International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA)
Volume 9 - Issue 5
- Design of Multib and Slot Antenna for GPS/Wimax /WLAN
Sayali S. Pawar., Jagadish B. Jadhav
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10.9790/9622- 0904050109
- Quality Testing of Rice Grains Using Image Processing
Vrushali D. Thakare, Dr.A.V. Malviya
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10.9790/9622- 0905011015
- Maximization Algorithm Design for Spectral and Energy
Efficiencies in Full-Duplex Wireless Information and Power
K. Sravana Vamshi, M. Maneesh Kumar, Abhilash Reddy, T. Nikhil, Dr.Suraya Mubeen
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10.9790/9622- 0905011621
- Computer Aided Design and Analysis to Reduce the High Heat in
Disk Braking System
Shaun Spiteri, Dr. Zheng Li
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10.9790/9622- 0905012226
- Design of a bus battery box
H. Adarsha, Sunil Bhat, S. Rakesh
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10.9790/9622- 0905012732
- Errors in Interconnected Photovoltaic (SFV) Installations and their Impact on Power Generation
Gutiérrez-Villegas JC, Murillo-Rodriguez VA; Vejar-Ruiz S, Urbina-Graciano JA
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10.9790/9622- 0905013336
- Architectural Framework and Business Models in Electronic
Commerce: Its Characteristics and Benefits
Saurabh Sindhu, Divya Sindhu
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10.9790/9622- 0905013743
- Predictive Maintenance For Hydraulic System
P.Ingole, P.Kapse, S.Badhe, S.Bholani, V.Pande
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10.9790/9622- 0905014446
- Market Forecasting Using Genetic Algorithms: A Review
Abhigna B.S, Nitasha Soni, Urvashi Chugh
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10.9790/9622- 0905014750
- How Can Industry 4.0 Boost Indian Manufacturing Sector?
Dimple Bhandari
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10.9790/9622- 0905015154
- Archiving Framework: A hybrid of Internal Server-base and
Cloud-base Digital System for Ministries
Bello Musa Ibrahim, Kabir Ismail, Iliyasu Adamu
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10.9790/9622- 0905015566
- Chaotic Dynamics of Fractional-order Volta System and Its
Xia Li
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10.9790/9622- 0905016769
- Efficiency Report Based Payment scheme for Multihop Wireless
Usikela Naresh, Roopavath Jethya
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10.9790/9622- 0905017074
- Improving power system voltage stability using optimal
placement of UPFC given by Bat algorithm
Bairu Vijay Kumar
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10.9790/9622- 0905017580
A design approach of antenna for Global positioning system (GPS), worldwide interoperability for microwave access (Wimax), and wireless area network (WLAN) systems is presented. The antenna was studied by means of simulations as well practical measurements. The tri-band characteristics of antenna are due to rectangular slot with T-shaped feed patch, an inverted T-shaped stub and two E-shaped stubs on the radiating structure. The Proposed antenna achieves return loss (greater than -10db), radiation patterns, peak gain and efficiency gain at all three operating bands. The antenna is simulated using IE3d software. Quantified results shows that antenna can be designed to cover frequency bands for all three wireless systems. The simulated and quantified results of antenna are in good agreement.Keyword: Global positioning system (GPS), multiband antenna, slot antenna, wireless area network (WLAN), worldwide interoperability for microwave access (WiMax). ×
Sayali S. Pawar., Jagadish B. Jadhav "Design of Multib and Slot Antenna for GPS/Wimax /WLAN Systems " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Rice is the most favorable and most consuming food for human being in all over the world and researchers are working to improve the quality of rice. Quality of grains is an important requirements. Seed purity is a crucial seed quality parameter in the Indian rice seed standard. The use of high quality cultivated rice seed, free of any foreign seeds, is the prerequisite to sustaining high yield in rice production. The presence of foreign seeds such as weedy rice in the cultivated rice seeds used by the farmers can adversely affect growth and yield as it competes for space and nutrients with the cultivated rice varieties in the field. The current cleaning processes that rely mostly on the difference in physical traits do not guarantee effective separation of weedy rice seeds from the lots. Seed bags.......Keyword: Image Processing, Quality, Rice Grains. ×
Vrushali D. Thakare, Dr.A.V. Malviya "Quality Testing of Rice Grains Using Image Processing " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
A communication system is consisting of a full-duplex (FD) multiple-antenna base station (BS), multiple single-antenna downlink users (DLUs) and single-antenna uplink users (ULUs), where the latter need to harvest energy for transmitting information to the BS. The communication is thus divided into two phases. In the first phase, the BS uses all available antennas for conveying information to DLUs and wireless energy to ULUs via information and energy beam forming, respectively. In the second phase ULUs send their independent information to the BS using their harvested energy while the BS transmits the information to the DLUs. In the both phases the communication is operated at the same time and over the same frequency band. The aim is to maximize the sum rate and energy efficiency under ULU achievable information throughput constraints by jointly designing beam formers.......Keyword: .... ×
K. Sravana Vamshi, M. Maneesh Kumar, Abhilash Reddy, T. Nikhil, Dr.Suraya Mubeen "Maximization Algorithm Design for Spectral and Energy Efficiencies in Full-Duplex Wireless Information and Power Transfer " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
A braking system includes four major parts – the braking pads, the disk, the bracket and the pump. The wheel assembly consists of two parts – the rim and the tire. Traditional vehicles use brakes on all tires and for a modern car or truck they have disk brakes on all four tires while the heavy machinery still use drum brakes. When the brakes are applied, the braking pads are pushed against the drum or the disk to slow the movement by creating friction. This friction causes the vehicle to slow down its motion and even stop when the time is needed..Keyword: Intersection, traffic congestion, traffic signal, Pedestrian signal and geometric design.. ×
Shaun Spiteri, Dr. Zheng Lik "Computer Aided Design and Analysis to Reduce the High Heat in Disk Braking System " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The paper examines the problems associated with current design of a bus battery box and presents the new design to mitigate the existing drawbacks. Solid models of the battery box are developed using NX10 software. Load cases as per Mercedes-Benz bus standards are considered for analysis. Stress and deformation values of the battery box structure are obtained with use of Hypermesh 13 and Ansys softwares. The new design is found to be better than the existing one..Keyword: Ansys, Battery box, Hypermesh, Mount bracket, Drawer slide ×
H. Adarsha, Sunil Bhat, S. Rakesh "Design of a bus battery box " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The implementation of Interconnected Photovoltaic Systems (SFV) reduces the power consumption of the electrical network, being a good alternative in tariffs where the charge is solely for this concept. Implementing SFV interconnected to users with a tariff 1 Domestic High Consumption (DAC) is an alternative for reducing the electricity tariff; however, technical installation errors have been found which do not allow to take advantage of the maximum power that the system can generate. This paper presents a historical analysis of the consumption obtained from bimonthly electricity bills and the generation of energy in a user which has an interconnected......Keyword: Interconnected Photovoltaic system (SFV) to the network, electricity tariff ×
Gutiérrez-Villegas JC, Murillo-Rodriguez VA; Vejar-Ruiz S, Urbina-Graciano JA "Errors in Interconnected Photovoltaic (SFV) Installations and their Impact on Power Generation " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Electronic commerce (E-commerce) is involved in buying and selling of goods and services or in transmitting of funds or data using computer or electronic networks. Electronic commerce facilitates trading in various services include information services, financial and legal services using computer technologies such as websites, internet and e-mail. In this contemporary business methodology, the needs of organizations, merchants and consumers are addressed promptly to cut selling costs, while improving the quality of goods and services due to increase in the speed of service delivery using computer network. Modern electronic commerce typically uses the World Wide Web for at least one part of the transaction's life cycle, although it may also use other technologies such as e-mail. Moreover, E-commerce also has its utility in marketing of agriculture products on the basis of consumer trends and it facilitates the farmers about the up-to-date market information on prices of farm commodities, fertilizer and pesticide inputs using computer networks such as the internet and online shopping web sites.........Keyword: E-commerce, Computer technology, E-mail, Consumer, Business, Websites, Internet ×
Saurabh Sindhu, Divya Sindhu "Architectural Framework and Business Models in Electronic Commerce: Its Characteristics and Benefits " Vol. 9 - No. 45 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Production losses in the industry are a serious issue which must be reduced to a minimum level. The continuous working of production lines, sometimes, is hindered due to several factors. All productions lines consist of moving parts and hence the wear and tear of parts is inevitable in any industry. While there is no scope of eliminating the mechanical parts, we certainly can monitor the status of these parts and take the necessary action from time to time. This step ensures that the loss is minimized since it introduces a window to take the required action without any long term hindrance. There is not a fixed method to implement the monitoring of parts (for ex. valves, sensors etc.), the user is free to choose a suitable method for carrying out the monitoring. One such method is predictive maintenance: it is the maintenance of plant equipment by using various algorithms and analysis technique. It is essentially the alert maintenance system. The system consist of microcontroller [11] model.....Keyword: monitering, analysis, microcontroller, algorithm, data abstraction. ×
P.Ingole, P.Kapse, S.Badhe, S.Bholani, V.Pande "Predictive Maintenance For Hydraulic System " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Keeping in mind the fluctuating nature of the stock market, its prediction becomes essential. Various techniques like – Hidden Markov Model, Neural Networks and Data Mining, are available for forecasting the future of the invested finances, but however, the generation of apt trading rules for stock market venture is a strenuous task. The goal is to achieve maximum accuracy in predicting the highest gain causing stock collection. Now, these techniques involve the extending of the past experiences of the shares into the future. However the rareness of some occurrences causes difficulty in creating a model that enables their detection. There are numerous problems that are encountered during this prediction phase, for example – when the machine has to deal with unbalanced classes, finding the best parameter combination to invest in, choosing the appropriate optimum technology, etc. Genetic programming comes to the rescue in such situations as it is designed to deal with such problems. This paper is basically a survey of a few techniques that have been used for stock market prediction till date. Also, the role of genetic algorithms in this field has been highlighted..Keyword: Genetic Algorithms, Shares, Stock Market, Neural Networks ×
Abhigna B.S, Nitasha Soni, Urvashi Chugh "Market Forecasting Using Genetic Algorithms: A Review " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Industry 4.0 is a smarter way towards manufacturing. It increases efficiency on the manufacturing line in as much as it creates accountability of business right from the product prototype development to final roll out and then all through the supply chain. Developed nations have already understood its importance and drawing benefits from it in almost all manufacturing sectors and India has just woken up to the promises and challenges that Industry 4.0 offers to the nation's third largest manufacturing commitment that it has to the world. This paper provides an overview of Industry 4.0, its relevance to the Indian manufacturing sector and how can it deliver what it has delivered elsewhere in the world..Keyword: ... ×
Dimple Bhandari "How Can Industry 4.0 Boost Indian Manufacturing Sector? " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
A proper digital archiving system especially for the Land and Survey Ministry has many benefits that should be explored with concerted effort aimed at efficiency in data management and effectiveness in easily carrying out new policies of governance. Proper digital archiving has many multifaceted benefits a few of which was outlined and briefly discussed. This paper highlights the two approaches in archiving digital documents which were the internal sever-base and cloud-server. These two approaches have their shortcomings of limiting the accessibility of data and information. Thus, this study therefore captures the potentials of the two approaches and creating an improved framework.Keyword: Archiving, Server-base, Cloud-base, Framework, Digital ×
Bello Musa Ibrahim, Kabir Ismail & Iliyasu Adamu "Archiving Framework: A hybrid of Internal Server-base and Cloud-base Digital System for Ministries " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
This paper addresses the chaotic behavior of fractional-order Volta system. Period-doubling routs to chaos have also been found. A simple, but effective linear coupling master-slave synchronization scheme is constructed. Finally, simulation results are presented to show the effectiveness of the proposed method..Keyword: Fractional-order Volta system, Synchronization, Chaotic system ×
Xia Li "Chaotic Dynamics of Fractional-order Volta System and Its Synchronization " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
A report-based payment scheme for multihop wireless networks to stimulate node cooperation, regulate packet transmission, and enforce fairness. The nodes submit lightweight payment reports (instead of receipts) to the accounting center and temporarily store undeniable security tokens called Evidences. The reports contain the alleged charges and rewards without security proofs, e.g., signatures. The account can verify the payment by investigating the consistency of the reports, and clear the payment of the fair reports with almost no processing overhead or cryptographic operations. For cheating reports, the Evidences are requested to identify and evict the cheating nodes that submit incorrect reports. Instead of requesting the Evidences from all the nodes participating in the cheating reports, report-based payment scheme can identify the cheating nodes with requesting few Evidences. Moreover, Evidence aggregation technique is used to reduce the Evidences' storage area. Our analytical and simulation.Keyword: Cooperation incentive schemes, Network Level Security and high protection, Payment Schemes, Selfishness Attacks. ×
Usikela Naresh, Roopavath Jethya "Efficiency Report Based Payment scheme for Multihop Wireless Networks " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In this paper, heuristic technique based improvement of the power system stability using Unified Power Flow Controller is proposed. Here, the Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA) optimizes the location of the UPFC, while the generator outage occurs. The optimum location is referred as the maximum power loss bus, because the generator outage affects the power flow constraints like power loss, voltage magnitude, real and reactive power. By using the optimum location parameters the minimum voltage deviation is attained using the bat algorithm. Then UPFC is placed in the optimum location and the corresponding results are analyzed. The proposed method is implemented in the MATLAB/Simulink platform and the performance is evaluated by using the comparison at ABC, based optimal placement of UPFC. The comparison results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed approach and confirm its potential to solve the problem..Keyword: UPFC, GSA, power loss, voltage stability ×
Bairu Vijay Kumar "Improving power system voltage stability using optimal placement of UPFC given by Bat algorithm " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
- Brain Tumor Detection Using Various Classification Techniques
M.B.Bramarambika, DR.M. Seshashayee
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10.9790/9622- 0905020112
- Situational leadership: a useful approach for the group success
De Andreis F., Petruzzo S.
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10.9790/9622- 0905021315
- Emission Reduction in Si Engine by Using Thermal Barrier
Ceramic Coated Piston
G.Ganesh Kumar, S.Rajeswaran, K.Panneerselvam
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite][Download Certificate]
10.9790/9622- 0905021619
- A study on relationship between Organizational Commitment,
Organizational Justice, Organizational Fairness and
Organizational Citizenship with reference to Steel Sector
N. Anjaneya Sharma, Dr. B. K. Surya Prakasha Rao
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10.9790/9622- 0905022024
- A Mathematical Model for Tuberculosis
Dr B Umamaheswari
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10.9790/9622- 0905022528
- Hybrid Inverter Incorporating Solar, Wind, Battery, on Grid and
off Grid for Household Devices
Vijay Sarade, Prof B.G.Hogade
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10.9790/9622- 0905022932
- Enhancing Dependency using Power Set Theory for Text
DoaaMabrouk, SherineRady, NagwaBadr, M.E.Khalifa
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10.9790/9622- 0905023339
- Sonication energy for the preparation of aqueous nanoparticle
Lauren E. Crandon, Vince N. Cataldi, Sabrina R. Luker, Bryan J. Harper, Stacey L. Harper
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10.9790/9622- 0905024049
- Brand efficiency and fundamental principles behind a successful
De Andreis F.
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10.9790/9622- 0905025053
- An Experimental Study on Compressive Strength and Sorptivity
Of M25 Grade Concrete
B.V.Ramana murthy, M.Sai kumar, G.Vinay kumar, J.Sivanagamohan, G.Santhosh kumar, Ramesh kumar
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite][Download Certificate]
10.9790/9622- 0905025457
- Performance Analysis of Aodv Routing Protocol in Manet under
Blackhole Attack
T.Sairam Vamsi, E.R. Praveen Kumar, T.Sruthi
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10.9790/9622- 0905025863
- Alluminium Dross As a Value Added Productin Mortar
Bhong Sanket N., Devkar Sumit B., Gaikwad Rohit K., Tobare Shahaji P., Prof. Ghogare R.B.
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10.9790/9622- 0905026465
- Comparative Study of RBF Well Yield and River flow
VijayaKumar.H, Nagraj.S.Patil, Dilip.S, Veerbaswanth Reddy, B.K.Purandara
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10.9790/9622- 0905026670
- A Novel Low-Power Charge Pump Architecture Based On Charge Sharing And Multistep Charging
Deepika , Aditi Rampal
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10.9790/9622- 0905027176
- Radiation Absorption and Chemical Reaction Effects on MHD
Radiative Heat Source/Sink Fluid Past a Vertical Porous Plate
M. Obulesu, Y.Dastagiri, R. Siva Prasad
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10.9790/9622- 0905027787
Brain tumor detection is one of the most challenging tasks. Using MRI image it is possible to detect brain tumor. The detection can be done by using various image techniques such as water segment, edge detection, region growing and thresholding. The segmentation of brain tumors in magnetic resonance images (MRI) is a challenging and difficult task because of the variety of shapes, locations and image intensities. The quantitative analysis of brain tumor allows obtaining useful key indicators of disease progression. The proposed method can be used successfully and applied to detect the contour of the tumor and its geometrical dimensions. This paper presents an approach..........Keyword: MRI image, Brain Tumor, Texture Features, Artificial Neural Network, Severity Analysis ×
M.B.Bramarambika, DR.M. Seshashayee "Brain Tumor Detection Using Various Classification Techniques " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Working collaboratively within a team or an organization, in necessary to reach an assigned goal. Furthermore, we can state a good leadership style is essential in all the organizations, regardless of their field, since it makes possible to achieve the fixed goals. We have an efficient and effective management, when the members of a group cooperate together,, using their knowledge and skills to achieve a common goal, overcoming individual conflicts, pursuing a common objective, interdependently, i.e. the objective could be achieved only if the groups works together and it means that the success of a member correspond to the success of the team and vice versa. Working together, within......Keyword: Leadership, leadership style, management, management approach, team management, teamwork ×
De Andreis F., Petruzzo S. "Situational leadership: a useful approach for the group success " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The petrol engine rejects about thirds of the heat energy of the fuel theoretically if the heat rejected could be reduced then the thermal efficiency would be improved at least up to the limit set by the second law of thermodynamics. Ceramic coating provided good thermal barrier properties for designer. In the design of adiabatic engines reducing in cylinder head rejection requires very special thermal barrier coating on the engine combustion chamber. Thermal barrier coating (TBC) on the top surface of the piston in the annulus from is considered as a solution for unburned HC emission produced by incomplete combustion with respect to crevice volume after SI engine. Coating combustion chamber with low heat conduction ceramic materials leads to increasing temperature......Keyword: Thermal Efficiency, Ceramic Coating, Thermal Barrier Coating, Zirconia Coating ×
G.Ganesh Kumar, S.Rajeswaran, K.Panneerselvam "Emission Reduction in Si Engine by Using Thermal Barrier Ceramic Coated Piston " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In this paper the Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) is considered as dependent variable and independent variables are organizational justice, fairness and commitment. Employees from steel industry who are working various steel companies are interviewed through structured questionnaire. The results of this study had revealed that various factors influence organizational citizenship behavior. The outcome of this research paper helps practicing managers in steel industry in formulating better policies for encouraging organizational citizenship behavior..Keyword: Organizational justice, Organizational fairness, Organizational commitment, Organizational citizenship behavior, steel sector ×
N. Anjaneya Sharma, Dr. B. K. Surya Prakasha Rao "A study on relationship between Organizational Commitment, Organizational Justice, Organizational Fairness and Organizational Citizenship with reference to Steel Sector " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Tuberculosis is a disease which is caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium Tuberculosis. Incomplete treatment of patients with infectious tuberculosis may not only lead to relapse but also to the development of antibiotic resistant TB, one of the most serious health problems the society facing today. The different types of research are one, theoretic to practical. This method is concerned with formulating mathematical models. These models describe the dynamics of the disease. Sometimes numerical simulation gives a good insight. Mathematical modeling also aids the discovery of the underlying assumptions involved in the dynamics of the different epidemics. Modeling identifies necessary constraints to enable one to predict. Thus modeling is a tool not only to prevent the disease but also to control......Keyword: Tuberculosis, Mathematical Model, Dynamical Behavior, Eigen values, Stability of equilibrium point. ×
Dr B Umamaheswari "A Mathematical Model for Tuberculosis " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
This hybrid inverter is a combination of photo voltaic (PV) array, wind turbine and grid system with battery storage unit. Due to the intermittent nature of the solar and wind energy battery storage can be used as an uninterruptable power source, which is able to feed a certain amount of power to the load under all conditions, This paper proposes to select suitable energy source among available sources and then fed to PWM controlled inverter. Power transfer takes place in different modes of operation, like solar mode, wind mode, hybrid mode and battery mode, which gives us user-friendly operation. If power from solar array and wind turbine was inefficient to drive load individually then hybrid mode is enabled. The hybrid mode is a combination of either solar power and wind power or solar power and battery power. For controlling purpose PIC microcontroller is used. All the simulation and experimental results are presentedKeyword: Photovoltaic array, PIC controller, PWM inverter, wind turbine. ×
Vijay Sarade, Prof B.G.Hogade "Hybrid Inverter Incorporating Solar, Wind, Battery, on Grid and off Grid for Household Devices " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
There are many models to solve Information Retrieval problems. Some of them assumeterms are independent while othersassume terms are dependent.Models that assume independence, may lead to synonymy and polysemy problems. Synonymy occurs when using different terms for the same concept, while polysemy is concerned with ambiguity of the term.Text classification is an important aspect in different areas. Text Classification is based on matching the words in different documents and retrieving class labels. It may be applied either manually or automatically. In this paperweuse the power set theory to enhance the dependency in Text Classification using discovering unique words and "Term Dependency Identification" that distinguishes different documents from one another. The classical dataset was used to find Term Dependency Identification and measure accuracy through Subsumption Rule......Keyword: Text Classification, term dependency, neural network, deep learning and Power set ×
DoaaMabrouk, SherineRady, NagwaBadr, M.E.Khalifa "Enhancing Dependency using Power Set Theory for Text Classification " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The size of nanoparticle (NP) agglomerates significantly affects the dose to organisms and observed effects when evaluating the fate and toxicity of NPs. Stable NP dispersions are made by using ultrasonic waves to break apart large agglomerates, and several standard sonication protocols have been proposed to improve data reproducibility and dispersion consistency. A review of 56 recent nanotoxicology studies revealed that sonication practices vary greatly in the type of ultrasonicator used, total energy input, and reporting of associated metadata. To facilitate comparison across studies, we demonstrate a method to deliver equivalent energy to NP dispersions using three different ultrasonicator systems: probe, cup horn, and bath. Calorimetric calibration was performed to determine the energy delivered by each system, which took into account effects of energy dissipation through media and the geometry of each type of sonicator. The power input was varied while maintaining an equivalent energy input of 8400 J. Our sonication protocol was applied to CeO2 and TiO2 NPs of similar primary particle size....Keyword: nanoparticles, nanoparticle agglomeration, nanotoxicology, ultrasonication ×
Lauren E. Crandon, Vince N. Cataldi, Sabrina R. Luker, Bryan J. Harper, Stacey L. Harper "Sonication energy for the preparation of aqueous nanoparticle dispersions " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
We could say that the brand is the emotional connection established by a company with the customers and the possible customers.This paper aims to clarify some fundamental principles about the brand building. It examines the origins and interpretations of the brand concept and draws a comparison between the points of view of companies and customers, allowing the reader to understand what a company must considerer in order to meet customer need..Keyword: Brand, Brand image, Brand identity, Brand management, Consumer behavior ×
De Andreis F. "Brand efficiency and fundamental principles behind a successful brand-building " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Concrete is a porous material which interacts with the surrounding environment. Sorptivity is materials ability to absorb and transmit water through it by capillary suction .When excess water in concrete evaporates, it leaves voids inside the concrete element creating capillaries which are directly related to concrete porosity and permeability . In this paper the mix design was carried out for M25 grade concrete as per IS: 10262-2009. The cement replacement by flyash was varied as 10%, 15% and 20%.Compressive strength and sorptivity tests were conducted on each of the mixes. The results of both the tests of concrete were compared with that of the control concrete. The results indicated that higher volume of cement replacement have lower values of sorptivity. There was a small reduction in 28 days compressive strength also happened..Keyword: capillary suction, compressive strength, fly ash , porosity ,sorptivity ×
B.V.Ramana murthy, M.Sai kumar, G.Vinay kumar, J.Sivanagamohan, G.Santhosh kumar, Ramesh kumar "An Experimental Study on Compressive Strength and Sorptivity Of M25 Grade Concrete " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is a collection of portable devices establishing intermediate network without any access points. These MANETs plays a vital role in present wireless communication world. But these MANETs are highly vulnerable to attacks due to their characteristics such as the lack of infrastructure and wireless communication. This project deals with Ad Hoc On-demand Distance vector (AODV) routing protocol which is intended for use by mobile nodes in an ad hoc network. With the help of AODV protocol, the routing behavior can be analyzed by considering different parameters like throughput, delay, load and number of packets dropped using network simulator (NS2). There are different attacks, which damages the network like warm-hole, black-hole, jamming attacks etc. due to these attacks the performance of network is effected greatly. Out of all.......Keyword: AODV, proactive, reactive, hybrid, black hole, throughput, load, delay. ×
T.Sairam Vamsi, E.R. Praveen Kumar, T.Sruthi "Performance Analysis of Aodv Routing Protocol in Manet under Blackhole Attack " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The Aluminium dross is waste generated from the Aluminium industry. During the production of Aluminium, a huge amount of waste is generated known as dross. Near about 5 millions tone dross are generated yearly from Aluminium industry. The recycling and reutilization of industrial waste or by-product are subject of grate importance today in any sector and more in cement and concrete technology. The objective of present work is utilize the Aluminium dross in the mortar for use of crack filler material. As well as to check the properties of this mortar. By using Aluminium dross in the mortar, some amount of waste is reducing in the environment..Keyword: By product; Aluminium dross; Reuse; Recycle; Crack filler ×
Bhong Sanket N., Devkar Sumit B., Gaikwad Rohit K., Tobare Shahaji P., Prof. Ghogare R.B. "Alluminium Dross As a Value Added Productin Mortar " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Safe drinking water is necessary for humans and other life form seven though it provides no calories or organic nutrients. Approach to safe drinking water has improved over the last decades in around every part of the world, but approximately one billion people still suffers hostage of safe water and over 2.5 billion lack accesses to adequate sanitation. Riverbank filtration is a natural water purification technology that involves with drawing water from rivers by production wells located on the river bank.The objective of present study is to compare the production well yield with a river flow. Pumping test was carried out for determining yield of a production well at a small village named somlapura on the bank of Tungabhadra River, Karnataka, India. The Yield of the Bank filtrated water measured........Keyword: River bank Filtration(RBF) , river discharge, water meter, yield test. ×
VijayaKumar.H, Nagraj.S.Patil, Dilip.S, Veerbaswanth Reddy4, B.K.Purandara "Comparative Study of RBF Well Yield and River flow " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In electronic applications, due to need for continuous power reduction, charge pumps are widely used in integrated circuits (ICs). In this paper a new power saving concept for classical four-phase charge pump is introduced. This new charge pump architecture is based on concepts of multi-step charging and the charge sharing. Both the concepts are capable of reducing the overall power dissipation by 18.27% compared to the classical four-phase charge pump with 11V output voltage. The charge pump based upon the above concept has been designed and simulated using Mentor Graphics Pyxis Schematic using 2.5 V supply voltage and 180 nanometer (nm) technology. .Keyword: Charge pump, EEPROM, NVMs, charge sharing ×
Deepika , Aditi Rampal "A Novel Low-Power Charge Pump Architecture Based On Charge Sharing And Multistep Charging " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
An analysis of radiation absorption and chemical reaction effects on unsteady MHD radiative heat source/sink fluid past a vertical porous plate have been discussed. The dimensionless governing equations are linear and coupled. These equations aresolved analytically by using perturbation technique. The expressions for velocity, temperature and concentration are obtained anddiscussed their variations under several parameters through graphs. The skin-friction, rate of heat transfer in the form of Nusseltnumber and the rate of mass transfer in the form of Sherwood number are also derived and discussed through tables..Keyword: Radiation absorption, Chemical reaction, MHD, Heat source/sink, Porous plate. ×
M. Obulesu, Y.Dastagiri, R. Siva Prasad "Radiation Absorption and Chemical Reaction Effects on MHD Radiative Heat Source/Sink Fluid Past a Vertical Porous Plate " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
- Preparation of carbon-coated metal particles and their electrochemical performance
Zixuan Fang, Zhiwen Xu, Lun Xiong, Huan Wang, Hongyang Zhao, Linyong Huang, Zhibin Ma
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite][Download Certificate]
10.9790/9622- 0904030107
- Intelligent Accident Detection and Notification System for
Emergency Assistance
Supriya Jadhav, Prof. S.S. Joshi, N B Navale Sinhgad
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite][Download Certificate]
10.9790/9622- 0905030810
Sangam Dhiman, Vivek Kumar Kadian, Sagar Singh, Pranavi Mhatre
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite][Download Certificate]
10.9790/9622- 0905031114
- Determination of optimal location of UPFC to improve the
voltage stability of the power system
Bairu Vijay Kumar
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite][Download Certificate]
10.9790/9622- 0905031521
- Durability Properties on Fuel Dispenser Hose Pipe Rubber as a
Course Aggregate in Self Compacting Concrete
J. Vengadesh Marshall Raman, R. Kirubakaran
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite][Download Certificate]
10.9790/9622- 0905032227
- Comparative Study of Inhibitive Properties of Pawpaw, Mango
Leaves and Cowdung on the Corrosion Behaviour of Api 5l Steel
In 0.5 M Hcl And 0.5 M H2so4
O .A. Olaseinde
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite][Download Certificate]
10.9790/9622- 0905032834
- Mixed Diffusion Graph Neural Network for Learning Graph
Abdullah M. Al-Gafri
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10.9790/9622- 0905033540
- Comparative experimental analysis of CRDI Single Cylinder
Diesel Engine using Diesel fuel and Neat Palm Methyl Ester
B Bapi Raju, VVS Prasad, B V Appa Rao, Aditya Kolakoti, T Victor Babu
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10.9790/9622- 0905034145
- Frequency Reconfigurable Microstrip Antenna for Wireless
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10.9790/9622- 0905034650
- Microstrip Patch Antenna Using Metamaterial-based RISStructures
Siddharth S. Shah
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10.9790/9622- 0905035154
- Dısable Staır Lıft Desıgn Wıth Lınear Motor
Osman Onur Oruç, Prof. Dr. Ferhat Dikmen
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10.9790/9622- 0905035562
- The Impudent Data Discovery and Dissemination with DIP using
dissemination protocol in WSN
Dr. U. D. Prasan, Annepu Manimala
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10.9790/9622- 0905036369
- Implementation of 5S Methodology in a Small Scale Industry
Bipul De, Dr. Nagendra Sohani
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10.9790/9622- 0905037074
- Voice recognized Smart Home Automation System using
Prof. K. M. Pimple, Ms. Sneha khorgade
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10.9790/9622- 0905037579
- Image Denoising and Deblurring using Non-Local Means
Algorithm based on Similarity Validation
R. Dharma, K. Sreedhar Reddy
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10.9790/9622- 0905038084
- Smart Garbage Monitoring System Using Internet of Things
Priyanka B C, Jyothi S
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10.9790/9622- 0905038590
- Design and Implementation of Five Port Router for Mesh
Rakshitha Gowthami A C, Nanda B S
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite][Download Certificate]
10.9790/9622- 0905039197
- Design and Implementation of Reconfiguarable Router for
Network on Chip (Noc) Using System Verilog
Smitha H N, Dr K A Radhakrishna Rao
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10.9790/9622- 09050398103
In this paper, carbon-coated with different transition metal particles were prepared by hydrothermal carbonization and acid etching processes using nickel, copper, cobalt, and iron acetates and glucose as raw materials, respectively. The formation mechanism, structure, and electrochemical properties were studied. XRD, SEM and EDS results showed that carbon-coated metal particles and their perfect core-shell structure in metal particles. The double-layer capacitance properties were investigated by electrochemical tests as well. The results showed that the Ni/C metal particles exhibited more excellent electrochemical capacitance, higher rate performance and low electrolyte ionic resistance characteristics. The superior performance can be attributed to the large specific surface area and the enhanced electrical conductivity of the material after coating the nickel metal particles. These findings are significant for understanding the mutual modulation between the microstructure and electrochemical properties of high-capacity particles materials.Keyword: carbon coating; transition metal; particle; electrochemical performance ×
Zixuan Fang, Zhiwen Xu, Lun Xiong, Huan Wang, Hongyang Zhao, Linyong Huang, Zhibin Ma "Preparation of carbon-coated metal particles and their electrochemical performance " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Every day in the world, a most of the people die from traffic accidents. An effective approach to reduce road accident deaths is first to build the automatic road accident detection system, second, to reduce the time between when an accident occurs and when the first emergency person is sent to the scene of the accident. Recent approaches use the integrated system of automatic accident detection and accident notification. While these approaches work well, but they are expensive, they require complex maintenance tasks and are not available in all cars. On the other side, the ability to detect traffic accidents with android phones was only possible thanks to advances in processing capacity and sensors implemented in android phones. Most androidbased accident detection......Keyword: Big data system, GPS, Traffic accidents; accident detection; android phones; real-time tracking; emergency services ×
Supriya Jadhav, Prof. S.S. Joshi, N B Navale Sinhgad "Intelligent Accident Detection and Notification System for Emergency Assistance " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Blind people are visually impaired, by using this system, we can help them in letting them forget their disability to read which is to be implemented by using raspberry pi, which is very popular these days. It uses the Optical character recognition technology for the identification of the printed characters using image sensing devices and computer programming. It converts images of typed, handwritten, or printed text into machine encoded text. In this research these images are converted into Speech using OCR and Text-to-speech synthesis. The digital World we are living in allows us to use different technologies to automatically perform certain tasks. Such automation is very useful in certain areas like helping the mankind for its betterment. This project can also be used for various other applications like revolutionizing the document management process..Keyword: Raspberry pi, OCR, Text to Speech, Visually Impaired ×
Sangam Dhiman, Vivek Kumar Kadian, Sagar Singh, Pranavi Mhatre "BLIND MAN'S EYE USING RASPBERRY PI " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In this paper, the Firefly algorithm based optimal location of UPFC to improve the voltage stability of the power system is proposed. The novelty of the proposed method is exemplified in the improved searching ability, random reduction and reduced complexity. In this regard, the generator outage affects the system voltage stability constraints and increase power loss. Here, the FA technique optimizes the maximum power loss line as the suitable location of the UPFC. The voltage profile at various buses is restored into secure limits by using UPFC at the optimum location. The proposed method is implemented in the MATLAB/Simulink platform and tested on IEEE 14 bus standard bench mark system. The proposed method performance is evaluated by comparison with those of different techniques such as ABC, GSA algorithms. The comparison results invariably prove the effectiveness of the proposed method and confirm its potential to solve the related problems.Keyword: FA, power loss, voltage, voltage stability, UPFC ×
Bairu Vijay Kumar "Determination of optimal location of UPFC to improve the voltage stability of the power system " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The fuel dispenser hose pipe rubber is mostly available in all the petroleum bunk. Open burning of hoses for steel mining causes several pollution problems. An effort was made to reinstate coarse aggregate with the fuel dispenser hose pipe. When it was cut to a mandatory size of 20 mm and less in self compacting concrete. This fuel dispenser hose pipe with dissimilar percentage of 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, and 50% was tested for fractional replacement of coarse aggregate for M30 grade concrete. The replacement of coarse aggregate by fuel dispenser hose pipe rubber effects on the workability of the concrete. To determine the workability slump- cone and J-ring test are determined. The compressive strength of fuel dispenser hose pipe with 10% substitute was found at the end of 28 days which is........Keyword: Fuel dispenser Hose pipe Rubber, Self-compacting Concrete, Workability, Water Absorption Test, Sulphate Resistant Test, Steel Mining ×
J. Vengadesh Marshall Raman, R. Kirubakaran "Durability Properties on Fuel Dispenser Hose Pipe Rubber as a Course Aggregate in Self Compacting Concrete " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Failure resulting from the inability of metals to support designed load requirements due to losses imposed by corrosion effects can be combated economically through the aid of chemical inhibitors. Synthetic Inhibitors have been proven to be effective solution in mitigating the problems arising from corrosion of metals but as a result of high cost, disposal and toxicity of the inhibitors, green inhibitors are used as substitutes to synthetic inhibitors. Therefore, a comparative study was carried out on the inhibitive properties of some selected agro wastes (pawpaw leaves, mango leaves and cow dungs) on corrosion behavior of API 5L steel in 0.5 M sulfuric acid and 0.5 M hydrochloric acid. The study was carried out using weight loss measurements, inhibition efficiency and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Generally, the agro wastes inhibits the corrosion of the API5L samples in 0.5M H2SO4 and 0.5M HCl. The inhibitors are more effective in 0.5M HCl..Keyword: Corrosion, Inhibitors, agro wastes ×
O .A. Olaseinde "Comparative Study of Inhibitive Properties of Pawpaw, Mango Leaves and Cowdung on the Corrosion Behaviour of Api 5l Steel In 0.5 M Hcl And 0.5 M H2so4 " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Machine learning algorithms and especially neural networks have proven to be excellent in processing complex data. Neural networks learn from the data presented to them and are then able to make predictions about the data. the various forms of data can heavily affect the choice of neural network model that will process them. Graph data lend themselves naturally to many physical phenomena. This necessitates the development of specialized neural network models that can handle this type of data. Information in graph data appear in two forms, individual node features, and the underlying structure of the graph. The proposed Mixed Diffusion Graph Neural Network (MDGNN) model utilizes diffusion process to combine the information available in the node features with the underlying graph structure. The model is tested on two benchmarking datasets, Cora and Citeseer. The model achieved an accuracy of 84.9% on Cora and 73.4% on Citeseer. Both results exceed those of previous models..Keyword: Mixed Diffusion Graph Neural Network (MDGNN), semi-supervised learning, diffusion models, Citation networks ×
Abdullah M. Al-Gafri "Mixed Diffusion Graph Neural Network for Learning Graph Data " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
An experimental study was done to evaluate the performance and emission analysis on Common Rail Direct Injection (CRDI) engine fuelled with diesel and neat palm methyl ester (PME) at different part loads (no load, 0.77, 1.54, 2.31, & 2.695 kW). By varying the fuel injection pressures from 200 to 500 bar, fuel injection duration 1000 μ.sec, fuel injection timing at 220 (BTDC) and at rated speed 1500 rpm were employed uniformly for both the fuels. CRDI engine ensures that the fuel injection timing, quantity of the fuel and atomization was controlled electronically by using a programmable control module (PCM). Here it is set the injection timing based on compromise between load, BSFC and rated speed. Engine performance data, Smoke, HC, NOx, CO and CO2 emissions....Keyword: Common Rail Direct Injection (CRDI), Palm Methyl Ester (PME), Injection pressures, Performance and Emissions. ×
B Bapi Raju, VVS Prasad, B V Appa Rao, Aditya Kolakoti, T Victor Babu "Comparative experimental analysis of CRDI Single Cylinder Diesel Engine using Diesel fuel and Neat Palm Methyl Ester " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
A new frequency reconfigurable microstrip antenna is presented for wireless applications. Initially individual patch antennas are designed for GSM, Wi-Fi, Wi-MAX. Later, these antennas are combined and diodes are introduced to generate the frequency reconfigurability. Based on the ON/OFF condition of the diodes, frequency agility is achieved at 1.8 GHz, 2.4 GHz, and 3.4 GHz bands..Keyword: Frequency reconfigurable, GSM, Microstrip antenna, Wi-Fi, Wi-MAX. ×
V.V.Reddy "Frequency Reconfigurable Microstrip Antenna for Wireless Applications " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The paper presents the design of a microstrip patch antenna using metamaterial with reactive impedance surface (RIS) structures. Microstrip patch antenna has been prime in wireless communication and the requirement for wide bandwidth has always been a need in it. Using the metamaterial-based structure with RIS, the patch can achieve more VSWR bandwidth. The antenna features a single one-layer low-cost substrate fire retardant type-4 glass epoxy (ϵ = 4.3). The edge fed rectangular patch consists of a shifted transmission line feed and the bottom consisting of the RIS structure with a 7×6 array of 6mm*8mm patches with an alternative spacing of 0.7mm and 1mm in between. RIS structure reduces coupling between the ground plane and patch which results in extended bandwidth. The antenna provides a wide bandwidth of VSWR 3 from 1.8GHz to 5.9GHz which covers both the 2.4GHz and 5GHz WI-FI band with a peak gain of 5.4dBi. The antenna designed was simulated, fabricated and tested..Keyword: Keywords-Fr4-Epoxy, Metamaterial, Microstrip Patch, Reactive impedance surface, WLAN ×
Siddharth S. Shah "Microstrip Patch Antenna Using Metamaterial-based RISStructures " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Disable Lift Disable Stair Lift Linear Motor Tubular Linear Motors Nowadays, linearmotorsareused in manyareas, such as maglev trains, medicaldevices, defenseindustry, textilesector, sensitiveproductionprocesses. As theareas of usage is rising, theircoverage in R&D activitiesandacademicstudieshavebeengraduallyincreased as well, duetohighrelevanceformassproduction, abilitytoobtainfastermovement, precisionandhavinghighqualityoutputs/productscomparedtoother engine andpowergeneratingsystems. In thisstudywill be mentionedaboutstructures of linear motor anddisable lift andwillprovethepossibility of thedesign of disablestair lift withlinear motor, whichthedesign is not usedorsubjected of anyotherthesisduetostructure of thelinear motor..Keyword: .... ×
Osman Onur Oruç, Prof. Dr. Ferhat Dikmen "Dısable Staır Lıft Desıgn Wıth Lınear Motor " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
We present DIP, a data discovery and dissemination protocol for wireless networks. Earlier methodologies, for example, Trickle or SPIN, have overheads that scale directly with the quantity of data things. For T things, DIP can distinguish new things with 0(log(T)) packets while keeping up an O(l) detection latency. To accomplish this execution in a wide range of system setups, DIP utilizes a mixture approach of randomized examining and tree-based coordinated hunts. By progressively choosing which of the two calculations to utilize, DIP beats both as far as transmissions and speed. Reproduction and test bed tests demonstrate that DIP sends 20-60% less bundles than existing protocols and can be 200% quicker, while just requiring O(log(log(T))) extra state per data thing. To help organize programming......Keyword: Data Dissemination, DiDrip, Wireless Sensor Networks ×
Dr. U. D. Prasan, Annepu Manimala "The Impudent Data Discovery and Dissemination with DIP using dissemination protocol in WSN " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Implementation of 5S in a small scale industry provides significant changes in manufacturing process including minimization of wastes and improvement of working environment. This project aims to develop a small scale industries process improvement with cost reduction, increasing effectiveness and efficiency in the process by sorting, organizing, cleaning and providing standardization of the process in the ground level. Project result shows the different of the workplace between before and after the uses of 5S tools and elimination of wastes in the shop floor, improved productivity, incorporating less human effort, minimization of inventory, improved safety measures and producing good quality products in the most efficient and economical manner.Keyword: 5S methodology, minimization of waste, productivity, working environment, safety. ×
Bipul De, Dr. Nagendra Sohani "Implementation of 5S Methodology in a Small Scale Industry " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Voice recognized smart home automation system, is designed to assist and provide support in order to fulfil the needs of elderly and disabled people at home. It has been designed for mobile phones having android platform,to automate Bluetooth interfaced microcontroller which controls home appliances like lights, fans. It presents the automated approach of controlling the devices in a household that could ease the task of using the traditional method of the switch. The most famous and efficient technology for short range wireless communication- Bluetooth,is used here to automate the system. In this project, a voice controlled wireless smart home system has been presented for elderly and disabled people..Keyword: Bluetooth, motor, android, arduino , microcontroller ×
Prof. K. M. Pimple, Ms. Sneha khorgade "Voice recognized Smart Home Automation System using Arduino " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is very important in medical diagnosis. Denoising is a critical step for MRI diagnosis. Image deblurring and denoising are the fundamental problems generally arise in the field of image processing with several applications. This paper presents both areas of image restoration. Image deblurring and denoising methods are most commonly designed for removal of both impulsive noise and Gaussian noise. Nonlocal means is one of the well-known and most used image denoising methods. The conventional nonlocal means approach uses a weighted version of all patches in a search neighborhood to denoise the center patch. In this paper, we propose a pre-processing.....Keyword: Salt and Pepper noise, Random Valued Impulse noise, image denoising, image deblurring, nonlocal means, non –linear filters. ×
R. Dharma, K. Sreedhar Reddy "Image Denoising and Deblurring using Non-Local Means Algorithm based on Similarity Validation " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Ordinarily, in our city we see that the waste containers or dustbins set at open spots are overburden. It makes unhygienic conditions for individuals just as offensiveness to that place leaving awful stench. To evade every single such circumstance we are going to execute a task called IOT based keen refuse and waste accumulation canisters.These dustbins are interfaced with microcontroller based framework having IR remote frameworks alongside focal framework demonstrating current status of waste. The status will be remotely send to the control unit. The fundamental point of this venture is to diminish HR and endeavors alongside the improvement of a brilliant city vision.Internet and its applications have turned into an indispensable piece of the present human way of life.....Keyword: Cloud, ESP8266, Raspberry pi, UV Sensor, Load Cell, Humidity Sensor, Garbage Collecting Vans. ×
Priyanka B C, Jyothi S "Smart Garbage Monitoring System Using Internet of Things " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
These days with technological progression huge number of electronic gadgets can be incorporated in a solitary framework and such frameworks are constrained by single chip called system on chip (SoC).The system on chip coordinates numerous innovation Centres (IP Centres) on a solitary chip. Due to complexity in integration of IPs on Framework on Chip (SoC). The Network on chip (NoC) is the innovation used to give lossless correspondence between these IP centres. In this paper we present the design and synthesis of router for Network on chip utilizing system Verilogcode using modelSim 10.4a softwarewhich bolsters five parallel communication in the meantime. It utilizes store and forward sort of stream control and FSM controller deterministic directing which improves the execution of router. Unit is focused to Spartan-6 XC6SLX45 FPGA design platform and synthesized in vivado software..Keyword: UPFC, FIFO-first in first out, FSM-finite state machine,Mesh Router, Mesh Topology, Network-On- Chip, Routerblock. ×
Rakshitha Gowthami A C, Nanda B S "Design and Implementation of Five Port Router for Mesh Network " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
FPGA based plan of Reconfigurable Router for NoC applications is proposed in the present work. Structure passage of the proposed Router is finished utilizing SystemVerilog. The router planned in the present work has four channels (in particular, east, west, north and south) and a crossbar switch. Each divert comprises of First in First out (FIFO) supports and multiplexers. FIFO buffers are utilized to store theinformation and the input and the output of the information are controlled utilizing multiplexers. Initially, south channel is structured which incorporates the plan of FIFO and multiplexers. From that point forward, the crossbar switch and other three channels are structured. All these planned channels, FIFO buffers, multiplexers and crossbar changes are coordinated to shape the total router architecture. The proposed structure is simulated utilizing Modelsim and........Keyword: Network on Chip(NoC);Reconfigurable Router ;First in First out(FIFO)Buffer; Crossbar Switch; Multiplexers; Register Transfer Level(RTL) Design, Low Powe,power gating. ×
Smitha H N, Dr K A Radhakrishna Rao "Design and Implementation of Reconfiguarable Router for Network on Chip (Noc) Using System Verilog " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
- A Study on Fuel Economy in Indian Passenger Cars as compared
to the US and European Cars
Vishvak R, Dr. Ravi V V
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10.9790/9622- 0904040106
- Assessment the non stationary behavior in series of annual
maximum flows by means of an econometric test
Maritza Liliana Arganis-Juárez, Margarita Preciado-Jiménez, Juan José Baños-Martínez, Alejandro Mendoza Reséndiz, Eliseo Carrizosa Elizondo, Ramón Domínguez Mora
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10.9790/9622- 0905040722
- Generation of Employee Task Notifier
Dr.T.R.Muhibur Rahman, Ms.Kavya T, Ms.Nagaveni, Ms.Shravani P, Ms.Sravanthi T
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10.9790/9622- 0905042326
- Offloading Framework for Mobile Cloud Computing
Mr.Hemant Tirmare, Miss.Sana Bagban
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10.9790/9622- 0905042730
- Smart Parking Based On Reservation System Using Raspberry-Pi
Vaishali Mangrulkar, Mahima Agarwal, Sanjana Kokate, Saumya Kothuri, Bhumika Mehta
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10.9790/9622- 0905043134
- LBP Based Fusion of Face and Iris Images using Support Vector
Snehal L. Mulange, Manju Pawar, Dr.Ganesh Sable
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10.9790/9622- 0905043541
- Influence of Mechanical Properties by Addition of Nickel & Silicon to AA6061 Fabricated By Stir Casting For Aluminium Flange Applications
N.Prashanth, L. Radhakrishna
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10.9790/9622- 0905044246
- Data Management of Milk Dairy using Cloud Application's
Thejavini .M.S, S. Jyothi
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10.9790/9622- 0905044751
- A Comprehensive Survey of Clustering in Wireless Sensor
Muzhgan Athaee, Praveen Singh, Preeti Singh
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10.9790/9622- 0905045256
- Use of NFC Technology in Audit Processes and a Mobile
Emre Sevim, Ali Güneş
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10.9790/9622- 0905045762
- Social Networking Sites Usage among the Faculty Members of
Social Science Departments in Annamalai University: A Study
Prof. M. Nagarajan
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10.9790/9622- 0905046367
- Unmanned Aerial Vehicle in Oil & Gas Industry
Shamik Palit, Chandrima Sinha Roy
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10.9790/9622- 0905046878
The measure of Fuel Economy is important as the Carbon dioxide emission is a direct function of the fuel consumed. In India, Fuel Efficiency of the Passenger Cars is declared by the manufacturers through Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers of India (SIAM). Unlike in the US or Europe, the testing process behind this declaration is not available. Hence an attempt has been made to compare the Fuel Economy of Indian Passenger Cars with reference to Fuel Economy Data available for other countries. This comparative study has analysed the Fuel Economy Data (2019) published by an independent agency for the US & Europe with the Declared Fuel Economy of Indian Automobile Manufacturers. It is observed that in the case of Indian Vehicles – both Petrol and Diesel, the declared Fuel Economy of Indian Cars is higher than the Fuel Economy of cars in the US and Europe. There is a need to examine and standardize the process of arriving at the Fuel Economy data in India, as it is important not only for the consumers but also for controlling emission.Keyword: Fuel Economy, Fuel Efficiency, Mileage, Indian Passenger Car, WLTP ×
Vishvak R, Dr. Ravi V V "A Study on Fuel Economy in Indian Passenger Cars as compared to the US and European Cars " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In this paper we perform a mean analysis of variance time series for annual maximum flows in 20 gauged catchments of Mexico that do not satisfy tests of independence, homogeneity and trend. The unit root Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) test is a tool utilized in econometrics, and we applied here to find a relation between the transient behavior of the mean and variance of the time series against size for hydrological series samples. Only three of the 20 catchments are non-stationary, however, we can detect intercept start with an unexpected high value of the graph line mean against the series size. One of the conclusions of this paper is that among the largest series of data, for example, more than 30 years of records, it reduces the probability of nonstationarity also the magnitude of the slope of the trend line of the mean against the size of the time series does not allow to conclude on the non-stationarity of a given series, and the ADF test turned out of utility to define the transient behavior. Knowing the stationarity of time series in hydrology is important since it allows to define the type of statistical analysis that will be carried out..Keyword: Annual maximum inflows, Augmented Dickey Fuller test, non-stationarity, homogeneity test ×
Maritza Liliana Arganis-Juárez, Margarita Preciado-Jiménez, Juan José Baños-Martínez, Alejandro Mendoza Reséndiz, Eliseo Carrizosa Elizondo, Ramón Domínguez Mora "Assessment the non stationary behavior in series of annual maximum flows by means of an econometric test " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In today's era of smart phones, everyone is connected to the smart phones. Smart phones play a vital role to complete user's necessary task in daily routine as we consider the task of user that he or she has to perform some task in certain location. Usually user forgets this kind of stuff in daily busy life such as location details and what task he or she has to do. It is very difficult for people who have to travel through various locations because most of the organizations are worked at distant locations. The organization boss might send the user from one place to other place for a specific task. If the user forgets the tasks or location details then the work might get delay. We tend to develop an android application to trace the employee's location with connected task in a specific location. The main aim of the application is to notify the employee's task at specific location and it sends the notifications to the employees relating the tasks as well as location details..Keyword: Location Tracing, Reminder ×
Dr.T.R.Muhibur Rahman, Ms.Kavya T, Ms.Nagaveni, Ms.Shravani P, Ms.Sravanthi T "Generation of Employee Task Notifier " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The latest development in mobile device has change user experience of using smart device. The smartphone provide application for users since the usage of mobile device in recent years is still lack from the low potential computing device, memory usage, and battery lifetime. The cloud storage is used to store large amount of data as depend on capacity provided. Cloud is depend on capacity storage provided to the technique for storing data which it transfer from mobile to cloud is known to be mobile cloud computing. The computation offloading is procedure to migrate intensive computation from mobile to resource –rich cloud. The computation based on cloud is used to reduce the memory space, battery usage and execution time. The data which is send from mobile to cloud is secured by using algorithm and security layerKeyword: Application Models, Mobile cloud computing, Computational offloading, security, Smartphone ×
Mr.Hemant Tirmare, Miss.Sana Bagban "Offloading Frameworkfor Mobile Cloud Computing " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In large malls or even for other outside parking, not getting a parking and getting to know the unavailability of parking area after reaching the place is a problem. Besides, the loss of petrol, diesel or CNG gas and also pollution caused because of it is another problem. The proposed project is a smart parking using reservation system that provides customers easy way of booking a slot time. This technology overcomes the problem of unavailability of parking in commercial areas. This project offers a web-based reservation system where the users can view various parking slot available and select the space. If the parking is available then he/she can book it for specific time slot. The booked area will be marked Red for the specific time slot. Additional feature of QR code is added. Once the slot......Keyword: Smart Parking, Reservation, QR code, Sensors, Raspberry-pi. ×
Vaishali Mangrulkar, Mahima Agarwal, Sanjana Kokate, Saumya Kothuri, Bhumika Mehta "Smart Parking Based On Reservation System Using Raspberry-Pi " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In this paper proposed system to perform face and iris features are extracted by using local binary pattern (LBP) feature extraction algorithms, which generates the training dataset and testing dataset that contain root mean square, mean square, and Euclidean distance. Face feature and iris feature are first extracted respectively and fused in feature-level. Then support vector machine (SVM) classifier is used for the classification stage .Performance was measured for both verification and identification scenarios. Support Vector Machines (SVMs) have been recently proposed as a new technique for pattern recognition. In this paper, the SVMs with a binary tree recognition strategy are used to tackle the face and iris recognition problem. We illustrate the potential of SVMs on the Cambridge of ORL face database and IIT Delhi iris database..Keyword: Face, Iris, LBP, Feature extraction, SVM. ×
Snehal L. Mulange, Manju Pawar, Dr.Ganesh Sable "LBP Based Fusion of Face and Iris Images using Support Vector Machine " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The proposed work is to analyse the hardness and tensile properties of aluminium alloy AA6061 reinforced with the silicon carbide, aluminium oxide and zirconium oxide to improve the strength of piston material. There will be several failures occurring in the piston due to continuous working. Therefore need arises to develop new material which will satisfy the requirement of modern engine Super high-strength aluminium alloys AA6061&Ni have attracted much attention in the aerospace fields due to their excellent combination of low density and high-strength Recently, attempts, including a chemical composition modification for an AA6061 and Ni alloy and employing new heat treatments, were made to further increase the properties of these alloys. The present work involves the effects of nickel and silicon addition on the strength hardness and impact strength of AA6061 alloys were investigated. With the change in the composition of Ni as 2.0%and Si as 1.5% & 2.0% investigated by conducting tests strength, hardness, and impact strength of AA6061.Keyword: AA6061, Ni, Si, Aluminium, alloys, matrix composites, high temperature ×
N.Prashanth, L. Radhakrishna "Influence of Mechanical Properties by Addition of Nickel & Silicon to AA6061 Fabricated By Stir Casting For Aluminium Flange Applications " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Data management of milk dairy using cloud application is automated mainly using the IoT. The inefficient method of collecting and managing of the data is overcome using this method. RFID technology is the main key component for the entry of the data. WSN is utilized to get the on-going information from the milk dairy. In the wake of breaking down that information programmed choice is made to realize that information is substantial or invalid. After that Automatic recognizable proof and information catch [AIDC] similar information is put away in the Cloud stockpiling. From the distributed storagewe can get to the information anyplace and whenever. The weight sensor gives the amount affirmation of the milk. The instalment is made reliably on the everyday value premise with the quality substance. So these all-encompassing applications concerning the dairy business is helpful for the ranchers just as for the executive of the dairy business..Keyword: IoT, RFID technology, LDR, WSN, Cloudstorage ×
Thejavini .M.S, S. Jyothi "Data Management of Milk Dairy using Cloud Application's " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
networks always represent either in wire or wireless; will maybe affect via various reasons on its effective functioning. The problem of routing, appropriate to any type of networks, is the most important one factor. The wireless sensor network hasn't been exclusion of this. Furthermore, such problems are critical because of serious resource constraints such as energy utilization, the lifespan of the network, and extreme ecological situations in wireless sensor network. In case of wireless sensor network the reachability and jump of hop is not possible. In this respect numerous protocols of routing have been suggested to improve efficiency and effectiveness of wireless sensor network amongst of aforementioned acute resource limitations. From these, clustering algorithms have won greater significance, in augmenting the lifespan of the wireless sensor network, due to their strategy in.....Keyword: clustering of wireless sensor networks (WSN), LEACH, LEACH-C, K-mean, Hierarchical, Weight-Based clustering protocol. ×
Muzhgan Athaee, Praveen Singh, Preeti Singh "A Comprehensive Survey of Clustering in Wireless Sensor Network " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Nowadays, many business processes have been carried over to the internet with the widespread use of mobile devices, and communication between employees and many business processes are run on technology platforms. The mentioned use brings along speed gain in the flow of information, but there are many explanatory agenda in terms of the accuracy of the data. System weaknesses are available to be used by a particular sector and they also have the risk of disrupting the integrity of the overall reports. For this reason, the fact that the system has developed a control mechanism that can verify itself apart from human declaration will also lead to an increase in the confidence in it. In the operation of the application, the audit personnel perform their exit from the mobile devices by contacting the NFC in the central branch. This process provides a general control over the exit times in the database and the.....Keyword: NFC, Tag, Mobil Device, Ant Algorithm ×
Emre Sevim, Ali Güneş "Use of NFC Technology in Audit Processes and a Mobile Application " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The purpose of the present survey is to study the usage of Social Networking Sites (SNS) among the Faculty members of Social Science Departments in Annamalai University. It emphasizes awareness, duration, frequency, purpose and satisfaction level of using Social Networking Sites. For this purpose a structured questionnaire was designed to collect the data from the Faculty members. 235 questionnaires were distributed to the respondents, 223 dully filled questionnaires were received back. The data analysis done at MS Excel..Keyword: Social Networks, Social Networking Sites, Social Science Department, Annamalai University ×
Prof. M. Nagarajan "Social Networking Sites Usage among the Faculty Members of Social Science Departments in Annamalai University: A Study " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Unmanned AеriаlVеhiсlе (UAV's) or Drоnеs are inсrеаsingly being used by thе Oil &Gаs industry fоr thе irmоnit оring аnd insресtiоn ореrаtiоns. With the usе оf drоnеs bесоming inсrеаsing lyрорulаr оvеr trаditiоnаl mеthоd sliкеdаngling оvеrrореs аnd wire, it is timе tо finаlly а bаndоn these roles and instеаdаdорtdrоnеstоtакесаrеоfbоth оn- shоrеаndоff-shоrеinsресtiоns. Due to the smart technology which are being embedded in drones it help in reducing the time required for processing any particular function which it is designed to perform. It helps by reducing the manpower required to perform a particular task. We can make use of these devices in our day to day life. This study of drones will help us analyze the issues faced by the chemical industries and how can we overcome these issues. These use of autonomous robots will help us to reduce the man power and the computation time required to perform a particular task..Keyword: DRONE, PETROLIUM , OIL & GAS ×
Shamik Palit, Chandrima Sinha Roy "Unmanned Aerial Vehicle in Oil & Gas Industry " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
- Optimal Design of Parallel-Plate, Cross-Flow Heat Exchanger
Minimizing the Entropy Generation
Hasan A. Alzanki, Mubarak F. Al-Dhafiri
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10.9790/9622- 0904050107
- Water Quality Parameters 4 Treatment
Dr K.K. Ojha
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10.9790/9622- 0905050812
- Design Automotive Components by CAD Software; AutoCAD
and SolidWorks; a Comparative Study
Gamal Moustafa Hussien Mohamad, Mazen Alfuraih
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite][Download Certificate]
10.9790/9622- 0905051320
- Evaluation of Potential Use of the Dimensionless Temperature as
a New Drought Index
Safa'a A. Ayyash, Ayman A. Suleiman
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite][Download Certificate]
10.9790/9622- 0905052126
- Sttudy off Inllett Cargo Temperatture off Crude Oiill iin Transporttattiion
Piipelliine att a Criittiicall Secttiion tto Avoiid Gell Formattiion Usiing
Explliiciitt Metthod
Mohamed Abed A lzwei, Naser S. Sanoussi, Salah A Abdunabi Zuway
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite][Download Certificate]
10.9790/9622- 0905052736
- A Review on Adaptive tuning and Auto tuning of PI &PID
Controllers for Effective speed control of DC Motor
Siriyala Trilochana, Thalanki Venkata Sai Kalyani, Sangeetha. Cn, Cheera Srinivas
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite][Download Certificate]
10.9790/9622- 0905053743
- Modeling and Analysis of Metallic Particle Lift-off fields in Gas
Insulated Substations
Narapareddy Ramarao
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite][Download Certificate]
10.9790/9622- 0905054452
- Modeling and Analysis of Productivity Enhancement in Sm Paint
Plant Using Arena Software
Magdi Ahmed El Hadiri, Abdelaziz.EL.Abdelsalam, Walid Omar A. Salem, Naji S. Abdelwanis
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite][Download Certificate]
10.9790/9622- 0905055359
- Planning, Designing and Estimation of High Ceiling Residential Building(G+1)
J.Vengadesh Marshall Raman, P.Soundarya
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10.9790/9622- 0905056075
- FPGA Based Power Efficient VLSI Architecture for Phase Measurement
Nagavalli vegesna, K.Yugandhar,Sai Susmitha Kota, Jagadeesh Koppisetti, Akash kakumani, Madan Sai NiteeshPulletikurthi
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite][Download Certificate]
10.9790/9622- 0905056366
- Line-Voltage-Regulators Optimization in ElectricPowerQuality
Ganesh Prasad Khuntia, Rashmi Ranjan Panigrahi, Sudhansu Bhusan Pati ,Debasis Nanda
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10.9790/9622- 0905056776
- Earth's Transient Lightning Events: A Possible Factor for Solar Terrestrial Relationship
Debojyoti Halder
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This paper presents a constrained optimization of a single pass, parallel-plate, cross-flow heat exchanger in terms of some geometrical features as design variables and subjected to fixed total volume and volume fraction occupied by solid walls. The objective of the optimization process is to minimize the exergy destruction in the heat exchanger by using the non dimensional entropy generation number definition as an objective function. The Cold and Hot unmixed air are the working fluids at this system, with known inlet conditions and properties. Geometrical, Heat Transfer, and Pressure Drop analysis are conducted to verify the exit conditions of the working fluids. Thermodynamic analysis is done to define the objective function in terms of the exit conditions for both streams. Graphical study of the design variables was conducted to analyze and understand the effect of the design variables on the.......Keyword: ...... ×
Hasan A. Alzanki, Mubarak F. Al-Dhafiri "Optimal Design of Parallel-Plate, Cross-Flow Heat Exchanger Minimizing the Entropy Generation " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
ABSTRACTFive elements mainly Earth, Water, Air, Fire and space constituted universe. A human body is made by these five elements. Today all of these sustaining elements is subjected to pollution by human being in the name of, Industrial Development, sewerage waste, and fertilizer of agriculture. Drinking water is directly essential for human life. Therefore the water is subjected to analysis by Indian- Standard the physio-chemical and biological treatment of water is necessary. The water samples are subjected to analysis like dour, colour, pH, TDS, Hardness, Alkalinity and heavy metals. The present review paper describes about impotence of different parameters of water quality..Keyword: pH, IS 10500/1991, TDS, alkalinity ×
Dr K.K. Ojha "Water Quality Parameters 4 Treatment " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Technical Drawing is a drawing, widely presented, used to convey directions and identify details to a group of people who are building something to explain how it is working or how to design and compose products. In this paper, we compare between the most famous CAD software. Regarding to the specific of the profile of students go through training, the selection of CAD Software is reduced to the most usually used in this field: AutoCAD and SolidWorks. AutoCAD is a computer-modelling program from Autodesk that can be used to create 3D and 2D models of parts. It is the most popular CAD software (Computer Aided Design) in the world. In fact, it is the program commonly used in the definition of CAD......Keyword: Automotive, Design, AutoCAD, SolidWorks, 2D, 3D, Modelling. ×
Gamal Moustafa Hussien Mohamad, Mazen Alfuraih "Design Automotive Components by CAD Software; AutoCAD and SolidWorks; a Comparative Study " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In this study, the use of the dimensionless temperature (ΔT) as a new agricultural drought index was investigated. A pilot study of one hectare planted to durum wheat seedlings of (Um Qais) variety was carried out in the Jordan Valley. The crop was planted on 2nd January and harvested on 1st June during the 2018 growing season. To mimic drought, irrigation of wheat was stopped at the beginning of flowering stage and continued until harvest. Remotely sensed canopy temperature was obtained from four Landsat-8 images during the growing season and converted to aerodynamic surface temperature using ALARM. The soil water content, leaf area index and plant height were measured in the field. Low values of ΔT indicated that sufficient amount of water was stored in the soil while high values of ΔT, indicated limited water content availability in the soil. ΔT was compared with Soil Water Deficit Index (SWDI), the results of the comparison between ΔT and SWDI showed a good agreement between the two indices.Keyword: Dimensionless Temperature (ΔT); Drought; Soil Water Deficit Index (SWDI); Soil Water Content ×
Safa'a A. Ayyash, Ayman A. Suleiman "Evaluation of Potential Use of the Dimensionless Temperature as a New Drought Index " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The gel formation in waxy crudes and the deposition of wax on the inner walls of subsea crude oil pipelines present problem in the production and transportation of oil, so the get the time it takes for the gel to appear in the pipe lines is required to avoid the reduction in flow rate that it causes, as well as to avoid the eventual loss of a pipeline in the event that it becomes completely closed. After shutting down due to any problem during the transportation process the oil will remains stagnant and the crude oil will start gelation after reaching its pour point temperature (PPT), causing a difficulty of offloading the remaining crude oil in the pipeline........Keyword: waxy crude, crude oil, pour point temperature, Cargo Temperature, Pipeline ×
Mohamed Abed A lzwei, Naser S. Sanoussi, Salah A Abdunabi Zuway "Sttudy off Inllett Cargo Temperatture off Crude Oiill iin Transporttattiion Piipelliine att a Criittiicall Secttiion tto Avoiid Gell Formattiion Usiing Explliiciitt Metthod " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
This Paper presents the effective speed control of DC motor by different tuning techniques of PI and PID controllers. The usage of DC motors are vast in industries even though the maintenance cost is lofty than AC motors because of its easy speed control techniques in DC motors. The tuning of PI and PID controllers is complicated than conventional controllers to control the speed of DC motor but tuning of parameters of controllers plays a vital role in performance and stability of the control system..Keyword: Fuzzy logic Controller, Genetic algorithm sliding mode control (SAM), Linear Quadratic Regulator, Neural Networks Controller, PI, PID controllers, Ziegler – Nicholas. ×
Siriyala Trilochana, Thalanki Venkata Sai Kalyani, Sangeetha. Cn, Cheera Srinivas "A Review on Adaptive tuning and Auto tuning of PI &PID Controllers for Effective speed control of DC Motor " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Rapid urbanization and ever increasing electrical power demand have made it necessary to switch from Air Insulated Substations(AIS) to Gas Insulated Substation(GIS) and need for higher operating voltage levels in order to reduce or to limit the power losses in the system. Presence of free conducting particles in compressed gas insulated equipment is commonly encountered. The electrical insulation performance of Gas Insulated Substations is adversely affected by the surface roughness of electrode and conducting particle contaminants. Using electrode dielectric coatings such as polymeric films, varnishes, epoxies, paraffin wax and anodized aluminum, the operating voltage levels can be increased, space requirements can be lessened and the problems associated with the electrodes surface roughness and contaminated free conducting particles can be mitigated. The electrical insulation performance.......Keyword: Dielectric Coating, Electrical insulation, Gas Insulated Substation, Liftoff Field, Metallic particle contamination, Particle Charging ×
Narapareddy Ramarao "Modeling and Analysis of Metallic Particle Lift-off fields in Gas Insulated Substations " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
This paper presents the use of a simulation software to analyze the productivity of a paint manufacturing plant by building a model that represents the current situation, and enhance the productivity by suggesting new improvements to the existing system, and to evaluate the impact of capital investment in equipment. A model that represents the existing system was built using ARENA simulation software, and the suggested improvements were evaluated by utilizing the "OPTQUEST for ARENA" optimization tool, according to which recommendations and suggestions are provided..Keyword: simulation model, Arena software. ×
Magdi Ahmed El Hadiri, Abdelaziz.EL.Abdelsalam, Walid Omar A. Salem, Naji S. Abdelwanis "Modeling and Analysis of Productivity Enhancement in Sm Paint Plant Using Arena Software " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The principle objective of this project is to Planning, Designing and Estimation of HighCeiling Residential Building (G+1). The design involves load calculations manually and the design methods used are LIMIT STATE DESIGN conforming to Indian Standard Code of practice. The 2D planning of proposed building is done by using AutoCAD Software and 3D planning of proposed building is done by using Revit Architecture Software. The final work was the proper plan, design and estimate of HIGH CEILING RESIDENTIALBUILDING RCC frame under dead load and live load combinations..Keyword: .... ×
J.Vengadesh Marshall Raman, P.Soundarya "Planning, Designing and Estimation of High Ceiling Residential Building(G+1) " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Reconfigurable hardware such as FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Array) is used since the designers can prefer digital architecture. High performance and reliability are important aspects that are expected in electronic appliances. High-speed serial transceivers of FPGA circuitry do not maintain constant chip latency after each power cycle, reset cycle (or) firmware upgrade. These cause phase differences between the recovered signals. To eliminate these phase shift changes in FPGA, a phase measurement logic core having resolution and precision in the range of a few picoseconds is designed..Keyword: Field programmable gate array(FPGA), phase polarity, synchronization, systematic sampling, XOR-based phase detector ×
Nagavalli vegesna, K.Yugandhar, Sai Susmitha Kota, Jagadeesh Koppisetti, Akash kakumani, Madan Sai NiteeshPulletikurthi "FPGA Based Power Efficient VLSI Architecture for Phase Measurement " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The rapid expansion of distributed energy resources in the low voltage grid causes voltage limit violations, especially in rural areas with little electric load. To solve this issue without costly grid reinforcement, one approach is the use of smart devices such as line-voltage-regulators. However, the majority of these devices carry out stepped voltage adjustments, which cause a negative effect on the dynamic voltage characteristic. For this reason, this paper deals with a novel line-voltage-regulator and its power quality optimized control. The novel setup enables a continuous voltage regulation in a robust way by using variable inductors. The control design focuses on mitigating side-effects like harmonic distortion emission and increased grid impedance. Finally, a laboratory analysis evaluates the novel line-voltage regulator in comparison to a stepped one with regard to powerquality..Keyword: Line-voltage-regulation Low voltage grid Power quality Variable inductor Voltage control ×
Ganesh Prasad Khuntia, Rashmi Ranjan Panigrahi, Sudhansu Bhusan Pati, Debasis Nanda "Line-Voltage-Regulators Optimization in ElectricPowerQuality " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The rapid expansion of distributed energy resources in the low voltage grid causes voltage limit violations, especially in rural areas with little electric load. To solve this issue without costly grid reinforcement, one approach is the use of smart devices such as line-voltage-regulators. However, the majority of these devices carry out stepped voltage adjustments, which cause a negative effect on the dynamic voltage characteristic. For this reason, this paper deals with a novel line-voltage-regulator and its power quality optimized control. The novel setup enables a continuous voltage regulation in a robust way by using variable inductors. The control design focuses on mitigating side-effects like harmonic distortion emission and increased grid impedance. Finally, a laboratory analysis evaluates the novel line-voltage regulator in comparison to a stepped one with regard to powerquality..Keyword: Line-voltage-regulation Low voltage grid Power quality Variable inductor Voltage control ×
Ganesh Prasad Khuntia, Rashmi Ranjan Panigrahi, Sudhansu Bhusan Pati, Debasis Nanda "Line-Voltage-Regulators Optimization in ElectricPowerQuality " Vol. 9 - No. 5 (May 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,