International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA)
Volume 9 - Issue 8
- Modelling the Transport of Crude Oil in Sandy Soil
Ejikeme Ugwoha, Victor Emeka Amah, Precious Ehis Agharese-Adu
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10.9790/9622- 0908010112
- Innominate and Detectable Group Data Sharing in Cloud
Kumbhar A.S, Sangve S.M
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10.9790/9622- 0908011318
- Optimization of the Placement of Wavelength Converters in
WDM Networks
Shailaja S, Shruthi PC
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10.9790/9622- 0908011922
- Multiple Operations for Optimization of Wire Electrical
Discharge Machining Through Process Parameters for Inconel
600 Using Gray Relational Analyses
Kumar Radha Raman, Singh Arvinder, Kumar Shatrughan
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10.9790/9622- 0908012332
- Research on blood oxygen and heart rate detection algorithm
based on infrared detection
Dong-Jie Yang, Bo Yang
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10.9790/9622- 0908013338
- Influence of Processing Temperature and Molarity on the
Strength Development of Geopolymer Mortars
D. Ajay Kumar, K. Jagadeep, T. Vamsi Nagaraju
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10.9790/9622- 0908013942
- A Novel Big Data Migration Framework With Reduced Database Downtime
V. Rathika, Dr. L. Arockiam
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10.9790/9622- 0908014352
- Comparative Performance Study of Digital Multipliers under
Various Conditions in Nanometer SPICE Technology
Hani O. Jamleh, Abdoul Rjoub
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite][Download Certificate]
10.9790/9622- 0908015365
- Design and Analysis of a Heavy Vehicle Chassis for Optimum
Load Conditions
Harish Harsurkar, J. Narsaiah, S. Prashanth Raj
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite][Download Certificate]
10.9790/9622- 0908016670
- A Study on properties of Compressive strength, Sorptivity, Acid
resistance and Alkalinity on M25 Grade of concrete
M.Hanumanthu, B.V.Ramana Murthy
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10.9790/9622- 0908017177
- Comparative Study of Machine Learning Algorithms on Census
Income Data Set
Bramesh S M, Puttaswamy B S
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10.9790/9622- 0908017881
The transport and retention of crude oil in sandy soil was studied. A full factorial experimental design with three independent variables, namely soil depth, contaminant volume and rainfall intensity, was used. The soil was artificially contaminated with varying crude oil volumes and rainfall simulation was performed in a mesocosm. The results obtained showed variations in the transport and retention of crude oil with the independent variables. The leached total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) concentrations decreased with increasing soil depth but increased with increasing contaminant volume and rainfall intensity. Contrarily, the retained TPH concentrations increased with increasing soil depth and contaminant volume but decreased with increasing rainfall intensity. Transport and retention models were developed and used to fit the transport and retention of crude oil in sandy soil after accidental release with correlation coefficient of 0.9407 and 0.9446 for the transport and retention model, respectively.Keyword: Modelling, Transport, Retention, Crude oil, Contaminant, Hydrocarbons, Soil, Unsaturated zone, Response surface method, Contamination risk. ×
Ejikeme Ugwoha, Victor Emeka Amah, Precious Ehis Agharese-Adu "Modelling the Transport of Crude Oil in Sandy Soil " Vol. 9 - No. 8 (Aug. 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Cloud processing is turning into a conspicuous figuring worldview that enables clients to store their information into a cloud server to appreciate adaptable and on request benefits. In any case, cloud processing isn't trusted, and its security could be undermined by hacking and equipment mistakes. Thusly, in disdain of having focal points of versatility and adaptability, cloud capacity administration accompanies protection and security concerns. A clear technique to ensure the client's security is to encode the information put away at the cloud. The current gathering key administration instruments assume that the server is trusted. In any case, the cloud information administration does not constantly meet this condition. In any case, these plans are as yet not verify against the agreement information assault, what's more, disavowed bunch clients during client denial in a available distributed storage framework. In this framework, Users can accomplish a conservative and compelling methodology for information imparting......Keyword: Access Control, Cloud Computing, Key Distribution.Privacy-Preserving ×
Kumbhar A.S, Sangve S.M "Innominate and Detectable Group Data Sharing in Cloud Computing " Vol. 9 - No. 8 (Aug. 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The Routing and Wavelength Conversion are the two key techniques for improvement of the overall blocking performance in the wavelength routed all-optical networks. The Wavelength Converters are expensive, and thus the effective use of Wavelength Converters or more precisely the placement of minimum number of Wavelength Converter in appropriate nodes in the network is a challenge in the field of wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) optical networks. The performance of wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) network is highly dependent on Wavelength Converter allocation and routing problems. Typically treated as independent problems under dynamic traffic.Keyword: Blocking Probability, Light Path, Optimization, Wavelength Converters, WDM. ×
Shailaja S, Shruthi PC "Optimization of the Placement of Wavelength Converters in WDM Networks " Vol. 9 - No. 8 (Aug. 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
INCONEL (nickel-chromium-iron) alloy 600 is a standard engineering material for applications which require resistance to corrosion and heat. The alloy also has excellent mechanical properties and presents the desirable combination of high strength and good workability. The high nickel content gives the alloy resistance to corrosion by many organic and inorganic compounds and also makes it virtually immune to chloride-ion stress-corrosion cracking. Chromium confers resistance to sulfur compounds and also provides resistance to oxidizing conditions at high temperatures or in corrosive solutions. The alloy is not precipitation hard enable; it is hardened and strengthened only by cold work. The versatility of INCONEL alloy 600 has led to its use in a variety of applications involving temperatures from cryogenic to above 2000°F (1095°C). The alloy is.....Keyword: Inconel 600, Mini tab. Taguchi's, WEDM.. ×
Kumar Radha Raman, Singh Arvinder, Kumar Shatrughan "Multiple Operations for Optimization of Wire Electrical Discharge Machining Through Process Parameters for Inconel 600 Using Gray Relational Analyses " Vol. 9 - No. 8 (Aug. 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Blood oxygenation and heart rate detection based on infrared detection technology is one of the basic technologies of modern wearable devices and medical monitoring. In order to obtain fast and accurate blood oxygen and heart rate, this paper studies the algorithm for acquiring heart rate and blood oxygen. First, the pulse wave signal is collected based on hardware and software design. The pulse wave is then converted to a bipolar signal by a time domain method and a frequency domain method. The spectrum of the pulse wave is obtained by moving average filtering and fast Fourier transform. Finally, real-time heart rate and blood oxygen data are calculated based on the spectral waveform data. The experimental results show that the algorithm studied in this paper runs very well, and both methods can obtain actual heart rate and blood oxygen data.Keyword: blood oxygen,fast Fourier transform,heart rate,infrared technology,pulse wave signal. ×
Dong-Jie Yang, Bo Yang "Research on blood oxygen and heart rate detection algorithm based on infrared detection " Vol. 9 - No. 8 (Aug. 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Geopolymer is a new group of materials produced by the alkaline activation of alumino-silicate compounds. The interest of this project is to investigate the influences of synthesis parameters such as processing temperature, molarity of NaOH and ratio of Na2SiO3/NaOH on compressive strength of a geopolymer mortars. Geopolymer samples are prepared using varying concentrations of alkaline activators along with varying precursors such as silica fume, ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) and fly ash. With sol/solid = 0.2 (as arbitrary), Na2SiO3/NaOH = 2.5 (as arbitrary) and NaOH molarity of 7M and 11M geopolymer samples are prepared and cured at different curing conditions. Compressive strength of these samples is found out and the optimum mix proportion is found out. Finally, an early strength development in geopolymer concrete could be achieved by the proper selection of curing temperature and the period of curing.Keyword: About five key words in alphabetical order, separated by comma ×
D. Ajay Kumar, K. Jagadeep, T. Vamsi Nagaraju "Influence of Processing Temperature and Molarity on the Strength Development of Geopolymer Mortars" Vol. 9 - No. 8 (Aug. 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
This paper introduces novel big data migration architecture with its data fundamentals description, processes and an interface related to big data migration. It describes a homogeneous novel framework for implementing the big data migration between relational databases and non-relational databases on the on-premise server using map reduce. The main goal of this big data migration framework is to migrate the massive data stored in relational database to NoSQL database parallelly with minimal downtime. Another objective is to increase the post-migration process after performing live migration. The proposed framework helps migration of big data from a relational database to a distributed platform quickly and easily.Keyword: NoSQL Databases, Big Data Migration, Denormalization, Association Rule Mining and Map Reduce. ×
V. Rathika, Dr. L. Arockiam "A Novel Big Data Migration Framework With Reduced Database Downtime " Vol. 9 - No. 8 (Aug. 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
There are many concerns regarding the power dissipation as well as the emergence of green and mobile electronics, as they raise the need for low-energy communicating and computing electronic modules. This paper investigates, analyzes, and compares the performance of three popular digital multipliers using the state-of-the-art CMOS technologies: 90nm, 65nm, and 22nm, and it aims to evaluate the performance of each design in terms of different supply voltages and load capacitances. These multiplier circuits were built based on the conventional static CMOS Full adder modules, and the simulation results were obtained from HSPICE simulation with nanometer PTMs for CMOS. Overall simulation results for all operands.....Keyword: Low-power design, Digital multipliers, CMOS adder, Delay, Leakage current, Nanometer, HSPICE. ×
Hani O. Jamleh, Abdoul Rjoub "Comparative Performance Study of Digital Multipliers under Various Conditions in Nanometer SPICE Technology " Vol. 9 - No. 8 (Aug. 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The composite cloth is a cloth composed of or more excellent stages and having bulk homes considerably great from the ones of any of the components. Different sorts of composite material are to be had and in fact, considered one of its far polymer matrix composites. It can be very well-known due to their low rate and smooth fabrication strategies. It has the advantages of immoderate tensile energy, excessive stiffness, and particular corrosion resistance and so on. A gift, this polymer matrix composite fabric is implemented in aerospace, vehicle industries because of its miles the immoderate energy to low weight ration. For cars, chassis includes an assembly of all the essential factors of a truck to be prepared for operation on the street. In our mission, format, and model the heavy vehicle chassis with the useful aid of the use of seasoned/engineer software program software, through....Keyword: IM 7Fiber, 997 Epoxy, Heavy Vehicle Chassis, ANSYS. ×
Harish Harsurkar, J. Narsaiah, S. Prashanth Raj "Design and Analysis of a Heavy Vehicle Chassis for Optimum Load Conditions " Vol. 9 - No. 8 (Aug. 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Fly ash is used as fine granulates becomes suitable for partially obstructing voids in addition to pores .At later ages, the concrete mix which is replaced with fly ash exhibit greater strength development than control mix as the relative strength continues to increase with curing times. There is a significant reduction in comparative strength, with greater and consistent reduction at higher replacement levels of fly ash content. There is a important reduction in relative strength, with greater and consistent reduction at higher replacement levels of fly ash content. At later ages, the concrete mix replaced with fly ash leads to decrease in coulombs charge passed, due to higher amount of pozzolano and proper particle size distribution resulting in lower permeability. The permeability is an....Keyword: capillary suction, compressive strength, fly ash, porosity , sorptivity, acid resistance & alkalinity.. ×
M.Hanumanthu, B.V.Ramana Murthy "A Study on properties of Compressive strength, Sorptivity, Acid resistance and Alkalinity on M25 Grade of concrete " Vol. 9 - No. 8 (Aug. 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Payment plans are a key tactical area for success and growth of a knowledge based industry and also optimum salary offer is essential to retain high performance employees. One of the challenges that industries face very often is finding such income facts, based on several information about a current employee or a future employee. Given the characteristics of a current employee or a future employee like his / her demographic profile along with other information such as performance level, qualification, etc., prediction of the salary class can be done by using many well-known machine learning algorithms. But unluckily, those details of employee of any industry are generally not presented....Keyword: Census Income dataset, Decision Tree Classifier, Gaussian Naive Bayes, Gradient Boosting Classifier, Random Forest Classifier, and Support Vector Classifier. ×
Bramesh S M, Puttaswamy B S "Comparative Study of Machine Learning Algorithms on Census Income Data Set " Vol. 9 - No. 8 (Aug. 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
- Peltier Properties of n-type and p-type β-FeSi2fabricated through
FAPAS Process
Harshavardhan Patil, Natasha Nayak
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10.9790/9622- 0908010102
- Seismic Response Study of Multi-Storied Regular and Irregular
Reinforced Concrete Buildings with and without Fluid Viscous
K. Ramana Appalanaidu, Bhaskar Singh B.
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite][Download Certificate]
10.9790/9622- 0908010311
- Existence of liquid silicone rubber material by addition of fiber
particles for mobile phone body
G. Raj Kumar, P. Sammaiah, M. Suresh
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10.9790/9622- 0908011215
- Usıng Machıne Learnıng Technıques For Bone Age Assessment
Nur Zakiroğlu, Ali Güneş, Metin Zontul, Ahmet Gürhanlı
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10.9790/9622- 0908011620
- A Comparative Study on Seismic Analysis and Design of Various
Types of Structures
P.Anantha Naga Sai, Dr. K.Srinivasu
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite][Download Certificate]
10.9790/9622- 0908012129
- Application of Sustainable Development Principles in Developing
Countries; Focus on Kabul City urban planning
Osama Hidayat, Yoshitaka Kajita
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10.9790/9622- 0908013041
- Innovative Design of Tall Buildings
Mirza Aamir Baig, Md. Ghani Haider
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10.9790/9622- 0908014251
- A study on monitoring of indoor air pollutants and their health
Tarif Hussain, Adil Masood, Kafeel Ahmad
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10.9790/9622- 0908015257
- The Use of Matlab/Simulink Tool in Modeling the Hysteresis
Phenomenon of Piezoelectric Actuators
Nguyen Thi Ut Hien, Le Van Nam, Pham Van Toan
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10.9790/9622- 0908015862
- Electronic Assistance for Paralysed Using Eye Blink Detection
Abdul Rahaman Shaik, Ch.V.V.S.Srinivas, K.Kiran
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10.9790/9622- 0908016369
Thermoelectric properties ofinexpensive and eco-friendly -FeSi2 were studied and its ability to pose as a peltier device were investigated for a particular temperature range. The Seebeck coefficient and Peltier coefficient of - FeSi2 are measured and calculations show how efficient it can prove to be when used in a peltier module. Plots of Peltier coefficient/Temperature verses Temperature shows maximum at 150 K. On the basis of these results an explanation for the maximum temperature gradient and efficiency of -FeSi2at room temperature is suggested.Keyword: -FeSi2, Figure of Merit, Temperature Gradient, Peltier Coefficient, Peltier Cooling Efficiency ×
Harshavardhan Patil, Natasha Nayak "Peltier Properties of n-type and p-type β-FeSi2fabricated through FAPAS Process " Vol. 9 - No. 8 (Aug. 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Damping Plays important role in design of Earthquake Resistant Structures, which reduces the response of the structure when they are subjected to seismic loads. There are many different types of dampers in use. In the present study Fluid Viscous dampers (FVD 500) are used to evaluate the response of Regular and Irregular RC buildings. Our main task is to make the structure withstand the lateral loads and transfer them to the foundation. Ever since the lateral loads imposed on a structure are dynamic in nature, they cause vibrations in the building. In order to have earthquake resistant structures, fluid......Keyword: Irregular Plan , Equivalent Static Analysis, Response Spectrum Analysis, Time History Analysis, Pushover Analysis, Fast Non Linear Analysis, Fluid Viscous Dampers, Earthquake Resistant Buildings ×
K. Ramana Appalanaidu, Bhaskar Singh B. "Seismic Response Study of Multi-Storied Regular and Irregular Reinforced Concrete Buildings with and without Fluid Viscous Dampers " Vol. 9 - No. 8 (Aug. 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Liquid silicone rubber which acts like a polymer, the project work is used to design and fabricate mobile phone body (display & back panel). In this method, the liquid silicone rubber material is placed in an outer die. The inner die is then closed and pressure is applied until the material is shaped into the desired design. Liquid silicone rubber mobile phone body (display & back panel) are put under a lot of pressure for a long duration in the dies up to 24hrs. After the newly shaped liquid silicone rubber is removed from the die. Developed scrap material is cleaned up to get desired shape of the die.Keyword: Liquid Silicone Rubber, Hardener, Fiber particles and Poly Lactic Acid.. ×
G. Raj Kumar, P. Sammaiah, M. Suresh "Existence of liquid silicone rubber material by addition of fiber particles for mobile phone body " Vol. 9 - No. 8 (Aug. 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Bone age is an effective indicator for the diagnosis of various diseases. A person has two ages, chronological age and bone age. Chronological age is the actual age determined from the date of birth of the person. Bone age describes the degree of maturation of the person's bones. Many diseases, such as growth disorders, chromosomal disorders, endocrine disorders, and endocrinological problems, can be discovered by finding inconsistency between bone age and chronological age. In this article bone age is determined by applying image processing techniques on people hands x-rays with techniques of machine learning. The hand x-rays image data of 2500 children were studied. CNN VGG16 and CNN Inception V3 regression algorithms were applied to these data and then the results were evaluatedKeyword: Bone Age, Machine Learning, Image Processing , Artifical Intellegence. ×
Nur Zakiroğlu, Ali Güneş, Metin Zontul, Ahmet Gürhanlı "Usıng Machıne Learnıng Technıques For Bone Age Assessment " Vol. 9 - No. 8 (Aug. 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In India, most of the structures being constructed are Reinforced Concrete structures or Steel structures. In high rise RCC structures, the size of structural members (column, beam, and slab) increases. Due to this, self-weight of the structure also increases. Steel structures on the other hand, are ductile in nature and parameters like deflections, drifts, displacements are more compared with RCC structures. To solve these problems, composite structures might be suitable. Due to this, steel consumption in India also developed. A geometrically irregular residential building (G+18 storeys) is designed and analysed for cases of RCC, RCC with shear wall, steel and composite structures (considering earthquake zone III) using ETABS software. The structure is analysed using linear static, linear and non-linear dynamic.....Keyword: Composite structure, RCC structure, Time period, Storey displacement, Base shear, Storey drift.. ×
P.Anantha Naga Sai, Dr. K.Srinivasu "A Comparative Study on Seismic Analysis and Design of Various Types of Structures " Vol. 9 - No. 8 (Aug. 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Cities need to build on their resilience to deal with the rapid growth of urbanization, geopolitical contexts, and climate change. The physical form of cities has significant implications for their capacity to deal with adverse events and changing conditions. This study attempts to highlight a set of criteria for future intervention and the management of sustainable development. The case study was chosen meticulously, located in Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, with a focus on geographical and cultural context. Initially, the paper describes the general background, outlines the key problems, and highlights the characteristics of sustainable development. Next, it seeks to synthesize the principles of sustainability into an agenda for the design of built environment by identifying methodologies for efficient management of resources and how mobility and connectivity can be planned in pursuit to render the......Keyword: Cultural Context, Developing Countries, Kabul, Sustainable Development, Urbanisation ×
Osama Hidayat, Yoshitaka Kajita "Application of Sustainable Development Principles in Developing Countries; Focus on Kabul City urban planning " Vol. 9 - No. 8 (Aug. 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
High rises have involved interest for designers for as far back as century. All the more along these lines, the previous three decades have seen various structures ascending starting from the earliest stage, resisting gravity. Burj Khalifa Dubai, Taipei, Petronas twin pinnacle, Empire state building are a portion of the living instances of designing wonders. What befalls a structure when it achieves such inconceivable statures separated from the surprise that it will be, it likewise represents a colossal measure of test for the basic architect. Since then these structures are looked by administration stacking conditions. Two crushing powers of nature, wind and quake become extremely basic for these structures. The harmony among solidness and pliability to be given turns into the directing components to the plan of such structures......Keyword: Structural Motions, Damping, Passive and Active control devices, TMD, AMD. ×
Mirza Aamir Baig, Md. Ghani Haider "Innovative Design of Tall Buildings " Vol. 9 - No. 8 (Aug. 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Indoor air pollution is the degradation of indoor air quality by harmful chemicals and other materials and it is considered to be 10 times more severe than the outdoor air pollution. Poor indoor air quality is the second largest killer with 1.3 million deaths in India each year. Delhi, the capital of India is ranked first in the air pollution in terms of Particulate Matter according to Greenpeace report in 2019. A study involving measurement of different indoor air pollutants such as PM1, PM2.5 and PM10 has been presented in this study and furthermore the health effects associated with these pollutants have also been analysed. A Handy Sampler based on 32-BIT ARM processor was used to carry out this study. The monitored values were recorded at some pre selected locations of South Delhi . It was observed that most of the monitored data of particulate fractions (PM1, PM2.5 and PM10) exceeded the NAAQS limits. The study therefore is one of the first attempts at monitoring indoor air quality of this region..Keyword: Particulate Matter, Indoor Air Quality, Monitoring, Heath effects ×
Tarif Hussain , Adil Masood, Kafeel Ahmad "A study on monitoring of indoor air pollutants and their health effects " Vol. 9 - No. 8 (Aug. 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The piezoelectric effect is the ability of some materials such as crystals, to generate an electric potential when mechanical stressis applied, this effect was discovered in 1880 by the brothers Pierre Curieand Jacques Curie. Nowadays, these materials were used more in applications for various fields such as lighters, sensors, ultrasonic devices, piezoelectric motors, etc. In particular, the piezoelectric materials can used to produce the piezoelectric actuators, These actuators are widely used in micropositioning, vibration control, and manufacturing applications......Keyword: piezoelectric actuator, hysteresis, Prandtl– Ishlinskii model, modeling and simulation ×
Nguyen Thi Ut Hien, Le Van Nam, Pham Van Toan "The Use of Matlab/Simulink Tool in Modeling the Hysteresis Phenomenon of Piezoelectric Actuators " Vol. 9 - No. 8 (Aug. 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The constant demand to improve daily living standards for paralysis patients serves as a motivation to develop newer technology. The task once performed by big traditional computers is now solved with smaller smart devices. Paralysis is defined as the complete loss of muscle function in any part of the body. It occurs when there is a problem with the passage of messages between the muscles and the brain. The main objective is to design a real time interactive system that can assist the paralysis patients to control appliances such as lights, fans etc. In addition, It can also play pre-recorded audio messages through predefined number of eye blinks and it also helps to alert the doctor or concerned person by sending SMS in case of emergency by using eye blink Sensor. The eye blink sensor is able to detect an intentional blink from a normal blink, which is useful for the paralysis patients especially Tetraplegic patients to regulate their home devices easily without any help..Keyword: Eye blink sensor, Raspberry Pi, Twilio Module ×
Abdul Rahaman Shaik, Ch.V.V.S.Srinivas, K.Kiran "Electronic Assistance for Paralysed Using Eye Blink Detection " Vol. 9 - No. 8 (Aug. 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
- Design and Fabrication of Heat Detection System in a Car
Passenger Cabin
Mr.K.K.Naveen kumar, Mr.S.Srinivasan, Mr.A Ashfaq Ahmed, Mr.Sachin Shankar
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite][Download Certificate]
10.9790/9622- 0908030103
- Investigation of NO2 Absorption Behaviour around 593 nm for
Seeding Purposes
T. Sander, P. Altenhöfer, L. Kleiner, Ch. Mundt
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10.9790/9622- 0908030411
- Study Operational Of Pelaparado Dam in Pelaparado Cacthment
Area of Sumbawa River Basin (Ws)
Aripin, Suryawan Murtiadi, Buan Anshari
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite][Download Certificate]
10.9790/9622- 0908031218
- Noise Monitoring & Model Validation of Commercial &
Industrial Area of Faridabad
Tarachand, Syed Khursheed Ahmad, Ghanshyam
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10.9790/9622- 0908031925
- The Priority Scale of Handling the Province Road in South
Nunuk Retnowulansari, Iphan F. Radam
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10.9790/9622- 0908032631
- A Study on Influene of Quarry Dust on Behaviour of Self
Compacting Concrete
Kakarla Gopinadh, Dr. Kota Srinivasu, Jujjuri Ushakranthi
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite][Download Certificate]
10.9790/9622- 0908033240
- Risk Management in Infrastructure Projects – A Case Study on
Pune Metro
Ashwini R. Patil, Keshavrao B. Lawand
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10.9790/9622- 0908034144
- The impact of distance learning on nursing workers' health – a
randomized clinical trial
Renata Cristina Rocha da Silva, Antônio Cardoso dos Santos, Michele Cristiene Nachtigall Barboza
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite][Download Certificate]
10.9790/9622- 0908034548
- Student's Satisfaction on Quality Standards of Management
Education at Public and Private Universities in Andhra Pradesh –
A Comparative Study
Prof. T.Sreenivas, Mrs.Ch. Kiranmayi
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite][Download Certificate]
10.9790/9622- 0908034959
- Preservation of chicken sausages using oregano and rosemary
essential oil
Gilmar Freire da Costa, Chimenes Darlan Leal de Araujo, Fernando Luiz Nunes de Oliveira, Geíza Alves Azeredo
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10.9790/9622- 0908036068
- Classification Algorithms: A Recent Empirical Comparative
Sapna Sharma, Dr. Pankaj Sharma
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10.9790/9622- 0908036973
In this project we aim in placing a heat detection system in a car . The heat detection system would sense the rise in temperature inside the car. Because of increase in temperature during day time the requirement of cooling system in absence of person inside the car is a major concern. In order to meet this requirement a method to reduce the temperature inside a car is required .In our project we are using DHT-11 sensor to detect the heat change inside the car .This sensor which is connected by an Arduino uno board sends the signal to the motor which slides down the window and cools the interior . After attaining normal temperature the window again slides up. In the past few years many fatalities have been reported as the result of internal car heat. Problems arise when the temperature in a car cabin is too hot when parked under direct sunlight. The trapped and accumulated heat causes the temperature inside a car to reach temperatures soaring high temperatures..Keyword: Arduino , Car cabin, Heat Detection ×
Mr.K.K.Naveen kumar, Mr.S.Srinivasan, Mr.A Ashfaq Ahmed, Mr.Sachin Shankar "Design and Fabrication of Heat Detection System in a Car Passenger Cabin " Vol. 9 - No. 8 (Aug. 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
At the Institute for Thermodynamics at the Bundeswehr University Munich a piston-driven shock tunnel is operated to investigate structures of space transportation systems under reentry conditions. For temperature measurements in the nozzle reservoir under single-shot conditions, laser-induced grating spectroscopy (LIGS) was identified as best-suited measurement technique. However, under moderate conditions seeding of the test gas with NO2 was used successfully to improve the signal-to-noise ratio of thermal signals. For a better understanding and an optimization of the seeding process, an optical setup for an absorption measurement in a test cell in the used spectral range of the LIGS measurements (592 nm - 596 nm) was developed. The measurements of NO/N2-seeded dry air showed......Keyword: absorption, shock tunnel, laser-optical measurements, reaction kinetics ×
T. Sander, P. Altenhöfer, L. Kleiner, Ch. Mundt "Investigation of NO2 Absorption Behaviour around 593 nm for Seeding Purposes " Vol. 9 - No. 8 (Aug. 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Pelaparado Watershed is one of the watersheds in the Sumbawa River Basin. Pelaparado watershed is one of the watersheds that has fluctuating water availability between the dry season and the rainy season, so a reservoir needs to be built in terms of managing the water. Overall the area of irrigation in the Pelaparado River Basin is 2,893 ha and supplies to the Keli watershed with an irrigation area of 995 ha. The benefits of pelaparado dam are as irrigation, the supply of raw water and as electricity. The Pelaparado Dam has the following technical data: 1) Total catchment area of 85 km2, 2) Area of inundation 104 ha, 3) Maximum storage of 18 million m3, 4) Effective storage of 15 million m3, and 5) Intake capacity of 3.5 m3/s. The results of this study.....Keyword: Dam, Pelaparado, Sumbawa.. ×
Aripin, Suryawan Murtiadi, Buan Anshari "Study Operational Of Pelaparado Dam in Pelaparado Cacthment Area of Sumbawa River Basin (Ws) " Vol. 9 - No. 8 (Aug. 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
This paper purpose is monitoring of noise level at various sites of industrial & commercial area of Faridabad. Statistically analysis of both monitored results & noise calculated by prediction noise models & through regression analysis check validation of calculated noise by some defined prediction models & designed prediction noise models. By sound level meter, observed Leq is monitored from 15 samples in a hour & how many vehicle's like as Bus, Truck, Bike, Auto, Car, Jeep passing at a every selected location is monitored in morning & afternoon times in continuous 4 days(selected location 60 samples each is taken). As well as road width is measured, % of heavy vehicles, % of light vehicles & other's vehicle's no's feed into prediction noise models & calculated Leq....Keyword: Industrial area, Commercial area, Equivalent noise, Noise monitoring ×
Tarachand,Syed Khursheed Ahmad, Ghanshyam "Study Operational Of Pelaparado Dam in Pelaparado Cacthment Area of Sumbawa River Basin (Ws) " Vol. 9 - No. 8 (Aug. 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The assessment attributes reviewed by the priority scale on the increase are the level of road damage, Average Daily Traffic, road class, land use, and road network, while for the construction is the road network, specifications for the provision of road infrastructure and road classes. The weighting results of the AHP technical factors were (83.33%) and non-technical (16.67%), the non-technical factors had attribute assessments of the Development Planning Deliberation (10, 44%), community proposals (4.66%) and specific policies (1.56%). For weighting technical factors for improvement (69.44%), reviewed based on the largest attribute assessment is the level of road damage (38.21%), road.....Keyword: priority scale, provincial road, improvement, development, AHP. ×
Nunuk Retnowulansari, Iphan F. Radam "The Priority Scale of Handling the Province Road in South Kalimantan " Vol. 9 - No. 8 (Aug. 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The study has conducted to determine the workability and compressive strength of the self –compacting concrete. Concrete that flows and settles due to its own weight without segregation and bleeding is called selfcompacting concrete. SCC is a type of concrete that can be placed in the form work and it passes through any obstruction by its own weight and does not require any vibration Modern application of SCC is focused on high performance, better and more reliable and uniform quantity. Japan, started in late 1980's to develop SCC. By the year 2000, the SCC has become popular in Japan for prefabrication products and ready mixed concrete. Fly ash contains the basic ingredients.....Keyword: SCC, Quarry dust, Fly ash, NDT tests, Flow Properties. ×
Kakarla Gopinadh, Dr. Kota Srinivasu, Jujjuri Ushakranthi "A Study on Influene of Quarry Dust on Behaviour of Self Compacting Concrete " Vol. 9 - No. 8 (Aug. 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The construction industry is one of the largest sector in the world and plays a vital role in budget and ultimately economic growth of the country. Performance of construction of infrastructure projects has most complex behavior hence prone to the failure of project. These failures directly affect the economy of the nation as well as Institutions. Numerous risks being faced during lifecycle of the infrastructure projects, due to their inherent complex nature, intricate relationship between the stakeholders, casual approach towards the identification and control of the uncertainties leads to the failure of the projects. Thus, consistent failures of the infrastructure projects attracts attention towards study on scientific approach to identify, analyze, plan & control of the risks frequently encountered....Keyword: Infrastructure, Risk Management, Scientific Approach, Quantitative Analysis ×
Ashwini R. Patil, Keshavrao B. Lawand "Risk Management in Infrastructure Projects – A Case Study on Pune Metro " Vol. 9 - No. 8 (Aug. 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Introduction: Repetitive strain injuries and work-related musculoskeletal disorders are musculoskeletal problems. Nursing is one of the areas most affected by these issues because of the profession's risk factors. Objective: To evaluate the impact of a distance learning course about prevention of repetitive strain injuries/work-related musculoskeletal disorders on quality of life, discomfort and pain, and presenteeism and absenteeism in nursing professionals. Methodology: Sixty nursing workers participated in the clinical trial and were randomized into two groups. The intervention group took an eight-hour distance learning course and the control group saw a thirty-minute educational lecture. Results: Regarding perceived quality of life, better results were not observed in the intervention....Keyword: Musculoskeletal Diseases, Nursing, Prevention, Quality of Life, Occupational Health ×
Renata Cristina Rocha da Silva, Antônio Cardoso dos Santos, Michele Cristiene Nachtigall Barboza "The impact of distance learning on nursing workers' health – a randomized clinical trial " Vol. 9 - No. 8 (Aug. 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The objective of the paper is to study whether there is significant difference in the perceptions of students of public and private university colleges in selected universities in Andhra Pradesh in India, which is part of quality education. The study is vital since the measures of quality of education varies from one kind of university to the other (viz., public and private universities) and are determinants of student satisfaction. Measuring student satisfaction is more important since it is an indication of how far the universities are successful in providing quality education. Student satisfaction can be understood as student's perception of the services provided by the.....Keyword: Quality of Education, Higher Education, Student Satisfaction, TQM, Management Education, University System. ×
Prof. T.Sreenivas, Mrs.Ch. Kiranmayi "Student's Satisfaction on Quality Standards of Management Education at Public and Private Universities in Andhra Pradesh – A Comparative Study " Vol. 9 - No. 8 (Aug. 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The aim of this study was to evaluate the oregano and rosemary essential oils as partial substitutes the salt on the quality of chicken sausage. Three formulations of 6 kg each were made: the formulation 1 was made the sausage with no reduction of salt, and the formulations 2 (O1) and 3 (O2) were prepared using sausages with a partial reduction of salt added with essential oils of oregano and rosemary. The products obtained were subjected to physicochemical, microbiological.....Keyword: Consumers, Natural antimicrobials, Quality, Spices, Meat products. ×
Gilmar Freire da Costa, Chimenes Darlan Leal de Araujo, Fernando Luiz Nunes de Oliveira, Geíza Alves Azeredo "Preservation of chicken sausages using oregano and rosemary essential oil " Vol. 9 - No. 8 (Aug. 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Healthcare industry collects large amounts of clinical data of patients. Although this data is useful but not provides hidden information for effective decision making. Advanced data mining techniques can be used to discover hidden pattern for effective decision making. Medicinal data mining methods are used to analyze the medical data. Medical data mining content mining and structure methods are used to analyze the medical data contents. Diagnosis of heart disease is a significant and tedious task in medicine. The term Heart disease encompasses the various diseases that affect the heart. There are several classification techniques like Naïve Bayes classification, Support....Keyword: Classification, Prediction, Accuracy, Diagnosis, Heart ×
Sapna Sharma, Dr. Pankaj Sharma "Classification Algorithms: A Recent Empirical Comparative Survey " Vol. 9 - No. 8 (Aug. 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
- The detached phenomenon and the fundamental science behind:
The novel vertical directional solidification growth of the
detached crystals by slow freezing
D. B. Gadkari
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite][Download Certificate]
10.9790/9622- 0908040119
- Risks in Construction Projects: An Analysis of Critical Factors in
Small Brazilian Companies
Freitas, Andrey Pimentel Aleluia, Santos, João Alberto Neves dos, Netto, Joaquim Teixeira, Fonseca, Luciana Silva, Oliveira, Nylvandir Liberato Fernandes de
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite][Download Certificate]
10.9790/9622- 0908042031
- Appropriation of Logistics Costs in Pipelines and Terminals: A
case study in the Brazilian oil industry
Andrey Pimentel Aleluia Freitas, João Alberto Neves dos Santos, Joaquim Teixeira Netto, Luciana Silva Fonseca, Nylvandir Liberato Fernandes de Oliveira
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite][Download Certificate]
10.9790/9622- 0908043243
- Feedback analysis of an expert opinion survey for flood
Shibani Chourushi, Dr. Pradeep P. Lodha, Dr. Indra Prakash
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite][Download Certificate]
10.9790/9622- 0908044452
- Automobile Camshaft Structural Analysis for Various Material
and Modified Design
Patel Avikumar, Dr. Zheng (Jeremy) Li, Yingbin Shi
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite][Download Certificate]
10.9790/9622- 0908045359
- Review on coloring effect & Physical Properties of Anodized
Titanium and its Alloy
Nipurn S. Rajguru, Dr. Sunil D. Kahar
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite][Download Certificate]
10.9790/9622- 0908046067
The vertical directional solidification (VDS) process was developed to grow the Sb-based extremely high order quality crystals underground condition since 1993. The experimental results of detached growths are reviewed with focus on the growth of Sb-based semiconductors. The entire detached crystal by VDS-process in vacuum sealed ampoule by the prerequisite conditions of the crystallization by slow freezing of melt near crystal-melt interface is accomplished. The necessary conditions for crystalline solidification, the influence of different convections on high order crystal quality is investigated. The entire detached growths experimental data is analyzed. Based on investigation and analysis of the entire detached growth results by VDS-process, "the detached phenomenon and fundamental science" is reported..Keyword: Solidification by freezing melt; Entire detached growth; III-V materials; Reduced thermogravitational effect ×
D. B. Gadkari "The detached phenomenon and the fundamental science behind: The novel vertical directional solidification growth of the detached crystals by slow freezing " Vol. 9 - No. 8 (Aug. 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Risks related to the construction sector result from instabilities in the external environment that, associated with the complexities of internal processes, affect the compliance with project schedules. Although risk management is part of project management, few companies apply it, especially small ones. This article aims to identify and rank the main risk factors that affect the project schedules of small national construction companies. Based on the literature, 43 risk factors associated with the construction environment were identified, but only 26 were directly related to project delays. A survey was conducted on a non-probabilistic sampling, characterized by 133 professionals and specialists working in small construction companies.......Keyword: Construction, Exploratory Factor Analysis, Project Delays, Risk Factors, Risk Management. ×
Freitas, Andrey Pimentel Aleluia, Santos, João Alberto Neves dos, Netto, Joaquim Teixeira, Fonseca, Luciana Silva, Oliveira, Nylvandir Liberato Fernandes de "Risks in Construction Projects: An Analysis of Critical Factors in Small Brazilian Companies " Vol. 9 - No. 8 (Aug. 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In Brazil, the accounting of transportation costs and the movement of oil and its derivatives is carried out between Petrobras and its subsidiaries under two contract forms: tariffs and operation-maintenance. In the tariff agreement, the subsidiary uses its facilities and operation-maintenance, it is responsible for the operationmaintenance of the contractor's facilities. The costs of these operations are accounted for apportioned and allocated to only two cost centers: oil and oil products. This paper aims to present a methodology for an accounting of logistics costs that contemplate the operations in each unit, identifying the efficiency of each process. Through the analysis of data in the budget and logistics areas, it was verified the possibility of accounting by specific cost centers, defined for each type of product moved (oil or derivatives) in each terminal, involved in tariff contracts, besides to change the measurement of fare contracts, prepare the cost center structure, adjust the allocation cycles to the new method, and update the internal order master data according to their new structures. As a result, the managers of each production unit are expected to contribute by providing a clearer and more objective view of costs.Keyword: Cost Accounting, Logistics Costs, Oil Transportation and Handling ×
Andrey Pimentel Aleluia Freitas, João Alberto Neves dos Santos, Joaquim Teixeira Netto, Luciana Silva Fonseca, Nylvandir Liberato Fernandes de Oliveira "Appropriation of Logistics Costs in Pipelines and Terminals: A case study in the Brazilian oil industry " Vol. 9 - No. 8 (Aug. 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Flood is a serious physical phenomenon which is now a day becomes a common scenario around the world. The flood management planning is essential for decreasing the damages that occurred due to flood like situations. There are several flood management techniques and methods but the problem still persists. Hence in order to have better understanding about floods and flood management strategies, a survey was conducted in three parts. First part of survey is for an Expert people and other parts of surveys are for PG and UG students of Civil engineering department respectively. The main objective of the paper is to determine the Expert people's opinion, their perception and understanding about flood phenomena. And based on their experience, identify the critical parameters involved in causing flood and steps involved in flood management. The feedbacks from the surveys are then analyzed thoroughly which shows that the green canopy covers should be increased; deforestation and urbanization should be controlled to some extent to manage floods effectively..Keyword: Expert opinion survey, flood, flood management, feedback analysis, green cover. ×
Shibani Chourushi, Dr. Pradeep P. Lodha, Dr. Indra Prakash "Feedback analysis of an expert opinion survey for flood management " Vol. 9 - No. 8 (Aug. 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The purpose of this research was to find the most suitable material for manufacturing camshaft for modified design. There are various factors that lead to a camshaft failure like material properties, vibration, contact fatigue etc. In this research structural analysis of camshaft was done in ANSYS for three different materials and results for both standard camshaft model and modified camshaft model was obtained and compared. ANSYS results for total deformation, maximum stress, maximum strain and factor of safety are considered..Keyword: .... ×
Patel Avikumar, Dr. Zheng (Jeremy) Li, Yingbin Shi "Automobile Camshaft Structural Analysis for Various Material and Modified Design " Vol. 9 - No. 8 (Aug. 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Titanium and its alloy are expected to suitable for aerospace and biomedical application. Various techniques have been used for its surface properties improvement. The impact of anodizing parameters on surface behavior has been studied. This review examines the effect of bath parameters of anodized Titanium and its alloys on coloring behaviour & physical properties. The influence of electrolyte, anodizing time, voltage and concentration of electrolyte, on the coating characteristics like color spectrum, film thickness, surface roughness, hardness, crystal structure etc. is discussed in this article. Finally, the article concluded by examination of key properties including corrosion aspects in aerospace and biomedical field..Keyword: Anodizing parameters, corrosion, titanium, and its alloy, tribological property. ×
Nipurn S. Rajguru, Dr. Sunil D. Kahar "Review on coloring effect & Physical Properties of Anodized Titanium and its Alloy " Vol. 9 - No. 8 (Aug. 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
- Reviewing the most suitable Soil Improvement Techniques for
treating soft clay soil
Ahmed Raad Al-Adhadh, Zainab Jawad Kadhim, Zahraa Tawfiq Naeem
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite][Download Certificate]
10.9790/9622- 0908050111
- Erosion Potential to Determine Conservation Locations as an
Effort to Handle Sediment in the Nangka Watershed
Sus Mardiana, Yusron Saadi, Eko Pradjoko
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite][Download Certificate]
10.9790/9622- 0908051217
- Modeling and Sizing of the Standalone PV with Battery Systems
M.A. Farahat, Amal F. Abd El-Gawad, Hend Mohamed Abaza
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite][Download Certificate]
10.9790/9622- 0908051827
- Appropriation of Logistics Costs in Pipelines and Terminals: A
case study in the Brazilian oil industry
Freitas, Andrey Pimentel Aleluia, Santos, João Alberto Neves dos, Netto, Joaquim Teixeira, Fonseca, Luciana Silva, Oliveira, Nylvandir Liberato Fernandes de
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite][Download Certificate]
10.9790/9622- 0908052839
- Comparative Analysis of Earth Quake Resistant Building Design
by Consider Bracings and Shear Wall System in Etabs Software
E.Dileep Kumar, Dr.N.Victor Babu
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite][Download Certificate]
10.9790/9622- 0908054047
- A metaheuristic Globalized Bounded Nelder-Mead Algorithm
applied to upstream Multiuser digital subscriber lines
Hernan X. Cordova J.
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite][Download Certificate]
10.9790/9622- 0908054854
- Experimental and Analytical investigations on bond strength
between concrete and steel subjected to elevated temperatures
Nikita katti A, UmeshP.Patil
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite][Download Certificate]
10.9790/9622- 0908055559
- Identification and Classification of Risk Elements in the
Construction Environment
Oliveira, N. L. F., Santos, J. A. N., Netto, J. T., Aimoré, E. U. G., Freitas, A. P. A.
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite][Download Certificate]
10.9790/9622- 0908056077
The first query comes to mind when planning to construct a building is: Will the soil totally be suitable for carrying the building? This question makes engineers and researchers do all the required tests and investigations, for example bearing capacity and settlement..etc, to get the perfect answer. The desirable answer is: the soil is perfectly suitable to support the building. If it is not, soil improvement will be required before constructing the building. Many soil improvement techniques could be applied to increase its bearing capacity and decrease the consolidation settlement.........Keyword: Soft clay, Settlement, Shear Strength, Compaction, Stone columns. ×
Ahmed Raad Al-Adhadh, Zainab Jawad Kadhim, Zahraa Tawfiq Naeem "Reviewing the most suitable Soil Improvement Techniques for treating soft clay soil " Vol. 9 - No. 8 (Aug. 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The Nangka Watershed is located within the Lombok River Region in Indonesian. The area of Nangka Watershed is 32,87 km2. Erosion prediction uses the USLE (Universal Soil Loss Equation) method with the help of arcGis software. The results of the analysis show that the land area with a moderate erosion hazard rate of 2,44 km2 or 7,46% of the total area of the watershed, the land area with a severe erosion hazard level is 0,86 km2 or 3,56% of the total watershed area and land area with a very severe erosion hazard amounting to 2,27 km2 or 6,13% of the total watershed area. Sediment potential in the Nangka Watershed is 16.520,22 tons / year. To reduce the erosion hazard, conservation efforts were simulated by vegetative methods and mechanical methods by Strip Cropping building bench terraces, reforestation and building sediment control buildings. Efforts to reforest and build sediment control buildings are the right conservation to be applied in the Nangka Watershed.Keyword: Nangka Watershed, USLE, Erosion Hazard Level, Sediment Potential, Conservation, Lombok Island. ×
Sus Mardiana, Yusron Saadi, Eko Pradjoko "Erosion Potential to Determine Conservation Locations as an Effort to Handle Sediment in the Nangka Watershed " Vol. 9 - No. 8 (Aug. 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Photovoltaic (PV) is one of the most prime source to generate electricity without causing harm to the environment. V is used to convert the sunlight to electricity that is required in many applications. For example, to run household appliance in case of power failure, or in peak condition to reduce loads on the grid. In this paper, off- grid PV system is modeled and designed to meet some of household appliances for a home located in Zagazig city. This system can be applied for large systems, as it is designed to supply linear and nonlinear loads. The applied system is used load estimation calculations to find out the system sizing (PV array, and inverter), and with the help of Matlab-Simulink the behavior of solar PV array, Perturb and Observe (P&O) max power point algorithm, boost converter, battery, and full bridge inverter with PLL control method and linear transformer can be studied easily under different condition.Keyword: Load Estimation, Off Grid System, PV Sizing, DC-DC Converter, DC-AC Inverter, Battery. ×
M.A. Farahat, Amal F. Abd El-Gawad, Hend Mohamed Abaza "Modeling and Sizing of the Standalone PV with Battery Systems " Vol. 9 - No. 8 (Aug. 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In Brazil, the accounting of transportation costs and the movement of oil and its derivatives is carried out between Petrobras and its subsidiaries under two contract forms: tariffs and operation-maintenance. In the tariff agreement, the subsidiary uses its facilities and operation-maintenance, it is responsible for the operationmaintenance of the contractor's facilities. The costs of these operations are accounted for apportioned and allocated to only two cost centers: oil and oil products. This paper aims to present a methodology for an accounting of logistics costs that contemplate the operations in each unit, identifying the efficiency of each process. Through the analysis of data in the budget......Keyword: Cost Accounting, Logistics Costs, Oil Transportation and Handling. ×
Freitas, Andrey Pimentel Aleluia, Santos, João Alberto Neves dos, Netto, Joaquim Teixeira, Fonseca, Luciana Silva, Oliveira, Nylvandir Liberato Fernandes de "Appropriation of Logistics Costs in Pipelines and Terminals: A case study in the Brazilian oil industry " Vol. 9 - No. 8 (Aug. 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
An earthquake (also referred to as a quake, tremor or temblor) is the shaking of the surface of the Earth, because of the surprising release of energy inside the Earth's lithosphere that creates seismic waves. Earthquakes can range in length from the ones that are so weak that they can't be felt to those violent enough to toss humans around and break whole cities. The seismicity, or seismic hobby, of a place is the frequency, type and length of earthquakes skilled over a time frame. The word tremor is also used for non-earthquake seismic rumbling. Earthquake-resistant structures are systems designed to protect buildings from earthquakes. While no shape may be absolutely resistant to damage from earthquakes, the goal of earthquake-resistant construction is to erect systems that fare higher at some stage in seismic pastime than their conventional counterparts. According to constructing.....Keyword: .... ×
E.Dileep Kumar, Dr.N.Victor Babu "Comparative Analysis of Earth Quake Resistant Building Design by Consider Bracings and Shear Wall System in Etabs Software " Vol. 9 - No. 8 (Aug. 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The demand for high bit-rates has forced the emerging of new technologies like 5G in wireless systems and VDSL2 and in wireline systems. In order to achieve higher bit rates in wireline system, both technologies make use of higher bandwidth thereby reaching higher bit rates. However, this incremental bandwidth causes that the FEXT (crosstalk) which is frequency and length dependent becomes a more severe problem in the upstream direction for a typical distributed topology. This effect is known as the near-far problem. In order to solve this problem whilst optimizing a bitrate, several methods have been proposed. By using anenriched global Nelder-Mead algorithm approachand by constraining the datarate at a certain distance (which we call reference length), we have improved the convergence time of the sum-rate optimization problem. In order to find the optimal UPBO parameters to shape the power spectral density such that the crosstalk does not "kill" other users, whilst maximizing the....Keyword: metaheuristic algorithm, GBNM, Nelder-Mead, Upstream Power backoff, DSL ×
Hernan X. Cordova J. "A metaheuristic Globalized Bounded Nelder-Mead Algorithm applied to upstream Multiuser digital subscriber lines " Vol. 9 - No. 8 (Aug. 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In this work 4 mixes (including control mix) were designed with mixes having M-Sand and GGBS (50%) with varying percentage of polymer (2% and 3%). Total 12 cubes, 12 cylinders, 48 pull-out cylindrical specimens were casted. А study has been carried out on bond strength between concrete and reinforcing steel subjected to elevated temperatures, compressive strength and split tensile strength tests were also carried out.To find the variation in bond strength the parameters considered are bar diameters, embedded length and different temperature levels with 1 hr retention period. In this investigation 2 bar diameters 16mm and 20mm with two different embedded lengths 150mm and 300mm were adopted. Out of 4 mixes attempted, mix containing 50% Cement, 50% GGBS and 2% polymer performed better showing an increase in compressive strength and tensile strength. Also the experimental....Keyword: Bond strength, Compressive Strength, Elevated temperature, Embedded length,Tensile strength ×
Nikita katti A, UmeshP.Patil "Experimental and Analytical investigations on bond strength between concrete and steel subjected to elevated temperatures " Vol. 9 - No. 8 (Aug. 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Amid the economic environment, of competitive costs in the civil construction, the tasks of identifying, evaluating and classifying the elements of risks present in construction projects in the civil construction sector become imperative. Risk management has a strong impact on the projects' development, affecting ventures schedules, costs and quality. This research aims at identifying, evaluating and classifying the elements that form risks present in the civil construction environment, based on references from the literature, validated by researches directed to engineers and professionals related to the subject of risk management. Its structure presents two distinct phases, with a qualitative approach, via a semi-structured, and a quantitative questionnaire, through a survey. This part of the research was carried out in a non-probabilistic sampling, represented by 105 professionals and specialists....Keyword: Environment; Management; Risk & probability analysis ×
Oliveira, N. L. F., Santos, J. A. N., Netto, J. T., Aimoré, E. U. G., Freitas, A. P. A. "Identification and Classification of Risk Elements in the Construction Environment " Vol. 9 - No. 8 (Aug. 2019), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,