International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA)
Volume 8 - Issue 11
- A Methodical Study of Web Crawler
Vandana Shrivastava
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Development of Low Cost Batch Drier to Enhance Value Chain Cassava Chips Production
Isinkaye, O D, Omotayo, K F
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Structure and Facet Characterization of Platinum Nanoparticles
Loaded on Carbon Black Particles using HRTEM
Kun'ichi Miyazawa, Shuichi Shimomura, Masaru Yoshitake,Yumi Tanaka
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Assessment Of Land Use / Land Cover (LU/LC) Changes In
Kaddam Watershed
K. Ramya, P. Sridhar
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Design And Fabrication Of Mechanical Cutter For Agriculture
B. Satish Kumar, Dr. Smt. G. Prasanthi
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Discrete Extended Kalman Filter Based Ultrasonic Time-Of-
Flight Estimation
K.Anitha, M.Srinivasa Rao
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Determination Of Inverse Creep Of Infinite Hereditarily
Elastoplastic Plate With Hole After Instantaneous Removal Of
Internal Pressuremammadova M.A
Mammadovamehriban Ali Kizi
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- An Utilization Of Zeolite And Blast Furnace Slag For The Production
Of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete
Kadir Güçlüer, İsmail Demir
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Multifunctional Smart Energy System By Internet Of Things
Salava V Satyanarayana, P.V.Pranavi, P.Dheeraj Reddy
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- An Optimized Ring Based Clustering Protocol In Heterogeneous
Wireless Sensor Networks
Reddi Anjana, Sitharam M
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- SoftwareFor The Implementation Of Virtual Lab For Developing Experimental Skills In Courses Of General Chemistry
Molina_Padrón Vicente, Rodríguez_Rivero Yolanda
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Corpuscular-Wave Mechanism Of Structural Interaction In
G.А. Korablev
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Utilization of FACTS devices for improving the Operation of an
Electrical Power System
Sudhadhara Sarangi, Shasmita Ghadai
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Impact of Online Reviews on Consumers' Purchase Intentions An
analytical study
Soumitri Biswas, Sushree Sangita Samanta
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- A Study on Trends of Pricing Strategies in International
Tarakanta Sahu, Uttam Kumar Mahanta
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Ultrafast dynamics observation during fem to second lasermaterial
Nidhi Khobragade, Omkar Nanda Behera
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Self-limit in glaser crystallization and direct writing of 2
Sonali Rout, Pradosh Mahapatra
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- The 'skin effect' of subsurface damage distribution in
materials subjected to high-speed machining
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Parameteric Study of Face andShoulder Cylindrical Grinding
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Characterization of Coconut Shell Ash forPotential Utilization in
Metal Matrix Composites for Automotive Applications
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
World Wide Web (or simply web) is a massive, wealthy, preferable, effortlessly available and appropriate source of information and its users are increasing very swiftly now a day. To salvage information from web, search engines are used which access web pages as per the requirement of the users. The size of the web is very wide and contains structured, semi structured and unstructured data. Most of the data present in the web is unmanaged so it is not possible to access the whole web at once in a single attempt, so search engine use web crawler. Web crawler is a vital part of the search engine. It is a program that navigates the web and downloads the references of the web pages.Search engine runs several instances of the crawlers on wide spread servers to get diversified information from them. The web crawler crawls from one page to another in the World Wide Web, fetch the webpage, load the content of the page to search engine's database and index it. Index is a huge database of words and text that occur on different webpage. This paper presentsa systematic study of the web crawler. The study of web crawler is very important because properly designed web crawlers always yield well results most of the time.Keyword: database, search engine, Uniform Resource Locator, Web Crawler,web repository, website, world wide web ×
Vandana Shrivastava "A Methodical Study of Web Crawler " Vol. 8 - Issue 11 (Nov 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
A small size cassava chips batch dryer was designed, constructed and evaluated at the Department of Agricultural and Bio-Environmental Engineering of the Federal Polytechnic, Ado Ekiti. The system consists of the following components: frame, drying chamber, electric heater, blower, drying trays and controlling unit. The system works on a heating coil of 500watts as the source of heat and a circulation fan that runs at 60 watts. The compartment was holed up at a chimney to allow for escape of moist air. The cost is moderate and affordable..Keyword: Fabrication, Cassava-ships, Dryer, Drying, Moisture. ×
Isinkaye, O. D, Omotayo K. F. "Development Of Low Cost Batch Drier To Enhance Value Chain Cassava Chips Production " Vol. 8 - Issue 11 (Nov 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The atomic structure of platinum nanoparticles (Pt NPs) loaded on carbon black (CB) particles was investigated using high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM). The Pt NPs were inhomogeneously strained and approximated as monoclinic structures. No correlation was observed between the monoclinic lattice parameters and the size of Pt NPs. About 80 % of the Pt NPs were compressively strained, and about 20 % of the Pt NPs were expansively strained. Side-view HRTEM analyses of Pt NPs were performed for specimens milled by a focused ion beam apparatus (FIB). The (111), (100), and (110) facets of the Pt NPs were observed to be adhered to CB particles. The frequency of Pt NP-CB adhesion interfaces decreased in the order of (111), (100), and (110) facets. This order was consistent with the (111), (100), and (110) planar packing fractions of Pt, the observed frequencies of (111), (100), and (110) facets of Pt NPs, and the (111), (100), and (110) surface energies of Pt. Further, variation of (111) interplanar spacing of Pt NPs on CB particles was measured as a function of azimuth angle of the (111) planes, and no correlation was observed between the variation of (111) interplanar spacing and the azimuth angleKeyword: Fuel cell, HRTEM, platinum nanoparticle, structure, TEC10E50E ×
Kun'ichi Miyazawa,Shuichi Shimomura, Masaru Yoshitake,Yumi Tanaka "Structure and Facet Characterization of Platinum Nanoparticles Loaded on Carbon Black Particles using HRTEM " Vol. 8 - Issue 11 (Nov 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Assessment of Land use/land cover changes mapping is one of the important task for watershed planners and researchers. The changes in LULC map provide the information about anthropogenic activities over a period of time in the region. In this context, the paper is reveals that, using multi temporal satellite data sets used of years 1989, 2001 and 2009 (Thematic Mapper (TM) and Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM+)) and applied Normalized Differenced Vegetation Index (NDVI) and change detection method using software's to know the spatial and temporal distributions in the study area. The temporal results represented that increased and decreased trend of spatial patterns in water bodies, agricultural lands, fallow lands and barren lands. These studies are also helpful to researchers and planners, reasons behind the changes in land cover to land uses, assess hydrological parameters impacts on study area previously and present, assess climate changes impacts in the feature of the study are while using any hydrological models.Keyword: NDVI, Themtic Mapper, ERDAS, Change detection, ARCGIS ×
K. Ramya, P. Sridhar "Assessment Of Land Use / Land Cover (LU/LC) Changes In Kaddam Watershed " Vol. 8 - Issue 11 (Nov 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Agriculture is one of the oldest professions but the development and use of machinery has made the job title of farmer a rarity. Instead of every person having to work to provide food for themselves, smaller portion of our population today works in agriculture, the smaller portion provides considerably more food than the other can eat. The basic technology of agricultural machines has changed little in the last century with the coming of the Industrial Revolution and the development of more complicated machines. In this work it is proposed to design and fabricate the automatic mechanical cutter by using crank and slotted lever mechanism, for cutting agricultural products like sugarcane for cultivation and also used to cut wooden pieces of required size for boilers. The equipment makes the use of crank and slotted lever mechanism with one slider to couple with an electric motor..Keyword: Mechanical cutter; four bar mechanism; crank; slotted lever; Electric motor. ×
B. Satish Kumar, Dr. Smt. G. Prasanthi "Design And Fabrication Of Mechanical Cutter For Agriculture Purpose " Vol. 8 - Issue 11 (Nov 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In mobile robotics applications, the existence of noise measurement may impact on the performance degradation. The noise measurement of the sensor is produced due to several reasons, such as low specification, external signal disturbances and the complexity of the measured state. Therefore, it should be avoided to achieve the good control performance. One of the solution is by designing a signal filter. In this paper, a new digital signal-processing method for ultrasonic time-of-flight (TOF) estimation is presented. The method applies the discrete extended Kalman filter (DEKF) to the acquired ultrasonic signal in order to accurately estimate the shape factors of echo envelope as well as locate its onset. It is so possible to assure reduced bias and uncertainty also in critical TOF measurements, such as those involving low signal to noise ratio (SNR) as well as severe distortion of echo shape. A number of numerical tests are conducted on simulated signals with the aim of highlighting the good performance of the method when operating in critical conditions.Keyword: Ultrasonic Sensor, Mobile Robotics, Temperature Compensation, Discrete Extended Kalman Filter. ×
K.Anitha, M.Srinivasa Rao "Discrete Extended Kalman Filter Based Ultrasonic Time-Of- Flight Estimation " Vol. 8 - Issue 11 (Nov 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In this paper we define the stress, deformation, and displacement (including residual) components which have infinite hereditarily elastoplastic plate with circular hole after instantaneous removal of uniform pressure applied along the contour of the given hole under the general conditions that loading and instantaneous unloading processes are described by the Volterra type nonlinear relations of second kind..Keyword: elastoplasticity, inverse creep, deformation, stress, internal pressure ×
Mammadovamehriban Ali Kizi "Determination Of Inverse Creep Of Infinite Hereditarily Elastoplastic Plate With Hole After Instantaneous Removal Of Internal Pressuremammadova M.A " Vol. 8 - Issue 11 (Nov 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
This study aimed to use zeolite and blast furnace slag (BFS) as main raw materials in the production of autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC). AAC is a light building material obtained by bringing the material of silica sand, cement, gypsum, lime and pore-forming agent together and hardening it in autoclave. In this study, instead of silica sand, samples of AAC were produced using zeolite and BFS. Experimental measurements were carried out to determine the physical, mechanical and thermal properties of the AAC samples. The microstructural investigations were carried out using SEM and XRD technique. According to the obtained results, it has been found that the physical and mechanical properties of the series produced with BFS are better than zeolite. Thermal conductivity coefficients of 630 kg/m3 bulk density were determined as 0,127 W/mK in series produced with BFS. This value was found to be 0.139 W/mK at the bulk density of 550 kg/m3 in the series produced with zeolite..Keyword: AAC, zeolite, BFS, physical and mechanic properties, thermal properties ×
Kadir Güçlüer, İsmail Demir "Utilization Of Zeolite And Blast Furnace Slag For The Production Of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete " Vol. 8 - Issue 11 (Nov 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In present era, water scarcity occurs in agricultural sector. Therefore an automatic plant irrigation system has to be designed for the proper water supply in the fields. This project deals with an automatic plant irrigation system which automatically senses the moisture content by soil moisture sensor, Arduino Uno, motor driver and ESP8266 WI-FI connector. It is programmed to sense the moisture content and provide sufficient water to irrigation system. A weather monitoring system, which can provides us the information of the weather in our neighboring environment. It can provide us with details about the surrounding temperature, barometric pressure, humidity, etc. we can calculate other data parameters such as the dew point. The components used in this prototype is the ESP8266 based WI-FI connecter, Arduino Uno, DHT sensorsKeyword: -Water scarcity, Plant Irrigation system, Weather monitoring system, Dew point ×
Salava V Satyanarayana, P.V.Pranavi, K.Spandana, P.Dheeraj "Multifunctional Smart Energy System By Internet Of Things " Vol. 8 - Issue 11 (Nov 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
A heterogeneous ring domain communication topology with equivalent zone in each ring is introduced in this investigation with an end goal to take care of the energy balance problem in unique RPL(IPv6 Routing Protocol for Low Power and Lossy Networks The wireless sensor networks have pulled in much consideration in light of various candidates in different fields. In the wireless sensor networks, the sensor nodes are circulated haphazardly in supervision and control area. In these networks, the sensors utilize a restricted nourishing source that after its completing, organize lifetime closes as these sources are nonrenewable. With the end goal to utilize progressively and increment the lifetime of such system, scientists are continually searching for the techniques by which they can diminish the energy consumption. Obviously, information change and communications expend the most energy consumption of these networks. To build the system lifetime, we ought to deal with the energy expended at nodes by a few plans. Clustering is a proper technique to achieve this objective and additionally topology control administration in the wireless sensor networksKeyword: wireless sensor nodes, lifetime, clustering, routing algorithms, energy consumption ×
Reddi Anjana, Sitharam M "An Optimized Ring Based Clustering Protocol In Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks " Vol. 8 - Issue 11 (Nov 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
This paper describes how the use of a group of Virtual Labs favors the development of the experimental skills, contemplated within the General Chemistry Discipline Program; the software was designed and implemented by a group of undergraduate and graduate students, led by the authors. With them, different Laboratory Practices are simulated; in which, in an interactive way, the student practices what will later be done in the real laboratory. The interface looks like the interior of a real laboratory and it allows controlling the student's interaction with the different equipment and utensils, according to the objectives foreseen in each practice; Thus helping the student to review the operative technique. In addition, self-assessment is provided and instructions for independent study are included.Keyword: General Chemistry, skill development, teaching-learning, virtual laboratories ×
Molina_Padrón Vicente, Rodríguez_Rivero Yolanda "SoftwareFor The Implementation Of Virtual Lab For Developing Experimental Skills In Courses Of General Chemistry " Vol. 8 - Issue 11 (Nov 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
On the basis of the first law of thermodynamics, an analysis of the orientation of structural interactions was carried out. In the systems in which the interaction proceeds along the potential gradient (positive work), the resultant potential energy is found based on the principle of adding reciprocals of corresponding energies of subsystems - there is a corpuscular mechanism. In the systems in which the interactions proceed against the potential gradient (negative performance) the algebraic addition of their masses, as well as the corresponding energies of subsystems is performed - there is a wave mechanism. Act of quantum action expressed via Plank's constant is narrowed to the energy equilibrium-exchange redistribution between the corpuscular and wave processes........Keyword: potential gradient, corpuscular-wave dualism, Spatial-energy parameter, biosystems, stationary and pathological states. ×
G.А. Korablev "Corpuscular-Wave Mechanism Of Structural Interaction In Biosystems " Vol. 8 - Issue 11 (Nov 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Inthelasttwodecades,powerdemandhasincreasedsubstantiallywhiletheexpansionofpowergenerationandtransmissi onhasbeenseverelylimitedduetolimitedresourcesandenvironmentalrestrictions.Asaconsequence,some transmission lines are heavily loaded and thesystem stability becomes a power transfer-limitingfactor........Keyword: xxxxx ×
Sudhadhara Sarangi, Shasmita Ghadai "Utilization of FACTS devices for improving the Operation of an Electrical Power System " Vol. 8 - Issue 11 (Nov 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Itiscommonfordailyonlineshoppingplatformstousedifferentstatisticalformats(e.g.,frequencyvs.percentage, positive vs. negative frames) to present online reviews. We designed two studies to testwhether the recently proposed "love of large numbers" theory always exists and whether consumers havebiases in the processing of online review information.........Keyword: Onlinereviews,statisticalformat,reviewframe,reviewquantity,reviewvalence ×
Soumitri Biswas, Sushree Sangita Samanta "Impact of Online Reviews on Consumers' Purchase Intentions An analytical study " Vol. 8 - Issue 11 (Nov 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
As the pace of globalisation intensifies, it is becoming ever more imperative for firms to ensure that they respond effectively to the relevant customer needs and expectations in the markets they are involved in. In this regard, excellence in strategic planning and strategy implementation is of crucial importance to both transnational companies and global companies. This necessitates careful and ongoing, customer-focused, clarification and reinforcement regarding where the relevant organisations are going and why, along with how they will get to their intended future positions........Keyword: Pricing, Channel, Structures, Strategies, Marketing, Advertising, Global. ×
Tarakanta Sahu, Uttam Kumar Mahanta "A Study on Trends of Pricing Strategies in International Marketing " Vol. 8 - Issue 11 (Nov 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Femtosecondlasertechnologyhasattractedsignificantattentionfromtheviewpointsoffundamentalandapplication;esp eciallyfemtosecondlaserprocessingmaterialspresenttheuniquemechanismoflasermaterialinteraction.........Keyword: ultrafastdynamics,pumpprobeshadowgraphy, ultrafastcontinuousopticalimaging,4Dultrafastscanningelectronmicroscopy,femtosecondlase rmanufacturing ×
Nidhi Khobragade, Omkar Nanda Behera "Ultrafast dynamics observation during fem to second lasermaterial interaction " Vol. 8 - Issue 11 (Nov 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Direct growth and patterning of atomically thin two-dimensional (2D) materials on varioussubstrates are essential steps towards enabling their potential for use in the next generation ofelectronicandoptoelectronicdevices.Theconventionalgas-phasegrowthtechniques,however, are not compatible with direct patterning processes.........Keyword: 2Dmaterials,directlaserwriting,lasercrystallization. ×
Sonali Rout, Pradosh Mahapatra "Self-limit in glaser crystallization and direct writing of 2 Dmaterials " Vol. 8 - Issue 11 (Nov 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
This paper proposes the 'skin effect' of the machining-induced damage at high strain rates. The paper first reviews the published research work on machining-induced damage and then identifies the governing factors that dominate damage formation mechanisms. Among many influential factors, such as stress–strain field, temperature field, material responses to loading and loading rate, and crack initiation and propagation, strain rate is recognized as a dominant factor........Keyword: skin effect, strain rate, dislocation, embrittlement, damage. ×
xxxxxxx "The 'skin effect' of subsurface damage distribution in materials subjected to high-speed machining " Vol. 8 - Issue 11 (Nov 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Grinding is a machining operation that improves the work-piece's surface quality and dimensional precision. Depth of cut, work-piece traverse speed, grinding wheel grain size, number of passes, material removal rate, material hardness, and grinding wheelrotational speed are among the process characteristics that affect the cylindrical grinding operation. Because increasing bothperipheralworkpiecespeedandworkpiecefeedhasanegativeinfluenceonsurfaceroughness, whilehighmaterialremovalcausesareductioninsurfaceroughn ess,hence,peripheralworkpiecespeedandworkpiecefeedareconsideredascrucialparameters. Oneofthemostpopularmachiningmethodsusedinfinishingoperationsis cylindricalgrindingprocess.Intermsofquantityandquality,themetalremovalrateand surfacefinishare themostcriticaloutputresponsesinthemanufacturingprocess. The fundamental goal of this research.......Keyword: xxxxx. ×
DILIP KUMAR BAGAL, TRINATH BALIARSINGH "Parameteric Study of Face andShoulder Cylindrical Grinding Process " Vol. 8 - Issue 11 (Nov 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Coconut shell ash is agricultural waste. The waste is produced in abundance globallyandposesrisktohealthaswellasenvironment.Thustheireffective,conduciveandecofriendlyutilizationhasalwaysbeenachallenge for scientific applications.This paper mainly deals with identification of characteristics of coconutshellashusingspectroscopicandmicroscopicanalysis......Keyword: Density;microstructure;particlesize;refractoriness ×
JYOTI PRAKASH PANDA, RAMAKANTA SAHOO "Characterization of Coconut Shell Ash forPotential Utilization in Metal Matrix Composites for Automotive Applications " Vol. 8 - Issue 11 (Nov 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
- Escalating The Durability Of Concrete Structures Using
Engineered Cementitious Composites
Srinivasa. C. H., Dr. Venkatesh
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Effects Of Human Error On Marine Safety: Case Study
Nayef F.S.H Al-Shammari, Jin-Seok Oh
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Maintenance 4.0 to fulfil the demands of Industry 4.0 and Factory oftheFuture
Basim Al-Najjar, Hatem Algabroun, Mikael Jonsson
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Concept Of Self-Driven Ambulance Synchronized With Live
GPS Feed For Faster And Safe Transport Of Patients
Varun Gowda S, Sameer Shah, Balakumar Gardampaali
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Design Your Destiny
Prof. Krupa Mehta
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Three-Phase Grid Connected Solar System With Svm Algorithm
Khac Lai Lai, Thi Thanh Thao Tran
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Design And Analysis Of Edrive Truck
Siddharth Mahajan, Dr Prof. Zheng Li
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Feature Extraction And Classification Of Eeg Signals Using
Neural Network
Choppalli Sruthi, prof. P.Mallikarjuna Rao
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Using Differential Transform Method To Solve Non-Linear
Partial Differential Equations
Ahmad M. D. Al-Eybani
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Theoritical Investigaion Of Convection Heat Transfer In Vertical Tubes
Ramesh Chandra Nayak, Ashish Kumar Patra, Sharmistha Jenaa
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
Concrete can be damaged by various stimuli, responsible for its deterioration. Intrinsic factors like construction deficiency and design deficiency may have adverse effects on concrete strength and durability. On the other hand extrinsic factors like Chloride attack and Sulfate attack and their effect on concrete structures can be minimized by the use of Engineered Cementitious Composites (ECC). The concrete distress can be minimized by using Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) Fiber Reinforced Concrete. This paper imparts the knowledge about the various causes and stages of concrete distress, depicts the tensile behaviour of ECC with tight crack widths and durability properties of ECC such as Rapid Chloride Penetration Test and Permeability Test for 2% PVA fiber by Volume of Concrete..Keyword: ..... ×
Srinivasa. C. H., Dr. Venkatesh "Escalating The Durability Of Concrete Structures Using Engineered Cementitious Composites " Vol. 8 - Issue 11 (Nov 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The maritime shipping industry is considered as one of the huge and high-risk industries. There is a big concern toward reducing the associate risk of this industry and improving the maritime safety. There are many parameters contributing into improving maritime safety and reducing the risks of accidents. The majority of these parameters are concerned with improving the design of ship's hull and systems; utilizing advanced technologically equipment and machineries; and implementing legislations to ensure safe ship operation. Human is one of these parameters, which can be considered as the pivot parameter of maritime safety. It is the only life parameter, which interact and control the majority of other parameters. Therefore, ship safety is highly affected by human actions and.........Keyword: Human Error, Maritime Safety, Ship Accidents. ×
Jin-Seok Oh, Nayef F.S.H Al-Shammari "Effects Of Human Error On Marine Safety: Case Study " Vol. 8 - Issue 11 (Nov 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In today‟s high market competition, industries attempt adapt new technologies retain their market share. With technology advancement in factories, maintenance methods are developed to suit the new manufacturers‟ demands. Now, with the Industry 4.0, new maintenance techniques have to be developed to fulfill the new demands which we refer to as Maintenance 4.0. Each currently used maintenance technique has its own advantages and disadvantages. Until now it is unclear if these techniques are suitable for Industry 4.0. This study shows how to identify the maintenance technique that is the most suitable to be further developed for Industry 4.0. In this paper, the tasks and features of Maintenance 4.0 are identified, and the suitability of the most popular maintenance techniques......Keyword: Maintenance 4.0, maintenance for Industry 4.0, maintenance for smart factories, maintenance techniques comparisons ×
Basim Al-Najjar, Hatem Algabroun, Mikael Jonsson "Maintenance 4.0 to fulfil the demands of Industry 4.0 and Factory oftheFuture " Vol. 8 - Issue 11 (Nov 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Whenever there is an emergency and patients are needed to be transported by means of ambulance to the hospitals, there always a delay observed in this process. This delay can be either extra time taken to find the patient's home; or time lost when ambulance is stuck in traffic or due to some other unavoidable reasons. This often complicates the health of the patient or sometimes results in death. To solve this problem, a self-driving ambulance equipped with on-board position, proximity and other sensors to allow easy travel in traffic. Its propulsion will be controlled by an ECU which is in turn controlled by a central Microprocessor which is connected to GPS. The vehicle is fed with pick-up point and final destination i.e. hospital. This allows us to set the shortest route for travel via GPS. Based on the real time feed, the vehicle keeps a track of alternative routes and predicts further traffic congestion on its route. This allows vehicle to make decision to take a better alternative route and save time. The ambulance........Keyword: Self-Driven, Microcontroller, Safety ×
Varun Gowda S, Sameer Shah, Balakumar Gardampaali "Concept Of Self-Driven Ambulance Synchronized With Live GPS Feed For Faster And Safe Transport Of Patients " Vol. 8 - Issue 11 (Nov 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Design thinking is generally defined as an analytic and creative process that engages a person in opportunities to experiment, create and prototype models, gather feedback, and redesign. Several characteristics (e.g., visualization, creativity) that a good design thinker should possess have been identified from the literature. The primary purpose of this article is to summarize and synthesize the research on design thinking to (a) better understand its characteristics and processes, as well as the differences between novice and expert design thinkers, and (b) apply the findings from the literature regarding the application of design thinking to our educational system. This Research Article overarching goal is to identify the features and characteristics of design thinking and discuss its importance in promoting students‟ problem-solving skills in the 21st century.Keyword: Entrepreneurship, Design Thinking, Design Process, Destiny, Immerse, Empathize, Ideate, Prototype, Validate. ×
prof. Krupa Mehta "Design Your Destiny " Vol. 8 - Issue 11 (Nov 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Solar and wind power are renewable energy sources that are considered as reliable alternatives for the conventional energy sources such as coal, oil, and natural gas. However, improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the renewable energy system is continuously growing up. The power electronic structures and control of them in photovoltaic (PV) grid connected are important parts of energy conversion and transmission. They need to be improved and perfected to satisfy the requirements of grid connection and performance enhancement. This paper presents the modeling of major electronic parts of the three-phase grid connected solar power system using the vector space modulation (SVM) method for inverter and incremental conductance algorithm (INC) to detect and maintain the optimal working point of PV. Controlling the active power and reactive power is implemented by SVM solution. The modeling and simulation results obtained by employing Matlab/Simulink show the effectiveness of proposed control method and satisfy the dynamics of the three-phase grid connected solar power systemKeyword: photovoltaic,vector space modulation, power electronic transformation, three-phase inverter, threephase power grid ×
Khac Lai Lai, Thi Thanh Thao Tran "Three-Phase Grid Connected Solar System With Svm Algorithm " Vol. 8 - Issue 11 (Nov 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The main aim of this project is to design and develop electro-mechanical truck driving system having hydraulic piston cylinder suspension. The model has been designed on the measurement data of actual dump truck. It can be used as for any type of truck and whole system is design to achieve proper turning on the sharp corner of the roads and making it electrical as more economic. SolidWorks (CAD software) is used for appropriate design and development and ANSYS FEA for simulation of the design. The work described in this paper is based on the elimination on the cost of truck and increasing the turning efficiency by replacing the whole driving system of the vehicle with separate motor of each wheel..Keyword: eDrive truck, hydraulic suspension, induction motor, Finite element analysis, gear pump. ×
Siddharth Mahajan, Dr Prof. Zheng Li "Design And Analysis Of Edrive Truck " Vol. 8 - Issue 11 (Nov 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The use of Electroencephalogram (EEG) or "brain waves" for human-computer interaction is a new and challenging field that has gained momentum in the past few years. In this work different finite impulse response filter (FIR) windowing techniques (Rectangular, Hamming, Hanning, Blackman, Kaiser β= 5,8,12) are used to extract EEG signal to its basic components (Delta wave, Theta wave, Alpha wave, Gamma and Beta wave).The comparison between these windowing methods are done by computing the Fourier transform, power spectrum, SNR values. The features.......Keyword: Electroencephalography (EEG), Finite Impulse Response, Windowing Methods, SignalFiltering, Neural Networks ×
choppalli Sruthi, prof. P.Mallikarjuna Rao "Feature Extraction And Classification Of Eeg Signals Using Neural Network " Vol. 8 - Issue 11 (Nov 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Following the early application in electrical circuits, differential transform method for solving non-linear partial differential equations is gaining recognition based on the effectiveness of the solutions. This study shows the mathematical derivation of the technique and provides evidence for the effectiveness of the approach with two examples.Keyword: ..... ×
Ahmad M. D. Al-Eybani "Using Differential Transform Method To Solve Non-Linear Partial Differential Equations " Vol. 8 - Issue 11 (Nov 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
An theoretical investigation of natural convection heat transfer in heated vertical ducts dissipating heat from the internal surface is presented. The ducts are open-ended and circular in cross section. The test section is electrically heated imposing the circumferentially and axially constant wall heat flux. Heat transfer experiment is carried out for four different channels of 45mm. internal diameter and 3.8mm thickness with length varying from 450mm to 850mm. Ratios of length to diameter of the channel are taken as L/D = 10, 12.22, 15.56, and 18.89. Wall heat fluxes are maintained at q// = 250 to 3341 W/m2. The studies are also carried out on intensified channels of the same geometrical............Keyword: Heat flux, heat transfer, natural convection, ring spacing, ring thickness ×
Ramesh Chandra Nayak, Ashish Kumar Patra, Sharmistha Jenaa "Theoritical Investigaion Of Convection Heat Transfer In Vertical Tubes " Vol. 8 - Issue 11 (Nov 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
- Importance Of Energy In The Advance Technology
Ibrahim Hamza
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Housing Management Of Cattle And Buffalo
Kulkarni Sandeep
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Use Of Human Ergonomics In Power Harnessing
Anirudhdha C, Dharmambal V, Dr. Nisha Kcr, Ramesh Nayak B, Ganesh M S, Siddarth S Metri
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Remote Controlled Solar Home Lighting System For Senior
Nagaraj Hediyal, C.V. Mohan
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Successive Blind Interference Alignment Using Reconfigurable
Hadiya R. Gorte, Prof Veerbhadra S. Bale
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Drought Vulnerability Detection And Mapping In Thrissur
District, A Part Of Southern Western Ghats, India- Using
Subin K. Jose, Dhanya .K.N
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Iot Based Raspberry Pi Home Automation System Using Amazon
Jaishree H. Achegave, Prof Sharda. S. Killarikar
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Performance Analysis Of An Improved Aodv Routing Protocol In
Wireless Body Networks
Simhadri Lokesh, B jogeshwara Rao
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Performance And Emission Analysis Of Single Cylinder CI
Engine With Using Crude Rice Bran Biodiesel
Mr.Sagara Salunkhe, Profdr..M.K.Chopra
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Design and Implementation of IoT Supported Gas Detector
System for Domestic Usage
Semih Erten, Nihat Akkuş
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
10. 9790/9622-0811035362
- Optimization of Minimum Quantity Lubricant (MQL)
Conditions in Milling of mild Steel
Suresh Babu Valeru, P.Nageswara Rao, K.N.S Suman
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Paramount Automotive Rear-End Collision LIDAR Warning
Abrahim Elsayed, Lubna Alazzawi
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- Corporate Social Responsibility & Corporate Sustainability in special reference to India
Mr.Nihar Ranjan Swain, Mr.Deepi Ranjansahu
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
- An examination of 3D reconstruction methods and their uses in
civil engineering
Prashant Kuri
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
The advances in technology enabled the improvements in every facet of human life and activity since the beginning. The progress of technological development, from the use of fire during the Neolithic period increased food security, the invention of the wheel improved traveling and provided a basic control of their environment, to the creation of telephone and internet which lessened the barriers to communication and allowed humans to interact even on the global scale, largely improved how humans interact with each other and......Keyword: ........ ×
Ibrahim Hamza "Importance Of Energy In The Advance Technology " Vol. 8 - Issue 11 (Nov 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In India, a great diversity exists in the design of dairy animal shelters. Traditional animal shelters have grown out of needs, resources and ingenuity of farmers. Building design and construction materials largely affect the thermal comfort inside dairy shelters. Efficiently designed sheds can help lesser the thermal stress thereby increasing feed intake, milk production and reproductive efficiency. Under varied climatic, geographical and economical conditions prevailing in India, designing an ideal set of building for dairy animals throughout the country is impossible........Keyword: ...... ×
Kulkarni Sandeep "Housing Management Of Cattle And Buffalo " Vol. 8 - Issue 11 (Nov 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
This paper emphasizes the use of human ergonomics to harness the energy from energy generators such as piezoelectric films placed in chairs and desks where humans would apply certain amount of pressure while carrying out their work. The pressure applied on the film will help in generating a signal of very low magnitude and these signals are further processed to run various applications. The placement of the piezo films plays a vital role and is therefore thoroughly analyzed with respect to ergonomics.Keyword: Anisotropic, Energy harvesting, Ergonomics, Harnessing, Level shifter, Piezo electric film ×
Anirudhdha C, Dharmambal V, Dr. Nisha Kcr, Ramesh Nayak B, Ganesh M S, Siddarth S Metri "Use Of Human Ergonomics In Power Harnessing " Vol. 8 - Issue 11 (Nov 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Renewable energy systems are inevitable due to their advantages over non-renewable energy systems. Solar renewable energy systems consist of very few sub-systems and hence more attractive. It has been observed that the many senior citizens are keener in these systems due to their simple operation, easy maintenance and clean energy. The advanced microcontrollers, wireless technologies make these systems more versatile in terms of control and operation. The infrared (IR) technology is the basic technology used to operate many electrical and electronic systems wirelessly. The paper presents the solar powered, remote controlled home lighting system for senior and differently abled citizen. The papers deal with the design and development of a complete wireless home lighting system..Keyword: Renewable energy, Solar, IR, Irradiation, Electrical, Citizen. ×
Nagaraj Hediyal, C.V. Mohan. "Remote Controlled Solar Home Lighting System For Senior Citizen. " Vol. 8 - Issue 11 (Nov 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Interference alignment is new interference mitigation technique. In latest studies many experiments evolutions are proved only for interference alignment. But very less have given attention to the blind interference alignment. Interference alignment and other reduction technique require channel state information at the transmitter (CSIT). But blind interference alignment dost not require channel state information. The main concept is that the transmitter uses the knowledge of channel coherence intervals & receiver utilizes reconfigurable antennas. In this work we present a novel experimental evolution of reconfigurable antenna system for achieving blind IA. We present a Blind IA technique based on reconfigurable antennas for two user MISO-BC implemented on a software defined radio platform where each of RX is equipped with a reconfigurable antenna. We will compare BIA with TDMA, and evaluate SNR, BER and AEVMS.Keyword: interference alignment, reconfigurable antenna, coherence intervals, CSIT. ×
Hadiya R. Gorte, Associate Prof Veerbhadra S. Bale "Successive Blind Interference Alignment Using Reconfigurable Antenna " Vol. 8 - Issue 11 (Nov 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Drought is an insidious phenomenon. Unlike rapid onset disasters, it tightens its grip over time, gradually destroying an area. In most cases, drought can last for many years .The impacts of drought vary from lack of adequate drinking water, loss of vegetation, loss of farmland, loss of livestock and loss of life due to famine or dehydration. Drought can be divided into four categories of meteorological, hydrological, agricultural and socioeconomic. In this study the vulnerability of drought in Thrissur district is investigated by providing vulnerability maps which demonstrates spatial characteristics of drought vulnerability. Thrissur is also called as "cultural capital of Kerala", south......Keyword: Drought, Geographic Information System, Remote Sensing, Vulnerability Maps ×
Subin K. Jose, Dhanya .K.N "Drought Vulnerability Detection And Mapping In Thrissur District, A Part Of Southern Western Ghats, India- Using Geoinformatics " Vol. 8 - Issue 11 (Nov 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
This project presents the design of the low cost home automation system using the IoT(Internet of Things) technology along with the feature of Amazon Dot. The Internet Of Things (IoT) is the most trending technology today alongside the wearable's and robotics. Devices in your home (or wherever they are) have the capability to communicate with each other via the internet wirelessly. This technology usually uses sensors to pass data to the internet. In this paper, we focus on making non-smart homes smart and how to build a robust, cost-effective system that can be widely used. We power our system using Amazon Dot, Amazon's cloud services its speech services for recognizing user request. The computing module used is a Raspberry Pi3 model B acts as the brain of this system, processing the user requests, responding to the requests. A Raspberry Pi 3 is used as the hardware component......Keyword: Home Automation, Raspberry Pi 3, Amazon Echo( Alexa) ,Internet of Things (IoT). ×
Jaishree H. Achegave, Associate Prof Sharda. S. Killarikar "Iot Based Raspberry Pi Home Automation System Using Amazon Dot " Vol. 8 - Issue 11 (Nov 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Over the past few years, there is an exponential growth in the wireless body area network (WBAN) for mobile patient monitoring system in areas of information processing and data transmission. WBAN provides low cost, wireless Body network technology that creates a system to monitor the patient remotely using an Internet or intranet, and it could be seen as a special-purpose wireless Body node network that provides the health monitoring to anyone, anytime and anywhere. As the position and speed of the remote mobile patient are continuously changing, that creates unpredictable topology and link instability. Therefore, routing is a very important task in WBAN. It is Difficult to select the suitable algorithm for desired network in the form data efficiency, end- to-end delay and the......Keyword: WBAN, CSN, Network Architecture, Implementation Challenges, Data analysis, AODV ×
Simhadri Lokesh, B jogeshwara Rao "Performance Analysis Of An Improved Aodv Routing Protocol In Wireless Body Networks " Vol. 8 - Issue 11 (Nov 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
The consumption of fuels in the world is increasing rapidly and it affects the global economyof all the countries so this factor forced all the countries to find the alternative fuel to reduceand even replace the usage of petroleum fuel. Thus use of biodiesel from non-edible oil sources serves asan alternative fuel to overcome this problem. The present study focuses on impact assessment of rice bran andcrude rice bran biodiesel and its blends with diesel on diesel engine performance and testing. The experimentalanalysis provides in study detail of the biodiesel production process, fuelproperties evaluation and impact on engine performance testing. The study also investigates the optimization of theCompression ratio (CR) of a compression ignition engine fueled with blends of biodiesel. In orderto find..........Keyword: -Biodiesel; Transesterification; Crude rice bran oil; Rice bran oil; Diesel Engine ×
Mr.Sagara Salunkhe, Profdr..M.K.Chopra "Performance And Emission Analysis Of Single Cylinder CI Engine With Using Crude Rice Bran Biodiesel " Vol. 8 - Issue 11 (Nov 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
In this study, if any of the concentrations of CO in house, cigarette and fire smoke, CNG (methane) and natural gas odor, temperature and humidity reaches to the threshold value, we send our signal to our smart home automation systems we designed to adjust the air condition, aspirator and ventilation equipments automatically for healthy living in the home. The Arduino Mega 2560 controller card, MQ-2, MQ-4, MQ-9, DHT11 and DS18B20 sensors were used in the study. Furthermore, the use of the Arduino card ensures that the system is open to be developed and can be upgraded according to the target of usage..Keyword: -Gas Detector, Smoke detection, IoT, Arduino, open source ×
Semih Erten, Nihat Akkuş "Design and Implementation of IoT Supported Gas Detector System for Domestic Usage " Vol. 8 - Issue 11 (Nov 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) has been well established as an alternative to flood coolant processing. The optimization of MQL conditions is reducing the machining cost and improving the performance. In this study, the Taguchi method was applied to find the optimal values of MQL condition in the milling of mild steel with consideration of surface roughness and generated temperatures during machining. The L9 orthogonal array, the signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio was employed to analyze the effect of the performance characteristics of MQL parameters (i.e., cutting fluid, flow rate , and nozzle distance from at starting of machining zone) on good surface finish and reducing temperature. From the results, it is observed that lubricant played a major role to minimization of generated temperature and surface roughness followed by nozzle distance from machining..Keyword: ...... ×
Suresh Babu Valeru, P.Nageswara Rao, K.N.S Suman "Optimization of Minimum Quantity Lubricant (MQL) Conditions in Milling of mild Steel " Vol. 8 - Issue 11 (Nov 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
There have been several advancements in the automotive industry in the area of advanced driver assistance systems where radar and mono-cameras have been used to increase driver safety and driver awareness through feedback resulting from gathered data of vehicle surroundings. Rear-end accidents are the most common type of vehicle-to-vehicle accident and if advanced warning systems that alert the driver of a danger approaching from the rear were in place, there would be a great reduction in loss of life and reduction in damage costs. LiDAR technology is the most feasible way to implement rear-end warning alert systems due to its accuracy in obtaining measurements and resistance to noise from adverse weather conditions and other environmental factors. This paper presents a high-performance.......Keyword: ADAS, LiDAR, RADAR, Driver Safety, Rear-End Warning Collision ×
Abrahim Elsayed, Lubna Alazzawi "Paramount Automotive Rear-End Collision LIDAR Warning System " Vol. 8 - Issue 11 (Nov 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
Corporatesocialresponsibilityistheheartofbusinesspracticesintoday'sera.Itcanbedefinedas"Thepersistingcommitmentby businesstobehave ethicallyandachieveitsdevelopmentbyimproving the standard of life of its labourforce and their families as well as of the local community and society atlarge". Weall have responsibilities towards society, community and country. Same forms thevery base of corporate responsibility.Itisavoluntary actof thecompanies.Itcanbe saidthatmainaimofa businessorganizationis tokeeppeoplehappy i.e.the Society.If this end is not achieved, it cannot survive for long.Today it is being exercise datboth national and international level asmerits of providing CSR programmesis being realize datlarge. Intoday'scon text, concept of Corporate social responsibility has been widened from merea profit making formulato economic and social.....Keyword: Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Sustainability, Sustainable Development, ×
Mr.Nihar Ranjan Swain, Mr.Deepi Ranjansahu "Corporate Social Responsibility & Corporate Sustainability in special reference to India " Vol. 8 - Issue 11 (Nov 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,
More frequently than not, three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction techniques—of which point cloud models constitute the foundation—have been utilized to create 3D representations of things in civil engineering as mesh models, point cloud models, and geometric models. To make clear the current state of the application and research One of the methods used in civil engineering is literature retrieval, which is carried out by utilizing the world's largest literature databases. The outcome is summed up by examining the abstracts or, if necessary, the complete publications Keyword: 3D reconstruction techniques Civil engineering Point clouds Achievements Challenges ×Prashant Kuri "An examination of 3D reconstruction methods and their uses in civil engineering " Vol. 8 - Issue 11 (Nov 2018), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 ,