International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA)
Volume 11 - Issue 11
- A Study of Stuxnet Malware: Simplification of Its Working Mechanism
Atharva Vilas Gorde
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10.9790/9622-1111010108 - Avaliação Da Força Muscular Em Crianças Com Paralisia Cerebral: Revisão De Técnicas E Métodos Utilizados
Daniela Araújo de Almeida, Iandara Schetter Silva, Josivaldo Godoy da Silva
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10.9790/9622-1111010916 - Optimal Power Flow Considering Wind Integration using Anti lion Optimization Algorithm
Abdrabou Ashour, Tarek M. N. Alkhaldi
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10.9790/9622-1111011725 - Application of an Expert System for Critical Equipment Identification in Production Plant
A.O. Jewo, B. Kareem, E. Ebojoh
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10.9790/9622-1111012636 - Simulation Through Augmented Reality in Real-Life Scenario
Rohit Verma, Emil Dominic Jose, Deepan Tripathi, Shobha Tyagi, Monika Garg
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10.9790/9622-1111013741 - Stress design approach of a screw conveyor for a specific flow rate
Nelson Javier Duarte Gutiérrez, Rafael Alfonso Figueroa Díaz, Pablo Alberto Limón Leyva, Antonio de Jesús Balvantín García, Pedro Cruz Alcantar, Gabriel Rodríguez Echevarría
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10.9790/9622-1111014250 - Combining Efficiency and Resilience Assessments in Industrial Symbiosis Value Chains: A Comprehensive Flow Analysis
MORALES, Manuel E., DIEMER, Arnaud, CERVANTES, Gemma
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10.9790/9622-1111015165 - Increasing Efficiency by Method Improvement Using Time Study and Two Hand Motion Study
Parthraj Puranik, Kruti Patel
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10.9790/9622-1111020108 - Water Resources Conservation As A Spiritual Tourism Destination In Village Forest Management Right In Bali
Oleh: I Made Suwitra, I Made Minggu Widyantara, I Ketut Kasta Aryawijaya
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10.9790/9622-1111020917 - Providing the vehicle routing model for distribution of various items with the objective of optimizing travel operational costs (Case Study: The Port and Maritime Organization of Gilan province)
Pooria Giahi Khomeyran, Seyed Jafar Sadjadi Parsab
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10.9790/9622-1111021827 - Documentation for Restoration of a Heritage Educational Monument: A Case Study
Dr. Namdeo A. Hedaoo, Mayur Sugandhi
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10.9790/9622-1111022841 - The Chlorophyll and Anthocyanin Content of Potato Mop Top Virus Infected Potato Plants and Their Association with the Foliar Symptoms (Preliminary Study)
Bădărău Carmen Liliana, Tican Andreea, Cioloca Mihaela
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10.9790/9622-1111024249 - The algebra of saving
José Roberto Mercado Escalante
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10.9790/9622-1111025059 - Reservoir Fluids Estimation and Modelling using MBAL for aCase Study of a Typical Limestone Formation
Oriji .A. Boniface, Wachukwu .M. Emmanuel
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The Internet has turned our world upside down. It has revolutionized all the things we do. It has been transformed from time to time and is now embedded in each and every aspect of our day-to-day life. Most of us are aware of its good cause but no one tends to look for the evil one. As we say the Internet has changed various things, it has changed the traditional way of battles too - Cyber war. A term which is gaining popularity in recent times. Cyber warfare refers to attacks which are deployed virtually in order to disrupt any country's stability; it might result in a drop of economy or even death of innocent lives. The Iranian Nuclear Facility at Natanz faced a cyber-breach which led to a blackout until emergency power systems kicked in. The result was what sounded like a slow-motion explosion as centrifuges crashed into each other. This paper is targeted to examine working and construction of the Stuxnet.whch will include elaboration of various aspects of this targeted malware.Keyword: Air-gapped, Centrifuges, Malware, Mechanism, Rootkit, SCADA, Stuxnet, Zero-day ×
Atharva Vilas Gorde "A Study of Stuxnet Malware: Simplification of Its Working Mechanism" Vol. 11 - No. 11 (November 2021), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Cerebral palsy (CP) refers to a non-progressive change in the central nervous system, generating motor deficits and functional impairments. The involvement of the upper limb restricts the active participation of children with CP in activities of daily living, causing dependence on the family group. Assessments make up the framework of health professionals to outline treatments and monitor the patient's evolution. With the above, the aim of this bibliographical research was based on finding ways to assess muscle strength in children with CP, resulting in the identification of thirteen publications, whose applications all occurred in children from 5 years of age onwards. Therefore, the development of a device capable of objectively measuring the grip muscle strength in children with CP, from the early years of life, will contribute to the generation of quantitative, accurate information that will assist in the diagnosis and monitoring of treatment with practical application by professionals of health..Keyword: cerebral palsy, muscle strength, strength test. ×
Daniela Araújo de Almeida, Iandara Schetter Silva, Josivaldo Godoy da Silva "Avaliação Da Força Muscular Em Crianças Com Paralisia Cerebral: Revisão De Técnicas E Métodos Utilizados" Vol. 11 - No. 11 (November 2021), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Optimal Power Flow (OPF) is one of the major power system planning and operation problem. It is used to minimize the generation cost and power losses while maintaining the power system stability. It is considered as a complex optimization problem which includes linear, non-linear and large-scale constraints. This problem is essential to obtain the objectives while maintaining constraints. Moreover, as wind power growth, the power systems are facing challenges for operating and control to maintain the stability and continuity. This paper focuses on applying the OPF considering wind energy resources. A recent metaheuristic algorithm called ant lion optimizer (ALO) is used to solve the OPF problem. The OPF objective considers parameters such as minimizing the operating cost, minimizing the power losses, minimizing the wind power curtailment and improving the voltage profiles. It is subjected to power system and wind energy constraints. It is implemented by a MATLAB code for optimizing the parameters of the OPF. To evaluate the ALO performance in solving the OPF problem, a modified IEEE 30-bus system includes wind turbine generators is employed..Keyword: Optimal Power Flow (OPF), Ant lion optimizer (ALO), Wind power, MATLAB. ×
Abdrabou Ashour, Tarek M. N. Alkhaldi "Optimal Power Flow Considering Wind Integration using Anti lion Optimization Algorithm" Vol. 11 - No. 11 (November 2021), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
This paper presents the development of an expert system for identifying the critical equipment in a production plant on which Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) is required for early detection of faults. The system adopts analytical knowledge obtained from mathematical model and utilizes a forward and backward chaining inference scheme. The system was developed using Visual Basic 6.0 (Enterprise Edition) and Microsoft Access Application as front and back end engines respectively while Structured Query Language (SQL) is used for querying and modifying data and managing databases. The verification and validation of the Expert System was carried out using data collected from a Refinery and Petrochemical Company, in Ekpan-Warri, Nigeria which include; equipment types, labor rates, equipment rates, number of failures, average time taken to restore the failed equipment....Keyword: Expert system, critical equipment, production plant, visual basic, Microsoft access ×
A.O. Jewo, B. Kareem, E. Ebojoh "Application of an Expert System for Critical Equipment Identification in Production Plant" Vol. 11 - No. 11 (November 2021), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
We endorse the use of digital environments of every day gadgets to simulate augmented reality (AR) structures for the purposes of more advancement in the technology in real-time. Augmented reality is the critical hyperlink connecting the digital with the actual world. Virtual information is delivered to the actual world. Simulating these information and analysis on bases of their constrains. in packages including major transport operations, restaurant visualization, and accident simulations in advance, carrying out simulations in proper and sensible settings which are showed with the aid of using actual video imaging sequences will become essential. This paper surveys current paintings that permits visually sensible model of daily used object to extract useful information that give real-time analysis of the system specified..Keyword: augmented reality, object-oriented simulation, object tracking, business simulation ×
Rohit Verma, Emil Dominic Jose, Deepan Tripathi, Shobha Tyagi, Monika Garg "Simulation Through Augmented Reality in Real-Life Scenario" Vol. 11 - No. 11 (November 2021), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The screw conveyor is a compact, simple and low-maintenance system that is still used for conveying bulk material in our days. However, this simplicity in its components (screw, pipe and bearing supports) is compensated by its considerable complexity on the movement of the material along the helix in the screw. What causes, an easy reproduction of the equipment without considering some type of engineering analysis for these systems. This will commonly generate mechanical problems as a unexpected fracture in its components, changes in flow rate, shutdowns in production, higher energy consumption when there are oversized power systems, that the original system did not present. For this reason, this article proposes a design methodology to dimension the geometric characteristics of a screw conveyor system based on the necessary production capacity. Likewise, the procedure to be used to perform the mechanical analysis by resistance through the theory of distortion energy, and the strain generated in the pipe and screw components, that allow the system to work safely, is exposed.Keyword: Screw conveyor, flow rate, geometric characteristics, strain. ×
Nelson Javier Duarte Gutiérrez, Rafael Alfonso Figueroa Díaz, Pablo Alberto Limón Leyva, Antonio de Jesús Balvantín García, Pedro Cruz Alcantar, Gabriel Rodríguez Echevarría "Stress design approach of a screw conveyor for a specific flow rate" Vol. 11 - No. 11 (November 2021), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The viability of firms that participate in industrial symbiosis (IS) is influenced by the impact that by-product synergies have on the economic efficiency and resilience of those firms in the IS network. Systems theory, industrial ecology, and value chain dynamics constitute the necessary frameworks to analyze the viability of IS value chains through efficiency and resilience assessments. Using Mexico's Altamira Industrial Port as a case study, we identify and describe three IS value chains A, B and C and build variables to measure viability through efficiency and resilience. We find that only the three participating firms in value chain B are both sufficiently efficient and resilient to constitute viability..........Keyword: viability, efficiency, resilience, value chains, systems ×
MORALES, Manuel E., DIEMER, Arnaud, CERVANTES, Gemma "Combining Efficiency and Resilience Assessments in Industrial Symbiosis Value Chains: A Comprehensive Flow Analysis" Vol. 11 - No. 11 (November 2021), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Bottlenecks in any manufacturing unit are the main causes of reduced efficiency and productivity. Bottleneck can be caused by improper method of performing a particular operation, machinery condition and unnecessary non-value-added time. The major cause of bottleneck in a labor-intensive manufacturing unit is the improper method of performing a operation. Operators create a lot of non-value-added time because of stoppages or preparing for a start-up before actually performing the operation. Sewing a particular part is a sort of start-stop process, where the operator has to frequently start and stop the sewing machine. So, every time the sewing is started, the operator takes some time preparing for the operation........Keyword: Bottleneck, method improvement, motion study, non-value-added time, productivity, time study. ×
Parthraj Puranik, Kruti Patel "Increasing Efficiency by Method Improvement Using Time Study and Two Hand Motion Study" Vol. 11 - No. 11 (November 2021), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The purpose of this study was to find a model of the concept of coexistence on the use of water resources in the forest through Village Forest Management Rights (referred as HPHD) as a source of community welfare (local). The problem is how to model the coexistence of the legal system on the use of water resources in the forest for the empowerment of rural communities? This type of research uses empirical legal research with statutory, analytical, case, and customary law approaches. The data were analyzed by interpretation and qualitative techniques. With the issuance of HPHD to the Village Institution, namely Village Owned Enterprises (referred as BUMDes), communities around the forest are educated in utilizing forest resources such as water as spiritual tourism known as "melukat".........Keyword: Bottleneck, method improvement, motion study, non-value-added time, productivity, time study. ×
Oleh: I Made Suwitra, I Made Minggu Widyantara, I Ketut Kasta Aryawijaya "Water Resources Conservation As A Spiritual Tourism Destination In Village Forest Management Right In Bali" Vol. 11 - No. 11 (November 2021), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Perishable items such as food products, vegetables, flowers, ready-mixed concrete, blood and etc. are usually destroyed during production and delivery process, so to prevent spoilage of such products, these products must reach the customer at the appropriate time to the manufacturers. One of the effective factors in the timely delivery of various products to the customer is the choice of the optimal delivery route, which is referred to as the issue of vehicle routing. The issue of vehicle routing for the distribution of various products is one of the most widely used issues in the field of operations research, which is very useful in planning the transportation fleet. In this Research, we seek to determine the operational plan of homogeneous vehicles with limited capacity to send products from the central warehouse to a group of customers that are geographically dispersed in different areas, so that the number of vehicles and travel costs are minimized.........Keyword: Vehicle routing issue, Supply chain, Gilan Province Ports and Maritime Organization, Operating costs of travel. ×
Pooria Giahi Khomeyran, Seyed Jafar Sadjadi Parsab "Providing the vehicle routing model for distribution of various items with the objective of optimizing travel operational costs (Case Study: The Port and Maritime Organization of Gilan province)" Vol. 11 - No. 11 (November 2021), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Restoration is the process of accurately depicting the form, features, and character of a property as it appeared at a particular period by removing features from other periods in its history and reconstruction of missing features from the restoration period. Heritage documentation is known as a systematic collection of tangible and intangible elements of historical structures and environments. This topic has become the subject of extensive research in recent years as it directly affects cultural value. This research study provides such documentation required for the restoration of a heritage educational monument. Two buildings from the College of Engineering Pune, Maharashtra (India), were selected, and documentation in plans, 3D Revit modelling, digital photography was used. The type of stone used for construction was basalt........Keyword: Restoration, Documentation, Digital photography, Revit 3D software, LabelImg software. ×
Dr. Namdeo A. Hedaoo, Mayur Sugandhi "Documentation for Restoration of a Heritage Educational Monument: A Case Study" Vol. 11 - No. 11 (November 2021), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The purpose of this study was to estimate the effects of Potato Mop Top Virus (PMTV) infections on the level of some foliar pigments content in positive plants (from Carrera, Hermes, Gared, Marvis and Temerar cultivars) with and without symptoms. Performing and monitoring the vegetative state of plants was done under greenhouse conditions, by estimation the chlorophyll (portable device SPAD 502 Chlorophyll Meter) and the anthocyanin (portable device ACM 200 plus, Antocianin Chlorophyll Meter) content of the leaflets. Regarding the content of anthocyanin, it was found small increase of anthocyanin content in case of PMTV infected material without symptoms (but the values were not statistically supported). As opposed the anthocyanin, monitoring the chlorophyll content indicated significant correlations with the type of the tested material.Keyword: Potato Mop Top Virus, symptoms, chlorophyll, anthocyanin. ×
Bădărău Carmen Liliana, Tican Andreea, Cioloca Mihaela "The Chlorophyll and Anthocyanin Content of Potato Mop Top Virus Infected Potato Plants and Their Association with the Foliar Symptoms (Preliminary Study)" Vol. 11 - No. 11 (November 2021), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Wepresentthese as a single object with four facets: fractional fields, fractions, logarithmic rates of change, and the core of the Pareto distribution. Weidentify as fractional the fields linked to demand, supply, constant capital, surplus value, etc. We build with savings and other fractions a vortex that represents economic growth. Weforman algebra,defining a commutatorbetweenincome and consumption.Keyword: Fractional diffusion equation, income-consumption commutator, Pareto distribution, Boticelli vortex. ×
José Roberto Mercado Escalante "The algebra of saving" Vol. 11 - No. 11 (November 2021), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The study is aimed at the estimation of the amount of hydrocarbons in a typical limestone formation. The material balance method is used in modelling for this estimation. The material balance method does not forecast production and hence, the use of a dynamic material balance modelling is applied for production performance forecast using a prediction profile subject to production schedules. Thisstudy applies the dynamic material balance modelling technique to forecast production in a typical limestone formation.The material balance modelling method was applied on a limestone reservoir, "W" field to determine the OOIP (Oil Originally in Place); presence and relative strength of an aquifer, relative......Keyword: Material Balance; Dynamic Material Balance Simulation; Reservoir Characterization, Production Performance Forecast; Monte Carlo Analysis. ×
Oriji .A. Boniface, Wachukwu .M. Emmanuel "Reservoir Fluids Estimation and Modelling using MBAL for a Case Study of a Typical Limestone Formation" Vol. 11 - No. 11 (November 2021), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,