Volume 7 - Issue 11

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International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA)

Volume 7 - Issue 11

  • On the Cubic Equation with Four Unknowns x3 + y3 = 24zw2
    Dr.R.Anbuselvi, K.S.Araththi
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0711010106      logo
  • Abstract:

    The cubic equation 3 3 2 x  y  24zw is analyzed for its non – zero distinct integer solutions. Three different patterns of non-zero distinct integer solutions to the equation under consideration are obtained. A few interesting relation between the solutions and special numbers are exhibited
    Keyword: Integral solutions, nasty number, Ternary Cubic


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    Dr.R.Anbuselvi, K.S.Araththi "On the Cubic Equation with Four Unknowns x3 + y3 = 24zw2" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Aspect of Cantilever Deflection of Bridge Deck Due to Material Nonlinearity
    M.Vinayagamoorthy, T.Shanthi
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0711010713     logo
  • Abstract:

    When a structure is analysed for linear elastic behavior, the analysis is carried out on the premise that a proportional relationship exists between loads and displacements. This assumes a linear material stress-strain relationship and small geometric displacements. The assumption of linear behavior is effective in most of the structures. However, nonlinear analysis is necessary when stresses are excessive, or large displacements exist in the structure. Nonlinear analysis can be classified into three categories. The material nonlinear behavior are encountered when relatively big loadings are applied to a structure thereby resulting in high stresses in the range of nonlinear stress-strain relationship.
    Key words: Linear, Nonlinear, Cantilever, material.


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    M.Vinayagamoorthy, T.Shanthi "Aspect of Cantilever Deflection of Bridge Deck Due to Material Nonlinearity" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Efficient Operation of On-farm Reservoir for Crops Requiring Five Numbers of Irrigation
    Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Gupta
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0711011419     logo
  • Abstract:

    The world water day is an occasion to reflect on the great importance of water for the existence of humanity. Without water, there is no life. Therefore, there is no greater challenge facing humankind than the challenge of harnessing and using water wisely and efficiently especially in agriculture sector, which uses major quantity of fresh water and also wastes considerable amount of water due to use of less efficient techniques of irrigation. The present study deals with improvement in water irrigation efficiency of crops requiring Five numbers of irrigations with the use and efficient operation of on-farm reservoir (OFR). The study suggests that out of different manners of use of OFR, there is one particular manner, which yields maximum water irrigation efficiency.
    Keywords: On-farm reservoir, Irrigation efficiency, Operation of OFR and Efficient path.


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    Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Gupta "Efficient Operation of On-farm Reservoir for Crops Requiring Five Numbers of Irrigation" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Performance Photovoltaic for Various Slope (Laboratory Scale)
    Syamsuri, Matt syaiin, Sukarnen, Yustia wulandari, Niko gesturi antoro
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
       10.9790/9622-0711012025      logo
  • Abstract:

    The purpose of this research is to observe the performance of photovoltaic and observe the current and maximum temperature of photovoltaic. While the other purpose is to calculate the power and the efficiency that produced by photovoltaic with PV slope angle variation of 30°, 35° and 40°. This research is performed by carrying out an experiment on photovoltaic. The trial process is as follows: PV module is heated until a certain time, then the surface temperature, wind speed, current and voltages are measured. PV cell and environment temperatures are measured by a digital anemometer. From this research, a conclusion can be taken that as a whole, slope angle of 30° has higher voltage comparing to the other angle..............
    Keywords: Performance, Photovoltaic, Laboratory Scale.


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    Syamsuri, Matt syaiin, Sukarnen, Yustia wulandari, Niko gesturi antoro "Performance Photovoltaic for Various Slope (Laboratory Scale)" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Total Productive Maintenance: The Evolution in Maintenance and Efficiency
    Arpit S. Bhoyar, Laukik P. Raut, Sunil Mane
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
       10.9790/9622-0711012632      logo
  • Abstract:

    The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the contributions of total productive maintenance (TPM) initiatives towards improving manufacturing performance at Shalimar Nutrients Private Limited (SNPL) Nagpur.The correlations between various TPM implementation dimensions and manufacturing performance improvements have been evaluated and validated by employing overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) in Maintenance Department. The research focuses upon the significant contributions of TPM implementation success factors like top management leadership and involvement, traditional maintenance practices and holistic TPM implementation initiatives, towards affecting improvements in manufacturing performance in the SNPL.............
    Keywords: Total productive maintenance, Preventive maintenance, Overall equipment efficiency.


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    Arpit S. Bhoyar, Laukik P. Raut, Sunil Mane "Total Productive Maintenance: The Evolution in Maintenance and Efficiency" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Low Power And High Speed Sample And Hold For Adc Applications
    Prity Yadav, Annu Saini
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
       10.9790/9622-0711013338      logo
  • Abstract:

    This Paper describes the improved design of low voltage sample and hold amplifier for analog to digital converter applications. The proposed design uses double sampling technique to increase the sampling rate, reliable bootstrap switch to reduce switch on resistance and to extend linear range of switch and better SFDR. The designed sample and hold operates at 100MS/s for input signal amplitude of 1.2Vpp.The circuits are designed using CSM 0.18μm technology incadence environment and power consumption estimated was 6.5 mwatt from 1.2V power supply.
    Keywords: ......


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    Prity Yadav, Annu Saini "Low Power And High Speed Sample And Hold For Adc Applications" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Implementing Method of Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition And Recurrent Neural Network For Gold Price Forecasting
    Sri Herawati, Firmansyah Adiputra, M. Latif, Aeri Rachmad
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
       10.9790/9622-0711013943      logo
  • Abstract:

    Gold becomes one of long-term investment options and is used as a value protection against inflation or declining other assets. These gold price fluctuations tend to be nonlinear and uncertain. Most researchers and business practitioners fail to produce consistent pricing analyses, due to the complexity of the dynamic and volatile gold market. One method that can accommodate gold price fluctuations is using Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition (EEMD). Furthermore, the results of the gold price analysis can be used in forecasting. Forecasting fluctuations in gold prices are needed by importers, investors, and society to reduce risks and to help in making decision. The forecasting which has been done is the integration between EEMD and Feed-forward Neural Network (FNN) with good forecasting results.........
    Keywords: Forecasting gold prices, Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition (EEMD), Recurrent Neural Network (RNN).


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    Sri Herawati, Firmansyah Adiputra, M. Latif, Aeri Rachmad "Implementing Method of Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition And Recurrent Neural Network For Gold Price Forecasting" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • A Hybrid of Steganography and Cryptography for Decreasing Mean Square Error and Bit Error Rate
    Poonam Yadav, Maitreyee Dutta
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
       10.9790/9622-0711014449      logo
  • Abstract:

    Internet, being the common platform for information sharing among people has increased its importance in digital world. To keep this online sharing unrevealed or to save it from being stolen, some security measures are developed such as Watermarking, Cryptography and Steganography. Watermarking is the visible marking for copyright protection; Cryptography is to encrypt the data to make it difficult to understand whereas Steganography is covert writing for obscuring the information. Various features such as invisibility, payload capacity, robustness and imperceptibility make steganographic mechanism different and useful in comparison to watermarking and cryptography...........
    Keywords: Steganography, Image domain, Transform domain, Security, Cryptography, MSE, BER.


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    Poonam Yadav, Maitreyee Dutta "A Hybrid of Steganography and Cryptography for Decreasing Mean Square Error and Bit Error Rate" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Lever Operated Sprayer using Rotary Pump
    S. S. Dandge, Dr. D. S. Ingole
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
       10.9790/9622-0711015054      logo
  • Abstract:

    The Mechanism comprises lever operated knapsack sprayer provided with rotary pump, which is placed outside the tank and have separate pressure chamber. Rotary pump is operated by lever through gear arrangement. When the lever moves downward, the rotary pump completes its one rotation and by means of this complete one rotation the suction and compression occurs in rotary pump. When the lever is operated in upward direction, there is no operation in rotary pump because the lever is attached to the vane pump by means of a freewheel (lock and up bearing).
    Keywords: Agricultural, Ergonomics, Farming Sprayers, Knapsack and Lever Operated etc.


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    S. S. Dandge, Dr. D. S. Ingole "Lever Operated Sprayer using Rotary Pump" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Real Time Image Fusion using Multi Resolution Discrete Sine Transform
    M. Divya, S. Aruna Mastani, VPS Naidu
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
       10.9790/9622-0711015560      logo
  • Abstract:

    Image fusion is a process, used to fuse two or more images into one image without any loss of data, images are taken from different sensors in different Field Of View (FOV). In recent days, image fusion is playing an important role in research areas. In open literature different fusion techniques are available like Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT), Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) etc., this paper is aimed at the design and development of image fusion using MDST for still images and for real-time images. Multi-resolution DST (MDST) has been developed for multi imaging sensor data fusion. This fusion algorithm has been evaluated using both still images as well as real-time images. IR and EO cameras were connected to multi-functional display system through frame grabber. MDST algorithm has been ported (Visual C++) and tested on10.4" multi function display. The MDST results are comparable with DWT (Discrete Wavelet Transform). The proposed fusion algorithm can be used in battlefields, remote sensing applications and medical imaging etc.
    Keywords: DST, Image processing, Multi resolution, Real-Time Image fusion, Performance evaluation metrics.


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    M. Divya, S. Aruna Mastani, VPS Naidu "Real Time Image Fusion using Multi Resolution Discrete Sine Transform" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Modeling and Analysis of Transformer Inrush current using ANFIS
    Hamid M. B. Metwally, Ali M. A. Mostafa
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
       10.9790/9622-0711016168      logo
  • Abstract:

    This paper presents a new technique for modeling of Transformer Inrush Current using adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) as a type of Soft Computing (SC) techniques. AMATLAB/Simulink realization of the three phase transformer is described. Inrush current at different switching instants, supply resistance and remnant flux are simulated. The proposed ANFIS network is trained off-line to identify the peak and 2nd harmonicof inrush current based on switching instants, supply resistance and remnant flux. The new approach indicates accuracy, robustness and effectiveness.
    Keywords: Transformer Inrush Current; Soft Computing techniques;; Adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system.


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    Hamid M. B. Metwally, Ali M. A. Mostafa "Modeling and Analysis of Transformer Inrush current using ANFIS" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • A Study of Distributed Denial of service Flooding Attacks by Preventive & Defense mechanisms
    S.Srileka, G.Sophia Reena
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
       10.9790/9622-0711016972      logo
  • Abstract:

    Distributed denial-of-service attack, or DDoS attack, is an attempt to overwhelm a website or online service with traffic from multiple sources in order to render it unavailable to users. DDoS attacks are one of the biggest concerns for security professionals. DDoS flooding attacks attempts to disrupt legitimate users access to services. Attackers usually gain access to a large number of computers by exploiting their vulnerabilities to set up attack armies (i.e., Botnets). This paper is about the overview of the DDOS attack, the various types of these attacks, the Preventive measures and the Defense mechanisms for these attacks. The Preventive measure is about the general mechanisms to be done to prevent the entry of DDos attack. The Defense mechanism defines the techniques to protect the network and server.
    Keywords: DDos Attack, DDos Attack types, Defense Mechanisms, Prevention


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    S.Srileka, G.Sophia Reena "A Study of Distributed Denial of service Flooding Attacks by Preventive & Defense mechanisms" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Enhancement of Power Quality by Contemporary Power Electronic Transformer
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
       10.9790/9622-0711017379      logo
  • Abstract:

    This paper presents a new type of power electronic transformer. In the design process, the AC/DC, DC/AC, AC/AC converters and high frequency transformer have been used. One matrix converter operates as AC/AC converter in power electronic transformer. The proposed power electronic transformer performs typical functions and has advantages such as power factor correction, voltage sag and swell elimination, voltage flicker reduction and protection capability in fault situations. Power quality improvement with proposed power electronic transformer has been verified by the simulation results.
    Keywords: Power quality; Voltage sag and swell; Power electronic transformer; AC/AC converter


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    K.Madhuri "Enhancement of Power Quality by Contemporary Power Electronic Transformer" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com



  • Calibration of GFS model by using real time weather data for water requirement forecasting of citrus crop at the Moroccan Souss basin
    Athman Hafidi, Rachid Salghi, Ataa Abouatallah, Mohamed Ayoub, Fatima Ayoub, Naziha AFFI
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0711020111      logo
  • Abstract:

    The work is about validation of Global Forecast System (GFS) model for citrus water requirement prediction in the semi-arid Moroccan region called Souss-basin. The technique consists on using real time weather data installed to calculate Evapotranspiration (ETo) and statistically compare it to forecast values. GFS model prediction was enough accurate for ETo estimated on daily basis through air temperature, relative humidity and solar radiation forecasting (89,3% for Souss Upstream and 76,1% for Souss Center). However, no logic relation could be found prediction compared to measurements of Rain and Wind. The annual predicted irrigation water needs (ETc) was 7626,5 m3/ha, when the measured one was likely 7669,1 m3/ha in Souss Upstream...........
    Keyword: Modeling; Evapotranspiration; Water requirement; Forecast; GFS.


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    Athman Hafidi, Rachid Salghi, Ataa Abouatallah, Mohamed Ayoub, Fatima Ayoub, Naziha AFFI "Calibration of GFS model by using real time weather data for water requirement forecasting of citrus crop at the Moroccan Souss basin" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Inductive and Deductive Methods in Mathematics Teaching
    Dr. Narendra Kumar Singh, Ajay kumar yadav
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0711021922     logo
  • Abstract:

    Researcher has tried to explore that mathematics as subject has certain aims of teaching which can also be termed as goal of subject. The achievement of goal is ascertained by testing the students' performance at the end of the course for it exporatory research design has used and the results are present study that Inductive and deductive method of teaching in one pack which is the most appropriate and desirable for mathematics teaching.
    Key words: Inductive, Deductive, Observation, Verification Generalization, Merits & Demerits.


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    Dr. Narendra Kumar Singh, Ajay kumar yadav "Inductive and Deductive Methods in Mathematics Teaching" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Image Compression Algorithms Using VHDL Techniques
    Meera Negi, Ruchi Sharma
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0711022329     logo
  • Abstract:

    This paper presents an image, in its original form, contains huge amount of data which demands not only large amount of memory requirements for its storage but also causes inconvenient transmission over limited bandwidth channel. It is performed in steps such as image transformation, quantization and entropy coding. JPEG is one of the most used image compression standard which uses discrete cosine transform (DCT) and DWT transform the image from spatial to frequency domain. An image contains low visual information in its high frequencies for which heavy quantization can be done in order to reduce the size in the transformed representation. Entropy coding follows to further reduce the redundancy in the transformed and quantized image data..............
    Keywords: Discrete wavelet transform (DWT), DCT, image compression, VLSI design, testbench.


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    Meera Negi, Ruchi Sharma "Image Compression Algorithms Using VHDL Techniques" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Comparison of Naïve Bayes and Certainty Factor Method for Corn Disease Expert System: Case in Bangkalan, Indonesia
    Mohammad Syarief, Novi Prastiti, Wahyudi Setiawan
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
       10.9790/9622-0711023034      logo
  • Abstract:

    One of the application of expert system is in agriculture. In this study the expert system is applied to detect the disease in corn plants. Symptoms that indicate a particular disease, serve as a knowledge base on the system. The symptoms used are 46 which can indicate one of 15 types of diseases in corn plants. There are two methods used to classify the diseases of Naïve Bayes and Certainty Factor. The Naïve Bayes method is a simple classfier type that applies Bayes theorems with strong (naïve) independent assumptions. While Certainty Factor is a Classifier method that has a variation in the level of confidence or weight on each of the symptoms entered. Based on the test results, the system using the Certainty Factor method has a better percentage of truth than using the Naïve Bayes method. Experiment result shows the accuracy of up to 80%.
    Keywords: Naïve Bayes, Certainty Factor, Corn Pest, Corn Disease, Expert System.


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    Mohammad Syarief, Novi Prastiti, Wahyudi Setiawan "Comparison of Naïve Bayes and Certainty Factor Method for Corn Disease Expert System: Case in Bangkalan, Indonesia" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Web Service Recommendation System Incorporating Location Information and Personalized QoS Prediction
    Nitin V. Tawar, Supriya A. Kinariwala
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
       10.9790/9622-0711023541      logo
  • Abstract:

    With the invent of new technologies and advancements in business, more and more organizations are working towards building automated systems which work over the internet throughout the world for communication purpose and the availability of huge number of web services for different requirements makes the task of business organizations. Due to presence of a wide variety of web services available for the user, it is a difficult task to choose a particular service satisfying the requirements. In this paper we have studied various previous works under recommending user with services which best suits the requirements so that he can select and use the best service available and we then propose a recommendation system, which presents the user with a list of recommended services as per his needs which are near to him physically as well as which satisfy security requirements.
    Keywords: Collaborative filtering, QoS Prediction, Personalized influence, Recommendation, Similarity Computation.


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    Nitin V. Tawar, Supriya A. Kinariwala "Web Service Recommendation System Incorporating Location Information and Personalized QoS Prediction" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Application of ART1 Based Neural Network for Cell Formation in Group Technology
    Prabhat Kumar Giri, Dr. S.K. Moulick
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
       10.9790/9622-0711024247      logo
  • Abstract:

    Cell formation is a key step in Group Technology .Number of research work has been carried out over the same. This research paper is focused on to determine an efficient clustering technique for Part-Machine incidence matrix which can be adapted to real manufacturing unit. For this purpose two array based techniques namely Rank Order Clustering (ROC) and Direct Clustering Analysis (DCA) are compared with Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART1), on the basis of four evaluating parameters. One real time manufacturing problem has been solved by application of all three methods and results are compared. This paper also concerns to development of optimal and efficient models for cell formation in group technology with application of Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART1) neural networks so that A large size cell formation problem in group technology can be solved easily with greater computational efficiency.
    Keywords: ART1, Cell formation, DCA, Group Technology, ROC


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    Prabhat Kumar Giri, Dr. S.K. Moulick "Application of ART1 Based Neural Network for Cell Formation in Group Technology" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Biotechnology, Biodiversity and Intellectual Property Rights
    Prasannarani Tanneru
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
       10.9790/9622-0711024850      logo
  • Abstract:

    Biodiversity refers to the variety and variability among living organisms and the ecosystem complexes in which they occur. It includes diversity of forms right from the molecular unit to the individual organism, and then on to the population, community, ecosystem, landscape and biospheric levels. In the last thirty years, all over the world, there has been a revolution in the field of Biotechnology-new discoveries and the inventions in the area of isolation and manipulation of genes, better........
    Keywords: .....


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    Prasannarani Tanneru "Biotechnology, Biodiversity and Intellectual Property Rights" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Rescue Robotic System with a Wireless Sensor Network
    Vedansh Thakkar
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
       10.9790/9622-0711025155      logo
  • Abstract:

    The unprecedented number and scales of human-induced disasters and natural calamities has impelled the exigent search and rescue community around different parts of world to seek for newer and more effective equipment to enhance their efficacy. Rescue technology and search till-date rely on old technologies such as camera mounted probes, search dogs, and technology that has been in service since years. For researchers and rescuers, Intelligent robots equipped with advanced sensors are being intriguing. In this paper, a vision based technique is proposed that can be employed in case of hazardous condition where human beings cannot be employed. The main goal is to control a robot which can work spontaneously on an object with a mechanical linkage. By using facial recognition technique,......
    Keywords: Wireless Sensor Networks, Robot, Zigbee, Microcontroller


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    Vedansh Thakkar "Rescue Robotic System with a Wireless Sensor Network" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Bianchi type III Bulk viscous string cosmological model with shear free and time dependent cosmological constant in modified general relativity
    R. K. Dubey, Shishir Kr. Srivastava, Vipendra Kr. Dwivedi
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
       10.9790/9622-0711025659      logo
  • Abstract:

    Here we investigated Bianchi type III string cosmological models with bulk viscosity. To get a deterministic,......
    Keywords: Bianchi type III space time, string cosmological model, expansion scalar, bulk viscosity, cosmology


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    R. K. Dubey, Shishir Kr. Srivastava, Vipendra Kr. Dwivedi "Bianchi type III Bulk viscous string cosmological model with shear free and time dependent cosmological constant in modified general relativity" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Synthesis and spectral characterizations of chromium doped cadmium borate nanopowder
    P.N.V.V.L. Pramila Rani, D. Ramachandran, R.V.S.S.N. Ravikumar, C. Rambabu
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
       10.9790/9622-0711026067      logo
  • Abstract:

    Chromium doped Cadmium borate nanopowder was synthesized at room temperature by chemical precipitation method. Metal borates have excellent mechanical properties with good chemical inertness and high stability under high temperature, lightweight, and low thermal expansion coefficients. The prepared nanopowder is characterized by X-ray diffraction (X-RD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) with EDX, Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), Optical studies, Photoluminescence studies and Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) techniques. From XRD powder pattern structure and size of the crystallites are evaluated. SEM images show the stone like morphology of nanopowder. Optical absorption spectrum indicates the distorted octahedral site symmetry of Cr3+ ions. The crystal field Dq and.....
    Keywords: Cadmium borate nanopowder, Chemical synthesis, X-raydiffraction, SEM/EDX Photoluminescence with CIE, EPR and IR.


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    P.N.V.V.L. Pramila Rani, D. Ramachandran, R.V.S.S.N. Ravikumar, C. Rambabu "Synthesis and spectral characterizations of chromium doped cadmium borate nanopowder" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Intelligent Traffic Light and Speed Breaker Flatten System
    P janardhana Reddy, R Pavan Kumar, G Reddy Basha
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
       10.9790/9622-0711026871      logo
  • Abstract:

    Vehicular travel is increasing throughout the world, but the bedrock capacities of roads and transportation systems have not developed in an equivalent way to efficiently cope with the number of vehicles travelling on them, Due to this, road jamming and traffic correlated pollution have increased with the associated adverse societal and financial effect on different markets, worldwide Wireless Sensor networks (WSNs) are very trendy due to their faster transfer of information, easy installation, less maintenance, compactness and for being less expensive compared to other network options. There has been significant research on Traffic Management Systems using WSNs to avoid congestion, ensure priority for emergency vehicles and cut the Average Waiting Time (AWT) of vehicles at intersections. This paper presents a new method that will reduce the Average Waiting Time (AWT) of vehicles based upon the situation, in this paper we also give the smart idea for the speed breakers.
    Keywords: wireless sensor networks, average waiting time


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    P janardhana Reddy, R Pavan Kumar, G Reddy Basha "Intelligent Traffic Light and Speed Breaker Flatten System" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Comparison of Mobile Payment Protocol Security
    R Chitti Raja, Ksnv Jyotsna Devi, K Nagaraju
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
       10.9790/9622-0711027276      logo
  • Abstract:

    Mobile phones are getting smarter and people have been using them for many different proposes. Recently, more and more people have begun using their mobile phones as a method of payment for online shopping and banking. Mobile payments have become easier than ever. Present security issues of mobile payments, however, still require improvement. This paper aims to summarize the idea of mobile payments and analyze the research of existing secure mobile payment protocols by using MPPS (Mobile Payment Protocol Security) framework. As a result, this paper will give researchers tools to standardize current protocol and share new developments
    Keywords: Mobile payment protocol Secure mobile payment


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    R Chitti Raja, Ksnv Jyotsna Devi, K Nagaraju "Comparison of Mobile Payment Protocol Security" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • A review on Types of Roughness Element Used in Solar Air Heater to Enhance Heat Transfer Coefficient
    Manish Hassani, Rahul Aadiwal, Pradeep Kumar
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
       10.9790/9622-0711027783      logo
  • Abstract:

    Solar air heaters provides the efficient use of solar energy, which uses the absorber plate to absorb the incoming solar radiations, converting it to thermal energy at its surface, and transferring the thermal energy to the fluid flowing through the collector. The most common and effective way to improve the performance of the solar air heater is to provide artificial roughness elements on the underside of the absorber plate. For the enhancement of rate of heat transfer of flowing air in the duct of a solar air heater, by applying an artificial roughness on its surface is one of the very effective technique of solar air heater absorber plate, till now numbers of geometries of roughness element has been investigated and their effect on enhancement of heat transfer has been carried out. This paper is an attempt has been made to classify and review various study of roughness geometries used for creating artificial roughness..
    Keywords: Absorber plate, Heat transfer enhancement ratio, Reynolds number, Solar air heater, V-shaped ribs


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    Manish Hassani, Rahul Aadiwal, Pradeep Kumar "A review on Types of Roughness Element Used in Solar Air Heater to Enhance Heat Transfer Coefficient" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com



  • Segmentation of Rumex Obtusifolius Using Simple Fuzzy Logic and GMRF
    Mohammad Aslam. C, Satya Narayana. D, Padma Priya. K
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0711030106      logo
  • Abstract:

    Rumex obtusifolius is a common weed that is difficult to control. In general, weed control is done by using herbicides because of its adverse environmental impact, Robotic systems are considered as a suitable non-chemical alternative for removing Obtusifolius. Among the existing systems of weed control, only few are applicable to real time applications of weed control. Here we develop a new algorithm for segmentation of rumex obtusifolius. The new algorithm is based on Fuzzy logic and GMRF property that is used for the detection of the weed. Fuzzy logic and markov random fields that works in real time under natural lighting conditions. We also show its performance by comparing it with the existing real time algorithm that uses only markov random fields. This is not only suitable for the detection of the weeds, but also suitable for various general applications like in the detection of the tumors in MRI scanned images, detection of object in an image etc.
    Keyword: Rumex obtusifolius, GMRF texture, Segmentation, Fuzzy logic.


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    Mohammad Aslam. C, Satya Narayana. D, Padma Priya. K "Segmentation of Rumex Obtusifolius Using Simple Fuzzy Logic and GMRF" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Fuzzy arithmetic and its application in problems of optimal choice
    Vadim N. Romanov
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0711030715     logo
  • Abstract:

    The article examines the rules for performing basic arithmetic operations on fuzzy gradations. General relations are obtained for estimating the certainty of results when performing arithmetic operations. The solution of the optimal choice problem based on fuzzy models is given
    Key words: fuzzy set, fuzzy arithmetic, fuzzy gradation, optimal choice, decision making.


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    Vadim N. Romanov "Fuzzy arithmetic and its application in problems of optimal choice" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Research on Structure for Flywheel Energy Storage System in Long Lifetime UPS
    Vikas Shrivastava
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0711031621     logo
  • Abstract:

    This paper establishes the flywheel energy storage organization (FESS) in a long lifetime uninterruptible power supply. The Flywheel Energy Storage (FES) system has emerged as one of the best options. This paper presents a conceptual study and illustrations of FES units. After brief introduction to the FES system and its theory of operation, the paper focuses on the important role of the FES system in enhancing the operation of the distribution network. Supported by illustrated circuits, the FES system in the improvement of the power quality of the network. A flywheel energy storage technology was ended, with a special focus on the progress in automotive applications. In order to improve the efficiency and lifetime, then it discusses a newly proposed design of the FES system that emerged recently............
    Keywords: Energy storage; Flywheel; bearings, power system quality, power system reliability, design of flywheel.


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    Vikas Shrivastava "Research on Structure for Flywheel Energy Storage System in Long Lifetime UPS" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Industrial Design Aspects of High-Speed Electrical Machines among Active Magnetic Bearings designed for Compressor Applications
    Vikas Shrivastava
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
       10.9790/9622-0711032227      logo
  • Abstract:

    These paper present Two-stage oil-free centrifugal air compressors can convey noteworthy advantages and open new market opportunities for compressor manufacturers. One of the core technologies following this compressor type is the high-speed electrical machine sustain beside active magnetic bearings. In this paper, the desires set through the compressor on the electrical machine design are existing. The design solutions aimed to satisfy these requirements are discussed in industrial application. Two case studies demonstrate probable design approaches for the target relevance through examples of a 120-kW, 60 000-r/min induction machine with a solid rotor and a 225-kW, 50 000-r/min permanent-magnet synchronous machine (PMSM) with a full cylindrical magnet. The organization design and simulation results are established next to measurements of a PMSM prototype..
    Keywords: Compression, AMB, HS, Induction Motor


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    Vikas Shrivastava "Industrial Design Aspects of High-Speed Electrical Machines among Active Magnetic Bearings designed for Compressor Applications" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • A Bivariate Exponential distribution model for growth hormone response to repeated maximal cycle ergometer exercise at different pedaling rates
    K. Dasunaidu, A.Manickam, M.Gayathri
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
       10.9790/9622-0711032833      logo
  • Abstract:

    In this paper, we introduce the bivariate exponential distribution model approach to probability modeling. Our results leads to exponential model characterization of many well known life time model to the development of application part. Here we investigate the growth hormone (GH) response to repeated bout of maximal sprint cycling and the effect of cycling at different pedaling rates on post exercise serum GH concentrations by exponential model relative to the bivariate exponential distribution. The application part is well fitted with the mathematical model and conclusion is compared with the medical report..
    Keywords: Cortisol, Generalized Exponential distribution, GH, Insulin. Mathematical subject classification: 60Gxx, 62Hxx, 62Pxx..


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    K. Dasunaidu, A.Manickam, M.Gayathri "A Bivariate Exponential distribution model for growth hormone response to repeated maximal cycle ergometer exercise at different pedaling rates" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Geophysical features of Douala Sedimentary Basin inferred from the analysis of Aeromagnetic data
    Alain Rodrigue Nzeuga, Robert Nouayou, Philippe NjandjockNouck, James Derek Fairhead
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
       10.9790/9622-0711033441      logo
  • Abstract:

    The Douala Sedimentary Basin (DSB) isacoastalsedimentary basin withbasement made up of granite and gneiss. Itscomplextectonicswasbornedfrom the separation of African and American plates. The first geological sketch wascarried out in 1955 by Hourq and supplemented by variousstratigraphsworking in the petroleumfield and the synthesis of theirresultscan help today to determine a seriousstratigraphy of the geological stages and formations of the basin. To supplementthis information, we are going to use the aeromagnetic data collected by CGG society in 1980 to bring out the geologicalfeatures of the study area. To achievethis, we first proceedwith the Blakely and Simpson method to determine the maxima........
    Keywords: Aeromagnetic, Horizontal gradient, Analytic signal, Lineament, Fault


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    Alain Rodrigue Nzeuga, Robert Nouayou, Philippe NjandjockNouck, James Derek Fairhead "Geophysical features of Douala Sedimentary Basin inferred from the analysis of Aeromagnetic data" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Increasing the overall CPP efficiency by collection of waste heat and optimizing plant process
    Utkarsh Adhyaru
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
       10.9790/9622-0711034247      logo
  • Abstract:

    With the increase in energy consumption and more rigorous need of sophisticated processes, keeping in mind the energy scenario and surge in fuel prices, it is very important of an industry to keep the process control at par and make use of every resource that is available to improve the net output by first reducing the consumption of the raw material as it has an immediate effect on the total plant efficiency. In case of captive power plants it is a basic necessity to provide process steam at optimum quality and also balance the consumption of raw materials and try to recover as much as possible to reduce in the production costs, thus improving upon the total plant performance.
    Keywords: Condensate, DM water, flash steam, resins.


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    Utkarsh Adhyaru "Increasing the overall CPP efficiency by collection of waste heat and optimizing plant process" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Optimal Unified Power Quality Conditioner Allocation in Distribution Systems for Loss Minimization using Grey Wolf Optimization
    M. Laxmidevi Ramanaiah, Dr. M. Damodar Reddy
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
       10.9790/9622-0711034853      logo
  • Abstract:

    Compensation in power systems is essential to reduce the power loss and maintain the voltage profile. Reactive power compensation and voltage compensation are the different compensation techniques available in power systems. Series compensators aid to maintain the voltage profileby providing voltage compensation. Shunt compensators aid to reduce the power losses occurring in the networkby providing reactive power compensation. The functioning of series and shunt compensators are integrated in a device known as Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC). This paper throws light on the loss reduction aspect of UPQC by determining the placement of UPQC using a single objective function of minimization of power losses........
    Keywords: Compensation, Grey Wolf Optimization (GWO), Power Loss, Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC).


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    M. Laxmidevi Ramanaiah, Dr. M. Damodar Reddy "Optimal Unified Power Quality Conditioner Allocation in Distribution Systems for Loss Minimization using Grey Wolf Optimization" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • A design for processors using lasers to process data
    Reyhan Mehta, Prof. Aqsa Temrikar
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
       10.9790/9622-0711035456     logo
  • Abstract:

    Laser employing microprocessors can significantly increase clock speed, as it would operate with lasers working in successive patterns of on and off, unlike current processors, which use electricity to transmit pulses of data, and light travels from one place to another in the smallest time physically possible. It also increases the clock speed by using a different encoding algorithm from current microprocessors.
    Keywords: .............


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    Reyhan Mehta, Prof. Aqsa Temrikar "A design for processors using lasers to process data" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Determination of the Optimal Path in Taxiways at Airports via the Probability Method
    Safir Salim, Mustafa Taki
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
       10.9790/9622-0711035768      logo
  • Abstract:

    The Problem Of Ights Delay Has Been Addressed In This Article. A New Program To Help The Air Controller Has Been Implemented. The Main Objective Is To Improve The Airport Perfor-Mance Ability To Receive More Aircrafts During The Rush Hours By Accelerating The Taxiway And Landing Operations Through Two Strategies. First, Determine The Optimal Path In The Taxiway Network For Arrival And Departure Ights. A Modeling Of The Taxiway Network Has Been Programmed By C Language. The Probability Theory Of Dijkstra Has Been Applied To Determine The Optimal Path Ensuring Minimum Taxi Time In The Taxiway Network. A New Function Of Speed Change Has Been Introduced, Which Guarantees The Comfort Of The Passengers While The Airplane Is Moving On The Taxiway........
    Keywords: .............


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    Safir Salim, Mustafa Taki "Determination of the Optimal Path in Taxiways at Airports via the Probability Method" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Requisition of Artificial Intelligence
    Namarta Kapoor, Dr. Nischay Bahl
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
       10.9790/9622-0711036972      logo
  • Abstract:

    Artificial Intelligence is the backbone of modern era. It is the branch of science and engineering of making intelligent machines. It is concerned with getting computers doing things intelligently like human beings. It is the concept of reading that how a human brain thinks, learn, take decisions, and act while trying to find solution of the provided situation, and then in the same way we use such results of the reading and understandings for developing intelligent and smart machines. While analyzing the power and capacity of the computer systems, a developer always wonders that is it possible for a machine to think. So, the simulation of Artificial Intelligence started with the motivation of creating intelligent machines like human beings. In the coming years, the whole world will be handled by artificial intelligence........
    Keywords: AI, Learning, logical Reasoning, Perception.


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    Namarta Kapoor, Dr. Nischay Bahl "Requisition of Artificial Intelligence" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Assessment of surface and groundwater contamination by pesticides residues in a Sudano-Sahelian agricultural watershed (Korokoro, Mali)
    Maiga A, Diallo D, Blanchoud H, Alliot F, Chevrueil M, Cissé S A
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
       10.9790/9622-0711037381      logo
  • Abstract:

    Surface and groundwater contamination by pesticides (organochlorine, organophosphates and pyrethroids) was studied in the Korokoro watershed (60.6 km2, Mali) where cotton and cereals (sorghum, maize etc.) are the main crops. Nine and eleven investigative domestic wells were monitored and sampled respectively in 2010 and 2011 at the end of each cropping season. At lysimeters scale, surface and groundwater contamination processes by pesticides in the watershed have been experimented also in 2010 and 2011 during each rainy season. Cotton was sown in each lysimeter box and after growthing all plants have been treated with the pesticide endosulfan which still used in cotton fields by watershed farmers although it has been banned worldwide.........
    Keywords: Domestic wells water, Korokoro watershed, lysimeter boxes, surface and groundwater contamination, pesticides residues.


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    Maiga A, Diallo D, Blanchoud H, Alliot F, Chevrueil M, Cissé S A "Assessment of surface and groundwater contamination by pesticides residues in a Sudano-Sahelian agricultural watershed (Korokoro, Mali)" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Implementation of Low Power 8T SRAM Cell with Dynamic Feedback Control using AVLG Technique
    Devarapalli Mounika, Akondi Narayana Kiran
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
       10.9790/9622-0711038285      logo
  • Abstract:

    An 8T-SRAM cell using Adoptive Voltage Level Ground (AVLG) technique with better performance, low power consumption and less leakage power has been implemented. The proposed 8T improves the circuit performance at ultra-low power supplies. It attains less power consumption than single ended 8T SRAM cell. By using AVLG technique the circuit consumes less power, even though the no.of transistors and the area are high.
    Keywords: 8T SRAM, AVLG technique, Leakage Power, Pull-down Network.


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    Devarapalli Mounika, Akondi Narayana Kiran "Implementation of Low Power 8T SRAM Cell with Dynamic Feedback Control using AVLG Technique" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • LED: Revolutionizing lighting
    Hadeel Sami A. Rajab, Ali Habeb Aseeri
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
       10.9790/9622-0711038695      logo
  • Abstract:

    LED lighting technology has proven to be a worthwhile product offering efficiency. Its features, advantages and disadvantages were described to provide a perspective of the changes since it was invented. The latest developments in LED technology were provided in the light of these features, advantages and disadvantages. Improvement in functionality and usefulness has been the thrust for LED technologies. As more and more technologies are developed, the integration of LED technologies into their design has been established to be useful. Various applications of its use have been developed even considering the psychological well-being of consumers. Sustainability issues have also impacted the development of LEDs and the products where LEDs have proven to contribute to sustainable designs.
    Keywords: LED technology, lighting


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    Hadeel Sami A. Rajab, Ali Habeb Aseeri "LED: Revolutionizing lighting" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com



  • Design analysis of CNTFETs based Full Adder using CVSL
    Mitali Sharma, Dr. Rajesh Mehra
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0711040106      logo
  • Abstract:

    In this paper, the design analysis, implementation and comparison of different types of full adders is done. The adders being a very important basic logic functional block are required in many complex and high end circuits. Also with the growing trend for nanotechnology, it has become mandatory to reduce the circuit size at every possible step. One such initiative is the adoption of the carbon nanotubes as these have size very small as compared to the Silicon based CMOS transistors. Also when these nanotubes are implemented along with the cascade voltage switch logic, the result is as desired. In this research work, full adder circuits are designed and implemented using different channel material and logics.........
    Keyword: Circuit Simulation, CNTFETs, CVSL, Full Adder, time delay, power consumption.


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    Mitali Sharma, Dr. Rajesh Mehra "Design analysis of CNTFETs based Full Adder using CVSL" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Frequency Stability Analysis of 9-stage Ring Oscillator in CMOS 45nm Technology using Cadence Tool
    N Sandeep, P Sramika Reddy
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0711040710     logo
  • Abstract:

    This proposed paper focuses on design and analysis of a nine stage Ring Oscillator in terms of frequency stability. For a ring oscillator, accuracy is very important. A 9-stage ring oscillator is designed and simulated using 45nm CMOS process technology. The input control voltage is varied from 0.5V to 1V to examine the frequency stability and power consumption of the circuit. The measured output frequency is 2.384 GHz and output power of 0.223μW.
    Key words: CMOS, Oscillator, frequency stability, Cadence Tool.


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    N Sandeep, P Sramika Reddy "Frequency Stability Analysis of 9-stage Ring Oscillator in CMOS 45nm Technology using Cadence Tool" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Use Of L27 Orthogonal Array With Grey Taguchi Technique To Optimize MRR And SR In EDM Machining For Al -6082, Al -6061, Al -2014 And Mild Steel
    G.Ramesh Babu, A. Damodara Reddy
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0711041212     logo
  • Abstract:

    The new engineering materials are innovated by adapting advanced technologies in manufacturing industry. These materials are very difficult to machine by conventional machine tools as material properties of these materials are better thanordinarymaterials in terms of its strength, hardness, high resistance to temperature etc., and machining these materials on conventional machines results poor surface finish. To overcome these problems advanced non-conventional machines are introduced to machine difficult to machine materials. EDM is one of the innovative non conventional machining processes that can be easily adapted to machine conductive engineering materials. In the present research work, the effect of process parameters of EDM on material removal rate & surface roughness is studied on Al-6082, Al-6061, Al-2014, and Mild steel. The MRR& SR are optimized through various process parameters. The resultant values are then validated with experimental results
    Key words: Electrical Discharge Machining, L27 Orthogonal Array, MRR, and SR, Grey Taguchi method.


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    G.Ramesh Babu, A. Damodara Reddy "Use Of L27 Orthogonal Array With Grey Taguchi Technique To Optimize MRR And SR In EDM Machining For Al -6082, Al -6061, Al -2014 And Mild Steel" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • On Homogeneous Ternary Quadratic Diophantine Equation
    R.Anbuselvi, S.A.Shanmugavadivu
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0711042225     logo
  • Abstract:

    The ternary quadratic homogeneous equation representing homogenous cone given by 2 2 2 z  45x  y is analyzed for its non-zero distinct integer points on it. Four different patterns of integer points satisfying the cone under consideration are obtained. A few interesting relations between the solutions and special number patterns namely Polygonal number, Pyramidal number, Octahedral number, Stella Octangular number and Oblong number are presented. Also knowing an integer solution satisfying the given cone,two triples of integers generated from the given solution are exhibited.
    Key words: Ternary homogeneous quadratic,integral solutions.


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    R.Anbuselvi, S.A.Shanmugavadivu "On Homogeneous Ternary Quadratic Diophantine Equation" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Implementation of assembled Home Security System against Theft to protect senior citizens
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0711042629     logo
  • Abstract:

    Today is a hi-tech world. Innovative projects are on the rise with great competitions. Smart technologies progressed provide quick solutions in less time. The other part has also led to an increase in crime , threats and intrusions in the society. It is mandatory for all of us to be safe and secure. Home security is one of the major issue today irrespective of our presence or absence at home and especially when only senior citizens are at home living far away from their beloved ones due to number of reasons. The main goal of this paper is to focus on a security system which could be helpful for the old age people to be safe from thieves. Examining the existing work on security systems and challenges ,the proposed system here is a hybrid of cameras and sensors with sound detector as the main device being added for alerting the people in and out of the house or the surrounding environment due to theft.
    Key words: Home Security, CCTV, Sound detectors, Sensors


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    Prathiba.N "Implementation of assembled Home Security System against Theft to protect senior citizens" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Wireless Health Monitoring for chronic hypertension community
    Budi Dwi Satoto, Achmad Yasid, Koko Joni, Bain Khusnul Khotimah
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0711043037     logo
  • Abstract:

    Chronic blood pressure is a risk factor for heart attacks, strokes, arterial aneurysms, and is a major cause of chronic heart failure. However, various possible high blood pressure and low blood pressure can be avoided as early as possible, by regular blood pressure checks using a Digital Tension meter. Though the hospital service queue becomes a consideration when the patient's age is greater than 50 years. So this applied product research tried to develop health monitoring system, where blood pressure data source obtained from digital A Digital Tension meter, then sent using ESP8266 to computer device through the wireless network. The results of information from several A Digital Tension meters will be displayed simultaneously as the patient's condition monitoring information system. The factors that affect data acquisition are the digital A Digital Tension meter position on the arm, the position of the pressure sensor, the power of the battery supply and the availability of a stable network. Results In this study is the time of data retrieval process......
    Key words: Chronic Blood Pressure, Health monitoring, Compiler Arduino, ESP8266


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    Budi Dwi Satoto, Achmad Yasid, Koko Joni, Bain Khusnul Khotimah "Wireless Health Monitoring for chronic hypertension community" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Comparitive Study of Modfet Based Low Noise Amplifier Design In The Bandwidth Of 6 Ghz
    V.J.K.Kishor Sonti, Sundari.G
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0711043842     logo
  • Abstract:

    Low noise amplifier is vital in the design of receivers at microwave frequencies. In this paper , the performance of HEMT Low noise amplifier is analyzed at 2.4 GHz within a bandwidth of 6 GHz, FR4 substrate is chosen and Noise figure , Gain are considered as the performance parameters for the comparison. C4 based model obtained by parametric analysis is compared with various other designs in the 6 GHz bandwidth. It is observed that the noise figure and gain values of C4 based design are 0.263 dB and 15.317 dB, which are better when compared with other models.The simulation is carried out using ADS software and performance parameter variation with respect to frequency was studied. The layout of the design is obtained using ADS momentum......
    Key words: GaAs, LNA, Microstirp, FR4 substrate, Noise Figure, Gain


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    V.J.K.Kishor Sonti, Sundari.G "Comparitive Study of Modfet Based Low Noise Amplifier Design In The Bandwidth Of 6 Ghz" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Neuro Degenerative Disease Detection with SEP Approach
    A.Athisakthi, Dr.M.Pushpa Rani
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0711044349     logo
  • Abstract:

    In this paper, a technique of statistical, Energy values and peak analysis (SEP) approach is proposed for detection of neurodegenerative diseases from the signal of force sensitive resistors. In this work within the time series Left Stride Interval, Right Stride Interval, Left Swing Interval, Right Swing Interval, Left Stance Interval, Right Stance Interval and Double support interval are obtained and apply the SEP method. In statistical analysis, energy, standard deviation, mean, variance, co-variance are calculated. Two approximations and two details of energy values are extracted from wavelet decomposition. Average peak interval and peak histogram are calculated using peak analysis. Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Random Forest are used as a classifier. Data sets which include a healthy control (HC), various.....
    Key words: Neuro Degenerative Diseases (NDD), Parkinson Disease(PD), Huntington Disease(HD), Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis(ALS), Support Vector Machine(SVM), Random Forest (RF)classifier


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    A.Athisakthi, Dr.M.Pushpa Rani "Neuro Degenerative Disease Detection with SEP Approach" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • High Performance FPGA Based Optimization Techniques for DSP Blocks
    B.Krishna, M.Srinu
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0711045055     logo
  • Abstract:

    A digital circuit Optimization is needed to attain higher performance include terms like minimizing the area occupancy and increasing the speed of operation. In any digital circuit the critical path (longest path delay) decides the operating frequency of the system. The operating frequency of digital circuits can be increased by several techniques such as pipelining and wave-pipelining. The proposed technique is evaluated by implementing 4x4 array multiplier, 4-tap FIR filter using array multiplier and 4-tap DA based FIR filter by using three different schemes: non-pipelining, pipelining and wave-pipelining on Spartan 3E FPGA. The WP array multiplier and FIR filters are operating at higher frequency than by using conventional pipelining and non-pipelining techniques.
    Key words: Clock skew, DA, MAC, WP, OSPAM, NRE


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    B.Krishna, M.Srinu "High Performance FPGA Based Optimization Techniques for DSP Blocks" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Enhance the Performance of Permeability of Fine Sand Using Ceramic Tiles Waste and Plastic Waste as Admixture
    Kapil Panwar, Ankit Laddha, Dr. D.G.M. Purohit
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0711045660     logo
  • Abstract:

    This research paper concerned with the stabilization of fine sand with Ceramic tile waste and plastic waste as admixture. As the fine sand has very low bearing capacity and compressive strength along with nil cohesion, thus the construction of any structure on fine soil required stabilization. Fine sand is of prime importance since it can be used for various construction works and highways, airfields and helipads projects. The amount of wastes has increased year by year and the disposal becomes a serious problem. This investigation deals with the stabilization of fine sand with Ceramic tile waste and plastic waste as additive. Present research paper work has been taken up by addition of 4.75 mm sieve passed and 2.36 mm sieve retained Ceramic tile waste and Square Pieces of plastic waste 0.15%, 0.25%, 0.50% and.....
    Key words: Ceramic tile waste, Fine sand, Permeability, Square Pieces of Waste Plastic.


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    Kapil Panwar, Ankit Laddha, Dr. D.G.M. Purohit "Enhance the Performance of Permeability of Fine Sand Using Ceramic Tiles Waste and Plastic Waste as Admixture" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Capacitor Placement in Radial Distribution Systems for Power Loss Reduction using Ant Lion Optimization
    K. S. R. Vara Prasad, K. Vimala Kumar
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0711046165     logo
  • Abstract:

    A novel Ant Lion Optimization (ALO) algorithm is based on ant lions in hunting ants in environment initiated in the present paper. Capacitor placement of optimal sizes and at optimal locations not only decreases the system loss, but also enhances the bus voltages of the systems. A number of meta-heuristic techniques have been used by researchers over the past few years to address the problems of capacitor placements. They are very effective and powerful in comparison with conventional methods in solving complex non-linear constrained optimization problems. But one of the major difficulties for these methods is the premature convergence. A new ALO method is applied successfully for the present problem. The performance and efficacy are valid by assess the algorithm proposed in the present paper on a small test system......
    Key words: Ant Lion Optimization capacitors placement, capacitor size, modified black-hole particle swarm optimization, Power loss, radial systems, voltage improvement


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    K. S. R. Vara Prasad, K. Vimala Kumar "Capacitor Placement in Radial Distribution Systems for Power Loss Reduction using Ant Lion Optimization" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Study of Different Edge Detection techniques in Video Acquisition
    Mrs.N.V.S.Prabhavathi, Mrs.S.Suneetha, Ms.Ch.V.Kiranmayi
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0711046669     logo
  • Abstract:

    Edges are significant local intensity changes in the image and are important features to analyse an image. They are important clues to separate regions within an object or to identify changes in illumination or colour. They are an important feature in the early vision stages in the human eye. Edges detection Characterize boundaries and are therefore considered for prime importance in image processing. Edge detection is the foundation of object recognition and computer vision. The various Edge detection methods are applied to find the edges of objects in the input video stream. Comparative analysis of these above techniques based on certain parameters like type of edge, edge localization, nature, cost ,role …etc are discussed in this paper.
    Key words: Robets, Prewitt, Sobel, canny ,Marr-Hilderth edge detection


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    Mrs.N.V.S.Prabhavathi, Mrs.S.Suneetha, Ms.Ch.V.Kiranmayi "Study of Different Edge Detection techniques in Video Acquisition" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • A Survey Paper on Issues in Wireless Sensor Network Applications
    Ms. R. R. Deshmukh, Mrs. R. R. Patil, Ms. P. M. Maladkar, Ms. M. K. Kute
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0711047076     logo
  • Abstract:

    Wireless Sensor Networks square measure utilized in variety of fields which incorporates military, healthcare, environmental, biological, home and alternative industrial applications. With the massive advancement within the field of embedded pc and sensing element technology, Wireless sensing element Networks (WSN), that consists of many thousands of sensor nodes that square measure capable of sensing, actuating, and relaying the collected data, have created exceptional impact everyplace. This paper presents an outline of the various analysis problems in WSN based mostly applications.
    Key words: Wireless sensor network, task mapping, Smart parking, event detection, SHM, greenhouse monitoring, health care, C4ISRT.


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    Ms. R. R. Deshmukh, Mrs. R. R. Patil, Ms. P. M. Maladkar, Ms. M. K. Kute "A Survey Paper on Issues in Wireless Sensor Network Applications" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Third Law of Motion: Revisited and Generalized
    Ajay Sharma
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0711047792     logo
  • Abstract:

    Third law is critically analysed in view of definition and elaboration given by Newton at page 20 of the Principia. It is evident that law is incompletely studied. Newton did not give any mathematical equation for the law. The definition and explanation of the law is completely analyzed theoretically and discussed in view of the experimental data. Newton‟s explanation is simply qualitative, not quantitative which is required for scientific analysis. The law is universally applicable to all cases and all bodies without any constraint. However Newton elaborated the same in terms of just three qualitative examples which is not scientific. The terms action and reaction neither possess units nor dimensions, even expressed in terms of equations the explanation is qualitative only. The law is understood in terms of force only. However Newton expressed law in terms of both force and velocity in three examples. If law is expressed in terms of force and velocity analogous to action and reaction, then its limitations are evident. For example........
    Key words: Newton, third law, coefficient, generalized form of the law.


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    Ajay Sharma "Third Law of Motion: Revisited and Generalized" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Review of MANET Utilization for Watermarking Algorithms
    Mohamad T. Sultan, Khaled N. Yasen
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0711049395     logo
  • Abstract:

    Wireless communications are being used in a wide range of environments and evolved in many applications. Mobile Ad hoc networks as one of wireless technologies has the flexibility for nodes to join and leave the network frequently at any time. However, this flexibility came with set of issues in security as forgery, fabricated routes and many others. In this paper a review of the utilization of watermarking system as an authentication protection and security tool in MANET is presented to conclude future requirements of watermarking in MANET security..
    Key words: MANET; Wireless Networks; Security; Watermarking.


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    Mohamad T. Sultan, Khaled N. Yasen "Review of MANET Utilization for Watermarking Algorithms" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com



  • Access Control Technique-ABE for Scalable Content Coding in Sharing Networks
    V.Maharshi, A Venkata Pradeep
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0711050107      logo
  • Abstract:

    Cloud computing emerged as aspired technology in the last few years. With rapid development in Cloud Computing more and more sensitive data is available for sharing in cloud. On other hand providing security features like access control, encryption and decryption became compulsory to avoid vulnerabilities faced during content sharing. This paper presents a novel access control technique-ABE(Attribute- Based Encryption),which is basically a Cipher text Policy. In Multi- message Cipher text Policy(MCP-ABE), access policy is sent along with cipher text. Now, we propose a technique in which the access policy need not be sent along with ciphertext, we are providing privacy for the encryptor party. Here the encrypting party determines the policy of decryption, while the secret key is associated with a set of attributes........
    Keyword: ABE-Attribute Based Encryption, Access Control, Cloud Computing, Data privacy, Scalable content code.


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    V.Maharshi, A Venkata Pradeep "Access Control Technique-ABE for Scalable Content Coding in Sharing Networks" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Study of Plasma Dipole Antenna Using Equivalent Circuit Model
    P.Vekata Ratnam, P.Darwin, D.Parvathi
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0711050813     logo
  • Abstract:

    This study focuses on the characteristics of a plasma dipole antenna. Plasma antenna is an emerging technology that utilizes ionized gas as a conducting medium instead of metal. It is often convenient to represent the input impedance of the antenna by a lumped-element-equivalent circuit. Input impedance of the plasma dipole antenna is deduced using finite integration technique. A five-lumped-element equivalent circuit for the plasma dipole antenna variation with plasma frequency is investigated and optimized using the genetic algorithm .The effect of plasma frequency of the ionized gas on input impedance variations of the plasma dipole antenna is studied with the help of the equivalent circuit model. This numerical investigation estimates the relation between the resonant frequency as well as the plasma frequency of the plasma antenna
    Key words: Genetic algorithm, lumped-element equivalent circuit, Plasma dipole antenna .Input impedance.


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    P.Vekata Ratnam, P.Darwin, D.Parvathi "Study of Plasma Dipole Antenna Using Equivalent Circuit Model" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • A Noval Synthesis of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles By Arevalanata Leaf Extract And Their Photocatalytic Degradation
    Seeram. Hari Prasad, G.Susheela Bai, B.Kishore Babu
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0711051420     logo
  • Abstract:

    Copper oxide nano particles are prepared by green method by using Arevalanataleaf extract. Green method is best suitable method for preparation of nano particles because no harmful and non toxic chemical are used. The characterization of synthesized copper oxide nano particles were done by technique like UV-VISIBLE, FT-IR, SEM, TEM, XRD, EDX. These copper oxide nano particles was used to photo degradation on Alzarine red dye. The percent of degradation is73.23after 180 minutes
    Key words: Copper oxide nanoparticles, Alzarine red dye Arevalanata, green method


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    Seeram. Hari Prasad, G.Susheela Bai, B.Kishore Babu "A Noval Synthesis of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles By Arevalanata Leaf Extract And Their Photocatalytic Degradation" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Preparation of Aluminum Hydroxide by Precipitation Method for Vaccine Adjuvant Application
    Etik Mardliyati, Damai Ria Setyawati, Sabar Pambudi, Suryandaru, Retno Kusumaningrum, M. Ikhlasul Amal
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0711052125     logo
  • Abstract:

    Aluminum hydroxide is commonly used as vaccine adjuvant. The adjuvant activity of aluminum hydroxide is considered to depend on its particle size. In order to obtain aluminum hydroxide with high adjuvant activity, we synthesized aluminum hydroxide at various particle sizes and investigate the effect of particle size on protein adsorption property. Aluminum hydroxide was synthesized by precipitation method at various agitation rates. The aluminum hydroxide product synthesis was identified by FTIR. Both and found peak on 595, 1634 and 3331 cm-1 that contributed to aluminum hydroxide. The size of aluminum hydroxide particles highly depends on agitation rate, in which higher agitation produce smaller.....
    Key words: Adjuvant, Aluminum hydroxide, nanoparticles


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    Etik Mardliyati, Damai Ria Setyawati, Sabar Pambudi, Suryandaru, Retno Kusumaningrum, M. Ikhlasul Amal "Preparation of Aluminum Hydroxide by Precipitation Method for Vaccine Adjuvant Application" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • An Optimal Dynamic Pricing Scheme Offers Querying Services To Maximize The Cloud Profit
    T.Bhaskar, P.Balaiah, Garlapati srininivas
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0711052629     logo
  • Abstract:

    Cloud computing is an emerging, innovative and a challenging task for researchers who undertake different dimensions. Cloud charges the price for the client submitted query as per their usage. Cloud needs a financial cautiousness to manage service of multiple users in versatile manner. Several Domain experts and researchers recommend various computing systems for the requirements of these users like cluster computing, grid computing, and cloud computing. Cloud computing is a technology that utilizes the internet and central remote servers to maintain data and applications. In order to provide quality services, cloud supports caching of data. Cloud management manages the multiple clients by providing the multiple services and resources in an economy way that provides more profits for cloud providers. This paper proposes an optimal pricing method which executes queries in the cloud cache and increase the profit for cloud providers.
    Key words: Cloud computing, Cloud cache, Internet;


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    T.Bhaskar,P.Balaiah,Garlapati srininivas "An Optimal Dynamic Pricing Scheme Offers Querying Services To Maximize The Cloud Profit" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Impact of Demonetization on Indian Economy
    Dr. P. Subbarao
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0711053033     logo
  • Abstract:

    The argument to place in favour of demonetisation is that the cash that would be extinguished would be "black money and fake currency" and hence, should be rightfully extinguished to set right the unreasonable incentive structure in the economy. While the facts are not available to anybody, it would be foolhardy to argue that, this is the only possibility. Therefore, it is imperative to evaluate the short run and medium-term impacts that such a shock is expected to have on the economy. Further, the impact of such a move would vary depending on the extent to which the government decides to demonetize. This paper elucidates the impact of such a move on the availability of credit, spending and level of activity and government finances..
    Key words: demonetization, cashless transactions, credit, tax evasion


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    Dr. P. Subbarao "Impact of Demonetization on Indian Economy" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Design And Implementation Of Raspberry Pi 3 Based Embedded System For Analysis Of Soil Parameters
    U. Meenakshi, Dr.M.V. Lakshmaiah, B. Bilvika
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0711053439     logo
  • Abstract:

    Agriculture has a big role in the socio- economic development of India. From last ten years, few existing Systems working for reducing the agriculture water use. But these systems have some limitations. So Modern technology is necessary to resolve this problem and support better crop-watering method. In this Paper, Raspberry Pi 3 is used as an embedded Linux board which is designed based on ARM Cortex 53.It is attached to the sensors in the field to observe the changes. The temperature, humidity and soil moisture sensors extend the data to the Raspberry Pi for estimation of water demand of plants.
    Key words: Raspberry Pi 3 b, Soil Moisture Sensor,AM 2302 DHT 22.


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    U. Meenakshi, Dr.M.V. Lakshmaiah, B. Bilvika "Design And Implementation Of Raspberry Pi 3 Based Embedded System For Analysis Of Soil Parameters" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Utilization and Conservation of Fisheries Resources of the ChalanBeel, Bangladesh
    Nahid Sultana, FahmidaAkhterKostori, M. Nazrul Islam
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0711054048     logo
  • Abstract:

    In Bangladesh, Chalanbeel is the store house of different types of fish and fisheries resources. But now-a-days fish and fisheries iteams are depleting day by day. The preent study was occured for the proper utilization and conservation of fisheries resources of the ChalanBeel.
    Key words: Fisheries Resources, conservation, utilization, ChalanBeel, Bangladesh


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    Nahid Sultana, FahmidaAkhterKostori, M. Nazrul Islam "Utilization and Conservation of Fisheries Resources of the ChalanBeel, Bangladesh" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Development of Fibre Reinforced Geopolymer Concrete Shell (Frgps) Using Abaqus
    D.Shanthini, S.Abinaya, K.Keerthana
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0711055451     logo
  • Abstract:

    Compression structures provide an alternate appropriate construction technology which optimises the use of material and natural resources. The funicular shell roof is one such compression structure, which ensures conservation of natural resources by utilising waste materials effectively and optimising the use of expensive steel and cement. Geopolymer concrete is eco-friendly and sustainable which possesses rapid strength gain, elimination of water curing, good mechanical and durability properties. In this point of view, here it has been proposed to form the fibre reinforced Funicular shell using Geopolymer concrete for more practical, economical, sustainable and affordable for the low cost housing system. In the study carried out the finite element analysis of 16mm thickness using geopolymer concrete of 8 M concentrations.
    Key words: ....


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    D.Shanthini, S.Abinaya, K.Keerthana "Development of Fibre Reinforced Geopolymer Concrete Shell (Frgps) Using Abaqus" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • On the Construction of Ground Bounce Noise Reduction Using Three - Step Wake-Up Partitioning
    Ms.N.Archana, Dr.K.Muthulakshmi, Ms.S.Nithya Devi
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0711055256     logo
  • Abstract:

    In low power nanotechnology, the sub-threshold leakage occurs and it can be controlled by power gating techniques which does not affect the performance of the circuit. But the transitions of mode in the power gating takes place along with the large inrush/discharge currents which causes inductive noise on the power supply and the ground rails. The above issue can be tackled by slowly turning on the sleeping transistor, but introduces a fixed lower bound on the delay overhead, independent of the duration of the sleep period. The effect of changes in the internal circuit nodes at the time of wakeup is not been taken into account in the conventional methods. Under the observation of the internal nodes during sleep-to-active transition, can be partitioned into three distinct stages. This serves as the motivation for taking three–step turn on scheme that limits current flow while the gated block is in the metastable state. It strongly reduces power gating noise along with reduced wakeup time. The simulation is performed using full adder.....
    Key words: Ground bounce noise, Inrush currents, Multimode Power gating, Power gating


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    Ms.N.Archana, Dr.K.Muthulakshmi, Ms.S.Nithya Devi "On the Construction of Ground Bounce Noise Reduction Using Three - Step Wake-Up Partitioning" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Antenna Design for Biomedical Application
    Mr. Powar Sharad V, Dr. Bombale U. L.
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0711055760     logo
  • Abstract:

    A wideband antenna is designed for tumor detection at ultra-high frequency (UHF) and super-high frequency (UHF) band. The antenna is designed to have a wideband and unidirectional performance. The antenna design is simple micro-strip patch antenna with dimensions of 60 × 60× 1.6 (mm). The tested antenna achieves a fractional bandwidth 8GHz (2–10 GHz) at 10-dB return-loss reference. The antenna in addition to a microwave transceiver type and an adjustable platform are then used to brain tumor detection system. The wide operating bandwidth, unidirectional radiation and detection viability are merits of the presented antenna
    Key words: Microstrip patch antenna, ultra-high frequency (UHF), super-high frequency(UHF).


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    Mr. Powar Sharad V, Dr. Bombale U. L. "Antenna Design for Biomedical Application" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate with Glass Using DIC Technique with Waste Materials for Investigation of Crack Propagation
    Puneet Jain, Rakesh Choudhary
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0711056165     logo
  • Abstract:

    This report mainly focuses on measurements of deflection, strain and crack propagation in structures using digital image correlation (DIC) method. This is non-destructive evaluation system. In particular, monitoring the development of cracks is of large interest because their properties reflect not only the condition of concrete as material but also the condition of the entire system at structural level. In DIC sample is photographed using a high-resolution digital camera mounted on an optical microscope. The resulting displacement information reveals the average motion present from the centre of each of the small sub images used in the analysis, relative to the original position. These results show a great application potential of the DIC technique for various situations such as inspecting shrinkage-induced cracks in fresh concrete, masonry and reinforced concrete structures, and safety of bridges.
    Key words: Structural Health Monitoring; Fault detection; Identification; Crack Propagation; Digital Image Correlation Method; Concrete, MATLAB


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    Puneet Jain, Rakesh Choudhary "Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate with Glass Using DIC Technique with Waste Materials for Investigation of Crack Propagation." Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Low power and Area Efficient MDC based FFT for Twin Data Streams
    M. Hemalatha, R. Ashok Chaitanya Varma
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0711056674     logo
  • Abstract:

    Fast Fourier transform (FFT) has become multivariate in many industrial environments. FFT is one of the most employed architecture in multipurpose communication and signal processing systems. The main intent of this paper is to design an efficient Twin Data Streams FFT processor for numerous applications. The FFT architecture used in the Multipath Delay Commutator will process an N / 2 point decimation in time FFT and an N / 2 point decimation in frequency FFT operations of odd and even samples of two Data streams separately to reduce the area and improve throughput. By using the bit reversal operation in the architecture the number of registers will be decreased. Multipath delay commutator (MDC) with FFT parallelized architecture is used to achieve high throughput. Modified booth multiplier is used to reduce number of partial products and complexity of the system when compared to serial multiplier.
    Key words: Decimation in Time (DIT), Decimation in Frequency (DIF), bit reorder, Multipath Delay Commutator (MDC), Pipelining, Radix-2


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    M. Hemalatha, R. Ashok Chaitanya Varma "Low power and Area Efficient MDC based FFT for Twin Data Streams" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • A Study of Techniques on Securing Patient Confidiental Information by Using Ecg Steganography
    B.Sivaranjani, Dr.N.Radha
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0711057579     logo
  • Abstract:

    Breaches and identity theft of medical data are on the rise. The advancement of electronic medical records has raised new concerns about privacy, balanced, duplication of services and medical errors. Modern issues include the degree of disclosure of information to insurance companies, employers, and other third parties. Medical privacy is the practice of maintaining the security and confidentiality of patient records. Several algorithms and techniques were proposed for the secured transmission of data and to protect user's privacy. Cryptography and steganography are the two major protection mechanisms that are defined for the protection of security issues where biometric form of security is provided using ECG Signal. In this paper, a study of various techniques used for securing data and how biometrics were used for the hiding data are discussed.
    Key words: Steganography, Cryptography, Wavelet transform, Discrete Cosine transform.


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    B.Sivaranjani, Dr.N.Radha "A Study of Techniques on Securing Patient Confidiental Information by Using Ecg Steganography" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • A Survey on Wormhole and Sinkhole Attack Detection and Prevention Techniques in Manet
    D.Sasirekha, Dr.N.Radha
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0711058085     logo
  • Abstract:

    Nowadays with the wide range of applications in wireless networks, there is an increasing need for security of these networks. Specifically, the Mobile Ad-hoc networks are very easy to vulnerable due to many security threats and attacks. These networks have been subjected to numerous attacks among which Sinkhole and wormhole attack are the prominent attacks. In the network routing these attacks should be identified earlier and recovered soon. In the wormhole attack, the data transferred to more routes or the malicious node abused the received data into many ways. In the Sinkhole attack the attacker seeks the data transferred by attracting the node in various ways. Various solutions are found to detect these network attacks. In this paper, a comparative analysis of those techniques is performed. This study finds the impact and suitable methods to prevent and detect wormhole and sinkhole attacks in Mobile ad-hoc networks.
    Key words: MANET, Network security, Sinkhole attack, Wormhole attack.


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    D.Sasirekha, Dr.N.Radha "A Survey on Wormhole and Sinkhole Attack Detection and Prevention Techniques in Manet" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Traditional Herbal Remedies The Tribes Of Malayali In Shervarayan Hills (Yercaud), Salem District, Tamil Nadu
    S. Soniya, K. Raju
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0711058691     logo
  • Abstract:

    The Paper deals with the ethno-medico-botany of plant species Shervarayan Hills (Yercaud), Salem District, Tamil Nadu. Information on economic and medicinal utilization of plant species including at family, vernacular name (Tamil) and common name. The medicinal uses are described with details such as the part(s) used singly, in combination of other plants, methods of preparation and mode of administration. for the treatments has been presented. The paper deals with the selected indigenous medicinal plant namely Cassia tora (Senna tora. Linn) (Caesalpiniaceae) among the local people of the malayali tribe on the basis of wider use for different ailments
    Key words: Ethno-medico-botany, herbal remedies, Shervarayan Hills (Yercaud), Cassia tora Linn (Caesalpiniaceae)


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    S. Soniya, K. Raju "Traditional Herbal Remedies The Tribes Of Malayali In Shervarayan Hills (Yercaud), Salem District, Tamil Nadu" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com



  • Marine Diesel Engine Fixed and Moving Parts
    Eng. Waleed Alturki
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0711060111      logo
  • Abstract:

    Marine diesel engines are mostly preferred for its reliability and fuel efficiency. To understand the function of marine diesel engines, the identification and description of its parts are necessary for its proper maintenance. Component parts of the marine diesel engine are divided into fixed and moving parts. These parts are described in detail. Recommendations for identifying and understanding the different classification schemes should gain increased familiarity with the nature of the specific parts as well as the approaches to the repair and maintenance..
    Keyword: ......


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    Eng. Waleed Alturki "Marine Diesel Engine Fixed and Moving Parts" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • The Fifth Generation of Cellular Communication
    Eng. Hussain Mohammed Ali
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0711061217     logo
  • Abstract:

    When it was first implemented, the current fourth generation, 4G, mobile network opened a wide window of opportunities and uses for the mobile phone users. However, this network is gradually reaching its limits, and the need for a more capable network is becoming more apparent. Big events such as sports events, festivals and big concerts have created many problems and obstacles for telecommunications service providers around the world. The huge number of phones that compete to benefit from the services of telecom companies naturally lead to a collision and collision of cellular services such as text updates, Images, and social media, which leads to the non-lifting and loading only after the end of the event dispersion of the crowds.........
    Key words: Cloud computing, Mobile wireless networks, Infrastructure, Virtualization, 4th and 5th Generation of Cellular Network


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    Eng. Hussain Mohammed Ali "The Fifth Generation of Cellular Communication" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • To Study the Effect of Temperature on Pyrolysis of Crude Oil Washing Waste
    Selukar N. B.
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0711061822     logo
  • Abstract:

    Crude Oil Washing (COW) waste is an emulsion of sediments mainly bottom hydrocarbon with water. It is unavoided product form during transportation and storage of crude oil when cargo tanks have been emptied or storage vessels are washed out. Exposure to COW waste causing health problems to eyes, skin and respiratory system. COW waste is black in colour and difficult to process as it is in an emulsion form. A research work has been carried out to study the effect of temperature on pyrolysis of COW waste. It shows that pyrolysis of COW waste at lower temperature gives more lighter product than the high temperature pyrolysis.
    Key words: Crude oil washing, Environment and COW Waste, Pyrolysis, Pyrolysis of COW waste


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    Selukar N. B. "To Study the Effect of Temperature on Pyrolysis of Crude Oil Washing Waste" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Corrosion Mapping of Water Wall Tubes of Boiler using LFET
    Gagan Kumar Gupta
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0711062329     logo
  • Abstract:

    Corrosion of boiler tubes results in forced outage and it turns into huge loss of money. Maximum failure of water wall tubes is associated with the phenomenon of corrosion. The present paper discusses a technique for inspection of water walls before failure. Water wall tubes were inspected in situ condition by using Low Frequency Electromagnetic Technique (LEFT). Visual inspection of tubes was also carried out before scanning and it was observed that some of the tubes were bulged, eroded and having mechanical dent. During scanning signal wave forms were found not in uniform nature with respect to base line due to erosion, mechanical damage & bulging and those were recommended to be replaced.
    Key words: Corrosion, Combustion, Electromagnetic waves, LEFT Scanner, Water wall tubes


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    Gagan Kumar Gupta "Corrosion Mapping of Water Wall Tubes of Boiler using LFET" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Assessment of Shale Gas Potential in Disang Shale of Upper Assam Basin
    Swapan Kumar Bhattacharya
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0711063033     logo
  • Abstract:

    Neither any subsurface sample nor even any subsurface location is known for Disang Shale existence. However huge outcrop samples are known to exist which appear to grey or black colour with occasional good amount of TOC and high maturity but not always proved to be good source rock. Because these are surface samples the source rock characters of HI, PI are not expected to be proved because samples are possibly acted by oxidation or biodegradation due to which SI, S2, TOC and Tmax values are supposed to be changed. Therefore subsurface Disang shale is not proved whether to be a source rock or not. Also because its subsurface location is not known its maturity is also not expected. However because of its colour and TOC existence it is assumed to be possible source of the available hydrocarbons in the basin. Attempt is made here to evaluate possible shale gas potential if it is a source rock or not. It is known......
    Key words: .......


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    Swapan Kumar Bhattacharya "Assessment of Shale Gas Potential in Disang Shale of Upper Assam Basin" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • The study area of Shervarayan Hills (Yercaud), Salem District, Tamil Nadu in Medicinal Plant of Cassia tora (Senna tora)(Caesalpiniaceae) in Antimicrobial Activities
    S. Soniya, K. Raju
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0711063439     logo
  • Abstract:

    The selected study area for this study is Shervarayan Hills (Yercaud), Salem District, Tamil Nadu in Medicinal Plant of Cassia tora (Senna tora)(Caesalpiniaceae) in Antimicrobial Activities one of the medicinal plants. It is a tropically distributed the highly medicinal plant. Antimicrobial activities and extracts of petroleum ether, Ethyl acetate and methanol were also found to be better with respect to inhibitory function against the two fungal species, Fusarium oxysporum and Aspergillus flavus. The study scientifically validates the use of plant in traditional and ethno medicine. Three solvents such as Petroleum ether, Ethyl acetate and Ethanol were used to take plant extract. These extracts were studied for antimicrobial activity against two gram positive bacterial strains such as Bacillus substilis and Bacillus thuriengensis and two gram negative bacterial strains such as Klebsiella pneumonia and Escherichia coli. This study also extended to find antifungal activity against four fungal strains.
    Key words: Senna tora (Caesalpiniaceae); Antibacterial activity: Ethnomedicine, Fusarium oxysporum and Aspergillus flavus; negative bacterial strains: Klebsiella pneumonia and Escherichia coli


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    S. Soniya, K. Raju "The study area of Shervarayan Hills (Yercaud), Salem District, Tamil Nadu in Medicinal Plant of Cassia tora (Senna tora)(Caesalpiniaceae) in Antimicrobial Activities" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • A Novel Approach for Solving Medical Image Segmentation Problems with ACM
    Chidadala.Janardhan, Dr.K.V.Ramanaiah, Dr.K.Babulu
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0711064047     logo
  • Abstract:

    In this paper we proposed a novel segmentation algorithm for medical image segmentation that employs an active contour model (ACM) using level set method. This algorithm takes advantage of local edge feature algorithm for accurately drive the contour to required boundary region. The analysis and detection of any kind of brain tumors from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is very important for radiologists and image processing researchers. If objects of interest and their boundaries can be located correctly, meaningful visual information would be provided to the physicians, making the following analysis much easier. Within the numerous image segmentation algorithms, active contour model is widely used with its clear curve for the object. This algorithm measures the alignment between the evolving contour's normal direction of movement and the image's gradient in the adjacent region located inside and outside of the evolving contour and also considers the average edge intensity in the adjacent region located inside and outside of the evolving contour. This allows minimizing the negative effect of weak edges on the segmentation accuracy.
    Key words: Image segmentation, medical image analysis, active contour, region based, level set function. 22.


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    Chidadala.Janardhan, Dr.K.V.Ramanaiah, Dr.K.Babulu "A Novel Approach for Solving Medical Image Segmentation Problems with ACM" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Thermoelectric Power Generation By Using Solar Parabolic Trough Reflector
    Sravan Kasireddy, Dr. V.Venugopal Reddy
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0711064854     logo
  • Abstract:

    In the present rapidly developing world, generation and consumption of electrical energy playing an important role without harming the nature of the environment. To achieve the environment-friendly electrical power generation a lot of research was done and succeeded with technologies such as photovoltaic, concentrated solar power, wind energy, tidal energy...etc. This work is attempting a new way to convert solar energy into electrical energy by using a series of Thermocouples and parabolic trough reflector. Series of Thermocouples contain a number of hot and cold Junctions. Thermocouple hot junctions were arranged at the focal point of parabolic trough reflector whereas cold junctions insulated with some thermal insulation to reduce heat transfer. Parabolic trough reflector concentrates solar radiation at thermocouple hot junctions; this increases intensity of radiation due to this temperature of hot junction increases. Cold junctions are maintained at low temperature by using an external cooling medium. The temperature difference between hot and cold junction induces an e.m.f in series of thermocouples. Voltage and current generated during the experiment is measured by using a multimeter. In this work, results were taken for different Thermocouple materials with the different parabolic reflective surface combinations. Some suggestions are also made for improving the system performance.
    Key words: Solar Energy, Parabolic Trough Reflectors, Thermocouple Materials


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    Sravan Kasireddy, Dr. V.Venugopal Reddy "Thermoelectric Power Generation By Using Solar Parabolic Trough Reflector" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • A Survey on Soil Monitoring and Testing In Smart Farming Using IoT And Cloud Platform
    R.Sujatha, R. Anitha Nithya
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0711065559     logo
  • Abstract:

    The perception of Smart Agriculture is flattering a truth as it evolves from intangible models for the development of crop at different stages. In traditional agriculture, cultivation of the plants will be used to sustain and enhance human life. The cultivation in our nation is much reduced due to lack of interest, scarcity of agriculture land and water and some farmers with their own interest they have been doing the cultivation at the present. But that also yields to very less production due to lack of awareness about the land dryness, no timely pesticide usage and suitable crops for the land. Hence now a days the Smart Agriculture has come into the depiction globally. It provides the key by means of placing the sensor in the cultivation land to determine the soil effectiveness. This paper surveys about the using of IoT sensors with the cloud environment to testing and monitoring the soil. Testing of soil type and quality consists of many tests, such as bulk density test, respiration test, moisture test and it also needs to check the water quality. In viewing of results obtained by the above tests the device suggests the crop for the farmer and it also helps him for the maintenance of the crop
    Key words: Cloud, IoT, SmartPlanting, Moisture Sensor, Mobile Cloud


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    R.Sujatha, R. Anitha Nithya "A Survey on Soil Monitoring and Testing In Smart Farming Using IoT And Cloud Platform" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Investigation on Turbo-matching appropriateness Turbochargers with Trim 70, 72 and 75 for a Commercial Truck Engine
    Badal Dev Roy, Dr. R. Saravanan
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0711066067     logo
  • Abstract:

    The turbocharger is a charge boosting device in Internal Combustion engines and which helps to maintain good operating performance even at at high load condition. Inappropriate selection of turbocharger may leads to havoc effects like choke and surge in the charger flow and degrade the engine performance. The proper selection termed as Turbo-matching which is a tiresome task, expensive and requires enormous skills. But exact or perfect turbo-match gives distinguished performance improvement on Engine. This research work focuses on finding appropriateness of matching of turbochargers with trim sizes 70 (A58N70), trim 72 (A58N72) and trim 75 (A58N75) for the TATA 497 TCIC -BS III engine. The Simulation and Data-Logger Method adapted for finding matching performances. In data logger method, the road conditions like rough, Highway, City Drive, slope up and slope down were considered for vehicle operation at full load. The compressor map used for evaluating matching appropriateness in simulation, data-logger with road condition wise for each turbo-matching problem. The best match suggested and the possibilities of matching other turbochargers also discussed.
    Key words: Turbo-Matching, Turbocharger, Simulation, Surge, choke, Data-Logger.


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    Badal Dev Roy, Dr. R. Saravanan "Investigation on Turbo-matching appropriateness Turbochargers with Trim 70, 72 and 75 for a Commercial Truck Engine" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com



  • Study of effect of substrate temperature on optical and electrical properties of CdZnTe2 thin films deposited by spray pyrolysis technique.
    Gaikwad S. A, Tembhurkar Y.D, Dudhe C.M
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0711071107      logo
  • Abstract:

    Spray pyrolysis is a simple, inexpensive and economical method to produce a thin film on large substrate area. Semiconducting thin films of CdZnTe2 have been deposited onto preheated glass substrate by varying substrate temperature from 250°C at an interval of 25°C to 325°C. The optimized deposition temperature is around 300°C.From optical transmission and reflection spectra, absorption coefficient(α) was calculated at various wavelengths ranging from 350 to 1100 nm and was of the order of 104 cm-1.Band gap energy were determined from absorbance measurement in visible range using Tauc theory. It shows that the main transition at the fundamental absorption edge is a direct allowed transition. At the temperature of 300°C, the optical band gap is found to be 2.04 eV. At the temperatures less.......
    Keyword: Spray pyrolysis, CdZnTe2, , Absorption coefficient, Band gap energy, Electrical conductivity.


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    Gaikwad S. A, Tembhurkar Y.D, Dudhe C.M "Study of effect of substrate temperature on optical and electrical properties of CdZnTe2 thin films deposited by spray pyrolysis technique." Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Data Center: Energetic and Economic Analysis of a More Efficient Refrigeration System with Free Cooling and the avoided CO2 Emissions
    Clito Afonso, João Moreira
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0711070612     logo
  • Abstract:

    The use of air conditioning equipment is becoming more frequent, and new technologies are emerging to increase the efficiency of the process and decrease the operating costs of air conditioning systems. In data centres, where electric power consumption is high and indoor cooling is a constant, the air conditioning systems are responsible for a large part of the building's energy consumption. In this work, a data centre with a twenty years old cooling system (with production of chilled water - CW), was analysed and is about to be replaced. In order to meet the thermal load of the building, two solutions were proposedwith a more efficient refrigeration system: one with production of chilled water (case 1) and another one with a direct expansion system (DX, case 2). It was also analysed the possibility to use........
    Key words: Free-Cooling, Energy Efficiency, Data Centre.


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    Clito Afonso, João Moreira "Data Center: Energetic and Economic Analysis of a More Efficient Refrigeration System with Free Cooling and the avoided CO2 Emissions" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Hybridizing Regular Expression with query processing to remove SQL Injection and XSS attacks
    Monali Sachin Kawalkar, Dr. P. K. Butey
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0711071324     logo
  • Abstract:

    Web applications are widely used everywhere like e-commerce, online payments, online banking, money transfer, social networking, etc. As web application interacts with database where critical information is stored over the network. The methodology used is Structure Query language (SQL) and Scripting language. OWASP [2] has released the latest version of "Top 10 Vulnerabilities" based on the previous incidents as well as on the risks associated with the Vulnerabilities. SQL Injection and Cross Site Scripting are the most serious security threat to Web applications they allow attackers to obtain unrestricted access to the databases underlying the applications and to the potentially sensitive information these databases contain. Cross Site Scripting is a most prevalent web application security issue. This occurs when application sends the user provided data to the web browser without validating or encoding.......
    Key words: OWASP – Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) , SQL – Structure Query language, Web Application ,Detection and Prevention Techniques. XSS – Cross site scripting, Input query sanitization, DOM - Document Object Model


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    Monali Sachin Kawalkar, Dr. P. K. Butey "Hybridizing Regular Expression with query processing to remove SQL Injection and XSS attacks" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Antimicrobial Activity of Fermented Citrus Fruit Peel Extract
    Geetha Saramanda, Jyothi Kaparapu
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0711072528     logo
  • Abstract:

    Wastes generated from fruits and vegetables are organic in nature and contribute a major share in soil and water pollution. Also, green house gas emission caused by fruit and vegetable wastes is a matter of serious environmental concern. The aim of the present work is to evaluate the antimicrobial potency of fermented Citrus fruit peels extract.The antimicrobial activity was done by agar well diffusion assay against five bacteria and three fungi. The citrus peel extracts showed highest zone of inhibition against pathogens, compared with the control Chloramphenicol and Griseofulvin used. Citrus peel extract showed good antimicrobial activity indicating its potency as a promising source of natural antimicrobials. As microorganism are becoming resistant to present day antibiotics, our study focuses on antimicrobial activity and future prophylactic potential of the lemon peel..
    Key words: Antimicrobials, Bacteria, Citrus, Fungi and Pollution


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    Geetha Saramanda, Jyothi Kaparapu "Antimicrobial Activity of Fermented Citrus Fruit Peel Extract" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Comparative Seismic Analysis of G+ 6 Composite Frame Building in Zone III & Zone V
    Kalyani B. Sawarkar, Mohd. Zuhair
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0711072935     logo
  • Abstract:

    In recent times, there is great need to make the structure efficient, reliable and sustainable to all adverse circumstances. The most dangerous and disastrous one is earthquake. So there is a need to evaluate and improve the seismic performance of multistoried buildings. Composite structures have been known to perform well under earthquake loads. Composite structures are good at resisting earthquake. The use of these so-called compositeframe structures has as its underlying principle, the combination of these two distinctive and different building materials to benefit from the advantages of both-namely, the inherent stiffness and economy of reinforced concrete and the speed of construction, strength and light weight of structural steel. In this study we are dealing with comparative study of seismic analysis of.....
    Key words: Composite Building, Seismic Analysis, Steel Plate Shear Wall, STAAD- Pro, Structural Analysis


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    Kalyani B. Sawarkar, Mohd. Zuhair "Comparative Seismic Analysis of G+ 6 Composite Frame Building in Zone III & Zone V" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • An Overview of Sustainable Energy for A Growing Indian Economy
    Divya Pradeepa T
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0711073663     logo
  • Abstract:

    There is a whole gamut of challenging areas in the power sector that India needs to address on priority in order to meet its growth targets and the acute population growth, which will exceed 10 billion by the year 2050. How can a world of 10 billion people especially India be provided with adequate supplies of energy, cleanly, safely and substantially? There is a growing consensus that renewable energy sources will be a very important part of the answer. The growing interest in renewable has been prompted, in part, by increasing concern over the pollution, resource depletion and possible climate change implications of our continuing use of conventional fossil and nuclear fuels. Recent technological developments have also improved the cost-effectiveness of many of the renewable, making their economic prospects......
    Key words: Biomass, Coal, Environment, Hydel project, Hydro power, Solar energy, Wind energy


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    Divya Pradeepa T "An Overview of Sustainable Energy for A Growing Indian Economy" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Synthesis and Electrical Characterization of Cu2+ doped (SnO2)1-x (ZnO)x nanocomposites.
    K.J.Abhirama, K.U.Madhu
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0711076472     logo
  • Abstract:

    SnO2(1-x)ZnO(x) (with x values 0.0,0.2,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.8,1.0) nanocomposites doped with 1 mole percent Cu2+ was synthesized using simple microwave assisted solvothermal method with ethylene glycol as solvent. The as-prepared samples were calcinated for about 5000C and the calcinated samples were characterized using powder X-ray diffraction analysis (PXRD) and the electrical measurements were carried out within the temperature range of 40-1500C. The electrical parameters such as dielectric constant and dielectric loss factor were found to increase with increase in temperature and decreases with increase in frequency. The occurrence of space charge polarization was responsible for the changes. It was observed that the AC electrical conductivity increases with increase in frequency and temperature and it was mainly due to hopping of electrons. The results obtained were reported and discussed..
    Key words: Calcinated, Conductivity, Dielectric parameters, Nanocomposite, Solvothermal.


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    K.J.Abhirama, K.U.Madhu "Synthesis and Electrical Characterization of Cu2+ doped (SnO2)1-x (ZnO)x nanocomposites." Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Study theImpact ofEarthquake load on Behavior of I Shape RC Shear Wallsat the Centerof Structure
    Mahdi Hosseini, Prof.N.V.RamanaRao
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-0711077398     logo
  • Abstract:

    The usefulness of shear walls in the structural planning of multistory buildings has long been recognized .Shear walls are located on each level of the structure, to form an effective box structure, equal length shear walls are placed symmetrically on opposite sides of exterior walls of the building. Shear walls are added to the building interior to provide extra strength and stiffness to the building when the exterior walls cannot provide sufficient strength and stiffness or when the allowable span-width ratio for the floor or roof diaphragm is exceeded. Shear walls are analyzed to resist two types of forces: shear forces and uplift forces. Shear forces are created throughout the height of the wall between the top and bottom shear wall connections. Uplift forces exist on shear walls because the horizontal forces are applied to the top of the wall. These uplift forces try to lift up one end of the wall and push the....
    Key words: I Shape RC Shear Wall, Response Spectrum Method,Soft ,Medium &Hard Soil, Structural Response


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    Mahdi Hosseini , Prof.N.V.RamanaRao "Study theImpact ofEarthquake load on Behavior of I Shape RC Shear Wallsat the Centerof Structure" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com

  • Assessing mechatronic systems' anticipated dependability: current state of the art
    Shivaling I Mukanavar, Radha Velangi
    [Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
      10.9790/9622-071199105     logo
  • Abstract:

    The usefulness of shear walls in the structural planning of multistory buildings has long been recognized .Shear walls are located on each level of the structure, to form an effective box structure, equal length shear walls are placed symmetrically on opposite sides of exterior walls of the building. Shear walls are added to the building interior to provide extra strength and stiffness to the building when the exterior walls cannot provide sufficient strength and stiffness or when the allowable span-width ratio for the floor or roof diaphragm is exceeded. Shear walls are analyzed to resist two types of forces: shear forces and uplift forces. Shear forces are created throughout the height of the wall between the top and bottom shear wall connections. Uplift forces exist on shear walls because the horizontal forces are applied to the top of the wall. These uplift forces try to lift up one end of the wall and push the....
    Key words: I Shape RC Shear Wall, Response Spectrum Method,Soft ,Medium &Hard Soil, Structural Response


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    Mahdi Hosseini , Prof.N.V.RamanaRao "Study theImpact ofEarthquake load on Behavior of I Shape RC Shear Wallsat the Centerof Structure" Vol. 7 - Issue 11 (November - 2017), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
