Volume 3- Issue 2 [Mar-Apr 2013]
S.No. | Title & Authors | Page | Downloads |
Paper submitted to IJERA : 850 Accepted papers by peer review process : 303 Rejected Paper : 547 Paper Acceptance percentage : 35.64% |
1. | Categorisation Of Clay Deposits In The Federal Capital Territory Of Abuja Analysis of Innovative Design of Energy Efficient Hydraulic ActuatorsAbstract: Clay deposits in the Federal Capital Territory of Abuja were investigated with a view to categorizing them in order to determine their suitability as insulating refractory material. The samples were collected from three different locations in the territory, namely Sheda, Abaji and Karimu, and labeled A, B, and C. In order to project a better representation of the territory, the samples were mined from ten cites each. The mined clay samples from the ten cites were mixed properly and a representative specimen for test from that location was produced using the cone and quartering system as recommended by the American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM). Atomic Absorption Spectrometer(AAS) was used to determine the chemical composition, while other established processes were used to determine other insulating properties like particle size distribution, specific gravity, bulk density, solid density, water absorption, apparent porosity, permeability to air, refractoriness, thermal shock resistance, modulus of rupture, linear shrinkage and thermal conductivity. The chemical analysis showed that all the samples had high percentages of silica and alumina, thereby classifying them as Alumino-silicates. The values for specific gravity, bulk density, solid density and apparent porosity averaged 2.75, 2.04 g/cm3 , 3.18 g/cm3 , and 13% respectively and they were within the internationally accepted range. The values for linear shrinkage, permeability to air and thermal shock averaged 8.57% 69.4, and 29+ respectively and these also were within the accepted limits. The values for modulus of rupture and thermal conductivity averaged 81 MN/m2 and 0.494 W/moK. The refractoriness of all the samples were >1300oC and this showed that they could be used as insulating materials.Reference 1. Agha O A (1998) Testing of local refractory clay for producing furnace lining bricks. M. Eng. Thesis: Mech. Eng. Dept. F.U.T. Minna 2. Akinbode F O. (1996). An investigation on the properties of termite hill as refractory material for furnace lining: Indian Foundry Journal. Pp 11-13 3. Abifarin M. S. (1999) Investigation on local refractory materials for high temperature applications, PhD Thesis mech. eng. dept. Federal University Of Technology, Minna 4. IEE (1992) Wiring regulation requirement for electrical installation BS7671 , 15th Edition , A Mclay and co. Ltd Cardiff 5. Ijagbemi C.O.(2002) Development and performance evaluation of a biomass clay lined cookstove. Meng thesis , Department of mechanical Federal University of Technology Akure, Nigeria. 6. Li Zaigeng and Zhou Ningsheng (2001) Technological advancement in the preparation and application of monolithic refractories. China's refractories Volume 10 number 1 7. Mahmoud S., Ayman H and Mousa A (2003) Pretreatment effects on the catalytic activity of Jordanian bentonite . Journal of the clay mineral society Volume 51 number 1 8. Manukaji J.U.(2004) An investigation into the use of local clays as a high temperature insulator for electric cookers. PhD Thesis mech. eng. dept. Federal University Of Technology, Minna 9. Oaikhinan E.P (1988) Rheological properties of certain Nigerian clay. Proceedings of the international ceramic conference Australia. 10. Olusola E O (1998) Investigation of Zungeru clay as refractory material for high temperature applications M. Eng. Thesis, Dept. of mech. engrg. F. U. T. Minna 11. Obi V S (1995) Experimental analysis of clay for refractory purpose , B.Eng. Thesis, Dept. of mech. engrg. F. U. T Minna pp 34-48 12. Theraja B. L. and Theraja A. K , (1999) Electrical technology, S. Chand and co. Ltd, New Delh |
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2. | The Effects Of Sawdust Addition On The Insulating Characteristics Of Clays From The Federal Capital Territory Of Abuja
The Effects Of Sawdust Addition On The Insulating Characteristics Of Clays From The Federal Capital Territory Of AbujaAbstract: l Capital of Abuja like linear shrinkage, solid density, apparent porosity and thermal conductivity were characterized with a view of studying the effect of sawdust on them. The results showed that the linear shrinkage improved from an average of 8.57% for the three samples for 0% sawdust to an average of 8.32% with 40% addition of saw dust, bringing them closer to the lower range of the international standard of 7-10%. Solid density averaged 3.18g/cm3 with 0% saw dust and 2.91g/cm 3 with 40% saw dust, still bringing them closer to the international range of 2.3-3.5g/cm3 . Apparent porosity averaged 13% with 0% saw dust and 17% with 40% addition of saw dust bringing them closer to the acceptable range of 20-80%. while thermal conductivity averaged 0.493W/mo k with 0% saw dust and 0.134W/mo k with 40% saw dust thereby improving their insulating properties. This 40% sawdust addition was discovered to be the maximum under which mechanical strength and other refractory properties of clay will remain stable.Reference 1. Agha O A (1998) Testing of local refractory clay for producing furnace lining bricks. M. Eng. Thesis: Mech. Eng. Dept. F.U.T. Minna 2. Akinbode F O. (1996). An investigation on the properties of termite hill as refractory material for furnace lining: Indian Foundry Journal. Pp 11-13 3. Abifarin M. S. (1999) Investigation on local refractory materials for high temperature applications, PhD Thesis mech. eng. dept. Federal University Of Technology, Minna 4. Brady N.C. and Ray R.W. (1999). The Nature properties of soil, 20th Edition and Pub Prentice-Hall Inc. New Jersey 5. Hans T. (1994) Industrial Minerals and rocks, 6th Edition, Pergamon Press, Oxford. 6. IEE (1992) Wiring regulation requirement for electrical installation BS7671 , 15th Edition , A Mclay and co. Ltd Cardiff 7. Ijagbemi C.O.(2002) Development and performance evaluation of a biomass clay lined cookstove. Meng thesis , Department of mechanical Federal University of Technology Akure, Nigeria. 8. Li Zaigeng and Zhou Ningsheng (2001) Technological advancement in the preparation and application of monolithic refractories. China's refractories Volume 10 number 1 9. Mohammed A. D. and Agbajelola D. O. (2011) Characterization of some selected clay deposits in Benue State. A paper presented at the 2nd Biennial Engineering Conference. School of Engineering and Engineering technology, Federal University of Technology, Minna 10. Mahmoud S., Ayman H and Mousa A (2003) Pretreatment effects on the catalytic activity of Jordanian bentonite . Journal of the clay mineral society Volume 51 number 1 Manukaji John U. |
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A Review On Historical And Present Developments In Ejector Systems
A Review On Historical And Present Developments In Ejector SystemsAbstract: Ejectors are simple pieces of equipment. Nevertheless, many of their possible services are overlooked. They often are used to pump gases and vapours from a system to create a vacuum. However, they can be used for a great number of other pumping situations. This paperprovides reviewon the development in ejectors, applications of ejector systems and system performance enhancement. Several topics are categorized provides useful guidelines regarding background and operating principles of ejector including mathematical modelling, numerical simulation of ejector system, geometric optimizations. Research works carried out recently are still limited to computer modelling, forthe real industrial applications more experimental and large-scale work are needed in order to provide better understanding.Reference [1] Riffat SB, Jiang L, Gan G. Recent Development in Ejector Technology: A Review. International Journal of Ambient Energy1995; 26:13–26. [2] Chunnanond K, Aphornratana S. Ejectors: Applications in Refrigeration Technology. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2004; 8:129–55. [3] Abdulateef JM, Sopian K, Alghoul MA, Sulaiman MY. 'Review on Solar-Driven Ejector Refrigeration Technologies. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2009; 13:1338–49. [4] El-Dessouky H, Ettouney H, Alatiqi I, AlNuwaibit G. 'Evaluation of Steam Jet Ejectors' Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification' 2002; 41:551–61. [5] Pianthong K, Seehanam W, Behnia M, Sriveerakul T, Aphornratana S. 'Investigation and Improvement of Ejector Refrigeration System Using Computational Fluid Dynamics Technique' Energy Conversion and Management 2007; 48:2556–64. [6] Ma X, Zhang W, Omer SA, Riffat SB. Experimental investigation of a novel steam ejector refrigerator suitable for solar energy applications. Applied Thermal Engineering 2010; 30:1320-5. [7] Chunnanond K, Aphornratana S. 'AnExperimental Investigation of a Steam Ejector Refrigerator: The Analysis of the Pressure Profile along the Ejector'. Applied Thermal Engineering 2004; 24:311–22. [8] Selvaraju A, Mani A. Experimental investigation on R134a vapour ejector refrigeration system. International Journal of Refrigeration 2006; 29: 1160–6. [9] Sankarlal T, Mani A. Experimental Investigations on Ejector Refrigeration System with Ammonia. Renewable Energy 2007; 32:1403–13. [10] Chaiwongsa P, Wong wises S. Experimental study on R-134a refrigeration system using a two-phase ejector as an expansion device. Applied Thermal Engineering 2008; 28:467–77 Mohammed Raffe Rahamathullah, Karthick Palani, Thiagarajan Aridass, Prabakaran Venkatakrishnan, Sathiamourthy, Sarangapani Palani |
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5. | An Adaptive PID Controller for Reinforcement of Carbon Steel:Performance Analysis using MATLAB Simulink
An Adaptive PID Controller for Reinforcement of Carbon Steel:Performance Analysis using MATLAB SimulinkAbstract: The strength of any material is dependent on the grain size and percentage of volume fraction recrystallization. In this Paper, a new approach for controlling microstructure development during hot working process by percentage of volume fraction recrystallization is proposed. Here two different methods are employed. One of the approaches is based on the Optimal Control theory and involves the developing of state space models to describe the material behavior and the mechanics of the process. This approach is applied to obtain the desired percentage of volume fraction recrystallization of '1' from an initial value of '0'. The standard Arrehenious equation of 0.3% carbon steel is utilized to obtain an optimal deformation path such that the percentage of volume fraction recrystallization should be 1. The plant model is developed and an appropriate optimality criterion is selected to maintain strain, strain rate and temperature. The state-space model together with an optimality criterion is used to control the percentage of volume fraction recrystallization using Linear Quadratic Regulator method. In the other approach PID controller is employed for the plant model (microstructure development). The simulation is done on various values for percentage of volume fraction recrystallization using both the controllers by MATLAB simulink toolbox. When comparing the responses, the PID controller provides better performance compared with LQR. Resulting tabulated performance indices showed a considerable improvement in settling time besides reducing steady state error.Key words: Carbon steel, strain, strain rate, Temperature, PID Controller, LQR. Reference [1] D.E. Kirk: Optimal Control Theory: An Introduction, Prentice-Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1970, pp. 29-46 and pp. 184-309. [2] W.G.Frazieret.al."Application of control theory principles to optimization of grain size during hot extrusion," Materials Science and Technology, Vol 14, pp.25-31, Jan 1998. [3] James C Malaset.al.,"Optimization of microstructure development during hot working using control theory,"Metullurgical and Materials Transactions A, Vol 28 A, pp.1921-1930, Sep 1997. [4]. L.W. Ma, X. Wu and K. Xia,"Microstructure and property of a medium carbon steel processed by equal channel angular pressing", materials forum volume 32 –2008, Edited by J.M. Cairney, S.P. Ringer and R. Wuhrer© Institute of Materials Engineering Australasia Ltd. [5] S.Venugopalet.a.l, "Optimization of Microstructure during Deformation Processing Using Control Theory Principles", ScriptaMaterialia, vol. 36:3, 347-353 (Feb. 1, 1997). [6] R.Sumathi, M.Usha,"Microstructure development by controlling grain size", Journal of computer science and control systems, Vol.5, No.2, October 2012. [7] Monika HRADILOVÁa,b, Frank MONTHEILLET, Anna FRACZKIEWICZ, Christophe DESRAYAUD and Pavel LEJČEK, "Microstructure development of cadoped mg–zn alloy during hot deformation ", 23. – 25. 5. 2012, Brno, Czech Republic, EU. Ramakrishnan Sumathi, Mahalingam Usha |
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6. | Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles from Microbial Source-A Green Synthesis Approach, and Evaluation of its Antimicrobial Activity against Escherichia coli
Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles from Microbial Source-A Green Synthesis Approach, and Evaluation of its Antimicrobial Activity against Escherichia coliAbstract: Nanoparticles synthesis by biological methods using various microorganisms, plants, and plant extracts and enzymes have attracted a great attention as these are cost effective, nontoxic, eco-friendly and an alternative to physical and chemical methods. In this research, Silver nanoparticles (Ag-NPs) were synthesized from AgNO3 solution by green synthesis process with the assistance of microbial source only. The detailed characterization of the Ag NPs were carried out using UV-visible spectroscopy, Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Energy dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS), Dynamic light scattering (DLS) analysis, and their antimicrobial evaluation was done against Escherichia coli. The UV-visible spectroscopy analysis showed the surface plasmon resonance property of nanoparticles. The DLS analysis showed the particle distribution of synthesized silver nanoparticles in solution, and SEM analysis showed the morphology of nanoparticles. The elemental composition of synthesized sample was confirmed by EDS analysis. Antibacterial assay of synthesized Ag NP was carried out in solid (Nutrient Agar) growth medium against E.coli. The presence of zone of inhibition clearly indicated the antibacterial activity of silver nanoparticles.Key words: MAntibacterial assay, eco-friendly, nanoparticles, silver nanoparticles, zone of inhibition Reference [1] Kim, S.W., Nam, S.H. and An, Y.J., Interaction of silver nanoparticles with biological surfaces of Caenorhabditis elegans. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf, 77, 2011, 64-70. [2] Hussain, S.M., Hess, K.L., Gearhart, J.M., Geiss, K.T. and Schlager, J.J., In vitro toxicity of nanoparticles in BRL 3A rat liver cells. Toxicol In Vitro, 19 (7), 2005, 975-983(2005) [3] Premanathan, M., Karthikeyan, K., Jeyasubramanian, K. and Manivannan, G., Selective toxicity of ZnO nanoparticles toward Gram-positive bacteria and cancer cells by apoptosis through lipid peroxidation. Nanomedicine, 7 (2), 2011, 184-192. [4] Srivastava, M., Singh, S. and Self, W.T., Exposure to silver nanoparticles inhibits selenoprotein synthesis and the activity of thioredoxin reductase. Environ Health Perspect, 120 (1), 2012, 56-61. [5] Nagy, A., Harrison, A., Sabbani, S., Munson, R.S., Jr., Dutta, P.K. and Waldman, W.J., Silver nanoparticles embedded in zeolite membranes: release of silver ions and mechanism of antibacterial action. Int J Nanomedicine, 6, 2011, 1833- 1852. [6] Bhumkar, D.R., Joshi, H.M., Sastry, M. and Pokharkar, V.B., Chitosan reduced gold nanoparticles as novel carriers for transmucosal delivery of insulin. Pharm Res, 24 (8), 2007, 1415-1426(2007). [7] Arunachalam, R., Dhanasingh, S., Kalimuthu, B., Uthirappan, M., Rose, C. and Mandal, A.B., Phytosynthesis of silver nanoparticles using Coccinia grandis leaf extract and its application in the photocatalytic degradation. Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces, 94, 2012, 226-230. [8] Patil, R.S., Kokate, M.R. and Kolekar, S.S., Bioinspired synthesis of highly stabilized silver nanoparticles using Ocimum tenuiflorum leaf extract and their antibacterial activity. Spectrochim Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc, 91C, 2011, 234- 238. [9] Kumar, R., Roopan, S.M., Prabhakarn, A., Khanna, V.G. and Chakroborty, S., 'Agricultural waste Annona squamosa peel extract: Biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles'. Spectrochim Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc, 90,173-176. [10] Natrajan, Kannan, Subbalaxmi Selvaraj, and V. R. Ramamurthy. Microbial production of silver nanoparticles. Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures 5(1), 2010: 135-140. Behera S.S., Jha S., Arakha M., Panigrahi T.K. |
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7. | Recognition of Similar Shaped Handwritten Marathi Characters Using Artificial Neural Network
Recognition of Similar Shaped Handwritten Marathi Characters Using Artificial Neural NetworkAbstract: The growing need have handwritten Marathi character recognition in Indian offices such as passport, railways etc has made it vital area of a research. Similar shape characters are more prone to misclassification. In this paper a novel method is provided to recognize handwritten Marathi characters based on their features extraction and adaptive smoothing technique. Feature selections methods avoid unnecessary patterns in an image whereas adaptive smoothing technique form smooth shape of charecters.Combination of both these approaches leads to the better results. Previous study shows that, no one technique achieves 100% accuracy in handwritten character recognition area. This approach of combining both adaptive smoothing & feature extraction gives better results (approximately 75-100) and expected outcomes.Key words: character recognition, features Extraction, adaptive Smoothing, Image segmentation, pattern matching, Image Pixel Rating Reference [1] T.M. Mitchell, "Machine Learning", McGraw-Hill Education (ISE Editions), December 1997. [2] M. Zafar, D. Mohamad, M.M. Anwar, "Recognition of Online Isolated Handwritten Characters by Back propagation Neural Nets Using SubCharacter Primitive Features", IEEE Multitopic Conference( INMIC), 2006, pp. 157 - 162 [3] G. Vamvakas , B. Gatos, S. Petridis, N. Stamatopoulos , "An EfficientFeature Extraction and Dimensionality Reduction Scheme for Isolated Greek Handwritten Character Recognition", IEEE Ninth International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition(ICDAR ), 2007, vol. 2,pp. 1073 – 1077 Figure 2. Misclassification Rate of Bayesian Network and C4.5 with FULL,CFS and CON Features Sets 34 Computer Science & Information Technology (CS & IT) [4] J.R. Prasad, U.V. Kulkarni, R.S. Prasad, "Offline handwritten character recognition of Gujrati script using pattern matching", IEEE 3rd International Conference on Anticounterfeiting, Security,and Identification in Communication, 2009, pp. 611-615. [5] H.S. Park, S.W. Lee, "An HMMRFBased Statistical Approach for Off-line Handwritten Character Recognition", IEEE Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 1996, vol. 2, pp. 320 – 324. [6] C.L. Liu, H. Sako, H. Fujisawa, "Performance evaluation of pattern classifiers for handwritten character recognition", International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR), 2002, vol. 4, pp. 191–204. [7] N. Araki, M. Okuzaki, Y. Konishi , H. Ishigaki , "A Statistical Approach for Handwritten Character Recognition Using Bayesian Filter", IEEE 3rd International Conference on Innovative ComputingInformation and Control, 2008, pp. 194 – 194. [8] N. Arica, F.T. Yarman-Vural, "An Overview Of Character Recognition Focused On Off-line Handwriting", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 2001, vol. 31, pp. 216 –233. [9] F. Kahraman, A. Capar, A. Ayvaci, H. Demirel, M. Gokmen, "Comparison of SVM and ANN performance for handwritten character classification", Proceedings of the IEEE12th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, 2004, pp. 615 – 618. [10] B.K. Verma, "Handwritten Hindi Character recognition Using Multilayer Perceptron and Radial Basis Function Neural Networks," Proceedings of IEEE International conference on Neural Networks, 1995, vol. 4, pp. 2111- 2115. [11] J. Sutha, N. Ramaraj, "Neural Network Based Offline Tamil Handwritten Character Recognition System", IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 446 – 450. Mrs.Archana P.Jane, Prof.Mukesh.A.Pund |
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8. | An Overview Of Pavement Management System For Industrial Areas
An Overview Of Pavement Management System For Industrial AreasAbstract: With the current surge in national economy the industrial traffic has increased many folds in terms of quantity of load and traffic volume. This results in early deterioration of the roads. Also the serviceability reduces hampering the industry's supply of raw material and transport of finished goods. An efficient road transportation system is of vitally important for smooth operations of industrial units. Construction of new roads needs an enormous investment. However, once constructed the road network system requires huge resources to maintain serviceability and to ensure safe passage at an appropriate speed and with low VOC (Vehicle Operating Cost). Road maintenance is therefore an essential function and should be carried out on a timely basis. The cost of providing and maintaining the roads for the industrial areas at an acceptable serviceability level is quite high. It is therefore essential for a transportation engineer to attempt establishing an acceptable pavement condition level from economic, safety and environmental point of view. In today's economic environment of constrained budgets, as the existing road infrastructure has aged, a more systematic approach towards determining maintenance and rehabilitation needs is necessary. The efficient pavement management system shall provide objective information and useful analysis to ensure consistent and cost effective decisions related to preservation of existing industrial road network in healthy condition.Key words: Pavement, maintenance, management rehabilitation, transportation Reference 1. Allez, F., Dauzats,M., Joubert, P., Labat, G.P., and Pusselli, M. 1988. "ERASME: An Expert System for Pavement Maintenance". Transportation Research Record, 1205, pp 1-5. 2. Al-Shawi, M.A.,Cabrera, J.G., Watson, A.S, 1989. "Pavement Expert; An Expert to Assist in the Evaluation of Concrete Pavements". Proceeding of Transportation and Planning Meeting, Leeds, England, P293. 3. Ameri Mahmod, Eftehkarzadah Farhad. 2003. Pavement Management System forRoads. Iran Science and Technology University. 4. Ayati Esmail. 2004. Optimum Method for Distribution Road Maintenance Budget in the Country Road and Transportation quarterly journal. No. 47. pp.16-27. (In Persian). 5. Basri, NEA, 1999. "An Expert System for the Design of Composting Facilities in Developing Contries". PhD Dissertation, University of Leeds. 6. Bennett, C.R. and Paterson, W.D.O. (1999). Guidelines on Calibration and Adaptation. 7. Bennett, R. C. and Wang, H., "Harmonizing Automated Rut Depth Measurement", Report to Transfund, New Zealand, 2002 8. Broten, M., Corner, C., and Muntasir, A., 2004a. "State Airport Pavement Management Practices and the Impact on Pavement Condition". Presented at 6th International Conference on Managing Pavements, Queenland, Australia. 9. Chang Albitres, C., P. Krugler, and R. Smith. 2005. "A Knowledge Approach Oriented to Improved Strategic Decisions in Pavement Management Practices". 1st Annual Inter-university Symposium of Infrastructure Management. Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. 10. Chen. X, Weissmen. J. 1999. URMS; A Graphical Ban Road Way Management System of Network Level Transportation Research Record, Trr1337. Vivek S. Hokam, Dr. V. S. Landge |
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9. | Effects Of Different Fragmentation Thresholds On Data Dropped And Retransmission Attempts In A Wireless Local Area Network
Effects Of Different Fragmentation Thresholds On Data Dropped And Retransmission Attempts In A Wireless Local Area NetworkAbstract: act This paper discusses the effects of different fragmentation thresholds on data dropped and retransmission attempts in a wireless local area network. A wireless local area network (LAN) is a network that connects computer systems and devices within the same geographical area but without the use of wire. Fragmentation threshold is one of the parameters used in a wireless local area network which specifies the values to decide if the Media Access Control (MAC) Service Data Unit (MSDU) received from the higher layer network needs fragmentation before transmission. The number of fragments to be transmitted is calculated based on the size of the MSDU and the fragmentation threshold. OPNET IT guru 9.1 software was used for the analysis. Based on the graphical results obtained, it can be said that fragmentation increases the size of queue and the number of data dropped in a transmission, and also the smaller the fragmentation, the more increase in the retransmission attempts.Key words: Data dropped, fragmentation threshold, LAN, packet drop probability, retransmission attempts. Reference [1] Ralph M. Stair and George W. Renolds, Fundamentals of information systems (3 rd Edition,Thomson Course Technology, Massachusetts, USA, 2006) [2] Holtzman, J.M., Wireless technology (John Wiley and Sons, USA, 2007) [3] Chetoui Y. and Bouabdallah N., Adjustment mechanism for the IEEE 802.11 contention window: An efficient bandwidth sharing scheme, Computer Communications Journal, Vol. 30. No. 13 [4] Okeshi P.N., Fundamentals of wireless communication (Global Publishers Co., Lagos, Nigeria, 2009) [5] Andree Tanenbaum, Berry Ker cheval, LAN computer networks and network topology (2 ndedition, McGraw Hill, New York, 2009) [6] Achinkole S. O., Computer networks (Orient Printers and Communications, Accra, Ghana, 2010) [7] Makta M. H., Basic computer mmunication (Educational Printing & Publishers, Accra, 2008) [8] Ede K. I., A guide to wireless communication networks (Excellent Series Printers, Lagos, Nigeria, 2009) Isizoh A. N., Anazia A.E., Okide S.O., Okwaraoka C.A.P., Onyeyili T.I. |
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10. | Software-Based Visual Loan Calculator For Banking Industry
Software-Based Visual Loan Calculator For Banking IndustryAbstract: The use of Visual Loan calculator for banking industry is very necessary in modern day banking system using many design techniques for security reasons. This paper thus presents the software-based design and implementation of a Visual Loan calculator for banking industry using Visual Basic .Net (VB.Net). The fundamental approach to this is to develop a Graphical User Interface (GUI) using VB.Net operating tools, and then developing a working program which calculates the interest of any loan obtained. The VB.Net programming was done, implemented and the software proved satisfactory.Key words: Principal, rate, simple interest, time, Visual Basic .Net Reference [1] Ochi-Okorie A.S., Computer fundamentals: Introduction and utilization (Solid Rock Computer Press, Lagos, 2008) [2] Hutson Michael, Introduction to visual basic.net (John Wesley and Sons, New York, 2008) [3] Wright Peter, Beginning visual basic.net (Wrox Press Ltd, Canada, 2009) [4] Stroo Eric and Stuart J. Stuple , Microsoft visual basic programmer's guide (Microsoft Press, USA, 2007) [5] Kratter M. C., Practical use of visual studio 2008 (Prentice Hall Ltd, India, 2008) [6] Afata Emmanuella, Applications of visual basic .net (Chriscord Publishers Ltd, Accra, 2006) Isizoh A. N., Anazia A.E., Okide S.O., Onyeyili T.I., Okwaraoka C.A.P. |
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11. | Production of Household Paint using Clay Materials
Production of Household Paint using Clay MaterialsAbstract: The use of clay materials for the production of emulsion paints was investigated. Two types of clay: White tinged with Purple and Smooth clay (WSP) and Grey Brown and Coarse clay (GBC), were used for the production of Emulsion Clay Paints (ECP). Conventional Chemical pigmented Paint (CP) was also produced as a control. Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy, (AAS) was used to determine the chemical composition of the clay and the concentration of heavy metals on the paints produced. Total organic content (TOC) and quality control tests were also carried out on the paints. The results of the analysis on the two clay types showed that they contained (45.26 and 47.370) % of silicon oxide and (38.26 and 35.72) % of aluminum oxide respectively. ECP has TOC values of (0.34-0.52) % while CP has TOC value of (0.29-0.31). The cost per litre of CP was (N262.17) while that of ECP was (N111.64), which is about 50% lesser.Reference [1] J. D. Crowley, J. R. League, W. Jack, and J. R. Lowe, "A three Dimensional Approach to Solubility", Journal of Paint Technology, Vol. 38 No. 2, pp. 20 – 28, 2008. [2] M. Abidalla, "Natural house paint", Retrieved March 3rd 2011, from http://:www.ecologistcom, 2008. [3] S. C. Rangwala, "Pigment History of Chemistry Artistic importance of Colouring agents", retrieved March 4th , 2011, from http://www.pigmentcolour.com, 2009. [4] R. Binsacca, "VOC-free Paints and Natural Paints provide Eco-Friendly Options with comparable performance", retrieved April 25, 2011, from http://www.hanlevwood, 2008. [5] Nigerian Industrial Standard, NIS 278: Part 6, Standard for paint and varnishes, Nigerian Industrial Standard, Lagos, 1990. [6] World Health Organisation, Bentonite, Kaolin and selected Clay Minerals, Environmental Health Criteria 231,World Health Organisation, 2005. [7] EPA, Regulation for the use of primers, EPA Rule 4C CFR Part 63 subpart HHHHHH (EPA 6H Rule), United State, 2011. [8] K. Heller, H. Blatt, G. Middleton, and R. Murray, "Environmental Characteristics of Clays and Clay Minerals Deposits", retrieved May 3rd 2011, from: http://www.environmentalclay/characterist icsofclay/claymi neraldeposit.mht, 1987. [9] Nigerian Industrial Standard, NIS 273, Specification for emulsion paint for decorative purpose, Nigerian Industrial Standard, Lagos, 1990. A. Raheem, O. A. Olowu |
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12. | Detecting Copy Move Forgery In Digital Images
Detecting Copy Move Forgery In Digital ImagesAbstract: In today's world several image manipulation software's are available. Manipulation of digital images has become a serious problem nowadays. There are many areas like medical imaging, digital forensics, journalism, scientific publications, etc, where image forgery can be done very easily. To determine whether a digital image is original or doctored is a big challenge. To find the marks of tampering in a digital image is a challenging task. The detection methods can be very useful in image forensics which can be used as a proof for the authenticity of a digital image. In this paper we propose the method to detect region duplication forgery by dividing the image into overlapping block and then perform searching to find out the duplicated region in the image.Key words: — Image forgery, Copy move forgery, Block matching, PCA, Region duplication detection. Reference [1] Tao Jing Xinghua li, Feifei Zhang, Image Tamper Detection Algorithm Based on Radon and fourier-Mellin Transform",pp 212-215 IEEE 2010. [2] Sarah A. Summers, Sarah C. Wahl"Multimedia Security and Forensic Authentication of Digital images, "http://cs.uccs.edu/~cs525/studentproj/proj 52006/sasummer/doc/cs525projsummersW ahl.doc". [3] J. Fridrich, D. Soukal, and J. Lukas, "Detection of Copy-Move Forgery in Digital Images", in Proceedings of Digital Forensic Research Workshop, August 2003. [4] A. C. Popescu and H. Farid, "Exposing Digital Forgeries by Detecting Duplicated Image Regions," Technical Report, TR2004-515, Department of Computer Science, Dartmouth College, pp. 758-767, 2006. [5] Guoqiang Shen, Lanchi Jiang, Guoxuan Zhang, "An Image Retrieval Algorithm Based on Color Segment and Shape Moment Invariants," Second International Symposium. Computational Intelligence and Design vol. 10, no.2, pp. 517-521,2009. [6] M .Sridevi, C.Mala and S.Sandeep "Copy – move image forgery detection", Computer Science & Information Technology (CS & IT) , Vol. 52 pp. 19–29, 2012. [7] Hieu Cuong Nguyen and Stefan Katzenbeisser"Detection of copy-move forgery in digital images using Radon transformation and phase correlation" ,Eighth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, IEEE, pp. 134-137,2012. [8] X. Kang and S. Wei, "Identifying Tampered Regions Using Singular Value Decomposition in Digital Image Forensics," International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering, pp. 926-930, 2008. [9] B. Mahdian and S. Saic, "Detection of copy-move forgery using a method based on blur moment invariants.," Elsevier Forensic Science International, vol. 171, no. 2-3, pp. 180-189 Sep. 2007.. [10] S.-jin Ryu, M.-jeong Lee, and H.-kyu Lee, "Detection of Copy-Rotate- Move Forgery Using Zernike Moments," IH , LNCS 6387, vol. 1, pp. 51-65, 2010. [11] W. Luo, J. Huang, and G. Qiu, "Robust Detection of Region-Duplication Forgery in Digital Image," 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'06), pp. 746-749, 2006. Ashima Gupta, Nisheeth Saxena, S.K. Vasistha |
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13. | Measuring Performance Degradation in Multi-core Processors due to Shared resources
Measuring Performance Degradation in Multi-core Processors due to Shared resourcesAbstract: The effect of resource sharing in multicore processors can lead to many more effects most of which are undesirable. This effect of Cross-core interference is a major performance bottleneck. It is important that Chip multiprocessors (CMPs) incorporate methods that minimise this interference. To do so, some accurate measure of Cross Core Interference needs to be devised. This paper studies the relation between Instructions per cycle (IPC) of a core and the cache miss rate across various workloads of the SPECCPU 2006 benchmark suite by conducting experimentation on a Full System simulator and makes some important observations that need to be taken into account while allocating resources to a core in multi-core processors.Key words: : Chip Multiprocessors (CMPs), CrossCore Interference, Pre-fetching, Instructions Per Cycle (IPC), LLC ( Last Level cache)Miss rate Reference 1. Alexandra Fedorova, Margo Seltzer , Michael D. Smith, Improving Performance Isolation on Chip Multiprocessors via an Operating System Scheduler, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Parallel Architecture and Compilation Techniques( PACT'07), Page(s): 25-36. 2. Alex Settle, Dan Connors, Enric Gilbert, Antonio Gonzalez, A dynamically reconfigurable cache for multithreaded processors, Journal of Embedded Computing, Volume 2 Issue 2, April 2006, Page(s):221-233. 3. Lingjia Tang, Jason Mars, Mary Lou Soffa, Contentiousness vs Sensitivity: improving contention aware runtime systems on multicar architectures, Proceedings of 1st International Workshop on Adaptive Selftuning Computing Systems for the Exaflop Era ( EXADAPT'11), Pgs. 12-21 4. Moinuddin K. Qureshi and Yale N. Patt, Utility-Based Cache Partitioning: A LowOverhead, High-Performance, Runtime Mechanism to Partition Shared Caches, in Proceedings of the 39th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO 39). IEEE Computer Society: Orlando, Florida, USA, 2006, Pgs. 423–432 5. Nikrouz Faroughi, Profiling of parallel processing programs on shared memory multiprocessors using Simics, ACM SIGARCH, Pgs.51-56. 6. Sergey Zhuravlev, Sergey Blagodurov, Alexandra Fedorova, Addressing Shared Resource Contention in Multi-core Processors via Scheduling , Proceedings of the fifteenth edition of ASPLOS on Architectural support for programming languages and operating systems,ASPLOS'10, Pgs.129-142. 7. Xiaomin Jia,Jiang Jiang , Tianlei Jhao,Shubo Qi,Minxuan Zhang, Towards Online Application Cache Behaviors Identification in CMPs, Proceedings of the High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC), 2010 , Pgs. 1-8 8. Y Xie, G H Loh. Dynamic classification of program behaviors in CMPs. Proc Workshop on Chip Multiprocessor Memory Systems and Interconnects. Beijing, China, 2008., Pgs .28–36. 9. Rafael Rico, SPEC CPUint2006 characterization, Technical Report TRHPC -01-2009 10. Simics Programming Guide, Version 3.0. 11. Simics User Guide for Unix , Version 3.0. 12. www.spec.org 13. www.software.intel.com Sapna Prabhu, Dr. R.D. Daruwala |
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14. | Impact Of Land Use On Soils Quality And Erosion-Sedimentation Balance In The Malian Cotton Zone (Case Of Bélékoni Watershed)
Impact Of Land Use On Soils Quality And Erosion-Sedimentation Balance In The Malian Cotton Zone (Case Of Bélékoni Watershed)Abstract: Bélékoni watershed (120km2 ) is located in the upper basin of Niger River in Mali. The climate context (Sudanian zone) justify cotton production program. Analysis of last decades agricultural evolution impacts is the objective of the present study. Research methods include in situ observations and measurements and laboratory analysis. According French soil classification of 1967, three main soil types are distinguished in the watershed: Lithosol (soil1), Ferruginous Tropical Soil (soil2) and Mineral Hydromorphic Soil (soil3). Sol1 is marginal for cropping and wood development and the two others soils are indicated for actual agricultural intensification. Concerning land use, there are mainly cropland and land under natural vegetation, subjected to vainly grazing. The general trend is the soil degradation whereas land use. Carbon stock is low (20.2 t.ha-1 in the first 30 cm of soil profile). Soil 1 and 2 are affected by erosion, respectively 2.7 and 5.7 t.ha- 1 .yr-1 or 0.4 and 0.2 cm.yr-1 ; Soil3, located in the depression along river system is a sedimentation site: 10.1t.ha-1 .yr-1 or 0.7 cm.yr-1 . Major process currently affecting Bélékoni watershed are land use change, soil degradation and sedimentation in the river.Key words: erosion-sedimentation balance; land use; Mali; Sudanian zone; rotation cotton-cereal Reference [1] (Lambin EF., Turner B.L., Geist H.J., Agbola S.B., Angelsen A. Bruce J.W., Connes O.T et al, 2001; The causes of land-use and land-cover change: moving beyond the myths. Global Environmental Change 11 (2001) 261-269 [2] Lepers E., Lambin E. F., Anthony C., Defries J.R., Achard F., Ramankutty N., Scholes R.J, 2005 A synthesis of information on rapid land-cover change for the period 1981-2000. BioScience, February 2005/Vol.55 No.2 :115-124 [3] Wei W., Chen L., Fu B., Huang Z., Wu D., Gui L. 2007. The effect of land uses and rainfall regimes on runoff and soil erosion in the semi-arid loess hilly area, China. Journal of Hydrology (2007) 335, 247-258 [4] Odunze A.C., Jinshui W., Shoulong L., Hanhua Z., Tida G., Yi W., Qiao L. 2012 Soil quality changes and quality status: a case study of the subtropical china region Ultisol. British Journal of Environment & climate change 2(1):37-57, 2012 [5] Masse D (1987) Changements d'usage des terres dans les agro-systèmes d'Afrique sub-saharienne. Propriétés des sols et dynamique des matières organiques. Mémoire pour l'obtention du diplôme d'Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, soutenu à l'ENPT- ENSAT : 82 p [6] Post W.M., Kwon K.C. (2000) Soil carbon sequestration and land-use change: processes and potential. Global change Biology (2000) 6, 317-327 [7] Ostle N.J., Levy P.E., Evans C.D., Smith P. (2009). UK land use and soil carbon sequestration. Land use policy 265 (2009) 5274-5283 [8] Diallo D., Boli Z., Roose E (2007). Influence of No-Tillage on soil conservation, carbon sequestration and yield of Intensive rotation Maize-cotton: Research on Sandy Alfisoils of Cameroon and Mali. World Association of Soil and Water Conservation, special publication No.3, 383-392 [9] Wijesekara G.N., Gupta A., Valéo C., Hasbani J.G., Marceau J. (2010). Impact of land- use changes on the processes in the Elbow river watershed in southern Alberta. International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs) 2010 International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software Modelling for Environment's Sake, Fifth Biennal Meeting , Ottawa, Canada. David A.Swayne, Wanhong Yang, A.A Voinov, A.Rizzoli, T.Filatova (Eds). https://www.iemss.org/iemss2010/index.p hp?n=Main.Proceedings : 8p Consulted 07 January 2013 [10] DeFries R., Eshleman K.N. (2004). Landuse change and hydrologic processes: a major focus for the future. Hydrol. process. 18, 2183- 2186 Drissa Diallo, Aboubacar Bengaly, Gaiba Diarra, Philippe Bonte, Bruno Rapidel, Gil Mahe |
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15. | Ajax Architecture Implementation Techniques
Ajax Architecture Implementation TechniquesAbstract: Today's rich Web applications use a mix of Java Script and asynchronous communication with the application server. This mechanism is also known as Ajax: Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. The intent of Ajax is to exchange small pieces of data between the browser and the application server, and in doing so, use partial page refresh instead of reloading the entire Web page. AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is a powerful Web development model for browser-based Web applications. Technologies that form the AJAX model, such as XML, JavaScript, HTTP, and XHTML, are individually widely used and well known. However, AJAX combines these technologies to let Web pages retrieve small amounts of data from the server without having to reload the entire page. This capability makes Web pages more interactive and lets them behave like local applications. Web 2.0 enabled by the Ajax architecture has given rise to a new level of user interactivity through web browsers. Many new and extremely popular Web applications have been introduced such as Google Maps, Google Docs, Flickr, and so on. Ajax Toolkits such as Dojo allow web developers to build Web 2.0 applications quickly and with little effort.Key words: Web applications, Java Script, Web application 2.0, Ajax architecture technology Reference 1. Jesse James Garrett (18 February 2005). "Ajax: A New Approach to Web Applications". AdaptivePath.com. Retrieved 19 June 2008. 2. Ullman, Chris (March 2007). Beginning Ajax. wrox.ISBN 978-0-470-10675-4. Archived from the original on 5 July 2008. Retrieved 24 June 2008. 3. "Dynamic HTML and XML: The XMLHttpRequest Object". Apple Inc. Retrieved 25 June 2008. 4. Hopmann, Alex. "Story of XMLHTTP". Alex Hopmann's Blog. Retrieved 17 May 2010. 5. "A Brief History of Ajax". Aaron Swartz. 22 December 2005. Retrieved 4 August 2009. 6. "JavaScript Object Notation". Apache.org. Archived from the original on 16 June 2008. Retrieved 4 July 2008. 7. "Speed Up Your Ajax-based Apps with JSON". DevX.com.Archived from the original on 4 July 2008. Retrieved 4 July 2008. 8. "Why use Ajax?". InterAKT. 10 November 2005.Archived from the original on 29 May 2008. Retrieved 26 June 2008. 9. "Deep Linking for AJAX". 10. "HTML5 specification". Retrieved 21 October 2011. Syed.Asadullah Hussaini, S.Nasira Tabassum, M.Khader Baig |
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16. | Performance Evaluation Of Modified V-Blast In Mimo System
Performance Evaluation Of Modified V-Blast In Mimo SystemAbstract: The MIMO system (multiple Antennas at the transmitter and receiver)is a capable of very high theoretical capacities, the most popular architecture is so called vertical VBLAST. VBLAST is an effective detection method for MIMO communication system, but has large computational complexity due its successive iteration . In this paper we used modified VBLAST to lessen its computational complexity reducing the number of successive iterations. As a result of this simplification, the computational complexity of the detection is lowered significantly. Simulation results show that the proposed V-BLAST reduces calculation complexity by about 30% while achieving a very close BER performance s the original one.Key words: BER, MIMO, MMSE, Successive iteration-Blast. Reference 1. P. W. Wolniansky, G. J. Foschini, G. D. Golden, and R. A. Valenzuela, "V-BLAST: An architecture for realizing very high data rates over the rich-scattering wireless channel," in Proc. ISSSE, 1998, pp. 295– 300. 2. B. Hassibi ,"a fast square root implementation for BLAST ."in conf.Rec. thirty-fourth Asilomar conf.signals ,,syst,coinput,2000,pp.1255-1259. 3. G. D. Golden, C. J. Foschini, R. A. Valenzuela, and P. W. Wolniansky, "Detection algorithm and initial laboratory results using V-BLAST space-time communication architecture," Electron. Lett., vol. 35, no. 1,pp. 14–16, Jan. 1999. 4. Wong Kwan wai,chi-YingTsui and cheng,R.S" A low complexity architecture of the VBLAST System",WCNC.2000,vol1,223-28,sep2000. 5. TrungQ.Duong ,HoangTrang" performance evaluation of the V-BLAST syatem under correlated fading channels". 6. Jacob Benesty,Yiteng Huang, Jingdongchen,"A Fast Recursive Algorithm for Optimum Sequential Signal Detection in a BLAST System" IEEE 2003, vol51,no.7. 7. Cheng Meng , Janal Tuqan," precoded STBC-VBLAST for MIMO wireless communication Systems" 1-4244-0728- 1/07/IEEE 2007. 8. G.J.Foschini,"Layered Space –Time Architecture for wireless communication in a fading Environment when Using MultipleAntennas",Bell Laboratories Technical Journal, Vol.1,No.2,Autumn,1996,pp.41-59. 9. G.H Golub and C.F. Van Loan , Matrix Computations, third ed. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins Univ.press, 1996. Gesbert,D. BOleskei,H. "Outdoor MIMO wireless channels models and performance prediction ÏEEE Trans.commun,vol.50,no.12,Dec2002,pp 1926-1934. Ch.Suneetha, N.Harathi, K.Sudha |
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17. | A Review Of Failure Of Composite Materials
A Review Of Failure Of Composite MaterialsAbstract: Composite materials are ideal for aerospace applications due to their high strength to weight ratio and their excellent fatigue resistance. Fiber reinforced Composite is widely used in light weight structures for different applications. The main properties that describe a composite material are the engineering constants and the strength properties of a single unidirectional lamina that make the laminated structure. The experimental evaluation of these properties is quite costly and time consuming because they are functions of several variables such as the individual constituents of the composite, fiber volume fraction, packing geometry and fabrication processes. Hence, analytical models to predict these properties were developed by researchers to aid the design of composites. In recent years numerous failure theories have been proposed and are available to the composite structural designer. Object of this review is to gather the available guide lines for theoretical models of failure analysis of fiber reinforced Composite.Reference [1]. I.M. Daniel and O. Ishai, Engineering Mechanics of Composite Materials, Second Edition, Oxford University Press, 2005 [2]. C.T. Sun, B.J. Quinn, J. Tao, Purdue University, D.W. Oplinger, William J. Hughes Technical Center, "Comparative evaluation of failure analysis methods for composite laminates", National Technical Information Service (NTIS), Springfield, Virginia 22161. [3]. Burk, R. C., "Standard Failure Criteria Needed for Advanced Composites," AIAA. 1983, Vol. 21, pp. 58-62. [4]. Muhannad Z. Khelifa, Eng. & Tech. Journal, Vol. 29, No.2, 2011 Rajanish M, Dr. Nanjundaradhya N V, Dr. Ramesh S Sharma, Dr. Bhaskar pal |
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THREE-PHASE FAULT CURRENTS EVALUATION FOR NIGERIAN 28-BUS 330kv TRANSMISSION SYSTEMAbstract: Fault studies are important power system analysis for stable and economical operations of power systems. Faults are categorised as symmetrical and unsymmetrical. In this paper, three-phase symmetrical fault is simulated using the Nigerian 28-Bus, 330kV Transmission Grid. Two different MatLab based programmes were developed; one program was for Load Flow Studies which determines prefault conditions for the power system based on Newton-Raphson method. The other program determines fault current magnitudes for threephase short-circuit on the power system. The information gained from the fault studies can be used for proper relay selectKey words: Power System, Power Flow, ThreePhase Fault, Short-Circuit Current. Reference [1] Muhammad, Aree A. (2011), ''Simmulation of Different Types of Faults on Northern Iraq Power System'', IGEC VI – 2011 – 028. [2] Ibe, A.O. and Uzonwa, N.K. (2005), ''Power System Simulation for Short Circuit Current in the Selection of Switchgears'', Nigerian Journal of Industrial and Systems Studies, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp 9 – 15. [3] Okelola, M.O., Yussuf, A.A., and Awosope, C.O.A. (2005), ''Fault Analysis: An Application of Venin's Method to 330kV Transmission Grid System in Nigeria'', LAUTECH Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp 30 – 43. [4] Okemiri, O.N., (2008), ''Basic Protection Scheme on Power System'', The Nigerian Tribune, Tuesday 12th February 2008, pp 24. [5] El-Hawary, M.E. (2008), ''Introduction to Electrical Power System'', Wiley, IEEE Press. [6] Ravi Kumar, S.V. and Siva Nagaraju, S. (2007), ''Loss Minimisation by Incorporation of UPFC in Load Flow Analysis'', International Journal of Electrical and Power Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp 321 – 327. [7] Nagrath, I.J. and Kothari, D.P. (1994), ''Power System Engineering'', Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi. [8] Wang Xi-Fan, Yonghua Song and Malcolm Irving, (2008), ''Modern Power System Analysis'', Springer Science + Business Media LLC. [9] Gupta, B.R. (2006), ''Power System Analysis and Design'', S. Chand and Company Ltd. India. [10] Mehta, V.K and Mehta Rohit (2006), ''Principles of Power Systems'', S. Chand & Company Ltd, New Delhi, India. Gafari A. Adepoju, Muhammed A. Tijani, Mufutau A. Sanusi, Dauda O. Olatunji |
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19. | JIT: A Strategic Tool of Inventory Management
JIT: A Strategic Tool of Inventory ManagementAbstract: Investment in inventory absorbs a large portion of the working capital of a company and often it represents a large portion of the total assets of a business. By improving return on investment by increasing the rate of inventory turnover, management often wants to ensure economic efficiency. Effective inventory management enables a firm to provide lower costs, rapid response and flexibility for its customers. Just-in-time (JIT) philosophy is most widely adopted and practices in the recent years worldwide. It aims at reducing total production costs by producing only what is immediately needed and eliminates wastes. It is based on a radically different concept, deviating substantially from the existing manufacturing practices in many respects. It is a very effective tool to reduce the wastage of inventory and manage it effectively. It has the potential to bring substantial changes in the existing setup of a company; can give it a new face, broaden its acceptability and ensure a longer life. It can strategically change the atmosphere needed for longer survival. JIT is radically different from MRP and goes beyond materials management. The new outlook acquired by the company can meet global expectations of the customers. JIT happens to provide global markets. The present paper examines the strategic role of JIT in inventory management. Information technology helps JIT in managing inventory effectively, as it helps in integrating the components of supply chain network. Quality aspect of inventory management has also been discussed.Key words: Inventory, Inventory management, ABC Analysis, JIT, Information system, Quality, Supply chain network, SCM. Reference 1. Tersine, R.H (1994). Principles of Inventory and Materials Management, Prentice Hall, Englewood Chiffs NJ. 2. Karmarkar, U (Sept.-Oct 1989). Getting control of just-in-time, Harvard Business Review, pp. 122-131. 3. Ward, P (May 1994). Logistics: a simple guide, Professional Manager, pp. 10-11. 4. Schonberger, R.J (1986). World Class Manufacturing: The Lessons of Simplicity Applied, Free Press, New York. 5. Harmon, R.L and Peterson, L.D (1990). Reinventing the Factory: Productivity Breakthroughs in Manufacturing Today, Free Press, New York. 6. Kaihara, T (2003). Multi-agent based Supply Chain Modeling with Dynamic Environment, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 85(2), pp. 263-269. 7. Verwijmeren, M (2004). Software Component Architecture in Supply Chain Management, Computers in Industry, Vol. 53(2), pp. 165-178. 8. O'Brien, James. A (2003). Management Information Systems, Fourth Edition, Galgotia Publications, New Delhi. 9. Oz Effy (1999). Management Information Systems, Galgotia Publications, New Delhi. 10. Flowers, S (1996). Software Failure: Management failure, John Wiley, U.K. D. K. Singh, Dr. Satyendra Singh |
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20. | Effect of Wafer Dimension on the Dispersion and other Polarizing
Effect of Wafer Dimension on the Dispersion and other PolarizingAbstract: In this paper we propose some index guided Photonic Crystal Fiber (PCF) with elliptical holes. The design has been proposed such that it shows a decrease in the value of ratio of the area of elliptical air holes to that of the wafer dimension. The effect of variation in wafer dimension of a constant lattice size is analyzed for observing the unique properties of PCF like dispersion, birefringence, confinement loss and other polarizing properties. The simulation of the proposed structures has been carried out using OptiFDTD simulator with Full vector mode solver using FDTD method. The dispersion reported is almost zero at a wavelength of 0.3m for some of the structures proposed. It is observed that all the structures proposed has shown the most negative dispersion in between the wavelength range of 0.35 0.4 m m . The birefringence reported is of the order of 103 . However the confinement loss reported is low and of the order of 105 . Besides zero confinement loss is observed at a wavelength of 0.25m and at 0.9m for the structure proposed in configuration V and configuration I.Key words: Photonic crystal fiber (PCF), Total international reflection (TIR), Birefringence, Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD), Transparent Boundary Condition (TBC), Confinement Loss, Vnumber, Normalized Wavelength. Reference [1] J. C. Knight, J. Broeng, T. A. Birks, and P. S. J. Russell, "Photonic bandgap guidance in optical fibers," Science, vol. 282, pp. 1476-1478, Nov. 1998. [2] J. C. Knight, P. S. J. Russell, "Photonic crystal fibers: new ways to guidelight," Science, vol. 296, pp. 276-277, Apr. 2002. [3] K Suzuki, H. Kubota, S. kawanishi, M. Tanaka and M. Fujita, "Opticalproperties of a low-loss polarization-maintaining photonic crystal fiber", Opt. Express, vol. 9, pp. 670-676, July 2001. [4] T. A. Birks, J. C. Knight, and P. S. J. Russell, "Endless single-mode photonic crystal fiber," Opt. Lettl., vol. 22 , pp. 961- 963, July1997. [5] K.K.Sharma, Pranaw Kumar, "Some novel photonic crystal fiber structures based on Pascal‟s triangle and their dispersion behaviour" ICECT 2012, Kanyakumari, India, april6-8,2012. [6] T. Matsui, J. Zhou, K. Nakajima, and I. Sankawa, ""Dispersion flattened photoniccrystal fiber with large effective area and low confinement loss," J. Lightw. Technol., vol. 23, pp. 4178–4183, Dec. 2005. [7] M Pourmahyabadi and Sh. Mohammad Nejad, ― Numerical analysis of IndexGuiding photonic crystal fibers with low confinement loss and ultra-flattened dispersion by FDFD method,‖ Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering Iran University of Science & Technology, vol. 5, no. 3, pp.170-179 , Sep. 2009. [8] Ritu Sharma ,Vijay jaynyani , Rahul gupta "Effect of wafer dimension on the mode profile in PCF," International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, vol2,no. 6,November 2009. [9] S.K. Varshney, N.J. Florous, K. Saitoh, M. Koshiba, T. Fujisawa, Numerical investigation and optimization of a photonic crystal fiber for simultaneous dispersion compensation over S+C+L wavelength bands,‖ Optics Communications, vol 274, pp.74-79, 2007. [10] H.Ademgil, S.Haxha,"Highly birefringent PCF with ultralow chromatic dispersion and low confinement loss", Journal of light wave technology, Vol. 26, No. 4, 15, 2008. [11] Razzak, S.M Abdur,Namihira, Yoshinori,"Simultaneous control of dispersion and confinement loss with octogonal PCF for communication system", The international conference on electrical engineering 2008, No. 064. [12] John D. Joannopoulos, Steven G. ohnson, Josgua N. Winn, Robert D. Mede, Photonic crystal fiber: Molding the flow of light, 2nd edition, Priceton University Press, 2008. Properties of PCF Pranaw Kumar, Abhijit Mishra, Shashi Bhushan Panda, Swagat Mohanty |
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21. | Lean manufacturing: A better way for enhancement in productivity
Lean manufacturing: A better way for enhancement in productivityAbstract: Productivity is the impact of peoples working together. Machines are merely an extended way of collective imagination and energy. Lean Manufacturing is the most used method for continues improvement of business. Organization management philosophy focusing on the reduction of wastage to improve overall customer value. "Lean" operating principles began in manufacturing environments and are known by a variety of synonyms; Lean Manufacturing, Lean Production, Toyota Production System, etc. It is commonly believed that Lean started in Japan "The notable activities in keeping the price of Ford products low is the steady restriction of the production cycle. The longer an article is in the process of manufacture and the more it is moved about, the greater is its ultimate cost." "A systematic approach to identifying and eliminating waste through continuous improvement, flowing the product at the pull of the customer in pursuit of perfection." Keep in mind that Lean applies to the entire organization. Although individual components or building blocks of Lean may be tactical and narrowly focused, we can only achieve maximum effectiveness by using them together and applying them cross-functionally through the system.Reference [1]. N. Bloom, B. Eifert, A. Mahajan, D. McKenzie and J. Roberts, (2011a), "Does managementmatter: Evidence from India", NBER Working Paper 16658. [2]. N. Bloom, R. Sadun and J. Van Reenen (2011b), "Americans do I.T. Better. US multinationals and the productivity miracle" Monden, Yasuhiro, Toyota Production System: An Integrated Approach to Just-in- [3]. Time (Third Edition), Engineering & Management Press, NorcrossJerry Kilpatrick, Lean Principles, Utah Manufacturing Extension Partnership, 2003 [4]. McKone, K. E., Schroeder, R. G., Cua, K. O., The impact of Total Productive Maintenance on manufacturing performance. Journal of Operations Management, 19 (1), 39-58. [5]. Achanga, P., Shehab, E., Roy, R., and Nelder, G., (2006), "Critical success factors for Lean implementation within SMEs", Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 460-471. Pankaj Kumar Ahir,Lalit Kumar Yadav, Saurabh Singh Chandrawat |
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22. | Synthesis, Characterization and Alignment of Mn2+ and/or Eu3+ Doped Cadmium Telluride Nanowires
Synthesis, Characterization and Alignment of Mn2+ and/or Eu3+ Doped Cadmium Telluride NanowiresAbstract: The foremost objective of the proposed research is to synthesize magnetically-active CdTe nanowires that can be manipulated by magnetic fields. The ability to do so will facilitate fabrication of molecular electronics and a whole host of other potential applications. The research will employ doping of CdTe with either Mn2+ or Eu3+ or a mixture of both to create nanoparticles with net magnetic moments. The particles size and morphology will be probed by AFM and TEM while the extent of doping and distribution of dopant ions will be determined by bulk analysis by ICP, surface analysis by XPS, EPR and X-ray powder diffraction. The magnetic moment and magnetic ordering will be determined by use of a SQUID magnetometer. Doped CdTe particles with suitable magnetic moments will then be converted to CdTe wires using a technique originally developed for undoped CdTe. The changes in morphology, size, composition, and structure will be monitored using the same analytical methods used for characterization of the precursor nanoparticles. Finally, nanowires that possess a sufficient magnetic moment will be aligned using a magnetic field to prove the viability of this approach for manufacturing nanoscale devices and electronics.Key words: dopant, morphology, nanowire, lithography, paramagnetism Reference 1. Pena, D. J.; Razavi, B.; Smith, P. A.; Mbindyo, J. K.; Natan, M. J.; Mayer, T. S.; Mallouk, T. A.; Keating, C. D.; Electrochemical synthesis of multi-material nanowires as building blocks for functional nanostructures, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp., 2001, 636, D4.6.1-5 2. Fasol, G., Selective Electrodeposition of magnetic and metallic nanowires: A new approach to a fundamental technology, Eurotechnology Japan K. K., 1998 3. Feltin, N.; Levy, L.; Ingert, D., Unusual static and dynamic magnetic properties of Cd1-xMnxS nanocrystals, J. of Applied Physics, 2000, 87, 3, 1415-1423 4. Stowell, C. A.; Wiacek, R. J.; Saunders, A. E.; Korgel, B. A.; Synthesis and characterization of dilute magnetic semiconductor manganese-doped indium arsenide nanocrystals, Nanoletters, 2003, 3, 10, 1441-1447 5. Jun, Y; Jung, Y.; Cheon, J., Architectireal control of magnetic semiconductor nanocrystals, J. of Am. Chem. Soc., 2002, 124, 4, 615-619 6. Tsujii, N.; Kitazawa, H.; Kido, G., Magnetic properties of Mn and Eu doped ZnS nanocrystals, J. of Applied Physics, 2003, 93, 10, 6957-6959 7. Schrier, J.; Whaley, K. B., A simple model for magnetization ratios in doped nanocrystals, Condensed Matter, 2003, 1-8 8. Viswanatha, R.; Sapra, S.; Gupta, S. S.; Satpati, B.; Satyam, P. V.; Dev, B. N.; Sarma, D. D., Synthesis and characterization of Mn-doped ZnO nanocrystals, J. Phys. Chem. B, 2004, 108, 6303-6310 9. Schwartz, D. A.; Norberg, N. S.; Nguyen, Q. P.; Parker, J. M.; Gamelin, D. R.; Magnetic quantum dots: Synthesis, spectroscopy, and magnetism of Co2+ and Ni2+ doped ZnO nanocrystals, J. of Am. Chem. Soc., 2003, 125, 13205-13218 10. Stowell, C. A.; Wiacek, R. J.; Saunders, A. E.; Korgel, B. A., Synthesis and characterization of dilute magnetic semiconductor manganese-doped indium arsenide nanocrystals, Nanoletters, 2003, 3, 10, 1441-1447 Volkan Cicek, Mehmet Ozdemir |
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23. | Use of Experimental Box-Behnken Design for the Estimation of Interactions Between Harmonic Currents Produced by Single Phase Loads
Use of Experimental Box-Behnken Design for the Estimation of Interactions Between Harmonic Currents Produced by Single Phase LoadsAbstract: In this paper, it is aimed to deal with the interactions of harmonic currents produced by different single phase loads. For this purpose, compact fluorescent lamps, incandescent lamps, and electric heaters were chosen as single phase loads. The study was performed by adopting a full range of response surface methodology using Box–Behnken experimental design to express the net harmonic current (3rd and 5th) as an empirical model. The model provided an excellent explanation of the relationship among the number of loads and the net harmonic currents. Contour graphs of some of the harmonic currents was plotted to show the interactions clearly and to discuss the results of model in the graphic detail. The results of experiments showed that the harmonic interaction between the loads can be defined as a regression model which is statistically significant.Key words: Box-Behnken Design, Harmonic Currents, Harmonic Distortion, Single Phase Loads Reference 1 Y.J. Wang, L. Pierrat, L. Wang, "Summation of harmonic currents produced by AC/DC static power converters with randomly fluctuating loads", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 9, pp. 1129-1135, 1994. 2 Task Force on Harmonics Modeling and Simulation, "Modeling devices with nonlinear voltage-current characteristics for harmonic studies", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 19, pp. 1802- 1811, 2004. 3 S. Hansen, P. Nielsen, F. Blaabjerg, "Harmonic cancellation by mixing nonlinear single-phase and three-phase loads", IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 36, pp. 152-159, 2000. 4 Task Force on Harmonics Modeling and Simulation, "Modeling and simulation of the propagation of harmonics in electric power networks, Part I: Concepts, models, and simulation techniques", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 11, pp. 452-465, 1996. 5 O. BaSudan, Y.G. Hegazy, "Probabilistic modeling of distribution system loads for harmonic studies", IEEE, Vol. 3, pp. 1778-1781, 2001. 6 A. Mansoor, W.M. Grady, P.T. Staats, R.S. Thallam, M.T. Doyle, M.J. Samotyj, "Predicting the net harmonic currents produced by large numbers of distributed single-phase computer loads", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 10, pp. 2001-2006, 1995. 7 W.M. Grady, A. Mansoor, E.F. Fuchs, P. Verde, M. Doyle, "Estimating the net harmonic currents produced by selected distributed single-phase loads: computers, televisions, and incandescent light dimmers", IEEE, Vol. 2, pp. 1090-1094, 2002. 8 R. Lamedica, C. Sorbillo, A. Prudenzi, "The continuous harmonic monitoring of single-phase electronic appliances: desktop PC and printers", IEEE, Vol. 2, pp. 697-702, 2000. 9 K.C. Umeh, A. Mohamed, R. Mohamed, "Determining harmonic characteristics of typical single phase non-linear loads", Proc. Student Conference on Research andDevelopment (SCORED), Putrajaya, Malaysia, August 2003 10 U. Graselli, R. Lamedica, A. Prudenzi, "Time-varying harmonics of single-phase non-linear appliances", IEEE, Vol. 2, pp. 1066-1071, 2002. Oguz Perincek, Metin Colak |
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24. | AES-128 Bit Algorithm Using Fully Pipelined Architecture for Secret Communication
AES-128 Bit Algorithm Using Fully Pipelined Architecture for Secret CommunicationAbstract: In this paper, an efficient method for high speed hardware implementation of AES algorithm is presented. So far, many implementations of AES have been proposed, for various goals that effect the Sub Byte transformation in various ways. These methods of implementation are based on combinational logic and are done in polynomial bases. In the proposed architecture, it is done by using composite field arithmetic in normal bases. In addition, efficient key expansion architecture suitable for 6 sub pipelined round units is also presented. These designs were described using VerilogHDL, simulated using Modelsim.Key words: AES, VLSI Cryptosystems, Encryption, Decryption, Block Cipher, Encipher, Decipher Reference [1] National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Information Technology Laboratory (ITL), Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) Publication 197, November 2001 [2] X. Zhang and K. K. Parhi, On the Optimum Constructions of Composite Field for the AES Algorithm, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-II: Express Briefs, VOL. 53, NO. 10, OCTOBER 2006. [3] V. Fischer and M. Drutarovsky, Two methods of Rijndael mplementation in reconfigurable hardware, in Proc. CHES 2001, Paris, France, May 2001, pp. 77-92. [4] H. Kuo and I. Verbauwhede, Architectural optimization for a 1.82 Gbits/sec VLSI implementation of the AES Rijndael algorithm, in Proc. CHES 2001, Paris, France, May 2001, pp. 51-64. [5] M. McLoone and J. V. McCanny, Rijndael FPGA implementation utilizing look-up tables, in IEEEWorkshop on Signal Processing Systems,Sept. 2001, pp. 349- 360. [6] V. Rijmen, Efficient Implementation of the Rijndael S-box, 2000. Available online at www.iaik.tugraz.at/RESEARCH/krypto /AES/old / rijmen/ rijndael/sbox.pdf. [7] A. Satoh, S. Morioka, K. Takano, S. Munetoh, A Compact Rijndael Hardware Architecture with S-Box Optimization, Proceedings of ASIACRYPT 2001, LNCS Vol.2248, pp. 239 - 254, Springer-Verlag, December 2001. [8] N. Mentens, L. Batina, B. Preneel, and I. Verbauwhede, A Systematic Evaluation of Compact Hardware Implementations for the Rijndael SBox, In Alfred Menezes, editor, CT-RSA, volume 3376 of LNCS, pages323-333. Springer, 2005. [9] A. Rudra, P. K. Dubey, C. S. Jutla, V. Kumar, J. R. Rao, and P. Rohatgi, Efficient implementation of Rijndael encryption with composite field arithmetic, in Proc. CHES, Paris, France, May 2001, pp. 171-184. [10] J.Wolkerstorfer, E. Oswald, and M. Lamberger, An ASIC implementation of the AES S-boxes, in Proc. RSA Conf., San Jose, CA, Feb.2002, pp. 67-78. [11] X. Zhang, K. K. Parhi, High-speed VLSI architectures for the AES algorithm, IEEE Trans. VLSI Systems, Vol. 12, Iss. 9, pp. 957 - 967, Sept. 2004. [12] G. P. Saggese, A. Mazzeo, N. Mazocca, and A. G. M. Strollo, , An FPGA based performance analysis of the unrolling, tiling and pipelining of the AES algorithm, Proc. FPL 2003, Portugal, Sept. 2003. M.Gnanambika, S.Adilakshmi, Dr.Fazal Noorbasha |
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25. | Finger Vein &Texture Recognization Using Score Level Fusion And 2-D Gabor Filter For Human Identification
Finger Vein &Texture Recognization Using Score Level Fusion And 2-D Gabor Filter For Human IdentificationAbstract: The paper presents a new approach to improve the performance of finger-vein identification systems presented in the literature. The proposed system simultaneously acquires the finger-vein and low-resolution fingerprint images and combines these two evidences using a novel score-level combination strategy. We examine the previously proposed finger-vein identification approaches and develop a new approach that illustrates it superiority over prior published efforts. We develop and investigate two new scorelevel combinations, i.e., holistic and nonlinear fusion, and comparatively evaluate them with more popular score-level fusion approaches to ascertain their effectiveness in the proposed system.Key words: Fingerprint Recognization,FingerVein Recognization,Fusion,Hand Biometrics Reference [1] Encyclopedia of Biometrics, S. Z. Li, Ed.. New York: Springer- Verlag, 2009. [2] E. C. Lee and K. R. Park, "Restoration method of skin scattering blurred vein image for finger vein recognition," Electron. Lett., vol. 45, no. 21, pp. 1074–1076, Oct. 2009. [3] J.-D.Wu and S.-H. Ye, "Driver identification using finger-vein patterns with Radon transform and neural network," Expert Sys. And Appl., vol. method," U.S. Patent 20 100 080 422 A1, Apr. 1, 2010 [4] Feature extraction of finger vein patterns based on repeated line tracking and its application to personal identification - N. Miura, A. Nagasaka, and T. Miyatake ,2004 [5]. Extraction of finger-vein patterns using maximum curvature points in image profiles - N. Miura, A. Nagasaka, and T. Miyatake,2005. [6]. Human identification using knucklecodes - A. Kumar and Y. Zhou ,2009. [7]. Personal recognition using hand-shape and texture - A. Kumar and D. Zhang ,2006. [8]. Pores and ridges: High resolution fingerprint matching using level 3 features - A.K. Jain, Y. Chen, and M. Demirkus ,2007. Diptanu Bhowmik |
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26. | Determining the atmospheric stability classes for Mazoe in Northern Zimbabwe
Determining the atmospheric stability classes for Mazoe in Northern ZimbabweAbstract: The paper presents the method that was used in determining the atmospheric stability classes for a place called Mazoe Citrus situated in Northern Zimbabwe for two consecutive years, 2011 and 2012. The stability classes are an important tool to be used in the environmental impact assessment for an area before an industrial power plant is set up. The study has shown that conditions favoring neutral stability are prevalent and that there is moderate to strong winds with slight insolation and a cloud cover of more than 50% for 60% of the timeKey words: stability class, effluent, insolation, temperature Reference [1] Canepa. E, Dallorto. L, Ratto C.F, Plume rise description in the code SAFE AIR. International journal of environment and Pollution, 14 (6), 2000, 235-245. [2] Essa, K, Mubarak S, Elsaid F, Effects of plume rise and wind speed on extreme values of air pollutants concentration. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics; Sprigler 93(3), 2006, 247-253. [3] Finnd K. Y, Lamb B leclers M.Y, Lovejoy S, Multifractional analysis of line source plume concentration in surface layer flows. Journal of applied Meteorology 40, 2001, 229-245. [4] Georgopoulos P.G, sanfield J.H, Instanteneous concentration fluctuations in point source plumes, AlChE journal 32(10), 1986, 1042-1654. [5] Gifford, F.A, Atmospheric transport and diffusion over cities; Nuclear safety 13, 1972, 391-402. [6] Slade D.H, Meteorology and Atomic Energy,(National information services,1968) S. Magidi |
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27. | Determination of some Engineering Properties of Dika Nut (Irvingia gabonensis) at Two Moisture Content Levels as Relevant to Its Processing
Determination of some Engineering Properties of Dika Nut (Irvingia gabonensis) at Two Moisture Content Levels as Relevant to Its ProcessingAbstract: Samples of African bush mango (Irvingia gabonensis) were collected from the wild, sun dried for four days to a moisture content of 13.75% (at an average temperature of 38.160C and relative humidity of 40.60%) and the seeds were carefully split to release the kernels unharmed. The kernels were divided into samples A and B; sample B was sun dried for three days to obtain different moisture content level from sample A. Both samples were then used for the experiments. Some selected physical and mechanical properties of dika nut were determined at two moisture content levels. This study was done under approved standard laboratory conditions using standard engineering methods and instruments. The two moisture content levels of 13.75% and 8.74% were obtained. The result revealed higher values for the physical properties at moisture content level of 13.75% . The following values were obtained for samples A and B respectively: the average length, width, thickness, weight, geometric mean diameter, arithmetic mean diameter, surface area, sphericity, volume and density were 28.97mm, 19.49mm, 11.91mm, 2.23g, 18.77mm, 20.12mm, 1111.81mm2 , 64,95%, 156.17mm3 and 14.44g/cm3 , and 28.62mm, 18.20mm, 8.24mm, 1.15g, 16.07mm, 18.35mm, 819.02mm2 , 56.46%, 115.61mm3 and 10.20g/cm3 . The coefficient of static friction was highest on plywood and least on glass for both samples. From the values obtained, it appears the increase in sizes of dika kernel may aid a decrease in coefficient of static friction. The force required to fracture and compress sample A are 25N and 62.5N on axial loading and 12.5N and 45N on longitudinal loading respectively. The force required to fracture and compress sample B was also gotten as 37.5N and 95N on axial loading and 27.5N and 67.5N on longitudinal loading respectively.Key words: African bush mango, kernel, moisture content, physical properties, mechanical properties Reference 1. Adebayo-Tayo, B. C., Onilude, A. A., Ogunjobi, A. A., Gbolagade, J. S. and Oladapo, M. O. (2006). Determination of fungi and aflatoxin in shelved bush mango seeds (Irvingia spp.) stored for sale in Uyo, Nigeria. African Journal of Biotechnology, 5(19): 1729-1732. 2. Agbor, L. O. N. (1994). Marketing trends and potentials for Irvingia gabonensis products in Nigeria. Proc. ICRAF-IITA Conf. Irvingia gabonensis, May 3-5, Ibadan, Nigeria. 3. Altuntas, E., Ozgoz, H. and Taser, O. F. (2005). Some physical properties of fenugreek (Trigonellafoenum-graceuml) seeds. Journal of food Engineering. 71, 37-43. 4. Anazodo, U. G. N. (1983). Mechanical properties of corncob under quasi-static radial compression. Transactions of the ASAE, 26, 1222-1229. 5. ASABE S352.2, (FEB03. 2007). Moisture Measurement – Un-ground grain and seeds. ASABE standards, pp 650. 6. Chandrasekar, V. and Visvanathan, R. (1999). Physical and thermal properties of coffee. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research. 73 pp. 227–234. 7. Deshpande, S. D., Bal S. and Ojha, T. P. (1993). Physical properties of soybean. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research 56 pp. 89–98. 8. Festus, C. and Nwala, L. (2012). Extraction and Processing of Agbono Cotyledon for long shelf-life. Academic Research International. 2(1): 139-145 9. Gupta, R. K. and Das, S. K. (1997). Physical properties of sunflower seeds. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research. 66, pp. 1–8. 10. Gürsoy, S. and Güzel, E. (2010). Determination of physical properties of some Agricultural Grains. Research Journal of Applied sciences, Engineering and Technology, 2(5): 492- 498. Orhevba, B.A,P.A Idah, , Adebayo S. E., Nwankwo C.C. |
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28. | A Generalized Approach for Kinematic Synthesis and Analysis of Alternate Mechanism for Stone Crusher Using Relative Velocity Method
A Generalized Approach for Kinematic Synthesis and Analysis of Alternate Mechanism for Stone Crusher Using Relative Velocity MethodAbstract: In this paper alternate mechanism for design and analysis of small size stone crusher mechanism is discussed. The basic idea is to optimize the design of the crusher which would be best suited for stone which need crushing force of 3 Tons. Presently for reducing sizes of stones from 10cm x 10cm to 2.5cm x 2.5cm in quarries is laborious job and is done manually our approach is to design a best optimum mechanism for said conditions.Key words: Dynamic, Kinematic synthesis and analysis, Sector gear, Static. Reference 1) Anjali J. Joshi, Dr. Jayant P. Modak, Design and Development of a small capacity stone crusher mechanism, Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volume : 3,Issue : 2 February 2013 ,ISSN - 2249- 555X 2) Dr. Louis G. Reifschneider, Teaching Kinematic Synthesis of Linkages without Complex Mathematics, journal of Industrial Technology, Volume 21, Number 4-October 2005 through December. Books: 3) Dr. Habib ,MEG 373"Kinematic and Dynamics of Machinery", Chapter 5 Force Analysis. 4) Jack A. Collins, Henery Busby, George Stoab, "Mechanical Design of Machine Elements & Machines" Chapter 18 Flywheel and High –Speed Rotors. 5) Shriniwas S. Bali, Satish Chand, Transmission Angle in Mechanism (Triangle in mech), Pergamon Mechanism and Machine Theory 37(2002)175-195. 6) Kennth J. Waldron / Gary L. Kinzel, Kinematice , Dynamics,& Design of Machinery, edition 2007. 7) R.S. Khurmi and J.K. Gupta, Theory of Machines, edition 2002 8) Robert L.Norton,Machine Design,pearson Second edition. 9) Amitabha Ghosh and Ashok Kumar Mallik,Theory of Mechanisms and Machines,Third Edition Reprint 2008. Theses: 10) James G. Donovan Ph. D Thesis in Minning and Mineral Engineering, "Fracture toughness based models for the prediction of power consumption,product size, and capacity of jaw crushers" July 2003. 11) Robert L.Norton,Machine Design,pearson Second edition. Prof. Anjali J. Joshi, Dr. Jayant P. Modak |
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29. | Radiation and Mass Transfer Effects on MHD Flow of a Micropolar Fluid towards a Stagnation Point on a Vertical Stretching Sheet
Radiation and Mass Transfer Effects on MHD Flow of a Micropolar Fluid towards a Stagnation Point on a Vertical Stretching SheetAbstract: This paper focuses on the study of magnetohydrodynamic mixed convection flow of a micropolar fluid near a stagnation point on a vertical stretching sheet in the presence of radiation and mass transfer. Using the similarity transformations, the governing equations have been transformed into a system of ordinary differential equations. The resultant dimensionless governing equations are solved employing fourth order Runge-Kutta method along with shooting technique. The effects of various governing parameters, namely, material parameter, radiation parameter, magnetic parameter and velocity ratio parameter on the velocity, microrotation, temperature and concentration, as well as the skin friction, the rate of heat transfer and the rate of mass transfer have been computed and shown graphically. It is observed that the micropolar fluid helps in the reduction of drag forces and also act as a cooling agent.Key words: Micropolar fluid, Mixed convection, Stagnation point, Stretching sheet, Radiation, Mass transfer, MHD . Reference [1] Eringen, A. C., (1966), Theory of micropolar fluids, Journal of Mathematics and Mechanics, Vol.16, pp. 1-18. [2] Na, T. Y. and Pop, I., (1997), Boundarylayer flow of micropolar fluid due to a stretching wall, Archives of Applied Mechanics, Vol.67, No.4, pp. 229-236. [3] Desseaux, A. and Kelson, N. A., (2000), Flow of a micropolar fluid bounded by a stretching sheet, Anziam J., Vol.42, pp.536-560. [4] Hady, F. M., (1966), on the solution of heat transfer to micropolar fluid from a non-isothermal stretching sheet with injection, International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol.6, No.6, pp. 99-104. [5] Abo-Eldahab, E. M., and Ghonaim, A. F., (2003), Convective heat transfer in an electrically conducting micropolar fluid at a stretching surface with uniform free stream, Appl. Math. Comput., Vol.137, pp. 323-336. [6] Mohammadein, A. A., and Gorla, R. S. R., (1998), Effects of transverse magnetic field on mixed convection in a micropolar fluid on a horizontal plate with vectored mass transfer, Acta Mechanica, Vol.118, pp.1-12. [7] Bhargava, R., Kumar, L., and Takhar, H.S., (2003b), Numerical solution of free convection MHD micropolar fluid flow between two parallel porous vertical plates, Int. J. Engng Sci., Vol.41, pp. 123- 136. [8] Srinivasacharya, D., and Shiferaw, M., (2008), Numerical solution to the MHD flow of micropolar fluid between twoconcentric porous cylinders, Int. J. of Appl. Math and Mech., Vol.4, No.2, pp. 77-86. [9] Rawat, S., Bhargava, R. and Anwar Bég, O., (2010), Hydromagnetic micropolar free convection heat and mass transfer in a darcy-forchheimer porous medium with thermophysical effects: finite element solutions, Int. J. of Appl. Math and Mech., Vol.6, No.13, pp. 72-93. [10] Paullet, J. and Weidman, P., (2007), Analysis of stagnation point flow toward a stretching sheet, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, Vol. 42, pp.1084– 1091. E. Manjoolatha, N. Bhaskar Reddy, T.Poornima |
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30. | Sufficient Number of Diversity Antennas for 64 QAM over Wireless Fading Channel
Sufficient Number of Diversity Antennas for 64 QAM over Wireless Fading ChannelAbstract: This paper describes the calculation of the absolute diversity gain (ADG) and relative diversity gain (RDG) in SNR in order to determine the sufficient number of diversity antennas for 64 QAM for different Rician parameter K. The effect of increase in Rician parameter K is simulated for 64 QAM and the bit error rate for different Rician parameter K (0, 6 & 12) is simulated in MATLAB. The sufficient number of diversity antennas for K=0 dB, 6 dB and 12 dB is found to be four, two and one respectively, for 64 QAM. The effect of increase in Rician parameter K is simulated for 64 QA M.Key words: 64 QAM, Rician parameter, Absolute Diversity Gain, Relative Diversity Gain, Bit error rate, diversity antennas Reference [1] BER Performance of Reed-Solomon Code Using M-ary FSK Modulation in AWGN Channel, International Journal of Advances in Science and Technology, Vol. 3, No.1, 2011 [2] Difference Threshold Test forM-FSK SignalingWith Reed–Solomon Coding and Diversity Combining in Rayleigh Fading Channels, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 54, NO. 3, MAY 2005 [3] Performance Analysis of Combined Transmit Selection Diversity and Receive Generalized Selection Combining in Rayleigh Fading Channels Xiaodong Cai, Member, IEEE, and Georgios B. Giannakis, Fellow, IEEE, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 3, NO. 6, NOVEMBER 2004 [4] Bit-Error Probabilities of 2 and 4DPSK with Nonselective Rayleigh Fading, Diversity Reception, and Correlated Gaussian Interference,Pooi Yuen Kam, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 45, NO. 4, APRIL 1997 [5] D. G. Brennan, "Linear Diversity Combining Techniques," Proc. IEEE vol. 91, no. 2, Feb 2003. [6] M. K. Simon and M. S. Alouini, Digital Communications over Fading Channels. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 2000. [7] J. Sun and I. Reed, "Linear diversity analyses for M-PSK in Rician fading channels," IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 51, no. 11, pp. 1749-1753, Nov. 2003. Vinay Negi, Sanjeev Kumar Shah, Sandeep Singh, Arun Shekhar, Tanuja Sund |
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31. | Comparison of Interestingness Measures: Support-Confidence Framework versus Lift-Irule Framework
Comparison of Interestingness Measures: Support-Confidence Framework versus Lift-Irule FrameworkAbstract: Data Mining is considered to be a step of paramount importance in the process of Knowledge Discovery in Databases. The term "Interestingness Measure" unequivocally forms a very essential aspect of extraction of "interesting" rules from databases. As there are a huge number of association rules or patterns that are generated by most Association Rule Mining Algorithms, there arises a need to prune away the unnecessary and unwanted rules. The rules that are crucial and indispensable can therefore be presented to the end user based on the application of these "Interestingness Measures". The reason this is done is so that the user gets a narrow focus on only those rules that will provide better business understanding and intelligence. However, there are a plethora of measures available today, and selecting the best amongst them requires a thorough research on each of them. This paper therefore provides a comparative study of certain important measures, thereby highlighting which measure is apt for application in which situation.Key words: Association Rule Mining, Confidence, Interestingness Measures, Irule, Lift, Support Reference Journal Papers: [1] Zaid Makani, Sana Arora and Prashasti Kanikar. Article: A Parallel Approach to Combined Association Rule Mining. International Journal of Computer Applications 62(15), 2013, 7-13. [2] T. Brijis, K. Vanhoof, G. Wets, Defining Interestingness for Association Rules, International Journal "Information Theories & Applications", Vol.10, 370 – 375. [3] Prashasti Kanikar, Dr. Ketan Shah, Extracting Actionable Association Rules from Multiple Datasets, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, Vol. 2, Issue 3, May-Jun 2012, pp.1295-1300 [4] Prashasti Kanikar and Ketan Shah, An Efficient Approach for Extraction of Actionable Association Rules. International Journal of Computer Applications 54(11), 2012, 5-10. [5] Yuejin Zhang, Lingling Zhang, Guangli Nie, Yong Shi, A Survey of Interestingness Measures for Association Rules, International Conference on Business Intelligence and Financial Engineering, 2009, 460 – 463. [6] Jianhua Liu, Xiaoping Fan, Zhihua Qu, A New Interestingness Measure of Association Rules, Second International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing, 2008, 393 – 397. [7] Philippe Lenca, Patrick Meyer, Benoit Vaillant, Stephane Lallich, On selecting interestingness measures for association rules: User oriented description and multiple criteria decision aid, European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 184, issue 2 (January 16, 2008), 610-626. Thesis: [8] Xuan – Hiep Huynh, Interestingness Measure for Association Rules in a KDD process: Post processing of rules with ARQAT tool, doctoral diss., University of Nantes, Nantes, 2010. Proceedings Papers: [9] Paulo J. Azevedo, Al´ıpio M. Jorge, Comparing Rule Measure for Predictive Association Rules, Proceeding ECML of the 18th European conference on Machine Learning, Springer–Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, 2007, 510- 517. [10] Pang– Ning Tan, Vipin Kumar, Jaideep Srivastava, Selecting the Right Interestingness Measure for Association Patterns, Proceeding of the eighth ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining, New York, USA, 2002, pp. 32 – 41. [11] Merceron, A., and Yacef, K. Interestingness Measures for Association Rules in Educational Data. Proceedings for the 1st International Conference on Educational Data Mining, Montreal, Canada, 2008, 57 – 66. Chandraveer S.Deora, Sana Arora, Zaid Makani |
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32. | Optimal Selectionof Binary Codes for Pulse Compression in Surveillance Radar
Optimal Selectionof Binary Codes for Pulse Compression in Surveillance RadarAbstract: The papers aim to make a comparative study of binary phase codes in Radar pulse compression. Pulse compression allows radar to use long waveforms in order to obtain high energy and simultaneously achieve the resolution of a short pulse by internal modulation of the longpulse. This technique increases signal bandwidth through frequency or phase coding. This paper does a comparative analysis of binary codes based on the simulation results of their autocorrelation function and identifies 13 bit Barker code as the most optimal binary code for surveillance radar.Key words: Pulse compression, Range resolution, Peak side lobe level (PSL), Barker Code, Golay Code Reference [1] Merrill I. Skolnik, Introduction to radar systems, McGraw Hill Book Company Inc.,1962. [2] Carpentier, Michel H., "Evolution of Pulse Compression in the Radar Field," Microwave Conference, 1979. 9th European, vol., no., pp.45-53, 17-20 Sept. 1979 [3] Prasad, N.N.S.S.R.K.; Shameem, V.; Desai, U.B.; Merchant, S.N.; , "Improvement in target detection performance of pulse coded Doppler radar based on multicarrier modulation with fast Fourier transform (FFT)," Radar, Sonar and Navigation, IEEE Proceedings - , vol.151, no.1, pp. 11- 17, Feb 2004doi: 10.1049/ip-rsn:20040119 [4] Bassem R. Mahafza,"Radar Signal Analysis and processing using MATLAB",- CRC Press 2009 Sonia Sethi |
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33. | Implementing NAND Flash Controller using Product Reed Solomon code on FPGA chip
Implementing NAND Flash Controller using Product Reed Solomon code on FPGA chipAbstract: Reed–Solomon (RS) codes are widely used to identify and correct errors in storage systems and transmission and. When RS codes are used for so many memory system and reduces error in data. (255, 223) product ReedSolomon (RS) for non-volatile NAND flash memory systems. Reed-Solomon codes are the most used in digital data storage systems, but powerful for tool burst errors . To correct multiple random errors and burst errors in order, The composing of product code in to column-wise RS codes and row-wise RS codes may allow to decode multiple errors beyond their error correction capability. The consists of proposed code is two shortened RS codes and a conventional Reed-Solomon code .The nonvolatile NAND flash Controller memory systems. Reed-Solomon codes are the most Powerful used in data storage systems. The proposed coding scheme on a FPGA-based simulator with using an FPGA device. The proposed code can correct 16 symbol errors.Key words: Product code, NAND flash controller memory, correction error code ,FPGA; Reedsolomon code. Reference 1. R. E. Blahut, Theory and Practice of Error Control Codes. Reading :3 rd edition Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1983. 2. A. R. Masoleh and M. A. Hasan, "Low complexity bit parallel architectures for intel polynomial basis multiplication over GF(2m), computers," IEEE Trans. Comput., vol. 53and 55, no. 8, pp. 945– 959, Aug. 2004. 3. J. Gambles, L. Miles and J. Has, W. Smith, and S. Whitaker, "An ultra-low power, radiation-tolerant reed Solomon encoder for space applications," in. IEEE Custom Integr. Circuits Conf., 2003, pp. 631–634. K Chandra Naik, J. Chinna Babu, Dr.K.Padmapriya, Dr V.R.Anitha |
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34. | Modelling And Optimization Of Process Parameters For Tig Welding Of Aluminium-65032 Using Response Surface Methodology
Modelling And Optimization Of Process Parameters For Tig Welding Of Aluminium-65032 Using Response Surface MethodologyAbstract: Tungsten inert gas welding is one of the widely used techniques for joining ferrous and non ferrous metals. TIG welding offers several advantages like joining of dissimilar metals, low heat affected zone, absence of slag etc. The aim of this paper is to investigate the effect of TIG welding process parameters on welding of Aluminium-65032. Response Surface Methodology was used to conduct the experiments. The parameters selected for controlling the process are welding speed, current and gas flow rate. Strength of welded joints were tested by a UTM. Percent elongation was also calculated to evaluate the ductility of the welded joint. From the results of the experiments, mathematical models have been developed to study the effect of process parameters on tensile strength and percent elongation. Optimization was done to find optimum welding conditions to maximize tensile strength and percent elongation of welded specimen. Confirmation tests were also conducted to validate the optimum parameter settings.Key words: TIG welding, Al-65032, Ultimate Tensile Strength, Response Surface Methodology. Reference [1] G.Hargopal, P.V.R.Ravindra reddy, "Parameter design for MIG welding of Al- 65032 alloy using Taguchi technique", Journal of scientific and industrial research, vol 70,2011,pp.844-850. [2] G.Padmanaban, V.Balasubramanian, "Optimization of pulsed current gas tungsten arc welding process parameters to attain maximum tensile strength in AZ31B magnesium alloy", Trans.Non ferrous Met.soc.china 21,2011,467-476. [3] R.Satish, B.Naveen, "Weldability and process parameter optimization of dissimilar pipe joints using GTAW".International Journal of Engineering research and applications, vol2,2012, pp.I2525-2530. [4] Dr.P.Kunar, Dr.K.P.Kohle, "Process optimization of pulsed GTAW process for Al-7039 alloy using Ar+He Gas ",IE(I) Journal-MC vol 9,2011. [5] Narongchai Sathavornvichit,et al "Central composite design in Optimization of the factors of automatic flux cored arc welding for steel ST37"Regional conference on mathematics, university sains,Malaysia,june 13-15,2006. [6] Ugur Esme, Melih Bayramoglu, "Optimization of weld bead geometry in TIG welding process using grey relation analysis and taguchi method", Original scientific article MTAEC9, 43(3),2009,pp 143-149. [7] M.Balasubramanian,V.Jayabalan,"Predictio n and optimization of Pulsed current gas tungsten arc welding process parameters to obtain sound weld pool geometry in Titanium alloy using lexicographic method",JMEPEG 18,2009,pp 871-877. [8] Erdal Karadeniz, Ugur Ozsarac, "The effect of process parameters on penetrationin gas metal arc welding process", Materials and designs 28,pp 649-656,2007. [9] D.S.Nagesh, G.L.Datta, "Prediction of weld bead geometry and penetration in shielded metal arc welding using artificial neural network", Journal of material processing technology, 123,pp 303- 312,2002 [10] P.K.Palani, N.Murugan, "optimization of weld bead geometry for stainless steel claddings deposited by FCAW" Journal of material processing technology,vol 190,2007,pp.291-299 Palani.P.K, Saju.M |
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35. | Scene Image Analysis using GLCM & Gabor Filter
Scene Image Analysis using GLCM & Gabor FilterAbstract: In this paper, images of real- world natural scenes and manmade structures of different depth are taken. With increase in image depth , roughness increases in case of man-made structures whereas natural scene images become smooth, thus reducing the local roughness of the picture. Such kind of specific arrangement produces a particular spatial pattern of dominant orientations and scales that can be described using Gabor filter as it gives the local estimate of frequency content in an image. Here various techniques are used i.e. grey level co-occurrence matrices (GLCM), Gabor filters, combined GLCM and Gabor filters. Here the real scene images are classified in four classes such as near natural, near manmade, far natural and far manmade .Gabor filter only classify into low energy and high energy scenes. So the combination of Gabor filter and GLCM are used for classification in to four classes. In the proposed method i.e. the combination of Gabor and GLCM, first Gabor and PNN is used for classification between two groups high energy (such as near natural & far manmade) and low energy( such as near manmade & far natural) and then the GLCM and PNN is used for classification of subgroups.Key words: Ga bor filt ers, GLCM, scene classification Reference [1] Jing Yi Tou, Yong Haur Tay, Phooi Yee Lau "A Comparative Study for Texture Classification Techniques on Wood Species Recognition Problem" 2009 Fifth International Conference on Natural Computation, IEEE DOI 10.1109/ICNC.2009.594 [2] Devendran V , Hemalatha Thiagarajan , A. K. Santra" Scene Categorization using Invariant Moments and Neural Network "International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications 2007 , IEEE DOI 10.1109/ICCIMA.2007.77 [3] R. M. Haralick, K. Shanmugam, and I.Dinstein, "Textural Features for ImageClassification", IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol. SMC- 3, No.6, November1973, pp.610-621 [4] Devendran V "Feature Selection for Scene Categorization using Support Vector Machines" 2008 IEEE Congress on Image and Signal Processing, DOI 10.1109/CISP.2008.579 [5] J. Garcia-Consuegra, G. Cisneros "Integration of Gabor Functions with Cooccurrence Matrices: Application to Woody Crop Location in Remote Sensing" 0-7803-5467-2/99/ 1999 IEEE [6] Shuo Chen, Chengdong Wu, Dongyue Chen, Wenjun Tan "Scene Classification Based on Gray Level-Gradient CoOccurrence Matrix in the Neighborhood of Interest Points" National Nature Science Foundation 978-1-4244-4738-1/09/2009 IEEE [7] Zhihua xie , Guodong Liu , Cuiqun He, Yujie Wen "Texture Image Retrieval Based on gray level cooccurrence matrix and singular value decomposition" 978-1- 4244-7874-3/10/2010, IEEE [8] Peter Kruizinga and Nikolay Petkov N(1999) "Nonlinear Operator for Oriented Texture " IEEE Transation,vol8,No10 pp1395-1407 [9] Oliva A,Torralba A (2002)"Depth estimation from image structure ", IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence , vol.24 , No.9,pp- 1226-1283 [10] JOHN G. DAUGMAN "Complete Discrete 2-D Gabor Transforms by Neural Networks for Image Analysis and Compression " IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ACOUSTICS, SPEECH, AND SIGNAL PROCESSING. VOL. 36. NO. 7. JULY 1988 Ranjita Mishra |
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36 | Measurement and Modeling of the congestion-controlled traffic over CSMA based multihop Wireless Mesh Networks
Measurement and Modeling of the congestion-controlled traffic over CSMA based multihop Wireless Mesh NetworksAbstract: wireless mesh network is a well suited future technology. Its properties like low cost, high bandwidth and significant progress has been made in understandingthe behavior of TCP and congestion-controlled traffic over CSMA based multihop wireless networks. Despite these advances, however, no prior work identified severe throughput imbalances in the basic scenario of mesh networks, in which a one-hop flow contends with a two-hop flow for gateway access. In this paper, we demonstrate via real network measurements, testbed experiments, and an analytical model that starvation exists in such a scenario; i.e., the one-hop flow receives most of the bandwidth, while the two-hop flow starves. Our analytical model yields a solution consisting of a simple contention window policy that can be implemented via standard mechanisms defined in IEEE 802.11e. Despite its simplicity, we demonstrate through analysis, experiments, and simulations that the policy has a powerful effect on network-wide behavior, shifting the network's queuing points, mitigating problematic MAC and transport behavior, and ensuring that TCP flows obtain a fair share of the gateway bandwidth, irrespective of their spatial location.Reference [1] A. Aggarwal, S. Savage, and T. Anderson, ― Understanding the Performance of TCP Pacing ", Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM, Tel Aviv, Israel,March 2000. [2] ANSI/IEEE Standard 802.11b, ―Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and PhysicalLayer (PHY) Speci_cations: Higher-Speed Physical Layer Extension in the 2.4 GHz band", 1999. [3] C. Cordeiro, S. Das, and D. Agrawal, ―COPAS:Dynamic Contention-Balancing to Enhance the Performance of TCP over Multi-hop Wireless Networks", Proceedings of IC3N'02, Miami, FL, October 2002. [4] S. Floyd and V. Jacobson, \Random Early Detection Gateways for Congestion Avoidance", IEEE Transactions on Networking, Vol. 1, No. 4,pp. 397-413, August 1993. [5] Z. Fu, P. Zerfos, H. Luo, S. Lu, L. Zhang, and M. Gerla, ―The Impact of Multi-hop WirelessChannel on TCP Throughput and Loss", Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM'03, San Francisco, CA,April 2003. [6] W. Hung, K. Law, and A. Leon-Garcia, ―A Dynamic Multi-Channel MAC for Ad Hoc LAN",Proceedings of 21st Biennial Symposium on Communications, Kingston, ON, Canada, June 2002. [7] N. Jain, S. Das, and A. Nasipuri, ―A MultichannelCSMA MAC Protocol with Receiver-Based Chan- nel Selection for Multi-hop Wireless Networks",Proceedings of the IEEE ICCCN'01, Phoenix, AZ, October 2001. [8] J. Ke, ―Towards a Rate-Based TCP Protocol forthe Web", Proceedings ofMASCOTS'2000, San Francisco, CA, pp. 36-45, October 2000. [9] T. Kuang and C. Williamson, ―A Bidirectional Multi-Channel MAC Protocol for Improving TCP Performance on MultiHop Wireless Ad Hoc Networks", submitted for publication, 2004. [10] T. Kuang, F. Xiao, and C. Williamson, ―Diagnosing Wireless TCP Performance Problems: A Case Study", Proceedings of SCS SPECTS Conference, Montreal, PQ, pp. 176-185, July 2003. Venkatesh.Donepudi, vahiduddinshariff |
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37. | ECG De-Noising using thresholding based on Wavelet transforms
ECG De-Noising using thresholding based on Wavelet transformsAbstract: The electrocardiogram (ECG) is widely used for diagnosis of heart diseases. Good quality of ECG is utilized by physicians for interpretation and identification of physiological and pathological phenomena. However, in real situations, ECG recordings are often corrupted by artifacts. Noise severely limits the utility of the recorded ECG and thus need to be removed, for better clinical evaluation. Donoho and Johnstone [4, 5, 10] proposed wavelet thresholding denoising method based on discrete wavelet transform (DWT) with universal threshold is suitable for non-stationary signals such as ECG signal. In the present paper a new thresholding technique is proposed for de-noising of ECG signal. This new de-noising method is called as improved thresholding de-noising method could be regarded as a compromising between hardand soft-thresholding de-noising methods. The proposed method selects the best suitable wavelet function based on DWT at the decomposition level of 5, using mean square error (MSE) and output SNR. The advantage of the improved thresholding de-noising method is that it retains both the geometrical characteristics of the original ECG signal and variations in the amplitudes of various ECG waveforms effectively. The experimental results indicate that the proposed method is better than traditional wavelet thresholding de-noising methods in the aspects of remaining geometrical characteristics of ECG signal and in improvement of signal-tonoise ratio (SNR).Key words: ECG signal, wavelet de-noising, discrete wavelet transform, improved thresholding Reference [1] Pan. J and W.J. Tompkins, "A real-time QRS detection algorithm", IEEE Trans. Bio-Med. Eng., 31:715-717, 1985. [2] P.V.E. Mc Clintock, and A. Stefanovska, "Noise and deterministic in cardiovascular dynamics", Physica A., 314: 69-76, 2002. [3] M. Sivannarayana, and D.C. Reddy, "Biorthogonal wavelet transform for ECG parameters estimation", Med. Eng. and Physics, ELSEVIER, 21:167-174, 1999. [4] D.L. Donoho and I.M. Johnstone, "Ideal spatial adaptation via wavelet shrinkage", Biometrika, 1994, Vol.81, pp. 425-455. [5] D.L. Donoho, "De-noising by soft thresholding", IEEE Trans. Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. 41, pp. 613-627, 1995. [6] P.M. Agante and J.P. Marques de sa, "ECG noise filtering using wavelets with softthresholding methods", Computers in Cardiology, vol. 26, pp. 523-538, 1999. [7] F.N. Ucar, M. Korurek, and E. Yazgan, "A noise reduction algorithm in ECG signals using wavelet transforms', Biomedical Engineering Days, Proceedings of the 1998 2nd International Conference, pp.36- 38,1998. [8] ftp://ftp.ieee.org/uploads/press/rangayyan/ S. Mallat, "A theory for multiresolution signal decomposition: the wavelet representation", IEEE Pattern Anal. and Machine Intel., vol. 11, no. 7, pp. 674-693, 1989. [9] D.L. Donoho, and I.M. Johnstone, "Adapting to unknown smoothness via wavelet shrinkage", J. ASA, vol. 90, pp. 1200–1223, 1995. [10] G. Song and R. Zhao, "Three novel models of threshold estimator for wavelets coefficients", 2nd International Conference on Wavelet Analysis and Its Applications, Berlin: Springer-verlag, pp.145-150, 2001. V.Supraja, S.Safiya |
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38. | Vibration Reduction of Rotating Machinery by Using Viscoelastic Material Support
Vibration Reduction of Rotating Machinery by Using Viscoelastic Material SupportAbstract: The demand for silent machine operation in any of the organization is prime need in today's environmentally conscious world. The legal aspects of noise control requires a silent and noise free operation of the machine. The vibration and noise resulted due to it is the common phenomena in any dynamic machinery. In this paper an attempt has been made to found a suitable Viscoelastic material which can minimize the vibration and results into less noise and efficient operation.Key words: Viscoelastic material, Vibration, FFT analyzer. Reference [1] H.G. Tillema, Thesis Noise reduction of rotating machinery by viscoelastic bearing supports, University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands, pp. 2-3, February 2003. [2] Carlos Alberto Bavastri, Euda Mara da S. Ferreira, Jose Joao de Espindola, Eduardo Marcio de O. Lopes, Modeling of Dynamic Rotors with Flexible Bearings due to the use of Viscoelastic Materials, Journal of the Brazil, Soc. of Mech. Sci. & Eng., 3(1), pp. 23-29, January-March 2008. [3] Severino P. C. Marques, Guillermo J. Creus, Computational Viscoelasticity, Springer Heidelberg Dordrecht London, New York, pp. 3, 2012. [4] Snowdon, J.C., Rubberlike Materials, Their Internal Damping and Role in Vibration Isolation, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2 (2), pp. 175-193, April 1965. [5] Shabaneh, N.H. and Jean W., Dynamic Analysis of Rotor-Shaft Systems with Viscoelastically Supported Bearings, Mechanism and Machine Theory, University of Toronto, Canada, 35 (1), pp. 1313-1330, September 1999. [6] Dutt, J.K., Toi T., Rotor Vibration Reduction With Polymeric Sectors, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 262 (4), pp. 769-793, May 2003. [7] N. Venugopal, C.M. Chaudhari, Nitesh P. Yelve, An Investigation on Vibration of Visco-elastic materials by Using Taguchi Method & ANOVA, NCRTM 2006. [8] M. I. Friswell, J. T. Sawicki, D. J. Inman, A. W. Lees, The Response of Rotating Machines on Viscoelastic Supports, International Review of Mechanical Engineering (I.RE.M.E.), 1 (1), pp. 32-40, 2007. Sainand M. Jadhav, Sanjay D. Nikhade, Sandip S. Kanase |
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39. | Effect of OFDM Transmission Mode on Frequency Synchronization Performance
Effect of OFDM Transmission Mode on Frequency Synchronization PerformanceAbstract: This paper investigates the effect of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) transmission mode on the performance of the cyclic prefix- (CP) based frequency synchronization technique. An OFDM block consists of the inverse fast Fourier transform (IFFT) window and the CP. A transmission mode refers to the IFFT size used for the OFDM symbol. The frequency synchronization technique involves the use of the CP for estimating and correcting the carrier frequency offset (CFO) in an OFDM signal. Five different OFDM transmission modes are developed and frequency synchronization is performed on each of them in turn. The OFDM-16QAM scheme is utilized and the synchronization performance is evaluated for each of the transmission modes in terms of the mean squared error (MSE), bit error rate (BER) and CFO estimation time. The results show that synchronization performance improves with increase in the order of transmission mode (IFFT size) but with increase in CFO estimation time.Key words: Carrier frequency offset, Cyclic prefix, IFFT size, OFDM, Synchronization, Reference [1] L.J. Ippolito, Satellite communications systems engineering (West Sussex: John Wiley and Sons Ltd., 2008) 332-334. [2] Z.K. Adeyemo and O.O. Ajayi, Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) for future mobile multimedia communications, International Journal of Engineering, 5(4), 2011, 209-220. [3] S.R. Ahamed, Performance analysis of OFDM, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 20, 2008, 23-30. [4] A.B. Awoseyila, C. Kasparis and B.G. Evans, Robust time-domain timing & frequency synchronization for OFDM systems, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 55(2), 2009, 391-399. [5] H. Zhao, Y. Liu, J. Zhang and J. Zhou, A novel joint synchronization algorithm for OFDM systems based on single training symbol, International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications, 5(5), 2011, 217-225. [6] J. González, C. Carreras and A. Fernández, A novel carrier frequency synchronization for WiMAX OFDM systems, IADIS International Conference Applied Computing, 2007, 573-577. [7] B. Jahan, M. Lanoiselee, G. Degoulet and R. Rabineau, Full synchronization method for OFDM/OQAM and OFDM/QAM modulations, IEEE Transactions, (2008), [8] Y. He, W. Xingfeng, W. Yong and Z. Ping, FPGA implementation of carrier frequency offset estimation in B3G MIMO OFDM system, Publication of Wireless Technology Innovation Institute, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, 2007, 1-5, [Online] Available:www.master.apan.net/meetings/x ian2007/publication/ (September 20, 2011) [9] M.M. Ruan, M.C. Reed and Z. Shi, A hybrid integer carrier frequency offset estimator for practical OFDM systems, 2010, [Online] Available: www.elsevier.com/ (July 6, 2011) [10] G. Ren, Y. Chang, H. Zhang and H. Zhang, Synchronization method based on a new constant envelop preamble for OFDM systems, IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, 54(1), 2005, 139-143. Zachaeus K. Adeyemo, Olumide O. Ajayi, Robert O. Abolade |
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40. | A New Image Compression Scheme with Wavelet Transform and SPIHT Algorithm using PSO
A New Image Compression Scheme with Wavelet Transform and SPIHT Algorithm using PSOAbstract: The necessity in image compression continuously grows during the last decade. A number of image compression techniques have been developed in the past different kind of application. But, majority of the image compression approaches available in the literature have poor visual quality and low PSNR (Peak Signal to Noise Ratio) value. In recent years, discrete time wavelet transform (DWT) is observed to be very efficient for image compression techniques. The existing work implemented with SPIHT (Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Tress) compression scheme. This paper introduce a proposed method of implementation wavelet family which is combine with SPIHT compression scheme using PSO (Particle Swarm Optimization) which gives significant improvement in image visual quality such as PSNR value than existing work.Key words: Discrete time Wavelet Transform (DWT), Image Compression, PSNR, PSO, SPIHT Reference [1] Rafael C. Gonzalez and Richard E Woods, Digital Image Processing, Pearson Education, Inc., 2009 [2] Khalid Sayood, "Introduction to Data Compression", 3rd edition, Academic Press, Morgan Kaufman Publishers, 2006 [3] Stephane G. Mallat, "A theory for multi resolution signal decomposition: The wavelet representation" IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 11, no. 7, pp. 674–693, Jul.1989. [4] A. Said and W. A. Pearlman, "A New fast and efficient image codec based on set partitioning in hierarchical trees", IEEE Trans. On Circuits and Systems for Video Tech., vol. 6, no.3 pp 243-250, Jun. 1996. [5] Garima Vyas, Rohit Anand and K.E. Holȇ , "Implementation of Advanced Image Compression using Wavelet Transform and SPHIT Algorithm", International Journal of Electronic and Electrical Engineering. ISSN 0974-2174 Volume 4, Number 3 (2011), pp. 249-254. [6] Jun-Ren Ding and Jar-Ferr Yang, "A Simplified Spiht Algorithm", Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 31, No. 4, pp. 715-719 (2008). [7] K. S. Selvanayaki, "A two Component Medical Image Compression Techniques For Dicom Images", International Journal of Image Processing and Vision Sciences ISSN: 2278 – 1110, Vol-1 Iss-3,4 ,2012 [8] Qinghai Bai," Analysis of Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm", Computer and information science, vol 3 No.1, February 2010 [9] M.Mohamed Ismail, Dr.K.Baskaran, "Clustering Based Adaptive Image Compression Scheme Using Particle Swarm Optimization Technique", International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Vol. 2(10), 2010, 5114-5119 [10] Chunjuan Oyuang, Xia Li, Na Wang, "A Best Wavelet Packet Basis Image Compression Algorithm Based on PSO", IEEE Transaction 2010 Fourth International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing Mahipalsinh R. Zala, Shaktisinh S. Parmar |
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41. | A Comparative Study Of Matlab Results And Vhdl Analysis Of DWT For Efficient Power Systems
A Comparative Study Of Matlab Results And Vhdl Analysis Of DWT For Efficient Power SystemsAbstract: Power Quality is one of the primary concerns of the utilities, since lack of quality in power may cause malfunctions, instability, short lifetime and so on. The efficiency and sustainability of a power system is highly dependent on the maintenance of good quality of power supply. Conventional Methods have been used to analyze the transient effects but found to be high resource consuming under remote applications. In this aspect the Discrete Wavelet Transformation (DWT) analysis has gained reputation of being a very effective and efficient analysis tool. VHDL is used to implement DWT architecture for improving the efficiency of estimation and response in the power systems. The evaluations are compared with theoretical results from MATLAB and were observed to be meeting the accuracy of estimation.Key words: DWT, VHDL, MATLAB, Power Systems, Digital Modeling Reference [1]. R. MLEWSKY, "Five Years of Monitoring the Impulse Test of Power Transformer with Digital Recorders and Transfer Function Method", pp.1-6,CIGRE 1992 .session 12-20. [2]. W. Wang , Y.M.Li , Y.Qui " Application of Wavelet Analysis to Detection of Transformer Winding Deformation, 10th ISH' 97, pp 131-134 Montreal Qubec Canada 1997. Peter Hoffman AND Surya Santoso, " Power Quality Assessment via Wavelet Transform Analysis", IEEE Transaction on Power DeliveryVol,.11,No 2 April 1996. [4]. Daubechies, I. (1990) " The wavelet transform, time/frequency location and signal analysis. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory", 36, 961-1005. [5]. S.Masud "VLSI system for discrete wavelet transforms", PhD Thesis, Dept. of electrical engineering, The Queen‟s University of Belfast, 1999. [6]. Rioul, O. and M. Vetterli (1991) " Wavelets and signal processing. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine", 14-38. [7]. Vetterli, M. and J. Kovacevic (1995) " Wavelets and Subband Coding". Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, U.S.A. [8]. HDL Designer Series User Manual, Software Version 2003.1,9 April 2003, Mentor Graphics Corporation 1996-2003. [9]. Modelsim 5.6 SE Performance Guidelines, Model Technology February 2002, User‟s Manual, Version 5.6e, Mentor Graphics Corporation 1996-2002. "XC4000E and XC4000X Series Field Programmable Gate Arrays", Xilinx 1999. Meha Sharma, rewa Sharma |
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42 | Design and Simulation of Floating Point Multiplier Based on VHDL
Design and Simulation of Floating Point Multiplier Based on VHDLAbstract: Multiplying floating point numbers is a critical requirement for DSP applications involving large dynamic range. This paper focuses only on single precision normalized binary interchange format targeted for Xilinx Spartan-3 FPGA based on VHDL. The multiplier was verified against Xilinx floating point multiplier core. It handles the overflow and underflow cases. Rounding is not implemented to give more precision when using the multiplier in a Multiply and Accumulate (MAC) unit.Key words: Floating point multiplication, VHDL simulation Reference [1] IEEE 754-2008, IEEE Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic, 2008. [2] B. Fagin and C. Renard, "Field Programmable Gate Arrays and FloatingPoint Arithmetic," IEEE Transactions on VLSI, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 365–367, 1994. [3] N. Shirazi, A. Walters, and P. Athanas, "Quantitative Analysis ofFloating Point Arithmetic on FPGA Based Custom Computing Machines," Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on FPGAs for CustomComputing Machines (FCCM'95), pp.155–162, 1995. [4] L. Louca, T. A. Cook, and W. H. Johnson, "Implementation of IEEESingle Precision Floating Point Addition and Multiplication on FPGAs,"Proceedings of 83 the IEEE Symposium on FPGAs for CustomComputing Machines (FCCM'96), pp. 107–116, 1996. [5] A. Jaenicke and W. Luk, "Parameterized Floating-Point Arithmetic on FPGAs", Proc. of IEEE ICASSP, 2001, vol. 2, pp.897-900. [6] B. Lee and N. Burgess, "Parameterisable Floating-point Operations on FPGA," Conference Record of the Thirty-Sixth Asilomar Conference onSignals, Systems, and Computers, 2002 [7] Mohamed Al-Ashrafy, Ashraf Salem and Wagdy Anis" An Efficient Implementation of Floating PointMultiplier" Electronics, Communications and Photonics Conference (SIECPC), 2011 Saudi International Remadevi R |
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43. | BIM and Basic Challenges Associated with its Definitions, Interpretations and Expectations
BIM and Basic Challenges Associated with its Definitions, Interpretations and ExpectationsAbstract: The construction industry in recent years has incorporated information technology which serves to facilitate the conceptualization and realization of construction projects. These efforts have culminated in the development of "Building Information Modeling" (BIM), a process consisting of generating and managing digital renderings of a building‟s functional and physical features. BIM has attracted widespread popularity recently; however, there is several challenges concerning its definitions and expectations in early phases of construction projects. Evidently different organizations and people create their own definitions of BIM, based on the specific way they work with BIM. Thus, it is evident that there are differences in the way BIM is perceived by both different individuals and organizations within the construction industry. As a result, it might be difficult to come up with a common definition of BIM for the entire construction industry. In other words, there is confusion concerning what BIM is, and what BIM is not. This can lead to misunderstandings concerning expectations from different stakeholders involved in construction projects where BIM is utilized. Therefore, by reviewing and analyzing current literature in the area of BIM, the main objective of this paper is to discuss the most common challenges of BIM‟s definitions and expectations which hinder the comprehensive realization of its benefits in order to increase the awareness of construction practitioners and firms. It is suggested that the definition of BIM should not be unilateral but rather encompass several key characteristics which have been attributed to it.Key words: - BIM, BIM challenges, BIM definitions, Building Information Modeling, construction industry Reference [1] Y. Arayici et al., BIM adoption and implementation for architectural practices, Structural Survey, 29(1), 2011, 7-25. [2] Y. Arayici et al., Technology adoption in the BIM implementation for lean architectural practice, Automation in Construction, 20(2), 2011, 189-195. [4] R. Sacks, et al., Visualization of work flow to support lean construction, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 135(12), 2009, 1307-1315. [6] Y. Jung and G.E. Gibson, Planning for computer integrated construction, ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 13 (4), 1999, 217– 225. [7] Y. Jung and M. Joo, Building information modelling (BIM) framework for practical implementation, Automation in Construction 20(2), 2011, 126-133. Books: [8] F. Jernigan, BIG BIM little BIM (2nd Ed, 4site Press, Salisbury, Maryland, 2008). [9] AIA, The architect's handbook of professional practice (New York, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 2002). Behzad Abbasnejad, Hashem Izadi Moud |
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44. | FPGA Implementation of Modified Booth Multiplier
FPGA Implementation of Modified Booth MultiplierAbstract: To design a high speed multiplier with reduced error compensation technique. The fixed-width multiplier is attractive to many multimedia and digital signal processing systems which are desirable to maintain a fixed format and allow a little accuracy loss to output data. This paper presents the Design of error compensated truncation circuit and its implementation in fixed width multiplier. To reduce the truncation error, we first slightly modify the partial product matrix of Booth multiplication and then derive an effective error compensation function that makes the error distribution be more symmetric to and centralized in the error equal to zero, leading the fixed-width modified Booth multiplier to very small mean and mean-square errors. However, a huge truncation error will be introduced to this kind of fixed-width modified Booth multipliers. To overcome this problem, several error compensated truncation circuit approaches have been proposed to effectively reduce the truncation error of fixed-width modified Booth multipliers.Reference [1] S. J. Jou, M.-H. Tsai and Y.-L. Tsao, "Lowerror reduced-width BoothMultipliers for DSP applications," IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I, Fudam.Theory Appl., vol. 50, no. 11, pp. 1470–1474, Nov. 2003. [2] K.-J. Cho, K.-C. Lee, J.-G. Chung, and K. K. Parhi, "Design of low errorFixed-width modified Booth multiplier," IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integr. (VLSI) Syst., vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 522–531, May 2004. [3] M.-A. Song, L.-D. Van and S.-Y. Kuo, "Adaptive low-error fixed widthBooth multipliers," IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, vol. E90-A, no.6, pp. 1180–1187, Jun. 2007. S.Nagaraj, R.Mallikarjuna Reddy |
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45. | Compensation Of AC And DC Loads Of A Three-Phase DSTATCOM By Using A Fast-Acting DC-Link Voltage Controller
Compensation Of AC And DC Loads Of A Three-Phase DSTATCOM By Using A Fast-Acting DC-Link Voltage ControllerAbstract: The DSTATCOM consists of a currentcontrolled Voltage-Source Inverter (VSI) which injects current at the Point of Common Coupling (PCC) through inductor. The operation of VSI is supported by a dc storage capacitor with proper dc voltage across it. The transient response of the (DSTATCOM) is very important while compensating rapidly unbalanced and nonlinear loads. Any change in the load affects the dc-link voltage directly .The sudden removal of load would result in an increase in the dc-link voltage above the reference value, where as sudden increase in load would reduce the dc-link voltage below its reference value. The proper operation of DSTATCOM requires variation of the dc-link voltage controller within the prescribed limits. Conventionally, a Proportional-Integral (PI) controller is used to maintain the dc-link voltage to the reference value. It uses deviation of the capacitor voltage from its reference value as its input. However the transient response of the conventional PI dc-link controller is slow. To maintain the dc-link voltage at the reference value, the dc-link capacitor needs a certain amount of real power, which is proportional to the difference between the actual and reference voltages. To overcome the disadvantage of the conventional PI dc-link voltage controller, a fast-acting dc-link voltage controller is proposed. To maintain the dc-link voltage of fast acting controller reference value is proportional to the difference between the squares of the actual and reference voltages. Mathematical equations are given to compute the gains of the conventional controller based on fast-acting dc-link voltage controllers to achieve similar fast transient response. The value of the dc-link capacitor can be selected based on its ability to regulate the voltage under transient conditions.. The efficiency of the proposed controller over the conventional dc-link voltage controller has been developed in MATLAB environment, simulated and obtained related waveforms.Key words: DSTATCOM, Voltage-Source Inverter (VSI), Proportional-Integral (PI) controller, MATLAB. Reference [1] A Fast-Acting DC-Link Voltage Controller forThree-Phase DSTATCOM to Compensate AC and DC LoadsMahesh K. Mishra, Member, IEEE, and K. Karthikeyan-2009 IEEE [2] A Novel Technique to Compensate Voltage Sags in Multiline Distribution System— The InterlineDynamic Voltage RestorerD. Mahinda Vilathgamuwa, Senior Member, IEEE, H. M. Wijekoon, and S. S. Choi, Member, IEEE-2006 [3] Power QualityEnhancement UsingCustom Power Devices By Arindam Ghosh and Gerard Ledwich. Published by Kluwer (Power Electronics and Power Systems Series), 2002. ISBN: 1-4020-7180-9, 460 pages including index. [4] Instantaneous Reactive Power Compensators ComprisingSwitching Devices without Energy Storage ComponentsHIROFUMI AKAGI, YOSHIHIRA KANAZAWA, AND AKIRA NABAE, MEMBER, IEEE-1984 [5] Design of a Real-Time Digital Simulator for aD-STATCOM System Venkata Dinavahi, Member, IEEE, Reza Iravani, Fellow, IEEE, and Richard Bonert, Member, IEEE-2004 [6] Instantaneous Power Compensation in Three-Phase Systems by Using p–q–r Theory Hyosung Kim, Member, IEEE, Frede Blaabjerg, Senior Member, IEEE, Birgitte Bak-Jensen, Member, IEEE, and Jaeho Choi, Senior Member, IEEE [7] Tutorial on Voltage Sag Analysis- Math H J Bollen and Emmanouil Styvaktakis Chalmers University of Technology Gothenburg, Sweden-2002 [8] voltage source converter technology, Different Custom devices by N.G. Hingorani and L. Gyugyi. Ch.Nayak Bhukya, S.Sankara Prasad, M.Venkateswarlu |
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46. | Observability Analysis Of Large Bus - System Using Matlab Simulation
Observability Analysis Of Large Bus - System Using Matlab SimulationAbstract: This methodology provides a numerical approach to observability analysis. The approach enables observability analysis and restoration (pseudo-measurement selection) in a simple way with iteration, via triangular factorization of the jacobian matrix of the weight least square state estimator. An algorithm for precious measurement of topological observability in large bus – system state estimation has been proposed. The algorithm is based on observation that the search for a spanning tree of full rank. We use observability algorithm and state estimation algorithm. We use the Mat lab to obtain the various graphs of bus systems. By using simulation method of bus system we analyze the observability.Key words: Power system state estimation, Observability analysis, Pseudo – measurement. Reference (1) Fred C. Schwepp and Wildes "Power static state estimation Part- 1: Exact Model "IEEE Trans on Power apparatus and systems, Vol PAS – 89, pp 120- 125 Jan- 1970. (2) G. R. Krumpholz, K. A. Clements and P. W. Davis "Power System Observability: A practical algorithm using network topology "IEEE Trans on Power apparatus and system VOL PAS- 99 pp 1534- 1542 JULY/AUG 1980. (3) A. Monticello and F. F. Wu "Network Observability: Identification of Observable islands and measurements placements "Trans on PAS. VOL PAS- 104 PP 1035- 1041 MAY 1985. (4) E. D. Crainiac, H. P. Hoisberger, X.D. Do, D. Mukhedkar, "Power systems observability: the assessment of measurement system strength" IEEE Trans on PS Vol. 5 PP 1267-1285 Nov. 1990. (5) George L.Kusic "Computer aided power systems analysis" Prentice hall of india,1989 (6) V.H. Quintana, A Simoes-costa and A. Mandal " Power System Observability using a direct graph –Theoretic approach " IEEE Trans on PAS VOL. PAS -101 pp: 617-625 March 1982. (7) R. Ebrahimian and R. Baldick, "State estimator condition number analysis", IEEE Trans. Power system, Vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 273-279, May 2001. (8) Korres, "Reduced model for numerical observability analysis in generalised state estimation", IEEE Generation, transmission and distribution, ISSN 1350-2360, 99- 108,Jan. 2005 Gyanendrasingh, Er. Pratibhatiwari, Prashant Kumar,Tushar Srivastava |
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47. | Remote Monitoring of Heart Sounds in Real-Time
Remote Monitoring of Heart Sounds in Real-TimeAbstract: As health care centres have becomes popular, daily monitoring of health-status related parameters is becoming important. An easy, comfortable and patient friendly solution for acquisition, processing and remotely transmitting the information from patient to the centre is therefore an important issue. Phonocardiogram (PCG) is a physiological signal reflecting the cardiovascular status. This paper deals with a Signal Processing Module for the computer-aided analysis of the condition of heart. The module has three main blocks: Data Acquisition, Signal Processing & Remote Monitoring of heart sounds. Data acquired includes the heart sounds. The system integrates embedded internet technology and wireless technology. As the data is being send by internet, it realizes real-time recording and monitoring of physiological parameter of patients at low cost and both at home and in hospital. The analysis can be carried out using computer initially and further by doctor. The tele-monitoring system may provide a low-cost, reliable and convenient solution for data acquisition and real time analysis of the PCG. The heart sounds are acquired using an acoustic stethoscope and then processed using software developed using the simulation tool (Python 2.7) & the recorded PCG transmitted and saved on the server. From where, any time it can be remotely accessed for expert advice and/or for further diagnosis.Key words: Cardiac Auscultation, Heart Rate (HR), Heart sounds, Phonocardiogram (PCG), Python, Stethoscope, Wavelet decomposition Reference [1]. L. A. Geddes, Birth of the stethoscope, Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, IEEE, vol. 24, pp. 84, 2005. [2]. J. Abrams, Current concepts of the genesis of heart sounds. I. First and second sounds, Jama, vol. 239, pp. 2787-9, 1978. [3]. N. J. Mehta and I. A. Khan, Third heart sound: genesis and clinical importance, Int J Cardiol, vol. 97, pp. 183-186, 2004. [4]. Faizan Javed, P A Venkatachalam and Ahmad Fadzil M H, A Signal Processing Module for the Analysis of Heart Sounds and Heart Murmurs, 2006, International Journal of Physics International MEMS Conference Series 34, pp 1098–1105. [5]. M.Vishwanath Shervegar, Ganesh.V.Bhat and Raghavendra M Shetty K, Phonocardiography–the future of cardiac Auscultation, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 2, Issue 10, Oct-2011. [6]. H Liang, S Lukkarinen and I Hartimo, Heart Sound Segmentation Algorithm Based on Heart Sound Envelolgram, Computers in Cardiology, Vol24 , 1997, pp 105-108 [7]. Durand L G, Pibarot P, Digital Signal Processing of Phonocardiogram: Review of the most recent advancements, Critical ReviewTM in Biomedical Engineering, vol 23, 1995, pp 116-219 [8]. H Liang, S Lukkarinen, I Hartimo, Heart Sound Segmentation Algorithm Based on Heart Sound Envelolgram, Computers in Cardiology, IEEE, Vol. 24, pp. 105-108, 1997. Books: [9]. Hurst JW. The heart arteries and veins, 7th ed. McGraw-Hill Information Services Company, New York 1990: Ch. 14: 175-242. Proceedings Papers: [10]. S. Omran and M. Tayel, A Heart Sound Segmentation and Feature Extraction Algorithm using Wavelets, IEEE ISCCSP, 2004, pp. 235-238. Websites: [11]. http://docs.python.org/release/2.3.5/ tut/tut.html; the Python Tutorial by Guido van Rossum. Priya Rani, A N Cheeran, Vaibhav D Awandekar, Rameshwari S Mane |
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48. | Investigation Of Tool Wear In Hard Turning Using Taguchi Method
Investigation Of Tool Wear In Hard Turning Using Taguchi MethodAbstract: Hard turning is a machining process defined of hardness higher than 45 HRC under appropriate cutting tools and cutting speed. The objective of this paper is to investigate the optimum process parameters for a particular work piece-tool material combination. . In this study, three levels of each parameters viz. Hardness (HRC), Speed(mm/min), Feed(mm/rev) and three different tool materials are evaluated for process quality characteristics such as tool wear. The three different tool materials used are High CBN, Low CBN, Mixed ceramic. AISI H 11 was taken as work piece material. The experiment is designed using Taguchi Method. The results obtained from the experiments are transformed into signal to noise (S/N) ratio and used to optimize the value of tool wear. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) is performed to indentify the statistical significance of parameters. The final results of experimental investigation are presented in this paper. The conclusions arrived at are critically discussed at the end..Key words: Hard turning, Taguchi Technique, ANOVA, Surface Finish, Flank Wear. Reference 1. Konig W, Berktold A, Koch KF. Turning versus grinding–a comparison of surface integrity aspects and attainable accuracies. Ann CIRP 1993;42(1):39–43. 2. Tonshoff HK, Arendt C, Ben Amor R. Cutting of hardened steel. Ann CIRP 2000;49(2):547–66. 3. Tonshoff HK, Wobker HG, Brandt D. Tool wear and surface integrity in hard turning. Prod Eng 1996;3(1):19–24. 4. Tonshoff HK, Wobker HG, Brandt D. Hard turning–Influence on the workpiece properties. Trans NAMRI/SME 1995;23:215–20. 5. Zou JM, Anderson M, Stahl JE. Identification of cutting errors in precision hard turning process. J Mater Process Tech 2004;153–154:746–50. 6. Rech J, Moisan A. Surface Integrity in finish hard turning of case hardened steels. Int J Mach Tool Manuf 2003;43:543–50. 7. Destefani J. Technology key to mold making success.Manuf Eng 2004;133(4):59 64. 8. Elbestawi MA, Chen L, Becze CE, EIWardany TI. High-speed milling of dies and molds in their hardened state. Ann CIRP 1997;46(1):57–62. 9. Byrne G, Dornfeld D, Denkena B. Advancing cutting technology. Ann CIRP 2003;52(2):483–507. 10. Klocke F, Brinskmeier E, Weinert K. Capability profile of hard cutting and grinding processes.Ann CIRP 2005;54(2):557–80. Chaudhari Y D |
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49. | Morphological Analyzer for Marathi using NLP
Morphological Analyzer for Marathi using NLPAbstract: Morphology is a part of linguistic that deals with study of words, i.e internal structure and partially their meanings. A morphological analyzer is a program for analyzing morphology for an input word, it detects morphemes of any text. In current technique, only provides dictionary which defines the meaning of the word, but does not give the grammatical explanation regarding that word. In propose system, we evaluate the morphological analyzer for Marathi, an inflectional language and even a parsed tree i.e a grammatical structure. We plug the morphological analyzer with statistical pos tagger and chunker to see its impact on their performance so as to confirm its usability as a foundation for NLP applications.Key words: Analyze , Inflection, Lexicon, Marathi morphology, Natural language Processing. Reference [[1] ―An improvised Morphological Analyzer for Tamil:A case of implementing the open source platformApertium". Parameswari K. Unpublished M.Phil. Thesis. Hyderabad:University of Hyderabad. 2009. [2] " Design and Implementation of a Morphology-based Spellchecker forMarathi, an Indian Language". Dixit, Veena, Satish Dethe, and Rushikesh K. Joshi. 2006. [3] "James Allen. Natural Language Understanding". Pearson Education, Singapur, second edition, 2004. [4] ―Natural Language Processing: A Paninian Perspective". Bharati, Akshar, Vineet Chaitanya, and Rajeev Sanghal 1995. [ 5 ] " Natural Language Processing – A Paninian Perspective". R. S. Akshar Bharati and V. Chaitanya,1995. [6] "Two-level Morphology: a general computational model for word-form recognition and production". Koskenniemi, Kimmo 1983. [7] "A Paradigm-Based Finite State Morphological Analyzer for Marathi", Pushpak Bhattacharyya. [8] "Natural Language Processing". Utpal Sharma. Department of Computer Science and Information Technology, Tezpur University, Tezpur-784028, Assam ,India. Pratiksha Gawade, Deepika Madhavi, Jayshree Gaikwad, Sharvari Jadhav, Rahul Ambekar |
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50. | Cardiac Arrhythmia Detection By ECG Feature Extraction
Cardiac Arrhythmia Detection By ECG Feature ExtractionAbstract: Electrocardiogram (ECG) is a noninvasive technique used as a primary diagnostic tool for detecting cardiovascular diseases. One of the important cardiovascular diseases is cardiac arrhythmia. Computer-assisted cardiac arrhythmia detection and classification can play a significant role in the management of cardiac disorders. This paper presents an algorithm developed using Python 2.6 simulation tool for the detection of cardiac arrhythmias e.g. premature ventricular contracture (PVC), right bundle branch block (R or RBBB) and left bundle branch block (L or LBBB) by extracting various features and vital intervals (i.e. RR, QRS, etc) from the ECG waveform. The proposed method was tested over the MIT-BIH Arrhythmias Database.Key words: Cardiac Arrhythmia, ECG, left bundle branch block (L or LBBB), premature ventricular contracture (PVC), right bundle branch block (R or RBBB). Reference [1] J. Pan, W. J. Tompkins,―A real time QRS detection algorithm,‖ IEEE Transactions on Biomed. Eng., Vol. 32, 230– 236,1985. [2] G.K. Prasad et al.,―Classification of ECG arrhythmias using multiresolution analysis and neural networks‖, IEEE Tencon , Vol. 1, 227-231,2003. [3] D.C. Philip et al., "Automatic classification of heartbeats using ECG morphology and heartbeat interval features," IEEE Transactions on Biomed. Eng., Vol. 51, No. 7, 1196-1206,2004. [4] D.F. Ge et al.,―Cardiac arrhythmia classification using autoregressive modeling‖,Biomed. Eng. Online, Vol. 1, No. 5, 1-12, 2002. [5] Hong Yan Luo, ―Automatic analysis of the high frequency electrocardiogram‖, International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Vol. 9, No. 1, 23-34, 1998. Books: [6] A. Bayés de Luna (2009), Basic Electrocardiography Normal And Abnormal ECG Patterns, Blackwell Publishers. Proceedings Papers: [7] Awadhesh Pachauri et al., ―Wavelet and Energy Based Approach for PVC Detection‖,International Conference on Emerging Trends in Electronic and Photonic Devices & Systems, 2009, pp. 258-261. [8] Chusak Thanawattano and Surapol Tan-aram, ―Cardiac Arrhythmia Detection based on Signal Variation Characteristic‖ International Conference on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics, 2008, pp. 367-370 [9] Asim Dilawer Bakhshi et al.,―Cardiac Arrhythmia Detection Using Instantaneous Frequency Estimation of ECG Signals‖, International Conference on Information and Emerging Technologies (ICIET), 2010, pp. 1-5. Websites: [10]. http://www.physionet.org/mitdb [11]. www.ahajournals.org/ Rameshwari S Mane, A N Cheeran, Vaibhav D Awandekar, Priya Rani |
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51. | Overlay Text Retrieval From Video Scene
Overlay Text Retrieval From Video SceneAbstract: The rapid growth of video data leads to an urgent demand for efficient and true contentbased browsing and retrieving systems. In response to such needs, various video content analysis schemes using one or a combination of image, audio, and text information in videos have been proposed to parse, index, or abstract massive amount of data text in video is a very compact and accurate clue for video indexing and summarization. Most video text detection and extraction methods hold assumptions on text color, background contrast, and font style. Moreover, few methods can handle multilingual text well since different languages may have quite different appearances. In this paper, an efficient overlay text detection and extraction method is implemented which deals with complex backgrounds. Based on our observation that there exist transient colors between inserted text and its adjacent background. It is robust with respect to font size, style text, color, orientation and noise and can be used in a large variety of application fields such as mobile robot navigation vehicle license detection and recognition, object identification , document retrieving, etc.Key words: overlay text , video content analysis, video indexing summarization. Reference [1] C. G. M. Snoek and M. Worring, "Time interval maximum entropy based event indexing in soccer video," in Proc. Int. Conf. Multimedia and Expo, Jul. 2003, vol. 3, pp. 481–484. [2] J. Gllavata, R. Ewerth, and B. Freisleben, "Text detection in images based on unsupervised classification of highfrequency wavelet coefficients," in Proc. Int. Conf. Pattern Recognition, Aug. 2004, vol. 1, pp. 425–428. [3] X. S. Hua, P. Yin, and H. J. Zhang, "Efficient video text recognition using multiple frame integration," in Proc. Int. Conf. Image Processing, Sep. 2004, vol. 2, pp. 22–25. [4] M. R. Lyu, J. Song, and M. Cai, "A comprehensive method for multilingual video text detection, localization, and extraction," IEEE Trans. Circuit and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 243–255 Feb. 2005. [5] X. Liu and J. Samarabandu, "Multiscale edge-based text extraction from complex images," in Proc. Int. Conf. Multimedia and Expo (ICME), Jul. 2006, pp. 1721– 1724. [6] T. Sato, T. Kanade, E. K. Hughes, and M. A. Smith, "Video OCR fo digital news archive," in Proc. IEEE International Workshop on Content- Based Access of52–60. [7] J. Wu, S. Qu, Q. Zhuo, and W. Wang, "Automatic text detection in complex color image," in Proc. Int. Conf. Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Nov. 2002, vol. 3, pp. 1167–1171. [8] Wonjun Kim and changrick Kim . "A new approach for overlay text detection and extraction from complex video scene" in IEEE trans on image processing. [9] Y. Liu, H. Lu, X. Xue, and Y. P. Tan, "Effective video text detection using line features," in Proc. Int. Conf. Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, Dec. 2004, vol. 2, pp. 1528–1532. [10] T. Ojala, M. Pierikainen, and T. Maenpaa, "Multiresolution gray-scale and rotation invariant texture classification with local binary patterns," IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell., vol. 24, no. 7, pp. 971–987, Jul. 2002. [11] S. Antani, D. Crandall, and R. Kasturi, "Robust extraction of text in video," in Proc. Int. Conf. Pattern Recognition, Sep. 2000, vol. 1, pp. 831–834. K.Manohar, S.Irfan, K.Sravani |
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52. | Regaining Of Hydrocarbon Liquids From Discarded Polyethylene By Thermolysis In Semi Batch Reactor Satyendra Singh Tomar, Dr.S.P.Singh |
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53. | A Vibration Analysis Of Vehicle Frame
A Vibration Analysis Of Vehicle FrameAbstract: Importance in the development of offroad racing vehicle for the SAEINDIA's BAJA competition has raised the value of dynamic analysis under severe uneven loading. The dynamic analysis is carried out by the finite element method simulation thereby predicting failure modes of the vehicle frame under vibration analysis. This work investigates the vibration characteristics of the frame including the natural frequencies and mode shapes.Key words: Finite element method, dynamic analysis, failure modes, mode shapes. Reference [1] BAJA SAEINDIA rule book 2012. [2] http://www.efunda.com/materials/alloys/ca rbon_steels/show_carbon.cfm?id=aisi_102 0&prop=all&page_title=aisi%201020 [3] Ansys element reference library, Ansys12.1 [4] Vikas Sharma, Divyanshu Purohit, "Simulation of an off-road vehicle roll cage a static analysis", International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 2, Issue 4, July-August 2012, pp.126-128 [5] Rao, S. S., Mechanical Vibration, 4 th Edition, pearson education press, 2004 [6] Johansson, I., Edlund, S., Optimization of Vehicle Dynamics in Cars by Use of Full Vehicle FE- Models, Göteborg, Sweden, Department of Vehicle Dynamics & Chassis Technology, Volvo Car Corporation, 1993 Yogendra S. Rajput, Vikas Sharma, Shivam Sharma, Gaurav Saxena |
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54. | Face-Name Graph Matching For The Personalities In Movie Screen
Face-Name Graph Matching For The Personalities In Movie ScreenAbstract: In image processing, various biometric applications, name identification from facial images plays an important role, Weber's Local Descriptor (WLD) will be used for face recognition for name identification.WLD is a texture descriptor that performs better than other similar descriptors but it is holistic due to its very construction. We divide an image into a number of blocks, calculate WLD descriptor for each block and concatenate them. This spatial WLD descriptor has better discriminatory power. It is used to represent the image in terms of differential excitations and gradient orientation histogram for texture analysis.WLD is based on Weber's law and it is robust to illumination change, noise and other distortions. So it effectively analyzes the face features to accurate matching and name identification. The feature extraction approach will be used for both test and database images to recognize for name identification. The face will be recognized by finding Euclidean distance between them. The proposed spatial WLD descriptor with simplest classifier gives much better accuracy with lesser algorithmic complexity than face recognition approaches.Key words: Normalization, Orientation, Differential excitation, Euclidean Distance. Reference [1] J. Sang, C. Liang, C. Xu, and J. Cheng, "Robust movie character identification and the sensitivity analysis," in Proc. ICME, 2011. [2] S. Satoh and T. Kanade, "Name-it: Association of face and name in video," in Proc. Comput.Vis. Pattern Recognit., 1997. [3] T. L. Berg, A. C. Berg, J. Edwards, M. Maire, R.White, Y. W. Teh, E. G. LearnedMiller, and D. A. Forsyth, "Names and faces in the news," in Proc. Comput. Vis. Pattern. Recognit., 2004. [4] J. Yang and A. Hauptmann, "Multiple instance learning for labeling faces in broadcasting news video," in Proc. ACM Int. Conf. Multimedia, 2005. [5] M. Everingham and A. Zisserman, "Identifying individuals in video by combining "generative" and discriminative head models," in Proc. Int. Conf. Comput. Vis., 2005. [6] O. Arandjelovic and R. Cipolla, "Automatic cast listing in feature length films with anisotropic manifold space," in Proc. Comput. Vis. Pattern Recognit., 2006. [7] M. Everingham, J. Sivic, and A. Zissserman, "Hello! my name is buffy automatic naming of characters in tv video," in Proc. BMVC, 2006. [8] T. Cour, B. Sapp, C. Jordan, and B. Taskar, "Learning from ambiguously labeled images," in Proc. Comput. Vis. Pattern. Recognit., 2009. [9] J. Stallkamp, H. K. Ekenel, and R. Stiefelhagen, "Video-based face recognition on real-world data," in Proc. Int. Conf. Comput. Vis., 2007, pp. 1–8. [10] S. Satoh and T. Kanade, "Name-it: Association of face and name in video," in Proc. Comput. Vis. Pattern Recognit., 1997, pp. 368–373. Einstein.J, DivyaBaskaran |
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55. | Load Balancing in P2P networks using DHT based systems and Ant based systems: A Comparison
Load Balancing in P2P networks using DHT based systems and Ant based systems: A ComparisonAbstract: The heterogeneity in peer to peer (P2P) networks can be its advantage as well as disadvantage. The heterogeneity may be about amount of storage, computing power, connectivity etc. But P2P systems make it possible to harness resources such as the storage, bandwidth and computing power of large populations of networked computers in a cost effective manner. There are many approaches to balance these systems in a costeffective way. Here we are giving focus on two main approaches; the Distributed Hash Table (DHT) based systems and Ant based systems. Both approaches are having its own advantages and shortcomings.Key words: load balancing, p2p networks, DHT, Ant based Systems Reference [1] Ananth R., Karthik L., et.al. "Load Balancing in Structured P2P Systems," Proc. Second Int'l Workshop Peer-to-Peer Systems (IPTPS '03), Feb. 2003 [2] Brighten G., Karthik L., et.al., "Load Balancing in Dynamic Structured P2P Systems," Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, 2004. [3] K. M. Sim, W. H. Sun., "Ant Colony Optimization for Routing and LoadBalancing: Survey and New Directions," IEEE Trans. On Systems, Man, and Cybernetics—Part A: Systems and Humans, Vol. 33, no. 5, Sept. 2003. [4] Chyouhwa C. and Kun-Cheng T. "The server reassignment problem for load balancing in structured P2P systems," IEEE Trans. Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 19, Issue no. 2, Feb. 2008 [5] Ion S., Robert M., et.al, "Chord: A Scalable Peer-to-Peer Lookup Service for Internet Applications," Proc. ACMSIGCOMM '01, pp. 149-160, 2001. [6] Jonathan L. and Margo S., "Distributed, Secure Load Balancing with Skew, Heterogeneity, and Churn," Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, 2005. [7] P.Brighten G., and Ion S., "Heterogeneity and Load Balance in Distributed Hash Tables," Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, 2005. [8] Ziyong X. and Laxmi B., "Effective load balancing in P2P systems," Proc. Sixth IEEE symposium Cluster computing and grid, Feb. 2006 G. T. Chavan., M. A. Mahajan |
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56. | A Common Fixed Point Theorem through Weak and Semi-Compatibility in Fuzzy Metric Space
A Common Fixed Point Theorem through Weak and Semi-Compatibility in Fuzzy Metric SpaceAbstract: In this paper, a common fixed point theorem for six self mappings has been established using the concept of semicompatibility and weak compatibility in Fuzzy metric space, which generalizes the result of Singh B.S., Jain A. and Masoodi A.A. [6].Key words: Fuzzy metric space, common fixed point, t-norm, compatible map, semi-compatible, weak compatible map. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 47H10, 54H25. Reference [1] Y.J. Cho, H.K. Pathak, S.M. Kang, J.S. Jung, Common Fixed points of compatible maps of type (β) on Fuzzy metric spaces, Fuzzy sets and systems, 93(1998), 99-111. [2] A. George, P. Veeramani, On some results in Fuzzy metric spaces, Fuzzy sets and systems, 64(1994), 395-399. [3] M. Grebiec, Fixed points in Fuzzy metric space, Fuzzy sets and systems, 27(1998), 385-389. [4] O. Kramosil and J. Michalek, Fuzzy metric and statistical metric spaces, Kybernetika 11(1975), 326-334. [5] S. Sharma, Common Fixed point theorems in Fuzzy metric spaces, Fuzzy sets and systems, 127(2002), 345-352. [6] B. Singh, A. Jain and A.A. Masoodi, Semicompatibility, weak compatibility and fixed point theorem in Fuzzy metric space, International Mathematical Forum, 5, 2010, no. 61, 3041-3051 [7] B. Singh and S. Jain, Semi-compatibility, compatibility and fixed point theorems in Fuzzy metric space, Journal of Chungecheong Math. Soc. 18(1), (2005), 1- 22. [8] R. Vasuki, Common Fixed points for Rweakly commuting maps in Fuzzy metric spaces, Indian J. Pure Appl. Math., 30(1999), 419-423. [9] L.A. Zadeh, Fuzzy sets, Inform and Control, 8(1965), 338-353. Deepak Singh, M.S. Rathore, Krishnapal Singh Sisodia |
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57. | Data Hiding Using Steganography And Authentication Using Digital Signatures And Facial Recognition
Data Hiding Using Steganography And Authentication Using Digital Signatures And Facial RecognitionAbstract: Steganographyis the art or technique of hiding messages in such a way that no one except the sender and the intended recipient suspects the existence of the message, a form of security through obscurity. We use this concept wherein text is hidden behind the image and the intended recipient is able to view it. The purpose of the system is covert communication to hide a message from a third party. In this paper, a technique called digital signature is also included which is added to all the documents sent by the sender to increase the reliability and authenticity of the document. Thus, the proposed system would help to hide the existence of confidential data and would increase the difficulty of detecting the hidden (embedded) data. We are also including facial recognition which automatically identifies the person by comparing selected facial features from the image and a facial database. Hence when an image is sent with data encrypted in it, the recipient's facial features will be compared with the one in the central database. In this way the receiver is authenticated using facial recognition tool. Thus this paper gives a brief idea about image steganography that makes use of Least Significant Bit (LSB) algorithm for hiding the data into an image which is implemented through the Microsoft .NET framework. This system will prove to be helpful in areas where security of data is of utmost importance. It will also be very easy to share and send data to a recipient via a single image file.Key words: :Cryptography, Data Security, Decryption, Digital Signatures, Encryption, Facial Recognition, LSB Algorithm, PCA Algorithm, RSA Algorithm, Steganography. Reference [1] "Introduction to computer security" -Bishop, M., Pearson publications. [2] "Cryptography and Data Security", Dorothy Elizabeth Rob, Ling Denning, Purdue University. [3] Neil F. Johnson, ZoranDuric, and Sushil Jajodia, Information Hiding: Steganography and Watermarking - Attacks and Countermeasures, MA, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001. [4] Thesis On Information Security Through Image Steganography Using Least Significant Bit Algorithm by NaniKoduri [5] S.R. Subramanya and Byung K. Yi: Digital Signatures- 0278-6648/06 2006 IEEE. [6] .Chaitanya1 and Y.Raja Sree: Design of new security using symmetric and asymmetric cryptography algorithms- World Journal of Science and Technology 2012. [7] A Method for Obtaining Digital Signatures and Public-Key Cryptosystems R.L. Rivest, A. Shamir, and L. Adleman. [8] "How Facial Recognition Systems Work": Kevin Bonsor. [9] T. Chen, W.Yin, X.S. Zhou, D. Comaniciu, T. S.Huang,"Total Variation Models for VariableLighting Face Recognition and UnevenBackground Correction", IEEE Transactions onPattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol.28(9), 2006. [10] Zhujie, Y.L.Y., 1994. Face recognition withEigen faces. Proc.IEEE Intl. Conf. IndustrialTechnology. [11] "MySQL Enterprise Edition". MySQL 5.5 Reference Manual, Oracle. 5 February 2013. B.B.Gite, Divya Choksey, Mahesh Jambhulkar,Rahul Ramath,Yashovardhan Jhamvar |
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58. | Predicting Acute Hypotensive Episode by Bhattacharyya Distance
Predicting Acute Hypotensive Episode by Bhattacharyya DistanceAbstract: Acute hypotensive episode (AHE) is a serious clinical event, which can lead to irreversible organ damage and sometimes death. When detected in time, an appropriate intervention can significantly lower the risks for the patient. An algorithm is developed for automated statistical prediction of AHE in patients, using mean arterial pressure (MAP). The dataset used for this work is from MIMIC II of PhysioNet/Computers in Cardiology. The algorithm consists of probability distributions of MAP and information divergence methods for calculating the statistical distance between two probability distributions. The Bhattacharyya Distance is found out to be most accurate method for calculating such statistical distance. Beat classification of AHE patients with respect to Non-AHE patient is carried out by using training set of MIMIC II database. The comparison is also carried out for feasibility of Bhattacharyya distance with another divergence method like KL ivergence.Key words: AHE, DABP, MAP, MIMIC II, SABP Reference [1] Moody GB, Lehman LH. "Predicting acute hypotensive episodes" the 10th annual Physio -Net/Computers in Cardiology Challenge. (Computers in Cardiology 2009; 36). [2] PA Fournier, JF Roy. "Acute Hypotension Episode Prediction Using Information Divergence for Feature Selection, and NonParametric Methods for Classification" (Computers in Cardiology 2009;36:625−628). [3] P Langley, ST King, D Zheng, EJ Bowers,K Wang, J Allen, "Predicting Acute Hypotensive Episodes from Mean Arterial Pressure" (Computers in Cardiology 2009;36:553−556) [4] Kullback S, Leibler R. On information and sufficiency.( Ann Math Statics 1951;22:79-86) [5] Hastie, Tibshirani R,Friedman J. The elements of statistical learning . (New York,NY: Springer,2001) [6] Bellman R. Adaptive Control Processes. Princeton UniHolland P.W., R. E.Welsch. Robust Regression Using Iteratively Reweighted Least-Squares. Communications in Statistics: (Theory and Methods, A6, 1977, pp. 813-827) [7] Vapnik V. The nature of statistical learning Theory. (New York,NY: Sringer-Verlag,1996) [8] Bellman R. Adaptive Control Processes. (Princeton University Press, 1961). [9] The MIMIC II Project database via the Physionet website (http://www.physionet.org/physiobank/databas e/ mimic2db/) Vaibhav Awandekar, Prof. A.N. Cheeran |
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59. | Relation between Total Ozone Content and Solar Ultra Violet Index Over India
Relation between Total Ozone Content and Solar Ultra Violet Index Over IndiaAbstract: The ultraviolet (UV) region of electromagnetic radiation from sun occupies a section of wavelengths ranging from 400 to 10 nm. It is highly ionizing and activates many chemical processes on different types of materials and living beings. As a function of its effects on the biosphere, the UV radiation regions are arbitrarily called UV-A, UV-B and UV-C. A global scale called Solar Ultra Violet Index (UVI) is used to describe the level of UV radiation on the biosphere. The amount of UV radiation at different places on the earth depends on the position of the sun during the day and the season of the year. A decline in the amount of total ozone content (TOC) at a particular time also leads to an increase in UV radiation at that time. The present study has analyzed the variation of TOC and UVI over different Indian region using total ozone data from OMI and erythemal UV irradiance (converted to UV index) from TEMIS for the 2006-2010 period.Key words: Atmospheric Ozone, OMI, Total Ozone, TEMIS, UV Radiation, UV-Index, Reference 1 T.C. Chineke, V.Rizi, and F.Masci, 1979 -1999 Satellite total Ozone Column measurements over West Africa, Annali Di Geofisica , 43(3), 2000. 2 S. Madronich, R.L.McKenzie, L.O. Bjorn, and M.M. Caldewell, Changes in biologically active ultraviolet radiation reaching the Earth‟s Surface, Journal of Photochemical Biology 46, 1998, 5-19. 3 A. Dahlback, E. Bjertness, editor. Oslo: The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, 2008. 4 S. Roy, G. Beig and S.Ghude, Exposureplant response of ambient ozone over the tropical Indian region, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 9, 2009, 4141–4157. 5 K.Vaniceck, T. Frei,T, Z.Litynska,Z and A. Schmalwieser , UV-Index for the Public, COST Action, Brussels 1999 6 World Heal Organization (WHO). Global Solar UV Index, A practical guide. WHO/SDE/OEH/02.2, Geneva, Switzerland, 2002. 7 A.F. McKinlay, and B. L. Diffey , Human Exposure to Ultraviolet Radiation: Risks and Regulations, ed. .F. Passchier and B. F. M. Bosnajakovic, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 83–87, 1987. 8 TEMIS. Tropospheric Emission MonitoringInternet Service. http://www.temis.nl/ 9 OMI. Ozone Monitoring Instrument. http://aura.gsfc.nasa.gov/instruments/omi. html K.Elampari, M.Vignesh, S.Rahi, S.Saranya, M.Rajalakshmi |
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60. | Using Stegnography Technique for Data Leakage Problems Detect
Using Stegnography Technique for Data Leakage Problems DetectAbstract: Our goal is to detect when the distributor's sensitive data have been leaked by agents, and if possible to identify the agent that leaked the data. In this project, we are giving the methodology for adding fake object into data. Fake object will be added through stegnography concept. Stegnnography is an ancient technique of data hiding or the stegnography is the art and science of hiding the existence of information, we contrast it with the related disciplines of cryptography And traffic security. Many techniques are used to hide data in various formats in steganography. The most widely used mechanism on account of its simplicity is the use of the Least Significant Bit. Least Significant Bit or its variants are normally used to hide data in a digital image. This paper discusses technique to hide data in a colorful image using least significant bit.< Reference [1] Panagiotis Papadimitriou, Hector GarciaMolina (2010)"Data Leakage Detection‟, IEEE Transactions on knowledge and data engineering, Vol.22, No.3. [2] P. Papadimitriou and H. Garcia-Molina, "Data Leakage Detec- tion," technical report, Stanford Univ., 2008. [3] "A Stegnography Implementation", Beenish Mehboob and Rashid Aziz Faruqui. [4] Moerland, T., "Steganography and Steganalysis", Leiden Institute of Advanced Computing Science. [5] Silman, J., "Steganography and Steganalysis: An Overview", SANS Institute, 2001 Jamil, T., [6] Bryan. "Steganography: How to Send a Secret Message." 8 Nov. 2001 www.strangehorizons.com/2001/2001100 8/steganography.shtml. [7] Johnson, Neil F., and Sushil Jajodia, "Steganalysis of Images created using Current Steganographic Software", Proceedings of the Second Information Hiding Workshop, April 1998. [8] Krenn, R., "Steganography and Steganalysis", http://www.Krenn.nl/univ/cry/steg/article. pdf Kafa Rabah. Steganography - The Art of Hiding Data. Information technology Journal 3 (3) - 2004 [9] Sellars, D., "An Introduction to Steganography", Ashwini Palimkar, Dr. Suhas. H. Patil |
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61. | Spectral Analysis of Square-wave Pulse Density Modulation: An Analytical Approach
Spectral Analysis of Square-wave Pulse Density Modulation: An Analytical ApproachAbstract: The pulse density modulation technique has been used in resonant power converters because its ability to maintains soft-switching for any level of output power. The sub harmonics of the switching frequency are in general undesired and are seen as a drawback. In this work are developed analytical equations to express the harmonics and sub harmonics components of a PDM signal. It is still analyzed the PDM parameters variation and their effects in the frequency spectra.Key words: Double Fourier Series, Pulse Density Modulation, Ozone Generation, Resonant Converters Reference [1] Ahmed, N.A.; , "High-Frequency SoftSwitching AC Conversion Circuit With Dual-Mode PWM/PDM Control Strategy for High-Power IH Applications," Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on , vol.58, no.4, pp.1440-1448, April 2011. [2] Amjad, M.; Salam, Z.; Facta, M.; Mekhilef, S.; , "Analysis and Implementation of Transformerless LCL Resonant Power Supply for Ozone Generation," Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on , vol.28, no.2, pp.650-660, Feb. 2013. [3] Vijayan, T.; Patil, Jagadish G.; , "A model of the generation and transport of ozone in high-tension nozzle driven corona inside a novel diode," Review of Scientific Instruments , vol.83, no.12, pp.123304- 123304-11, Dec 2012 [4] J. Alonso, J. Garcia, A. Calleja, J. Ribas, and J. Cardesin, "Analysis, design, and experimentation of a high-voltage power supply for ozone generation based on current-fed parallel-resonant push-pull inverter", IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 41, no. 5, pp. 1364–1372, Sept.-Oct. 2005. [5] Nakata, Y.; Itoh, J.; , "An experimental verification and analysis of a single-phase to three-phase matrix converter using PDM control method for high-frequency applications," Power Electronics and Drive Systems (PEDS), 2011 IEEE Ninth International Conference on , vol., no., pp.1084-1089, 5-8 Dec. 2011. [6] Vijayan, T.; Patil, J.G.; , "Temporal Development of Ozone Generation in Electron-Induced Corona-Discharge Plasma," Plasma Science, IEEE Transactions on , vol.39, no.11, pp.3168- 3172, Nov. 2011. [7] J. P. Bonaldo. J. A. Pomilio, "Control Strategies for High Frequency Voltage Source Converter for Ozone Generation", Proc. of the IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, ISIE 2010, Bari, Italy, July 4 to 7, 2010, pp; 754-760. [8] L. Bolduc, A. Gaudreau, A. Dutil, "Saturation time of transformers under dc excitation", Elsevier Electric Power Systems Research Vol. 56, 2000, pp. 95– 102. [9] H. Calleja, J.Pacheco, Frequency Spectra of Pulse-Density Modulated Waveforms, México, 2000. [10] D. G. Holmes and T. A. Lipo, Pulse width modulation for power converters: Principles and practice, Wiley Inter-Science, 2003. 724 p. Jakson Paulo Bonaldo, José Antenor Pomilio |
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62. | Fault Detection with Error Correction Codes for Memory Applications
Fault Detection with Error Correction Codes for Memory ApplicationsAbstract: The paper deals with error detection method for difference set cyclic codes with majority logic decoding. These are suitable for memory applications due to their capability to correct large number of errors. The proposed Majority Logic decoder itself detects failures which minimize area overhead and power consumption. The memory access time is also reduced when there is no error in the data read. The proposed circuit is simulated in DSCH, Cadence- Virtuoso, and Xilinx. The results obtained in various tools are presented in this paper.Key words: Difference set cyclic codes, Error Correction Codes (ECC), Majority Logic decoder Reference [1] Shih-Fu Liu, " Efficient Majority Logic Fault Detection With Difference-Set Codes for Memory Applications", IEEE transactions on very large scale integration (VLSI) systems, vol. 20, no. 1, january 2012 [2] S. Lin and D. J. Costello, Error Control Coding, 2nd ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 2004. [3] S. Reed, "A class of multiple-errorcorrecting codes and the decoding scheme," IRE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. IT-4, pp. 38–49, 1954. [4] H. Naeimi and A. DeHon, "Fault secure encoder and decoder for NanoMemory applications," IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integr. (VLSI) Syst., vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 473–486, Apr. 2009. [5] Y. Kato and T. Morita, "Error correction circuit using difference-set cyclic code," in Proc. ASP-DAC, 2003, pp. 585–586. K. Sushmaja, Dr. Fazal Noorbasha |
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63. | Researches on the failure modes under tensile forces of the Resistance Spot Welding (RSW) joints
Researches on the failure modes under tensile forces of the Resistance Spot Welding (RSW) jointsAbstract: Resistance spot welding (RSW) is one of the most used methods of joining sheet metals. The RSW process is based on Joule Lenz effect, of the electric current passing trough the (similar or dissimilar ) joining metal sheets positioned between the two contact electrodes. At welding process , some important changes occurs in metallurgical and mechanical properties of the welded areas and heat affected zones (HAZ) . The purpose of this work is to highlight the influences of joint materials and welding parameters on the tensile strength and on the failure mode of the joints. By using constant pressure (force) of the electrodes and different values of current and welding time, three types of materials were welded . The welding samples have been subjected to tensileshear tests and the surfaces of failures were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) Some recommendations referring the electing of the optimum welding parameters were formulated..Key words: fracture., optimum parameters, spot welding, steel, tensile-shear, Reference [1.] Kahraman N. The influence of welding parameters on the joint strength of resistance spot-welded titanium sheets. Materials and Design, 28(2), 420–427. 2007 [2.] Chen, Z., Shia Y., Jiao B., Zhaoc H., Ultrasonic nondestructive evaluation of spot welds for zinc-coated high strength steel sheet based on wavelet packet analysis, Journal of Materials Processing Technology 209, 2329–2337, 2009 [3.] Reiter A.E, Brunner B. , Ante M. , Rechberger J. Investigation of several PVD coatings for blind hole tapping in austenitic stainless steel Surface Coating Technology (18–19), 5532–5541. 2006 [4.] Eugen Axinte. Metallic glasses from " alchemy" to pure science. Present and future of design, processing and applications of glassy metals Materials and Design, 35, pp. 518-556, 2012. [5.] Fujiwara K., Fukumoto S., Yokoyama Y. , Nishijima M. & Yamamoto A., Weldability of Zr50Cu30Al10Ni10 bulk glassy alloy by small-scale resistance spot welding Materials Science and Engineering A ,498 ,302–307, 2008, [6.] Shin H.S., Park J.S. , Yokoyama Y., Dissimilar friction welding of tubular Zrbased bulk metallic glasses Journal of Alloys and Compounds 504S S275–S278, 2010 [7.] Goodarzi M., Marashi S.P.H., Pouranvari M., Dependence of overload performance on weld attributes for resistance spot welded galvanized low carbon steel,Journal of Materials Processing Technology 209, 4379–4384, 2009 [8.] Yang H.G., Zhang Y.S., Lai X.M., Chen G., An experimental investigation on critical specimen sizes of high strength steels DP600 in resistance spot welding, Materials and Design 29, 1679–1684, 2008 [9.] Mukhopadhyay G., Bhattacharya S., Ray K.K., Effect of pre-strain on the strength of spot-welds, Materials and Design 30, 2345–2354, 2009 [10.] Yi L., Jinhe L., Huibin X., Chengzhi X., Lin L., Regression modeling and process analysis of resistance spot welding on galvanized steel sheet, Materials and Design 30, 2547–2555, 2009. Marius Chirileanu, Nistoroschi Georgiana, Eugen Axinte |
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64. | Twisted Amplitude Phase Shift Keying
Twisted Amplitude Phase Shift KeyingAbstract: Several modulation techniques are defined in digital modulation, Here we are discussing about in four modulation techniques,8-PSK,8-TAPSK,16- TAPSK and 16-QAM. In the paper we derive minimum non coherent distance(dnc)of block coded TAPSK and compare it with different modulation techniques, i.e. 8-PSK and 16-QAM using linear component codes. If the block length N is very small.NBC-16-TAPSK performs best among all non-coherent scheme and NBC-16QAM perform wrose due to its small minimum noncoherent distance. However, if the block length N is not short, NBC-16QAM has the best error performance because the code words with small non-coherent distances are rare. GENERAL TERMS-Non-coherent detection, block coded modulation(BCM), multilevel coding(MLC), bit error rate(BER), Signal to noise ratio(SNR)Key words: AWGN, Rayleigh, Flat fading channel Reference [1] R. Nuriyev and A. Anastasopoulos, "Capacity and coding for the block independent noncoherent AWGN channel," IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory,vol. 51, pp. 866-883, Mar. 2005. [2] R. Nuriyev and A. Anastasopoulos, "Pilotsymbol-assisted coded transmissionover the block-non-coherent AWGN channel," IEEE Trans. Commun.,vol. 51, pp. 953-963, June 2003. [3] R. Y. Wei and Y. M. Chen, "Further results on noncoherent block-codedMPSK," IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 56, pp. 1616-1625, Oct. 2008. [4] R. Y. Wei, S. S. Gu, and T. C. Sue, "Noncoherent block-coded TAPSK,"IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 57, pp. 3195-3198, Nov. 2009. [5] G. Colavolpe and R. Raheli, "Non-coherent sequence detection," IEEETrans. Commun., vol. 47, pp. 1376-1385, Sep. 1999. [6] R. Nuriyev and A. Anastasopoulos, "Capacity and coding for the block independent Noncoherent AWGN channel," IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory,vol. 51, pp. 866-883, Mar. 2005. [7] R. Nuriyev and A. Anastasopoulos, "Pilotsymbol-assisted coded transmissionover the block-noncoherent AWGN channel," IEEE Trans. Commun.,vol. 51, pp. 953-963, June 2003. [8] F. W. Sun and H. Leib, "Multiple-phase codes for detection withoutcarrier phase reference," IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. 44, pp. 1477- 1491,July 1998. [9] R. Y. Wei, "Non-coherent block-coded MPSK," IEEE Trans. Commun.,vol. 53, pp. 978-986, June 2005. Ms. Neelam chandel , Mr. Sumit sharma and Mr. Ravi mohan |
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65. | Compromised Node Detection and Revocation in Zone Framed Networks for Wireless Sensor Networks
Compromised Node Detection and Revocation in Zone Framed Networks for Wireless Sensor NetworksAbstract: Sensor nodes are usually deployed in an open environment therefore they are subjected to various kinds of attacks like Worm Hole attack, Black Hole attack, False Data Injection attacks. Since the attackers can cause disruption and failure to the network, it's very important to detect these compromised nodes and revoke them before any major disruption occurs. Therefore, it's very important to safe guard the network from further disruption. For this purpose a method called Biased SPRT (Sequential Probability Ratio Test) is used by setting up some Threshold Value and Trust Aggregator in the network scenario for which the network is divided into number of Zones.Key words: Compromised Node, SPRT, B-SPRT, Trust Aggregator, Zones, False Positives, False Negatives. Reference [1] S.Capkun and J.P. Hubaux. Secure positioning in wireless networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 24(2):221–232, February 2006. [2] S.Ganeriwal and M. Srivastava. Reputation-based framework for high integrity sensor networks. In ACM SASN, October 2004. [3] J. Ho, M. Wright, and S.K. Das. Fast Detection of Replica Node Attacks in Sensor Networks Using Sequential Analysis. In IEEE INFOCOM,April 2009. [4] X. Hu, T. Park, and K. G. Shin. Attacktolerant time-synchronization in wireless sensor networks. In IEEE INFOCOM, April 2008. [5] J. Jung, V. Paxon, A.W. Berger, and H. Balakrishnan. Fast port scan detection using sequential hypothesis testing. In IEEE S&P, May 2004. [6] Z. Li, W. Trappe, Y. Zhang, and B. Nath. Robust statistical methods for securing wireless localization in sensor networks. In IEEE IPSN, April2005. [7] B. Parno, A. Perrig, and V.D. Gligor. Distributed detection of node replication attacks in sensor networks. In IEEE S&P, May 2005. [8] Y. Sun, Z. Han, W. Yu, and K. Liu. A trust evaluation framework in distributed networks: vulnerability analysis and defense against attacks In IEEE INFOCOM, April 2006. [9] A. Wald. Sequential analysis. Dover Publications, 2004. [10] Y. Yang, X. Wang, S. Zhu, and G. Cao. Distributed software-basedattestation for node compromise detection in sensor networks. In IEEE SRDS, October 2007. Abhinaya.E.V |
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66. | An Adaptive Novel Approach for Detection of Text and Caption in Videos
An Adaptive Novel Approach for Detection of Text and Caption in VideosAbstract: The video image spitted into number of frames, each frame maintains the text. Then the Image is converted into Gray Scale to avoid the text color variation. A single value is corresponding to gray value and detecting the edge. Detecting the edge process is the boundary between two regions with relatively distinct graylevel properties. One is the horizontal direction of the image. Another is the vertical direction of the image. The features to describe text regions are area, saturation, orientation, aspect ratio and position. Then convert into binary image. The comer detected we can using the new techniques for neural network. To apply the Harris corner algorithm to implementing the Feature description by selecting the text area. The Orientation is defined as the angle (ranging from to -90 degree to 90 degree) between the x-axis and the major axis of the ellipse that has the same second-moments as the region. The input image is given equalization based extracting the text. After finding out the text, it is checked with the database. If tracked image is matched with the existing database. From that we can identify the text of the particular image. Next input image is spited into frames to extract text for sequences, and compare to previous text. Finally convert into voice.Key words: Edge detection, text, video retrieval Reference [1] Arman, F., Depommier, R., Hsu, A., and Chiu, M.Y. Content based browsing of video sequences, in ACM Multimedia 94 pp.97-103, Aug. 1994 [2] Ariki Yauso, Organization and Retrieval of Continues media, ACM Multimedia 2000, NOV 2000. [3] C. Kim, Automated Shot change Detection, CIDIL, Digital Video Library Project. [4] D. Ponceleon, S. Srinivasan, A. Amir D.Petkovic, Key to Effective Video Retrieval: Effective Cataloging and Browsing, ACM Multimedia 98, Sep 1998. [5] E. Deardroff, T.D.C Little, J.D, Marshall and Venketasj, Video Scene Decomposition with the Motion Picture Paser, Proc, SPIE, vol. 2187, Digital Video Compression on Personal Computers: Algorithms and Technologies, Feb 1994, pp 44-55. [6] F. Arman, A. Hsu, M. Y. Chiu, Feature Management of large video Database, Proc. SPIE vol 1908, 1993, pp 271-298. [7] J. M. Gauch, S. Gauch, Scene Change Detection in Video Images, Design Lab, Digital Video Library System. [8] J. Foote, J. Boreczky, A. Girensohn, and Lynn Wilcox, An Intelligent Media Browser using Automatic Multimodal Analysis, ACM Multimedia 98, Sep 1998. [9] L. Rutledge, Lhardman, J.van Ossenburggen, D.C.A Bulterman, CWI, Amsterdam, Vrije, University, Amsterdam, Netherlands Structural Distinction between Hypermedia Storage and Presentation in ACM Multimedia 98, Sep 1998. [10] L. D. Bergman, V. Castelli, C. Li, Progressive Content Based Retrieval from Satellite Image Archives, D-Lib Magazine, Oct 97. [11] Shahrary, B., Scene change Detection and Content Based Sampling Video Sequences, in Digital Video Compression: Algorithms and Technologies, Rodriguez, Safranek, Delp, Eds., Proc APIE 2419, Feb, pp 2-13. [12] S.W. Smoliar and H. Zhang , Content based Video indexing and Retrieval, IEEE Multimedia, vol 1, no. 2, Summer 1994, pp 62-72. Bindhu. N, Bala Murugan. C |
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67. | A Review On Parametric Optimization By Factorial Design Approach Of Mag-Co2 Welding Process
A Review On Parametric Optimization By Factorial Design Approach Of Mag-Co2 Welding ProcessAbstract: The main objective of this review paper is optimizing various Gas Metal Arc welding parameters including welding voltage, and nozzle to plate distance (NPD) by developing a mathematical model for weld deposit area of a mild steel specimen. And this mathematical model is developed with the help of the design of Matrix. MAG-CO2 is a process in which the source of heat is an arc format between consumable metal electrode and the work piece with an externally supplied gaseous shield of gas either inert such as CO2. This experimental study aims at Factorial design approach has been applied for finding the relationship between the various process parameters and weld deposit area. And after that we can easily find out that which parameter will be more affect OR which parameter will be more influence variable to WDA (Welding Deposition area) in the MAG-CO2 welding Process.Key words: MAG-CO2 Process; Factorial Design Approach; Weld Deposit Area. Reference [1] E. Karadeniz, Ozsarac, U. and Yildiz, C.,"The effect of process parameters on penetration in gas metal arc welding process", Materials and Design, 2007 , Vol 28 , Issue 2 , pp. 649-656. [2] Shuangyu Liu n, FengdeLiu,HongZhang,YanShi, "Analysis ofdroplettransfermodeandformingprocessofweld beadinCO2 laser–MAG hybridweldingprocess", Optics & Laser Technology, 2012, Vlo 44, pp. 1019–1025 [3] Marjan Suban, Janez Tušek, "Methods for the determination of arc stability", Journal of Materials Processing Technology,(2003) Vol 43, pp. 430–437 [4] Marco A. Ram´ırez a, Gerardo Trapaga b,∗, John McKelliget, "A comparison between different numerical formulations for welding arc representations" Journal of Materials Processing Technology (2004), Vol 155–156, pp. 1634– 1640 [5] P.K. Ghosha, Lutz Dornb, Shrirang Kulkarnia, F. Hofmannb, "Arc characteristics and behaviour of metal transfer in pulsed current GMA welding of stainless steel", journal of materials processing technology ( 2 0 0 9 ) ,Vol 209, pp.1262–1274 [6] Davi Sampaio Correia, Cristiene Vasconcelos Gonçalves, Sebastião Simões da Cunha, Jr.,Valtair Antonio Ferraresi, "Comparison between genetic algorithms and response surface methodology in GMAW welding optimization", Journal of Materials Processing Technology,Vol 160, pp. 70–76 [7] Hakan Ates, "Prediction of gas metal arc welding parameters based on artificial neural networks", Materials and Design, (2007),Vol 28, pp. 2015–2023 [8] P. Praveen , P.K.D.V. Yarlagadda, "Meeting challenges in welding of aluminum alloys through pulse gas metal arc welding", Journal of Materials Processing Technology (2005), Vol 164, p.p 1106–1112 [9] P. Praveen a, P.K.D.V. Yarlagadda a, M.J. Kangb,, "Advancements in pulse gas metal arc welding", Journal of Materials Processing Technology 2005, Vol 164–165 p.p 1113–1119 [10]K.Y. Benyounis a, A.G. Olabi, "Optimization of different welding processes using statistical and numerical approaches – A reference guide", Advances in Engineering Software, 2008, vol 39 p.p 483–496 Digvijay V Jadeja, Satyam P Patel |
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68. | Experimental Investigation of Concrete with Combined High alumina cement, Silica fume and M-Sand
Experimental Investigation of Concrete with Combined High alumina cement, Silica fume and M-SandAbstract: Concrete is by far the most widely used construction material today. It is estimated that present consumption of concrete in the world is of the order of 10 billion tonnes every year. The cement industry is responsible for about 6% of all CO2 emissions. So nowadays there is a great interest in the development and implementation of various alternatives to Portland cement as a binder in concrete and also alternatives to fine and coarse aggregates in concrete to reduce the energy used in production of Portland cement clinker and the associated greenhouse gas emission and also for reducing resources consumption by proper recycling. This research work is carried out in order to explore the effect of various replacement percentages of cement by combined High alumina cement with silica fume and also the fine aggregate is fully replaced with manufacturing sand. Conclusion is made based on the comparison between the performance of blended cement concrete and conventional concrete.Key words: Concrete, High Alumina Cement, Manufacturing sand, Silica fumebr /> Reference [1] M. Mazloom, A.A. Ramezanianpour, J.J. Brooks, Effect of silica fume mechanical properties of high-strength concrete, Cement & Concrete Composites, 2004, 347-357. [2] R. Nithya, S. Barathan, D. Govindarajan, K. Raghu, N. Anandhan, A Thermal Analysis Study on Blended Ternary Cement Paste, International Journal of Chemistry, Vol 2, No.1, 2010, 121-127. [3] Ali Behnood, Hazan Ziari, Effects of silica fume addition and water to cement ratio on the properties of high-strength concrete after exposure to high temperatures, Cement & Concrete Composites, 30, 2008, 106-112. [4] Ana Hidalgo, J.L. Garcia, M. Cruz Alanso, L. Fernandez, Carmen Andrade, Microstructure Development in Mixes of Calcium Aluminate Cement with Silica Fume or Fly Ash, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Vol 96, No.2, 2009, 335-345. [5] D.P. Bentz, Influence of Silica Fume on Diffusivity in Cement Based Material II. Multi Scale Modelling of Concrete Diffusivity, Cement & Concrete Research, 30, 2000, 1121-1129. [6] Mohammad Danjehpour, Abang Abdulla Abang Ali, Ramzan demirboga, A review for characterization of silica fumes and its effects on concrete properties, International Journal of Sustainable Construction Engineering & Technology (ISSN: 2108-3242), Vol 2, Issue No.2, 2011, 1-7. [7] M.S. Shetty, Admixtures and Construction chemicals, Concrete Technology, (New Delhi, S. Chand & Company Ltd., 2012), 124-217. [8] Daniel A Fumo, Ana M. Segadaes, Effect of Silica Fume Additions on the Hydration Behavior of Calcium Aluminates , University of Aviero, Portugal, 1997. [9] S.E. Wallah, B.V. Rangan, Low Calcium FlyAsh Based Geopolymer Concrete: Long Term properties, Curtain University of Technology,/span> Dona Maria Joseph, Manjula Devi |
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69. | Experimental Investigation of Parameters of CNC Turning by Taguchi based Grey Relational Analysis
Experimental Investigation of Parameters of CNC Turning by Taguchi based Grey Relational AnalysisAbstract: The AISI H13, a chromium based hot work tool Steel has a wide variety of applications in aluminum casting and extrusion dies, forging dies, hot nut tools, hot header dies, extrusion mandrels, plastic molds, cores, die holder blocks, hot press dies and specially hot work punches etc. In this study, the optimization of two response parameters (Surface roughness and Material Removal Rate) by three machining parameters (cutting speed, feed rate and depth of cut) is investigated in high speed turning of H13 in dry conditions. Taguchi's L'18 orthogonal array and analysis of variance (ANOVA) are used for individual optimization. The simultaneous optimization is done by Grey Relational Analysis approach. The different levels of all machining parameters are used and experiments are done on HMT STALLION-100 HS CNC lathe machine. The optimum condition for combined effects was found V5-F1-D1 and the optimal value of the surface roughness (Ra) comes out to be 0.84 (μm) and of MRR is 488.8 (mm³/sec). The optimum results are also verified with the help of confirmation experiments.Key words: CNC Turning, Optimization, ANOVA, MRR, Surface Roughness (Ra), Taguchi Method, Grey Relational Analysis, GRG. Reference [1] Akhyar, G. et al. (2008), "Application of Taguchi method in the optimization of turning parameters for surface roughness", International Journal of Science Engineering and Technology, vol.1, no.3, pp. 60-66. [2] Chakradhar, D. and Venu Gopal, A. (2011), "Multi-objective optimization of electrochemical machining of en31 steel by grey relational analysis", International Journal of Modeling and optimization, vol. 1, no.2, pp. 113-117. [3] David Pye et al. "Chromiun Steel Article for AISI H13 Hot Work Tool Steel by Pye Metallurgical consulting" at http://www.heattreatonline.com/ ChromiumSteelArticle.pdf [4] Datta, R. and Majumdar, A. (2010), "Optimization of turning process parameters using multi-objective evolutionary algorithm" Institute of electrical and electronics engineers (IEEE), vol. 2010, article id 978-1-4244-8126- 2/10. [5] Dhanabalan, S. et al. (2011), "Optimization of EDM process parameters with multiple performance characteristics for titanium grades" European Journal of Scientific research, vol. 68, no. 3, pp. 297-305. [6] Gonzalez, L.W.H. et al. (2011), "Study of performance of high speed turning of AISI1045 using the volumetric dimension of cutting tool life" International journal of advances in machining and forming operations, vol. 3, no.1, pp.19-32. Pankaj Sharma, Kamaljeet Bhambri |
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70. | Failure analysis of collar of Biomass Briquetting Machine: A Review
Failure analysis of collar of Biomass Briquetting Machine: A ReviewAbstract: The present review provides brief information about the briquetting machine and their one of the part COLLAR. Briquette machine is used to produced briquette. Briquette is one of the biomass product which is widely used in a boiler for a burning purpose. Briquette is a solid biomass product. Due to solidification of biomass it achieve a better quality of combustion and also it facilitate storage and transportation of biomass. The various method is used to solidify the biomass. These are discuss in various paper. This paper give the brief description of solidification of biomass or briquette by briquetting machine and also discuss about the various part of briquetting machine especially COLLAR.Key words: : Biomass; Briquette; Briquette machine; collar ; solidification. Reference 1) A Study On The Biomass Solidification Modelling And Optimization Of The Parameters 2) Analsis On Briqutte Straw Stem Technology And Its Application Extension In North Rural Ares Of China 3) Wear Life Prediction Of Contact Recording Head. 4) Numerical Solution Of Sliding Wear Based On Archard Model:-A sliding wear simulation approach based on archard model was proposed, in which ABAQUS scripting interface was used to simulate the progressive accumulation of wear between contact surfaces. 5] A. K. Menon, "Essential requirements for 100Gbiin2 headlmedia interface", Proc. ITCNagasaki, 2000, pp. 117-124, 2001. 6] Y. Kawakubo, M. Ishii, T. Higashijima, and S. Nagaike, "Running-In Effects during Wear Tests an Thin-Film Magnetic Disks", JAST Tribologists, "01.42, pp. 807-812, 1997 7] K Matsuoka, D. Forrest, M:K. Tse, E. Rabinowicz, " Accelarated Mn- Zn ferrite wear test using size effects of abrasives", JSME Tn", Ser. C, vol. 60, pp.2609-2614, 1994 (in Japanese). 8] Y. Kawakubo and Y. Yahisa, " Transparent pin wear test an thin-film disk", Trans. ASME, J. of Triboloa, vol. 117, pp. 297- 301, 1995. 9] Y. Kawakuba. M. Ishii, Y. Kokaku, Y. Yahisa, T. Yamamoto, " Carbon avercoated pin wear tests an thin-film magnetic disks ", Proc. ITC Yokohama 19!75, pp. 1805- 1810, 1996. 10] MALANIN V I,MAKSIMOV A A ,KVASHNIN."Method and apparatus for briquetting of lignin—containing materials" ;RU 2191799[P].2002. Mangesh V. Wasekar, Dr (Mrs)R.N.Baxi |
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71. | Theorems on list-coloring
Theorems on list-coloringAbstract: Graph coloring is a well-known and wellstudied area of graph theory with many applications. In this paper, we will consider two generalizations of graph coloring. In particular, list-coloring and sum-list-coloring.Key words: Four Color Theorem, Thomassen's 5- list-coloring . Reference [1] Dimitris Achlioptas and Cristopher Moore. Almost all graphs with average degree 4 are 3-colorable. J. Comput. System Sci., 67(2):441{471, 2003. Special issue on STOC2002 (Montreal, QC). [2] Michael O. Albertson. You can't paint yourself into a corner. J. Combin. Theory Ser. B,73(2):189{194, 1998. [3] Michael O. Albertson, Alexandr V. Kostochka, and Douglas B. West. Precoloring extensions of Brooks' theorem. SIAM J. Discrete Math., 18(3):542{553, 2004/05. [4] Noga Alon. Restricted colorings of graphs. In Surveys in combinatorics, 1993 (Keele), volume 187 of London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Ser., pages 1{33. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1993. [5] Noga Alon. Degrees and choice numbers. Random Structures Algorithms, 16(4):364{368, 2000. [6] Kenneth Appel and Wolfgang Haken. Every planar map is four colorable. Bull. Amer Math. Soc., 82(5):711{712, 1976. N.Vedavathi, Dharmaiah Gurram |
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72. | High Resolution Image Encryption & Reconstruction Using Scalable Codes
High Resolution Image Encryption & Reconstruction Using Scalable CodesAbstract: This paper proposes a novel scheme of scalable coding for encrypted gray images. Although there have been a lot of works on scalable coding of unencrypted images/videos the scalable coding of encrypted data has not been reported. In the encryption phase of the proposed scheme, the pixel values are completely concealed so that an attacker cannot obtain any statistical information of an original image. Then, the encrypted data are decomposed into several parts, and each part is compressed as a bit stream. At the receiver side with the cryptographic key, the principal content with higher resolution can be reconstructed when more bit streams are received.Key words: Bitstreams,Cryptography,Downsampling, Hadamard transform, Imagecompression ,Image encryption,QuantizationScalable coding. Reference [1]Xinpeng Zhang, Member, IEEE, Guorui Feng, YanliRen, and ZhenxingQian." Scalable Coding of Encrypted Images". IEEE transactions on image processing, vol. 21, no. 6, June 2012 [2] Z. Erkin, A. Piva, S. Katzenbeisser, R. L. Lagendijk, J. Shokrollahi, G. Neven, and M. Barni, "Protection and retrieval of encrypted multimedia content: When cryptography meets signal processing," EURASIP J. Inf. Security, vol. 2007, pp. 1–20, Jan. 2007. [3] T. Bianchi, A. Piva, and M. Barni, "On the implementation of the discrete Fourier transform in the encrypted domain," IEEE Trans. Inf. Forensics Security, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 86–97, Mar. 2009. [4] J. R. Troncoso-Pastoriza and F. PérezGonzález, "Secure adaptive filtering," IEEE Trans. Inf. Forensics Security, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 469–485, Jun. 2011. [5] T. Bianchi, A. Piva, and M. Barni, "Composite signal representation for fast and storage-efficient processing of encrypted signals," IEEE Trans. Inf. Forensics Security, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 180– 187, Mar. 2010. [6] S. Lian, Z. Liu, Z. Ren, and H. Wang, "Commutative encryption and watermarking in video compression," IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol., vol. 17, no. 6, pp. 774–778, Jun. 2007. [7] M. Cancellaro, F. Battisti, M. Carli, G. Boato, F. G. B. Natale, and A. Neri, "A commutative digital image watermarking and encryption method in the tree structured Haar transform domain," Signal Process.Image Commun., vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 1–12, Jan. 2011. [8] N. Memon and P. W. Wong, "A buyerseller watermarking protocol,"IEEE Trans. Image Process., vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 643– 649, Apr. 2001. [9] M. Kuribayashi and H. Tanaka, "Fingerprinting protocol for images based on additive homomorphic property," IEEE Trans. Image Process., vol. 14, no. 12, pp. 2129–2139, Dec. 2005. [10] M. Johnson, P. Ishwar, V. M. Prabhakaran, D. Schonberg, and K. Ramchandran, "On compressing encrypted data," IEEE Trans. Signal Process., vol. 52, no. 10, pp. 2992– 3006, Oct. 2004. Akash Raj |
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73. | Structural Analysis and Binding Modes of Benzodiazepines with Modeled GABAA Receptor Subunit Gamma-2
Structural Analysis and Binding Modes of Benzodiazepines with Modeled GABAA Receptor Subunit Gamma-2Abstract: Activation of chloride gated GABAA receptors regulates the excitatory transmission in the epileptic brain. Positive allosteric modulation of these receptors via distinct recognition sites is the therapeutic mechanism of antiepileptic agents which prevents the hyperexcitability associated with epilepsy. These distinct sites are based on subunit composition which determines binding of various drugs like benzodiazepines, barbiturates, steroids and anesthetics. The binding of antiepileptic agents to this recognition site increases the affinity of GABAA receptor for modulating the inhibitory effects of GABAinduced chloride ion flux. In the pentameric complex structure of these receptors, the α/β interface locates the binding site of agonists and the α/γ interface forms the benzodiazepine (BZD) binding site on extracellular domain. Thus the γ subunit is shown as highly required for functional modulation of the receptor channels by benzodiazepines. The present study initiates the binding analysis of chosen benzodiazepines with the modeled GABA receptor subunit gamma-2. The extracellular domain of γ subunit of human GABAA is modeled and docking studies are performed with diazepam, flunitrazepam, and chlordiazepoxide. The results revealed the binding modes and the interacting residues of the protein with the benzodiazepines.Key words: GABA, GABAA receptors, epilepsy, benzodiazepine drugs Reference [1] McKernan, R.M., and Whiting, P.J.,Which GABAA-receptor subtypes really occur in the brain?, Trends in Neurosciences 19,1996, 139–143. [2] Macdonald ,R.L., and Olsen RW., GABAA Receptor Channels, Annual Review of Neuroscience, vol 17, 1994,569-602. [3] Olsen ,R.W., Wamsley, J.K., Lee R, and Lomax, P., Benzodiazepinel barbiturate/GABA receptor-chloride ionophore complex in a genetic model for generalized epilepsy,Advances in Neurology,Vol 44 ,1986,365-378. [4] Bradford HF. Glutamate, GABA and epilepsy. Progress in Neurobiology, Vol 47, 1995, 477-511. [5] Krnjevic K. Significance of GABA in brain function. In: Tunnicliff, G., and Raess, B.U.(eds), GABA mechanisms in epilepsy, New York: Wiley-Liss, 1991:47-87. [6] Barnard EA, Skolnick P, Olsen RW, Mohler H, Sieghart W, Biggio G, et al., International Union of Pharmacology. XV. Subtypes of gamma-aminobutyric acidA receptors: classification on the basis of subunit structure and receptor function, Pharmacological Reviews, 50(2), 1998, 291-313. [7] Simon J, Wakimoto ,H., Fujita, N., Lalande, M., and Barnard ,E.A., Analysis of the set of GABAA receptor genes in the human genome, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 279(40), 2004, 41422–41435. [8] Olsen, R.W., and Tobin, A.J. , Molecular biology of GABAA receptors, FASEB Journal, 4(5), 1990, 1469-80. [9] Schofield, P.R., Darlison , M.G., Fujita ,N., Burt, D.R., Stephenson, F.A., Rodriguez, H., et al.,Sequence and functional expression of the GABA A receptor shows a ligand-gated receptor super-family, Nature , 328(6127), 1987, 221-227. [10] Sieghart ,W. and Sperk , G., Subunit composition, distribution and function of GABAA receptor subtypes, Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 2, 2002, 795–816. Bhimavarapu Rajasekhara Reddy, Dr. L. Pratap Reddy |
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74. | A Study of Circuit Level Leakage Reduction Techniques in Cache Memories
A Study of Circuit Level Leakage Reduction Techniques in Cache MemoriesAbstract: The Performance of microprocessor can be improved by increasing the capacity of on-chip caches. On-chip caches consume noticeable fraction of total power consumption of microprocessors. The performance gained can be achieved by reducing energy consumption due to leakage current in cache memories. The technique for power reduction in cache is divided in mainly two parts Circuit level and architectural level technique. In this paper a circuit level techniques like gated-Vdd, gatedGround, Drowsy caches, Asymmetric SRAM cell for reducing leakage current in cache memory are discussed.Key words: Asymmetric cell, Cache memory, Drowsy caches, Gated-ground, Gated-Vdd, leakage current. Reference [1] Alodeep Sanyal, Member, IEEE, Ashesh Rastogi, Wei chen and Sandip Kundu, fellow, IEEE,"An efficient technique for leakage current estimation in nanoscaled CMOS Circuits incorporating Self-Loading Effects" IEEE TRANSACTION ON COMPUTERS, VOL 50,NO 7,JULY 2010. [2] S. Mouth, T. Douseki, Y. Matsuya, T. Aoki, S. Shigematsu, and J. Yamada, "1-V power supply high-speed digital circuit technology with multithreshold- voltage CMOS," IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, Vol 30,pp. 847~854, Aug.1995. [3] J.Kao, and A. Chandrakasan, " Dualthreshold voltage techniques for low power digital circuits," IEEE J. Solid-state Circuits,vol 35, pp. 1009~1018, Jul. 2002 [4] K.Zhang, U. Bhattacharya, Z. Chen, Faith, D. Murray, Member IEEE, " SRAM design on 65nm CMOS Technology with Dynamic sleep Transistor for leakage reduction", IEEE J. Of solid-state circuits, vol.40, no.4, April 2005. [5] S.H. Yang, M.D. Powell, B. Falsafi, K..Roy, T.N. Vijaykumar, " Dynamically resizable instruction cache: An energy efficient and high-performance deepsubmicron instruction cache." Technical report ECE-007, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University,2000. [6] M.powell,S.Yang, B Falsafi, k.Roy, T Vijaykumar, "Gated-VDD: A circuit technique to reduce leakage in deepsubmicron cache memories," porc. Of IEEE/ACM Intl symp. On lower power electronics & Design, pp 90~95,2000. [7] N.Sung Kim, K. Flautner, D. Blaauw, and T. Mudge, "Circuit and Microarchitectural technique for Reducing Cache Leakage Power", IEEE Trans. On Very Large Scale Integration Systems, Vol.12, No.2, February 2004. [8] Amit Agarwal, Hai Li, Student Member, IEEE, and Kaushik Roy, Fellow, IEEE, "A Single-Vt Low-Leakage Gated-Ground Cache for Deep Submicron", IEEE J. Of Solid-State Circuits, Vlo.38, no.2, February 2003. [9] K. Flautner, Nam sung kim, S. Martin, D. Blaauw and T. Mudge, "Drowsy Caches: simple techniques for reducing leakage power," proc. Of IEEE/ACM Intl.Symp. on computer Architecture, PP. 148~157, 2002. [10] Nam sung kim, K. Flautner, D. Blaauw and T. Mudge, "Drowsy instruction cacheLeakage power reduction using dynamic voltage scaling and cache sub-bank prediction." proc. Of IEEE/ACM Intl.Symp. on Microarchitecture (MICRO-35), pp.219~ 230, Nov 2002. [11] Nvid Aziz, student member, IEEE, Farid N. Najm, fellow, IEEE, and A.Moshovos, Associate member,IEEE, " Low-Leakage Asymmetric-Cell SRAM", IEEE Trans. On Very Large Scale Integration System, vol.11, no.4. August 2003. Urvashi Chaudhari, Rachna Jani |
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75. | Influence of Provision of Soft Storey in RC Frame Building for Earthquake Resistance Design
Influence of Provision of Soft Storey in RC Frame Building for Earthquake Resistance DesignAbstract: Soft storey or open ground storey is an unavoidable feature in the multistorey building. It is open for the purpose of parking or reception lobbies. It is also called as stilts storey. A large number of buildings with soft storey have been built in India in recent year. But it showed poor performance during past earthquake. Therefore it is need of time to take immediate measures to prevent the indiscriminate use of soft first storeys in buildings, which are designed without regard to the increased displacement and force demands in the first storey columns. In this regard, this paper talks about the provided strength and stiffness to the building frame by modified soft storey provision in two ways, (i) By providing stiff column & (ii) By providing adjacent infill wall panel at each corner of building frame. Also study has been carried out to compare modified soft storey provisions with complete infill wall frame and bare frame models.Key words: Soft storey, masonry infill, RC frame, earthquake, displacement, drift. Reference Journal Papers: [1] J. N. Arlekar, S. K. Jain and C.V.R. Murty, "Seismic Response of RC Frame Buildings with Soft First Storeys," Dept. of Civil Engineering, I.I.T., Kanpur, India.( CBRI) 1997. [2] Sujatha A., Jiji Anna Varughese, Bindhu K.R, "The Influence of Masonry Infill in RC Multi-Storey Buildings," (NCTT09) 6-7 Nov 2009. [3] S. Haque, Khan M. A., "Seismic Vulnerability of Columns of RC Framed Buildings with Soft Ground Floor," International Journal Of Mathematical Models And Methods In Applied Sciences, Issue3,Volume2,2008. [4] M.R. Amin, P. Hasan, B.K.M.A. Islam, "Effect of soft storey on multistoried reinforced concrete building frame," Bangladesh, ISBN: 978-984-33-4363-5, 4th Annual Paper Meet and 1st Civil Engineering Congress, December 22-24, 2011. [5] C V R Murty, the Classroom section, a series of short articles, 'Earthquake Tips', related to earthquakes design & construction of buildings. IIT Kanpur and BMTPC, New Delhi. August 2004. [6] A.K. Chopra, D.P. Clough, R.W. Clough, "Earthquake Resistance of Building with a "SOFT‟ First Storey", Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol.1, 347-355, 1973. [7] Bento R., Azevedo J., " Behaviour coefficient assessment for Soft Storey Structures", 12WCEE,2000. Books: [8] P.Agrawal, M. Shrikhande Earthquake resistant design of structure (PHI Learning Pvt.Ltd. New Delhi, 2009). [9] Mario Paz & William Leigh, Structural Dynamics (Springer Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, 2007). Dande P. S., Kodag P. B. |
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76. | Recovery Of Copper From Printed Circiut Boards Through Electrolytic Process –A Case Study
Recovery Of Copper From Printed Circiut Boards Through Electrolytic Process –A Case StudyAbstract: Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) collected from local sources were used for recovering copper by electrolytic process, using a laboratory reactor setup of working volume 15 liters and nitric acid for dissolution. Copper plate was used as the cathode and graphite rod as the anode for the deposition process. Five durations were adopted both for the dissolution and deposition processes. Based on the above investigations it found that 5 hours for 132 gm copper has dissolved and the maximum copper deposited was 14.861 gm in 120 minutes, which is equal to 12% of maximum recovery of copper from the PCBs. The maximum power consumption is found to be 0.0214 kWh for 14.861 gm of copper recovered. The maximum copper (Cu) recovered in 120 minutes of the deposition process can be considered as the optimum for the 5 L of dissolved solution. There is scope to refine the process and scale it up, if proper funding and facilities are made available.Key words: – E-waste management, electrolytic cell process, operating conditions, recovery of copper, recycling. Reference 1) Cui. J, Zhang L, Metallurgical recovery of metals from electronic waste: A review, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 158(2-3): 228-256, 2008. 2) Darlymple I, Wright N, Kellner R, Banis N, Geraghty K, Goosey M and Light foot L, An integrated approach to electronic waste (WEEE) recycling, Circuit world, 33(2): 55-58, 2007. 3) Heart S, International regulations and treaties on electronic waste (E-waste), International Journal of Environmental Engineering, 1(4): 335-351, 2009. 4) Huo X, Peng L, Xu X, Zeng L Qiu B, Qi Z, Zhang B, Han D and Piao Z, Elevated blood lead levels of children in Guiyu, an electronic waste recycling town in China, Environmental Health Perspectives, 115(7): 1113-1117, 2008. 5) Kamberovic Z, Korac M, Ranitovic M, Hydrometallurgical process for extraction of metals from electronic waste-Part II: Development of the processes for the recovery of copper from printed circuit boards (pcb), Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia, Metalurgija – MJOM, 17(3): 139-149, 2011. 6) Kuper J and Hojsik M, Poisoning the poor: Electronic waste in Ghana, Greenpeace International, Aimsterdam. 7) Manhart A, International cooperation for metal recycling from waste electrical and electronic equipments – An assessment of the "best of two worlds‟ approach, Journal of Industerial Ecology, 15(1): 13-30, 2010. 8) Masavetas I, Moutsatsou, Nikolaou, Spanou S, Zoikis-Karathanasis A, Pavlatou E A, Spyrellis N, Production of copper powder from PCBs by electrodeposition, Global NEST Journal, 11(2): 241-247, 2009. 9) Oishi T, Koyama K, Alan S, Tanaka M and Lee H, Recovery of high purity copper cathode from PCBs using ammoniacal sulfate or chloride solution, Hydrometallurgy, 89: 82-88, 2007. 10) Pradeep Kumar S, Govindaradjane S, Sundararajan T, Management strategies for various E-waste generators in Puducherrt region – A case study. International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, 3(1): 546-551, January 2013. 11) Quinet P, Proost J, Van Lierde A, Recovery of precious metals from electronic scrap by hydrometallurgical processing routes, Miner. Metall. Process, 22(1): 17-22, 2205. S.Pradeep Kumar, S.Govindaradjane, T.Sundararajan |
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77. | An EOQ Model With Stock Dependent Demand Rate And
Variable time
An EOQ Model With Stock Dependent Demand Rate And Variable timeAbstract: Inventories are being considered to be an important aspect for any organization. EOQ model is defined as a controller of quantity and total cost per unit. This paper throws light on the Optimal Economic Order Quantity with stock dependent demand rate and consider variable time't' which is used for two constants values α and β because after long period it changes time to time. This model tries to overcome the limitations of the model given by Gupta and Vrat who have used functional relationship in which α and β were constant but in present model we used time't' to make them varies. Here, we used instantaneous case of replenishment and finite case of replenishment for different functional relationship to get optimum value of stock quantity and total cost per unit time. It is easy to use EOQ models to get an optimal order quantity level. In addition, we make different conditions and propose economic interpretation.Key words: EOQ Model, A (Assumption), Instantaneous Demand,Replenishment rate, time (t). Reference (1) Aggarwal, S.P., and Jaggi, C.K., "Ordering policies of deteriorating items under permissible Delay in payments", Journal of the Operational Research Society, 46 (1995) 658- 662. (2) Chu, P., Chung, K. J., and S. P., "Economic order quantity of deteriorating items under permissible delay in payments", Computers and Operations Research, 25 (1998) 817 – 824. (3) Chung, K. J., "A theorem on the determination of economics order quantity under permissible delay in payments", Computers and Operations Research, 25 (1998) 49 – 52. (4) Shah, N.H., "A probabilistic order level system when delay in payment is permissible" Journal of Korean OR / MS Society (Korea), 18 (1993b) 175 – 182. (5) Teng, J. T., "On economic order quantity conditions of permissible delay in payments", to appear in Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2002. Anil R. Maisuriya, PravinH. Bhatawala |
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78. | Wind Behavior of Buildings with and without Shear Wall
Wind Behavior of Buildings with and without Shear WallAbstract: Shear walls are specially designed structural walls which are incorporated in buildings to resist lateral forces that are produced in the plane of wall due to wind, earthquake and flexural members. This paper presents the study and comparison of the difference between the wind behavior of buildings with and without shear wall using Staad pro.Key words: Shear wall, STAAD PRO, Wind behavior Reference [1] Anshuman. S, Dipendu Bhunia , Bhavin Ramjiyani, Solution of Shear Wall Location in Multistorey Building, International Journal of Civil and Structural Engineering,Volume 2, No 2, 2011,493-506. [2] P. S. Kumbhare, A. C. Saoji, Effectiveness of Changing Reinforced Concrete Shear Wall Location on Multi-storeyed Building, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, Vol. 2, Issue 5, September- October 2012, 1072-1076. [3] Abdur Rahman, Saiada Fuadi Fancy, Shamim Ara Bobby, Analysis of drift due to wind loads and earthquake loads on tall structures by programming language C, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, Vol. 3, Issue 6, June 2012. [4] B. Dean Kumar and B.L.P. Swami, Wind effects on tall building frames-influence of dynamic parameters, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 3, No. 5.May 2010, 583-587. [5] T. Kijewski and A. Kareem, Full-scale study of the behavior of tall buildings under winds, NatHaz Modeling Laboratory, Department of Civil Engineering and Geological Sciences, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556. Alfa Rasikan, M G Rajendran |
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79. | A New Mathematical Model For Finding MTBF Levels In The Active And Delivery Modes By Using The Hormone Release Of Vasopressin
A New Mathematical Model For Finding MTBF Levels In The Active And Delivery Modes By Using The Hormone Release Of VasopressinAbstract: The most common approach for development, testing programs include some corrective actions during testing and some delayed fixes incorporated at the end of test. This paper presents an Extended model that addresses this practical situation given in the application part of sec 3.In this application the testing mode is considered as active mode and the delayed fixes mode as at the delivery. The result concludes that MTBF is lesser in the action mode and then increases with the delivery mode.Reference 1. Alexander, D. P., Bashore, R. A,, Britton, H. G., and Forsling, M. L. Maternal and fetal arginine vasopressin in the chronically catheterized sheep. Biol. Neonate, 25 : 242 (1974). 2. Alexander, D. P., Britton,H . G., Forsling, M. L., Nixon, D. A,, and Ratcliff. J G.: Pituitary and plasma concentrations of adrenocorticotrophin, growth hormone, vasopressin and oxytocin in fetal and maternal sheep during the latter half of gestation and response to hemorrhage. Biol. Neonate, 24: 206 (1974). 3. Alexander, D. P., Forsling, M. L., Martin, M. J., Nixon, D. A,, Ratcliff, J. G., Redstone, D., and Tunbridge, D. : The effect of maternal hypoxia on fetal pituitary hormone release in sheep. Biol. Neonate, 21: 219 (1972). 4. Challis, J. R. G., and Thorburn, G. D.: The fetal pituitary. In: R. W. Beard, P.W. Natanielsz: Fetal Physiology and Medicine. pp. 233-253 (W. B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, 1976). 5. Chard. T., Boyd, N. R. H., Edwards, C. R. W., and Hudson, C. N.: The release of oxytocin and vasopressin by the human fetus during labor. Nature (Lond.), 234: 352 (1971). 6. Crow .L.H, Achieving High Reliability, RAC Journal, Vol, 4, 2000, Reliability Analysis Center, Rome ,NY. 7. Crow .L.H, Reliability Analysis for Complex, Repairable Systems, in Reliability and Biometry, ed. By F. Prochan and R.J Sarling, pp. 379-410, 1974, Philadelphia, SIAM. 8. Crow, L.H., Reliability Growth Projection from Delayed Fixes, Proceedings 1983, Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, pp.84-89. 9. Daniel, S. S., Husain, M. K., Milliez, J., Stark, R. I., Yeh, M. N., and James, L. S.: Renal response of the fetal lamb to complete occlusion of the umbilical S. Lakshmi, M. Senbagavalli |
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80. | Modeling and Simulation of Job Shop Scheduling Using Petri- Nets
Modeling and Simulation of Job Shop Scheduling Using Petri- NetsAbstract: In most of the manufacturing units scheduling is a difficult task due to the complexity of the system. Hence powerful tools that can handle both modeling and optimization are required. Most of the research in this area focuses in either developing optimization algorithms, or in modeling complex production systems. However, few tools are aimed to the integration of both of them. In this paper, a Petri Net based integrated approach, for simultaneously modeling and scheduling manufacturing systems, is proposed. The procedure is illustrated with an example problemKey words: Analysis of Petri Nets, INA, Petri Nets, Scheduling. Reference [1] Jiacun Wang. "Petri Nets for Dynamic Event – Driven System modeling. [2] W.M.P van der Aalst. "Petri Net based Scheduling" Department of Mathematics and Computing Science, Eindhoven University of Technology. [3] Gonzalo Mejia, Nicholas G. Odrey "Job Shop Scheduling in Manufacturing: An approach using Petri Nets and Heuristic Search". [4] Tadao Murata "Petri Nets: Properties, Analysis and Applications" Proceedings of the IEEE, vol 77, no 4, 1989. [5] Raida El Mansouri, Elhillali Kerkouche, and Allaoua Chaoui, "A Graphical Environment for Petri Nets INA Tool Based on MetaModelling and Graph Grammars". World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 44 2008. [6] Ramamoorthy, C.V. And G.S. H O (1980), Performance Evaluation of Asynchronous Concurrent Systems Using Petri Nets, IEEE Transactions on Software engineering 6, 440–449. [7] Carlier , J., P. Chretienne , And C. Girault (1984), Modelling scheduling problems with Timed Petri Nets, in: G. Rozenberg (ed.), Advances in Petri Nets 1984,Lecture Notes in Computer Science 188, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 62–82. [8] Hillion , H.P. And J.P Proth (1989), Performance Evaluation of Job-Shop Systems Using Timed Event Graphs, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 34, 3–9. [9] Pinedo,M. (1995), Scheduling: theory, algorithms, and systems, Prentice-Hall, Engle-wood Cliffs. Mullya Satish Anand, Santosh Krishnaji Sindhe |
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81. | Multi-Touch Table With Rfid Technology For Hotels
Multi-Touch Table With Rfid Technology For HotelsAbstract: With the introduction of multi-touch, a new form of human computer interaction is introduced. Due to recent innovations multitouch technology has become affordable. Unlike interaction on a desktop computer multi-touch allows multiple users to interact with the same device at the same time. To demonstrate the vast possibilities of multi-touch technologies an 'interactive RFID-based Multi-touch Device' can be constructed which can be utilised in a hotel. The objective of the project is to enhance the customer's dining experience and to provide an enjoyable and user friendly interface thereby reducing human effort and time. The multi-touch table constructed is a camera based multi-touch device which is designed using front-side illumination technique. Card associated with a RFID tag will be used, priced to a specific amount which is issued to the customer at the reception desk. Each order table at the restaurant will have a multi-touch device along with the RFID reader. Customer can now interact with the multi-touch device by showing his RFID card and place an order by selecting from the menu displayed on the order table. This project proposes the methodology of designing an interactive system along with applications to verify the effectiveness of the same.Key words: multi-touch, RFID, interactive, frontside illumination Reference [1] Han, J.: Low-cost multi-touch sensing through frustrated total internal reflection. In: UIST ‟05: Proceedings of the 18th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology, New York, ACM Press (2005) 115–118. [2] RFID :A Technical Overview and its application to the enterprise by Ron Weinstein. [3] Jefferson Y.Han Multi-touch Interaction wall In Siggraph ‟06:ACM Siggraph 2006 Emerging technologies. [4] Jazz Mutant .Lemur Input Device.2006 [5] Didier Brun .Mouse Gesture Recognition 2007 URL http://www.bytearray.org/?p=91 [6] Touchlib:www.multigesture.net [7] Experiences with interactive multi-touch tables : Wim Fikkert, Michiel Hakvoort, Paul Van Der Vet [8] http://www.technovelgy.com/ct/Technolog y-Article.asp?ArtNum=4 for RFID working. [9] http://www.engineersgarage.com/insight/ho w-rfid-tag-works?page=5 Rfid tags. [10] Hyperterminal http://help.expedient.net/dialup/hypertermin al.shtml [11] Configuration http://www.avitresearch.co.uk/USBTTL/hy perterminal.html [12] http://www.tradeindia.com/fp641264/RfidReader-Kit-Rs232-Interface.html RFID reader kit with RS 232 interface Rajat Verma, Preksha Gupta, Prof.C.Malathy |
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82. | Modal Analysis Of A Stepped Bar Using Matlab & Ansys
Modal Analysis Of A Stepped Bar Using Matlab & AnsysAbstract: Man, starting from the age of civilization, wanted to simplify the processes which he felt difficult while working out in a routine way. Now we are living in the world of technology. We have different fields of study. Engineering is one among such professions which provides students the caliber to deal with the problems in a different way. Almost all the problems of various subjects which we deal in our mechanical engineering have solutions. Finite Element Methods is a subject where we deal with the elements but not the entire body at once. But still it involves a lot of calculations like Matrix multiplications, solving higher order equations etc. We have chosen a topic in Finite Element Methods i.e. Modal Analysis of elements and are working out to get results in a simpler way. In this paper we use MATLAB software to simplify the tiresome calculations involved in Modal Analysis of Stepped bar. The code for solving the problem chosen was written in Mat lab and was tested for different inputs. Even though it is accurate and has a large number of built in functions, it is lagging applications in most of the mechanical fields. The code and the procedure we are presenting here in our paper don't exist. The program written asks the user for inputs and gives output after making necessary calculations. Finally we are also using ANSYS 11.0 workbench software for verifying the results obtained in the mat lab.Key words: ANSYS, MATLAB, Modal analysis, mode, frequency. Reference [1] Rudra Pratap,'Getting started with MATLAB', Oxford University Press, updated for Version 7.8 (2009). [2] Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering, 3rd Edition by Tirupathi R. Chandrupatla & Ashok D. Belegundu, Pearson Education, Inc. [3] ANSYS workbench 11.0 Tips & Tricks, by Shawn Catlin, Mallett Technology, Inc. [4] Introduction to MATLAB for Engineering Students, by David Houcque, North Western University, Version 1.2, (August 2005) [5] Modal Analysis, by Jimin He & Zhi-Fang Fu, Butterworth-Heinemann publications Gopichand Allaka, Manikanta Kotti, B.Srikanth, Sk Rashed, D Neehaar |
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83. | Design of Stand-Alone Photovoltaic System – A Case Study
Design of Stand-Alone Photovoltaic System – A Case StudyAbstract: In this paper the design of a stand-alone photovoltaic system has been explained in two methods; method-I, considering the solar radiation data of the location and the load, and method-II, considering only the load. The various constraints considered in the preliminary phase and the later stages have been thoroughly discussed along with a case study pertaining to a college. The paper describes various parameters required for the design of a photovoltaic system taking the load conditions and economic constraints in the end. Cost analysis of conventional and stand alone photovoltaic system for both the methods is carried out.Key words: photovoltaic system, PV system, solar energy, inverter Reference Journal Papers: Mohan Kolhe, "Techno-economic optimum sizing of a stand-alone solar photo voltaic system", IEEE Transactions on energy conservation, Vol.24, No.2, June 2009, Pg. 511-519. Conferences: Proceedings of Work shop on "Off-grid Solar PV Components and Systems" by National Centre for Promotion of Photovoltaic Research and Education (NCPRE) at IIT Bombay from April 11th to 13th, 2012 at New Delhi. Books: Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes – 2nd edition by John A. Duffie , William A. Beckman, New York; Wiley Publications; 1991 A. Mani, Handbook of solar radiation data for India, 1980 New Delhi, India; Allied Publishers Private Limited 1981 Planning and Installing Photovoltaic Systems – 2 nd edition by EARTHSCAN Publications Miss. L. Raja Rajeswari, Dr. C. V. Krishna Bhanu |
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84. | English To Marathi Translation Of Assertive Sentences
English To Marathi Translation Of Assertive SentencesAbstract: This paper presents the conversion for simple English Assertive sentences to Marathi sentences. This is basically a machine translation. In this proposed system we are going through various processes such as morphological analysis, part of speech, local word grouping, for converting the meaning of simple assertive English sentence into corresponding Marathi sentence. Here English to Marathi bilingual dictionary has been formed for the purpose of language translation. And English sentence are translated into the Marathi sentences using the rules that are produced earlier in the language translation system.Key words: Machine Translation, Natural Language Processing, Artificial Intelligence Reference [1] Elaine Rich and Kevin Knight, Shivashankar Nair, Artificial Intelligence (Chapter Natural Language Processing), 3rd Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, ISBN-10- 0070087709, ISBN-13- 9780070087705 [2] S. M. Chaware, Srikanta Rao, Domain Specific Information Retrieval in Multilingual Environment, International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, 2(4), 2009, 179-181 [3] Bharati, Akshar, Vineet Chaitanya, Rajeev Sangal, Natural Language Processing: A PaninianPrespective, Prentice-Hall of India,1995. [4] Sangal, Rajeev,AksharBharati, DiptiMisra Sharma, Lakshmi Bai, Guidelines For POS And Chunk Annotation For Indian Languages, December 2006. [5] Sangal, Rajeev,DiptiMisra Sharma, Lakshmi Bai, KaruneshArora, Developing Indian languages corpora: Standards and practice, November 2006. Abhay Adapanawar, Anita Garje, Paurnima Thakare, Prajakta Gundawar, Priyanka Kulkarni |
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85. | A New Mathematical Model for GABA-aminotransferase in
human platelets by Vigabatrin
A New Mathematical Model for GABA-aminotransferase in human platelets by VigabatrinAbstract: To analyzing for some well-known generations of Weibull-related lifetime models for quick information. A brief discussion on the properties of this general class is also given. For example, the effect of the new antiepileptic drug, Vigabatrin (γ-vinyl GABA), on the platelet enzyme, GABA-aminotransferase (GABA-T) was investigated in volunteers and patients. The prolonged effect of Vigabatrin on the platelet enzyme activity would fit in with the fact that restoration of enzyme activity is dependent on regeneration of new enzyme. If the enzyme activity of platelets can be shown to reflect brain GABA-T activity, assay of the easily obtainable platelet enzyme may provide a convenient approach to assessing the pharmacological response in epileptic patients during treatment with GABA-T inhibitor drugs such as Vigabatrin. The generations of Weibull distribution is utilized for fitting the corresponding medical data, and the feedback is compared with the medical report . The curves for Reliability rate function by using Exponentiated weibull and four parameters Generalized Weibull Distribution in all the 3 cases after 5 hours reaches the zero value in the time axis and which are perfectly fitted with the medical curve. These results give good suggestions to the medical professionals.Key words: Failure rate function, Weibull distribution, Vigabatrin ,GABA, GABA-T. AMS Classification: 60 Gxx, 62 Hxx, 62Pxx Reference [1] . M. Bebbington, C. D. Lai, and R. Zitikis, "Modeling human mortality using mixtures of bathtub shaped failure distributions," Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2007, 10.1016/j.jtbi.2006.11.011, to appear in. [2] . G. S. Mudholkar and D. K. Srivastava, "Exponential Weibull family for analyzing bathtub failure-rate data," IEEE Trans. Reliability, vol. 42, pp. 299–302, 1993. [3] . E. I. Wondmagegnehu, J. Navarro, and P. J. Hernandez, "Bathtub shaped failure rates from mixtures: A practical point of view," IEEE Trans. Reliability, vol. 54, pp. 270–275, June 2005. [4] . S. Nadarajah, "On the moments of the modified Weibull distribution," Reliability Engineering and System Safety, vol. 90, pp. 114–117, Oct. 2005. [5] . Jj Loiseau, P., Hardenberg, J. P., Pestre, M., Guyot, M., Schechter, P. L. & Tell, G. P. (1986). Doubleblind placebo-controlled study of vigabatrin (-yvinyl GABA) in drug resistant epilepsy. Epilepsia, 2, 115-120. [6] . Bohen, P., Huot, S. & Palfreyman, M. G. (1979). The relationship between GABA concentrations in brain and cerebrospinal fluid. Brain Res., 167, 297-305. S.Lakshmi, P.Gomathi Sundari |
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86. | Study of Three Phase Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter For Asymmetrical Configuration
Study of Three Phase Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter For Asymmetrical ConfigurationAbstract: We know that, the inverters are broadly classified as two level inverters and multilevel inverters. This conventional inverters have many limitations at high power and high voltage applications. However, the multilevel inverter becomes popular for high power and high voltage applications due to their increased number of levels at the output. As number of levels increases, the harmonics are reduced and output voltage tend to become more pure i.e., sinusoidal. There are three types of topologies used in multilevel inverter, 1) neutral-pointclamped (NCP), 2) flying capacitors, 3) cascaded H-bridge. Among this, Three phase cascaded Hbridge multilevel inverter is further divided in two configuration, 1) Symmetrical and 2) Asymmetrical. This paper deals with, study of Asymmetrical configuration for seven level Hbridge multilevel inverter. We prepared the simulation for five level symmetrical, seven level symmetrical and Asymmetrical configurations in MATLAB.Key words: Multilevel Inverter, Symmetrical MLI, Asymmetrical MLI. Reference [1] ''Power Electronics'' Circuits, Devices, And Applications, 3rd Edition by Muhammad H. Rashid. [2] Bipin Singh, KP Singh and AN Tiwari, ''Modelling of 5-Level Inverter Controlled With DVR Technique'', VSRD-IJEECE, Vol. 2 (1), 2012, 16-21. [3] F. Khoucha, M. S Lagoun, K. Marouani, A. Kheloui, and M.E.H. Benbouzid, "Hybrid cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter induction motor drive direct torque control for automotive applications," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 57, no.3,pp.892–899, Mar. 2010. [4] Farid Khoucha, Mouna Soumia Lagoun, Abdelaziz Kheloui, and Mohamed El Hachemi Benbouzid, Senior Member, "A Comparison of Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Three-Phase H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter for DTC Induction Motor Drives'', IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENERGY CONVERSION, VOL. 26, NO. 1, MARCH 2011. [5] K.Surya Suresh1 and M.Vishnu Prasad, Sri Vasavi Institute of Engineering and Technology, EEE Department, Nandamuru, AP, India "PV Cell Based Five Level Inverter Using Multicarrier PWM" International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Vol.1, Issue.2, pp-545-551. [6] Bindeshwar Singh, Nupur Mittal , Dr. K.S. Verma , Dr. Deependra Singh, S.P.Singh, Rahul Dixit, Manvendra Singh, Aanchal Baranwa, "Multi-level inverter: A literature survey on topologies and control strategies" International Journal of Reviews in Computing 31st July 2012. Vol. 10. [7] Jannu Ramu1, S.J.V. Prakash, K.Satya Srinivasu1, R.N.D. Pattabhi Ram, M. Vishnu Prasad and Md. Mazhar Hussain,''Comparison between Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Single Phase Seven Level Cascade H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter with PWM Topology." International Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences and Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 4, April 2012. Mr. Sarang A. Khadtare,Mrs. S.P. Muley, Mrs. B.S. Dani |
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87. | Auscultatory and Oscillometric methods of Blood pressure measurement: a Survey
Auscultatory and Oscillometric methods of Blood pressure measurement: a SurveyAbstract: Accurate measurement and display of arterial blood pressure is essential for management of cardiovascular diseases. Though intra-arterial catheter system is considered to be gold standard of arterial blood pressure measurement, its use is however limited to measuring during surgery due to its invasive nature, In view of these problems, investigators have been developing non-invasive methods. Some approaches are the skin flush, palpatory, Korotkoff (auscultatory), oscillometric, and ultrasound methods. Of these, the methods of Korotkoff and oscillometry are in most common use and are reviewed here.Key words: Auscultatory Method, Blood Pressure, Kortkooff Method, Ocillometric method, Spot Measurement of Blood Pressure. Reference [1] Bronzino Joseph D., Editor (2000), "The Biomedical Engineering Hand Book", Second Edition, CRC Press LLC, chapter no 71. [2] Alcala F. V., Peralta J. L., Sanchez E. M., Montoro A. E., Dominguez A. C., and Chozas J. M. L. (2004), "Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring to Study White Coat Effect in Patients with Hypertension Followed in Primary Care," Hypertension , Rev Esp Cardiol , vol. 57, no. 7, pp. 652- 660. [3] Pickering T. G., Hall J. E., Appel L. J., Falkner B. E., Graves J., Hill M. N., Jones D. W., Kurtz T., Sheps S. G. and Roccella E. R. (2005), "Recommendations for Blood Pressure Measurement in Humans and Experimental Animals: Part 1: Blood Pressure Measurement in Humans: A Statement for Professionals from the Subcommittee of Professional and Public Education of the American Heart Association Council on High Blood Pressure Research", Circulation, vol. 111, pp. 697-716. [4] Drzewiecki G., Bansal V., Hood E. K. R., and Apple H. (1993), "Mechanics of the Occlusive Arm Cuff and Its Application as a Volume Sensor", IEEE Transactions On Biomedical Engineering, vol. 40, no.7, pp. 704-708. [5] Booth Jeremy (1977), "A Short History of Blood Pressure Measurement", Proc. Royal Society of Medicine, vol. 70, pp. 793-799. [6] Mac WILLIAM J. A., and Melvin S. P. (1914), "Systolic and Diastolic Blood Pressure Estimation, with Special Reference to the Auditory Method", British Medical Journal, vol. March 1914, pp. 693-697. [7] Warfield L. M., (1912), "Studies in Auscultatory Blood-Pressure Phenomena", Arch. Inter. Med., vol. X(3), pp. 258-267. [8] James Bordley-III, Connor C. A. R., Hamilton W. F., Kerr W. J. and Wiggers C. J. (1951), "Recommendations for Human Blood Pressure Determinations by Sphygmomanometers", Circulation, vol. IV, pp. 503-509. [9] O'Brien E. T. and O'Aulley K. (1979), "ABC of Blood Pressure MeasurementReconciling the Controversies: a comment on the literature", British Medical Journal, vol. 2, pp. 1201-1202. [10] Tholl U., Forstner K. and Analauf M. (2004), "Measuring Blood Pressure: Pitfalls and Recommendations", Nephrol Dial Transplant, vol. 19. pp 766-770. Kapse C.D., Patil B.R |
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88. | Comparision Of R.C.C. And Comosite Multistoried Buildings
Comparision Of R.C.C. And Comosite Multistoried BuildingsAbstract: Steel-concrete composite construction means steel section encased in concrete for columns & the concrete slab or profiled deck slab is connected to the steel beam with the help of mechanical shear connectors so that they act as a single unit. In this present paper, steel-concrete composite with R.C.C. options are considered for comparative study of G+15 storey office building which is situated in earthquake zone IV & wind speed 39m/s. Equivalent Static Method of Analysis is used. For modeling of Composite & R.C.C. structures, staad-pro software is used and the results are compared; and it is found that composite structure are more economical.Key words: Composite column, steel beam, shear connectors & staad-pro Software Reference 1) Thierry Chicoine, (―Behavior and strength of partially encased composite columns with built up shapes,‖ Journal of Structural engineering, Vol. 128 No. 3, Mach 2002, pp 279-288.) 2) G.fabbrocino.G.manfredi and E-cosenze (2000) 3) Tao LI, Junichi SAKAI, And Chiaki MATSUI. ( seismic behavior of steel concrete composite column bases. IN 12WCEE 2000) 4) Riyad S ABOUTAHA. (cyclic response of a new steel-concrete composite frame system, IN 12 WCEE2000). 5) Oreste S.BURSI, Stefano CARAMELLI (pseudo-dynamic testing of a 3d full-scale high ductile steel concrete composite mr frame structure at elsa. IN 13 WCEE). 6) Prabuddha DASGUPTA, Subhash C.GOEL. (performance-based seismc design and behavior of composite buckling restrained braced frame. IN 13 WCEE) 7) C.C.Weng (―Shear strength of concrete encased composite structural members.‖ Journal of structural engineering, Vol 127, No. 10, Oct 2001,pp 1190-1197) 8) Euro code 3, ―Design of composite steel and concrete structures,‖ European committee for standardization committee European de normalization europaisches committee fur normung‖. 9) Euro code 4, ―Design of composite steel and concrete structure,‖ European committee for standardization committee European de normalization europaisches committee fur normung‖. 10) IS: 456(2000), ― Indian Standard Code of Practice for Plan and Reinforcement concrete (Fourth Revisions)‖, Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), New Delhi. Anish N. Shah, Dr. P.S. Pajgade |
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89. | Application Of Gis In Transportation Engineering
Application Of Gis In Transportation EngineeringAbstract: When so many parameters are to be connected with Transportation network like travel time, speed, road resistance, turning movements, etc. For such a big network GIS (Geographic Information System) proves itself as an efficient tool for solving such a network problems quickly and with a great precision. The GIS Software is determining the optimal routes or Best routes from one origin to many destinations kind of problem, with an objective of minimizing travel distance and travel time of users. Constrains taken into consideration were impedance for intersections, type of road and speed. GIS emerged as better tool for getting solution of such complex problems very accurately and rapidly.Key words: GIS, Optimal routes, Transportation Reference 1. Ali M.(2003), 'Polycentricity and transit service', transportation research paart A, volume 37, issue 10, pp 841-864. 2. A.V.Bhambulkar, Isha.P. Khedikar (2011) , 'Municipal solid waste (msw) collection route for laxmi nagar by geographical information system', International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology,Vol.II,Issue IV,pp 102-109 3. Belinda (2003), 'A PTAL approach to measuring changes in bus service accessibility', transport policy, volume 10, issue 4, pp 307-320 4. Bhambulkar Ashtashil .(2011) , 'Municipal solid waste collection routes optimized with arc gis network analyst', international journal of advanced engineering sciences and technologies volume no. 11, issue no. 1, pp 202 – 207 5. Crowson (19997), A GIS for public transit', ESRI conference, San Diego, CA. 6. Guruswamy V. (2000) 'Optimal route analysis using IGS', MapIndia2000, at http://www.GISdevelopment.net. 7. Laplame G. (1992) 'A geographic information system for transportation applications', communications of the ACM 1992; (35): page 80-88. R.A.Ganorkar, P.I.Rode, Ashtashil V. Bhambulkar |
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90. | Overview on Web Mining and Different Technique for Web Personalisation
Overview on Web Mining and Different Technique for Web PersonalisationAbstract: Web mining is mainly focused on learning about web user with their interaction with web sites and application of web to extract knowledge from World Wide Web i.e. WWW. The motive of web mining is to find user's access object automatically and promptly from the huge web log data such as frequent access paths, frequent access groups and clustering of data. This article provides a survey and analysis of current web mining system and technologies. There are three broad category in web mining i) web usage mining ii) web content mining, iii) web structure mining. Which is shown in figure 1. Through web usage mining, performs six major task data gathering, data preparation, navigation pattern discovery, patter analysis, pattern visualisation and pattern application. Through web content mining extract useful information from the contents of web documents. In this paper we implement how Web mining techniques can be apply for the Customization i.e. Web personalization.Key words: Navigation Patterns, Pattern Analysis; Content Mining; Structure Mining; User/Session identification; Web Recommender; Web log Reference [1] Eirinaki M., Vazirgiannis M. (2003). Web mining for web personalization. ACM Transactions On Internet Technology (TOIT), 3(1), 1-27. [2] Agrawal R. and Srikant R. (2000). Privacy preserving data mining, In Proc. of the ACM SIGMOD Conference on Management of Data, Dallas, Texas, 439- 450. [3] Berendt B., Bamshad M, Spiliopoulou M., and Wiltshire J. (2001). Measuring the accuracy of sessionizers for web usage analysis, In Workshop on Web Mining, at the First SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, 7-14. [4] Mobasher, B., Web Usage Mining and Personalization, in Practical Handbook of Internet Computing, M.P. Singh, Editor. 2004, CRC Press. p. 15.1-37. [5] Maier T. (2004). A Formal Model of the ETL Process for OLAP-Based Web Usage Analysis. In Proc. of "WebKDD- 2004 workshop on Web Mining and WebUsage Analysis", part of the ACM KDD: Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Conference, Seattle, WA. [6] Pierrakos, D., et al. Web Community Directories: A New Approach to Web Personalization. in Proceeding of the 1st European Web Mining Forum (EWMF'03). 2003, p. 113-129, Cavtat-Dubrovnik, Croatia. [7] Kargupta H., Datta S., Wang Q., and Sivakumar K. (2003). On the Privacy Preserving Properties of Random Data Perturbation Techniques, In Proc. of the 3rd ICDM IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM'03), Melbourne, FL. [8] Linden G., Smith B., and York J. (2003). Amazon.com Recommendations Itemtoitem collaborative filtering, IEEE Internet Computing, 7(1), 76-80. [9] Schafer J.B., Konstan J., and Reidel J. (1999). Recommender Systems in ECommerce, In Proc. ACM Conf. Ecommerce, 158-166. Pradnyesh Bhisikar, Prof. Amit Sahu |
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91. | Performance Evaluation For Detection Of White Spaces In Cognitive-Ofdm Based Wireless Communications Networks
Performance Evaluation For Detection Of White Spaces In Cognitive-Ofdm Based Wireless Communications NetworksAbstract: The radio electromagnetic spectrum is limited source for many wireless communication devices.many studies on wireless communication show that a large portion of our radio electromagnetic spectrum remains vacant all time .How this radio electromagnetic spectrum can be utilized more ? cognitive radio is a solution to this problem. The cognitive radio, based on a software-defined radio. Cognitive radio is an advanced and intelligent wireless communication system that is aware of its environment and uses the methodology of understanding- by-building to learn from the environment and adapt to statistical variations in the input stimuli, with two primary objectives in mind: • there should be always highly reliability in communication network . • there should be proper utilization of the radio spectrum. Many research has proved that orthogonal frequency division multiplexing system (OFDM) has been proposed as a main candidate for cr's physical layer. Additionally, performance of a wide band spectrum analysis can be supported by Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) in an OFDM receiver. Multitaper spectrum estimation method (MTM) is a noncoherent promising spectrum sensing technique. It has solved the problems of bad biasing and large variance in power spectrum estimation .Biasing and Variance are two important parameters to calculate performance evaluation of any power spectrum estimation method.Key words: cognitive radio;fast fourier transform(fft) algorithm;multitaper method;spectrum sensing,ofdm,awgn (additive white gaussian noise) channel ,awareness,ieee 802.22,primary users ,secondary users,periodogram method, Reference [1] Carlos Cordeiro, Kiran Challapali, and Dagnachew Birru " IEEE 802.22: An Introduction to the First Wireless Standard based on Cognitive Radios "Philips Research North America/Wireless Communication and Networking Dept., Briarcliff Manor, USA [2] Federal Communications Commission (FCC),"Spectrum Policy Task Force," ET Docket no. 02-135, November 15, 2002. [3] Simon Haykin "Cognitive Radio: Brain Empowered,"Life Fellow, IEEE [4] IEEE 802.22 Wireless rans group "IEEE 802.22 Wireless Regional Area networks enabling Rural Broadband Wireless Access Using Cognitive Radio Technology" USA [5] Simon Haykin ,David J. Thomson, and Jeffrey H. Reed,"Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio,"Life Fellow IEEE [6] Owayed A Alghamdi" Spectrum Sensing And Cooperation IN Cognitive-Ofdm Based Wireless Communications Networks, "A phd thesis ,Plymouth U.K. [7] G. A. Prieto , R. L. Parker, D. J. Thomson, F. L. Vernon and R. L. Graham "Reducing the bias of multitaper spectrum estimates" Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego, La Jolla CA 92093, USA Mathematics and Statistics Department, Queens University, Kingston [ 8] Stephen J. Shellhammer "SPECTRUM SENSING IN IEEE 802.22", qualcomminc. Sandiego, CA 921 [9] Joseph Mitola III "Cognitive Radio, An Integrated Agent Architecture for Software Defined Radio ,"Dissertation Doctor of Technology Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) [10] IEEE 80.22 web site: http://grouper.ieee.org/groups/802/22/ Akshansh Kaushik, Amanpreet Singh Saini |
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92. | Test Sequence Generation of Random Single Input Change (RSIC) Based on Counter
Test Sequence Generation of Random Single Input Change (RSIC) Based on CounterAbstract: In any VLSI circuit, power consumption is very important factor that should be taken into consideration. Generally, dynamic power consumption is more dominant when compared to that of static. To reduce the internal switching activity rate of the circuit under test (CUT), we can recombine testing vector to raise the correlation between testing vector. Random Single Input Change (RSIC) test theory is proposed, which optimize the switching activity of circuit-under-test and then result in decrease of test power consumption. It is suitable for BIST of digital VLSI especially. The proposed circuit is simulated in DSCH and Cadence- Virtuso. The results obtained in various tools are presented in this paper.Key words: – Built-in-self-test, Cadence Virtuso software, Test pattern generator, low power testing. Reference 1) BONHOMME Y. Test Power: A Big Issue in Large SOC Design. Proceedings of the First IEEE International Workshop on Electronic Design, Test and Application DELTA‟02, 2001,447-449 2) F CORNO, P PRINETTO, M REBAUDENGO, et al. A Test Pattern Generation Methodology for Low Power Consumption. IEEE VTS, 1998: 453-457 3) ARNAUD VIRAZEL, HANS-JOACHIM WUNDERLICH,High Defect Coverage with Low-Power Test Sequence in a BIST Environment. IEEE Design &Test of Computer, 2002, 18 (6):44-52. 4) GAN Xue-wen, Mo Bang-xian, A Overview of Low-Power Digital CMOS Design, Micro-electronics, 2000, 30(8): 26(2):5-7. 5) Yi Wang, Xing-hua Fu, Research on A Low Power Consumption for Random Single Input Change Test Theory. Microelectronics and Computer [J], 2009, 26(2):5-7. 6) IOANNIS VOYIATZIS, ANTONIS PASCHALIS. An Efficient Built-in Self Test Method for Robust Path Delay Fault Testing. JORNAL OF ELECTRONIC TESTING: Theory and Application 8,219-222 N. Kiran babu, Asst.Prof. M.siva kumar |
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93. | Non-Invasive Optical Sensor for Hemoglobin Determination
Non-Invasive Optical Sensor for Hemoglobin DeterminationAbstract: Hemoglobin (Hb) is an important component of red blood cells. This paper presents an optical non-contact technique that provides Hb concentration measurement. The absorption coefficient of blood differs at different wavelength this fact is used to calculate the optical characteristics of blood. In this newly developed system, absorption of light by oxygenated and deoxygenated hemoglobin is measured at two wavelength 660nm and 940nm. The particular wavelength of light is obtained from red and IR LED. Constant current circuit is designed to drive the LEDs. Transmitted light through an area of skin on finger was detected by a photodiode. Ratio of red to IR signal after normalization is calculated for determination of Hb. Signal acquisition by this method is totally noninvasive. The sensors assembled in this investigation are fully integrated into wearable finger clips.Key words: blood, hemoglobin, infrared, LED, noninvasive, optical method Reference [1] U. Timm, E. Lewis, D. McGrath, J. Kraitl, H. Ewald, "LED Based Sensor System for Non-Invasive Measurement of the Hemoglobin Concentration in Human Blood", IFMBE Proceedings Vol. 23, 825- 28, 2008 [2] Suzaki, H.; Kobayashi, "Noninvasive measurement of total hemoglobin and hemoglobin derivatives using multiwavelength pulse spectrophotometry - In vitro study with a mock circulatory system" EMBS 28th Annual International Conference of the IEEE, 2006 . [3] J.Kraitl, H. Ewald, U.Timm "Non-invasive measurement of blood components" IEEE fifth international Conference on Sensing Technology 2011, [4] Aldrich TK, Moosikasuwan M, Shah SD, Deshpande KS. "Length-normalized pulse photoplethysmography:a noninvasive method to measure blood haemoglobin". Ann Biomed Eng 2002; 30:1291– 8. [5] Jeon KJ, Kim SJ, Park KK, Kim JW, Yoon G."Noninvasive total hemoglobin measurement".J Biomed Opt 2002;7:45–50. [6] J G Webster. Design of Pulse Oximeters. Taylor & Francis, 1997. [7] Petrova, Prough, D.S.; Petrov, Brecht, "Optoacoustic technique for continuous, noninvasive measurement of total hemoglobin concentration: an in vivo study" IEMBS Volume: 1, 2004 [8] Jae G.Kim, Mengna Xia,and Hanali Liu "Extinction coefficient of hemoglobin for near-infrared spectroscopy of tissue" IEEE Eneineering in medicine and biology magazine 2005. [9] Brecht, H.-P.; Petrov, "Noninvasive continuous optoacoustic monitor of total hemoglobin concentration" Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference, Volume: 3, 2002 Rajashree Doshi, Anagha Panditrao |
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94. | Invention of the plane geometrical formulae - Part I
Invention of the plane geometrical formulae - Part IAbstract: In this paper, I have invented the formulae of the height of the triangle. My findings are based on pythagoras theorem.Reference 1Geometry concepts & pythagoras theorem. Mr. Satish M. Kaple |
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95. | Image Enhancement And Analysis Of Thermal Images Using Various Techniques Of Image Processing
Image Enhancement And Analysis Of Thermal Images Using Various Techniques Of Image ProcessingAbstract: Principle objective of Image enhancement is to process an image so that result is more suitable than original image for specific application. Thermal image enhancement used in Quality Control ,Problem Diagnostics,Research and Development,Insurance Risk Assessment,Risk Management Programme,Digital infrared thermal imaging in health care, Surveillance in security, law enforcement and defence. Various enhancement schemes are used for enhancing an image which includes gray scale manipulation, filtering and Histogram Equalization (HE),fast fourier transform.Image enhancement is the process of making images more useful. The reasons for doing this include, Highlighting interesting detail in images, Removing noise from images, Making images more visually appealing, edge enhancement and increase the contrast of the image.Key words: Image enhancement , histogram equalisation, linear filtering, adaptive filtering , fast fourier transform, opening and closing. Reference 1. Komal Vij,et al. "Enhancement of Images Using Histogram Processing Techniques Vol 2" , pp309-313, 2009. 2. Kevin Loquin,et al. "Convolution Filtering And Mathematical Morphology On An Image: A Unified View", pp1-4, 2010. 3. M. Kowalczyk,et al."Application of mathematical morphology operations for simplification and improvement of correlation of images in close-range photogrammetry",pp153-158, 2008. 4. J. Zimmerman, S. Pizer, E. Staab, E. Perry, W. McCartney,B. Brenton, "Evaluation of the effectiveness of adaptive histogram equalization for contrast enhancement," IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, pp. 304-312, 1988. 5. M. Abdullah-Al-Wadud, Md. Hasanul Kabir, M. Ali Akber Dewan, Oksam Chae, "A dynamic histogram equalization for image contrast enhancement", IEEE Transactions. Consumer Electron., vol. 53, no. 2, pp. 593- 600, May 2007. 6. Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods, "Digital Image Processing", 2nd edition, Prentice Hall, 2002 7. A. K. Jain, "Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing". Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1991. 8. J. Alex Stark "Adaptive Image Contrast Enhancement Using Generalizations of Histogram Equalization", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 9, No. 5, May 2000. Ms. Shweta Tyagi, Hemant Amhia |
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96. | A Survey on Security Issues in Firewalls: A New Approach for Classifying Firewall Vulnerabilities
A Survey on Security Issues in Firewalls: A New Approach for Classifying Firewall VulnerabilitiesAbstract: Along with the increasing growth of computer networks, security threats multiplies and accordingly improving and enhancing the network security devices and methods become a necessity. Firewalls as the first line of defense have irrefutable importance in securing a network; therefore improvement in this technology ensures higher level of security in computer networks. Any improvement or novel ideas are not achieved unless a deep analysis of the existing methods and current needs takes place. In this paper the vulnerabilities of firewalls according to their natures and also various types of firewalls are classified in order to create a better perspective for future research. Also some of the current approaches to mitigate these vulnerabilities are mentioned and firewall fingerprinting as a technique which makes attackers able to obtain more precise information about firewalls` vulnerabilities in order to exploit them is presented.Key words: Firewalls, Firewall Fingerprinting, Firewalls vulnerabilities, Network Attacks, Network Security Reference [1] R. Bace, An Introduction to Intrusion Detection and Assessment for System and network security Management, ICSA, Inc http://www.icsalabs.com/icsa/docs/html/co mmunities/ids/whitepaper/Intrusion1.pdf. [2] Cisco Firewall Services Module DoS vulnerability, http://www.netsecurity.org/secworld.php?i d=10673, 2011. [3] J. Craig Lowery , Computer System Security: A Primer, March 2002, http://www.craiglowery.com/pres/Compute r%20System%20Security- %20A%20Primer.pdf [4] W. Geng, S. Flinn, and J. DcDeourek, Usable firewall configuration, Proc. 3 rd Annual Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust, Institute of information technology, national research council Canada, 2005. [5] Ghiran, A.M., Silaghi, G.C., and Tomai N., Ontology based tools for automating integration and validation of firewall rules, Proc. of 12th international conference on Business Information Systems, Poland, 2009, 37-48. [6] V.M. Boncheva, A Short Survey of Intrusion Detection Systems, Problems of Engineering Cybernetics and Robotics, 58, 2007. [7] V. Zaliva, Firewall Policy Modeling, Analysis and Simulation: a Survey , 2010. [8] S. Beg, U. Naru, M. Ashraf, and S. Mohsin, Feasibility of Intrusion Detection System with High Performance Computing: A Survey, IJACS, December 2010 . [9] S. Kamara, S. Fahmy, E. Schultz, F. Kerschbaum, and M. Frantzen, Analysis of Vulnerabilities in Internet Firewalls, CERIAS. [10] C. Colwill, Human factors in information security: The insider threat - Who can you trust these days?, Information Security Technical Report. 2010, 14(4), 186-196. Iman Kashefi, Maryam Kassiri, Ali Sha |
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97. | Digital Access System
Digital Access SystemAbstract: This paper present an approach to design a digital access control system. The heart of the system is a digital controller. The controller specifications are as follows: The numbers from 0 to 9 are coded in natural binary on 4 bits. A, B and O are coded in the following way A: 1010, B: 1011, O: 1111. The controller works in two modes: Day Mode: The door opens while pressing on "O" or if entering the correctcode. Night Mode: The door opens only if the code is correct. To distinguish between the Day and Night modes, an external "timer" generates the signal "day" which is equal to '1' between 8h00 and 20h00 and '0' otherwise. The controller sets an "alarm" signal as soon as one of the entered numbers is not correct. The "reset" signal is also triggered after the door opens. The correct code is chosen to be 53A17. The digital access system is a part of Mentor Graphics Design Contest 2012.Reference Iqbalur Rahman Rokon, Toufiq Rahman, Md. Murtoza Ali Quader, and Mukit Alam, "Hardware Implementation of Watchdog Timer for Application in ATM Machine Using Verilog and FPGA", International Conference on Electronics, Biomedical Engineering and its Applications (ICEBEA'2012) Jan. 7-8, 2012 Dubai. K. H. Yeap, H. Nisar, K. H. Chong, Z. I. Rizman, C. C. Yang, Y. T. Yong and K. C. Lai , "Design of a Keyless Coded Home Lock System Using Verilog Hardware Description Language", IJECCT 2012, Vol. 3 (1) 10. Samir Palnitkar, "VERILOG HDL A Guide to Digital Design and Synthesis", second edition pearson. Wayne wolf, "FPGA based system design", prentice hall, 2005. M. Morris Mano, "Digital Design" prentice hall, 2008. Seetha Ramachandran "Digital Vlsi System Design : A manual for implementation of projects on FPAs and ASICs using Verilog", springer,2007. T.R. Padmanabhan, B R Bala Tripura Sundari "Design using verilog HDL", Institue of Electronic and electricl engineers,2004 www.ece.ualberta.ca/~elliott/ee552/projects/19 97f/digital_humidifier/vhdl/keypad.vhd Yekkati Vishnu, Nirmal K Thomas, Divya Gupta, Gaurav Chitranshi |
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98. | Polyphenolic Estimation and Antioxidant Activity of Some Vegetables of J &K India-A Correlation Study
Polyphenolic Estimation and Antioxidant Activity of Some Vegetables of J &K India-A Correlation StudyAbstract: The total antioxidant activities of seven different vegetables were measured by FRAP method together with their estimation of total phenolic content by Folin-Ciocalteau method. Coriander and tomato belonged to high antioxidant activity group. In the medium group; capsicum, carrot and onion scored anti-oxidant activity of 5.65, 3.46 and 4.24 μ M Fe2+ /g FW respectively. Cucumber and radish were identified as vegetables of low anti-oxidant activity with a score of 1.12 and 1.96μ M Fe2+ /g FW respectively. Amongst the vegetables under study, three groups of vegetables could be identified which contained high, medium and low phenols. Coriander, tomato and capsicum were found to have high phenolic content ranging from 16.35 to 19.75 mg CE/100g FW. Carrot, onion and radish belonged to medium group with phenolic content ranging from 13.22 to 13.39 mg CE/100g FW. Cucumber was a solitary vegetable where total phenols were found to have as low as 10.82 mg CE/100g FW. The relationship which emerged on the basis of correlation between anti-oxidant activity and total phenolic content was found to be positive and strong. On the basis of regression analysis, it was found that independent variable, total phenols and dependent variable, anti-oxidant activity is linearly related.Key words: Antioxidants, Polyphenols, Correlation, Regression. Reference [1] Anese, M., Manzocco, L., Nicoli, M.C. & Lerci, C.R. (1999). Antioxidant properties of tomato juice as affected by heating. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 79: 750- 754. [2] Benzie, I.E.F. & Strain, J.J. (1999). The ferric reducing ability of plasma (FRAP) as a measure of [3] antioxidant power: the FRAP assay. Analytical Biochemistry. 239: 70-76. [4] Chu, Y.H., Chang, C.L. & Hsu, H.F. (2000). Flavonoid content of several vegetables and their [5] antioxidant activity. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 80: 561-566. [6] Cross C.E. (1987). Oxygen radicals and human disease. Ann. Intern. Med. 107 : 526-547 [7] Fahey, J.W. & Stephenson, K.K. (1999). Cancer chemoprotective effects of cruciferous vegetables. Horticulture Science, 34: 1159- 1163. [8] Jacob-Velazquez D.A. and Cisneros-Zevallos L. (2009). Correlations of antioxidant activity against phenolic content revisited: A new approach in data analysis for food and medicinal plants. Journal of Food Science, 74: 107-113. [9] Kahkonen, M.P., Hopia, A.I., Vuorela, H.J. et al. (1999). Antioxidant activity of plant extracts [10] containing phenolic compounds. Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry, 47: 3954-3962. Furheen Amin, S. M. Wani, Adil Gani, F. A. Masoodi |
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99. | A framework for partial implementation of PSP in Extreme programming
A framework for partial implementation of PSP in Extreme programmingAbstract: As the developed software has tendency of complexity and growing size, still major portion of it is developed by an individual and self-directed programmer. To enhance the skills of individual developer and team capabilities is the key feature towards quality and productivity. This research gives an idea of the modification of extreme programming by inserting in Personal software process, which is easy to follow and keeps the software development process lighten. This new model will establish best development practices from XP. For quality and better project planning PSP will support the individual. Strategies, phases and twelve core pReference [1. "Can Extreme Programming be used by a Lone Programmer?" , Edward Akpata and Karel Riha (2004) 2. " Application and Evaluation of the Personal Software Process", by Hamdy K.Elminir, ,Eman A. Khereba, Mohamed Abu Elsoud, Ibrahim El-Hennawy, 3. PSP : "A self-improvement process for software engineers 2005" 4. W.S. Humphrey, "Introduction to Personal Software Process" , Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, Pa.. 5. "Ravikant Agarwal , and David Umphress , "Extreme Programming for a Single Person Team?" 6. "A comparison between Agile and Traditional Software Development Methodologies", by M .A .Awad 7. " Personal Extreme Programming – An Agile Process for Autonomous Developers", by Yani Dzhurov, Iva Krasteva, and Sylvia Ilieva, 8. "Toward a Framework for Evaluating Extreme Programming", by Laurie Williams1, William Krebs2, Lucas Layman1, Annie I. Antón1, Pekka Abrahamsson3/span> Nazir Iqbal, Mahmood ul Hassan, Abdel Rehman Osman, Mubashir Ahmad |
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100. | An Efficient Methodology for Improving Code Quality Using Object oriented approach
An Efficient Methodology for Improving Code Quality Using Object oriented approachAbstract: Most of the software development activities require formal specification which can be used as a functional support for finding and fixing the bugs in deployed software. However such specifications are hard to verify since it suffers from high false positive rates. In order to solve this problem a suite of metrics is incorporated along with the specification mining system. The efficiency of the code measured using these metrics. This paper focuses on giving an overview of metrics that are already used in specification mining techniques and thereby stating the need for understanding the object oriented approach and its functionality in molding formal specifications which has been recently concentrated during the maintenance of the system.Key words: Terms—Metrics, Object, Specification, Temporal property Reference [1] Claire Le Goues and Westley Weimer, "Measuring Code Quality to Improve Specification Mining", IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 38, No 1 ,Jan/Feb 2012. [2] W. Weimer and G.C. Necula, "Mining Temporal Specifications for Error Detection," Proc. Int‟l Conf. Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, pp. 461-476, 2005. [3] D. Engler, B. Chelf, A. Chou, and S. Hallem, "Checking System Rules Using SystemSpecific, Programmer-Written Compiler Extensions," Proc. Conf. Symp. Operating System Design and Implementation, 2000. [4] D.R. Engler, D.Y. Chen, and A. Chou, "Bugs as Inconsistent Behavior: A General Approach to Inferring Errors in Systems Code," Proc. Symp. Operating System Principles, pp. 57-72, 2001. [5] G. Ammons, R. Bodik, and J.R. Larus, "Mining Specifications," Proc. ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symp. Principles of Programming Languages, pp. 4-16, 2002. Annie Ratna Priya, M. Mythily |
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101. | An Ontology for Describing Web Services Through WSDL and RDF
An Ontology for Describing Web Services Through WSDL and RDFAbstract: Now a days web has become an important resource for knowledge.To provide many services to the users to acquire data easily and efficiently web services are being described using ontologies which provide a set of rules to be used easily and understood preferably.The mostly used languages used for describing web services is WSDL.In this paper we have described about WSDL and RDF using graphs to describe ontologies.Key words: ontology, WSDL ,RDF, web services Reference [1] Adobe Systems Incorporated. PDF Reference, Version World Wide Web, http://partners.adobe.com/asn/tech/pdf/specifi cations.jsp, 2003. 2 [2] [Ado04] Adobe Developer Technologies. XMP - Extensible Metadata Platform. World Wide Web,http://www.adobe.com/products/xmp/pd fs/xmpspec.pdf, 2004. 2 [3] ttp://www.openrdf.org/doc/users/userguide. html, 2004. 10.2.3, [4] Renzo Angles, Claudio Gutierrez, and Jonathan Hayes. RDF Query Languages Need Support for Graph Properties. Technical Report TR/DCC-2004-3, Universidad de Chile, Rakesh Agrawal. Alpha: An Extension of Relational Algebra to Express a Class of Recursive Queries. IEEE Trans. Softw. Eng.,14(7):879–885, 1988. 9.3.3 [6] Joshua Allen. Making a Semantic Web. World Wide Web, www.netcrucible.com/semantic.html, 2001. 2 [7] Boanerges Aleman-Meza, Chris Halaschek, Ismailcem Budak Arpinar, and Amit P. Sheth. Context-Aware Semantic Association Ranking. In I. F. Cruz, V. Kashyap, S. Decker, and R. Eckstein, editors, Proceedings of SWDB'03, 2003. [8] D.B. Lenat and R.V. Guha, Building Large Knowledge-Based Systems: Representation and Inference in the CYC Project, AddisonWesley, Reading, Mass., 1990. [9] B. Chandrasekaran, ―AI, Knowledge, and the Quest for Smart Systems,‖ IEEE Expert,Vol. 9, No. 6, Dec. 1994, pp. 2–6 .[10] J. McCarthy and P.J. Hayes, ―Some Philosophical Problems from the Standpoint of Artificial Intelligence,‖ Machine IntelligenceVol. 4, B. Meltzer and D. Michie, eds., Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 1969, pp.463–502. J. Nagaraju, K. Ravi Kumar |
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102. | Sulfur cycle of microbial corrosion on carbon steel in soil model
Sulfur cycle of microbial corrosion on carbon steel in soil modelAbstract: This study examined the effects of Desulfovibrio desulfricans and bacteria consortia on the rate of carbon steel corrosion in soil model. Microbial corrosion was measured using the corroded mean depth after 56 days incubation under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. The effects of water content and dissolved oxygen in soil on the corrosion rate were also analyzed. Results showed that aerobic conditions increased corrosion rate. Moreover, sole Desulfovibrio desulfricans treatment ceased the corrosion as a protective ferrous sulfide film formed on the carbon steel. While the heterogeneous biofilm of the bacterial consortia formed uneven oxygen concentration which accelerated the corrosion.Key words: Bacteria , Carbon steel, Corrosion, SRB, Desulfovibrio desulfricans Reference [1] S. Virtanen, I. Milosev, E. Gomez-Barrena, R. Trebse, J. Salo, and YT. Konttinen, Special modes of corrosion under physiological and simulated physiological conditions. Acta Biomater 4(3), 2008, 468-76. [2] R. B. Eckert, H. C. Aldrich, C. A. Edwards, B. A. Cookingham, Microscopic Differentiation of Internal Corrosion Initiation Mechanisms in Natural Gas Pipeline Systems. Corrosion, 2003, 1342-1355. [3] R. Javaherdashti , Impact of sulphate-reducing bacteria on the performance of engineering materials. Appl Microbiol Biotechnology 91(6), 2011, 1507-17. [4] A. G. Brooke, E.M. Watling, M. Attwood, M.&Tempest, D. W. Environmental Control of Metabolic Fluxes in Thermotolerant Methylotrophic Bacillus Strains. Archives of Microbiology. 151, 1989, 268-273. [5] RA . Lane, Under the microscope: understanding, detecting and preventing microbiologically influenced corrosion. AMPTIAC Quart 9(1), 2005, 3–8. [6] K. R. Butlin, M. E. Adams, and M. Thomas, The isolation and cultivation of sulfate-reducing bacteria. J. Gen. Microbiology 3, 1949, 46-59. [7] G.R. Gibson, Physiology and ecology of the sulphatereducing bacteria. J Appl Bacteriology 69, 1990, 769–797. [8] M.S. Wiener, B.V. Salas, M. Quintero-Nunez, and R. Zlatev. Effect of H2S on corrosion in polluted waters: a review. Corros. Eng. Sci. Technol. 41 (3), 2006, 221–227. [9] M. Magot, G. Ravot, X. Campaignolle, B. Ollivier, BKC. Patel , ML. Fardeau, P.Thomas, JL. Crolet, and JL. Garcia, Dethiosulfovibrio peptidovorans gen. nov., sp. nov., a new anaerobic, slightly halophilic, thiosulfate-reducing bacterium from corroding offshore oil wells. Int J Syst Bacteriol 47, 1997, 818– 824. [10] G.H. Koch, M. P. H. Brongers, N. G. Thompson, Y. P. Virmani, and J. H. Payer, Corrosion costs and preventive strategies in the United States. 2001. FHWA-RD-01–156. [Online.] Federal Highway Administration, Washington,D.C. http://www.corrosioncost.com/. [11] E. Rob, Biological corrosion of metals. Faliure Analysis. 2010. [Online.] http://failureanalysis.info/2010/06/biological-corrosion-ofmetals/. [12] E.J. Akpabio, E.J . Ekott, and M.E. Akpan, Inhibition and control of microbiologically influenced corrosion in oilfield materials. Environmental Research Journal 5(2), 2011, 59-65. [13] H. Ma, X. Cheng, S. Li, Z. Chen, S. Quan, L. Zhao, and S. Niu, Corrosion Science. 42, 2000, 1669-1683. [14] M. Dubiel, C. H. Hsu, C. C. Chien, F. Mansfeld, and D.K. Newman, Microbial Iron Respiration Can Protect Steel from Corrosion. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 68, 2002,1440-1445. Mataqi, K.Y. , Akbar, B.H. |
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103. | Optimal conditions for depolymerisation of oligomers of butyl lactate in different types of reactors
Optimal conditions for depolymerisation of oligomers of butyl lactate in different types of reactorsAbstract: The process of producing L-Lactide from butyl lactate consists of two stages. In present work optimal conditions for the second stagedepolymerisation of oligomers of butyl lactate were found. Depolymerisation experiments were performed in three types of reactors, the influence of temperature and residual pressure on the yield of by-product - meso-lactide and on productivity of reactor was determined. According to the obtained results, the best type of reactor as well as the optimal conditions for the depolymerisation stage was chosen.Key words: Batch reactor, Depolymerisation, Lactide, Optimal conditions, Rotary film evaporator. Reference [1] Shoemaker, S. Advannced Biocatalytic Processing of Heterogeneous Lignocellulosic Feedstocks to a Platform Chemical Intermediate (Lactic acid Ester). University of California, 2004; pp 67. [2] K. Madhavan Nampoothiri, Nimisha Rajendran Nair, Rojan Pappy John, An overview of the recent developments in polylactide (PLA) research, Bioresour. Technol.101 (2010) 8493-8501. [3] Patrick, G.; Stanley, H. E.; Jeffrey, K.; Matthew, I.; Richard, B.; Ronald, B. Continuous Process for the Manufacture of Lactide and Lactide Polymers. US 6326458, 2001. [4] Hitomi, O.; Masahiro, I.; Seji, S.; Jidosha, T.; Kaisha, K. Process for Producing Lactide and Process for Producing Polylactic Acid from Fermented Lactic Acid Employed as Starting Material. US 6569989, 2002. [5] Hideji, K.; Yasushi, H.; Masahiro, K. Production of Lactide. JP 10036366, 1998. [6] Philippe, C.; Jean-Christophe, B.; Frederic, V. G. Method for the Production of Polylactide from a Solution of Lactic Acid or one of the Derivatives Thereof. US 7488783, 2006. [7] Kamlesh, B.; Kang, L.; Robert, N.; Thomas, S. Thin Film Depolymerization to Dimeric Cyclic Esters. WO 9302075, 1993. [8] Khlopov D., Shvets V., Kozlovskiy R., Suchkov Y., Otyuskaya D., Synthesis of LLactide from Butyl Lactate: Selection of Catalyst, J.Chem.Chem.Eng. 6 (2012). Khlopov Dmitry, Shvets Valeriy, Kozlovskiy Roman, Suchkov Yury, Otyuskaya_Darya |
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104. | Innovative Strategy For Water Supply Project In Okpuno Town Using Optimal Solution
Innovative Strategy For Water Supply Project In Okpuno Town Using Optimal SolutionAbstract: A sustainable water supply in developing countries may seem to be an unattainable goal for the many who have experienced the problem and frustration of dealing with communities ignorant of the complexities of water supply technology. The strategy proposed in this paper includes and integrates the operation and project processes with the development of a community based organisation, will be committed to the people and the cost effective operation of water supply delivery system using linear programming in minimizing, to obtain optimal operation cost.Key words: Community, participation, water supply, linear programming, operation and maintenance. Reference [1] Fox, W. F. (1994). Strategic Options for Urban Infrastructure Management, Urban Management Programme, Washington DC.The World Bank. [2] IRC (1993). "Community Management Today" – The Role of Communities in Management of Improved Water Supply System, Occasional papers 20, The Hague, The Netherland. [3] IRC, (1994). The Role of Communities in the Management of Improved Rural Water Supplies in Developing Countries, Participatory Field Research and the development of Strategies, methods and tools-on inception report. The Hague, IRC. [4] Lerry-Smith, V. (1993). "Rethinking Rural Water Supply Policy in the Punjab Pakistan water Resources Research 29(7) pp 1943- 1954. [5] Leach, M. and Fairhead, J. (2001). Rural Perspective and Institutional Dynamic: Challenges for local forest management, International Journal of Agricultural Resources. Governance and Ecology, Vol. 1, Nos 3/4 pp 223-243. [6] Meinzen-Dick, R., Rajuk and Gulati, A. (2002). What affects organization and collective action for managing resources? Evidence from Canal Irrigation System in India.World Development Vol. 30, No. 4.Pp 649 – 660. [7] Plattea, J.P. and Abraham, A. (2002). Participatory Development in the presence of Endogenons CommunityImperfections. The Journal of Development Studies, Vol. 39, No 2, pp 104 – 136. [8] Rowlands, J. O. (1995). "EmpowermentExamined". Development in Practice 5(2) 101 – 107. [9] TOD, I., Parey, A. and Yadav, R. (2003)."How can we design water Resources interventions to benefit poorer households? Paper presented in the alternative water forum, university of Bradford, 1-2 May, 2003. [10] WHO/UNICEF, (1996). Water supply and sanitation sector monitoring report, 1996 – sector status as of 31 December, 1994. [11] Wijk-Sijbesma, C.V. (1989). "What price water-user participation in paying for community based water supply, IRC the Hague, The Netherland Otti, Victor, Akabuike, Nkiru |
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105. | The Scattering Mechanisms and Electronic Properties of SiC Semiconductor
The Scattering Mechanisms and Electronic Properties of SiC SemiconductorAbstract: We have studied the band structure properties of SiC in wurtzite crystal structures. In our calculations we have adopted a pseudopotential approach based on the Density Functional Theory (DFT). We have calculated the band structure and density of state (DOS). The result shows that the electronic band structure and density of state data for SiC in wurtzite crystal structures are comparable with their experimental calculations. In the second part we have calculated the effective mass of electron in three valley model. And finally in the third part of this survey we have studied piezoelectric, deformation potential and optical phonon scattering mechanisms.Key words: Pseudopotential; Density Functional Theory; Effective Mass; Electron Scattering. Reference [1] X. Gonze, J.-M. Beuken, R. Caracas, F. Detraux, M. Fuchs, G.-M. Rignanese, L. Sindic, M. Verstraete, G. Zerah, F. Jollet, M. Torrent, A. Roy, M. Mikami, Ph. Ghosez, J.- Y. Raty, D. C. Allan, Comput. Mater. Sci. 25, 478 (2002). [2] A. M. Rappe, K. M. Rabe, E. Kaxiras, J. D. Joannopoulos, Phys. Rev. B 41, 1227 (1990) [3] Numerical Data and Functional Relationships in Science and Technology, edited by O.Madelung, Landolt-Bornstein, New Series, Group 3, vol. 17, Pt. a (Springer-Verlag, New York), (1982) [4] A. R. Verma and P.Krishna, Polymorphism and Polytypism in Crystals (Wiley, New York, 1966), Chap. 5. [5] Properties of Advanced semiconductor Materials GaN, AlN, InN, BN, SiC, SiGe, M. E. Levinshtein, S. L. Rumyantsev, and M. S. Shur, Eds. New York: Wiley, 2001, pp. 31-47. [6] M. Ruff, H. Mitlehner, and R. Helbig, "SiC devices: hysics and numerical simulation", IEEE Trans. Electron Dev., vol. 41, pp. 1040-1053, 1994 [7] K. H. Hellwege (ed.), Landolt-Börnstein, Numerical and Functional Relationships in Science and Technology (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1982). [8] B. Wenzien, P. Käckell, F. Bechstedt, and G. Cappellini, Phys. Rev. B 52, 10897 (1995). [9] Smith, R. A.: Semiconductors. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1964. [10] Conwell, E. M., Vassel, M.O.: Phys. Rev. 166,797(1968). [11] Fawcett, W., Boardman, D. A., Swain, S.: J. Phys. 55, 645 (1983). [12] Paige, E. G. S.: The Electrical Conductivity of Germanium (Gibson, A. F., Burgess, R. E., eds.). London: Heywood. 1964. M. Khooshebast, H. Arabshahi |
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106. | Harmonic Compensation and Load Balancing Using Cascaded H-bridge Multilevel Inverter in High Voltage Systems
Harmonic Compensation and Load Balancing Using Cascaded H-bridge Multilevel Inverter in High Voltage SystemsAbstract: This paper presents detailed modeling and simulation of a compensator for Load balancing and harmonics Compensation based on a five-level cascaded H-bridge multilevel voltage source inverter. This type of compensator, which is installed in parallel with the load, is usually referred to as the shunt active power filters (APF). Nowadays use of high voltage non-linear loads are widely used in industrial and commercial applications and elimination of harmonics in HV system has become an important aspect. Implementation of multilevel inverter (MLI) as compensatorin HV system eliminates use of bulky and high cost transformer.The compensation process is based on concept of p-q theory, which is comprised of positive sequence voltage and instantaneous real-power theory. The controller method successfully eliminates harmonics even the supply voltage is distorted. The Phase Shifted Carrier PWM (PSCPWM) technique is used to generate firing angles to cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter (CHBMLI) switches which reduces the individual device switching frequency.The distribution network which supplies mixed linear and non-linear loads and employing MLI is simulated by MATLAB/SIMULINK software. The simulation result validates the proposed control method in high voltage system.Key words: Load Balancing, Harmonic Compensation, Multilevel Inverter, Active Power Filter, Phase Shifted Carrier PWM, Instantaneous PQ Theory, High Voltage Systems. Reference [1] Bhim Singh, Kamal Al-Haddad &Ambrish Chandra, "A New Control Approach to 3-phase Active Filter for Harmonics and Reactive Power Compensation"-IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, Vol. 46, NO. 5, pp.133 – 138, Oct- 1999 [2] W. K. Chang, W. M. Grady, Austin, M. J. Samotyj "Meeting IEEE- 519 Harmonic Voltage and Voltage Distortion Constraints with an Active Power Line Conditioner"- IEEE Trans on Power Delivery, Vol.9, No.3, pp.1531-1537, 1994 [3] Hirofumi Akagi, "Trends in Active Power Line Conditioners"- IEEE Trans on Power Electronics, Vol.9, No.3, May-1994 [4] ZhilingQiu; Wenqiang Zhao; Guozhu Chen "Study on shunt active power filter with high quality grid current waveform", Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, 2008. APEC 2008. Twenty-Third Annual IEEE [5] Hirofumi Akagi. Active harmonic filters. Proceedings of the IEEE, 2005, 93 (12): 2128~2141. [6] Basu, M.; Das, S.P.; Dubey, G.K., "Parallel converter scheme for high-power active power filters", Electric Power Applications, IEE Proceedings [7] B.Geethalakshmi, M.Kavitha and K. DelhiBabu, "Harmonic Compensation using Multilevel inverter based shunt active power filter", Proceedings of IEEE PEDES 2010 and 2010 Power India Conference, December 20- 23, 2010. [8] W.Liqiao, L Ping Z. Zhongchao"Study on shunt active power filter based On cascade multilevel converters", in 35th Annual IEEE power electronics Specialists Conference 2004. Pp.3512- 3516 [9] Karuppanan, P.; Mahapatra, K., "Cascaded multilevel inverter based active filter for power line conditioners using instantaneous realpower theory", Power Electronics (IICPE), 2010 India International Conference on, 28-30 Jan. 2011 [10] Jih-Sheng Lai; FangZhengPeng, "Multilevel inverters: a survey of topologies, controls, and applications", Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on, 49 , Issue: 4 , Aug-2002 Ali Mehri, DaryooshNazarpour |
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107. | A Novel Expert System for Reasoning Based on Semantic Cancer
A Novel Expert System for Reasoning Based on Semantic CancerAbstract: This paper describes a programmatic framework for representing, manipulating and reasoning with geographic semantics. The framework enables visualizing knowledge discovery, automating tool selection for user defined geographic problem solving, and evaluating semantic change in knowledge discovery environments. Methods, data, and human experts (our resources) are described using ontologies. An entity's ontology describes, where applicable: uses, inputs, outputs, and semantic changes. These ontological descriptions are manipulated by an expert system to select methods, data and human experts to solve a specific user-defined problem; that is, a semantic description of the problem is compared to the services that each entity can provide to construct a graph of potential solutions. A minimal spanning tree representing the optimal (least cost) solution is extracted from this graph, and displayed in real-time. The semantic change(s) that result from the interaction of data, methods and people contained within the resulting tree are determined via expressions of transformation semantics represented within the JESS expert system shell. The resulting description represents the formation history of each new information product (such as a map or overlay) and can be stored, indexed and searched as required. Examples are presented to show (1) the construction and visualization of information products, (2) the reasoning capabilities of the system to find alternative ways to produce information products from a set of data methods and expertise, given certain constraints and (3) the representation of the ensuing semantic changes by which an information product is synthesized.Reference [1] Abel, D.J., Taylor, K., Ackland, R., and Hungerford, S. 1998, An Exploration of GIS Architectures for Internet Environments. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. 22(1) pp 7 -23. [2] Albrecht, J., 1994. Universal elementary GIS tasks- beyond low-level commands. In Waugh T C and Healey R G (eds) Sixth International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling : 209-22. [3] Bishr, Y., 1997. Semantic aspects of interoperable GIS. Ph.D Dissertation Thesis, Enschede, The Netherlands, 154 pp. [4] Bishr, Y., 1998. Overcoming the semantic and other barriers to GIS interoperability. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 12(4): 299-314. [5] Brodaric, B. and Gahegan, M., 2002. Distinguishing Instances and Evidence of Geographical Concepts for Geospatial Database Design. In: M.J. Egenhofer and D.M. Mark (Editors), GIScience 2002. Lecture Notes in Computing Science 2478. Springer-Verlag, pp. 22- 37. [6] Chandrasekaran, B., Josephson, J.R. and Benjamins, V.R., 1997. Ontology of Tasks and Methods, AAAI Spring Symposium. [7] Egenhofer, M., 2002. Toward the semantic geospatial web, Tenth ACM International Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems. ACM Press, New York, NY, USA, McLean, Virginia, USA, pp. 1-4. [8] Fabrikant, S.I. and Buttenfield, B.P., 2001. Formalizing Semantic Spaces for Information Access. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 91(2): 263-280. [9] Federal Geographic Data Committee. FGDCSTD-001-1998. Content standard for digital geospatial metadata (revised June 1998). Federal Geographic Data Committee. Washington, D.C. [10] Fonseca, F.T., 2001. Ontology-Driven Geographic Information Systems. Doctor of Philosophy Thesis, The University of Maine, 131 pp. Taghi Karimi |
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108. | Data Base Management Of Keelaiyur Block Nagappatinam District Tamil Nadu Using Remote Sen Sing And Gis
Data Base Management Of Keelaiyur Block Nagappatinam District Tamil Nadu Using Remote Sen Sing And GisAbstract: The underlying concept of a database is that data needs to be managed in order to be available for processing and have appropriate quality. This data management includes both software and organization. The software to create and manag e a database management system. When all access to and use of the database is controlled through a database management system, all applications utilizing a particular data item access the same data item which is stored in only one place. A single updating of the data item updates it for all uses. Integration through a database management system requires a central authority for the database. With the help of GIS data base management including data on demography occupation, land utilization, rural electrification, and agriculture implements, post and telegraph offices telephone, education to analyzing processes, data base tocater to the needs of planning sharing information to various user organization with necessary data analysis ect. The Present study is creating data base for the keelaiyur block of Nagaipattinam , Tamilnadu. Through Geospatioal Techniques .Reference [1] Anandand rajesh kumar (2003)principles of remote sensing ,sri venkateswara publishers,kumbakonam. [2] Burroughs P.P.&Mc Donnel , R.A. 1998, principles of GIS, oxford university press, PP.299 [3] Burroughs,P.A., principlesof geographic information Analysis for land resources Assessment,1986.Clarendon press. [4] Chrisman, N.R. (1997) Exploring geographic information system. John wiley and sons. [5] Karthikeyan ,(2001) Fundamental of geography praveena publications, Coimbatore. [6] Kale, singh and Roy (2002) biomass and productivity estimation using aerospace data and geographic information system. [7] Sahai (1985)Agriculture Remote Sensing in the India Context, Ahmedabad. [8] John Best and James Kahn , (2004) Research in education , Prentice –Hall of India private Ltd,New Delhi. P.Sujatha, and R.Baskaran |
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109. | Zero Energy Building Envelope Components: A Review
Zero Energy Building Envelope Components: A ReviewAbstract: With some recent developments, the zero energy building and near zero energy building has gained a worldwide attention and now it is seen as the future building concept. Since such buildings are now the center of attraction, various advancements in this area are being reported. This paper is a detailed review of the literature on the zero (or near zero) energy building (ZEB) envelope components. The paper provides a detailed overview of the zero energy building envelope components along with the possible developments in the future for the benefit of the building designers and constructors. It strives to provide the state of the art on the various building envelope components such as insulation materials, future insulation materials, walls, roofs, windows, doors and glazing from the prospects of energy efficiency. Photovoltaic integration with the building envelope is also discussed for on-site power generation to meet the operational energy demand so as to achieve the goal of Zero Energy Building.Key words: Zero energy building, Net zero energy building, Insulation materials, Building envelope. Reference 1. Abdou OA, Murali K, Morsi A (1996)‖Thermal performance evaluation of a prefabricated fiber-reinforced plastic building envelope system‖ Energy and Buildings ,Volume 24,Issue 1, pp.77–83 2. Aelenei D, Henriques FMA(2008),‖Analysis of the condensation risk on exterior surface of building envelopes. Energy and Buildings, Volume 40,Issue 10), pp.1866–71. 3. Ahmad I(2010), ‖Performance of antisolar insulated roof system. Renewable Energy, Volume 35,Issue 1, pp.36–41. 4. Akbari H, Levinson R, Rainer L(2005), ‖ Monitoring the energy-use effects of cool roofs on California commercial buildings‖ Energy and buildings, Volume 37,Issue 10, pp.1007–16. 5. Alcazar SS, Bass B(2005),‖Energy performance of green roofs in a multistorey residential building in Madrid‖, Proceedings of 3rd annual conference on greening rooftops for sustainable communities, University of Toronto. 6. Al–HomoudM.S. (2005),―Performance characteristics and practical applications of common building thermal insulation materials‖, Building and Environment Volume 40, pp.353–366. 7. Al-Jabri KS, Hago AW, Al-Nuaimi AS, Al-Saidy AH(2005), ‖Concrete blocks for thermal insulation in hot climate‖, Cement and Concrete Research, Volume 35 ,Issue 8,pp.1472–9. 8. Alvarado JL, Terrell Jr W, Johnson MD(2009), ‖Passive cooling systems for cement-based roofs‖ Building and Environment, Volume 44,Issue 9, pp.1869– 75. 9. Aspen Aerogels(2008), ―SpaceloftTM 6250(2008), ―Extreme protection for extreme environments‖, retrieved October 7 from www.aerogel.com, 10. Aspen Aerogels(2008),‖Spaceloft® 3251, 6251, 9251, Flexible insulation for industrial, commercial and residential applications‖, retrieved October 7,from www.aerogel.com, Sunil Kumar Sharma |
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110. | Web Usage Mining Using Pearson's Correlation Coefficient
Web Usage Mining Using Pearson's Correlation CoefficientAbstract: Recommender systems apply knowledge discovery techniques to the problem of making personalized recommendations for information, products or services during a live interaction. In this paper we analyze three different recommendation generation algorithms. We look into three different techniques for computing similarities for obtaining recommendations from them. On the basis of various parameters we conclude Collaborative filtering using Pearson's Correlation Coefficient provides better quality than the others.Reference 1. RegionKNN: A Scalable Hybrid Collaborative Filtering Algorithm for Personalized Web Service Recommendation By Xi Chen, Xudong Liu, Zicheng Huang, and Hailong Sun School of Computer Science and Engineering Beihang University 2. An Introduction to Feature Extraction Isabelle Guyon and Andr´e Elisseeff 3. ItemBased Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Algorithms Badrul Sarwar, George Karypis, Joseph Konstan, and John Riedl. 4. An Improved Personalized Filtering Recommendation Algorithm Sun Weifeng, Sun Mingyang, Liu Xidong and Li Mingchu 5. Amazon.com Recommendations Greg Linden, Brent Smith, and Jeremy York Amazon.com 6. Evaluation of Collaborative Filtering Algorithms Bakkalaureatsarbeit zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades 7. A Survey of Collaborative Filtering Techniques Xiaoyuan Su and Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar Priyanka Shenoy, Manoj Jain, Abhishek Shetty, Deepali Vora |
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111. | Investigation the dielectrical and electromechanical properties of PZT thin films
Investigation the dielectrical and electromechanical properties of PZT thin filmsAbstract: We have studied thedielectric and electromechanical properties of pure and doped Pb(Zr0.53Ti0.47)O3thin films.Samples were prepared bya sol-gel method and werecalcined at temperatures of 700ºC for two hours in a Pb-rich atmosphere.It was observed a negligible effect occurs during the tetragonal–rhombohedral transition in the preparedpure and doped PZT thin films.The optimal amount of electrical parameters were obtained to be 945, 323 pC/N, 40 mV/N, and 300 for dielectric constant, charge constant, Voltage constant, and Quality factor, respectively. Also the electromechanical coupling factor (kp) was found to be0.49for the doped- PZT thin film.Key words: Piezoelectric properties, PZT, Dielectric properties, electromechanical. Reference [1] Jaffe B., Cook W.R. And Jaffe H., Piezoelectric Ceramics, Academic Press Inc., New York, 1971. [2] Okazaki K., Ferroelectrics, 41 (1982), 77. [3] Berlincourt D., J. Accost. Soc. Am., 91 (1992), 3034. [4] Singh V., Kumar H.H., Kharat D.K., Hait S. And Kulkarni M.P., Mater. Lett., 60 (2006), 2964. [5] Hizebry A., Attaoui H.El., Saˆadaoui M., Chevalier J. And Fantozzi G., J. Euro. Ceram. Soc., 27 (2007), 557. [6] Boucher E., Guiffard B., Lebrun L. And Guyomar D., Ceram. Inter. 32 (2006), 479. [7] Helbig U., J. Euro. Ceram. Soc., 27 (2007), 2567. [8] Santos D.M., Sim˜oes A.Z., Zaghete M.A., Santos C.O., Varela J.A. And Longo E., J. Mater. Chem.Phys., 103 (2007), 371. [9] Kulcsar F., J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 42 (1959), 49. [10] Kulcsar F., J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 42 (1959), 343 M. R. Benam |
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112. | State of The Art Report on Bamboo Reinforcement
State of The Art Report on Bamboo ReinforcementAbstract: India has one third of the world's poor. 87.2% of the population of Indians live below the poverty line. Since the population is on the rise the demand for basic needs increases. We civil engineers deal with providing shelter for humans. Our main aim is to provide best facilities at an economic cost. Concrete has various advantages such as low cost, availability, fire resistance etc. But it cannot be used alone because of its low tensile strength; usually it is reinforced with materials that are strong in tension (often steel). Since some of the citizens cannot afford to utilize steel in reinforcement due to its cost, we go in for a material which can be replaced for steel. Bamboo is a giant woody grass, that grows chiefly in the tropics, where it is widely cultivated. Bamboo proves to provide good reinforcement and is ecofriendly. Moreover it is very economic. In this paper, a review of the research carried out on bamboo reinforced concrete is given with emphasis on experimental work.Key words: – concrete, bamboo, reinforcement. Reference [1]. Harish Sakaray, N.V. Vamsi Krishna Togati and I.V. Ramana Reddy "Investigation on properties of bamboo as reinforcing material in concrete", International Journal Of Engineering Research And Applications (Ijera) Vol. 2, Issue 1, Jan-Feb 2012, Pp.077- 083. [2]. Md Ahsan Sabbir, S.M. Ashfaqul Hoq, and Saiada Fuadi Fancy "Determination of Tensile Property of Bamboo for Using as Potential Reinforcement in the Concrete", International Journal Of Civil & Environmental Engineering Ijcee-Ijens Vol: 11 No: 05 Oct 2011. [3]. Musbau Ajibade Salau, Ismail Adegbite and Efe Ewaen Ikponmwosa "Characteristic Strength of Concrete Column Reinforced with Bamboo Strips" Journal Of Sustainable Development Vol. 5, No. 1; January 2012. [4]. Satjapan Leelatanon, Suthon Srivaro and Nirundorn Matan "Compressive strength and ductility of short concrete columns reinforced by bamboo", Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol. 32 (4), 419-424, Jul. - Aug. 2010 [5]. M. M. Rahman, M. H. Rashid, M. A. Hossain, M. T. Hasan and M. K. Hasan "Performance Evaluation of Bamboo Reinforced Concrete Beam", International Journal Of Engineering & Technology IjetIjens Vol: 11 No: 04 August 2011. [6]. Nithi Plangsriskul, Nicholas Dorsano "Materials characterization of bamboo and analysis of bonding strength and internal strength as a structural member in reinforced concrete", California Polytechnical State University San Luis Obispo. [7]. Francis E. Brink and Paul J. Rush "Bamboo reinforced concrete construction", http://www.romanconcrete.com/docs/bamboo 1966/Bamboo Reinforced Concrete Feb1966. htm B.Benitta PaulinMary, Dr. D.Tensing |
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113. | Coefficient of Static Friction of Elastic-Plastic Micromechanical Surface Contact
Coefficient of Static Friction of Elastic-Plastic Micromechanical Surface ContactAbstract: In this study, the effect of elastic and plastic adhesion index on deformation force and friction force of MEMS surface contact has investigated in term of surface roughness. It is found that at low value of θ, i.e. for smooth surfaces, the contact is mostly elastic in nature and at high value of θ, i.e. for rough surfaces, mostly plastic contact occurs. This supports the elastic-plastic concept of Greenwood and Williamson for rough surface contact. Total deformation force and friction force are mainly supported by plastically deformed asperities. From the study of coefficient of static friction of elastic-plastic MEMS surface contact, it is found that COF is almost constant of the order of value of 0.4Key words: Adhesion index, Deformation force, Friction force, Coefficient of friction Reference 1. G Amontons, Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences avec les Mémoires de Mathématique et de Physique (1699) 2. B Bera, Adhesional friction theory of micromechanical surface contact. IOSR Journal of Engineering, 3 (2), 2013, 38-44 3. W R Chang, I Etsion, D B Bogy, An elastic– plastic model for the contact of rough surfaces. ASME Journal of Tribology, 109, 1987, 257–63 4. W R Chang, I Etsion, D B Bogy, Static friction coefficient model for metallic rough surfaces, ASME Journal of Tribology, 110, 1988, 57-63 5. F P Bowden and D Tabor, The Friction and Lubrication of Solids (Oxford University Press, New York 1950) 6. K. N. G. Fuller and D. Tabor, The effect of surface roughness on the adhesion of elastic solid Proc. R. Soc. London. A 345, 1975, 327-345 7. K L Johnson, Adhesion at the contact of solids, in theoretical and applied mechanics (Ed. W T Koiter), North Holland, Amsterdam. 8. J A Greenwood, and J B P Williamson, Contact of nominally flat surfaces. Proc. R. Soc. London., A 295, 1966, 300-319 Biswajit Bera |
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114. | Designing Of Controller for Anti-Lock Braking System Using FPGA
Designing Of Controller for Anti-Lock Braking System Using FPGAAbstract: The antilock braking systems are designed to increase wheel traction by preventing the wheels from locking up during braking, while also maintaining adequate vehicle steerability; however, the performance is often degraded under harsh road conditions. Experimental results show that the proposed antilock brake control algorithm provides very good slip regulation in a braking event on low friction-coefficient surfaces when compared with that of a braking event without the proposed antilock-braking control. The proposed control scheme has been realized using XC3S50. Keywords - Analog to digital converter (ADC), Antilock braking system (ABS), Brake system, Speed Sensors.Reference [1] Chih-Min Lin and Chun-Fei Hsu, "Neural-network hybrid control for antilock braking systems", IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, Vol.14, pp. 351 – 359, Mar 2003. [2] Houhua Jing, "A Switched Control Strategy for Antilock Braking System With On/Off Valves", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol.60, pp. 1470 – 1484, May 2011. [3] Ngoc Quy Le and Jae Wook Jeon, "An Open-loop Stepper Motor Driver Based on FPGA", International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems 2007, Oct. 17-20, 2007. [4] Ms. Shilpa Kale and Mr. S. S. Shriramwar, "FPGAbased Controller for a Mobile Robot", International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2009. [5] K. Ramasamy and A. Srinivasan, "Design and Implementation of a Complete Car Automation using FPGA", European Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.62 No. , pp. 448-452, 2011. [6] Lennon W.K.., "Intelligent control for brake systems", IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Vol.7, pp. 188-202, Mar 1999. [7] Cuidong Xu, Cheng, K.W.E., Lin Sha, Ting. W., Kai Ding, "Simulation of the integrated controller of the anti-lock braking system", 3rd International Conference on Power Electronics Systems and Applications, PESA , pp.1-3, 2009. [8] Patra, Nilanjan; Datta, Kalyankumar, "Sliding mode controller for wheel-slip control of anti-lock braking system", IEEE International Conference on Advanced Communication Control and Computing Technologies (ICACCCT), pp.385-391, Aug 2012. [9] http://www.xilinx.com Ravindra Dhewale, Prof. P. B. Borole |
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115. | Hardware Implementation Of Hyperbolic Tan Using Cordic On FPGA
Hardware Implementation Of Hyperbolic Tan Using Cordic On FPGAAbstract: There are many hardware efficient algorithms for digital signal processing. Among these algorithms there is a shift and add algorithm known as CORDIC algorithm used for implementing various functions including trigonometric,hyperbolic, logarithmic. Hyperbolic tan is a function used in many decoding algorithms like LDPC (low density parity check) codes. In this paper we have implemented hyperbolic tan function using CORDIC rotation method algorithm on FPGA .Coding of the algorithm is done in vhdl.Key words: CORDIC, FPGA, hyperbolic tan, LDPC. Reference [1] Volder .J., "The CORDIC trigonometric computing technique,"IRE Trans. Electronic Computing, Vol ED-8,pp330-334 Sept 1959. [2] Walther J.S. , "Aunified algorithm for elementary functions," Spring Joint Computer Conf,1971 proc pp379-385. [3] Volder J. ,"Binary computation algorithm for coordinate rotation and function generator.",Convair Report IAR-1 148 Aeroelectrics group June1956. [4] Hsiao S.F.," The CORDIC householder algorithm", Proceedings of 10th symposium on computer arithmetic pp256-263, 1991. [5] Cheng M., Feng W.S. , "Multilevel barrel shifter for CORDIC design", Electronic letters vol 32 no 13,June 1996. [6] MATLAB reference manual,2012. www.mathworks.com. [7] ML505/506/507 evaluation guide, June2007. www.xilinx.com ShrugalVarde, Dr. NishaSarwade, RichaUpadhyay |
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116. | Design And Dynamic Analysis Of Viscoelastic Structures For Propellar Shaft
Design And Dynamic Analysis Of Viscoelastic Structures For Propellar ShaftAbstract: High-technology structures often have stringent requirements for structural dynamics. Suppressing vibrations is crucial to their performance. Passive damping is used to suppress vibrations by reducing peak resonant response. Viscoelastic damping materials add passive damping to structures by dissipating vibration strain energy in the form of heat energy. The incorporation of damping materials in advanced composite materials offers the possibility of highly damped, light-weight structural components that are vibration-resistant. The effect of damping on the performance of isotropic (like Steel) and orthotropic (like Carbon Epoxy & E-Glass Epoxy) structures are analysed by using Finite Element Analysis. Damping factors, fundamental natural frequencies are increased for Steel Shaft, Carbon Epoxy Shaft and E- Glass Epoxy Shaft respectively, while embedding the rubber into the structure. The deflection value is decreased for same Shaft respectively, when rubber is embedded into the structure. The effect of damping on the performance of isotropic (steel) and orthotropic (Carbon Epoxy & E-Glass Epoxy) structures is to be analyzed by using Finite Element AnalysisKey words: laminated composite materials, damping factor, natural frequency, deflection using finite element analysis. Reference [1] Autar K. Kaw, "Mechanics of Composite Materials", CRC press, 1997. [2] Ahid D. Nashif, David I. G. Jones and John P. Henderson, "Vibration Damping", John Wiley & Sons Publication, 1985, Newyork. [3] C. T. Sun and Y. P. Lu, "Vibration Damping of Structural Elements", Prentince Hall PTR, New Jeresy, 1995. [4] K. L. Napolitano, W. Grippo, J. B. Kosmatka and C. D. Johnson, "A comparison of two cocured damped composite torsion shafts", Composite Structures, Vol. 43, 1998, pp. 115-125. [5] J. M. Biggerstaff and J. B. Kosmatka, "Damping Performance of Cocured Composite Laminates with Embedded Viscoelastic Layers", Journal of Composite Materials, Vol. 32, No.21/ 1998. [6] Jin Kook Kim, Dai Gil Lee, and Durk Hyun Cho, 2001, "Investigation of Adhesively Bonded Joints for Composite Propeller shafts", Journal of Composite Materials, Vol.35, No.11, pp. 999-1021. [7] T. E. Alberts and Houchun Xia, "Design and Analysis of Fiber Enhanced Viscoelastic Damping Polymers", Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Vol. 117, October 1995, pp. 398-404. [8] K. J. Buhariwala and J. S. Hansen, "Dynamics of Viscoelastic Structures", AIAA Journal, Vol. 26, February 1988, pp 220-227. [9] J. B. Kosmatka and S. L. Liguore, "Review of Methods for Analyzing Constrained Layer Damped Structures", Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Vol.6, No.3, July 1993, pp. 268-283. [10] T. C. Ramesh and N. Ganesan, "Vibration and Damping Analysis of Cylindrical Shells with Constrained Damping Treatment- A Comparison of Three Theories", Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Vol. 117, April 1995, pp. 213 – 219. Davidclaude Gollapudi, P.Veera Raju |
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117. | Design And Testing Of 3-Phase Converter Applicable To Four Quadrant Operation
Design And Testing Of 3-Phase Converter Applicable To Four Quadrant OperationAbstract: It is needless to say that four quadrant principle plays a vital role in industrial applications .Running a machine both in motoring and generating action illustrates the four quadrant operation. In electric locomotives, the motor may run clock wise and anti clockwise, and the torque may act either with or against the direction of rotation. In other words the speed and torque may be positive or negative. An attempt is made in this paper to demonstrate this principle by designing the required converter. Here, converter performs dual function i.e. both as rectifier (AC to DC) and inverter (DC to AC) Though the carrier period is fixed, the ON/OFF pulse widths are changing continuously that's why this type of switching is called Pulse Width Modulation,(PWM). This PWM technique has been adopted in this paper with six-number of Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBT's) corresponding driver circuit. So designed converter has been tested with CRO at different stages .The same has been counter conformed by simulation process using MAT LAB/ Simulink. The bi-directional operation of converter is successfully observed at respective stages bKey words: Four quadrant, SPWM Reference [1] P.S.Bimra.: "Power electronics‟ (KANNA PUBLISHERS,2004) [2] Nead Mohan.: "Power electronics‟ (McGrawHill,1961) [3] M.D,Rashid.: "Modern power electronics‟, Proc.IEEE, 1964, 111, (5), pp. 1040-1048 [4] M.D.Singh. Khanchandhani,:‟Power electronics ‟, (Tata McGraw-Hill,1988) [5] Switching theory and logic design,: Hi-tech publishers,(K.Subba Rao) [6] Y. Lo, T. Song, H, Chiu "Analysis and Elimination of Voltage Imbalance Between the Split Capacitors in Half-Bridge Boost Rectifier," Letters to Editor, IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 49, No 5, Oct.2002 [7] B. T. Ooi, J. W. Dixon, A. B. Kulkarni, and M. Nishimoto, "An integrated AC Drive System Using a Controlled-Current PWM Rectifier/ Inverter Link," IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 3, N 1, pp. 64-71, Jan. 1988. [8] M. A. Boost and P. Ziogas, "State-of-the-Art PWM Techniques, a Critical Evaluation," IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 24, N 2, pp. 271-280, Mar. 1988. [9] Bigelow, Ken. (2006). Generating Triangle Waves. Retrieved November 26, 2006, fromhttp://www.playhookey.com/analog/triangl e_waveform_generator.html. [10] Burany, N., "Safe Control of Four-Quadrant Switches," in Conf Rec. IEEE- lAS, 1989, Part I, pp. 1190-1194. B. Ramu, G. Suresh Babu |
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118. | A Hierarchical Chemical Reaction Optimization for Varying Length Task Scheduling in Grid Computing
A Hierarchical Chemical Reaction Optimization for Varying Length Task Scheduling in Grid ComputingAbstract: A grid computing system shares the load across multiple computers to complete tasks more efficiently and quickly. Grid computing is presently a full of life analysis space. In this paper a new method is proposed for scheduling the varying length jobs in the grid environment. It presents how the jobs can be scheduled effectively by using Hierarchical scheduling. The concept of Shortest Job First algorithm is used along with Chemical Reaction Optimization algorithm in order to schedule varying length jobs efficiently. The results show that the proposed method provides better flowtime and also it performs better than the existing methods.Key words: Chemical Reaction Optimization, Grid computing, scheduling algorithms, Task scheduling. Reference [1] F. Pop, and V. Cristea, "Optimization of Schedulig Process in Grid Environments," U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Series C, 2009. [2] W. Chen, and J. Zhang, "An Ant Colony Optimization Approach to a Grid Workflow Scheduling Problem With Various QoS Requirements", IEEE Transactions On Systems, Man, And Cybernetics—Part C: Applications And Reviews, 2009. [3] S. Lorpunmanee, M.N. Sap, A.H. Abdullah and C. Chompoo-inwai, "An Ant Colony Optimization for Dynamic Job Scheduling in Grid Environment," World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2007. [4] S. Fidanova, "Simulated Annealing for Grid Scheduling Problem," Proc. IEEE John Vincent Atanasoff Int'l Symp. Modern Computing (JVA '06), 41-45, 2009. [5] S. Prabhu, and V. Naveen Kumar, "MultiObjective Optimization Based on Genetic Algorithm in Grid Scheduling," International Journal of Advanced Research and Technology(IJART), 54-58, 2011. [6] H. Izakian,B.T. Ladani, K. Zamanifar, and A. Abraham, "A Novel Particle Swarm Optimization approach for Grid Job Scheduling," Proc. Third Int'l Conf. Information Systems, Technology and Management, 2009. [7] L. Zhang, Y. Chen, R. Sun, S. Jing, and B. Yang, "A Task Scheduling Algorithm Based on PSO for Grid Computing," International Journal of Computational Intelligence Research, 37–43, 2008. [8] S. Benedict, R.S. Rejitha, and V. Vasudevan, "Threshold Accepting Scheduling algorithm for scientific workflows in Wireless Grids", Proc. IEEE Fourth Int'l Conf. Networked Computing and Advanced Information Management (NCM '08), 686-691, 2008. [9] Jin Xu, Albert Y.S. Lam and Victor O.K. Li, "Chemical reaction optimization for task scheduling in grid computing" IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed systems, vol. 22, No. 10, 2011. [10] Albert Y.S. Lam and Victor O.K. Li, "Chemical Reaction Optimization: A Tutorial (Invited paper)," Memetic Computing, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 3-17, Mar. 2012. [11] A.Y.S. Lam and V.O.K. Li, "ChemicalReaction-Inspired Metaheuristic for Optimization," IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation, vol. 14, 381-399, 2010. Gogila G. Nair, Karthikeyan P. |
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119. | NSWT : Network security using Walsh Table Algorithms
NSWT : Network security using Walsh Table AlgorithmsAbstract: In this paper we describe a method for integrating Security through Walsh Table . Network Security is becoming more and more crucial as the volume of data being exchanged on the Internet increases. When people use the Internet, they have certain expectations. They expect confidentiality and data integrity. They want to be able to identify the sender of a message. Through this paper we want to send the message to only the intended receiver. To all the other, the message should be unintelligible. We have tried in this paper that the data must arrive at the receiver exactly as it was sent. There must be no changes during the transmission, either accidental or malicious.Key words: Keyword : Security , Walsh table ,Encryption, NSWT Algorithms. Reference [1] Albert Bodo, "Method for producing a digital signature with aid of a biometric feature", German patent DE 42 43 908 A1, (1994). [2] J. Daugman, "High confidence visual recognition of persons by a test of statistical independence", IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 15, 1148-1161, (1993) [3] J.W. Goodman, Introduction to Fourier Optics, McGraw-Hill, (1968). [4] S.T. Walker, " Network Security: The parts of the sum", proc. 1989 IEEE symp; on Research in security and privacy, Oakland, CA, PP. 2-8, May 1989. [5] V. Voydock and S.kent, " Security in high-level network protocols, " IEEE communication magazine, PP. 12-24,july 1985. [6] Bruce Schneier, Applied Cryptography, 2nd Ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, (1996). [7] Federal Information Processing Standards Publications (FIPS 197), "Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) ", 26 Nov. 2001. [8] K. Gaj, P.Chodowiec, "Fast implementation and fair comparison of thefinal candidates for advanced encryption standard using field programmable gate arrays", in : CT-RSA 2001, pp.84-99. [9] Data Communication and Networking BY Behrouz A Forouzan [10] T.Aura. Internet-Draft: Cryptographically Generated Addresses (CGA), Microsoft Research, February 2004 [11] W. Diffie and M.E. Hellman. Special feature Exhaustive Cryptanalysis of the NBS Data Encryption Standard Computer, 10(6):74, june 1977 Syed Jaffar Abbas, Raju Manjhi |
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120. | Design and Implementation of Fuzzy Logic Controllers for DC Motor Speed Control using MATLAB-GUI Application
Design and Implementation of Fuzzy Logic Controllers for DC Motor Speed Control using MATLAB-GUI ApplicationAbstract: In this paper, an integrated electronic system has been designed, constructed and tested. controlling DC (Direct current) Motor drive is design and development of real time MATLAB –GUI based using fuzzy logic controller. First, a controller is designed according to fuzzy rules such that the systems are fundamentally robust. To obtain the globally optimal values, parameters of the fuzzy controller are improved by MATLAB-GUI based FLC and IFLC algorithms optimization model. Computer MATLAB work space demonstrate that the fuzzy controller associated to integrated algorithms approach became very strong, gives a very good results and possess good robustness.Key words: : Direct current motor drive; MATLABGUI; integrated Fuzzy logic controller. Reference [1]. Maiers J. and Sherif Y. S., 1985, Applications of Fuzzy Set Theory, IEEE Trans. Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol. SMC-15, No. 1, pp.175-189. [2]. Zadeh L. A., 1973, Outline of a New Approach to the Analysis of Complex Systems and Decision Processes, IEEE Trans. Systems, man, and Cybernetics, Vol. SMC-3, No. 1, pp.28-44. [3]. Lee C. C., 1990, Fuzzy logic in control systems: fuzzy logic controller, IEEE Trans. Systems, man, and Cybernetics, Volume: 20 Issue:2, pp. 404 –418. [4]. Lee C. C., 1990, Fuzzy logic in control systems: fuzzy logic controller II, IEEE Trans. Systems, man, and Cybernetics, Volume: 20, Issue:2, pp. 419-435. [5]. Zadeh L. A., 1965, Fuzzy Sets, Information and Control 8, pp.338- 353. [6]. Mamdani E. H. and Assilian S., 1975, An experiment in Linguistic Synthesis With a Fuzzy Logic Controller, Int. J. Man-Machine Studies 7, pp.1-13. [7]. Eminoglu I.and Altas I. H., 1996, A Method To Form Fuzzy Logic Control Rules For A pmdc Motor Drive System, Electric Power Systems Research, 39 (1996), pp. 81-87. [8]. Altas I. H, 1998, The Effects of Fuzziness in Fuzzy Logic Controllers, 2nd International Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, August 6-7, Sakarya University, Sakarya, Turkey, pp.211-220.. [9]. Klawonn F. and Keller A., 1997, Fuzzy lustering and Fuzzy Rules. Proc. 7th Intern. Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress (IFSA'97) Vol. I, Academia, Prague, pp.193- 198. [10 [Online]. Available: www.ni.com/. Suhas Yadav, Prof.S.S.Patil |
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121. | Optimal Bracing System for Steel Towers
Optimal Bracing System for Steel TowersAbstract: The major system providing lateral load resistance in steel lattice towers is bracing system. There are different types of bracing systems for steel lattice towers. The heights of these towers vary from 20 to 500 meters, based on the practical requirements. This study has focused on identifying the economical bracing system for a given range of tower heights. Towers of height 40m and 50m have been analyzed with different types of bracing systems under wind loads. The diagonal wind has been found to be the maximum for towers. The optimal bracing system has been identified and reported.Key words: bracing system, steel lattice towers, wind analysis Reference [1] K. Agarwal and K. Garg, Wind Load Assessment on Free Standing Lattice Towers, Indian Institute of Engineers Journal, vol 75, November 1994, pp. 171-177. [2] Alan R. Kemp and Roberto H. Behncke, Behavior of Cross-Bracing in Latticed Towers, Journal of Structural Engineering, April 1998, pp. 360-367. [3] M.Selvaraj, S.M.Kulkarni and R.Ramesh Babu, Behavioral Analysis Of Built Up Transmission Line Tower From FRP Pultruded Sections, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Volume 2, Issue 9, September 2012, ISSN 2250-2459. [4] F. Albermani, M. Mahendran and S. Kitipornchai, Upgrading of Transmission Towers Using a Diaphragm Bracing System, Engineering Structures, 26, pp. 735-744. [5] F. Al-Mashary, A. Arafah and G. H. Siddiqi, Effective Bracing of Trussed Towers against Secondary Moments, faculty.ksu.edu.sa/2639/Publications%20PDF/T OWER-BR.DOC. [6] Indian Standard Code of Practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for buildings and structures IS: 875-1987, part 3 Reaffirmed 1997 Second Revision), 1989. Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi. [7] Indian Standard Code of Practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for buildings and structures IS: 875-1987, part 5 Reaffirmed 2008 Second Revision), 1988. Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi. A. Jesumi, M.G. Rajendran |
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122. | To Study Speed Control and Four Quadrant Operation of BLDC Motor
To Study Speed Control and Four Quadrant Operation of BLDC MotorAbstract: Brushless DC motor drives are becoming more popular in industrial, Traction applications. This make the control of BLDC motor in all four quadrant very vital. This paper deals with the control of three phase BLDC motor. The motor is controlled in all the four quadrants without any loss of power in fact energy is conserved during the regenerative period. In this paper, The BLDC motor drive system along with the control system for speed and current has been present using MATLAB.Key words: BLDC Motor, PI Controller, Hysteresis Current Controller, Four quadrant operation. Reference [1] P.Pillay and R.Krishnan, "Modeling, simulation and analysis of permanent-magnet motor drives, part-II: the brushless DC motor drives," IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, vol. 25, pp.274-279, March/April 1989. [2] Dr.B.Singh, Prof B P Singh and C. L. Putta Swamy,"Modelling of Variable Structure Controlled Permanent Magnet Brushless dc Motor", IE(I)_Journal-EL, Vol 75, Febraury 1995. [3 M.V.Ramesh, J.Amarnath, S.Kamakshaiah, B.Jawaharlal, Gorantla.S.Rao,"Speed Torque Characteristics of Brushless DC Motor in either direction on load using ARM controller"Journal of Energy Technology and Policy,2011 [4] Sheeba Joice,C., Dr. S.R. paranjothi, Dr. Jawahar Senthil Kumar "Practical Implementation of Four Quadrant Operation of Three Phase BLDC motor using dsPIC" 2s and Control Engineering011 International Conference of Recent Advancement in Electrical, Electronic. [5] S.K.Safi, P.P.Acarnley and A. G. Jack. "Analysis and simulation of the high-speed torque performance of brushless DC motor drives," Proc. Of IEE, vol 142, no.3, p.p.191- 200, May 1995. [6] C.Gencer and M,Gedikpinar "Modelling and simulation of BLDCM using MATLAB" Journals of Applied Science 2006, [7] Vinatha U, Swetha Pola, Dr K.P.Vittal,Simulation of four quadrant operation and speedcontrol of BLDC motor using MATLAB,2008 [8] Padmaraja Yedamale, "Brushless DC (BLDC) Motor Fundamentals",AN885, Microchip Technology Inc., 2003. Books: [9] Krishnan R motor "Drives Modeling, Analysis and Control", Prentice Hall of India, First Edn, 2002, Chapter 9, pp 513-615.. [10] Gopal K Dubey "Fundamentals of Electrical Drives", Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, Second Edn, 2001, Chapter 7, pp271-277. [11] Bimal K Bose, "Modern Power Electronics and AC Drives", Pearson Education Publications, New Delhi, 2002, Chapter 9, pp483 – 495 Ms. Snehalata Y. Dhenge, Prof.V.S.Nandanwar |
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123. | Cadence Design of Leakage Power Reduction Circuit in CMOS VLSI Design
Cadence Design of Leakage Power Reduction Circuit in CMOS VLSI DesignAbstract: In this paper, a low-power novel design technique proposed in [1] to minimize the standby leakage power, in nanoscale CMOS very large scale integration (VLSI) systems by generating the reverse body-bias voltage, is applied to op-amp circuit and the stack circuit. The optimal reverse body-bias voltage is generated from the proposed leakage circuit, and calculated the subthreshold current (ISUB) and the band-to-band tunneling current (IBTBT). The proposed circuit will be simulated in Cadence 180 nanometer CMOS technology,Key words: Leakage currents, sub-threshold Leakage, Band to Band Tunneling currents Reference [1] M. Johnson, D. Somasekhar, and K. Roy, "Leakage Control with Efficient Use of Transistor Stacks in Single Threshold CMOS," in Proc. of the Design Auto. Conf., pp. 442– 445, June1999. [2] J. Halter and F. Najm, "A Gate-Level Leakage Power Reduction Method for Ultra Low Power CMOS Circuits," in Proc. of the Custom Integrated Circuits Conf., pp. 475–478, 1997. [3] H. Kawaguchi, K. Nose, and T. Sakurai, "A Super Cut-off CMOS (SCCMOS) Scheme for 0.5-V Supply Voltage with Picoampere StandBy Current," IEEE J. of Solid State Circuits, vol. 35, pp. 1498–1501, Oct. 2000. pp. 1772– 1780, Nov. 1998. K.R.N.karthik, M.Nagesh Babu, V.NarasimhaNayak , S.Rajeswari , Dr. FazalNoorbasha |
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124. | VLSI Design Of Secure Cryptographic Algorithm
VLSI Design Of Secure Cryptographic AlgorithmAbstract: Lightweight cryptography (LWC) is an emerging research area which has to deal with the trade-off among security, cost, and performance. In this paper we present the idea and list some types of LWC algorithms. Hummingbird is a novel ultra lightweight cryptographic algorithm targeted for resource constrained devices like RFID tags, smart cards and wireless sensor nodes. The hybrid model of Hummingbird is explained keeping the constraint devices in mind and thus resulting in an easier software implementation. The paper presents the algorithms for the encryption as well as decryption process and shows some simulation results performed on Xilinx.Key words: Lightweight cryptography, resource constrained devices, Hummingbird Reference [[1] Sergey Panasenko and Sergey Smagin, "Lightweight Cryptography: Underlying Principles and Approaches", International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 4, August 2011. [2] X. Fan, G. Gong, K. Lauffenburger, and T. Hicks, "FPGA Implementations of the Hummingbird Cryptographic Algorithm", IEEE International Symposium on HardwareOriented Security and Trust (HOST), 2010. [3] K. Lauffenburger, X. Fan, G. Gong, T. Hicks, "Design Space Exploration of Hummingbird Implementations on FPGA's" Centre for Applied Cryptographic Research (CACR)Technical Reports, CACR-2010-27. http://www.cacr.math.uwaterloo.ca/techreports/ 2010/cacr2010-27.pdf [4] D. Engels, X. Fan, G. Gong, H. Hu, and E. M. Smith, "Ultra Lightweight Cryptography Resource- Constrained Devices", 14th International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security- FC 2010 [5] Ismail San, Nuray At, "Enhanced FPGA Implementation of Hummingbird Cryptographic Algorithm", 14th International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security - FC 2010. [6] D. Engels, X. Fan, G. Gong, H. Hu, and E. M. Smith, "Ultra Lightweight Cryptography for Low- Cost RFID Tags: Hummingbird Algorithm and Protocol," Centre for Applied Cryptographic Research (CACR) Technical Reports, CACR 2009 [7] T.Eisenbarth, S. Kumar, C. Paar, A.Poschman, and L. Uhsadel, " A Survey of LightweightCryptography Implementations", IEEE Design & Test of Computers, vol. 24, no.6,pp.522- 533,2007 [8] Xilinx Inc., "Spartan-3 FPGA Family Data Sheet", DS099, December 4, 2009, available at http://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/ datasheet/ds099.pdf Revini S. Shende, Mrs. Anagha Y. Deshpande |
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125. | Multiresolution Analysis and Standard MRA Curve for Analysis of Power Quality Disturbances
Multiresolution Analysis and Standard MRA Curve for Analysis of Power Quality DisturbancesAbstract: This paper presents the use of multiresolution analysis and STD_MRA curve for detection and classification of power quality disturbance events. The power quality disturbance waveforms were generated using Matlab programming and taking actual loading conditions in case study. In the first step the programmed disturbances were detected and classified. A case study was held at Urse substation near pune for getting actual power quality disturbances. Urse substation has industrial as well as residential load. A Simulink model was developed and all the necessary data from case study was feed in the Simulink model. These actual disturbances were detected and classified in second step. A comparative study is done between both the observations in this paper. The disturbances mainly included were sag, swell, harmonics, sag with harmonics and swell with harmonics. Multi-resolution analysis was used for detection and classification of disturbances.Key words: power quality, wavelet transform, Std_MRA curve I Reference [1] J.Douglas,"Solving problems of power quality,"EPRI Journal, vol.18, no.8,pp 6-15, Dec.1993. [2] Olivier Poisson et al, "Detection and Measurment of Power Quality Disturbances using Wavelet Transform", IEEE Transactionon On Power Delivery, Vol.15, No.3, pp 1039-1044, July 2000. [3] P.K.Dash, B.K.Panigrahi and G.Panda, "Power Quality Analysis using S Transform," IEEE Transaction on Power Delivery, Vol.18, No.2, pp 406-411, April 2003. [4] Alexande.A et al, "Kalman Filter and Wavelet Transform Based Three-Phase Power Quality Disturbances Deyection, Classification and Diagnosis Tool Implimentation-Hardware and Software," International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality,Valencia(Spain), 15th to 17th April, 2009. [5] W.M. Grady et al, "Characterization of Distribution Power Quality Events with Fourier and Wavelet Transforms," IEEE Transactions On Power Delivery, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 247-254, January 2000. [6] Haibo He, Janusz A. Starzyk, "A Self Organising Learning Array System for Power Quality Classification Based on Wavelet Transform," IEEE Transactions On Power Delivery, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 286-295, January 2006. [7] B.K.Panigrahi et al, "Power Quality Analysis using Phase Correlated Wavelet Transform", Iranian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering , vol.3, no.2, pp 151-155, Summer Fall 2004. [8] Whei-Min Lin et al, "Detection and Classification of Multiple Power Quality Disturbances with Wavelet Multicass SVM" IEEE Transaction on Power Delivery, Vol.23, No.4, pp 2575-2582, October 2008. [9] Dipankar Chanda et al, "A wavelet Multiresolution Based Analysis for Protection of the Point of Strike of a Lightning Overvoltage on a Transmission Line," IEEE Transactions On Power Delivery, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 1727-1733, October 2004 [10] A.M.Gauda et al, "Power Quality Detection and Classification using Wavelet Multiresolution Signal Decomposition," IEEE Transactions On Power Delivery, Vol.14, No. 4, pp. 1469-1476, October 1999. Chetan.B.Khadse, S.L.Shaikh |
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126. | Analyze the Power Consumption of NAND Flash Memory
Analyze the Power Consumption of NAND Flash MemoryAbstract: Flash memory is the most popular solidstate memory used today. Flash is a type of EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory) that supports read, program and erase as the basic operations. Although initially used only in consumer electronics, such as PDA, cellphones and portable music players, the drop in the price of NAND flash memory has paved the way for its use in mass storage devices as well, in the form of Solid State Disks (SSDs). SSDs are replacing HDDs as the storage of choice in laptops, desktops and even servers. There has been growing interest in the computer architecture community on flash memory. Computer architects have begun exploring a variety of topics related to flash, including the design of SSDs , disk-caches , new flash-based server architectures and even hybrid memories. Power is an important characteristic of NAND because the design of a NAND flash based memory array is closely related to the power consumption budget within which it is allowed to operate.Key words: – SSD,EEPROM,FGT,SLC,MLC Reference [1] J. Abella, X. Vera, and A. Gonzalez. Penelope: The NBTI-Aware Processor. In Proceedings of the 40th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture, 2007. [2] N. Agrawal and et al. Design Tradeoffs for SSD Performance. In Proceedings the USENIX Technical Conference (USENIX), June 2008. [3] A.M. Caulfield and L.M. Grupp and S. Swanson. Gordon: using flash memory to build fast, power-efficient clusters for data-intensive applications. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Architectural Support for ProgrammingLanguagesandOperating Systems (ASPLOS), pages 217–228, March 2009. [4] S. Aritome and et al. Reliability issues of flash memory cells. Proceedings of the IEEE, 81(5) :776–788, May 1993. [5] A. Birrell, M. Isard, C. Thacker, and T. Wobber. A design for high-performance flashdisks. SIGOPS Operating System Rev., 41(2):88–93, 2007. [6] S. Boboila and P. Desnoyers. Write Endurance in Flash Drives: Measurements and Analysis. In Proceedings of the USENIX Conference on File andStorageTechnologies(FAST),February 2010. [7] J.E. Brewer and M. Gill, editors. Nonvolatile Memory Technologies with Emphasis on Flash.IEEE Press, 2008. [8] D. Brooks, V. Tiwari, and M.Martonosi. Wattch: A Framework for Architectural-Level Power Analysis and Optimizations. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA), pages 83–94, June 2000. [9] C. Dirik and B. Jacob. The Performance of PC Solid-State Disks (SSDs) as a Function of Bandwidth, oncurrency, Device Architecture, and System Organization. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA), pages 279–289, June 2009. [10] Taehee Cho and et al. A dual-mode NAND flash memory: 1-Gb multilevel and highperformance 512-Mb single-level modes. Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of, 36(11):1700–1706, Nov 2001. Rachana Shelat, Kavita Tandel ,Hiteshi Diwanji |
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127. | An algorithm for measurement of quality of image
An algorithm for measurement of quality of imageAbstract: This paper, start by providing an overview of the measurement of quality of image. There are various objective methods which can measure the quality of the image. The paper providing an idea which can measure the error between the actual image and reference image. And can calculate the quality of image.Key words: Error Sensitivity Function Perceptual Quality Image Quality Structural Similarity Measurement of Quality Reference [1] S. Daly, "The visible difference predictor: an algorithm for assessment of image fidelity," in Digital images and human Vision, A.B. Watson (ed.), MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, pp. 179-206,1993. [2] R. J. Safranek and J.D. Johnston, "A perceptually tuned sub band image coder with image dependent quantization and post-quantization data compression," in International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Vol.3,1989. [3] N. Damera-Venkata, T. D. Kite, W. Geisler, B. L. Evans and A. C. Bovik, "Image quality assessment based on a degradation model," IEEE Transaction on Image Processing, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 630-650, April 2000. [4] T. N. Pappas and R. J. Safranek, "Perceptual criteria for image quality evaluation," in Handbook of image and video processing, Academic Press, May 2000. [5] T. N. Pappas, T. A. Michel and R. O. Hinds, "Supra-threshold perceptual image coding," in Proc. International Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP), Vol. I, pp. 237-240, 1996. [6] Z. Wang, A. C. Bovik and L. Lu, "Why is image quality assessment so difficult?," in Proc. International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Vol. 4, pp. 3313-3316, 2002. [7] Z. Wang and A. C. Bovik, "Universal image quality index," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 81-84, March 2002. [8] J. S. Lim: "Two-dimensional signal and image processing," Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1990. [9] J.L. Mannose and D.J. Sakrison, "The effect of a visual fidelity criterion on the encoding of images," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 20, pp. 525-536, July 1974. [10] T. N. Pappas and D. L. Neuhoff, "Leastsquares model based half toning," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 8, pp. 1102-1116, August 1999 Mrs. Poonam Dabas, Priya Soni |
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128. | Comparative Studies on Exact and Approximate Methods of Structural Analysis
Comparative Studies on Exact and Approximate Methods of Structural AnalysisAbstract: The safety and serviceability of a structure is dependent on how accurately the forces and the response associated with it are determined Many precise methods of analysis have been well documented in the literature for structural analysis. Computer programs provide results with good cost and time efficiency. The main problem is that structural engineers are using these softwares as black box and gross errors are left undetected. This problem can be overcome by using fast and efficient methods which yield results which are approximate and acceptable. These methods are called approximate methods and they have been used successfully for the analysis of the structures. An overview of various such approximate methods is briefly done in this paper. This paper also intends to compare revised method of structural analysis to the values obtained from STAAD.proKey words: Approximate Methods, Split frame analysis, Revised Method of analysis Reference 1) JingHai Wu, Engr., Des. Inst. of Water Conservancy and Hydroelectric Power of Hehei Province. People's Republic of China.) "Approximate analysis of building frames for vertical loads" - Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 121. No.4. April. 1995. 2) Dr. Terje Haukaas, University of British Columbia,"Lecture notes posted in "www.inrisk.ubc.ca." 3) R. A. Behr, Member, ASCE, C. H. Goodspeed, and R. M. Henry, "Potential errors in approximate methods of structural analysis" , Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 115, No. 4, April, 1989 4) R. A. Behr, E. J. Grotton, and C. A. Dwinal "Revised method of approximate structural analysis", Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 116, No. 11, November, 1990 5) Manicka Selvam V.K , Bindhu, K.R, "Split frame method for lateral load analysis of short frames", International Journal of Civil and Structural Engineering Volume 1, No 4, 2011 6) C.K Wang, "Intermediate Structural Analysis" Mc Graw –Hill Publications 5th edition 1988. Life John, Dr. M G Rajendran |
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129. | Performance Evaluation of Industrial Building subjected to Dynamic Loading
Performance Evaluation of Industrial Building subjected to Dynamic LoadingAbstract: The world is moving towards implementation of performance based engineering philosophy in Dynamic Analysis of Civil Engineering Structures. This document is intended to outline an important aspect of the dynamic response of a structure subjected to vibrations induced by operations of looms machine. The principle parameters assessed in this study are Amplitude and Frequency. The influences of structural member sizes such as beam size, column size and storey height on the dynamic performance of the structure supporting looms machine have been presented. The software model analogous to a typical looms industry is prepared using a commercially available package, STAAD.Pro.Key words: Displacement, Frequency, Looms Industry, Modes, Storey Height, Vibration, Time History. Reference [1] Barkan D. D., " Dynamics of Bases and Foundations" , Mcgraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. [2] Bhatia K. G.,"Foundations For Industrial Machines And Earthquake Effects", 28th ISET Annual Lecture. [3] European Forum Reciprocating Compressors (EFRC), 2009 Third Edition May 2012. [4] George Gazetas, 1983, "Analysis of Machine Foundation Vibration: State of Art", Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol 2, No 1. [5] Hasmukhrai B., 1996, "Fabric Forming", Cooperative Stores Ltd. [6] Wachel J. C. (President) and J.D Tison (Senior Project Manager) Engineer Dynamics Incorporated San Antonio, Texas "Proceedings of 23rd Turbomachinery Symposium " 1994. [7] John P. Wolf and Andrew J. Deeks "Foundation Vibration Analysis: A Strength of Materials Approach" 2004. [8] Sen Huang "Dynamic Analysis of Assembled Structures with Nonlinearity" 2007. [9] Snowden D. C., 1967, "Power-Loom Weaving of Woollen and Worsted Fabrics", C. Nicholls and Company Ltd. [10] Srinivasulu P. And Vaidyanathan C.V, 2003, "Handbook of Machine Foundations", Tata Mcgraw –Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi. [11] Vijay K. Puri and Shamsher Prakash, 2006, "Foundations For Vibrating Machines", Special Issue, April-May, of the Journal of Structural Engineering, SERC, Madras. INDIA. Yogesh D. Rathod, Sunil H. Kukadiya, Sarthi B. Bhavsar, Gaurang A. Parmar, Jigar K. Sevalia |
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131. | Analysis of Power Quality Problems in Solar Power Distribution System
Analysis of Power Quality Problems in Solar Power Distribution SystemAbstract: Photovoltaic systems have been increasingly used in the generation of electrical energy because of the cost of energy produced from fossil fuels is rising day to-day and there by photovoltaic energy becomes a promising alternative source for fossil fuels. Power quality is the major problem that occurs between grid to end user transmission lines. DSTATCOM is the one of the power quality compensating device which will rectifies the power quality problems such as voltage sag and swell which occurs in high voltage power transmission lines. The work was proceed by using Simulink / MATLAB software and to solve the voltage sag and swell and the model was developed. By using this DSTATCOM device in the MATLAB SIMULINK model the problem occurred has been rectified and the graph has plotted. It is high economically effective in transmission lines and more safe to end-user equipments.Key words: Distribution networks, Inverter, Power Quality, PV Systems, STATCOM, Voltage Sag & Swell. Reference 1. Aamir Hanif and Mohammad Ahmad Choudhry[2008] Department of Electrical Engineering University of Engineering and Technology Taxila, 47050 Pakistan Investigating Voltage Restoration And Power Export In A Distribution System With Series Compensator Using Distributed Generation.. 2. Eduardo F. Camacho, Tariq Samad, Mario Garcia-Sanz, and Ian Hiskens -Control for Renewable Energy and Smart Grids. 3. Gao Xiaozhi, Li Linchuan, and Chen Wenyan 2011Key Laboratory of Power System Simulation and Control of Ministry of Education, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China. Power Quality Improvement for Mircro grid in Islanded Mode. 4. Huo-Ching Suna, Yann-Chang Huanga, Chao-Ming Huang[2012] a Department of Electrical Engineering, Cheng Shiu University, Kaohsiung, TAIWAN Department of Electrical Engineering, Kun San University, Tainan, TAIWAN Fault Diagnosis of Power Transformers Using Computational Intelligence: A Review. 5. Hari Prasad.A ,International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 2, Issue 10, Oct-2011 1ISSN 2229- 5518Photovoltaic Cell as Power Quality conditioner for Grid connected system 6. Jianwu Cao[2011] Florida State University Analysis and Implementation of GridConnected Solar PV with Harmonic Compensation 7. Minas Patsalides, Demetres Evagorou, and George Makrides [2007], 1Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Cyprus, The Effect of Solar Irradiance on the Power Quality Behaviour of Grid Connected Photovoltaic Systems. 8. Minas Patsalides, Andreas Stavrou, and Venizelos Efthimiou, [2007] Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Cyprus 75 Kallipoleos Avenue, P.O. Box 20537 Nicosia, 1678, Cyprus Assessing the level of Harmonic Distortion due to PV generation in Mini Grids. 9. Manish Kumar Saini, Rajiv Kapoor[2012] a Electronics & Communication Engineering Department, Delhi Technological University, New Delhi, India, Electrical Engineering Department, Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science & Technology, Sonepat, India Classification of power quality events – A review Power Quality Measurement. hioki E.E Corporation 10. Ozgur Gencer, Semra Ozturk, Tarık Erfidan Kocaeli University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering, Vezirog˘lu Kampüsü, Eski Gölcük Yolu, Kocaeli, Turkey A new approach to voltage sag detection based on wavelet transform. G. Murali, Dr. A. Manivannan |
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133. | Quality Circle To Improve Productivity
Quality Circle To Improve ProductivityAbstract: This paper deals with various aspects of Quality Circle and how improvements can be made by adopting practices of Quality Circle in chemical industries. The paper also presents a comparative discussion of various features of Quality Circle, Quality Improvement Group and Work Group/Project Team. The paper describes a case study of QC concept in a chemical industry which illustrates the effectiveness of QC approach.Key words: Quality Circle, chemical Industry, Quality Improvement Group, Work Group/Project Teams, Centrifuge, Maintenance Management, Deming Wheel, Fishbone Diagram, Pareto Chart, Activity Flow Diagram Reference 1. Danlelkerby[2].(2012),quality circle in an engineering enterprise . 2. Hill,s.(2011),why quality circle fails but TQM might succeed. 3. Metz , E.J.(2012),caution: quality circle ahead. 4. Dale,B.G(2012),quality circle in UK manufacturing industry –state of the art survay,paper no 8402,umist. 5. Brockner j.(2011) self-esteem and task performance in quality circle vol29 ,no.3 ,617-623. 6. J. von Schéele, P. Vesterberg and O. Ritzén,"Invisible Flames for Clearly Visible Results," Nordic Steel & Mining Review 2012, p. 16, Sweden 7. Shinske~, F.G., Energy Conservation through Control, Acaderruc Press Inc., New York, 2011. 8. Brain boswell[2] ,(2012), progressive powder coating, volume2 9. Gray, G. R. S. A. M., 1993. Quality Circles: An Update. Advanced Management J. 984, 58, pp: 41. 10. Richards, B., 1984. White-Collar Quality Circles and Productivity. Training & Development J. 38, pp: 92. ShantanuWelekar, ShantanuKulkarni |
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134. | Kinematic Analysis andSimulation of 6Dof KukaKr5 Robot For Welding Application
Kinematic Analysis andSimulation of 6Dof KukaKr5 Robot For Welding ApplicationAbstract: The end-effectors of the manipulator are required to move in a particular fashion to accomplish a specified task. The execution of the specific task requires the manipulator to follow a preplanned path, which is the larger problem of motion or trajectory planning and motion control for the manipulator. The goal of trajectory planning is to describe the requisite motion of the manipulator as a time sequence of joints/link/end-effectors locations and derivatives of locations,in our work we aim to design a serial robot which is suitable for welding application for a curved profiles , where forward kinematics ,inverse kinematics are calculatedand simulation of end effector is done for given joint and link parameters and final work space of arm is identified and graphs related to motion of manipulator as a time sequence of joints ,links are achieved using roboanalyzer software.Key words: end-effector, trajectory, robo-analyzer Reference 1] On the design of workspaces of serial mechanisms byS. Brezovnik1University of Maribor [2] F. Zacharias, C. Borst, and G. Hirzinger, "Capturing robot workspace structure: representing robotcapabilities," in Proceeding of the 2007 IEEE/RSJInternational conference on intelligent robots andsystems, San Diego, USA, 2007. [3] Visual servoing on unknown objects.by XaviGratal, Javier Romero, Jeannette Bohg, DanicaKragic(science direct) [4] J. Lenarcic and T. Bajd, Robotics mechanisms.Ljubljana, Slovenia: University of Ljubljana,Publisher FE in FRI, 2003. [5] J. Angeles, Fundamentals of robotic mechanicalsystems: theory, methods, and algorithms, 2nd ed.New York: Springer, cop., 2003. [6] M. Ceccarelli, Mechanism and Machine Theory.,1996. [7] K. Gotlih, "Robot placement in a production cell," inProceedings of the 5th Vienna Symposium onMathematical Modelling, Vienna, 2006. [8] M. Vukobratovic and M. Kircanski, Kinematics andtrajectory synthesis of manipulation robots. Berlin:Springer-Verlag, 1986. [9] J. Angeles, Rational kinematics. New York:Springer-Verlag, 1988. [10] OTC DAIHEN. (2010, May) OTC DAIHEN.[Online].http://www.otc-daihen.de K. Kishore Kumar, Dr. A. Srinath, G. Jugalanvesh, R.Premsai, M.suresh |
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135. | Power Quality Enhancement With D-Statcom Under Different Fault Conditions
Power Quality Enhancement With D-Statcom Under Different Fault ConditionsAbstract: Power quality problem mainly related to non-standard voltage, frequency, and current at the load side. In this paper an attempts has been to analyses the role of D-STATCOM (Distribution static compensator) and located at load side in the electrical distribution system. So in order to maintain the power system quality, the D-STATCOM will absorb and provide reactive power to mitigate the voltage sag occurred due to different causes. Utility distribution network, sensitive industrial load and critical commercial operation suffer from various type of outage and service interruption, which can cost significant financial losses. Here, in this paper the work has been carried out by various techniques with D-STATCOM to minimize the problem associated in distribution system such as voltage sag, voltage instability in power system with different fault conditions for LG, LLG fault. D-STATCOM used to supply the reactive power to maintain the power quality as well.Key words: D-STATCOM, Distribution System, Line Voltage, Voltage Stability, Voltage Source Converter. Reference [1] G. Yaleinkaya, M.H.J. Bollen, P.A. Crossley, "Characterization of voltage sags in industrial distribution systems", IEEE transactions on industry applications, vol.34, no. 4, July/August, pp. 682-688, 1999. [2] Haque, M.H., "Compensation of distribution system voltage sag by DVR and D-STATCOM", Power Tech Proceedings, 2001 IEEE Porto, vol.1, pp.10-13, Sept. 2001. [3] Anaya-Lara O, Acha E., "Modeling and analysis of custom power systems by PSCAD/EMTDC", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol.17, Issue: 1, Jan. 2002, Pages:266 – 272 [4] Bollen, M.H.J.," Voltage sags in threephase systems" Power Engineering Review, IEEE, Vol. 21, Issue: 9, Sept. 2001, pp: 8 - 11, 15. [5] M.Madrigal, E.Acha., "Modelling of Custom Power Equipment Using Harmonic Domain Techniques", IEEE 2000. [6] R.Mienski,R.Pawelek and I.Wasiak., "Shunt Compensation for Power Quality Improvement Using a STATCOM controller: Modelling and Simulation", IEEE Proce., Vol.151, No.2, March 2004. [7]. R. Mineski, R. Pawelek, I. Wasiak, Shunt Compensation for Power Quality Improvement Using a Statcom Controller: Modeling and Simulation, in IEE Proc. Generation, Transmission and Distribution, vol. 151, no. 2, 2004, pp. 274-280. [8] Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS), editing by Y.H.Song and A.I.Johos, Institution of Electrical Engineers, London, UK, 1999. [9] "Static Synchronous Compensator," CIGRE, Working group 14.19, 1998. [10] N. G. Hingorani and L. Gyugyi, Understanding FACTS, Concepts and Technology of Flexible AC Transmission Systems. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Press, 2000. [11] R. Mohan and R. K. Varma, ThyristorBased FACTS Controllers for Electrical Transmission Systems. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Press, 2002. Mithilesh Kumar Kanaujia, Dr. S.K. Srivastava |
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136. | Recognition of IRIS for Person Identification
Recognition of IRIS for Person IdentificationAbstract: Iris recognition is a proven, accurate means to identify people. In this paper, it includes the preprocessing system, segmentation, feature extraction and recognition. Especially it focuses on image segmentation and statistical feature extraction for iris recognition process. The performance of iris recognition system highly depends on segmentation. For instance, even an effective feature extraction method would not be able to obtain useful information from an iris image that is not segmented properly. This paper presents a straightforward approach for segmenting the iris patterns. The used method determines an automated global threshold and the pupil center. Experiments are performed using iris images obtained from CASIA database. Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences) and Mat lab application for its easy and efficient tools in image manipulation.Key words: -iris recognition; segmentation; feature vector; edge detection Reference [1] Y.Belganoui, J-C.Guézel and T.Mahé, « La biométrie, sésame absolu …», Industries et Techniques, France, n°817, July 2000 [2] A.C.Bovik, « The handbook of image processing », Ed. Bovik. [3] J.P.Havlicek, D.S.Harding, and A.C.Bovik, «Discrete quasi eigenfunction approximation for AM-FM image analysis », Proc. Of the IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing, 1996. [4] Y.Zhu, T. Tan, and Y. Wang, "Biometric Personal Identification Based on Iris Patterns", International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'00)-Volume2.p.2801, Sept. 2000 [5] Tisse C.L.;Martin L.;Torres L.;Robert M.,"Person Identification Technique Using Human Iris Recognition",St Journal of System Research, Vol.4,pp.67_75,2003 [6] Daugman, J,"High Confidence Visual Recognition of Persons by a Test of Statistical Independence, "IEEE Transactions on pattern analysis and Machine intelligence, vol. 15, no. 11, November 2, June 2001, pp. 1148- 1161. [7] Gonzalez,R.C., Woods,R.E,Digital Image Processing, 2nd ed., Prentice Hall (2002) [8] Lim, S.,Lee, K., Byeon, O., Kim, T, "Efficient Iris Recognition through Improvement of Feature Vector and Classifier", ETRJ Journal, Volume 23, Number 2, June 2001, pp. 61-70. C. Soma Sundar Reddy, K.Durga Sreenivas |
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137. | Digital Video Watermarking Techniques for Secure Multimedia Creation and Delivery
Digital Video Watermarking Techniques for Secure Multimedia Creation and DeliveryAbstract: Due to the extensive use of digital media applications, multimedia security and the copyright protection has gained tremendous important. Digital watermarking is a technology used for the copyright protection of digital application. In this paper we have compressive approach for digital video watermarking is introduced,were watermark image is embedded in to the video frame each video frame is decomposed in to sub images using 2 level Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Transform is applied for each block in the two bands LL & HH.[1,2]combining the two transform improved the performance of the watermark algorithm. The scheme is tested by various attacks. Experimental result shows no visible difference between watermark frame and original video frame, it shows the robustness against a wide range of attack such as Gaussion noise, salt & pepper Noise ,median filtering , rotation, cropping etc. The Proposed scheme is tested using number of video sequences .its experimental result shows high imperceptibility where there is no noticeable difference between the watermark video frame and original video frame. Without attacking any noise on to the watermark video frame the computed normalized correlation (NC) is 1 and Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) having high Score which is 44.097.Key words: Digital Video Watermarking, Discrete Wavelet Transform, Principal Component Analysis, Image Watermark. Reference [1] C.I.Podilchuk,E.J. Delp "Digital watermarking: algorithms and applications," Signal Processing Magazine, Vol 18,pp. 33-46, IEEE, July 2001. [2] G. Langelaar, I. Setyawan, and R. Lagendijk, "WatermarkingDigital Image and Video Data: A State of - Art Overview," IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol. , pp. 20-46, Sep. 2000. [3] T. Tokar, T. Kanocz, D. Levicky, "Digital watermarking of uncompressed video in spatial domain," 9th International Conference on Radioelectronica, IEEE, pp. 319-322, 2009. [4] C.H. Li and S.S. Wang, "Transform-Based Watermarking for Digital Images and Video," IEEE International Conference, June1999. [5] T. Hu, J. Wei, "A digital video watermarking scheme based on 1D-DWT", IEEE, International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Computer Science , 2010, pp. 1-3. [6] C.X. Wang, X. Nie, X. Wan, W.B. Wan and F. Chao, "A Blind Video Watermarking Scheme Based on DWT", Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, IEEE, vol. 1, pp. 434-437, 2009. [7] T.D. Hien, Y.W. Chen, Z. Nakao, "PCA Based Digital Watermarking", KES 2003, LNAI 2773, pp. 1427-1434, 2003. Mr Mohan A Chimanna, Prof.S.R.Khot |
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138. | Bandwidth and Gain Enhanced with I-slotted Microstrip Patch for Wireless Communication
Bandwidth and Gain Enhanced with I-slotted Microstrip Patch for Wireless CommunicationAbstract: This paper describes the enhancement of rectangular patch for GSM band of frequency 5.3 GHz. An I–slotted Microstrip patch antenna has been designed and simulated using IE3D 14.10. The proposed Microstrip Patch antenna is designed to support modes with resonance at 5.3 GHz and it was found that an increase of bandwidth of 20.45 % and achieved gain is 7.24 dBi.The antenna design and performance are analyzed using Zealand IE3D software(VSWR≤2).The antenna can be used for many modern communication systems.Key words: Bandwidth, Gain, I-slot, Return loss and wireless communication Reference [1]. I.J.Bahl and Bhartia,Microstrip Antenna,Artech House,1980 [2]. G.Kumar And K.P.Ray,Broadband Microstrip Antennas,First edition,USA,Artech House,2003 [3]. R.G.Voughan.1988.Two-port higher mode circular microstrip antennas.IEEE, Trans.Antennas Propagat, 36(3):309-321. [4]. Multi-slotted Microstrip antenna for wireless communication,M.T.Islam Institute of space science(Angkasa) Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Bangi UKM 43600, Selangor [5]. D.E, Malaysia M.N.Shakib and N.Misran Electrical, Electronic and system department Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Bangi UKm 43600, Sellangor D.E, Malaysia. [6]. Prabhakar H.V and U.K.2007.Electronics Letters,2nd August.43(16) [7]. Pozar David M.1998.Microwave Engineering .john Wiley, New York, NY, USA, 2nd Ed. [8]. Ramesh Garg, Prakash Bhartia, Inder Bhal and Apisak Ittipiboon. 2001. Microstrip Antenna Design Handbook.Artech-House Inc. India. [9]. I.Puri, A.Agarwal, Bandwidth and gain increment of microstrip patch antenna with shifted elliptical slot, 7th July, 2011. [10]. Pozar David M.1998.Microwave Engineering .john Wiley, New York, NY, USA, 2nd Ed. [11]. C.A.Balanis,"Antenna Theory and Design", 2nd Edition, New York, Wiley 1997. [12]. IE3Dversion 14.10, Zeland software, May 2008. Pritam Singha Roy ,Rudra Prasad Biswas, Moumita Guha, Chandan Sinha Roy, Dr. Samik Chakraborty |
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139. | Developing Interfaces in SAP for Punching/Engraving VIN Plates
Developing Interfaces in SAP for Punching/Engraving VIN PlatesAbstract: The proposed system contains deploying VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) plate formats on peer machines that contain information about the vehicle being assembled pertaining to the specifications of a country. E.g., in India, in the format followed, everything is written left-to-right, whereas in Arab countries, details are mentioned right-to-left, owing to use of a different script and writing format. So the user requirements state to construct a system which is compatible to punch the details of the vehicle (engine number, color code, certification number, TAT number etc.) which are obtained from the database that is interfaced with SAP and reflect the same on punched VIN plate. These VIN plates provide a unique identity to a vehicle and thus are used worldwide for official purposes. According to the government norms of a particular country, if the number of attributes or their position on the VIN plate changes, the functionality is expected to be built in such a way that it incorporates the above changes easily modifying or adding any surplus code. The information regarding the plate format (dimensions and coordinates) of a particular country will be combined in a text file, i.e., for every country there may be more than a single format and for each format, there will be a separate text file. These files will be stored on a central repository server from where these will be fetched as per the requirements.Reference [1]. SAP AG, http://combosaurus.com/interest/sap-ag [2]. ABAP/4 Programming, http://technofunc.com/index.php/erp/153- what-is-sap-abap [3]. Presentation on "Integrated Project Management IPM (Without IPPD) Intermediate Concepts of CMMI" by Kiril Karaatanasov [4]. Client/Server architecture, http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/C/client _server_architecture.html [5]. Article on RS232 Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RS-232 Neeraj N. Nasery, Priyanka J. Karpe, Shruti B. Keswani |
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140. | Energy Optimization of Field Oriented Poly-Phase Induction
Motor Drive
Energy Optimization of Field Oriented Poly-Phase Induction Motor DriveAbstract: The use of six-phase induction motor for industrial drives presents several advantages over the conventional three-phase drive such as improved reliability, magnetic flux harmonic reduction, torque pulsations minimization, and reduction on the power ratings for the static converter. For these reasons, six-phase induction motors are beginning to be a widely acceptable alternative in high power applications. A typical construction of such drives includes an induction machine with a dual three-phase connection, where two three-phase groups are spatially shifted 30 electrical degrees, a six-leg inverter, and a control circuit. By controlling the machine's phase currents, harmonic elimination and torque-ripple reduction techniques could be implemented.Key words: Six phase induction machine, Field-oriented control (FOC), space vector pulse width modulation (SVPWM). Reference [1] Renato O.CLyra,"Torque Density improvement in a Six-Phase induction motor With Third Harmonic Current Injection," ," IEEE Transactions on Industry Application, vol.38,No.5,SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2002. [2] A. R. Bakhshai, G. Joos, and H. Jin, "Space vector PWM control of a split-phase induction machine using the vector classification technique," in Proc. IEEE APEC‟98, vol. 2, Feb. 1998, pp. 802–808. [3] R. H. Nelson and P. C. Krause, "Induction machine analysis for arbitrary displacement between multiple windings," IEEE Trans. Power App. Syst., vol. PAS-93, pp. 841–848, May 974 [4] T. A. Lipo, "A d–q model for six phase induction machines," in Proc. ICEM‟80, Athens, Greece, Sept. 1980, pp. 860–867. [5] J. Fu and T. A. Lipo, "Disturbance free operation of a multiphase current regulated motor drive with an opened phase," IEEE Trans. Ind. Applicat., vol. 30, pp. 1267–1274, Sept./Oct. 1994. [6] Davood Yazdani, S. Ali Khajehoddin, Alireza Bakhshai, Géza Joós, "Full Utilization of the Inverter in Split-Phase Drives by Means of a Dual Three-Phase Space Vector Classification Algorithm, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, VOL. 56, NO. 1, JANUARY 2009. [7] Narmak, Tehran, Iran," Energy Optimization of Field Oriented Six- Phase Induction Motor Drive [8] R. Di Gabriele, F. Parasiliti, M. Tursini, "Digital Field Oriented Control for induction motors: implementation and experimental results", Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC‟97) [9] R. Bojoi, M. Lazzari, F. Profumo, and A. Tenconi, "Digital field oriented control for Dual three-phase induction motor drives," IEEE Trans. Ind App, vol.39, Issue 3, pp 1243-1254, May 2003. [10] Y. Zhao and T. A. Lipo, "Space Vector PWM Control of Dual Three- phase Induction Machine Using Vector Space Decomposition," IEEE Trans. Ind App, pp 1369-1379. VOL. 31, Issue.5, 1995. Miss. Roma A.Gathe, Mr. R.D.Jawale, Mr.S.B.Warkad |
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141. | Embedded MEMS: A New Era in Mobile Technology
Embedded MEMS: A New Era in Mobile TechnologyAbstract: The mobile technology is one of the rapidly developing technologies in the present embedded market. For this reason the designers are facing so many challenges to get the efficient products. Nowadays the Embedded MEMS (Microelectromechanical System) is one technology which is creating a new era in the field of mobile technology. The purpose of this paper is to gives an idea about the recent implementations of MEMS in the field of mobile phones and tablets, present and future market scenario of MEMS and the challenges of the developers in the designing of the Embedded MEMS.Key words: EMBEDDED MEMS, MOBILE TECHNOLOGY,MEMSSENSORS Reference [1] "An information portal for the MEMS and Nanotechnology community" available at www.memsnet.org. [2] R. Ghodssi, P. Lin (2011). MEMS Materials and Processes Handbook. Berlin: Springer.ISBN 978-0-387-47316-1. [3] Bruno Flament and Yanis Caritu, Movea SA, France "Use of MEMS Motion Sensors for Embedded MobileApplications" [4] Carlos Vallin, Section L01, CP I/O Group, "MEMS accelerometers as motion tracking devices". [5] Willie D. Jones (Feb 2010), "A Compass in Every Smartphone", IEEE spectrum, retrieved 21 Oct 2012. [6] www.wikipedia.org, ""Vibrating Structure Gyroscope". [7] Steve Nasiri, David Sachs and Michael Maia "Selection and integration of MEMS-based motion processing in consumer apps", July 08, 2009. [8] Justin Lee, "MEMS Microphone", Oct 19, 2009. [9] R.Aigner, InfineonTechnologies, Munich, Germany, " MEMS in RF Filter Applications: Thin-film Bulk Acoustic WaveTechnology". [10] Yole Development, http://www.yole.fr,"MEMS for Cell Phones andTablets" Mr.V.Hari Prasad, Mr.Ashok Kumar Yadav, Dr. T Srinivasulu |
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142. | Wireless Automated Video Surveillance System Using Motion Detection Method
Wireless Automated Video Surveillance System Using Motion Detection MethodAbstract: In recent times the leakage of personal information and commercial secrets has increased by leaps and bounds. According to statistics in 2007 average no of victims for leak of personal information were 7, 85,568 and average no of victims for leak of commercial secrets were 2, 94,794. Of course these figures are not at all good for a developing company and nor for a company which is developed. Wireless Surveillance System has the solution to this problem. Wireless Surveillance System model consists of IR transmitter and receiver, microcontroller board, computer (with internet), webcam, mobile. In this model when IR is interrupted the signal is send to the microcontroller which is connected to the computer, the computer then disables the keyboard, mouse also activates web cam simultaneously and sends live video to the GPRS enabled mobile. It also sends SMS messages in case the administrator is unable to view online images due to lack of internet connection of less speed. This system is good as compared to other surveillance system because it does not require continuous monitoring the user is alerted by sending SMS followed by live video using video streaming. This system has a good future because it can also be used in banks, schools, government organizations etc.Key words: Correlation technique, Motion detection algorithm, RSA encryption algorithm, Sensors. Reference [1] Evaluating Motion Detection Algorithms:Issues and Results, J. Renno, N. Lazarevic-McManus, D. Makris and G.A. Jones Digital Imaging Research Centre,Kingston University, Penrhyn Road, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey, UK KT1 2EE [2] A J2ME-Based Wireless automated Video Surveillance System Using Motion detection method Lizhong Xu , Zhong Wang , Huibin Wang , Aiye Shi , Chenming Li College of Computer and Information Engineering Hohai University Nanjing, P. R. China 210098 [3] Detection of Moving Images Using Neural Network P. Latha, L. Ganesan, N. Ramaraj, and P.V. Hari Venkatesh [4] Moving object detection Renzo Perfetti, Daniele Casali, Giovanni Costantini [5] Javed M. Tracking and Object Classification for Automated Surveillance, Proc European Conf. on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2002. [6] M Valera, SA Velastin, Intelligent distributed surveillance systems: a review. IEE Proceedings on Visual Im age Signal Processing, April. 2005, vol. 152, vo.2, pp.192-204 [7] M. Piccardi, Background subtraction techniques: a review, IEEE International Conference on Systems,Man and Cybernetics, Oct. 2004, vol. 4, pp. 3099–3104. Prof. Pramod Ganjewar, Shailesh Bandle, Prasad Waghmare |
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143. | Optimal Interpolated FIR (IFIR) Digital Filter Design with Spectral Estimation for Radar and Sonar System
Optimal Interpolated FIR (IFIR) Digital Filter Design with Spectral Estimation for Radar and Sonar SystemAbstract: Finite impulse response (FIR) filters are highly desirable in digital filter design because of their inherent stability and linear phase. However, when narrow transition band characteristics are required, they typically have a much higher filter order than their infinite impulse response counterparts with equivalent magnitude spectrums. Widowing methods and the frequency response sampling method were presented with examples, but they were improved upon with the IFIR design technique. The results shown that the computational cost of a Interpolated FIR (IFIR) is less with comparing the computational cost of a signal stage FIR filter and Multistage FIR filter which can be used both at the receiver and the transmitter.Key words: Bandwidth (BW), Inter Symbol Interference (ISI), Interpolated filtering (IFIR), Finite impulse response filter (FIR) Reference [1]. Harris, Frederick J. "On the Use of Windows for Harmonic Analysis with the Discrete Fourier Transform." Proceed. IEEE. vol. 66, issue: 1, pp. 51-83, Jan. 1978. [2]. H.D. Helms, "Non recursive digital filters: Design methods for achieving specifications on frequency response," IEEE Trans. Audio Electroacoust., vol.16,issue:3, , pp.336-342.,Sep.1968. [3]. Hogenauer, E. B., "An Economical Class of Digital Filters for Decimation and Interpolation," IEEE Trans. Acoust., Speech, Signal Process. , vol. 29, issue: 2, , pp. 155-162, Apr. 1981. [4]. J.F. Kaiser, "Non recursive digital filter design using the I0-sinh window function," IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits and Syst, , pp. 20- 23,Apr. 1974. [5]. Mehrnia and A.N. Willson, Jr., "On optimal IFIR design," Proc. Int. Symp. Circuits and Syst., vol. 3, May 2004, pp. 133-136. [6]. Patrick O'Keefe, "Case Study: LinearPhase FIR Digital Filter Design Techniques," EEN436 University of Miami, FL,33146 , 2009. [7]. T. Saramaki, T. Neuvo, and S.K. Mitra, "Design of computation all efficient interpolated FIR filters," IEEE Trans. Circuits and Syst., vol. 35, no. 1, Jan. 1988, pp. 70-88. [8]. R. W. Schafer and L. R. Rabiner, "A digital signal processing approach to interpolation," Proc. IEEE, vol. 61, pp. 692-702, Jun. 1973. [9]. Welch, P.D, "The Use of Fast Fourier Transform for the Estimation of Power Spectra: A Method Based on Time Averaging Over Short, Modified Periodograms," IEEE Trans. Audio Electroacoustics, vol.AU-15, pp.70-73. Jun. 1967 [10]. www.mathworks.com Sandeep Kaur, Mandeep Singh Saini, Palvee |
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144. | Outage Performance Enhancement of Cognitive Radio UnderNakagami Fading
Outage Performance Enhancement of Cognitive Radio UnderNakagami FadingAbstract: The cognitive network allows the unlicensed user to access the licensed spectrum to enhance spectrum utilization. In this paper we make an attempt to enhance the outage performance of the cognitive user by incorporating multiple antenna and maximal ratio combining (MRC) scheme at the cognitive user and relays in the wireless environment to detect the presence of the primary user. The wireless environment is assumed to be characterized by Nakagami fading as it provides a single model for Rayleigh and Rician fading. Mathematical expression for outage probability is derived from the test statistics at the fusion center which receives the signal from the cognitive user through MRC scheme and relays. The outage performance is analyzed in terms of probability of false alarm and probability of detection for different receiving and fading conditions. Throughput performance of the entire system is also investigated through numerical analysis by implementing different numbers of receiving antenna and relays. Simulation results provided at the end validates the various numerical analysis discussed above.Key words: Cognitive radio, maximal ratio combining, Nakagami fading, outage probability. Reference [1] Marco Cardenas-Juarez and MounirGhogho, "Spectrum Sensing andThroughput Trade-off in Cognitive Radio under Outage Constraints overNakagami Fading", IEEE communications letters, vol. 15, no. 10, October2011. [2] B.LakshmiPriya and G.Thavaseelan, "Throughput Analysis and Spectrum SensingOverNakagami Fading in Cognitive Radio" International Journal of Computer Science and Management Research (IJCSMR), vol 1, issue 4 November 2012. [3] M. Cardenas-Juarez and M. Ghogho, "Spectrum sensing and datatransmission trade-off in cognitive radio under outage constraints," IETElectron.Lett., vol. 47, no. 7, Mar. 2011. [4] Stefanovic, Z., Hana; and Savic, M., Ana, Integral Characteristics of theNakagami-m Distribution of Signal Envelope, Transactions on InternetResearch, Volume 8, Number 1, ISSN 1820 – 4503, January 2012. [5] Kyounghwan Lee, AylinYener," Outage Performance of Cognitive Wireless RelayNetworks" Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM 2006 B.Lakshmi Priya, G.Thavaseelan |
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145. | Optimizing the agents coordination in Multi-agent system
through JADE Tool
Optimizing the agents coordination in Multi-agent system through JADE ToolAbstract: Agent-based systems technology has generated a lot of enthusiasm in recent years because of its guarantee as a innovative standard for conceptualizing, designing, and implementing software systems. Increasingly, however, applications require multiple agents that can work together. A multi-agent system (MAS) is a loosely coupled network of software agents that interact to solve problems that are beyond the individual capacities or knowledge of each problem solver. JADE (Java Agent Development Framework) is a software environment to build agent systems for the management of networked information resources. JADE offers an agent middleware to implement efficient FIPA2000 compliant multi-agent systems and supports their development through the availability of a predefined programmable agent model, an ontology development support, and a set of management and testing tools. In this paper we will use JADE tool for developing the autonomous software agents which manage (intermediates) the communication and coordination between an agent and the agent society wherein this is situated. With this aim, we have used the Java agent development toolkit provides agents with a highly versatile range of programmable before and during the agent's run-time communication and coordination services. IKey words: Intelligent Agent, Multi-agent system, Reasoning, Coordination, JADE Reference [1]. M. Allen-Williams. Coordination in multiagent systems. PhD thesis, University of Southampton, 2006. [2]. M. Bouroche, B. Hughes, and V. Cahill. Real-time coordination of autonomous vehicles. In IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 06), 2006, 1232-1239. [3]. C. Carrascosa, J. Bajo, V. Julian, J. Corchado, and V. Botti. Hybrid multi-agent architecture as a real-time problem-solving model. Expert Systems with Applications, 34(1), 2008, 2-17. [4]. P. Ciancarini, A. Omicini, and F. Zambonelli. Multiagent system engineering: The coordination viewpoint. Lecture notes in computer science, pages, 2000, 250-259. [5]. E. Durfee. Scaling up agent coordination strategies. Computer, 2001, 39-46. [6]. E. Durfee. Challenges to Scaling-Up Agent Coordination Strategies. Multiagent Systems, Artificial societies and simulated organizations, 10, 2004, 119-132. [7]. D. Gelernter and N. Carriero. Coordination languages and their significance. Communication ACM, 35(2), 1992, 97-107. [8]. N. Jamali and S. Ren. A layered architecture for real-time distributed multiagent systems. SIGSOFT Softw. Eng. Notes, 30(4), 2005, 1-8. [9]. E. D. Jensen. Real-time for the real world. http://www.real-time.org/ [10]. V. Julian and V. Botti. Developing realtime multi-agent systems. Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, 11(2), 2004, 135-149. Preety, Nidhi Jindal, Vikas Tomar |
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146. | A Review on Various Data Security Techniques in Wireless Communication System
A Review on Various Data Security Techniques in Wireless Communication SystemAbstract: The data transfer, either through wired media or wireless media, needs privacy or a security. In case of wireless means of communication when the data is in the route, in order to protect the data from going into the hands of an unauthorized person, the two main techniques are used i.e. Steganography and Cryptography. Steganography hides the messages inside other harmless digital media without altering it such that no one can detect the presence of secret message whereas cryptography is the science of writing the secret message and the science of encryption and decryption. Basically Cryptography may be public key cryptography also called asymmetric where different keys are used for encryption and decryption or the private key processes or it may be the private key cryptography also called symmetric which uses the same key for both the encryption and decryption processes. Symmetric cryptographic algorithms operating on single bit at a time are said to be stream ciphers and those operating on data in groups or blocks are said to be symmetric block ciphers. This paper aims at the study of various symmetric block ciphers like Data Encryption Standards (DES), Triple-Data Encryption Standards (T-DES) And Advanced Encryption Standards (AES). Also this paper compares the various encryption and decryption algorithms used in Data Encryption Standards (DES) and Advanced Encryption Standards (AES) which may be implemented in various hardwares like ASICs and FPGA. Field Programmable Gate Arrays are the digital Integrated Circuits which can be reconfigured are widely used to provide the high performance and the low cost application for the purpose of performing cryptographic applications.Key words: Advanced Encryption Standard(AES), Cryptography, Data Encryption Standards (DES), Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) Reference [1] Mamta Sood, Manohar Wagh and Monika Cheema, "Implementation of a Wireless Communication System – A Review", in International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 63– No.15, February 2013. [2] Mohammad Fakir Husain Starker and Md. Sheffield Pares, "A Cost Effective Symmetric Key Cryptographic Algorithm for Small Amount Of Data". [3] Naïf A. Kofahil, Turkic Al-Somali and Khalid Ai-Zamia "Performance Evaluation Of Three Encryption/Decryption Algorithms", in 0- 7803-8294-3/04/$ 20.00-2004 IEEE, Pages 790-793. [4] M.J.B Robs haw, "Block Ciphers", Technical Report, RSA Laboratories, Number TR – 601, July 1994. [5] M.J.B. Robs haw, "Stream Ciphers" Technical Report, RSA Data Security, Inc., Number TR-701, Pages 46, and July 1995. [6] National Bureau of Standards (U.S.), "Data Encryption Standards (DES)", Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 46, National Technical Information National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA, April 1977. [7] Tariq Jamal, "IEEE POTENTIALS", 0278- 6648/04/$20.00, IEEE 2004, April-May 2004. Pages 36-38. [8] K. Wong, Mewari and E. Dawson, "A Single Chip FPGA Implementation of" The Data Encryption Standard (DES) Algorithm", In 0- 7803-4984-9/98/$10.00,IEEE 1998. [9] J. Daemen and V.Rijmen, "The Block Ciphers Rijndael", Lecturer Notes In Computer Science, Vol.1820/2000, pp. 277-284. [10] Joseph Zambreno, David Nguyen and Amole Chaudhary. Exploring Area/ Delay Tradeoffs in an AES FPGA Implementation. In Proceedings of the 14th Annual International Conference on FPLA. Pages 575-585. Springer 2004). [11] Anural Gupta, Afandi Ahmadd, Mhd Saeed Sharif And Abbes Amira, "Rapid Prototyping of AES Encryption For Wireless Communication System On FPGA". [12] Dong Chen, Guochu Shou,Yihong Hu, Zhigang Guo," Efficient Architecture & Implementations of AES" In 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering (ICACTE), 2010, Pgs V6- 295 V6-298. Dr. Mamta Sood, Manohar Wagh, Monika Cheema |
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147. | On-Line Remote Data Acquisition and Control System for Embedded Real Time Applications
On-Line Remote Data Acquisition and Control System for Embedded Real Time ApplicationsAbstract: A typical Data Acquisition System (DAS) consists of individual sensors with the necessary signal conditioning, data conversion, data processing, multiplexing, data handling and associated transmission, storage and display data. This paper describes the DAS that is very useful in keeping track of data from sensors recording values from the environment in real time. The data collected from the sensor may be transmitted over long distances from the test center to the controlling authority. Analog data is acquired and converted into digital form for the purpose of processing, transmission, display and storage. A data can be transmitted transparently through Ethernet interface unit to the remote end desktop computer. While becoming the dominant LAN technology, Ethernet has proven to be a very effective and very economical PC networking solution. With 10 Mbps and 100 Mbps Ethernet components widely available at a relatively low cost, This design has the advantage of cost-effective, easily realized, stable and reliable transmission and so on.Key words: - ARM9, Linux system, Qtopia, TCP/IP, LAN. Reference [1] S.Li, Jiarong, R. Luo, Yichun C.Wu, Guiming M. Li, Feng Wang, and Yong Wang. "Continuous and Real-Time Data Acquisition Embedded System for EAST", IEEE Trans. Nuclear science,Vol.57, No.2, pp. 696-699, April 2010. [2] Tran Nguyen, Bao Anh, Su-Lim Tan, "Real-Time Operating Systems for small microcontrollers", IEEE Comp society, pp. 31-45, September 2009. [3] F. Acernese, P. Amico, M. Alshourbagy, F. Antonucci, S. Aoudia, P. Astone, S. Avino, D. Babusci, G. Ballardin,"Data Acquisition System of the Virgo Gravitational Waves Interferometric detector"IEEE Trans. Nuclear science , Vol. 55, No. 1, pp.225-232, February 2008. [4] S. B. Silverstein, J. Rosenqvist, and C. Bohm, "A simple Linux-based platform for rapid prototyping of experimental control systems,"IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 927– 929, Jun. 2006. [5] Daogang Peng, Hao Zhang, Kai Zhang, Hui Li, Fei Xia,"Research of the Embedded Dynamic Web Monitoring System Based on EPA Protocol and ARM Linux,"IEEE Conf, pp.640-644, 2009. [6] www.FriendlyArm.net. Sheetal K. Mahadik, Prof.P.G.Chilveri |
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148. | A review paper on Solar Dryer
A review paper on Solar DryerAbstract: The unpredictable rise and frequent scarcity of fossil fuel accelerated the continuous search for an alternative power source. Solar is one of the renewable and sustainable sources of power that attracted a large community of researchers from all over the world. This is largely due to its abundant in both direct and indirect form. As such the development of efficient and inexpensive equipment for the drying of agricultural and marine products using solar power evolved thereby improving the quality of the products as well as improving the quality of life. The use of solar dryers in the drying of agricultural products can significantly reduce or eliminate product wastage, food poisoning and at the sometime enhance productivity of the farmers towards better revenue derived. A solar crop drying system does not solely depend on solar energy to function; it combines fuel burning with the energy of the sun, thus reducing fossil fuel consumption. In this paper a review of the solar dryer is presented. The various design of the solar dryer is reported in the literature thus far is presented..Reference [1] Diemuodeke E. OGHENERUONA, Momoh O.L. YUSUF.Design and Fabrication of a Direct Natural Convection Solar Dryer for Tapioca;Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Port Harcourt Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Port Harcourt, P.M.B. 5323, Choba, Rivers State, Nigeria; Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and Technologies ISSN 1583- 1078; Issue 18, January-June 2011 p. 95- 104. [2] M. Mohanraj, P. CHANDRASEKAR.Performance of a Forced Convection SolarDrier Integrated With Gravel As Heat StorageMaterial For Chili Drying; School of Mechanical Sciences, Karunya University, Coimbatore -641114. India,School of Engineering and Sciences, Swinburne University of Technology (Sarawak Campus), Kuching Sarawak- 93576 Malaysia; Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Vol. 4, No. 3 (2009) 305 – 314. [3] Bukola O. Bolaji and Ayoola P. Olalusi.Performance Evaluation of a Mixed-Mode Solar Dryer;Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Agriculture Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria; AU J.T. 11(4): 225-231 (Apr. 2008). [4] Bukola O. Bolaji , Tajudeen M.A. Olayanju and Taiwo O. Falade. Performance Evaluation of a Solar WindVentilated Cabinet Dryer;Department of Mechanical Engineering, The Federal University of Agriculture, P.M.B. 2240, Abeokuta, Nigeria; The West Indian Journal of Engineering Vol.33, Nos.1/2, January 2011, pp.12-18; (Received 11 August 2005; Accepted January 2011). [5] Ahmed Abed Gatea. Design, construction and performance evaluation of solar maize dryer;Department of Agricultural mechanization, College of Agriculture, University of Baghdad, Iraq;Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology andSustainable Development Vol. 2(3), pp. 039-046, March 2010; Accepted 29 October, 2009. [6] F.K. Forson,M.A.A. Nazha, F.O. Akuffo,H.Rajakaruna. Design of mixedmode natural convection solar crop dryers: Application of principles and rules of thumb; Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana Department of Mechanical Engineering, De Montfort University, Queens Building, Leicester LE1 9BH, UK; Renewable Energy 32 (2007) 2306–2319; Received 9 August 2006; accepted 15 December 2006 Available online 22 February 2007 [7] EL- Amin Omda Mohamed Akoy, Mohamed Ayoub Ismail, El-Fadil Adam Ahmed and W. Luecke. Design and Construction of A Solar Dryer for Mango Slices. [8] M.A. Hossaina and B.K. Bala. Drying of hot chilli using solar tunnel drier; Farm Machinery and Postharvest ProcessEngineering Division, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Gazipur- 1701, Bangladesh. Department of FarmPower and Machinery, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh- 2202, Bangladesh, June 2006. [9] J. Banout, P. Ehl, J. Havlik, B. Lojka, Z. Polesny, V. Verner. Design and performance evaluation of a Doublepasssolar drier for drying of red chilli, Dec 2010. [10] Ahmed AbedGatea. Design and construction of a solar drying system, a cylindrical section and analysis of the performance of the thermal drying system. Department of Agricultural Mechanization, College of Agriculture, University of Baghdad, Iraq, July 2010 [11] Fudholi A, K. Sopian, M.H. Ruslan, M.A. Alghoul and M.Y. Sulaiman (2010). Review of solar dryers for agricultural and marine products, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 14, 1–30. [12] Ben M. and S. Belghith (2000);Development of the Solar Crop Dryers in Tunisia.5pgs.www.advancedrier.com accessed 5 th September, 2009 [13] Murthy, M.V. R. (2009), A review of new technologies, models and experimental investigations of solar driers Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 13, 835– 844. UmeshToshniwal, S.R Karale |
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149. | Analysis of Co-Channel Interference under various Radio Propagation Environments
Analysis of Co-Channel Interference under various Radio Propagation EnvironmentsAbstract: Coverage and capacity are significant issues in the planning process for cellular mobile networks. Scarcity of the frequency band is acting as a bottleneck to the tremendous advancement in the field of mobile communication. Nowadays Cellular Technology is being invariably employed in mobile communication to maximize the spectral efficiency. Due to the frequency reuse, there comes the problem of Co-channel interference into picture, due to which we have to restrict the frequency reuse factor. This paper gives an analysis of co-channel interference under all possible propagation environment condition with all possible values of cells in a cluster.Key words: Calculation, Noise reduction, Optimization, Planning, Quality signal. Reference [1] Lee, W.C.Y., Mobile Communication Design Fundamentals, (New York, NY: John Wiley and Sons, 1993). [2] Lee, W.C.Y., Mobile Cellular Telecommunication: Analog and Digital Systems, (New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 1995). [3] Chen, G.K., Effect of Sectorization on the Spectrum Efficiency of Cellular Radio Systems, (IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, August 1992. pp 217-25). [4] Mehrotra, A., Cellular Radio Performance Engineering, (Norwood, MA: Artech House, 1994). [5] Rappaport, T.S., Wireless Communications, Principle & Practice, (Prentice Hall, NJ, 2002). [6] Xueshi Yang, Co-Channel interference modeling and analysis in Poisson field of interferes in Wireless Communication, Signal Processing IEEE transactions, 51(1), 2003, 64-76. Ranjan Mishra, Vishu Mittal, Abhishek Atrey |
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150. | Survey on Android Security Framework
Survey on Android Security FrameworkAbstract: Smartphone with open source operating systems are getting popular now days. Increased exposure of open source Smartphone is increasing the security risk also. Android is one of the most popular open source operating system for mobile platforms. Android provide a basic set of permissions to protect phone resources. But still the security area is underdeveloped. This survey is about the current work done on the Android operating system. Some of the techniques, which can introduce a positive edge to the security area, are analyzed in the present survey paper. These techniques are basically to provide a better security and to make the Android security mechanism more flexible. As the current security mechanism is too rigid. User does not have any control over the usage of an application. User has only two choices, a) allow all permissions and application will install, b) deny all permissions and installation will failKey words: Android Architecture, APEX, Poly Android Installer Reference [1] William Enck, Machigar Ongtang, and Patrick McDaniel. On lightweight mobile phone application certification USA, 2009. ACM. [2] Google. Android Home Page, 2009. Available at: http://www.android.com. [3] Google. Android Reference: Intent, 2009. http://developer.android.com/reference/android /content/Intent.html. [4] Apex: extending Android permission model and enforcem Swapnil Powar, Dr. B. B. Meshram |
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151. | The study of correlation between exchange rate volatility, stock price and lending behavior of banking system (Case Study Maskan Bank)
The study of correlation between exchange rate volatility, stock price and lending behavior of banking system (Case Study Maskan Bank)Abstract: Since many economic sections especially housing section requires getting loan from banks, changes in bank lending behavior due to changes in key economic variables may encounter their enterprises with serious hazards.Therefore, in this study lending behavior in Maskan Bank during the period 1991-2011 was modeled, using(VAR) model. The results of estimated long-term VECM model, showed that among key economic variables, changes in total money supply, inflation rate, exchange rate and stock price volatility in long term, has an inverse effect, and changes in exchange price has a direct effect on in Maskan Bank lending behavior . Also the results showed that in estimated short-term VECM(Vector Error Correction Model) model, Changes in total money supply, in short-term, has a direct effect, and inflation rate, exchange rate and fluctuations in stock price, has no significant effect on in Maskan Bank lending behavior . Thus, according to the results of this study, based on lending behavior effect in Maskan Bank from Volatility of key economic variables, it is suggested that experts and authorities in housing action, consider the findings of this study to meet appropriate decisions.Key words: exchange rate, volatility of stock price, Maskan Bank lending behavior , Vector Error Correction Model. (VECM) Reference 1. Afrakhth, c. Hawass, n. (2011), An Analysis of Maskan Bank Role 2. Housing Development (Case Study: Seyed Ebrahim , Dehloran district), Geography, 31: 55-76. 3. Ahari,Z . Amini, New Sh. (1996), the experiences of different countries in the provision of housing, Tehran: National Land Agency, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, Housing Foundation of Islamic Revolution. 4. Amidu, M. (2006), The link between monetary policy and banks lending behaviour: the Ghanaian case, Banks and Bank Systems: 38- 48. 5. Gerlach, S and Peng, W. (2002), Bank Lending and Property Prices in Hong Kong, presented at the Bank of Finland/CEPR Annual Workshop on Asset Markets and Monetary Policy in Helsinki, 25/26 April 2002. 6. Gomez, R., & Santor, E. (2003), Do peer group members outperform individual borrowers? A test of peer group lending using Canadian micro-credit data. Working paper no .2003-33, Bank of Canada, Ottawa. 7. Greene, W. H. (2002), Econometric Analysis, Fifth edition, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458. 8. Hassanzadeh, A. Azvajy, A. Qavidel, p. (2006) study the effects of micro-credit on reducing poverty and income inequalities, Journal of IslamicEconomics: 45-68. 9. Mbutor, O. M. (2010), Exchange rate volatility, stock price fluctuations and the lending behaviour of banks in Nigeria, Journal of Economics and International Finance, 2(11):251-260. 10. McGibany, J. and F. Nourzad. "Do Lower Mortgage Rates Mean Higher Housing Prices?" Applied Economics, 36(4), 2004 Mohammad Laskary, Sadegh Imandoust, Ali Goli, Nayereh Hasannia |
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152. | Clustering Approach For Maximizing The Lifetime Of Wireless Sensor Networks
Clustering Approach For Maximizing The Lifetime Of Wireless Sensor NetworksAbstract: Wireless sensor networks(WSNs) consists of a large number of wireless sensor nodes that have sensing, data processing and communication functionalities. WNSs are typically used to monitor a field of interest to detect movement, temperature changes, precipitation etc. Energy Consumption and Coverage are two major problems in wireless sensor networks. We implement our proposed scheme in NS-2 as an extension of Clustering technique. Clustering technique is one of the approaches to solve this problem. Clustering technique will be proposed for increase of network lifetime greater than 44%, tremendous energy saving and reduce the energy consumption in every node in the network. The proposed algorithm was compared with existing algorithm (Energy Remaining Greedy Scheduling Algorithm) in terms of network life-time by simulation. Simulation results show that tremendous energy saving, reduce the energy consumption, full coverage and prolong the network lifetime greater than 44% can be achieved by clustering technique.Key words: Cluster Head (CH), Coverage, Energy saving, Increase the Lifetime, Reduce the energy consumption, Wireless Sensor Networks . Reference [1] Arms Chris, Townsend. S., (2004) Wireless Sensor Networks: Principles and Applications. [2] Ali Raza Zaidi,S. ,Hafeez, M., D.C. McLernon d.c.Ghongo, M (2004) A Probabilistic model of k-coverage in Minimum Cost Wireless Sensor Networks. [3] Ammari. M., Giudiel, J., (2009) On the connected k-coverage problem in heterogeneous sensor nets: the curse of randoms and heterogeneity. [4] Anh Nguyen, Anna Forster, Daniele Puccinelli, Silvia Giordano S(2011) Sensor Node Lifetime. [5] Cardei. M.. Thai. M.T., Yingshu, L., Weili. W., (2005) Energy-efficient target coverage in wireless sensor networks. [6] Chang., J .H., Tassiulas. L., (2000) Energy conserving routing in wireless ad-hoc networks . [7] Chen. A., (2007) Designing Localized algorithms for barrier coverage ,Proc.ACM MobiCom. [8] Fan,G.J. ,Jin, S.Y(2010) Coverage problem in wireless sensor network: a survey. [9] Gao,S. ,Wang,X ., Li,Y .(2005) p-Percent Coverage Schedule in Wireless Sensor Networks'.ICCCN'08:17th Int. Conf.on computer communication and Networks. [10] Huang, D.F., Tseng, Y.C. (2003) The coverage problem in wireless sensor network. Sangeetha S, Ramalakshmi K |
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153. | Improved Graph Based K-NN Text Classification
Improved Graph Based K-NN Text ClassificationAbstract: This paper presents an improved graph based k-nn algorithm for text classification. Most of the organization are facing problem of large amount of unorganized data. Most of the existing text classification techniques are based on vector space model which ignores the structural information of the document which is the word order or the co-occurrences of the terms or words. In this paper we have used the graph based representation of the text in which structural information of the text document is taken into consideration. Feature selection phase plays a very important role in classification. The emphasis has been on effective feature selection methods using both standard as well globalized methods of feature selection which are MI+Chi, RMI+Chi (standard method) and WT (localized method). The dataset that had been used is self made English text document of five different categories. The final result had shown that it is not always that a standard method of feature selection will improve the categorization but a localized method that is Weight Of Terms [WT] can also improve the classification.Key words: Feature Selection, K-NN, Text Classification, Vector Space Model Reference [1] Zonghu Wang , Zhijing Liu ,2010 .Graph-based Chinese Text Categorization. In Proc. Of Seventh International Conference On Fuzzy systems and Knowledge Discovery. pp 2363- 2366. [2] Xiang Zhang, Mingquan Zhou, Guohua Geng, Na Ye, 2009. A Combined Feature Selection Method for Chinese Text Categorization. In Proc. Of International Conference Information Engineering and Computer Science, Wuhan, pp. 1-4. [3] Xiang Zhang, Mingquan Zhou, Guohua Geng, Na Ye, 2009. A Combined Feature Selection Method for Chinese Text Categorization. In Proc. Of International Conference Information Engineering and Computer Science, Wuhan, pp. 1-4. [4] Yao- Tsung, Chen, Meng Chang Chen, 2011. Using Chi-Square Statistics To Measure Similarities For Text Categorization. Taiwan. pp – 3085-3090. 14. [5] Zonghu Wang, Zhijing Liu, 2010. Graph Based K-NN Text Classification. In Proc. Of International Conference on Electrical and control engineering. pp 1092-1095. [6] Zhou, Fan Zhang, Bingru Yang ,2005. Towards Graph-based Text Representation Model and Its Realization. In Proc. Of International Conference on Natural Language and Knowledge Engineering , CNLP-KE, Beijing ,vol.19, pp. 1-8 . [7] Zonghu Wang , Zhijing Liu ,2010 .Graph-based Chinese Text Categorization. In Proc. Of Seventh International Conference On Fuzzy systems and Knowledge Discovery. pp 2363- 2366. [8] Fabrizio Sebastiani, 2002. Text Categorisation. ACM Computing Survey, Italy, pp. 1-19. Lakshmi Kumari |
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154. | Influence of High Volume Fly Ash in Controlling Heat of Hydration of Concrete
Influence of High Volume Fly Ash in Controlling Heat of Hydration of ConcreteAbstract: This paper highlights test results on the influence of high volume fly ash in controlling the heat of hydration in concrete. Four concrete mixes namely, concrete containing 100% ordinary Portland cement as control, and high volume fly ash concrete i.e. concrete containing 40, 50 and 60% fly ash were prepared. The temperature rise due to heat of hydration in all the mixes was recorded. It has been found that fly ash significantly reduced the total temperature rise in concrete. The result obtained and the observation made demonstrate that the high volume replacement of cement by fly ash is advantageous, particularly for mass concrete where thermal cracking due to excessive heat rise is of great concernKey words: Portland cement, pozzolan, high volume fly ash, hydration, temperature rise. Reference [1] A.S.M.A. Awal and W.M. Hussin, Influence of palm oil fuel ash in reducing heat of hydration of concrete. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering,38(2), 2010, 153-157. [2] A.M. Neville, Properties of Concrete. 4th ed. Longman group Ltd, 1995. [3] A.S.M.A. Awal and M.W. Hussin, Effect of palm oil fuel ash in controlling heat of hydration of concrete. The 12th East Asia – Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction. Procedia Engineering, 14, 2011, 2650-2657. [4] Portland Cement Association, Concrete Technology Today, 2(18), 1997. [5] D.F. Orchard, Concrete Technology, Vol.1, Applied Science Publisher Ltd, 1973. [6] V.S. Ramachandran, R.F. Feldman and J.J Beaudoin, Concrete Science: Treatise on current research. Heyden and son Ltd, 1981. [7] A.S.M.A. Awal, and I.A. Shehu, Evaluation of heat of hydration of concrete containing high volume palm oil fuel ash. Fuel, 105, 2013, 728-731. [8] V.M. Malhotra., and P.K. Mehta, Highperformance, high-volume fly ash concrete.Supplementary Cementing Materials for Sustainable Development Inc., Ottawa, Canada, 2002. [9] N. Bouzoubaa, and M. Lachemi, Selfcompacting concrete incorporating high volume of class F fly ash.Cement and Concrete Research, 31, 2001, 414-420. [10] ASTMC618. Standard specification for coal fly ash and raw or calcined natural pozzolan for use as a mineral admixture f o r concrete, Annual Book of ASTM Standards, 2001. B. Balakrishnan, A.S.M. Abdul Awal, I.A. Shehu |
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155. | FPGA Modeling of Fault-Injection Attacks on Cryptographic Devices
FPGA Modeling of Fault-Injection Attacks on Cryptographic DevicesAbstract: Cryptographic applications like ATM and other commercial electronics are more susceptible to side channel attacks especially for Fault-injection attack and there is a strong need to design a secure multiplier which is the fundamental and crucial element of all cryptographic devices at which an intruder attacks are possible. This paper presents a design and modeling technique with FPGA to detect Fault-injection attacks with more sophisticated high speed multiplier architecture.Key words: - Cryptographic Applications, Faultinjection attacks, KINTEX7- FPGA, Secure Multipliers and Detection Model. Reference [1]. Zhen Wang, Mark Karpovsky and Ajay Joshi "Secure Multipliers Resilient to Strong Fault-Injection attacks using Multilinear Arithmetic Codes", IEEE – 2011. [2]. G.Canivet, P. Maistri, R. Leveugle, J.Cldire, F. Valette, and M. Renaudin, "Glitch and laser fault attacks on to a secure AES implementation on a SRAM – based FPGA", J.Cryptol., vol.24, no.2, PP. 1-22, Apr.2011 [3]. E.Trichina and R. Korkikyan, "Multi fault laser attacks on protected CRT – RSA", in proc.workshop on fault diagnosis tolerance Cryptography, 2010, pp.75-86 [4]. K.D.Akdemir, Z.Wang, M.G.Karpovsky and B.Sunar, "Design o f Cryptographic devices resilient to fault injection attacks using nonlinear robust codes", in fault analysis in Cryptography. Newyork: Springer- verlag, 2011. [5]. C.Wallace "A suggestion for a fast multiplier," IEEE Trans.Electron.Comput, vol.EC-13, no, 1, pp.14-17, feb.1964. [6]. K.J.Kulikoski,M.G.Karpovsky, and A.Taubin "Robust codes and Robust,fault tolerant architectures of the advanced encryption standard" .Journal of systems Architecture,53:138-159,2007. [7]. Z.Wang, M.G.Karpovsky, B.Sunar and A.Joshi, "Design of Reliable and secure multipliers by Multilinear arithmetic codes", information and communication security, ser.lec.notes in computer science, vol. 5927, pp.47-62, 2009 [8]. A.Krasniewski, "Concurrent error detection for finite state machines implemented with embedded memory blocks of SRAM-based FPGA's," Microprocessors and Microsystems, 2008. [9]. C.H.Kim and J.J. Quisquater, "How can we overcome bothside channel analysis and fault attacks on RSA-CRT?" in FDTC'07: proceedings of the workshop on fault diagnosis and tolerance in Cryptography,Washington,DC,USA :IEEE computer society,2007,pp.21-29. [10]. J.M. Schmidt and M.Hutter, "Optical and EM fault attacks on CRT-based RSA:Concrete results,"in proc.15th Austrian Workshop Mi-croelectron..,2007,pp.75-86. Vamsi Krishna Kosuri, Dr. Fazal Noorbasha |
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156. | Performance Evolution of Different Space Time Block Codes With Linear Receiver
Performance Evolution of Different Space Time Block Codes With Linear ReceiverAbstract: We document the performance of space– time block codes, which provide a new paradigm for transmission over Rayleigh fading channels using multiple transmit antennas. It has been shown that a complex orthogonal design that provides full diversity and full transmission rate for a space–time block code is not possible for more than two antennas. The objective of this paper is to provide the description of different type of space time block codes and to provide the performance analysis of these codes without channel knowledge at the transmitter with different schemes for four transmit and one receive antenna. We propose a new space time block code and compare it with other codes.Key words: MIMO systems, diversity, bit error rate, linear receivers, OSTBC, Q-OSTBC. Reference [1] Jack H. Winters, "The Diversity Gain of Transmit Diversity in Wireless Systems with Rayleigh Fading," in Ieee Transactions On Vehicular Technology, Vol. 47, No. 1, February 1998. [2] Vahid Tarokh, Nambi Seshadri, and A. Robert Calderbank, "Space-time codes for high data rate wireless communication: Performance criterion and code construction", IEEE Transcation on Information Theory, 44(2):744-765, March 1998 [3] S. M. Alamouti, "A simple transmitter diversity scheme for wireless communications," IEEE J. Select. Areas Commun, vol. 16, pp. 1451– 1458, Oct. 1998. [4] J. Radon, "Lineare scharen orthogonaler matrizen," in Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Hamburgishen Universit¨at, vol. I.pp.1–14,1922. [5] V. Tarokh, H. Jafarkhani and A. R. Calderbank, "Space-time block codes from orthogonal designs,"IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. 45, pp. 1456-1467, July 1999. [6] H. Jafarkhani, "A quasi-orthogonal Space time block codes," IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 49, pp. 1-4, Jan. 2001 [7] O. Tirkkonen, A. Boariu, and A. Hottinen, "Minimal nonorthogonality rate 1 space-time blok code for 3+ Tx antennas," in Proc IEEE 6th Int Symp. Spread-Spectrum Techniques and Applications (ISSSTA 2000),pp, 429–432. [8] M.H. Lee, "A new reversr jacket transform and its fast algorithm," IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 47, pp. 39-47, Jan. 2000. Khushbu Sethi, Vineet Sharma |
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157. | Implementation of Fuzzy Logic System for DC Motor Speed Control using Microcontroller
Implementation of Fuzzy Logic System for DC Motor Speed Control using MicrocontrollerAbstract: This paper presents an insight into the speed control of DC motor using a fuzzy logic controller to meet the desired speed. Fuzzy logic is one of the most successful applications of fuzzy set in which the variables are linguistic rather than numeric. A fuzzy logic controller (FLC) is based on a set of control rules (fuzzy rules) among linguistic variables. The personal computer provides the necessary flexibility in setting any speed profile with the use of fuzzy packages. The proposed fuzzy controller results in a better response compared to the basic fuzzy controller and normal response of DC motor. It consists of two major parts; hardware implementation and software development. In the hardware part, H-bridge DC motor driver will be designed and developed. The designed H-bridge DC power converter will be used as the hardware interface between DC motor and the microprocessor-based fuzzy controller. A frequency to-voltage converter (FVC) and analogue-to-digital converter (ADC) will be used to convert and provide the actual speed signal from speed rotary tachometer, and to be used as fuzzy controller input. The software part aims to design and develop a digital fuzzy logic speed controller by varying the pulse width for DC motor applications using MATLAB/simulink. In summary, this paper hopes to demonstrate the capability of fuzzy logic in designing a controller for a DC motor. It also signifies the importance of the need for further research in the DC motor speed controller design.Key words: Converter circuit, DC motor drive, Fuzzy controller, Microcontroller, MATLAB/simulink. Reference 1. N.Senthilkumar, V.Sadasivam, K.Prema, 2. "Design and simulation of fuzzy controller for closed loop of chopper fed embedded DC drives," IEEE International conference powercon, Singapore, 2004. 3. H.A.Yousef and H.M.Khalil ,"A fuzzy logic based control of series DC series motor drives," 4. Proceeding of the IEEE International symposium on vol.2, Issue 10-14,pp 517- 522, jul 1995. 5. 3.M.Murugandam& M.Madheswaran,"Modeling and Simulation of modified fuzzy logic 6. controller for various types of DC motor drives IEEE International conference on control 7. system june 2009. 8. 4. G.Uma and C.Chellamuthuu,"Design and implementation of fuzzy logic control speed control system for a converter fed DC drive using 8097 microcontroller," ISIE,mexico 2000. 9. 5.Muhammed H.Rashid ,Power electronic, Oxford University press,1998. 10. K. B. Mohanty, "Fuzzy remote controller for converter DC motor drives", Paritantra, Vol.9, 11. No.1, June 2004. 12. Singari v.s.r Pavankumar and Y.B.Venugopal "A Neuro-Fuzzy Based Speed Control of 13. Separately Excited DC Motor" IEEE International conference, 2010. Mrs.A.A Thorat, Prof.Suhas Yadav, Prof.S.S.Patil |
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158. | Design of Efficient Multi-Modulus Counter Using Low Power 2/3 Counter
Design of Efficient Multi-Modulus Counter Using Low Power 2/3 CounterAbstract: In this paper, an efficient multi-modulus counter is proposed to utilize both the counting logic and the mode preference control. This can be used to selectively divide the input frequency among multiple integer values. This can enhance the working frequency of the counter due to a reduced critical path between the E-TSPC flip flops.Key words: Extended true-single-phase clock flip flops (E-TSPC FF), prescaler. Reference [1] B. Chang, J. Park, and W. Kim, "A 1.2 GHz CMOS dual-modulus prescaler using new dynamic D-type flip-flops," IEEE J. SolidState Circuits, vol. 31, no. 5, pp. 749–752, May 1997. [2] J. N. Soares, Jr and W. A. M. Van Noije, "A 1.6-GHz dual modulus prescaler using the extended true-single-phase-clock CMOS circuit technique (E-TSPC)," IEEE J. Solid State Circuits, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 97–101, Jan. 1998. [3] X.-P.Yu, M. A. Do, W.M. Lim, K. S.Yeo, and J. G. Ma, "Design and optimization of the extended true single phase clock-based prescaler," IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Techn, vol. 54, no. 11, pp. 3828–3835, Nov. 2006. [4] R. S. Rana, "Dual-modulus 127/128 FOM enhanced prescaler design in 0.35 um CMOS technology," IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 40, no. 8, pp. 1662–1670, Aug. 2005. [5] Z. Deng and A.M. Niknejad, "The speedpower trade-off in the design of CMOS true-single-phase-clock dividers," IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 45, no. 11, pp. 2457–2465, Nov. 2010. [6] M. V. Krishna, M. A. Do, K. S. Yeo, C. C. Boon, and W. M. Lim, "Design and analysis of ultra low power true single phase clock CMOS 2/3 prescaler," IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I, Reg. Papers, vol. 57, no. 1, pp. 72–82, Jan. 2010. [7] Y.-L. Lo, T.-S. Chao and K.-H. Cheng, "High speed and ultra low voltage divideby-4/5 counter for frequency synthesizer," IEICE Trans. Electron., vol. E92-C, no. 6, pp. 890–893, Jun. 2009. [8] J. M. C. Wong, C.Wong, V. S. L. Cheung, and H. C. Luong, "A 1-V 2.5-mW 5.2-GHz frequency divider in a 0.35-um CMOS process," IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 38, no. 10, pp. 1643–1648, Oct. 2003. [9] J. Yuan and C. Svensson, "High-speed CMOS circuit techniques," IEEE J. SolidState Circuits, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 62–70, Feb. 1989. [10] Q. Huang and R. Rogenmoser, "Speed optimization of edge-triggered CMOS circuits for gigahertz single-phase clocks," IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 456–465, Mar. 1996. Ms.A.K.Gowthami, Mr.K.Gavaskar |
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159. | Comparative Study: Content Based Image Retrieval using Low Level Features
Comparative Study: Content Based Image Retrieval using Low Level FeaturesAbstract: Image retrieval plays an important role in many areas like architectural and engineering design, fashion, journalism, advertising, entertainment, etc. How to search and to retrieve the images that we are interested in is a fatal problem: it brings a necessity for image retrieval systems. As we know, visual features of the images provide a description of their content. Contentbased image retrieval (CBIR), emerged as a promising mean for retrieving images and browsing large images databases. It is the process of retrieving images from a collection based on automatically extracted features by generally using low level features. To improve CBIR, human perception i.e. high level feature extraction can be included for better efficiency. In this paper, a comparative analysis is performed so as to achieve efficient resultsKey words: CBIR, Low Level Features, High Level Features, Feature Vector Reference [1] SagarSoman, MitaliGhorpade, VrushaliSonone, SatishChavan, (2011), "Content Based Image Retrieval Using Advanced Colour and Texture Features", International Conference in Computational Intelligence (ICCIA) [2] Masato Yonekawa and Hiroaki Kurokawa,School of Computer Science, Tokyo University of Technology,2012, "The Content-Based Image Retrieval using the Pulse Coupled Neural Network", WCCI 2012 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence. [3] S.Arivazhagan, L.Ganesan, S.Selvanidhyananthan, 2007,"Image Retrieval using Shape Feature", International Journal of Imaging Science and Engineering (IJISE). [4] Tzu-Chien Wu, Jin-Jang Leou,@ Member, IEEE, and Li-Wei Kang, 2005,"Image Retrieval Using Local Color Features", 0-7803-8838-0/05/$20.00 02005 IEEE [5] Dr.H.B.Kekre, Sudeep D. Thepade and AkshayMaloo, "Image Retrieval using Fractional Coefficients of Transformed Image using DCT and Walsh Transform," International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology. Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 362-371, 2010 [6] R. Echorn, H. J. Reitboeck, M. Arndt, P. Dicke, "Feature linking via synchronization among distributed assemblies: Simulations of resultsfrom cat visual cortex," Neural Computation, vol.2, pp.293–307, 1990 [7] A. K. Engel, A. K. Kreiter, P. K ¨ onig, and W. Singer, "Synchronizationof oscillatory neuronal responses between striate and extrastriate visual cortical areasof cat," Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, vol. 88, pp.6048–6052,1991 [8] W. Kruse and R. Eckhorn, "Inhibition of sustained gamma oscillations (35-80 Hz) by fast transient responses in cat visual cortex," Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, vol. 93, pp.6112–6117,1996 [9] R. Echorn, "Neural Mechanisms of Scene Segmentation: Recording fromthe Visual Cortex Suggest Basic Circuits for Liking Field Model," IEEETrans. Neural Network, vol.10, no.3, pp.464–479, 1999 [10] J. L. Johnson, M. L. Padgett, "PCNN Models and Applications," IEEE Trans. Neural Network, vol.10, no.3, pp.480– 498, 1999 Ankita Sharma, Gurpreet Singh |
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160. | Enhancement of heat transfer coefficient using Diamond shaped roughness on the absorber plate of solar air heater
Enhancement of heat transfer coefficient using Diamond shaped roughness on the absorber plate of solar air heaterAbstract: Solar collector (Air heater) has low thermal efficiency due to the low thermal conductivity between Air and absorber plate. So there is a need to enhance the thermal conductivity between air and absorber plate. This leads higher temperature to absorber plate and hence maximum thermal losses occurs to environment .It can be made possible by creating artificial roughness on absorber plate .There are number of parameters which can enhance the thermal conductivity such as relative roughness pitch (P/e), Reynolds no. (Re) and angle of attack ().Experimental investigation has been carried out to study heat transfer enhancement by using diamond shape as a rib on absorber plate. Electric heater is used to heat the plate in indoor experiment. Absorber plate heated with the Electric heater while three walls insulated with thermocol sheet. The relative roughness pitch (p/e) varies between 10-25 mm, the relative roughness height (e/Dh) = 0.023, Rib height (e) = 1mm, Duct aspect ratio (W/H) = 8, rate of air flow corresponds to Reynolds no.(Re) ranging from 3000-14000.Finally comparison of the heat transfer from both smooth and roughened plate under the same condition of air flow is made.Key words: Solar air heater; Diamond shape rib; Heat transfer enhancement Reference [1] Nikuradse, J.,"Laws of Flow in Rough Pipes", NACA, Technical Memorandum 1292 (1970). [2] Prased BN, Saini JS Effect of artificial roughness on heat transfer and friction Factor in solar air Heater. Solar Energy 1988: 41: 555-60 [3] Gupta, D., Solanki, S.C., and Saini, J.S., "Thermohydraulic Performance of Solar Air Heater with Roughned Absorber Plate", J. Solar Energy, Vol 61, No.1, pp. 33-42transfer and friction factor in a solar air heater, Solar Energy, Vol. 41, No. 6, 555-560, 1988 '(1997), [4] Karwa R ,Solanki SC and Saini JS(heat transfer coefficient and friction factor correlations for the transitional flow regime in rib roughened rectangular ducts .Int.J.Heat Mass Transfer.42(9),1597-1615( 1999) [5] Karwa, R., Solanki, S.C., Saini, J.S., "Thermohydraulic Performance of Solar Air Heater having Integral Chamfered Rib Roughness on Absorber Plates", Int. J. Energy, Vol 26, pp. 161-176(2001), [6] Bhagoria J.L. Heat transfer coefficient and fiction factor rectangular solar air Heater duct having transverse wedge shaped rib roughness on the absorber Plate Int j renewable Energy 2002: 25: 341-69. [7] Karwa R (2003) Experimental studies of augmented heat transfer and friction in a symmetrically heated rectangular duct with ribs on the heated wall in transverse, inclined V- continuous V-discrete pattern. Int.J.Comm.heat mass transfer 30(2), 241- 250(2003). [8] M.M. Sahu, J.L. Bhagoria "Augmentation of heat transfer coefficient by using 90° broken transverse ribs on absorber plate of solar airheater" Renewable Energy, Volume 30, Issue 13, Pages 2057-2073, (2005). [9] Saini R.P, Saini S.K, "Development of correlations for Nusselt number and friction factor for solar air heater with roughened duct having arc-shaped wire as artificial roughness" int. J solar Energy, article in press(2008). [10] K.R. Aharwal, B.K. Gandhi, J.S. Saini "Experimental investigation on heat-transfer enhancement due to a gap in an inclined continuous rib arrangement in a rectangular duct of solar air heater",Renewable Energy, Volume 33, Issue 4, Pages 585-596, April (2008). S. S. Pawar, Dr. D. A. Hindolia, Dr. J. L. Bhagoria |
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161. | Matlab Based Simulation of Thermoelectric-Photovoltaic Hybrid System
Matlab Based Simulation of Thermoelectric-Photovoltaic Hybrid SystemAbstract: The higher electrical energy demand is increasing in cars by installation of the safety control system, Air Conditioner, and other vehicle-borne electronic devices. In this project Thermoelectric and photovoltaic hybrid system using SEPIC converter for automotive applications circuit was designed and simulated using MATLAB/simulink software. Thermoelectric Photovoltaic hybrid system mainly used to recover waste heat from exhaust of cars and convert them into electricity and also utilizing renewable energy. AirConditioner, Car lights, initial starting of engine and other electronic devices in car get supply directly from Thermoelectric-Photovoltaic hybrid circuit system or indirectly from car battery which also get charged by Thermoelectric-Photovoltaic hybrid circuit .Key words: Thermoelectric, Hybrid energy system, Photovoltaic, Hybrid Vehicle. Reference [1] C. C. Chan, The state of the art of the electric, hybrid, and fuel cell vehicles, Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 95, No. 4, Apr. 2007, pp. 704-718. [2] K. T. Chau and Y. S. Wong, Hybridization of energy sources in electric vehicles, Energy Conversion and Management, Vol.42, No. 9, June 2001, pp. 1059-1069. [3] X. Zhang, K. T. Chau and C. C. Chan, Overview of thermoelectric generation for hybrid vehicles, Journal of Asian Electric Vehicles, Vol. 6, No. 2, Dec. 2008, pp.1119- 1124. [4] D. M. Rowe, Thermoelectrics, an environmentally-friendly source of electrical power, Renewable Energy, Vol.16, No. 1-4, Jan./Apr. 1999, pp. 1251-1256. [5] C. Yu, K. T. Chau and C. C. Chan, Thermoelectric waste heat energy recovery for hybrid electric vehicles, Proceedings of 23rd International Electric Vehicle Symposium, Dec. 2007, Paper No.21. [6] Juanico´ LE, Rinalde GF, Taglialavore E, Gortari S, Molina MG.Desarrollo de Termogeneradores para Electrificacio´n deHogares Rurales. In: HYFUSEN 2009, 2nd Iberian–American Congress Records. August 2009, p. 1–8. [7] Shmilovitz, On the control of photovoltaic maximum power point tracker via output parameters, IEE Proceedings on Electric Power Applications, Vol. 152, No. 2, Mar.2005, pp. 239-248. [8] Zhongming Ye, Greenfeld, F., Zhixiang Liang, "Offline SEPIC converter to drive the high brightness white LED for lighting applications", Industrial Electronics, pp. 1994 – 2000. [9] K. Khouzam, Optimum load matching in direct-coupled photovoltaic power systems - application to resistive loads, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 5,No. 2, June 1990, pp. 265-271. [10] L.I. Anatychuk, V.V. Razinkov, Y. Y. Rozver and V. Y. Mikhailovsky, Thermoelectric generator modules and blocks,Proceedings of International Conference on Thermoelectrics, Aug. 1997, pp. 592-594. Kings Krishna NagarajaSingh.R, Manivannan.A |
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162. | Wheel – Rail Contact Fatigue
Wheel – Rail Contact FatigueAbstract: Contact Condition between the wheel and rail involved a combination of rolling and sliding contact, commonly referred to as mixed rolling/sliding Contact. Material damage modes that develop as a result of these contact conditions involve material loss (wear), and the development of surface initiated cracking (rolling contact fatigue). The inter-relationship between wheel/rail contact conditions and materials response is well understood for steady state condition.Key words: Rolling Contact Fatigue, Sliding Contact Fatigue, Wear, Crack, Fatigue Reference [1] Prof. A Kapoor, Dr. D. I. Fletcher, Dr. F. J. Franklin, Management and Understanding of Rolling Contact Fatigue [2] A Kapoor, D.I Fletcher, F.J Franklin, G. Vasic and L. Smith, Rail Wheel Contact Research at the University of Newcastle Anders Ekberg, Elen Kabo, Fatigue of Railway wheels and rails under loading contact and thermal loading an overview, Science Direct, wear 258 (2005) 1288-13 Sumant Patel, Dr. A. V. Gohil |
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163. | Elucidating Digital deception: Spot counterfeit fragment
Elucidating Digital deception: Spot counterfeit fragmentAbstract: An ordinary person always has confidence in the integrity of visual imagery and believes it without any doubt. But today's digital technology has eroded this trust. A relatively new method called image forgery is extensively being used everywhere. This paper proposes a method to depict forged regions in the digital image. The results for the proposed work are obtained using the MATLAB version The projected design is such that it extracts the regions that are forged. The proposed scheme is composed for uncompressed still images. Experimental outcome reveals well the validity of the proposed approach.Key words: digital forgery, image processing, image falsification Reference [1] Khan, s.," Robust method for detection of copy-move forgery in digital images", Signal and Image Processing (ICSIP), 2010 International Conference on 15-17 Dec. 2010, 69-73 [2] Ghorbani, M., "DWT-DCT (QCD) based copy-move image forgery detection", DWT-DCT (QCD) based copy-move image forgery detection, 1-4 [3] Fei ping, "Digital Image Forgery Forensics by Using Blur Estimation and Abnormal Hue Detection", Photonics and Optoelectronic (SOPO), 2010 Symposium on 19-21 June 2010, 1-4 [4] Zhen Zang, "A survey on passive-blind image forgery by doctor method detection", Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2008 International Conference on 12-15 July 2008, 3462-3467 [5] Tafti, A.P.," Digital image forgery detection through data embedding in spatial domain and cellular automata", Digital Content, Multimedia Technology and its Applications (IDCTA), 2011 7th International Conference on 16-18 Aug. 2011, 11-15 [6] Junwen Wang, "Detection of Image Region Duplication Forgery Using Model with Circle Block", Multimedia Information Networking and Security, 2009. MINES '09. International Conference on 18-20 Nov. 2009, vol-1, 25-27 [7] Grim, J., "Digital Image Forgery Detection by Local Statistical Models", Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIH-MSP), 2010 Sixth International Conference on 15-17 Oct. 2010, 579-582 [8] Sutthiwan, P., "Rake transform and edge statistics for image forgery detection", Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 2010 IEEE International Conference on 19-23 July 2010, 1463-1468 [9] Xu Bo, "Image Copy-Move Forgery Detection Based on SURF", Multimedia Information Networking and Security (MINES), 2010 International Conference on 4-6 Nov. 2010, 889-892 [10] Zhao Junhong, "Detection of Copy-Move Forgery based on one improved LLE method", Advanced Computer Control (ICACC), 2010 2nd International Conference on 27-29 March 2010, 547-550 Neeraj Mishra, Asmita Haveliya |
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164. | Experimental Investigation on Impact Resistance of Flyash Concrete and Flyash Fiber Reinforced Concrete
Experimental Investigation on Impact Resistance of Flyash Concrete and Flyash Fiber Reinforced ConcreteAbstract: The present Experimental investigation is to study the Impact Resistance of the Fly ash concrete reinforced with steel fibers. The concrete composite comprises of steel fibers in different percentages and partial replacement of cement in different proportions. Steel fibers varied from 0%, 0.5%, 1% and 1.5% by weight of cement and replacement of fly ash varied from 0%, 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% by weight of cement. Specimens were tested for 28 days, 60 days and 90 days and behaviour of the flyash concrete, steel fiber reinforced concrete and flyash concrete reinforced with steel fibers were studied. When the specimens were tested for 28 days strength, reduction in the Impact strength were observed, while the 90 days strength of the specimens were found to increase considerably. Based on the test results on control specimens, it was found that improvement in strength of concrete is achieved with an optimum steel fiber content of 1.5% and replacement of cement upto 30% by fly ash. The investigation included the possibility of using steel fibers and flyash in concrete for enhancement of impact resistance. The specimens for impact studies were tested by drop weight method which was recommended by ACI-544 Committee. Experiments were conducted to study the behaviour of flyash concrete reinforced with steel fiber. The investigation programme included the determination of the optimum fiber content which can be provided in the concrete composites for different mix ratios. Optimum fiber content was determined based on Impact strength of the standard specimen. The test results reveal that the increase in Impact strength was found to vary between 23% and 252% times the conventional concrete. As the steel fiber percentage selected for our investigation is upto 1.5% by weight, it is suggested that this percentage may be increased to explore the possibility of using more steel fibers in flyash concrete.Key words: - Energy absorption, Flyash concrete, Flyash Fiber reinforced concrete, Impact strength, Steel Fiber reinforced concrete. Reference [1] A . Alavi Nia, M. Hedayatian, M . Nili and V. Afrough Sabet, " An Experimental and numerical study on how steel and polypropylene fibers affect the impact resistance in fiber-reinforced concrete‖, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 46, 2012, 62 -73. [2] Tara Rahmani, Behnam Kiani, Mohammad Shekarchi and Abdollah Safari, "Statistical and experimental analysis on the behavior of fiber reinforced concrete subjected to drop weight test‖, Construction and Building Materials, 37, 2012, 360–369. [3] P.S. Song, J.C. Wu, S. Hwang and B.C. Sheu, "Statistical analysis of impact strength and strength reliability of steel– polypropylene hybrid fiber-reinforced concrete‖, Construction and Building Materials, 19, 2005, 1–9. [4] Farnoud Rahimi Mansour, Sasan Parniani and Izni Syahrizal Ibrahim, "Experimental Study on Effects of Steel Fiber Volume on Mechanical Properties of Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete‖, Advanced Materials Research Vol. 214, 2011, 144-148. [5] B. Krishna Rao, V. Ravindra and A.Rajagopal, "Experimental Investigation on Impact strength of steel fiber reinforced normal and self compacting concrete‖, International journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Vol. 2, No. 1, JanuaryJune 2012. [6] Mahmoud Nili and V. Afrough sabet, "Combined effect of silica fume and steel fibers on the impact resistance and mechanical properties of concrete‖, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 37, 2010, 879-886. [7] Patel U. R., Rathod J. D and Chauhan D. K, "Comparative study of Engineered Cementitious Composites & Self compacting Engineered Cementitious Composites on Response under Impact Loading, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced engineering‖, Volume 2, Issue 2, February 2012, ISSN: 2250-2459. [8] H.T. Wang and L.C. Wang, "Experimental study on static and dynamic mechanical properties of steel fiber reinforced lightweight aggregate concrete‖, Construction and Building Materials, 38 (2013) 1146–1151. [9] Kishor S. Sable and Madhuri K. Rathi, "Comparison of Self Compacted Concrete with Normal Concrete by using different types of Steel Fibres‖, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, Vol. 1, Issue 6, August 2012, ISSN: 2278-0181. [10] Pant Avinash. S and Parekar Suresh. R, "Steel fiber Reinforced Concrete Beams under Bending, Shear and Torsion without Web reinforcement‖, International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 6, May 2009. K. Ramesh, Dr. K. Arunachalam, S. Rooban Chakravarthy |
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165. | Implementation of Six Sigma For Minimizing The Defects Rate At A Yarn Manufacturing Company
Implementation of Six Sigma For Minimizing The Defects Rate At A Yarn Manufacturing CompanyAbstract: This article presents a quality improvement study applied at a yarn manufacturing company based on six sigma methodologies. More specifically, the DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control) project management-methodology & various tools are utilized to streamline processes & enhance productivity. Defects rate of textile product in the yarn manufacturing process is so important in industry point of view. It plays a very important rate for the improvement of yield & financial conditions of any company. Actually defects rate causes a direct effect on the profit margin of the product & decrease the quality cost during the manufacturing of the product. By checking & inspection of defects of product at different point in production where more defects are likely to happen. A thousand defects opportunities create in the final package of yarn. That's why it is decided to do work & implement DMAIC methodology in winding departments where the final package of yarn is make.Key words: Sigma; DMAIC; Lean manufacturing; Yarn manufacturing. Reference [1] O. Al-Araidah, A. Momani, M. Khasawneh, and M. Momani, "Lead-Time Reduction Utilizing Lean Tools Applied to Healthcare: The Inpatient Pharmacy at a Local Hospital," Journal for Healthcare Quality, 2010, 32(1),pp. 59-66. [2] M. Ali, "Six-sigma Design through Process Optimization using Robust Design Method," Master Thesis at Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, 2004. [3] S. Bisgaard, and R. Does, "Quality Quandaries: Health Care Quality – Reducing the Length of Stay at a Hospital, Quality Engineering", 2009, 21, pp. 117-131. [4] Y. H. Cheng, "The Improvement of Assembly Efficiency of Military Product by Six- Sigma," NCUT Thesis Archive, Taiwan, 2005. [5] M. E. Cournoyer, C. M. Renner, M. B. Lee, J. F. Kleinsteuber, C. M. Trujillo, E. W. Krieger, C. L. Kowalczyk, "Lean Six Sigma tools, Part III: Input metrics for a Glovebox Glove Integrity Program," Journal of Chemical Health and Safety, Article in press, 2010,pp. 412, 1-10. [6] A. D. Desai, "Improving Customer Delivery Commitments the Six Sigma way: Case Study of an Indian Small Scale Industry," International Journal of Six Sigma and Competitive Advantage, 2006, 2(1), pp. 23- 47. [7] E. Dickson, S. Singh, D. Cheung, C. Wyatt, and A. Nugent, "Application of Lean Manufacturing Techniques in the Emergency Department," The Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2009, 37, pp. 177- 182. [8] J. Edgardo, V. Escalante, and A. Ricardo, "An application of Six Sigma methodology to the manufacture of coal products," World Class Applications of Six Sigma, 2006, 98- 124. [9] M. Hook, and L. Stehn, "Lean Principles in Industrialized Housing Production: the Need for a Cultural Change," Lean Construction Journal, 2008, pp.20-33. [10] C. Huang, K. S. Chen, and T. Chang, "An application of DMADV Methodology for increasing the Yield Rate of Surveillance Cameras, Microelectronics Reliability," 2010, 50, pp. 266–272. Neha Gupta, Dr. P. K. Bharti |
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166. | Review: Performance Analysis of FIR Digital High Pass Filters
Review: Performance Analysis of FIR Digital High Pass FiltersAbstract: In this paper, various design methods for FIR filter have been discussed and compared. This paper discusses the various design methods of high pass FIR filters using Windowing methods and optimal filter design methods. Windowing methods based on Rectangular, Hamming, Blackman and Kaiser Windows and optimal filter design method based on Least-square, Equiripple, Generalized Equiripple, and Constrained band equiripple. The magnitude responses are demonstrated for different design methods at particular cut off frequency and different filter order.Key words: Blackman window, Digital filter, Equiripple filter, Fir filter FDA tool, High pass filter. Reference [1] Saurabh Singh Rajput, Dr S.S.Bhadauria,"Implementation of FIR filters using efficient window function and its application in filtering a speech signal", IJEEMC,vol.1,1November 2012. [2] R.H.Gabr and Y.M.Kadah,"Digital color doppler signal processing", Elsevier, IEEE, 2004. [3] Prof. Gopal S.Gawande, Dr.K.B. Khanchandani, and T.P.Marode,"Performance analysis of FIR digital filter design techniques"IJSSR,vol.2, January 2012. [4] Arojit Roychowdhury, A paper on "FIR filters design techniques", November 2002. [5] Lawrence R.Rabiner,"Techniques for designing finite duration impulse response digital filter" IEEE, vol.19, April 1971. [6] Gopichauhann, P.Pavan Kumar, P.R.Vijaya Kumar,"Review study on a design of finite impulse response filter", IJECCE, vol.3, 2012. [7] Sanjay Sharma, Digital signal processing, S.K Kataria & Sons, New Delhi, 2011. [8] Prokis J.G, Manolakis D.G, Digital signal processing, 3 rd edition, PHI Publication, 2004. [9] R.A.Barapate, Digital signal processing, TechMax Publications, Pune, 2008 Yadwinder Kumar, Er.Gurpreet Singh Walia |
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167. | Wavelet Packet Modulation for Mobile Communication
Wavelet Packet Modulation for Mobile CommunicationAbstract: As proved by the success of OFDM in mobile communication, multicarrier modulation has been recognized as an efficient solution for mobile communication. Waveform bases other than sine functions could similarly be used for multicarrier systems in order to provide an alternative to OFDM. The highly unpredictable and random nature of the transmission channel in mobile communication system makes it even more difficult to build a robust communication system. A detailed analysis of the various impairments faced by a mobile communication system has been reported. Wavelet packet modulation (WPM) is a high-capacity, flexible, and robust multiple-signal transmission technique in which the message signals are waveform coded onto wavelet packet basis functions for transmission. The vast improvement in the mobile communication system under WPM has also been reported in this paper.Key words: Mobile communication, Multicarrier Modulation (MCM), Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM), Discrete Wavelet Transform(DWT), Wavelet Packet Modulation (WPM) Reference [1] J. A. C. Bingham, ―Multicarrier modulation for data transmission: an idea whose time has come,‖ IEEE Commun. Mag., vol. 28, no. 5, pp.5-14,May 1990. [2] J. M. Cioffi. A Multicarrier Primer [Online]. Available: http://isl.stanford. edu/~cioffi/ [3] J. A. C. Bingham, ADSL, VDSL, Multicarrier Modulation, WileyInterscience, 2000. [4] A. Cohen and I. Daubechies, ―On the instability of arbitrary biorthogonal wavelet packets,‖ SIAM J. Math. Anal., pp. 1340– 1354, 1993. [5] R. Coifman and Y. Meyer, ―Orthonormal Wave Packet Bases,‖ Dept. Math., Yale Univ., Technical Report, 1990. [6] C. S. Burrus, R. A. Gopinath, and H. Guo, Introduction toWavelets and Wavelet Transforms. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1998. [7] N. Erdol, F. Bao, and Z. Chen, ―Wavelet modulation: A prototype for digital communication systems,‖ in Proc. IEEE Southcon Conf., 1995,pp. 168–171. [8] R. T. Ogden, Essential Wavelets for Statistical Applications and Data Analysis. Boston, MA: Birkhauser, 1997. [9] A. N. Akansu and R. A. Haddad, Multiresolution Signal Decomposition: Transforms, Subbands, andWavelets, 2nd ed. Newark, NJ: New Jersey Institute of Technology, 2001. [10] Antony Jamin and Petri Mahonen , Wavelet Packet Modulation for Wireless Communications, PUBLISHED IN WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS & MOBILE COMPUTING JOURNAL, MARCH 2005, VOL. 5, ISSUE 2, pp. 1–18 Souvik Banerjee, Prof. Amutha Jeyakumar, Vivek Nar |
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HIGH DENSITY SALT-AND-PEPPER NOISE REMOVAL THROUGH IMPROVED ADAPTIVE MEDIAN FILTERAbstract: In this paper, a new image-denoising filter that is based on the standard median (SM) filter is proposed. In our method, the adaptive standard median is used to detect noise and change the original pixel value to a newer that is closer to or the same as the standard median. With our experimental results, we have made a comparison among our method, the standard median (SM) filter, the median filter with mask of 3-by-3, 5-by-5, 7-by-7, the center weighted median (CWM) filter, the adaptive center weighted median (ACWM) filter, the progressive switching median (PSM) filter, the decision based median (DBM) filter, and the untrimmed (UT) median filter, in which our method proves to be superior.Key words: Salt-and-pepper noise, the standard median (SM) filter, the median filter with mask of 3-by-3, 5-by-5, 7-by-7, the center weighted median (CWM) filter, the adaptive center weighted median (ACWM) filter , the progressive switching median (PSM) filter, the decision based median (DBM) filter, the untrimmed (UT) median filter. Reference [1] KrishnanNallaperumal,JustinVarghese,S.Sa udia,K.Krishnaveni,Sri.S.Ramasamy,Santh osh.P.Mathew,P.Kumar "An efficient Switching Median Filter for Salt & Pepper Impulse Noise Reduction", IEEE 2006, pp. 160-166 [2] Changhong Wang, Taoyi Chen, and Zhenshen Qu, "A novel improved median filter for salt-and-pepper noise from highly corrupted images", IEEE 2010, pp. 718- 722 [3] K. S. Srinivasan and D. Ebenezer, ―A New Fast and Efficient Decision-Based Algorithm for Removal of High-Density Impulse Noises‖, IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS, Vol. 14, No. 3, March 2007, pp. 189-192 [4] Sung-Jea KO, "Center Weighted Median Filters and Their Applications to Image Enhancement", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS, Vol. 38, No. 9, September 1991, pp. 984-993 [5] Zhou Wang and David Zhang, "Progressive Switching Median Filter for the Removal of Impulse Noise from Highly Corrupted Images", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS—II: ANALOG AND DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING, Vol. 46, No. 1, January 1999, pp. 78-80 [6] Z. Wang, A. C. Bovik, H. R. Sheikh and E. P. Simoncelli, "Image quality assessment: From error visibility to structural similarity", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 13, No. 4, Apr. 2004, pp. 600-612. [7] Megha.P.Arakeri, G.Ram Mohana Reddy "Comparative Performance Evaluation of Independent Component Analysis in Medical Image Denoising", IEEEInternational Conference on Recent Trends in Information Technology June 3-5, 2011, pp. 770-774. [8] Zhou wang, Alan . C bovik, "A universal image quality index", IEEE Signal processing letters, Vol. XX, No Y, March 2002, pp. 1-4 Anisha Bhatia, Prof. Ramesh K Kulkarni |
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169. | A Modified Method For Road Sign Detection & Recognition
A Modified Method For Road Sign Detection & RecognitionAbstract: Road sign detection is an important for regulating the traffic. In this paper oversegmentation technique is used for the detection and recognition of a road sign with the integration of shape analysis. The main focus is on the implementation and efficiency aspect of this technique. There is a detailed analysis of oversegmentation has been shown. This proposed algorithm can be used as a part of driver assistant system. The proposed algorithm can detect road signs with any color and any of the shapes (circle, triangle, rectangle, diamond, pentagon, or octagon). The key feature of oversegmention is to make much of segmentation of the image so that the object and background can be distinguished easily .There is also a creation of predefined database of shapes based on various features which is explained in details in following paper .The accuracy also measures for the detection of road sign. Therefore the proposed technique will address to a wide range of problem for detection of the road sign when the sign is partially occluded, rotated, scaled and tilted.Key words: K means clustering ,Oversegmentation, Morphological operations, Shape recognition. Reference [1] Jesmin F. Khan, Sharif M. A. Bhuiyan, and Reza R. Adhami "Image Segmentation and Shape Analysis for Road-Sign Detection" IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems,Vol.12,No. 1, pp. 113-117, March 2011. [2] Arturo de la Escalera,Luis E. Moreno, Miguel Angel Salichs, and Jose Maria Armingol"RoadTraffic Sign Detection and Classification", IEEETransactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 44, No. 6, December 1997 [3] Saturnino Maldonado-Bascon,Sergio Lafuente-Arroyo,Pedro Gil-Jimenez, Hilario Gomez-Moreno,"Road-Sign Detection and Recognition Based on Support Vector Machine"IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol.8, No. 2, June 2007. Proceedings Papers [4] S. Lafuente-Arroyo, P. Gil-Jiménez, R. Maldonado-Bascón, F. López-Ferreras, and S. Maldonado-Bascón, "Traffic sign shape classificationevaluation I: SVM using distance to borders," in Proc. IEEE Intell. Veh.Symp., Las Vegas, NV, pp. 557–562, Jun 2005. [5] P. Gil-Jiménez, S. Lafuente-Arroyo, H. Gomez-Moreno, F. López-Ferreras, and S. Maldonado-Bascón, "Traffic sign shape classification evaluation II: FFT applied to the signature of blobs," in Proc. IEEE Intell. Veh. Symp., Las Vegas, NV,, pp. 607–612, Jun. 2005. [6] G. Loy and N. Barnes, "Fast shape-based road sign detection for adriver assistance system," in Proc. IEEE Conf. Int. Robots System., pp. 70-75,2004. [7] XiaofengRen and JitendraMalik"Learning a Classification Model for Segmentation", Proc.9th International Conference on Computer Vision,Volume 1, page 10-17, 13-16 Oct, 2003 IEEE. Conference Papers [8] Tudor Barbu"Automatic Unsupervised Shape Recognition Technique using Moment Invariants" System Theory, 15thIEEE International conference on Control and zomputing , pp. 1-4, 14-16 Oct 2011. [9] Mr. Suhas G. Salve , Ms. Kalpana C. Jondhale"Shape Matching and Object Recognition Using Shape Contexts" 3 rd IEEE International conference on Computer Science and Information Technology, , Vol. 9, pp 471-474 , 9-11 July 2010. [10] FengSUN, JinPeng HE,"A Normalized cuts based image segmentation method", Second IEEE International conference on Information & computer science,Volume 02,pp 333-336,2009. Harpreet Kaur, Manpreet Kaur |
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170. | Traffic Noise Levels at Different Locations in Dhaka City and Noise Modelling for Construction Equipments
Traffic Noise Levels at Different Locations in Dhaka City and Noise Modelling for Construction EquipmentsAbstract: Development of a suitable infrastructure is a sine-que-non for rapid economic growth in a developing country like Bangladesh. Noise emission is one of the major concerns for a mega city like Dhaka. A large civil-structured project is being implemented in Dhaka, which is known as Jatrabari-Gulistan flyover. Main focus of this research was concentrated to record and analyze noise levels in major intersections located at the study area as well as key entities, such as hospitals, educational institutions; religious institutions etc. for both day and night and seven days of a week. Average noise level was found 92.7 dBA at Jatrabari intersection during construction period and 86.6 dBA during normal period. To compare the noise level during operation phase and construction phase two other similar civil structured projects, Khilgaon and Kuril flyover were selected and same operation was carried out. In this regard, noise related parameters such as Leq, L10, L50, and L90 have been estimated from field observations of noise levels. It was observed that at all locations; noise level remained far above the acceptable limit. Comparisons have been made considering various factors of noise level and contour, vector and wireframe diagram was prepared for the intersections and along the route in the study area. Noise modelling was done for generator and wheel loader used in the construction site of flyover.Key words: Average noise level, Comparison of noise levels, Noise contour, Noise modelling. Reference [1] Jobair Bin Alam. Md., Rauf. A.F.M.A and Ahemed. M.F,(2001), Traffic Induced Noise Pollution in Dhaka, Journal of Civil Engineering, The Institute of Engineers, CE29 vol 1, pp 55-63. [2] T. Subramani, M. Kavitha, and K. P. Sivaraj, (2012), Modelling of Traffic Noise Pollution, IJERA, vol. 2, pp. 3175-3182. [3] A. Khan, and P. Kumkum, "Noise Assessment for Different Equipment and Traffic Modeling for Interrupted Traffic Flow for Dhak City," B.Sc. diss., Dept. Civil. Eng., Bangladesh Univ. of Eng. and Tech., Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2010. [4] L.R. Kadiyali, Traffic Engineering and Transportation Planning, 6 th Ed. India: Khanna, 1997, ch. 46, pp.836-842. [5] F. Ahmed, "Study on Noise Pollution Caused by Road Traffic in Dhaka City," B.Sc. diss., Dept. Civil. Eng., Bangladesh Univ. of Eng. and Tech., Dhaka, Bangladesh, 1999. [6] Reagan, Jerry A., Grant, Charles A. Special Report Highway Construction Noise: Measurement, Prediction and Mitigation. Washington, DC: FHWA, 1977. [7] P.R. Rao, and M.G. Rao, (1991), Urban Traffic Intensity and Prediction of (Leq) Noise Level, Indian Journal of Environmental Health, National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, India. [8] Nirjar.R.S., .Jain.S.S, Parida.M, Katiyar.V.S., Mittal.N,(2003), A study of transport related noise pollution in Delhi, IE (I) Journal- EN, pp 6-15. [9] Krishna Murthy.V, Ahamad Kamruzzaman Majunder, Sanjay Nath Khanal, Deepak Prasad Subedi, (2007), Assessment of Traffic noise Pollution in Badepa, a Semi urban town of Nepal, Kathmandu University Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology, vol 1(No IV), pp 1-9. [10] Mahesh Chand and Anu. P. Alex,(2010) Traffic Noise Prediction Modelling and Analysis for Trivananthapuram city, Indian Highways, pp 31-40. A.Hassan, J.B.Alam |
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171. | Assessment Of Air Quality And Noise Around Some Telecommunication Base Transceiver Stations In Ibadan South West Nigeria
Assessment Of Air Quality And Noise Around Some Telecommunication Base Transceiver Stations In Ibadan South West NigeriaAbstract: The ambient air quality and noise level around some base trans-receiver stations (BTSs) in Ibadan, South West Nigeria were investigated, in order to determine the health and safety of emission from BTSs operations. The atmospheric levels of carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulphur dioxide (SO2), hydrogen sulphide (H2S), ammonia (NH3), total hydrocarbons (THC) and suspended particulate matter (SPM) were measured at selected sampling points (upwind and downwind) in twenty base trans-receiver stations spread over nine Local Government Areas within Ibadan and its suburbs. A Honeywell and 3M hand-held air quality meter and gas detectors were used to detect the parameters at intervals of three hours for forty eight hours. A hand-held Extech sound level meter with measuring range of 30–130 dB (A), accuracy of ±1.5 dB (A) was used for the monitoring noise levels. The atmospheric concentrations of CO, NO2, SO2, THC and SPM were <0.0001-1.0, <0.000-0.3, <0.0001-0.6, <0.0001- 27.1 ppm respectively, while H2S, NH3 were not present at measurable levels. The detected SPM and noise level were 80.9-165.9 µg/m 3 and 43.4-77 dB. The measured air quality parameters did not exceed the Federal Ministry of Environment (FMENV) stipulated threshold concentrations for potential air contaminants in the ambient air, except for SO2 at S1, S5, S7, S12, S14, and S17 and THC at S1, S5, S6, S7, S8, S9, S12, S14, S15, S16, and S19 which measured higher than limit set by FMENV. Apparently, the detected levels are not a threat to the environment since the atmospheric density of the pollutants shows a distance disintegration pattern, which result in concentration reduction farther away from the BTSs.Key words: air quality, atmospheric levels, radio frequency, concentration, Base trans-receiver stations Reference 1. Alabi, G.A. 1996. Telecommunications in Nigeria. Archived from http://www.africa.upenn.edu/ECA/aisi_inf tl.html. August, 2012 2. Dürkop, H. J. and Englert N. (Editors) 2004. Environmental health in Germany Every Day examples: Status as of April 2004. Published by Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz, Federal Office for Radiation Protection, Postfach 3. Grasso, V. F. 2008. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Early Warning Systems: State-of-Art Analysis and Future Directions Archived from na.unep.net/geas/docs/Early_Warning_Sys tem_Report.pdf July 2012 4. IFC, 2007. General EHS guidelines: environmental air emissions and ambient air quality: Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines. International Finance Corporation 5. Osibanjo, O. 2009. Electronic Waste: A Major Challenge to Sustainable Development in Africa. Archived from http://ewasteguide.info/files/Osibanjo_200 9_R09.pdf September, 2011. 6. Sarnat, J. A., Brown, K. W., Schwartz, J., Coull, B. A. and Koutrakis P. 2011. Ambient gas concentrations and personal particulate matter exposures: implications for studying the health effects of particles. Epidemiology 16(3):385-95. 7. Sivasakthivel, T. and Siva Kumar Reddy, K. K. 2011. Ozone Layer Depletion and Its Effects: A Review. Int. J. of Environmental Science and Development, 2(1): 30-37 8. Turletti, T., Bentzen, H. J. and Tennenhouse, D. 1999. Toward the Software Realization of a GSM Base Station. IEEE J. on Selected Areas in Communications, 17(4): 603-612 9. USEPA, 1990. US EPA. Ambient Air Monitoring QA Program. Archived from http://www.epa.gov/airprogm/oar/oaqps/q a/index.html#guidance May, 2012. 10. WHO, 1987. Technology for Water Supply and Sanitation in Developing Countries. Technical Report Series No. 742. World Health Organization, Geneva. 11. Wilson, E. and Wong, K. 2003. African information revolution: A balance Sheet. In Abdul Bangura and Abdul Karim Bangura, 2011. African mathematics from bones to computers 220 p Olatunde S. Olatunji, Akinsoji Olatunbosun |
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172 | Deflection Of An Asteroid By Laser Ablation And Laser Pressure Technique
Deflection Of An Asteroid By Laser Ablation And Laser Pressure TechniqueAbstract: The NEO deflection method employing laser ablation is an interesting and promising method to deviate the orbit of the asteroid. This technique employs trains of solar-pumped laser pulses, from a number of spacecrafts in specific formation, to ablate material from the asteroid surface. This process not only reduces the momentum of the asteroid by required amount but also creates a pressure in the opposite direction due to continuous bombardment of high pressure laser pulses. The main advantage of this technique is that it relieves the strict constraint on the proximity to the asteroid surface, thus mitigating the effects of inhomogeneous gravity field, temperature variations and damage of the spacecraft due to regolith. The solution requires no futuristic technology and would work on wide variety of asteroid types.Reference 1) C.A. Maddock, C.McInnes, G.Radice, M.Vasile, "NEO deflection through a multimirror system,FinalReport", ESA, , 9 June 2009,Contract no.-21665/08/NL/CB. 2) "Interaction Laser Radiation Matter. Mechanisms of Laser Ablation",MMendes Tech, 2010. 3) http://www.wikipedia.org 4) K.Imasaki, T.Saiki, D.Li, S.Taniguchi, S.Motokosi and M.Nakatsuka, "Solar pumped laser and its application to hydrogen production",ILT, 5 June 2007, Turkey. 5) Leslie S. Coleman, "Introduction: Rocket Science ain't all Rocket Science", Frosty Dew Observatory. 6) http://www.physorg.com 7) http://www.tuk.fi/Units/Ats/projects/prlaser/ ablation.htm 8) Asteroid Fact Sheet, Dr. David R. Williams, NASA Rahul Sengupta |
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173. | Contemplation of Image Based Iris Recognition
Contemplation of Image Based Iris RecognitionAbstract: This Paper presents a comparative analysis of few of the existing methods available for iris recognition. The iris is a portion of the inner eye of an individual and contains an abstract and randomly generated texture pattern arising from orientation of complex tissues within this region. This random pattern can provide a unique identifier of a person if a mathematical model can be built to represent and compare it. Iris recognition is divided into four steps, viz Image Acquisition, Preprocessing, Feature Extraction and Matching. Iris recognition technology is able to give highly accurate results for human identification. But this technology needs more attention to overcome the disadvantages of the existing algorithms. In this paper comparative analysis of various iris recognition methods is done considering various performance evaluation criteria's like False Acceptance Ratio (FAR) , Genuine Acceptance Ratio( GAR), Feature extraction, Feature vector size, test bed used and accuracy of the identification.Key words: Biometrics, Feature Vector, Performance Evaluation. Reference [1] Clyde Oyster, "The Human Eye Structure and Function", ophthalmic and physiological optics, Vol 20; Number 4, 2000, pages 349-350, [2] John Daugman, Cathryn Downing, Epigenetic randomness, "complexity and singularity of human iris patterns", Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 268 (2001) 1737–1740 [3] Kevin W. Bowyer, Karen Hollingsworth, Patrick J. Flynn, "Image Understanding for Iris Biometrics: A Survey, Computer Vision and Image Understanding", Vol. 110, Issue 2, pp. 281- 307, 2008. [4] Li Ma, Tieniu Tan, Yunhong Wang, Dexin Zhang, "Personal Identification based on Iris Texture Analysis", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol.25, No.12, pp. 1519 – 1533, 2003 [5] Proenca H, and Alexandre, L.A, "UBIRIS: a noisy iris image database", ICIAP 2005, International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing, pp. 970- 977, 2005. [6] CASIA-IrisV3, http://www.cbsr.ia.ac.cn/IrisDatabase.htm [7] Xiamen Liu, Bowyer K.W., Flynn, P.J., "Experimental Evaluation of Iris Recognition", IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops, pp. 158- 165, 2005. [8] Daugman,J. "How iris recognition works", Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, IEEE Transactions Vol 14,pg 21-30,2004 [9] A. Sturn, Cluster Analysis for Large Scale Gene Expression Studies, Masters Thesis. The Institute for Genomic Research, Rockville, Maryland, USA, December 20, 2000. [10] R. V. Yampolskiy and V. Govindaraju, "Use of Behavioral Biometrics in Intrusion Detection and Online Gaming", Biometric Technology for Human Identification III. SPIE Defense and Security Symposium, Orlando, Florida, 17- 22 April 2006. Dr.Sudeep D. Thepade, Pooja V. Bidwai |
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174. | Appraise Of Multifarious Image Steganography Techniques
Appraise Of Multifarious Image Steganography TechniquesAbstract: This paper presents a review of multifarious methods available for image steganography. The steganography is an art and science of invisible communication. The image steganography is divided into four basic terminologies viz. cover image, message, stego image, embedding and extracting algorithm. In this paper comparison of steganography with other security techniques is done. Image steganography technique is widely used technique to secure information utilized for covert communication, featured tagging, copyright protection, military agencies and for many more applications related to secure communications. Image steganography is divided into two domains, spatial and transform. For Spatial domain techniques like Least significant bit replacement and PVD based methods , the embedding capacity is more but sustainability against attacks on stego image is very less, so this technology need more attention to overcome the disadvantage of existing algorithms. The current research is going on transform domain techniques which provide good robustness against attacks. Here, comparative analysis of various image steganography methods is done considering various performance evaluation parameters like invisibility, payload capacity, robustness against attacks etc.Key words: LSB, PVD, DCT, Walsh transform, Steganography. Reference [1] T. Morkel, J.H.P.Eloff, M.S.Oliver, "An Overview of Image Steganography", Published in Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Information Security South Africa Conference (ISSA2005), Sandton, South Africa, 2005. [2] M. Gadiparthi, K.Sagar, D.Sahukari, R.Chowdary, "A High Capacity Steganographic Technique based on LSB and PVD Modulus Methods", International Journal of Computer Applications ISSN: 0975-8887, Volume 22- No.5, May 2011. [3] C.H. Yang, "Inverted Pattern Approach to improve image quality of information hiding by LSB Substitution", Pattern Recognition 41, 2008, pp. 2674-2683. [4] K. B. Raja, C. R. Chowdary, K.R Venugopal and L.M. Patnaik , "A Secure Image Steganography Using LSB, DCT and Compression Techniques on Raw Images", Proceedings of IEEE 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Sensing and Information Processing, ICISIP'05,Bangalore,India, Dec. 2005, pp.170-176. [5] Wang. C-M. et al. , "A High Quality Steganography Method with Pixel-Value Differencing and Modulus Function", J. Syst. Software (2007), doi:10.1016/j.jss.2007.01.049 [6] Chi-Kwong Chan, L.M. Cheng, "Hiding Data in Images by Simple LSB Substitution", Pattern Recognition 37, 2004, pp. 469-474. [7] Ge Huayong, Huang Mingsheng, Wang Qian, "Steganography and Steganalysis based on Digital Image", 4th IEEE International Congress on Image and Signal Processing,2011, doi: 978-1-4222- 9306-7/11. [8] Abbas Cheddad, Joan Condell, Kevin Curran and Paul Mc Kevitt, "Digital Image Steganography: Survey and analysis of current methods", Signal Processing 90(3), 2010, pp.727- 752. [9] Sara Natanj, Seyed Reza Taghizadeh, "Current Steganography Approaches: A survey", International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, Volume 1,Issue-1,December-2011,ISSN:2277 128X. [10] Chi-Kwong Chan, L.M. Cheng, "Hiding data in images by simple LSB substitution", Pattern recognition 37, 2004, pp.469-474. Dr. Sudeep Thepade, Smita S. Chavan |
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175. | Data Generation of Structural Confiurations
Data Generation of Structural ConfiurationsAbstract: Engineers and architects have always held a special interest for structural systems that enable them to cover large spans with minimal interference from internal supports. It is perhaps no surprise then that dome structures, capable of encompassing maximum volume with minimum surface area, are one of the oldest structural forms and has been used in architecture since the earliest times. The processing of geodesic forms has always been an extremely difficult task. The constraint of the processing difficulties, however, did not allow the designers to take full advantage of the whole spectrum of possibilities and their scope remained rather limited. In contrast, the conceptual methodology that is presented in this paper combined with suitable computer software such as Formian, provides a means for dealing with the processing of any kind of polyhedric configuration and geodesic with relative ease and elegance. In this paper the generation of geodesic forms is solved in two stages.Key words: Formex algebra, Formian, Geodesic Forms, Polyhedric forms, retronorms Reference [1] H. Nooshin and P. L. Disney, "Formex configuration processing". In R. Motro (ed.), Structural Morphology and Configuration Processing of Space Structures. London: Multi Science publishers, pp. 391-443, 2009. [2] H. Nooshin & M. Moghimi, "Formex formulation of freedom structural surfaces", Asian journal of civil engineering (Building and Housing), Vol. 8, No. 4 (2007), pp. 459-469. [3] H. Nooshin and P.L. Disney, "Formex Configuration Processing III", International Journal of Space Structures, Vol. 17, No 1, pp. 1-50, 2002. [4] D. Tzourmakliotou, Computer aided design of braced domes. PhD Thesis, University of Surrey, United Kingdom, 1993. [5] D. Tzourmakliotou,, "The polyhedric Configurations in Spatial Structures". Proceedings of the Sixth Conference on Computation of Shell and Spatial Structures. Spanning Nano to Mega. http://ecommons.library. cornell.edu.bitstream/1813/11539/ Structural Morphology.pdf: pp.10-14, 2008. [6] H. Nooshin . Formex configuration processing in structural engineering. Elsevier applied science publishers; London; 1984. [7] R. Bury, Plato IX Timaeus. The Loeb classical library, Harvard University press, 1975. [8] B. Fuller and R. Marks. The Dymaxion World of Buckminster Fuller. Anchor Books, 1973. [9] H. Kenner, Geodesic Math and How to Use it, University of California Press, 1976. [10] Pugh, A. Polyhedra: A visual approach. Berkeley: University of California press, 1976. [11] Greorghiu, A, & Dragomir, V. Geometry of structural forms. London: Elsevier applied science publishers, 1978. Dimitra Tzourmakliotou |
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176. | Traffic Jam Detection Using Image Processing
Traffic Jam Detection Using Image ProcessingAbstract: Traffic management is becoming one of the most important issues in rapidly growing cities. Due to bad traffic management a lot of man-hours are being wasted. Increasing congestion on highways and problems associated with existing detectors has generated an interest in vehicle detection technologies such as video image processing. Regarding this problem, developing a self adaptive system which can help in better traffic management using the technique of image processing is a necessity. Existing commercial image processing systems work well in free-flowing traffic, but the systems have difficulties with traffic congestion, shadows and various lighting conditions. The suggested feature-based tracking system will detect vehicles under these challenging conditions. Using image processing operations to calculate traffic density is cost effective as cameras are cheaper and affordable devices compared to any other devices such as sensors. Using the information obtained the development of an android application will be done, in which the user will get the traffic density at the location of choice.Key words: Traffic management, motion detection, background subtraction, digital image processing Reference [1] Sabya sanchi kanoji, "Real-time Traffic light-control and Congestion avoidance system", International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), Vol. 2, Issue 2, Mar-Apr 2012, pp.925-929 [2] Vikramaditya Dangi, Amol Parab, Kshitij Pawar & S.S. Rathod, "Image Processing based Intelligent Traffic Controller", Undergraduate Academic Research Journal (UARJ), Volume-1, Issue-1, 2012, pp.1-17 [3] Ms. Pallavi Choudekar, Ms. Sayanti Banerjee, Prof. M.K. Muju, "Real Time Traffic Light Control using Image Processing", Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE), Vol-2 [4] Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods, "Digital Image Processing", Third Edition, pp.1-3 [5] Zehang Sun, George Bebis, and Ronald Miller, "On-road Vehicle Detection Using Evolutionary Gabor Filter Optimization",pp.1-2 [6] Khan Muhammad Nafee Mostafa, QudratE-Alahy Ratul, "Traffic Jam Detection System", pp 1-4 [7] Traffic Safety Facts, US Department of Transport, December 2012, pp. 1-2 Prof. Uma Nagaraj, Jinendra Rathod, Prachi Patil, Sayali Thakur, Utsav Sharma |
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177. | Signal Strength Enhancement Using Cellular Repeater On Three Frequency Bands For Low Signal Coverage Areas (GSM900, GSM 1800/DCS, 3G)
Signal Strength Enhancement Using Cellular Repeater On Three Frequency Bands For Low Signal Coverage Areas (GSM900, GSM 1800/DCS, 3G)Abstract: The intended application of our Cellular Repeater is a system of duplex reception, amplification and transmission used to enhance uplink(UL) and downlink(DL) signals in areas of low signal coverage i.e.; for the situations where signal quality between the base station and the receiver is poor and communication fails. This will be helpful for cellular providers to rectify the problems of poor signal service. This Tri-Band Cellular Repeater consists of Bidirectional amplifier, receiving and transmitting antennas. This paper discusses our assembling process, beginning with component selection and our difficulty in obtaining the required gain according to the user requirement in the process of testing. This cellular repeater can be operated in 3 different operating frequency bands namely, GSM 900, DCS and 3G. The operation of the repeater can be switched between the three bands depending on the user requirement using a triplexer which provides proper switching among the bands. This model helps a lot in providing efficient signal service in the weaker coverage areas in the specified band of frequency.Key words: Bi-Directional Amplifier (BDA), Yagi-Uda antenna, Patch panel antenna, power amplifier, GSM 900, DCS, 3G Reference [1] K. V. S. Rao, P. V. Nikitin and S. Lam, "Antenna design for UHF RFID tags: A review and a practical application," IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 53, no. 12, pp. 3870- 3876, Dec. 2005. [2] K.P. Ray and Y. Ranga, "CPW-fed modified rectangular printed monopole antenna with slot," Microwave and OptoelectronicsConference, 2007 IMOC 2007 SBMO/IEEE MTT-S International, pp.79-81, Oct. 29 2007-Nov. 1 2007. [3] C. Balanis, Antenna Theory, Analysis and Design, 3rd edition, New York: Wiley, 2005. [4] R. C. Baraniuk, V. Cevher, and M. B. Wakin, "Low-dimensional models for dimensionality reduction and signal recovery, a geometrical perspective," Proc. IEEE, vol. 98, no. 6, pp. 959–971,Jun. 2010. [5] O. M. Bucci, G. D'Elia, and M. D. Migliore, "A new strategy to reduce the truncation error in near-field far-field transformations," Radio Sci.,vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 3–17, Jan.–Feb. 2000. Divvela.Santhosh Raghava Rao, Sreevardhan cheerla |
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178. | Mechanical Strength Of Concrete With Crumb And Shredded Tyre As Aggregate Replacement
Mechanical Strength Of Concrete With Crumb And Shredded Tyre As Aggregate ReplacementAbstract: This paper presents a research into the mechanical strength of concrete with shredded tyre and crumb tyre as aggregate replacement. The materials used to make concrete for this experiment are coarse aggregate, cement, sand, shredded tyre, crumb tyre, potable water and Ordinary Portland Cement. A total of fifteen main mixtures were cast as solid bricks with 0% replacement as control then followed by 5%, 7.5%, 10%, 12.5%, 15%, 17.5%, 20% separately for both shred and crumb rubber materials. The compressive tests for the concrete cubes were carried out by applying a constant uniform pressure to the cubes of the concrete blocks until failure occurred. The results of the compressive test show that by replacing the aggregate by 2.5 % shredded tyre, the compressive strength increased by about 8.5% but at 5% replacement and beyond, the compressive strength decreased. For the Crumb tyre aggregates, the compressive strength decreased generally as the percentage replacement increased. Thus, crumb tyre is not advisable to be used as aggregate replacement due to its weak compressive strength. Shredded tyre could be used as replacement of aggregates in concrete production up to 2.5% replacement in order to help reduce the cost of concrete production arising from the increasing cost of cement, and reduce the volume of waste generated from unused tyres.Key words: mechanical strength, shredded tyre, crumb tyre, compressive tests, concrete, aggregates. Reference [1]. Akinwonmi, A. S. (2012) "Fracture Behaviour Of Concrete With Sawdust Replacement under Uniaxial Compressive Loading" International Journal of Innovative Research & Development( IJIRD) ISSN: 2278 – 0211 Vol. 1 issue 9 pp. 155-163 [2]. El-Gammal, A.; Abdel-Gawad, A. K. ; El-Sherbin,i Y., and Shalaby, A. (2010) "Compressive Strength of Concrete Utilizing Waste Tire Rubber" Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences (JETEAS) 1 (1): 96-99 [3]. Gambhir, M.L. (2004) Concrete Technology, Tata McGraw- Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, pp. 352-448. [4]. Ganjian, E., Khorami, M., and Maghsoudi, A. A. (2009), "Scrap-tyre-replacement for aggregate and filler in concrete." Construction and Building Materials Journal, ELSEVIER, 23, 1828-1836. [5]. Satish D. Kene, Pravin V. Domke, Sandesh D. Deshmukh, R.S. Deotale (2011) (Assessment of Concrete Strength Using Flyash and Rice Husk Ash) International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 www.ijera.com Vol.1, Issue 3, pp.524-534 [6]. Siddique, R. and Naik, T. R. (2004), "Properties of concrete containing scraptire rubber – an overview" Journal of Waste Management, ELSEVIER, 24, 563- 569. [7]. Toutanji, H. A. (1996), "The use of rubber tire particles in concrete to replace mineral aggregates." Journal of Cement & Concrete Composites, ELSEVIER, 18, 135-139. Akinwonmi, Ademola Samuel, Seckley, Emmanuel |
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179. | Adaptive Noise Cancellation for Speech Processing in Real Time Environment
Adaptive Noise Cancellation for Speech Processing in Real Time EnvironmentAbstract: The most common problem in speech processing is the interference noise in speech signals. Interference can come from acoustical sources such as ventilation equipment, traffic crowds and commonly reverberation and echoes. The basic adaptive algorithm is the LMS algorithm but its' major drawback is the excess mean square error increase linearly with the desired signal power. We proposed an algorithm for adaptive noise cancellation using normalized differential least mean square NDLMS algorithm in real time environment. In this paper NDLMS algorithm is proposed to deal with situation when the desired signal is strong for example, speech signal. Simulations were carried out using real speech signal with different noise power levels. Results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed NDLMS algorithm over LMS algorithm in achieving much smaller steady state excess mean square error.Key words: ANC, Noise Power, Speech Signal, Step Size , SNR. Reference [1] Shajeesh . K.U and K. P. Soman , "Noise cancellation method for speech recognition method". International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 45– No.11, May 2012 [2] S. China Venkateswarlu, K.Satya Prasad and Subba Rami Reddy, "Improve Speech Enhancement Using Weiner Filtering", Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, Vol. 11, Iss. 7, Ver 1.0, May 2011. [3] S. V. Vasighi and P. J. W. Rayner, "Detection and suppression of impulsive noise in speech communication systems, IEE Proc. of Communications, Speech and Vision, vol. 137, Pt. 1, no. 12, pp. 38-46, February 1990. [4] S.Haykin," Adaptive Filter Theory" Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice hall,2001. [5] S.M. Kuo and D.R. Morgan," Active noise control: A tutuorial review", Proc.IEEE,VOL.87, pp, 943-973, June 1999. [6] S.J. Elliott, "Signal processing for active control", San Diego , CA :Academic press, 2001. [7] J.E Greenberg, "Modified LMS algorithm for speech processing with an adaptive noise canceller", IEEE Trans. Speech audio process, vol 47, no .4,pp.338-351,july 1998. [8] Raj kumar Thenua, S.K. Agarwal, "Simulation and performance Analysis of adaptive filter in Noise cancellation", International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Vol. 2(9), 2010, 4373-4378. [9] Junghsi Lee, Jia-Wei Chen, and HsuChang Huang." Performance Comparison Of Variable Step Size NLMS Algorithm" Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2009 Vol I WCECS 2009, October 20-22, 2009, San Francisco, USA. [10] N.J.Bershad,"Behaviour of the e – Normalised LMS algorithm with Gaussian input" IEEE Trans.Acoustics, Speech and Signal process,vol.ASSP-35,NO.5,pp,636- 644,May 1987. [11] Z. Ramadan and A.Poularikas,"A Robust Variable Step Size LMS algorithm using error – data Normalisation",in Proc.37th South Eastern Symp. System Theory,2005,pp.219-224. Dr.A.Shanmugam, M.A.Raja, S.V.Lakshmi, V.Adlinvini, M.Ashwin, Ajeesh.P.P |
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180. | An Efficient Mechanism for Navigating Web Using Mobile Web Crawler
An Efficient Mechanism for Navigating Web Using Mobile Web CrawlerAbstract: With the fast pace growth of World Wide Web and its dynamic nature coupled with presence of large volume of contents, the web crawlers have become an indispensable part of search engines. The growing use of search engines and their dependency in every day life necessitates that the correct and relevant information is presented to users in response to their search queries. Web crawler plays an important role to meet this objective by playing an important part of a search engine. A mobile web crawler is an automated computer program, which transfers itself to web servers in an attempt to download information and contents. Dynamically changing nature of web requires that mobile web crawlers must be able to intelligently decide about new pages and the changes in already crawled pages. This ability of mobile web crawler allows minimizing the consumption of resources. This paper aims to provide an efficient crawling mechanism for implementing a mobile web crawler, which intelligently decides about page changes to reduce overall load on web resources and helps search engines to increase web crawling speed and expand their reach in indexing.Key words: -World Wide Web, Mobile Web Crawler, Search Engine. Reference [1] Eichmann D., "The RBSE spider: balancing effective search against Web load", Proc. of First World Wide Web Conference, Switzerland, 1994. [2] Junghoo Cho., Garcia-Molinga, Lawrence Page, Efficient Crawling through URL Ordering, Computer networks and ISDN systems, pp. 161-172, 1998. [3] Cho. J, Garcia-Molina, H., Parallel Crawlers, Proc. of 11th International Conference on World Wide Web, USA, pp. 124-135, 2002. [4] Soumen Chakrabarti, Martin van den Berg, Byron Dom, Focused Crawling: A New Approach to Topic-Specific Web Resource Discovery, World Wide Web Conference, 1999. [5] S. Chakrabarti, K. Punera, M. Subramanyam, Accelrated Focused Crawling through Online Relevance Feedback, Proc. of 11th International Conference on World Wide Web, pp. 148- 159, 2002. [6] Shkapenyuk V., Suel T., Design and Implementation of a High Performance Distributed Web Crawler, Proc. of 18th International Conference on Data Engineering, California, IEEE Press, pp. 357-368, 2002. [7] Boldi P., Codenotti B., Santini M., Vigna S., UbiCrawler : a scalable fully distributed Web crawler, Software Practice and Experience, vol. 34 issue 8, pp. 711-726, 2004. [8] Fiedler J., Hammer J., Using the Web efficiently: Mobile Crawling, Proc. of 7th International Conference of the Association of Management on Computer Science, San Diego, pp. 324-329, August 1999. [9] Fiedler J., Hammer J., Using mobile crawlers to search the Web efficiently, International Journal of Computer and Information Science, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 36- 58, 2000. [10] Brewster Kahle, Archiving the internet, Scientific American, 1996. Dr. Gulshan Ahuja |
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181. | Mitigation of Replication Attack Detection in Clusters through a Mobile Agent in Wireless Sensor Networks
Mitigation of Replication Attack Detection in Clusters through a Mobile Agent in Wireless Sensor NetworksAbstract: Among the several other attacks that threatens the security of the Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) node replication attack seems to be very harmful ifz present in the network. Replication attack is where an illegitimate node copies the identity of the legitimate node and tries to take hold of the entire network. Node replication attack is also called as clone attack since the clone node also contains the identical copy of information as that of the legitimate node. Most of the times the WSNs tend to operate in clusters. Clustering in sensor networks reduces the number of nodes taking part during the transmission of aggregated data to the data sink. In the existing method usage of mobile agent is one of the approaches for detecting the replicated nodes. But as the size of the network grows larger there should be more than one mobile node involved in the process of detecting the attack, which is not an affordable method. In the proposed method the cluster heads perform this detection job. The information about the nodes are sent to the base station periodically and verified. This paper comes out with a solution for detecting the replicated nodes that joins the cluster. The cluster head is given the additional task of detecting the replicas. An efficient protocol is designed for the cluster head so that it does not require an additional energy and memory requirements.Key words: Clone Attack, Clusters, Protocols, Replication Attack, Wireless Sensor Networks Reference [1] V. Kawadia, P.R. Kumar, Power control and clustering in Ad Hoc networks, in: Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM, San Francisco, CA, March 2003. [2] M. Chatterjee, S.K. Das, D. Turgut, WCA: a Weighted Clustering Algorithm for mobile Ad Hoc networks, Cluster Computing 5 (2) (2002) 193–204. [3] A.D. Amis, R. Prakash, T.H.P. Vuong, D.T. Huynh, Max-Min Dcluster formation in wireless Ad Hoc networks, in: Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM, March 2000. [4] A.B. McDonald, T. Znati, A mobility based framework for adaptive clustering in wireless ad-hoc networks, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 17 (8) (1999) 1466–1487. [5] S. Basagni, Distributed clustering algorithm for ad-hoc networks, in: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms, and Networks (ISPAN), Fremantle, Australia, June 1999. [6] G. Gupta, M. Younis, Load-balanced clustering in wireless sensor networks, in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Communication (ICC 2003), Anchorage, Alaska, May 2003. [7] S. Bandyopadhyay, E. Coyle, An energy efficient hierarchical clustering algorithm for wireless sensor networks, in: Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies (INFOCOM 2003), San Francisco, California, April 2003. [8] S. Ghiasi, A. Srivastava, X. Yang, M. Sarrafzadeh, Optimal energy aware clustering in sensor networks, Sensors Magazine MDPI 1 (1) (2004) 258–269. [9] O. Younis, S. Fahmy, HEED: A Hybrid, Energy-Efficient, Distributed clustering approach for Ad Hoc sensor networks, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 3 (4) (2004) 366–379. [10] W.B. Heinzelman, A.P. Chandrakasan, H. Balakrishnan, Application specific protocol architecture for wireless microsensor networks, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Networking (2002). D.Rajesh Kumar, R.Sathish |
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182. | Removal of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and color from dye manufacturing industry by coagulation
Removal of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and color from dye manufacturing industry by coagulationAbstract: The objective of the study was to removal of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and color from dye manufacturing wastewater by coagulation treatment method. Polyaluminium chloride (PACl) and ferric chloride (FeCl3) were used as a coagulants. FeCl3 and PACl used as coagulation in dye manufacturing wastewater treatment not only should be cost effective for coagulating impurities but should not leave toxic or other unconsiderable residues in the water. Jar test was conducted to determine the optimum dosage of coagulant and optimum pH value in dye wastewater for the removal of COD and color. The PACl coagulant dosage between 100ppm to 1000ppm and for FeCl3 coagulant dosage between 1000ppm to 6000ppm has been studied.Key words: dye manufacturing industry , coagulation, color removal, wastewater Reference 1. Shenai, V. A. (1977). Technology of textile processing volume II: Chemistry of dyes and principles of dyeing. Bombay : Sevak. 2. Eckenfelder, W. W. (2000). Industrial water pollution control. Singapore: McGraw. 3. EEM. (2008). Price of chemical. Pathumthani: Asian Institute of Technology 4. Hunger, K. (2003). Industrial dyes: Chemistry, properties, applications. Germany : Wiley-VCH. 5. Rangnekar, D. W. and Singh, P. P. (1980). An introduction to synthetic dyes. Bombay : Himalaya. 6. Reife, A. and Freeman, H. S. (1996). Environmental chemistry of dyes and pigments. USA : John Wiley & Son. 7. Sarasa, J., Roche, M. P., Ormad, M. P., Gimeno, E., Puig, A., and Ovelleiro, J. L. (1998). Treatment of a wastewater resulting from dyes manufacturing with ozone and chemical coagulation. Pergamon, 32 (9), 2721 – 2727. 8. Sebastian, N. S., Fernandez, J. F., Segura, X. F., and Ferrer, A. S. (2003). Preoxidation of an extremely polluted industrial wastewater by the Fenton's reagent. Hazardous Materials, B101, 315 – 322. 9. Thaiengineering. (2007). Price of Polyaluminium Chloride. Retrieved April 13, 2008, from Thailand Web site: http://www.thaiengineering.com/webboard/ 10. Yu-li, Y., Yue-zhong, W., Xiao-ying, L., and Si-zhen, L. (2006). Treatment of wastewater from dye manufacturing industry by coagulation. Journal of Zhejiang University Science, 7, 340 – 344. Monali Chirkut Likhar , Mayuresh Vinayakrao Shivramwar |
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183. | Optimization Of Process Parameters Of EDM Using ANOVA Method
Optimization Of Process Parameters Of EDM Using ANOVA MethodAbstract: The objective of this paper is to investigate the optimum process parameters for a particular work piece-tool material combination on Fuzzy Logic Control based Electrical Discharge Machine. In this experiment, two levels of current, tools material and spark gap are kept as the main variables. The work piece material was taken as S.S.304, and tool material changed at various levels of the performance as copper and brass. The DEF-92 was used as the dielectric fluid. The Design of experiment is used to design the E.D.M experiments. The various tools of D.O.E are used to analyze the final results of the experiment with the help of graphs in this paper. The analysis is being done with the help of Minitab- 15 software. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) is also performed to indentify the statistical significance of parameters. The result of the experiments are the optimimum values of MRR (material removal rate), TWR (tool wear ratio), and surface finish with the help of ANOVA. The conclusions arrived are discussed at the end.Key words: ANOVA, DOE, MRR, Sum of Square (SS), TWR Reference (1) Kuriakose S., Shunmugam M.S. Multiobjective optimization of wire EDM process by non-dominated sorting GA. J. Mater. Process. Technol. (2005) 170, 133– 141. (2) Kansal H.K., Singh S., Kumar P. Parametric optimization of powder mixedEDM by response surface methodology. J. Mater. Process. Technol. (2005) 169, 427– 436. (3) Keskin Y., Kalkaci H. S., Kizil M. An experimental study for determination of effects of machining parameters on surface roughness in EDM .Int.J.Adv. Manufacturing Tech. (2006) 28, 1118– 1121. (4) Tzeng Y., Chen F. Multi-objective optimization of high speed electric discharge machining process using a Taguchi fuzzy-based approach. Mater. Design (2007) 28, 1159–1168. (5) Mandal D., Pal S.K., Saha P. Modeling of EDM process using BP neural network and multi-objective optimization using nondominating sorting GA. J. Mater. Process. Technol. (2007) 186, 154–162. (6) Yuan, J., Wang, K., Yu, T., Fang, M. Reliable multi-objective optimization of high-speed WEDM process based on Gaussian process regression. Int. J. Mach. Tools Manuf. (2008) 48, 47–60. (7) Rathod K. B., Lalwani D. I. Experimental investigation on optimization of fuzzy logic controlled EDM. INCAMA (2009) 26-28 March. (8) Antony Jiju. Design of Experiments for Engineers and Scientists. Elsevier Science and Technology Books, ISBN: 0750647094, October 2003 (9) Shabadkar P.K. and Garule N.B. Experimental investigations on EDM using Taguchi technique of process parameters. Proceedings of the international conference on Global Manufacturing and innovation. (2006) July 27-29. (10) Montgomery Douglas C. Design and Analysis of Experiments, fifth edition, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York, ISBN: 0- 471-31649-0, 1997 Vishnu D Asal, Prof.R.I. Patel, Alok B Choudhary |
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184. | Risk Assessment of Magnetic Field Pollution in Average Home
Risk Assessment of Magnetic Field Pollution in Average HomeAbstract: In our homes and offices, all electrical appliances/devices produce magnetic field, even when they are "off", as long as it is plugged into the electric supply and drawing on the power. These appliances radiate magnetic field that when it exceeds 0.65mG might lead to health hazard in Human being. This paper examined the magnetic field pollution from these appliances and fixtures using Trifield meter in residential area of Bauchi metropolis in Nigeria as a case study. The result showed that most of the appliances examined need to be kept at a distance of around 20cm from human body to avoid health risk.Key words: Biological effects, Electromagnetic field pollution, Extremely low frequency field, Health hazard Reference [1] M. Andrew, Electromagnetic Pollution, Consumer Health and the Planetary Association for Clean Energy 1999, Inc. and ESSENTIA Communications Inc., 100 Bronson Avenue, #1001, Ottawa, K1R 6G8, 613-238-4437, 3(14), March, 1991. [2] A. Ogunsola, Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility, Systems Engineering Manager Parsons Group International UK, 2004. [3] H. Joe, The Negative Effects of Electromagnetic Fields, Consumer Health Organization of Canada, 9(20), 1997. [4] EPA Draft Report, Nature, vol. 345, 6-7- 90, March 1990, 463. [5] Science News, 15(137), April 1990, 229. [6] Science, vol. 249, September, 1990, 1379. [7] L. de Sobel NI, G. SI and D. De Pietri, Study of Mortality for Cancer in Municipalities of Quilmes and Berazategui Period 1999-2003. Influence of Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Field 2008, Maimonides University, Hidalgo 775, Buenos Aires, Argentina. [8] C. Polk, Sources, Propagation, Amplitude, and Temporal Variation of Extremely Low Frequency (0 - 100 Hz) Electromagnetic Fields. In: Llaurado, J.G., Sances, A., and Battocletti, J.H., ed.", Biologic and Clinical Effects of Low Frequency Magnetic and Electric Fields, (Springfield, Illinois, Charles C. Thomas, 1974) [9] Guidelines for Limiting Exposure to Time-Varying Electric, Magnetic, and Electromagnetic Fields, Quantities and Units, 1998, 495. [10] M. A. Stuchly, and W. Xi, Modelling Induced Currents in Biological Cells Exposed to Low-Frequency Magnetic Fields, Phys. Med. Biol. 39, 1994, and 1319-1330. Maina Ibrahim, Aliyu Ozovehe, Ali Hamdallah |
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185. | Comparison of Design Standards for Steel Railway Bridges
Comparison of Design Standards for Steel Railway BridgesAbstract: The popularity of steel bridges is increasing in the modern era because of its unmatchable advantages. Engineers are using various national codes to achieve an optimum design. Some of the Asian countries are using their own codes and also American and other country code provisions to achieve better economy and better standards. In this regard the comparison of design codes is relevant. Comparison of code provisions for design of steel bridges enables us to know which country spends more money to meet their design standards also which country imposes maximum safety standards. In this paper design of steel bridge based on Indian and European standards are done and the results are compared. This study is concentrated on the total deflection and weight of the steel girder by varying the grade of steel, panel aspect ratio, web slenderness ratio. Based on the design results, conclusions are arrived at to know the behavior of plate girder bridges when designed using Indian and European standards.Key words: Steel bridges, design comparison, deflection, weight. Reference [1] Dr. N. Subramanian, (2008). "Code Of Practice On Steel Structures" -A Review Of IS 800: 2007, Civil Engineering and Construction Journal. [2] Mr. Arijit Guha, Mr. M M Ghosh , (2008). "IS: 800 - Indian Code of Practice for Construction in Steel and its Comparison with International Codes", Institute for Steel Development & Growth (INSDAG). [3] M. Krishnamoorthy, D.Tensing , (2008). "Design of Compression members based on IS 800-2007 and IS 800-1984- Comparison", Journal of Information Knowledge and Research in civil engineering. [4] F. Faluyi , and C. Arum, (2012). "Design Optimization of Plate Girder Using Generalized Reduced Gradient and Constrained Artificial Bee Colony Algorithms", International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering. [5] R. Abspoel, (2009). "Optimizing plate girder design", Nordic steel construction conference. [6] Arijit Guha and Dr.T.K. Bandyopandhya (2004), "Structural Member Design Based on Draft IS: 800 (Limit State Method), Insdag's steel journal", Institute for steel development & Growth, Jan 2004, Volume5. [7] Akira Takaue, (2010)."Applied design codes on long-span bridge projects in Asia", IABSE-JSCE Joint Conference on Advances in Bridge Engineering-II, August 8-10, Dhaka, Bangladesh. [8] Subramanian, N (2008). Design of Steel Structures, Oxford University Press, New Delhi. [9] IS 800:2007 (2007). "Indian standard code of practice for General Construction in Steel", Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi. [10] ENV-1993-1-1, (1992). Eurocode 3: Design of Steel Structures. Part1.1, General Rules and Rules for Buildings, European Committee for Standardization, Brussels Midhun B Sankar, Priya A Jacob |
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186. | Second Order Sigma Delta Modulatorwith better SNDR
econd Order Sigma Delta Modulatorwith better SNDRAbstract: Over-sampling sigma-delta analog-todigital converters (ADCs) are one of the keybuilding blocks of state of the art wireless transceivers. In sigma-delta modulator design,the scaling coefficients determine the peak signal-tonoise ratio. Therefore, selecting theoptimum value of the coefficient is very important. To this end, this paper addresses thedesign of a secondorder multi-bit sigma-delta modulator suitable for Wireless Local AreaNetworks (WLAN) receivers with feed forward path and the optimum coefficients wereselected using genetic algorithm (GA) - based search method. In particular, the proposedconverter makes use of low-distortion swing suppression SDM architecture which is highlysuitable for low oversampling ratios to attain high linearity over a wide bandwidth. GA-based search engine is a stochastic search method which can find the optimum solutionwithin the given constraints.Reference [1] Schreier R., Temes G. C, "Understanding Delta-Sigma Data Converters," New York : IEEE Press,2005. [2] D. Reefman, J. Reiss, E. Janssen, and M. Sandler, "Description of Limit Cycles in Sigma–Delta Modulators," IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, vol. 52, pp. 1211–1223(2005). [3] G. I. Bourdopoulos, A. Pnevmatikakis, V. Anastassopoulos, and T. L. Deliyannis, Delta-Sigma Modulators: Modeling, Design and Applications (Imperial College Press,London, UK, 2003. [4] AbdelghaneDenbdouga,NourEddineBougechal, Souhealkouda and Samir Barrea "Modeling of second order sigma delta modulator with imperfections"international journal on electrical engineering and informatics vol. 3 Nov 2011 [5] V. Mladenov, H. Hegt, and A. V. Roermund, "On the Stability Analysis ofHigh Order Sigma-Delta Modulators,"Analog Integrated Circuits and SignalProcessing, vol. 36 (2003). [6] James C. Candy, Gabor C. Temes. "Oversampling Methods for A/D D/A Conversion, Oversampling DeltaSigmaConverters," New Jersey, IEEE Press, 1992., p. 2-3. [7] Fogel, David B. (editor) (1998). Evolutionary Computation: The Fossil Record. New York: IEEE Press. ISBN 0- 7803-3481-7. [8] K. A. De Jong, "Are genetic algorithms function optimizers?" in Parallel Problem Solving from Narure, 2 , R. Manner and B. Manderick, Eds. Amsterdam: North Holland, 1992, pp. 3-13. [9] D.E. Goldberg, Genetics Algorithms: in Search Optimisationand Machine Learning, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1989. [10] ZbigniewMichalewicz. Genetic Algorithms + Data Structures = EvolutionPrograms. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 3 edition, 1996. Dr. T.K. Bandopadyay, Manish Saxena, RaghavShrivastava |
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187. | Optimization of process parameters in dry turning operation of EN 41B alloy steels with cermet tool based on the Taguchi method
Optimization of process parameters in dry turning operation of EN 41B alloy steels with cermet tool based on the Taguchi methodAbstract: This paper envisages the optimal setting of process parameters which influences the surface roughness during the machining operation of En 41B alloy steel with cermet tool. Experiments have been carried out by using Taguchi design. The surface roughness is considered as quality characteristic while the process parameters considered are speed, feed and depth of cut. The results of the machining experiments for En 41B were used to characterize the main factors affecting surface roughness by the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The feed and speed are identified as the most influential process parameters on work piece surface roughness.Key words: Machining, Surface Roughness, Taguchi Method, En 41B,ANOVA. Reference [1] S. Thamizhmanii, S. Hasan, Analyses of roughness, forces and wear in turning gray cast iron, Journal of achievement in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, 17, 2006. [2] Palanikumar, L. Karunamoorthy, R. Krathikeyan, Assessment of factors influencing surface roughness on the machining of glass– reinforced polymer composites, Journal of Materials and Design, 27 (2006) 862-871. [3] Xue Ping, C. Richard Liu, Zhenqiang Yao, Experimental study and evaluation methodology on hard surface integrity, International Journal Advanced Manufacturing Technology, ODI 10.1007/s00170-006-0576- 6. [4] T. Tamizharasan, T. Selvaraj, A. Noorul Hag, Analysis of tool wear and surface finish in hard turning, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2005), DOI 10/1007 /s 00170-004-2411-1. [5] W.H. Yang, Y.S. Tang, Design optimization of cutting parameters for turning operations based on Taguchi method, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 84 (1998) 122-129. [6] Ersan Aslan, Necip Camuscu Burak Bingoren, Design of optimization of cutting parameters when turning hardened AISI 4140 steel (63 HRC) with Al 2 O3 + TiCN mixed ceramic tool, Materials and Design, date received 21.07.2005 and date accepted 06.01.2006. [7] D.C. Montgometry, Design and analysis of experiments, 4th edition, New York: Wiley; 1997. [8] N. Nalbant, H. Gokkaya, G. Sur, Application of Taguchi method in the optimization of cutting parameters for surface roughness in turning, Materials and Design, date received 21.07.2006 and date accepted 06.01.2006. [9] I.A. Choudhury, M.A. El-Baradie, Surface roughness prediction in the turning of high strength steel by factorial design of experiments, Journal of Materials Processing technology, 67 (1997) 55-67. [10] B. Erginc, Z. Kampus, B. Sustarsic, The use of the Taguchi approach to determine the influence of injection –molding parameters on the properties of green parts, Journal of achievement in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, 15, 2006. T. Sreenivasa Murthy, R.K.Suresh, G. Krishnaiah, V. Diwakar Reddy |
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188. | Optimization of I-section of a Flat Bed Trailer
Optimization of I-section of a Flat Bed TrailerAbstract: Flat Bed trailers are employed in heavy automobiles to carry tonnes of loads safely. These trailers have a big role to play as far as the safety of the cargo loaded is concerned. With more and more industrialization the rate at which these trailers are fabricated are increasing. This work has been carried out on one of the major I-Beams carrying a larger load comparatively. The CAD model of the I beam is initially prepared with the help of existing drawings. It is then followed by implementation of Finite element method in the static structural analysis workbench of CATIA V5. FEM results led us to the determination of stress and deflections in the existing model. In order to reach the most optimum dimensions several models in the form of different dimensions of flange, web and width were tested and the most optimum dimension was selected. The selection was based on the satisfaction of several factors in the form of load carrying capacity, stress induced and deflection.Key words: FEM(Finite Element Method), Computer Aided Design(CAD), CAE(Computer Aided Engineering) Reference [1] N.K.Ingole and D.V. Bhope Stress Analysis of Tractor trailer Chassis For Self Weight Reduction Vol. ISSN : 0975- 54623 No. 9 September 2011" International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology". [2] Roslan Abd Rahman, Mohd Nasir Tamin, Ojo Kurdi,"Stress analysis of heavy duty truck chassis using finite element method",skudai,johor. [3] Vijaykumar V. Patel and R. I. Patel " Structural analysis of a ladder chassis frame" World Journal of Science and Technology 2012, 2(4):05-08. [4] Teo Han Fui, Roslan Abd. Rahman "Static and Dynamics Structural Analysis of a 4.5 ton Truck chassis" Jurnal Mekanikal December 2007, No. 24, 56 – 67. [5] Ashutosh Dubey, Vivek Dwivedi," Vehicle Chassis Analysis: Load Cases &Boundary Conditions for Stress Analysis" [6] J. N. Reddy "An Introduction to the Finite Element Method" TMH Publication. [7] Dr. Sadhu Singh "Strength of Material" Khanna Publishers. [8] Mechanics of Materials, R.C. Hibbler, Pearson Publication Ashwini Bhoi, L P Koushik, Narendra Yadav, Manas Patnaik |
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189. | The Organization and management of maintenance function and its effect Over Economies of an Industry
The Organization and management of maintenance function and its effect Over Economies of an IndustryAbstract: As with any discipline built upon the foundations of science and technology, the study of maintenance begins with a definition of maintenance. Maintenance is not merely preventive maintenance, although this aspect is an important ingredient. In a more positive vein, maintenance is a science since its execution relies, sooner or later, on most or all of the sciences. It is an art because seemingly identical problems regularly demand and receive varying approaches and actions and because some managers, supervisors, and maintenance technicians display greater aptitude for it than others show or even attain. The maintenance activity isn't a purpose in itself, it's a necessity of which the production suffers and the financial agent considers too expensive. It often exists a conflict between the production units and the maintenance department, not only for a short term, but, sometimes, for a long term, imposing a rigorous definition of each person's responsibilities [1].Reference [1] J. Bufferne, "Guide de la T.P.M.," Les Editions d'Organisation, Paris, 2007. [2] Bradley PS (2002) Designing the Best Maintenance. http:www.samicorp.com:1–5 [3] Duffuaa et al. (1998). [4] Niebel (1994). [5] J. C. Francastel, Extrenalisation de la maintenance: strategies, methodes, contrats, Dunod, Paris, 2008. NOT alphabetically. [6] (Daft, 1989 and Schermerhorn, 2007). (Chelson, Payne and Reavill, 2005). [7] Swanson L. An empirical study ofthe relationship between production technology and maintenance management Books: [1] Higgins & R. Keith Mobley - 7th Edition, Maintenance Engineering Handbook. Ajay S. Bonde, Ashwadeep C. Fulzele |
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190. | Thermo-oxidative Degradation of High Density Polyethylene Containing Manganese Laurate
Thermo-oxidative Degradation of High Density Polyethylene Containing Manganese LaurateAbstract: This paper reports the study of utilization of manganese laurate for accelerating the degradation process of high density polyethylene (HDPE). Specimens were prepared by loading manganese laurate from 0 to 1 %(w/w) in HDPE resins using twin screw extruder followed by injection molding. Thermal treatment was performed at 70C, for maximum duration of 1000 hours to examine the thermooxidative degradation of HDPE blends. Tensile testing, FTIR analysis, molecular weight analysis, melt flow index (MFI) analysis, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) test, thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA) test, were carried out to assess the changes during treatment. The results reveal that sample containing manganese laurate are readily to undergo thermo-oxidative degradation under temperature condition of 70 C. Tensile strength and elongation at break decreased during treatment. Pure and HDPE containing 1 % of manganese laurate (ML10) samples have lost about 11.74 and 43.33% of tensile strength, and about 16.21 and 55.85 % of elongation at break respectively. FTIR traces exhibited that carbonyl group's peak in the region 1700-1800 cm-1 arise during thermal treatment as the result of oxidation. Average molecular weights were found to decrease about 16.12 and 67.51% from their initial value for pure and ML10 samples respectively, and consequently MFI increased significantly. Thermal stability and melting temperature were found to shift to lower temperature, while crystallinity generally increased. The degradation rate of HDPE increased by increasing the amount of manganese laurate incorporated.Key words: manganese laurate, pro-oxidant additives, HDPE, thermo-oxidative degradation. Reference [1] A. Azapagic, A. Emsley and I. Hamerton. Polymers: The environment and sustainable development.(Chicester: John Wiley and Sons Ltd.2003.) [2] MPMA. Performance of the Malaysian Plastics Industry Report. Malaysian Plastics Manufacturers Association (MPMA).Kuala Lumpur,2005. [3] L. K. Boon. Development of the Malaysian plastic industry and its contribution to the economy. PRIM Golden Jubilee International Polymer Conference,, Kuala Lumpur, 2010. [4] K. Bajer, H. Kaczmarek, J. Dzwonkowski, A. Stasiek and D. Ołdak. Photochemical and thermal stability of degradable PE/paper waste composites obtained by extrusion. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 103(4): 2007. 2197-2206. [5] A. L. Andrady, J. E. Pegram and S. Nakatsuka. Studies on enhanced degradable plastics: 1. The geographic variability in outdoor lifetimes of enhanced photodegradable polyethylenes. Journal of Polymers and the Environment. 1(1): 1993. 31-43. [6] A.-C. Albertsson, C. Barenstedt and S. Karlsson. Susceptibility of enhanced environmentally degradable polyethylene to thermal and photo-oxidation. Polymer Degradation and Stability. 37(2): 1992. 163-171. [7] E. Lokensgard. Industrial Plastics: Theory and Applications. 5th.(New York: Thomson Delmar Learning.2010.) [8] S. A. Barr-Kumarakuiasinghe. Modelling the thermal oxidative degradation kinetics of polyethylene film containing metal prooxidants. Polymer. 35(5): 1994. 995-1003. [9] Z. Osawa, N. Kurisu, K. Nagashima and K. Nakano. The effect of transition metal stearates on the photodegradation of polyethylene. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 23(12): 1979. 3583-3590. [10] P. K. Roy, P. Surekha, C. Rajagopal and V. Choudhary. Effect of cobalt carboxylates on the photo-oxidative degradation of lowdensity polyethylene. Part-I. Polymer Degradation and Stability. 91(9): 2006. 1980-1988. Maryudi, Anwaruddin Hisyam, Rosli Mohd Yunus, Mohammad Dalour Hossen Bag |
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191. | Design Of Catamaran Ship Strength Deck To Withstand The Crane Load
Design Of Catamaran Ship Strength Deck To Withstand The Crane LoadAbstract: Catamaran is a dual hull ship which has many advantages then the mono hull ship. Some of the advantages are excellent stability, Cruise in shallow water, large wide deck areas, large load carrying capacity, faster and Motion comfort etc. In this paper work, design of main or strength deck and hull structural member calculations for Catamaran ship used for transport for the crane (Mantis® 10010mx 46 ton tele-boom crawler crane) to its place of work. Ship's main deck or Strength deck hull structural scantlings or calculations play a very vital role in carrying the deck loads such as crane load safely against the external pressures which are acting on the deck. This can done by designing the suitable deck and hull plate thickness, and its strengthening stiffening. The design of main deck involves determination of scantlings of deck plate, deck plate stiffeners, girders and pillars against the wheel load. Scantlings of deck plates, stiffeners and girders to meet the local strength requirements are to be determined in accordance with the general principles of the rules. Scantlings of hull members should contribute the longitudinal strength of the ship and to be subjected to compressive stresses. The design calculations are carried out according to Indian Register of shipping (IRS) Rules and Regulations, Construction & Classification of steel ships Feb 2008. This design process gives the effective & efficient solutions to the new generation ships.Key words: Catamaran, Strength or Main deck, Hull design, Structural members, Design loads, IRS rules Reference [1]. Materials of Construction - IRS Rules (2008) Part 3, Chapter1, Section 1 [2]. Corrosion Additions - IRS Rules (2008) Part 3, Chapter3, Section 2 [3]. Principal Particulars of the Ship - IRS Rules (2008) Part 3, Chapter1, Section 2 [4]. Frame spacing- IRS Rules (2008), Part 3, Chapter 3, Section 1 [5]. Wheel Load on deck -IRS Rules (2008), Part 3, Chapter 9, Section 6 [6]. Deck; plating - IRS Rules (2008), Part 3, Chapter 9, Section 6.3 [7]. Deck stiffeners- IRS Rules (2008), Part 3, Chapter 9, Section 6.4 [8]. Deck Girders - IRS Rules (2008), Part 3, Chapter 9, Section 5.1 [9]. Deck Beams or Stiffeners and Girders - Section Modulus with Attached plating of 610mm of standard DIN Sections (Bureau Veritas, 2007) [10]. Deck Supported Pillars - Dimension of Ferrous pipes; KSD 3507 (JIS G 3452), KSD 3562 (JIS G 3454), KSD 3564 (JIS G 3455), KSD 3570 (JIS G 3456), BS 3601, BS 3602. Dasari. V. G. Srinivas, Chirapa Srinivas |
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192. | Mechanical, Thermal and Electrical Properties of EPDM/Silicone blend Nanocomposites
Mechanical, Thermal and Electrical Properties of EPDM/Silicone blend NanocompositesAbstract: EPDM/Silicone rubber nanocomposites have been prepared by incorporating various phr of organically modified montmorillonite (OMMT) nanoclay onto EPDM/Silicone rubber blends using two roll mill. Effect of OMMT content on mechanical, electrical and thermal properties of the nanocomposites are investigated. Mechanical properties such as tensile strength and elongation at break were tested. Thermogravimetric analysis was carried out to analyse the thermal stability of the nanocomposites. Dielectric strength, dielectric constant, volume and surface resistivity of the nanocomposites were also measured. The results obtained for various properties indicate that the EPDM/Silicone rubber nanocomposites have improved mechanical, thermal and dielectric properties.Key words: Electrical properties, EPDM/Silicone nanocomposites, Polymeric insulators, Rubber nanocomposites, Thermal properties Reference 1. Raja Prabu R, Usa S, Udayakumar K, Abdul Majeed S.S.M, Abdullah Khan M, 'Electrical insulation characteristics of Silicone and EPDM Polymeric blends-Part I', IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical insulation Vol.14, No.5, October 2007,1207-1214. 2. Jeffry Mackevich, Minesh Shah, 'Polymer outdoor insulating materials Part-I: Comparison of Porcelain and Polymer electrical insulation', IEEE Electrical insulation magazine, Vol.13, No.3, May/June 1997, 5-10. 3. Stephane Simmons, Jeffry Mackevich, Minesh Shah, Chang R.J, 'Polymer outdoor insulating materials Part-III: Silicone Elastomer considerations', IEEE Electrical insulation magazine, Vol.13, No.5, September/October 1997, 25-32. 4. Ehsani M, Borsi H, Gockenbach E, Bakhshandeh G.R, Morshedian J,Abedi N, 'Study of Electrical, dynamic mechanical and surface properties of silicone – EPDM blends', IEEE International conference on solid dielectrics, Toulouse, France, July2004, 5-9. 5. Jeffry Mackevich, Stephane Simmons, 'Polymer outdoor insulating materials PartII: Material considerations', IEEE Electrical insulation magazine, Vol.13, No.4, July/August 1997, 10-16. 6. Cherney E. A, 'Silicone Rubber Dielectrics Modified by Inorganic Fillers for Outdoor High Voltage Insulation Applications' , IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, Vol. 12, No. 6 ,2005, 1108-1115. 7. Cherney E. A, 'Silicone Rubber Dielectrics Modified by Inorganic Fillers for Outdoor High Voltage Insulation Applications' , IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, Vol. 12, No. 6 ,2005, 1108-1115. 8. Grazyna Janowska, Agnieszka kucharska Jastrzabek, Przemyslan Rybinski, 'Thermal stability, flammability and fire hazard of butadiene-acrylonitrile rubber nanocomposites, Journal of thermal analysis calorim, vol 103, 2011, 1039- 1046. Vijayalekshmi.V, Abdul Majeed.S.S.M |
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193. | Study on Bamboo as Reinforcement in Cement Concrete
Study on Bamboo as Reinforcement in Cement ConcreteAbstract: From the early times Bamboo is used as a construction material. The Bamboo is used in both technical as well as non technical ways. Our ancestors used Bamboo in the construction of the houses. The Bamboo was used as the struts, posts, roofs etc in the construction of the houses. Now a day's concrete are used as the basic materials for the construction works. The concrete is good in compression but weak in the tensile strength. So steel is used as reinforcement in the concrete to achieve the tensile strength. Problems encountered with the commonly used construction material like steel are high in cost, corrosion, etc. Due to the advantageous characteristics of Bamboo, in the last few years, studies have been made on the use of Bamboo as structural material and reinforcement in concrete. The main obstacle for the application of Bamboo as a reinforcement is the lack of sufficient information about its interaction with concrete, strength and durability. This study presents the evaluation of the feasibility of the use of Bamboo as reinforcement in concrete members. In this study the Bamboo was used as a reinforcing material without any treatment and stirrups.Key words: Bamboo Strips, Concrete, Crack, FlexureTest, Tensile Test Reference 1. Fikremariam Mengistu Assaminew, Investigation Of The Flexural And Bond Strengths Of Bamboo Using Different Splits (Forms) In Concrete Members, Addis Ababa University School Of Graduate Studies, 2010 2. Khosrow Ghavami, Bamboo as Reinforcement In Structural Concrete Elements, Cement & Concrete Composites 27, 2005, 637–649. 3. Markos Alito, Bamboo Reinforcement As Structural Material For The Construction Of Low-Cost Houses In Ethiopia, Addis Ababa University, 2005 4. Musbau Ajibade Salau (2012), Characteristic Strength Of Concrete Column Reinforced With Bamboo Strips, Journal Of Sustainable Development Vol. 5, No. 1, 2012, 133-143. 5. Satjapan Leelatanon, Suthon Srivaro And Nirundorn Matan , Compressive Strength And Ductility Of Short Concrete Columns Reinforced By Bamboo, Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol. 32 (4), 2010, 419-424. 6. Sreemathi Iyer, Guidelines For Building Bamboo-Reinforced Masonry In Earthquake-Prone Areas In India, University Of Southern California, 2002 7. Youngsi Jung, Investigation of Bamboo as Reinforcement in Concrete, The University Of Texas, Arlington, 2006. Jigar K. Sevalia, Nirav B. Siddhpura, Chetan S. Agrawal, Deep B. Shah, Jai V. Kapadia |
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194. | Different routing protocol for MANET : A survey
Different routing protocol for MANET : A surveyAbstract: A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a wireless ad-hoc network consisting of mobile nodes. These kinds of networks are very flexible, they do not require any existing infrastructure or central administration. The biggest challenge in this kind of networks is to find a path between the source and destination. There are different routing protocol to find shortest path . Ant Colony Optimization Routing Algorithm (ACORA) is new emerging routing algorithm This paper is a review of different mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) routing algorithms and there problems. To improve these MANET routing algorithm a new ad-hoc routing algorithm is developed called Ant Colony Optimization Routing Algorithm (ACORA), which is based on swarm intelligence is also discussed in this paper.Key words: MANET, ACO, Pheromone, AODV, DSR, DSDV Reference [1] M. Dorigo, M. Birattari, & T. Stutzle, (2006)"Ant colony optimization", Computational Intelligence Magazine, IEEE, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 28 –39. [2] Mesut G¨unes¸, Udo Sorges, Imed Bouazizi, ARA – The Ant-Colony Based Routing Algorithm for MANETs, Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel Processing Workshops (ICPPW'02) 1530-2016/02 © 2002 IEEE [3] Sunil Taneja and Ashwani Kush , A Survey of Routing Protocols in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology,Vol. 1, No. 3, August 2010 ISSN: 2010- 0248 [4] THAKARE S.A. AND LADHAKE S.A., PERFORMANCE COMPARISON OF ARA PROTOCOL WITH DSR AND AODV PROTOCOL, ISSN: 2229-4007 & ISSN: 2229-4015, Volume 3, Issue 1, 2012, pp.- 17-20. [5] Bhawna talwar & anuj gupta, Ant Colony based and Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Routing Protocols: a Review, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 49– No.21, July 2012 [6] S. Kanimozhi Suguna S. Uma Maheswari, Ant Colony Optimized Routing for Manets, European Journal of Scientific Research, ISSN 1450-216X Vol.74 No.3 (2012), pp. 364-369 © EuroJournals Publishing, Inc. 2012 [7] M. Dorigo, M. Birattari, & T. Stutzle, (2006)"Ant colony optimization", Computational Intelligence Magazine, IEEE, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 28 –39. [8] Vivekanand Jha, Kritika Khetarpal , Meghna Sharma, A Survey of Nature Inspired Routing Algorithms for MANETs, 978-1-4244-8679-3/11 ©2011 IEEE [9] www.aco-metaheuristic.org Akshay Horane, Amutha Jeyakumar, Sagar Patkar |
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195. | Design And Development Of Mini-Powered Water Drilling Rig
Design And Development Of Mini-Powered Water Drilling RigAbstract: Water drilling in Nigeria was initiated as most other technologies in the country by much of western technologies and machineries. As early as the 1960s, huge drilling machines started to be imported into the country for water borehole construction. Together with these machineries came complex spare parts and high maintenance costs. Today's trend is that Nigerians import used and obsolete gigantic machineries to bore holes which locally evolved portable machines would do very easily and economically. The National Board for Technology Incubation of the Nigerian Federal Ministry of science and Technology in 2011, in keeping to its mandate of bringing technology to the grassrootsentered into collaboration with Hydraulic Equipment Development InstituteKano in the National Agency for Science and Engineering Infrastructure of the Nigerian Federal Ministry of Science and Technology to articulate and foster the creation and proliferation of improved local technologies for water drilling. This project NBTI/COL/2011/17 is one of such authorization with the following dictate: "To design and develop a locally based portable mini-powered drilling rig, capable of drilling up to 45meters depth. The operations, maintenance and spare parts shall be readily affordable and within the limitations and capabilities of the technology regime of the locality".Key words: Water Drilling, Mini-Powered, Technology, Incubation. Reference 1. ALLABY A AND ALLABY M (1999). A Dictionary of Earth Sciences. 2. FINGER J. T AND GLOWKA D. A (1989). PDC Bit Research at Sandia National Laboratories. Sandia Report SAND89-0079* UC-253; United States Department of Energy, Contract DEACDA-76DP00789, pp 43. 3. HAWKINS A. B (1998). Aspects of Rock Strength. Bull EngGeolEnv (1998) 57: 17- 30. 4. KHURMI R. S (1968). Strength of Materials. Chand and Company Ltd, AN ISO 9001: 2000 COMPANY, Ram Nagar, New Delhi – 110055; pp 795-819. 5. KRIS A ZACNY AND GEORGE A. COOPER (2007): Coring Basalt Under Mars Low Pressure Conditions. The international Journal of Mars Science and Exploration. MARS 3 pages 1-11. 6. REPORT BSS-121 (2009), American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) Standards D653-85 AND D2488; The Unified Soils Classification System; The US Departments of Agriculture (USDA) Textural Classification Scheme; and The National Bureau of Standards. M.U.Jibrin, M.C.Amonye, N.S.Akonyi, A.O.Ambali, O.A.Suleiman |
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196. | Golden Section Search Optimization Technique For Maximum Power Point Tracking
Golden Section Search Optimization Technique For Maximum Power Point TrackingAbstract: The performance of solar photovoltaic (PV) array is affected in conditions like Array tilt (optimum = latitude), Array tracking (1-axis, 2- axis), Array azimuth/orientation (optimum = 180o or South), Array temperature, Array "soiling" (dust/dirt, snow, foreign matter etc.), Array shading (trees, clouds, buildings, chimneys, dormers, utility and telephone poles etc.), Array configuration, Array age, solar insolation . If large PV installations exist then these factors affects considerably. In partial shading condition, the PV characteristics get more complex with multiple peaks. Yet, it is essential to understand and predict them to yield the maximum possible power. Present work illustrates a MATLAB-based M file programming scheme suitable for monitoring the I–V and P–V characteristics of a PV array under a nonuniform insolation due to partial shading condition for different configuration (modules in series-parallel)of solar PV. It is used for developing and evaluating new maximum power point tracking techniques, especially for partially shaded conditions.Key words: Maximum power point (MPP), maximum power point tracking (MPPT), golden section search (GSS), photovoltaic (PV) Reference [1] Nicola Femia, Giovanni Petrone, Giovanni Spagnuolo, and Massimo Vitelli, "Optimization of Perturb and Observe Maximum Power Point Tracking Method" IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 963-973, July 2005. [2] Trishan Esram and Patrick L. Chapman, "Comparison of Photovoltaic Array Maximum Power Point Tracking Techniques," IEEE Trans. on Energy Conversion, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 439-449, June 2007 [3] Riming Shao Liuchen Chang "A new maximum power point tracking method for photovoltaic arrays using golden section search algorithm" IEEE Trans. Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2008. CCECE 2008.Canadian Conference on Volume, Issue 4-7 May 2008 Page(s):000619 – 000622. [4] Jacob James Nedumgatt, Jayakrishnan K. B., Umashankar S., Vijayakumar D., Kothari D. P., "Perturb and Observe MPPT Algorithm for Solar PV Systems-Modeling and Simulation," School of Electrical Engineering VIT University. [5] Kashif Ishaque, Zainal Salam, "A review of maximum power point tracking techniques of PV system for uniform insolation and partial shading condition" Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 19 (2013) 475– 488. [6] S. Jain and V.Agarwal, "Comparison of the performance of maximum power point tracking schemes applied to single-stage gridconnected photovoltaics systems," IET Electric Power Applications, vol. 1, pp. 753- 762, Sept. 2007. [7] Hiren Patel and Vivek Agarwal, "MATLABBased Modeling to study the effects of partial shading on PV array characteristics". IEEE transactions on energy conversion, vol. 23, no. 1, March 2008. [8] Francisco M. González-Longatt "Model of photovoltaic module in matlab™" www.giaelec.org/Articulos/A2006-13.pdf [9] T. Shimizu, M. Hirakata, T. Kamezawa, and H. Watanabe, "Generation control circuit for photovoltaic modules," IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 293–300, May 2001. [10] Bader N. Alajmi, Khaled H. Ahmed, Stephen J. Finney, and Barry W. Williams "A Maximum Power Point Tracking Technique for Partially Shaded Photovoltaic Systems in Microgrids," IEEE TRANS. on Industrial Electronics, vol.60, no. 4, pp. 1596-1606, APRIL 2013. [11] Fangrui Liu, Yong Kang, Yu Zhang and Shanxu Duan "Comparison of P&O and Hill Climbing MPPT Methods for GridConnected PV Converter" Industrial Electronics and Applications, 2008. ICIEA 2008. 3rd IEEE Conference, June 2008 pages: 804-807. Ajay Patel, Vikas Kumar, Yogendra Kumar |
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197. | Energy Saving Of Images During Transmission Using Spiht Algorithm Combined With Huffman Encoding Over OFDM Channel
Energy Saving Of Images During Transmission Using Spiht Algorithm Combined With Huffman Encoding Over OFDM ChannelAbstract: In this paper, Energy saving of images during transmission using SPIHT algorithm combined with Huffman encoding over OFDM channel has been proposed. In the past decade, DWT has produced more system energy and less received image quality in terms of mean square error (MSE).In this paper, first decompose the image in to different level, The compressed coefficients are arranged in descending order of priority and mapped over the channels . The coefficients with lower importance level, which are likely mapped over the bad channels, are discarded at the transmitter to save power without significant loss of reception quality. Secondly, apply the embedded encoder (SPIHT) algorithm and Huffman encoder .Third is the to decode the Huffman and SPIHT decoding of embedded encoder. In this technique reduce the number of encoding bits and reduce the system power consumptions.Key words: Huffman encoding, Huffman decoding, SPIHT algorithm,PSNR,energy saving, DWT-OFDM. Reference [1] C. Christopoulos, A. Skodras, and T. Ebrahimi, "The JPEG2000 still image coding system: An overview," IEEE Trans. Consumer Electron., vol. 46, no. 4, pp. 1103–127, Nov. 2000. [2] Marc ANTONINI Michel BARLAUD Pierre MATHIEU et al. Image coding using wavelet transform [J]. IEEE Trans. Image Processing 1992 1(2) 205-220. [3] Cheng Li-chi, Wang Hong-xia, Luo Yong. Wavelet theory and applications. Beijing: Science Press, 2004(Chinese) . [4] J. M. SHAPIRO. Embedded image coding using zero tree of wavelets coefficients [J]. IEEE Trans. Signal Processing 1993 41(12) 3445-346 2. [5] Amir SAID William A.PEARLMAN. A new fast and efficient image codec based on set partitioning in hierarchical trees [J].IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 1996 6(3) 243-250. [6] FAN Qi-bin. Wavelet analysis. Wuhan: Wuhan University Press, 2008. [7] M. Banerjee and M. K. Kundu, "Edge based features for content based image retrieval," Pattern Recognition., vol. 36, no. 11, pp. 2649–2661, November 2003. [8] Y. S. Chan, P. C. Cosman, and L. B. Milstein, "A cross-layer diversity technique for multi-carrier OFDM multimedia networks," IEEE Trans. Image Proc., vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 833–847, Apr. 2006. [9] R. J. McEliece and W. E. Stark, "Channels with block interference,"IEEE Trans. info. Theory, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 44–53, Jan. 1984. [10] R. Knopp and P. A. Humblet, "On coding for block fading channels," IEEE Trans. info. Theory, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 189–205, Jan. 2000. B.Bharath Nayak, Ch.Madhuri Devi |
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198. | Synthesis By A Novel Method And Application Of Image Processing In Characterization Of Nickel Sulphide Nanoparticles
Synthesis By A Novel Method And Application Of Image Processing In Characterization Of Nickel Sulphide NanoparticlesAbstract: Nanomaterials are currently gaining a lot of prominence due to their unique properties and applications in various fields .In the present paper, we report the synthesis via a simple solvothermal method using a domestic microwave oven and characterization of nickel sulphide(β-NiS-Millerite) nanoparticles. Nickel chloride hexahydrate (NiCl2.6H2O) and thiourea (NH2-CS-NH2) were the reactants and ethylene glycol was used as the solvent. On calcinating the sample at 500°C for one hour, β-NiS nanoparticles were obtained. The prepared sample has been characterized by powder XRD, EDX,and AFM measurements. The average particle size obtained through powder XRD analyses was 18.6nm. TheAFM image obtained were subjected to various image processing tools for analyzing the uniform size distribution of the prepared nanoparticles.Reference [1] B.Viswanadh, S.Tikku and K.C.Khilar, Modeling core-shell nanoparticle formation using three reactive microemulsions, Colloid Surf. A: Physicochem.Eng.Aspects 298, 2007 149. [2] Q.Z.Zhai, T.S. Jiang, W.H.Hu, X.Guan, W.Wang and S.Qiu, Preparation ,characterization ,and luminescence of host (Y zeolite)-guest(FeS,CoS,NiS) nanocomposites materials, Mater.Res.Bull.37, 2002,1837. [3] W.Fu .H.Yang, L.Chang, M.Li,H.Bala, Q.Yu and G.Zou, Preparation and charecteristics of core shell structure nickel/silica nanoparticles, Colloid Surf. A: Physicochem.Eng.Aspects 262, 2005 ,71. [4] D. Marr, E. Hildreth, Theory of edge detection, Proc. Roy.Soc. London B-207, 187 1980, 217. [5] R. Haralick, Digital step edges from zero crossing of second directional derivatives, IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal.Mach. Intell.6 ,1984 ,58, 68. [6] M. Abdulghafour, Image segmentation using Fuzzy logic and genetic algorithms, Journal of WSCG, Vol. 11, 2003. [7] Metin Kaya, Image Clustering and Compression Using an Annealed Fuzzy Hopfield Neural Network, International Journal of Signal Processing, 2005, 80. [8] K. S. Srinivasan and D. Ebenezer, A New Fast and EfficientDecision-Based Algorithm for Removal of High-Density Impulse Noises, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol. 14, 3, 2007. [9] R. Yang, L. Lin, M. Gabbouj, J. Astola, and Y. Neuvo, Optimal Weighted Median Filters Under Structural Constraints, IEEE Trans.Signal Processing, Vol. 43,1995, 591. [10] Pei-Eng Ng and Kai-Kuang Ma,A Switching Median Filter with BDND for Extremely Corrupted Images, IEEE Trans Image Processing, Vol. 15, No. 6, 2006, 1506. [11] Ibrahim M. M. El Emary, On the Application of Artificial Neural Networks in Analyzing and Classifying the Human Chromosomes, Journal of computer science. Vol 2(1), 2006,72. [12] Senthilkumaran and R.Rajesh , A study of Edge Detection Methods for Image Segmentation , Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematics and Computer Science (ICMS-2009), Vol 1, 255. S.Nagaveena, S.N.Kumar, C.K.Mahadevan |
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199. | An Energy Storage System for Wind Turbine Generators- Battery and Supercapacitor
An Energy Storage System for Wind Turbine Generators- Battery and SupercapacitorAbstract: Wind is the world's fastest growing energy source today. The wind farm power output have large fluctuations due to sudden wind speed changes. A possible solution for wind power quality and lower need of reserve energy is the storage of wind power in an energy storage equipment. Energy storage is an essential part of wind energy system to overcome the intermittent power generation. The performance of the energy storage system can be improved by combining vanadium-redox flow battery (VRB) and supercapacitor integrated with wind turbine generators. This paper proposed the integration of VRB and supercapacitor with wind turbine generator and the simulation results of VRB and supercapacitor are presented in MATLAB/Simulink.Key words: Energy storage system, Vanadiumredox flow battery, Supercapacitor, Wind energy. Reference [1] Abbey,C. and Joos,G., A Doubly-fed Induction Machine and Energy Storage System for Wind Power Applications, in Proc. IEEE PES,3,2004, 1964–1968. [2] Abbey,C. and Joos,G., Supercapacitor energy storage for wind energy applications, IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., 43(3), 2007, 769–776. [3] Abbey,C., Kai Strunz, and G´eza Jo´os, A Knowledge-Based Approach for Control of Two-Level Energy Storage for Wind Energy Systems, IEEE Trans. Energy Convers, 24(2), 2009, 539-547. [4] Wei Li, Géza Joós, and Jean Bélanger, Real-time Simulation of a Wind turbine generator coupled with a Battery Supercapacitor Energy Storage System, IEEE Trans. Industrial Electronics, 57(4), 2010, 1137-1145. [5] Dominic D. Banham-Hall, Gareth A. Taylor, Chris A. Smith, and Malcolm R. Irving, Flow Batteries for Enhancing Wind Power Integration, IEEE Trans. Power Syst.,27( 3), 2012, 1690-1697. [6] Ibrahim,H. ,Ilinca,A. and Perron,J., Energy storage systems Characteristics and comparisons, Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., 12(5), 2008, 1221-1250. [7] Liyan Qu and Wei Qiao, Constant Power Control of DFIG Wind Turbines with Supercapacitor Energy Storage: IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl.,47(1), 2011, 359-367. [8] Barton,P,J. and Infield,G,D., Energy storage and its use with intermittent renewable energy, IEEE Trans. Energy Convers., 19(2), 2004, 441–448. [9] Mid-Eum Choi,Seong-Woo Kim and Seung-Woo Seo, Energy Management Optimization in a Battery/Supercapacitor Hybrid Energy Storage System, IEEE Trans. On Smart Grid, 3(1), 2012, 463- 472. [10] Tsung-Ying Lee, Operating Schedule of Battery Energy Storage System in a Timeof-Use Rate Industrial User With Wind Turbine Generators- A Multipass Iteration Particle Swarm Optimization Approach, IEEE Trans. on Energy Conversion, 23(3), 2007. Sowmini priya.S, Rajakumar.S |
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200. | Software Simulation of DSP algorithms implemented in Binaural Hearing Aids
Software Simulation of DSP algorithms implemented in Binaural Hearing AidsAbstract: Hearing aids are devices used by hearing impaired persons to counterbalance the hearing loss. They cannot completely overcome the perceptual distortions caused by a hearing loss but assist the user to interpret speech. Continuous efforts are being made to overcome these distortions and improve the hearing experience. The recent advancements include the introduction of digital binaural hearing aids which consist of state of the art DSP algorithms and cutting-edge hardware. The focus of this paper is on software simulation of various DSP algorithms used in binaural hearing aids. Noise cancellation, controlled amplification, frequency transportation, spatial estimation and power compression algorithms are explained and simulation results for the same are specified.Key words: Binaural hearing aids, Noise cancellation, amplification, frequency transportation, spatial estimation, power compression, LMS, MATLAB® Reference [1] http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/top ic/175622/human-ear [2] http://www.physicsclassroom.com/class/s ound/u11l2d.cfm [3] http://www.fda.gov/MedicalDevices/Prod uctsandMedicalProcedures/HomeHealthan dConsumer/ConsumerProducts/HearingAi ds/ucm181470.htm [4] http://www.dineenandwestcott.com.au/doc s/pdf/aid_technology.pdf [5] http://www.babyhearing.org/HearingAmpl ification/HearingLoss/audiogram.asp [6] http://www.asha.org/uploadedFiles/AISHearing-Loss-Types-DegreeConfiguration.pdf [7] http://etd.lib.fsu.edu/theses/available/etd- 04092004- 143712/unrestricted/Ch_6lms.pdf [8] http://www.ece.utah.edu/~mathews/ece65 50/chapter5.pdf [9] http://www.isaaudiology.org/periodicals/1971- 2001_Audiology/1979,%20%20Audiolog y,%20%20Vol.%20%2018/No.%204%20 %20%28265- 352%29/Robinson%20Sutton,%20%20Au diology,%20%201979.pdf [10] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sensorineural _hearing_loss Vivek Dalal, Aayush Bansal, Pratik Bhandari, Unmesh Barhate |
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201. | Different Indexing Techniques
Different Indexing TechniquesAbstract: This paper describes about Audio Indexing, Video Indexing, Content Based Image Indexing, and Content Based Multimedia Indexing i.e. Content-based indexing techniques. Indexing is concerned with compactly storing a large collection of terms and rapidly retrieving a set of candidate terms satisfying some property from a large collection of terms. Index is a structure or object in the database Indexes provide fast access to rows in tables meeting certain condition in a query. In this paper audio indexing, Audio Feature Extraction and Fingerprint Indexing are concerned with accurate and efficient indexing of fingerprint images.Key words: Content-based image indexing and retrieval (CBIR), Audio Indexing, AFeX, Contentbased video indexing, Reference [1] Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan Database System Concepts, 5th Ed. [2] Paul M. Bober and Michael J. Carey Indexing for Multiversion Locking: Alternatives and Performance Evaluation IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING, VOL. 9, NO. 1, JANUARY-FEBRUARY 1997. [3] Hung-Min Sun_, Bying-He Ku_, ChungChi Wu_ and Ting-Yu Lin_Department of Computer Science National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan Improving VQ Index Compression with Modified Relative Index Table 2010 First ACIS International Symposium on Cryptography, and Network Security, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, ECommerce and Its Applications, and Embedded Systems [4] Mahdi Saadatmand-Tarzjan and Hamid Abrishami Moghaddam A Novel Evolutionary Approach for Optimizing Content-Based Image Indexing Algorithms IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS, MAN, AND CYBERNETICS—PART B: CYBERNETICS, VOL. 37, NO. 1, FEBRUARY 2007 [5] Dana Codreanu Université Paul Sabatier IRIT UMR 5505 Université de Toulouse, France Sebastien Laborie LIUPPA Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour Anglet, France Modelling Multimedia Indexing Algorithms Description for Implicit and Explicit Indexation 2011 Fifth FTRA International Conference on Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering [6] Ying Li, Member, IEEE, Shrikanth Narayanan, Senior Member, IEEE, and C.- C. Jay Kuo, Fellow, IEEEContent-Based Movie Analysis and Indexing Based on Audiovisual Cues IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 14, NO. 8, AUGUST 2004 1073. [7] Raffaele Cappelli, Member, IEEE, Matteo Ferrara, and Davide Maltoni, Member, IEEE Fingerprint Indexing Based on Minutia Cylinder-Code IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PATTERN ANALYSIS AND MACHINE INTELLIGENCE, VOL. 33, NO. 5, MAY 2011. [8] Moncef Gabbouj and Serkan Kiranyaz Institute of Signal Processing Tampere University of Technology Tampere, Finland AUDIO-VISUAL CONTENTBASED MULTIMEDIA INDEXING AND RETRIEVAL – THE MUVIS FRAMEWORK. Dr. B. B. Meshram Ganesh P. Gaikwad |
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202. | Study of Performance Enhancement of SBCNFET
Study of Performance Enhancement of SBCNFET
Abstract: Carbon Nanotube Field Effect
Transistors (CNTFET) are promising nanoscaled devices for implementing high
performance, very dense and low power circuits.
Most carbon nanotube field-effect transistors
(CNTFETs) directly attach metal source/drain
contacts to an intrinsic nanotube channel known
as SBCNFET. When the gate oxide thickness is
reduced, such transistors display strong
ambipolar conduction. The leakage current,
which increases exponentially with the drain
voltage, constrains the potential applications of
such devices. This paper reviews such problems
and their required solutions. |
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203. | License Plate Recognition- A Template Matching Method
License Plate Recognition- A Template Matching MethodAbstract: License Plate Recognition (LPR) has a lot of applications in various fields. It is a mass surveillance method that uses an optical character recognition method to read vehicle registration plates. LPR system is mainly used in parking lots, tolling booths and nowadays in the signal system in order to identify the vehicle that crosses the line before the indication of green signal. This paper presents an efficient method for LPR. This method utilizes a template matching technique. This LPR system can only be practical on the front view and rear view orientation of the license plates. The methodology is suitable for both Indian license plates and foreign license plates. The algorithm was tested with 10 images such as images taken from parking lots and roadside. The license plates that was successfully located and segmented as 80% and 87.5% respectively. The recognition rate of character using template matching method is 97%. Overall performance of the system is 88.16%. The total processing time of the system is 298ms.Reference [1] Y. P. Huang, C. H. Chen, Y. T. Chang, and F. E. Sandnes, "An intelligent strategy for checking the annual inspection status of motorcycles based on license plate recognition," Expert Syst. Appl., vol. 36, no. 5, pp. 9260– 9267, Jul. 2009. [2] J. B. Jiao, Q. X. Ye, and Q. M. Huang, "A configurable method for multistyle license plate recognition," Pattern Recognit., vol. 42, no. 3, pp. 358– 369, Mar. 2009. [3] H. Caner, H. S. Gecim, and A. Z. Alkar, "Efficient embedded neural networkbased license plate recognition system," IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 57, no. 5, pp. 2675–2683, Sep. 2008. [4] C. Anagnostopoulos, I. Anagnostopoulos, V. Loumos, and E. Kayafas, "A license plate-recognition algorithm for intelligent transportation system applications," IEEETrans. Intell. Transp. Syst., vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 377–392, Sep. 2006. [5] S. L. Chang, L. S. Chen, Y. C. Chung, and S.W. Chen, "Automatic license plate recognition," IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst., vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 42– 52, Mar. 2004. [6] V. Shapiro, G. Gluhchev, and D. Dimov, "Towards a multinational car license plate recognition system," Mach. Vis. Appl., vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 173– 183, Aug. 2006. [7] G.Sun, G.Li, L.Xu and J.Wang, "The Location and Recognition of Chinese Vehicle License Plates under Complex Backgrounds," Journal of Multimedia., vol. 4, no.6, pp.442-449 Dec 2009. [8] A.Tihar, A.Adnan, M.Fahad "License Plate Recognition for Pakistani License plates", Canadian journal on image processing., vol. 1, no.2, April 2010. [9] L.jin, H.Xian, j.Bie, Y.Sun, H.Hou "Building license plate recognition systems", Sensors 2012, vol.12, June 2012. [10] Y.Wen, Y.Lu, J.Yan, Z.Zhou, K.M.von Deneen, and P.Shi, "An Algorithm for license Plate Recognition Applied to intelligent Transportation system," IEEE Trans.Intell.Transp.Syst., vol. 12, no.3, pp. 830-845, Sept- 2011 Divya gilly, Dr. Kumudha raimond |
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204. | Skin Tone Steganography for Real Time Images
Skin Tone Steganography for Real Time ImagesAbstract: Steganography is the science of concealing the existence of data in another transmission medium. It does not replace cryptography but rather boosts the security using its obscurity features. As Proposed method is Biometric Steganography. In this work Biometric feature used to implement Steganography is Skin tone region of images. Proposed method introduces a new method of embedding secret data within edges of skin of image, as it is not that much sensitive to HVS (Human Visual System). Instead of embedding secret data anywhere in image, it will be embedded in only skin tone region. This skin region provides excellent secure location for data hiding. So, firstly skin detection is performed in cover images and then Secret data embedding will be performed in DWT(Discrete Wavelet Transform) domain as DWT gives better performance than DCT(Discrete Cosine Transform) while compression.. This biometric method of Steganography enhances robustness than existing methods.Key words: Steganography, Skin tone detection, HSV,DWT Reference Technical Paper References: [1] Abbas Chedda, Joan Condell, Kevin Curran and Paul Mc Kevitt "Biometric Inspired Digital Image Steganography‟ ,School of Computing and Intelligent Systems, Faculty of Computing and Engineering, University of Ulster. Londonderry, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom. [2] Abbas Cheddad, Joan Condell, Kevin Curran and Paul Mc Kevitt "A Skin Tone Detection Algorithm for an Adaptive Approach to Steganography‟ School of Computing and Intelligent Systems, Faculty of Computing and Engineering University of Ulster, BT48 7JL, Londonderry, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom. [3] Johnson, N. F. and Jajodia, S.: "Exploring Steganography: Seeing the Unseen‟. IEEE Computer, 31 (2): 26-34, Feb 1998. [4] Po-Yueh Chen* and Hung-Ju Lin "A DWT Based Approach for Image Steganography‟ National Changhua University of Education [5] H S Manjunatha Reddy and K B Raja "High capacity and security steganography using discrete wavelet transform" Text References: [1] R.C.Gonzalez, Digital Image Processing, Second edition, Pearson Education. [2] Anil K.Jain, Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing, Prentice-Hall(PHI). [3] Digital Image Processing, Using MATLAB by Gonzalez, Woods and Eddins,Prentice Hall. Miss. Prajakta Deshmane, Prof. S.R. Jagtap |
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205. | Design and Implementation of Variable Length FFT Processor for OFDMA System Using FPGA
Design and Implementation of Variable Length FFT Processor for OFDMA System Using FPGAAbstract: For Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) system module, there is a need for an efficient alterable point FFT processor. Therefore, it is meaningful to design a FFT processor for which input data points could be alterable. In this paper the variable input FFT processor is designed to meet the requirements of OFDMA system. For this, in this paper we select the 2D Fourier transform algorithm as the kernel algorithm, VHDL language is used to present a detail design of two-stage pipeline structure, ModelSim (SE) for the simulation, and verify on the Spartan3E FPGA. Simulation results show that the way of implementation and design is right and meet the IEEES02.16e standard, at the same time the data precision is 16 bits, limits the clock frequency of 100MHz, the overall timing design stability , and it could reach the scope of real-time processing.Key words: Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA); Fast Fourier Transform (FFT); Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). Reference [1] E.Lawrey, Multiuser OFDM, in Proc. International Symposium on Signal Processing Applications '99 vol2, 1999, pp.761.764. [2] WiMAX Forum, Krishna Ramadas and Raj Jain, "WiMAX System Evaluation Methodology" version 2.1 July 2008 [3] IEEE Std 802.16e 2005 and IEEE Std 802.16-2004/corl-2005 [4] Zhang Zhu-jun, "Optimum Design of FFT Processor with Cascade Structure Based on FPGA" J.Nanjing University of Science and Technology. 2009. in press. [5] WANG Xiu-fang, HOU Zhen-long "Design and Implement of FFT Processor for OFDMA system using FPGA" Northeast Petroleum University (ICMEE 2010) [6] Xie Yan-lin. "Design and Implementation of a scalable pipeline FFT Processor Based on FPGA" D.Xi Dian University 2007.in press R. Sai Brunda, M.V.R. Vittal |
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206. | Investigation and Analysis of Grid Disturbances in view of Unscheduled Interchange Mechanism
Investigation and Analysis of Grid Disturbances in view of Unscheduled Interchange MechanismAbstract: This paper has touched the important issues and present regulatory reforms in form of Unscheduled Interchange held responsible to grid disturbance. Unscheduled Interchange is an important instrument to tackle the grid frequency and deviation from schedule leads to penalty for generators for under-injection and same for over-drawal by distribution utilities. It also provide incentive for over-generation by generator and under-drawal by distribution utilities. As this regulatory frame work has been investigated and analysed with recent grid disturbances in context to country India..Key words: Unscheduled Interchange(UI),OverDrawal(OD),Under-Drawal(UD),GridDisturbance,Over-injection,Underinjection,Availablity Based Tariff(ABT) Reference [1. [Online] ABC of ABT from http://www.nldc.in/docs/abc_abt.pdf [2]. [Online] Ministry of Power "Grid disturbance report", Government of India 2001 [3]. [Online] Ministry of Power "Grid disturbance report", Government of India 2012 [4] [Online] Central Electricity Authority www.cea.nic.in UI Regulations [5] [Online] Central Electricity Authority www.cea.nic.in Electricity Act 2003 ShriKant Parashar, Dr. Ajay Kumar Bansal, Dr. Mahaveer Prasad Sharma, Garima Sharma |
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207. | Design Of 3 bit synchronous Counter using DLDFF
Design Of 3 bit synchronous Counter using DLDFFAbstract: Flip flops are the fundamental building blocks for all sequential circuits. Data transition look ahead D flip flop consumes less power than the conventional D Flip flop. The power consumption of CMOS LSI's is a very important issue these days. Here we propose a modified data transition D flip flop which consumes less power than existing data transition D flip flop. The total power reduction of proposed data transition D flip flop is 18.37% when compared with existing data transition D flip flop. We design a 3 bit synchronous counter which consumes less power than existing data transition look ahead D flip flop and D flip flop.Key words: - DLDFF, Low power, Synchronous counter, Switching activity. Reference [1] M. Nogawa and Y.Ohtomo, "A DataTransition Look-Ahead DFF circuit for Statistical Reduction in power consumption," IEEE J. Solid State Circuits, Vol. 33, pp.702–706, May, 1998. [2] K.Gray Yeap"Pratical Low Power Digital VLSI Design" [3] J. M. Labaey and M. Pedram, "Low Power Design Methodologies".Norwell, MA: Kluwer, 1996. [4] N. H .E .Weste and D .Harris, "CMOS VLSI Design. Reading" MA:Pearson Education, Inc., 2005. [5] Jorge Alberto Galvis "Low-power flip-flop using internal clock gating and adaptive body bias" 2006. University of South Florida Scholar Commons [6] N.H.E. Weste and D.Harris,CMOS "VLSI Design.Reading",MA:Pearson Education,Inc.,2005. [7] Vladimir Stojanovic and Vojin G. Oklobdzija, [1999] "Comparative Analysis of Master–Slave Latches and Flip-Flops for High-Performance and Low Power Systems" IEEE journal of solid-state circuits, VOL. 34, NO.4 [8] Young Won Kim, Joo-Seongkim, JaeHyukoh, Yoon-Sukpark, Jong-Wookim, Kwang-Ilpark,Bai-Sunkong, and YoungHyun Jun, " Low Power CMOS Synchronous counter with clock gating Embedded Into Carry Propagation,"IEEE Tran. On circuits and systems,vol.56,No.8,pp.649-653,Aug,2009. [9] Gray Yeap, "Practical Low Power digital vlsi design" published by Springer (India) Private Limited,[2009], page no: 1,2,100. [10] Morris Mano, Michael D. Ciletti, "DIGITAL DESIGN" published by Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt., [2009], page no:160, 203, 268. R.Arunya, A.Ramya, P.Umarani, V.Balamugaran |
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208. | Alternative Design Implementation and verification of Embedded Systems
Alternative Design Implementation and verification of Embedded SystemsAbstract: An early assessment of alternative design implementations of embedded systems is mainly focused on multilevel testing approach. In this approach, the addresses are mixed with hardware and software implementations. Contrary to conventional approaches, it provides consistent generation of scenarios throughout all levels of testing and verification of integrated system, component testing, and performance assessments of design specifications starting from the system level.Reference 1. D. Gajski et al., Specification and Design of Embedded Systems, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1994. 2. S. Schulz, Model-Based Co designs for Real-Time Embedded Systems, doctoral dissertation, UMI No. 3002539, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Eng., University of Arizona, Spring 2001. 3. S.J. Cunning, S. Schulz, and J.W. Rozenblit, "An Embedded System's Design Verification Using Object-Oriented Simulation Techniques," Simulation, vol. 72, no. 4, Apr. 1999, pp. 238-249. 4. G. Sheedy and G. Martin, "Siemens OCDS: The Next Generation On-Chip Debug Support," Contact, vol. 1, no. 4, Mar. 1999, pp. 53-57. 5. H.P.E. Vranken, M.F. Witteman, and R.C. van Wuijtswinkel, "Design for Testability in Hardware- Software Systems," IEEE Design & Test of Computers, vol. 13, no. 3, Fall 1996, pp. 79-87. 6. S. Schneider, Concurrent and Real-Time System: The CSP Approach, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, UK, 2000. 7. G.R. Hellestrand, "The Revolution in Engineering a Chip," IEEE Spectrum, vol. 36, no. 9, Sept. 1999, pp. 43-51. 8. S.J. Cunning and J.W. Rozenblit, "Automatic Test Case Generation from Requirements Specifications for Real-Time Embedded Systems," Proc. 1999 IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Conf., IEEE Press, Piscataway, N.J., 1999, pp. 784-789. 9. B.P. Zeigler, H. Praehofer, and T.G. Kim, Theory of Modeling and Simulation, 2nd edition, Academic Press, Burlington, Mass., 2000. 10. J.J. Labrosse, C/OS: The Real-Time Kernel, R&D Books, Gilroy, Calif., 1992. S.Safiya, V.Supraja |
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209. | Eco Friendly (Green Building) Material In Construction
Eco Friendly (Green Building) Material In ConstructionAbstract: Concrete as a composite material the workability for placement and strength development with the age depend upon the constituent materials and their combined action. Now a day's environment has become a important aspect and keeping this in view in mind government has banned the lifting of sand from river bed in many areas. Hence there is a need to find the alternative material for sand. The conversion of large amount of available quarry dust in to an alternate source of sand will contribute not only as solution to the growing problem of waste disposal but it also conserve the resource of sand thereby reduce cost. In this project more than hundred concrete cubes were casted and tested using manufactured sand and quarry dust as fine aggregate. A brick whose solid ingredient is 100 % fly ash has been manufactured. The manufacturing process uses the techniques and equipment similar to those used in clay bricks factories. The bricks produced were about 28% lighter than clay bricks. The bricks manufactured from fly ash possessed compressive strength higher than 40Mpa. This exceeds some of the best of load carrying clay bricks available common clay bricks. The new bricks and process have been patented and the bricks have been given the name fly ash bricks. This Paper present the result of testing and the advantages gained by this type of bricks over conventional clay bricksKey words: Quarry dust, Manufacturing sand, Compressive strength, Fly ash Reference 1) Dr. K.R.ARRORA – 2004, "Soil Mechanics and Foundation engineering", Sixth edition. Standard publisher's distributors. Delhi. 2) S.K.DUGGAL – 2003. "Building Materials, Second Edition", New Age International Publishers. 3) T.S.NAGARAJ AND ZAHIDA BANU, "Efficient utilization of rock dust pebbles as aggregate in Portland cement concrete". 4) A.K.SAHU, SUNIL KUMAR and A.K.SACHAN, "Crushed Stone waste fine aggregate for concrete". 5) M.S.SHETTY – 2003. "Concrete Technology Theory and Practice" Fourth Reprint With Correction. 6) S.UNNIKRISHNA PILLAI, DEVDAS MENON – 2003, "Reinforced Concrete Design", Second Edition, Tata McGrawHill Publication Company Limited, New Delhi. 7) Illinois department of commerce and community affairs, manufacturing commercial bricks with fly ash from illness coals. 8) Ministry of Environment and forests, notification, Extraordinary, part II,Section 3,subsection (ii), The gazette of India , 14 September 1999. 9) Scotash, technical papers and studies. Vijayabharathi.P, Aravindhkumar.J, Joshua Amarnath.D, Jayaprakash.H |
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210. | QCA Estimation of Low Power Reversible Circuits
QCA Estimation of Low Power Reversible CircuitsAbstract: In recent years low power and small size are the keyword in the IC industry. This is where the importance of reversible gate and QCA (Quantum dot cellular automata) comes in. In non- reversible gates there is a definite amount of power loss involved. Interest in reversible computation arises from the desire to reduce heat dissipation, thereby allowing – higher densities and higher speed. The QCA offers a new transistor-less computing paradigm in nanotechnology. It has the potential for attractive features such as faster speed , smaller size and low power consumption than transistor based technology .By taking the advantages of QCA we are able to design interesting computational architecture. In this paper we are proposing a reversible gate and implementation of basic gates in reversible gate in QCA. Also comparisons with existing technologies are done.Reference [1] Landauer, R., "Irreversibility and heat generation in the computing process", IBM J. Research and Development, 5(3): pp. 183-191, 1961. [2] S.Karthigai lakshmi, G.Athisha- Efficient Design of Logical Structures and Functions using Nanotechnology Based Quantum Dot Cellular Automata Design - SONA College of Technology, PSNA CET, Salem. Dindigul [3] Himanshu Thapliyal and M.B Srinivas - Novel Reversible Multiplier Architecture Using Reversible TSG Gate - Center for VLSI and Embedded System Technologies International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad [4] N. A. Shah1, F. A. Khanday and J. Iqbal Quantum-dot Cellular Automata (QCA) Design of Multi-Function Reversible Logic Gate -Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Technology, University of Kashmir [5] Md. Belayet Ali, Md. Mosharof Hossin and Md. Eneyat Ullah- Reversible Logic Synthesis Department of Computer Science and Engineering Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University,Bangladesh [6] M. H. Azad Khan, "Design of Full-Adder with Reversible Gates", 5th ICCIT 2002, East West University, 27-28 Dec 2002. [7] Hafiz Md. Hasan Babu, Md. Rafiqul Islam, Syed Mostahed Ali Chowdhury and Ahsan Raja Chowdhury, "Reversible Logic Synthesis for Minimization of Full Adder Circuit", Proceedings of the EuroMicro Symposium on Digital System Design(DSD'03), 3-5 September 2003, Belek- Antalya, Turkey,pp-50-54. [8] Hafiz Md. Hasan Babu, Md. Rafiqul Islam, Syed Mostahed Ali Chowdhury and Ahsan Raja Chowdhury," Synthesis of Full-Adder Circuit Using Reversible Logic",Proceedings 17th International Conference on VLSI Design (VLSI Design 2004) January 2004, Mumbai, India,pp-757-760. [9] J.W . Bruce, M.A. Thornton,L. Shivakumariah, P.S. Kokate and X.Li, "Efficient Adder Circuits Based on a Conservative Logic Gate", Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI(ISVLSI'02),Ap S.Karthik, Ann Varghese, Sandhya G |
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211. | Design for Multi-Lifecycle and Its Role in Enhancing Environmental Protection in the Agri-Industrial Sector
Design for Multi-Lifecycle and Its Role in Enhancing Environmental Protection in the Agri-Industrial Sector
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to present
design for multi-lifecycle as a green design
paradigm and to explain how it contributes to
environmental protection in the agri-industrial
sector of the economy.
The development of this design concept
resulted from intensive literature survey and
several years of personal experience in
developing machinery for agri-industrial
applications. The design concept incorporated
DfX paradigms such as design for modularity;
cost; assemblability; manufacturability;
disassemblability; maintainability; reusability,
and remanufacturability. The concept has been
used to design and develop a peanut shelling
machine. In addition to the comparability of the
technical performance tests on the machine with
the imported ones, the machine designed on the
basis of this concept resulted in resource use
optimization, pollution prevention and cost
minimization. All these are essential to
environmental protection. Application of this
design concept in the industrial and agricultural
sectors will go a long way in complementing
various efforts aimed at reducing total
environmental impact of our industrial activities. |
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212. | On wgrα-Closed and wgrα-Open Maps In Topological Spaces
On wgrα-Closed and wgrα-Open Maps In Topological SpacesAbstract: The aim of this paper is to introduce wgrα-closures and obtain a characterization of wgrα-continuous functions. Also we introduce and discuss the properties of wgrα-closed and wgrα-open maps.Reference [1] Ahmad Al-omari and Salmi Md Noorani, Regular Generalized ω-closed sets, International Journal of Mathematics and mathematical Sciences,Volume 2007, article(ID),16292. [2] I.Arockiarani,Studies on Generalizations of Generalized Closed Sets and Maps in Topological Spaces,Ph.D Thesis,Bharathair University,Coimbatore, (1997). [3] S.P.Arya and R.Gupta, On Strongly Continuous Mappings,Kyung pook Math.,J.14(1974),131-143. [4] K.Balachandran,P.Sundaram and H. Maki , On Generalized Continuous Maps in Topological Spaces,Mem.I ac Sc.Kochi Univ . Math., 12(1991),5-13. [5] P.Bhatttacharyya and B.K.Lahiri, Semigeneralized Closed Sets in Topology, Indian J. Math.,29(1987),376-382. [6] R.Devi,K.Balachandran and H.Maki, On Genaralized α-continuous maps,Far. East J. Math. Sci.Special Volume,part 1(1997),1-15. [7] W.Dunham,A New Closure Operator for Non-T1 Topologies, Kyunpook Math.J., 22(1982),55-60. [8] Y.Gnanambal, On Generalized Pre-regular closed sets in Topological Spaces, Indian J. Pure Appl.Math., 28(1997),351- 360. [9] C.Janaki,Studies On πgα-Closed Sets in Topology,Ph.D Thesis, Bharathair University 2009. [10] N.Levine,Generalized closed sets in Topology, Rend.Circ. Mat.Palermo , 19 (1970),89-96. A.Jayalakshmi, C.Janaki |
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213. | Screening and isolation of bioactive factors from Commiphora myrrha and evaluation of their antimicrobial activity
Screening and isolation of bioactive factors from Commiphora myrrha and evaluation of their antimicrobial activityAbstract: The medicinal plants represent an enormous reservoir of potential microbial compounds that could be useful as an alternative to synthetic microbicides and are being used to develop drugs. In the present study, preliminary phytochemical analysis and antibacterial activity of Commiphora myrrha (Burceracea) the resin collects from bark and stem of the plant by the process incision. The resin powder extracts of Commiphora myrrha were tested against different gram negative bacteria by disc diffusion method. It was found that ethyl acetate and hexane extract possess bacterial growth inhibition where as methanol extract having antibacterial activity only on higher concentration and the extract is separated by TLC and silica gel preparative chromatography to fractionate bioactive constituents. Thereafter, the fraction purified by HPTLC and active fraction was analyzed by FTIR.Key words: Commiphora myrrha, Antibacterial activity, Minimum Inhibitory Concentration, Zone Of Inhibition. Reference 1. El Ashry ES, Rashed N, Salama OM, Saleh A. Components, therapeutic value and uses of myrrh. Pharmazie 2003; 58-3: 163. 2. Drago I, Mombelli B, De Vecchi E, Fassina MC, Tocalli L, Gismondo MR. In vitro antimicrobial activity of propolis dry extract. J Chemotherapy 2002; 12: 390– 395. 3. Bonajar Shahibi GH. Evaluation of antibacterial properties of iranian medical plants against micro coccus aureus, serratia marcescens, Klebsiella Pneuomiae and bodella branchoseptica. Asian. J. Sci. 2004; 3-1: 82-86. 4. Oyaizu AB, Andrea L, Klara S, Agnes K. Reducing power of the natural polyphenol of Sempervivum tectorum Invitro and Invivo. 2003; 47(1-4):99-102. 5. Shen T, Lou HX. Chemical constituents from resin of Commiphora species and their biological activities. Nat. 2008. 6. Shen T, Lou HX Chemical constituents from resin of Commiphora species and their biological activities. Nat. Prod. Res. Dev. 2008; 20-2: 360-366. 7. Ding AW. Isolation and biological activities of neomyrrhaol and other terpenes from the resin of Commiphora myrrha. Plata Med. 2009b 75-1: 351-355. 8. Harborne, J.B., Phytochemical methods. In A guide to modern techniques of plant analysis 3 rd ed.,pp:40-137. 1998. 9. Kroschwitz, J.I. and M. Howe-Grant, KirkKandha tribe of Orissa, India. J. Ethnopharmacol. 1992. 10. Baur AW, Kirby WM, Sherris JC, Turck M. Antibiotic susceptibility testing by a standard single disk method. Am J Clin Path 1966; 45: 493-496. N. Chandrasekharnath, Y.V Mahlakshmi, L. Jayalakshmi, B. Venkanna, A. Uma |
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214. | Integrating Network Technology with Production Supervision: Low Cost Solution for Managing In-Process Inventory
Integrating Network Technology with Production Supervision: Low Cost Solution for Managing In-Process InventoryAbstract: In context to the manufacturing situation in the shop floor, work-in-process (WIP) management or the in-process inventory and control as the inevitable result of the production process have become the key link of production plan. Due to the growing production requirements and the potential economic benefits of manufacturing process flow, enterprises have been pushed to integrate work-in-process management with their manufacturing process and the larger the company the larger the list of in-process inventory and this all are typically hard to manage so for the same respect the author in this paper has lighted on the integration of the sophisticated electronics and networking technologies with the W.I.P with an native and low cost solution for managing the same, specially for the medium scaled company dealing with large number of product or with the customized product with reference to study of present scenario of a multinational company's plant engineering department.Key words: In-process inventory, Lean manufacturing, WIP visibility, Inventory traceability, WIP reporting Reference [1] A. GUNASEKARAN, R. MCNEIL and D. SINGH, "Activity-based management in a small company: a case study" PRODUCTION PLANNING & CONTROL, 2000, VOL. 11, NO. 4 [2] ZUMBAL Atan and Martine Rousseau " Inventory Optimization for Perishables Subject to Supply Disruptions" Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE) - Department of Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences and Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany [3] D. Rajenthirakumar, P.V. Mohanram, S.G. Harikarthik "Process Cycle Efficiency Improvement Through Lean: A Case Study" International Journal of Lean Thinking Volume 2, Issue 1 (June 2011) [4] K. P. Paranitharan *, M. Shabeena Begam, S. Syath Abuthakeer, M. V. Subha "Redesinging an Automotive Assembly Line Through Lean Strategy"International Journal of Lean Thinking Volume 2, Issue 2 (December 2011) [5] Majed Al-Mashari "Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems" Industrial Management & Data Systems 103/1 [2003] 22-27 [6] Yuan-Hung (Kevin) Ma, Yoram Koren (1) "Operation of Manufacturing Systems with Work-in-process Inventory and Production Control" NSF Engineering Research Center for Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor MI 48109-2125, USA. Suraj Yadav |
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215. | Measurement Of Multiview Point Similarity Considering Concepts Of Data Clustering
Measurement Of Multiview Point Similarity Considering Concepts Of Data ClusteringAbstract: For all clustering methods which are bounded by Data objects we need to consider some cluster relationships. Similarity between a pair of objects can be defined either explicitly or implicitly. In this paper we are going to present two Clustering methods and a multiview point based similarity measure. In Multipoint Based Similarity Measure we use many different viewpoints that are objects and are assumed to not be in same cluster with two objects being measured, this is the main distinctness of our concept with a traditional dissimilarity/similarity measure is that the aforementioned dissimilarity/similarity exercises only a single view point for which it is the base.We can implement countless descriptive evaluation by utilizing multiple viewpoints and to support this we proposed two functions to document clustering. We compare them with several wellknown clustering algorithms that use other popular similarity measures on various document collections to verify the advantages of our proposalKey words: Clustering, Multiviewpoint, Measure, Cosine Similarity Data objects. Reference [1] A. Banerjee, I. Dhillon, J. Ghosh, and S. Sra, "Clustering on the Unit Hypersphere Using Von Mises-Fisher Distributions," J. Machine Learning Research, vol. 6, pp. 1345-1382, Sept. 2005. [2] M. Pelillo, "What Is a Cluster? Perspectives from Game Theory," Proc. NIPS Workshop Clustering Theory, 2009. [4] A. Strehl, J. Ghosh, and R. Mooney, "Impact of Similarity Measures on WebPage Clustering," Proc. 17th Nat'l Conf. Artificial Intelligence: Workshop of Artificial Intelligence for Web Search (AAAI),pp. 58-64, July 2000. [5] A. Banerjee, S. Merugu, I. Dhillon, and J. Ghosh, "Clustering with Bregman Divergences," J. Machine Learning Research, vol. 6, pp. 1705-1749, Oct. 2005. [6] E. Pekalska, A. Harol, R.P.W. Duin, B. Spillmann, and H. Bunke, "Non-Euclidean or Non-Metric Measures Can Be Informative," Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition, vol. 4109, pp. 871-880, 2006. [7] S. Zhong, "Efficient Online Spherical Kmeans Clustering," Proc. IEEE Int'l Joint Conf. Neural Networks (IJCNN), pp. 3180- 3185, 2005. [8] D. Lee and J. Lee, "Dynamic Dissimilarity Measure for Support Based Clustering," IEEE Trans. Knowledge and Data Eng., vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 900-905, June 2010. [9] I. Guyon, U.V. Luxburg, and R.C. Williamson, "Clustering: Science or Art?," Proc. NIPS Workshop Clustering Theory, 2009. [10] I. Dhillon and D. Modha, "Concept Decompositions for Large Sparse Text Data Using Clustering," Machine Learning, vol. 42, nos. 1/2, pp. 143-175, Jan. 2001. [11] E.-H. Han, D. Boley, M. Gini, R. Gross, K. Hastings, G. Karypis, V. Kumar, B. Mobasher, and J. Moore, "Webace: A Web Agent for Document Categorization and Exploration," Proc. Second Int'l Conf. Autonomous Agents (AGENTS '98), pp. 408-415, 1998. Ravi Bhusan Yadav, M. Madhu Babu |
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216. | Pde-Based Disparity Estimation From Stereo Images
Pde-Based Disparity Estimation From Stereo ImagesAbstract: Partial differential equations (PDEs) are very useful now days in image processing and computer vision. They are mainly used for smoothing and restoration purpose. PDEs are also very useful in areas such as physics and engineering sciences for a very long time. This paper gives a broad picture of mathematical image processing through one of the most recent and very successful approaches—the variational PDE (partial differential equation) method. [1].This paper discusses the basic concepts of PDE based disparity estimation for stereo images and its application in Image processing. In this paper we used PDE for measure the regularization using Euler's function.Key words: —Disparity estimation, Variational method, Partial differential Equation, Surface reconstruction Reference [1] P. Perona, J. Malik, Scale space and edge detection using anisotropic diffusion, Proc. IEEE Comp. Soc. Workshop on Computer Vision (Miami Beach, Nov. 30 – Dec. 2, 1987), IEEE Computer Society Press, Washington, 16–22, 1987. [2] Hansung Kim , Adrian Hilton, "PDE based Disparity Estimation with Occulsion and Texture Handling For Accurate Depth Recovery For A Stereo Image Pair", 978-1 4244-7994-8/10/$26.00 ©2010 IEEE, ICIP 2010 [3] Stefano Mattoccia , Stereo Vision: Algorithms and Applications, DEIS, University Of Bologna [4] Hansung Kim, Kwanghoon Sohn,Hierarchical disparity estimation with energy-based regularization, 0-7803-7750-8/03/$17.00 ©2003 IEEE. ICIP 2003 Keta Shah, VinitKumar Gupta, Vrati Shah |
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217. | Application of CFD code for simulation of an inclined snow chute flow
Application of CFD code for simulation of an inclined snow chute flowAbstract: In this paper, 2-D simulation of a 61 m long inclined snow chute flow and its interaction with a catch dam type obstacle has been carried out at Dhundhi field research station near Manali, Himachal Pradesh (India) using a commercially available computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code ANSYS Fluent. Eulerian non-granular multiphase model was chosen to model the snow flow in the surrounding atmospheric air domain. Both air and snow were assumed as laminar and incompressible fluids. User defined functions(UDF) were written for the computation of bi-viscous Bingham fluid viscosity and wall shear stress of snow to account for the slip at the interface between the flowing snow and the stationary snow chute surface. Using the proposed CFD model, the velocity, dynamic pressure and debris deposition were simulated for flowing snow mass in the chute. Experiments were performed on the snow chute to validate the simulated results. On comparison, the simulated results were found in good agreement with the experimental results.Key words: : Bingham fluid, chute flow, wall shear stress Reference [1] A. Voellmy, Uber die Zerstorungskraft von Lawinen: Sonderdruck aus der Scweiz. Bavzeitung, 73, Jarag., no.12, 159-162, 1955. [English translation: On the destructive force of avalanches, Translated byR.E.Tate, U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Alta Avalanche Study Center, Wasatch National Forest, Translation No. 2, 1964] [2] R. Perla, T.T. Cheng and D.M. McClung, A two parameter model of snow-avalanche motion, Journal of Glaciology, 26(94), 1980, 197–207. [3] M. Christen, J. Kowalski and P. Bartelt, RAMMS: numerical simulation of densesnow avalanches in three-dimensional Terrain, Cold Regions Science and Technology, 63(1–2), 2010, 1–14. [4] T.E. Lang and M. Martinelli Jr., Application of numerical transient fluid dynamics to snow avalanche flow, Part II, Avalanche modeling and parameter error evaluation, Journal of Glaciology, 22(86), 1979, 117–126. [5] T.E. Lang and R.L. Brown, Snowavalanche impact on structures. Journal of Glaciology, 25(93), 1980, 445–455. [6] T.E. Lang, K.L. Dawson and M. Martinelli, Jr., Application of numerical transient fluid dynamics to snow avalanche flow, Part I, Development of computer program AVALNCH, Journal of Glaciology, 22(86), 1979, 107–115. [7] E. Bovet, L. Preziosi, B. Chiaia and F. Barpi, The level set method applied to avalanches. In: Proceedings of the European COMSOL conference, Grenoble, France, 2007, 321–325. [8] K. ODA, S. Moriguch, I. Kamiishi, A. Yashima, K. Sawada and A. Sato, Simulation of a snow avalanche model test using computational fluid dynamics, Annals of Glaciology, 52(58), 2011. [9] H. Norem, F. Irgens and B. Schieldrop, Simulation of snow-avalanche flow in run-out zones, Annals of Glaciology, 13, 1989, 218–225. [10] J.D. Dent and T.E. Lang, A biviscous modified Bingham model of snow avalanche motion, Annals of Glaciology, 4, 1983, 42–46. R K Aggarwal, Amod Kumar |
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218. | Biometric Template Security Using Visual Cryptography
Biometric Template Security Using Visual CryptographyAbstract: Biometrics deal with recognizing a person or verifying the identity of a person based on physiological or behavioral characteristics. Visual cryptography is a secret sharing scheme where a secret image is encrypted into the number of shares which independently disclose no information about the original image. There are various biometric templates like fingerprints, face, voice, signature, iris and odor. Amongst all these templates, the iris template is the most universal, unique and permanent. Also, its performance is comparatively higher than the other templates. So we are focusing on iris template. The previous work involved storing of original template in the system which was vulnerable to various attacks, but in our proposed work, we are storing the extracted image of the template. Also, we are assigning a unique number to every template which is encrypted using Visual Cryptography. Visual cryptography provides an extra layer of authentication. The combination of biometrics and visual cryptography is a promising information security technique which offers an efficient way to protect the biometric template. In this work, we are providing two fold security to the iris template.Key words: Authentication, Biometric Template, Iris, Visual Cryptography Reference [1] S. Prabhakar, S. Pankanti, A. K. Jain, "Biometric recognition: security and privacyconcerns".In Proceedings of the IEEE Security & Privacy,33-42, March/April 2003. [2] J. Daugman, "High confidence recognition of persons by test of statistical independence".IEEE Trans. on PAMI, vol. 15,1148-1160,1993. [3] Nalini K. Ratha, Jonathan H. Connell, and Ruud M. Bolle, "An Analysis of Minutiae Matching Strength". In Proceedings of the 3rd AVBPA, Halmstad, Sweden,223-228 ,June 2001. [4] Moni Naor and Adi Shamir, "Visual cryptography" .In Proceedings of the advances in cryptology– Eurocrypt, 1-12,1995. [5] Lin Kezheng, Fan Bo, Zhao Hong, "visual cryptographic scheme with high image quality". In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security, 366-370,IEEE ,2008. [6] Xiao-qing Tan, "Two kinds of ideal contrast visual cryptography schemes". In Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing Systems, 450-453, 2009. [7] Jing Dong, Tieniu Tan, "Effects of watermarking on iris recognition performance". 978–1–4244–2287–6,IEEE, 2008. [8] Wen-Pinn Fang "Non-expansion visual secret sharing in reversible style". IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, 9(2), February 2009. [9] H.-C. Hsu, T.-S. Chen, Y.-H. Lin, "The ring shadow image technology of visual cryptography by applying diverse rotating angles to hide the secret sharing". In Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing & Control, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 996–1001, March 2004. [10] Xiao-qing Tan, "Two kinds of ideal contrast visual cryptography schemes". In Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing Systems, 450-453, 2009 Prof. Mrs. Neha Hajare, Anuja Borage, Nikhita Kamble, Supriya Shinde |
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219. | Efficient Flow based Network Traffic Classification using Machine Learning
Efficient Flow based Network Traffic Classification using Machine LearningAbstract: Traffic classification based on their generation applications has a very important role to play in network security and management. The port-based prediction methods and payload-based deep inspection methods comes under Traditional methods. The standard strategies in current network environment suffer from variety of privacy issues, dynamic ports and encrypted applications. Recent research efforts are focused on traffic classification and Machine Learning Techniques and of which machine learning is used for classification. This paper conducts a flow based traffic classification and comparison on the various Machine Learning (ML) techniques such as C4.5, Naïve Bayes, Nearest Neighbor, RBF for IP traffic classification. From this C4.5 Decision Tree gives 93.33% accuracy compare with other algorithms. The two methods are used Full Feature selection and Reduced feature set for classification. From this classification the Reduced feature selection gives good result.Key words: – Bayes Net, C4.5 Decision Tree, Navie Bayes,, Machine Learning (ML), Nearest Neighbor(NN), Payload based – Deep Inspection Methods, RBF, Traffic Classification. Reference [1] T. Karagiannis, K. Papagiannaki, and M. Faloutsos, "BLINC: multilevel traffic classification in the dark," SIGCOMM Comput. Commun. Rev., vol. 35, pp. 229–240, August 2005. [2] N. Williams, S. Zander, and G. Armitage, "A preliminary performance comparison of five machine learning algorithms for practical ip traffic flow classification," SIGCOMM Comput. Commun. Rev., vol. 36, pp. 5–16, October 2006. [3] H. Kim, K. Claffy, M. Fomenkov, D. Barman, M. Faloutsos, and K. Lee, "Internet traffic classification demystified: myths, caveats, and the best practices," in Proceedings of the ACM CoNEXT Con-ference, New York, NY, USA, 2008, pp. 1–12. [4] R. Kohavi, "Scaling Up the Accuracy of NaiveBayes Classifiers: a Decision-Tree Hybrid", in Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), 1996. [5] T. Auld, A. W. Moore, and S. F. Gull, "Bayesian neural networks for internet traffic classification," IEEE Trans. Neural Netw., vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 223– 239, January 2007. [6] M. Roughan, S. Sen, O. Spatscheck, and N. Duffield, "Class-ofservice mapping for QoS: a statistical signature-based approach to IP traffic classification," in Proceedings of the 4th ACM SIGCOMM conference on Internet measurement, New York, NY, USA, 2004, pp. 135–148. [7] A. W. Moore and D. Zuev, "Internet traffic classification using bayesian analysis techniques," SIGMETRICS Perform. Eval. Rev., vol. 33, pp. 50– 60, June 2005. [8] L. Bernaille and R. Teixeira, "Early recognition of encrypted applications," in Proceedings of the 8th international conference on Passive and active network measurement, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2007, pp. 165–175. [9] A. Este, F. Gringoli, and L. Salgarelli, "Support vector machines for tcp traffic classification," Computer Networks, vol. 53, no. 14, pp. 2476– 2490, September 2009. [10] T. Nguyen and G. Armitage, "Training on multiple sub-flows to optimise the use of machine learning classifiers in real-world ip networks," in Local Computer Networks, Annual IEEE Conference on, Los Alamitos, CA, USA, 2006, pp. 369–376. Jamuna .A, Vinodh Ewards S.E |
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220. | Designing PID Controller using LabVIEW for Controlling Fluid Level of Vessel
Designing PID Controller using LabVIEW for Controlling Fluid Level of VesselAbstract: The primary aim of our project is to replace the PID instrument with virtual PID that has equal controlling capabilities as that of instrument. This designing is possible on software called LabVIEW developed by National Instruments. We also intend to use a DAQ card for interfacing with the hardware. This DAQ card is product of the same company National Instruments. The hardware is a Multiloop Trainer Kit mounted with a tank whose level has to be controlled using a feedback control loop. The flow of project execution is: The designed PID will be generating the necessary controlling electronic signal. This signal will be acquired by DAQ card. The DAQ card transfers it to the I to P converter which will convert the electrical pulses 4-20mA into pneumatic signal 3-15psig to actuate the control valve. This conversion take place as the control valve acts on pneumatic signals only. The control valve controls the fluid flow to maintain the fluid level in tank. The tank is fitted with a capacitive level sensor and a transmitter. This assembly takes the level readings from tank and transmits it to the DAQ card. These values are called process values and are further processed into the designed PID. This way a closed loop system is formed.Key words: DAQ card (Data Acquisition),LabVIEW (Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering workbench),PID. Reference 1. Paper Entitled "A Laboratory Experiment To Teach Closed-Loop" By Elsa De Klerk, IEEE Transactions On Education, Vol. 47, No. 2, May 2004 2. Paper Entitled "A Liquid Level Sensor Using The Absorption Of Guided Acoustic Waves" By D. Royer, L. Levin, And 0. Legras, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS, FERROELECTRICS, AND FREQUENCY CONTROL, VOL. 40, NO. 4, JULY 1993 3. Paper Entitled "An Automated Feedback System For Computer Organization Project" By Peter M. Chen, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EDUCATION, VOL. 47, NO. 2, MAY 2004 4. Paper Entitled "A Systematic Method For Gain Selection Of Robust Pid Control For Nonlinear Plants Of Second-Order Controller Canonical Form" By, Pyung Hun Chang, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 17, NO. 2, MARCH 2009 Harsh Kaji, Shruti Annigeri, Prof. Prafulla Patil |
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221. | Application Identification using Supervised Clustering Method
Application Identification using Supervised Clustering MethodAbstract: The classification of traffic provides essential data for network management and research. Several classification approaches are developed and proposed to protect the network resources or enforce organizational policies. Whereas the port number based classification works only for some well-known applications and payload based classification is not suitable for encrypted packet payloads that make the sense to classify the traffic based on behaviors observed in networks. In this paper, a supervised clustering algorithm called Flow Level based Classification (FLC) is proposed to classify network flows, which comprises of flows in the same conversation. In this paper we discussed recent laurels and various research trends in supervised and unsupervised clustering algorithms. We outline the obstinately mysterious challenges in the field over the last decade and suggest strategies for tackling these challenges to promote headway in the art of Internet traffic classification.Key words: Clustering approaches, Machine learning approaches, Application Identification, Traffic Classification. Reference [1] IANA, "Internet Assigned Numbers Authority", http://www.iana.org/assignment/portnumbers. [2] A. McGregor, M. Hall , P. Lorier , J. Brunskill , " Flow clustering using Machine Learning Techniques", in: Proc. Passive and Active Measurement Workshop (PAM2004), Antibes Juan-Les-Pins, France, April 2004. [3] S. Zander, T. Nguyen, G. Armitrage, "Automated traffic classification and application identification using machine learning", in IEEE 30tsh conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN 2005), Sydney, Australia, November 2005. [4] P. Cheeseman and J. Strutz, "Bayesian Classification (AutoClass): Theory and Results", in Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 1996. [5] A. Dempster, N. Laird, and D. Rubin , "Maximum likelihood from incomplete data via the EM algorithm," J. Royal Statistical Society, Vol. 30, no. 1,1997 [6] L. Bernaille, R. Teixeira, I. Akodkenou, A. Soule, and K. Salamatian, "Traffic Classification on the fly," ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication (SIGCOMM) Computer Communication Review, vol. 36, no. 2,2006. [7] M. Ester, H. Kriegel, J. Sander, and X.Xu. A Density-based Algorithm for Discovering Clusters in Large Spatial Databases with Noise. In 2 nd International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD 96), Portland, USA, 1996. [8] T. Karagiannis, K. Papagiannaki, and M. Faloutsos, "BLINC: Multilevel traffic classification in the dark," in Proc. of the Special Interest Group on Data Communication conference (SIGCOMM) 2005,Philadelphia,PA,USA,August 2005. [9] Nen-Fu Huang, Han-Chieh Chao, "Early Identifying Application traffic with Application Characteristics", in Proceedings of the IEEE ICC, 2008. [10] Chun-Nan-Lu, Chun-Ying Huang, YingDar Lin, Yuan-Cheng Lai, "Session Level Flow Classification by packet size distribution and session grouping, Journal of Network and Computer Applications(2009). [11] S. Sen, O. Spatscheck, and D. Wang, "Accurate scalable in network identification of P2P traffic using application signatures," in WWW2004, New York, NY, USA, May 2004. A.Jenefa, S.E Vinodh Ewards |
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222. | Design Of Engine Cylinder Using Matlab
Design Of Engine Cylinder Using MatlabAbstract: The function of a cylinder is to retain the working fluid and to guide the piston. The cylinders are usually made of cast iron or cast steel. Since the cylinder has to withstand high temperature due to the combustion of fuel, therefore, some arrangement must be provided to cool the cylinder. The single cylinder engines (such as scooters and motorcycles) are generally air cooled. They are provided with fins around the cylinder. The multi-cylinder engines (such as of cars) are provided with water jackets around the cylinders to cool it. In this project "MATLAB" has been used to design engine cylinder. MATLAB is extensively used for scientific & research purposes. It is accurate & also has a number of built in functions which makes it versatile. Based on the work a CYLINDER can be designed. The program is a user friendly one & when executed it ask the inputs and performs the necessary design calculations and gives necessary output values. It also gives the design of engine cylinder with accurate safe dimensions. As computers are used to perform the task of piston design becomes simple, friendly & error free.Reference [1] The answers generated by MATLAB code are verified with the textbook answers and are proved to be correct. The design of any component can be done using mat lab and the results can be obtained with relative ease. A. Gopi Chand , Ch.Manivijay Kumar, Ch.Polayya, B.Siva Prasad, Y.Sanjay Gandhi |
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223. | Real Time Embedded Web Server Based LED's Control using
ARM Processor and Ethernet
Real Time Embedded Web Server Based LED's Control using ARM Processor and EthernetAbstract: This paper presents a design and realization method for led control system through ethernet based on embedded linux.The terminal hardware design using ARM9 S3C2440 processor for centralization virtue of SDRAM, NAND Flash, Ethernet, USB module etc.Software system adopts the embedded linux.The main function realized by C programming to achieve real time status of system. The result shows the real time status and control of pulsating led's on different pulse rate.Key words: Ethernet, embedded linux, S3C2440, embedded webserver,boa. Reference [1] Ali ziya alkar, Mehmet atif karaca,"An internet based interactive Embedded data acquisition system for real time applications,"IEEE transaction on instrumentation and measurement,vol.58,No.3 March 2009,pp- 522-529 [2] Siddhartha Baruah,Anjana KakotyMahanta,Kanak Ch Sarma,"A review of designing and implementing an embedded system using Client Server and Web Technology for Monitoring and Controlling of Physical Parameters" International Journal for Infonomics (IJI), Volume 3, Issue 1, March 2010, Pp 217- 226 [3] Deepak C.Karia, Vispi Adajania, Manisha Agrawal and Swapnil Dandekar," Embedded Web Server Application Based Automation and Monitoring System", Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Signal Processing, Communication, Computing and Networking Technology,pp.634-637 [4] Soumya Sunny P1, Roopa .M2," Data Acquisition and Control System Using Embedded Web Server," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology- Volume3Issue3- 2012,pp- 411-414. [5] Ch. Sravani, N.V.Narayana Rao ," Developing Touch Screen based Data Transmission Using S3C2440 Processor", International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications , Vol. 2, Issue 1,Jan-Feb 2012, pp.863-869. [6] SAVITA LAD, Prof. PRAMOD JADHAV, Prof. R. J. VAIDYA," Embedded Web Server for Monitoring and Controlling of system Using ARM Processor, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering (IJARCSEE) Volume 1, Issue 6, August 2012,pp.82-87. [7] Liqun Ma, Haihong Shen and Qishan Zhang," The Key Technologies for a Large-scale Real-time Interactive Video Distribution System", 2010 IEEE,pp.471- 476 [8] " Web Server for Embedded Systems" byKlaus-D. Walter [9] "Building Embedded Linux Systems" By Karim Yaghmour [10] "Embedded Linux" By Chris Hallaughbagh [11] [Online] availabe : http://www.friendlyarm.net Vaishali Patil, Avichal Kapur |
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224. | Fundus Image Acquisition Techniques with Data base in Diabetic Retinopathy
Fundus Image Acquisition Techniques with Data base in Diabetic RetinopathyAbstract: The purpose of this paper is to Provide the information regarding Diabetic retinopathy , its imaging methods and data base in systematic manner . In this paper we introduce the terms related to Diabetic Retinopathy along with the characteristic and features of appearance in the images .In this paper we also discuss the various image acquisition techniques of retina from fundus photography to 3D OCT Imaaging. lastly we also provide the list of the current data base available with the ground truth . In Diabetic retinopathy the blood vessel becomes weak and due to this vessel leaks blood and fluid of lipoproteins ,this creates abnormalaties in retina. Abnormal retinal images form four different classes namely nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR), Central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO), Choroidal neovascularisation membrane (CNVM) and central serous retinopathy (CSR) .There may exist different kinds of abnormal lesions caused by diabetic retinopathy in a diabetic's eye. The lesion types are Microaneurysm, Hard Exudate, Soft Exudate, Hemorrhage, and Neovascularization.Key words: DiabeticRetinopathy,Ground truth,Fundus. Reference [1] Tekes, national technology agency of Finland. Website (referenced 20th February2005). ttp://www.tekes.fi/eng/. [2] Diabetesliitto: Perustietoa diabeteksestä. Website (referenced 3th February 2005).http://www.diabetes.fi/diabtiet/peru s/perus2.htm(In Finnish). [3] Jack J. Kanski. Clinical Ophthalmology: A Systematic Approach. ButterworthHeinemann, 2003. ISBN 0-7506-5542-9. [4] Effective Health Care - Complications of diabetes: Renal disease and promotion of self-management. Volume 6, number 1. Royal Society of Medicine Press, 2000.ISSN 0965-0288. [5] Diabetesliitto: Tyypin 1 diabetes. Website (referenced 3th February 2005) http://www.diabetes.fi/diabtiet/perus/tyyp pi1.htm(In Finnish). [6] Diabetesliitto: Tyypin 2 diabetes. Website (referenced 3th February 2005). http://www.diabetes.fi/diabtiet/perus/tyyp pi2.htm(In Finnish). [7] Diabetesliitto: Diabetes Suomessa. Website (referenced 3th February 2005). http://www.diabetes.fi/diabtiet/tiedote/02/t utkijat.htm (In Finnish). [8] Helsingin ja uudenmaan sairaanhoitopiiri: Yleistä diabetestyypeistä.Website (referenced 3th February 2005). http://www.hus.fi/default.asp?path=1;32;6 60;546;621;763;1193;5104 (In Finnish). [9] Annele Eerola, Sirkku Kivisaari, Riikka Eela, and Mikko Rask. Ikääntyneiden itsenäistä suoriutumista tukeva teknologia. Eduskunnan kanslian julkaisu, 2001. (In Finnish). [10] Effective Health Care - Complications of diabetes: Screening for retinopathy and Management of foot ulcers. Volume 5, number 4. Royal Society of Medicine Press,1999. ISSN 0965-0288. Kade Mahesh K |
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225. | 3G Receiver system level design
3G Receiver system level designAbstract: In order to meet the requirements of telecommunication hardware standards and general Technology for mobile networking systems, A3G mobile networks based on the International Telecommunication Union(ITU) family of standards is conceived from Universal Mobile TelecommunicationService (UMTS) concept for high speed networks forenabling variety of data intensive applications. It consists of two main standards – CDMA 2000 &WCDMA3G network operators offer wide range of advanced service to its users and it can be achieved by Spectral efficiencyServices – wide- `area wireless voice Telephone, videocalls, and broadband wireless, data all in a mobile environment [1,2,3,4]. A key requirement in future wireless system is their ability to provide broadband connectivity with end-to-end Quality of Service (QoS), a high network capacity, and throughput at a low cost. In this paper, a 3G RF front end system is proposed as a broadband communication system [5, 6, 7].Key words: ;3G; ITU; UMTS; CDMA2000; WCDMA Reference [1] J. E. Padgett, C. G. Gunther and T. Hattori, Overview of wireless personal communications, IEEE Commun. Mag., vol. 33, pp. 28–41, January 1995. [2] L. C.Godara, M.J. Ryan and N. Padovan, Third generation mobile communication systems Overview and modelling considerations, Annals of Telecommunications, vol. 54, No.1–2, pp. 114–136, 1999. [3] N. Padovan, M. Ryan and L. Godara, An Overview of Third Generation Mobile Communications Systems, IEEE Tencon '98: IEEE Region 10 Annual Conference, New Delhi, December 17–19, 1998. [4] J. S. Dasilva, B. Arroyo, B. Barni and D. Ikonomou, European third-generation mobile systems, IEEE Commun.Mag., vol. 34, pp. 68–83, 1996. [5] D. D. Falconer, F. Adachi and B. Gudmundson, Time division multiple access methods for wireless personal communications, IEEE. Mag., vol. 33, pp. 1995. [6] W. C. Y. Lee, Overview of cellular CDMA, IEEE Trans. vol. 40, pp. 291–302, [7] R. Kohno, R. Meidan and L. B. Milstein, Spread spectrum access methods for wireless communications, IEEE Commun. Mag., vol. 33, pp. 58–67, 1995. [8] http://www.rfcafe.com [9] Ian Poole Cellular Communications Explained From Basics to 3G-F.E 2006. [10] Janine Sullivan Love with Cheryl Ajluni John Blyler Christopher Bowick Joe Carr FaridDowla Michael Finneran Andrei Grebennikov Ian Hickman Leo G. Maloratsky Ian Poole Nathan O. Sokal Steve Winder Hank Zumbahlen RF FrontEnd World Class Designs, 2009. Osama M. Abd Almoula, HeshamN. M. Ahmed, Ayman M. Altager |
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226. | Thermal Design & Performance Of Combined Vapour Compression-Ejector Refrigeration System Using R600a
Thermal Design & Performance Of Combined Vapour Compression-Ejector Refrigeration System Using R600aAbstract: Combined vapour compression-ejector refrigeration system is proposed which uses the waste heat of condesor of simple vapor compression system and this heat is utilized to drive the binary ejector refrigeration system. The cooling effect produced by this binary system can be considered as input to the cooling effect of basic vapour compression system. Thermal design of this combined vapour compressionejector refrigeration system(VCR-VER) is based on energy and mass conservation in each component. The system performance is first analyzed for the on design conditions. The results show that the COP is improved by 3.086% for the proposed system. The system is then analyzed for variation of four important variables. MATLAB Simulink software is used to model the combined VCR-VER system. The system analysis shows that this refrigeration system can effectively improve the COP by the ejector cycle with the refrigerant which has high compressor discharge temperature.Key words: Combined VCR-VER system, ejector refrigeration, thermal design, performance Reference 1. Sun, D.W., Eames, W.I., Aphornratana, S., 1996. Evaluation of a novel combined ejector absorption refrigeration cycle, I computer simulation. Int. J. Refrigerat. 19, 8. 2. Sun, D.W., 1997. Solar powered combined ejector-vapour compression cycle for air conditioning and refrigeration. Energ. Convers. Manag. 38 (5), 479-491. 3. Arbel, A., Sokolov, M., 2004. Revisiting solar-powered ejector air conditioner e the greener the better. Sol. Energ. 77, 57-66. 4. Herna´ndez, J., Dorantes, R., Best, R., Estrada, C., 2004. The behaviour of a hybrid compressor and ejector refrigeration system with refrigerants 134a and 142b. Appl. Therm. Eng. 24. 5. Jaya, P.V., Prakasha, R., Srinivasa, M., 2005. Studies on an Ejector absorption Refrigeration Cycle With New Working Fluid Pairs. In World Climate and Energy Event, pp. 113-122. 6. Elakdhar, M., Nehdi, E., Kairouani, L., 2007. Analysis of a compression/ejection cycle for domestic refrigeration. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 46, 4639-4644. 7. Blitzar International., 2007. Available on October 2008, de IIFIIR: www.iifiir.org/en/doc/1029.pdf. 8. Petrenko, V.O., Huang, B.I., Ierin, V.O., 2011. Design theoretical study of cascade CO2 sub-critical mechanical compression/butane ejector cooling cycle. Int. J. Refrigerat 34, 1649-1656. 9. Yinhai Zhu, Peixue Jiang, 2012. Hybrid vapor compression refrigeration system with an integrated ejector cooling cycle. Int. J. of refrigeration 35,68-78 10. Abdulateef, J., Sopian, K., Alghoul, M.A., Sulaiman, M., 2009. Review on solardriven ejector refrigeration technologies. Renew. Sustain. Energ. Rev. 13, 1338- 1349. Suhas D Kshirsagar, M M Deshmukh |
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227. | 3D Graphics Texture Compression And Its Recent Trends
3D Graphics Texture Compression And Its Recent TrendsAbstract: Texture compression is a specialized form of image compression designed for storing texture maps in 3D computer graphics rendering systems. Texture compression is an important technique in graphics processing units (GPUs) for saving memory bandwidth. Unlike conventional image compression algorithms, texture compression algorithms are optimized for random access. Therefore, the variable-rate sequential coding used in many image compression systems cannot be employed, whereas lossy, fixed-rate block-based approaches are mainly used for texture compression algorithms. Secondly it is highly desirable to be able to render directly from the compressed texture data. Therefore in order not to impact rendering performance, decompression must be fast. Along with these requirements high image quality and compression ratio both are needed. This paper gives an overview and comparison between different types of 3-D graphics texture compression standards and algorithms available.Key words: compression, texture, compression ratio, rendering, graphics, texel. Reference [1] Chih-Hao Sun, You-Ming Tsao, and Shao-Yi Chien, Member Graphics Processing Units;, IEEE;"High-Quality Mipmapping Texture compression With Alpha Maps for";IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MULTIMEDIA, VOL. 11, NO. 4, JUNE 2009 [2] Campbell, G.; Defanti, T. A.; Frederiksen, J.; Joyce, S. A.; Leske, L. A. (1986). "Two bit/pixel full color encoding". Proceedings of the 13th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques -SIGGRAPH '86. pp. 215. doi:10.1145/ 15922.15910. ISBN 0897911962. [3] US 5956431 "Fixed-rate block-based image compression with inferred pixel values" [4] Yifei Jiang∗, Mindan Gui†, Dongdong Lu∗, Yuanchao Xu‡§ ∗Shanghai High Performance IC Design Center, Shanghai, China †Department of Electronic & Information Engineering, Wuxi South Ocean College, Wuxi, China ‡Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China §College of Information S3 Texture Compression; en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ S3_Texture_Compression Engineering, Capital Normal University, Beijing, China jiangyifei01@gmail.com [5] Adaptive Scalable Texture compression (ASTC), en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Adaptive_ Scalable_ Texture_compression [6] Texture Compression with Variable Data Formats 2012 IEEE 12th International Conference on Computer and Information TechnologyM Ozaki, Y. Adachi, Y. Iwahori, and N. Ishii, Application of fuzzy theory to writer recognition of Chinese characters, International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, 18(2), 1998, 112-116. Books: [7] Tomas Akenine-Moller, Eric Haines, Naty Hoffman, Real time graphics rendering [3e A K Peters LTD: Natick, MA] . Mrs. Archana Ajay Nawandhar |
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228. | Design and Silmulation of High Speed Digital Phase Locked Loop
Design and Silmulation of High Speed Digital Phase Locked LoopAbstract: The digital phase locked loop is a circuit that used frequently in modern integrated circuit design. A digital phase-locked loop (DPLL) is designed using 0.18 um CMOS process and a 3.3 V power supply. It operates in the frequency range 200 MHz–1 GHz. DPLL perform the fuction of generating a clock signal, which is locked or synchronized with the incoming signal. It consist of single charge pump (CP), low pass filter (LPF) and voltage controlled oscillator (VCO). DPLL circuit components as well as implementation using Tanner design tools are presented. Spectra simulations were also performed and demonstrated a significant improvement in the lock time of the DPLL.Key words: PFD, CP, LPF, VCO. Reference [1] AMBARISH S., WAGDY M.F.: 'A wide-band digital phase locked loop'. Proc. Third Int. Conf. Information Technology: New Generations (ITNG 2006), Las Vegas, NV, 10– 12 April 2006, pp. 597–598. [2] JANARDHAN H., WAGDY M.F.: 'Design of a 1 GHz digital PLL using 0.18 mm CMOS technology'. Proc. Third Int. Conf. Information Technology: New Generations (ITNG 2006), Las Vegas, NV, 10–12 April 2006, pp. 599– 600. [3] SUTTON B.P.: 'Reduced lock time for a phase locked loop'. US Patent # 6,380,810, 30 April 2002. [4] BELLAOUAR A., SHARAF K.: 'Fast lock self tuning VCO based PLL'. US Patent #6,566,966, 20 May 2003. [5] DAVIS C.M., BROUGHTON D.L., PORTER E.W.: 'Method and circuit for improving locktime performance for a phase-locked loop'. US Patent # 6,624,707, 23 September 2003. [6] MCDONALD J.J., HULFACHOR R.B.: 'Circuitry to reduce PLL lock acquisition time'. US Patent # 6,940,356, 6 September 2005. [7] BAKER R.J.: 'CMOS circuit design, layout, and simulation (IEEE Press, Wiley Interscience, Piscataway, NJ, 2005, 2nd edn.), pp. 985–986. Rajessh B. Langote, A.P.Khandait |
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229. | Gravitational Chirality for the determination of earthquake
magnitudes through high-frequency energy radiation:
Application to the February 27, 2010 Chile Earthquake and
Japan Earthquake on March 11, 2011
Gravitational Chirality for the determination of earthquake magnitudes through high-frequency energy radiation: Application to the February 27, 2010 Chile Earthquake and Japan Earthquake on March 11, 2011Abstract: In this short paper, we define and determine the connection between the Rikitake's theory (seismic P-waves), and the Hora's relation (high-frequency energy radiation from the arrival time of a P-wave) under chiral approach. We consider the possibility that gravity breaks parity, with left and right handed gravitons coupling to matter with a different Newton's constant and show that this would affect the earth dynamics and induce strong earthquakes. This theory is applied to determine the amplitude of the strong earthquakes in Chile and Japan. This verification is a support to the proposed early detection system which gives information of the maximum displacement of an earthquake during highfrequency energy radiation arising from the arrival time of a P-wave at a specific location.Key words: chiral waves, gravity, earthquake, P waves, radiation, rotation Reference [1] Contaldi. C, Magueijo. J and Smolin. L, (2008) Anomalous CMB polarization and gravitational chirality, Physical Review Letters, 101, 141101 [2] Alexander S. and Calcagni G,(2009) Phys. Lett. B 672, 836. [3] Alexander S and Peskin M, (2006), Phys.Rev.Lett. 96, 081301. [4] Xia, J.-Q., Li, H., Wang, X., & Zhang, X. (2008), Astron. & Astroph., 483, 715 [5] Soo C, Phys, (1995). Rev. D52, 3484. [6] Majewski E, (2008), Canonical approach to asymmetric continua, in Physics of Asymmetric Continuum: Extreme and Fracture Processes— Earthquake Rotation and Soliton Waves, R. Teisseyre, H. Nagahama, and E. Majewski (Editors), Springer, Berlin, 209–218. [7] Teisseyre K P, (2007), Analysis of a group of seismic events using rotational components, Acta Geophys. 55, 535–553. [8] Teisseyre, R. (2009). New developments in the physics of rotational motions, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am. 99, no. 2B, 1028–1039. [9] Rikitake T. (1996). "Earthquake Prediction". Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam. The Netherlands. [10] Bullen K. E and Bolt B A , (1959) "An introduction to the theory of seismology". Cambridge University Press. H. Torres-Silva, D. Torres Cabezas |
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230. | Flow Distribution Design Charts For Bifurcation At Convex Channel Curvature
Flow Distribution Design Charts For Bifurcation At Convex Channel CurvatureAbstract: A model with meandering features was constructed and used to investigate the effect of offtake angles on flow distribution at convex channel bifurcation. Artificial channel bifurcation was created on the convex section of the channel to study the flow distribution patterns by using seven off-take angles with four different main channel flow rates. Results obtained were processed and correlations between the off-take angles, specific discharges and depth ratios were used for the preparation of the design charts. The design charts' application results suggest that the possible water allocations ranged from 0.60% to 5.40% of the minimum main channel discharge while for maximum main channel discharge the water allocations ranged from 3.50% to 26.40% for the off-take angles considered. This implies that for the convex channel bifurcation, the minimum expected off-take discharge for 10o off-take angle is about 0.60% of the main channel discharge while the maximum for 90o off-take angle is about 5.40%. Similarly for the maximum expected off-take discharge for 10o off-take angle is about 3.50% while the maximum for 90o off-take angle is about 26.40% for maximum main channel flow rate.Key words: : channel bifurcation, convex section, flow rates, off-take angles, and off-take discharges. Reference [1] Apman, R. P. (1972) Flow Process in Open Channel Bends, Jour. Of Hydr. Engrg. ASCE, 98(5), 795-810. [2] Bower, C.E.,(1950) Study of Open Channel Junctions Hydraulic Model Studies for Whiting Field Naval Air Station, Milton, Florida, Part V, St Anthony Hydraulic Laboratory, Minneapolis, Minn pp 57 - 62. [3] Chang, H.H. (1984) Modeling of river channel, Journal of Hydr. Engrg. ASCE. 110(2):157. [4] Dekker, P.D., and van Voorthuizen, J.M.(1994) "Research on the Morphological Behavior of Bifurcations in Rivers", Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands. [5] Grace, J.L. (1958) Division of flow in open channel junction, thesis presented to the Alabama Polytechnic Institute, at Anburn, Ala., in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science. [6] Hager, W.H. (1992) "Discussion of dividing flow in open channels" Journ. Of Hydr. Engrg. ASCE, 113(4): 543-544. [7] Hager, W.H. (1983), "An approximate treatment of flow in branches and bends", Proc. Institute of Mathematical Engineers, 1980 (4): 63-69. [8] Krishnappa, G., and Seetharamiah, K. (1963) A new method of predicting the flow in a 90o branch channel, La Houille Blanche, 18(7), 775-778. [9] Law, S.W. (1965), Dividing flow in open channels. Thesis presented to McGill University, at Montreal, Quebec, Canada, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Engineering. [10] Law, S.W. and Reynolds, A.J. (1966). "Dividing flow in an open channel", Journal of Hydr. Division, ASCE, 92: 207-231. OBASI, N.L., OLOKE, D.A. |
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231. | Housing Interior Floor Finishes Choice and Preference and Motivations for Achievement of Person-Environment Congruence
Housing Interior Floor Finishes Choice and Preference and Motivations for Achievement of Person-Environment CongruenceAbstract: Aesthetically pleasant housing environment product can be depicted in the way and how it is finished; which also gives it its meaning and identity. This paper presents part of the findings of housing interior finishes choice and preference among prospective house owners in Yola, Nigeria. The study was conducted within the theoretical and conceptual frameworks of means-end chain (MEC) research model, stated housing choice and preference methods and person-environment congruence (PEC). Eighteen (18) sets of finishes segmented under floor, walls and ceiling were presented in a matrix format in a questionnaire to one hundred and fifty randomly sampled respondents to elicit their choices for finishing their would-be housing spaces. Thereafter, a semi-structured interviewing technique called Laddering was conducted with fifteen (15) of the respondents that participated in the survey to elicit and disentangle the motivational reasons underlying their choices and preferences. The voicerecorded interviews responses were transcribed; thereafter the textual data were content analyzed. The results showed that prospective house owners in Nigeria prefer ceramic tiles to finish their floors because of ease of cleaning which engenders a hygienically clean housing environment that eliminates diseases prone housing environment, which translates to healthy family. The study also found that the multiplier effect of this type of environment is that finances are saved to attend to other competing needs. This is significant for Architects and housing provision practitioners to propose housing interior finishes materials for floors that are easy to clean which promotes cleanliness.Key words: housing interior finishes; means-end chain; housing preference and choice; laddering; stated housing preference and choice; personenvironment congruence; Reference 1. Abley, J. (1997). Stated Preference Techniques and Consumer Decision Making: New Challenges to Old Assumptions. Edmonton: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 2. Adamowicz, W., Louviere, J., & Swait, J. . (1998). Introduction to Attribute-Based Stated Choice Methods. Alberta: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 3. Bannister, D., & Mair, J. M. M. (1968). The Evaluation of Personal Construct. London: Academic Press. 4. Bernard, Y., Bonnes, M., and Giuliani, M. V. (1993). The Interior Use of Home: Behaviour Principles across and within European cultures. In E. G. Arias (Ed.), The meaning and use of Housing: International Perspective, Approaches and their applications (pp. 81-101). Aldershot: Ashgate. 5. Bluyssen, M. P. (2009). The Indoor Environment: how to make buildings healthy and comfortable (1st ed.). London: Earthscan. 6. Boer de, M. M., B. McCarthy. (2004). Means-End Chain Theory Applied to Irish Convenience Food Consumers. Cork: National University of Ireland 7. Botschen, G., Thelen, E. M., & Pieters, R. (1999). Using Means-End Structures for Benefit Segmentation and Application to Services. European Journal of Marketing, 33(1-2), 38-58. 8. Coolen, H., and Hoekstra, J. . (2001). Values as Determinants of Preferences for Housing Attributes. journal of Housing and Built Environment 16, 285-306. 9. Coolen, H., Boelhouwer, P., and Kees, V. D. (2002). Values and goals as determinants of intended tenure choice. Journal of Housing and Built Environment, 17, 215-236. 10. Costa, A. I. A., M. Dekker and W. M. F., Jongen. (2004). An overview of means-end theory: potential application in consumeroriented food product design. Trends in Food Science & Technology(15), 403-415. Zinas Zachariah Bako |
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232. | Design for Multi-Lifecycle: A Sustainability Design Concept
Design for Multi-Lifecycle: A Sustainability Design ConceptAbstract: The purpose of this paper is to discuss the concept of design for multi-lifecycle (DFML) and how DFML helps to improve sustainability of systems designed on the basis of that concept. Design for multi-lifecycle is a sustainable design approach that seeks to maximize the utility of resources used in developing a product by incorporating features that enable the elongation of the techno-economic service life of that product at the design stage. The goal of DFML concept is an "indefinite" use of the resources invested/embodied in a product without compromising its economic reasonableness, technological soundness and social-cultural acceptability. The lifecycle engineering methodology is highlighted in the design of a threshing machine.Key words: Design for Multi-lifecycle, Sustainable Design, Sustainability, Lifecycle Engineering, Design for Modularity, Design for Recycling, Design for Reuse Reference [1] A.C. Brent, and C. Labuschagne, Sustainable life cycle management: indicators to assess the sustainability of engineering projects and technologies. Proc. 2004 Engineering Management Conference IEEE International. 1, 99- 103. [2] I.S. Dunmade, Development of system models for industrial processes selection with regard to product lifecycle extension (PLETS Models) (Berlin: Logos Verlag, 2001). [3] I.S. Dunmade, Indicators of sustainability: assessing the suitability of a foreign technology for a developing economy. Technology in Society, 24(4), 2002, 461- 471. [4] I.S. Dunmade, Design for Multi-lifecycle: A sustainable design concept applied to an agro-industrial development project. Proc.of the 2006 ASABE Annual International Meeting. Paper No: 06 8059 [5] I. S. Dunmade, Collaborative lifecycle design: A viable approach to sustainable rural technology management. International Journal of Technology Management and Sustainable Development, 9(2), 2010, pp. 149-158. [6] Total, Paths to sustainable development metric. Accessed on 14 May 2006 at: http://www.total.com/static/en/medias/topi c520/Total_2003_Paths_to_SD_4Metrics.p df. [7] Dunmade, I. S and Rosentrater, K. (2006). Designing for multi-lifecycle to promote industrial ecology philosophy. In Proc. SPIE 6th International Conference on Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing, Boston MA, 63850M.1- 63850M.11 [8] Bras, B. (1997). Incorporating Environmental Issues in Product Design and Realization. Published in Industry and Environment, Special Issue on Product Design and the Environment,United Nations Environment Programme Industry and Environment (UNEP/IE), Vol. 20, No. 1-2 (double issue), 1997 Invited contribution [9] University of Arkansas (2012). E-waste Facts and Statistics. Accessed online on 21 December, 2012 at: http://ecycle.uark.edu/ewaste_facts.php [10] J. Golovatchev, O. Budde, and C. Hong, Integrated PLM-process-approach for the development and management of telecommunications products in a multilifecycle environment. International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, 19(3-4), 2010, 224-237. Israel Dunmade |
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233. | Analysis Of New Non Traditional Tolerance Stack Up Conditions
Analysis Of New Non Traditional Tolerance Stack Up ConditionsAbstract: Manufacturing industry is always on the lookout for ways and means to reduce cost and increase profitability. Tolerance stack up is term used for describing the problem solving process in designing and manufacturing to calculate the effect of accumulated variation that is allowed by specified dimensions and tolerances. The stackup conditions based on worst case (WC) model and RSS model are not realistic in general, though these have been widely used in research because of their simplicity. To account for the realistic nature of the process distribution, a few modifications to these traditional approaches have been proposed. In this paper some nontraditional stack up condition methods like modified RSS Spott's model and EMS are also analyzed to calculate accumulation of tolerance in assembly. A comparative cost analysis of different stack up models is solved by the combined Simulated Annealing and Pattern Search (SA-PS) algorithm. The application of proposed methodology has been demonstrated through simple shaft bearing examples.Key words: Functional Dimensions, Pattern Search Tolerance, Sequential Approach, Simulated Annealing Simultaneous Allocation, Tolerance Synthesis Reference [1] AL-ANSARY M.D., DEIAB I.M. 1997 "Concurrent Optimization of Design and Machining Tolerance using Genetic Algorithms Method", International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, vol. 37, pp. 1721-1731. [2] CHASE K.W., GREENWOOD W.H., LOOSLI, B.G. and HAUGLUND, L.F., 1990, Least Cost Tolerance Allocation for Mechanical Assemblies with Automated Process Selection", Manufacturing Review, vol. 3, pp. 49-59. [3] CHASE K.W. and GREENWOOD W.H., 1988, "Design Isues in Mechanical Tolerance Analysis", Manufacturing Review, vol. 1, pp. 50-59. [4] BJQRKE O. 1989, "Computer – Aided Tolerancing ", 2nd Ed. (New York : ASME Press) [5] DONG Z., 1997, "Tolerance Synthesis by Manufacturing Cost Modeling and Design Optimization" H.C. Zhang (ed.), Advanced Tolerancing Techniques (Wiley), pp. 233-260. [6] FATHI Y., MITTAL R.O., CLINE, J.E. and MARTIN, P.M., 1997, "Alternative Manufacturing Sequences and Tolerance buildup", International Journal of production Research, vol. 35, pp.123-136. [7] GREENWOOD, W.H. and CHASE, K.W., 1987, "New Tolerance Analysis Method for Designers and Manufacturers", Journal of Engineering for Industry, Transactions of the ASME, vol. 109, pp. 112-116. [8] GREENWOOD, W.H. and CHASE, K.W., 1990. "Root Sum Squares Tolerance Analysis with Non-linear Problems", Journal of Engineering for Industry, Transactions of the ASME, vol. 112, pp. 382-384 [9] SPECKHART, F. H., 1972, "Calculation of Tolerance Based on a Minimum Cost Approach", Journal of Engineering for Industry, Transactions of the ASME, 447- 453. [10] SPOTTS, M.F.,1973, "Allocation of Tolerances to Minimize Cost of Assembly", Journal of Engineering for Industry, Transactions of the ASME, 762- 764. [11] ZHANG, C., WANG, H. P. and LI, J.K., 1992, "Simultaneous Optimization of Design and Manufacturing Tolerance with Process (Machine) Selection", Annals of the CIRP, vol. 41/1, pp. 569-572. Dr. Dinesh Shringi, Dr. Kamlesh Purohit |
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234. | Diversity of Wet Land Birds check list of Tarangwadi and Bijwadi lake of Indapur taluka
Diversity of Wet Land Birds check list of Tarangwadi and Bijwadi lake of Indapur talukaAbstract: Wet lands Directly and indirectly support millons of people residing in the areas or near by it .They play important role in storm and flood control in supply of clean water along with other educational and recreational benefits,Despite these benefits wet land are the first target of human interference and are among the most threatened of natural resource.(Govt of India Enviorment and forest 2010) The present survey was carried on the wet land birds of Tarangwadi and Bijwadi lake of indapur taluka as they are the tertiary consumers of the ecosystem and form and important link in the food web .They migrate to distant areas in search of suitable food breeding grounds for survival .The present study was carried out of wet land birds during the year 2008-2010 field observation was done in the day time with the help of binocular camera and photograph information regarding the birds was taken and collected from bird watcher. Identification of birds is made according to Ali (1997). The avian fauna species recorded were placed in the table with their scientific name family common name local migratory, residential with their feeding habits.Key words: Scientific name, family, common name local migratory, residential with their feeding habits. Reference [1]. Ali Ripley &S.D Ripley (1983) compact edition of handbook of birds of India &Pakistan Bombay Natural history society and oxford university press Bombay. [2]. Pandey s 1993) Changes in water birds diversity due to construction of prong dam reservoir H.P India Biol conservation 125- 136 [3]. Gramett R C Inskipp& (2000) Birds of the Indian sub continent oxford university press New Delhi 384pp. [4]. Ali Ripley & S.D Ripley(2002)The book of Indian Bird 13th edition Bombay Natural History society oxford university press new Delhi vii 326pp. [5]. Arun kumar J.P Sati p.c tak( 2003) Check list of India wet land in Evis New letter Avian Ecology &Inland wetland Buceros 8(1)1-29. [6]. Kedar G.T and Patil G.P 2005) Avianfaunal diversity of rishi lake karanja (lad) M.S with reference to food preference and feeding habits Aqua Bio 20(1) 35-38. [7]. Manmohan p and Saxena 2005) Population dynamic of water fowl at Kishnapura Talav Indore India J . Life sci 2(122) 45-48. [8]. Sanjay Kurabhai Sharad D Apte and Sanjay s sathe (2007)Preliminary survey of Avifauna along Krishna river basin near sangali city (M.S) . [9]. A.C Kumbher, B.N Ghorpade, S.Y.Shaikh (2009) Che ck list of avian fauna of nimagaon water reservoir in Malshiras tahasil of Sholapur district (M.S). U.S.Ghantaloo, Dr S.M.Kamble, Dr j.p.Sarwade, Dr Tanvir Pathan ,R. Yekale |
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235. | Optimization of Gasoline to CNG Engine Conversion using Computer aided Engine Simulation
Optimization of Gasoline to CNG Engine Conversion using Computer aided Engine SimulationAbstract: Among all the alternative fuels available in the market, CNG has so far proved to be the most promising. However, most of its use is limited to retrofitted engines, which has lead to improper utilization of CNG as a spark ignition fuel. This study focuses on efficient utilization of the high calorific value and other desirable properties of CNG by making slight design and operational changes. Performance of engine is studied using a computer aided engine simulation model that evaluates the performance of engine in a virtual working environment. Effect of various parameters on the engine operation is also studied and the valuable data collected in the process is used to alter the operational and design parameters of the engine. In this way engine is tuned for optimum utilization of CNG and its performance is enhanced as compared to the conventional CNG conversion kits.Key words: CNG, Engine Conversion, Engine Simulation, Parametric optimization, Well to Wheel. Reference [1] OECD/IEA, Automotive Fuels for the Future: The Search for Alternatives (International Energy Agency Implementing Agreement on Advanced Motor Fuels, Automotive Fuels Information Service, 1999). [2] OECD/IEA, Energy Statistics of OECD Countries 1994-1995 (Paris, France OECD 1997). [3] Nargis, N. N. and Hossain, M. I., Performance of a Gasoline engine fuelled with CNG., International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Dhaka, 2005, 28- 30. [4] K. Kim, H. Kim, B. Kim & K. Lee3, 2008, Effect of Natural Gas Composition on the Performance of a CNG Engine, Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Rev. IFP, Vol. 64, No. 2, 2009, 199-206. [5] Min B.H., Chung J.T., Kim H.Y., Park S.S., Effects of Gas Composition on the Performance And Emissions of Compressed Natural Gas Engines, KSME 16, 2, 2002 219-226. [6] Y.Bakhshan & S. Abdullah, Study of CNG Combustion under Internal Combustion Engines Conditions. (Part II: Using of Multi-Dimensional Modeling), Algerian Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, Vol 1, 2008. Pankaj Rajput, Shreya Singh |
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236. | Electric Field Effect on Metallic Particle in Single Phase Dielectric Coated Gas Insulated Busduct Using Finite Element Method
Electric Field Effect on Metallic Particle in Single Phase Dielectric Coated Gas Insulated Busduct Using Finite Element MethodAbstract: Present paper analyses the effect of electric field on the movement of metallic particles inside a single phase dielectric coated Gas Insulated Busduct(GIB). A reasonable second order differential equation has been derived for a metallic particle motion for ascertaining its trajectory. The particle motion depends on electric field and this field at the instantaneous particle locations can be computed by using analytical or analog or numerical methods. In this paper Finite Element Method(FEM) has been used for calculating the electric field, RK 4th order method is used for solving particle motion equation and thereby movements of metallic particle are computed. These particle movements are compared with the particle movements obtained by using analytically calculated electric fields. From the results it is observed that the particle maximum movements with FEM calculated electric fields are slightly more than the maximum movements obtained with analytically computed electric fields. The simulation is carried out for various bus configurations with different aluminum and copper particles. The results have been analyzed and presented in this paper.Key words: Particle Contamination, Particle trajectory, Gas Insulated Busduct, Dielectric coating, Finite Element Method. Reference [1] Hiroshi Kuwahara, Shoichi Inamura, Tsugio Watanabe and Yoshikuni Arahat, Effect of Solid Impurities on Breakdown in Compressed SF6 Gas", IEEE PES Winter Meeting, New York, N.., January 27-February 1, 1974. [2] H.Anis and K.D.Srivastava "Free conducting particles in compressed gas insulation", IEEE Tranctions on electrical insulation, Vol. EI-16, pp.327-338, August 1995. [3] M. M. Morcos, S. Zhang, K. D. Srivastava and S. M.Gubanski,"Dynamics of Metallic Particle Contaminants in GIS with Dielectric-Coated Electrodes", IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery,Vol.15, No. 2, Apr 2000, pp. 455-460. [4] J. R. Laghari and A.H. Qureshi, "A Review of Particle Contaminated Gas Breakdown", IEEE Transactions on Electrical Insulation. Vol. EI-16 No.5, pp. 388-398, 1981. [5] J. Amarnath, S. Kamakshaiah, C. Radhakrishna, B.P. Singh and K.D.Srivastava. 2001 "Particle Trajectory in a Common Enclosure Three phase SF6 Busduct", 12th Intern. Sympos. High Voltage Eng., IISc, Bangalore, India, Vol. 2, pp. 441-444. [6] J. Amarnath, B.P. Singh, C. Radhakrishna and S. Kamakshiah, "Determination of Particle trajectory in a Gas Insulated Busduct predicted by Monte-Carlo technique", IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena (CEIDP), Texas, Austin, USA, 1991 Vol.1, pp. 399-402,1991. [7] K.S. Prakash, K.D. Srivastava and M.M. Morcos. 1997 "Movement of Particles in Compressed SF6 GIS with Dielectric Coated Enclosure". IEEE Transactionson Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 4(3): 344-347. [8] G.V.Nagesh Kumar, J.Amarnath and B.P.Singh, "Behavior of Metallic Particles in a Single Phase Gas Insulated System with Dielectric Coated Electrodes", International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis, Beijing, China, April 21-24, 2008. [9] K.B.Madhu Sahu and J.Amarnath, "Effect of Various Parameters on the Movement of Metallic Particles in a Single Phase Gas Insulated Busduct with Image Charges and Dielectric Coated Electrodes", ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol.5, No.6, June 2010, pp.52- 60. [10] K.D. Srivastava and R.G. Van Heeswi jk, "Dielectric coatings - Effect of break down and particle movement in GITL systems", IEEE transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems. Vol. PAS- 104, No.1. pp. 22-31. 1985. [11] O.W.Andersen, "Laplacian Electrostatic Field Calculations by Finite Elements with Automatic Grid Generation", IEEE PES Winter Meeting, New York, N.Y., January 28-February 2, 1973. [12] James F.Hoburg and James L. Davis, "A Student-Oriented Finite Element Program for Electrostatic Potential Problems", IEEE Transactions on Education, Vol. E- 26, No.4, November 1983. [13] Sadiku Matthew, "Elements of Electromagnetics", 4th Edition, Oxford Publishers, pp 694-711, 2007 Narapareddy Ramarao, J.Amarnath, B.Pedda Veeru, Sampath.J, Anil Kumar.A |
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237. | Botnet Detection Using Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System
Botnet Detection Using Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference SystemAbstract: Botnets are the most serious threat against cyber-security. They provide several services of illegal activities such as denial of service attacks, malware dissemination, phishing, and click fraud without the permission of computer users. Nowadays botnets are the interesting research topic related to cyber threat and cyber crime prevention system. Botnet is collection of compromised computers named as bot,each bot can be considered as malicious software application which can be controlled by remote system from outside network through command and control channel.Most of existing behavior based techniques are not able to detect and predict the botnet as they change their structure and pattern.Here presenting new technique named as botnet detection using Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS), which can train the system for future prediction .Here we are discussed about different behavior based botnet detection and their draw backs along with new behavior based detection using Anfis algorithm.Key words: Botnet; bot; P2P; HTTP,patterns; malicious activities,Anfis,Fuzzy Reference [1] J. Goebel and T. Holz, "Rishi: Identify bot contaminated hosts by irc nickname evaluation," in Proc. 1st Workshop on Hot Topics in Understanding Botnets, 2007. [2] Sunny Behal, Amanpreet Singh Brar, Krishan Kumar "Signature-based Botnet Detection and Prevention", http: //www.rimtengg.com/ iscet/proceedings /pdfs/advcom p/148.pdf [3] C. Livadas, R. Walsh, D. Lapsley, W.T. Strayer, Usilng machine learning technliques to identify botnet traffic, in: Proceedings of the 31st IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, IEEE, pp. 967–974, 2006. [4] H. Choi, H. Lee, H. Lee, H. Kim, Botnet detection by monitoring group activities in DNS traffic, in: Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, , pp. 715–720, 2007. [5] S.S.Garasia, D.P.Rana, R.G.Mehta ,"Http Botnet Detection Using Frequent Patternset Mining" in :proceedings of [Ijesat] International Journal Of Engineering Science & Advanced Technology Volume-2, Issue-3, 619 – 624 [6] Zhiyong Huang* and Xiaoping Zeng"Detecting and blocking P2P botnets through contact tracing chains"in proceedings of Int. J. Internet Protocol Technology, Vol. 5, Nos. 1/2, 2010 [9] Snort IDS web page. http://www.snort.org, March 2006. [7] Hossein Rouhani Zeidanloo" New Approach for Detection of IRC and P2P Botnets"in proceedings of International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, Vol.2, No.6, December,1793-8163,2010 [8] Kuochen Wang, Chun-Ying Huang" A fuzzy pattern-base filtering algorithm for botnet detectionin proceedings of Comput. Netw. (2011), doi: 10.1016 /j.comnet. 2011.0 .026 [9] Snort IDS web page. http://www.snort.org, March 2006. [10] J.R.Binkley and S.Singh,"An algorithm for anomaly-based botnet detection," in Proc. USENIX Steps to Reducing Unwanted Traffic on theInternet Workshop (SRUTI'06), , 2006, pp 43– 48 Roshna R.S,Vinodh Ewards |
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238. | A Performance Comparison study of Unicast and Multicast Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad hoc Networks
A Performance Comparison study of Unicast and Multicast Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad hoc NetworkAbstract: The network structures have changed significantly in the recent years. In spite of the wireless network challenges namely: changes in network topology, high error rates, power restrictions, bandwidth constraints and issues with link capacity, these networks have become popular. Researchers have contributed to a great extent to solve these challenges with innovative solution to support robust and efficient operation of mobile wireless network. Active research work for mobile ad hoc network is carried out mainly in the fields of medium access control, routing, resource management, power control and security. Because of the importance of routing protocols in dynamic multi-hop networks, a lot of mobile ad hoc network routing protocols have been proposed in the last few years. There are some challenges that make the design of mobile ad hoc network routing protocols a tough task. Firstly, in mobile ad hoc networks, node mobility causes frequent topology changes and network partitions. Secondly, because of the variable and unpredictable capacity of wireless links, packet losses may happen frequently. Moreover, the broadcast nature of wireless medium introduces the hidden terminal and exposed terminal problems. Additionally, mobile nodes have restricted power, computing and bandwidth resources and require effective routing schemes. One of the main areas of research is routing packets from source to destination. Different classification of Mobile network Ad hoc Routing protocols according to different criteria is presented. The Mobile Ad hoc network routing protocols and related problems are identified. Unicast and multicast routing protocols are compared from an analysis point of view based on the classification methods.Key words: Mobile Ad hoc Network, Mobile internet network, Network Topologies, Routing Protocols. Reference eferences [1] IETF Manet charter, http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/manetcharter.html. [2] John Jubin and Janet D. Tornow, The DARPA packet radio network protocols. Proceedings of the IEEE,75(1): 21-32, January 1987. [3] Gregory S. Lauer, Packet-radio routing. In Routing in Communications Networks, edited by Martha E.SteenStrup, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1995. [4] Murthy, S. and J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves, An Efficient Routing Protocol for Wireless Networks, ACM Mobile Networks and App. J., Special Issue on Routing in Mobile Communication Networks, Oct.1996, pp. 183-97. [5] C. E. Perkins and P. Bhagwat. Highly dynamic Destination-Sequenced Distance-Vector Routing (DSDV) for mobile computers, ACM Computer Communication Review, Vol. 24, No.4, (ACM SIGCOMM'94) Oct. 1994, pp. 234-244. [6] D. Johnson, D. A. Maltz, Dynamic source routing in ad hoc wireless networks, in Mobile Computing (T.Imielinski and H [7] C.E. Perkins and E.M. Royer. Ad hoc on demand Distance Vector routing, mobile computing systems and applications, 1999. Proceedings. WMCSA '99. Second IEEE Workshop on, 1999, pp. 90 – 100 [8] S. Corson and J. Macker, ―IETF Mobile Ad hoc Networking (MANET): Routing protocol performance issues and evaluation considerations,‖ University of Maryland, Network Working Group, 1999, [online], available on: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2501.txt [9] G. Pei, M. Gerla and T.-W. Chen, Fisheye State Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. In Proceedings of the 2000 ICDCS Workshops, Taipei, Taiwan, Apr. 2000, pp. D71-D78 [10] V. D. Park and M. S. Corson. A highly adaptive distributed routing algorithm for mobile wireless networks, INFOCOM '97, Sixteenth Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies.Driving the Information Revolution, Proceedings IEEE, Volume: 3, 1997 pp. 1405 -1413 S. Meenakshi Sundaram, Dr.S.Palani, Dr. A. Ramesh Babu |
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239. | Fast self switching type frequency Agile RADAR processing unit implemented on Xilinx FPGA
Fast self switching type frequency Agile RADAR processing unit implemented on Xilinx FPGAAbstract: Radar has to resist the diversified jamming; self-adaptive frequency agility is an important and effective function for radars to resist jamming. The detailed steps to achieve this function are described, and the function is realized with Xilinx FPGA using Hardware description Language, the validity is proved by simulation. The self-adaptive frequency agility module can analyze the type of jamming to select transmitting frequency to avoid the frequencies which have interference, under frequency agility and frequency diversity, respectively. The practical application on a searching radar shows that the module has good real-time and anti jamming capacity and the simulation results shown in Chip scope pro analyzer.Key words: FPGA, Frequency agility, Frequency diversity, Jamming analysis, Self-adaptive frequency changing, Searching radar. Reference [1] C. S. Li, J. Li, and C. G. Sun, "Antijamming Scheme Design of Ground-wave Over-the-horizon Radar to Radio Station," Vol.31, No.4, pp.45-46, Aug. 2008. [2] . Chen, "Analysis of Anti-jamming Technique of Search Radar," Radio Engineering, vol. 37, No.7, pp. 44–46, 2007. [3] Y. Jiang and S. H. Huang, "Evaluation of Searching Radar ECCM Capability," Ship Electronic Engineering, No.3, pp. 113– 116, 2005. [4] X. Y. Ma, J. B. Xiang, Y. S. Zhu and J. M. Qing, Radar Signal Processing, 1st ed., Changsha, Hunan, China: Hunan Science [5] Self Adaptive Frequency Agility Realized with FPGA – IEEE 2009, Hongping Zhou, Li Guo [6] Http://www.scribd.com/radar-Complexsignal-generation/d/19397707 [7] S. C. Yu, X. Li, H. Jiang and X. D. Liu, "Design of Controller for Frequency Agility Radar," Journal of Naval Aeronautical and Astronautical University, Vol.23, No.4, pp: 424–426, Jul. 2008. [8] H. X. Huang and H. Xu, "Analysis and Evaluation on Radar Frequency Agility Capability," Aerospace Electronic Warfare, No.1, pp: 21–24, 2001. K. Praveena, C.Thulasi Priya |
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240. | Zigbee Based Intelligent Driver Assistance System
Zigbee Based Intelligent Driver Assistance SystemAbstract: Current driver assistance systems are based on a number of technologies, such as radar, computer vision and sensors. Integrating all of these technologies into a single system is normally a costly and complex solution. We propose a complete ZigBee® based driver assistance system solution that leverages the cost-effective, lowpower and secure wireless networking features of the ZigBee protocol. The solution seeks to alert and inform the driver whenever the vehicle approaches a preset waypoint on the road. A ZigBee-based unit is installed at each waypoint, broadcasting relevant information to corresponding ZigBee units embedded in approaching vehicles. Such a system significantly reduces the reliance on human vision and onroad lighting conditions.Key words: Adaptive Cruze Control, Driver Assistance Systems, Mesh Network Topology, Vehicular Communication, Zigbee Protocol. Reference [1] Suhas Chakravarty, ―Low-Cost Driver Assistance Using ZigBee‖,in Beyond Bits- 2009,http://www.freescale.com/files/microc ontrollers/doc/brochure/LowCostDriverAss ist.pdf [2] T. Shyam Ramanath, ―Integrated Drunken Driving Prevention System‖, In World Acedamy Of Science-Engineering And Technology, Aug.04-2010,Pg No-830. [3] Concept of an Intelligent Adaptive Vehicle Assistance System, H. Shadeed, J. Wallaschek; Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium. [4] Zonal Location and Asset Tracking with ZigBee Technology (using RSSI), Cambridge Consultants (Oct. 12, 2006), www.zigbee.org/imwp/idms/popups/pop_d ownload.asp?contentID=9567 [5] Research On The Road To Intelligent Cars, ScienceDaily (Mar. 11, 2006), www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2006/03/06 0311090833.htm [6] Ioannou, P.A.; Chien, C.C. Autonomous Intelligent Cruise Control. IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol. 1993, 42, 657–672. [7] http://www.atmel.com/dyn/resources/prod_ documents /doc8154.pdf this document contains the description ofatmelmega16A microcontroller. [8] Lusetti, B.; Nouveliere, L.; Glaser, S.; Mammar, S.Experimental Strategy for A System Based Curve Warning System for A Safe Governed Speed of A Vehicle. [9] Designing a ZigBee-ready IEEE 802.15.4- compliant radio transceiver, http://rfdesign.com/mag/radio_designing_zi gbeeready_ieee/ [10] M Ozaki, Y. Adachi, Y. Iwahori, and N. Ishii, Application of fuzzy theory to writer recognition of Chinese characters, International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, 18(2), 1998, 112-116. Sourabh Pawade, Shraddha Shah, Prof. Dhanashree Tijare |
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241. | Electron Transport Properties in InN and GaN Semiconductors
Electron Transport Properties in InN and GaN SemiconductorsAbstract: Electron mobility in GaN and InN are calculated, by solving Boltzmann equation using iteration model, as a function of temperature for carrier concentrations of 1016, 1017, and 1018 cm-3 . Both GaN and InN have maximum mobility between 100 and 200 K, depending on the electron density. The theoretical maximum mobility in GaN and InN at 300 K are about 1000 and 4400 cm2V -1 s - 1. We compared the results with experimental data and find reasonable correlation.Key words: Iteration Model; ionized impurity scattering; Electron mobilities. Reference [1] Bhatta, Rudra Prasad, "Electron Spectroscopic Study of Indium Nitride Layers" (2008). Physics & Astronomy Dissertations. Paper 23. [2] Jacoboni C, Lugli P (1989). The Monte Carlo Method for semiconductor and Device Simulation, Springer-Verlag. [3] Moglestue C (1993). Monte Carlo Simulation of Semiconductor Devices,Chapman and Hall [4] Ridley BK (1997). Electrons and phonons in semiconductor multilayers,Cambridge University Press. [5] Chattopadhyay D, Queisser HJ (1981). Review of Modern Physics, 53,part1 [6] H. Arabshahi, "Comparison of SiC and ZnO Field Effect Transistors for High Power Applications", Modern Physics Letters B, 20, (2006), pp.787-793. H. Arabshahi and M. Khoshebast |
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242. | Enhancement Of Fast Loop Controlling Mechanism For Capacitor- Supported Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) Using Modulation Technique
Enhancement Of Fast Loop Controlling Mechanism For Capacitor- Supported Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) Using Modulation TechniqueAbstract: -The power quality (PQ) requirement is one of the most important issues for power companies and their customers. The power quality disturbances are voltage sag, swell, notch, spike and transients etc. The dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) is one of the modern devices used in distribution systems to protect consumers against sudden changes in voltage magnitude. The analysis for a fast transient control scheme for three phase capacitor-supported dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) is presented in this paper. This work provides us to find the optimal location and the optimal DVR settings to enhance the distribution related loading issues. Conventional voltage-restoration technique is based on injecting voltage being in-phase with the supply voltage. The injected voltage magnitude will be the minimum, but the energy injected by the DVR is no minimal. In order to minimize the required capacity of the dc source, a minimum energy injection concept is taken into the considerations. It is based on maximizing the active power delivered by the supply mains and the reactive power handled by the DVR during the sag and swell cases. The review model has been built and tested the dynamic behaviors of the model under different sagged and swelled conditions and depths will be investigated. The quality of the load voltage under unbalanced and distorted phase voltages, and nonlinear inductive load is analyzed.Key words: Voltage sag, voltage swell, dynamic voltage restoration(DVR), power quality, total harmonic reduction Reference [1] M. Bollen, Understanding Power Quality Problems, Voltage Sags and Interruptions. New York: IEEE Press, 2000. [2] M. Sullivan, T. Vardell, and M. Johnson, ―Power interruption costs to industrial and commercial consumers of electricity,‖ IEEE Trans. Ind. App., vol. 33, no. 6, pp. 1448– 1458, Nov. 1997. [3] N. Woodley, L. Morgan, and A. Sundaram, ―Experience with an inverterbased dynamic voltage restorer,‖ IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 1181–1186, Jul. 1999. [4] R. R. Errabelli, Y. Y. Kolhatkar, and S. P. Das, ―Experimental investigation of DVRwith slidingmode control,‖ in Proc. IEEE Power India Conf., Apr. 2006, paper 117. [5] S. Lee, H. Kim, and S. K. Sul, ―A novel control method for the compensation voltages in dynamic voltage restorers,‖ in Proc. IEEE APEC 2004, vol. 1, pp. 614–620. [6] G. Joos, S. Chen, and L. Lopes, ―Closed-loop state variable control of dynamic voltage restorers with fast compensation characteristics,‖ in Proc. IEEE IAS 2004, Oct., vol. 4, pp. 2252–2258. [7] P.Ruilin and Z.Yuegen, ―Sliding mode control strategy of dynamic voltage restorer,‖ in Proc. ICIECA 2005, Nov./Dec., p. 3. [8] T. Jauch, A. Kara, M. Rahmani, and D. Westermann, ―Power quality ensured by dynamic voltage correction,‖ ABB Rev., vol. 4, 1998, pp. 25–36. [9] C.S.Chang, S.W.Yang, and Y. S. Ho, ―Simulation and analysis of series voltage restorer (SVR) for voltage sag relief,‖ in Proc. IEEE PES Winter Meeting, Jan, 2000, vol. 4, pp. 2476–2481. [10] C. Meyer, R. W. De Doncker, Y. W. Li, and F. Blaabjerg, ―Optimized control strategy for a medium-voltage DVR—Theoretical investigations and experimental results,‖ IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 23, no. 6, pp. 2746–2754, Nov. 2008. S.Poorna Chander Rao |
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243. | DTMF detection using Recursive DFT on FPGA
DTMF detection using Recursive DFT on FPGAAbstract: A low computational complexity and low cost recursive discrete Fourier transform (RDFT) design for DTMF application is proposed in this paper.The DFT is also used to efficiently solve partial differential equations, and to perform other operations such as convolution or multiplying large integers .There are lots of architectures available in literature which is of computing N point DFT type. Such algorithms are called as FFT computation algorithms. However in some applications we need to computer the DFT for some of selected output bin indices only. One of such example is signal monitoring and spectrum estimation technique in signal intelligence applications. The Dual-tone multi-frequency (DTMF) is also another example where we are specifically interested to see the energies at specific frequency values only. DTMF detection is used to detect DTMF signals in the presence of speech and dialling tone pulses. A low power recursive discrete Fourier transform (RDFT) design is proposed in this project. The proposed algorithm reduces the hardware complexity which in turn reduces the memory. By this a considerable power saving is achieved. The recursive DFT is realized for DTMF detection applications. The architecture will be developed keeping DTMF requirements in consideration. The proposed algorithm will be implemented through VHDL. Modelsim (SE) will be used simulation. After verifying the simulation results the code will be synthesized on Xilinx FPGA.Key words: Dual tone multi frequency (DTMF), Recursive filters, recursive DFT Reference [1 ] M. D. Felder, J. C. Mason, and B. L. Evans, ―Efficient dual-tone multifrequencydetection using the nonuniform discrete Fourier transform,‖IEEE Signal Process. Lett., vol. 5, no. 7, pp. 160–163, Jul. 1998. [2] D. Vanzquez, M. J. Avedillo, G. Huertas, J. M. Quintana, M. Pauritsh,A. Rueda, and J. L. Huertas, ―A low-voltage low-power high performancefully integrated DTMF detector,‖ in Proc. IEEE Int. Solid-State CircuitsConf., Sep. 2001, pp. 353–356. [3] Texas Instruments Technical White Paper, Carrier Class, High DensityVoP White Paper, Jan. 2001, [Online]. Available: http://focus.ti.com/lit/wp/spey005/spey005.pdf [4] G. Goertzel, ―An algorithm for the evaluation of finite trigonometric series,‖Amer. Math. Monthly, vol. 65, no. 1, pp. 34–35, Jan. 1958. [5] S.-C. Lai, W.-H. Juang, C.-L. Chang, C.-C. Lin, C.-H. Luo, and S.-F. Lei,―Lowcomputation cycle, power-efficient, and reconfigurable design of recursive DFT for portable digital radio mondiale receiver,‖ IEEETrans. Circuits Syst. II, Exp. Briefs, vol. 57, no. 8, pp. 647–651,Aug. 2010. [6 ] S. S. Demirsoy, R. Beck, I. Kale, and A. G. Dempster, ―Novel recursive-DCT implementations: A comparative study,‖ in Proc. Int. WorkshopIntell. Data Acquisition Adv. Comput. Syst.: Technol. Appl., 2001,pp. 120–123. [7 ] S. F. Lei and S. N. Yao, ―A memory-free modified discrete cosinetransform architecture for MPEG-2/4 AAC,‖ IET Circuits, Devices Syst.,vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 14–23, Jan. 2010. [8 ] C. P. Fan and G. A. Su, ―Efficient recursive discrete Fourier transformdesign with low round-off error,‖ Int. J. Elect. Eng., vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 9–20, Feb. 2006. [9 ] S.-C. Lai, S.-F. Lei, C.-L. Chang, C.-C. Lin, and C.-H. Luo, ―Low computational complexity, low power, and low area design for the implementationof recursive DFT and IDFT algorithms,‖ IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst.II, Exp. Briefs, vol. 56, no. 12, pp. 921– 925, Dec. 2009 [10 ] P. K. Meher, J. C. Patra, and A. P. Vinod, ―Novel recursive solution forarea-time efficient systolization of discrete Fourier transform,‖ in Proc.IEEE Int. Symp. Signals, Circuits Syst., Jul. 2007, pp. 193–196 K. Gayathri, S. Shamsheer Daula |
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244. | Familiarization with guidelines of optimal utilization of water resources of Doroongar River for rural sustainable development through people participation
Familiarization with guidelines of optimal utilization of water resources of Doroongar River for rural sustainable development through people participationAbstract: :-Because of unwise utilization of natural resources during the latest decades, extended environmental destruction has overcome the earth. The main environmental challenges, under environmental effective factors such as population, economy and particularly misleading in management have entered into the Iranian life. In the river basin of dry regions such as Doroongar river in the North eastern part of Iran, unwise utilization of water resources has resulted in imbalance of water demand and water supply and as a result there exist a non-sustainable environment and also a challenge between water users along the river .This paper tries to give a knowledge of the effective factors creating sustainability in human and natural environment in Doroongar water basin and shows the solution through people participation in water management. The results from documentary and field study and its comparison with the existing data and documents, belonging to three decades before, shows that 50% increase in water utilization in upper and down part of the basin resulted in severe fall of the river discharge. Field study particularly measurement of water users views in this part of the basin, shows a severe limitation in using the water resources so that the plantation of summer agricultural products has completely been stopped in recent decades. As a result of water shortage and a change in agricultural activity, and also to reduce the pressure on land, farmers believe that creation of non-agricultural jobs for farmers in this area is necessary.Key words: village, water users, rural tourism, rural small industries, non-agricultural job, sustainability I Reference [1] Muster, E. The challenge of public participation, water policy. 5, page 159-160, 2003. [2] Goblot, H, Qanats water to achieve echnical, translation, M. H,Papoli& A. Sarvqad,P23- 27, 1371 [3] LMton, A. k. S, the owner and planter der Iran, translated by M. Amiri, scientific and cultural center Publications, p 423- 463,1362 [4] Wittfogel, K, oriental despites, Yale University, p 29- 32, 1961 [5] Ptrvshfsky, A. The Union of Iranian translated by Ajand, A.Niloofar Publications, p 341- 347, Tehran1359. [6] Sodagar, M. The Lord of the Rural System in Iran, PajandPublication, P14- 19, Tehran, 1359. [7] Safi-Nejad, J, Bone,(Traditional Farming Systems in Iran), Amir Kabir Publications, P.54- 61 Tehran, 1364. [8] Pourzand, A. background and current situation of consumer organizations and associations create practical experience, Tehran, 1378. [9] Jahad investigations center agricultural Khorasan Razavi, resalt Aofrd crops agricultural, (board Fshardh), 1368. [10] Toossab Consulting, Co. Summary of dams and Bydvaz, 1387. Aliasghar Kadivar |
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245. | Data Acquisition system based on FPGA
Data Acquisition system based on FPGAAbstract: The objective of this paper is to design and implement an data acquisition system(DAQ) by using serial RS-232 and SPI communication protocols on FPGA platform. The developed DAQ system should be able to acquire both analog signals as well as digital signals. The system converts the analog signals into digital data and send the data into the computer using RS-232 serial communication for further processing. The development of the system has been divided into two phases. The first phase is to the design of SPI interface, while the second phase is to the design of RS-232 interface. The SPI interface deals with the ADC and amplifier communication with FPGA and the RS-232 interface deals with the communication between PC and FPGA. The SPI and RS-232 communication protocol have been developed using VHDL programming language and implemented in Sparten3A/3AN board. The IDE tool Xilinx ISE 12.3i is used in out paperKey words: -Field programmable gate arrays, Tagged image file format. Reference [1] VHDL Programming by Examples Dougals Perry [2] Data Acquisition Linear devices Data Book National Semiconductor [3] Serial communication: serial port complete By Jan Axelson. [4] S. Thane S. Somkuarnpanit and K. Saetang," FPGA-Based Multi Protocol Data AcquisitionSystem with High Speed USB Interface" Proceedings of the International multiconference of engineers and computer scientists 2010 Vol 2nd IMECS 2010.March 17-19, 2010, Hong Kong. [5] S. Martin, "PC-based Data Acquisition in an Industrial Environment", IEE Colloquium on PC-Based Instrumentation, 1990, pp. 2/1-2/3. [6] J.R. Payne, B.A. Menz, "High Speed PCBased Data Acquisition Systems", IEEE Industry Applications Conference, Vol. 3, Oct. 1995, pp. 2140-2145. [7] O. Postolache, J.M.D Pereira, P.S. Girao, "An Intelligent Turbidity and Temperature Sensing Unit for Water Quality System", Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vol. 1, May 2002, pp. 494-499. [8] B. M. Pride, "Simple USB Data Acquisition", Circuit Cellar, April 2005, pp. 20-26. [9] Michael Petronino, Ray Bambha , James Carswell and Wayne Burleson " FPGA Based Data Acquisition System for 95GHz W-Band Radar" Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Knowles Engineering Building, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Amherst, IEEE 1997. [10] Zhang Baofeng 1, Wang Ya 2, Zhu Junchao, "Design of High Speed Data Acquisition System Based on FPGA and DSP" Artificial Intelligence and Education IEEE-2010 international conference. Swamy TN, Rashmi KM |
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246. | Finite Element & Experimental Investigation of Composite Torsion Shaft
Finite Element & Experimental Investigation of Composite Torsion ShaftAbstract: In the present work an attempt is made to evaluate the suitability of composite material such as E-Glass/Epoxy and HMCarbon/Epoxy for the purpose of automotive transmission applications. A one-piece composite drive shaft for automobile is designed and analyzed using ANSYS software respectively for E-Glass/ Epoxy and HM-Carbon/Epoxy composites with the objective of minimization of weight of the shaft which is subjected to the constraints such as torque transmission, torsional buckling strength capabilities and natural bending frequency. Finite element models of the drive shaft will be generated and analyzed using ANSYS version 13 commercial software. Cylindrical local coordinate dataset has been defined to align the material direction of the composite lay-up and to apply ends supports and loading. Comparison of drive shaft with steel material and composite shaft shows that composite shaft gives advantages in terms of strength, weight reduction and ultimately power consumption in automobile.Reference [1] C. Sivakandhan, P. Suresh Prabhu: Composite drive shaft is a good strength and weight saving to compare conventional materials design and analysis of E Glass/Epoxy composite drive shaft for automotive application. ISSN 1450-216X Vol. 76 No.4 (2012), pp. 595-600. [2] M. A. Badie, E. Mahdi, A. M. S. Hamouda : An investigation into hybrid carbon/glass fiber reinforced epoxy composite automotive drive shaft. Materials and Design 32 (2011) 1485-1500. [3] M. A. Badie, A. R. Abutalib, E. J. Abdullah and R. Yonus: Automotive composite driveshaft: Investigation of the design variables effects. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 3, No.2, 2006, pp. 227-237. [4] M. M. Shokrieh, Akbar Hasani, L. B. Lessard: Shear buckling of a composite drive shaft under torsion. Composite structures 64 (2004) 63-69 [5] Nitin Gokhale, Sanjay Deshpande, Anand Thite, Practical Finite Element Analysis, Finite to Infinite, India. [6] A.R. Abu Talib, Aidy Ali, Mohamed A. Badie, Nur Azida Che Lah, A.F. Golestaneh: Developing a hybrid, carbon/glass fiberreinforced, epoxy composite automotive drive shaft. Materials and Design 31 (2010), pp 514–521. [7] R. Sino, T.N. Baranger, E. Chatelet, G. Jacquet: Dynamic analysis of a rotating composite shaft. Composites Science and Technology 68 (2008), pp 337–345. [8] Mahmood M. Shokrieh, Akbar Hasani, Larry B. Lessard: Shear buckling of a composite drive shaft under torsion. Composite Structures 64 (2004) 63-69. [9] Y. A. Khalid, S. A. Mutasher, B. B. sahari, A. M. S. Hamouda: Bending fatigue behavior of hybrid aluminum/composite drive shafts. Materials and design 28 (2007) 329-334. [10] Chih-Yung Chang, Min-Yung Chang, J. H. Huang: Vibration analysis of rotating composite shafts containing randomly oriented reinforcements. Composite structures 63 (2004) 21-32 Belawagi Gireesh, Sollapur Shrishail B, V. N. Satwik |
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247. | FE-Analysis of crankshaft of I.C.Engine for increasing the breathing capacity
FE-Analysis of crankshaft of I.C.Engine for increasing the breathing capacityAbstract: Crankshaft is a large volume of production for automobile industries. Day by day demand of highly efficient and optimized parts increasing with high rate. This paper presents a study of design work by upgrading 1.8 L four stroke inline cylinder engines. To upgrade engine capacity and to make powerful engine as 2.6 L four stroke engine diameter of crankshaft to be varied & to sustain high dynamic load coming from 2.6 L petrol engine, it needs to be cross checked against bending and torsional by FEA. FEA is performed by applying dynamic loads to crankshaft. FEA over crankshaft conducting stress calculations over both, entire crank & single throw. Boundary conditions apply to check maximum loading conditions for crankshaft. In FEA constraints are applied at Face and Bearing area over the crankshaft. The IC engine for the intended application is upgraded from 1.8 L to 2.6 L to leverage its objective for dispensing better performance as regards the power generated for it application in four wheelers.Key words: crankshaft, FEA, petrol engine, optimization Reference [1] H.Bayrakceken, S. Tasgetiren, F. Aksoy, Failures of single cylinder diesel engines crank shafts, Afyon Kocatepe University, Technical Education Faculty, Afyon,Turkey, Engineering Failure Analysis 14 (2007) 725–730, Available online 19 May 2006. [2] Zhiwei Yu, Xiaolei Xu, Failure analysis of a diesel engine crankshaft, Engineering Failure Analysis vol-12, Issue 11 November 2004, Institute of Metal and Technology, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian, 116026, PR China [3] F.S. Silva, Analysis of a vehicle crankshaft failure, Engineering Failure Analysis vol10, Issue 5,October 2003, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Minho, Azure'm, 4800-058 Guimara'es, Portugal. [4] Paul Spiteri, Simon Ho, Yung-Li Lee, Assessment of bending fatigue limit for crankshaft sections with inclusion of residual stresses, International Journal of Fatigue 29 Issue 5 May 2006, Stress Lab and Durability Development, DaimlerChrysler, CIMS 484-05-20, 800 Chrysler Drive, Auburn Hills, MI 48326, United States, Powertrain CAE, DaimlerChrysler, United States [5] Osman Asi, Failure analysis of a crankshaft made from ductile cast iron, Engineering Failure Analysis vol13,Available online 7 February 2006, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Usak Engineering Faculty, Afyon Kocatepe University, 64300 Usak, Turkey [6] M. Zorufi & A. Fatemi, A Literature review on durability evaluation of crankshafts including comparison of competing manufacturing processes & cost analysis. The University of Toledo, Toledo Ohio. [7] Zissimos P.Mourelatos, A Crankshaft system Model for structural Dynamic Analysis of Internal Combustion Engine.Computers & structures vol79 issue 6 june 2001, Vehicle Analysis & dynamics lab, General Motors research & development & planning. Mr. Jayesh Ramani, Mr. Hardik Ramani, Mr. Sumit Suhagiya |
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248. | Wastewater Treatment Using Vertical Flow Constructed Wetland
Wastewater Treatment Using Vertical Flow Constructed WetlandAbstract: Water is one of the most important elements involved in the creation and development of healthy life. Disposal of untreated wastewater from households as well as institutions & industry is causing deterioration of water bodies in urban areas in the developing world. A high level of responsibility towards water usage is required, & it must be recycled according to its pollution content in order to maintain water quality and protect our environment. One of the methods of the treatment is constructed wetland. Constructed wetland system for wastewater treatment has been proven to be effective & sustainable alternative for conventional wastewater treatment technologies. The removal of pollutants in this system relies on a combination of physical, chemical and biological processes that naturally occur in wetland & are associated with vegetation, and their microbial communities. The present study undertaken by fabricating the lab scale model of constructed wetland. The effluent of Amba Nala Amravati is treated with this system and wastewater characteristic like pH, DO, TS, BOD, COD with & without plant species studied. Using sandy soil as substrate, it was found that BOD, COD removal 61 % and 51 % for unplanted constructed wetland whereas for planted constructed wetland it was 74% and 61%.Key words: Alluvial soil, Constructed wetland, Sandy Soil, Typha, Wastewater. Reference 1. American Public Health Association, "Standard methods of the examination of water and wastewater", Part 1: 2005. 2. Coulibaly L., kouakou J., Savane I., Gourene G (2008), "Domestic wastewater treatment with a vertical completely drained pilot scale constructed wetland planted with Amaranthus hybridus", African journal of biotechnology,7(15), pp 2656-2664. 3. Masi and Martinuzzi (2007), "Constructed wetlands for the Mediterrance country: hybride system for water reuse and sustainable sanitation", Science Direct, 215,pp 44-55. 4. Giraldi D. and Iannelli R (2009), "Short term water content analysis for the Optimization of sludge dewatering in dedicated constructed wetlands", Science Direct, 246, pp 92-99. Dr. R.P. Borkar, Mr. P.S. Mahatme |
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249. | Different Approaches for improving Performance of Software Transactional Memory
Different Approaches for improving Performance of Software Transactional MemoryAbstract: The past few years have marked the start of a historic transition from sequential to parallel computation. Earlier a transition of a processor from one generation to another meant that its speed increased. So programmers knew that a program would run faster if a next-generation processor was bought. But, currently, that is not the case. While the next-generation chip will have more CPUs, each individual CPU will be no faster than the previous year's model. If one wants programs to run faster, one must learn to write parallel programs as currently multi-core processors are becoming more and more popular. Thus the necessity to write parallel programs is increasing as systems are getting more complex while processor speed increases are slowing down. Current parallel programming uses low-level programming constructs like threads and explicit synchronization (for example, locks, semaphores and monitors) to coordinate thread execution. Parallel programs written with these constructs are difficult to design, program and debug. Also locks have many drawbacks which make them a suboptimal solution. Software Transactional Memory (STM) is a promising new approach for programming in parallel processors having shared memory. It is a concurrency control mechanism that is widely considered to be easier to use by programmers than other mechanisms such as locking. It allows portions of a program to execute in isolation, without regard to other, tasks of the program which are executing at the same time. A programmer can reason about the correctness of code within a transaction and need not worry about complex interactions with other, parts of the program which are executing simultaneously. Despite its advantages in programmability, currently the performance of code using STM is worse than that of code using locks. The primary reason for the low performance is due to the extra overheads associated with maintaining the modification logs and aborting/committing the transactions. Consequently, various designs have been proposed to improve the execution speed of STMs.Reference [1] "Transactional Memory: Architectural Support for Lock-Free Data Structures" by Maurice Herlihy, J. Eliot B. Moss [2] "LogTM: Log-based Transactional Memory" by Kevin E. Moore, Jayaram Bobba, Michelle J. Moravan, Mark D. Hill, David A. Wood [3] "Beautiful concurrency" by Simon Peyton Jones [4] "A Survey Paper on Transactional Memory" by Elan Dubrofsky [5] "Towards Transactional Memory Support for GCC" by Martin Schindewolf, Albert Cohen, Wolfgang Karl, Andrea Marongiu, and Luca Benini [6] "Lowering the Overhead of Nonblocking Software Transactional Memory" by Virendra J. Marathe, Michael F. Spear, Christopher Heriot, Athul Acharya, David Eisenstat, William N. Scherer III, Michael L. Scott [7] "Serializability of Transactions in Software Transactional Memory" by Utku Aydonat, Tarek S. Abdelrahman, Edward S. Rogers Sr. [8] "Time-Based Software Transactional Memory" by Pascal Felber, Christof Fetzer, Patrick Marlier, Torvald Riegel [9] "Performance Evaluation of Adaptivity in Software Transactional Memory" Mathias Payer, Thomas R. Gross [10] "Transactional Memory" by James Larus and Christos Kozyrakis Ryan Saptarshi Ray, Prof. Utpal Kumar Ray |
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250. | Embedded Based Embossing Method for Braille Letters by Braille Binary Values
Embedded Based Embossing Method for Braille Letters by Braille Binary ValuesAbstract: Braille sheets are the only resources for visually impaired students for their education. Digitalizing the Braille symbols is another mile stone to improve the quality and way of their educations. Braille embosser is a tactile device which is controlled by microcontroller; it is processed by binary value of Braille symbols. Microcontroller gives the output as enable and disable the electromagnetic device corresponding to the digital Braille values. These values are used to process the standard languages as tactile electromechanical Braille symbols. This symbol is identified by touching the surface of the electromechanical device called Dynamic Electro Magnetic Braille cell.Key words: —Braille, Digital, Microcontroller, Electromagnetic, Tactile Reference [1] Sujoy K. Guha and Sneh Anand, "Computer as a group teaching aid for persons who are blind", Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development, Vol. 29 No. 3. 1992, pp 57-63. [2] David Gareth Evans, Stephen Pettitt, and Paul Blenkhorn, "A Modified Perkins Brailler for Text Entry into Windows Applications," IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering. vol. 10, no. 3, September 2002, pp 271–350. L.Boaz |
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251. | Automatic Change Detection Approach Based on Fusion of Multi-Temporal Images Over Urban Areas
Automatic Change Detection Approach Based on Fusion of Multi-Temporal Images Over Urban AreasAbstract: Urban areas are rapidly changing all over the world and therefore provoke the necessity to update urban maps frequently. Remote sensing has been used for many years to monitor these changes. With the availability of multi-sensor, multi-temporal, multi-resolution and multi-frequency image data from operational Earth observation satellites the fusion of digital image data has become a valuable tool in remote sensing image evaluation. Therefore, the goal of an image fusion algorithm is to integrate the redundant and complementary information obtained from the source images in order to form a new image which provides a better description of the scene for human or machine perception. In this paper, an attempt has been made to design an automatic change detection solution. The approach presented here takes advantage of fusion in two levels. That is, Feature-level fusion, which uses attributes (or features) extracted from the raw data as inputs and uses them into new features, or feature map and Decision-level fusion, that takes the decisions from each image as inputs and fuses them to obtain a global decision. The purpose of this paper is to reveal urban changes. Using multitemporal Landsat MSS and Landsat TM images, changes in New Delhi city in India is detected.Key words: Automatic change detection, D-S evidence theory, fuzzy integral, fuzzy set theory, majority voting Reference [1] Peijun Du, Sicong Liu, Paolo Gamba,Kun Tan, and Junshi Xia, "Fusion of Difference Images for Change Detection Over Urban Areas," IEEE Journal of selected topics in Applied Earth Observations And Remote Sensing, Vol. 5, No. 4, August 2012. [2] H. Nemmour and Y. Chibani, "Multiple support vector machines for land cover change detection: An application for mapping urban extensions," ISPRS J. Photogramm. Remote Sens., vol. 61, no. 2, pp. 125–133, 2006. [3] L. Castellana, A. D'Addabbo, and G. Pasquariello, "A composed supervised/ unsupervised approach to improve change detection from remote sensing," Pattern Recogn. Lett., vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 405–413, 2007. [4] C. E. Woodcock, S. A.Macomber, M. PaxLenney and W. B. Cohen, "Monitoring large areas for forest change using Landsat: Generalization across space, time and Landsat sensors," Remote Sens. Environ., vol. 78, no. 1–2, pp. 194–203, 2001. [5] T. Sohl, "Change analysis in the United Arab Emirates: An investigation of techniques," Photogramm. Eng. Remote Sens., vol. 65, no. 4, pp. 475–484, 1999. [6] T. Celik, "Unsupervised change detection in satellite images using principal component analysis and k-means clustering, "IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Lett., vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 772–776, 2009. [7] F. Bovolo and L. Bruzzone, "A theoretical framework for unsupervised change detection based on change vector analysis in the polar domain," [8] P. Gong, "Change detection using principal component analysis and fuzzy set theory," Can. J. Remote Sens., vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 22–29, 1993 [9] Y. Lu, P. F. Shi, and Y. M. Zhao, "Voting principle for combination of multiple classifiers," J. Shanghai JiaoTong University, vol. 34, no. 5, pp. 680–683, 2000. [10] Jianwei Ma and Gerlind Plonka, "The Curvelet Transform," IEEE signal processing magazine, March 2010 [11] Peter Rogers and Sumeeta Srinivasan (1999) "Land Use Change in Developing Countries Comparing India and China" DEAS/HUCE, Harvard University, Cambridge [12] LANDSAT TM and LANDSAT MSS images are obtained from the online source http://www.mdafederal.com/environmentgis/national-security.../land-use. S.Anita Johannah Golda, B.Bala Murugan |
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252. | Designing of a linear variable optical filter with narrow bandpass
Designing of a linear variable optical filter with narrow bandpassAbstract: In this study, simulation and fabrication of a linear variable optical filter with Fabry-Perot structure is proposed. This filter is designed in order to detect some spectral lines in the range of 610nm to 680nm that Full Width Half Maximum (FWHM) is less than 4nm. We use two transparent materials for example TiO2 and SiO2, respectively as high and low refractive index substances. In visible range, the refractive index of TiO2 is about 2.5 and the refractive index of SiO2 is about 1.46. Transfer Matrix Method (TMM) and TFCalc software can be used to calculate thickness of each dielectric layer and transmission factor of an optical filter. A blocking filter is required in line with the bandpass filter to reflect all wavelengths of visible spectrum except the range of 610nm to 680nm. The thickness values of the blocking filter layers can be obtained via an optimization procedure in TFCalc software.Key words: Transfer Matrix Method, Linear Variable Optical Filter, Blocking Filter Reference REFERENCES [1] Bria, D., "Omnidirectional Optical Mirror in a Cladded-Superlattice Structure", J. Appl.Phys., 91,2569, 2002. [2] Loni, A., "Thin Solid Films", 276, 1996. [3] Markov, V.B., "Tunable High-Finesse Narrow Bandpass Fabry – Perot Filter,Semiconductor Physics", Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, V. 7, N 4. P. 465-473, 2004. [4] Lipson, A., "Free-space MEMS tunable optical filter on (110) silicon", International Conference on Optical MEMS and Their Applications, Oulu, Finland, pp. 73- 74,IEEE/LEOS, 2005. [5] Minas, G., "An array of Fabry-Perot optical-channels for biological fluids analysis", Sensors and Actuators, A 115 , 362–367, 2004. [6] Visda, F., "Optical Properties of Multilayers with Rough Boundaries", International Conference on Chemical Engineering and Applications, IPCBEE vol. 23, IACSIT Press, Singapore, 2011. [7] Trauger, J. T., "Broadband dielectric mirror coatings for Fabry-Perot spectroscopy", Applied Optics, Vol. 15, Issue 12, pp. 2998-3005, 1976. [8] Xiao, X., "A Novel Wavelength Tuning Method in External Cavity Diode Laser with All-Dielectric Thin Film Fabry-Perot Filter", Symposium On Photonics and Optoelectronic (SOPO), Chengdu, China, DOI:10.1109/SOPO.2010.5504312, 2010. [9] Emadi ,A.,"Spectral Measurement Using IC-compatible Linear Variable Optical Filter", Proc. SPIE 7716, 77162G, 2010. [10] Lemarquis, F., "400-1000 nm All-Dielectric Linear Variable Filters For Ultra Compact Spectrometer", International Conference on Space Optics, Rhodes, Greece, 2010. Amir Etebari |
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253. | Modelling And Analysis Of Heat Sink With Rectangular Fins
Having Through Holes
Modelling And Analysis Of Heat Sink With Rectangular Fins Having Through HolesAbstract: Heat indulgence techniques are the prime concern to remove the waste heat produced by Electronic Devices, to keep them within permitted operating temperature limits. Heat indulgence techniques include heat sinks, fans for air cooling, and other forms of cooling such as liquid cooling. Heat produced by electronic devices and circuitry must be selfindulgent to improve reliability and prevent premature failure. Integrated circuits such as CPUs, chipset, graphic cards, and hard disk drives are susceptible to temporary malfunction or permanent failure if overheated. As a result, efficient cooling of electronic devices remains a challenge in thermal engineering. The objective of this paper is to present a best possible Heat Sink for efficient cooling of electronic devices. The choice of an optimal heat sink depends on a number of geometric parameters such as fin height, fin length, fin thickness, number of fins, base plate thickness, space between fins, fin shape or profile, material etc. Therefore for an optimal heat sink design, initial studies on the fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics of standard continuous heat sinks of different designs have been carried through CFD simulations. It is observed from the results that optimum cooling is achieved by the heat sink design which contains interrupted fins with holes. These heat sink designs promises to keep electronic circuits cooler than standard heat sinks and reduction in cost due to reduction in material.Key words: Continuous fins, Electronics cooling, Heat sink, Interrupted fin, through holes. Reference [1]. Majid Bahrami, Golnoosh Mostafavi, Mehram Ahmad., "Effects of geometrical parameters on natural convective heat transfer from vertically mounted rectangular interrupted fins" jul 8-12, 2012, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico. ASME 2012. [2]. Golnoosh Mostafavi "NATURAL CONVECTIVE HEAT TRANSFER FROM INTERRUPTED RECTANGULAR FINS" nov 29 2012 in university of TEHRAN. [3] Charles D. Jones and Lester F. Smith "OPTIMAL ARRANGEMENT OF RECTANGULAR FINS ON HORIZONTAL SURFACE FOR FREE CONVECTION HEAT TRANSFER". Journal of heat transfer volume 92 Online August 11, 2010. [4] M kemal Atesman "efficiency of rectangular fins" journal of heat transfer 10.1115/1.802830.ch5. [5] F.Harahap and H.N McManus.jr."NATURAL CONVECTION HEAT TRANSFER FROM HORIZONTAL RECTANGULAR FIN ARRAY" J. Heat Transfer 89(1), 32-38 (Feb 01, 1967) (7 pages)doi:10.1115/1.3614318History [6] R.A.Wirtz, W. Chen, and R. Zhou, Effect of Flow Bypass on the Performance of Longitudinal Fin Heat Sinks, ASME Journal of Electronic Packaging",Vol.~116,pp.~206-211,1994. [7] Yovanovich, M. M., Culham, J. R., and Teertstra, P., "Calculating Interface Resistance," Electronics Cooling, Vol. 3, No. 2, May, 1997, pp. 24 – 29. [8] M. E. Steinke and S. G. Kandlikar, "Single-phase heat transfer enhancement techniques in micro channel 17–19, 2004, pp. 141–148and mini channel flows," in Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Micro channels Mini channels, Rochester, NY, Jun. [9] Kodandaraman, C.P., Heat and Mass Transfer Data Book. [10] Behnia, M., Copeland, D., and Soodphadakee, D., 1998, "A Comparison of Heat Sink Geometries for Laminar Forced Convection," Proceedings of The Sixth Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermo mechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems, Seattle, Washington, USA, May 27–30, pp. 310–315. R. Sam Sukumar, G.Sriharsha, S.Bala Arun, P.Dilip kumar, Ch.Sanyasi Naidu |
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254. | Surface-Wave Suppression Using Periodic Structures
Surface-Wave Suppression Using Periodic StructuresAbstract: The objective of this paper is to design impedance surfaces for the solution of the problem of electromagnetic compatibility of antennas. In a recent paper, corresponding surfaces were used to reduce coupling between antennas located on a plane. These surfaces were made artificially, e.g., by loading a conducting surface with corrugations. The design of the impedance structure is done for a given electromagnetic field distribution. The behavior of the electromagnetic field along the impedance structure and in the openings of the antennas is studied for various designs of impedance surfaces. The method of integral equations is used for the solution of this problem, and numerical results are presented and analyzed.Key words: Electromagnetic compatibility, coupling, surface-wave, impedance surface Reference [1] R. B. Hwang and S. T. Peng, "Surface-Wave Suppression of Resonance-Type Periodic Structures," IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 51, No. 6, 2003, pp. 1221-1229. [2] Y. S. Joe, J-F. D. Essiben, E. R. Hedin, J. T. N. Bisse, and J. Mаtаngа, "Optimization of Impedance Plane Reducing Coupling between Antennas," Wireless Engineering and Technology Journal, vol. 2, No. 1, 2011, pp. 1-8. [3] J-F. D. Essiben, E. R. Hedin, and Y. S. Joe, "Radiation Characteristics of Antennas on the Reactive Impedance Surface of a Circular Cylinder Providing Reduced Coupling", Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications, vol. 2, No. 4, 2010, pp. 195-204. [4] Y. S. Joe, J-F. D. Essiben, and E. M. Cooney, "Radiation Characteristics of Waveguide Antennas Located on the Same Impedance Plane," Journal of Physics D.: Applied Physics, vol. 41, No. 12, 2008, pp. (125503) 1-11. [5] A. Y. Yukhanov, "Two-dimensional task of impedance plane synthesis", Radio Engineering circuits, signals and devices, Taganrog, vol. 45, No. 1, 1998, pp. 92-95. [6] N. C. Karmakar and M. N. Mollah, "Potential Applications of PBG Engineered Structures in Microwave Engineering: Part I," Microwave Journal, vol. 47, No. 7, 2004, pp. 22–44. [7] P. S. Kildal, "Artificially Soft and Hard Surfaces in Electromagnetics", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 38, No. 10, 1990, pp. 1537–1544. [8] Z. Ying, P. S. Kildal, and A. A. Kishk, "Study of Different Realizations and Calculation Models for Soft Surfaces by Using a Vertical Monopole on a Soft Disk as a Test Bed," IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 44, No. 11, 1996, pp. 1474–1481. Yong S. Joe, Jean-François D. Essiben, Eric R. Hedin |
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255. | Multipath Routing for Opportunistic Data Transfer in Mobile Adhoc Network
Multipath Routing for Opportunistic Data Transfer in Mobile Adhoc NetworkAbstract: Mobile Adhoc Network is an infrastructure less and self-configuring network of wireless communication between nodes. In Mobile Adhoc Network, routing is a difficult task and it is an important research area of work due to its unpredictable network topology changes. The challenging task is to make the wireless network communication as best as the wired ones. Routing could be made efficient by knowing the topological information of the wireless network and thus the packets can be transmitted efficiently which results in high packet delivery ratio. Multipath routing is more advantageous compared to single path routing in terms of increased bandwidth, balanced traffic load, balanced power consumption, reduced end to end delay and robustness of data delivery. We propose a multipath routing technique for efficient opportunistic data transfer between nodes by providing a node disjoint paths between source and destination. Resource utilization is the maximum in multipath routing and it is also less costly alternative to flooding the network. There is also a higher rate of data delivery and reliability. We show that the performance of our technique is better in terms of packet delivery ratio, throughput, delay jitter, and energy when compared with single path routing.Key words: CORMAN, MANET, Network Layer, Packet Delivery Ratio, Routing. Reference [1] Rajaraman, R. ―Topology Control and Routing in Ad hoc Networks: A Survey,‖ SIGA News, vol. 33, pp. 60–73, June 2002. [2] Sheela Rani Arasu, and Immanuel Johnraja Jebadurai, ―Analysis of Different Routing Techniques for Opportunistic Data Transfer,‖ International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 - 8887), volume 62 – No.5, January 2013. [3] Ash Mohammad Abbas, and Bijendra Nath Jain, ―Path diminution in node – disjoint multipath routing for mobile ad hoc networks is unavoidable with single route discovery‖ , International Journal Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing. [4] [Online]http://www.inetdaemon.com/tutoria ls/internet/ip/routing/single_vs_multi.shtml. [5] Koojana Kuladinithi, Carmelita Gorg and Samir Das, ―Radio Disjoint Multi-Path Routing in MANET‖, in CEWIT 2005 Conference, 2005, pp 1-2. [6] Ali Abdalla Etorban, ―The Design and Performance Evaluation of a Proactive Multipath Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks‖, at Heriot – Watt University in the School of Mathematical and Computer sciences, May 2012. [7] Ding, W., Biswas, S., and Morris, R., ―ExOR: Opportunistic Multi-Hop Routing for Wireless Networks,‖ in Proc. ACM Conference of the special Interest Group on Data Communication, Philadelphia, PA, USA, August 2005, pp. 133-144. [8] S. Chachulski, M. Jennings, S. Katti, and D. Katabi, ―Trading Structure for Randomness in Wireless Opportunistic Routing,‖ in Proc. ACM Conference of the Special Interest Group on Data Communication (SIGCOMM), Kyoto, Japan, August 2007, pp. 169–180. [9] C. Fragouli, J.-Y. L. Boudec, and J. Widmer, ―Network Coding: an Instant Primer,‖ SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, vol. 36, pp. 63–68, January 2006. [10] Leontiadis and C. Mascolo, ―GeOpps: Geographical Opportunistic Routing for Vehicular Networks,‖ in Proc. IEEE International Symposiumon a World of Wireless Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM), Helsinki, Finland, June 2007. Sheela Rani Arasu, Immanuel Johnraja Jebadurai |
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256. | Monte Carlo Simulation of a Theratron Elite100 Telecobalt Machine Using Beamnrc Code
Monte Carlo Simulation of a Theratron Elite100 Telecobalt Machine Using Beamnrc CodeAbstract: Realistic computational simulation of the treatment head of a Theratron Elite100 telecobalt machine has been carried out using BEAMnrc Monte Carlo simulation code. The virtual model of the machine is obtained by the complete simulation of all the complex structures in the treatment head including secondary collimators and trimmers. The phase space file obtained at the bottom end of primary collimator in the first step of simulation is being used as the source for the second step. Photon energy spectrum is obtained at the bottom end of the primary collimator as well as at the top of the water phantom surface which is kept at 100cm away from the radiation source. Dosemetric parameters such as percentage depth dose and peak scatter factors are obtained for different field sizes and compared with measurement values. A graph is plotted for showing the variation of electron contamination of particles reaching at phantom surface with field size.Key words: BEAMnrc code, Monte Carlo Simulation , Teletherapy, Theratron Elite100 Reference 1. Rogers ,D.W.O., Ewart, G.M. ,Bielajew, A.F. and Van Dyk, G. Calculation of Electron Contamination in a Co60 Therapy Beam. Proceedings of the IAEA International Symposium on Dosimetry in Radiotherapy. 1: 303 - 312 (1988) 2. Nelson ,W.R., Hirayama, H. and Rogers, D.W.O .The EGS4 Code System .Stanford Linear Accelerator Publication.265(1985) 3. Burns, J.E., Pritchard, D.H. and Knight, R.T . Peak scatter factors for 60Co gammaradiation. Phys. Med. Biol . 37, 2309– 18(1992) 4. British Journal of Radiology Working Party .Br. J. Radiol. Suppl. 17,143– 147(1983) 5. Mora, G.M., Maio, A. and Rogers, D.W.O. Monte Carlo simulation of a typical 60Co therapy Source. Medical Physics .26(11),2494-2502(1999). 6. Briesmeister,J.F., MCNP—a general Monte Carlo N-particle transport codeversion 4B. Los Alamos National Laboratory Report LA-12625 (1997) 7. Miro, R., Soler, J., Gallardo, S., Campayo, J.M, Dý´ez ,S. and Verdu , G. MCNP simulation of theratron 780 Radiotherapy Unit. Radiation Protection Dosimetry.116, 65–68(2005) 8. Åsa Carlsson Tedgren, Sandro de Luelmo and Jan-Erik Grindborg. Characterization of a 60Co unit at a secondary standard dosimetry laboratory- Monte Carlo simulations compared to measurements and results from the literature. Med. Phys. .37,2777 -87(2010) 9. Rogers, D.W. O., Faddegon ,B. A . , Ding, G.X,. Ma ,C.M., Wei, J., and Mackie, T.R.,BEAM: A Monte Carlo code to simulate radiotherapy treatment units. Medical Physics.22,503 – 524 (1995) 10. Kawrakow,I. and Rogers, D.W.O., EGSnrc Code System. NRCC report PIRS- 701.194-239(2003) Praveenkumar R.D, Santhosh K.P, Augustine A |
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257. | Mitigating Selfishness to Improve Replica Allocation in MANET
Mitigating Selfishness to Improve Replica Allocation in MANETAbstract: Mobile ad hoc networks are formed dynamically due to autonomous system of mobile nodes that are connected through wireless links without using an existing infrastructure or centralized administration. In such ad hoc network nodes have various limitations due to its ad hoc behavior. Hence resources like power, battery and computing ability are valuable in such type of ad hoc networks. Hence some mobile nodes decided not to cooperate with other mobile nodes and simply aim to save its resources to the maximum while using the network to forward its own packets, these types of mobile nodes are called "Selfish Nodes" this misleading is very common in ad hoc network because of its configuration setup. These nodes could be detected and excluded from the cooperative portion of the network, as they only consume resources but don‟t contribute to the infrastructure. In existing methods, there are no steps to handle false alarms and efficient detection of selfish nodes. In this paper, a new mechanism that minimizes the problem of selfish nodes with the help of Credit risk and Brain trapping function Model. Including Degree of selfishness in allocating replicas will considerably reduce communication cost and produce high data accessibility. A collaborative monitoring mechanism is also used to manage false alarms. Simulation results shows that the proposed system provides better detection efficiency, low false positive and delay constraint.Key words: Access frequency, Mobility, False alarm, Selfish nodes, Selfish replica allocation, Degree of selfishness, Credit risk. Reference [1] Jae-Ho Choi, Kyu-Sun Shim, "Handling Selfishness in Replica Allocation over a Mobile Ad Hoc Network" SangKeun Lee, and Kun-Lung Wu, Fellow, IEEE.2012. [2] T. Hara, "Effective Replica Allocation in Ad Hoc Networks for Improving Data Accessibility," Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, pp. 1568- 1576, 2001. [3] T. Hara and S.K. Madria, "Data Replication for Improving Data Accessibility in Ad Hoc Networks," IEEE Trans. Mobile Computing, vol. 5, no. 11, pp. 1515-1532, Nov. 2006. [4] L.J. Mester, "What's the Point of Credit Scoring?" Business Rev., pp. 3-16, Sept. 1997. [5] Y. Liu and Y. Yang, "Reputation Propagation and Agreement in Mobile AdHoc Networks," Proc. IEEE Wireless Comm. And Networking Conf., pp. 1510- 1515, [6] S. Marti, T. Giuli, K. Lai, and M. Baker, "Mitigating Routing Misbehavior in Mobile Ad hoc Networks," Proc. ACM MobiCom, pp. 255-265, 2000. [7] L. Anderegg and S. Eidenbenz, "Ad HocVCG: A Truthful and Cost-Efficient Routing Protocol for V. Srinivasan, P. Nuggehalli, C. Chiasserini, and R. Rao, "Cooperation in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks," Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, pp. 808-817, 2003. [8] D. Hales, "From Selfish Nodes to Cooperative Networks - Emergent LinkBased Incentives in Peer-to-Peer Networks," Proc. IEEE Int‟l Conf. Peer-toPeer Computing, pp. 151-158, 2004. [9] S.U. Khan and I. Ahmad, "A Pure Nash Equilibrium-Based Game Theoretical Method for Data Replication across Multiple Servers," IEEE Trans. Knowledge and Data Eng., vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 537-553, Apr. 2009. [10] M.J. Osborne, An Introduction to Game Theory. Oxford Univ., 2003. [11] B.-G. Chun, K. Chaudhuri, H. Wee, M. Barreno, C.H. Papadimitriou, and J. Kubiatowicz, "Selfish Caching in Distributed Systems: A Game-Theoretic Analysis," Proc. [12] B.-G. Chun, K. Chaudhuri, H. Wee, M. Barreno, C.H. Papadimitriou, and J. Kubiatowicz, "Selfish Caching in Distributed Systems: A Game-Theoretic Analysis," Preoc. ACM Symp. Principles of Distributed Computing. Jim Solomon Raja.D, Immanuel John Raja.J |
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258. | Dry Sliding wear behavior of spray formed Al20Mg2Si2Cu alloy after two-step solution heat treatment and double age hardening at 150° and 210°C
Dry Sliding wear behavior of spray formed Al20Mg2Si2Cu alloy after two-step solution heat treatment and double age hardening at 150° and 210°CAbstract: In the present work Al20Mg2Si2Cu alloy was synthesized by spray deposition technique followed by hot pressed, heat treated and dry sliding wear behavior of double aged Al20Mg2Si2Cu alloy was investigated. The alloy was solution treated in single step (1 hr at 480oC) single aged (3 hrs at 210o C ) and the alloy sample was solution treated in two step (1 hr at 440o C +1.5 hrs at 480o C) double age (4 hrs at150o C + 210o C for three different periods of time 2,4,6 hrs) hardening. The microstructures of the aged samples were examined by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) in the whole process. The hardness values of the aged samples were measured after 70 days by micro hardness tests. Wear tests were carried out under different sliding velocities for variable loads with constant sliding distance of 1000m. As a result of this study the major precipitates for the alloy get formed under the two aged conditions. The hardness of the second phase precipitated samples was found to be higher than that of the single age samples and it is increased with increasing the solution temperature and aging period.Key words: Aging, Al20Mg2Si2Cu, hardness, hot pressing , precipitation , SEM, spray deposition process , wear. Reference [1] Y. Soydan, L. Ulukan, Triboloji, vol. 1, Press I, -Technological Publications,2003,p. 299. [2] M.J. Ghazali, W.M. Rainforth, H. Jones, Tribology 40 (2007) 160–169. [3] M. Gavgali, Y. Totik, R. Sadeler, Material Letters 57 (2003) 3713–3721. [4] Anasyida AS, Daud AR, Ghazali MJ. Dry sliding wear behaviour of Al–12Si–4Mg alloy with cerium addition. Mater Design 2010;31:365– 72. [5] J.H. Sokolowski, X.-C. Sun, G. Byczynski, D.E. Penrod, R. Thomas, A. Esseltine, Journal of Materials Processing Technology 53 (1995)385– 392. [6] J.H. Sokolowski, M.B. Djurdjevic, C.A. Kierkus, D.O. Northwood, Journal of Materials Processing Technology 109 (2001) 174–180. [7] A. Melander, P.A. Persson, Acta Metall. 26 (1978) 267. [8] P.L. Cabot, F. Centellas, J.A. Garrido, R.M. Rogriguez, E. Brillas, E.Perez, A.V. Benedetti, P.T.A. Sumodjo, Appl. Electrochem. 22 (1992) 542. [9] A. Somoza, Mater. Sci. Forum 255–257 (1997) 86. [10] V. Hansen, K. Stiller, G. Waterloo, J. Gjønnes, X.Z. Li, Mater. Sci. Forum 396– 402 (2002) 815. G.Jagannatha reddy, V.C.Srivastav, G.B.Rudrakshi |
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259. | A review-thermal energy storage based dual mode air conditioning system
A review-thermal energy storage based dual mode air conditioning systemAbstract: -Electrical energy consumption varies significantly during the day and night according to the demand by industrial, commercial and residential activities, especially in extremely hot and cold climate countries where the major part of the variation is due to domestic space heating and air conditioning. Such variation leads to a differential pricing system for peak and off peak periods of energy use if some of the peak load could be shifted to the off peak load period, which can be achieved by thermal storage of heat or coolness. Phase change materials (PCM) take advantage of latent heat that can be stored or released from a material over a narrow temperature range. PCM possesses the ability to change their state with a certain temperature range. These materials absorb energy during the heating . process as phase change takes place and release energy to the environment in the phase change range during a reverse cooling processReference [1] 1 Low temperature latent heat thermal energy storage, Heat storage materials", solar energy, 1983; 30,pp. 313-32. Abhat.A [2] 2 Analysis and modelling of a phase change storage system for air conditioning applications S.M. Vakilaltojjar, W. Saman* [3] 3 phase change material for space cooiling in buildings. Dr Frank Bruno Ph.D., B.Eng.(Hons.) [4] 4 Experimental Investigation Of a BioBased Phase-Change Materail To Improve Building Energy Performance by Karthik Murugananthama [5] 5 Cool Thermal Energy Storage By Kurt Roth, Ph.D., Associate Member ASHRAE; Robert Zogg, and James Brodrick, [6] 6 Phase Change Materials for Cold Storage E. M. Gustafsson, F.Setterwall [7] Phase Change Materials For Thermal Energy Storage Applications Prabhu P.A., Shinde N.N*., Prof. Patil P.S*. [8] 8 Energy conservation in building applications with thermal storage by latent heat using phase change materials Amar M. Khudhair, Mohammed M. Farid * [9] 9 Thermal Energy Storage for Air Conditioning Systems Abduljalil A.AlAbidi n, Sohif BinMat,K.Sopian,M.Y.Sulaiman,C.H.Lim, Abdulrahman [10] Phase Change Energy Storage: Materials and Applications Mohammed M. Farid a,*, Amar M. Khudhair a, Siddique Ali K. Razack b,Said Al-Hallaj b Mr.Ashish.A.Kamble, Mr S. R. Karale |
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260. | Elastic Load Balancing in Cloud Storage
Elastic Load Balancing in Cloud StorageAbstract: Cloud Computing is a term, which involves virtualization, distributed computing, networking, software and web services. A cloud consists of several elements such as clients, datacenter and distributed servers. Central to these issues lies the establishment of an effective load balancing algorithm. The load can be CPU load, memory capacity, delay or network load. Load balancing is the process of distributing the load among various nodes of a distributed system to improve both resource utilization and job response time while also avoiding a situation where some of the nodes are heavily loaded while other nodes are idle or doing very little work. Load balancing ensures that all the processor in the system or every node in the network does approximately the equal amount of work at any instant of time.Key words: Cloud Computing, Distributed Systems, Elastic Compute Cloud, Load Balancing, Virtualization Reference [1] A. Khiyaita, M. Zbakkh, H. El Bakkali, and Dafir El Kettani. Load Balancing cloud Computing: State of Art. IEEE computer society, May 2012, 106-109. [2] A Survey on Open-source Cloud Computing Solutions Patrícia Takako Endo, Glauco Estácio Gonçalves, Judith Kelner. [3] Jyotiprakash Sahoo, Subasish Mohapatra, Radha Lath, Virtualization: A Survey On Concepts, Taxonomy And Associated Security Issues, Second International Conference on Computer and Network Technology, 2010. [4] Ali M. Alakeel, A Guide to Dynamic Load Balancing in Distributed Computer Systems, IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security,VOL.10 No.6, June 2010. [5] Jerrell Watts, Stephen Taylor, A Practical Approach to Dynamic Load Balancing, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Feb 1998. [6] Youran Lan, Ting Yu, A Dynamic Central Scheduler Load Balancing Mechanism, Computers and Communications, pp 734- 740, May 1995. [7] KVM Kernel Based Virtual Machine Red Hat, Inc. 2009. [8] Geoffroy Vallee, Thomas Naughton, Christian Engelmann, Stephen L Scott, Hong Ong, System-level Virtualization and Virtual Machine Manager For High Performance Computing, 2008. [9] Willebeek-LeMair M.H and Reeves A.P. "Strategies for Dynamic Load Balancing on Highly Parallel Computers," IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 1993, pp979. Surabhi Jain, Deepak Sharma |
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261. | Remove the Noise from Medical Images Using Discrete Wavelet Transform
Remove the Noise from Medical Images Using Discrete Wavelet TransformAbstract: The quality of medical image is degraded by many sources of noise such as imperfect instruments, interference from natural phenomena, data acquisition and transmission errors. In MRI images, the image is degraded mainly by Gaussian noise and Salt and Pepper noise respectively. Suppressing noise from medical image is still a challenging problem for the medical researchers and practitioners. There are lots of denoising techniques have been developed over a period. Wavelet gaining popularity in the area of medical image denoising due to its sparsity and multiresolution properties. The Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT), which is based on sub-band coding is found to yield a fast computation of Wavelet Transform.Key words: Discrete wavelet transform, Gaussian noise, Image denoising, Salt and Pepper noise, Wavelet transform. Reference [1] R.Sivakumar, D.Nedumaran," Performance Study of Wavelet Denoising techniques in Ultrasound images," Jl. of Instrum. Soc. of India, Vol.39 No.3 September 2009. [2] Ami Vibhakar,Mukesh Tiwari,Jaikaran Singh ,"Performance Analysis for MRI Denoising using Intensity Averaging Gaussian Blur Concept and its Comparison with Wavelet Transform Method," International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887), Volume 58– No.15, November 2012. [3] N.Naveen Kumar, Dr.S.Ramakrishna,"An efficient approach of removing the high density Salt and Pepper noise using stationary wavelet transform,"Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology",Volume 12 Issue 5 Version 1.0 March 2012. [4] Ms. Alka Vishwa , Ms. Shilpa Sharma "Speckle Noise Reduction in Ultrasound Images by Wavelet Thresholding,"International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, Volume 2, Issue 2, February 2012. [5] S. Kumari, R. Vijay,"Effect of Symlet Filter Order on Denoising of Still Images," Advanced Computing: An International Journal ( ACIJ ), Vol.3, No.1, January 2012. [6] Amara Graps, "An Introduction to Wavelets," IEEE Computational Science and Engineering, summer 1995, Vol 2, No. 2. [7] Anestis Antoniadis, Jeremie Bigot, "Wavelet Estimators in Nonparametric Regression: A Comparative Simulation Study," Journal of Statistical Software, Vol 6, I 06, 2001. [8] Tim Edwards, "Discrete Wavelet Transforms: Theory and Implementation," Discrete Wavelet Transforms, Stanford University,Draft #2, June 4, 1992. [9] Matlab 6.1, "Wavelet tool box," http://www.mathworks.com/access/helpdes k/help/toolbox/wavelet/wavelet.shtml [10] Matlab6.1,"Matlab," Rupinderpal Kaur, Rajneet Kaur |
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262. | FPGA Based Digital Controllers for BLDC Motors
FPGA Based Digital Controllers for BLDC MotorsAbstract: Permanent Magnet Brushless DC (PMBLDC) machines have found immerse applications in automobile, automation, consumer electronics, medical and industrial applications due to their high efficiency, long operating life ratio of torque delivered to the size and fast dynamic response. In a brushless motor, the rotor incorporates the magnets, and the stator contains the windings. Commutation is implemented electronically with a drive amplifier that uses semiconductor switches to change current in the windings based on rotor position feedback. Commutation is implemented on FPGA as it provides greater flexibility and higher resources for implementing control algorithms. The paper thereby deals with the development of a virtual BLDC motor controller in FPGA. Various other digital controllers are also discussed. A model of the BLDC motor is simulated, and its controller is implemented on a FPGA system.Key words: BLDC Digital Controller, FPGA, Virtual motor, Verilog HDL Reference 1. Steven Campbell and Hamid A . Toliyat,"DSP-Based Electromechanical Motion Control",CRC Press 2003 2. Cassat, A.; Espanet, C.; Wavre, N.; , "BLDC motor stator and rotor iron losses and thermal behavior based on lumped schemes and 3-D FEM analysis," Industry Applications, IEEE Transactions on , vol.39, no.5, pp. 1314- 1322, Sept.-Oct. 2003. 3. Pravat K.Singh and Pankaj Rai, "An ANN Based X-PC Target Controller for Speed Control of Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motor", Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Conference on Control Applications Toronto, Canada, August 28-31, 2005. 4. Bhim Singh, B P Singh, K Jain, "Implementation of DSP Based Digital Speed Controller for Permanent Magnet Brushless dc Motor", IE(I) Journal-EL, Vol 84, pp. 16-21, June 2003 5. Leonard N. Elevich, "3-Phase BLDC Motor Control with Hall Sensors Using 56800/E Digital Signal Controllers",Freescale Semiconductor 6. Alecsa, B.; Onea, A.;, "Design, validation and FPGA implementation of a brushless DC motor speed controller," Electronics, Circuits, and Systems (ICECS), 2010 17th IEEE International Conference on, vol., no., pp.1112-1115, 12-15 Dec. 2010. 7. Cassat, A.; Espanet, C.; Wavre, N.; , "BLDC motor stator and rotor iron losses and thermal behavior based on lumped schemes and 3-D FEM analysis," Industry Applications, IEEE Transactions on , vol.39, no.5, pp. 1314- 1322, Sept.-Oct. 2003. 8. Jiancheng Fang; Xinxiu Zhou; Gang Liu; , "Instantaneous Torque Control of Small Inductance Brushless DC Motor," Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on , vol.27, no.12, pp.4952-4964, Dec. 2012. 9. W. Hong, W. Lee, B.K. Lee, "Dynamic simulation of brushless DC motor drives considering phase commutation for automotive applications," IEEE International Electric Machines & Drives Conference, 2007, pp.1377–1383. 10. Thomas Schulte and Jörg Bracker "Real-Time Simulation of BLDC Motors for Hardware-in-the-Loop Applications Incorporating Sensorless Control" IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, 2008. ISIE 2008. K. Giridharan, Gautham.R. |
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263. | Dynamic Analysis Of Milling Machine Chatter Vibration Reduction Using Mechanical Damper
Dynamic Analysis Of Milling Machine Chatter Vibration Reduction Using Mechanical DamperAbstract: Milling is widely used in the manufacturing industry. Numerous efforts have been made to improve the efficiency of milling. For the efficiency of the milling process, high demands on the material removal rate and the surface generation rate. The process parameters determining the two rates are restricted by the occurrence of regenerative chatter. This project deals with reduction of chatter vibration in end milling tool by introducing the dampers. The main objective of the present work is to design a damped milling tool. A mechanical damper has been introduced to reduce tool vibration in milling tool. The mechanical damper is composed of multi-fingered cylindrical inserts placed in a matching cylindrical hole in center of standard end mill cutter. Centrifugal forces during high speed rotation press the flexible fingers against the inner surface of the tool. Bending of the tool and damper assembly due to cutting forces causes relative axial sliding between the tool inner surface and damper fingers dissipates in the form of friction work simple numerical analysis using ANSYS is performed to estimate the amount of friction work during bending. The numerical results are compared with analytical results. It is ascertained that there is a possibility of more damping the vibrations using multi-fingered mechanical damper.Key words: Milling machine, Chatter, Mechanical damper, Vibration, Tools. Reference [1] Nam H. Kim et al, Numerical Analysis and Parameter Study of a Mechanical Damper for use in long Slender Endmills, International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 2006;46, 2005: 500–507. [2] Ganguli et al, Active damping of chatter in machine tools - Demonstration with a ―Hardware in the Loop‖ simulator, SMARTOOL Consortium and European commission Project (Contract No.: GIRDCT- 2001-00551), 2001. [3] M-Charles-V Stanislaus, "Frictional Damper to Enhance Dynamic Stability In End milling,", 2003. [4] Er. Dharmendra Dubay Prof. of department of Mech. Engg., Bhagwant University, Ajmer, India. Roshan Patel, Urvish Patel, Er. Dharmendra Dubay |
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264. | Pune Navigator: The Real Time Bus Monitoring And Passenger Information System
Pune Navigator: The Real Time Bus Monitoring And Passenger Information SystemAbstract: Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) are gaining recognition in developing countries like India .This research paper describes the various components of our prototype implementation of a Real-time Passenger Information System (RTPIS) for a public transport system like a fleet of buses. Pune Navigator is a concept project for better Municipal Transport. It proposes to install GPS devices on city buses for Real Time Passenger Information (RTPI). The Real Time Bus Monitoring and Passenger Information bus tracking device is a standalone system designed to display the real-time location(s) of the buses in Pune city. This system will enable the tracking device to obtain GPS data of the bus locations, which it will then transfer it to centralized control unit and depict it by activating LEDs in the approximate geographic positions of the buses on the route map. Specific software's will be used to interface the data received to the map. Using the real time updates from bus about its location Pune features Navigator will provide following. I. RTPIS rolling display on bus stops – expected time of arrival in real time. II. Web based interface for control room to monitor buses in real time. III. Mobile application for end user to find out bus schedules and RTPIS.Key words: GPRS, public transportation system, RTPIS, ETA, link updater Reference [ 1] Dihua Sun, Hong Luo, Liping Fu, Weining Liu, Xiaoyong Liao, and Min Zhao" Predicting Bus Arrival Time on the Basis of Global Positioning System Data" D.C., 2007, pp. 62–72, DOI: 10.3141/2034-08. [2] Wei-Hua Lin and Jian Zeng" AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON REAL TIME BUS ARRIVAL TIME PREDICTION WITH GPS DATA". [3] Utku Günay Acer, Member, IEEE, Paolo Giaccone, Member, IEEE, David Hay, Member, IEEE,Giovanni Neglia, Member, IEEE, and Saed Tarapiah" Timely Data Delivery in a Realistic Bus Network", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 61, NO. 3, MARCH 2012. [4] Seema S.R. and Sheela Alex, 10th National Conference on Technological Trends (NCTT09) 6-7 Nov 2009,"Dynamic Bus Arrival Time Prediction Using GPS Data". Swati Chandurkar, Pooja Borekar,Sneha Mugade,Sanjana Sinha, Megharani Missal |
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265. | Agent Based Decision Support System for Identifying the Spread of Nosocomial Infections in a Rural Hospital
Agent Based Decision Support System for Identifying the Spread of Nosocomial Infections in a Rural HospitalAbstract: Nosocomial infections are prevalent throughout the hospitals across the world. Only proper identification of the disease spread vectors would help to take proper mitigation strategies to curb the disease in the correct time. These nosocomial infections are more prevalent in the rural areas due to the improper sanitation and improper hygiene. Studying the various transmission vectors would help to prevent the spread of nosocomial infections in a rural hospital. Agent Based Modeling has been used to examine the spread of nosocomial infections in a rural hospital so that proper mitigation strategies can be undertaken. The aim of this project is to identify the various transmission vectors for the spread of nosocomial infections and classify them using Iterative Dichotomizer 3 (ID3). From the decision tree the infected patients within close contact has been identified as the major transmission vector.Key words: Agent Based Modeling, Decision Support, Decision Tree, ID3 Algorithm, Nosocomial Infections Reference [1] L. Temime, G. Hejblum, M. Setbon and A. J. Valleron,The rising impact of mathematical modeling in epidemiology: Antibiotic resistance research as a case study, Epidemiological Infections,136,2007, 289-298 [2] G. V. Bobashev, D. M. Goedecke, F. Yu and J. M. Epstein, A hybrid epidemic model: Combining the advantages of agent-based and equation-based approaches, Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference,2007, 1532-1537 [3] S. Hoya, A. Martın and G. Rodrıguez, Using Cellular Automata to simulate epidemic diseases, Applied Mathematical Sciences,3,2009,959-968 [4] E. Bonabeau, Agent-based modeling: Methods and techniques for simulating human systems, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences [Online],2002,99(suppl. 3):7280-7287 [5] B. S. Ong, M. Chen, V. Lee and J. C. Tay, An individual-based model of influenza in nosocomial environments, Proceedings of the International Conferences on Computational Sciences-Part I,2008, LNCS 5101,590-599 [6] A. K. Kanagarajah, P. A. Lindsay, A. M. Miller and D. W. Parker, An exploration into the uses of agent-based modeling to improve quality of health care, International Conference for Complex Systems, Boston, M.A.,2006 [7] P.M.Barnaghi, V.A.Sahzabi and A.A. Bakar, A comparative study for various methods of classification, International Conference on Information and Computer Networks, Singapore, 2012, 62-66 [8] M.Laskowski, R.D.McLeod, M.R. Friesen, B. W. Podaima and A.S. Alfa, Models of emergency departments for reducing patient waiting times, PLoS ONE, 4(7), 2009 [9] Marek Laskowski, Bryan C.P. Demianyk, Julia Witt, Shamir N.Mukhi, Marcia R. Friesen and Robert McLeod,"Agent-based Modeling of the spread of influenza like illness in an emergency department",IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine,Vol.15, No.6,pp 877- 889, 2011 [10] Matthew N. Anyanwu & Sajjan G. Shiva,Comparative analysis of serial decision tree classification algorithms, International Journal of Computer Science and Security, Vol.3, pp. 230-240,2009 [11] Smitha T, Sundaram V , Classification rules by decision tree for disease prediction, International Journal of Computer Applications, Vol. 43,2012,pp.35-37 [12] Venkata Naga Sudheer T,A. Rama Mohan Reddy, Decision Tree Construction Based on Degree of Rough Sets, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications,1(3),677-682 Nisha Wilvicta.J, E.Grace Mary Kanaga |
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266. | A Novel Iterative and Adaptive Noise Detection Method for Removal of Impulse Noise
A Novel Iterative and Adaptive Noise Detection Method for Removal of Impulse NoiseAbstract: In this paper, the authors propose an efficient technique called Iterative and Adaptive Noise Detection Method (IANDM) for detecting the corrupted pixel in the image and for estimating the original value of the corrupted pixel. With the proposed method the noise pixel detection is improved by giving important to both the local and the global features. The proposed AMPMAD algorithm has a highest detection in terms of 99.99% for 15% corrupted pixels in Lena image. Further the authors propose an adaptive iterative mode replacement policy for estimating the values of corrupted pixels. The performance evaluation of the proposed noise detector is measured viz PFN and PFP. The quantitative evaluation of the filter measured in terms of PSNR and MSE.Key words: – Impulse noise, Linear Noise Reduction filters, Non Linear Noise Reduction filters, Iterative and Adaptive filters Reference [1] K. Satpathy, S. Panda, k k Nagwanshi and C Ardil, "Image Restoration in Non-Linear Filtering Domain using MDB approach", International Journal of Signal processing, 6:1 2010.. [2] subg-Jea KO and Yong Hoon, "Center Weighted Median Filters and Their applications to image enhancement", IEEE Transactions on circuits and systems, vol 38, no 9, September 1991. [3] H Hwang and R A Haddad,"Adaptive Median Filter: New Algorithms and Results", IEEE Transactions on image processing, Vol 4 No 4 April 1995 [4] Zhou Wang and David Zhang, "Progressive Switching Median Filter for the Removal of Impulse noise from Highly Corrupted Images", IEEE Transaction on circuits and systems-II : analog and digital signal processing, Vol 46 No 1 January 1999. [5] Tao Chen, Kai-Kuang Ma and Li-Hui Chen,'TriState Median Filter for Image Denoising", IEEE Transactions on Image processing, vol 8, no 12, December 1999. [6] K.S. Srinivasan and D. Ebenezer, " A New Fast and Efficient Decision-Based Algorithm for Removal of High-Density Impulse Noises", IEEE Signal Processing Letters Vol 14 No 3 March 2007. [7] A.K.Jain, "Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing", Engelwood Cliff, N. J.: Print ice Hall, 2006. [8] P.G.Kuppusamy and R.Rani Hemamalini," An Iterative and Adaptive "Pixel Wise Maximum AbsoluteDifference (PMAD)" Based Image Filter for Impulse Noise Removal", European Journal of Scientific Research, Vol. 89 No 3 October, 2012, pp.422-429 P.G.Kuppusamy, Dr. R. Rani Hemamalini |
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267. | Micro Watershed Modeling in India Using GIS Technologies and Agricultural Policy Environmental Extender (APEX) Model. A Case Study
Micro Watershed Modeling in India Using GIS Technologies and Agricultural Policy Environmental Extender (APEX) Model. A Case StudyAbstract: Study demonstrates the application of GIS technologies and APEX model for watershed management in Salasi watershed, Himachal Pradesh India. Extensive processing of static and dynamic data for the study area were performed using GIS technologies for use in APEX model. DEM for the study area was generated using extrapolated contours taken from 1:50,000 scale Survey of India topographic map. Satellite interpreted data for the land use and digitized soil map using NBSSLUP soil map with a resolution of 1:500,000 were used to prepare the land use and soil input files for APEX model run. To know the flow direction and topographic information required to build the Subarea file of APEX, the automatic delineation of watersheds was done by using the DEM as input to AVSWAT model. The target outflow point is interactively selected. A threshold value of 25 ha has been used for generating the stream network which primarily decides the density of the stream network and consequently the number of sub basins. With this setup model was run successfully but the results could not be tested against the observed flow due to unavailability of data on observed flow for the study area. However the trend in simulated daily flow followed the trend in observed rainfall which indicate that the framework can be used to model the relative changes in flow component under different conservation practices as compared to this base run.Key words: SWAT, APEX, GIS, Subbasin, Flow Reference [1] Arnold, J.G., R Srinivasan, R.S. Muttiah, and J.R. Williams, 1998. Large area hydrologic modeling and assessment: Part I. Model development. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 34(1): 73-89. [2] Gosain, A.K. and Sandhya Rao, 2004. GISbased technologies for watershed management, Current Science, Vol. 87, No. 7, 10, Page 948. [3] Gosain, A.K., Tripathi, C N and Singh Puja 2006. GIS-based Integrated Watershed Management Decision Support System (Project Report Submitted to Department of Science and Technology, Govt of India). [4] Oogathoo, S. (2006). Runoff Simulation in the Canagagigue Creek Watershed using the MIKESHE Model. Department of Bioresource Engineering, M.Sc. Thesis. McGill University,Montreal, Quebec. [5] Parton, W. J., D. S. Ojima, C. V. Cole, and D. S. Schimel. 1994. A general model for soil organic matter dynamics: Sensitivity to litter chemistry, texture, and management. In Quantitative Modeling of Soil Forming Processes, 147‐167. SSSA Special Pub. No. 39. Madison, Wisc.: SSSA. [6] Saleh, A., and O. Gallego. 2007. Application of SWAT and APEX Using the SWAPP (SWAT‐APEX) Program for the Upper North Bosque River Watershed in Texas. Trans. ASABE 50(4): 1177‐1187 [7] Santhi, C., N. Kannan, J. G. Arnold, and M. Di Luzio. 2008. Spatial calibration and temporal validation of flow for regional‐scale hydrologic modeling. J. American Water Resour. Assoc. 44(4):829‐846. [8] Srinivasan, R., J. G. Arnold, and C. A. Jones. 1998. Hydrologic modeling of the United States with the Soil and Water Assessment Tool. Intl. Water Resour. Development 14(3): 315‐ 325. [9] Vitousek, P. M., D. R. Turner, W. J. Parton, and R. L. Sanford. 1994. Litter decomposition on the Mauna Loa environmental matrix, Hawaii: Patterns, mechanisms, and models. Ecology 75(2): 418‐429. [10]Wang, X., R. D. Harmel, J. R. Williams, and W. L. Harman. 2006. Evaluation of EPIC for assessing crop yield, runoff, sediment and nutrient losses from watersheds with poultry litter fertilization. Trans. ASABE 49(1): 47‐59. [11]Williams, J. R., and R. C. Izaurralde. 2006. The APEX model. In Watershed Models, 437‐482. V. P. Singh and D. K. Frevert, eds.Boca Raton, Fla.: CRC Press. C.N. Tripathi, A K Gosain |
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268. | Performance evaluation of proposed packet recovery systems using forward error correction technique over wireless link
Performance evaluation of proposed packet recovery systems using forward error correction technique over wireless linkAbstract: Real time communication system's success depends on the ability of service provider to give better quality of service to their end users. The reliability of real time service like video, audio and image streaming depends on the packet loss rate of wireless channel. The packet loss rate of wireless channel can be resolved by using appropriate technique such as forwarderror correction (FEC) technique. In designing media streaming applications, media (video, audio or image) quality, packet loss rate are of prime concern. So the packet recovery has the greater impact on the quality of received media frame. These issues can be handled by using adaptive FEC.In this technique redundancy of FEC code is controlled by extracting some parameters of received frame like average packet loss rate,MBL and MILD metric and power to signal noise ratio. In this paper we propose Method1 and Method2 and does comparative analysis of both methods with Conventional Method.Key words: Interleaving, FEC, MBL, MILD, PSNR Reference [1] Abdelhamid Naffa, et al, "Unequal and interleaved FEC protocol for robust MPEG4 multicasting over wireless LANs," IEEE communication society 2004. [2] Abdelhamid Naffa, et al, "Forward error correction strategies for media streaming over wireless networks," IEEE communication magazine, vol 46, issue 1, Jan.2008. [3] S.Lin, et al, Error control coding: Fundamentals and applications, PrenticeHall, Inc.Engle wood cliffs, 1983. [4] Zixiang Xiong, "Efficient rate allocation for progressive image transmission via unequal error protection over finite state Markov channels," signal processing, IEEE transaction, vol. 53, issue 11, Nov. 2005. [5] Paul Lettiri, et al, "Adaptive frame length control for wireless link throughput, range and energy efficiency," in proc.IEEE INFOCOM98, Sanfrancisco,CA, 1998. [6] Abdelhamid Naff,et al, "On interaction between loss characterization and forward error correction in wireless multimedia communication," Communication IEEE international conference,vol. 2, issue 16-20 ,May 2005. Satish V.Malewar, M.R.Dixit |
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269. | A Methodology For Improving Fuel Economy In a Transportation Company
A Methodology For Improving Fuel Economy In a Transportation CompanyAbstract: The paper discusses and outlines a method for implementing a program to improve mileage by following a relation" Better mileage = Better maintenance + Good driving habits". This method was studied theoretically by observing the past scenario in a renowned company. A Methodology was developed keeping mileage factor in mind. The Methodology consists of maintenance practices like Greasing, filters, oil changing etc. Then the methodology was incorporated in the company's training program. The results obtained through this method were compared with the past results and it was proved that by implementing this method the mileage can be improved. The company has a fleet of above 450 vehicles and operates in 174 different routes. We conducted a test by selecting five different routes that the company operates between and analyzed the results which showed an improvement in mileage. This also resulted in improved performance of the vehicles and a reduction in the maintenance costs, there by resulting in profits to the company.Key words: Maintenance, Mileage, Driving habits, Routes, Methodology. Reference [1] Vehicle Fuel Economy By Susan Fleming. [2] Fuel Economy Handbook By William Short. [3] A Summary of Truck Fuel-saving Measures Developed with Industry Participation By Kenneth M Bertram. [4 ] The Economy-wide Effects of Fuel-saving Technological Improvements in Road Freight Transport by Mark Horridge, D. Johnson [5] Analysis of Delay Reducing and Fuel Saving Sequencing and Spacing Algorithms for Arrival Traffic By Frank Nueman. [6]. Blair R.D., D.L. Kaserman, and R.C. Tepel, 1984, "The Impact of Improved Mileage on Gasoline Consumption," Economic Inquiry, 22 (2), pp. 209-217. [7]. Goldberg P. K., 1998, The Effects of the Corporate Average Fuel Efficiency Standards, Journal of Industrial Economics, 46 (4), 1-33. [8] Graham D.J. and S. Glaister, 2002, The Demand for Automobile Fuel: A Survey of Elasticities, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 36 (1), 1-26. [9] Greening L.A., D.L. Greene and C. Difiglio, 2000, Energy Efficiency and Consumption – The Rebound Effect – A Survey, Energy Policy, 28, 389-401. [10] Automotive fuel economy: selected SAE papers, 1965-1975 P.Vijay, Ch.Vijay, Ch.Sindhu |
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270. | Application Of Preventive Maintenance For Effectual Freight Operations
Application Of Preventive Maintenance For Effectual Freight OperationsAbstract: The paper proposes and outlines a method for introducing and implementing preventive maintenance schedule for efficient freight operations in an automobile workshop of a renowned transport company. This workshop handles the entire repair and maintenance works of the entire fleet of vehicles of the transport company. The frequent problems in the workshop are intermittent repairs of gearbox's, radiators, hub's etc. The quality of maintenance work being carried is also poor leading to frequent break downs of the vehicles. The main objective of this paper is to reduce the breakdowns, line complaints of the vehicle. The costs for preventive maintenance and reactive maintenance were compared and analysed .This can be done by application of few concepts of preventive maintenance Viz. scheduling and supervising the work to be completed. By doing so, better quality of work, reduction in breakdowns, improved life of the vehicle parts and better delivery performance of the vehicles can be achieved.Key words: truck maintenance , preventive maintenance , freight , Reactive maintenance , overhauling Reference [1] Maintenance Fundamentals 2nd edition R.Keith Mobley [2] Preventive Maintenance Louis Hathaway, Frank Buckingham , Deere & company [3] World class Maintenance Management Industrial press 1990 Business and Economics. [4] Fundamentals of Preventive Maintenance By John M. Gross . [5] Reliability theory with Application to Preventive Maintenance by Ilya Gertsbakh. [6] Ebeling, C.E. (1997) "An Introduction to Reliability and Maintainability Engineering‟, International ed. Mcgraw- hill, Inc, New York. [7] Preventive Maintenance nJoseph D. Patton Isa, 01-Apr- 2004 - Business & Economics. [8] The Complete Guide to Preventive and Predictive Maintenance By Joel Levitt [9] The Handbook of Performability Engineering edited by Krishna B. Misra. [10] Maintenance engineering and managementby V. Venkataraman P.Vijay, T.Ganga Rao, M.Manoj Kumar |
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271. | Classical, Smart And Modern Controller Design Of Inverted Pendulum
Classical, Smart And Modern Controller Design Of Inverted PendulumAbstract: The Inverted Pendulum is a very popular plant for testing dynamics and control of highly non-linear plants. In the Inverted Pendulum Control problem, the aim is to move the cart to the desired position and to balance a pendulum at desired location. This paper represents stabilization of pendulum using PID, SVFB and Fuzzy Logic Control. In the mathematical model proposed here, a single rule base is used for angle of pendulum. The SVFB and fuzzy logic control scheme successfully fulfils the control objectives, it is found that FLC is found to be the best. The simulation results of all the controllers are compared with PID, SVFC and FLC.Key words: Inverted pendulum,Mathematical modelling ,PID controller,State variable feedback controller(SVFB),Fuzzy Logic Controller(FLC) Reference [1 ] P.Kumar,O.N.Mehrotra,J.Mahto,''Tuning of PID Controller Of Inverted Pendulum using Genetic algorithm"pp 359- 363.IJRET,Voi 1,Issue 3,Dec 2012 [2] P.Kumar,O.N.Mehrotra,J.Mahto,'' Controller design Of Inverted Pendulum using Pole placement and LQR"pp 532- 538..IJRET,Voi 1,Issue 4,Dec 2012 [3] S.Vivek Kumar Radha Mohan,Mona Subramaniam, "A clustering technique for digital communications channel equalization using radial basis function networks," IEEE Transactions Neural Networks, vol. 4, pp. 570-578, July 1993. [4] Q.Wei,W.P.Dayawansa,and W.S.Levine,"Nonlinear-controller,for Inverted Pendulum,having,restricted.travel"Autom atica,vol.31,no.6,pp,851-862,June1995 [5] DONGIL CHOI and Jun-Ho Oh "Humanfriendly Motion Control of a Wheeled Inverted Pendulum by Reduced-order Disturbance Observer" 2008 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation Pasadena, CA, USA, May 19- 23, 2008. [6] Elmer P. Dadias, Patrick S. Fererandez, and David J,"Genetic Algorithm on Line Controller For The Flexible Inverted Pendulum Problem", Journal Of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics [7] R. Murillo Garcia1, F. Wornle1, B. G. Stewart1 and D. K. Harrison1, "Real-Time Remote Network Control of an Inverted Pendulum using ST-RTL", 32nd ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference November 6 - 9, 2002, Boston, MA. [8] W. Wang, "Adaptive fuzzy sliding mode control for inverted pendulum," in Proceedings of the Second Symposium International Computer Science and Computational Technology(ISCSCT '09) uangshan, P. R. China, 26-28, Dec. pp. 231-234, 2009. [9] Berenji HR. A reinforcement learningbased architecture for fuzlogic control. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning1992;6(1):267–92. [10] I. H. Zadeh and S. Mobayen, " PSO-based controller for balancing rotary inverted pendulum, " J. AppliedSci., vol. 16, pp. 2907-2912 2008. P.Kumar, O.N.Mehrotra, J.Mahto |
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272. | A Two Dimensional Matrix Presentation for Idea Evaluation
A Two Dimensional Matrix Presentation for Idea EvaluationAbstract: Idea evaluation is an important step in innovation management process. The idea management process starts with idea generation phase that should produce as many ideas as possible. Then the best one should be selected to be further developed. In the model presented in this paper there are two 2-dimensional tables, one for customer and the other for producer. The value for customer is divided to two factors: usefulness and economic efficiency. The same way the table of producer is divided to marketability and productivity. The evaluation is based on a matrix formed by a group of criteria, weight factors and knowledge base. The method was tested by using a prototype software developed with Microsoft Excel.Key words: Innovation management, idea evaluation, creativity, matrix method. Reference [1] Bry N.: Is Modular Design the Key to Rapid Innovation? Available: http://www.innovationexcellence.com/ blog/2012/05/28/is-modular-design-the-keyto-rapid-innovation/ [2] Insights on innovation management in Europe, tangible results from IMP3rove. European communities 2008. Available: https://www.improve-innovation.eu/wpcontent/uploads/2010/07/Europe_INNOVA_paper _10_insightsoninnovation-2008.pdf. [3] Rebernic M., Bradac B.: Idea evaluation methods and techniques. Available: http://www.creativetrainer.eu/fileadmin/template/download/module_id ea_evaluation_final.pdf . [4] Discovering The Kano Model. Available: http://www.kanomodel.com/ [5] Baumgartner, Jeffrey. "How to Evaluate Ideas", n.d. Available: http://www.innovationtools.com /Articles/ EnterpriseDetails.asp?a=316 [6] Ulrich, Karl T, and Steven D Eppinger. Product design and development. Boston: McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2008. Esa Hietikko |
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273. | A Biologically-Inspired Metaheuristic Procedure for Modelling-to-Generate-Alternatives
A Biologically-Inspired Metaheuristic Procedure for Modelling-to-Generate-AlternativesAbstract: In finding solutions to many "real world" engineering optimizationproblems, it is generally desirable to be able to construct several quantifiably good alternatives that provide very different perspectives to the particular problem. This is because complex decision-making situations typically involve problems riddled with incompatible performance objectives and possess competing design requirements that are very difficult – if not impossible – to quantify and capture when the supporting decision models must be formulated. There are invariably unmodelled design issues, not apparent during model construction, which can greatly impact the acceptability of any model's solutions. Consequently, it is preferable to generate numerous alternatives that provide dissimilar approaches to the problem. These alternatives should possess near-optimal objective measures with respect to all known modelled objective(s), but be fundamentally different from each other in terms of the system structures characterized by their decision variables. This maximally different solution creation approach is referred to as modelling-to-generate-alternatives (MGA). This paper provides an efficient, biologicallyinspired metaheuristic MGA method that can concurrently create multiple solution alternatives that simultaneously satisfy the required system performance criteria and are maximally different in the decision space. The efficacy of this MGA approach is demonstrated on a number of benchmark engineering optimizationproblems.Key words: Biologically-inspired Metaheuristic Algorithms,Firefly Algorithm, Modelling-togenerate-alternatives Reference [1] Brugnach, M., Tagg, A., Keil, F., and De Lange W.J., Uncertainty matters: computer models at the science-policy interface, Water Resources Management21, 2007, 1075-1090. [2] Janssen, J.A.E.B., Krol, M.S., Schielen, R.M.J., and Hoekstra, A.Y., The effect of modelling quantified expert knowledge and uncertainty information on model based decision making,Environmental Science and Policy13(3),2010, 229-238. [3] Walker, W.E., Harremoes, P., Rotmans, J., Van der Sluis, J.P., Van Asselt, M.B.A., Janssen, P., and Krayer von Krauss, M.P., Defining uncertainty – a conceptual basis for uncertainty management in model-based decision support,Integrated Assessment4(1),2003, 5-17. [4] Gunalay, Y., and Yeomans, J. S., Generating alternatives using simulationoptimization combined with niching operators to address unmodelled objectives in a waste management facility expansion planning case, International Journal of Operations Research and Information Systems, 2012, In Press. [5] Gunalay, Y., Yeomans, J. S., and Huang, G. H., Modelling to generate alternative policies in highly uncertain environments: An application to municipal solid waste management planning,Journal of Environmental Informatics, 19(2),2012, 58- 69. [6] Loughlin, D.H., Ranjithan, S.R., Brill, E.D., and Baugh, J.W., Genetic Algorithm Approaches for Addressing Unmodeled Objectives in Optimization Problems,Engineering Optimization33(5),2001, 549-569. [7] Matthies, M., Giupponi, C., and Ostendorf, B., Environmental decision support systems: Current issues, methods and tools,Environmental Modelling and Software22(2),2007, 123-127. [8] Yeomans, J.S., and Gunalay, Y., Simulation-Optimization Techniques for Modelling to Generate Alternatives in Waste Management Planning,Journal of Applied Operational Research3(1),2011, 23-35. [9] Brill, E.D., Chang, S.Y., and Hopkins L.D., Modelling to generate alternatives: the HSJ approach and an illustration using a problem in land use planning, Management Science28(3),1982, 221-235. [10] Yang, X.S., Firefly Algorithms for Multimodal Optimization,Lecture Notes in Computer Science5792, 2009, 169-178. Raha Imanirad, Xin-She Yang, Julian Scott Yeomans |
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274. | Develpoment Of Genetic Algorithm Based Neural Network Model For Predicting Strength Of High Performance Concrete
Develpoment Of Genetic Algorithm Based Neural Network Model For Predicting Strength Of High Performance ConcreteAbstract: This paper presents an results of experimental investigation conducted to evaluate the possibilities of adopting Genetic Algorithm (GA) based Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) to predict the strength characteristics of High Performance Concrete (HPC) with different water-binder ratios (0.3, 0.325, 0.35, 0.375, 0.4, 0.425, 0.45, 0.475 & 0.5) and different aggregate binder ratios (2, 2.5 & 3) and different percentage replacement of cement by mineral admixtures such as Flyash, Metakaolin and Silicafume (0, 10, 20 & 30%) as input vectors. The network has been trained with experimental data obtained from laboratory experimentation. The Artificial Neural Network learned the relationship for predicting the Compressive strength, Tensile strength, Flexural strength and Young's Modulus of HPC in 2000 training epochs. After successful learning the GA based ANN model predicted the strength characteristics satisfying all the constraints with an accuracy of about 95%. The various stages involved in the development of genetic algorithm based neural network model are addressed at length in this paper.Key words: Genetic Algorithm (GA), Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Back Propagation (BP), Root Mean Square Error (RMSE). Mineral Admixtures (MA) and Strength Characteristics (SC) Reference [1] Cengiz Toklu.Y(2005) Aggregate blending using Genetic algorithms [2] Davis L (1991) Hand book of genetic algorithms, (New York: Van No strand Reinhold) [3] Hadi. N. (2000). Neural network applications in Concrete Structures, Compute & Struct. 8:373-38 [4] I-Cheng Yeh (1999). Design of High – Performance Concrete Mixture Using Neural Networks and Nonlinear Programming .Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol.13, No.1. [5] Jamil.M,ZainM .F.M, Basri .H.B.(2009)Neural Network Simulator Model for Optimization in High Performance Concrete Mix Design .European Journal of Scientific Research Vol.34 No.1, pp.61-68 [6] Jenkins W.M. (1992) Plane frame optimum design environment based on genetic algorithm. [7] M. Nehdi, Y. Djebbar and A.Khan, (2001). Neural Network Model for Preformed-Foam Cellular Concrete, ACI Materials Journal, [8] Mohammad Iqbal Khan (2012) Predicting properties of high performance concrete containing composite cementitious material using neural networks Automation in construction, volume 22. [9] Ni Hong-Guang, Wang Ji-Zong (2000) Prediction of Compressive strength of concrete by neural networks Cement and Concrete research -Cem. Concr. Res.volume 30:1245–1250. [10] Noorzaii. J, Wan, S. J. S. Hakim, M. S. Jafarand W. A. M. Thanoon(2007) Development of artificial neural networks for predicting concrete compressive strength of concrete International journal of Engineering and Technology.Vol.4, No.2, 2007, pp. 141- 153. Dr.Vaishali G.Gorphade, Dr.H.Sudarsana Rao, M.Beulah |
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275. | Critical Infrastructure and Botnet
Critical Infrastructure and BotnetAbstract: Critical infrastructures are those services which serve as the life line of nation. As the technology develops these services are becoming more and more interdependent and depends on information flow in between them and thus become a potential target for cyber attacks. At the center of most of the cyber attacks are collection of compromised host, or botnets. Botnets is group of compromised computers controlled remotely by attackers for various network attacks such DDoS etc. This paper review what critical infrastructure is, their interdependency and the threat that botnet posses to them. This paper also reviews the botnet life cycle, communication topologies and ways to detect and countermeasure the botnet.Key words: Critical Infrastructure, Botnet, Botnet Detection Reference [1] Paul Bacher, Thorsten Holz, Markus Kotter and Georg Wicherski, "Know your Enemy: Tracking Botnets", www.honeynet.org/papers/bots/ [2] Thomas M. Chen, "Stuxnet, the real start of cyber warfare?" IEEE Network, November/December 2010. [3] Steven M. Rinaldi, James P. Peerenboom and Terrence K. Kelly, "Critical Infrastructure Interdependencies", IEEE Control Systems Magazine, 2001. [4] David Korowica, "Financial System Supply Chain Cross contagion", http://www.feasta.org/wpcontent/uploads/2012/06/Trade-Off1.pdf [5] Maryam Feily, Alireza Shahrestani and Sureswaran Ramadass, "A Survey of Botnet and Botnet Detection", International Conference on Emerging Security Information, System and Technologies, IEEE 2009. [6] Julian B. Grizzard, Vikram Sharma, Chris Nunnery, Brent Kang, David Dagon, "Peer-to-Peer Botnets: Overview and Case Study", HotBots‟07 Proceedings of the first conference on Hot Topics in Understanding Botnets. [7] Tracking GhostNet: Investigating a Cyber Espionage Network Information Warfare Monitor, 2009. [8] Binkley, J.R., Singh, S., "An algorithm for anomaly-based botnet detection", In Proceedings of the 2nd conference on Steps to Reducing Unwanted Traffic on the Internet, 2006. [9] Choi, H., Lee H., Kim H., "Botnet Detection by Monitoring Group Activities in DNS Traffic", In Proceeding of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, 2007. [10] Lance Spitzner, "Honeypots: Definitions and Value of Honeypots", www.trackinghackers.com/papers/honeypots.html [11] Zhichun Li, Anup Goyal, and Yan Chen, "Honeynet-based Botnet Scan Traffic Analysis", "Botnet Detection: Countering the Largest Security Threat," Springer 2007. [12] Dagon, D., Zhou, C., Lee, W. "Modelling botnet propagatioin using time zones", In Proceedings of the 13th Annual Symposium on Network and Distributed System Security, 2006. Prashant S. Gosavi, Amit A. Dange, Dr. B. B. Meshram |
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276 | Optimization of GPS Receiver to Mitigate Near-Far Problem for Acquisition of GPS/ PL Signals
Optimization of GPS Receiver to Mitigate Near-Far Problem for Acquisition of GPS/ PL SignalsAbstract: The GPS is best technique in the navigation and positioning field. The main limitation of the GPS use indoors are the low signal power and the presence of multi-paths, Intersymbole Interference and near-far Problems which may affect significantly the signal acquisition and tracking accuracy[1],[2]. The performance of GPS needs to be improved with technological advances. As a GPS-like ground transmitter, the Pseudolite provides a new research direction to achieve high positioning accuracy and reliability. Pseudolites (pseudo-satellites) are local transmitters on Earth that transmits GPS like raning signals in order for augment the GPS system for use in locations where satellite signals may be obstructed.[4] In this paper, we have focused on Generation of C/A code using ICD-GPS200C Data sheet, explaine the effects of Near-far problems and describe the various solutions to overcome near-far Problems Finally we have acquired GPS/Pseudolite signals using crosscorrelation.Key words: GPS: Global Positioning System, C/A: Course Acquisition, PL: Pseudolite, Near-Far, AGC, Pulse Blanking Reference [1] Parkinson B. A History of satellite navigation . J I Nav, 1995,42(1):109-104. [2] Missra P.,enge,P., Global Positioning System: signals ,Measurements and Performance. Ganga-Jamuna Press, Linclon, MAm 2006, 2nd Edition. [3] ICD-GPS-200C Document Provided by the "ICD-GPS-200C " 10 OCT 1993. [4] Zhag Lei,Simulation on C/A codes and analysis of GPS/Pseudolite signals acquisition " Science in China Series E:Technological Sciences" published in may 2009. [5] "http:/link.springer.com/article/10.1007"… Zhang L, Wang J Y, Dai N. Analysis and research on near- far effect of pseudolites based on TDMA technology "(in Chinese). Comp Tech Dev" , 2007, 17(11): 167―170 [6] "http:/link.springer.com/article/10.1007" Elliott D K, Christopher J H. Understanding GPS Principles and Applications (in Chinese). Beijing: Publishing House of Electronics Industry, 2007. 81-110. [7] "http:/link.springer.com/article/10.1007" Cobb H S. "GPS Pseudolite: Theory, Design and Application", Dissertation of Doctoral Degree. Stanford: Stanford University, 1997. 87―101. [8] Wang J. Pseudolite applications in positioning and navigation: Progress and Problems. "Journal Global Positioning System", 2002. [9] DHofmann-wellnhoff et al,1998. [10] G. Joseph, C. Hegarty, "Characterization of L5 Receiver Performance Using Digital Pulse Blanking", Proceedings of ION GPS, Sep 2002. P.Veeranath, S.Sumalatha, NMMK Prasad |
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277. | Design of Cost Effective Noise Barrier in Dhaka
Design of Cost Effective Noise Barrier in DhakaAbstract: As in recent years, traffic noise - the unpleasant, unwanted sounds generated on our nation's streets and highways - has been of increasing concern both to the public and to local and government officials. At the same time, modern acoustical technology has been providing better ways to lessen its intensity and the adverse impacts of traffic noise, but its implementation in Bangladesh is poor. Main focus of this research was concentrated to analyze noise levels in major arterial road of Dhaka city from Saidabad Rail Crossing to Shanir Akhra. Noise levels were collected in and were analyzed for 41 locations in the study area. Almost in every location, average noise level was found more than the acceptable limit set by the Department of Environment (DoE), Bangladesh. To make this research more policy oriented a cost effective design of noise barrier is proposed to mitigate the effects of ambient noise on activities near the study area. In this regard, height of noise barrier was selected using two different ways e.g. Insertion loss calculation from known path length difference and determination of path length from known attenuation value. Relationship between insertion loss with height of barrier, position of barrier from receiver, frequency, Fresnel number, path length difference and temperature was also observed. Barrier thickness was selected depending on the material used in barrier. Cost of barrier was estimated depending on the price quoted by different vendors and following the method proposed by MDOT. Finally, a survey was conducted to solicit people's perception regarding noise barrier and its effects in these areas. The responses were analyzed in this research.Key words: Average noise levels, Barrier costs, Insertion loss, Noise barriers. Reference [1] R.E. Klingner, M.T. McNerney, I. B. Vishniac, 2003, "Design Guide for Highway Noise Barriers", Research Report 0-1471-4, Effective Noise Barrier Solutions for TxDOT. [2] "Plywood Noise Barriers" a report by EWPAA, JASANZ. [3] U.S DOT, Federal Highway Administration, 2001, "Keeping The Noise Down: Highway Traffic Noise Barriers". PUBLICATION NO. FHWA-EP-01-004 HEPN/2-01(10M) E. [4] U.S DOT, Federal Highway Administration, 2000, "FHWA Highway Noise Barrier Design Handbook", Final Report FHWA-EP-00-005. [5] A.Hassan, J.B. Alam, 2013, "Traffic Noise Levels at Different Locations in Dhaka City and Noise Modelling for Construction Equipments", IJERA, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 1032 - 1040. [6] MDOT, 2011, "Highway Noise Analysis and Abatement Handbook". Accessed at http://www.michigan.gov/documents/mdot/MDOT_H ighwayNoiseAnalysis_and_AbatementHandbook_358 156_7.pdf [7] Tom Paige, Kinetics Noise Control, Inc., "Outdoor Noise Barriers: Design and Applications". [8] ICF International, 2008, "Guidelines for Selection and Approval of Noise Barrier Products". National Cooperative Highway Research Program. [9] Highways Department, 2003, Guidelines on Design of Noise Barriers", Government of the Hong Kong SAR. [10] G.Parker, "Effective Noise Barrier Design", Sound Barrier Solutions Limited. Asif Hassan, Faria S. Imam |
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278. | Survey on Minutiae Coordinates of X-Axis and Y- Axis in Fingerprint Captured Image using Optical Fingerprint Scanner
Survey on Minutiae Coordinates of X-Axis and Y- Axis in Fingerprint Captured Image using Optical Fingerprint ScannerAbstract: Fingerprint recognition is the most effective biometric to provide authentication. Fingerprint images are captured using an optical fingerprint scanner. The fingerprint images are then marked for unique points like bifurcation or ridge termination called minutiae. In this paper, we have surveyed fingerprints of 40 subjects and proposed a new factor in fingerprint image captured from the optical sensor. X-Axis and Y-Axis of the minutiae in the captured fingerprint images are analyzed using coordinate measurement system in order to find an improved and effective way of minutiae coordinates storage as a database for further recognition. This technique acts as an effective way for fingerprint database compression.Key words: Biometric, Compression Technique, Coordinate System, Fingerprint Image, Fingerprint Minutiae Reference [1] P. Komarinski, P. T. Higgins, and K. M.. Higgins, K. Fox Lisa,"Automated Fingerprint. Identification Systems (AFIS)", Elsevier cademic Press, pp. 1- 118, 2005. [2] Woodward, J. ,Orlans, P. , Higgins T.(2003), Biometrics, McGrawHill/Osborne. [3] Gabriel I, Oluwole A, Boniface A, Olatubosun O (2012) Fingerprint image enhancement: segmentation to thinning. Department of Computer Science. Int J Adv Comp Sci Appl 3(1). [4] A. Jain, R. Bolle, and S, Pankanti, "Biometrics Personal Identification in Networked Society", Kluwer Academic Publishers New York, Boston, Dordrecht, London, Moscow, pp. 1-64, 2002. [5] Vishal Shrivastava, Sumit Sharma, Data Compression of Fingerprint Minutiae, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Vol. 4 No. 02 Feburary 2012. [6] Wikipedia, The free encyclopedia. wikipedia.org/wiki/Fingerprint_recognitio n. [7] Anil K. Jain and Umut Uldag: Hiding Fingerprint Minutiae in Images. [8] Digital Persona Biometric Fingerprint Devices http://www.digitalpersona.com/Biometrics /Hardware-Products/Hardware-Overview. [9] Salil Prabhakar, Anil K. Jain, Sharath Pankanti: Learning Fingerprint Minutiae Location and Type. Pattern recognition 36 (2003) 1847 – 1857. [10] The History of Fingerprints, onin.com/fp/fphistory.html [11] Image editor software, Adobe Photoshop 7.0, www.adobe.com/in/products/photoshop.ht ml Ankit Sharma, Vinod Kumar, Surabhi Jain |
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279. | Analysis Of Total Harmonic Distortion Using Multicarrier Pulse Width Modulation
Analysis Of Total Harmonic Distortion Using Multicarrier Pulse Width ModulationAbstract: Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverters have become an effective and practical solution for reducing harmonics, switching losses and allows for higher output voltage and have many applications in electric utility and for industrial drives. In this paper 7, 9 and 11 levels of cascaded h-bridge multilevel inverters total harmonic distortion is analyzed using multicarrier pulse width modulation technique. These levels are employed to generate ac output voltage producing different magnitudes of THD indices for comparison purpose. In the analysis it is found that the THD in output voltage decrease and output voltage increase with increase in number of levels. The THD has been analyzed by the MATLAB/Simulink.Key words: Multilevel inverter, Cascaded H-Bridge multilevel inverter, Multicarrier pulse width modulation,Total harmonic distortion. Reference [1] John N. Chiasson, Leon M. Tolbert, Keith J.McKenzie, Zhong Du, " A Complete solution to the harmonic elimination problem", IEEE transactions on power electronics, Vol. 19, No.2, pp. 491-498, March 2004. [2] J .Rodríguez, J.S.Lai, and F. Z.Peng,"Multilevel Inverters: A Survey ofT opologies, Controls, and Applications", IEEETransactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 49,No. 4, August 2002,pp.724-739. [3] Fang Zheng Peng, Jih-Sheng Lai, et al, ―A Multilevel Voltage-Source Inverter with Separate DC Sources for Static Var Generation‖, IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, vol. 32, no. 5, pp. 1130-1138, September/October 1996. [4] X. Yuan and I. Barbi, "Fundamentals of a New Diode Clamping multilevel Inverter", IEEE Transaction sPower Electron.,Vol. 15, No.4, 2000, pp. 711-718. [5] K.Surya Suresh , M.Vishnu Prasad,"PV Cell Based Five Level Inverter Using Multicarrier PWM "International Journal of Modern Engineering Research,Vol.1, Issue.2, pp-545-551. [6] PhilipT.Krein ,Robert S.Balog and Xin Geng,"High-Frequency Link Inverter for fuel cells Based on Multiple Carrier PWM", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol 19, N0.5, Sep 2004. [7] D.Mohan and Sreejith B.Kurub "PerformanceAna lysis of Multi Level ShuntActive Filter based on SDM" in CiiT International Journal of Di gital Signal Pro cessing pp42 – 46 [8] B.P.Mcgrath and D.G Holmes "Multi carrier PWM strategies for multilevel inverter" IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics, Volume 49, Issue 4, Aug 2002, pp 858-867 [9] L. M.Tolbert, F. Z. Peng, andT. G. Habetler "Multilevel Converters for LargeElectric Drives,"IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 35, no. 1, Jan/Feb. 1999,pp.36-44. [10] L. M.Tolbert, F. Z. Peng,T. G. Habetler, "Multilevel Inverters for Electric Vehicle Applica tions," IEEE Workshop on Power Electronics in Transportation, Oct 22-23, 1998,Dearborn, Michigan, pp.1424-1431. [11] J.Rodríguez, J.S.Lai, and F. Z.Peng,"Multilevel Invert ers: A Survey ofT opologies, Controls, and Applications", IEEETransactions on Industrial Electronics,Vol. 49,No. 4, August 2002,pp.724-739. M.S.Sivagamasundari, Dr.P.Melba Mary |
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280. | Piston Strength Analysis Using FEM
Piston Strength Analysis Using FEMAbstract: This work describes the stress distribution of the piston by using finite element method (FEM). FEM is performed by using computer aided engineering (CAE) software. The main objective of this project is to investigate and analyze the stress distribution of piston at the actual engine condition during combustion process. The parameter used for the simulation is operating gas pressure and material properties of piston. The report describes the mesh optimization by using FEM technique to predict the higher stress and critical region on the component. The piston under study belongs to the two stroke single cylinder engine of SUZUKI Max100 motorcycle. Aluminum is selected as piston material. It is important to locate the critical area of concentrated stress for appropriate modification. Computer aided design (CAD) software PRO-E Wildfire 4.0 is used to model the piston. And static stress analysis and dynamic analysis is performed by using ANSYS 14. Based on stress analysis results the weight optimization of piston is done using ANSYS 14.Key words: Dynamic Analysis, FEM, Optimization, Piston Analysis, Piston Strength Analysis, Static Analysis, Two Stroke Reference [1] Silva F.S. Fatigue on engine pistons – A compendium of case studies, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Minho, Portugal, Engineering Failure Analysis 13 (2006) 480– 492 [2] Shigley, Joseph E. Mechanical Engineering Design, 3rd edition, 1977 McGraw-Hill. [3] Jadhav Rajendra B, Dr. Vikhe Patil G. J. Computer Aided Design and Analysis of Piston Mechanism of Four Stroke S.I. Engine, Amrutvahini College of Engineering, Sangamner, Pune University, Maharashtra- 422605; 978-1-4244-9082-0/10 ©2010 IEEE [4] Richard Stone and Jeffrey K. Ball, Automotive Engineering Fundamentals, SAE International Warrendale. Pa, Copyright © 2004, Richard Stone and Jeffrey K. Ball, ISBN 0-7680-0987- 1, SAE Order No. R-199 [5] Shenoy P. S. and Fatemi A. 2006, Dynamic Analysis of Loads and Stresses in Connecting Rods, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Vol. 220, No. 5, pp. 615-624 [6] Shenoy P. S. and Fatemi A. Connecting Rod Optimization for Weight and Cost Reduction, SAE Paper No. 2005-01-0987, SAE 2005 Transactions: Journal of Materials and Manufacturing [7] Azrol Bin Arof, Finite Element Analysis of an Upper Motorcycle Piston, University Malaysia Pahang, November 2009 [8] Design Data, Databook of Engineers, Compiled by PSG college of Technology Coimbatore, Published by Kalaikathir Achchagam Coimbatore ©1968, Revised edition 1970, Reprinted in January 2010 [9] Kolchin A. and Demidov V. Design of Automotive Engines, Translated from the Russian by P. Zabolotnyi, MIR Publishers Moscow, First published 1984, Revised from the second 1980 Russian edition, ©English translation, Mir Publishers, 1984 [10] Carvalheira P. and Goncalves P. FEA of Two Engine Pistons Made Of Aluminum Cast Alloy A390 and Ductile Iron 65-45-12 under Service Conditions, 5th International Conference on Mechanics and Materials in Design, REF: A0319.0006, Chapter III: Product Engineering & Development in Design Swati S Chougule, Vinayak H Khatawat |
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281. | Speed Control of Three Phase Induction Motor by V/f Method for Batching Motion System
Speed Control of Three Phase Induction Motor by V/f Method for Batching Motion SystemAbstract: The electric drive systems used in industrial applications are increasingly required to meet the higher performance and reliability requirement. Today about 90% of all industrial motor applications use three phase induction motors because they are simple in design, easy to maintain, and are less costly than other designs. The paper is depend upon the batching system which is one application of weaving machine which rolls the cloth with specific tension so that it should neither slacken the cloth nor tightened it by replacing DC system with the AC system.. The motion of this loom is controlled by induction motor where in the AC drive is used to run the induction motor which rotates the drum through pulleys.Key words: - Ac drive, Batching system, Counter meter, Encoder, Gear box, Encoder, Three phase induction motor Reference [1] Farzan Rashidi," Sensorless speed sontrol of induction motor drives using robust and adaptive neuro-fuzzzy basedintelligent controller",IEEE international conference on industrial technology (ICIT), 2004, pp. 617-627. [2] Rashidi, F., Rashidi,M.,"Design of robust sliding mode speed control with fuzzy approach for induction motor", IEEE international conference onindustrial technology(ICIT03),pp. 27-30. [3] Mr. Aung Zaw Latt, Dr.Ni Ni Win,"Variable speed drive of single phase induction motor using frequency control method",International conference on education technology and computer 2009,pp. 30-34. [4] W.I.Ibrahim, R.M.T. Raja Ismail, M.R.Ghazali,"Development of variable speed drive for single phase induction motor based on frequency control",Proceedings of Encon 2011 4th engineering conference Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. [5] H.N.Hickok," Adjustable speed a tool for saving energy losses in pumps,fan blower and compressors", IEEE transaction industrial applications,Vol IA21, no.1,PP. 124-136,Jan.1985. [ 6] M.M.M. Negm," Torque optimized speed control of a three phase induction motor",in Proc.Int.Conf.power system technology,power con 2000,pp. 67-72. [7] R.D.Lorendz,"Tuning of field oriented induction motor controller for high performance applications",IEEE transactions Ind.Appl.,Vol. 31 no. 4,pp. 812-822,Jul. 1995. [8] Thida Win, Nang Sabai, and Hnin Nandar Maung,"Analysis of variable frequency three phase inducton motor drive", World academy of science, engineering and technology, 42 2008. Shilpa V. Kailaswar, Prof. R.A.Keswani |
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282. | Upshot of Sinkhole Attack in DSR Routing Protocol Based MANET
Upshot of Sinkhole Attack in DSR Routing Protocol Based MANETAbstract: Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) is a kind of wireless network which has no infrastructure and is a self configuring wireless network of mobile nodes, each node on the MANET will act like a router which forwards the packets. Due to these properties MANET is vulnerable to attacks. Most common of them is routing attack. Sinkhole attack is a kind of routing attack launched by a malicious node on MANET. A sinkhole node tries to attract all the network packets to it-self from all neighboring nodes. Sinkhole node does this by luring itself as a better route to reach the destination. Further it may launch other severe routing attacks like black hole or selective forwarding attack. This paper studies the characteristics of sinkhole attack and how it will affect the performance of the Distance Vector Routing (DSR) Routing protocol. The implementation is done using NS2 as the simulator.Key words: MANET, Sinkhole attack, DSR, NS2 simulator. Reference [1] Sangeeta Biswal, Suneeta Mohanty, Dambarudharh seth, "Study of DSR Routing Protocol in Mobile Adhoc Network", International Conference on Information and Network Technology, Singapore, vol. 4, 2011. [2] Drs. Baruch Awerbuch and Amitabh Mishran, Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) Protocol, Advanced Topics in wireless Networks, CS: 647. [3] Dr. G. padmavathi, D. shanmugapriya, "A Survey of attacks, security mechanisms and challenges in wireless sensor networks", International journal on computer science and engineering, vol. 4, June 2009. [4] Gagandeep, Aashima, "Study of sinkhole attacks in wireless Ad hoc networks", International journal on computer science and engineering, vol. 4, June 2011. [5] Sonal R. Jathe, Dhananjay M. Dakhane, "Indicators for detecting Sinkhole Attack in MANET", Proc.International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advance Engineering, volume 2, Issue 1, Jan. 2012. [6] Venkatapathy Ragunath , "Implementations of DSR Protocol in NS2 simulator". [7] Satveer Kaur, "performance Comparison of DSR and AODV Routing Protocols with Efficient Mobility Model in Mobile AdHoc Networks", IJSCT Vol. 2, June 2011. [8] kisung kim and se hun kim, "A Sinkhole Detection method Based on Incrimental Learning in wireless Ad Hoc Networks", Department of industrial Engineering, korea advance institute of science and technolog. [9] Syamak Shah, Amit Khander, Mahesh Shirole and Girish Bhole, "Performance Evaluation of Ad Hoc Routing Protocols Using NS2 Simulation", Mobile and Pervasive Computing (CoMPC), 2008. [10] Usha G and Dr.Bose S, "Impact Of Sinking Behavior in Mobile Ad Hoc Network", International Journal of Ad Hoc, Sensor & Ubiquitous Computing (IJASUC) vol. 3. No. 3, June 2012. Mohammed Ashfaq Hussain, Dr. A. Francis Saviour Devaraj |
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283. | Effect of Chemical Reaction on Convective Instability in a Horizontal Porous Layer Saturated with a Couple-Stress Fluid
Effect of Chemical Reaction on Convective Instability in a Horizontal Porous Layer Saturated with a Couple-Stress FluidAbstract: The problem of onset of convective instability in a horizontal inert porous layer saturated with a couple-stress fluid subject to zero-order chemical reaction is investigated by the method of small perturbation. Modified Darcy-couple-stress model is used to describe the fluid motion. The horizontal porous layer is cooled from the upper boundary while an isothermal boundary condition is imposed at the lower boundary. Closed form solution pertaining to the equilibrium state is obtained. The resulting eigenvalue problem, subject to realistic flow boundary conditions, is solved approximately using the Galerkin method. The media DarcyRayleigh number, characterizing the stability of the system, is calculated as a function of the Frank-Kamenetskii number, wavenumber and the couple-stress parameter. It is found that the destabilizing effect of chemical reaction on the system is more pronounced and the aspect ratio of convection cells becomes uniform provided that the couple-stress parameter is large.Key words: Chemical reaction, Couple stress, Galerkin method, Natural convection, Porous media, Stability. Reference [1] S. Chandrasekhar, Hydrodynamic and hydromagnetic stability (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1961). [2] D.D. Joseph, Stability of fluid motions (New York: Springer, 1976). [3] D.B. Ingham and I. Pop, Transport phenomena in porous media (Oxford: Pergamon, 2005). [4] K. Vafai, Handbook of porous media (New York: Marcel Dekker, 2010). [5] D.A. Nield and A. Bejan, Convection in porous media (New York: Springer, 2013). [6] W. Kordylewski and Z. Krajewski, Convection effects on thermal ignition in porous media, Chem. Engng. Sci., 39, 1984, 610-612. [7] W.W. Farr, J.F. Gabitto, D. Luss and V. Balakotaiah, Reaction-driven convection in a porous medium, AIChE Journal, 37, 1991, 963-985. [8] H. Viljoen and V. Hlavacek, Chemically driven convection in a porous medium, AIChE Journal, 33, 1987, 1344-1350. [9] S. Subramanian and V. Balakotaiah, Convective instabilities induced by exothermic reactions occurring in a porous medium, Phys. Fluids, 6, 1994, 2907-2922. [10] M.S. Malashetty, P. Cheng and B.H. Chao, Convective instability in a horizontal porous layer saturated with a chemically reacting fluid, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 37, 1994, 2901-2908. Mubeen Taj, S. Maruthamanikandan, Syeda Khudeja Akbar |
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284. | Secure Sessionbased Authentication Schemes
Secure Sessionbased Authentication SchemesAbstract: Authentication is a process of verifying the identity of someone (a user, device, or an entity) who wants to access data, resources, or applications. Validating the identity shall establish a trust relationship for further interactions. Authentication even enables the accountability by making it possible to integrate both access and actions to specific identities. There are a huge number of techniques to provide security in terms of authentication. But still there is wide scope for much enhanced authentication schemes. Hence in this paper, we proposed a novel technique which is based of one-time Draw-a-secret method.Reference [1] S.Balaji et al, "Authentication Techniques for Engendering Session Passwords with Colors and Text", Advances in Computer Science and its Applications, 1(3):189-195, 2012. [2] H.Zhao and X.Li, "S3PAS: A Scalable ShoulderSurfing Resistant Textual-Graphical Password Authentication Scheme", 21st International Conference AINAW 07, Vol.2, pp:467-472, Canada 2007. [3] X.Suo, Y.Zhu and G.S.Owen, "Graphical Passwords: A Survey", Proceesing of ACSAC, 2005. [4] A.H.Lashkari et al., "A New algorithm on Graphical User Authentication (GUA) based on multi-line grids", Scientific Research and Essays, 5(24):3865-3875, 2010. [5] A.Sreelatha et al., "Authentication Schemes for Session Passwords using Color and Images", International Journal of Network Security & its Applications (IJNSA), 3(3):111-119, 2011. T.Pavan Kumar, Nagesh Vadaparthi, A.Manvi, A.Alekhya |
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285. | High-Power Applications CCM Boost Converter with Two Limb Topology Using Soft-Switching Techniques
High-Power Applications CCM Boost Converter with Two Limb Topology Using Soft-Switching TechniquesAbstract: This paper proposes a new double limb topology converter which doubles the input dc voltage suitable for high power applications. Switching losses is also considerably reduced by implementing soft switching techniques. The load current is shared by two branches and hence current stress across the switch is greatly reduced. The zero-voltage-transition (ZVT) pulse width modulation (PWM) converter achieves soft switching of the main switch and diode without increasing their voltage or current stresses.Key words: Continuous Conduction mode (CCM), Zero Voltage switching (ZVS), Zero Current Switching (ZCS), Isolated Reference [1] V. Vorperian, "Quasi-square-wave converters: Topologies and analysis,"IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 183–191, Apr. 1988 [2] M. S. Elmore, "Input current ripple cancellation in synchronized, parallel connected critically continuous boost converters," in Proc. IEEE APEC, 1996 pp. 152–158. [3] Y.-C. Hsieh, T.-C. Hsueh, and H.-C. Yen, "An interleaved boost converter with zerovoltage transition," IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 973–978, Apr. 2009. [4] T. Mizoguchi, T.Ohgai, and T.Ninomiya, "A family of single-switch ZVSCV DC– DC converters," in Proc. IEEE APEC, 1994, vol. 2, pp. 1392– 1398. [5] E. H. Kim and B. H. Kwon, "Zero-voltageand zero-current-switching full-bridge converter with secondary resonance," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 57, no. 3, pp. 1017–1025, Mar. 2010 [6] G. Ivensky, I. Elkin, and S. Ben-Yaakov, "An isolated dc-dc converter using two zero current switched IGBT's in a symmetrical topology," in Proc. IEEE Power Electron. Spec. Conf., 1994, pp. 1218–1225. [7] R.Severns and E.Bloom, Modern DC/DC Switch mode Power Converter Circuits. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, Dec.1985 [8] P. J.Wolfs, "A current-sourced dc-dc converter derived via duality principle from half bridge converter," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 40, pp. 139–144, 1993. [9] Hwu, K. I.; Yau, Y.T., "High Step-Up Converter Based on Charge Pump and Boost Converter," Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on vol.27, no.5, pp.2484 - 2494, May 2012 [10] N.-H.Kutkut, "Investigation of soft switched IGBT based boost converters for high power applications," in Proc. Ind. Appl. Conf., 1997, vol. 2, pp. 1616–1623. R.Saktheeswaran, Member ISTE, R.Sivakumar, S.Sulthan sikkander badusha, A.Parthiban |
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286. | Influence of different protein sources on cooking and sensory quality of pasta
Influence of different protein sources on cooking and sensory quality of pastaAbstract: Supplementation of pasta with different protein sources (legumes, milk proteins, egg protein) was done. Cooking and sensory quality of pasta was assessed. Statistically, a nonsignificant variation (P 0.05) was observed in the minimum cooking time of resultant pasta but significant correlations (r=0.95) was obtained between the volume expansion and the percent water absorption of supplemented pasta. Leaching of solids of supplemented pasta was higher in cooked water in comparison to control. Sensory attributes (appearance, flavour and taste) of pasta improved with the addition of legumes, WPC (Whey protein concentrate) and egg albumen resulted in increase in acceptability score. Supplementation of protein sources enhanced the nutritional and organoleptic value of the resultant pasta. Among all the protein sources used at variable levels, the 15% mung bean flour, 10% whey protein concentrate and 6% egg albumen yielded the best quality pasta.Key words: Cooking and sensory quality, enrichment, egg protein, legume flour, milk protein, pasta. Reference [1] P. Feillet and J.E. Dexter (1996), Quality requirements of durum wheat for semolina milling and pasta production. In: J.E. Kruger, R.R. Matsuo and J.W. Dick, Editors, Pasta and noodle technology, American Association of Cereal Chemists, St. Paul, MN, USA 1996, 95–131. [2] E.W. Toepfer, M.M. Polnasky, J. F. Wwart, H.T. Slover, E.R. Morris, F.N. Hepburn, and F.W. Quackenbush (1972) Nutrient composition of selected wheats and wheat products XI Summary, Cereal Chemistry, 49, 173-186. [3] A. Mariani-Constantini (1988) Image and nutritional role of pasta – changing food patterns. In: Durum Chemistry and Technology. G and C Lintas, eds. American Association Cereal Chemistry: St. Paul, MN. [4] K. Lorenz (1983) Protein fortification of cookies, Cereal Foods World, 28, 449- 452. [5] D. Seivert, M. Lueders and R. Kirchhoff. (1997) Influence on quality of pasta produced from durum and soft wheat by addition of different protein substances, Getreide, Mehl and Brot, 51, 239-244. [6] C.J. Bergman, D.G. Gualberto and C.W. Weber (1994) Development of a high temperature dried soft pasta supplemented with cowpea [Vigna unguiculate (L.) walp]: Cooking quality, colour and sensory evaluation, Cereal Chemistry, 71, 523-527. [7] E.H. Payumo, P.P. Briones, E.A. Banzon and M.L.Torres (1969) The preparation of coco noodles, Phillipene Journal of Nutrition, 22, 216-224. [8] AACC (2000) Approved Methods of American Association of Cereal Chemists. 10th ed. The Association St. Paul, MN. [9] E. Larmond (1970) Laboratory methods for sensory evaluation of food Publ 1637. Canada Department Agricultural Ottawa, Canada. [10] S. Singh, M.L. Bansal, T.P. Singh and R. Kumar (1998) Statistical methods for research workers. Kalyani publishers, New Delhi. Savita S., Arshwinder K., Gurkirat K., Vikas N. |
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287. | Anti-Abortion And Babies Monitoring System
Anti-Abortion And Babies Monitoring SystemAbstract: A 2011 census shows that India has fewer and fewer girls, mostly because unborn female babies are being killed at a very high rate .many pregnant women abort their unborn child as soon as they find out it is a girl. In 1961 there were 976 girls for every 1000 boys under the age of seven.50 year later statistics shows that this figure has dropped to 914 girls. So to stop the sex-selective abortion we have to developed abortion tracking system, it may enough to stop the abortion of girls. The anti-abortion system includes two units a hospital unit and server unit .the pregnant women has to be registered using fingerprint connected to software which is linked to server PC via GSM. Thus progress of all babies of pregnant women monitored by regulatory authority. So no killing of female fetus and no illegal abortion.Key words: Hospital Unit, Server Unit, GSM, Finger Print Module Reference [1] Sex-selective abortions in India: A behavioral epidemic by Suman Saurabh, Sitanshu Sekhar Kar, Dhruv Kumar Pandey in Indian Journal of Community Health, Vol. 24, No. 1, Jan. 2012 - March 2012. [2] Basic Concept of Embedded 'C': Review by. S. C. Agrawal, Sanjay Singh, Arun Kumar Gautam & Mahesh Kumar Singh in International Journal of Computer Science and Informatics (IJCSI) ISSN (PRINT): 2231 –5292, Volume-1, Issue-3. [3] Trends in selective abortions of girls in India: analysis of nationally representative birth histories from 1990 to 2005 and census data from 1991 to 2011 by Prabhat Jha, Maya A Kesler, Rajesh Kumar, Faujdar Ram, Usha Ram, Lukasz Aleksandrowicz, Diego G Bassani, Shailaja Chandra, Jayant K Banthia in www.thelancet.com Vol 377 June 4, 2011 [4] Sex Selective Abortion in India by Christine Myers in Global Tides: Vol. 6, issue1 Article3. [5] ARM System Developer's Guide Designing and Optimizing System Software by Andrew N. Sloss Dominic Symes Chris Wright With a contribution by John Rayfield. ISBN: 1-55860-874-5 [6] LPC2131/2132/2134/2136/2138.Prelimina ry data sheet by Philips Semiconductors Rev. 02 — 15 April 2005. Sagar Shinde, Dhanashri Patil |
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288. | Determination Of Thermal Properties Of Coriander Seeds Anditsvolatile Oil (Coriandrumsativum)
Determination Of Thermal Properties Of Coriander Seeds Anditsvolatile Oil Oil(Coriandrumsativum)Abstract: The effect of temperature and moisture content on the thermal properties such as thermal conductivity, specific heat andbulk thermal diffusivity was evaluated. The thermal conductivity was measured by the transient technique using a line heat source. The maximum slope method was used to analyse the line source heating data for thermal conductivity determination. The specific heat capacity was measured by different scanning calorimetry and ranged from 730 to 4014 J/kg k at 3 to 15% mc (w.b.). The thermal conductivity of coriander seeds ranged from 0.0406 to 0.0989 W /m k and increased with moisture content in the range of 8 to 16 % mc (w.b.).thethermal diffusivity ranged from9.67823E-08to 1.68255E-07 m2/s at 8% mc (w.b.).such Thermal properties are useful in designing and fabrication of ambient and cryogenic grinding system for spices and other similar commodities.Reference 1. K. K. DUA, T.P. OJHA(1969) Measurement of Thermal Conductivity and its By-products. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, 14(1),11-17. 2. A. Muir, W. E., Viravanicha, S. (1972). Specific Heat of Wheat. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, 17, 338-342. 3. Y. Coskuner , E. Karababa (2007). Physical properties of coriander.Journal of Food Engineering 80, 408–416. 4. W. Yang et al.(2002). Determination of Thermal Conductivity, Specific Heat and Thermal Diffusivity of Borage Seeds.Biosystems Engineering 82 (2), 169–176. 5. seeds and agricultural materials by Mohsenin N N [5} 6. K.K. Singh &T.K. Goswami (2000).Thermal properties of cumin seed.Journal of Food Engineering 45, 181- 187. 7. C. T. Murthy &Suvendu Bhattacharya(1998) Moisture Dependant Physical and Uniaxial Compression Properties of Black Pepper.Journal of Food Engineering 37, 193-205. 8. M. Molenda and M. Stasiak(2002). Determination of the elastic constants of cereal grains in a uniaxial compression test.Int. Agrophysics, 16, 61-65. 9. Ogawa et al.(2011). Uniaxial compression and structural deformation ofFermented soybean seed.Journal of Texture Studies ISSN 0022-490. 10. Saiedirad et al.(2008).Effects of moisture content, seed size, loading rate and seed orientation on force and energy required for fracturing cumin seed (Cuminumcyminum Linn.) under quasistatic loading.Journal of Food Engineering 86, 565–572. 11. Rapusas et al.(1995).Bulk Density and Resistance to Airflow of Sliced Onion.Journal of Food Engineering 26, 67-80. 12. S. Subramanian, R. Viswanathan(2007). Bulk density and friction coefficients of selected minor millet grains and flours.Journal of Food Engineering 81, 118–126. 13. K.K. Singh & T.K. Goswami (2000).Thermal properties of cumin seed.Journal of Food Engineering 45, 181- 187 Vijay singh Sharanagat |
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289. | MP3 Music File Protection Using Digital Rights Management and Symmetric Ciphering
MP3 Music File Protection Using Digital Rights Management and Symmetric CipheringAbstract: This paper presents an encryption technique for the Digital Rights Managements which are applied to Mp3music file. Encryption algorithms are used to provide security to the multimedia data. Here, Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption is applied on the audio data with the use of MATLAB tool. The specific work that was conducted in the protection of the MP3 music files and on the specific mechanisms of the DRM platform. Experimental results demonstrate that AES encryption technique provides high security against cryptographies attacks. Here, we have applied the AES encryption technique to different audio files and its utility in the real time systems.Key words: DRM, MP3 music file, AES algorithm, RSA algorithm Reference [1] MP3 licensing web-site, http://www.mp3licensing.com [2] Technical information about the MP3 file format, http://www.mp3-tech.org/ [3] Chih-Hsu Yen, Hung-Yu Wei, and BingFei Wu, "New Encryption Approaches to MP3 Compression", Department of Electrical and Controling Engineering, National Chiao Tung University, 2003. [4] Digital Rights Management and consumers‟ use of music: An activitytheory perspective by Jenny Waycott, Margaret Jackson, Supriya Singh RMIT, Jenine Beekhuyzen, Griffith University [5] Thorwirth, N.J., Horvatic, P., Weis, R., and Jian Z., 2000, "Security Method for MP3 Music Delivery", Proceedings of the 34th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers 2000, Vol. 2, Oct. 29 - Nov. 1, pp. 1831-1835.. [6] JGang, L., Akansu, A. N., Ramkumar, M., and Xuefei, X., 2001, "On-Line Music Protection and MP3 Compression", Proceedings of 2001 International Symposium on Intelligent Multimedia, Video and Speech Processing, May 2-4, pp. 13 – 16 [7] Torrubia, A. and Mora, F., 2002, "Perceptual Cryptography on MPEG 1 Layer III Bit-Streams", Proceedings of International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE 2002), June 18-20, pp. 324 - 325. [8] Federal Information Processing Standard Publication, "Advanced Encryption Standard", November 26, 2001 [9] Ming Yang, N Bourbakis and S.Li, "Data Image & Video Encryption", IEEE, 18th October, 2004 [10] C. N. Zhang. C. Yang and A. Kostiuk, "A Secure MP3 Codec Supporting Encryption and Watermarking", 13th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems, August 2000, Las Vegas, pp 640-645. Sharda Y.Salunkhe, Prof. (Mr.) A.R.Nigavekar |
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290. | Character Recognition Technique using Neural Network
Character Recognition Technique using Neural NetworkAbstract: Character Recognition (CR) has been extensively studied in the last half century and progressed to a level, sufficient to produce technology driven applications. The preprocessing of characters comprises bounding of characters for translation invariance and normalization of characters for size invariance. Now, the rapidly growing computational power enables the implementation of the present CR methodologies and also creates an increasing demand on many emerging application domains, which require more advanced methodologies. In this paper an attempt is made to develop neural network strategies for the isolated. Handwritten English characters (A to Z. a to z). The preprocessing of characters comprises bounding of characters for translation invariance and normalization of characters for size invariance. First, an overview of CR systems and their evolution over time is presented. Then, the available CR techniques with their superiorities and weaknesses are reviewed. Finally, the current status of CR is discussed and directions for future research are suggested. The variability in a character introduced by the rotation and deformation is the main concern of this paper. This variability has been taken into account by devising a neural logic based approach using normalized angle features. Now, the rapidly growing computational power enables the implementation of the present CR methodologies and also creates an increasing demand on many emerging application domains, which require more advanced methodologies. This material serves as a guide and update for the readers, working in the Character Recognition area, remove noises and feature extraction. Special attention is given to the off-line handwriting recognition, since this area requires more research to reach the ultimate goal of machine simulation of human reading.Key words: CR; neural network; normalization; character; off-line; Character Recognition; feature extraction. Reference [1] R.Tokas, A.Bhadu, "A Comparative Analysis Of Feature Extraction Techniques For Handwritten Character Recognition", International Journal of Advanced Technology & Engineering Research (IJATER), July 2012, pp. 215-218. [2] M. Zafar, D. Mohamad, M.M. Anwar, "Recognition of Online Isolated Handwritten Characters by Back propagation Neural Nets Using SubCharacter Primitive Features", IEEE Multitopic Conference ( INMIC), 2006, pp. 157 – 162 [3] G. Vamvakas, B. Gatos, S. Petridis, N. Stamatopoulos, "An Efficient Feature Extraction and Dimensionality Reduction Scheme for Isolated Greek Handwritten Character Recognition", IEEE Ninth International Conference on Document analysis and Recognition(ICDAR ), 2007, vol. 2, pp. 1073 – 1077 Figure 2. Misclassification Rate of Bayesian Network and C4.5 with FULL,CFS and CON Features Sets 34 Computer Science & Information Technology (CS & IT) [4] J.R. Prasad, U.V. Kulkarni, R.S. Prasad, "Offline handwritten character recognition of Gujrati script using pattern matching", IEEE 3rd International Conference on Anti-counterfeiting, Security, and Identification in Communication, 2009, pp. 611-615. [5] H.S. Park, S.W. Lee, "An HMMRF-Based Statistical Approach for Off-line Handwritten Character Recognition", IEEE Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 1996, vol. 2, pp. 320 – 324. [6] C.L. Liu, H. Sako, H. Fujisawa, "Performance evaluation of pattern classifiers for handwritten character recognition", International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR), 2002, vol. 4, pp. 191–204. [7] N. Araki, M. Okuzaki, Y. Konishi , H. Ishigaki , "A Statistical Approach for Handwritten Character Recognition Using Bayesian Filter", IEEE 3rd International Conference on Innovative Computing Information and Control, 2008, pp. 194 – 194. [8] N. Arica, F.T. Yarman-Vural, "An Overview Of Character Recognition Focused On Off-line Handwriting", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 2001, vol. 31, pp. 216 –233. [9] F. Kahraman, A. Capar, A. Ayvaci, H. Demirel, M. Gokmen, "Comparison of SVM and ANN performance for handwritten character classification", Proceedings of the IEEE 12th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, 2004, pp. 615 – 618. Harshal Bobade, Amit Sahu |
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291. | Efficient Routing of Correlated Data in Energy Constrained Wireless Sensor Networks
Efficient Routing of Correlated Data in Energy Constrained Wireless Sensor NetworksAbstract: A routing protocol in a wireless sensor network is usually used to find a route to the destination so that the nodes can report the event to the sink in an energy efficient manner. The battery limitations of the sensor nodes and the characteristics of the environment where the nodes are deployed, make the routing problem very challenging. The Sensor data from different nodes in a dense region may also be highly correlated. Such data when routed across a wireless sensor network leads to the redundancy of data at various nodes, thereby consuming a vast amount of energy. This paper discusses the issues faced in a correlation and interferenceaware wireless sensor network with a single base station and thereby proposes a technique called the MM-ICAR that provides energy efficient routing for correlated data with multiple intermediate base stations that deliver data to the sink in wireless sensor networks.Key words: Wireless Sensor Networks, Correlation, Data Aggregation, Energy Consumption, Base station Reference [1] Shousheng Zhao, Fengqi Yu, Baohua Zhao," An Energy Efficient Directed Diffusion Routing Protocol", International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security 2007. [2] Linliang Zhao, Gaoqiang Liu, Jie Chen, Zhiwei hang" Flooding and Directed Diffusion Routing Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks",Ninth International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems,2009. [3] C. Intanagonwiwat et al., "Impact of Network Density on Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks," Proc. 22nd Int'l. Conf. Distrib. Comp. Sys., Vienna, Austria, July 2002. [4] W.R. Heinzelman, A. Chandrakasan, and H. Balakrishnan, "Energy-efficient Communication Protocol for Wireless Microsensor Networks", in IEEE Computer Society Proceedings of the Thirty Third Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS '00), Washington, DC, USA, Jan. 2000, vol. 8, pp. 8020. [5] W.R. Heinzelman, A. Chandrakasan, and H. Balakrishnan, "An Application-Specific Protocol Architecture for Wireless Microsensor Networks" in IEEE Tmnsactions on Wireless Communications (October 2002), vol. 1(4), pp. 660-670. [6] S. Lindsey and C. S. Raghavendra, "Pegasis: Power-Efficient Gathering in Sensor Information Systems," Proc. IEEE Aerospace Conf., Big Sky, MT, Mar. 2002. [7] Kemal Akkaya and Mohamed Younis, "A Survey on Routing Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks", Ad hoc Networks, vol. 3, no. 3, May 2005, pp. 325-349. [8] R. Cristescu, B. Beferull-Lozano, and M. Vetterli, "Networked Slepian-Wolf: Theory, Algorithms, and Scaling Laws," IEEE Trans. Info. Theory, vol. 51, no.12, Dec. 2005, pp. 4057–73. [9] P.V. Rickenbach and R. Wattenhofer, "Gathering Correlated Data in Sensor Networks," Proc. ACM Joint Wksp. Foundations of Mobile Comp., Philadelphia, PA, Oct. 2004. [10] R. Cristescu et al., "Network Correlated Data Gathering with Explicit Communication: NP-Completeness and Algorithms," IEEE/ACM Trans. Net., vol. 14, no. 1, Feb. 2006, pp. 41–54. [11] Engin Zeydan et al, "Efficient Routing for Correlated data in Wireless Sensor Networks" IEEE 2008. [12] R. Shah, S. Roy, S. Jain, and W. Brunette, Data mules: Modeling a three-tier architecture for sparse sensor networks," Proc. IEEE Workshop on Sensor Network Protocols and Applications, 2003 Bessy M Kuriakose, M. Princy |
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292. | A Comparative Analysis on indoor positioning Techniques and Systems
A Comparative Analysis on indoor positioning Techniques and SystemsAbstract: Positioning objects has been an important topic since it is needed to locate people, guide them to a certain place, and assist companies and organizations with their assets management. Several techniques and algorithms were proposed to solve the positioning problem and to enhance existing systems. In general, one of the several existing wireless standards such as Infrared, RFID, Bluetooth or Wi-Fi is chosen as the target standard for indoor positioning. This paper provides an overview of the existing wireless indoor positioning solutions and attempts to classify different techniques and systems. Comprehensive performance comparisons including accuracy, precision complexity, scalability, robustness, and cost are presented.Key words: Indoor Localization, Positioning techniques, Wireless Positioning Technologies. Reference [1] H. Liu, H. Darabi, P. Banerjee, and J. Liu, "Survey of Wireless Indoor Positioning Techniques and Systems," IEEE Trans. on Syst., Man, and Cybernetics, vol. 37, no. 6, pp. 1067–1080, 2007. [2] Solrun Furuholt Pedersen,"Micro Positioning". Master Thesis. ITEM NTNU, Jun 15, 2004. [3] G. Mao, B. Fidan, and B. Anderson, "Wireless sensor network localization techniques," Computer Networks, vol. 51, no. 10, pp. 2529 – 2553,July, 2007 [4] C. di Flora, M. Ficco, S. Russo, and V. Vecchio," Indoor and outdoor location based services for portable wireless devices", Proc. 25th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops,2005. [5] H. Liu et al., "Survey of Wireless Indoor Positioning Techniques and Systems", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, vol.37, no. 6, Nov. 2007, pp. 1067 - 1080 [6] H. Koyuncu and S.H. Yang, "A Survey of Indoor Positioning and Object Locating Systems," IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, vol. 10, no.5, May 2010, pp. 121-128. [7] M. Vossiek et al., "Wireless local positioning", IEEE Microwave Magazine, vol. 4, Issue 4, Dec. 2003, pp. 77 – 86 [8] Paramvir Bahl, Venkata N. Padmanabhan. 2005. RADAR: An In-Building RF-based User Location and Tracking System. Microsoft Research. [9] Priyantha, N. B; The cricket indoor location system: PhD Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 199 p, June2005 [10] Y. Gu, A. Lo, and I. Niemegeers, "A survey of indoor positioning systems for wireless personal networks," IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 13–32, 2009. Adalja Disha M |
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293. | Classification Of Diabetes Disease Using Support Vector Machine
Classification Of Diabetes Disease Using Support Vector MachineAbstract: Diabetes mellitus is one of the most serious health challenges in both developing and developed countries. According to the International Diabetes Federation, there are 285 million diabetic people worldwide. This total is expected to rise to 380 million within 20 years. Due to its importance, a design of classifier for the detection of Diabetes disease with optimal cost and better performance is the need of the age. The Pima Indian diabetic database at the UCI machine learning laboratory has become a standard for testing data mining algorithms to see their prediction accuracy in diabetes data classification. The proposed method uses Support Vector Machine (SVM), a machine learning method as the classifier for diagnosis of diabetes. The machine learning method focus on classifying diabetes disease from high dimensional medical dataset. The experimental results obtained show that support vector machine can be successfully used for diagnosing diabetes disease.Reference [1] Cortes, C., Vapnik, V., "Support-vector networks", Machine Learning, 20(2),pp. 273-297, 1995. [2] Polat, Kemal and Salih Gunes, "An expert system approach based on principal component analysis and adaptive neurofuzzy inference system to diagnosis of diabetes disease," Expert system with Applications, pp. 702-710, Elseivier, 2007. [3] Herron P., "Machine Learning for Medical Decision Support: Evaluating Diagnostic Performance of Machine Learning Classification Algorithms", INLS 110, Data Mining, 2004. [4] N.Lavrac, E. Keravnou, and B. Zupan, "Intelligent Data Analysis in Medicine," in Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology, vol.42, New York:Dekker, 2000. [5] Barakat,et al. " Intelligible Support Vector Machines for diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus." IEEE Transactions onInformation Technology in Biomedicine, 2009. [6] D. Deng and N. Kasabov, " On-line pattern analysis by evolving self- organizing maps", In Proceedings of the fifth biannual conference on artificial neural networks and expert systems (ANNES), 2001, pp. 46- 51. [7] Balakrishnan Sarojini, Narayanasamy Ramaraj and Savarimuthu Nickolas, "Enhancing the Performance of LibSVM Classifier by kernel F-Score Feature Selection", Contemporary Computing, 2009, Volume 40, Part 10, pp. 533-543. [8] Christopher J.C. Burges. "A Tutorial on Support Vector Machines for Pattern Recognition. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery", Springer, 2(2), pp.121-167, 1998. [9] T.Mitchell, Machine Learning, McGrawHill, New York, 1997. [10] Yue, et al. " An Intelligent Diagnosis to Type 2 Diabetes Based on QPSO Algorithm and WLSSVM," International Symposium on Intelligent Information Technology Application Workshops, IEEE Computer Society, 2008. V. Anuja Kumari, R.Chitra |
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294. | Comparative Analysis of two stage High gain opamp
Comparative Analysis of two stage High gain opampAbstract: A High Swing Ultra-Low-Power Two Stage CMOS OP-AMP in 180 nm and 350nm Technology with 1.5V supply, is presented. Cascode technique has been used to increase the dc gain. The unity-gain bandwidth is also enhanced using a gain-stage in the Miller capacitor feedback path. It have 92.45 degree phase margin. The circuit has 94.866dB gain for 180nm. The power dissipation of the designed only is approximately 45uw, and correspondingly gain for 350nm is 85.43db. The designed system demonstrates relativelyReference [1] Maria del Mar Herschensohn, Stephen P. Boyd, Thomas H. Lee, "GPCAD: A Tool for CMOS Op-Amp Synthesis" International Conference on ComputerAided Design, November 1998. [2] Priyanka Kakoty, "Design of a high frequency low voltage CMOS Operational amplifier", International Journal of VLSI design & communication System (VLSICS), Vol.2, No.1, pp. 73-85, March 2011. [3] Maloberti Franco, "Analog Design for CMOS VLSI Systems" KLUWER academic Publisher, Boston/ Dordrecht/ London. [4] Kang Sung-Mo, Leblebici Yusuf, "CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits, Analysis and design", Tata McGraw-Hill Edition 2003, Third Edition. [5] B.J. Hosticka, "Improvement of the Gain of CMOS Amplifiers", IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. SC-14, Issue 6, Dec.1979, pp.1111-1114. [6] P. Allen and D. Holmberg "CMOS Analog Circuit Design", 2nd Edition. Saunders college publishing/HRW, Philadelphia, PA, 1998. [7] Geiger R.L., Allen P. E and Strader N. R., "VLSI Design Techniques for Analog and Digital Circuits", McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 1990. [8] Fiez Terri S., Yang Howard C., Yang John J., Yu Choung, Allstot David J., " A Family of High-Swing CMOS Operational Amplifiers", IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, Vol. 26, NO. 6, Dec. 1989. [9] R. Castello, "CMOS buffer amplifier," in Analog Circuit Design, J.Huijsing, R. van der Plassche, and W. Sansen, Eds. Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic, 1993, pp. 113– 138. [10] B. Razavi, "Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits", New York: Mc-GrawHill, 2001. Vikas Sharma, Anshul jain |
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295. | A New Approach of Expert System for Rainfall Prediction Based on Data Series
A New Approach of Expert System for Rainfall Prediction Based on Data SeriesAbstract: This paper proposed a new approach for rainfall prediction method, which combines the Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Fuzzy Logic methods.The performance of the proposed method is compared to the Neural Network (NN)–Fuzzy.The climatological data is obtained from PT LAPAN Bandung and the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Region IV Makassar Indonesiafor 10 years (2001-2010) and is analysed by MATLAB 7.6.The results confirm that the SVM-Fuzzy achieves higher accuracy than NN-Fuzzy.Key words: Rainfall prediction, SVM-Fuzzy, Expert system and NN-Fuzzy. Reference [1] Indrabayu, Neural Network and Fuzzy methods for rainfall prediction, Proc.The 1 st FORTEI Conference, Makassar, Indonesia, 2011, pp135.(In Indonesian) [2] Indrabayu, N.Harun, M.S.Pallu, and A.Ahmad, Constructing Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) as Expert Systemfor Daily Precipitation Forecasting, The 2nd MICEEI International Conference, Makassar, Indonesia, 2011, pp.89. [3] Indrabayu, N.Harun, M.S.Pallu, and A.Ahmad, Performanceof ASTAR for Rainfall Forecasting, Proc.The 3rdMICEEI, Makassar, Indonesia, 2012, pp.327. [4] Indrabayu, N.Harun, M.S.Pallu, and A.Ahmad, The feasibility study of the Support Vector Machine for rainfall prediction, Proc.of The KNPTS, Makassar, Indonesia, 2012, pp.TSA20.(In Indonesian) [5] P.Samui, V.R.Mandla, A.Krishna and TarunTeja, Prediction of Rainfall Using Support Vector Machine and Relevance Vector Machine, Earth Science India, Vol. 4(IV), October, 2011, pp.188 – 200. [6] S.Lee, S.Cho, P.M.Wong, Rainfall Prediction Using Artificial Neural Networks, Journal of Geographic Information and Decision Analysis, vol. 2, no. 2, , 1998, pp.233 - 242. [7] R.R.Deshpande, On The Rainfall Time Series Prediction Using Multilayer Perceptron Artificial Neural Network, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, January 2012, Volume 2, Issue 1. [8] N.Stanevski, D.Tsvetkov, Using Support Vector Machine as a Binary Classifier, International Conference on Computer Systems and TechnologiesCompSysTech,2005, pp.14.1-14.5. [9] KamyarMehran, Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Modeling for Process Control, Tutorial, Newcastle University, 2008. [10] Jyh-Shing, Roger Jang, ANFIS: Adaptive Network based Fuzzy Inference System, IEEE Transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics, Vol.23, No.3, May/June, 1993. Indrabayu, Nadjamuddin Harun, M.Saleh Pallu, Andani Achmad |
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296. | Online Banking Authentication System Using QR-code and Mobile OTP
Online Banking Authentication System Using QR-code and Mobile OTPAbstract: This paper explains implementation details of online banking authentication system. Security is an important issue for online banking application which can be implemented by various internet technologies and gap between real world and virtual world can be filled up. While implementing online banking system, secure data transfer need can be fulfilled by using https data transfer and database encryption techniques for secure storage of sensitive information. To eliminate threat of phishing and to confirm user identity, QR-code which would be scanned by user mobile device can be used and weakness of traditional password based system can be improved by one time password (OTP) which can be calculated by user transaction information and data unique at user side like imei number of the user mobile device.Key words: banking application, security, QRcode, one time password (OTP), mobile device. Reference 1] Young Sil Lee, Nack Hyun Kim, Hyotaek Lim, HeungKuk Jo, Hoon Jae Lee," Online Banking Authentication System using Mobile-OTP with QR-code", Page(s): 644 – 648, Nov. 30 2010-Dec. 2 2010, E-ISBN : 978-89-88678-30-5. 2] IETF RFC 4226, HOTP: An HMACBased One-Time Password Algorithm, Dec. 2005. 3] AntiPhishingGroup, "Phishing Activity Trends Report", from: http://www.antiphishing.org, dec. 2008. 4] Mohammad Mannan, P. C. Van Oorschot, "Security and Usability: The Gap in RealWorld online Banking", NSPW'07, North Conway, NH, USA, Sep. 18-21, 2007. 5] Eisaku Ohbuchi, Hiroshi Hanaizumi, Lim Ah Hock," Barcode Readers using the Camera Device in Mobile Phones", IEEE paper. 6] Aidong Sun, Yan Sun, Caixing Liu," The QR-code reorganization in illegible snapshots taken by mobile phones", IEEE paper 7] D. M'Raihi, M. Bellare, F. Hoornaert, D. Naccache, O. Ranen ,"HOTP: An HMACBased One-Time Password Algorithm" , , RFC 4226, December 2005. 8] Teoh Chin,Yew Mazleena,Salleh Subariah Ibrahim, "Spatial Resource Analysis of Two Dimensional Barcodes", IEEE Paper. 9] R.L. Rivest, A. Shamir, and L. Adleman,"A Method for Obtaining Digital Signatures and Public-Key Cryptosystems",http://people.csail.mit.edu /rivest/Rsapaper.pdf. 10] Robert P. McEvoy, Francis M. Crowe, Colin C. Murphy, William P. Marnane,"Optimisation of the SHA-2 Family of Hash Functions on FPGAs". Jaideep Murkute, Hemant Nagpure, Harshal Kute, Neha Mohadikar, Chaitali Devade |
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298. | An Area Efficient Reversible Multiplier Circuit Design By Using Low power Technique
An Area Efficient Reversible Multiplier Circuit Design By Using Low power TechniqueAbstract: Power dissipation is one of the most important factors in the VLSI circuits design. By using reversible technique to reduce the power in the circuits. In this paper the reversible multiplier circuit design is also done by using low power technique called GDI and to compare the area and power of the multiplier in this technique with CMOS technique. In this paper a 4x4 reversible multiplier circuit is proposed with the design of two new reversible gates called ABC and GPS gates. The proposed multiplier was efficient to existing designs in termsof gate count, garbage inputs, and garbage outputs. The transistor level implementation of the proposed gates design by using Tanner tools.Key words: Reversible logic, garbage inputs, garbage outputs, gate count. Reference [1] RLandauer,1961."Irreversibility and Heat Generation in the Computational Process". IBM Journal of Research and Development, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 183-191. [2] C H Bennett, 1973. "Logical Reversibility of Computation".IBM Journal of Research and Development, vol. 17, no. 6, pp. 525- 532. [3] Kerntopf P, M A Perkowski and M H A Khan, 2004, "On Universality of General Reversible Multiple Valued Logic Gates". Proceedings of the Thirty Fourth IEEE International Symposium on Multiple valued Logic, pp. 68 – 73. [4] Richard P Feynman, 1985."Quantum Mechanical Computers". Optics News, vol. 11, issue 2, pp. 11-20. [5] T Toffoli, 1980. "Reversible Computing".Technical Memo MIT/LCS/TM-151, MIT Lab for Computer Science. [6] Edward Fredkin and Tommaso Toffoli, 1982. "Conservative Logic". International Journal of Theoretical Physics, vol. 21, Synthesis of Multiple Outputs Boolean Functions pp. 219-253. [7] A Peres, 1985, "Reversible Logic and Quantum Computers". International Journal on Physical Review a General Physics, vol. 32, no. 6, pp. 3266–3276. [8] William N. N. Hung, Xiaoyu Song, Guowu Yang, Jin Yang, and Marek Perkowski, 2006. "Optimal Using a Set of Quantum Gates by Symbolic Reachability Analysis". IEEETransactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 25, no. 9, pp. 1652-1663. [9] H Thapliyal and N Ranganathan, 2009. "Design of Efficient Reversible Binary Subtractors Based on a New Reversible Gate". Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI, pp. 229-234. [10] H R Bhagyalakshmi and M K Venkatesha, 2010. "An Improved Design of a Multiplier using Reversible Logic Gates". International Journal of EngineeringScience and Technology, vol. 2(8), pp. 3838-3845 G Amitha, M Chandra sekhar, D Santosh, Venkatesh S |
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299. | Performance Evaluation of AODV, DSDV and DSR Routing Protocols Using NS-2 Simulator
Performance Evaluation of AODV, DSDV and DSR Routing Protocols Using NS-2 SimulatorAbstract: Manet stands for mobile adhoc network. It is type of adhoc network in which nodes are mobile and connected with each other via wireless connection. In this research we evaluate performance of three routing protocols AODV(Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing),DSR(Dynamic Source Routing)and DSDV(Destination-Sequenced Distance Vector routing).We evaluate performance of routing protocols based on performance metrics Packet Delivery Ratio(Pdr), End to end delay and Throughput while varying the number of nodes and speed. The simulation is performed through the simulation tool NS-2 (Network Simulator- 2) due to its open source simplicity and free availabilityKey words: AODV, DSDV, DSR, MANET, NS-2, Performance matrices Reference [1] Vasudha Arora and C. Rama Krishna, Performance Evaluation of Routing protocols for MANETs under Different Traffic Conditions, 2nd IEEE International Conference on Computer Engineering and Information Technology, 2010. [2] Vikas Singla and Parveen Kakkar, Traffic Pattern based performance comparison of Reactive and Proactive Protocols of Mobile Ad-hoc Networks, International Journal of Computer Applications, Volume 5-No. 10, August 2010. [3] N. H. Vaidya, Mobile Ad hoc networks routing, Mac and transport issues, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Communication INFOCOM, 2004. [4] Yasser Kamal Hassan, Mohamed Hashim Abd El-Aziz, and Ahmed Safwat Abd ElRadi, Performance Evaluation of Mobility Speed over MANET Routing Protocols, International Journal of Network Security, Vol.11, [5] Er.Abhishek Sengar, Er.Dhyanendra Parashar, Performance Comparison of Adhoc NetworkRouting Protocols Using NS-2 Simulator, IRACST – Engineering Science and Technology: An International Journal (ESTIJ), ISSN: 2250-3498,Vol.2, No. 2, April 2012 [6] C. Perkins, E Royer and S. Das, Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV) Routing, RFC 3561 , July 2003. [7] Akshai Aggarwal, Savita Gandhi, Nirbhay Chaubey, PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF AODV,DSDV AND DSR INMANETS, International Journal of Distributed and Parallel Systems (IJDPS) Vol.2, No.6, November 2011. [8] en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamic_Source_ro uting. [9] Sabina Barakovic, Suad Kasapovic, and Jasmina Barakovic,Comparison of MANET Routing Protocols in Different Traffic and Mobility Models, Telfor Journal, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2010. [10] Azzedine Boukerche, Athanasios Bamis, Ioannis Chatzigiannakis,Sotiris Nikoletseas, A mobility aware protocol synthesis for efficient routing in ad hoc mobile networks, The International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking, Vol. 52, Issue 1, pp 130-154, Jan, 2008. [11] NS-2 Network simulator http://www.isi.edu/nsnam/ns [12] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_hoc_OnDemand_Distance_Vector_Routing Nehal Jadeja, Roma Patel |
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300. | PEG based LDPC Codes Construction Methods Sandip J. Sukhdeve, Rahul Kamdi, Dr. R. N. Awale, D. P. Rathod |
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301. | Review on: Iterative Decoding schemes of LDPC codes
Review on: Iterative Decoding schemes of LDPC codesAbstract: Low-density parity-check (LDPC) code, a very promising near-optimal error correction code (ECC), is being widely considered in next generation industry standards. In this paper, two simple iterative low complexity algorithms for decoding LDPC codes have been explained. These algorithms are implemented using real additions only and also not dependent on power spectral density. Comparison of these algorithms with standard BP algorithm are explained. How these algorithms are useful for standards DVBS2, T2 and WiMAX are explained. In VLSI implementation these algorithms using shiftLDPC codes these algorithms reduces hardware complexity.Key words: - decoding, Belief Propagation, iterative decoding, shift LDPC, Tanner graph. Reference [1] R. G. Gallager, 'Low-Density Parity-Check Codes'. Cambridge, MA: M.I.T. Press, 1963. [2] D. J. C. MacKay, ―Good error-correcting codes based on very sparse matrices,‖ IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. 45, pp. 399–431, Mar.1999. [3] Sundararajan Sankaranarayanan, ‗Iterative Decoding of Linear Block Codes: A ParityCheck Orthogonalization Approach', IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. 51,No. 9, Sept. 2005. [4] Sarah J. Johnson ‗Introducing Low-Density Parity-Check Codes', School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science The University of Newcastle Australia. [5] B. M. J. Leiner, ‗LDPC Codes – a brief Tutorial', April 2005. [6] Marc P. C. Fossorier, Miodrag Mihaljevi´c, and Hideki Imai, ―Reduced Complexity Iterative Decoding of Low-Density Parity Check Codes Based on Belief Propagation,‖ ieee transactions on communications, vol. 47, no. 5, may 1999. [7] Cedric Marchand, Jean-Baptiste Dore, Laura Conde-Canencia, Emmanuel Boutillon, ―Conflict Resolution For Pipelined Layered Ldpc Decoders,‖ ieee conference 2009. [8] R. Michael Tanner, Deepak Sridhara, Arvind Sridharan, Thomas E. Fuja, ―LDPC Block and Convolutional Codes Based on Circulant Matrices‖, IEEE transactions on information theory, vol. 50, no. 12, December 2004. [9] David J.C. MacKay ―Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms,‖ Cambridge University Press 2003. [10] J. Snyders, ―Reduced lists of error patterns for maximum likelihood soft decoding,‖ IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. IT-37, pp. 1194–1200, July 1991. Ashish Patil, Sushil Sonavane, Prof. D. P. Rathod |
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302. | Optimal Placement Of Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor For Loss Minimization In A Power System
Optimal Placement Of Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor For Loss Minimization In A Power SystemAbstract: Flexible Alternating Current Transmission Systems(FACTS) devices represents a recent technological development in electrical power systems, which makes utilities able to control power flow, increase transmission line stability limits, and improve security of transmission system . In a multi machine network, the influence of TCSCs on the network flows is complex since the control of any one device influences all others. In a competitive (deregulated) power market, the location of these devices and their control can significantly affect the operation of the system. This project investigates the use of TCSC to maximize total transfer capability generally defined as the maximum power transfer transaction between a specific power-seller and a power-buyer in a network. For this purpose, propose one of the Evolutionary Optimization Techniques, namely Differential Evolution (DE) to select the optimal location and the optimal parameter setting of TCSC which minimize the active power loss in the power network, and compare it's performances with Genetic Algorithm (GA). To show the validity of the proposed techniques and for comparison purposes, simulations will be carried out on an IEEE-14 bus power system. The results will expect that DE is quantitatively an easy to use, fast, robust and powerful optimization technique compared with genetic algorithm (GA).Key words: Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC), Differential Evolution (DE), Genetic Algorithm (GA), Power flow, optimal location. Reference [1]. Ghamgeen I. Rashid, H. I. Shaheen,"Optimal TCSC Placement in a Power System by Means of Differential Evolution Algorithm Considering Loss Minimization" IEEE Conference onIndustrial Electronics and Applications.vol no978-1,pp.no2209-2215,2011. [2]. N.G Hingorani, "Flexible AC Transmission", IEEE spectrum ,April 1993,pp. 40-45. [3]. N. G. Hingorani, "Power electronics in electrical utilities: role of power electronics in future power systems," Proceedings of the IEEEVol. 76No. 4, pp.481-482, April 1988. [4]. Gerbex, Rachid Cherkaoui, and Alain J. Stephane "Optimal Location of Multi-Type FACTS devices in a Power System by Means of Genetic Algorithm", IEEE Transaction in power systems, vol, 16, no. 3, AUGUST 2001. [5]. Mrinal Ranjan, B Vedik "Optimal Location Of Facts Devices in a Power System by means of Sensitivity analysis" Trends in Electrical and Computer Engineering (TECE) 1(1) 1-9, 2011. [6]. R. Storn, K. Price, "Differential evolutiona simple and efficient adaptive scheme for global optimization over continuous spaces", Technical report, International computer science Institute, Berkley, 1995. [7]. Zhao Yang Dong, Miao Lu, Zhe Lu, and Kit Po Wong," A differential evolution based method for power system planning", IEEE Congresson Evolutionary Computation, pp.2699-2706, 2006. [8]. KV. Price, An introduction to differential evolution, In New Ideas in Optimization, Corne D. Dorigo M. Glover M (eds). McGraw- Hill:London, 1999 , pp.79-108. [9]. R. H. Haupt, and S. E. Haupt, Practical Genetic Algorithms, 2nd Ed., Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2004. [10]. D. L. Chambers, The practical Handbook of Genetic Algorithms, 2nd Ed. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley&Sons, 2004. [11]. Power System Toolbox Version 2.0: Load Flow Tutorial and Functions. Cherry Tree Scientific Software, RR-5Colborne, Ontario 1S0, 1991-1999. [12]. G. W. Stagg, and A. H. El-Abiad, Computer Methods in Power System Analysis, McGraw-Hill, 1968. [13]. L. L. Freris, and A. M.Sasson, "Investigation on the load flow problem," Proceeding of IEE, Vol. 115, pp.1459-470, 1968. [14]. D.E. Goldberg and J. Richardson "Genetic algorithms with Sharing for Multimodal Function Optimization", Proc. Of the First international conference in Genetic Algorithms and Their applications,pp 41- 49, 1989. Galam Ravi, Prof P.Umapathi Reddy |
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303. | Analysis and comparisons of Power Dissipation for Write operation in Low Power SRAM
Analysis and comparisons of Power Dissipation for Write operation in Low Power SRAMAbstract: This paper presents the reduction in dynamic power dissipation during write operation.Todays microprocessor are very fast and require fast caches with low power dissipation. The result of 8T SRAM cell is comparing with conventional 6T SRAM and 7T SRAM on different frequency. The whole thesis circuit verification is done on Tanner tool. Schematic of the SRAM cell is designed on S-Edit and Net list Simulation done by using T-Spice and waveforms are analyzed through W-EDIT. The circuit is characterized by using the 130nm technology which is having q supply voltage of 1.5volt.The result are compared with conventional 6T SRAM, 7T SRAM and 8T SRAM cell. So this type of memory cell will be more useful in portable electronics and battery operated devices.Key words: Power Dissipation, CMOS, Threshold Voltage, 8T SRAM, 130nm. Reference [1] Yung-Do Yang and Lee-Sup Kim, "A LowPower SRAM Using Hierarchical Bit Line and Local Sense Amplifiers" IEEE Journal of solid state circuits, VOL. 40, NO. 6, JUNE 2005. [2] "Segmented Virtual Ground Architecture for Low power Embedded SRAM" IEEE Transaction on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) system" , Vol.15, No.2 February 2007, Page.196-205. [3] "Low Standby Power and Robust FinFET Based SRAM Design" IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI, Jan 2008 Page no. 185-190 Behzad Ebrahimi, Saeed Zeinolabedinzadeh, and Ali AfzaliKusha. [4] "Low Power SRAM Design Using Charge Sharing Technique" ,Gu Ming, Yang Jun, Xue Jun, National ASIC System Engineering Technology Research Center Southeast University, Page no-102- 105 IEEE-2005. [5] Mai, K.W., Mori, T., Amrutur, B.S., Ho, R., Wilburn, B., Horowitz, M.A., Fukushi, I., Izawa, T. and Mitarai, S. (1998), "Low power SRAM design using half-swing pulsemode techniques", IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, Vol. 33, pp. 1659-71. [6] "A Low Power 256 KB SRAM Design", Basabi Bhaumik, Pravas Pradhan, G.S. Visweswaran, R. Varambally, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delh in 2008. [7] " Low Power SRAM Design using Hierarchical Divided Bit-Line Approach" , Ashish Karandikar, Keshab K. Parhi, Intel Corporation, Santa Clara, CA 95052, USA- 2009. [8] Vkita, M. et al. (1993), "A single-bit line cross-point cell activation (SCPA) architecture for ultra-low power SRAM's", IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, Vol. 28, pp. 1114-8. [9] CMOS VLSI Design By Neil H.E.Weste, David Harris, Ayan Banerjee, Pearson Education, Third Edition, Page 55-57. [10] A. Tajalli and Y. Leblebici, "Leakage current reduction using subthreshold source-coupled logic," IEEE Trans. on Circ. And Syst.-II, vol.56, no.5, pp.347- 351,May2009. Rashmi Sharma, Anshuman Singh, Dr.V.K Pandey |
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