Volume 4- Issue 9 [September 2014 ]
S.No. | Title & Authors | Page | Downloads |
1. | The Influence of the Metals Citrates, Obtained Using Aquanano Technologies, On the Biomass Production of Medicinal Mushroom Ganaderma Lucidum (Curtis) P. Karst
The Influence of the Metals Citrates, Obtained Using Aquanano Technologies, On the Biomass Production of Medicinal Mushroom Ganaderma Lucidum (Curtis) P. KarstAbstract: A comparative study of the impact of citrates and sulfates of zinc and manganese, obtained with the help of nanotechnology, on the growth of mycelium of medicinal fungus Ganoderma lucidum at their cultivation in a liquids media has been carried out. It was demonstrated that sulfates and citrates of used metals have dramatically different effects on the growth of mycelium Ganoderma lucidum depending on which media they were added to.Key words: Ganoderma lucidum, citrate, sulfate, zinc, manganese, cultivation, nanotechnologies. Reference [1] Chen X, Hu ZP, Yang XX, Huang M, Gao Y, et al. (2006) Monitoring of immune responses to a herbal immuno-modulator in patients with advanced colorectal cancer. Int immunopharmacol 6: 499–508 [2] Paterson RR (2006) Ganoderma - a therapeutic fungal biofactory. Phytochemistry 67: 1985–2001 [3] Sanodiya BS, Thakur GS, Baghel RK, Prasad GB, Bisen PS (2009) Ganoderma lucidum: a potent pharmacological macrofungus. Curr Pharm Biotechnol 10: 717–742 [4] Wasser SP, Weis AL (1999) Therapeutic effects of substances occurring in higher Basidiomycetes mushrooms: a modern perspective. Crit Rev Immunol 19: 65–96 [5] Ivette J. Suarez-Arroyo, Raysa Rosario-Acevedo, Alexandra Aguilar-Perez et al., (2013) Anti-Tumor Effects of Ganoderma lucidum (Reishi) in Inflammatory Breast Cancer in In Vivo and In Vitro Models. PLoS One Al-Maali Galeb, Bisko Nina, Mustafin Kairat, Akhmetsadykov Nurlan, Suleimenova Zhanara, Rakhmetova Zhanar |
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2. | SAR Image Segmentation Based On Hybrid PSOGSA Optimization Algorithm
SAR Image Segmentation Based On Hybrid PSOGSA Optimization AlgorithmAbstract: Image segmentation is useful in many applications. It can identify the regions of interest in a scene or annotate the data. It categorizes the existing segmentation algorithm into region-based segmentation, data clustering, and edge-base segmentation. Region-based segmentation includes the seeded and unseeded region growing algorithms, the JSEG, and the fast scanning algorithm. Due to the presence of speckle noise, segmentation of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images is still a challenging problem. We proposed a fast SAR image segmentation method based on Particle Swarm Optimization-Gravitational Search Algorithm (PSO-GSA). In this method, threshold estimation is regarded as a search procedure that examinations for an appropriate value in a continuous grayscale interval. Hence, PSO-GSA algorithm is familiarized to search for the optimal threshold. Experimental results indicate that our method is superior to GA based, AFS based and ABC based methods in terms of segmentation accuracy, segmentation time, and Thresholding.Reference [1] R. Wilson and M. Spann, Image segmentation and uncertainty, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1988. [2] A. R. Weeks, Fundamentals of electronic image processing, SPIE Optical Engineering Press Bellingham, 1996. [3] E. R. Dougherty, R. A. Lotufo and T. I. S. for Optical Engineering SPIE, Hands-on morphological image processing, vol. 71, SPIE press Bellingham, 2003. [4] Y.-J. Zhang, Advances in image and video segmentation, IGI Global, 2006. [5] L. Zhang and Q. Ji, "A Bayesian Network Model for Automatic and Interactive Image Segmentation," Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 20, no. 9, pp. 2582-2593, Sept 2011. Amandeep Kaur, Charanjit Singh, Amandeep Singh Bhandari |
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3. | Deblurring, Localization and Geometry Correction of 2D QR Bar Codes Using Richardson Lucy Method
Deblurring, Localization and Geometry Correction of 2D QR Bar Codes Using Richardson Lucy MethodAbstract: This paper includes the recognition of 2D QR bar codes. This paper describes the deblurring, localization and geometry correction of 2D QR bar codes. The images captured are blurred due motion between the image and the camera. Hence the image containing the QR barcode cannot be read by QR reader. To make the QR barcode readable the images are need to be deblurred. Lucy Richardson method and Weiner Deconvolution Method is used to deblurr and localize the bar code. From both of the methods Lucy Richardson Method is best because this method takes less time for execution than the other method. Simulink Model is used for the Geometry correction of the QR bar code. In future, we would like to investigate the generalization of our algorithm to handle more complicated motion blur.Key words: 2D QR bar code image, smart phone camera, Richardson Lucy Method, Vision assistant module from lab view. Reference [1]. Yanming Zhou, et al. (2006) "Camera Readable 2D Bar Codes Design and Decoding for Mobile Phones" in Image Processing, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Digital Object Identifier: 10. 1109/ICIP.2006.312495 Publication Year: 2006, Page(s): 469 – 472. [2]. Hyotaek Lim, et al.(2010) "Online banking authentication system usingmobile-OTP with QR-code" in International Conference Computer Sciences and Convergence Information Technology (ICCIT), 2010 5th International Conference on Digital Object Identifier:10.1109/ICCIT. 2010.5711134 Publication Year: 2010, Page(s): 644 – 648. [3]. Aidong Sun, et al.(2007) "The QR-de reorganization in illegible snapshotstaken by mobile phones" in Computational Science and its Applications, 2007. ICCSA 2007. International Conference on Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/ICCSA.2007.86 Publication Year: 2007, Page(s): 532 - 538 Cited by: 4. [4]. Hanaizumi, et al.(2004) "Barcode readers using the camera device in mobile phones" in Cyber worlds, 2004 International Conference on Digital Object Identifier: 10. 1109/CW.2004.23 Publication Year: 2004, Page(s): 260 -265 Cited by: 11. [5]. Hui Ji, et al. (2008) "Motion blur identification from image gradients" in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2008. CVPR 2008. IEEE Conference on Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/CVPR. 2008.4587537 Publication Year: 2008, Page (s): 1 - 8 Cited by: 5 Manpreet Kaur, Amandeep Singh Bhandari, Charanjit Singh |
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4. | A Combined Approach for Worm-Hole and Black-Hole Attack Detection in MANET
A Combined Approach for Worm-Hole and Black-Hole Attack Detection in MANETAbstract: Mobile ad hoc network is a kind of wireless network, in this network all nodes are connected through the wireless links and perform cooperative communication.Due to limited radio range of these devices any time can leave or join the network. Therefore the routing techniques are responsible for the network organization and communication flow. Due to this the performance of MANET is low as compared with the traditional wired communication networks. In addition of that network is suffers from the probability of attacks. Thus in this paper MANET routing strategy and their attacks are investigated and learned. In addition of that in order to secure the communication recent approaches of security in MANET also investigated. Finally a new algorithm for prevention of malicious attack in MANET is suggested. Additionally the based on the concluded facts, future extension of the proposed work is also suggested.Key words: MANET, Routing, routing attacks, malicious node detection and prevention Reference [1] T. Krishna Rao,Mayank Sharma,Dr. M. V. VijayaSaradhi, ―Securing Layer-3 Wormhole Attacks in Ad-Hoc Networks‖, International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Vol.2, Issue.1, Jan-Feb 2012 pp-230-234 ISSN: 2249-6645 [2] K. Sivakumar, Dr. G. Selvaraj, ―Analysis of Worm Hole Attack in MANET And Avoidance Using Robust Secure Routing Method‖, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2013 ISSN: 2277 128X [3] SavithruLokanath, AravindThayur, ―Implementation of AODV Protocol and Detection of Malicious Nodes in MANETs‖, International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN (Online): 2319-7064 Volume 2 Issue 11, November 2013 [4] Fan-Hsun Tseng, Li-Der Chou and Han-Chieh Chao, ―A survey of black hole attacks in wireless mobile ad hoc networks‖, licensee Springer. 2011, http://link.springer. com/article/10.1186/2192-1962-1-4/fulltext.html [5] BOUNPADITHKANNHAVONG, HIDEHISANAKAYAMA, YOSHIAKINEMOTO,ANDNEIKATO, ―A SURVEY OF ROUTING ATTACKS IN MOBILE AD HOC NETWORKS‖,IEEE Wireless Communications • October 2007 1536-1284/07/$20.00 © 2007 IEEE Amber Jain, Ashish J Tiwari |
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5. | Study and Analysis of Six Stroke Engine
Study and Analysis of Six Stroke EngineAbstract: Six Stroke engine, the name itself indicates a cycle of six strokes out of which two are useful power strokes. According to its mechanical design, the six-stroke engine with external and internal combustion and double flow is similar to the actual internal reciprocating combustion engine. However, it differentiates itself entirely, due to its thermodynamic cycle and a modified cylinder head with two supplementary chambers: combustion and an air heating chamber, both independent from the cylinder. In this the cylinder and the combustion chamber are separated which gives more freedom for design analysis. In addition to the two valves in the four stroke engine two more valves are incorporated which are operated by a piston arrangement. The Six Stroke is thermodynamically more efficient because the change in volume of the power stroke is greater than the intake stroke and the compression stroke. The main advantages of six stroke engine includes reduction in fuel consumption by 40%, two power strokes in the six stroke cycle, dramatic reduction in pollution, adaptability to multi fuel operation. Six stroke engine's adoption by the automobile industry would have a tremendous impact on the environment and world economy .Reference [1] Altin R, Cetinkaya S, Yucesu HS. The potential of using vegetable oil fuels as fuel for diesel engines. International Journal of Energy Conversion and Management 2000;42:529–38. 248. [2] Nwafor OMI. Effect of advanced injection timing on the performance of rapeseed oil in diesel engines. International Journal of Renewable Energy 2000;21:433–44. [3] Nwafor OMI. The effect of elevated fuel inlet temperature on performance of diesel engine running on neat vegetable oil at constant speed conditions. Renewable Energy 2003;28:171–81. [4] Kaupp A, Goss JR. Small scale gas producer engine systems. Wiesbaden: Friedr Vieweg and Sohn Braunschweg; 1984. [5] Vyarawalla F, Parikh PP, Dak H C, Jain BC. Utilization of biomass for motive power generation: gasifier engine system. Biomass 1984;3:227–42. B. Ramya |
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6. | On Some Double Integrals of H -Function of Two Variables and
Their Applications
On Some Double Integrals of H -Function of Two Variables and Their ApplicationsAbstract: This paper deals with the evaluation of four integrals of H -function of two variables proposed by Singh and Mandia [7] and their applications in deriving double half-range Fourier series for the H -function of two variables. A multiple integral and a multiple half-range Fourier series of the H -function of two variables are derived analogous to the double integral and double half-range Fourier series of the H -function of two variables.Key words: H -function of two variables, Half-range Fourier series, H -function, Multiple half-range Fourier series. (2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 33C99) Reference [1] Bajpai, S.D., Double and Multiple half-range Fourier series of Meijer's G -function, Acta Mathematica Vietnamica 16 (1991), 27-37. [2] Buschman, R.G. and Srivastava , H.M. ,The H function associated with a certain class of Feynman integrals, J.Phys.A:Math. Gen. 23, (1990),4707-4710. [3] Fox,C., A formal solution of certain dual integral equations, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 119, (1965), 389- 395. [4] Inayat-Hussain, A.A., New properties of hypergeometric series derivable from Feynman integrals :II A generalization of the H -function, J. Phys. A. Math. Gen. 20 (1987). [5] Mathai, A.M. and Saxena, R.K.; Generalized Hypergeometric Functions With Applications in Statistics and Physical Sciences, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1973. Yashwant Singh, Vineeta Malsariya |
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7. | Operating Conditions Effects Onenzyme Activity: Case Enzyme Protease
Operating Conditions Effects Onenzyme Activity: Case Enzyme ProteaseAbstract: The Proteases an enzyme added to detergents to degrade the protein spots origin.Their action is manifested through its activity the middle of washing clothes. This activity depends on the operating conditions. In this article, the effects of temperature and pH of the reaction and the substrate concentration and time of washing medium on the enzyme activity were studied. There action mechanism has been shown. The activity measurements were made by absorption spectrometry.Reference [1] Payen et Persoz, « Mémoire sur la diastase, les principaux produits de ses réactions et leurs applications aux arts industriels », Annales de chimie et de physique, 2e série, t.53, 1833, pp. 73-92. [2] Dr. Beat Muller et Dr. Ernst Stahli « les enzymes dans la technologie des détergents », 2e Edition, décembre 2005, SKW. [3] Cinétique enzymatique. ABEGG Daniel. SURRIABRE Pedro. Université de Genève. Science II, Laboratoire 110. 11 octobre 2007. [4] Towalski, D. (1987). A case study in enzymes: washing powder enzymes. International Industrial Biotechnology, Article 77:7:12/1, pp. 198-203. [5] Reilly, P. J. (1984). Enzymic degradation of starch.In Starch conversion technology, ed. G. M. A. Van Beynum& J. A. Reels, pp. 101-42. New York: Marcel Dekker Inc. Adel Oueslati, Mounirhaouala |
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8. | Performance of a Wind System: Case Study of Sidi Daoud Site
Performance of a Wind System: Case Study of Sidi Daoud SiteAbstract: This paper describes recent developments of systems for the conversion of wind energy. It presents a modeling and simulation of wind energy conversion system at the site of Sidi Daoud using the experimental results obtained by the services of the company STEG and Madee. We determined the performance of machines based on site properties and dimensional characteristics of the deviceKey words: wind power, performance, dimensional characteristics, site properties. Reference [1] Ayachi Sana, OUESLATI Adel et TRABELSI Abdelwahed, « Diagnostic de système de maintenance des éoliennes de Sidi daoud », Projet de fin d'étude, STEG- Institut Supérieur des Etudes Technologiques de Zaghouan-Tunisie, juin 2007. [2] International wind Energy Development, BTM Consult Aps-Mars 2000. [3] Renewable Energy world, Review issue 2000-2001. [4] MEDETEC, Energy Technology for Mediterranean Countries – Mars 2000. [5] Mohamed Hichemn Chaibi, « Evaluation et perspectives d'avenir de l'énergie éolienne en Tunisie », Revue Tunisienne de l'Energie N°55. Adel Oueslati, Sana Ayachi |
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9. | Evaluation of Euclidean and Manhanttan Metrics In Content Based Image Retrieval System
Evaluation of Euclidean and Manhanttan Metrics In Content Based Image Retrieval SystemAbstract: Content-based Image Retrieval is all about generating signatures of images in database and comparing the signature of the query image with these stored signatures. Color histogram can be used as signature of an image and used to compare two images based on certain distance metric. Distance metrics Manhattan distance (L1 norm) and Euclidean distance (L2 norm) are used to determine similarities between a pair of images. In this paper, Corel database is used to evaluate the performance of Manhattan and Euclidean distance metrics. The experimental results showed that Manhattan showed better precision rate than Euclidean distance metric. The evaluation is made using Content based image retrieval application developed using color moments of the Hue, Saturation and Value(HSV) of the image and Gabor descriptors are adopted as texture features.Key words: Content-Based Image Retrieval, CBIR systems, Image Database, Color histograms, color scale images, Euclidean Distance method, Manhattan distance, Gabor wavelet. Reference [1] Ja-Hwung Su, Wei-Jyun Huang, Philip S. Yu, and Vincent S. Tseng, "Efficient Relevance Feedback for Content-Based Image Retrieval by Mining User Navigation Patterns" IEEE transactions on knowledge and data engineering, vol. 23, no. 3, march 2011. [2] Wasim Khan, Shiv Kumar. Neetesh Gupta, Nilofar Khan, "A Proposed Method for Image Retrieval using Histogram values and Texture Descriptor Analysis" , International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE) ISSN: 2231-2307, Volume-I Issue-II, May 2011. [3] P Liu, K. Jia, Z. Wang and Z. Lv, "A New and Effective Image Retrieval Method Based on Combined Features", Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Image and Graphics, vol. I, pp. 786-790, August 2007. [4] Kambiz Jarrah, Ling Guan "Content-Based Image Retrieval via Distributed Databases" CIVR‟08, July 7-9, 2008, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. 2008 ACM. [5] Ritendra Datta, Dhiraj Joshi, Jia Li and James Wang, "Image Retrieval: Ideas, Influences, and Trends of the New Age", Proceedings of the 7th ACM SIGMM international workshop on Multimedia information retrieval, November 10-11, 2005, Hilton, Singapore. Gunjan Khosla, Dr. Navin Rajpal and Jasvinder Singh |
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10. | Reactive Power Compensation and Control via Shunt Reactors and Under Ground Power Cables
Reactive Power Compensation and Control via Shunt Reactors and Under Ground Power CablesAbstract: In this paper we will cover the techniques used locally to accomplish the reactive power compensation. First, the importance of reactive power compensation is explained through defining the different types of electrical power and showing the effect of power compensation on the electric power network quality. The power under ground cable is the first technique used to compensate for the inductance of overhead transmission lines and power transformers during heavy loading of the network. Then, we explore the application of the two types of shunt reactors in different locations of the network to compensate for the capacitance of the network during light loading. Finally, a conclusion is presented.Key words: compensation, reactive power, shunt reactor, under ground power cable. Reference [1] T. J. Miller, Reactive power control in electric systems( John Willey & Sons , 1982). [2] E. Warnner, R. Mathys, M. Hausler, Compensation systems for industry, Brown Boveri Review, vol. 70, pp. 330-340, Sept./Oct. 1983. [3] Kothari, D. P. and Nagrath, I. J., Modern power system analysis (3rd Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2003). [4] SUNIL S. RAO, Switchgear protection and power systems, (11th Edition, Romesh Chander Khana for KHANA PUBLISHERS Delhi, 1999. [5] Theodore Wildi, Electrical power technology (1st Edition, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1981). Abdulaziz M. S. Alboaijan |
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11. | Performance Evaluation of DSDV and MDSDV Routing Protocol with Varying Node Density
Performance Evaluation of DSDV and MDSDV Routing Protocol with Varying Node DensityAbstract: Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANET) is an important and challenging research area. The routing protocol should detect and maintain a good route between source and destination nodes in these dynamic networks. Many routing protocols have been proposed for mobile ad hoc networks, and none can be considered as the best under all conditions. This thesis work consist a systematic comparative evaluation of a new multipath routing protocol for MANETS. The new protocol, called Multipath Destination Sequenced Distance Vector (MDSDV) is based on the well known single path Destination Sequenced Distance Vector (DSDV) is compared with known protocol DSDV. This work containing evaluates the protocols on a range of MANETS with between 50, 75 and 100 nodes, which are static nodes. The protocol comparison metrics are Throughput and Residual Energy.Reference [1] C. Perkins, E. Belding-Royer, and S. Das. (July 2003). Ad hoc on-demand distance vector (AODV) routing. [2] C.E. Perkins and E.M. Royer. (February 1999). Ad-hoc on-demand distance vector routing. In proceedings of 2nd IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (WMCSA'99), (pp. pages 90–100). New Orleans, LA, United states. [3] D.B. Johnson, D.A. Maltz, J. Broch, et al. ( 2001). DSR: The dynamic source routing protocol for multi-hop wireless ad hoc networks. Ad hoc networking, 5, (pp. 139– 172). [4] ID Chakeres and EM Belding-Royer. (March 2004). AODV routing protocol implementation design. In Proceedings of 24th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops, (pp. pages 698–703). Hachioji, Japan. [5] J. Tsai and T. Moors. (July 2006). A review of multipath routing protocols: from wireless ad hoc to mesh networks. In Proceedings of ACoRN Early Career Researcher Workshop on Wireless Multihop Networking, (pp. pages 17–18). Australia. Arpita Mahajan, Naresh Purohit |
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12. | Thermal-Acoustic Comfort Index for Workers of Poultry Houses Using Fuzzy Modeling
Thermal-Acoustic Comfort Index for Workers of Poultry Houses Using Fuzzy ModelingAbstract: Thermal-acoustic comfort is considered an essential factor for the performance of industrial activities. As well as harm the health of the workers, environments outside the adequate conditions provoke losses in productivity. The objective of this work was to develop a system capable of evaluating and classifying the working environment in poultry houses. A working regime of 8 hours per day in a poultry house was simulated and the results provide support for the classification of the comfort level based on different climate and noise conditions. Two input variables were used: wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT) and noise level (dB), and the correspondent output variable was the human welfare index (HWI). The results indicate that the proposed methodology is a promising technique for the determination of the level of thermal comfort endured by poultry house workers, capable of assisting in making decisions on control of the working environment.Key words: human welfare, environment control, mathematical modeling Reference [1] SAMPAIO, C. A. P.; NÄÄS, I. A.; SALGADO, D. D.; QUEIRÓS, M. P. G. Avaliação do nível de ruído em instalações para suínos. Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental, Campina Grande, v. 11, n. 4, p. 436- 440, 2007. [2] ASTETE, M. G. W.; KITAMURA, S. Efeitos da exposição Profissional ao Barulho. In: Medicina do Trabalho: Doenças Ocupacionais. René Mendes. Sarvier S/A Editora Livro Médicos. São Paulo. 1980. 416-435p. [3] KLIR, G. J.; YUAN, B. Fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic. New Jersey: Prentice Hall PTR, 1995. 574p. [4] SIMÕES, M. G. Controle e modelagem fuzzy. São Paulo: Edgard Blücher, 1999. 165p. [5] AERTS, J.M.; BERCKMANS, D.; SCHUMMANS, B. On-line measurement of bioresponses for climate control in animal production units. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTERS IN AGRICULTURE, 6., 1996, Michigan. Proceedings…St Joseph: American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 1996. 147-53p. Leonardo Schiassi, Tadayuki Yanagi Junior, Flavio Alves Damasceno, Jairo Alexander Osorio Saraz, Adriana Garcia Do Amaral |
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13. | Laboratory Proposal for Studies on Poultry Environment
Laboratory Proposal for Studies on Poultry EnvironmentAbstract: The goal of the present work was the instrumentation and validation of a laboratory equipped with a control system for air temperature (tair), relative air humidity (RH) and air velocity (V) to study the environment for small animals. An experimental was equipped with two air conditioners to manage basic tair and RH in order to work. Four wind tunnels, with partial recirculation of air were installed in the room. Each tunnel features two electric heaters and two humidifiers divided into two operation stages. The air velocity is manually controlled by potentiometers connected to exhaust fans. A system to acquire data and control climatic variables was installed in the laboratory and it consisted of a datalogger, a multiplexer channel, a relay controller , tair and RH sensors, sensors for measuring water temperature and digital helix anemometer to measure air velocity. The results showed that the system presented deviations of ± 0.19 °C, ± 0.75% and ± 0.05 m s-1 for tair, RH and V, respectively, when comparing the values measured inside the tunnels to those previously established (setpoints).Key words: controlled environment, instrumentation, climatic chamber Reference [1] Cordeiro, M. B. Análise de imagens na avaliação do comportamento, do bem-estar e do desempenho de pintos de corte submetidos a diferentes sistemas de aquecimento. 2007. 121 p. Tese (Doutorado em Engenharia Agrícola – Construções Rurais e Ambiência) – Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, 2007. [2] Damasceno, F. A.; Yanagi Junior, T.; Lima, R. R.; Gomes, R. C. C.; Moraes, S. R. P. Avaliação do bem-estar de frangos de corte em dois galpões comerciais climatizados. Ciência e Agrotecnologia, Lavras, v.34, n.4, p.1031-1038, jul./ago. 2010. [3] Ferreira, F.; Campos, W. E.; Carvalho, A. U.; Pires, M. F. A.; Martinez, M. L.; Silva, M. V. G. B.; Verneque, R. S.; Silva, P. F. Parâmetros clínicos, hematológicos, bioquímicos e hormonais de bovinos submetidos ao estresse calórico. Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Belo Horizonte, v.61, n.4, p.769-776, ago. 2009. [4] Kiefer, C.; Meignen, B. C. G.; Sanches, J. F.; Carrijo, A. S. Resposta de suínos em crescimento mantidos em diferentes temperaturas. Archivos de Zootecnia, Córdoba, v.58, n.221, p.55-64, mar. 2009. [5] Maia, A. S. C.; Silva, R. G.; Andrade, P. C. Efeitos da temperatura e da movimentação do ar sobre o isolamento térmico do velo de ovinos em câmara climática. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia, Viçosa, v.38, n.1, p.104-108, jan. 2009. Schiassi, L, Yanagi Junior, T., Abreu, L.H.P., Reis, G.M., Damasceno, F.A., Silva, G.C.A, Campos, A.T. |
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14. | Arm Robot Surveillance Using Dual Tone Multiple Frequency Technology
Arm Robot Surveillance Using Dual Tone Multiple Frequency TechnologyAbstract: Surveillance place a pivotal role in addressing a wide range of security challenges .In the present paper we propose a Dual Tone Multiple Frequency ( DTMF) based Robot with video surveillance. In the proposed model a DTMF based Robot with video surveillance with multiple key functions, Arm picker and security system was implemented. Master and slave concept using 3 Microcontroller and motor driver IC to drive motors was implemented and belt wheel platform was used to move the robot from one place to another. Multiple key functions were used to perform more functions and a camera for surveillance .The robot can navigate with the help of the user.Key words: Dual Tone Multiple Frequency ,DTMF Robot, Microcontroller Reference [1] Sehgal, V.K.; Singhal, M.; Mangla, B.; Singh, S.; Kulshrestha, S., "An Embedded Interface for GSM Based Car Security System," Computational Intelligence, Communication Systems and Networks (CICSyN), 2012 Fourth International Conference on , vol., no., pp.9,13, 24-26 July 2012 doi: 10.1109/CICSyN.2012.12 [2] Nagi, J.; Yap, K.S.; Tiong, S.K.; Ahmed, S. K.; Nagi, F., "Intelligent detection of DTMF tones using a hybrid signal processing technique with support vector machines," Information Technology, 2008. IT Sim 2008. International Symposium on , vol.4, no., pp.1,8, 26-28 Aug. 2008 doi: 10.1109/ITSIM.2008.4631887 [3] Patil, B.C.; Henry, R., "Dual functional reconfigurable mobile robot," TENCON 2008 - 2008 IEEE Region 10 Conference , vol., no., pp.1,5, 19-21 Nov. 2008 doi: 10.1109/TENCON.2008.4766699 [4] Yun Chan Cho; Jae Wook Jeon, "Remote robot control system based on DTMF of mobile phone," Industrial Informatics, 2008. INDIN 2008. 6th IEEE International Conference on , vol., no., pp.1441,1446, 13-16 July 2008 doi: 10.1109/ INDIN. 2008. 4618331 [5] Suvad Selman, Raveendran Paramesran, "Comparative Analysis of Methods Used in the Design of DTMF Tone Detectors" IEEE International Conference on Telecommunications and Malaysia International Conference on Communications, 14-17 May 2007, Penang, Malaysia Amrutha.V, Surenkumar.H, Dinesh John.P, Reenu Mary Kuriakose |
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15. | Security Issues related with cloud computing
Security Issues related with cloud computingAbstract: The term CLOUD means Common Location Independent Online Utility on Demand. It‟s an emerging technology in IT industries. Cloud technologies are improving day by day and now it become a need for all small and large scale industries. Companies like Google, Amazon, Microsoft etc. is providing virtualized environment for user by which it omits the need for physical storage and others. But as the advantage of cloud computing is increasing day by day the issues are also threatening the IT industries. These issues related with the security of the data. The basic idea of this review paper is to elaborate the security issues related with cloud computing and what methods are implemented to improve these security. Certain algorithms like RSA, DES, and Ceaser Cipher etc. implemented to improve the security issues. In this paper we have implemented Identity based mRSA algorithm in this paper for improving security of data.Key words: Cloud computing, RSA, Encryption, Security Issues Reference [1] P. Subhasri, Dr. A. Padmapriya, Implementation of Reverse Ceaser Cipher Algorithm for cloud computing, International Journal for advanced Research in Engineering and Technology, Vol-1, Issue VI, July-2013. [2] Omer K. Jasim, Safai Abbas, El-sayed M. El-Horbaty and Abdel-Badeeh M. Salem, Efficiency of Modern Encryption Algorithms in Cloud Computing, International Journal of Energing Trends and Technology in Computer Science, Vol-2, Issue 6, Nov-Dec 2013. [3] D. Boneh, X. Ding, and G. Tsudik. Identity based encryption using mediated rsa. In 3rd Workshop on Information Security Application, Jeju Island, Korea, Aug. 2002. KIISC. [4] D. Boneh, X. Ding, G. Tsudik, and C.M. Wong. A method for fast revocation of public key certificates and security capabilities. In 10th USENIX Security Symposium, Washington, D. C., Aug. 2001. USENIX. [5] D. Boneh and M. Franklin. Identity-based encryption from the Weil Pairing. In Kilian [15], pages 213–229. Manju, Dr. P.C. Vashist |
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16. | Improving Structural Limitations of Pid Controller For Unstable Processes
Improving Structural Limitations of Pid Controller For Unstable ProcessesAbstract: PID controllers have structural limitations which make it impossible for a good closed-loop performance to be achieved. A step response with high overshoot and oscillations always results. In controlling processes with resonances, integrators and unstable transfer functions, the PI-PD controller provides a satisfactory closed-loop performance. In this paper, a simple approach to extracting parameters of a PI-PD controller from parameters of the conventional PID controller is presented so that a good closed-loop system performance is achieved. Simulated results from this formation are carried out to show the efficacy of the technique proposed.Key words: Disturbance rejection, PID controller, Integrating process, PI-PD, Unstable process. Reference [1] PID Control with MATHLAB and Simulink.Available online at http://www.mathworks.com/discovery/pid-control.html. Last accessed 24-07-2014 [2] J.G. Ziegler, N.B. Nichol, Optimum settings for Automatic controllers, ASME Transactions, 64(1942), pp 759-68 [3] K.J. Astrom and T. Hagglund, Automatic Tuning of PID regulators. Instrument society of America, Research Triangle Park, NC,1988. [4] C.C.Hang, K.J. Astrom, and W.K. Ho, Regiments of the Ziegler-Nichols tuning formular, IEE Control Theory App. 1991.Proc.138, pp11-118. [5] H. J. Park, Sung SW, Lee IB (1998) An enhanced PID control for unstable processes. Automatica 34(6):751-756. E.E. Ezema, I.I. Eneh, O.L. Daniya |
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17. | Empirical Determination of Locations of Unstable and Blank Gsm Signal Network Receptions in a Cell Site
Empirical Determination of Locations of Unstable and Blank Gsm Signal Network Receptions in a Cell SiteAbstract: In a GSM network coverage area there exist locations where network signal reception is always either unsteady or blank. These problems are the cause of intermittent call receptions or no network reception at some locations in cell sites. This paper discusses a practical work carried out in a cell site located in a remote area in Eastern Nigeria to determine such locations. To do that, received signal field strength measurements were initially conducted at 3m interval starting from 100m away from the base Station to determine the suspected locations of unsteady and blank network receptions in the field. Further extensive measurements were then taken at each of the suspect locations. Analyses of the data obtained shows that a lot of such phenomenon may exist in cell sites.Key words: cell site, blank network reception, fading, unsteady network reception Reference [1] A. Gbenga (2006), Telecommunication in Nigeria Concept [2] M. Mailer (2013), Wireless Networking, Pearson Que Publishing, North America [3] T. David and P. Viswanath (2005), Fundamentals of Wireless Communication, Cambridge University Press. [4] A, Haeberlen, F. Flannery, A. M. Ladd, A. Rudys, D.S. Wallech and L.E. Kavraki. 'Practical Robust Localization over Larg – Scale 802.11 wireless networks' Proceedings of the 10th annual international Conference on Mobile Computing and network Mobicom'04, September 26 – October 01, 2004, Philadelphia, P.A, USA. [5] R.M. Kanagalu (1999), Coverage Estimation for Mobile Cellular Networks from Signal Strength Measurements, a Ph.D thesis presented to department of Electrical Engineering, University of Texas, Dallas USA. Alor M.O, Abonyi D. O, Okafor P. U |
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18. | Image Detection and Count Using Open Computer Vision (Opencv)
Image Detection and Count Using Open Computer Vision (Opencv)Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to introduce and quickly make a reader to provide basics of OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision) without having to go through the lengthy reference manuals and books. OpenCV is actually an open source library for image and video analysis, originally introduced more than decade ago by Intel. The latest major change took place in 2009 (OpenCV2) which includes main changes to the C++ interface. Nowadays the library has >2500 optimized algorithms. It is extensively used around the world, having >2.5M downloads and >40K people in the user group. Regardless of whether one is a novice C++ programmer or a professional software developer, unaware of OpenCV, the content should be interesting mainly for the researchers and graduate students in image processing and computer vision areas.Key words: OpenCV, image processing, computer vision, calibration, face detection. Reference [1] Intel corporation, "Open Source Computer Vision Library – [Reference Manual] Copyright © 1999-2001 Intel Corporation. [2] Gary Bradski and Adrian Kaehler, O'REILLY Learning OpenCV Copyright © 2008 Printed in the United States of America. [3] [OpenCV Wiki] Open Source Computer Vision Library Wiki, http://opencvlibrary.sourceforge.net/. [4] [OpenCV] Open Source Computer Vision Library (OpenCV), http://sourceforge.net/ projects/opencvlibrary/. [5] D. Chen and G. Zhang, "A new sub-pixel detector for x-corners in cameracalibration targets," WSCG Short Papers (2005). K. B. Neelima, Dr. T. Saravanan |
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19. | Aerobic Biodegradation of Vinegar Containing Waste Water by Mixed Culture Bacteria from Soil in Fluidised Bed Reactor
Aerobic Biodegradation of Vinegar Containing Waste Water by Mixed Culture Bacteria from Soil in Fluidised Bed ReactorAbstract: The present study is focussed on biodegradation of the vinegar effluents by mixed culture bacteria isolated from the soil. The presence of acetic acid in the vinegar plant effluent contaminates the water and soil erodes if the effluent is released into the soil, ultimately contaminate the ground water table. It is necessary to remove acetic acid from the vinegar plant effluents. The technique used in this study in order to remove biodegradable matter is Aerobic Biodegradation. Varying initial concentrations of vinegar is synthetically prepared in the laboratory, which resembled the effluent released from the vinegar plant by adding the vinegar of 1%, 4%, 7% to 1250 ml water respectively. The mixed culture bacteria from the soil grown on standard Lysogeny Broth medium and introduced into the aerobic fluidized bed reactor after 24 hours and the bacteria (Bacilli, Cocci)biodegraded the organic matter i.e., acetic acid present in the sample. Samples analysed for vinegar concentration, DO and salinity, electrical conductivity for every 24hr, 48hr, and 72hr by volumetric analysis. The pH, DO, salinity, electrical conductivity and concentrations of the each samples measured for every 24hr, 48hr, and 72hr respectively. The pH of 1%, 4% & 7% samples varied from 6 to 9, 5 to 8.5 & 3 to 7 respectively from day1 to day3. The dissolved oxygen altered from 4ppm to 1ppm for 1% sample from day1 to day3 and from 5ppm to 2ppm for 4% vinegar sample for day1 o day3. Electrical conductivity of 1% vinegar sample increased from 52 to 58 from day1 to day3.Key words: Fluidised bed reactor, pH, Electrical Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen, Aerobic Biodegradation. Reference [1] Takeyoshi Nakayama, 'Studies on Acetic Acid-Bacteria'. The journal of Biochemistry, Vol.46, No.9, 1959. [2] Das Bhagwan, Sarin J.L, 'Vinegar from Dates'. Journal of Industrial and Engineering a. Chemistry, Vol.28, No.7, 1936. [3] Allgeier R.J., Hildebrandt F.M., Newer developments in vinegar manufacture. Adv. Appl. Microbiol., 1960, 2, 163– 182. [4] Asai T., Acetic Acid Bacteria: Classification and Biochemical Activities. 1968, University of Tokyo Press, Tokyo, pp.27–67. [5] Gullo M., Caggia C., De Vero L., Giudici P., Characterization of acetic acid bacteria in traditional balsamic vinegar. Int. J. Food Microbial, 2006, 106, 209– 212. Subba Rao Kumbha, V Ramanjaneyulu and AVN Swamy |
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20. | Magneto-Convection of Immiscible Fluids in a Vertical Channel Using Robin Boundary Conditions
Magneto-Convection of Immiscible Fluids in a Vertical Channel Using Robin Boundary ConditionsAbstract: The effects of viscous dissipation on fully developed two fluid magnetohydrodynamic flow in the presence of constant electric field in a vertical channel is investigated using Robin boundary conditions. The fluids in both the regions are incompressible, electrically conducting and the transport properties are assumed to be constant. The plate exchanges heat with an external fluid. Both conditions of equal and different reference temperatures of the external fluid are considered. First, the simple cases of the negligible Brinkman number or the negligible Grashof number are solved analytically. Then, the combined effects of buoyancy forces and viscous dissipation are analyzed by a perturbation series method valid for small values of perturbation parameter. To relax the condition on the perturbation parameter, the flow fields are solved by using the differential transform method. The results are presented graphically for different values of the mixed convection parameter, Hartman number, perturbation parameter, viscosity ratio, width ratio, conductivity ratio and Biot numbers for both open and short circuit. The effects of these parameters on the Nusselt number at the walls is also drawn. It is found that the solutions obtained by perturbation method and differential transform method agree very well for small values of perturbation parameter.Reference [1] Sparrow EM, Cess, RD (1961) Effect of magnetic field on free convection heat transfer. Int J Heat Mass Transfer 3: 267–274. [2] Umavathi JC (1996) A note on magneto convection in a vertical enclosure. Int J Nonlinear Mechanics 31:371-376. [3] Bhargava R, Kumar L, Takhar HS (2003) Numerical solution of free convection MHD micropolar fluid flow between two parallel porous vertical plates. Int J Engng Sci 41: 123-136. [4] Hayat T, Wang Y, Hutter K (2004) Hall effects on the unsteady hydromagnetic oscillatory flow if a second-grade fluid. Int J Non-Linear Mech 39: 1027–1037. [5] Umavathi JC, Liu IC, Prathap Kumar J, Pop I (2011) Fully developed magnetoconvection flow in a vertical rectangular duct. Heat Mass Transfer 47: 1-11. J. Prathap Kumar, J.C. Umavathi and Y. Ramarao |
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21. | Weekly Rainfall Analysis for Crop Planning Using Markov's Chain Model for Kandhamal District of Odisha, India
Weekly Rainfall Analysis for Crop Planning Using Markov's Chain Model for Kandhamal District of Odisha, IndiaAbstract: Weekly rainfall analysis of Kandhamal district during the period of 1965 to 2010 were taken for analysis purpose, the analysis is very much important for crop planning and analyzing the probability of occurrence of dry and wet periods. This will act as bench mark for crop planning as well as sustainable agricultural management of Kandhamal district which comes under the agro-climatic zone of East-coast hill region. Markov chain model has been utilized to derive the probability of dry or wet weeks and also forward and backward accumulation of rain water suitable for crop production. This analysis can be helpful to find out different cropping system including intercropping and sequence cropping suitable during that period.Key words: Markov chain, dry spell, wet spell, weekly, rainfall Reference [1] Pandarinath N. 1991. Markov Chain Model probability of dry and wet weeks during monsoon period over Andhra Pradesh. Mausam 42 (4) : 393--400. [2] Pradhan P.C, Senapati P.C and Subudhi C.R 1998. Crop plans based on frequencies of dry and wet spells at Daringibadi block of Kandhamal district. Indian Journal of Agricultural Science 345-9. [3] Panigrahi, B., 1998. Probability analysis of short duration rainfall for crop planning in coastal Orissa. Indian J. Soil Cons. 26(2): 178-182. [4] Sharda, V.N. and Das, P.K. 2005. Modeling weekly rainfall data for crop planning in a sub-humid climate of India. Agricultural Water Management.76:120-138 S. K. Kar, D. P. Sahoo, C. R. Subudhi |
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22. | Performance Simulation Of Photovoltaic System Battery
Performance Simulation Of Photovoltaic System BatteryAbstract: Solar energy, despite being inexhaustible, has a major shortcoming; it is intermittent. As a result, there's a need for it to be stored for later use. The widely used energy storage in photovoltaic system applications is the lead-acid battery and the knowledge of its state-of-charge (SOC) is important in effecting efficient control and energy management. However, SOC cannot be measured while the battery is connected to the system. This study adjusts and validates two estimation models: battery state-of-charge model using ampere-hour counting method and battery charge voltage model. For the battery state-of-charge model, the SOC is estimated by integrating the charge/discharge current over time while the battery charge voltage characteristic response is modelled by using the equation-fit method which expresses the battery charge voltage variations by a 5th order polynomial in terms of the state-of-charge and current. These models are realized using the MATLAB program. The battery charge voltage model is corrected for errors which may result from reduced charge voltage due to variation of solar radiation using the battery state-of-charge model. Moreover, the starting SOC needed in the state-of-charge model is estimated using the charge voltage model. The accuracies of the models are verified using various laboratory experiments.Key words: Charging efficiency, Lead–acid battery, Photovoltaic system, State-of-charge Reference [1] O. Ibidapo-Obe, O.O.E. Ajibola, Towards a Renewable Energy Development for Rural Power Sufficiency. International Conference on Innovations in Engineering and Technology. (2011) [2] S.A. Okedi, Environment impact assessment and energy development in Nigeria, Damtech Nigeria Ltd, Jos (1995) [3] C.A. Koghe, Geology of Nigeria, Elizabethan publishing company, Lagos (1978) [4] O.I. Okoro, and E. Chikuni, Power sector reforms in Nigeria: opportunities and challenges. Journal of Energy in Southern Africa, vol.18, No. 3, pp.52-57 (2007) [5] O.I. Okoro, E. Chikuni, P.O. Oluseyi, P. Govender, Conventional Energy Sources In Nigeria: A Statistical Approach. O. A. Babatunde, M. B. Shitta, O. Adegbenro |
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23. | Probabilistic Design of Helical Coil Spring for Longitudinal Invariance by Using Finite Element Method
Probabilistic Design of Helical Coil Spring for Longitudinal Invariance by Using Finite Element MethodAbstract: The study represents new approach to design helical coil spring. Response surface modeling and analysis of open coiled helical spring by considering longitudinal and invariance have been carried out. Design parameters are wire diameter, spring diameter, height, number of turns elastic modulus in X and Z direction, poissions ratio, force. Simple equations is proposed which gives value of compressive stress of helical coil spring by carrying out regression analysis. It is observed that force and material property are significant parameters which affect compressive stress because their P value is 1. Relationship among design parameters and compressive stress has been obtained.Key words: Simulation, open coiled spring by FEA and Response surface modeling Reference [1] Saurabh Singh- "Optimization of Design of Helical Coil Suspension System by Combination of Conventional Steel and Composite Material in Regular Vehicle" International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562 Vol.7 No.11 (2012) [2]. Ahmed Frikha, Patrice Carried, Fabien Trussed "Mechanical modeling of helical structures accounting for translational invariance. Part 1: Static behavior/ Frikha et al. / International Journal of Solids and Structures 50 (2013) 1373–138 [3]. Chang-Hsuan Chiu , Chung-Li Hwan , Han-Shuin Tsai , Wei-Ping Lee An experimental investigation into the mechanical behaviors of helical composite springs C.-H. Chiu et al. / Composite Structures 77 (2007) 331–340 [4]. Tausif M. Mulla1, Sunil J. Kadam2, Vaibhav S. Kengar3,"Finite Element Analysis Of Helical Coil Compression Spring For Three Wheeler Automotiv Front Suspension", International Journal Of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (IJMIE) ISSN No. 2231 –6477, Vol-2, Iss-3, 2012 [5]. Becker L.E., G.G.Chasssies:- " On the Natural frequencies of helical compression springs" L.E. Becker et al. / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 44 (2002) 825–841 Sagar N Khurd, Prasad P Kulkarni |
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24. | Coupled Inductor Based High Step-Up DC-DC Converter for
Multi Input PV System
Coupled Inductor Based High Step-Up DC-DC Converter for Multi Input PV SystemAbstract: With the shortage of the energy and ever increasing of the oil price, research on the renewable and green energy sources, especially the solar arrays and the fuel cells, becomes more and more important. How to achieve high step-up and high efficiency DC/DC converters is the major consideration in the renewable power applications due to the low voltage of PV arrays and fuel cells. In this paper a coupled inductor dc-dc converter for photovoltaic system is proposed. The circuit configuration of the proposed converter is very simple. Thus, the proposed converter has higher step-up and step-down voltage gains than the conventional bidirectional dc–dc boost/buck converter. Under same electric specifications for the proposed converter and the conventional bidirectional boost/buck converter, the average value of the switch current in the proposed converter is less than the conventional bidirectional boost/buck converter. The operating principles have been applied to multi input photovoltaic system and outputs have been observed.Index terms: boost, pv array, coupled inductor, stepup/step down. Reference [1]. Novel high step up dc to dc converter with coupled inductor and switched capacitor for a sustainable energy system by Lung-Sheng Yang and Tsorng-Juu Liang, -IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, VOL. 59, NO. 1, JANUARY 2012 [2]. Simulation of Closed Loop Controlled Boost Converter for Solar Installation by Athimulam Kalirasu, Subharensu Sekar Dash-SERBIAN JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Vol. 7, No. 1, May 2010, 121-130 [3]. Simulation of Grid-Connected Photovoltaic System by Jingzhe Song [4]. Design and Simulation by Photovoltaic System with Tapped Topology by - Juan C. Yris, Hugo Calleja G, Leobardo H. Gonzalez, José A. Olmos -International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Vol.3, Issue.2, March-April. 2013 pp-1238-1244. [5]. A New High Efficient Bi-Directional Dc/Dc Converter In The Dual Voltage System-Su-Won Lee†, Seong-Ryong Lee* and Chil-Hwan Jeon*-Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 343~350, 2006 G. Shiny Vikram |
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25. | Edge Detection Using Fuzzy Logic
Edge Detection Using Fuzzy LogicAbstract: Edge detection is still difficult task in the image processing field. In this paper we implemented fuzzy techniques for detecting edges in the image. This algorithm also works for medical images. In this paper we also explained about Fuzzy inference system, which is more robust to contrast and lighting variations.Key words: Fuzzy, FIS. Reference [1] Ng Geok See and Chan Khue hiang. "Edge Detection using supervised Learning and voting scheme". Nanyang Technological University, National university of Singapore, Singapore. [2] Hamid R. Tizhoosh, "Fuzzy Image Processing". www.pami.uwaterloo.ca/tizho osh/edge.html [3] Md. Shoiab Bhuiyan, Yuiji Iwahori, and Akira Iwata. "Optimal edge detection under difficult imaging conditions". Technical report, Educational Center for Information Processing and Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering,Nagoya Institute of Technology, Showa, Nagoya, 466-8555, JAPAN, URL:-http://www.center.nitech.ac. jp/people/bhuiyan /pub.html. [4] Ursula Kretschmer, Maria S. Orozco, Oscar E. Ruiz and Uwe Jasnoch, "Edge and corner identification for tracking the line of sight". [5] Renyan Zhang, Guoling Zhao, Li Su. "New edge detection method in imageprocessing". College of Autom., Harbin Engineering University, China. B. Govinda Lakshmi, B. Hemalatha |
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26. | ROI Based Image Compression in Baseline JPEG
ROI Based Image Compression in Baseline JPEGAbstract: To improve the efficiency of standard JPEG compression algorithm an adaptive quantization technique based on the support for region of interest of compression is introduced. Since this is a lossy compression technique the less important bits are discarded and are not restored back during decompression. Adaptive quantization is carried out by applying two different quantization to the picture provided by the user. The user can select any part of the image and enter the required quality for compression. If according to the user the subject is more important than the background then more quality is provided to the subject than the background and vice- versa. Adaptive quantization in baseline sequential JPEG is carried out by applying Forward Discrete Cosine Transform (FDCT), two different quantization provided by the user for compression, thereby achieving region of interest compression and Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform (IDCT) for decompression. This technique makes sure that the memory is used efficiently. Moreover we have specifically designed this for identifying defects in the leather samples clearly.Reference [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image_file_for mats#JPEG.2FJFIF; Wikipedia [2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JPEG;Wikipedi a [3] A method for signalling block-adaptive quantization in baseline sequential JPEG Kakarala, R. ; Bagadi, R. TENCON 2009 - 2009 IEEE Region 10 Conference; 10.1109/TENCON.2009.5396160 [4] Image Compression and Discrete Cosine Transform ;Ken Cabeen and Peter Gent, Math 45,College of Redwoods. [5] http://www.ams.org/samplings/feature-colu mn/fcarc-image-compression M M M Kumar Varma, Madhuri. Bagadi |
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27. | Rear Bumper Laminated In Jute Fiber With Polyester Resin.
Rear Bumper Laminated In Jute Fiber With Polyester Resin.Abstract: Today, a growing interest exists in the use of natural of fibers (sisal, coconut, banana, and jute), as reinforcement in composites. The aim of the present study is shows the use of jute fiber agglutinated with polyester resin in the automobile industry in the production of a rear bumper of hatch vehicle. A simplified mathematical model was used for evaluation of the flaw on trunk center cover submitted to dynamic loads. The traverse section of the referred bumper is simplified by a channel formation. This study shows that a rear bumper made using jute fiber agglutinated with polyester resin will be possible. The molded part obtained good visual characteristics, good geometric construction and surface without bubbles and imperfections in the fiber and resin composite. The mathematical model to failure criterion showed that the rear bumper in jute fiber will not resist to an impact equivalent at 4.0 km/h.Key words: Natural fiber, Jute, Rear Bumper, Composites, Resin. Reference [1] Dotan A. L., Silva J. L. da, Al-Qureshi H. A., (1996). "Macro and Micro-mechanical behaviors of natural fiber composites.", Mechanics in design conference, University of Toronto, Canada. [2] Al-Qureshi, Hazim, (2002). "Introduction to the reinforced plastic materials." – UFSC, Florianópolis. [3] Geethamma V. G., Mathew K. T., Lakshminarayanan R., Sabu T. (1998). Composite of short coir fibers and natural rubber: effect of chemical modification, loading and orientation of fiber. Polymer 1483–90. [4] Joshi S. V., Drzal L. T., Mohanty A.K., Arora S., (2004), Are natural fiber composites environmentally superior to glass fiberreinforced composites. Composites Part A. 35:371–6. [5] Mir A., Zitoune R., Collombet F., Bezzazi B., (2010), Study of mechanical and thermomechanical properties of jute/epoxy composite laminate. J Reinf Plast Compos. 29:1669–80. Braga, R. A, Magalhaes Jr, P. A. A. |
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28. | Visualization of Natural Convection in a Vertical Annular Cylinder with a Partially Heat Source and Varying wall Temperature
Visualization of Natural Convection in a Vertical Annular Cylinder with a Partially Heat Source and Varying wall TemperatureAbstract: In this work, we visualize the effect of varying wall temperature on the heat transfer by supplying the heat at three different positions to the vertical annular cylinder embedded with porous medium. Finite element method has been used to solve the governing equations. Influence of Aspect ratio 𝐴𝑟 , Radius ratio 𝑅𝑟 on Nusselt number 𝑁𝑢 is presented. The effect of power law exponent effect for different values of Rayleigh number is discussed. The fluid flow and heat transfer is presented in terms of streamlines and isotherms.Key words: Natural Convection, Porous medium, varying wall temperature, Aspect Ratio 𝐴𝑟 , Radius ratio 𝑅𝑟 and Rayleigh number(Ra). Reference [1.] P. Cheng and W. J. Minkowycz, "Free convection about a vertical flat plate embedded in a porous medium with application to heat transfer from a dike," Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 82, No. 14, pp. 2040–2044, (1977). [2.] T.Y. Na and I. Pop, "Free convection flow past a vertical flat plate embedded in a saturated porous medium," International Journal of Engineering Science, vol. 21, No. 5, pp. 517–526, (1983). [3.] R. S. R. Gorla and A. H. Zinalabedini, "Free convection from a vertical plate with non-uniform surface temperature and embedded in a porous medium," Journal of Energy Resources Technology, vol. 109, No. 1, pp. 26–30, (1987). [4.] K.N Seetharamu and P. Dutta, "Free Convection in a Saturated Porous Medium adjacent to a Non-isothermal Vertical Impermeable Wall", Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 25, No.1, pp. 9-15, (1990). [5.] Ping Cheng. "Combined Free and Convection Flow about Inclined surfaces in porous media", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 20, Issue 8, pp.807-814, (1977). N.Ameer Ahamad, Hasan Ahmed Mohamed Hassan El Arabawy, Syed Iqbal Ahmed |
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29. | Studies on Electrical and Sensing Properties of Polyaniline / Iron Oxide (γ-Fe2O3) Nanocomposites.
Studies on Electrical and Sensing Properties of Polyaniline / Iron Oxide (γ-Fe2O3) Nanocomposites.Abstract: Polyaniline iron oxide nanocomposites were prepared by in-situ polymerization method. These nanocomposites were characterized by employing Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM),Thermal study by (TGA).The dc conductivity of prepared nanocomposites was measured as a function of temperature which shows the strong interaction between Polyaniline and iron oxide nanoparticles and exhibits semiconducting behavior.Finally, the sensing properties of these nanocomposites are also studied at room temperature.Key words: Nanocomposites, FTIR, TGA, SEM, Conductivity, Reference [1]. P. Tartaj, MD Morales, Veintemillas- Verdaguer S, Gonzalez-CarrenoTand Serna C.J.J Phys D36:. 2003 .182–197. [2]. C Sun, JSH Lee and M Zhang, Adv Drug Deliv 2008 .1252–1265. [3]. P Li, DE Miser, S Rabiei, RT Yadav and MR Hajaligol, Appl Catal B43: 2003.151– 162. [4]. S Sun, CB Murray, D Weller, L Folks and A Moser,. 20001989–1992. [5]. R. L. N Chandrakanthi,.;,M. A Careem.Thin Solid Films., 2002 .51-56.. Jakeer Husain, Chakradhar Sridhar B, M. V. N.Ambika Prasad |
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30. | An Experimental Investigation on Strengths Characteristics of Concrete with the Partial Replacement of Cement by Marble Powder Dust and Sand by Stone Dust
An Experimental Investigation on Strengths Characteristics of Concrete with the Partial Replacement of Cement by Marble Powder Dust and Sand by Stone DustAbstract: The present work is directed towards developing a better understanding on strengths characteristics of concrete using marble dust powder as a partial replacement of cement. The Dissertation work is carried out with M30 grade concrete for which the marble powder is replaced by 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% by weight of cement. For all the mixes compressive, flexural and split tensile strengths are determined at different days of curing. In addition to this, sand is replaced with stone dust (SD) by 10%, 20% and 30% along with cement is replaced with MP by 0%, 10% and 20% by weight for M30 grades of concrete. Only 3 cubes were casted for various percentage replacements of sand with SD and cement with MP for 7days and 28 days. The results of the present investigation indicate that marble dusts incorporation results insignificant improvements in the compressive, flexural and split tensile strengths of concrete upto 10% of replacement and also the results of the present investigation indicate that stone dusts and marble dust incorporation results insignificant improvements in the compressive strengths of concrete upto 20% of SD and 10% of MP of replacement.Key words: RMP, MP, SD, compressive, flexural and split tensile strengths. Reference [1]. P.A. Shirulea, Ataur Rahmanb, Rakesh D. Gupta, "Partial Replacement Of Cement With Marble Dust Powder", International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Studies E-ISSN2249–8974, IJAERS/ Vol. I/ Issue III/April-June, 2012/ 175-177. [2]. Ahmed N. Bdour and Mohammad S. Al-Juhani, "Utilization Of Waste Marble Powder In Cement Industry", December 2011,Associate Professor, Civil Engineering Department, College of Engineering, University of Tabuk, Saudi Arabia Corresponding Author Dean, College of Engineering, University of Tabuk, Saudi Arabia. [3]. V.M.shelke, Prof. P.Y.pawde Dr. R.R. shrivastava "Effect Of Marble Powder With And Without Silica Fume On Mechanical Properties Of Concrete" Prof -Civil Engg. Dept. Prof-Chemistry Dept. G. H. Raisoni College of Engineering & Technology, NAGPUR, (India) IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSRJMCE) ISSN : 2278-1684 Volume 1, Issue 1 (May-June 2012), PP 40-45 www.iosrjournals.org. [4] HanifiBinici, Hasan Kaplan and Salih Yilmaz, (2007), "Influence Of Marble And Limestone Dusts As Additives On Some Mechanical Properties Of Concrete," Scientific Research and Essay, 2(9), pp 372379. [5] IS-383-Indian Standard (1970),"Method For Testing of Aggregates". Md Mahboob Ali, Prof. S.M.Hashmi |
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31. | An Area-efficient Montgomery Modular Multiplier for Cryptosystems
An Area-efficient Montgomery Modular Multiplier for CryptosystemsAbstract: RSA is one of the most widely adopted public key algorithms at present and it requires repeated modular multiplications to accomplish the computation of modular exponentiation. A famous approach to implement modular multiplication in hardware circuits is based on the Montgomery modular multiplication algorithm since it has many advantages. To speed up the encryption/decryption process, many high-speed Montgomery modular multiplication algorithms and hardware architectures employ carry-save addition. But CSA based architecture increases the area. In this paper, in order to reduce the area of the CSA based multiplier, an area-efficient algorithm called Double Add Reduce algorithm is introduced. Then the performance analysis of the new design with the previous had done for comparison.Key words: Area-efficient architecture, Carry save addition, Cryptography, Double add reduce algorithm, Montgomery modular multiplier. Reference [1] Taek-Won Kwon, Chang-Seok You,‖ Two implementation methods of a 1024-bit RSA Cryptoprocessor based on modified Montgomery algorithm‖, 0-7803-6685-9/01/$10.00 2001 IEEE. [2] Andre Weimerskirch and Christof Paar, ―Generalizations of the Karatsuba Algorithm for Efficient Implementations‖, IEEE Int.Conf. Comput. Design, 2005. [3] Antoon Bosselaers, Rene Govaerts and Joos Vandewalle,‖ Comparison of three modular reduction functions‖, ° Springer-Verlag 1993 oct 25. [4] Peter L. Montgomery, ―Modular multiplication without trivial division", Mathematics of computation, Vol.44, No. 170. (Apr 1985) ,pp. 519-522. [5] C. McIvor, M. McLoone, and J. V. McCanny, ―Modified Montgomery modular multiplication and RSA exponentiation techniques,‖ IEE Proc. Comput. Digit. Tech., vol. 151, no. 6, pp. 402–408, Nov. 2004. Anizha Radhakrishnan, Seena George |
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32. | An Energy-Efficient Lut-Log-Bcjr Architecture Using Constant Log Bcjr Algorithm
An Energy-Efficient Lut-Log-Bcjr Architecture Using Constant Log Bcjr AlgorithmAbstract: Error correcting codes are used to correct the data from the corrupted signal due to noise and interference. There are many error correcting codes. Among them turbo codes is considered to be the best because it is very close to the Shannon theoretical limit. The MAP algorithm is commonly used in the turbo decoder. Among the different versions of the MAP algorithm Constant log BCJR algorithm have less complexity and good error performance. The Constant log BCJR algorithm can be easily designed using look up table which reduces the memory consumption. The proposed Constant log BCJR decoder is designed to decode two blocks of data at a time, this increases the throughput. The complexity of the decoder is further reduced by the use of the add compare select (ACS) units and registers. The proposed decoder is simulated using Xilinx ISE and synthesized using Sparten3 FPGA and found out that Constant log BCJR decoder utilized less amount of memory and power than the LUT log BCJR decoder.Index Terms: Add compare select(ACS),turbo codes, Constant log BCJR Algorithm. Reference [1] L. R. BAHL, J. COCKE, F. JELINEK, AND J. RAVIV ―Optimal Decoding of Linear Codes for Minimizing Symbol Error Rate‖ IEEE Trans. Information theory., vol. 13, no. 4, pp.284–288, mar. 1974. [2] ChristophStuder, Christian Benkeser, SandroBelfanti, andQuiting Huang,‖ Design and Implementation of a Parallel Turbo-Decoder ASIC for 3GPP-LTE‖ IEEE Journal OF Solid-State Circuits, Vol. 46, No. 1,pp. no. 8-17, January 2011. [3] L. Li, R. G. Maunder, B. M. Al-Hashimi, and L. Hanzo, ―An energy-efficient error correction scheme for IEEE 802.15.4 wireless sensor networks,‖ Trans. Circuits Syst. II, vol. 57, no. 3, pp. 233–237, 2010. [4] Cheng-Chi Wong, Ming-Wei Lai, Chien-Ching Lin, Hsie-Chia Chang, and Chen-Yi Lee, ―Turbo Decoder Using Contention-Free Interleaverand Parallel Architecture‖ IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 45, no. 2, pp. no. 422-432, February 2010. [5] StylianosPapaharalabos, P. TakisMathiopoulos, GuidoMasera,and Maurizio Martina, ―On Optimal and Near-Optimal Turbo Decoding Using Generalized max* Operator‖,IEEE Communications Letters, 2009. Nidhu Devi M, Seena George |
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Version 2 | |||
1. | Design and Analysis of Sequential Elements for Low Power Clocking System with Low Power Techniques
Design and Analysis of Sequential Elements for Low Power Clocking System with Low Power TechniquesAbstract: This paper proposed the design of sequential elements for low power clocking system with low low power techniques for saving the power. Power consumption is a major bottleneck of system performance and is listed as one of the top three challenges in International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductor 2008. In practice, a large portion of the on chip power is consumed by the clock system which is made of the clock distribution network and flop-flops. In this paper, various design techniques for a low power clocking system are surveyed. Among them is an effective way to reduce capacity of the clock load by minimizing number of clocked transistors. To approach this, proposed a novel clocked pair shared flip-flop which reduces the number of local clocked transistors by approximately 40%. A 24% reduction of clock driving power is achieved. In addition, low swing and double edge clocking, can be easily incorporated into the new flip-flop to build clocking systems. As the feature size becomes smaller, shorter channel lengths result in increased sub-threshold leakage current through a transistor when it is off. Dual sleep and sleepy stack methods are proposed to avoid static power consumption; the flip flops are simulated using HSPICE.Key words: Avg power, Dual sleep, Flip-flops, low power, Sleepy stack. Reference [1] H. Kawaguchi and T. Sakurai, "A reduced clock-swing flip-flop (RCSFF) for 63% power reduction," IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol.33, no. 5, pp. 807–811, May 1998. [2] A. Chandrakasan, W. Bowhill, and F. Fox, Design of High-Performance Microprocessor Circuits, 1st ed. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Press, 2001. [3] G. Gerosa, "A 2.2W, 80 MHz superscalar RISC microprocessor," IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 29, no. 12, pp. 1440–1454, Dec. 1994. [4] B. Nikolic, V. G. Oklobzija, V. Stojanovic, W. Jia, J. K. Chiu, and M. M. Leung, "Improved sense-amplifier-based flip-flop: Design and measurements,"IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 35, no. 6, pp. 876–883,Jun. 2000. [5] S. D. Naffziger, G. Colon-Bonet, T. Fischer, R. Riedlinger, T. J. Sullivan, and T. Grutkowski, "The implementation of the Itanium 2microprocessor," IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 37, no. 11, pp.–1460, Nov. 2002. S.Sasidhar Reddy B.Shoban Babu |
01-07 | ![]() |
2. | Grid-Connected Pv-Fc Hybrid System Power Control Using Mppt And Boost Converter
Grid-Connected Pv-Fc Hybrid System Power Control Using Mppt And Boost ConverterAbstract: This paper proposes a method for operating a grid connected hybrid system. This system composed of a Photovoltaic (PV) array and a Proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) is considered. As the variations occur in temperature and irradiation during power delivery to load, Photo voltaic (PV) system becomes uncontrollable. In coordination with PEMFC, the hybrid system output power becomes controllable. Two operation modes are the unit-power control (UPC) mode and the feeder-flow control (FFC) mode, can be applied to the hybrid system. All MPPT methods follow the same goal that is maximizing the PV system output power by tracking the maximum power on every operating condition. Maximum power point tracking technique (Incremental conductance) for photovoltaic systems was introduced to maximize the produced energy. The coordination of two control modes, coordination of the PV array and the PEMFC in the hybrid system, and determination of reference parameters are presented. The proposed operating strategy systems with a flexible operation mode change always operate the PV array at maximum output power and the PEMFC in its high efficiency performance band. Also thus improving the performance of system operation, enhancing system stability, and reducing the number of operating mode changes.Index Terms: Distributed generation, fuel cell, hybrid system, micro grid, photovoltaiic. Reference [1] T. Bocklisch, W. Schufft, and S. Bocklisch, "Predictive and optimizing energy management of photovoltaic fuel cell hybrid systems with shorttime energy storage," in Proc. 4th Eur. Conf. PV-Hybrid and Mini-Grid, 2008, pp. 8–15. [2] J. Larmine and A. Dicks, Fuel Cell Systems Explained. New York: Wiley, 2003. [3] A. Hajizadeh and M. A. Golkar, "Power flow control of grid-connected fuel cell distributed generation systems," J. Elect. Eng. Technol., vol.3, no. 2, pp. 143–151, 2008. [4] W. Xiao, W. Dunford, and A. Capel, "A novel modeling method for photovoltaic cells," in Proc. IEEE 35th Annu. Power Electronics Specialists Conf., Jun. 2004, vol. 3, pp. 1950–1956. [5] D. Sera, R. Teodorescu, and P. Rodriguez, "PV panel model based on datasheet values," in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Industrial Electronics, Jun.4–7, 2007, pp. 2392–2396 P.HARIKA, P.VISHNU VARDHAN, SK.JAN BHASHA |
08-16 | ![]() |
3. | Wireless Reporting System for Accident Detection at Higher Speeds
Wireless Reporting System for Accident Detection at Higher SpeedsAbstract: Speed is one of the basic reasons for vehicle accident. Many lives could have been saved if emergency service could get accident information and reach in time. Nowadays, GPS has become an integral part of a vehicle system. This paper proposes to utilize the capability of a GPS receiver to monitor speed of a vehicle and detect accident basing on monitored speed and send accident location to an Alert Service Center. The GPS will monitor speed of a vehicle and compare with the previous speed in every second through a Microcontroller Unit. Whenever the speed will be below the specified speed, it will assume that an accident has occurred. The system will then send the accident location acquired from the GPS along with the time and the speed by utilizing the GSM network. This will help to reach the rescue service in time and save the valuable human life.Reference [1] Speed and Accident Risk, Europian Commision Road Safety, [Online] Accessed on 07 October 2011 Avaialble:http://ec. europa.eu/transport/road_safety/specialist/knowledge/speed/speed_is_a_central_issue_in_road_safety/speed_and_accident_risk.htm, Accessed on: 07 October 2011 [2] D. A. Whitney and J. J. Pisano TASC, Inc., Reading, Massachusetts, "Auto Alert: Automated Acoustic Detection of Incidents", IDEA project, [Online]. Accessed on 15 October 2011, Available: http://pubsindex.tr b.org/view.aspx?id=481489 [3] L. Chuan-zhi, H. Ru-fu, Y.E. Hong-wu, "Method of Freeway Incident Detection Using wireless Positioning," in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Automation and Logistics, 2008, pp. 2801 - 2804. [4] N. Virtanen, A. Schirokoff and J. Luom, "Impacts of an automatic emergency call system on accident consequences," in Proc. Of 18th ICTCT, Workshop Transport telemetric and safety, 2005, pp. 1-6. [5] R. Elvik, P. Christensen, A. Amundsen, "Speed and road accidents: an evaluation of the Power Model," TOI Report, [Online]. Accessed on 12 October 2011. Available: http://www.trg.dk/elvik/740-2004.pdf Peddi Anudeep, K. Hari Babu |
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4. | Image Inpainting
Image InpaintingAbstract: Inpainting refers to the art of restoring lost parts of image and reconstructing them based on the background information i.e Image inpainting is the process of reconstructing lost or deteriorated parts of images using information from surrounding areas. In fine art museums, inpainting of degraded paintings is traditionally carried out by professional artists and usually very time consuming.The purpose of inpainting is to reconstruct missing regions in a visually plausible manner so that it seems reasonable to the human eye. There have been several approaches proposed for the same. This paper gives an overview of different Techniques of Image Inpainting.The proposed work includes the overview of PDE based inpainting algorithm and Texture synthesis based inpainting algorithm. This paper presents a brief survey on comparative study of these two techniques used for Image Inpainting.Reference [1] A. Criminisi, P. Peres and K. Toyama, "Object Removal by Exemplar-Based Inpainting", Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR'03). [2] Mahalingam, Vijay Venkatesh, "Digital Inpainting Algorithms And Evaluation" (2010). Doctoral Dissertations. [3] Zongben Xu and Jian Sun, "Image compression based on spatial redundancy removal and image inpainting " , Journal of Zhejiang University-Science C (Computers & Electronics),2010. [4] Anupam, Pulkit Goyal ,Sapan Diwakar , "Fast and Enhanced Algorithm for Exemplar Based Image Inpainting" IIIT Allahabad, India. [5] Mag. Harald Grossauer , "Completion of Images with Missing Data Regions", Ph.D. Thesis, University of Innsbruck, Austria, 2005. A. A. Kondekar, Dr. P. H. Zope |
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5. | Effect Of Cuo-Distilled Water Based Nanofluids On Heat Transfer Characteristics And Pressure Drop Characteristics.
Effect Of Cuo-Distilled Water Based Nanofluids On Heat Transfer Characteristics And Pressure Drop CharacteristicsAbstract: In this paper, the heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of the distilled water and the copper oxide-distilled water based nanofluid flowing in a horizontal circular pipe under constant heat flux condition are studied. Copper oxide nanoparticles of 40nm size are dispersed in distilled water using sodium dodecyl sulphate as surfactant and sonicated the nanofluid for three hour. Both surfactant and sonication increases the stability of the nanofluid. The nanofluids are made in three different concentration i.e. 0.1 Vol. %, 0.25 Vol. % and 0.50 Vol. %. The thermal conductivity is measured by KD2 PRO, density with pycnometer, viscosity with Brookfield LVDV-III rheometer. The results show that the thermal conductivity increases with both temperature and concentration. The viscosity and density increases with concentration but decreases with temperature. The specific heat is calculated by model and it decreases with concentration. The experimental local Nusselt number of distilled water is compared with local Nusselt number obtained by the well known shah equation for laminar flow under constant heat flux condition for validation of the experimental set up. The relative error is 4.48 % for the Reynolds number 750.9. The heat transfer coefficient increases with increase in both flow rate and concentration. It increases from 14.33 % to 46.1 % when the concentration is increased from 0.1 Vol. % to 0.5 Vol. % at 20 LPH flow rate. Friction factor decreases with increase in flow rate. It decreases 66.54 % when the flow rate increases from 10 LPH to 30 LPH for 0.1 Vol. %.Key words: CuO-distilled water nanofluids, heat transfer coefficient, pressure drop, laminar flow, concentration Reference [1] Das K Sarit, Choi U.S Stephen, Wenhua Yu and Pradeep T., Nanofluids: Science and Technology. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New Jersey (2007). [2] K.B. Anoop, T. Sundararajan, Sarit K. Das, Effect of particle size on the convective heat transfer in nanofluid in the developing region, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 52 (2009) 2189–2195. [3] S Torii, Turbulent Heat Transfer Behavior of Nanofluid in a Circular Tube Heated der Constant Heat Flux, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Volume 2010, Article ID 917612, 7 pages, doi: 10.1155/2010/917612. [4] S.M. Fotukian, M. N Esfahany, Experimental study of turbulent convective heat transfer and pressure drop of dilute CuO/water nanofluid inside a circular tube, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 37 (2010) 214–219. [5] M. Chandrasekar, S. Suresh, A. Chandra Bose, Experimental studies on heat transfer and friction factor characteristics of Al2O3/water nanofluid in a circular pipe under laminar flow with wire coil inserts, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 34 (2010) 122–130. SANDEEP KUMAR, GURPREET SINGH SOKHAL and JASPREET SINGH |
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6. | Mathematical Modeling of Quasi Static Thermoelastic Transient behavior of thick circular plate with Internal Heat Generation
Mathematical Modeling of Quasi Static Thermoelastic Transient behavior of thick circular plate with Internal Heat GenerationAbstract: The present paper deals with the determination of displacement and thermal transient stresses in a thick circular plate with internal heat generation. External arbitrary heat supply is applied at the upper surface of a thick circular plate, whereas the lower surface of a thick circular plate is insulated and heat is dissipated due to convection in surrounding through lateral surface. Here we compute the effects of internal heat generation of a thick circular plate in terms of stresses along radial direction. The governing heat conduction equation has been solved by using integral transform method. The results are obtained in series form in terms of Bessel's functions and the results for temperature change and stresses have been computed numerically and illustrated graphically.Key words: Thermal stresses, internal heat generation, quasi static. Reference [1] W. Nowacki, The state of stresses in a thick circular plate due to temperature field, Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci., Scr. Scl. Tech.,5, 1957, 227. [2] J. N. Sharma, P. K.Sharma and R. L.Sharma, Behavior of thermoelastic thick plate under lateral loads, Journal of Thermal Stresses, 27, 2004, 171-191. [3] V. S. Kulkarni and K.C. Deshmukh, Quasi-static transient thermal stresses in a thick circular plate, Journal of Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 30(2), 2008, 172-177. [4] G.D. Kedar and K. C. Deshmukh, Estimation of temperature distribution and thermal stresses in a thick circular plate, African Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, Research, 4(13), 2011, 389-395. [5] C. M.Bhongade and M.H.Durge, Mathematical modeling of quasi-static thermoelastic steady state behavior of thick circular plate with internal heat generation, International Journal of Physics and Mathematical Science, 3(4), 2013, 8-14. C. M. Bhongade and M. H. Durge |
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7. | Tumor Detection Based On Symmetry Information
Tumor Detection Based On Symmetry InformationAbstract: Various subjects that are paired usually are not identically the same, asymmetry is perfectly normal but sometimes asymmetry can benoticeable too much. Structural and functional asymmetry in the human brain and nervous system is reviewed in a historical perspective. Brainasymmetry is one of such examples, which is a difference in size or shape, or both. Asymmetry analysis of brain has great importance because itis not only indicator for brain cancer but also predict future potential risk for the same. In our work, we have concentrated to segment theanatomical regions of brain, isolate the two halves of brain and to investigate each half for the presence of asymmetry of anatomical regions inMRI.Key words: MRI, Asymmetry Relation, Region of Interest Reference [1] Yu-Ning Liu Chung-Han Huang, Wei-Lun Chao, "DIP: Final project report Image segmentation based on the normalized cut framework", Volume-2, pp124-189. [2] Samir K. Bandyopadhyay," Finding Bilateral Symmetry of the Human Brain from MRI",Journal of Global Research in Computer Science,Volume 2, No. 2, February 2011,pp. 33-34. [3] Jai- Nan Wang, Jun Kong, Ying- Hualu, " A Region- Based SRG Algorithm For Color Image Segmentation", Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Hong Kong, 19-22 August 2007 ,pp. 1-2. [4] 4 Sharma, G., Yrzel, M.J., Trussel, H.J." Color imaging for multimedia", Proceedings of the IEEE, 86(6), 1998, pp- 1088-1108. [5] Wenbing Tao, Hai, Yimin Zhang Jin, "Color Image Segmentation Based on Mean Shift and Normalized Cuts", IEEE Trans. On System Man and Cybernetics-Part B, Volume 37, No. 5, Oct 2007, pp-1382-1389. Krunal J Pimple, Asst. Prof. Prateek Nahar, Dr. Sanjay Thakur, Rajesh Patil |
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8. | E-Commerce Application Distributed Operating System
E-Commerce Application Distributed Operating SystemAbstract: This research paper describes the invention and accessibility of internet connectivity and powerful online tools has resulted a new commerce era that is e-commerce, which has completely revolutionized the conventional concept of business. E-commerce deals with selling and purchasing of goods and services through internet and computer networks. In less than a decade since the advent of the World Wide Web the technology has started to become an integral part of modern society. Possibly quicker than any other technology before it (such as the car or the telephone) the Web has begun to impinge on everyday life for a vast majority of citizens in a very short sac of time. The advent of this new technology has brought with it a whole new industry, language and potential new ways in which society, government and business will and are beginning to operate. Our findings show that, in development and diffusion of ecommerce in China, cultural issues such as "socializing effect of commerce", "transactional and institutional trust", and "attitudes toward debt" play a very major role. In this paper, we present and discuss these findings, and identify changes that will be required for broader acceptance and diffusion of e-commerce in China and propose approaches that businesses can use to enhance this development.Reference [1] China Internet Network Information Center, 2002. Semiannual Survey Report on the Development of China's Internet (1997-2002), Retrieved 11th September 2002 from the World Wide Web http://www.cnnic.net. ch/develst/2002-7e/5.shtml [2] China Internet Network Information Center, 2003. Semiannual Survey Report on the Development of China's Internet (1997-2003), Retrieved 20th September 2003 from the World Wide Web http://www.cnnic.net. cn/develst/2003-1e/444.shtml [3] Grabner-Kraeuter, S. (2002). The role of consumers' trust in online shopping. Journal of Business Ethics 39: 43-50. [4] Hennock, M., (2002). China's Baby Steps in E-Commerce, BBC Online News September 24, 2002, Retrieved 2nd November 2002 from the World Wide Web http://news.bbc. co.uk/1/hi/business/2276360.stm [5] Juliussen, E., (2002). Internet Users by Country Retrieved 13th December 2002 from the World Wide Web http://www.etforecasts. com Vishal Bhalla, Sumit Kumar Dass, Tanya Sharma |
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9. | Improved Low Voltage High Speed FVF Based Current
Comparator with Logical Efforts
Improved Low Voltage High Speed FVF Based Current Comparator with Logical EffortsAbstract: In this paper an improved current comparator is using flipped voltage follower (FVF) to obtain the single supply voltage. This circuit has short propagation delay and occupies a small chip area. All circuits have been simulated employing Tanner EDA Tool 14.1v for 90nm CMOS technology and a comparison has been performed with its non FVF counterpart to contrast its effectiveness, simplicity, compactness and low power consumption.Index Terms: Current Comparator, Flipped Voltage Follower, Power Consumption, Low Voltage, Propagation Delay. Reference [1] P. Iswerya, Student Member, IEEE, Shruti Gupta, Mini Goel, Veepsa Bhatia, Neeta Pandey and Asok Bhattacharyya, "Delay Area Efficient Low Voltage FVF Based Current Comparator", 978-1-4673-0455-9/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE [2] Carvajal, R., Ramirez-Angulo, J., Lopez Martin, A., Torralba, A., Galan, J., Carlosena, A., et al. (2005), "The flipped voltage follower: A useful cell for low voltage low power circuit design", IEEE Transactions on Circuits Systems I, 52(7), 1276–1279. doi:10.1109/TCSI.2005.851387. [3] Freitas, D. A. and Current, K. W., "CMOS current comparator circuit", Electron. Left., 1983, 19, pp. 695-697 [4] Varakorn kasemsuwan and Surachet Khucharoensin, "High Speed Low Input Impedance CMOS Current Comparator",Ieice Trans. Fundamentals,Vol.E88-A No.-6,June 2005. [5] Sung-Mo Kang and Yusuf Leblebici, CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits, Analysis and Design, Tata McGraw Hill, 3rd Edition, 2003 Vinod Kumar, Ms. Himani Mittal, Mr. Sumit Khandelwal |
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10. | Voltage Profile Improvement of distribution system Using Particle Swarm Optimization
Voltage Profile Improvement of distribution system Using Particle Swarm OptimizationAbstract: Distributed generations (DGs) play an important role in distribution networks. Distributed generation (DG) exists in distribution systems and is installed by either the utility or the customers. Distributed Generators (DGs) are now commonly used in distribution systems to reduce the power disruption in the power system network. Due to the installation of DGs in the system, the total power loss can be reduced and voltage profile of the buses can be improved due to this power quality of the distribution system is improved. Studies show that non-optimal locations and non-optimal sizes of DG units may lead to losses increase, together with bad effect on voltage profile. So, this paper aims at determining optimal DG allocation and sizing. To do so, the optimization technique named Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is used .this Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) approach), capable to establish the optimal DG allocation and sizing on a distribution network. This paper presents optimal placement and estimation of distributed generation (DG) capacity using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) approach in the distribution systems to reduce the real power losses and to gain voltage profile improvement. The proposed (PSO) based approach is tested on an IEEE 30-bus test system.Key words: DG, PSO, Power Loss, Voltage Profile Reference [1] Thomas Ackermann, Goran Andersson, Lenart Soder,"Distributed generation: a definition," Electric Power Systems Research, Volume 57, Issue 3, Pages 195-204,20 April 2001. [2] S.M. Moghadas-Tafreshi, "Electrical Energy Generation Resources in 21st century", k.N. Toosi University of Technology Press, 1st Edition, Tehran, 2005. [3] (Khattam & Salama, 2004; Brown et al., 2001; Seyed Ali Mohammad Javadian & Maryam Massaeli, 2011a,b,c; Navid Khalesi & Seyed Ali Mohammad Javadian, 2011). [4] Rau N. S. and Wan Y. H. , "Optimum location of resources in distributed planning," IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, vol. 9, pp. 2014-2020, 1994. [5] M. Gandomkar, M. Vakili an, M. Ehsan, "Optimal distributedgeneration allocation in distribution network using Hereford Ranch algorithm ", Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference onElectrical Machines and Systems, Sept. 2005. Yamini Arora |
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Version 3 | |||
1. | Design of Digital Predistortion Technique for RF Power Amplifier using Memory Polynomial
Design of Digital Predistortion Technique for RF Power Amplifier using Memory PolynomialAbstract: Linearization of power amplifier has been an area of intense research from the last many years. The various types of linearization techniques are available for linearising PA but Digital Predistortion technique has been observed as one of the most common and effective method. But due to the issues like memory effects and exact characterization of non-linear behaviour of power amplifier, the implementation of existing predistortion technique suffers. So in this paper, a digital predistorter based on memory polynomial has been proposed that takes care of above mentioned issues. The presented technique is easy to implement and simple.Key words: AM/AM characteristics, Digital Predistortion (DPD), Memory polynomial, Power Amplifier (PA), Power Spectral Density (PSD). Reference [1] Amandeep Singh Sappal, Dr. Manjit Singh and Dr. Sanjay Sharma, "Fast complex Memory Polynomial based Adaptive Digital Pre-Distorter", International Journal of Electronics, Vol. 98, No.7, Page, 923-931, July 2011. [2] Amandeep Singh Sappal, Dr. Manjit Singh and Dr. Sanjay Sharma, "Power amplifier Linearization using Digital Predistortion" International e-Journal of Communication and Electronics, Volume 2, January 2009. [3] Andrea, A.N., Lottici, V. and Reggiannini, R.(1996) RF Power Amplifier Linearization through Amplitude and Phase Predistortion. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 44:1477-1484. [4] Ding L., "Digital Predistortion of Power Amplifiers for Wireless Applications", Ph.D thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, March 2004. [5] Jeckeln, E.G. and Beauregard, F. (2000), "Adaptive Baseband/ RF Pre-distorter for Power Amplifiers through Instataneous AM-AM and AM-PM Characterization using Digital Receivers", IEEE MTT International Microwave Symposium Digest, 2000. Sweety Badhwar, Bimaljeet Kaur, Gaurav Badhwar, Dr. Amandeep Singh Sappal |
01-03 | ![]() |
2. | An On-Chip Bus Tracer Analyzer With Amba AHB For Real Time Tracing With Lossless Data Compression For SOC
An On-Chip Bus Tracer Analyzer With Amba AHB For Real Time Tracing With Lossless Data Compression For SOCAbstract: The Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture (AMBA) widely used as the on-chip bus in System-on-a-chip (SoC) designs. The important aspect of a SoC is not only which components or blocks it houses, but also how they are interconnected. AMBA is a solution for the blocks to interface with each other. The biggest challenge in SoC design is in validating and testing the system. AHB Bus Tracer is a significant infrastructure that is needed to monitor the on chip-bus signals, which is vital for debugging and performance analysis and also optimizing the SOC. Basically on chip signals are difficult to observe since they are deeply embedded in a SoC and no sufficient I/O pins are required to access those signals. Therefore, we embed a bus tracer in SoC to capture the bus signals and store them. The AMBA AHB should be used to which are high bandwidth and require the high performance of a pipelined bus interface. Performance can be improved at high-frequency operation. Performance is independent of the mark-space ratio of the clock. No special considerations are required for automatic test insertion. Our aim in this project is to Design the AHB- protocol with bus tracer. For real-time tracing, we should reduce the trace size as much as possible without reducing the original data.SYS-HMRBT supports tracing after/before an event triggering, named post-triggering trace/pre-triggering trace, respectively. SYS-HMRBT runs at 500 MHz and costs 42 K gates in TSMC 0.13- m technology, indicating that it is capable of real time tracing and is very small in modern SoCs.The experimental results show that trace compression ratio reduced by 96.32%. Finally this approach was designed successfully along with MODEL SIM and synthesis using Xilinx ISE. The SoC can be verified in field-programmable gate array.Key words: AMBA, AHB Bus Tracer, Real Time Compression, multi-resolution, signal tracing. Reference [1.] An On-Chip AHB Bus Fu-Ching Yang, Member, IEEE, Yi-Ting Lin, Chung-Fu Kao, and Ing-Jer Huang IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VERY LARGE SCALE INTEGRATION (VLSI) SYSTEMS, VOL. 19, NO. 4, APRIL 2011 [2.] ARM Ltd., San Jose, CA, ―ARM. AMBA AHB Trace Macrocell (HTM) technical reference manual ARM DDI 0328D, 2007. [3.] B. Vermeulen, K. Goosen, R. van Steeden, and M. Bennebroek, "Communication- centric SoC debug using transactions," in Proc. 12th IEEE Eur. Test Symp., May 20–24, 2007, pp. 69–76. [4.] ARM Ltd., San Jose, CA, "Embedded trace macro cell architecture specification," 2006. [5.] First Silicon Solutions (FS2) Inc., Sunnyvale, CA, "AMBA navigator spec sheet," 2005. KOKA SRIKANTH, CHANDRA SEKHAR MOKA |
04-09 | ![]() |
3. | Solar Grass Cutter With Linear Blades By Using Scotch Yoke Mechanism
Solar Grass Cutter With Linear Blades By Using Scotch Yoke MechanismAbstract: A Solar grass cutter is a machine that uses sliding blades to cut a lawn at an even length. Even more sophisticated devices are there in every field. Power consumption becomes essential for future. Solar grass cutter is a very useful device which is very simple in construction. It is used to maintain and upkeep lawns in gardens, schools, college's etc. We have made some changes in the existing machine to make its application easier at reduced cost. Our main aim in pollution control is attained through this. Unskilled operation can operate easily and maintain the lawn very fine and uniform surface look. In our project, ―Solar grass cutter‖ is used to cut the different grasses for the different application.Key words: scotch yoke mechanism, linear blades, Reference 1. The solar entrepreneur's handbook, Wise publications 2. A project report on ―solar tracking system using hydraulic damper‖ (MeRITS) 3. Non Conventional Energy sources by G.D.RAI, Khanna Publishers 4. A project report on‖solar powered bicycle‖ (MeRITS) 5. WWW.solar grasspowered grass cutter.com [on line] 6. www.merits.tech.in P.Amrutesh, B.Sagar, B.Venu |
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4. | The influence of the manganese citrates, obtained using aquananotechnologies, on the biomass production of medicinal mushroom Trametes versicolor (L.) Lloyd.
The influence of the manganese citrates, obtained using aquananotechnologies, on the biomass production of medicinal mushroom Trametes versicolor (L.) Lloyd.Abstract: A comparative study of the impact of citrate of manganese, obtained with the help of nanotechnology, on the growth of mycelium of medicinal fungus Trametes versicolor on their cultivation in a liquid media. It was demonstrated that sulfate and citrate manganese have dramatically different effects on the growth of mycelium Trametes versicolor depending on which medium they were added to.Key words: Trametes versicolor, citrate, sulfate, manganese, cultivation, nanotechnologies. Reference [1.] Cai X, Pi Y, Zhou X, Tian L, Qiao S, Lin J. (2010) Hepatoma cell growth inhibition by inducing apoptosis with polysaccharide isolated from Turkey tail medicinal mushroom, Trametes versicolor (L.: Fr.) Lloyd (Aphyllophoromycetideae) Int J Med Mushr. 12: 257–263. [2.] Maehara Y, Tsujitani S, and Baba H, et al. (2012) Biological mechanism and clinical effect of protein-bound polysaccharide K (KRESTIN®): review of development and future perspectives. Surg Today 42(1): 8-28 [3.] Patel S, Goyal A (2012) Recent developments in mushrooms as anti-cancer therapeutics: a review. 3 Biotech 2(1): 1-15 [4.] Standish LJ, Wenner CA, Sweet ES, Bridge C, Nelson A, Martzen M, Novack J, Torkelson C. (2008) Trametes versicolor mushroom immune therapy in breast cancer. J Soc Integr Oncol. 6:122–128. [5.] Zong A, Cao H, Wang F (2012) Anticancer polysaccharides from natural resources: A review of recent research. Carbohyd Polym 90: 1395–1410. Al-Maali Galeb, Bisko Nina, Mustafin Kairat, Akhmetsadykov Nurlan, Maskeyeva Zupura, Rakhmetova Zhanar, Suleimenova Zhanara |
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5. | A Fixed Point Theorem In Fuzzy Metric Space Using Weakly
Biased Maps
A Fixed Point Theorem In Fuzzy Metric Space Using Weakly Biased MapsAbstract: The main aim of this paper is to prove a common fixed point theorem for weakly biased mappings satisfying the E.A property on a non complete fuzzy metric space.Also this result does not required continuity of the self maps.This theorem Generalizes the result of V.srinivas B.V.B.Reddy and R.Umamaheswarrao [1] in Fuzzy metric spaces.Key words: Common fixed point, coincidence, weakly compatible, Weakly biased, E.A property. Reference [1] V Srinivas, B.V.B.Reddy, R.Umamaheswarrao, A Common fixed point Theorem on Fuzzy metric Spaces, Kathmandu University journal of Science ,Engineering and Technology,8 (II)(2012)77-82. [2] P.P.Murthy, M.R.Singh, L.S.Singh, weakly Biased maps as a generalization of occasionally weakly compatible maps, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics ,91(2) 2014,143-153. [3] M.R Singh ,Y Mahendra Singh,Fixed points for biased maps on metric space, Int.J.Contemp.Math.Sci.Vol.4(2009),no.16, 769-778. [4] H.K.Pathak, R.R Lopez and R.K Verma, A Common fixed point theorem using implicit relation and Property (E.A) in metric Spaces, Filomat 21(2)(2007),211-234. [5] S.Sharma, Common fixed point theorems in fuzzy metric space, Fuzzy sets and Systems,127(2002),345-352. B.V.B.REDDY, V.SRINIVAS |
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6. | Routing Enhancement of MANETs using Hybrid Protocol Combined with PBO
Routing Enhancement of MANETs using Hybrid Protocol Combined with PBOAbstract: Mobile ad hoc Networks (MANETs) show an astonishing qualities in the concept of networks which are used without wires. MANETs experience numerous communication medium restrictions such as constrained storage of memory and development of effectual routing protocols. Furthermore, multihop routing mechanism employed in MANETs gives rise to the contention in the channel and jamming within the network. This limits the effectiveness of the network which reduces the energy efficiency of the network and also lessens the routing performance of MANETs. Hence, the major matter in MANETs is to minimize the congestion and contention in order to enhance the routing mechanism. Hence, in this paper, a novel protocol is put into practice having an enhanced route discovery mechanism which is implemented in order to avoid the congestion during the routing. The proposed protocol chooses the route for the transference of information on the basis of load within the traffic on the node and then resets the route with the change in topology. The protocol is then integrated with the proposed algorithm Pollination Based Optimization (PBO) algorithm. This is an efficient technique for transmission that requires a link for longer period of time. The simulator used for the simulation of the work is Network Simulator-2 (NS-2). Simulation results have been carried out showing that the route optimization and enhancement in the route discovery using Pollination Based Optimization (PBO) algorithm.Key words: Destination-Sequenced Distance Vector (DSDV) Protocol, Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) Protocol, Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs), Pollination Based Optimization (PBO) Algorithm. Reference [1] Renato, C. Dutra, Heberte, F. Moraes and Claudio, L. Amorim, "Interest-centric Mobile Ad hoc Networks", 11th International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications, IEEE, Brazil, pp.130-138, 2012. [2] Akyildiz, X. Wang, and W. Wang, "Wireless mesh networks: A survey," Computer Networks, vol. 47, pp. 445–487, 2005. [Online]. Available: citeseer.ist.psu.edu/akyildiz05wireless.html. [3] M. Conti and S. Giordano, "Multihop ad hoc networking: The theory," Communications Magazine, IEEE, vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 78 –86, 2007. [4] H. Lim and C. Kim, "Flooding in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks," in Proceedings of ACM MSWiM Workshop at MobiCom, Aug. 2000; Computer Communication Journal, 24, 3–4, 353–363, 2001. [5] P. Bose, P. Morin, I. Stojmenovic, and J. Urrutia, "Routing with Guaranteed Delivery in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks," in Proceedings of 3rd International Workshop DIAL M, Seattle, August 20, 1999, pp. 48–55; ACM/Kluwer Wireless Networks, 7, 6, 609–616, 2001. Chamkaur Singh, Vikas Gupta, Gurmeet Kaur |
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7. | Performance evaluation of Effluent Treatment Plant of Dairy Industry
Performance evaluation of Effluent Treatment Plant of Dairy IndustryAbstract: Dairy industry is among the most polluting of the food industries in regard to its large water consumption. Dairy is one of the major industries causing water pollution. Considering the increased milk demand, the dairy industry in India is expected to grow rapidly and have the waste generation and related environmental problems are also assumed increased importance. Poorly treated wastewater with high level of pollutants caused by poor design, operation or treatment systems creates major environmental problems when discharged to the surface land or water. Various operations in a dairy industry may include pasteurization, cream, cheese, milk powder etc. Considering the above stated implications an attempt has been made in the present project to evaluate one of the Effluent Treatment Plant for dairy waste. Samples are collected from three points; Collection tank (CT), primary clarifier (PC) and Secondary clarifier (SC) to evaluate the performance of Effluent Treatment Plant. Parameters analyzed for evaluation of performance of Effluent Treatment Plant are pH, TDS, TSS, COD, and BOD at 200C The pH, TDS, TSS, COD and BOD removal efficiency of Effluent Treatment Plant were 26.14 %, 33.30 %, 93.85 %, 94.19 % and 98.19 % respectively.Key words: Dairy industry, Effluent treatment, Performance evaluation, Removal efficiency, Wastewater characteristics. Reference [1] Eaton, A. D.Clesceri, L.S. and Greenberg, A. E, Standard method for the examination of water and wastewater(APHA, AWWA and WPCF,1995). [2] Panesar P.S., Rai R., Marwaha S.S. Biological treatment of dairy industry effluents. Asian J. Microbial Biotechnology Env. Sci. 1(1-2): 67-72 [3] Harper, W.J., Implant control of dairy wastes. Food Tech.28, 50. (1974). [4] V.Yip,S.D.Amsfield and A.W.Hydamaka, J.Dairy Sci.79: 710-716 (1996). [5] Dipali chaudhari, R.M. Dhoble, Performance evaluation of effluent treatment of dairy industry, Current world environment,5(2), 2010, 373-378. Pratiksinh Chavda, Apurva Rana |
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8. | Power Quality Improvement And Mitigation Of Voltage Sag And Current Swell Using Distributed Power Flow Controller
Power Quality Improvement And Mitigation Of Voltage Sag And Current Swell Using Distributed Power Flow ControllerAbstract: Modern power utilities have to respond to a number of challenges such as growth of electricity demand specially in non-linear loads in power grids, consequently, That higher power quality should be considered. In this paper, DPFC which is similar to unified power flow controller (UPFC) in structure, which is used to mitigate the voltage sag and swell as a power quality issue. Unlike UPFC, the common dc-link in DPFC, between the shunt and series converter devices should be eliminated and three-phase series converter is divided to several single-phase series distributed converters through the power transmission line. And also to detect the voltage sags and find out the three single-phase reference voltages of DPFC, the synchronous reference frame method is proposed. Application of DPFC in power quality enhancement is simulated in Mat lab/Simulink environment which show the effectiveness of the proposed structureIndex Terms: FACTS, power quality, sag and swell mitigation, distributed power flow controller. Reference [1.] J. Faiz, G. H. Shahgholian, and M. Torabian, "Design and simulation of UPFC or enhancement of power quality in transmission lines," IEEE International Conference on Power System Technology, vol. 24, no. 4, 2010. [2.] E. Emanuel and J. A. McNeill, "Electric power quality," Annu. Rev. Energy Environ, 1997. [3.] N. R. Patne and K. L. Thakre "Factor affecting characteristics of voltage sag due to fault in the power system," Serbian Journal of Electrical engineering. vol. 5, no.1, 2008. [4.] J. R. Enslin, "Unified approach to power quality mitigation," in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Industrial Electronics (ISIE '98), vol. 1, 1998. [5.] B. Singh, K. Al-Haddad, and A. Chandra, "A review of active filters for power quality improvement," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. vol. 46, no. 5, pp. 960–971, 1999. P.NIRMALA, SK.SAJIDA, SK.JAN BHASHA |
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9. | Impacts of Urban Land use changes on flood events in Warri, Delta State Nigeria
Impacts of Urban Land use changes on flood events in Warri, Delta State NigeriaAbstract: Land cover change for the period 1987, 2002 and 2007 was investigated using satellite remote sensing data. The investigation was necessitated to determine the changes over time and how this changes influence urban flooding in Warri Metropolis Delta State, Nigeria. Landsat images of the study area for the years 1987, 2002, 2007 show that in 1987 total built-up area was 83.15km2 (16.7%) and by 2007 it was 236.76km (43.7%) this reflect an annual frequency of change of 1.09%. Marginal areas and vegetation were converted to residential areas which increased the total impervious cover of the study area and generally increased the peak runoff. The conversion of marginal areas also reduced the channel capacity thus leading to flooding. Questionnaires were also administered to get information on how the respondents perceive the cause of flood in the area, the data generated was subjected to ANOVA statistical tool using SPSS. The correlation matrix between Annual rainfall and frequency of flooding show that at P<0.01, r = 0.460 indicating a very significant relationship. The single Factor ANOVA, F >F crit at P < 0.05 show that uncoordinated or unregulated urbanization activities is similar in all the flood zones (Warri 1- Warr4).Key words: Urban flood, Urban centres, Urbanization, Land use change, Landsat. Reference [1.] Adeyemo, A. M ( 2002). Urbanization and Urban economy in Arokoyu S.B and Adeyemo A.M (eds) Perspectives on Urban Development Planning and Management. Lagos: Amethyst and Colleagues Publishers. Pp 32 - 35 [2.] Agbola T (2003). Assessing Private Sector Participation in Housing Delivery in Nigeria. A Paper Presented at a One Day Continuing Professional Development Workshop of the Ogun State Chapter of the Nigerian Institution of Estate Surveyors and Valuers. Held at the Gateway Hotel, Abeokuta on the 28th of October, 2003 [3.] Adeleye O.A and Oduwaye, L (2004) Correlates of Land Value Determinants in Lagos Metropolis, Nigeria, Journal of Human Ecology, (3) 183-189 [4.] Angotti, T (1993) Metropolis 2000: Planning, Poverty and Politics. London, Routledge Agobie, O.I ( 2013). Implementation of Physical Planning Laws and Its Implication on flood control in Warri Niger Delta. Unpublished M.Phil Thesis, Institute of Geosciences and Space technology, Rivers State University of Science and Technology. Port Harcourt Nigeria. [5.] Amangabara, G.T., and Gobo, A.E (2010) Perceptions and realities of flood hazards, flood mitigation and control in Nigeria. Global Journal of Environmental Sciences vol.9 N0. 1 & 2 p 13-25 Gobo, A.E; Amangabara, G.T; Agobie O,I |
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10. | On Semi-Invariant Submanifolds of a Nearly Hyperbolic Kenmotsu Manifold with Semi-symmetric Metric Connection
On Semi-Invariant Submanifolds of a Nearly Hyperbolic Kenmotsu Manifold with Semi-symmetric Metric ConnectionAbstract: We consider a nearly hyperbolic Kenmotsu manifold admitting a semi-symmetric metric connection and study semi-invariant submanifolds of a nearly hyperbolic Kenmotsu manifold with semi-symmetric metric connection. We also find the integrability conditions of some distributions on nearly hyperbolic Kenmotsu manifold andstudy parallel distributions on nearly hyperbolic Kenmotsu manifold.Key Words and Phrases: Semi-invariant submanifolds, Nearly hyperbolic Kenmotsu manifold, Semi-symmetric metric connection, Parallel distribution, Integrability condition. 2000 AMS Mathematics Subject Classification: 53D05, 53D25, 53D12. Reference [1] Agashe N. S. and Chafle M. R., A semi-symmetric non-metric connection in a Riemannian manifold, Indian J. Pure Applied Math., 23 (1992), 399-409. [2] M. Ahmad, K. Ali, Semi-invariant submanifolds of a nearly hyperbolic Kenmotsu manifold with semi-symmetric non-metric connection, International J. of Math. Sci. &Engg.Appls.(IJMSEA), Vol. 7 No.IV(July, 2013), pp. 107-119. [3] Ahmad M. and Jun J. B., On semi-invariant submanifolds of a nearly Kenmotsu Manifold with semi-symmetric non-metric connection, Journal of the Chungcheong Math. Soc., 23(2) (June 2010), 257-266. [4] Ahmad M., Jun J. B. and Siddiqi M. D., Some properties of semi-invariant submanifolds of a nearly trans-Sasakian manifold admitting a quarter symmetric non-metric connection, JCCMS, 25(1) (2012), 73-90. [5] Ahmad M. and Siddiqi M. D., On nearly Sasakian manifold with a semi-symmetric semi-metric connection, Int. J. Math. Analysis, 4(35) (2010), 1725-1732. TOUKEER KHAN, SHADAB AHMAD KHAN AND MOBIN AHMAD |
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11. | Using Data Mining Techniques in Customer Segmentation
Using Data Mining Techniques in Customer SegmentationAbstract: Data mining plays important role in marketing and is quite new. Although this field expands rapidly, data mining is still foreign issue for many marketers who trust only their experiences. Data mining techniques cannot substitute the significant role of domain experts and their business knowledge. In the other words, data mining algorithms are powerful but cannot effectively work without the active support of business experts. We can gain useful results by combining these techniques and business expertise. For instance ability of a data mining technique can be substantially increased by combining person experience in the field or information of business can be integrated into a data mining model to build a more successful result. Moreover, these results should always be evaluated by business experts. Thus, business knowledge can help and enrich the data mining results. On the other hand, data mining techniques can extract patterns that even the most experienced business people may have missed. In conclusion, the combination of business domain expertise with the power of data mining techniques can help organizations gain a competitive advantage in their efforts to optimize customer management. Clustering algorithms, a group of data mining technique, is one of most common used way to segment data set according to their similarities. This paper focuses on the topic of customer segmentation using data mining techniques. In the other words, we theoretically discuss about customer relationship management and then utilize couple of data mining algorithm specially clustering techniques for customer segmentation. We concentrated on behavioral segmentation.Key words: Clustering, Customer Relationship Management, Customer Segmentation, Data Mining. Reference [1] K. Tsiptsis and A. Chorianopoulos, "Data Mining Techniques in CRM: Inside Customer Segmentation", John Wiley and Sons, Ltd., Publication, 2009. [2] Peelen, Ed. Customer Relationship Management. Upper Saddle River: Financial Times/Prentice Hall, 2005. [3] Ph. Kotler and K. Lane Keller. Marketing Management (12th Edition) (Marketing Management). Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall, 2005. [4] A. Kristin. Customer Relationship Management. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2002. [5] J.A. Berry and S. Gordon Linoff, Mastering Data Mining: The Art and Science of Customer Relationship Management. New York: Wiley, 1999. Hasan Ziafat, Majid Shakeri |
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12. | Test Scheduling of Core Based SOC Using Greedy Algorithm
Test Scheduling of Core Based SOC Using Greedy AlgorithmAbstract: Escalating increase in the level of integration has led the design engineers to embed the pre-design and pre-verified logic blocks on chip to make a complete system on chip (SoC) technology. This advancing technology trend has led to new challenges for the design and test engineers. To ensure the testability of the entire system, the test planning needs to be done during design phase. To save the test cost, the test application time needs to be reduced which requires the test to be done concurrently. However the parallel running of test of multiple cores increases the power dissipation. This thereby leads to make test optimization to take care of time and power. This paper presents an approach for the scheduling the cores with the test time, power, test access mechanism and bandwidth constraint based on greedy algorithm. The TAM allotment to the various cores is done dynamically to save the test time and utilize the full bandwidth. Scheduling is done on ITC'02 benchmark circuits. Experiments on these ITC'02 benchmark circuits show that this algorithm offers lower test application time compared to the multiple constraint driven system-on-chip.Key words: SoC testing, test scheduling, test bandwidth, power constraint Reference [1] G. L. Craig, C. R. Kime, and K. K. Saluja, ―Test scheduling and control for VLSI built-in-self-test‖, IEEE transactions on Computers, 37(9).1099-1109, September 1998. [2] B. H. Fang, Q. Xu, and Nicola Nicolici, ―Hardware/Software Co-testing of embedded Memories in Complex SOCs,‖ Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE/ACM international conference on Computer-aided design, 599-605, November 2003. [3] V. Iyenger, K. Chakrabarthy and E. J. Marinissen, ―On Using Rectangle Pack-ing for SOC Wrapper/TAM Co-optimization,‖ Proceedings of 20th IEEE VLSI Test Symposium (VTS'02), 253-258, May 2002. [4] J. Pouget, E. Larsson and Z. Peng, ―Multiple-Constraint Driven System-on-Chip Test Time Optimization,‖ Springer Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications 21, 599-611, 2005. [5] S. K. Goel, E. J. Marinissen, A. Sehgal and K. Chakrabarty, ―Testing of SoCs with Hierarchical Cores: Common Fallacies, Test Access Optimization and Test Scheduling,‖ IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. 58, no. 3, March 2009. Naveen Dewan, Harpreet Vohra |
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13. | An Efficient High Speed Design of 16-Bit Sparse-Tree RSFQ Adder
An Efficient High Speed Design of 16-Bit Sparse-Tree RSFQ AdderAbstract: In this paper, we propse 16-bit sparse tree RSFQ adder (Rapid single flux quantam), kogge-stone adder, carry lookahead adder. In general N-bit adders like Ripple carry adder s(slow adders compare to other adders), and carry lookahead adders(area consuming adders) are used in earlier days. But now the most of industries are using parallel prefix adders because of their advantages compare to kogge-stone adder, carry lookahead adder, Our prefix sparse tree adders are faster and area efficient. Parallel prefix adder is a technique for increasing the speed in DSP processor while performing addition. We simulate and synthesis different types of 16-bit sparse tree RSFQ adders using Xilinx ISE10.1i tool, By using these synthesis results, We noted the performance parameters like number of LUT's and delay. We compare these three adders interms of LUT's represents area) and delay values.Key words: digital arithmetic, RSFQ adder, kogge-stone adder ,carry operator, prefix adder. Reference [1] P.M Kogge and H. S. Stone, ―A parallel algorithm for the efficient solution of a general class of recurrence equations,‖ IEEE Trans. Comput, vol.C-22, no. 8 , pp. 786-793, Aug .1973. [2] S. Mathew, M. Anders, R. K. Krishnamurthy, and S. Borkar, ―A 4-GHz 130-nm address generation unit with 32-bit sparse-tree adder core,‖ IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 38, no. 5, pp. 689–695, May 2003. [3] A. G. M. Strollo and E. Napoli, ―A fast and area efficient complimentary pass-transistor logic carry-skip adder,‖ in Proc. 21st Int. Conf. Microelectron., Sep. 1997, vol. 2, pp. 701–704. [4] O. A. Mukhanov, S. V. Rylov, V. K. Semonov, and S. V. Vyshenskii, ―RSFQ logic arithmetic,‖ IEEE Trans. Magn., vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 857–860, Mar. 1989. [5] Z. J. Deng, N. Yoshikawa, J. A. Tierno, S. R. Whiteley, and T. van Duzer, ―Asynchronous circuits and systems in superconducting RSFQ digital technology,‖ in Proc. 4th Int. Symp. Adv. Res. Asynchronous Circuits Syst., Apr. 1998, pp. 274–285. G. Sridhar, A. Shankar |
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14. | Comparision of methods for combination of multiple classifiers that predict behavior patterns Comparision of methods for combination of multiple classifiersAbstract: Predictive analysis include techniques fromdata mining that analyze current and historical data and make predictions about the future. Predictive analytics is used in actuarial science, financial services, retail, travel, healthcare, insurance, pharmaceuticals, marketing, telecommunications and other fields.Predicting patterns can be considered as a classification problem and combining the different classifiers gives better results. We will study and compare three methods used to combine multiple classifiers. Bayesian networks perform classification based on conditional probability. It is ineffective and easy to interpret as it assumes that the predictors are independent. Tree augmented naïve Bayes (TAN) constructs a maximum weighted spanning tree that maximizes the likelihood of the training data, to perform classification.This tree structure eliminates the independent attribute assumption of naïve Bayesian networks. Behavior-knowledge space method works in two phases and can provide very good performances if large and representative data sets are available.Key words: Bayesian networks, Behavior-knowledge space, TAN. Reference [1] Jesse Davis, Vitor Santos Costa, Irene M. Ong, David Page and Ines Dutra, Using Bayesian Classifiers to Combine Rules [2] Josep Roure Alcobé, Incremental Learning of Tree Augmented Naive Bayes Classifiers [3] Eunju Kim, Wooju Kim, Yillbyung Lee, Combination of multiple classifiers for the customer's purchase behavior prediction, Decision Support Systems 34 (2002) 167– 175 Proceedings Papers: [4] Huang, Y.S., Suen, C.Y., The behavior-knowledge space method for combination of multiple classifiers,Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 1993. Proceedings CVPR '93., 1993 IEEE Computer Society Conference, 1993, 347-352. Chapters in Books: [5] Terry Windeatt, Fabio Roli, The Behavior Knowledge Space Fusion Method: Analysis of Generalization Error and Strategies for Performance Improvement, Multiple Classifier Systems, (4th International Workshop, MCS 2003 Guildford, UK, June 11–13, 2003 Proceedings, Springer Berlin Heidelberg). Anuja V. Deshpande, Prof. Dharmeshkumar Mistry |
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15. | Data Security With Colors Using Rsa
Data Security With Colors Using RsaAbstract: Data Security with Colors using RSA technique that integrates the RGB Color model with the well-known public key cryptographic algorithm RSA (Rivest, Shamir and Adleman). This model provides both confidentiality and authentication to the data sent across the network. RSA algorithm uses public key and private key to encrypt and decrypt the data and thus provides confidentiality. But the public key is known to everyone and so anyone can encrypt the data and send the message. Hence authentication of users is needed. In this technique we use RGB color model to provide authentication. Every user will have a unique color assigned to him. A sender must know the receiver's color to send a message. The color value is encrypted using a key which is used as a password while decrypting the message. To decrypt the message, the receiver must provide his color values. If the decrypted color values and his color values are equal then the sender and receiver are send to be authentic. The data encryption and decryption follows RSA procedure. Thus both authentication and confidentiality are provided for the data.Key words: DSCR, RSA, encryption, decryption, confidentiality, authentication, private key, public key. Reference [1] Advanced Encryption Standard",2001.Federal Information Processing Standard Publications. [2] Hu, Zhihua,2011. "Progress on advanced encryption standard". International conference on Intelligence Science and Information Engineering.China. [3] Cryptography and Network Security 4/e, by William Stallings [4] http://www.ijitee.org/attachments/File/v1i1/ A117051112.pdf [5] http://interscience.ac.in/URJA/journals/urja_ vol1no1/urja_paper18.pdf G. Sankara Rao, E. Jagadeeswararao, D. Mounica |
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16. | Optimization of Extraction Parameters for Natural Dye from Pterocarpus santalinus by using Response Surface Methodology
Optimization of Extraction Parameters for Natural Dye from Pterocarpus santalinus by using Response Surface MethodologyAbstract: Pterocarpus species has been admired for centuries for its dye, beautiful color, hardness and durability. The present study deals with the extraction of natural dye from Pterocarpus wood materials. Response surface methodology was used to study the optimal conditions for the extraction of dye. Factors such as extraction temperature, extraction time, and solid to liquid ratio were identified to be significantly affecting natural dye extraction efficiency. By using three-level three-factor Box-Behnken design, the optimized conditions for dye extraction by different techniques such as Solvent, Ultrasonic and Microwave extraction method. Microwave assisted extraction method showed the highest natural dye yield percentage which is 50.0 for ethyl acetate solvent and 50.2 for methanol solvent.Key words: Pterocarpus species, Natural dye, Response surface methodology. Reference [1.] Kodithuwakku Kankanange Indika Upali Arunakumara, Buddhi Charana Walpola, Siripala Subasinghe and Min-Ho Yoon, Pterocarpus santalinus Linn. f. (Rath handun): A Review of Its Botany, Uses, Phytochemistry and Pharmacology, J. Korean Soc. Appl. Biol. Chem. 54(4), 2011, 495-500. [2.] Ali, S., Hussain, T., & Nawaz, R., Optimization of alkaline extraction of natural dye from henna leaves and its dyeing on cotton by exhaust method, Journal of Cleaner Production, 17, 2009, 61-66. [3.] Samanta, A.K., Konar, A., & Chakraborti, S., Dyeing jute with test extract: Part 1 Effects of different mordents and dyeing process variables., Indian Journal of Fibres & Textile Research, 36, 2010, 63-73 [4.] Montazer, M. & Parvinzadeh, M. Dyeing of wool with Marigold and its properties. Fibers & Polymer, 8(2), 2007, 181-185. [5.] G. D. S. C. Borges, F. G. K. Vieira, C. Copetti, L. V. Gonzaga,and R. Fett,"Optimization of the extraction of flavanols and anthocyanins from the fruit pulp of Euterpe edulis using the response surface methodology," Food Research International, vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 708–715, 2011. Hemanthraj.K.P.M, Sudhanva.M.Desai, Surendra Singh Bisht |
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17. | Enhancing Data Integrity in Multi Cloud Storage
Enhancing Data Integrity in Multi Cloud StorageAbstract: Cloud computing is a way to increase the capacity or add capabilities dynamically without investing in new infrastructure, training new personnel, or licensing new software. Cloud is surrounded by many security issues like securing data and examining the utilization of cloud by the cloud computing vendors. Security is one of the major issues which reduce the growth of cloud computing. A large number of clients or data owners store their data on servers in the cloud and it is provided back to them whenever needed. The data provided should not be jeopardized. Data integrity should be taken into account so that the data is correct, consistent and accessible. For ensuring the integrity in cloud computing environment, cloud storage providers should be trusted. Dealing with single cloud providers is predicted to become less secure with customers due to risks of service availability, failure and the possibility of malicious insiders in the single cloud. This paper deals with multi cloud environments to resolve these issues. The integrity of the data in multi cloud storage has been provided with the help of trusted third party using cryptographic algorithm.Key words: Cloud Computing, Data Integrity, Multi cloud, ECC algorithm Reference [1] R. K. Balachandra, P. V. Ramakrishna and A. Rakshit, Cloud Security Issues, Proc. IEEE International Conf. on Services Computing, Bangalore, 2009, 517-520. [2] N. Gruschka and M. Jensen, Attack Surfaces: A Taxonomy for Attacks on Cloud Services, Proc. 3rd IEEE Conf. on Cloud Computing, Miami, FL, 2010, 276-279. [3] S. Ramgovind, M. M. Eloff and E. Smith, The Management of Security in Cloud Computing, Proc. IEEE Conf. on Cloud Computing, Johannesburg, 2010, 1-7. [4] T. Jaeger and J. Schiffman, Outlook: Cloudy with a Chance of Security Challenges and Improvements, IEEE Security and Privacy, vol. 8, issue 1, 2010, 77-80. [5] B. Grobauer, T. Walloschek and E. Stocker, Understanding Cloud Computing Vulnerabilities, IEEE Security and Privacy, vol. 9, issue 2, 2011, 50-57. Alisha Jindal, Gagandeep |
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18. | Agile Data: Automating database refactorings
Agile Data: Automating database refactoringsAbstract: This paper discusses an automated approach to database change management throughout the companies' development workflow. By using automated tools, companies can avoid common issues related to manual database deployments. This work was motivated by analyzing usual problems within organizations, mostly originated from manual interventions that may result in systems disruptions and production incidents. In addition to practices of continuous integration and continuous delivery, the current paper describes a case study in which a suggested pipeline is implemented in order to reduce the deployment times and decrease incidents due to ineffective data controlling.Key words: Information Systems Design; Agile Methods, Automating Processes; Refactoring Reference [1] S. Ambler, Agile database techniques: effective strategies for the agile software developer. New York, John Wiley & Sons, 2003. [2] N. Ashley, Taking control of your database development. Available in http://dbdeploy.com/wpcontent/uploads/2007/05/taking-control-of-your-database-development.pdf. [3] K. Beck and C. Andres, Extreme programming explained: embrace change. Boston, Addison-Wesley Professional, 2004. [4] M. Fowler and K. Beck, Refactoring: improving the design of existing code. Boston, Addison-Wesley Professional, 1999. [5] M. Fowler and M. Foemmel, Continuous integration. Available in http://www. thoughtworks. com/Continuous Integration. pdf. Bruno Xavier, Guilherme Lacerda, Vinicius Ribeiro, Emerson Ribeiro, André da Silveira, Sidnei Silveira, Jorge Zabadal, Fábio Gonçalves |
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19. | Overview on Symmetric Key Encryption Algorithms
Overview on Symmetric Key Encryption AlgorithmsAbstract: In today's digital communication era sharing of information is increasing significantly. The information being transmitted is vulnerable to various passive and active attacks. Therefore, the information security is one of the most challenging aspects of communication. Cryptography is the one of the main categories of computer security that converts information from its normal form into an unreadable form by using Encryption and Decryption Techniques. The two main characteristics that identify and differentiate one encryption algorithm from another are its ability to secure the protected data against attacks and its speed and efficiency in doing so. There are basically two techniques of cryptography Symmetric and Asymmetric. This paper presents a detailed study of the symmetric encryption techniques.Key words: Cryptography, Encryption, Decryption, AES, DES, TRIPLEDES, Blowfish. Reference [1] Manoj Kumar Pandey, et.all., ―Survey Paper: Cryptography The art of Hiding Information‖, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET), ISSN: 2278 – 1323, Volume 2, Issue 12, December 2013. [2] Irfan Landge et al., ―Encryption and Decryption of Data Using Twofish Algorithm‖, World Journal of Science and Technology, ISSN: 2231-2587, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 157-161, 2012. [3] Anjali Arora et al., ―A Survey of Cryptanalytic Attacks on Lightweight Block Ciphers‖, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology & Security, ISSN: 2249-9555, Vol. 2, No. 2, April 2012. [4] A. Grediaga et al., ―Analysis and Implementation Hardware-Software of Rijindael Encryption‖, IEEE Latin America Transactions, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 82-87, March 2010. [5] Ayushi, ―A Symmetric Key Cryptographic Algorithm‖, International Journal of Computer Applications, ISSN: 0975 – 8887, Vol. 1, No. 15, 2010 Mithil P. Gharat, Prof. Dilip Motawani |
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20. | Direct Torque Control of Induction Motor Drive Fed from a Photovoltaic Multilevel Inverter
Direct Torque Control of Induction Motor Drive Fed from a Photovoltaic Multilevel InverterAbstract: This paper presents Direct Torque Control (DTC) using Space Vector Modulation (SVM) for an induction motor drive fed from a photovoltaic multilevel inverter (PV-MLI). The system consists of two main parts PV DC power supply (PVDC) and MLI. The PVDC is used to generate DC isolated sources with certain ratios suitable for the adopted MLI. Beside the hardware system, the control system which uses the torque and speed estimation to control the load angle and to obtain the appropriate flux vector trajectory from which the voltage vector is directly derived based on direct torque control methods. The voltage vector is then generated by a hybrid multilevel inverter by employing space vector modulation (SVM). The inverter high quality output voltage which leads to a high quality IM performances. Besides, the MLI switching losses is very low due to most of the power cell switches are operating at nearly fundamental frequency. Some selected simulation results are presented for system validation.Key words: Direct Torque Control, Induction Motor drive, hybrid multilevel inverter, PVDC power supply, SVM Reference [1] Z. Sorchini, P. Krein "Formal Derivation of Direct Torque Control for Induction Machines" IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 21, No.5, September 2006, pp. 1428 – 1436. [2] M. Vasudevan, R. Arumugam, S. Paramasivam: "High-performance Adaptive Intelligent Direct Torque Control Schemes for Induction Motor Drives", Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 1, May 2005, pp. 93 – 116. [3] Anjana Manuel, Jebin Francis "Simulation of Direct Torque Controlled Induction Motor Drive by using Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation for Torque Ripple Reduction" International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Vol 2, Sept 2013, pp. 4471- 4478,. [4] T.A. Wolbank, A. Moucka, J.L. Machl "A Comparative Study of Field-oriented Control and Direct-torque Control of Induction Motors Reference to Shaft-sensorless Control at Low and Zero-speed" IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, Oct. 2002, pp. 391 – 396. [5] D. Casadei, F. Profumo, G. Serra, A. Tani "FOC and DTC: Two Viable Schemes for Induction Motors Torque Control" IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics, Vol. 17, No. 5, Sept. 2002, pp. 779 – 787. Mahrous Ahmed and M.K. Metwally, Tharwat Hanafy |
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21. | Improving Data Storage Security in Cloud using Hadoop
Improving Data Storage Security in Cloud using HadoopAbstract: The rising abuse of information stored on large data centres in cloud emphasizes the need to safe guard the data. Despite adopting strict authentication policies for cloud users data while transferred over to secure channel when reaches data centres is vulnerable to numerous attacks .The most widely adoptable methodology is safeguarding the cloud data is through encryption algorithm. Encryption of large data deployed in cloud is actually a time consuming process. For the secure transmission of information AES encryption has been used which provides most secure way to transfer the sensitive information from sender to the intended receiver. The main purpose of using this technique is to make sensitive information unreadable to all other except the receiver. The data thus compressed enables utilization of storage space in cloud environment. It has been augmented with Hadoop‟s map-reduce paradigm which works in a parallel mode. The experimental results clearly reflect the effectiveness of the methodology to improve the security of data in cloud environment.Key words: Cloud, AES, Hadoop, Mapreduce, Data Compression Reference [1] Anitha, P. and Palanisamy, Data protection Algorithm Using AES, International Journal of Current Research, 2011 vol.3, issue 6, pp.291-294. [2] Chaitanya P.Sahithi and M.Murali, Improved Schemes to Secure Distributed Data Storage against Untrusted Users, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology(IJCSIT), 2014,vol.5(2), pp.1774-1777. [3] Chauhan Nitin Singh and Ashutosh Sexena, Cryptography and Cloud Security Challenges, CSI Communications, 2013, pp. 18-20. [4] Kulkarni Gurudatt, Jayanti Gambhir, Amruta Dongare, Security in Cloud Computing, International Journal of Computer Engineering &Technology (IJCET), 2012, vol. 3, issue1, pp. 258-265. [5] Nagendra M. and M. Chandra Sekhar , Performance Improvement of Advanced Encryption Algorithm using Parallel Computation, International Journal of Software Engineering and its Application(IJSEIA),2014, vol. 8, no 2, pp.287-296. Mehak, Gagandeep |
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1. | Design and Development of Animal Drawn Ground Metered Axle Mechanism Boom Sprayer
Design and Development of Animal Drawn Ground Metered Axle Mechanism Boom SprayerAbstract: A spraying technology was developed for use by rural farmers in Northern Nigeria. The farming systems in these areas are put into consideration and in keeping with appropriate technology initiative. The technology was designed to offer the farmers an equitable sprayer that shall be drawn by animal farm power and that is effective and affordable. The equipment was constructed using the parameters obtained from design and tested at a farmland within the University premises of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, in Nigeria. The equipment consists of a boom with multiple Controlled Droplet Applicator (CDA) atomizer nozzles, a gear pump, a chemical tank, and chair for an operator; all attached to a framework bolted to a rear axle. It was observed that the Dynamic Wheel Load assuming even distribution of load was found to be 1575N and a net pull of 820N. The net pull offers convenient task and shall easily swallow energy requirement for spraying uphill terrains.Key words: spray technology, pesticide sprayer, animal traction, tractor. Reference [1.] ANNUAL WASTE TIRE TRANSPORT REPORT (2010), Indiana Department of Environmental Management. [2.] ASAE STANDARDS 2003. ASAE Standard D497.4. Agricultural Machinery Management Data. ASAE St Joseph, MI 49085-9659. [3.] BRIXTUS W. W (1987). TRACTION PREDICTION EQUATIONS FOR BIAS-PLY TIRES. ASAE PAPER NO. 87-1622. ST. JOSEPH, MI 49085-9659., pp1-2. [4.] COSTA L. L, FERREIRA M., COSTA A. C., ROLIM G., AND CAMPOS H. B. N (2013). Spraying Deposit in Soybean Plants as Influenced by Application Volume and The Degree of Inclination of Centrifugal Energy Nozzles. Agricultural Science Research Journal 3(11); pp. 344. [5.] Data Book (2006), Off-the Road Tires, Bridgestone Corporation, Toyo, Japan; and Replacement Tire Selection Manual (2006), Bridgestone Firestone North American Tire. Michael C. Amonye, M. L. Suleiman, Abdullahi El-Okene, Ibrahim O. Abdulmalik and Mahdi Makoyo |
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2. | Design and Implementation of 16-bit Arithmetic Logic Unit using Quantum dot Cellular Automata (QCA) Technique
Design and Implementation of 16-bit Arithmetic Logic Unit using Quantum dot Cellular Automata (QCA) TechniqueAbstract: Quantum Dot Cellular Automata (QCA) is an advanced nanotechnology that attempts to create general computational at the nano-scale by controlling the position of single electrons. Quantum dot cellular automata (QCA) defines a new device architecture that permits the innovative design of digital systems. QCA technology has large potential in terms of high space density and power dissipation with the development of the faster computer with smaller size & low power consumption.QCA help us to overcome the limitations of CMOS technology. In this paper, A design 16-bit arithmetic logic unit (ALU) based on the Quantum dot cellular automata (QCA) is presented. The simulation result of 16 bit ALU is verified using QCA Designer tool.Index Terms: ALU, Quantum Dot Cellular Automata (QCA), nano Technology. Reference [1]. International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS), http://www.itrs.net, 2007. [2]. C.S. Lent, P.D. Tougaw, W. Porod, and G.H. Bernstein, "Quantum Cellular Automata," Nanotechnology, vol. 4, no. 1 pp. 49-57, Jan. 1993. [3]. A. Orlov et al., "Experimental Demonstration of a Binary Wire for Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata," Applied Physics Letters, vol. 74, no. 19, pp. 2875-2877, May 1999. [4]. I. Amlani et al., "Experimental Demonstration of a Leadless Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata Cell," Applied Physics Letters, vol. 77, no. 5, pp. 738-740, July 2000. [5]. R.P. Cowburn and M.E. Welland, "Room Temperature Magnetic Quantum Cellular Automata," Science, vol. 287, no. 5457, pp. 1466- 1468, Feb. 2000. Rashmi Pandey, Namit gupta, Nilesh patidar |
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3. | Dufour and Soret Effects on Convective Heat and Mass Transfer in Non-Darcy Doubly Stratified Porous Media
Dufour and Soret Effects on Convective Heat and Mass Transfer in Non-Darcy Doubly Stratified Porous MediaAbstract: This paper deals with the MHD convention non-Darcy flow with heat and mass transfer along the vertical surface in a fluid stratified non porous media in the presence of temperature gradients (Soret effects) and concentration gradients (Dufour effects). The differential equations of the governing flow are expand a in terms of perturbation functions as a result we get set of ordinary differential equations of zero,first and second order so the set of equations are solved by using the implicit finite difference scheme. A parametric study of the physical parameters involve in the problem is conducted and a representative set of numerical results are illustrated graphicallyKey words: MHD, heat transfer , mass transfer double stratification , boundary layer, porous mediua, convection ,dufour number, soret number, finite difference method. Reference [1.] P. Cheng, W.J. Minkowycz, J. Geophys. 82 (1977) 2040. [2.] W.J. Minkowycz, P. Cheng, C.H. Chang, Numer. Heat Transfer 8 (1985) 349. [3.] P. Ranganathan, R. Viskanta, Numer. Heat Transfer 7 (1984) 305. [4.] A. Nakayama, H. Koyama, J. Heat Transfer 109 (1987) 1041. [5.] J.C. Hsieh, T.S. Chen, B.F. Armaly, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 36 (1985) 1485. Srinivas Maripala, N.Kishan |
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4. | Review of theModern developments in Suction processes of IC Engines
Review of theModern developments in Suction processes of IC EnginesAbstract: This review paper deals with the evolution of the general processes employed in the suction process of IC Engines. The suction process has evolved from the traditional use of carburettors to much more sophisticated systems like CRDi, MPFi, etc. used in modern days. In doing so, various parameters such as the volumetric efficiency and the turbulence, etc. inside the engine have to be considered. Additional processes such as supercharging and turbocharging are employed to improve these parameters. It is also highly desirable to vary the Air-Fuel ratio effectively according to the speed of the engine for better power output and mileage. Thus researchers have developed several ways over the years to achieve it. Recent research work being carried out in this field is in the areas of Pressure Wave Superchargers, Variable Geometry Turbochargers, Multiple Intake valves, Shrouded Intake Valves, Camless Engines etc. Many of these technologies have been employed in the industry such as the DTS-Si, TDi&i-vtec Engines. Thus, the Automobile Industry has come a long way in evolving the intake processes and further developments will always be on the way.Key words: Volumetric efficiency, Turbulence, Swirl, Carburettor, Fuel Injector, Supercharger, Turbocharger. Reference [1] Christopher.H.Onder, Lino Guzzella Optimized Control of a Pressure Wave Supercharger, Peter Spring, ,IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology,Vol.15,No.3,May,2007 [2] SAE Technical Paper 780413, 1978, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.[136]. [3] Chun Tai, Tsu-Chin Tsao, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of California at Los Angeles, "Control of an Electromechanical Actuator for Camless Engines" SAE Paper 800794. [4] Caris, D. F. and Nelson, E. E. 1959. A New Look at High Compression Engines, SAE Transactions, vol. 67, pp. 112-124. [5] A. Cairns and H. Blaxill, "The Effects of Two-Stage Cam Profile Switching and External EGR on SI-CAI Combustion Transitions," SAE Technical Paper, 2007- 01-0187, 2007 Dhruv Chawda, Subhajit Dey, K.Krishnamurthy |
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5. | Finite Element Analysis Of Epoxy-Graphite Powder, Epoxy-Ms Powder, Epoxy- Ms Lathe Scrap(Ms Flakes) Filled In A Circular Hollow Aluminium Column
Finite Element Analysis Of Epoxy-Graphite Powder, Epoxy-Ms Powder, Epoxy- Ms Lathe Scrap(Ms Flakes) Filled In A Circular Hollow Aluminium ColumnAbstract: Main objective of this paper is to prepare composite material filled hollow Al columns and test them for their compressive strengths and compare the results with Rankine's columnar theory and Finite Element Analysis using Ansys 2014. The idea of filling the particulate polymer composite material in an aluminium tube is taken from a research paper presented at 14th international conference on computing in civil and building engineering in Moscow, Russia (27-29 June 2012) by Feng Zhou and Ben Young, in which they filled the Al tube with concrete and conducted Finite Elemental Analysis. The composites used in the project are Epoxy-graphite, Epoxy-MS powder, Epoxy-MS flakes, all these three samples are taken in a hollow Al CHS tube. Another two specimens were prepared by using epoxy-graphite powder and epoxy-MS powder without using Al tube. These specimens were subjected to crushing force and the readings obtained were compared with the results obtained by conducting Finite elemental analysis in ANSYS. The applications include columns in buildings, columns of bridges, and as columns in earthquake zones as the outer hollow metal has the capability to withstand heavy loads and dampens the vibrations.Reference [1.] ISCCBE 14th international conference on computing in civil and building engineering Moscow, Russia, 27-29 June 2012, by Feng Zhou and Ben Young. [2.] Elsevier journal, " Effects of particle size, particle/ matrix interface adhesion and particle loading on mechanical properties of particulate polymer composites" by Shao-yun Fu, Xi-Qiao Feng, Bernd Lauke, Yiu-Wing Mai. [3.] Composite materials by Bhagwan D Agarwal and Lawrence J. Broutman, Kanpur, U.P India, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A July 1979. [4.] IOSR journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE) "Numerical computational of effective thermal conductivity of polymer composites filled with rice husk particles" by Kush kumar Dewangan, Vinod Naik, Durga Agarwal. [5.] Nano silica-reinforced polymer composites" by Marjetka Conradi from Institute of metals and Technology, Slovenia. Dr.M.AnandaRao, Dr.K.Vijaya Kumar Reddy, T.Seshaiah |
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6. | Evaluation of sub-soil geo-electric properties in a proposed power sub-station site at Ebubu, Rivers State, Nigeria
Evaluation of sub-soil geo-electric properties in a proposed power sub-station site at Ebubu, Rivers State, NigeriaAbstract: Electrical resistivity survey was carried out in a site proposed for the construction and installation of a Power sub-station. The project will involve subsurface installation of cables and other objects that easily conduct electricity. Extant laws including EIA also require knowledge of subsurface distribution of resistivity in construction projects that would involve burial of steel pipes and cables. The imperative of this is emphasized by the location of the project in an area of shallow groundwater conditions. Field resistivity measurements were undertaken using ABEM Terrameter SAS 1000, adopting Schlumberger configuration in vertical electric sounding at 12 locations within the study site. The results were used to generate geo-electric log models. Three geo-electric profile models (pseudo- profiles) were also taken NE-SW of the site. Interpretation of the models shows that the area is characterized by two geo-electric layers to the depth of 30m. The upper layer of lower resistivity occurs to a depth of 2-3m. This layer consists of lateritic to silty sands. The lower layer has a resistivity of between 900 - >2000 Ωm and represents fine to coarse sands and gravels. On the Soil Electrical Resistivity Classification (BS 1377), the subsoil falls within non-corrosive class. Objects installed in the soil are not likely to suffer corrosion soon. Similarly, subsurface electrical installations will pose minimal hazards and would require basic precautions to avoid electrical accidents.Key words: Resitivity, subsurface installation, power substation, Rivers State, Nigeria Reference [1.] Abam, T. K.S. and Ngah, S. A. Geo-electric characterization of a new development area: The case of Greater Port Harcout, Phase 1, Rivers State , Nigeria. Am. Jl Envt Engr. Vol 3 No. 5 pp 199-206 [2.] Etu-Efeotor, J.O. and Akpokodje, E.G (1990). Aquifer Systems of the Niger Delta. Nig. Jl Min. Geol. Vol. 26, No. 2, pp 278 – 284. [3.] Hospers, J. the Geology of the Niger Delta Area. In:The Geology of the East Atlantic Continental Margins of Africa. Gt Britain Inst. Geol.Sci. Report 70/16. Pp121 – 142 [4.] Keller, G.V and Frischnecht (1970) electrical Methods in Geophysical Prospecting, 2nd edition. Pergamon Press, New York NY, 517pp. [5.] Kizitto Aweto and Irwin A. Akpoborie (2011). Geo-electric and hydrogeochemical Mapping of Quaternary Deposits at Orerokpe, Western Niger Delta.j. Appl. Sci. Manage. Vol. 15(2) pp 351 – 359 T.K.S. Abam and S.A. Ngah |
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7. | Current Compensation with Reduced Rating VSC and A ZIG –ZAG Transformer an A Three Phase Four-Wire Distribution System
Current Compensation with Reduced Rating VSC and A ZIG –ZAG Transformer an A Three Phase Four-Wire Distribution SystemAbstract: A reduced rating voltage-source converter with a zig-zag transformer as a distribution static compensator is proposed for power-quality improvement in the three-phase four-wire distribution system. The source voltages in the distribution systems are also experiencing power quality problems, such as harmonics, unbalance, flicker, sag, swell, etc. The distribution static compensator (DSTATCOM) is proposed for compensating power quality problems in the current, and the dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) is used for mitigating the power quality problems in the voltage. The zig-zag transformer is used for the neutral current compensation. Distribution systems are facing severe power-quality (PQ) problems, such as poor voltage regulation, high reactive power and harmonics current burden, load unbalancing, excessive neutral current, etc. The zig-zag transformer is used for providing a path to the zero-sequence current. The DSTATCOM is used to improve the quality of power to the non linear loads. By using both zig-zag transformer and DSTATCOM in the distribution system the rating of the voltage source converter can be reduced. Hence it can be also called reduced rating device. The performance of the DSTATCOM is validated through extensive simulations using MATLAB software with its Simulink and power system block set toolboxes..Index Terms: Distribution static compensator (DSTATCOM), neutral current compensation, power quality (PQ), zig-zag transformer Reference [1] G. T. Heydt, Electric Power Quality, 2nd ed. West Lafayette, IN: Stars in a Circle, 1994. [2] R. C. Dugan, M. F. McGranaghan, and H. W. Beaty, Electric Power Systems Quality. New York: McGraw Hill, 1996. [3] M. H. J. Bollen, Understanding Power Quality Problems: Voltage Sags and Interruptions, ser. IEEE Press Power Eng. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2000. [4] J. Arrilaga, N. R.Wattson, and S. Chen, Power System Quality Assessment. New York: Wiley, 2000. [5] C. Sankaran, Power Quality. Boca Raton, FL: CRC, 2001. P.Narasimhulu, N.Sreekanth, K.Siva Kumar |
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8. | Design of a Smart Meter for the Indian Energy Scenario
Design of a Smart Meter for the Indian Energy ScenarioAbstract: Accurate metering, detection of energy theft and implementation of proper tariff as well as billing system are vital in wise energy management. These objectives can be achieved by using Smart Meters. This article introduces a microcontroller based Smart Meter using wireless communication and LabVIEW suitable for the Indian Energy Scenario. The Smart Meter and Time Of Day (TOD) tariff pricing make the consumers an active part of energy management, thereby energy deficit during peak hours can be alleviated indirectly.Key words: Energy Management, Energy Conservation, Demand Side Management, Smart Meters, Time Of Day Tariff, Zigbee, LabVIEW Reference [1] Executive Summary Power Sector, Government of India, Ministry of Power Central Electricity Authority New Delhi, July -2014. Available online: http://cea.nic.in/reports/monthly/executive_r ep/jul14.pdf [2] K. L. Lam, H. Y. Tung, L. T. Lee and K. F. Tsang, ZigBee Automatic Meter Reading System – Beeline of Metering, Proc. IEEE Microwave Conference, Asia-Pacific, , 2008, 1-4. [3] V. V. Das, Wireless Communication System for Energy Meter Reading, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Advances in Recent Technologies in Communication and Computing, Kerala, October, 2009, 896-898. [4] A. Abdollahi, M. Dehghani and N. Zamanzadeh, SMS-based Reconfigurable Automatic Meter Reading System, Proc. IEEE 16th International Conference on Control Applications, Singapore, October 2007, 1103-1107. [5] A. Jain, D. Kumar and J. Kedia, Smart and Intelligent GSM based Automatic Meter Reading System, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), 1(3), 2012, 1-6. Al-Saheer S. S., Shimi S. L. and Dr. S. Chatterji |
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9. | Efficient video compression using EZWT
Efficient video compression using EZWTAbstract: In this article, wavelet based lossy video compression algorithm is presented. The motion estimation and compensation, being an important part in the compression, is based on segment movements. The proposed work is based on wavelet transform algorithm Embedded Zeroed WaveletTransform (EZWT). Based on the results of peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR), mean squared error (MSE), different videos are analyzed. Maintaining the PSNR to acceptable limits the proposed EZWT algorithm achieves very good compression ratios making the technique more efficient than the 2-Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) in the H.264/AVC codec. The method is being suitable for low bit rate video showing highest compression ratio and very good PSNR of more than 30dB..Reference [1] Iain E. G. Richardson, H.264 ad Mpeg-4 Video Compression, Video Coding for next generation multimedia, The Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, UK John Wiley & Sons Ltd, The Atrium, Southern Gate,Chichester, West Sussex PO19 8SQ, England (2003). [2] Iain Richardson , Vcodex.com 2007-2013 Vcodex White Paper: An overview of H.264 Advanced Video Coding. [3] EZW ENCODING A REALLY FRIENDLY GUIDE TO WAVELETS THE FAST LIFTING WAVELET TRANSFORM : HTTP://WWW.POLYVALENS.COM/BLOG/WAVELETS/EZW/ AS ON 31/08/2014 [4] C.-L. Chang and B. Girod, ―Direction-adaptive discrete wavelet transform for image compression,‖ Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 1289–1302, May 2007. [5] Olivier Rioul and Martin Vetterli, "Wavelets and Signal Processing‖, IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, Vol. 8, Issue 4, pp. 14 - 38 October 1991. Mr. Amit S. Hatekar, Ms. Poorva G. Waingankar, Dr. Sangeeta Joshi |
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10. | Microcontroller Based Solar tracking System for enhancing efficiency of a Photovoltaic system
Microcontroller Based Solar tracking System for enhancing efficiency of a Photovoltaic systemAbstract: In today‟s scenario of increasing energy needs, there is a huge dependence on renewable energy sources along with the conventional sources. One of the most important renewable energy resources is the sun. However, the problem with solar power is that it is directly dependent on light intensity. To produce the maximum amount of energy, a solar panel must be perpendicular to the light source. Because the sun moves both throughout the day as well as throughout a year, a solar panel must be able to follow the sun‟s movement to produce the maximum possible power. There are a large number of methods available for solar tracking and hence maximizing the output .This paper proposes an Arduino Uno microcontroller board based solar tracking system. As compared to the conventional solar panels, the one mounted with microcontroller based tracking system will give enhanced output.Key words: Microcontroller, Tracking, Light Dependent Resistors. Reference [1.] A.B.Afarulrazi, W.M.Utomo, K.L.Liew and M. Zarafi "Solar Tracker Robot using Microcontroller" published in 2011 International Conference on Business, Engineering and Industrial Applications. [2.] Md.Tanvir Arafat Khan, S.M.Shahrear Tanzil, Rifat Rahman, SM Shafiul Alam "Design and Construction of an Automatic Solar Tracking System" published in 6th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering ICECE 2010, 18-20 December 2010, Dhaka, Bangladesh. [3.] Nader Barsoum "Implementation of a Prototype for a traditional Solar tracking system" published in the 2009 third UKSim European Symposium on Computer Modelling and Simulation. [4.] Lwin Lwin Oo and Nang Kaythi Hlaing "Microcontroller Based Two Axis Solar Tracking System" published in Second International Conference on Computer Research and Development. [5.] Shen, C.L.; Tsai, C.T. Double-linear approximation algorithm to achieve maximum-power-point tracking for photovoltaic arrays. Energies 2012, 5, 1982–1997. Shaifali Jain, Ragi Jain |
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12. | Parallel Processing Technique for Time Efficient Matrix Multiplication
Parallel Processing Technique for Time Efficient Matrix MultiplicationAbstract: In this paper, we have proposed one designs for parallel-parallel input and single output (PPI-SO) matrix-matrix multiplication. In this design differs by high speed area efficient, throughput rate and user defined input format to match application needs. We have compared the proposed designs with the existing similar design and found that, the proposed designs offer higher throughput rate, reduce area at relatively lower hardware cost. We have synthesized the proposed design and the existing design using Xilinx software. Synthesis results shows that proposed design on average consumes nearly 30% less energy than the existing design and involves nearly 70% less area-delay-product than other. Interestingly, the proposed parallel-parallel input and single output (PPI-SO) structure consumes 40% less energy than the existing structure.Key words: Parallel-Parallel Input and Single Output (PPI-SO), Synopsis Simulation. Reference [1] T. Arslan, D.H. Horrocks, and A.T. Erdogan,―Overview and Design Directions for Low-Power Circuits and Architectures for Digital Signal Processing,‖ IEE Colloquium on Low Power Analog and Digital VLSI: ASICS, Techniques and Applications, pp. 6/1 – 6/5, 1995. [2] Massoud Pedram, ―Design Technologies for Low Power VLSI,‖ Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology, pp. 1 – 32,1995. [3] O. Mencer, M. Morf, and M. J. Flynn, ― PAM-Blox: High performance FPGA design for adaptive computing,‖ in Field Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCM), pp. 167 – 174, 1998. [4] K. K. Parhi, VLSI Digital Signal Processing Systems. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1999. [5] L. Benini, G. De Micheli, E. Macii, ―Designing Low-Power Circuits: Practical Recipes,‖ IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine, vol. 1, no. 1,pp. 6-25, 2001. Bhishm Jawarkar, Puran Gour, Braj Bihari Soni |
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13. | Nonlinear Static Analysis Of 3-D RC Framed Asymmetric Building With Lead Rubber Isolator Using Sap2000v15
Nonlinear Static Analysis Of 3-D RC Framed Asymmetric Building With Lead Rubber Isolator Using Sap2000v15Abstract: Many buildings in the present scenario have irregular configurations both in plan and elevation. This in future may be subjected to devastating earthquakes. So it is also necessary to enhance the seismic performance of asymmetric buildings by using seismic control techniques. In the present study a total of 9 models, asymmetrical in plan (L-shape) are taken for analysis to cover the broader spectrum of low, medium & high rise buildings for the seismic control of the structures using pushover analysis, two different techniques were considered such as lead rubber bearing isolator and masonry infill walls, the analysis has been carried out using SAP2000V15. The results of bare frame and other building models have been compared, the presence of lead rubber base isolator, top story drift get reduced as compared with masonry infill wall. The trend was found to be reversed for high rise buildings especially with the application of isolation systems due to the massive increase in the story displacements suggesting the ineffectiveness of the base isolators for high rise buildings successively the plastic hinge pattern formed after carrying out the pushover analysis was also studied which indicated that structural performance was considerably improved.Key words: bare frame, lead rubber bearing isolator, masonry infill Reference [1] Helmut Krawinkler and G.D.P.K. Seneviratna (1998) "Pros & Cons of Pushover Analysis of Seismic Performance Evaluation", Engineering Structures, Vol. 20, Nos 4-6, pp. 452-464, 1998. [2] M A M Akberuddin (2013) "Pushover Analysis of Medium Rise Multi-Story RCC Frame With and Without Vertical Irregularity", International Journal of Engineering Research and Application Vol. 3, Issue 5, Sep-Oct 2013, pp.540-546 [3] S.M. Kalantari, H.Naderpour and S.R.Hoseini Vaez " Investigation Of Base-Isolator Type Selection On Seismic Behavior Of Structures Including Story Drifts And Plastic Hinge Formation." The 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering October 12-17, 2008, Beijing, China. [4] Dakshes J. Pambhar (2012) "Performance Based Pushover Analysis of R.C.C. Frames"International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Studies IJAERS/Vol. I/ Issue III/April-June, 2012/329-333. [5] Ashraf Habibullah, Stephen Pyle"Practical three-dimensional non-linear static pushover analysis" Structure Magazine, winter, 1998. Mohammed Asim Khan, Prof. Shaik Abdulla |
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14. | A literary study on the bonding of the Six Sigma with the Service Quality for the enrichment of the Service Sector(S) for the Construction Projects
A literary study on the bonding of the Six Sigma with the Service Quality for the enrichment of the Service Sector(S) for the Construction ProjectsAbstract: Purpose: This research paper focusses on the merger of the six sigma with the service quality for the improvement of the services for the service sectors . Approach: This paper approaches towards the resaons for the poor performance of the six sigma in the service sectors ,key factors necessary for the implementation of the six sigma and the barriers / difficulties to the implementation of the same . Findings: This paper drives towards the problems ,outcomes and the benefits obtained through the implementation of the six sigma for the service sectors and the significant and the insignificant contribution concerned with the implementation fo the six sigma towards the service quality .The companies or the organisation who had been the beneficiaries is also discussed . Implications:The implications of this paper is to call for the redisgning a framework necessary for the implementation of the six sigma with the service quality for the other major sectors as well . Originality : This paper provides a fresh look into the six sigma applications to services by combining the thorough analysis of the concepts . Keywords : Six Sigma , Service Quality Paper Type : Research Paper (Study) based upon the research results and the literary results obtained through the various listed and non-listed journals of the Mechanical,Civil,Industrial and Information Technology Works with an orientation towards the Mechanical , Manufactuing and Management .Reference [1.] .Impact of Six Sigma in a developing economy : Analysis on the benefits drawn by the Indian Industries: Darshak A Desai , Mulchand B Patel G.H. Patel college of Engineering & Technology , Vallbh Vidyanagar , Govt. Engg. College , Shamlaji Road , Modasa(India). [2.] Six Sigma in the Service Organisations ,Benefits ,Challenges and the difficulties ,Common Myths, Empirical Oservations and the success factors .Jiju Antony ,Research in six sigma and process improvement , Caledonia Business School ,Glasgow Caledonia University , Glasgow , UK. Frenie Jiju Antony & Maneesh Kumar ,Center for Byung Rae Cho , Advanced Quality Engineering lab ,Departmwent of Industrial Engg. ,Clemson University , Clemson , South Carolina , USA. [3.] Implementing Six sigma in Saudi Arabia : An empirical study on the fortune 100 Companies Majed Alsmadi & Brian Lehaney , Department of Engineering amnd Knowledge Management ,Coventry University , Coventry , UK. Zulfiqar Khan ,Coventry Business School , Coventry , UK. [4.] The challenges of Six Sigma in improving the Service Quality . Behnam Nakhai ,Department of Business Administration , Millensville University of Pennsylvania ,Pennyslvania ,USA. Jaos S Neves , Department of Management , The College of New Jersey , new Jersey , USA. [5.] Examining the application of Six Sigma in the Service Exchange . Breffini M & Karthik Namasivayam , School of Hospitality Management , Pennyslvania State University , University Park , Pennsylvania .Heather Spitler Tomlinson , Shamer Hotel group , State College , Pennisylvania , USA. R.Surya Kiran, Vikas Kumar Singh, Manoharreddy Chinnam, Likiel Lankireddy, Maninder Singh |
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15. | A Survey Analysis on CMOS Integrated Circuits with Clock-Gated Logic Structure
A Survey Analysis on CMOS Integrated Circuits with Clock-Gated Logic StructureAbstract: Various circuit design techniques has been presented to improve noise tolerance of the proposed CGS logic families. Noise in deep submicron technology limits the reliability and performance of ICs. The ANTE (Average Noise Threshold Energy) metric is used for the analysis of noise tolerance of proposed CGS. A 2-input NAND and NOR gate is designed by the proposed technique. Simulation results for a 2-input NAND gate at clock gated logic show that the proposed noise tolerant circuit achieves 1.79X ANTE improvement along with the reduction in leakage power. Continuous scaling of technology towards the manometer range significantly increases leakage current level and the effect of noise. This research can be further extended for performance optimization in terms of power, speed, area and noise immunity.Key words: Static CMOS Logic, Domino Logic, Feed through Logic (CGS), Low Power. Reference [1.] S .Mathew, M. Anders, R.Krishnamurthy, S. Borkar, "A 4 GHz 130 nm address generation unit with 32-bit sparse-tree adder core," IEEE VLSI Circuits Symp. , Honolulu, Hi,jun 2002, pp. 126-127. [2.] S. vangal, Y. Hoskote, D. Somasekhar, V. Erraguntla, J. Howard, G.Ruhl, V. Veeramachaneni, D. Finan, S. Mathew, and N. Borkar, "A 5-GHz floating point multiply-accumulator in 90-nm dual VT CMOS," in Proc. iEEE Int. Solid-State Circuits Conf, San Francisco, CA, Feb.2003, pp. 334-335. [3.] R.K. Krishnamurthy, S. Hsu, M. Anders, B. Bloechel, B. Chatterjee, M. Sachdev, S. Borkar, "Dual Supply voltage clocking for 5GHz 130nm integer execution core," proceedings of IEEE VLSI Circuits Symposium, Honolulu Jun. 2002, pp. 128-129. [4.] V. Navarro-Botello, J. A. Montiel-Nelson, and S. Nooshabadi, " Analysis of high performance fast clock-gated logic families in CMOS," iEEE Trans. Cir. & syst. ii, vol. 54, no. 6, Jun. 2007, pp .489-493 [5.] Y.jiang, A. A1-sheraidah, Y. Wang, E.sha, J. Chung, A novel Multiplexer based low-power full adder, IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst.lI, vol. 52,2004, pp. 345-348. PADMA KHARE, SHAISTA ANJUM |
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16. | Hack Recognition In Wireless Sensor Network
Hack Recognition In Wireless Sensor NetworkAbstract: A wireless sensor network can get separated into multiple connected components due to the failure of some of its nodes, which is called a ―cut‖. In this article we consider the problem of detecting cuts by the remaining nodes of a wireless sensor network. We propose an algorithm that allows like every node to detect when the connectivity to a specially designated node has been lost, and one or more nodes (that are connected to the special node after the cut) to detect the occurrence of the cut. The algorithm is distributed and asynchronous: every node needs to communicate with only those nodes that are within its communication range. The algorithm is based on the iterative computation of a fictitious ―electrical potential‖ of the nodes. The convergence rate of the underlying iterative scheme is independent of the size and structure of the network.Key words: Wireless networks, sensor networks, network separation, detection and estimation, iterative computation. Reference [1] G. Dini, M. Pelagatti, and I. M. Savino, ―An algorithm for reconnecting wireless sensor network partitions,‖ in European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks, 2008, pp. 253– 267. [2] N. Shrivastava, S. Suri, and C. D. T´oth, ―Detecting cuts in sensor networks,‖ ACM Trans. Sen. Netw., vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 1–25, 2008. [3] H. Ritter, R. Winter, and J. Schiller, ―A partition detection system for mobile ad-hoc networks,‖ in First Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks (IEEE SECON 2004), Oct. 2004, pp. 489–497. [4] M. Hauspie, J. Carle, and D. Simplot, ―Partition detection in mobile ad-hoc networks,‖ in 2nd Mediterranean Workshop on Ad-Hoc Networks, 2003, pp. 25–27. [5] P. Barooah, ―Distributed cut detection in sensor networks,‖ in 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 2008, pp. 1097– 1102. B. Srinivasulu, K. J. Pavithran Kumar, S. Ramachandra, Md. Roshini |
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LOAD MANAGEMENT IN CLOUD ENVIRONMENTAbstract: Cloud computing is an on demand service in which shared resources, information, software and other devices are provided to the end user as per their requirement at a specific time. A cloud consists of several elements such as clients, datacenters and distributed servers. There are n number of clients and end users involved in cloud environment. These clients may make requests to the cloud system simultaneously, making it difficult for the cloud to manage the entire load at a time. The load can be CPU load, memory load, delay or network load. This might cause inconvenience to the clients as there may be delay in the response time or it might affect the performance and efficiency of the cloud environment. So, the concept of load balancing is very important in cloud computing to improve the efficiency of the cloud. Good load balancing makes cloud computing more efficient and improves user satisfaction. This paper gives an approach to balance the incoming load in cloud environment by making partitions of the public cloud.Key words: Load Balancing, Cloud Partition, Main Controller, Load Balancers Reference [1.] Ruxandra Stefania PETRE, "Data Mining in Cloud Computing" published in "Database Systems Journal vol.III, no.3/2012" [2.] kashish Ara Shakil, Mansaf Aslam,"Data Management in cloud based environment using k-median clustering technique" published in "IJCA" [3.] Mohammad Manzoor Hussain, Anandkumar Biyani, Bhavana Bidarkar, "Cloud Partitioning for Public Clouds using Load Balancing Model", published in "International Journal of Engineering Development and Research" [4.] Mangal Nath Tiwari, Kamalendra Kumar Gautam, Dr Rakesh Kumar Katare, "Analysis of public cloud Load Balancing using Partitioning Method and Game Theory", published in "International journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering" [5.] Mayanka Katyal, Atul Mishra, "A Comparative Study of Load Balancing Algorithms in Cloud Computing Environment", published in," International Journal of Distributed and Cloud Computing". Esha Sarkar, Ch. Sekhar |
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18. | Computational approach of the homeostatic turnover of memory B cells.
Computational approach of the homeostatic turnover of memory B cells.Abstract: In this paper, a discrete mathematical model inspired by control mechanisms is used to explore the factors potentially responsible for maximum immunization capacity in mammals. The results have been discussed in light of recent work, and refer to the adoption of parameter values chosen among data gathered from the literature. The model used in this study took into consideration that the immune system is a network of molecules and cells that can recognize itself.Key words: B cells, mathematical model, homeostatic turnover,immune memory Reference [1.] Abbas, A. K., Lichtman, A. H., andPober, J. S. (20011).Cellular and Molecular Immunology. [2.] Antia, R., Pilyugin, S. S., and Ahmed, R. (1998). Models of immune memory: On the role of cross-reactive stimulation, competition, and homeostasis in maintaining immune memory.Immunology, 95:14926-14931. [3.] Ausloos, M., andDirickx, M. (2006).The Logistic Map and the Route to Chaos.Springer. [4.] Bueno, V., and Pacheco-Silva, A. (1999).Tolerância oral: uma nova perspectiva no tratamento de doenças autoimunes. Revista da AssociaçãoMédicaBrasileira, 45: 79-85. [5.] Castro, A. An Ag-dependent approach based on adaptive mechanisms for investigating the regulation of the memory B cell reservoir. In: KANWAR, J. R. (Ed.). Recent advances in immunology to target cancer, inflammation and infections (2012). InTech, Cap 16, 423-444. ALEXANDRE DE CASTRO, CARLOS FREDERICO FRONZA, JANIO ANSELMO |
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19. | A Review on Pattern Discovery Techniques of Web Usage Mining
A Review on Pattern Discovery Techniques of Web Usage MiningAbstract: In the recent years with the development of Internet technology the growth of World Wide Web exceeded all expectations. A lot of information is available in different formats and retrieving interesting content has become a very difficult task. One possible approach to solve this problem is Web Usage Mining (WUM), the important application of Web Mining. Extracting the hidden knowledge in the log files of a web server, recognizing various interests of web users, discovering customer behavior while at the site are normally referred as the applications of web usage mining. In this paper we provide an updated focused survey on techniques of web usage mining.Key words: Web Usage Mining, Pattern Discovery, Clustering, Classification. Reference [1] Agarwal R. and Srikant R., "Fast algorithms for mining association rules", VLDB'94, Chile, pp. 487–499, 1994. [2] Anderson C., Domingos P., Weld D. S., "Relational Markov Models and their Application to Adaptive Web Navigation", Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGKDD Conference, Canada, August 2002. [3] Bamshad Mobasher, Robert Cooley, Jaideep Srivastava," Creating Adaptive Web Sites Through Usage-Based Clustering of URLs", proceedings of the 1999 workshop on knowledge and data engineering, pp 19, 1999. [4] Bruha I., "From machine learning to knowledge discovery: Survey of preprocessing and postprocessing" Intelligent Data Analysis, Vol. 4, pp. 363-374, 2000. [5] Buchner A. and Mulvenna M. D., "Discovering Internet Marketing Intelligence through Online Analytical Web Usage Mining", Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD, Intl.Conf. on Management of Data (SIGMOD'99), pp. 54–61, 1999. M.Rekha Sundari, Y.Srinivas, PVGD.Prasad Reddy |
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20. | Design, Analysis and Optimization of Anti-Roll Bar
Design, Analysis and Optimization of Anti-Roll BarAbstract: Vehicle anti-roll bar is part of an automobile suspension system which limits body roll angle. This U-shaped metal bar connects opposite wheels together through short lever arms and is clamped to the vehicle chassis with rubber bushes. Its function is to reduce body roll while cornering, also while travelling on uneven road which enhances safety and comfort during driving. Design changes of anti-roll bars are quite common at various steps of vehicle production and a design analysis must be performed for each change. So Finite Element Analysis (FEA) can be effectively used in design analysis of anti-roll bars. The finite element analysis is performed by ANSYS. This paper includes pre-processing, analysis, post processing, and analyzing the FEA results by using APDL (Ansys Parametric Design Language). The effects of anti-roll bar design parameters on final anti-roll bar properties are also evaluated by performing sample analyses with the FEA program developed in this project.Key words: FEA, Anti Roll Bar, APDL, Design Parameters. Reference [1] Kelvin Hubert Spartan chassis, "Anti-Roll Stability Suspension Technology" SAE PP. 2005-01-3522. [2] Mohammad Durali and Ali Reza Kassaiezadeh "Design and Software Base Modeling of Anti- Roll System" SAE PP – 2002-01-2217. [3] J. E. Shigley, C.R. Mischke, "Mechanical Engineering Design", 5th Ed. McGraw-Hill, pp. 282-289, 1989. [4] Somnay, R., Shih, S., "Product Development Support with Integral Simulation Modeling", SAE Technical Paper Series, paper No: 1999-01-2812, 1999. Pravin Bharane, Kshitijit Tanpure, Amit Patil, Ganesh Kerkal |
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21. | Extensive Reviews of OSPF and EIGRP Routing Protocols based on Route Summarization and Route Redistribution.
Extensive Reviews of OSPF and EIGRP Routing Protocols based on Route Summarization and Route Redistribution.Abstract: The increasing demand of computer networks is growing rapidly day by day. The growing need to distribute applications across multiple networks with high capacity and high-performance intermediate switching nodes and networks. This research primarily focuses on route redistribution and route summarization of different intra-domain routing protocols such as EIGRP and OSPF. Routing Protocols that use facilitate to exchange routing information between routers. Reasons such as multiple departments managed by multiple network Administrators, company mergers. In any case, having a multiple routing protocol and different autonomous system in networks then without route redistribution we cannot advertise route from source to destination. Of course Network complexity will increase with the size of routing table of routers then route summarization is necessity, to reduce traffic and complexity of network.Key words: EIGRP, OSPF, Route summarization, Route redistribution. Reference [1] CCNP ROUTE 642-902 Official Certification Guide. (1 Apr 2010). [2] CCNA Routing and Switching Study Guide: Exam 100-101, 200-101, 200-120 (15 Oct 2013). [3] CCNP1 Advanced Routing Companion Guide, Indianapolis: CISCO Press 2004, pp.93f, ISBN 1-58713-135-8. [4] A. Caslow, Cisco Certification: Bridges, Routers Switches for CCIEs. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall PTR, 1998, pp. 373-410. [5] L. Chappell, Advanced Cisco Router Configuration. Indianapolis, IN: Cisco Press, 2009, pp. 280-296. Haresh N. Patel, Prof. Rashmi Pandey |
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22. | Establishing Optimal Dehydration Process Parameters for Papaya By EmployingA Firefly Algorithm, Goal Programming Approach
Establishing Optimal Dehydration Process Parameters for Papaya By EmployingA Firefly Algorithm, Goal Programming ApproachAbstract: This study employs a Firefly Algorithm (FA) to determine the optimal osmotic dehydration parameters for papaya. The functional form of the osmotic dehydration model is established via a standard response surface technique. The format of the resulting optimization model to be solved is a non-linear goal programming problem. While various alternate solution approaches are possible, an FA-driven procedure is employed. For optimization purposes, it has been demonstrated that the FA is more computationally efficient than other such commonly-used metaheuristics as genetic algorithms, simulated annealing, and enhanced particle swarm optimization. Hence, the FA approach is a very computationally efficient procedure. It can be shown that the resulting solution determined for the osmotic process parameters is superior to those from all previous approaches.Key words: Firefly Algorithm, Non-linear Goal Programming, Process Parameter Optimization, Food Dehydration Reference [1] Geohive World Crop Production,www.geohive.com/charts/ag_crops.aspx, 2014. [2] Jain, S.K., Verma, R.C., Murdia, L.K., Jain, H.K., and Sharma, G.P., Optimization of Process Parameters for Osmotic Dehydration of Papaya Cubes,Food Science and Technology 48(2), 2011, 211-217. [3] Yeomans, J.S., and Yang, X.S.,. Determining Optimal Osmotic Drying Parameters Using the Firefly Algorithm,Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied Operational Research (ICAOR), Vancouver, Canada, July 29-31, 2014, 32-39. [4] Box, G.E., and Behnken, D.W.,. Some New Three Level Designs for the Study of Quantitative Three Variables,Technometrics 2(4), 1960, 455-475. [5] Montgomery, D.C., (1997). Design and Analysis of Experiments 4th Ed. (USA, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1997). Julian Scott Yeomans |
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23. | To Minimize the Waiting Time and Waiting Time Cost of Dumpers, Waiting in a Queue for Loader at Stone Crusher Plant Mine by Using the Single and Multi-Channel Queuing Theory
To Minimize the Waiting Time and Waiting Time Cost of Dumpers, Waiting in a Queue for Loader at Stone Crusher Plant Mine by Using the Single and Multi-Channel Queuing TheoryAbstract: Waiting line problems arise because there is too much demand on the facilities so that we can say that there is an excess of waiting time or inadequate number of service facilities. At the stone crusher plant mine the dumpers come to load from the loader. The crusher plant has 11 dumpers and these 11 dumpers make 88 trips during 8-hour day. The company has one loader to load all the dumpers, which results in a formation of long waiting line or queue. Due to this queue there is a long waiting time in queue of dumpers and cost associated with waiting time of dumpers. Queuing theory can quite effectively analyze such queuing phenomenon. In this research paper I have applied the queuing theory to the stone crusher plant mine, where the queue of dumpers formed at the loading station. By applying the single channel queuing theory I analyzed the current situation of the stone crusher plant mine and find the problems of the current system. To overcome the above problems I have applied the multi-channel queuing theory to minimize the waiting time in queue of dumpers and very high cost associated with waiting time of dumpers. In the new system not only waiting time in queue of dumpers and very high cost associated with waiting time of dumpers is reduced but also there is an efficient utilization of dumpers and loaders along with provide the profitable situation to the crusher plant.Key words: Waiting lines, stone crusher plant mines, single& multi-channel queuing theory, waiting time and waiting time cost. Reference [1.] Hamdy A. Taha, Operations Research, Seventh Edition, ISBN 81-203-2235-5, Printice Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi, 2013. [2.] J.K.Sharma, Operations Research, Third Edition, ISBN 1403-93151-8, Macmillan India Limited, New Delhi, 2009. [3.] V.K.Kapoor, Operations Research, Seventh Edition, ISBN 81-7014-828-6, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi, 2010. [4.] Kanti Swarup, Operations Research, Fifteenth Edition, ISBN 978-81-8054-771-3, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi, 2010. [5.] A.P.Verma, Operations Research, Fourth Edition, ISBN 81-85749-24-8, S.K.Kataria & Sons,Delhi, 2013. Vaibhav Singh |
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24. | Convective Heat And Mass Transfer Flow Of A Micropolar Fluid In A Rectangular Duct With Soret And Dufour Effects And Heat Sources
Convective Heat And Mass Transfer Flow Of A Micropolar Fluid In A Rectangular Duct With Soret And Dufour Effects And Heat SourcesAbstract: In this chapter we make an investigation of the convective heat transfer through a porous medium in a Rectangular enclosure with Darcy model. The transport equations of liner momentum, angular momentum and energy are solved by employing Galerkine finite element analysis with linear triangular elements. The computation is carried out for different values of Rayleigh number – Ra micropolar parameter – R, spin gradient parameter, Eckert number Ec and heat source parameter. The rate of heat transfer and couple stress on the side wall is evaluated for different variation of the governing parameters.Key words: Heat and Mass Transfer, Micropolar Fluid, Soret and Dufour Effect, Rectangular Duct Reference [1] BORN, P.J, CHOW, L.C and TIEN, C.L:Int. J. Heat Transfer 20, 919 (1977). [2] BEJAN, A and TIEW, C.L: Trans, ASME, J. Heat Transfer 100, 191 (1978). [3] CATTON, I: Natural convection in enclosure, Proc. 6th int. Heat Transfer conf. Toranto, Canada. Vol. 6. pp 13-31 (7-11 August 1978). [4] CATTON, I: Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 15, 665 (1972). [5] CLIFFE, K.A and WINTER, K.H: Numerical methods for predicating preferred and anomalous flows in Benard convection. Proc. 6th Int. conf-numerical methods in Thermal problems (1989). C.Sulochana, K. Gnanaprasunamba |
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1. | Rotation Invariant Matching of Partial Shoeprints
Rotation Invariant Matching of Partial ShoeprintsAbstract: In this paper, we propose a solution for the problem of rotated partial shoeprints retrieval based on the combined use of local points of interest and SIFT descriptor. Once the generated features are encoded using SIFT descriptor, matching is carried out using RANSAC to estimate a transformation model and establish the number of its inliers which is then multiplied by the sum of point-to-point Euclidean distances below a hard threshold. We demonstrate that such combination can overcome the issue of retrieval of partial prints in the presence of rotation and noise distortions. Conducted experiments have shown that the proposed solution achieves very good matching results and outperforms similar work in the literature both in terms of performances and complexity.Reference [1] W.J. Bodziak, "Footwear Impression Evidence – Detection, Recovery and Examination", CRC Press LLC , 2000. [2] T. Thompson and S. Black, "Forensic Human Identification: An Introduction", CRC Press, 2007. [3] Foster and Freeman Ltd, 2009, http://www.fosterfreeman.co.uk, last time visited 15 April 2009. [4] P. D. Chazal, J. Flynn, and R.B. Reilly, "Automated processing of shoeprint images based on the Fourier transform for use in forensic science," IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis. Machine Intelligence. vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 341-350, March. 2005. [5] M. Gueham, A. Bouridane and D. Crookes, " Automatic Recognition of Partial Shoeprints Using a Correlation Filter Classifier", in Proc. of the 2008 Machine Vision an d Image Processing International Conference, IMVIP '08, pp: 37-42. Khan Mahmood Ahmed, M B Ansari |
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2. | Reduction of Outage Probability in Fast Rayleigh Fading MIMO Channels Using OFDM
Reduction of Outage Probability in Fast Rayleigh Fading MIMO Channels Using OFDMAbstract: Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) techniques are used in wireless communications for achieving high spectral efficiency; however, a fast fading spatial channel can increase the outage probability of a MIMO system if not taken care of. This paper investigates the use of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) modulation technique for a MIMO system operating in fast Rayleigh fading channels with the aim of eliminating outage probabilities in the MIMO systems. Simulation results show that the MIMO-OFDM system gives significant reduction in outage probabilities compared to the conventional MIMO system.Key words: Fast fading, outage probability, MIMO, OFDM, SNR, transmission rate, channel capacity Reference [1] G.J. Foschini and M.J. Gans, On limits of wireless communications in a fading environment when using multiple antennas, Wireless Personal Communications, 6, 1998, 311-335. [2] I.E. Telatar, Capacity of multi-antenna Gaussian Channels, Europ. Trans. Telecomm., 10, 1999, 585-595. [3] W. Mattias, On MIMO systems and Adaptive Arrays for Wireless Communications, Analysis and Practical Aspects, Ph.D. thesis, Signals and Systems, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, 2002. [4] C. Mehlfuhrer, S. Caban and M. Rupp, Experimental evaluation of adaptive modulation and coding in MIMO WiMAX with limited feedback, EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2008, [5] T. Weber, A. Sklavos and M. Meurer, Imperfect Channel–State Information in MIMO Transmission, IEEE transactions on communication, 54(3), 2006, 543-552. Robert O. Abolade, Olumide O. Ajayi |
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3. | Communication Performance Over A Gigabit Ethernet Network
Communication Performance Over A Gigabit Ethernet NetworkAbstract: A present computing imposes heavy demands on the optical communication network. Gigabit Ethernet technology can provide the required bandwidth to meet these demands. However, it has also involve the communication Impediment to progress from network media to TCP(Transfer control protocol) processing. In this paper, present an overview of Gigabit per second Ethernet technology and study the end-to-end Gigabit Ethernet communication bandwidth and retrieval time. Performance graphs are collected using NetPipe in this clearly show the performance characteristics of TCP/IP over Gigabit Ethernet. These indicate the impact of a number of factors such as processor speeds, network adaptors, versions of the Linux Kernel or opnet softwar and device drivers, and TCP/IP(Internet protocol) tuning on the performance of Gigabit Ethernet between two Pentium II/350 PCs. Among the important conclusions are the marked superiority of the 2.1.121 and later development kernels and 2.2.x production kernels of Linux or opnet softwar used and that the ability to increase the MTU(maximum transmission unit) Further than the Ethernet standard of 1500 could significantly enhance the throughput reachable.Reference [1] Q.O. Snell, A.R. Mikler, and J.L Gustafson"Net-PIPE: Network Protocol IndependentPerformanceEvaluator", Ames Laborator Scalable ComputingLab. [2] Gigabit Ethernet Alliance,"Gigabit EthernetOverview http:/www.gigabitethernet.org [3] M. Mathis, J.Mahdavi, S. Floyd, A. Romanow,"TCP Selective Acknowledgment Options. [4] Packet Engines,Gigabit Ethernet Networking with Full-Duplex Repeater Technology.http://www.packetengines.com/ [5] Gigabit Ethernet Alliance, "Gigabit Ethernet Over Copper", March, 2007. http://www.gigabit ethernet.org/ Mr.Nitish Meena |
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4. | MHD convection flow of viscous incompressible fluid over a stretched vertical flat plate in the presence of thermal radiation, viscous dissipation and Hall current effect using similarity solutions and HPM technique
MHD convection flow of viscous incompressible fluid over a stretched vertical flat plate in the presence of thermal radiation, viscous dissipation and Hall current effect using similarity solutions and HPM techniqueAbstract: The effect of thermal radiation, viscous dissipation and hall current of the MHD convection flow of the viscous incompressible fluid over a stretched vertical flat plate has been discussed by using regular perturbation and homotophy perturbation technique with similarity solutions. The influence of various physical parameters on velocity, cross flow velocity and temperature of fluid has been obtained numerically and through graphs.Key words: Thermal Radiation; Viscous Dissipation; Hall Current effect; MHD flow; Homotophy Perturbation Technique; Stretched flat plate Reference [1.] Sakiadis BC. Boundary layer behavior on continuous solid surfaces. AlChe J 1961; 7:26–8. [2.] Banks WHH, Zaturska MB. Eigen solutions in boundary-layer flow adjacent to a stretching wall. IMA J Appl Math 1986; 36:263–73. [3.] Sparrow EM, Abraham JP. Universal solutions for the stream wise variation of the temperature of a moving sheet in the presence of a moving fluid. Int J Heat Mass Transfer 2005; 48:3047–56. [4.] Abraham JP, Sparrow EM. Friction drags resulting from the simultaneous imposed motions of a free stream and its bounding surface. Int J Heat Fluid Flow 2005; 26:289–95. [5.] He J.H. (2005): "Applications of Homotophy Perturbation Method to Nonlinear wave equations".Chaos Solutions Fractals 26, pp. 295-300. Vivek Kumar Sharma, Divya Saxena |
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5. | Energy Efficiency of MIMO-OFDM Communication System
Energy Efficiency of MIMO-OFDM Communication SystemAbstract: With the ever increasing number of subscribers and their seemingly "greedy" demands for high-data-rate services, the next generation networks will have to provide global connectivity to ensure success. So the combination of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) signal processing with orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is regarded as a promising solution for enhancing the data rates of next-generation wireless communication systems operating in frequency-selective fading environments. Therefore hybrid architecture between terrestrial and satellite networks based on MIMO-OFDM with frequency reuse is employed here. However, this frequency reuse introduces severe co-channel interference (CCI) at the satellite end. To mitigate CCI, we propose an OFDM based adaptive beamformer implemented on-board the satellite with pilot reallocation at the transmitter side. The system performance is simulated by using the software MATLAB, the experimental result shows that the MIMO-OFDM communication system has better performance when compared.Key words: Adaptive beamforming, Co-channel interference (CCI) Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO), Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM). Reference [1] Farman Ullah, Nadia N Qadri, Muhammad Asif Zakriyya, Aamir Khan , "Hybrid Communication System based on OFDM,"I.J. Information Technology and Computer Science, Nov 2013,vol.12, pp 31-38. [2] Ammar H. Khan, Muhammad A. Imran and Barry G. Evans, "OFDM based Adaptive Beamforming for Hybrid Terrestrial-Satellite Mobile System with Pilot Reallocation," International workshop on satellite and space communications IEEE, pp 201-205 [3] Litwin, L. and Pugel, M, "The Principles of OFDM," RF signal processing Magazine Jan 2001 pp 30-48, www.rfdesign.com Accessed [ 21 April 2010] [4] Shaoping Chen and Cuitao Zhu, "ICI and ISI Analysis and Mitigation for OFDM Systems with Insufficient Cyclic Prefix in Time-Varying Channels," IEEE Transaction on Consumer Elecronics, vol. 50, No. 1, Feb 2004 [5] C. K. Kim, K. Lee and Y.S. Cho, "Adaptive beamforming algorithm for OFDM systems with antenna arrays," vol. 46, no. 4, pp. 1052-1058, Nov. 2000. K.Swathi, S Mallikarjun Rao |
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6. | Towards Improving Crash Data Management System in Gulf Countries
Towards Improving Crash Data Management System in Gulf CountriesAbstract: Scientific and analytical approaches to accident data collection, storage and analysis are essential in dealing with road safety problems. Police accident records in the majority of countries form the main (and sometimes the only) source of accident data. Access to the accident database is also important to identifying specific safety problems and evaluating the effectiveness of the countermeasure introduced. Accident data collection and analysis offered by technological innovation such as Electronic Data Entry (EDE), Electronic Data transfer (EDT), and Geographic Information system (GIS) are implemented in developed countries. Developing countries, including the Gulf countries, should take advantage of the experience of developed countries on how the advance accident data management system works to identifying, more accurately, the main factors contributing to traffic accident. The main purpose of this research is to provide information on accident statistics process in Virginia state, starting from the time of accident occurring until it is stored in the database, with the aim of using it towards improving the process of collecting and maintaining accident data system in Gulf countries. The task is performed by reviewing the relevant international literature and interviewing police officers in charge and academic researchers in order to compare the accident data management system and also the quality of the data. Recommendations towards developing the crash data management system will be obtained based on the research results and international experience.Key words: Accident database, Gulf countries, Accident Record System Reference [1.] H.M.N. Al-Madani (2013). "Fatal crashes in GCC countries: comparative analysis with EU countries for three decades". Safety and security engineering.,134, 471-482 [2.] Monsere, C. M., Wilson E. E. and Springberg, A. (2005). "Enhancing the Oregon Crash Reporting Process: A Feasibility Study". District 6 Annual Meeting, Kalispell, Montana, July 10-13, 2005 [3.] Griffith, Michael S. (2003). "Data is key to understanding and improving road safety". Public Roads, US Department of Transportation, Vol. 66 (4). Retrieved April 21st, 2005 from http://www.tfhrc.gov/pubrds/03jan/09.htm [4.] Pettit, Frances Anne (2002). "A Comparison of World-Wide Web and paper-and-pencil personality questionnaires". Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers, 34 (1), 50-54. [5.] Liang, L.Y., Mo‟soem, D.M., Hua, L.T. (2005).Traffic accident application using geographic information system. Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol. 6,pp. 3574–3589. Dr. Jamal Almatawah |
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7. | Power Quality Improvement at Distribution Level for Grid Connected Renewable Energy Sources
Power Quality Improvement at Distribution Level for Grid Connected Renewable Energy SourcesAbstract: The non-linear load current harmonics may result in voltage harmonics and can create a serious PQ problem in the power system network. Active power filters (APF) are extensively used to compensate the load current harmonics and load unbalance at distribution level. This results in an additional hardware cost. However, in this project it has incorporated the features of APF in the conventional inverter interfacing renewable with the grid, without any additional hardware cost. Here, the main idea is the maximum utilization of inverter rating which is most of the time underutilized due to intermittent nature of RES. The grid-interfacing inverter can effectively be utilized to perform the four important functions they are to transfer active power harvested from the renewable resources (wind, solar, etc.), load reactive power demand support, current harmonics compensation at PCC and current unbalance and neutral current compensation in case of 3-phase 4-wire system. Moreover, with adequate control of grid-interfacing inverter, all the four objectives can be accomplished either individually or simultaneously. The PQ constraints at the PCC can therefore be strictly maintained within the utility standards without additional hardware cost. With such a control, the combination of grid-interfacing inverter and the 3-phase 4-wire linear/non-linear unbalanced load at point of common coupling appears as balanced linear load to the grid. This new control concept is demonstrated with extensive MATLAB/Simulink simulation studiesIndex Terms: Active power filter (APF), distributed generation (DG), distribution system, grid interconnection, power quality (PQ), renewable energy. Reference [1] J. M. Guerrero, L. G. de Vicuna, J. Matas, M. Castilla, and J. Miret, "A wireless controller to enhance dynamic performance of parallel inverters in distributed generation systems," IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 1205–1213, Sep. 2004. [2] J. H. R. Enslin and P. J. M. Heskes, "Harmonic interaction between a large number of distributed power inverters and the distribution network," IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 1586–1593, Nov. 2004. [3] U. Borup, F. Blaabjerg, and P. N. Enjeti, "Sharing of nonlinear load in parallel-connected three-phase converters," IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 37, no. 6, pp. 1817–1823, Nov./Dec. 2001. [4] P. Jintakosonwit, H. Fujita, H. Akagi, and S. Ogasawara, "Implementation and performance of cooperative control of shunt active filters for harmonic damping throughout a power distribution system," IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 39, no. 2, pp. 556–564, Mar./Apr. 2003. [5] J. P. Pinto, R. Pregitzer, L. F. C. Monteiro, and J. L. Afonso, "3-phase 4-wire shunt active power filter with renewable energy interface," presented at the Conf. IEEE Rnewable Energy & Power Quality, Seville, Spain, 2007. S. Syed Ahmed, N. Sreekanth, K. Siva Kumar |
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8. | Design and Simulation of a Three Phase Power Converter Connected To a Distribution System
Design and Simulation of a Three Phase Power Converter Connected To a Distribution SystemAbstract: The distributed generation systems based on renewable energy sources (photovoltaic, fuel cells, and storage systems such as ultra capacitors and batteries) are of great interest due to their low environmental impact and technical advantages such as improvements in voltage levels and reduced power losses when a distributed generation system is installed in radial lines. Two control algorithms were proposed to improve the grid-connected and intentional-islanding operations methods, in which the distributed generation system must detect the situation and switch from power or current to voltage as a control variable to provide constant rms voltage to the local loads. The power flow between the grid and the distributed generation is controlled by applying a power/voltage method that regulates the amplitude and the displacement of the grid voltage synthesized by the distributed generation, while a phase-locked loop algorithm is used to synchronize the grid and distributed generation.Index Terms: Distributed generation (DG), islanding modes, power converters. Reference [1] M. G. Simões and F. A. Farret, Integration of Alternative Sources of Energy. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2006. [2] A. Keyhani,M. N.Marwali, andM. Dai, Integration of Green and Renewable Energy in Electric Power Systems. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2010. [3] S. Chowdhury, S. P. Chowdhury, G. A. Taylor, and Y. H. Song, ―Mathematical modelling and performance evaluation of a stand-alone polycrystalline PV plant with MPPT facility,‖ in Proc. Power Energy Soc. Gen. Meeting—Conversion Delivery Electrical Energy 21st Century, 2008, pp. 1–7. [4] Y. Wen-Chih and H. Wei-Tzer, ―A load transfer scheme of radial distribution feeders considering distributed generation,‖ Proc. CIS, pp. 243–248, 2010. [5] D. D. Marquezini, D. B. Ramos, R. Q. Machado, and F. A. Farret, ―Interaction between proton exchange membrane fuel cells and power converters for AC integration,‖ IET Renewable Power Gener., vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 151–161, Sep. 2008. M. Kotaiah, T. Raja Kullayappa, K. Siva Kumar |
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9. | Non-Linear Static Analysis of G+6 Storeyed RC Buildings with Openings in Infill Walls
Non-Linear Static Analysis of G+6 Storeyed RC Buildings with Openings in Infill WallsAbstract: Masonry infill walls are commonly used in the RC frame structure buildings. Openings are inevitable part of the infill walls. Openings in infill walls significantly decrease the lateral strength and stiffness of RC frames. In the present study two-dimensional seven storeyed reinforced concrete (RC) building models are considered with of (5%, 25%, and 35% openings Bare frame and soft storey buildings are modeled considering special moment resisting frame (SMRF) for medium soil profile and zone III. Concrete block infill walls are modeled as pin-jointed single equivalent diagonal strut. Pushover analysis is carried out for both default and user defined hinge properties as per FEMA 440 guidelines using SAP2000 software. Results of default and user defined hinge properties are studied by pushover analysis. The results of ductility ratio, safety ratio, global stiffness, and hinge status at performance point are compared with the models. Authors conclude that as the percentage of openings increases, vulnerability increases in the infill walls. The user-defined hinge model is better than the default-hinge model in reflecting nonlinear behavior. The misuse of default-hinge properties may lead to unreasonable displacement capacities for existing structures. However, if the default-hinge model is preferred due to simplicity, the user should be aware of what is provided in the program and should avoid the misuse of default-hinge properties.Key words: Openings, Default and User defined hinges, Pushover analysis, Performance levels, Ductility ratio, Safety ratio, Global stiffness Reference [1] C.V.R. Murthy (2002), "What are the Seismic Effects on Structures?" Earthquake tip 05, IITK –BMTPC. [2] B.G. Prashanta and S.S. Dyavanal (2007), "Performance Based Seismic Evaluation of Multistoreyed Buildings with the Openings in U M Infill Walls", RDSE-2007, Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal. 30-31st August. [3] G. Mondal and S.K. Jain, "Lateral Stiffness of Masonry Infilled Reinforced Concrete (RC) Frames with Central Opening", Earthquake Spectra, Vol 24, No 3, pages 701-723, Indian Institute of Technology, India, 2008. [4] IS 1893 (Part 1): 2002, "Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures", Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi 110002. [5] S.K. Jain, and C.V.R. Murty, Proposed draft provision and commentary on Indian Seismic Code IS 1893 (Part 1), Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur. Praveen Rathod, Dr. S. S. Dyavanal |
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10. | Experimental investigation of damping force of twin tube shock absorber
Experimental investigation of damping force of twin tube shock absorberAbstract: A shock absorber is a mechanical device to damp shock impulse and convert kinetic energy into thermal energy. The damping effect of shock absorber depends on damping force and damping force is affected by various process parameters. In this analysis three process parameters damping diameter(A), number of holes(B) and suspension velocity(C) were considered and their effect on damping force of shock absorber was studied and accordingly suitable orthogonal array was selected by taguchi method. Experiment conducted on servo hydraulic testing machine and after conducting experiments damping force was measured and with the help of S/N ratio, ANOVA, Regression analysis optimum parameter values can be obtained and confirmation experiments was carried out. Twin tube shock absorber was used to carry out experimentation.Key words: Twin tube shock absorber, Taguchi method, damping force, process parameters Reference [1] Arokiasamy Mariajayaprakash, Thiyagarajan Senthilvelan and Krishnapillai Ponnambal Vivekananthan," Optimisation of shock absorber process parameters using failure mode and effect analysis and genetic algorithm", International Journal of Industrial Engineering 2013 [2] Hashmi Ayas Jameel Ahmed, Rathi M.G., "Analysis of damping force of two wheeler front suspension", International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181 Vol. 2 Issue 6 (2013) 428-434. [3] J .C.Dixon, Shock Absorber Handbook, john wiley and sons. [4] Choon-Tae Leea, Byung-Young Moon, "Simulation and experimental validation of vehicle dynamic characteristics for displacement-sensitive shock absorber using fluid-flow modeling" Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 20 (2006) 373–388.(elements of shock absorber) [5] Yongijie Lu, Shaohua Li, Na Chen, " Research on damping Charecteristics of shock absorber for heavy vehicle", Reaserch journal of applied sciences, engineering and technology 5(3): 842-847, 2013.(Test rig) Sandip K. Kadu, Milind S. Mhaske |
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11. | Dynamic Analysis of Rotating Shaft Subjects to Slant Crack with Experimentation and ANSYS Validation
Dynamic Analysis of Rotating Shaft Subjects to Slant Crack with Experimentation and ANSYS ValidationAbstract: The paper contents the dynamic study of rotating shaft with slant crack on surface of shaft. Slant cracks are prepared artificially on surface of shaft with material EN8. In this study, crack location taken on shaft 150 mm from motor side and also for effective study healthy shaft of EN8 material is taken. Experimental results are taken with the help of FFT analyzer. Analysis is carried out from these results and finally these results are validated in FEA software i. e. ANSYS14 software. These validated results with graphs are explained in this paper. The experimentation is also done on healthy shaft of EN8 material for analysis. This paper mainly focused on validation of experimental results with ANSYS software.Key words: Crack depth, Crack location, Cracked shaft, FFT analyzer, Healthy shaft, Slant crack. Reference [1] Qinkai Han, Jingshan Zhao, Fulei Chu, "Dynamic analysis of a geared rotor system considering a slant crack on the shaft", (Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol.331 (2012), pp. 5803–5823) [2] R. Ramezanpour, M. Ghayour, S. Ziaei-Rad, "Dynamic behavior of Jeffcott rotors with an arbitrary slant crack orientation on the shaft", (Applied and Computational Mechanics, vol.6 (2012), pp.35–52) [3] Yanli Lin, Fulei Chu, "The dynamic behavior of a rotor system with a slant crack on the shaft", (Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, vol.24 (2010), pp.522–545) [4] A.S. Sekhar, "Multiple cracks effects and identification", (Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing vol.22 (2008) pp.845–878) [5] Ashish K. Darpe, "Coupled vibrations of a rotor with slant crack", (Journal of Sound and Vibration vol.305 (2007) pp.172–193) Rushikesh V. Dhokate, Prof. S. D. Katekar |
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12. | Design of High speed Low Power Reversible Vedic multiplier and Reversible Divider
Design of High speed Low Power Reversible Vedic multiplier and Reversible DividerAbstract: This paper bring out a 32X32 bit reversible Vedic multiplier using "Urdhva Tiryakabhayam" sutra meaning vertical and crosswise, is designed using reversible logic gates, which is the first of its kind. Also in this paper we propose a new reversible unsigned division circuit. This circuit is designed using reversible components like reversible parallel adder, reversible left-shift register, reversible multiplexer, reversible n-bit register with parallel load line. The reversible vedic multiplier and reversible divider modules have been written in Verilog HDL and then synthesized and simulated using Xilinx ISE 9.2i. This reversible vedic multiplier results shows less delay and less power consumption by comparing with array multiplier.Key words: Reversible Logic Gates, Reversible Left-Shift Register, Reversible Multiplexer, Urdhva Tiryakabhayam, Vedic Multiplier Reference [1] Swami Bharati Krsna Tirtha, Vedic Mathematics. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass publishers 1965 [2] Rakshith Saligram and Rakshith T.R. "Design of Reversible Multipliers for linear filtering Applications in DSP" International Journal of VLSI Design and Communication systems, Dec-12 [3] R. Landauer,"Irreversibility and Heat Generation in the Computational Process", IBM Journal of Research and Development, 5, pp.183-191, 1961. [4] C.H. Bennett, "Logical reversibility of Computation", IBM J. Research and Development, pp.525-532, November 1973. [5] R. Feynman, "Quantum Mechanical Computers," Optics News,Vol.1l, pp. 11-20, 1985. Srikanth G, Nasam Sai Kumar |
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13. | Behaviour of M30 Grade concrete with confinement under axial compression
Behaviour of M30 Grade concrete with confinement under axial compressionAbstract: The strength and durability of concrete have undergone continuous improvement. Over the years and these improved materials are now commonly used. In the present experimental investigation the behaviour of M30 grade concrete with and without confinement for different percentages of replacement of silica fume is studied under axial compression as per IS mix design. The 150mm x 300mm cylindrical specimens were cast with and without confinement and investigating the mechanical properties like axial compressive strength and stress –strain behaviour. It was observed that the confinement of concrete has increased the 28days strength for different percentages of confinement and that the peak stress and corresponding strain at peak stress increased with increase in percentages of confinementKey words: Axial compression strength, confinement, cylinders, Silica fume, stress-strain behaviour, Reference [1]. C.RAJAMALLU,A.BALAJI Rao, Behaviour Of Self Compacting Concrete Under Axial Compression With And Without Confinement (ISSN: 2348-4748,Volume 1,ISSUE 3,March 2014) [2]. NRD Murthy, Ramaseshu D, Rao MVS. " Constitutive Behaviour Of Fly Ash Concrete With Steel Fibers In Ordinary Grade, IE(Institute Of Engineers) Journal"-Vol,88(2007) 41-46. [3]. Dr.M.V.Seshagiri Rao " Self Compacting High Performance Concrete",JNTUCE, Hyderabad. [4]. H.Y.Leung And C.J.Burgoyne Compressive Behaviour Of Concrete Confined By Aramid Fiber Spirals [5]. Metin Husem and selim pul investigation of stress-strain model for confined high strength concrete C.Vinil Babu, V.K.Visweswara Rao |
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14. | Thermo catalytic decomposition of methane over Pd/AC and Pd/CB catalysts for hydrogen production and carbon nanofibers formation
Thermo catalytic decomposition of methane over Pd/AC and Pd/CB catalysts for hydrogen production and carbon nanofibers formationAbstract: Hydrogen production studies have been carried using Thermo Catalytic Decomposition (TCD) Unit. Thermo catalytic decomposition of methane is an attractive route for COx free production of hydrogen required in fuel cells. Although metal based catalysts produce hydrogen at low temperatures, carbon formed during methane decomposition reaction rapidly deactivates the catalyst. The present work compares the results of 10 wt% Pd supported on commercially available activated carbon and carbon black catalysts (samples coded as Pd10/AC and Pd10/CB respectively) for methane decomposition reaction. Hydrogen has been produced by thermo catalytic decomposition of methane at 1123K and Volume Hourly Space Velocity (VHSV) of 1.62 L/h g on the activity of both the catalysts has been studied. XRD of the above catalysts revealed, moderately crystalline peaks of Pd which may be responsible for the increase in catalytic life and formation of carbon fibers. Also during life studies (850°C and 54 sccm of methane) it has been observed that the activity of carbon black is sustainable for a longer time compared to that of activated carbon.Key words: Hydrogen, palladium chloride, activated carbon (AC), carbon black (CB), thermo catalytic decomposition. Reference [1] Altork, L.N. & Busby, J.R. (2010 Oct). Hydrogen fuel cells: part of the solution. Technology & Engineering Teacher, 70(2), 22-27. [2] Steinberg, M., Fossil fuel decarbonization technology for mitigating global warming. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 1999; 24: 771-7. [3] Muradov,NZ, Veziroglu, TN. From hydrocarbon to hydrogen-carbon to hydrogen economy. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2005; 30: 225-37. [4] Choudhary, TV, Sivadinarayana, C, ChusueiCC, KlinghofferA, Goodman DW. Hydrogen production via catalytic decomposition of methane.Journal of Catalysis 2001; 199:9-18. [5] Ishihara T,Miyashita Y, Iseda H, TakitaY.Decomposition of methane over Ni/SiO2 catalysts with membrane reactor for the production of hydrogen.ChemLett 1995;24:93-4. K. Srilatha, D.Srinivasulu, S.U.B. Ramakrishna, V. Himabindu |
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15. | Design and Implementation of Quintuple Processor Architecture Using FPGA
Design and Implementation of Quintuple Processor Architecture Using FPGAAbstract: The advanced quintuple processor core is a design philosophy that has become a mainstream in Scientific and engineering applications. Increasing performance and gate capacity of recent FPGA devices permit complex logic systems to be implemented on a single programmable device. The embedded multiprocessors face a new problem with thread synchronization. It is caused by the distributed memory, when thread synchronization is violated the processors can access the same value at the same time. Basically the processor performance can be increased by adopting clock scaling technique and micro architectural Enhancements. Therefore, Designed a new Architecture called Advanced Concurrent Computing. This is implemented on the FPGA chip using VHDL. The advanced Concurrent Computing architecture performs a simultaneous use of both parallel and distributed computing. The full architecture of quintuple processor core designed for realistic to perform arithmetic, logical, shifting and bit manipulation operations. The proposed advanced quintuple processor core contains Homogeneous RISC processors, added with pipelined processing units, multi bus organization and I/O ports along with the other functional elements required to implement embedded SOC solutions. The designed quintuple performance issues like area, speed and power dissipation and propagation delay are analyzed at 90nm process technology using Xilinx tool.Key words: FPGA, VHDL, RISC. Reference [1] Tai-Hua, Lu, Chung-Ho Chen, KuenJong Lee. "Effective Hybrid Test Program Development for Software-Based Self-Testing of Quad Cores" ,IEEE Manuscript received April 03, 2012, revised August 14, 2012, first published December 18, 2012. [2] Gohringer, D., Hubner, M.Perschke, T., Becker. J. "New Dimensions for Quad core Architectures Demand Heterogeneity", Infrastructure and Performance through reconfigurability The EMPSoC Approach".In Proc of FPL 2010, PP.495-498, Sept 2010. [3] Lysaght, P. Blodget, B. Mason, J.Young, B.Bridgford. "Invited Paper: Quad core design Methodologies and CAD Tools for Dynamic Reconfiguration of Xilinx FPGAs". In Proceedings of FPL 2009, August 2009. [4] D.Tullsen, S. Eggers, and H. Levy, "Simultaneous Multithreading: Maximizing On- Chip Parallelism," Proc. 22nd Ann. Int'l Symp. Computer Architecture, ACM Press, New York,1995, pp. 392-403. [5] J. lo,S. Eggers, J. Emer, H. Levy, R. Sstamm, and D. Tullsen."Converting thread level parallelism into instruction-level parallelism via simultaneous multithreading". ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, 15(2), pp. 323-354, August 1997. P.Annapurna, B.Naga Nancharamma |
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16. | Design and Optimisation of Sae Mini Baja Chassis
Design and Optimisation of Sae Mini Baja ChassisAbstract: The objective is to design and develop the roll cage for All - Terrain Vehicle accordance with the rulebook of BAJA 2014 given by SAE. The frame of the SAE Baja vehicle needs to be lightweight and structurally sound to be competitive but still protect the driver. The vehicle needs to traverse all types of off-road conditions including large rocks, downed logs, mud holes, steep inclines, jumps and off camber turns. During the competition events there is significant risk of rollovers, falling from steep ledges, collisions with stationary objects, or impacts from other vehicles. Material for the roll cage is selected based on strength and availability. A software model is prepared in Pro-engineer. Later the design is tested against all modes of failure by conducting various simulations and stress analysis with the aid of ANSYS 13. Based on the result obtained from these tests the design is modified accordingly. A target of 2 is set for Yield Factor of Safety.Key words: SAE Baja vehicle, Factor of Safety, All Terrain Vehicle, Roll cage, Chasis Reference [1] Rulebook BAJA SAE INTERNATIONAL 2014. [2] Chris Bennett, Eric Lockwood, Anthony McClinton, Robin McRee and Colin Pemberton "SAE Mini Baja Frame Analysis". [3] MohdHanif Mat*, Amir Radzi Ab. Ghani "Design and Analysis of 'Eco' Car Chassis",International Symposium on Robotics and Intelligent Sensors 2012 (IRIS 2012) [4] Elert, Glenn. "Acceleration That Would Kill a Human,"http://hypertextbook.com/facts/ 2004/YuriyRafailov.shtml [5] http://users.tpg.com.au/users/mpaine/rollov er.html P. Anjani Devi, A. Dilip |
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17. | A survey on User's security in cloud
A survey on User's security in cloudAbstract: Cloud computing is a new wave in the field of information technology. Some see it as an emerging field in computer science. It consists of a set of resources and services offered through the Internet. Hence, "cloud computing" is also called "Internet computing." The word "cloud" is a metaphor for describing the Web as a space where computing has been preinstalled and exists as a service. Operating systems, applications, storage, data, and processing capacity all exist on the Web, ready to be shared among users [1].Key words: Cloud computing, cloud security, IaaS, PaaS, SaaS. Reference [1] Matthew N.O. Sadiku, Sarhan M. Musa, and OMonowo D. MoMOh, Cloud computing: Opportunities and challenges, IEEE potentials, pp. 34-36, January/February 2014. [2] Shraddha M. Gurav, Leena S. Gawade, Prathamey K. Rane and Nilesh R. Khochare, Graphical Password Authentication Cloud securing scheme, IEEE Computer Society , pp.479-483, 2014. [3] Rajkumar Chalse, Ashwin Selokar , Arun Katara, A New Technique of Data Integrity for Analysis of the Cloud Computing Security, IEEE 2013. [4] Issa M. Khalil, Abdallah Khreishah, Salah Bouktif, Azeem Ahmad, Security Concerns in Cloud Computing, IEEE 2013. [5] Arjun Kumar, Byung Gook Lee, HoonJae Lee, Secure Storage and Access of Data in Cloud Computing, IEEE 2012. Indal Singh, Rajesh Rai, Sachin Murarka |
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18. | Design of a Sample and Hold Circuit using Rail to Rail Low
Voltage Compact Operational Amplifier and bootstrap Switching
Design of a Sample and Hold Circuit using Rail to Rail Low Voltage Compact Operational Amplifier and bootstrap SwitchingAbstract: This paper presents a low power high performance and higher sampling speed sample and hold circuit. The proposed circuit is designed at 180 nm technology and has high linearity. The circuit can be used for the ADC frontend applications and supports double sampling architecture. The proposed sample and hold circuit has common mode range beyond rail to rail and uses two differential pairs transistor stages connected in parallel as its input stage.Key words: Differential Operation Amplifier, Rail to Rail Input, Sample and Hold, Constant Transconductance Reference [1] S. Sakurai and M. Ismail, LOW-VOLTAGE CMOS OPERA-TIONAL AMPLIFIERS: Theory, Design and Implementation. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1995. [2] K. Nagaraj, "Constant transconductance CMOS amplifier input stage with rail-to-rail input common mode voltage range," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems - Part Ii, vol. 42, pp. 366-368,1995. [3] W. C. M. Renirie, K. J. de Langen, J. H. Huijsing, "Parallel feed forward class-AB control circuits for low-voltage bipolar rail-to-rail output stages of operational amplifiers," in Proc. Analog Integrated Circ. Signal, July 1995, vol. 8, pp. 37–48. [4] P. J. Lim and B. A. Wooley, "A High-speed sample-and-hold technique using a miller hold capacitance," IEEE Journal of Solid-state Circuits, vol. 26, no.4 pp. 643--651, Aprill 99 1. [5] J.Steensgaard, "Bootstrapped low-voltage analog switches", IEEE Circuits and Systems, 1999. Annu Saini , Prity Yadav, Prof . Dinesh Chandra |
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19. | Technologies, Strategies And Algorithm In Green Computing – Solution To Energy Crisis
Technologies, Strategies And Algorithm In Green Computing – Solution To Energy CrisisAbstract: A safe and non-polluted environment is the basic need of a living being. But today the situation is getting changed. Our environment is getting polluted day by day at a very high rate. The use of computing devices plays a vital role in harmfulness of environment. To reduce these harmful impacts the concept of Green Computing must be implemented. In this research paper, we includes some technologies, strategies and algorithm which are used for the implementation of green computing. The main reason is the awareness of a common user. If a common user is getting aware about the harmful impacts of use of computing devices over environment and takes some steps at own level to reduce electricity, the concept of green computing will be implemented.Key words: Green computing, environment, computers, hazardous, carbon dioxide (CO2) Reference [1] Jacob John,‖Green -717 Computing Strategies for Improving Energy Efficienty in IT Systems‖, Volume No.3 Issue No.6, pp : 715. [2] Rana Priya,; Green Computing Saves Green; International Journal of Advanced Computer and Mathematical Sciences, Vol 1, Issue 1, Dec, 2010. [3] Green Computing-Embrace a Secure Future International Journal of Computer Applications (0975-8887) Volume 10-N.4, November 2010. [4] Dr. Pardeep Mittal, Navdeep Kaur,‖ Green Computing – Need and Implementation‖, Volume 2, Issue 3, March 2013 K, ISSN: 2278 – 1323. [5] Navdeep Kaur, Pardeep Mittal, ―Effective Implementation of Green Computing‖, Volume 2– Issue 4, 465 - 473, 2013. Asst. Prof. Gaurav Buddhawar, Miss. Payal R. Anandpawar, Miss. Gayatri C. Hurkat |
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20. | Implementation Of Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor
(TCSC) In Transmission Line Model Using Arduino
Implementation Of Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC) In Transmission Line Model Using ArduinoAbstract: A grid of transmission lines operating at high or extra high voltages is required to transmit power from generating stations to load. In addition to transmission lines that carry power from source to load, modern power systems are highly interconnected for economic reasons. The large interconnected transmission networks are prone to faults due to the lightning discharges and reduce insulation strength. Changing of loads and atmosphere conditions are unpredictable factors. This may cause overloading of lines due to which voltage collapse takes place. These problems can be eased by providing sufficient margin of working parameters and power transfer, but it is not possible due to expansion of transmission network. Still the required margin is reduced by introduction of fast dynamic control over reactive and active power by high power electronic controllers. This paper describes about implementation of Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC) in transmission line model in order to enhance power flow at the receiving end. The triggering pulses to the thyristor are given using Arduino.Key words: Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor, Arduino, Compensation Reference [1] IEEE. FACTS overview. Power Engr. Soc. Summer Meeting, 95 TP 108, 1995. [2] S.G. Jalali, R.H. Lasseter, 1.Dobson. Dynamic response of a thyristor controlled switched capacitor. IEEE Power Eng. Soc. Winter Meeting Paper no. 94 WM 065-3-PWRD, 1994. [3] J. Urbanek, R.J. Piwko, E.V. Larsen, B.L. Damsky, B.C. Furumasu, W. Mittelstadt, J.D. Eden. Thrystor controlled series capacitor- Prototype installation at the Slatt 500 kV Substation. IEEE %ns. Power Delivery, 19(2):992-1000, April 1994 [4] N. Noroozian, M.Ghandari, "Improving Power System Dynamics By Series Connected FACTS Devices", IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, vol. 12, N° 4, pp. 1635- 1641, Oct. 1997. [5] R.M. Mathur and R.K. Varma, Thyristor-Based FACTS Controllers for Electrical Transmission Systems, IEEE Press and Wiley Interscience, New York, USA, Feb. 2002. Dr J.Sridevi |
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21. | A Comparative Study on Compressive and Flexural Strength of Concrete Containing Different Admixtures as Partial Replacement of Cement
A Comparative Study on Compressive and Flexural Strength of Concrete Containing Different Admixtures as Partial Replacement of CementAbstract: Concrete is the most widely used material in the world today. This paper is about the comparative study of the flexural strength and compressive strength of concrete when different admixtures are used as partial replacement of cement in the concrete mix. The mineral admixtures that are used here are Silica Fume, Rice Husk Ash and Iron slag as partial replacement of cement. All these materials are industrial waste products and are abundantly available nowadays. These materials have high silica content and pozzolanic properties and can be effectively used as a replacement of cement during the formation of High Performance Concrete. Compressive and Flexural strength are the two most important characteristic of concrete and are calculated for the hardened concrete to analyze the load bearing capacity for design purposes. Thus for the effective judgment of type of mineral admixtures to be used a comparative study is very useful.Key words: Compressive strength, flexural strength, High Performance Concrete, Iron slag, Rice Husk Ash (RHA), Silica fume Reference [1] IS :456-2000 [2] IS:516-1959 [3] IS:10262-2009 [4] G.A Rama Rao,R.K Sastry and P.K Rohatgi Bull ,"Nature and reactivity of silica available in rice husk and its ashes" Mater. Sci.vol 12, no.5, dec 1989, pp. 469-479 [5] S. Bhanja*, B. Sengupta, "Influence of silica fume on the tensile strength of concrete", Cement and Concrete Research 35 (2005) 743–747 Apoorv Singh, Prof. R.D Patel, Khalid Raza |
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22. | Geochronos File Sharing Application Using Cloud
Geochronos File Sharing Application Using CloudAbstract: Accessing, running and sharing applications and data at present face many challenges. Cloud Computing and Social Networking technologies have the potential to simplify or eliminate many of these challenges. Social Networking technologies provide a means for easily sharing applications and data. Now a day's people want to be connected 24x7 to the world around them. Networking and Communication have come together to make the world a small place to live in. People want to be in constant touch with their subordinates where ever they are and avail emergency services whenever needed. In this paper we present an on-line/on-demand interactive application service (Software as a Service). The service is built on a cloud computing basement that provisions virtualized application servers based on user demand. An open source social networking platform is leveraged to establish a portal front-end that enables applications and results to be easily shared between users. In the proposed system users can access the documents uploaded into the cloud by others and provide any data they have in hand to other users through the same cloud. This also allows the users to have an interactive session through the chat screens present in the cloud. The paper also highlights some major security issues existing in current cloud computing environment.Key words: Cloud Computing, Social Networking, Virtualized application, Interactive session. Reference [1] Academia.edu Website.http://www.academi a.edu/. Accessed July, 2009. [2] Amazon. Elastic compute cloud website.http://aws.amazon.com/ec2. Accessed July, 2009. [3] P. Barham, B. Dragovic, K. Fraser, S. Hand, T. Harris, A. Ho,R. Neugebauer, I. Pratt, and A. Warfield. Xen and the art of virtualization. In Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles, pages 164–177, 2003. [4] CANARIE Network Enabled Platforms (NEP) Program. http://www.canarie.ca/ funding/nep/funded projects.html. Accessed July, 2009. [5] A. Charbonneau and V. Terskikh. Spectrogrid: Providing simple secure remote access to scientific instruments. In HPCS, pages 76–82. IEEE Computer Society, 2008. Sathish.Y, Surabhi. S, Sanila.S |
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23. | Real-Time System of Hand Detection And Gesture Recognition In Cyber Presence Interactive System For E-Learning
Real-Time System of Hand Detection And Gesture Recognition In Cyber Presence Interactive System For E-LearningAbstract: The development of technologies of multimedia, linked to that of Internet and democratization of high outflow, has made henceforth E-learning possible for learners being in virtual classes and geographically distributed. The quality and quantity of asynchronous and synchronous communications are the key elements for E-learning success. It is important to have a propitious supervision to reduce the feeling of isolation in E-learning. This feeling of isolation is among the main causes of loss and high rates of stalling in E-learning. The researches to be conducted in this domain aim to bring solutions of convergence coming from real time image for the capture and recognition of hand gestures. These gestures will be analyzed by the system and transformed as indicator of participation. This latter is displayed in the table of performance of the tutor as a curve according to the time. In case of isolation of learner, the indicator of participation will become red and the tutor will be informed of learners with difficulties to participate during learning session.Key words: hand detection, hand recognition, segmentation, skin color Reference [1] Kim K, Chalidabhongse T, David H, Davis L. "Real-time foreground–background segmentation "using codebook model." Real-Time Imaging 2005;11:172–85. [2] QU Zhonga, ZHANG Qingqingam, GAO Tengfeia "Moving Object Tracking Based on Codebook and Particle Filter" 2012 International Workshop on Information and Electronics Engineering (IWIEE). [3] Shao Quan, Tang Zhixing, Han Songchen "Hierarchical CodeBook for background subtraction in MRF" Infrared Physics & Technology 61 (2013) 259–264. [4] Xin Shu , Xiao-Jun Wu "A novel contour descriptor for 2D shape matching and its application to image retrieval" Image and Vision Computing 29 (2011) 286–294 [5] Victor Adrian Prisacariu, Ian Reid :"3D hand tracking for human computer interaction", Image and Vision Computing 30 (2012) 236–250. Bousaaid Mourad, Ayaou Tarik, Afdel Karim, Estraillier Pascal |
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24. | Study of Strength of RC Shear Wall at Different Location on Multi-Storied Residential Building
Study of Strength of RC Shear Wall at Different Location on Multi-Storied Residential BuildingAbstract: Shear wall systems are one of the most commonly used lateral load resisting systems in high-rise buildings. Shear walls have very high in plane stiffness and strength, which can be used to simultaneously resist large horizontal loads and support gravity loads, making them quite advantageous in many structural engineering applications. There are lots of literatures available to design and analyze the shear wall. However, the decision about the location of shear wall in multi-storey building is not much discussed in any literatures. In this paper, therefore, main focus is to determine the solution for shear wall location in multi-storey building. A RCC building of six storey placed in HYDERABAD subjected to earthquake loading in zone-II is considered. An earthquake load is calculated by seismic coefficient method using IS 1893 (PART–I):2002. These analyses were performed using ETABS.Key words: Multi-storey, RC structure, seismic analysis, RC shear wall, ETABS. Reference [1] Solution of shear wall in multi-storey building", Anshuman, Dipendu Bhunia, Bhavin Ramjiyani, International journal of civil and structural engineering, Volume 2, no.2, 2011. [2] "Review on Shear wall for soft storey high rise building, Misam Abidi and Mangulkar Madhuri N. ,International Journal of Civil and Advance Technology, ISSN 2249-8958,Volume-1,Issue-6, August 2012 [3] "Effect of change in shear wall location on storey drift of multi-storey residential building subjected to lateral load", Ashish S. Agrawal and S. D. Charkha, International journal of Engineering Research and Applications, Volume 2, Issue 3,may-june 2012, pp.1786-1793. [4] "Configuration of multi-storey building subjected to lateral forces", M Ashraf, Z. A. Siddiqui, M. A. Javed, Asian journal of civil engineering ,vol. 9,no.5, pp. 525-535, 2008. [5] IS 1893(part 1) : 2002, " Criteria for earthquake resistant design of structures, part 1, general provisions and buildings ", Fifth revision, Bureau of Indian Standerds, Manak Bhavan, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi 110002. Syed Ehtesham Ali, Mohd Minhaj Uddin Aquil |
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25. | A Novel Hybrid Dstatcom Topology for Load Compensation with
Non-Stiff Source
A Novel Hybrid Dstatcom Topology for Load Compensation with Non-Stiff SourceAbstract: The distribution static compensator (DSTATCOM) is a shunt active filter, which injects currents into the point of common coupling (PCC) (the common point where load, source, and DSTATCOM are connected) such that the harmonic filtering, power factor correction, and load balancing can be achieved. The distribution static compensator (DSTATCOM) is used for load compensation in power distribution network. A new topology for DSTATCOM applications with non-stiff source is proposed. The proposed topology enables DSTATCOM to have a reduced dc-link voltage without compromising the compensation capability. It uses a series capacitor along with the interfacing inductor and a shunt filter capacitor. With the reduction in dc-link voltage, the average switching frequency of the insulated gate bipolar transistor switches of the D-STATCOM is also reduced. Consequently, the switching losses in the inverter are reduced. Detailed design aspects of the series and shunt capacitors are discussed in this paper. A simulation study of the proposed topology has been carried out using MATLAB environment and the results analyzed.Key words: Dc link voltage, distribution static compensator (DSTATCOM), hybrid topology, nonstiff source. Reference [1] H. Fujita and H. Akagi, "The unified power quality conditioner: The integration of series and shunt-active filters," IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 315–322, Mar. 1998. [2] S. V. R. Kumar and S. S. Nagaraju, "Simulation of DSTATCOM and DVR in Power Systems," ARPN J. Eng. Appl. Sci., vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 7–13, 2007. [3] Y. Ye, M. Kazerani, and V. Quintana, "Modeling, control and implementation of three-phase PWM converters," IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 857–864, May 2003. [4] G. S. Perantzakis, F. H. Xepapas, and S. N. Manias, "A novel four-level voltage source inverter—Influence of switching strategies on the distribution of power losses," IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 149–159, Jan. 2007. [5] M. Routimo, M. Salo, and H. Tuusa, "Comparison of voltage-source and current-source shunt active power filters," IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 636–643, Mar. 2007. M Guru Dasthagiri Reddy |
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26. | Design and Implementation of Submicron Level 10T Full Adder in ALU Using Cell Based and SOC Technology
Design and Implementation of Submicron Level 10T Full Adder in ALU Using Cell Based and SOC TechnologyAbstract: As technology scales into the nanometer regime leakage current, active power, delay and area are becoming important metric for the analysis and design of complex circuits. The main concern in mobile and battery based systems are leakage current and power dissipation. A transistor resizing approach for 10 transistor single bit full adder cells is used to determine optimal sleep transistor size which reduces power dissipation and leakage current. A submicron level 10-transistor single bit full adder cell is considered to achieve low leakage current, reduced power dissipation and high speed. In this paper initially 10T full adder cell is designed with submicron technique and later this is employed to design an ALU adder unit. The modified ALU is simulated and synthesized successfully on cadence 180nm technology.Key words: Low leakage, cmos, 10T full adder, sleep transistors, carry lookahead adder, SoC(system on chip). Reference [1] Shipra Mishra, ShyamAkashe ―Leakage Minimization of 10T Full Adder Using Deep Sub- Micron Technique'' 2012 Third International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Technologies. [2] Madhuri.Sada1,A.Srinivasulu2,C.Md.Aslam3 ―1 Bit Full Adder Cell for Reducing Low Leakage Current in Nanometer Technology‖ International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 2, Issue 4 (July2012), PP. 11-18. [3] Massimo Alioto and Gaetano Palumbo ―Analysis and Comparison on Full Adder Block in Submicron Technology‖ IEEE transactions on very large scale integration (VLSI) systems, vol. 10, no. 6, December 2002 pp 806-823. [4] A. Shams and M. Bayoumi, ―A novel high-performance CMOS 1-Bit full-adder cell‖ IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst.—Part II, vol. 47, pp 478–481, May 2000. [5] H. Mahmoud and M. Bayoumi, ―A 10-transistor low-power high-speed full adder cell" in Proc. ISCAS99, Orlando, FL, June 1999, pp. 43–46 K.Swathi, B.Srinivas, G.Sanath kumar |
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27. | Design and Analysis of A Suspension Coil Spring For Automotive Vehicle
Design and Analysis of A Suspension Coil Spring For Automotive VehicleAbstract: The suspension system is used to observe the vibrations from shock loads due to irregularities of the road surface. It is perform its function without impairing the stability, steering (or) general handling of the vehicle. Generally for light vehicles, coil springs are used as suspension system. A spring is an elastic object used to store mechanical energy and it can be twist, pulled (or) stretched by some force and can return to their original shape when the force is released. The present work attempts to analyze the safe load of the light vehicle suspension spring with different materials. This investigation includes comparison of modeling and analyses of primary suspension spring made of low carbon-structural steel and chrome vanadium steel and suggested the suitability for optimum design. The results show the reduction in overall stress and deflection of spring for chosen materials.Key words: coil springs, primary suspension system, modeling, static analysis, ANASYS 12.0, PRO-E Reference [1.] K Pavan Kumar, S Praveen Kumar and G Guru Mahesh."static analysis of a primary suspension spring used in locomotive‟ IJMERR, Vol. 2, No. 4, October 2013 [2.] Priyanka Ghate, Dr. Shankapal S. R., Monish Gowda M. H. "Failure Investigation of A Freight Locomotive Suspension Spring and Redesign of the Spring for Durability and Ride Index", [3.] Mehdi Bakhshesh and Majid Bakhshesh "Optimization of Steel Helical Spring by Composite Spring" (2012) [4.] N.K. Mukhopadhyay,B. Ravi kumar, D.K. Bhattacharya "Failure analysis of passenger car coil spring"(2006) [5.] P.S.Valsange Design of Helical Coil Compression Spring, IJERA, Vol. 2, 6, November-December 2012 N.Lavanya, P.Sampath Rao, M.Pramod Reddy |
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28. | Design and Modeling of Grid Connected Hybrid Renewable Energy Power Generation
Design and Modeling of Grid Connected Hybrid Renewable Energy Power GenerationAbstract: This paper proposes a design and modeling of grid connected hybrid renewable energy power generation. The energy system having a photo voltaic (PV) panel, Srg wind turbine and fuel cell (sofc) for continuous power flow management. Fuel cells (storage & generating) are added to ensure uninterrupted power supply due to the discontinuous nature of solar and wind resources. Renewable energy generated during times of plenty can be stored for use during periods when sufficient electricity is not available. But storing this energy is a difficult task: batteries and similar technologies perform well over short timescales, but over periods of weeks or months a different approach is necessary. Energy storage in the form of hydrogen is one such possibility: excess electricity is fed into an electrolyser to split water into its constituent parts, oxygen and hydrogen. The hydrogen is then used in fuel cells to produce electricity when needed which will overcome the problem of storage. This work is mainly concentrated on the design, analysis and modelling of Fuel cells and Analysis and modelling of Switched Reluctance Generator (SRG) in the application of Wind Energy Generation and pv cell. Also an effective approach is proposed in this thesis to ensure renewable energy diversity and effective utilization. The pv cell, wind and fuel cell renewable energy system is digitally simulated using the MATLAB/SIMULINK software environment and fully validated for efficient energy utilizations and enhanced interface power quality under different operating conditions and load excursionsKey words: Photovoltaic (PV) system, SRG based wind Turbine, Fuel cell, Grid Reference [1] Yann Riffonneau, Seddik bacha, Franck barruel and Stephanie Plane, "optimal power flow management for Grid connected PV system "IEEE Transactions on sustainable energy, vor, no.3, PP.309-320, july 2011. [2] Rajesh Kumar, R.A.Gupta and Ajay Kumar Bansal,"Economic analysis and a Power Management of a stand-alone wind/Photovoltaic hybrid energy system using biogeography based optimization algorithm", smarm and evolutionary computation, Elsevier,PP33-43,2013 [3] Mohamed A. H. El-Sayed , Adel M. Sharaf, Senior Member IEEE "Hybrid Wind-Fuel Cell Renewable Energy Utilization Scheme for Village Electricity". Proceedings of the 14th International Middle East Power Systems Conference (MEPCON'10), Cairo University, Egypt, December 19-21, 2010, Paper ID 132. [4] Y. H. Li, S. Rajakaruna, Member, IEEE, and S. S. Choi, Member, IEEE "Control of a Solid Oxide 0885- 8969. Fuel Cell Power Plant in a Grid-Connected System" 2005 IEEE [5] M. G. Villalva, J. R. Gazoli and E. R. Filho, "Compre- hensive Approach to Modeling and Simulation of PV Ar- rays," IEEE Power Electronics, Vol. 24, No. 5, 2009, pp. 1198-1208. doi:10.1109/TPEL.2009.2013862 M. Kishore Reddy, D. Gireesh Kumar, Dr.J.Viswantha Rao |
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29. | Medical Image Fusion Using Discrete Wavelet Transform
Medical Image Fusion Using Discrete Wavelet TransformAbstract: Medical image fusion is the process of registering and combining multiple images from single or multiple imaging modalities to improve the imaging quality and reduce randomness and redundancy in order to increase the clinical applicability of medical images for diagnosis and assessment of medical problems. Multimodal medical image fusion algorithms and devices have shown notable achievements in improving clinical accuracy of decisions based on medical images. The domain where image fusion is readily used nowadays is in medical diagnostics to fuse medical images such as CT (Computed Tomography), MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) and MRA. This paper aims to present a new algorithm to improve the quality of multimodality medical image fusion using Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) approach. Discrete Wavelet transform has been implemented using different fusion techniques including pixel averaging, maximum minimum and minimum maximum methods for medical image fusion. Performance of fusion is calculated on the basis of PSNR, MSE and the total processing time and the results demonstrate the effectiveness of fusion scheme based on wavelet transform.Key words: Image Fusion, Multimodal medical image fusion, fusion rules, PSNR, MSE. Reference [1] H. H. Wang, "A new multiwavelet-based approach to image fusion",Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, vol.21, pp.177-192,Sep 2004. [2] V. Petrovic and C. Xydeas, "Evaluation of image fusion performance with visible differences", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol.3023, 2004. [3] G. Pajares, J. M. l de la Cruz, "A wavelet-based image fusion tutorial",Pattern Recognition, vol.37, pp.1855– 1872, 2004. [4] C.Y.Wen, J.K.Chen, "Multi-resolution image fusion technique and its application to forensic science", Forensic Science International, vol 140, pp-217-232, 2004. [5] H.C.Xie, G.Li.H.Ning, C. Menard, C.N. Coleman, and R. W.Miller. "3D voxel fusion of multi- modality medical images in a clinical treatment planning system", Proceedings of the 17th IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based medical Syste (CBMS'04) Jun.2004-Jun,2004,IEEE Computer Society, 2004. Nayera Nahvi, Deep Mittal |
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30. | Solar Power Potential In Saudi Arabia
Solar Power Potential In Saudi ArabiaAbstract: The expansion of power generation in Saudi Arabia is essential in order to meet the expected growth of its electricity demand. Due to the availability of high solar irradiation, vast rainless area and longtime sun light, Saudi Arabia is one of the most suitable countries to utilize solar energy resources in greater extend. Kingdom has planned to increase the production of solar power in order to meet a considerable share of country's future energy demand. Numerous installation and research works are going on nowadays in the kingdom in order to attain its targets of solar power capacity in the coming years. Hence latest updates of country's solar industry are essential for further research and R&D works in this field. Saudi Arabia's current status and future possibility of solar industry are discussed in this paper.Key words: Concentrated solar power Renewable energy, solar power, photovoltaic, CSP, solar carport Reference [1] F. R. Pazheri, M. F. Othman, and N. H. Malik, A review on global renewable electricity scenario, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 31, 2014, 835-845. [2] Solar GIS. SolarGIS data validation for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, http://geomodel solar.eu/_docs/various/SolarGIS_validation_SaudiArabia_2013-02.pdf. [3] F. R. Pazheri and N. H. Malik, et al., Use of renewable energy sources in Saudi Arabia through smart grid," Journal of Energy and Power Engineering, 6(7), 2012, 1065-1070. [4] M. Mohandes, S. Rehman, and T. O. Halawani, Estimation of global solar radiation using artificial neural networks, Renewable Energy, 1(4), 1998, 179-184. [5] KA-CARE, Saudi Arabia's renewable energy strategy and solar energy deployment roadmap, https://www.irena.org /DocumentDownloads/masdar/Abdulrahman%20Al%20Ghabban%20Presentation.pdf, 2013]. F. R. Pazheri |
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31. | Road Traffic Noise Level Assessment at an Institutional Area
Road Traffic Noise Level Assessment at an Institutional AreaAbstract: Unplanned and rapid urbanization, industrialization, increasing number of vehicles, poor traffic management, poor road condition etc. are the major causes of higher noise levels in most of the Indian cities. Prolonged exposure to higher noise levels can lead to irreversible Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL). Noise-induced hearing loss is contributing one-third to the total persons suffering from hearing loss in every country in the world. The present study aims at measuring the noise levels in the university campus to analyze the current situation and suggesting noise control measures to be adopted in University campus and along MMA Jauhar Marg. The numbers of vehicles were counted during November 17-21, 2012 and noise levels were measured at various pre decided locations. The traffic load in horizon years 2013, 2017, 2022, 2027 and 2032 on the MMA Jauhar Marg Road is predicted on the basis of observed traffic data and expected annual growth rate as 8.0% for pre Metro and 3.5% for post Metro. The noise levels were measured using Larson Davis Model 831 Class 1 Sound Level Meter on both sides of road at foot paths along MMA Jauhar Marg and at various receptor locations inside the different buildings in the university campus. Model RLS-90 is used for prediction of noise levels. The prediction of metro noise is carried out using statistical calculations. The combined noise levels were compared with standard criteria for silent zone and found on higher side. Installation of environment noise barrier is suggested as one of the noise control measure to be adopted along MMA Jauhar Marg and along metro viaduct to save students and staff from exposure of higher noise levels.Key words: Noise Pollution, Road Traffic Noise, Institutional Area, Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL), Noise Barriers. Reference [1] Vinita Pathak, B.D. Tripathi, Virendra kumar Mishra, Evaluation of traffic noise pollution and attitudes of exposed individuals in working place, Atmospheric Environment, 42(16), 2008, 3892-3898. [2] S.A Ali, A Tamura, Road traffic noise mitigation strategies in Greater Cairo, Egypt, Applied Acoustics, 63(11), 2002, 1257-1265. [3] Bengang Li, Shu Tao, R.W. Dawson, Evaluation and analysis of traffic noise from the main urban roads in Beijing, Applied Acoustics, 63(10), 2002, 1137-1142. [4] B. Bodsworth, A. Lawrence, The contribution of heavy vehicles to urban traffic noise Applied Acoustics, 11(1), 1978, 57-65. [5] Nasim Akhtar, Kafeel Ahmad, S. Gangopadhyay (2012), Road Traffic Noise Mapping and a case study for Delhi Region, International Journal of Applied Engineering and Technology, Vol. 2 (04), pp. 39 – 45. Dev Swaroop, Kafeel Ahmad and Ravinder Singh |
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32. | Effect of Bond Layer on Tri-Layered Assembly Subjected To Differential Uniform Temperature Change
Effect of Bond Layer on Tri-Layered Assembly Subjected To Differential Uniform Temperature ChangeAbstract: In the present analytical and numerical study, the thermal mismatching stress induced under differential temperature conditions of tri-layered assembly with bond is investigated. The thermal mismatching stresses are one of the reasons for structural failures between two or more connected devices. Therefore it is very essential to understand variation of these stresses and estimation in the interfaces play an important role in design and reliability studies of microelectronic assemblies. In this paper, a physical model is proposed for the interfacial shearing and peeling stresses occurring at the interfaces of tri-layered dissimilar materials with the effect of bonding subjected to differential uniform temperature in the layer. It observed from both analytical and numerical study that the shearing stress reduced in the range of 60% to 70% at interface (1-2) and 35% to 40% at (2-3) interface. Peeling stress are continuously reduced in the range of 10% - 20% at (1-2) interface and 13% - 35% at (2-3) interface due to the influence of bond layer. Thus, it indicates that, the bond layer consideration may influence significantly on interfacial stress. It is found that the both interfacial shearing stresses and peeling stresses decreased considerably at the interface with the increase of bond layer thickness.Key words: Tri-layered model, Shearing stress, Peeling stress, Different uniform temperature model, Electronic package Reference [1] Timoshenko, Analysis of Bi-metal Thermostats, J. opt . Soc. Am. 11, 1925, 233-255. [2] M Vujosevic, Thermally Induced Deformations in Die-substrate Assembly, Theor. Appl. Mech., 35(1-3), 2008, 305-322. [3] W T Chen and C W Nelson, Thermal Stresses in Bonded Joints, IBM Journal, Research and Development, vol.23, No.2, 1979. [4] F V Chang, Thermal Contact Stresses of Bi-Metal Strip Thermostat, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, vol.4, No.3, Tsing-hua Univ., Beijing, China, 1983. [5] E. Suhir, Stresses in Bi-Metal Thermostats, ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, vol. 53, No. 3, Sept. 1986. C Nithin Shekar, N G S Udupa, Aswatha, K N Seetharamu |
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33. |
Design & Implementation of Zero Voltage Switching Buck Converter
Design & Implementation of Zero Voltage Switching Buck ConverterAbstract: Zero voltage switching (ZVS) buck converter is more preferable over hard switched buck converter for low power, high frequency DC-DC conversion applications. In Zero voltage switching converter, turn on & turn off of a switch occurs at zero voltage that results in lower switching losses. In this converter soft switching is achieved by using resonant components. The optimal values of resonant components are determined by using electric functions derived from circuit configuration. This type of soft switched resonant converter offers very low electromagnetic interference (EMI).This study presents the circuit configuration with least components to realize highly efficient zero voltage switching resonant converter. It's feasibility is confirmed with the developed proto type model and experimental results are verified.Index Terms: Resonant converter, Soft-Switching, Zero-Voltage- Switching (ZVS). Reference [1] K. H. Liu and F. C. Lee, ―Zero-voltage switching technique in DC/DC converters,‖ IEEE Trans. Power Electron, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 293–304,1990. [2] W. A. Tabisz and F. C., ―Zero-voltage-switching multi-resonant technique—A novel approach to improve performance of high frequency quasi-resonant converters,‖ in Proc. Power Electron. Spec. Conf., 1988, vol. 1, no. 11–14, pp. 9–17. [3] Muhammad H.Rashid, Power Electronics Circuits, Devices, and Applications, 3rd ed. New Delhi: Prentice-Hall, 2004. [4] N. Mohan, T. M. Undeland, and W. P. Robbins, Power Electronics: Converters, Applications and Design, 3rd ed. New York: Wiley, 2003. [5] Y. C. Chuang and Yu-Lung Ke, ―A Novel High-Efficiency Battery Charger With a Buck Zero-Voltage-Switching Resonant Converter," IEEE Trans. on energy conversion, vol. 22, no. 4, December 2007. A.Suresh Kumar, P.Krishna Reddy |
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Version 6 | |||
1. | Effect of Thermo-Diffusion and Chemical Reaction on Mixed Convective Heat And Mass Transfer Through A Porous Medium In Cylindrical Annulus With Heat Source.
Effect of Thermo-Diffusion and Chemical Reaction on Mixed Convective Heat And Mass Transfer Through A Porous Medium In Cylindrical Annulus With Heat Source.Abstract: A finite element study of combined heat and mass transfer flow through a porous medium in a circular cylindrical annulus with Soret and Dufour effects in the presence of heat sources has been analyzed. The coupled velocity, energy, and diffusion equations are solved numerically by using Galerkin- finite element technique. Shear stress, Nusslet number and Sherwood number are evaluated numerically for different values of the governing parameters under consideration and are shown in tabular form.Key words: Heat and mass transfer, Soret effect, Dufour effect, Constant heat source, and Chemical reaction. Reference [1]. Al Nimr MA(1993): Analytical solutions for transient laminar fully developed free convection in vertical annulus.,Int.J.Heat and Mass Transfer ,V.36,pp.2388-2395. [2]. Angel M, Takhar HS, and Pop I (2000): Dofour and Soret effects on free convection boundary layer over a vertical surface embedded in a porous medium. Studia universities- Bolyai, Mathematica XLV, pp. 11-21. [3]. Antonio Barletle(1999): Combined forced and free convection with viscous dissipation in a vertical duct.,Int.J.Heat and Mass Transfer,V.42,pp.2243-2253. [4]. Barletta A, Lazzari.S,(2008): Mixed convection with heating effects in a vertical porous annulus with a radially varying magnetic field. [5]. Caltirone,JP(1976):J.Fluid Mech,V.76,p.337. Dr.K.Gnaneswar |
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2. | The Study of Water Stability for SBS and Polyacrylate Composite Modified Asphalt Mixture
The Study of Water Stability for SBS and Polyacrylate Composite Modified Asphalt MixtureAbstract: Polyacrylate (Polyacrylate, called PAE) is a kind of thermoplastic polymer latex, which is easy to form a waterproof membrane and has greater adhesion ,always be used in concrete to enhance its ability to resist water corrosion.SBS is an inorganic modifier for modified asphalt mixture will help to improve the high and low temperature stability and other road performance, ect.However,its ability to enhanced asphalt mixture's resistance for water damage is not obvious. In order to research the two composite modified asphalt mixture's resistance effects to water damage , the Marshall Stability Test and Fort Kentucky Flooding Scattering Experiments were used on asphalt mixtures, SBS modified asphalt mixture and composite modified asphalt mixture and the effect of different composite modified PAE content were studied. The results showed that: PAE can significantly improve the water stability of asphalt mixture, what's more, with the increase use of PAE,the mass loss rate of asphalt mixture decreases steadily.Key words: Asphalt mixture; Composite modified; Water stability;SBS; PAE Reference [1] Zhang voyage; Guoxiong; Mengqiao Juan. Fiber Asphalt Mixture Stability Evaluation Method [J] Chongqing Jiaotong University (Natural Science) 2008 (5) 78-81. [2] into the natural; Xu Dongliang asphalt indoor water damage [J]. Asphalt 2010 (4), 12-15. [3] JTG E 20-2011 highway asphalt and asphalt testing procedures [S]. Beijing: People's Communications Press, 2011 WEI mixture of water ice .OGFC stability evaluation method [J] Highway Engineering 2010, (5) [4] Wang Hui;; Liu Liping: 82-84. [5] Chen Ruoxiang, diatomite modified asphalt binder performance test [J]. Highway Engineering, 2013,10 (5) 254-258. HU Qiusheng, ZHOU Gang, WANG Huoming, QIAO Jun |
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3. | Analysis Of The Structure Of A Material Used In The Manufacture Of Thermal Chucks For Fixing Tools Cutting Using Finite Elements
Analysis Of The Structure Of A Material Used In The Manufacture Of Thermal Chucks For Fixing Tools Cutting Using Finite ElementsAbstract: The dynamic stability of machine has its own importance in the quality of the machined product. With the development of new technologies for cutting tools, as the geometries and materials, cutting speeds used today reach values inconceivable for two decades. In the automotive industry steel and cast iron are gradually being replaced by lower density material and even lower costs. In complex shapes tools, heterogeneous material removal in roughing, sudden changes of sections, etc. Stress relieving treatment should be carried out to minimize dimensional variations of form during quenching and tempering. Materials for manufacture of thermal fixing most appropriate for that operating system still needs to be further investigated. Therefore, this study investigated the elastic behavior of the material used in the manufacture of tooling systems for cutting tools. Has been evaluated In fastening system, the temperature variation exerted on the mandrel body region and the thermal expansion where H13 steel can withstand the assembly process by thermal interference. This method can determine the amount of number of cycles until the onset of fatigue that materialKey words: elastic behavior, thermal fixing, drilling, drill, Temperature clamping systems. Reference [1.] ABAQUS/Standard User Manual, Version 6.10, 2011. [2.] BEER, F.; JOHNSTON, R.; Resistência dos Materiais, 3. ed. São Paulo: Makron Books, 1995 [3.] CHIAVERINI, V. Aços e ferros fundidos. 4ª ed. São Paulo: Associação Brasileira de Metais, 1979, p. 19. [4.] COSMOS/CAE, User's Manual, Version 2011, 2011. [5.] HARRIS, S.G.; VLASVED, A.C; DOYLE, E.D;DOLDER, P.J. Dry machining – commercial viability through filtered arc vapour deposited coating Surface and Coating Technology , n.133-134, pp 383-388, 2000. P. Martins, J. Carneiro, Pedro A, P. Brito, A. Vieira, R. Braga & L. Vilela |
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DESIGN OF A LOW POWER MULTIBAND CLOCK DISTRIBUTION CIRCUIT USING SINGLE PHASE CLOCKAbstract: The clock distribution network consumes nearly 70% of the total power consumed by the integrated circuit since this is the only signal which has the highest switching activity. Normally for a multiband clock domain network we develop a multiple PLL to cater the need. This project aim for developing a low power true single phase clock(TSPC) multiband network which will supply for the multi clock domain network. In this paper, a wide band 2/3 prescaler is verified in the design of proposed wide band multimodulus 32/33/47/48 or 64/65/78/79 prescaler. A dynamic logic multiband flexible integer-n divider based on pulse swallow topology is proposed which uses a low power wide band 2/3 prescaler and a wide band multimodulus 32/33/47/48 or 64/65/78/79 prescaler. Since the multimodulus 32/33/47/48 or 64/65/78/79 prescaler has a maximum operating frequency of 6.2GHz, the values of P and S counters can actually be programmed to divide over the whole range of frequencies. However the P and S counter are programmed accordingly. The proposed multiband flexible divider also uses an improved loadable bit cell for swallow counter and consumes a power of 0.96 and 2.2mW. This project is highly useful and recommended for communication applications like Bluetooth, Zigbee, IEEE 802.15.4 and 802.11 a/b/g WLAN frequency synthesizers which are proposed based on pulse swallow topology. This design is modelled using Verilog simulated tool "MODELSIM 6.4b‟ and implemented and synthesized using "Xilinx ISE 10.1‟.Key words: True single phase clock (TSPC), Frequency synthesizer, Multimodulus prescaler, Phase locked loop (PLL) Reference [1] Vamshi Krishna Manthena, Manh Anh Do, Chirn Chye Boon, and Kiat Seng Yeo "A Low-Power Single-Phase Clock Multiband Flexible Divider" , IEEE transactions on very large scale integration (VLSI) systems, vol. 20, no. 2, February 2012. [2] H.R.Rategh et al., "A CMOS frequency synthesizer with an injected locked frequency divider for 5-GHz wireless LAN receiver," IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 35, no. 5, pp. 780-787, May 2000. [3] P. Y. Deng et al., "A 5GHz frequency synthesizer with an injection locked frequency divider and differential switched capacitors," IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I, Reg. Papers, vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 320-326, Feb. 2009. [4] L. Lai Kan Leung et al., "A 1-V 9.7-mW CMOS Frequency synthesizer for IEEE 802.11a transceivers," IEEE Trans. Microwind. Theory Tech., vol. 56, no. I, pp. 39-48, Jan. 2008. [5] M. Alioto and G. Palumbo, Model and Design of Bipolar and MOS Current-Mode Logic Digital Circuits. New York: Springer, 2005. T.BhavyaBhavani, Dr.K.Seshadri Sastry, Dr.G.R.L.V.N Srinivas Raju |
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5. | A Robust Image Watermarking Based On Gradient Vector Quantization and Denoising Using Contourlet Transform
A Robust Image Watermarking Based On Gradient Vector Quantization and Denoising Using Contourlet TransformAbstract: We propose a robust quantization-based image watermarking scheme, called the gradient direction watermarking (GDWM).This is based on the uniform quantization of the direction of gradient vectors. In GDWM, the watermark bits are embedded by quantizing the angles of significant gradient vectors at multiple wavelet scales. The proposed scheme has the following advantages: 1)Increased invisibility of the embedded watermark because the watermark is embedded in significant gradient vectors, 2) robustness to amplitude scaling attacks because the watermark is embedded in the angles of the gradient vectors, and 3) increased watermarking capacity as the scheme uses multiple-scale embedding.. This watermarking technique is more Robust tovarious sizes of watermark Images.we construct a discrete-domain multiresolution and multidirectional expansion using non-separable filter banks, in much the same way that wavelets were derived from filter banks. This construction results in a flexible mutiresolution, local, and directional image expansion using contour segments, and thus it is named the contourlettransform. The discrete contourlet transform has a fast iterated filter bank algorithm that requires order N operations for N-pixel images. Finally, we show simulation results using contourlet denoising method over wavelet.Key words: ContourletTransform ,denoising, digital watermarking,gradientdirection quantization, wavelets. Reference [1] D. Kundur and D. Hatzinakos, ―Digital watermarking for telltaletamper proofing and authentication,‖ Proc. IEEE, vol. 87, no. 7, pp.1167–1180, Jul. 1999. [2] B. Chen and G. W. Wornell, ―Quantization index modulation: A classof provably good methods for digital watermarking and informationembedding,‖ IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. 47, no. 4, pp. 1423–1443,May 2001. [3] F. Perez-Gonzlez and F. Balado, ―Quantized projection data hiding,‖in Proc. Int. Conf. Image Process., 2002, vol. 2, pp. 889–892. [4] L.-H. Chen and J.-J. Lin, ―Mean quantization based image watermarking,"Image Vis. Comput., vol. 21, no. 8, pp. 717–727, 2003 [5] S.-H. Wang and Y.-P. Lin, ―Wavelet tree quantization for copyrightprotection watermarking," IEEE Trans. Image Process., vol. 13, no. 2,pp. 154-165,Feb.2004. I. Kullayamma, P. Sathyanarayana |
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6. | Performance of RGB and L Base Supervised Classification Technique Using Multispectral Satellite Imagery
Performance of RGB and L Base Supervised Classification Technique Using Multispectral Satellite ImageryAbstract: In the present growth of sensor technology is to improve the new chance and applications in GIS. This enhances the technology law a new method that should not focus on real time available products, but it must automatically lead to new ones. The aim of the paper is to make a maximum use of remote sensing data and GIS techniques to access land use and land cover classification in the Kiliyar sub basin sector in palar river of northen part of Tamil Nadu.IRS P6 LISS III is merged data to perform the classification using ERDAS Imaging. The RGB and L base supervised classification was based up on a Multispectral analysis, land use and land cover information‟s (maps and existing reports), which involves advanced technology and complex data processing to find detailed imagery in the study region. Ground surface reflects more radar energy emitted by the sensor from the study region, which makes it easy to distinguish between the water body, hilly, agriculture, settlement and wetland.Key words: Multispectral, Classification, RGB&L, SAM, SCM, Reference [1] Ozesmi, Stacy L., and Marvin E. Bauer. "Satellite remote sensing of wetlands."Wetlands ecology and management 10.5 (2002): 381-402. [2] Fukue, Kiyonari, et al. "Evaluations of unsupervised methods for land‐cover/use classifications of landsat TM data." Geocarto International 3.2 (1988): 37-44. [3] Lu, D., M. Batistella, and E. Moran. "Land‐cover classification in the Brazilian Amazon with the integration of Landsat ETM+ and Radarsat data." International Journal of Remote Sensing 28.24 (2007): 5447-5459. [4] Akgün, Aykut, A. Hüsnü Eronat, and Necdet Turk. "Comparing Different Satellite Image Classification Methods: An Application In Ayvalýk District, Western Turkey." XXth International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Istanbul, Turkey. 2004. [5] Lillesand, Thomas M., Ralph W. Kiefer, and Jonathan W. Chipman. Remote sensing and image interpretation. No. Ed. 5. John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2004. Mr. S Thirunavkkarsu, Capt. Dr. S Santhosh Baboo |
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7. | Analytical Development of the Forward and Inverse Kinematics of A Robotic Leg Biologically-Inspired In Insect
Analytical Development of the Forward and Inverse Kinematics of A Robotic Leg Biologically-Inspired In Insect<Abstract: This article proposes an analytical development for the inverseand forward kinematics of a robotic leg for robots biologically-inspired in insects. The forward and inverse kinematics is a part of the solution to models of path planning for robotic legs. The method Denavit-Hartenberg was used for the development of forward kinematics. The inverse kinematics was found using the method of inverse transformation matrices. The developed equations' results were compared tothe results of functions fkine and ikine of the robotics to olbox for Matlab, analyzing numerical and analytic calolution for the inverse kinematics.Reference [1] SILVA, Manuel Fernando dos Santos; Sistema Robótico de Locomoção Multipernas; 2005. Dissertação de Doutorado. Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto - FEUP. [2] CRAIG, John J. Introduction to Robotics – Mechanics and Control. 2º Ed – 1989 – Addison –Wesley Publishing Company. [3] SPONG, Mark W.; Hutchinson, Seth; Vidyasagar, M.; Robot Modeling and Control; 2006. Editora. JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC. [4] FILHO, Alberto Adade. Fundamentos de Robótica- Cinemática, Dinâmica e Controle de Manipuladores Robóticos. 2001 – Centro Técnico Aeroespacial – Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica - São José dos Campos – SP [5] SANTOS, Víctor M. F.; Robótica Industrial, 2004. Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica da Universidade de Aveiro – Portugal. Gabriel Duarte Gonçalves Pedro, Pedro Américo Almeida Magalhães Junior |
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8. | Design and Development of GIS Based Utility Management System at DOS Housing Colony, Vikramnagar, Ahmedabad
Design and Development of GIS Based Utility Management System at DOS Housing Colony, Vikramnagar, AhmedabadAbstract: The paper presents the conceptual design model of a GIS [Geographic Information system] based Utility Management System for DOS Housing Colony, Vikramnagar, Ahmedabad. The processing capabilities of GIS and the system ability to manipulate geo-referenced data and results in different formats and models make them suitable for planning and operation of all activities of the Construction & Maintenance Group of SAC, Ahmedabad. This is specially designed software for the Civil, Electrical and Horticultural wing of Construction and Maintenance Group, Space Applications Centre (ISRO) in many ways to improve the Planning, Maintenance and Information standards. In this software, all physical information like Vikramnagar area, all buildings, roads, water supply lines, drainage lines, fire fighting lines, pump house, wells, bore points, recharge wells, and STP plant, torrent power substations, DG set rooms, LT panels, LT cables, electrical light poles and solar light poles, nursery area and trees are converting into digital forms using GIS by developing different layers.Key words: GIS Development, Global Positioning System, Global Navigation Satellite system, Utility Network system. Reference [1] ESRI (1996). Building applications with mapobjects. [2] Gao, S., Mioc, F., and Coleman, D.J (2009), Online GIS services for mapping and sharing disease information, International Journal of Health Geographics, 8(3), pp 1-16. doi:10.1186/1476-072X-8-3 [3] Nawaz-ul-Huda, S. Burke, F., Azam, M., Naz, S. (2012),GIS for power distribution network: A case study of Karachi, Pakistan,GEOGRAFIA Online, Malaysia Journal of Society and Space 8 issue 1 (60 - 68). [4] Salawudeen, O.S and Rashidat, U., (2006), Electricity Distribution Engineering and Geographic Information System (DeGIS) Shape the Change XXIII FIG Congress Munich Germany, TS 72 – GIS Application – Planning Issues. [5] Sidda, N.K., Boddu, D., Rao, R.M.K., (2011). An Eclectic mapping approach for Non Spatial Data, International Journal of Geomatics and Geosciences, Volume 2, No 2, 2011. Rajeshkumar J. Ajwaliya, Shashikant Patel |
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9. | Design of Engine Mount Bracket for a FSAE Car Using Finite Element Analysis
Design of Engine Mount Bracket for a FSAE Car Using Finite Element AnalysisAbstract: Engine mounts have an important function of containing firmly the power-train components of a vehicle. Correct geometry and positioning of the mount brackets on the chassis ensures a good ride quality and performance. As an FSAE car intends to be a high performance vehicle, the brackets on the frame that support the engine undergo high static and dynamic stresses as well as huge amount of vibrations. Hence, dissipating the vibrational energy and keeping the stresses under a pre-determined level of safety should be achieved by careful designing and analysis of the mount brackets. Keeping this in mind the current paper discusses the modeling, Finite Element Analysis, Modal analysis and mass optimization of engine mount brackets for a FSAE car. As the brackets tend to undergo continuous vibrations and varying stresses, the fatigue strength and durability calculations also have been done to ensure engine safety.Key words: FEA; Modal Analysis; Static Analysis; Optimization; Mounting Bracket Reference [1] Karl D. Hammond, "Frequency Response Analysis", January 2008. [2] Rogers Corporation," Materials Design: Understanding Load Vs Frequency Curves". [3] Nitin S Gokhale, Sanjay S Deshpande, Sanjeev V Bedekar, Anand N Thite, -"Practical Finite Element Analysis". [4] Umesh S. Ghorpade, D.S. Chavan, Vinaay Patil & Mahendra Gaikwad, "Finite Element Analysis and Natural Frequency Optimization of Engine Bracket", International Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (IJMIE) ISSN No. 2231 –6477, Vol-2, Iss-3, 2012. [5] Sahil Naghate, Sandeep Patil, "Modal Analysis Of Engine Mounting Bracket Using FEA", International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), Vol. 2. Issue4. July-August-2012,pp.1973-1979. Jasvir Singh Dhillon, Priyanka Rao, V.P. Sawant |
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10. | Analysis of Two Way Simply Supported Slabs With Central Sunk Using Finite Element Method
Analysis of Two Way Simply Supported Slabs With Central Sunk Using Finite Element MethodAbstract: Majority of the sunken slabs are constructed with supporting beams, which leads to the uneconomy of the structure and difficult in arrangement of the centering work. In this view, it is considered to analyze a two way simply supported slab of different thicknesses with central sunk having one sunk depths.The objective of the paper is to analyze a two way simply supported slab having different thicknesses of 125,150,175,and 200mm with central sunk having depths of 250mm using Finite Element Analysis. This study significantly concludes that, adopting FE analysis using STAAD Pro for analysis of two-way sunken slab is advisable. By using FE analysis using STAAD Pro, we can avoid tedious and lengthy procedure of manual methods. From the chosen sunken slab it was observed that, there is decrease in sagging moments for sunk size of 0.25lx x 0.25ly with respect to two way slab without sunk.Key words: Sunken Slab, Aspect Ratio, Thickness, Depths and Two Way Slab. Reference [1]. A.M. Mont‟Alverne 2012 "Determination of the reinforced concrete slabs ultimate load using finite element method and mathematical programming" Latin American Journal of solids structures Vol.9, No.1, Rio de janeiro 2012. [2]. K. M. A. Hossain 2005 "Design optimization of simply supported concrete slabs by finite element modeling" Struct. Multidisc Optim 30, 76–88(2005). [3]. M. M. Smadi and K. A. Belakhdar 2007 "Development of Finite Element Code for Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Slabs" Jordan Journal of Civil engineering Vol.1, No.2, 2007. [4]. Johansen K.W., 1962, "Yield-Line Theory ", Cement and Concrete Association, London,.pp 181. [5]. Sudhakar, K.J., 1998, "Moment Coefficients for the design of Irregular slabs by yield line theory." M.E, Thesis, Submitted to Andhra University, Andhra Pradesh, Visakhapatnam, India, pp.150. Chiranjeevi. M, Chandan Kumar. P, Pavan Kumar. M |
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11. | Dynamic Response of High Rise Structures Under The Influence of Shear Walls
Dynamic Response of High Rise Structures Under The Influence of Shear WallsAbstract: This study presents the procedure for seismic performance estimation of high-rise buildings based on a concept of the capacity spectrum method. In 3D analytical model of thirty storied buildings have been generated for symmetric buildings Models and analyzed using structural analysis tool ETABS. The analytical model of the building includes all important components that influence the mass, strength, stiffness and deformability of the structure. To study the effect of concrete core wall & shear wall at different positions during earthquake, seismic analysis using both linear static, linear dynamic and non-linear static procedure has been performed. The deflections at each storey level has been compared by performing Equivalent static, response spectrum method as well as pushover method has also been performed to determine capacity, demand and performance level of the considered building models. From the below studies it has been observed that non-linear pushover analysis provide good estimate of global as well as local inelastic deformation demands and also reveals design weakness that may remain hidden in an elastic analysis and also the performance level of the structure. Storey drifts are found within the limit as specified by code (IS: 1893-2002) in Equivalent static, linear dynamic & non-linear static analysis.Key words: Shear Wall, Story Drift, Displacement, ETABS, High Rise Buildings. Reference [1.] IS: 1893 (Part-I) 2002 (2002): "Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures", Part-I General Provisions and Buildings, Fifth Revision, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi. [2.] Pankaj Agrawal, Manish Shrikhande, "Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures", Prentice Hall India Publication. [3.] Bangle S. Taranath, Textbook of McGraw Hill International Editions, "Structural Analysis and Design of Tall Building", 1988, pp. 563-569. [4.] IS : 875 (Part I) – 1987, "Code of Practice for Design Loads (Other than Earthquake) for Buildings and Structures – Dead Loads" Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi. [5.] IS : 875 (Part II) – 1987, "Code of Practice for Design Loads (Other than Earthquake) for Buildings and Structures – Imposed Load" Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi. Syed Khasim Mutwalli, Dr. Shaik Kamal Mohammed Azam |
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12. | Fast Synchronization In IVR Using REST API For HTML5 And AJAX
Fast Synchronization In IVR Using REST API For HTML5 And AJAXAbstract: Need a web service is just a web page meant for a computer to request and process. IVR system uses REST API for data access while calling. When in call process user want to access data, server need to validate it and while validation data accessing must be synchronize with mysql server. For large data accessing API is essential. This method is for HTML5 and AJAX for fast data synchronization. REST can support any media type, but XML is expected to be the most popular transport for structured information. In IVR System problems with fast data access because before uses HTML4. Proposed work is for HTML5 with AJAX implementation.Key words: interactive voice response, hypertext markup language 5.0, AJAX technology. Reference [1] M. Armbrust et al., ―Above the Clouds: A Berkeley View of Cloud Computing,‖ 2009. [2] ―RUBiS.‖ [Online]. http://rubis.ow2.org/. [3] C. Binnig, D. Kossmann, T. Kraska, and S. Loesing, ―How is the weather tomorrow? Towards a Benchmark for the Cloud,‖ in Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Testing Data-base Systems - DBTest '09, 2009 [4] ―TPC Benchmark W (Web Commerce) Specification," San Jose, CA, USA, 2002. [5] ―eBay.‖ [Online]. http://www.ebay.com Sandeep Kailuke, Nekita Chavhan |
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13. | Synthesis & Characterization of Fluorescent Silver Nanoparticles stabilized by Tinospora Cordifolia leaf Extract-A Green Procedure
Synthesis & Characterization of Fluorescent Silver Nanoparticles stabilized by Tinospora Cordifolia leaf Extract-A Green ProcedureAbstract: Synthesis of silver nanoparticles (Ag-NPs) was achieved by a simple green procedure using Tinospora Cordifolia leaf extract as stabilizer/reducing agents. Ag-NPs in the size range of 2–19 nm is obtained by the treatment of aqueous silver ions with leaf extracts of Tinospora Cordifolia. This eco-friendly approach is simple, amenable for large scale commercial production and technical applications. Further, photoluminiscence studies of these Ag-NPs were recorded & suggested that the present particles were suitable for fluorescence emitting probes. These red emitting Ag-NPs exhibited distinct fluorescence properties (both emission and stokeshift).Reference [1.] Mukherjee, P. ; Ahmad, A.; Mandal, D.; Senapati, S.; Sainkar, S. R.; Khan, M. I.; Parishcha, R.; Ajaykumar, P. V.; Alam, M.; Kumar, R.; Sastry, M . Fungus-Mediated Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles and Their Immobilization in the Mycelial Matrix: A Novel Biological Approach to Nanoparticle Synthesis. Nano Lett. 2001, 1, 515–519. [2.] Ahmad, A.; Mukherjee, P.; Mandal, D.; Senapati, S.; Khan, M. I.; Kumar, R.; Sastry, M.. Enzyme Mediated Extracellular Synthesis of CdS Nanoparticles by the Fungus, Fusarium oxysporum. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2002, 124, 12108–12109. [3.] Sastry, M.; Ahmad, A.; Khan, M. I.; Kumar, R . Bio synthesis of metal nanoparticles using fungi and actinomycete. Curr. Sci. 2003, 85, 162–170. [4.] Shankar, S. S.; Ahmad, A.; Sastry, M . Geranium leaf assisted biosynthesis of silver nano particles. Biotechnol. Prog. 2003, 19, 1627–1631. [5.] Shankar, S. S.; Rai, A.; Ankamwar, B.; Singh, A.; Ahmad, A.; Sastry, M . Biological synthesis of triangular gold nanoprisms. Nat. Mater. 2004, 3, 482– 488. M. Padma, Boddeti Govindh, B. Venkateswara Rao |
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14. | Experimental Plans and Intensive Numerical Aided Design
Experimental Plans and Intensive Numerical Aided DesignAbstract: This paper deals with new methods to optimize design and subsequent phases, notably in SMEs specialized in manufacturing. SMEs use numerical simulation to verify that the design meets the expectations of the specification, following the current traditional process: CAD model, simulation of its behavior, changes in the CAD model... This process suffers from a number of drawbacks: no overall multi-criteria vision, use of CAD software, by nature "constructive, not considering the overall objectives (even with integration of the parameters or with considering the downstream phases). The research centre DINCCS led several projects, relying on industrial cases to consider more efficient approaches. It is proposed to reverse this process by making intensive simulations, based on trade knowledge, before design itself. In order to plan the great number of simulations, automatically designed plan of experiences are used. We discuss the application of this approach to intensive simulations. The stakes are crucial for SMEs, particularly manufacturing ones. Using numerical simulation (optimization) intensively, before setting the CAD model, they can get unexpected gains (mass, better use of the means of manufacture...).Key words: design process, numerical optimization, intensive simulation Reference [1] Reimeringer M., Gardan N., Gardan N., Ugur H. CADFORSIM : Rules to improve the mesh quality, Proceedings of the TMCE 2008, April 21-25, 2008, Izmir, Turkey [2] Sharpe, J.E.E., Computer Tools for Integrated Conceptual Design, Design Studies, 16(4), 471-488, 1995 [3] Madux, K. C., Jain, S.C. "CAE for the manufacturing engineer: the role of process simulation in concurrent engineering", Manufacturing Simulation and Processes, ASME, 20, 1-15, 1986 [4] Sharpe, J.E.E. "Computer Tools for Integrated Conceptual Design ", Design Studies, 16(4), 471-488, 1995 [5] Roy, R., Hinduja, S., Teti, R., Recent advances in engineering design optimization: Challenges and future trends, CIRP Annals, Manufacturing technology, 2008 Yvon Gardan, Nicolas Gardan |
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15. | Hardware Design of a Smart Meter
Hardware Design of a Smart MeterAbstract: Smart meters are electronic measurement devices used by utilities to communicate information for billing customers and operating their electric systems. This paper presents the hardware design of a smart meter. Sensing and circuit protection circuits are included in the design of the smart meter in which resistors are naturally a fundamental part of the electronic design. Smart meters provides a route for energy savings, real-time pricing, automated data collection and eliminating human errors due to manual readings which would ultimately reduce labour costs, diagnosis and instantaneous fault detection. This allows for predictive maintenance resulting in a more efficient and reliable distribution network.Key words: Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI), Automated Meter Reading system (AMR), Communication, Power line carrier (PLC) PLC, Smart grid, Smart meters. Reference [1] Anthony R.C and Metke R L (2009): "Security Technology for Smart Grid Networks," IEEE Transaction on Smart Grid", Vol. 1, No. 1, Pp 33-45. [2] Ba,A.B andKirkman H (2010):"A Survey of Wireless communications for the Electric Power System," Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy, Pp 44-56.. [3] Budka, K.C (2010): "Communication Network Architecture and design principles for Smart Grids", Bell Labs Technical Journal, Vol. 15, Issue 6,Pp 205-227. [4] Clemente, J.M (2009):"The Security Vulnerabilities of the Smart Grid," Journal of Energy Security, Vol. 5, No. 7, Pp 135-147. [5] Dickerman L and Harrison R (2010):"A New Car, A New Grid" IEEE Power & Energy Magazine, Vol 8, No 2, Pp. 55-61. Ganiyu A. Ajenikoko, Anthony A. Olaomi |
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16. | Studies on Strength Evaluation of Fiber Reinforced Plastic Composites
Studies on Strength Evaluation of Fiber Reinforced Plastic CompositesAbstract: Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) composites are extensively used for primary structural components such as wing, empennage and fuselage; and sub-structures such as wing ribs and intermediate spars in new generation aircraft as they give rise to high stiffness and strength to weight ratio. The failure load predictions of such composites are extremely important in order to ascertain the flight safety during its service periods. The stress analysis is a part of failure prediction process, since the failure criterion, in order to predict failure load, requires information about stresses and strains in a structure. In the present investigation, the stress analyses of CFRP composite laminates with and without cut-outs have been carried out by using both analytical and finite element approaches. In analytical approach, a mat lab code has been developed for a flat panel using Classical Laminated Plate Theory (CLPT) and different composite failure theories.Key words: circular cut-out, elliptical cut-outs, failure load, flat composite panel, mesh size. Reference [1]. www.Aerospaceweb.org/application of composite materials in aircraft. [2]. Y.X. Zhang, C.H. Yang, "Recent developments in finite element analysis for laminated composite plates" Composite Structures 88 (2009) 147–157. [3]. T.Y Kam and F.M Lai, "Experimental and theoretical predictions of first ply failure Strength of laminated composite plates" International Journal of Solids and Structures 36 (1999) 2379-2395. [4]. Y.V. Satish Kumar and Anand Srivastava, "First ply failure analysis of Laminated stiffened plates" Composite Structures 60 (2003) 307–315. [5]. D. Bruno, G. Spadea and R. Zinno, "First-ply failure of laminated composite plates". Theoretical and applied fracture mechanics 19 (1993) 29-48. Vinoth. M, Karthick Raja. R, Rio Melvin Aro. T, Shyam Shankar. M. B |
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17. | A Performance Comparison of Routing Protocols for Ad Hoc Networks
A Performance Comparison of Routing Protocols for Ad Hoc NetworksAbstract: Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is a collection of mobile nodes in which the wireless links are frequently broken down due to mobility and dynamic infrastructure. Routing is a significant issue and challenge in ad hoc networks. Many routing protocols have been proposed like OLSR, AODV so far to improve the routing performance and reliability. In this paper, we describe the Optimized Link State Routing Protocol (OLSR) and the Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV). We evaluate their performance through exhaustive simulations using the Network Simulator 2 (ns2) by varying conditions (node mobility, network density).Key words: MANET; OLSR; AODV; ns2. Reference [1] C. Perkins, E. Belding-Royer, and S. Das. Ad hoc on-demand distance vector (AODV) routing. RFC3561, RFC Editor , United States, 2003. [2] Olsr: T.Clausen, P. Jaquet, IETF Request for Comments: 3626 Optimized Link State Routing Protocol OLSR, october 2003. [3] Broch J, Maltz DA, Johnson DB, Hu Y-C, Jetcheva J. A performance comparison of multi-hop wireless ad hoc network routing protocols. In Proceedings of the 4th Annual ACM/IEEE International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, MobiCom '98, Dallas, TX, 1998. [4] network simulator, software. Available: http://www.isi.edu/nsnam/ns. [5] Boukerche A. A performance comparison of routing protocols for ad hoc networks. In Proceedings of the 15th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, San Francisco, CA, 2001. Hicham Zougagh, Ahmed Toumanari, Rachid Latif, Noureddine. Idboufker, Youssef. Elmourabit |
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18. | Language Identification from a Tri-lingual Printed Document: A Simple Approach
Language Identification from a Tri-lingual Printed Document: A Simple ApproachAbstract: In a multi-script, multilingual country like India, a document may contain text lines in more than one script/language forms. For such a multi-script environment, multilingual Optical Character Recognition (OCR) system is needed to read the multi-script documents. To make a multilingual OCR system successful, it is necessary to identify different script regions of the document before feeding the document to the OCRs of individual language. With this context, this paper proposes to work on the prioritized requirements of a particular region- Andra Pradesh, a state in India, where any document including official ones, would contain the text in three languages-Telugu, Hindi and English. So, the objective of this paper is to develop a system that should aim to accurately identify and separate Telugu, Hindi and English text lines from a printed multilingual document and also to group the portion of the document in other than these three languages into a separate category OTHERS. The proposed method is developed by thoroughly understanding the nature of top and bottom profiles of the printed text lines. Experimentation conducted involved 900 text lines for learning and 900 text lines for testing. The performance has turned out to be 95.67%.Key words: Document Image Processing, Multi-lingual document, Language Identification, Top Profile, Bottom Profile, Feature extraction Reference [1] U. Pal, S. Sinha and B. B. Chaudhuri "Multi-Script Line identification from Indian Documents", Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2003) 0-7695-1960-1/03 © 2003 IEEE (vol.2, pp.880-884, 2003). [2] T.N.Tan, "Rotation Invariant Texture Features and their use in Automatic Script Identification", IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 20, no. 7, pp. 751-756, July 1998. [3] U.Pal, B.B.Choudhuri, Script Line Separation From Indian Multi-Script Documents, Proc. 5th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (IEEE Comput. Soc. Press), 1999, 406-409. [4] Santanu Choudhury, Gaurav Harit, Shekar Madnani, R.B. Shet, "Identification of Scripts of Indian Languages by Combining Trainable Classifiers", ICVGIP 2000, Dec.20-22, Bangalore, India. [5] S.Chanda, U.Pal, English, Devanagari and Urdu Text Identification, Proc. International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, 2005, 538-545. Arjun M. Y., Chirag H G |
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19. | Z - Source Multi Level Inverter Based PV Generation System
Z - Source Multi Level Inverter Based PV Generation SystemAbstract: In this paper a novel technique of Z-Source multilevel Inverter based PV Generation system is implemented and simulated using MATLAB-Simulink simulation software. The Photovoltaic cells are healthier option for converting solar energy into electricity. Due to high capital cost and low efficiency PV cells have not yet been a fully smart choice for electricity users. To enhance the performance of the system, Z-Source multi level inverter can be used in place of conventional Voltage Source Inverter (VSI) in Solar Power Generation System. The PV cell model is developed using circuit mathematical equations. The Z-Source multilevel inverter is modeled to realize boosted DC to AC conversion (inversion) with low THD. Outcome shows that the energy conversion efficiency of ZSMLI is a lot improved as compared to conventional voltage Source Inverter (VSI). By doing FFT analysis we can know the total THD.Key words: PV Panel; Z-MLI; MPPT; PWM Inverter. Reference [1] R. O. Caceres and I. Barbi, ―A boost dc-ac converter: analysis, design, and experimentation,‖ The IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 134–141, Jan. 1999. [2] W. Chien-Ming, ―A novel single-stage full-bridge buck-boost inverter,‖ IEEE Transaction Power Electronics, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 150–159, Jan. 2004. [3] I.H. Altas, A.M. Sharaf, ―A Photovoltaic Array Simulation Model for Matlab-Simulink GUI Environment‖, International Conference on Clean Electrical Power, pp. 341-345, July 2007. [4] IshaqueKashif, Salam Zainal and TaheriHamed, ―Accurate Matlab Simulink PV System Simulator Based on a Two-Diode Model‖, Journal of Power Electronics, Vol. 11, No. 2, Dec. 2010. [5] Islam, Aneek Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, United International University, Dhanmondi, Dhaka 1209, Bangladesh Chowdhury, Md.Iqbal Bahar T. Lakhmi kanth, CH. Rambabu, R. Punyavathi |
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20. | Simulation and Experimental Studies on Composite Beams
Simulation and Experimental Studies on Composite BeamsAbstract: A composite beam a one dimensional structure or a rod all of them are sectional dimensions in which width and height are much smaller in comparison to the structure. In structural applications longer beams are more frequently used. In this work a composite beam is manufactured with glass and epoxy combination. And stress analysis is carried out using derived analytical expressions. This research work carried out will enable to determine the beam strength due to bending loads. The importance of fiber reinforcement in the manufacturing of the beam is studied in terms of bending strength of the beam. Mat lab codes are generated to implement analytical equations of the composite beam. The analytical results are validated by performing experiments on composite beams. In this investigation, two different composite beams have been tested and compared the experimental results with the analytical results.Key words: Composite beam, glass and epoxy, stress analysis, fiber reinforcement, Mat lab. Reference [1]. Chou and Wang A.S.D; "Control Volume Analysis of Elastic wave front in composite material", Journal of composite materials, vol.4, (1970), pp 444-453. [2]. Berthelot and Sefrani (2005); "Damping Analysis Of Unidirectional Glass fiber composite with interleaved viscoelastic layers"; Experimental investigation and Discussion [3]. Narita and Leissa; "Frequencies and M ode shapes of Cantileverered laminated composite plates, Journal of sound and vibration, vol.154, (1992) , pp 161-172. [4]. Savoia and Tullini; "Torsional Response of Inhomogeneous and Multilayered composite beams", composite structures, vol 25,(1993),pp 587-594. [5]. Laila ,D.Haji,A,Majid,A.and Shanor, B LOC Flutter of Cantilever Woven Glass/Epoxy Laminate in Subsonic flow Actameshsin,No.24,(2008),pp 107-110 M. Abhinay, P. Sampath Rao |
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21. | Effects of Different Parameters In Enhancing The Efficiency of Plasmonic Thin Film Solar Cells
Effects of Different Parameters In Enhancing The Efficiency of Plasmonic Thin Film Solar CellsAbstract: Efficiency of thin film solar cells are less comparing to thick film solar cells which can be enhanced by utilizing the metal nanoparticles near their localized Plasmon resonance. In this paper, we have reviewed the Plasmon resonance of metallic nanoparticles and its application in solar cell technology. Beside this, we have also reviewed about different parameters which dominate the nanoparticles to increase optical absorption. Thus a cost-effective model has been proposed.Key words: Plasmonic, Thin film, Nanoparticles, Absorption, Scattering, Extinction Reference [1] H. A. Atwater and A. Polman. "Plasmonics for Improved photovoltaic devices", Nature Material, (2010), pp. 205-213. [2] M. A. Green. "Recent developments in photovoltaics".,Solar Energy, 76:pp. 3–8, 2004. [3] V Shah, H. Schade, M. Vanecek, J. Meier, E. Vallat-Sauvain, N. Wyrsch, U. Kroll, C. Droz and J. Bailat, "Thin-film silicon solar cell technology", Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Application, 12:pp. 113-142, 2004 . [4] M. A. Green, K. Emery, Y. Hishikawa, and W. Warta, "Solar cell efficiency tables (version 31)", Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, 16:pp. 61–67, 2008. [5] P. Spinelli, V. E. Ferry, J. van de Groep, M.. van Lare, M. A. Verschuuren, R. E. I. Schropp, H. A. Atwater and A. Polman, "Plasmonic light trapping in thin-film Si solar cells", Journal of Optics,(2012). N.AlekhyaReddy, V.V.S.NikhilBharadwaj, M.SaiDheeraj, M.V.Sai Harshith |
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22. | Performance Evaluation of Plate-Fin-And Tube Heat Exchanger with Wavy Fins- A Review
Performance Evaluation of Plate-Fin-And Tube Heat Exchanger with Wavy Fins- A ReviewAbstract: The plate fin-and-tube heat exchangers are widely used in variety of industrial applications, particularly in the heating, air-conditioning and refrigeration, HVAC industries. In most cases the working fluid is liquid on the tube side exchanging heat with a gas, usually air. It is seen that the performance of heat exchangers can be greatly increased with the use of unconventionally shaped flow passages such as plain, perforated offset strip, louvered, wavy, vortex generator and pin. The current study is focused on wavy-fin. The wavy surface can lengthen the path of airflow and cause better airflow mixing. In order to design better heat exchangers and come up with efficient designs, a thorough understanding of the flow of air in these channels is required. Hence this study focuses on the heat transfer and friction characteristics of the air side for wavy fin and tube heat exchanger.Reference [1] Junqi Dong,Jiangping Chen,Wenfeng Zhang,Jinwei Hua Experimental and numerical investigation of thermal -hydraulic performance in wavy fin-and-flat tube heat exchangers, Applied Thermal Engineering 30 (2010) 1377e1386 [2] M. Khoshvaght-Aliabadi,F. Hormozi , A. Zamzamian, Role of channel shape on performance of plate-fin heat exchangers: Experimental assessment [3] Santhosh Kizhakkeveedu Ramachandran NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF AIRSIDE CHARACTERISTICS IN PLAIN AND WAVY HEAT EXCHANGERS IN THE TURBULENT FLOW REGIME [4] Webb.R.L. Enhancement of single phase convective heat transfer. Handbook of single phase convective heat transfer. New York : John Wiley, 1987. [5] Wang, C. C., Lin, Y. T., Lee, C. J. and Chang, Y. J Investigation of wavy fin-and-tube heat exchangers: A contribution to databank.. 1999, Experimental Heat Transfer, Vol. 12, Number 1, pp. 73-89. Sandip S. Kale, V.W.Bhatkar, M.M Dange |
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23. | Calculation Method for Normal Inducedlongitudinal Voltage on Pilot Cable
Calculation Method for Normal Inducedlongitudinal Voltage on Pilot CableAbstract: In this paper a full study and detailed calculations of the induced voltage in pilot cables are carried out. First an introduction showing the importance of the induced voltage and its effect in pilot cables. The first calculation method Flat Formation. The second calculation method Trefoil Formation. Then the results obtained for both methods and compared. Finally a conclusion is conduct.Key words: Induced Voltage, Normal Induced Longitudinal Voltage (NILV), Pilot cable Reference [1] The underground systems reference book EEI,1957 [2] High voltage XLPE cables systems Technical user guide, BRUGG Cables. [3] CHEN shu-min,YANGLan-jun,ZHANGQiao-gen ,Su Hong-bo ,Li Yun-feng.Effect of sheath-bonding Method on Induced over voltage in 110 KV XLPE cable system in the case of ground fault surg (j). High voltage Engineering,2006. [4] Wang Min The induced voltage & circulating current in the metal shield of 10 KV sigle phase electrical cables (j). High voltage Engineering,2006. [5] P.L. Ostermann, Editor, Underground Transmission systems reference book ,NewYork :Electric Power Research Institute,1992 Edition. Abdelaziz B.M. Kamel, Ahmed R.E. Bakr |
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24. | Spatial Analysis of Soil and Water Quality in Tsunami AffectedAreas of Nagapattinam District, Tamilnadu, India
Spatial Analysis of Soil and Water Quality in Tsunami AffectedAreas of Nagapattinam District, Tamilnadu, IndiaAbstract: In India, the natural disasters, especially the Tsunami in 2004 having exposed our unpreparedness, variability, diverse scientific, engineering, financial and also social processes. Vedaranyamtalukof Nagapattinam coastal region of Tamilnadu, India,was severely affected by Tsunami-2004. Due to its unique geological nature and climate conditions, the quality of soil and water resources was subjected to natural and synthetic changes. The recent efforts of prawn culture and saltpan in these areas also affect the natural resources. This study has revealed the present scenario of soil and water resources by analyzing their chemical parameters in the Tsunami affected areas after ten years of Tsunami-2004. For this study, soil samples (less than 30cm depth from land surface) and groundwater samples (from existing hand/bore pumps) were collected in the study area. It was observed from the analysis that the pH of soil was improved well and EC was lowered significantly except few places. Regarding the available N, P, K of soil, N was low, P and Kwere low to medium range. Further thepH,DO, Turbidity, Hardness,Cl and Mgof groundwater were within the permissible limit;EC and TDS were slight to moderate range for irrigation and drinking.The SAR is within the maximum allowable limit which inferred that groundwater can be used for irrigation without any risk.Thisspatial-temporal variability of soil and water parameters were mapped in GIS environment (Surfer ver. 9) and compared with pretsunami-2004 as well as ground truth scenario. Keeping these results, the soil is suitable for agriculture production. The natural flash flood has helped to reduce contamination of soil and water due to Tsunami-2004. However,due to alkaline in nature the quality of groundwater is not fit for drinking in some places but suitable for irrigation. Among the affected villages, Vedaranyam village has worst quality. This study also recommends suitable management strategies for sustainable development.Key words: Tsunami, water and soil parameters, spatial analysis, Surfer ver. 9 Reference [1.] Ayers R.S. (1985),"Water Quality Management for Agriculture", FAO Irrigation and drainage paper. [2.] BIS (1983), "Standards for water for drinking and other purposes", Bureau of Indian Standards Publication, New Delhi. [3.] Burroughs P.A. (1989) "Principle of Geological Information System for land Resources Assessment", Clarendon Press, Oxford. [4.] ChandrasekaranH. and StalinM. (2008),"Variability of soil-water quality due to Tsunami-2004 in the coastal belt of Nagapattinam district,Tamilnadu",Journal of Environmental Management,Vol.89(1), pp.63-72. [5.] Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI),(2005), "Effort of Tsunami on coastal crop husbandry in part of Nagapattinam district, Tamil Nadu", Current science, Vol. 89. No.1, pp. 30-32. M. Velayudha Das and Dr. S.Poongothai |
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25. | Optimization of Pre Engineered Buildings
Optimization of Pre Engineered BuildingsAbstract: Pre-engineered buildings have become quite popular in the last few years. The main advantages are speed of construction and good control over quality. However there is not much information on its economy. There are several parameters like the inclination of the gable, spans, bay spacing, which control the cost of the structure. In the present paper the above parameters are varied systematically and in each case the gable frame designed for the common loads DL, LL, EQ, and WL. The quantity in each case is obtained and finally the structure which regulates the lowest quantity of steel is recommended.Key words: pre-engineered building, staad pro, working stress method, bay spacing, angle of inclination, span and tapered sections. Reference [1] Dr. N. Subramanian, "Design of steel structures‟ [2] Dr. N. Subramanian (2008), "Pre-engineered Buildings Selection of Framing System, Roofing and Wall Materials", TheMasterbuilder, pp. 48-6. [3] Gurusharan Singh, "Introduction to Pre Engineered Buildings", http://www.engneeringcivil.com/ preenginered-buildngs.html. [4] IS : 800 - 2007 :- General Construction In Steel - Code of Practice. [5] IS : 875 (Part 1) - 1987 :- Code of Practice for Design Loads (Other Than Earthquake) for Buildings and Structures- Dead Loads. B K Raghu Prasad, Sunil kumar, Amaranth K |
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26. | Ground Improvement of Dune Sand Fields For The Purpose of Moisture Retention
Ground Improvement of Dune Sand Fields For The Purpose of Moisture RetentionAbstract: Plant growth depends on the use of two important natural resources, soil and water. Soil provides the mechanical and nutrient support necessary for plant growth. Water is the major input for the growth and development of all types of plants. The availability of water, its movement and its retention are governed by the properties of soil. The properties like bulk density, mechanical composition, hydraulic conductivity etc depends on the nature and formation of soil and land use characteristics in addition to the weathering processes and the geological formations. Effective management of the resources for crop production requires the need to understand relationship between soil, water and plants. Study of soil and its water holding capacity is essential for the efficient utilization of irrigation water. Hence identification of geotechnical parameters which influences the water retention capacity and the method of adding admixtures to improve the retention capacity play an important role in Irrigation Engineering. This Paper aims to focuses on improving moisture retention of soil by addition of bentonite clay and experimental analysis for monitoring the variation of moisture retention.Key words: Mixture, Bentonite, Dune sand, Irrometer, Moisture retention. Reference [1] Ameta N. K. and Wayal A. S., ―Effect of Bentonite on permeability of dune sand", Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering (EJGE), Vol.13, Bundle A, 2008. [2] Ameta, N. K., Purohit, D.G. M. and Wayal, A.S. (2008), Characteristics, problems and remedies of expansive soils of Rajasthan, India, Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering,Vol.13, Bundle A, 2008. [3] Bowles JE (1998) ―Engineering Properties of Soil and Their Measurement‖, Mcgraw-Hill Book Company, Singapore‖ [4] Chapuis, R.P. (1981) ―Permeability testing of soil-Bentonite mixtures," Proceedings, 10th International conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation engineering, Stockholm, Vol.4,744-745. [5] Chapuis, R.P (1990) ―Sand-Bentonite liners: predicting permeability from laboratory tests‖ Can. Geotech. J. 27, 47-57 Dr.A.S.Wayal, Dr.N.K.Ameta,Gourav Gill |
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27. | A Novel Solitude Conserving Location Monitoring Approach for Wireless Sensor Networks
A Novel Solitude Conserving Location Monitoring Approach for Wireless Sensor NetworksAbstract: Observing individual locations with a capable untrusted server impose secrecy threats to the monitored individuals. In this paper we propose "A Novel Solitude Conserving Location Monitoring approach for Wireless Sensor networks". We design two approaches to study nondescript locations in-network approaches, namely quality-aware and resource-aware approaches, that aims to enable the system to give high end quality location monitoring services for end users, while conserving personal location privacy. Both approaches are worked based on k-anonymity solitude (i.e.,an object is indistinguishable among k objects), to enable highly trusted sensor nodes to provide the collective location data of monitored objects for our system. Each collective location is in a form of a observed area X along with the number of monitored objects reside in X. The resource-aware approach objective to optimize the computational and communication value, while quality-aware approach aims to increase the reliability of the collective location data by reducing their observing areas. We use spatial histogram methodology to estimates the distribution of observing objects based on the gathered collective location data. We evaluated these two approaches through simulated experiments. The simulation results shows that these approaches gives high quality location observing services for end users and assure the location secrecy of the monitored objects.Key words: Anonymity, location, solitude spatial histogram, wireless sensor network Reference [1]. One systems Technologies, Counting people in buildings.http://www.onesystemstech.com.sg/index.php?option=com content&task=view%&id=10. [2]. Traf-Sys Inc., .People counting systems. http://www.trafsys.com/products/people counters/thermal-sensor.aspx.. [3]. A. Harter, A. Hopper, P. Steggles, A. Ward, and P. Webster, .The anatomy of a context-aware application,. in Proc. of MobiCom, 1999. [4]. N. B. Priyantha, A. Chakraborty, and H. Balakrishnan, .The cricket location-support system,. in Proc. of MobiCom, 2000. [5]. E. Snekkenes, .Concepts for personal location privacy policies,. in Proc. of ACM EC, 2001. Pravallika. K, Suvarna. K , Chakrapani. T |
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