Volume 4- Issue 8 [August 2014 ]
S.No. | Title & Authors | Page | Downloads |
1. | RSA Based Secured Image Steganography Using DWT Approach
RSA Based Secured Image Steganography Using DWT ApproachAbstract: The need for keeping safe secrecy of secret and sensitive data has been ever increasing with the new developments in digital system. In this paper, we present an increased way for getting embedding encrypted secret facts in gray scale images to give high level safety of facts for news over unsecured narrow channels Cryptography and Steganography are two closely related techniques are used in proposed system. Cryptography gets into making one of religion the secret note into a non-recognizable chipper. Steganography is then sent in name for using Double-Stegging to fix this encrypted data into a cover thing by which something is done and keeps secret its existence.Key words: Steganography, Cover Image, Information, Stego Image, Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT), RSA Approach, Bit Length. Reference [1] Chandra M. Kota and Cherif Aissil. "Implementation of the RSA algorithm and its Cryptanalysis", ASEE Gulf southwest Annual Conference on 2002, Houston, USA. [2] Vladimfr BANOCI, Gabriel BUGAR, Dusan LEVICKY, "A Novel Method of Image Steganography in DWT Domain", Technical University of Kosice, Slovak Republic. [3] Colm Mulcahy Ph.D, "Image Compression using Haar Wavelet Transform", Spelman Science and Math Journal, 22-31. [4] Mamta Juneja, Parvinder S. Sandhu, Ekta Walia, "Application of LSB Based Steganographic Technique for 8-bit Color Images", World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2009. [5] R. L. Rivest. A. Shamir and L. Adleman, "A method for obtaining digital signatures and public key cryptosystems," Commun. ACM, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 158-164, Feb 1978. E. Yuva Kumar, P. Padmaja |
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2. | DCT Based Secret Image Hiding In Video Sequence
DCT Based Secret Image Hiding In Video SequenceAbstract: Internet which is ever more accessible to interference by not with authority people over the World. It is important to bring down a chance of Information being sensed while Transmitting is the major issue these days. To overcome these problems one of the solution is cryptography. There will be no solitude once it is decoded. So hiding data to make it confidential. Copyright is one of the ways for hiding data and it is security for digital media. Its significance and techniques used in executing hiding of data let us see in brief. The existing LSB modification technique as in this approach the bits are randomly distributes the bits of message in image so which will becomes complex for anonymous persons to extract original message information, it opens the gates for loosing important hidden information. Here hiding and extraction method is used for AVI (Audio Video Interleave). As Higher order coefficients maintains Secret message bits. The hidden information will be in the form of gray scale image pixel values. Grayscale value then converted into binary values .The resultant binary values will be assigned to the higher order coefficient values of DCT of AVI video frames. These experiments were successful. We can analyze the results using Mat lab simulation software.Key words: Image, Steganography, DCT, Video Data Hiding. Reference [1] F.A.P Peticolas, R.J. Anderson and M.G. Kuhn, "Information Hiding – A Survey", in proceeding of IEEE, pp. 1062-1078, July 1999. [2] A.A.Zaidan, B.B.Zaidan, Fazidah Othman, "New Technique of Hidden Data in PE-File with in Unused Area One", International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering (IJCEE), Vol.1, No.5, ISSN: 1793-8198, 2009, pp 669-678. [3] Framework for Hidden Data in the Image Page within Executable File Using Computation between Advance Encryption Standared and Distortion Techniques", International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS), Vol. 3, No 1 ISSN: 1947-5500, 2009, P.P73-78. [4] G. Sahoo and R. K. Tiwari, " Designing an embedded Algorithm for Data Hiding using Steganographic Techniques by File Hybridization International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security (IJCSNS),Vol.8,No.1,January 2008. [5] S. Katzenbeisser, F. Petitcolas, "Information Hiding Techniques for Steganography and digital watermarking", 2000, pp 17-76. M. Suresh Kumar, G. Madhavi Latha |
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3. | Performance Characteristics and Analysis of 4-Stroke Single Cylinder Diesel Engine Blend With 50% of Honne Oil at Various Fuel Injection Pressures
Performance Characteristics and Analysis of 4-Stroke Single Cylinder Diesel Engine Blend With 50% of Honne Oil at Various Fuel Injection PressuresAbstract: In future demand for fossil fuels and environmental effects, a number of renewable sources of energy have been studied in worldwide. An attempt is made to apt of vegetable oil for diesel engine operation, without any change in its old construction. One of the important factors which influence the performance and emission characteristics of D.I diesel engine is fuel injection pressure. In this project honne oil has to be investigated in a constant speed, on D.I diesel engine with different fuel injection pressures. The scope of the project is to investigate the effect of injection pressures on a blend of 50% honne oil with 50% diesel and compare with pure diesel on performance and emission characteristics of the diesel engine. Two tested fuels were used during experiments like 100 % diesel and a blend of 50% honne oil mixing in the diesel. The performance tests were conducted at constant speed with variable loads. From experiment results it was found that with honne oil- diesel blend the performance of the engine is better compared with diesel. The break thermal efficiency and mechanical efficiencies were found to be maximum at 200 bar injection pressure with both honne oil- diesel blend, compared with 180 bar and 220 bar. The brake specific fuel consumption was to be minimum at 220bar compared with 180 bar and 200 bar. Hydro carbon emissions of honne oil-diesel operation were less than the diesel fuel mode at all fuel injection pressures.Reference [1] Altin R. Cetinkaya S. and Yucesu H.S., 2001. The potential of using vegetable oil fuels as fuel for diesel engines, Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 42, pp. 529 – 538. [2] Amba P.R.G. and Rama M.P., 2003. Effect of Supercharging on performance of DI Diesel engine with cotton seed oil, Energy Conversion and Management, 44, pp. 937 – 944. [3] 3. Bhattacharya .S and Reddy C.S, 1994. Vegetable oils as Fuel for Internal combustion Engines: A Review, Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research. 57, pp. 157-166. [4] 4. Bhatt, Y. C. and A.N. Mathur. 2002. Biodiesel- an alternative diesel fuel. The Institution of Engineers (India) Souvenir and Annual Bulletin, 10: 29-31. [5] 5. Das, Sankha Subhra. 2005. Use of some non-edible vegetable oil blends as an alternative source of energy for a compression ignition engine. Unpublished M.Tech. Thesis, C.A.E.T, O.U.A.T., Bhubaneswar, Aug 2005. R. Bhaskar Reddy, B. Siddeswararao |
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5. | Comparison of Stable NLMF and NLMS Algorithms for Adaptive Noise Cancellation in ECG Signal with Gaussian, Binary and Uniform Signals As Inputs
Comparison of Stable NLMF and NLMS Algorithms for Adaptive Noise Cancellation in ECG Signal with Gaussian, Binary and Uniform Signals As InputsAbstract: The least mean fourth (LMF) algorithm has several stability problems. Its stability depends on the variance and distribution type of the adaptive filter input, the noise variance, and the initialization of filter weights. A global solution to these stability problems was presented recently for a normalized LMF (NLMF) algorithm. The analysis is done in context of adaptive noise cancellation with Gaussian, binary, and uniform desired signals. The analytical model is shown to accurately predict the optimum solutions. Comparisons of the NLMF and NLMS algorithms are then made for various parameter selections. It is then shown under what conditions the NLMF algorithm is superior to NLMS algorithm for adaptive noise cancelling.Index Terms: Adaptive filtering, adaptive noise cancelling, least mean fourth algorithm, NLMS algorithm, and normalized least mean fourth algorithm. Reference [1] B.Widrow and S.D. Stearns, Adaptive signal processing. Engle-wood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1985. [2] A.H.Sayad, Fundamentals of Adaptive Filtering. New York:Wiley Inter-Science, 2003. [3] E.Walach and B.Widrow, "The least mean fourth adaptive algorithm and its family," IEEE Trans. Inf. Thery, Vol. IT-30, PP. 275-283, Feb. 1984. [4] S.H.Cho, S.D. Kim, and K.Y.Jen, " Statistical convergence of the adaptive least mean fourth algorithm," in Proc.Int.Conf. Signal Process. (ICSP), 1996, PP. 610-613. [5] S.Koike, "Stability conditions for adaptive algorithms with non-quadriatic error vriteria," in Proc. Eur. Signal Process.Conf. (EUSIPCO), Tempere, Finland,sep.5-8, 2000,PP. 131-134. V Sreenivasa Arun Kumar, Sri. Amjad Khan G |
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6. | Design, Implementation and Simulation of 12/24 Hours Digital Clock With Stop Watch and Date Indicator
Design, Implementation and Simulation of 12/24 Hours Digital Clock With Stop Watch and Date IndicatorAbstract: In this paper thedesign, implementation and simulation of a digital clock capable of displaying seconds, minutes and 12 or 24 hours timing, with a date indicator that display days ,months and years including a stop watch is presented. The architectural design was carried out using synchronous decade counters and logic gates. The basic clock frequency signal (in hertz) that drives the clock was generated using a clock voltage source of the simulator for frequency division of the desired clock pulse. The digital clock circuit was implemented and simulated using national instrument electronic work bench (multism) software version 13.0 on personal computer (PC). The result of the simulation showed that the designed clock and stop watch gives an approximate timing count, comparable to different existing digital clocks/stop watch with percentage error of 0.0033%.Key words: synchronous decade counter, logic gates, logic level, clock pulse, Reference [1] Thomas L. Floyd, Digital Fundamentals 9th Edition, Pearson Prentice Hall, Pearson Education international New Jersey, 2007. [2] M. Morris Mano, Digital Design, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 2001 [3] Paul Scherz, Practical Electronics for Inventors, McGraw-Hill Companies, New York, 2000. [4] William Kleitz, Digital Electronics with VHDL, Quartus II version, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 2006 [5] Md. Rabiul Islam and Md. Jobayer Hossain, Gate Level Design of a Digital Clock with Asynchronous-Synchronous Logic, Global Journal of researches in engineering Electrical and electronics engineering, USA, March 2012 G.S.M. Galadanci and S.M. Gana |
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7. | Optimal Coefficient Selection For Medical Image Fusion
Optimal Coefficient Selection For Medical Image FusionAbstract: Medical image fusion is one of the major research fields in image processing. Medical imaging has become a vital component in major clinical applications such as detection/ diagnosis and treatment. Joint analysis of medical data collected from same patient using different modalities is required in many clinical applications. This paper introduces an optimal fusion technique for multiscale-decomposition based fusion of medical images and measuring its performance with existing fusion techniques. This approach incorporates genetic algorithm for optimal coefficient selection and employ various multiscale filters for noise removal. Experiments demonstrate that proposed fusion technique generate better results than existing rules. The performance of proposed system is found to be superior to existing schemes used in this literature.Key words: Genetic algorithm, Medical image fusion, Multiscale decomposition ,Optimal fusion technique Reference [1] J. B. A. Maintz and M. A. Viergever, "A survey of medical image registration, "Med. Image Anal., vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 1–36, 2000. [2] V. D. Calhoun and T. Adali, "Feature-based fusion of medical imaging data", IEEE Trans. Inf. Technol. Biomed., vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 711-720 Sep 2009. [3] T.Z. Wong, T.G. Turkington, T.C.Hawk, and R.E. Coleman, "PET and brain tumor image fusion", Cancer J.,vol. 10, no. 4,pp. 234-242, 2004. [4] M. C. Valdes Hernandez, K. Ferguson, F. Chappell, and J. Wardlaw, "New multispectral MRI data fusion technique for white matter lesion segmentation: method and comparison with thresholding in FLAIR images," Eur. Radiol., vol. 20, no. 7, pp. 1684–1691, 2010. [5] M. I. Smith and J. P. Heather, "A review of image fusion technology in 2005," in Proc. SPIE, vol. 5782, 2005, pp. 29–45. Aswathy S Nair |
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8. | To Study Effect of Various Parameters for Quality Improvement in Technical Education
To Study Effect of Various Parameters for Quality Improvement in Technical EducationAbstract: In the present Research Investigation an effort has been made to study the effect of various important parameters of technical education system on its quality. This is done by creating sub modules of important stakeholders of technical education system and studying their Interactions by constructing causal loop diagrams of various modules .The main objective of this Research study is to construct a system dynamic model based on the interactions among this sub-modules which can be taken as a base for optimal policy planning for achieving optimum level of quality in the technical education system.Reference [1] AICTE (2013),htt://www.aicte.ernet.in//. [2] Anderson, L. W. and Sosnaik, L.A. (eds) (1994). Bloom Taxonomy: A Forty-year Retrospective, Ninety-third Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education (NSSE), Distributed by The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL. [3] Arndt, H. (2007) Using System Dynamics-based Learning Environments to Enhance System Thinking, Conference Proceedings, The 2007 International Conference of the System Dynamics Society and 50th Anniversary Celebration, July 29 – August 2, 2007, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. [4] Conte C. (2003) Honey, I Shrunk the Defict, Governing Magazine/December 2003. [5] Dekkers, J. & Donatti, S. (1981). The integration of research studies on the use of simulation as an instructional strategy. Journal of Educational Research, 74,424-427. Sanjay Soni, Dr. B. K. Chourasia, Abishek Soni |
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9. | Raw Milk Collection Using Pos (Point Of Sale) and Gprs Technology
Raw Milk Collection Using Pos (Point Of Sale) and Gprs TechnologyAbstract: Dairy industry is largest industry in India which collects milk from farmers and produces different dairy products. As Agriculture is backbone of the country and dairy farming is major business for farmers, the proposed system will make this collection, billing process of milk from farmer to dairy more faster, reliable, accurate and less costlier. The proposed system contains POS (Point Of Sale) module and software running on it which includes in crane weighing scale withGPS / GPRS module. System is mobile so it can be carried out in vehicles like car, bicycle or trucks. The vehicle goes to individual farmer, farmer swipes their smart card, person collects milk by weighing it, generates the billing slip to farmer, and the data will be transferred to Centralized system using GPRS. Mean while centralized system will track the location of vehicle by GPS. The centralized system is able to locate the vehicle, make the changes in rates for billing.Index Terms: Electronic Weighing Scale, POS, Real time tracking,GPRS, GPS. Reference [1] B. Bowonder, B R Raghu Prasad and AnupKotla ―ICT application in a dairy industry:The e-experience of Amul‖, Int. J. of Services Technology and ManagementVol.6, No.3/4/5 ,pp.241 – 265,2005 [2] YadavS.N.,Mrs. Kulkarni V.A. ―Design of milk analysis embedded system for dairy farmers‖,International journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering and Technology Vol 3 Issue 2,pp 286-293,2012 [3] FuzhenXie, ChunruXiong, Jufang Hu ―A Wireless Data Collection System Using PIC16F877 and GPRS,‖ IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Electronics Engineering, PP. 437-439, 2012 [4] Yang Kai, Zhang Junmei, Li Wenbin, Yang Liu, GaoLin,XueHuixia ―Weighing System of Fruit-Transportation Gyro car Based on ARM,‖ IEEE Third International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation, PP. 1146-1149, 2011 [5] Wael El-Medany, Alauddin Al-Omary,Riyadh Al-Hakim, and Sufyan Al-Irhayim ―A Cost Effective Real-Time Tracking System Prototype Using Integrated GPS/GPRS Module,‖ IEEE Sixth International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications, PP 521-525, 2010 Mr. Ankit V. Shingala, Mr. R. R. Sedamkar |
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10. | Low Cost Thermal Printing Solution for Devnagari Font
Low Cost Thermal Printing Solution for Devnagari FontAbstract: Receipting in retails market nowadays becomes basic need. Markets like mall, product collection, product selling has to give receipt to customers. In counties where population are illiterate requires receipt to be printed in their regional language for better understanding and proper communication. This paper proposes a system for thermal printing in Devnagari which is regional language of Maharashtra India. The algorithm is developed and implemented on hardware and tested. For printing devnagari, font is created using kiran font and is printed by thermal printer when English string is supplied to it. The performance of the printer is calculated based on speed, quality of printing and how all characters of Marathi will be printed.Index Terms: Thermal Printer, Devnagari, Printer head, Marathi Reference [1] Thomas R. Payne and Hubert R. Plumlee, "Thermal Printer" IEEE journal of solid state circuits, Vol Sc-8 No.1 PP 71-78 February 1973. [2] F.W. Drees, H.Grethen, R.Nisius, W.perkruhn, "Performance of thermal transfer printing and their improvement by model calculatations" Proc. IEEE 4th Int. Conf. Advances on Non-Impact Printing Technology, PP1-2 1988. [3] Kristian Nolde and Manfred Morari," Modelling and control of thermal printing", IEEE transactions on controls sytems technology vol 18 No 2.PP 405-413,2010 [3] Liu Jie, Huang Ting-lei, Zhou Bo, "Study on the control technology for thermal printer based on MCU",Control and Decision Conference,CCDC '09. Chinese PP.5459-5462,2009 [4] Raghuraj Singh, C. S. Yadav, Prabhat Verma, Vibhash Yadav, "Optical Character Recognition (OCR) for Printed Devnagari Script Using Artificial Neural Network", International Journal of Computer Science & CommunicationVol. 1, No. 1, PP. 91-95,2010 [5] Dr. Deepa Gupta, Leema Madhu Nair ," Improving Ocr By Effective Pre-Processing And Segmentation For Devanagiri Script:A Quantified Study" Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology Vol. 52 No.2 PP 142-153 2013 Ankit V. Shingala, Mr. R.R. Sedamkar |
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11. | FPGA Implementation of A New Chien Search Block for Reed-Solomon Codes RS (255, 239) Used In Digital Video Broadcasting DVB-T
FPGA Implementation of A New Chien Search Block for Reed-Solomon Codes RS (255, 239) Used In Digital Video Broadcasting DVB-TAbstract: The Reed-Solomon codes RS are widely used in communication systems, in particular forming part of the specification for the ETSI digital terrestrial television standard. In this paper a simple algorithm for error detection in the Chien Search block is proposed. This algorithm is based on a simple factorization of the error locator polynomial, which allows reducing the number of components required to implement the proposed algorithm on FPGA board. Consequently, it reduces the power consumption with a percentage which can reach 50 % compared to the basic RS decoder. First, we developed the design of Chien Search Block Second, we generated and simulated the hardware description language source code using Quartus software tools,finally we implemented the proposed algorithm of Chien search block for Reed-Solomon codesRS (255, 239) on FPGA board to show both the reduced hardware resources and low complexity compared to the basic algorithm.Key words: Digital video broadcasting,Euclidean Algorithm, Error locator polynomial, FPGA implementation, Reed-Solomon codes. Reference [1] P. Shrivastava, UP. Singh, Error Detection and Correction Using Reed-Solomon Codes, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, 3(8), 2013, 965–969. [2] A. Alotaibi, Implementation of (255, 223) Reed Solomon Code Encoder /Decoder, California state university, 2012. [3] A. Al Azad, MI. Shahed, A Compact and Fast FPGA Based Implementation of Encoding and Decoding Algorithm Using Reed Solomon Codes,International Journal of Future Computer and Communication, 3(1), 2014, 31–35. [4] R. Huynh, G. Ning and Y. Huazhung, A Low Power Error detection in the syndrome calculator Block for Reed-Solomon codes RS: (208,188), J. Tsinghua Science and Technologie, 14(4), 2009, 474-477. [5] V. Tilavat, Y. Shukla, Simplification of procedure for decoding Reed-Solomon codes using various algorithms: An introductory Survey, International Journal of Engineering Development and Research, 2(1), 2014, 279-283. El Habti El Idrissi Anas, El Gouri Rachid, Hlou Laamari |
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12. | Evaluation of CSSR with Direct TCH Assignment in Cellular Networks
Evaluation of CSSR with Direct TCH Assignment in Cellular NetworksAbstract: Global System for Mobile communication (GSM) operators make use of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to appreciate the network performance and evaluate the Quality of Service (QoS) regarding end user perceived quality. KPIs are therefore becoming increasingly important in the context of network rollouts as well as within mature network optimization cycles. The performance of the mobile network is measured based on several counters describing the most important events over a measurement period. The KPIs are derived with the help of these counters using different formulations. Call Setup Success Rate (CSSR) is one of the most important KPIs used by all mobile operators. In Ouagadougou, Burkina-Faso, most of the active workers and remote area farmers rely largely on mobile communication services; the GPRS as data services remain highly competitive with GSM voice services. This paper presents a comparative evaluation of theoretically estimated CSSR to measured CSSR data on a real network with regard to GPRS services. The measured data was obtained from the Nokia Siemens Network (NSN) statistical tool. The results obtained showed significant improvements in areas where sharp drops in CSSR values were recorded for the measured CSSR. Significantly high R square values of close to 1 representing a high predictive ability from the regression analysis of the estimated CSSR were also recorded. It was concluded that the implementation of the CSSR formulation be extended to CSSR measurements to ensure increased subscriber satisfaction.Key words: Call Setup Success Rate, GPRS, GSM, Key Performance Indicators, Subscriber satisfaction. Reference [1] O.K. Darkwa. "Mobile Telephone Markets in Ghana: Status and Outlook", 4th International CICT Conference, Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, 29th – 30th Nov. 2007. [2] B. M. Orstad and E. Reizer, End-to-end key performance indicators in cellular networks, MICT thesis, Agder University College, Norway, May 2006. [3] S. Kyriazakos, N. Papaoulakis, D. Nikitopoulos, E. Gkroustiotis, C. Kechagias, C. Karambalis and G. Karetsos, "A Comprehensive Study and Performance Evaluation of Operational GSM and GPRS Systems under Varying Traffic Conditions", IST Mobile Wireless Telecommunications Summit, 2002, Thessaloniki, Greece [4] K. Adolfsson, TCP performance in an EGPRS system, M. Eng. thesis, Linkӧpings University, Sweden, June 2003. [5] S. Ni and S. –G. Häggman. (2002) "GPRS performance estimation in GSM circuit switched services and GPRS shared resource systems," in Proc. IEEE WCNC'99, vol. 3, pp. 1417–1421. Paula Aninyie and K. Diawuo |
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13. | A Novel Approach on Photovoltaic Technologies for Power Injection in Grid Using Matlab-Simulink
A Novel Approach on Photovoltaic Technologies for Power Injection in Grid Using Matlab-SimulinkAbstract: The paper presents the simulation of the Solar Photovoltaic module using Matlab Simulink. This model is based on mathematical equations and is described through an equivalent circuit including a photocurrent source, a diode, a series resistor and a shunt resistor. This paper presents integration of the grid distribution network in Indian scenario with solar power technology to meet the additional electrical energy demand of urban as well as rural sectors which are both rapidly expanding. First of all the data of a real life power plant having 24V, 230W Power PV module has been compared and analyzed with that of matlab program output for identical module and it has been find out that a variation in temperature affects the parameters values as well as the performance of the solar module. After the above analysis the design and Simulink implementation for single phase power grid connected PV system has been done. The system includes the PV array model, the integration of the MPPT with boost dc converter , dc to ac inverter, single phase series load connected to ac grid. It is demonstrated that the model works well at different temperature conditions and predicting the General behavior of single-phase grid- connected PV systems .Index Terms: PV, Photovoltaic models, Photovoltaic power systems, solar radiation, maximum power point. Reference [1] A.Ashwin Kumar ,2010,―A study on non renewable energy resources in India‖, International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Applications. [2] A. Ashwin Kumar, 2010,―A study on renewable energy resources in India‖, International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Applications, pp. 49-53. [3] A. Demirbas,2005, "Potential applications of renewable energy sources, biomass combustion problems in boiler power systems and combustion related environmental issues‖, Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, vol 31, pp 171-192. [4] A. Durgadevi, S. Arulselvi, S.P.Natarajan, 2011,―Photovoltaic Modeling and Its Characteristics‖, Proceedings of ICETECT,pp 469-475. [5] A. Kassem and M. Hamad ―A Microcontroller-Based Multi-Function Solar Tracking System. Er. Navjot Kaur, Er. Amrik Singh |
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14. | Implementation of a Cellular Manufacturing Tool for Minimization of Non Value Added Activities
Implementation of a Cellular Manufacturing Tool for Minimization of Non Value Added ActivitiesAbstract: The purpose of this study is to develop a plan for reducing lead-times and increasing profit of Centre bolt product by using value stream mapping. The Centre bolt product manufacturer is inefficient because it produces products in large batch quantities and has poor product flow as operations being departmentalized and departments are very far away from each other due to this increase in lead-times could cause a loss in the market share to its competitors. The Centre bolt product manufacturer must reduce its lead-times in order to remain competitive and continue its growth by providing quality products in a timely manner. A study will be carried out using value stream mapping to determine areas of potential improvement on the plant floor. A current state map will be developed and analyzed the areas that have potential for improvement. A future state map will then be created to suggest ways to reduce lead-times and increase profit. The map will include lean manufacturing methods to reduce wastes in the system; increasing profit and reducing lead-times. Current state and future state of manufacturing of a firm are compared and witnessed: 50 percent reduction in lead time, 4 percent reduction in processing time, 58.5 percent reduction in WIP and 22 percent reduction in manpower required to perform same amount of work.Key words: Cellular Manufacturing, Lead time, Non-value added activities, Value Stream Mapping, wastes. Reference [1] AnandGurumurthy, RambabuKodali, (2011), "Design of lean manufacturing systems using value stream mapping with simulation", Journal of manufacturing technology management, Vol. 22 Issue: 4 pp. 444-473. [2] Bhim Singh, S.K. Sharma, (2009), "Value Stream Mapping as a versatile tool for lean implementation: an Indian case study of a manufacturing firm", Measuring Business Excellence, Vol. 13 Issue: 3 pp. 58-68. [3] Dinesh Seth, Nitin Seth, Deepak Goel, (2008), "Application of value stream mapping (VSM) for minimization of wastes in the processing side of supply chain of cottonseed oil industry in Indian context", Journal of manufacturing technology management, Vol. 19 Issue: 2 pp. 529-550. [4] Er. Paramdeep Singh, 2012, "Application of lean tool (value stream mapping) in minimization of the non-value added waste", applied mechanics and materials, Vols. 110-116, pp. 2062-2066. [5] Ibon Serrano Lasa, Carlos ochoaLaburu, Rodolfo de Castro Vila, 2008, "An evaluation of value stream mapping tool", Business process management, vol 14 pp 39-52. Amanparteek Singh, Dr. Harpuneet Singh |
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15. | Linear Control Technique for Anti-Lock Braking System
Linear Control Technique for Anti-Lock Braking SystemAbstract: Antilock braking systems are used in modern cars to prevent the wheels from locking after brakes are applied. The dynamics of the controller needed for antilock braking system depends on various factors. The vehicle model often is in nonlinear form. Controller needs to provide a controlled torque necessary to maintain optimum value of the wheel slip ratio. The slip ratio is represented in terms of vehicle speed and wheel rotation. In present work first of all system dynamic equations are explained and a slip ratio is expressed in terms of system variables namely vehicle linear velocity and angular velocity of the wheel. By applying a bias braking force system, response is obtained using Simulink models. Using the linear control strategies like PI-type the effectiveness of maintaining desired slip ratio is tested. It is always observed that a steady state error of 10% occurring in all the control system models.Reference [1] H. Mirzaeinejad, M. Mirzaei, 'A novel method for non-linear control of wheel slip in anti-lock braking systems', Control Engineering Practice vol. 18, pp. 918–926, 2010 [2] S. Ç.baslamisli, I. E. Köse and G Anlas, 'Robust control of anti-lock brake system', Vehicle System Dynamics, vol. 45, no. 3, pp. 217-232, March 2007 [3] S. B. Choi, 'Antilock Brake System with a Continuous Wheel Slip Control to Maximize the Braking Performance and the Ride Quality', IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, vol. 16, no. 5, September 2008 [4] K.Z. Rangelov, SIMULINK model of a quarter-vehicle with an anti-lock braking system, Master's Thesis Eindhoven: Stan Ackermans Institute, 2004. Eindverslagen Stan Ackermans Institute, 2004102 [5] A. B. Sharkawy,'Genetic fuzzy self-tuning PID controllers for antilock braking systems' Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, vol. 23, pp. 1041–1052, 2010. Chankit Jain, Rahul Abhishek, Abhishek Dixit |
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16. | Parametric Study of Square Concrete Filled Steel Tube Columns Subjected To Concentric Loading
Parametric Study of Square Concrete Filled Steel Tube Columns Subjected To Concentric LoadingAbstract: The Concrete Filled Steel Tube (CFST) member has many advantages compared with the conventional concrete structural member. This study presents on the behaviour of concrete-filled steel tube (CFST) columns under axial load by changing parameters. The parameters are thickness of steel tube, Grade of concrete and length of column. The study was conducted using ANSYS 13 finite element software. All the columns are 60 X 60 mm in size. The thickness of the tube is taken as 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 mm for thickness variation. The grades of concrete infill are M25, M30, M40, M50, M60 and M70 used for grade variation. Lengths of columns are taken as 900, 1200, 1500, 1800, 2100, and 2400 mm for length variation. Buckling load is compared with Euro code 4 (1994).Key words: Buckling, ANSYS, FEM, CFST. Reference [1] Georgios Giakoumelis (2003), "Axial capacity of circular concrete-filled tube columns", Journal of Constructional Steel Research , vol 1, pp 1049–1068. [2] Hsuan-Teh Hu (2005), "Finite element analysis of CFT columns subjected to an axial compressive force and bending moment in combination", Journal of Constructional Steel Research, vol 1, pp 1692–1712. [3] Jian Cai, Zhen-Qiang He (2006), "Axial load behavior of square CFT stub column with binding bars", Journal of Constructional Steel Research, vol 1, pp 472-483. [4] Mohanad Mursi (),"Strength of slender concrete filled high strength steel box columns", Journal of Constructional Steel Research, vol 1, pp 1825–1848 [5] Mohamed Mahmoud El-Heweity (2012), "On the performance of circular concrete-filled high strength steel columns under axial loading", Alexandria Engineering Journal, vol 1, pp 109-119. Bhushan H. Patil, P. M. Mohite |
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17. | A Novel Cluster-Based Energy Efficient Routing With Hybrid Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks
A Novel Cluster-Based Energy Efficient Routing With Hybrid Protocol in Wireless Sensor NetworksAbstract: In wireless sensor network, lifetime of sensor nodes is the most essential parameters. sensor node's lifetime may be extended using LEACH and HEED scheme which is allowing to move the cluster head surrounded by the sensor nodes try to allocate the energy consumption over all nodes in the network. Energy efficiency is depends on the selection of cluster head. In this paper, we proposed the clustering algorithm to minimize the overhead of control packets by using LEACH and HEED and Efficient utilization of node near sink and to implements the hybrid protocol which would be better than the existing protocol.Key words: Wireless sensor network, clustering, energy efficiency. Reference [1] Aboobeker Sidhik Koyamparambil Mammu, Ashwini sharma,''A Novel Cluster-based Energy Efficient Routing in Wireless Sensor Network‟‟ IEEE 27th international conferences, 2013 [2] A. Manjeshwar and D. P. Agarwal, "Apteen: A hybrid protocol for efficient routing and comprehensive information retrieval in wireless sensor networks," (Proc. Int'l. Parallel and Distrib. Proc. Symp, pp. 195–202) [3] Deepali S.Anarase, N.P.Kulkarni,''EEHRP: Energy Efficient Hybrid Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks''IJETT international Journal of engineering Trends and Technology-Volume4Issue3-2013. [4] Enrique J. Duarte-Melo, Mingyan Liu'' Analysis of Energy Consumption and Lifetime of Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks'',EECS, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor [5] "An Efficient K-Means Clustering Algorithm" Khaled Alsabti Sanjay Ranka,Vineet Singh. Shilpa P. Kamble, Prof. Nita M. Thakare, Prof. Animesh R. Tayal |
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18. | Analysis and Visualization of Network Data Using JUNG
Analysis and Visualization of Network Data Using JUNGAbstract: The JUNG (Java Universal Network/Graph) Framework is a free, open-source software library that provides a common and extendible language for the manipulation, analysis, and visualization of data that can be represented as a graph or network. It is written in the Java programming language, allowing JUNG-based applications to make use of the extensive built-in capabilities of the Java Application Programming Interface (API), as well as those of other existing third-party Java libraries. In this paper, the JUNG Framework is described which is used to visualize data.Key words: Data Analysis, Framework, Graph, Java, Network, Open-Source, Representation, Software Library, Visualization. Reference [1] Adar E, Feinberg D (2005). "GUESS: Graph Exploration System." http://www.hpl.hp. com/research/idl/projects/graphs/. [2] Alder G (2005). "JGraph: The Java Graph Visualization Library." http://www.jgraph. com. [3] Apache Jakarta Project (2004). "Commons Collections." http://jakarta.apache.org/ commons/collections/. [4] Batagelj V, Mrvar A (2004). "Pajek: Program for Large Network Analysis." http://vlado.fmf.uni-lj.si/pub/networks/paj ek/. [5] Battista GD, Eades P, Tamassia R, Tollis IG (1999). Graph Drawing: Algorithms for the Visualization of Graphs. Prentice Hall. Pinaz Sayma |
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20. | Pesticides Occurrence in an Alfisol of Sudano-Sahelian Agricultural Watershed (Korokoro, Mali)
Pesticides Occurrence in an Alfisol of Sudano-Sahelian Agricultural Watershed (Korokoro, Mali)Abstract: Soil contamination by pesticides (organochlorine, organophosphates and pyrethroids) has been studied in the agricultural watershed (60.6 km2) of Korokoro in Mali. Farmers of this watershed produce cotton and cereals (sorghum, maize, millet). Soil samples (0-20 cm) of an alfisol used for cotton cropping were collected at the end of the cropping seasons 2010 and 2011. Samples were analyzed by gas chromatography and mass spectrometer for quantifying the main pesticides (profenofos, acetamiprid, atrazine and cypermethrin) frequently used in the watershed and others organochlorine pesticides (DDT, endosulfan and HCH) that could be still detected. The results showed that soils were contaminated by DDT and its metabolites (0.1 to 3.5 μg.kg-1) due to past agricultural uses for African migratory locust control while those of endosulfan sulfate (detection limit to 4.2 μg.kg-1) and cypermethrin (2.5 to 6.2 μg.kg-1) were due to their actual application on cotton. According to mass balances calculation cypermethrin residues are stocked in the soil compartment of the watershed after its application on cotton. This accumulation was evaluated at 13 ± 0.4% of applied quantities.Key words: contamination, Korokoro Watershed, pesticides, alfisol, Mali Reference [1] Hugon, P. (2005). Les réformes de la filière coton au Mali et les négociations internationales. Afr Contemp 4 (216): 203-225. [2] Ajayi, O.;M. Camara;G. Fleisher;F. Haidara;M. Sow; A. Traoré and H. Van Der Valk (2002). Socio-economic assessment of pesticide use in Mali. Publication of the pesticide policy project in cooperation with Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Institute du Sahel, Bamako-Mali [3] Wan g, X. T.;Y. F. Jiang;Y. Jia;F. Wang;M. H. Wu;G. Y. Sheng and J. M. Fu (2009). Occurrence, distribution and possible sources of organochlorine pesticides in agricultural soil of Shanghai, China. J Hazard Mater 170 (2-3): 989-997. [4] Jinglan, F.;S. Jianhui;L. Qun and L. Qilu (2010). Distribution and sources of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in sediments from upper reach of Huaihe River, East China J Hazard Mater 184:141–146. [5] FAO (1994). Revue de la pollution dans l'environnement aquatique africain. Substances d'hydrocarbures chlorés. Document Technique du CPCA No. 25, FAO. 1994, Rome http://www.fao.org/docr ep/005/V3640F/V3640F00.htm Amadou Maiga, Hélène Blanchoud, Drissa Diallo, Fabrice Alliot, Abdoulaye S.Cissé, Marc Chevreuil |
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21. | Epoxy/Wood Apple Shell Particulate Composite With Improved Mechanical Properties
Epoxy/Wood Apple Shell Particulate Composite With Improved Mechanical PropertiesAbstract: Recently there has been a great interest in the industrial applications of composites developed from natural fibers, bio or industrial waste. Present work is an attempt to synthesize composites using a bio waste material i.e. wood apple shell. Composites with 10, 20 and 30 wt % wood apple shell particulate reinforced epoxy composites have been synthesized using Hand layup technique. Mechanical properties have been investigated in detail. Considerable increase in tensile strength and young's modulus was noticed with increase in filler content. Composites were found to be more resistant to abrasion. Flexural strength was found to be quite high in comparison to epoxy.Key words: Composites, Epoxy, Hand layup technique, Mechanical properties Reference [1] Summerscales J, Dissanayake NPJ, Virk AS, Hall W. A review of bast fibres and their composites. Part 1 – Fibres as reinforcements.Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 2010;41:1329– 35. [2] Satyanarayana KG, Arizaga GGC, Wypych F. Biodegradable composites based on lignocellulosic fibers – an overview. Progress in Polymer Science 2009;34:982– 1021. [3] Venkateshwaran N, Elayaperumal A. Banana fiber reinforced polymer composites – a review. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 2010;29:2387–96. [4] John MJ, Thomas S. Review – biofibres and biocomposites. Carbohydrate Polymers 2008;71:343–64. [5] Shinoja S, Visvanathanb R, Panigrahic S, Kochubabua M. Oil palm fiber (OPF) and its composites: a review. Industrial Crops and Products 2011;33:7–22. Vinay Mishra, Anshuman Srivastava |
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22. | Design of Low Power & High Speed Comparator with 0.18μm Technology for ADC Application
Design of Low Power & High Speed Comparator with 0.18μm Technology for ADC ApplicationAbstract: In Analog to Digital Converter (ADC), high speed comparator influences the overall performance of ADC directly. This paper presents the high speed & low power design of a CMOS comparator. Schematic design of this comparator is fabricated in a 0.18μm UMC Technology with 1.8V power supply and simulated in cadence Virtuoso. Simulation results are presented and it shows that this design can work under high speed of 0.8108 GHz. The design has a low offset voltage, low power dissipation 108.0318μw. In addition we have verified present results with schematic view design and also compared these results with earlier reported work and got improvement in this reported work.Index Terms: Preamplifier based Comparator, dynamic comparator, dynamic comparator with positive feedback, Dynamic comparator with positive feedback PMOS as switch, low power, low offset, high speed, low noise, A/D Converter. Reference [1] Wan Rosmaria Wan Ahmad, *Siti Lailatul Mohd Hassan, *Ili Shairah Abdul Halim, *Noor Ezan Abdullah *Ifzuan Mazlan "High Speed with Low Power Folding andInterpolating ADC Using Two Types of Comparator in CMOS 0.18um Technology" 2012 IEEE Symposium on Humanities, Science and Engineering Research [2] P. E. Allen, Douglas R. Holberg, "CMOS Analog Circuit Design", Second Edition, Oxford University. [3] B. Razavi and B. A. Wooly, "Design Techniques for High-Speed, High Resolution Comparators", IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuit", Vol. 27, No. 12, pp. 1916-1926, 1992 [4] Raja Mohd. Noor Hafizi Raja Daud, Mamun Bin Ibne Reaz, and Labonnah Farzana Rahman"Design and Analysis of Low Power and High Speed Dynamic Latch Comparator in 0.18 μm CMOS Process" International Journal of Information and Electronics Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 6, November 2012 [5] Eri Prasetyo*, Dominique Ginhac** , Michel Paindavoine*" Design and Implementation a 8 bits Pipeline Analog to Digital Converter in the Technology 0.6 m CMOS Process." Makalah ada di prosiding ISSM05 , Paris, 30th September – 1st October 2005 Rohit Mongre, R. C. Gurjar |
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23. | Personal Handy System Based Online Vehicle Tracking With Mobile Locking
Personal Handy System Based Online Vehicle Tracking With Mobile LockingAbstract: This paper presents the detailed description about "Personal Handy System" (PHS) which is the alternative technology for Global Positioning System (GPS).PHS is a effective system for network system of vehicle tracking & locking facility from a remote end like control room or even vehicle owner‟s mobile. The operator can see the vehicle‟s current location in real time mode. Here the communication network is comparable to the cellular network in operation.In this paper prototypes are made to illustrate the tracking and locking of vehicle.Key words: Global Positioning System, Personal Handy System,Vehicle Tracking,Mobile Network Reference [1] K.R. Prasanna, M. Hemalathab, "RFID GPS and GSM based logistics vehicle load balancing and trackingmechanism" International Conference on Communication Technology and System Design 2011, Science Direct Procedia Engineering 30 (2012), pp 726-729. [2] Jose Gerardo Carrillo Gonzaleza, J. Aramburo Lizarragaa, "Digitalized Roads based on GPS data in a Virtual World", Iberoamerican Conference on Electronics Engineering and Computer Science, Science Direct Procedia Technology 7 (2013), pp 20-29. [3] G.Derekenaris, J.Garofalakis, C.Makris, J.Prentzas, S.Sioutas, A. Tsakalidis, "Integrating GIS, GPS and GSM technologies for the effective management of ambulances" , Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 25 (2001), pp267-278. [4] Hassan I. Mathkour, "A GPS-based Mobile Dynamic Service Locator System", Science Direct, Applied Computing and Informatics 9 (2011), pp 95-106. [5] M. S. Sujatha and M. Vijay Kumar, "Real Time Analysis and Loss Reduction of Transmission Line using GSM Technology", ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (2012), vol 7, No 4, pp 415-422. Mrs. R. S. Sewane, Prof (Dr) H. V. Vankudre, Prof M. N. Kakatkar |
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24. | Improving the Hydraulic Efficiency of Centrifugal Pumps through Computational Fluid Dynamics Based Design optimization
Improving the Hydraulic Efficiency of Centrifugal Pumps through Computational Fluid Dynamics Based Design optimizationAbstract: The design and optimization of turbo machine impellers such as those in pumps and turbines is a highly complicated task due to the complex three-dimensional shape of the impeller blades and surrounding devices. Small differences in geometry can lead to significant changes in the performance of these machines. We report here an efficient numerical technique that automatically optimizes the geometry of these blades for maximum performance. The technique combines, mathematical modeling of the impeller blades using non-uniform rational B-spline (NURBS), Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) with Geometry Parameterizations in turbulent flow simulation and the Globalized and bounded Nelder-Mead (GBNM) algorithm in geometry optimization.Key words: Fluid dynamics, Optimization, Golobalized and bounded Nelder-Mead, CFD based optimization. Reference [1] E.T. Pak,J.C. Lee,"Performance and pressure distribution changes in a centrifugalpump under two-phase flow". Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. PartA, Journal of Power and Energy, Vol.212(3), pp.165-171 (1998). [2] R.B.Medvitz, R.F. Kunz, D.A. Boger, J.W. Lindau, A.M. Yocum, " Performance analysis of cavitating flow in centrifugal pumps using multiphase CFD", Journal of FluidsEngineering Vol.124(2), p.377(7) (2002). [3] S. Yedidiah, "An alternate method for calculating the head developed by a centrifugal impeller". ASME/JSME Fluids Engineering Conference 107:131138. [4] J.M.Lighthill, " A new method of two-dimensional aerodynamicdesign". ARCR&M 2112.13 (1945). [5] P.M.Came, "The Development, Application and Experimental Evaluation of a DesignProcedure for Centrifugal Compressors", Proceedings of Institution of Mechanical Engineers,Vol. 192. Abdellah Ait moussa, Lin Yunhao |
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1. | Analysis of Isotropic Perforated Stiffened Plate Using FEM
Analysis of Isotropic Perforated Stiffened Plate Using FEMAbstract: In this paper, studied the structural instability caused by circular and square perforated plate having all round simply supported and clamped plate boundary conditions subjected to inplane uniaxial compression loading and also the strengthening effect of the stiffeners when they are reinforced to the unperforated and perforated plate in longitudinal and transverse directions. The area ratios, aspect ratios and types of stiffeners are the parameters considered. A general purpose finite element analysis software ANSYS is used to carry out the study. Results show that the presence of a central circular and square perforations causes reduction in buckling strength of plate and stiffeners can be used to compensate this reduction before it can be used to its best advantage. It is also observed that the plate strengthening effect of longitudinal stiffener is more than that of transverse stiffener for both unperforated and perforated plate. An economical design is possible by introducing stiffeners of optimum size.Key words: Buckling load factor, Cutout, Finite element method, Inplane loads, Stiffeners. Reference [1] Stephen P. Timoshenko and James .M. Gere- McGraw- Hill Company, Theory of Elastic Stability, 2nd edition, (Singapore, 1963) 348-389. [2] Kanwar K. Kapur, A. M. ASCE, and Billy J. Hartz, M. ASCE, Stability of plates using the finite element method, Journal of engineering mechanics division, proceeding of the American society of civil engineers, Vol.92, No.EM2, 1966, 177-195 . [3] M R Purohit, M. Tech Thesis, Buckling strength of simply supported stiffened plate having a plain circular perforation, Sir George Williams University, Montreal, Canada, 1973. [4] A.K.L. Srivastava, P.K. Datta, A.H. Sheikh, Buckling and vibration of stiffened plates subjected to partial edge loading, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, vol. 45, 2003, 73–93 [5] M. Mahendran, N.E. Shanmugam and J.Y. Richard Liew, Strength of stiffened plates with openings Twelvth International Specialty Conference on Cold-Formed Steel Structures, St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A., October 18-19, 1994. Shruthi H.G, Jayashankarbabu B.S |
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2. | Achieving Reduced Area and Power with Multi Bit Flip-Flop When Implemented In UART with Status Register
Achieving Reduced Area and Power with Multi Bit Flip-Flop When Implemented In UART with Status RegisterAbstract: A UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter) is a device allowing the reception and transmission of information, in a serial and asynchronous way. This project focuses on the implementation of UART with status register using multi bit flip-flop and comparing it with UART with status register using single bit flip-flops. During the reception of data, status register indicates parity error, framing error, overrun error and break error. The multi bit flip-flop is indicated in this status register. In modern very large scale integrated circuits, Power reduction and area reduction has become a vital design goal for sophisticated design applications. So in this project the power consumed and area occupied by both multi-bit flip-flop and single bit flip is compared. The underlying idea behind multi-bit flip-flop method is to eliminate total inverter number by sharing the inverters in the flip-flops. Based on the elimination feature of redundant inverters in merging single bit flip-flops into multi bit flip-flops, gives reduction of wired length and this result in reduction of power consumption and area.Key words: Clock buffer, Clock network, Multi bit flip-flop, status Register, Single bit flip-flop. Reference [1] Zhi-Wei Chen and Jin-Tai Yan, Routability-Driven Flip-Flop Merging Process for Clock Power Reduction, Computer Design (ICCD) IEEE International Conference, 2010 [2] Ya-Ting Shyuet. Al., Effective and Efficient Approach for Power Reduction by Using Muti-Bit Flip-Flops, IEEE transactions on very large scale integration systems, 2012 [3] Jin-Tai Yan and Zhi-Wei Chen, Construction of Constrained Multi-Bit Flip-Flops for Clock Power Reduction, Green Circuits and Systems (ICGCS) International Conference, 2010 [4] Chih-Cheng Hsu, Yao-Tsung Chang and Mark Po-Hung Lin, Crosstalk-Aware Power Optimization with Multi-Bit Flip-Flops, 17th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference, 2012 [5] Himanshu Patel; Sanjay Trivedi; R. Neelkanthan; V. R. Gujraty; , "A Robust UART Architecture Based on Recursive Running Sum Filter for Better Noise Performance," VLSI Design, 2007. Held jointly with 6th International Conference on Embedded Systems., 20th International Conference on , vol., no., pp.819-823, Jan. 2007. P.Rajeepriyanka, S R Sastry Kalavakolanu |
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3. | Physical and Magnetic Properties of Manganese Ferrite Nanoparticles
Physical and Magnetic Properties of Manganese Ferrite NanoparticlesAbstract: In this paper, manganese ferrite (MnFe2O4) nanoparticles were synthesized using chemical bath deposition (CBD) method and characterized by XRD and TEM to determine different properties of nanoparticles. The results obtained showed the formation of manganese ferrite nanoparticles with an average particle size are in good agreement with previous reported experimental results and displayed good magnetic properties. Magnetic properties was determined using Vibrating Sample Magnetometer(VSM). Due to simplicity and low cost of this process, it could be used for synthesis of ferrites nanoparticles. These materials may be used in drug delivery systems, electronic devices and water remediation.Key words: CBD, Manganese ferrite, Nanoparticles, TEM, XRD, Reference [1] M. Tsuji, Y. Wada, T. Yamamoto, T. Sano, Y. Tamaura, J. Mater. Sci. Lett. 15 1996 156-165. [2] J.W. Choung, Z. Xu, J.A. Finch, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 38 1999, 4689-4697. [3] A.J. Rondinone, A.C.S. Samia, Z.J. Zhang, J. Phys. Chem. B 2000, 7919-7928. [4] J. Wang, P. F. Chong, S. C. Ng and L. M. Gan, Mater. Lett. 30, 1997, 217-225. [5] Jin-Gyu Kim, Jung-wook Seo, Jinwoo Cheon and Youn-Joong Kim Bull. Korean Chem. Soc., 30(1) 2009, 183-187. Uma Shankar Sharma, Ram Naresh Sharma and Rashmi Shah |
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4. | Performance Evaluation of Different Thresholding Method for De-Noising of Vibration Signal Using Discrete Wavelet Transform
Performance Evaluation of Different Thresholding Method for De-Noising of Vibration Signal Using Discrete Wavelet TransformAbstract: De-noising of the raw vibration signal is essential requirement to improve the accuracy and efficiency of any fault diagnosis of method. In many cases the noise signal is even stronger than the actual signal, so it is important to have such system in which noise elimination can be done effectively, there are many time domain and frequency domain methods are already available, where use of wavelet as time-frequency domain method in the field of de-noising the vibration signal is relatively new, it gives multi resolution analysis in both is time-frequency domain. In this paper various conventional thresholding methods based on discrete wavelet transform are compared with adaptive thresholding method and Penalized thresholding method for the de-noising of vibration signal of rotating machine. Signal to noise ratio (SNR), root mean square error (RMSE) in between de-noised signal with original signal are used as an indicator for selecting the effective thesholding method.Key words: De-noising, DWT, SNR, RMSE Reference [1] Pratyesh Jaiswal at.al. "Machine fault signature analysis" International Journal of Rotating Machinery, Volume 2008, Article ID 583982, pp 1-10 [2] Andrew E. Villanueva Luna, Alberto Jaramillo-Nunez "De-noising audio signals using wavelet tool box" De-Noising Audio Signals Using MATLAB, article in InTech Chin university, Engineering Education and Research Using MATLAB, ISBN: 978-953-307-656-0 pp 25-53 [3] Qian Tian "a study of vibration signal processing using discrete wavelet transform" doctoral diss. Institute of electrical engineering of japan vol.127,No.6, 2007, pp 882-886. [4] Arun Kumar,Anup Mishra, Sumit Sar "Vibration Signal Analysis and Damage Detection using Discrete Wavelet Transform" IJECT Vol. 3, Issue 3, July - Sept 2012 [5] J. Raffiee at.al,"Use of auto correlation of wavelet coefficient for fault diagnosis" mechanical system and signal processing ,23, 2009, pp1554-1572 Mr. Arun Kumar, Dr. Anup Mishra |
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5. | The Cryptographic Schemes for Secret Images
The Cryptographic Schemes for Secret ImagesAbstract: Visual cryptography is one of the techniques used to encrypt the images by dividing the original image into transparencies [1]. The transparencies can be sent to the intended person, and at the other end the transparencies received person can decrypt the transparencies using our tool, thus gets the original image. Our proposed Visual cryptography provides the demonstration to the users to show how encryption and decryption can be done to the images. In this technology, the end user identifies an image, which is not the correct image. That is, while transmitting the image the sender will encrypt the image using our application here sender gets the two or more transparencies of the same image. Our application provides an option to the end user of encryption. The end user can divide the original image into number of different images. Using our application we can send encrypted images that are in the format of GIF and PNG. The encrypted transparencies can be saved in the machine and can be sent to the intended person by other means [source].Key words: Visual cryptography, transparencies, visual cryptographic schemes. ,etc Reference [1] Shamir, "How to share a secret," Commun. ACM, vol. 22, no. 11, pp. 612–613, 1979. [2] G. R. Blakley, "Safeguarding cryptographic keys," in Proc. National Computer Conf., 1979, vol. 48, pp. 313–317. [3] M. Naor and A. Shamir, "Visual cryptography," in Proc. EUROCRYPT' 94, Berlin, Germany, 1995, vol. 950, pp. 1–12, Springer-Verlag, LNCS. [4] M. Naor and B. Pinkas, "Visual authentication and identification," in Proc. CRYPTO'97, 1997, vol. 1294, pp. 322–336, Springer-Verlag LNCS. [5] T. H. Chen and D. S. Tsai, "Owner-customer right protection mechanism using a watermarking scheme and a watermarking protocol," Pattern Recognit., vol. 39, pp. 1530–1541, 2006. P. Anusha, C. Prasad Rao |
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6. | Stochastic Model to Find the Gallbladder Motility in Acromegaly Using Exponential Distribution
Stochastic Model to Find the Gallbladder Motility in Acromegaly Using Exponential DistributionAbstract: The purpose of the study was octreotide therapy in acromegaly is associated with an increased prevalence of gall stones, which may be the result of inhibition of gall bladder motility. Gall stone prevalence in untreated acromegalic patients relative to the general population is unknown, however and the presence of gall stones and gall bladder motility in these patients and in acromegalic patients receiving octreotide was therefore examined. Gall bladder emptying in untreated acromegalic subjects is impaired. Octreotide further increases post prandial residual gall bladder volume and this may be a factor in the increased gall stone prevalence seen in these patients. The results of octreotide therapy in acromegalic and the normal controls were compared using the marginal distribution of a stretched Brownian motion B(ta)![]() Reference [1] Catnach S M, Anderson J V, Fairclough P D and Trembath R C, "Effect of Octreotide on Gall Stone prevalence and Gall Bladder motility in Acromegaly", Gut 1993, 34: 270-273. [2] Gardiner C W, "Handbook of Stochastic Methods for Physics, Chemistry and the Natural Sciences", Springer, Berlin, Germany, 2nd Edition, 1990. [3] Gorenflo R and Mainardi F, "Fractional Calculus: Integral and Differential Equations of Fractional Order", in Fractals and Fractional Calculus in Continuum Mechanics, A. Carpinteri and F.Mainardi, Eds., 223-276, Springer, 1997. [4] Grigolini P, Rocco A and West B J, "Fractional Calculus as a Macroscopic Manifestation of Randomness", Physical Review E, Volume 59, Number 3, 2603-2613, 1999. [5] Klafter J, Lim S C and Metzler R, "Fractional Dynamics", Recent Advances, World Scientific, Singapore, 2012. P. Senthil Kumar, A. Dinesh Kumar & M. Vasuki |
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7. | Feature Selection Method For Single Target Tracking Based On Object Interaction Models
Feature Selection Method For Single Target Tracking Based On Object Interaction ModelsAbstract: For single-target tracking problem Kernel-based method has been proved to be effective. A tracker which takes advantage of contextual information to incorporate general constraints on the shape and motion of objects will usually perform better when compare to the one that does not exploit this information. This is due to the reason that a tracker designed to give the best average performance in a variety of scenarios can be less accurate for a particular scene than a tracker that is attuned (by exploiting context) to the characteristics of that scene. The use of a particular feature set for tracking will also greatly affect the performance. Generally, the features that best discriminate between multiple objects and, between the object and background are also best for tracking the object.Key words: Kernel, tracker, feature, tracking, object Reference [1] AlperYilmaz, Kernel-based object tracking using asymmetric kernels with adaptive scale and orientation selection, Machine Vision and Applications (2011) 22:255–268, DOI 10.1007/s00138-009-0237-4. [2] Dorin Comaniciu, Visvanathan Ramesh, and Peter Meer Kernel-Based Object Tracking, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PATTERN ANALYSIS AND MACHINE INTELLIGENCE, VOL. 25, NO. 5, MAY 2003. [3] Guorong Li, Wei Qu, and Qingming Huang, REAL-TIME INTERACTIVE MULTI-TARGET TRACKING USING KERNEL-BASED TRACKERS, Proceedings of 2010 IEEE 17th International Conference on Image Processing September 26-29, 2010, Hong Kong. [4] Jagan Mohan R NV and Subbarao R, Similarity of Inference Face Matching on Angle Oriented Face Recognition, Computer Engineering and Intelligent Systems ISSN 2222-1719 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2863 (Online), Vol 3, No.2, 2012. [5] PrajnaParimita Dash, Diptipatra, Sudhansu Kumar Mishra, and JagannathSethi, Kernel based Object Tracking using Color Histogram Technique,International Journal of Electronics and Electrical Engineering ISSN : 2277-7040 Volume 2 Issue 4, April 2012. D.Vishnu Vardhan, K. Bhavya |
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RELIABILITY BASED DESIGN OF A GEAR BOXAbstract: Reliability is the probability that a system, component or device will perform without failure for a specified period of time under specified operating conditions. The concept of reliability is of great importance in the design of various machine members. Conventional engineering design uses a deterministic approach. It disregards the fact that the material properties, the dimensions of the components and the externally applied loads are statistical in nature. In conventional design this uncertainties are covered with a factor of safety, which is not always successful. The growing trend towards reducing uncertainty and increasing reliability is to use the probabilistic approach. In the present work a three shaft four speed gear box and six speed gear box are designed using reliability principles. For the specified reliability of the system (Gear box), component reliability (Gear pair) is calculated by considering the system as a series system. Design is considered to be safe and adequate if the probability of failure of gear box is less than or equal to a specified quantity in each of the two failure modes. . All the parameters affecting the design are considered as random variables and all the random variables are assumed to follow normal distribution. A computer program in C++ is developed to calculate the face widths in bending and surface failure modes. The larger one out of the two values is considered. By changing the variations in the design parameters, variations in the face widths are studied.Key words: Reliability Based Design, four speed gear box, six speed gear box, probabilistic approach Reference [1.] E.Balaguruswamy: Reliability engineering, Tata McGraw Hill Publishers, 2002. [2.] O.C.Smith: Introduction to Reliability in Design, Tata McGraw Hill publishers, Inc., 1976. [3.] Reshtov.D. Ivanov.A and Fadeev.V: Reliability of Machines, Mir publishers, Moscow, 1990. [4.] K.C.Kapur and L.R.Lamberson: Reliability in Engineering Design, John Wiley & sons, [5.] E.B.Haugen: Probabilistic Mechanical Design, Wiley inter-science, Newyork, 1980.. D.MADHUSEKHAR, DR.K. MADHAVA REDDY |
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9. | Research on Automobile Exterior Color and Interior Color Matching
Research on Automobile Exterior Color and Interior Color MatchingAbstract: The objective of this research was to optimize the matching of automobile exterior colors and interior colors as a method of creative support for product planning. First, preference surveys were conducted to determine which exterior colors and interior colors suit the preferences of women in their twenties, who were the target of the research. Second, color combinations were created based on the data obtained from the preference surveys. Third, for the purpose of validation, the effectiveness of the method was confirmed by conducting surveys to determine whether the color combinations created were suitable for women in their twenties.Key words: automobile, exterior colors, interior colors, color matching, preferences of women. Reference [1] Amasaka, K., Nagaya, A. and Shibata, W., Studies on Design SQC with the Application of Science SQC - Improving of Business Process Method for Automotive Profile Design, Japanese Journal of Sensory Evaluations, 1999, Vol.3, No.1, pp.21-29. [2] Asami, H., Ando, T., Yamaji, M. and Amasaka, K., A Study on Automobile Form Design Support Method "AFD-SM", Journal of Business & Economics Research, 2010, Vol.8, No.11, pp. 13-19. [3] Fujieda, S., Masuda, Y. and Nakahata, A., Development of Automotive Color Designing Process, Journal of Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, 2007, Vol. 61, No. 6, pp. 79-84. [4] Harada, O. and Ozawa, T., Color Trends and Popularity in AUTO CHINA 2008 and Chinese Urban Area, Research of Paints, 2008, No.151, pp.58-63. [5] Koizumi, K., Kawahara, S., Kizu, Y. and Amasaka, K., A Bicycle Design Model Based on Young Women's Fashion Combined with CAD and Statistics, China-USA Business Review, 2013, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 266-277. Kaori Koizumi, Rikako Kanke, Kakuro Amasaka |
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10. | Power Gating Based Ground Bounce Noise Reduction
Power Gating Based Ground Bounce Noise ReductionAbstract: As low power circuits are most popular the decrease in supply voltage leads to increase in leakage power with respect to the technology scaling. So for removing this kind of leakages and to provide a better power efficiency many power gating techniques are used. But the leakage due to ground connection to the active part of the circuit is very high rather than all other leakages. As it is mainly due to the back EMF of the ground connection it was called it as ground bounce noise. To reduce this noise different methodologies are designed. In this paper the design of such an efficient technique related to ground bounce noise reduction using power gating circuits and comparing the results using DSCH and Microwind low power tools. In this paper the analysis of adders such as full adders using different types of power gated circuits using low power VLSI design techniques and to present the comparison results between different power gating methods.Key words: power gating, leakage current, stacking, ground bounce noise. Reference [1] Shilpi Birla, Neeraj K. Shukla, Manisha Pattanaik and R. K Singh "Analysisof the data stability and leakage reduction in the various SRAM cells topologies", International Journal of engineering science & technology computer (HEST), Singapore, vol. 2(7), 2010, pp. 2936-2944, ISSN: 0975-5462. [2] M. Tie, H. Dong, T. Wong, Xu Cheng, " Dual- Vth leakage reduction with fast clock skew scheduling enhancement", IEEE conference on Design Automation & Test in Europe, 2010, pp. 520-525. [3] R Bhanuprakash, Manisha Pattanaik, S.S Rajput and Kaushik Mazumdar, "Analysis & reduction of ground bounce noise and leakage current during mode transition of stacking power gating logic circuits" , proceedings of IEEE TENCON Singapore, pp. 1-6, 2009. [4] Shilpi Birla, Neeraj Kr. Shukla, RK Singh and Manisha Pattanaik, " Device and circuit design challenges for low leakage SRAM for ultra low power applications", Canadian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE) Canada, USA, voU, no.7, Dec. 2010, pp. 156-157, ISSN: I 923-0540. [5] M. H. Chowdhary, G. Gjanc, J.P. Khaled, "Controlling ground bounce noise in power gating scheme for system- on- chip," in Proc. Int. Symposium on VLSI (2008), pp. 437-440. M. Uma Maheswari, Mrs. K. Srilakshmi |
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11. | How to Make the Financial Analysis an Easy Task – A Comparative Analysis between the Traditional and the Modern Approach?
How to Make the Financial Analysis an Easy Task – A Comparative Analysis between the Traditional and the Modern Approach?Abstract: This research paper is based upon the comparison of the Traditional Approaches / Methods with the Modern Approach / Methods in a simple manner so the beginners of the Financial Mangement could understand the relevance of the latest approaches as well . In this paper a sample example had been taken to solve a case of the two projects which are mutually exclusive wherein the best project is to be selected out of the two. The Same had been solved both by the traditional approach as well as by the modern approach so that the comparisons could be easily justified .Key words: Traditional , Modern , Online Calculators , Weblinks Reference [1] http://www.calculatorweb.com/ [2] http://www.calculator.net/ [3] http://easycalculation.com/ [4] www.ijera.com/papers/Vol3_issue5/AD35166170.pdf (Re-Designing Of A Service Center with the Free and Open Source) [5] www.ijera.com/papers/Vol3_issue6/AE36176187.pdf (A Research Methodology For CRM A New Research Approach) Rajamahanti Surya Kiran, Vikas Kumar Singh, Maninder Singh, Anand Kolanukonda, Ayyagari Arvind |
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12. | Fighting Accident Using Eye Detection forSmartphones
Fighting Accident Using Eye Detection forSmartphonesAbstract: This paper is an attempt to investigate an important problem and approaches of human eye detection, blinking, and tracking. A new system was proposed and implemented using android technology for smartphones. System creatively reduces accidents due to drivers' fatigue by focusing on treating the driver after fatigue has been detected to achieve decrease in accident likelihood. Smartphone's have been the important tools in our society for the abundant functions including communication, entertainment and online office etc. as the pivotal devices of mobile computing. Smartphone development has also become more important than before. Android is one of the emerging leading operating systems for smartphones as an open source system platform. Many smartphones have adopted this platform and more smartphones will do so in the future. The proposed system is well-suited for real world driving conditions since it can be non-intrusive by using video cameras to detect changes. Driver operation and vehicle behavior can be implemented by equipping automobiles with the ability to monitoring the response of the driver. This involves periodically requesting the driver to send a response to the system to indicate alertness. The propose system based on eyes closer count & yawning count of the driver. By monitoring the eyes and face, it is believed that the symptoms of driver fatigue can be detected early enough to avoid a car accident and providing the driver with a warning if the driver takes his or her eye off the road.Key words: Smartphones, Android, Multimedia, Eye Blinking, Eye Detection, Software Development Reference [1] Industry leaders announce open platform for mobile devices, November 2007. [2] K. Owen, An Executive Summary of Research in Android & Integrated Development Environments, April 2011. [3] OpenCV, Open source Computer Vision library. In http://opencv.willowgarage.com/wiki/, 2009. [4] W. Meeussen, M. Wise, S. Glaser, S. Chitta, C. McGann, P. Mihelich, E. Marder-Eppstein, M. Muja, V. Eruhimov, T. Foote, J. Hsu, R. Rusu, B. Marthi, G. Bradski, K. Konolige, B. Gerkey, and E. Berger, "Autonomous Door Opening and Plugging In with a Personal Robot," in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Anchorage, Alaska, May 3-8 2010. [5] N.K. Jha. "Low power system scheduling and synthesis", IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer Aided Design, pages 259 – 263, Nov. 2001. Mohamed A. Mohamed, A. I. Abdel-Fatah, Bassant M.El-Den |
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13. | Preparation and Investigation on Properties of Cryogenically Solidified Nano Metal Matrix Composites
Preparation and Investigation on Properties of Cryogenically Solidified Nano Metal Matrix CompositesAbstract: In the present work, AL-alloy containing 12% silicon (LM 13) matrix nano composites were fabricated in sand moulds by using copper end blocks of copper end chill thickness 10 &15 nm with cryogenic effect . The size of the reinforcement (NanoZro2) ranges from 50-80nm being added ranges from 3 to 15 wt % in steps of 3 wt % . Cryogenically solidified Nano Metal Matrix Composites were compressed by using hydraulic compression machine. Specimens were prepared according to ASTM standards and tested for their strength, hardness and fracture toughness. Micro structural studies of the fabricated Nano Composites indicate that there is uniform distributions of reinforcements in the matrix materials (LM 13). An increasing trend of hardness, UTS & fracture toughness has been observed. The best results have been obtained at 12 wt %. The results were further justified by comparing two copper end chill thickness 10 &15 mm. Finally the Volumetric Heat Capacity of the cryo-chill is identified as an important parameter which affects mechanical properties.Key words: Cryo-chill, Cryogenic effect, Copper end chills, Fracture toughness, Volumetric Heat Capacity. Reference [1] Joel Hemanth, Development and evaluation of aluminum alloy reinforced with nano-ZrO2 metal matrix composites (NMMCs). Material Science and Engineering, (2009), p.110-113. [2] S.F. Hassan and M. gupta, Effect of Nano- ZrO2 reinforcement on microstructure and mechanical behaviour of solidification processed elemental Mg. Journal of composite materials Vol 41 No 21 (2007), p. 2533-2543. [3] Joel Hemanth, Fracture behaviour of cryogenically solidified aluminum alloy reinforced with nano-ZrO2 metal matrix composites (CNMMCs).Journal of chemical engineering and materials science vol. 2(8)(august 2011), p.110-121. [4] K.H.W.Seah, J Hemanth, Cryogenic effects during casting on the wear behavior of aluminum-alloy/glass MMCs. Composites Part A 38(2007), p. 1395-1402. [5] Joel Hemanth, Quartz (SiO2p) reinforced chilled metal matrix composite (CMMC) for automotive application.Materials and Design Vol 30 Issue 2, (Feb 2009) P. 323-329. R H Jayaprakash, Dr Abdul Budan, Dr. Joel Hemanth |
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14. | A Survey on Classification of Power Quality Disturbances in a Power System
A Survey on Classification of Power Quality Disturbances in a Power SystemAbstract: Nowerdays, due to the penetration of power electronics based loads and microprocessor based controlled loads. We have to give more importance to power Quality problems. In order to improve the power quality, the sources of power quality disturbances should be recognized and classified earlier. So many techniques are proposed so far in many research papers under feature extraction and classification. This paper gives a survey of the various papers and it will be use full for the researchers to know about the various methods discussed and helps to do the further work in this area.Key words: Power Quality, Support Vector Machine, Fuzzy Expert System, Wavelet Transform. Reference [1] D.P.Kailasapathi, D.Siva Kumar."Methods to analyze power quality disturbances", European Journal of Scientific Research, Vol 47 No.1, 2010, 06-016. [2] I.W.C.Lee & Dash.P.K.'S-Transform based Intelligent System for classification of power quality disturbance signals", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics ,Vol 50.No.4,2006,800-805. [3] J.A. Rosen do, and A. Gomez, Efficient moving window-DFT algorithms, IEEE Transaction on Circuits and Systems, II: Analog and Digital Signal Processing 45, 1998, 256-260. [4] Stockwell R.G., Mansinha L., and Lowe R.P., Localization of the complex spectrum: the S-transform, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 44, No.4, 998-1001. [5] F. Zhao and R. Yang, "Power quality disturbance recognition using S transform," IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 944–207, Apr.2007. O. Jeba Singh, Dr. Prince Winston |
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15. | Catalan Tau Collocation for Numerical Solution of 2-Dimentional
Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations
Catalan Tau Collocation for Numerical Solution of 2-Dimentional Nonlinear Partial Differential EquationsAbstract: Tau method which is an economized polynomial technique for solving ordinary and partial differential equations with smooth solutions is modified in this paper for easy computation, accuracy and speed. The modification is based on the systematic use of "Catalan polynomial‟ in collocation tau method and the linearizing the nonlinear part by the use of Adomian‟s polynomial to approximate the solution of 2-dimentional Nonlinear Partial differential equation. The method involves the direct use of Catalan Polynomial in the solution of linearizedPartial differential Equation without first rewriting them in terms of other known functions as commonly practiced. The linearization process was done through adopting the Adomian Polynomial technique. The results obtained are quite comparable with the standard collocation tau methods for nonlinear partial differential equations.Key words: Tau method, Collocation tau method, partial differential equation, Catalan Polynomial. Nonlinear Reference [1] A. Graham, "Kronecker Products and Matrix Calculus with Applications". First Edition, Horwoodseries, pp 18-35,May 1981. [2] C. Lanczos "Trigonometric Interpolation of Empirical and Analytical Functions," Journal Maths. Physics Vol. 1, No.17, pp 123-99, June 1938. [3] C. Lanczos."Applied Analysis". Prentice –Hall, EnglewoodCliffs,New Jersey. Pp36-48, August,1956. [4] K. M. Liu, "A new Formulation of the Tau- Collocation Method for the Numerical Solution ofDifferential Equation" (Res.Rep.) 0286, HongKong Polytechnic University,September, 1986. (unpublished) [5] K. M. Liu, C. N.Sam, and W.W. Hung,. "A Tau- Collocation Method for the Numerical Solution of Non-Linear Ordinary Differential Equations" Journal of Maths Physics Vol. 1, No. 3,pp 105–162 August, 2003. M. R.Odekunle, M. O.Egwurube and Simon Stephen |
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16. | A Survey of Software Reusability
A Survey of Software ReusabilityAbstract: Reusability is an only one best direction to increase developing productivity and maintainability of application. One must first search for good tested software component and reusable. Developed Application software by one programmer can be shown useful for others also component. This is proving that code specifics to application requirements can be also reused in develop projects related with same requirements. The main aim of this paper proposed a way for reusable module. An process that takes source code as a input that will helped to take the decision approximately which particular software, reusable artefacts should be reused or not.Key words: software reuse, reusability, metrics, CK metrics, cyclomatic complexity Reference [1] Software Reuse Plans BringPaybacks," Computeworld, Vol. 27, KO. 49, pp.73-76. Anthes, Gary I I., [2] J.W. Bailey and V.R. Basili. "A s meta-model for oftware development resource expenditures". Proc. Fifth Int. Conf. Software Engineering.Pages107-116. 1981 [3] Norman Fenton. "Software Metrics A Rigorous Approach" .Chapman & Hall, London, 1991 [4] Software Reusability Vol II Applications and Experiences, Addison Wesley, 1989. [5] http://www.indiawebdevelopers.com/articles/reusability.asp Rohit Patidar, Prof. Virendra Singh |
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17. | A New Technique to Digital Image Watermarking Using DWT for Real Time Applications
A New Technique to Digital Image Watermarking Using DWT for Real Time ApplicationsAbstract: Digital watermarking is an essential technique to add hidden copyright notices or secret messages to digital audio, image, or image forms. In this paper we introduce a new approach for digital image watermarking for real time applications. We have successfully implemented the digital watermarking technique on digital images based on 2-level Discrete Wavelet Transform and compared the performance of the proposed method with Level-1 and Level-2 and Level-3 Discrete Wavelet Transform using the parameter peak signal to noise ratio. To make the watermark robust and to preserve visual significant information a 2-Level Discrete wavelet transform used as transformation domain for both secret image and original image. The watermark is embedded in the original image using Alpha blending technique and implemented using Matlab Simulink.Key words: Digital Watermarking Technique, Discrete wavelet transform, Luma component, Alpha Blending, Levels. Reference [1]. R Chandramouli, Nasir Memon and Majid Rabbani "Digital Watermarking", Encyclopedia of Imaging Science and Technology, pp. 1-21, 2002. [2]. P Tay and J P Havlicek, "Image Watermarking using Wavelets", Proceedings of Fortyfifth IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp. 258-261, August 2002, Oklahoma. [3]. Hesham A and El Zouka "FPGA Based Implementation of Robust Watermarking System" Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Information Technology, pp. 1274-1278, April 2008. [4]. Zhang and Yong Ping, "Digital Watermarking Technique for Images based on DWT", Proceedings of Seventh IEEE International Conference on Digital Object Identifier, pp. 1-4, 2011. [5]. Thongkor K, Mettripum N, Promoun T and Amornraksa T, "Image Watermarking based on DWT Coefficients Modification for Social Networking Services", Proceedings of Tenth IEEE International Conference on Digital Object Identifier, pp. 1-6, 2013 Swamy T N, Dr. K Ramesha, Dr. Cyril Prasanna Raj |
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18. | Prediction of Fatigue Life of Boom Nose End Casting Using Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics
Prediction of Fatigue Life of Boom Nose End Casting Using Linear Elastic Fracture MechanicsAbstract: The main objective of this study is to get the life estimation of Boom nose end casting using theoretical approach and compaired it with finite element method. Therefore, this study consists of three major sections : (1) dynamic load analysis (2) FEM and stress analysis (3) prediction of fatigue life for Boom nose end casting. In this study a dynamic loads were obtained from cyclic loading at different time. Finite element analysis was performed to obtain the variation of stress magnitude at the crack locations. This loads and boundary condition were applied to the FE model in ANSYS. The analysis was carried out for different crack length on the surface area of circle of Boom Nose End Casting. As a result, fatigue life for different crack length on the Boom Nose End Casting is obtained. The main objective of this study is to investigate the fatigue life of Boom Nose End Casting under complex loading conditions. Due to the repeated bending and tensile loading acting, Boom Nose End Casting fails, as cracks forms in surface area of circle. Hence, fatigue plays an important role in Boom Nose End Casting development. Accurate prediction of fatigue life is very important to insure safety of components and its reliability. The Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics approach is used to predict the fatigue life of Boom Nose End Casting.Key words: Boom Nose End Casting, Dynamic Loading, Fatigue Failure, Finite Element Method. Reference [1] R.M. Metkar, V.K. Sunnapwar and S.D. Hiwase ―A Fatigue Analysis and Life Estimation of Crankshaft - A Review‖ International Journal of Mechanical and Materials Engineering (IJMME), Vol.6 (2011), No.3, pp 425-430. [2] Yibing Xiang, Zizi Lu and Yongming Liu, ―Crack growth-based fatigue life prediction using an equivalent initial flaw model. Part I: Uniaxial loading‖, International Journal of Fatigue, 2009, pp 1-9. [3] Rajesh M.Metkar, Vivek K.Sunnapwar, Subhash Deo Hiwase, Vidya Sagar Anki, Mahendra Dumpa, ―Evaluation of FEM based fracture mechanics technique to estimate life of an automotive forged steel crankshaft of a single cylinder diesel engine‖ Chemical, Civil and Mechanical Engineering Tracks of 3rd Nirma University International Conference, Procedia Engineering, 51 ( 2013 ), pp 567 – 572. [4] David Taylor, Pietro Cornetti, Nicola Pugno, ―The fracture mechanics of finite crack extension‖, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 72(2004), pp1021–1038. [5] Toshio Hattoria, Muhammad Amiruddin Bin Ab Wahabb, Takuya Ishidab and Minoru Yamashitac, ―Fretting Fatigue Life Estimations Based on the Critical Distance Stress Theory‖,Procedia Engineering, 10 (2011), pp 3134–3139. Nitin D.Ghongade , Rajesh.M. Metkar, Subhash D.Hiwase |
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19. | Carbonatite Bombs, Lapillus, Pisolites And Ashes In Semi-Unconsolidated Conglomerate Of Early Pleistocene From Thiruvalangadu, Tamil Nadu, India
Carbonatite Bombs, Lapillus, Pisolites And Ashes In Semi-Unconsolidated Conglomerate Of Early Pleistocene From Thiruvalangadu, Tamil Nadu, IndiaAbstract: Occurrence of sediments hosted smooth surfaced flat / discoid black and pink coloured bimodal carbonatite bombs, lapillus, pisolites and ashes in semi-unconsolidated conglomerate covering an area of 90 sq.km is reported from Thiruvalangadu (13o10'36"N-76o44'38"E) area situated 60 km WNW of Chennai. The carbonatite materials are uniformly composed of flow-oriented fine-grained calcites <0.02 mm with vesicles < 1mm dimensions filled with recrystallized relatively coarse-grained calcites (~0.1mm). These rocks are essentially composed of calcite with accessories of apatite, augite, hornblende, biotite, wollastonite, skeletal sanidine, sodic oligoclase and corroded quartz. These rocks have significant amount of silica and alumina. Their Fe3+/Fe2+ is greater than 1. The pink variety contains K2O> Na2O. Mafic minerals are alkalic in nature. The low values of ∂13CPDB (from -8.2 to -5.5‰) in black carbonatite and in pink carbonatite (from -5.2 to 0.10‰) and high values of ∂18SMOW (from 23.1 to 23.7‰) for block carbonatites and (from 24.4 to 27.63‰) for pink carbonatites indicate extensive degassing and loss of volatiles and alkalies by exhalative eruption of these lavas.Key words: Carbonatite bombs, Pyroclasts, Early Pleistocene bimodal carbonatite eruptions, Thiruvalangadu, Tamil Nadu Reference [1] R Mac Intyre, Age and significance of carbonatites and alkaline intrusive, Mem. Noticicas. Mus. Lab. Min. Geol. Univ. Coimbra, 80, 1975, 99-103 [2] R. Ramasamy, Reactivation of tahe Easter Ghats Paleorift System during Tertiary and other periods, Proc. Nat. Seminar on Tertiary Orogeny, Varanasi, 1987, 109-127. [3] R. Ramasamy, Carbonatite volcanism related to mineralization in Kudangulam area, near Cape Comorin, Tamil Nadu, WBO3, Mineralization and alkali magmatism in the Deccan Igneous Province and in other parts of the world, 30th I.G.C, Beijing, 1996 abst 1, 13 [4] R. Ramasamy, Evidences of Neocene carbonatitic volcano-tectonic deformations in Kudangulam area, Cape Comorin, Tamil Nadu, Tamil Civilization, 14-18, 167-179 [5] R. Ramasamy, Late Cenozoic lava tubes and rootless volcanic effusions in Ta,il Nadu Plume Tectonics, Workshop, NGRI, Hyderabad, abst. 2000, 14 Ramachandran Ramasamy |
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20. | Design and Implementation of 16-Bit Magnitude Comparator
Using Efficient Low Power High Performance Full Adders
Design and Implementation of 16-Bit Magnitude Comparator Using Efficient Low Power High Performance Full AddersAbstract: In VLSI applications, area, delay and power are the important factors which must be taken into account in the design of a fast adder [1]. The paper attempts to examine the features of certain adder circuits which promise superior performance compared to existing circuits. The advantages of these circuits are low-power consumption, a high degree of regularity and simplicity. In this paper, the design of a 16-bit comparator is proposed. Magnitude comparison is one of the basic functions used for sorting in microprocessor, digital signal processing, so a high performance, effective magnitude comparator is required. The main objective of this paper is to provide new low power, area solution for Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) designers using low power high performance efficient full adders.Key words: X greater than Y(XgY),X less than Y(XlY),X equal to Y(XeY) ,Power delay product (PDP),Low- Power(LP), High-Performance (HP), FA24T, N-10T,Bridge. Reference [1] Mohammad Hossein Moaiyeri and Reza Faghih Mirzaee, "Two new Low-Power and High-Performance Full adders", Journal of computers, Vol. 4, No. 2, February 2009. [2] Digital Principles and Design – Donald G. Givone [3] Basic VLSI Design – Douglas A. Pucknell . [4] Dimitrios Sourdis, Christian Piguet and Costas Goutis , Designing CMOS Circuits for Low Power, European Low-Power Initiative for Electronic System Design Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004, ISBN: 978-1-4020-7234-5. [5] C. H. Chang, J. Gu and M. Zhang, "A review of 0.18μm full adder performances for tree structured arithmetic circuits", IEEE Transactions on Very Large CSAle Integration (VLSI) Systems, vol. 13, no. 6. Ajaykumar S Kulkarni, Nikhil N Amminabhavi, Akash A F, Aditya Parvati |
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21. | An Improved Deterministic Energy Efficient Clustering Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
An Improved Deterministic Energy Efficient Clustering Protocol for Wireless Sensor NetworksAbstract: In recent development, achieving the deployment of nodes, lifetime, fault tolerance, latency, energy efficiency in brief robustness and high reliability have become the prime research goals of wireless sensor network. In recent years many clustering protocols have been suggested on clustering structure based on heterogeneity. We propose improved deterministic energy-efficient clustering protocol for four types of nodes which extend the stability and lifetime of the network in team of first node get dead. Hence, it increases the heterogeneity and energy level of the network. I-DEC performs better than E-SEP, SEP and DEC with more stability and effective messages shows in simulation results.Reference [1] F. A. Aderohunmu, J. D. Deng, and M. K. Purvis. Enhancing Clustering in Wireless Sensor Networks with Energy Heterogeneity. International Journal of Business Data Communications and Networking-(Accepted, to appear in the forthcoming issue, 2011. [2] Femi A. Aderohunmu , Jeremiah D. Deng , Martin K. Purvis," A Deterministic Energy-efficient Clustering Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks", In Proceedings of the Seventh IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (IEEE-ISSNIP), pages 341-346, Dec. 2011. [3] S. Lindsey and C. S. Raghavendra, "PEGASIS: Power Efficient Gathering in Sensor Information Systems,"in the Proceedings of the IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, Montana, March 2002. [4] O. Younis, S. Fahmy, "HEED: A hybrid, energy efficient, distributed clustering approach for adhoc sensor networks", IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing vol 3, no 4, pp 660-669, 2004. [5] W. R. Heinzelman, A. Chandrakasan, and H. Balakrishnan. Energy efficient communication protocol for wireless microsensor networks. In Proceeding 33rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2000. [6] Arati Manjeshwar and Dharma P. Aggrawal, "TEEN: A Routing Protocol for Enhanced Efficiency in Wireless Sensor Networks", In 1st International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Computing Issues in Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing, 2001. Dheeraj, Ritu Mishra |
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22. | Comparative Study and Analysis between Helical Coil and Straight Tube Heat Exchanger
Comparative Study and Analysis between Helical Coil and Straight Tube Heat ExchangerAbstract: The purpose of this study is to determine the relative advantage of using a helically coiled heat exchanger against a straight tube heat exchanger. It is found that the heat transfer in helical circular tubes is higher as compared to Straight tube due to their shape. Helical coils offer advantageous over straight tubes due to their compactness and increased heat transfer coefficient. The increased heat transfer coefficients are a consequence of the curvature of the coil, which induces centrifugal forces to act on the moving fluid, resulting in the development of secondary flow. The curvature of the coil governs the centrifugal force while the pitch (or helix angle) influences the torsion to which the fluid is subjected to the centrifugal force results in the development of secondary flow. Due to the curvature effect, the fluid streams in the outer side of the pipe moves faster than the fluid streams in the inner side of the pipe. In current work the fluid to fluid heat exchange is taken into consideration. Most of the investigations on heat transfer coefficients are for constant wall temperature or constant heat flux. The effectiveness, overall heat transfer coefficient, effect of cold water flow rate on effectiveness of heat exchanger when hot water mass flow rate is kept constant and effect of hot water flow rate on effectiveness when cold water flow rate kept constant studied and compared for parallel flow, counter flow arrangement of Helical coil and Straight tube heat exchangers. All readings were taken at steady state condition of heat exchanger. The result shows that the heat transfer coefficient is affected by the geometry of the heat exchanger. Helical coil heat exchanger are superior in all aspect studied here.Key words: Helical coil heat exchanger, Straight tube heat exchanger, overall heat transfer coefficient. Reference [1] Timothy J. Rennie, Vijaya G.S. Raghavan, 2005 Experimental studies of a double-pipe helical heat exchanger. [2] D.G. Prabhanjan, G.S.V. Raghavan, T.J. Rennie, Comparison of heat transfer rates between a straight tube heat exchanger and a helically coiled heat exchanger. [3] H. Shokouhmand, M.R. Salimpour, M.A. Akhavan-Behabadi, 2007 Experimental investigation of shell and coiled tube heat exchangers using wilson plots. [4] N. Ghorbani a, H. Taherian b, M. Gorji c, H. Mirgolbabaei, 2009, Experimental study of mixed convection heat transfer in vertical helically coiled tube heat exchangers. [5] Chang-Nian Chen, Ji-Tian Han, Tien-Chien Jen, Li Shao , Wen-wen Chen, 2010, Experimental study on critical heat flux characteristics of R134a flow boiling in horizontal helically-coiled tubes. N. D. Shirgire, Amit Thakur, Sanjay Singh |
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23. | Soa Readiness Assessment, a New Method
Soa Readiness Assessment, a New MethodAbstract: One of the initial steps to implement Service Oriented Architecture is organization's readiness assessment for acceptance and utilization of this architecture. Organization's readiness assessment is a method that taking advantages of it investigated various organization aspects and each part of organization preparation for acceptance of service oriented architecture can be measured. Because the implementation of Service Oriented Architecture is a key and large scale project in organizations and organizations are faced with many problems in SOA adoption process. Taking advantage of organization readiness assessment to assess organization readiness is necessary to implement Service Oriented Architecture. In this paper a review on SOA and its adoption and implementation challenges performed. Some researches and tools for service oriented architecture readiness assessment are introduced. A new method for SOA readiness assessment is proposed. Main approach of this method is facilitating SOA implementation by assessing organization readiness to implement this architecture in order to decrease spending time and resources. Most important features of proposed method are that it is based on standards and principles of readiness assessment to implement Service Oriented Architecture and consist comprehensive view on the identified factors to assess organizational readiness.Key words: service oriented architecture, readiness assessment, SOA governance, SOA adoption, SOA implementation. Reference [1] M. M. Masarat Ayat, Shamsul Sahibuddin, Mohammad Sharifi, "Issues in Implementing IT Governance in Small and Medium Enterprises," in 2011 Second International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Modelling and Simulation, 2011, pp. 197-201. [2] Bieberstein, N., Bose, S., Fiammante, M., Jones, K. & Shah, R., Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) Compass: Business Value, Planning, and Enterprise Roadmap (Developerworks), IBM Press, 2005. [3] Pereira, C. M. & Sousa, P. (2004), A method to define an enterprise architecture using the zachman framework, in 'SAC '04: Proceedings of the 2004 ACM symposium on Applied computing', ACM Press, New York, NY, USA, pp. 1366–1371. [4] R. Alluri, "SOA Adoption Challenges", BPTrends, March 2009. Available online at: http://www.bptrends.com/publicationfiles/THREE%2003-09-ART-SOA-Alluri-formatted-final.pdf [5] E.G. Nadhan, "Service-Oriented Architecture: Implementation Challenges", MSDN, 2004, available online at: Architecture Journal website. Ali Mirarab, Najmeh Ghasemi Fard and Abdol Reza Rasouli Kenari |
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24. | Vulgar Beliefs in Vis and Ramin & Tristan and Isolde
Vulgar Beliefs in Vis and Ramin & Tristan and IsoldeAbstract: Ever since ancient times, when man could not find a logic relationship between the extraordinary events and phenomena, feather to Supers tedious beliefs and ideas in their head and mentioned incantations and performed certain rituals to get rid of thepain. In this paper, the four sections is investigated superstitious beliefs and opinions in two oeuvres Vis and Ramin and Tristan and Isolde; that include: Belief in magic and charm, belief in astrology and star's Saad and sinister, Run celebrations such as Nowruz, Mehregan and Passover and Believing thatinnocent stays safe from the fire and feeling red-hotironKey words: Vulgar Beliefs, Vis and Ramin, Tristan and Isolde. Reference [1] Bedier, Joseph (1357). Trista and Isolde. Translated by Parviz Natel Khanlari. Tehran: the Insituation of book translation and publication. [2] Dourant, Vill. (1363). Summary of civilization story, Summarized by Ezzat Safari, Tehran, Eqba. [3] Fotuhi, Mahmoud. (1389) .The rule of writing research article. Tehran: Sokhan. [4] Ravandi, Morteza. (1356). Social history of Iran. (Vol.). Fourth edition. Tehran: Amir Kabir. [5] Gorgani Fakhr-al-Din As'ad (1386). Vis and Ramin. Wth the introduction and correction and marginal by Mohammad Roshan. Tehran: Sedaye Moaser publications Shima Sadat Sharif Al-Hoseini, Abbas Ali Maghsodlo and Behroz Haji Mohammadi |
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25. | Compact Microstrip Spurline Bandstop Filter with Defected Ground Structure (Dgs)
Compact Microstrip Spurline Bandstop Filter with Defected Ground Structure (Dgs)Abstract: This paper presents a new structure to implement compact narrowband high-rejection microstrip band-stop filter (BSF). This structure is the combination of two traditional BSFs: Spurline filter and BSF using defected ground structure (DGS). Due to inherently compact characteristics of both Spurline and interdigital capacitance (used as DGS), the proposed filter shows a better rejection performance than Spurline filter and open stub conventional BSF without increasing the circuit size. From, the proposed BSF has a rejection of better than 20dB and the maximum rejection level of 41dB.Key words: Microstrip, Bandstop filter (BSF), Spurline, Defected ground structures (DGS) Reference [1]. Wen-Hua Tu, Kai Chang, "Compact Microstrip Bandstop Filter using Open Stub and Spurline" IEEE Microwave and Wireless components Letters Vol. 15, No.4, april 2005 [2]. R.N. Bates, "Design of microstrip spur-line band-stop filters" MICROWAVES, OPTICS AND ACOUSTICS, NOVEMBER 1977, Vol. l, No. 6. [3]. Sajjad Ur Rehman, abdel Fatteh Sheta, Majeed Alkanhal, " Compact Bandstop Filter using Defected Ground Structure(DGS)" , IEEE 2011 [4]. Wang Wenping, Kuang Jialong, Zhao Leil, Mei Xiaohan, " Microstrip Bandstop Filter Using Spurline and Defected Ground Structures(DGS)" Cross Strait Quad-Regional Radio Science and Wireless Technology Conference,pp.630-633, July 26-30, 2011 [5]. Ru-Yuan Yang, Min-Hung Weng, Cheng-Yuan Hung, Han-Jan Chen, and Mau-Phon Houng, "Novel Compact Microstrip Interdigital Bandstop Filters" ieee transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control, vol. 51, pp.1022-1025, no. 8, august 2004 Abhijeet Kumar, Prity Mishra, Savita Kadian |
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26. | Environmental Monitoring of Radon-Thoron Levels and Their Seasonal Variation in Some Selected Dwellings in and Around Rampur City Using Solid State Nuclear Track Detector (SSNTD)
Environmental Monitoring of Radon-Thoron Levels and Their Seasonal Variation in Some Selected Dwellings in and Around Rampur City Using Solid State Nuclear Track Detector (SSNTD)Abstract: Monitoring of indoor radon, thoron and their progeny concentration were carried out in some selected dwellings in and around Rampur city of Uttar Pradesh (India) by using Solid State Nuclear Track Detector (SSNTD).The radon-thoron twin dosimeter cups are used for the study. The annual effective dose, annual exposure due to radon-thoron progeny and life time fatality risk factor under study have also been calculated. In the present study, it is found that the annual value of radon and thoron concentration varies from 18.80Bq/m3 to 45Bq/m3 and 10.90Bq/m3 to 21.20Bq/m3 respectively in different seasons, where as the value of radon progeny and thoron progeny concentration varies from 2.02mWL to 4.85mWL and 0.29mWL to 0.57mWL respectively in different seasons. The annual inhalation dose varies from 0.75mSv/y to 1.61mSv/y with an average value 1.15 mSv/y.The total annual exposure varies from 0.095WLM to 0.181 WLM with an average of 0.140WLM. The life time fatality risk of the residents of the study area ranges from 0.31 × 10−4 to 0.54 ×10−4 with an average value of 0.42 ×10−4. The annual effective dose varies from 0.37mSy/y to 0.70 mSv/y with an average value of 0.54 mSv/y.Key words: Indoor radon-thoron concentration, annual effective dose, Solid state nuclear track detector, annual exposure, nuclear tracks. Reference [1] ICRP, 1993. International Commission on Radiological Protection. "Protection against radon-222 at home and at work", ICRP Publication 65, Annals of the ICRP 23(2), (Pergamon Press, Oxford). [2] ICRP, 1981. International Commission on Radiological Protection, Limits for inhaled radionuclides by workers, ICRP publication 32, (Pergamon Press, Oxford). [3] Jonassen, N., 1975. A device for the determination of low natural 222Ra and 222Ra concentration, Health Phys., 29,216-20. [4] Martz, D. E., Rood, A. S., George, J. L., Pearson, M. D., Langner Jr. H., 1991. Year to year to year variations in annual average indoor radon concentrations. Health Phys. 61, 413. [5] Mayya,Y.S, Eappan, K.P and Nambi, K. S. V.,1998. "Methodology for mixed field inhalation dosimetry in monazite areas using a twin-cup dosimeter with three track detectors", Radiation Protection and Dosimetry, 77, 177- 184. M.S.A Khan, M.Tariq and R.B.S. Rawat |
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27. | Peak Shaving Using Grid-Connected Solar Panels Case Study: Ministry of Islamic Affairs Mosque
Peak Shaving Using Grid-Connected Solar Panels Case Study: Ministry of Islamic Affairs MosqueAbstract: The main purpose of this paper is to introduce the application of renewable energy, namely solar energy,for peak shaving during peak loads and to investigate the feasibility of using grid-connected solar system for electricity generation in Ministry of Awqaf mosques. PVsyst software is used to find the optimal design for total connected load of 80 kW. The technical performance of 80 kWgrid-connected photovoltaic (PV) solar systems was investigated. Applying renewable energy in building is required by Kuwait government, all sectors should use 30% of the consumed energy from renewable energy in year 2030. The total cost of the solar systems for 1400 mosques is around 512 million dollars and the total cost of energyis39 milliondollars per year according to 0.2 dollarwhich mean that the payback period within 13 years.Based on the study results, the development of grid-connected photovoltaic (PV)solar system in Awqaf mosques in Kuwait could be economically viable and provide peak shaving during peak loads.Key words: photovoltaic (PV), solar system, renewable energy, Reference [1] Statistical Year Book, 2009, Electrical Energy, Ministry Of Electricity and Water, Kuwait [2] A.I. Al-Mohaisen, S. Sud, "Status & Developments of the GCC Interconnection Project".Cigre Panel Session, Doha, Qatar, November 27-29, 2005. [3] H. Al-Asaad; A.A. Ebrahim; "The GCC Power Grid: Benefits & Beyond" OGEL 3 (2008), www.ogel.org [4] Al Otaibi, Ahmad, and Saad Al Jandal."Solar photovoltaic power in the state of Kuwait." Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), 2011 37th IEEE.IEEE, 2011. [5] Ramadhan, Mohammad, and Adel Naseeb. "The cost benefit analysis of implementing photovoltaic solar system in the state of Kuwait." Renewable Energy 36.4 (2011): 1272-1276. Yousef B. Almutairi |
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1. | Tenser Product of Representation for the Group Cn
Tenser Product of Representation for the Group CnAbstract: The main objective of this paper is to compute the tenser product of representation for the group Cn. Also algorithms designed and implemented in the construction of the main program designated for the determination of the tenser product of representation for the group Cn including a flow-diagram of the main program. Some algorithms are followed by simple examples for illustration.Key words: representation for the group, degree of the representation, character of representation, tenser product. Reference [1] C.Curtis and I.Reiner, Representation Theory of Finite Groups and Associative Algebras, John Wiley and Sone, New York, 1962. [2] I.M.Jsaacs, Characters Theory of Finite Groups, Academic Press, New York, 1976. [3] M.J.Collins, Representations and Characters of Finite Groups, New York, Published by the Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge, 1990. [4] T.H.Majeed, On the Tenser Product of Representations for the Symmetric Groups Sn, Journal of College of Education, Al-MustansiriyaUniversity,Vol. 1 , pp. 12-26 , 2002. SuhaTalib Abdul Rahman, Niran Sabah Jasim, Ahmed Issa Abdul Naby |
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2. | Optimum Crop Productivity in Rain Fed Area of Thana Boula Khan, Sindh, by Application of Wind Energy
Optimum Crop Productivity in Rain Fed Area of Thana Boula Khan, Sindh, by Application of Wind EnergyAbstract: The energy and food security are crisis at global level. Various sources for generating energy are under exploitation but except of renewable energy are almost costly. Hence, proper exploration and exploitation renewable energy is cheaper in comparison of fossil fuels source. In this connection, wind energy source mostly is available in the southern region of Sindh province of Pakistan. Renewable energy and agricultural farming are a winning combination. Wind, solar, and biomass energy can be harvested forever, providing farmers with a long-term source of income. The net farm returns can significantly be enhanced if available stronger winds are effectively utilized as an alternative energy resource. The project has successfully been introduced by locally manufactured windmill driven pumping units. The wind speed probability analysis based upon limited data availability indicated that during almost 92% of operational time, a wind speed of 2.5 m/s (9 km/hr) or more was available in project area. The operational analysis of windmill during 2007 indicated average 9.38 liter/min discharge was extracted, with role of 95.5 m3 of water was pumped in Kharif season, which is sufficient to irrigate 0.096 hectare of land through surface irrigation method by maintaining 10 cm depth of applied water. However, modern and efficient irrigation methods like drip and sprinkler be employed alongside windmill introduction for getting optimum agricultural productivity.Key words: Crop productivity, Renewable energy, Windmill, T. B. Khan, Micro Irrigation system Reference [1] Khalid Mustafa, SUPARCO to initiate project to install Windmills: Pakistan will have 9700 Megawatts of Electricity by 2030. Daily Time, Pakistan, 19th September, 2005. [2] S. M. Ali, Nutan Dash, and Arjyadhara Pradhan. Role of Renewable Energy on Agricultural, International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Emerging Technologies (IJESET), 2012, 4(1) pp. 51-57. [3] Miranowski, J. A. Energy Consumption in US Agriculture. Proceedings Conference on Agriculture as a Producer and Consumer of Energy. Arlington, VA, June 24-25, 2004. Conference materials are available online: http://www.farmfoundation.og/projrcts/03-35AsEnergyproducerAndConsumer.html [4] Javid-urRahman, Windmills Energy in Pakistan by end of August, 2008, the Post, 16th August, 2008 [5] Klasra, K, Turkey to Setup 50 MW Windmllis, Daily National, Pakistan, January 17, 2010. Aneela Hameem Memon, Mumtaz Ali Gadehi, Abdul Ghani Soomro, Ali Asghar Mahessar, Abdul Latif Qureshi, Shafi Muhammad Kori and Raza Muhammad Memon |
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3. | Mitigation of Power Quality Issues by Nine Switches UPQC Using PI & ANN with Hysteresis Control
Mitigation of Power Quality Issues by Nine Switches UPQC Using PI & ANN with Hysteresis ControlAbstract: A nine-switch power converter having two sets of output terminals was recently proposed in place of the traditional back-to-back power converter that uses 12 switches in total. The nine-switch converter has already been proven to have certain advantages, in addition to its component saving topological feature. Despite these advantages, the nine-switch converter has so far found limited applications due to its many perceived performance tradeoffs like requiring an oversized dc-link capacitor, limited amplitude sharing, and constrained phase shift between its two sets of output terminals. Instead of accepting these tradeoffs as limitations, a nine-switch power conditioner is proposed here that virtually ―converts‖ most of these topological short comings into interesting performance advantages. Aiming further to reduce its switching losses, Harmonics, Voltage Sag & Swell an appropriate discontinuous modulation scheme is proposed and studied here in detail to doubly ensure that maximal reduction of commutations is achieved. With an appropriately designed control scheme with PI and ANN with Hysteresis controller then incorporated, the nine-switch converter is shown to favorably raise the overall power quality in Simulation, hence justifying its role as a power conditioner at a reduced cost.Index Terms: Discontinuous pulse-width modulation, nine switch converter, power conditioner, power quality. Reference [1] L.H.Tey, P.L.So and Y.C.Chu, Unified power Quality Conditionar for improveing power Quality Using ANN with Hysterisis Control, IEEE Tran. Power Electronics, vol. 9, no.3, May 1994, pp. 1441-1446. [2] Hirofumi Akagi, Trends in Active Power Line Conditioners, IEEE Tran. Power Electronics, vol. 9, no.3, May 1994, pp. 263-268. [3] Janko Nastran, Rafael Cajhen, Matija Seliger, and Peter Jereb, Active Power Filter for Nonlinear AC Loads, IEEE Trans. Power Electronics, vol.9, no.1, Jan. 1994, pp. 92-96. [4] E. Destobbeleer and L.Protin, On the Detection of Load Active Currents for Active Filter Control, IEEE Trans. Power Electronics, vol. 11, no.6, Nov. 1996, pp. 768-775. [5] Mauricio Aredes, Jorgen Hafner, and Klemens Hermann, Three-Phase Four-Wire Shunt Active Filter Control Strategies, IEEE Trans. Power Electronics, vol.12, no.2, Mar. 1997, pp. 311-318. D. Uma Maheswara Rao, K. Sravanthi, Avinash Vujji, K. Durga Syam Prasad |
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4. | Modeling of RF Power Amplifier with Memory Effects using Memory Polynomial
Modeling of RF Power Amplifier with Memory Effects using Memory PolynomialAbstract: Power Amplifier is one of the most important component in a communication system. It is inherently non-linear and having memory effects. But current communication systems require highly linear response as nonlinearities contribute to gain compression and produce harmonic distortion. But for linearization of power amplifier, it is necessary to model PA's memory behavior accurately. So in this paper, a memory polynomial based power amplifier model is presented which takes into account its memory effects for wideband applications. This paper also presents a comparison of proposed model with actual RF power amplifier in terms of power spectral density and AM/AM characteristics. Simulation results shows its efficiency and accuracy.Key words: AM/AM characteristics, MATLAB, Memory Effects, Memory polynomial, Power Amplifier (PA). Reference [1] Amandeep Singh Sappal, Dr. Manjit Singh and Dr. Sanjay Sharma, "Power amplifier Linearization using Digital Predistortion" International e-Journal of Communication and Electronics, Volume 2, January 2009. [2] Ruchi Pasricha and Dr. Sanjay Sharma, "Modeling of a Power Amplifier for Digital Pre-Distortion Applications using Simplified Complex Memory Polynomial" Appl. Math. Inf. Sci. 7, No. 4, 1519-1524(2013). [3] Amandeep Singh Sappal, Dr. Manjit Singh and Dr. Sanjay Sharma, "Fast complex Memory Polynomial based Adaptive Digital Pre- Distorter", International Journal of Electronics, Vol. 98, No.7, Page, 923-931, July 2011. [4] Amandeep Singh Sappal, Dr. Manjit Singh and Dr. Sanjay Sharma, "Digital Pre-Distortion of Power Amplifiers using Look-Up Table Method with Memory Effects" ICGST-PDCS, Volume 8, Issue 1, Page 39-44, December 2008. [5] Amandeep Singh Sappal, Dr. Manjit Singh and Dr. Sanjay Sharma, "Mathematical Modeling of Power Amplifier" Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 2, No. 3, March 2009. Er. Bimaljeet Kaur, Er. Sweety Badhwar, Dr. Amandeep Singh Sappal |
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5. | Approach To Power Harvesting With Piezoelectric Material
Approach To Power Harvesting With Piezoelectric MaterialAbstract: Nowadays, most of the research in the energy field is to develop sources of energy for the future, With oil resources being over, tapped and eventually bound to end, it is time to find renewable Piezoelectric materials are being more and more studied as they turn out to be very unusual materials with very specific and interesting properties. In fact, these materials have the ability to produce electrical energy from mechanical energy, for example, they can convert mechanical behavior like vibrations into electricity. Recent work has shown that these materials could be used as power generators, the amount of energy produced is still very low, hence the necessity to optimize them. The objective of this work is to study the all of the piezoelectric material systems and calculated the possible power generated from it, and a special case to design and build a fully functional floor tile device that when stepped on will generate enough energy to light an LED, The system will be charge a temporary energy storage device, a capacitor bank, and then use this stored energy to power an LED.Reference [1] Allen, J. and Smits, A. Energy Harvesting Eel. Journal of Fluids and Structures,Vol.15, 2001, pp.1-13. [2] Amirtharajah, R., Chandrakasan, A. P. Self-powered Signal Processing Using Vibration-based Power Generation. IEEE journal of solid-state circuits, Vol. 33, No.5, May 1998, pp. 687-695. [3] L M Swallow, J K Luo, E Siores, I Patel and D Dodds, A piezoelectric fibre composite based energy harvesting device for potential wearable applications, Smart Materials and Structures, Vol, 17 No 2 ,2008 [4] Y C Shu and I C Lien , Analysis of power output for piezoelectric energy harvesting systems, Smart Materials and Structures, Vol, 15 No 6 ,2006 [5] R L Hadimani, D Vatansever Bayramol, N Sion, T Shah, Limin Qian,Shaoxin Shiand E Siores, Continuous production of piezoelectricPVDF fibre for e-textile applications, Smart Mater. Struct.22,2013, 075017 (6pp) Mahmoud S. Awad |
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6. | A Tool to Search and Convert Reduplicate Words from Hindi to Punjabi
A Tool to Search and Convert Reduplicate Words from Hindi to PunjabiIntroduction: Language, the best means of communication, is not a static one. It changes from time to time. The causes for these changes may be borrowing, language contact and interference and convergence from other languages. Due to these processes many structural features may come from one language into another Language. These exchanges reflect in the phonological, morphological and lexical levels. While working with the various kind of languages there are some circumstances when there is reduplication of words that is repetition of all or the part of the word. Reduplication, the doubling or partial doubling of syllables and words, is very frequent in Hindi-Urdu. It may apply to full words of any kind: nouns, adjectives, adverbs, verbs (but not auxiliary verbs), even pronouns:Reference [1] M.D SohelRana (P hd)nov 2010, "reduplication in bengali language"; Volume 10:11 ;pp 1930-2940. [2] Kishorjit, N. &Sivaji, B., (2010) Identification of MWEs Using CRF in Manipuri and Improvement Using Reduplicated MWEs, In the Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Natural Language (ICON-2010), IIT Kharagpur, India, pp51 [3] Thoudam Doren Singh, Sivaji Bandyopadhyay, (august 2010)" Web Based Manipuri Corpus for Multiword NER and Reduplicated MWEs Identification using SVM" Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on South and Southeast Asian Natural Language Processing (WSSANLP), ,the 23rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING), Beijing, pages 35-42 [4] A.PARIMALAGANTHAM,(8 august 2009)"A STUDY OF STRUCTURAL REDUPLICATION IN TAMIL AND TELUGU": LANGUAGE IN INDIA ,Strength for Today and Bright Hope for Tomorrow "Volume 9 : ISSN 1930-2940 [5] JANA NOVOTNA,(2000)"REDUPLICATION IN SWAHILI", AAP 64 : Swahili Forum VII • 57-73 Shivani Sachdeva, Dr. Ashwani Sethi |
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7. | Design and Analysis of New Modified Feedthrough Logic (MFTL) Circuits Using Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistor (CNTFET)
Design and Analysis of New Modified Feedthrough Logic (MFTL) Circuits Using Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistor (CNTFET)Abstract: It is a challenging task for a VLSI design engineer to develop low power VLSI circuits, without sacrificing its performance. Feedthrough Logic (FTL) is a new technology which could be considered better than the existing technologies for improving circuit efficiency. Modified Feedthrough Logic (MFTL), offers a better power factor than the FTL logic structures, and also shows an improvement in the speed factor. But the scenario again changes when the design extends to nano scales of device dimension, where many factors which were neglected otherwise need to be given more importance. To avoid or minimize problems like hot carrier effects, electro migration, drain induced barrier lowering and other issues that becomes prominent in nano scale MOSFET‟s, Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistor (CNTFET) is considered to be a promising candidate in future integrated circuits. Hence this work extends the advantages of MFTL logic into nano level by incorporating CNTFETs in place of MOSFETs. The modifications have been implemented using CNTFETs of 16nm technology from HSPICE library on a 10 chain inverter stage, an 8 bit RCA and a Vedic multiplier and performance factors like PDP and ADP are compared to that of the conventional MOSFET circuits.Key words: CNT, Domino logic, FTL, MFTL Reference [1] Sneha Meryn Thomas, Rakesh S "Performance Analysis of new low power Modified Feedthrough Logic (MFTL) structure" in Proc. International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology IJERT ISSN: 2278 – 0181, Vol 3, April 2014 pp.242-247NCETET'14 Conference [2] Sauvagya Ranjan Sahoo1, Kamala Kanta Mahapatra,"Performance Analysis of modified Feedthrough Logic for Low Power and High Speed" in IEEE – ICAESM2012. [3] V. Navarro-Botello, J. A. Montiel-Nelson, and S. Nooshabadi, " Analysis of high performance fast feedthrough logic families in CMOS," IEEE Trans. Cir. & syst. II, vol. 54, no. 6, Jun. 2007, pp. 489-493. [4] Ginto Johnson and Vinod Pangracious "CNT Based Channel Interconnect for CMOS Devices" CCSIT 2012, Part II, LNICST 85, pp. 585–595, 2012 [5] Subhajit Das, Sandip Bhattacharya, Debaprasad Das "Design of Digital Logic Circuits using Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistors" International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE) ISSN: 2231-2307, Volume-1, Issue-6, December 2011 Sneha Meryn Thomas, Rakesh S |
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8. | Experimental Study for the Different Methods of Generating Millimeter Waves
Experimental Study for the Different Methods of Generating Millimeter WavesAbstract: In this paper a analytical comparison and experimental implementation of different methods used in generating a low phase noise millimeter wave signals is presented. Four techniques were experimented and compared, Multiplication, phase lock loop (PLL), Injection locking (IL), and Injection locking with phase lock loop (ILPLL). The comparison and experimental results of a laboratory discussed.Key words: generating millimeter waves, Multiplication, phase lock loop (PLL), Injection locking with phase lock loop (ILPLL) Reference [1] S. Kim, H.-C. Ryu, S. Kang, S. Y. Jeong, S. Lee, D. Kang, M. Kwak, S. Choi, M. Paek, and K.-Y. Kang, " The First Experiment Results of mm-Wave Generation by Photomixing," IEEE, THz Technology Team, Gajeongno, Korea, pp. 4244-2120, Jun. 2008. [2] A. J. Vieira, " Mode-Locked Microchip Lasers for Millimeter-Wave Generation for Optically Fed Wireless Systems," IEEE MP4, pp. 144-145, 2000. [3] T. Hoshida, H.-F. Liu, M. Tsuchiya, Y. Ogawa, and T. Kamiya, " Subharmonic Hybrid Mode-Locking of a Monolithic Semiconductor Laser," IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 514-522, September. 1996. [4] J. Bowers, P. Morton, A. Mar, and S. Corzine, " Actively Mode-Locked Semiconductor Lasers," IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, Vol. 25, No. 6, pp. 1426-1439, June. 1989. [5] Z. F. Fan, P. J. S. heim, and M. Dagenais, "Highly Coherent RF Signal Generation By Heterodyne optical Phase Locking of External Cavity Semiconductor Lasers," IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett., pp. 719-721, 1998. Aamer Jamal Albaghdadi |
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9. | OFDM PAPR Reduction Using Hybrid Partial Transmit Sequences Based On Cuckoo Search Algorithm
OFDM PAPR Reduction Using Hybrid Partial Transmit Sequences Based On Cuckoo Search AlgorithmAbstract: The past decade has seen many radical changes and achievements in the field of wireless communication. Applications of wireless communication have grown swiftly in the recent past. This rigorous growth leads to more throughput over wireless channels along with increased reliability. But still the bandwidth demands are endless and increasing day by day. Today we need to constantly work towards achieving reliable wireless communication with high spectral efficiency, low complexity and good error performance results. Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) technique is a promising technique in this regard as it offers high data rate and reliable communications over various fading channels. But the main drawback of OFDM is the high peak to average power ratio (PAPR). In this paper we present the technique to reduce the PAPR using Cuckoo Search Algorithm in multicarrier modulation system. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme considerably outperforms the conventional system.Reference [1] S. H. Han and J. H. Lee, "An overview of peakto- average power ratio reduction techniques for multicarrier transmission," IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 12, no. 2, p. – , 2005. [2] R. W. Bauml, R. F. H. Fischer and J. B. Huber, "Reducing the peak-to-average power ratio of multicarrier modulation by selected mapping," Electronics Letters, vol. 32, no. 22, pp. 2056,2057, 1996. [3] S. Y. Le_Goff, S. S. Al-Samahi, B. K. Khoo, C. C. Tsimenidis and B. S. Sharif, "Selected mapping without side information for papr reduction in ofdm," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 8, no. 7, pp. 2009-7. [4] B. Canpolat, "Performance Analysis of Adaptive Loading OFDM Under Rayleigh Fading With Diversity Combining," 2001. [5] R. V. Nee and R. Prasad, "OFDM for Wireless Multimedia Communications," Artech House," 2000. Maninder Singh, Charanjit Singh, Amandeep Singh Bhandari |
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10. | Comparative Analysis of Lossless Image Compression Based On Row By Row Classifier and Various Encoding Schemes on Color Images
Comparative Analysis of Lossless Image Compression Based On Row By Row Classifier and Various Encoding Schemes on Color ImagesAbstract: Lossless image compression is needed in many fields like medical imaging, telemetry, geophysics, remote sensing and other applications, which require exact replica of original image and loss of information is not tolerable. In this paper, a near lossless image compression algorithm based on row by row classifier with encoding schemes like Lempel Ziv Welch (LZW), Huffman and Run Length Encoding (RLE) on color images is proposed. The algorithm divides the image into three parts R, G and B, apply row by row classification on each part and result of this classification is records in the mask image. After classification the image data is decomposed into two sequences each for R, G and B and mask image is hidden in them. These sequences are encoded using different encoding schemes like LZW, Huffman and RLE. An exhaustive comparative analysis is performed to evaluate these techniques, which reveals that the proposed algorithm have smaller bits per pixel (bpp) than simple LZW, Huffman and RLE encoding techniques.Reference [1] X. Yao-hua, T. Xiao-an and S. Mao-yin, "Image compression based on classification row by row and LZW encoding". Congress on image and signal processing, 2008, pp. 617-621. [2] N.Ranganathan, S.G.Romaniuk and K.R. Namuduri, "A lossless image compression algorithm using variable blocks size segmentation". IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 4, No. 10, pp. 1396-1406, 1995. [3] M.-B. Lin, J.-F. Lee and G.E. Jan, "A lossless data compression and decompression algorithm and its hardware architecture". IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, Vol. 14, No. 9, pp. 925-936, 2006. [4] M.Yang and N.Bourbakis, "An overview of lossless digital image compression techniques". 48th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2005, pp. 1099-1102. [5] K. Sayood and K. Anderson, "A differential lossless image compression scheme", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol.40, No.1, pp. 236-241, 1992. Ramandeep Kaur, Dr. Sukhjeet K. Ranade |
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11. | Utilization of Industrial Waste Material in GSB Layer
Utilization of Industrial Waste Material in GSB LayerAbstract: India has series of steel plant clusters located along its length and breadth of the territory. Several million metric tons of iron and steel are produced in these plants annually. Along with the production of iron and steel, huge quantities of solid wastes like blast furnace slag and steel slag as well as other wastes such as flue dust, blast furnace sludge, and refractories are also being produced in these plants. These solid wastes can be used as non-traditional/non-conventional aggregates in pavement construction due to acute scarcity of traditional/conventional road construction materials. A study was conducted to investigate the possibility of using Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GBFS) with various blended mixes of traditional/conventional aggregates in subbase layer with different percentages. This study also presents the result of experimental investigation on the influence of Rice husk ash (RHA) on the index properties of Red soil which is used as filler material in subbase layer.Key words: California bearing ratio (CBR), Granular Subbase (GSB), granulated blast furnace slag (GBFS), Rice husk ash (RHA). Reference [1] Ahmed Ebrahim Abu El-Maaty Behiry,"Evaluation of steel slag and crushed limestone mixtures as subbase material in flexible pavement," in Elsevier, Ain Shams Engineering Journal (2013) 4, 43–53. [2] Sinha A.K, Havanagi A.K, Ranjan A and Mathur S," Steel slag waste material for the construction of road," in Indian Highways, October 2013,pp13-20. [3] Sudhir Mathur, S. K. Soni, And A.V.S.R. Murty, "Utilization of Industrial Wastes such as various slag's in Low-Volume Roads", (TRR 1652). [4] Rafat Siddique, Deepinder Kaur,"Properties of concrete containing ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) at elevated temperatures", Journal of Advanced Research (2012) 3, 45–51. [5] Perviz Ahmedzade, Burak Sengoz,"Evaluation of steel slag coarse aggregate in hot mix asphalt concrete", Journal of Hazardous Materials 165 (2009) 300–305. U Arun Kumar, K V Subrahmanyam |
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14. | Body Heat Powered Flashlight Using LTC3108
Body Heat Powered Flashlight Using LTC3108Abstract: The Abstract deals with the proper usage of unused energy generated by humans in the form of heat by making it in glowing a Flashlight. Thereby the Flashlight runs solely on the heat of human palm without using any batteries.Index Terms: Heat Sink, Linear IC, Peltier Tiles, Stepup Transformer Reference [1] ThePhysicsFactbook:http://hypertextbook.com/facts/2001/IgorFridman.shtml [2] LairdThermoelectric:http://www.lairdtech.com/Products/ThermalManagementSolutions/Thermoelectric-Modules/ [3] DavidSalerno, Ultralow Voltage Energy Harvester Uses Thermoelectric Generator for Battery Free Wireless Sensors; Journal of Analog Innovation, October 2010 [4] LinearTechnlogies:www.lineartechnologies.com [5] Futurlec:http://www.futurlec.com/Transistors/J310pr.shtml B Ranjith Reddy |
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15. | Control the Stability and Steady State When the Elevator Reached the Requested Level
Control the Stability and Steady State When the Elevator Reached the Requested LevelAbstract: This paper presenta project on design and implementation of a PLC-based controller for a 4-level elevator Feedback system. The PLC used is a Siemens with 24 inputs and 16 outputs. The design incorporates an intelligent controller that solving the stability and balance, based on algorithm and PID software solution. Some farthersuggestions on how to extend the program for control the system are offered.Key words: Elevator control; PLC control; Siemens LOGO; Feedback elevator system. Reference [1] 3 I. Warnock, Programmable Controllers (Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1988). [2] 4 J. W. Webb, Programmable Logic Controllers: Principles and Applications (Macmillan, New York, 1988). |
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16. | Studying and Comparing Sensing Capability of Single Walled
Carbon Nanotubes for Adsorption of O2 and N2 Gases Using DFT
Studying and Comparing Sensing Capability of Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes for Adsorption of O2 and N2 Gases Using DFTAbstract: In this study sensing capability of single walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs), of both zigzag (5, 0) and armchair (4, 4) models were investigated for adsorption of O2 and N2 molecules were investigated using density functional theory (DFT) method. Using this computational method, it is possible to obtain much more data to apply in medical science and industrial technologies. Geometrical optimization have carried out using standard set and B3LYP/6-311G* basis set of Gaussian 98 program. Those parts of SWCNT which have demonstrated more contribution in adsorption energy, ΔEads (eV) were studied and compared. Electronic configurations were discussed and the results were interpreted.Key words: Adsorption energy, DFT method, Gaussian program, sensing capability, SWCNTs Reference [1] S. Ijima, T. Ichihashi, Single-shell carbon nanotubes of 1-nm diameter, Nature, Vol. 363 (1993), 603. [2] Y.T. Jang, S.I. Moon, J.H. Ahn, Y.H. Lee, B.K. Ju, A simple approach in fabricating chemical sensor using laterally grown multi-walled carbon nanotubes, Sens. Actuators, B 99 (2004) 118. [3] L. Valentini, C. Cantalini, I. Armentano, J.M. Kenny, L. Lozzi, S. Santucci, Highly Sensitive and Selective Sensors Based on carbon Nanotubes Thin films for Molecular Detection, Diamond Relat. Mater., Vol. 13 (2004) 130. [4] A.S. Ghasemi1, F. Aashrafi, Adsorption 17O, 15N and CO molecules on the surface of SWCNT: A Computational NMR study, Inter. J. ChemTech Research, Vol.4, No.4 (2012) 1295. [5] F. Ashrafi, S.A. Babanegad and A.S. Ghasemi, Comparison of Adsorption of Nitrogen and Oxygen- Molecules on the Open Ended and Surface of Swcnts: A Computational NMR and NQR Study, Research J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Tech., Vol. 4 (7) (2012) 795. Fereydoun Ashrafi |
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17. | Design of Automated Rotory Cage Type Fixture for Cylinder Block
Design of Automated Rotory Cage Type Fixture for Cylinder BlockAbstract: Project gives feasible solution to move and rotate the component with full proofing fixturing for special purpose operations like drilling, Tapping, deburring, washing, drying involve in manufacturing and assembly unit of industry. Rotary cage type fixture is made for handling the cylinder head inside the cleaning machine use for making fully ready component before assembly operation .System is useful to save time manpower and deliver perfect cleaned and dry component .system involved all the mechanical components along with the sensors used to restrict the rotating operations, stop and go operations etc.Key words: automated Rotary Cage, Computer Aided Fixture Design (CAFXD, The Feature Based Modeller (FBM), PLC circuit, poka-yoke, 3D CAD model, S/n ratio Reference [1] International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology archive Volume 24 Issue 3, July 2005 [2] Gandhi, M.V. and B.S. Thompson. Automated Design of Modular Fixtures for Flexible Manufacturing Systems. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 5(4), Pp.243-252. 1986. [3] Asada, H. and A.B. By. Kinematic Analysis of Workpart Fixturing for Flexible Assembly with Automatically Reconfigurable Fixtures. IEEE Journal of Robotics and Automation, 1(2), pp. 86-94. 1985. [4] Chou, Y.C. Geometric Reasoning for Layout Design of Machining Fixtures. Int. J. Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Vo1.7, No.3, pp175-185. 1994. [5] Cogun, C. The Importance of the Application Sequence of Clamping Forces. ASME Journal of Engineering for Industry, Vol. 114, pp. 539-543. 1992. [6] DeMeter, E.C. Restraint Analysis of Fixtures which Rely on Surface Contact. Journal of Engineering for Industry, 116(2), pp. 207-215. 1994a. Y.S.Kapnichor, V.V.Patil, P.D.Shende |
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18. | CFD Analysis of Plate Fin Tube Heat Exchanger for Various Fin Inclinations
CFD Analysis of Plate Fin Tube Heat Exchanger for Various Fin InclinationsAbstract: ANSYS Fluent software is used for three dimensional CFD simulations to investigate heat transfer and fluid flow characteristics of six different fin angles with plain fin tube heat exchangers. The numerical simulation of the fin tube heat exchanger was performed by using a three dimensional numerical computation technique. Geometry of model is created and meshed by using ANSYS Workbench software. To solve the equation for the fluid flow and heat transfer analysis ANSYS FLUENT was used in the fin-tube heat exchanger. The fluid flow and heat transfer are simulated and result compared for both laminar and turbulent flow models k-epsilon and SST k-omega, with steady state solvers to calculate heat transfer, flow velocity and temperature fields of variable inclined fin angles (Ɵ = 00,100 , 200, 300, 400,500). Model is validate by comparing the simulated value of velocity, temperature and colburn factor with experimental and numerical results investigated by WANG [1] and GHORI KIRAR [10]. Reasonable agreement is found between the simulations and other results, and the ANSYS Fluent software is sufficient for simulating the flow fields in tube fin heat exchanger.Key words: Plate fin Heat Exchanger, Computational Fluid Dynamics(CFD), ANSYS Work Bench, FLUENT. Reference [1] CC. Wang An experimental study of heat transfer and friction characteristics of typical louver fin-and-tube heat exchangers International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer Volume 41, Issues 4–5, February–March 1998, Pages 817-822 [2] CC. Wang, Chi-Chuan; Chang, Yu-Juei; Hsieh, Yi-Chung; Lin, Yur-Tsai (1996). ―Sensible heat and friction characteristics of plate fin-tube heat exchangers having plane fins‖, International Journal of Refrigeration, Vol. 19, No. 4: pp. 223-230. [3] Chi-Chuan Wang, Kuan-Yu Chi (2000). Heat transfer and friction characteristics of plain fin-and-tube heat exchangers, part I: new experimental data, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 43: 2681–2691 [4] Erek, Aytunc; Õzerdem, Baris; Bilir, Levent; Ilken, Zafer(2005). ‖Effect of geometrical parameters on heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of plate fin and tube heat exchangers‖, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 25: pp. 2421-2431. [5] Rich DG, 1973, The Effect of Fin Spacing on The Heat Transfer and Friction Performance of Multi-row, Smooth Plate Fin-and-tube Heat Exchangers. American Society of Heating Refrigerating and Air conditioning Engineer, 81(1): 307-317. Subodh Bahirat, P. V. Joshi |
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19. | Implementation for Controller to Unified Single Phase Power Flow Using Digital Signal Processor (DSP)-TMS320C31
Implementation for Controller to Unified Single Phase Power Flow Using Digital Signal Processor (DSP)-TMS320C31Abstract: Presenting in his paper, Digital signal processor (DSP)-based implementation of a single phase unified power flow controller (UPFC). For shunt side and series side An efficient UPFC control algorithm is achieved. Discussing the laboratory experimental results using DC source are taken as an UPFC linked by two ll-bridge PWM voltage source converters.Key words: algorithm, power flow, controller, experiment Reference [1] L. Gyugyi et al., "The Unified Power Flow Controller: A New Approach To Power Transmission Control." IEEE Trans. On Power Delivery, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 1085 – 1097, April 1995. [2] C.D. Schauder et al., "Operation of the Unified Power Flow Controller Under Practical Constraints," IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 630 – 639, Apr. 1998. [3] Kalyan K. Sen and Eric J. Stacey, "UPFC – Unified Power Flow Controller: Theory, Modeling, and Applications," IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 1453 – 1460, October 1998. [4] H.A. Abdelsalam, M. Abdelkrim, G.E.M. Aly, and K.M. Shebl, "Using UPFC for Power Flow Control and Dynamic Stability," Tenth International Middle East Power Systems Conference (MEPCON'2005) Dec. 13-15, 2005, Port Fouad, Port Said, Egypt. [5] S. Mobin, E. Hiraki, H. Takano and M. Nakaoka, "Simulation Method for DSP-Controlled Active PFC High-Frequency Power Converters," IEEE Proc.-Electr. Power Appl., vol. 147, No. 3, pp. 159-165, May 2000. Abdul Aziz Mohammed Al Buaijan, Yasser Hassan Al Haddad |
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20. | A Review: Compensation of Mismatches in Time Interleaved Analog to Digital Converters
A Review: Compensation of Mismatches in Time Interleaved Analog to Digital ConvertersAbstract: The execution of today's correspondence frameworks is exceedingly subject to the utilized Analog-to-Digital converters (ADCs), and with a specific end goal to give more flexibility and exactness to the developing correspondence innovations, superior-ADCs are needed. In this respect, the time-interleaved operation of an exhibit of ADCs (TI-ADC) might be a sensible result. A TI-ADC can build its throughput by utilizing M channel ADCs or sub converters in parallel and examining the data motion in a period-interleaved way. In any case, the execution of a TI-ADC gravely suffers from the bungles around the channel ADCs. In this paper we survey the advancement in the configuration of low-intricacy advanced remedy structures and calculations for time-interleaved ADCs in the course of the most recent five years. We devise a discrete-time model, state the outline issue, and finally infer the calculations and structures. Specifically, we examine proficient calculations to outline time-differing remedy filters and additionally iterative structures using polynomial based filters. Thusly, the remuneration structure may be utilized to repay time-differing recurrence reaction befuddles in time-interleaved ADCs, and in addition to remake uniform examples from nonuniformly tested indicators. We examine the recompense structure, research its execution, and exhibit requisition zones of the structure through various illustrations. At long last, we give a standpoint to future examination questions.Index Terms: Analog-to-digital converter, compensation, frequency response mismatches, reconstruction, time-inter- leaved, time-varying filter. Reference [1] W. C. Black Jr. and D. A. Hodges, ―Time-interleaved converter arrays,‖ IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, vol. 15, no. 6, pp. 1024–1029, December 1980. [2] ―Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA) User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception,‖ LTE Technical Specifica- tion Release 10 3GPP TS 36.101 V10.0.0, October 2010. [3] B. Murmann, C. Vogel, and H. Koeppl, ―Digitally enhanced analog circuits: System aspects,‖ in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2008. ISCAS 2008., 2008, pp. 560–563. [4] S. Henzler, ―Digitalization of mixed-signal functionality in nanometer technologies,‖ in 2010 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), November 2010, pp. 252–255. [5] C. Vogel, ―The impact of combined channel mismatch effects in time- interleaved ADCs,‖ IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Mea- surement, vol. 54, no. 1, pp. 415–427, February 2005. Shivlal Mishra, Prof. Rashmi Pandey |
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21. | Performance Analysis of a Shell Tube Condenser for a Model Organic Rankine Cycle for Use in Geothermal Power Plant
Performance Analysis of a Shell Tube Condenser for a Model Organic Rankine Cycle for Use in Geothermal Power PlantAbstract: The global energy demand increases with the economic growth and population rise. Most electrical power is currently generated by conventional methods from fossil fuels. Despite the high energy demand, the conventional energy resources such as fossil fuels have been declining. In addition to this harmful combustion byproducts are resulting global warming. However, the increase of environmental concerns and energy crisis can be minimized by sustainable utilization of the low to medium temperature heat resources. The Organic Rankine Cycle power plant is a very effective option for utilization of low grade heat sources for power generation. Heat exchangers are the main components of the Organic Rankine Cycle power plant which receives heat energy from the heat source to evaporate and condense the low boiling temperature organic working fluid which in turn drives the turbine to generate power. This paper presents a simplified approach to the design, fabrication and performance assessment of a shell tube heat exchanger designed for condenser in a model Organic Rankine Cycle geothermal power plant. The design involved sizing of heat exchanger (condenser) using the LMTD method based on an expected heat transfer rate. The heat exchanger of the model power plant was tested in which hot water simulated geothermal brine. The results of the experiment indicated that the heat exchanger is thermally suitable for the condenser of the model power plant.Key words: Shell tube heat Exchanger, Heat transfer Co-efficient, LMTD Reference [1] A. Hadidi, "A new design approach for shell and tube heat exchangers using competitive algorithm (ICA) from economic point of view," Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 67, pp. 66 - 74, 2013 [2] S. Vangapally, "Design, Fabrication and Testing of FRP shell Counter-flow heat Exchanger," International Journal of Engineering Science and Innovative Technology (IJESIT), vol. 3. 2014. [3] R. K. Shah, "Heat Exchangers" University of Kentueky [4] H.D. Madhawa Hettiarachchi, "Optimum design criteria for an Organic Rankine cycle using low-temperature geothermal heat sources," Energy, vol. 32, pp 1698-1706,2007 [5] Bambang P., "Model of Binary Cycle Power Plant using Brine as thermal Energy Source and Development Potential in Sibayaka," International Journal of Electrical and Computer Science IJECS-IJENS, vol. 11, pp. 02. Haile Araya Nigusse, Hiram M. Ndiritu, Robert Kiplimo |
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22. | Experimental Study on Performance of Concrete M30 with Partial Replacement of Coarse Aggregate with Sea Shells and Coconut Shells
Experimental Study on Performance of Concrete M30 with Partial Replacement of Coarse Aggregate with Sea Shells and Coconut ShellsAbstract: In this research work experiments have been conducted with collection of materials required and the data required for mix design are obtained by sieve analysis and specific gravity test. Sieve analysis is carried out from various fine aggregates (FA) and coarse aggregates (CA) samples and the sample which suits the requirement is selected. Specific gravity tests are carried out for fine and coarse aggregate. The various materials used were tested as per Indian standard specifications. On the basis of the experimental studies carried out on M30 grade concrete as partial replacement of coarse aggregates with sea shells and coconut shells, the following conclusions are drawn from the above experiment we conclude that comparing to traditional concrete, compressive strength of 10% (5% + 5%) of coconut shells (5%) and sea shells (5%) increased. whereas the compressive strength of the concrete cubes has gradually decreased from addition of 10% (5% + 5%) of coconut shells and sea shells. Hence for economical view 10% is preferable and in the perspective of compressive strength 10% is suggested. Thus, 10% replacement coconut shells and sea shells are recommended for both heavy weight and light weight concrete production.Key words: aggregate, coconut shells (c s), compressive strength, sea shells (s s), Reference [1] Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Beams with Coconut Shell as Coarse Aggregates" M. Sekar, L.M. Poornima.M [2] Lightweight concrete mix design using coconut shell aggregate"- Gunasekaran K and Kumar P.S. Proceedings of the building materials, structural designs and construction practices, pp375-382.O.T. [3] Olateju,(1992) The efficacy of lightweight aggregate from palm kernel shells", Journal of Housing Science (4), pp. 263–276. [4] Exploratory Study of Periwinkle Shells as Coarse Aggregates in Concrete Works" A. P. Adewuyi and T. Adegoke -ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, December 2008. Gurikini Lalitha, Dr. C. Krishna Raju |
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23. | A Multi-Objective Fuzzy Linear Programming Model for Cash Flow Management
A Multi-Objective Fuzzy Linear Programming Model for Cash Flow ManagementAbstract: Although significant research work has been conducted on cash flow forecast, planning, and management, the objective is constantly the maximization of profit/final cash balance, or minimization of total project cost. This paper presents a multi-objective fuzzy linear programming model (FLP) for resolving the optimization problem of three conflicting objectives: final cash balance, cost of money, and initial cash balance. The proposed model depends on Jiang et al. (2011) Model. In the new formulation, both the advanced payment and delay of owner's progress payment one period were considered. Literature concerned with cash flow studies and models for construction projects was reviewed. Fuzzy linear programming applications in literature was presented and it's concept was then described. Jiang et al. (2011) Model is presented. The proposed model development was then presented. The proposed model was validated using an example project. An optimization of each individual objective was performed with a linear programming (LP) software (Lindo) that gave the upper and lower bounds for the multi-objective analysis. Fuzzy linear programming was then applied to optimize the solution. Four cases are considered: considering advanced payment and delay of owner's progress payment one period simultaneously, then separately, and neglecting advanced payment and delay of owner's progress payment. Penalty of delayed payment have been also considered. Analysis of the results revealed that the model is an effective decision making tool to be used by industry practitioners with reasonable accuracy.Key words: fuzzy linear programming; final cash balance; cost of money; initial cash balance; advanced payment; delay of payment. Reference [1] Liu, Y., Zayed, T. and Li, S. 2009 .Cash flow analysis of construction projects, in proc. of 2nd International 8th Construction Specialty Conference, St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, May 27-30. [2] Al-Issa, A. and Zayed, T. 2007. Projects cash flow factors-contractor perspective, Construction Research Congress (CRC) conference, ASCE, Bahamas, May 5-8. [3] Singh, S.; Lakanathan, G. 1992. Computer based cash flow model, in Proc. of the 36th Annual Trans., American Association of Cost Engineers, Morgantown, VA, R 5.1-R 5.14. [4] Jiang, A., Issa, R.R. A. and Malek, M. 2011. Construction project cash flow planning using the pareto optimality efficiency network mode, J. Civil Eng. and Manage., 17:4, PP.510-519. [5] Park, H.K. 2004, Cash flow forecasting in construction project, J. Civil Eng., Vol. 8, no.3, PP. 265-271. A. M. El-Kholy |
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24. | Ultrasonic and Volumetric Investigations of g-Butyrolactone with Aliphatic Alcohols
Ultrasonic and Volumetric Investigations of g-Butyrolactone with Aliphatic AlcoholsAbstract: Densities (r) and speeds of sound (u) have been determined for the binary liquid mixtures of -butyrolactone (GBL) with 1-propanol (1-Pro), 2-propanol (2-Pro), 1-butanol (1-But) and 2-butanol (2-But) at 303.15, 308.15, and 313.15 K and entire composition range. From the experimental results, the excess molar volume (VE), and deviation in isentropic compressibility (s) were calculated. The computed properties have been fitted to a Redlich-Kister type polynomial equation to derive binary coefficients and standard deviations.Key words: -Butyrolactone, Aliphatic alcohols, Excess molar volume, Deviation in isentropic compressibility Reference [1]. Sathyanarayana B, Ranjith Kumar B, Savitha Jyostna T, Satyanarayana N. J. Chem. Thermodyn., 39, 2007, 16. [2]. Satyanarayana N, Sathyanarayana B, Savitha Jyostna T. J. Chem. Eng. Data, 52, 2007, 405. [3]. Savitha Jyostna T, Satyanarayana N. J. Chem. Thermodyn., 38, 2006, 272. [4]. Sathyanarayana B, Savitha Jyostna T, Satyanarayana N. Indian J. Pure Appl. Phys., 44, 2006, 587. [5]. Savitha Jyostna T, Satyanarayana N. J. Chem. Eng. Data, 50, 2005, 89. Amara Jyothi Koppula, Satyanarayana Nallani, Sathyanarayana Boodida |
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OPERATION & CONTROL OF SMART GRID CONNECTED PV- FC HYBRID POWER SYSTEMDAbstract: This paper presents a method to operate and control a grid connected hybrid power system. The hybrid system composed of a Photovoltaic (PV) array and a Proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) is considered. The PV array normally uses a maximum power point tracking (MPPT) technique to continuously deliver the highest power to the load when variations in irradiation and temperature occur, which make it become an uncontrollable source. In coordination with PEMFC, the hybrid system output power becomes controllable. Two operation modes, the unit-power control (UPC) mode and the feeder-flow control (FFC) mode, can be applied to the hybrid system. The coordination of two control modes, the coordination of the PV array and the PEMFC in the hybrid system, and the determination of reference parameters are presented. The proposed operating strategy with a flexible operation mode change always operates the PV array at maximum output power and the PEMFC in its high efficiency performance band, thus improving the performance of system operation, enhancing system stability, and decreasing the number of operating mode changesIndex Terms: Distributed generation, fuel cell, hybrid system, micro grid, photovoltaic, power management. Reference [1] J.L. Del Monaco, The role of distributed generation in the critical electrical power infrastructure, in: Proceedings of the Power Engineering Society Winter Meeting IEEE, vol. 1, 2001, 144-145 [2] Loc Nguyen Khanh, Student Member, IEEE, Jae-Jin Seo, Yun-Seong Kim, and Dong-Jun Won, Member, IEEE," Power-Management Strategies for a Grid-Connected PV-FC Hybrid System ,vol 25, no.3 July 2010 [3] T.A. Short, Electric Power Distribution Handbook, CRC Press, 2004. [4] "A guide to photovoltaic (PV) system design and installation" 2001 by Endecon Engineering [5] S. Gilbert, The nation's largest fuel cell project, a 1MW fuel cell power plant deployed as a distributed generation resource, anchorage, Alaska project dedication 9 August 2000, in: Proceeding of the Rural electric Power Conference, 2001, pp. A4/1-A4/8 Saritha, B. M. Manjunatha |
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26. | Hepatoprotective Activity of Cinnamon Zeylanicum Leaves against Alcohol Induced Albino Rats
Hepatoprotective Activity of Cinnamon Zeylanicum Leaves against Alcohol Induced Albino RatsAbstract: Plants play an important role in the life of human, as the major source of food, as well as for the maintenance and improvement of health and for the elimination of the enemies since ages. Plants are the basic source of knowledge of modern medicine. The present study was conducted to evaluate the hepatoprotective activity of aqueos extract of aerial parts of Cinnamon zeylanicum are evaluated in alcohol induced hepatotoxicity in albino rats. Silymarin (100mg/kg) was given as reference standard. The aqueos extract of aerial parts of Cinnamon zeylanicum have shown very significant hepatoprotection against alcohol induced hepatotoxicity in albino rats in reducing SGOT, SGPT, Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and GGT and levels of total bilirubin and total protein were investigated and showed an increase in alcohol induced rats when compared to control. The extracts of the test plant exhibited significant (p < 0.05) hepatoprotective activity against the alcohol induced liver models by improving liver function which was indicated by reduction in the levels of SGOT, SGPT, ALP, GGT, total bilirubin and total protein.Key words: Cinnamon zeylanicum, hepatoprotective, Silymarin and protein. Reference [1] Alareon de la Lastra, C., Martin, M.J., Lacasa, C., and Motilva, V., 1994. Anti ulcerogenicity of the flavonoid fraction from Bidensaurea: Comparison with ranitidine and Omeprazole. J. Ethnopharmacol., 42: 161-168. [2] Al-Yahya, M.A., Rafatullah, S., Mossa, J.S., Ageel, A.M., Al-Said, M.S., and Tariq, M., 1990. Gastric antisecretory, antiulcer and cytoprotectie properties of ethanlic extract of Alpinia galangal wild in rats. Phytother. Res., 4: 112-114. [3] Baranano, D.E., Rao, M., Ferris, C.D., and Synder, S.H., 2002. Biliverdin reductase: a major physiologic cytoprotectant. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 99(25): 160-198. [4] Barouki, R., Chobert, M.N., Finidori, J., Aggerbeck, M., Nalpas, B., and Hanoune, J., 1983. Ethanol effects in a rat hepatoma cell line: induction of gamma-lutamyltransferase. Hepatology, 3(3): 323-339 [5] Choudhury, B.R., and Poddar, M.K., 1983. Effect of Kalmegh extract on rat liver and serum enzymes. Methods Find. Exp. Clin. Pharmacol., 5(10): 727-730. K.Arun, S.Suguna, U. Balasubramanian, Mashitah M.Yusoff, Gaanty Pragas Maniam, P.Serfoji, Natanamurugaraj Govindan |
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27. | Mechanical Behavior of Areca Fiber and Maize Powder Hybrid Composites
Mechanical Behavior of Areca Fiber and Maize Powder Hybrid CompositesAbstract: Natural fibers are gaining the interest in packaging, domestic, low cost housing and other general applications. In this work the mechanical properties of randomly distributed areca fiber and maize powder reinforced phenol formaldehyde were studied. From the results Youngs modulus is maximum found in 300 ml of resin. The maximum tensile strength is for 300B composite plate. The maximum Young's modulus for 300B is 135MPa, for bending strength of various composite plates, the composite plate with 400 ml PF resin shows the maximum bending load compared to other composite plates. The composite plate of 400C shows the maximum bending load compared to other composite plates. The maximum bending load for 400C composite plate is 0.854 kN. The adhesive tensile strength increases with decrease in Areca fiber and increase in maize powder up to 700 gms of Areca and 300 gms of maize powder. Later the adhesive tensile strength decreases with decrease in Areca fiber and increase in maize powder. Maximum adhesive tensile stress is 0.137 MPa for 400B composite plate compared to remaining composite plates.Key words: Areca fiber, Maize powder, composites, Phenol formaldehyde. Reference [1] Sherely Annie Paul, Abderrahim Boudenne, Laurent Ibos, Yves Candau, Kuruvilla Joseph and Sabu Thomas. Effect of fiber loading and chemical treatments on thermophysical properties of banana fiber/polypropylene commingled composite materials, Composites: Part A 39 (2008) 1582–1588. [2] R.P.Swamy, G.C.Mohan Kumar, Y. V rushabhendrappa and Vince Joseph, "Study of areca reinforced phenol formaldehyde composites " Vol 23, 2004, Journal of reinforced plastics and composites [3] N. Sgriccia, M.C. Hawley and M. Misra. Characterization of natural fiber surfaces and natural fiber composites, Composites: Part A 39 (2008) 1632–1637. [4] Srinivasa chikkol venkateshappa, Basavaraju bannehalli, Mounesh Gadde Kenchappa and Raghu Patel Gowda Rangangowda. Flexure of Areca Composites, BioResource 5(3), 1846-1858. [5] S. Mukhopadhyay and R. Srikanta. Effect of ageing of sisal fibres on properties of sisal – Polypropylene composites, Polymer Degradation and Stability 93 (2008) 2048–205. Kishan Naik, R P Swamy |
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28. | AODV Improvement by Modification at Source Node and Securing It from Black Hole Attack.
AODV Improvement by Modification at Source Node and Securing It from Black Hole Attack.Abstract: MANETS suffer from constraints in power, storage and computational resources ,as a result, they are more vulnerable to various communications security related attacks. therefore we attempt to focus on analyzing and improving the security of routing protocol for MANETS viz. the Ad hoc On Demand Distance Vector (AODV)routing protocol. We propose modifications to the AODV we propose an algorithm to counter the Black hole attack on the routing protocols in MANETs. All the routes has unique sequence number and the malicious node has the highest Destination Sequence number and it is the first RREP to arrive. So the comparison is made only to the first entry in the table without checking other entries in the tableKey words: AODV, Black hole, receive reply, sequence number, routing table Reference [1] International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 8, ISSN 2250-3153, August 2012 . [2] Gianni A. Di Caro, Frederick Ducatelle, Luca M. Gambardella. "A simulation study of routing performance in realistic urban scenarios for MANETs". In: Proceedings of ANTS 6thInternational Workshop on Ant Algorithms and Swarm Intelligence, Brussels, Springer, LNCS 5217, 2008. [3] F. Maan, Y. Abbas, N. Mazharg," Vulnerability Assessment of AODV and SAODV Routing Protocols Against Network routing Attacks and Performance Comparisons" National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), wireless advanced2011. [4] K. Lakshmi, S.Manju Priya, A. Jeevarathinam, K. Rama, K. Thilagam, Lecturer, "Modified AODV Protocol against Blackhole Attacks in MANET", Coimbatore, International Journal of Engineering and Technology Vol.2 (6), 2010. [5] Rajesh J. Nagar, KajalS. Patel,"Securing AODV Protocol against Blackhole Attacks" International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications ISSN: 2248-9622 , Vol. 2, Issue 1, pp.1116-1120Jan-Feb 2012. Debarati Roy Choudhury, Dr. Leena Ragha, Mr Nilesh Marathe |
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29. | Design and Implementation of Digital PLL using Self Correcting DCO System
Design and Implementation of Digital PLL using Self Correcting DCO SystemAbstract: The mainstay of the paper is to use a PLL using self healing pre-scalar. When a CMOS technology approaches to a nanometer scale, the non-idealities like variability and leakage current may affect the circuit performances. The process variability leads to the large variations to degrade the device matching and performances. The leakage current is highly dependent upon the process variations. In the existing method the key parameter is to be change the modulus value of the pre- scalar. By changing the value of the pre-scalar the PLL frequency range will be extended. In the proposed design we are planning to implement the digital PLL technique with self correcting DCO. The structure utilizes the DDR synthesizer as a base for generating the DCO frequency, so many methods are there to correct the DCO errors , here we detect the error or delay and correct it by using smooth jumping method. The DPLL varies from minimum system clock frequency 60 to 1489 MHZ (Minimum) maximum of GHZ frequency of any range we can generate, since our design act as a general platform for any kind of application.Key words: DCO, Delay Detector, Frequency Divider, Self Healing, Signal Shaping Circuit. Reference [1] L. L. Lewyn, T. Ytterdal, C. Wulff, and K. Martin, "Analog circuit design in nanoscale CMOS technologies," Proc. IEEE, vol. 18, no. 11, pp. 1687–1714, Oct. 2009. [2] J. M. Wang, Y. Cao, M. Chen, J. Sun, and A. Mitev, "Capturing device mismatch in analog and mixed-signal designs," IEEE Circuits Syst. Mag., vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 137–144, Dec. 2008. [3] K. Agawa, H. Hara, T. Takayanagi, and T. Kuroda, "A bitline leakage compensation scheme for low-voltage SRAMs," IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 36, no. 5, pp. 726–734, May 2001. [4] "A Digitally Controlled PLL for SoC Applications" Thomas Olsson, and Peter Nilsson IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, VOL. 39, NO. 5, MAY 2004 751 [5] "An All-Digital Phase-Locked Loop with 50-Cycle Lock Time Suitable for High-Performance Microprocessors" Jim Dunning,, Gerald Garcia, Jim Lundberg, and Ed Nuckolls, IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, VOL. 30, NO. 4, APRIL 1995 M.Mohan Babu, P.Sree Kavya |
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Version 4 | |||
1. | Geological-Structural Setting of Massif and the Levels of Quartz - Sulphide Mineralization in the Kaptina Gabbro Massif Geological-Structural Setting of Massif and the Levels of Quartz - Sulphide Mineralization in the Kaptina Gabbro MassifAbstract: Kaptina gabbro massif is placed in the northern half of the eastern Mirdita ophiolitic belt and is spreaded in a relatively large area. Petrology of Kaptina gabbro massif is very complicated as in view of the diversity of rocks that are spreaded within it as well in view of structurally construction. In this region are exposed all components of the Mirdita ophiolitic Complex, as well as oceanic sedimentary cover, the Cretaceous one and the newer mollasic formations of Pliocene-Quaternary. Kaptina gabbro massif has an irregular shape, however is seen a certain extension in the meridional - submeridional direction. This massif is plunged in the South and the West under volcanogenic formations to come back in the small output in the lower Bisaku and to join more south with the Bulshari gabbro massif. The outputs of massif are expanded towards the north - northeast. In construction of gabbro massif take part a range of rocky types that stay in various reports regarding surface spreading. Greater spreading in all the massif have gabbronorite, in close connection with them stay norite and gabbro.Key words: Albania, Mirdita Ophiolites, Kaptina gabbro massif, quartz-sulphide mineralization, the isotropic gabbro, the foliated gabbro, the layered gabbro. Reference [1] Aleks V., 1972. Report on geological construction and calculation of reserves to Thirra deposit, state 1.01.1972. [2] Aleksi V., Konomi N., Cina A. 1969. Morphological and mineralogical characteristics of the ore bodies in a copper deposit of Fan area. Summary of studies, No 12.1969. [3] Bajo L., Konomi N., 1967. Report on the results of geological of exploration works to Thirra deposit (calculations of reserves up to 1.01.1967). [4] Bytyçi H., 1983. Report of reserve calculations to Leproi deposit, the state 01/01/1983. [5] Çaushi R., 1976. Report of reserve calculations to Pista - Gdheshta deposit, the state 1976. Kaza Gj, Doda V, Naço P, Onuzi K, Gjeçi K, Vinçani F & Gjonaj V |
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2. | Power System'stransmission Line Relaying Improvement Using Discrete Wavelet Transform
Power System'stransmission Line Relaying Improvement Using Discrete Wavelet TransformAbstract: Transmission line is a path between the generating station and load(Industries & Domestic). These lines are several kilometres and always attracted towards faults. These Faults are Phase to Ground (P-G), Phase to Phase (P-P), Phase to Phase to Ground (P-P-G) and Symmetrical Fault (P-P-P\P-P-P-G).In order to protect the power system, faults should be cleared within stipulated time. Relay plays a key role in power system protection, before employing them in system, their parameters should be pre-determined.The proposed system uses Discrete Wavelet Transform to determine the fault levels in power system. It is used to extract the hidden factors i.e. Transients, from the faulty current signals by performing decomposition at different levels. Test system is modelled and fault signals are imported to workspace and test the reliability of the algorithm. The proposed system modelled in MATLAB\SIMULINK to detect, classify and locate all the possible faults in the transmission line in the power system which are nothing but parameters of relays.Key words: Discrete Wavelet Transform, Faults, Relay Parameters, Transients, Transmission Line. Reference [1] K. Sarvanababu, P. Balakrishnan, K. Sathiyasekar, "Transmission line Faults detection, Classification and locating using Discrete Wavelet Transform". International Conference on Power, Energy and Control (ICPEC) 2013. [2] Sudipta Nath, Priyanjali Mishra, "Wavelet Based Feature Extraction for Classification of Power Quality Disturbances". International conference on renewable energies and power quality (ICREPQ'11) Las Palmas de gran canaria, 13th to 15th April, 2011. [3] S.A.Shaaban, Takashi Hiyma, "Transmission line Faults classification using wavelet transform". Proceedings of the 14th international Middle East power system conference (MEPCON"10), December 19-21, 2010. [4] J.Upendar, C.P.gupta, G.K.Singh, "Discrete wavelet transform and Genetic algorithm based fault classification of transmission line". Fifteenth national power systems conference (NPSC), IIT Bombay, December 2008. [5] Shipli sahu, Dr.A.K.Sharma, "Detection of Fault location in transmission line using Wavelet Transform". International journal of engineering research and applications, Vol.3, Issue 5, Sep-Oct 2013, pp.149-151. S. Mohaddeesh, S. Taj Mahaboob |
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3. | Impact of Air Quality on Human Health In The Vicinity of Construction Sites in Delhi-NCR
Impact of Air Quality on Human Health In The Vicinity of Construction Sites in Delhi-NCRAbstract: Construction sites are important source of air pollution emitting pollutants like PM10, etc. which adversely affect human health especially the respiratory system. The present study aims at monitoring of PM10, health condition of workers, evaluation of API (Air Pollution Index) and development of correlation between API and human health in the vicinity of construction sites. In the present study relevant literature review has also been carried out to study and analyze the impact of air pollution on human health. Reconnaissance survey of 19 selected construction sites in Delhi-NCR has been conducted for the period January 2013 to December 2013 and health related data of people in the vicinity of construction sites has been collected individually through a questionnaire. The air quality data (for pollutant PM10) for the area in which the selected construction sites lie has been obtained from the continuous monitoring stations of Central Pollution Control Board. The monthly average PM10 concentration in the ambient air for the study period has been obtained for all the sites. The annual average PM10 level of all the sites has been estimated and compared with the prescribed value. Also the air pollution index (API) (for pollutant PM10) has been calculated for each site and compared with the percentage of people suffering with respiratory problems at the respective sites. The results show that the construction sites where the value of API for PM10 is higher there the percentage of people suffering with respiratory diseases has also been higher.Key words: Air Quality, Air Pollution Index (API), Construction Sites, Human Health, Particulate Matter. Reference [1] IS 5182 (Part 23): 2006, Indian Standard, Methods for Measurement of Air Pollution, Part 23 Respirable Suspended Particulate Matter (PM10), Cyclonic Flow Technique. [2] Shah Prakesh S. and Balkhair Taiba, Air pollution and birth outcomes: a systematic review, Environment International, 37(2), 2011, 498-516. [3] Patankar A.M. and Trivedi P.L., Monetary burden of health impacts of air pollution in Mumbai, India: implications for public health policy, Public Health, 125(3), 2011, 157-164. [4] Guttikunda Sarath K. and Goel Rahul, Health impacts of particulate pollution in a megacity—Delhi, India, Environmental Development, in press, corrected proof, 2012, available online. [5] Samet Jonathan M., Dominici Francesca, Curriero Frank C., Coursac Ivan and Zeger Scott L., Fine particulate air pollution and mortality in 20 U.S. cities, 1987–1994, The New England Journal of Medicine, 343, 2000,1742-1749. Ravinder Singh, Kafeel Ahmad, D C Jakhwal and M Satish Kumar |
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4. | The Development of Financial Information System and Business Intelligence Using Data Mining Concepts
The Development of Financial Information System and Business Intelligence Using Data Mining ConceptsAbstract: One of the most emerging technologies is finance, becoming more amenable to data-driven modeling as large sets of financial data become available everywhere. So we are applying the data mining techniques in financial information system with Business Intelligence. A Business Intelligence System (BIS) can be described as an interactive, computer-based system designed to help decision-makers to solve unstructured problems. Using a combination of models, analytical techniques, and information retrieval, such systems help develop and evaluate appropriate alternatives.Key words: Financial data, Business Intelligence System, Business Intelligence, Financial Information System. Reference [1]. Business Intelligence Systems: Design and Implementation Strategies by G R Gangadhara [2]. Business Intelligence System for Risk Management in the Real Estate Industry. Raul vaulverde. [3]. www.whatis.techtarget.com/definition/slice-and-dice [4]. www.exforsys.com/tutorials/business-intelli gence/business-intelligence-key-performanc e-indicators.html [5]. www.exforsys.com/tutorials/business-intelli gence/business-intelligence-key-performanc e-indicators.html PVD PRASAD |
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5. | Prediction of Weld Quality of A Tungsten Inertr Gas Welded Mild Steel Pipe Joint Using Response Surface Methodology (Rsm)
Prediction of Weld Quality of A Tungsten Inertr Gas Welded Mild Steel Pipe Joint Using Response Surface Methodology (Rsm)Abstract: The weld quality of tungsten inert gas (TIG) welded joint has been investigated to identify the most economical weld parameters that will bring about optimum properties. Response surface methodology has been used in the optimization of the tungsten inert gas weld of mild steel pipes. Response surface methodology, based on the central composite face centered design was generated for the purpose of optimization of the weld quality.All the process parameters have desirability of 1. Tensile strength response for this solution have a desirability of 0.910595 and the yield strength of 0.59. Result showed that minimizing current and voltage an average tensile strength of 535.452MPa and yield strength of up to 408.74MPa can be achieved, while keeping gas flow rate and electrode diameter within the range of test. It was also deduced that tensile elongation of the TIG weld is not influenced by the process parameters selected for the purpose of this study.Key words: Flow, Methodology, Optimization, Rate, Tungston. Reference [1] Box, G. E. P. and Wilson, K.B. (1951) On the Experimental Attainment of Optimum Conditions (with discussion). Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B13(1):1–45. [2] Elangovan, S. Venkateshwaran, S., Prakasan, K.,2012, experimental investigations on optimization of ultrasonic welding parameters for copper to brass joints using response surface method and genetic algorithm International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Studies E-ISSN2249–8974 IJAERS/Vol. I/ Issue III/April-June, 2012/55-64 [3] Gunaraj, V., Murugan, N., (1999) Application of response surface methodology for predicting weld bead quality in submerged arc welding of pipes. Journal: Journal of Materials Processing Technology - J MATER PROCESS TECHNOL , vol. 88, no. 1, pp. 266-275. [4] Jayachandran Murugan, (2011), Investigations on the Influence of Surfacing Process Parameters Over Bead Properties During Stainless Steel Cladding, European Journal of Pain Supplements , vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 76-77. [5] Krishankant, Mohit B., Rajesh K., Jatin T., (2012) Application of response surface modeling for determination of flux consumption in submerged arc welding by the effect of various welding parameters. Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering, ISSN 2278-3512 Vol.2, Issue 2. Pp 118-126 I.U. Abhulimen, J.I. Achebo |
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6. | Selection of Best Supplier in Furniture Manufacturing Company by Using Analytic Hierarchy Process
Selection of Best Supplier in Furniture Manufacturing Company by Using Analytic Hierarchy ProcessAbstract: The selection of supplier is one of the most critical decisions in the design and development of a successful production environment. In this study, a user friendly decision support system is proposed for supplier selection. This system guides the decision maker in selecting proper supplier via effective algorithms, such as the Analytic Hierarchy process (AHP) Cost analysis helps the user evaluate the results based on economical considerations. Selection of supplier is a time consuming process which needs extensive data exploitation. The process of supplier selection is a multi- criteria decision-making problem with conflicting and diverse objectives. In this work a systematic methodology is presented under the consideration of multiple factors and objectives that are witnessed to be crucial to the construction process. The model includes building an analytic hierarchy structure with a tree of hierarchical criteria and alternatives to ease the decision-making.Key words: Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP); Multi criteria Decision Making (MCDM); Selection of Best Supplier Reference [1] T. L Saaty, The Analytic hierarchy process, Mc Graw – Hill.(1980) [2] Steven Klutho.(mathematical Decision making) [3] Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering.Volume4. [4] MSDN magazine.(The Analytical Hierarchy process) [5] James McCaffrey. Asilata M. Damle, Dr. I. P. Keswani |
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7. | The Expansion of 3D wireless sensor network Bumps localization
The Expansion of 3D wireless sensor network Bumps localizationAbstract: Bump localization of wireless sensor network is a hot topic, but present algorithms of 3D wireless sensor node localization arenot accurate enough. In this paper, the DR-MDS algorithm is proposed, DR-MDS algorithm mainly calibrates the coordinatesof nodes and the ranging of nodes based on multidimensional scaling, it calculates the distance between any nodes exactlyaccording to the hexahedral measurement, introducing a modification factor to calibrate the measuring distance by ReceivedSignal Strength Indicator (RSSI). Results of simulation show that DR-MDS algorithm has significant improvement inlocalization accuracy compare with MDS-MAP algorithm.Key words: Node localization; Localization accuracy, Wireless sensor networks; Distance correction; Reference [1] Sun Li-ming, Li Jian-zhong, Chen Yu. Wireless Sensor Networks. Bei Jing:Tsinghua University Press, 2005:35-56. [2] Jiuqiang Xu, Wei Liu, Fenggao Lang, Yuanyuan Zhang, Chenglong Wang.Distance Measurement Model Based on RSSI in WSN.Wireless Sensor Network, 2010(2): 606-611 [3] Yun Wang ,Xiaodong Wang ,Demin Wang. Range-Free Localization Using Expected Hop Progress in Wireless Sensor Networks.Parallel and Distributed Systems. 2009,20(10):1540-1552. [4] Daemitabalvandani, Maziyar; Sabater, Josep; Sabater, Jordi; López, Manel .Distance Estimation Error from Direct Measurement of the RSSI. The Use of Link Quality Indicator for Obtaining a Global Vision of the Network.Sensor Letters. 2011,9(6):2197-2202. [5] Yang Sun Lee, Jang Woo Park, Leonard Barolli. A localization algorithm based on AOA for ad-hoc sensor networks.Mobile Information Systems.2012,8(12):61-72. A.Pratap Naidu, M.V.R Maneesha, C.Malathi, K.Balaji |
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8. | μ-πrα Closed Sets in Bigeneralized Topological Spaces
μ-πrα Closed Sets in Bigeneralized Topological SpacesAbstract: The aim of the paper is to introduce the concept of μ(m,n)-πrα closed sets in bigeneralized topological spaces and study some of their properties. We also introduce the notion of μ(m,n)-πrα continuous function and μ(m,n)-πrα T1/2 spaces on bigeneralized topological spaces and investigate some of their propertiesKey words: μ(m,n)-πrα closed sets, μ(m,n)-πrα continuous,μ-πrα T1/2 spaces. Reference [1] K.Binoy Balan and C.Janaki, μ-πrα closed sets in generalized topological space, Int. Journal of Adv. sci.and Tech. research, 2(6),(2012), 352-359. [2] C.Boonpok, Weakly open functions on bigeneralized topological spaces, Int. Journal of Math. Analysis, 15(5),(2010),891- 897. [3] Á.Császár, Generalized topology, generalized continuity, Acta Math.Hungar., 96 ,(2002), 351-357. [4] Á.Császár,Generalized open sets in generalized topologies, Acta Math.Hungar., 106,(2005), 53-66. [5] P. Priyadharsini, G. K. Chandrika and A. Parvathi, Semi generalized closed sets in bigeneralized topological spaces, Int. Journal of Math. Archive, 3(1), 2012, 1-7. C. Janaki and K. Binoy Balan |
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9. | An Overview on Authentication Approaches and Their Usability in Conjunction with Internet and Mobile Applications
An Overview on Authentication Approaches and Their Usability in Conjunction with Internet and Mobile ApplicationsAbstract: The usage of sensitive online services and applications such as online banking, e-commerce etc is increasing day by day. These technologies have tremendously improved making our daily life easier. However, these developments have been accompanied by E-piracy where attackers try to get access to services illegally. As sensitive information flow through Internet, they need support for security properties such as authentication, authorization, data confidentiality. Perhaps static password (User ID & password) is the most common and widely accepted authentication method. Online applications need strong password such as a combination of alphanumeric with special characters. In general, having one password for a single service may be easy to remember, but controlling many passwords for different services poses a tedious task on users online applications . Usually users try to use same password for different services or make slight changes in the password which can be easy for attacker to guess adding increased security threat. In order to overcome this, stronger authentication solutions need to be suggested and adapted for services based network.Key words: Authentication, Authorization, Access control, Single and Multiple factor authentication, Authentication usability, One Time Password Reference [1] M. Alzomai , '' Identity Management : Strengthening One Time Password Authentication Through Usability ''. PhD thesis May 2011. [2] H.C. Kim, H.W. Lee, K.S.Lee , M.S. Jun, '' Design of One-Time Password Mechanism using Public Key Infrastructure ''.978-0-7695-3322-3/08 © 2008 IEEE DOI 10.1109/NCM.2008.77. [3] ISO 7816-3 Electronic signals and transmission protocols. [4] ISO 7816-1 Physical characteristics. [5] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Location-based_authentication. Sangare Mamoudou, Wajdi Al-Khateeb |
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10. | Future Internet: Challenge And Research Trend
Future Internet: Challenge And Research TrendAbstract: This article first presents the Challenges of the current Internet and concept of Future Internet Research, motivation for future Internet. Challenges and limitations of Current Internet are reason of Future Internet Researches. In order to provide Future Internet's service, the Future Internet testbed must be deployed as foundation, and many countries such as USA, Europe and Asia are striving research of Future Internet and deployment of the Future Internet. This paper describe countries which are active on Future Internet research and summarizes the Trends of the Future Internet.Key words: future Internet, Internet Engineering, Internet Science, Internet Trend Reference [1] Sallai, G., "Chapters of Future Internet research," IEEE 4th International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom), pp. 161-166, Dec. 2013. [2] Vos, T.; Tonella, P. ; Prasetya, W. ; Kruse, P.M. ; Bagnato, A. ; Harman, M. and Shehory, O., "FITTEST: A new continuous and automated testing process for future Internet applications," IEEE Conference on Software Maintenance, Reengineering and Reverse Engineering (CSMR-WCRE), 2014 Software Evolution Week, pp. 407-410, Feb. 2014. [3] Jianping, W.; Jessie, H.W. and Jaihai Y.," CNGI-CERNET2: an IPv6 Deployment in China," ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, Volume 41, Number 2, pp. 48-52, April 2011. [4] JOOBUM, K. and Dongkyun, K., "KREONET-GENI Future Internet testbed," IEEE 7th International Conference on Networked Computing and Advanced Information Management (NCM), pp. 121-122, June. 2011. [5] European Commission: International Conference on Internet Science. The FP7 European Network of Excellence in Internet Science (http://internet-science.eu) Brussels, April 9-11, 2013. http://internetscienceconference.files.wordpress.com/2013/04/internet_science_conference_proceedings.pdf Amir Abbaszadeh Sori and Mohammad Amini |
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11. | Size and Time Estimation in Goal Graph Using Use Case Points (UCP): A Survey
Size and Time Estimation in Goal Graph Using Use Case Points (UCP): A SurveyAbstract: In order to achieve ideal status and meet demands of stakeholders, each organization should follow their vision and long term plan. Goals and strategies are two fundamental basis in vision and mission. Goals identify framework of organization where processes, rules and resources are designed. Goals are modelled based on a graph structure by means of extraction, classification and determining requirements and their relations and in form of graph. Goal graph shows goals which should be satisfied in order to guarantee right route of organization. On the other hand, these goals can be called as predefined sub projects which business management unit should consider and analyse them. If we know approximate size and time of each part, we will design better management plans resulting in more prosperity and less fail. This paper studies how use case points method is used in calculating size and time in goal graph.Key words: Use Case, Size Estimation, Time Estimation, Goal Graph, Use Case Points Reference [1] E. Kavakli, "Modeling organizational goals: analysis of current methods," presented at the Proceedings of the ACM symposium on Applied computing, 2004. [2] B. Boehm, et al., "Cost models for future software life cycle processes: COCOMO 2.0. ," 1995. [3] G. Karner, " Metrics for Objectory ,", University of Linköping, Sweden, 1993. [4] Alistair Cockburn, " Writing Effective Use Cases," 2001. [5] Daisuke Tanabe , et al., "Supporting Requirements Change Management in Goal Oriented Analysis," in 6th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference 2008. Amir Abbaszadeh Sori And Mohammad Amini |
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12. | Design of Low Pass Digital FIR Filter Using Cuckoo Search Algorithm
Design of Low Pass Digital FIR Filter Using Cuckoo Search AlgorithmAbstract: This paper presents a novel approach of designing linear phase FIR low pass filter using cuckoo Search Algorithm (CSA). FIR filter design is a multi-modal optimization problem. The conventional optimization techniques are not efficient for digital filter design. An iterative method is introduced to find the best solution of FIR filter design problem.Flat passband and high stopband attenuation are the major characteristics required in FIR filter design. To achieve these characteristics, a Cuckoo Search algorithm (CSA) is proposed in this paper. CSA have been used here for the design of linear phase finite impulse response (FIR) filters. Results are presented in this paper that seems to be promising tool for FIR filter designKey words: Convergence, CSA, Evolutionary Optimization Technique, Magnitude Response, Parks and McClellan Algorithm. Reference [1.] L. Litwin, FIR and IIR digital filters, IEEE Potentials. 0278-6648,2000, 28–31. [2.] T.W. Parks, C.S. Burrus, Digital Filter Design, Wiley, New York, 1987. [3.] T.W. Parks, J.H. McClellan, Chebyshev approximation for non recursive digital filters with linear phase, IEEE Trans Circuit Theory, CT-19 (1972) 189–194. [4.] J.H. McClellan, T.W. Parks, L.R. Rabiner, A computer program for designing optimum FIR linear phase digital filters, IEEE Trans.Audio Electro acoust., AU-21 (1973) 506–526. [5.] L.R. Rabiner, Approximate design relationships for low-pass FIR digital filters, IEEE Trans. Audio Electro acoust., AU-21 (1973) 456–460. Taranjit Singh, Harvinder Singh Josan |
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13. | Early Detection of Lung Cancer Using Neural Network Techniques
Early Detection of Lung Cancer Using Neural Network TechniquesAbstract: Effective identification of lung cancer at an initial stage is an important and crucial aspect of image processing. Several data mining methods have been used to detect lung cancer at early stage. In this paper, an approach has been presented which will diagnose lung cancer at an initial stage using CT scan images which are in Dicom (DCM) format. One of the key challenges is to remove white Gaussian noise from the CT scan image, which is done using non local mean filter and to segment the lung Otsu's thresholding is used. The textural and structural features are extracted from the processed image to form feature vector. In this paper, three classifiers namely SVM, ANN, and k-NN are applied for the detection of lung cancer to find the severity of disease (stage I or stage II) and comparison is made with ANN, and k-NN classifier with respect to different quality attributes such as accuracy, sensitivity(recall), precision and specificity. It has been found from results that SVM achieves higher accuracy of 95.12% while ANN achieves 92.68% accuracy on the given data set and k-NN shows least accuracy of 85.37%. SVM algorithm which achieves 95.12% accuracy helps patients to take remedial action on time and reduces mortality rate from this deadly disease.Key words: Dicom, SVM, ANN, k-NN, Accuracy, Sensitivity, Precision and Specificity. Reference [1] Imran Ali, Waseem A. Wani and Kishwar Saleem, "Cancer Scenario in India with Future Perspectives", Cancer Therapy, vol. 8, 2011, pp. 56-70. [2] Ferlay J, Soerjomataram I, Ervik M, Dikshit R, Eser S, Mathers C, Rebelo M, Parkin D M, Forman D, Bray, F (2013). GLOBOCAN 2012 v1.0, Cancer Incidence and Mortality World Wide: IARC Cancer Base No. 11, Lyon, France: International Agency for Research on Cancer. [3] S.Shaik Parveen, C.Kavitha, "Detection of lung cancer nodules using automatic region growing method", Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computing, Communications and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), 2013, pp. 201-206. [4] Yang Liu, Jinzhu Yang, Dazhe Zhao, Jiren Liu, "A Method of Pulmonary Nodule Detection utilizing multiple Support Vector Machines", Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Application and System Modeling (ICCASM 2010), 2010, pp. 118-121. [5] Guruprasad Bhat, Vidyadevi G Biradar , H Sarojadevi Nalini, "Artificial Neural Network based Cancer Cell Classification (ANN – C3)", Computer Engineering and Intelligent Systems, vol. 3, (2), 2012, pp. 116-119. Prashant Naresh, Dr. Rajashree Shettar |
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14. | Data Hiding In Medical Images by Preserving Integrity of ROI Using Semi-Reversible Watermarking Technique
Data Hiding In Medical Images by Preserving Integrity of ROI Using Semi-Reversible Watermarking TechniqueAbstract: Text fusion in images is an important technology for image processing. We have lots of important information related to the patient's reports and need lots of space to store and the proper position and name which relates that image with that data. In our work we are going to find out the ROI (region of interest) for the particular image and will fuse the related document in the NROI (non-region of interest) of the image, till yet we have many techniques to fuse text data in the medical images one of form them is to fuse data at the boarders of the images and build the particular and pre-defined boarder space. We have propose an algorithm in which we first find out the area of interest and after that we find noisy pixels of the image to embed data in that noisy portions of the image. We use wavelets for smoothing images and segmentation process for extracting region of interest. Coordinates of the noisy pixels have been located and data has been embedded in those pixels .The used embedding technique embed data in least significant bits, hence does not degrade the quality of the image to unacceptable limits. Results show that it gives good PSNR and MSE values which are used for measuring quality effected performance.Key words: Data embedding, Data extraction, US/MRI images. Reference [1.] Acharya.U.R., Bhat.P.S., Kumar.S., and Lim.M.C.," Transmission and storage of medical images with patient information", Computers in Biology and Medicine Vol 33 ,2003, pages 303–310. [2.] Li.M., Poovendran.R., and Narayanan.S., "Protecting patient privacy against unauthorized release of medical images in a group communication situation", Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, Vol 29 ,2005, pages 367–383. [3.] G. Coatrieux, Clarale, Guillou, J. Cauvin, L. Iocamu and Ch, Roux: "Enhancing shared medical image fimctionalities with image knowledge digest and watermarking", presented in the IEEE EMBC conflnt. Tech-nol.Appl. Biomed. (IT AB 2006) Joannina, Greece. [4.] Weng.S., Zhao.Y., Pan.J.S., and Ni.R., "A novel high capacity reversible watermarking scheme," IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 07), vol. 3, 2007, Page(s): 723 – 730 . [5.] Raul, C.R. and Claudia, U.F, "Data Hiding Scheme for Medical Images" 2007 IEEE Page(s): 32-36. Arshpreet Kaur, Harvinder Singh Josan |
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1. | Study Of Characteristics Strength of Concrete with Admixtures by Flexural and Disc Bending Test
Study Of Characteristics Strength of Concrete with Admixtures by Flexural and Disc Bending TestAbstract: Concrete is widely used in structural engineering with its high compressive strength, low cost and abandoned raw material, but common concrete has some deficiency, such as shrinkage and cracking, low tensile strength and flexural strength, high brittleness, that restrict its applications. To overcome these deficiencies' additional materials are added to improve the performance of the concrete. Super plasticizer is a chemical added to conventional concrete mix that makes the concrete more workable and it can be placed easily. The aim of this project work to study the characteristics strengths of concrete such as compressive strength, flexural strength, split tensile strength, diametric strength and tensile strength by disc bending test. For the experimental work normal concrete M 40 has to be prepared and characteristics strength such as compressive strength, tensile strength, and flexural strength have to be achieved. This strength has to be performed after 7 days and 28 days curing. After that in addition of super plasticizer the study of the strength have to be performed with various % of plasticizer such as 0.60% to 1.2 % by the weight of cement and study of strength of concrete have to be performed at 7 days and 28 days. A relative comparison of the strength of the concrete with addition of admixtures with normal concrete can be study.Key words: compressive strength, flexural strength, disc bending test, M 40, Super plasticizer. Reference [1] ASTMC 496, 1979. Standard Method of Test for splitting tensile strength of cylindrical concrete specimens. [2] ASTM C 78, 1982. Standard Test Method for Flexural Strength of concrete. [3] Clegg, B.1965, "weekly cemented sand and its behavior in model pavement structure". Proc. Of the 6th international conf. on soil mechanics and foundations engineering, vol-2 pp. 27-32. [4] CEB-FIP Model Code, (1990). [5] Helenelud K.V. (1967)," Vane tests and tension tests in Fibrous Peat", proceeding of geotechnical conference, Oslo, Norway, vol-1 pp.199-203. Anant Kumar, Chandan Kumar, Shyam Kishor Kumar, Amit Kumar |
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2. | Existing Facilities And Deficiencies In A Busy Intersection At Dhaka Based On The Condition Survey Of The Study Area
Existing Facilities And Deficiencies In A Busy Intersection At Dhaka Based On The Condition Survey Of The Study AreaAbstract: Roundabouts have become increasingly popular in recent years as an innovative operational and safety solution at both low volume and high volume intersections. This paper contains capacity analysis of existing roads at a busy intersection in Dhaka named Polashi intersection, compare capacity and volume, AADT, velocity study, road user behavior, pedestrian flow analysis for proposed roundabout. Evaluations are made on a rational basis using qualitative analysis wherever possible and accepting that some matters determine by the exercise of judgments. Roundabouts have a number of advantages over traffic signals depending on the conditions. They reduce the severity of crashes since head-on and right-angle conflicts are nearly eliminated. They may consume less land area since turn pocket lanes are not needed. They have lower energy and maintenance costsKey words: Bicycle lane, Intersection, Pedestrian, Traffic Volume, Sidewalk, Safety Reference [1] Currin, T. R. 2001. Turning Movement Counts. In Introduction to Traffic Engineering: A Manual for Data Collection and Analysis, ed. B. Stenquist. Stamford, Conn.: Wadsworth Group, pp. 13–23. [2] Homburger, W. S., J. W. Hall, R. C. Loutzenheiser, and W. R. Reilly. 1996. Volume Studies and Characteristics. In Fundamentals of Traffic Engineering. Berkeley: Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Berkeley, pp. 5.1–5.6. [3] FHWA. 2001. Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices: Millennium Edition. Washington, D.C.: Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation. [4] Robertson, H. D. 1994. Volume Studies. In Manual of Transportation Engineering Studies, ed. H. D. Robertson, J. E. Hummer, and D. C. Nelson. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, Inc., pp. 6– 31. [5] Sharma, S. C. 1994. Seasonal Traffic Counts for a Precise Estimation of AADT. ITE Journal, Vol. 64, No. 9, pp. 34–41. Mahmudul Hasan, Tajkia Syeed Tofa, Mohammad Rakibul Islam Khan |
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3. | A Mathematical Model for the Genetic Variation of Prolactin and Prolactin Receptor in Relationship with Serum Prolactin Concentrations and Breast Cancer Risk
A Mathematical Model for the Genetic Variation of Prolactin and Prolactin Receptor in Relationship with Serum Prolactin Concentrations and Breast Cancer RiskAbstract: The Weibull distribution is a widely used model for studying fatigue and endurance life in engineering devices and materials. Recent advances in Weibull theory have also created numerous specialized Weibull applications. Modern computing technology has made many of these techniques accessible across the engineering spectrum. Despite its popularity, and wide applicability the traditional 2 – parameter and 3- parameter Weibull distribution is unable to capture all the lifetime phenomenon for instance the data set which has a non – monotonic failure rate function. Recently several generalization of Weibull distribution has been studied. An approach to the construction of flexible parametric model is to embed appropriate competing models into a larger model by adding shape parameter. Some recent generalizations of Weibull distribution including the Exponentiated Weibull, Extended Weibull, Modified Weibull are discussed and references [5] therein, along with their reliability functions. In this paper a new generalization of Weibull distribution called the transmuted Weibull distribution is utilized for our medical application. For example, Prolactin and prolactin receptors are present in normal breast tissue, benign breast disease, breast cancer cell lines, and breast tumour tissue, leading to speculation that the proliferative and antiapoptotic effects of prolactin in breast epithelial cells could be a factor in breast carcinogenesis. In this paper, a test for the distribution of prolactin concentrations in controls, by menopausal status and relationships with Serum Prolactin Levels and Breast Cancer Risk was investigated in the application part, by using Transmuted Weibull Distribution. As a result the mathematical curves for the Probability Density Function, Reliability Function and Hazard Rate Function are obtained for the corresponding medical curve given in the application part.Key words: Prolactin (PRL), Prolactin Receptor (PRLR), Single Nucleotide Polymorphism(SNP), Transmuted Weibull Distribution, Reliability Function, Hazard Rate Function. Mathematics Subject Classification: 62N05, 90B25 Reference [1] Bachelot A, Binart N: "Reproductive role of Prolactin", Reproduction 2007, 133: 361 – 369. [2] Clevenger CV, Furth PA, Hankinson SE, Schuler LA: "The role of prolactin in mammary carcinoma", Endocr Rev 2003, 24: 1- 27 [3] Faupel – Badger JM, Sherman ME, Garcia – Closas M, Gaudet MM, Falk RT, Andaya A: "Prolactin serum levels and breast cancer: Relationships with risk factors and tumour characteristics among pre and postmenopausal women in a population – based control study from Poland", Br J Cancer 2010, 103: 1097 – 1102. [4] Gokarna R, Aryal and Chris P, Tsokos: "On the transmuted extreme value distribution with application", Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications, 71: 1401 – 1407, 2009. [5] Hoang Pham and Chin – Diew Lai: "On recent generalizations of the Weibull Distribution", IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 56(3): 454 – 458, 2007. S. Lakshmi and M. Goperundevi |
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4. | Gisand Remote Sensing Applied To Land Use Change Of The
Prefecture Of CASABLANCA, Morocco From 1986 Until 2011
Ikram Loukili, , Saida El Moutaki, Abdessamad Ghafiri, Mustapha El HakdaouiAbstract: The population and urbanization of Morocco are increasing very rapidly. They have risenin large cities due to heavy immigration rate from rural areas to accessjob opportunities, better education, and better health facilities. Casablanca has the most affected land use changes in Morocco because of the immigration. This paper presents anintegrated study of land use change in this city from 1986 until 2011 using topographic map sheets (1986) and satellite image (2011). The layers of landuse map (1986) were obtainedby digitization technique in ARCGIS 9.3 software. Supervised classification methodology has been employed using maximum likelihood technique in ERDAS IMAGINE (2011) to extract from the satellite image four classes which were categorized into, built-up area, public green spaces, agricultural land and water bodies. The totalarea of each class was estimated by using geometry tools of ArcGISsoftware to compare land use changes between 1986 and 2011.Key words: land use change, Remote sensing, GIS, Casablanca. Reference [1] Haut Commissariat Au Plan, RegionalAccounts of GrandCasablancaGross domestic productandfinal expenditure of household consumption (Morocco, 2004). [2] Casablanca port history of the future 2013,Centenaire du port de Casablanca 1913-2013 [3] http://www.casablanca-airport.com/ [4] M.Chouiki, L'aménagement des marges urbaines de Casablanca (Morocco, 2003). [5] S.Saadi, Mediterranean politicsV17 N2-3, Water privatization dynamics in Morocco a critical assessment of the Casablanca case, 2012, 376-393. Ikram Loukili, Saida El Moutaki, Abdessamad Ghafiri, Mustapha El Hakdaoui |
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5. | Experimental and Fe Analysis of Eccentric Loaded Welded Joint Structure
Experimental and Fe Analysis of Eccentric Loaded Welded Joint StructureAbstract: Arc welded structures are widely used in automobiles, constructions & power plants. As the main cause of weldment failure is design defect & overload, hence it is necessary to analyze the maximum stresses in the weldment. In this project experimentation is carried out on symmetrical and unsymmetrical eccentric loaded welded joint to determine the breaking stress in the weldment. The FE analysis & analytical estimation of breaking stress is also carried out to verify the experimental results. The stress distribution along weld size & throat thickness is evaluated and also compared with reported findings under same loading condition. Further eccentric loaded welded joint is analyzed under eccentric load by varying the gap between parent plates.Key words: Eccentric, weldment Reference [1] Butler, L. J., Pal, S., and Kulak, G. L. (1972). "Eccentrically Loaded Welded Connections," Journal of the Structural Division, ASCE, Vol. 98, ST5, May, pp. 989-1005. [2] Dawe, J. L., and Kulak, G. L. (1972). "Welded Connections under Combined Shear andMoment," Journal of the Structural Division, ASCE, Vol. 100, No. ST4, May, pp. 727-741. [3] Neis, V.V. (1980). "Factored Resistance of Welded Connections Subject to Shear and Moment," Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 84-92. [4] Beaulieu, D., and Picard, A. (1985). "Résultatsd' essaissur des assemblage's soudés Excentriques en flexion," Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 12, pp. 494-506. [5] Canadian Institute of Steel Construction (2006): Handbook of Steel Construction. Ninth Edition. Toronto, Ontario. Harish N. Sayankar, Prof. S. D. Khamankar |
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6. | Experimental And FE Analysis Of Eccentric Loaded Symmetrical And Unsymmetrical Bolted Joint With Bolt Pretension
Experimental And FE Analysis Of Eccentric Loaded Symmetrical And Unsymmetrical Bolted Joint With Bolt PretensionAbstract: This paper presents experimental and FE analysis of eccentric loaded bolted joint under symmetric and unsymmetrical bolt system with consider bolt pretension. A cad model of a bolted joint has been developed using modeling software PROE5.0 and FE analysis was carried out by using ANSYSWORKBENCH12.0.stress analysis has been carried out by varying bolt pattern of bolted joint for predict maximum heavily loaded bolt. Experimental work was conducted to measure maximum shear strength of the specimens for validation of the developed FE model. Experimental work was carried out on hydraulic jack and specimen of bolted joint was tested to know maximum shear strength of bolt. The results from both FE analysis and experimental work were then compared and show close results among them.Key words: ANSYS WORKBENCH12.0, Bolt Pretension, FEM, PROE5.0. Reference [1] Rados Bulatovic, JankoJovanovic "An Analysis Of The Mathematical Models In The Deformation Process of Eccentrically Loaded Bolts" Udc 621.315.684:519.87 (March-2000) [2] Dr.Saman Fernando "The Function of Washers in Bolted Joint"(Aug-2002) [3] Mahesh J. Patil, S.C. shilwant & Satish S. Kadam" Self-Loosening of Bolted Joints :A parametric study" (Jan-2006) [4] Aidy Ali, Ting Wei Yao, Nuraini Abdul Aziz "Simulation And Experimental Work Of Single Lap Bolted Joint Tested In Bending" Suranaree J. Sci. Technol.14 (4):331-345 (Nov-2007) [5] Mohamed Tahar, Nasraoui Jamel Chakhari, Boubaker Khalfi, Mustapha Nasri "Numerical and Experimental Study of Shear Loaded Bolted Joint"(June-2010) Pranav R. Pimpalkar, Prof. S. D. Khamankar |
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7. | Design of Lattice Wind Turbine Towers With Structural Optimization
Design of Lattice Wind Turbine Towers With Structural OptimizationAbstract: This article aims to study the self-supporting truss towers used to support large wind turbines in areas with high altitude. The goal is to evaluate and validate numerically by finite element method the structural analysis when the lattice structures of the towers of wind turbines are subjected to static loads and these from common usage. With this, it is expected minimize the cost of transportation and installation of the tower and maximize the generation of electricity, respecting technical standards and restrictions of structural integrity and safety, making vibration analysis and the required static and dynamic loads, thereby preventing failures by fractures or mechanical fatigue. Practical examples of towers will be designed by the system and will be tested in structural simulation programs using the Finite Element Method. This analysis is done on the entire region coupling action of the turbine, with variable sensitivity to vibration levels. The results obtained for freestanding lattice tower are compared with the information of a tubular one designed to support the generator with the same characteristics. At the end of this work itwas possible to observe the feasibility of using lattice towers that proved better as its structural performance but with caveats about its dynamic performance since the appearance of several other modes natural frequency thus reducing the intervals between them in low frequency and theoretically increase the risk of resonance.Key words: Structural Analysis, Vibration Analysis, Self-Supporting Truss Towers, Wind Energy, Finite Element Method, Structural Optimization Reference [1] AMARANTE, O. A. C., et al, 2010, Atlas do Potencial Eólico Brasileiro, Ministério de Minas e Energia, Eletrobrás, CEPEL. [2] AMARANTE, O. A. C., SILVA, F. J. L., 2002, Atlas Eólico do Rio Grande do Sul, Secretaria de Energia Minas e Comunicações do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DE NORMAS TÉCNICAS. NBR 6123: Forças devidas ao vento em edificações. Rio de Janeiro: ABNT, 1988 [3] ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DE NORMAS TÉCNICAS. NBR 5422: Projeto de linhas aéreas de transmissão de energia elétrica. Rio de Janeiro: ABNT, 1985. [4] ENERCON, 2004, "E70 - Booklet", EnerconInternationalDepartment, www.enercon.de acessado em 20 de junho de 2011. [5] FERREIRA, T.S., 2012, Comportamento Estrutural de Torres Treliçadas Autoportantes de Aço para Suporte de Turbinas Eólicas, Dissertação (Mestrado em engenharia mecânica) - Pontifícia universidade Católica, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Mecânica, Minas Gerias – MG. Pedro Américo Almeida Magalhães Júnior, Igor Guasti Rios, Tiago Simão Ferreira, Aniceto Carlos De Andrade Júnior, Osvaldo Abadia De Carvalho Filhoand Pedro Henrique Deogene Soares |
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8. | Performance Analysis of Cognitive Radio for Wi-Fi Signals Using Cyclostationary Spectrum Sensing
Performance Analysis of Cognitive Radio for Wi-Fi Signals Using Cyclostationary Spectrum SensingAbstract: The need for radio spectrum usage is increasing day by day with recent advancements in wireless system. But there is limited amount of spectrum available. So that for solving this problem Cognitive Radio (CR) is used for purpose of the spectrum utilization properly. Basically the Licensed users use the licensed bands but the unlicensed users should always check spectrum with the help of CR technology. The main aim of cognitive radio is to sense the spectrum continuously. In this paper, we have provided the proposal that how the capacity of the system can be increased by reuse the unused licensed band by simulating a Cognitive radio system. The secondary users can occupy free space (spectrum holes) and also licensed bands by continuously monitoring the spectrum. The requirements of cognitive radio systems will be investigated by considering spectrum sensing techniques. To achieve this, a Cyclostationary Spectrum Sensing technique is studied and applied to detect OFDM signals in a noisy environment. The results are obtained for the applications employed in high frequency, such as, Wi-Fi.Key words: Cognitive Radio,Cyclostationary Spectrum Sensing, Spectrum Sensing,SpectrumHoles,Wi-Fi. Reference [1] Danijela, S. M. Mishra, D. Willkomm, R. Brodersen and A. Wolisz, "A cognitive radio approach for usage of virtual unlicensed spectrum," in 14th IST Mobile and Wireless Communications Summit, 2005. [2] I. F. Akyildiz, W.-Y. Lee, M. C. Vuran and S. Mohanty, "Next generation/dynamic spectrum access/cognitive radio wireless networks: a survey," Computer Networks, vol. 50, no. 13, pp. 2127-2159, 2006. [3] D. Cabric, "Addressing the Feasibility of Cognitive Radios," in IEEE Signal Processing Magazine , November 2008. [4] F. W. D. Datla, "A framework for RF spectrum measurements analysis," in in Proc. IEEE Int. Symposioum on new Frontiers in Dynamic Spectrum Acces Networks, 2008. [5] A. Al-Dulaimi and N. Radhi, "Cyclostationary Detection of Undefined Secondary Users," IEEE Computer Society, 2009. Mandeep Singh, Charanjeet Singh, Amandeep Singh Bhandari |
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9. | Conceptual Cost Estimate of Libyan Highway Projects Using Artificial Neural Network
Conceptual Cost Estimate of Libyan Highway Projects Using Artificial Neural NetworkAbstract: It is well known that decisions at early stages of a construction project have great impact on subsequent project performance. Conceptual cost estimate is a challenging task that is done with limited information at the early stages of a project life where many factors affecting the project costs are still unknown. The objective of this paper is to support decision makers in predicting the conceptual cost of highway construction projects in Libya. Initially, the factors that significantly influence highway construction are identified. Then, an artificial neural network model is developed for predicting the cost. The network is trained and tested with a total of 67 projects historical data. Training of the model is administered via back-propagation algorithm. The model is coded ad implemented using MATLAB® to facilitate its use. An optimization module is also added to the Neural Network model with the objective of minimizing the error of the predicted cost. The model is then validated and the results show better predictions of conceptual cost of highway projects in Libya.Key words: Construction, Conceptual cost estimating, Neural Networks, Highway projects, Libya. Reference [1] Adeli, H., and Wu, M. (1998), "Regularization neural network for construction cost estimation," Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, Vol. 124, No. 1, PP. 18-24. [2] Al-Tabtabai, H., Alex, P., and Tantash, M. (1999), "Preliminary Cost Estimation of Highway Construction Using Neural Networks. Journal of Cost Engineering, Vol. 41, No. 3, PP. 19-24. [3] Ayed, A.S. (1997), Parametric Cost Estimating of Highway Projects using Neural Networks, M. Sc. Thesis, Faculty of engineering and Applied Sciences, Newfoundland, Canada. [4] David, J.L., Margaret, W.E. and Anthony, H. (2006), "Predicting Construction Cost Using Multiple Regression Techniques," Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, Vol. 132, No. 7, PP. 750-758. [5] Dutta, D. (2006), Statistics and Operations Research, Second Edition, Laxmi Publications (P) LTD, Daryaganj, New Delhi. Emad Elbeltagi, Ossama Hosny, Refaat Abdel-Razek and Atif El-Fitory |
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10. | Data Mining to Facilitate Effective User Navigation and Improve Structure of a Website
Data Mining to Facilitate Effective User Navigation and Improve Structure of a WebsiteAbstract: Now a days for a company it is very important to have active presence on web to become successful in electronic market. This requirement is fulfilled by an interactive website of a company. Website can be used to sell goods, maintain customer relationships, promotion of goods. By looking at the customer's response towards website we can decide campaign for future products and services. So for this website should be interactive and must be used by user by the way designer wants to. So, it is very important to study navigational behavior of a customer. By analyzing the web logs which records the navigational activity of the customer we can get several sequential patterns which helps us to study whether user is pursuing site's goal or not. Sequences are analyzed with WUM (Web Utilization Miner) which gives g-sequence (Generalized Sequence) and aggregate tree as an output. On the basis of the structure that is given by WUM, conclusions are studied and it is decided whether site structure needs improvement; The improvements suggested should be minimum but at the same time site should satisfy business goal. A mathematical programming model is used which suggest minimum improvements to site. Improvements which tends to change structure of site are avoided as it may be confusing for old site user.Reference [1] Chintan R. Varnagar, Nirali N. Madhak, Trupti M. Kodinariya, Jayesh N. Rathod, Web Usage Mining: A Review on Process, Methods and Techniques, [2] Myra Spiliopoulou, CarstenPohle Data Mining to Measure and Improve the Success of web,arXiv:cs.LG/0008009 v1 15 Aug 2000 [3] Min Chen and Young U. Ryu, Facilitating Effective User Navigation through Website Structure Improvement, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING, VOL. 25, NO. 3, MARCH 2013 [4] Myra Spiliopoulou, Lukas C. Faulstich, WUM: A Web Utilization Miner [5] M. Eirinaki and M. Vazirgiannis, "Web Mining for WebPersonalization," ACM Trans. Internet Technology, vol. 3, no. 1,pp. 1-27, 2003 Shweta Mohod, Prof. Vishalgangawane |
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11. | Study of Buckling Restrained Braces in Steel Frame Building
Study of Buckling Restrained Braces in Steel Frame BuildingAbstract: Conventional braces have limited deformation ductility capacity, and exhibit unsymmetrical hysteretic cycles, with marked strength deterioration when loaded in compression. To overcome the above mentioned problems, a new type of brace was developed in Japan called as buckling restrained braces, designated as BRB's. These braces are designed such that buckling is inhibited to occur, exhibiting adequate behavior and symmetrical hysteretic curves under the action of both tensile and compressive cycles, produced by the action of seismic and wind forces. This paper presents experimental results concerning the lateral load carrying capacity of steel frame model by use of buckling restrained brace. This paper also includes the comparative study of lateral load carrying capacity of frame model for bare frame, frame with Conventional brace and frame with buckling restrained brace.Key words: Lateral load, Steel frame, Conventional brace, Buckling restrained brace (BRB) Reference [1] Amiri J.V., Naeej M. and Monaeej M.R. (2013) "Seismic Retrofitting of Steel Frames with Buckling Restrained Braces", Iranica Journal of Energy & Environment , Geo-hazards and Civil Engineering, ISSN 2079-2115, pp. 178-185. [2] Deulkar1 W. N., Modhera C. D. & Patil H. S. (2010) " Buckling Restrained Braces for vibration Control Of Building Structure" IJRRAS 4, pp-363-375. [3] Fahnestock L. A. Ricles J.M., and Sause R. (2007)" Experimental Evaluation of a Large-Scale Buckling-Restrained Braced Frame" Journal of Structural Engineering © ASCE, Pp-1205-1214. [4] Hussain Saif, Benschoten P. V., Satari M.A., Lin S. (2005) " Buckling Restrained Braced Frame (BRBF) Structures: Analysis, Design and Approvals Issues" Coffman Engineers, Inc. Los Angeles, CA [5] Iwata Mamoru,(2004) "Applications-design Of Buckling Restrained Braces In Japan " 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering Vancouver, B.C., pp-1-6. Mr. Y. D. Kumbhar, Dr. M. R. Shiyekar |
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12. | A Case Study on Ip Based Cdma Ran by Controlling Router
A Case Study on Ip Based Cdma Ran by Controlling RouterAbstract: As communication plays an important role in day to day life, the effective and efficient data transmission is to be maintained. This paper mainly deals with implements a congestion control mechanism using Router control method for IP-RAN on CDMA cellular network. The Router control mechanism uses the features of CDMA networks using active Queue Management technique to reduce delay and to minimize the correlated losses. When utilizing these new personal tools and services to enrich our lives, while being mobile, we are using Mobile Multimedia applications. As new handsets, new technologies and new business models are introduced on the marketplace, new attractive multimedia services can and will be launched, fulfilling the demands. Because the number of multimedia services and even more so, the context in which the services are used is numerous, the following model is introduced in order to simplify and clarify how different services will evolve, enrich our lives and fulfill our desires.The proposed paper work is to be realized using Matlab platform.Key words: REDAQM, CDMA, IP-RAN, Matlab. Reference [1] Andy Miller and Michael Gulotta,(1999) "PN Generators Using the SRL Macro", Application Note: Virtex Series, Virtex-II Series, and Spartan-II Family, Xilinx Website [2] E.H. Dinan, B. Jabbari, "Spreading codes for direct sequence CDMA", IEEE Communications Magazine, pp. 48-54, September 1998. [3] Marat and Bosquet, (2002)"Satellite Communications Systems", Fourth Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc [4] Simon Haykin,(2000) "Communication Systems ", Fourth Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc [5] Timothy Pratt, Charles W. Bostian, (1989) "Satellite Communications", John Wiley & Sons, Inc K Sravan Abhilash |
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13. | Effect of Storage Period on the Physicochemical, Sensory and Microbiological Quality of Bakery Flavoured Ice Cream
Effect of Storage Period on the Physicochemical, Sensory and Microbiological Quality of Bakery Flavoured Ice CreamAbstract: Storage conditions were known to bring about some physicochemical changes in frozen foods. The present investigation was therefore carried out to examine the effect of storage period on the physicochemical, sensory and microbiological quality of bakery flavoured ice cream. Bakery flavoured ice cream incorporating cookies (plain and chocolate) and cakes (vanilla and chocolate) at 10 per cent level were prepared and subjected to 60 days of frozen storage and evaluated periodically at intervals of 15 days. With the progress in the storage period total solids, acidity and specific gravity of all ice cream samples increased significantly (p<0.01) during the storage, while pH, antioxidant activity and overrun decreased significantly (p<0.01). Protein, fibre and ash content do not show any significant change during storage. The decrease in total phenolic content was found to be non significant with increase in storage period from 0 to 60 days. Storage period had significant (p<0.01) on L and a*colour attributes of ice cream samples. First dripping time increased while melting rate decreased in all samples. The mean sensory scores of all ice cream samples decreased significantly with progress in storage period at -18±1oC. There was a significant decline in Standard Plate Count (SPC) and increase in psychrophillic count with progress in storage period.Key words: Ice cream, physicochemical, sensory quality, first dripping time, melting rate, microbiological quality, storage. Reference [1] Abdullah M, Rehman S, Zubair H, Saeed H M, Kousar S and Shahid M (2003) Effect of skim milk in soymilk blend on the quality of ice cream. Pakistan J Nutr 2:305-311 [2] Akesowan A (2008) Effect of combined stabilizers containing Konjac flour and κ-carrageenan on ice cream. Australian J Technol 12:81-85 [3] AOAC (2000) Official Methods of Analysis. 17th Edition. Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Gathersberg, Maryland, USA [4] APHA (1992) Compendium of Methods for the Microbiological Examination of Foods. 3rd Edition, American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C [5] Arbuckle W S (1977) Ice Cream. AVI Publishing Company, Inc New York Arashdeep Singh, Usha Bajwa, Rajpreet Kaur Goraya |
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14. | Preprocessing and Classification in WEKA Using Different
Preprocessing and Classification in WEKA Using Different ClassifiersAbstract: Data mining is a process of extracting information from a dataset and transform it into understandable structure for further use, also it discovers patterns in large data sets [1]. Data mining has number of important techniques such as preprocessing, classification. Classification is one such technique which is based on supervised learning. It is a technique used for predicting group membership for the data instance. Here in this paper we use preprocessing, classification on diabetes database. Here we apply classifiers on this database and compare the result based on certain parameters using WEKA. 77.2 million people in India are suffering from pre diabetes. ICMR estimates that around 65.1million are diabetes patients. Globally in year 2010, 227 to 285 million people had diabetes, out of that 90% cases are related to type 2 ,this is equal to 3.3% of the population with equal rates in both women and men in 2011 it resulted in 1.4 million deaths worldwide making it the leading cause of death.Key words: AD Tree; J48; Random Tree; REP Tree; Simple cart; WEKA; Reference [1] J. Han and M. Kamber, "Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques", Morgan Kaufmann, 2000. [2] Varun Kumar and Nisha Rathee," Knowledge discovery from database Using an integration of clustering and classification", (IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 2011. [3] Swasti Singhal, Monika Jena, "A Study on WEKA Tool for Data Preprocessing, Classification and Clustering", International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering(IJITEE), 2013 Payal P.Dhakate, Suvarna Patil, K. Rajeswari, Deepa Abin |
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15. | Design & Simulation of E-Shaped Micro Strip Patch Antenna for GPS Application
Design & Simulation of E-Shaped Micro Strip Patch Antenna for GPS ApplicationAbstract: Micro strip antennas are widely used in many applications due to their low Profile, low cost and ease of fabrication. In some applications it is desired to have a dual band or multiband characteristics. This paper presents the design and simulation of E-shape micro strip patch antenna with wideband operating frequency for wireless application. The shape will provide the broad bandwidth which is required in various application like remote sensing, biomedical application, mobile radio, satellite communication etc. The antenna design is an improvement from previous research and it is simulated using HFSS (High Frequency Structure Simulator) version 13.0 software. GPS provides specially coded satellite signals that can be processed with a GPS receiver enabling the receiver to compute position, velocity and time. Coaxial feed or probe feed technique is used. Parametric study was included to determine affect of design towards the antenna performance. Radiation performance of the designed antenna is simulated using the HFSS software version 13.0. The performance of the designed antenna was analyzed in term of bandwidth, gain, return loss, VSWR, and radiation pattern. The design was optimized to meet the best possible result. Substrate used was air which has a dielectric constant of 1.0006. The results show the wideband antenna is able to operate from 8.80 GHz to 13.49 GHz frequency band with optimum frequency at 8.73 GHz. Due to the compact area occupied. The pro-posed antenna is promising to be embedded within the different portable devices employing GPS applications.Key words: E-shaped slot microstrip,Rectangular Patch,Co-axial probe, GPS, HFSS Software Reference [1] Ge, Y.; Esselle, K.P.; Bird, T.S.; , "E-shaped patch antennas for highspeed wireless networks," Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Transactions on , vol.52, no.12, pp. 3213- 3219, Dec. 2004 [2] B.-K. Ang and B.-K. Chung, "A wideband e-shaped microstrip patch antenna for 5 - 6 GHz wireless communications," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 75, 397-407, 2007. [3] Yang, F.; Xue-Xia Zhang; Xiaoning Ye; Rahmat-Samii, Y.; "Wide-band E-shaped patch antennas for wireless communications," Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Transactions on , vol.49, no.7, pp.1094-1100, Jul 2001 [4] Hadian, A.M.; Hassani, H.R.; , "Wideband Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna with U-Slot," Antennas and Propagation, 2007. EuCAP 2007. The Second European Conference on , vol., no., pp.1-5, 11-16 Nov. 2007 [5] Vedaprabhu, B.; Vinoy, K.J.; , "A double U-slot patch antenna with dual Wideband characteristics," Communications (NCC), 2010 National Conference on , vol., no., pp.1-4, 29-31 Jan. 2010 M. Ravi Kishore, V. Jeevan Kumar, G. Sridhar Kumar |
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16. | 10-Gb/S Transmission of Wdm Pon for Man with 50km Reach Based On Ftth
10-Gb/S Transmission of Wdm Pon for Man with 50km Reach Based On FtthAbstract: The wavelength-division-multiplexed passive optical network (WDM-PON) is considered to be the next evolutionary solution for a simplified and future-proofed access system that can accommodate exponential traffic growth and bandwidth-hungry new applications. WDM-PON mitigates the complicated time-sharing and power budget issues in time division- multiplexed PON (TDM-PON) by providing virtual point-to-point optical connectivity to multiple end users through a dedicated pair of wavelengths. The objective of this paper is proposed a scheme for metropolitan area networks comprising optical components based on arrayed waveguide grating multiplexers, demultiplexers .The Arrayed waveguide gratings based multiplexers and demultiplexers for WDM applications prove to be capable of precise multiplexing and demultiplexing of a large number of channels with relatively low losses.Key words: AWGPON. PON, WDMPON, TDMPON Reference [1] R. Ramaswami, N.J. Sivarajan Optical Networks, a practical perspective, second edition, Elsevier Science and Technology books, November 2001. [2] G.P. Agrawal, Fibre-optic communication systems‖, third edition, John Wiley and Sons, May 2002. [3] Diptish Dey, Theory towards an all optical WDM slotted ring MAN with support for optical multi casting, Ph.D Thesis, University of Twente, June 2003, available at http:/www.tup.utwente.nl. [4] ITU-T, "G.983.1 Broadband Passive Optical Networks (BPON): General characteristics," June 1999. [5] ITU-T, "G.984.1 Gigabit-capable Passive Optical Networks (GPON): General characteristics," Mar. 2003. Ankit Bagga, Mr. Kulwinder Singh, Bharat Rawat |
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17. | Apprehension of Youth towards Social Networking Sites: Two Sides of a Coin
Apprehension of Youth towards Social Networking Sites: Two Sides of a CoinAbstract: Social networking sites are wide area of research. Rapid growth in Technology and Human Resources provides us new platform to build social networks. Today it has become highest point of concern to be aware of social networking sites and built networks. Since few years Social networking site has become very popular. There are different social networking sites for different purpose fulfillment. Orkut fails in the race of Social Networking Sites as compare to facebook. Although Facebook came in existence later but able to attract more crowd. It is user-friendly. Everything which is developed as pros and cons it depends upon the user if they took advantage of technology and develops personality as well as build social networks or get involve themselves in illegal things such as hacking and use wrong sources. The advantages and disadvantages of the social networking sites are mentioned in this research paper.Reference [1] www.ischool.utexas.edu/~i385q/archive/sharma_social_networks.ppt [2] http://www.pr.com/pressrelease/214190cs.nyu.edu/~jchen/socialnetworks.ppt [3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_network [4] http://www.forrester.com [5] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_social_networking_websites Yukti Gulati, Shilpi Sharma |
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18. | Failure Mode Analysis Of Torsion Shaft In Garrett-5 Engine Using Two Test Pieces
Failure Mode Analysis Of Torsion Shaft In Garrett-5 Engine Using Two Test PiecesAbstract: This work deals with "Failure Analysis of Internal splines in Torsion Shaft" of "TPE 331-5-252D - GARRET ENGINE" which is used in Dornier aircraft. Garret Engine is a type of air breathing engine. It comes under the category of Turboprop engines of Gas turbine engine. As separate shafts are used for propeller and turbine, this aids them to rotate at different RPM. A torsion shaft is used to transmit the torque from main shaft to propeller shaft. Torsion shaft is used to give a deflection which is also used to measure the torque of the engine. This torsion shaft is internally connected with the main power transmission shaft and its other end is coupled to a coupler shaft with engagement of its internal splines to the external splines of coupler shaft. Further this coupler connects to the gearing system and transmits power to the propeller shaft. Due to Continues variable load over internal splines, it is subjected to high rate of wear and tear. This problem can be rectified by Failure Mode Analysis Method, in which heat treatment process of torsion shaft is being carried out. Two test pieces are heat treated separately at different temperatures of 5800C and 5400C at variable time durations. Tuffriding which is a Liquid nitriding process is done with this two test pieces and results are analyzed. The hardness of the material is increased to desired values and its life time is also increased which overcomes the problem.Key words: Coupler, Splines, Torsion Shaft, Tuffriding, Wear. Reference [1] Christopher DellaCorte, Antonio R. Zaldana, A Systems Approach to the Solid Lubrication of Foil Air Bearings for Oil-Free Turbomachinery, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Glenn Research Center, 2002. [2] Cliff Garrett, Canadian Museum of Flight, Garrett TPE331 Sigma Publications 1973. [3] David Schrand, The Basics of Torque Measurement, Sensor Developments Inc. 1987. [4] Guillaume Morel1, Karl Iagnemma, Steven Dubowsky, The precise control of manipulators with high joint-friction using base force/torque sensin", Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Received 11 May 1998. [5] Gunston, Bill, World Encyclopedia of Aero Engines, 5th Edition. Phoenix Mill, Gloucestershire, England, UK: Sutton Publishing Limited. Simon Wallenberg Pres (2006). Rio Melvin Aro. T, Shyam Shankar.M.B, Vinoth.M, Karthick Raja.R |
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19. | Effect of Fillers on E-Glass/Jute Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composites
Effect of Fillers on E-Glass/Jute Fiber Reinforced Epoxy CompositesAbstract: In this work, an investigation was carried out on E-glass fiber/jute fiber reinforced epoxy composites filled with varying concentrations of bone and coconut shell powder. The composites were fabricated by hand lay-up technique and the mechanical properties such as ultimate tensile strength, flexural strength, inter laminar shear strength (ILSS), tensile modulus, impact strength and hardness of the fabricated composites were tested. The test results of these were compared with unfilled HFRP composites. From the results it was found that the mechanical properties of the composites increased with the increase in filler content. Composites filled with 15% volume coconut shell powder exhibited maximum flexural strength, inter laminar shear strength (ILSS), tensile modulus and hardness. Maximum impact strength was achieved by addition of filler (15% Vol.) of bone powder.Key words: Bone powder, Coconut shell powder, HFRP composites, Mechanical Properties Reference [1] M A Gulbarga and S B Burli, State of art, low investment, in house and manual preparation of injection moldable bio-composite granules, Int J Sci Res, 3(8), 2013, 1-6. [2] J Kasama and S Nitinat, Effect of glass fiber hybridization on properties of sisal fiber–polypropylene composites, Compo Part B, 40, 2009, 623-627. [3] S V Joshi, L T Drzal, A K Mohanty and S Arora, Are natural fiber composites environmentally superior to glass fiber reinforced composites. Compo Part A, 35, 2004, 371–376. [4] P J Roe and M P Ansell, Jute reinforced polyester composites, J Mat Sci, 20, 1985, 4015-4020. [5] S Alok, S Savita and Adityakumar, Study of mechanical properties and absorption behavior of coconut shell powder epoxy composites, Int J Mat Sci App, 2(5), 2013, 157-161. Sudeep Deshpande, T Rangaswamy |
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20. | Theoretical and Statistical Models for Predicting Flux in Direct Contact Membrane Distillation
Theoretical and Statistical Models for Predicting Flux in Direct Contact Membrane DistillationAbstract: Theoretical modelhas been applied to predict the performance of Direct Contact Membrane Distillation (DCMD) based on the analysis of heat and mass transfer through the membrane. The performance of DCMD on the account of different operating parameters had been predicted. Feed inlet temperature, coolant inlet temperature, feed flow rate and coolant flow rate are the considered performance variables. Based on the data obtained from theoretical model, statistical analysis of variance (ANOVA) was then performed to determine the significant effect of each operating factors on the DCMD system performance. A new regression model was subsequently developed for predicting the performance of the DCMD system. Resultsrevealed that both theoretical and regression models were in good agreement with each other and also with the selected experimental data used for validation. The maximum percentage error between the two models was found to be1.098%. Hence, the developed regression model is adequate for predict the performance of DCMD system within the domain of the considered analysis.Key words: Water Desalination, Direct contact membrane distillation, theoretical modelling, ANOVA, Taguchi methodology, regression model. Reference [1] A.S. Jonsson, R. Wimmerstedt, and A.-C. Harrysson, Membrane distillation-A theoretical study of evap. through microporous membranes,Desalination, vol. 56, pp. 1985, 237-249. [2] L. Martínez, and F.J. Florido-Díaz, Theoretical and experimental studies on desalination using membrane distillation, Desalination, vol.139(1–3),2001,pp. 373-379. [3] J. M. Li, Z. K. Xu, Z. M. Liu, W. F. Yuan, H. Xiang, S. Y. Wang, Y. Y. Xu, Microporous polypropylene and polyethylene hollow fiber membranes. Part 3. Experimental studies on membrane distillation for desalination,Desalination, vol. 155(2), 2003, pp. 153-156. [4] R.W. Field, H.Y. Wu, J. J. Wu, Multiscale Modeling of Membrane Distillation: Some Theoretical Considerations,Industrial&Engineering Chemistry Research, vol. 52 (26), 2013, pp. 8822–8828. [5] T. Y. Cath, V.D. Adams, A.E. Childress, Experimental study of desalination using direct contact membrane distillation: a new approach to flux enhancement,Journal of Membrane Science, vol. 228(1), 2004, pp. 5-16. Dahiru U. Lawal, Atia E. Khalifa |
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1. | A Hybrid Technique for the Automated Segmentation of Corpus Callosum in Midsagittal Brain Mri
A Hybrid Technique for the Automated Segmentation of Corpus Callosum in Midsagittal Brain MriAbstract: The corpus callosum (CC) is the largest white-matter structure in human brain. In this paper, we take two techniques to observe the results of segmentation of Corpus Callosum. The first one is mean shift algorithm and morphological operation. The second one is k-means clustering. In this paper, it is performed in three steps. The first step is finding the corpus callosum area using adaptive mean shift algorithm or k-means clustering . In second step, the boundary of detected CC area is then used as the initial contour in the Geometric Active Contour (GAC) mode and final step to remove unknown noise using morphological operation and evolved to get the final segmentation result. The experimental results demonstrate that the mean shift algorithm and k-means clustering has provided a reliable segmentation performance.Index term: corpus callosum, mean shift, geometric active contour and morphological techniques Reference [1] Kubicki M, Styner M, Bouix S, et al: Reduced interhemispheric connectivity in schizophrenia-tractography based segmentation of the corpus callosum. Schizophrenia research 2008, 106:125-131. [2] Rosas HD, Lee SY, Bender AC, Zaleta AK, Vangel M, Yu P, Fischl B, Pappu V, Onorato C, Cha JH, Salat DH, Hersch SM: Altered white matter microstructure in the corpus callosum in Huntington's disease: Implications for cortical. Neuroimage 2010, 49:2995-3004. [3] Lundervold A, Duta N: Taxt T. Jain A: Model-guided segmentation of corpus callosum in MR images. Citeseer 1999, 231-237. [4] Lee C, Huh S, Ketter T, Unser M: Automated segmentation of the corpus callosum in midsagittal brain magnetic resonance images. Optical Engineering 2000, 39:924-935. [5] Brejl M, Sonka M: Object localization and border detection criteria design in edge-based image segmentation: automated learning from examples. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 2000, 19:973-985. Divya Manasa. M, Vishnu Priya.T |
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2. | Non-NewtonianFluid Flow and Heat Transfer over a Non-
Linearly Stretching Surface Along With Porous Plate in Porous
Non-NewtonianFluid Flow and Heat Transfer over a Non- Linearly Stretching Surface Along With Porous Plate in Porous MediumAbstract: This paper investigates the MHD flow and heat transfer of an electrically conducting non-newtonian power-law fluid over a non-linearly stretching surface along with porous plate in porous medium. The governing equations are reduced to non-linear ordinary differential equations by means of similarity transformations. These equations are then solved numerically with the help ofRunge – Kutta shooting method. The effect of various flow parameters in the form of dimensionless quantities on the flow field are discussed and presented graphically.Key words: Heat Source /Sink Parameter;MHD flow;Power-law Fluid; Stretching sheet; porous medium. Reference [1] G. Astarita, G. Marrucci, Principles of Non- Newtonian Fluid Mechanics( McGraw-Hill, New York1974). [2] T.Sarpakaya,Flow on non-newtonian fluids in a magnetic field, AIChE Journal, 7,1961, 26-28. [3] K.B.Pavolov,Magneto-Hydrodynamic flow of an Incompressible viscous fluid caused by deformation of a plan surface, MagninayaGidrodinamika(USSR), 4, 1974, 146-147. [4] H.I.Andersson,K.H.Bech and B.S.Dandapat, Magneto-Hydrodynamic flow of a powerlaw fluid over a stretching sheet,International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 27(6), 1992, 929-936. [5] R.Cortell, A note on MHD flow of a powerlaw fluid over a stretching sheet,Applied Mathematics and computation, 168(1), 2005, 557-566. S.Jothimani*and T.Vidhya |
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3. | Stochastic Modeling Neutral Evolution by an Iambp of Cortisol Secretion of Breast Cancer
Stochastic Modeling Neutral Evolution by an Iambp of Cortisol Secretion of Breast CancerAbstract: Objective Fatigue is one of the most common and distressing symptoms by cancer patients and survivors. To evaluate cortisol responses to an experimental psychologic stressor in fatigued and non fatigued survivors. The focus is the frequency spectrum of the Infinite-Allele Markov branching process (IAMBP), namely the proportion having a given number of copies at a specified time point.Key words: Breast cancer, fatigue, HPA axis, psychologic stress, IAMBP, frequency spectrum. Hyper geometric function. Reference [1] Abramowitz. M. and Stegun, .I.A., Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables, Dover, New York, NY,USA,1972. [2] Athreya. K.B and Ney. P.E, Branching Processes, Springer, Berlin, Germany, 1972. [3] Carlson. L. E, Angen. M, Cullum. J, Goodey. E, Koopman's.J, Lamont. L, MacRac. JH. Martin. M, Pelletier. G, Robinson. J. Simpson. JS, Speca. M, Tilloison. L, Bultz. BD. High levels of untreated distress and fatigue in cancer patients. Br .J. cancer 2004; 90; 297-304. [4] Cella. D, Lai. JS, Chang. CH, Peterman. A, Slavin. M, Fatigue in cancer patients compared with fatigue in the general United states population, Cancer 2002;94:528-38. [5] Ganz. PA, Desmond. KA, Leedhan. B, Rowland. JH, Mey crowitz. BE, Betin. TR, Qualilty of life in long-term disease free survivors of breast cancer, a follow-up study. J Natl cancer Inst 2002, 94:30-49. Dr. P. Senthil Kumar and Ms. N. Umamaheswari |
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4. | Identification of Closest and Phantom Nodes in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Identification of Closest and Phantom Nodes in Mobile Ad Hoc NetworksAbstract: There are several services that build on the availability of closest node location information like geographic routing in spontaneous networks, data gathering in sensor networks, movement coordination among autonomous robotic nodes, location specific services for hand held devices and danger warning or traffic monitoring in vehicular networks. Ad hoc networking protocols and location-aware services require that mobile nodes identify the location of their closest nodes. Such a process can be easily misuses or stop by opposed nodes. In absence of a priori trusted nodes, the spotting and identifying of closest node position presents challenges that have been scarcely investigated in the literature. Node can also send message from one to many nodes in a broadcasting manner here.Index Terms: Closest Nodes, Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Phantom Nodes, Position identification, Vehicular Networks. Reference [1] 1609.2-2006: IEEE Trial-Use Standard for Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments - Security Services for Applications and Management Messages, IEEE, 2006. [2] P. Papadimitratos, L. Buttyan, T. Holczer, E. Schoch, J. Freudiger, M. Raya, Z. Ma, F. Kargl, A. Kung, and J.-P. Hubaux, "Secure Vehicular Communications: Design and Architecture," IEEE Comm. Magazine, vol. 46, no. 11, pp. 100-109, Nov. 2008. [3] P. Papadimitratos and A. Jovanovic, "GNSS-Based Positioning: Attacks and Countermeasures," Proc. IEEE Military Comm. Conf. (MILCOM), Nov. 2008. [4] L. Lazos and R. Poovendran, "HiRLoc: High-Resolution Robust Localization for Wireless Sensor Networks," IEEE J. Selected Areas in Comm., vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 233-246, Feb. 2006. [5] R. Poovendran and L. Lazos, "A Graph Theoretic Framework for Preventing the Wormhole Attack," Wireless Networks, vol. 13, pp. 27-59, 2007. G. Satyachellayi, T. Veerraju |
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5. | Improvement to Village Road Based on Traffic Characteristics
Improvement to Village Road Based on Traffic CharacteristicsAbstract: The Improvement of Rural road network is of vital importance for bringing social aminities, education, and health within reasonable reach of villagers for transportation of agricultural products produce from villages to near market centers. There are many habitations in the state of Andhra Pradesh , of which only few habitations are connected by all weather roads. Pavements of roads connecting different villages were initially made up of moorum or other locally available granular materials. Progressively, water bound macadam (WBM) and thin bituminous surfacing were added, depending upon the traffic and availability of funding. The village roads were thus built up stage by stage. No pavement design procedure was adopted for construction of such roads. With increased economic activity, the villages were connected with all-weather roads. And this report will address the improvement of such a village roads and then the development of the district takes place.Key words: Habitations,Pavement,Ruralroad,Traffic,WBMroads. Reference [1] Animesh das, s. K. Mohanty, k. S. Reddy, and b. B. Pandey Analytical Design Criteria for Village Roads in India Transportation Research Record 1652. 76-81. [2] Designing Pavement for a Typical Village Road in India – A Case Study this work is done by R. Laxmana Reddy, A. Sagar. [3] Some Strategies For Sustainable Maintenance Of Rural Roads In India Agarwal, P. K, Singh, A. P. [4] Design Of Rural Transport Infrastructure J. Lebo and D. Schelling [5] Impact of PMGSY Roads on the Traffic Safety in Rural Areas. Ashoke K Sarkar The Regional Forum Group (RFG), Rajasthan and Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani (India) January 2007 B. Vindhyasri, K. Gopi Shankar |
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6. | Experimental Investigation on Properties Concrete Paver Block with the Inclusion of Natural Fibers
Experimental Investigation on Properties Concrete Paver Block with the Inclusion of Natural FibersAbstract: In this experimental investigation the compressive strength, water absorption and flexural strength of paver blocks were determined by adding Coconut fibers in the top 20mm thickness. Coconut fibers were added in proportions of 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.3%, 0.4% and 0.5% in volume of concrete. The compressive strength, flexural strength and water absorption were determined at the end of 7 and 28 days. Test results indicate that addition of coconut fiber by 0.3% paver block attains maximum compressive strength. Test results indicate that addition of coconut fiber gradually increases flexural strengths and water absorption at 7 and 28 days. In this investigation at 0.3% of coconut fiber content effect of top layer thickness on compressive strength and flexural strength is also determined. Results show that inclusion of fibers even up to 50% of top layer thickness compressive and flexural strengths are increasing. The paper also shows the cost comparison per each block.Key words: Coconut Fiber, Compressive Strength, Cost, Flexural Strength, Paver Block, Water Absorption Reference [1]. Munawar, S.S., K. Umemura, And S. Kawai, Characterization of the morphological, physical, and mechanical properties of seven non-wood plant fibre bundles. Journal of Wood Science, 53, 2:108-113.(2007). [2] Ramakrishna, G., and Sundararajan, T. "Studies on the durability of natural fibres and the effect of corroded fibres on the strength of mortar." Cement and Concrete Composites, 27, 5:575-582. (2005). [3]. Alake, Adewale Doyinsola "Strength development and crack pattern of coconut fibre reinforced concrete (CFRC)" Vol 4, 2013. [4]. Rao K. M. M "Extraction and tensile properties of natural fibers: Vakka, date and bamboo." Composite Structures, 77, 3: 288-295.(2007). [5]. Baruah, P., and Talukdar, S. A comparative study of compressive, flexural, tensile and shear strength ofconcrete with fibres of different origins. Indian Concrete Journal, 81, 7:17-24.(2007). G. Navya, J. Venkateswara Rao |
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7. | Effect of Different Staging Configurations on Seismic Performance of Circular Elevated Water Tank
Effect of Different Staging Configurations on Seismic Performance of Circular Elevated Water TankAbstract: As known from very upsetting experiences adequately designed Elevated water tanks were heavily damaged or collapsed during earthquakes. Most of the damages observed during the seismic events arise due to causes like the lack of knowledge regarding the behavior of supporting system, improper selection and design of supporting system of elevated water tanks. This paper presents the study of seismic performance of the elevated water tanks for various seismic zones of India with variation in staging heights and different types of staging configurations. Total 27 combinations were analyzed using Response Spectrum Method (RSM) in finite element based software SAP2000 by considering two mass idealization systems. Tank responses including base shear, overturning moment and roof displacement have been observed with the aim of recommendation of best staging arrangement for different earthquake zones in India.Key words: Elevated water tanks, Frame staging, Response Spectrum, Seismic Zones, Two mass model. Reference [1] G. W. Housner, The Dynamic Behavior of Water Tanks, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol.53, No.2, pp.381-387, Feb1963. [2] S.K. Jain, U.S. Sameer, "Seismic Design of Frame Staging for Elevated Water Tanks", Ninth Symposium on Earthquake Engineering, Roorkee, December 14-16, 1990, Vol.1. [3] R. K. Ingle, "Proportioning of columns for water tank supporting structures", The Indian Concrete Journal, April – 1999, pp. 255-257. [4] S. C. Duta, S. K. Jain and C. V. R. Murty, "Assessing the seismic torsional vulnerability of elevated tanks with RC frame-type staging", Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (ELSEVIER), 2000, Vol. 19, pp. 183-197 [5] S. C. Duta, S. K. Jain and C. V. R. Murty, "Alternate tank staging configurations with reduced torsional vulnerability", Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering(ELSEVIER), 2000, Vol. 19, pp. 199-215 Miss Ankita R Patil, Dr. S A Bhalchandra |
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8. | Efficient Design of Sierpinski Fractal Antenna for High Frequency Applications
Efficient Design of Sierpinski Fractal Antenna for High Frequency ApplicationsAbstract: A wideband published slot antenna appropriate for wireless code division multiple access (WCDMA) and sustaining the international interoperability for microwave access (WiMAX) applications is planned here. The antenna is fractal line fed and its construction is based on fractal geometry where the resonance frequency of antenna is dropped by applying iteration methods. Fractal antennas are the most suited for aerospace and UWB applications because of their low profile, light weight and low power handling capacity. They can be designed in a variety of shapes in order to obtain enhanced gain and bandwidth, dual band and circular polarization to even ultra-wideband operation. For the simulation process ANSOFT HFSS (high frequency structure simulator) has been used. The effect of antenna dimensions and substrate parameters on the performance of antenna have been discussed. The antenna has been designed using the Arlon substrate with relative permittivity of 1.3 and a substrate of Sierpinski Carpet shaped placed on it. Feed used is the fractal line feed. The designed antenna is a low profile, small size and multiband antenna since it can be operated at different frequencies within the frequency range of 4.3GHz to 11GHz. It includes the frequencies used for wireless WCDMA application and used to receive and transmit a high-frequency signal.Key words: Fractal Antenna, WCDMA, WIMAX, Sierpinski Carpet, HFSS. Reference [1] C. A. Balanis, "Antenna Theory," in 3rd ed, 2005. [2] C. Puente-Baliarda, J. Romeu, R. Pous and A. Cardama, "On the behavior of the Sierpinski multiband fractal antenna," Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 46, no. 4, pp. 517-524, 1998. [3] N. Cohen, "Fractal Antennas," in Conintunications Quarterly, 1995. [4] B. J. Abd Shukur, "Sierpinski gasket patch and monopole fractal antenna," 2005. [5] C. P. Baliarda, J. Romeu, R. Pous and A. Cardama, "The koch monopole: A small fractal antenna," IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 48, no. 11, 2000. Rajdeep Singh, Amandeep Singh Sappal, Amandeep Singh Bhandari |
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9. | A Novel Alamouti STBC Technique for MIMO System Using 16-QAM Modulation and Moving Average Filter
A Novel Alamouti STBC Technique for MIMO System Using 16-QAM Modulation and Moving Average FilterAbstract: The wireless communication is the emerging field of research among communication researchers and they are continuously working towards the reduction if error occurred in the signal during transmission through wireless media. In this paper the wireless system is simulated with the application of Alamouti space time block codes (STBC) with MIMO and MISO configurations to compare the results. The modulation technique used here is 16-QAM which is giving better results than other counterparts and to enhance the performance of the system i.e. to reduce the effect of errors on data we have applied a moving average filter(MAF). The performance of the system is shown with the simulation results with variable data sizes and found that the proposed approach is better for the system.Key words: Alamouti STBC, QAM, MIMO and MISO. Reference [1] Chee Wei Tan, A. Robert Calder bank, "Multiuser Detection of Alamouti Signals", IEEE transactions on communications, vol. 57, no.7, July 2009 [2] G.J. Foschini and M. Gans," On limits of wireless communications in fading environment when using multiple antennas," Wireless Pers. Commun. 6: 311-335, 1998. [3] I. E. Telatar,"Capacity of multi antenna Gaussian channels, "European Trans. Telecommun. 10 (6): 585-595, Nov-Dec 1999. [4] V. Tarokh, N. Seshadri, and A. R. Calderbank, "Space-time codes for high data rate wireless communication: Performance criterion and code. Construction," IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. 44, pp. 744–765, Mar. 1998. [5] S. Alamouti, "A simple transmit diversity technique for wireless communications," IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., vol. 16, no. 8, pp. 1451–1458, Aug. 1998. Princy Pathak, Prof. Rashmi Pandey |
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10. | Study on Effect of Thickness and Fibre Orientation on a Tensile and Flexural Properties of a Hybrid Composite
Study on Effect of Thickness and Fibre Orientation on a Tensile and Flexural Properties of a Hybrid CompositeAbstract: This project presents the study of tensile, flexural & moisture absorption properties of composites made from S-glass, Carbon and E-glass fibre. The specimens are prepared using hand lay-up techniques as per ASTM standard for different thickness 2mm and 3mm and fibre orientation of 30º, 45º and 60º, where an attempt is made to study the properties of composite materials by composing the different materials together to obtain the desired properties by increasing the thickness and fibre orientation. By the variation of thickness tensile strength of hybrid composite is observed for each thickness and is compared with the finite element analysis results. The test ready specimens were subjected to tensile and flexural loads on UTM. This research indicates that tensile strength is mainly dependent on the fiber orientation & thickness of laminated polymer composites. The moisture absorption increases with the fibre, filler content and duration of immersion in water.Reference [1] B.H.Manjunath, Dr. K Prahlada Rao, "Influence Of Fiber/Filler Particles Reinforcement On Epoxy Composites", International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), Vol. 3, Issue 3, May-Jun 2013, pp.1147-1151. [2] Prashanth Banakar , H.K. Shivananda and H.B. Niranjan, "Influence of Fiber Orientation and Thickness on Tensile Properties of Laminated Polymer Composites", Int. J. Pure Appl. Sci. Technol., 9(1) (2012), pp. 61-68. [3] Mr. M. Nayeem Ahmed, Dr. P. Vijaya Kumar, Dr. H.K. Shivanand, Mr. Syed Basith Muzammil4 ,"A Study on Effect of Variation of Thickness on Tensile Properties of Hybrid Polymer Composites (Glassfibre-Carbonfibre-Graphite) and GFRP Composites", International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), Vol. 3, Issue 4, Jul-Aug 2013, pp.2015-2024. [4] M.M. Schwartz,Composite Materials: Properties, Nondestructive Testing and Repair, V.1, Prentice- Hall Inc., New Jersey, USA, 1997. [5] A.A. Baker, P.J. Callus, S. Georgiadis, P.J. Falzon, S.E. Dutton and K.H. Leong, An affordable methodology for replacing metallic aircraft panels with advanced composites, Composites: Part A, 33(2002), 687–696. Mr. Santhosh Kumar. M, Dr. S. G. Gopala Krishna, Dr. Rajanna. S |
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11. | Image Restitution Using Non-Locally Centralized Sparse
Representation Model
Image Restitution Using Non-Locally Centralized Sparse Representation ModelAbstract: Sparse representation models uses a linear combination of a few atoms selected from an over-completed dictionary to code an image patch which have given good results in different image restitution applications. The reconstruction of the original image is not so accurate using traditional models of sparse representation to solve degradation problems which are blurring, noisy, and down-sampled. The goal of image restitution is to suppress the sparse coding noise and to improve the image quality by using the concept of sparse representation. To obtain a good sparse coding coefficients of the original image we exploit the image non-local self similarity and then by centralizing the sparse coding coefficients of the observation image to those estimates. This non-locally centralized sparse representation model outperforms standard sparse representation models in all aspects of image restitution problems including de-noising, de-blurring, and super-resolution.Reference [1] W. Dong, L. Zhang and G. Shi, "Centralized sparse representation for image restoration ," in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2011. [2] W. Dong, L. Zhang, G. Shi, and X. Wu, "Image de- blurring and super-resolution by adaptive sparse domain selection and adaptive regularization," IEEE Trans. On Image Processing, vol. 20, no. 7, pp.1838-1857, July 2011 [3] Jianchao Yang, John Wright, Thomas Huang and Yi Ma, "Image Super-Resolution via Sparse Representation", IEEE Trans. Image Process., vol. 19, no. 11, pp. 2861-2873, Nov. 2010. [4] A. Marquina, and S. J. Osher, "Image super-resolution by TV-regularization and Bregman iteration," J.Sci. Comput., vol. 37, pp. 367-382, 2008. [5] E. Candès and T. Tao, "Near optimal signal recovery from random projections: Universal encoding strategies?" IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, vol. 52, no. 12, pp. 5406 - 5425, December 2006. A. Rajasekhar, G. Hemachandra |
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12. | Knowledge Discovery Applied to a Database of Errors of Systems Development
Knowledge Discovery Applied to a Database of Errors of Systems DevelopmentAbstract: This paper presents the knowledge discovery process in a database related to the development of computer systems through the Apriori algorithm. This method of data mining was succesfull in discovering of patterns of relationships between kinds of non-conformities found during the software development and relationships of noncompliance with the kinds of tasks to be performed as an association between two variables "Simple" and "Average" in more than fifty percent of the cases whit tasks labeled as "Improvement". The discovered rules may assist in the decision making by development systems managers in order to reduce non-conformities related to the development of computational systems.Key words: Data Mining, Knowledge, Errors Reference [1] M. Aurelio, M. Vellasco, C. H. Lopes, Descoberta de Conhecimento e Mineração de Dados (Handout Department of Electrical Engineering, PUC-Rio, RJ, 1999). [2] U, Fayyad. G, Piatetsky-Shapiro. P. Smyth, From Data Mining to Knowledge Discovery in Databases. American Association for Artificial Intelligence, 1996, p. 37-54. [3] H. S. Singh. Interactive data warehousing.(Makron Books, São Paulo, 1998). [4] T. Pang-Ning, M. Steinbach, K. Vipin. Introduction to Data Mining (University of Minnesota, Minnesota, 2005). [5] O. Maimon, L. Rokach, Introduction to Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (Springer, London, 2010). Elias Delgobo Junior, Denise Fukumi Tsunoda, Egon Walter Wildauer |
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13. | National Highway Alignment from Namakkal to Erode Using GIS
National Highway Alignment from Namakkal to Erode Using GISAbstract: The vision of the Highway Alignment is to increase the capacity, connectivity, efficiency and safety of the Highways System so as to enable balanced socioeconomic development of all sections of the people and all regions from NAMAKKAL to ERODE via and to reduce the traffic and travelling of the state. It is to establish shortest path for road network time in the roads which provide a better and comfortable base for updating the traffic and other related information in road administration. It is to identify the short route for the vehicles traveling from NAMAKKAL to ERODE and to reduce the time travel for the vehicles with possible paths or routes or places for laying eco-friendly highway. To optimize the route for the vehicles traveling from NAMAKKAL to ERODE using GIS with Network analysis tools. From this we can find the suitable route for peoples to carry out without any traffic disturbances and protecting the environment. It also took advantages of GIS capabilities that offer the ability to overlay maps, merge them, and perform spatial analysis on various layers of information in either two or three dimensionsKey words: National Highway, Alignment, Namakkal, Erode, GIS Reference [1]. Subramani,T. and Elangovan, R "Planning Of A Ring Road Formation For Salem Corporation Using GIS", International Journal of Engineering Research And Industrial Applications, Vol.5, No.II, pp 109-120, 2012. [2]. Subramani,T, Krishnan.S. And Kumaresan.P.K., Study on Exixting Traffic condition in Salem City and Identify the transport facility improvement projects, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research IJAER, Vol.7,No.7, Pp 717 – 726, 2012 [3]. Subramani, T, and Malaisamy.P, "Design of Ring Road For Erode District Using GIS", International Journal of Modern Engineering Research,Vol.2, No.4, pp 1914 - 1919,2012. [4]. Subramani, T "Assessment Of Potential Impacts On NH7 – 4 Laning From Salem To Karur", International Journal of Modern Engineering Research, Vol.2, No.3,pp 707-715, 2012. [5]. Subramani, T. "Traffic Study On Road Network And Programming For Fixing Priority To The Identified Transport Improvement Projects In Salem City, Tamilnadu, India", International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, Vol.3, No.5, pp 1-12, 2012. T. Subramani, S.Krishnan, C. Kathirvel, S. K. Bharathi Devi |
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14. | Analysis and Site Suitability Evaluation for Textile Sewage Water Treatment Plant in Salem Corporation, Tamilnadu Using Remote Sensing Techniques
Analysis and Site Suitability Evaluation for Textile Sewage Water Treatment Plant in Salem Corporation, Tamilnadu Using Remote Sensing TechniquesAbstract: Textile processing units in Erode, Karur, Salem and Tirupur districts of Tamilnadu, India generates chemically toxic waste water there by polluting sub-soil and surface water of water bodies in particular River Cauvery. In Erode district, a model Common effluent treatment plant (CETP) was promoted by State Industrial Promotion Corporation of Tamilnadu Ltd., at Perundurai with 14 textile units as stake holders. Waste water from textile processing units contains a complex mixture of dyes, which are highly resistant to conventional treatment technology. As the characteristics of wash water effluent and dye bath effluent are variable, various physical, chemical and biological treatment methods are adopted for the treatment. Most of the perennial rivers in Tamilnadu have less surface flow water and dried during summer season. The area lies in arid zone of Salem, Tamil Nadu having very scanty rains and very low ground water reserves. Some of the other problems that are faced by the area are disposal of industrial effluent posing threat to its sustainability of water resource. Textiles, dyeing and printing industries, various mechanical process and chemical/synthetic dyes are used and considerable wastewater discharged from these textile units contains about high amount of the dyes into the adjoining drainages. Geographic Information System (GIS) can be used as a decision support tool for planning waste management. The manual methods adopted for the analysis of many factors would be a tedious and lengthy work. Also the possibilities of errors increase when merging the spatial and non-spatial data. But in case of GIS, as the work is carried out in layers, the chances of error will be less and the system is capable to coordinate between spatial and non-spatial data. Remote sensing analysis has been carried out using Resource sat -1 multispectral satellite data along with DEM derived from IRS P5 stereo pair. GIS database generated of various thematic layers viz. base layer - inventorying all water bodies in the vicinity, transport network and village layer, drainage, geomorphology, structure, land use. Analysis of spatial distribution of the features and change detection in land use/cover carried out. GIS maps have been used to help factor in spatial location of source and hydro-geomorphological settings. In our project analyze the chemical content of the water and Site suitability evaluation for waste management is becoming a major criteria for defending the environmental degradation. If proper location for the treatment plant is not selected then it may lead to soil degradation and ground water pollution. The study area is situated in the southern portion of Tamil Nadu, India that is currently experiencing high rates of population growth and economic development. Potential sites for the treatment plant are evaluated using suitability score based on planning and design constraints, including ground slope, land use pattern, and distance to river and roads. Spatial analyst tool of ArcGIS software is used for selection of suitable reclamation plant site. Finally based on weightage value, suitable site for treatment plant have been selected and classified into good, moderate and poorly suitable areas respectively.Key words: Analysis, Site Suitability, Textile Sewage Water, Treatment Plant, Salem Corporation, Tamilnadu Reference [1] K. Deepa, M. Krishnaveni (2012), "Suitable Site Selection of Decentralised Treatment Plants Using Multicriteria Approach in GIS", Journal of Geographic Information System, Vol. 4, pp. 254-260. [2] Paulina Ansaa Asante, Alex Owusu Barimah (2012), "Site Suitability Analysis for a Central Wastewater Treatment Plant(S) In Accra Metropolitan Area Using Geographic Information System", Applied Geoinformatics for Society and Environment, 2012. [3] Andy H. Lee, Ph.D., David S. Guttmann (2003), kjmn "Utilizing a Geographic Information System in Conjunction with the Analytical Hierarchy Process to Perform a Water Reclamation Plant Site Suitability Analysis", International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, Vol.1, No.5, December 2003. [4] P K Lithoria Ajay Mathur, P K Sharma, Charankamal Singh (1997), "Site Suitability Evaluation for Locating Sewage Treatment Plants Using Remote Sensing and GIS - A Case Study of Phillaur and Phagwara Townships in Punjab", Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, Vol. 25, No. 4, 1997. [5] E.A.S.K.Ratnapriya, Ranjith Premalal De Silva (2009), "Location Optimization of wastewater treatment plants using GIS: A case study in upper Mahaweli Catchment, SriLanka", Applied Geoinformatics for Society and Environment, Vol. 2, Issue 4, pp.427-436, 2009. T. Subramani, A. Subramanian, C. Kathirvel, S. K. Bharathi Devi |
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15. | Re-Engineering Learning Objects for Re-Purposing
Re-Engineering Learning Objects for Re-PurposingAbstract: Existing Learning Object (LO) definitions and their interpretations seem to project a view of LO with somewhat less flexible in the scope of LO reusability.In solving this problem the researchers try to interpret those definitions with an added property i.e. "LO repurposing‟. LO repurposing refers to the ability of reusing the LO in different perspectives and contexts. Adding new property needs a suitable Software Engineering methodology to be applied to properly inject the required strategies toward the development of the best and quality solutions. Our investigation in finding a solution for this problem is by shaping the LOssimilar to software objects that can not only be reused, but also repurposed in various learning contexts. In our paper, we propose to apply an object-oriented framework to develop the class-based LO model with an evolving nature of LOs. The class-based LO model allows LOs derivable to the degree ofsufficient level of repurposing for any learning context.Key words: O-O LO model, LO class, domain-based LO hierarchy, data object, LO repository, LO reusability. Reference [1] L'Allier, J. (1997). Frame of Reference: NETg's Map to Its Products, Their Structure and Core Beliefs. [Electronic version]. Retrieved April 1, 2014, from http://www.im.com.tr/framerefer.htm. [2] Cisco System, Inc. (1999). Cisco systems Reusable Information Object Strategy: Definition, Overview and Guidelines. Retrieved June 4, 2014, from http://www.cisco.com/warp/public/779/ibs/solutions/learning/whitepapers/el_cisco_rio.pdf [3] Hodgins, H. (2000). The future of learning objects. In D. A. Wiley (Ed.), The Instructional Use of Learning Objects: Online Version. Retrieved July 5, 2014, from: http://www.reusability.org/read/chapters/hodgins.doc [4] Wiley, D. (2000). Learning Object Design & Sequencing Theory. Retrieved March 14, 2014, from http://www.opencontent.org/docs/dissertation.pdf [5] Wiley, D. (2001). Connecting Learning Objects to instructional design theory: A definition, a metaphor, & a taxonomy, Retrieved March 7, 2014, http://www.elearning-reviews.org/topics/technology/learning-objects/2001-wiley-learning-objects-instructional-design-theory/ Al-Khanjari, Z. A and Kutti, N. S. |
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16. | Power Optimization of Battery Charging System Using FPGA Based Neural Network Controller
Power Optimization of Battery Charging System Using FPGA Based Neural Network ControllerAbstract: This paper involves designing a small scale battery charging system which is powered via a photovoltaic panel. This work aims at the usage of solar energy for charging the battery and optimizing the power of the system. Implementation is done using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) on FPGA. To develop this system an Artificial Neural Network is trained and its result is further used for the PWM technique. PWM pulse generation has been done using Papilio board which is based on XILINX Spartan 3E FPGA. The ANN with PWM technique is ported on FPGA which is programmed using VHDL. This able to automatically control the whole charging system operation without requirement of external sensory unit. The simulation results are achieved by using MATLAB and XILINX. These results allowed demonstrating the charging of the battery using proposed ANN and PWM technique.Key words: Photovoltaic battery charger, PWM, ANN, FPGA Reference [1] S. Harrington, J. Dunlop, Battery charge controller characteristics in photovoltaic systems, aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, IEEE, Volume: 7, Issue: 8, p, 15 – 21, 1992. [2] Z. Ullah, B. Burford, S. Rahman, Fast Intelligent battery charging: neural-fuzzy approach, WESCON/'95. Conference record. 'Microelectronics Communications Technology Producing Quality Products Mobile and Portable Power Emerging Technologies', 1995. [3] H. Masheleni and X. F. Carelse, Microcontroller-Based Charge Controller for Stand-Alone Photovoltaic Systems, Solar Energy, Vol. 61, No. 4, pp. 225–230, 1997. [4] G. C. Hsieh L. R. Chen and K. S. Huang, Fuzzy-Controlled Li–Ion Battery Charge System with Active State-of-Charge Controller, IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 48, No. 3, 2001. [5] Z. Yi, W. Xiaobo, Y. Xiaolang and H. Shiming, A Novel Switch- Mode Charger Controller IC for VRLA Batteries, The 33rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON), Taipei, Taiwan, 2007. Ankita Dhakate |
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17. | Incremental Conductance MPPT Algorithm for PV System Implemented Using DC-DC Buck and Boost Converter
Incremental Conductance MPPT Algorithm for PV System Implemented Using DC-DC Buck and Boost ConverterAbstract: The two basic topologies of switch mode DC-DC converters (Buck and Boost) are analyzed with a view of their use in PV (photovoltaic) systems, as the photovoltaic generator exhibits non-linear characteristics due to the change in environmental condition and load variation. As the efficiency of PV panels is low it becomes mandatory to extract maximum power from the PV panel at a given period of time. Several MPPT algorithms with different types of converters are being proposed for extracting maximum power from the PV panel. It is found that the nature of load plays an important role in the choice of topology. This paper investigates the implementation issues of Incremental Conductance method with Buck and Boost Converters. Mathematical analysis and desirable steady-state operating point of the converters are derived to give satisfactory maximum power point tracking operation.Key words: Buck converter, Boost converter, Continuous Conduction Mode (CCM), Incremental Conductance (IC), Maximum power point tracking (MPPT), Photovoltaic (PV) system. Reference [1] Roger Gules, Juliano De Pellegain Pacheco, Helio Leaes Hey, "A maximum power point tracking system with parallel connection for PV Stand-Alone Application,‟‟ IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, vol.55,no. 7, July 2008, 2674-2683. [2] Mohammad A. S. Masoum, Hooman Dehbonei and Ewald F. Fuchs, "Theoretical and Experimental Analyses of Photovoltaic systems with voltage and current-based maximum power-point tracking,'' IEEE Trans. On Energy Conservation, vol. 17, no. 4, Dec. 2002, 514- 522. [3] Bidyadhar subudhi and Raseswari Pradhanhen. "A comparative study on maximum power point tracking technique for photovoltaic power system," IEEE Trans. on Sustainable energy., vol. 4, Jan.2013, 89-98. [4] Mohammed A. Elgendy, Bashar Zahawi, and David J. Atkinson, "Assessment of the incremental conductance maximum power point tracking algorithm," IEEE Trans. on sustainable energy., vol. 4, Jan. 2013, 108-117. [5] Mummadi Veerachary, "Improved Maximum Power Point Tracking Algorithm For Photovoltaic Sources,‟‟IEEE International Conference on Substainable Energy Technologies (ICSET)., Nov.2008, 301-305. Dhananjay Choudhary, Anmol Ratna Saxena |
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18. | Seismic Performance Evaluation of Multi-Storeyed R C Framed Structural System with the Influence of Ground & Top Soft Storey
Seismic Performance Evaluation of Multi-Storeyed R C Framed Structural System with the Influence of Ground & Top Soft StoreyAbstract: Masonry infills are normally considered as non-structural elements and their stiffness contributions are generally ignored in practice. But they affect both the structural and non-structural performance of the RC buildings during earthquakes. RC frame building with open first storey is known as soft storey, which performs poorly during strong earthquake shaking. A similar soft storey effect can also appear at top storey level if a storey used as a service storey. Hence a combination of two structural system components i.e. Rigid frames and RC shear walls leads to a highly efficient system in which shear wall resist the majority of the lateral loads and the frame supports majority of the gravity loads. To study the effect of masonry infill and different soft storey level, 11 models of R C framed building were analyzed with two types of shear wall when subjected to earthquake loading. The results of bare frame and other building models have been compared, it is observed that model with swastika and L shape shear wall with core wall are showing efficient performance and hence reducing the effect of soft storey and also reducing the effect of water pressure in the top soft storey.Key words: bare frame, masonry infill, soft storey, shear wall Reference [1] Amit.V.Khandve, "Seismic Response of RC Frame Buildings with Soft Storeys". International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 www.ijera.com Vol. 2, Issue 3, May-Jun 2012, pp.2100-2108. [2] Dr. Saraswati Setia and Vineet Sharm, "Seismic Response of R.C.C Building with Soft Storey". International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562 Vol.7 No.11 (2012). [3] Shaik Kamal Mohammed Azam, Vinod Hosur, "Seismic behaviour of multi-storeyed buildings with soft intermediate storey". Journal of Structural Engineering Vol. 39, No. 3, August-September 2012 pp. 237-245. [4] Romy Mohan and C Prabha, "Dynamic Analysis of RCC Buildings with Shear Wall". International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Volume 04, October 2011, pp 659-662 [5] IS 1893(Part-I) 2002: Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures, Part-I General Provision and Buildings (Fifth Revision). Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi. Mohammed Tosif Ahmed, Prof. Vishwanath .B. Patil |
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19. | Investigation of the Structural Variation after the Intercalation of Cetylpyridinium Chloride into V2O5 Xerogel
Investigation of the Structural Variation after the Intercalation of Cetylpyridinium Chloride into V2O5 XerogelAbstract: A new hybrid material using vanadium pentoxide xerogel in different concentration of the cationic surfactant cetylpyridinium chloride (V2O5CPC) is investigated. The insertion was accompanied by XRD, FTIR and SEM characterization. These studies revealed the presence of a lamellar structure for the V2O5CPC hybrid material in all concentrations of cetylpyridinium chloride. The intercalation reaction was evidenced on basis of the increase in the d-spacing as well as the displacement of the infrared bands toward lower energy levels. The CPC intercalation occurred by reorganize intermittently forming two domains within the matrix.Key words: Cetylpyridinium chloride; hybrid materials; intercalation; sol-gel; V2O5 Reference [1] G. Huan, A.J. Jacobson, J.W. Johnson and E.W. Corcoran, Hydrothermal synthesis and single-crystal structural characterization of the layered vanadium(IV) phosphate VOC6H5PO3.cntdot.H2O, Chemical Materials, 2, 1990, 91-93. [2] J.W. Johnson, J.F. Brody and R.M. Alexander, Vanadyl benzylphosphonates and vanadyl naphthylphosphonates: intercalation reactions with butanols, Chemical Materials, 2, 1990, 198-201. [3] Y-C. Liao, Y-C. Jiang and S-L. Wang, Discrete Water Hexamers and Template-Assisted Molecular Recognition in an Elastic Zincophosphate Lattice, Journal of American Chemical Society, 127, 2005, 12794-12795. [4] Y-C. Liao, C-H Lin and S-L Wang, Direct White Light Phosphor: A Porous Zinc Gallophosphate with Tunable Yellow-to-White Luminescence, Journal of American Chemical Society, 127, 2005, 9986-9987. [5] Y-C. Yang, L-I. Hung and S-L. Wang, New Series of Layered Vanadyl Phosphates with Varied Polyamine Templates, Chemical Materials, 17, 2005, 2833-2840. Elidia Maria Guerra, Dane Tadeu Cestarolli, Herenilton Paulino Oliveira |
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20. | Drip Fertigation in Sweet Pepper: A Review
Drip Fertigation in Sweet Pepper: A ReviewAbstract: Sweet Pepper is one of the most important vegetable crops grown in India. Water has been identified as one of the scarcest inputs, which can severely restrict its growth unless it is carefully conserved and managed. Adoption of modern irrigation technique like drip irrigations is needed to be emphasized to increase water use efficiency and covering more area under irrigation. Drip fertigation is the most effective way to supply water and nutrients to the plants which not only saves water but also increases yield of fruits and vegetable crops. As reported by different research workers of the world, adoption of drip fertigation in sweet pepper results in saving of fertilizer up to 25 per cent, water saving up to 40 percent significant increase in yield, significant increase in water use efficiency and better quality produce.Key words: Drip irrigation, Fertigation, Sweet Pepper, Water use efficiency, Yield Reference [1] A. K. Manchanda, B. Singh, Effect of plant density and nitrogen on yield and quality of bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L), Indian J Hort, 44, 1987,250-252. [2] R. Bhatt, M.S. Rao and N.Anand, Response of bell pepper to irradiance photo synthesis, reproductive attributes and yield, Indian J Hort, 56, 1999, 62-66. [3] Anonymous, Package of practices for cultivation of vegetable crops, Pp 35-37, 2009, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana. [4] A. J. Gupta, M. F. Ahmed and F. N. Bhat, Studies on yield, quality, water and fertilizer use efficiency of capsicum under drip irrigation and fertigation, Indian J Hort, 67, 2010, 213-218. [5] E. Antony, R. B. Singandhupe, Impact of drip and surface irrigation on growth, yield and WUE of Capsicum (Capsicum annuum L.),Agric Water Mgmt, 65, 2004, 121-132. Roma Kumari, Dr. Arun Kaushal |
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1. | Multi-Response Ergonomic Evaluation of Higher Age Group CNC Machine Operators
Multi-Response Ergonomic Evaluation of Higher Age Group CNC Machine OperatorsAbstract: This work contributes to research on improving performance in a human-CNC machine interface (HCMI) environment. A salient contribution of this study is the use of a load cell to measure human performance. The developed novel system can measure cognitive and motor action responses simultaneously. The performance measurement system designed for this work may be used in other fields where systems are operated using control panels and for observing and evaluating the responses of mentally retarded persons (or persons with symptoms of Alzheimer‟s disease). The search time, motor action time and applied force were selected as response variables to accurately evaluate a computer numerically controlled (CNC) machine operator‟s performance. Based on a Taguchi experimental design, a full factorial design consisting of 27 (33) experiments was used to collect data on human performance. The collected data were analyzed using grey relational analysis, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the F-test. ANOVA was performed using Design-Expert software. The designed research was shown to have a reasonable degree of validity via a confirmation test. This study represents an effective approach for the optimization of a higher age group operator-CNC machine interface environment with multi-performance characteristics based on a combination of the Taguchi method and grey relational analysis. Relevance to industry: The findings of this work are directly applicable to the practical field to improve the design of a CNC-machines system. This work suggests that those responsible for the functioning and operation of CNC-machines workstations would have to redesign the system to reduce musculoskeletal injuries and other related problems. The present results can be quite useful for future system designers. It is emphasized that applying ergonomic principles to the design of CNC machines and interfaces can not only help to enhance machine performance and productivity but can also enable the human operator to feel comfortable and secure. As most companies have acquired automated manufacturing technology in recent years to be competitive, ergonomic and safety considerations are of the utmost importance.Key words: Multi-performance; Search time; Motor action time; Applied force; Load cell; CNC-Environment. Reference [1] Antony, N.T. and Keir, P.J. (2010). Effects of posture, movement and hand load on shoulder muscle activity. Electromyography and Kinesiology, 20(2), 191-198. [2] Ayako, T., Hiroshi J., Maria, B.,Villanueva, G., Midori, S. and Susumu, S. (2002). Effects of the liquid crystal display tilt angle of a notebook computer on posture, muscle activities and somatic complaints. Industrial Ergonomics, 29(4), 219-229. [3] Balasubramanian, V., Adalarasu, K. and Regulapati, R. (2009). Comparing dynamic and stationary standing postures in an assembly task. Industrial Ergonomics, 39 (5), 649-654. [4] Batten, D.M., Schultz, K.L. and Sluchak, T.J. (1998). Optimal viewing angle for touch screen displays: Is there such a thing? Industrial Ergonomics, 22(4-5), 343-350. [5] Bautmans, I., Vantieghem, S., Gorus, E., Grazzini, Yuri-Reva, Fierens, Y., Pool-Goudzwaard, A. and Mets, T. (2011). Age-related differences in pre-movement antagonist muscle co-activation and reaction-time performance. Journal of Experimental Gerontology, 46(8), 637-642. Imtiaz Ali Khan |
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2. | An Higher Case Operation and Analysis of a Multiple Renewable Resources Connected To A Dc Load Through Dc Bus An Higher Case Operation and Analysis of a Multiple RenewableAbstract: In our nation the usage of electricity is increasing day-by-day. According to that conserdations, the generated power from the non-renewable sources will not satisfy the demands properly. so for these purpose, by using multiple renewable sources, it will be very useful to some type of dc applications. The power produced from the individual renewable sources will not be satisfy the demand at all times. So by integration of a multiple renewable sources such as wind and solar a huge amount of power will be produced. These power will be coordinated to the ac grid or directly to dc consumers. For integration of renewable sources an aggregated model has to be proposed. In according to these operation BESS (battery energy storage system)is equipped with the system for maintaining the power balance. For obtaining the power balance the adaptive droop control technique has to be proposed and droop curves are evaluated. The droop characteristics are selected on the basis of the deviation between the optimized and real-time SOC of the BESS. In these paper, the operational analysis can be performed when real time soc is higher than the optimised soc and droop curves are plotted. Operational controls with in the micro grid [such as cost have to be optimized at the same time it will satisfy the demand] are designed to support the integration of wind and solar power. By these process micro grid real time supply and demand will be maintain in symmetry. The simulation results are to be developed in MATLAB SIMULINK process for renewable power generation and fast charging load connected to the dc bus, droop control based responses.Index terms: distributed energy resources, fast charging, droop control, electrical vehicle, micro grid, multilevel energy storage, power electronic conversion, emission constraint Reference [1] F. Giraud and Z.M.S alameh, "steady-state performance of a grid connected rooftop hybrid wind-photovoltaic power system with battery storage," IEEE Trans. Energy Convers., vol.16, no.1, pp.1-7, Mar.2001. [2] B. S. Borowy and Z. M. Salameh, "Methodology for optimally sizing the combination of battery bank and pv array in a wind/pv hybrid system," IEEE Trans. Energy Convers., vol.11, no.2, pp.367-375, Mar.1996. [3] A. L. Dimeas and N. D. Hatziargyriou, "operation of a multiagent system for microgrid control, "IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol.20, no.3, pp.1447-1455., Mar.2005. [4] F. Katiraei and M. R. Iravani, "power management strategies for a micro grid with multiple distributed generationunits," IEEE Trans. Power Syst" vol.21, no.4,pp. 1821-1831, Nov.2006. [5] A. G. Madureira and J.A. Pecas Lopes, "Coordinated voltage support in distribution networks with distribution generation and microgrids ,"IET Renew. Power Generat., vol.3,no.4,pp.439-454,Dev.2009. G. Mahesh Kumar, Y.Damodharam, S. Suresh |
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3. | Rule-Based Mamdani-Type Fuzzy Modeling of Perceived Stress, And Cortisol Responses to Awakening
Rule-Based Mamdani-Type Fuzzy Modeling of Perceived Stress, And Cortisol Responses to AwakeningAbstract: In this paper, Two Mamdani type fuzzy models (four inputs–one output and two inputs–one output) were developed to test the hypothesis that high job demands and low job control (job strain) are associated with elevated free cortisol levels early in the working day and with reduced variability across the day and to evaluate the contribution of anger expression to this pattern. The models were derived from multiple data sources including One hundred five school teachers (41 men and 64 women) classified 12 months earlier as high (N = 48) or low (N = 57) in job strain according to the demand/control model sampled saliva at 2-hour intervals from 8:00 to 8:30 hours to 22:00 to 22:30 hours on a working day. The quality of the model was determined by comparing predicted and actual fuzzy classification and defuzzification of the predicted outputs to get crisp values for correlating estimates with published values. A modified form of the Hamming distance measure is proposed to compare predicted and actual fuzzy classification. An entropy measure is used to describe the ambiguity associated with the predicted fuzzy outputs. The four input model predicted over 70% of the test data within one-half of a fuzzy class of the published data. The two input model predicted over 40% of the test data within one-half of a fuzzy class of the published data. Comparison of the models show that the four input model exhibited less entropy than the two input model.Key words: job strain, cortisol, anger, work stress, teaching, Mamdani fuzzy modeling, Hamming distance 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 90B22 Secondary 90B05; 60K30 Reference [1] Luecken LJ, Suarez EC, Kuhn CM, Barefoot JC, Blumenthal JA, Siegler IC, Williams RB. Stress in employed women: impact of marital status and children at home on neurohormone output and home strain. Psychosom Med 1997;59:352–9. [2] McEwen BS. Protective and damaging effects of stress mediators. N Engl J Med 1998;338:171–9. [3] Van Cauter E, Leproult R, Kupfer DJ. Effects of gender and age on the levels and circadian rhythmicity of plasma cortisol. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1996;81:2468–73. [4] Pham D.T, Castellani. M, Action aggregation and defuzzification in Mamdani-type fuzzy systems, in: Proceedings of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers Part C, J. Mech. Eng. Sci. 216 (2002) 747– 759. [5] Julkunen J, Salonen R, Kaplan GA, Chesney MA, Salonen JT. Hostility and the progression of carotid atherosclerosis, Psychosom Med 1994;56:519–25. P. Senthil Kumar & B. Mohamed Harif |
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4. | Flow Analysis in Two Pass Smooth Square Channel
Flow Analysis in Two Pass Smooth Square ChannelAbstract: This project aim is to presenting the air flow analysis in two pass smooth square channel experiments. The experiments were carried out on a horizontally oriented two pass smooth square channel with turn in sharp 1800. The smooth square channel size was 2 cm. Calculations were performed by using CFD software "gambit &fluent". The predictions results of mass flow rate & heat transfer rate of the air flow inside the sharp 180° turn in square channel with using different Reynolds numbers (10000, 20000, 40000 & 60000) were compared against with experiment results obtained from based on journal. Computational fluid dynamics simulations were performed using Gambit2.3.16&Fluent6.3.26 software with 2D, unsteady and turbulent flow conditions assumed. Three different turbulence models were used namely the k-ε, k and Reynolds stress models in conjunction with non-equilibrium wall functions.Key words: CFD, Gambit, Fluent, Reynolds numbers, turbulent flow Reference [1] G.V.phadtare et al. / international journal of engineering science and technology (IJEST)"experimental investigations of heat transfer enhancement in tip of 180-degree bend of square duct with vortex generator" [2] Local Heat/Mass Transfer and Pressure Drop in a Two-Pass Rib-Roughened Channel for Turbine Airfoil Cooling by J.C. Han and P.R. Chandra Texas A & M University College Station, Texas [3] an experimental and numerical convective heat transfer analysis over a transonic gas turbine rotor blade by keith baharath cassie KSME International Journal, Vol. 18 No. 7, pp. 1258~ 1266, 2004 , [4] A Naphthalene Sublimation Study on Heat/Mass Transfer for Flow over a Flat Plate by ,long-Hark Park ,Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Dukjin-dong, 150 Yusung-gu, Taejeon 305-353, Korea [5] International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 31 (2010) 19–31"Heat transfer and pressure drop in two-pass rib-roughened square channels with bleed from sharp bend" journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/ i jhf f R.T.SARATH BABU, D.KRISHAIAH |
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5. | Mitigation of Lower Order Harmonics with Filtered Svpwm In Multiphase Voltage Source Inverters
Mitigation of Lower Order Harmonics with Filtered Svpwm In Multiphase Voltage Source InvertersAbstract: Multi-phase machines and drives is a topic of growing relevance in recent years, and it presents many challenging issues that still need further research. This is the case of multi-phase space vector pulse width modulation (SVPWM), which shows not only more space vectors than the standard three-phase case, but also new subspaces where the space vectors are mapped. In the digital implementation, multiphase reference voltages are sampled and fed into the digital modulator to produce gating signals at a constant clock rate f. This means a finite pulse-width resolution because the gating state transition can only occur at some specific time instants depending on frequency. This results in a deviation of produced phase voltages from the desired phase voltages, i.e., increasing harmonic distortion especially for a small modulation index signal. In the present paper a filtered space-vector pulse-width modulation (SVPWM) considering finite pulse-width resolution is proposed to produce a switching sequence with reduced baseband harmonics for multiphase voltage source inverters (VSI). This is achieved by incorporating a pseudo feedback loop regarding weighted voltage difference between desired and produced phase voltages.Key words: SVPWM, Voltage Source inverters, Harmonic Distortion. Reference [1] A. H. John and A. G. Duncan, "The use of harmonic distortion to increase the output voltage of a three-phase PWM inverter," IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. IA-20, no. 5, pp. 1224–1228, Sep./Oct. 1984. [2] Z. Keliang and W. Danwei, "Relationship between space-vector modulation and three-phase carrier-based PWM: A comprehensive analysis," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 49, no. 1, pp. 186–196, Feb. 2002. [3] O. Lopez, J. Alvarze, D. G. Jesus, and F. D. Freijedo, "Multilevel multiphase space vector PWM algorithm with switching state redundancy," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 56, no. 3, pp. 792–804, Mar. 2009. [4] Y. H. Liu, C. L. Chen, and R. J. Tu, "A novel space-vector current regulation scheme for a field-oriented-controlled induction motor drive," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 45, no. 5, pp. 730–737, Oct. 1998. [5] D. W. Chung, J. S. Kim, and S. K. Sul, "Unified voltage modulation technique for real-time three-phase power conversion," IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 374–380, Mar./Apr. 1998. K. Uday Kiran, B. Veeru, D. Kumaraswamy |
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6. | Domotics – A Cost Effective Smart Home Automation System Using Wifi as Network Infrastructure
Domotics – A Cost Effective Smart Home Automation System Using Wifi as Network InfrastructureAbstract: This paper describes an investigation into the potential for remote controlled operation of home automation (also called as Domotics) systems. It considers problems with their implementation, discusses possible solutions through various network technologies and indicates how to optimize the use of such systems. This paper emphasizes on the design and prototype implementation of new home automation system that uses WiFi technology as a network infrastructure connecting its parts. The proposed can be viewed on two fold; the first part is the software (web server), which presents system core that manages, controls, and monitors users' home. Users and system administrator can locally (LAN) or remotely (internet) manage the system code. Second part is hardware interface module, which provides appropriate interface to sensors and actuator of home automation system. Unlike most of available home automation system in the market the proposed system is scalable that one server can manage many hardware interface modules as long as it exists on WiFi network coverage.Index terms: Domotics, Home automation, Networking, WiFi Reference [1] Dr. Shaik Meeravali, P. Sai Prasad, GSM based home automation with security (using microcontroller), INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY, Vol2-Issue 9 (September – 2013), e-ISSN 2278-0181, www.ijert.org. [2] Y.Usha Devi, Wireless Home Automation System Using ZigBee, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 3, Issue 8, August 2012 ISSN 2229-5518 ,IJSER © 2012 , http ://www.ijser.org. [3] D.NARESH, CHAKRADHAR2, S.KRISHNAVENI, Bluetooth Based Home Automation and Security System Using ARM9,International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 4 Issue 9- Sep 2013 ISSN: 2231-5381 http://www.ijettjournal.org Page 4052 , [4] http://:www.arduino.cc [5] http://:www.learnadafruit.com Abhinav Talgeri, Abheesh Kumar B A, Adithya B |
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7. | Performance Analysis of Optical Code Division Multiple Access (OCDMA) System
Performance Analysis of Optical Code Division Multiple Access (OCDMA) SystemAbstract: With the concept of 3G & 4G services OCDMA is one of the important technologies, that provide a very high speed communication. In this technology multiple users can communicate simultaneously to transfer different kind of data. OCDMA enables the best use of available bandwidth and the spectrum to represent a cost efficient network. But in a network there is always the requirement to increase the security and the efficiency or the throughput of a multiuser communication in the OCDMA network. The proposed work is about to increase the efficiency in a Noisy channel. Here the work will be performed on impulse noised network. We are here proposing the orthogonal approach along with OCDMA to improve the throughput. We are trying to show the results in terms of noise ratio and the derived throughput. The proposed work is about to reduce this packet loss and to increase the throughput in the noisy network. To overcome this drawback and to increase the throughput we are using the concept of OFDM along with CDMA. This concept is represented as the Orthogonal CDMA.Key words: OCDMA, TDMA, FDMA, MATLAB Reference [1] Harmandeep Singh,‖ Performance Analysis of Optical CDMA using Fuzzy Logic Generator‖ THAPAR UNIVERSITY PATIALA July 2008 [2] Dhananjay1 *, Amita Soni1, Sanjeev Kumar,‖ Design of Enhanced Throughput Approach in Noisy Environment using Orthogonal-CDMA‖August, 2011 [3] C. B. M. Rashidi, S. A. Aljunid, F. Ghani, ‖ Design of a New Class of Codes with Zero in Phase CrossCorrelation for Spectral Amplitude Coding‖ International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.11 No.6, June 2011 [4] Shlomo Shamai (Shitz), Fellow, IEEE, and Aaron D. Wyner, Fellow, ―Information-Theoretic Considerations for Symmetric, Cellular, Multiple-Access Fading Channels‖—Part II IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY, VOL.43, NO. 6, NOVEMBER1997 [5] Md. Jahedul Islam and Md. Rafiqul Islam,‖ Impact of GVD and SPM on the Performance of DS-OCDMA‖ JOURNAL OF NETWORKS,VOL. 6, NO. 1, JANUARY 2011 Amandeep Sukhija, Dr. Ashwani Sethi |
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8. | Heat Transfer Analysis to Optimize The Water Cooling Scheme For Combustion Device
Heat Transfer Analysis to Optimize The Water Cooling Scheme For Combustion DeviceAbstract: Thermal Propulsion system is one kind of propulsion system which is used to drive torpedo. The present study focuses mainly on design of combustion device known to be thrust chamber or thrust cylinder. The chamber and nozzle wall and the injector face plate must be made of metals selected for high strength at elevated temperature coupled with good thermal conductivity, resistance to high temperature oxidation. chemical inertness on the coolant on the coolant side, and suitability for the fabrication method to be employed. In the case of certain monopropellants, the metal must not catalyze the decomposition. Although aluminum and copper alloys have been used successfully for combustion chambers and nozzles, stainless steels and carbon steels are in widest use today.A cooling jacket permits the circulation of a coolant, which, in the case of flight engines is usually one of the propellants. Water is the only coolant recommended. The cooling jacket consists of an inner and outer wall. The combustion chamber forms the inner wall and another concentric but larger cylinder provides the outer wall. The space between the walls serves as the coolant passage. The nozzle throat region usually has the highest heat transfer intensity and is, therefore, the most difficult to cool.Key words: combustion device, thrust chamber. Reference [1] "Sutton, G.P., Rocket Propulsion Elements- An Introduction to the Engineering of Rockets. Wiley, NewYork, 1986. [2] Engines," Acta Astronautic a, Vol.8. 2. Kalin, V.M.,and Sherstiannikov, V.A.," Hydrodynamic Modeling of the Starting Process in Liquid Propellant 1979.pp.231-242. [3] Katto,Y.," Prediction of Critical Heat Flux of Subcooled flow Boiling in Round Tubes," International journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.33.No.9.1987. pp.1921-1928. [4] T.J. Avampato and Saltiel university of Florida, Gainesville.Florida32611,says Dynamic Modeling of Srarting Capabilities of Liquid Propellant Rocket Engines. [5] Gilbert, M., Davis. and Altman, D. Velocity lag of Particles in linearly accelerated combustion gases. Am. Rocket Soc.25-26- 30(1955). B. Usha Rani |
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10. | Self Compacting Concrete And Its Properties
Self Compacting Concrete And Its PropertiesAbstract: Self-compacting concrete (SCC), which flows under its own weight and doesn't require any external vibration for compaction, has revolutionized concrete placement. Such concrete should have relatively low yield value to ensure high flow ability, a moderate viscosity to resists segregation and bleeding and must maintain its homogeneity during transportation, placing and curing to ensure adequate structural performance and long term durability. Self-compacting concrete (SCC) can be defined as a fresh concrete which possesses superior flow ability under maintained stability (i.e. no segregation) thus allowing self-compaction that is, material consolidation without addition of energy. Self-compacting concrete is a fluid mixture suitable for placing in structures with Congested reinforcement without vibration and it helps in achieving higher quality of surface finishes. However utilization of high reactive Metakaolin and Flyash asan admixtures as an effective pozzolan which causes great improvement in the porestructure. The relative proportions of key components are considered by volumerather than by mass. self compacting concrete (SCC) mix design with 29% of coarse aggregate, replacement of cement with Metakaolin and class F flyash, combinations of both and controlled SCC mix with 0.36 water/cementitious ratio(by weight) and388 litre/m3 of cement paste volume. Crushed granite stones of size 16mm and12.5mm are used with a blending 60:40 by percentage weight of total coarse aggregate. Self-compacting concrete compactibility is affected by the characteristics of materials and the mix proportions; it becomes necessary to evolve a procedure formix design of SCC. The properties of different constituent materials used in this investigation and its standard tests procedures for acceptance characteristics of self compacting concrete such as slump flow, V-funnel and L-Box are presented.Key words: Self Compacting Concrete, Flyash , Properties. Reference [1] Assie, S., Escadeillas, G. and Waller, V. 2007. Estimates of self-compacting concrete 'potential' durability. [2] Construction and Building Materials, 21 (10): 1909-1917. [3] ASTM C 143-03. 2003. Standard test method for slump of hydraulic cement concrete, Annual Book of ASTM Standards, 1-8. [4] ASTM C 494. 1992. Standard specifications for chemical admixtures for concrete, Annual Book of ASTM Standards. [5] Baoguo, Ma and Huixian, Wang. 2011. Effect of viscosity modifying admixture on the workability of self-compacting concrete, Advanced Material Research, 306-307: 946-950. S. Mahesh |
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11. | Flexural, Impact Properties and Sem Analysis of Bamboo and Glass Fiber Reinforced Polyester Hybrid Composites
Flexural, Impact Properties and Sem Analysis of Bamboo and Glass Fiber Reinforced Polyester Hybrid CompositesAbstract: The Flexural, Impact properties and Scanning electron microscope analysis of Bamboo/glass fibers Reinforced polyester Hybrid composites were studied. The effect of alkali treatment of the bamboo fibers on these properties was also studied. It was observed that the Flexural, impact properties of the hybrid composite increase with glass fiber content. These properties found to be higher when alkali treated bamboo fibers were used in the hybrid composites. The elimination of amorphous hemi-cellulose with alkali treated leading to higher crystallinity of the bamboo fibers with alkali treatment may be responsible for these observations. The author investigated the interfacial bonding between Glass/Bamboo reinforced polyester composites. The effect of alkali treatment on the bonding between Glass/Bamboo composites was also studied.Key words: Dendrocalamus strictus, Bamboo fiber, Glass fiber, polyster Resin, SEM, Flexural Properties, Impact Properties, Hybrid Composites. Reference [1] Jindal, U.C. 1986 Development and testing of bamboo fibers reinforced plastic composites. Journal of Composites. 20: 19-22. [2] Varadarajulu, A., Narasimha Chary, K. and Rama Chandra Reddy, G. 2003. Void content, density, weight reduction and mechanical properties of short bamboo fibers/stryrenated polyester composites. Journal of Bamboo & Rattan. 2(2): 95-102. [3] Varadarajulu, A., Narasimha Chary, K., Rama Chandra Reddy, G., Babu Rao, G. and Ganga Devi, L. 2002. Thermo gravimetric analysis of dendro calamus strictus bamboo fibers. Journal of bamboo and Rattan. I(3): 247-250. [4] Varadarajulu, A., Babu Rao, G. and Lakshminarayana Reddy, R. 2001. Chemical resistance and tensile properties of epoxy/poly carbonate blend coated bamboo fibers. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites. 20(4): 335-340. [5] Varadarajulu, A., Ganga Devi, L., Babu Rao, G. and Lakshminarayana Reddy, R. 2003. Chemical resistance and tensile properties of epoxy/unsaturated blend coated bamboo fibers. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites. 22(11): 1029-1034 Raghavendra Rao. H, Sudhamadhuri. K |
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12. | Analysis of Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) Level of Distribution Network Using DVR
Analysis of Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) Level of Distribution Network Using DVRAbstract: The modern sensitive, Non-linear and sophisticated load affects the power quality. Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) provides the fast, flexible and efficient solution to improve the power quality for such distribution network [8]. The active power, reactive power, variation of voltage, flicker, harmonics, and electrical behavior of switching operations are the major source of affecting power quality. The intent of this paper is to demonstrate the improvements obtained with DVR in power system network using MATLAB/SIMULINK. In this paper, an overview of the DVR, its functions, configurations, components, control strategies are reviewed. The Simulation results are presented to illustrate the performance of DVR in Total Harmonic Distortion (THD). The results showed clearly the performance of using DVR in improving THD level.Key words: Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR), PI controller, Power Quality, Pulse Width Modulation (PWM), Total Harmonic Distortion (THD). Reference [1] 1.AL Jowder Fawzi "Modeling and simulation of Different System Topologies for Dynamic Voltage Restorer" Electric Power and Energy Conversion Systems, EPECS '09. International Conference, IEEE, pp. 1-6, 2009. [2] 2. Boonchiaml Paisan, Mithulananthan Nadarajah, Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi Thailand, "Detailed Analysis of Load Voltage Restorers" TENCON, IEEE region 10 conference, pp. 1-4, 2006. [3] 3. Chang C.S., Ho Y.S., "The Influence of Motor Loads on the Voltage Restoration Capability of the Dynamic Voltage Restorer". Power System Technology. Proceedings, Power Con, International Conference, vol, 2pp. 637-642, 2000. [4] 4. Ferdi B., Dib S., Dehini R., University of Bechar, Algeria. "Adaptive PI Control of Dynamic Voltage Restorer Using Fuzzy Logic" Journal of Electrical Engineering: Theory and Application Vol.1, pp. 165-173, 2010. [5] 5. Godsk Nielsen John and Blaabjerg Frede "Control Strategies for Dynamic Voltage Restorer Compensating Voltage Sags with Phase Jump", Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, IEEE, vol. 2.pp. 1267-1273, 2001. Himanshu Kalara, Tanushree Kaul, Deepak Makkar |
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13. | Photovoltaic Modules Performance Loss Evaluation for Nsukka, South East Nigeria and Mitigable Designs
Photovoltaic Modules Performance Loss Evaluation for Nsukka, South East Nigeria and Mitigable DesignsAbstract: The Photovoltaic (PV) systems and technology offer excellent reliability when designed with the right implementation tools and based on good technical judgements of components that make up each of the critical sections of solar power system. The PV array is an essential section of a solar power system and it is expected to function to deliver pre – estimated power based on design estimations. There are factors that derail the performance of PV modules; the contributions of these factors are peculiar to specific sites of installation, hence the need to empirically evaluate and characterize installation sites before deployment of PV systems. This paper presents the characterization of Nsukka (South East, Nigeria) environment using decent instrumentation; and consequently highlights the power loss indicators for PV modules in the target site while presenting equally mitigable design.Key words: Array, Irradiance, NECOP, Power, PV, STC, String Reference [1] Daniyan O.L., Daniyan I.A. "Towards Sustainable Solar Power System in Nigeria: The Planning and Budgeting Considerations" International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research (IJSER), Vol. 5, Issue 7, July 2014. Pp 348 – 352. [2] Energy Market Authority "Handbook for Solar Photovoltaic (PV) systems". [3] Okeke N. (FAS), Daniyan O.L. "The Nigerian Environmental Climatic Observing Program (NECOP)" Climate Change and the Nigerian Environment Conference Proceedings, 29th June to 2nd July, 2009. University of Nigeria, Nsukka. [4] David L. King, Jay A. Kratochvil "Temperature coefficients for PV Modules and Arrays: Measurement Methods, Difficulties, and Results". [5] Arvizu, Dan et al. "Direct Solar Energy. In IPCC Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation". Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA. 2011. Daniyan O.L., Daniyan I.A., Okere B.I., Aliyu N., Ezema E. E. |
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14. | Mirce Functionability Equation
Mirce Functionability EquationAbstract: Scientific principles and concepts expressed through the laws, equations and formulas are the bedrock for the prediction of the deign-in functionality performance of any engineering creation. However, there are not equivalent when the in-service functionability predictions have to be made. Hence, Mirce Mechanics has been created at the MIRCE Akademy to fulfil the roll. The main purpose of this paper is to present the development and application of Mirce Functionability Equation which is the bedrock for the prediction of the in-service motion of functionability performance of maintainable systems.Reference [1] Knezevic, J., Functionability in Motion, Proceedings 10th International Conference on Dependability and Quality, DQM Institute, 2010, Belgrade, Serbia. [2] Zaczyk, I., Analysis of the Influence of Atmospheric Radiation Induced Single Event Effects on Avionics Failures, Master Diploma Dissertation, MIRCE Akademy, 2008. [3] Knezevic, J., Scientific Scale of Reliability, Proceedings of International Conference on Reliability, Safety and Hazard, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, 2010, Mumbai, India. [4] Zaczyk. I., Knezevic, J. , Cosmic Phenomena in Mirce Mechanics Approach to Reliability and Safety, International Journal of Life Cycle Reliability and safety, Vol 2, Issue No 2, 2013, ISSn-2250 0820, Society for Reliability and Safety, India. [5] Bader, R.F.W., Atoms in Molecules: a Quantum Theory, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 1990. ISBN 978-0-19-855866-1 Dr Jezdimir Knezevic |
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15. | Aerodynamic Drag Reduction for A Generic Sport Utility Vehicle Using Rear Suction
Aerodynamic Drag Reduction for A Generic Sport Utility Vehicle Using Rear SuctionAbstract: The high demand for new and improved aerodynamic drag reduction devices has led to the invention of flow control mechanisms and continuous suction is a promising strategy that does not have major impact on vehicle geometry. The implementation of this technique on sport utility vehicles (SUV) requires adequate choice of the size and location of the opening as well as the magnitude of the boundary suction velocity. In this paper we introduce a new methodology to identifying these parameters for maximum reduction in aerodynamic drag. The technique combines automatic modeling of the suction slit, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and a global search method using orthogonal arrays. It is shown that a properly designed suction mechanism can reduce drag by up to 9%..Key words: Aerodynamics, Fluid dynamics, Optimization, Taguchi Method, CFD based optimization Reference [1] Hucho, W.H., Aerodynamics of Road Vehicles, 4th Edition, SAE International, 1998 [2] Sovran, G., et al. (ed), Aerodynamic drag mechanisms of Bluff Bodies and Road Vehicles, Plenum Press, New York, 1978 [3] Hucho, W.H., Sovran, G., Aerodynamics of Road Vehicles, Vol. 25: 485-537, 1993 [4] Achenbach, E., Distribution of Local Pressure and SkinFriction around a Circular Cylinder in Cross-Flow up to 5×106, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 34, Pt.4, 1968 [5] Von Karman,Th., Turbulence and Skin Friction, Journal of the Aeronautical Sciences, Vol. 1, No 1, pp.1-20, 1934 Abdellah Ait Moussa, Rohan Yadav and Justin Fischer |
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16. | Crystal Growth and Characterization of Cobalt Doped Barium Tartrate Crystals by Silica Gel Method
Crystal Growth and Characterization of Cobalt Doped Barium Tartrate Crystals by Silica Gel MethodAbstract: Single crystals of Cobalt doped Barium tartrate crystals were grown by single diffusion technique at room temperature. Effect of Cobalt doping in the Barium tartarate crystals has been studied and reported. The XRD pattern shows that Cobalt barium tartarate crystals are polycrystalline in nature and having orthorhombic structure. SEM pictures infer that crystals were grown by layer deposition. The elemental analysis has been carried out by EDAX. The chemical analysis has been performed by FTIR to denote the functional group of grown crystal. The thermal stability has been studied by the TGA, DTG and DSC.Key words: Single diffusion, XRD, SEM, FTIR, Thermal analysis. Reference [1] http://www.opsi.gov.uk/si/si1991.old/Uksi_19911392_en_1.htm#end. [2] J. Valasek, Piezo-Electric and Allied Phenomena in Rochelle Salt, Phys. Rev., 17, 1921, 475. [3] I. V. Veseleya, V. I. Gorodyski, Voprosy Onkol., 3, 1975, 300. [4] K. D. Parikh, B. B. Parekh, D. J. Dave, M. J. Joshi, Investigation of Various Growth Parameters, FTIR and Thermal Studies of Gel Grown Pure and Mixed Levo-tartrates of Calcium and Strontium, Indian J. Phys., 80, 2006, 719. [5] R. M. Dabhi, M. J. Joshi, Indian J. Phys. 2002, 76A, 211. S. K. Bachhav, N. S. Patil, M. S. Kale, D. S. Bhavsar |
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17. | Comparison of Multilevel Inverter Topologies for STATCOM Applications
Comparison of Multilevel Inverter Topologies for STATCOM ApplicationsAbstract: In this paper is to present an comparison of four different STATCOM multilevel inverter topologies which are suitable to be connected to the un-linear loads and unbalancing loads. The majority of power consumption has been drawn in reactive loads. These loads are drawn in low power factor and therefore give rise to reactive power burden in the power system. So that STATCOM controller is used to compensate reactive power, correction of power factor and elimination of current harmonics. This paper mainly focuses the analysis issues of the Cascade H-bridge, Incremental cascade H-bridge, Incremental cascade I–bridge and Incremental – reduction cascade H-bridge multilevel topologies with PWM technique for STATCOM applications; Inverter operation play a vital in STATCOM, presenting a methods for best suitable in the point of low THD, better output, cost and efficiency. MATLAB/SIMULINK results are present in this paper of multilevel inverter four topologies for STATCOM applications with Instantaneous p – q theory controller implemented.Reference [1] L. Gyugyi, E. C. Strycula, "Active AC Power Filters"- in Proc. IEEE/IAS Annu. Meeting, Vol.19-c, pp 529-535, 1976 [2] Hirofumi Akagi, Yoshihira Kanazawa, Akira Nabae "Instantaneous Reactive Power Compensators Comprising Switching Device s without Energy Storage Components"- IEEE Trans on Industry Appl, Vol.I1-20, No.3, pp.625-630, 1984 [3] E. H. Watanabe, R. M. Stephan, M. Aredes, "New Concepts of Instantaneous Active and Reactive Powers in Electrical Systems with Generic Loads"- IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, Vol.8, No.2, pp.697-703, 1993. [4] Bhim Singh, Kamal Al-Haddad & Ambrish Chandra, "A New Control Approach to 3-phase Active Filter for Harmonics and Reactive Power Compensation"-IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, Vol. 46, NO. 5, pp.133 – 138, Oct-1999 [5] W. K. Chang, W. M. Grady, Austin, M. J. Samotyj "Meeting IEEE- 519 Harmonic Voltage and Voltage Distortion Constraints with an Active Power Line Conditioner"- IEEE Trans on Power Delivery, Vol.9, No.3, pp.1531-1537, 1994 V. Yesu Raja, G.Sambasiva Rao |
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18. | Sanitation Coverage And Impact Of Open Defecation Free (ODF) Zone With Special Reference To Nepal: A Review
Sanitation Coverage And Impact Of Open Defecation Free (ODF) Zone With Special Reference To Nepal: A ReviewAbstract: The basic needs of people such as safe drinking water, improved hygiene and sanitation must be fulfilled for a dignified life of human being. Sanitation is one of the major components which directly impact the living standard of people. However, people in many parts of the world have not got the sanitized condition and have been living in a non-hygienic situation. About 35% (2.5 billion) populations in the world are still lacking to access improved sanitation. There are many indicators of sanitized society but toilet is considered as one of the important ones. In Nepal, around 62% households have got the facility of toilet. This indicates that 38 % of households have no access to toilets and defecate openly. As a result people have got poor hygiene and sanitation environment. In turn, the country has got the loss of NRs. 10 billion annually. The objective of this paper is to explore the knowledge on open defecation (OD). OD is being eradicated from many parts of the world. Many western countries have already been free from OD. But this problem still exists in most of the developing and under-developed countries like Nepal. Though the adverse impact of OD is very high; people are not aware. Construction of toilets by providing outside support for the ultra poor people is not the rational way of eradication of OD. Technical and financial support for toilet construction could be effective if people are aware.Key words: Sanitation, open defecation, Terai, Mountain, Nepal Reference [1] Bartram, 2013. How Health Professionals can Leverage Health Gains from Improved Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Practices. Perspectives in Public Health pp. 215–221. [2] WHO and UNICEF progress Report on Drinking water & Sanitation, 2012, WHO, Geneva and UNICEF, New York, page 2 [3] CBS, 2011. Report on National Population Census. Kathmandu: Central Bureau of Statistics, Government of Nepal (GoN). [4] Devkota, B., 2011. An Operational Study on 'Open Defecation Free (ODF) Situation' in Nepal. Kathmandu: Water Aid. [5] DoE, 2011. School level education statistics of Nepal/Consolidated report. Kathmandu: Department of education, Government of Nepal (GoN). Khet Raj Dahal, Bikash Adhikari and Jyoti Tamang |
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19. | Analysis of Thermal Buckling of Ceramic-Metal Functionally
Graded Plates Using Refined Third Order Shear Deformation
Analysis of Thermal Buckling of Ceramic-Metal Functionally Graded Plates Using Refined Third Order Shear Deformation TheoryAbstract: Functionally graded materials (FGMs) are microscopically inhomogeneous spatial composite materials, typically composed of a ceramic-metal or ceramic-polymer pair of materials. Therefore, it is important to investigate the behaviors of engineering structures such as beams and plates made from FGMs when they are subjected to thermal loads for appropriate design. Therefore, using an improved third order shear deformation theory (TSDT) based on more rigorous kinetics of displacements to predict the behaviors of functionally graded plates is expected to be more suitable than using other theories. In this paper, the improved TSDT is used to investigate thermal buckling of functionally graded plates. Temperature dependent material property solutions are adopted to investigate thermal buckling results of functionally graded plates. To obtain the solutions, the Ritz method using polynomial and trigonometric functions for defining admissible displacements and rotations is applied to solve the governing equations.Key words: functionally graded materials, thermal loads, improved third order shear deformation theory, Ritz method Reference [1] Aboudi, J., Pindera, M. J., and Arnold, S. M., 1999, "Higher-Order Theory for Functionally Graded Materials," Compos. Pt. B-Eng., 30(8), pp. 777-832. [2] Shi, G. A new simple third-order shear deformation theory of plates. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 44, 4399-4417.2007 [3] Shimpi, R. & Patel, H. 2006b. A two variable refined plate theory for orthotropic plate analysis. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 43, 6783-6799 [4] Ugural, A. C. 1999. Stresses in plates and shells, Boston, WCB/McGraw Hill. [5] Kim, Y. 2005. Temperature dependent vibration analysis of functionally graded rectangular plates. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 284, 531-549. S. S. Daimi, Dr. S.A. Bhalchandra |
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20. | Power Quality Improvement of Grid Interconnection of renewable Energy Based Distribution System
Power Quality Improvement of Grid Interconnection of renewable Energy Based Distribution SystemAbstract: This paper presents a grid interfacing inverter which compensates power quality problems and also interface Renewable Energy Sources with the help of electric grid. Renewable Energy Sources are being increasingly connected in distribution system utilizing power electronic converters. Grid interfacing inverter can be used: 1) To improve the transfer of active power harvested from RES; 2) To meet load reactive power demand support ; 3) To reduce current harmonics by incorporating the current harmonic compensator at point of common coupling(PCC) ; 4) current unbalance and neutral current compensation in case of 3-phase 4-wire system. The fuzzy logic can be used in many applications especially, when the process/models are complex to analyse by using classical methods. Mainly fuzzy logic controller is used to control DC capacitor voltage. Simulations are carried out using MATLAB/SIMULINK to verify the performance of the controller. The output shows the controller has fast dynamic response high accuracy of tracking DC voltage reference and robust to load parameters variations.Index Terms: Active Power Filter,Distribution generation, fuzzy logic controller. Reference [1] MukhtiarSingh,VinodKhadkikar, Ambrish Chandra, and Rajiv K. Varma, ―Grid Interconnection of Renewable Energy Sources at the Distribution Level With Power-Quality Improvement Features,‖ IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 26, no. 1, Jan. 2011. [2] J. M. Guerrero, L. G. de Vicuna, J. Matas, M. Castilla, and J. Miret, ―A wireless controller to enhance dynamic performance of parallel in-verters in distributed generation systems,‖ IEEE Trans. Power Elec-tron., vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 1205–1213, Sep. 2004. [3] J. H. R. Enslin and P. J. M. Heskes, ―Harmonic interaction between a large number of distributed power inverters and the distribution net-work,‖ IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 1586–1593, Nov. 2004. [4] Mehmet Ucar, Engin Ozdemir "Control of a 3-phase 4-leg active power filter under non-ideal mains voltage condition" Electric Power Systems Research 78 (2008) 58–73. [5] Bhim Singh, Kamal Al-Haddad, Senior Member, IEEE, and Ambrish Chandra, Member, IEEE "A Review of Active Filters for Power Quality Improvement",‖ IEEE Trans.lind. Elec-tron., vol. 46, no. 5, Sep. 1999. S. Bhanu Prakash, Dr. T. Devaraju |
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21. | Crosscutting Specification Interference Detection at Aspect Oriented UML-Based Models: A Database Approach
Crosscutting Specification Interference Detection at Aspect Oriented UML-Based Models: A Database ApproachAbstract: In aspect oriented development, obliviousness is one of its pillars as it helps developers to implement crosscutting concerns via aspects, which increases the overall software modularity. Despite of its merits, obliviousness brings the problem of interferences among aspects as several aspects pointcuts may address the same joinpoint for the same advice. Existing approaches deals with conflicts at design level use graphs structures, which increase in size as project size increases. In this work, a relational database model is used to map aspect oriented design models and then conflicts are extracted by an algorithm runs over this database. This approach is simpler than other approaches and enables large project sizes while the other approaches get complicated due to increment in graph size. The proposed approach can be extended to the distributed team development, dependent on the database engine used.Key words: Aspect Oriented Development, Crosscutting Concerns, Databases, Interference Detection. Reference [1] Berg, Klaas van den, Conejero, Jose Maria and Chitchyan, Ruzanna. AOSD ontology 1.0 public ontology of aspect orientation. s.l. : Common Foundation for AOSD, 2005. p. 90, Report. [2] Aspects: Conflicts and Interferences (A Survey). André Restivo, Ademar Aguiar. 2007. Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Methodologies for Scientific Research. pp. 145-153. [3] Robert E. Filman, Daniel P. Friedman. Aspect-Oriented Programming is Quantification and Obliviousness. Research Inistitution for Advanced Computer Science. s.l. : Workshop on Advanced Separation of Concerns, 2001. [4] Durr, Pascal, Bergmans, Lodewijik and Aksit, Mehmet. Reasoning about Behavioral Conflicts between Aspects. Enschede : University of Twente, 2007. Technical Report . TR-CTIT-07-15. [5] Katz, Emillia, et al. Detecting Interference Among Aspects. Computing Department, Lancaster University. Lancaster : European Network of Excellence on Aspect-Oriented Software Development, 2007. p. 38, Report. Ahmed Sharaf Eldin, Maha Hana, Shady Mohammed Elsaid |
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