International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA)
Volume 10 - Issue 8
- The vision of Lean Six Sigma to reduce costs in logistics practices modal shift Introduction
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- Influence of Sliding Velocity on AISI H13 using DEFORM 3D
Abhay Anil, Akshay V M, Allen Mathews Chandy, Bharat Nair, Sam Joshy
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- Performance Analysis of MC-CDMA in Rayleigh Fading
Ahmad Alotaibi
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- IIR System identification using Elitist Teaching-Learning-Based Optimization Algorithm
P.Eswari, Y.Ramalakshmanna
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- Modelling and control of dynamic voltage restorer to protect sensitive load under non linear loading conditions
Abhishek Kumar Singh, Deman kosale
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- Automatic Extraction of Text Notes from Video Tutorials
Sunil Poojari, Abhinandan Kulkarni, Anuradha Vishwakarma, Prof. Savita Lohiya
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- Experimental Study on Strength Properties of M30 Grade Self Compaction Concrete by Partial Replacement of Cement by Glass Powder and Fine Aggregate with Iron Slag
N. Satyanarayana Reddy, Dr. N. Victor Babu
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- Potential of Phasor Estimation Algorithm using Tensor Product - a Review
Shivashish Shukla, Swatantra Singh Verma
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- A Review on Second Generation Biodiesel Blending & their Future Perspectives
Rakesh Nath, Manash Sharma, Md Nahid Ali, Nabarun Patowary
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- Development of Tensor Product based Dynamic Phasor Estimation Algorithm Satisfying IEEE Standard of Synchrophasor Measurement
Shivashish Shukla, Swatantra Singh Verma
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- Zero Energy Building achievement by inclusion of Photovoltaic System and Solar Thermal Technologies: A Review
Neha Tiwari, Shweta Mishra, Ashutosh Mishra
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- Selection of Different Nanomaterials and Their Fabrication Techniques in the Defence, Automotive and Computing Sectors
Kaajal Kataria
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- Range Doppler ISAR Imaging Using SFCW
P Anjali Reddy, Dr A. NagaJyothi, G V Sai Swetha
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- Peformace Evaluation of Least Square Algorithm for Phasor Estimation and Comparison with DFT
Nitish Kumar Dubey, Manoj Kumar Dewangan
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- Implementing the Decomposition Model in Gold Price Volatility Analyzing, Forecasting and Trading
Meng Sui, Erick W. Rengifo ,Eduardo Court
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- Evaluation of Wavelet based filter algorithms to improve the performance of Hearing with simulated hearing loss
Dr.Jayant J. Chopade, Dr. Niteen Futane, Dr. Dnyaneshwar D. Ahire, Viral Shah
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- Automatic picking algorithm for stacking velocity based on Bayesian estimation
Chen, Yuzhuo, Jiang, Murong, Wang, Yunsheng,Zheng Zhou
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- Social and Economic Life of Toda Tribe: Their Historical Identity
Ramen Lagachu
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- Learning To See In the Dark Using Neural Network
Komal Mourya, Sharda Patil, Tabasum Nadaf, Divya Voccaligara, Prof.Harsha Chari, Dr.Shailendra Aswale
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- Design and Performance Analysis of Stand Alone Solar Photovotaic System of Distributed Generation
Abhay Chauhan, Ahmad Faiz Minai, Md. Naseem
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- Economic Activity Nodes Allocation in Amman Master Plan: the Effect on Employment System Efficiency
Nabeel Yusuf Alkurdi
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- Study on Replacement of Alum with Aloe Vera Gel in Turbidity Removal
K Srikanth
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- High-EfficiencyBridgeless Dual-Mode Single Phase Resonant AC-DC Converter with PI Controller
Monica S, Dr. P Usha
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- New Switch Ladder Modified H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter with Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation Approach
Darshan Hallur
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- Index of biological integrity and its research progress in aquatic ecosystem health
Yixin Xu, ZhaoLiu, XiaolingHu, Huayong Zhang
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- Speech to Speech Translating (S2ST) System using ASR and TTS Techniques for Indian languages (English to Telugu or Tamil)
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- Performance Analysis of Solar PV based Flying Capacitor Multilevel Inverter using MATLAB/Simulink
SM Asmer Saeed Kazmi, F. A. Khan, P. R. Sarkar, A. F. Minai
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- Understanding the sector impact of COVID-19 On Oil, Gas & Chemicals industries
Gibreel Abdullah Hamud Muqbel, Ammar Yaser Abdulrahman Hael, Naef Abdullah Ali, Hasan Morzih, Osama Qaid Ali Abdullah Sharar, Dr.Deepak
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- Matrix Algorithm for Finding Minimum Dominating Set
A J Khan, Shobha Shukla, Vikas Singh Thakur
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- An Experimental Study on Natural Material Replacement by Rap in Dense Bitumionus Macadam (DBM)
Kapil Rana, Nandeshwar lata, Bharat nagar
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- Synthesis of Linear Antenna Array Using Modified Teaching-Learning-Based Optimization
M. Subhashini, R. Krishna Chaitanya
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- Design Microstrip Patch Antenna for UWB Applications
S. Meghana, Dr S .S .Mohan Reddy
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- Design and Fabrication of Self Balancing Bike Using Gyroscopic Effect
Susmitha.B, Harish.P , Ashok.V, Chandrasekhar.M
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- A Review Article on an Effective Routing Algorithm Based On Optimization in Wireless Sensor Networks
Vikram Pratap Singh Thakur, Dr. Prashant Kumar Jain
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- Analysis of power flow in electrical power systems with distributed generation using computational methods
Andressa Pereira Oliveira, Laice Neves de Oliveira
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- Barefoot Engineers: Cases of Simple Tech Innovations from the Bottom-Up
Professor Warner Woodworth
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- Detection of Lanes for Self-Driving cars-A Study
Ms.Meenali Rane, Ms.Rutva Dhuri, Mr.Dhruvil Shah, Ms. Poonam Sinai Kenkre, Dr. Shailendra Aswale, Ms. Sweta Kamat
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- Design of FOPID controller for 7Level multi-inverter integrated with closed loop boost converter system
S.P.Mangaiyarkarasi, S.Bala kumar
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- An IoT Based Automatic Patient Health Monitoring System
Pavithra B., Sangeetha K
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- Optimized Reversible Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU)
Aprameya R S, Bhargavi N S, Karthik S, Girija S
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- An Efficient Mechanism For Sensor Fusion And Road Boundary Detection Using Intersection Of Co-Variances-DST
Ningappa Uppal, Dr Vijaya Kumar C N, Dr Ravikumar T
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- Benchmarking of Hybrid Model for Food Delivery Web Application Development
Avi Jain, Smit Shah, Prayag Patel, Akshat Shah, Sneha Rohra
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- Use of Nanotechnology Concept To Enhance The Performance of Solar Stills - Recent Advances And Overview
Dr. Ravish Kumar Srivastava, Dr Bikas Prasad
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Lean Six Sigma (LSS) is an important philosophy to help map the activities of service chains with practices of Modal Shift. The proposal involves the direct responsibility for service to reduce inventory in transit, comparing the costs of storage in the primary zone, the organized port, the city of Santos. The multimodal transport strategy is demonstrated by offering economies of scale in the outsourcing of public transport. This case study to review Kaizen improvements to reduce the costs of logistics services in the use of multimodal transport..Keyword: Lean Six Sigma, Logistic cost reduction, Multimodal transport, Services ×
H. POZO, W. L. P. SOARES, G. K. AKABANE "The vision of Lean Six Sigma to reduce costsin logistics practices modal shift Introduction" Vol. 10 - No. 8 (Aug. 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Forging is classified as a manufacturing process for shaping metals using compressive forces through methods like hammering or rolling. Forging provides a consistent delivery of quality which is essential in a manufacturing process. A good forging is defined by aligned grain flow pattern and a sound metal flow. Even though high-quality products are obtained through the process of forging, there are some defects likely to happen if not done with at most care. Forging as a process is vulnerable to various manufacturing anomalies such as variation in billet geometry, billet temperature, material properties, Sliding velocity, work piece and forging equipment positional error. The effect of important machining variables on performance characteristics and the influence of initial die temperature on die stress in hot forging process...Keyword: DEFORM 3D, Die Stress, ONSHAPE, Sliding Velocity ×
Abhay Anil, Akshay V M, Allen Mathews Chandy, Bharat Nair, Sam Joshy "Comparative Analysis of Optimizing Techniques Used In Linear Antenna Array Designing" Vol. 10 - No. 8 (Aug. 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The technique of Spread Spectrum is used in 4G schemes and one of those techniques is Multi Carrier code Division Multiple Access ―MC-CDMA‖. In this project MC-CDMA was simulated under Rayleigh fading and adaptive Gaussian White Noise. The simulation a huge difference for the signal in Rayleigh fading the bit error rate barely reached 10-3 dB with double the power used to reach 10-5 under Gaussian noise. MC-CDMA, Multi-Carrier Code-Division Multiple Access, Fading, 4G, 5G..Keyword: .. ×
Ahmad Alotaibi "Performance Analysis of MC-CDMA in Rayleigh Fading" Vol. 10 - No. 8 (Aug. 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The adaptive IIR system identification has become a major area of concern in signal processing systems. The IIR filter models are nonlinear in practical, the classical methods like least mean square error and gradient based optimization techniques cannot reduce the stability problem in filter and meet the requirements of the system. The optimization algorithm decreases the stability problem. In this paper ETLBO is used for adaptive IIR system identification. The elitism concept with TLBO affects the exploration and exploitation capabilities of the algorithm. ETLBO showed better results compared to DE. ETLBO provides good convergence rate compared to DE..Keyword: Adaptive filter, Coefficients of filter, IIR System identification, Mean square error, Optimization algorithm. ×
P.Eswari, Y.Ramalakshmanna "IIR System identification using Elitist Teaching-Learning-Based Optimization Algorithm" Vol. 10 - No. 8 (Aug 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) is used for the protection of sensitive loads from the voltage disturbance like, voltage sag/voltage swell. In this paper, Dqo based PI controller has been used for the detection of voltage sag as well as for yhe generation of compensatingvoltages for controlling DVR. The proposed algorithm works well with any types of loads connected whether linear or non linear. To simulate the actual scenario a double circuit distribution line modelling is being done in matlab and fault is being created in one line to produce voltage sag in the other line.A three phase reference voltage is being generated and the load voltages and the reference voltages are being compared by converting both voltages into Dqo frame using Dqo transformation. The Dqo error is again converted into abc frame to obtain the compensating voltage.The compensating voltage is give to the pi controller which controls the power circuit to inject a voltage in phase with the source voltage to maintain the voltage profileof the load to be purely sinusoidal.Whole of the simulation model is simulated in MATLAB simulation power system. The fourier analysis of the load voltage is performed for harmonic analysis. The result obtained proves the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm..Keyword: dynamic voltage restorer, PI controller, Dqo transformation, voltage sag, balanced and unbalanced fault,total harmonic distortion ×
Abhishek Kumar Singh, Deman kosale "Modelling and control of dynamic voltage restorer to protect sensitive load under non linear loading conditions" Vol. 10 - No. 8 (Aug. 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Today's rapidly digitizing world is a world that is redefining the very concept of interaction. One of the major strides being taken is in the ever-dynamic, ever-expanding world of education. As a result, there is an increased demand for video tutorials for study purpose, online courses and tutorials for entrance exams, as most of the videos are proved to be effective, uploaded by experts in domain and is a very effective audio video learning resource. But the videos are sometimes long and time-consuming and explained way too briefly for an average user. As a result, the user doesn't get enough time to comprehend the context of the video enough to make notes or make a proper understanding of the subject matter. Thus, we propose a system that would automatically generate text notes for the video tutorial which would contain the gist of the video tutorial. It will use the concept of text summarization that is used to summarize the video tutorials after transcribing video and would display the important contents in a notes format. In the core of this system we have used NLTK (Natural Language Toolkit) which is a python library for working on Natural Language Processing..Keyword: Text Summarization, NLP, NLTK. ×
Sunil Poojari, Abhinandan Kulkarni, Anuradha Vishwakarma, Prof. Savita Lohiya "Automatic Extraction of Text Notes from Video Tutorials" Vol. 10 - No. 8 (Aug. 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The study aims at the utilization of industrial byproducts for value-added applications. Iron slag and glass powder is the industrial byproduct from the iron and glass industries. In addition to this byproduct, we can improve the properties of construction materials. The recycled glass has been used in the form of powder. The glass powder was tested with concrete and mortar. Cement was partial replaced by the glass powder in the proportion of 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, and 40% for M30 grade of self-compaction concrete with 0.38 water-cement ratios respectively. Fine aggregate was partial replaced by the iron slag in the proportion of 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, and 40% for M30 grade of self-compaction concrete respectively. The compressive strength, split tensile strength, and flexural strength was conducted for the above replacements. The results confirm that the use of iron slag and glass powder...Keyword: Compressive strength, Flexural strength, Glass Powder, Iron slag, Split Tensile strength. ×
N. Satyanarayana Reddy, Dr. N. Victor Babu "Experimental Study on Strength Properties of M30 Grade Self Compaction Concrete by Partial Replacement of Cement by Glass Powder and Fine Aggregate with Iron Slag" Vol. 10 - No. 8 (Aug. 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In this paper a dynamic phasor estimation algorithm is discussed with the help of tensor product, the proposed algorithm can have many qualities for dynamic conditions, it can have great simplicity as well as great robustness for dynamic as well for pure sine waves, phasor estimation process follows some simple procedure based on tensor product and linear algebra. The potential of proposed phasor estimation algorithm is tested for different dynamic/noisy events as per IEEE C37.118.1-2011 standards, by observing the results it can be said that the algorithm can perform well for dynamic/noisy conditions, the great advantages of algorithm can be its simple procedure of implementation, it can also be based on simple equations, which can make it easy to realize. For signal conditions like ramp event, modulation event, step event, as well noisy event the propose algorithm can have tremendous robustness and performance. Its simplicity and robustness can make the algorithm best suited for Wide Area Monitoring for measuring current as well voltage signal having various disturbances..Keyword: Tensor product, phasor measurement units, wide area monitoring, smart grids ×
Shivashish Shukla, Swatantra Singh Verma "Potential of Phasor Estimation Algorithm using Tensor Product - a Review" Vol. 10 - No. 8 (Aug. 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In this paper we discussed second generation with biodiesel blends and reviewed the Characterization Tests and Performance Tests. Second generation biodiesel (Pongamia, Jatropha, Karanja, Cottonseed, Mahua.....) could contribute to significant reductions in carbon dioxide emissions from transport because the bio feedstock used for their production is considered to be carbon neutral. This Paper inspect the life cycle sustainability of second generation biodiesel derived from different feed stocks and produced in different production systems, including integrated bio refineries. The regular use of fossil fuels is exhausting its reserve and produces harmful emission causing environmental issues...Keyword: Biodiesel, Cotton seed, Feed stocks, Jatropha, Karanja, Mahua, non-edible, Pongamia and Second Generation.. ×
Rakesh Nath, Manash Sharma, Md Nahid Ali, Nabarun Patowary "A Review on Second Generation Biodiesel Blending & their Future Perspectives" Vol. 10 - No. 8 (Aug. 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In this paper a dynamic phasor estimation algorithm is introduced with the help of tensor product, the proposed algorithms has many qualities for dynamic conditions, it has great simplicity as well as great robustness for dynamic as well for pure sine waves, phasor estimation process follows some simple procedure based on tensor product and linear algebra. The phasor estimation algorithm is tested for different dynamic/noisy events as per IEEE C37.118.1-2011 standards, by observing the results it can be said that the algorithm performs well for dynamic/noisy conditions, the great advantages of algorithm is its simple procedure of implementation, it is also based on simple equations, which makes it easy to realize. For signal conditions like ramp event, modulation event, step event, as well noisy event the propose algorithm has tremendous robustness and performance. Its simplicity and robustness make the algorithm best suited for Wide Area Monitoring for measuring current as well voltage signal having various disturbances.Keyword: Tensor product, phasor measurement units, wide area monitoring, smart grids.. ×
Shivashish Shukla, Swatantra Singh Verma "Development of Tensor Product based Dynamic Phasor Estimation Algorithm Satisfying IEEE Standard of Synchrophasor Measurement" Vol. 10 - No. 8 (Aug. 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Buildings, in all over the world are silent energy guzzlers. For the purpose of heating, cooling and other requirement, 40% of total energy of the world is consumed only by buildings. 1/3rd of Green House Gases are emitted by buildings, hence thereby for the reduction of energy consumption and Green House Gas , we have focused on Renewable Energy in which Solar Energy based systems are preferred because of abundant and easier availability of Solar Energy. This paper reviewed Solar Water Heating Technology , Solar Cooling System, Standalone Photovoltaic System and Grid Connected PV system. In this paper fundamental component of Solar Water Heater and the types of Solar Cooling system is presented. In order to fulfill the remaining demand of energy standalone PV system and Grid Connected PV systems are discussed with their components.Keyword: Zero Energy Building( ZEB), GHG (Green House Gas) ,Solar Water Heating System(SWHS),Photovoltaic System (PV System), (SWCS) Solar Water Cooling System , Flat Plate Collector ( FPC), (EFPC)Evactuated Flat Plate Collector , Coefficient Of Performance(COP). ×
Neha Tiwari, Shweta Mishra, Ashutosh Mishra "Zero Energy Building achievement by inclusion of Photovoltaic System and Solar Thermal Technologies: A Review" Vol. 10 - No. 8 (Aug. 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Nanomaterials and nanotechnologies are an emerging field of study. Their peculiar size-dependent properties make nanomaterials extremely useful in a wide variety of applications. This report reviews the potential and existing applications of nanomaterials in 3 such fields- defense, automotive, and computing industries..Keyword: CNT, fabrication, nanoscience, nanotechnologies, silicon ICs. ×
Kaajal Kataria "Selection of Different Nanomaterials and Their Fabrication Techniques in the Defence, Automotive and Computing Sectors" Vol. 10 - No. 8 (Aug. 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar (ISAR) is an effective technique for reconstructing high resolution image from received raw data collected by relatively small antenna. ISAR generates an electromagnetic image of moving target with respect to radar. In this paper we discuss about the technique of ISAR imaging of moving target and moving radar using range Doppler algorithm for this Stepped Frequency Continuous Wave (SFCW). ISAR radars are commonly used on vessels or aircraft and can provide a radar image of sufficient quality for target recognition. The Doppler frequency shift produces back scattered data that is received by the radar, the target mainly consists of many scatter points, which are very necessary to analyze the performance of the target. The Matlab simulation produces high resolution on two dimensional images it gives range (received signal from target in time domain) and cross range(Doppler). The Range-Doppler images can be used later for identification and classification algorithms.Keyword: ISAR; Doppler frequency; range Doppler; scattering; cross-range; azimuth; back scatter. ×
P Anjali Reddy, Dr A. NagaJyothi, G V Sai Swetha "Range Doppler ISAR Imaging Using SFCW" Vol. 10 - No. 8 (Aug. 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
As the population is increasing rapidly, Energy demands also needs to be fulfilled efficiently, for that supervision and monitoring of power system in various dynamic events have to be done precisely, Such tasks are normally done by Supervisory control and Data Acquisition System(SCADA) and Phasor Measurement Unit(PMU) also. PMU is best among all in terms of accuracy and time delaying as it uses Global Positioning System for synchronization with other PMU's, and strong phasor estimation algorithm with less number of samples giving accurate and real time tracking of power system in normal events as well as dynamic events. This paper evaluates and compares Least square method and Discrete Fourier Transform method for various dynamic events as per IEEE standard of synchrophasor measurement. Morever dynamic events taken here are not model based signals, in earlier literatures model based signals were used, that problem is eliminated in this paper.Keyword: Tensor product, phasor measurement units, wide area monitoring, smart grids.. ×
Nitish Kumar Dubey, Manoj Kumar Dewangan "Peformace Evaluation of Least Square Algorithm for Phasor Estimation and Comparison with DFT" Vol. 10 - No. 8 (Aug. 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Over the last several decades, investment demand for gold has significantlyincreased, playing a critical role inthe determination of gold's price. This study intends to extend the research on current price oscillationsby applying an econometric techniqueEnsemble Empirical Mode Decomposition (EEMD) which helps sorting out the short- and long-termeffectsof gold price changes. In so doing, highlight the ETFs contribution to the explanation of the recent price volatility. In addition and based on the statistical criterion of MSE, RMSE, and SMAPEwe show that gold price forecasts obtained with the EEMD are more accurate. We show,using weekly and monthly data, that machine learning models (Multi Layer Perceptrons, Extreme....Keyword: Price forecasting,Price decomposition, Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition (EEMD), Machine Learning models, Trading strategy.. ×
Meng Sui, Erick W. Rengifo , Eduardo Court "Implementing the Decomposition Model in Gold Price Volatility Analyzing, Forecasting and Trading" Vol. 10 - No. 8 (Aug. 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Traditionally this experimentation is accomplished on hearing impaired subjects but they may be time consuming and may cause fatigue in elderly people. So, preliminary evaluations of the developed algorithms were conducted on five normal people with simulated hearing loss, by adding a broad band noise to the speech signal with signal to noise ratio of 3dB, 0dB, -3dB,-6dB and -9dB.The objective of the experimental analysis was to assess the usefulness of the developed algorithms. The wavelet based filter algorithms using Daubechies, Symlet and Biorthogonal wavelet families were developed in MATLAB. Further to randomise the tests, 15 syllables without meaning were considered in vowel consonant vowel (VCV) order. Results indicated that response time for processed speech signal was..Keyword: Sensorineural, VCV, Dichotic, Binaural, Spectral masking. ×
Dr.Jayant J. Chopade, Dr. Niteen Futane, Dr. Dnyaneshwar D. Ahire, Viral Shah "Evaluation of Wavelet based filter algorithms to improve the performance of Hearing with simulated hearing loss" Vol. 10 - No. 8 (Aug. 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The stacking velocity is an important parameter for velocity analysis and migration imaging. How to find the optimal stacking velocity from a large amount of signal data is a key issue in the interpretation of seismic data. In this paper, Bayesian estimation has been used for the automatic pick-up of optimal stacking velocity. A set of signal values are determined by looking forward for the maximum probability "energy sequence" of the joint probability distribution of the observation sequence and the state sequence, as well as the backward cumulative calculation of the joint probability distribution maximum path. This set of signal values is used to calculate the optimal stacking speed. Experiment results obtained show that the proposed algorithm work well with the complex terrain signal data, and meets the accuracy requirements in actual engineering. The algorithm can quickly provide a reasonable and effective speed model for subsequent data analysis..Keyword: -Stacking velocity, Velocity spectrum, Automatic picking, Bayesian estimation. ×
Chen, Yuzhuo, Jiang, Murong, Wang, Yunsheng,Zheng Zhou "Automatic picking algorithm for stacking velocity based on Bayesian estimation" Vol. 10 - No. 8 (Aug. 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
It is intend to highlight about the Toda community in Tamil Nadu viz. South India as a major tribal of Indian civilization from the remote past when the people belonging to different races and ethnic groups settled, and a composite culture was grown out of their living in close proximity for millennia. In the first part of the topic will hold a historical overview and some important measures. In second, a demographical and geographical syndrome will be expressed. Tamilnadu is meeting ground of divers ethnic and cultural streams as well as the principal migrants have been the Proto-Australoid group, the Dravidians etc. In third, the theoretical understanding with the process of interaction between the Tribal and the non-Tribal is being carried on in Toda society even to this day. It is also explored in forth part in the topic that some factors witnessing to develop feudal behavior and socio-economic and political formation. Lastly, it will give a picture of realistic mind along with a kind of paternal bureaucracy as a measure of reconciling the internal contradictions within the ruling class along with a coercive authority and it manifested the ruling class interest vis-à-vis state. Moreover, some new findings and conclusions are to be drawn at the end..Keyword: ... ×
Ramen Lagachu "Social and Economic Life of Toda Tribe: Their Historical Identity" Vol. 10 - No. 8 (Aug. 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Machine learning has been recently applied to extreme low -light imaging which provides stirring results. As there are many limitations of using image capturing devices moreover because the presence of the non-ideal environment, the standard of digital image gets degraded at a good level. Despite of getting much advancement in digital imaging science, the captured images do not always fulfil the user's expectation for clear and soothing view of image. Also, we encounter different algorithms used for image processing; each of it's has its improvements and limitations. This paper provides a detail investigation of assorted neural networks and its architecture used for low -light image processing. Here we have proposed a reliable framework for the task of semantic segmentation for better performance result. Our framework consists of offbeat deep learning architecture i.e. Unet and ResUnet and an offbeat loss function which is predicted on Dice loss. We have addressed several open challenges including model overfitting, reducing number of parameters and handling test, train, prediction, investigating the effect because of network architecture on accuracy, dice-coefficient, iou. The proposed framework approach outperforms all the comparing entities, which demonstrates its superiority over various recently developed states of the arts..Keyword: Dice-coeff, FCN, iou, ResUnet, U-Net ×
Komal Mourya, Sharda Patil, Tabasum Nadaf, Divya Voccaligara, Prof.Harsha Chari, Dr.Shailendra Aswale "Learning To See In the Dark Using Neural Network" Vol. 10 - No. 8 (Aug. 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Solar photovoltaic (SPV) systems convert sunlight directly into electricity. A small power system enables homeowners to generate some or all of their daily electrical energy demand on their own roof top, exchanging daytime excess power for its energy needs in nights using SPV distribution generation, if it is supported by the battery back-up. A SPV power system can be used to generate electric energy as a way of distributed generation (DG) for rural areas. Several approaches have been proposed to improve efficiency of SPV system and to provide the proper ac voltage required by residential customers. For this purpose, dc-dc converters have been explored extensively to meet the required electric energy demands by these systems using a battery back-up. A converter is designed to charge the battery. The battery voltage is converted into ac supply using an inverter. The design of a solar power system is a process which involves many variables that have to be adjusted in order to obtain optimized parameters for system components......Keyword: . ×
Abhay Chauhan, Ahmad Faiz Minai, Md. Naseem "Design and Performance Analysis of Stand Alone Solar Photovotaic System of Distributed Generation" Vol. 10 - No. 8 (Aug. 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Market needs and national economic policies unavoidably affect the spatial allocation and linkage of economic activity nodes within cities and urban centers, yet optimizing the efficiency of a city‟s spatial configuration in serving its contained labor market remains a matter of debate between economists, with endeavors to minimize distances from resources, while preserving acceptable population sprawl. The aim of this study is to explore and evaluate the efficiency of the current structure of job opportunities in the city in terms of urban allocation. The urban employment system in the city is excessively governed by a pure economic vision, and the future spatial structure under these conditions is hard to predict or control by urban planners. Numerical findings of analyzing the Amman....Keyword: Amman, Economic Activity, Employment, Lowry Model ×
Nabeel Yusuf Alkurdi "Economic Activity Nodes Allocation in Amman Master Plan: the Effect on Employment System Efficiency" Vol. 10 - No. 8 (Aug. 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The ever increasing population and also in comforts of the people is causing a stress on the availability of fresh water resources on this planet. It requires proper treatment before consumption. The treatment process consist various steps to make the unfit water to useful water. In that process, it is a challenge for us to remove colloidal particles present in water. At present alum is used worldwide to treat the water in the process of coagulation and flocculation. Continuous use of alum in the treatment of water has been reported neurological diseases like Alzheimer's disease and also carcinogenic. So, some natural products are required in the place of these chemical coagulants. Natural coagulants are the coagulants which extracted from natural plants. So this study is mainly focused.....Keyword: Aloe Vera, Turbidity, pH, Natural coagulants, Water Treatment ×
K Srikanth "Study on Replacement of Alum with Aloe Vera Gel in Turbidity Removal" Vol. 10 - No. 8 (Aug. 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
This paper presents a bridgeless dual mode resonant single phase ac-dc converter. We expel a full-bridge diode rectifier from the grid side of the proposed converter by using a bidirectional switch and in this way it decreases the number of components used in the topology. We utilized a series resonant circuit in the output voltage doubler on the secondary side. The series resonant circuit give zero-current switching (zcs) turn-off at the output diode, and consequently it reduces the reverse recovery loss.To attain medium-high power capability with an appropriate transformer, the proposed converter operates in both continuous conduction mode and discontinuous conduction mode. In following, the operating principle of the proposed converter are explained, the proposed converter achieves efficiency of 96.2%. Simulation results of proposed converter and and converter with PI controller are performed using MATLAB/Simulink. The simulation results and theoretical results of proposed converter are compared.Keyword: Bidirectional switch,PI controller, Zero current switching ×
Monica S, Dr. P Usha "High-EfficiencyBridgeless Dual-Mode Single Phase Resonant AC-DC Converter with PI Controller" Vol. 10 - No. 8 (Aug. 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
For smaller switching losses, to reduce the strain on switches, with less PE devices, higher level of yield voltage, the systematic conversion of DC to AC is difficult task. To overcome all the above issues, changes made in recently developed bridge multilevel inverter set up, a new switch ladder modified multilevel inverter with sinusoidal PWM approach is introduced which reduces higher voltage rating on switches and also it helps to improve the switching order. This topology is differentiated with other preceding topology to convey the adequacy..Keyword: .... ×
Darshan Hallur "New Switch Ladder Modified H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter with Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation Approach" Vol. 10 - No. 8 (Aug. 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In recent years, due to the interference of human activities, the function of aquatic ecosystem has been seriously damaged.In order to manage the health of the ecosystems, the health assessment of aquatic ecosystems has become one of the hot spots in ecological research.At present, there are two main methods for evaluating the health of aquatic ecosystems: indicator system method and indicator species method.In the indicator species method, the index of biological integrity (IBI) is one of the most widely used indicators in aquatic ecosystem health research.This article introduces the concept, principle and construction method of index of biological integrity, and summarizes the application progress of index of biological integrity in aquatic ecological health assessment..Keyword: aquatic ecosystem, ecosystem health, index of biological integrity (IBI), health assessment. ×
Yixin Xu, ZhaoLiu, XiaolingHu, Huayong Zhang "Index of biological integrity and its research progress in aquatic ecosystem health" Vol. 10 - No. 8 (Aug. 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Speech to Speech Translation (S2ST) is a subfield of computational linguistics that investigates the use of software to translate text or speech from one natural language to another. S2ST can be especially useful for performing tasks that involve understanding and speaking with people who don't speak the same language. Manual translation has been limited to important official documents, news items and some award winning literary works. There exists a huge backlog of materials that needs to be translated for administration, education, commerce, tourism etc. Technological support in the form of machine aids for translation is of great importance. In this paper, we proposed a deep learning based Speech to Speech Translating System using MFCC, Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) and Text To Speech(TTS)Technologies.Keyword: Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR), Text To Speech (TTS), Machine Translator, Neural Networks, Deep Learning. ×
L.MOUNIKA, Prof. B.V.S.S.N.RAJU "Speech to Speech Translating (S2ST) System using ASR and TTS Techniques for Indian languages (English to Telugu or Tamil)" Vol. 10 - No. 8 (Aug. 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Sun oriented photovoltaic system is drawing much consideration all over the world. Sun oriented photovoltaic power generation is a successful method to produce the sustainable power. The multilevel inverters are utilized in high voltage PV plants, because of the high voltage ability, low power losses, and low switching frequency. The flying capacitors are under exceptional consideration among the multilevel inverter topologies associated sustainable power source and electric grid. The flying capacitor multilevel inverters is appropriate to PV application, industrial applications and research as it satisfies the prerequisite of unadulterated sinusoidal waveforms, with less harmonics substance. In this work, a novel multilevel inverter is presented and dissected for the high voltage PV applications with new modulation systems and the excess switching states to lessen the electromagnetic impedance and common mode voltage. The simulation analysis of proposed framework has been carried out with the Matlab/Simulink..Keyword: Flying Capacitor, Multilevel Inverter, Solar PV, Simulink. ×
SM Asmer Saeed Kazmi, F. A. Khan, P. R. Sarkar, A. F. Minai "Performance Analysis of Solar PV based Flying Capacitor Multilevel Inverter using MATLAB/Simulink" Vol. 10 - No. 8 (Aug. 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The effect of COVID-19 and the oil costs war are ending up being a two dimensional emergency for oil, gas, and synthetic substances organizations. Oil costs are dropping due to bombed concessions to creation cuts and the requirement for synthetic concoctions and refined items is easing back from modern stoppages and travel limitations in the wake of this global pandemic. This article examines the conceivable long haul sway on the business, what addresses the organization ought to ask itself and gives recommended following stages Lockdown prevailing in many countries and travel restrictions have led to the decline in demand for crude oil across the globe.With demand plunging around by 25-30% globally, several oil producers have reduced their production, shut down the wells. Refineries are reducing their intakes as their storage are close.........Keyword: Covid19,Impact,Oil,Gas.crisis, shortage, transport , Coronavirus disease-19 ×
Gibreel Abdullah Hamud Muqbel, Ammar Yaser Abdulrahman Hael, Naef Abdullah Ali, Hasan Morzih, Osama Qaid Ali Abdullah Sharar, Dr.Deepak "Understanding the sector impact of COVID-19 On Oil, Gas & Chemicals industries" Vol. 10 - No. 8 (Aug. 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In a given graph G = (V;E), a dominating set D is a subset of V such that any vertex not in D is adjacent to at least one vertex in D. Matrix algorithms for computing the minimum connected dominating set(MCDS) are essential for solving many practical problems, such as finding a minimum size backbone in Ad Hoc networks. Wireless Ad Hocnetworks appear in a wide variety of applications, including mobile commerce, search and discovery, and military battle field. In this paper wegive a adjacent matrix algorithm that finds a solution to the minimum dominating set and minimum dominating set problems. The algorithm uses the idea of starting from a solution where all vertices of the graph are included in adjacent matrix. Then it works by starting with first vertex nominated by us rest we can see in algorithm. We prove that this algorithm gives a constant performance guarantee. The results show that, despiteits simplicity, the proposed algorithm gives very good solutions. MSC: 05C69.Keyword: Adjacent matrix, Graph, Dominating set, Minimum dominating set, wireless networks ×
A J Khan, Shobha Shukla, Vikas Singh Thakur "Matrix Algorithm for Finding Minimum Dominating Set" Vol. 10 - No. 8 (Aug. 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Reusing of black-top asphalt in India is another rising innovation for road development. It was as is a common practice in India that the old weakened asphalt were crushed and their dumping is done in the landfills till now, it not even creates a huge amount of waste but also puts negative effect on surrounding environment and pollutes the land where the dumping of road waste has been done, In this manner squandering such potential material alongside putting unsafe effect on atmospheric condition. This can be reused afterward for development of novel asphalts and support of the more seasoned ones. While it has been considered as waste till now but some innovation and research has shown great potential of this waste to be used in re development of roads. Such innovation has gigantic potential that by itself 100 million tons of RAP produced in United States of America every year and around 80% of produced waste are utilized in asphalt development. Reusing of asphalt is one such method which can diminish cost and.....Keyword: Bitumen , Recovered "Asphalt Pavement , DBM Layer ×
Kapil Rana, Nandeshwar lata,, Bharat nagar "An Experimental Study on Natural Material Replacement by Rap in Dense Bitumionus Macadam (DBM), Gas & Chemicals industries" Vol. 10 - No. 8 (Aug. 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In wireless, radar, long distance applications low side lobes with narrow beams is needed. But there exists a trade-off between side lobe level (SLL) and beam width in radiation pattern of antenna array. In order to overcome this optimization algorithm is used for reduction of SLL in antenna array. In this paper, MTLBO optimization method is used to optimize the linear antenna array. In MTLBO algorithm, the basic TLBO algorithm is modified using Differential Evolution with Random-Scale Factor (DERSF). The results of MTLBO are compared with GA, MDE optimization algorithms. MTLBO shows better results compared to other techniques in yielding lowest SLL with appreciable beamwidth.....Keyword: Antenna array, Beamwidth, Optimization Algorithm, Sidelobe Level ×
M. Subhashini, R. Krishna Chaitanya "Synthesis of Linear Antenna Array Using Modified Teaching-Learning-Based Optimization" Vol. 10 - No. 8 (Aug. 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The proposed antenna is fabricated with Fr4-epoxy has dielectric substrate permittivity of 5.5. This antenna operates with multiple operational frequencies covering the bands from 3.6 GHz to 10.5 GHz which is capable to perform UWB applications. The simulated results for various parameters like return loss, VSWR and gain are calculated with high frequency structure simulator(HFSS). The current work of this paper is to design U-shaped patch antenna with micro strip feed line which is applicable for ultra wide band applications.Keyword: Fr4-epoxy, Multiple operational frequencies, UWB, ANSOFT HFSS software, Micro strip feed line. ×
S. Meghana, Dr S .S .Mohan Reddy "Design Microstrip Patch Antenna for UWB Applications" Vol. 10 - No. 8 (Aug. 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Balancing a two-wheeled vehicle plays an important role in all transportation system and it is always been a challenging task. The study of kinematics concept helps to understand the subject of Balancing of objects or bodies under static and dynamic condition. The motion dynamics of a two wheeler vehicle is very different from other vehicles. So many experiments and calculations conclude that a two wheeler vehicle stays upright when it is steered to maintain its center of mass over its wheels. Either the rider steers to balance the vehicle or the vehicle itself balances above a definite velocity. Factors such as gyroscopic effect, centre of mass, mass distribution contribute in self-stability of bicycle. The dynamic stabilization of a two-wheeled vehicle requires that a torque acting on the vehicle naturally be neutralized by a torque produced within the vehicle by a gyroscope.....Keyword: Kinematics, Sensor, Controller, Static, Dynamic ×
Susmitha.B, Harish.P , Ashok.V, Chandrasekhar.M "Design and Fabrication of Self Balancing Bike Using Gyroscopic Effect" Vol. 10 - No. 8 (Aug. 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Recent advances in wireless communication lead to many improvements in application specific wireless sensor network (WSN) deployment. Sensing different data from different environments is essential to monitor and control the situations. For instance, it is very important to sense the forest fire as early as possible to control the upshot. So efficient and timely gathering of the data from a network of small sensor nodes is necessary. In WSN, the small sized sensor nodes are working with very small batteries with limited energy. Since those are randomly deployed over a wide area, replacement of battery or recharging is not feasible. So, for getting prolonged life time of WSN, energy efficient operation is the key factor. Among many protocols proposed for enhancing the life time of WSN, the clustering based hierarchical protocols are popular and gaining the attention of researchers because of their high energy efficiency. Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) is energy efficient hierarchical, clustering based protocol. It is considered as the base of many hierarchical clustering protocols. In this paper, some of the recent tailored protocols proposed to strengthen LEACH are examined..Keyword: LEACH protocol, Energy efficient protocol, Lifetime, Cluster, Wireless sensor networks ×
Vikram Pratap Singh Thakur, Dr. Prashant Kumar Jain "A Review Article on an Effective Routing Algorithm Based On Optimization in Wireless Sensor Networks" Vol. 10 - No. 8 (Aug. 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Due to the increase in electricity consumption in recent years and the diversification of the energy matrix with the presence of Distributed Generation, the electric power systems are getting bigger and more complex. Thus, it is becoming increasingly common to use power flow calculation to improve transmission line quality and performance. The classic and iterative Newton-Raphson method is widely used to solve the power flow problem, where the system solution is obtained from the steady state of the network, however for systems that fall into the poorly conditioned category. It can present high computational cost and possible instability in the Jacobian matrix inversions within the iterative process, due to the dimensions of the systems. Therefore, this paper presents a comparative analysis between the classic Newton Raphson method and the methods of computational intelligence, Artificial Neural.......Keyword: Artificial Neural Networks, Distributed Generation, Genetic Algorithms, Newton-Raphson, Power Flow. ×
Andressa Pereira Oliveira, Laice Neves de Oliveira "Analysis of power flow in electrical power systems with distributed generation using computational methods" Vol. 10 - No. 8 (Aug. 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
This article reports on several low tech solutions designed and applied in rural Third World settings in which U.S. university students developed various simple prototype projects in social entrepreneurship courses that were designed, tested, refined and then implemented by students NGO teams as they spread across the world to build capacity and empower impoverished villagers in recent years. The settings include Guatemala, India, Haiti, Thailand, Ghana, and Honduras.Keyword: Socio-Technology, Appropriate Technology, Social Entrepreneurship, NGOs, International Development, Grassroots Innovation ×
Professor Warner Woodworth "Barefoot Engineers: Cases of Simple Tech Innovations from the Bottom-Up" Vol. 10 - No. 8 (Aug. 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
It is all due to the advancement in Computer Vision and Deep Learning that it becomes possible to detect road track from images during the process of self-driving. But unfortunately, there have been multiple safety failures that have been observed in difficult road conditions, using the techniques that are available. The detection of Lane in real-time is a major concern. There are various challenges involved like over lighting, sharp-turned roads, and different road environments. So, we have proposed a methodology that uses the advantages of the various methods that have been used so far, to get more accurate results of lane detection even in difficult road conditions. The Work presented in this paper aims to address the problem of Road Lane Detection automatically for self-driving cars by using a single step segmentation and a convolutional neural network to predict the position of Roads from image datasets. The proposed methods can be used for steering suggestions and road lane guidance..Keyword: Road Detection, Lane detection, Convolution neural network (CNN), Autonomous Vehicles ×
Ms.Meenali Rane , Ms.Rutva Dhuri, Mr.Dhruvil Shah, Ms. Poonam Sinai Kenkre, Dr. Shailendra Aswale, Ms. Sweta Kamat "Detection of Lanes for Self-Driving cars-A Study" Vol. 10 - No. 8 (Aug. 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In this article, various controllers were explored: PI and FOPID Integrated with Boost Converter to strengthen 7-level multi-inverter output. Each system shall be calculated with its total output power and THD. This analysis seeks to broaden the understanding over the efficiency of seven levels Cascaded H-Bridge multi-level inverter topology with PI and FOPID closed loop Boost Converter using PWM technique for fixed DC. The output is the amount of the voltage each bridge produces. The proposed topology includes FOPID closed loop Boost Converter on the input side, which enlarges the basic outcome voltage and reduces the total harmonic distortion. The angles can be structured in such a way attempts to minimize harmonic distortion. The MLI topology simulink model has been developed and simulation studies have been carried out successfully. The simulation is carried out and the results of MATLAB are presented. The results comparison shows that for the MLI with FOPID controller is very promising. The analysis of designed controller is verified at disturbed operating conditions via..Keyword: Multi level Inverter (MLI), Fractional order PID (FOPID), Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation (SPWM), Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel (CHBML). ×
S.P.Mangaiyarkarasi, S.Bala kumar "Design of FOPID controller for 7Level multi-inverter integrated with closed loop boost converter system" Vol. 10 - No. 8 (Aug. 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Moving into a replacement era of healthcare, new tools and devices are developed to extend and improve health services, such as remote patient monitoring and risk during this concept Internet of Things (IoT) present great advantages by providing remote and efficient services. In India many patients are dying due to heart attacks and reason behind that they're not getting timely and proper help. To give them timely and proper help first we would like to continuous monitoring of patient health. The fixed monitoring system are often used only when the patient is on the bed and this technique is merely available in hospitals. The system is developed for home use by patients that aren't in critical condition but got to be constant or periodically monitored by clinician or family. During this paper, a prototype of a wireless health.Keyword: IoT, Wireless Health Monitoring System ×
Pavithra B., Sangeetha K. "An IoT Based Automatic Patient Health Monitoring System" Vol. 10 - No. 8 (Aug. 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Reversible logic is one of the emerging techniques which has promising applications in quantum computing. For more than 40 years for now, we have been using logic gates (which are irreversible) for designing the digital circuits like mux, encoder, decoder multiplier, ALU, Processors, Etc. Since reversibility over-rides some of the major problems of irreversible concepts like dissipation of major amount of energy in the form of bits, and input can be derived from output bits, we have started adopting that technique. And also low power is the main goal in today's challenging VLSI industry. The main agenda of reversible circuits is to minimizing the no. of garbage outputs, constant inputs, Quantum cost and no. of gates used. The objective of this project is to design a reversible ALU and write the verilog code, simulate it using Xilinx(14.7) tool and compare it with the existing ALU designs. So as to say that we have improved the design and minimized all the constraints..Keyword: ALU, Constant inputs, Garbage outputs, Quantum cost , Reversible logic. ×
Aprameya R S, Bhargavi N S, Karthik S, Girija S "Optimized Reversible Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU)" Vol. 10 - No. 8 (Aug. 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The physical hardware of the ADAS cars are supported by number of sensors like radar, lidar, camera, imu , gps etc. however , in addition to these enormous structure each sensor has its own limitation. Various adas sense functions fuse the input from various sensors to subsidize each other and to achieve better functionality of autonomous driving which include cross traffic scenario, obstacle avoidance, tracking etc. ADAS systems are made to take critical decisions, one among critical decision functionality is sensor fusion. Sensor Fusion applications should be designed to mark with highest standard requirements with exceptional performance. Autonomous cars have increasingly on demand research for the safety vehicles.State-of-the-art ADASs are primarily vision based, but light detection and ranging (lidar), radio detection and ranging (radar), and other advanced-sensing....Keyword: sensor fusion, tracking, discrete time fourier signals, object event detection and responsce(oedr), vision based systems, static environment, road boundaries, traffic signs, ADAS(Advanced driver assistance systems), Association, kalman filter, intersection of co-variances, mahalanobis distance ×
Ningappa Uppal, Dr Vijaya Kumar C N, Dr Ravikumar T "An Efficient Mechanism For Sensor Fusion And Road Boundary Detection Using Intersection Of Co-Variances-DST" Vol. 10 - No. 8 (Aug. 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Database system comprises a collection of programs running on computer and thus helping the user to store, manage and protect information. Relational database is widely used in the industry for more than 30 years. It is common for a company to use the relational database for the database in their system. The commonly used Relational Database Management Systems are MySQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL server and PostgreSQL. Each RDBMS is well known as it‟s in practice and each has their own superiority. Experts in particular database systems are also available to work on.MySQL is known for its faster query execution than the other relational databases. Even though PostgreSQL have a relatively slower performance than MySQL, PostgreSQL has more features that can help users in managing data with ease.With large amounts of increasing datasets it becomes absolutely necessary to manage and process all the data with the help of these database systems. Therefore we propose a hybrid database system of MySQL, PostgreSQL and MongoDB to improve the performance of a web applicationfor "Food Delivery System‟. The ability of the relational databasesin storing sensitive data complements the ability of NoSQL in processing high amounts of data. The proposed hybrid database system is implemented using MySQL and PostgreSQLfor relational databases and MongoDB for NoSQL databases.Keyword: Benchmarking, Hybrid Database, Hybrid Food Delivery, MongoDB, SQL ×
Avi Jain, Smit Shah, Prayag Patel, Akshat Shah, Sneha Rohra "Benchmarking of Hybrid Model for Food Delivery Web Application Development" Vol. 10 - No. 8 (Aug. 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Here the details review based on recent work progress is done. The covered area is focussed on different geometry of solar stills with the use of nanofluids. An attempt is made to cover the broad range of theretical & experimental work with the use of nanofluid at different geometry such as singlen & double slpoe, also wide range of solar still integrated with a condenser, hybrid & other limited types of the solar stills. To present this paper more useful to the readers for the study, the authors the author collected a panoramic view about the water distillation process, distillation techniques & given a brief survey about the most published published papers up to date in the distillation techniques & the solar stills. A brief details & discussion of conclusions which are obtained from the previous works are......Keyword: Nanotechnology; Literature Review; Solar Still; Water Distillation; Renewable Energy ×
Dr. Ravish Kumar Srivastava, and Dr Bikas Prasad "Use of Nanotechnology Concept To Enhance The Performance of Solar Stills - Recent Advances And Overview" Vol. 10 - No. 8 (Aug. 2020), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,