International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA)
Volume 8 - Issue 2
- Tourism and Economic Development – A Case Study In Tamil
Dr. S. Jansirani, Mrs. R. Priya
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Existence and Uniqueness of the solutions to Stochastic Neutral
Functional Differential Equations Using Fractional Brownian
motion with Non-Lipschitz Coefficients
C.Loganathan, P.Selvanayaki
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Effects of Machining Parameters on Cutting Forces during
Turning of Hardened AISI 52100 Steel using PCBN Tooling
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Mass Attenuation Coefficients Of Rare Earth Oxides And Rare
Earth Elements At Energies 42.0 Kev And 59.54 KeV
S. Thomas Reddy, V. Nathanial, Y. Sandeep, B. Naresh, V. Ludhiya, D. V. Krishna Reddy
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- High Frequency Noise Removal From Electrocardiogram Using
Fir Low Pass Filter Bassed On Window Technique
Manakdeep Kaur, Sangeet Pal Kaur
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- An Experimental Study of Electrocoagulation Process Applied For Influence of Fluoride Ions on Hardness Removal
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Object Detection And Tracking Using Image Processing
Siddharth Mandgi, Shubham Ghatge, Mangesh Khairnar, Kunal Gurnani, Prof. Amit Hatekar
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Communication over Ad Hoc Networks under Quality of Services Constraints: A Review
Paramjit Singh Waraich
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Modelling Future Water Demand With WEAP Model: The Case Study of Marahoué Basin in Côte d'Ivoire
Amidou Dao, Gneneyougo Emile Soro, Vamoryba Fadika, Desire Djè Bi, Albert Goula Bi Tié
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- A Review on Smart Trolley and Billing System
Prof. Mukesh P. Mahajan, Gaikwad Jyoti Prakash, Gaikwad Ujjwala Prakash
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Cloud Based Automatic Attendance Monitoring System Using RFID And IOT
Abhishek S.Pachpor, Prof. P. M. Chawan
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Optimal Power Flow Using Differetial Evolution
Tarabhan Gupta, Mrs. Aakansha Mercy Steele
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
Dr Slobodanka Jelena Cvjetković, Dr Josip Kasum, Capt.Tonći Tokić
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Adaptive FANP And TOPSIS Method For Innovation Strategy Of Small Medium Enterprise (SME)
Eza Rahmanita, Vivi Tri W, Yeni Kustiyahningsih
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Design and Simulation of Decentralized PID Controller by Direct Synthesis Method
Prof. Snehal Bharat Choudhari, Prof. Subhash S. Sankeshwari
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Nano materials- emerging as everyday material and processes
Dr.Vrushali joshi
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
Tourism industry offers much scope for earning foreign exchange and it stimulates the rate of growth of the economy. Through interaction of natural, human and cultural factors, it functions as a major means of recreation. Modern tourism results from the recognition of a fundamental right of the human being to rest and leisure. This study analyses the duration of stay and level of expenditure by the sample respondents and the economic impact of tourism in the study area. As the analysis has shown that the tourism industry does not create any negative impact in the study area the Government should come forward to develop leisure tourism, beach tourism, religious tourism, rural tourism and medical tourism especially in the backward regions, which will directly help reduce the regional inequalities.Keyword: Tourism, Impact, Economy, Development ×
Dr. S. Jansirani, Mrs. R. Priya "Tourism and Economic Development – A Case Study In Tamil Nadu" Vol. 8 - Issue 2 (February 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In this paper we investigate the existence and uniqueness of mild solutions to neutral stochastic functional differential equations driven by a Brownian motion in a Hilbert space with non-Lipschitzian coefficients. The results are obtained by using the method of successive approximation and generalize the results that were reported by Bao and Hou[1].Key words: Stochastic neutral functional differential equation, mild solution, Fractional Brownian motion, Non-Lipschitz coefficients ×
C.Loganathan, P.Selvanayaki "Existence and Uniqueness of the solutions to Stochastic Neutral Functional Differential Equations Using Fractional Brownian motion with Non-Lipschitz Coefficients" Vol. 8 - Issue 2 (February 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The motivation of this investigate is to study the effects of machining parameters on the cutting performance of hard turned parts with PCBN (polycrystalline cubic boron nitride) tools , in wholly dry cutting. The data obtained gives a wide scope to understand the influence of cutting conditions such as the cutting speed, feed rate and depth of cut on the axial force, radial force, tangential force and cutting power. The ANOVA technique and MINITAB16 software were used for analysis of results. The results presented will be useful for application of AISI 52100 steel for the development of turning processes.Key words: Hard Turning, Cutting forces ×
A.D.Bagawade "Effects of Machining Parameters on Cutting Forces during Turning of Hardened AISI 52100 Steel using PCBN Tooling" Vol. 8 - Issue 2 (February 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The mass attenuation coefficients were measured using gamma ray spectrometry based on NaI(Tl) scintillation detector at various energies with good collimated geometrical setup, in the gamma ray spectrometer with multichannel analyzer experiment. In the present study fourteen rare earth oxides of Yttrium, Lanthanum, Cerium, Praseodymium, Neodymium, Samarium, Europium, Gadolinium, Terbium, Dysprosium, Holmium, Erbium, Thulium and Ytterbium and also rare earth elements were chosen. The cross sections for rare earth elements were extracted at two photon energies 42.0 KeV and 59.54 KeV. The results are compared with theoretical values of Strom & Isreal and Veigele by using XCOM programme. The cross sections at 42.0 KeV for Lanthanum is very large compared to other rare earth elements. This is due to the K-edge absorption energy of Lanthanum is nearly to the incident photon energy.......Key words: ....... ×
S. Thomas Reddy, V. Nathanial, Y. Sandeep, B. Naresh, V. Ludhiya, D. V. Krishna Reddy "Mass Attenuation Coefficients Of Rare Earth Oxides And Rare Earth Elements At Energies 42.0 Kev And 59.54 KeV" Vol. 8 - Issue 2 (February 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
ECG Signal is widely used for detection and diagnosis of various heart related diseases. Feature extraction through ECG is a new application that is rapidly growing these days. While acquiring ECG signal, it gets contaminated to a number of sources with various type of artifacts such as baseline wander interference, motion artifacts, instrumentation noise, electrode contact noise, EMG noise etc. In this research work, different window technique to remove noise in corrupted ECG signal has been analyzed through this model. The windows used are Kaiser, Rectangular, Hanning, Hamming and Blackman Window...........Key words: FIR Filter, Signal to Noise Ratio(SNR), Mean Square Error(MSE), Electrocardiogram(ECG) ×
Manakdeep Kaur, Sangeet Pal Kaur "High Frequency Noise Removal From Electrocardiogram Using Fir Low Pass Filter Bassed On Window Technique" Vol. 8 - Issue 2 (February 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
This paper demonstrated influence of fluoride ions on hardness removal and simultaneous removal efficiency from water by Electrocoagulation process. The process parameters such as initial pH, applied voltage, DO level and Electrolysis time were studied. Electrocoagulation test results revealed that a maximum hardness removal 60-70% for the concentrations of hardness of 800, and 1000 mgL-1 and a removal of 91% for fluoride concentration of 5 mgL-1 investigated at an applied voltage of 15 V and an electrolysis time of 120 minutes. Hardness removal by Electrocoagulation majorly involves adsorption on to iron flocs, while fluoride replaces a hydroxyl group from iron aggregates. In this paper, influence of fluoride ions on hardness removal was investigated and gave a marginal increase in hardness removal. This paper also include the important parameter DO level that plays a key role in the elctrocoagulation process.Key words: Hardness and fluoride removal, DO level, Influence of fluoride ions, electrocoagulation ×
P.Mahammedrafi "An Experimental Study of Electrocoagulation Process Applied For Influence of Fluoride Ions on Hardness Removal" Vol. 8 - Issue 2 (February 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The aim of this project is to explore different methods for helping computers interpret the real world visually, investigate solutions to those methods offered by the open-sourced computer vision library viz. OpenCV, and implement some of these in a Raspberry Pi based application for detecting and keeping track of objects. The project focuses on two major categories, the object detection and the object tracking. The result of this project is a Windows based Python application that is able to detect and keep track of objects by reading the Hue, Saturation and Intensity (HSV) values of frames captured by the Raspberry Pi camera module. The major application of our project is fruit sorting and for this application we have selected the fruit banana to be our test subject. Through this project we are sorting the bananas into three different categories namely ripe (in perfect edible condition), unripe and overripe.Key words: OpenCV, Python, HSV ×
Siddharth Mandgi, Shubham Ghatge, Mangesh Khairnar, Kunal Gurnani, Prof. Amit Hatekar "Object Detection And Tracking Using Image Processing" Vol. 8 - Issue 2 (February 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
It is quite challenging to maintain the quality of wireless transmission over mobile ad hoc networks due to various factors i.e. error prone channel condition, behavior of intermediate layers, node's mobility, low radio frequency and insufficient bandwidth etc. To ensure the quality of Services for communication, there is need to resolve the individual issue. Researchers have developed various schemes to enforce the QoS provisioning over different layers i.e. application layer, physical layer, network layer etc. but each solution can resolve a particular issue only. In this research paper, we will explore the different methods to which can be used to ensure QoS enabled communication over ad hoc networks..Key words: QoS, MANET, MAC, Cross Layer ×
Paramjit Singh Waraich "Communication over Ad Hoc Networks under Quality of Services Constraints: A Review" Vol. 8 - Issue 2 (February 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The Marahoué basin in west-central Côte d'Ivoire is a transitional zone between the Sudanese climate and the attenuated equatorial one. This duality favors agricultural and pastoral activities in relation to a population growth requiring a high water demand. Faced to this problematic, we proposed to experiment the WEAP (Water Evaluation And Planning system) model on the Marahoué basin. The objective of this study is, modelling water demand on the horizon 2040. To achieve this, several types of data were injected into the WEAP21 in this case: precipitation, runoff, groundwater, growing, breeding, industrial and demographic data. They were compilated to estimate the five-year water demands for 2010 to 2040...........Key words: WEAP, Modelling water demand, Marahoué basin, Côte d'Ivoire ×
Amidou Dao, Gneneyougo Emile Soro, Vamoryba Fadika, Desire Djè Bi, Albert Goula Bi Tié "Modelling Future Water Demand With WEAP Model: The Case Study of Marahoué Basin in Côte d'Ivoire" Vol. 8 - Issue 2 (February 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
As the technology is developing and seeing new inventions in various fields including machine learning, internet of things and so on, there is an increase in the expectations in the costumers point of view. With the fast moving life. Today purchasing various items in malls or supermarkets require a trolley. Product procurement represents a complex process. On each occasion customer has to pull the trolley from rack to rack for collecting items and simultaneously customer has to perform estimated expense computation the consumers absolutely have no time to stand in long queues in order to get their work done. At the end, customer has to wait in queue for billing and payment. To overcome that we have been developed a smart way for shopping. In this paper, we are presenting a smart shopping system using RFID and Raspberry Pi 0w controller.......Key words: RFID, SMART SHOPPING, RASPBERRY PI, IR SENSOR, PYTHON. ×
Prof. Mukesh P. Mahajan, Gaikwad Jyoti Prakash, Gaikwad Ujjwala Prakash "A Review on Smart Trolley and Billing System" Vol. 8 - Issue 2 (February 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
If we talk about the current scenario of our education system then we get to find that we have lot of technologies to use but still we are following the traditional system. If we talk about the old attendance systes in universities and schools, lecturers do that work manually. Lecturers take the atendance and update it manually in the database. When we talk about the technology, then we found that there are so many tools to use and reduce the burden of lecturers in schools and universities. Using RFID is the one example of that. We if will combine the RFID and IOT (Internet of Things) then we can do it automatically and there is no need to do it by lecturers. Here we are planning to use the Cloud as storage for better performance.........Key words: IOT Technology with RFID card, RFID reader, Face Detection Algorithm ×
Abhishek S.Pachpor, Prof. P. M. Chawan "Cloud Based Automatic Attendance Monitoring System Using RFID And IOT" Vol. 8 - Issue 2 (February 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The work deals with the optimization of power flow problem through interconnected system. The work presents an algorithm for solving optimal power flow problem through the application of Differential Evolution (DE). The objective is to minimize the total fuel cost of thermal generating units having quadratic cost characteristics subjected to limits on generator real and reactive power outputs, bus voltages, transformer taps and power flow of transmission lines. The work introduces a conceptual overview and detailed explanation of Differential Evolution algorithm as well as shows how it can be used for solving optimal power flow problems. Inherent shortcoming of the traditional methods of finding the optimal power solution is discussed along with other evolutionary methods of finding optimal power solution. A comparative study of different evolutionary programming technique is done and it is shown that Differential Evolution offer a better result with greater repeatability and lesser time...........Key words: Optimal Power Flow using Differetial Evolution. ×
Tarabhan Gupta, Mrs. Aakansha Mercy Steele "Optimal Power Flow Using Differetial Evolution" Vol. 8 - Issue 2 (February 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The vessels at sea are exposed to transverse and longitudinal movements, and the existing standardized protection carried out according to technical norms on Non-Convention vessels, i.e., sailboats, is considered insufficient. As Non-Convention vessels may be considered vessels such as entertainment, military and fishing boats and those of obsolete build. In terms of equipment, this is determined by the recommendations of the Convention on the Protection of Vessels at Sea (Safety of Life at Sea, SOLAS). It is assumed that the existing standardized protection on Non-Convention vessels is insufficient, as evidenced by the simulation models of protection against lightning strikes. It is expected that the proposed methodology for lightning protection on Non-Convention vessels should provide essential improvement of protection, and to some extent contribute to the development of early detection of the risk of lightning strikes on vessels.Key words: standardized model protection, lightning protection, Non- Convention vessels, dynamic conditions ×
Dr Slobodanka Jelena Cvjetković, Dr Josip Kasum, Capt.Tonći Tokić "LIGHTNING PROTECTION ON NON-CONVENTION VESSELS IN DYNAMIC CONDITIONS" Vol. 8 - Issue 2 (February 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
This study aims to determine the assessment and innovation strategy of SMEs based on the hybrid adaptive method of Fuzzy Analytic Network Process (FANP) and Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS). The advantage of the FANP method is the can handle data that contains uncertainty. Some of the measurement indicators of SMEs are qualitative, so the Fuzzy method is needed to make decisions easier. Adaptive methods make decision-making more flexible because decision-makers can determine their own linguistic scale to get optimal results...........Key words: Adaptive Fuzzy Analytic Network Process (FANP), SME, Assesment, Innovation, TOPSIS, Stategy Map. ×
Eza Rahmanita, Vivi Tri W, Yeni Kustiyahningsih "Adaptive FANP And TOPSIS Method For Innovation Strategy Of Small Medium Enterprise (SME)" Vol. 8 - Issue 2 (February 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In this paper the design of Decentralized PID controller for TITO systems is discussed. The design of decentralized controller based on direct synthesis and detuning is presented here. Here the higher order controller is obtained and reduced into PID form using Maclaurin series approximation .The well tuned parameters of the decentralized PID controllers are achieved for various process simulation is done ,this simulation examples show the effectiveness of the controller based on the direct synthesis method. The algorithm presented in the work is tested for two input two output systems. The performance obtained by proposed algorithm is compared with the existing available methods..........Key words: Decentralized PID controller, Two Input Two output systems, Interactions, Direct synthesis, Detuning factor, Maclaurin Series ×
Prof. Snehal Bharat Choudhari, Prof. Subhash S. Sankeshwari "Design and Simulation of Decentralized PID Controller by Direct Synthesis Method" Vol. 8 - Issue 2 (February 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Nano science and nanotechnology are the study and applications of very small things. Nanomaterials can be used across in all the fields of science, such as chemistry, biology, physics, materials science, and engineering. Scientists and engineers are finding a various ways to tailor desired materials at the nanoscale. So that their properties such as higher strength, lighter weight, increased control of light spectrum and chemical reactivity can be used. The broad range of commercial products include stain-resistant and wrinkle-free textile and cosmetics are available today.In the present article a broad vision –a new dimensions in era of science on nano materials is focussedKey words: Nanoscale, optical filters, quantum effects, nanocoatings, bioelectronic devices. ×
Dr.Vrushali joshi "Nano materials- emerging as everyday material and processes" Vol. 8 - Issue 2 (February 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
- Runoff Estimation For Algadeer Alabyad Watershed In Jordan Using Rational Method And Geographic Information System
Safa Mazahreh, Doaa Abu Hamoor, Lubna Al Mahasneh
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- The Impact of Strategic Entrepreneurship Attitudes In HRM
Ali Habibvand, Maryam Ghasemi
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Synthesis and Characterization of Ni SmxFe2-xO 4 Nano-Ferrites by auto combustion method
Gopal boda, Nehru Boda, Meravath Bhanu, A. Panasa Reddy, D. Ravinder
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- An Evaluation of the Restoration Techniques of the Atik Valide Sultan Dârüşşifâ
Asist.Prof.Dr. Sibel Onat Hattap
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Analyze the Critical Factors Affecting the Performance Efficiency of Social Networking Databases
Arif Hasan, Dr.P.Sasikala
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Probabilistic Assessment of Thermal Gradient In Bolted Flange of A Gas Turbine Engine
Krishna Nelanti, Harikrishnan L, Nagaraju Kanike
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Facial Expression Recognition Using Feature Extraction And Classification Technique
J. Lethisia Nithiya
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Internet of Things (IoT) Based Alcohol Sensing and Accident Alert System
Viral M. Vyas,Viraj Choksi, M.B. Potdar
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
J. Lethisia Nithiya, S. Sangeetha Priya
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
Yeshwanth Chowdary, Piyush Patil,Ramesh Babu Vemuluri
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- General Summary of Cryptography
AdilJamil Zaru, Momeen Khan
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Reduction of Valve Seating Velocity in Electro Hydraulic Valve Actuation System
Subash kannan K, Ganesh M.A., Devi Gayadri S.V.
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- A Bibliometric Analysis on intuitionstic fuzzy set
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- A Bibliometric Analysis on intuitionstic fuzzy set
Y S Rao, Sidhanta Kumar Jena
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Application of Graph Theory in New Aarea of Real Life
Y S Rao, Sipun Kumar Barik
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Total Time Minimizing Transportation Problem
C K Sahoo, Sanjeeb Kumar Sethi
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Liquid liquidextraction and separation of total rareearth (RE) metals from polymetallic manganese nodule leaching solution
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Analyses of Big Data: Their Range
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
Jordan is characterized by severe weather conditions, therefore great temporal and spatial variations in rainfall, runoff and evaporation amounts are expected .This research aims to use GIS for investigating the potential of runoff for Algadeer alabyad watershed using the "Rational equation".The annual runoff volume for each catchment area was estimated based on using simple equation that takes into consideration the sub-watershed area, annual rainfall and annual runoff coefficient. The Rational Formula was applied as the most commonly used method of determining runoff volume for medium to large watersheds. The runoff coefficient is the key parameter in this model...........Keyword: Runoff, Watershed, GIS, Rational equation. ×
Safa Mazahreh, Doaa Abu Hamoor, Lubna Al Mahasneh "Runoff Estimation For Algadeer Alabyad Watershed In Jordan Using Rational Method And Geographic Information System" Vol. 8 - Issue 2 (February 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Market competitive conditions and rapid environmental changes require organizations to develop entrepreneurship, in order to identify and exploit the opportunities that other organizations are unaware or indifferent about.Recognizing the place of entrepreneurship on the one hand and the valuable role of human resources in the realization of entrepreneurship on the other hand, in recent years, a growing trend towards human resources has emerged as a useful approach in the field of entrepreneurship studies........Key words: entrepreneur; strategic entrepreneurship; human resources; management ×
Ali Habibvand, Maryam Ghasemi "The Impact of Strategic Entrepreneurship Attitudes In HRM" Vol. 8 - Issue 2 (February 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Ni-Sm Nano ferrites with chemical formula NiSmxFe2-xo4 (x=0.00, 0.010, 0.030, 0.050, 0.070, 0.090 and 0.10) were synthesized by the citrate-gel auto combustion method. Synthesized powders are sintered at 5000C for four hours in air and characterized by XRD, SEM, EDS and FTIR. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis showed cubic spinel structure of the ferrites and the values of lattice parameter (a) and X-ray density (dx) increases with the increase of Sm content. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) studies revealed morphology of the Nano crystalline samples. An elemental composition of the sample was studied by Energy Dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). The FTIR spectra shows the two significant absorption bands in the wave numbers range of 370-600cm-1arising due to the inter-atomic vibrations in the tetrahedral and octahedral coordination compounds The observed results can be explained on the basis of compositionKey words: Ni-Sm Nano ferrites, citrate-gel auto combustion Technique, XRD, SEM, FTIR ×
Gopal boda, Nehru Boda, Meravath Bhanu, A. Panasa Reddy, D. Ravinder "Synthesis and Characterization of Ni SmxFe2-xO 4 Nano-Ferrites by auto combustion method" Vol. 8 - Issue 2 (February 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The Atik Valide Sultan Dârüşşifâ in Üsküdar district of İstanbul in Turkey was designed by Mimar Sinan. The Dârüşşifâ is defined as a place that serves the public health and medical education. It is one of the most deteriorated structures of the buildings in the Atik Valide Sultan Külliye (Islamic-Ottoman social complex). During its years as the Üsküdar Imam Hatip High School, it lost much of its originality. The building, which was vacant for many years and left in ruins, is now being restored. The Dârüşşifâ, which was handed over to Fatih Sultan Mehmet University together with the Darülkurra (in medieval Islamic countries, this is the section of the madrasah that teaches reading the Qur'an and a Qur'an reading place constructed next to mosques), the Imaret (charity institutions created to help the poor during the Ottoman Empire) and the caravanserai, is still closed due to restoration. The restoration work is planned to be completed soon. This study evaluates the restoration techniques of the Atik Valide Sultan Dârüşşifâ.Key words: .Atik Valide Sultan Dârüşşifâ, Ottoman Empire, restoration techniques, repurposing ×
Asist.Prof.Dr. Sibel Onat Hattap "An Evaluation of the Restoration Techniques of the Atik Valide Sultan Dârüşşifâ" Vol. 8 - Issue 2 (February 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Before Starting Social Networking Sites RDBMS Was Dominant Database But As Soon As Social Media Came And For Handling It's Unstructured Data Nosql Database Came Into Picture. Nosql Database Many Advantages over Traditional RDBMS. But Due To Rapidly Growing Database Its Performance Effects. There Fore In This Paper Different Critical Factors Like Memory Utilization, Consistency, Replication Are Analyzed So That Performance Of Social Networking Sites Can Be Increased.Key words: Social Networking Sites, Nosql, Memory Utilization, Consistency, Replication Factors ×
Arif Hasan, Dr.P.Sasikala "Analyze the Critical Factors Affecting the Performance Efficiency of Social Networking Databases" Vol. 8 - Issue 2 (February 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Recent developments of higher temperature, pressure and speed in gas turbine technology demands closure bolted flanges. Thermal analysis of bolted flange joint is also critical along with structural analysis as they experience huge thermal gradients. Stresses induced due to thermal gradients also influence the Low cycle fatigue (LCF) life of the flange joint especially during transient conditions of the flight cycle. Several parameters like flange dimensions, gap between the flanges and thermal boundary conditions on the inner and outer sides of joint influence flange joint thermal gradient. The present study investigates the variation of flange gradient the variation flange height, flange thickness and gap. Both parametric and probabilistic studies have been carried out to identify most significant parameter which influences the flange gradient. In probabilistic approach the variation in the input parameters can be captured using probabilistic sampling like normal distribution, which is closer to the reality. The results presented in this paper will be helpful to the designer in designing better bolted flange joints with improved LCF life..Key words: Bolted flange thermal gradient, Flange height, Flange thickness, Gap, Probabilistic study on flan ×
Krishna Nelanti, Harikrishnan L., Nagaraju Kanike "Probabilistic Assessment of Thermal Gradient In Bolted Flange of A Gas Turbine Engine" Vol. 8 - Issue 2 (February 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The system-based identification of facial expressions has been a vital area of research in the literature for a long time. The most meaningful way humans exhibit emotions is byfacial expressions. The presented work confers a new framework for facial expressions recognition from video files by selectingthe Gabor features on video frames. A set of dimensionality reduction technique, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) is used to minimize the computational complexity. These feature vectors are compared with the trained vectors of different facial expressions in the database and finally, a Support Vector Machine is used to classify different kinds of facial expressions belonging to the face video frames. This method reveals a better performance ratioKey words: Facial expressions, Principal Component Analysis, Linear Discriminant Analysis, Support Vector Machine, Gabor features. ×
J. Lethisia Nithiya "Facial Expression Recognition Using Feature Extraction And Classification Technique" Vol. 8 - Issue 2 (February 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Nowadays, lots of accidents happened on highways as a result of an increase in traffic and put together as a result of rash driving of the drivers. Many accidents are happening as a result of the alcohol consumption of the driver. Thus drunk driving is also a significant reason for accidents in most countries within the world. Alcohol Detector in Car system is meant for the protection of the people seating inside the car and in many situations, the ambulance and police authority is not hip in time. This lead to delaying the help reached to the person suffered as a result of an accident. This research is concerning Alcohol Detection with car ignition system in the car and additionally an Accidental Location Detection using IoT. Once an accident happens, an Emergency message with location details is sent for the protection of the people seating inside the Car. This system has to be installed inside the car.Key words: .... ×
Viral M. Vyas, Viraj Choksi, M.B. Potdar "Internet of Things (IoT) Based Alcohol Sensing and Accident Alert System" Vol. 8 - Issue 2 (February 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
This letter presents the design of a compact size modified rectangular shaped microstrip line feed with DGS patch antenna is proposed here. DGS structure is used for improving the performance of microstrip patch antenna. The proposed compact size microstrip antenna consist of a microstrip feed line on one side of the substrate with defective ground structure with L shaped rectangular slot, other side of ground plane. The parameters of proposed antenna like returns loss, VSWR, radiation pattern, gain are simulated and analyzed using CST Microwave studio suit 2015. The antenna system resonates at 9.13GHz for VSWR=1. The proposed antenna is suitable for wireless communications employing MIMO techniques.Key words: MPA (Microstrip Patch Antenna), VSWR, DGS (Defective Ground Structure) ×
NAGARAJ HANCHINAMANI || Dr. C.R. BYRAREDDY "A MODIFIED RECTANGULAR L SHAPED SLOT WITH DGS MICROSTRIP PATCH ANTENNA FOR MIMO APPLICATION" Vol. 8 - Issue 2 (February 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In large scale multithreaded programs, deadlock plays an important role. It is considered as a hindrance in few large scale applications. Hence,therefore this work proceeds by using a new potential deadlock detection method. In this paper, we use lock dependencies that are categorized into thread specific partitions and equivalent lock dependencies. Any identical permutation that is being the same as another of the lock dependency chains are eliminated by the searches that are done over the set of lock dependency. To achieve the desired outcome this procedure involves repetition of steps and removes the lock dependencies before the deadlock localization occurs. It is validated by the large scale multithreaded programs. It is revealed that timestamps are primarily based on, start again policy.Key words: Deadlock detection, Lock dependency, Large scale multithreaded programs. ×
J. Lethisia Nithiya, S. Sangeetha Priya "THREAD BASED DEADLOCK DETECTION AND MANAGEMENT IN DISTRIBUTED DATABASE" Vol. 8 - Issue 2 (February 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The importance of vehicle safety is increasing with the rapid increase in the vehicle population and corresponding increase in the number of accidents. Vehicle braking system is considered as one of the most fundamental safety-critical systems in modern vehicles as its main purpose is to stop or decelerate the vehicle. Brakes are exposed to large thermal stresses during routine braking and extraordinary thermal stresses during hard braking. With the introduction of disc brakes the effectiveness of braking has improved to higher level. Brake disc can mechanically fail if the heat and the stress which is developed are not properly dissipated. In order to meet these requirements, we have designed a ventilated disc and it is compared with conventional solid disc for structural, modal and Couple field analysis (thermal + structural). 3D design of disc is created in Solid Works whereas analysis is done in ANSYS WORKBENCH by using thermal-structural coupled method. We have compared the result on the basis of dissipation of the heat and the compressive stress which was developed while breaking. Also we have studied the influence of changing the rotor stiffness on braking effect.Key words: Modal analysis, natural frequency, heat flux, mode shape, thermomechanical analysis, moment of inertia (MI). ×
Yeshwanth Chowdary, Piyush Patil, Ramesh Babu Vemuluri "COUPLED THERMOMECHANICAL ANALYSIS OF DISC BRAKE ROTOR" Vol. 8 - Issue 2 (February 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Cryptographic mechanisms are an important security component of an operating system in securing the system itself and its communication paths. Indeed in many situations cryptography is the only tool that can solve a particular problem. It is the practice and study of techniques for secure communication in the presence of third parties. Modern cryptography is heavily based on mathematical theory, computer science practice and cryptographic algorithms. The algorithms are making in such a way it is difficult to break. Applications of cryptography include ATM cards, computer passwords, and electronic commerce.Key words: foundations of cryptography, Plain Text, Cipher Text, Encryption,Security ×
AdilJamil Zaru, Momeen Khan "General Summary of Cryptographyn" Vol. 8 - Issue 2 (February 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The engine has two valves one in the inlet and other in the outlet. The valve timing is a significant thing of the engine. The valve actuation system is of two different types (1) Cam Based and (2) Camless Based actuation system. Initially valves were actuated by cam based system. Since these systems are mechanical, the performance diminishes overtime. To overcome this disadvantage and for accurate valve timing came the cam less actuation system. The electro hydraulic variable valve actuation system is one of the popular cams less actuation system in which the rotary spool valve is controlled by PI controller. The valve seating velocity is defined as the linear motion of the valve. The valve seating velocity is not optimized for good performance in the real engine. Hence we propose a system to optimize the valve seating velocity. The proposed system is modeled using bond graphs and the outputs are verifiedKey words:bond graph, controller, hydraulic system, valve actuation, valve seating velocity ×
Subash kannan K, Ganesh M.A., Devi Gayadri S.V. "Reduction of Valve Seating Velocity in Electro Hydraulic Valve Actuation System" Vol. 8 - Issue 2 (February 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Despite the fast growth of intuitionistic fuzzy publications, only a small part of these groundbreak- ing researches have significantly impacted the field. The main purpose of this paper was to identify and investigate the 100 most cited publications in the intuitionistic fuzzy field. Topic search based on the keyword "intuitionistic fuzzy" in the Science Citation Index and Social Sciences Citation Index databases was con- ducted to identify the 100 most cited articles. Bibliometric analysis methods were employed to describe these articles from different angles, such as the citation amount and rate, distribution among journals, institutions and countries/regions, author frequency, and citation distribution over time. This paper provides an insight on the characteristics of the highly cited intuitionistic fuzzy publications. The achievements of this study may provide useful information for researchers in the fields related to intuitionistic fuzzy.Key words:Intuitionistic fuzzy, bibliometrics, Web of science, citation. ×
xxxxx "A Bibliometric Analysis on intuitionstic fuzzy set" Vol. 8 - Issue 2 (February 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Despitethefastgrowthofintuitionisticfuzzypublications,onlyasmallpartofthesegroundbrea k- ing researches have significantly impacted the field. The main purpose of this paper was to identify and.........Key words:Intuitionistic fuzzy, bibliometrics, Web of science, citation. ×
Y S Rao, Sidhanta Kumar Jena "A Bibliometric Analysis on intuitionstic fuzzy set" Vol. 8 - Issue 2 (February 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
GraphtheoryisanimportantareaofAppliedMathematicswithabroadspectrumofapplications in many fields. In the Call for Papers for this issue, I asked for submissions presenting new and inoovative approaches for traditional graph-theoretic problems as well as for new applications of graph theory in emerging fields, such as network security, computer science and data analysis, bioinformatics,operationsresearch,engineeringandmanufacturing,physicsandchemistry,linguistics, or socialsciences.Key words:xxxx ×
Y S Rao, Sipun Kumar Barik "Application of Graph Theory in New Aarea of Real Life" Vol. 8 - Issue 2 (February 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
This paper shows the total transportation time problem regarding the time of the active transportation routes. If the multiple optimal solutions exist, it is possible to include other criteria as second level of criteria and find the corresponding solutions. Furthermore, if there is a multiple solution, again, the third objective can be optimized in lexicographic order. The methods of generation of the optimal solution in selected cases are developed. The numerical example is included.Key words:Transportation problem, total time as criteria, multicriteria optimization, lexicographic ordered criteria's. ×
C K Sahoo, Sanjeeb Kumar Sethi "Total Time Minimizing Transportation Problem" Vol. 8 - Issue 2 (February 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Thestudyonthesolventextractionforquantitativeandselectiveseparationo ftotalrareearthmetalsfromthepolymetallicnoduleleachli quorwasinvestigated.......Key words:Totalrareearth(RE)metals;SX;D2EHPA;HCl;deepseanodule. ×
RAJASHREE ACHARYA, SOUMENDRA PATTANAYAK "Liquid liquidextraction and separation of total rareearth (RE) metals from polymetallic manganese nodule leaching solution" Vol. 8 - Issue 2 (February 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
With the astounding improvement of huge information, analytics, and fake intelligence, enormous information analytics is playing a major role in enormous information, counterfeit insights, management, governance, and society. But within the academic community, there is still much debate about what the scope of big data analytics is and how to develop it. By demonstrating a large data generated little information approach.......Key words:BigData. ×
NEHA SHARMA, SUBHASHREE SAHU "Analyses of Big Data: Their Range" Vol. 8 - Issue 2 (February 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
- Examination of Electromechanical Over- Current Relay
Characteristics By Using Experimental and ANN Methods
Adnan Kakilli, Ugur Kesen
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- VLSI Modeling of High Performance Aging Aware Multiplier By Using Adaptive Hold Logic Circuit
P.Lokesh, U.Somalatha, S.Chandana
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- The Deflection Behavior of High Temperature Exposed-
Reinforced Concrete Beam
Setyowati E W, Soehardjono A
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Short Note on Continuous Fourier series
Manjunatha H, Dr. K.M Nagaraja
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Synthesis, conductivity and sensitivity studies of Polyaniline-Iron oxide nanocomposites
Pragnya Pradeep, Aravind Rao M Yadwad , Siddharth Joshi, S. Seetharamu
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Comparative Study of Software Automation Testing Tools: OpenScript and Selenium
Vaibhav Jain, Dr. Kumar Rajnish
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Review On "Dietary Fiber Incorporated Dairy Foods: A Healthy
Ambuja S. R., Rajakumar S. N.
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Power Factor In Electrical Networks
Eng: Fhaid Basheer Aldousari
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Implementation of Downlink Physical Channels and Channel
estimation for Long-Term Evolution (LTE)
Md. Rakibul Alam, Jannatul Ferdous
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Single-Hole Charging in Self-Assembled Silicon Nanostructures
N.T. Bagraev, A.D. Bouravleuv, V.S. Khromov, L.E. Klyachkin, A.M. Malyarenko, W. Gehlhoff, S.A. Rykov
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Effect of
Fogging Cooling On the Performance Parameters of
Cooled Gas Turbine Cycle
Dr Alok Kumar Mohapetra, K S Raghuram, Amarquirti Sethi
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Soft Computing Applications for Intrusion Detection on Computer Network Security
Kshitish Kumar Dash, Jagdish Pradhan, Prasant Kumar Sahu
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Design and Simulation of Robot Manipulator
Kshitish Kumar Dash, P Paulpandian, Pragyan Priyadarshini
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Business process efficiency measurement
Kedarnath Hota, Bidyut Prava Jena, Chandrahanu Malla
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Production and Characterization of Mahua Biodiesel
Dr Nabnit Panigrahi, Mir Naseer Hussain, Manoj Kumar Behera
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Performance and Emission Analysis of a C.I Engine Fuelled with Neem and Mahua Biodiesel
Dr Nabnit Panigrahi, P K Das, Nirmalendu Hota
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
Organizations which are responsible for theelectric power generation, transmission and distribution of the generated energy, has to deliver energy for their consumers. Companies should provide energy constantly with high quality and the cheapest way possible. Power plants are complex structure. Quality and reliability of the provided energy depends on fast and selective protection of it. One of the basic problems of electrical engineering is to protect these kind of facilities and deliver the generated energy efficiently. Protection relay plays a crucial role in deliveringpart of this process. Protection relays have the highest priority for protection of power systems and they are many and varied. In this study, an electromechanical overcurrent protection relay‟s operating characteristic curves were obtained, thenexperimentally investigatedand presented. Experiment took place in Marmara University, Laboratory for......Keyword: Artificial neural networks; Electromechanical relays; Over-current relays; Protection relays ×
Adnan Kakilli, Ugur Kesen "Examination of Electromechanical Over- Current Relay Characteristics By Using Experimental and ANN Methods" Vol. 8 - Issue 2 (February 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Digital multipliers are most critical Arithmetic Logic Units. The performance of ALU systems depends on the throughput of the multiplier. In VLSI, the negative bias temperature instability effect occurs when a pmos Transistor is under negative bias. This result in increasing the threshold voltage of pmos transistor. This phenomenon seriously reduces the speed of multiplier. Similarly th positive bias instability occurs when an nmos transistor is under positive bias. These positive and negative biasing effects degrade the speed of multiplier,degrade the speed of transistor and in long term, the system may fail due to timing violations. In this paper we proposed to design a reliable high performance multiplier with a novel Adaptive Hold Logic(AHL) circuit. With AHL the multiplier is able to provide a higher throughput. The design is implemented by using Advanced design tools like Xilinx14.3 ISE Design suite. The experimental results shows that the proposed architecture yields high performance when compare to the Exixting Architecture..Key words: Adaptive hold logic (AHL)), Xilinx14.3, Virtex6 FPFA. ×
P.Lokesh, U.Somalatha, S.Chandana "VLSI Modeling of High Performance Aging Aware Multiplier By Using Adaptive Hold Logic Circuit" Vol. 8 - Issue 2 (February 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The high temperature exposure that induces the concrete's microstructure changes, will eventually cause the changes of physical and mechanical nature of the concrete's structure while also change the behavior of the reinforced concrete beam. This research studied the deflection behavior of the reinforced concrete beam that had been burned in high temperature and the correlation of this act towards the changes in the concrete's microstructure and the maximum deflection of post-burn reinforced concrete beam. The study used 28 days old of 36 reinforced concrete beams (150 mm x 200 mm x 750 mm) with 25 mm thick concrete cover that had been burned under various temperatures (400oC ; 600oC ; 800oC), compared with unburned control. Afterwards, the flexibility test was done towards the reinforced concrete beams to identify the level of deflection and maximum deflection of each beam.The recent evaluation microstructure test showed that the physical and mechanical characters are in equal with the behavior of post burn reinforced concrete beam .The test result showed that high temperature exposure will change the deflection.....Key words: Deflection, Reinforced Concrete Beam, High Temperature ×
Setyowati E W, Soehardjono A "The Deflection Behavior of High Temperature Exposed- Reinforced Concrete Beam" Vol. 8 - Issue 2 (February 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
This paper studies two data analytic methods: Fourier transforms and wavelets. Fourier transforms approximate a function by decomposing it into sums of sinusoidal functions, while wavelet analysis makes use of mother wavelets. Both methods are capable of detecting dominant frequencies in the signals.Key words: ....... ×
Manjunatha H, Dr. K.M Nagaraja "Short Note on Continuous Fourier series" Vol. 8 - Issue 2 (February 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Polyaniline and polyaniline/Iron oxide nanocomposites were synthesized by in-situ polymerization technique. The formation of PANI/Iron oxide nanocomposites with regards to the structural properties of the materials were investigated by X-Ray diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) techniques. The crystallite size of iron oxide was found to be 36 nm as indicated by XRD along surface normal direction. The frequency dependent conductivity of these nanocomposites has been studied. Large variations in conductivity were observed, this could be due to lattice polarization around the charge localized state and due to variation of distribution of Iron oxide in polymer matrix. Compare to all the composites 50 wt% shows highest sensitivity. The results obtained for these composites are of scientific and technological interest for variety of.........Key words: Polyaniline and Polyaniline, Nanocomposites, X-Ray diffraction, Scanning Electron MicroscopyTransmission Electron Microscopy ×
Pragnya Pradeep, Aravind Rao M Yadwad , Siddharth Joshi, S. Seetharamu "Synthesis, conductivity and sensitivity studies of Polyaniline-Iron oxide nanocomposites" Vol. 8 - Issue 2 (February 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Software Testing ensures delivery of good quality software to the customer. With the increase of product functionality, testing becomes challenging as it is time-consuming to perform manually, cost also increases as test suite size grows and human error can creep into a system which may lead to losses for the organization. Therefore, automation of software testing for the product is needed using appropriate Automation tool, which can enable developers and testers to easily automate the entire flow or process of automation testing. The objective of this paper is to conduct a comparative study of automated tools i.e. the OpenScript and Selenium-based on different criteria`s..Key words: Oracle OpenScript, OATS OpenScript, Selenium, Automation, Testing ×
Vaibhav Jain, Dr. Kumar Rajnish "Comparative Study of Software Automation Testing Tools: OpenScript and Selenium" Vol. 8 - Issue 2 (February 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Dietary fiber is not a "nutrient‟, it is nevertheless an important component of our diets. The fact that it passes through the body without being absorbed is the main reason why fiber is so important. Dietary fiber or "roughage‟ comprises the edible parts of plant that cannot be digested or absorbed in the small intestine and passes into the large intestine in an intact form and which is also resistant to enzymatic digestion that includes cellulose, non-cellulosic polysaccharides such as hemicellulose, pectic substances, gums, mucilages and a noncarbohydrate component (i.e. lignin). Based on their solubility fibers are classified into soluble and insoluble fibers. The soluble fibre enriched diets have a positive effect on human health as their consumption has been known to help in preventing constipation, possible colon & rectal cancer,lowers total cholesterol, calories and alsoregulate variance in the blood sugar.......Key words: Dietary fiber, Fortification, Nutrients, Soluble and Insoluble fibers, Dairy products ×
Ambuja S. R., Rajakumar S. N. "Review On "Dietary Fiber Incorporated Dairy Foods: A Healthy Trend" Vol. 8 - Issue 2 (February 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The power factor is the ratio between kilowatt (KW) and kilo-volts- ampere (KVA) that producing from electrical load. The kVA is the apparent power measurement unit.The concept of power factor can be explained by the following definition: The power factor is the measure of the efficiency of energy consumption consumed. The power factor takes the value between zero and one, and the power factor equal to one is the ideal power factor that is not actually present but is used in electrical calculations as........Key words: ........ ×
Eng: Fhaid Basheer Aldousari "Power Factor In Electrical Networks" Vol. 8 - Issue 2 (February 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In this paper, we have implemented Long-Term Evolution (LTE) Downlink Physical Channels using Single Input Single Output (SISO) channel based on standard parameters for 4G in MATLAB. We also estimated the Downlink Physical Channels. For this purpose we increased the number of reference signals for improving resolution of channel estimation. This work showed the difference between Zero Forcing (ZF) Equalizer and Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) Equalizer. The Bit Error Rate (BER) vs. Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) curve for the Known Channel, Estimated Channel and Modified Estimated Channel are also showed in this paper..Key words: Bit Error Rate (BER), Long-Term Evolution (LTE), Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE), Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM), Single Input Single Output (SISO), Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) ×
Md. Rakibul Alam, Jannatul Ferdous "Implementation of Downlink Physical Channels and Channel estimation for Long-Term Evolution (LTE)" Vol. 8 - Issue 2 (February 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Firstly, we present ultra-shallow (5-30 nm) diffusion profiles performed by short-time boron diffusion from the gas phase into the n-type Si(100) wafer using controlled surface injection of self-interstitials and vacancies. The diffusion profiles of this art are found to consist of both self-assembled longitudinal and lateral quantum wells formed naturally between the - barriers heavily doped with boron. Secondly, the recharging of many-hole and few-electron quantum dots under the conditions of the ballistic transport of single charge carriers inside self-assembled quantum well structures on a Si (100) surface are studied using local tunneling spectroscopy at high temperatures (up to room temperature). On the basis of measurements of the tunneling current–voltage characteristics observed during the transit of single charge carriers through charged quantum dots, the modes of the Coulomb blockade, Coulomb conductivity oscillations, and electronic shell formation are identified. Finally, the tunneling current–voltage characteristics also show the effect of quantum confinement and electron–electron interaction on the characteristics of singlecarrier transport through silicon quantum wires containing weakly and strongly coupled quantum dots.Key words:silicon quantum well, wire, dot, Coulomb blockade, artificial atom, weak and strong coupling ×
N.T. Bagraev, A.D. Bouravleuv, V.S. Khromov, L.E. Klyachkin, A.M. Malyarenko, W. Gehlhoff, S.A. Rykov "Single-Hole Charging in Self-Assembled Silicon Nanostructures" Vol. 8 - Issue 2 (February 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The study provides a computational ana lysis of the effects of compressor pressure ratio, turbine inlet temperature, ambient relative humidity and ambient temperature on the performance parameters of an air cooled gas turbine cycle with evaporative cooling of inlet air. The blade cooling method selected is air film cooling. The analysis indicates that the mass of coolant required for blade cooling is reduced with increase in temperature drop across the humidifier. Both decrease in ambient temperature and ambient relative humidity results in an i ncrease in plant efficiency and plant specific work. The highest efficiency is obtained at a turbine inlet temperature of 1500K for all range of ambient relative humidity and ambient temperature after which it decreases. The compressor pressure ratio corre...Key words:.... ×
Dr Alok Kumar Mohapetra K S Raghuram, Amarquirti Sethi "Effect of Fogging Cooling On the Performance Parameters of Cooled Gas Turbine Cycle" Vol. 8 - Issue 2 (February 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In today's competitive world, computer security is at a boom due to tremendous amount of intruders. To prevent such intruders, detection is required at all levels of a network security. Computer hackers have destroyed voluminous data for which computer security uses a secured tool that helps in detecting attacks in order to harm the computer. These intrusion detections are programmed to detect malicious attacks by anomalous activity. This paper presents new technique of detecting network intrusions using soft computing techniques.Key words:Soft Computing, Network intrusions, web semantics, fuzzy rules. ×
Kshitish Kumar Dash, Jagdish Pradhan, Prasant Kumar Sahu "Soft Computing Applications for Intrusion Detection on Computer Network Security" Vol. 8 - Issue 2 (February 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Inverse kinematics of a robot is extremely basic to locate the joint factors that fulfill the ideal posture of the robot during its control. This is utilized in controlling the robot position, movement of the robot, and so on In this paper, bit by bit clarification and correlation of two broadly utilized techniques, in particular, opposite kinematics and Jacobian backwards strategies, for robot control are introduced. For this reason a six levels of-opportunity wrist-parceled modern robot KUKA KR5 Arc was utilized to show the strategies. A tale approach has been proposed for choosing the suitable arrangement of joint points among the few converse kinematic arrangements. It depends on weight of each connection and manipulability. The correlation of these methodologies for direct and round direction is introduced. Their focal points, restrictions, applications, and calculations included are likewise featured.Key words:.... ×
Kshitish Kumar Dash, P Paulpandian, Pragyan Priyadarshini "Design and Simulation of Robot Manipulator" Vol. 8 - Issue 2 (February 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Business processes such as maintenance do the same or similar things day after day and for that reason, their performance must be measured on a regular basis. Measures of performance are needed in order to determine the productivity and the efficiency of an organization. Performance measurement also plays an important role in identifying and tracking progress against organizational goals. Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is one of the excellent tools to measure efficiency of business processes and DEA has been widely applied to perform efficiency analysis in many sectors.Key words:Performance measurement, Overall Equipment Effectiveness, Data Envelopment Analysis ×
Kedarnath Hota, Bidyut Prava Jena, Chandrahanu Malla "Business process efficiency measurement" Vol. 8 - Issue 2 (February 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The oils obtained from expeller were used for biodiesel production. Degumming process was carried out for Neem and Polanga oil to nullify the gum effect. Then the oils were analysed for determination of their acid values by titrating against a known strength of KOH solution. In this study, biodiesel is produced from Madhuca indica seeds commonly known as Mahua by using transesterification process using a low capacity pressure reactor and by-product of transesterification is glycerol, which is used in preparation of soaps. Mahua Oil Ethyl Ester (MOEE) was produced from the Mahua oil and is mixed with diesel to get different ratios of blends. biodiesel fuels are characterised by a number of physiochemical properties. Some of these are FFA, density, kinematic viscosity, calorific value, flash point , fire point, cloud point, pour point.....Key words:Mahua, biodiesel, fuel properties, mahua oil methyl ester ×
Dr Nabnit Panigrahi, Mir Naseer Hussain, Manoj Kumar Behera "Production and Characterization of Mahua Biodiesel" Vol. 8 - Issue 2 (February 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The present research is aimed at exploring technical feasibility of sample biodiesel in compression ignition research engine without any substantial hardware modification. The investigations were performed on Compression Ignition engine at C.V. Raman College of Engineering, Bhubaneswar, India. The instruments fitted to the test bed were properly calibrated to minimize the possible errors during experimentation. The investigations were carried out by using selected blends of biodiesel and conventional diesel. The performances and emissions were investigated for the blends at different loads from no load to full load conditions and compared with diesel..Key words:Neem, Mahua, Biodiesel, Performance, Emission, Diesel engine ×
Dr Nabnit Panigrahi, P K Das, Nirmalendu Hota "Performance and Emission Analysis of a C.I Engine Fuelled with Neem and Mahua Biodiesel" Vol. 8 - Issue 2 (February 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,