Volume 7 - Issue 12

Home >>December 2017

International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA)

Volume 7 - Issue 12

  • Identification of A Mechanism For Mechanical Deseeding Of Tamarind
    Anagha Balan, Arathy Krishnan, Josna.K, Libina Stephen, Er. Shivaji. K. P
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712010104      logo
  • Abstract:

    A suitable mechanism was identified for the removal of seed from tamarind. Model consists of a handle, oscillating sector with pegs, concave sieve, frame and stand. Shell removed tamarind fruits were used for the experiment. The oscillating sector will move over the tamarind and due to the rubbing action between tamarind and pegs the seeds get removed. The number of seeds removed will depend on moisture content of fruit, number of oscillations given and feed rate. A comparison test was done by tamarind with fiber and without fiber. From the comparison it is clear that tamarind without fiber is more suitable. Maximum amount of seeds get separated when the feed rate is 6kg and moisture content in the range of 6 to 8% (wet basis).ie. capacity of the machine is 100g/minute. The efficiency of machine is 87.17% when tamarind without fiber was used and 73.79% when tamarind with fiber was used. The commonly used traditional methods are very time consuming, less hygienic, less efficient, high structural damage, and required more number of labours. This mechanism is efficient enough to overcome all these problems
    Keyword: ......


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    Anagha Balan, Arathy Krishnan, Josna.K, Libina Stephen, Er. Shivaji. K. P. "Identification of A Mechanism For Mechanical Deseeding Of Tamarind" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • FPGA Implementation of Key Exchange Algorithm
    Vadde SeethaRama Rao, Krishna Bharat Battala
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712010509     logo
  • Abstract:

    Due to rapid growth of Digital Communication, transmission of digital data plays a major role over in secured communication Channel. The main aim of this paper to establish Diffe Hellman key Exchange Algorithm which requires two keys one is for public and another one is for private key which establishes Asymmetric Cryptographic technique. This algorithm has several security applications such as secured socket layer (SSL), Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) etc. This technique is designed by using Verilog HDL with Xilinx ISE Design suite 13.2 version tool. The design is implemented in Xilinx Virtex 5 series device (XCVLX5110T) FPGA board. This project also includes Generation of ICON and VIO core for the design and on chip verification and analyzing using Chipscope Pro..
    Key words: Chipscope pro, Cryptographic, Verilog HDL


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    Vadde SeethaRama Rao, Krishna Bharat Battala "FPGA Implementation of Key Exchange Algorithm" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Worker-Qol 76 – An Instrument For Evaluating Workers' Quality Of Life: A Description Of Its Construction And Key Psychometric Properties
    Marcio R. Martini, Cíntia D. Fonseca, Neusa S. da Rocha, João C. Comel, Antonio C. Santos, Carlos O. Corso
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712011017     logo
  • Abstract:

    Introduction: Quality of Life (QOL) is an individual's perception of his position in life in the context of the culture and value systems in which he lives and in relation to his goals, expectations, standards, and concerns. It involves the presence of physical, mental, and social well-being. Although there are instruments that have been used to evaluate QOL generically, including questions about workers' QOL, specific instruments for evaluating the QOL of workers have not been found. Objectives: To develop and validate a specific instrument (WORKER-QOL 76) to individually evaluate the QOL of workers in general. Methods: The sample comprised 708 workers of both genders who responded to an initial version of the WORKER-QOL 76 questionnaire that included 106 items, the World Health Organization Quality of Life Scale-Abbreviated Version (WHOQOL-BREF)........
    Key words: Quality of life; Evaluation; Workers


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    Marcio R. Martini, Cíntia D. Fonseca, Neusa S. da Rocha, João C. Comel1; Antonio C. Santos, Carlos O. Corso "Worker-Qol 76 – An Instrument For Evaluating Workers' Quality Of Life: A Description Of Its Construction And Key Psychometric Properties" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Biological Sequence Alignment - A Review
    Kala Karun, Dancy Kurian, Sheeja Y.S.
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712011823     logo
  • Abstract:

    Bioinformatics is an emerging interdisciplinary research area that deals with the computational management and analysis of biological information. Genomics is the most important domain in bioinformatics which compares genomic features like DNA sequences, genes, regulatory sequences, or other genomic structural components etc. of different organisms. Computers are used to gather, store, analyze and integrate biological and genetic information which can then be applied to gene-based drug discovery and development. Scientists may require weeks or months if they use their own workstations since biological big data is generated by several different bioinformatics/biological/biomedical experiments and it can be presented as structured or unstructured data. Each cell in the body contains a whole genome......
    Key words: Bioinformatics, Genomics, DNA molecules, Hadoop, RNA molecules


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    Kala Karun, Dancy Kurian, Sheeja Y.S. "Biological Sequence Alignment - A Review" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Analysis and explanation of security in the urban environment based on physical development (Case Study: Isfahan Metropolis)
    Gholam Reza Miri, Mohammad Jafarzadeh Ghahdarijani
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712011201     logo
  • Abstract:

    The sense of security is one of the indices of quality of life in cities and social injuries are considered as the most important consequences of lack of security. The concept of security and the sense of security recently introduced in urban affairs and urban planning. One of the developmental indices that affects the security of urban spaces is physical indices. Therefore, the need to pay attention to physical development, and its planning for sustainable urban development in the framework of national, regional and urban planning, is more and more felt. So the aim of this study is Analysis and explanation of security in the urban environment based on physical development. As a case study, Isfahan Metropolis of Iran is investigated. The research method is analytical and based on library, documentary and field studies.......
    Key words: security, physical indices, development, urban environment, Isfahan


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    Gholam Reza Miri, Mohammad Jafarzadeh Ghahdarijani "Analysis and explanation of security in the urban environment based on physical development (Case Study: Isfahan Metropolis)" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Effect of Soil-Particle and Pore Orientations on Uniaxial Compressive Strength
    Mehmet Söylemez
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712013237     logo
  • Abstract:

    The main objective in the compaction of earth dams, highway embankments, bridge abutments and fills behind retaining walls is to increase the strength of the soils. Compressive strength value of the samples is controlled by the fabric of the compacted soil. The fabric of the compacted soil is not isotropic in all directions. In this study, it has been shown the other two horizontally oriented soil fabrics perpendicular to the compaction direction were, on the contrary to popular belief, not isotropic. It has been shown that the soil fabric tends to become isotropic with the addition of more than 20% spherical fly ash and the compressive strength values depending on perpendicular directions are about equalized to each other.....
    Key words: Soil fabric, strength, orientation


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    Mehmet Söylemez "Effect of Soil-Particle and Pore Orientations on Uniaxial Compressive Strength" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Advanced Applications of the Integration by Parts Formula I
    Tagelsir A. Ahmed, Van Casteren, Jan A
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712013845     logo
  • Abstract:

    We have formulated our main delay stochastic differential equation in stratonovich form and we have also established some theorems and results which can be regarded as advanced applications of the integration by parts formula.
    Key words: Stochastic Differential Equations, Malliavin Calculus, Smooth Densities, Hormander Conditions, Stratonovich Integral.


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    Tagelsir A. Ahmed, Van Casteren, Jan A "Advanced Applications of the Integration by Parts Formula I" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • An Analysis of the Effect of Heat Transfer on Internal Combustion Engines
    Ayedh Alajmi, Khizer Saeed, A. Shalwan
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712014651     logo
  • Abstract:

    In this paper, the temperature and nitric oxide concentrations are predicted using a numerical approach. The main application of this method is for the internal combustion engines. The predictions are made with the help of three correlation models including the Eichelberg, the Hohenberg, and the Woschini correlation models. The experimental results are designed with the help of a multi-zone approach to effectively capture the combustion process. The zones were further divided into burned and unburned zones. The experimental results have shown that under adiabatic conditions, all the three models can predict the temperature and nitric oxide concentration relatively accurately..
    Key words: internal combustion engine, nitric oxide, numerical methods, multi-zonal


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    Ayedh Alajmi, Khizer Saeed, A. Shalwan "An Analysis of the Effect of Heat Transfer on Internal Combustion Engines" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Engine Calibration of Fuel Quality Adaptation Function with Intake Manifold Temperature Sensor
    H.T., Jang
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712015257     logo
  • Abstract:

    Today different fuel qualities are taken into consideration at pre-injection and start-injection fuel mass. The nominal fuel mass with reference fuel to guarantee engine stability with minimum emissions, has to be increased to compensate low evaporation fuel. This paper presents engine calibration of fuel quality adaptation function(FQA) with intake manifold temperature sensor. In engine test benches, the first step is to investigate the temperature behavior in the intake manifold depending on fuels and the driving cycle, the load condition and the boundary conditions as engine rpm, MAF(Mass Air Flow), MAP(Manifold Absolute Pressure), TIA(Intake Air Temperature), TCO(Coolant Temperature). The further step is to investigate the possibility to detect a changing fuel quality in running after fill up the tank.
    Key words: Engine Calibration, Engine Test Bench, Fuel Quality Adaptation Function (FQA), Intake Temperature Sensor


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    H.T., Jang "Engine Calibration of Fuel Quality Adaptation Function with Intake Manifold Temperature Sensor" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Optimizing TCP Congestion Control techniques for modern Wireless Network
    K. Vasudha Rani, Dr. G.A. Ramachandra
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712015862     logo
  • Abstract:

    Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) intended to convey consistent and solid end-to-end information exchange crosswise over untrustworthy systems works perfectly well in wired condition. Indeed, TCP bears the 90% of Internet movement, so execution of Internet is to a great extent in view of the execution of TCP. In any case, end-to-end throughput in TCP corrupts strikingly when worked in remote systems. In remote systems, because of high piece mistake rate and changing level of congestion, retransmission timeouts for bundles lost in transmission is unavoidable. TCP misinterprets these irregular parcel misfortunes, because of the unusual idea of remote condition, and the resulting bundle reordering as blockage and conjures clog control by triggering quick retransmission and quick recuperation, prompting under-usage of the system assets and influencing TCP execution fundamentally. This postulation audits.....
    Key words: TCP, NS2,Congestion Control


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    K. Vasudha Rani, Dr. G.A. Ramachandra "Optimizing TCP Congestion Control techniques for modern Wireless Network" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com



  • Mesh Methodology based intelligent system works on foot step sound for Border Security
    Shah Md. Nur-A-Ashek, Khatibur Rahman, Md. Rakib Hasan
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712020104      logo
  • Abstract:

    This paper displays a plan of WINS (Wireless Integrator Network Sensor) in a dispersed system utilizing multi jump correspondence, worked at low power and low recurrence. In WINS, the PIR Sensor (PASSIVE INFRARED) identifies the human body around 200 feet and utilizations the idea of Black Body Radiation. The consolidated impact of Sensing, Signal Processing, Computation and Decision ability is been depicted with greater progression and exactness in an Integrated System. WINS has favorable position over other security frameworks as it is less expensive, speedier, smaller, adaptable and is actualized utilizing miniaturized scale control CMOS Circuits. The issue of distinguishing strides utilizing acoustic and seismic sensors is drawn closer from three distinctive points in this proposition. To start with, accelerometer information preparing frameworks are intended to make strides more clear to a human administrator tuning in........
    Keyword: Multi way communication, PIR sensor, GPS Security, Multi-CMOS circuits


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    Shah Md. Nur-A-Ashek, Khatibur Rahman, Md. Rakib Hasan "Mesh Methodology based intelligent system works on foot step sound for Border Security" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Finite Element Analysis of Typical Ground Based Composite Sandwich Radome
    Pavan Raj S, Dr. H.K.Rangavittal
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712020511     logo
  • Abstract:

    Radome encapsulates the Radar and serves as radio frequency transparent shield to the antenna. Radome protects the antenna from external environments which are detrimental to the Electromagnetic performance of the radar. Ground based radomes which house the ground based radars are generally large spherical truncated structures constructed with composite sandwich panels. Essentially, geometry and material selection of the radome is driven by the Electromagnetic design and performance. The structural design of the radome is mainly based on the aerodynamic loads on the radome.In this thesis, based on detailed literature survey, technical specifications of a typical ground based radome is considered. The aerodynamic loads on the radome are assumed as per appropriate standards.......
    Key words: aerodynamic loads,finite element analysis,sandwich composite material, failure Analysis


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    Pavan Raj S, Dr. H.K.Rangavittal "Finite Element Analysis of Typical Ground Based Composite Sandwich Radome" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Two Level Scheduler for Cloud Computing Environment
    Sheeja Y.S., Dancy Kurian, Kala Karun
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712021217     logo
  • Abstract:

    Cloud computing delivers infrastructure, platform, software and other applications as services, which are made available as subscription-based services in a pay-as-you-go model to consumers. Quantifying the performance of scheduling and allocation policy on Cloud infrastructures like hardware, software, services for different application and service models under varying load, energy performance such as power consumption, heat dissipation, and system size is an extremely challenging problem. This paper presents the implementation of an efficient Quality of Service based Meta-Scheduler and Backfill strategy based light weight Virtual Machine Scheduler for dispatching jobs. The user centric Meta-scheduler deals with selection of proper resources to execute high level jobs. The system centric Virtual Machine scheduler optimally dispatches the jobs to processors for better resource utilization.
    Key words: Back filling, Cloud Computing, Meta-scheduler, Quality of service, Virtual Machine


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    Sheeja Y.S., Dancy Kurian, Kala Karun "Two Level Scheduler for Cloud Computing Environment" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Skill Development, Employability and Entrepreneurship Through Make in India: A Study
    Dr. Jagdish Prasad, Dr. D.G.M. Purohit
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712021828     logo
  • Abstract:

    According to the International Labour Organization"Skill development is of key importance in stimulating a sustainable development process and can make a contribution in facilitating the transition from an informal to formal economy. It is also essential to address the opportunities and challenges to meet new demands of changing economies and new technologies in the context of globalization." The objective of Skill Development is to develop a workforce empowered with the necessary and continuously upgraded skills, knowledge and internationally recognized qualifications to gain access to decent employment and ensure India‟s competitiveness in the dynamic global market. Mr. Narendra Damodardas Modi, Prime Minister of India has launched Make in India on 25th September, 2014.....
    Key words: Employability, Entrepreneurship, Economic , Make in India, Skill Gap, Skill Development.


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    Dr. Jagdish Prasad, Dr. D.G.M. Purohit "Skill Development, Employability and Entrepreneurship Through Make in India: A Study" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • User behaviors attributes of database anomaly detection model
    SaifAldeen Salim Ahmed
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712022935     logo
  • Abstract:

    This paper includes the description of designing a data-base anomalydetection system, whichis capable of being more precisein depictingthe behaviors of individuals and improving data-base abnormaldetecting correctness. In designing the system, the Aprioriapproach is used first and depends on the k-meansclusteringand the Apriorimethods.It is capable of more efficiently exploitingusers'behaviors, and the data-base abnormalmore efficient detecting. The relevantstudiesshow that Apriorimethodaccording to time efficiency and precision of detectionis more optimal than thesoleutilizationaccording to association rulesmining approachesApriorimethod.
    Key words: Anomaly detection structure,Apriori,users'behaviorss.


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    SaifAldeen Salim Ahmed "User behaviors attributes of database anomaly detection model" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Mining Equipment Analysis to Reach Target Production on Overburden in Kutai Kertanegara East Borneo
    Febe Franicha, Sutanto Hidayat, Tiong Iskandar
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712023644     logo
  • Abstract:

    Mining equipment operations is one of the vital means to support target production determined. Early activities of mining is clearing land plants (overburden). Data have been obtained and analyzed based on literature related to the issue: there are geometry road calculate, time circulation, efficiency, productivity, equipment needs, compatibility and alternative combinations. Based on research results, value work efficiency of wheel loading and dump truck are 74.63% and 58.37%; productivity of 10 units of wheel loading 5.05BCM/hour and 25 units of dump truck 5.189 BCM/hour; 0.65 congeniality mining equipment with waiting time 6.61 minutes for wheel loading; Efforts to reached target production are: barriers improvements that occur and perform additional work time, so work efficiency wheel loading increased 76.97% with productivity 5.213 BCM/ hour and efficiency of dump truck increased 61.11% and productivity 5.432 BCM.....
    Key words: Work efficiency, Productivity and Target Production


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    Febe Franicha, Sutanto Hidayat, Tiong Iskandar "Mining Equipment Analysis to Reach Target Production on Overburden in Kutai Kertanegara East Borneo" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Application of Value Engineering in The Work of Architecture Wall and Roof Work Convention Hall Building at Regency of Kediri East Java Indonesia
    Damas Danur Rendra, Sutanto Hidayat, Tiong Iskandar
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712024550     logo
  • Abstract:

    Building budget plan project should be planned efficiently and optimally. In construction management there is a civil engineering disciplines that can be used to streamline costs. The science known as value engineering. Value engineering is a creative approach and planned with the aim to identify and streamline costs unnecessarily. In a construction project financing is often the case inflate the perceived no need or if it were to be reduced, especially in the construction of Convention Hall building at Regency of Kediri. Research aimed at any item of work that can be done value engineering, how Choose and taking into account the type of materials for the building construction more precise and efficient, and how large the cost efficiency obtained after the analysis of Value Engineering. Application of Value......
    Key words: Convention Hall, Cost Savings, Value Engineering, Efficient.


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    Damas Danur Rendra, Sutanto Hidayat, Tiong Iskandar "Application of Value Engineering in The Work of Architecture Wall and Roof Work Convention Hall Building at Regency of Kediri East Java Indonesia" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Investigation of Chemical stability ofmetal-mycolacton A/B complexes, using quantum chemicalONIOM method
    Kadjo François KASSI, Mamadou Guy-Richard KONE, Kafoumba BAMBA, Nahossé ZIAO
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712025158     logo
  • Abstract:

    Mycolactons are responsible for Buruli Ulcer which (BU) is a necrotizing disease of the skin and soft tissue. In this work, up to five metals, meaning Lithium (Li), Sodium (Na), Magnesium (Mg), Calcium (Ca), and Aluminum (Al) are used to complex mycolacton A/B molecule. Quantum chemistry method, especially ONIOM two layers computation method, i.eONIOM(B3LYP/6-311+G(d,p):AM1)level, has led to determine the major interaction sites ofmycolacton A/B. Furthermore, geometric and energeticparameters of the above mentioned complexation reaction have been computed for each metal. Results showed that magnesium is the metal that possesses the strongest affinity with mycolacton A/B. The identification of such a metal constitutes a noticeable advance towards understanding the mode of action of the toxin. Its consideration in the design of drugs againstBuruli Ulcer will lead to annihilate destructive effects of mycolactonA/B.
    Key words: Buruli Ulcer,Mycobacterium ulcerans,mycolacton, ONIOM, quantum chemistry.


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    Kadjo François KASSI, Mamadou Guy-Richard KONE, Kafoumba BAMBA, Nahossé ZIAO "Investigation of Chemical stability ofmetal-mycolacton A/B complexes, using quantum chemicalONIOM method" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Integral Points on The Hyperbola 𝟑𝒙𝟐−𝟒𝒚𝟐=𝟑
    R.Anbuselvi, D.Nithya
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712025961     logo
  • Abstract:

    This paper concerns with the problem of obtaining non-zero distinct integral points on the hyperbola.Two different sets of solutions satisfying the hyperbola under consideration are presented. Knowing a solution, a general formula for generating a sequence of solutions is presented
    Key words: Binary quadratic equations, integral points on the hyperbola


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    R.Anbuselvi, D.Nithya "Integral Points on The Hyperbola 𝟑𝒙𝟐−𝟒𝒚𝟐=𝟑" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Comparative Simulation ResultsforEN-54, НПБ 88 and NFPA 72 Standards-the Hallway Case
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712026270     logo
  • Abstract:

    Fire detectors arrangement in object presents very important task in fire protection. This task was regulated by different standards. Standard references should be the same or similar, but for some detectors arrangement cases they are different. Particularly interested is the case of fire detectors arrangement in hallway.This paper has written to presents comparative simulation results of smoke detectors reactions in the case of hallway for three different burner`s positions and three different detector`s thresholds, according to EN-54, НПБ 88 and NFPA 72 standards.
    Key words: detector, arrangement, simulation, standard


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    RadojeJevtić "Comparative Simulation ResultsforEN-54, НПБ 88 and NFPA 72 Standards-the Hallway Case" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Study on the Effect of Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) Process Parameters on the Printed Part Quality
    Ngoc-Hien Tran, Van-Nam Nguyen, Anh-Vu Ngo, Van-Cuong Nguyen
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712027177     logo
  • Abstract:

    3D printing known as additive manufacturing (AM) has been applied for applications in different fields such as aerospace, automotive, biomedical, and energy industries. It is the fact that 3D printing has gained a very wide acceptance over the last decade. However, several significant hurdles prevent its wider adoption. One of the most important barriers is the quality of the printed parts. Currently, many manufacturers and end users have difficulty stating with certainty that parts or products produced via 3D printing will be of consistent quality, strength, and reliability. Without this guarantee, many manufacturers will remain leery of AM technology. For getting the good quality of the printed part, influence factors must be considered such as material properties, machine specifications, printing conditions and process parameters. Among the large number of 3D printing methods, fused deposition modeling (FDM) method is used widely.....
    Key words: 3D printing, Additive manufacturing, FDM, Printing quality, Surface roughness


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    Ngoc-Hien Tran, Van-Nam Nguyen, Anh-Vu Ngo, Van-Cuong Nguyen "Study on the Effect of Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) Process Parameters on the Printed Part Quality" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Conceptions of Urbanistic Architects for Requalification of Urban Infrastructure for Better City Functionality
    Denise Moreira, Ernani Zandoná Pazini, Fabricio Longhi Bernardes, Liane Dalla Gasperina, Jessica Portela, Alcindo Neckel
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712027279     logo
  • Abstract:

    Brazil contemplates different problems aimed at an urban infrastructure, consequences of the lack of planning, directed to the isolated investments applied in the cities. What becomes in turn an unsustainable city for lack of qualified public equipment, reflecting on a quality of life of the population. The general objective of the research is to analyze how different perceptions of urbanistic architects for requalifications applied to the urban infrastructure for better functionality of the Brazilian cities, thus realizing proposals of urban intervention without stretch of the ERS-135 with access to AV: Padre Antônio Vieira, e a BR-285 in the São José neighborhood in the city of Passo Fundo/RS-Brazil. Methodologically, it was used the theoretical ports provided with scientific articles, dissertations and theses. Subsequently, semi-structured interviews were carried out, with Urbanistic Architects, categorized based on.....
    Key words: Urban requalification. Technical approaches. Revitalization of the built environment


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    Denise Moreira, Ernani Zandoná Pazini, Fabricio Longhi Bernardes, Liane Dalla Gasperina, Jessica Portela, Alcindo Neckel "Conceptions of Urbanistic Architects for Requalification of Urban Infrastructure for Better City Functionality" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Key Issues And Challenges In Cloud Computing For Library Services
    Kadali Srinivas, K.Devendra Chary
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712028082     logo
  • Abstract:

    Cloud computing can help libraries collaborate with each other in a facile manner. Every library has its own electronic data resources. If all electronic data resources are put together in a single place which may be accessed by a group of libraries, the whole electronic data base will become huge. This space which contains all the electronic data can be some cloud, say, a library cloud. This library cloud will contain the digitized data of different libraries and hence, will help libraries integrate their data. The need for maintaining and backing up the data will not be the responsibility of the libraries since all the data will be stored in the cloud which shall be managed by some cloud provider. It will also help the libraries in scaling up or down their data capacity whenever required. This scaling up or down is purely a function of need. Hence, the libraries would be consuming exactly the required space. As a result....
    Key words: Cloud Computing, Digital Library, Library Services through Cloud Computing


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    Kadali Srinivas, K.Devendra Chary "Key Issues And Challenges In Cloud Computing For Library Services" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com



  • Development of Traffic Sign Assets Management System in Indian Context
    P.Yella Reddy, B. Rama Bhupal Reddy
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712030107      logo
  • Abstract:

    Traffic situation at uncontrolled intersections is complex, especially in highly heterogeneous traffic conditions, as in India. Available gap is used by vehicles to clear the intersection as no control measures exist at uncontrolled intersections. Thus a thorough understanding of gap acceptance behaviour of drivers is the key in evaluating performance and safety of unsignalised intersections. Moreover, the traffic volume on each leg of the road also has an effect on the gap acceptance. For the intersection where traffic volume is low, studies have shown that adopting gap acceptance method may not have a direct influence, but where the traffic is expected to grow rapidly, it is very important to assess the effect of traffic volume on gap acceptance. This study studies the influence of traffic volume on gap acceptance behaviour.......
    Keyword: Heterogeneous, Traffic volume, Uncontrolled intersections, Unsignalised intersections


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    P.Yella Reddy, B. Rama Bhupal Reddy "Development of Traffic Sign Assets Management System in Indian Context" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Integration of Green Skills in Sustainable Development in Technical And Vocational Education
    Arasinah Kamis, Amarumi Alwi, Bushra Limuna Hj Ismail, Normah Zakaria, Faizal Amin Nur Yunus
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712030812      logo
  • Abstract:

    TVET or Technical and Vocational Education, Pendidikan Teknikal dan Vokasional in Malaysia (PTV) plays an important role in contributing to the source of skilled manpower. PTV transformation needs to emphasise sustainable development in producing competent students. Green skills that have a significant association with green technology will contribute to sustainable development in terms of the environment, economy and social activities. Indeed, green skills need to be incorporated in PTV as one of the measures to provide skilled labour and at the same time act as an agent of sustainable development in various aspects. This article explores the integration of green skills in the sustainable development of PTV in Education Sustainability Development (ESD) as a method of preserving and conserving the environment.
    Keyword: .......


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    P.Yella Arasinah Kamis, Amarumi Alwi, Bushra Limuna Hj Ismail, Normah Zakaria, Faizal Amin Nur Yunus "Integration of Green Skills in Sustainable Development in Technical And Vocational Education" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Role of Vranadhoopan in The Managementof Chronic Non- Healing Ulcers Under The Influence of Tab GandhakRasayan
    Dr. Parikshit R. Shirode, Dr. Kamlesh S. Mahajan
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712031317      logo
  • Abstract:

    The Vrana (Ulcer) is a universal problem in India, particularly in rural areas where there is very big problem of traumatic wounds due to the lababorious job in agriculture fields. The wounds become infected due to unhygienic conditions and low immunity. Also, Due to the poor Economic condition, maximum population is unable to purchase costly antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs. So we decided to find out treatment for ulcer which could be within reach of poor patients. Vranadhoopan simply means fumigation of wounds in modified Dhoopanyantra.
    Keyword: Vrana, Ulcer, Wounds, Dhoopan, Rasayana, Dhoopan Yantra


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    Dr. Parikshit R. Shirode, Dr. Kamlesh S. Mahajan "Role of Vranadhoopan in The Managementof Chronic Non- Healing Ulcers Under The Influence of Tab GandhakRasayan" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Development of Automotive Technology Competency Constructs By Modified Delphi Method
    ArasinahKamis, SariatiTalib
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712031824      logo
  • Abstract:

    In a country heading into the 21st century, the field of skills is an important area to accommodate the needs of the workforce. Labor required in line with the latest technological developments. Institutions to produce graduates who have the skills competency in the skills and knowledge to be able to provide a quality workforce. Competence is the measurement level of knowledge and skills. Teaching competence in the skills taught will provide a beneficial effect on learning achievement in mastering the knowledge and skills. Paperwork aims to discuss the expert's views on the development of automotive technology competence constructs.Constructive competence of automotive technology is a measurement guide to the development......
    Keyword: Competency, Delphi, instrument, skills, knowledge, assesment


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    ArasinahKamis, SariatiTalib "Development of Automotive Technology Competency Constructs By Modified Delphi Method" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Scaling The Effectiveness of Existing Techniques Towards Enhancing Performance of UWB Antenna
    Sangeetha.P, Deepika.R
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712032529      logo
  • Abstract:

    This paper reviews an engineering techniques for the detection of faults in rail tracks, that are used in the application of fibre optic sensor which uses fibre optic sensors to replace track circuits for detection of damaged or broken rails. In this paper, we have developed fibre optic sensor system for efficient installation on rails and also detection of the rail breaks and track buckle.
    Keyword: .....


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    P.Yella Sangeetha.P, Deepika.R "Scaling The Effectiveness of Existing Techniques Towards Enhancing Performance of UWB Antenna" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Privacy Threat Modelling And Analysis in Access Control Context
    U. M. Mbanaso, Ph.D.
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712033035      logo
  • Abstract:

    Privacy is concern that must be addressed whenever personal identifiable information (PII) is involved in information systems. Notably, access controlmechanisms make use of PII to determine privileges assigned to users in typical access control scenario, which, potentially puts it at risk. This paper examines privacy issues in access control using Threat Modelling and Analysis approaches. The outcome helps to situate privacy concerns when designing access control engines.
    Keyword: ......


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    P.Yella U. M. Mbanaso, Ph.D. "Privacy Threat Modelling And Analysis in Access Control Context" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Enhancement of performance of Air Conditioning system using Fined HPHX with staggered array
    Omkar Shitole, Sourabh Choudhari, Kamlesh Patil, Tejas Sabale, Jalindar Kute
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712033643      logo
  • Abstract:

    The air conditioners generally use less than 35% of their capacity in dehumidification and the rest in cooling. If more dehumidification is required, the air must be overcooled to remove moisture and then must be reheated. This has the disadvantages as energy is required for overcooling and reheating, Equipment must be oversized to overcool, maintenance costs and Power demand are increased. The use of heat pipes can reduce or eliminate overcooling and reheating. This offers tremendous cost savings in decreased energy consumption, lower equipment investment, and reduced maintenance and demand charges. So in this Project concentration is on developing a new central air conditioning system to study the effect of heat pipe on air conditioner of 1.0 ton for heating the conditioned air for.......
    Keyword: Air-Conditioners, Heat Pipes, Electrical Energy, Temperature Difference.


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    P.Yella Omkar Shitole, Sourabh Choudhari, Kamlesh Patil, Tejas Sabale, Jalindar Kute "Enhancement of performance of Air Conditioning system using Fined HPHX with staggered array" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Experimental study of Induced Draft Cooling Tower with Evaporative Pads
    Sourabh Choudhari, Omkar Shitole, Abhishek Parthe, Tejas Mate, Manish Deshmukh
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712034450      logo
  • Abstract:

    The cooling towers are used to reject the heat from the water stream to the atmosphere. With the help of the Merkel's Equation, the optimum water to air flow rate is calculated. Also, by the use of evaporative cooling pads, an additional cooling is obtained. The performance and optimization of the cooling tower is based on the cooling range and approach. To get the most energy efficient operating point of the systems, the optimization of operating conditions of cooling tower applications in cooling water is extremely significant. The objective of this paper is to compare the results derived from the existing setup of an induced draft cooling tower with the towers having evaporative cooling pads attached to it.......
    Keyword: Cooling Tower, Merkel Equation, Performance, Evaporative Cooling Pads


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    P.Yella Sourabh Choudhari, Omkar Shitole, Abhishek Parthe, Tejas Mate, Manish Deshmukh "Experimental study of Induced Draft Cooling Tower with Evaporative Pads" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Gaussian Integer Solutions of Homogeneous Ternary Quadratic Equation (x-y)[73(x-y)+54z]+z2=16x(y-z)
    S.Vidhyalakshmi, M.A.Gopalan, S. Aarthy Thangam
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712035153      logo
  • Abstract:

    The homogeneous ternary quadratic equation (x-y)[73(x-y)+54z]+z2=16x(y-z) has been analysed for its Gaussian integer solutions. Three different choices of Gaussian integer solutions are presented. Also, a few interesting relations among the solutions are given
    Keyword: Homogeneous quadratic, Ternary quadratic, Gaussian integer solutions


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    P.Yella S.Vidhyalakshmi, M.A.Gopalan, S. Aarthy Thangam "Gaussian Integer Solutions of Homogeneous Ternary Quadratic Equation (x-y)[73(x-y)+54z]+z2=16x(y-z)" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Review Paper on the Noise Cancellation Techniques in High Frequency Amplifier for Wireless Application
    Joyti Kumari, Rishi Jha
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712035457      logo
  • Abstract:

    Low Noise Amplifier is the Front End Block of Radio-Frequency Receiver System. It is Key Component for a range of applications such as Satellite Communication, Radar Transmitter, and Wireless Communication System etc. Losses, S- Parameter and Power Dissipation are required in its designing. In this research, have surveyed almost all work of past decade, here, will Study about Varying Range of Noise Figure, Gain, Power Consumption, S-Parameter and Different Methodologies Used in Different Research Papers from 1998 to 2016.
    Keyword: ......


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    P.Yella Joyti Kumari, Rishi Jha Review Paper on the Noise Cancellation Techniques in High Frequency Amplifier for Wireless Application" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Key Issues And Challenges with Web Crawlers
    P.Srikanth, K.V.Sai phani, G.Venu Gopal
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712035861      logo
  • Abstract:

    Due to the current size of the Web and its dynamic nature, building an efficient search mechanism is very important. A vast number of web pages are continually being added every day, and information is constantly changing. Search engines are used to extract valuable Information from the internet. Web crawlers are the principal part of search engine, it is program or computer software that browses the internet in an automated manner or in an orderly fashion. It is an essential method for collecting data on, and keeping in touch with the rapidly increasing Internet..
    Keyword: Crawling techniques, Web Crawler, Search engine, WWW


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    P.Srikanth, K.V.Sai phani, G.Venu Gopal "Key Issues And Challenges with Web Crawlers" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Power Factor Correction and Speed Control of BLDC Motor Drive Fed by Zeta Converter
    Nooka Yamuna, Mouliswararao Reddy, B.Srikanth
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712036266     logo
  • Abstract:

    This paper proposes a brushless dc (BLDC) motor fed by zeta converter for power factor correction (PFC). A single phase supply followed by an uncontrolled bridge rectifier and a Zeta DC-DC converter is used to control the voltage of a DC link capacitor .The PFC-based zeta converter is designed to operate in discontinuous inductor current mode thus utilizing a voltage follower approach which requires a single voltage sensor for DC link voltage control and PFC operation. The speed variation in the BLDC motor is achieved by varying the DC link voltage. The DC link voltage is calculated corresponding to the duty cycle of the converter switch. The proposed drive with zeta converter is realized as an efficient method for power factor correction in low-power applications also. A MATLAB/Simulink is used to simulate the developed model to achieve the range of speed control with high power factor and improved Power Quality at the supply.
    Keyword: Brushless DC motor (BLDCM), DC link voltage, PID controller, PFC (Power Factor Correction), Zeta converter.


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    Nooka Yamuna, Mouliswararao Reddy, B.Srikanth "Power Factor Correction and Speed Control of BLDC Motor Drive Fed by Zeta Converter" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Preparation of ZrB2 -SiC based ceramics using MoSi2 as sintering aids and explanation using electronic theory of sintering – an elementary literature review
    Mainak Saha
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712036773      logo
  • Abstract:

    ZrB2 (zirconium diboride)-based ceramics reinforced by 15vol.% SiC whiskers with high density were successfully prepared using MoSi2 as sintering aids. The effects of sintering condition and MoSi2 content on densification behavior, phase composition, and mechanical properties of SiCw/ZrB2 composites were studied. Nearly, fully dense materials (relative density >99%) were obtained by hot-pressing (HP) at 1700°C–1800°C in flow argon atmosphere. The grain size of ZrB2 phase in the samples sintered by HP at 1700°C–1800°C were very fine, with mean size below 5 μm. Mechanical properties (such as flexural strength, fracture toughness, and Vickers hardness) of the sintered samples were measured. The sample with 15vol.% MoSi2 addition sintered by HP at 1750°C displayed the best mechanical properties..
    Keyword: zirconium diboride (ZrB2) MoSi2 sintering aids mechanical properties, Spark plasma sintering(SPS)


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    P.Yella Mainak Saha "Preparation of ZrB2 -SiC based ceramics using MoSi2 as sintering aids and explanation using electronic theory of sintering – an elementary literature review" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com



  • Software Reuse metrics and their impacts
    Dr.Sanjay Kumar, Satish Kumar
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712040105      logo
  • Abstract:

    Reusability is not only the process of using already existing artifacts to develop new software; it is the process of applying existing solution to the new arrived problem. Reusability not only reduces the rework, development time, cost and risk associated with the software product but also enhance the quality and productivity of the product. Software reuse concept is not rigorously adopted by software developer as it should be. The number of factors that work as hindrance in its widespread are reuse libraries, metrics, domain analysis and modelling etc. The concept of reusability can be applied in better way by breaking the product to be developed into its lowest units. This will increase the reusability in all phases and helps to overcome all the barriers. The availability of software reuse metrics plays a vital role in its implementation.....
    Keyword: Software reuse, Software quality, Software productivity, Reuse ratio


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    Dr.Sanjay Kumar, Satish Kumar "Software Reuse metrics and their impacts" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Extraction of Non Proliferative Diabetic retinopathy using new designed wavelet and classification using KNN classifier
    Deepali D. Rathod, Ramesh R. Manza , Yogesh M. Rajput, Manoj Saswade, Neha Deshpande
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712040613      logo
  • Abstract:

    Diabetic retinopathy is very serious condition in which increased blood sugar level causes swelling in the blood vessels and it may leak in to the retina. It is the effect of diabetes on the eye. There are four stages of diabetic retinopathy that are Mild non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy, Moderate non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy, severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy, Proliferative diabetic retinopathy. In this paper we have done the extraction of non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. We have extracted microaneurysms and exudates using new designed wavelet (DR), and classification is done using KNN classifier. KNN classifier classifies in to four classes that are mild, moderate, severe, and healthy. For this work we have used three publically available fundus image databases that are DIARETDB0, DIARETDB1 and STARE databases having 130, 89, and 397 fundus images respectively. Using this technique we have got 99.03% accuracy for detection of NPDR.
    Keyword: .......


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    Deepali D. Rathod, Ramesh R. Manza , Yogesh M. Rajput, Manoj Saswade, Neha Deshpande "Extraction of Non Proliferative Diabetic retinopathy using new designed wavelet and classification using KNN classifier" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Solving engineering problems using the finite difference method applied to Scilab
    Borges, Jacques Cousteau da Silva
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712041419      logo
  • Abstract:

    This paper describes the procedures adopted, and the results found, in the numerical resolution of a problem of plate flexion, through the finite difference method. The two-dimensional problem was proposed as being a plate that is partially subjected to a uniformly distributed load, and rests on an elastic base, set at its ends and supported on its sides. Given the boundary conditions, an algorithm with the finite difference method was developed. The programming language used was SciLab, and the results were expressed both numerically and graphically. Theoretical fundamentals, program elements and the analysis of their performance are expressed in detail in the following text, including elements that facilitate the use in engineering classes, following a didactic approach, so that it can be reproduced in classrooms of courses of engineering.....
    Keyword: Finite differences, taylor series, scilab, engineering education


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    Borges, Jacques Cousteau da Silva "Solving engineering problems using the finite difference method applied to Scilab" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Aircraft component manufacturing machines operation schedule usable informative text
    L.N Das, S.K Parhi, C.R. Mallick
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712042022      logo
  • Abstract:

    In this short paper the authors emphasized the aircraft component manufacturing operation schedule documentation informative for the initiation of solving transport facility hindering problems. The introduction contain a multipurpose linear programming text for touching the near future energy deficiency eradication solution for the regional academic institutions. The subsequent texts precisely describe the simple list of attribute variables for a large integrated plant automation machine operation schedule. Finally we have framed an example to describe how to decide maximum revenue saving by at the casting a proportional product mix alloy before furnace foundry process.
    Keyword: Aircraft manufacturing tasks, multipurpose program, and operation schedule


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    L.N Das, S.K Parhi, C.R. Mallick "Aircraft component manufacturing machines operation schedule usable informative text" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Finite Elelment Analysis of A Cantilever Beam Using Piezoelctric Actualtors
    Kamini P. Bhavsar, Dr. Prashant Deshmukh
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712042329      logo
  • Abstract:

    In this present scenario deformation is the major problem in structural design. In Aerospace and satellite objects, faces a major problem of static deformation due to many parameter uncertainties and environmental disturbances. Many researchers have studied and found that active control is frequently being used in aircraft, submarine, automobile, helicopter blade, naval vessel. The study uses ANSYS software to derive the finite element model of the beam. Analytical and Numerical results are presented to show the static and dynamic behavior of aluminum beams with piezoelectric actuators. Experimentation was also conducted to verify the analytical and numerical results. Experimentation was also conducted to verify the analytical and numerical results. The effect of the number and locations of the actuators on the control system are also investigated.
    Keyword: .....


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    Kamini P. Bhavsar, Dr. Prashant Deshmukh "Finite Elelment Analysis of A Cantilever Beam Using Piezoelctric Actualtors" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Feasibility study for Engine Misfiring
    Komal Behl, Subrat Kar, D. S. Khatri, Vembsys Gurgaon
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712043441      logo
  • Abstract:

    Spark Ignition Engine (SI) employed in transport sector are the major contribution of air pollution in major cities. Recent studies shows that the idling period has been increased up to 60% of total driving period in peak traffic condition. Moreover idling period has increased significantly, which has created pressure on researcher to reduce the exhaust gas emission during engine running condition. The Idling speed instability and misfiring may be the major cause of exhaust gas emissions. From the recent studies, Engine misfire resulting in exhaust emissions exceeding 1.5 times the applicable standard or FEL for NMHC, CO or NOX[1]; and any misfire capable of damaging the catalytic converter. To improve the idle stability and emissions, idle fluctuations has to be reduced. Even future emission norms like BS VI demands to focus on detection of misfiring. Hence in the proposed research paper we focused on detection of Engine Misfiring.......
    Keyword: Air-Conditioners, Heat Pipes, Electrical Energy, Temperature Difference.


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    Komal Behl, Subrat Kar, D. S. Khatri, Vembsys Gurgaon "Feasibility study for Engine Misfiring" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • The Development of a Framework for Strategic Noise Mapping
    U.Murali, M.Pradeep, C.Vijayakumar, T.Rajasekaran
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712044251      logo
  • Abstract:

    The main objective of this paper is to provide practical information, advice and guidance to designated Noise of an area, machineries, and operations on the development of strategic noise maps under the Environmental Noise Regulations. This paper provides a review of the noise mapping, aims and objectives of the Regulations. It also sets out a recommended approach for the development of strategic noise maps and a framework process for the assessment of exposure to environmental noise and presentation of information to the public. This paper attention to the minimum requirements for strategic noise mapping, as defined within the Regulations and Directive, and offers practical advice on how these requirements may be met.
    Keyword: Cooling Environmental noise, Noise, Noise Regulations, Strategic noise maps.


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    U.Murali, M.Pradeep, C.Vijayakumar, T.Rajasekaran "The Development of a Framework for Strategic Noise Mapping" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Surface Finishing using Extrusion Honing Process on Monel- 400
    K N Lingaraju, H P Raju
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712044251      logo
  • Abstract:

    Extrusion Honing (EH) also known as Abrasive flow machining (AFM) is a unconventional machining process which is used to deburr, radius, polish and remove recast layer of components in a wide range of applications by flowing pressurized semisolid abrasive laden visco-elastic media over those surfaces of Monel- 400. . In the present study Monel- 400 has been extrude honed in an indigenously built hydraulic operated extrusion honing setup using a select grade of polymer as a carrier medium and SiC abrasives of 54 Mesh size. The internal surface finish results are evaluated in terms of surface finish parameters (Ra, Rz, Rt, Rpk) for 7, 8, 9, 10 mm hole diameters. The results showed that surface parameters and material removal were mainly influenced by abrasive concentration and abrasive Mesh size.
    Keyword: Extrusion honing, Monel-400, Surface finish, Abrasive Flow Machining, Silicone..


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    K N Lingaraju, H P Raju "Surface Finishing using Extrusion Honing Process on Monel- 400" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Two strokes engine performance using waste cooking oil
    Mohammed Almutairi, J.G. Alotaibi, B.F. Yousif
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712045762      logo
  • Abstract:

    The aim of this research is optimise the biodiesel fuel that can be produced from waste cooking oil for two stroke engines and study the performance of two stroke engines work on the proposed fuel from the first stage. Firstly, the waste cooking oil will be characterised and improve its poor properties using chemical additives. Secondly, biodiesel production method from waste cooking oil will reviewed, assessed and optimised to obtain the most appropriate biodiesel fuel. Thirdly, the performance of two stroke engines that run on the optimised fuel will be investigated. The successful completion of this project will create opportunities to highly consider the usage of the proposed biodiesel fuel for two stroke engines
    Keyword: .......


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    Mohammed Almutairi, J.G. Alotaibi, B.F. Yousif "Two strokes engine performance using waste cooking oil" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Design Discrete Wavelet Transform using Canonic Signed Digit Technique
    Naveen Raikwar, Dr. Navneet Kaur
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712046368      logo
  • Abstract:

    Conventional distributed arithmetic (DA) is popular in field programmable gate array (FPGA) design, and it features on-chip ROM to achieve high speed and regularity. In this paper, we describe high speed area efficient 2-D discrete wavelet transform (DWT) using 9/7 filter based canonic signed digit (CSD) Technique. Being area efficient architecture free of ROM, multiplication, and subtraction, CSD can also expose the redundancy existing in the adder array consisting of entries of 0 and 1. This architecture supports any size of image pixel value and any level of decomposition. The parallel structure has 100% hardware utilization efficiency.
    Keyword: 2-D Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT), CSD, Low Pass Filter, High Pass Filter, Xilinx Simulation.


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    Naveen Raikwar, Dr. Navneet Kaur "Design Discrete Wavelet Transform using Canonic Signed Digit Technique" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • A Study of Bancassurance undertaken by Private Sector Banks in India
    Ashok Kumar Sahoo, M.Phil Scholar
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712046973      logo
  • Abstract:

    Before the emergence of the crisis, banks mainly had income only from the lending activities. But these days' banks are operating with diversified revenues, and are enjoying the benefits of sustainable partnerships with insurance institutions. With the innovative product, i.e. bancassurance, both banking and insurance companies are boosting their revenues. The biggest strengths of banks, like huge branch network, customer loyalty, brand name etc. are serving in making the same possible. Keeping this in view, the current paper examines the bancassurance business of Private Sector Banks in relation to branch network and total income of the bank. The study states that there is a significant positive relationship between bank branch network and bancassurance and also the bancassurance income, in comparison to the total income of the bank, is very much negligible.
    Keyword: .......


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    Ashok Kumar Sahoo, M.Phil Scholar "A Study of Bancassurance undertaken by Private Sector Banks in India" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Creation and Development of Smart City in India
    Krishna Murari, Chandan Kumar
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712047479      logo
  • Abstract:

    Smart city is an emerging concept. This concept is being used all over the world with different nomenclatures context & meanings. A smart city is a city that is well planned, and it provides the cost efficient services, environmental efficiency, and technological sound services for the welfare of the citizens. Smart solutions can be helpful in controlling the ever increasing population in the cities. The Smart Cities can be abbreviated as Sustainable Management Action Resource Tools for Cities. Smart cities is the latest concept when it comes to building the cities of the future. Smart cities are expected to be the key to combining sustainable future with continued economic growth and job creation. This paper emphasizing a review on "Creation and Development of Smart City in India." based on some scholastically reviewed research articles and online databases.
    Keyword: Population Growth, Smart cities, Urban Planning, Urbanization Trend..


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    Krishna Murari, Chandan Kumar "Creation and Development of Smart City in India" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Environmental Degradation Associated With Crude Oil Related Activities In The Niger Delta
    Iloeje, Amechi Francis
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712048088      logo
  • Abstract:

    The Niger Delta region of Nigeria has, for decades, faced unprecedented environmental challenges due to the combined effects of oil spill and gas flaring resulting in biodiversity loss. As put by (Ogwu, et al, 2015),due to petroleum pollution, the area is now characterized by contaminated streams and rivers, forest destruction and biodiversity loss, and in general the area is an ecological waste land. Following the incessant oil spill and uncontrollable gas flaring, the paper sought to establish the fact that re-engineering the existing management approach by adopting better implementation strategy and ensuring strict compliance to extant environmental laws and regulations will to a large extent address the teething environmental problems being faced in that region. The paper adopted the descriptive research method, sourcing data from Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR), Shell (SPDC), and Fourth National Biodiversity Report (2010) on.....
    Keyword: ......


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    Iloeje, Amechi Francis "Environmental Degradation Associated With Crude Oil Related Activities In The Niger Delta" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Text Summarization And Evaluation Methods:–An Overview
    Najma Abdi Omar, Nevcihan Duru
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712048993      logo
  • Abstract:

    Automatic text summarization introduced in the late 50‟s has evolved in its methods and usage, with the advent of technology it has been found to be useful especially in helping mankind absorb the mountains of data that is continuously streaming in. This paper serves to be an introductory paper for students or researchers new in the field of automatic text summarization, it introduces the concept of text summarization and where it currently stands also briefly touching on evaluation method hence giving the reader an all-round feel of text summarization and its techniques.
    Keyword: Abstractive, Evaluation, Extractive, Hybrid Text Summarization, Text Summarization.


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    Najma Abdi Omar, Nevcihan Duru "Text Summarization And Evaluation Methods:–An Overview" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com



  • Roughing Rolling Performance Improvement and Energy Optimization by ANN- DOE Modeling
    Atul Modi, D.A.Hindoliya
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712050110      logo
  • Abstract:

    The rolling manufacturing system performance and output results are controlled by shape and size obtained at different sequences at roughing mill. Roughing rolling mill plays key role for sound and forging quality grades. In presence of too many parameters, the output performance variations of the different grades in rolling are a serious problem. Influence of different rolling variables is known but parameter which affects the process most is important. Artificial neural network (ANN) was constructed to predict symptoms of rolling mill with signal to noise (S/N) ratio as performance characteristics obtained by DOE in a rolling plant. The developed ANN model is useful to predict the performance of the rolling mill by most influential variable only within the range of experimental values. The new model indicates the rolling process energy optimization with help of most energy intensive single parameter for hot rolling.
    Keyword: ANN-DOE modeling, Roughing rolling,, Rolling variables, S/N ratio.


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    Atul Modi, D.A.Hindoliya "Roughing Rolling Performance Improvement and Energy Optimization by ANN- DOE Modeling" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Cohesión social en Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, México en tres fraccionamientos al suroriente de la ciudad
    Lidia G. Sandoval Rivas, Emma Angelica Medina Garcia
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712051119      logo
  • Abstract:

    La cohesión social, intenta lograr que las economías de cada país sean competitivas entre si. Es así que, en la investigación realiza para el proyecto de Habitabilidad ambiental en la vivienda construida en serie para ciudades de México, con base en indicadores de beneficios, impactos sociales y calidad de vida, uno de sus apartados analiza la cohesión social que existe entre los habitantes de los fraccionamientos encuestados al suroriente de Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, México. Donde el objetivo fue identificar su relación e influencia en los aspectos de la habitabilidad de la vida cotidiana de los habitantes y la cohesión social que existe entre ellos y su entorno inmediato. Es así, que, como punto de partida, se analiza el hogar, en el entendido que es la célula generadora de individuos que de una u otra manera pueden articularse y generar así la cohesión social. Para concebir este argumento es necesario analizar la distribución equitativa de bienes y servicios hacia los menos favorecidos para que estos sean capacitados y de ahí ellos puedan producir esas coyunturas que les ayude a generar su propio bienestar social.
    Keyword: Cohesión social, habitabilidad, micronegocio, vida cotidiana y vivienda.


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    Lidia G. Sandoval Rivas, Emma Angelica Medina Garcia "Cohesión social en Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, México en tres fraccionamientos al suroriente de la ciudad" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Performance OF MIMO System Using GENETIC ALGORITHM
    Nidhi Sindhwani, Ashish Garg, Dheeraj kumar, Vivek Singh, Tarun Goyal
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712052024      logo
  • Abstract:

    Modern radio communication systems have to provide faster data rates. As conventional methods like using more bandwidth or higher order modulation types are limited, new methods of using the transmission channel have to be used. Multiple antenna systems (Multiple Input, Multiple Output – MIMO) gives a significant boost to data rate and channel capacity. It considered as an striking tool for future wireless communication systems, as it the continuing demand for high data rates, spectral efficiency, suppress interference ability and robustness of transmission. MIMO-OFDM is very helpful to transmit high data rate in wireless transmission and provides good maximum system capacity by getting the advantages of both MIMO and OFDM. The main problem in this system is that increase in number of transmit and receive antennas lead to hardware complexity. To tackle this issue, an effective optimal transmit antenna subset.....
    Keyword: Multi Input Multi Output, Channel Capacity, Genetic Algorithm.


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    Nidhi Sindhwani, Ashish Garg, Dheeraj kumar, Vivek Singh, Tarun Goyal "Performance OF MIMO System Using GENETIC ALGORITHM" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Literature Review: Reconstruction of Under Water Image
    Prof.S.V.Halse, Nagamma V.Veerashetty
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712052530      logo
  • Abstract:

    Image Reconstruction and enhancement is the process of improving the quality of the input image so that it would be easily understood by viewers in the future. Image enhancement improves the information content of the image and alters the visual impact of the image on the observer. Image enhancement intensifies the features of images. It accentuates the image features like edges, contrast to build display of photographs more useful for examination and study. An Underwater image pre-processing is absolutely necessary due to the quality of images captured under water. When capture such images, quality of images degrade due to many factors like ripples in water, lack of availability of light,organic matter dissolved in water etc and also such images are captured from a very small distance , so the images must be pre processed before applying any kind of operation on these images.
    Keyword: Multi Image enhancement, Underwater image preprocessing, Quality improvemen


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    Prof.S.V.Halse, Nagamma V.Veerashetty "Literature Review: Reconstruction of Under Water Image" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • A Comparative Study of Cost in Trenchless Technology over Traditional Open-Cut Method in Laying Water Supply Pipeline for Mota Varachha, Surat City
    Nishith A. Kakadiya, Rahul S. Dhameliya, Kaushal J. Badreshiya, Satish H. Lakkad, Prof. Hasmukh M. Shah
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712053138      logo
  • Abstract:

    As communities and regulators place build up demand on maintaining and make better infrastructure in cost effective and socially acceptable ways, there is an improve trend in the development and usage of trenchless technologies to provide the alternate solutions with advancement of technology for pipeline laying. At the present it brings different method that can be used in installing the underground pipeline which is able to decrease the cost of project. Today, Open excavation is most common method used to install underground pipeline involving surface disruption and brings negative effect to communities and environment. Trenchless technology offers viable alternative with innovative method with cost-effectiveness. Trenchless technologies are used to repair, upgrade, replace, or install underground infrastructure systems with least surface disruption and offer a viable alternative to existing open-cut methods. Therefore.....
    Keyword: Horizontal Directional Drilling (H.D.D.), Micro-Tunnelling (M.T.), Pipe Ramming (P.R.), Trenchless Technology (T.T.), Water Supply System


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    Nishith A. Kakadiya, Rahul S. Dhameliya, Kaushal J. Badreshiya, Satish H. Lakkad, Prof. Hasmukh M. Shah "A Comparative Study of Cost in Trenchless Technology over Traditional Open-Cut Method in Laying Water Supply Pipeline for Mota Varachha, Surat City" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Unsupervised Kannada Stemmer using Partial Lemmatizer and Indo – Word Net
    B H Manjunatha Kumar, Dr.M.Siddappa, Dr.J.Prakash
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712053942      logo
  • Abstract:

    Stemming is basically an operation that converts morphologically related words to a common stem or root word by removing their suffixes or prefixes, but it is not necessary that root or stem is a proper dictionary word. The algorithm proposed in this paper overcome this problem by embedding partial lemmatizer with stemmer. It also makes use of Indo WordNet to determine the proper root word. An unsupervised approach is used in this algorithm and it is implemented for the Kannada language. Since it is an unsupervised method, so this idea can be used to design stemmer for other than the Kannada language also.
    Keyword: Lemmatizer, Stemming, Unsupervised stemmer, WordNet.


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    B H Manjunatha Kumar, Dr.M.Siddappa, Dr.J.Prakash "Unsupervised Kannada Stemmer using Partial Lemmatizer and Indo – Word Net" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Diagnosis Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (Copd) Using E-Nose Technology
    M.Karthikkumar, P.Logamurthy, M.Jothimani, G.Lingeswaran
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712054348      logo
  • Abstract:

    Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a group of progressive lung diseases. Symptoms may be mild at first, beginning with coughing and shortness of breath. As it progresses, it can become increasingly difficult to breathe. You may experience wheezing and tightness in the chest. Some people with COPD have exacerbations, or flare-ups of severe symptoms. The top cause of COPD is smoking. Long-term exposure to chemical irritants can also lead to COPD. It's a disease that takes a long time to develop. Diagnosis usually involves imaging tests, blood tests, and lung function tests. There's no cure for COPD, but treatment can help ease symptoms, lower the chance of complications, and generally improve quality of life. Untreated, COPD can lead to heart problems and worsening respiratory infections. Usually spirometry test is used to measure the lung function which is helpful in assessing breathing patterns that identify conditions such as COPD. In our paper E-nose technology has been used to measure the amount of air inhaled/exhaled during the lung functions to increase the test efficiency in measuring Maximum breathing capacity with low cost
    Keyword: Multi E-Nose, Spirometry


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    M.Karthikkumar, P.Logamurthy, M.Jothimani, G.Lingeswaran "Diagnosis Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (Copd) Using E-Nose Technology" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Structural and Morphological Properties of La3+ Doped Ni-Zn Nanoferrite
    V. D. Kulkarni, S. M. Rathod
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712054953      logo
  • Abstract:

    The Study of Structural and Morphological properties of rare earth La3+ material doped in Nickel-Zinc nanocrystalline ferrites were synthesized by sol-gel auto combustion method with analytical grade metal nitrate. The prepared samples were sintered at 600oC. The effect of La3+ doped on Structural, Magnetic and Thermal properties was investigated. The XRD graph confirms the formation of Ni0.5 Zn0.5 LaxFe2-xO4 (where x= 0.025, 0.050, 0.075, 0.1, 0.125) nanoparticles. The particle size and lattice constant was calculated from XRD. It was found to be the size of nanoparticles decreases and lattice constant increases with the increase in La3+contentfrom XRD. The bulk density, x ray density and porosity was calculated from XRD. The SEM and TEM give the morphological study of the nanoparticles.
    Keyword: Multi Ni-Zn nanoferrite, SEM, TEM, Sol-gel method, XRD.


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    V. D. Kulkarni, S. M. Rathod "Structural and Morphological Properties of La3+ Doped Ni-Zn Nanoferrite" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Comparison between Image Compression Algorithms
    Abdullatif zankawi. adel Alateyah
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712055461      logo
  • Abstract:

    Data compression is an essential part of computerized applications and processes. Images make up a significant portion of transmitted and stored data. There are various ways of image compression that have been studied and improved upon. This paper focuses on three main image compression algorithms: Run Length Encoding, Huffman Encoding, and JPEG compression. While there are a large number of available image compression algorithms, each of the aforementioned methods is selected due to their widespread usage, compression characteristics, and representation of different aspects in image compression. These three compression techniques are discussed and compared with each other, highlighting advantages and optimal conditions.
    Keyword: Multi Image Compression, Run Length Encoding, Huffman Encoding, JPEG Compression.


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    Abdullatif zankawi. adel Alateyah "Comparison between Image Compression Algorithms" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Speed Control of Three Phase Induction Motor by V/F Method with Arduino Uno
    Ali Abdulrazzak Jasim, Ahmed Jasim Sultan, Karrar Hameed Kadhim
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712056266      logo
  • Abstract:

    The induction motors run only at their rated speed when it is connected to the supply, many applications in need of adjustable speed operations. Controlling the induction motor speed efficiently is a main concern nowadays. With the fast advancement in the semiconductor manufacturing technology, the size and price of the semiconductors went down drastically. And this lead to that the motor user can exchange the ineffiecient mechanical motor drive with the inverter. This paper presents the necessity of induction motors speed control. Out of various methods of speed control of induction motors, method of V/f speed control prove to be the most multilateral. The scheme of implementing V/f speed control presented. The inverter is one of basic requirements for induction motor speed control by V/f method, the inverter traditional control methods is modulated using Arduino Uno which control the whole operation of the proposed.........
    Keyword: Multi Ac drive, Arduino Uno, three phase induction motor, speed control.


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    Ali Abdulrazzak Jasim, Ahmed Jasim Sultan, Karrar Hameed Kadhim "Speed Control of Three Phase Induction Motor by V/F Method with Arduino Uno" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Investigation of contamination of phosphorus pesticides in the groundwater of Varamin Plain
    Tahereh Alishahi, Linda Yadegarian, Mohammad taghi sadatipour
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712056775      logo
  • Abstract:

    Worldwide, insects and pests, including those that are less sustainable in the environment, are causing millions of dollars of damage to crops every year.Usually, after spraying and granulation in agricultural fields, residual pests after seasonal rainfall or irrigation will enter the water resources, including surface water and underground water.The most important pollutants of groundwater are pesticides. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the contamination of phosphorus pesticides in the groundwater of Varamin Plain. In this research, library studies have been used to collect information. The statistical population consisted of all waters in the aquifer of Varamin plain and systematic sampling from this community, thus, six wells were selected as stations in different areas of Varamin plain. SPSS 20.0 was used to analyze the statistical data and Microsoft Excel 2014 software was used to plot the graphs. Also, spatial analysis was done through ILWIS and Arc GIS software. The results showed that the residual phosphorus levels such as Dichlorvos and Dursban in the Varamin plain aquifer (WHO standard) were higher than other standard pesticides..
    Keyword: Pollution, Phosphorus Pesticides, Groundwater, Varamin


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    Tahereh Alishahi, Linda Yadegarian, Mohammad taghi sadatipour "Investigation of contamination of phosphorus pesticides in the groundwater of Varamin Plain" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Based on machine learningAutonomous car using raspberry-pi.
    K.N.V.Satyanarayana, B.Tapasvi, P.KanakaRaju, G.RameshBabu
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712057682      logo
  • Abstract:

    In this paper we discuss about the design of Autonomous car based on machine learning using raspberry pi. Machine learning is a type of artificial intelligence (AI) that provides computers with the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed. Using this concept of machine learning, a car can be automated (self driving). We train the car with specific images and whenever it detects the trained images, it operates according to the trained instruction. The microcontroller used in the car is raspberry pi which is used to control the L298 driver, ultrasonic sensor and the raspberry pi camera. We use different components like pi camera which is used to train and detect the objects, L298 driver which operates the dc motor and the ultrasonic sensor to calculate the distance. This autonomous car is the prototype to the self driving cars which is the present growing advanced technology in the present scenario.
    Keyword: Raspberry Pi, Picamera, Computer, Numpy, OpenCV, Pygame, PiSerial


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    K.N.V.Satyanarayana, B.Tapasvi, P.KanakaRaju, G.RameshBabu "Based on machine learningAutonomous car using raspberry-pi" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com



  • Creation and Deployment of Virtual Machine on Cloud
    Mr. Ashwin Shinde, Ms. Ketki Khante, Mr. Dinesh Banabakode, Ms. Amruta Chopde, Ms. Sheetal Parate
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712060104      logo
  • Abstract:

    The desire to run multiple operating systems was the initial motive for virtual machines, so as to allow timesharing among several single-tasking operating systems. In some respects, a system virtual machine can be considered a generalization of the concept of virtual memory that historically preceded it. Multiple OS environments can exist simultaneously on the same machine, isolated from each other. Virtual machine can offer an instruction set architecture that differs from real computers. In this paper we are presenting an innovative method of creating a virtual machine on Microsoft Azure Portal and its deployment to cater the needs of Easy maintenance, application provisioning, availability and convenient recovery.
    Keyword: ANN-DOE Azure, Deployment, Ubuntu , Virtual Machine.


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    Mr. Ashwin Shinde, Ms. Ketki Khante ,Mr. Dinesh Banabakode, Ms. Amruta Chopde, Ms. Sheetal Parate "Creation and Deployment of Virtual Machine on Cloud" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Investigation of transparent conductive multilayer film with Ag
    Yuichiro Maeda, Yukio Yoshimura, Hikaru Hidaka, Atsushi Nitta
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712060509      logo
  • Abstract:

    Recently, transparent conductive oxide films (TCOs) have been used for their application as plastic substrates that can be applied to flexible devices. We focus on transparent conductive films with TCO/metal/TCO multilayer structures. In this study, an AZO/Ag/AZO multilayer film was deposited on a PEN substrate by RF magnetron sputtering (for AZO layer) and electron beam evaporation (for Ag layer). The resistivity of multilayer films decreased considerably compared to single AZO films. The XRD spectra revealed that the resistivity of the multilayer film was barely affected by the crystallinity of AZO. An increase in the carrier concentration caused by Ag affects was also observed. Furthermore, the transmittance of the multilayer film was improved owing to an increase in the oxygen content of the AZO film as well as the uniformity of Ag layer. It was found that the multilayer film of AZO(35 nm)/Ag(13 nm)/AZO(35 nm) exhibited the resistivity of 2.16×10−4 Ω cm and an average transmittance of 81%..
    Keyword: Flexible transparent conductive films, AZO/Ag/AZO multilayer films, Low temperature, RF Magnetron sputtering, Electron beam evaporation.


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    Yuichiro Maeda, Yukio Yoshimura, Hikaru Hidaka, Atsushi Nitta "Investigation of transparent conductive multilayer film with Ag" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • A study of Availability-Centered Preventive Maintenance for Aging Multi-state K-out-of-N Systems
    Chun-Ho Wang, Chao-Hui Huang
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712061016      logo
  • Abstract:

    This study focuses on the aging multi-state k-out-of-n systems to establish a practical preventive maintenance (PM) model from the perspective of components. The established PM model aims to maximize system availability subject to total maintenance cost. Non-homogeneous continuous time Markov models (NHCTMMs) are utilized to evaluate the system availability, and using non-homogeneous continuous time Markov reward models (NHCTMRMs), to evaluate the total maintenance cost. The system availability and total maintenance cost for PM policies are substituted into a genetic algorithm (GA) to optimize the established PM model. A simulation case with the sensitivity analysis conducted verifies the efficacy of the proposed approach.
    Keyword: Aging components, GA, k-out-of-n system, Markov chain, preventive maintenance.


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    Chun-Ho Wang, Chao-Hui Huang "A study of Availability-Centered Preventive Maintenance for Aging Multi-state K-out-of-N Systems" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Clustering Algorithms in Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks – A Survey
    K. Juliet Catherine Angel, Dr. E. George Dharma Prakash Raj
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712061721      logo
  • Abstract:

    Mobile Wireless Sensor Network has grown tremendously and become a hot Research Area. The most important feature of Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks is that the sensor nodes are small devices with limited processing, low power and can change their location. The main concern of clustering approaches for Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks is to prolong the battery life of the individual sensors by reducing the energy consumption and increasing the network lifetime. There is a need for a powerful algorithm to elect a Cluster Head which remains a challenge of research tasks in many research works that take into account the mobility of the network. This paper analyses various Clustering algorithms and concludes with the comparison of performance of the algorithms based on some of the parameters like Residual Energy, Mobility, Degree and Distance.
    Keyword: ....


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    K. Juliet Catherine Angel, Dr. E. George Dharma Prakash Raj "Clustering Algorithms in Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks – A Survey" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Packed Bed Column Studies for the Removal Of Reactive Red Dye Using ECH Cross linked Chitosan Beads
    Nagapadma.M, Dr,R.Ramakoteswara Rao
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712062226      logo
  • Abstract:

    Dyes are coloured substances that have an affinity to the substrates on which they are applied. The dye is generally applied in an aqueous solution, and requires a mordant to improve the fastness of the dye on the fiber.Reactive dyes are a class of highly coloured organic substances, primarily used for tinting textiles. They attach themselves to their substrates by a chemical reaction that forms a covalent bond between the molecule of dye and that of the fibre Bio-adsorbent chitosan has shown very promising characteristics in this field. A comparative study of adsorption of aqueous Reactive red dye solution on non-cross linked chitosan beads and ECH cross linked chitosan beads was conducted using fixed bed continuous column. Cross linked beads were found to be more efficient than normal beads. ECH cross linked chitosan beads are visibly more rigid than chitosan beads and they have high stability in acidic medium compared to chitosan beads which disintegrate in acidic.......
    Keyword: Adsorption, Fixed Bed Column Studies,Chitosan, Reactive Red Dye..


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    Nagapadma.M, Dr,R.Ramakoteswara Rao "Packed Bed Column Studies for the Removal Of Reactive Red Dye Using ECH Cross linked Chitosan Beads" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Development of a Simulation and Analysis Tool for Chemical Reactors
    Akpa, Jackson Gunorubon, Mamah, Somkenechukwu Chukwudera
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712062734      logo
  • Abstract:

    A reactor analysis and simulation tool (ASchem) for the design and performance analysis of batch, continuous stirred-tank and plug-flow reactors has been developed. The simulation tool is robust, allows for choice of reaction kinetics in liquid phase and has simplified graphical user interfaces. The tool also has unit converter, calculator, interpolator, graphical and tabular data output. The design and model equations of these reactors were encoded in a JAVA program. Results from the simulation tool were compared with those obtained from the simulation of the same model equations using MATLAB (2009b) with literature data. The deviations obtained were minimal with an average precision of 0.0258%, 0.0061% and 1.1923% for the batch, plug-flow and continuous stirred tank reactors respectively.
    Keyword: reactor design, performance, analysis.


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    Akpa, Jackson Gunorubon and Mamah, Somkenechukwu Chukwudera "Development of a Simulation and Analysis Tool for Chemical Reactors" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Comparison of Mechanical Properties of Bare and Stellite-21 Coated Aisi 316l, Sprayed By D-Gun Process
    Varinder Singh, Pushpinderjit Singh
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712063539      logo
  • Abstract:

    Present paper describes the mechanical properties of Stellite-21 coated AISI- 316LStainless steel. Specimens were coated using Detonation Gun thermal spray process,with different coating thicknesses of Stellite-21 ranging from 150 μm to 250 μm.Afterwards their properties like tensile strength and impact strength and were evaluatedon the basis of the results obtained from the experimentation. For comparison of substrate andcoated material, graphs were plotted. The coated specimens exhibited superior impactstrength,than that of the bare specimens, whereas the tensile strength of coated specimens decreased marginally with the increase in coating thickness..
    Keyword: Thermal spray coating; Tensile strength Charpy impact test; Stellite-21 alloy;.


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    Varinder Singh, Pushpinderjit Singh "Comparison of Mechanical Properties of Bare and Stellite-21 Coated Aisi 316l, Sprayed By D-Gun Process" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Neural Network for Pattern Classification
    RashmiAmardeep, Dr.K ThippeSwamy
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712064044      logo
  • Abstract:

    Neural Networks (NN) are the most active research and application in the field of pattern classification, using training and testing data to build a model. However, the success of the networks is highly dependent on the performance of the training process and hence the training algorithm. Many training algorithms have been proposed so far to improve the performance of neural networks. The paper gives the study of multilayer perceptron, radial basis function network, and probabilistic neural network. The algorithms are tested on three different datasets and comparisons in terms of accuracy with test data are mentioned in the paper.
    Keyword: Multilayer Perceptron, Radial Basis Function Network, Probabilistic Neural Network


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    RashmiAmardeep, Dr.K ThippeSwamy "Neural Network for Pattern Classification" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Reliability Measures of Standby Systems with Operating Units
    B.K.Chauhan Viresh Sharma
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712064548      logo
  • Abstract:

    In this paper, the author is study of complex standby system, where the standby is unable to start operation instantaneously upon the failure of working unit .In this model two units work normally in the system and the third unit works as a cold standby.
    Keyword: Complex standby system, M.T.T.F, Supplementary variable.


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    B.K.Chauhan Viresh Sharma "Reliability Measures of Standby Systems with Operating Units" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Wind Energy Using Doubly Fed Induction Generator
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712064967      logo
  • Abstract:

    Wind energy, is the electrical energy obtained from harnessing the wind, Wind is a form of solar energy. They are caused by the uneven heating of the atmosphere by the sun, the irregularities of the earth's surface, and rotation of the earth. Wind flow patterns are modified by the earth's terrain, bodies of water, and vegetative cover. This wind flow, or motion energy, when "harvested" by modern wind turbines, can be used to generate electricity. it is an alternative to fossil fuels, available plentiful, and also a renewable, widely distributed, clean, and produces no greenhouse gas emissions during operation. The world has enormous resources of wind power. It has been estimated that even if 10% of raw wind potential could be put to use, all the electricity needs of the world would be met. A phased programme to develop wind energy in India started as early as 1985, and today the total installed capacity has reached 1650.......
    Keyword: wind power, renewable energy, generator, turbines.


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    T.Divyapradeepa "Wind Energy Using Doubly Fed Induction Generator" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • New Orthogonal Codes for Direct Sequence CDMA Communications
    Sandip Buradkar, Shrikant Chamlate, Chandrashekhar Kurve
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712067673      logo
  • Abstract:

    From a long period Walsh codes and Gold codes have been used as a spread spectrum codes in Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) communications because of their ease of generation than the efficiency of these codes. Drawback of these codes is that they are limited in number and in their lengths. In this paper, we relaxed linear phase requirements of Walsh code and new sets of Walsh-like nonlinear phase binary orthogonal user codes (transforms) are obtained for asynchronous and synchronous spread spectrum multiuser communications. We designed simulink model and performed algorithm using MATLAB (R2011a version) to obtain this newly proposed Walsh-like code set for multiuser spread-spectrum communications. We compared their performance with existing codes like Gold code and Walsh code families. Our comparisons include their time domain properties like autocorrelation and cross correlation along with bit error rate(BER) performances in additive white Gaussian noise(AWGN) for the synchronous and asynchronous DS-CDMA communications.......
    Keyword: Additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel, code division multiple access (CDMA), Gold sequences, orthogonal binary codes, Walsh sequences


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    Sandip Buradkar, Shrikant Chamlate, Chandrashekhar Kurve "New Orthogonal Codes for Direct Sequence CDMA Communications" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Multifunction Intelligent Headset
    Aswathi Cherkkil, Sreelekshmi P.S, Reshmi.S
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712067477      logo
  • Abstract:

    Personal sound systems have become an overwhelming trend of today's lifestyle. Headsets have been developing throughout the years focusing on improving sound quality. The risks involved in using headsets especially on road is something that has been underrated. It has been found one in ten of road accidents are caused by headphone wearing pedestrians. In this paper we are proposing an idea for a family of intelligent headsets that help reduce this danger by using sound recognition to detect and warn the user in case of emergency vehicle sirens, alarms at crosswalks and sounds of incoming trains. Noise cancellation is implemented to achieve a better sound clarity as well.
    Keyword: noise cancellation, sound detection, sound recognition, voice detection, adaptive filtering


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    Aswathi Cherkkil, Sreelekshmi P.S, Reshmi.S "Multifunction Intelligent Headset" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Blockchain: An Inside Review
    Ayyub Ali, Dr.Mohammad Mazhar Afzal
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712067880      logo
  • Abstract:

    Blockchain is a database which can be directly shared between non-trusting parties, without a mediator. Blockchains are more secure than regular databases in some ways, and less secure in others. In this article we will discuss the differences between blockchain and traditional database.
    Keyword: Blockchain, Decentralized, Traditional Database.


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    Ayyub Ali, Dr.Mohammad Mazhar Afzal "Blockchain: An Inside Review" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Design And Analysis of Booth Multiplier Using FPGA
    N.V.N.Prasanna Kumar
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712068186      logo
  • Abstract:

    Multipliers play an important role in today‟s digital signal processing and many other applications. Multiplication can be either signed multiplication or unsigned multiplication. In the case of unsigned multiplication, two binary numbers only with their magnitudes are involved in multiplication. In signed multiplication both the sign and magnitude of the multiplier and multiplicand are multiplied. Braun multipliers are used to perform unsigned multiplication. The signed multiplication was done by Baugh Wooley multiplier and Booth multipliers. In this paper, the structural (gate level) implementation of booth multiplier is carried out using Xilinx Spartan 3E FPGA board. It provides future scope in layout level or in back end level for post layout simulation.
    Keyword: Baugh Wooley multiplier, Booth multiplier, Braun multiplier, Modified Booth Encoding, Modified Booth multiplier.


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    N.V.N.Prasanna Kumar "Design And Analysis of Booth Multiplier Using FPGA" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Design And Analysis of A Petrol Generator Enclosure
    Musa, N, Abdulkarim, M.S., Aliu, S.O.
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712068790      logo
  • Abstract:

    Because of the attendant noise associated with petrol generators coupled with their inevitable importance in our daily lives, a sound suppression enclosure was designed and analysed. Heat, which is a constituent part of generator operation was taken care of in the design by placing appropriate ventilation systems. A sound level meter was used to take measurements of the sound pressure level of the generator inside the enclosure and in open space. The generator was placed in an open space with no reflectors or barriers to achieve a perfect result. A difference of about 10 dB was achieved in the suppression of sound between the two places.
    Keyword: decibel, enclosure, noise pollution, petrol generator, Sound suppression


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    Musa, N, Abdulkarim, M.S., Aliu, S.O. "Design And Analysis of A Petrol Generator Enclosure" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • "Make in India" Campaign, its relevance and revelations with special reference to Electronics Industry in India
    Dr. Susil Kumar Sarangi
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712069199      logo
  • Abstract:

    On 15 th august 2014 New Prime Minister's First Independence Day speech gave a clarion call to 'Make In India' with an 'Zero Defect; Zero Effect' policy, aiming to make India a renowned manufacturing hub for key sectors such as electronics. Companies across the globe would be welcomed to make investment in India and set up their factories and expand their facilities in this country by using country‟s highly talented and skilled manpower to create world class zero defect products. The primary motive was to convert this country into a global manufacturing hub that helps create jobs and boost economic growth. While some major MNCs are assessing manufacturing ecosystem in India,.....
    Keyword: Skilled Manpower, Manufacturing Hub, Investment Trends, Ecosystem


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    Dr. Susil Kumar Sarangi ""Make in India" Campaign, its relevance and revelations with special reference to Electronics Industry in India" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com



  • Free Vibration Analysis of Curved Cantilever Sandwich Structure
    P. Ravikanth Raju, Ch. Rajesh, Mohammed Zuber, R. Venkat Reddy
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712070108      logo
  • Abstract:

    Structural sandwich construction is used in many air and space vehicles, cargo containers, boats and ships. Sandwich construction offers high strength to weight ratios, good buckling resistance, formability to complex shapes and easy reparability, which are of extremely high importance in aerospace applications. The most common sandwich structure is composed of two thin face sheets with a thicker lightweight, low-stiffness core. In this work an attempt has been made to develop the formulation to find free vibration analysis of a curved cantilever three layered sandwich beam. The formulation for curved sandwich beam is developed using linear displacement field at face layer and non-linear displacement field at core layer. The face layers are assumed to behave according to Euler-Bernoulli theory........
    Keyword: Euler-Bernoulli theory, Face and core layers, Finite element method,Hamilton's principle,Sandwich beam


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    P. Ravikanth Raju, Ch. Rajesh, Mohammed Zuber, R. Venkat Reddy "Free Vibration Analysis of Curved Cantilever Sandwich Structure" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Performance Characteristics of Solar Cells in Spaceunder Shadow Effect
    GVS Apoorva, Dr. T GowriManohar, Uma BR
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712070915      logo
  • Abstract:

    To study the effect of shadow caused on the solar array in the orbit due to space craft appendages. The shadow due to space craft appendages is a moving shadow with respect to the space craft local time. It is very important to know the effect of shadow on the solar array to estimate power generation. This paper is intended to study the effect of shadow on solar array for different cases theoretically using MATLAB and experimentally.
    Keyword: MATLAB, Partial Shading, Simulink, MultijunctionSolar cell


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    GVS Apoorva, Dr. T GowriManohar, Uma BR "Performance Characteristics of Solar Cells in Spaceunder Shadow Effect" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Thermo economic Analysis of Different Configurations of combined Cycle Coupled with a Parabolic Trough Solar Plant
    M. Duran, E. Rincón
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712071626      logo
  • Abstract:

    The parabolic trough technology is currently one of the most widespread solar thermal systems forelectricity production. This paper is a thermo-economic study of an Integrated Solar Combined Cycle (ISCC) with Direct Steam Generation (DSG) wherein the solar field is part of the economizer of the heat recovery steam generator (HRSG).Two configurations were analyzed: both included two pressure levels without reheater; in the first one the parabolic trough plant was the high pressure economizer and in the second one the low pressure superheater of the HRSG (heat recovery steam generator). A Euro Trough (ET100) concentrator was considered in this study, the working fluid was water with direct steam generation. Evaporation in the absorber was not an issue since the solar plant was the economizer of the HRSG and an approach point greater than 3°C was considered. The main objective was to obtain the.......
    Keyword: Parabolic trough, solar plant, thermo economic study, integrated combined cycle solar plant


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    P. M. Duran, E. Rincón "Thermo economic Analysis of Different Configurations of combined Cycle Coupled with a Parabolic Trough Solar Plant" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Performance Analysis of MIMO In Comparison with MU-MIMO Under Non Data Aided Technique
    M. Shashidhar, Prof. K. Kishan Rao, Prof. PVD Soma shekhar Rao
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712072735      logo
  • Abstract:

    Systems utilizing multiple transmit and multiple receive antennas are commonly known as multiple input multiple output (MIMO) systems. This wireless networking technology greatly improves both the range and the capacity of a wireless communication system. Modern techniques have to be developed and put in place to meet these requirements. Research has shown, that compared to conventional Single Input Single Output (SISO) systems, Multiple-Input Single Output (MISO), and Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) can actually increase the data rate of a communication system, without actually requiring more transmit power or bandwidth. This paper aims at the investigation of the existing channel estimation techniques with out training symbols(Blind Channel Estimation) and with training symbols(Semi Blind Channel Estimation) .After this performance of MIMO and MU-MIMO is been analyzed.
    Keyword: Channel Estimation, MIMO, MU-MIMO, Throughput ,BER,SNR


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    M. Shashidhar, Prof. K. Kishan Rao, Prof. PVD Soma shekhar Rao "Performance Analysis of MIMO In Comparison with MU-MIMO Under Non Data Aided Technique" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Effective Removal of Noise using Threshold Shrinkages Techniques in MRI Images
    A.Afreen Habiba, Dr.B.Raghu
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712073642      logo
  • Abstract:

    Image Denoising is a utmost challenge for Researchers.Image Denoising evaluates the image data to create a visual quality image.The original pixel values is mislay when the noise is miened.Noise is the effect of error,the pixel value does not affect the original intensity of the real scene in the image.Exceptionally Medical images are interrupted by a variety of noises depending on their devices through acquisition and transmission.In this work to denoise Gaussian noises and Speckle noises in MRImages undergo a contourlet domain for decomposition of input images.Contourlet is used to preserve the edges and contours.After decomposition some threshold methods are applied such as Bayes Shrink, Neigh Shrink, and Block Shirnk.These Threshold methods are used to unfasten the noises.Finally analyse the performance of denoised image to find the better result.Performance of Medical Image Denoising is reckoning by Peak Signal to Noise Ratio(PSNR),Structural Similarity Index(SSIM), Image Quality Index (IQI) and Normalized Cross Correlation(NCC).
    Keyword: Contourlet,Image Denoising,IQI,PSNR,Threshold


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    A.Afreen Habiba, Dr.B.Raghu "Effective Removal of Noise using Threshold Shrinkages Techniques in MRI Images" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • A comparison between the Differential Transform Method and the Adomian Decomposition Method for the Burgers equation
    Ahmad M. D. Al-Eybani
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712074348      logo
  • Abstract:

    In this paper, we consider the Differential Transform Method (DTM)and the Adomian Decomposition Method (ADM) for finding approximate and exact solution of the Burgers equation. Moreover, the reliability and performance of DTM and ADM. Numerical results show that these methods are powerful tools for solving Burgers equation. A simple model of turbulence is represented by Burger's equation.......
    Keyword: ....


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    Ahmad M. D. Al-Eybani "A comparison between the Differential Transform Method and the Adomian Decomposition Method for the Burgers equation" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • New Techniques for High Efficiency Microwave Amplifiers
    Adel Alateyah, Abdullatif zankawi
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712074955      logo
  • Abstract:

    High efficiency is essential in microwave amplifier technology to optimize its capability and usage. With the variety of usage of the microwave amplifier especially in this changing and innovative technological era, it is imperative that new techniques will be determined or developed to come up with the possible highest efficient amplifiers. Digging deep into different related literatures or research studies regarding the topic, this paper was able to collect and identify the different techniques for high efficiency microwave amplifier. This techniques include the application of Dynamic Adaptive Buck-Boost Supply, Envelop Tracking Technique, Envelop Elimination and Restoration or......
    Keyword: .....


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    P. Adel Alateyah, Abdullatif zankawi "New Techniques for High Efficiency Microwave Amplifiers" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Error Estimation Using Intuitionistic Fuzzy Linear Regression Analysis
    S. Ismail Mohideen, U. Abuthahir
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712075664      logo
  • Abstract:

    In this paper an attempt is made to reduce the error of non-fuzzy data using intuitionistic fuzzy linear regression. One numerical example have been analyzed. It is concluded from the example, error value in the normal regression method is better compared to intuitionistic fuzzy linear regression method..
    Keyword: Assumption Violation Problem (AVP), Regression Analysis, Linear Programming


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    P. S. Ismail Mohideen, U. Abuthahir "Error Estimation Using Intuitionistic Fuzzy Linear Regression Analysis" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Synthesis, spectral, thermal and biological studies of Cu(II) complexes of triazole-Derived Schiff Bases
    Mallikarjun S.Yadawe, Sangamesh A.Patil.
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712076571      logo
  • Abstract:

    A series of copper(II) complexes of Schiff bases derived from 3-substituted-4-amino-5-mercapto-1,2,4-triazole and glyoxal/biacetyl/benzyl have been synthesized and characterized on the basis of analytical and spectroscopic studies. The elemental analysis agrees well with the 1:1 stiochiometry of the type M.L.(H2O), with L coordination via the two imine nitrogen and two thiolato sulphurs in an overall octahedral geometry. Some of the complexes were screened for their antibacterial and antifungal activity and one representative Cu(II) complex was evaluated for oxytosic activity..
    Keyword: Synthesis, spectral study, antibacterial and antifungal study and elemental analysis


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    Mallikarjun S.Yadawe, Sangamesh A.Patil "Synthesis, spectral, thermal and biological studies of Cu(II) complexes of triazole-Derived Schiff Bases" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Is it necessary to measure all brain regions for the assessment of PAF?
    Sushma Rathee, Divya Bhatia, Rajbir Singh
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712077276      logo
  • Abstract:

    From decades of research, electroencephalography (EEG) has been proved as a potential non-invasive medical technique to measure the electrophysiological activities of brain. Alpha is one of the most prominent frequency bands of EEG because of its applications in cognitive enhancement and biofeedback methods. 300 participants were included in the present study to investigate the relationships between their cognitive performance and Peak Alpha Frequency (PAF). Brain activity was recorded from all significant brain regions in 250 participants and only from occipital region in 50 participants. The aim of the present study was to ensure the brain region which is the most dominant one to measure PAF/ IAF. Power Spectrum Density (PSD) method was used for EEG signal analysis. Interrelationship among PAF, IAF and PAF of six individual electrode positions was also explored. Findings reveled that parieto- occipital electrode points are sufficient to assess one's peak alpha frequency..
    Keyword: Peak alpha frequency (PAF), Individual alpha frequency (IAF), Power Spectral Density (PSD), Factor analysis, Electroencephalography(EEG).


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    Sushma Rathee, Divya Bhatia, Rajbir Singh "Is it necessary to measure all brain regions for the assessment of PAF?" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Integrating Weka Into Web Application: Predicting Student's Performance
    D.Fatima, Dr.Sameen Fatima, Dr.A.V.Krishna Prasad
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712077785      logo
  • Abstract:

    D.Fatima1, Dr.Sameen Fatima2, Dr.A.V.Krishna Prasad3 1Assistant Professor, CSE Department, MVSR Engg College, Osmania University, Hyderabad 2Professor & Principal, University College of Engineering, Osmania University, Hyderabad 3Associate Professor, CSE Department, MVSR Engg College, Osmania University, Hyderabad ABSTRACT In today‟s world, there are many stand alone data mining tools that can be used by the academicians to carry out data mining tasks. Any Educational Institute can show the curiosity to know the future performance of recently joined students. To address this, We have analyzed the data set containing information about students, and results in first year of the previous batch of students. By applying the ID3 (Iterative Dichotomiser 3), C4.5, Naive Bayes, Multilayer Perceptron and K-Nearest Neighbour classification algorithms on this data, we have predicted the general and individual performance of freshly admitted students in future examinations and made the entire implementation dynamic to train the prediction parameters itself when new training sets are fed into the web application.
    Keyword: Educational Data Mining, Prediction Techniques, Student Performance, PHP-Java-Bridge etc.


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    D.Fatima, Dr.Sameen Fatima, Dr.A.V.Krishna Prasad "Integrating Weka Into Web Application: Predicting Student's Performance" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Investigation of Mass Flow Rate in Venturimeter Using CFD Analysis
    H.Ameresh, DepaSandeep, P. Ravikanth Raju, R. Venkat Reddy
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712078690      logo
  • Abstract:

    Venturimeter is a device which is used for measuring rate of flow of fluid flowing through pipes. The application of these are found in Aviation, Automotive,chemical, petro chemical industries, etc. In automotive industry venturimeter is used to measure the fuel and air distribution in carburetor. In this work dynamic flow analysis is to be carried by varying inlet diameter of venturimeter such as 25mm, 30mm and 35mm. Theoretical calculations are to be done for mass flow rate of air. The obtained theoretical values are to be compared with ANSYSvalues. By varying the inlet pressure the mass flow rates of Al2O3, water and air passing through various diameters of Venturimeter are to be calculated. In this work Unigraphics software is used for modeling of venturimeters with inlet diameters of 25 mm, 30mm and 35mm. FEA software ANSYS is used for calculating mass flow rate values for venturimeters.
    Keyword: Automotive, carburetor, chemical, mass flow rate, venturimeter.


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    H.Ameresh,DepaSandeep, P. Ravikanth Raju, R. Venkat Reddy "Investigation of Mass Flow Rate in Venturimeter Using CFD Analysis" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • A Study of Single Stock Future in India and its Current Status Comparing With other Financial Derivatives with Special Reference to Options
    Mr. Suman Kumar Y V, Dr. Shivappa
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712079197      logo
  • Abstract:

    Warren Buffett says, "Derivatives are financial weapons of mass destruction". Since inception of derivatives in Indian financial market in 2001, there is exponential growth in volume and number of contracts in derivative instruments. This may be due to many factors like financial sector reforms, impact of technology, liberalization policy of the government, trends of globalization; taxation etc. Derivative market provides opportunity for investors to hedge their risk exposure and makes profit; this motivates and attracts many individuals to invest their pooled savings in stock markets which contributes socioeconomic and financial growth of the country. Forwards, futures, options and swaps are derivative market instruments. Among all, single stock futures (SSF) seeks great attention to study in depth because of volume, turnover and number of contracts are more compared to other derivative instruments. In the present scenario, there is a need for in depth study of SSF and its Current status comparing.......
    Keyword: Single stock future, stock options; turn over, derivative market, risk, hedging


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    Mr. Suman Kumar Y V, Dr. Shivappa "A Study of Single Stock Future in India and its Current Status Comparing With other Financial Derivatives with Special Reference to Options" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Analysis of the Comparative Residential Location Choice Among Hussaini Adamu Federal Polytechnic Employees
    A.A Jolaoye, Isah Garba A, Salawu A.O, Ziladdin Sale k.
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0712078105      logo
  • Abstract:

    This research attempts identifying the array of factors and the extent to which they influence residential location of households among the employees of a typical north western Nigerian polytechnic using descriptive survey research design. The sample consists of 204 respondents (i.e. 48.92% of the universe population)determined by the adoption of YaroYamaniestheory of 1968. The sample comprised both theteaching and administrative staff drawn by quota and accidental sampling techniques. Data collected were analyzed using frequency counts, percentages, means and Pearson product moment correlation. Also, ranking of the attributes contained in the Likert aspect of the questionnaire was done to elicit answer to the last hypothesis.Four null hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. The findings illustrated the importance of the proximity of the employees‟ place of work in determining their residential location so also their level of income while automobile ownership on the other hand were found to have no influence on the residential location of respondents...
    Keyword: Residential, household location, choice, employees


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    A.A Jolaoye, Isah Garba A, Salawu A.O, Ziladdin Sale k "Analysis of the Comparative Residential Location Choice Among Hussaini Adamu Federal Polytechnic Employees" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Fiber-Reinforced Polymer's Long-Term Performance and Durability as a Novel Civil Engineering Material
    Prashant Kuri
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-071207106111      logo
  • Abstract:

    Fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites have become more and more popular in civil engineering applications in recent years, ranging from all-composite bridge decks to columns, beams, and slabs. However, it is currently acknowledged that the most important area of research is how long-lasting FRP is, particularly in hard environmental conditions. It is challenging for professional civil engineers and designers to regularly use FRP composites due to the absence of an extensive database on the durability of FRP materials. The most important study on..
    Keyword: FRP, reinforcement, durability Highway Administration, Fiber


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    Prashant Kuri "Fiber-Reinforced Polymer's Long-Term Performance and Durability as a Novel Civil Engineering Material" Vol. 7 - Issue 12 (December - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
