International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA)
Volume 8 - Issue 1
- GST: Impact on Indian Economy
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Wind Speed Forecasting: A Review
Nicksson C. A. de Freitas, Marcelino P. dos S. Silva, Meiry S. Sakamoto
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Direct Power Control of Three Phase PWM Rectifier based DSOGI-VF Estimator for No-Ideal LineVoltages Conditions
A. Rahab, F.Senani, H. Benalla
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Holistic Approach Towards Inclusive Understanding of Quality of Service In Wireless Sensor Network
Zeeshan Ali Haq, NavedAlam
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Extra Geometry I. Extra lines
I. Szalay, B. Szalay
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- A Study of Employee Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment of the Teaching and Non Teaching Staff
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Nanoparticle Evaluation of Synthetic Palmitoyl-CKKHH As Transfection Reagent for Non-Viral Gene Delivery Vehicle
Tarwadi, Sabar Pambudi, Heni Rachmawati, Rahmana Emran Kartasasmita, Sukmadjaja Asyarie, Jalal A. Jazayeri, Colin W. Pouton
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- A Comparative Study of RSA and ECC
Dr. K.L. Vasundhara, Y. V. S. Sai Pragathi, Y. Sai Krishna Vaideek
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Overall Analysis of Groundwater Samples for Drinking Quality in Eight Districts of the Malwa Region of Punjab
Rajni Sharma
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Numerical Investigation Of Parabolic Leaf Spring For Composite Materials Using Ansys
Mohd Kashif Salman, A P Singh, Shantanu Roy, Joy Banerjee
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Factor Graph Approach for Decoding Reed Muller Codes
Sarah Anjum
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Sensor Data Collection Process for Traffic Communication Reduction Technique using Wireless Sensor Networks
Jogi Naidu Kuriti , D.L.Mythri
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- A Brief Review on Wireless Sensor Network Technologies
D.L.Mythri, Jogi Naidu Kuriti
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
GST stands for "Goods and Services Tax" implemented by the Government of India since 1st April, 2017 this year. Its introduction by the Constitution (One hundred and First Amendments) Act, 2016 was considered to be one of the most crucial steps in the field of indirect tax reform structure of India. Therefore, GST was defined as a comprehensive consumption based tax levied upon manufacture, sale and consumption of goods as well as services which helped in transforming the country into one unified common market. Many inexplicit arguments were raised about GST after its implementation. The research paper will throw light on how Goods and Services Tax (GST) would help in reducing the existing complexity of taxes in India as it subsumes Value Added Tax (VAT), Excise Duty, Service Tax and Sales tax. The first part of the paper is the introductory part. Second part of the paper will discuss the effect of GST on Indian economy. Finally the last section will focus on conclusion part of the paper.Keyword: GST, Economy, India, VAT.. ×
PallaviKapila "GST: Impact on Indian Economy" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Climate change causes serious impacts on the atmospheric such as violent storms, floods, fires, cyclones, acid rain and prolonged droughts. Nations of the whole world have been striving to achieve a sustainable development through the power generation from renewable resources: sun, wind, water, and biomass. Wind power grew sharply due to its advantages for power generation in large scale. Consistent wind speed forecasts are relevant and must be prepared to avoid economic losses, facilitate regulation of wind systems, and increase the operational efficiency of industries through a more reliable decision making. Many factors are able to influence the winds. For this reason, wind speed forecasting is one of the most relevant and challenging world research problems nowadays. In literature, many approaches have been proposed. This paper provides an overview of wind speed prediction and introducesstrengths and weaknesses of each approach and method, as well as aimed at further direction for additional research,Key words: power generation, renewable resources, wind power, wind speed prediction ×
Nicksson C. A. de Freitas, Marcelino P. dos S. Silva, Meiry S. Sakamoto "Wind Speed Forecasting: A Review" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In this paper, direct power control (DPC) of three-phase pulse width-modulated rectifiers without line voltage sensors is presented. The new system is based on virtual flux (VF) using dual Second Order Generalized Integrator frequency located loop DSOGI-FLL estimator. In order to improve the VF-DPC performance of PWM rectifier, an improved observation method of virtual flux-linkage is proposed. To avoid the relevant problems of pure integrator, and to achieve the accurate observation of the grid voltage's phase, (SOGI-FLL) are used to displace the pure integrator. Theoretical principles of this method are discussed. This strategy is also investigated under unbalance and pre-distortion grid. A theoretical analysis of active and reactive power under a non-ideal source is clearly demonstrated. In order to calculate the compensated powers, the extraction of positive, negative, and harmonic sequences of voltage and current is needed and a multiple DSOGI-FLL method is used for rapid and accurate extraction. It is shown that the VFDPC exhibits several advantages, particularly providing sinusoidal line current when the supply voltage is not ideal..Key words: Three-Phase Rectifier, DPC, Virtual Flux Estimation, DSOGI-FLL, no-ideal grid voltage ×
A. Rahab, F.Senani, H. Benalla "Direct Power Control of Three Phase PWM Rectifier based DSOGI-VF Estimator for No-Ideal LineVoltages Conditions" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Data is being communicated over a traditional network since a very long time and too much research and development has been carried out in the past. The Wireless communication is very different from that of the traditional network in a manner that resource availability is limited; channel is free space, and power constraints. Considering all these issues, It becomes very important to address the Quality of Service issues in WSN which still requires lot of research and development so as to provide the expected result in the during the last mile. In this paper we have tried to address some of the challenges for QoS support and provisioning, metrics and parameters that help in evaluating the QoS of the system for proper throughput of the network. The issue of QoS on all layers of WSN are also addressed so as to have a holistic approach towards the issue concerning QoS in WSNs.Key words: Challenges, parameters of QoS, QoS provisioning, Quality of Service ×
Zeeshan Ali Haq, NavedAlam "Holistic Approach Towards Inclusive Understanding of Quality of Service In Wireless Sensor Network" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Using the theory of exploded numbers by the axiom – systems of real numbers and Euclidean geometry, we introduce a the concept of extra - line of the three – dimensional space. The extra - lines are the visible subsets of super – lineswhich are the explodeds of the Euclidean lines. We investigate the main properties of extra – lines. We prove more similar properties of Euclidean lines and extra – lines, but with respect to the paralellity there is an essentialdifference among them.Key words: exploded and compressed numbers ,super – line, extra – line, border points, extra – prallelity ×
I. Szalay, B. Szalay "Extra Geometry I. Extra lines" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Employee satisfaction is a factor in motivation, retention and goal achievement in the place of work and commitment is a factor that include no excess work load, treating employee with respect, provide recognition & rewards, fringe benefits and positive management. The purpose of the research paper is to study the employee satisfaction and organizational commitment and to examine the satisfaction level of teaching and non teaching staff and its impact on Commitment. This research paper is descriptive and empirical in nature and purposive sampling technique is used select management colleges . The study is based on primary data, which has been collected through structural questionnaire , filled by teaching and non teaching staff memberstake 150 respondents of teaching and non teaching staff of different colleges( 10 management college) of Gwalior has been selected on random sampling basis .Percentage method is used for data analysis. According to findings of this research paper the employee satisfaction effects commitment of teaching and non teaching staff. Factors affecting employee satisfaction and commitment are rewards ,stress, leave, benefits and compensation given to the staff by the management which are important to improve the motivation level and employee satisfaction..Key words: exploded and compressed numbers ,super – line, extra – line, border points, extra – prallelity ×
Dr.Lalitamishra "A Study of Employee Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment of the Teaching and Non Teaching Staff" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Non-viral delivery systems are relatively safe but inefficient in their current form. The main obstacle in using non-viral gene delivery system approach is to transport the gene of interest in cytoplasm and subsequently entering into cell nucleus. In this research, palmityol-CKKHH and its series have been designed and its ability to form nanoparticle of a stable DNA – lipopeptide complex were evaluated to be used as non-viral gene delivery vehicle. The lipopeptide molecules are composed of alkyl chain of palmitoyl (C-16), and amino acid residues of cysteine (C), lysine (K), and histidine (H). The particle size (nm) and zeta potential () of the complexes were determined with a Zetasizer Nano Series. It was revealed that prolonging incubation time of the complex composing of DNA and Pal-CK2H3 (charge ratio of 1.5) more than 2 hours tend to increase the size up to 300 nm. In addition, increasing DNA.......Key words: Palmitoyl-CKKHH charge ratio, nanoparticle, particle size and zeta potential. ×
Tarwadi, Sabar Pambudi, Heni Rachmawati, Rahmana Emran Kartasasmita, Sukmadjaja Asyarie, Jalal A. Jazayeri, Colin W. Pouton "Nanoparticle Evaluation of Synthetic Palmitoyl-CKKHH As Transfection Reagent for Non-Viral Gene Delivery Vehicle" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Network is a collection of interconnected nodes which are spread over a large region. A node can be any device such as personal computer, mobile phone, tablet, WAP devices, pager, etc. Data is transmitted over channel of this network, which is prone to security threats such as loss of confidentiality, loss of integrity, fabrication attacks, etc. So, there is a need to secure this data transmission. It is achieved through Cryptography [9].The present work focuses on cryptography to secure the data while transmitting in the network. Firstly, the data which is to be transmitted from sender to receiver in the network must be encrypted using the encryption algorithm in cryptography. Secondly, by using decryption technique the receiver can view the original data. Many research papers have been submitted on this cryptographic algorithm.This paper aims at study of the two asymmetric-key algorithms i.e.......Key words: Cryptography, encryption, asymmetric key encryption ×
Dr. K.L. Vasundhara , Y. V. S. Sai Pragathi, Y. Sai Krishna Vaideek "A Comparative Study of RSA and ECC" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
This paper presents the groundwater quality of Malwa region of Punjab. 240 Villages from the eight districts were selected for the study and compared. The parameters studied were PH, total alkalinity, total hardness, turbidity, total dissolved solids, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, Sulphate, nitrate, chloride, , iron, lead, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, zinc, mercury sand specific conductance or conductivity. From overall analysis, it was found that there was a variation in the physico-chemical parameters among the groundwater samples studied from the eight districts i. e. Bathinda, Muktsar, Ferozpur, Faridkot, Mansa, Moga, Barnala and Sangrur. Comparison of the physico-chemical parameters of the water samples with BIS limits showed that the groundwater is highly contaminated and not fit for human consumption and domestic applications.Key words: Groundwater, Water Quality parameters, BIS Guidelines, Malwa region, Punjab ×
Rajni Sharma "Overall Analysis of Groundwater Samples for Drinking Quality In Eight Districts of the Malwa Region of Punjab" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The purpose of the present investigation is to reduce the stress acting in the parabolic leaf spring in order to reduce the vibration of the vehicle. It can be achieved by choosing suitable composite materials e-glass/epoxy, carbon/epoxy, Kevlar/epoxy. Identification and solution provided through the various literatures, now the objective of the research work is to replace the existing conventional steel EN45 material through the composite material to reduce the weight and increase the strength. The solid modelling of leaf spring was done on CATIA and analysis using ANSYS software. Finally, standing from the static analysis result the study conclude that the newly designed carbon/epoxy mono composite leaf spring has better performance than that of the current conventional steel leaf spring of TATA 207........Key words: parabolic leaf, steel EN45, Kevlar/epoxy, e-glass/epoxy , TATA 207, carbon/epoxy composite ×
Mohd Kashif Salman, A P Singh, Shantanu Roy2 And Joy Banerjee "Numerical Investigation Of Parabolic Leaf Spring For Composite Materials Using Ansys" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Factor graphs basically work on the idea of marginalization i.e. sub-dividing a larger function into a number of smaller functions whose contribution to the solution of the problem are considered accordingly. This paper uses Forney factor graph, which is a bipartite graph that models a system into function nodes and variable nodes. The messages are passed to and fro the two sets of nodes via specific message update rules chosen beforehand and the phenomena may be based on sum product or the max product algorithm. The algorithm converges to a decoded output after either a fixed number of iterations or is made to terminate after a threshold is achieved.Key words: Factor graphs, Maximum Likelihood Decoding, Max-product algorithm, Reed Muller Codes, Sum-product algorithm. ×
Sarah Anjum "Factor Graph Approach for Decoding Reed Muller Codes" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
now a days, many case studies exploit mobile sinks to collect large scale data-base sensor data for environmental observations or weather forecasting. Agent (Artificial intelligent) travels in sensing areas and collect data directly from each sensor. By using this, we can reduce communication traffic further than that for the case of constructing sensor networks. However, in many methods, the mobile sink collects data from all sensors that the mobile sink can communicate with. In this paper, we propose a communication traffic reduction method by agent approach for sensor data. In our proposed method, the agent broadcasts predicted sensor data to each sensor. Only sensors whose sensing data exceeds the admissible error margin from the predicted sensor data transmit their data. Therefore, the communication traffic can be reduced and at the time of implementation results demonstrated the effectiveness of our proposed method.Key words:Data Collection, sensor data, Traffic communication, mobile sink, communication traffic, wireless sensor network. ×
Jogi Naidu Kuriti , D.L.Mythri "Sensor Data Collection Process for Traffic Communication Reduction Technique using Wireless Sensor Networks" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
As wireless sensor technology improves; an increasing number of organizations are using it for a wide range of purposes. ZigBee technology is a new standard in wireless personal garea after Bluetooth. After an introduction to this technology, a new wireless meter-reading system based on ZigBee protocol has evolved. This system, which is comprised of ZigBee network and database management system, has many important advantages such as low cost, low power consumption, and low date rate. Wireless Sensor Network based on ZigBee technology is a wireless network which is composed of many nodes of ZigBee RF chip, sensor and MCU, especially suitable for application of the remote monitoring system in flammable and explosive environment. Fusion of RFID and Zigbee is also possible which turn out to be boon for wireless sensor network technology. A complete overview of wireless sensor network technology is given in this paper. Wireless sensor network technology has become one of technological basic needs of us.Key words: Bluetooth, Wireless Sensor Networks, Networks, Protocol, RFID. ×
D.L.Mythri, Jogi Naidu Kuriti "A Brief Review on Wireless Sensor Network Technologies" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
- Analysis of The Comparative Residential Location Choice Among Hussaini Adamu Federal Polytechnic Employees
A.A Jolaoye, Isah Garba A, Salawu A.O, Ziladdin Sale k.
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Assessment of Reutilization of Various Categorical Waste from Construction Site
Anindita Roy Chowdhury, Prerna Sharma
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Diabetes Prediction Using Machine Learning Techniques
Tejas N. Joshi, Prof. Pramila M. Chawan
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Selection of Best Employee by using Weighted fuzzy Soft Matrix
Dr.(Mrs.)N.Sarala, (Mrs.) I.Jannathul Firthouse
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Use of Artificial Intelligence And Web Scraping Methods To Retrieve Information From The World Wide Web
Marco Scarnò
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- A Close-Up View About Spark in Big Data Jurisdiction
FirojParwej, NikhatAkhtar, Dr. Yusuf Perwej
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Control of Single Inductor Multi Output DC-DC Converter in Continuous Conduction Mode
Dharshini.G, Gousia Sultana
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- A Study on Properties of Paver Blocks Manufactured Using Different Percentage of Recycled Aggregates With Partial Replacement of Cement By Fly Ash
Mr. Shantanu G. Pande, Mr. Amit kr. Jha
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Penetration Testing An Effective And Versatile Tool For Software Security
Sachin Chaudhury, Mansee Aggarwal, Sunayana Chaudhury
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Applying Mathematical Model to Determine Location Facilities Storage Optimally With Integrated Logistic System Of Supply Chain For the Industrial Area of The People
DR. Hendri Dunant Hamidi, MSI
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Multiple Linear Regression Theory based Performance Optimization of Bakken and Eagle Ford Shale Oil Reservoirs
Venkat Pranesh, Vivek Thamizhmani, S. Ravikumar, Sujeeth Padakandla
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Chemical and Mineralogical Characterization of Dispersive Soils
Sameer Vyas, Beena Anand
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
This research attempts identifying the array of factors and the extent to which they influence residential location of households among the employees of a typical north western Nigerian polytechnic using descriptive survey research design. The sample consists of 204 respondents (i.e. 48.92% of the universe population)determined by the adoption of YaroYamaniestheory of 1968. The sample comprised both theteaching and administrative staff drawn by quota and accidental sampling techniques. Data collected were analyzed using frequency counts, percentages, means and Pearson product moment correlation. Also, ranking of the attributes contained in the Likert aspect of the questionnaire was done to elicit answer to the last hypothesis.Four null hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. The findings illustrated the importance of the proximity of the employees‟ place of work in determining their residential location so also their level of income while automobile ownership on the other hand were found to have no influence on the residential location of respondents.Keyword: Residential, household location, choice, employees ×
A.A Jolaoye, Isah Garba A, Salawu A.O Ziladdin Sale k. "Analysis of The Comparative Residential Location Choice Among Hussaini Adamu Federal Polytechnic Employees" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Construction and demolition waste is one of the important category of solid waste. Many recreational and building projects contribute towards generation of ample quantity of waste produced on these respective sites. Reutilisation of the construction and demolition waste can be very beneficial in terms of various managing and operational parameters on a construction site. This paper emphasises upon study ofassessment of reutilization of various categorical waste from constructional site situated at different geographical areas. Numerous types of waste generated from these respective sites are taken into consideration and their reutilisation on the same site is focussed which resulted in reducing cost, labour work and wastage of the materials. By-product formation from the reutilisation of waste generated from these types of constructional arena is being focussed upon. Further recommendations in terms of the future scope of the study are given at the end of the paper.Key words: Construction Anddemolition Waste, Recyclable Materials ×
Anindita Roy Chowdhury, Prerna Sharma "Assessment of Reutilization of Various Categorical Waste from Construction Site" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Diabetes is a chronic disease with the potential to cause a worldwide health care crisis. According to International Diabetes Federation 382 million people are living with diabetes across the whole world. By 2035, this will be doubled as 592 million. Diabetes mellitus or simply diabetes is a disease caused due to the increase level of blood glucose. Various traditional methods, based on physical and chemical tests, are available for diagnosing diabetes. However, early prediction of diabetes is quite challenging task for medical practitioners due to complex interdependence on various factors as diabetes affects human organs such as kidney, eye, heart, nerves, foot etc. Data science methods have the potential to benefit other scientific fields by shedding new light on common questions. One such task is to help make predictions on medical data. Machine learning is an emerging scientific field in data........Key words: Machine Learning, Supervised, Svm, Ann, Logistic Regression ×
Tejas N. Joshi, Prof. Pramila M. Chawan "Diabetes Prediction Using Machine Learning Techniques" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Decision making is a process to select best out of different alternatives possibilities. Here every process of decisions produces a final choice that may or not prompt action. It is the study of identifying the best choice according to decision maker. It is the central part of every activity in every process of decision. Now a day's soft set theory is taking major role in decision making process. This paper has attempted to use soft set has attempted to use soft set in solving the decision making problem of finding best worker in any working placesKey words: Fuzzy Sets, Soft sets, Soft matrix, Weighted fuzzy soft matrix ×
Dr.(Mrs.)N.Sarala,(Mrs.) I.Jannathul Firthouse "Selection of Best Employee by using Weighted fuzzy Soft Matrix" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The World Wide Web could represent a valid substitute for the traditional way of acquiring information. However, using this platform implies new challenges that are derived from the intrinsic nature of the information attained, which is expansive, sparse and mostly unstructured. We investigated the possibility of structuring data from different websites through web scraping techniques. Moreover, we exploited what is offered by some web search engines to progressively create queries that enabled us to select the most useful information. To s uch purpose, we used a strategy that simulated the human behaviour obtaining timely price statistics to be included in the Agricultural........Key words: ........ ×
Marco Scarnò "Use of Artificial Intelligence And Web Scraping Methods To Retrieve Information From The World Wide Web" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The Big data is the name used ubiquitously now a day in distributed paradigm on the web. As the name point out it is the collection of sets of very large amounts of data in pet bytes, Exabyte etc. related systems as well as the algorithms used to analyze this enormous data. Hadoop technology as a big data processing technology has proven to be the go to solution for processing enormous data sets. MapReduce is a conspicuous solution for computations, which requirement one-pass to complete, but not exact efficient for use cases that need multi-pass for computations and algorithms. The Job output data between every stage has to be stored in the file system before the next stage can begin. Consequently, this method is slow, disk Input/output operations and due to replication. Additionally, Hadoop ecosystem doesn't have every component to ending a big data use case. Suppose we want to do an iterative job, you would have to stitch together a sequence of MapReduce jobs and execute them in sequence. Every......Key words: Big Data, Spark, Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDD), MapReduce, Hadoop, Spark Ecosystem. ×
FirojParwej, NikhatAkhtar, Dr. Yusuf Perwej "A Close-Up View About Spark in Big Data Jurisdiction" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
This paper presents the technique for the analysis and design of a new DC-DC multi output boost converter using which the output can be shared between different loads. The proposed converter can generate the voltage of a low voltage input to levels of boosted output voltage. Several single output power supplies can be replaced by this configuration. This deals with the single inductor multi output (SIMO) DC-DC converter. The drawback of conventional transformer based multi output DC-DC converters such as high cost and large volume is avoided using a single inductor boost type dual output DC-DC converter using wireless control. The design of SIMO dc-dc converter along with modes of operation has been presented using MATLAB / SIMULINK. And the application of wireless control of DC-DC converter is given..Key words: Boost converter, Continuous conduction mode (CCM), Conventional transformer, Multi output DC-DC converters, Single-inductor multiple-output (SIMO). ×
Dharshini.G, Gousia Sultana "Control of Single Inductor Multi Output DC-DC Converter in Continuous Conduction Mode" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The increasing difficulty in securing natural coarse for the production of concrete coupled with the environmental issues and social costs of unlimited extraction of natural aggregates makes the usage of recycled aggregate concrete (RCA) in the construction industry of prime importance. Now a days, awareness of use of recycled aggregate as a construction material is gaining importance around the world. An attempt is made to use this recycled aggregate as a material replacing coarse aggregates in paver blocks. The properties of RCA namely specific gravity, particle size distribution, water absorption, moisture content ,impact value, crushing value, flakiness and elongation index are studied. As per the norms of IS 15658-2006 code, required samples of paver blocks of each type are casted and tested for compression, tensile, flexure and abrasion values. Changes in the properties of paver blocks with increasing RCA percentage with partial......Key words:C & D waste, Recycled Aggregates, Recycled aggregate concrete, Fly ash ×
Mr. Shantanu G. Pande, Mr. Amit kr. Jha "A Study on Properties of Paver Blocks Manufactured Using Different Percentage of Recycled Aggregates With Partial Replacement of Cement By Fly Ash" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Software is being developed and released for public utility in applications of mobile phone technologies to aircraft and spaceship explorations at a very fast pace which requires proper testing prior to their release so as to make them full proof and free of malware attacks. Artificial Neural Network (ANN) has a vital role in Penetration Testing. Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms learn from test cases to provide sagacious insights like application stability, failure patterns, defect hotspots, failure prediction. These insights further help to anticipate, automate, and enhance decision-making capabilities. ANN makes Penetration Testing far better and user friendly for a tester by elimination of hundreds and thousands of redundant, vague, undesirable teat cases, thereby, reducing project costs. It is envisaged that in future, development of intense algorithms, AI will make Penetration Testing even better by generating new and relevant test cases for a given test system..Key words: Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Neural Network, Penetration Testing, Software Testing ×
Sachin Chaudhury, Mansee Aggarwal Sunayana Chaudhury "Penetration Testing An Effective And Versatile Tool For Software Security" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
High logistics costs of Indonesia led to lower competitiveness of production Indonesia. To overcome this problem needs to be done implementation of logistics integrated and supply chain of input-output system of production of the company's in the industrial area of the people. The application can occur with integration of communication systems, transportation systems, facilities systems, and the provision of resources system, as well as warehousing systems, the management coordination and operation of logistics integrated and supply chain can be obtained effectiveness and efficiency, economy and productivity together. One of the important, how to determine for warehouse a company on the industrial area of the people. His problem there are several warehouses can be selected for logistics costs low. Way of solving this problem with the research application of mathematical models to calculate the most optimal warehouse from several warehouses that can be used. Mathematical model to be applied in the........Key words: Management Logistics Integrated And Supply Chain, Applying Mathematical Model to Warehouse Selection. ×
DR. Hendri Dunant Hamidi, MSI "Applying Mathematical Model to Determine Location Facilities Storage Optimally With Integrated Logistic System Of Supply Chain For the Industrial Area of The People" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
This paper presents the application of multiple linear regression modelling (MLR) to evaluate the performance of the Bakken shale oil and Eagle Ford gas condensate reservoirs in the United States.A critical review and analysis were made on the unconventional reservoirs and also on using CO2 huff-n-puff, and flooding processes for enhanced oil recovery (EOR).A total of four models was taken for the analysis, such as the Bakken and Eagle Ford reservoirs with CO2 huff-n-puff process and another two models with CO2 Flooding. Injection pressure, injection rate, injection time, number of cycle, carbon dioxide soaking time, fracture half-length, fracture conductivity, fracture spacing, porosity, permeability, and initial reservoir pressure as taken as inputs and cumulative oil production, and oil recovery factor was taken as outputs. The reservoirs was designed for 30 years of oil production and this is considered as DMU and the Chi-Square test was used to validate the model for the goodness of fit. From the statistical results, it was investigated that the performance of the Eagle Ford reservoir in both scenarios of huff-n-puff and......Key words: Energy Demand, CO2 Injection,MLR, Chi-Square, SPSS. ×
Venkat Pranesh, Vivek Thamizhmani, S. Ravikumar, Sujeeth Padakandla "Multiple Linear Regression Theory based Performance Optimization of Bakken and Eagle Ford Shale Oil Reservoirs" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Many earth dams, hydraulic structures and other structures like road way embankments have suffered serious erosion problems and have failed due to the presence of the dispersive soils. The tendency for dispersive erosion in a given soil depends on variables such as mineralogy and chemistry of the clay, as well as dissolved salts in the water in soil pores and in the eroding water. When dispersive clay soil is immersed in water, the clay fraction behaves like single-grained particles; that is, the clay particles have a minimum of electrochemical attraction and fail to closely adhere to, or bond with, other soil particles. Soil dispersivity is mainly due to the presence of exchangeable sodium present in the structure. This article presents the characterization and identification of dispersive soils using chemical method and X-ray diffraction analysis.Key words: About five key words in alphabetical order, separated by comma. ×
Sameer Vyas, Beena Anand "Chemical and Mineralogical Characterization of Dispersive Soils" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
- Alarm System Implementation on Field Programmable Gate Array
Raj S Parikh
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Road Safety Audit: Challenges And Remedies
Hetram Sharma, Dr Sheetal Agarwal
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- A Study on Incorporation of Natural Antioxidants For the Shelf Life Extension of Ghee
Aditya N., Divya M.P.
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Power System Stability Analysis of SMIB using Artificial Bee Colony Optimization
Atul M. Gajare, Dr. R. P. Singh, Dr. M. U. Nemade
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- A New Bitmap Indexing Method for Complex Similarity Queries
Guang-Ho Cha
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Modeling Mass-Spring-Damper System using Simscape
Abhilash Ingale, Anchal Daga, Rajkumar Naik
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Designing and Engineering of Biological Systems using Computational Tools
Divya Sindhu, Saurabh Sindhu
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Study The Seasonal Fluctuations of Groundwater Characteristics in Al-Raudhatain And Umm Al-Aish Depressions, North Kuwait
Hamoud N. Alalati, Mohamed I. GAD
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Elementary way of proving Fermat's theorem
Vadim N. Romanov
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- A Comprehensive Study of Lip Controlled Human Computer Interface using Machine Learning
Amit Kumar, Dr. Naveen Tewari, Dr. Rajeev Kumar
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- A Novel Speed Control Technique for A Buck Power Converter Driven DC Motor
Sangeetha.C.N, S Gayathri, K Rama
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- IOT Patient Health Monitoring System
Ahmed Abdulkadir Ibrahim, Wang Zhuopeng
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- An Efficient ASIC Design of RRC FIR Interpolation Filter for wireless Communication Applications
Priyanka Agrawal, Rajesh Mehra
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Optimized Design of Switched-Capacitor (SC) Integrator
Pragati Sheel, Rajesh Mehra
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Design And Analysis of Fibre Reinforced Composite Ceiling Fan Blade
Sravanthi C, Sidhartha Reddye, Bhanu Prakash, D,Sankeerthan Sharma
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Analysis of Vibration And Surface Finish in Turning of En8
Hemanandan Pugalenthi, N.Kannan, S.Bhagavathi Shankar
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Survey Paper on Captcha Using Different Methods And Techniques
Tejaswini Lokhande, Manasi Kanadi, Pooja Kute, Sayali Kashid, Ruchira Deshmukh
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
In recent times, Field Programmable Gate Arrays have wide applications in market due to its advantage of having programmable interconnects. Alarm-system is the best solution to overcome house intrusion. The effective Alarm-system is available at low cost with which the user can built their own security system. In this paper, we present the design and implementation of the alarm-system. The design has been described using VHDL and implemented in the hardware using FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array). This is installed in the hardware by ISE project navigator, a software of Xilinx. The system is a four code system that runs on FPGA with the sensor to sense correct pattern for code and the buzzer. The design involves a code-checker with which the system can change its states.Keyword: Alarm-system ,FPGA, VHDL, Code-Checker, DCM, UTT ×
Raj S Parikh "Alarm System Implementation on Field Programmable Gate Array" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The Road Safety Audit (RSA) is a technique to investigate the road crashes potential and safety performance in the provision of new road planning's, rehabilitation, improvements and maintenance in existing road network. This investigates the road infrastructure deficiencies that may influence crashes occurrence and suggests the guidelines for appropriate improvement measures. The present study aimed to evaluate the Road Safety deficiencies and improvements on existing road network. NH-12 ((Durgapura Bus Stand to India Gate) (total length= 10.500Km)), for present study the accident data were collected at identified road stretch and black spots namely India Gate, Haldighati Marg and Pinjrapole Goshala were indentified. The road safety deficiencies such as improper intersection designing's.........Key words: Road safety audit, Road safety improvement, Human factors, Freeway road inspection ×
Hetram Sharma, Dr Sheetal Agarwal "Road Safety Audit: Challenges And Remedies" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Natural antioxidants were extracted through aqueous and alcoholic methods from Psidium guajava (guava) leaves and incorporated in ghee for shelf life extension. Total antioxidant content of guava leaves powder, alcoholic and aqueous extract were 51.56. 63.67 and 91.21 respectively. 0.25% and 1% were optimized levels for alcoholic and aqueous extract respectively. optimized alcoholic and aqueous extract treatment samples packed in glass bottles and stored at 60±2ºC for 2 months and evaluated for 10 days interval. Both extract treatments were superior in Peroxide value, TBA, free fatty acids value and RSA then control thus Guava leaves extract could be used as potential natural antioxidants.Guava leaves extracts can be used as potential natural antioxidants to retard auto-oxidation in ghee.Key words: ........ ×
Aditya N., Divya M.P. "A Study on Incorporation of Natural Antioxidants For the Shelf Life Extension of Ghee" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Due to complexity in the power system there is always a loss of the stability due to the fault. Whenever a fault is intercepted in system, the whole system goes to severe transients. These transients cause oscillation in phase angle which leads poor power quality. The nature of oscillation is increasing instead being sustained, which leads system failure in form of generator damage. To reduce and eliminate the unstable oscillations one needs to use a stabilizer which can generate a perfect compensatory signal in order to minimize the harmonics generated due to instability. This paper presents a Power System stabilizer to reduce oscillations due to small signal disturbance. Additionally, an optimal approach is proposed using the PSS connected SMIB. Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) Algorithm is used for the parameter tuning of the stabilizer.Key words: ABC, AVR, PSS, SMIB. ×
Atul M. Gajare, Dr. R. P. Singh, Dr. M. U. Nemade "Power System Stability Analysis of SMIB using Artificial Bee Colony Optimization" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
A new indexing method for complex similarity queries are proposed in this paper. The efficiency of the new indexing method is realized by a specialized bitmap index that represents all objects in a database as a set of bitmaps. In order to provide the index with the flexibility in dealing with multiple features, we treat every dimension independently. The percentage of data accessed in the index is inversely proportional to the overall dimensionality of data, and thus the performance deterioration with the increasing dimensionality does not occur. To demonstrate the efficacy of our method we conducted extensive experiments and compared the performance with the linear scan by using real image datasets, and obtained a remarkable speed-up over the linear scan.Key words: Bitmap index, complex similarity query, dimensionality curse, multimedia database, image database ×
Guang-Ho Cha "A New Bitmap Indexing Method for Complex Similarity Queries" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In this paper, the dynamic behavior of mass-spring-damper system has been studied by mathematical equations. Based on Newtonian mechanics, the mathematical model for a single mass-damper system is established. The transfer function of this model specifies the behavior of the component. The results of this analytical model are used as validation for the Simscape model..Key words: Damper, Non-linear mechanics, oscillatory motion, Simscape, Step size ×
Abhilash Ingale, Anchal Daga, Rajkumar Naik "Modeling Mass-Spring-Damper System using Simscape" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The highly complex biological nanocomputers in living cells involve integration of multiple inputs, performing computations on these signals, storing the information in memory and responding to the environment. Computational tools and techniques have been developed for modification and designing of the DNA, RNA and proteins. Diverse paradigms have emerged for designing, modeling, constructing and characterizing of artificial genetic systems. By utilization of biological databases and computational tools, synthetic biologists have constructed novel genetic circuits through rational design and forward engineering that enable living systems to sense their dynamic environments, perform computation on the inputs and formulate appropriate outputs. Synthetic feedback loops or embedded biosensors can also be used as built-in control mechanisms for monitoring or triggering the cellular processes. Engineered living cells have the potential to perform a wide range of desirable tasks for biological applications........Key words: Computation tools, Gene circuits, Biological databases, Softwares, Genome designing, Synthetic biology. ×
Divya Sindhu, Saurabh Sindhu "Designing and Engineering of Biological Systems using Computational Tools" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The role of groundwater in north Kuwait is expected to be doubled in the near future. The fresh groundwater lenses in the Quaternary Aquifer in Al-Raudhatain and Umm Al-Aish Depressions (QARUAD) receive special attentions of the government and different investment authorities for agricultural development and construction new communities. Expanding the development of new communities within the limited low flat desert surfaces in north Kuwait has started to face the continuous growth of population. The specific objectives of this study were to detect the dynamics of groundwater level and salinity in wet and dry season; and to determine the relationships among the groundwater level, salinity content, and climate factors. The materials used in this paper were collected through carrying out 12 field trips in QARUAD during the period 2015-17. Moreover, network of 120 observation and dug.......Key words: Hydrogeology, Geochemical processes, Al-Raudhatain and Umm Al-Aish, north Kuwait ×
Hamoud N. Alalati, Mohamed I. GAD "Study The Seasonal Fluctuations of Groundwater Characteristics in Al-Raudhatain And Umm Al-Aish Depressions, North Kuwait" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The paper gives the simple way of proving Fermat's last theorem. The method is based on the study of the properties of natural numbers and the analysis of restrictions on the supposed solutions.Key words: number theory, natural numbers, Fermat's theorem, Descartes' rule. ×
Vadim N. Romanov "Elementary way of proving Fermat's theorem" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Human Computer Interface is just a way to connect user to the computer who are unable to interact with computer (physically) as a normal user. These users can have some physical problems or they are physically challenged so that they are not able to interact with computer system i.e. they may be the physical disorder like Tetraplegia. This paper focuses on the use of lower lip used for input device instead of thumb, fingers or even hand. Working with lower lip is just same as that of thumb throughput. This will helps for the future researches to use lower lip to operate on the input devices.Key words: Human Computer Interface, Machine Learning, Feature Extraction, LCS ×
Amit Kumar,Dr. Naveen Tewari, Dr. Rajeev Kumar "A Comprehensive Study of Lip Controlled Human Computer Interface using Machine Learning" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
A DC motor is an electrical machine that converts direct current electrical power in to mechanical power. The speed of a DC motor can be controlled by changing the voltage applied to the armature. The parameter which includes speed, voltage, and current of a DC machine is controlled using DC/DC buck power converter. This paper deals with a Hierarchical control system which involves three stages to control the parameters of DC motor. This Hierarchical controller is designed with a control associated with DC motor based on differential flatness at the high level ,and a control related with the DC/DC Buck converter based on a cascade control scheme at the low level. The control at the high level allows the DC motor angular velocity to track a desired trajectory and also provides the desired voltage profile that must be tracked by output voltage of the DC/DC Buck power converter. The.......Key words: Hierarchical Controller, DC/DC Buck Power Converter, DC Motor, Proportional-Integral (PI) Control.. ×
Sangeetha.C.N, S Gayathri, K Rama "A Novel Speed Control Technique for A Buck Power Converter Driven DC Motor" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Monitoring and Recording of various medical parameters of patient outside hospitals has become Widespread phenomenon. The Reason behind this project is to design a system for monitoring the patient's body at any time using internet connectivity. The function of this system is to measuring some biological parameter of the patient's body like Temperature, Heartbeat, Blood pressure , by using sensors and the sensors will sense the body temperature ,heartbeat and blood pressure of the patient and sends the values to IOT Cloud platform through WIFI-Module. All information about the patient health will be stored on the cloud, it enables the doctors to monitor patient's health, where the doctor can continuously monitor the patient's condition on his Smart phone. The results showed that......Key words: LM35 , Heart beat sensor, Temperature sensor, blood pressure , ESP8266 Wi-Fi module ,IOT cloud , AVR At mega328 Microcontroller. ×
Ahmed Abdulkadir Ibrahim, Wang Zhuopeng "IOT Patient Health Monitoring System" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The main objective of pulse shaping filter is to minimize intersymbol interference and shape the signal, In this paper an Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) is designed using Root Raised Cosine Interpolator Filter by employing multiplier less technique. The transposed direct form II structure of the filter is applied on the cadence platform which ultimately provides the reduced area and high speed. The HDL language is utilized for coding the provided filter specifications, thus the hardware complexity is reduced. The designed filter reduces the area by 40% which improves the hardware architecture. The maximum operating frequency is improved by 18% in comparison to previous work.Key words: ASIC, RRC filter, area, Maximum frequency.. ×
Priyanka Agrawal, Rajesh Mehra "An Efficient ASIC Design of RRC FIR Interpolation Filter for wireless Communication Applications" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In this paper we present an optimized design of classical switched capacitor integrator (SC). The operational amplifier utilized in this design implementation is a two stage operational amplifier and a differential folded cascode amplifier. Therefore there is important role of capacitors used in design implementation. Optimal switching technique is used in this paper. It is also shown that the average power consumption is less and also the area is calculated depending upon the design of amplifier used. The paper is implemented using 0.18μm CMOS technology..Key words: Folded Cascode, tow-stage amplifier, SC integrator, noise, area.. ×
Pragati Sheel, Rajesh Mehra "Optimized Design of Switched-Capacitor (SC) Integrator" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
With the increasing energy crisis in the present and future generations facing in the society, there is a need to reduce and optimize the energy. Though wide range of researches is being done in the areas of alternate energy sources, proper management of the available energy sources will contribute in controlling this energy crisis, particularly in populous countries. Because of enormous use of electric power, electricity storage is main problem throughout the world. Ceiling fan is one of the appliance that consumes electric power. This can be minimized by reducing the weight of the blade. In this work the design and analysis of composite fan blade made up of aramid fibre is carried out by determining the stresses and displacements induced in the composite fan blade..Key words: Aramid fibre; Composite material; Displacements; Stresses; Weight. ×
Sravanthi C,Sidhartha Reddye ,Bhanu Prakash, D ,Sankeerthan Sharma "Design And Analysis of Fibre Reinforced Composite Ceiling Fan Blade" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In this paper, an attempt has been made to use vibration signals for inprocess prediction of surface roughness during turning of EN8 alloy. The investigation was carried out to determine the relationship between cutting speed , feed rate ,depth of cut and the amplitude of vibrations with the surface roughness .In this analysis cutting speed ,feed rate ,depth of cut were included as input parameters asides to get the amplitude of vibration in surface roughness prediction . Experimental and theoretical analyses were done and a variation of 8 % is determined.Key words: Vibration, Surface Roughness, EN8 alloy.. ×
Hemanandan Pugalenthi, N.Kannan, S.Bhagavathi Shankar "Analysis of Vibration And Surface Finish in Turning of En8" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The internet has been enjoying associate more and more vital role in our way of life, with the supply of the many web services comparable to email and search engines. CAPTCHA (Completely machine driven Public Turing take a look at to inform Computers and Humans Apart) was developed to tell apart between pc programs and human users that was initialized in 1997 and was developed in 2000.The development of CAPTCHA system is to supply artistic and validation tests that may be simply resolved by humans and tough for robot. There area unit four forms of strategies in development CAPTCHA that is that the text primarily based CAPTCHA, CAPTCHA supported image, CAPTCHA based audio and video {based mostly primarily based} CAPTCHA .This type of CAPTCHA had developed by mistreatment markup language, JavaScript / J question and Cascading vogue Sheets (CSS).Every CAPTCHA have its own techniques to supply security.. This paper presents a survey of Optical Character Recognition applications and more focuses on 3 important applications of Optical Character Recognition..Key words: Captcha, Video Captcha. ×
Tejaswini Lokhande, Manasi Kanadi, Pooja Kute, Sayali Kashid, Ruchira Deshmukh "Survey Paper on Captcha Using Different Methods And Techniques" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
- Q(A) – Balance Edge Magic Graphs
S. Vimala, M. Divya
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Health Monitoring System Using Wireless Sensor Network
Sharanbasappa Sali, Dr. Parvathi C. S.
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Experimental Investigations on Performance And Emission Characteristics of LHR Engine At Different Injection Timings Using Biodiesel Fuels
Srikanth.Vadlamudi, B.Raja Narender, Shaik.Ismail
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Analysis of Major Security Attacks in Recent Years
Dr. C.P.Agrawal, Zeenat Hasan
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Performa-nce Prediction of a Jatropha-Biodiesel Powered Gas Turbine Plant
WC Solomon, MU Bonet, SU Mohammed, CV Orji
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Estimation of seasonal salt balance in soil water of Siwa Oasis
closed basin, Western Desert, Egypt
Mohamed I. GAD Hamoud N.Alalati, A.A. Abdel-Baki
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Structural and Dielectric Characteristics of 0.20 Ba(Fe0.5Nb0.5)O3-0.80 SrTiO3 nanomaterial
Ritesh Kumar, Amarendra Narayan, N.K.Singh
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Dual Bandwidth Duo Triangular Shaped Microstrip Antenna for Multi-Band Frequencies
Madhu Suman, Er. Harleen Kaur
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Effect of Different Cutting Tools in Turning Operation – A Comparative Study to Ensure Green Performance
Suvayu Sarkar, Ankur Das
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- The third example of Newton's Third Law leads to inconsistent results i.e. mass becomes infinite and imaginary
Ajay Sharma
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
In this paper Q(a)- BEM graph is discussed the following graphs are Cycle graph, Ladder graph, Windmill graph and Gear graph. If G is a (p,q)- graph in which the edges are labeled 1,2,3,…..q so that the vertex sums are constant mod p, then G is called an Edge-Magic graph (in short, EM graph)..Keyword: Edge magic, balance edge magic graph , Q(a)- balance edge magic graph, Cycle graph, Ladder graph, Gear graph ×
S. Vimala, M. Divya "Q(A) – Balance Edge Magic Graphs" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
This paper proposes an efficient approach to monitor the illness of the patient during the check up condition. Now a days medical equipments help the patient monitoring; also avoid lot of risk by Doctor‟s in ICU. These medical sensors are tattered on the wrist and finger to monitor the patient‟s condition. These medical sensors will sense the condition of patient‟s body and collect the data from patient body and send a message via Global System Mobile device to concern person or doctors. These data is communicated via ZeeBee wireless device. The sensors used are ECG (ad8232) sensor and blood pressure sensor. Signals are obtained and are displayed using Arduino Uno board. Body blood pressure is displayed on serial plot and ECG signal is monitored on PC through MATLAB, if the irregularities in the measured variables are noticed, a message alert will be sent to the medical staff.Key words: Arduino board, ECG (ad8232) sensor, Blood Pressure sensor, ZigBee and GSM module- MGSM900 ×
Sharanbasappa Sali, Dr. Parvathi C. S. "Health Monitoring System Using Wireless Sensor Network" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The reduction of heat loss from the combustion chamber of diesel engines improves fuel efficiency only by 3 or 4 per cent. Some other gains may be possible from a smaller cooling system, recovery of exhaust energy, and improvements in aerodynamics. The use of thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) to increase the combustion temperature in diesel engines has been pursued for over 20 years. Increased combustion temperature can increase the efficiency of the engine, decrease the CO and (possibly) the NOx emission rate. However, TBCs have not yet met with wide success in diesel engine applications because of various problems associated with the thermo mechanical properties of the coating materials. Although, the in-cylinder temperatures that can be achieved by the application of ceramic coatings can be as high as 850-9000C compared to current temperatures of 650-7000C. The increase in the in-cylinder temperatures helped in better release of energy in the case of biodiesel fuels thereby reducing....Key words: LHR engine, Biofuels, Thermal barrier coating, emissions ×
Srikanth.Vadlamudi, B.Raja Narender, Shaik.Ismail "Experimental Investigations on Performance And Emission Characteristics of LHR Engine At Different Injection Timings Using Biodiesel Fuels" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The world is becoming digital very rapidly, weight loss programs, books, music, even classes and parties are all available online in digital form, and the technology for these applications continues to grow and innovate exponentially fast. With this extensive growth in the online industry create an increasing number of threats in internet security. As every part of our lives becomes digital, we are more and more vulnerable to having our information stolen, our files compromised, and our privacy violated There are a lot of obvious threats to online security. Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability (CIA) are major components of security goals. In this paper, the aim is to present the survey of attacks on security goals in recent years and describe in details the nature of attacks and the behaviour of attackers through different scenarios in the network. The paper also provides a better understanding of security goals and finally it provides an analysis and classifies the attacks on the basis of security goals into different threat levels and discussed the solutions to these attacks.Key words: Phishing Trojan Horse, DDoS, Wiretapping. Key Loggers ×
Dr. C.P.Agrawal, Zeenat Hasan "Analysis of Major Security Attacks in Recent Years" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
This paper examines the behaviour of a 75MW gas turbine plant fired with Jatropha biodiesel derived from Nigerian feedstock as a possible alternative fuel. The analysis was carried out by varying the ambient temperature between 288K and 323K while adapting the plant design pressure ratio of 9.9 and turbine entry temperature with the aim of predicting and comparing the results of the performance behaviour of the plant fuelled with both fuels. The specific fuel consumption, fuel air ratio, net power output, and thermal efficiency of the plant were the performance parameters of interest. From the results the highest power output was achieved with the biodiesel. Furthermore the specific fuel consumption, fuel air ratio and thermal efficiency were found to be slightly higher than those obtained with natural gas. These results demonstrate that biodiesel can compete favourably well with natural gas as a gas turbine fuel even though in terms of economy of running the plant natural gas might be the preferred......Key words: Jatropha biodiesel, natural gas, specific fuel consumption, power output, thermal efficiency, gas turbine. ×
WC Solomon, MU Bonet, SU Mohammed, CV Orji "Performa-nce Prediction of a Jatropha-Biodiesel Powered Gas Turbine Plant" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Salinity of soil water problem in closed basins is so vital to water and soil. Siwa Oasis suffers from serious soil-water salinization and water logging problems. During the last four decades, more trials were carried out for improving soil water salinity via different authorities. Nowadays, some random reclamation projects are carried out in Siwa Oasis causing soil deterioration especially in the old cultivated land around Siwa lake (3000 Fed.). The present paper throws light on the changes in soil-water salinity as a result of the present agricultural activities. To achieve this goal, the salt balance of the soil-water of these cultivated lands is estimated. The estimation of the input and output components was carried out in the present work based on the field measurements during 1999.The estimated mean daily salt influx, input component to the soil water via 620 flowing wells and springs, reaches 215.4 ton and 465.1 ton during winter and summer season respectively. The high value of salt influx in summer season may attribute to the intensive irrigation activity in this season. The Output component includes the salt efflux through different drains from subsurface flow and the salinity losses due to plant uptake.....Key words: Siwa oasis, soil salinization, salt balance, salt influx and efflux, salt storage and salt reduction. ×
Mohamed I. GAD, Hamoud N.Alalati, A.A. Abdel-Baki "Estimation of seasonal salt balance in soil water of Siwa Oasis closed basin, Western Desert, Egypt" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
A complex Perovskite structure of barium iron niobate, Ba(Fe0.5Nb0.5)O3 (BFN) and strontium titanate SrTiO3 (ST) was fabricated by a ball milling induced solid-state reaction method. The phase formation of 0.20 Ba(Fe0.5Nb0.5)O3-0.80 SrTiO3 was checked using X-ray diffraction (XRD) technique. The X-ray structural analysis of BFN-ST80 nanomaterial, showed the formation of single-phase compound in the cubic system. Careful examination of microstructures of the individual compounds of the system was done by the Field emission scanning electron micrograph (FESEM), and confirms the polycrystalline nature of the systems. Detailed studies of dielectric properties of the systems in a wide range of frequency (100 Hz - 1MHz) and different temperatures (40°C -400°C) showed that electrical properties are strongly dependent on temperature and frequency.Key words: BFN-ST80 nanomaterial, Dielectric properties, FESEM, Polycrystalline, XRD ×
Ritesh Kumar, Amarendra Narayan, N.K.Singh "Structural and Dielectric Characteristics of 0.20 Ba(Fe0.5Nb0.5)O3-0.80 SrTiO3 nanomaterial" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
This paper presents the increase in bandwidth of a microstrip patch antenna by using a duo triangular shaped probe-feed patch. The main focus of this paper is to achieve a wideband microstrip patch antenna with the reduction in size. The dual bandwidth of 8.68% & 37.56% by covering the range from 1.845-1.894GHz and 3.228-4.228GHz has been obtained. The dimensions and position of the duo-triangular patch as well as shifting of probe-feed coordinates have been modified to obtain the wide bandwidth. The proposed patch of antenna is designed and all parameters are simulated on the Zeland IE3D software..Key words: WiMAX, wideband, probe-feed, microstrip patch antenna ×
Madhu Suman, Er. Harleen Kaur "Dual Bandwidth Duo Triangular Shaped Microstrip Antenna for Multi-Band Frequencies" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Machining depends on various input parameters such as selection of various cutting tool, variation of speed, depth, feed, selection of cutting fluid etc. Ecological and Environmental aspects are being considered while doing this project. The purpose of this project is focussed on study of speed, surface roughness, cutting forces and power consumption on a centre lathe using single point cutting tool. The tools selected are Carbide and Ceramic. Various cutting fluid are also used such as vegetable oil, palm oil, soya oil etc. The aim of this project is to do a case study varying the various parameters and find the most eco friendly and least power consumed procedure which will benefit the Environment. Further, the selection of cutting tool will be done by the different Multi criteria decision making (MCDM) techniques which enhance the green performance of machine.Key words: Ecological, Environmental, Carbide, Ceramic, MCDM ×
Suvayu Sarkar, Ankur Das "Effect of Different Cutting Tools in Turning Operation – A Comparative Study to Ensure Green Performance" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Objective: Newton gave three examples to explain illustrate the law after definition. The first two examples, a stone is pushed by finger or a stone is pulled by horse. Their critical study leads to inconsistent study. Methods/Statistical analysis: Newton considered in two cases that forces are so applied the stones remain at rest. Thus work done is zero (W=F.0 =0). Whereas in third case Newton considered example of collisions that bodies moves after they collide. Newton further stated that change in momentum of projectile is negative of change in momentum of target. Findings: Thus velocity of target can be measured from equations third examples. In many cases the velocity of the target turns out equal to c or more than c (speed of light). Thus relativistic mass becomes infinite and imaginary. This is clear inconsistency between experimental findings and theoretical deductions. Application/Improvements: In physics adhoc assumptions (as in case of Michelson Morley experiments) and empirical determination of coefficient (Bethe–Weizsäcker mass formula) is taken up. In view of these if statement of Newton's is regarded as in proportionality form. Then of coefficient of proportionality is regarded as less than unity i.e. ½ (say), then consistent results are produced.Key words: ...... ×
Ajay Sharma "The third example of Newton's Third Law leads to inconsistent results i.e. mass becomes infinite and imaginary" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
- Bacterial Cellulose Nanocrystals from Low Cost Resources Reinforced Poly (ethylene oxide) Nanocomposites
B. Anwar, B. Bundjali, I.M. Arcana
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Preliminarily Design of Portable and Sustainable Solar Refrigerator
Joanna Juárez, Dolores Durán, Cuauhtémoc Palacios, Iván Martínez
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Evaluation of Phytotoxic potential of Cyanobacterial extracts in Crop plants (Zea mays & Oryza sativa L) system
D. K. Shrivastava
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Advances in Energy Detector and a Matched Filter based Spectrum Sensing: A Survey
Yogesh Patidar, Prof. Kuldeep Pandey
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Evaluation of Images Using Various Distance Metrics
Venkataramana Battula, Saritha Ambati
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Data Encoding Techniques for Reducing Energy Consumption in
Ruchira Ganesh Waghmare, Suhas Sayajirao Jadhav
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Hazy Image Enhancement Using Cross Bilateral Filter
Ragini Felicia Suruti.F, Arul Selvi.S, Suganya.T
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Power Quality Analysis of Harmonics in3.5kVA Single Phase
Generator using Electronic Filter in Matlab/Simulink
Dr. Eyenubo Ogheneakpobo Jonathan, Prof. Emmanuel U. Ubeku
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Modified one-Parameter Lindley Distribution and Its Applications
Sadasivan Karuppusamy, Vinoth Balakrishnan, Keerthana Sadasivan
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Minimizing Delay in Heterogeneous Networks using Congestion Forecast
Fazli Rahim, Muhammad Fawad
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- An Improved Histogram Modification Based on Reversible Data Hiding Algorithm
K. Ravindra Reddy, K. Siva Chandra, P.G.Varna KumarReddy,T.S.Mahammed Basha
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- A Study on Work Stress among Employees of Software Industries in Chennai
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- NFC based Secure Mobile Health Care System
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Global Warming by Specific Heat of Materials
Alok RanjanSahu, Satyajit Barik
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Amini-review on proton conduction of BaZrO3-based perovskite
ganeswar Sahu, satyaranjan Sethi
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- A Comparative study of Transportation Problem under
Probabilistic and Fuzzy Uncertainties
pradeep Sahu, shibu Acharya
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Quality and Operations Management in Food Supply Chains: A
Literature Review
amaresh Satapathy, shubham Kumar Ojha
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- A Critical Review on Artificial Intelligence Models in Hydrological Forecasting How Reliable are Artificial Intelligence Models
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Comprehensive Analysis of Molecular Motionand Bonds of C19H21CLN2O Fungicide forInvestigation of Unsteady Effects
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Advanced AI-Powered Energy Optimization Strategy for Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks
Neelakanth Jadhav, Varsha J. Rathod
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Self-compacting concrete's new and hardened qualities when metakaolin and GGBS are used in place of cement
Prashanthgouda M, Kotragowda
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
This study investigated the effect of bacterial cellulose nanocrystals (BCNCs) derived from low cost resources as reinforcing nanofiller in poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) based nanocomposites. The nanocrystals isolated from bacterial cellulose produced from the pineapple peel waste juice as a culture medium. TEM images showed that the morphology of BCNCs has a needle-like structure with an average length and diameter of 325 and 25 nm, respectively. The crystallinity index of BCNCs determined by XRD was 88%. The PEO/BCNCs nanocomposites were prepared by mixing the aqueous solution of PEO with the BCNCs suspension. The solid films were obtained by solution casting method. The morphology of nanocomposite films was characterized by SEM. The thermal and mechanical properties of nanocomposite films were characterized by DSC and tensile test, respectively. The incorporation of BCNCs into the PEO matrix change the morphology of both cross-section and surface films to be more regular and this lead the increasing in crystallinity and mechanical properties. However, the thermal properties of PEO matrix were decreased..Keyword: bacterial cellulose nanocrystals, nanocomposites, poly(ethylene oxide), pineapple peel waste ×
B. Anwar, B. Bundjali, I.M. Arcana "Bacterial Cellulose Nanocrystals from Low Cost Resources Reinforced Poly (ethylene oxide) Nanocomposites" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
This paper presents a preliminary design of a sustainable, portable solar refrigerator, which uses a solar adsorp-tion system. The aim is to achieve a sustainable design that includes not only the materials but also considertions for the useful life of the equipment and its final disposition. This equipment has been considered as an economical solution for rural communities where there is no electrici-ty, and whose food goods need to be preserved. The suggested design considers a CPC as primary source of energy. For the coolant fluid twosubstances were analyzed: water, methanol. Vegetal carbon is recommended, for this project, as adsorbent material that is usually used in several researches around world as substitute of activated coal. The results are compared with other designs and it was observed that the prototype presented is sustainable and meet sustainable criteria, because is cheaper, portable and uses natural charcoal.Key words: Solar cooling, adsorption cycle, CPC. ×
Joanna Juárez, Dolores Durán, Cuauhtémoc Palacios, Iván Martínez "Preliminarily Design of Portable and Sustainable Solar Refrigerator" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Cyanobacteria from freshwater and also from marine sources produce a wide array of toxic chemicals and secondary or bioactive metabolites. These are mainly nitrogen-rich alkaloids and peptides and are now identified as to pose threats both to human and environmental health as well as on aquatic and terrestrial plants. For the evaluation of phytotoxic effect of Cyanobacteria (Microcystis aeruginosa) on crop plants, Oryza sativa L and Zea mays were selected as test system, Cyanobacterial crude extracts along with Endosulfan (an insecticide), Bavistin (Fungicide), Glyphosate (Herbicide), Lantana camara (Phytotoxin) and Parthenium hysterophorus (Phytotoxin) have been assessed for the analysis of physiological behavior of both the crop plants. The result confirmed that these plants were sensitive to cell-free extracts of a toxic Microcystis aeruginosa and that germination inhibition was dose dependent. Present investigation showed that exposure of Cyanotoxin inhibited the growth and development of both rice and maize seedlings, however more potential in maize than rice. This may suggest as a minimum threshold limit of cyanotoxins, phytotoxins and agrochemicals that can be tolerated by the plants which can be further applied as biocontrol agent..Key words: Cyanobacteria, Exo-toxins, Cyanotoxin, Agrochemicals, Phytotoxins ×
D. K. Shrivastava "Evaluation of Phytotoxic potential of Cyanobacterial extracts in Crop plants (Zea mays & Oryza sativa L) system" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The electromagnetic spectrum, licensed to use by governments, is a limited natural resource.The concept of cognitive radio networks (CRNs) has evolved in past few decades and recently implemented in some areas of wireless communication, namely IEEE 802.11af, IEEE802.15.4m, ECMA 392 and IEEE 802.22, as a technique to use underutilizedspectrum. The key development areas in CRNs are spectrum sensing and monitoring, spectrum analysis, spectrum mobility and spectrum decision. Research articles have classified Spectrum sensing as narrowband and wideband spectrum sensing. This paper presents the fundamentals of narrowband spectrum sensing and reviews the implementation and challenges associated with energy detector (ED) and a matched filter (MF) based spectrum sensing.Key words: Cognitive radio networks, energy detector, matched filter, probability of detection, probability of false alarm, probability of miss detection, receiver operating characteristics ×
Yogesh Patidar, Prof. Kuldeep Pandey "Advances in Energy Detector and a Matched Filter based Spectrum Sensing: A Survey" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Due to the digitization of data and advances in technology, it has become extremely easy to Obtain and store large quantities of data, particularly Multimedia data. Image data plays vital role in every aspect of the systems like business for marketing, hospital for surgery, engineering for construction, Web for publication and so on. Fields ranging from Commercial to Military need to analyze these data in an efficient and fast manner. The need for image mining is high in view of such fast growing amounts of image data. Similarity and dissimilarity measures referred to as measures of proximity. Computing similarity measures are required in many data mining tasks. Categorical data, unlike numeric data, conceptually is deficient of default ordering relations on the attribute values. Devise distance metrics in data mining tasks for categorical data more challenging. Efficient extraction of low level features like color, texture.......Key words: Types of attributes, proximity measures, Clustering, K-Means ×
Venkataramana Battula, Saritha Ambati "Evaluation of Images Using Various Distance Metrics" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
As technology improves, the power dissipated by the links of a network-on-chip( NoC) starts to compete with the power dissipated by the other elements of the communicate ion subsystem, namely, the routers and the network interfaces (NIs). Here, we present a set of data encoding schemes to reduce the power dissipated by the links of an NoC. In this paper, the encoder in LDPC is replaced with our data encoding schemes in order to reduce the power consumption in Low Density Parity Check Techniques. Experiments carried out on both synthetic and real traffic scenarios show the effectiveness of the proposed schemes.Key words: Data encoding, interconnection on chip, low density parity check, majority logic decoding, power analysis. ×
Ruchira Ganesh Waghmare, Suhas Sayajirao Jadhav "Data Encoding Techniques for Reducing Energy Consumption in Network-on-Chip" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Haze is an atmospheric property where mist, dust, fog and smoke plays a major role in concealing the contrast of the images. Hazy images thus formed cannot provide a clear understanding of the image that has to be used for many applications. Haze removal is a challenging task because the scene radiance must be recovered with a little information available. In this proposal, a new method of color degradation prior is provided by using which the depth of the image is recovered. With the available depth map of the hazy image the scene radiance is restored using the atmospheric scattering model. This method helps in effectively removing the haze from a single image..Key words: Haze Removal, Dehazing, Color Degradation Prior, Fog Removal, Scene Radiance, Depth Restoration. ×
Ragini Felicia Suruti.F, Arul Selvi.S, Suganya.T "Hazy Image Enhancement Using Cross Bilateral Filter" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The aim of this workis to investigate the harmonic content of nonlinear loads connected to 3.5kVA power supply source and to mitigate the effects using electronic filter (double tuned low pass active shunt filter).The presence of harmonics was investigated by collecting data from the power source, 3.5 kVA using "Owon Oscilloscope‟ metering device. The data was then processed by means of Fourier analysis into harmonic spectrums. Mitigate the harmonics found in this power source a double tuned low-pass active shunt filter was design from discrete elements (resistors, capacitors and inductors) and implemented in the MATLAB/SIMULINK environment.The result obtained for VTHD before and after the simulation procedure using the series active passive filter was higher than the expected IEEE standard of 5%; while the result obtained using the double tuned low pass active shunt filter then after simulation gave a satisfactory result less than the expected IEEE standard of 5% after simulation...Key words: ........ ×
Dr. Eyenubo Ogheneakpobo Jonathan, Prof. Emmanuel U. Ubeku "Power Quality Analysis of Harmonics in3.5kVA Single Phase Generator using Electronic Filter in Matlab/Simulink Environment" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In this paper a new one-parameter lifetime distribution named "Modified One-Parameter Lindley Distribution" which is a modification of Lindley Distribution, with an increasing hazard rate for modeling lifetime data has been suggested. Its first four moments about origin and mean have been deduced and expressions for mean, variance, coefficient of variation, skewness, kurtosis and index of dispersion have been obtained. Various mathematical and statistical properties of the proposed distribution including its survival function, hazard rate function, mean deviations, and Bonferroni and Lorenz curves have been discussed. Estimation of its parameter has been obtained using the method of maximum likelihood and the method of moments. The applications and goodness of fit of the distribution have been discussed with two real lifetime data sets and the fit has been compared with other one-parameter lifetime distributions including Akash, Lindley and Exponential distributions.Key words: lifetime distributions, Akash distribution, Lindley distribution, mathematical and statistical properties, estimation of parameter, goodness of fit. ×
Sadasivan Karuppusamy, Vinoth Balakrishnan, Keerthana Sadasivan "Modified one-Parameter Lindley Distribution and Its Applications" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Internet, a collection of large many packets, is expanding day by day. Every minute across the globe, billions of electronic devices, such as PDA, Tablets, mobiles, Personal Computer, laptops, are interconnected via this gigantic networking system called the internet. This interconnection of so many devices across the globe, however, is not without any problems, such as congestion. Congestion is very hot area of research because internet traffic is expanding tremendously with the passage of time because each second, billions of billions of packets may enter the network, which are controlled by buffers. The aim of the paper is to study the behavior of heterogeneous networks to achieve minimized delay through congestion forecast, to control congestion through probabilistic nature of congestion forecast and maximized throughput. All the work will be carried out through Modeler Opnet.Key words: Congestion Control, congestion forecast, heterogeneous networks, IPV4, IPV6.. ×
Fazli Rahim, Muhammad Fawad "Minimizing Delay in Heterogeneous Networks using Congestion Forecast" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In this paper, we propose a improved histogram modification based on reversible data hiding technique. In the proposed algorithm, unlike the conventional reversible techniques, a data embedding level is adaptively adjusted for each pixel with a consideration of the human visual system (HVS) characteristics. To this end, an edge and the just noticeable difference (JND) values are estimated for every pixel, and the estimated values are used to determine the embedding level. The pixel level adjustment can effectively reduce the distortion caused by data embedding. The experimental results and performance comparison with other reversible data hiding algorithms are presented to demonstrate the validity of the proposed algorithm.Key words:Histogram processing, Human Visual system, just noticeable difference, Data Embedding, Histogram modification. ×
K. Ravindra Reddy, K. Siva Chandra, P.G.Varna KumarReddy,T.S.Mahammed Basha "An Improved Histogram Modification Based on Reversible Data Hiding Algorithm" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
This Paper Entitle A Study on Work Stress among employess of software industries in Chennai .It focused on present circumstances software industry has become one of the fastest growing industries in India. The reason for choosing particularly software industry and employees is that the level of stress these employees face is comparatively higher than other employees. Any kind of a job has targets and an employee becomes stressed when he or she is allotted with unfeasible targets and are unable to manage the given situation. Thus the main aim of this article is to bring to lime light the level of stress with software employees in Chennai and the total sample size for the study is 100 chosen by random sampling method in Chennai city..Key words: Work Stress, Employees, Software Industry.. ×
Dr.P.Usha MBA,Ph.D,PGDTTM. "A Study on Work Stress among Employees of Software Industries in Chennai" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In this paper, a novel architecture for improving healthcare system with the help of Android based mobile devices with NFC and Bluetooth interfaces, smartcard technology on tamper resistant secure element (SE) for storing credentials and secure data, and a Health Secure service on a hybrid cloud for security and health record management. The main contribution of this paper is proposal of applications for Secure Medical Tags for reducing medical errors and Secure Health card for storing Electronic Health Record (EHR) based on Secure NFC Tags, mobile device using NFC P2P Mode or Card Emulation Mode. A basic security framework requirement for the applications is given. Since NFC NDEF format is prone to security attacks, low level APIs on Android based mobile devices have utilized, to securely access NFC tags. Simple touch of NFC enabled mobile devices can benefit both the patient as well as the medical doctors by providing a robust and secure health flow. It can also provide portability of devices and usability for health management in emergency situation, over populated hospitals and remote locations..Key words: Radio Frequency Identification, NFC technology, Health care, Mobile ×
Dr.K.Ayyar "NFC based Secure Mobile Health Care System" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Inthispaper,globalwarmingofearthisdeeplyanalyzedwithrelatedtospecificheatofmaterial.Modernizationoftheworl dismajorcontributiontotheglobalwarming.ModernizationIncludesconstructionofhugebuildings,Useofmetals,Layi ngroads,deforesting,Co2release &population.Key words: Specificheat,globalwarming,Modernization,heat,occupied ×
Alok RanjanSahu, Satyajit Barik "Global Warming by Specific Heat of Materials" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Proton conducting ceramics show promise in fuel cells, electrolyzers, permeation membranes,sensor applications, and membrane reactors. Among several types of materials that exhibit protonconduction, perovskite oxides show high proton conductivity at intermediate temperatures,presenting potential benefits for long-term use and lower costs for energy applications. Dopedbarium zirconate, BaZrO3, isamaterialthathasshownhigh.........Key words: protonconductor,perovskiteceramics,hydrationthermodynamics,protonconcentration,protontrapping,s olidoxidecells ×
ganeswar Sahu, satyaranjan Sethi "Amini-review on proton conduction of BaZrO3-based perovskite electrolytes" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Transportation Problem is an important aspect which has been widely studied in Operations Research domain. It has been studied to simulate different real life problems. In particular, application of this Problem in NP- Hard Problems has a remarkable significance. In this Paper, we present a comparative study of Transportation Problem through Probabilistic and Fuzzy Uncertainties. Fuzzy Logic is a computational paradigm that generalizes classical two-valued........Key words: Transportation Problem, Probability Theory, Fuzzy Logic, Uncertainty ×
pradeep Sahu, shibu Acharya "A Comparative study of Transportation Problem under Probabilistic and Fuzzy Uncertainties" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Wepresentaliteraturereviewonqualityandoperationsmanagementproblemsinfoodsupplychains.Infoodindustry,the quality of the food products declines over time and should be addressed in the supply chain operations management. Managing food supply chains with operations management methods not only generates economic benefit, but also contributes to environmental........Key words: xxxx ×
amaresh Satapathy, shubham Kumar Ojha "Quality and Operations Management in Food Supply Chains: A Literature Review" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
There has been a variety of techniques employed in the forecasting hydrological events. These techniques have shown efficacies in some circumstances and also shown poor performance in some events as the case may be. Analysis of hydrological events like sediment transport, river discharge, water quality; require in depth of knowledge of complex variables associated with the catchment that inter-relate so as to have a better clarity of the event in order to carry out a better simulation and subsequently forecasting. However, the description of these hydrological processes has been hampered by lack of access to data over a variety of parameters for a long period and the issues of missing data as well........Key words: Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), Fuzzy Logic (FL), Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) ×
NILGRIB MOHANTY, SMRUTISHREE MOHANTY "A Critical Review on Artificial Intelligence Models in Hydrological Forecasting How Reliable are Artificial Intelligence Models" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
This presented study is useful to enhance the abilityof fungicides based on molecular theory. The crystallographicanalysis of Pencycuron (C19H21ClN2O) substance is done by usinthepreviousstudies.Now,thisworkisextendedascomprehensiveanalysisofmolecularmotionandbondingusingBornOppenheimerApproximationandmoleculartheory.........Key words: Unsteadyeffects, Molecularmotion, BornOppenheimer Approximation, Inter-atomicdistance,Diffractometer ×
RACHITA RAUL, SNEHASHREE MOHANTY "Comprehensive Analysis of Molecular Motionand Bonds of C19H21CLN2O Fungicide forInvestigation of Unsteady Effects" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The capacity of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) to gather and transmit data from the physical world has drawn a lot of interest in a variety of fields. Intelligent decision-making and the extraction of valuable insights from the acquired data have become possible thanks to the integration of machine learning techniques into WSNs. The applications of machine learning in WSNs........Key words: Wireless Sensor Network, Data, Machine Learning, Research, Industrial, Scalability, Performance ×
Neelakanth Jadhav, Varsha J. Rathod "Advanced AI-Powered Energy Optimization Strategy for Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Self-compacting concrete (SCC) is a contemporary high-performance concrete that uses a lot of cement but performs exceptionally well in terms of filling and flowing. These days, a variety of substitute materials, including as metakaolin (MK) and ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS), can be utilized in place of cement to........Key words: Self Compacting Concrete, Metakaolin, Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag, Workability ×
Prashanthgouda M, Kotragowda "Self-compacting concrete's new and hardened qualities when metakaolin and GGBS are used in place of cement" Vol. 8 - Issue 1 (January - 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,