International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA)
Volume 8 - Issue 7
- Damping of Low Frequency Oscillation in Power System using QFT FESS controller
Ki Sun Han, Moon Gyu Jeong, Jeong Phil Lee
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Efficient Control of Doubly Fed Induction Generator Wind Turbine Implementation in Matlab Simulink
Ibrahima Ngom, Alioune B Mboup, Abdoulaye Dieng, Nogaye Diaw
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Zero Discharge Concepts in Five Star Hotel – A Case Study
A.Mubarak, A. Huma, F. Ahmad, K. Ahmad, Inamul - Haq
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Some allied normal spaces via gsp-open sets in topology
Govindappa Navalagi, R G Charantimath
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Photon Cross Section Studies of Nickel Based Alloys and Special Alloys at Energies 42.0 Kev - 59.54 Kev And 145.4 Kev – 661.6 Kev.
S. Thomas Reddy, Yalagalasandeep, V. Nathanial, V. Ludhiyana, D.V. Krishna Reddy
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Effect of Gradation and Plasticity on Compaction Characteristics of Red Gravel Soils
Gopalakrishnan Vaidyanathan, P.V.V Satyanarayana, P.S. Naidu, V. Brahmam
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Design of Substrate Integrated Waveguide Bandpass Filter for X Band Applications
Shamkuwar Swapnil Raju, S Raghavan
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Strength Characteristic of Chenab Soil Stabilization with Bagasse Ash and Cementfor Road Work
Karan Gupta, Wajid AliButt
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Scope for using underutilized Hydraulic sources a Re-emphasis on the role ofHydram
Souma Ghosh, Prasanta K Sinha, B.Halder
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Optimization of Surface Roughness and Material Removal Rate of Aluminium Alloy Using Taguchi Method
Prasad Kumar C M, Hemanth Kumar T R, S N Lakshmi Narasimhan
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Contribution To The Molecular Lipophilicity Scale By Qspr
Models Of Lipophilicity Prediction
Ouanlo Ouattara, Mamadou Guy-Richard Kone, Thomas Sopi Affi ,Kafoumba Bamba, Yafigui Traore, Nahossé Ziao
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- A Study on Behavior of MSE wall under Different Earthquake Conditions
Prof. Raghavendra Rajoor, Prof. Venkatesh. Rajput, Prof. Gaurav Bharadwaj
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Study of Mechanical Properties, Microstructure and Corrosion Behavior of Super Duplex-2594 Weld Overlay on Carbon Steel Substrate by Smaw
Er. Atindra Joshi, Prof. Shanti Parkash, Er. Manoj Kumar
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Processed Fly Ash in the Mortar and Concrete: A Review
Batham Geeta
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
Kishore Yogi, Dr. Anubhuti Khare
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Segmentation Based Denoising of Color Images using Morphological Operation
Avinash Rai, Ekta Shivhare, Deepak Mandloi
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
In this paper, a robust flywheel energy storage system (FESS) controller using quantitative feedback theory (QFT) is designed to damp low frequency oscillations in spite of uncertainties and various disturbance of power system. To design the QFT FESS controller, the target performance specifications of the closed loop system and system uncertainties are converted to QFT bounds. Through the iterative loop shaping procedure, the FESS controller is designed to satisfy all QFT bounds at all frequencies. To verify control performance of the QFT FESS controller, nonlinear dynamic simulations are performed under various disturbance. The control characteristics with QFT FESS controller have been compared with that of the conventional power system stabilizer (PSS). The simulation results show that the QFT FESS controller provided better dynamic responses in comparison with the conventional PSS controller.Keyword: Flywheel energy storage system (FESS), Loop shaping, Low frequency oscillation, Power system stabilizer (PSS), Quantitative feedback theory (QFT) ×
Ki Sun Han, Moon Gyu Jeong, Jeong Phil Lee. "Damping of Low Frequency Oscillation in Power System using QFT FESS controller" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
This paper presents an efficient control of Doubly Fed Induction Generator in variable speed wind power generation. The DFIGs are widely used in variable speed wind energy conversion system (WECS) because their voltage source converters only handle a fraction of the total output power under steady-state conditions. A back-to-back power electronic converter (AC-DC-AC) is used in the rotor circuit of the DFIG, allowing the generator to work in both sub-synchronous and super-synchronous mode. In this work the control and implementation of the rotor, grid side and pitch angle controller is detailed. The aim of the grid side converter is to keep the dc-link voltage constant and also compensate the reactive power rather than providing an additional compensating device such as SVC or capacitors banks in parallel to the machine which leads to many problems such as over voltage. The rotor-side converter controls the rotor speed and allows decoupled control between the active reactive powers by using vector control technique. The pitch angle and rotor side controller will be control in coordination to prevent system failure during wind gust. The performance of the control system is demonstrate using Matlab Simulink..Key words:Wind turbine, DFIG, reactive power, PI controller, WECS. ×
Ibrahima Ngom, Alioune B Mboup, Abdoulaye Dieng, Nogaye Diaw "Efficient Control of Doubly Fed Induction Generator Wind Turbine Implementation in Matlab Simulink" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Concept of zero liquid discharge (ZLD) not only offers a solution to protect water bodies from pollution by the disposal of large quantity of industrial and municipal wastewater but also provides a sustainable approach for conservation of water resources by the process of reuse and recycle of wastewater. Industry & commercial establishment should realised that adopting this concept, as the resources getting limited and its cost being increased, leads to (i) tangible economic benefits and (ii) safeguard the environment quality lest apply pollution pays principles on polluters due to the environmental damage. Hence ZLD C is must to be followed. The present paper aims at to assess the zero liquid discharge in a large commercial complex – Hotel Andaz ,Aerocity, New Delhi. The study includes assessment of water consumption, wastewater generation from different sections such as kitchen, laundry, and toilets etc. and their treatment with the application of different waste treatment systems. Base on quality of treated wastewater, reused and water balance was prepared .The treated WW (at pre....Key words:Zero Liquid discharge,commercial complexes (Hotel), water conservation, wastewater Treatment2 ×
A.Mubarak, A. Huma, F. Ahmad, K. Ahmad,Inamul - Haq "Zero Discharge Concepts in Five Star Hotel – A Case Study" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Aim of this paper is to introduce and study some allied normal spaces using gsp-open sets , g*-closed sets , gs-open sets and semipreopen sets. We, also investigate some basic properties of these allied normal spaces. Mathematics Subject Classification (2010): 54A05,54B05,54C08 ,54D10.Key words:semipreopen sets, gsp-closed sets, g-closed sets, gs-closed sets, gsp-irresoluteness, semipreirrsolute and pre-gsp-closed functions. ×
Govindappa Navalagi, R G Charantimath "Some allied normal spaces via gsp-open sets in topology" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The Photon cross section studies of nickel based alloys and special alloys are measured using gamma ray spectrometry based NaI (TI) scintillation detector with four energies, i.e., 42.0 KeV, 59.54 KeV and 145.4 KeV, 661.6 KeV respectively. The samples, such as nickel based alloys and special alloys are collected from various manufacture companies in INDIA. Photon cross section values are measured from the experiment and compared with theoretical values of Strom-Isreal and Veigele by the using of XCOM programme. Experiment values are very good agreement with theoretical values.Key words: Photon cross section studies, Special alloys, energies 42.0 KeV, 59.54 KeV and 145.4 KeV, 661.6 KeV.. ×
S. Thomas Reddy, Yalagalasandeep, V. Nathanial, V. Ludhiyana, D.V. Krishna Reddy "Photon Cross Section Studies of Nickel Based Alloys and Special Alloys at Energies 42.0 Kev - 59.54 Kev And 145.4 Kev – 661.6 Kev." Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Red gravel soils are widely distributed over the north coastal districts of Andhra Pradesh. These soils are highly desirable for construction activities due to their inherent advantages. To use these soils in various Geotechnical engineering applications it is necessary to understand their behaviour with respect to its composition. In the present investigation gravel soil samples have been verified for geotechnical characterization and their suitability is studied with respect to gradation, plasticity and compaction characterization to use as fill material, embankment material and road component layers etc..Key words: characterization, composition, Gravel soil,. ×
Gopalakrishnan Vaidyanathan, P.V.V Satyanarayana, P.S. Naidu, V. Brahmam "Effect of Gradation and Plasticity on Compaction Characteristics of Red Gravel Soils" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
This paper presents the design of substrate Integrated waveguide (SIW) bandpass filter for the X band (8 GHz to 12 GHz) applications. Substrate integrated waveguide is quite popular in filter design due to its high performance.The bandpass filter is used to receive the desired band of frequency and to reject the frequency which is out of interest. In this paper, we used the U slotted structure to improve the stopband performance of the filter at the upper band of frequencies. Taper section is provided to avoid the sharp transition from the feedline to the SIW structure which improves the S11 performance of the filter. The simulated results are obtained from the CST software. The results show that the designed filter gives better performance and it is well suitable for the X band applications..Key words: Isolation, Insertion, SIW, Tapered region, U slots, Filter ×
Shamkuwar Swapnil Raju, S Raghavan "Design of Substrate Integrated Waveguide Bandpass Filter for X Band Applications" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In this paper an attempt has been made to improve the strength properties of Chenab river soil from Akhnoor area (Jammu&Kashmir, India) to be used as sub-gradeby using bagasse ash admixtures with cement. The CBR value of virgin Chenab soilis found to be 3.15 %. Other samples were remoulded by addition of additives in varying percentages of 7.5%, 15.0% and 22.5 % of bagasse ash with either 3 % or 6 % of cement content by dry weight of the soil at Optimum Moisture Content (OMC) and Maximum Dry Density (MDD). Different soil combinations were made by varying percentages of bagasse ash and cement to evaluate the California Bearing ratio (CBR) with different period of curing i.e. on the same day (immediately after bagasse ash and cement mix with soil) and after 7 or 28 days of curing. It is observed that addition of varying percentages of 7.5%, 15.0% and 22.5 % of bagasse ash along with either 3 % or 6 % of cement content by dry weight showed a remarkable improvement in the California bearing ratio.....Key words: Sugar cane ash, Soil stabilizing material, Chenab river soil, Index properties, California Bearing Ratio (CBR). ×
Karan Gupta, Wajid AliButt "Strength Characteristic of Chenab Soil Stabilization with Bagasse Ash and Cementfor Road Work" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The aim of the project was to construct and design a pump that practically no running cost and needs minimum maintenance, was simple in construction and fulfilled the required specifications. This was to provide isolation village with water and as a replacement to generator driven pumps that are used by farmers to water their lands. So, primary objective of Hydraulic ram pump is to pump water with no running cost. This paper represents the analytical calculation of homemade hydraulic ram pump with design calculation.These are based on a study of hydraulic ram pump and testing of on hydraulic ramp pump model. For which we consider literatures reviews & some of them are used for the analytical calculations. After elaborating the design, dimensioning and calculations were done and the final design was constructed. The model was tested and checked thoroughly for its working. All aspects were kept in view, efficiencies plotted and optimization was done, & analysis of this result to conclude the relation.....Key words: Hydraulic ram pump, delivery head, supply head, delivery valve and impulsevalve ×
Souma Ghosh,Prasanta K Sinha, B.Halder "Scope for using underutilized Hydraulic sources a Re-emphasis on the role ofHydram" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Machining involves many process parameters. To achieve accurate dimensions, good surface quality and to maximize metal removal rate, the turning parameters contributes significantly. The aim of this research is to optimize the cutting parameters like cutting speed, feed and depth of cut to minimize surface roughness and to maximize the material removal rate in turning of aluminium alloy. Three types of cutting tools viz. HSS tool, carbide tool and polycrystalline diamond tool are used for the turning operations. The experiments were carried out using Taguchi design of experiments with L27 orthogonal array. The Analysis of means is employed to analyze the performance characteristics in turning operation of aluminium alloy. Response variables measured for the analysis of surface finish and the material removal rate..Key words:Cutting force, Surface roughness, Material removal rate, Orthogonal array, Taguchi method, Cutting tools. ×
Prasad Kumar C M, Hemanth Kumar T R, S N Lakshmi Narasimhan "Optimization of Surface Roughness and Material Removal Rate of Aluminium Alloy Using Taguchi Method" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
This work deals with the prediction of the lipophilicity of forty-four (44)aromatic substances whoseexperimental values of lipophilicity are non-existent to date. Using QSPR models of lipophilicpredictionbased on empirical and quantum descriptorsat the AM1 level, the lipophilicity of these 44 molecules has been predicted by quantum chemistrymethods, thuscontributing to the increase in scale of molecularlipophilicity. The reliability of the prediction of lipophilicity by model 1 at the level of the empiricaldescriptorsis 97.84%. The prediction by the model 2 at the level of the quantum descriptors of the AM1 levelis 95.60%..Key words: Prediction - MolecularLipophilicity - MolecularModeling - QSPR Models - Quantum Chemistry ×
Ouanlo Ouattara, Mamadou Guy-Richard Kone, Thomas Sopi Affi,Kafoumba Bamba, Yafigui Traore, Nahossé Ziao "Contribution To The MolecularLipophilicityScale By QsprModels Of LipophilicityPrediction" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Now a day's construction of seismic resistant building is the utmost step taken in the construction field. Therefore the construction of MSE walls also needs this technique where these walls are necessary in the high risk earthquake zones. The reinforcement technique is older one and now it has evolved from use of small metal strips to the use of larger stirrups and also the modern geo-synthetic materials such as Georgics and geo textile. In present work, a MSE wall of 44 m high was designed and analyzed using finite element tool. Plaxis, 2D FEM based computational tool, used for simulation of the MSE wall and for studying its deformations and stability under seismic conditions. The failure modes of MSE walls are studied under different dynamic conditions. Influence of seismicity on MSE forces, horizontal displacements and vertical displacements also studied under different seismic conditions. Also we will compare the influence of earthquake intensity on MSE wall for different tiers. The three earthquake intensities are produced using accelograms of ISGS and observed the effect of earthquake on different tier of MSE wall..Key words: Accelogram, Displacement, Excitation, FEM, MSE wall, Plaxis, Retaining wall, Seismic ×
Prof. Raghavendra Rajoor, Prof. Venkatesh. Rajput, Prof. Gaurav Bharadwaj "A Study on Behavior of MSE wall under Different Earthquake Conditions" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In today's industrialization world, there is very common problem faced in every industry from long time where the material wear and tear is happened and required to eliminate as soon as possible to get the more utilization of equipment and avoid the shut down timing to increase the productivity and earn more and more money for getting good growth in company as well as nation.The wear and tear mainly occurs due to corrosion, abrasion and erosion. This happens in the chemical process industries, refineries, oil –gas industry, offshore plate forms, steel mills, Logistic industry etc. In these industries the equipment may be statics pressure equipments, boilers, heat transfer equipments, hydro equipment, etc. are working on higher temperatures and getting always the corrosion problems inside the equipment by its processing.........Key words: ...... ×
Er. Atindra Joshi, Prof. Shanti Parkash, Er. Manoj Kumar "Study of Mechanical Properties, Microstructure and Corrosion Behavior of Super Duplex-2594 Weld Overlay on Carbon Steel Substrate by Smaw" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Use of fly ash in mortar and concrete is very common now days. Use of processed fly ash is recent. Many studies have been conducted to know PFA performance. These studies show information in this regard. In this paper an effort has been made to review the work already done in the field. The available literature helps the beginner to understand the PFA performance in cement and concrete world and start further research in this particular area..Key words: compressive strength, concrete, durability, mortar, processed fly ash ×
Batham Geeta "Processed Fly Ash in the Mortar and Concrete: A Review" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
This paper aims to proposed multi-level block truncation code (BTC) based image compression of continuous tone still image to achieve low bit rate and high quality. The algorithm has been proposed by combining bit map and quantization. The algorithms are proposed based on the assumption that the computing power is not the limiting factor. The parameters considered for evaluating the performance of the proposed methods are compression ratio and subjective quality of the reconstructed images. The performance of proposed algorithm including color image compression, progressive image transmission is quite good. The effectiveness of the proposed schemes is established by comparing the performance with that of the existing methods..Key words: Block Truncation Code (BTC), Bit Map, Multi-level, Quantization ×
Kishore Yogi, Dr. Anubhuti Khare "COLOR IMAGE COMPRESSION USING MULTI-LEVEL BLOCK TRUNCATION CODE ALGORITHM AND VECTOR QUANTIZATION" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The proposed method breaks the color image into its individual color component and then fuzzy filter based canny Edge detection technique is applied. This technique depends on the fuzzy rule-based system using 2 X 2 window mask which is used to modify membership value of the image in different fuzzy sets (which means it will smoothen the image), and this filtered image is given as input to canny edge detection technique and finally after this morphological processing is used. The Performance Parameter becomes better by combining Fuzzy and Canny Edge Detection and also morphological operations. The results were compared with other edge detection techniques like interactive image segmentation by maximal similarity based region merging (MSRM) and Image segmentation using transition region. Therefore it is evident that the developed Algorithm provides Improved Performance parameters for detecting the edge against the wide range of Applications.Key words: Image Segmentation, Fuzzy-canny Method, Morphological Operation, Mean Square Error (MSE), PeakSignaltoNoiseRatio(PS) ×
Avinash Rai, Ekta Shivhare, Deepak Mandloi "Segmentation Based Denoising of Color Images using Morphological Operation" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
- Different ratios CrC particle-reinforced Cu matrix composite materials and investigation of wear performance
Mahir Uzun, Mehmet Mehdi Munis, Üsame Ali Usca
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- A predictive approach to estimate software defects density using Probabilistic Neural Networks for the given Software Metrics
T. Ravi Kumar, Dr. T. Srinivasa Rao, Dr.Ch.V.M.K.Hari
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Synthesis and Characterization of Microporous Cryogel Matrices with Anti-inflammatory Effect
Monica Iliuta Stamate, Ciprian Stamate
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Computational modeling of wind flow and its effect on a cubical building using Large Eddy Simulation (LES) technique
Venugopal M.M., S.K. Maharana
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- A Comparative Study of Network Modeling Using A Relational Database(E.G. Oracle, Mysql, SQL Server) Vs. Neo4j.
Ceyhun Ozgur, Jeffrey Coto, David Booth
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Study on Temporal and Spatial Variation of PM2.5 on South Delhi
Javed Iqbal Siddiqui, Syed Khursheed Ahmad
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Participatory Land Suitability Analysis to Identify the Optimum Land Use for a Mountainous Watershed in Jordan
Safa Mazahreh, Majed Bsoul, Feras Ziadat, Doaa Abu Hamoor
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Progressive Collapse Assessment of a Multi-Storey RC Framed Structure Using Non-Linear Static Analysis Technique
Yash Jain, Dr. V. D. Patil
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Influence of Process Parameters on Mechanical Properties and
Printing Time of FDM PLA Printed Parts Using Design of
Dr. Farhad Mohammad Othman, Dr. Tahseen Fadhil Abbas, Hind Basil Ali
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Performance Evaluation of High Speed Coherent Optical OFDM
System Using Wiener-Hammerstein Equalizer
Vaishnavi P.Patil, Prof Tamboli A.K.
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Experimental and Numerical Study of Deep Beams by Finite Element Method (FEM)
Sujitha Magdalene P, Kanmani V
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
In this paper, Cu matrix composites (Cu-MCs) were fabricated using powder metallurgy (PM) technique and using different proportions of CrC particles in Cu matrix. CrC particles were added into pure Cu powder at different ratios as 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% by weight. The prepared composites were formed with 400 MPa pressure. The formed parts were sintered 60 minutes at 950°C. Sintered samples were evaluated by observating the density and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images. Mechanical properties and microstructure of the produced composite materials (CMs) were investigated. Microscope examinations were carried out with SEM. Hardness, one of the mechanical properties, is determined by the Vickers method, which is a method of hardness measurement. According to SEM examination, the CrC phase in the Cu-MCs composed of coaxial grains were balanced. It has also been......Keyword: Copper; wear; composite; sintering; chromium; hardness ×
Mahir Uzun, Mehmet Mehdi Munis, Üsame Ali Usca "Different ratios CrC particle-reinforced Cu matrix composite materials and investigation of wear performance" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Software plays a very important role in our everyday life.There are many instances which show that even a small defect in the software can cause huge loss to many lives.By evaluating the errors in software in various phases,we can reduce the lateral cost of software.Software quality prediction has been an important arena since the las two decades. Several models and techniques have been proposed and utilized in this gaze.We can recognize the areas which are prone to hazards with the help of logic of quality prediction. In the proposed model, defect density indicator in requirement analysis, design, coding and testing phase is predicted using ten software metrics of these four the end of each phase the defect density indicator will be taken as an input for the next phase.With the help of ANN and PNN strategies,we have extnded our work. The experimental results are compared with fuzzy, ANN and PNN.Incomparision with ANN and fuzzy,the number of defects can be discovered better with ANN strategy......Key words:Software Defects,Software Metrics, fuzzy logic, Software error prediction, PNN, ANN, SDLC,MMRE,BMRE.. ×
T. Ravi Kumar, Dr. T. Srinivasa Rao, Dr.Ch.V.M.K.Hari "A predictive approach to estimate software defects density using Probabilistic Neural Networks for the given Software Metrics" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The aims of this paper are the synthesis, the physicochemical characterization and in vitro analysis of microporous cryogels matrices. Polyvinyl-alcohol (PVA) is a non-toxic linear polymer, highly soluble in water, resistant to organic solvents and frequently used in medical applications. ketoprofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug used in various topical and oral pharmaceutical forms. Cryogelation is a technology that makes interconnected pore structure in moderately frozen condition after four freeze/thaw cycles. The morphology of the cryogels, the interaction between the PVA macromolecular chains and ketoprofen has been studied by Scanning Electronic Microscopy. The gels swelling in physiologic medium have been monitored in order to establish the hydrophilic properties. The mechanical properties of the cryogels have been investigated by dynamic mechanical measurements and the concentration of ketoprofen released by spectrophotometry. The new microporous cryogel matrices shows good physical, morphological and drug release properties.....Key words:Cryogel, ketoprofen, matrices, polyvinyl-alcohol ×
Monica Iliuta Stamate, Ciprian Stamate "Synthesis and Characterization of Microporous Cryogel Matrices with Anti-inflammatory Effect" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The wind flow and its effects over cubical buildings lying in close vicinity in urban areas generates flow interference effects causing problems related to pollution, pedestrian comfort and ventilation within the buildings thus promoting a lot of research interest in this area during the last few years. The wake and its characteristics of a building has drawn attention for various applications like dispersion of pollutants downwind of conventional or nuclear power plants, airport runway interference effect, take-off/landing limitation at heliports, pedestrian wind comfort, and wind loads on structures.Computational Fluid dynamics (CFD) is one of the promising technologies for investigating these important issues, which will not necessarily be solved by traditional wind tunnel technology. Large Eddy Simulation Technique (LES) shall be used to predict the flow physics- external flow around the building. The proposed work has been accomplished through numerical simulation using ANSYS-FLUENT 12.1 solver.The effects have been quantified in terms of the pressure distribution, turbulence in and around the building, three-dimensionality effect on the overall flow patterns.Key words:wind effects, CFD, Large eddy Simulation, three-dimensionality effect. ×
Venugopal M.M., S.K. Maharana "Computational modeling of wind flow and its effect on a cubical building using Large Eddy Simulation (LES) technique" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
According to Mansaf andKashish (2016), big data growth is very high. It is very difficult to manage due to various characteristics, which is why Hadoop and neo4j are both critical to using large datasets and applying knowledge from them to real-world scenarios. Hadoop was developed from Google's techniques in analyzing large datasets whereas neo4j is graphical software. There are two basic functions when using Hadoop. These functions are how the program stores files and how the program processes data. Hadoop is capable of storing files larger than the disk space available on a single node in a network or server and.........Key words: ...... ×
Ceyhun Ozgur, Jeffrey Coto, David Booth "A Comparative Study of Network Modeling Using A Relational Database(E.G. Oracle, Mysql, SQL Server) Vs. Neo4j" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
A high pollution level of PM2.5 particles is dangerous and harmful to human health as it causes deep penetration into the lungs. It can reach the alveolar region as well as have the potential to reduce the visibility of environment. A key objective of this work is to understand the patterns of spatial and temporal variability of pollutants, particularly PM2.5. Ten stations have been selected for the monitoring of PM2.5 for 24 hour duration in south Delhi at residential, institutional, commercial and industrial area. Portable Aerosol spectrometer model 1.108 (Real time GRIMM Dust monitor) has been used. The average concentration of PM2.5 is found 109μg/m3 at Jamia Nagar, 115μg/m3 at Jasola,........Key words: Urban area, air quality, monitoring, PM2.5. ×
Javed Iqbal Siddiqui, Syed Khursheed Ahmad "Study on Temporal and Spatial Variation of PM2.5 on South Delhi" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Land suitability analysis provides decision support information to select and put in practice optimum land use options. The sustainability of land resources and their potential to meet food security target is crucial in fragile mountainous and marginal areas, especially with the future expectations of population growth, harshness of land degradation and climate change. The quality of the land suitability results and consequently the competence to support the farmers' and land users' decisions depend on the criteria used to assess the land suitability. The results of this study emphasized the value of stakeholders' participation in fine-tuning the suitability results and generating realistic decision support tool. The analyses indicated an acceptable match between current and potential land use when the local knowledge was integrated in the suitability analysis. The results revealed the potential for implementing promising land use options based on adapting an acceptable and affordable sustainable land and.......Key words: Land use; Soil survey; Land suitability criteria, GIS, Participatory approach ×
Safa Mazahreh, Majed Bsoul, Feras Ziadat, Doaa Abu Hamoor "Participatory Land Suitability Analysis to Identify the Optimum Land Use for a Mountainous Watershed in Jordan" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Progressive collapse is the process of extensive failure initiated by local structural damage, or a chain reaction of failures. Local damage that initiates progressive collapse is called initiating damage. The main focus of this research paper is to assess the vulnerability to progressive collapse of atypical RC framed structures under column removal scenario using ETABS software having version v16.2.1. A G+9 RCC hotel building (finite element model) has been considered and designed as per Indian Building Code and Pushover analysis (nonlinear static analysis) was carried out. Then the removal process of the identified critical columns is initiated for progressive collapse to happen and the various parameters like Demand capacity ratio and Robustness indicator are calculated and then checked against the acceptance criteria as provided in GSA 2003. Thus the influence of removal of critical elements has been discussed here by comparing the parameters before and after the progressive collapse..Key words: Pushover analysis; DCR; Damping; Target Displacement; Robustness Indicator; ETABS ×
Yash Jain, Dr. V. D. Patil "Progressive Collapse Assessment of a Multi-Storey RC Framed Structure Using Non-Linear Static Analysis Technique" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Fused deposition modeling (FDM) is one of the most popular additive manufacturing technologies for various engineering applications. FDM is an additive manufacturing technique for rapid prototyping which can build complex parts in time with minimal human intervention. The quality of FDM processed parts mainly depends on careful selection of process variables. Thus, identification of the FDM process parameters that significantly affect the quality of FDM processed parts is important. This requires a large number of experiments to be determined. This paper presents a study on the influence of three FDM process parameters (layer thickness, infill density, and printing orientation) on the mechanical properties (tensile strength, bending strength and compression strength) of the FDM manufactured parts using the Taguchi method.Five of infill density percentage, layer thicknesses.......Key words: Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM), PLA, process parameters, Infill Density, Tensile Strength, Bending strength, Compression strength, and Printing time. ×
Dr. Farhad Mohammad Othman, Dr. Tahseen Fadhil Abbas, Hind Basil Ali "Influence of Process Parameters on Mechanical Properties and Printing Time of FDM PLA Printed Parts Using Design of Experiment " Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
This paper addresses OFDM (orthogonal frequency division multiplexing) transmission over optical links with high spectral efficiency, i.e. by using high-order QAM-modulation schemes as a mapping method prior to the OFDM multicarrier representation. Here we address especially coherent optical OFDM modem in long distance which is affected by nonlinear distortion caused by fiber nonlinearity. Fiber nonlinearity is a major performance-limiting factor in advanced optical communication systems. We proposed a nonlinear electrical equalization scheme based on the Wiener-Hammerstein model. To Compare with other popular linear compensation technique such as the LMS (least Mean Square), Volterra equalizer simulation results are presented to demonstrate the capability of a Wiener-Hammerstein model based electrical equalizer used in a coherent optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing system. It is shown that the Wiener- Hammerstein model based equalizer can significantly reduce nonlinear distortion..Key words: Equalizers, optical fiber communication, orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), Wiener – Hammerstein equalizer ,Volterra model.. ×
Vaishnavi P.Patil, Associate Prof Tamboli A.K. "Performance Evaluation of High Speed Coherent Optical OFDM System Using Wiener-Hammerstein Equalizer" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The paper deals with the comparison between experimental and analytical deflection results of reinforced (M20 grade) concrete deep beams. Three deep beams were designed according to the Indian Standard (IS) code provisions with different length to depth (L/D) ratios (1.5, 2, and 2.5). The beams were cast and tested by subjecting it to single central point loading (three point bending test). The loads at first crack and failure, deflections at first crack and failure and the crack widths were observed. Those parameters were also analyzed using software, ANSYS 9.0., which uses non-linear FEM. A graphical plot of load versus deflection was obtained for both experimental and numerical deflection values separately. The comparison between the experimental and analytical behaviour of the beams are also discussed..Key words: ANSYS 9.0., Deep Beam, L/D (Span to depth) ratio, Non – Linear FEM. ×
Sujitha Magdalene P, Kanmani V "Experimental and Numerical Study of Deep Beams by Finite Element Method (FEM)" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
- A Review of Wind Power and Wind Speed Forecasting
Rahul Sharma, Diksha Singh
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Social Engineering: A Psychological need
Vani Nayal
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Some Allied Semicontinuous Functions in Topology
Govindappa Navalagi, Sujata S. Tallur
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Mechanical Characterization of Carbon/Epoxy Unidirectional and Bidirectional Composites for Structural Application
C. Venkateshwar Reddy, Ch. Joseph S Raju, P. Ramesh Babu, R. Ramnarayan
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Treatability Studies on Tannery Wastewater
Bushra Butool, B.G.Mahendra, N.Raveendhar
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Study of Thermoelectric Generator in different combinations of series and parallel configurations –Calculation of power and efficiency
S.Parveen, S.Victor Vedanayakam, R. Padma Suvarna
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Solar PV Analysis with MPPT and DC Motor Application
Priyanshu Sona, T. Ramachandran
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Integration of Split Length Technique and Current Replication Branch in Two-Stage Class AB Operational Amplifier
Nimna Joseph, Nina Joseph, Jobin Varghese
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Analysis Of High Speed Wallace Tree Multiplier Using Compressors For DSP Applications
Jayalakshmi N, H. Venkatesh Kumar, Kasetty Rambabu
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Hinge Domination Number of a Graph.
Kavitha B.N, Indrani Pramod Kelkar
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Vibration Study on Oak Wood and Aluminium Alloy Material and Their Combinations for Noise Attenuation
Mangalappa. M.Naik, Dr. Vinay Kuppast, Nataraj Kuntoji
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Meaning of Law 9.610/98 Based on Grounded Theory
Liaria Nunes da Silva, Alan Malacarne, Ricardo Fontes Macedo, Washington Sales do Monte, Robelius De-Bortoli
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Efficacy of Ceramic Candle Filters in the Removal of Bacteria and Enteroparasites
Filipe Magnum Silva dos Santos, Ulrich Vasconcelos, Glícia Maria Torres Calazans
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Reversible Digital Audio Watermarking Scheme Using Wavelet Transformation
Ashwini V. Khillare, Ashwini V. Malviya
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Automatic Traffic Light Control System By Using Digital Image Processing
Dr. Vikram Jain, Dr. Yogendar Kumar Verma, Dr. Vipin Kumar Jain
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- ECG Patient Monitoring System Using SMTP Technology
Biswaranjan Behera, Sristi Rajan
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Epitaxial Growth Of As Ilicene Sheet on Close-Packed Silver
Ranjan Kumar Sethy, Sriyansh Mohanty
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Error Analysis and Detection Procedures for a Hardware
Implementation of the Advanced Encryption Standard
Rupashree Sahu, Subhajit Pasa
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- From Smart Farming towards Agriculture 5.0: A Review on Crop
Data Management
Samarendra Samal, Subham Kumar Barik
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Security Concerns and Implementation Challenges of Hadoop
Technology in the Modern Digital Age
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Analysis of Cryptographic Hash Functions and Cryptographic
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Evaluation of mechanical characteristics for Aluminumcopper
Metal matrix composite
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
In today‟s world, withthe growing wind powerpenetration in the emerging power system, accurate wind speed forecasting becomes essential. The paper presents time scale classification for wind speed and forecasting of generated wind power and reviews the different techniques involved in wind speed and wind power forecasting, such as artificial neural networks (ANNs), hybrid techniques, etc. It shows trends of temperature, pressure, wind speed, and its direction of different sites around the world and various locations in India for wind power generation. Non-linear relationship between wind speed and wind and the various problems that occur during the wind power and wind speed forecasting are discussed as well..Keyword: Artificial neural network, wind speedforecasting, wind power forecasting, hybrid techniques ×
Rahul Sharma, Diksha Singh "A Review of Wind Power and Wind Speed Forecasting" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
This paper discuses the overlooked aspects regarding the underlying psychology of social engineering. Social engineering is a technique to access or obtain the sensitive information. Social Engineer use social networking websites to prey for potential targets. Online social engineering attacks are usually variant of traditional information security hacking programs such as malware, worms etc. Here the social engineers exploit the trust factor among the victim to obtain the sensitive and valuable information. But here the researcher will discuss about the social networking website especially Facebook. Social Engineering done through the social networking websites have many psychological affects on the user. There are many links(advertisement) which manipulate the user and brings out curiosity in them so as they open them and give their personal and important information to have their result for.......Key words:Social Engineering, Physiological needs, Safety, Social needs, Self esteem, Self actualization.. ×
Vani Nayal "Social Engineering: A Psychological need" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In this paper, we define and study the new concepts of allied semicontinuous functions, namely, semi-sg-continuous, semi-gs-continuous, semi-gs-continuous functions in topology.Mathematics Subject Classification(2010): 54A05, 54C08, 54D15.Key words:semi-open sets, semi-pre-open sets, sg-closed sets, gs-closed sets,gs-closed sets,gsp-closed sets , gs-continuity, sg-continuity ,gs-continuity and semicontinuity ×
Govindappa Navalagi, Sujata S. Tallur "Some Allied Semicontinuous Functions in Topology" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Advanced composites are widely used for structural application due to their high strength to weight ratio and other characteristic properties. PAN Carbon roving/Epoxy (UD) and PAN Carbon fabric/Epoxy (BD) composites are being used in structural application based on their engineering properties. To design composite components using these materials a thorough experimental characterization on mechanical properties is prerequisite. In this work, PAN Carbon roving/Epoxy UD laminates were fabricated by filament winding technique and PAN Carbon fabric/Epoxy BD laminates were fabricated by hand lay-up followed by compression moulding technique. Specimens were prepared as per ASTM standards and tested for their Physical and Mechanical properties. Statistical analysis carried out on standard deviation and coefficient of variance was calculated for mechanical properties.......Key words:Advanced composites, engineering properties, UD laminates, BD laminates, filament winding technique, compression moulding technique, coefficient of variance ×
C. Venkateshwar Reddy, Ch. Joseph S Raju, P. Ramesh Babu, R. Ramnarayan "Mechanical Characterization of Carbon/Epoxy Unidirectional and Bidirectional Composites for Structural Application" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Tanning industry is one of the oldest industries releasing wastewater which is characterized by high BOD, COD, suspended solids, chloride and chromium. Coagulation process helps to reduce the suspended and colloidal materials responsible for turbidity of the wastewater. In the present study, an attempt has been made to evaluate the effectiveness of chemical coagulants such as Alum, Ferric Chloride, Ferrous Sulphate and Ferric Alum in the treatment of tannery wastewater. The treatment was carried on a magnetic stirrer. The optimum dosage and optimum pH of each of the coagulant were determined. The optimum dosages of Alum, FeCl3, FeSO4 and Ferric Alum were 1600mg, 1500mg, 2000mg and 2000mg per 650mL respectively and the optimum pH were 8,9,10.5 and 9.5 respectively. In case of Alum at an optimum dosage and optimum pH, the maximum reduction in COD, TSS, TDS, Total Chromium and BOD were found to be 41%, 51.7%, 26.8%, 69.4% and 55.7% respectively. In case of FeCl3, the maximum reduction......Key words: Alum, Ferric Alum, Ferric Chloride, Ferrous Sulphate, Total Chromium.. ×
Bushra Butool, B.G.Mahendra, N.Raveendhar "Treatability Studies on Tannery Wastewater" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
A A thermoelectric generator system has been build up which consists of bismuth telluride module. A thermoelectric module consists of thermoelectric elements. To increase the operating voltage the thermoelectric elements are connected in series and in parallel to increase the thermal conductivity. In this paper discussing about the study of thermoelectric generator by connecting in different combinations of series and parallel configurations. When six thermoelectric generators of TEP1-1264-1.5 made of bismuth telluride material are connected in different configurations of series and parallel like six thermoelectric modules in series, six thermoelectric modules in parallel, three series and three parallel configurations, four series and two parallel etc. Moreover the figure-of-merit, output power and efficiency was calculated. The ZT value achieved was 0.273 at a temperature difference of 870C when six thermoelectric generators are placed in series combination. The output power was 3.62W.Key words: Thermoelectric generator, series and parallel configurations, thermoelectric module,bismuth telluride. ×
S.Parveen, S.Victor Vedanayakam, R. Padma Suvarna "Study of Thermoelectric Generator in different combinations of series and parallel configurations –Calculation of power and efficiency" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
As of recent study, the enthusiasm for solar energy has ascended because of surging oil costs and natural concern. In numerous remote or immature regions, guide access to an electric framework is inconceivable and a photovoltaic inverter framework would make life considerably more straightforward and more advantageous. Solar energy, brilliant light and warmth from the sun, has been reined by people since antiquated circumstances utilizing a scope of consistently advancing innovations. Solar brilliant energy represents the majority of the usable sustainable power source on earth. Photovoltaic (PV) is a technique for producing electrical power by changing over solar radiation into coordinate current power utilizing semiconductors that display the photovoltaic impact. In this proposition, the PV cluster is demonstrated and its voltage-current attributes and power-voltage qualities are mimicked and enhanced which is utilized to drive a DC machine engine. The primary encumbrance for the compass of Photovoltaic frameworks is their low proficiency and high capital......Key words: MPPT, PID, Solar, DC Motor ×
Priyanshu Sona, T. Ramachandran "Solar PV Analysis with MPPT and DC Motor Application" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
A new two-stage class AB operational amplifier (op-amp) designed in which the differential-pair device N-channel Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (NMOSFET) is replaced with split-length device and input stage is transformed into class AB using two-tail transistors. Current replication branch also incorporated in the design to increase output current. Hence, in this design, a class AB operation is achieved in both output and input. The entire design is implemented and simulated in Cadence design environment in 180 nm with 1.8 V supply. The newly designed op-amp exhibits high and symmetrical slew rate with the small amount of power consumption. Moreover, this design also improves gain and bandwidth and found to exhibit better performance as compared to other analysed existing topologies. The newly designed class AB op-amp works at 1.8 V supply with a......Key words: CMOSFET circuits, Operational amplifiers; slew rate; gain; phase margin; split length transis-tors ×
Nimna Joseph, Nina Joseph, Jobin Varghese "Integration of Split Length Technique and Current Replication Branch in Two-Stage Class AB Operational Amplifier" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Multiplication is an important arithmetic operation employed in digital systems and signal processing applications. Most of the multipliers are time, area and power consuming circuits. Improvement in any of these parameters will improve the efficiency of the circuit. But ever increasing demand for faster multipliers motivated several researchers to go a step ahead and present some novel approach. This work presents an analysis & approach towards the reduction of delay in the Wallace tree multipliers by using compressors with full adders and half-adders for partial product reduction. The proposed multiplier has been analyzed using Xilinx ISE Design Suite 7.1, Modelsim and Cadence Virtuoso tool.Key words: Binary counter, Compressors, Cadence, Xilinx ×
Jayalakshmi N, H. Venkatesh Kumar, Kasetty Rambabu "Analysis Of High Speed Wallace Tree Multiplier Using Compressors For DSP Applications" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
A set S of vertices in a graph G is a hinged dominating set if for every vertex u in V-S is adjacent to some vertex v in S and a vertex w in V-S such that (v,w) is not an edge in E. Hence for every vertex in V-S The hinged domination number γh(G) is the minimum size of a hinged dominating set. In this paper, we obtain the exact values of γh(G) for some standard graphs and establish some general results on this parameter.Key words: Domination number, standard graphs SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION NUMBER: AMS - 05C69, 05C70. ×
Kavitha B.N, Indrani Pramod Kelkar "Hinge Domination Number of a Graph" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Noise engineering is gaining an important research potential as the noise attenuation is a significant study in the field of noise and vibrations. Different studies have been under progress in the development of the design and analysis of vibrations to achieve the reduction in noise as per the statutory norms. Different methods have been put forward to fulfill the need for noise attenuation. Noise attenuation is based on the vibration characteristics of the materials. Hence it can be considered for the design of noise reduction techniques. The panels of vibro-acoustic materials as casings over the noise source can be considered for the investigation of vibration frequencies. Simulation studies are the best design methods for finding out the optimal thickness of the panels of vibro-acoustic materials and the frequency response of the selected thickness at selected frequency range. The computer aided simulation process provides the cost effective and reliable selection of the best noise attenuation materials based on thickness.......Key words:- Noise Attenuation, vibro-acoustic material, amplitude of vibration, frequency response.. ×
Mangalappa. M.Naik, Dr. Vinay Kuppast, Nataraj Kuntoji "Vibration Study on Oak Wood and Aluminium Alloy Material and Their Combinations for Noise Attenuation" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The Law implies both the intentionality of its writing, because it is always the result of the need to discipline activities or behaviors, as well as in the interpretation given to it. So why not interpret the Law with a coded analysis? The purpose of this study is to make an analysis of the Law 9.610 of the Rights of the Author using methodology of Grounded Theory. This is a documentary base study, using the Grounded Theory described by Allan (2003) and at the end formulated the theory of understanding its intentionality. Law 9.610 / 98 tells us that every work has value and that it is a right of the author to protect this value (already existing in the work) so that it can be shared with the others. These have the right to enjoy the production of others because it is not valid to call something 'work' and leave it hidden. In this case it would not be a work but a learning exercise.Key words: Legislation; Data Interpretation; Information Theory. ×
Liaria Nunes da Silva, Alan Malacarne, Ricardo Fontes Macedo, Washington Sales do Monte, Robelius De-Bortoli "Meaning of Law 9.610/98 Based on Grounded Theory" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of ceramic candle filters (CCF) used for domestic purification of water. They are considered cheap and in the past were very popular in Brazil. The efficiency of this system to remove Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853, and eggs and cysts of nine different enteroparasites (helminths and protozoa) was investigated using three different conditions of contaminated water. The microbial samples were suspended in tap water and filtered using quadruple CCF. The experiments were carrying out for eight days by taking two samples at intervals of 24 h from the top (raw water) and bottom (filtered water) units. Bacterial and parasitological analyses were performed according to current methods often used for drinking water quality monitoring. The experiments confirmed that CCF was very efficient to guarantee water free from P. aeruginosa, E. coli, and enteroparasites. We concluded that CCF can be used as a household method to provide safe drinking water with the advantage of being an affordable and culturally acceptable solution as well as sustainable and particularly indicated for low-income communities where the access to safe water, sanitation and healthcare are limited..Key words: Ceramic candle filter, Escherichia coli, enteroparasites, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ×
Filipe Magnum Silva dos Santos, Ulrich Vasconcelos, Glícia Maria Torres Calazans "Efficacy of Ceramic Candle Filters in the Removal of Bacteria and Enteroparasites" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Currently over the millions of digital audio files such as digital songs are copied illegally during file-sharing over the networks. It has resulted as the loss of revenue for music and broadcasting industries. The traditional protection schemes are no longer useful to protect copyright and ownership of multimedia objects. These challenges have prompted significant research in digital audio watermarking for protection and authentication. Watermarking is a technique, which is used in protecting digital information like images, videos and audio as it provides copyrights and ownership. The identity of the owner of the audio file can be hidden in the audio file which is called Watermark. Therefore, digital audio watermarking is the process of hiding some information into the audio file in such a way that the quality and the audibility of the audio is not affected. It helps to prevent forgery and impersonation of audio signal. This project presents a novel audio watermarking using wavelet transformation. The proposed method involves Embedding and extraction of audio signal using wavelet transformation. The........Key words: Audio watermarking, lifting Wavelet transformation, singular value decomposition, copyright protection. ×
Ashwini V. Khillare, Ashwini V. Malviya "Reversible Digital Audio Watermarking Scheme Using Wavelet Transformation" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
A steady increase in population and big increase the number of vehicles on road, leads to traffic jam often during peak hours. The traffic analysis and controlling becomes a challenging problem as well as it needed to control the traffic in decent and safe manner. The trraffic signals are operated on the fixed predefined program,these are based on the time. If there is no vehicle on the road, the time will lapsed for the other vehicles which are waiting on the other side. To solve this issue, this paper present an approach for analysis and detecting vehicels by CCTV cameras in form of images. The methodology consists of four steps : images acquisition by CCTV cameras, RGB to gray conversion, Image enhancement and image matching using edge detection. Three Mark pole were in installed and time alloted to each pople for green signal. When traffic touch first mark pole the green light on after 90 second, if traffic touch second mark pole the light on after 60 Second and in last if light touch third mark pole the light on after 30 Second. This system control traffic automatically..Key words: CCTV camera, RGB, Grayscale, image enhancement, edge detection.. ×
Dr. Vikram Jain, Dr. Yogendar Kumar Verma, Dr. Vipin Kumar Jain "Automatic Traffic Light Control System By Using Digital Image Processing" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
This paper leads to developing a Labview based ECG patient monitoring system for cardiovascular patient using Simple MailTransferProtocoltechnology.Thedesigneddevicehasbeendividedintothreeparts.FirstpartisECGamplifiercircuit ,builtusinginstrumentation amplifier (AD620) followed by signal conditioning circuit with the operation amplifier (lm741)........Key words: xxxxx ×
Biswaranjan Behera, Sristi Rajan "ECG Patient Monitoring System Using SMTP Technology" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Usingatomicresolvedscanningtunnelingmicrocppy,wepresentheretheexperimental evidence of a silicene sheet (graphene like structure) epitaxially grownonaclosepackedsilversurface( Ag(111)).Thishasbeenachievedviadirectcondensation of a silicon atomic flux onto the single-crystal substrate in ultra-highvacuum conditions. A highly ordered silicon structure, arranged within a honeycomblattice is synthesized and presenting two silicon sub-lattices occupying positions atdifferentheights (0.02nm)indicatingpossiblesp2-sp3 hybridizations.Key words: Silicon,Silicene,Ag,STM,epitaxy,2Dstructure. ×
Ranjan Kumar Sethy, Sriyansh Mohanty "Epitaxial Growth Of As Ilicene Sheet on Close-Packed Silver Surface" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In order to prevent the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) from suffering from differential fault attacks, the technique of error detection can be adopted to detect the errors during encryption or decryption and then to provide the information for taking further action, such as interrupting the AES process or redoing the process. Because errors occur within a function, it is not easy to predict the output. Therefore, general error control codes are not suited for AES operations. In this work, several error-detection schemes have been proposed. These schemes are based on the ðn þ1;nÞ cyclic redundancy check (CRC) over GFð28Þ, where n 2 f4;8;16g. Because of the good algebraic properties of AES..........Key words: Advanced encryption standard, error control code, CRC, differential fault attacks. ×
Rupashree Sahu, Subhajit Pasa "Error Analysis and Detection Procedures for a Hardware Implementation of the Advanced Encryption Standard" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The information that crops offer is turned into profitable decisions only when efficiently managed. Current advances in data management are making Smart Farming grow exponentially as data have become the key element in modern agriculture to help producers with critical decision-making. Valuable advantages appear with objective information acquired through sensors withtheaimofmaximizingproductivityandsustainability.......Key words: agriculture 4.0; big data; farm management information system (FMIS); robotics; IoT; variable-rate technology (VRT); AI. ×
Samarendra Samal, Subham Kumar Barik "From Smart Farming towards Agriculture 5.0: A Review on Crop Data Management" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Due to the advancement of technologies, one of the main areas of concern today is the management of large volumes of data that are out of control and are growing exponentially. This is particularly true when it comes to handling and keeping data securely. The exponentially growing amount of data generated by the Internet of Things (IoT) is posing a number of problems for both governmental and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Due to security concerns, both private and public businesses were forced to develop their own Hadoop-based cloud storage infrastructure. Different machine clusters are built under the Apache Hadoop design, and work is efficiently coordinated across them. Map Reduce and the Hadoop Distributed File System, or HDFS, are two essential components of Hadoop. The HDFS storage system is the main one used by the different Hadoop applications. It makes......Key words: loudComputing,Clusters,Hadoop,HDFS,Hive,IoT,MapReducePig,Sqoop ×
RAJAT MISHRA, SUBHRAJIT DASH Barik "Security Concerns and Implementation Challenges of Hadoop Technology in the Modern Digital Age" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
We begin with the fundamentals of cryptography before moving on to its development. The focus is primarily on different algorithms, such as DES and RSA. Additionally, we explored the families of MD, SHA, RIPEMD, BLAKE, and WHILPOOL cryptographic hash functions here. Finally, we concluded the paper comparison..Key words: DES, AES, RSA, Hash Function,MD5,SHA3,BLAKE,RIPEMD,WHIRLPOOL. ×
RASHMI RANJAN SETHY, SUBHRANSHU RANJAN JENA "Analysis of Cryptographic Hash Functions and Cryptographic Technique" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The use of high performance materials in both the airframe and propulsion systems enables the modern aircraft to rotatelarger degree while retaining its strength. To obtain continual performance, designers are constantly searching for lighterand stronger materials. The attractiveness of aluminum is that it is relatively low cost, light weight metal that can be heattreated to fairly high strength levels and it is one of the most easily fabricated high performance materials, which usuallycorrelates with lower costs. The aluminum-copper and aluminum-zinc alloys are the primary alloys used in airframestructuralapplications.Thealuminumcoppermetalmatrixcompositesareusedindamagetoleranceapplicationssuchasthe lower wing skins and fuselage structure of commercial aircraft. In the present study, aluminum alloy specimens (6061)will be developed with variations of % of copper in the composition viz., 4%, 6%, 8%, 10% using die casting process. Themechanical properties like tensile strength, hardness, % elongation, impact strength and micro structures analysis will becarriedout..Key words: Aluminum,casting,metalmatrixcomposites,tensilestrength,impactstrength,microstructure. ×
MAYURESH MOHARANA, SANGRAM KUMAR PATTANAIK "Evaluation of mechanical characteristics for Aluminumcopper Metal matrix composite" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
- Microstructure and phase transformation of nearly equiatomic Ni-Ti binary shape memory alloy
M.Dovchinvanchig, O.Amartuvshin, P.Enkhtsetseg, B.Bolormaa, Ya.Gangantogos, B.Munkhjargal
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Functional and Assertion Based Verification of Audio Echo Effect Unit
Sreevani Nanjuri N, Nagesh .K.N, Yaseen Basha
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Preparation and Microstructure of Li4Ti5O12 Anode Material for Lithium-Ion Batteries
M.Dovchinvanchig, D.Nyamdavaa, S.Nansalmaa, N.Baasanjargal, D.Bolormaa, P.Purevjargal, N.Baterdene, B.Erdenebat
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Treatment of Rubber Industry Wastewater Using Anaerobic Digester
Manjula S Shetkar, B.G.Mahendra
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Role and Review of Problem Diagnostic Techniques in Strengthening of Foundations: A Case Study of Southern Half of Gorakhpur City in U.P.
Ajai Kumar Rai, Brajesh Mishra
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Design and Implementation of Multiband Microstrip Patch Array Antenna Using DGS for Wireless Applications
Nilima A.Bodhaye, Dr.P.L.Zade
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Noise Reduction and Echo Cancellation Using Threshold Filters in Hands Free Communication Systems
Ankita Shukla, Dr. Vineeta Saxena Nigam
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Stability Fault analysis in Sub-threshold SRAM using Wavelet
Ohileshwari, Anandthirtha B Gudi
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Smart Towing System
Tarun Yadav, Rahul Valder, Akash Shukla, Dr. Vaishali Jadhav
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Implementation of Dual Tree and Double Density Dual Tree
Complex Wavelet Transform In Verilog HDL
Richa Srivastava, Charu Patil, Ravi Mishra
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Nonlinear Control of SPWM Inverter Fed BLDC Motor Using
Robust H Controller
T.V. Subhashini, dr. K. Alice Mary, Dr. K. Ravindra, D. Triveni
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- New DNA Based Dynamical S-Box for Block Cipher
Chng Chern Wei, Sharifah Md. Yasin, Mohd. Taufik Abdullah, Nur Izura UDZIR
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Simmulation of Rough Rock Joints under Shear Stress
Helmy. H., Tawfek. M., Embaby. K.
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
The phase transformation and microstructure behavior of Ni-Ti shape memory alloy was investigated by scanning electronic microscope, X-ray diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry. The results showed that the microstructure of Ni-Ti binary alloy consists of the NiTi2 phase and the NiTi matrix phase. One-step phase transformation was observed alloy..Keyword: Shape memory alloy, microstructure, phase transformation ×
M.Dovchinvanchig, O.Amartuvshin, P.Enkhtsetseg, B.Bolormaa, Ya.Gangantogos, B.Munkhjargal "Microstructure and phase transformation of nearly equiatomic Ni-Ti binary shape memory alloy" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The aspect ratio of MOS (Metal oxide semiconductor) Transistors are scaling down, designer are able to put more circuit with various functionality on a single die. This made design and verification process complex. If we consider today's system on chip (SOC) design, it is impossible to check all possible combination of input on design. To verify complex design successfully various verification techniques are exists. Successful verification is very much required for design signoff. There are various verification techniques like functional verification, equivalence checking, model checking, code and functional coverage, Assertion based verification are employed in verification process. In this paper, the sub modules such as Counter, Subtractor, Multiplexer, Memory unit and a Multiplier is designed and verified. Using these sub modules the top module for audio echo effect unit is designed and verified with test benches (functional). The Assertion based verification is performed on the top module..Key words:Audio echo effect unit, Functional Verification, Assertion Based Verification, Verification Approaches.. ×
Sreevani Nanjuri N, Nagesh .K.N, Yaseen Basha "Functional and Assertion Based Verification of Audio Echo Effect Unit" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Preparation of Spinel-Li4Ti5O12 was successfully synthesized by a solid-state reaction method at 800℃, 900℃, and 1000℃. The microstructure and partical morphology behavior of Li4Ti5O12 anode material was investigated by Scanning electronic microscope, X-ray diffraction. The results showed that the microstructure of Li4Ti5O12 anode material of the brimmed microspheres. Heat-treated at 1000℃ most uniform structure.Key words:Lthium-ion batteries, Li4Ti5O12, Microstructure ×
M.Dovchinvanchig, D.Nyamdavaa, S.Nansalmaa,N.Baasanjargal,D.Bolormaa, P.Purevjargal, N.Baterdene, B.Erdenebat "Preparation and Microstructure of Li4Ti5O12 Anode Material for Lithium-Ion Batteries" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Rubber industry is one of the key sectors of the Indian economy. India is the fourth largest producer of natural rubber and the third largest consumer of the polymer. As far as consumption of natural and synthetic rubber together is concerned, the country occupies the fourth position. Although, rubber product manufacture started in India, in the year 1920.In this project work were to examine the efficiency of anaerobic digester process to treat the rubber industry wastewater and to production/generation of methane or bio-gas removal of total solids (TS) and B.O.D (biochemical oxygen demand) from this system. Biogas originates from bacteria in the process of biological breakdown of organic material under anaerobic conditions. Wastewater from rubber industry contains pH 8.5.therefore this wastewater pH must be adjusted 7.0-8.0. Digester was setup (the system consisted of one digester, add cow dung slurry of capacity 5 liters with adding and removing 1000mL of rubber industry wastewater) in a laboratory from first week.....Key words:Biogas, wastewater, anaerobic digester, BOD, total solids ×
Manjula S Shetkar, B.G.Mahendra "Treatment of Rubber Industry Wastewater Using Anaerobic Digester" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Almost all low rise buildings suffer with movement /distress as a result of moisture /water table variation in the soil, characteristic changes in existing soil around and below foundation due to flood/earthquake ultimately leading to differential settlement. The symptoms of foundation failure due to differential settlement in different parts of foundation is always evidenced by development of vertical cracks. However before the failure each foundation/building gives one or more of the indications such as wall rotation, separation around garage walls, cracked bricks/ sheet/ rocks / floors / foundations, displaced moldings, mis-aligned doors and windows. For the strengthening /modification of foundation obtaining information through observation of cracks, failure paten and measurement of the features/components is the unavoidable necessity to identify the failure mechanism, origin of the trouble/problem and role of ground conditions in context to failure of foundation partly or wholly. This paper deals with the novel........Key words:Strengthening techniques, cracks, failure pattern, differential settlement, water table. ×
Ajai Kumar Rai, Brajesh Mishra "Role and Review of Problem Diagnostic Techniques in Strengthening of Foundations: A Case Study of Southern Half of Gorakhpur City in U.P." Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In this paper, a multiband microstrip patch antenna using defected ground structure is presented. The proposed antenna is designed by applying FR-4 epoxy (Fire-Retardant-4)substrate. By inserting Defected ground structure in the proposed antenna the various parameter have been improved such as return loss, bandwidth, and gain.Design and simulation of this proposed antenna has been done by using HFSS (High frequency simulation software) . The application of this antenna is to make it compatible with bluetooth, Wi-max and WLAN etc.The proposed antenna has been fabricated and tested. And it has been found that there is a good agreement between the simulated and measured result..Key words:DGS, FR-4, Microstrip, Wi-max , wireless ×
Nilima A.Bodhaye, Dr.P.L.Zade "Design and Implementation of Multiband Microstrip Patch Array Antenna Using DGS for Wireless Applications" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Background noise, far-end acoustic echo, and room reverberation dramatically degrade the performance of many hands-free speech communication systems, in practical environments. For example, for automatic speech recognition system, noises result in the mismatch between the training and testing conditions, further degrading the performance of recognition system in real-world conditions. The threshold filtering can be executed with the help of mask windows of different sizes. For this, first we have to detect the noisy pixel, if the detected pixel is contaminated it can be identified by the homogeneity level of the local region around that pixel. Suppose the signal is corrupted by noise, which means the pixel value, is both 0 and 255 then we must calculate the threshold value and compare it with the neighbouring upper and lower pixels and find out which of them is homogeneous with the threshold value and replace the pixel with that value..............Key words:Echo Cancellation, Noise, Threshold Filter, Signal to Noise Ratio, Error, Commutation Time ×
Ankita Shukla, Dr. Vineeta Saxena Nigam "Noise Reduction and Echo Cancellation Using Threshold Filters in Hands Free Communication Systems" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Designing and testing robust SRAM memory for sub threshold systems is extremely challenging because of the reduced voltage margin and are highly sensitive to physical defects. Because of the unique architecture of sub-threshold cells, some of the detectable defects in case of conventional SRAM escape in sub-threshold SRAM cell. Therefore, stability fault analysis in sub-threshold SRAM cell is essential. In literature, various test methods have been demonstrated and all of them are based on voltage based test techniques. Voltage based test techniques may not be able to target all complete set of open defect faults; hence there is a need for parametric test method which supplement the existing test schemes. In this paper, transient current (IDDT) testing has been used as an alternative efficient testing method for both detection and localization of defective...........Key words:6T SRAM, 10T, Sub-threshold, IDDQ, IDDT, Stability Fault Analysis, Wavelet transforms ×
Ohileshwari, Anandthirtha B Gudi "Stability Fault analysis in Sub-threshold SRAM using Wavelet transform" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology is a very useful technology in automation. RFID along with Arduino can be used to monitor illegal parking of vehicles at specific places in city which is one of the most challenging issues in big cities. This paper proposes a system that will monitor illegal parking of vehicle and alert the owner via an email that will consist of fine amount and the due date of fine payment. The RFID tag on vehicle will act as transmitter and the Arduino along with RFID reader module will act as a receiver..Key words:RFID; Reader Module; Automation; Arduino; Parking ×
Tarun Yadav, Rahul Valder, Akash Shukla, Dr. Vaishali Jadhav "Smart Towing System" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Complex Wavelet Transform is additionally a substitute, complex valued extension to standard DWT. The underlying inspiration behind the implementation of Wavelet transform is to avail both magnitude and phase information. This paper presents an outline of implementation of Dual tree complex wavelet transform (DTCWT) and Double density Dual tree complex wavelet transform (DDDTCWT) executed in VLSI architecture also we are applying these transform techniques on image to exploit merits and demerits of these techniques so as to determine proper applications of both. The proposed architecture has been implemented using Lifting Scheme. This wavelet decomposition is implemented in Xilinx 13.2 version software using verilog HDLKey words:DDDTCWT, DTCWT, DWT, FPGA, HDL ×
Richa Srivastava, Charu Patil, Ravi Mishra "Implementation of Dual Tree and Double Density Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Transform In Verilog HDL" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Brushless DC motorsare enhancing an enticing alternative to DC due to their admirable controllability and high efficiency. These motors also have power saving advantages relative to the other types of motors. Various types of control strategies have been illustrated for variable speed AC drives. When those control strategies are applied to the proposed drive, there are certain drawbacks like uncertainty, sensitive to parametric variations etc. The linear control theory is applicable for linear models only. So in this paper nonlinear controller using feedback linearization technique is suggested to transform a nonlinear model into a linear one. Along with this in order to increase the degree of stability and robustness of the system,H∞controller is suggested. The BLDC motor is extensively simulated using MATLAB software for incremental/decremental changes in i) speed corresponding to different frequencies at a constant torque and ii) torque at a constant speed.Key words:Brushless DC Motor; Feedback Linearization Technique; Robust control. ×
T.V. Subhashini, dr. K. Alice Mary, Dr. K. Ravindra, D. Triveni "Nonlinear Control of SPWM Inverter Fed BLDC Motor Using Robust H Controller" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
DNA based technique has grown rapidly among researchers in introducing the latest network security algorithms, which can enhance the strength of the current cryptosystem. DNA-based techniques are able to provide a high degree of cryptography algorithm. This article discusses a new DNA based Dynamical S-Box for the symmetric keys block ciphers. The DNA based Dynamical S-Box is proposed using a polynomial calculation in producing an unknown DNA sequences of {A,C,G,T} in mapping the S-Box table in the form of metric [16x16]. The National Institute of Technology and Technology (NIST) 15 Test is used to verify the cipher for this DNA based Dynamical S-Box. However, S-Box testing criteria have been used to verify the crypto security vulnerabilities by the new DNA based Dynamical S-Box. The simulated end result shows that the proposed DNA based Dynamical S-Box can provide a good level of safety after the NIST Randomness Test shows the value is random.Key words:Block Cipher, AES, Biology Chemistry, DNA, S-Box, NIST ×
Chng Chern Wei, Sharifah Md. Yasin, Mohd. Taufik Abdullah, Nur Izura UDZIR "New DNA Based Dynamical S-Box for Block Cipher" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
A mass of jointed rock is usually treated as a discontinuum because it is often associated with a heterogeneous nature that comprises intact rock units separated by discontinuities, e.g. joints, faults and bedding planes. The characteristics of rock joints have major influences on the rock mass behavior and the consequent failure mechanism. The shear performance of the rock joints is vastly affected by the morphology of the joint surface, which stands for the joint surface roughness. Therefore, tilting tests are performed on artificial rock samples to investigate the influences of the surface roughness on the shear performance of rock joints. Moreover, a 3D numerical model, based on the Finite Element Method, is proposed in the present study. The results are compared with experimental results of tilting test and with previously published experimental reults of largescale direct shear test and published numerical results performed using Distinct Element Method. The numerical model is used then in a parametric study to illustrate the influence of the morphology of the joint surface on the shear strength.Key words:jointed rock, joint surface, morphology, roughness, shear strength. ×
Helmy. H., Tawfek. M., Embaby. K. "Simmulation of Rough Rock Joints under Shear Stress" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
- Modelling of Smart Auto-Recloser with Over Current Protection
Abdrabou Ashour
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Transient Dynamic Stress Analysis of Mixing Chamber Applied
For Chemical Industry
Snehal bhoknal, Prof. Dhiraj Deshmukh
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Analysis of Current Gradient Sensorless Method of Switched
Reluctance Motor
Jignesh A Makwana, Pramod Agarwal, Satya P Srivastava
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Variable Viscosity and Prandtl Number Effects on Natural
Convection Ethanol Boundary Layers about a Vertical Plate
Venkataseshaiah.B, A.T.Eswara
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Fractional vision of the fluid-particle interaction and its models
José Roberto Mercado Escalante, Pedro Antonio Guido-Aldana
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Patenting of Software Embarked Under the Optics of Brazilian
Washington Sales do Monte , Vitor Hugo da Silva Vaz, Alan Malacarne, Ricardo Fontes Macedo, Liaria Nunes da Silva, Camila Souza Vieira, Robelius De-Bortoli
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Effect of Different Cutting Tools in Turning Operation – A
Comparative Study to Ensure Green Performance
Suvayu Sarkar, Ankur Das
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Health Gamification Research – a bibliometric analysis
Ricardo Fontes Macedo, Maria Aline Moura Reis, Robelius De-Bortoli
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Development of A SCARA Robot with Extensible Arm
Nihat Akkus, Onur Ozer, Ismail Temiz
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Design and Implementation of Experimental Set-up for Property
Assessment of NiTiNol Shape Memory Actuator Springs
Maida Ascic, Nihat Akkus , Huseyin Yuce
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- A computational study on nonlinear curve-fitted equation for
estimating gasoline –engine exhausts emissions
Eng. Waleed K.Al Faraj
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles Finishing Of Atmospheric Pressure
Plasma Treated Polyester Fabric for Inkjet Printing
Asmaa.A Salem, Sherif .H Abdelsalam, Mansour.A El Sabagh, Nadia.A Alhanafy
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- A Brief Study on Cause and Effect of Environmental Pollution
Bidyut Prava Nayak, Anjali Sahu
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- A Brief Study on Renewable Energy Sources and its Impact on Climate
Bidyut Prava Nayak, Anjali Sahu,Swagatika Dash
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Re-reading Toni Morrison: A Reader-response Approach
Mousumi Das Pattnaik, J.P.Tripathy, Sweekruti Panda, Bratatee Mohapatra, Manish Panda
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- English Language Teaching (ELT) and Inclusion of Media Technology
Bikram Keshari Rout
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
In a Smart Grid, one of the important aspects of a smart distribution system is the integration of smart control and protection devices. An Auto-recloser is one of the important devices in the protection system protecting the OHL (Over Head Lines) which transmit power for long distances to the loads area from the distribution panels. It was necessary to find a new smart model for the Auto-recloser device to perform developments and test new techniques for improving the protection of the distribution systems in order to face and overcome the challenges of smart grids and distributed generation integration. This paper presents an improved model of a control circuit of auto recloser which is one of the most important equipment in smart grid. The modeled control circuit is synchronized with circuit breaker in such a way that after occurrence of fault, breaker recloses automatically without any human interference. Whenever transient fault occurs in the system at distribution level, auto recloser avoids outage for longer duration. However, if the fault is persistent then auto recloser isolates only affected part in the system....Keyword: Auto Recloser, Over Current Protection, Medium Voltage Distribution Network, Smart Grid ×
Abdrabou Ashour "Modelling of Smart Auto-Recloser with Over Current Protection" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Pressure vessels are the container used for storing and carrying fluid under pressure and are used for various purposes in chemical industry, nuclear reactor vessels, pneumatic reservoirs, processing fluid, etc. In chemical industry pressure vessel act as chamber where, mixing of reagent with the chemical take place at known pressure. The investigations of failures of these vessels are prime concerns for engineering, as due to high pressure and temperature of reagents and chemicals the deformation takes place in the chamber. This reduces the fatigue life of mixing chamber. Hence, this paper aims at transient dynamic stress analysis and evaluation of fatigue life of mixing chamber. The support conditions and design consideration for pressure vessels to avoid fatigue failure are analyzed.Key words:mixing chamber, Finite element Method, Fatigue Life, Saddle Support. ×
Snehal bhoknal, Prof. Dhiraj Deshmukh "Transient Dynamic Stress Analysis of Mixing Chamber Applied For Chemical Industry" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In the present work performance of current gradient sensorless method (CGSM) of switched reluctance motor is examined. Major issues of CGSM associated with design, implementation and performance are investigated. It covers detail analysis of current peak detection, rotor position estimation and commutation logic due to non linear inductance characteristics, effect of PWM frequency, use of low pass filter and phase-locked-loop (PLL). Suitability and limitation of the CGSM are discussed. Piece wise solutions are proposed with mathematical support for each problem. This paper explores untouched issues of the CGSM particularity for low frequency SRM driveKey words:CGSM, Sensorless, reluctance motor, switched reluctance motor, srm ×
Jignesh A Makwana, Pramod Agarwal, Satya P Srivastava "Analysis of Current Gradient Sensorless Method of Switched Reluctance Motor" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The aim of this paper is to study the effect of variable viscosity and Prandtl number on the steady, laminar flow (of ethanol) past a vertical porous flat plate. Both viscosity and Prandtl number have been assumed to vary as inverse linear function of temperature. An implicit finite difference method along with the quasilinearization technique has been employed to solve the coupled, parabolic partial differential equations governing the self-similar flow. It is found that variable viscosity and Prandtl number has a key role on the skin friction and heat transfer parameters as well as velocity and temperature fields. Further, it is observed that the effect of variable fluid properties plays a significant role in the control of laminar boundary layer. The present study confirms the fact that when the working fluid is sensitive to the temperature, the influence of variable viscosity and Prandtl number has to be taken into the account in order to visualize the skin friction and heat transfer rate, accurately..Key words:Skin friction, Heat transfer, Temperature-dependent Viscosity, Velocity, Temperature. MSC 2010 Codes – 76M20, 76N20, 76R10 ×
Venkataseshaiah.B, A.T.Eswara "Variable Viscosity and Prandtl Number Effects on Natural Convection Ethanol Boundary Layers about a Vertical Plate" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Our analysis is based on the interaction of small particles and fluid, under the fractional vision of Navier-Stokes equations. A proposal for a relationship between Feigenbaum constant and spatial occupation index, through the link with the diameter exponent of the particle considered is obtained. Power of particle size decreases from the value 2 for the linear viscous layer, move through inertial range, until reaching the inverse of Feigenbaum constant, in the developed turbulence regime. An arboreal fractal structure for laminar sublayer and inertial range is also proposed. Subsequently, a generalized Rubey model and a discrepancy number to evaluate models with respect to Stokes are formulated..Key words:Feigenbaum constant, fluid-particle interaction, Navier Stokes fractional equations, sedimentation, spatial occupation index ×
José Roberto Mercado Escalante, Pedro Antonio Guido-Aldana "Fractional vision of the fluid-particle interaction and its models" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Embedded Electronics Systems are types of systems that are present in the day to day in the most diverse equipment, developed to solve technical problems of repetitive form. The purpose of this case study is to present questions about the possibility of registration and patentability of an embedded software, developed for the automation system of a residence. The methodological course is characterized as a qualitative approach, a descriptive character, case study method, for which a fictitious case was used, documentary analysis was also used. For this purpose was analyzed Laws 9.279/98 on Industrial Property, 9.610/98 on Copyright, 9.609/98 on Software Registration and the Resolution Nº 158, dated 11/28/16. After the documents analyzed, it can be concluded that the computer program in embedded system format can follow different paths of protection, such as patent process (patent law) and registration as a computer program (direct author). This case can be used to raise a discourse to a better understanding about the patents of processes involving computer program..Key words:Patent process; Embedded system; Record. ×
Washington Sales do Monte, Vitor Hugo da Silva Vaz, Alan Malacarne, Ricardo Fontes Macedo, Liaria Nunes da Silva, Camila Souza Vieira, Robelius De-Bortoli "Patenting of Software Embarked Under the Optics of Brazilian Legislation" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Machining depends on various input parameters such as selection of various cutting tool, variation of speed, depth, feed, selection of cutting fluid etc. Ecological and Environmental aspects are being considered while doing this project. The purpose of this project is focussed on study of speed, surface roughness, cutting forces and power consumption on a centre lathe using single point cutting tool. The tools selected are Carbide and Ceramic. Various cutting fluid are also used such as vegetable oil, palm oil, soya oil etc. The aim of this project is to do a case study varying the various parameters and find the most eco friendly and least power consumed procedure which will benefit the Environment. Further, the selection of cutting tool will be done by the different Multi criteria decision making (MCDM) techniques which enhance the green performance of machine..Key words:Ecological, Environmental ,Carbide, Ceramic, MCDM ×
Suvayu Sarkar, Ankur Das "Effect of Different Cutting Tools in Turning Operation – A Comparative Study to Ensure Green Performance" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In the last five years, the researchers embarked on original research in Gamification for health, however the Gamification professionals and health researchers still do not know where the references of the area are. Therefore, this study aims to identify the evolution and characteristics of the original articles of Gamification for health published in the database Scopus. The search was made in the database Scopus with the keywords "(gamif *) AND (health *) OR (medical) OR (physical activity) OR (running) OR (diet) OR (rehabilitation) OR (mental)". The original publications of Gamification in health are focused in the areas of welfare (32%) and management (21%). The US has 24.7% of authors, including the 3 authors who were published more are from the USA (3 publications) and all were women, 58% of the first authors are of the female gender. Another result, the Computer Human Behavior presented 7 publications. Therefore, the original publications of Gamification are centered in countries that already dominates other areas of knowledge but compared to journals it is possible to identify which publishes more articles of Gamification..Key words:Bibliometric; Gamification; Health; Original research; Scopus ×
Ricardo Fontes Macedo, Maria Aline Moura Reis, Robelius De-Bortoli "Health Gamification Research – a bibliometric analysis" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
This study aims to develop robotic arm extension for SACARA type robots. Modeling and simulations have been done to understand the stress distribution on a robotic arm with extension to increase the accessibility of the robot. The mesh were generated by using commercially available SolidWorks software and static analysis of this program was utilized to conduct the numerical simulation module. The extension of the robot arm is designed in a modular joint construction so that the access distance can be increased or decreased according to need. The stress and displacement values of the robot arm and the effect of the fasteners when the access distance is increased are analyzed with Finite Element Methods. The necessary improvements were made according to the results obtained..Key words:Finite Element Analysis, moduler robot, robot access, SCARA ×
Nihat Akkus, Onur Ozer, Ismail Temiz "Development of A SCARA Robot with Extensible Arm" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
This study aims to design and implement an experimental set-up to make property assessment of NiTiNol Shape Memory Actuator Springs. Having the right material characteristics for Nickel Titanium based alloy, shortly named in industry as NiTiNol, is very important at determination of application areas and performing simulations with analytical and numerical models. An experimental set-up having load cell and sensitive displacement measurement device has been prepared to determine SMA basic characteristics. In addition to this experimental set-up, a control and power unit is used to reach at aimed control values. Measurement has been performed using a spring, which is made of NiTiNol material as shape memory alloy. SMA spring undergoes deformation with weight effect and it returns to original shape by heating with electrical current. The effect of the current data and different geometrical properties of springs used in experiment on the heating time, displacement. Properties such as wire diameter, spring diameter and number of turn of the spring have been obtained experimentally and numerically during heating and cooling processes..Key words:Shape Memory Alloy, SMA, Linear actuator, Nickel Titanium Alloy, NiTiNol, Spring Design ×
Maida Ascic, Nihat Akkus , Huseyin Yuce "Design and Implementation of Experimental Set-up for Property Assessment of NiTiNol Shape Memory Actuator Springs" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The control and reduction of emissions in automobile sources of pollution have been carried out for vehicles by several researchers. taking advantage of control devices, the levels of emissions of automobiles have been reduced substantially in the last twenty years. those indexes reached a reduction of 87% for new cars and 78% for used cars [2]. for example, in the united states, cars, trucks and off road vehicles are responsible for about 40—50% of HC or VOC emissions, 50 % of NOX emissions and.......Key words:..... ×
Eng. Waleed K.Al Faraj "A computational study on nonlinear curve-fitted equation for estimating gasoline –engine exhausts emissions" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In the present study the application of the atmospheric pressure plasma (APP) to the polyester fabric has been investigated in order to enhance the printing properties of inkjet printed fabric instead of the traditional pretreatment process. Also plasma increase the fixation of titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TiO2 NPs) inside the fiber.Different gases were investigated viz. oxygen (O2), air, argon (Ar), nitrogen (N2), O2/Ar, air/Ar, and N2/Ar, The effect of exposure time of plasma treatment at different discharge currents on the colour strength of treated polyester fabric printed with disperse ink was studied.Factors that affecting TiO2 NPs treatment have been studied viz. TiO2 conc., sodium alginate conc., sodium hypophosphite conc. (SHP), citric acid conc. Curing temperature and curing time. Different measurements to evaluate the treatment process have been investigated, i.e. color strength, UV protection, Anti-bleeding performance, self cleaning.....Key words:Titanuim dioxide nanoparticles, Atmospheric pressure plasma, polyester, inkjet, antibleeding. ×
Asmaa.A Salem, Sherif .H Abdelsalam, Mansour.A El Sabagh, Nadia.A Alhanafy "Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles Finishing Of Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Treated Polyester Fabric for Inkjet Printing" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The foremost vital and problematic reason of the surrounding degradation and thence international environmental is that the reality of degrading the connection between man and environment thanks to several reasons like speedy rate of destruction of natural resources, technological development and industrial growth. Because of the surplus of monoxide or fluorocarbon gas there's a hole made within the layer as a result the ultraviolet illumination rays area unit coming back towards the planet cause many sorts of skin issues . Because of the surplus production of various industrial wastes, soil pollution and pollution area unit increasing tons that successively cause completely different health issues and our surroundings is begrime day by day. The buildup of inexperienced house gases can cause important changes within the weather patterns within the close to future resulting in heating. The destruction of layer and also the more warming of the planet surface threaten harmful consequences like eruption of cancerous and tropical diseases, disruption of oceans organic phenomenon, rising of ocean levels, submersion of the many islands, melting of tiny land-based glaciers, flooding in several low lying coastal areas and harvest loss etc. These area unit making fearful signals to shield the surroundings else everybody at risk..Key words:Green technology, Environmental pollution, Renewable energy. ×
Bidyut Prava Nayak, Anjali Sahu "A Brief Study on Cause and Effect of Environmental Pollution" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The world is fast becoming a global village due to the increasing daily requirement of energy by all population across the world while the earth in its form cannot change. The need for energy and its related services to satisfy human social and economic development, welfare and health is increasing. Returning to renewables to help mitigate climate change is an excellent approach which needs to be sustainable in order to meet energy demand of future generations. The study reviewed the opportunities associated with renewable energy sources which includes: Energy Security, Energy Access, Social and Economic development, Climate Change Mitigation, and reduction of environmental and health impacts. Despite these opportunities, there are challenges that hinder the sustainability of renewable energy sources towards climate change mitigation. These challenges include Market failures.Key words:..... ×
Bidyut Prava Nayak, Anjali Sahu, Swagatika Dash "A Brief Study on Renewable Energy Sources and its Impact on Climate" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Toni Morrison, one of the most well-known American writers of the literary world, has been both appreciated and criticized from various viewpoints as most writers are. Her works are triumphs of language and imagination, and are considered mastered classics of modernism. Furthermore, her works are studied for their depiction of sensitive issues such as racism, slavery, sexuality, human drives, relationships, and mental trauma. However, fewer studies have analyzed her text from a reader-response perspective. Hence, this paper evaluates the plots, scenes, and themes of her texts using a reader-response approach. I will analyze three texts by Morrison using different arguments made by Iser. Further, I will study the dynamics of interpretation considering the aspects of race, class, and sex. Lastly, I will move toward the conclusion discussing Stanley Fish's concept of interpretive communities..Key words:Reader-response, Interaction between reader and text, Critical theory.. ×
Mousumi Das Pattnaik,J.P.Tripathy, Sweekruti Panda, Bratatee Mohapatra, Manish Panda "Re-reading Toni Morrison: A Reader-response Approach" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The most innovative endeavor the teachers of English have undertaken so far is to integrate media technology in ELT classroom, in order to improve learners' motivation, integrated language skills and self-learning environment.. The aim of this study is to statistically explore EFL learners' response towards media technology in general and its impact in improving accentual patterns of individual English words in particular. It also explores the impact of internet and teacher's role in improving learners' writing skill. Three statistical surveys were undertaken at JCC, King Abdul Aziz University, KSA and the result of using electronic devices was found marvelous andinteresting..Key words:media technology, power point presentation, chat forums, audio-visual presentation, , significant performance ×
Bikram Keshari Rout "English Language Teaching (ELT) and Inclusion of Media Technology" Vol. 8 - Issue 7 (July 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,