International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA)
Volume 9 - Issue 4
- Development and Validation of the Questionnaire of the
Worker's Quality of Life (Worker Qol) - Focus Groups Stage
João Carlos Comel, Márcio Roberto Martini, Neusa Sica da Rocha, Antônio Cardoso dos Santos, Marco Antonio Stefani
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10.9790/9622- 0904010111
- Effect of Baffle on Mixed Convection Flow in a Vertical Channel
Filled With Electrically Conducting Fluid
M. Karuna Prasad, J. Prathap Kumar, J.C. Umavathi
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10.9790/9622- 0904011240
- Multimedia Recommendation System for Web-based Learning using Support Vector Machine Technique
Dr. P. Maragathavalli, G.Karunakaran, J. Riyazahamed, E. Bhuvana
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10.9790/9622- 0904014147
- The Method of Separation of Variables of Nonlinear Partial
Shawqi Malek Alhaddad
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10.9790/9622- 0904014850
- a novel aproach of synthesizing 2-hybroxyethy methacrylate embedded hydroxyapatites composites for dentistry applications
H.K.G.K.D.K. Hapuhinna, R.D. Gunaratne, H.M.J.C. Pitawala
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite][Download Certificate]
10.9790/9622- 0904015157
- Review on synthesis of copper nanoparticles from recovered
copper using advance technologies
Nidhi Pate, Mehali Mehta
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10.9790/9622- 0904015861
- Differential Transform Method for the Heat Equation
Shawqi Malek Alhaddad
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10.9790/9622- 0904016264
- Application of ferrous alloy plated electrode on Raney alloy as a platform to alkaline water electrolysis
Sachio Yoshihara, Nazuki Konno
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10.9790/9622- 0904016572
Introduction: The quality of life of the worker has become an interest of matter to the professionals engaged in the science of work, however, there's a lack of evaluative methods so far. Thus, the construction of a strong tool to analyse the workers in preventive and corrective actions that involve internal and external environment of which the worker is inserted, becomes extremely important to the academic community. Objective: Create focus groups to operationalize the construction and validation of the questions referring to the quality of life of the workers. Methods:...........Keyword: Focus Groups, Quality of Life, Questionnaire, Worker, Content Validation ×
João Carlos Comel, Márcio Roberto Martini, Neusa Sica da Rocha, Antônio Cardoso dos Santos, Marco Antonio Stefani "Development and Validation of the Questionnaire of the Worker's Quality of Life (Worker Qol) - Focus Groups Stage " Vol. 9 - No. 4 (April 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The magnetohydrodynamic flow in a vertical double passage channel using Robin boundary conditions in the presence of applied electric and magnetic field has been investigated. The fluid is electrically conducting while the channel plates are electrically insulated. The general equations that describe the discussed problem are coupled nonlinear ordinary differential equations and hence closed-form solutions cannot be found. However approximate analytical solutions are found using regular perturbation method valid for small values of Brinkman number and using differential transform method valid for all values of Brinkman number. The channel is divided into two passages by means of a solid, thin, perfectly conducting baffle and hence the velocity will be individual in each stream. The governing equations which are coupled nonlinear ordinary differential equations are solved analytically using.....Keyword: Mixed Convection, Vertical channel, Baffle, Magnetohydrodynamic ×
M. Karuna Prasad, J. Prathap Kumar, J.C. Umavathi "Effect of Baffle on Mixed Convection Flow in a Vertical Channel Filled With Electrically Conducting Fluid " Vol. 9 - No. 4 (April 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
E-learning recommendation frameworks has attracted great attention as a solution towards addressing the issue of data overloading in e-learning environments and providing relevant recommendations to online learners. It attempts to augment Web search engines with personalized multimedia recommendations of search results which match student's learning competencies and behaviors. This study focuses on improving the performance of recommendation systems by utilizing data mining techniques. This paper proposes a multimedia-based recommendation approach from user profiles using the Support Vector Machine technique....Keyword: Data retrieval, E-learning, Search engine, Student profiling, Data mining ×
Dr. P. Maragathavalli, G.Karunakaran, J. Riyazahamed, E. Bhuvana "Multimedia Recommendation System for Web-based Learning using Support Vector Machine Technique " Vol. 9 - No. 4 (April 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The paper examines separation of the methods of separation of variables of nonlinear partial equations. These equations have dependent and independent nonlinear variables. They are used in the analysis of physical and chemical processes that are complex with many variables, and these variables are obtained by derivatives. Two cases of the separation process were detailed for heat conduction using homogeneous and nonhomogeneous cases. Several other applications where the separation process is applied were discussed, and a general method for separation was presented. It is clear that this process of separation is used in a number of physical and chemical applications.Keyword: .... ×
Shawqi Malek Alhaddad "The Method of Separation of Variables of Nonlinear Partial Equations " Vol. 9 - No. 4 (April 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
This research focused to find out chemical and structural suitability of novel Hydroxyapatite composite synthesized using Chloroapatite and 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate as Dental filling material. For that, Solid State Sintering technique was used to produce Hydroxyapatite using Sri Lankan Chloroapatite and Calcium hydroxide. After reinforcing it with 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate, physical and chemical properties were examined via comparing and contrasting it with the human tooth and commercially available Glass Ionomer cement (GIC), used in the field of Dentistry. Results show there is a close similarity between the synthesized product and the human tooth. Therefore, the study concluded that synthesized Hydroxyapatite composite can be used directly as a substitution for commercial dental filling material.Keyword: Dental fillings, Dentistry, Human tooth, Hydroxyapatite, 2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate ×
H.K.G.K.D.K. Hapuhinna, R.D. Gunaratne, H.M.J.C. Pitawala "a novel aproach of synthesizing 2-hybroxyethy methacrylate embedded hydroxyapatites composites for dentistry applications " Vol. 9 - No. 4 (April 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
This paper reviews the problem related to e-waste, improper disposal techniques and related environmental issues. Life span of electronic devices are getting short day by day due to technological advancement ultimately increase the volume of e-waste. It also increases the health hazards and environmental pollution in many ways such as soil, water and air pollution. So recovery of metals using different technology gives alternative of disposal. Various physical and chemical methods, metallurgy and biological methods have been used since years to reduce the pollution related to e-waste. To use recovered copper for synthesis of copper nanoparticles can be prove economical option. Copper nanoparticles can be synthesized using physical and chemical methods. Cu NP is used as catalyst, disinfectant and in electronic sector. It has high conductivity and high surface to volume ratio. So, different method for recovery of copper and synthesis of copper nanoparticles from recovered copper using method has been reviewed with application of copper nanoparticles.Keyword: E-waste, Copper nanoparticles, Copper recovery, Metallurgical process, Printed circuit boards ×
Nidhi Patel, Mehali Mehta "Review on synthesis of copper nanoparticles from recovered copper using advance technologies " Vol. 9 - No. 4 (April 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Differential transform method (DTM) is the multi-step form of numerical method to solve differential equations. The method was first introduced by Zhou (1986) and is used for giving an exact value for nth derivative to solve analytical functions having known or unknown boundary conditions. This method offers analytical solution in polynomial terms. The method is rather different than the traditional form of Taylor series method offering computations with required derivatives in data function (Tabatabaei et al., 2011). The problems and approximate solutions are elaborated here to give a better insight of the DTM. The method is clearly useful in solving linear as well as non-linear value problems for the analysis of electric circuits. Thus, it possesses the potential to reduce the size of computational work..Keyword: ..... ×
Shawqi Malek Alhaddad "Differential Transform Method for the Heat Equation " Vol. 9 - No. 4 (April 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Hydrogen is attracting attention as a next generation energy medium due to the growing awareness of global environmental problems. However, it has not been yet developed the technology capable of producing inexpensive and large amounts of hydrogen in accordance with energy demand. This research aimed to produce the cathode electrode with high performance of hydrogen generation catalytic activity in alkaline water electrolysis, using iron alloy plating of Raney alloy as a platform.Focusing on Ni - Zn alloy as a platform, Ni - Zn alloy plating was applied on a stainless steel substrate. Raney catalyst having a high specific surface area was obtained by dissolving only Zn by alkali.....Keyword: Alkaline water electrolysis; Raney alloy; plated electrode; Fe-Ni alloy ×
Sachio Yoshihara, Nazuki Konno "Application of ferrous alloy plated electrode on Raney alloy as a platform to alkaline water electrolysis " Vol. 9 - No. 4 (April 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
- Energy analysis of quadruple effect series flow vapour absorption
S. R. Chaudhari, A. R. Chavan, S. S. Naik
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10.9790/9622- 0904020110
- Design and Implementation of A Gsm-Based Prepaid Meter with Tamper Proof and Anti-Meter Theft Feature
Abdullahi, Agono Paschal, Mom J.M., Agber J. U.
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10.9790/9622- 090402116
- Effect of Recron 3s Fibre on Fine Grained Soil at Subgrade Level
Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Gupta, Love Sharma
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10.9790/9622- 0904021722
- Design of Traffic Signal and Pedestrian Signal at
Gandimaisamma Intersection, Hyderabad a case study
D Nikhil, M Anil, E Pramod, B Suresh
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10.9790/9622- 0904022328
- A spatial analysis of public transit routes in Amman, Jordan
LaithTashman, Njoud Al Hurr, Amir Shtayat
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10.9790/9622- 0904022935
- A Novel Implementation Of Smart Home Control Using Labview
Nagavalli Vegesna, Lavanya Kancharla, Mounika Kondapalli, Hemath Urla, Muralikrishna Kandala
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10.9790/9622- 0904023640
- Designed control in an AC/AC Converter ForUsageIn Alowpowered
Wind System
Damian-Mora Ana Silvia, Ramirez-Espinosa Jose, Chavez-Galan Jesus, Gracios-Marin Carlos Arturo, Munoz-Hernandez German Ardul
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10.9790/9622- 0904024147
- Sign Out Loud
Sudha.K, Abhishek Matotia, Ritika Jaiswal, Shakshi Bhardwaj, Ajay Kumar
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10.9790/9622- 0904024852
- Analysis and Application of 5SMethodology in Mechanical Work
Shop of Rungta College of Engineering and Technology, Raipur
Debaprava Das, Tabrez Ahmed, Sevendra Kunjam, SSK Deepak
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10.9790/9622- 0904025358
- Pure and Noble Metals Doped Nanostructure Tungsten Trioxide
G. Adilakshmi, A. Sivasankar Reddy, R. Subba Reddy, P. Sreedhara Reddy, Ch. Seshendra Reddy
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10.9790/9622- 0904025962
- Assessment of Dental Fluorosis Prevalance among 7-15 Years
School Going Children in Kondapuram Mandal, Spsr Nellore
Dr. Suneetha Chatla, Dr.Pandu.Brahmaji Rao
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10.9790/9622- 0904026368
- Dental Fluorosis Status in School Children in G.Konduru and
Reddigudem Mandals, Krishna District
Dr. Suneetha Chatla, Dr.Pandu.Brahmaji Rao
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10.9790/9622- 0904026974
An energy analysis which based on first law of thermodynamics is carried out for single, double, triple effect series flow vapour absorption system with LiBr-H2O working fluid pair. The coefficient of performance (COP) for all systems is obtained for specified operating conditions. As expected, the COP increases from single effect to triple effect vapour absorption systems. Finally, COP for quadruple effect series flow vapour absorption system is evaluated and results show that this system has highest COP among all multi-effect systems. The effect of high temperature generator, evaporator temperature, condenser temperature and heat exchanger effectiveness is also evaluated for triple and quadruple effect series flow vapour absorption system.Keyword: Absorption system, Energy analysis, LiBr-H2O, Triple effect, Quadruple effect ×
S. R. Chaudhari, A. R. Chavan, S. S. Naik "Energy analysis of quadruple effect series flow vapour absorption system " Vol. 9 - No. 4 (April 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Utility companies have not been achieving maximum profit due to electricity and meter thefts. Prepaid energy metering system with GSM interface being proposed in this work will help to improve the profit margin of the utility companies. Detection of electricity and meter thefts by the utility companies will enhance efficiency in transaction and communication with their customers. This is achieved through the use of tamper and meter theft detection units (TDU & MTDU) with GSM Module/Modem. The detection switches are connected at the back and the cover of the meter to prevent meter theft and tampering. When the cover of the meter is tampered with, the microcontroller sends appropriate signal to the server via GSM interface and the server in turn sends a signal that disconnects the meter and an alert to the customer‟s phone notifying the customer of the incident. Power is restored automatically, when the anomaly is cleared. A back-up battery is incorporated to keep the circuit active, when there is power failure so that the utility company will be notified, if there is an attempt to tamper or by-pass the supply cable..Keyword: ATMega8, Digital Meter, GSM Module, Meter Tampering, Meter theft ×
Abdullahi, Agono Paschal, Mom J.M., Agber J. U. "Design and Implementation of A Gsm-Based Prepaid Meter with Tamper Proof and Anti-Meter Theft Feature " Vol. 9 - No. 4 (April 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The present study aims at studying the effect of RECRON 3S Fibre on the CBR behavior of the fine grained soils when applied in various percentages. So for the same purpose we have used the soil procured from a site within campus of GCET, Chak Bhalwal, Jammu. The study aims at finding out the possibility of using Recron 3S as a stabilizing agent in improving the California Bearing Ratio (CBR) value and strength properties of the fine grained soils. Recron being a low cost alternative for improvement of much needed hike in the CBR values of soils, has being studied. Recron 3S fibre helps in improving soil subgrade strength of silty soil. It is evident from the CBR test results that CBR value of untreated soil increases from 7.84% to 11.10% with addition of 0.30% Recron 3S fibre. From the results it is also observed that addition of further Recron 3S fibre to the soil in the quantity of 0.60% of dry weight of soil has very little further increase in the CBR value..Keyword: Fine grained soil; RECRON 3S Fibre; California Bearing Ratio ×
Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Gupta, Love Sharma "Effect of Recron 3s Fibre on Fine Grained Soil at Subgrade Level " Vol. 9 - No. 4 (April 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Traffic management is a major problem at all busy junctions or intersections. The rapid growth of traffic at an intersection might cause problems like road accidents, traffic congestion, conflicts and bottleneck situations. Traffic signals are the most suitable method to monitor and control road traffic at an intersection. It can be achieved by providing automated volume based traffic signal system. Improvement of traffic performance in terms of safe and efficient movement of traffic at road networks and terminals it is done by systematic traffic studies with engineering applications. This includes planning and geometric design on one side and regulating and traffic control on the other. An intersection is a crucial point of conflict and congestion in road networks the capacity of urban road network depends upon traffic signals. The major problems like accidents and hazards can be minimized using proper traffic survey......Keyword: Intersection, traffic congestion, traffic signal, Pedestrian signal and geometric design.. ×
D Nikhil, M Anil, E Pramod, B Suresh "Design of Traffic Signal and Pedestrian Signal at Gandimaisamma Intersection, Hyderabad a case study " Vol. 9 - No. 4 (April 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Public transport is a basic service that must be provided to any society. An effective public transport system is the system that can provide adequate service coverage to all community groups, especially the low-income group, the elderly and the disabled. For performance evaluation, performance metrics are widely implemented; for this purpose transit accessibility is used in this study as it reflects the ease of reaching transit service and its convenience as a mode choice. This study aims to assess transit accessibility in Wadi Al-Seer, one of the main districts in Amman. Accessibility was measured on the basis of the percentage of service coverage area and served population. The analytical framework......Keyword: ..... ×
LaithTashman, Njoud Al Hurr, Amir Shtayat "A spatial analysis of public transit routes in Amman, Jordan " Vol. 9 - No. 4 (April 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Now a days the technology has been advanced to the extent that it can be very useful in domestic purposes. Automating our home activities simplifies the way of living and it can be used to facilitate an easy life to elderly and disabled people. Smart home is a result of continues change in technology and will keep changing with advancement technology. This system has been implemented using labVIEW Software. This paper includes many subsytems such as external lighting system, internal lighting system, temperature system, burglar alarm system, liquid level indicating system, fire and smoke alarm system. The main view of this paper is to map the process yielding optimal utilization of smart home technology to ensure as many user as possible. It minimizes the cost, power consumption and it provides the flexible and securable life. This smart home provides more security than conventional system.Keyword: Automation, LabVIEW, Message alert, MyRIO, Smart home ×
Nagavalli Vegesna, Lavanya Kancharla,Mounika Kondipalli,Hemath Urla, Muralikrishna Kandala "A Novel Implementation Of Smart Home Control Using Labview " Vol. 9 - No. 4 (April 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Converting AC/ AC for industrial applications, it is required by the operating characteristics of the sources and loads. Alternating electrical sources are showing constant valuesof voltage, frequency, power and phases. They can be single or three-phase types, according to their classifications of power. The AC / AC converters used to vary the effective voltage across the constant electrical loadslike the frequencies, that are known as controllers or regulators AC voltage AC.Keyword: AC/AC, Converter, controller, matrix, topologies ×
Damian-Mora Ana Silvia, Ramirez-Espinosa Jose, Chavez-Galan Jesus, Gracios-Marin Carlos Arturo, Munoz-Hernandez German Ardul "Designed control in an AC/AC Converter ForUsageIn Alowpowered Wind System " Vol. 9 - No. 4 (April 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Generally dumb people use sign language for communication, but they find difficulty in communicating with others who don't understand sign language. This project aims to lower this barrier in communication. It is based on the need of developing an electronic device that can translate sign language into speech in order to make the communication take place between the mute communities with the general public possible. A Wireless data gloves is used which is normal cloth driving gloves fitted with flex sensors along the length of each finger and the thumb. Mute people can use the gloves to perform hand gesture and it will be converted into speech so that normal people......Keyword: engine, safety, helmet, alcohol sensor. ×
Sudha.K, Abhishek Matotia, Ritika Jaiswal, Shakshi Bhardwaj, Ajay Kumar "Sign Out Loud " Vol. 9 - No. 4 (April 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The aim of this paper is to review the implementation of 5S methodology as one of the main tools of improving continuously for a long term in order to improve efficiency and quality.5S is beginning of a qualitative workplace. This 5S system results in increasing the efficiency, reducing the waste materials thus increasing quality and more satisfactory outputs thus 5S quality control will strongly support the objective of workplace in order to achieve improvement and better performance from previous results. [1].Keyword: Mechanical;quality control; workshop. ×
Debaprava Das, Tabrez Ahmed, Sevendra Kunjam, SSK Deepak "Analysis and Application of 5SMethodology in Mechanical Work Shop of Rungta College of Engineering and Technology, Raipur " Vol. 9 - No. 4 (April 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Pure, silver (Ag) and gold (Au) doped tungsten trioxide (WO3) nanostructure films were prepared by electron beam evaporation technique on glass substrates. The structural, compositional, surface and optical properties were investigated using XRD, EDS, SEM and UV-Vis-NIR spectrometer. From XRD results, the crystallinity of the films decreased after adding the dopants to WO3. The surface morphologies were strongly influenced by the dopants. The doped films have rough surface than pure WO3 films. The optical studies showed that the transmittance and band gap was decreased with dopants. The obtained band gap values for pure,Ag and Au are 3.4, 3.24 and 3.04eV, respectively..Keyword: Electron beam evaporation, Nanostructure, tungsten trioxide, Thin films, Metal doped ×
G. Adilakshmi, A. Sivasankar Reddy, R. Subba Reddy, P. Sreedhara Reddy, Ch. Seshendra Reddy "Pure and Noble Metals Doped Nanostructure Tungsten Trioxide Films " Vol. 9 - No. 4 (April 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Background: Dental fluorosis is considered one of the dental public health problems in many countries especially those with high level of fluoride in drinking water. Objective: The objective was to find the prevalence of dental fluorosis among school going children residing in Kondapuram mandal,Nellore district,Andhrapradesh,India. Materials and Methods: A total of 496 school children, residing in the villages of kondapuram mandal since childhood and consuming the groundwater, in the age group of 7–15 years was selected from various schools. Schools were selected from all the villages of Kondapuram mandal. Children were categorized in five age groups and were examined for dental fluorosis. Dean's criteria for assessment of dental fluorosis were used, and observations.......Keyword: Dean's fluorosis index, dental fluorosis, Kondapuram mandal, school going children ×
Dr. Suneetha Chatla, Dr.Pandu.Brahmaji Rao "Assessment of Dental Fluorosis Prevalance among 7-15 Years School Going Children in Kondapuram Mandal, Spsr Nellore District " Vol. 9 - No. 4 (April 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Dental fluorisis is a known adverse effect of fluoride overuse. enamel or dental fluorosis is a condition caused by excessive intake of fluoride over period of time. The most common symptom of dental fluorosis is a chalklike discoloration of teeth with white sports or lineson tooth enamel. The study was carried out in the G.kondur and reddigudem mandals ,Krishna district ,Ap. during year of 2017-2018.this study amied to determine the prevalence of dental fluorosis and aware the school going children age of 5-15 years .in methodology the DEAN'S index was used.Keyword: Dental fluorosis,school going children,awareness,deans index. ×
Dr. Suneetha Chatla, Dr.Pandu.Brahmaji Rao "Dental Fluorosis Status in School Children in G.Konduru and Reddigudem Mandals, Krishna District " Vol. 9 - No. 4 (April 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
- A Cost Comparison for Open-Cut and Trenchless Method in City
Natural Gas Pipeline Network
Alok Kumar Giri
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10.9790/9622- 0904030107
- Dental Fluorosis prevalence among children in Yerragondapalem
Mandal, Prakasam district
Dr. Suneetha Chatla, Dr.Pandu.Brahmaji Rao
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10.9790/9622- 0904030812
- Analysis of Fake Ranking on Social Media: Twitter
Ashwin Shinde, Ketki Khante
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10.9790/9622- 0904031315
- Modelling Neural Networks for prefiguration of the tensile
strength of Friction Stir Welded Pure Copper joints
Akshansh Mishra, Adarsh Tiwari, Abhijeet Singh, A. Razal Rose
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10.9790/9622- 0904031627
- Variable Digital Filters used for Hearing aid application: A
Risla Fathima P, Pranav kumar M P, Kaustubh Banninthaya K, Niranjan N, Dr. Ipsita Biswas Mahapatra
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10.9790/9622- 0904032833
- Implementing Smart College Using CISCO Packet Tracer7.2
Rania A. Tabeidi, Samia M. Masaad, Buthayna G. Elshaikh
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10.9790/9622- 0904033439
- Improved Active Power Filter Performance for Renewable Power
Generation Systems
Danwada Sharanya, Konda Srilatha, A. Purnachander
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10.9790/9622- 0904034066
- Transforming Intermittant water supply to 24*7 case study
Baddenagar DMA Nashik
Mr.Sunil Sawardekar, Dr Arunkumar Dwivedi, Ms. Swati Patil
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10.9790/9622- 0904036772
The present work aims at cost comparison of open cut method with the trenchless method that uses Horizontal Direction Drilling. The use of trenchless method is significantly increasing over open cut method. The execution cost of laying network is sum of cost of laying pipeline and cost of restoration of surface. Due to reducing cost of laying network by trenchless method, the reduction in cost of laying has gone down by 50 percent in last six years 2011 -2017 by trenchless method.There are five type of surfaces viz Normal Soil, Brick on edged soling, Cement concrete road, Interlocking tile road and Bituminous road are found in city gas pipeline network . The restoration charge for all the surfaces remained unchanged for last six years i.e, 2011 to 2017. This work includes cost comparison of pipeline laying network for all five type of surfaces in both open cut and trenchless method......Keyword: Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD), City Gas Distribution (CGD), Gas Authority of India Limited (GAIL), Medium-Density Poly Ethylene (MDPE) ×
Alok Kumar Giri "A Cost Comparison for Open-Cut and Trenchless Method in City Natural Gas Pipeline Network " Vol. 9 - No. 4 (April 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The study carried by Yerragondapalem mandal, Prakasam District. Dental fluorosis is a known adverse effect of fluoride overuse. Enamel or dental fluorosis is a condition caused by 'excessive' intake of fluoride over an extended period of time. The most common symptom of dental fluorosis is a chalk-like discoloration of teeth with white spots or lines on tooth enamel. In more severe cases the affected areas have a yellow or brown discoloration. In extreme forms, fluorosis may result in a pitted tooth surface. Fluorosis has been reported way back in 1901. The treatment options for fluorosis are varied depending upon individual cases. The purpose of this article is to report various treatment options available for dental fluorosis; It also wells on the need for the dentists to be aware of their local indigenous pathologies to treat it in a better manner..Keyword: Dental fluorosis, endemic fluorosis areas, fluorosis, treatment options for fluorosis ×
Dr. Suneetha Chatla, Dr.Pandu.Brahmaji Rao "Dental Fluorosis prevalence among children in Yerragondapalem Mandal, Prakasam district " Vol. 9 - No. 4 (April 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The main aim of this project is to study of fake ranking on social media. We use it for find credibility on any social media platform. Now-a-days, we can see that everyone shared information but every information is not real. Some fake information are also spread increasingly on social media. The spreading of this fake information should be stop by using our system. We semi-supervised rank on any social media post and find the score according their credibility. We have done survey on mechanism like analysing the online data, data abstraction, data classification. Such techniques help to ensuring the integrity of the information. By using our system no fake information spread on social media..Keyword: Trustworthiness, Status, analysis, Feature-ranking, Twitter ×
Ashwin Shinde, Ketki Khante "Analysis of Fake Ranking on Social Media: Twitter " Vol. 9 - No. 4 (April 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Artificial Neural Network (ANN) possesses a remarkable ability to extract connotation from different set of data structures. It is inspired from the mimicking of the working of biological nervous system. ANN learning abilities are more like us because they learn by examples. In this research paper prefiguration of the tensile strength of Friction Stir Welded pure copper alloys is performed. The Quasi- Newton algorithm method is used for training the neural networks. The results showed that the traverse speed is most important variable which contributes 101.3% to the output i.e. tensile strength. The accuracy of 95.71% is obtained between the actual tensile strength and predicted tensile strength......Keyword: Artificial Neural Network; Friction Stir Welding; Tensile Strength; Quasi – Newton Algorithm. ×
Akshansh Mishra, Adarsh Tiwari, Abhijeet Singh, A. Razal Rose "Modelling Neural Networks for prefiguration of the tensile strength of Friction Stir Welded Pure Copper joints " Vol. 9 - No. 4 (April 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Lack of earshot cause hearing loss problems in individuals. Hearing aid is an electroacoustic device used to aid the hearing loss problems. Digital filter bank is an important module used in digital hearing aids. Filter banks comprises of the Variable digital filters. Finite Impulse Response filters is a type of Variable digital filter which is more stable and sensitive than the Infinite Impulse Response filter. This study provides the different FIR filter design techniques used in hearing aid applications. This study also discusses the various approaches for filter banks in hearing aid with respect to the parameters such as complexity, power consumption and size..Keyword: FIR filters, Digital filter bank, Hearing aid, VCF(Variable Cutoff Frequency) ×
Risla Fathima P, Pranav kumar M P, Kaustubh Banninthaya K, Niranjan N, Dr. Ipsita Biswas Mahapatra "Variable Digital Filters used for Hearing aid application: A Survey " Vol. 9 - No. 4 (April 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Aims of this paper implement Smart College; the Internet of Things (IOT) is the new technological paradigm is conquering the entire world by connecting various objects around us. IOT make people's lives easy and comfortable and IOT use in different applications one of them is education, the smart college (a college that uses IOT) use smart devices used in a campus utilize WiFi network for receiving instructions and sending data. A computational IOT nervous system for colleges to keep track of major resources, create smarter lesson plans, design secure campuses, enhance information access, and much more with its set of advanced tools, IOT can be regarded as a new method of implementing smart college using the same infrastructure of data communication. to provide implementation of smart college.Keyword: IOT (Internet of Things); Gateway, Server; Microcontroller; Router ; RIP(Routing Information Protocol).About five key words in alphabetical order, separated by comma. ×
Rania A. Tabeidi, Samia M. Masaad, Buthayna G. Elshaikh "Implementing Smart College Using CISCO Packet Tracer7.2 Simulator " Vol. 9 - No. 4 (April 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
An active power filter implemented with a four-leg voltage-source inverter using a predictive control scheme is presented. Traditionally, active power filters have been controlled using pretuned controllers, such as PI-type or adaptive, for the current as well as for the dc-voltage loops. PI controllers must be designed based on the equivalent linear model, while predictive controllers use the nonlinear model, which is closer to real operating conditions. An accurate model obtained using predictive controllers improves the performance of the active power filter, especially during transient operating conditions, because it can quickly follow the current-reference signal while maintaining a constant dc-voltage. Although active power filters implemented with three-phase four-leg voltage-source inverters are presented in this paper. The use of a four-leg voltagesource inverter allows the compensation of current harmonic components, as well as unbalanced current generated by single-phase.....Keyword: Active Power filter, pulse width modulator, four-leg-voltage-source inverter,PI-controllers ×
Danwada Sharanya, Konda Srilatha, A. Purnachander "Improved Active Power Filter Performance for Renewable Power Generation Systems " Vol. 9 - No. 4 (April 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
This paper inform us development of Intermittent to 24*7 water supply by smart DMA formation in the urban water management of Baddenagr DMA of Nashik city Maharashtra. In this case Recognizing the potential to revolutionize customer engagement and water management of urban water infrastructure development.The present water supply situation in the city is very challenging. Non-Revenue Water (NRW) is very high:42% and therefore there is huge water loss and as a result, residents of the city get water once in day and that too for a duration of just 90 minutes. Cost recovery in water supply services is poor, resulting into unsustainable operation of water supply. To resolve all these matter it is necessary to convert water supply Intermittent to 24*7. Water is the origin of life on earth. Every living organism is somehow dependent on water to sustain......Keyword: ... ×
Mr.Sunil Sawardekar, Dr Arunkumar Dwivedi, Ms. Swati Patil "Transforming Intermittant water supply to 24*7 case study Baddenagar DMA Nashik. " Vol. 9 - No. 4 (April 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
- Virtual Cloud Computing; Future Development
Khaled Elbehiery, Hussam Elbehiery
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10.9790/9622- 0904040107
- An Experimental Study on Engineering Properties of Concrete by
Partial Replacement of Cement with Waste glass powder and
Silica Fume
P Rishith, P Sai Krishna Reddy, B Sreeja, N Venkat Rao
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10.9790/9622- 0904040812
- Nontraditional Observations with the SMAP Radiometer
Ralph D. Lorenz, Shannon M. Mackenzie
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10.9790/9622- 0904041319
- A Study on Traffic Survey at Tezpur Town of Assam, India
Manipuspak Hazarika, Bisakha Hazarika, Bivan Das, Chanu Choupash Medhi, Gitartha Kalita, Lipi Das, Sudipta Gogoi
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10.9790/9622- 0904042028
- Arduino Based Smart Indoor Ambiance Monitoring and Controlling System
V.S.D. Rekha, D.Swathi
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10.9790/9622- 0904042932
- Solar Radiation Data Mining
Sayali Satoskar, Tejas Talwadekar, Prof. Renuka Nagpure
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10.9790/9622- 0904043335
- Role of OFDM in 4G LTE networks: A Literature review
Deepali B. Ingle, P. R. Gumble
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10.9790/9622- 0904043639
- Influence of MWCNTs integration on Mechanical Behavior of E
Glass-Carbon Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Hybrid Nano Composites
Syed Basith Muzammil, Dr. P. Vijaya Kumar, Dr. H.K. Shivanand
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite][Download Certificate]
10.9790/9622- 0904044048
- Migration from 4g LTE to Advanced PHY Techniques for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Communication
Pankaj Patel
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10.9790/9622- 0904044954
- The Impact of Authentic Leadership on Job Satisfaction of the
civil engineers in Thailand
Nopphong Kerdngern, SutthathipKumthornpipattanakul, NarinthornSomthong
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite][Download Certificate]
10.9790/9622- 0904045560
- Design of Flexible Pavements by Stabilizing Poor Sub-Grade Soil
using Bitumen and Bitumen Epoxy Resin
Ch Shamitha, M Srinivas, K Saisaroja, B Suresh
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10.9790/9622- 0904046173
- A Security Implementation for Thearchitectural Approach on EVoting
Bimal Kumar, Dr. Siddappa.M, Dr.K.F.Bharathi
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10.9790/9622- 0904047479
- Studies on Mechanical Behaviour of E-Glass- Kevlar fiber
reinforced epoxy Hybrid Composites with nano integration of
Functionalized MWCNTs
Syed Basith Muzammil, Dr. P. Vijaya Kumar, Dr. H.K. Shivanand
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10.9790/9622- 0904048087
- Hybrid Multilayer Perceptron Back Propagation Using Channel Equalization in Neural Networks
Dr.R.N.Panda , Satyanarayan Pradhan
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- A New Approach to High-Frequency Electrical Characterization in Magnetic Passive Devices
Mr. Manjunath Raikar
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Today, Enterprises should take into consideration the cloud spending choices from 2019 – 2021 because of growing amounts of data that customer is creating. Connecting user to the internet or connecting businesses together brings success, higher shareholder value, and profits. While computing hardware is much faster and cheaper than it was in the 20th century, the enormous amount of data that IoT (Internet of Things) and the customer's expectation of a hyper-connected and personalized experience is driving the need for more advanced cloud-based solution. The paper takes the reader to an advanced technology journey of Cloud Computing, starting with virtual cloud infrastructure major components and ending with a new and unique homogenous cloud approach that brings the public cloud native infrastructure and their software API to the On-Premise environment to build and run modern and cloud-native applications anywhere reducing the resource cycles spent on updating and patching the environment..Keyword: Cloud Service Provider, Virtual Cloud Computing, Virtual Cloud Networking, Virtual Cloud Storage, Homogeneous Cloud. ×
Khaled Elbehiery, Hussam Elbehiery "Virtual Cloud Computing; Future Development " Vol. 9 - No. 4 (April 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Concrete is the most versatile material used for construction all over the world. It is well known that concrete is the combination of cement, aggregates and water. The production of cement results in the formation of carbon dioxide gas causes the environmental pollution. About 7 percent of carbon dioxide gas is evolved from cement industries to atmosphere all over the world. Use of waste glass powder and silica fume in concrete as partial replacement of cement could be significant step towards development of sustainable, eco- friendly and economical infrastructure systems. In the present study waste glass powder and silica fume are used in concrete as a partial cement replacement with a view of reducing environmental pollution by minimizing the production of carbon-dioxide and to improve........Keyword: Waste glass powder, Silica fume, Compressive strength, Flexural strength and Tensile strength ×
P Rishith, P Sai Krishna Reddy, B Sreeja, N Venkat Rao "An Experimental Study on Engineering Properties of Concrete by Partial Replacement of Cement with Waste glass powder and Silica Fume " Vol. 9 - No. 4 (April 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The SMAP (Soil Moisture Active Passive) satellite carries an exquisite microwave radiometer. This instrument, using a deployed 6m mesh antenna, makes polarimetric brightness temperature measurements at L-band (1.41 GHz) with a footprint of ~40km. While the mission is principally devoted to terrestrial hydrology and land use studies, we are exploring the use of this unique observatory for applications analogous to those that might exploit microwave radiometry at other planetary bodies, specifically towards the detection of volcanism on Venus and lightning on Jupiter or other bodies..Keyword: Microwave Radiometry; Volcanism; Lightning; Radio Frequency Interference ×
Ralph D. Lorenz, Shannon M. Mackenzie "Nontraditional Observations with the SMAP Radiometer " Vol. 9 - No. 4 (April 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
This work is a case study based on a traffic survey done to know the current traffic scenario in Tezpur town of Assam, India. Four manual studies-Traffic volume study, on-street parking study, off-street parking study and spot speed study have been done at five junctions of the town to know the existing condition of vehicular traffic and several recommendations are put forward to sort out the problem faced by the public daily and make a smooth flow of traffic as far as possible..Keyword: manual counts, off-street parking, on-street parking, spot speeds, traffic volume study ×
Manipuspak Hazarika, Bisakha Hazarika, Bivan Das, Chanu Choupash Medhi, Gitartha Kalita, Lipi Das, Sudipta Gogoi "A Study on Traffic Survey at Tezpur Town of Assam, India " Vol. 9 - No. 4 (April 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
With the advancement in the field regarding the internet of things which greatly facilitates the people's life and work. IoT has made very flexible and compatible in several types of equipment, which are useful in developing automatic systems. The recent changes in the climatic environment affect the changes in indoor temperature and the leakage of inflammable gases leads to the loss of lives and property. To avoid these conditions, one must continuously monitor the indoor environment. The system that monitors indoor conditions must be cost efficient and durable. As people paying are concerned about environmental quality, a set of lightweight intelligent solutions is designed for the management and controlling of indoor conditions. The system uses sensors to obtain environmental information like temperature, gas leakage, lighting conditions, noise, and humidity, through the process of controllers will make an adaptive response, such as turn on the air conditioner and alarm users. In this proposed paper, we proposed a system that can be an optimal advantage to the backwardness of present room management and make people's work and life easy..Keyword: ARDUINO, Wi-Fi, IoT, Sensors ×
V.S.D. Rekha, D.Swathi "Arduino Based Smart Indoor Ambiance Monitoring and Controlling System " Vol. 9 - No. 4 (April 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Solar energy is radiant light and heat from the Sun that is harnessed using a range of ever-evolving technologies such as solar heating, photovoltaic, solar thermal energy, solar architecture, molten salt power plants and artificial photosynthesis. It is an important source of renewable energy and its technologies are broadly characterized as either passive solar or active solar depending on how they capture and distribute solar energy or convert it into solar power. Solar energy being a renewable source of energy is a clean and pollution free energy source available. For the effective utilization of solar energy received on earth, various research and development is carried out. Estimation of Solar Energy received during day time and Increase in the efficiency of Solar Systems is the need of hour. Data mining being a process of exploring patterns from large data sets that can be applied for the purpose of determining the solar radiation received over a particular area on earth. This system deals with capturing solar radiation......Keyword: Solar, Radiation, Data Mining, Energy, Efficiency ×
Sayali Satoskar, Tejas Talwadekar, Prof. Renuka Nagpure "Solar Radiation Data Mining " Vol. 9 - No. 4 (April 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing (OFDM) effectively alleviates Intersymbol Interference (ISI) caused by the delay spread of wireless channels. Therefore, it has been used in many wireless systems and adopted by various standards. When the contemporary communications systems are considered, OFDM is a Multicarrier (MC) multiplexing scheme that maintains adaptive communications features by employing subcarriers in a flexible way.In this paper, we present a literature review on role of OFDM in 4th Generation (4G) Long Term Evolution (LTE) wireless networks. We address basic principle ofOFDM and the performance parameters of OFDM for LTE networks, such asInter Block Interference (IBI) and Peak-to- Average Power Ratio (PAPR) reduction. We also describe the applications of OFDM in current systems and standards..Keyword: Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing (OFDM), 4th Generation (4G), Long Term Evolution (LTE), Inter Block Interference (IBI), Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR). ×
Deepali B. Ingle, P. R. Gumble "Role of OFDM in 4G LTE networks: A Literature review " Vol. 9 - No. 4 (April 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Composite materials are developed by hybridizing in a systematic integration of functionalized multi walled carbon nano tubes by ultrasonic dispersion technique to homogenize the MWCNTs in Epoxy resin 5052 (Matrix), then layed up using Carbon fibers as high modulus and E glass fibers as low modulus fibers in bidirectional twilled oven fabric form as a primary reinforcement and then compared with MWCNTs integration as a secondary reinforcement in a volume fraction of 0.5%, 1.0% and 1.5% of the composites. Post curing of the composites, the laminates were inspected for defects using ultrasonic B-Scan, then to ensure the calculated matrix to reinforcement ratios, the matrix constituent analysis was done by resin digestion method. Composite specimens were then subjected to mechanical testing. It was observed that Nano integration in composites significantly enhances the mechanical properties.....Keyword: E glass-Carbon hybrid nano composites, MWCNTs, Mechanical Properties, Compression strength of G-CFRP composites, Flexural Modulus of G-CFRP composites, ILSS of G-CFRP composites. ×
Syed Basith Muzammil, Dr. P. Vijaya Kumar, Dr. H.K. Shivanand "Influence of MWCNTs integration on Mechanical Behavior of E Glass-Carbon Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Hybrid Nano Composites " Vol. 9 - No. 4 (April 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
UAV (unmanned aerial vehicles) with their high mobility and low cost, have found a wide range of applications during the past few decades. Historically, UAVs have been primarily used in the military, mainly deployed in hostile territory to reduce pilot losses. With continuous cost reduction and device miniaturization, small UAVs are now more easily accessible to the public; hence, numerous new applications in the civilian and commercial domains have emerged. For the sake of boosting resilience against faults, natural disasters, and unexpected traffic, the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) assisted wireless communication systems can provide a unique opportunity to cater for such demands in a timely fashion without relying on the overly-engineered cellular network. However, for UAV-assisted communication, issues.....Keyword: E LTE (4G), Non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA), Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), Wireless communication.. ×
Pankaj Patel "Migration from 4g LTE to Advanced PHY Techniques for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Communication " Vol. 9 - No. 4 (April 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
This empirical research is to examine the relationship between project manager's authentic leadership style and job satisfaction of the civil engineers in Thailand. Attaining job satisfaction is crucial to retain productive and efficient employees. Therefore, one of the ways that may be effective help project managers in increasing the satisfaction among their followers is employing the right leadership style.Four authentic leadership characteristics which are self-awareness(SA), balanced processing of information (BPI), internalized moral perspective (IMP)and relational transparency (RT)are discussed. Base on literature review, most previous studies confirmed that these characteristics are significantly related to job satisfaction. An empirical study was conducted by 400 civil engineers in Thailand. The quantitative study applies a survey type of research design. The surveymethod using a structured questionnaire.....Keyword: authentic leadership, job satisfaction, project manager, civil engineers. ×
Nopphong Kerdngern, SutthathipKumthornpipattanakul, NarinthornSomthong "The Impact of Authentic Leadership on Job Satisfaction of the civil engineers in Thailand " Vol. 9 - No. 4 (April 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Stabilization is normally needed when soil strength is poor. Soil stabilization is done to make soil stable in terms of reducing the permeability, compressibility and increasing the shear strength. There are various stabilizers such as lime, cement, bitumen, and fly ash etc., used to stabilize the poor sub-grade soil. The main objective of this research work is to obtain geotechnical and engineering properties of poor sub-grade soils by bitumen of grade 80/100 as a stabilizer along with epoxy resin with varying percentages of bitumen and epoxy resin were added from (2%, 4%, 6% and 8%) by weight of sub-grade soil. Soil properties like soil classification, Atterberg‟s limits, California bearing ratio (CBR), Maximum dry density (MDD) are evaluated by varying percentages of bitumen and epoxy resin mix and from CBR test results flexible pavement has been designed as per IRC: 37-2001 on poor sub-grade soils.Keyword: Soil stabilization, California bearing ratio, Maximum dry density and pavement design ×
Ch Shamitha, M Srinivas, K Saisaroja, B Suresh "Design of Flexible Pavements by Stabilizing Poor Sub-Grade Soil using Bitumen and Bitumen Epoxy Resin " Vol. 9 - No. 4 (April 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
E-Voting system is one of the emerging way of technology for candidates casting their supportable vote for the candidates for they to be elected. The whole system is divided into two main sector with one on the client side communication and another on server side communication. The whole system which comprises of Mobile Devices as the Voting Devices are connected to their respective servers. For the selfless authentication a unique authentication protocol called Single Token Authentication Protocol (STAP) is being created with the respective tokens through which the user is given a probable chance for the voting once. Once the Vote is being casted for the supported ones the session token expires. Individual architecture which comprises of the client and server operations is presented for the ease in use of the overall performance. The experimental output which comprises of all the respective results of the proposed architecture..Keyword: e-Voting System, STAP, Authentication Protocol, ×
Bimal Kumar, Dr. Siddappa.M, Dr.K.F.Bharathi "A Security Implementation for Thearchitectural Approach on EVoting System " Vol. 9 - No. 4 (April 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Composite materials were systematically hybridized using high modulus synthetic Kevlar fibers and low modulus E glass fibers in bidirectional plain oven orientation in equal proportion and fabricated with epoxy resin 5052 then the mechanical properties of the Kevlar based hybrid composites were studied and comparatives studies were done by integrating the functionalized multi walled carbon nanotubes in the volumetric proportion of 0.5%, 1.0% and 1.5% respectively. The post curing procedures were followed and health of the composite laminates was monitored using ultrasonic B-Scan. In the investigations it was seen that nano integration has significantly enhanced the mechanical properties and effects on composites under various modes of mechanical failures. In Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) the actual reinforcement ratios were found to be 66.5%, 67.42%, 66.88% & 67.75% for 0%, 0.5%, 1% & 1.5%.....Keyword: G-KFRP hybrid composites, MWCNTs reinforced Kevlar composites, Thermogravimetric analysis, Mechanical properties of Kevlar hybrid composites ×
Syed Basith Muzammil, Dr. P. Vijaya Kumar, Dr. H.K. Shivanand "Studies on Mechanical Behaviour of E-Glass- Kevlar fiber reinforced epoxy Hybrid Composites with nano integration of Functionalized MWCNTs " Vol. 9 - No. 4 (April 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Inmostdigitalcommunicationsystems,bandwidthlimitedchannelalongwithmultipathpropagationcausesISI(InterSymbolInterference)tooccur.Thisphenomenoncausesdistortionofthegiventransmittedsymbolduetoothertransmittedsymbols.WiththehelpofequalizationISIcanbereduced.ThispaperpresentsasolutiontotheISIproblembyperformingblindequalizationusingANN(ArtificialNeuralNetworks).....Keyword: BlindChannelEqualization,NeuralNetworks,NoisySignal,MultiLayerPerceptron, Error-BackPropagation ×
Dr.R.N.Panda, Satyanarayan Pradhan "Hybrid Multilayer Perceptron Back Propagation Using Channel Equalization in Neural Networks " Vol. 9 - No. 4 (April 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,