International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA)
Volume 12 - Issue 8
- Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Emotional well being of people
Deepali Joshi
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- Development of a Neural Network for Prediction of Financial Conditions (Shares and Their Prices) To Make Important Investment Decisions
SeyidovaIradaBahadur, Alishev Elgun Rafiq
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DOI: 9790/9622-12080510
- Experimental Investigations on Mechanical and Wear Behaviour of Hybrid Polymer Matrix Composites
Chiruguri.chinnaiah, R.Nagendra babu
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- Deep Spatio-spatial Models for Classifying Brain Tumors in MR Images
Ganesh Aravind Harkude
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- Autonomous Bicycle: Obstacle Detection and Real time positioning
Dr. Jisha Kuruvilla, Abhinand K P, Sreedevi S, Athira R, Silna Johns
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- Seismic Analysis and Comparison of a Multistorey Building Using Indian Codes and European Codes with ETABS Software
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- A Review on Modern Innovative Technique for Harmonics Alleviation in Power System
Santosh Kumar, Santoshi Kumari, Manju
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- Seismic Performance Comparison of a Fixed-Base and a Base-Isolated Office Building
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- Parameter Optimization of Salient-pole Synchronous Generator for Small Disturbance Steady State Stability by Multi-Objective-Optimization Techniques
Mamidi Ramakrishna Rao
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- Analysis of the Capacity of Massive MIMO in Vehicular Networks
Ghassan M T Abdalla
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- A Review of Cloud-based ERP in Security Perspective
Chng Chern Wei, Tadiwa Elisha Nyamasvisva
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- Remote Data Centre Monitoring System Based On The Arduino Microcontroller
Teresia Muthoni Mungai, Lawrence Nderu, Samwel Mbuguah
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- Design and Development of CMOS Oscillator Using MRKTAN Pair Amplifier
Arunendra Nath Tripathi, Raj Kumar Tiwari, Monika Tiwari
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- Study of antifungal activities of dihydrazide- dihydrazone derivatives of adamantly moiety containing halo group
Rupa Pawar, Dr. Jayshree Parikh
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- Slope Stability and Hazard Assessment of Rock Cut Slopes along Al-Husiah Road, Shara'ab Al-Rawnah District, Northwest Taiz, Yemen
Abdul-Aleam Ahmed A.D. Al-Qadhi, Bagash F. , Abdul-Hamid Malek, M.R. Janardhana
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite][Download Certificate]
- DifferentTypes of Shift Register Based on Linear Feedback System and Reversible Gate
Ramswaroop Patidar, Prof.Divya Jain
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- Criminal Identification Using Clothes and Facial Recognition
Veerella Raviteja
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Globally there are numerous people who have gone through or experienced catastrophic events such as calamities, natural disasters, political unrest, terrorism or pandemics. COVID-19 is one of a kind pandemic that has happened in recent years. This pandemic has raised emotional and psychological problems in people of different age groups. The pandemic has affected various sectors across the globe and due to each and every individual is affected in some way or the other. In this paper the effect of corona on the emotions and personality of a person is analysed. A survey is conducted and based on the data that is gathered from different people, the analysis is conducted with the help of machine learning algorithms.Keyword: Emotions, Machine Learning, Pandemic, Trauma ×
Deepali Joshi "Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Emotional well being of people" Vol. 12 - No. 8 (August 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The purpose of this article is to demonstrate how to transform non-sta-tionary data into stationary data using the fractional differentiation method, and then compare it with other methods. Next, create the neural network model itself, suitable for our data, which will be able to predict the trend of stocks with high probability, as well as predict stock prices for tomorrow with approximate accuracy, while helping in making important investment decisions.Keyword: Programming languages, Recurrent neural networks, LSTM, GRU, Bidi-rectional Neural networks, Stationary Data, EDA, Fractional differencing. ×
SeyidovaIradaBahadur, Alishev Elgun Rafiq "Development of a Neural Network for Prediction of Financial Conditions (Shares and Their Prices) To Make Important Investment Decisions" Vol. 12 - No. 8 (August 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
This work aims to create new hybrid polymer matrix composites with kevlar, carbon, and glass fibres acting as reinforcements and epoxy resin serving as the matrix material. Hand layup method was used to prepare the fibre reinforced polymer matrix composite (FRP) laminates. In order to assess the wear properties, the samples were prepared and tested using Taguchi's Design of Experiments approach—L9 Orthogonal Array.Better wear properties have been attained by increasing the thickness of hybrid polymer matrix composite laminate, which can be used in many applications in the automotive industry and in engineering structures. The experimentation has shown that sample 3 sequence (CKCKC) has a lower wear rate than the other samples.Keyword: FRP laminates, Kevlar, carbon, glass fibers. ×
Chiruguri.chinnaiah, R.Nagendra babu "Experimental Investigations on Mechanical and Wear Behaviour of Hybrid Polymer Matrix Composites" Vol. 12 - No. 8 (August 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
A brain tumour is a mass or cluster of abnormal cells in the brain that has the potential to spread to other parts of the body and pose a serious threat to the patient's life. For effective treatment planning, a precise diagnosis is necessary, and the main imaging technique for determining the extent of brain tumours is magnetic resonance imaging. The majority of this increase in Deep Learning techniques for computer vision applications may be attributed to the availability of a sizable quantity of data for model training and the advancements in model designs that produce better approximations in a supervised environment. The availability of free datasets with trustworthy annotations has significantly improved the classification of cancers using such deep learning techniques. These techniques....Keyword: Brain Tumor, ResNet, MRI, Data, Convolution Neural Network, F1_Score, Accuracy. ×
Ganesh Aravind Harkude "Deep Spatio-spatial Models for Classifying Brain Tumors in MR Images" Vol. 12 - No. 8 (August 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Industrial revolution and rapid urban growth have led to increased rates of carbon dioxide emission. A simple approach to reducing these increasing pollution rates is the use of eco-friendly transportation such as a bicycle. Considering an area like a campus or an institution, bicycle sharing system is a promising solution. This paper proposes an autonomous bicycle which provides on demand mobility to the user. The user can call a bicycle from a particular hub and the bicycle will autonomously arrive to the user's location and after that it can be used as a regular bicycle. It incorporates smart features like Obstacle detection using ultrasonic sensors, real time location of the bicycle through web interface, automatic steering control, self-balancing etc. thus making it an efficient and reliable mode of transportation..Keyword: Autonomous Bicycle, Obstacle detection, Steering mechanism, web interface, bicycle-sharing ×
Dr. Jisha Kuruvilla, Abhinand K P, Sreedevi S, Athira R, Silna Johns "Autonomous Bicycle: Obstacle Detection and Real time positioning" Vol. 12 - No. 8 (August 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Reinforced structures are usually designed and constructed as framed structures in order to stand the loads such as shear force, bending moment, torsion, etc. among various loads acting on the framed structures seismic loads are dominating since it occurs occasionally very severe or destructive. For countries like India where earthquakes are frequent seismic designing of reinforced structures is unavoidable and some standards are to be followed. This paper deals with analysis and design of multistoried (G+9) building with IS code and EURO code by using ETABS 2019 software considering zone II and medium soil condition. The BIS recommended IS 456:2000 and IS 1893(Part-1)2002 likewise European standard recommended EC2 and EC8 for Design of concrete structures and Design of earthquake resistant structures respectively.Keyword: Bending moment, Reinforced structures, Seismic force, Shear force and Torsion.. ×
RICHARD SAMUEL, GEETHAKUMARI D, GOKULRAM H "Seismic Analysis and Comparison of a Multistorey Building Using Indian Codes and European Codes with ETABS Software" Vol. 12 - No. 8 (August 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In recent years maintaining power quality is a major concern for the customers. Interference of harmonics is the cause of power quality disturbance such as total harmonics distortion (THD) and individual harmonics distortion (IHD). These harmonics get introduced in power system from non-linear loads, Power electronics equipments and control circuits. The harmonics gets entered and it decay power factors of the system. This paper presents the brief survey on different modern harmonics alleviation techniques.Keyword: Power quality improvement, Load variation, total harmonic distortion (THD), stability analysis ×
Santosh Kumar, Santoshi Kumari , Manju "A Review on Modern Innovative Technique for Harmonics Alleviation in Power System" Vol. 12 - No. 8 (August 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The topic of this thesis is base isolation. The purpose of this thesis is to offer a relative understanding of the seismic performance enhancements that a typical 12-story steel office building can achieve through the implementation of base isolation technology. To reach this understanding, the structures of a fixed-base office building and a base-isolated office building of similar size and layout are designed, their seismic performance is compared, and a cost-benefit analysis is completed. The base isolation system that is utilized is composed of Triple Friction Pendulum (TFP) bearings. The work of this thesis is divided into four phases. First, in the building selection phase.....Keyword: base isolation, Triple Friction Pendulum (TFP), seismic performance, non linear time history analysis, ETABS, PACT, fragility curve, FEMA P-58. ×
ANJANA S, GOKULRAM H, GEETHAKUMARI D "Seismic Performance Comparison of a Fixed-Base and a Base-Isolated Office Building" Vol. 12 - No. 8 (August 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Stability in power system may be classified into voltage stability, frequency stability and rotor angle stability. The Rotor angle stability is the ability of synchronous machine, running in the power system to remain in the state of synchronism. The response factors for rotor angle stability are generator initial operating point, transmission strength, generator excitation system controls and generator parameters like its reactance and time constants. In the present paper the generator parameters are optimized for minimum rotor frequency of oscillations under small signal stability conditions. Not only in stability analysis, but in fault condition also, reactance play a major role. Hence, "minimizing fault current‟ objective is also considered for optimization. The multi objective optimization methods used are "multi-objective differential evolution (MODE)‟, "Multi Objective Multi-Verse Optimizer (MOMVO)‟ and "Pareto front Optimal Solution (POS)‟....Keyword: Salient pole synchronous generator, small disturbance stability analysis, multi-objective optimization. ×
Mamidi Ramakrishna Rao "Parameter Optimization of Salient-pole Synchronous Generator for Small Disturbance Steady State Stability by Multi-Objective-Optimization Techniques" Vol. 12 - No. 8 (August 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In this paper, the effects of outdated channel state information and pilot contamination on the capacity of mMIMO in VANET are analyzed. Mathematical expressions for the signal to interference plus noise ratio (SINR) and mMIMO capacity are derived and compared with numerical results. The results show that the capacity of mMIMO drops considerably after a short interval in fast fading scenarios. Interference due to pilot contamination from nearby clusters considerably reduces the capacity of the system if the power from these cluster is approximately equal or greater than the transmitted power..Keyword: channel estimation, mMIMO, pilot contamination, VANET ×
Ghassan M T Abdalla "Analysis of the Capacity of Massive MIMO in Vehicular Networks" Vol. 12 - No. 8 (August 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system provides a wide range of benefits and facilities to the organization whether small, medium or large in the current era. ERP systems can help organization to share and transfer data and information in all departments in an organization both inside and outside the organization. Data and information can be shared between departments in an organization can help improve the performance and productivity of a work process with the aim of achieving organizational objectives. Cloud computing is a computing model that operates through internet communication and can provide security features of scalability, reliability, availability with low operating costs of computer systems. Implementing the used of Cloud-based ERP systems through the internet can....Keyword: Cloud, Cloud-based, Cloud Computing, Cloud-based ERP, Cloud-based Security ×
Chng Chern Wei, Tadiwa Elisha Nyamasvisva "A Review of Cloud-based ERP in Security Perspective" Vol. 12 - No. 8 (August 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
COVID 19 forced most workers to work from home to stem the tide of infections. Data centers environment requires continuous monitoring by the technical personnel hence the need for system that could allow remote working. Most institutions desire to reduce cost and better management of the available resources including energy that contribute immersely in running data centers. Moreover grid power is not always reliable hence the need to use generators as backup in case of power outages which consume fossil fuels.....Keyword: Sensors, Arduino Microcontrollers, Data centres, COVID-19. Humidity, temperature ×
Teresia Muthoni Mungai, Lawrence Nderu, Samwel Mbuguah "Remote Data Centre Monitoring System Based On The Arduino Microcontroller" Vol. 12 - No. 8 (August 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
oscillator to work at very low voltage with sustainable frequency has been important and challenging task for researcher. To achieve this task researcher, use various methodology. In present work we have designed a new LC oscillator using inverted CMOS compound pair which is operating at few micro volt at sustainable frequency from few hertz to tera hertz at very minute power consumption of 5 Pico watt.Keyword: MRKTAN pair Amplifier, frequency response, power losses, high speed, low noise, temperature stability ×
Arunendra Nath Tripathi, Raj Kumar Tiwari, Monika Tiwari "Design and Development of CMOS Oscillator Using MRKTAN Pair Amplifier" Vol. 12 - No. 8 (August 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In the present work, series of dihydrazone derivatives of adamantly moiety has been prepared by condensation of dihydrazide with different aldehydes and ketones to give the corresponding dihydrazone derivatives. The structure of newly synthesized compound is confirmed by FTIR, 1HNMR and elemental analysis. The new synthesized compounds were tested for the activities against fungusCandida albicans. The results revealed that the compounds display potential antifungal activity against Candida albicans.Keyword: Adamantane, Dihydrazide, dihydrazone, antifungal activity, adamantly moiety. (done) ×
Rupa Pawar, Dr. Jayshree Parikh "Study of antifungal activities of dihydrazide- dihydrazone derivatives of adamantly moiety containing halo group" Vol. 12 - No. 8 (August 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Yemen features rugged terrain with table lands and a narrow coastal plain. The road networks pass across a variety of hill slopes, ridges, and mountain ranges and are prone to slope failure and landslides on both sides of the road, especially during rainy seasons.Topography, geological formations, variable lithostratigraphy, and tectonics, in addition to human activities, all contribute to the terrain's susceptibility to groundmass wasting and movement along road cut slopes. Among thousands of road networks in Yemen, Al-Husiah road located in Shara'ab Al-Rawnah region, North Taiz governorate, southwest Yemen is witness to groundmass movements along structural discontinuities and the different types of failures such as toppling, wedge and planar failures, and fall of rock fragments and blocks.The present research work is aimed at evaluation of the stability of 12 rock cut slopes along the Al-Husiah road (about 5.76 km long) using the original Slope Mass Rating (SMR) system and Landslide Possibility....Keyword: ... ×
Abdul-Aleam Ahmed A.D. Al-Qadhi, Bagash F. , Abdul-Hamid Malek, M.R. Janardhana "Slope Stability and Hazard Assessment of Rock Cut Slopes along Al-Husiah Road, Shara'ab Al-Rawnah District, Northwest Taiz, Yemen" Vol. 12 - No. 8 (August 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
This paper reviewof Bit Linear Feedback Shift Register which generates pseudo-random test patterns as the input bit is a linear function of its previous state. The total number of random state generated on LFSR depends on the feedback polynomial. As it is simple counter so it can count maximum of 2n -1 by using maximum feedback polynomial. Here in this paper we studyof 16-bit different types of shift register on FPGA by using VHDL and analysis the behaviour of randomness. The analysis is conceded out to find number of gates, memory and speed requirement in FPGA as the number of bits is increased. Also, the simulation problem for long bit LFSR on FPGA is presented. The design is simulated and synthesized in Xilinx softwareKeyword: Serial in Serial Output (SISO), Serial in Parallel out, Parallel in Serial out, Parallel in Parallel Out ×
Ramswaroop Patidar, Prof.Divya Jain "DifferentTypes of Shift Register Based on Linear Feedback System and Reversible Gate" Vol. 12 - No. 8 (August 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Information about the person's identity is revealed through their attire. The garment region must first be localised or divided in the picture in order to retrieve its attributes. It is also necessary to increase the efficiency of garment segmentation when dealing with several photos of the same individual wearing the same outfit. Since the issues of identity identification and garment segmentation are related, finding a solid solution for one would help in finding a solution for the other. We build on this technique to learn a global clothing mask by investigating the mutual information between pixel positions close to the face and person identification. Use graph cuts to segment the clothing region of each image based on a clothing model developed from a single or series of images of the same individual wearing the same outfit.Keyword: xxx ×
Veerella Raviteja "Criminal Identification Using Clothes and Facial Recognition" Vol. 12 - No. 8 (August 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,