Volume 2 - Issue 1

Home >> Jan-Feb 2012

Volume 2- Issue 1 [Jan-Feb 2012]

S.No. Title & Authors Page Downloads
Paper submitted to IJERA : 467
Accepted papers by peer review process : 190
Rejected Paper : 277
Paper Acceptance percentage : 40.69%
1. Customization of Power Performance in Interconnected MPSOC for NOC
S.Tejaswi Lalitha,M.Venkateswara Rao
001-006 download
2. Simulation study for Mobile Ad hoc Networks Using DMAC Protocol
Vikas Sejwar
007-011 download
Controlling and accessing vehicle functions by mobile from remote place by sending GPS Co-ordinates to the Web server
Dr. Khanna SamratVivekanand Omprakash
012-015 download
4. Security Camera System can be access into mobile with internet from remote place
Dr. Khanna SamratVivekanand Omprakash
016-019 download
5. Controlling the Web traffic and eCommerce portal by using the concept of accessing data Information form client side to the server for a particular web site having internet traffic
Dr. Khanna SamratVivekanand Omprakash
020-024 download
6. Simulate the Performance Parameters of Wired WND Wireless Networks by Soft Computing Technique
Pritibha Sukhroop, Kulbhushan Singla, Ashwani Singla
025-035 download
7. Behaviour of an open type berthing structure under earthquake condition -A numerical approach
036-040 download
8. Direct Marketing with the Applicartion of data Mining
M Suman,T Anuradha,K Manasa Veena
041--043 download
9. Channel Estimation for MIMO-OFDM Systems
D.B.Bhoyar,Vaishali B. Niranjane
044-050 download
10. Rural Electrification with Loss Minimization Through different Strategies for Sustainable Infrastructure Development
Krishnakant Gautam, Vijay Bhuria
051-054 download
11. Developments in Spectral Subtraction for Speech Enhancement
Paurav Goel , Anil Garg
055-063 download
12. The Optimization of Sliding Wear Behaviour of Aluminium/Be3Al2(SiO3)6 Composite using Taguchi Approach
Bhaskar H. B., Abdul Sharief
064-067 download
13. Comparative Analysis of 7T and 6T SRAM Using 0.18μm Technology
Sunil Kumar Maravi,Prithviraj Singh Chouhan
068-073 download
14. Controlling Performance Variation of Planar Mechanisms by Providing Scheme of Tolerance, Using Relative Velocity Method: An Approach
P. S. Thakare,Dr. C. C. Handa
074-076 download
15. Investigation on Properties of Bamboo as Reinforcing Material in concrete
Harish Sakaray, N.V. Vamsi Krishna Togati, I.V. Ramana Reddy
077-083 download
16. Prediction of hardness of forged Al7075/Al2O3 composites using factorial design of experiments
Indumati B Deshmanya,Dr GK Purohit
084-089 download
17. Removal of High Density Salt and Pepper Noise Through Modified Decision Based Unsymmetric Trimmed Median Filter
S.Gopi Krishna, T. Sreenivasulu Reddy, G.K.RAJINI
090-094 download
18. Theoretical Model for Condenser of Miniature LiBr-H2O Vapor Absorption Refrigeration System
Manu.S, T.K.Chandrashekar, Ramesha.H
095-103 download
19. A Fuzzy Logic MPPT Three-Phase Grid-Connected Inverter for
Photovoltaic Applications
B. Nagaraju, K.Prakash
104-107 download
20. A new Recovery scheme for Handling Both Link and Node Failure in the Fast ip Networks
Pondugala.Bhaskar Rao, U. Nanaji
108-113 download
21. A Frequent Pattern Mining Algorithm Based on FP-Tree Structure and Apriorl Algorithm
M Suman, T Anuradha, K Gowtham, A Ramakrishna
114-116 download
22. Cloud Computing-Infrastructure as Serviceamazon Ec2
Gurudatt Kulkarni,Ramesh Sutar
117-125 download
23. Hiding the Text Information using Stegnography
M.Grace Vennice,Prof.Tv.Rao,M.Swapna,Prof.J.Sasi kiran
126-131 download
24. Fuzzy Time Series Forecasting of Low Dimensional Numerical Data
Devendra Tayal,Shilpa Sonawani,Gunjan Ansari,Charu Gupta
132-135 download
25. Voltage Control using DVR under Large Frequency Variation with DFT and Kalman Filter
Shaik Daryabi, Trinadha Burle,B.Shankar Prasad
136-149 download
26. Implementation of Object Oriented Approach to Lowest-Cost Routing Using BGP
Ch M Krishna Mentada, G.Nageswara Rao
150-155 download
27. Dynamic Performance of 48-pulse STATCOM, SSSC and UPFC controller
Ravi Balam, Kotyada.Kalyani,B.Shankar Prasad
156-163 download
28. Iris Based De-duplication Technology
Ashok Kumar Yadav,Srinivasulu Tadisetty
164-167 download
29. Power Quality Improvement using Repetitive Controlled Dynamic Voltage Restorer for various faults
A.Venkata Rajesh,Dr. K. Narasimha Rao
168-174 download
30. Numerical Investigation of Heat Transfer Enhancement for a Perforated Fin in Natural Convection
Mohamad I. Al-Widyan, Amjad Al-Shaarawi
175-183 download
31. Performance Comparison of Transform Domain for Speckle Reduction in Ultrasound Image
Tajinder kaur,Manjit Sandhu, Preeti Goel
184-188 download
32. Item Set Mining using IMINE Index Support
Thadi Ananda Ravi Kumar, N Tulasi Raju, D.Chitti Babu ,Subhakar Rao Golla
189-194 download
33. A Novel Active Clamped Dual Switch Flyback Converter
B.Nagaraju, K.Sreedevi
195-206 download
34. Heat Pipes: Design, Development, Manufacturing- A case study of Oil cooler model
Prof. Chavan Dattatraya K,Prof. L S Utpat, Prof. Dr. G S Tasgaonkar, Kedar B, Sonar,Chintan V Shah
207-211 download
35. Multi converter Unified Power-Quality Conditioning for multi feeder
Hameed Mohammed Abdul, P.V.Kishore
212-221 download
36 Effective Teaching and Effective Learning: Learning Styles Perspective
Dr. Qais Faryadi, Dr. Irshadul Haq Abdullah
222-228 download
37. Design And Performance Analysis of Minkowski Square Loop Fractal Antenna
SaritaBajaj,Ajay Kaushik
229-233 download
38. Signal Flow Graph Modeling of Linear Fuzzy PI Controller
B. Amarendra Reddy, Revanth Kumar P, M Sujatha
234-240 download
39. Understanding Mode-Coupling Mechanism of Brake Squeal Using Finite Element Analysis
Nouby M. Ghazaly,Sufyan Mohammed,Ali M. Abd-El-Tawwab
241-250 download
40. Efficient Capacity Image Steganography by Using Wavelets
Yedla dinesh, Addanki purna ramesh
251-259 download
41. Performance of a Fuzzy Logic Based AVR in SMIB, MMIB System and Power Flow Control Using SSSC and IPFC
Challa Krishna Rao,Dr.K B Madhu Sahu,Dr. Siva, Yellampalli,Balabomma Bhaskara Rao
260-268 download
42 Evaluation of Support Vector Machines Using Kernels for object detection in images
Rashmi Singh Lodhi,Shailendra Kumar Shrivastava
269-273 download
43. Intrusion Detection Systems Challenges for Wireless Network
Manish Kumar,Dr. M. Hanumanthappa,Dr. T. V. Suresh Kumar
274-280 download
44. Drawing Automation of Reactor Nozzle
Nayak H. B, Trivedi R. R, Araniya K.K
281-286 download
45. Comparative Methods Of Measurement Of Contact Resistivity Of Metal-Semiconductor Contact
Dr. Monisha Chakraborty
287-294 download
46. Exons Identification Using Filter
Renu Sharma, Ajay Kaushik
295-298 download
47. A Practical Approach To The Design And Implementaion Of A Water Cooled Single Phase Submersible Motor
Dr. Virajit A. Gundale,Mangesh S. Kulkarni
299-304 download
48. Optimization of burr height in drilling of commercial Acrylic sheet using Taguchi method
Irfan Khan, Mukesh Verma , S S Mann
305-310 download
49. Spur Gear Optimization By Using Genetic Algorithm
Yallamti Murali Mohan, T.Seshaiah
311-318 download
50. Seismic Analysis of Multistoried Building with TMD (Tuned Mass Damper)
Thakur V.M., Pachpor P.D.
319-326 download
51. Sessionization –A Vital Stage in Data Preprocessing of Web Usage
Mining-A Survey
Dharmendra Patel, Dr. Kalpesh Parikh, Atul Patel
327-330 download
52. Relation Between Rapid Prototyping & Minimizing Time Delay In New Product Market Launch
Dheeraj Nimawat, Mahaveer Meghvanshi
331-333 download
53. Bandwidth Improvement of Microstrip Patch Antenna Using HShaped
Sudhir Bhaskar & Sachin Kumar Gupta
334-338 download
54. Video Copy Detection Based On Hidden Markov Models and Invariant Moments
Marwa Mohamed Dawoud, Dr. Mohamed El Mahallawy, Prof. Dr. Mohamed Waleed, Fakhr, Prof. Dr. Mostafa Abdel Azeem
339-344 download
55. Efficient Design Of Static Analysis Tool For Detecting Web Vulnerabilities
A N L Kumar, P L N Raju, Sangapu Venkata Appaji, D Ratna GirI
345-354 download
56. Design And Analysis Of Multilayer High Pressure Vessels
Siva Krishna Raparla , T.Seshaiah
355-361 download
57. Investigations on S.I. Engine Using Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) As an Alternative Fuel
Thirumal mamidi, Dr. J.G. Suryawnshi
362-367 download
58. Signal Flow Graph Analysis of Linearized Fuzzy PI Controller
B. Amarendra Reddy, Nammi Nagarjun, Praveen Adimulam
368-374 download
59. A QOS-Aware Software Selection Method Based On Service Credibility Evaluation
P.Kalpana, Uppe.Nanaji
375-378 download
60. Removal Of Baseline Wandering In Ecg Signals Using Singular Value Decomposition
T Dhanaraj, G Umamaheswara Reddy
379-382 download
61. Modeling and optimization of burr height in drilling of Al-Fly ash composite using Taguchi method
Shanti Parkash ,Mr.Mukesh Verma, Mr.Sarabjot Singh
383-390 download
62. Preventive Measures For Malware In P2P Networks
Prof.P.Pradeep Kumar,Naini Shekar Reddy,R.Sai Krishna,Ch.Kishor Kumar,M.Ramesh
391-400 download
63. Measuring Of Semantic Similarity Between Words Using WebSearch Engine Approach
Prof.P.Pradeep Kumar, Naini.Shekhar Reddy, R.Sai Krishna, Ch.Kishor Kumar, M.Ramesh
401-404 download
64. Determination Of Probabilistic Voltage Stability Limit Based On Schur's Inequality Indicator Using Evolutionary Programming
Prof. D.K.Rai, Prof. Hemant Chouhan , Dr. L.S.Titare
405-411 download
65. Opinion Polarity Detection in Blog Comments from Blog Rss Feed by Modified TF-IDF Algorithm
Abhishek Tiwari, Kshitij Pathak, Upasana tiwari, Rupam das
412-416 download
66. A Key-Scheduled Block Cipher Using element-wise Linear Transformation and Logical XOR Operation
D. Sravan Kumar, CH. Suneetha, A.Chandrasekhar
417-425 download
67. Noise cancellation in Speech Signals by Using a Constrained Stability
LMS Algorithm
G.Amjad Khan, Dr. K.E. Sreenivasa Murthy, J.Satyanarayana
426-430 download
68. Automation Of Warranty Management System For A Small-Scale Manufacturing Industry
Prof. Onkar Dipak Joshi , Dr. Virajit A. Gundale
431-436 download
69. Weight Optimization of Salt Spray Testing Chamber Frame
Prof. Chavan Dattatraya K, Prof. L S Utpat, Prof. Dr. G S Tasgaonkar, Nivesh Patel
437-445 download
70. Electrically Driven Marine Propulsion
Shraddha Kaushik, K.Sri Chandan, Sandhya Thotakura
446-451 download
71. New Approach Towards Ensuring Software Quality
Er.Ankit Sharma, Er.Sheilly Padda, Er.Jaspreet Kaur
452-454 download
72. Marine Extracts as Corrosion Inhibitor for Aluminum in Seawater Applications
WB Wan Nik, O Sulaiman, AF Ayob, MF Ahmad, MM Rahman
455-458 download
73. Compensation Of Power Quality Disturbances Using Wavelet With Multilayer And Modular Neural Network
V.Niranjan, CH.Das prakash
459-463 download
74. A Novel Approach to Overcome the Intertwined Shortcomings of DWT
For Image Processing and De-noising
Rudra Pratap Singh Chauhan
464-470 download
75. Statistical Performance Analysis of Unilevel Wavelet Based Power
Allocation for Wireless Image Transmission using Lab View
K. Prasuna, M. Padmaja
471-475 download
76. Monte Carlo Simulation of Electron Transport in wurtzite Indium Nitride
C.Sayah, B.Bouazza, A.Guen-Bouazza, N.E.Chabane-Sari
476-482 download
77. Reseeding methodology for low power based on LFSR
Sk. Khamuruddeen, T. Pullaiah, S. V. Devika,T. Lavany
483-488 download
78. Modeling and Estimation of Total Leakage Current in Nano-scaled 7T SRAM Cell Considering the Effect of Parameter Variation
Rashmi Bahal, Shyam Akashe
489-492 download
79. Applications Of 10 Gigabit Ethernet A
Deepak Koli,Mohammed Firdos Alam Sheikh,Rishabh Chauhan,Sidharth Sisodia
493-496 download
80. An Integration Of Emotional Attire - The Artificial Intelligence
Mr. Sagar J. Wakharia,Prof. Jitendra S. Edle,Ms. Dolly J Wakharia
497-502 download
81. Image Compression Based on Compressed Sensing Data Processing
K.Vijay Kumar,Prof. K.Suresh Reddy
503-507 download
82. Optimization Of The Core Length Of A Water Cooled Three Phase Submersible Motor
Dr. Virajit A. Gundale,Mangesh S. Kulkarni
508-514 download
83. Analysis Of Image Compression Algorithm Using DCT
Maneesha Gupta, Dr.Amit Kumar Garg
515-521 download
84. Accounting Policies for AAA Systems in Mobile Telecommunication Networks
VishnuPrasad Goranthala, Bodakuntla Rajkumar, Dr.JayaDevGyani
522-531 download
85. Analysis of Catching Strategies & Emergence of Information Density in Mobile Ad hoc Networks
Prof Pradeep Kumar Puram, Mogulla Archana, Jakkala Ravichandra Reddy, Ganta Raju
532-537 download
86. High speed pipelined architecture for cyclic convolution based on
Dr. B. R. Sastry,T.Sireesha,B.Gowri Sivanandhini,S.Natarajan
538-544 download
87. Detection of Sharp Contour of the element of the WBC and Segmentation of two leading elements like Nucleus and Cytoplasm
Prof. Samir K. Bandyopadhyay, Sudipta Roy
545-551 download
88. Improving Quality of Software through Formal Inspection
T.Rajani Devi
552-557 download
89. Permangnatic Oxidation Of Ethyl-2- Cloroactotacetate : A Kinetic And Mechanistic Study
Sayyed Hussain,Takale Surendra,Katapalle Ramdas,Gaikawad Digambar
558-561 download
90. Design of Operational Transconductance Amplifier for Biquad Filter Applications in 0.18μm Technology
Neeraj Shrivastava,Gaurav Bhargava,D.S Ajnar,Pramod Kumar Jain
562-565 download
91. Design of Low Voltage Folded Cascode Operational Transconductance Amplifier with Optimum Range of Gain and GBW in 0.18μm Technology
Raghuwar Sharan Gautam,P. K. Jain,D. S. Ajnar
566-570 download
92. On the Optimum Utilization and Promotion of Renewable Energy Sources in India
Deepak Kumar
571-578 download
93. A power quality Improvement of Mitigating Neutral current for VSC Based DSTATCOM Using TIES
S Ramana Kumar Joga,M. Praveen,B. Durga Prasad
579-585 download
94. A New Sight Into Data Mining
Er. Satinderpal Singh,Er.Sheilly Padda,Er.Jaspreet Kaur
586-589 download
95. Analysis and Estimation of Attenuation Coefficient of Aging EN-19 Steel
A.Gopichand, ,Dr.M.Muralidhara rao, Prof A.V.N.L.Sharma V.Samuel tony
590-595 download
96. Application Oriented Web Usage Mining with Customized Web Log Preprocessing & Frequent Pattern Tree
Ravindra Gupta,Prateek Gupta
596-598 download
97. A Comparative Study between Moravec and Harris Corner Detection of Noisy Images Using Adaptive Wavelet Thresholding Technique
Nilanjan Dey, Pradipti Nandi, Nilanjana Barman , Debolina Das, Subhabrata Chakraborty
599-606 download
98. Mobile Ad Hoc Network: A Comprehensive Study and Survey on Intrusion Detection
Sanjeev Gangwar
607-613 download
99. Solar Energy Home System For The Rural Areas Of Bangladesh
Husnain-Al-Bustam,Md. Zakaria Mahbub,M. M. Suvro Shahriar,Mirja Shafiqur Rahman,Md.
Imran Hossain
614-617 download
100. PWM-Based Sliding Mode Controller for DC-DC Boost Converter
Sumita Dhali,P.Nageshwara Rao,Praveen Mande,K.Venkateswara Rao
618-623 download
101. An Efficient Architecture for Trusted Financial Services in ATM
Mukul Pathak, Uday Pratap Singh, Neeti Bhatnagar, Garima Srivastava
624-630 download
102. Comparative Study of Routing Mechanism for Ad Hoc Network
Prof.Ravi Verma, Prof. Navneet Tiwari
631-638 download
103. Usability of the Next Generation Attenuation Equations for Seismic Hazard Assessment in Malaysia
Azlan Adnan, Patrick Liq Yee Tiong, Yue Eng Chow
639-644 download
104. Hardware implementation of Linear and Morphological Image Processing on FPGA
S. V. Devika, Sk.Khumuruddeen, Alekya
645-650 download
105. Modelling and analysis of single expansion chamber using Response Surface Methodology
Mohammed R. Sabry Allam , Ali T. , Nouby M.
651-658 download
106. A Review on the Various Techniques used for Optical Character Recognition
Pranob K Charles, V.Harish, M.Swathi, CH. Deepthi
659-662 download
107. Evaluation of Optical Amplifiers
Hari Bhagwan Sharma,Tarun Gulati, Bharat Rawat
663-667 download
108 A Low-Cost First-Order Sigma-Delta Converter Design and Analysis in 0.18μm Technology
Jayendra Sikarwar, R. C. Gurjar
668-671 download
109. Data Transmission Using Tcp, Gzip & Tiny Algorithms
Deepikarani K, D.S Bhavani, K. Ravi Kishore, D.Deepika
672-677 download
110. Fpga Implementation Of A Vedic Convolution Algorithm
Asmita Haveliya
678-685 download
111. Dct And Dwt Based Image Fusion For Robust Face Recognition
Deepali Sale, Dr. (Mrs.) M.A.Joshi, Dr.A.M.Sapkal
686-692 download
112. Enhanced DSR by using MCDS for Ad hoc network
Nirmala Chouhan, Prof. Deepali Kelkar, Antim Bala chouhan
693-701 download
114. Crop Identification Using Gabor Wavelet Transform
Kajal Gurnani, Prof. Preeti Dave
708-712 download
115. Steganography Technique Based on DCT Coefficients
Hardik Patel, Preeti Dave
713-717 download
116. Noise Suppression in speech signals using Adaptive algorithms
T.Lalith kumar, Dr.K.Soundara Rajan
718-721 download
117. A Novel Filter for Reduction of Random Valued Impulse Noise
S.Gopinath, C.Nivedityaa
722-726 download
118. Design Of Integrated Reliability Redundancy System With Multiple Constraints – Integer Programming Approach
P.Venkateswarlu, B.Dattatraya Sarma, Khadarbabu .Sk, M.N.Srinivas, G.Sankaraiah, C.Uma Shankar
727-733 download
119. An Efficient Technique using Text & Content Base Image Mining Technique for Image Retrieval
Mahip M.Bartere, Dr.Prashant R.Deshmukh
734-739 download
120. Numerical Evaluation of Wind Pressure on Surfaces of Bluff Body
Jigar K. Sevalia, Dr. Atul K. Desai, Dr. S. A. Vasanwala
740-746 download
121. power line communication
Dhiraj S. Bhojane, Saurabh R. Chaudhari, , Eshant G. Rajgure, Prakash D. More
747-753 download
122. Secure File Transfer over Peer -To-Peer Network
K. Sudhakar, G.S. Raj, P.Visu, M. Saleem Babu, Koteeswaran. S
754-757 download
123. Face Recognition under Expressions and Lighting Variations using Masking and Synthesizing
K. Ayarpadi, E. Kannan, Resmi R. Nair, T. Anitha, R. Srinivasan
758-763 download
124. Microstrip patch antenna using holographic structure for WLAN and Ku Band application.
I.Govardhani , M.Venkata Narayana, Prof S.Venkateswarlu, K.Rajkamal
764-767 download
125. On Rps-Connected Spaces
T.Shyla Isac Mary, P. Thangavelu
768-772 download
126. Content Based Watermarking For Color Images Using Transform Domain
S.Radharani, Dr. M.L. Valarmathi
773-779 download
127. The Semantic Web: An Introduction and Issues
Gopal Pandey
780-786 download
128. 3d Face Recognition Techniques - A Review
Preeti.B.Sharma, Mahesh M. Goyani
787-792 download
129. A Proposed Service Broker Strategy in CloudAnalyst for Cost-Effective Data Center Selection
Dhaval Limbani, Bhavesh Oza
793-797 download
130. Embedded System for USB WiFi Bridge
Ms. Disha Juriasinghani, Mr. Tanay Krishna Dev
798-800 download
131. Analysis 0f Location Management Schemes for Cellular Networks
Kavita Sharma, Prateek Haksar
801-804 download
132. Design of Low-Leakage CNTFET SRAM Cell at 32nm Technology using Forced Stack Technique
Rajendra Prasad S, B K Madhavi, K Lal Kishore
805-808 download
133. Speech Denoising Using Different Types of Filters
Kavita Sharma, Prateek Haksar
809-811 download
134. Designing of Hybrid Power Generation System using Wind energy- Photovoltaic Solar energy- Solar energy with Nanoantenna
Kavita Sharma, Prateek Haksar
812-815 download
135. Optimization of process parameters of a solar parabolic trough in winter using Grey-Taguchi approach
Sri P. Mohana Reddy, Dr.P.Venkataramaiah, Mr. P. Sairam
816-821 download
136. Design And Development Of A Parabolic Dish Solar Water Heater
Ibrahim Ladan Mohammed
822-830 download
137. Physical separation of clustered seeds and analysis of nutrient
contents using Image Processing
Er.Jyoti Atwal, Er. Satyajeet Sen Purkayastha
831-834 download
138. Item Classification Algorithm for Computer Adaptive Testing Based on Web Services
Manop Phankokkruad, Kuntpong Woraratpanya
835-847 download
139. Understanding of Software effort Estimation at the early Software Development of the life cycle - A literature View
Kardile Vilas Vasantrao
848-852 download
140. Multi-Objective Tooling Optimization for Sustainable Manufacturing
Kai Jin, Hua Li, Hong C. Zhang, Switesh Nage
853-862 download
141. Developing Touch Screen Drivers for Data Transmission Using S3C2440 Processor
Ch. Sravani, N.V.Narayana Rao
863-869 download
142. Phishing website detection and optimization using Modified bat algorithm
Radha Damodaram, Dr.M.L.Valarmathi
870-876 download
143. Applications of Finger Photoplethysmography
Rutuja Laulkar, Nivedita Daimiwal
877-880 download
144. Identifying the Possibilities of Mpt's & Mpr's Using Many to Many Communications in MANETS
Veerababu Kondra, Rajkumar Medapati
881-886 download
145. A Survey on Performance Improvement of Embedded systems designed using ARM family processors
S.M. ShamsheerDaula, Dr.K.ESreenivasa Murthy, G Amjad Khan
887-890 download
146. Single-Sign-On (SSO) across open cloud computing federation
Arvind D Meniya, Harkishan B Jethva
891-895 download
147. Ferrotoroidic Property For Ferroic Species
M.Vijaya Laxmi, Prof.S.Uma Devi
896-903 download
148. Study of Stability of a Highway Fill Application of the Analytical and the Finite Elements Methods
Latifa Ouadif, Lahcen Bahi, Khadija Baba, Ahmed Akhssas
904-910 download
149. Security Threats & Issues In Wireless Sensor Networks
D.G.Anand, Dr.H.G.Chandrakanth, Dr.M.N.Giriprasad
911-916 download
150. On Center of Automorphisms Group
T. Karimi
917-919 download
151. A study on student absenteeism problem in colleges in the framework of fuzzy AHP
R.L.N.Pradeep Kumar, P.Kousalya,V.Ravindranath
920-931 download
152. Quantification of Nonlinear Valve Stiction Model Using Compound Evolution Algorithms
S.Sivagamasundari, D.Sivakumar
932-938 download
153. Calculation of High Field Electron Transport Properties in InN in
Comparison with GaN
H. Arabshahi, Z. Moodi, M. R. Benam
939-942 download
154. WebBased online Secured Exam
B.Persis Urbana Ivy, A.shalini, A.Yamuna
943-944 download
155. Cloud Computing-Storage as Service
Gurudatt Kulkarni, Ramesh Sutar, Jayant Gambhir
945-950 download
156. Simulation Effects of Operating Temperature and Frequency at Performance of Different SRAM Cell Structures at Various Technologies
Sapna Singh, Neha Arora, Neha Gupta, Meenakshi suthar
951-955 download
157. Survey on Contention Resolution Techniques For Optical Burst Switching Networks
Rohit Lamba, Dr.Amit Kumar Garg
956-961 download
158. Intrusion Detection System (IDS) for Secure MANETs: A Study
962-966 download
159. Improved Performance of Advance Encryption Standard using Parallel Computing
Vishal Pachori, Gunjan Ansari, Neha Chaudhary
967-971 download
160. Implementation Of Synchronous Up Counter By Using Self Resetting Logic
Vijaya Bhaskar M, Suparshya Babu Sukhavasi, Susrutha Babu Sukhavasi, G Santhi Swaroop Vemana
972-981 download
161. Comparison of Pole Placement Technique and Genetic Algorithm Technique for tuning stabilizers in Power system
P Pavan Kumar, C Srivalli Soujanya, M Ravindra Babu
982-988 download
162. A Review of Improvement in TCP congestion Control Using Route Failure Detection in MANET
Mr.S.A.Jain, Ms. Sujata K.Tapkir
989-992 download
163. Misbehavior Detection : A New Approach for MANET
S.Gopinath, Dr.S.Nirmala, N.Sureshkumar
993-997 download
164. An implementation of random walk algorithm to detect brain cancer in 2-d MRI
Mona Choubey, Suyash Agrawal
998-1001 download
Mousa S.Alramadan
1002-1008 download
166. A Study of Congestion Control Mechanism Using Link Failure Detection in MANET
Mr.S.A.Jain, Ms Aruna.A, Kadam
1009-1012 download
167. Land Use And Land Cover Change Detection For Three Decades: Case Study For Coimbatore Area
M.Renuka Devi, Dr.S. Santhosh Baboo
1013-1028 download
168. Elastic Behavior of Cylindrical Vessels with Lateral Nozzle under internal pressure
Prof.Sha Husain S.Maghrabi, Dr.M.M.Mulkutkar, Mr.Kaushal Shetty, Prof. M.Aquil
1029-1034 download
169. Wireless Personal Area Network Node Design and Simulation for Lab automation using 2.4 GHz Transceiver Module
Mukesh Tiwari, Gourav Mudgal
1035-1039 download
170. Design Of Mb-Ofdm Transmitter Baseband Using Fpga Architecture
Miss Meenal .D.Tayade, Prof.P.D.Gawande
1040-1043 download
171. Learning Subject Areas by Using Unsupervised Observation of Most Informative Terms in Text Databases
Tangudu Naresh, G.Ramesh Naidu, S.Vishnu Murty
1044-1049 download
172. Application of CFD in Natural Draft Wet Cooling Tower Flow
Alok singh, S P S Rajput
1050-1056 download
173. Enhancement Interline Power Quality Using MC-UPQC with Artificial Neural Network Technique
K Durga Syam Prasad, Dr.Ch. Sai Babu, Sushma Yadlapalli, K.Sravanthi
1057-1064 download
174. Investigating the effect of An Integrated and flexible software system for teaching and learning 'C' programming language.
Brahmananda S.H., Dr. V. Cyril Raj
1065-1070 download
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