International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA)
Volume 12 - Issue 6
- Investigations of new material tellurite glasses
TeO2−TiO2−ZnO for photon shielding applications
A.alraddadi, B.Alasmari, H. Al-Atwi, A.Alzhrani, M.Al-Atwi, M.Albogami, H.Alshrary, S.Al-Atwi, F.laariedh, S.Alghamdi, S. Alfadhli
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- Development of a system for predicting the printed part quality
Ngoc-Hien Tran
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- Characterization of the frequency of hydroclimatic extremes in the lower Ouémé valley
Angèle D. Avossè, Luc O. Sintondji, Joseph Bessou, Aymar Bossa, Jean Hounkpè, René Bodjrènou, Brice Gbaguidi
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- Design Analysis of Full Adder using Cascade Voltage Switch Logic
Sakshi, Shaveta Bala
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- Centralised Power Plants for Industries – Technology Selection
Naveen Devkaran
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- Risks and Challenges of implementing Lightning Protection System in Existing Oil & Gas Facilities
Naveen Devkaran
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- A Survey on Forest Combustion Recognition Techniques
Dr.M.Rekha Sundari, D.Sai Koushik Yadav, R.Siva Ganesh
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- Development of a system for predicting the printed part quality
Rajini K,Pavan Kumar G, Prameela N, Bheema Rao B, Kavya K, Vivek Vardhan S, Venkatesh Yedla
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- Design and Fabrication of Pedal Powered Washing
Mr. Siddhesh Joshi, Mr. Hemant Sharma, Prof. Dr. Anjali Joshi
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite][Download Certificate]
- Behaviour Of Some Potato Varieties With Different L
Ascorbic Acid Content To Potato Aucuba Mosaic Virus
Bădărău Carmen Liliana, Tican Andreea, Cioloca Mihaela
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- AI and ML based Product label and text reading System
Saii Maadhav Madderla, Kaushik Kumar K N, Satya Durga P, Dr.B.Khaleelu Rehman
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- An Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Wind
Speed and its Direction on the Marine Diesel Engine Fuel
Waleed alazmi
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- Comparative Analysis of Some Models of Motorcycle
Aluminum Engine Blocks Using Weighted Property
Method (WPM)
S.C Eze, D.S Yawas, E.T Dauda
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite][Download Certificate]
- The Benefits of Metallography
Eng. Abdullah Faisal Aldaijani
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite][Download Certificate]
- Laboratory Investigation of Effects of Zinc-Oxide Nano
Particle on the Productivity of Apara Field During
Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery (MEOR) Application
Chukwuma G. J. Nmegbu PhD, Edet Emmanuel. A, Orji Elisha Kelechi
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite][Download Certificate]
- Bayesian Expected Monetary Value of Bori-Ogoni
Reclaimed Diesel Spill Multi-purpose/Multi-Objective
Farmland Project
Mahmud Hussaini, Akien-Alli I. J., Amie-Ogan Tekena G., Bala Iwari G., Abednego George G.T., Akpan Paul P.
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite][Download Certificate]
- Bayesian Expected Opportunity Loss of Bori-Ogoni
Reclaimed Diesel Spill Multipurpose Multi-Objective
Farmland Project
Akpan Paul P., Amie-Ogan Tekena G., Bob Dagogo M. A, Abednego George G.T., Anea-Bari Doland B., Mahmud Hussaini
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite][Download Certificate]
- Bayesian Expected Value for Perfect Information of Bori-
Ogoni Multipurpose Multi-Objective Farmland Project
Letam Leelee P., Mahmud Hussaini, Amie-Ogan, Tekena G., Uyoh Francis U., Abednego George G.T., Akpan Paul P.
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite][Download Certificate]
- Bayesian Optimization Modeling of Bori-Ogoni Multipurpose Multi-Objective Reclaimed Diesel Spill Farmland Project
Akpan Paul P., Mahmud Hussaini, Abednego George G.T., Akien Alli I. J., Dickson Rachael, Gbimadee NuBari B. P.
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite][Download Certificate]
- Infinite Optimization Modeling of Water-Oil Fluid
Interaction in Niger Delta Soil
Akpan Paul P., Eme Luke C., Petaba Lemii D., Amie-Ogan Tekena G., Abednego George G.T., Uyoh Francis U.
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite][Download Certificate]
- Modeling the Retention of Diesel Oil Spill in Bori-Ogoni Soil
Abednego George G.T., Akoba Bright, Nwinuka, Barinor, Uyoh Francis U., Pepple Maxwell S., Akpan Paul P.
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite][Download Certificate]
- Modeling the Transportation of Diesel Oil Spill in Bori-
Ogoni Soil
Uebari Luton S., Opuda Datonye O., Gaage Friday, Bala Iwari G., Dickson Rachael, Akpan Paul P.
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite][Download Certificate]
- Influence of Bagasse Ash and Lime on Mechanical and
Chemical Stabilization of Black Cotton Soil
Akpan Paul P., Gbimadee NuBari B.P., Anea-Bari Doland B., Oba Achemie L., Abednego George G.T., Ndam Efeeloo
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite][Download Certificate]
- Mechanical and Chemical Stabilization of Black
Cotton Soil for Subgrade Pavement
Akpan Paul P., Anea-Bari Doland B., Akien-Alli I. J., Abednego George G.T., Uyoh Francis U., Opuda Datonye O.
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- Modeling the Swell-Shrinkage Potential of a Stabilized Black Cotton Soil for Subgrade Pavement
Akpan Paul P., Anea-Bari Doland B., Akien-Alli I. J., Abednego George G.T., Bob Dagogo M. A, Nwinuka, Barinor
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- What are the main differences and similarities between TPM and RCM?
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- Microstructure prediction of light weight steel using probabilistic Cellular Automata
Antara Sahoo, Sheuli Hore
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- Incorporating PCA feature extraction and evaluating feature matching methods in Palm Print Based Biometric Verification System
Medha Misar, Damayanti Gharpure
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- A Novel Approach: Color-Texture Histograms (CTH) Method for Object Tracking
Hariprasad Reddy A, Lakshmi Kiran Y
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- A Detailed Study of Energy Storage Systems
Sarvesh Nadkarni, Vishal Nalawade, Sankalp Sharma
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite][Download Certificate]
- Define and Rank Equipment Criticality in Small and Medium-Sized Industrial Process
Ailson R. S. Picanço, Luiz Leduino de Salles Neto
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- Synthesis, characterization and study of anti-fungal activities of dihydrazide- dihydrazone derivatives of adamantly moiety containing nitro group
Rupa Pawar, Dr. Jayshree Parikh
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- Comparison of Reserve Strength Ratio and Capacity Curve Parameters of Offshore Platforms with Distinct Bracing Arrangements
Aran Dezhban, Hooshang Dolatshahi Pirooz
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- Cancer- Air and Water Pollutants- A Review
Dr. Rajni Verma, Dr. Ashwani K. Sharma
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite][Download Certificate]
- Design and simulation of nano cavity and microcavity based 2D photonic crystal biosensor for Melanoma (skin cancer) detection
Vijay Laxmi Kalyani, Dr. Virendra Kumar Sharma
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- Safety Risk Assessment in Manufacturing Systems: An Analytic Hierarchy Process Approach
Sanyaolu, O.O.
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- Calibration of a Seven-hole Pressure probe in non-null
P.K. Sinha, S K Shahi, D. Chowdhury, B. Majumdar
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- Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Prevention of Cyber Attacks and Detection of Security Threats
Kandala kalyana Srinivas, D. Vijay Sai, N.Saketh, I. Neelima, B.Alekhya
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite][Download Certificate]
- College Bus Tracking System using GSM and GPS
Bharatha Aparna, Balam Kalyani, G Sreedeeksha, M Venkata Reshma, T Rajashree
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- Soft-Switched Non-Isolated High Step-Up 3 Port Dc-Dc Converter for Hybrid Energy Systems
Karika Amulya, Navya Ananthula, M. Komali, B. Divya Sai, N. Sai Charan
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In this paper, the photon-shielding parameters for tellurite-based glasses has been studied using GEANT4 toolkit under photon energy range from 10-3 to 10 MeV. Then were compared with the theoretical WinXCOM software for different concentrations (100-x-y)TeO2-xTiO2-yZnO, (x,y)= ) 15,10) (15,5), (10,15), (10,10), (5,30) and (5,10) mol%. The examined attenuation properties were then utilized to calculate the Zeff effective atomic number and the HVL half value layer and MFP mean free path of the radiation shielding glasses. The present results found the utilization of the new tested glasses are good promising materials for photon shielding applications.Keyword: photon-shielding, tellurite-based glasses, Mass attenuation coefficient (μ∕ρ), Zeff, HVL, MFP ×
A.alraddadi, B.Alasmari, H. Al-Atwi, A.Alzhrani, M.Al-Atwi, M.Albogami, H.Alshrary, S.Al-Atwi, F.laariedh, S.Alghamdi, S. Alfadhli "Investigations of new material tellurite glasses TeO2−TiO2−ZnO for photon shielding applications" Vol. 12 - No. 6 (June 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
3D printing known as additive manufacturing (AM) has been applied for applications in different fields such as aerospace, automotive, biomedical, and energy industries. Currently, with the rapid growth of this technology, 3D printing has gained a very wide acceptance. However, several significant hurdles prevent its wider adoption. One of the most important barriers is the quality of the printed parts, particularly for metals. This research proposes to develop a system for predicting the quality of the part from the manufacturing planning in order to remove the failures before carrying out the real printing process. For accurately predicting quality before manufacturing, consolidation mechanisms....Keyword: Additive manufacturing, Selective laser melting, Quality of the printed part, Prediction system ×
Ngoc-Hien Tran "Development of a system for predicting the printed part quality" Vol. 12 - No. 6 (June 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The study of floods risks requires not only the knowledge of the spatio-temporal variability of precipitation but also and above all, the frequency of occurrence of extreme hydroclimatic events. This study aims to characterize the frequency of extreme hydroclimatic events in the lower Ouémé valley to define their return periods. Daily rainfall data from nine (09) stations were collected and analyzed. They come from the National Meteorological Agency of Benin and cover the period from 1981 to 2019. The methodological approach adopted consisted firstly, in sampling the data to extract the maximum annual values. Then, three (03) hypothesis tests were performed to verify the stationarity, independence, and homogeneity of the data used, namely the modified Mann Kendall, Box Pierce, and Pettitt tests. The choice of the distribution that best fits the data series was done using the Akaike information criterion.....Keyword: frequency analysis, hydroclimatic risks, information criteria, distribution, In land valley of Ouémé ×
Angèle D. Avossè, Luc O. Sintondji, Joseph Bessou, Aymar Bossa, Jean Hounkpè, René Bodjrènou, Brice Gbaguidi "Characterization of the frequency of hydroclimatic extremes in the lower Ouémé valley" Vol. 12 - No. 6 (June 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
This paper depict a new design for full subtractor with the help of cascade voltage switch logic. Like adders we can say subtractors are also used as basic building block because it is used for all the functional units of microprocessors and digital signal processors. In this modern world of nanotechnology, it is very obvious to design technique which helps in reduction of area and power consumption. CVSL is a modern technique who meets requirement i.e. high density with minimum delay. The circuit is configurated at 45nm technology and compared with standard cell full subtractor (45nm technology). Then, circuit comparison on the basis of different parameters is done.Keyword: Circuit Simulation, CMOSFET Circuits, CVSL, Full Adder ×
Sakshi, Shaveta Bala "Design Analysis of Full Adder using Cascade Voltage Switch Logic" Vol. 12 - No. 6 (June 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Many industries having major electrical power demand requirements tend to construct and operate their individual power generation plants. This leads to each facility having to build facilities that should have a certain number of installed units of certain capacity to have adequate spinning reserve (in order to avoid load shedding) that can be utilized in case of a trip in one of the running machines.....Keyword: ... ×
Naveen Devkaran "Centralised Power Plants for Industries – Technology Selection" Vol. 12 - No. 6 (June 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Oil and gas plants built in early sixties and seventies were experiencing fire situations near fuel gas, lube oil and other process vents during thunderstorm days. A large number of these facilities were not provided with lightning protection system at that time. This study has been carried out with the objective of reviewing the existing Lightning Protection System (LPS) and recommend.....Keyword: .... ×
Naveen Devkaran "Risks and Challenges of implementing Lightning Protection System in Existing Oil & Gas Facilities" Vol. 12 - No. 6 (June 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Forests are the main natural resources that provide various direct & indirect benefits and play an important role in the life of a human being on the earth. It is the duty of human to save the earth from vanishing of the forests and also from the major hazards that take place, to save the wild animals, to support human living and to protect rare species of the planet from being dead. A forest fire has a huge and serious impact on the environment. They also affect the future for decades. Artificial Intelligence techniques are used to visualize/recognize forest fires through the numerous images that are captured and fed as input to the model. Forest fires can be detected or prevented by training machines with suitable algorithms for fire detection and alarming. This paper highlights different forest fire detection techniques employed in the literature from past ten years concluding the future steps to be taken by the researchers to avoid forest firesKeyword: .... ×
Dr.M.Rekha Sundari, D.Sai Koushik yadav, R.Siva Ganesh "A Survey on Forest Combustion Recognition Techniques" Vol. 12 - No. 6 (June 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
3D printing known as additive manufacturing (AM) has been applied for applications in different fields such as aerospace, automotive, biomedical, and energy industries. Currently, with the rapid growth of this technology, 3D printing has gained a very wide acceptance. However, several significant hurdles prevent its wider adoption. One of the most important barriers is the quality of the printed parts, particularly for metals. This research proposes to develop a system for predicting the quality of the part from the manufacturing planning in order to remove the failures before carrying out the real printing process. For accurately predicting quality before manufacturing, consolidation.....Keyword: Additive manufacturing, Selective laser melting, Quality of the printed part, Prediction system ×
Ngoc-Hien Tran "Development of a system for predicting the printed part quality" Vol. 12 - No. 6 (June 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Fly ash has been used as partial replacement of Cement in Concrete and Glass fiber has been used as additive. Fly ash and Glass fiber is provides several advantages like strength, workability etc. And they will provide environmental benefits related to disposal of worst materials and to reduced CO₂. The component of work is to study fly ash as replacement and Glass fiber as additive in Concrete. Fly ash as partial replacement of cement and glass fiber is additional reinforcement in the cement concrete. Which is satisfies the several properties of concrete like as compressive, split tensile stress and flexural strength. In this study we conducted different strengths tests, normal Consistency, Specific gravity and fineness test to the cement and Fly ash. As well as specific gravity, water absorption......Keyword: Fly ash, Glass fiber, Compressive strength, workability, split tensile strength, Flexural strength and M30 grade of concrete ×
Rajini K,Pavan Kumar G, Prameela N, Bheema Rao B, Kavya K, Vivek Vardhan S, Venkatesh Yedla "An Advanced Progessive Performance of Cement Concrete with Preferencial Substitutions with Glass Fiber and Class - F- Flyash" Vol. 12 - No. 6 (June 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Peddling washing machine is a very great innovation in its own. Peddling washing machine is specially made for the purpose of its utilization to wash the cloth by means of applying pedal power. Most of the places in rural areas are still suffering from shortage of electricity because of which they are unable to use most of the electronics appliances for their own betterment. This project includes the construction and utilization of the peddling washing machine which will entirely work on human power generated by the pedaling process under optimum conditions. The following pages in the report includes about the constructions of pedal powered washing machine its principle and surveys for the power generated by human pedaling for the efficient working of the model using easily available resources. It would also help in better health management of an individual as it is totally human powered.Keyword: .... ×
Mr. Siddhesh Joshi, Mr. Hemant Sharma, Prof. Dr. Anjali Joshi "Design and Fabrication of Pedal Powered Washing Machine" Vol. 12 - No. 6 (June 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The research target was to evaluate the L ascorbic acid content of 10 potato samples (varieties with different resistance to potato aucuba mosaic virus: Armonia, Sevastia, Christian, Temerar, Gared, Marvis, Castrum, Bellaroasa, Carrera, Hermes) and the behaviour of these samples to potato aucuba mosaic virus (PAMV) infection. The L ascorbic acid content was significantly higher to the varieties resistent to PAMV (cv. Armonia and Sevastia). In this case, after 3 months from harvest, the stored tubers didn't have visible tuber necrotic ringspot disease symptoms.Keyword: Potato Aucuba Mosaic Virus, symptoms, L ascorbic acid, varieties ×
Bădărău Carmen Liliana, Tican Andreea, Cioloca Mihaela "Behaviour Of Some Potato Varieties With Different L Ascorbic Acid Content To Potato Aucuba Mosaic Virus" Vol. 12 - No. 6 (June 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
An idea that helps the physically challenged persons specifically the Blind in identifying the product or the text present on the product with the help of AI and ML based product label and text reading System. The main aim of this paper is to design a system for the blind people to recognise the handheldproduct and its labels or any text that notifies it with voice output. So, as they can't see or read any text this designed system will enhance their ability to identify the products. The Machine Learning algorithms and Artificial intelligence is used for the predictionsand know the products for improvising the performance of the system.......Keyword: Raspberry Pi, Pi-Camera, OCR, Artificial intelligence, Machine Learning ×
Saii Maadhav Madderla, Kaushik Kumar K N, Satya Durga P, Dr.B.Khaleelu Rehman "AI and ML based Product label and text reading System" Vol. 12 - No. 6 (June 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Generally, marine diesel fuel has become the highest effective parameter in shipping cost where, it has more than 45% of travelling cost. Since 2000, the fuel cost got high. Consequently, a lot of ships owners and engine manufacturers tried to develop and enhance the fuel consumption in order to increase the travelling revenue. But, the wind loads has a significant effects on the shipping resistance and relative wave direction. An example to show the importance of this research; considering 300 running days yearly with consumption of 40 ton/day "for small ships" in fuel cost of 500 USD/ton. If you neglect a 4% increasing in fuel calculations (that changes with the winds loads), it will accumulate 240,000 USD/year......Keyword: Marine diesel engine, fuel consumption, wind speed, wind direction, fuel speed curve, ship head, beam and tail. ×
Waleed alazmi "An Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Wind Speed and its Direction on the Marine Diesel Engine Fuel Consumption" Vol. 12 - No. 6 (June 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In this study, compositions and different properties of five (5) models of motorcycle aluminum engine blocks were evaluated. This is fundamental to the development of a composite structure for the motorcycle engine block material. Elemental examination of these models were carried out using X-ray fluorescent (XRF).The study revealed that the dominant elements in these samples were Aluminum (Al) with 75.455 -84.955 wt. %, Silicon (Si) with 10.999 -20.103 wt. %, Copper (Cu) with 1.357- 1.577 wt. %, Magnesium (Mg) with 0.493 - 1.05 wt. %, Iron (Fe) with 0.623 -1.147 wt. %, and Zinc (Zn) with 0.532 -0.815 wt. % respectively........Keyword: aluminum engine blocks, elemental composition, eutectic aluminum alloys, motorcycle engine, weighted property method (wpm) ×
S.C Eze, D.S Yawas, E.T Dauda "Comparative Analysis of Some Models of Motorcycle Aluminum Engine Blocks Using Weighted Property Method (WPM)" Vol. 12 - No. 6 (June 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Even if a person is unaware of the word metallography or has never heard of it, he or she has benefited from its presence if they have used a smartphone, flown on an aircraft, or driven a vehicle. The research of the microscopic and chemical characteristics of all sorts of metal materials using a microscope is known as metallography. Its origins may be traced back to the nineteenth century, but technological advancements have enabled it to remain relevant and led to fresh discoveries concerning metal characteristics. Metallography is employed at practically every stage of a product's life cycle, from basic physical resources formulation to examination, manufacturing, production processes supervision, and, if necessary, failure diagnosis. In this study, we have analyzed the benefits of metallography, how its study has helped in the innovation and creativity of the growing industry, and the benefits engineers have obtained from it. This study also includes types of examinations in depth. ×Eng. Abdullah Faisal Aldaijani "The Benefits of Metallography" Vol. 12 - No. 6 (June 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The increasing demand of fossil fuel has drawn global attention to finding alternative source of energy. Many laboratory research and field trials have shown MEOR to be very successful. Recent studies have indicated key technological advancement in getting the best out of many recovery processes which is to improve cumulative oil production and ultimate oil recovery. In this work, Zinc-oxide nanoparticle was used to improve the productivity of an oil well in Niger – Delta. Nanoparticle was used at different concentration ranging from 5 grams to 20 grams on the crude. The results obtained shows an increase in oil recovery by 25.33% due to an increase in the nanoparticle concentration. The use of nanoparticle in the improvement of oil recovery is a new trend in the energy sector which rapidly increases oil productivity by acting as a catalyst to speed up oil recovery.Keyword: Zinc-Oxide, Nanoparticle, Productivity, Oil Well and Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery (MEOR) ×
Chukwuma G. J. Nmegbu PhD, Edet Emmanuel. A, Orji Elisha Kelechi "Laboratory Investigation of Effects of Zinc-Oxide Nano Particle on the Productivity of Apara Field During Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery (MEOR) Application" Vol. 12 - No. 6 (June 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Diesel oil spill has destroyed farm lands, plants and animals at Bori-Ogoni. United Nation Environmental Protection Agency (UNEP) identified grey areas and mandated impacting industries to reclaim the land. Implementation of clean up exercise has failed because there is no plan of recovering the cost of remediation works. This research focuses on applying Bayesian expected monetary value to optimally execute and recover expended fund in the reclaimed diesel spill multi-purpose/ multi-objective farm land project at Bori-Ogoni in Rivers State of Nigeria. The specific objectives are to develop payoff matrix from secondary data in reclaimed diesel spill farmland projects and analyze the expected monetary value from the payoff matrix for development and sustainability of farm projects.......Keyword: Expected monetary value, decision theory, Bayesian modeling, payoff matrix. ×
Mahmud Hussaini, Akien-Alli I. J., Amie-Ogan Tekena G., Bala Iwari G., Abednego George G.T., Akpan Paul P. "Bayesian Expected Monetary Value of Bori-Ogoni Reclaimed Diesel Spill Multi-purpose/Multi-Objective Farmland Project" Vol. 12 - No. 6 (June 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Bori-Ogoni is an environmental sensitive region as declared by United Nation Environmental Protection Agency (UNEP). Clean up of all impacted aspects of it environment has failed due to poor management of allocated resources. This research focuses on applying Bayesian expected opportunity loss (EOL) model to optimally implement allocated resources in reclaimed diesel spill multi-purpose/multi-objective farm land project at Bori- Ogoni in Rivers State of Nigeria. The specific objectives are to develop payoff matrix from secondary data in reclaimed diesel spill farmland projects and analyze the expected opportunity loss from the payoff matrix for reliability and sustainability of the farm projects........Keyword: Bayesian theory, Expected opportunity loss, Reclaimed farmland projects, Multipurpose/multi- objective projects. ×
Akpan Paul P., Amie-Ogan Tekena G., Bob Dagogo M. A, Abednego George G.T., Anea-Bari Doland B., Mahmud Hussaini "Bayesian Expected Opportunity Loss of Bori-Ogoni Reclaimed Diesel Spill Multipurpose Multi-Objective Farmland Project" Vol. 12 - No. 6 (June 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Appropriate decision making in complex investment framework is hugely influenced by perfect information of the project structure. Uninformed investment decision making can grossly collapse a lucrative project or business structure immediately or in the future. This research is aimed at determining Bayesian expected value for perfect information (EVPI) of Bori-Ogoni multipurpose multi-objective farmland project. The specific objectives are to develop a payoff matrix of a multipurpose multi-objective farmland project, determine the Bayesian expected profit without perfect information (EPPI1) of the project, Bayesian expected profit with perfect information (EPPI2) and the EVPI of the farmland project. Game theory was used to develop the payoff matrix of the farmland project while Bayesian decision theory was used to determine the........Keyword: Bayesian expected value, Perfect information, Multipurpose project, Multi-objective project, Reclaimed diesel-spill land, Farmland projects ×
Letam Leelee P., Mahmud Hussaini, Amie-Ogan, Tekena G., Uyoh Francis U., Abednego George G.T., Akpan Paul P. "Bayesian Expected Value for Perfect Information of Bori- Ogoni Multipurpose Multi-Objective Farml and Project" Vol. 12 - No. 6 (June 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In other to optimize the expected value for perfect information (EVPI) and expected opportunity loss (EOL) for Bori-Ogoni farmland project, a posterior Bayesian analysis is required. This analysis gives a revised EOL which is expected to be lesser than the determined EOL based on prior analysis. The difference between the two should at least be equal to the cost of obtaining the additional information (EVPI). This research is aimed at developing Bayesian optimization model of Bori-Ogoni reclaimed diesel spill farmland project with specific objective of determining the prior and posterior EOL and EVPI of the farmland project. Bayesian decision theory was used for the optimization. Result showed the prior and posterior........Keyword: Bayesian optimization modeling, Bori-Ogoni Multipurpose project, Multi-objective farmland project, Diesel spill, Expected opportunity loss, Expected value for perfect information. ×
Akpan Paul P., Mahmud Hussaini, Abednego George G.T., Akien Alli I. J., Dickson Rachael, Gbimadee NuBari B. P. "Bayesian Optimization Modeling of Bori-Ogoni Multipurpose Multi-Objective Reclaimed Diesel Spill Farmland Project" Vol. 12 - No. 6 (June 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Water-oil fluid interaction in soil possess problems which includes, contamination of soil and ground water, destruction of plants and animals, acute and chronic infection of humans living in the contaminated zones, destruction of aquatic lives, ecosystem and extinction of some plants and animals. This research is aimed at developing an infinite optimization model of water-oil fluid interaction in Niger Delta soil. The objectives are to carry out rainfall simulations at varying intensities and contaminant volumes on a given soil depth in Niger Delta soil, determine the accrued benefits of cultivating yam, maize, cassava, oil palm and fishery on five different hectares of diesel oil spill reclaimed land at Ogoni and develop.........Keyword: Game theory, cost minimization model, profit maximization model, game value, accrued benefit ×
Akpan Paul P., Eme Luke C., Petaba Lemii D., Amie-Ogan Tekena G., Abednego George G.T., Uyoh Francis U. "Infinite Optimization Modeling of Water-Oil Fluid Interaction in Niger Delta Soil" Vol. 12 - No. 6 (June 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Retained diesel spill in soil causes problems which includes, contamination of soils, bioaccumulation of hydrocarbon in humans resulting to carcinogenesis and mutagenesis, destruction and extinction of some plants and animals. This research is aimed at modeling the retention of diesel fuel spill in Niger Delta soil. The objectives are to monitor the retention of diesel at given soil depths; different contaminant volumes and rainfall intensities, develop a model that will describe the retention of diesel in unsaturated soil zone at different spill scenarios. The method used in generating the experimental design was response surface method, which uses two (2) independent variables that includes contaminant volume, rainfall intensity and a constant variable known as the soil depth.......Keyword: Retention Model, Diesel fuel, Niger Delta soil, Gas Chromatography, Organic Content, Retained Concentration, Creative Innovations and Rainfall Intensity. ×
Abednego George G.T., Akoba Bright, Nwinuka, Barinor, Uyoh Francis U., Pepple Maxwell S., Akpan Paul P. "Modeling the Retention of Diesel Oil Spill in Bori-Ogoni Soil" Vol. 12 - No. 6 (June 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Water-oil fluid interaction in soil possess problems to plants, animals, humans and impacts so much on environmental aspects.. This research is aimed at modeling the transportation of diesel spill in Niger Delta soil. The objectives are to monitor the movement of diesel at given soil depths, different contaminant volumes and rainfall intensities, and develop a model that can describe the transportation of diesel in unsaturated soil zone at different release scenarios. The method used in generating the experimental design was response surface method, which uses two (2) independent variables that includes contaminant volume, rainfall intensity and a constant variable known as the soil depth........Keyword: Transportation model, Diesel fuel, Niger delta, Gas chromatography, Sieve analysis, Leached concentration, Contaminant volume, Rainfall intensity, Soil depth. ×
Uebari Luton S., Opuda Datonye O., Gaage Friday, Bala Iwari G., Dickson Rachael, Akpan Paul P. "Modeling the Transportation of Diesel Oil Spill in Bori- Ogoni Soil" Vol. 12 - No. 6 (June 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Black cottons soil (BCS) has unimaginable ability to expand and shrink when it absorbs water. This expansive nature made it unacceptable for use as construction material. Bagasse ash (BA ) and lime are good admixtures that can be used to improve the shear strength of stabilized BCS. This research is aim at investigating the influence of BA and lime on mechanical and chemical stabilization of BCS. Soil test on the geotechnical properties of BCS obtained from Eket classified it as an A-2-7 soil. Mechanical and chemical method of stabilization was used to investigate the influence of the admixtures on CBR value of the soil. Result obtained showed that BA and lime has so much influence on mechanical and chemical stabilization.......Keyword: Bagasse ash, lime, mechanical stabilization, chemical stabilization, black cotton soil ×
Akpan Paul P., Gbimadee NuBari B.P., Anea-Bari Doland B., Oba Achemie L., Abednego George G.T., Ndam Efeeloo "Influence of Bagasse Ash and Lime on Mechanical and Chemical Stabilization of Black Cotton Soil" Vol. 12 - No. 6 (June 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Black cotton soil (BCS) is a localized weak soil with unusual swell-shrinkage potential which leads to differential settlement of foundation of many infrastructural facilities, severe crack and adverse damage of structures erected on it. BCS has a swelling-shrinkage potential phenomenon which is greatly influenced by the clay mineralogy constituent, environmental stress condition and soil properties factors which describe the functional relationship of the swell-shrinkage potential of the study area. This research investigates the mechanical and chemical stabilization of BCS obtained from Eket senatorial district which possessed a swell- shrinkage potential........Keyword: Mechanical stabilization, chemical stabilization, black cotton soil, and subgrade pavement ×
Akpan Paul P., Anea-Bari Doland B., Akien-Alli I. J., Abednego George G.T., Uyoh Francis U., Opuda Datonye O. "Mechanical and Chemical Stabilization of Black Cotton Soil for Subgrade Pavement" Vol. 12 - No. 6 (June 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
An investigative study was under taken on a black cotton soil (BCS) of Eket senatorial district which possessed a swell-shrinkage potential phenomenon that is prone to severe, crack and differential settlement of foundation of any infrastructural facilities. This research is aimed at modeling the swell-shrinkage potential of a stabilized BCS for subgrade pavement. The study adopted multiple regression equation as the empirical model for the formulation and calibration of the developed model. Row reduction method was used for calibration to obtain the material constant, which was used to derive empirical and developed model, , and respectively for determination of swell-shrinkage potential of stabilized BCS. The model was validated and found to be 1........Keyword: Modeling, swell potentials, shrinkage potential, black cotton soil, pavement stabilization, subgrade pavement ×
Akpan Paul P., Anea-Bari Doland B., Akien-Alli I. J., Abednego George G.T., Bob Dagogo M. A., Nwinuka, Barinor "Modeling the Swell-Shrinkage Potential of a Stabilized Black Cotton Soil for Subgrade Pavement" Vol. 12 - No. 6 (June 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Purpose: The center of research are the two main maintenance management systems in conceptual terms and enforcement in industrial environments: Total Productive Maintenance - TPM and Reliability Centered Maintenance - RCM. Rise up the main characteristics of each system, and compares the two in order to obtain the main differences and similarities. Design/methodology/approach: It is about a literature review, which presents the main fundamentals, characteristics and methods inherent to each maintenance system studied. First concepts are developed, then the paper has applications maintenance systems to finally performing the comparison between TPM and RCM.........Keyword: Maintenance. TPM. RCM. Reliability. Industry Implementation. Systematic Comparison. Productivity. Literature Review. ×
xxxxxxxx "What are the main differences and similarities between TPM and RCM?" Vol. 12 - No. 6 (June 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Microstructure evolution during thermo-mechanical treatment of steel is of significant importance to obtain the desired mechanical properties in the final product for various applications. Cellular Automata model in mesoscale is one of the most important simulation methodologies for studying the recrystallization and grain growth processes in materials. In the present work, temporal evolution of microstructure in austenitic light weight steel has been simulated using probabilistic Cellular Automata technique. Two dimensional microstructural maps have been generated to visualize growth kinetics at various temperatures........Keyword: Cellular Automata simulation, grain growth, average grain-size, steel, microstructure evolution ×
Antara Sahoo, Sheuli Hore "Microstructure prediction of light weight steel using probabilistic Cellular Automata" Vol. 12 - No. 6 (June 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Palm prints have many biometric features and these features can be used for the purpose of biometric identification. This paper presents use of Principal Component Analysis for feature extraction of palm print images for biometry. A prefixed number of Eigen values have been retained and corresponding Eigen vectors have been used to generate a weight matrix for every palm print image. The weight matrix has been used as a feature vector. Feature matching has been done with Neural Network, Weighted Euclidean distance as well as Pattern classifiers Networks and the performance has been analyzed in this paper.Keyword: Biometric, Principal Component Analysis, weighted Euclidean distance, neural network, and Pattern classifier ×
Medha Misar, Damayanti Gharpure "Incorporating PCA feature extraction and evaluating feature matching methods in Palm Print Based Biometric Verification System" Vol. 12 - No. 6 (June 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In this paper, another calculation implied for object tracking application is proposed utilizing local extrema patterns (LEP) and shading highlights. The standard local binary pattern (LBP) encodes the connection between central pixel and its encompassing neighbors by looking at gray level qualities. The proposed strategy contrasts from the current LBP in a way that it extricates the edge data dependent on local extrema between center pixel and its neighbors in a picture. Further, the joint histogram between RGB shading channels and LEP designs has been assemble which is utilized as a component vector in object following. The exhibition of the proposed strategy is contrasted and Ning et al. on three benchmark video groupings. The outcomes in the wake of being examined proposed strategy show a huge improvement in object following application when contrasted with existing techniques.Keyword: Local binary patterns (LBP); texture; color; object tracking ×
Hariprasad Reddy A, Lakshmi Kiran Y "A Novel Approach: Color-Texture Histograms (CTH) Method for Object Tracking" Vol. 12 - No. 6 (June 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
India is one of the five fast developing countries. India has made rapid strides towards economic self-reliance over the last few years. On the energy demand and supply side, India is facing severe shortages. To overcome energy crisis, India has developed many projects related to different energy sources. But driven by global concerns about the climate and the environment, the world is opting for renewable energy sources (RESs). However, RESs suffer from the discredit of intermittency, for which energy storage systems (ESSs) are gaining popularity worldwide.........Keyword: budget constraints, classification, energy storage, renewable energy ×
Sarvesh Nadkarni, Vishal Nalawade, Sankalp Sharma "A Detailed Study of Energy Storage Systems" Vol. 12 - No. 6 (June 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Industrial maintenance is one of the functions that support manufacturing. The correct functioning of equipment, according to specifications and control limits, are fundamental to verify requirements demanded by the markets. The problem of critical equipment guides decisions on maintenance management, determining assertive strategies for each type of equipment. What is critical equipment? This question has no definitive answer. However, the work progresses with the use of cognitive mapping to bring a more holistic level of criticality for industrial maintenance function. Hence, the main objective of this work is to classify the global criticality of equipment using multicriteria decision analysis, to assist in the selection of the most adequate type of maintenance, based on attributes and characteristics intrinsic to the equipment, production, and costs in organizational processes. To define criticality, a multicriteria approach was chosen combining the cognitive mapping to define criteria and subcriteria with the Technique for Order of Preference. A numerical example was used with mechanical equipment in its useful life of a medium-sized industrial process for transportation, storage, and modal shift for the sugar industry.Keyword: Critical equipment Maintenance, TOPSIS ×
Ailson R. S. Picanço, Luiz Leduino de Salles Neto "Define and Rank Equipment Criticality in Small and Medium-Sized Industrial Process" Vol. 12 - No. 6 (June 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In this study, di methyl 1, 3-adamantane-di-carboxylate was used as the key intermediate. It was initially prepared by esterification of 1, 3-adamantane-di-carboxylic acid (1) and methanol under catalysis of 98% H2SO4 to yield dimethyl ester (2). Then, ester (2) was reacted with hydrazine hydrate to yield corresponding adamantane dihydrazide (3). Subsequently, compound (3) was condensed with aromatic aldehydes or ketones (4) to yield the corresponding dihydrazide-dihydrazones (5) containing nitro group as seen in Figure 1. The structure of dihydrazide-dihydrazones containing nitro group was confirmed by 1H-NMR, FTIR, Mass spectroscopy and elemental analysis....Keyword: Dihydrazide, dihydrazone, dihydrazide-dihydrazone, anti-fungal activities, adamantane, adamantly moiety, nitro group. ×
Rupa Pawar, Dr. Jayshree Parikh "Synthesis, characterization and study of anti-fungal activities of dihydrazide- dihydrazone derivatives of adamantly moiety containing nitro group" Vol. 12 - No. 6 (June 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The phenomenon of corrosion, especially in the Persian Gulf region, is the main cause of the deterioration of offshore platforms, due to the high corrosion of its water. This phenomenon occurs mostly in the area of water spraying, threatening the members of the first floor of the jacket, legs, and piles in this area. In the current study, the effect of bracing arrangement on the Capacity Curve and Reserve Strength Ratio of Fixed-Type Offshore Platforms is investigated. In order to continue the operation of the platform, two modes of robust and damaged structures are considered, while checking the adequacy of the platform capacity based on the allowable values of API RP-2SIM regulations. The platform........Keyword: Fixed-Type Jacket Structure, Structural Integrity Management, Nonlinear Pushover Analysis, Robust and Damaged Structure, Reserve Strength Ration, Capacity Curve ×
Aran Dezhban, Hooshang Dolatshahi Pirooz "Comparison of Reserve Strength Ratio and Capacity Curve Parameters of Offshore Platforms with Distinct Bracing Arrangements" Vol. 12 - No. 6 (June 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In the past 30 years, Punjab's economy has experienced rapid development, which led to a vast increase in energy consumption and serious environmental pollution. Many different water pollutants increase cancer risk. Exposure to these pollutants can occur by drinking contaminated water or bathing, showering or swimming in it. Ironically, one major water pollutant that increases cancer risk comes from disinfection, a process that protects our health from other diseases but, when chlorine during disinfection process interacts with organic compounds that often found in surface water, hundreds of different chemical mixtures called disinfection byproducts like chloroform, other trihalomethanes, and some haloacetic acids were found which cause bladder cancer and possibly colon, rectal and esophageal cancers. Studies of water contamination by many different pollutants like perchloroethylene, trichloroethylene, chlorophenols, and nitrates from hazardous waste sites and industrial, commercial,.....Keyword: water pollutants; air pollutants; health risk; cancer; pollution control; Punjab ×
Dr. Rajni Verma, Dr. Ashwani K. Sharma "Cancer- Air and Water Pollutants- A Review" Vol. 12 - No. 6 (June 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In this paper, we propose a design of nano cavity and microcavity based 2D Photonic Crystal biosensor for Melanoma (skin cancer) detection. Both the sensors are designed using normal cell and Melanoma cell with refractive index (1.35) and (1.59) which are used in the cavity and change of wavelength shift according to the refractive index are sense by bio sensor. Change in output transmission spectrum and Q factor has been observed with the wavelength shift, therefore by observing these changes Melanoma (skin cancer) is detected. By designing nanocavity and microcavity in the same structure of biosensor, comparison is also done that which sensor is having good......Keyword: Melanoma Cancer cell; Finite Difference Time Domain; Photonic Crystal; Plane Wave Expansion; Refractive index; Simulation Results ×
Vijay Laxmi Kalyani, Dr. Virendra Kumar Sharma "Design and simulation of nano cavity and microcavity based 2D photonic crystal biosensor for Melanoma (skin cancer) detection" Vol. 12 - No. 6 (June 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Safety risks in the manufacturing sector affects activities in manufacturing operations. A poor safety culture results in unplanned downtime in production, accidents, injuries and lost time incidents. Safety risk assessment of manufacturing systems using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) was carried out in this study. Hazard identification and risk ranking was done using a structured questionnaire to identify the hazards which include rolling/moving shaft, wet floor due to oil leaks and water spillage, clouds of dust, steam leakages/pressurized hose leakages, bad machine guarding, noise, fire, open drains, transporting/carrying heavy loads, lifting heavy loads above shoulder height and poor housekeeping. The risk analysis of these hazards indicated Risk Priority Numbers (RPN) ranging from 2 to 16. The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) for the safety risk.....Keyword: Consistency, Criterion, Hazard, Risk, Safety ×
Sanyaolu, O.O. "Safety Risk Assessment in Manufacturing Systems: An Analytic Hierarchy Process Approach" Vol. 12 - No. 6 (June 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The analysis of fluid flow is encountered in almost all engineering applications. Flow measurements, particularly velocity and its direction, turbulence quantities are needed in order to improve the understanding of various complex flow phenomena and to validate and further refine the computer flow models. Pressure probes find wide application in the measurement of fluid flows both in the laboratory and in the industry. A seven-hole pressure probe is calibrated in non-null technique. An algorithm for seven-hole probe in non-null method is developed which utilizes a database of calibration data and a local least-squares interpolation technique is used for interpolation of flow properties. It is also found out that the non-null method was superior in ease of use and prediction of flow measurement variablesKeyword: seven-hole probe, non-null method, interpolation technique, regression model, sector scheme. ×
P.K. Sinha, S K Shahi, D. Chowdhury, B. Majumdar "Calibration of a Seven-hole Pressure probe in non-null technique" Vol. 12 - No. 6 (June 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Modern Artificial Intelligence breakthroughs are proving to become the finest alternative for defending against cyber-attacks. Experts are employing artificial intelligence (AI) and its component machine learning as a technique for combating cyber-attacks. Currently, security analysts employ this technology to detect abnormalities, saving time and money for the company. Cyber specialists are facing challenging times in our digital era, especially with the explosion of IoT and connected gadgets. The experts require all available resources to prevent assaults and security flaws, as well as to respond to attacks. Artificial intelligence solutions can improve overall security execution.....Keyword: Cyber Security, Security Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Cyber Defense. ×
Kandala kalyana Srinivas, D. Vijay Sai, N.Saketh, I. Neelima, B.Alekhya "Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Prevention of Cyber Attacks and Detection of Security Threats" Vol. 12 - No. 6 (June 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Traffic is increasing rapidly day by day which leads to fail the scheduled timetable of the transportation. So, if buses get delayed is mainly result in the wastage of time of the student. In this paper, we proposed the concept about to track the bus to avoid the time wastage and to reduce the human efforts also to reduce the chance of missing bus. The present generation requires the information time to time. The use of technology has been increasing day by day. So, we are planning for the combination of present technology with the requirement of information transmission, we planned for the creative approach of "College Bus Tracking System using GPS and GSM". The main aim is to find out the location of the college bus using GPS (Global Positioning System) and GSM (Global System for Mobile communication) and without using internet at the user's end. Using GPS and with GSM the user can know the location of the bus by an SMS (Short Message Service). All the students have to store their database (i.e. mobile number) in GSM module.Keyword: Raspberry pi Pico, GPS, GSM, Tracking, Location and College Bus. ×
Bharatha Aparna, Balam Kalyani, G Sreedeeksha, M Venkata Reshma, T Rajashree "College Bus Tracking System using GSM and GPS" Vol. 12 - No. 6 (June 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
A non-isolated high step-up three-port converter is proposed which provides two separate power flow paths from each input sources to the output load. In order to reduce the number of converter components, some components play multiple roles. Accordingly, the energy storage device is charged with the same components which are used in transferring power to the load. In this converter, coupled inductors technique is used to increase the voltage gain, and to mitigate the leakage inductance effect and to provide soft switching condition; two active clamp circuits are employed. Since the voltages across the switches are clamped, switches with low voltage stresses and consequently low conduction loss can be used. Various converter operating modes are discussed and design considerations are presented. A converter prototype to supply a 400v load is implemented and theoretical analysis validated by the experimental results..Keyword: .... ×
Karika Amulya, Navya Ananthula, M. Komali, B. Divya Sai, N. Sai Charan "Soft-Switched Non-Isolated High Step-Up 3 Port Dc-Dc Converter for Hybrid Energy Systems" Vol. 12 - No. 6 (June 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,