S.No. |
Title & Authors |
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Paper submitted to IJERA : 467
Accepted papers by peer review process : 190
Rejected Paper : 277
Paper Acceptance percentage : 40.69% |
1. |
Customization of Power Performance in Interconnected MPSOC for NOC
S.Tejaswi Lalitha,M.Venkateswara Rao
001-006 |
2. |
Simulation study for Mobile Ad hoc Networks Using DMAC Protocol
Vikas Sejwar
007-011 |
Controlling and accessing vehicle functions by mobile from remote place by sending GPS Co-ordinates to the Web server
Dr. Khanna SamratVivekanand Omprakash
012-015 |
4. |
Security Camera System can be access into mobile with internet from remote place
Dr. Khanna SamratVivekanand Omprakash
016-019 |
5. |
Controlling the Web traffic and eCommerce portal by using the concept of accessing data Information form client side to the server for a particular web site having internet traffic
Dr. Khanna SamratVivekanand Omprakash
020-024 |
6. |
Simulate the Performance Parameters of Wired WND Wireless Networks by Soft Computing Technique
Pritibha Sukhroop, Kulbhushan Singla, Ashwani Singla
025-035 |
7. |
Behaviour of an open type berthing structure under earthquake condition -A numerical approach
I.P.Subha |
036-040 |
8. |
Direct Marketing with the Applicartion of data Mining
M Suman,T Anuradha,K Manasa Veena
041--043 |
9. |
Channel Estimation for MIMO-OFDM Systems
D.B.Bhoyar,Vaishali B. Niranjane |
044-050 |
10. |
Rural Electrification with Loss Minimization Through different Strategies for Sustainable Infrastructure Development
Krishnakant Gautam, Vijay Bhuria |
051-054 |
11. |
Developments in Spectral Subtraction for Speech Enhancement
Paurav Goel , Anil Garg |
055-063 |
12. |
The Optimization of Sliding Wear Behaviour of Aluminium/Be3Al2(SiO3)6 Composite using Taguchi Approach
Bhaskar H. B., Abdul Sharief |
064-067 |
13. |
Comparative Analysis of 7T and 6T SRAM Using 0.18μm Technology
Sunil Kumar Maravi,Prithviraj Singh Chouhan |
068-073 |
14. |
Controlling Performance Variation of Planar Mechanisms by Providing Scheme of Tolerance, Using Relative Velocity Method: An Approach
P. S. Thakare,Dr. C. C. Handa |
074-076 |
15. |
Investigation on Properties of Bamboo as Reinforcing Material in concrete
Harish Sakaray, N.V. Vamsi Krishna Togati, I.V. Ramana Reddy |
077-083 |
16. |
Prediction of hardness of forged Al7075/Al2O3 composites using factorial design of experiments
Indumati B Deshmanya,Dr GK Purohit |
084-089 |
17. |
Removal of High Density Salt and Pepper Noise Through Modified Decision Based Unsymmetric Trimmed Median Filter
S.Gopi Krishna, T. Sreenivasulu Reddy, G.K.RAJINI |
090-094 |
18. |
Theoretical Model for Condenser of Miniature LiBr-H2O Vapor Absorption Refrigeration System
Manu.S, T.K.Chandrashekar, Ramesha.H |
095-103 |
19. |
A Fuzzy Logic MPPT Three-Phase Grid-Connected Inverter for
Photovoltaic Applications
B. Nagaraju, K.Prakash |
104-107 |
20. |
A new Recovery scheme for Handling Both Link and Node Failure in the Fast ip Networks
Pondugala.Bhaskar Rao, U. Nanaji |
108-113 |
21. |
A Frequent Pattern Mining Algorithm Based on FP-Tree Structure and Apriorl Algorithm
M Suman, T Anuradha, K Gowtham, A Ramakrishna |
114-116 |
22. |
Cloud Computing-Infrastructure as Serviceamazon Ec2
Gurudatt Kulkarni,Ramesh Sutar |
117-125 |
23. |
Hiding the Text Information using Stegnography
M.Grace Vennice,Prof.Tv.Rao,M.Swapna,Prof.J.Sasi kiran |
126-131 |
24. |
Fuzzy Time Series Forecasting of Low Dimensional Numerical Data
Devendra Tayal,Shilpa Sonawani,Gunjan Ansari,Charu Gupta |
132-135 |
25. |
Voltage Control using DVR under Large Frequency Variation with DFT and Kalman Filter
Shaik Daryabi, Trinadha Burle,B.Shankar Prasad |
136-149 |
26. |
Implementation of Object Oriented Approach to Lowest-Cost Routing Using BGP
Ch M Krishna Mentada, G.Nageswara Rao |
150-155 |
27. |
Dynamic Performance of 48-pulse STATCOM, SSSC and UPFC controller
Ravi Balam, Kotyada.Kalyani,B.Shankar Prasad |
156-163 |
28. |
Iris Based De-duplication Technology
Ashok Kumar Yadav,Srinivasulu Tadisetty |
164-167 |
29. |
Power Quality Improvement using Repetitive Controlled Dynamic Voltage Restorer for various faults
A.Venkata Rajesh,Dr. K. Narasimha Rao |
168-174 |
30. |
Numerical Investigation of Heat Transfer Enhancement for a Perforated Fin in Natural Convection
Mohamad I. Al-Widyan, Amjad Al-Shaarawi |
175-183 |
31. |
Performance Comparison of Transform Domain for Speckle Reduction in Ultrasound Image
Tajinder kaur,Manjit Sandhu, Preeti Goel |
184-188 |
32. |
Item Set Mining using IMINE Index Support
Thadi Ananda Ravi Kumar, N Tulasi Raju, D.Chitti Babu ,Subhakar Rao Golla |
189-194 |
33. |
A Novel Active Clamped Dual Switch Flyback Converter
B.Nagaraju, K.Sreedevi |
195-206 |
34. |
Heat Pipes: Design, Development, Manufacturing- A case study of Oil cooler model
Prof. Chavan Dattatraya K,Prof. L S Utpat, Prof. Dr. G S Tasgaonkar, Kedar B, Sonar,Chintan V Shah |
207-211 |
35. |
Multi converter Unified Power-Quality Conditioning for multi feeder
Hameed Mohammed Abdul, P.V.Kishore |
212-221 |
36 |
Effective Teaching and Effective Learning: Learning Styles Perspective
Dr. Qais Faryadi, Dr. Irshadul Haq Abdullah |
222-228 |
37. |
Design And Performance Analysis of Minkowski Square Loop Fractal Antenna
SaritaBajaj,Ajay Kaushik |
229-233 |
38. |
Signal Flow Graph Modeling of Linear Fuzzy PI Controller
B. Amarendra Reddy, Revanth Kumar P, M Sujatha |
234-240 |
39. |
Understanding Mode-Coupling Mechanism of Brake Squeal Using Finite Element Analysis
Nouby M. Ghazaly,Sufyan Mohammed,Ali M. Abd-El-Tawwab |
241-250 |
40. |
Efficient Capacity Image Steganography by Using Wavelets
Yedla dinesh, Addanki purna ramesh |
251-259 |
41. |
Performance of a Fuzzy Logic Based AVR in SMIB, MMIB System and Power Flow Control Using SSSC and IPFC
Challa Krishna Rao,Dr.K B Madhu Sahu,Dr. Siva, Yellampalli,Balabomma Bhaskara Rao |
260-268 |
42 |
Evaluation of Support Vector Machines Using Kernels for object detection in images
Rashmi Singh Lodhi,Shailendra Kumar Shrivastava |
269-273 |
43. |
Intrusion Detection Systems Challenges for Wireless Network
Manish Kumar,Dr. M. Hanumanthappa,Dr. T. V. Suresh Kumar |
274-280 |
44. |
Drawing Automation of Reactor Nozzle
Nayak H. B, Trivedi R. R, Araniya K.K |
281-286 |
45. |
Comparative Methods Of Measurement Of Contact Resistivity Of Metal-Semiconductor Contact
Dr. Monisha Chakraborty |
287-294 |
46. |
Exons Identification Using Filter
Renu Sharma, Ajay Kaushik |
295-298 |
47. |
A Practical Approach To The Design And Implementaion Of A Water Cooled Single Phase Submersible Motor
Dr. Virajit A. Gundale,Mangesh S. Kulkarni |
299-304 |
48. |
Optimization of burr height in drilling of commercial Acrylic sheet using Taguchi method
Irfan Khan, Mukesh Verma , S S Mann |
305-310 |
49. |
Spur Gear Optimization By Using Genetic Algorithm
Yallamti Murali Mohan, T.Seshaiah |
311-318 |
50. |
Seismic Analysis of Multistoried Building with TMD (Tuned Mass Damper)
Thakur V.M., Pachpor P.D. |
319-326 |
51. |
Sessionization –A Vital Stage in Data Preprocessing of Web Usage
Mining-A Survey
Dharmendra Patel, Dr. Kalpesh Parikh, Atul Patel |
327-330 |
52. |
Relation Between Rapid Prototyping & Minimizing Time Delay In New Product Market Launch
Dheeraj Nimawat, Mahaveer Meghvanshi |
331-333 |
53. |
Bandwidth Improvement of Microstrip Patch Antenna Using HShaped
Sudhir Bhaskar & Sachin Kumar Gupta |
334-338 |
54. |
Video Copy Detection Based On Hidden Markov Models and Invariant Moments
Marwa Mohamed Dawoud, Dr. Mohamed El Mahallawy, Prof. Dr. Mohamed Waleed, Fakhr, Prof. Dr. Mostafa Abdel Azeem |
339-344 |
55. |
Efficient Design Of Static Analysis Tool For Detecting Web Vulnerabilities
A N L Kumar, P L N Raju, Sangapu Venkata Appaji, D Ratna GirI |
345-354 |
56. |
Design And Analysis Of Multilayer High Pressure Vessels
Siva Krishna Raparla , T.Seshaiah |
355-361 |
57. |
Investigations on S.I. Engine Using Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) As an Alternative Fuel
Thirumal mamidi, Dr. J.G. Suryawnshi |
362-367 |
58. |
Signal Flow Graph Analysis of Linearized Fuzzy PI Controller
B. Amarendra Reddy, Nammi Nagarjun, Praveen Adimulam |
368-374 |
59. |
A QOS-Aware Software Selection Method Based On Service Credibility Evaluation
P.Kalpana, Uppe.Nanaji |
375-378 |
60. |
Removal Of Baseline Wandering In Ecg Signals Using Singular Value Decomposition
T Dhanaraj, G Umamaheswara Reddy |
379-382 |
61. |
Modeling and optimization of burr height in drilling of Al-Fly ash composite using Taguchi method
Shanti Parkash ,Mr.Mukesh Verma, Mr.Sarabjot Singh |
383-390 |
62. |
Preventive Measures For Malware In P2P Networks
Prof.P.Pradeep Kumar,Naini Shekar Reddy,R.Sai Krishna,Ch.Kishor Kumar,M.Ramesh |
391-400 |
63. |
Measuring Of Semantic Similarity Between Words Using WebSearch Engine Approach
Prof.P.Pradeep Kumar, Naini.Shekhar Reddy, R.Sai Krishna, Ch.Kishor Kumar, M.Ramesh
Kumar |
401-404 |
64. |
Determination Of Probabilistic Voltage Stability Limit Based On Schur's Inequality Indicator Using Evolutionary Programming
Prof. D.K.Rai, Prof. Hemant Chouhan , Dr. L.S.Titare |
405-411 |
65. |
Opinion Polarity Detection in Blog Comments from Blog Rss Feed by Modified TF-IDF Algorithm
Abhishek Tiwari, Kshitij Pathak, Upasana tiwari, Rupam das |
412-416 |
66. |
A Key-Scheduled Block Cipher Using element-wise Linear Transformation and Logical XOR Operation
D. Sravan Kumar, CH. Suneetha, A.Chandrasekhar |
417-425 |
67. |
Noise cancellation in Speech Signals by Using a Constrained Stability
LMS Algorithm
G.Amjad Khan, Dr. K.E. Sreenivasa Murthy, J.Satyanarayana |
426-430 |
68. |
Automation Of Warranty Management System For A Small-Scale Manufacturing Industry
Prof. Onkar Dipak Joshi , Dr. Virajit A. Gundale |
431-436 |
69. |
Weight Optimization of Salt Spray Testing Chamber Frame
Prof. Chavan Dattatraya K, Prof. L S Utpat, Prof. Dr. G S Tasgaonkar, Nivesh Patel |
437-445 |
70. |
Electrically Driven Marine Propulsion
Shraddha Kaushik, K.Sri Chandan, Sandhya Thotakura |
446-451 |
71. |
New Approach Towards Ensuring Software Quality
Er.Ankit Sharma, Er.Sheilly Padda, Er.Jaspreet Kaur |
452-454 |
72. |
Marine Extracts as Corrosion Inhibitor for Aluminum in Seawater Applications
WB Wan Nik, O Sulaiman, AF Ayob, MF Ahmad, MM Rahman |
455-458 |
73. |
Compensation Of Power Quality Disturbances Using Wavelet With Multilayer And Modular Neural Network
V.Niranjan, CH.Das prakash |
459-463 |
74. |
A Novel Approach to Overcome the Intertwined Shortcomings of DWT
For Image Processing and De-noising
Rudra Pratap Singh Chauhan |
464-470 |
75. |
Statistical Performance Analysis of Unilevel Wavelet Based Power
Allocation for Wireless Image Transmission using Lab View
K. Prasuna, M. Padmaja |
471-475 |
76. |
Monte Carlo Simulation of Electron Transport in wurtzite Indium Nitride
C.Sayah, B.Bouazza, A.Guen-Bouazza, N.E.Chabane-Sari |
476-482 |
77. |
Reseeding methodology for low power based on LFSR
Sk. Khamuruddeen, T. Pullaiah, S. V. Devika,T. Lavany |
483-488 |
78. |
Modeling and Estimation of Total Leakage Current in Nano-scaled 7T SRAM Cell Considering the Effect of Parameter Variation
Rashmi Bahal, Shyam Akashe |
489-492 |
79. |
Applications Of 10 Gigabit Ethernet A
Deepak Koli,Mohammed Firdos Alam Sheikh,Rishabh Chauhan,Sidharth Sisodia |
493-496 |
80. |
An Integration Of Emotional Attire - The Artificial Intelligence
Mr. Sagar J. Wakharia,Prof. Jitendra S. Edle,Ms. Dolly J Wakharia |
497-502 |
81. |
Image Compression Based on Compressed Sensing Data Processing
K.Vijay Kumar,Prof. K.Suresh Reddy |
503-507 |
82. |
Optimization Of The Core Length Of A Water Cooled Three Phase Submersible Motor
Dr. Virajit A. Gundale,Mangesh S. Kulkarni |
508-514 |
83. |
Analysis Of Image Compression Algorithm Using DCT
Maneesha Gupta, Dr.Amit Kumar Garg |
515-521 |
84. |
Accounting Policies for AAA Systems in Mobile Telecommunication Networks
VishnuPrasad Goranthala, Bodakuntla Rajkumar, Dr.JayaDevGyani |
522-531 |
85. |
Analysis of Catching Strategies & Emergence of Information Density in Mobile Ad hoc Networks
Prof Pradeep Kumar Puram, Mogulla Archana, Jakkala Ravichandra Reddy, Ganta Raju |
532-537 |
86. |
High speed pipelined architecture for cyclic convolution based on
Dr. B. R. Sastry,T.Sireesha,B.Gowri Sivanandhini,S.Natarajan |
538-544 |
87. |
Detection of Sharp Contour of the element of the WBC and Segmentation of two leading elements like Nucleus and Cytoplasm
Prof. Samir K. Bandyopadhyay, Sudipta Roy |
545-551 |
88. |
Improving Quality of Software through Formal Inspection
T.Rajani Devi |
552-557 |
89. |
Permangnatic Oxidation Of Ethyl-2- Cloroactotacetate : A Kinetic And Mechanistic Study
Sayyed Hussain,Takale Surendra,Katapalle Ramdas,Gaikawad Digambar |
558-561 |
90. |
Design of Operational Transconductance Amplifier for Biquad Filter Applications in 0.18μm Technology
Neeraj Shrivastava,Gaurav Bhargava,D.S Ajnar,Pramod Kumar Jain |
562-565 |
91. |
Design of Low Voltage Folded Cascode Operational Transconductance Amplifier with Optimum Range of Gain and GBW in 0.18μm Technology
Raghuwar Sharan Gautam,P. K. Jain,D. S. Ajnar |
566-570 |
92. |
On the Optimum Utilization and Promotion of Renewable Energy Sources in India
Deepak Kumar |
571-578 |
93. |
A power quality Improvement of Mitigating Neutral current for VSC Based DSTATCOM Using TIES
S Ramana Kumar Joga,M. Praveen,B. Durga Prasad |
579-585 |
94. |
A New Sight Into Data Mining
Er. Satinderpal Singh,Er.Sheilly Padda,Er.Jaspreet Kaur |
586-589 |
95. |
Analysis and Estimation of Attenuation Coefficient of Aging EN-19 Steel
A.Gopichand, ,Dr.M.Muralidhara rao, Prof A.V.N.L.Sharma V.Samuel tony |
590-595 |
96. |
Application Oriented Web Usage Mining with Customized Web Log Preprocessing & Frequent Pattern Tree
Ravindra Gupta,Prateek Gupta |
596-598 |
97. |
A Comparative Study between Moravec and Harris Corner Detection of Noisy Images Using Adaptive Wavelet Thresholding Technique
Nilanjan Dey, Pradipti Nandi, Nilanjana Barman , Debolina Das, Subhabrata Chakraborty |
599-606 |
98. |
Mobile Ad Hoc Network: A Comprehensive Study and Survey on Intrusion Detection
Sanjeev Gangwar |
607-613 |
99. |
Solar Energy Home System For The Rural Areas Of Bangladesh
Husnain-Al-Bustam,Md. Zakaria Mahbub,M. M. Suvro Shahriar,Mirja Shafiqur Rahman,Md.
Imran Hossain |
614-617 |
100. |
PWM-Based Sliding Mode Controller for DC-DC Boost Converter
Sumita Dhali,P.Nageshwara Rao,Praveen Mande,K.Venkateswara Rao |
618-623 |
101. |
An Efficient Architecture for Trusted Financial Services in ATM
Mukul Pathak, Uday Pratap Singh, Neeti Bhatnagar, Garima Srivastava |
624-630 |
102. |
Comparative Study of Routing Mechanism for Ad Hoc Network
Prof.Ravi Verma, Prof. Navneet Tiwari |
631-638 |
103. |
Usability of the Next Generation Attenuation Equations for Seismic Hazard Assessment in Malaysia
Azlan Adnan, Patrick Liq Yee Tiong, Yue Eng Chow |
639-644 |
104. |
Hardware implementation of Linear and Morphological Image Processing on FPGA
S. V. Devika, Sk.Khumuruddeen, Alekya |
645-650 |
105. |
Modelling and analysis of single expansion chamber using Response Surface Methodology
Mohammed R. Sabry Allam , Ali T. , Nouby M. |
651-658 |
106. |
A Review on the Various Techniques used for Optical Character Recognition
Pranob K Charles, V.Harish, M.Swathi, CH. Deepthi |
659-662 |
107. |
Evaluation of Optical Amplifiers
Hari Bhagwan Sharma,Tarun Gulati, Bharat Rawat |
663-667 |
108 |
A Low-Cost First-Order Sigma-Delta Converter Design and Analysis in 0.18μm Technology
Jayendra Sikarwar, R. C. Gurjar |
668-671 |
109. |
Data Transmission Using Tcp, Gzip & Tiny Algorithms
Deepikarani K, D.S Bhavani, K. Ravi Kishore, D.Deepika |
672-677 |
110. |
Fpga Implementation Of A Vedic Convolution Algorithm
Asmita Haveliya |
678-685 |
111. |
Dct And Dwt Based Image Fusion For Robust Face Recognition
Deepali Sale, Dr. (Mrs.) M.A.Joshi, Dr.A.M.Sapkal |
686-692 |
112. |
Enhanced DSR by using MCDS for Ad hoc network
Nirmala Chouhan, Prof. Deepali Kelkar, Antim Bala chouhan |
693-701 |
114. |
Crop Identification Using Gabor Wavelet Transform
Kajal Gurnani, Prof. Preeti Dave |
708-712 |
115. |
Steganography Technique Based on DCT Coefficients
Hardik Patel, Preeti Dave |
713-717 |
116. |
Noise Suppression in speech signals using Adaptive algorithms
T.Lalith kumar,
Dr.K.Soundara Rajan |
718-721 |
117. |
A Novel Filter for Reduction of Random Valued Impulse Noise
S.Gopinath, C.Nivedityaa |
722-726 |
118. |
Design Of Integrated Reliability Redundancy System With Multiple Constraints – Integer Programming Approach
P.Venkateswarlu, B.Dattatraya Sarma, Khadarbabu .Sk, M.N.Srinivas, G.Sankaraiah, C.Uma
Shankar |
727-733 |
119. |
An Efficient Technique using Text & Content Base Image Mining Technique for Image Retrieval
Mahip M.Bartere, Dr.Prashant R.Deshmukh |
734-739 |
120. |
Numerical Evaluation of Wind Pressure on Surfaces of Bluff Body
Jigar K. Sevalia, Dr. Atul K. Desai, Dr. S. A. Vasanwala |
740-746 |
121. |
power line communication
Dhiraj S. Bhojane, Saurabh R. Chaudhari, , Eshant G. Rajgure, Prakash D. More |
747-753 |
122. |
Secure File Transfer over Peer -To-Peer Network
K. Sudhakar, G.S. Raj, P.Visu, M. Saleem Babu, Koteeswaran. S |
754-757 |
123. |
Face Recognition under Expressions and Lighting Variations using Masking and Synthesizing
K. Ayarpadi, E. Kannan, Resmi R. Nair, T. Anitha, R. Srinivasan |
758-763 |
124. |
Microstrip patch antenna using holographic structure for WLAN and Ku Band application.
I.Govardhani , M.Venkata Narayana, Prof S.Venkateswarlu, K.Rajkamal |
764-767 |
125. |
On Rps-Connected Spaces
T.Shyla Isac Mary, P. Thangavelu |
768-772 |
126. |
Content Based Watermarking For Color Images Using Transform Domain
S.Radharani, Dr. M.L. Valarmathi |
773-779 |
127. |
The Semantic Web: An Introduction and Issues
Gopal Pandey |
780-786 |
128. |
3d Face Recognition Techniques - A Review
Preeti.B.Sharma, Mahesh M. Goyani |
787-792 |
129. |
A Proposed Service Broker Strategy in CloudAnalyst for Cost-Effective Data Center Selection
Dhaval Limbani, Bhavesh Oza |
793-797 |
130. |
Embedded System for USB WiFi Bridge
Ms. Disha Juriasinghani, Mr. Tanay Krishna Dev |
798-800 |
131. |
Analysis 0f Location Management Schemes for Cellular Networks
Kavita Sharma, Prateek Haksar |
801-804 |
132. |
Design of Low-Leakage CNTFET SRAM Cell at 32nm Technology using Forced Stack Technique
Rajendra Prasad S, B K Madhavi, K Lal Kishore |
805-808 |
133. |
Speech Denoising Using Different Types of Filters
Kavita Sharma, Prateek Haksar |
809-811 |
134. |
Designing of Hybrid Power Generation System using Wind energy- Photovoltaic Solar energy- Solar energy with Nanoantenna
Kavita Sharma, Prateek Haksar |
812-815 |
135. |
Optimization of process parameters of a solar parabolic trough in winter using Grey-Taguchi approach
Sri P. Mohana Reddy, Dr.P.Venkataramaiah, Mr. P. Sairam |
816-821 |
136. |
Design And Development Of A Parabolic Dish Solar Water Heater
Ibrahim Ladan Mohammed |
822-830 |
137. |
Physical separation of clustered seeds and analysis of nutrient
contents using Image Processing
Er.Jyoti Atwal, Er. Satyajeet Sen Purkayastha |
831-834 |
138. |
Item Classification Algorithm for Computer Adaptive Testing Based on Web Services
Manop Phankokkruad, Kuntpong Woraratpanya |
835-847 |
139. |
Understanding of Software effort Estimation at the early Software Development of the life cycle - A literature View
Kardile Vilas Vasantrao |
848-852 |
140. |
Multi-Objective Tooling Optimization for Sustainable Manufacturing
Kai Jin, Hua Li, Hong C. Zhang, Switesh Nage |
853-862 |
141. |
Developing Touch Screen Drivers for Data Transmission Using S3C2440 Processor
Ch. Sravani, N.V.Narayana Rao |
863-869 |
142. |
Phishing website detection and optimization using Modified bat algorithm
Radha Damodaram, Dr.M.L.Valarmathi |
870-876 |
143. |
Applications of Finger Photoplethysmography
Rutuja Laulkar, Nivedita Daimiwal |
877-880 |
144. |
Identifying the Possibilities of Mpt's & Mpr's Using Many to Many Communications in MANETS
Veerababu Kondra, Rajkumar Medapati |
881-886 |
145. |
A Survey on Performance Improvement of Embedded systems designed using ARM family processors
S.M. ShamsheerDaula, Dr.K.ESreenivasa Murthy, G Amjad Khan |
887-890 |
146. |
Single-Sign-On (SSO) across open cloud computing federation
Arvind D Meniya, Harkishan B Jethva |
891-895 |
147. |
Ferrotoroidic Property For Ferroic Species
M.Vijaya Laxmi, Prof.S.Uma Devi |
896-903 |
148. |
Study of Stability of a Highway Fill Application of the Analytical and the Finite Elements Methods
Latifa Ouadif, Lahcen Bahi, Khadija Baba, Ahmed Akhssas |
904-910 |
149. |
Security Threats & Issues In Wireless Sensor Networks
D.G.Anand, Dr.H.G.Chandrakanth, Dr.M.N.Giriprasad |
911-916 |
150. |
On Center of Automorphisms Group
T. Karimi |
917-919 |
151. |
A study on student absenteeism problem in colleges in the framework of fuzzy AHP
R.L.N.Pradeep Kumar, P.Kousalya,V.Ravindranath |
920-931 |
152. |
Quantification of Nonlinear Valve Stiction Model Using Compound Evolution Algorithms
S.Sivagamasundari, D.Sivakumar |
932-938 |
153. |
Calculation of High Field Electron Transport Properties in InN in
Comparison with GaN
H. Arabshahi, Z. Moodi, M. R. Benam |
939-942 |
154. |
WebBased online Secured Exam
B.Persis Urbana Ivy, A.shalini, A.Yamuna |
943-944 |
155. |
Cloud Computing-Storage as Service
Gurudatt Kulkarni, Ramesh Sutar, Jayant Gambhir |
945-950 |
156. |
Simulation Effects of Operating Temperature and Frequency at Performance of Different SRAM Cell Structures at Various Technologies
Sapna Singh, Neha Arora, Neha Gupta, Meenakshi suthar |
951-955 |
157. |
Survey on Contention Resolution Techniques For Optical Burst Switching Networks
Rohit Lamba, Dr.Amit Kumar Garg |
956-961 |
158. |
Intrusion Detection System (IDS) for Secure MANETs: A Study
H.N.Pratihari |
962-966 |
159. |
Improved Performance of Advance Encryption Standard using Parallel Computing
Vishal Pachori, Gunjan Ansari, Neha Chaudhary |
967-971 |
160. |
Implementation Of Synchronous Up Counter By Using Self Resetting Logic
Vijaya Bhaskar M, Suparshya Babu Sukhavasi, Susrutha Babu Sukhavasi, G Santhi Swaroop Vemana |
972-981 |
161. |
Comparison of Pole Placement Technique and Genetic Algorithm Technique for tuning stabilizers in Power system
P Pavan Kumar, C Srivalli Soujanya, M Ravindra Babu |
982-988 |
162. |
A Review of Improvement in TCP congestion Control Using Route Failure Detection in MANET
Mr.S.A.Jain, Ms. Sujata K.Tapkir |
989-992 |
163. |
Misbehavior Detection : A New Approach for MANET
S.Gopinath, Dr.S.Nirmala, N.Sureshkumar |
993-997 |
164. |
An implementation of random walk algorithm to detect brain cancer in 2-d MRI
Mona Choubey, Suyash Agrawal |
998-1001 |
165. |
Mousa S.Alramadan |
1002-1008 |
166. |
A Study of Congestion Control Mechanism
Using Link Failure Detection in MANET
Mr.S.A.Jain, Ms Aruna.A, Kadam |
1009-1012 |
167. |
Land Use And Land Cover Change Detection For Three Decades: Case Study For Coimbatore Area
M.Renuka Devi, Dr.S. Santhosh Baboo |
1013-1028 |
168. |
Elastic Behavior of Cylindrical Vessels with Lateral Nozzle under internal pressure
Prof.Sha Husain S.Maghrabi, Dr.M.M.Mulkutkar, Mr.Kaushal Shetty, Prof. M.Aquil |
1029-1034 |
169. |
Wireless Personal Area Network Node Design and Simulation for Lab automation using 2.4 GHz Transceiver Module
Mukesh Tiwari, Gourav Mudgal |
1035-1039 |
170. |
Design Of Mb-Ofdm Transmitter Baseband Using Fpga Architecture
Miss Meenal .D.Tayade, Prof.P.D.Gawande |
1040-1043 |
171. |
Learning Subject Areas by Using Unsupervised Observation of Most Informative Terms in Text Databases
Tangudu Naresh, G.Ramesh Naidu, S.Vishnu Murty |
1044-1049 |
172. |
Application of CFD in Natural Draft Wet Cooling Tower Flow
Alok singh, S P S Rajput |
1050-1056 |
173. |
Enhancement Interline Power Quality Using MC-UPQC with Artificial Neural Network Technique
K Durga Syam Prasad, Dr.Ch. Sai Babu, Sushma Yadlapalli, K.Sravanthi |
1057-1064 |
174. |
Investigating the effect of An Integrated and flexible software system for teaching and learning 'C' programming language.
Brahmananda S.H., Dr. V. Cyril Raj |
1065-1070 |
175. |
Apply Different Filtering Techniques To Remove The Speckle Noise Using Medical Images
Bhausaheb Shinde, Dnyandeo Mhaske, Machindra Patare, A.R. Dani |
1071-1079 |
176. |
Fault Tolerance in bit swapping LFSR using FPGA Architecture
Atluri Jhansi rani, K.Harikishore, Fazal Noor Basha, J.Poornima, M.Jyothil, M.Sahithi, P.Srinivas |
1080-1087 |
177. |
Design a Realistic Performance of a Passenger Train
Sergey E. Galushin, Shazly A. Mohammed, Nouby M. Ghazaly |
1088-1098 |
178. |
Existence Of Nonoscillatory Solutions Of Second Order Linear Neutral Delay Difference Equations With Forcing Term
1099-1107 |
179. |
Neural Networks Forecasting Model For Monthly Electricity Load In Andhra Pradesh
R.Ramakrishna, Naveen Kumar Boiroju, M. Krishna Reddy |
1108-1115 |
180. |
Securing AODV Protocol against BlackholeAttacks
Rajesh J. Nagar, Kajal S. Patel |
1116-1120 |
181. |
A Visual Cryptographic Technique to Secure Image Shares
Jagdeep Verma, Dr.Vineeta Khemchandani |
1121-1125 |
182. |
Fabrication Of Nano-Structured Cadmium Zinc Telluride Thin Films
Dr. Monisha Chakraborty |
1126-1134 |
183. |
Performance analysis of Seed Grader through DOE
Abhijit M Taley, Prof & Dr Satish Bansod |
1135-1140 |
184. |
Performance Improvement in Single phase Tubular Heat Exchanger using continuous Helical Baffles
Sunil S. Shinde, Samir S. Joshi, Dr. S. Pavithran |
1141-1149 |
185. |
Breakdown the Session Riding Attacks (XSRF) with Cryptographic NONCE
Y.Ramesh, T. Naresh, T. Chalapathi |
1150-1156 |
186. |
Analysis of Dual Band Pyramidal Serrated Antenna
B.T.P.Madhav, T.V.Ramakrishna, M.S.G. Prasad, Dayal Charan Voleti, Chinnam Muralidhar,
Mellacheruvu Praveen |
1157-1160 |
187. |
Drought Stress Tolerance Evaluation of Spring Rapeseed Cultivars in Winter Planting
Amir Hossein Shirani Rad |
1161-1167 |
188. |
Study on Drought Stress Tolerance in Rapeseed Varieties Based on Drought Stress Tolerance Indices
Amir Hossein Shirani Rad |
1168-1173 |
189. |
Access Control and Rights related Risk Assessment
S. K. Pandey, K. Mustafa |
1174-1178 |
190. |
Design of Aeronautical Satellite Communication System Using Ray Tracing Modeling Technique
Prof.B.L.Prakash, Sridhar .A , Mr.P.A. Nageswara Rao |
1179-1183 |