International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA)
Volume 10 - Issue 5
- Research on a New Type of Deployable Cage Utilizing by Wave Energy for Deep-sea Culture
Lu Dongming, Hang Lubin, Li Sulong, Liu Ziyu, Liang Xuanxing, Li Xiongfei, Liu Jing, Jin Dewei, Zhang Pengcheng
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- Approaches and Challenges in Real Time Image Stitching
Kavita Joshi
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- Soil Resistivity Measurement and Interpretation Technique
Dr. Mahadev Unde, Vishal Tathe
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- Smart Face Recognition System
Aadithyan V, T Sai Samrat Goud, G Karthik Reddy, P Naga Chaitanya, V Jaya Surya, Dr K Prabhakara Rao
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- IP Threshold-based Detection & Defense method for DDoS attack in MANET
Yatish Patil, Niraj Palkar, Rehan Sayed,Prof.Ranjit Mane
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- Experimental Study on Demolished Waste as Coarse Aggregate
Priyanka Pandey, Satish Parihar
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- Study of Four Quadrant Velocity Control System Based On Microcontroller for a Dc Motor
V. Murali krishna, A. Siva Lakshmi, K.Priyanka, G. Siromani, P. Anil Kumar, K. Gopala Krishna
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- Automatic Ration Distribution System Using IoT with Anti-theft and Anti-spill alarm
Sathya.M.P, Jayachithra.S, Muthu Kumara Pandian.A
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- Glaucoma Detection Using Fundus Images of the Eye
Dr. B. Kedarnath, Mohammad Mohiddin, Md. Shazia Samreen, K. Sai Priya, O. Shiva Kumar
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- Microstructural Analysis of M30 Grade Concrete Using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) Method
Sushant Waghmare
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- Analysis Factors Affecting Investment Decisions of Freshwater Lobster Commodity Products (LAT) in Indonesia
Siti Muhimatul Khoiroh, Siti Mundari
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- Comparison of Braced Steel Building with Steel Plate Shear Wall
Yash B. Soni, Nirmal S. Metha, Dr.Chandresh G. Patel
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- Role of Algal Biosensors in Water Pollution Monitoring
Sharma Mona, Sujata, Anjali Yadav, Bansal Deepak
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- RAAHI: Route guiding Augmented reality based Autonomous Humanoid Instructor
Vaishnavi Nazare, P V Athira, Mansi Sawant, Srishti Singh, Gayatri Hegde
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- Study of Box Girder Bridge and Relevant IS Code
H.R.Nikhade, A.R.Nikhade, M.R.Wagh, S.G.Hirekhan, A.R.Gajbhiye, A.G.Hirekhan
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- An Novel Image Encryption Algorithm Based on ROI
Weiming Meng
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- Virtual Piano Keyboard: Design, Implementation and Scope
Parth Sharma, Anshul Wadhwa, Pronika Chawla
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- Biometric Voting System Using Arduino Uno and LabVIEW
A. Ganesh, Ch. Sunny, V. Goutham, D. Upendar rao, S. Munavvar Hussain
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- Coke Deposition on Cracking Catalysts Study by Thermogravimetric Analysis
Jeysa Taynara Barbosa Cunha, Vitor Malvar Castro, Diego Santana da Silva, Danilo de Aguiar Pontes, Verônica Lima da Silva, Luiz Antônio Magalhães Pontes, Ronaldo Costa Santos
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- Behaviour of Barite Concrete in alkaline environment
Dr. K.V. Krishna Reddy
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- Influence of Organic Additives on Mechanical Properties of Concrete
Dr. K.V. Krishna Reddy
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- Project Based Learning By Bitcoin
Mr. Manoj G, Alpha vijayan
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- Tabu Ant Colony Optimization for School Timetable Scheduling
Koffka Khan, Ashok Sahai
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- Different Methods of Seismic Drift Evaluation in Multi-storied RCC Buildings
Vedant Mishra, Dr. M.P. Mishra
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- Deep Learning for Plant Species & Disease Identification
Priyankan Kumar, Janhavi Danage, Prassanna Desale, Prof. Bailappa Bhovi
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- Moisture Detection and Automatic Irrigation by Sensor Based Solar Tracker System
G.Tejaswi, T.Leesa Kotari, K.Prasanth, M.Sunitha, M.Naveen, R.Chandu
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- Evaluation of Strength and Durability of Hollow Concrete Blocks Prepared by Using Concrete Waste Materials from Adama, Ethiopia
Kumar Shantveerayya, H.C. Ananda Murthy, Chimdi Gadafa
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- Spatial Pattern of Brownfield-Greenfield development across Urban-Rural Transition: A case study of Kolkata Metropolitan Area
Mouli Majumdar, Prof Joy Sen
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- Material Yield Optimisation of Tailored Welded Sheet Metal Blanks Using Cad Automation
Manobalan R, Sundar S
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- Classification of Melanoma and Nevus in Digital Images for Diagnosis of Skin Cancer
Nimma Manasa, Sunke Akshitha, Vallepu Dhaneshwari
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- Convolution Neural Networks for Plant Disease Identification
Siddhartha Suman Rout, AnkitaVerma,Amrit Kaur Choudhary, Kamlesh Sharma, Pronika Chawla
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- Effect of Different Particle Sizes and Oil Inclusion in Pre-Starter and Starter Broilers Diets
Carlos Eduardo da Silva Soares, Alex Maiorka, Diego Surek, Ivânio José Martins Bueno, Fábio Luís de Paula Valle, Fabiano Dahlke
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- Reduce & Compare PAPR Noise with Selecting Mapping & Partial Transmission Sequence using OFDM
Amit Nayak, Anjana Goen
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- The homogeneous and entire detached In0.5Ga0.5Sb alloy crystals grown by the slow freezing using novel VDS-process
D. B. Gadkari
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- Textile Structural Composite and It's Applications
S. K. Parmar, P. A. Khatwani
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- Elderly Fall Monitoring System
Ver I., Ver A., Ianosi-Andreeva-Dimitrova A. , Mandru S.D.
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- Nanocomposite Hydrogels Reinforced by Carbon Nanotubes
Amra Bratovcic
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- Design and Analysis of Improvisation in Cancer detection technique in Patients using Machine learning
Ravi Kumar Jangid, Mr. Prateek Singh
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- Modelling and Simulation of Anaerobic Digestion of Wastewater Sludge using Mathematica
Abdul Rafey
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- Measurement of Soil Resistivity by Sampling Method
Dr. Mahadev Unde, Vishal Tathe
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- Two-handed robot control algorithm by neural network method
Vorobyov E. I., Stepanyan I. V., Morgunenko K.O.
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- Object Recognition with Text and Vocal Representation
Punyaslok Sarkar, Mrs. Anjali Gupta
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- Every Carbon Conductor for Electrical and Electronic Wiring Use
Mr. Manjunath Raikar
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With the high return of deep-sea fisheries and the cost reduction brought by cage technology development, the scale of deep-sea aquaculture is expanding rapidly. Cage culture has become a required strategic choice for the development of China's marine fisheries. In view of the huge volume of traditional cage, which is difficult to transport and the ineffective use of wave energy, and unable to adjust the water depth of cage according to the needs of aquaculture, a new type of deployable deep-sea cage with wave energy auxiliary supply is proposed. The cage is supported by a space deployable mechanism. Through the multi-point linkage drive of the moving pair, the outer frame of the cage is folded for the first time and then the overall frame is folded for the second time. Based on the collection of wave energy by float oscillation, an auxiliary energy supply device is designed to provide energy for the cage operation. The folding cage with wave energy auxiliary supply is proposed to provide a new idea for the development of deep-sea cage..Keyword: deep-sea cage, deployable mechanism, the collection of wave energy ×
Lu Dongming, Hang Lubin, Li Sulong, Liu Ziyu, Liang Xuanxing, Li Xiongfei, Liu Jing, Jin Dewei, Zhang Pengcheng "Research on a New Type of Deployable Cage Utilizing by Wave Energy for Deep-sea Culture" Vol. 10 - No. 5 (May 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Image stitching is an area of research in Computer graphics or computer vision. It is the process that combines multiple images together using various algorithms, techniques to encompass Field Of View(FOV) to create Panoramic view in a single, large high resolution frame using computer software. In recent years many algorithms, techniques are developed to handle challenges in image stitching. The demand of panoramic view is increased in various fields. Super-resolution images with wide angles are created by image stitching used in medical image stitching, photo mosaics with high resolution, satellite photography , Telemedicine and more. This paper represents recent approaches utilized in Image stitching. Finally, challenges in image stitching is alsodiscussed..Keyword: Image stitching, Panoramic view, Field of view ×
Kavita Joshi "Approaches and Challenges in Real Time Image Stitching" Vol. 10 - No. 5 (May 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Soil resistivity is one of the important key parameters which affects the performance of substation grounding system. It is a function of depth. The substation grounding performance parameters like ground resistance, ground potential rise (GPR), touch and step voltages, all are dependent on soil resistivity. Therefore, soil resistivity measurement is very essential at the site of all generating stations and large substations to develop suitable soil model which is like actual one. In this paper, various soil resistivity measurement techniques are discussed. Experimentation has been carried out for measurement of soil resistivity. Further, it modelled for various soil layer using various techniques. Modelling of soil structure makes the substation grounding cost effective by means of optimizing length of ground rods. It also enhances the safety of the substation operators and equipments....Keyword: -Soil model, Soil resistivity, Grounding, Ground rod, Wennwer method ×
Dr. Mahadev Unde, Vishal Tathe "Soil Resistivity Measurement and Interpretation Technique" Vol. 10 - No. 5 (May 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Automatic face recognition (AFR) technologies have seen exciting advances in performance over the past years, and such they are now extensively used for security and commercial applications. An automated system for human face recognition in a real-time background which can be useful for a wide range of applications ranging from marking attendance of students to identifying criminals/high profile people in a locality. So using real-time face recognition is a real-world solution that comes with day to day activities of handling various activities. This task, however, is very difficult as real-time background subtraction in an image is still a challenge. To detect human faces in real-time, a simple fast Principal Component Analysis is used to recognize the faces identified with a high accuracy rate. Our system uses the Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF) [1] method to detect human faces and maintains the collection of user facial features as datasets and uses them for verification.Keyword: Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF); Image Processing; Automatic Face Recognition (AFR). ×
Aadithyan V, T Sai Samrat Goud, G Karthik Reddy, P Naga Chaitanya, V Jaya Surya, Dr K Prabhakara Rao "Smart Face Recognition System" Vol. 10 - No. 5 (May 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The system is an advancement to ad-hoc wireless network & its security. A mobile ad-hoc network(MANET) faces a malicious activities cause, unlike any other network manet cannot support heavy security algorithms techniques and algorithms because of lack of power supply, less computing power, finite bandwidth, and dynamically changing topology of the connected devices in network . The proposed scheme is distributed in nature it has the capability to protect distributed dos (ddos) attack.Keyword: Ad-hoc Wireless Network , Manet , ddos , Topology, Security , etc ×
Yatish Patil, Niraj Palkar, Rehan Sayed, Prof.Ranjit Mane "IP Threshold-based Detection & Defense method for DDoS attack in MANET" Vol. 10 - No. 5 (May 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Huge amounts of development and destruction squanders are being produced which are simply being dumped in the landfills. This requires huge regions of land which is getting hard to track down. The best arrangement is reuse and recycles the annihilated waste which would help in ensuring the earth as well as help in managing development squanders..Keyword: Demolished Column Waste, Coarse Aggregate, Compressive Strength & Flexural Strength Test ×
Priyanka Pandey, Satish Parihar "Experimental Study on Demolished Waste as Coarse Aggregate" Vol. 10 - No. 5 (May 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The main purpose of this paper is to create, with the aid of a microcontroller, a four-quadrant speed control of a DC motor. Any industrial organization has the most important part to control the speed of a machine. The main advantage in using a DC motor is that the Speed-Torque relationship can be varied to almost any useful form. To achieve the speed control, an electronic technique called Pulse Width Modulation is used which generates High and Low pulses. Those pulses vary the engine speed. A microcontroller is used for the generation of those pulses. As a microcontroller it is simple to adjust the speed ranges according to the requirement by adjusting the length of the program's duty cycles. Different speed grades and the direction are depended on different buttons. 8051 families' microcontroller used in this project and programming has been written in assembly language, then converted into hex file by using micro vision Kiel software. The burning of the program in the microcontroller has been done by using positron boot loader software.Keyword: AT89S52 Microcontroller, DC Motor, Motor Driver IC (L293D), Push Buttons, PWM, Voltage Regulator (LM7805). ×
V. Murali krishna, A. Siva Lakshmi, K.Priyanka, G. Siromani, P. Anil Kumar, K. Gopala Krishna "Study of Four Quadrant Velocity Control System Based On Microcontroller for a Dc Motor" Vol. 10 - No. 5 (May 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Ration card is very important for every home and it is used to get information about the family members, to get gas connection, etc. Also it acts as an address proof for various purposes. The poor people having a ration card to buy the various materials like sugar, rice, oil, kerosene, etc. from the ration/ PDS/ fair price shops. But the existing ration distribution system having two draw backs, first is weight of the material may be inaccurate due to human interference and second is, if the materials not buy at the end of the month, they will sale to others without any intimation to the government and customers leading to unavailability to the customers. Here in this work Automatic Rationing for Public Distribution System is proposed using GSM (Global System for Mobile), Smart card. To get the materials in ration shops user needs to authorize his/her identity by scanning the thumb finger in biometric.....Keyword: Biometric, GSM, Anti-Theft, Anti-Spill. ×
Sathya.M.P, Jayachithra.S, Muthu Kumara Pandian.A2 "Automatic Ration Distribution System Using IoT with Anti-theft and Anti-spill alarm" Vol. 10 - No. 5 (May 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of irreversible blindness in people over 40 years old. In Colombia there is a high prevalence of the disease, being worse the fact that there is not enough ophthalmologists for the country's population. Fundus imaging is the most used screening technique for glaucoma detection for its trade-off between portability, size and costs. In this paper we present a computational tool for automatic glaucoma detection. We report improvements for disc segmentation in comparison with other works on the literature, a novel method to segment the cup by thresholding and a new measure between the size of the cup and the size of the disc. Results were obtained from a set of fundus images in collaboration with the Center of Prevention and Attention of Glaucoma in Bucaramanga, Colombia, where the percentage of success of glaucoma detection was of 88.5%..Keyword: glaucoma detection, disc segmentation, veins seg- mentation, cup segmentation, image processing ×
Dr. B. Kedarnath, Mohammad Mohiddin, Md. Shazia Samreen, K. Sai Priya, O. Shiva Kumar "Glaucoma Detection Using Fundus Images of the Eye" Vol. 10 - No. 5 (May 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The influence of the ingredients on the mechanical performance is assessed by determining the compressive strength of the samples. The analysis of the microstructure of the concrete specimen is done through various methods like X-ray diffraction method (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS). The microstructure analysis comprises the findings of particular parameters such as size of grains and internal pore structure to complete portrayal of multi-component systems. The microstructure analysis is carried out to recognize the performance of concrete in fresh and hardened state, response of concrete to the surrounding environment and various failure mechanisms. It also services to identify the unidentified ingredients in the cement mortar.Keyword: Concrete, EDS, Microstructure analysis, SEM, XRD, ×
Sushant Waghmare "Microstructural Analysis of M30 Grade Concrete Using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) Method" Vol. 10 - No. 5 (May 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The business opportunity of the Freshwater Lobster cultivation (LAT) in Indonesia plays an important role in the development of business in the field of fisheries. One type of freshwater lobster that is widely cultivated in Indonesia is red claw (Cherax quadricarinatus). The high demand that is not matched by the availability of supply of freshwater red claw lobster which is known to be easy and fast, causes the slow development of lobster activists compared to the large market share both at home and abroad. Therefore we need a strategy, steps, and analysis related to what factors make community interest in making investment decisions in the field of LAT cultivation. Factor analysis modeling involves the factors of digital marketing, financial literacy, income, and profitability, and investment decisions along with variable indicators in an SEM analysis model using CFA (Confirmatory Factor Analysis). The results showed that the profitability factor or the level of profit to be obtained with a loading factor of 0.74 with the main indicator that is the ratio of return on capital (P1) of 1.00..Keyword: LAT (Lobster Ail Tawar); Investation decision; digital marketing; profitability, financial literacy, personal income ×
Siti Muhimatul Khoiroh, Siti Mundari "Analysis Factors Affecting Investment Decisions of Freshwater Lobster Commodity Products (LAT) in Indonesia" Vol. 10 - No. 5 (May 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In this present study the comparative analysis of steel plate shear wall and steel bracings is analyzed for steel structure. The conventional steel building is prepared by considering 5 numbers of bays each at 3.5 meters in X-direction and numbers of 4 bays each at 3.5 meters in Y-direction. The analysis is carried out using linear static method considering G+13 storey conventional steel building in ETABS software. For the analysis of conventional steel building various loads and load combinations are considered according to Indian standard codal provision. The comparision of the X-bracing system with steel plate shear wall placed at different location such as outer edge, and at center in X and Y direction. The various results are obtained by considering the parameters like storey displacement and storey drift.Keyword: Steel plate shear wall, Bracings, Linear static method, Optimum location ×
Yash B. Soni, Nirmal S. Metha, Dr.Chandresh G. Patel "Comparison of Braced Steel Building with Steel Plate Shear Wall" Vol. 10 - No. 5 (May 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Today, water pollution is one of the major crisesfacing by the globe. Pollutants like organic and inorganic have very harmful effects on our ecosystem. At this stage, biosensors are early warning system to detect these pollutants from water stream at various concentrations. As microorganisms are very sensitive to any change in environment and these pollutants changes the conditions in water bodies, algal based sensors are adaptable solution for detection of pollutants in the water. Therefore, the present review study tried to compile the information related to algal biosensors available in the literature. This review paper discussed various types and functioning of the algal biosensor for detecting the pollutants/contaminants at early stages..Keyword: water pollution, biosensor, genetically modified biosensors; pesticide and heavy metal ×
Sharma Mona, Sujata, Anjali Yadav, Bansal Deepak "Role of Algal Biosensors in Water Pollution Monitoring" Vol. 10 - No. 5 (May 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
RAAHI is an autonomous robot which guides the user to their desired destination with the help of voice commands. It provides assistance and information to the people in an innovative way and is used for indoor navigation. While navigating, the robot introduces the user to the surrounding using computer generated graphics and voice over to provide information about the organization. For this the visitor first needs to give the destination as input over the voice commands. The robot then plans the path of the tour based on the user input. The places (to be introduced) are associated with a tag and a unique ID. While navigating the robot detects such places using the detector and delivers information about it using the digital device display and the sound generator module. This will help the users by navigating them to their destination and will utilize the time of the tour effectively to promote the organization which in turn will enrich user experience. Hence, RAAHI can be a great help for the museums, industries, exhibition centers, schools, colleges and big organizations..Keyword: assistance, autonomous, computer generated graphics, navigation, voice commands ×
Vaishnavi Nazare, P V Athira, Mansi Sawant, Srishti Singh, Gayatri Hegde "RAAHI: Route guiding Augmented reality based Autonomous Humanoid Instructor" Vol. 10 - No. 5 (May 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In this project around eighteen papers were reviewed & from literature it was realize that Box Girder Configuration is the best one for long span RCC Bridge. For the design of long span RCC Bridges IRC specification were carefully studied, (IRC:6-2000,IRC:21-2000,IRC:78-2000,IRC:18-2000 ). The Indian Road Congress has drafted the specifications resulting in simplified approach of design of box girder bridges. To begin with 50m span, box girder bridge was design as per specifications & it was found that following parameters are significant in the analysis & design of box girder bridges(Depth of Web, DLBM & LLBM at mid span section, DLBM & LLBM at mid support section, Prestressing Force, Eccentricity, Quantity of Steel & Concrete).Accordingly 60m & 70m span bridges were designedKeyword: box girder, DLBM, LLBM, Prestressing ×
H.R.Nikhade, A.R.Nikhade, M.R.Wagh, S.G.Hirekhan, A.R.Gajbhiye, A.G.Hirekhan "Study of Box Girder Bridge and Relevant IS Code" Vol. 10 - No. 5 (May 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Aiming at the problem of insufficient efficiency and robustness of the current medical image encryption algorithm based on hyperchaos. To improve the security of image data in medical information sharing, an image encryption scheme based on ROI, SHA-3 algorithm and high-dimensional chaotic system is proposed. The algorithm first uses ROI to select the encrypted region, and at the same time uses the SHA-3 algorithm to calculate the hash value of the input image. The calculation result is used as the initial value of the hyperchaotic system. Use the improved hyperchaotic sequence to generate a chaotic key sequence of length L. Then the intensity value of the input image is converted into a serial binary digital stream and XORed with the chaotic key sequence to generate the final key sequence. Finally, the final key sequence is used to perform parallel encryption and ciphertext interleaving diffusion operations on the two sub-blocks divided by the input image. Simulation results show that the encryption system has a good performance in terms of robustness against statistical attacks. Fast encryption speed and high security..Keyword: Image Encryption, SHA-3, ROI, Hyperchaotic System, Ciphertext Staggered Diffusion ×
Weiming Meng "An Novel Image Encryption Algorithm Based on ROI" Vol. 10 - No. 5 (May 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The virtual piano studied in this paper is a 61 key piano keyboard with some some extra keys implemented to make it an all-rounder solution rather than being just a plain piano. The layout of this piano is composed of three core containers, these containers are nav-bar, control bar and the actual piano itself. There are two ways to use(or play) this piano - one is ideal for devices with physical keyboards (desktops, laptops, etc) and the other way is ideal for devices with touch screens (smart phones, tablets, etc). The virtual piano keyboard is a web application , so it only need an web browser and internet availability to run. Light weight techniques are used in the development of this virtual piano to prevent it from being resource-hungry. This software is an attempt to combine multiple functionalities of full fledged software into an online lightweight web application. However, we would like to make it clear that no claim is being made that this can replace a professional music production software. In the upcoming sections, its future scope and potential will be evaluated. In this paper, we will thoroughly study and review the design, implementation and finalizing of this software. In the end, after studying and reviewing Virtual Piano Keyboard‟s design, implementation, future potential & scope.Keyword: Virtual Piano Keyboard, Online Piano, Bootstrap, J Query, JavaScript ×
Parth Sharma, Anshul Wadhwa, Pronika Chawla "Virtual Piano Keyboard: Design, Implementation and Scope" Vol. 10 - No. 5 (May 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In democratic country like India voting system plays a paramount role. Our main objective of this project is to enhance the present Indian voting system by implementing the Biometric system in the voting system; we are able to make the polling method more secured and economical than the present one. In present EVM based electronic and ballot paper voting system chance to rigging and malpractice in voting. This may result in a ruling of bad party. Therefore using Biometric voting system, polling is more secured than the present voting system. By this process we eradicate fake voters. Here all voter data info was stored to register during this system. Voter data info consists of fingerprint data and phone number. The Biometric recognition refers to the utilization of iris, fingerprint, face, palm and speech characteristics, known as biometric identifiers. However here we use the fingerprint for the authentication purpose. Every.....Keyword: Biometric voting system, Firebase real time database, GSM module, LabVIEW ×
A. Ganesh, Ch. Sunny, V. Goutham, D. Upendar rao, S. Munavvar Hussain "Biometric Voting System Using Arduino Uno and LabVIEW" Vol. 10 - No. 5 (May 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The Beta zeolite is used as an additive the FCC process catalysts, but its efficiency can be affected by the presence of coke in the system, causing pore blockage and a consequent deactivation of active sites. For such regeneration, coke combustion is enhanced with air at high temperatures. Aiming at understanding the mechanism of Beta zeolite regeneration, the kinetic study of coke decomposition was carried out through thermogravimetric tests, using multiple heating rates and integral kinetic models. From the determination of kinetic parameters such as activation energy, rate constants, half-lives, and coke removal time as a function of temperature; it is perceived that the removal of the coke deposited in the zeolite, within one hundred minutes, would require a thermoxidation process at 800 K.Keyword: Beta zeolite, coke, kinetic study, thermogravimetric, regeneration ×
Jeysa Taynara Barbosa Cunha, Vitor Malvar Castro, Diego Santana da Silva, Danilo de Aguiar Pontes, Verônica Lima da Silva, Luiz Antônio Magalhães Pontes, Ronaldo Costa Santos "Coke Deposition on Cracking Catalysts Study by Thermogravimetric Analysis" Vol. 10 - No. 5 (May 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Structures built in the vicinity of sea waters and industrial areas are affected by alkaline environments. In this study effect of alkaline environment on mechanical and permeability properties of high-density concrete made with barite aggregates, mostly used in strategic constructions is carried out. It is found that the same resulted in durable concrete mix with the reduced strength at the end of 90-day exposure to alkaline environment being 79Mpa as compared to the designed strength of 60Mpa and the permeability of the concreteis found to be extremely low..Keyword: High density concrete, Barite concrete, Alkaline environment, Rapid chloride permeability test ×
Dr. K.V. Krishna Reddy "Behaviour of Barite Concrete in alkaline environment" Vol. 10 - No. 5 (May 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Presence of voids in microstructure effects the strength of concrete and hence durability. The present work is an attempt to evaluate the effect of Trigonella foenum-graecum, .an organic additive commonly called as fenugreek and Cyamopsis tetragonoloba commonly called as gaur gum as additives on mechanical properties of concrete. 0.2% of Trigonella foenum-graecum when used as additive to cement yielded promising results..Keyword: Organic additives, microstructure, gaur, fenugreek ×
Dr. K.V. Krishna Reddy "Influence of Organic Additives on Mechanical Properties of Concrete" Vol. 10 - No. 5 (May 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The goal for this innovative undergrad project is to show how a trained machine model can predict the price of a cryptocurrency if we give the right amount of data and computational power. It displays a graph with the predicted values. The most popular technology is the kind of technological solution that could help mankind predict future events. With vast amount of data being generated and recorded on a daily basis, we have finally come close to an era where predictions can be accurate and be generated based on concrete factual data. Furthermore, with the rise of the crypto digital era more heads have turned towards the digital market for investments. This gives us the opportunity to create a model capable of predicting crypto currencies primarily Bitcoin. This can be accomplished by using a series of machine learning techniques and methodologies..Keyword: Bitcoin, Blockchain, machine learning, SVM, deep learning ×
Mr. Manoj G, Alpha vijayan "Project Based Learning By Bitcoin" Vol. 10 - No. 5 (May 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Ant colony optimization is an evolutionary search procedure based on the way that ant colonies cooperate in locating shortest routes to food sources. Early implementations focused on the travelling salesman and other routing problems but it is now being applied to an increasingly diverse range of combinatorial optimization problems. This paper is concerned with its application together enhanced with the tabu search algorithm to the examination scheduling problem. It builds on an existing implementation for the graph coloring problem to produce clash-free timetables and goes on to consider the introduction of a number of additional practical constraints and objectives. A number of enhancements and modifications to the original algorithm are introduced and evaluated. Results based on real-examination scheduling problems including standard benchmark data show that the final implementation is able to compete effectively with the best-known solution approaches to the problem..Keyword: combinatorial optimization, exam scheduling, tabu search, ant colony algorithms ×
Koffka Khan, Ashok Sahai "Tabu Ant Colony Optimization for School Timetable Scheduling" Vol. 10 - No. 5 (May 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The seismic analysis and design of buildings has traditionally focused in reducing the risk of loss of life in the largest expected earthquake. Building codes have based their provisions on the historic performance of buildings and their deficiencies and have developed provisions around life safety concerns. Hence successful performance of buildings in the area of high seismicity depends on a combination of strength, ductility and completely on lateral force resisting system. Deflection is the most important parameter to be considered in design and analysis of multi-storied buildings because excessive inter-storey seismic drift can cause severe damages in building during earthquake. It is found that medium to high rise structures, the intensity of axial forces and deformation in columns and accumulation of their effects over a height can cause the flexural component of displacement to become dominant. So relative horizontal deflection within the building must be limited nearly 1.0% to 1.5% of storey height. This paper deals with the existing calculation methods with there merits/demerits to know the suitability in evaluating drift..Keyword: Earthquake, Seismic forces, Inter-storey drift, Deformations, Ductility, flexural members ×
Vedant Mishra, Dr. M.P. Mishra "Different Methods of Seismic Drift Evaluation in Multi-storied RCC Buildings" Vol. 10 - No. 5 (May 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
This particular paper introduces a research on detection and classification of leaf species. The exactness of the particular leaf species cannot be identified by the naked eyes. Therefore, in order to identify the leaf species correctly, use of image processing and machine learning techniques can be of great help. All the images used for this particular work were acquired with the help digital camera. Removal of the background technique is needed to be applied on the given leaf image, in the pre-processing phase, to exclude the background from the chosen image. The method of image segmentation is then particularly applied on the processed background removed image. Extraction of many important features liketexture etc. is done by using; a wide range of segmented images is taken into consideration. In the end, these extracted features will be used as inputs for the classifier. The identification of the different plant species is the goal of our research, which is done using the image processing of plant leaf. A significantly compound....Keyword: Artificial Intelligence, Feature Extraction, Image Segmentation, Machine Learning, Pre-processing ×
Priyankan Kumar, Janhavi Danage, Prassanna Desale, Prof. Bailappa Bhovi "Deep Learning for Plant Species & Disease Identification" Vol. 10 - No. 5 (May 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In this study, we propose a simple but efficient, lowcost powerefficient embedded system for solar based off grid irrigation by orienting the solar panel towards the sun to provide the necessary power source in remote areas or in the irrigation field where it is not possible to provide change through a stable current supply.The Solar Panel is used for 5V supply charging. We used Soil Moisture Sensor to sense the soil's moisture conditions. A water pump is connected to switch on and off automatically, based on the moisture sensor values.When humidity the soil level reaches to low,the soil moisture sensor sends a signal to the microcontroller to start the pump using solar energy stored. At the same time, microcontroller sends message about pump status to mobile farmers using GSM. The microcontroller gets pump status, humiditycondition of the soil and humidity and temperature in the air or surrounding area and provides this information over a data acquisition instrument. The system can be used in various fields by regulatingthe necessary voltage including mobile phone charging, access drip irrigation,and weather data monitoring and irrigation facilities as well..Keyword: Solar panel, soil moisture sensor, Arduino Uno, GSM ×
G.Tejaswi, T.Leesa Kotari, K.Prasanth, M.Sunitha, M.Naveen, R.Chandu "Moisture Detection and Automatic Irrigation by Sensor Based Solar Tracker System" Vol. 10 - No. 5 (May 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Hollow Concrete Blocks (HCBs) are manufactured by using coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, cement and water. We have made an attempt to replace conventional materials by concrete waste materials (CWMs) in the manufacture of HCBs. In this present work, we report the manufacture of HCBs by the replacement of coarse aggregates with 10% and 20 % of CWMs which were obtained from the construction site at Adama city, Ethiopia. The samples were cured for a curing period of 14 days and tested for their compressive strength, block density, water absorption, weight loss, dimension, tolerance and moisture movement. The results observed were found to be positive in response compared to the existing HCBs, with 40 % increase in compressive strength, 16% reduction in water absorption and 11% increase in weight for the sample with 20% of CWMs. It was also observed that there is no difference in block density and moisture movement which indicates that shrinkage is almost similar to that of existing HCBs. The major component of the manufactured HCBs was found to be calcite as confirmed by XRD patterns. The HCB can use be used for the construction purpose..Keyword: Hollow concrete block, Light weight aggregate, concrete waste materials, Compressive strength, Calcite ×
Kumar Shantveerayya, H.C. Ananda Murthy, Chimdi Gadafa "Evaluation of Strength and Durability of Hollow Concrete Blocks Prepared by Using Concrete Waste Materials from Adama, Ethiopia" Vol. 10 - No. 5 (May 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The rapid pace of urbanization has given rise to a new form of spatial development with cities that extend beyond the administrative and physical boundaries. This type of urban growth needs constant balance and augmentation of Urban core and the outward expansion toward the periphery. So a balance is to be maintained between Brownfield development to maximize the use of existing resources and Greenfield development to balance the diseconomies of congestion. But urban transformation is a continuum and the transition from rural to the urban area forms a fuzzy boundary. The place-based perception of urban-rural transition thus has ie urban, peri-urban and rural zones. Whereas the process based perception of urban-rural transition lies in the dynamics between Brownfield development and Greenfield development. The paper compares the place-based definition with that of a process-based approach to understand the urban-rural transition characteristics.Keyword: Brownfield, Greenfield, Urbanization, Spatial pattern, Kolkata Metropolitan Area ×
Mouli Majumdar, Prof Joy Sen "Spatial Pattern of Brownfield-Greenfield development across Urban-Rural Transition: A case study of Kolkata Metropolitan Area" Vol. 10 - No. 5 (May 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In engineering applications, one may encounter complex design situations. Previously, designs were drawn on sheets and manufactured manually using drafting techniques. Things have changed with the introduction of CAD customization and design automation. CAD customization is the development of support tools and technology which drives CAD automation of repetitive tasks in the design process. Design automation is knowledge based engineering approach which logically combines various engineering concepts with real time application study during product development. The use of CAD software allows designers to introduce more details and save a considerable amount of time. For instance, many of the repetitive tasks can be computerized within CAD software. With customization of CAD functions, organizations automate redundant tasks and experience great time savings. CAD.....Keyword: Computer Aided Design, Automation, Tailored Welded Blank, Body-in-White, Automotive ×
Manobalan R, Sundar S "Material Yield Optimisation of Tailored Welded Sheet Metal Blanks Using Cad Automation" Vol. 10 - No. 5 (May 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Melanoma is considered a fatal type of skin cancer. However, it is sometimes hard to distinguish it from Nevus due to their identical visual appearance and symptoms. The mortality rate because of this disease is higher than all other skin related consolidated malignancies. The number of cases is growing amongst young people but if it is diagnosed at its earlier stage then the survival rates become very high. The cost and time required for the doctors to diagnose all patients for Melanoma are very high. In this research work, we propose an intelligent system to detect and distinguish Melanoma from Nevus by using state of the art image processing techniques. At first, Gaussian Filter is used for removing noise from the skin lesion of the acquired images followed by the use of improved K-mean clustering.....Keyword: Melanoma, Nevus, Feature, K-means clustering, and centroid selection ×
Nimma Manasa, Sunke Akshitha, Vallepu Dhaneshwari "Classification of Melanoma and Nevus in Digital Images for Diagnosis of Skin Cancer" Vol. 10 - No. 5 (May 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Precisely once greenery and assembles remain minimal by ambushes it impacts the sustaining acknowledgment of the nation. By and large, agriculturalists or pros watch the plants with self-directing eye for tribute and evident attestation of grievance. In any case, this framework is time adapting to, costly and confused. Changed prominent confirmation using picture overseeing ways offer quick and unmistakable results. This paper is over in an alternate manner to modify change the development of malady attestation model, considering leaf picture technique, using basic convolutional frameworks. Advances in PC in blessing an opportunity to make and structure the demonstration of cautious plant declaration and develop the market of PC vision applications inside the field of exactitude processing plant ranch. Novel methodology for preparing and furthermore the strategy utilized fortify a brimming with...Keyword: CNN, Deep Learning, Kaggle, Neural Network, Plant Disease ×
Siddhartha Suman Rout, AnkitaVerma,Amrit Kaur Choudhary, Kamlesh Sharma, Pronika Chawla "Convolution Neural Networks for Plant Disease Identification" Vol. 10 - No. 5 (May 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The size of particles of feed and ingredients is important in the regulation of food intake and consequently the performance of broilers. Similarly the presence of oil in the diet can stimulate feed intake and improve the productive characteristics of birds. It was studied the influence of texture (DGM) of the diet (360 μm, 473 μm, or 768 μm) and levels of inclusion of soybean oil in the diets (0 or 3%) in breeding performance at 7, 14, 21 and 28 days of age. The same diets were given to 15 birds housed individually in metabolic cages, and in each cage was provided to 6 treatments to evaluate the feeding preference of birds by means of feed intake at 7, 14 and 21 days of age. Diets with higher DGM resulted in higher feed intake at 7, 14, 21 and 28 days of age. More over, increasing the texture of......Keyword: feed intake, free choice, grinding and oil level ×
Carlos Eduardo da Silva Soares, Alex Maiorka, Diego Surek, Ivânio José Martins Bueno, Fábio Luís de Paula Valle, Fabiano Dahlke "Effect of Different Particle Sizes and Oil Inclusion in Pre-Starter and Starter Broilers Diets" Vol. 10 - No. 5 (May 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In this paper we investigated various PAPR reduction methods viz. PTS, SLM, Clipping and filtering technique. We have compared the proposed technique with the help of SLM, PTS, Iterative flipping and Original schemes.The main problem related with OFDM is Peak to Average Power Ratio (PAPR).There are various techniques proposed to overcome the PAPR problem in OFDM. Partial Transmit Sequence (PTS) scheme is one of the most prominent distortions-less techniques for OFDM system. In these techniques increasing number of complementary sequences, decreases the transmission efficiency. The conventional PTS requires large number of Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT) for operations at the receiver, but the proposed technique requires half the FFT operations at the receiver end. Unlike the PTS, the proposed technique does not require side band information bits that increase.....Keyword: Analog to Digital converters, Digital to Analog converters, Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM), Partial Transmit Sequence (PTS), Peak to Average Power Ratio (PAPR) and Selected mapping (SLM). ×
Amit Nayak, Anjana Goen "Reduce & Compare PAPR Noise with Selecting Mapping & Partial Transmission Sequence using OFDM" Vol. 10 - No. 5 (May 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
First time, the homogeneous and the entire detached In0.5Ga0.5Sb crystals were grown using the step by step growth process by a vertical directional solidification process (VDS-process). The growth stability, crystal appearance, and growth habit of the In0.5Ga0.5Sb crystals were studied. The composition % 'x' changes showed the conversion n-type to p-type along c-axis. Novel In0.5Ga0.5Sb crystals were exhibited the electron mobility 1.59x104cm2/V.s in n-type region, and the hole mobility increased highest to 935cm2/V.s in p-type region. Indium segregations reduction showed the increased resistivity to 1.1 x10-3 Ω-cm, and decreased dislocation density to 103cm2. The tuned energy band gap.....Keyword: In0.5Ga0.5Sb Crystal, detached growth, Crystallization, Slow freezing, Physical properties ×
D. B. Gadkari "The homogeneous and entire detached In0.5Ga0.5Sb alloy crystals grown by the slow freezing using novel VDS-process" Vol. 10 - No. 5 (May 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In this paper, textile reinforcement material and composites have been described and briefly explained. The existing technologies in terms of processes and product performance in field of textile discussed. It is pointed out that more research and developments have been concentrated on 3D preform made up by weaving, knitting, braiding and nonwoven techniques to achieved near net shape, improved mechanical performance and light weight which are suitable in high performance application. Moreover, a textile preform architecture can vary from a simple planar sheet to a complex three dimensional shape according to yarn place in the structure and the geometrical arrangements of yarns in the final products. This paper also highlights the innovations in Textile Structural composite designing and their areas of application...Keyword: Reinforcement, Textile Preform, Resin, Textile Composite ×
S. K. Parmar, P. A. Khatwani "Textile Structural Composite and It's Applications" Vol. 10 - No. 5 (May 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The quality of life of the elderly people represents a major challenge for the researchers working on developing systems that contribute to increasing their independence, mobility and safety. There is a major risk of falling for aging people that may lead to severe disabilities and generate high social costs. The smart system presented in this paper is able to detect falls, being useful for the supervision of the elderly living alone at home or in elderly care institutions, where there is no permanent surveillance. It provides permanent assistance and immediate alert in the event of a fall. The system can be installed in any type of space, including bathroom and kitchen. The structure of the proposed low-cost system is presented, its operation is highlighted and some typical positions of the fallen subject are analyzed..Keyword: elderly care, fall detection, smart floor ×
Ver I., Ver A., Ianosi-Andreeva-Dimitrova A. , Mandru S.D. "Elderly Fall Monitoring System" Vol. 10 - No. 5 (May 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Hydrogels are three-dimensional (3D) network structure materials consisting of hydrophilic polymer chains, which are crosslinked to form matrices with high water content which swells but does not dissolve in water. They are characterized by tunable physical, chemical, biological properties, high biocompatibility and versatility in fabrication, which classified them as a promising materials in several fields. The soft and wet nature makes hydrogels ideal candidates for applications in soft robotics, smart lenses and artificial muscles. Recently, carbon nanomaterials, have been incorporated into various hydrogels, because of their superior electrical, mechanical, and thermal properties, which have been widely applied to sensors, actuators and barrier technologies. These unique physicochemical properties of carbon nanomaterials are highly desired for soft robots, enabling them to work in different environments.....Keyword: Applications, Carbon Nanotubes, Hydrogels, Nanocomposite ×
Amra Bratovcic "Nanocomposite Hydrogels Reinforced by Carbon Nanotubes" Vol. 10 - No. 5 (May 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Hospitalsupervision or healthcare administration is the field with reference to management, leadership and administration of hospitals, health care systems and hospital networks. Healthcare businessthesedaysgenerateshugeamountsofcomplicatedinformationconcerningwithpatients, medical devices, electronic patient records and sickness designation, hospital resources etc. The huge amounts of data‟s information and knowledge may be a key resource to be processed and analyzed for knowledge extraction that permits support for cost-savings and higher cognitive process. The new challenging and innovation part in healthcare Machine Learning is "Big Data Analytics‟ revolution. The health care industry big data means electronic health data.....Keyword: Healthcare, Machine Learning, Information Processing, recognition, Hidden patterns, Association rule, Classification.. ×
Ravi Kumar Jangid, Mr. Prateek Singh "Design and Analysis of Improvisation in Cancer detection technique in Patients using Machine learning" Vol. 10 - No. 5 (May 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The increasing demand of energy has led to a chaos among the existing energy sources and the tremendous amount of solid waste generation on a daily basis is making the country a dumping ground. Hence, it becomes an urgent need to address the problem of waste management and energy crisis. Municipal solid waste (MSW) thus serves as an efficient and reliable option for the conversion of waste to energy. The anaerobic digestion of solid waste to produce biogas is gaining importance. The growing need of the process involves increased efforts in reducing biogas plant design cost and optimizing process operation. This could be possibly done through mathematical modelling of the process. This paper particularly highlights the deviation of theoretical method with that obtained during experimentation through simulation results. Simulation is done in Mathematica and the concentration profiles of the substrate, anaerobic microorganisms and methane generation are plotted against various dilution.....Keyword: Anaerobic digestion, biogas, modelling, municipal solid waste, simulation ×
Abdul Rafey "Modelling and Simulation of Anaerobic Digestion of Wastewater Sludge using Mathematica" Vol. 10 - No. 5 (May 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Resistivity is a fundamental parameter of any substance. Investigation of soil resistivity at substation provides useful information of soil homogeneity and soil layers at different depth. Measurement of soil resistivity by sampling method is useful for design of foundation of large buildings, bridges, transmission line tower footing, laying of underground petroleum and gas pipelines, for finding minerals in mines, water table below ground , irrigation of different crops in agriculture sector and so on. Lower soil resistivity reflects the highly corrosive soil and high soil resistivity is poor conductor of electricity. In this research, laboratory tests were conducted on various soil samples to measure the soil resistivity by sampling method and to evaluate the effect of moisture contents, sodium chloride, potassium chloride, soil compaction and temperature on soil resistivity. Moreover, how to make test apparatus, soil sample? Method of finding percentage of moisture content, percentage of dissolve substances such as sodium chloride, potassium chloride in the soil sample. The test results obtained are almost matched with results given in IEEE standards 80-2013 and 81-2012..Keyword: agriculture, compaction of soil, moisture, sampling, soil.. ×
Dr. Mahadev Unde, Vishal Tathe "Measurement of Soil Resistivity by Sampling Method" Vol. 10 - No. 5 (May 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Two-handed robots allow you to perform complex household and technological operations inaccessible to robots with one mechanical arm. [1] Creation of methods of design and control of two-armed robots is now considered as one of the new directions of development of robotics, which is of great practical importance for remote work in space, transport safety and in emergency.....Keyword: .... ×
Vorobyov E. I., Stepanyan I. V., Morgunenko K.O. "Two-handed robot control algorithm by neural network method" Vol. 10 - No. 5 (May 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The YOLO design enables end-to-end training and real-time speeds while maintaining high average precision. In present industry, communication is the key element to progress. Passing on information, to the right person, and in the right manner is very important, not just on a corporate level, but also on a personal level. The world is moving towards digitization, so are the means of communication. Phone calls, emails, text messages etc. have become an integral part of message conveyance in this tech-savvy world. In order to serve the purpose of effective communication between two parties without hindrances, many applications have come to picture, which acts as a mediator and help in effectively carrying messages in form of text, or speech signals over miles of networks. Most of these applications find the use of functions such as articulatory and acoustic-based speech recognition, conversion from speech signals to text, and from text to synthetic speech signals, language translation among various others. In this review paper, we‟ll be observing different techniques and algorithms that are applied to achieve the mentioned functionalities. Communication is the main channel between people to communicate with each other.Keyword: .. ×
Punyaslok Sarkar, Mrs. Anjali Gupta "Object Recognition with Text and Vocal Representation" Vol. 10 - No. 5 (May 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,