International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA)
Volume 12 - Issue 10
- Development of a failsafe protection system for safety of water cooledchiller machine
Manisankar Dhabal, Durgesh Lingampalle
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- Construction measurements of fire protection
Radoje Jevtić, PhD in Technical science
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DOI: 10.9790/9622-12101623
- Study the Effect on the Flexural Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams Using Waste Materials
R. Morsy, A. Ebrahim, S. Ghonaim
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- Mitigation of Voltage Sag and Swell using Dynamic Voltage Restorer and its Simulation and Configuration using MATLAB
C.S. Akuskar, Prof. S.S Kamble
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- Digital Logic Circuit
Nouh M. Alkandari
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- Evaluation of Asbestos Graphite Fibrous Packing rings Used in Valve System
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- Jigs and Fixtures in Manufacturing
Harshwardhan Chandrakant Pandit
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- Harvesting Wind Energy with TENG at Low Wind Speeds
Rikhi Ramkissoon, Krishpersad Manohar
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- Design and Fabrication of Soot Collector and Filtration of Soot
N. Philomina, G. Deeksha, Y.V.S. Sphoorthy, A. Kalyan Charan, Dr. M.V. Kishore
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- Diabetes Prediction Using Machine LearningTechniques
Das Gupta Girish, Srivastava Pratima Kumari, Dr.B.B.V. Sailaja
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- A Theoretical Aspect of Lattice Based Cryptography
Manoj Kumar
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- Successful Autonomous Vehicles Human Machine Interfaces from a UX Design perspective: A Review
Karen Reséndiz Melgoza, Carlos Francisco Maciel
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- Robotic Arm for Sign Language Interpretation with sentiment analysis and auto-complete text features
Dr. Jalaja S, Kiruthiga Chandra Shekar
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- Major and trace elements geochemistry of metasedimentary rocks from Bomdila Group, Arunachal Pradesh, NE Lesser Himalaya : Paleo-weathering, provenance and tectonic setting
Shamshad Ahmad, Naqeebul Islam1 and Shahnawaz
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- Collection and Treatment of Leachate from Solid Waste Dumps: A Study of Kidwainagar Muzaffarnagar Leachate Landfill Site
Dhawal Jain, SK Singh
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- Effect of Roof Configurations on Temperature and Thermal Comforton Residential Homes in Hot Dry Climate of Bauchi, Nigeria
Usman, Abdullahi Muhammad
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- Design and Fabrication of an Intelligent Solar-Photovoltaic Hybrid Tunnel Dryer for Tomatoes with Automatic Temperature Control and Air Recirculation
Achalle Joseph Tambe, Isaac N. Simate
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- Accelerometer-Based Motion Classification Using Support Vector Machine
Ahmet Böbrek
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- Visualize Dynamic Sensitivity of Biological Systems
Shinq-Jen Wu, Sing-Yu Lu
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- Effect Of NaOH Molarity On The Compressive Strength Of Sugarcane Ash Based Geopolymer Mortar.
Keerthana R, Nandu Anil, Pavithra M Shaji, Ubais K, Prof. Divya S Nair
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- A Voice and Facial Recognition System to Protect Students from Being Forgotten Inside School Buses in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Veton Këpuska, Alferaih Ibrahim
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- Feasibility for Adoption of Green Building Rating system in Nigeria: Stakeholders' Views
AdeoyeO. Adewolu, PhD, Musibau A. Shofoluwe, D.IT
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- Low Delay and LUT for Universal Shift Register using PG and FG Reversible Gate
Nishu Kumari, Prof. Gurpreet Singh
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- Numerical analysis of lobular structures for biomimicry of a mammary gland structure
Francisco Josué Hernández Rangel, Adriana del Carmen Gallegos Melgar, Azahel de Jesus Rangel Lopez, Pedro Cruz Alcantar
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- Operation and Design Considerations for a High-Power Density Ultra High Step-Up DC-DC Converter
Mr. Manjunath Raikar
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Chiller Compressor is used in a large plant where there is a requirement of bulk amount of chilled water supply. These machines are very costly and adequate protection of the machine needs to be ensured. The machine has certain sequences of operation which must be followed before the main compressor is given power. Even a minor mistake in sequence of operation may lead to a detrimental effect to the compressor whose repair cost as well as downtime is very high. A protection system has been designed to protect the compressor of the chiller machine to prevent it getting damaged due to any kind of mal-operation. Being heart of a chiller plant it is necessary to provide a good monitoring system. A SCADA based monitoring system has been provided for round the clock monitoring of the machine. A system has also been introduced utilised commonly available technology to get the performance analysis of the machine electrical parameters.Keyword: Compressor, Chiller, Release, Relay, Contactor, Lock out, Trip Circuit supervision, Condenser ×
Manisankar Dhabal, Durgesh Lingampalle "Development of a failsafe protection system for safety of water cooledchiller machine" Vol. 12 - No. 10 (October 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Fire presents very often occurrence in today`s life. Fire is almost always characterized with uncontrolled burning and unpredictable consequences. Special examples present residential and other buildings as high objects with lot of humans inside. In these objects, potentials for fire extinguishing are limited and these objects must satisfy certain construction demands and standards, in the purpose of fire safety. It means that these objects must be built from special materials with special characteristics, in construction and fire proof sense. This paper was written to show construction measurements, materials with their fire proof and fire proof appropriacy and construction solutions for increasing of fire resistance of the objects, related to Serbian standard and simulation examples..Keyword: fire, protection, materials, standard, simulation ×
Radoje Jevtić, PhD in Technical science "Construction measurements of fire protection" Vol. 12 - No. 10 (October 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The production of marble generates a huge amount of waste powder during its manufacturing in Egypt causing an environmental problem. The utilization of this waste in concrete is a smart solution for this environmental problem. The behavior of concrete containing waste marble powder as a replacement of cement or fine aggregate was studied previously, but the present investigation focuses on studying usage waste marble powder on large-scale reinforced concrete beams' flexure behavior. For this purpose, a numerical model using ABAQUS is developed for a series of six reinforced concrete beams. The results were validated by an experimental investigation where six specimens were casted and tested. However, the study includes its effect on the concrete mechanical properties......Keyword: Waste marble powder, Cement replacement, Sand replacement, Mechanical properties, Flexural behavior ×
R. Morsy, A. Ebrahim, S. Ghonaim "Study the Effect on the Flexural Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams Using Waste Materials" Vol. 12 - No. 10 (October 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
This paper focusses on the study and MATLAB Simulation of Dynamic voltage restorer. DVR is a custom power device used to alleviate common power quality problems: Sag and Swells. At the first, DVR structure and its important elements are discussed followed by topologies used to configure a DVR and its classification is presented. In phase and pre-sag compensation techniques are described along with their applications. The center of focus remains on the Simulink model of DVR. A 400-volt line is used with 3 different loads, one of which is constantly connected in the system while another two are used with Normally open &Normally closed circuit breakers in order to produce sag and swells. Under different test conditions, performance of DVR is logged to estimate its efficacy and efficiency under abnormal......Keyword: Dynamic Voltage Restorer, In-Phase Compensation, Pre-sag compensation,Voltage Source Inverter, Synchronous Reference Frame, Hysteresis Controller. ×
C.S. Akuskar, Prof. S.S Kamble "Mitigation of Voltage Sag and Swell using Dynamic Voltage Restorer and its Simulation and Configuration using MATLAB" Vol. 12 - No. 10 (October 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Logic gates are the fundamental components of any digital system and can be considered the "building blocks". A logic gate is a simple electric circuit consisting of two inputs and a single output. The most frequent names for logic gates are AND, OR, NOT, XOR (Exclusive or), NAND (NOT AND), and NOR. An OR logic gate begins with the provision of two electrical inputs. If one of the inputs has the value one or indicates that it is "on," then the output will also be one. In electronics, there is a type of logic gate known as an inverter or NOT gate. The report is broken up into five distinct parts or sections. The first section of this report covers the experiment's results on logic gates. They are used in the process of performing logical operations on one or more binary inputs to produce a single binary output. This article will examine the functions of the NOT, OR, and AND gates found in a logic circuit......Keyword: xxxxxx ×
Nouh M. Alkandari "Digital Logic Circuit" Vol. 12 - No. 10 (October 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The objective of the present study was to determine the product goes to the assembly of valves the quality of thevarious source inIndia and abroad are being to assess its quality. The asbestos packing rings are manufactured from the material.Random samples in each size of packing ring shall be selected for evaluation of line – Density, Binder, Lubricant, Loss on ignition tem, pH, Zinc inhibitor, Reinforcement wire, Ash.Based on results this is an experimental and analytical approach to evaluate the quality of packing rings, wear resistance and durability at high working temperature and pressure. The result obtained in the present study focuses on the valves assemblies in order to arrest the steam leakage from the valve system..Keyword: Material fiber,grease oil, lubricant, valves, packing rings ×
ARUL JOSEPH AMALRAJ. M "Evaluation of Asbestos Graphite Fibrous Packing rings Used in Valve System" Vol. 12 - No. 10 (October 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Standard machine tools can be converted into speciality machine tools with the help of jigs and fixtures. Jigs and fixtures continue to be employed, either alone or in conjunction with other technologies, despite the general trend toward higher quality production. Although several writers have provided valuable details on some aspects of fixture design, there is still a need for a unified approach to creating jigs and fixtures. This paper examines the fundamentals of fixture and jig design. These principles of location, clamping, and automation in fixture design form the heart of effective jigs and fixture design, which evolves irrespective of the rapid evolution of machine tools and manufacturing technologies. The ideal fixture would solve the workpiece distortion brought on by clamping and cutting force, in addition to the high productivity and machining repeatability it would otherwise provide..Keyword: Jigs, fixtures, design, manufacturing ×
Harshwardhan Chandrakant Pandit "Jigs and Fixtures in Manufacturing" Vol. 12 - No. 10 (October 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The Triboelectric Nanogenerator (TENG) is an emerging novel approach to capture wind energy, particularly at low wind speeds. In this study a TENG of dimensions, 8 cm width, 2 cm thick and 12 cm in length was modelled. For a wind velocity of 1.5 m/s it was observed that the power that can be achieved was 15.25 mW/m3. On the other hand, for a high wind speed of 4.6 m/s, it was observed that the power achieved was 277.98 mW/m3. The use of this TENG has been demonstrated to extract power at the low wind speeds that traditional wind turbines struggle or are unable to produce power.Keyword: Triboelectric Nanogenerator (TENG), Gentle Wind Driven Triboelectric Nanogenerator (GW-TENG), LabVIEW, electrode, tribo-layer, Fluorinated ethylene propylene (FEP), ×
Rikhi Ramkissoon, Krishpersad Manohar "Harvesting Wind Energy with TENG at Low Wind Speeds" Vol. 12 - No. 10 (October 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Unburnt carbon particles from industries and vehicles can adversely affect health and can cause premature death. The particulate matter emitted from the exhaust in the form of soot contains mainly Carbon monoxide, Nitrogen Oxide, Sulphur compounds, Aldehydes, Benzene and low molecular weight Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs), Nitro-PAHs, and Diesel Particulate Matter. The norms and guidelines on emission standards exist, but they are seldom adhered to, especially for diesel engines that have been running for years. Hence, the emission from diesel engines is an immense problem. The device "Carbon Soot Collector" is fabricated at an early stage to collect......Keyword: Diesel, exhaust, filtration, ink, soot ×
N. Philomina, G. Deeksha, Y.V.S. Sphoorthy, A. Kalyan Charan, Dr. M.V. Kishore "Design and Fabrication of Soot Collector and Filtration of Soot" Vol. 12 - No. 10 (October 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
This quantitative research was carried out to demonstrate, "Diabetes Prediction Using Machine Learning Techniques.". Diabetes is a medical condition that emerges once the body's natural glucose levels become excessively high. Diabetes should not be disregarded; if left untreated, it can result in serious complications for an individual, causing deterioration to the eyes, heart rate, kidneys, heart, and other organ systems. If diabetes is addressed early, it is possible to be cured. By employing a range of machine learning approaches and algorithms, we will be doing early diabetes forecasting in a human body or patient for a higher degree of accuracy.By building.....Keyword: Machine Learning, Diabetes, Logistic regression algorithm, Random Forest classifier algorithm, K-Nearest Neighbour(K-NN) algorithm, Support Vector Machine. ×
Das Gupta Girish, Srivastava Pratima Kumari, Dr.B.B.V. Sailaja "Diabetes Prediction Using Machine LearningTechniques" Vol. 12 - No. 10 (October 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The gap factor γ of lattice problems (e.g., SVP, CVP, SIVP etc.) and sampling technique have an importance in lattice-based cryptography. In the ideal lattices, we introduce similar problems and expansion factor (like the gap factor in lattice problems). We also state some results related to ideal lattices.Keyword: Lattice, cryptographic primitive, hash function, expansion factor.. ×
Manoj Kumar "A Theoretical Aspect of Lattice Based Cryptography" Vol. 12 - No. 10 (October 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Every day more and more tasks become fully automated. In recent years the emerging technology, Autonomous Vehicles (AV) have started to reach their final user, bringing to life all the promised benefits and advantages that have been announced by numerous manufacturers for years. However the bigger challenges begin, the adoption of the final user for a brand new technology while overcoming all of the automation paradox challenges. The general approach for the research and advance of the AVs has been from a technology standpoint, the current development state calls for design....Keyword: Autonomous Vehicles, Autonomy Paradox, User Experience Design, Human Machine Interface, User Interface ×
Karen Reséndiz Melgoza, Carlos Francisco Maciel "Successful Autonomous Vehicles Human Machine Interfaces from a UX Design perspective: A Review" Vol. 12 - No. 10 (October 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
This paper presents the design of a low-cost, portable robotic arm for American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation and sentiment analysis. To mitigate the complexity of communication between the deaf and dumb and common beings, a two-way communication and interpretation model has been designed to translate the English language into ASL symbols on the robotic arm and ASL into the English language using image recognition. Along with translation, the model can also analyse the sentiments of the mute people and has an auto-text completion feature for ease of typing, thus improving the entire calibre of interaction and making it more human-like..Keyword: American Sign Language (ASL); sentiment analysis; two-way communication ×
Dr. Jalaja S, Kiruthiga Chandra Shekar "Robotic Arm for Sign Language Interpretation with sentiment analysis and auto-complete text features" Vol. 12 - No. 10 (October 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Major, trace, and rare-earth element data of the Paleoproterozoic metasedimentary rocks (quartzites and pelites) of Bomdila Group were analyzed to evaluate their provenance, tectonic setting and paleoweathering conditions. In general, the metasedimentary rocks show high SiO2, Al2O3, K2O contents and depleted MgO, TiO2, Fe2O3 and CaO concentrations. The transition trace elements like Co, Ni, and V are lower in the Bomdila metasedimentary rocks than upper continental crust (UCC) values. However, the metasedimentary samples are lower in Cr content than average UCC value (~ 35). The poor correlation between Cr and Ni imply that these rock samples were....Keyword: Geochemistry, Weathering, Provenance, Bomdila Group, NE Lesser Himalaya ×
Shamshad Ahmad, Naqeebul Islam1 and Shahnawaz "Major and trace elements geochemistry of metasedimentary rocks from Bomdila Group, Arunachal Pradesh, NE Lesser Himalaya : Paleo-weathering, provenance and tectonic setting" Vol. 12 - No. 10 (October 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Due to high urbanization and population growth, the municipal solid waste generation is also increasing with an alarming rate. In India, Uttar Pradesh is the largest populated state in which Muzaffarnagar is also a rapidly urbanizing and populated city. The annual population rate of Muzaffarnagar is almost double the national average. Muzaffarnagar isan agricultural and commercial hub as it is the Asia's largest supply market of jiggery and sugar. There are many sugar and paper mills and other industries producing large amount of solid waste. The increase on population producing about 2500 tones/ day of MSW out of which only 60-65% are collected by municipal authorities and....Keyword: leachate, landfill, Solid waste landfill, Treatment; Chemical coagulant ×
Dhawal Jain, SK Singh "Collection and Treatment of Leachate from Solid Waste Dumps: A Study of Kidwainagar Muzaffarnagar Leachate Landfill Site" Vol. 12 - No. 10 (October 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Thermal comfort is one of the major problems of residential homes in Nigeria. This is why architects and engineers should find a sustainable approach to the design of comfortable buildings. The study aimed at evaluating the effect of roof configurations strategies for indoor thermal comfort in the hot-dry climate of Bauchi. A baseline model was designed and variables which are roofs and roof colours were varied with various material configuration in order to have material that will have best thermal performance for thermal comfort. In the course of the research, the baseline model was designed to maximize the use of energy efficient strategies such as daylight, air flow and evaporative cooling. The study follows a methodology of using simulation to optimise the design of passive energy efficiency strategies in buildings through adaptive thermal comfort approach using Autodesk....Keyword: leachate, landfill, Solid waste landfill, Treatment; Chemical coagulant ×
Usman, Abdullahi Muhammad "Effect of Roof Configurations on Temperature and Thermal Comforton Residential Homes in Hot Dry Climate of Bauchi, Nigeria" Vol. 12 - No. 10 (October 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The agricultural sector in most developing countries encounters a lot of post-harvest losses of agricultural products due to a lack of appropriate drying and storage facilities for preservation. Though many drying technologies have been developed, there is an increasing demand for automation in drying. Concerning this limitation, this work presents the design and fabrication of an intelligent solar-photovoltaic hybrid tunnel dryer for tomatoes with automatic temperature control and air recirculation. The dryer consists of a solar collector, a drying chamber, axial fans, a solar photovoltaic system, an electric heater, and a control unit. The dryer was first experimented on two no-load experiments to determine the collector efficiency and to check the control unit's operation respectively. Later, it was experimented with...Keyword: Automatic temperature control, Air recirculation,Design and fabrication,Solar-photovoltaic hybrid tunnel dryer, Tomato drying ×
Achalle Joseph Tambe, Isaac N. Simate "Design and Fabrication of an Intelligent Solar-Photovoltaic Hybrid Tunnel Dryer for Tomatoes with Automatic Temperature Control and Air Recirculation" Vol. 12 - No. 10 (October 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
This article is based on the classification of data acquired from accelerometers, which are now commonly utilized in everyday life due to technological advancements, using the support vector machine technique. The little size and low price of accelerometers allowed their application. Support vector machines were used to classify the collected data, and their performance was evaluated.Keyword: accelerometer, classification, machine learning, support vector machine, confusion matrix ×
Ahmet Böbrek "Accelerometer-Based Motion Classification Using Support Vector Machine" Vol. 12 - No. 10 (October 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Dynamic Sensitivity analysis is important for us to realize the instantaneous response of systems to perturbation on system parameters or independent variables (modellable environmental conditions). Sensitivity analysis in 𝐿2or 𝐿1norm additionally gives people a guideline to choose critical parametersforthe transient behavior of underlying systems. In this study, the Simulink (a visualization toolbox in Matlab software) is used to visuallize both nonlinear differential equations of sensitivity and system in blockdiagramsand then to achieve model-based sensitivity analysis.The dynamic sensitivity of each dependent variable is denoted as a single subsystem block. In this way a large-scale system with....Keyword: system analysis, computational analysis, computational biology, graphical models, biochemistry, systems biology ×
Shinq-Jen Wu, Sing-Yu Lu "Visualize Dynamic Sensitivity of Biological Systems" Vol. 12 - No. 10 (October 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Geopolymer mortar is an environment friendly and promising alternative to cement mortar. Research were going in the field of geopolymer cement, geopolymer mortar and also geopolymer concrete. For the preparation of geopolymer mortar an activator solution and a source material is needed. Any material which is rich in silica and alumina can be used as a source material. Sodium silicate and sodium hydroxide or potassium silicate and potassium hydroxide is used as activator solution. Flyash, GGBFS, silica fume, sugarcane baggase ash etc are used as source materials. This source material and alkaline solution react together to produce the geopolymer mortar. One of the important physical property of concrete is its compressive strength. In this experimental research the effect of molarity of solution on the compressive strength of geopolymer mortar were studied. Also the effect of curing (ambient curing and oven drying) on compressive strength were also studie.Keyword: Geopolymer, Sugarcane baggase ash, Flyash ×
Keerthana R, Nandu Anil, Pavithra M Shaji, Ubais K, Prof. Divya S Nair "Effect Of NaOH Molarity On The Compressive Strength Of Sugarcane Ash Based Geopolymer Mortar" Vol. 12 - No. 10 (October 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In this research, we discuss the situation of students in the three to eight year old age group. Every day in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia during school days, more than 1,000,000 students are transported throughout the country by more than 15,000 school buses. Everything is dependent on the human element. During school transportation around the world, many children are forgotten inside the school bus and with many of them eventually going missing or even dying. The bus driver is usually busy and tired due to the focus on the road, which may make him lose focus on those on the bus. Therefore, we believe that modern technological development must intervene in order to protect children from this problem. In our research, we find a solution to the problem of children being forgotten inside the school bus, mostly due to falling asleep, and being exposed to problems that may cause them harm or death. Our solution to this problem is to verify school children get on and off the school bus safely, through the use of facial recognition and speaker recognition technologies.Keyword: .. ×
Veton Këpuska, Alferaih Ibrahim "A Voice and Facial Recognition System to Protect Students from Being Forgotten Inside School Buses in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia" Vol. 12 - No. 10 (October 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Despite the documented evidence of benefits of sustainable construction practices, Nigeria still lags behind in adopting the concept. Several scholars and proponents of sustainability studies have argued for and against the adoption of foreign-based sustainable construction practices in developing countries. This study was conducted to assess the views of stakeholders regarding the feasibility of adopting a unique building rating system for Nigeria. Data for the study were collected through focus group discussions as well as a structured survey questionnaire. Data analysis involved both descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings revealed that the focus group professionals were very familiar with the concepts and practices of green building. However, most survey respondents who were educational institutional employees appeared to be less knowledgeable about green buildings. Further analysis of findings suggests that non-significant differences in opinion exist among the users of conventional buildings regarding the growth and development potential of green buildings in Nigeria..Keyword: Green building, LEED, Rating system, Sustainability, Sustainable construction ×
AdeoyeO. Adewolu, PhD, Musibau A. Shofoluwe, D.IT "Feasibility for Adoption of Green Building Rating system in Nigeria: Stakeholders' Views" Vol. 12 - No. 10 (October 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Over the last few decades, reversible logic system/circuits have received considerable attention in the diversified fields such as nanotechnology, quantum computing, cryptography, optical computing and low power design of VLSI circuits due to their low power dissipation characteristics.In this paper, we proposed the design of reversible shift register (SR) i.e. serial-in-serial out (SISO), serial-in-parallel out (SIPO), parallel-in-serial out (PISO), parallel-in-parallel out (PIPO) SR and universal shift register using reversible D_FF. The D_FF is consisting of reversible PG and FG gate. The all design is implemented Xilinx software, VHDL language and calculated different parameter i.e. number of slice, number of look up table and maximum combinational path delay..Keyword: Serial in Serial Output (SISO), Serial in parallel out (SIPO), Parallel in Serial out (PISO), Parallel in Parallel out (PIPO), Maximum Frequency ×
Nishu Kumari, Prof. Gurpreet Singh "Low Delay and LUT for Universal Shift Register using PG and FG Reversible Gate" Vol. 12 - No. 10 (October 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The mammary gland is an organ that has an internal structure formed by lobules, ducts and ligaments that perform both physiological and mechanical functions. This structure aesthetically defines the body and has the additional function of producing milk in mammals to support offspring. Currently, structures and shapes are being studied to imitate the nature of the mammary gland for medical applications such as prostheses, systems and models for surgeries, the most used technique for this is biomimetics. There are no models or devices that contemplate the internal structure of the mammary gland, so in this work different structures that imitate the lobular adjustment found in a real mammary gland are proposed, these structures were subjected to different load states to numerically evaluate and optimize the proposed structures. It was found that the triangular or lobular structures have better behavior in the distribution of deformations and stresses being excellent candidates to be part of biomedical applications.Keyword: biomimetics, biomedical structures, mammary gland, numerical analysis ×
Francisco Josué Hernández Rangel, Adriana del Carmen Gallegos Melgar, Azahel de Jesus Rangel Lopez, Pedro Cruz Alcantar "Numerical analysis of lobular structures for biomimicry of a mammary gland structure" Vol. 12 - No. 10 (October 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The mammary gland is an organ that has an internal structure formed by lobules, ducts and ligaments that perform both physiological and mechanical functions. This structure aesthetically defines the body and has the additional function of producing milk in mammals to support offspring. Currently, structures and shapes are being studied to imitate the nature of the mammary gland for medical applications such as prostheses, systems and models for surgeries, the most used technique for this is biomimetics. There are no models or devices that contemplate the internal structure of the mammary gland, so in this work different structures that imitate the lobular adjustment found in a real mammary gland are proposed, these structures were subjected to different load states to numerically evaluate and optimize the proposed structures. It was found that the triangular or lobular structures have better behavior in the distribution of deformations and stresses being excellent candidates to be part of biomedical applications.Keyword: biomimetics, biomedical structures, mammary gland, numerical analysis ×
Francisco Josué Hernández Rangel, Adriana del Carmen Gallegos Melgar, Azahel de Jesus Rangel Lopez, Pedro Cruz Alcantar "Numerical analysis of lobular structures for biomimicry of a mammary gland structure" Vol. 12 - No. 10 (October 2022), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,