–428/span> P.I.Oghome, Kamalu,C.I.O. |
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81. | Predictive And Optimizing Energy Management Of Photo Voltaic Fuel Cell Hybrid Systems With Short Time Energy Storage
Predictive And Optimizing Energy Management Of Photo Voltaic Fuel Cell Hybrid Systems With Short Time Energy StorageAbstract: The hybrid system composed of a Photovoltaic (PV) array and a Proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) is considered. Two operation modes, the unit-power control (UPC) mode and the feeder-flow control (FFC) mode, can be applied to the hybrid system. Renewable energy is currently widely used. One of these resources is solar energy. The photovoltaic (PV) array normally uses a maximum power point tracking (MPPT) technique to continuously deliver the highest power to the load when there are variations in irradiation and temperature. In order to overcome these inherent drawbacks, alternative sources, such as PEMFC, should be installed in the hybrid system. By changing the FC output power, the hybrid source output becomes controllable. Therefore, the reference value of the hybrid source output must be determined. The proposed operating strategy with a flexible operation mode change always operates the PV array at maximum output power and the PEMFC in its high efficiency performance band, thus improving the performance of system operation, enhancing system stability, and decreasing the number of operating mode changes. A simulation software known as MATLAB SIMULINK has been used to simulate the system performance.Key words: Distributed generation, fuel cell, hybrid system, microgrid, photovoltaic, power management. Reference [1] Loc Nguyen Khanh, Student Member, IEEE, Jae-Jin Seo, Yun-Seong Kim, and Dong-Jun Won, Member, IEEE," PowerManagement Strategies for a GridConnected PV-FC Hybrid System ,vol 25, no.3 July 2010 [2] J.L. Del Monaco, The role of distributed generation in the critical electrical power infrastructure, in: Proceedings of the Power Engineering Society Winter Meeting IEEE, vol. 1, 2001, 144-145. [3] T.A. Short, Electric Power Distribution Handbook, CRC Press, 2004. [4] "A guide to photovoltaic (PV) system design and installation" 2001 by Endecon Engineering [5] S. Gilbert, The nation's largest fuel cell project, a 1MW fuel cell power plant deployed as a distributed generation resource, anchorage, Alaska project dedication 9 August 2000, in: Proceeding of the Rural electric Power Conference, 2001, pp. A4/1-A4/8 [6] J. A. Peças Lopes, C. L. Moreira, and A. G. Madureira, "Defining control strategies for microgrids islanded operation," IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol. 21, no. 2, May 2006, pp. 916-924. [7] F. Katiraei and M. R. Iravani, "Power management strategies for a microgrid with multiple distributed generation units," IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol. 21, no. 4, Nov. 2006, pp. 1821–1831. [8] D. Sera, R. Teodorescu, and P. Rodriguez, "PV panel model based on datasheet values," in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Industrial Electronics, Jun. 4–7, 2007, pp. 2392–2396. [9] C. Hua and J. R. Lin, "DSP-based controller application in battery storage of photovoltaic system," in Proc.22nd IEEE Int. Conf. Industrial Electronics, Control, and Instrumentation, Aug. 5–10, 1996, vol.3, pp. 1750–1810 [10] W. Xiao, W. Dunford, and A. Capel, "A novel modeling method for photovoltaic cells," in Proc. IEEE 35th Annu. Power Electronics Specialists Conf., Jun. 2004, vol. 3, pp. 1950–1956. [11] C. Wang, M. H. Nehrir, and S. R. Shaw, "Dynamic models and model validation for PEM fuel cells using electrical circuits," IEEE Trans. Energy Convers., vol. 20, no. 2, Jun. 2005, pp. 442–451. P. Madhu sudhakar, B. Murali Mohan |
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82. | Six-lump kinetic modelling of adiabatic plug-flow riser-reactor in an industrial FCC unit
Six-lump kinetic modelling of adiabatic plug-flow riser-reactor in an industrial FCC unitAbstract: A six-lump kinetic model is presented that describes the catalytic cracking reactions taking place in an industrial riser-reactor. In this scheme, C3's (propane and propylene gases) and C4's (butane and butylenes gases) components of liquefied petroleum gas are predicted independently, as well as gasoline, dry gas, and coke. The riser-reactor is modelled as a plug-flow reactor operating adiabatically. Model-predicted yields of gasoline, C3's, C4's, fuel gas, coke, and riser-reactor outlet-temperature, agree reasonably well with plant data obtained from an operating industrial riser-reactor. Sensitivity analysis carried out on the riser-reactor indicates that inlet-temperature of gas-oil (feed), catalystto-gas oil ratio, and mass flowrate of gas-oil, are important process variables that affect the operation of the riser-reactor. It is shown that the minimum catalyst-to-gas oil ratio required for maximum conversion of gas-oil is 3. Simulation results using catalyst-to-gas oil ratio of 6.5, inlettemperature of gas-oil of 505K, and mass flowrate of gas-oil of 67.8 kg/s, give yields of 45.81% gasoline, 6.32% C3's, 10.68% C4's, 5.42% fuel gas, 5.11% coke, and 26.66% of unconverted gas-oil.Key words: Riser-reactor; modelling; catalytic cracking; lump; kinetics Reference [1] Wilson, J. W. Fluid Catalytic Cracking Technology and Operation, Penn Well Books, London (1997). [2] Ahari J. S., A. Farshi and K. Forsat, "A Mathematical Modeling of the Riser Reactor in Industrial FCC Unit." Petroleum and Coal, 50(2), 15–24 (2008). [3] Xu, O, S. U. Hong–Ye, M. U. Sheng–Jing and C. H. U. Jan, "7-Lump Kinetic Model for Residual Oil Catalytic Cracking." J. Zhejiang Univ. Sci. A, 7(11), 1932–1941 (2006). [4] Al-Sabawi, M., J. A. Atias, and H. 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83. | Pipe Flaws Detection by Using the Mindstorm Robot
Pipe Flaws Detection by Using the Mindstorm RobotAbstract: The detection of cracks in solid infrastructure is a setback of immense significance. Particularly, the detection of cracks in buried pipes is a crucial step in assessing the degree of pipe deterioration for municipal and utility operators. The key challenge is that while joints and laterals have an expected form, the unpredictability and abnormality of cracks make them hard to model. Oxidization of steel pipes in thermal insulation or padding is a severe problem stumble upon in the petrochemical, oil and gas industries. The most widespread ways at currently is time intense and labour demanding as it entails lagging removal; check using the usual non-destructive assessment practices such as visual, ultrasonic or radiography; and lagging replacement. This can also necessitate that the tools are shutdown adding up to extra financial burden to plant repairs and function. To examine and continue maintaining these pipes cost so much in terms of cash, manual labour and time, therefore automating the process is needed. Automation has ever since the industrial uprising been used in industries and businesses to improve effectiveness and competency. A greater number of jobs are presently done by machines as an alternative to human effort. Robotics technologies deal with automated machines that can take the place of humans, in hazardous or manufacturing processes, or simply just resemble humans. Robotics has been often seen to mimic human behaviour, and often manage tasks in a similar fashion. Today, robotics is a rapidly growing field, the new research; designing and building of new robots are to serve various practical purposes, whether domestically, commercially, or militarily. Many robots do jobs that are hazardous to people such as defusing bombs, exploring shipwrecks, and mines. The Mindstorm robot intends to solve the problem of detecting flaws in a pipe through its intelligent sensors to provide a monitoring platform along the entire distance of the pipeline and use its NXT tools to monitor and ultimately predict the occurrence of defects. Using the Mindstorm robot colour sensor, the Mindstorm Lego robot can detect the leakages in a pipe as dark colour modelled with a black tape and can also detect the cracks modelled with a white tape there by reducing the shut down time of the process.Key words: Mindstorm Lego, NXT, Pipeline Leakage, Automation, Robot C, NXT-G, Robotics, sensor. Reference [1] Amini F, Vahdani R (2008). Fuzzy optimal control of uncertain dynamic characteristics in tall buildings subjected to seismic excitation. J. Vibration Control 14: 1843– 1867. [2] B. Shih, C. Shih, C. Li, T. Chen, Y. Chen, and C. Chen, "Elementary school student ' s acceptance of Lego NXT : The technology acceptance model , a preliminary investigation," vol. 6, no. 22, pp. 5054–5063, 2011. [3] http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article- 185648/105-dead-Nigeria-fuel-pipeblast.html [4] J. A. G. Ilder, M. I. P. Eterson, and J. A. W. Right, "A VERSATILE TOOL FOR STUDENT PROJECTS : AN ASM PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE FOR THE LEGO MINDSTORM," vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 1–14, 2003. [5] R. J. Barnes, "Underlying the performance of pipeline leak-detection systems," no. December, pp. 44–51, 1999. [6] S. K. Sinha and P. W. Fieguth, "Automated detection of cracks in buried concrete pipe images," Automation in Construction, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 58–72, Jan. 2006. [7] S. K. Sinha and F. Karray, "Classification of underground pipe scanned images using feature extraction and neuro-fuzzy algorithm.," IEEE transactions on neural networks / a publication of the IEEE Neural Networks Council, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 393–401, Jan. 2002. [8] Timur Chis and Andrei Saguna, "Pipeline Leak Detection Techniques", Annals. Computer Science Series, 5 th Tome 1 st fasc. -2007 Dr. Zhiyuan Chen, Maryam Temitayo, Prof. Dino Isa |
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84. | Towards a Viewpoint of Recommender Systems and Techniques inTechnology Enhanced Learning (TEL)
Towards a Viewpoint of Recommender Systems and Techniques inTechnology Enhanced Learning (TEL)Abstract: Technology Enhanced learning (TEL) is a learning process or activity that aims to develop, design and test socio-technical innovations that will support and enhance learning practices of both individuals and organisations. TEL is an application domain that generally addresses all types of technology research and development aiming to support teaching and learning activities. Recommender systems, methods and techniques open an interesting new approach to facilitate and support academic learning and teaching. Information retrieval through Recommender Systems is a pivotal activity in TEL, and the deployment of recommender systems has attracted increased interest during the past years. With a focus on user (learner) framework, we review the importance of recommender systems, methods and techniques in TEL through relevant literature of existing research and also discuss relevant open research issues of recommender systems, methods and techniques in TEL.Key words: Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL), Recommender Systems, Collaborative Filtering, Content-Based Filtering, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Teaching, Learners, Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) Reference [1] N. Manouselis, H. Drachsler, R. Vuorikari, H. G.K. Hummel, andR. Koper ―RecommenderSystems in Technology Enhanced Learning‖, In Rokach L. Shapira B. Kantor P., Ricci F., editor, Recommender Systems Handbook: A Complete Guide for Research Scientists & Practitioners, pp. 387–409, Springer, 2011. [2] H. Drachsler, H. G. K. Hummel and Rob Koper‖ Recommendations for Learners are Different: Applying Memory-Based Recommender System Techniques to Lifelong Learning‖, Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Social Information Retrieval for Technology-Enhanced Learning & Exchange, pp. 18-26, 2007. [3] K. Verbert, N. Manouselis, X. Ochoa, M. Wolpers, H. Drachsler, I. Bosnic and E. Duval ―Context-Aware Recommender Systems for Learning: A Survey and Future Challenges‖, IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, pp. 1-20, 2012. [4] J. Zhou, T. Lou and F.Cheng ―Modeling Learners and Contents in Academicoriented Recommendation Framework‖, Ninth IEEE International Conference on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, pp. 1017-1024, 2011. [5] N. Longworth ―Lifelong Learning in Action - Transforming Education in the 21st Century‖, Kogan Page, London, 2003. [6] E. Afari-Kumah and A.K. Achampong ―Modeling Computer Usage Intentions of Tertiary Students in a DevelopingCountry Through the Technology Acceptance Model‖, International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology (IJEDICT), Vol. 6, Issue 1, pp. 102-116, 2010. [7] F. D. Davis ―Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, and User Acceptance of Information Technology‖, MIS Quarterly, Vol. 13, pp. 319–340, 1989. [8] F. D. Davis, R. P. Bagozzi, and P. R Warsaw ―User Acceptance of Computer Technology: AComparison of Two Theoretical Models‖, Management Science, Vol. 35, pp. 982–1003, 1989. [9] R. Agarwal and E. Karahanna ―Time Flies When You're Having Fun: Cognitive Absorptionand Beliefs About InformationTechnology Usage‖, MIS Quarterly, Vol. 24 No. 4, pp. 665-94, 2000. [10] P.Y.K. Chau ―Influence of Computer Attitude and Self-efficacy on IT Usage Behavior‖, Journal of End-User Computing, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 26-33, 2001. Nana Yaw Asabere, Edwin Mends-Brew |
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85. | Vertical Handoff Model for Heterogeneous Wireless Network
Vertical Handoff Model for Heterogeneous Wireless NetworkAbstract: In heterogeneous wireless networks, handoff can be separated into two parts: horizontal handoff (HHO) and vertical handoff (VHO). One of the major design issues in heterogeneous wireless networks is the support of vertical handoff. Vertical handoff occurs when a mobile terminal switches from one network to another. The heterogeneous co-existence of access technologies with largely different characteristics creates a decision problem of determining the "best" available network at "best" time to reduce the unnecessary handoffs. In this paper, we propose a Vertical Handoff Model to decide the "best" network interface and "best" time moment to handoff. A score function is utilized in the model to make the vertical handoff decision based on the static factors (e.g. link capacity, power consumption, and link cost), and dynamic factors (e.g .Received Signal Strength (RSS),velocity). This model not only meets the individual user needs but also improve the whole system performance by reducing the unnecessary handoffs.Key words: Vertical handoff model, Seamless handoff, Heterogeneous wireless networks. Reference [1] M. Angermann and J. Kammann, "Cost Metrics for Decision Problem In Wireless Ad Hoc Networking," IEEE CAS Workshop on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2002. [2] L.-J. Chen, T. Sun, B. Cheung, D. Nguyen, and M. Gerla. "Universal Seamless Handoff Architecture in Wireless Overlay Networks," Technical Report TR040012, UCLA CSD, 2004. [3] L. Chen, T. Sun, B. Chen, V. Rajendran and M.Gerla, "A smart decision Model for vertical handoff", The 4th Int'l Workshop on Wireless Internet and Reconfigurability (ANWIRE'04) , 2004. [4] J. McNair and F. Zhu, "Vertical Handoffs in Fourth-generation Multinetwork Environments," IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 8–15, 2004. [5] W. Chen and Y. Shu, "Active Application Oriented Vertical Handoff in Next Generation Wireless Networks," in Proc. of IEEE WCNC'05, New Orleans, LA,2005. [6] A. Fox, S. Gribble, Y. Chawathe, E. Brewer, and P. Gauthier, "Cluster-based Scalable Network Services," SOSP'97, 1997. [7] L.-J. Chen, T. Sun and M. Gerla,"USHA: simple and practical seamless vertical handoff solution", IEEE CCNC 2006. [8] Qingyang Song, Abbas Jamalipour, "A Time-Adaptive Vertical Handoff Decision Scheme in Wireless Overlay Networks", IEEE 17 th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, 2006. [9] Min Liu; Zhong-Cheng Li; Xiao-Bing Guo; Hong-Yon Lach "Design and Evaluation of Vertical Handoff Decision Algorithm in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks" 14th IEEE International Conference on Networks, 2006. ICON '06. Volume:2, 2006. [10] Stevens-Navarro, E.; Wong, V.W.S, "A Vertical Handoff Decision Algorithm for Heterogeneous WirelessNetworks" IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference,2007.WCNC 2007. [11] Tawil, R.; Salazar, O.; Pujolle,G.; Demerjian,J , " A Decision Scheme for Vertical Handoff in Overlay Wireless Networks" 4th International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology, 2007.Innovations '07,2007. [12] Ahmed H.zahran, Ben Liang, Aladdin Saleh, "Signal Threshold Adaptation for Vertica handoff in heterogeneous wireless networks",Mobile Network Application (2006), Springer science,2006. Shubhangi Helgaonkar, Dr. R.G.Karandikar |
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86. | Implementation Of Taguchi Technique On Heat Treatment Process Of Pinion Gear
Implementation Of Taguchi Technique On Heat Treatment Process Of Pinion GearAbstract: Surface engineering and surface engineered materials find wide applications in engineering industries in recent years. Inconsistency in hardness and case depth has resulted in the further optimization of the process variables involved in surface hardening. In the present study, the following operating parameters viz. preheating, carbon potential, holding position, furnace temperature, carburising time, quenching medium, quenching temperature, quenching time and tempering temperature were taken for optimization using the Taguchi and Factorial design of experiment concepts. From the experiments and optimization analysis conducted on pinion gear materials M353, it was observed that furnace temperature and quenching time had equal influence in obtaining a better surface integrity of the case hardened components using gas carburizing furnace. Preheating before gas carburizing furnace further enhanced the surface hardness.Key words: Pinion, Hardness, Taguchi Techniques, Optimization, Process Variables. Reference 1) Ross, P.J. Taguchi Techniques for Quality Engineering; McGraw-Hill: New York, 1998. 2) Czyzak, P.; Jaszkiewicz, A. Pareto simulated annealing – A metaheuristic technique for multiple objective Combinatorial optimization. PP 34-47 3) Hedayat, A.S.; Sloane, N.J.A.; Stufken, J. Orthogonal Arrays: Theory and Applications; Springer- Verlag: New York, 1999 4) Dr.Genichi Taguchi, "Taguchi Methods, Design of Experiments", ASI Press. PP 45-56 5) www.research.att.com 6) www.taguchimethod/wiki.com 7) Design of experiments using the Taguchi approach... By Ranjit K. Roy .PP -132- 140 8) Numerical investigation of optimal control of induction heating process, Applied Mathematical Model, PP 697–712 9) Trends in the development of heatreatment technology, J. Metal Science and Heat Treatment, PP 846–850 Dr.S.S.Deshmukh, S.R.Thakare |
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87. | Existing Full Adders and Their Comparison on The Basis of Simulation Result And to design a improved LPFA (Low Power Full Adder)
Existing Full Adders and Their Comparison on The Basis of Simulation Result And to design a improved LPFA (Low Power Full Adder)Abstract: The main objectives is to compare the existing full adders circuits and there performances and to design a Low Power Full Adder having improved result as compared to existing full adders. The various full adders are described namely BBL-PT (branch based logic and pass transistor logic based), conventional CMOS full adder and hybrid full adder. Finally comparisons between the various full adders have been done to show the better performance of LPFA in terms of power consumption, area (number of transistors) and delay. The LPFA and all other various full adders are designed and simulated using mentor graphics tool in 0.18 μm technology. The frequency used is 100 MHz. the voltage and all the various full adders and others designs are simulated at a voltage supply of 1.8V at same frequency.Reference [1]. I.Hassoune, A.Neve, J.Legat, and D.Flandre, "Investigation of low-power circuit techniques for a hybrid full-adder cell," in Proc. PATMOS 2004, pp. 189– 197, Springer-Verlag [2]. A.M.Shams, Tarek k.darwish," performance analysis of low-power 1-bit CMOS full adder cells IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integ. (VLSI) Syst vol. 10 no .1, pp.20-29, feb.2002. [3]. C.-H. Chang, M. Zhang, "A review of 0.18 m full adder performances for tree structured arithmetic circuits," I EEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integration. (VLSI) Syst. vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 686–694, Jun. 2005. [4]. M.aguir re, M.linares "an alternative logic app roach to implement high speed low power full adder cells"SBBCI SEP 2005 PP. 166-171. [5] A.K. Aggarwal, S. wairya, and S.Tiwari,"a new full adder for high speed low power digital circuits "world science of journal 7 special issue of computer and IT: June 2009,pp.- 138-144. [6] M.Hossein, R.F.Mirzaee, K.Navi and T.Nikoubin" new high performance majority function based full adder cell" 14 inter national CSI conference 2009, pp. 100- 104. [7] A.M.Shams," A new full adder cell for low power applications" centre for advance computer studies, university of southwestern Louisiana. [8] D.Radhakrishnan," low power CMOS full adder" IEE proc: - circuits devices system vol. 148 no. 1 Feb. 2001.pp- 19-24. [9] John p. Uyemura "Introduction to VLSI circuits and systems" Pardeep Kumar |
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88. | Convergence Of Cosine Sums In Metric L
Convergence Of Cosine Sums In Metric LAbstract: The aim of this paper is to study the L 1 - convergence of modified cosine sums [4] . The results obtained generalize the results of [4] and deduce a well known result [6] as a corollary.Reference 1. N.K.Bari A Treatise on trigonometric series (London : Pregamon Press) Vol.1,Vol. II (1964). 2. G.A .Fomin,On linear methods for summing Fourier series, Mat. Sb., 66 (107) (1964) 114152. 3. N.Hooda and B.Ram, Convergence of certain modified cosine sum, Indian J. Math,44(1)(2002),41-46. 4. S.Kumari and B.Ram L 1 -convergence of a modified cosine sum, Indiaj J. pure appl. Math., 19 (1988) 1101-1104. 5. S.Sidon,Hinreichende be dingeingen fur den Fourier-character einer trigonometris chen Reihe, J. London Math. Soc., 14 (1939) 158-160. 6. S.A.Teljakovski, A sufficient condition for Sidon for the integrability of trigonometric series, Mat. Zametki, 14 (1973), 317-328. Nawneet Hooda |
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89. | On Integrability and Lp-convergence of modified trigonometric sums
On Integrability and Lp-convergence of modified trigonometric sumsAbstract: We study modified cosine and sine sums and obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for the integrability and L p -convergence of these modified sums. We deduce the result of Ul'yanov [4, cf.1] as corollary from our results. We also obtain stronger result than that of Rees and Stanojević [3, Theorem 1].Reference [1] N.K. Bari, A Treatise on trigonometricseries (London : Pregamon Press) Vol. II (1964). [2] N.Hooda ,B.Ram and S.S.Bhatia, On L 1 - Convergence of a modified cosine sum, Soochow J. Math.28(3)(2002),305-310. [3] C.S. Rees and Č.V. Stanojević, Necessary and sufficient condition for Integrability of certain cosine sums, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 43(1973), 579-586. [4] P.L. Ul'yanov, Application of Aintegration to a class of trigonometric series (in Russian) MC 35 (1954), 469-490. sums Nawneet Hooda |
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90. | A Note on Modified Cosine Sums
A Note on Modified Cosine SumsAbstract: The aim of this paper is to give necessary and sufficient conditions for the integrability and L 1 –convergence of modified cosine sums introduced by Kumari and Ram[4]. We obtain a sharper result than that of Garrett, Rees and Stanojević [2, Theorem 3].Key words: Integrability, L 1 convergence, null sequence, class BV. Reference References [1] Fomin G A, On linear methods for summing Fourier series, Mat. Sb. 66(107) (1964) 114152. [2] Garrett J W and Ress C S and Stanojević Č V, L 1 -convergence of Fourier series with coefficients of bounded variation, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 80(1980) 423-430. [3] Hooda N and Ram B, Convergence of certain Modified cosine sum, Indian J. Math.44(1)(2002) 41-46. [4] Kumari S and Ram B, L 1 -convergence of a modified cosine sum, Indian J. pure appl. Math. 19(11) (1988) 1101-1104. Nawneet Hooda |
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91. | Mobile IP: A Study Of Issus, Challenges, And Comparison Of Ipv4 & Ipv6
Mobile IP: A Study Of Issus, Challenges, And Comparison Of Ipv4 & Ipv6Abstract: Mobile IP [7] has been designed within the IETF to enable seamless connectivity for a new class of mobile Internet computers. The driving forces for Mobile IP include progress in wireless communications, the startling growth of the Internet, and it equally compelling growth of processing capabilities of laptops, PDAs, and other mobile computing devices. In this paper, we are the stimulation for Mobile IP, the basics of the protocol, and the relationship of Mobile IP with other protocols, and we provide a survey of the handoff performance in Mobile IP [1]. After the protocol overview, we then proceed to brief current developments involving Mobile IP (including mobility for IP version4, 6) and the current state of standardization of Mobile IP.Key words: Mobile IP, Issus, Handover, IP Protocol and mobility for IP version 4, 6 Reference 1. Charles E. Perkins, "Mobile IP" (publisher: prentic hall] (Feb.2008) 2. Charles E. Perkins, Sun Microsystems (Mobile IP) 2009 3. Deguang Le, Jinyi Chang "TunnellingBased Route Optimization for Mobile IPv6" (20 1 0 IEEE) 4. Fayza nada "performance analysis of Mobile IPv4 and Mobile IPv6" The international Arab journal of information technology, vol 4, No 2, April 2007. 5. Jinfang Zhou and Ni Sun "A Seamless Handoff Scheme for Mobile IP" 2006 IEEE 6. Harri Forsgren, Kaj Grahn, Jonny Karlsson, Timo Karvi, and G ِ ran Pulkkis, 2009 IEEE "Securing Control Signaling Mobile IPV6 In Route Optimization With Identitybasedencryption 7. Janani Chandrasekaran " Mobile IP: Issues, Challenges and Solutions" 8. Mohammed Alnas, Irfan Awan and R Holton."A Survey of Handoff Performance in Mobile IP" Third UKSim European Symposium on Computer Modeling and Simulation 2009. 9. Mohamed Alnas, Irfan Awan, D.R Holton "Handoff Mechanism in Mobile IP" 2009 IEEE 10. Nguyen Ngoc Chan, Tran Cong Hung " Mechanisms of Mobile IP in delivering packets and its trends for changing from IPv4 to IPv6" Feb.2007 11. Reza Malekian "Mobile IP Network Mobility" 2008 International Conference on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering 12. Reza Malekian "The Study of Handover in Mobile IP Networks" 2008 IEEE 13. Tsunehiko Chiba, Hidetoshi Yokota, Ashutosh Dutta, Dana Chee, Henning Schulzrinne "Route Optimization for Proxy Mobile IPv6 in IMS Network " 2008 IEEE 14. Qazi Bouland Mussabbir, Wenbing Yao, Zeyun Niu, and Xiaoming Fu "Optimized FMIPv6 Using IEEE 802.21 MIH Services in Vehicular Networks" 2007 IEEE. Khaled Mahmood Al-Adhal, Dr. S.S Tyagi |
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92. | Dynamic Training Intrusion Detection Scheme for Blackhole Attack in MANETs
Dynamic Training Intrusion Detection Scheme for Blackhole Attack in MANETsAbstract: Mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a self-configuring network which is composed of several movable mobile nodes. These mobile nodes communicate with each other without any infrastructure. As wireless ad hoc networks lack an infrastructure, they are exposed to a lot of attacks. This paper analyzes the blackhole attack which is one of the possible attacks in ad hoc networks. In a blackhole attack, a malicious node impersonates a destination node by sending a spoofed route reply packet to a source node that initiates a route discovery. By doing this, the malicious node can deprive the traffic from the source node. In order to prevent this kind of attack, it is crucial to detect the abnormality that occurs during the attack. In conventional schemes, anomaly detection is achieved by defining the normal state from static training data. However, in mobile ad hoc networks where the network topology dynamically changes, such static training method could not be used efficiently. In this paper, we propose an anomaly detection scheme using dynamic training method in which the training data is updated at regular time intervals. The simulation results show the effectiveness of our scheme compared with conventional scheme.Key words: AODV, anomaly detection, blackhole attack, MANET Reference [1] H. Deng, W. Li, and D. P. Agrawal, "Routing security in ad hoc networks," IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 40, no. 10, pp. 70-75, Oct. 2002. [2] Y. A. Huang, W. Fan, W. Lee, and P. S. Yu, "Crossfeature analysis for detecting adhoc routing anomalies," in the 23rd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS'03), pp. 478- 487, May 2003. [3] Y. A. Huang and W. Lee, "Attack analysis and detection for ad hoc routing protocols," in the 7th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection (RAID'04), pp. 125-145, French Riviera, Sept. 2004. [4] C. E. Perkins, E. M. B. Royer, and S. R. Das, Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing, RFC 3561, July 2003. [5] M. A. Shurman, S. M. Yoo, and S. Park, "Black hole attack in wireless ad hoc networks," in ACM 42 nd Southeast Conference (ACMSE'04), pp. 96-97, Apr.2004. [6] M.S.Alkatheiri, Jianwei Liu, A.R.Sangi, "AODV routing protocol under several routing attacks in MANETs," 13th International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT),pp 614-618, Aug.2011. [7] W. Wang, Y. Lu, and B. K. Bhargava, "On vulnerability and protection of ad hoc ondemand distance vector protocol," in the 10th International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT'03), vol. 1, pp.375-382, French Polynesia, Feb. 2003. [8] K.A. Jalil,Z.Ahmad,J-L.A.Manan, "Securing Routing Table update in AODV routing protocol," in International Conference on Open Systems (ICOS), pp 116 -121, Sep. 2011. [9] P.K. Singh, G. Sharma, "An Efficient Prevention of Black Hole Problem in AODV Routing Protocol in MANET," in 11th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom), pp 902 - 906 ,Apr. 2012. [10] C. Bettstetter, G. Resta, and P. Santi, "The node distribution of the random waypoint mobility model for wireless ad hoc networks," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 257-269, Jul./Sep. 2003. [11] U. Venkanna, R. Leela Velusamy, "Black hole attack and their counter measure based on trust management in manet:A survey," in 3rd International Conference on Advances in Recent Technologies in Communication and Computing (ARTCom 2011), pp 232 -236, Sep. 2011. [12] Jiwen Cai, Ping Yi, Jialin Chen, Zhiyang Wang, Ning Liu, "An Adaptive Approach to Detectng Black and Gray Hole attacks in Ad hoc Network," in 24th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA), pp 775 – 780, Apr. 2010. Ms A.Naveena, Dr. K.Rama Linga Reddy |
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93. | Fatigue Numerical Analysis for Connecting Rod
Fatigue Numerical Analysis for Connecting RodAbstract: The connecting rod is a structural component cyclic loaded during the Internal Combustion Engines (ICE) operation, it means that fatigue phenomena should be taken into account during the development, in order to guarantee the connecting rod required lifetime. Numerical tools have been extremely used during the connecting rod development phase, therefore, the complete understand of the mechanisms involved as well as the reliability of the numerical methodology are extremely important to take technological advantages, such as, to reduce project lead time and prototypes cost reduction. The present work shows the complete connecting rod Finite Element Analysis (FEA) methodology. It was also performed a fatigue study based on Stress Life (SxN) theory, considering the Modified Goodman diagram.Key words: Crank System Kinematics, Fatigue analysis, FEA Reference [1] Brunetti F., Garcia O., 1992, Motores de Combustão Interna, FEI. [2] ANSYS 10.0 – Release Documentation, ANSYS Inc. [3] Timoshenko S., 1976, Strength of Material Vol.2, Krieger Pub Co. [4] Fuchs H.O., 1980, Metal Fatigue in Engineering, A Willey-Interscience Publication. [5] Shygley J.E., Mischke C.R., Budynas R.G., 2003, Mechanical Engineering Design, McGraw Hill. [6] Lipson C., Sheth N.J., Statistical Design and Analysis of Engineering Experiments, McGraw Hill. S B Chikalthankar, V M Nandedkar, Surendra Prasad Baratam |
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94. | High Payload Lossless Digital Image Watermarking Using Integer Wavelet Transform
High Payload Lossless Digital Image Watermarking Using Integer Wavelet TransformAbstract: In this paper a high payload lossless digital image watermarking technique based on Integer Wavelet Transform is proposed. Digital watermarking is the process of embedding the watermark image into a host image which is imperceptible by human visual system. The small deviations in data values are not allowed in certain images for obvious reasons and a potential risk of a person misinterpreting an image. After extracting the embedded data, the original image should be recovered from watermarked image. A preprocessing histogram adjustment is used to prevent overflow/underflow. In proposed technique, the data are embedded into one or more bit planes of wavelet coefficients of high frequency sub bands. This technique embeds much more data imperceptibly than the existing techniques. The experimental results have demonstrated the superiority of the proposed method over existing techniques.Key words: Digital watermarking, Integer wavelet transform, Histogram modification. Reference [1] W. Sweden‟s, "The lifting scheme: A custom-design construction of biorthogonal wavelets," Appl. Computer. Harmon. Anal., vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 186–200, 1996. [2] Fridrich, J.,Goljan, M., Du, R., "Invertible Authentication", In: Proc. SPIE, Security and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents, San Jose, California January 2001 [3] Jiang Zhu. M., Guorong Xuan., Jidong Chen., "Distortion less data hiding based on integer wavelet transform ", Vol.38, No.25, Electronics Letters 5 th December 2002. [4] I. Daubechies and W. Sweldens, "Factoring wavelet Transforms into lifting steps," J. Fourier Anal. Appl.,vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 245–267, 1998. [5] M. D. Adams and F. Kossentini, "Performance evaluation of reversible integer-to-integer wavelettransforms for image compression," in IEEE Data Compression Conference, now bird, UT, USA, March 1999, pp. 514–524, IEEE. [6] A. R. Calderbank, I. Daubechies, W. Sweldens and B. Yeo, "Wavelet transforms that map integers to integers," Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, vol.5, no.3, pp.332-369, 1998. [7] G. Xuan, C. Yang, Y. Q. Shi and Z. Ni: High Capacity Lossless Data Hiding Algorithms. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS04), Vancouver, Canada, May 2004. [8] D. Kundur, D.Hatzinakos, "Digital watermarking using multi resolution wavelet decomposition", Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on acoustics, speech and signal processing, Seattle, 1998. R.Srinivasa Rao, M.Vijay Karthik, Saraswathi Nagla |
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95. | A review on interaction behaviour of structure-foundation-soil system
A review on interaction behaviour of structure-foundation-soil systemAbstract: Soil-structure interaction is interdisciplinary field which involves structural and geotechnical engineering. In the conventional non-interaction analysis of building frame structural designer assumed that columns are resting on unyielding support. Similarly, in foundation design, foundation settlements are calculated without considering the influence of the structural stiffness. Although, interaction effect is ignored to simplify the mathematical model but neglecting the interaction between soils and structures may result in a design that is either unnecessarily costly or unsafe. A more rational solution of soil-structure interaction problem can be achieved with computational validity and accuracy by appropriate analysis. The present study makes an attempt to study the possible alternative solutions proposed by various researchers to evaluate the effect of soilstructure interaction from time to time.Key words: soil-structure interaction, static loading, seismic loading, nonlinear, finite element analysis, space frame, isolated footing. Reference [1] A.I.M. Aljanabi, B.J.M. Farid, and A.A.A. Mohamed, Interaction of plane frames with elastic foundation having normal and shear moduli of subgrade reactions, Comput. Struct., 36(6), 1990, 1047-1056. [2] J. Noorzaei, Concepts and application of three dimensional infinite elements to soilstructure-interaction problems, Int. J. Eng., 9(3), 1996, 131-142. [3] M.A. Al-Shamrani, and F.A. Al-Mashary, A simplified computation of the interactive behavior between soils and framed structures, Eng. Sci., 16(1), 2003, 37-60. [4] R. Roy, K. Bhattacharya, and S.C. Dutta, Behaviour of grid foundation under static gravity loading, J. Inst. Eng. (India), 85, 2005, 261-268. [5] H.S. Chore, R.K. Ingle, and V.A. Sawant, Building frame - pile foundation - soil interaction analysis: a parametric study, J. Interact. Multiscale Mech., 3(1), 2010, 55- 79. [6] T. Guzman, Heavily loaded strap footingdesign, detailing and behavior, Structure Magazine, 2010, 12-15. [7] D. Thangaraj and K. Ilamparuthi, Parametric study on the performance of raft foundation with interaction of frame, Electron. J. Geotech. Eng., 15, 2010, 861- 878. [8] Y. Xiujuan, X. Zongxiang, Z. Lisong, and Y. Xiangzhen, 3D simulation of weak foundation for good-sized oil storage tank, Proc. of International Conference on Mechanic Automation and Control Engineering, China, 2010, 1345-1348. [9] H.M. Rajashekhar Swamy, Krishnamoorthy, D.L. Prabakhara, and S.S. Bhavikatti, Relevance of interface elements in soil structure interaction analysis of three dimensional and multiscale structure on raft foundation, Electron. J. Geotech. Eng., 16, 2011, 199- 218. [10] J.M. Duncan, and C.Y. Chang, Nonlinear analysis of stress and strain in soils, J. Soil Mech. Found. Eng. Div. ASCE, 96(5), 1970, 1629-1653. Vivek Garg, M.S. Hora |
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96. | Shunt Active Power Filter Implementation Using Source Voltage and Source Current Detection
Shunt Active Power Filter Implementation Using Source Voltage and Source Current DetectionAbstract: This paper presents the implementation of shunt active power filter using source voltage and source current detection. The harmonic current and reactive power compensation of shunt active power filter controller is based on the digital signal processing (DSP) to control its operation. First, the signal quality of the designed prototype was tested with the simulation program. Then, the prototype for experiment has been setup for verifying the performance of system. It was found that reactive power could be compensated and harmonic current could be reduce compared to the results of an active power filter with the load current detection. Since the source current detection used less controlling devices and its structure was simple, so it is more attractive.Reference 1. Lucian Asiminoaei, Frede Blaabjerg, Steffan Hansen, "Evaluation of Harmonic Detection Methods for Active Power Filter Applications," IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, Vol. 1, pp.635 – 641, 2005. 2. Domenico Casadei, Gabriele Grandi, Ugo Reggiani and Claudio\ Rossi, "Control Methods for Active Power Filters with Minimum Measurement Requirements," IEEE APEC, Vol. 2, pp.1153-1158, 1999. 3. Luis A.Moŕan,Juan W. Dixon, and Rogel R. Wallace, "A three- Phase Active Power Filter Operating with Fixed Switching Frequency for Reactive Power and Current Harmonic Compensation," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 42, No.4, pp.402-408, 1995. 4. F.Z.Peng, and J.H.Lai, "Generalized Instantaneous Reactive Power Theory for Three–Phase Power Systems," IEEE Transaction on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol.45, pp.293-297, 1996. 5. Junfei Hu, Fang Zhuo, Zhao'an Wang. "Shunt Active Power Filter with ADMC330", IEEE Power Electronic and Motion Control, Vol. 3, pp.1371-1375, 2000. 6. H.H.Kuo, S.N.Yeh, and J.C.Hwang, "Novel Analytical Model and Implementation of Three-phase Active Power Filter Controller," in Proc. IEEE Electric Power Application, Vol.148, No.4, July 2001, pp.369-383 Mani Ratnam Tarapatla, M Sridhar, ANVJ Raj Gopal |
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97. | Wireless Vertical Handover Between Gsm And Wi-Fi Standards Using Uman
Wireless Vertical Handover Between Gsm And Wi-Fi Standards Using UmanAbstract: Vertical Handover techniques deal with the scenario in which the user can move between different network access technologies. UMAN (Unlicensed mobile access network) is one such technology that supports handovers to and from Wi-Fi networks. It is also referred to as GAN (generic access network). By supporting handovers to and from Wi-Fi networks, UMAN seems to be a perfect solution as new mobile services requires performance and seamless mobility. This research paper discusses the technical implications of UMAN and also an implementation technique of unlicensed mobile access. We have used two android phones to demonstrate the UMAN technique. Also, as contrary to traditional server-client approach to implement UMAN, we will be using p2p approach.Key words: GAN, UMAN, Wi-Fi, Sever-Client Approach. Reference [1] Venkat Ramana, P; Narayana Reddy, S, "Improved performance of UDP & TCP throughput in Wi-Fi networks for voice and data services in mobile communications with MIMO systems", ICDCS,IEEE, March, 2012 [2] Snehlata Barde, Sujata Khobragade, Rasmiprava Singh, "Access to GSM and GPRS mobile services over Unlicensed spectrum technologies through UMA", International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Vol. 2 (3 , 2011 [3] Wireshark Protocol Analyzer, www.wireshark.org [4] Kale, S.V, Schwengler, T. "Comparing Unlicensed Mobile Access (UMA) and Voice Call Continuity (VCC) Architectures", IEEE, 2009 [5] Andres Arjona, Hannu Verkasalo, "Unlicensed Mobile Access (UMA) Handover and Packet Data Performance Analysis", Second International Conference on Digital Telecommunications (ICDT'07), IEEE, 2007 [6] P. Dini, M. Cardenete-Suriol, J. ManguesBafalluy, "Inter-System Handover Management in the Unlicenced Moible Access (UMA) Technology", IEEE Buran, 2007 [7] 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), "Generic Access (GA) to the A/Gb interface; Mobile GA Interface Layer 3 Specification", 3GPP Technical Specification, TS144.318, July 2006. [8] Ericsson, "Generic Access Network, GAN", Ericsson White Paper, October 2006. [9] IEEE, "Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications –Amendment: Medium Access Control (MAC) Enhancements for Quality of Service", IEEE Standard P802.11e/D12.0, November 2004. [10] Nethawk GSM Analyzer, www.nethawk.fi [11] D. Newman, "Voice over Wireless LAN", Network World, January 2004. [12] Proxim, "Voice over Wi-Fi Capacity Planning", Proxim Technical White Paper, Proxim, March 2004. [13] UMA Consortium, "Unlicensed Mobile Access (UMA) Architecture (Stage 2)", echnical Specification, September 2004. Available from http://www.umatechnology.org/specificatio ns/index.htm Nitin Sharma, Manshul V Belani |
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98. | A Study on Recent DC-DC Converters
A Study on Recent DC-DC ConvertersAbstract: This paper presents a study on recent developments in dc-dc converters. All the converters are derived based on the two basic converters such as buck converter and boost converter. The aims of developing the converters are high efficiency and high gain with fast response. Today's world demands the low power application devices which is the focus of the researchers. There are so many parameters are involved while developing those converters. A lot of computer software has been developed to design such type of converters. With the help of simulations, the behavior of the system can be easily analyzed without any hardware which can prevent the damage. Research work has been grown dramatically to provide the service to the mankind. This paper presents some new converters with suggested control method which can help the researchers to work in that field. MATLAB and PSIM software has been used for simulation.Key words: Control Theory, DC-DC Converter, MATLAB, PSIM, Pulse-Width Modulation Reference [1]. Shih-Ming Chen, Lung-Sheng Yang, Tsorng-Juu Liang, and Jiann-Fuh Chen, "A Cascaded High Step-Up DC-DC Converter With Single Switch for Microsource Applications," IEEE Trans. on Power Electron., vol. 26, no. 4, pp.1146-1153, April 2011. [2]. Yi-Ping Hsieh, Lung-Sheng Yang, TsorngJuu Liang, and Jiann-Fuh Chen, "A Novel High Step-Up DC-DC Converter for a Microgrid System," IEEE Trans. on Power Electron., vol. 26, no. 4, pp.1127-1136, April 2011. [3]. Chih-hsien Hsieh, Lung-Sheng Yang, Tsorng-Juu Liang, Jiann-Fuh Chen, RayLee Lin, and Kai-Hui Chen, "Analysis and Implementation of a DC-DC Step-Down Converter for Low Output-Voltage and High Output-Current Applications," IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Proceedings of 2010, pp. 3697-3700. [4]. Lung-Sheng Yang, Tsorng-Juu Liang, and Jiann-Fuh Chen, "Transformerless DC-DC Converters With High Step-Up Voltage Gain," IEEE Trans. on Ind. Electron., vol. 56, no. 8, pp.3144-3152, Aug. 2009. [5]. Matsuo, Hirofumi; Kurokawa, Fujio; , "New Solar Cell Power Supply System Using a Boost Type Bidirectinal DC-DC Converter," Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on , vol.IE-31, no.1, pp.51- 55, Feb. 1984. [6]. Henn, G.A.L.; Barreto, L.H.S.; Oliveira, D.S.; da Silva, E.A.S.; , "A novel bidirectional interleaved boost converter with high voltage gain," Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, 2008. APEC 2008. Twenty-Third Annual IEEE , vol., no., pp.1589-1594, 24-28 Feb. 2008. [7]. Ci-Ming Hong; Lung-Sheng Yang; TsorngJuu Liang; Jiann-Fuh Chen; , "Novel bidirectional DC-DC converter with high step-up/down voltage gain," Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, 2009. ECCE 2009. IEEE , vol., no., pp.60- 66, 20-24 Sept. 2009. [8]. Liao, W.C.; Liang, T.J.; Liang, H.H.; Liao, H.K.; Yang, L.S.; Juang, K.C.; Chen, J.F.; , "Study and implementation of a novel bidirectional DC-DC converter with high conversion ratio," Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2011 IEEE , vol., no., pp.134-140, 17-22 Sept. 2011. [9]. Lung-Sheng Yang; Tsorng-Juu Liang; , "Analysis and Implementation of a Novel Bidirectional DC–DC Converter," Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on , vol.59, no.1, pp.422-434, Jan. 2012. Mousumi Biswal, Sidharth Sabyasachi |
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99. | FPGA Implementation of JPEG2000 Image Compression using Modified DA based DWT and Lifting DWT-IDWT Technique
FPGA Implementation of JPEG2000 Image Compression using Modified DA based DWT and Lifting DWT-IDWT TechniqueAbstract: Today's electronic equipment comes with user friendly interfaces such as keypads and graphical displays. As images convey more information to a user, it is many of the equipment today have image displays and interfaces. Hence most of the signal processing technologies today has dedicated hardware that act as co-processors to compress and decompress images. In this project, a 2D image compression using modified DA based DWT IDWT is discussed and proposed a new technique called lifting DWT and is implemented on Spartan 3e FPGA EDK. This uses less silicon area compared with previous technique for the compression of 64X64 sized image. The silicon area used in this new approach for the compression of 64X64 image is approximately same as that of the silicon area used by the previous technique for the compression of 32X32 sized image.Key words: Discrete wavelet Transformation, Distributed Arthmatic, Embedde Development Kit, FPGA, Lifting technique. Reference [1] David S. Taubman, Michael W. Marcellin - JPEG 2000 – Image compression, fundamentals, standards and practice", Kluwer academicpublishers, Second printing - 2002. [2] G. Knowles, "VLSI Architecture for the Discrete Wavelet Transform," Electronics Letters, vo1.26, pp. 1184-1185,1990. [3] M, Vishwanath, R. M. Owens, and M. 1. Irwin, "VLSI Architectures for the Discrete Wavelet Transform," IEEE Trans. Circuits And Systems II, vol. 42, no. 5, pp. 305- 316, May. 1995. [4] AS. Lewis and G. Knowles, "VLSI Architectures for 2-D Daubechies Wavelet Transform without MUltipliers". Electron Letter, vo1.27, pp. 171-173, Jan 1991. [5] K.K. Parhi and T. Nishitani "VLSI Architecture for Discrete Wavelet Transform", IEEE Trans. VLSI Systems, vol. 1, pp. 191-202, June 1993. [6] P.Y Chen, "VLSI implementation for onedimensional multilevel liftingbased wavelet transform ," IEEE Trans. on Computers, vol. 53, pp.386-398, 2004. [7] C. Chakrabarti and M. Vishwanath, "Architectures for Wavelet Transforms: A Syrvey", Journal of VLSI Signal Processing, Kulwer, vol.lO, pp. 225- 236,1995. [8] David S. Tabman and Michael W. Marcelliun, "JPEG 2000 – Image Compression, Fundamentals, Standards an [9] FPGA implementation of modified DA based DWT by Cyril nagaraj, Naga Bhushanam. G.Bheemeswara Rao, T. Surya Kavitha, U. Yedukondalu |
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100. | An Algorithm for FPGA based Implementation of Variable Precision MAC unit for High Performance Digital FIR Filters
An Algorithm for FPGA based Implementation of Variable Precision MAC unit for High Performance Digital FIR FiltersAbstract: The MAC Unit plays an important role in DSP applications. When implemented on FPGA, many MAC Units can be implemented on a single FPGA flexible to different design architectures. Hence the need of efficient MAC Units arises for filter applications. This paper discusses about variable precision based MAC Unit implemented on FPGA at algorithmic level. The proposed algorithm for FIR Filters is high performance and area efficient than the conventional MAC Unit. The delay for VP MAC Unit is reduced nearly by 60% than the conventional MAC Unit.Key words: ASIC, FIR Filter, FPGA, MAC Unit, Variable Precision. Reference [1] Mr. Abhishek Gupta, Mr. Amit Jain, Mr. Anand Vardhan Bhalla, Mr. Utsav Malviya, "Design Of High Speed FFT Processor Using Vedic Multiplication Technique", International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 2, Issue 5, September- October 2012, pp.1501-1504. [2] Balpande,S., Akare, U. ,Lande, S., "Performance Evaluation and Synthesis of Multiplier Used in FFT Operation Using Conventional and Vedic Algorithms ". 19- 21 Nov.2010, IEEE. [3] S.J. Jou, C.Y.Chen, E.C. Yang, and C.C.Su(1997), "A pipelined multiplieraccumulator using a high speed, low power static and dynamic full adder design", IEEE journal of Solid-state circuits, vol.32, no.1, Jan.1997,pp.114- 118. [4] Xiaoping Hung, Wen-Jung Liu, and Belle W.Y.Wei. A High Performance CMOS, Redundant Binary Multiplication and Accumulation (MAC) Unit, IEEE Transactions On Circuits and Systems, 41(1):33--39, January 1994. [5] Rohit Sreerama, Paidi Satish, K Neelima. "An Algorithm for variable precision based floating point multiplication", proc International Conference on Advances in Information Technology and Mobile Communication, AIM 2012, page no-238- 242. [6] A Nadjia, A Mohamed, B Hamid, I Mohamed, M. Khadidja, "Hardware algorithm for variable precision multiplication on FPGA", IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, 2009. AICCSA 2009, 845-848. [7] P. R. Cappello, editor. VLSI Signal Processing. (IEEE Press, 1984). [8] J. B. Evans. An efficient FIR filter architecture. In IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits and Syst., pages 627–630, May 1993. K. Neelima, M. Bharathi |
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101. | Design of Motorized Moving Stage with Submicron Precision
Design of Motorized Moving Stage with Submicron PrecisionAbstract: A motorized moving stage with submicron precision is needed to support cellular manipulation e.g. in vitro fertilization in cattle breeding industry. This study aims to build an automatic moving stage prototype which has two degrees of freedom using hybrid stepper motor connected mechanically with rails of the microscope moving stage. Microscope stage movement is fully controlled using main software which connected logically to ATMEGA 8 through serial communication chip proxy FT232RL. Movement testing using OptiLab® Advanced image processing software show if motorized moving stage has smallest horizontal step resolution 0.198 ± 0.001 µm/step with hysteresis 5.99 ± 1.09 µm and smallest vertical step resolution 0.197 ± 0.004 µm/step with hysteresis 2.36 ± 1.28 µm in 16 sub-division microstep driver setting. Motorized moving stage has also linear response with R = 0.999 at various testing signal frequencies.Key words: Hybrid Linear Actuators, Stepper Motor, Motorized Stage, Microscope Moving Stage, Microstep Driver. Reference [1] T. Kenjo, Stepping Motor and Their Microprocessor Controls, Monographs in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, (Oxford University Press New York, ISBN 0-19-859326-0, 1984). [2] F. Eriksson, Stepper Motor Basics, Industrial Circuits Application Note, 1998. [3] P. Yedamale and S. Chattopadhyay, Stepper Motor Microstepping with PIC18C452, AN822 Article, Microchip Technology Inc., 2002. [4] X. Ma, G. An, and B. Li, Design and Implementation of an Automated Microscope Stage, International Forum on Information Technology and Applications, ISBN 978-0-7695-3600-2/09, DOI 10.1109/ IFITA.2009.268, 2009, 603-605. [5] Tutorial Microstepping, Available [Online] at http://www.zaber.com/wiki/Tutorials/ Microstepping.htm, retrieved on 18 July 2012. [6] Datasheet: Hybrid Linear Actuator 11E2045A4-095-001, Available [Online] at http://www.ms-motor.com/ [7] Datasheet: AT MEGA 8/L (Rev.2486Z– AVR–02/11), Available [Online] at http://www.atmel.com Tatag Lindu Bhakti, Adhi Susanto, Paulus Insap Santosa, Diah Tri Widayati |
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102. | Prediction of Specific Wear rate of Glass Filled PTFE Composites by Artificial Neural Networks and Taguchi Approach
Prediction of Specific Wear rate of Glass Filled PTFE Composites by Artificial Neural Networks and Taguchi ApproachAbstract: Polymeric materials such as Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) is widely used as a bearing material and mechanical seals due to its unique properties such excellent chemical resistance, low coefficient of friction and hightemperature stability. In the present work attention is focused on Sp.Wear rate of PTFE with glass reinforcement with the percentage of 15,25 and 35 at Velocity 0.5,1 and 2 m/s ,Load 15.696,25.506 and 35.316 N,Time 30,60 and 60 minutes by using a pin-on-disc Tribometer (TR– 20)in Dry Condition . From a Taguchi approach orthogonal array, L-27 is selected as per three parameters and three levels to carry out the experiment. Regression analysis is done to get correlation between sliding speed, load and sliding time and to predict the wear rate. As per results applied load is the parameter that has the highest statistical influence on the sliding wear. The artificial neural network was applied to predict Sp.Wear rate Glass Filled PTFE Composites. Based on a measured database of PTFE composites, wear is successfully calculated through a well-trained artificial neural network which is carried out in MATLAB R2009a software. The quality of Prediction was good when compared with tested values.Key words: Artificial Neural Network (ANN) friction, Polymer composite, wear Reference 1. Zhenyu Jiang,Lada Gyurovaa, Zhong Zhang,"Neural network based prediction on mechanical and wear properties of short fibers reinforced polyamide composites", Material and design (29) 2008,628-637 2. Dr Y. R. Kharde, Dr. K V Saisrinadh, "Effect of oil and oil with graphite on tribological properties of glass filled PTFE polymer composites" Bull, Material Science" NIT, Warangal, India 4 July 2011,Vol 34 pp.1003-1012. 3. S.Basavarajappa y and G.Chandramohan, "Wear studies on metal matrix composites -taguchi approach", Journal of Material science technology, PSG college of Technology, India, may 28,2005,pp 845. 4. http://www.mathworks.com/access/helpde sk/help/helpdesk.shtml 5. Xu Liujie, Jiandong, Wei Shizhong,Zhang Yongzhen,Long Rui,"Optimization of chemical composition of high speed steel with high vanadium content for abrasive wear using an artificial neural network" ,Materials and Design, 20 Dec 2005 , pp.1031-1037 6. Zhenyu Jiang, Zhong Zhang, Klaus Friedrich, "Prediction on wear properties of polymer composites with artificial neural networks", Composite science and technology, Institute for Composite Materials,Germany,2Oct 2006.pp 168-176 7. Zhenyu Jiang,"Neural network based prediction on mechanical and wear properties of short fibers reinforced polyamide composites", Material and Design, Institute for Composite Materials, China ,14 February 2007.pp.628-637 8. JiahuaZhu,Yijun Shi, Xin Feng,Huaiyuan Wangi, Xiaohua Lu, "Prediction on tribological properties of carbon fiber and TiO2 synergistic reinforced polytetrafluoroethylene composites with artificial neural networks", Materials and Design, Institute of Science, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China,28 June 2008.pp.1042-1049. Varade B.V., Dr.Kharde Y.R. |
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103. | Root Cause Analysis Using Ishikawa Diagram For Reducing Radiator Rejection
Root Cause Analysis Using Ishikawa Diagram For Reducing Radiator RejectionAbstract: Manufacturing problems are very crucial, needs vigilant and immediate attention otherwise it damages to company's not only profit margins but also reputation. Quality Management includes quality assurance and control, is very necessary technique to maintain and continuously improve quality of product. Out of many techniques used to improve quality, reduce rejection, Ishikawa diagram is very well known and widely used. Ishikawa diagram is very useful to identify the probable causes of error or problem from different prospective. Our research is in radiator manufacturing, the Ishikawa diagram is used to identify various root causes for radiator rejection due to fin opening problem. After detailed study of radiator manufacturing process and data gathering for many problems which causes rejections, first problem chosen to embark upon was Fin opening because it contributed heavily around 7% to 8% of total production. The root causes identified as out come of Ishikawa diagrams implies that many causes behind rejections. To reduce the rejection related to fin opening, identified causes have to priorities and attended.Key words: Ishikawa diagram, Fin opening Problem, Radiator manufacturing Reference [1] The application of cause and effect diagram in the oil industry in Iran: The case of four liter oil canning process of Sepahan Oil Company. Masoud Hekmatpanah, International Journal on Industrial Engineering 2012 [2] Production part approval process - AIAG manual, fourth edition, effective June 1 st 2006 copyright DaimlerChrysler Corporation, Ford Motor Company, General Motors Corporation. [3] American Society for Quality, Fishbone diagram, http://www.asq.org/learn-aboutquality/causeanalysistools/overview/fishbone.html [4] Ishikawa, Kaoru (1986). Guide to Quality Control. Tokyo, Japan: Asian Productivity Organization Prof. J.A. Doshi, J.D. Kamdar, Prof. S.Y. Jani, Prof. S. J. Chaudhary |
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104. | Use of Web2.0 Technology by Faculty Members of National Institute of Technology (NIT), Srinagar
Use of Web2.0 Technology by Faculty Members of National Institute of Technology (NIT), SrinagarAbstract: Web 2.0 Technology has revolutionized academic process since the last decade or so. Use of web 2.0 tools has highly altered the scenario of present tech savvy education. Present paper reveals the popularity of the web2.0 tools and Social networking sites among the faculty members of National Institute of Technology (NIT), Srinagar. Questionnaire is used as a tool to gather the data related to the problem. Analysis of datareflects that faculty members of NIT are not fully aware about the use of web 2.0 technologies. Findings of the study reveal that majority of faculty members are usingFacebook,YouTube and Wiki in their day to day activities. Female faculty members are using web2.0 tools more frequently as compared to their male colleagues. It is suggested that in order to create awareness among the faculty members, NIT authorities are supposed to play a pivotal role by organizing different programs for faculty members to educate them about the use and utilization of Web 2.0 technology in academic activities.Reference 1. Alexander, B. (2006). Web 2.0: A new way of innovation for teaching and learning. Educause Review, 41(2), 32-44. 2. Anderson, P. (2007). What is Web 2.0? Ideas, technologies and implications for education. JISC Technology and Standards Watch. Retrieved from http://www.jisc.ac.uk/media/documents/techwat ch/tsw0701b.pdf. 3. Collins, Halverson. (2009). Rethinking Education in the age of Technology,Retrieved fromhttp://www.llk.media.mit.edu/courses/readi ngs/Collins-Rethinking-Education.pdf 4. Curtis, C; Jhonson, T. & Meredith, R. (2010). Introducing to NUY Wikis. Connect.Retrieved fromhttp://www.w4.stern.nyu.edu/emplibrary/te chstrategy.pdf. 5. Hossain, Md. Mokter, &AydinHasan, (2011) "A Web 2.0-based collaborative model for multicultural education", Multicultural Education & Technology Journal, 5 (2), pp.116 - 128 6. Linh N.C. (2008). A survey of the application of Web 2.0 in Australasian university libraries. Lib. Hi Technol., 26(4), 630–653. DOI: 10.1108/07378830 8109209550 7. Miller, P. (2006). Introducing the Library 2.0. Recorded telephone conference, talking with Talis series. Retrieved from http://talk.talis.com/archives2006/02/introducin g_the.html 8. O‟Reilly, T. (2005), ""Web 2.0: compact definition‟‟, DOI: 10.1108/00242531 011023871 Dr. Shabir Ahmad Ganaie |
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105. | The Framework for Manufacturing Methods and Techniques
The Framework for Manufacturing Methods and TechniquesAbstract: The concepts of quality management and productivity improvement have been practiced and implemented in manufacturing for over five decades. Various strategies and methods were developed to improve manufacturing quality and productivity during this period. This paper focuses on those various strategies which were developed to improve manufacturing around the past five decades. These include manufacturing strategies such as Lean Manufacturing, Just In Time Manufacturing, Holistic Manufacturing and Agile Manufacturing; business management strategies such as Business Process Reengineering, Total Quality Management and Kaizen; and quality strategies such as Quality Management Systems and Six Sigma. But, there is also often misunderstanding between different strategies and their constituent techniques, tools and methods. Authors view different strategies in different ways, causing incorrect implementation and confusion in their application.The crux of the work deals with designing a framework of the strategies, their methods and techniques, thus eliminating the confusion and ambiguity about these strategies. Strategies related to manufacturing are introduced along with their techniques and tools and compared with one another. These strategies are then inter-related by designing a framework of the strategies and their methodReference [1] Adeleye, E.O. and Yusuf, Y.Y. (2006) "Towards agile manufacturing: models of competition and performance outcomes‟, Int. J. Agile Systems and Management, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp.93–110. [2] A. Gunasekaran and, B. Nathb,‟‟ The role of information technology in business process reengineering‟‟ Int. J. Production Economics 50 (1997) 91-104. [3] A. Gunasekaran, Agile manufacturing: A framework for research and development. , Int J. Production Economics 62 (1999) 87}105 [4] Gunasekaran, A (2001), Agile Manufacturing: The 21st Century Competitive Strategy. [5] Edwards, D. (1996) "Practical guidelines for lean manufacturing equipment‟, Production and Inventory Management Journal, Vol. 37, No. 2, pp.51–55. [6] Feld, W.M. (2001) "Lean Manufacturing – Tools, Techniques, and How to use them‟, St. Lucie Press, Florida [7] Hardy, S. (HMC) (2007), A new approach for the millennium – Holistic Manufacturing. [8] Imai, M (1986), "KAIZEN – The key to Japan‟s competitive success", The KAIZEN Institute Ltd.McGraw-Hill [9] Jeffrey K. (2004) The Toyota Way: 14 management principles from the world‟s greatest manufacturer McGraw-Hill. [10] Kidd, P.T. (1994), Agile Manufacturing: Forging new frontiers, Addison-Wesley, Wokingham. Turnbull, P.J. (1986), The "Japanization‟ of production and industrial relations at Lucas Electrical, Industrial Relations Journal, Vol. 17, pp. 193-206. [11] Meredith, J. (1992) The Management of Operations. A conceptual emphasis, 4th ed., John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York. [12] Meredith J.R. (1987), The strategic advantages of the factory of the future, California Management Review, Vol. 29, no. 3, pp.27-41. [13] McGrath, M. (1992) Product Development, Butterworth-Heinemann, London [14] Min-Yuan Cheng , Hsien-Sheng Peng ,Chih-Min Huang, Ching-Hsin Chen‟KMoriented business process reengineering for construction firms‟(2012). [15] Mihail aurel titu, constantin operean and denial grecu(2010) "Apply the kaizen method and the 5 techniques in the post – sale services in the knowledge based organization, volume 3 ,IMECS 2010./span> Rahul kumar Sen, Saurabh S. Chandrawat |
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106. | Predicting Link Strength In Online Social Networks
Predicting Link Strength In Online Social NetworksAbstract: Social Media is a term that encompasses the platforms of New Media, but also implies the inclusion of systems like Facebook, and other things typically thought of as social networking. The idea is that they are media platforms with social components and public communication channels. Social media are primarily Internetbased tools for sharing and discussing information among human beings. Data mining (the analysis step of the "Knowledge Discovery in Databases" process, or KDD), is the process that attempts to discover patterns in large data sets. The overall goal of the data mining process is to extract information from a data set and transform it into an understandable structure for further use. It involves database and data management aspects, data preprocessing, model and inference considerations, interestingness metrics, complexity considerations, postprocessing of discovered structures, visualization, and online updating. Link prediction in Facebook and Twitter can be done at a familiar class of graph generation model, where the nodes are united with locations in a latent metric space and connections are more likely between closer nodes. In this paper, Gephi tool is used to predict the link of Facebook.Key words: Facebook, Gephi, Average Degree, Metrics, Page Rank, Centrality Reference [1] Barab_asi, A.:Linked:How Everything Is Connected to EverythingElse and What It Means. Plume (Apr 2003) [2] Bastian, M., Heymann, S., Jacomy, M.: Gephi: An open source software for exploring and manipulating networks. In: proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (2009), http://WWW.aaai.org/ocs/index. php/ICWSM/09/paper/view/154 [3 ] Bizer, C., Heath, T., Berners-Lee, T., Heath, T., Hepp, M., Bizer, C.: Linked data- the story so far. International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems (IJSWIS) (2009) [4] Crosby, A.W.: The Measure of Reality: Quanti cation in Western Europe, 1250- 1600. Cambridge University Press (Dec 1997) [5] Freeman, L.C.: Visualizing social networks. Journal of Social Structure 1(1), [np] (2000) [6] Clark, T.N. (1968). The concept of power. In T.Clark (Ed.), Community structure and decision making: Comparative analysis. San Francisco: Chandler Publishing. [7] Cohen, J. (1988). Statistical power analysis for the behavioral science (2 nd ed.). Hillsdaie, NJ: Lawrence Eribaum Constant, D., Kieseler, S., & Sproull, L. (1994). What‟s mine is ours, or is it? A study of attitudes about information sharing. Information Systems Research, 5(4), 400- 421 [8] Darr, E. D., & Kurtzberg, T.R. (2000). An investigation of partner similarity dimensions on knowledge transfer. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 82(1), 28-44. [9] Fredman, M. L. and Tarjan, R. E. (1987). Fibonacci heaps and their uses in improved network optimization algorithms. Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery, 34(3): 596{615. [10] Freeman, L. C. (1977). A set of measures of centrality based on betweenness Sociometry, 40:35{41. [11] Freeman, L. C. (1979). Centrality in social networks: Conceptual clari_cation. [12] Freeman, L. C. (1980). The gatekeeper, pair-dependency and structural centrality. Quality and Quantity 14:585{592; R.Hema Latha, K.Sathiyakumari |
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107. | Robust Facial Marks Detection Method Using AAM And SURF
Robust Facial Marks Detection Method Using AAM And SURFAbstract: In face recognition technology, facial marks identification method is one of the unique facial identification tasks using soft biometrics. Also facial marks information can enhance the face matching score to improve the face recognition performance. As numbers of folk apply their face with cosmetic items, some of the facial marks are invisible or hidden from their faces. In the literature, they used AAM (Active Appearance Model) and LoG (Laplacian of Gaussian) method to detect the facial marks. However, to the best of our knowledge, the methods related to the detection of facial marks are poor in performance in cosmetic applied faces. In this paper, we propose robust method to detect the facial marks such as tattoos, scars, freckles and moles etc. Initially we apply active appearance model (AAM) for facial feature detection purpose. In addition to this prior model we apply Canny edge detector method to detect the facial mark edges. Finally SURF is used to detect the hidden facial marks which are covered by cosmetic items. Hence we argue that the choice of this method gives high accuracy in facial marks detection of the cosmetic applied faces. In fact the use of robust marks detection method with soft biometrics traits performed the best facial recognition technology.Key words: — face recognition, facial marks, soft biometrics, Active Appearance Model, Canny edge detection, SURF.n Reference [1] P. N. Belhumeur, J. P. Hespanha, and D. J. Kriegman. Eigen-faces vs. fisherfaces: recognition using class specific linear projection. IEEE Trans. PAMI, 19(7):711– 720, 1997. [2] C. J. Bradley. The Algebra of Geometry: Cartesian, Areal and Projective Coordinates. Bath: High perception, 2007. [3] D. Lin and X. Tang. From macrocosm to microcosm. In Proc. CVPR, pages 1355– 1362, 2006. [4] T. Lindeberg. Feature detection with automatic scale selection. International Journal of Computer Vision, 30(2):79–116, 1998. [5] D. G. Lowe. Distinctive image features from scale invariant keypoints. International Journal of Computer Vision, 60(2):91–110, 2004. [6] S. Milborrow and F. Nicolls, Locating facial features with an ext-ended active shape model. ECCV, 2008. http://www.milbo.users.sonic.net/stasm. [7] U. Park and A. K. Jain. Face matching and retrieval using soft biometrics. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Sec-urity, 5(3):406–415, 2010. [8] U. Park, Y. Tong, and A. K. Jain. ―Age invariant face recognition. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell., 32(5):947–954, 2010. [9] P. S. Penev and J. J. Atick. Local feature analysis: a general statistical theory for object representation. Network: Computation in Neural Systems, 7:477– 500, 1996. [10] P. J. Phillips,W. T. Scruggs, A. J. O'Toole, P. J. Flynn, K.W. Bowyer, C. L. Schott, and M. Sharpe. Face Recognition Vendor Test 2006: FRVT 2006 and ICE 2006 LargeScale Results Tech. Report NISTIR 7408, NIST, 2007. Ziaul Haque Choudhury, K.M. Mehata |
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108. | Finite Element Simulation of a Friction Drilling process using Deform-3D
Finite Element Simulation of a Friction Drilling process using Deform-3DAbstract: Friction drilling Process is a rotating conical tool to penetrate the work piece and create a bushing in a single step without generating chips. This work investigates the finite element modeling (FEM) of large plastic strain and high-temperature work-material deformation in friction drilling. The workmaterial deformation is very large, and both the tool and work piece temperatures are high in friction drilling. Modeling and Simulation is a necessary tool to understand the material flow, temperatures, stresses, and strains, which are difficult to measure experi-mentally during friction drilling. A semi-empirical analytical model based on the contact pressure and measured temperature will be developed to predict the thrust force and torque in friction drilling. The FEM used to analyze the high temperature and large deformation of the work material in friction drilling. In this study, the DEFORM-3D software is used to simulate the behavior of friction drilling Process.Key words: Aluminium, Chipless hole making, Drilling, Deform-3D, Friction, Tungsten Carbide Reference References: [1] S.F. Miller, P. Blau, and A.J. Shih, Tool Wear in Friction Drilling, Wear (submitted) (2006). [2] S.F. Miller, J. Tao, and A.J. Shih, Friction drilling of cast metals, International Journal of Machine Tool and Manufacture (accepted) (2005). [3] S.F. Miller, H. Wang, R. Li, and A.J. Shih, Experimental and numerical analysis of the friction drilling process, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering (accepted) (2004). [4] Nicholas, T., 1981, "Tensile Testing of Materials at High Rates of Strain, Exp Mech" 21, pp.177–185. [5] Z. Feng, M. L. Santella, S. A. David, R.J. Steel, S.M. Packer, T. Pan, M. Kuo, and R.S. Bhatnagar, Friction Stir Spot Welding of Advanced High-Strength Steels – A Feasibility Study, SAE Technical Paper No 2005-01-1248, Society of AutomotiveEngineers (2005). [6] H. Schmidt and J. Hattel, A local model for the thermo mechanical conditions in friction stir welding, Modeling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering13 (2005) 77-93. [7] S.L. Soo, D.K. Aspinwall, and R.C. Dewes, 3D FE modeling of the cutting of In718, Journal of Materials Processing Technology 150 (2004) 116-123. [8] Z. Feng, J.E. Gould, and T.J. Lienert, Heat Flow Model for Friction Stir Weld Aluminum Alloys, Proceedings of the TMS Fall Meeting – Symposium of Deformation of Aluminum Alloys II, Oct 11-Oct 15 1998, Rosemont, IL, US149-158. [9] G. Buffa, J. Hua, R. Shivpuri, and L. Fratini, A continuum based fem modfriction stir welding – model development, Materials Science and Enginee419 (2006) 389-396. [10] S. Serway, Physics for Scientists and Engineers, 5th ed., Saunders College, PA2000. [11] H. Schmidt, J. Hattel, and J. Wert, An analytical model for the heat generate friction stir welding, Modeling and Simulation in Materials Science Engineering 12 (2004) 143-157. [12] H.E. Boyer, Atlas of Stress-strain Curves, ASM International, pp. 157, 1987. [13] Deform-3D User's Manual, vol. 6.5, 2010. [14] D. Servis and M. Samuelides, Implementation of the T-failure criterion in finite element methodologies, Computers and Structures 84 (2006) 196-214. [15] S.F. Miller, P. Blau, and A.J. Shih, Micro structural alterations associated with friction drilling of steel, aluminum, and titanium, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 14 (5) (2005) 647-653. [16] Y. Chao, and X. Qi, Thermal and ThermoMechanical Modeling of Friction Stir Welding of Aluminum Alloy 6061, Journal of Materials Processing & Manufacturing Science 7 (1998) 215-233. [17] Overy, K.1978, "Flow drilling Bush Formation in Thin Metal CME Chart.Mech.Eng., 25[7], pp.70– 71. [18] Bak, D 1987,"Friction Heat f rom Integral Bushings" Des. News, 43[11], p. 124. B.Padma Raju, M.Kumara Swamy |
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109. | An Experimental Study on the Properties of Glass Fibre Reinforced Geopolymer Concrete
An Experimental Study on the Properties of Glass Fibre Reinforced Geopolymer ConcreteAbstract: This paper is a part of an experimental research to determine the mechanical properties of Geopolymer Concrete Composites (GPCC), which contains Fly ash (FA), alkaline liquids and glass fibres. Alkaline liquid to fly ash ratio was fixed as 0.4 with 100% replacement of OPC. Glass fibres were added to the mix in 0.01%, 0.02% and 0.03% by volume of concrete. Based on the test results, it was observed that the Geopolymer concrete composites have relatively higher strength in short curing time (one day) than the Geopolymer concrete and ordinary Portland cement concrete.Key words: Fly ash; Geopolymer Concrete; Alkaline Liquids; Glass Fibres. Reference [1] Abdul Aleem M. I., Arumairaj P. D, 2012, A paper on "Geopolymer Concrete- A REVIEW", IJESET , volume 1, Issue 2, pp: 118-122 [2] Anuar K.A, Ridzuan A.R.M.,Ismail S, 2011, A paper on "Strength Characteristic of Geopolymer Concrete Containing Recycled Concrete Aggregate", IJCEEIJENS vol-11, pp. 81-85 [3] Davidovits J (1994) A paper on "Global warming impact on the cement and aggregate industries" , World Resources Review, pp. 6263-78. [4] Blessen Skariah Thomas, Anoop.S, V.Sathish Kumar, 2012, A paper on "Utilization of Solid Waste Particles as Aggregates in Concrete", Procedia Engineering, ELSEVIER, Vol 38, Pages 3789-3796 [5] Davidovits J, Comrie DC, Paterson JH, Ritcey DJ (1990) A paper on "Geopolymeric concretes for environmental protection", Concrete International: Design and Construction, No. 7, pp. 30-40. [6] Nguyen Van Chanh, Bui Dang Trung, Dang Van Tuan(2008) A paper on "Recent research geopolymer concrete" University of Technology HCM City, Vietnam. [7] Rangan. B.V, (2008) A paper on "Fly ashbased geopolymer concrete", Research Report, GC 4, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia. [8] Temuujin J, Van Riessen A, MacKenzie KJD (2010) A paper on "Preparation and characterisation of fly ash based geopolymer mortars", Construction and Building Materials, vol 24, pp.1906-1910. [9] Wallah. S.E and B. V. Rangan (2006) A paper on "Low-calcium fly ash-based geopolymer concrete: long-term properties" Research Report GC 2, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia Sathish Kumar. V, Blessen Skariah Thomas, Alex Christopher |
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110. | Prepration & Analysis For Some Mechanical Property Of Aluminium Based Metal Matrix Composite Reinforced With Sic & Fly Ash
Prepration & Analysis For Some Mechanical Property Of Aluminium Based Metal Matrix Composite Reinforced With Sic & Fly AshAbstract: The paper deals with the fabrication of aluminium based metal matrix composite and then characterized their mechanical properties such as hardness, toughness and tensile strength. In the present study a modest attempt has been made to develop aluminium based silicon carbide particulate MMCs with an objective to develop a conventional low cast method of producing MMCs and to obtain homogeneous dispersion of ceramic material. To achieve this objective stir casting technique has been adopted. Aluminium 6061 (97.06% C.P) and SiC, Fly Ash has been chosen as matrix and reinforcement material respectively. Experiment has been conducted by varying weight fraction of SiC (2.5%, 5%, 7.5%, 10%) while keeping all other parameters constant. The result indicated that the developed method is quite successful and there is an increase in the value of tensile strength, hardness and toughness with increase in weight percentage of SiC.Key words: Matrix Composite, Stir Casting Technique, Aluminium 6061, SiC , Fly Ash Reference [1] Ansary Yara A, M.Montazerianb, H.Abdizadehb, H.R.Baharvandic, Microstructure and mechanical Properties of Aluminium Alloy Matrix Composite Reinforced with Nano- Particles Mgo, Journal of Alloys and Compounds,484,2009,400-404. [2] Hashim J, L.Looney & M..S.J.Hashmi, Metal matrix composites: Production by the stir casting method, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 92, 1999, 1-7. [3] Surappa M.K, Aluminium Matrix Composites: Challenges and opportunities, 28, 2003, 319-334. [4] Sachin.Y, Preparation and some properties of SiC reinforced aluminium alloy composites, 24, 2003, 671-679. [5] A.Chennakesava, Matrix Al-alloys for silicon carbide particle reinforced metal matrix composite, Indian journal of science & technology, 3(12), 2010, 1184-1187. [6] Hitesh Bansal, wear behavior of aluminium based metal matrix composites reinforced eith red mud, Sic and Al2O3 Department of Mechanical Engineering, M.E. Thesis, Thapar University, Patiala, India, June 2011. [7] Seymour G. Epstein et al. , Aluminium and its alloy, Mechanical Engineers Handbook, 1-14, 1998. [8] Sanjeev Kumar, An experimental study on effects of thermal cycling on cast aluminium composites reinforced with silicon carbide & fly ash particles, Department of Mechanical Engineering, M.E. Thesis, Thapar University, Patiala, India, June 2010. Sandeep Kumar Ravesh, Dr. T. K. Garg |
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111. | Characterization of Leachate from Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Landfilling Sites of Ludhiana, India: A Comparative Study
Characterization of Leachate from Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Landfilling Sites of Ludhiana, India: A Comparative StudyAbstract: The paper discusses the characteristics of leachate generated from municipal solid waste landfilling sites of Ludhiana City, Punjab (India). Leachate samples were collected and analyzed for various physico-chemical parameters to estimate its pollution potential. This study aims to serve as a reference for the implementation of the most suitable technique for reducing the negative environmental effects of discharge leachate. All the three landfilling sites of Ludhiana city are nonengineered low lying open dumps. They have neither any bottom liner nor any leachate collection and treatment system. Therefore, all the leachate generated finds its paths into the surrounding environment. It has been found that leachate contains high concentrations of organic and inorganic constituents beyond the permissible limits. While, heavy metals concentration was in trace amount as the waste is domestic in nature. The data presented in this study indicated that the age of the landfill has a significant effect on leachate composition. In older landfills, the biodegradable fraction of organic pollutants in the leachate decreases as an outcome of the anaerobic decomposition occurring in the landfill. The concentration of leachate contaminants at Jamalpur and Noorpur belt landfilling site were comparative greater than that of Jainpur landfilling site which is older than both. Based on the characterization of landfill leachate, Jamalpur and Noorpur belt landfilling site demonstrated low bio-degradability i.e. BOD5/COD=0.19 and BOD5/ COD=0.20 compared with Jainpur landfilling site i.e. BOD5/COD=0.24. Indiscriminate dumping of municipal solid waste without proper solid waste management practices should be stopped or some remedial measures were required to be adopted to prevent contamination.Key words: Landfilling, Leachate, Organic and Inorganic constituents, Groundwater contamination. Reference [1] M. Sharholy, K. Ahmad, R. Vaishya, R. Gupta, Municipal solid waste characteristics and management in Allahabad, India, Waste Management, 27 (4), 2007, 490-496. [2] A.Idris, B.Inane, M.N.Hassan, Overview of waste disposal and landfills/dumps in Asian countries, Material Cycles and Waste Management, 16, 2004, 104-110. [3] MoEF, Municipal solid wastes (management and handling) rules, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India, New Delhi (2000). [4] A. Kansal , Solid waste management strategies for India, Indian Journal of Environmental Protection, 22(4), 2002, 444-448. [5] TERI, Looking back to think ahead- Green India 2047, Tata Energy Research Institute, New Delhi, 1998, 346. [6] Shaleen Singhal and Suneel Pandey, Solid waste management in India: status and future directions, TERI Information Monitor on Environmental Science, 6(1), 2001, 1-4. [7] MoUD, Manual on municipal solid waste management, The Expert Committee constituted by Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India, 2000. [8] N.Ahsan, Solid waste management plan for Indian megacities, Indian Journal of Environmental Protection, 19(2), 1999, 90- 95 [9] C.Visvanathan and J. Trankler, Municipal solid waste management in Asia: A comparative analysis, Workshop on Sustainable Landfill Management, 3-5 December, Chennai, India, 2003, 3-15. [10] G.Tchobanoglous, H. Theisen and S. A. Vigil, Integrated solid waste management engineering principles and management issues (1 st ed.) (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1993). Barjinder Bhalla, M.S. Saini, M.K. Jha |
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112. | RS & GIS Based Assessment of Land Use/ Land Cover Characteristics for Krishna Delta, Andhra Pradesh
RS & GIS Based Assessment of Land Use/ Land Cover Characteristics for Krishna Delta, Andhra PradeshAbstract: Watershed management is a comprehensive term, means the rational utilization of land and water resources for optimal production with minimum hazard to natural resources. The economical development in a country like India is pivoted around the agricultural productivity, which in turn depends much on effective implementation of watershed management programmes. Watershed studies require real time data of several characteristics of the catchment. The space based satellite Remote Sensing due to its synoptic, repetitive and multi-spectral coverage will facilitate techniques of mapping, analysis, drawing inferences and management of natural resources information on vegetation, land use/ land cover, geology, hydro-geomorphology and soils, which are prerequisite in any developmental planning. In the present investigation, an attempt has been made to develop a GIS based Watershed Model for the assessment of spatial distribution of runoff for the Krishna Delta in Andhra Pradesh, India. The GIS layers namely, contours, Digital Elevation Model (DEM) were prepared including watershed boundary. The Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of the study area was generated in ArcGIS using Contours and Stream layers. Subsequently land use/ land cover map was prepared using unsupervised classification for the study area.Key words: DEM, Digitization, GIS, Land use/ Land cover, Remote Sensing, Unsupervised classification, Watershed. Reference [1] Maidment, D., and D. Djokic, Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modeling Support with Geographic Information Systems, ESRI Press, Redlands, CA, 2000. [2] Garbrecht J., Ogden F.L., Debarry P.A. Debarry and Maidment D.R., "GIS and Distributed Watershed Models – Data Coverages and Sources", Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 6(6):506-514, 2001. [3] Biswas S., Sudhakar S., and Desai V.R., "Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System Based Approach for Watershed Conservation", Journal of Surveying Engineering, 128(3):108-124, 2002. [4] Gosain A.K., and Sandhya Rao, "GIS based technologies for watershed management", Current Science, Vol.87, No.7, 10 October, 2004. [5] Choi, Jin-Yong, Bernard A. Engel and Richard I., Farnworth. "Web based GIS and spatial decision support system for watershed management", Journal of Hydroinformatics, 7:165-174, 2005. [6] Robert A. Laura, P.E., CFM; Craig Mesimer; and Tim Brink, "GIS-Based Watershed Modeling", Watershed Management Conference 2005, Williamsburg, Virginia, United States, ISBN (print): 978-0-7844-0763-9, American Society of Civil Engineers, July 19-22, 2005. [7] Semmens, D.J., M. Hernandez, D.C. Goodrich, and W.G. Kepner, Hydrologic model uncertainty associated with simulating future land-use/cover scenarios, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Research in the Watersheds, Otto, NC, May 16-18, 2006. [8] Prakasa Rao B.S., Pernaidu P.,Sathi Devi K., Jagadeeswara Rao P., "Runoff and flood estimation in Krishna River Delta Using Remote Sensing & GIS", Journal of Ind. Geophys. Union, Vol. 15, No.2, pp.101-112, April, 2011. V. Mallikarjuna, K.R.K. Prasad, P. Udaya Bhaskar, M. Sailakshmi |
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113. | Orthopentogram Based Osteoporosis Prediction
Orthopentogram Based Osteoporosis PredictionAbstract: The method for estimating reduced bone mineral density from dental radiographs is discussed in this paper. Dual X-ray absorptiometry is the common technique to determine bone mineral density. Because of high costs and limited availability, it is worthwhile to look for alternative diagnostic techniques. The objective of this study was to investigate the use of Dental Radiographic measurements as a predictor for bone mineral density and to identify the subjects with osteoporosis and the increased risk of osteoporosis. Osteoporosis can be' broadly defined as a decrease in the amount of bone mass per unit volume of bone. Early diagnosis of osteoporosis can potentially decrease the risk of fracture and improve the quality of life. Dental radiographs show the entire mandible. Detection of thin inferior cortices of the mandible on dental radiographs could be useful for identifying the subject with low bone mineral density (BMD) or osteoporosis. Careful expert width measurement of the inferior mandibular cortex has been shown to be predictive of low BMD. For automatic measurement of the width, active shape model is to be used. Width measured after fully automatic search are exhibit less variability than manual measurements. The original x- ray image is enhanced, cortical boundaries were determined; distances among the upper and lower boundaries were evaluated.Key words: Osteoporosis, Osteopenia, Bone Mineral Density, Mandible, Mental Foramen. Reference [1] P. Danny Allen, Jim Graham, Member, IEEE, Damian J. J. Farnell, Elizabeth J. Harrison, Reinhilde Jacobs, Kety NicopolouKarayianni, Christina Lindh, Paul F. van der Stelt, Keith Horner, and Hugh Devlin , "Detecting Reduced Bone Mineral Density From Dental Radiographs Using Statistical Shape Models ", IEEE Transaction On Information Technology in Biomedicine VOL. 11, NO. 6, November 2007. [2] P. D. Allen1, J. Graham1, D. J. J. Farnell1, E. J. Marjanovic1, J. Adams1, R. Jacobs2 , K. Karayianni3, C. Lindh4, P. F. van der Stelt5, K. Horner6, H. Devlin6., "Detecting Osteoporosis. From Dental Radiographs Using Active Shape Models" IEEE conference publication 2007 [3] M. G. Roberts, J. Graham, H. Devlin., Imaging Science and Biomedical Engineering, School of Cancer and Enabling Sciences, University of Manchester, UK. 2 School of Dentistry, University of Manchester, UK. , Improving ,"The Detecting Of Osteoporosis From Dental Radiographs using Active Appearance Models " 1424406722/07/$20.00 ©2007 IEEE [4] M S Kavitha, Akira Asano, Akira Taguchi, Takio Kurita and Mitsuhiro Sanada , BMC Medical Imaging 2012 ,"Diagnosis of osteoporosis from dental panoramic radiographs using the support vector machine method in a computer-aided system " [5] Agus Zainal Arifin, Akira Asano, Akira Taguchi, Takashi Nakamoto, "Computeraided system for measuring the mandibular cortical width on panoramic radiographs in osteoporosis diagnosis." Medical Imaging 2005: Image processing, edited by J.Michael Fitzpatrick.,Vol.5747 [6] Diane Vernetti-Callahan, RDH, BS Continuing Education," Osteoporosis: Prevention, Management, and Screening Using Dental Radiographs" [7] Hisham I. Otham, PhD, Suliman A. Ouda, PhD, "Mandibular Radiomorphometric Measurement as Indicator of Possible Osteoporosis in Celiac Patients." JKAU: Med. Sci., Vol.17 no.2, 2010 [8] S. Marandi, A. Bagherpour , M. Imanimoghaddam, MR. Hatef, AR. Haghighi, "Panoramic-Based Mandibular Indices and Bone Mineral Density of Femoral Neck and Lumbar Vertebrae in Women" Department of Oral Radiology, School of Dentistry, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad,Iran. Journal of Dentistry, Tehran University of Medical Sciences 2010; Vol. 7, No. 2 [9] B.K. Yashoda Devi 1, Nagaraju Rakesh 2, Nagi Ravleen,"Diagnostic efficacy of panoramic mandibular index to identify postmenopausal women with low bone mineral densities". Journal section: Clinical and Experimental Dentistry doi:10.4317/jced.3.e456 [10] Estera Balcikonyte, Irena Balciuniene, Vidmantas Alekna," Panoramic Radiographs in Assessment of the Bone Mineral Density" Stomatologija, Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal, 6:17-19, 2004 Vol. 6., N. 1. Shalaka S. Abhyankar, Revati Shriram |
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114. | Design Optimization Of Leaf Spring
Design Optimization Of Leaf SpringAbstract: The automobile industry has shown increased interest in the replacement of steel spring with composite leaf spring due to high strength to weight ratio. This work deals with the replacement of multi-leaf steel spring with mono composite leaf spring. Suspension system in an automobile determines the riding comfort of passengers and the amount of damage to the vehicle. The main function of leaf spring assembly as suspension element is not only to support vertical load, but also to isolate roadinduced vibrations. The behavior of leaf spring is complicated due to its clamping effects and interleaf contact etc. The objective of this paper is to replace the multi-leaf steel spring by mono composite leaf spring for the same load carrying capacity and stiffness. Since the composite materials have more elastic strain energy storage capacity and high strength-to-weight ratio as compared to those of steel. It is possible to reduce the weight of the leaf spring without any reduction on load carrying capacity and stiffness. The design constraints were limiting stresses and displacement. Modeling and analysis of both the steel and composite leaf springs have been done using ANSYS software.Reference [[1] Gary Leevy and Khoa Cao, 2004 "Evaluation of a Multi-Leaf Hybrid Springs for Automotive Suspensions" SAE paper series, 2004-01-0782 [2] Mouleeswaran SENTHIL KUMAR, Sabapathy VIJAYARANGAN, " Analytical and Experimental studies on Fatigue Life Prediction of steel and composite Multi-leaf spring for Light Passenger Vehicles using Life Data Analysis" Materials science . vol.13.No.2.2007 [3] Erdogan KILIC "Analysis of composite leaf springs" 2006, http:// www.elsevier.com [4] C.K. Clarke and G.E. Borowski " Evaluation of a leaf spring failure" ASM International 1547-7029 [5] Thimmegowda RANGASWAMY., Sabapathy VIJAYARANGAN, Optimal Sizing and Stacking Sequence of Composite Drive Shafts MATERIALS SCIENCE Vol. 11, No. 2. 2005 [6] Tirupathi R. Chandrupatla & Ashok D.Belegundu, "Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering". Third EditionPearson Education Pvt. Ltd- 2002. [7] S.S.Rao, "The Finite Element Method in Engineering". Third Edition- Butterworth Heinemann Publications-2001. [8] T.V.S.Sundarajamoorthy, N.Shanmugam " Machine Design"- Eighth EditionPublished by M.Sethuraaman, Anuradha Agencies- 2000 [9] O.P.Khanna, "Material science and metallurgy"-First edition –Dhanapati Rai Publications-1999. [10] Autar. K.Kaw, " Mechanics of Composite materials" CRC Press-1999 [11] Gummadi Sanjay, Akula Jagadeesh Kumar "Optimum design and analysis of a composite drive shaft for an automobile" Masters Degree Thesis. Malaga. Anil Kumar, T.N.Charyulu, Ch.Ramesh |
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115. | Detection And Mitigation Of Power Quality Disturbances Using DWT Technique And DVR
Detection And Mitigation Of Power Quality Disturbances Using DWT Technique And DVRAbstract: Power quality (PQ) is an issue that is becoming increasingly important to electricity consumers at all levels of usage. Improvement of PQ has a positive impact on sustain profitability of the distribution utility on the one hand and customer satisfaction on the other. To improve the power quality problems, the detection of PQ disturbances should be carried out first. The PQ problems vary in a wide range of time & frequency, which make automatic detection of PQ problems often difficult to analyse the cause of occurrence.There are numerous types of PQ disturbances according to IEEE standards that are concerned very often. As it is evident that if there is a problem then there will be a technique to solve that problem. As the same to detect the PQ problems and their disturbances waveform automatically, there are some techniques that are proposed such as Fast Fourier Transform, Short Time Fourier Transform and Wavelet Transform Technique. PQ disturbances also vary in a wide range of time and frequency and Discrete wavelet Transformation(DWT) with Fuzzy classifier have unique ability to examine the signal in time and frequency ranges. In this paper the mitigation of detected power quality problems can be done by the device Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR).Key words: Power quality, Detection of disturbance, Discrete wavelettransform, Fuzzy classifier, DVR. Reference [1] T.Lachman, A.P.Memon, T.R.Mohomad, Z.A.Memon, "Detection of Power Quality Disturbances Using Wavelet Transform Technique", International Journal For Science & Arts, Vol .1, No .1, 2010. [2] Penna, C., "Detection and Classification of Power Quality Disturbances Using the Wavelet Transform, M. Sc. Dissertation", June 2000, University Federal deUberlandia, Brazil. [3] Gaouda, A. M., Salama, M. M. A., Sultan M. R., Chikhani, A. Y., "Power Quality Detection and Classification Using Wavelet- multiresolution Signal Decomposition", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 1469- 1476, October 1999. [4] Surya Santoso, Edward J. Powers, W. Mack Grady, Peter Hofmann, "Power Quality Assessment via Wavelet Transform Analysis", IEEE transactions on Power Delivery,Vol. 11, No.2, April 1996. [5] Ibrahim W.R.Anis and Morcos M.M., 2002. Artificial intelligence and advanced mathematical tools for power quality applications: a survey, IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery,vol. 17, pp. 668-673. [6] S.V Ravi Kumar, S. Siva Nagaraju " Simulation of DVR and D-STATCOM in power systems", APRN Journal of Engineering And Applied Sciences , vol.2, No 3 jun. 2007. [7] Haque, M.H., "Compensation of distribution system voltage sag by DVR and D-STATCOM", Power Tech Proceedings, IEEE Porto, vol.1, pp.10-13, Sept. 2006. V. Usha Reddy, S. Deepika Chowdary |
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116. | Dynamic Analysis Of Structure For Looms Industry - A Parametric Study
Dynamic Analysis Of Structure For Looms Industry - A Parametric StudyAbstract: Ever since the existence of mankind, it has noticed a remarkable advancement in field of science and technology. Traditional hand weaving methods have been replaced by modern and speedy looms machine. With faster production rate, these machines proved to be a boon for textile manufacturers. However, they come with an unnoticed problem of "vibration". Hence, there arises a need to study the effects of vibrations on the structural as well as non structural components of the building. Here in this paper, an attempt has been made to study the dynamic behaviour of a structure for looms industry subjected to vibration due to looms machine; by changing the size of various structural components like beam and column.Key words: Looms Industry, Vibration, Dead Load, Time History, Displacement, Modes, Frequency Reference [1] Victor Wowk, "A Brief Tutorial on Machine Vibration", Machine Dynamics, Inc. [2] Bhatia K.G.,"Foundations For Industrial Machines And Earthquake Effects", 28th ISET Annual Lecture. [3] Shamsher Prakash and Vijay K. Puri, "Foundations For Vibrating Machines", Special Issue, April-May 2006, of the Journal of Structural Engineering, SERC, Madras. INDIA [4] George Gazetas "Analysis of Machine Foundation Vibration: State of Art", Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 1983, Vol 2, No 1. [5] Srinivasulu P. And Vaidyanathan C.V, "Handbook of Machine Foundations", Tata Mcgraw –Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2003. [6] Cyril M. Harris, "Harris' Shock and Vibration Handbook, 2002. [7] Hasmukhrai B., "Fabric Forming", Cooperative Stores Ltd., 1996. [8] Barkan D. D., " Dynamics of Bases and Foundations" , Mcgraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. Jigar K. Sevalia, Sarthi B. Bhavsar, Sunil H. Kukadiya, Yogesh D. Rathod, Gaurang A.Parmar |
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117. | Optimization and Regression Analysis of Surface Roughness for Electric Discharge Machining of EN-19 Alloy steel using Tungsten Copper Electrode
Optimization and Regression Analysis of Surface Roughness for Electric Discharge Machining of EN-19 Alloy steel using Tungsten Copper ElectrodeAbstract: In this paper, machining of EN-19 has been carried out using rectangular shaped tungsten copper electrode to study the influences of EDM input parameters on surface roughness. The selected EDM input variables are input current (5-45 Amperes), pulse time (10-90 sec.), duty cycle (3-7), Gap voltage (6-18) and Flushing pressure (0.1-0.5). Regression analysis is carried out to ensure a least squared fitting to error surface in Minitab 15 environment. Regression analysis has been performed to find out the relationship between input factors and surface roughness. A mathematical model was developed using multiple regression method to formulate the gap voltage, pulse on time, pulse off time and flushing pressure to the surface roughness. The developed model showed high prediction accuracy within the experimental region. Design of experiments was used to design the experiments with coded levels of input parameters and optimum responses were determined through response surface methodology.Key words: Design of Experiments, Surface roughness, Regression Analysis Reference [1] H. Zarepour, A.F. Tehrani, D. Karimi, and S. Amini, "Statistical analysis on electrode wears in EDM of tool steel DIN 1.2714 used in forging dies," J. Mater Process Tech., vol. 188, pp. 711–714, 2007. [2] Hassan, EI Hofy. (2005): Advanced Machining Processes, McGraw-Hill, pp. 36-37. [2] Box, G.E.P., Hunter, W.G., and Hunter, J.S., 1978, Statistics for Experimenters, John Wiley & Sons, NY. [3] Montgomery, D. C., Design and Analysis of Experiments, 2000, Wiley, New York. 5 th Edition. [4] D.C. Montgomery and G.C. Runger, Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers, 1994, John Wiley and Sons, Inc, New York. [5] Aminollah et.al. Statistical analysis of wire electrical discharge turning on material removal rate, Journal of Materials Processing Technology 205 (2008) 283-289. [6] E. Harrington, The desirability function, Industrial Quality Control, vol.21, no. 10, 1965, pp. 494–498. [7] G. Derringer, R. Suich, Simultaneous optimization of several response variables, Journal of Quality Technology, vol. 12, no. 4, 1980, pp. 214–218. [8] Kun-Lin Hsieh, Lee-Ing Tong, Hung-Pin Chiu and Hsin-Ya Yeh, Optimization of a multi- response problem in Taguchi's dynamic system, Computers & Industrial Engineering, vol. 49, 2005, pp. 556–571. [9] Karin (2010): Using the Response Surface Method to Optimize the Turning Process of AISI 12L14 Steel, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Advances in Mechanical Engineering Vol 2010, 6pages 771-776./span> Manish Vishwakarma, Vishal Parashar, V.K.Khare |
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118. | Optimum Metal-Semiconductor Contact for Cadmium Sulphide Thin Film
Optimum Metal-Semiconductor Contact for Cadmium Sulphide Thin FilmAbstract: Activation Energy is an important feature in determining the formation of ohmic contact on a semiconducting material. Activation energy depends on workfunction of the semiconductor. Thus, there is a good co-relation between the ohmicity, activation energy and workfunction. In this work, Cadmium Sulphide (CdS) thin film of 2 µm thickness is the semiconducting material fabricated using Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD) technique at different anneal temperatures in vacuum for 2 hours. From Four-probe, photo-response and spectroscopic measurements of CdS thin films, optimum anneal temperature is obtained. Aluminium, Nickel, Silver and Copper are the metallic contact points deposited on these fabricated films using Physical Vapour Deposition (PVD) technique. These MetalSemiconductor (M-S) contacts are annealed in vacuum at 200ºC for 1hour. Current-Voltage (IV) measurements are recorded for these M-S contacts at different temperatures. Electrical parameters are obtained for both un-annealed and annealed M-S contacts. Annealed M-S contacts give better results than un-annealed M-S contacts. The present paper has dealt with the estimation of optimum M-S contact on CdS thin film in the light of M-S contact parameters and activation energy.Key words: Activation Energy, Annealing, Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD), MetalSemiconductor (M-S) contacts, Ohmicity, Physical Vapour Deposition (PVD), Thin films, Workfunction Reference [1] L.E. Brus, Appl. Phys. A 53, 1991, p-465. [2] Y. Wang, N. Herron, J. Phys. Chem. 95, 1991, p- 525. [3] A. Hengelein, Top. Curr. Chem. 143, 1988, p- 113. [4] T. Inokuma, T. Arai, M. Ishikawa, Phys. Rev. B 42, 1990, p-1623. [5] N.N. Greenwood, E.A. Earnshaw, Chemistry of the Elements, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1990, p-1403. [6] M.G. Bawendi, P.J. Carroll, W.L. Wilson, L.E. Brus, J. Phys. Chem., 96, 1992, p- 1335. [7] W. Hoheisel, V.L. Colvin, C.S. Johnson, A.P. Alivisatos, J. Chem. Phys., 101, 1994, p-8455. [8] C.B. Murry, C.R. Kagan, M.G. Bawendi, Science, 270, 1995, p-1335. [9] R. Rosseti, R. Hill, J.M. Gibson, L.E. Brus, J. Chem. Phys., 82, 1995, p-552. [10] M.L. Steigerwald, L.E. Brus, Annu. Rev. Mater. Sci., 19, 1988, p-471. Dr. Monisha Chakraborty |
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119. | Laboratory Assessment To Correlate DCP And Optimum Moisture Content With Strength Characteristic Of Subgrade
Laboratory Assessment To Correlate DCP And Optimum Moisture Content With Strength Characteristic Of SubgradeAbstract: In this research a laboratory investigation has been performed on the soil from different locations of Gujarat, India to Correlate Optimum moisture content (OMC) Dynamic Cone Penetration (DCP) test values with strength parameters of subgrade. In-situ condition has been made in laboratory using bigger testing mould and various tests like Liquid Limit, Plastic limit as well as CBR, PBT, UCS and DCP were carried out on repetitive samples of Maximum Dry Densities achieved through modified proctor effect in soaked condition. The empirical correlations have been developed among test results using multiple variable linear regression procedure. The formulations are formalized using other sets of tests data. The developed empirical correlations may be beneficial to approximate time consuming strength characteristic as well as physical properties at various locations within area under consideration using simple and rapid DCP test.Key words: CBR, DCP, OMC, MDD, PBT, Subgrade, UCS. Reference [1] Harison, J.R. (1983). "Correlation between CBR and DCP strength Measurements of Soils," Proc. Institution of Civil Engineers London, Part-2. [2] Harison, J.R. (1987). "Correlation between California Bearing Ratio and Dynamic Cone Penetrometer Strength Measurement of Soils," Proc. Institution of CivilEngineers, London, Part-2, pp. 83-87. [3] IS: 2720 (Part-3, Section-1)-1980, Methods of Test ForSoils: Part-3 Determination of Specific Gravity, Section 1 Fine Grained Soils. [4] IS: 1498 -1970, Classification and Identification of Soils for General Engineering Purposes. [5] IS: 1888-1982, Method of Load Test on Soils. [6] IS:2720 (Part-4)-1985, Methods of Test for Soils: Part -4 Grain Size Analysis. [7] IS:2720 (Part-5)-1985, "Methods of Test for Soils: Determination of Atterberg's limits." [8] IS: 2720 (Part-10) – 1973, Method Test for Soil: Part-10 Determination of Unconfined Compressive Strength. [9] IS: 2720 (Part-16) -1983, Indian Standard Method of Test for Soils, Laboratory Determination of "CBR". [10] IS: 2720 (Part-8), Method of test of Soils: Part -8 Determination of Water ContentDry Density Relation using Heavy Compaction. Mukesh A. Patel, Dr. H.S. Patel |
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120. | Improve Power Quality And Reduce The Harmonics Distortion Of Sensitive Load
Improve Power Quality And Reduce The Harmonics Distortion Of Sensitive LoadAbstract: This paper discusses design and simulation of dynamic voltage restorer for improve power quality & reduce the harmonics distortion of sensitive load. Electronics devices are very sensitive load against harmonics. DVR proposed not only to improve PQ but also to reduce HD due to the presence of non-linear load. The DVR consists of injection transformer, filter, ESS, VSI and control system. The basic function of injection transformer is to connect the DVR to the distribution network via the HVwdg. In DVR LC filter can be achieved by eliminating the unwanted harmonics. The ESS can be suitable capacity. The ESS such as battery is responsible to supply energy in DC form. A VSI is a power electronics system consist of switching device which can generate a sinusoidal voltage. The disturbance is carried out with the help of d-q-0method. Simulation results carried out by MATLAB verify the performance of the given method.Key words: Harmonics, Power quality problem, injection transformer, ESS, VSI, Filter, d-q-0, MATLAB Reference 1. Roger C. Dugan, Mark f. Mcgranaghan, Dr. Surya Santos and H. Wayne Beaty, "Electrical power system quality", Tata McGraw Hills publications, 2002. 2. K. R. Padiyar, FACTS CONTROLLERS IN POWER TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION, NEW AGE INTERNATIONAL (P) LIMITED, PUBLISHERS 3. J.B Dixit,Electrical power quality 4. S.Sadaiappan,Modelling and simulation of series compensator to mitigate power quality problem,IJESTVol. 2 (12), 2010, 7385-7394 5. Choi, S.S., Wang, T.X., and Sng, E.K.: "Power quality enhancement in an isolated power system through series compensation'. Proceedings of 15th Power System Computation Conference, Liege, Belgium, August 2005,Section 22, pp.1-7 6. Wang.T.X. and Choi S. S.," Enhancement of Voltage Quality in Isolated Power Systems" IEEE Transactions on power delivery, Vol. 22, No. 2, April 2007. 7. Leela.S, Dash. S.S., "Control of Three Level Inverter Based Dynamic Voltage Restorer" Journal of Theoretical andApplied Information Technology, Vol.8, No. 1, 2009. pp-13-17. 8. Rosli Omar, Nasrudin Abd Rahim, Marizan Sulaiman" Modeling and Simulation for Voltage Sags/ Swells Mitigation using Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR)" Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol.5, No. 4, 2009, pp-464- 470. 9. Eng Kian Kenneth Sng, Choi, S.S., and D.Mahinda vilahgamuwa.: "Analysis of series compensation and DC-link voltage control of a transformerless self-charging Dynamic Voltage Restorer". IEEE transactions on power delivery, Vol. 19, No. 3, July 2004, pp. 1511-1518. 10. N.H.Woodley,A.Sundaram,B. CoulterandD.Morris,"Dynamic voltage restorer demonstration project experience," 12th Conf. Electric Power Supply Industry(CEPSI), Pattaya, Thailand,1998. Sandesh Jain, Prof.Shivendra Singh Thakur, Prof.S.P.Phulambrikar |
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121. | Design and Performance Analysis of Energy Efficient Routing Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Network
Design and Performance Analysis of Energy Efficient Routing Algorithm for Wireless Sensor NetworkAbstract: Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are communication networks, which integrate sensor techniques, embedded techniques and distributed information processing techniques. One of the issues in smart sensor networks is achieving energy efficient operation because of the limited available power. In many biomedical applications, the locations of sensor nodes are fixed and the placement can be predetermined. In this paper, the Directional Source Aware Protocol (DSAP) is described along with the principle and a new Energy Efficient DSAP is proposed to minimize the usage of available energy or power in sensor nodes. A few extra bits are transmitted in the header to inform all the neighbors about next immediate receiver, which is the future source for the next transmission. Energy efficiency is achieved by keeping the neighbors of transmitting node in sleep mode and the intended receiver on.In this work different routes and topologies are considered. The energy consumed by the nodes and the lifetime of the network are analyzed.Reference [1] C. Patel, S. M. Chai, S. Yalamanchili, and D. E. Schimmel.Power/Performance Tradeoffs for Direct Networks. In ParallelComputer Routing & Communication Workshop, pages 193– 206, July 1997 [2] W. R. Heinzelman, A. Chandrakasan, and H. Balakrishnan.Energy-Efficient Communication Protocol for Wireless MicrosensorNetworks. In Proc. Of Hawaiian Int'l Conf. On Systems Science, January 2000. [3] A.Wang,W. R. Heinzelman, and A. Chandrakasan. Energy-Scalable Protocols for Battery-Operated Microsensor Networks.In Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems, pages 483–492, October 1999. [4] W. R. Heinzelman, J. Kulik, and H. Balakrishnan. Adaptive Protocols for Information Dissemination inWireless Sensor Networks. In Proceedings of the Fifth Annual ACM/IEEEInternational Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking(MobiCom '99), pages 174– 185, August 1999. [5]J. Kulik, W. R. Heinzelman, and H. Balakrishnan.Negotiation-based Protocols for Disseminating Information inWireless Sensor Networks. In ACM MOBICOM, 99. [6] J. Chen, K. M. Sivalingam, and P. Agrawal. Performance Comparison of Battery Power Consumption in Wireless Multiple Access Protocols. Wireless Networks, 5(6):445–460, 1999. [7] L. Hu. Topology Control for Multihop Packet Radio Networks. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 41(10):1474–1481, October 1993. [8] R. Ramanathan and R. Rosales-Hain. Topology Control of Multihop Wireless Networks using Transmit Power Adjustment.In INFOCOM, pages 404–413, 2000. [9] Z. Tang and J. J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves. A Protocol for Topology-Dependent Transmission Scheduling in Wireless Networks. In IEEE Wireless Communications and NetworkingConference, 1999. [10] A. Salhieh, J. Weinmann, M. Kochhal, and L. Schwiebert.Power Efficient Topologies forWireless Sensor Networks. In International Conference on Parallel Processing, pages 156-163, Sep 2001. [11] Samir El Haddad, Marc Girod-Genet and Bachar El Hassan, Simulation and Refinement of Directional Source Aware Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks.Inforation and Communication Technologies Conference 2006 [12] Ian F. Akyildiz, weillian Su, Yogesh Sankarasubramaniam,and Erdal cayirci, Wireless Sensor Networks: Asurvey. Comput.er Networks, 38:393-422,2002. Amit Sharma, Kshitij Shinghal, Neelam Srivastava |
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122. | A Novel Sequence Generator Replacing LFSR For Hardwired
A Novel Sequence Generator Replacing LFSR For Hardwired BIST Of SRAMAbstract: This paper has emphasis on the novel sequence generation for the hardwired built in self test (BIST) of static random access memory (SRAM). It reduces the testing time of SRAM by generating all the pattern sequence in less time. BIST is a design technique that allows a circuit to test itself. Linear feedback shift register (LFSR) was used for the sequence generation in the BIST but novel sequence generator is better than LFSR for BIST of SRAM. The novel designing of the sequence generator has done with the help of synchronous up and down counter. The up and down counter has used here is of 4 bits and the corresponding addresses are also of 4 bits but there is a unique transition take place. The switching between the sequence of the up and down counter generates the sequence which is fulfilling the requirement for the BIST purpose. This requires very little hardware overhead so the area is reduced which on the other hand reduced cost as well as power. The necessary sequences which have required for detecting the faults such stuck at/open faults, transition faults, etc. It can be detected easily with the help of this sequence generator. The large number of sequences can be generated with the help of cascading the smaller module. It is more efficient than LFSR. The whole designing has done in the 180 nm technology in Cadence's spectre, virtuoso & assura tool.Key words: BIST, LFSR, SRAM, sequence generator, and counter. Reference [1] Bardel, McAnney, and Savir, "Built-In Test for VLSI: Pseudorandom Techniques, " John Wiley and Sons, 1987. [2] L.Wang and E. J. McCluskey, "Circuits for Pseudo exhaustive test pattern generation," IEEE Trans.Comput.-Aided Des., vol. 7, no. 10, pp.1068–1080, Oct. 1988. [3] M. Lowy, "Parallel implementation of linear feedback shift register for low power applications," IEEE Trans. CircuitsSyst. II, Analog Digit. Signal Process., vol. 43, no. 6, Jun.1996 [4] Dipert, Brian, "Shattering the programmable-logic speed barrier," EDN, May 22, 1997, pg 37. [5] T. Lang, E. Musoll, and J. Cortadella, "Individual flip-flops with gated clocks for low power data paths," IEEE Trans.Circuits Syst. II, Analog Digit. Signal Process, vol. 44, no. 6,pp. 507–516, Jun. 1997. [6] M. E. Hamid and C. H. Chen, "A note to low-power linearfeedback shift registers," IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II, Analog Digit. Signal Process, vol. 45, no. 9, pp. 1304– 1307, Sep.1998. [7] R.David, "Random Testing of Digital Circuits. Theory and Application," New York: Marcel Dekker, 1998. [8] Al-Asaad & Mayank Shringi, "Builtin SelfTest For operational Faults,"IEEE Design & Test of Computers, Vol.15, No. 4, pp. 17- 24, November 1998 [9] L. Benini, A. Bogliolo, and G. D. Micheli, "A survey of design techniques for systemlevel dynamic power management," IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integr. (VLSI) Syst., vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 299–316, Jun. 2000. [10] G. Palumbo, F. Pappalardo, and S. Sannella, "Evaluation on power reduction applying gated clock approach," Proc.IEEE ISCAS 2002, vol. 44, pp. IV85– IV88, May 2002. [11] R. S. Katti, X. Ruan, and H. Khattri, "Multiple-Output low power linear feedback shift register design," IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I,Reg. Papers, Shubhankar Majumdar, Muhammad Khalid |
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123. | Design and Analysis of Table for Micro Milling
Design and Analysis of Table for Micro MillingAbstract: Micro-milling is a traditional milling process that has been scaled down to micron level. However due to the small diameter tools used in the process, micro-milling is significantly different than conventional milling in a variety of factors, viz. cutting forces, tool run-out, metal removal rate, table/bed movement etc.. Micro-milling is an enabling technology that may allow rapid and economic fabrication of meso-scale components with micro-scale features. At present stage, the activities of design, development and manufacturing of micromachine tool in India it at preliminary state. There is a huge gap exist between the technology available abroad and Indigenous. This identifying the need study of different parameters which affects the performance as well the accuracy of micro milling machine. This study gives the methodology for improvement accuracy as well performance of micromilling machine Table.Key words: Micro, Milling, Micron, meso-scale etc. Reference 1. Dehong Huo, KaiCheng, Frank Wardle, 2009, "A holistic integrated dynamic design and modeling approach applied to the development of ultraprecision micromilling machines", International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 50 (2010) pp. 335–343. 2. Jay Prakash Pathak, 2003, "Design, Assembly, and Testing of an Ultra High Speed Micro-Milling Spindle", University of Florida. 3. Johannes Schneider, "Mechanical Design of a Desktop Milling Machine for Fabrication in an Introductory Machining", Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2010. 4. Micro Mill instruction Manual, www.procontechnologu.com.au 5. S K Basu, D K Pal, "Design of Machine Tools", pp38-40. 6. G C Sen, A Bhattacharaya, "Principles of Machine Tool", pp44-46. 7. N K Mehta, " Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control", pp178-181. R R Honkalas,P M Pawar,B P Ronge |
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124. | Real-time Monitoring and Preventive Measures of Leakage Accidents in Gas and Petrochemical Industries using Zigbee
Real-time Monitoring and Preventive Measures of Leakage Accidents in Gas and Petrochemical Industries using ZigbeeAbstract: This method develops hardware and software for detection, location of gas leakages and prevention of accidents in gas, chemical and petroleum industries. This entire approach is developed based on Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). Based on ARM7 processor, ZIGBEE modules this system can be easily developed and can meet the preventive measures for controlling accidents and to reduce economy, human loss greatly. In previous approaches of wired networks we couldn't detect leakages in real time, locate leakage point it occurred exactly and prevent leakage accidents immediately it occurs[1]. In this method we can overcome this easily and can reduce loss greatly.Key words: Zigbee, Gas sensor, Temperature sensor, Pumping motor, Leakage, ARM7 Processor Reference [1] Development on Gas Leak Detection and Location System Based on Wireless Sensor Networks-Ding Chengjun, Liu Ximao, Duan Ping School of Mechanical Engineering, Hebei University of Technology,Tianjin,300130,China [2] Multi-level planning for protective action making under toxic-gas leakage-Wei Wang; 2011 International conference on Digital object identifiers [3] A Wireless Sensor Network-Based Infrastructure for Real-Time and Online Pipeline Inspection- mahmoud Meribout, IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, VOL. 11, NO.11, NOVEMBER 2011 [4] Computer Simulation on Industry Pipeline Gas Leakage and Dispersion. Fourth International conference on digital object identifier-2011; Dehong Zhou [5] www.ti.com [6] Jin-Shyan Lee, Chun-Chieh Chuang, and Chung- Chou Shen. "Applications of Short-Range Wireless Technologies to Industrial Automation: A ZigBee Approach", 2009 Fifth Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications, 2009 IEEE [7] Liu Yanfei Wang Cheng Qiao Xiaojun Zhang,"An Improved Design of Zigbee Wireless Sensor Network"978-1-4244- 4520-2/09/$25.00 2009 IEEE. P.Ram Bhupal, M.Soujanya |
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125. | Study of Modeling and Fracture Analysis of Camshaft A Review
Study of Modeling and Fracture Analysis of Camshaft A ReviewAbstract: Camshaft is used in the engine for transfers' motion to inlet & exhaust valve. If transfer of motion is not proper then the strokes of the engine will not done in proper way. It also effects on performance of engine. To make work of camshaft in precise way, it is require in order to design a good mechanism linkage of camshaft. To design good mechanism linkages the dynamic behavior of the components must be considered, this includes the mathematical behavior of physical model . In this case, introduction of two mass, single degree of freedom and multiple degree of freedom dynamic models of cam follower systems are studied. In four strokes engine one of the most important component is camshaft, such a important part and that over the years subject of extensive research. In this study, causes of fracture of camshaft are discuses. By using scanning electron microscopy and finite element analysis methods are used for fracture analysis of camshaft.Key words: Camshaft, Fracture analysis, Stress analysis, Dynamic models. Reference 1] Bayrakceken H, Ucun I. & Tasgetiren S. "Fracture analysis of a camshaft made from nodular cast iron". [ 1240-1245] 3 NOV 2005 2] Paradon V. "An Impact Model for Industrial Cam-Follower System: Simulation And Experiment". [ 01-11] 11 th OCT, 2007 3] Zehnder A. " Notes of Fracture Mechanics" Available on http://en.Wikipedia.Org/wiki A.S.Dhavale, V.R.Muttagi |
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126. | A Survey on Privacy Preserving Decision Tree Classifier
A Survey on Privacy Preserving Decision Tree ClassifierAbstract: In recent year's privacy preservation in data mining has become an important issue. A new class of data mining method called privacy preserving data mining algorithm has been developed. The aim of these algorithms is protecting the sensitive information in data while extracting knowledge from large amount of data. The extracted knowledge is generally expressed in the form of cluster, decision tree or association rule allow one to mine the information. Several data modification technique like randomization method, anonymization method, distributed privacy technique have been developed to incorporating privacy mechanism and allow to hide sensitive pattern or itemset before data mining process is executed. This paper mainly focuses on general classification technique decision tree classifier for preserving privacy. It presents a survey on decision tree learning on various privacy techniques.Key words: Data Mining, Decision Tree Classifiers, Perturbation, Privacy Preserving Data Mining, Splitting Criteria Reference [1] R. Agrawal and R. Srikant. Privacypreserving data mining. In ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, pages 439–450. ACM, 2000. [2] Y. Lindell and B. Pinkas. Privacy preserving data mining. In Advances in Cryptology, volume 1880 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 36–53. Springer-Verlag, 2000. [3] Lior Rokach and Oded Maimon "TopDown Induction of Decision Trees Classifiers – A Survey", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS, MAN AND CYBERNETICS: PART C, VOL. 1, NO. 11, NOVEMBER 2002 [4] Jiawei Han, Micheline Kamber, "Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques", Morgan Kaufmann, 2001. [5] Lior Rokach, Oded Maimon Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Handbook Second edition pages 167-192, Springer Science + Business Media,2010 [6] L. Breiman, J. Friedman, R. Olshen, and C. Stone. Classification and Regression Trees. Wadsworth Int. Group, 1984. [7] J.R. Quinlan, Simplifying decision trees, International Journal of Man- Machine Studies, 27, 221-234, 1987. [8] L. Hyafil and R. L. Rivest, "Constructing Optimal Binary Decision Trees is {NP}- Complete," Inf. Process. Lett, vol. 5, pp. 15-17, 1976. [9] J. R. Quinlan. C4.5: Programs for Machine Learning. Morgan Kaufmann, 1993. [10] J. Dowd, S. Xu, and W. Zhang, "PrivacyPreserving Decision Tree Mining Based on Random Substitions," Proc. Int'l Conf. Emerging Trends in Information and Comm. Security (ETRICS '06), pp. 145- 159, 2006. Tejaswini Pawar, Prof. Snehal Kamalapur |
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127. | Design, Development & Performance Evaluation Of Concentrating Monoaxial Scheffler Technology For Water Heating And Low Temperature Industrial Steam Application
Design, Development & Performance Evaluation Of Concentrating Monoaxial Scheffler Technology For Water Heating And Low Temperature Industrial Steam ApplicationAbstract: This study reveals the Design, Fabrication and Performance Evaluation for 2 bar pressure and 110 o C temperature cooking application using 16 m 2 Scheffler reflector. The Scheffler along with mild steel absorber plate of size, 18 cm ø and 2.5 cm thick was evaluated for performance in month of February 2012 at composite climate zone. During the performance it was observed that solar radiation over the day varies from 620 W/ m 2 to 937 W/ m 2 . The instantaneous efficiency decreases with increase in radiation. Absorber plate temperature varies from 138 o C to 235 o C, while maximum steam temperature achieved was 107 o C at the outlet of the boiler. The overall efficiency achieved was 57.41 % which appears on higher side as compared to parabolic trough devices. The paper conclude achievement of concentrating solar thermal devices using Scheffler technology for water heating and low pressure, temperature steam applications in industries as textiles, dairies, food industry etc.Key words: Concentrating Solar Thermal, Instantaneous Efficiency Overall Efficiency, Performance Evaluation, Scheffler Reflector. Reference [1] Rupesh J. Patil, Gajanan K. Awari , Mahendra P. Singh, Comparison of performance analysis of scheffler relector and model formulation Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 4, No.10, 2011, 0974- 6846 [2] A. Munir, O. Hensel, Investigation of optimal thermal parameters for essential oils extraction using laboratory and solar distillation systems, CIGR Journal, Volume 12, No. 1, 2010, 1332 [3] Ajay Chandak, Sunil K. Somani, Deepak Dubey, Design, Development And Testing of Multieffect Distiller/Evaporator Using Scheffler Solar Concentrators, Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Vol. 4, No. 3, 2009, 315-321 [4] Joshua Folaranmi, Design, Construction and Testing of a Parabolic Solar Steam Generator, Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and Technologies, Vol 14, 2009. 1583-1078 [5] A.R. El Ouederni1, M. Ben Salah, F. Askri, M. Ben Nasrallah and F. Aloui, Experimental study of a parabolic solar concentrator, Revue des Energies Renouvelables Vol. 12, No. 3, 2009, 395- 404 [6] Olfa Helal, Béchir Chaouachi and Slimane Gabsi, Development and performance analysis of an integrated collector storage solar water heater, Proc. International Renewable Energy Congress Sousse, Tunisia, 2010. 87-93 [7] A.Munir, O.Hensel and W.Scheffler, Design Principal and Calculations of a Scheffler fixed focus concentrator for medium temperature applications, Solar Energy 84 (2010) 1490-1502 [8] S.D.Odeh,M.Behnia, G.L.Morrison,Perfor mance Evaluation of Solar Thermal Electric Generation Systems, Energy Conversion and Management Volume 44, No.15, 2003, 0196-8904 [9] José M. Arenas, Design, Development and Testing of a Portable Parabolic Solar Kitchen, Renewable Energy Volume 32, No.2, 2007, 257-266 [10] Anjum Munir, Design development & Modelling of a Solar Distillation System for the processing of Medicinal & Aromatic plants, University of Kassel, Germany, 2010. Vishal R. Dafle, Prof. N.N.Shinde |
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128. | Non-Edible Karanja Biodiesel- A Sustainable Fuel for C.I. Engine
Non-Edible Karanja Biodiesel- A Sustainable Fuel for C.I. EngineAbstract: Biodiesel are becoming popular as alternative eco-friendly fuel now days. The petroleum product requirement is going on increasing day by day in India with limited resources in the oil pool. Crisis of petroleum fuel and import of fossil fuel is giving a high impact on the economy and development. Besides the economy and development, fossil fuel also leads to a major problem like global warming and climatic change. The emission of harmful gasses like CO, NOx, CO2, and smoke density causes acid rain, health hazard and also global warming. The high oil price, environmental concern and supply instability put many researchers to go for alternative fuel i.e. biodiesel. Biodiesel is part of the solution which reduced many of the problems. The objectives of this study are the production process, fuel properties, oil content, engines testing and performance analysis of biodiesel from karanja oil which is known as Karanja oil methyl ester(KOME). Engine tests have been carried out in a water cooled four stroke diesel engine and experimental investigation have been carried out to examine properties, performance and emission of different blends of KOME.Key words: Biodiesel, karanja oil methyl ester, KOME, performance, emission Reference [1] Nagarhalli M.V. et al. 2010 Emission and Performance Characteristics of Karanja Biodiesel and its blends in C.I. Engine and it's economics. Vol.5 No2 Feb.2010, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences. [2] H.Raheman and A.G. Phadatare et al., Emissions and Performance of Diesel Engine from Blends of Karaja Methyl Ester )Biodiesel and Diesel. [3] Nitin Shrivastava et al., 2012, A comparative study of the behavior of biodiesels of different origins on the diesel engine performance and emission. IRACST Vol-2 No.4 August 2012 Page 766-770 [4] Ramchandra.S et.al.,2011Performance Characterization of single cylinder DI diesel engine fueled with karanja biodiesel. Proceedings of the world congress on engineering 2011 VolIIIWCE 2011, July6-8 2011 [5] Millettia pinnata From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [6] Minor oil crops...corporate document repository [7] S.K. Acharya et.al.,2011 Performance analysis of Karanja and kusum oils as alternative bio diesel fuel in diesel engine –Int J Agric & Biol Eng Vol-4 No-2 June 2011 [8] WWW.oilgae.com/ref/.../hexanesolvent_oil_extraction h.._US [9] Sahoo P.K et.al.,2007, Biodiesel development from high acid value polanga seed oil and performance evalution in a CI engine. Fuel. 2007 ; 86: 448-454 [10] F. Ma and M. A. Hanna, "Biodiesel production: a review," Bioresource Technology, vol. 70, no. 1, pp. 1-15, Oct. 1999. [11] M.K.Mohanty et al., 2012, Biodiesel Production from various tree borne oilJournal of Bio fuel Vol-1, June-12 [12] S.S.Ragit, Thesis report on Process standardizations, characterization and experimental investigation on the performance of biodiesel fuelled C.I. Engine [13] Home>>Bioblog>>RickDaTech,s Blog >>specific gravity and biodiesel written by Rickdatech N.Panigrahi, M.K.Mohanty, A.K.Pradhan |
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129. | Implementation of Hybrid CSA, Modified Booth Algorithm and Transient power Minimization techniques in DSP/Multimedia Applications
Implementation of Hybrid CSA, Modified Booth Algorithm and Transient power Minimization techniques in DSP/Multimedia ApplicationsAbstract: In Very Large Scale Integration, Low power VLSI design is necessary to meet MOORE'S law and to produce consumer electronics with more back up and less weight. Multiplication occurs frequently in finite impulse response filters, fast Fourier transforms, discrete cosine transforms, convolution, and other important DSP and multimedia kernels. The objective of a good multiplier is to provide a physically compact, good speed and low power consuming chip. To save significant power consumption of a VLSI design, it is a good direction to reduce its dynamic power. In this paper we propose three techniques Hybrid csa,modified booth algorithm and transient power minimization method.. This paper adopts the above three methods in Multiplier,VMFU and multitransform design for H.264(ETD) . In Hybrid csa Method we proposed a new architecture of multiplier-and-accumulator (MAC) for high-speed arithmetic. By combining multiplication with accumulation and devising a hybrid type of carry save adder (CSA), the performance was improved.In Modified booth algorithm technique The modified booth encoder will reduce the number of partial products generated by a factor of 2. In The transient power minimization method SPST adder will avoid the unwanted addition and thus minimize the switching power dissipation. By using these Three techniques We can attain 30% speed improvement and 22% power reduction in Design units of DSP/multimedia Applications. The design units, multiplier, VMFU and ETD plays major role in DSP/Multimedia Applications.Key words: Versatile Multimedia Functional Unit(VMFU), Efficient Multi-Transform coding design(ETD), Modified booth encoder (MBE), Spurious Power suppression Technique Equipped Adder (SPST ADDER), Sum of Absolute Difference (SAD), Moore's Law. Reference [1] New vlsi architecture of parallel multiplieraccumulator based on radix-2 modified booth algorithm Ho Seo and Dong-Wook Kim,IEEE Volume 18,No2 Feb 2010 [2] A Spurious power suppression Technique for multimedia/Dsp applications,IEEE Transations,Vol 56,No.1, Kuan-Hung Chen,Yuan-Sun Chu. [3] C. S. Wallace, ―A suggestion for a fast multiplier,‖ IEEE Trans. Electron Comput., vol. EC-13, no. 1, pp. 14–17, Feb. 1964. [4] A. R. Cooper, ―Parallel architecture modified Booth multiplier,‖ Proc. Inst. Electr. Eng. G, vol. 135, pp. 125–128, 1988. [5] N. R. Shanbag and P. Juneja, ―Parallel implementation of a 4�4-bit multiplier using modified Booth's algorithm,‖ IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits,vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 1010–1013, Aug. 1988. [6] J. Fadavi-Ardekani, ―M�N Booth encoded multiplier generator using optimizedWallace trees,‖ IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integr. (VLSI)Syst., vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 120–125, Jun. 1993. [7] N. Ohkubo, M. Suzuki, T. Shinbo, T. Yamanaka, A. Shimizu, K.Sasaki, and Y. Nakagome, ―A 4.4 ns CMOS 54�54 multiplier using pass-transistor multiplexer,‖ IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 30, no.3, pp. 251–257, Mar. 1995. [8] A. Tawfik, F. Elguibaly, and P. Agathoklis, ―New realization and implementation of fixed-point IIR digital filters,‖ J. Circuits, Syst., Comput., vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 191–209, 1997. [9] A. Tawfik, F. Elguibaly, M. N. Fahmi, E. Abdel-Raheem, and P.Agathoklis, ―Highspeed area-efficient inner-product processor,‖ Can. J. Electr. Comput. Eng., vol. 19, pp. 187–191, 1994. [10] F. Elguibaly and A. Rayhan, ―Overflow handling in inner-product processors,‖in Proc. IEEE Pacific Rim Conf. Commun., Comput., Signal Process., Aug. 1997, pp. 117–120. [11] F. Elguibaly, ―A fast parallel multiplier– accumulator using the modified Booth algorithm,‖ IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst., vol. 27, no. 9, pp.902–908, Sep. 2000. [12] A. Fayed and M. Bayoumi, ―A merged multiplier-accumulator for high speed signal processing applications,‖ Proc. ICASSP, vol. 3, pp.3212–3215, 2002. [13] P. Zicari, S. Perri, P. Corsonello, and G. Cocorullo, ―An optimized adder accumulator for high speed MACs,‖ Proc. ASICON 2005, vol.2, pp. 757–760, 2005. [14] T. Sakurai and A. R. Newton, ―Alphapower law MOSFET model and its applications to CMOS inverter delay and other formulas,‖ IEEE J.Solid-State Circuits, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 584–594, Feb. 1990. [15] A. D. Booth, ―A signed binary multiplication technique,‖ Quart. J.Math., vol. IV, pp. 236–240, 1952. K. Srishylam, Prof. Syed Amjad Ali, M.Praveena |
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130. | Introducing GA based Computational Model using SVD Technique for Dimensionality Reduction
Introducing GA based Computational Model using SVD Technique for Dimensionality ReductionAbstract: This paper presents a survey of dimensionality reduction by SVD and how high dimensional data is transformed into a low dimensional vector space. SVD technique can be applied to many computations like Pseudo inverse, solving homogeneous linear equations, Low-rank matrix approximation, Nearest orthogonal matrix etc which is necessary for cluster analysis. This paper also tries to reflect the research profile of Evolutionary algorithm based approach for dimensionality reduction. Based on this survey, SVD based system for dimensionality reduction is proposed.Key words: Clustering, Dimensionality Reduction, Information Retrieval, Latent Semantic Indexing, Singular Value Decomposition. Reference [1] Wei Song, Soon Cheol Park, "An Efficient Method of Genetic Algorithm for Text Clustering Based on Singular Value Decomposition", Division of Electronics and Information Engineering, Chonbuk National University, Korea,(7th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology,0-7695-2983- 6/07), DOI 10.1109/CIT.2007.197 ©2007. [2] Tony F. Chan, "An Improved Algorithm for Computing the Singular Value Decomposition", Yale University, (ACM,Trans. Math. Softw. 8, 1 (Mar.1982)), 84-88. [3] Vittorio Castelli, Alexander Thomasian and Chung Sheng Li, "CSVD: Clustering and Singular Value Decomposition for Approximate Similarity Searches in High Dimensional Spaces", IBM Research Division and CS&E Dept. at Univ. of Connecticut, June 12, 2000. [4] A. Civril, M. Magdon Ismail, "Column subset selection via sparse approximation of SVD", Meliksa University, Computer Engineering Department, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Computer Science Department, 0304-3975/$ © 2011 Elsevier B.V. [5] Mihee Lee, Haipeng Shen, Jianhua Z. Huang, J. S. Marron, "Biclustering via Sparse Singular Value Decomposition", Department of Statistics and Operations Research, University of North Carolina, Department of Statistics, Texas A&M University, DOI: 10.1111/j.1541- 0420.2010.01392.x, ©2010, (The International Biometric Society). [6] Emmeline P. Douglas "Clustering Datasets With Singular Value Decomposition", Department of Mathematics, The Graduate School of the College of Charleston, (UMI number: 1461189 Copyright 2009 by Douglas, Emmeline P). [7] Sivasankaran RajaManickam,"Efficient Algorithms for Sparse Singular Value Decomposition",The Graduate School of University of Florida,©2009 Sivasankaran Rajamanickam. [8] George W. Furnas & Scott Deerwester, "Information Retrieval Using a Singular Value Decomposition Model of Latent Semantic Structure",University of Bellcore & Chicago, ©1988 (ACM O-8979 A-274-8 88 0600 0465 $ 130). [9] Wei Song, Cheng Hua Li, Soon Cheol Park, "Genetic Algorithm for Text Clustering using Ontology and Evaluating the Validity of various Semantic Similarity Measures ", Department of Electronics and Information Engineering, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju, Jeonbuk 561- 756,Republic of Korea, (©2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved). [10] Jing Gao, Jun Zhang, "Clustered SVD Strategies in Latent Semantic Indexing", Laboratory for High Performance Scientific Computing and Computer Simulation, Department of Computer Science, University of Kentucky, 773 Anderson Hall,Lexington,KY405060046,USA,doi:10 .1016/j.pm.2004.10.005. (©2004 Elsevier Ltd). [11] Peg Howland, Moongu Jeon, Haesun Park, "Structure Preserving Dimension Reduction for Clustered Text data based on the Generalized SVD", SIAM J.MATRIX ANAL. APPL. Vol. 25, No. 1, pp.165–179, 2003 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. [12] Habiba Drias, Ilyes khennak, Anis Boukhedra, "A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Large Scale Iformation Retrieval", Department of Computer Science, Algeria, (978-1-4244-4738-1/09/$25.00 ©2009 IEEE). [13] Jose L. Rebeiro Filho, Philip C., "Genetic Algorithm- Programming Environments", Treleaven University, London, UK, (0018- 9162/94/$4.00 ©1994 IEEE). Ms. Anagha N. Chaudhari, Prof. Anuradha D.Thakare |
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131. | Analysis Building Maintenance Factors For IBS Precast Concrete System: A Review
Analysis Building Maintenance Factors For IBS Precast Concrete System: A ReviewAbstract: Since 1960's, Malaysia construction industry had getting utilized Industrialized Building System(IBS) in some of the project. The most two earlier building which using IBS was Pekeliling Flat in Kuala Lumpur and Rifle Range Flat in Penang. Consequently, following the year after 1960's there are lots of construction development in Malaysia using IBS system in most of the low cost high rise residential building. With the aim to reduce the number of the unskilled foreign labor, Malaysia had encouraged local contractor to used the IBS system. Unfortunately, there are lots of problem in maintenance which affected the building quality and operation when a building was built using the IBS system. Thus, factor which will affect the quality of the IBS precast building should be identify in order to produce a better quality and operation of the IBS building. This particular study will fully focus in low practicing of the civil and construction criteria for precast concrete in IBS building. This two particular main criteria will be seriously analysis and find out the factor which will create the building maintenance issues. This study is importantly to find out the factor which leads to building maintenance in civil and construction for IBS precast building. Eventually from the analysis, hopefully the factor affecting the quality of the IBS precast building will be identify and a good propose of solution which can increase the quality and operation of the IBS building.Key words: Industrialized building system (IBS), precast concrete, civil and construction Reference [1] Abdullah, M.R, Kamar, K.A.M, Nawi, M.N.M, Haron, T and Arif, M(2009), "Industrialized Building System: A Defination And Concept", Proceeding In ARCOM Conference, 7- 9September2009,Nottingham,United Kingdom. [2] A.S.G Brugelling, G.F. HuyGhe(1991). "Prefabrication with Concrete".1st ed. Taylor&Francis. [3] Architectural Precast Concrete Manual (MNL-122), Chapter 6, Retrieved from: www.pcine.org/cfcs/cmsIT/baseCompone nts/fileManagerProxy.cfc?. [4] BCA(Building Construction Authority Singapore) 2011, "Design Concept For Precast System", Retrieved from http://www.bca.gov.sg/publications/Build abilitySeries/others/bsl_cp3.pdf [5] Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) Malaysia (2003a) IBS Roadmap 2003-2010, Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia (CIDB), Kuala Lumpur. [6] CREAM and CIDB(2010), INDUSTRIALIZED BUILDING SYSTEM (IBS) CONSTRUCTION RESEARCH AND INFORMATION, Retrieved from http://ibsresearch.blogspot.com/2010/04/hi story-of-ibs-adoption-in- malaysia.html. [7] Diah, A.B.M, Majid, T.A, Nawawi, N.M, Ismail, S., Zain, M.Z.M and Hassan, (2009), "Development through IBS Integration", Proceeding International Seminar On IBS in Malaysia IBS International Exhibition(MIIE 2009), at CIDB Convention Centre. [8] Hamid,Z.A, Kamar, K.A.M, Zain,M.Z.M, Ghani,M.K and Rahim,A.H, "Industrialized Building System(IBS) In Malaysia:The Current State And R&D Initiatives",CREAM,Kuala Lumpur. [9] Hassim, S.,Jaafar, M.S and Sazalli, S.A.A.H(2009), "The Contractor Perception Towers Industrialized Building System Risk In Construction Projects In Malaysia", American Journal Of Applied Sciences. [10] Hasim.A.R(2006), "Maintenance Management and Services Case Study:PERKESO Building In Penisular Malaysia", Master Thesis UTM. Ng Ban Kiong, ZainalAbidin Bin Akasah |
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132. | Securing MANETs by Q Routing Protocol
Securing MANETs by Q Routing ProtocolAbstract: MANETs is a infrastructure less network in which all the nodes are move independently so there are lot of chance for unsecure the network..for securing the adhoc network we have different-different routing protocols such as AODV, DSR, OLSR, SAR , SRP and Ariadne. And to allow comparison of these secure protocol there is a single common routing protocol i.e. Q Routing. Our contribution in this work to develop a secure and comprehensive network. Q Routing is a adaptive routing protocol which provides the alternate path between the routing nodes in the condition of when the route is fail.Key words: MANETs, AODV, DSR, OLSR, SAR, SRP, Ariadne, Security. Reference [1] J. Kong, Adaptive Security for Multilayer Adhoc Networks, Special Issue of Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, John Wiley Inter Science Press, 2002. [2] Y. Chang, T. Ho and LP. Kaelbling, Multiagent learning in mobilized ad-hoc networks, AI Lab Memo, AIM-2003-025, 2003. [3] Boyan, J., and Littman, M. L. 1994. Packet routing in dynamically changing networks: A reinforcement learning approach. In Advances in NIPS. [4] Watkins, C. J. 1989. Learning with delayed rewards. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Cambridge. [5] P. Brutch and C. Ko, Challenges in intrusion detection for wireless ad-hoc networks, The Symposium on Applications and the Internet Workshop, 2003, 368-373. [6] D.B. Johnson and D.A. Maltz, Dynamic Source Routing in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks, Mobile Computing, chapter 5, pp. 153-181, (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996) [7] C. E. Perkins, E. M. Belding-Royer, and S. R. Das, Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) Routing. [8] RFC 3561, Jul 2003. Luke Klein-Berndt A Quick Guide to AODV Routing, National Institute of Standards and Technology, US Department of Commerce, USA.Available on: http://w3.antd.nist.gov/wctg/aodv_kernel/a odv_guid e.pdf/ [9] Y. C. Hu, D. B. Johnson, and A. Perrig, SEAD:Secure efficient distance vector routing for mobile Elsevier, Vol. 1, Issue 1, July 2003, Pages 175–192. [10] M. Guerrero Zapata and N. Asokan, Securing Adhoc Routing Protocols, in Proceedings of the 1stACM workshop on Wireless security, Atlanta, GA, USA, Sep 2002, pp. 1–10 [11] P. Ramachandran and A. Yasinsac, Limitations of On Demand Secure Routing Protocols, IEEE Information Assurance Workshop 2004, June 10-11, 2004, pp. 52- 59 [12] S. A. Ade; P.A.Tijare, (2010). "Performance Comparison of AODV, DSDV, OLSR and DSR Routing Protocols in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks." JulyDecember 2010, Volume 2, No. 2, pp. 545- 548. [13] Huseyin Arslan, Zhi Ning Chen and Maria-Gabriella DiBenedetoo (eds) – " Chapter 15 – An Overview of Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks – Ultra Wideband Wireless Communication" – John Wiley and Sons, 2006. [14] H. Deng, W. Li, Agrawal, D.P., "Routing security in wireless ad hoc networks," Cincinnati Univ., OH,USA; IEEE Communications Magazine, Oct. 2002, Volume: 40, page(s): 70- 75, ISSN: 0163- 6804 Dinesh Kumar, D. B. Ojha, Ajay Kumar |
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133. | Viscous Dissipation And Soret Effects On An Unsteadymhd Convection Flow Past A Semi-Infinite Vertical Permeable Moving Porous Platewith Thermal Radiation
Viscous Dissipation And Soret Effects On An Unsteadymhd Convection Flow Past A Semi-Infinite Vertical Permeable Moving Porous Platewith Thermal RadiationAbstract: The objective of this paper is to analyse the radiation and soret effects on an unsteady two-dimensional laminar mixed convective boundary layer flow of a viscous, electrically conducting chemically reacting fluid, along a semi-infinite vertical permeable moving plate embedded in a uniform porous medium. In the presence of transverse magnetic field, by taking into account the effects of viscous dissipation. The dimensionlessgoverning equations are solved numerically by a finite element method. Computations are performed for a wide range of the governing flow parameters, viz., the thermal Grashof number, solutal Grashof number, Magnetic field parameter, Permeability parameter, Prandtal number, Heat sourceparameter, Radiation parameter,Soret number, Schmidt number, Chemical reaction parameter and Eckert number. The effects of these flow parameters on the velocity, temperature and concentration are shown graphically. Finally, the effects of various parameters on the skin-friction coefficient, Nusselt number and Sherwood number are shown in Tables.Key words: MHD, Viscous dissipation, Soret, Thermal radiation, Finite element method. Reference 1. VM. Soudalgekar, SK.Gupta,NS.Birajdar, Effects of mass transfer and free effects on MHDstokes problem for vertical palte,NuclEng Res , 53,309-46 (1979). 2. EMA. Elbasheshy , Heat and mass transfer along a vertical plate surface tension and concentration in thepresence of magnetic field.Int J EngSci ,34(5), 515-22 (1997). 3. EM. Sparrow, RD. Cess, Effect of magnetic field on free convection heat transfer, Int J HeatMass Transfer , 3,267– 70 (1961). 4. HS. Takhar, PC. Ram,Magnetohydrodynamic free convection flow of water at 4 C °through a porous wall,IntCommun. Heat Mass Transfer, 21,371–6 (1994). 5. A.DamsehRebhi,Magnetohydrodynamicsmixed convection from radiate verticalisothermalSurfaceembedded in a saturated porous media, ASME. J ApplMech, 73, 54–9 (2006). 6. EL-KabeirSMM,AM.Rashad ,RSRGorla . Unsteady MHD combined convection over amoving vertical sheetin a fluid saturated porous medium with uniform surface heat flux.Math Compute Modell,46,384–97 (2007). 7. T.Hayat, Z. Abbas, S.Asghar, Effects of Hall current and heat transfer on rotating flow of asecond grade fluid through a porous medium. Commun Nonlinear Sci Numerical Simul, accepted for publication. 8. Asif Ali, Ahmer Mehmood,Homotopy analysis of unsteady boundary layer flow adjacent to Permeable stretching surface in a porous medium, Commun Nonlinear SciNumerSimul,13,340–9 (2008). 9. AR.Bestnman, Natural convection boundary layer with suction and mass transfer in a porous medium, Int J Enegy, 14, 389-96 (1990). 10. MD.AbdusSattar, MD. Hamid Kalim, Unsteady free-convection interaction with thermalradiation in a boundary layer flow past a vertical porous plate, J Math PhysSci, 30,:25-37 (1996). J. AnandRao, S.Sivaiah, ShaikNuslin |
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134. | Estimation Of Monod Kinetic Parameters During Aerobic
Digestion Of Biodegradable Organic Waste, Part 2: Analysis
Based On Microbial Growth With Effect Of Bioaugmentation
Estimation Of Monod Kinetic Parameters During Aerobic Digestion Of Biodegradable Organic Waste, Part 2: Analysis Based On Microbial Growth With Effect Of BioaugmentationAbstract: Monod kinetic parameters based on microbial growth during aerobic digestion of biodegradable organic waste are estimated. The analysis involves non-bioaugmentation and bioaugmentation of aerobic biodegradation of organic waste in bioreactors labeled "nonbioaugmented (i.e. control) bioreactors," and "bioaugmented bioreactors" respectively, using a mixed culture of indigenous microorganisms isolated from the waste for bioaugmentation. The maximum specific growth rates ( m ) of microorganisms during biodegradation of the waste are 0.127 and 0.215 day -1 for the control and bioaugmented bioreactors respectively. Dimensional yield coefficients ( ) for the control and bioaugmented bioreactors are 2.9310 10 cfu/mg and 3.2210 11 cfu/mg respectively. It is shown that the substrate saturation constant, Ks , in Monod equation varies with time and microbial density during microbial growth. Models for predicting Ks as a function of time, and microbial density as a function of Ks , are also presented. Predictions of the models are compared with experimental data and good agreement is obtained.Key words: Aerobic digestion, Bioaugmentation, Biodegradation, Monod kinetics, Organic waste. Reference [1] A. Ogunbiyi, "Local technology in solid waste management in Nigeria," Proceedings of the National Enginnering Conference and Annual General Meeting of Nigerian Society of Engineers, Port Harcourt, 73-75, 2001. [2] G. Kiely, "Environmental Engineering," Irwin/McGraw-Hill, London, 653-660, 1997. [3] M. F. Gordon, J. C. Geyer, and D. A. Okun, "Elements of Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal," 2 nd Ed., John Wiley, New York, 535-539, 1971. [4] E. N. Helmers, J. D. Frame, A. E. Greenbergh and C. N. Sawyer, "Sewage and Industrial Waste," 24, 884-887, 1951. [5] O‟Mara, M. K., 1996. "Case study of bioremediation of petroleum contaminated soil including nutrient addition at Kincheloe AFB, Kinross Michigan," Proceedings of the. 28th Mid-Atlantic Industrial and Hazardous Waste Conference, New York State Center for Hazardous Waste Management, Department of Civil Engineering, University at Buffalo, New York, 101-108, 1996, [6] T. D. Reynolds, and P. A. Richards, "Units Operations and Processes in Environmental Engineering," 2nd Ed., PWs Publishing Co., Boston, 573-580, 1996, [7] S. E. Borglin, T. C. Hazen, C. M. Oldenburg, and P.T. Zawislanski, "Comparison of aerobic and anaerobic biotreatment of municipal solid waste," J. Air and Waste Manage. Assoc., 54, 815-822, 2004. [8] S. Ozaki, N. Kishimoto, and T. Fujita, "Isolation and plylogenetic characterization of microbial consortia able to degrade aromatic hydrocarbons at high rate," Microbes and Environ., 21, 44-52, 2006. [9] K. Lee, G. H. Treamblay, and E. M. Levy, "Bioremediation application of slow release fertilizers on low energy shorelines," Proceedings of the 2005 Oil Spill Conference, Miami Beach, Florida, 730-736, 2005. [10] J. Monod, "The growth of bacteria cultures," Ann. Rev. Microbiol., 3, 535-540, 1949. Y. T. Puyate, Z. R. Yelebe |
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135. | A Novel Encryption System using Layered Cellular Automata
A Novel Encryption System using Layered Cellular AutomataAbstract: As the technology is rapidly advancing day by day sharing of information over the internet is experiencing an explosive growth, which in turn is also posing new threats and vulnerabilities in the existing systems. The quest for more stronger and reliable methodologies to tackle the security issues is unending. In this direction a new cryptographic method is proposed in this paper based on Layered Cellular Automata (LRCA) and the strengths are analyzed in comparison with the existing systems.Key words: Cellular Automata (CA), Reversible Cellular Automata (RCA), Layered Cellular Automata, Symmetric key, Encryption. Reference [1] RaminAyanzadeh, YaghoubMoghaddas, SaeidSetayeshi, KavehHassani and HadiGheiby Multi-Layer Cellular Automata for Generating Normal Random "Numbers Proceedings of ICEE 2010", May 11-13, 2010. [2] XIA Xuewen, LI Yuanxiang, XIA Zhuliang and WANG Rong, "Data Encryption Based on Multi- Granularity Reversible Cellular Automata", International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security, pp.192 -196, IEEE, 2009. [3] Petre Anghelescu, SilviuIonitaand EmilSofron "Block Encryption Using Hybrid Additive Cellular Automata," Seventh International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems, pp. 132- 137, IEEE 2007. [4] M. Seredinsky and P. Bouvry, "Block encryption using reversible cellular automata," ACRI 2004 The Netherlands - Amsterdam, LNCS 3305, pp. 785–792, October 2004. [5] M. Tomassini and M. Perrenoud, "Stream Ciphers with One- and TwoDimensional Cellular Automata", in M. Schoenauer at al. (Eds.) Parallel Problem Solving from Nature - PPSN VI, LNCS 1917, Springer, 2000, pp. 722-73 [6] M. Tomassini and M. Sipper, On the Generation of High-Quality Random Numbers by TwoDimensional Cellular Automata, IEEE Trans. on Computers, v. 49, No.10, October 2000, pp. 1140- l151 [7] S. Nandi and Pal Chaudhuri "Analysis of Periodic and Intermediate Boundary 90/150 Cellular Automata", IEEE Transactions on computers, vol.45, No. 1, January 1996. [8] J. Kari, "Cryptosystems based on reversible cellular automata", personal communication, 1992 [9] S. Wolfram, Cryptography with Cellular Automata, in Advances in Cryptology: Crypto '85 Proceedings, LNCS 218, Springer, 1986, pp. 429-432 Mr.J. Nageswara Rao, Mr. Aryan Chandrapal Singh |
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136. | A Robust Secured Mechanism for Mobile IPv6 Threats
A Robust Secured Mechanism for Mobile IPv6 ThreatsAbstract: Mobile IPv6 has been developed to enable mobility in IP network for mobile terminals. MIPv6 have a lot of feature in comparison to previous Mobile IP protocol . From the data security perspective, the basic objective during the development of Mobile IPv6 has been that it must be at least as secure as previous Mobile IP protocol and it should not introduce any new security threats. But it suffers from various security threats like Eavesdropping, Secure route optimization, connection hijacking and denial of services. and security issues are one of the primary considerations that need to be address. In this paper we proposed a mechanism which includes all security components like Authentication, confidentiality and integrity, secretes key management. It will reduce all securityKey words: Mobile IPv6, Security, Return Routability Protocol, Binding Update, authentication, crypt-ographically generated address. Reference 1. C. Perkins, "Mobile IP: Updated", IEEE Communications Magazine, Volume-40, Number-5 2. C. Perkins, "IP Mobility Support for IPv4: Revised ", Request for Comments – 5944, Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), November 2010. 3. C. Perkins, Ed., D. Johnson, J. Arkko, "Mobility Support in IPv6" , "A Survey of Mobility Support in the Internet" Request for Comment 6275, Internet Engineering Task Force, July 2011 4. Mobile IPv6 Sudha Sudanthi GSEC Version 1.4b, SANS Institute InfoSec Reading Room 5. R Radhakrishnan, Majid Jamil, Shabana Mehfuz, Moinuddin, "A robust return routability procedure for mobile IPv6", International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security (IJCSNS), volume-8, No-5, May 2008, 6. John K. Zao, Matt Condell "Use of IPSec in Mobile IP", November 1997. 7. Perkins, Charle s E., Johnson, David B. "Route Optimization in Mobile IP". 6 Sept 8. Tuomas Aura, Cryptographically generated addresses (CGA). In Proc. 6th Information Security Conference (ISC'03), volume 2851 of LNCS 9. Qiu Ying; Bao Feng , "Authenticated binding update in Mobile IPv6 networks", IEEE- Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (ICCSIT), Chengdu, Singapore, July 2010 Dr.Chitra Dhawale, Prof.Aumdevi K.Barbudhe, Prof.Vishwajit K.Barbudhe |
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137. | Multiband Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Based
Ultra Wideband System
Multiband Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Based Ultra Wideband SystemAbstract: Multiband OFDM based Ultra Wideband (UWB) system combines OFDM modulation technique with a multi banding approach, which divides the spectrum into several sub-bands, whose bandwidth is approximately 500MHz. Three band multi band OFDM systems have been designed using a time frequency code of length 3. The important blocks in the transmitter side are QPSK modulator, IFFT, DAC, up converter and time frequency code generator to provide multiple access and frequency diversity. We model channel as a simple delay element. A basic receiver just follows the inverse of the transmission process so important blocks in the receiver side are down converter, ADC and FFT. OFDM based system is very sensitive to timing and frequency offsets, the received constellation is slightly different from transmitted constellation due to processing delay and additional delay introduced from the channel. This paper provides the analysis of impact of delay on OFDM based UWB system.Key words: Multibanding, OFDM, UWB. Reference [1] FCC. Revision of part 15 of the commission's rules regarding ultra wideband transmission systems. Tehnical report, Federal Communications Commissions, ET Docket, 2002. [2] Benedetto et.al. Uwb wireless communicatios: A tutorial. Journal of Communications and Networks, 2003. [3] G. Aiello, J. Foerster, A. Batra, J. Balakrishnan, A. Dabak. Design of a multiband ofdm system for realistic uwb channel environments. IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., 2004. [4] Viittala et. al. Comparative studies of mbofdm and ds-uwb with co-existing systems in awgn channel. IEEE 17th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, 2006. [5] WiMedia Alliance. Multiband ofdm physical layer specification. Technical report, MBOA, 2009. Santosh Parajuli, Brajesh Mishra |
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138. | Active Watermark-Based Correlation Scheme for Identifying Source of Attack in Presence of Timing Perturbations
Active Watermark-Based Correlation Scheme for Identifying Source of Attack in Presence of Timing PerturbationsAbstract: Intruders have changed their mode of operandi in breaking security of IT systems. Of late they are using different strategies making attacks successfully. One of their strategies is to attack systems though some intermediary nodes in the network instead of making attacks from their own machine. This helps them in hiding their identity. Such attacks can be identified by verifying and correlating incoming and outgoing network flows that come through intermediary nodes used in routing the attacks. The problem with this approach lies in the fact that attackers may intentionally alter such flow by disguising it and fooling the detection systems. The existing timing based correlation approaches to solve this problem are inadequate when attackers intentionally introduce timing perturbations. This paper introduces a new correlation approach based on watermarking which is proved to be robust to address such problems. This is achieved by timing of some packets selectively and embedding watermark in to the encrypted flows. This approach is active and can resist timing perturbations done by attackers. The empirical results reveal that our approach is almost close to providing 100% true positives.Key words: Network intrusion detection, timing correlation, network flows, intermediary nodes, and timing perturbations. Reference [1] M. T. Goodrich. Efficient packet marking for large-scale ip traceback.In Proceedings of the 9th ACM Conference on Computer and CommunicationsSecurity (CCS 2002), pages 117–126. ACM, October 2002. [2] J. Li, M. Sung, J. Xu and L. Li. Large Scale IP Traceback in High-Speed Internet: Practical Techniques and Theoretical Foundation. InProceedings of the 2004 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy,IEEE, 2004. [3] H. Jung. et al. Caller Identification System in the Internet Environment.In Proceedings of the 4th USENIX Security Symposium, USENIX, 1993. [4] S. Snapp. et al. DIDS (Distributed Intrusion Detection System) -Motivation, Architecture, and Early Prototype. In Proceedings of the14th National Computer Security Conference, pages 167–176, 1991. [5] S. Staniford-Chen and L. Heberlein.Holding Intruders Accountable onthe Internet. In Proceedings of the 1995 IEEE Symposium on Securityand Privacy, pages 39–49. IEEE, 1995. [6] X. Wang, D. Reeves, S. F. Wu, and J. Yuill. Sleepy WatermarkTracing: An Active Network-Based Intrusion Response Framework. InProceedings of the 16th Internatinal Conference on Information Security(IFIP/Sec 2001), pages 369–384. Kluwer Academic Publishers, June2001. [7] A. Blum, D. Song, and S. Venkataraman. Detection of Interactive Stepping Stones: Algorithms and Confidence Bounds. In Proceedingsof the 7th International Symposium on Recent Advances in IntrusionDetection (RAID 2004). Springer, October 2004. [8] D. Donoho. et al. Multiscale Stepping Stone Detection: Detecting Pairsof Jittered Interactive Streams by Exploiting Maximum Tolerable Delay.In Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Recent Advancesin Intrusion Detection (RAID 2002): LNCS-2516, pages 17–35. Springer,October 2002. [9] K. Yoda and H. Etoh.Finding a Connection Chain for TracingIntruders. In Proceedings of the 6th European Symposium on Researchin Computer Security (ESORICS 2000), LNCS-1895, pages 191– 205.Springer-Verlag, October 2002. [10] X. Wang and D. Reeves. Robust Correlation of Encrypted Attack Trafficthrough Stepping Stones by Manipulation of Interpacket Delays. InProceedings of the 10th ACM Conference on Computer and CommunicationsSecurity (CCS 2003), pages 20–29. ACM, October 2003. [11] T. He and L. Tong, Detecting Encrypted Stepping-Stone Connections.In IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 55(5), pages 1612-1623,2006. [12] L. Zhang, A. G. Persaud, A. Johnson, and Y. Guan.Detectionof Stepping Stone Attack under Delay and Chaff Perturbations. InProceedings of the 25th IEEE International Performance Computingand Communications Conference (IPCCC 2006), April 2006. [13] R. C. Chakinala, A. Kumarasubramanian, R. Manokaran, G. Noubir, C. Pandu Rangan, and R. Sundaram.Steganographic Communication in Ordered Channels.In Proceedings of the 8th Information HidingInternational Conference (IH 2006), 2006. M. Deepika, G. Om Sai Prashant |
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139. | Wavelet Based Protection Schemes for TEED Tramission Circuits
Wavelet Based Protection Schemes for TEED Tramission CircuitsAbstract: A novel approach to protection of TEED transmission lines using wavelet transforms with multiresolution analysis has been presented in this thesis.Transmission line should be detected and classified rapidly and accurately to maintain system reliability.Wavelet analysis used for signal processing. Synchronised sampling of the three phase voltage and current signals at the three ends of TEED transmission line over a moving window length of half cycle is carried out using GPS clock.The current signals are analyzed with Bior2.2 wavelet to obtain detailed coefficients of single decompositions.Fault Indices are calculated based on the sum of local and remote end detailed coefficients,and compared with the threshold values for different types of faults to detect and classify the faults.For estimation of approximate fault location,the ratio of absolute maximum and minimum detail D1 coefficients at all the three ends are compared.Simulations of power system are done using MATLAB software package.The algorithm has been tested for different fault locations and the results are found to be satisfactory in terms of reliabilityKey words: Teedcircuit, wavelets, multiresolutionanalysis, detail D1 coefficients. Reference 1. ―Application of Phase and Ground Distance Relays To Three Terminal Lines‖ G. E. Alexander J. G. Andrichak, GE Protection & Control Malvern, PA. 2. ―EMTP Applied To Evaluate ThreeTerminal Line Distance Protection Schemes‖ K. M. Silva, W. L. A. Neves and B. A. Souza, Presented at the International Conference on Power Systems Transients (IPST'07) in Lyon, France on June 4-7, 2007. 3. ―Wavelet Based Schemes for Protection of TEED TransmissionCircuits‖B.Sampathm.tech, K.Vijayabhashkar Asst.professor. 4. ―A Unique Current Differential Based Algorithm For Protection Of MultiTerminal Lines‖ B A1-Fakhri, Sen 5. ―A New Directional Comparison Technique For The Protection Of Teed Transmission Circuits‖ D R M Lyonette, Z Q Bo, G Weller, F Jiang, 2000 IEEE 6. ―Fault Location of a Teed-Network with Wavelet Transform and Neural Networks‖ L L Lai E Vaseekar H Subasinghe N Rajkumar a Carter B J Gwyn, 2000 IEEE. 7. ―A New Digital Relaying Scheme for EHV Three Terminal Transmission Lines‖ M.M. Eissa, Electric Power Systems Research 73 (2005) 107–112 8. ―A New Fault Location Technique for Two and Three Terminal Lines‖ Adly A. Girgis David G. Hart William L. Peterson, Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 7 No.1, January 1992 9. ―A New Fault Locator for Three-Terminal Transmission Lines—Using Two-Terminal Synchronized Voltage and Current Phasors‖ Ying-Hong Lin, Chih-Wen Liu, Member, IEEE, and Chi-Shan Yu, IEEE transactions on power delivery, vol. 17, no. 2, April 2002. 10. ―A fault detection and faulted phase selection approach for Transmission lines with Haar wavelet Transform‖ Joe-Air Jiang ,Ping-Lin Fan,Ching-Shan Chen,Chi-Shan Yu And JinYi Sheu, IEEE 2003. 11. ―Wavelet Network-Based Detection and Classification of Transients‖ Leopoldo Angrisani, Pasquale Daponte, Senior Member, IEEE, and Massimo D'Apuzzo, IEEEtransactions on instrumentation and measurement, vol. 50, no. 5, october 2001. B.Sampath, K.Vijayabhaskar |
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141. | Dynamic Analysis Of A Car Chassis
Dynamic Analysis Of A Car ChassisAbstract: The paper investigates into the vibrational characteristics of the car chassis including the natural frequencies and mode shapes. Car chassis forms the structural backbone of a passenger vehicle. When the car travels along the road, the car chassis is excited by dynamic forces caused by the road roughness, engine, transmission and more. Modal analysis using Finite Element Method (FEM) can be used to determine natural frequencies and mode shapes. In this study, the modal analysis has been accomplished by the Commercial finite element packaged ANSYS. The model has been simulated with appropriate accuracy and with considering the effect of bolted and riveted joints. The chassis has been altered by some companies for using in After constructing finite element model of chassis and appropriate meshing with shell elements, model has been analyzed and first 6 frequencies that play important role in dynamic behavior of chassis, have been expanded. In addition, the relationship between natural frequencies and engine operating speed has been explained. The results show that the road excitation is the main disturbance to the car chassis as the chassis natural frequencies lie within the road excitation frequency range. Finally advantages of the modified chassis which leads to the increase of the natural frequencies and placing them in the appropriate range, has been discussed.Key words: Vibration, car chassis, Modal analysis, Dynamic, Finite elements Reference [1] Fahi, F., and Walker, J., Advanced Applications in Acoustics, Noise and Vibration, 1st ed, spon press, London, 2004. [2] Fui, T. H., Rahman, R. A., "Statics andDynamics Structural Analysis of a 4.5 Ton Car Chassis," Jurnal Mekanikal, No. 24, 2007, pp. 56-67. [3] Rao, S. S., Mechanical Vibration, 4 th Edition, pearson education press, 2004. [4] Jason, C., Brown, A., John Robertson, Stan, T., Serpento,Motor vehicle structures, Butterworth-Heinemann, the University of Michigan, 2002. [5] Vasek, M., Stejskal, V., Sika, Z., Vacalin, O., and, Kovanda, J., "Dynamic Model of Car for Suspension Control", Vehicle System Dynamic, Supplement 28,1998, pp.496-505. [6] Zhang, Y., and Tang, A., "New Approach for Vehicle System NVH Analysis," SAE International, Paper Number 981668 Detroit, MI, USA, 1998. [7] Guo Y. Q., chen, W. Q., Pao, Y. H. ,"Dynamic analysis of space frames," The method of Reverberation-ray matrix and the orthogonality of normal modes ,2008. [8] Johansson, I., Edlund, S., Optimization of Vehicle Dynamics in Cars by Use of Full Vehicle FE- Models, Göteborg, Sweden, Department of Vehicle Dynamics & Chassis Technology, Volvo Car Corporation, 1993. [9]. Dave Anderson and Grey Schede. Development of a Multi- Body Dynamic Modal of a Tractor – Semi trailer for Ride Quality Prediction. International Truck and Engine Corp. 2001. [10] I.M. Ibrahim, D.A.Crolla and D.C. Barton. Effect Of Frame Flexibility On The Ride Vibration Of Trucks. Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Leeds LS2 9JT, U.K. August 1994. Pravin A Renuke |
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142. | Design And Simulation Of All Optical Multiplexer based On One-Dimensional Photonic Crystal For Optical Communications Systems
Design And Simulation Of All Optical Multiplexer based On One-Dimensional Photonic Crystal For Optical Communications SystemsAbstract: In this study a four-channel multiplexer of Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexer (DWDM) has been designed and stimulated by one-dimensional photonic crystal structure to be used in optical telecommunication purposes of C band. It has been formed of both Germanium and Silicone crystals based on grading method of refraction factor profile (Apodization). In this process by means of Transfer Matrix Method (TMM), light refraction theorem and defect exertion, the effect of radiated optical signal angle to studied structure and optical multiplexer has been made by too narrow channels.Key words: C band , Multiplexer , Photonic crystals , Transfer Matrix Method (TMM) Reference [1] O. Frazão, J. L. Santos, F. M. Araujo, and L. A. Ferreira, "Optical sensing with photonic crystal fibers," Laser Photon, 2008, Vol 2(6), pp. 449–459. [2] Zolla.Frederic, Renversez.Gilles, Nicolet.Andre, Kuhlmey.Boris, Guenneau .Sebastien, Felbacq,Didier, 2005, "Foundations of PhotonicCrystal Fibres", Imperial College Press. [3] A. Rosenberg, GaN-based photonic crystals and integrated optics, in: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference and Photonic Applications Systems Technologies, Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2006), paper CTuAA6, 2006. [4] L. Thylen, M. Qiu, S. Anand, Photonic crystals – a step towards integrated circuits for photonics, J. ChemPhysChem 5 (9) (2004) 1268–1283. [5] N. Notomi, A. Shinya, S. Mitsugi, E. Kuramochi, H.-Y. Ryu, Waveguides, "Resonators and their coupled elements in photonic crystal slabs", Opt. Express, 2004, Vol 12 (8), pp. 1551–1561. [6] Kazuaki Sakoda , 2005 , "Optical Properties of Photonic Crystals", 2nd ed., Springer-Verlag, Berlin [7] J.D. Joannopoulos, R.D. Meade, J.N. Winn, Photonic Crystals: Molding the Flow of Light, Princeton Univ. Press, 2008 [8] Kuang, W., Kim, W. J., Mock, A. & O'Brien, J. D, "Propagation loss of linedefect photonic crystal slab waveguides",IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 2006, Vol 12(6), pp. 1183–1195 [9] T. Tanabe, M. Notomi, A. Shinya, S. Mitsugi, E. Kuramochi, Fast on-chip all optical switches and memories using silicon photonic crystal with extremely low operating energy, in: Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (QELS'05), QPDA5, Baltimore, May 22–27, 2005. [10] S.S. Oh, C.S. Kee, J.-E. Kim, H.Y. Park, T.I. Kim, I. Park, H. Lim, Duplexer using microwave photonic band gap structure, Appl. Phys. Lett. 76 (2000) 2301–2303. Mir Ali Ghasemi, Reza Khodadadi, Hamed Alipour Banaei |
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143. | Fingerprint Identification and Verification System using Minutiae Matching
Fingerprint Identification and Verification System using Minutiae MatchingAbstract: Fingerprints are the most widely used biometric feature for person identification and verification in the field of biometric identification. Fingerprints possess two main types of features that are used for automatic fingerprint identification and verification: (i) global ridge and furrow structure that forms a special pattern in the central region of the fingerprint and (ii) Minutiae details associated with the local ridge and furrow structure. This paper presents the implementation of a minutiae based approach to fingerprint identification and verification and serves as a review of the different techniques used in various steps in the development of minutiae based Automatic Fingerprint Identification Systems (AFIS). The technique conferred in this paper is based on the extraction of minutiae from the thinned, binarized and segmented version of a fingerprint image. The system uses fingerprint classification for indexing during fingerprint matching which greatly enhances the performance of the matching algorithm. Good results (~92% accuracy) were obtained using the FVC2000 fingerprint databases.Reference [1] W. F. Leung, S. H. Leung, W. H. Lau, And A. Luk, Fingerprint Recognition Using Neural Network, Neural Networks For Signal Processing - Proceedings Of The 1991 IEEE Workshop [2] M. Hartman, "Compact Fingerprint Scanner Techniques" In Proc. Biometric Consortium Meeting, San Jose, Ca, June 1996 [3] J. Schneider, "Improved Image Quality Of Live Scan Fingerprint Scanners Using Acoustic Backscatter Measurements," In Proc. Biometric Consortium 8th Meeting, San Jose, Ca, June 1996. [4] K. McCalley, D. Setalk, S. Wilson, And J. Schmitt "Improved Image Quality Of Live Scan Fingerprint Scanners Using AcousticBackscatter Measurements," In Proc. Biometric Consortium 8th Meeting, San Jose, Ca, June 1996. [5] F.R. Livingstone, L. King, J.A. Beraldin And M. Rioux, "Development Of A Real-Time Laser Scanning System For Object Recognition, Inspection, And Robot Control," In Proc. Spie Telemanipulator Technology And Space Telerobotics, Boston, Ma, Sept. 1993. Vol. 207, Pp. 454-461 [6] "A Handbook Of Fingerprint Recognition", Maltino, Maio, Jain And Prabhakar. Springer Press. [7] "Digital Image Processing", Gonzalez And Woods, Aw, Ma 1992 [8] Ren Qun, Tian Jie, Zhang Xiaopeng, Automatic Segmentation Of Fingerprint Images, Chinese Academy Of Sciences, P.R. China [9] Mehtre, Murthy, Kapoor and Chatterjee, "Segmentation Of Fingerprint Images Using The Directional Image" Pattern Recognition, Vol. 20, 1987. [10] Ratha, Chen and Jain., "Adaptive Flow Orientation Based Feature Extraction In Fingerprint Images", Pattern Recognition, Vol .28, 1995 Mr. P.Balaramudu, J.Nageswara Rao |
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144. | A Neuro-Fuzzy Based Approach to Modeling Affective Customer Satisfaction towards Car Seat Design
A Neuro-Fuzzy Based Approach to Modeling Affective Customer Satisfaction towards Car Seat DesignAbstract: Today numerous car seat models are available in the market but no car seat is actually satisfying customer needs to satisfactorily level. In fact customers comprise with available car seats. By considering this factor this paper mainly concentrated on the human comfort. This research papers helps to understand the current seat problems and its recommended solutions. This paper proposes a neuro fuzzy rule-based approach to generate models relating car seat design variables to affective user satisfaction. Affective user satisfaction such as body contact, sweat and heat generation, shoulder support, head rest support, lumbar support and child safety were modeled for Car seat designs. The main objective is to generate a new car seat model in order to provide maximum human comfort. Maximum human comfort is estimated by an intelligence system called Neuro fuzzy system, where it gives the comfort of seat with respect to its influencing parameters. By adopting this neuro fuzzy logic eliminate the antiquity of modifications, whether they are correct or not and the results gives us an accurate decision to adopt the change or not. Developed model suits best whenever there is lot of vagueness in decision making using MATLAB M-code.Key words: Affective customer satisfaction, Car seat design, Human Comfort, Neuro-fuzzy Reference [1] Dagli, C.H. (1994), Artificial Neural Networks for Intelligent Manufacturing, Chapman & Hall. [2] Wang, J. and Takefuji, Y. (1993), Neural Networks in Design and Manufacturing, World Scientific, Singapore [3] Zha, X.F., (2004b), Artificial Intelligence and Integrated Intelligent Systems in Product Design and Development, Intelligent Knowledge-based Systems: Business and Technology in New Millennium, vol. IV: Intelligent Systems, Chapter 1, Cornelius T. Leondes (ed), Kluwer Academic Publishers, USA [4] J. Jang, "Self-Learning Fuzzy Controllers Based on Temporal Back Propogation", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics 1993, [5] Medsker, L.R. (1995), Hybrid Intelligent Systems, Kluwer Academic Publishers [6] Goonatilake, S. and Khebbal, S. (1995), Intelligent Hybrid Systems, John-Wiley & Sons [7] Zha, X.F. (2004a), A Hybrid CrossMapping Neural Network Model for Computational Intelligent Design, International Journal of Knowledge-based and Intelligent Engineering Systems, 8(1): 17-26 [8] Zeithaml, V. A. (2000). Service quality, profitability, and the economic worth of customers: What we know and what we need to learn. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 28(1), 67-85. [9] Liu, X., Zeng, X., Xu, Y., Koehl, L. (2008). A fuzzy model for customer satisfaction index in e-commerce. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation,77, 512-521 [10] Grigoroudis, E., Siskos, Y. (2002). Preference disaggregation for measuring and analyzing customer satisfaction: The MUSA method. European Journal of Operational Research, 143, 148-170. [11] Park, J., Han, S. H. (2004). A fuzzy rulebased approach to modeling affective user satisfaction towards office chair design. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 34, 31-47. [12] You, H., Ryu, T., Oh, K., Yun, M. H., Kim, K. J. (2006). Development of customer satisfaction models for automotive interior materials. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 36, 323-330. [13] Kwong, C. K., Chen, Y., Bai, H., Chan, D. S. K. (2007). A methodology of determining aggregated importance of engineering characteristics in QFD. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 53, 667-679. [14] . Kwong C.K , Wong T.Cet.al (2008), " A Neuro Fuzzy Approach to generating Customer Satisfaction Model for New Product Development", Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE IEEM. [15] Kelsey, J. L., and Hardy, R. J. (1975). Driving of motor vehicles as a risk factor for acute herniated lumbar intervertebral discs. American Journal of @idemioloev, m, 63-73. T.Kavitha, M.Chandra Sekhar, CNV Sridhar |
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145. | Processing Of Mesoporous Hydroxyapatite Using Cetyltrimethylammonium Bromide (CTAB) As A Porogen And Its Characterization
Processing Of Mesoporous Hydroxyapatite Using Cetyltrimethylammonium Bromide (CTAB) As A Porogen And Its CharacterizatioAbstract: The present research attempt consists in the development of mesoporous hydroxyapatite using inexpensive ingredients using cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) as template through a chemical-based hydrothermal method. Wide angle X-ray diffraction (XRD) reveals the formation of pure single-phased hydroxyapatite particles. Fourier transform infrared absorption spectroscopy (FTIR) and electron diffraction X-ray (EDX) studies show the stoichiometric formation of HAp particles. The formation of mesoporous HAp has been confirmed by low angle XRD and Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) surface area analysis studies. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis divulges needle like acicular crystals of HAp particles with approximate size of 28-36 nm in diameter by 82- 94 nm in length. the hemocompatibility study shows that the material is highly hemocompatible. The cell viability study shows that the material is cytocompatible. The developed mesoporous hydroxyapatite material may be used in making a biocomposite, drug delivery and bone tissue engineering applications.Key words: mesoporous; hydroxyapatite; biomaterials, surface area analysis Reference [1] A. Dong, N. Ren, Y. Tang, Y. Wang, Y. Zhang, W. Hua, and Z. Gao, "General synthesis of mesoporous spheres of metal oxides and phosphates," J Am Chem Soc ,2003; vol. 125: pp. 4976-4977. [2] C. T. Kresge, M. E. Leonowicz, and W. J. Roth, "Ordered mesoporous molecular sieves synthesized by a liquid-crystal template mechanism," Nature, 1992; vol. 359: pp. 710-712. [3] Y. P. Guo, Y. Zhou, and D. C. Jia, "Fabrication of hydroxycarbonate apatite coatings with hierarchically porous structures," Acta Biomater, 2008; vol. 4: pp. 334-342. [4] X. T. Shi, Y. J. Wang, L. Ren, N. R. Zhao, Y. H. Gong, and D. A.Wang, "Novel mesoporous silica-based antibiotic releasing scaffold for bone repair," Acta Biomater, 2009; vol. 5: pp. 1697-1707. [5] K. S. Vecchio, X. Zhang, J. B. Massie, M. Wang, and C. W. Kim, "Conversion of bulk seashells to biocompatible hydroxyapatite for bone implants," Acta Biomater, 2007; vol. 3: pp. 910-918. [6] A. Almirall, G. Larrecq, and J. A. A. Delgado, "Fabrication of low temperature macroporous hydroxyapatite scaffolds by foaming and hydrolysis of an α-TCP paste," Biomaterials, 2004; vol. 17: pp. 3671-3680. [7] T. Brendel, A. Engel, and C. R¨ussel, "Hydroxyapatite coatings by a polymeric route," J Mater Sci Mater Med, 1992 ; vol. 3: pp. 175-179. [8] D. Walsh, T. Furuzono, and J. Tanaka, "Preparation of porous composite implant materials by in situ polymerization of porous apatite containing ε-caprolactone or methyl methacrylate," Biomaterials, 2001; vol. 22: pp. 1205-1212. [9] A. Lak, M. Mazloumi, M. Mohajerani, A. Kajbafvala, S. Zanganeh, H. Arami, and S. K. Sadrnezhaad, "Self-assembly of dandelionlike hydroxyapatite nanostructures via hydrothermal method," J Am Ceram Soc, 2008; vol. 91: pp. 3292- 3997. [10] L. Yanbao, T. Wiliana, and K. C. Tam, "Synthesis and characterization of nanoporous hydroxyapatite using cationic surfactants as templates," Mater Res Bull, 2008; vol. 43: pp. 2318-2326. [11] M. Tiemann and M. Fro¨ba, "Mesoporous aluminophosphates from a single-source precursor," Chem Commun, 2002; pp. 406-407. [12] S. K. Ray Chowdhury, A. Mishra, B. Pradhan and D. Saha, "Wear characteristic and biocompatibility of some polymer composite acetabular cups," Wear, 2004; vol. 256: pp. 1026-1036. Nabakumar Pramanik, Sudip Chakraborty |
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146. | Minimization of power loss and improvement of voltage profileby optimal placement of wind generator in distribution network
Minimization of power loss and improvement of voltage profileby optimal placement of wind generator in distribution networkAbstract: Nowadays, distribution losses accounts to 25 to 30 percent, so minimization of these losses gain major role to maintain power system performance. Distributed generation (DG) could be considered as one of the viable options toease some of the problems (e.g. high loss, low reliability,poor power quality)faced by the power systems, apart from meeting theenergy demand of ever growing loads.Inclusion of a wind generator into distribution system will minimise the power losses and improves the voltage profile. Determination of optimal location of wind generator in the given distribution system is very important, as studies indicate that inappropriate selection oflocation and size of wind generator, may lead to greater system losses than the losses without placing it in the given distribution system. In this work, Analytical approach and Particle Swarm Optimization technique are used to determine wind generator size and its optimal placement.A conventional load flow technique called backward forward sweep load flow is used for calculation. The results for the two approaches are compared and voltage profile of the 33-bus, 69-bus and 13-bus radial distribution test systems is observed.Key words: Wind generator, power loss, optimum size and location, Distributed generation, Particle Swarm Optimization. Reference [1] S Kansal, B Sai, B Tyagi, and V Kumar "Optimal Placement of Wind-Based Generation In Distribution Networks", 10.1049/cp02.11.0141, IET Conference publications,2011. [2] C.L. Wadhwa, "Electric Power Systems", fifth edition. [3] Acharya N., Mahat P., Mithulananthan N., "An analytical approach for DG allocation in primary distribution network", Electric Power & Energy Systems, vol.28, no.10, pp.669-678, December 2006. [4] P.Mahat, W.Ongsakul, N.Mithulananthan, "Optimal placement of wind turbine DG in primary distribution systems for real loss reduction". Proceedings of Energy for sustainable development: Prospects and Issues for Asia, Thailand, March 2006. [5] Shirmohammadi, D., Hong, H.W., Semlyen, A., And Luo, G.X.: "A compensation-based power flow method for weakly meshed distribution and transmission networks‟, IEEE Trans., 1988, PWRS-3, (2), pp. 753-762. [6] Kennedy J., Eberhart R., "Particle Swarm Optimizer," IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks , Perth(Australia), IEEE Service Centre Piscataway, NJ, IV, pp1942-1948, 1995. [7] Eberhart R.C.and Shi Y., "Comparing inertial weights and constriction factor in particle swarm optimization," proceedings of the 2000 International congress on Evaluating computation, San Diego,Calfornia, IEEE service center, Piscataway, NJ, pp 84-88, 2000. [8] M.A.Kashem, V.Ganapathy, G.B.Jasmon, M.I.Buhari, "A novel method for loss minimization in distribution networks", International Conference on Electric Utility Deregulation and Restructuring and Power Technology, London, April 2000. [9] Baran M.E. and Wu, F.F. 1989. Optimal sizing of Capacitor Placed on Radial distribution Systems, IEEE Trans. PWRD, Vol.-4, pp. 735-743. M.M.G.Viswanadh, A.S.R.Sekhar |
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147. | Fatigue life analysis of partial hip endoprosthesis for an activity of brisk walking
Fatigue life analysis of partial hip endoprosthesis for an activity of brisk walkingAbstract: Hip joint implant surgery is becoming common not only in old aged people, but also in comparatively younger persons. The load experienced by the hip implant is of fluctuating nature, and hence, the prediction of fatigue life of the hip implant is of utmost importance. This paper deals with the preparation of finite element model, its validation through physical testing, and prediction of fatigue life of the implant considered through finite element analysis. The validation of FEA model is done as per the guidelines of ISO 7106 (4). The orientation of implant and the loading is done as per ISO 7206 in both, FEA and physical testing. The activity considered for predicting fatigue life is brisk walking.Key words: fatigue life, hip implant, partial hip endoprosthesis, fatigue analysis Reference 1. S. Krein, and E Chao, Biomechanics of bipolar hip endoprostheses, Journal of Orthopaedic Research, Vol.2, 1984, 356- 368 2. J. Paul, Force actions transmitted by joints in the human body, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London series B, Biological Sciences, vol.192, 1976, 163- 172 3. G. Bergmann, and F. Graichen, Hip joint loading during walking and running measured in two patients, Journal of Biomechanics, Vol.26, 1993, 969-990 4. C. Styles, S. Evans, and P. Gregson, Development of fatigue lifetime predictive test methods for hip implants, Part I Test Methodology, Biomaterials, vol.19, 1998, 1057-1065. 5. S. Teoh, Fatigue of biomaterials - a review, International journal of fatigue, vol. 22, 2000, 825-837. 6. P. Prendergast, and S. Maher, Issues in pre clinical testing of implants, Journal of materials processing technology, vol. 118, 2001, 337-342. K.V. Datar, Y.P. Reddy, Ravi Sarangapani |
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148. | A High-Performance VLSI Architecture for Image Compression Technique Using 2-D DWT
A High-Performance VLSI Architecture for Image Compression Technique Using 2-D DWTAbstract: Image compression is the application of Data compression on digital images. A fundamental shift in the image compression approach came after the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) became popular. To overcome the inefficiencies in the JPEG standard and serve emerging areas of mobile and Internet communications, the new JPEG2000 standard has been developed based on the principles of DWT. In this research, an architecture that performs both forward and inverse lifting-based discrete wavelet transform is proposed. The proposed architecture reduces the hardware requirement by exploiting the redundancy in the arithmetic operation involved in DWT computation. The proposed architecture does not require any extra memory to store intermediate results. Using Verilog HDL, the encoder for the image compression employing DWT was implemented. This architecture has been described in VHDL at the RTL level and simulated successfully using ModelSim simulation environment. In this paper, high-efficient lifting-based architectures for the 5/3 discrete wavelet transform (DWT) are proposed. The proposed parallel and pipelined architecture consists of a horizontal filter (HF) and a vertical filter (VF). The system delays of the proposed architectures are reduced. Filter coefficients of the biorthogonal 5/3 wavelet low-pass filter are quantized before implementation in the highspeed computation hardware. In the proposed architecture, all multiplications are performed using less shifts and additions. The proposed architecture is 100% hardware utilization and ultra low-power. The architecture has regular structure, simple control flow, high throughput and high scalability. Thus, it is very suitable for new generation image compression systems, such as JPEG- 2000.Key words: 5/3 discrete wavelet transform (DWT), IDWT, horizontal filter (HF), vertical filter (VF), lifting-based architecture, JPEG-2000. Reference [1] O. Rioul and M. Vetterli, "Wavelets and Signal Processing," IEEE Signal Processing, vol. 8, issue: 4, pp. 14-38, Oct. 1991. [2] ISO/IEC. International Standard, 15444-1: 2000(E), JPEG2000 Image Coding System – Part I Core coding system. [3] C. Chakrabarti, M. Vishwanath, and R. M Owens, "Architectures for wavelet transforms: A survey," J. VLSI Signal Process., vol. 14, pp.171– 192, 1996. [4] W. Sweldens, "The lifting scheme: A construction of second-generation wavelets," SIAM J. Mathematical Analysis, vol. 29, no.2, pp. 511–46, 1997. [5] P. Chen, "VLSI implementation for one- Dimensional multilevel lifting-based wavelet transform," IEEE Trans. on Computers, vol.53, no.4, pp.386-398, April 2004. [6] K. Andra, C. Chakrabati and T. Acharya, "A VLSI Architecture for Lifting-based Forward and Inverse Wavelet Transform," IEEE Trans. On Signal Processing, vol.50, no.4, pp966-977, April 2002. [7] D. Taubman , "High performance scalable image compression with EBCOT," IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 9, pp. 1158- 1170, July 2000. [8]R. Kronland-Martinet, J. Morlet, and A. Grossman "Analysis of sound patterns through wavelet transform," Int. J. Pattern Recognit. Artif. Intell., vol. 1, no. 2, 1987, pp. 273-302. [9] M. A. Stoksik, R. G. Lane, D. T. Nguyen, "Accurate synthesis of fractional Brownian motion using wavelets," Electronic Letters, vol.30, no. 5, Mar. 1994, pp. 384-284. [10] K. Parhi and T. Nishitani, "VLSI architectures for discrete wavelet transforms," IEEE Trans.VLSI Systems, vol. 1, no. 2, 1993, pp. 191-202. [11] P.Wu"An efficient architecture for two dimensional discrete wavelet transform," IEEE Trans. on Circuits and System for video Tech., 11, 2001, pp.536-545. [12] F. Marino, "Two fast architectures for the direct 2-D discrete wavelet transformSigna l Processing," IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, 49, 2001, pp.1248- 1347. [13] T . Park and S.Jung, "High speed lattice based VLSI architecture of 2d discrete wavelet transform for real time video signal processing," Consumer Electronics, IEEE Trans. On Consumer Electronics ,48, 2002, pp..1026-1032. [14] K. Andra, C. Chakrabarti and T. Acharya, " A VLSI architecture for lifting-based forward and inverse wavelet transform," IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, 50, 2002, pp.966-977. [15] T. Y. Sung, Y. S. Shieh, "A High-Speed / Ultra Low-Power Architecture for 2-D Discrete Wavelet Transform," 2005 IEEE International Conference on Systems and Signals (ICSS2005), I-Shou University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, April 28- 29,2005,pp.326-331. S. Jayachandranath, P. Suresh Babu |
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149. | A Tehnique To ROI Of Palmprint For Palmline Matching
A Tehnique To ROI Of Palmprint For Palmline MatchingAbstract: This paper proposed a technique to obtain ROI of a palmprint. The popular method is a fixed size square region chosen as the centre part of the palm, which is then divided into square blocks for extraction of local features. Instead of square blocks, we scan the image aligning left side with index finger and thumb crossing point, then select a point bottom of little finger in opposite diagonal direction draw a rectangle by joining these points and crop the image. This cropped part of image can be used for further matching.Key words: Palmprint, ROI etc. Reference (1) Adams Wai Kin Kong,(2007) "Palmprint Identification Based on Generalization of Iris Code" Waterloo,Onntrario , Canada,2007 (2) Yi –Bo Zhang, Qin Li, Jane You and Prabir Bhattacharya : G.Qin et al (Eds) " Palm vein Extraction and Matching for personal Authentication" VISUAL 2007,LNCS 4781 PP. 154-164,2007 (3) Ivan Fratric ; "Techniques and Recent Directions in Palmprint and Face Recognition" (4) Guangming Lu, David Zhang , Kuanquan Wsng ( 2002) ;" Palmprint recognition using eigenpalms features: (5) Y.K.Rajput, Melissa Amanna , Mankhush Jagawat, Mayank Sharma: Jan 2011 ; "Pamprint Recognition using image processing " TECHNIA, Vol,3 ISSN 0974-3375) (6) Jiansheng Chen , Yiu Sang Moon (2008) :"Using SIFT Feature in Palmprint Authentication" ieee,2008 (7) A Rotational and Translational – Invariant Palmprint Recognition System : Saroj Kumar Panigrahy , Debasish Jena, Sanjay Kumar Jena (8) Z. Guo, D.Zhang, L. Zhang and W.Zuo, "Palm print verification using binary orientation cooccurence vector, "Pattern Recognition letter, Vol, 30,2009, pp. 1219-1227 (9) PolyU palmprint Database, http:// www4.Comp. plyu.edu. hk/biometrics/. (10) JinXin Zhang, XiaPeng Wei and Qiang Zhang(2011),"Scatter-dofference criminant locality preserving projections for palmprint recognition , Key Laboratory of Advance Design and Intelligent Computing , Dalian116622 (11) Chairo, Book ; "Hasta Rekhaye Bolti Hain" "Palm Van Authentication Technology" White paper, Bioguard, Innovative Biometric Solution, March 2007 (12) A.Kong,D.Zhang, G.Lu,(2006), "A Study of Identical Twins Palmprint for Personal Verification", Pattern Recog. 39(11), pp- 2149-2156. Vipin Kumar Jain |
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150. | Calculation of Electron Transport Properties in CdTe and
HgCdTe at Low Electric Filed Application
Calculation of Electron Transport Properties in CdTe and HgCdTe at Low Electric Filed ApplicationAbstract: Electron mobility in CdTe and HgCdTe are calculated, by solving Boltzmann equation using iteration model, as a function of temperature for carrier concentrations of 10 16 , 10 17 , and 10 18 cm -3 . Both CdTe and HgCdTe have maximum mobility between 100 and 200 K, depending on the electron density. The theoretical maximum mobility in CdTe and HgCdTe at 300 K are about 1000 and 4400 cm 2 V -1 s - 1. We compared the results with experimental data and find reasonable correlation.Key words: Iteration Model; ionized impurity scattering; Electron mobilities. Reference [1] Bhatta, Rudra Prasad, "Electron Spectroscopic Study of Indium Nitride Layers" (2008). Physics & Astronomy Dissertations. Paper 23. [2] Jacoboni C, Lugli P (1989). The Monte Carlo Method for semiconductor and Device Simulation, Springer-Verlag. [3] Moglestue C (1993). Monte Carlo Simulation of Semiconductor Devices,Chapman and Hall [4] Ridley BK (1997). Electrons and phonons in semiconductor multilayers,Cambridge University Press. [5] Chattopadhyay D, Queisser HJ (1981). Review of Modern Physics, 53,part1 [6] H. Arabshahi, "Comparison of SiC and ZnO Field Effect Transistors for High Power Applications", Modern Physics Letters B, 20, (2006), pp.787-793. A. Haji Malekkheili, N. Naghdiani, K. Moradian Koochaksaraee, G. H. Khorrami |
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151. | Electroless Deposition of Metal Hexacyanoferrate on Carbon nanotube Supported Electrode for Electrocatalytic Sensing of Ethanol Sudip Chakraborty, Nabakumar Pramanik |
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152. | Digital Multiple Beam Forming with Parallel Array Processing for Phased Array RADARs
Digital Multiple Beam Forming with Parallel Array Processing for Phased Array RADARsAbstract: Beam forming is a signal processing technique used in antenna arrays for directional signal transmission or reception. Phased array radar is very important in modern radar development, and multiple digital beam forming technology is the most significant technology in phased array radar. Digital multiple beam forming on each antenna element about large phased array radar is impossible in processor based digital processing units, because it needs simultaneous processing many A/D channels. In this project we resolve this problem by using a multi array based beam forming technique with multiplexed signal processing unit on FPGA. The conventional techniques of completely duplicated hardware and also dynamic reconfiguration[1] does not yield the real time parallel beam processing. The proposed technique employs multiplexed signal processing unit which is time shared for various beam formers. This technique provides simultaneous beams without any compromise on functionality.Key words: —Numerically Controlled Oscillator(NCO), Digtial Down coventer(DDC) Reference [1] A dynamically Reconfigurable Phased Array Radar Processing System,Emmanuel Seguin, Russell Tessier, EricKnapp, and Robert W.Jackson [2] G. W. Stimson: "Introduction to Airborne Radar, 2nd Ed.," SciTech Publishing, 1998 [3] P. Lacombe, J.-P. Harding, J.-C. Marchais, E. Normant: "Air and Spaceborne Radar Systems: An Introduction," IEE, 2001 [4] M. I. Skolnik: "Introduction to Radar Systems, 3rd Ed.," McGraw-Hill, 2005 [5] R. J. Mailloux: "Phased Array Antenna Handbook," Artech House, 2005 [6] E. Brookner: "Practical Phased Array Antenna Systems," Artech House, 1991 [7] R. C. Hansen: "Phased Array Antennas," John Wiley & Sons, 1998 [8] A. Ludloff: "Praxiswissen Radar und Radarsignalverarbeitung, 2. Auflage," Viewegs Fachbücher der Technik, 1998 Swapna Koganti, kaapaarapu satish babu |
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153. | Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer and Friction Factor of V-shaped Rib Roughed Duct with and without Gap
Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer and Friction Factor of V-shaped Rib Roughed Duct with and without GapAbstract: Artificial roughness in the form of repeated ribs is generally used for enhancement of heat transfer from heated surface to the working fluid. This paper presents the experimental investigation of heat transfer and friction factor characteristics of a rectangular duct roughened with repeated v-shape ribs with and without gap on one broad wall arranged at an inclination of 60° with respect to the flow direction. A rectangular duct of aspect ratio of (W/H) of 8, relative roughness pitch (p/e) of 10, relative roughness height (e/Dh) of 0.030, and angle of attack 60 0 . The heat transfer and friction characteristics of this roughened duct have been compared with those of the smooth duct under similar flow condition. The effect of gap in vshaped rib has been investigation for the range of flow Reynolds numbers from 5000 to 14000. The maximum enhancement in Nusselt number and friction factor is observed to be 2.57 and 2.85 time of that of the smooth duct.Reference 1. Han J. C. "Heat transfer and friction in channels with two opposite rib roughened walls", Trans. ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, 106, 774-781, 1984 2. Kiml R. Mochizuki S. and Murata A. "Effects of rib arrangements on heat transfer and flow behavior in a rectangularrib roughened passage". International Journal of Heat and mass transfer; 123: 675-681, 2001 3. Hu Z. and Shen J. Heat transfer enhancement in a conversing passage with discrete ribs. Int. Journal Heat and Mass Transfer 1996; 39 (8): 1719-1727 4. Cho H.H, Kim Y.Y, Rhee D.H, Lee S.Y and Wu S.J. The effect of gap position in discrete ribs on local heat/ mass transfer in a square duct Journal of Enhanced heat transfer 2003; 10(3): 287-300. 5. Han J.C., Glicksman LR and Rosenow WM. Investigation of heat transfer and friction for ribroughened surfaces, Int. Journal of Heat & Mass Transfer 1978; 21: 1143-1156. 6. Taslin ME, Li T, Rercher DM. Experimental heat transfer and friction in channels roughened with angled, V-shaped and discrete ribs on two opposite walls. J Turbomachinery 1996;118:20–8. 7. Han JC, Zhang YM, Lee CP. Augmented heat transfer in square channels with parallel, crossed, and V-shaped angled ribs. Trans ASME, J Heat Transfer 1991;113:590–6. 8. Han JC, Park JS. Developing heat transfer in rectangular channels with rib turbulators. Int J Heat Mass Transfer 1988;3(1):183– 95. 9. Cho HH, Wu SJ, Kwon HJ. Local heat/mass transfer measurement in a rectangular duct with discrete ribs. J Turbomachinery 2000;122:579–86. 10. Lau SC, McMillin RD, Han JC. Turbulent heat transfer and friction in a square channel with discrete rib turbulators. Trans ASME, J Turbo Machinery 1991;113:360– 6. Sachin Baraskar, K.R.Aharwal, A.Lanjewar |
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154. | Sugar Export Forecast Using Time Series
Sugar Export Forecast Using Time SeriesAbstract: The sales forecast exercises great influence in the company's results that work with flotation in the demand, but the utilization of an only technique cannot express the reality of your behavior. The several techniques utilization and the integration among them it allows a better forecast with mistakes reduction perspectives. This way, this work boards export forecast techniques of sugar using temporal series for executive auxiliary of the sector in the decisionmaking. The agribusiness relevance in the national economic context motivates the accomplishment of this work to analyze the performance of this segment exporter. Its importance it justifies by the paper that the segment exporter sugar cane performs in the trade balance and in the adjustment of the external accounts of the national economy. In particular, the analyses are done with the projections statistical models utilization of tendencies that can highlight the Regression models, Average Furniture, Simple Smoothing, Method of Holt and Winters the which ones project for the future, observations done in the past. The tests are presented and analyzed with the goal of showing the importance of a good forecast.Key words: Sugar cane, forecasting, sugar exports. Reference [1] L.R. Alves, M.R.P. Bacchi. Oferta de exportação de açúcar do Brasil. Rev. Econ. Sociol. Rural, Jan./Mar. 2004, vol.42 (1): 9-33. [2] A.M. Silveira. A relação entre os preços de açúcar nos mercados doméstico e internacional. 2004. 89f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências) – Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz",Universidade de São Paulo, Piracicaba, 2004. [3] A.S.T. Penedo, J.D. Oliveira Neto, M.M.B. Oliveira, P.M.R. Castro. Previsão de Preços do Açúcar Utilizando Redes Neurais Artificiais. In: 6º Congresso USP de Controladoria e Contabilidade, Anais..., São Paulo, 2005. [4] A.C. Gil. Como elaborar projetos de pesquisa. 4. ed. São Paulo: Atlas, 2004. [5] S.G. Makridakis, S.C. Wheelwright, R.J. Hyndman. Forecasting: methods and applications. 3 ed. New York: Johr Willey & Sons, 1998. [6] R.H. Ballou. Business Logistics/Supply Chain Management. 5th edition, Prentice Hall, 2003. [7] F. Jacobs, W. Berry, D. Whybark, T. Vollmann. Manufacturing Planning and Control for Supply Chain Management. 1 th ed, McGraw-Hill Professional, 2011. [8] L. Werner, J.L.D. Ribeiro. Modelo composto para prever demanda através da integração de previsões. Revista Produção, v. 16 (3): 493-509, 2006. [9] União Nacional da Indústria de Cana-deAçúcar. Produção nacional de cana-deaçúcar, álcool e açúcar. Available: [10] J.P.R. Lima, G.V. Silva. A economia canavieira de Pernambuco e a reestruturação necessária. Revista de Economia do Nordeste, v. 26 (2): 181-203, 1995. [11] L.C.C. Carvalho. Pesos diferentes. Agroanalysis, v. 20 (3): 41-45, 2000. [12] T.F. Wallace, R.A. Stahl. Sales Forecasting: A New Approach. T. F. Wallace & Company, 2002. [13] R. Webby, M. O'Connor. Judgment and Statiscal Time Series Forecasting: A Review of the Literature. International Journal of Forecasting, v.12: 91-118, 1996. Antonio Sérgio Torres Penedo, Nilton Cesar Lima, Marcio Mattos Borges de Oliveira |
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156. | CFD modeling of pressure drop caused by two-phase flow of oil/water emulsions through sudden expansions
CFD modeling of pressure drop caused by two-phase flow of oil/water emulsions through sudden expansionsAbstract: Pressure drop through sudden expansions are numerically investigated for twophase flow of oil/water emulsions. Two-phase computational fluid dynamics (CFD) calculations, using Eulerian–Eulerian model are employed to calculate the velocity profiles and pressure drop across sudden expansion. Axial pressure drops have been determined by extrapolating the computed axial pressure profiles in the regions of fully developed pipe flow upstream and downstream of the pipe expansion, to the transitional cross section. The oil concentration is varied over a wide range of 0-97.3 % by volume. From the pressure-loss and velocity data, the loss coefficients are obtained. The loss coefficients for the emulsions are found to be independent of the concentration and type of emulsions. The numerical results are validated against experimental data from the literature and are found to be in good agreement.Key words: Two-phase flow, pressure drop, loss coefficient, velocity head, concentration, emulsion. Reference 1. C. Y. J. Hwang, and R. Pal, "Flow of Two Phase Oil/Water Mixtures through Sudden Expansions and Contractions", Chemical Engineering Journal, 68, pp. 157-163. 1997. 2. M. Wadle, "A new formula for the pressure recovery in an abrupt diffuser", Int. J. Multiphase Flow, 15(2), pp. 241- 256, 1989. 3. A. Tapucu, A. Teyssedou, N. Troche, and M. Merilo, "Pressure losses caused by area changes in a single channel flow under two-phase flow conditions", Int. J. Multiphase Flow 15(1), pp. 51-64, 1989. 4. A. Acrivos, and M. L. Schrader, "Steady flow in a sudden expansion at high Reynolds numbers", Phys. Fluids 25(6), pp. 923-930, 1982. 5. A. Attou, M. Giot, and J. M. Seynhaeven, "Modeling of steady-state two-phase bubbly flow through a sudden enlargement", Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 40, pp. 3375–3385, 1997. 6. F. F. Abdelall, G. Hann, S. M. Ghiaasiaan, S. I. Abdel-Khalik, S. S. Jeter, M. Yoda, and D. L. Sadowski, "Pressure drop caused by abrupt flow area changes in small channels", Exp. Thermal and Fluid Sc. 29, pp. 425-434, 2005. 7. M. Salcudean, D. C. Groeneveld, and L. Leung, "Effect of flow obstruction geometry on pressure drops in horizontal air-water flow", Int. J. Multiphase Flow 9(1), pp. 73-85, 1983. 8. D. A. Drew, "Mathematical Modeling of Two-Phase Flows", Ann. Rev. Fluid Mech. 15, pp. 261-291, 1983. 9. G. B. Wallis, One-dimensional two-phase flow, McGraw Hill, New York. 1969. 10. M. Ishii, and N. Zuber, "Drag coefficient and relative velocity in bubbly, droplet or particulate flows", AIChE J. 25, pp. 843– 855, 1979. 11. D. Drew, and R.T. Jr. Lahey, "Application of general constitutive principles to the derivation of multidimensional two-phase flow equations", Int. J. Multiphase Flow 7, pp. 243–264, 1979. 12. FLUENT User's Guide, Version 6.2.16, Fluent Inc., Lebanon, New Hampshire 03766, 2005. 13. W. L. McCabe, J. C. Smith, and P. Harriott, Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1993. 14. R. H. Perry, D. W. Green, and J. O. Maloney, Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1984. 15. S. V. Patankar, Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, McGraw-Hill, Hemisphere, Washington, DC, 1980. Manmatha k. Roul, laxman kumar sahoo |
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157. | BM3D-Based Denoising of CFA Images for Single-Sensor Digital Cameras
BM3D-Based Denoising of CFA Images for Single-Sensor Digital CamerasAbstract: Most existing Digital Color Cameras use a Single -sensor with a color filter array (CFA) to capture images. The quality of demosaicked images is degraded due to the sensor noise introduced during the image acquisition process. The conventional solution to combating CFA sensor noise is demosaicking first, followed by a separate denoising processing. This strategy will generate many noise-caused color artifacts in the demosaicking process, which are hard to remove in the denoising process. Few denoising schemes that work directly on the CFA images have been presented because of the difficulties arisen from the red, green and blue interlaced mosaic pattern, yet a well designed "denoising first and demosaicking later" scheme can have advantages such as less noise-caused color artifacts and cost-effective implementation. Lie Zahng et al. has extended and developed a method called PCA-based denoising method on CFA image denoising [8]. However, when noise level is high, accurate estimation of the PCA basis is not possible and the image denoising performance is decreased. The weaknesses of PCA method are the high computational burden they enforce to processors and the more time they need. This paper proposes a new procedure that is improved block matching and 3-D filtering (BM3D) image denoising algorithm. Using an improved version of BM3D, it is possible to achieve a better performance than directly using of BM3D algorithm in a variety of noise levels. This method changes BM3D Algorithm parameter values according to noise level, removes pre-filtering, which is used in high noise level; therefore Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) and visual quality get improved, and BM3D complexities and processing time are reduced. This improved BM3D algorithm is used to denoise color filter array (CFA) images.Key words: –Color Filter Array (CFA), Improved BM3D Denoising, Block-wise estimates, Collaborative filtering, Color Demosaicking Reference [1] R.C Gonzalez, R.E. Woods., Digital Image Processing, Prentice Hall, New Jersey,2008. [2] A. Pizurica, W.Philips, "Estimating the probability of the presence of a signal of interest in multiresolution single-and multiband image denoising" ,IEEE Transaction on Image Processing , Vol.15, No.3, pp. 654–665,2006. [3] K. Dabov, A. Foi, V. Katkovnik, and K. Egiazarian, "Image denoising by sparse 3D transformdomain collaborative filtering", IEEE Trans. Image Process., vol. 16, no. 8, pp. 2080–2095, Aug. 2007. [4] L. Zhang, W. Dong, D. Zhang, and G. Shi, "Two-stage image denoising by principal component analysis with local pixel grouping", Pattern Recognition, vol. 43, pp. 1531-1549, Apr. 2010. [5] Yingkun Hou, Chunxia Zhao, Deyun Yang, and Yong Cheng, "comment on Image denoising by sparse 3D transformdomain collaborative filtering", IEEE Trans. Image Process., vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 268–270, Aug. 2011. [6] M. Elad and M. Aharon, "Image denoising via sparse and redundant representations over learned dictionaries", IEEE Trans. Image Process.,vol. 15, no. 12, pp. 3736– 3745, Dec. 2006. [7] P. Scheunders, "Wavelet thresholding of multivalued images", IEEE Trans. Image Proc.,vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 475–483, Apr. 2004. [8] Zhang, L., R. Lukac, X. Wu and D. Zhang, "PCA- based Adaptive Denoising of CFA Images for Single Sensor Digital Cameras", IEEE Trans. Image Process., vol.18, no. 4, pp. 797-812, Apr. 2009. [9] D. Barash, "A fundamental relationship between bilateral filtering, adaptive smoothing, and the nonlinear diffusion equation", IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence Vol. 24, No. 6, 2002. [10] L. Sendur and I. W. Selesnick, "Bivariate shrinkage functions for wavelet-based denoising exploiting interscale dependency", IEEE Trans.Signal Process., vol. 50, No. 11, pp. 2744–2756, Nov. 2002. [11] J. Portilla, V. Strela, M. Wainwright, and E. P. Simoncelli, "Image denoising using a scale mixture of Gaussians in the wavelet domain", IEEE Trans. Image Process., vol. 12, no. 11, pp. 1338–1351, Nov. 2003. G. Kanchana, K. Suresh |
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158. | Effect Of Anisotropy On Plane Strain Deformation Of A Poroelastic Half-Space In Welded Contact With Elastic Half Space
Effect Of Anisotropy On Plane Strain Deformation Of A Poroelastic Half-Space In Welded Contact With Elastic Half SpaceAbstract: The Biot linearized theory for fluid saturated porous materials is used to study the plane strain deformation of an isotropic, homogeneous, poroelastic half space in welded contact with homogeneous, orthotropic elastic half space in case (a) and with transversely isotropic elastic half space in case (b) caused by a normal line-load. The analytical expressions for the displacements and stresses in the two half spaces in welded contact have been obtained by applying boundary conditions at the interface. The integrals are solved analytically for the limiting case i.e. undrained conditions in high frequency limit. To examine the effect of anisotropy, the variation of the undrained dimensionless displacements, stresses and pore pressure are shown graphically and it is found that anisotropy is affecting the deformation substantially.Key words: Anisotropy, Inclined line-load, Orthotropic, Plane strain, Poroelastic, Transversely Isotropic, Welded half-spaces. Reference [1] M.A.Biot, General theory of three dimensional consolidation, J.Appl.Phys.,12, 155-164, (1941a). [2] M.A. Biot, General solutions of the equations of elasticity and consolidation for a porous material, J.Appl.Mech., .78, 91-98, 1956. [3] H. F.Wang, Theory of Linear Poroelasticity Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, 2000. [4] A.E.H. Love, A Treatise on the Mathematical Theory of Elasticity Dover Publications, New York, 1944. [5] T.Maruyama, On two dimensional elastic dislocations in an infinite and semiinfinite medium, Bull. Earthq.Res.Inst., .44, 811-871, 1966. [6] J.W Rudnicki, Plane strain dislocations in linear elastic diffusive solids, J.Appl. Mech., 54, 545-552, 1987. [7] J.W.Rudnicki, and E. Roeloffs, Plane strain shear dislocations moving steadily in linear elastic diffusive solids, J.Appl. Mech.,57, 32-39, 1990. [8] S.J.Singh. andS.Rani, Plane strain deformation of a multilayered poroelastic half-space by surface loads, J. Earth Sys.Sci. , 115,685-694, 2006. [9] S.Rani and S.J.Singh, Quasi-static deformation due to two-dimensional seismic sources embedded in an elastic half-space in welded contact with a poroelastic half-space, J. Earth Syst. Sci., 116, 99-111, 2007. [10] S.J.Singh,S. Rani and N.R.Garg, Displacements and stresses in two welded half- spaces due to two dimensional sources ,Phys. Earth Planet. Inter.,70, 90- 101, 1992. [11] R. Kumar, A.Miglani and N.R.Garg, Plane strain problem of poroelasticity using Eigen value approach, Proceeding Indian Acad. Sci. (Earth Planet. Sci.), 109, 371- 380, 2000. [12] R.Kumar, A.Miglani and N.R.Garg, Response of an anisotropic liquid saturated porous medium due to two dimensional sourses, Proceeding Indian Acad. Sci. (Earth Planet. Sci.), 111,143- 151, 2002. Neelam Kumari, Aseem Miglani |
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159. | Design & Development Of ARM9 Based Live Video Monitoring System
Design & Development Of ARM9 Based Live Video Monitoring SystemAbstract: Currently on the market most of the image acquisition system is based on DSP. This image acquisition system's high cost, great power consumption, and volume restriction is not suitable for some simple applications. So in this project we will be using S3C2440 along with embedded Linux. S3C2440 is being manufactured by Samsung and is a RISC microprocessor based on ARM920T.The maximum frequency can reach 533MHz. In this project we will be using an OV9650 Color CMOS SXGA (1.3 Mega Pixel) From Omni-Vision camera connected to ARM9. One Linux device driver will be responsible for the camera. For writing to the LCD, Linux has Frame Buffer. Frame Buffer is the device for user process to write directly to screen in Embedded Linux. In Linux Frame Buffer is an interface for the display device. It describes some display device as a buffer and allows applications to access the graphics device through its defined interface without care about the specific hardware details. We will also be using Video4Linux. Video4Linux or V4L is a video capture application programming interface for Linux. V4L is divided into two layers. The bottom is the audio and video equipment driver in the kernel, and the upper provides systern with some API. Image data can be reconstructed through JPEG decoding. JPEG image files are divided into two parts: marking segment and compressing data. Marking segment include length, width, color information's, quantization table, Huffman table and other important information's of the image. Different informations store at different marking segment. JPEG image decoding process needs to extract the various of needed information in the marking segment, so as to facilitate decoding of compressed data. Finally the collected images transferred from JPEG format to RGB format is displayed on the LCD finally.Key words: ARM, Linux operating system, Image Acpuisition, image decoding Reference [1] Electronic Publication: weijing, Migration of gspca camera's driven http://blog.chinaunix.netlu2174310/showa rt_1217552.html [2] Gong Sheng-feng, ZHANG Xi-huang, " Implementation of image capturing and decompressing based on ARM Linux system", Computer Engineering and Design, 2009, 30 (6), pp 1397-1403. [3] Embedded Linux C language application programming, Huaqingyuanjian Embedded Training Center, Posts & Telecom Press, Aug. 2007 [4] Dai Li, "Implementation of USB camera image capturing based on Vide04Linux", unpublished [5] Cai Shijie, Digital Compression and Coding of Continuous-tone Still Images, Nanjing University Press, 1995 6] Alan Bovik, Hand of image and video processing, Publishing House of Electronices Industry, 2006 [7] El Gamal A.Eltoukhy H.CMOS image sensors[J].USA Circuits and Devices Magazine IEEE, 2005, 21(3) : 6- 20 [8] Yuan Weiqi, Tang Yonghua. Application of SCCB of OmniVision camera in DSP[J]. Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument. 2006_27_6__1687-1688. (in Chinese) [9] DU Chun-lei.ARM Architecture and Programming[M].Beijing _Tsinghua University Press,2003. (in Chinese) [10] Zhang Da-bo. Principles, Design and Application of Embedded System[M].Beijing_Machinery Industry Press_2004. (in Chinese) [11] Samsung. S3C2440A 32Bit CMOS Microcontroller User's Manual[Z]. Samsung Electronics Corp, 2003. [12] Jonathan C, Alessandro R, Greg K. Linux device drivers[M].3rd ed. Sebastopl, CA:O' Reilly & Associates,2006:324-327. [13] Daniel P, Cesati M. Understanding the Linux kernel [M]. 3rd ed. K. V. Prashanth, K. Jail Singh, Prof. K.V.MuraliMohan |
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160. | Characterization of Thermohaline Convection in Porous Medium: Brinkman Model
Characterization of Thermohaline Convection in Porous Medium: Brinkman ModelAbstract: The present paper prescribes upper bounds for oscillatory motions of neutral or growing amplitude in thermohaline configurations of G. Veronis [1] and M. E. Stern [2] types in porous medium in such a way that it also results in sufficient conditions of stability for an initially top heavy as well as initially bottom heavy configuration.Key words: Thermohaline convection, top heavy, bottom heavy, oscillatory motions, porous medium. Reference 1. G. Veronis, On finite amplitude instability in thermohaline convection, J. Mar. Res., 23, 1 – 17 (1965). 2. M. E. Stern, The salt fountain and thermohaline convection, Tellus, 12, 171 – 175 (1960). 3. J.S. Turner, Double-Diffusive phenomenon, Ann. Rev. Fluid Mechanics, 6, 37 – 54 (1974). 4. D. A. Nield and A. Bejan, Convection in Porous Media, Springer (2006). 5. B. Straughan, Stability and wave motion in porous media, Springer (2008). 6. E. R. Lapwood, Convection of a fluid in a porous medium, Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 44, 508 – 521 (1948). 7. R. A. Wooding, Rayleigh instability of a thermal boundary layer in flow through a porous medium, J. Fluid Mech. 9, 183 – 192 (1960). 8. J. W. Tounton, E. N. Lightfoot, and T. Green, Thermohaline instability and salt fingers in a porous medium, The Phys. Fluids, 15(5), 748 – 753 (1972). 9. D. B. Ingham, and I. Pop, Transport phenomenon in porous media, Vol. III, Elsevier (2005). 10. K. Vafai, Handbook of Porous media, Taylor and Francis (2006). 11. Jyoti Prakash and Vinod Kumar, On nonexistence of oscillatory motions in thermohaline convection of Stern type in porous medium, J. Rajasthan Acad. Phy. Sci., 10(4), 331 – 338 (2011). 12. Jyoti Prakash and Vinod Kumar, Recent Advances in Continuum Mechanics and Algebra, Regal Publications, New Delhi (2010). 13. D. Poulikakos, Double-diffusive convection in a horizontally sparsely packed porous layer, Int. Comm. Heat Mass Transfer, 13, 587 – 598 (1986). 14. R. C. Givler and S. A. Altobelli, A determination of the effective viscosity for the Brinkman-Forchheimer flow model, J. Fluid Mech, 258, 355 – 370 (1994). 15. M. H. Schultz, Spline Analysis, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, (1973). Jyoti Prakash, Sanjay Kumar Gupta |
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161. | Experimental Investigaion Of Natural Convection Heat Transfer Through Heated Vertical Tubes
Experimental Investigaion Of Natural Convection Heat Transfer Through Heated Vertical TubesAbstract: An experimental investigation of natural convection heat transfer in heated vertical ducts dissipating heat from the internal surface is presented. The ducts are open-ended and circular in cross section. The test section is electrically heated imposing the circumferentially and axially constant wall heat flux. Heat transfer experiment is carried out for four different channels of 45mm. internal diameter and 3.8mm thickness with length varying from 450mm to 850mm. Ratios of length to diameter of the channel are taken as L/D = 10, 12.22, 15.56, and 18.89. Wall heat fluxes are maintained at q // = 250 to 3341 W/m 2 . The studies are also carried out on intensified channels of the same geometrical sizes with the discrete rings of rectangular section. Thickness of the rings are taken as t = 2.0, 3.0, 3.8mm; step size (s) of the rings are varying from 75mm to 283.3mm and the other ratios are taken as: ratio s/D = 1.67 to 6.29, ratio t/D = 0.044 to 0.084 and ratio s / t = 19.74 to 141.65. A systematic experimental database for the local steady state natural convection heat transfer behaviour is obtained. The effects of L/D ratio and wall heating condition on local steady-state heat transfer phenomena are studied. The effects of ring thickness and ring spacing on heat transfer behaviour are observed. The present experimental data is compared with the existing theoretical and experimental results for the cases of vertical smooth tubes and also for tubes with discrete rings.Key words: Heat flux, heat transfer, natural convection, ring spacing, ring thickness Reference 1. S.K. Malik, and Sastri, V. M. K., Experimental investigation of natural convection heat transfer over an array of staggered discrete vertical plates, Journal of Energy Heat and Mass transfer, Vol. 18, 1996, 127-133. 2. E. M.Sparrow, and Prakash, Enhancement of natural convection heat transfer by a staggered array of discrete vertical plates,ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 102, 1980, 215-220. 3. C.Prakash, and Sparrow, E. M., Performance evaluation for discrete (in-line or staggered) and continuous-plate arrays, Number. Heat Transfer, Vol. 3, 1980, 89- 106. 4. W.Aung, Beitin, K. E. and J. J Kessler, Natural convection cooling of electronic cabinets containing arrays of vertical circuit cards,ASME Paper No.30,1972, November. 5. Y. H. Hung and W. M. Shiau, Local steady state natural convection heat transfer in vertical parallel plates with a two dimensional rectangular rib,Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, Vol. 31, No.6, 1988, 1279- 1288. 6. S. A. M. Said, and R. J Krane, An analytical and experimental investigation of natural convection heat transfer in vertical channels with a single obstruction,Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, vol. 33, No.6, 1990,1121-1134. 7. E. K Kalinin, G. A. Dreitzer, and S. A.Yarkho, Heat exchange enhancement in channels,Moscow, Mashinostroenie, 1981, 205-212. 8. W .Elenbaas,Heat dissipation of parallel plates by free convection,Physica, Vol. 9, No.1, 1942, 1-28. 9. V.Sernas, L.Fletcher, and W.Aung, Heat transfer measurements with a Wallaston prism Schileren interferometer, ASME Paper No.72-HT-9, Presented at the AIChE-ASME Heat Transfer Conf., Denver, 1972,6-9. 10. E. M. Sparrow and P. A Bahrami Experiments in natural convection from vertical parallel plates with either open or closed edges," ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 102, 1980, 221-227. 11. H. T. Akbari and R.Borges, Finite convective laminar flow within Trombe wall channel,Solar Energy, Vol. 22, 1979, 165-174. 12. J. A.Tichy The effect of inlet and exit losses on free convective laminal flow in the Trombe wall channel, ASME Paper No.82,1982, WA/Sol-10. Manmatha K. Roul, Ramesh Chandra Nayak |
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162. | Transdesign Of A Three Phase Squirrel Cage Induction Motor
Transdesign Of A Three Phase Squirrel Cage Induction MotorAbstract: Transdesign is the process of converting an idea that has already been used into another one by adding compensation or removing an information in order to modify it to suit a particular purpose. This paper presents the redesign concept as a radical method of revamping a dead electric motor back to usefulness. Data for this paper was got from direct measurement of parameter of a 2.5Hp discarded induction motor, while additional data were obtained from secondary sources. Combining the measured parameter with the assumed empirical constant, the wire guage was found to be 27 while the number of conduction/slot/phase was.66.With the a transdesigned electric motor with characteristic radically different from original design is achieved.Reference 1. Alexander G, (2007): "Electrical MacHine Design - the Design and Specification of Direct and Alternating Current MacHinery" DODO Press, books.google.com.ng 2. Fink & Beaty (1978): "Standard Handbook for Electrical Engineers" McGrawHill Book Company Sydney Tokyo. 3. Say, M. G. (1976): "Alternating current machines" 4 th Edition, Pitman Publishing Co. New York. 4. Shanmugasundaram. A, Gangaharan.G and Palani R. (1979): "Electrical Machine Design Databook" New Age International Publishers ltd New Delhi, India. 5. Singh, B (1982): "Electrical machine Design" Vikas publishing house P. U. Ltd. India. 6. Upadhyay K. G, (2008): "Design of Electrical Machines" New Age International Publishers ltd India. O. A. Akinsanya |
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163. | Pmbldc Drive Closed Loop Controlled Buck Converter System
Pmbldc Drive Closed Loop Controlled Buck Converter SystemAbstract: PMBLDC motor offer several advantage over brushed DC motor including more torque per weight(increased efficiency), increased reliability, reduced noise, longer lifetime, elimination of ionizing spark from commutation. The pmbldc motor is 3 phases, 4 poles, Y connected , trapezoidal back-EMF type of BLDC motor for automotive industry application is modeled and simulated in MATLAB / SIMULINK. A MATLAB program is developed to simulate the overall motor drive system. A closed loop speed control strategy is developed and simulated. The back-electromotive forces of prototypes are examined for control strategies of current driving waveforms. The drive system is proposed with a buck converter topology. In this model the buck converter is used as a step-down DC voltage. A single neuron PI controller is used to control the speed. According to simulation and experimental results, the proposed strategy shows good self adapted track ability, also the structure of the drive is simplified. A detailed discussion about the simulation of the proposed drive system is presented.Key words: -PMBLDC , EMF, buck converter, hall effect, inverter. Reference 1 Sanjeev Singh , Bhim Singh "A VoltageControlled PFC Cuk Converter-Based PMBLDCM Drive for Air-Conditioners" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, VOL. 48, NO. 2, MARCH/APRIL 2012 2 Zhi Yang Pan and Fang Lin Luo "Novel Soft-Switching Inverter for Brushless DC Motor Variable Speed Drive System". IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, VOL. 19, NO. 2, MARCH 2004 3. R.Krishnan "Electric Motor Drives modeling, analysis, and control" prenticehall of India pvt ltd.,2005 4. M. D. Sing "power electronics" Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 2003. 3rd Edition. 5. S. Prakash and R. Dhanasekaran" Modelling and Simulation of Closed Loop Controlled Buck Converter Fed Pmbldc Drive System" April 20, 2011 Ashwani Tapde, Prof. Chandra Shekhar Sharma |
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164. | Mves: A Mobile Vehicle Expert System for the Automobile Industry
Mves: A Mobile Vehicle Expert System for the Automobile IndustryAbstract: Vehicles used in our daily lives are no more considered as a luxury but a necessity. Vehicles are very helpful in our movement, logistics and transport activities. Vehicles are normally fault-prone and require efficient automobile engineering services to repair or maintain such faults. The characteristic mobility of vehicles allows them to develop faults anywhere and anytime and in some of these circumstances it is very difficult to seek the services of an auto mechanic at a vehicle fault site. Through mobile and wireless technologies, we propose mVES – a Mobile Vehicle Expert System for vehicle troubleshooting through a driver's mobile device. The research focus involved in the paper are broadly divided into two classes: (i) how to deal with an issue of a vehicle that is giving problems of sparking/starting the engine and (ii) how to deal with the problems of cooling systems of vehicles. With the efficient and effective mVES proposed in this paper, vehicle owners and drivers can diagnose their vehicle faults and problems with ease anytime and anywhere through the initial diagnosis and further advice of the proposed Expert System. The knowledge-base collected for the mVES proposed in this paper consists of a collection of knowledge from automobile/mechanical engineer experts and a website and constitutes a 15 RuleBased procedure/strategy.Key words: Automobile, Driver, Engineer, Expert System, Fault, Mechanical, Mobile, mVES, Vehicle Reference [1] S. Adsavakulchai, N. Ngamdumrongkiat and E. Chuchirdkiatskul "E-Learning for Car Faulty Diagnosis", International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Research, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 20-26, 2011. [2] S. T. Deepa and S. G. Packiavathy "Expert System for Car Troubleshooting", International Journal For Research In Science & Advanced Technologies, Vol. 1, Iss. 1, pp. 46-49, 2012. [3] S.J. Yong, H.Y. Lee, H.K. Yoo, H.Y. Youn and O. Song "Personalized Recommendation System Reflecting User Preference with Context-Awareness for Mobile TV", Ninth IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications Workshops, pp. 232-237, 2011. [4] W.Z. Khan, Y. Xiang, M.Y. Aalsalem and Q. Arshad "Mobile Phone Sensing Systems: A Survey", IEEE Communication Surveys and Tutorials, pp. 1-26, 2012. [5] A. Aamodt, E. Plaza "Case-based Reasoning: Foundational Issues, Methodological Variations, and Systems Approaches". Artificial Intelligence Communications, IOS Press, Vol 7, No. 1, pp. 39-59, 1994. [6] F. Hayes-Roth "Rule-Based Systems" Communications of the ACM , Vol. .28, No. 9, 1985. [7] F. Wang and M.J. Hannafin "DesignBased Research and TechnologyEnhanced Learning Environments", Educational Technology Research and Development, Vol. 53, No. 4, pp. 5–23, ISSN 1042–1629, 2005. [8] T. Amiel, & T. C. Reeves "Design-Based Research and Educational Technology: Rethinking Technology and the Research Agenda", Educational Technology & Society, 11 (4), pp. 29–40, 2008. [9] Jaryani, F., Sahibudin, S., Ibrahim, S., Rahman, N.A. and Daruis, R. (2011). "Intelligent Reflective E-Portfolio Framework Based on Artificial Intelligence Expert Systems Techniques",IEEE 3rd International Conference on Computer Research and Development (ICCRD), pp. 214-216, 2011. [10] J. Ignizio "Introduction to Expert Systems".ISBN 0-07-909785-5, 1991. Nana Yaw Asabere, Simonov Kusi-Sarpong |
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165. | Effect of energy window width on the contrast and SNR of diagnosis of defects in different regions of myocardial phantom
Effect of energy window width on the contrast and SNR of diagnosis of defects in different regions of myocardial phantomAbstract: Among non-invasive methods for the evaluation of ischemic cardiac disease, myocardial perfusion imaging using SPECT technique is firmly accepted; it allows obtaining quantifiable and useful information for the management and follow-up of patients with coronary artery disease. On the other hand, in SPECT study, window width of energy is considered as one of the most important physical factor affecting the image quality. Thus, the effects of widow widths of energy 15%, 20% and 25% on the SPECT images of defects in different region of myocardial phantom were investigated. Herein, rectangular defects with the same thickness were inserted on the anterior, septal, inferoposterior and lateral regions of myocardial phantom. Myocardial perfusion study was performed with 99m Tc. Raw data was reconstructed by filter backprojection method with Butterworth filter. Then, results of implementation of different energy windows on the contrast and signal to noise ratio of defects in transverse views of phantom images have been studied. Our measurements show that values of signal to noise and contrast is depend on the defect location and type of orbit. Results demonstrate that, using a 360° orbit and window width energy 20% showing better contrast and SNR for defects located in the inferoposterior defect than a 180° orbit.Key words: SPECT; myocardial phantom, energy window Reference [1] Russell RR and Zaret BL (2006) ―Nuclear Cardiology: Present and Future‖ Probl Cardiol, 31:557-629. [2] Botvinick E (2001) Ed. Nuclear Medicine Self Study Program III—Nuclear Cardiology Topic 6-Myocardial Perfusion Scintigraphy—Clinical Aspects. Reston, MD: Society Nuclear Medicine. [3] Gullberg GT and Zeng GL, (2005)‖Cardiac Single-Photon Emission-Computed Tomography Using Combined ConeBeam/Fan-Beam Collimation‖, IEEE Trans. on Nucl. Sci., 52: 1. [4] McKusick KA, Holman BL, Jones AG, Davison A, Rigo P, Guemes L, Vosberg AH and Moretti J (1986) ―Comparison of three Tc-99misonitriles for detection of ischemic heart disease in humans‖ J Nucl Med, 27, 878-882. [5] Liangy Z, Ye J, Cheng J, Li J and Harrington D (1998) ―Quantitative cardiac SPECT in three dimensions: validation by experimental phantom studies‖ Phys Med Biol, 43, 905–920. [6] Germano G (2001) ―Technical Aspects of Myocardial SPECT Imaging‖ the J Nucl Med, 42: 10: 1499-1507. Sadremomtaz Alireza, Taherparvar Payvand |
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166. | Simulate The Implementation Of Interleved Boost Converter With Zero Voltage Transition
Simulate The Implementation Of Interleved Boost Converter With Zero Voltage TransitionAbstract: This paper proposes a novel softswitching interleaved Boost converter composed of two shunted elementary boost conversion units and an auxiliary inductor. This converter is able to turn on both the active power switches at zero voltage to reduce their switching losses and evidently raise the conversion efficiency. Since the two parallel-operated elementary boost units are identical, operation analysis and design for the converter module becomes quite simple. A laboratory test circuit is built, and the circuit operation shows satisfactory agreement with the theoretical analysis. The experimental results show that this converter module performs very well with the output efficiency as high as 95%.Key words: Interleaved boost converter, Quasi resonant converter, Soft switching, ZerocureentSwitching(ZCS), ZerovoltageSwitching(ZVS), Reference 1. C. M.Wang, "A new single-phase ZCSPWM boost rectifier with high power factor and low conduction losses," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 53, no. 2, pp. 500–510, Apr. 2006. 2. Q. Ting and B. Lehman, " Dual interleaved active-clamp forward with automatic charge balance regulation for high input voltage application ," IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 38–44, Jan. 2008 3. H. Mao, O. A. Rahman, and I. Batarseh, "Zero-voltage-switching DC-DC converters with synchronous rectifiers," IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 369–378, Jan. 2008. 4. J.-H. Kim, D.-Y. Jung, S.-H. Park, C.-Y. Won, Y.-C. Jung, and S.-W. Lee, "High efficiency soft-switching boost converter using a single switch," J. Power Electron., vol. 9, no. 6, pp. 929–939, Nov. 2009. 5. Muhammad Rashid ," Power electronics circuits ,devices and application ". 6. Bimal .k.bose ,"modern power electronics and drives " 7. www.mathworks.com Vaddi Ramesh, U. Haribabu |
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167. | Low Power- HTSCR and CMOS Structure for On-chip ESD Protection and Performance Comparison
Low Power- HTSCR and CMOS Structure for On-chip ESD Protection and Performance ComparisonAbstract: Low power ESD protection circuits are implemented in 0.13µm technology [2,7]. This is confirmed by transient ESD simulation under varying condition of temperature and case sensitivity; the results converge to a low power on chip ESD protection based on the comparison of performance.Key words: Electrostatic discharge (ESD), Human Body Model (HBM), High triggered SCR (HTSCR), Total power dissipation (TPD), Salicide diffusion. Reference [1] G. Langguth, C. Russ, W. Soldner, B.Stein, H. Gossner, "ESD Challenge in Advanced CMOS Systems on Chip" 978- 1-4244-5775-0/2010IEEE. [2] Ming-Dou Ker, Wan-Yen Lin, ChengCheng Yen, Che-Ming Yang, Tung-yang Chen, Shih-Fan Chen, "On-Chip ESD Detection Circuits for System-Level ESD Protection Design" 978-1-4244- 5798- 4/10/2010IEEE. [3] Rafael Fried, Yaron Blecher and Shimon. Friedman "CMOS ESD Protection Structures... Characteristics and Performance comparison"0-7803- 2647- 4/951/1995 IEEE. [4] Stephen G. Beebe "CHARACTERIZATION, MODELING, AND DESIGN OF ESD PROTECTION CIRCUITS." [5] Yang Chen and Ming-Dou Ker "Design on ESD Protection Circuit with Very Low and Constant Input Capacitance" Tung- 0- 7695-1025-6/ 2001 IEEE. [6] H. Feng, R. Zhan, Q. Wu, G. Chen and A.Z. Wang "RC-SCR: verv-low-voltage ESD protection circuit in plain CMOS" ELECTRONlCS LETTERS 12 th September 2002 Vol. 38 No. 79. [7] F. Ma, Y. Han, S. Dong, B. Song, M.Miao and K. Zhu "Investigation of boundaryMOS-triggered SCR structures for on-chip ESD protection" ELECTRONICS LETTERS 17 th February 2011 Vol. 47 No. 4. Shobhit Jaiswal |
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168. | An Investigation On Strength Deterioration Of Gfrp Composite Laminates Through Exposure Tests
An Investigation On Strength Deterioration Of Gfrp Composite Laminates Through Exposure TestsAbstract: Fibre composites are being used in various applications from aerospace, military, marine boats and submarine to renewable energy generation. Higher energy demands across the developed and growing world for the usage and replacement of conventional materials with polymer composite materials for engineering applications which is always questioned by the end user, unless the research oriented reliable supporting certification is made available. The reinforcement materials are highly hygroscopic, the matrix material provides protection to the reinforcement. Since the edges of parts made of composite materials are exposed to environment, water molecules travels along the reinforcement and cause damage to the interfacial bonding, further the performance of the composite laminate gets effected. In this scenario, the investigation has been carried out for the strength deterioration of unpainted and painted GFRP composite laminates subjected to different environmental conditions. The experimental results showed that unpainted GFRP laminates showed a remarkable reduction in mechanical strength and retention ratio over period of 6months.Corresponding painted specimens showed small changes and also shows coating helps to prevent or minimize the changes in mechanical properties.Key words: GFRP (Glass fibre reinforced polymer), The Resin transfer moulding (RTM) , Environmental conditions, Tensile modulus retention ratio. Reference [1]. Mechanical testing of advanced fibre composites J M Hodgkinson Wood Head Publishng Limited. [2]. Springer G.S.,Environmental ffects on Composite materials Vol.2 (1984), Lancaster PA:Technomic publishing co.inc. [3]. Dionysis E. Mouzakis Helen Zoga and Costas Galiotis "Accelerated environmental ageing study of polyester/glass fibre reinforced composites (GFRPCs)-2007. [4]. Environmental effects on bamboo-glasspolypropylene hybrid composites Moe Moe KinLiao 38 (2003) 363– 376. [5]. The "Durability of bamboo-glass fiber reinforced polymer matrix hybrid composites" by author MOE MOE THWE, KIN LIO publised in journal of Composites Science and Technology 63 (2003) 375–387 [6]. The environmental stress corrosion cracking of glass fibre-reinforced laminates and single E-glass filaments by author F.R.JONES. J.W.ROCK, J.E.BAILEY (19833)1059-1071 [7]. Wan B, Petrou MF, Harries KA. The effects of the presence of water on the durability of bond between CFRP and concrete. J Reinf Plast Composites 2006; 25(8):875–90. [8] C.Tukta and O.Buyukozturk on the "Deterioration of FRP/concrete bond system under variable moisture conditions quantified by fracture mechanic Composites: PartB 42(2011)145-154 Elsevier. [9] P. Sampath Rao, M. Manzoor Husain and D. V. Ravi Shankar" An Investigation on Strength Degradation of Gfrp Laminates Under Environmental Impact "International Journal of Composite Materials 2012, 2(4): 48-52 DOI: 10.5923/j.cmaterials.20120204.02 [10]. Nishizaki and Meiarashi,S (2002) Long term Deteration GFRP in Water and Moist Environment Journal of Composite for Construction, Vol.6 NO.1 PP21-27. P. Sampath Rao, Dr. M. Manzoor Husain |
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169 | Parametric optimization of Three-Body Abrasive Wear Behavior of Bidirectional and Short Kevlar Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composites
Parametric optimization of Three-Body Abrasive Wear Behavior of Bidirectional and Short Kevlar Fiber Reinforced Epoxy CompositesAbstract: In this article, the mechanical and three body abrasive wear behavior of Bidirectional and short Kevlar fiber reinforced epoxy composites at five different fiber loading (10wt%, 20wt%, 30wt%, 40wt% and 50wt%) have been evaluated. The mechanical properties i.e. tensile strength, flexural strength, inter-laminar-shear strength, and impact strength are performed to notice the behavior of mechanical properties with that of fiber loading. The loss in weight of the material during three body abrasion can be tested using DUCOM Tr-50 Dry Abrasion Tester. The steady state specific wear of the composites can be evaluated for normal load and sliding speed by keeping other parameters remains constant. The results show that the wear rate increases with the increase in the value of normal load for bidirectional as well as short fiber composites whereas, with the increase in the value of sliding velocity the specific wear rate decreases in both the cases. Wear characteristics and their significant factor settings are successfully analyzed using statistics based Taguchi experimental design and analysis of variance (ANOVA) respectively. Finally, the experimental wear rate results are compared with the theoretical one and the error lies with in the acceptable limit i.e for bidirectional Kevlar fiber composites the error values are within 8% and 5% for that of short fiber composites. The SEM micrographs studies reveal the dynamics of three-body abrasive wear and underlying micromechanisms that serve as determinant for wear performance of such composites.Key words: composites, wear, mechanical Reference 1. Neilsen, L.E., and Landel, R.F., "Mechanical properties of polymers and composites-2 nd ed," 1994 (Marcel Dekker Inc, New York). 2. Rudin, A., "The elements of Polymer Science and Engineering," 1998 (Elsevier Academic press). 3. Stachowiak, G.W., and Batchelor, A.W., "Engineering Tribology," 1998 (Elsevier, Butterworth Heinemann). 4. Bartenex, G. M., and Laurentev, X.X, "Friction and Wear of Polymer," 1981 (Elsevier, Amsterdam). 5. Bijwe, J., Indumathi, J., and Ghosh, A.K., "On the abrasive wear behavior of fabric reinforced polyetheramide composites," Wear, 253, 2002, 768–777. 6. Bahadur, S, "Mechanical and Tribological Behavior of Polyester Reinforced with short Carbon and Aramid Fiber," Lubrication Engineering, 47, 1991, 661- 667. 7. Bijwe, J., Awtade, S., and Ghosh, A, "Influence of orientation and volume fraction of Aramid fabric on abrasive wear performance of polyethersulfone composites," Wear, 260, 2006, 401-411. 8. Wu, J., and Chen, X.H, "The tribological properties of Kevlar pulp reinforced epoxy composites under dry sliding and water lubricated conditions," Wear, 261, 2006, 1293–1297. 9. Thomas, L., Andersen, T.L., Thorning, B., Horsewell, A., Vigild, M.E, "Comparison of friction and wear for an epoxy resin reinforced by glass or a carbon/ Aramid hybrid weave," Wear, 262, 2007, 1013- 1020. 10. Patnaik, A., Satapathy, A., and Biswas, S, "Investigations on Three-Body Abrasive Wear and Mechanical Properties of Particulate Filled Glass Epoxy Composites," Malaysian Polymer Journal, 5(2), 2010, 37-48. Gaurav Agarwal, Amar Patnaik, Rajesh Kumar Sharma |
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170. | Frame Difference And Kalman Filter Techniques For Detection Of Moving Vehicles In Video Surveillanc
Frame Difference And Kalman Filter Techniques For Detection Of Moving Vehicles In Video SurveillancAbstract: Background subtraction is a method to identify object and famous used in moving object detection. The aim is to obtain a clean background and then detect moving objects by comparing it with the current frame. In this paper, kalman filter method and Frame difference has used to detect the objects. The kalman filter has better accuracy than the Frame difference method. Experimental results show that the kalman filter is a good solution to obtain high accuracy, low resource requirements in given video of each technique. The detection of object will be shown in the result.Key words: Visual Surveillance, Background Subtraction, kalman filter, Frame difference s Reference [1] Ciaran O Conaire, Noel O‟ Connnor, Eddie Cooke, Alan Smeaton. "Detection Thresholding Using Mutual Information". International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, 25-28 February 2006, Setubal, Portugal. [2] Weiming Hu, Tieniu Tan, Liang Wang, Steve Maybank. "A Survey on Visual Surveillance of Object Motion and Behaviors". IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernatics, No. 3, August 2004. [3] Attila Jozsef Kun, Zoltan Vamossy. "Traffic Monitoring with Computer Vision". 7th International Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics, 2009. SAMI 2009. Date:30-31 Jan. 2009 [4] Jianping Wu, Zhaobin Liu, Jinxiang Li, Caidong Gu, Maoxin Si, Fangyong Tan. "An Algorithm for Automatic Vehicle Speed Detection using Video Camera". Proceedings of 2009 4th International Conference on Computer Science & Education. [5] M. Piccardi, "Background subtraction techniques: a review," In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, pp. 3099– 3104, 2004. [6] R. J. Radke, S. Andra, O. Al-Kofahi, and B. Roysam, "Image change detection algorithms: a systematic survey," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 294–307, 2005. [7] Y. Benezeth, P. M. Jodoin, B. Emile, H. Laurent, and C. Rosenberger, "Review and evaluation of commonly-implemented background subtraction algorithms," In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition, pp. 1- 4, 2008. [8] M. Heikkila and M. Pietikainen, "A Texture-Based Method for Modeling the Background and Detecting Moving Objects," IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 657-662, 2006. [9] C. Stauffer and E. Grimson, "Learning patterns of activity using real-time tracking," IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 22, no. 8, pp. 747-757, 2000 C.Srinivas Rao, P.Darwin |
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171. | High Speed & Dynamic Swtiching Type Signal Generation For FPGA for Emulating Test Signal for Navigation Receiver
High Speed & Dynamic Swtiching Type Signal Generation For FPGA for Emulating Test Signal for Navigation ReceiverAbstract: playing an important role in navigation test, radio navigation generator widely used in the people/military plane. But traditional equipment composed of analog circuit present low accuracy and poor reliability. A new kind of digital navigation signal generator is designed in this paper. It receives data and communication from PC by Micro Blaze embedded soft processor of Xilinx company and demodulated information to control FPGA load different software to generate various navigation signals, which fully meets general radio navigation system test technical requirement by giving full play to the system hardware and software advantages and fulfilling design targets such as the accuracy, flexibility and expansibility. Therefore, providing a new idea for radio navigation system design and test, this generator can be widely applied to debugging use on people/military plane radio navigation.Key words: Micro blaze, FPGA Navigation, DDS Signal Generator Reference [1] M.Cunbao, Z.Tianwei and L.Hongjuan, "Communication Navigation and Radar of Civil Aircrft," Civil Avitation Engineering College, NPU, 2000. [2] X.Song, "Reasearch on software radio compass technology," University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, 2007. [3] L.QIN, D.Liebo and W.Peng, "Design of Simulative Satellite Image Resource System Based on FPGA," Journal of Test and Measurement Technology, vol. 23, Mar.2009, pp. 261-265, doi: CNKI:SUN:CSJS.0.2009-03-015. [4] Z.Mingjie, G.Wei, "Design of GPS IF signal generator in FPGA," Information Technology, NO.8, Aug.2008, pp. 56-58, doi: CNKI: SUN:HDZJ.0.2008-08-021. [5] L.Xiaoming and Q.xiujie, "Application of DDSIFPGA in Signal Generator Systems," Modem Electronics Technique, vol. 29, Sep.2006, NO.9, pp.78-79, doi: CNKI:ISSN:I004-373X.0.2006-09-027. [6] Y. Yong and Z.xiaolin, "Design and Implementation of Direct Digital Frequency Synthesis Sine Wave Generator Based on FPGA," Journal of Electron Devices, vo1.28, NO.1, Mar.2005, pp: 596- 599, doi: cnki:ISSN: 1 00 5-9490 .0.200 5- 03-034. [7] A.Grama and G.Muntean. "Direct digital frequency synthesis implemented on a FPGA chip," the 29th International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology: Nano Technologies for Electronics Packaging, May.2006, pp. 92-97, doi: 10.1109/ISSE.2006.365365. Sadath unisa, M.Madan Gopal |
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172. |
Pre-determination of the Fouling and Cleanliness Factor of the Heat Exchanger
Pre-determination of the Fouling and Cleanliness Factor of the Heat ExchangerAbstract: Heat exchanger degradation is a nonperiodic non stationary process, which depends upon the variation of parameters w.r.t time. The measurements are associated with gross errors, if they are not properly handled, they may lead to erroneous estimation and prediction of heat exchanger performance. The objective of this paper is to pre-determine the fouling factor and cleanliness factor obtained in the heat exchangers to avoid the degradation and capital cost losses obtained during the heat exchanging process. The performance factor of heat exchangers degrades with time due to scaling or fouling factor. In this paper we have monitored, predicted and diagnosed heat exchanger performance.Key words: heat exchanger, fouling factor, cleanliness factor, overall heat transfercoofecient. Reference [1] Osborn, M.D., Vijaysai, P., Yu, L., Ryali, V., Shah, S. S., Chong, I. W. M., Au, S. S., and Vora, N. P., 2009,"Heat Exchanger Performance Monitoring and Analysis Method and System", U. S. Patent application no. 10/879459. [2] Vijaysai, P., Osborn, M.D., Au, S. S., Shah, S. S., Vora, N. P., Carlisle, A. B., Ascolese, C. R., and Geiger, G., 2006, "A Predictive Tool for Monitor-ing, Diagnosing and Treating Heat Exchanger Fouling", NACECorrosion/2005, symposium STG-11, paper no. 05073, Houston, Texas. [3] Garrett-Price, B.A., Smith, S. A., Watts, R. L., et al., 1984, "Industrial Fouling: Problem Characteriza-tion,Economic Assessment, and Review of Pre-vention, Mitigation, and Accommodation Techniques", Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington. [4] Thackery, P. A., 1980, "The cost of Fouling in Heat Exchanger Plant", Effluent and Water Treatment Journal, p. 111. Simarpreet Singh |
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173. | Development of Movable Gas Tanker Leakage Detection Using Wireless Sensor Network Based on Embedded System
Development of Movable Gas Tanker Leakage Detection Using Wireless Sensor Network Based on Embedded SystemAbstract: The former systems can not react in time, even cannot obtain data from an accident and locate accurately. This system gives real time detective of potential risk area, collect the data of leak accident and locate leakage point. This system having protection circuitry consists of exhaust fan and an Liquefied Petroleum Gas Safe Solenoid Valve. The hazardous gasses like Liquefied Petroleum Gas and Propane were sensed and displayed each and every second in Liquid Crystal Display. If these gasses exceed normal level then alarm is generated immediately. In this system MQ-6 gas sensor used to sense poisonous gas and has high sensitivity to LPG and also response to natural gas. This work modifies the existing safety model installed in industries. It offers quick response time and accurate detection.Key words: Gas leak detection, Gas leak detection and location, Sensors, Zigbee, Protection Circuitry. Reference [1] Xia Haibo, Zhang Laibin, "Development Actualities of pipeline Leak detection technology at home and Abroad." Oil and gas storage and transportation, 2001, 20(1). 1-5 (In Chinese) [2] IEEE standards 802.15.4, The institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Inc.2003.10.. [3] Shanin Farahani, Zigbee Wireless Networks and Transceiver, Newnespress,2008.25-32,225-246 [4] Ding Chengjun, Liu Ximao, Duan ping, "Development on Gas Leak Detection And Location System Based On Wireless Sensor Networks" Measuring technology and mechatronics Automation 978-0-7695-4296-6111, 2011 IEEE.DOI 10.1109/ICMTMA.2011.267. [5] V.Ramya, B. Palaniappan, "Embedded System for hazardous gas detection and alerting" IJDPS, VOL.3, NO.3, MAY2012. [6] Sunitha.J, sushimita.D," Embedded Control System for LPG Leak Detection and Prevention " ICCCE, 2012 ISBN 978-1-4675-2248-9 Mr. Sagar Shinde, Mr.S.B.Patil, Dr.A.J.Patil |
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174. | Combinational Approach for Object Clipping Using GLIP and Protection Against Sql Injection Attacks
Combinational Approach for Object Clipping Using GLIP and Protection Against Sql Injection AttacksAbstract: Multidimensional databases are being used in a wide range of applications. To meet this fast-growing demand,R+ trees were used that exhibit outstanding search performance. In order to support efficient concurrent access in multiuser environments, concurrency control mechanisms for multidimensional indexing have been proposed. However, these mechanisms cannot be directly applied to the R+-tree because an object in the R+-tree may be indexed in multiple leaves. This paper proposes a concurrency control protocol for Rtree variants(ZR+ trees) with object clipping, namely, Granular Locking for clIPping indexing (GLIP). GLIP is the first concurrency control approach specifically designed for the R+-tree and its variants, and it supports efficient concurrent operations with serializable isolation, consistency, and deadlock-free. A HTTP Analyzer tool is used in order to check whether the HTTP request packets sent by the client web application to the web server were according to the RFC specifications or not. SQL injection is a technique that can give attackers unrestricted access to the databases that underlie Web applications and has become increasingly frequent and serious. This paper presents a new highly automated approach for protecting Web applications against Data base vulnerabilities.Reference [1]. N. Beckmann, H.P. Kriegel, R. Schneider, and B. Seeger, "The R_-Tree: An Efficient and Robust Access Method for Points and Rectangles," Proc. ACM SIGMOD '90, pp. 322-331, 1990. [2]. A. Biliris, "Operation Specific Locking in Btrees," Proc. Sixth Int'l Conf. Principles of Database Systems (PODS '87), pp. 159-169, 1987. [3]. J.K. Chen, Y.F. Huang, and Y.H. Chin, "A Study of Concurrent Operations on R-Trees," Information Sciences, vol. 98, nos. 1-4, pp. 263-300, May 1997. [4]. V. Gaede and O. Gunther, "Multidimensional Access Methods," ACM Computing Surveys, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 170-231, June 1998. [5]. C. Anley, "Advanced SQL Injection In SQL Server Applications," white paper, Next Generation Security Software, 2002. [6]. S.W. Boyd and A.D. Keromytis, "SQLrand: Preventing SQL Injection Attacks," Proc. B.Srinivasa Rao , Manoj Kumar Yadav, V. Krishna Pratap, P.Narasimha Rao |
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175. | Wireless Communication Platform For Controlling Pld's Through Fpga
Wireless Communication Platform For Controlling Pld's Through FpgaAbstract: This paper presents and describes the implementation of a Wireless communication platform for devices synthesized into Xilinx FPGAs. This platform provides a way to control programmable logic devices, as well as data communication using a standard network. The platform modularity allows its use by most devices that can be synthesized into a FGPA, providing they adhere to the required implementation directives (FIFO communication). Presently the proposed platform is being used for the implementation of a remotely accessible, and Controlling of PLD's through FPGA. System provides a bidirectional communication between synthesized devices and client using a wireless network. Previously PLD's through FPGA is controlled by ETHERNET network, which enables the control of the PLD's with in the small area. To control a device, the Option will be provided in the web page, by opting those options in the web page we can have access to the device in the distant place from the controlling place itself. The design is based on a traditional embedded system (software and hardware) also synthesized into the FPGA. The system hardware is based on a Spartan-3A and implemented using Xilinx-12.1, Elbert. It runs on the Windows operating system and custom developed applications. Web page was developed by Dot-Net.Reference 1) Tanenbaum, A.S., Computer Networks, 4 ed., Prentice Hall PTR, 2003. 2) Xilinx, (2010) Pico Blaze Soft Processor. [Online]. Available: http://www.xilinx.com/tools/microblaze.htm 3) Xilinx,(2003) UART.[Online]. Available: http:www.xilinx.com/tools/UART.htm 4) Rodrigo Neri de Souza, Plataforma de Comunicac ˜ao Ethernet para dispositivos embarcados em FPGAs da Xilinx, Undergraduate thesis, IFSC, Brazil, 2010. 5) Ethernet Communication Platform for synthesized devices in Xilinx FPGA- Daiana Nascimento Muniz,UTFPR,Curitiba, Brazil, Andr´e Vaz da Silva Fidalgo ISE Porto, Portugal 6) SIM300 AT Commands by simcom 7) SIM300 Hardware specifications by simcom 8) OpenCores, (2010) Projects :: OpenCores. [Online]. Available: http://opencores.org/projects 9) Elbert-Spartan 3A FPGA Development board user guide[Online].Available: http://numato.com P. Harish, S.Sandeep |
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176. | Optimizing The Best Angle Of The Grains For Composite Material Using Fem
Optimizing The Best Angle Of The Grains For Composite Material Using FemAbstract: The project was titled as "OPTIMIZING THE BEST ANGLE OF THE GRAINS FOR COMPOSITE MATERIAL USING FEM " Composite material consists of two constituents mainly fibers and matrix. Generally all the materials are made of the grains with different grain alignments. In these project 10 different materials are used each of different grain angles and different thickness. In this each material was divided into 8 layers. Analyzing the component can get the "Best angle" and the "Best thickness" alignment of the grains. The analysis is made by using ANSYS 8.0. The element used in project was Shell 99. Main advantages of composite material are high strength. The composite materials are generally used in Aero space vessels, using in the manufacturing of Golf sticks etc.,Key words: Aero space vessels, Golf sticks Reference Barton M.V., "Fundamentals of Aircraft Structures", prentice Hall, New York, 1948. Hoch berg, "Composite Material in Engineering Design", Edward brother Inc., Michigan, 1973. Lee.R.Cacolate, "The analysis of laminated structures", Van Nostard Reinhold Co., 1969. Robert M.Jhones., "Mechanics of Composite Material", McGraw-Hill, kogakusha Ltd., Tokyo.1975 V.M.SIDDESH, S.SURESH |
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177. | A Study on the Water Quality at Different Aquifers of Khulna District: A GIS application
A Study on the Water Quality at Different Aquifers of Khulna District: A GIS applicationAbstract: Intrusion of salinity with gradual increasing rate in coastal areas of Bangladesh leads to critical condition of water supply systems and scarcity of potable water. Arsenic contamination in tubewell water is another threat. In those regions pond water is available and comparatively less saline but turbid, colored and contaminated by pathogenic microorganisms. During cyclone or flood disaster, sea water enters into the ponds that are used for Pond Sand Filters (PSF) and damage the whole systems. Tubewells also get contaminated with high saline water. People cannot use the water without chlorination. The aim of this paper is to present drinking water quality of Dighalia, Koyra, and Paikgassha upazilla of Khulna Division in terms of Chloride (Cl - ), Iron (Fe) and Arsenic (As) content of groundwater. Finally the possible solution of drinking water problem in coastal area was suggested.Key words: Coastal area, scarcity, salinity, drinking water, GIS. Reference [1] Ahmed, F.M. and Rahman, M.M., Water Supply and Sanitation, ITN Bangladesh, First Eddition – June 2000. [2] Department of Public Health Engineering, Khulna Circle, Khulna. [3] Dingman, S. Lawrence, Physical Hydrology, Prentice-Hall, 2nd Edition, 2002 [4] Fetter, C.W. Applied Hydrogeology, Prentice-Hall, 4th Edition, 2001. [5] Hoque, B.A. 1998. Biological contamination of tubewell water. International Center for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh. Mursheda Rahman, Mohammad Ahmeduzzaman, Humaira Zahir |
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178. | An Approach for Actuator Controlled Motion of Peripheral Milling Tools on Wood
An Approach for Actuator Controlled Motion of Peripheral Milling Tools on WoodAbstract: Peripheral milling is a very important procedure in terms of work piece shaping by cutting in wood industry. Because of the kinematic principle of this procedure a more or less wavy structure on the cutting area of the work piece appears, the so called cutter marks. That is why in many cases after cutting, expensive extra finishing procedures like sanding must be applied to smoothen the work piece surface. An approach to improve this situation is given by an actuator controlled motion of the tool spindle position to realize a linear cutting motion during the edge approach to the work piece. A control strategy was created and first experiments with a test setup using magnetic bearings have been done successfully.Key words: active magnetic bearing, cuttermarks, flatness based control, peripheral milling Reference [1] A. Wagenführ and F. Scholz (Ed.), Taschenbuch der Holztechnik. Leipzig: Fachbuchverlag im Carl Hanser Verlag, 2012. [2] G. Maier, Holzspanungslehre. Würzburg: Vogel Buchverlag, 2000. [3] P. Hynek, Wood Surface Form Improvement by Real Time Displacement of Tool Trajectory, PhD Thesis, Loughborough University, 2004. [4] P. Hynek, M. R. Jackson, R. Parkin, and N. Brown, "Improving wood surface form by modification of the rotary machining process", in Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B, Journal of Engineering Manufacture, vol. 218, pp. 875–887, 2004. [5] M. R. Jackson, P. Hynek, and R. M. Parkin, "Active Timber machining: From Theory to Reality, in Proceedings of 50. Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, TU Ilmenau (Germany), 19-23 September, 2005. [6] S. Eckhardt and J. Rudolph, High Precision Synchronous Tool Path Tracking with an AMB Machine Tool Spindle, in Ninth International Symposium on Magnetic Bearings, Lexington Kentucky, USA, 3-6 August, 2004. [7] J. Rudolph, F. Woittennek, and J. v. Löwis, Zur Regelung eine elektromagnetische gelagerten Spindel. at- Automatisierungstechnik, vol. 48, no. 3, pp. 132-139, 2000. [8] J. Levin, J. Lottin, and J. C. Ponsart, A nonlinear approach to the control of magnetic bearings. IEEE Trans. Control Systems Technology, vol 4, no. 5, pp. 524-544, 1996. [9] M. Fliess, J. L. Lévine, P. Martin, and P. Rouchon, Flatness and defect of non-linear systems: introductory theory and examples. International Journal of Control, vol. 61, no. 6, pp. 1327-1361, 1995. [10] R. Rothfuss, J. Rudolph, and M. Zeitz, Flachheit: Ein neuer Zugang zur Steuerung und Regelung nichtlinearer Systeme. at - Automatisierungstechnik, vol. 45, no. 11, pp. 517-525, 1997. [11] K. Röbenack and K. J. Reinschke, Reglerentwurf mit Hilfe des Automatischen Differenzierens at - Automatisierungstechnik, vol. 48, pp. 60-66, 2000. [12] K. Röbenack, Automatic Differentiation and Nonlinear Controller Design by Exact Linearization. Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 21, pp. 1372-1379, 2005. [13] S. Palis, M. Stamann, and T. Schallschmidt, Nonlinear control design for magnetic bearings via automatic differentiation, in Proc. 13th Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, pp. 1660 - 1664, 2008. Christian Gottlöber, Klaus Röbenack, Danish Ahmed, Stephan Eckhardt |
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179. | Image Restoration By Removing Noise From Images
Image Restoration By Removing Noise From ImagesAbstract: The Images are blurred due to many reasons such as imperfections in capturing pictures, low intensity during camera exposure, atmospheric problems etc. Yet imaging, just as any other observation process, is never perfect: uncertainty creeps into the measurements, occurring as noise, and other degradations in the recorded images. The image is a projection of the real world onto the lower dimensional imaging medium, a procedure that intrinsically discards information. Sometimes the information lost may contain things we are interested in: it can be beneficial to try to recover these hidden details.Reference [1] M. Banham and A. Katsaggelos, "Digital image restoration," IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol. 14, no. 2, 1997. [2] A. Jalobeanu, J. Zerubia, and L. Blanc Féraud, "Bayesian estimation for blur and noise in remote sensing imaging," in Blind image deconvolution: Theory and Applications, P. Campisi and K. Egiazarian, Eds. CRC, 2007, Ch.-6. [3] Rob Fergus, Barun Singh, Aaron Hertzmann, Sam Roweis, and William T. Freeman. Removing camera shake from a single photograph. ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. of SIGGRAPH). [4] Anat Levin, Yair Weiss, Frédo Durand, and William T. Freeman. Understanding and evaluating blind deconvolution algorithms. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2009. 31, 46, 47, 114, 129. [5] Taeg Sang Cho, Anat Levin, Frédo Durand, and William T. Freeman. Motion blur removal with orthogonal parabolic exposures. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP), 2010. 28. [6] G. Ayers and J. Dainty, "Iterative blind deconvolution method and its applications,"Optics Letters, vol. 13, no. 7, pp. 547–549, 1988. [7] T. G. Stockham, Jr., T. M. Cannon, and R. B. Ingebretsen, "Blind deconvolution through digital signal processing." Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 63, no. 4, pp. 678–692, 1975. [8] A. M. Tekalp, H. Kaufman, and J.W.Woods, "Identification of image and blur parameters for the restoration of non causal blurs," IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 963– 972, Aug 1986. [9] "Blur identification using the expectation maximization algorithm," ICASSP,IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing Proceedings, vol. 3, pp. 1397–1400, 1989. [10] R. G. Lane and R. H. T. Bates, "Automatic multidimensional deconvolution," Journal of the Optical society of America A, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 180–188, 1987. Gopal Prajapati, Diljeet singh chundawat |
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180. | Effect Of Process Parameters On Mrr In Wire Electrical Discharge Machining Of En31 Steel
An Effect Of Process Parameters On Mrr In Wire Electrical Discharge Machining Of En31 SteelAbstract: Wire Electrical Discharge Machining (WEDM) is extensively used in machining of materials when precision is of major factor. Selection of optimum machining parameter combinations for obtaining higher accuracy is a challenging task in WEDM due to the presence of large number of process variables and complex stochastic process mechanisms. In this paper a attempt was made to study the influence of various machining parameters Pulse on, Pulse off, Bed speed and Current on metal removal Rate (MRR). The relationship between control parameters and Output parameter (MRR) is developed by means of linear regression. Taguchi's L16 (4*4) Orthogonal Array (OA) designs have been used on EN-31 tool steel to achieve maximum metal removal rate.Key words: Wire Electrical Discharge Machining (WEDM), Taguchi Method, orthogonal Array (OA), Process Parameters, MRR and EN31. Reference 1. Swarup S. Mahapatra, Amar Patnaik., "Parametric Optimization of Wire Electrical Discharge Machining (WEDM) Process using Taguchi Method", Journal of Brazil society of mech. Sci. & Eng, Vol. 28, No. 4,December 2006, PP 422-429. 2. R.Ramakrishnan and L.Karunamoorthy. "Multi response optimization of WEDM operations using robust design", International journal of advanced manufacturing technology, Vol. 29, May 2006, PP 105-112. 3. Jose marafona, Catherine Wykes., "A new method of optimizing MRR using EDM with Copper tungsten electrodes".International journal of Machine tools and manufacturing. Vol. 40, 22 June 1999, PP 153-164. 4. C.Bhaskar Reddy, Experimental investigation of Surface Finish and metal removal rate of P20 Die tool Steel in wire-EDM using Multiple Regression Analysis, GSTF Journal of Engineering Technology, V.1, number.1,june 2012,pp, 113-118. 5. C. L. Lin, J. L. Lin, T. C. Ko, "Optimization of EDM process based on the orthogonal array with fuzzy logic and grey relational analysis method". International journal of advanced manufacturing technology. Vol.19,2002, PP- 271-227. 6. A Hand Book on "Taguchi Techniques for Quality Engineering", by PHILLIP J. ROSS. S Sivakiran, C. Bhaskar Reddy, C. Eswara reddy |
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181. | Application of Response Surface Methodology For Determining MRR and TWR Model In Die Sinking EDM of AISI 1045 Steel
Application of Response Surface Methodology For Determining MRR and TWR Model In Die Sinking EDM of AISI 1045 SteelAbstract: Whereas the efficiency of traditional cutting processes is limited by the mechanical properties of the processed material and the complexity of the workpiece geometry, electrical discharge machining (EDM) being a thermal erosion process, is subject to no such constraints. The base material used for this study was an AISI 1045 steel with copper electrode. This study highlights the development of a comprehensive mathematical model of Tool wear ratio (TWR) and Material removal rate (MRR) for correlating the interactive and higher order influences of various electrical discharge machining parameters like Peak current (IP), Spark on time (Ton) and Spark off time (Toff) through response surface methodology (RSM), utilizing relevant experimental data as obtained through experimentation. The machining experiments were conducted based on sequential approach using Full Factorial. The adequacy of the above the proposed models have been tested through the analysis of variance (ANOVA).Reference [1]. Puertas. C.J. Luis. G. Villa. "Spacing roughness parameters study on the EDM of silicon carbide", Journal of Materials Processing Technology Vol.164–165: pp. 1590–1596, 2005. [2]. Garg R. K.. Singh K. K.. Sachdeva Anish. Sharma Vishal S.. Ojha Kuldeep. Singh Sharanjit. "Review of research work in sinking EDM and WEDM on metal matrix composite materials", Int J Adv Manuf Technol Vol.50: pp.611–624, 2010. [3]. Pradhan Mohan Kumar & Biswas Chandan umar. "Neuro-fuzzy and neural network-based prediction of various responses in electrical discharge machining of AISI D2 steel", Int J Adv Manuf Technol Vol.50: pp.591–610, 2010. [4]. Sameh S. Habib. "Study of the parameters in electrical discharge machining through response surface methodology approach" Applied Mathematical Modelling 33: 4397– 4407, 2009. [5]. C.H. Che Heron , B. Md. Deros , A. Ginting and M. Fauziah "Investigation on the influence of machining parameters when machining tool steel using EDM" Journal of Materials Processing Technology Vol 116: pp 84-87, 2001 [6]. B B Patel, K B Rathod. "Multi-Parameter Analysis and Modeling of Surface Roughness in Electro Discharge Machining of AISI D2 Steel" International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 3, Issue 3, 2012 [7]. B B Patel, K B Rathod. "Multi-Parameter Analysis and Modeling of AISI D2 in Electro Discharge Machining" International J. of Engg. Research & Indu. Appls. Vol.5, pp. 39- 53, 2012. M. B. Patel, P. K. Patel, J. B. Patel, Prof. B. B. Patel |
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182. | Flow Investigation in a Constant Area Curved Duct
Flow Investigation in a Constant Area Curved DuctAbstract: The present study dealt with the wall static pressure of a rectangular curved duct with angle of turn 90° at all four faces with various locations. The normalized wall static pressure distributions at the top, bottom, inside and outside surfaces of the C-duct are drawn in the form of contours at three different air velocities, Uav = 20m/s, 40m/s and 60m/s respectively. These iso-bar contours indicate towards the presence of secondary flow in the duct in the form of a pair of contra-rotating vortices for all the three air velocities. Keywords: Curved Duct, Secondary Motion, Wall pressure, Wind Tunnel.Reference [1] M., Rowe, Measurements and computations flow in pipe bends, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol 43, n 4, pp. 771-783, 1970. [2] S Bansod, and P. Bradshaw, The Flow in Sshaped Ducts, Aeronautical Quarterly, Vol. 23, pp. 131-140, 1972. [3] M. M. Enayet, Gibson, M. M., Taylor, A. M. K. P. and Yianneskis, M., Laser Doppler measurements of Laminar and Turbulent Flow in a Bend, Int. Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow Vol 3, pp. 211-217, 1982. [ 4] J. Azzola, A. C.H Humphrey, H. Iacovides, and B. E. Launder, Developing Turbulent Flow in a UBend circular cross-section: Measurement and Computations, Trans. ASME, Journal of Fluid Engineering 1 Vol. 108, pp. 214-221, 1986. [5] H., Lacovides, B. E. Launder, and P. A. Loizou, Numerical Computation of Turbulent Flow through a Squared Sectioned 90° Bend, Int. Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol 8,n 4, pp. 320-325,1987. [6] A. M. K. P. Taylor,., J. H. Whitelaw. and M. Yianneskis, Curved Ducts with Strong Secondary Motion: Velocity Measurements of Developing Laminar and Turbulent Flow, Trans. ASME, Journal of Fluid Engineering, Vol 104, pp. 350- 358, 1982. [7] S. Thangam and N.,Hur, Laminar secondary flows in curved rectangular ducts, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol 217, pp. 421-440,1990. [8] W. J Kim,. and V. C. Patel, Origin and Decay of longitudinal Vortices in the development of flow in a curved rectangular duct, Trans. ASME, Journal of Fluid Engineering Vol 116, n 3, pp. 45-52,1994. [9] J. M., Burns, H. H. Fernholz, and P. A Mankewitz,. An experimental investigation of a three dimensional turbulent boundary layer in an S-shaped duct, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. .393, pp.175-213, 1999. [10] N. Singh, S. N. Singh and V., Seshadri, Flow Characteristics of an Asymmetric Y-Shaped Duct, Proceedings of 31 st National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, Jadavpur University, 2004, pp. 749-757. A. K. Biswas, Prasanta K Sinha, A N Mullick, B. Majumdar |
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183. | Assessment of Ground Water Quality in Thanajvur town and Adjacent areas, Thanjavur District, Tamilnadu _ India (Post-monsoon Season)
Assessment of Ground Water Quality in Thanajvur town and Adjacent areas, Thanjavur District, Tamilnadu _ India (Post-monsoon Season)Abstract: Groundwater constitutes about 30% of the world's total fresh water. Main source for domestic, agriculture and other activities mostly rely upon groundwater in Thanjavur town and the surrounding areas because the surface water is very minimize and the river water also available six month's only during the monsoon season. Groundwater quality in and around Thanjavur town especially adjacent to the small scale industries were analyzed. About 40 groundwater samples were collected and analyzed mostly from bore wells and few samples from dug wells in the year 2011 between February and March (ie.. post monsoon season). The parameters such as Ph, Ec, TDS, TH, HCo3, caco3, Na+, cl2+, so₄²⁺, No₃, k⁺, Ca²⁺, Mg²⁺, Cl⁻,So₄²⁻ Fe, fluoride and Turbidity were analyzed. NaCaMgCl and NaCaMgHco3 are major water types in the study area. Domestic activities, effluents from small scale industries especially from rice mill, wastages from fish and vegetable markets and the dumping of solid waste are the major sources causing pollution in thanjavur and the surrounding areas. Samples were analyzed with CHEEPO and WHO standards. The groundwater quality in the study site impaired by mainly due to TDS,TH, caco3,Na⁺,cl2+,Mg²⁺+,Ca⁺ and Ec concentrations. 50% samples are not suitable for drinking purpose in the study site. The samples plotted in the piper diagram and the U.S.Salinity laboratory diagram were used to understand the chemical characteristics of groundwater in the study area. Therefore the study reveals that how the groundwater is contaminated by effluents from small scale industries and dumping of wastages from markets and domestic use wastages.Key words: Physio-chemical characteristics, Ground water quality, hydrochemical facies, Thanjavur town and adjacent areas. Reference 1. Al-Bassam, A. M., & Al-Rumikhani, Y. A. (2003). Integrated hydrological method of water quality assessment for irrigation in arid areas: Application to the Jilh aquifer, Saudi Arabia. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 36, 345-346. 2. Sujatha, D., & Rajeswara Reddy, B. (2003). Quality characterization of groundwater in the south-eastern part of the Renga Reddy district, Andhra Pradesh, India. Environmental Geology, 44, 579-586. 3. Elango, L., Suresh Kumar, S., & Rajmohan. N. (2003). Hydrochemical studies of groundwater in Chengalpet region, South India, Indian Journal of Environmental Protection, 23 (6), 624-632. 4. Subramani, T., Elangoo. L., & Damodarasamy, S. R. (2005). Groundwater quality and its suitability for drinking and agricultural use in Chithar River Basin, Tamil Nadu, India. Environmental Geology, 47, 1099-1110. 5. Laluraj, C. M., & Gopinath, G. (2006) Assessment on seasonal variation of groundwater quality of phreatic aquifers – A river basin system. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 117, 45-47. 6. Jeevanandam, M., Kannan, R., Srinivasalu, S., & Rammohan, V. (2006). Hydrochemistry and Groundwater Quality Assessment of Lower Part of the Ponnaiyar River Basin, Cuddalore District, South India. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 132(1-3), 263-274. 7. Al-Futaisi, A., Rajmohan, N., & Al-Touqi, S. (2007). Groundwater quality monitoring in and around Bakra dumping site, Sultanate of Oman. The second IASTED (The International Association of Science and Technology for development) International Conference on Water Resources Management (WRM 2007). August 20-22, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. 8. Nisi, B., Buccianti, A., Vaselli, O., Perini, G., Tassi, F., Minissale, A., et. (2008). Hydrogeochemistry and strontium isotopes in the ArnoRiver Basin (Tuscany,Italy): Constraints on natural controls by statistical modeling. Journal of Hydrology, 360, 166 – 183. 9. Singh, A. K., Mondal, G.C. Kumar, S. Singh, T.B., TeqRY, b. k., Sinha, A., 2008: Major ion chemistry, weathering processes and water quality assessment in upper catchment of Damodar River basin, India. Environ Geol, 54: 745-758. 10. U.S. Salinity Laboratory (1954) Dagenesis and Improvement of saline and alkali soils, U.S. Dept. Agriculture Hand book- 60, Washington, D.C., 160p. J. Mithra, R. Bhaskaran, Sathis kumar |
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184. | Aerodynamic Analysis Of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Blade
Aerodynamic Analysis Of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine BladeAbstract: Wind energy has been shown to be one of the most viable sources of renewable energy. With current technology, the low cost of wind energy is competitive with more conventional sources of energy such as coal. Most blades available for commercial grade wind turbines incorporate a straight span-wise profile and airfoil shaped cross sections. For the testing of aerodynamic efficiency wind turbine blade, wind tunnel test is carried out. In this paper we select NACA 4420 airfoil for analysis. CFD Analysis of HAWT Blade is carried out at various blade angles with help of ANSYS CFX and comparing that result with experimental results. HAWT efficiency is highly depends on the blade profile and its orientation. We can find optimum angle at which HAWT gives constant output.Key words: NACA Airfoil, CFD analysis, Wind Tunnel Test Reference [1] NACA airfoil series.pdf [2] H. Abbott, A.E. von Doenhoff, L. Stivers, NACA Report No. 824 – Summary of Airfoil Data, National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics. [3] Thumthae C, Chitsomboon T. Numerical simulation of flow over twisted-blade, horizontal axis wind turbine. The 20th conference ofmechanical engineering network of Thailand. [4] Kim B, Kim J, Kikuyama K, Rooij V, Lee Y. 3-D numerical predictions of horizontal axis wind turbine power characteristics of the scales delft university T40/500 model. The fifth JSME-KSME fluids engineering conference, Japan. [5] Mandas N, Cambuli F, Carcangiu CE. Numerical prediction of horizontal axis wind turbine flow. European wind energyconference, Athens, Greece; [6] Ansys cfx tutorial 12.pdf [7] Laursen J, Enevoldsen P, Hjort S. 3D CFD rotor computations of a multimegawatt HAWT rotor. European wind energy conference, Milan, Italy. [8] Thumthae C, Chitsomboon T. CFD Simulation of horizontal axis wind turbine in steady state condition. The 2nd Thailand national energy conference, Thailand. Mr. Monir Chandrala, Prof. Abhishek Choubey, Prof. Bharat Gupta |
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185. | IR Studies of Impurities in In-Se-Tl Bulk Chalcogenide Glassy System
IR Studies of Impurities in In-Se-Tl Bulk Chalcogenide Glassy SystemAbstract: Chalcogenide glasses with composition In10Se90-xTlx (7≤x≤15) and In15Se85-xTlx (2≤x≤10) are synthesized by melt quenching technique. The FT-IR transmission spectroscopy studies using KBr pellet method in the wavelength range 400-4000 cm -1 has been carried out. The In-Se-Tl glasses studies shows good transparency in the entire spectral range. There is an increase in percentage of transmittance values with increase in the Tl content. In the transmittance curve various absorption bands are seen, which are related to chemical bonds of different extrinsic impurities present in the glassy material. The vibrational properties of the impurities in the powdered samples are measured. Vibrational modes attributed to O-H hydroxyl groups, molecular H2O and carbon impurity atoms were detected in the mid-IR spectra.Key words: Chalcogenide glasses, FTIR, XRD and Thallium addition. Reference [1]. J. Ice, Handbook of Spectroscopy (1976), 15 th ed, 101. [2]. J. Keirsse, C. Boussard-Pledel, O. Loreal, O. Sire, B. Bureau, P. Leroyer, B. Turlin and J. Lucas, Vibrational Spectrosc. (2003) 32. [3]. J. Savage, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 47 (1982) 101. [4]. A. Feltz, W. Burckhardt, B. Voight, D. Linke, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 129 (1991) 31. [5]. A. Seddon, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 184 (1995) 44. [6]. J. S. Sanghera, I. D. Aggarwal, J. NonCryst. Solids 256 & 257 (1999) 6. [7]. Liang Zhenhua, Cheng Jijian, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 136 (1991) 205. [8]. M. Asobe, T. Ohara, I. Yokohama, T. Kaino, Electron. Lett. 32 (1996) 1611. [9]. V. Zacharov, P.Gerasimenko, Structural Features of Semiconductors in Amorphous State, Naukova dumka (Kiev), 1976 (in Russian). [10]. B. Bureau, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 345&346 (2005) 276. Ravi Kolarkar G, Devaraju J T, Asokan S |
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186. | AdvantageOf DG To Mitigate Voltage Collapse over Facts Devices
AdvantageOf DG To Mitigate Voltage Collapse over Facts DevicesAbstract: This paper solely discusses the voltage instability with the increment of load in a radial distribution system with Distribution Generation(DG) and compared to the system with Facts. The active and reactive power support from DG makes the system more reliable to voltage collapse. FACTS are also very good in reactive power compensator for the "sagging" voltages during the voltage collapse. The focus onto the identify the advantage and disadvantage of DG from several voltage collapse indices and compare it with the Facts devices(Power Capacitor and Static VarCompensator).The simulation is done with ETAP 7.5 and Newton Raphson load flow technique. The study of voltage instability with DG opens new ability of power system.Reference [1] Mariesa L. Crow and Bernard C, Lesieutre; Voltage Collapse- an engineering Challenge; 0:!78-6648, IEEE,1994. [2] Byung Ha Lee and KwangY.Lee, Senior Member,A Study on voltage collapse mechanismin electric power systems, 0885- 8950/91/0700-0966, IEEE, 1991. [3] Greg Brownell andHarrison Clark, Analysis and Solutions for Bulk SystemVoltage Instability, 0895-0156/89/0700-0031, IEEE, July 1989. [4] R. Balanatha, N.C. Pahalawaththa, U.D.Annakkage and P.W.Sharp;Undervoltage load shedding to avoid voltage instability, IEE pro^ - GenerTrun,mDictrih, Vol145No 2 March 1998. [5] Duke electric transmission facility connection requirements, August 21, 2008. [6] Narain G. Hingoranl, Laszlo Gyugyi, Understanding Facts, 0-7803-3455- 8,Chapter 5. [7] Transmission and Distribution Committee of the IEEE Power Engineering Society, IEEE Guide for Application of Shunt Power Capacitors, ISBN 1-55937-257-5, IEEE, Sept. 1992. [8] KararMahmoud ,Mamdouh Abdel-Akher and Abdel-Fatah A.Ahmed, Sizing and Locating Distributed Generations for Losses Minimization and Voltage Stability Improvement, 978-1-4244-8946-6, IEEE, 2010. [9] Roger c. Dugan & Thomas e. McDermottOperating conflicts for DISTRIBUTED GENERATION interconnected with utilitydistributionsystems, 1077-2618/02, IEEE, 2002. [10] Thomas Ackermann , Go¨ranAnderssonandLennartSo¨der, Distributed generation: a definition, Electric Power Systems Research 57 (2001) 195– 204, Elsevier, 2001. [11] Helen Cheung, Lin Wang, Alexander Hamlyn, Richard Cheung; Network-Assisted Corrective Actions Against Short-Term and Long-Term Voltage Instability in Power System with DGs; IEEE, 2008. [12] Dalia N. Hussein, ~M~.A. H. El-Sayed, and H. A. Attia, Optimal Sizing and Siting of Distributed Generation, The Eleventhinternational Middle East powersystems conference, Mepcon,2006. [13] M. A. Kashem, V. Ganapathy, G. B. Jasmon, M. I. Buhari, A Novel Method for Loss Minimization in Distribution Networks, 0- 7803-5902-X/00, IEEE, 2000. [14] NreshAcharya, PukarMahat, N. Mithulananthan; An analytical approach for DG allocation in Primary distribution network,0142-0615,Elsevier,2006.2 SoumeshChatterjee, Sharmistha Sharma |
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187. | Experimental Investigation On Performance, Combustion Characteristics Of Diesel Engine By Using Fish Oil
Experimental Investigation On Performance, Combustion Characteristics Of Diesel Engine By Using Fish OilAbstract: Biodiesel with fuel additives has been gaining increased attention from engine researchers in view of the energy crisis and increasing environmental problems. The present work is aimed at experimental investigation In the present work the bio diesel is the fish oil which is obtained from the crude fish oil by using the transesterification process. In the initial stage tests are to be conducted on the four stroke single cylinder direct ignition diesel engine and base line data is generated. Further in second stage the test was conducted on the same engine at same operating parameters by using the diesel blended with the fish oil esters with different blending ratios such as F10, F20, F30 and the performance parameters (Brake Thermal Efficiency, Brake Specific Fuel Consumption) and also emission parameters (CO, HC, NOx, CO2, unused oxygen and smoke density) are evaluated. Among all the blends F30 has shown the better performance in the parameters and also in the emissions. So F30 is taken as the optimum blend. Finally the performance and emission parameters obtained by the above test are compared with the base line data obtained earlier by using diesel.Key words: Combustion characteristics, DieselBiodiesel blends, Transesterification process, performance Reference 1. Ryo.Michikawauchi.Shiro.Tanno. Yasushi,Ito. And Mutsumi, Kanda., "Combustion improvement of Diesel Engine by Alcohol Addition- Investigation of Port Injection Method and Blended Fuel Method", SAE International Journal of Fuels Lubricants, 4:48-57. 2011 2. Sivalakshmi,S. and Balusamy,T., "Effects of oxygenated Organic Compounds-neem Oil Blends on the Performance and Exhaust Emissions of a DI Diesel Engine", SAE Paper Number: 2011-01- 0331. 3. Ananda Srinivasan,C. and Saravanan, C.G., "Study of Combustion Characteristics of an SI Engine Fuelled with Ethanol and Oxygenated Fuel Additives", Journal of Sustainable Energy & Environment, 85-91, 2010. 4. Balaji.,D.Govindarajan,P. and Venkatesan,. "Influence of isobutanol blend in spark ignition engine Performance and emissions operated with gasoline and Ethanol",International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Vol. 2(7), 2859-2868, 2010. 5. YAO, ChunDe. ZHANG.Zhi. Hui, XU.Yu. and Li,HUANG.Yu.,"Experimental investigation of effects of bio-additives on fuel economy of the gasoline engine", Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences. 2008. 6. HanumanthaRao, Y.V.Ramsudheer, Voleti. Sitarama Raju, A.V. and Nageswarareddy,P., "Experimental investigations on jatropha biodiesel and additive in diesel engine", Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. No .2,No.4,2009. 7. Zhang,G.D. Liu,H.X. Xia,X.X. Zhang,W.G. and Fang,J.H., "Effects of Dimethyl Carbonate fuel additive on diesel engine performances", Proc.IMechEPart D:J.Automobile Engineering, Vol 219, D13904, 2005. 8. Nibin,T.Sathiyagnanam,A.P. Sivaprakasam, S. and Saravanan.C.G., "Investigation on Emission Characteristics of a Diesel Engine using Oxygenated Fuel Additive, IE(I) Journal, MC, Vol 86, 2005. 9. Ni Zhang, Zuohua Huang, Xiangang Wang and Bin Zheng., "A Comparative Study of Two Kinds of Biodiesels and Biodiesel-DEE Blends in a Common Rail Diesel Engine", SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants,vol. 4, no. 1, 96-109, 2011. 10. VenkataSubbaiah,G. RajaGopal,K. SyedAltafHussain. Durga Prasad,B. and Tirupathi Reddy,K., "RiceBran Oil Biodiesel As an additive In Diesel-Ethanol Blends For Diesel Engines", Ijrras, 3(3), 2010. S.Kirankumar, Prof. K. Apparao, Prof. R.Nagendra Babu |
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188. | Synthesis, Characterization and Optical Properties of Niobium Doped Silver-Lead-Borate Glasses
Synthesis, Characterization and Optical Properties of Niobium Doped Silver-Lead-Borate GlassesAbstract: Niobium doped silver lead borate glasses with the chemical composition (29-x) PbO-yAg2O- 70B2O3-xNb2O5 (where x= 0.1 to 0.5mol%, y= 1 to 5 mol %) have prepared by conventional melt quenching method.SEM/XRD technique confines glassy nature of the prepared samples. IR and UV optical absorption technique have been used to obtain the information concerning network structure. From the absorption edge studies, the values of optical band gap energies have been evaluated. The density, molar volume, polarizability and glass transition temperature are found to be compositional dependent. The nonlinear variations of the above optical parameters are discussed with respect to Nb2O5 concentrationKey words: DSC, Niobium-doped glasses, SEM, XRD, FTIR, UV-Optica Reference [1] P. Becker, Adv mater 10 1998, p- 979. [2] J.Wong,C.A.Angell, glass structure by Spectroscopy (Marcel Dekker Inc:New york,1976). [3] G.Fuxi, Optical and Spectroscopic studies of glass(Springer-Verlag: Berlin,1992). [4] J.E.Shelby, Introdution to glass science and technology (the royal society of chemistry, UK, 1997). [5] T.Yano, N.Kunimine, S.Shibata, M.Yamane, J.Non-Cryst.solids 321 2003, p- 157. [6] E.M.Vogel, J.Am.Ceram.Soc 72 1989, p- 719. [7] E.M.Vogel,S.G.Kosinski,D.MKrol, J.L.Jacket,J.Non-Cryst.Solids 107 1989, p- 244. [8] A.S.B.Sombra,Solid.State.Commun 88 1993, p-305. [9] A.S.B.Sombra,Opt.QuantumElctron 22 1990, p-335. [10] A.S.B.Sombra,Braz.J.Phys 24 1994, p-480 M.Sathish, B.Eraiah |
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189. | Porting and Optimization of ITU-T G.729.1 codec on SC3850 DSP core
Porting and Optimization of ITU-T G.729.1 codec on SC3850 DSP coreAbstract: This paper presents a methodology towards the details of optimization for the realtime implementation of ITU's G.729.1 codec on SC3850 DSP core running at 1 GHZ clock speed. The main aim is the optimized fixed point implementation of G.729.1 speech coding algorithm on SC3850 DSP core. Optimizations were done in C language to reduce the execution speed of the codec by exploiting the architectural features of the target device. First the reference code provided by ITU-T's published documents was modified to meet the requirements in C language. Next by exploiting the features of SC3850core, the critical parts of our code that consumes more cycles were modified in order to reduce their execution time. In each stage, the correctness of the implementation was verified by testing our codes against testing vectors provided by ITU-T. More than 90 percent improvement over the baseline codec was achieved by the systematic implementation of these optimization techniques for G.729.1 codec on SC3850 core.Key words: bitrate,G.729.1codec,MCPS,optimizati on,SC3850 Reference [1] Wai c Chu Speech Coding Algorithms Foundation and Evolution of Standardized Coders- Mobile Media Laboratory DoCoMo USA Labs San Jose, California. [2] ITU-T Rec. G.729.1, "G.729 based Embedded Variable bit-rate coder - An 8-32kbits/s scalable wideband coder bitstream interoperable with G.729" May 2006. [3] ITU-T Rec. G.729, "Coding of Speech at 8 kbit/s using Conjugate Structure Algebraic Code Excited Linear Prediction (CSACELP),"March 1996 [4] MSC8156 Reference Manual Six Core Digital Signal Processor MSC8156RM Rev 2, June 2011 [5] C Code Optimization Examples for the StarCore SC3850 Core, Rev 0, April 2010 Reshmi S, Sreenesh Shasidharan |
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190. | Comparison of Rationalised Haar Transform and Block Pulse Function based algorithms for Transformer Protection
Comparison of Rationalised Haar Transform and Block Pulse Function based algorithms for Transformer ProtectionAbstract: This paper describes application of Rationalized Haar Transform and Block Pulse Function for digital protection of power transformers. Digital relay algorithms are developed to extract fundamental, second harmonic and fifth harmonic components. These components are then used for harmonic restraint differential protection of power transformers. The Block Pulse Function based method is computationally simple and flexible to use with any sampling frequency with respect to Rationalized Haar Transform. In Rationalized Haar Transform method one extra step of computation of Haar co-efficient is involved. Different graphs of Rationalized Haar Transform and Block Pulse Function based methods for Inrush, Over-excitation and Internal fault conditions have been plotted and compared. Off-line testing of the method with simulated inrush, over-excitation and internal fault current data clearly indicate that the Block Pulse Function method can provide fast and reliable trip decisionKey words: Rationalized Haar Transform, Block Pulse Functions, Power Transformer Protection And Digital Differential Relay. Reference [1] S.H.Horowitz and A.G.Phadke, (Power System Relaying, John Wiley & Sons, England. 2008) [2] B. Ram, And D.N. Vishwakarma, (Power system protection and switchgear second edition, McGraw Hill, India2011) [3] M. Rahman and B.Jeyasurya, A state-of-theart review of transformer protection algorithms, IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, vol. 3, (1988) pp. 534–544 [4] Z. Moravej, D. N. Vishwakarma, and S.P.Singh (June 2000) , Digital Filtering Algorithms for Differential Relaying of Power Transformer An Overview, Electric Machines and Power Systems, Vol.28, No.6, pp. 485-500. [5] Mekic, Fahrudin , Girgis,Ramsis, Gajic, Zoran and ED teNyenhuis (2007),Power Transformer Characte- ristics and Their Effect on Protective Relays, 60th Annual Conference for Protective Relay Engineers, 2007, pp 455-466 [6] A. Kulidjian, B. Kazstenny and B. Campbell, New magnetizing inrush restraining algorithm for power transformer protection, Development in power system protection conference publication no.479 IEE 2001, pp.181-184. (Canada) [7] C.R.T Castro, S.R.Barbosa, H.L. Ferreira, L.E. Samico, I.J.S.Lopes, and S.R.S.Toshiba (2004), Power transformer loading studies considering over-excitation, IEEE/PES Transmission & Distribution Conference & Exposition pp. 651-656 ,Latin America [8] Z. Moravej, D.N. Vishwakarma and S.P.Singh, Intelligent differential relay for power transformer protection, Journal of the Institution of Engineers, vol.83 (June 2002) pp.28-32, India [9] Mozina, J.Charles, Protection of power plant transformers using digital technology, IEEE Transmission and distribution conference, vol.1, (1999) pp.421-432 [10] A.Aktaibi and Rahman, M.A. , A software design technique for differential protection of power transformers, IEEE International Electric Machines & Drives Conference (IEMDC), 2011 , pp.1456- 1461,USA [11] S.R.Kolla, Application of Block Pulse Functions for Digital Protection of Power Transformers, IEEE transactions on electromagnetic compatibility, vol. 31, no. 2, (1989) pp.193-196. Saurabh Kumar Gautam, Dr.Ramesh Kumar |
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191. | C-V Investigation in Optically Illuminated MOSFET
C-V Investigation in Optically Illuminated MOSFETAbstract: A thorough investigation of N-channel multifinger MOSFET capacitances in dark and under optical illumination is presented in this paper. The intrinsic and extrinsic capacitances are modelled and analysed considering the scaling effects for sub-micron scale MOSFET. Bias dependence is taken into account and capacitances essential for small signal model for RF frequency operation are evaluated. The MOSFET under illumination indicates reduction in capacitance Cgs indicating its potential in analog and mixed signal applications at RF.Key words: Capacitance, Modelling, MOSFET, Opto-electronics, Photo-detector, RF Reference [1] Juin J. Liou a, Frank Schwierz. RF MOSFET: Recent Advances, current status,and future trends. : www.elsevier.com, (2003), SolidState Electronics, Vol. 47, pp. 1881–1895. 10.1016/S0038-1101(03) 00225-9. [2] Singh Jasprit. Semiconductor Optoelectronic( McGraw-Hill Inc), 1995. 0-07-0S7b37-*. [3] Christian Enz, Yuhua Cheng, MOS Transistor Modeling for RF IC Design,: IEEE transactions on Solid State Circuits, Feb 2000, Vol. 35. 0018-9200. [4] Mishra B.K, Jain Prerana,Patil S.C.,Capacitance Modelling of Optically gated MOSFET, Proceedings of International conference & Workshopon Emerging Trends,- 2010,. Mumbai : on ACM didgital Library,ACM digital library.. [5] Steve Hung-Min Jen, Christian C. Enz, Member, David R. Pehlke.,Accurate Modeling and Parameter Extraction for MOS Transistors Valid up to 10 GHz, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES, 1999, Vol. 46. 0018–9383/99. [6] Matthias Bucher, Fabien Théodoloz, François Krummenacher,The EKV MOSFET Model for Circuit Simulation. EPFL, Lausanne,Switzerland : 1999. [7] Mishra B.K,Lochan Jolly, Kalawati Patil, ,Two dimensional modeling of nonuniformly doped mesfet under illumination,International Journal of VLSI design & Communication Systems, Vol(1),No.2,2012 [8] Nandita Saha Roy, B.B.Pal and R.U.Khan, Frequency dependent characteristics of an ion implanted GaAs MESFET with opaque gate,: Journal of Lightwave Technology, Feb 2000, Vol. 18, pp. 221-229. [9] Tsivisdis, Yannis. Operation and modelling of MOS Transistor. Newyork : Oxford University Press. [10] Bucher, Matthias. Review of the EKV3.0 MOSFET Model . Boston : Workshop on Compact Models, NANOTECH 2004 Boston, MA,, 2004. [11] A.B.Bhattacharyya, Compact Mosfet Models for VLSI Designs. : John Wiley & Sons(Asis) Pte Ltd, 2009. 978-0-470-82342-2. [12] Jain P., Mishra B.K., Phade G., AC Performance of Optically Controlled MOSFET. IEEE conference SCEECS-2012,, Bhopal : ISBN:978-1-4673-1516-6. Prerana Jain, B.K.Mishra |
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192. | Privacy Preserving Approach to Anonymous Database
Privacy Preserving Approach to Anonymous DatabaseAbstract: Suppose hospital has some private data which has important details of every patient. Now hospital want to send these details to research institute for some specific purpose with a primary concern that privacy of each patient should not violate by disclosing his data to researchers. If we permit each patient to add data directly into the database then database confidentiality will be broken and if we permit researchers to read every stuff of patient then privacy of patient will break. So to preserve privacy and confidentiality we have proposed approach namely suppression anonymous based method so as to maintain the privacy of the patient. The meaning of anonymity is to remove identifying entity from the databaseKey words: Anonymous, Confidentiality, Privacy, Suppression Reference 1. N.R. Adam and J.C. Worthmann, "SecurityControl Methods for Statistical Databases: A Comparative Study," ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 515- 556, 1989. 2. Privacy-Preserving Updates to Anonymous and Confidential Databases ,Alberto Trombetta, Wei Jiang, Elisa Bertino and Lorenzo Bossi, Department of Computer Science and Communication, University of Insubria, Italy. 3. Generalization Based Approach to Confidential Database Updates , Neha Gosai, S H Patil, Department of ComputerScience,pune,Maharashtra,2012 4. www.wikipedia.com/wikifiles/. 5. R. Agrawal and R. Srikant, "Privacy preserving data mining," in Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD Conference on Management of Data, Dallas, TX, May 2000, pp. 439–450. 6. Andrew C. Yao, Protocols for secure computations, University of California Berkeley, California 94720, 1982 7. Privacy preserving database application testing, Xintao Wu, CS Department, University of North Carolina at Charlottexwu@uncc.edu. Jaimin Marfatia, Nainish Modi, Niraj Lad |
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193. | Comparative Study on Retinal Blood Vessel Detection
Comparative Study on Retinal Blood Vessel DetectionAbstract: In this work, an algorithm has been developed for automatic detection of blood vessels in normal and abnormal retinal images. The algorithm comprises of four steps: second derivative Gaussian function filtering, local entropy thresholding, median filtering and length filtering. The algorithm so developed has been tested on twenty ocular fundus images. The results of this algorithm are compared with those obtained from other methods. Other methods which are considered in this work for comparison are algorithm as described in [15], imageJ and Hand labeled ground truth segmentation. The comparative results reveal that the algorithm developed in this work is efficient with respect to its accuracy, speed, simplicity and PSNR values. Statistical two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) is also performed on the comparative results.Key words: length filtering; local entropy thresholding; median filtering; ocular fundus images; PSNR values; retinal blood vessels; second derivative Gaussian; two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Reference [1]. T. W. Hansen, J. Jeppesen, S. Rasmussen, H. Ibsen and C. T. Pedersen, Ambulatory blood pressure and mortality: A population-based study, Hypertension, 45, 2005, 499–504. [2]. A. Hoover, V. Kouznetsova and M. Goldbaum Locating blood vessels in retinal images by piecewise threshold probing of a matched filter response, IEEE Trans. Medical imaging, 19, 2000, 203-210. [3]. T. Teng, M. Lefley and D. Claremont, Progress towards automated diabetic ocular screening: a review of image analysis and intelligent systems for diabetic retinopathy, Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 40, 2002, 1-13. [4]. Ocular fundus images collected from Eye Hospital, Barrackpore, Kolkata-700120, West Bengal, India. [5]. A. Pinz, S. Bernogger, P. Datlinger and A. Kruger, Mapping the human retina, IEEE Trans. Medical imaging,17, 1998. [6]. S. Chaudhuri, S. Chatterjee, N. Katz, M. Nelson and M. Goldbaum, Detection of blood vessels in retinal images using two-dimensional matched filters, IEEE Trans. Medical imaging, 8, 1998. [7]. W. K. Pratt, Digital Image Processing, New York: Wiley: 1978. [8]. L. M. Kennedy and M. Basu, Image Enhancement using a human visual system model, Pattern Recognition, 30, 1997, 2001- 2014. [9]. L. Zhou, M. S. Rzeszotarski, L. Singeman and I. M. Chokreff, The detection and quantification of retinopathy using digital angiograms, IEEE Trans. Medical imaging, 13, 1994. [10]. M. J. Johnson and G. Dougherty, Robust measures of three-dimensional vascular tortuosity based on the minimum curvature of approximating polynomial spline fits to thevessel mid-line, Medical Engineering and Physics,29, 2007, 677-690. Dr. MONISHA CHAKRABORTY |
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194. | Using different sensorsfor gas detection andthe barriers against them ShahrzadArabshahi, MassoudDousti, Hassan feshkifarahani |
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195. | Analytical Hierarchy Process Framework for Residential Landuse Suitability using Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis
Analytical Hierarchy Process Framework for Residential Landuse Suitability using Multi-Criteria Decision AnalysisAbstract: Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) has emerged as one of the most important structured technique in the field of complex decision analysis. In this paper, an endeavor has been made using AHP for land use suitability of residential land uses in conjunction with five different models like Landscape Characteristics response model (LCRM), socio-economic response model (SERM), environmental response model (ERM), Geophysical response model (GRM) and Utility responses model (URM) together using spatial technique for Pimpri-Chinchwad-MunicipalCorporation (PCMC) area, Maharashtra, India. This is just an amalgamation of a heuristic algorithm that provides good approximate, but not necessarily optimal solution to a given model in the area under consideration. To derive ratio scales from paired comparisons in employing such an algorithm, one may be able to precisely measure the 'goodness' of the approximation. In the present envisaged study, the first LCRM include the factors like slope, drainage density, SBI (Soil Brightness Index), NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) and form factor. The second Socioeconomic response model include the factors like Price, Land Use, Land cover, Facilities available and Population Density. The third environmental response model include the factors like water availability, flood hazard, air pollution, water quality index and the distance of waste disposal. The fourth geophysical response model includes the factors elevation, geomorphology and geology. The fifth Utility response model includes the factors like sewage line and road proximity (accessibility). These all factors affecting in the process are analytically and logically encompassed to make a gainful research through a scientifically proven method, which has been depicted in this present paper in a sequential manner.Key words: Multi Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA), Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Reference [1] Altuzarra, A., María, J. & Jiménez, M. Salvador, M. (2007). A Bayesian priorization procedure for AHP-group decision making. Eur JOper Res., v.182, No(1), pp. 367-382. [2] Duc, T.T. (2006). Using GIS and AHP technique for land-use suitability analysis. International Symposium on Geoinformatics for Spatial Infrastructure Development in Earth and Allied Sciences. [3] Hall, G.B. Wang, F. Subaryono. (1992). Comparison of Boolean and fuzzy classification methods in land suitability analysis by using geographical information systems. J. Environ. Planning., V.4, No. 24, pp. 497–516. [4] J. Chen, Y. & Wu, J.P. (2009). Cellular automata and GIS based land use suitability simulation for irrigated agriculture. 18th World IMACS / MODSIM Congress, Cairns, Australia 13-. [5] Kordi, M. (2008). Comparison of fuzzy and crisp analytic hierarchy process (AHP) methods for spatial multicriteria decision analysis in GIS. Master. Thesis, University of Gavle. [6] M. Bagheri, Z. Z. Ibrahim, W. N. A. Sulaiman and N. Vaghefi (2011) Integration of Analytical Hierarchy Process and Spatial Suitability Analysis for Land Use Planning in Coastal Area, published in,"The proceedings of the first Iranian Students Scientific Conference in Malaysia. [7] Marinoni, O., (2004). Implementation of the analytical hierarchy process with VBA in ArcGIS, J ComputGeosci, 30(6): 637–646 [8] Saaty, T. L. (1980). The analytic hierarchy process. Polytechnic University of Hochiminh city, Vietnam McGraw-Hill, New York. [9] Saaty, T. L. (1988). Multi criteria Decision Making: The Analytical Hierarchy Process. RWS Publications, Pittsburgh, PA. [10] Saaty, T. L. (1990). An exposition on the AHP in reply to the paper 'remarks on the analytic hierarchy process. Manag. Sci., 36, 259–268, V.D.Patil, R.N.Sankhua, R.K.Jain |
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196. | Virtual Center Based Algorithms for Information Retrieval
Virtual Center Based Algorithms for Information RetrievalAbstract: This work suggests a novel evolutionary approach for post clustering retrieval. A novel matching function called virtual center based Matching function(VCF) and VCF based Genetic Algorithm(VCGA) are proposed to improve the retrieval performance. VCF is based on finding the virtual center from the set of centroids present in clustering space and the retrieval is done using VCGA. It is expected that the retrieval performance will be enhanced since number of cycles will be reduced and a single access to disk makes the entire class available when user's query is matched with document description. The performance of these algorithms will be compared with the existing matching function for information retrieval. This paper is presented as a work-inprogress and extension to our previous research paper in which the idea of GA based model for clustering and retrieval was proposed [2]. The experimentation has done up to preprocessing of the documents and matching function algorithm is proposed. Findings regarding the feasibility and utility of the proposed approach will be presented as well as suggestions for follow-on research will be taken. This research proposes the feasibility and utility of post-clustering retrieval by using evolutionary approach.Key words: - Clustering, Information Retrieval(IR), Genetic algorithm(GA), Matching Function, Virtual Center Function(VCF) Reference [1] Wei Jian-Xiang, Lui Huai, su Xin- Ning, "Application of Genetic Algorithm in documentclustering"International onference on Information Technology and computer Science,2009,pp 145-148. [2] Dr. C.A. Dhote, A. Thakare, "Evolutionary Approach for effective Clustering and IR", ICCTD-2011, Chengdu, China. [3] Bangorn Klabbankoh, OuenPinngern, "Applied Genetic Algorithms In Information Retrieval" [4] Yanping Lu, Shengrui Wang, Shaozi Li, change,Particle Swarm optimizer for variable weighing in clustering high-Dimensional data, Zhou January 2011, Machine Learning. [5] Jiawei Han and Micheline kamber, " Data Mining" Concepts and techniques. [6] Praveen Pathak Michael Gordon Weiguo Fan, Effective Information Retrieval using Genetic Algorithms based Matching Functions Adaptation Proceedings of the 33rdHawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2000 [7] Congnan Luo a, Yanjun Li b, Soon M. Chung c, " Text document clustering based on neighbors", Data &Knowledge Engineering 68 (2009) 1271–1288, Elsevier [8] Wei Song, Lim Cheon Choi, Soon Cheol Park, Xiao Feng Ding, Fuzzy evolutionary optimization modeling and its Application to unsupervised categorization andextractive Summarization, August 2011,Expert SystemswithApplication: An international Journal. [9] Philomina Simon, S. Siva Sathya "Genetic Algorithm For Information Retrieval", 978-1- 4244-4711-4/2009 IEEE [10] Ahmed A. A. Radwan, Bahgat A.Abdel latef, Abdel Mgeid A. Ali, and Osman Sadek "Using Genetic Algorithm to Improve Information Retrieval Systems",World Academy of Science, Engineering Technology,2006. [11] Nicholas O. Andrews and Edward A. Fox, "RecentDevelopmentinDocument Clustering Techniques", Dept of Computer Science, Virgina Tech 2007. Prof. A.D. Thakare, Dr. C.A. Dhote |
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197. | Design Modification & Analysis for Suspension Frame Using Finite Element Analysis
Design Modification & Analysis for Suspension Frame Using Finite Element AnalysisAbstract: Structural analysis is aimed towards decreasing the weight while maintaining structural integrity and strength. It may be a cross field functionality such as civil dams, bridges, flyovers, power transmission towers OR components related to one engineering discipline like automotive where much physical testing is done along with computer simulations to arrive at results. Field data and past records for failure are also very essential as without these there is no historical data supporting the performance of the products. While all the above information is hardly available at one place, effort has been made to analyze a structural component by changing its design keeping stress within limits.Reference [1] ANSYS 12.0 user guide: Structural Analysis [2] Sujatha C&V Ramamurthi, Bus Vibration Study, Experimental Response to Road Undulation, Intl J Vehicle Design , Vol11, no 415,1990 [3] Johanssan & S, Eslund, Optimization of Vehicle Dynamics in Truck by use of full vehicle FE models,IMech E , C466/016/93,1993 [4] Ansys 12.0 Material Library. [5] Marco Evangelos, Bian Colini, Carlo Brutti, Eugenio Pezuti, Shape Optimization of Structural Design by means of Finite Element Method,XII ADM International Conference, Italy, Sep5th-7 th 2001. Anand Aggarwal |
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198. | On Recurrent Hsu-Structure Manifold
On Recurrent Hsu-Structure ManifoldAbstract: In this Paper, we have defined recurrence and symmetry of different kinds in Hsu-structure manifold. Some theorems establishing relationship between different kinds of recurrent Hsustructure manifold have been stated and proved. Furthermore, theorems on different kinds of recurrent and symmetric Hsu-structure manifold involving equivalent conditions with respect to various curvature tensors have also been discussed.Key words: Hsu-structure manifold , Curvature tensor ,Recurrent Parameter. Reference [1] C.J. Hsu, "On some structure which are similar to quaternion structure", Tohoku Math. J., (12), 1960, pp. 403-428. [2] Q. Khan, "On recurrent Riemannian manifolds", Kuungpook Math. J., (44), 2004, pp. 269-276. [3] R.S. Mishra, S.B. Pandey and U. Sharma "Pseudo n-Recurrent Manifold with KHStructure", Indian J. pure applied Mathematics, 7(10), 1974, pp. 1277-1287. [4] R.S. Mishra, "A course in tensors with applications to Riemannian Geometry", II edition Pothishala Pvt., Ltd. Allahabad (1973). [5] R.S. Mishra, "Structure on a differentiable manifold and their applications", Chandrama Prakashan, 50-A, Balrampur House, Allahabad (1984). [6] S.B. Pandey and Lata Dasila," On General Differentiable Manifold". U. Scientist Phyl. Sciences, Vol.7, No. 2,147-152(1995). [7] S.B. Pandey and Lata Dasila, "On Birecurrent General Differentiable Manifold". U. Scientist Phyl. Sciences, Vol.9, No.1, 1997. [8] S.B. Pandey and Lata Bisht, "On HGF-Structure Manifold", International Academy of Phyl. Sciences, Vol.12, 2008, pp. 173-177. [9] S.B. Pandey and Lata Dasila, "Pseudo Conformal n-Recurrent Manifold with KHStructure", International Journal of Physical Sciences, Vol.20, No.2, 2008. [10]S.B. Pandey, Meenakshi Pant and Savita Pantni, " On n-Recurrent HGF-Structure Metric Manifold", Journal of Tensor Society, Vol.23, 2009, pp. 79-104. [11]U.C. De, N. Guha and D. Kamila, "On Generalized Ricci recurrent manifolds", Tensor (N.S.) (56), 1995, pp. 312-317. Lata Bisht, Sandhana Shanker |
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199. | Kinetics and thermodynamic studies of the bromination of
sultams using conductivity measurement
Kinetics and thermodynamic studies of the bromination of sultams using conductivity measurementAbstract: Kinetics and thermodynamic studies of bromination of (1,2-thiazine): N-(p-substituted phenyl) -3,5- dimethyl -1, 1-dioxo-1,2-thiazine (C4H2(CH3)2SO2 N C6H4-X); {X = H, p-Cl, and pOCH3} by using bromine(Br2) in chloroform medium have been investigated by Isolation method the observed rate of bromination, pseudo first order for 1,2-thiazine and Br2 and second order in overall reaction and using conductivity measurements. The reaction rate constant increases with increasing temperature from 273K to 318K. The kinetic and thermodynamic parameters k, Ea, ΔH # and ΔS # have been calculated. The corresponding halogenated 1,2- thiazine has been identified as a product of halogenation. A suitable reaction scheme is proposed and an appropriate rate law is deduced to account for the observed kinetic and thermodynamic data.Key words: 1,2-thiazine, Bromine (Br2), Conductivity, rate constant, Sulfonamide. Reference [1] Hansch C.; Sammes P.G., Comprehensive Medicinal Chemistry, Pergamum press, Oxford, 1990. [2] Hanson P. R.; Probst D. A.; Robinson R. E.; Yau M., Tetrahedron let., 1999,40, 4761. [3] Seyden P.J. Chiral Auxiliaries and Ligands in Asymmetric synthesis, Wiley, New York, 1995. [4] Brown R.C.; Castro J.L.; Moriggi J-D, Tetrahedron Let. 2000, 41, 3681. [5] Jenkins A., IUPAC compendium of chemical Terminology, 2nd Ed. 67, 1370, 1995. [6] Burckhardt H.; Bonner T.; Bonu, Germany, U.S. Pattent. No. 2,917,512, Dec.15, 1959. [7] Hans F.; Beeck D.; Tummes H.; DuisburgMeiderich, Germany, U.S. pattent. No. 2,866,786, Dec. 30, 1958. [8] Braim R.R.; Ketuly K.A.; Hadi A.H.; Khaledi H. Acta Crystaaographic o2775, E67, 2011. [9] Fanghenel E.; Mohammed H.; Richter A.M.; Radeglia R.; J. Pract. Chem., 1984 326, 545. [10] Fanghanel E., Muhammed H.A. Keta Y., J. Pract. Chem., 1982, 324. [11] Gowenlock B.G., Quart. Rev., 1960, 140, 133. [12] Missen R.W.; Mims Ch. A.; Saville B. A., Introduction to chemical reaction engineering and kinetics, 1998. [13] Barrow G.M., Physical chemistry (McGrow Hill Inc), 4th Ed., 1979. [14] Hill Ch. G., An introduction to chemical engineering kinetics and reactor design John Wiley and Sons New York, 1977. [15] Atkins P.W. Physical chemistry, Oxford University Press, USA 5th Ed., 1995. [16] Laidler K.J., A glossary of terms used in chemical kinetics, including reaction dynamics Pure & Applied Chemistry, 68, (1), 1996, 149-192. [17] Alberty S.; Robert J.; Robert A., Physical chemistry (John Wiley and sons, Inc. New York, 3rd edition, 2001). [18] Royals E.E., Advanced organic chemistry (prentice Hall United States America, 1961). Shireen I. Hamadamin, Kareem Sh. Ahmed, Hassan A. Mohammed |
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200. | Analytical Assessment for Comparisons of Triple-T Precast-Concrete-Timber Composite Floor using Gamma method
Analytical Assessment for Comparisons of Triple-T Precast-Concrete-Timber Composite Floor using Gamma methodAbstract: Concrete-timber composite floor is a construction technique combining two materials, concrete and timber, connected together using some form of interlayer shear connectors either positioned discretely or continuously along the span of the floor. The interlayer connections provide the desired composite action, where the degree of this composite action is governed by the types of connection system used in the concretetimber composite system. This analytical method. The analytical method here refers to a design procedure known as Gamma Method recommended in the Eurocode 5 Annex B for bending stiffness, (EI)eff . This quantity obtained experimentally and analytically was compared and the reliability of Gamma method was investigated. concrete-timber composite system. In this method, the specific quantity to express the structural performance of the composite system is the effective paper presents the preliminary study on the structural performance of a proposed triple-T precast concrete-timber composite floor subjected to collapse load. The structural performance derived experimentally through four-point bending collapse test was compared to the same performance established usingReference [1] Natterer, J., Hamm, J., and Favre, P. (1996). Composite wood-concrete floors for multistory buildings. In: Proceedings of the International Wood Engineering Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, (USA), 3, pp. 431-435. [2] Yeoh, D., Fragiacomo, M., Buchanan, A., and Deam, B. (2009a). Experimental behaviour at ultimate limit state of a semiprefabricated timber-concrete composite floor system. Proceedings of the International Symposium "Timber Structures from Antiquity to the Present‟. Istanbul, Turkey, June 25-27, pp. 287-298. [3] Steinberg, E., Selle, R., and Faust, T. (2003). Connectors for timber-lightweight concrete composite structures. Journal of Structural Engineering, 129(11), pp. 1538-1545. [4] Holschemacher, K., Klotz, S., and Weibe, D. (2002). Application of steel fibre reinforced concrete for timber-concrete composite constructions. LACER, 7, pp. 161-170. [5] Gutkowski, R., Brown, K., Shigidi, A., and Natterer, J. (2004). Investigation of notched composite wood-concrete connections. Journal of Structural Engineering, 130(10), pp. 1553-1561. [6] Gutkowski, R.M., Balogh, J., Brown, K., Etournaud, P., Koike, E., and Natterer, J. (2000). Laboratory testing of composite wood–concrete beam and floor specimens. Proc., World Conf. on Timber Engineering– 2000, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Dept. of Wood Science, School of Architecture, Univ. of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. [7] Lukaszewska, E. (2009). Development of prefabricated timber-concrete composite floors. PhD Thesis, Lulea University of Technology, Sweden. [8] Yeoh, D., Fragiacomo, M., and Deam, B. (2010). Experimental limit state behaviour of LVLconcrete composite floor beams. Journal of Structural Engineering Elsevier, submitted January 2010, under review. [9] Branco, J.M., Cruz, P.J.S., and Piazza, M. (2009). Experimental analysis of laterallyloaded nailed timber-to-concrete connections. ISISE, University of Minho, Department of Civil Engineering, 4800-058 Campus de Azure´m, Guimara˜es, Portugal. pp. 400–410. [10] Gutkowski, R., Brown, K., Shigidi, A., and Natterer, J. (2008). Laboratory tests of composite wood-concrete beams. Construction and Building Materials, 22(6), pp. 1059-1066. Zainal Abidin Akasah, David Yeoh, Lam Kah Leong |
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201. | Very Fast Multifunctional Dynamic Voltage Restorer Implementation for Emergency Control and protect consumers in Distribution Systems
Very Fast Multifunctional Dynamic Voltage Restorer Implementation for Emergency Control and protect consumers in Distribution SystemsAbstract: The dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) is one of the modern devices used in distribution systems to protect consumers against sudden changes in voltage amplitude. In this paper, emergency control in distribution systems is discussed by using the proposed multifunctional DVR control strategy. Also, the multiloop controller using the Posicast and P+Resonant controllers is proposed in order to improve the transient response and eliminate the steady-state error in DVR response, respectively. The proposed algorithm is applied to some disturbances in load voltage caused by induction motors starting, and a three-phase short circuit fault. Also, the capability of the proposed DVR has been tested to limit the Downstream fault current. The current limitation will restore the point of common coupling (PCC) (the bus to which all feeders under study are connected) voltage and Protect the DVR itself. The innovation here is that the DVR acts as virtual impedance with the main aim of protecting the PCC voltage during downstream fault without any problem in real power injection into the DVR. Simulation results show the capability of the DVR to control the emergency conditions of the distribution systems.Reference [1] J. A. Martinez and J. Martin-Arnedo, "Voltage sag studies in distribution networks- part II: Voltage sag assessment," IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 1679–1688, Jul. 2006. [2] J. A. Martinez and J. M. Arnedo, "Voltage sag studies in distribution networks- part I: System modeling," IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 338–345, Jul. 2006. [3] P. Hcine and M. Khronen, "Voltage sag distribution caused by power system faults," IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 1367–1373, Nov. 2003. [4] S. S. Choi, B. H. Li, and D. M. Vilathgamuwa, "Dynamic voltage restoration with minimum energy injection," IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 51–57, Feb. 2000. [5] C. Fitzer, M. Barnes, and P. Green, "Voltage sag detection technique for a dynamic voltage restore," IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 203–212, Jan./Feb. 2004. [6] C. Benachaiba and B. Ferdi, "Voltage quality improvement using DVR," Electt. Power Qual. Utilisation, Journal, vol. XIV, no. 1, 2008. [7] D. M. Vilathgamuwa, H. M. Wijekoon, and S. S. Choi, "A novel technique to compensate voltage sags in multiline distribution system-the interline dynamic voltage restorer," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 53, no. 5, pp. 1603–1611, Oct. 2006. [8] J. G. Nielsen, M. Newman, H. Nielsen, and F. Blaabjerg, "Control and testing of a dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) at medium voltage level," IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 806–813, May 2004. [9] M. J. Newman, D. G. Holmes, J. G. Nielsen, and F. Blaabjerg, "A dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) with selective harmonic compensation at medium voltage level," IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 41, no. 6, pp. 1744–1753, Nov./Dec. 2005. [10] A. K. Jindal, A. Ghosh, and A. Joshi, "Critical load bus voltage control using DVR under system frequency variation," Elect. Power Syst. Res., vol. 78, no. 2, pp. 255–263, Feb. 2008. Mr. Chandrasekhararao.k, Mr. T.Amar Kiran |
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202. | Two properties of Prequasi-invexity
Two properties of Prequasi-invexityAbstract: A classe of prequasi-invex functions, which introduced by Yang.et al. [6], is further studied in this paper. First, a new sufficient condition of prequasi-invex functions is given under weaker certain conditions. Then, the property of the composite to pre(quasi)-invex functions is obtained. Our results extend some known results in the literature.Key words: Prequasi-invexity, semistrictly prequasi-invex functions, composite functions. Clasification: AMS(2000)90C26,26B25 Reference [1] Weir T,Mond B. Preinvex Functions in Multiple Objective Optimization[J].J Math Anal Appl 1988,136:29-38. [2] Yang X M,Li D. On Properties of Preinvex Functions[J].J Math Anal Appl 2001,256:229-241. [3] Yang X M. Semistrictly convex Functions[J].Opsearch, 1994, 31(1):15-27. [4] Yang X M, Li D. Semistrictly Preinvex Functions[J].J Math Anal Appl 2001,258:287-308. [5] Mohan S R, Neogy S K. On Invex sets and Preinvex Functions[J]. J Math Anal Appl,1995,189:901-908. [6] Yang X M,Yang X Q,Teo K L. Characterizations and Applications of Prequasi-invex Functions[J], Journal of optimization theory and Applications 2001,110(3): 645-668. [7] Yang X M,Yang X Q,Teo K L.Generalized Invexity and Invariant monotonicicy[J].J Optim Theory Appl 2003,117:607-625. Liu jun jian |
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203. | Multi-objective optimisation of die sinking electro discharge machining process using Taguchi
Multi-objective optimisation of die sinking electro discharge machining process using TaguchiAbstract: The objective of this paper is to determine the optimal setting of the process parameters on the electro-discharge machining (EDM) machine while machining AISI H13 tool steel. The parameters considered are pulse current, pulse-on-time, pulse-off-time and gap voltage ; whereas the responses are Tool wear ratio (TWR) and material removal rate (MRR). The optimal setting of the parameters are determined through experiments planned, conducted and analysed using the Taguchi method. It is found that the Tool wear ratio reduces substantially, within the region of experimentation, if the parameters are set at their lowest values, while the parameters set at their highest values increase the MRR drastically.Reference [1]. K.H. Ho, S.T. Newman, "State of the art electrical discharge machining (EDM)":International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 43 (2003) ,1287–1300 [2]. Garg R. K.. Singh K. K.. Sachdeva Anish. Sharma Vishal S.. Ojha Kuldeep. Singh Sharanjit. "Review of research work in sinking EDM and WEDM on metal matrix composite materials", Int J Adv Manuf Technol Vol.50: pp.611–624, 2010. [3]. P.M. George, B.K. Raghunath, L.M. Manochac, Ashish M. Warrier, "EDM machining of carbon– carbon composite a Taguchi approach" Journal of Materials Processing Technology 145 (2004), 66–71 [4]. Yih-fong Tzeng, Fu-chen Chen, "Multi-objective optimisation of high-speed electrical discharge machining process using a Taguchi fuzzy-based approach " Materials and Design 28 (2007) ,1159–1168 [5]. Jose DuarteMarafona, Arlindo Arau jo, "Influence of workpiece hardness on EDM performance" International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 49 (2009) ,744–748 [6]. Rathod K. B., Patel B. B., Mistry G. D., "optimization of process parameters for s.s. 304 using taguchi method for fuzzy logic control based EDM". A. D. Patel, M. C. Parekh, B. B. Patel, Prof. B. B. Patel |
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204. | Overview of Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) for Power Quality Improvement
Overview of Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) for Power Quality ImprovementAbstract: Power quality is one of major concerns in the present era. It has become important, especially, with the introduction of sophisticated devices, whose performance is very sensitive to the quality of power supply. Power quality problem is an occurrence manifested as a nonstandard voltage, current or frequency that results in a failure of end use equipments. One of the major problems dealt here is the voltage sag. To solve this problem, custom power devices are used. One of those devices is the Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR), which is the most efficient and effective modern custom power device used in power distribution networks. Its appeal includes lower cost, smaller size, and its fast dynamic response to the disturbance. This paper introduces power quality problems and overview of Dynamic Voltage Restorer so that young electrical engineers come to know about such a modern custom power device for power quality improvement in future era.Key words: power quality, voltage sags, Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR). Reference [1] M H J Bollen, Understanding Power Quality Problems-Voltage sags & Interruptions, IEEE press , New York, 2000. [2] Math H.J.Bollen,"Understanding power quality problems (voltage sags and interruptions), first edition, IEEE press, 2001 [3] H. Hingorani "Introducing custom power" IEEE spectrum, vol.32 [4] Yash Pal Swarup, Bhim Singh, "A review of Compensating Type Custom Power Devices for Power Quality Improvement", IEEE conf.proc.,2008. [5] Ray Arnold "Solutions to Power Quality Problems" power engineering journal 2001 pages: 65-73. [6] Omar, N.A.Rahim & M. Sulaiman, "Modelling & Simulation for Voltage sag/swells mitigation using Dynamic Voltage Restorer", Journel.Theor. Applied information technology, pp 464-470,2009 [7] M.H.Haque "Compensation of distribution system voltage sag by DVR and DSTATCOM" Power Tech Proceedings, 2001 IEEE Porto, Volume: 1 , 10-13 Sept. 2001 Pages:5 pp. vol.1. [8] Arindam Ghosh, Gerard Ledwich, "Structures and Control of a Dynamic Voltage Regulator",\Power Engineering Society Winter Meeting, pp. 10271032, 2001. [9] Russel Buxton, "Protection from Voltage Dips with the Dynamic Voltage Restorer", Dynamic Power Ltd. Review, pp. 3/1-3/6, 1998. [10] John Godsk Nielsen, "Analysis of Topologies for Dynamic Voltage Restorer", pp. 1027-1032, 2001. Shailesh M. Deshmukh, Bharti Dewani |
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205. | Air-Fuel Ratio (Afr) Calculations In An Internal Combustion Engine Based On The Cylinder Pressure Measurements
Air-Fuel Ratio (Afr) Calculations In An Internal Combustion Engine Based On The Cylinder Pressure MeasurementsAbstract: Internal Combustion Engines burn fuel to create kinetic energy. The burning of fuel is basically the reaction of fuel with oxygen in the air. The amount of oxygen present in the cylinder is the limiting factor for the amount of fuel that can be burnt.The air to fuel ratio is the property of fuel and chemical composition of the fuel that defines the value for this ratio. Most of the fuels we use in internal combustion engines are hydrocarbons, and their burning will obviously result in the release of hydrogen and carbon as residuals, along with heat and pressure.This develops a method to estimate the Air/Fuel Ratio in a Spark-Ignition Engine from Cylinder Pressure Measurements. The method is developed from a well established empirical model for the dependence of laminar flame speed on temperature, pressure and air-fuel ratio and relates this model to the heat release rate during the rapid burn phase, which is obtained from the cylinder pressure, based net heat release profile. The net heat release profile is computed from the cylinder pressure trace and quantifies the conversion of chemical energy of the reactants in the charge into thermal energy. The net heat release profile does not take heat- or mass transfer into account.Key words: Internal Combustion Engine, Engine control, Engine modeling, Pressure, Temperature, Air fuel meters or air fuel gauges ,Sensors. Reference [1] Heywood, J. B. (1988). Internal combustion engine fundamentals. New York: McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-100499- 8. [2] Hires, S. D., Tabaczynski, R. J., & Novak, J. M. (1978). The prediction of ignition delay and combustion intervals for a homogeneous charge, spark ignition engine. SAE Transactions 87, SAE Technical Paper780232. [3] Brunt, M. F. J., & Emtage, A. L. (1996). Evaluation of IMEP routines and analysis errors. SAE Technical Paper 97069. [4] Groff, E. G., & Matekunas, F. A. (1980). The nature of turbulent flame propagation in a homogeneous spark-ignited engine. SAE Technical Paper 800133. [5] Johansson, R. (1993). System modeling and identification, Prentice-Hall information and system sciences series. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. [6] Metgalchi, M., & Keck, J. C. (1982). Burning velocities of mixtures of air with methanol, iso-octane, and idolene at high pressure and temperature. Combustion Flame, 48, 191–210. [7] Patrick, R. S. (1989). Air:fuel ratio estimation in an otto cycle engine:two methods and their performance. Ph.D. thesis, StanfordUniversity, Mechanical Engineering Department. [8] Tunest(al, P., Wilcutts, M., Lee, A. T., & Hedrick, J. K. (1999). In-cylinder measurement for engine cold-start control.Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE international conference on control applications, Kona, Hawaii. [9] Tunestal, P., Lee, A. T., Wilcutts, M., & Hedrick, J. K. (2000). Lean limit control of a spark ignition engine using IMEP-based incomplete combustion detection. Proceedings of the advanced vehicle and engine control conference, Ann-Arbor, Michigan. [10] Wibberley, P., & Clark, C. (1989). An investigation of cylinder pressure as feedback for control of internal combustion engines. SAE Technical Paper 890396. [11] Pestana, G. W. (1989). Engine control methods using combustion pressure feedback. SAE Technical Paper 890758. [12] Powell, J. D. (1993). Engine control using cylinder pressure, past, present, and future. Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement and Control—Transactions of the ASME, 115(2B), 343–350. [13] Tunest(al, P. (2000). The use of cylinder pressure for estimation of the in cylinder air/fuel ratio of an internal combustion engine. Ph.D. thesis,University of California, Berkeley Raghuram Pradhan, P. Ramkumar, M. Sreenivasan, Sukumar Puhan |
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206. | Design a CMOS VCO For RFID System shahla Arabshahi, Massoud Dousti, Hassan feshki farahani |
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207. | Implementation Of Led Driver For Commercial Applications Based On Arm9
Implementation Of Led Driver For Commercial Applications Based On Arm9Abstract: In Real time development 32-bit CPU's which are widely used satisfies high speed processing, but they need a platform which makes it to run systems steadily and speedily. Stability and security plays an important role in embedded field. Based on the price, architecture and security Linux is one platform which plays an important role in embedded applications .The new version kernel has more benefits which are useful for embedded applications. Since Linux is open source we can get it easily and also the modified features in scheduling makes it more useful in embedded applications. This paper mainly concentrates on the boot-loader which is useful for system startup and loading of the system software's which defines the operating procedures of the target platform before the operating system kernel is run. Its only task is to initialize the hardware and software environment into an appropriate state.In this paper we are using S3C2440 ARM9 high performance processor. Early embedded applications are simple in order to achieve only some specific operations, such as specialized applications like industrial control. Since these are simple applications so there was no need of operating system. But as the applications complexity increased and functions became more complex, and the over all system performance also needed to be managed, so these simple applications became insufficient. And, the need to choose an embedded operating system becomes an inevitable trend. But Linux was originally developed as an Operating System for desktop computers, and the OS to be used in embedded systems will have some differences. So we need to transform Linux into Embedded Linux. Since it is the embedded operating system, we need to use Cross compiler to CROSS_COMPILE Linux source code according to the target. Before compiling we have to configure the source code according to the target board configuration. On completion of successful compilation we will get the Embedded Linux Kernel. Then we need to transfer the kernel Image to the target board. In Embedded Linux, the application program doesn't have direct access to the devices attached to the target board. We need to use Device Drivers. So we will be making one device driver to control an LED according to our application program.Key words: embedded system; Boot Loader; Linux 2.6; transplant; LED driver Reference [1] G. Eason, B. Noble, and I. N. Sneddon, "On certain integrals of LipschitzHankel type involving products of Bessel functions," Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, vol. A247, pp. 529–551, April 1955. (references) [2] Song, Yanzhao. Embedded operating system resentation and the principle of selection. .2005,23 Industrial control computer (5): 41- 43 [3] Zhong Xichang. Embedded operating system in China's development status and pre-A Information Technology and Standardization .2006,7 (6): 6-10. [4] Yang Rong, Wang Lin Dou, information appliances based on embedded Linux operating system, analysis and application. East- 101 [5] Jiao Quan, Huang Rural Health, Bao-jun. U-Boot .Porting the S3C2410. Electronic design applications, 2006,3:126-128 [6] Zhang Jin, JIANG Wei. U-Boot boot process analysis And transplant step. Electric Power Automation Equipment, 2005,25 (7): 68-71 [7] Bill Weinberg. Embedded Linux Is A Hit In Wireless Entertainment[J] Wireless System Design, ]an 2003.29-32. G.Sravani, B. Karunaiah, Prof K V Murali Mohan |
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208. | Analysis of Block Matching Algorithms for Motion Estimation in H.264 Video CODEC
Analysis of Block Matching Algorithms for Motion Estimation in H.264 Video CODECAbstract: H.264 video compression standard has already been introduced in new electronic gadgets such as mobile phones and digital video players, and has gained fast acceptance by end users. Service providers such as online video storage and telecommunications companies are also beginning to adopt H.264 standard. The key element to high performance of video compression lies in an efficient reduction of the temporal redundancy. For this purpose, block matching algorithms used for motion estimation technique has been successfully applied in the video compression standards from MPEG1 / H.261 to MPEG4 / H.264. This paper is an analysis of the block matching algorithms used for motion estimation in H.264 video compression standard. It implements and compares 5 different types of block matching algorithms which are Exhaustive Search, Three Step Search, Diamond Search, Four Step Search and Adaptive Road Pattern Search on H.264 Video codec.Key words: H.264 video CODEC, Block matching algorithms, Motion estimation, PSNR Reference [1] Advanced Video Coding for Generic Audiovisual Services,ITU-T Rec.H.264 and ISO/IEC 14496-10 (MPEG-4 AVC), ITU-T and ISO/IEC JTC 1, Version 1: May 2003, Version 2: May 2004, Version 3: Mar. 2005, Version 4: Sept. 2005, Version 5 and Version 6: June 2006, Version 7: Apr. 2007, Version 8 (including SVC extension): Consented in July 2007. [2] Xie Liyin, Su Xiuqin, Zhang Shun , "A Review of Motion Estimation Algorithms for Video Compression",2010 International Conference on Computer Application and System Modeling (ICCASM 2010) 978-1-4244-7237-20l0 IEEE. [3] M. Ghanbari, "The cross-search algorithm for motion estimation," IEEE Trans.Commun., vol. 38, pp. 950-953, July 1990. [4] R. Li, B. Zeng, and M. L. Liou, "A new three-step search algorithm for block motion estimation," IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol., vol. 4, pp. 438442, Aug.1994. [5] L. M. Po and W. C. Ma, "A novel fourstep search algorithm for fast block motion estimation,"IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol., vol. 6, pp. 313317, June 1996. [6] S. Zhu and K.-K. Ma, "A new diamond search algorithm for fast block-matching motion estimation," in Proc. Int. Conf. Inf. Commun. Signal Process. (ICICS ‟97), vol. 1, Sep. 9–12, 1997, pp.292–296. [7] M. F. So and A. Wu, "Four-step genetic search for block motion estimation," in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust. Speech Signal Process.(ICASSP ‟98), vol. 3. May 1998, pp.1393–1396. [8] Jörn Ostermann, Jan Bormans, Peter List,Detlev Marpe, Matthias Narroschke,Fernando Pereira, Thomas Stockhammer, and Thomas Wedi, "Video coding with H.264/AVC: Tools, Performance, and Complexity",IEEE Circuits And Systems Magazine First Quarter 2004,pp.9-10. [9] D.Vijendra Babu , P.Subramanian, C.Karthikeyan, "Performance Analysis of Block Matching Algorithms for Highly Scalable Video Compression" 1-4244- 0731-2006 IEEE.pp.179-181 [10] Muhammed Z. Coban, Russell M. Mersereau, " Computationally Efficient Exhaustive Search Algorithm for Rateconstrained Motion Estimation" ,0-8186- 8183-7/1997 IEEE pp.101-102 [11] T. Koga, K. Iinuma, A. Hirano, Y. Iijima, and T. Ishiguro, "Motion-compensated interframe coding for video conferencing," Proc. NTC81, pp. C9.6.1- 9.6.5, New Orleans, LA. Nov. 1981. [12] L. M. Po and W. C. Ma, "A novel fourstep search algorithm for fast block motion estimation,"IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol., vol. 6, pp. 313317, June 1996. [13] M. F. So and A. Wu, "Four-step genetic search for block motion estimation," in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust. Speech Signal Process.(ICASSP ‟98), vol. 3. May 1998, pp. 1393–1396. [14] Y.Nie, and Kai-Kuang Ma, "Adaptive Rood Pattern Search for Fast BlockMatching Motion Estimation", IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol 11, no. 12, pp. 1442-1448, December 2002. Darshna D.Jagiwala, Prof. Mrs. S. N. Shah |
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209. | Microformation And Property Of A Copper- Ferrous Combination Produced By High Pressure Torsion Powder Consolidation |
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210. | System performances in recovery of EEG Signals using Modern-
System performances in recovery of EEG Signals using ModernAbstract: Electroencephalogram (EEG) is used for the analysis of brain signals obtained from various electrodes placed across the scalp at specific positions. The collected signals from brain are oftenly contaminated with Ocular Artifacts(OAs), EKG and EMG artifacts. In this project a novel technique is used for the removal of ocular artifacts using Modern-Fast-ICA algorithm which decomposes the EEG signals into independent components then an LMS(Least Mean Squares)based adaptive algorithm is applied to the independent components so as to get the original EEG signals. In the first step,independent basis functions attributed to OA are computed using Modern-FastICA algorithm. In the second step we arrive ocular artifact free EEG signal efficiently comparative to ModernFast-ICA. In this paper, based on some parameters like Root Mean Square Deviation(RMSD) we can say that the EEG signal obtained after second step is better than after the first.Key words: EEG,Electrooculogram, adaptive filters,Artifact rejection, Fast independent component analysis. Reference [1]. Rangaraj M .Rangayyan. ENEL 563 Biomedical signal analysis,IEEE/Wiley,New York,NY,2002 [2]. Comon P.1994.Independent component analysis, a new concept?Signal processing .36,287-314 [3]. Bell AJ and Sejnowski TJ.1995.An information –maximization approch to blind separation and blind deconvolution. Neural Computation,MIT Press.7,1129- 1159. [4]. Making S,Bell AJ, Jung T-P and Sejnowski TJ .1996.Independent Component Analysis of Electroencephalgraph- icData.Advance in Neural Information Processing Systems 8,MIT press,Cambridge MA.145-151. [5]. Lee T-W.1998. Independent Component Analysis. Theory and Applications. Kluwer Academic publishers Hingham,M A,USA. [6]. Hyvarinen A and Oja E.2000. Independent Component Analysis : Algorithms and applications. Neural Networks.13(2000),411-430. [7]. Vigario R ,Sarela J,Jousmaki V,Hamlainen M,and Oja E.2000.Independent Component approch to the analysis of EEG and MEG recordings.trans.Biomed.eng.47,589-593. Fast-ICA D.Kumar swamy,K.Srinivasa Reddy |
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211. | Simulation Of A Surface Acoustic Wave RFID Tag With Reduction Of Size And Data Capacity Consistency
Simulation Of A Surface Acoustic Wave RFID Tag With Reduction Of Size And Data Capacity ConsistencyAbstract: Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) RFID tags use Short Metal reflectorsfor coding the incoming signals. In this paper the simulation of a SAW RFID tag using peizo plane strain ofCOMSOL Multiphysics is presented which is designed bytheFEM method. Thesimulationsare performed in order to show the response of this device. To better design, it is essential to model two dimensional SAW tag and analyze the wave propagation characteristics in piezoelectric SAW devices. In this studythetime Position Encoding methodisused which usestime delays for codingtheinputsignals.Bythismethoddata capacityofthe SAW RFID tagisfoundtobeincreased. This study presentsa SAW RFID tag with a SPUDT consist of two electrodes and two aluminum reflectorswhichplacedona YZ 𝐋𝐢𝐍𝐛𝐨𝟑 piezoelectric substrate.TheCenterfrequencyof theSAW RFID tagis foundto be 2.45 GHz.Hereatwo dimensional Simulation of a SAW wave propagation is presented whichleads toa properresponse forthedevices obtainedby severalsimulations. Thedevelopmentofthe twoDimensional Finite Element Mode providesa proper insight for the understanding of the SAW RFID tags mechanism without having to perform the actual fabrication.Key words: SAW, RFID Tag, Reflector, Time positioning, Piezoelectric. Reference [1] S. Lewis, "A Basic Introduction to RFID Technology and Its use in the Supply Chain", Laran RFID, White paper inc., 2004. [2] M.L Ng and P.H Cole, "The Reader Collision Problem in RFID Systems," presented in MAPE 2005, Beijing, August 2005. [3] V. P. Plessky, S. N. Kondratiev, R. Stierlin and F. Nyffeler, "SAW Tags: New Ideas", IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, 1995. [4] L. Reindl and I. Shrena, "Wireless Measurement of Temperature using Surface Acoustic Waves Sensors", IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 2004. [5] C. S. Hartmann, "A Global SAW ID Tag with Large Data Capacity", IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, 2002. [6] S. Harma, V. P. Plessky, C. S. Hartmann and W. Steichen, "SAW RFID Tag with Reduced Size",IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, 2006. [7] C. S. Hartmann, P. Brown and J. Bellamy, "Design of Global SAW RFID Tag Devices", RF SAW, 2004. [8] S. Lehtonen, V. P. Plessky, C. S. Hartmann, and M. M. Salomaa, "Unidirectional SAW Transducer for GHz Frequencies", IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, 2003. [9] M. Z. Atashbar, B. J. Bazuin, M. Simpeh and S. Krishnamurthy, "3D FE Smulation of Hydrogen SAW Gas Sensor", Sensors and Actuators B, 2005. [10] S. Harma, W. G. Arthur, C. S. Hartmann, R. G. Maev and V. P. Plessky, "Inline SAW RFID Tag using Time Position and Phase Encoding", IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 2008. [11] C. S. Hartmann, "Future High Volume Applications of SAW Devices", IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, 1985. [12] D. Morgan, " Surface Acoustic Wave Filters With Applications to Electronic Communications and Signal Processing", Academic Press, 2007. [13] K.Finkenzeller, "Fundamentals and Applications in Contactless Smart Cards and Identification", John Wiley and Sons, 2003. Shahla Arabshahi, Massoud Dousti, Hassan Feshki Farahani |
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212. | Study On The Swelling Behavior Of The Green Clay Of Gzenaya
Study On The Swelling Behavior Of The Green Clay Of GzenayaAbstract: Several studies were conducted to specify the characteristics of the swelling behavior. The swelling ratio and the swelling pressure are valuable to civil engineers and practioners especially in the phases of design and calculation. Really, the evaluation of these parameters, until now, is not unified. It is proposed, in this paper, to review some qualitative and quantitative methods of expansive green clay of Gzenaya in Tangier (Morocco). Test procedures, evoked and based on the oedometer apparatus, are analyzed to show their direct influence on soil behavior during swelling. Particular attention is bore to the influence of the conditions of loading and saturation on the values of the swelling parameters and its kinetics of swelling. The opportunity is offered to highlight other parametric conditions which interfere, seriously, in test conditions, in particular, the combination "initial water content-dry density" of the soil and its amount of fine size particles (smaller than 80 µm).Key words: Green clay, Oedometer, Swelling pressure, Swelling ratio, Test conditions. Reference [1] H.B. Seed, R.J. Woodward and R. Lundgren, Prediction of swelling potential for compacted clays, Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division, 88(SM3), 1962, 53-87. [2] D. Van der Merwe, The prediction of heave from the plasticity index and percentage clay fraction of soils, The Civil Engineer in South-Africa, 6( 6), 1964, 103-118. [3] D.R. Snethen, Evaluation of expedient methods for identitication and classification of potentially expansive soils : Proc. 5 th International Conf. on Expansive Soils, Adelaide, Australia, 1984, 22-26. [4] H. Ejjaaouani, Interactions des fondations et des sols gonflants, pathologie, calculs et études expérimentales, doctoral diss., Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, France, 2008. [5] G. Kassif and A.Benshalom, Experimental relationships between swell pressure and suction, Geotechnique, 21(3), 1971, 245- 255. [6] A. Sridharan, R. Sreepada and P.V. Sivapullahia, Swelling pressure of clays, Geotechnical Testing Journal, 9(1), 1986, 24-23. [7] E.L. Matyas, Some properties of two expansive clays from western Canada : Proc. 2 nd International Conf. on Clay Soils, Texas, USA, 1969, 263-278. [8] F. Shuai, Simulation of swelling pressure measurements on expansive soils, doctoral diss., University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon , Canada, 1996, 18-19. [9] D.P. Coduto, Foundations on expansive soils, in Library of congress (Ed.), Foundation design, principles and practices second edition, (New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 2001), 657-658. [10] J. Ben Bouziane, R. Khalid and M. Sahli, Etude de la pression de gonflement de deux sols argileux compactés statiquement par rapport aux contraintes de compactage : Proc. 13 th African Regional Conference on Soil Mecanique and Geotechnical Engineering, Marrakech, Morocco, 2003, 381-387. [11] I.J.A. Brackley, A model of unsaturated clay sructure and its application to swell bahavior : Proc. 6 th African Regional conference on soil Mechanics and foudation Engineering, Durban, South Africa, 1975, 65-70. [12] F.H. Chen, Foundations on expansive clays, Developments in Geotechnical Engineering, 12, 1975, 280. [13] W.R. Day, Foundation, , Foundations on expansive soil, in Library of congress (Ed.), Engineering Handbook design and construction with the 2006 international building code, (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2006, 438-440. (Morocco) Compared With Test Conditions Tarik El Bahlouli, Lahcen Bahi |
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213. | Conception And Implementation Of Medium Access Control Protocol Of IEEE 802.3 Transmitter Using VHDL
Conception And Implementation Of Medium Access Control Protocol Of IEEE 802.3 Transmitter Using VHDLAbstract: This paper focuses on the design and implementation of IEEE 802.3 medium access control protocol for transmitter. In this paper we design the Ethernet connection oriented LAN medium access control protocol that converts 32 bit data into 4 bit data for transmission. The behaviour of MAC circuit is described using VHSIC Hardware Description Language (VHDL). A synthesized VHDL model of the chip is developed and implemented on the target technology. This paper will concentrate on the testability features that increase product reliability. It focuses on the design of MAC transmitter chip with embedded Built-In-SelfTest (BIST) architecture using FPGA technology.Key words: Local Area Network (LAN), Medium Access Control (MAC), Linear feed Back Register, Logical Link Control (LLC), VHISC Hardware Description Language (VHDL). Reference [1] Dr. M.S. Sutone "Performance Evaluation of VHDL Coding Techniques for Optimized Implementation of IEEE 802.3"IEEE transaction on communication, pp-287-293, Jan 12, 2008. [2] Fedrico Cali, Marco Conti, and Enrico Gregori "IEEE 802.11 protocol: design and performance evaluation of an adaptive Back Off mechanism" IEEE journal on selected areas in communications, vol.18.No.9, September 2000, pp1774- 1778. [3] P.M.Soni and A Chockalingam "IEEE analysis of link layer back off schemes on Point –to-point Markov fading links", IEEE Transaction on communication, vol.51, no.1, January 2003,pp 29-31. [4] IEEE 802.3 Cyclic Redundancy Check, Xilinx, XAPP209 (v1.0) march 23, Application note: vertex series and vertex II family, 2001, Author by Chriss Borelli. [5] Kenneth J. Christensen "A simulation study of enhanced arbitration methods for improving Ethernet performance" computer communications 21(1998)24-36 ELSEVIER. [6] Douglas J. Smith "HDL Chip Design A Practical Guide for designing ,synthesis & simulating ASICs & FPGAs using VHDL or Verilog",3rd edition –MGH.pp179-183 and 198-201. [7] Neil H.E.Weste and David Harris,"CMOS VLSI Design A circuit and systems perspective"3rd edition –PIE, pp 164-166. [8] Paran Kurup & Taher Abbasi Kluwar, "Logic synthesis using synopsys" by,Academic publishers, pp. 39 & pp. 135- 142. Prof N.K.Mittal, Mr Mohd. Ahmed, Ms Aafia Zafar |
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214. | Improvement of Dynamic Stability of a SMIB using Fuzzy Logic Based Power System Stabilizer
Improvement of Dynamic Stability of a SMIB using Fuzzy Logic Based Power System StabilizerAbstract: Power systems are subjected to low frequency disturbances that might cause loss of synchronism and an eventual breakdown of entire system. The oscillations, which are typically in the frequency range of 0.2 to 3.0 Hz, might be excited by the disturbances in the system or, in some cases, might even build up spontaneously. These oscillations limit the power transmission capability of a network and, sometimes, even cause a loss of synchronism and an eventual breakdown of the entire system. For this purpose, Power sys- tem stabilizers (PSS) are used to generate supplementary control signals for the excitation system in order to damp these low frequency power system oscillations. The use of power system stabilizers has become very common in operation of large electric power systems. The conventional PSS which uses lead-lag compensation, where gain settings designed for specific operating conditions, is giving poor performance under different loading conditions. The constantly changing nature of power system makes the design of CPSS a difficult task. Therefore, it is very difficult to design a stabilizer that could present good performance in all operating points of electric power systems. To overcome the drawback of conventional power system stabilizer (CPSS), many techniques such as fuzzy logic, genetic algorithm, neural network etc. have been proposed in the literature. In an attempt to cover a wide range of operating conditions, Fuzzy logic Based technique has been suggested as a possible solution to overcome the above problem, thereby using this technique complex system mathematical model can be avoided, while giving good performance under different operating conditions. Fuzzy Logic has the features of simple concept, easy implementation, and computationally efficient. The fuzzy logic based power system stabilizer model is evaluated on a single machine infinite bus power system, and then the performance of Conventional power system stabilizer (CPSS) and Fuzzy logic based Power system stabilizer (FLPSS) are com- pared. Results presented in the thesis demonstrate that the fuzzy logic based power system stabilizer design gives better performance than the Conventional Power system stabilizer.Key words: Generator Excitation System, Synchronous Machine Model, Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR), Power System Stabilizer, Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC), PID, Controller Design, Robust control. Reference 1. P. V. Etingov and N. I. Voropai, "Application of Fuzzy Based PSS to Enhance Transient Stability in Large Power Systems", IEEE PEDES ‟06, pp. 1- 9, Dec 2006. 2. P. Bera, D. Das and T. K. Basu, "Design of P-I-D Power System Stabilizer for Multimachine System, IEEE INDICON, pp. 446-450, Dec.2004. 3. T. Hussein, A. L. Elshafei, A. bahgat, "Design of Hierarchical Fuzzy Logic PSS for a Multi-Machine Power System‟, IEEE conf. on control and automation, Athens, Greece, July 2007. 4. R. Gupta, D. K. Sambariya and Reena Gunjan, "Fuzzy Logic Based Robust Power System Stabilizer for a Multimachine Power System", IEEE ICIT, pp. 1037-1042, Dec 2006. 5. Y. J. Lin, "Systematic Approach for the Design of Fuzzy Power System Stabilizer" EEE- POWERCON 2004, Singapore, pp.747-752, Nov 2004. 6. N. S. D. Arrifano, V. A. Oliveira, R. A. Ramos, "Design and Application Fuzzy PSS for Power Systems Subject to Random Abrupt Variations in Load", IEEE American Control conference 2004, vol. 2, pp. 1085-1090, Jun 2004. 7. A. Singh and I. Sen, "A Novel Fuzzy Logic Based Power System Stabilizer for Multimachine System", IEEE TENCON ‟03, vol. 3, pp. 1002-1006, Oct 2003. 8. N. I. Voropai and P. V. Etingov, "Application of Fuzzy Logic Power System Stabilizers to Transient Stability Improvement in a LargeElectric Power System", PowerCon 2002, Vol. 2, Oct 2002, pp. 1223-1227. Manish Kushwaha, Mrs. Ranjeeta Khare |
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215. | An Efficent Particle Swarm Optimisation (Epso) For Solving Economic Load Dispatch (Eld) Problems
An Efficent Particle Swarm Optimisation (Epso) For Solving Economic Load Dispatch (Eld) ProblemsAbstract: The scope of this paper is to focus on cost effective, reliable and eco-friendly operation of power system. Power is key to economic development of any country especially fast developing countries like India. In the global environment, no country can be competitive unless, it has adequate and affordable power availability. Economic load dispatch is vital component in the operation of power system & flow of power from generation point to the distribution point. Most of electrical power utilities in the world are required to ensure that electrical energy requirement from the customer is served smoothly in accordance to the respective policy of the country. Despite serving the power demands of the country, the power utility has also to ensure that the electrical power is generated within minimal cost. Thus, the total demand must be appropriately shared among the generating units with an objective to minimize the total generation cost of the system in order to satisfy the economic operation of the system. Economic dispatch is a procedure to determine the electrical power to be generated by the committed generating units in a power system so that the total generation cost of the system is minimized, satisfying the load demand simultaneously. This paper presents the solution to a certain extent of economic load dispatch (ELD) problems using Efficient Particle Swarm Optimization (EPSO) .The Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is a relatively recent heuristic search method whose mechanics are inspired by the swarming or collaborative behaviour of biological populations [1].Key words: AI, Economic Load Dispatch, Efficient Particle Swarm Optimization (EPSO), GA method, Lambda iteration method. Reference [1]. Rania Hassan, Babak Cohanim and Olivier de Weck "A copmarision of particle swarm optimization and genetic algorithm" American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2004 [2] Wood AJ, B.F.Wollenberg Power Generation Operation and Control. John Wiley & Sons: New York, 1984. [3] Liu D, Cai Y. Taguchi method for solving the economic dispatch problem with nonsmooth cost functions. IEEE Transactions on Power System 2005 [4] D.P.Kothari and J.S.Dhillon, Power system optimization (2 nd printing) prentice- hall of India, NEW DELHI(2006) [5] Maurice Clerc, Particle swarm optimization. ISET Ltd.,Great Britain and the United States, 2006. [6] D. C.Walters and G. B. Sheble, "Genetic algorithm solution of economic dispatch with valve point loading", IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, vol.10, No.8, pp. 1325- 1332, Aug. 1993. [7] M. Sudhakaran, Dr S M R Slochanal, "Integrating Genetic Algorithms and Tabu Search for Emission and Economic Dispatch Problems", IE (I) Journal –EL, vol 86, pp.39-43, June 2005. [8] R. C. Eberhart and Y. Shi, "Comparison between genetic algorithms and particle swarm optimization," Proceedings of IEEE Int. Conference on Evolutionary Computation, pp.611–616, May 1998. [9] Nidul Sinha, Chakrabarti.R, and Chattopadhyay.P.K, "Fast Evolutionary Computing Techniques for Short-Term Hydrothermal Scheduling",IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, vol.18, No.1, pp. 214- 220, February 2003. Dr. Ramesh Kumar, Nayan Kumar |
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216. | The Study of electromagnetic pulses propagation process and the calculation of received power at different heights caused by electromagnetic bomb
The Study of electromagnetic pulses propagation process and the calculation of received power at different heights caused by electromagnetic bombAbstract: In this paper, along with the study of the propagation of strong electromagnetic pulses caused by electromagnetic bombs, in the atmosphere, the received power at the ground surface caused by an electromagnetic bomb has been calculated with power of 10GW at height of 5km. To this calculation, the distance between the location of the explosion to the ground has been divided into several layers (three and four). Equations of reflection and waves passing through different layers solved by numerical method, and finally achieved the reflection coefficients and passing through the last layer. Based on the results, the amount of received power by the ground surface for propagation angle of 5 degrees is 2/1 GW. With this value strategies for reducing vulnerability against electromagnetic pulses can be designed for vulnerable devices with much more precise. The method used in this paper can be used for the calculation of different heights, different power and different propagation angles.Key words: electromagnetic bomb, electromagnetic waves, waves propagation, atmosphere Reference [1] http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/gmd/education/le sson_plans/. [2] www.cs.monash.edu.au/carlo/ [3] Michael Abrams IEEE NeWsletter NOVEMBER 2003DEFENSE FROM EBOMB ATTACKS. [4] http://www.uoregon.edu/~joe/infragard- 2009/ . www.fas.org/man/crs/index.html Order Code RL32544 August 20, 2004 .J. Bech, D. Bebbington, B. Codina, A. Sairouni, J. Lorente, Evaluation of atmospheric anomalou propagation conditions: an application for weather radars For further. Part of the EUROPTO Conference on Remote Sensing for Agriculture,Ecosystems, and Hydrology • Barcelona, SPAIN September 1998 [5] Optics Eugene Hecht, Alfred Zajak Addison-Wesley,1974 [6] John R. Reitz, Frederick J. Milford, Foundations of electromagnetic theory, Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., 1967 [7] Thompson, A.M., The oxidizing capacity of the Earth's atmosphere: Probable past and future changes, Science, 256, 1157- 1165, 1992. [8] Oliver,J.E.,´´Standard Atmospheric´´,in oliver,J.E.and R.W.Fairbridge(eds),The Encyclopedia of climatology,New york:van nostrand and reinhold co.1987 [9] Uma Mukherji Electromagnetic field theory and wave propagation Mar 15, 2006 [10] E.F.Vance, and M. A. Uman, "Differences Between Lightning and Nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse Interactions" IEEE, Trans on EMC, Vol. 30, No. 1, FEB. 1988., pp. 54-62. Akhundi Khezerabad, Mohammad Sadeq, Hajimalek Abdollah, Seyedesmaili Sahere |
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217. | Iterative Back-Projection Algorithm Based Signal Processing Approach To Enhance An Image Resolution
Iterative Back-Projection Algorithm Based Signal Processing Approach To Enhance An Image ResolutionAbstract: In all image processing applications, there is huge demand for high-resolution images. Image resolution depends on the resolution of the image acquisition device like digital camera. One way to increase resolution is to go for very highresolution cameras but the major difficulty associated with using high-resolution cameras is, it increases the cost. An alternative to expensive high resolution cameras, super-resolution (SR) is used to obtain a high-resolution (HR) image from a sequence of multiple low-resolution (LR) observations of the same scene. SR image reconstruction is one of the most spotlighted research areas, because it can overcome the inherent resolution limitation of the imaging system and improve the performance of most digital image processing applications. In this paper, we demonstrate the Iterative-Back Projection (IBP) algorithm to obtain highresolution images. The analysis is first carried out in the 1-D domain to demonstrate the dealiasing capability of the super-resolution and extended to synthetic images.Key words: Image reconstruction, IBP, LR, HR, SR. Reference [1] S. Choudhri, Super-resolution imaging (Kluwer Academic, USA, 2001). [2] S.C. Park, M.K. Park and M.G. Kang, "Super-resolution image reconstruction: Atechnical review," IEEE Signal Process. Magazine, 2003, 21-36. [3] S. Peleg and M. Irani, "Improving resolution by image registration", CVGIP: Graph. Models Image Processing, 1991, 231-239. [4] A. Zomet and S. Peleg, Super-resolution from the multiple images having arbitrary mutual motion, in S. Choudhri, superresolution imaging, (Kluwer Academic USA, 2001) 195-206. [5] A.N. Rajagopalan and V.P. Kiran, "Motion free super-resolution and the role of relative blur", J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 20, 2003, 2022-2032. [6] P.K. Vajapeyazula and A.N. Rajagopalan, Motion-free Superresolution", Proceedings of the Indian conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing (ICVGIP'02), Ahmedabad, India, 2002, 423-428. [7] K.V. Suresh, G. Mahesh Kumar, and A.N. Rajagopalan, Superresolution of license plates in real traffic videos, IEEE Transaction on intelligent transportation systems, 8(2), 2007, 321-331. Shashi Rathore, Y. Harshalatha |
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218. | Introducing a Hybrid Swarm Intelligence Based Technique for Document Clustering
Introducing a Hybrid Swarm Intelligence Based Technique for Document ClusteringAbstract: Swarm intelligence (SI) is widely used in many complex optimization problems. It is a collective behavior of social systems such as honey bees (bee algorithm, BA) and birds (particle swarm optimization, PSO). This paper presents a detailed overview of Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), its variants and hybridization of PSO with Bee Algorithm (BA). This paper also surveys various SI techniques presented by the researchers. The objective is to utilize the capability of this technique for document clustering which will be utilized to solve the issues of clustering by applying modifications to the Bee Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization.Key words: Bee Algorithm (BA), Clustering, Genetic Algorithm (GA), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Swarm Intelligence (SI). Reference [1] Jiawei Han, Micheline Kamber," Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques". [2] Xiaohui Cui, Thomas E. Potok, Paul Palathingal," Document Clustering usingParticle Swarm Optimization", 0-7803- 8916-6/05/$20.00 ©2005 IEEE. [3] Wenping Zou,1, 2 Yunlong Zhu,1 Hanning Chen,1 and Xin Sui, " A Clustering Approach Using Cooperative Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm", Hindawi Publishing Corporation Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society Volume 2010, Article ID 459796, 16 pages doi:10.1155/2010/459796 [4] Mark Fleischer," Foundations of Swarm Intelligence: From Principles to Practice", SWARMING: NETWORK ENABLED C4ISR 2003 BY MARK FLEISCHER. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. [5] J.Hyma, Y.Jhansi, S.Anuradha, "A new hybridized approach of PSO & GA for document clustering", J. Hyma et. al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Vol. 2(5), 2010, 1221-1226. [6] Ujjwal Maulik, Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay," Genetic algorithm-based clustering technique", Pattern Recognition 33 (2000) 1455}1465, Received 24 June 1998; received in revised form 29 April 1999; accepted 29 April 1999. [7] Yamille Del Valle, Ganesh Kumar Venayagamoorthy, Salman Mohagheghi, Ronald G. Harley, "Particle Swarm Optimization: Basic Concepts, Variants and Applications in Power Systems", IEEE Transaction on Evolutionary Transaction, Vol. 12, No. 2, April 2008. [8] Li-Chuan Lien, Min-Yuan Cheng, "A hybrid swarm intelligence based particlebee algorithm for construction site layout optimization", journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/eswa(2012), Expert Systems with Applications 39 (2012) 9642–9650. [9] Changsheng Zhang, Dantong Ouyang, Jiaxu Ning," An artificial bee colony approach for clustering", journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/eswa, Expert Systems with Applications 37 (2010) 4761–4767. [10] K. Premalatha, Dr. A.M. Natarajan," Discrete PSO with GA Operators for Document Clustering", International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, Vol 1, No. 1, May 2009. [11] M.A.Behrang, A.Ghanbarzadeh, E.Assareh, "Comparison of the Bees Algorithm (BA) and Particle Swarm Optimisation (PSO) abilities on natural gas demand forecasting in Iran's residentialcommercial sector", IPROMS-2009. [12] H. Gozde, M.C. Taplamacioglu, I. Kocaarslan," Application of Artificial Bees Colony Algorithm in an Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) System ", International Journal on"Technical and Physical Problems of Engineering"(IJTPE) Published by International Organization on TPE (IOTPE), ISSN 2077-3528 IJTPE Journal www.iotpe.com ijtpe@iotpe.com, September 2010 Issue 4 Volume 2 Number 3 Pages 88-92. [13] Mohammad Ali Shafia, Mohammad Rahimi Moghaddam, Rozita Tavakolian, "A Hybrid Algorithm for Data Clustering Using Honey Bee Algorithm, Genetic Algorithm and K-Means Method" Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Technology Research 1 (2011) 110-125. [14] Li-Yeh Chuang, Yu-Da Lin, and ChengHong Yang," An Improved Particle Swarm Optimization for Data Clustering" proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers & Computer Scientist 2012, vol I, IMECS 2012, March 14-16, 2012, Hong Kong, ISBN: 978-988- 19251-1-4, ISSN: 2078-0958(print), ISSN: 2078-0966(online) Prof. Anuradha D. Thakare, Mrs. Shruti M. Chaudhari |
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219. | Comparison Between Conventional Steel Structures And Tubular
Steel Structures
Comparison Between Conventional Steel Structures And Tubular Steel StructuresAbstract: Most of the steel structures are builtedup with conventional sections of steels which are designed and constructed by conventional methods. This leads to heavy or uneconomical structures. Tubular steel sections are the best replacements to the conventional ones with their useful and comparatively better properties. It is obvious that due to the profile of the tube section, dead weight is likely to be reduced for many structural members .which derives overall economy. This study is regarding the economy, load carrying capacity of all structural members and their corresponding safety measures. Economy is the main objective of this study involving comparison of conventional sectioned structures with tubular sectioned structure for given requirements. For study purpose superstructure-part of an industrial building is considered and comparison is made. Study reveals that,upto 40 to 50% saving in cost is achieved by using tubular sections.Key words: IS 800,IS 806,IS 875, Tubular sections. Reference 1. IS 800-1984, Code of practice for general construction i in steel. 2. IS 875-1987(part-1) Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for buildings and structures. 3. IS 875-1987(part-2) Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for buildings and structures? 4. IS 875-1987(part-3) code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for buildings and structures. 5. IS 806-code of practice for use of steel tubes) for buildings and structures. 6. Design of steel structure by S.K. DUGGAL. 7. Design of steel structure by Ashok Kumar Jain. 8. Broucher of Tata steel structures. 9. "Plastic collapse analysis of thin walled circular tubes subjected to bending" by S. Poonaya, U.Teeboonma, C.Thinvongpituk, 15 th may 2008. 10. "Design of circular steel arch with hollow sections" by C.A. Demopoulos, C.J. Gantes_Department of Civil Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece , 10 June 2007.icat M.G.Kalyanshetti, G.S. Mirajkar |
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220. | A Study on Ground Water Fluctuation at Barind Area, Rajshahi
A Study on Ground Water Fluctuation at Barind Area, RajshahiAbstract: Water is vital to life and development in all parts of world. The uncontrolled exploration of limited found water resource may cause environmental degradation. The groundwater crisis of the project area is highlighted now a day. Ground water condition of an area is mainly depending on geology, hydrologic parameter, soil properties, recharge & discharge and hydraulic characteristic of aquifer. An important component of water balance equation is ground water recharge, estimation of recharge volume is very important in forecasting ground water condition in present stage and its effect on future stage. The yearly variation of maximum and minimum groundwater level fluctuation and recharge is shown in graph. In which at Gopalpur mouza, the water level varies from 7.17 ft to 61.59 ft. Maximum level occurs 61.59 ft in year 2001 (March) and minimum level occur 7.17 ft in year 1995 (August) and 1996 (August). At Sontospur mouza of Paba upazilla available data for period 1995-2009 have been analyzed. The water level varies from 5.25 ft to 38.00 ft. Maximum level occurs 38.00 ft in year 2007 (April) and minimum level occur 5.25 ft in year 1996 (October). Most of the groundwater abstractions take place in the dry months starting from January and continues up to May also June in some dry season. The water table decline sharply and reaches to maximum depth in March/April/May. The water table starts moving upward and reaches to minimum depth from the land surface is September or October.Key words: Water table, Ground water, Fluctuation, Aquifer, Barind area. Reference [1] Chen ZS, Osadetz MK (2002). Prediction of average annual groundwater levels from climate ariables: An empirical model. J. Hydrol., 260: 102- 117. [2] Gleick PH (1989). Climate change, hydrology, and water resources. Rev. Geophys., 27(3): 329344. [3] Maathuis H, Thorleeifson LH (2000). Potential impact of climate change on prairie ground water supplies: Review of Current Knowledge. SackatchewanResearch Council (SRC), Publication No. 11304-200. [4] Lewis JE (1989). Climate change and its effects on water resources for Canada: A review. Can. Water Resour. J., 14: 35-55. [5] Gosselin, D.C., S. Drda, F.E. Harvey, and J. Goeke. 1999. Hydrologic dynamics of two interdunal valleys in the central Sand Hills, Nebraska. Ground Water 37:924-33. [6] Chen ZS, Osadetz MK (2002). Prediction of average annual groundwater levels from climate ariables: An empirical model. J. Hydrol., 260: 102- 117. Groundwater Surveys and Development Agency (2004) "Estimation of Groundwater Resources in Maharashtra" (as per GEC 1997), Groundwater Surveys and Development Agency, GoM. [7] Radhakrishna BP (1971) Problems confronting the occurrence of groundwater in hard rocks., In: Groundwater Potential in Hard Rock Areas in India., Geol. Soc. Ind. Publ., pp. 27–44. [8] Powar KB (1981) Lineament fabric and dyke patterns in the western part of the Deccan Volcanic Province. Mem. Geol. Soc. India, 3: 45–57. [9] Singhal BBS (1973) Some observations on the occurrence, utilization and management of groundwater in the Deccan Trap areas of Central India., In: Proc. Internat. Symp. "Development of Groundwater Resources. 3: 75–81. Mohammad Ahmeduzzaman, Shantanu Kar, Abdullah Asad |
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221. | An Approach of Communication Topology for Wireless Mesh Networks
An Approach of Communication Topology for Wireless Mesh NetworksAbstract: Recently, multihop wireless mesh networks (WMNs) have involved increasing attention and deployment as a low-cost move toward to give broadband Internet access at an urban scale. Security and privacy issues are of the major concern in pushing the success of WMNs for their broad deployment and for behind service-oriented applications. Regardless of the required, partial security research has been conducted toward privacy protection in WMNs. This motivates us to develop Anonymous and Accountable communication topology (AACT), a novel secure communication framework, tailored for WMNs. On one hand, AACT implements harsh user access control to cope with both free riders and spiteful users. On the other hand, AACT offers complicated user privacy protection beside both adversaries and a range of other network entities. AACT is accessible as a suite of authentication and key agreement protocols built upon our AACT. Our analysis demonstrates that AACT is resilient to a number of security and privacy related attacks. Additional methods were also discussed to further improve scheme efficiency.Key words: Wireless Mesh network, Anonimity, Onion ring cryptography, user security , user accountability. Reference [1] K. Ren and W. Lou, "A Sophisticated Privacy-Enhanced Yet Accountable Security Framework for Wireless Mesh Networks," Proc. 28th Int'l Conf. Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS '08), June 2008. [2] I.F. Akyildiz, X. Wang, and W. Wang, "Wireless Mesh Networks: A Survey," Computer Networks, vol. 47, no. 4, pp. 445-487, Mar. 2005. [3] "Self Organizing Neighborhood Wireless Mesh Networks," http://www.research.microsoft.com/mesh/ , 2009. [4] Y. Zhang and Y. Fang, "A Secure Authentication and Billing Architecture for Wireless Mesh Networks," ACM Wireless Networks, to be published. [5] Y. Zhang and Y. Fang, "ARSA: An Attack-Resilient Security Architecture for Multi-Hop Wireless Mesh Networks," IEEE J. Selected Areas in Comm., vol. 24, no. 10, pp. 1916-1928, Oct.2006. [6] "The Wimax Forum,"http://www.wimaxforum.org. 2009. [7] "Boston Suburb Secures Metro-Scale Wireless Mesh Network with Bluesocket," http://www.tmcnet.com/usubmit/2006/09/ 27/ 1936581.htm, Sept. 2006. [8] D. Boneh and H. Shacham, "Group Signatures with Verifier-Local Revocation," Proc. ACM Conf. Computer and Comm. Security (CCS), pp. 168-177, 2004. [9] D. Chaum and E. van Heyst, "Group Signatures," Proc. Conf. Eurocrypt, pp. 257-265, 1991. [10] R. Rivest, A. Shamir, and L. Adleman, "A Method for Obtaining Digital Signatures and Public-Key Cryptosystems," Comm. ACM, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 120-126, 1978. [11] M. Jakobsson, J. Hubaux, and L. Buttyan, "A Charging and Rewarding Scheme for Packet Forwarding in Multi-Hop Cellular Networks," Proc. Seventh Int'l Conf. Financial Cryptography (FC), 2003. [12] N. Salem, L. Buttyan, J. Hubaux, and M. Jakobsson, "A MicroPayment Scheme Encouraging Collaboration in Multi-Hop Cellular Networks," Proc. ACM MobiHoc, 2003. [13] D. Hankerson, A. Menezes, and S. Vanstone, Guide to Elliptic Curve Cryptography. Springer-Verlag, 2004. [14] Y. Zhang, W. Liu, and W. Lou, "Anonymous Communications in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks," Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, Mar. 2005. M.Madhavi, B.Swetha |
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222. | Transient Phenomena Analysis in Hydroelectric Power Plants at Off-Design Operating Conditions
Transient Phenomena Analysis in Hydroelectric Power Plants at Off-Design Operating ConditionsAbstract: The numerical and experimental investigation of the transient phenomena in hydroelectric power plants (HPPs) during offdesign operating conditions is presented in this paper. Modeling of pipes, valves, surge tanks, Francis turbine and its draft tube based on onedimensional approach is performed. Numerical simulation of transient phenomena is performed for different configuration of hydroelectric power plant at off-design conditions such as load rejection/emergency shut-down. Also, analysis of transient phenomena, such as increase of the rotational speed (runaway) of the units, increase of the pressure (head) in the hydraulic system (water hammer) and turbine draft tube pressure pulsations is calculated. Finally, numerical model of hydroelectric power plant, validated with existing measurements data, is used for investigation of influential criteria on HPP's guaranteed control values (allowed values of runaway, water hammer and minimum closing time of the guide vanes).Key words: hydroelectric power plant, offdesign, transient phenomena, runaway, water hammer, numerical simulation. Reference [1] M. Hanif Chaudry "Applied Hydraulic Transients", British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority Vancouver, Canada, 1979. [2] E. Benjamin Wylie, Victor L. Streeter "Fluid Transients", University of Michigan, 2001. [3] J. Paul Tullis "Hydraulic of pipelines: pumps, valves, cavitation, transients" Utah State University, USA, 1989. [4] Charles Jaeger "Fluid Transients in Hydro-Electric Engineering Practise", University of Glasgow, 1977. [5] D.S. Shevelev and others.,"Hydrolectric power plants" (Russian), Leningrad State University, 1981. [6] Robert Fitzgerald, Vicki L. Van Blaricum, "Water Hammer and Mass Oscillation" 3.0 User's Manual, US Army Corps of Engineers, Research Laboratories, 1998. [7] Christophe Nicolet "Hydroacoustic modelling and numerical simulation of unsteady operation of hydroelectric systems" A La Faculte Sciences Et Techniques De Lingenieur, Labaratoire de machines hydrauliques, Thesis No 3751, Lausanne 2007 [8] J. Kotnik and others, " Overload Surge Event in a Pumped-Storage Power Plant" 23rd IAHR Symposium-Yokohoma, October 2006. [9] Viktor Iliev "Analysis of the influence of the unsteady phenomena in the intake structures, penstocks and units of the hydro power plants during transient regimes", Master Thesis, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, SkopjeMacedonia, 2011. [10] S. Mario "Pipeline hydro-dynamics" (Croatian), Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Zagreb, 2005. [11] Arshenevskii N.N and others, "Experimental investigation of units load rejection" (Russian), Journal MISI No.35, Moscow-Russian, 1991 [12] Performances Test Codes "Hydraulic Turbines and Pump-Turbines", American Society of Mechanical Engineers, ASME PTC 18-2002. Viktor Iliev, Predrag Popovski, Zoran Markov |
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223. | IPv6 – the next generation Internet Protocol
IPv6 – the next generation Internet ProtocolAbstract: The current version of the Internet, IPv4 was depleted of addresses on February 3, 2011.1 The shortage of addresses has led to the introduction of IPv6 which has 128-bit (16-byte) source and destination IP addresses. Many organizations do not see a reason to convert to IPv6, and believe they are not running IPv6.2 Whether an organization knows it or not, any laptop/PC running Vista or Windows 7 is a vulnerability from which attacks can come that will be invisible to IPv4 networks. Since the Internet today uses IPv4 for 99% of the traffic3, it will be a slow migration to IPv6. Three transition strategies are being employed: header translation, dual stack and tunneling of IPv6 inside IPv4.4 Tunneling is the most precarious method for today's IPv4 networks. The IPv6 packet is included inside the message field of an IPv4 packet. The contents of the IPv6 packet will not be noticed by an IPv4 firewall or intrusion detection system. Hidden IPv6 traffic running across an organization's network can wreak havoc, allow malware to enter the network, and be the basis for a denial of service attack.5 The only defense against such attacks is deep packet inspection (DPI). The widespread use of DPI is inevitable. The first serious security breach caused by tunneled IPv6 inside an IPv4 packet is certain to come in the near future. This event will be a stimulus to organizations to defend against such attacks.Key words: IPv4, IPv6, deep packet inspection, cyber terrorism, security Reference [1] 4. Bihrouzan A. Forouzan, "TCP/IP Protocol Suite", 4th Edition, McGraw Hill, ISBN: 978- 0-07-337604-2, 2010 [2] C. Caicedo, J. Joshi, and S. Tuladhar, "IPv6 Security Challenges", Computer, IEEE Computer Society, February 2009 [3] C. Balanis, Antenna Theory, Analysis and Design, 3rd edition, New York: Wiley, 2005. [4] S. Bradner and A. Mankin, "The Recommendation for the Next Generation IP Protocol", RFC 1752, Jan. 1995 [5] 4S Telecom (P) LTD. BANGALORE User Manual Owk Kiran Kumar, Yarlagadda Jayachandra Chowdary, Posani Viswa Teja, Thumalakunta Praveen Blessington, Thumati Ravi |
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224. | Layered Approach for ECG beat classification utilizing Neural Network
Layered Approach for ECG beat classification utilizing Neural NetworkAbstract: An Electrocardiogram (ECG) is a bioelectric signal which record heart electrical activity versus time. It is an important diagnostic tool for heart functioning. The interpretation of ECG signal is an application of pattern recognition. The technique used in this pattern recognition comprise: Signal Pre-processing, feature Extraction, training of neural network for classification. In this proposed methodology, Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) and neural network toolbox will be used from MATLAB environment. The processed signal is used from Physionet's' database which were developed for research in Cardio Electrophsiology.The system can classify different types of arrhythmia (Abnormal beats). The excellent performance of the algorithm is confirmed by a sensitivity of 99.89 % and a overall accuracy of 99.95% against the MIT-BIH arrhythmia database.Key words: ECG signal, Empirical Mode Decomposition (IMFs), MATLAB, neural network. Reference [1] P.Zarychta , F.E. Smith, S.T. King, A.J.Haigh ,A. Klinge, S. Stevens , J. Allen, " Body surface potential mapping for detection of myocardial infarct sites," in Proc. IEEE comput. Cardiol, sept/oct.2007, pp.181-184 [2] Osowski S, Linh TH, "ECG beat recognition using fuzzy hybrid neural network", IEEE Trans Biom Eng, Vol; 48, pp: 1265-1271, 2001 [3] Chazal P, O'Dwyer M, Reilly RB." Automatic classification of heartbeats using ECG morphology and heartbeat interval feature".IEEE Trans Biom Eng, Vol; 51, pp: 1196-1206, 2004. [4] M. Kania, M Fereniee, R. Maniewski." Wavelet Denoising for multi-lead high resolution ECG signal", Measurement Science Review, Vol: 7, No: 2, No.4, 2007. [5] S.Karpagachelvi, M.Arthanari, M.Sivakumar, "Classification of ECG signals using extreme Learning Machine", Computer and Information Science. Canadian Centre of Science and Education, Vol.4, No. 1; 2011. [6] N.E Huang, Z.Shen, and S.R. Long, M.C. Wu, shih H.H , Zheng Q., Yen N.C., Tung C.C. , Liu H.H.,"The empirical mode decomposition and Hilbert spectrum for non-linear and non stationary time series analysis". Proc.R. Soc. Lond. , pp: 454:903. [7] MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Database Directory, Harvard University-Massachusetts Institute of Technology Division of Health science and Technology, July 1992. [8] M.B. Velasco, B Weng, and K.E. Barner,"Signal denoising and baseline wander correction based on the empirical mode decomposition". Comput. Bio, med., 38:1-13, 2008. [9] Margarita Sordo." Introduction to Neural Networks in Healthcare" -A review. 2002 [10] Silipo R. and Marchesi C. "Artificial Neural Networks for automatic ECG Analysis". IEEE Transactions on signal processing. 46(5): 1417-1425, 1998. [11] B. Anuradha and V.C Veera Reddy." ANN for Classification of Cardiac Arrhythmias". ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences. 3(3): 1-6, 2008. [12] Acharya R., Bhat P. S., Iyengar S. S., Roo A. and Dua S. 2002." Classification of heart rate data using neural network and fuzzy equivalence relation". The Journal of the Pattern Recognition Society. [13] Liviu Goras, Monica Fira. "Preprocessing Method for Improving ECG Signal Classification and Compression Validation". Physicon, Catania, Italy, September, 4 2009. [14] ww.physionet.org/physiobank/database/mit db Mr.Deshmukh Rohan, Dr. A. J. Patil |
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225. | A 3dmemory Test Using A Global Built-In Self-Repair With Redundancy Sharing And Parallel Testing
A 3dmemory Test Using A Global Built-In Self-Repair With Redundancy Sharing And Parallel TestingAbstract: 3D integration is a promising technology that provides high memory bandwidth, reduced power, shortened latency, and smaller form factor. Among many issues in 3D IC design and production, testing remains one of the major challenges. This paper introduces a new designfor-test technique called 3D-GESP, an efficient Built-In-Self-Repair (BISR) algorithm to fulfill the test and reliability needs for 3D-stacked memories. Instead of the local testing and redundancy allocation method as most current BISR techniques employed, we introduce a global 3D BISR scheme, which not only enables redundancy sharing, but also parallelizes the BISR procedure among all the stacked layers of a 3D memory. Our simulation results show that our proposed technique will significantly increase the memory repair rate and reduce the test time.Reference [1] S. Bahl. A Sharable Built-in Self-repair for Semiconductor Memories with 2-D Redundancy Scheme. In 22nd IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI Systems, pages 331–339, 2007. [2] B. Black and et al. Die Stacking (3D) Microarchitecture. In Proc. of the International Symposium on Microarchitecture, 2006. [3] Y.-F. Chou, D.-M. Kwai, and C.-W. Wu. Memory Repair by Die Stacking with Through Silicon Vias. In IEEE International Workshop on Memory Technology, Design, and Testing, pages 53–58, 2009. [4] M. Healy, K. Athikulwongse, R. Goel, M. Hossain, D. Kim, Y.-J. Lee, D. Lewis, T.- W. Lin, C. Liu, M. Jung, B. Ouellette, M. Pathak, H. Sane, G. Shen, D. H. Woo, X. Zhao, G. Loh, H.-H. S. Lee, and S. K. Lim. Design and Analysis of 3D-MAPS: A Many-Core 3D Processor with Stacked Memory. In IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, 2010. [5] A.-C. Hsieh, T.-T. Hwang, M.-T. Chang, M.-H. Tsai, C.-M. Tseng, and H.-C. Li. TSV Redundancy: Architecture and Design Issues in 3D IC. In Proceedings of the Conference on Design Automation and Test in Europe, pages 166–171, 2010. [6] T.-C. Huang and et al. HYPERA: HighYield Performance-Efficient Redundancy Analysis. In 19th IEEE Asian Test Symposium (ATS), pages 231–236, 2010. P.Pushpa, P.Veeranath, K.Sree Vani |
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226. | Wavelet Transform Based Image Compression
Wavelet Transform Based Image CompressionAbstract: Image require substantial storage and transmission resources, thus image compression is advantages to reduce these requirements. A good strategy of image compression should assure a good compromise between a high compression rate and a low distortion of the picture. In this paper a lossless digital image compression technique based on Integer Wavelet Transform is proposed. The small deviations in data values are not allowed in certain images for obvious reasons and a potential risk of a person misinterpreting an image. A preprocessing and post processing histogram adjustment is used to prevent overflow/underflow. In proposed technique wavelet transform is applied to entire image, so it produces no blocking artifacts. The results show improved high performances in terms of compression ratio and reconstruction quality.Key words: Digital compression, Integer wavelet transform, Histogram modification. Reference [1] W. Sweden‟s, "The lifting scheme: A custom-design construction of biorthogonal wavelets," Appl. Comput. Harmon. Anal., vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 186–200, 1996. [2] Fridrich, J.,Goljan, M., Du, R., "Invertible Authentication", In: Proc. SPIE, Security and Compression of Multimedia Contents, San Jose, California January 2001 [3] Jiang Zhu. M., Guorong Xuan., Jidong Chen., "Distortion less data hiding based on integer wavelet transform ", Vol.38, No.25, Electronics Letters 5 th December 2002. [4] I. Daubechies and W. Sweldens, "Factoring wavelet Transforms into lifting steps," J. Fourier Anal. Appl.,vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 245–267, 1998. [5] M. D. Adams and F. Kossentini, "Performance evaluation of reversible integer-to-integer wavelet transforms for image compression," in IEEE Data Compression Conference, now bird, UT, USA, March 1999, pp. 514–524, IEEE. [6] A. R. Calderbank, I. Daubechies, W. Sweldens and B. Yeo, "Wavelet transforms that map integers to integers," Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, vol.5, no.3, pp.332-369, 1998. [7] G. Xuan, C. Yang, Y. Q. Shi and Z. Ni: High Capacity Lossless Data Hiding Algorithms. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS04), Vancouver, Canada, May 2004. [8] D. Kundur, D.Hatzinakos, "Digital compression using multi resolution wavelet decomposition", Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on acoustics, speech and signal processing, Seattle, 1998. R.Srinivasa Rao, M.Vijay Karthik, Saraswathi Nagla |
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227. | Analysis of Various Reponses Occur in the Cardiovascular System
Analysis of Various Reponses Occur in the Cardiovascular SystemAbstract: The cardiovascular system (also known as the circulatory system) is composed of the heart, blood, and blood vessels. The system is known as a closed system, because the blood never leaves the system of blood vessels. The cardiac output (CO) depends upon the heart rate and stroke volume. The heart rate depends on blood pressure. So, to have the normal cardiac output, using feedback through baro reflexes must regulate blood pressure. As pressure changes, heart rate also changes proportionately, and an opposite change is observed in cardiac output. Regulation of arterial blood pressure by feedback through baro reflexes is analyzed in complex dynamics. Changes in heart rate with respect to time and changes in CO with respect to blood pressure is obtained at different time delays.The response of the cardiovascular model for different values of time delay is obtained by using Simulink.Key words: Cardiovascular System, Cardio output, baroreflexes, blood pressure. Reference 1. Michael C.K.KHOO, Physiology Control Systems, IEEE Press, Prentice-Hall India, 2001. 2. Khandapur, R.S., Hand BookOf Biomedical Engineering, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., 1990, New Delhi. 3. Leslie Cromwell, Fred J. Weibell, Erich A. Pfeiffer, BiomedicalInstrumentationand Measurements, Prentice-Hall India, 1999. 4. Richard Aston, Principles of Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurements, Merril publishing company, Columbus. 5. Proceedings of the annual international Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, "Modelling and Biological Interfaces', edited by Gerald Harris and Cedric Walker, Vol. 10. 1988. 6. George Alfred, Bait sell "Human biology", McGraw Hill Book Company, INC, New York, 1950. 7. Ross and Wilson "Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Illness", Anne Waugh, Allison Grant, Churchill Livingstone, London, 2001. 8. Tortora and Grabowski "Principles of Anatomy and Physiology" John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2003. C. Muni Saraswathi, Dr. B. AnuRadha, Dr. K. Babulu |
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228. | Improvement In Acceptable Uncertainty Bounds By Dynamic State Feedback Controller For Second Order Systems
T. Sasi Kanth |
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229. | Mathematical Modeling of Characteristics of Leachate Treated with Scrap Tire Shreds as Leachate Collection Medium
Mathematical Modeling of Characteristics of Leachate Treated with Scrap Tire Shreds as Leachate Collection MediumAbstract: Laboratory studies were conducted to investigate scrap-tire-shreds as a potential alternative to conventional gravel in the drainage layer of leachate collection system at the base of landfill. Performance of various physico-chemical characteristics of leachate after passing it through combined bed of scrap-tire-shreds and gravel for different combinations of thickness of scrap-tireshreds and gravel and for different variations of width of scrap-tire-shreds was studied. Best combination with the most suitable size and the percentage improvement in terms of reduction in various physico-chemical parameters of leachate samples was identified. Thus emphasized on using scrap-tire-shreds as potential alternative to conventional gravel in the drainage layer of leachate collection system for treating leachate and this would reduce the magnitude of the current tire disposal problem and convert one waste into a beneficial material. In this paper, equations through mathematical modeling have been developed using the experimental data. These equations can be used for calculation of effluent-influent ratio of physico-chemical characteristics of leachate, after passing the leachate through any combination of combined bed of scrap tire and gravel and also for any size of scrap tire shred. There is a very good agreement between the experiment and theory.Key words: Leachate, landfills, gravel, scrap-tireshreds, leachate collection layer, mathematical modeling. Reference [1] W.E. Eleazer, M.A. Barlaz and D.J.Whittle, Resource recovery alternatives for waste tires in North Carolina, Civil Engineering Department, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, 1992. [2] K.R.Reddy and A. Marella, Properties of different size scrap tire shreds: implications on using as drainage material in landfill cover systems, Proceedings of the 17 th International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management, Philadelphia, PA, USA., 2001. [3] D.N. Humphrey, Civil engineering applications of tire shreds, Proceedings of the Tire Industry Conference, Clemson University, 1999, 1-16. [4] California Integrated Waste Management Board, Tire shreds as leachate drainage material at municipal solid waste landfill, Guidance Manual, 1998. [5] R.Donovan, J. Dempsey and S. Owen, Scrap tire utilization in landfill applications, Proceedings of Solid Waste Association of North America, Wastecon GR-G 0034, 1996, 353-383. [6] D.P. Duffy, Using tire chips as a leachate drai-nage layer, Waste Age, 26, 1995, 113- 122. [7] D.N. Humphrey and W.P. Manion, Properties of tire chips for lightweight fill, grouting, soil improvement and geosynthetics, Proceedings of the Conference Sponsored by the Geotechnical Engineering Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers 2, New Orleans, 1992, 1344-1355. [8] Mississipi Department of Environmental Quality, Beneficial use of waste tire material guidance for using tire chips as leachate drainage layers at municipal solid waste landfills, Mississipi Department of Environmental Quality, Solid Waste Management Branch, 2002, 1-3. [9] Ministry of Environment (MOE), Landfill standards- A guideline on the regulatory and approval requirements for new or expanding landfilling sites, Ontario Ministry of the Environment, 1998, 1-127. [10] Geosyntec Consultants, Guidance manual - Tire shreds as leachate drainage material at municipal solid waste landfill, Prepared for California Integrated Waste Management Board, 1998. Gunjan Bhalla, P.K. Swamee, Arvind Kumar, Ajay Bansal |
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230. | TIRI – DCT Based Video Copy Detection System
TIRI – DCT Based Video Copy Detection SystemAbstract: Nowadays thousands of videos are being uploaded to the internet and are shared every day. Out of these videos, considerable numbers of videos are illegal copies or some videos are manipulated versions of existing media. Due to these reasons copyright management on the internet becomes a complicated process. Copyright infringement and data piracy are major serious concerns. To detect such kind of infringements, there are two approaches. First is based on watermarking and other is based on content-based copy detection (CBCD). Existing video fingerprint extraction algorithms like color-space-based fingerprints, temporal fingerprints, spatial fingerprints, and spatiotemporal fingerprints have certain limitations. Therefore temporally informative representative images - discrete cosine transform (TIRI-DCT) is developed. TIRI-DCT is based on temporally informative representative images which contains spatial and temporal information of a short segment of a video sequence.TIRI-DCT has better performanance as compared to 3D-DCT. TIRI-DCT followed by a fast approximate search algorithms like inverted file-based similarity search and cluster-based similarity search. Existing exhaustive search method is time consuming process. Drawback of exhaustive search method is overcome in inverted file-based similarity search and cluster-based similarity search.Key words: Cluster-based similarity search, 3DDCT, Inverted file-based similarity search, Fingerprinting system, TIRI-DCT. Reference [1] J. Law-To, L. Chen, A. Joly, I. Laptev, O. Buisson, V. Gouet-Brunet, N. Boujemaa, and F. Stentiford, Video copy detection: A comparative study, in Proc. Conf. Image Video Retrieval (CIVR), 2007. [2] C. K. R. Lienhart and W. Effelsberg, On the detection and recognition of television commercials, in Proc. of the IEEE Conf. on Multimedia Computing and Systems, 1997. [3] A. Hampapur and R. Bolle ,Comparison of sequence matching techniques for video copy detection, in Conference on Storage and Retrieval for Media Databases, 2002. [4] Naphade, M. R., Yeung, M. M. and Yeo, B.-L., A novel scheme for fast and efficient video sequence matching using compact signatures, Proc. SPIE, Storage and Retrieval for Media Databases, vol. 3972, Jan. 2000. [5] P. Indyk, G. Iyengar, and N. Shivakumar. Finding pirated video sequences on the internet, Technical report, Stanford University, 1999. [6] B. Coskun, B. Sankur, and N. Memon, Spatiotemporal transform based video hashing, IEEE Trans. Multimedia, vol. 8, no. 6, Dec. 2006. [7] Radhakrishnan and C. Bauer, Robust video fingerprints based on Subspace embedding,in Proc. ICASSP, Apr. 2008. [8] Mani Malek Esmaeili, Mehrdad Fatourechi and Rabab Kreidieh Ward ,Robust and Fast Video Copy Detection System Using Content Based Fingerprinting, IEEE Trans On Information Forensics And Security,Vol.6 No.1,March 2011. [9] J. Oostveen, T. Kalker, and J. Haitsma, Feature extraction and a database strategy for video fingerprinting, in Proc. Int. Conf. Recent Advances in Visual Information Systems (VISUAL), London, U.K., 2002, Springer-Verlag. Vaishali V. Sarbhukan, Prof. V. B. Gaikwad |
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231. | Control of « Horticulture Easy Drip Kit de 100 m² » hydraulic characteristics for micro irrigation in Mali
Control of « Horticulture Easy Drip Kit de 100 m² » hydraulic characteristics for micro irrigation in MaliAbstract: Precarity of water resources in Mali, justify the high need to develop irrigated agriculture with micro irrigation system. "Horticulture Easy Drip Kit 100 m²" is a simple equipment for this kind of irrigation and have been imported from India for small farmers interested in vegetable production. The present study aimed to evaluate its hydraulic performance and adaptability. It is based on direct measurements of drippers' debit (by volumetric method), evaluation of debit variation coefficient (VC) and calculation of Reynolds number (Re), Keller and Karmeli uniformity coefficient (UC), UC according old network method. The study showed that the tool has a laminar flow. Strong correlation between flow and pressure was noted, indicating normal hydraulic functioning. Drippers debit are not homogeneous (VC > 10%), as well as water distribution to irrigation station (UC < 90%), indicating a malfunction of the network. The Functioning Optimal Charge (FOC) are 0.6m and 1.5m. The tank manual filling at 1.5m is very difficult or impossible and not recommended for small farmers. The simplicity of tool is favorable for its extension in vegetable growing areas of Mali. However, research is needed to improve its hydraulic performance.Key words: Drip irrigation, Functioning optimal charge, Flow regime, Mali Reference [1] FAO (2002). La lutte contre la faim dans le monde http://www.aidh.org/alimentation/ 4_insecure.htm. [2] Bralts YE., Edwards D.M., 1986. Field evaluation of drip irrigatio n submain units. Trans. ASAE, 29(6):1659-1664. [3] Elattir H., 2002. La conduite et le pilotage de l'irrigation goutte à goutte en maraîchage.Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire Hassan 2, Développement d'Horticulture Rabat au Maroc.9 pages. [4] Coulibaly D., M'Baye B., Diallo D., 2009. Irrigation goutte a goutte en production paysanne de concombre dans un environnement pédoclimatique sahélien du mali (cercle de San). Revue Malienne de Science et Technologie. 11, 95-104 [5] Coulibaly D., 2011. Irrigation goutte a goutte avec « Horticulture Easy Drip Kit de 100 m² » : adaptabilité et impact sur la production maraîchère en milieu paysan dans la zone sahélienne de San. Thèse de doctorat de l'Université de Bamako Mali, 106p. [6] Zella L., Kettab A., Chasseriaux. 2003. Simulation hydraulique d'une rampe do micro-irrigation par Ia méthode dite des volumes de contrôle. Revue Agronomie, vol. 23, n° 1, pp. 37-44. [7]. Christiansen J.E., 1942. Hydraulics of sprinkling systems of micro-irrigation. Trans. ASCE 107:221-239. [8] Wu L.P., Gitlin H.M., 1975. Energy gradient line for drip irrigation laterals. Trans. ASCE 101(4): 323-326. [9] Zella L., Kettab A., 2001. Critères de dimensionnement d'une rampe de micro-irrigation. Revue La Houille Blanche, n° 6/7, pp. 130-135. [10] Vermeiren L., Jobling G.A., 1983. L'irrigation localisée ; calcul, mise en place, exploitation, contrôle de fonctionnement, Bulletin FAO d'irrigation et de drainage n°36:92 p. [11] Solomon H., Dedrick A.R., 1995. Stan- dards developments for micro-irrigation. Center for irrigation technology (CIT). http:/www. CIT-Stand. Htm. [12] Carlier M., 1980. Hydraulique générale et appliquée. ed.1Eyrolles. pp. 158-269. [13] Keita A., Leeuwen N.V 2002 Expérimentation d'un système d'arrosage à faible coût : le système pompe à PédalesRampe à Goutteurs. Sud Sciences & Technologies : n°8, 4- 15 Daba Coulibaly, Drissa Diallo |
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232. | Comparision Of Different Parameters On Cpw Fed Bowtie Antenna
Comparision Of Different Parameters On Cpw Fed Bowtie AntennaAbstract: Here we used a lumped port excitation for the Co-Planar Waveguide (CPW) feed. We used copper cladding for cutout and for substrate dielectric material named Arlon Cu Clad 217(tm).The CPW slots and antenna shape acts as openings in a metallized plane. The antenna has been analyzed over frequency ranges of Sband (2.20-3.95(GHz)), C-band(4.90-8.20(GHz)) andX-band (8.20-12.40(GHz)).Their return loss, gain, directivity, VSWR and impedances have been compared. It is covered with air box depending on the minimum distance between the air wall and the radiating aperture at the starting frequency i.e., (9.375mm).Though experiments with bow-tie antennas of various extended angles, the bow-tie antenna with a 90 0 extended angle exhibits the widest bandwidth in the desired frequency band which has a bandwidth of 25% for a VSWR <1.5:1, 16.96% for a VSWR <1.2:1 and 9.19% for a VSWR <1.4:1Key words: CPW, Bow-Tie, Return loss, Gain, Directivity, VSWR Referencec 1. A.Harish Babu, P.Ashesh Babu, E.Vamsi Krishna IETE Members and Research students in kl-university. 2. C. Balanis, Antenna Theory, Analysis and Design, 3rd edition, New York: Wiley, 2005. 2. 3. HFSS hand book for excitations and boundary conditions. 4. C. Balanis, Antenna Theory, Analysis and Design, 3rd edition, New York: Wiley, 2005. 5. HFSS hand book for excitations and boundary conditions. 6. E. J. Candes, M. B. Wakin, and S. P. Boyd, "Enhancing sparsity by reweighted minimization,"Fourier Analysis Applica., vol. 14, pp.877–905, Oct. 2008. 7. O. M. Bucci, C. Gennarelli, and C. Savarese, "Representation of electromagnetic fields over Thummuru Siddartha Reddy, Bellamkonda Saikrishna Vyas, Thota Avinash, Thumati Ravi |
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233. | Optimization of Performance of Aluminum Dross Crusher by using Design of Experiments
Optimization of Performance of Aluminum Dross Crusher by using Design of ExperimentsAbstract: During the various steps of Aluminum and its alloy production huge amount of dross is floating on the liquid molten aluminum. Drossing is the formation of aluminum oxide and other oxides which accumulate on the melt surface. Recovery of aluminum from the dross is a challenging task. Aluminum dross crusher is used to accelerate the recovery rate of aluminum from its dross. In this paper, an attempt has been made to optimize the performance of aluminum dross crusher by optimizing certain parameters affecting the performance of aluminum dross crusher by design of experiments method such as Taguchi method. Selected process parameters are: blade profile of stirrer, speed of rotation and duration of rotation of shaft. The response variable is the recovery rate of Aluminum in %. L9 orthogonal array is used for experimentation and ANOVA is performed by Minitab 16. The results indicates that the performance of dross crusher can be improved and optimized by getting the optimum settings of process parameters by using Taguchi optimization method.Key words: Aluminum dross, Dross crusher, Recovery rate, Design of experiments, Taguchi method. Reference [1] H. Y. Ghorab, M. Rizk, A. Matter, and A. A. Salama, Characterization and Recycling of Aluminum Slag, Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering, Vol. 43, No. 6, 2004, 1663- 1673 [2]J. Meunier, H Zimmermann, M.G. Drouet, Plasma industriaels, LTEE, Hydro-Quebec, P. O. Box 1000, Varennes, Quebec, Canada JOL 2PO. Aluminium recovery from dross: comparison of plasma and oil fired rotary furnace. [3] Richard Heine, Carl Loper and Philip Rosenthal, Principles of metal casting, (NewDelhi, Tata McGraw Hill Publications, 1984). [4] J.Y. Hwang, X. Huang, and Z. Xu, Recovery of Metals from Aluminum Dross and Saltcake, Journal of Minerals & Materials Characterization & Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2006, 47-62. [5] Shuping Wang, Henry Hu1, Yeou-li Chu, and Patrick Cheng, Dross Recovery of Aluminum Alloy 380, Proc.CastExpo-2008, Atlanta, 2008, 1-7. [6] R. C. Bhedasgaonkar, M. R. Jadhav and A. B. Admuthe, Recycling of aluminum dross: a new approach, The IUP Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Vol.4, No.3, August 2011, 55-58. [7] Phadke Madhav S., Quality engineering using robust design, (Englewood Cliff, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall, 1989). [8] Hasan Oktem,Tuncay Erzurumlu and Mustafa Col, A study of the Taguchi optimization method for surface in finishing milling of mould, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2006),48, 694- 700. Rahul C. Bhedasgaonkar, Prataprao Patil |
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234. | Magenn Air Rotor System (Mars)
Magenn Air Rotor System (Mars)Abstract: The Magenn Air Rotor System (MARS) is the next generation of wind turbines with cost and performance advantages over existing systems. MARS is a lighter-than-air tethered wind turbine that rotates about a horizontal axis in response to wind, generating electrical energy. This electrical energy is transferred down the tether for consumption, or to a set of batteries or the power grid. Helium sustains the Magenn Air Rotor System, which ascends to an altitude as selected by the operator for the best winds. Its rotation also generates the "Magnus" effect. This aerodynamic phenomenon provides additional lift, keeps the MARS device stabilized, positions MARS within a very controlled and restricted location, and finally, causes MARS to pull up overhead to maximize altitude rather than drift downwind on its tether. It's become mandatory rather than option to go for the renewable source of energy today in the whole world. For the same requirements we need advance options for future, hence MARS proves its excellence to use for better future.Key words: Eco-friendly, Magnus effect, Wind turbine, Reference 1. http://www.magennainrotorsystem.com 2. Magenn Power Inc. www.magenn.com info@magenn.com 3. "Basics of Wind power generation"- by Amelia Earhart, Oxford University Press, Athens 4. "Aerodynamic principles and designs"-by Sir Ranulph Fiennes, PHI Publication. 5. "Textbook of Environmental Engineering"- by Russel Shapherd, Penguin Books, Singapore 6. http://www.energykitesystems.net/methods /index.html 7. Airborne Wind Energy Generation Systems 8. What are some known kite electricity methods? Kamini N.Shelke , Mohini D.Duraphe |
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236. | Dynamic Analysis And Stability Of The Load Frequency Control In Two Area Power System With Steam Turbine
Dynamic Analysis And Stability Of The Load Frequency Control In Two Area Power System With Steam TurbineAbstract: In this paper a new robust load frequency controller for two area interconnected power system is presented to quench the deviations in frequency and tie line power due to different load disturbances. The dynamic model of the interconnected power system is developed with the integral control. Basic dynamic model representation of a two area power system given in the reference [2] is considered and the responses of two area power systems are evaluated. The so called Load Frequency Control Problem is restructured as a state transfer problem and using a suitable control strategy the system should be transferred from an initial state to the final state without any oscillations (if possible) in frequency deviations and tie line power deviations and thereby the time to reach final steady state is very much reduced. The MATLAB/Simulink based simulations are provided and the results in terms of different constants like inertia constant, integration constant, and the turbine constant are studied.Key words: load frequency control; dynamic analysis; integral controller Reference [1] M.Aldeen, R.Sharma, "Robust detection of faults in frequency control loops", IEEE Tran. On Pow. Syst., Vol.22, No.1, pp.413- 420, February 2007. [2] J.Faiz, G.Shahgholian, M.Arezoomand, "Analysis and simulation of the AVR system and parameters variation effects", IEEE/POWRENG, 450-453, April 2007. [3] P. Aravindan, M.Y. Sanavullah, "Fuzzy logic based automatic load frequency control of two area power system with GRC", Inter. Jour. of Comp. Intel. Rese., Vol.5, No.1, pp.37–44, 2009. [4] J.D.Glover, M.Sarma, "Power system analysis and design", PWS Publishers, 1987. [5] Y.L.A.Magid, M.M.Dawoud, "Genetic algorithms applications in load frequency control", IEEE/ICEC, Vol.1, pp.207-213, November/December 1995. [6] J.L.M.Ramos, A.M.Marcolini, M.T.F.Rivera, "Load and frequency control in compective power systems", IEEE/MELECON, pp.935- 938, May 2006. [7] G.Shahgholian, A.A.Bahmanpour, "Analysis and simulation of Loadfrequency control in the single area power system with steam turbine", proc. PSC Iran, 2002, pp.257-266. [8] Q.P.Ha, H.Trinh,"A variable structure - based controller with fuzzy tuning for loadfrequency control ", International Jou. of Pow. And Ene. Sys., Vol. 30, pp.1-5, 2001. [9] E.Rakhshani, J.Sadeh, "Simulation of twoarea AGC system in a competitive environment using reduced-ord", IEEE/EEM, pp.1-6, May 2008. [10] C.F.Juang, C.F.Lu, "Power system load frequency control by evolutionary fuzzy PI controller", IEEE Int. Conf. Fuzzy system, Vol.2, pp.715-719, July 2004. P.Anil Kumar, J.Shankar, G.Ashok Kumar |
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237. | CRM Benefits for Customers : Literature Review (2005-2012)
CRM Benefits for Customers : Literature Review (2005-2012)Abstract: CRM is a strategic approach that integrates people, business and technology to understand the needs of customers to be more satisfied. Customers are the vital key for each business and company to help them to grow. So, implementing CRM applications is one of the important tools that will help managers and companies to increase the satisfaction and loyalty of customers more than before. Beside this, there are some benefits which will affect on customers after implementing CRM. These benefits will help the customers to become happy and pleasant of using the companies that is offering their product and services from using CRM facilities. In this study, we find eight benefits of CRM which are important and beneficial for customers such as improve customer services, increased personalized service, responsive to customer's needs, customer segmentation, improve customization of marketing, multichannel integration, time saving, and improve customer knowledge. We reviewed previous studies, and identify these benefits which will affect on customers. Our result will help the managers and companies to know and recognize the factors and benefits of CRM which are more significant for their customers. So they can increase their customer's satisfaction and retention by more attention to these benefits.Key words: CRM, BENEFITS, CUSTOMER Reference [1] Ballou, R.H., The evolution and future of logistics and supply chain management. European Business Review, 2007. 19(4): p. 332 - 348. [2] 2. Richards , A. Keith, and E. Jones, Customer relationship management: Finding value drivers. Industrial Marketing Management, 2008. 37(2): p. 120-130. [3] 3. Rogers, M., Customer strategy observation from trenchesmarketing, 2005. 69: p. 262-263. [4] Gartner, What's 'Hot' in CRM Applications in 2009. 2009. [5] Winer, R.S., A framework for customer relationship management. California Management Review, 2001. 43(4): p. 89- 105. [6] Freeman, P. and P.B. Seddon, BENEFITS FROM CRM-BASED WORK SYSTEMS, in Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), 2005 - csrc.lse.ac.uk. 2005. [7] Darshana Sedera and W. Wang, Towards a CRM and SCM Benefits Measurement Model, in International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) at AIS Electronic Library (AISeL). 2009. [8] Khalid Rababah, H.M., and Huda Ibrahim, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Processes from Theory to Practice: The Pre-implementation Plan of CRM System. International Journal of eEducation, e-Business, e-Management and e-Learning, 2011. 1(1). [9] 9. Nguyen, J. Sherif, and M. Newby, Strategies for successful CRM implementation. InformationManagement & Computer Society,, 2007. 1(15): p. 102- 115. [10] Rigby, D.K., F.F. Reichheld, and P. Schefter, Start with customer strategy.. Harvard Business Review, 2002. 80(2): p. 103. Nastaran Mohammadhossein, Dr.Nor Hidayati Zakaria |
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WIND POWER SYSTEM AND BATTERY AS ENERGY STORAGEAbstract: Presented work has made an attempt to establish details of connectivity of Wind Farms with isolated installations. Paper has shown ACDC-AC connectivity of wind farm through Rectifier inverter to an AC load. Mat Lab simulation results of wind farm connectivity to an AC load of lumped type is done. Developed work has focussed on necessity of energy storage during high wind situations so that use can be made during low wind conditions. Also energy storage device suitability during low wind conditions is obtained. Battery is used as energy storage device. Work explains connectivity to wind farms and importance of battery in its charging (high wind penetrations) and discharging (low wind penetrations) mode, without use of charge controller action but with different levels of SOC (State of Charge).Mat Lab simulation results for battery connectivity with SOC of 40% is established for lumped load. To summarize work high lights wind farm connectivity to AC load through energy storage device. Battery can supply successfully AC load during low wind conditions. Thus continuous power supply can be obtained through energy storage device like battery even during low wind conditions.Key words: Wind Farms, Energy Storage Device, State of Charge, Rectifier, Inverter, Battery. Reference [1] Sercan Teleke, Member, IEEE, Mesut E. Baran, Senior Member, IEEE, Subhashish Bhattacharya, Member, IEEE, and Alex Q. Huang, Fellow, IEEE, Optimal Control of Battery Energy Storagefor Wind Farm Dispatching, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 25, no. 3, September 2010,787-794. [2] Q. Li, S. S. Choi, Senior Member, IEEE Y.Yuan, Member, IEEE, and D. L. Yao, Student Member, IEEE, On the Determination of Battery Energy Storage Capacity and Short-Term Power Dispatch of a Wind Farm, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, vol. 2, no. 2, april 2011,148-158. [3] Liang Liang, Li lianlin and Hui dong, An Optimal Energy Storage Capacity Calculation Method for 100MW Wind Farm, 2010 International Conference on Power System Technology,1-4. [4] Wenliang Wang1, Baoming Ge1, Daqiang Bi2, and Dongsen Sun1, Grid-Connected Wind Farm Power Control using VRBbased Energy Storage System, 978-1- 4244-5287-3/10/$26.00 ©2010 IEEE,3772-3777. [5] KW Wee, SS Choi and DM Vilathgamuwa, Design of a Wind Turbine – Battery Energy StorageScheme to Achieve Power Dispatchability, 978-1- 4244-7398-4/10/$26.00 ©2010 IEEE,1217-1222. [6] Ted K. A. Brekken, Member, IEEE, Alex Yokochi, Annette von Jouanne, Fellow, IEEE, Zuan Z. Yen,Hannes Max Hapke, Member, IEEE, and Douglas A. Halamay, Student Member, IEEE, Optimal Energy Storage Sizing and Control for Wind Power Applications, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, vol. 2, no. 1, January 2011,69-77. [7] Yun-Hyun Kim, Soo-Hong Kim, ChangJim Lim, Sang Hyun Kim,Byeong-Ki Kwon, Control Strategy of Energy Storage System for Power Stability in a Wind farm, 8 th international conference on power Electronics – IEEE Asia May-30- June 3,2011, the shilla Jeju, Korea. Anuradha S deshpande |
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239. | Effect Of Ag Doped On Phase Transformation, Morphology And Photocatalytic Activity Of TiO2 Powders
Effect Of Ag Doped On Phase Transformation, Morphology And Photocatalytic Activity Of TiO2 PowdersAbstract: The purpose of this research was to study the effect of doped Ag on phase transformation, morphology and photocatalytic activity of TiO2 powders. The composites powders were prepared by sol-gel method via calcinations at a temperature 400 °C for 2 h with a heating rate of 10 °C/min. The microstructure and crystallite size of TiO2 and TiO2-Ag powders were characterized by XRD, EDX and SEM. Finally, photocatalytic activity was evaluated by UV-vis spectrophotometer. The results show all samples have only anatase phase and the agglomeration. It was apparent that Ag added in TiO2 has significantly effect on photocatalytic reaction under UV irradiation. It can be noted that TiO2-5Ag powders was found to give the highest photocatalytic, 53% under UV.Key words: Ag doping, TiO2, Phase transformation, Morphology, Photo catalytic activity. Reference [1] A. Fujishima, T.N. Rao, and D.A. Tryk, "Titanium dioxide photocatalysis," J Photochem and Photobiol, vol. C1, pp. 1-21, 2000. [2] G. Michael, "Dye-sensitized solar cells," Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C: Photochemistry Reviews, vol. 4, pp. 145- 153, 2003. [3] G. Morgan, A. Emmanuelle, C. Nicolas, M. Isabelle, G. Thierry, and P.B. jean, "Sol-gel nanoparticulate mesoporous films with enhanced self-cleaning properties," Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, vol. 216, pp. 142-148, 2010. [4] E.Z. Carolina, V.M. Paula, F. Marisa, and C.F. Pablo, "Effect of silver adding on the structure and methylene blue photodagradation capacity of titania synthesized via a surfactant template route," The Journal of the Argentine Chemical Society, vol. 97, pp. 88-1-5, 2009. [5] Z. Marcial, L. Tessy, G. Ricardo, A. Maximilinno, and M. Ruth, "Acetone gas phase condensation on akaline metals dope TiO2 sol-gel catalysts," J Applied Surface Sci, vol. 252, pp. 828-832, 2005. [6] S. Fanda, A. Meltem, S. Sadiye, E. Sema, E. Murat, and S. Hikmet, "Hydrothermal Syhthesis, Characterization and Photocatalytic Activity of nanozied TiO2 Based Catalysts for Rhodamine B Degradation," J Chem, vol. 31, pp. 211-221, 2007. [7] T. Mimani, and K.C. Patil, "Solution combustion synthesis of nanoscale oxides and their composites," Mater Phys Mech, vol. 4, pp. 134-137, 2001. [8] H. Schmidt, G. Jonschker, S. Goedicke, and M. Mening, "The Sol-Gel Process as a Basic Technology for Nanoparticle-Dispersed Inorganic-Organic Composites," J Sol-Gel Sci Tech, vol. 19, pp. 39-51, 2000. [9] Y. Xianfeng, C. Feng, and Z. Jinlong, "Effect of Calcination on the physical and photocatalytic Properties of TiO2 Powders Prepared by Sol-Gel Template Method," J Sol-Gel Sci Tech, vol. 34, pp. 181-187, 2005. [10] Z. Jerzy, "Past and Present of Sol-Gel Science Technology," J Sol-Gel Sci Tech, vol. 8, pp. 17-22, 1997. [11] W. Tianfa, G. Jianping, S. Juyun, and Z. Zhongshen, "Preparation and characterization of TiO2 thin films by the sol-gel process," J Materials Sci, vol. 36, pp. 5923-5926, 2001. [12] S. Boonyod, W. Sutthisripok, and L. Sikong, "Antibacterial Activity of TiO2 and Fe 3+ doped TiO2 Nanoparticles Synthesized at Low Temperature," J Advanced Materials Research, vol 214, pp. 197-201, 2011. Weerachai Sangchay |
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240. | Finger Print Parameter Based Cryptographic Key Generation
Finger Print Parameter Based Cryptographic Key GenerationAbstract: A method is proposed for generation of unique cryptographic key which is generated using figure prints of the user, which are stable throughout person's lifetime. The proposed approach reduces the cost associated with lost keys, addresses non-repudiation issues and provides increased security of digital content. This approach has reduced the complicated sequence of the operation to generate crypto keys as in the traditional cryptography system . The key is derived directly from the figure print data and is not stored in the database, since it creates more complexity to crack or guess the cryptographic keys. Biometrics, cryptography and data hiding will provide good perspectives for information security. We proposed an algorithm for deriving the key from biometric for ECC (Elliptic Curve Cryptography) based applications which will provide high security with good performance in terms of computational and bandwidth requirements.There are several biometric systems in existence that deal with cryptography, but the proposed figure print parameter based cryptographic key introduces a novel method to generate cryptographic key. This approach is implemented in MATLAB and can generate variable size cryptographic key, with minimum amount of time complexity, which is aptly suited for any real time cryptography.Key words: Cryptography, Biometrics, Minutiae points, Morphological Operation, Histogram Equalization, Crossing Number. Reference [1] Umut Uludag, Sharath Pankanti, Salil Prabhakar, Anil K.Jain "Biometric Cryptosystems Issues and Challenges" Proceedings of the IEEE 2004. [2] A. Jain, R. Bolle, and S. Pankanti, "Biometrics Personal Identification in Networked Society", Kluwer Academic Publishers New York, Boston, Dordrecht, London, Moscow, pp. 1-64, 2002. [3] P. Komarinski, P. T. Higgins, and K. M. Higgins, K. Fox Lisa,"Automated Fingerprint Identification Systems (AFIS)", Elsevier cademic Press, pp. 1-118, 2005. [4] D. Maltoni, D. Maio, and A. Jain, S. Prabhakar, "4.3: Minutiae-based Methods' (extract) from Handbook of Fingerprint Recognition",Springer, New York, pp. 141- 144, 2003. [5] N.Lalithamani, K.P.Soman "Irrevocable Cryptographic Key Generation from Cancelable Fingerprint Templates: An Enhanced and Effective Scheme". European Journal of Scientific Research ISSN 1450- 216X Vol.31 No.3 (2009), pp.372-387 [6] K. Nallaperumall, A. L. Fred, and S. Padmapriya, "A Novel Technique for Fingerprint Feature Extraction Using Fixed Size Templates", IEEE2005 Conference, pp. 371-374, 2005. [7] P. Komarinski, P. T. Higgins, and K. M. Higgins, K. Fox Lisa, "Automated Fingerprint Identification Systems (AFIS)", ElsevierAcademic Press, pp. 1-118, 2005. [8] Y. Seto, "Development of personal authentication systems using fingerprint with smart cards and digital signature technologies," the Seventh International Conferenceon Control, Automation, Robotics nd Vision, Dec 2002 [9] L.C. Jain, U. Halici, I. Hayashi, S.B. Lee, and S. Tsutsui, "Intelligent biometric techniques in fingerprint and face recognition", The CRC Press, 1999. [10] Koblitz.N A course in Number Theory and Cryptography, New York, Springer Verlog, Second Edition, 1994. [11] L.Lam, S.W.Lee and C.Y.Suen, "Thinning Methodologies – A comprehensive study", IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 14,no 9,1992 B.Raja Rao, Dr.E.V.V.Krishna Rao, S.V.Rama Rao,M.Rama mohan rao |
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241. | Tri-state Elastic Buffer Design
Tri-state Elastic Buffer DesignAbstract: For the recent CMOS feature sizes power dissipation becomes an overriding concerns for VLSI circuit design. We propose a novel approach named tri-state elastic buffer design which reduces the total power, area & delay of elastic buffer. The paper presents a design and implementation of tristate buffer mechanism in 120 nm technology. This design offers also the advantage of third state (High Impedance state) of tri-state buffer. The proposed elastic buffer design using tri-state buffer is implemented in DSCH & MICROWIND tools. The obtained result shows that our design is effective in terms 48.68 % reduction in total power, 5.62 % reduction in delay & 40.98 % reduction in area.Key words: Cadence; DSCH; MICROWIND; Total power; delay; Buffer design; Reference 1) James Balfour and William J. Dally. Design tradeoffs for tiled CMP on-chip networks. In ICS '06: Proceedings of the 20th annual International Conference on Supercomputing,pages 187–198, 2006. 2) Title-CMOS VLSI Design: A Circuits and Systems Perspective, Authors-Neil H. E. Weste, David Money Harris, Edition-4, Publisher-Addison Wesley, Length-838 pages 3) William J. Dally. Virtual-channel flow control. IEEE Transactionson Parallel and Distributed Systems, 3(2):194–205,1992. 4) William J. Dally and Hiromichi Aoki. Deadlock-free adaptive routing in multicomputer networks using virtual channels. IEEE Transanctions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 4(4):466–475, 1993. 5) William J. Dally and Brian Towles. Route packets, not wires: On-chip interconnection networks. In DAC '01: roceedingsof the38th Conference on Design Automation, pages 684–689, 2001. 6) William J. Dally and Brian Towles. Principles and Practices of Interconnection Networks. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc., San Francisco, CA, USA, 2003. 7) Giovanni de Micheli and Luca Benini. Networks on chip:A new paradigm for systems on chip design. In DATE '02:Proceedings of the conference on Design, Automation and Test in Europe, page 418, 2002. 8) Mike Galles. Spider: A high-speed network interconnect.IEEE Micro, 17(1):34–39, 1997.[9] Andreas Hansson, Kees Goossens, and Andrei R˘adulescu. Avoiding messagedependent deadlock in network-based systems on chip. VLSI Design, May 2007. 9) Ron Ho, Ken Mai, and Mark Horowitz. Efficient on-chip global interconnects. In Symposium on VLSI Circuits, pages 271– 274, 2003. 10) John Kim, William J. Dally, and Dennis Abts. Flattened butterfly: a cost-efficient topology for high-radix networks. In ISCA '07: Proceedings of the 34th annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture, pages 126–137, 2007. 11) Jong H. Kim, Ziqiang Liu, and Andrew A. Chien. Compressionless routing: a framework for adaptive and fault-tolerant routing. SIGARCH Computer Architecture News, 22(2):289–300, 1994. 12) Avinash Kodi, Ashwini Sarathy, and Ahmed Louri. Design of adaptive communication channel buffers for low-power area-efficient network-on-chip architecture. In ANCS 7:Proceedings of the 3rd ACM/IEEE Symposium on Architecture for Networking and Communications Systems, pages47–56, 2007. 13) Jian Liu, Li-Rong Zheng, and H. Tenhunen. A guaranteedthroughput switch for networkon-chip. In Proceedings of International Symposium on System-on-Chip, pages 31– 34, 2003. 14) Masayuki Mizuno, , William J. Dally, and Hideaki Onishi.Elastic interconnects: repeater-inserted long wiring capable of compressing and decompressing data. In ISSCC '01: Proceedings of IEEE International Solid-State Circuits onference, pages 346–347, 464, 2001. 15) Robert Mullins, Andrew West, and Simon Moore. Lowlatency virtual-channel routers for on-chip networks. In ISCA '04: Proceedings of the 31st annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture, page 188, 2004. Rinki Gupta, Jaipal Bisht |
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242. | Evaluation of Spherical Form Error Using Maximum Distance Point Strategy (MDPS)
Evaluation of Spherical Form Error Using Maximum Distance Point Strategy (MDPS)Abstract: Calibration of probe prior to any measurement by Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) is very important activity. A reference sphere is used for the calibration. Hence, measurement of spherical feature using CMM is one of the important operations in precision engineering. The operation requires use of efficient computational algorithm as it has to determine diameter and center of spherical feature. This paper proposes a strategy named as Maximum Distance Point Strategy (MDPS) for the spherical feature for minimizing sphericity from CMM measured points. The results of MDPS are compared to very well known algorithm i.e. Least Square Method (LSM). It has been found that the results are comparable if measured points are uniformly distributed. If points are not uniformly distributed, the MDPS results are better than LSM results.Key words: Sphericity, Best-fit Sphere, Coordinate Measuring Machine, Least-Square Method, Maximum Distance Point Strategy Reference [1] ANSI Standard Y14.5, "Dimensioning and Tolerancing‟, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, 2009. [2] R. Sedgewick, Algorithms, (AddisonWesley Publishing Co., 1983). [3] P. Bourdet, C. Lartigue, F. Leveaux, Effects of data points distribution and mathematical model on finding the best-fit sphere to data, Precision Engineering, 15(3), 1993, 150- 157.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0141- 6359(93)90002-R [4] T. Kanada, Evaluation of spherical form errors – Computation of sphericity by means of minimum zone method and some examinations with using simulated data, Precision Engineering, 17(4), 1995, 281- 289.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0141- 6359(95)00017-8 [5] T. Kanada, Estimation of sphericity by means of statistical processing for roundness of spherical parts, Precision Engineering, 20(2),1997, 117- 122.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0141- 6359(97)00013-5 [6] C. M. Shakarji, Least-Squares Fitting Algorithms of the NIST Algorithm Testing System, Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, 103(6), 1998, 633-641. [7] Nocedal and Wright, Numerical Optimization, (Springer-Verlag, New York, 1999). [8] Antoniou and Lu, Practical Optimization: Algorithms and Engineering Applications, (Springer Science+Business Media, 2007). [9] K. C. Fan, J. C. Lee, Analysis of minimum zone sphericity error using minimum potential energy theory, Precision Engineering, 23(2),1999, 65- 72http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0141- 6359(98)00024-5 [10] G. L. Samuel, M. S. Shunmugam, Evaluation of sphericity error from doordinate measurement data using computational geometric techniques, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 190, 2001,6765-6781 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0045- 7825(01)00220-1 [11] G. L. Samuel, M. S. Shunmugam, Evaluation of circularity and sphericity from coordinate measurement data, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 139 (1-3),2003, 90-95. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0924- 0136(03)00187-0 [12] V. J. Patel, R. B. Gandhi, Evaluation of Circularity from Coordinate data using Maximum Distance Point Strategy (MDPS), International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 1 (04), 2012, ISSN 2278-0181 V J Patel, R B Gandhi |
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243. | Application of Cellular Manufacturing Concepts in an Automobile Workshop
Application of Cellular Manufacturing Concepts in an Automobile WorkshopAbstract: The paper proposes and outlines a method for introducing and implementing cellular manufacturing in an operating automobile workshop of a renowned transport company. This workshop handles the entire repair and maintenance works of the entire fleet of vehicles of the transport company. The prevailing problems in the workshop are excessive lead times and processing time for each vehicle. The quality of work being carried is also poor leading to frequent break downs of the vehicles. The main objective of this paper is to reduce the lead time and processing time required for each vehicle to be repaired. This can be done by application of few concepts of cellular manufacturing Viz. formation of cells and grouping the work to be completed. By doing so, better quality of work, reduction in lead and processing time and better delivery performance of the vehicle can be achieved.Key words: Cellular Manufacturing, Group Technology, Cells, Lead Time, Processing Time Reference [1] B.S.Nagendra Parashar and Dr.H.V. Somasundar, Cellular Manufacturing: A Taxonomic Review of Different Approaches, Industrial Engineering Journal (India), Vol. XXVII No.12, December 1998, pp 12-26 [2] Hyer.N.L and Wemmerlov.U, Group Technology and Productivity, Harward Business Review, 62(4), 1984, pp 140-149 [3] Kok and Alvin Lim Hui, Time Based Manufacturing.,Journal of Operations Management, 7 July 1999 [4] Liana María Alvarez López, Design and implementation of cellular manufacturing in a job shop environment, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge,1997 [5] R Panneerselvam, Production and Operation Mangement(New Delhi: PHI Learning Pvt Ltd, 2010) [6] B.S.Nagendra Parashar,Cellular manufacturing systems(New Delhi: PHI Learning Pvt Ltd, 2009) [7] Mikell.P.Groover,Automation, production systems and computer integrated manufacturing(New Delhi: PHI learning Pvt Ltd,2011) G Karuna Kumar, S Hari Krishna Reddy, Shaik Nazeer Ahmed |
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244. | Concrete At Elevated Temperatures
Concrete At Elevated TemperaturesAbstract: This paper modelled the experimental results of Ehm (1986) and Thelandersson (1987) on transient thermal creep of concrete specimens, under sustained load, at elevated temperatures and investigated the relevance of transient thermal creep on the behaviour of concrete at elevated temperatures. Numerical investigations were carried out on steady state and transient state models using the 'Finite Element Analysis Programme' (FEAP). The investigations included observing the effect of degraded coefficient of thermal expansion and modulus of elasticity of concrete with and without the inclusion of the effect of transient thermal creep (assumed equivalent to the effect of thermo mechanical strain) on the behaviour of concrete, observing the relevance of the transient thermal creep on the behaviour of concrete and observing the effect of sustained compressive stress on the temperature dependent compressive strength of concrete. The study showed that the model predictions fit the experimental results and confirmed i) the absence of transient thermal creep in steady state specimens, ii) that the coefficient of thermal expansion and modulus of elasticity of concrete are degraded at elevated temperatures, iii) that the coefficients of thermo mechanical strain and free thermal expansion changed respectively at 469 o C and 619 o C and iv) that the critical temperature of concrete decreases with increase in the magnitude of the sustained compressive stress.Key words: Concrete; elevated temperature; loadinduced thermal strain; thermo mechanical strain; transient thermal creep. Reference [1] Nielsen C.V., Pearce C.J. and Bićanić N., Improved phenomenological modelling of transient thermal strains for concrete at igh temperatures, Computers and Concrete, 1(2), 2004, 189-209. [2] Khoury G.A., Grainger B.N. and Sullivan P.J.E., Strain of concrete during first heating to 600 o C under load, Magazine of Concrete Research, 37(133), 1985b, 195-215. [3] Schneider, U., Concrete at high temperatures - A general review, Fire and Safety Journal, 13, 1988, 55-68. [4] Khoury G.A., Grainger B.N. and Sullivan P.J.E., Transient thermal strain of concrete: Literature review, conditions within specimen and behaviour of individual constituents, Magazine of Concrete Research, 37(132), 1985a, 131- 144. [5] Nielsen C.V., Pearce C.J. and Bićanić N., Theoretical model of high temperature effects on uniaxial concrete member under elastic restraint, Magazine of Concrete Research, 54(4), 2002, 239-249. [6] Schneider, U., Properties of materials at high temperatures, Concrete, 2 nd edition, (RILEM Technical Committee 44-PHT, Technical University of Kassel, Kassel, Germany, 1986). [7] Thelandersson, S., Modelling of combined thermal and mechanical action in concrete, ASCE Engineering Mechanics, 113(6), 1987, 893-906. [8] Terro, M.J., Numerical modelling of the behaviour of concrete structures in Fire, ACI Structural Journal, 95(2), 1998, 183- 193. [9] de Borst R. and Peeters P.P.J.M., Analysis of concrete structures under thermal loading, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 77, 1989, 293-310. [10] Khennane A. and Baker G., Uniaxial model for concrete under variable temperature and stress, ASCE Engineering Mechanics,119(8), 1993, 1507-1525. FOLAGBADE Samuel Olufemi |
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245. | Effective Location Of Facts Controllers To Enhance Small Signal Stability Of The Power System
Effective Location Of Facts Controllers To Enhance Small Signal Stability Of The Power SystemAbstract: The problem of small signal instability is usually due to insufficient damping of system oscillations. The use of power system stabilizers to control generator excitation systems is one of the effective methods of enhancing small signal stability of power system. However with change in operating state of the power system, the parameters of PSS require retuning. The power electronic based FACTS controllers are effective for system voltage control and power flow control. They can also be used for damping electromechanical oscillations. This presents a systematic method of developing the mathematical model for small signal stability analysis of power system using FACTS based damping controllers (SVC and TCSC) and the effective location of these FACTS based damping controllers using residue factor method. These FACTS controllers are modeled as current injections in the network. In this, the two axis model of the synchronous machine is used for developing the small signal model of the multi-machine power system with FACTS controllers. Case studies are carried out on the standard WSCC 3 Machine, 9-Bus system and 10 machine, 39 bus New England system.Key words: Small Signal Stability, FACTS, Residue Factor. Reference [1]. P. Kundur, "Power System Control and Stability", New York McGraw-Hill, 1994. [2]. Haque, M.H., 2000. Optimal location of shunt FACTS devices in long transmission lines. Proceedings on Generation Transmission and Distribution, July 2000, IEEE Xplore Press, USA., pp: 218-222. DOI: 10.1049/ip-gtd:20000412. [3]. A.E.Hammad, "Analysis of Power System Stability Enhancement by Static Var Compensators", IEEE Trans.Power Syst., Vol. PWRS-1, No.4, pp.222-228, Nov 1986. [4]. K.Keerthivasan, V.Sharmila Deve, Jovitha Jerome and R.Ramanujam, "Modeling of SVC and TCSC for power system dynamic simulation", IEEE Seventh International Conf. Power Engineering, pp.696-700, 2005. [5]. M.W. Mustafa and N. Magaji, "Optimal Location of Static Var Compensator Device for Damping Oscillations", American J. of Engineering and Applied Sciences 2 (2): 353-359, 2009. [6]. W.Freitas and A.Morelato, "A generalized current injection approach for modeling of FACTS in power system dynamic simulation", IEEE Seventh International Conf.AC-DC Power Transmission, pp.175-180, 2001. [7]. P.M.Anderson and A.A.Fouad, "Power System Control and Stability". John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Publication, 2003. [8]. R.Ramanujam, "Power System DynamicsAnalysis and Simulation", PHI Learning Private Limited, 2009. P.Ramesh,P.Suresh Babu,Dr. M.PadmaLalitha |
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246. | Power Quality Improvement Features of the Grid at Distribution Side With Wind Energy Source
Power Quality Improvement Features of the Grid at Distribution Side With Wind Energy SourceAbstract: ELECTRIC utilities and end users of electric power are becoming increasingly concerned about meeting the growing energy demand. Seventy five percent of total global energy demand is supplied by the burning of fossil fuels. But increasing air pollution, global warming concerns, diminishing fossil fuels and their increasing cost have made it necessary to look towards renewable sources as a future energy solution. Since the past decade, there has been an enormous interest in many countries on renewable energy for power generation. Renewable energy resources (RES) are being increasingly connected in distribution systems utilizing power electronic converters. This paper presents a novel control strategy for achieving maximum benefits from these grid-interfacing inverters when installed in 3-phase 4-wire distribution systems. The inverter is controlled to perform as a multi-function device by incorporating active power filter functionality. The inverter can thus be utilized as: 1) power converter to inject power generated from RES to the grid 2)shunt APF to compensate current unbalance 3) load current harmonics 4) load reactive power demand and load neutral current. All of these functions may be accomplished either individually or simultaneously. With such a control, the combination of grid-interfacing inverter and the 3-phase 4-wire Linear/nonlinear unbalanced load at point of common coupling appears as balanced linear load to the grid. This new control concept is demonstrated with extensive MATLAB/Simulink simulation studies and validated through digital signal processorbased laboratory experimental resultsKey words: Power quality (PQ), distributed generation (DG), grid inter connection, active power filter (APF), renewable energy Reference [1] J. M. Guerrero, L. G. de Vicuna, J. Matas, M. Castilla, and J. Miret,"A wireless controller to enhance dynamic performance of parallel invertersin distributed generation systems," IEEE Trans. Power Electron.,[2]vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 1205–1213, Sep. 2004. (2) J. P. Pinto, R. Pregitzer, L. F. C. Monteiro, and J. L. Afonso, "3-phase4-wire shunt active power filter with renewable energy interface," presented at the Conf. IEEE Rnewable Energy & Power Quality, Seville, Spain, 2007. [3] F. Blaabjerg, R. Teodorescu, M. Liserre, and A. V. Timbus, "Overview of control and grid synchronization for distributed power generation systems," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 53, no. 5, pp. 1398–1409, Oct. 2006 [4] M. Singh and A. Chandra, "Power maximization and voltage sag/swell ride-through capability of PMSG based variable speed wind energy conversion system," in Proc. IEEE 34th Annu. Conf. Indus. Electron. Soc., 2008, pp. 2206–2211 K Srinivas, B Subash |
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247. | Design and CFD Simulation of Annular Combustion Chamber with Kerosene as Fuel for 20 kW Gas Turbine Engine
Design and CFD Simulation of Annular Combustion Chamber with Kerosene as Fuel for 20 kW Gas Turbine EngineAbstract: The challenges in designing high performance combustion systems have not changed significantly over the years, but the approach has shifted towards a more sophisticated analysis process. A technical discussion on combustion technology status and needs will show that the classic impediments that have hampered progress towards near stoichiometric combustion still exist. The paper presents the design for annular combustion chamber for annular gas turbine for 20 kW power generation wit kerosene as fuel and its also include the CFD simulation is carried out with the CFD tool ANSYS CFX. It also give results from CFD simulation of temperature distribution at centerline of liner, at liner wall and at exit of combustion chamber.Key words: Annular Combustion Chamber, CFD, Gas Turbine, Simulation Reference [1] Lefebvre A.H., Gas Turbine Combustion Chamber (2 nd ed., USA: Taylor and Francis, 1999) [2] Mellor A. M., Design of Modern Turbine Combustors (US: ACADEMIC PRESS INC., 1990). [3] D. B. Kulshreshtha, Dr. S. A. Channiwala, and Saurabh Dikshit, Numerical Simulation of Tubular Type Combustion Chamber, Proceedings of ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Florida, 2006. [4] J. Odgers, Current theories of combustion within gas turbine chambers, Trans. Am. Soc. Mech. Eng., pp 1321 – 1338, 1973. [5] B. Varatharajan, M. Petrova, F. A. Williams and V. Tangirala, Two-step chemical-kinetic descriptions for hydrocarbon–oxygen-diluent ignition and detonation applications, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 30, pp.1869 – 1877, 2005. [6] W. Shyy, M. E. Braaten and D. L. Burrus, Study of three-dimensional gas turbine combustor flows, , Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, vol. 32(6), pp. 1155 – 1164, 1989. [7] L. Eca and M. Hoekstra, On the Grid Sensitivity of the Wall Boundary Condition of the k-ω Turbulence Model, ASME Journal of Fluid Energy, 126, 2004. [8] G.Boudier, L.Y.M.Gicquel and T. J. Poinsot, Effect of mesh resolution on LES of reacting flows in complex geometry combustor, Combustion and Flame, 155, pp. 196 – 214, 2008. [9] M. Coussirat, J. van Beeck, M. Mesters, E. Egusguiza, Buchlin and X. Escaler, Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of Impinging Gas-Jet Systems: Assessment of Eddy Viscosity Models, ASME Journal of Fluid Energy, 127, 2005. [10] D. B. Kulshreshtha and S. A. Channiwala, Simplified Design of Combustion Chamber for Small Gas Turbine Application, Proc. of ASME IMECE2005 – 79038, Florida, USA,2005. K. V. Chaudhari, D. B. Kulshreshtha, S.A. Channiwala |
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248. | Carrier Based Multilevel Inverter With Different Reference Waveforms
Carrier Based Multilevel Inverter With Different Reference WaveformsAbstract: In this paper a recent topology, the multilevel carrier based inverter topology has been presented with its advantages over conventional inverter schemes. A comparative study has been done within the topology used between pure sinusoidal reference waveform and the modified sinusoidal reference waveform which constitutes harmonics. The entire simulation has been done in MATLAB Simulink and the outputs have been shown for comparison purpose.Key words: multilevel inverter, carrier-based inverter, five level inverter Reference K. Chandra Sekhar, G. Tulasi Ram Das, Multi-level inverter for Induction Motor Drive, IEEE, 2006. Nabae, I. Takahashi and H. Agaki, A new neutral point clamped PWM inverter, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Applications, volume 17, 1981,518-523. Books: Bimal K. Bose, Modern Power Electronics and AC Drives (Prentice Hall PTR, 2002). Ned Mohan, First course in power electronics and drives (MNPERE, Minneapolis, 2003) Theses: Mohammadreza Derakhshanfar, Analysis of different topologies of multilevel inverters, Master of Science Thesis, Department of Energy and Environment, Division of Electric Power Engineering, CHALMERS UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, Göteborg, Sweden, 2010 Mr. Joshua Arumbakan, Mr. R.S. Ravi Sankar, Miss. L. Raja Rajeswari |
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249. | Numerical Study of Performance Improvement of Jet Ejector
Numerical Study of Performance Improvement of Jet EjectorAbstract: In this paper, numerical performance analysis of jet ejector's has been carried out using irreversibility characteristics. The various losses that occur in different regions of jet ejector have been quantified and an attempt has been made to increase the efficiency of jet ejector by reducing the losses based on minimization of entropy method. In the present work, new technique has been identified to minimise the momentum difference between the motive and the propelled fluid. This was carried out by forcing the propelled stream using a blower. The geometrical design parameters were obtained by solving the set of governing equations, a CFD package; FLUENT and it has been effectively used to evaluate the optimum entrainment ratio for a given set of operating conditions.Key words: Jet ejector, Efficiency, Irreversibility, CRMC, Forced draught Reference 1. A.Arbel, A.Shklyar, D.Hershgal, M.Barak, M.Sokolov, "Ejector irreversibility characteristics", Journal of Fluid Engineering Vol. 125, 2003, page 121- 1297. 2. Ian. W. Eames, "New prescription for the design of supersonic-jetpumps: the constant rate momentum change method", Applied thermal Engineering, Vol. 22, pp121-131, 2002 3. Somsak watanawanavet, "Optimization of high-efficiency jet ejector byComputational fluid dynamics software", Master of science thesis, Texas University, 2005. 4. S.B.Riffat, G.Gan and S.Smith, "Computational Fluid Dynamics applied to ejector heat pumps", Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 16, No 4, pp291-297, 1996. 5. Holtzapple, M. T., "High-Efficiency Jet Ejector," (Invention Disclosure) Department of Chemical Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas (2001). 6. M.Ouzzane, Z.Aiddoum, "Model development and numerical procedure for detailed ejector analysis and design", Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 23, 2003, page 2337-2351. 7. G.K.Alexes, E.D.Rogdakis, "A. verification study of steam –ejector refrigeration model", Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 23, 2003, page 29-36. 8. Kanjanapon, Chunnanond, SathaApornratana, "An experimental investigation of a steam ejector refrigerator: the analysis of the pressure along the ejector", Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 24, 2004, page 311-322. 9. NabelBeithou, Hikmet S. Ayber, "A mathematical model for steam driven jet pump", international Journal of Multiphase flow, Vol. 26, 2000, page 1609-1619. S. Gurulingam, A. Kalaisselvane, N. Alagumurthy |
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250. | High Speed Test Architecture for SRAM using Modified March Algorithm
High Speed Test Architecture for SRAM using Modified March AlgorithmAbstract: Fault diagnosis and location in semiconductor Random Access Memories (RAM) are of prime importance in connection with the increasing density and dominating portion of embedded memories in system-on-chips (SOC). Manufacturing defects should be detected, diagnosed and located for further repair in order to improve the product quality, reliability and yield. It becomes highly important to test various kinds of defects rapidly and precisely to reduce the testing cost and to improve the memory quality, especially in a SoC (system-on-a-chip) design environment. Memory defects can be modeled as stuck-at, coupling, transition, address decoder, and pattern-sensitive faults. Industrywide use of memory fault models and March test algorithms, with special emphasis on memory fault simulation and test algorithm generation are discussed here and an improved version of March test algorithm for high speed memory testing is implemented.Key words: Random Access Memory (RAM), System-on-Chip (SOC), Stuck-at Faults, Coupling Faults, Transition Faults, Address Decoder Faults, Pattern-Sensitive Faults, March Test Algorithm Reference [1] S. W. Golomb, Shift Register Sequence, Aegean Park Press, Laguna Hills, CA, 1982. [2] F. Brglez and H. Fujiwara, A neutral netlistof 10 combinational benchmark circuits and a target translator in Fortran, in Proc. Int. Symp. on Circuits and Systems, pp. 663–698, June 1985. [3] P. H. Bardell, W. H. McAnney, and J. Savir, Built-In Test for VLSI: Pseudorandom Techniques, John Wiley & Sons, Somerset, NJ, 1987. [4] R.-M. Chou, K. K. Saluja, and V. D. Agrawal, Power constraint scheduling of tests, in Proc. Int. Conf. on VLSI Design, pp. 271–274, January 1994. [5] L.-T. Wang, C.-W. Wu, and X. Wen, editors, VLSI Test Principles and Architectures: Design for Testability, Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, 2006. [6] F. Corno, M. Rebaudengo, M. SonzaReorda, G. Squillero, and M. Violente, Low power BIST via non-linear hybrid cellular automata, in Proc. VLSI Test Symp., pp. 29–34, May 2000. [7] P. Girard, L. Guiller, C. Landrault, and S. Pravossoudovitch, A test vector inhibiting technique for low energy BIST design, in Proc. VLSI Test Symp., pp. 407–412, April 1999. [8] P. Girard, L. Guiller, C. Landrault, S. Pravossoudovitch, J. Figueras, S. Manich, P. Teixeira, and M. Santos, Low energy BIST design: Impact of the LFSR TPG parameters on the weighted switching activity, in Proc. Int. Symp.on Circuits and Systems, CD-ROM Proceedings, June 1999. [9] P. Girard, L. Guiller, C. Landrault, S. Pravossoudovitch, and H. J. Wunderlich, A modified clock scheme for a low power BIST test pattern generator, in Proc. VLSI Test Symp., pp. 306–311, May 2001. [10] D. Gizopoulos, N. Kranitis, A. Paschalis, M. Psarakis, and Y. Zorian, "Low Power/Energy BIST Scheme for Datapaths," in Proc. VLSI Test Symp., pp. 23–28, May 2000. [11] M. Abramovici, M. A. Breuer, and A. D. Friedman, Digital Systems Testing and Testable Design, IEEE Press, Revised Printing, Piscataway, NJ, 1994. [12] E. J. McCluskey, Logic Design Principles: With Emphasis on Testable Semicustom Circuits, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1986. D. Viswabharathi, K. Raghuram, G. Rajesh Kumar |
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251. | A Hybrid Cascaded Seven-Level Inverter With Novel Pulse
Width Modulation Technique For Pv Applications
A Hybrid Cascaded Seven-Level Inverter With Novel Pulse Width Modulation Technique For Pv ApplicationsAbstract: The most popular cascaded H-bridge apart from other multilevel inverters is the capability of utilizing different dc voltages on the individual H-bridge cells which results in splitting the power conversion amongst highervoltage lower-frequency and lower-voltage higher-frequency inverters. This paper proposes a single-phase seven-level inverter for gridconnected photovoltaic systems, with a novel pulse width-modulated (PWM) control scheme. Three reference signals that are identical to each other with an offset that is equivalent to the amplitude of the triangular carrier signal were used to generate the PWM signals. The inverter is capable of producing seven levels of outputvoltage levels (Vdc, 2Vdc/3, Vdc/3, 0, −Vdc,−2Vdc/3,−Vdc/3) from the dc supply voltage. In this paper a new nine level multilevel inverter with reduced number of switches is proposed and MATLAB/Simulink results are presented.Key words: Grid connected, modulation index, multilevel inverter, photovoltaic (PV) system, pulse width-modulated (PWM), total harmonic distortion (THD). Reference [1] M. Calais and V. G. Agelidis, ―Multilevel converters for single-phase grid connected photovoltaic systems—An overview,‖ in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Ind. Electron., 1998, vol. 1, pp. 224–229. [2] S. B. Kjaer, J. K. Pedersen, and F. Blaabjerg, ―A review of single-phase grid connected inverters for photovoltaic modules,‖ IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 41, no. 5, pp. 1292–1306, Sep./Oct. 2005. [3] P. K. Hinga, T. Ohnishi, and T. Suzuki, ―A new PWM inverter for photovoltaic power generation system,‖ in Conf. Rec. IEEE Power Electron. Spec. Conf., 1994, pp. 391–395. [4] Y. Cheng, C. Qian, M. L. Crow, S. Pekarek, and S. Atcitty, ―A comparison of diode-clamped and cascaded multilevel converters for a STATCOM with energy storage,‖ IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 53, no. 5, pp. 1512– 1521, Oct. 2006. [5] M. Saeedifard, R. Iravani, and J. Pou, ―A space vector modulation strategy for a back-to-back five-level HVDC converter system,‖ IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 452–466, Feb. 2009. [6] S. Alepuz, S. Busquets-Monge, J. Bordonau, J. A. M. Velasco, C. A. Silva, J. Pontt, and J. Rodríguez, ―Control strategies based on symmetrical components for gridconnected converters under voltage dips,‖ IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 56, no. 6, pp. 2162–2173, Jun. 2009. [7] J. Rodríguez, J. S. Lai, and F. Z. Peng, ―Multilevel inverters: A surveyof topologies, controls, and applications,‖ IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.,vol. 49, no. 4, pp. 724–738, Aug. 2002. [8] J. Rodriguez, S. Bernet, B. Wu, J. O. Pontt, and S. Kouro, ―Multilevel voltage-sourceconverter topologies for industrial mediumvoltage drives,‖ IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 54, no. 6, pp. 2930–2945, Dec. 2007. [9] M. M. Renge and H. M. Suryawanshi, ―Five-level diode clamped inverter to eliminate common mode voltage and reduce dv/dt in medium voltage rating induction motor drives,‖ IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 1598– 1160, Jul. 2008. [10] E. Ozdemir, S. Ozdemir, and L. M. Tolbert, ―Fundamentalfrequencymodulated six-level diodeclamped multilevel inverter for three-phase stand-alone photovoltaic system,‖ IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 56, no. 11, pp. 4407–4415, Nov. 2009. P.C Chakravarthy, M.Daivaasirvadam |
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252. | Heavy Metal Contamination In Soil Under The Application Of Polluted Sewage Water Across Vrishabhavathi River
Heavy Metal Contamination In Soil Under The Application Of Polluted Sewage Water Across Vrishabhavathi RiverAbstract: The main aim in this study is to assess the level of heavy metals concentration in soil profile and their mobility in the presence of pH and organic carbon ,where polluted water is used in agriculture. The samples of soil collected at different sites across Vrishabhavathi river valley have been analyzed for heavy metals, viz. Pb, Zn, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Fe and Mn using atomic absorption spectrophotometer. These values assessed with respect to reference soil taken from unpolluted soil profile. The heavy metals studied at all sampling sites compared with Indian Standards and all heavy metals are below permissible limits. The concentration of all the metals is high compared to the soil sample taken from unpolluted site shows the build up of heavy metal concentration using polluted water in irrigation. The % of organic carbon varies from 1.9 to 2.9 % in top layer and 1 to 1.6 % in the subsequent layer. The pH value is higher on top layer soil and decreases in subsequent layer.Key words: Heavy metals, Soil, Sewage water. Reference 1. M. Mahdavi and J.Jafari, Environmental Risks due to Application of Sewage Sludge in Farmlands, Ozean Journal of Applied Sciences 3(2), 2010, 303-311. 2. N. Gupta & D. K. Khan & S. C. Santra, Heavy metal accumulation in vegetables grown in a long-term wastewaterirrigated agricultural land of tropical India Environ Monit. Assess, 184, 201, :6673-668 3. R. K. Sharma and M. Agrawal, Effects of wastewater irrigation on heavy metal accumulation in soil and plants around Varanasi. In: Fiona M. Marshall (Ed.), Proceedings of National Seminar, New Horizons in Environmental Sciences and Engineering in India, 17-19 November 2004, Bangalore, abstract no.7: 8, 2004. 4. K. P Singh, D. Mohan, S.Sinha, & R.Dalwani. Impact assessment of treated / untreated wastewater toxicants discharged by sewage treatment plants on health, agricultural and environmental quality in the wastewater disposal area. Chemosphere, 55, 2004, 227-255. 5 a. Mitra and L K. Gupta, Effect of sewage water irrigation on essential plant nutrient and pollutant element status in a vegetable growing area around Calcutta. Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science 47, 1999, 99-105. 6 R. C. Tiwari , P.K . Saraswat and H. P.Agarwal, Changes in micronutrients status of soils irrigated with treated sewage water and tube well water, Journal of Indian society of soil science 51, 2003, 150-155. 7 S. P. Dutta, D. R. Biswas, N. Sharma and S.K. Ghosh , Effect of long terms application of sewage effluents on organic carbon, Bio available phosphorous and heavy metal status of soils and content of heavy metal in crops grown there on . Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science, 48, 2000, 836-839. 8 K. Fytianos, G. Katsianis, P.Triantafyllou, & G. Zachariadis, Accumulation of heavy metals in vegetables grown in an industrial area in relation to soil. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 67, 2001. 423-430. 9 R . H. Dwandy and V.V. Volk , Movement of heavy metals in soil, chemical mobility and reactivity in soil systems, Soil science society of America, Special publication Madosam Liissons in No 11,1993, 229-240. 10 N. K. Tandi, J. Nyamangara, and C. Bangira,: Environ mental and potential health effects of growing leafy vegetables on soil irrigated using sewage sludge and effluent: a case of Zn and Cu. Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part B, Pesticides, Food Contaminants and Agricultural Wastes, 39, 2004, 461-471. Jayadev, E.T. Puttaih |
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253. | Degradation of Acetamiprid in Wastewater by Ozonation
Degradation of Acetamiprid in Wastewater by OzonationAbstract: Pesticides belong to the class of persistent chemicals in the environment which cause serious health hazards. Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) represent the fast developing area in water and wastewater treatment by which non biodegradable and difficult to biodegradable compounds can be removed. This paper discusses the use of ozonation for the removal of insecticide acetamiprid from water. Response surface Methodology was used for the optimisation of the process parameters: ozone flow rate and pH. Key words: MAcetamiprid, Advanced Oxidation Process, Ozonation Reference [1] Walid K. Lafi, Z. Al-Qodah, Combined advanced oxidation and biological treatment processes for the removal of pesticides from aqueous solutions, J.Haz.Mat. B137 ,2006, 489-497 [2] J.M.Poyatos, M.M, munio, M.C.Almecija, J.C. Torres, E. Hontoria, F. Osoria,Advanced oxidation processses for wastewater treatment-Sate of the Art, Water Air Soil pollut, 205, ,2010, 187-204. [3] R. Munter, Advanced oxidation processes – current status and prospects, Proc.Estonian Acad. Acy. Chem. 50, 2001, 59-80 [4] M.B. Ray, J.Paul Chen, Lawrence K.Wang, Simo Olavi Penkonen, Advanced Oxidation Processes : In AL.K. Wang, Y-T Hung, N.K Shammas (eds), Handbook of Environmental Engineering, Vol 4:Advanced Physicochemical Treatment processes,( The Humana Press Inc.),463- 464 [5] Serge Chiron, Amadeo Fernandez Alba, Antonio Rodriguez, Eloy Garcia Calvo, Pesticide Chemical Oxidation: State of art, Water.Res. 34,2002, 366-377 [6] R.G. Rice, 1997, Application of ozone for industrial wastewater treatment — a review, Ozone Science and Engineering, International Ozone Association, USA, 1997, pp. 477–515. [7] Staehelin, J ., and J . Hoignè, Decomposition of ozone in water in the presence of organic solutes acting as promoters and inhibitors of radical chain reaction. Environmental Science and Technology,1985, 1206-1213 . [8] C. Kruithof and P.C. Kamp, The dilemma of pesticide control and by-product formation in the Heemsterk drinking water treatment plant design, Proceedings EAG Ozone Generation and Application to Water and Wastewater Treatment, Moskwa, 1998, 331–347 [9] Santiago Esplugas, Jaime Gimenez, sandra Contrerars, Esther Pascual, Miguel Rodriguez, Comparison of different advanced oxidation processes for phenol degrdation, Water Research, 36 ,2002,1034-1042 [10] Serge Chiron, Amadeo Fernandez Alba, Antonio Rodriguez, Eloy Garcia Calvo, Pesticide Chemical Oxidation: State of art, Water.Res. 34,2002,366-377 P.A.Fasnabi, C.S.Remya, G.Madhu |
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254. | A Decision Support Approach For Optimized Siting Of Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Case Study Tangier Morocco
A Decision Support Approach For Optimized Siting Of Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Case Study Tangier MoroccoAbstract: The selection of a landfill site is a strategic decision and complicated process in the management of solid waste. The objective of this paper is to identify the best municipal solid waste (MSW) facility sites with the combination of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Remote Sensing and a fuzzy optimization model to solve multicriteria decision making (MCDM) systems based on a fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (fuzzy AHP. The case study was made for the city of Tangier in North Morocco, which is rapidly evolving into a large urban area. The study employs a two-stage analysis to deal with the imprecise judgments of decision makers. The first stage makes use of a geographic information system (GIS) to provide a global visual representation of multi-efficient solutions which have been translated into multi-scale maps, multi-themes and representing homogeneous free waste landfill areas. The second stage makes uses of the process of fuzzy AHP hierarchical analysis to evaluate and reconsider homogeneous free aereas of waste landfill determined by the process of spatial analysis, and to identify the most suitable site. Our work offers a siting methodology and provides essential support for decision-makers in the assessment of waste management problems in Tangier.Key words: Landfill, GIS, AHP, Fuzzy, Remote sensing Reference [1] TINI, A., La gestion des déchets solides ménagers Niamy au Niger : Essai pour une stratégie de gestion durable, Lyon, 2003. [2] Abdoli, M.A., Recycling of Municipal Solid Wastes. Tehran University, Iran, 2005. [3] Tchobanoglous, G., Theisen, H., Vigil, S.A., Integrated Solid Waste Management, Engineering Principles and Management Issues. McGraw-Hill, New York, USA, 1993. [4] N. B. Chang, G. Parvathinathan and J. B. Breeden, Combining GIS with Fuzzy Multicriteria Decision Making for Landfill Siting in a Fast-Growing Urban Region. Journal of Environmental Management, Vol. 87, No. 1, pp. 139-153, 2008. [5] Kontos, T., Komilis, D.P., Halvadakis, C.P., Siting MSW landfills with a spatial multiple criteria analysis methodology. Waste Management 25, 818–832, 2005. [6] Mazaher Moeinaddini, Siting MSW landfill using weighted linear combination and analytical hierarchy process AHP methodology in GIS environment case study, Karaj. Waste Management 30 912– 920, 2010. [7] Saaty, T.L., The Analytical Hierarchy Process, Planning Priority, Resource Allocation ,1980. [8] Chen, S.M., Evaluating weapon systems using fuzzy arithmetic operations. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 77, 265–276, 1996. [9] Lin, H., Kao, J., Enhanced spatial model for landfill siting analysis. J. Environ. Eng. 125, 845–851,1998. [10] Ahmad Al-Hanbali,, Using GIS-Based Weighted Linear Combination Analysis and Remote Sensing Techniques to Select Optimum Solid Waste Disposal Sites within Mafraq City, Jordan. Journal of Geographic Information System, 3, 267- 278, 2011. Bennis Kaoutar, Bahi Lahcen |
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255. | Implementation of a Automatic Dual Fuel Injection system in a CI Engine
Implementation of a Automatic Dual Fuel Injection system in a CI EngineAbstract: The paper investigates the result on the existing diesel engine that can suitably modified to operate on the diesel fuel mode to conserve diesel and also reduce environmental pollution. The conventional fuels, petrol's and diesel for internal combustion engines are exhausted at an alarming rate, due to increase of vehicle population and also these fuel causes environmental problems. Make these things in mind the diesel engine can be made to run on LPG as well. LPG carburetor is incorporated on the air intake side of the engine. The fuel injection system is also altered so that it injects only pilot fuel. The LPG will be automatically given to the air take of the engine and flow will be varied manually. At higher engine loads, the dual fuel mode is superior to the pure diesel mode of operation.Key words: Diesel, LPG, Emissions, Dual fuel engine, Performance Reference [1] G.A. Rao, A.V.S. Raju, K. GovindaRajuluand C.V. Mohan Rao Performance evaluation of a dual fuel engine (Diesel + LPG), Dr.Paul Raj Engineering College, Bhadrachalam, Dist.Khammam-507111 (A.P.), India [2] Qing Yang, Hongguang Zhang, Guansheng Huang, YoutongZhang, Changqichen, A Study on the Solenoid Valve in Diesel Engine - (Department of vehicle engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081 [3] PIC Microcontrollers - Programming in CMilan Verle - mikroElektronika; 1st edition (2009) (p.g. 2.1 to 3.12)Bosch (2004) "automotive electrics automotiveelectronics" Bentley publishers, U.S.A [4] Zelenka P, Aufinger H, ReczekW, CartellieriW 1998 Cooled EGR–A technology for future efficient HD diesels SAE 980190. [5] A. C. Alkidas, Combustion advancements in gasoline engines, International Journal of Energy Conversion and Management, 48, 2751- 2761, 2007. [6] M.P. Poonia, Experimental investigation of the factors affecting the performance of a LPG-Diesel dual fuel mode. SAE Transactions, 1999-01-1123, 1999. [7] M.P. Poonia, Experimental investigation on the performance of a LPG-Diesel dual fuel engine. XV National Conference on I.C Engines and Combustion, Vol.1, 1997, 117 - 122. [8] Sridhar G, Paul PJ, Mukunda HS. Biomass derived producer gas as a reciprocating engine fuel—an experimental analysis. Int J Biomass Bioenergy 2002;121:61–72. [9] Uma, R., Kandpal, T.C. and Kishore, V.V.N. 2004. Emission characteristics of an electricity generation system in diesel alone and dual fuel mode. Biomass Bioenergy 27 : 195-203. [10] Alam M, Goto S, Sugiyama K. Performance and emissions of a DI diesel engine operated with LPG and ignition improving additives. SAE 2001-01-3680, 2001. [11] Parikh PP, Bhave AG, Kapse DV, Shashikantha. Study of thermal and emission performance of small gasifier dual fuel engine systems. Int J Biomass 1989;19:75–97. A.Kumaraswamy, B. Durga Pr |
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256. | Sand Dam Reservoir – Need Of Semi Arid Areas
Sand Dam Reservoir – Need Of Semi Arid AreasAbstract: In dry land areas of India, episodic shortages of water are quite common. In many areas, Women have to spend days traveling long distances looking for water. Any development or rehabilitation of water supply schemes should aim to ensure reliable and adequate water supply and sanitation. The development of appropriate and affordable community water supply systems calls for innovative rain and runoff water management technologies for domestic, livestock, and supplemental irrigation uses. The water held in sand dam behind the dam spread horizontally creating a permanent increase in water table allowing trees grow natural and transforming the local ecology. The dam creates a natural buffer that reduces the threat posed by flooding and drought & built resilience of communities to cope with the impacts of climate change in semiarid regions. Sand dam retains 25 % water of sand stored on its upstream which will flow down if the sand dam is not constructed. Sand dams are relatively simple to construct and can be built by a constituent community for their own empowerment and self-sufficiency. The materials required are mostly local and reconfigured from the stream itself.Key words: Ground water, permeability, sand dam, sand reservoir. Reference 1. R. Lasage a, j. Aerts a, g.-c.m. mutiso b, a. De vries c, "Potential for community based adaptation to droughts: Sand dams in kitui, kenya" 18 may 2007. 2. Aerts, J.C.J.H., 2005. Adaptation for river basins: connecting policy goals to the water resources system. Water Science and Technology 51 (5), 121–131. 3. Beimers, P.B., van Eick, A.J., Lam, K.S., Roos, B., 2001. Building sand-storage dams, SASOL Foundation Kitui District, Kenya, Practical work report, Delft University of Technology, p. 100. 4. Borst, L., de Haas, S.A., 2006. Hydrology of sand storage dams: a case study in the Kiindu catchment, Kitui District, Kenya, Vrije Univer-siteit, Amsterdam, p. 146. 5. Central Bureau of Statistics, 2001. 1999 Population and Housing Census, vol. II, Govenment printer, Nairobi 6. Nissen-Petersen, E., 1982. Rain catchments and water supply in rural Africa: a manual. United Kingdom, Hodder and Stoughton. Bungay, Suffolk, UK, p. 83. Prof. Jadhav M. V., Er. Shaikh A. P., Er. Gite B.E., Er. Yadav A. P. |
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257. | Design and Analysis of 6T SRAM Cell with low Power Dissipation
Design and Analysis of 6T SRAM Cell with low Power DissipationAbstract: In the current technology demand for SRAM is increasing drastically due to its usage in almost all embedded systems, forms a integral part of computer, System On Chip and high performance processors and VLSI circuits etc. The Power Consumption has become a major concern in Very Large Scale Integration circuit designs and reducing the power dissipation has become challenge to the Low power VLSI designers. As power dissipation increases with the scaling of the technologies. As the feature size shrinks ,static power has become a great challenge for current and future technologies. In this research work, we design 6T SRAM and some of the techniques to reduce the leakage power using like sleep approach, stack approach techniques which reduces the leakage power without changing the exact operation of SRAM. The proposed circuits were designed in 0.18um CMOS VLSI technology with a Microwind tool, and measure the power dissipation for the different design approach in Advanced BSIM4 level. Power reduction is achieved with associated area overhead. The total power dissipation is lower by 40% as compared to the 6T SRAM cell.Key words: Power dissipation, sleep, stack, leakage power. Referencec [1] H.P.Rajani and Shrimannarayan Kulkarni "Ultra low power 50nm SRAM for Temperature Invarient Data Retention"in CIIT 2011,CCIS 250,pp. 87-92. [2] International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors by Semiconductor Industry Association, http://public.itrs.net, 2007. [3] M. Powell, S.-H. Yang, B. Falsafi, K. Roy and T. N. Vijay Kumar, "Gated-Vdd: A Circuit Technique to Reduce Leakage in Deep submicron Cache Memories," International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design, pp. 90-95, July 2000. [4] Z. Chen, M. Johnson, L. Wei and K. Roy, "Estimation of Standby Leakage Power in CMOS Circuits Considering Accurate Modeling of Transistor Stacks," International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design, pp. 239- 244, August 1998. [5] Atluri.Jhansi,K.Harikishore, "Designing anad Analysis of 8Bit SRAM Cell with Low Subthreshold Leakage Power. [6] Andrei Pavlov, and Manoj Sachdev, "CMOS SARM Design and Parametric Test in NAno-Scaled Technology: Process-Aware SRAM Design and Test," Springer, 2008. [7] R. Jacob Baker, H.W. Li, D.E. Boyce, " CMOS Circuit Design, Layout and Simulation," PHI 1998. Soumya Gadag, Raviraj D.Chougala |
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258. | Power Upgrading of Transmission Line by Combining AC–DC Transmission
Power Upgrading of Transmission Line by Combining AC–DC TransmissionAbstract: Long extra high voltage (EHV) ac lines cannot be loaded to their thermal limits in order to keep sufficient margin against transient instability. With the scheme proposed in this project, it is possible to load these lines very close to their thermal limits. The conductors are allowed to carry usual ac along with dc superimposed on it. The added dc power flow does not cause any transient instability. This project gives the feasibility of converting a double circuit ac line into composite ac–dc power transmission line to get the advantages of parallel ac–dc transmission to improve stability and damping out oscillations. Simulation and experimental studies are carried out for the coordinated control as well as independent control of ac and dc power transmissions. No alterations of conductors, insulator strings, and towers of the original line are needed. Substantial gain in the load ability of the line is obtained. Master current controller senses ac current and regulates the dc current orders for converters online such that conductor current never exceeds its thermal limit.Key words: Extra high voltage (EHV) transmission, flexible ac transmission system (FACTS), power system computer-aided design (PSCAD) simulation, simultaneous ac–dc power transmission. Reference [1] L. K. Gyugyi, ―Unified power flow concept for flexible A.C. transmission system,‖ Proc. Inst. Elect. Eng., p. 323, Jul. 1992. [2] L. K. Gyugyi et al., ―The unified power flow controller; a new approach to power transmission control,‖ IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 1085–1097, Apr. 1995. [3] N. G. Hingorani, ―FACTS—flexible A.C. transmission system,‖ in Proc. Inst. Elect. Eng. 5th. Int. Conf. A.C. D.C. Power Transmission, London, U.K., 1991. [4] P. S. Kundur, Power System Stability and Control. New York: Mc- Graw-Hill, 1994. [5] K. P. Basu and B. H. Khan, ―Simultaneous ac-dc power transmission,‖ Inst. Eng. (India) J.-EL, vol. 82, pp. 32–35, Jun. 2001. [6] H. Rahman and B. H. Khan, ―Enhanced power transfer by Simultaneous transmission of AC-DC: a new FACTS concept,‖ in Proc. Inst. Elect. Eng. Conf. Power Electronics, Machines, Drives, Edinburgh, U.K., Mar. 31– Apr. 2 2004, vol. 1, pp. 186–191. [7] A. Clerici, L. Paris, and P. Danfors, ―HVDC conversion of HVAC line to provide substantial power upgrading,‖ IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 324–333, Jan. 1991. [8] Padiyar, HVDC Power Transmission System. New Delhi, India: Wiley Eastern, 1993. [9] E. W. Kimbark, Direct Current Transmission. New York: Wiley, 1971, vol. I. [10] J. Arillaga and N. R.Watson, Computer Modelling of Electrical Power Systems. Chichester, U.K.: Wiley, 2003. P. Vijay Kumar Babu, P. Bhaskara Prasad, M.Padma Lalitha |
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259. | Enhanced Signal Denoising Performance by EMD-based Technique
Enhanced Signal Denoising Performance by EMD-based TechniqueAbstract: Empirical mode decomposition (EMD) is one of the most efficient methods used for nonparametric signal denoising. In this study wavelet thresholding principle is used in the decomposition modes resulting from applying EMD to a signal. The principles of hard and soft wavelet thresholding including translation invariant denoising were appropriately modified to develop denoising methods suited for thresholding EMD modes. We demonstrated that, although a direct application of this principle is not feasible in the EMD case, it can be appropriately adapted by exploiting the special characteristics of the EMD decomposition modes. In the same manner, inspired by the translation invariant wavelet thresholding, a similar technique adapted to EMD is developed, leading to enhanced denoising performance.Key words: Denoising, EMD, Wavelet thresholding Reference [1] Kopsinis and S. McLauugin, "Empirical mode decomposition based denoising techniques," in Proc. 1st IAPRW Workshop Cong. Inf. Process [2] N.E, Huang et al., "The empherical mode decomposition and the Hilbert spectrum for nonlinear and non-stationary time series analysis," Proc, Ray, Soc. London A, vol, pp. 903-995, Mar, 1998. [3] L. Cohen, Time-Frequency analysis. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:Prentice- Hall, 1995. [4] S.Mallat, A wavelet Tour of Signal Processingm, 2 nd ed. New York: Acedamic, 1999. [5] P. Flandrin, G Rilling, and P. Goncalves, "Empirical mode decomposition as a filter bank," IEEE Signal Process. Lett., vol. 11, pp. 112-114, Feb. 2004. [6] G. Rilling and P. Flandrin, "One or two frequencies? The empirical mode decomposition answers," IEEE Trans. Signal Process., PP. 85-95, Jan 2008. [7] G. Rilling and P. Flandrin, "One or two frequencies? The empirical mode decomposition answers," IEEE Trans. Signal Process., PP. 85-95, Jan 2008. [8] Y. Washizawa, T. Tanaka, D.P. Mandic, and A. Cichocki, "A flexible method for envelope estimation in empirical mode decomposition," in Proc. 10 th Int. Conf. Knowl. –Based Intell. Inf. Eng. Syst. (KES 2006), Bournemouth, U.K., 2006. [9] Y. Kopsinis and S. McLauglin, "Investigation and performance enhancement of the empirical mode decomposition method based on a heuristic search optimization approach, "IEEE Trans. Signal process., pp. 1-13, Jan. 2008. [10] Y. Kopsininsm and S.McLauglin, " Improvement EMDusing doubly-iterative sifting and high order spiline interpolation, "EURASIP J.Adv. Signal Proecss., vol. 2008, 2008. Sreedevi Gandham, T. Sreenivasulu Reddy |
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