Volume 4- Issue 6 [June 2014 ]
S.No. | Title & Authors | Page | Downloads |
1. | Crop Yield Analysis of the Irrigated Areas of All Spatial Locations in Guntur District of AP
Crop Yield Analysis of the Irrigated Areas of All Spatial Locations in Guntur District of APAbstract: Spatial data mining is a process to discover interesting and potentially useful spatial patterns embedded in spatial databases, which are voluminous in their sizes. Efficient techniques for extracting information from geo-spatial data sets can be of importance to various sectors like research, defense and private organizations for generating and managing large geo-spatial data sets. The current approach towards solving spatial data mining problems is to use classical data mining techniques. Effective analysis was done using the hybrid data mining techniques by mixing both clustering and classification techniques. In this paper crop yield of spatial locations of Guntur district were taken and studied using the hybrid technique.Key words: geo-spatial data sets, hybrid data mining technique, clustering, classification, spatial locations Reference [1] PavelBerkhin, Survey of Clustering Data Mining Techniques, Accrue Software, Inc. [2] Kaufman, L. and Rousseeuw, P.J., 1987, Clustering by Means of Medoids, In Y. Dodge, editor, Statistical Data Analysis, based on the L1 Norm, pp. 405- 416, Elsevier/North Holland, Amsterdam. [3] Hartigan, J. A. Clustering algorithms. John Wiley and Sons., 1975. [4] Selim, S.Z., and Ismail, M.A. K-means-type algorithms: a generalized convergence theorem and characterization of local optimality. In IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine learning, vol. PAMI-6, no. 1, January, 1984. [5] Dhillon I. and Modha D., Concept Decomposition for Large Sparse Text Data Using Clustering.Machine Learning.42, pp.143-175. (2001). Ch. Mallikarjuna Rao, Dr A. Ananda Rao |
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2. | Quality Assessment of Various Bottled-Water Andtap-Water in Kirkuk - Iraq
Quality Assessment of Various Bottled-Water Andtap-Water in Kirkuk - IraqAbstract: This study was conducted to demonstrate the suitability of bottled water used in Kirkuk city - Iraq and Tap water processed by the Directorate of Kirkuk's water for human consumption, collected 20 type of bottled water ( local made and imported ) and nine Tap waters sample from different city regions , samples analysis both chemical& physical properties included (PH,Turbidity, E.C., T.D.S, T. Hardness, Alkalinity, T.S.S) with measuring elements (Ca+, Mg+, Cl-, So4=, Na+&K+ ) , all data compared with ( IBWA, 2008 ) & ( IS 470 /2001), bottled water results compare with brand labels . Results showed the existence of discrepancies between the data obtained in vitro with what is listed on brands label , note that many of thebrands did not coverall properties should be known by the consumer for the purpose of safety of use, also the results showed that three regions in Kirkuk city and processed its water by the Water Directorate of Kirkuk is not suitable to drink.Key words: Bottled water, Tap water, Quality assessment, Directory of Kirkuk water Reference [1] Semerjian,A.Lucy.( 2007) . Quality assessment of various bottled waters market in Lebanon . Environ Monit Assess ( 2011)172: 172-285 . [2] Khan,B.Nazeer,Arham N. chohan ( 2010) . Accuracy of bottled drinking water label content .Environ Monit Assess ( 2010) 166: 169-176 . [3] `Hicsonmez,U. & Cam, S. ( 2008 ) . An assessment of the quality of varios bottled mineral water marketed in Turkey 139: 227-285. [4] Ahmed, Maqbool&Bajahlan, S. Ahmed. (2009). 159: 1-14 Quality comparison of tap water vs. bottled water in the industrial city of Yanbu( Saudi Arabia ). Environ Monit Assess (2009) 159: 1 - 14. [5] Xayyavong, Syvang& Babel, Sandhya. (010). Quality of bottled Drinking Water: Case study in Vientiane, Loas and Thailand. Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (ICBBE), 2010 4th International Conference on . Page 1-4. EmanHussein, Morad Radha , Zainab Sabah |
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3. | Determination of the Optimal Guardbanding to Ensure Acceptable Risk Decision in the Declaration of Conformity Determination of the Optimal Guardbanding to Ensure Acceptable Risk Decision in the Declaration of ConformityAbstract: This article proposes a mathematical optimization procedure designed to generate an economical measurement model for determining the risk of decision error (customer risk). The model includes an optimal guardbanding to reduce the impacts of measurement errors .A mathematical model is provided as an example, and conclusions are drawn.Key words: guardbanding, consumer rick, measurement errors. Reference [1] D. Mc Carville and D. Montgomery, Optimal guard bands for gauges in series, Quality Engineering, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 167-177, (1996). [2] B. Hutchinson, Setting guardband test limits to satisfy MIL-STD-45662A requirements, Proc. of 1991 NCSL Workshop and Symposium, pp. 305–309, (1991). [3] D. Deaver, Using Guardbands to Justify TURs Less than 4:1, Proc. of ASQC 49th Annual Quality Congress, pp. 136-141, (1995). [4] J. Chandra, S. Schall, The use of repeated measurements to reduce the effect of measurement errors, IIE Trans. 20, 83–87, (1988). [5] A. Eagle, A Method for Handling Errors in Testing and Measuring,"Industrial Quality Control, vol. 10, no. 5, pp. 10-15, (1954). Hicham Mezouara, latifa Dlimi, Abdelouahhab Salih, Mohamed Afechcar |
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4. | Elaboration of Method of Long-Term Culturing and Selection of Enzyme Producers
Elaboration of Method of Long-Term Culturing and Selection of Enzyme ProducersAbstract: On the basis of the conducted researches on pectin lyase and proteolytic enzyme biosynthesis by Penicillium and Asperaillus micromycetes we have developed efficient methods for their cultivation and selection. We theoretically substantiated and experimentally confirmed an advantage of growing micromycetes in a new filament-spongy immobilized growth structure on the substrate relative to the traditional method of deep cultivation of free cells in the form of pellets. When comparing a traditional with our innovative method of cultivation, many advantages of the latter are revealed, above all being the possibility of the formation of new highly selective cultures in the long process of their growth with modified culturally - morphological properties.Key words: immobilization, enzymes, cultivation, productivity, selection, pectinas, amylase Reference [1] S.John Pirt Principles of Microbe cell cultivation. Blackwell Scientific Publications Oxford London Edinburqh Melbourne, 1978 [2] C.Botella, I de Ory, C.Webb, D. Cantero and A.Blandino, Hidrolytic enzyme production by Aspergillus awamory on qrape pomace, J.Biochem Eng., Vol. 26, 2005., pp 100-106. [3] A.Kutines , K.Belafi –Bako, A.Kabiri – Badr, L. Toth, L. Gubicza and C.Webb., Enzymatic hydrolysis of polysaccharides hydrolysis of starch by an enzyme complex from fermentation by Aspergillus awamory, Trans. I ChemEC, 79, 2001., pp 41-45. [4] Blieva R.K. Biosynthesis of enzymes by aggregated and immobilized mycelium of micromycetes. /J.microbiol Biothechnol.-1988. V.3, №2, P. 37-44. [5] Blieva R.K. and Belkhojaeva A.A. A comparative study of physiology of immobilized and free cell of Aspergillus awamory 16 prodicina pectin-decomposina enzymes. /In:Physiology of immobilized cells. Elsevier, Amsterdam – 1990 – P.513-516. Blieva Raushan |
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5. | A Novel Video Scaling Algorithm Based On Linear Interpolation WithQuality Enhancement
A Novel Video Scaling Algorithm Based On Linear Interpolation WithQuality EnhancementAbstract: A non-adaptive image interpolation algorithm is proposed to scale images for any given scaling factor with an enhancement scheme to ensure a better picture. |In the proposed algorithm, two reference frames, one with higher resolution and another with lower resolution are generated using an original videoframefor the User defined scaling factor. Later, two Intermediate frames are generated from these reference frames using the filtering based re-sampling Lanczos3 kernel. Finally, the desired scaled frame is obtained by linearly interpolating the two intermediate frames.The scaled frame is then passed through an enhancement phase, where a Sharpening Filter is employed, to obtain an enhanced scaled frame. The algorithm compares favorably with other interpolating techniques such as Bilinear Interpolation and B-Spline interpolation in terms of the image quality. The quality of the scaled frames expressed as PSNR is better than 45dB.Key words: Image scaling, Video scaling, Filtering, Sampling, Interpolation Reference [1] T. Lehmann, C. Gonner, and K. Seltzer, "Survey: Interpolation Methods in Medical Image Processing",IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging, 18: pp. 1049-1067, 1999. [2] Y. Wang and S. Mitra, "Motion/Pattern Adaptive Interpolation of Interlaced Video Sequences",Proceedings of International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP-91, Vol. 4, pp. 2829-2832, Toronto, Ont., Canada, April 1991. [3] George Wolberg,"Digital Image Warping", IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, USA, 1994. [4] J.W. Hwang and H.S. Lee, "Adaptive Image Interpolation Based on Local Gradient Features",IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol.11, No.3, March 2004. [5] Irfan View graphic viewer (http://www.irfanview.com/). SafinazS,S. Ramachandran |
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6. | A Review Paper on Modeling And Simulation of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator Based on Wind Energy Conversion System
A Review Paper on Modeling And Simulation of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator Based on Wind Energy Conversion SystemAbstract: This paper present's a comprehensive review on study of modeling and simulation of permanent magnet synchronous generator based on wind energy conversion system, in which the basic wind energy conversion equation, wind turbine mathematical equation, wind turbine controls, and drive train, different types of drive train, are discussed, the PMSG (permanent magnet synchronous generator is introduced as construction, mathematical equation of PMSG are established in the d-q model, and different types of wind generator concept in short is discussed, configuration of different power converter's is proposed with modeling and simulation of PMSG based on WECS at variable speed operation and maximum power capture, various control technique for the system are discussed for both machine-side and grid-side in detail, the different types of MPPT technique is presented in this paper.Key words: wind energy conversion, wind turbine, drive train, permanent magnet synchronous generator, converter topology, MPPT Methodology Reference [1] G. Poddar, A. joseph, and A. K. Unnikrishnan, ―Sensorless Variable Speed Wind Power Generator with Unity-Power-Factor Operation‖ IEEE Trans.Ind. Electron, vol. 50, pp 1007-1015, Oct 2003 [2] T. tafticht, K. Agbossou, A. Cheriti, and M. I. Doumbia, ―Output Power Maximum of a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator based Stand alone Wind Turbine‖, IEEE Industrial Electronics, Vol.3, pp 2412-2416, July 2006. [3] S. M. Muyeen, T. Rion, M. Toshiaki, and T. junji, ―Integration of an Energy Capacitor System with a variable-speed Wind Generator‖, IEEE Transaction on Energy Conversion, Vol.24, issue. 3, pp. 740-749, September 2009. [4] Y. liyong, Y. peie, C. Zhenguo, C. Zhigang, L.Zhengxi, ― A Novel Control Strategy of Power Converter used to Direct Driven Permanent Magnet Wind Power Generation System‖ IEEE Power electronics and intelligent transportation system (PEITS), 2nd International Conference vol. 1, pp. 456-459, Dec 2009. [5] M. E. Haque, K. M. Muttaqi and M. Negnevisky, ―Control of a Standalone Variable Speed Wind Turbine with a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator‖, IEEE Power and Energy society General Meeting – Conversion and Delivery of Electrical Energy in the 21st Century, pp.1-9 out 2008. Venugopal J Kante, Dr.Z.J.Khan |
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7. | Failure Analysis of 9%Cr-Mo Steel Component
Failure Analysis of 9%Cr-Mo Steel ComponentAbstract: This paper presents the fractographic characterization of 9%Cr-Mo Steel which was failed during service in fossil fuel fire stream power plant. The fractured surfaces as well as the surface of the failed component were examined by visual examination and in a scanning electron microscope at suitable magnification. The energy dispersive spectroscopy was performed to analyze the steel quality. EDS analysis has indicated the poor quality of steel used for manufacturing component. From the characteristics of the fractured surface it is concluded that it is a tension overload failure.Key words: EDS analysis, Fracture, Inclusion, 9%Cr-Mo steel, Torsion Reference [1] P J Ennis And A Czyrska-Filemonowicz, Recent advances in creep-resistant steels for power plant applications, Sadhana, 28(3-4), June/August 2003, pp. 709–730. [2] O. Wachter, P.J .Ennis, A. Czyrska-Filemonowicz, A.Zieliska-Lipiec, H. Nickel, Investigation of the properties of 9% Cr steel of the type 9Cr-0.5Mo-1.8W-V-Nb with respect to its application as a pipe work and boiler steel operating at elevated temperatures, Report of the Research Centre Jülich, Jül-3074, ISSN 0944-2952 (1995) [3] A. Czyrska-Filemonowicz a, A. Zielińska-Lipiec a, P.J. Ennis b, Modified 9% Cr steels for advanced power generation: microstructure and properties, Journal of Achievement in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, 19(2), Dec. 2006,43-48 [4] Metals Handbook, Vol.9, 8th ed., Failure Analysis and Prevention, Metals Park, Ohio, American Society for Metals, 1975). Yogesh Mahajan, D. R. Peshwe |
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8. | Convergence Analysis of Adaptive Recurrent Neural Network
Convergence Analysis of Adaptive Recurrent Neural NetworkAbstract: This paper presents analysis of a modified Feed Forward Multilayer Perceptron (FMP) by inserting an ARMA (Auto Regressive Moving Average) model at each neuron (processor node) with the Backp ropagation learning algorithm. The stability analysis is presented to establish the convergence theory of the Back propagation algorithm based on the Lyapunov function. Furthermore, the analysis extends the Back propagation learning rule by introducing the adaptive learning factors. A range of possible learning factors is derived from the stability analysis. Performance of such network learning with adaptive learning factors is presented and demonstrates that the adaptive learning factor enhance the performance of training while avoiding oscillation phenomenon.Key words: Adaptive learning, Back propagation, Neural networks, Stability analysis Reference [1] R. Raeisi & A. Kaur, Artificial Neural Networks for Realization and Verification of Digital Logic Circuits. International Journal of Modern Engineering, Spring/Summer 12(2), 5-9, 2012. [2] W. Yu, A. S. Poznyak, and X. Li, Multilayer dynamic neural networks for no-linear system on-line identification,International Journal of Control, 7(18). 1858-1864, 2001. [3] T. Korkobi, M. Djemel, and M. Ctourou, Stability analysis of neural netorks-based system identification, Modeling and Simulation in Engineering, Volume 2008, Article ID 343940 [4] E. Zhu. Stability Analysis of Recurrent Neural Networks with Random Delay and Markovian Switching, Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2010 [5] H. Akça, R. Alassar, and V. Covachev, Stability of neural networks with time varying delays in the presence of impulses, Advances in Dynamical Systems and Applications 1(1), pp. 1-15, 2006 Hong Li, Ali Setoodehnia |
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9. | Kinematic and Dynamic Modeling and Simulation of Four Stroke Petrol Engine
Kinematic and Dynamic Modeling and Simulation of Four Stroke Petrol EngineAbstract: This paper presents the kinematic and dynamic modeling and simulation of an internal combustion engine. The study aims to conduct the kinematic and dynamic simulation of the four stroke engine in ADAMS/view software. The thermodynamic cycle (Otto cycle) of a standard four stroke engine is calculated by MATLAB 11.0 and is implemented in ADAMS/view to study the dynamic behavior. All the parts of the engine are modeled in Pro-E according to the original dimension of engine. The assembly from Pro-E is imported in ADAMS/view and proper joints are applied to it. The gas force acting on the piston according to the Otto cycle is applied as a single component force. ADAMS/view help to perform the kinematic and dynamic analysis of the engine easily as the inputs required for the analysis are very less and results can be obtained in terms of position, velocity, acceleration and force acting on the parts and at joints of the mechanism.Key words: Kinematic, dynamics, four stroke petrol engine, ADAMS/view. Reference [1] Yadav Vinod and Mittal N.D , Design and Analysis of Piston Design for 4 Stroke Hero Bike Engine, International Journal of Engineering Innovation & Research, Vol. 2, page 148 – 150 , 2013. [2] Anusha B and Reddy C.Vijaya Bhaskar, Modeling and Analysis of Two Wheeler Connecting Rod by Using Ansys , Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering, Vol.6, Page 83-87, May. - Jun. 2013. [3] Norton R.L., Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery, Tata McGraw Hill Education (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 2012. [4] MSC ADAMS, Release Guide: Learning ADAMS/View Basics, available at: www.mscsoftware.com, 2010. [5] www.mathsworks. in, user manual and help desk. Dr Kartikeya Tripathi and Harsh Ranjangaonkar |
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10. | Motor Current Signature Analysis to Detect the Fault in Induction Motor
Motor Current Signature Analysis to Detect the Fault in Induction MotorAbstract: In this work induction motor faults detection using electrical signature analysis techniques are introduced, and the advantage of these techniques are explained. By monitoring the current of the electrical machines we can significantly reduce the costs of maintenance by allowing the early detection of faults, which could be expensive to repair. The induction machines used for home appliances as well as industrial purpose. With the industrial growth, it has become necessary to monitor the condition of the machine. There are many condition monitoring methods including vibration monitoring, thermal monitoring, chemical monitoring, but all these monitoring method require expensive sensors or specialized tools where as current monitoring out of all does not require additional sensors. This paper presents the review of identify the different types of faults in the induction motor by monitoring the current. The signal processing techniques are used for condition monitoring and fault detection of induction motor. The signal processing techniques have advantages that this are not computationally expensive, and these are simple to implement.Key words: Fault diagnosis techniques, Induction motor, Motor current signature analysis, Signal processing techniques. Reference [1] William.T.Thomson and Mark fenger: "Current signature analysis to detect induction motor faults" – IEEE Transaction.On IAS Magazine, Vol, 7, No .4, pp, 26-34, July / August 2001 [2] William.T.Thomson and Ronald J. Gilmore: "Motor Current signature analysis to detect induction faults in Induction motor Drives – Fundamentals , Data Interpretation and Industrial case Histories - proceedings of Thirty second turbo machinery symposium – 2003. [3] A Review of Induction Motors Signature Analysis asa Medium for Faults Detection. Mohamed El Hachemi Benbouzid, Senior Member, IEEE [4] A Review of Voltage and Current Signature Diagnosis in Industrial Drives. [5] International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering Vol. 2, Issue 7, July 2013 Copyright to IJAREEIE www.ijareeie.com 3258 BEARING FAULT DETECTION IN INDUCTION MOTOR USING MOTOR CURRENT SIGNATURE ANALYSIS. Chaitali S. Kalaskar, Vitthal J. Gond |
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11. | An Investigation of the Ability of Combined Zero – Sequence Cutoff Protection in Line High Voltage
An Investigation of the Ability of Combined Zero – Sequence Cutoff Protection in Line High VoltageAbstract: Zero-sequence cutoff protection has found extensive use in 110-400 kV power networks. Level of value protection settings a starting over-current relay is selected from the requirement of its adjustment out against three zero-sequence current on the end of protected line. Sensitivity of zero-sequence cutoff protection on line is function of equivalent zero-sequence impedance reduction to point bus-bars with disposition protection. Owing to availability of transformers with earthed neutrals at each substation of a 110-400 kV network which are the source of a zero-sequence current, the possibility exists of wide use of zero-sequence cutoffs and stepped zero-sequence protections practically on all lines of medium and large length. From these reasons propose is the use ``cutoff``` protection.Key words: cutoff, substation, simulation, protection, voltage Reference [1] S Bjelic, Z Bogićevic, Computer Simulation of Theoretical Model of Electromagnetic Transient Processes in Power Transformers, International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science, (IJITCS)6, no. 1(2013): 1. [2] Dommel, H, Digital Computer Solution of Electromagnetic Transients in Single and Multiple Networks, IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-88, No. 4, April, 1969. [3] J. Lewis Blackburn Thomas J. Domin: ``Protective Relaying Principles and Applications``,Third Edition, 2006 by Taylor&Francis Group, LLC., : 416-428. [4] Bjelic S. Overcurrent protections of distribution electrical networks / Prekostrujne zaštite distributivnih električnih mreža, 2009, UDK 621.313(075.8) SITOPRINT Niš, (2010), COBISS.SR-ID 512270494, [5] MATLAB SIMULINK Sim Power System, Copyright 1984-2002 the Math Works, Version 6.5.0, 180913a, June 2, 2000. Slobodan Bjelić, Zorica Bogićević |
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12. | Effect of volume fraction of Polypropylene Fiber on Mechanical Properties of Concrete
Effect of volume fraction of Polypropylene Fiber on Mechanical Properties of ConcreteAbstract: In this study, the result of polypropylene fiber on mechanical properties of concrete is studied. Polypropylene fibers of 12mm cut length and 6 denier were added at volume fraction of 0%, 0.25%, 0.50%, 0.75% & 1 %.The cube, cylinder and beams wear tested under two point loads on UTM. The results showed that the addition of polypropylene fiber significantly improved the compressive strength, split tensile strength, flexural strength, reserve strength and ductility of fiber reinforced concrete.Key words: compressive strength, split tensile strength, flexural strength, reserve strength and ductility Reference [1] G. Appa Rao et al., "Studies on effect of size on strength and ductility of RC deep beams." Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol.36, No. 6, Feb.-March,2010, pp. 393-400. [2] Lesley H.Sneed et al., "Influence of Effective Depth on Shear Strength of Concrete Beam-Experimental Study" ACI Structural Journal, v. 107, No. 5, Sep.-Oct. 2010, pp. 554-562. [3] Mohamed Zakaria et al., "Experimental Investigation on Shear Cracking Behaviour in Reinforced Concrete Beam with Shear Reinforcement."Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology Vol.7, No.1, pp79-96. [4] Rana A. Mtasher et al., "Strength Prediction of Polypropylene Fiber Reinforced Concrete" Eng. &Tech Journal Vol.29, No.2,2011. [5] Saeid Kakooei et al., "The effects of polypropylene fibers on the properties of reinforced concrete structures" Construction and Building Materials 27 (2012) 73–77. R. S. Rajguru, A. R. Ghode, M. G. Pathan, M. K. Rathi |
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13. | Design and Fabrication of Savonious Wind Mill
Design and Fabrication of Savonious Wind MillAbstract: The project deals with the design and fabrication of Savonius wind mill. Pw – Wind power (watt), and Power produced by the turbine Pt has been calculated using m – Mass flow rate (kg/s), Swept area of the windfall ,V- Velocity of the wind, Θ- Angular position of turbine, T- Torque obtained by wind, Pt- Shaft power , Cp- Power coffecient ,Ct- Torque co-efficient , μ – Tip speed ratio , r – Radius of rotor , d- Diameter of rotor ,w- Angular speed of rotor. Various operations involved in fabrication process and characteristics & specifications of wind turbine has been mentionedReference [1] Peter, C., Sheets, B. and Tablar, S. (2008): Emerging Technologies in the Wind Turbine Market, The Palace Hotel, San Francisco, CA. 19-20 November 2008. [2] Manwell, J.F., McGowan, J.G. and Rogers, A.L. (2009): Wind Energy Explained UK, John Wiley & Son Ltd. [3] Akwa, J.V., Junior, G.A.S. and Petry, A.P. (2012): Discussion on the Verification of the Overlap Ratio Influence on Performance Coefficients of a Savonius Wind Rotor Using Computational Fluid Dynamics. Renewable Energy, Vol.38, pp.141-149. [4] Halsey, N. (2011): Modeling the Twisted Savonius Wind Turbine Geometrically and Simplifying its Construction. Oregon Episcopal School. [5] D'Alessandro, V., Montelpare, S., Ricci, R. and Secchiaroli, A. (2010): Unsteady Aerodynamics of a Savonius Wind Rotor: A New Computational Approach for the Simulation of Energy Performance. Energy, Vol.35, pp. 3349-3363. P. L. N. V. Aashrith, Ch.Vikranth |
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14. | Optimizing The Gate Level Area In Digit Serial FIR Filter Design With An MCM Blocks
Optimizing The Gate Level Area In Digit Serial FIR Filter Design With An MCM BlocksAbstract: The last two decades have seen many efficient algorithms and architectures for the design of low -complexity bit-parallel Multiple Constant Multiplications (MCM) operation, which dominates the complexity of Digital Signal Processing (DSP) systems. On the other hand, digit-serial architectures offer alternative low -complexity designs, since digit-serial operators occupy less area and are independent of the data wordlength. This paper introduces the problem of designing a digit-serial MCM operation with minimal area at gate-level and presents the exact formalization of the area optimization problem as a 0-1 Integer Linear Programming (ILP) problem and introduces high level synthesis algorithms, design architectures, and a computer aided design tool. Results and Discussion show the efficiency of the proposed optimization algorithms and of the digit-serial MCM architectures in the design of digit serial MCM operations and finite impulse response filters.Key words: 0-1 Integer linear programming (ILP), digit-serial arithmetic, finite impulse response (FIR) filters, gate level area optimization, multiple constant multiplications. Reference [1] L. Aksoy, C. Lazzari, E. Costa, P. Flores, J. Monterio,‖ Design of Digit-Serial FIR Filter: Algorithms, Architectures and a CAD Tool, ―IEEE Trans. VLSI Systems, vol. 21, pp. 498-511, March 2013. [2] L. Wanhammar, DSP Integrated Circuits. New York: Academic, 1999. [3] C.Wallace, ―A suggestion for a fast multiplier,‖ IEEE Trans. Electron. Compute, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 14-17, Feb. 1964. [4] R. Hartley, ―Subexpression sharing in filters using canonic signed digit multipliers,‖ IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II, Exp. Briefs, vol. 43, no. 10, pp. 677–688, Oct. 1996. [5] I.-C. Park and H.-J. Kang, ― Digital filter synthesis based on minimal signed digit representation,‖ in Proc. DAC, 2001, pp. 468-473. Bayikati Yagneswar, G. Naresh |
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15. | Effect of Cu and Mn on the Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Ductile Cast Iron
Effect of Cu and Mn on the Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Ductile Cast IronAbstract: This paper described the method used for producing ductile cast iron (SGI). The processing parameters affecting the production of SGI were studied. These parameters include chemical composition, castings thickness, mechanical properties, alloying elements and microstructure. The chemical composition of producing SGI was optimized. The nodularity was increased with increasing the percentages of Mg content and with decreasing the castings thickness. The amount of pearlite and mechanical properties were increased sharply with increasing Cu and Mn contents in the produced SGI. Empirical equations were correlated to indicate the relations among nodularity, Mg content and other parameters. The results shown also as the post inoculation increased the metallurgical quality was improved. The suitability of SGI as automotive engine was tested and different empirical correlations were obtainedKey words: Nodular cast iron, nodularity, wear resistance, mechanical properties and microstructure of SGI Reference [1] P. Ferro, A. Fabrizi, R. Cervo, C. Carollo, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Volume 213, Issue 9, September 2013, Pages 1601-1608. [2] R.A. Gonzaga, Materials Science and Engineering: A, Volume 567, 1 April 2013, Pages 1-8. [3] Ductile Iron Society, websit: http://www.ductile.org/ didata/ Section2 /2intro.htm#The Casting Advantage. [4] S.C. Murcia, M.A. Paniagua, E.A. Ossa, Materials Science and Engineering: A, Volume 566, 20 March 2013, Pages 8-15. [5] Ajay Likhite, D. R. Peshwe, S. U. Pathak, Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 2008, Volume 61, Issue 6, pp 497-501. A.M.Omran, G. T. Abdel-Jaber, and M. M. Ali |
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17. | Integrated Green Roofs System and its Role of Achieving Sustainability in Residential Buildings in Urban Area in Athens, Greece and Famagusta, North Cyprus
Integrated Green Roofs System and its Role of Achieving Sustainability in Residential Buildings in Urban Area in Athens, Greece and Famagusta, North CyprusAbstract: In this paper, the characteristics and importance of the green roof in urban area would investigate in some residential buildings in Athens, Greece and then, some strategies give to integrate green roof in residential buildings in Famagusta, north Cyprus due to the importance of energy saving and thermal comfort in residential buildings. These days, sustainable architecture is spreading around the world. Therefore, Sustainable architecture has important role in design buildings and urban design due to high amount of energy use and global warming around the world. There are different methods in sustainable design and one of them that has significant role is design green roof. Green roof integrated to the roof of the buildings to provide the suitable indoor temperature without spending high amount of budget. The methodology is qualitative type that trough the literature review and survey would be understood the importance and role of the green roof in both architecture and urban area. There are many significant architects like Wright that they understood how greenery would improve the function of the building in terms of provide thermal comfort and indoor temperature for the residences, and green roof as well. In Famagusta, there is not any green roof however, the design and integrating of green roof is inexpensive. Green roof should design properly depend on the characteristic of the climate of every place so, the location, temperature, and humidity, location, and wind have influence on the design of the green roof.Key words: Green roof, Sustainability, Urban area, energy efficiency, thermal insulation. Reference [1] Berardi, U. &GhaffarianHoseini, A.H. &GhaffarianHoseini, A. (2014). State-of-the-art analysis of the environmental benefits of green roofs. Applied Energy, 115, pp.411–428. [2] Bianchini, F. &Hewage, K. (2012). Probabilistic social cost-benefit analysis for green roofs: A lifecycle approach. Building and Environment, 58, pp.152-162. [3] Bradley Rowe, D. (2011). Green roofs as a means of pollution abatement, Environmental Pollution, 159. pp. 2100-2110. [4] Brebbia, C. A. (2013). Sustainable development and planning VI, Southampton : WIT. [5] Feng, C. &Meng, Q. &Zhang,Y. (2010). Theoretical and experimental analysis of the energy balance of extensive green roofs. Energy Build. 42, pp.959-65. Seyed Mehran shahidipour |
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18. | Automatic Generation Control Using PI Controller with Bacterial Foraging for both Thermal and Hydro Plants
Automatic Generation Control Using PI Controller with Bacterial Foraging for both Thermal and Hydro PlantsAbstract: The load-frequency control (LFC) is used to restore the balance between load and generation in each control area by means of speed control. In power system, the main goal of load frequency control (LFC) or automatic generation control (AGC) is to maintain the frequency of each area and tie- line power flow within specified tolerance by adjusting the MW outputs of LFC generators so as to accommodate fluctuating load demands. In this paper, attempt is made to make a scheme for automatic generation control within a restructured environment considering effects of contracts between DISCOs and GENCOs to make power system network in normal state where, GENCO used are hydro plants as well as thermal plants. The bacterial foraging optimization technique is being developed, which is applied to AGC in an interconnected four area system.The performance of the system is obtained by MATLAB Simulink tool. The results are shown in frequency and power response for four area AGC system. In this paper we have shown practical work by using thermal and hydro both system at Genco's side.As reheated system transfer function is being used.Key words: Automatic generation control, load frequency control, four area control in power system. Reference [1] Vaibhav Donde, M.A. Pai and Iran A. Hiskens, ―Simulation and Optimization in a AGC System after Deregulation,‖ IEEE Trans. PowerSystems, VOL. 16, no. 3, AUGUST 2001. [2] Ranjit Roy, S.P.Ghoshal and Praghnesh Bhatt, ―Evolutionary Computaion based Four-Area Automatic Generation Control inRestructured Environment‖ in third International Conference on Power Systems, Kharagpur,India, 27-29th Dec, 2009. [3] Surya Prakash and S.K. Sinha, ―Application of artificial Intelligence PI Control Technique in Four Power System,‖ in International Conf. on Computing, Electronics and Electrical Technologies[ICCEET],2012. [4] Kanika Area Load Frequency Control of Interconnected Hydro-themal Wadhwa, J. Raja and S.K. Gupta, ―BF Based Integral Controller for AGC of Multiarea Thermal System under DeregulatedEnvironment‖,IEEE 5th Power India Conference,19-22th Dec,2012. [5] E.Rakhahani and J.Sadeh, ―LOAD Frequency Control Of Multi-Area Restructured Power System,‖IEEE Trans. Power Systems,2008. Preeti Hooda, Dr.Leena.G, Anita Khosla |
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19. | Hand Gesture and Neural Network Based Human Computer Interface
Hand Gesture and Neural Network Based Human Computer InterfaceAbstract: Computer is used by every people either at their work or at home. Our aim is to make computers that can understand human language and can develop a user friendly human computer interfaces (HCI). Human gestures are perceived by vision. The research is for determining human gestures to create an HCI. Coding of these gestures into machine language demands a complex programming algorithm. In this project, We have first detected, recognized and pre-processing the hand gestures by using General Method of recognition. Then We have found the recognized image's properties and using this, mouse movement, click and VLC Media player controlling are done. After that we have done all these functions thing using neural network technique and compared with General recognition method. From this we can conclude that neural network technique is better than General Method of recognition. In this, I have shown the results based on neural network technique and comparison between neural network method & general method.Key words: Hand Gesture, ANN, HCI, Mouse Reference [1] Sujeet D.Gawande, Prof. Nitin .R. Chopde, ―Neural Network based Hand Gesture Recognition‖ ,IJERMT,2013 [2] Radhika Bhatt, Nikita Fernandes , Archana Dhage , ―Vision Based Hand Gesture Recognition for Human Computer Interaction‖ , IJESIT, Volume 2, Issue 3, May 2013 [3] Sang-Heon Lee, Myoung-Kyu Sohn, Dong-Ju Kim, Byungmin Kim, and Hyunduk Kim, ―Smart TV Interaction System Using Face and Hand Gesture Recognition‖, 2013 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE) [4] Cuong Tran, Student Member, IEEE, and Mohan Manubhai Trivedi, Fellow, IEEE, ―3-D Posture and Gesture Recognition for Interactivity in Smart Spaces‖, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Vol. 8, No. 1, February 2012 [5] Jesus Suarez and Robin R. Murphy, Member, IEEE, ―Hand Gesture Recognition with Depth Images: A Review‖ (2012 IEEE RO-MAN: The 21st IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication. September 9-13, 2012. Paris, France.) |
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20. | Implementation of I2C-DMA & SPI-DMA Interface: A Comparative Study
Implementation of I2C-DMA & SPI-DMA Interface: A Comparative StudyAbstract: This paper describes the designing and implementation of I2C (master)-DMA and SPI (master)-DMA interface. Direct Memory Access (DMA), being the feature of modern computers and microprocessors permits certain hardware subsystem in a computer machine to access system memory for reading/writing independently of CPU. Sometimes CPU is fully occupied for entire duration of read/write operation and unavailable to perform other work. With DMA, CPU would initiate data transfers and performs other operations while transfer is in progress. For intra-chip serial data transfers, SPI and I2C are used. Both serial protocols are widely used but both have some merits and demerits. In this research work both protocols are interfaced with DMA for SoC (System on Chip) applications and their performance analysis is carried out by implementing on FPGA. VERILOG-HDL is used for designing RTL Code and test-bench verification. Simulations are observed in Modelsim-Altera 6.3 (Quartus II 8.1) simulator.Key words: SPI, I2C, DMA, FPGA, CPU, SoC Reference [1] www. Wikipedia. Com /DMA. [2] Module 3 Embedded systems I/O /DMA, Version 2 EE, IIT, Kharagpur [3] Design of Digital and Microcomputer systems, Winter session term 2," Direct Memory Access". [4] Selma Saidi, Pranav Tendulkar, Oded Maler," Optimizing two Dimensional DMA Transfor Scratchpad based MPSoCs platforms", Elsevier, 2013. [5] A.K Oudjida, M.L. Berandjia, R. Tiar, A.Liacha, K. Tahraoui," FPGA implementation of I2C and SPI Protocols: A comparative study", IEEE, 2009. Gurkesar, Abhishek Godara, Anju Kamboj |
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21. | Dual Stacked Wideband Microstrip Antenna Array for Ku-Band Applications
Dual Stacked Wideband Microstrip Antenna Array for Ku-Band ApplicationsAbstract: This paper presents design of dual stacked microstrip patch antenna for operating frequency of 12.5 GHz. Investigations show that the proposed antenna has wide bandwidth and for the overall improvement of the gain two element array has been designed. This makes the proposed antenna working in Ku-band with satisfactory bandwidth, gain and radiation characteristics.Key words: MSA, Stacked, Bandwidth and Ku- band. Reference [1] Aaron K. Shackelford, Kai-Fong Lee, And K. M. Luk, ―Design Of Small-Size Wide-Bandwidth Microstrip-Patch Antennas" IEEE Antennas And Propagation Moqozine. Vol. 4.5. NO. I, February 2003, Pp 75-83. [2] Rahul Verma, Nitin Vyas, Rahul Rana, Vipin Kaushik, A.K.Arya ―Comparative Study of Various Feeding Techniques to MSA‖, International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology‖ Vol. 3, issue 5, 2014.pp 619-622 [3] Sudhir Bhaskar & Sachin Kumar Gupta, ―Bandwidth Improvement Of Microstrip Patch Antenna Using H-Shaped Patch‖ International Journal Of Engineering Research And Applications (Ijera) Vol. 2, Issue 1, Jan-Feb. 2012, Pp 334-338. [4] Z. N. Chen, M. Y. W. Chia, and C. L. Lim, "A stacked suspended plate antenna" Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol.37, no.5, pp 337-339, 2003. [5] Ashwini Kumar Arya, Amalendu Patnaik, Machavaram V. Kartikeyan, ―Back To Back Combined Single Feed Proximity Coupled Antenna With Dumbbell Shaped DGS‖ J. Electromagnetic Analysis & Applications, 3, 2011, pp 43-46. Rahul Rana, Nitin Vyas, Rahul Verma, Vipin Kaushik, A. K. Arya |
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22. | Regression Analysis and Analysis Of Variance for EN353 and20MnCr5 Alloyed Steels for Drilling Cutting Forces
Regression Analysis and Analysis Of Variance for EN353 and20MnCr5 Alloyed Steels for Drilling Cutting ForcesAbstract: In recent years, alloy steels have been widely usedin aerospace and automotive industries. Machining of these materials requires better understanding of cutting processes regarding accuracy and efficiency. This study addresses the modelling of the machinability of EN353 and 20mncr5 materials. In this study, multiple regression analysis (MRA) is used to investigate the influence of some parameters on the thrust force and torque in the drilling processes of alloy steel materials. The model were identified by using cutting speed, feed rate, and depth as input data and the thrust force and torque as the output data. The statistical analysis accompanied with results showed that cutting feed (f) were the most significant parameters on the drilling process, while spindle speed seemed insignificant. Since the spindle speed was insignificant, it directed us to set it either at the highest spindle speed to obtain high material removal rate or at the lowest spindle speed to prolong the tool life depending on the need for the application. The mathematical model is based on a power regression modelling, dependent on the three above mentioned parameters.Reference [1] Badan, I., Oancea, Gh.:Software Tool Used for Holes Modelling in AutoCAD 3rd Environment. In: The WSEAS International Conference Engineering Mechanics Structures, Engineering. Geology, Corfu Island, Greece, July 22-2, 2010, p. 152-156. [2] Chandramohan, D., et al.: Thrust Force and Torque in Drilling the Natural Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composite Materials and Evaluation of Delamination Bulletin of the Transylvania University of Brasov • Series I • Vol.5 (54) No. 1 -2012 Factor for Bone Graft Substitutes -A Work of Fiction Approach. In: International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology 2 (2010) No. 10, p. 6437-6451. [3] Chicos, L.A.: Utilizareaconceptului de ingineriesimultata in dezvoltarea de produse (Using the Simultaneous Engineering Concept in Product Development). In: PhD. Thesis, Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania, 2007. [4] Erkki, J.: International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 42 (2002), p. 997-1010. [5] Ertunc, H.M., Oysu, C.: Drill Wear Monitoring Using Cutting Force Signals. In: Mechatronics 14 (2004), p. 533-548. Keerthiprasad.K, Prof Narendra Babu, Dr Chandrashekara |
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23. | Prediction of Carbon Monoxide Concentration in the Vicinity of Inderprashta Marg, near ITO, Delhi, India
Prediction of Carbon Monoxide Concentration in the Vicinity of Inderprashta Marg, near ITO, Delhi, IndiaAbstract: High concentration of CO may persist in the micro-environment of urban roadways due to the closely spaced high-rise buildings on either side of the roadways causing built up of pollutant. In order to achieve estimates of air quality on both spatial and temporal scales, the use of air quality dispersion modeling becomes more significant. Keeping these in view, the prediction of CO concentration in the Vicinity of Indraprashta Marg, near ITO, Delhi, India using Caline – 4 model for local meteorological and traffic conditions has been carried out. Furthermore, the statistical analysis of predicted CO concentration with monitored data has been performed. The procedure includes site selection, description of sampling (receptor) locations, primary and secondary data collection prediction of CO prediction for the real type....Reference [1]. Gokhale, S. and Khare, M. (2004), A review of deterministic, stochastic and hybrid vehicular exhaust emission models, International Journal of Transport Management, Vol. 2, pp. 59-74.. Ghanshyam |
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1. | Backpressure-Based Packet-By-Packet Adaptive Routing For Traffic Management in Communication Networks
Backpressure-Based Packet-By-Packet Adaptive Routing For Traffic Management in Communication NetworksAbstract: Back pressure-based adaptive routing algorithms where each packet is routed along a possibly different pathhave been extensively studied in the literature. However, suchalgorithms typically result in poor delay performance and involvehigh implementation complexity. In this paper, we develop anew adaptive routing algorithm built upon the widely-studiedback-pressure algorithm. We decouple the routing and schedulingcomponents of the algorithm by designing a probabilistic routingtable which is used to route packets to per-destination queues.The scheduling decisions in the case of wireless networks aremade using counters called shadow queues. The results arealso extended to the case of networks which employ simpleforms of network coding. In that case, our algorithm provides alow-complexity solution to optimally exploit the routing-codingtrade-off.Reference [1] Sprint IP network performance. Available at https://www.sprint.net/performance/. [2] B. Awerbuch and T. Leighton. A simple localcontrol approximation algorithm for multicommodity flow. In Proc. 34th Annual Symposium on the Foundations of Computer Science, 1993. [3] M. Bramson. Convergence to equilbria for fluid models of FIFO queueing networks. QueueingSystems:Theory and Applications, 22:5– 45, 1996. [4] A. Brzezinski, G. Zussman, and E. Modiano. Enabling distributed throughput maximization in wireless mesh networks - a partitioning approach. In Proc. ACM Mobicom, Sep. 2006. [5] L. Bui, R. Srikant, and A. L. Stolyar. A novel architecture for delay reduction in the backpressure scheduling algorithm. IEEE/ACM Trans. Networking.Submitted, 2009. P. Swetha, Mrs. O. Rajitha |
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2. | The Topic Tracking Based on Modified VSM of Lexical Chain,S Sememe
The Topic Tracking Based on Modified VSM of Lexical Chain,S SememeAbstract: Vector Space Model (VSM) has aroused significant research attention in recent years due to its advantage in topic tracking. However, its effectiveness has been restrained by its incapability in revealing same-concept semantic information of different keywords or hidden semantic relations of the text, making the accuracy of topic tracking hardly guaranteed. Confronting these issues with concern, a modified VSM, namely Semantic Vector Space Model, is put forward. To establish the model, numerous lexical chains based on HowNet are first built, then sememes of the lexical chains are extracted as characteristics of feature vectors. Afterwards, initial weight and structural weight of the characteristics are calculated to construct the Semantic Vector Space Model, encompassing both semantic and structural information. The initial weight is collected from word frequency, while the structure weight is obtained from a designed calculation method: Each lexical chain structure weight is defined as (m + 1)/S, m is the number of the other similar chains, and S is the number of the reports used for extraction of the lexical chains. Finally, the model is applied in web news topic tracking with satisfactory experimental results, conforming the method to be effective and desirable.Key words: Topic tracking, Vector Space Model, Lexical chain, Sememe Reference [1] YANG Yim-ing, CARBONELL J, BROWN R, et al. Learning Approaches for Detecting and Tracking News Event. IEEE Intelligent Systems: Special Issue on Applications of Intelligent Information Retrieval,14(4),1999, 32-43. [2] Hu Jiming, Hu Changping. The user modeling based on topic hierarchy tree and semantic vector space model. Journal of intelligence, 32 (8), 2013.8, 838-843. [3] Beydoun G,Lopez—Lorca A A,et a1.How do we measure and improve the quality of a hierarchical ontology.Journal of Systems and Software, 84 (12) ,2011,2363—2373. [4] Jin Zhu Lin Hongfei. Topic tracking and tendency analysis based on HowNet. Journal of intelligence, 24 (5), 2005, 555-561. [5] Gonenc E,Ilyas C.Using Lexical Chains for Keyword Extrac—tion.Information Processing and Management, 43(6), 2007,1705—1714. Jing Ma, Fei Wu, Chi Li, Hengmin Zhu |
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3. | Wireless Mesh Networks Path Planning, Power Control and Optimal Solutions
Wireless Mesh Networks Path Planning, Power Control and Optimal SolutionsAbstract: Wireless mesh networks are considerd as a potential attractive alternative to provide Broadband acces to users. In this paper we address the following two questions: (i) Given a set of nodes with arbitrary locations, and a set of data rows, what is the max-min achievable throughput? And (ii) How should the network be configured to achieve the optimum? Given a set of nodes with arbitrary locations, and a set of data rows specified as source-destination pairs, what is the maximum achievable throughput, under certain constraints on the radio parameters in particular, on transmit power. How should the network be configured to achieve this maximum? Specifically, by configuration, we mean the complete choice of the set of links (i.e., topology), the routes, link schedules, and transmit powers and modulation schemes for each link.Key words: Greedy pricing, optimal solutions, Path planning, Power control, Throughput, Reference [1] IEEE 802.16 Standard Group, [Online]. Available: http://www. ieee802. org/16/ [2] A. Karnik, A. Iyer, and C. Rosenberg, "Throughput-optimal configuration of wireless networks," IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw., vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 1161–1174, Oct. 2008. [3] C. Joo, X. Lin, and N. Shroff, "Understanding the capacity region of the greedy maximal scheduling algorithm in multi-hop wireless networks," in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, 2008, pp. 1103–1111. [4] M. Johansson and L. Xiao, "Cross-layer optimization of wirelessnetworks using nonlinear column generation," IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 435–445, Feb. 2006. [5] M. Alicherry, R. Bhatia, and L. Li. Joint Channel Assignment and Routing for Throughput Optimization in Multi-Radio Wireless Mesh Networks. In Proc of the 11th ACM MobiCom, 2005. G. Guru Charan, K. Yadaiah, G. Sailaja |
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4. | Contrast Enhancement of Color Images with Bi-Histogram
Contrast Enhancement of Color Images with Bi-HistogramAbstract: Histogram equalization is a widely used scheme for contrast enhancement in a variety of applications due to its simple function and effectiveness. One possible drawback of the histogram equalization is that it can change the mean brightness of an image significantly as a consequence of histogram flattening. Clearly, this is not a desirable property when preserving the original mean brightness of a given image is necessary. Bi-histogram equalization is able to overcome this drawback for gray scale images. In this paper, we explore the use of bi-histogram equalization based technique for enhancing RGB color images. The technique is based on cumulative density function of a quantized image. From the results it is concluded that bi-histogram equalization is able to improve the contrast of colored images significantly.Key words: histogram equalization, histogram specification, Image enhancement, maximum entropy, mean brightness preserving. Reference [1] R.C. Gonzalez and R.E. Woods "Digital image processing", third edition, 2008 [2] M. Yeong-Taekgi, "Contrast Enhancement Using Brightness Preserving Bi-Histogram Equalization", IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, vol. 43, no. 1, February 1997 [3] R. Anoop and M. Wilscy, "Enhancement contrast in color images using bilateral filter and Histogram Ezualization using wavelet coefficient", 978-0-7695-3546-3/08, 2008 [4] H. Yeganehl, A. Ziaei, A. Rezaie, "A Novel Approach for Contrast Enhancement Based on Histogram Equalization", Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering 2008 May 13-15, 2008 [5] A. Phillip, Z. Qiang, and J. JeflreyRodrz, "3-D Histogram Modification of Color Images", Proc. IEEE, pp. 1015-1018, 1996, pp. 1015-1018 Paramjit Singh, Dr. Amandeepkaur |
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5. | Effective SCA Stimulation Proved To Be the Key Economic To Maximize Profitability in the Grgaf Group Formation of the Sirte Basin, Libya
Effective SCA Stimulation Proved To Be the Key Economic To Maximize Profitability in the Grgaf Group Formation of the Sirte Basin, LibyaAbstract: Implementing SCA treatment selection technique and design in Grgaf group formation to remove the excepted skin damage near well bore and improve well influx (productivity). The Grgaf Group Formation was responded positively to stimulation technique despite of the designed recommended volume 24 gal/ft.An important part of SAC is the 'art' of diversion because in the treatment of a large interval and natural fracture that why it implemented on it. Therefore output results before treatment, the pressures were rise up, while the rates were dropped such as 800 psi at 0.615 and 1000 psi at 0.963 bpm. The initial injectivity test after treatment, the pressures were dropped and the rates were increased by ratio from 22 to 88% while the final injectivity after treatment, the rates were increased by ratio from 638 to 842.6 % in order to responsible for a major increase in productivity and amount of high –quality work Thus fractured quartzite that it supported to removed damage around wellbore. The benefits of (SCA) is to accept very good feedback in design consideration and has made many improvement based on it and regards the acquisition of technical knowledge as one of the highest priorities profitability. Key words: Stimulation, Grgaf Formation, Profitability, Sirte Basin, Libya Reference [1] Gumati and Kanes, 1985, p. 39-52. Gumati and Nairn , 1991, p. 93-102. van der Meer and Cloetingh, 1996, p. 211-230. Baird, et al. 1996, p. 3-56. Suleiman, et al. 1991, p. 2461-2468. [2] Harding, 1984, p. 333-362. Baird, et al. 1996, p. 3-56. Gras and Thusu, 1998, p. 322. Wennekers, et al. 1996, figure 22. Listric faults: Baird, et al. 1996, p. 36-38. [3] Vail, 1991, p. 2262. Klitzsch, 1971, p. 256-257. Haruj al Aswad: Klitzsch, 1971. [4] Conant L. C., and Goudarzi, G. H. (1967). Stratigraphic and tectonic framework of Libya. American Association of Petroleum Geology Bullet. Vol. 51, P. 719-730. [5] Clifford, A. C. (1986). African oil-past, present, and future, Am. Ass. Petrol, Geol., Mem., 40, P. 339-372. Emad Ibrahim Fandi, Badees Khalfa Gazal, Mohamed Ali Alrabib |
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6. | Design Of Interval Type-Ii Fuzzy Logic Traffic Controller For Multilane Intersections With Emergency Vehicle Priority System Using Matlab Simulation
Design Of Interval Type-Ii Fuzzy Logic Traffic Controller For Multilane Intersections With Emergency Vehicle Priority System Using Matlab SimulationAbstract: During the past several years fuzzy logic control has swell from one of the major active and profitable areas for research in the application of fuzzy set, especially in the zone of industrial process which do not lead themselves to control conventional methods because of lack of quantitative data regarding the input-output relations. Fuzzy control is based on fuzzy logic- a logical system which is much closer in spirit to human thinking and natural language than conventional logical systems. The fuzzy logic controller based on fuzzy logic provides a means of converting a linguistic control strategy based on expert knowledge into an automatic control strategy. As in Fuzzy logic traffic controller, the need arises for simulating and optimizing traffic control algorithms to better accommodate this increasing demand. Fuzzy optimization deals with finding the values of input parameters of a complex simulated system which result in desired output. This paper presents a MATLAB simulation of fuzzy logic traffic interval type II controller for controlling flow of traffic in multilane paths. This controller is based on the waiting time and queue length of vehicles at present green phase and vehicles queue lengths at the other lanes. The controller controls the traffic light timings and phase difference to ascertain sebaceous flow of traffic with least waiting time and queue length. In this paper, the multilane model used consists of two alleyways in each approach. Every outlook has different value of queue length and waiting time, systematically, at the intersection. The maximum value of waiting time and vehicle queue length has to be selected by using proximity sensors as inputs to controller for the ameliorate control traffic flow at the intersection. An intelligent traffic model and fuzzy logic interval type II traffic controller are developed to evaluate the performance of traffic controller under different pre-defined conditions for oleaginous flow of traffic. Additionally, this fuzzy logic traffic controller has emergency vehicle siren sensors which detect emergency vehicle movement like ambulance, fire brigade, Police Van etc. and gives maximum priority to him and pass preferred signal to it.Key words: Fuzzy Traffic Controller; Multilane Intersection; Vehicle Actuated Controller; Emergency Vehicle Selector, Fuzzy Interval type II. Reference [1.] Mohit Jha and Shailja Shukla. "Design of Fuzzy logic Traffic Controller for Isolated Intersection with Emergency Vehicle Periority System Using Matlab Simulation." CSIR Sponsored X Control Instrumentation System Conference - CISCON-2013 ISBN 978-93-82338-93-2 © 2013. [2.] Lafuente-Arroyo, Sergio, et al. "A decision support system for the automatic management of keep-clear signs based on support vector machines and geographic information systems." Expert Systems with Applications 37.1 (2010): 767-773. [3.] Nageswara, D., and K. Chandra Sekhara Reddy. "Design And Development Of Sensor Based Intelligent Traffic Light Controlling System." [4.] DeVoe, Dustin, and Richard W. Wall. "A distributed smart signal architecture for traffic signal controls." Industrial Electronics, 2008. ISIE 2008. IEEE International Symposium on. IEEE, 2008. [5.] Zhu, Tongyu, et al. "An evaluation of travel time on urban road network." ITS Telecommunications (ITST), 2011 11th International Conference on. IEEE, 2011. Cai, Yanru, et al. Mohit Jha, Shailja Shukla |
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7. | Selection of Significant Features Using Decision Tree Classifiers
Selection of Significant Features Using Decision Tree ClassifiersAbstract: Data Mining refers to extraction or mining knowledge from huge volume of data. Classification is an important data mining technique with various applications. It classifies data of various kinds and used to classify each item in a set of data into one of predefined set of classes or groups. This work has been carried out to select the most significant attributes from a dataset using Decision tree classifier j48.This Decision tree classification algorithm can be efficiently used in selecting the most significant feature of a dataset and hence we can reduce the dimensionality of a dataset and yet obtain a very good accuracy. In this paper we have selected two datasets from university of California, Irvine website, of weather and vote and applied j48 algorithm on it. After each iteration, one attribute is removed and its accuracy has been found .We have compared the accuracy of dataset with different attribute count and then selected the most significant features of dataset.Reference [1]. Olivier Henchiri , Nathalie Japkowicz. "A Feature Selection and Evaluation Scheme for Computer Virus Detection, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Data Mining ", (ICDM'06). [2] M. Dash, H. Liu, Feature Selection for Classification, Intelligent Data Analysis 1 (1997) 131-156. [3] Frank,A. & Asuncion ,A. (2010).UCI Machine Learning Repository [http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml].Irvine,CA: University of California, School of Information and Computer Science. [4] Data mining book – kamber [5] V.Vaithiyanathan, K.Rajeswari, Swati Tonge,, " Improved Apriori algorithm based on Selection Criterion", IEEE Conference ICCIC Dec 18-20, 2012, Coimbatore. Catalog Number: CFP1220J-ART ISBN: 978-1-4673-1344-5 |
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8. | Identification and Opinion Extraction throughUser Generated Content on Web Based Social Media
Identification and Opinion Extraction throughUser Generated Content on Web Based Social MediaAbstract: Nowadays internet is becoming a platform where different user can post there ideas and opinions. The social networking sites and blogs offer a wide variety of such informative text which can be used to establish or determine a mindset for a particular product, person or individual. These blogs can be used as a vast source of information through which one can predict opinion as well as planning for different business strategies. Due to huge amount of information there is always need of specific tool or approach to mine useful text called opinion. Authors have proposed an approach of mining and classification for different real time datasets gathered from various sources of information, freely available on internet. Authors have tested the approach over these datasets and found suitable results. In this paper we propose a method that classifies a user-generated content on the basis of positive, negative, neutral, double negative, negative positive, triple negative.Authors has proposed rules for analyzing ideas and tested against dataset using Naive Bayes and Support Vector machine (SVM) model for accuracy and found best result 80.39 % for NB and 81.37 % for SVM.IndexTerms Double Negative, Triple Negative, Negative Positive, 64 rules for polarity. Reference [1] Alexander Pak and Patrick Paroubek,"Twitter as a Corpus for Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining,"In the proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC',may 2010),pp.347– 354. [2] Pang, B., Lee, L., and Vaithyanathan, S., "Thumbs up?: sentiment classification using machine learning techniques," in Proceedings of the ACL-02 conference on Empirical methods in natural language processing, 2002, pp. 79-86. [3] B.Pang and L.Lee,"Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis,"Foundations and Trends in Information retrival,vol.2,nos.1-2,2008,pp.1-135. [4] Bing Liu,"Sentiment Analysis and Subjectivity,in NLP Handbook, 2nd Edition, N. Indurkhya and F. J. Damerau,USA-Chapman and Hall/CRC,2010,pp. [5] Bing Liu,SentimentAnalysis and Opinion Mining,Morgan& ClaypoolPublishers,May 2012,pp. 30-43. R.Nicole, ―Titleofpaperwithonlyfirstwordcapitalized,‖ J.NameStand.Abbrev.,inpress. Dr. Deepak Arora, Kapil Verma |
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9. | Scaling Up Biomass Gasifier Use in India; Barriers Interventions & Remedies: A Review
Scaling Up Biomass Gasifier Use in India; Barriers Interventions & Remedies: A ReviewAbstract: In India, work on gasifiers for energy applications started in the early 1980s. These efforts received a boost with the Department of Non-conventional Energy Sources‟ (DNES, latter MNES, now a ministry, MNRE) dissemination program that was initiated in 1987. While this subsidy-based program was successful in placing about 1200 gasifier systems for irrigation pumping in the field, most of these units were non-operational soon after for lots of reasons. Despite all this, large-scale gasifier deployment has still not taken off in India. The fact that scale -up did not take place automatically even in cases where gasifiers are economically clearly feasible indicates that there are a number of issues to be considered and barriers to be overcome for successful large-scale deployment. To facilitate gasifier deployment among poorer and nonskilled users (i.e., unorganized, small-scale firms, rural areas); and lack of systematic programs targeted towards scale-up. Especially important is the fact that the particulars of implementing gasifier-based energy systems depend on the kind of application and context; therefore the approach has to be tailored to the specific application – this impedes the potential success of any single approach to scale-up.Key words: Biomass, Gasifier, Gasifiication, renewableenergy, scaling-up Reference [1] Goldemberg J. 2000. 'Rural Energy in Developing Countries'. Chap 10. In World Energy Assessment- and the Challenge of Sustainability , UNDP pp: 367-392 [2] MNES (Ministry of Non-conventional Energy Sources). 2001. "Renewable Energy in India, Business Opportunities‟. Ministry of Non-conventional Energy Sources (MNES) Government of India, New Delhi, pp 42-44; 65-67. [3] MNES (Ministry of Non-conventional Energy Sources). 2002. "Annual Report 2001-2002'. Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources, Government of India, New Delhi. [4] Someshekhar H.J, S.Dasappa, and N.H. Ravindranath. 2000. "Rural bioenergy centers based on biomass gasifiers for decentralized power generation: case study of two villages in southern India‟. Energy for Sustainable Development, Volume IV, No.3, pp: 55-63 [5] Reddy, A.K.N. 2000. 'Energy and Social Issues'. Chap 2. In World Energy Assessment- Energy and the Challenge of Sustainability, UNDP: 41-60 Mr. Ritesh U.Nrupekar, Prof. Rajesh B.Choksi, Dr. Neeraj K.Chavda |
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10. | A Systematic Look at Code Performance and System Simulation
A Systematic Look at Code Performance and System SimulationAbstract: The most standard method in improvise a system's efficiency in Digital communication is channel coding but this methods is not been able to extend its features for high speed links. Growing demands in network speeds are placing a large burden on the energy efficiency of high-speed links and render the benefit of channel coding for these systems a timely subject. The low error rates of interest and the presence of residual inter-symbol interference (ISI) caused by hardware constraints impede the analysis and simulation of coded high-speed links. Focusing on the residual ISI and collective noise as the dominant error mechanisms, this paper analyzes error correlation through concepts of error region, channel signature, and correlation distance. This framework provides a deeper insight into joint error behaviors in high-speed links, extends the range of statistical simulation for coded high-speed links, and provides a case against the use of biased Monte Carlo methods in this setting. Finally, based on a hardware test bed, the performance of standard binary forward error correction and error detection schemes is evaluated, from which recommendations on coding for high-speed links are derived.Key words: Communication systems, Integrated circuit interconnections, Intersymbol interference (ISI). Reference [1] G. D. Forney, Digital Communications II (6.451) Lecture Notes, M.I.T. (available at ocw.mit.edu). [2] W. C. Huffman, V. Pless, Fundamentals of Error-Correcting Codes, Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 2003. [3] J. G. Proakis, Digital Communications, 4th ed., New York, New York: MacGraw- Hill, 2000. [4] M. Lee, ―Channel-and-circuits-aware Energy-efficient Coding for High-speed Links,‖ S.M. thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2006. [5] V. Stojanovic, A. Amirkhany and M.A. Horowitz, ‖Optimal linear precoding with theoretical and practical data rates in high-speed serial-Link backplane communication,‖ IEEE International Conference on Communications,June 2004. |
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11. | Parametric Optimization of Surface Roughness & Material Remove Rate of AISI D2 Steel For Turning
Parametric Optimization of Surface Roughness & Material Remove Rate of AISI D2 Steel For TurningAbstract: In order to produce any product with desired quality by machining, proper selection of process parameters is essential. This can be accomplished by Full Factorial method. The aim of the present work is to investigate the effect of process parameter on surface finish and material removal rate (MRR) to obtain the optimal setting of these process parameters and the analysis of variance is also used to analysis the influence of cutting parameters during machining. In this work AISI D2 steel work pieces are turned on conventional all gear lathe by using carbide tool. In the present work, Design of Experiment (DOE) with full factorial design has been explored to produce 27 specimens on AISI D2 Steel by straight turning operation MRR will be calculated from MRR equation. Collected data related to surface roughness have been utilized for optimization. ANOVA analysis gives the percentage contribution of each process parameter. Cutting speed is the most effective parameter which affects surface roughness in straight turning operation. Feed rate and depth of cut are most effective on material removal rate for turning operations. Grey relational analysis is used for finding out the optimal condition for surface roughness and material removal rate for straight turning operation. Grey relational analysis give the better surface finish at low speed, low feed rate and high depth of cut.Key words: Full Factorial Method, Machining Parameters, Surface Roughness, Material Removal Rate (MRR), ANOVA Analysis Reference [1] M. Kaladhar, K. Venkata Subbaiah, Ch. Srinivasa Rao. "Determination of Optimum Process Parameters during turning of AISI 304 Austenitic Stainless Steels using Taguchi method and ANOVA" International Journal of Lean Thinking Volume 3, Issue 1 (June 2012) pp.1-19. [2] Muammer Nalbant, Hasan Gokkaya, Ihsan Toktas, Gokhan Sur. "The experimental investigation of the effects of uncoated, PVD- and CVD-coated cemented carbide inserts and cutting parameters on surface roughness in CNC turning and its prediction using artificial neural networks" Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 25 (2009) pp.211–223. [3] Anil Gupta, Hari Singh, Aman Aggarwal. "Taguchi-fuzzy multi output optimization (MOO) in high speed CNC turning of AISI P-20 tool steel" Expert Systems with Applications 38 (2011) pp.6822–6828. [4] B Fnides, M A Yallese, T Mabrouki, J F Rigal. "Application of response surface methodology for determining cutting force model in turning hardened AISI H11 hot work tool steel" Sadhana Vol. 36, Part 1 (2011) pp.109–123. [5] Sukumar, Poornima. "Optimization of machining parameters in CNC turning of martensitic stainless steel using RSM and GA" International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Vol.2, Issue.2, (Apr. 2012) pp.539-542. Hitesh Patel, Jigar Patel, Chandresh Patel |
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12. | Implementing Smart Antenna System in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Implementing Smart Antenna System in Mobile Ad Hoc NetworksAbstract: As the necessity of exchanging and sharing data increases, users demand easy connectivity, and fast networks whether they are at work, at home, or on the move. Nowadays, users are interested in interconnecting all their personal electronic devices (PEDs) in an ad hoc fashion on the move. This type of network is referred to as Mobile Ad hoc NETwork (MANET). When in such network a smart antenna System (SAS) is implemented then we can achieve maximum capacity and improve the quality and coverage. So we are intended to implement such a SAS in the MANET. In this paper we have shown significance of Throughput and Bit Error Rate by implementing SAS in MANET using MATLABR2010a.Key words: Smart Antenna System (SAS), Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET), Constant modulus algorithm (CMA), nodes, direction of arrival (DOA). Reference [1] Constantine A. Balanis, Panayiotis I. Ioannides, "Introduction to Smart Antennas", Lecture #5, Copyright © 2007 by Morgan & Claypool. [2] Mohammed A. Abdala and Areej K. Al-Zuhairy, "Integration of Smart Antenna System in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks", International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing, Vol. 3, No. 4, August 2013. [3] Azzedine Boukerche, "Algorithms and protocols for wireless and mobile ad hoc networks", University of Ottawa, Canada, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey,2009, p-p 129-164. [4] Dr. Sunilkumar S. Manvi, Mahabaleshwar S.Kakkasageri, "Wireless and Mobile Networks Concepts and protocols", Wiley India Pvt.Ltd, 2011, ch 8. [5] Nwalozie G.C, Okorogu V.N, Umeh K.C, and Oraetue C.D, "Performance Analysis of Constant Modulus Algorithm (CMA) Blind Adaptive Algorithm for Smart Antennas in a W-CDMA Network", International Journal of Engineering Science and Innovative Technology (IJESIT) Volume 1, Issue 2, November 2012. Implementing Smart Antenna System in Mobile Ad Hoc NetworksAbstract: In order to produce any product with desired quality by machining, proper selection of process parameters is essential. This can be accomplished by Full Factorial method. The aim of the present work is to investigate the effect of process parameter on surface finish and material removal rate (MRR) to obtain the optimal setting of these process parameters and the analysis of variance is also used to analysis the influence of cutting parameters during machining. In this work AISI D2 steel work pieces are turned on conventional all gear lathe by using carbide tool. In the present work, Design of Experiment (DOE) with full factorial design has been explored to produce 27 specimens on AISI D2 Steel by straight turning operation MRR will be calculated from MRR equation. Collected data related to surface roughness have been utilized for optimization. ANOVA analysis gives the percentage contribution of each process parameter. Cutting speed is the most effective parameter which affects surface roughness in straight turning operation. Feed rate and depth of cut are most effective on material removal rate for turning operations. Grey relational analysis is used for finding out the optimal condition for surface roughness and material removal rate for straight turning operation. Grey relational analysis give the better surface finish at low speed, low feed rate and high depth of cut.Key words: Full Factorial Method, Machining Parameters, Surface Roughness, Material Removal Rate (MRR), ANOVA Analysis Reference [1] M. Kaladhar, K. Venkata Subbaiah, Ch. Srinivasa Rao. "Determination of Optimum Process Parameters during turning of AISI 304 Austenitic Stainless Steels using Taguchi method and ANOVA" International Journal of Lean Thinking Volume 3, Issue 1 (June 2012) pp.1-19. [2] Muammer Nalbant, Hasan Gokkaya, Ihsan Toktas, Gokhan Sur. "The experimental investigation of the effects of uncoated, PVD- and CVD-coated cemented carbide inserts and cutting parameters on surface roughness in CNC turning and its prediction using artificial neural networks" Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 25 (2009) pp.211–223. [3] Anil Gupta, Hari Singh, Aman Aggarwal. "Taguchi-fuzzy multi output optimization (MOO) in high speed CNC turning of AISI P-20 tool steel" Expert Systems with Applications 38 (2011) pp.6822–6828. [4] B Fnides, M A Yallese, T Mabrouki, J F Rigal. "Application of response surface methodology for determining cutting force model in turning hardened AISI H11 hot work tool steel" Sadhana Vol. 36, Part 1 (2011) pp.109–123. [5] Sukumar, Poornima. "Optimization of machining parameters in CNC turning of martensitic stainless steel using RSM and GA" International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Vol.2, Issue.2, (Apr. 2012) pp.539-542. |
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13. | Equitable Domination in Fuzzy Graphs
Equitable Domination in Fuzzy GraphsAbstract: As the necessity of exchanging and sharing data increases, users demand easy connectivity, and fast networks whether they are at work, at home, or on the move. Nowadays, users are interested in interconnecting all their personal electronic devices (PEDs) in an ad hoc fashion on the move. This type of network is referred to as Mobile Ad hoc NETwork (MANET). When in such network a smart antenna System (SAS) is implemented then we can achieve maximum capacity and improve the quality and coverage. So we are intended to implement such a SAS in the MANET. In this paper we have shown significance of Throughput and Bit Error Rate by implementing SAS in MANET using MATLABR2010a.Key words: Smart Antenna System (SAS), Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET), Constant modulus algorithm (CMA), nodes, direction of arrival (DOA). Reference [1] Constantine A. Balanis, Panayiotis I. Ioannides, "Introduction to Smart Antennas", Lecture #5, Copyright © 2007 by Morgan & Claypool. [2] Mohammed A. Abdala and Areej K. Al-Zuhairy, "Integration of Smart Antenna System in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks", International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing, Vol. 3, No. 4, August 2013. [3] Azzedine Boukerche, "Algorithms and protocols for wireless and mobile ad hoc networks", University of Ottawa, Canada, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey,2009, p-p 129-164. [4] Dr. Sunilkumar S. Manvi, Mahabaleshwar S.Kakkasageri, "Wireless and Mobile Networks Concepts and protocols", Wiley India Pvt.Ltd, 2011, ch 8. [5] Nwalozie G.C, Okorogu V.N, Umeh K.C, and Oraetue C.D, "Performance Analysis of Constant Modulus Algorithm (CMA) Blind Adaptive Algorithm for Smart Antennas in a W-CDMA Network", International Journal of Engineering Science and Innovative Technology (IJESIT) Volume 1, Issue 2, November 2012. S. Revathi, C. V. R. Harinarayanan |
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14. | Probabilistic Behaviour of A Redundant Complex System with Imperfect Switching, Environmental Common Cause and Human Error Effects under Head-Of-Line Repair Discipline
Probabilistic Behaviour of A Redundant Complex System with Imperfect Switching, Environmental Common Cause and Human Error Effects under Head-Of-Line Repair DisciplineAbstract: Series-parallel systems are made up of combination several series & parallel configuration to obtain system reliability down into homogeneous subsystems. This is very simple to analyse a simple series-parallel system without any error effects, But very difficult to analyse a complex system with various error effects. This paper we presented mathematical analysis of a Redundant Complex System with Imperfect switching, Environmental and Common Cause and Human error effects under Head of Line Repair Discipline.Key words: Imperfect switching, Reliability, Availability, MTTF, State Transition diagram. Reference [1] Gupta, P.P. and Agarwal, S.C. : A parallel redundant complex system with two types of failure under different repair discipline, IEEE Trans. Reliability, Vol R-32, 1983. [2] Kontoleon, J.M. and Kontoleon, N., 1974. Reliability Analysis of a system subjected to partial & Catastrophic Failures, IEEE Trans. On Rel., Vol. R-23, pp 277-278. [3] Mittal, S.K., Gupta, Ritu and C.M. Batra, 2007. Probabilistic behavior of a Redundant Complex System, With Imperfect Switching and Environmental Effects under Head of Line Repair Discipline, Bulletin of pure and Applied Sciences, Vol. 6E(1), 2007, pp. no.43- 58. [4] Mittal S.K., Agarwal, S.C., and Kumar Sachin, 2004. Operational Behaviour of a parallel redundant complex system with two types of failures with environmental effect under Pre- Emptive Resume Repair Discipline, Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences, Vol. 23E (No.2), pp.253-263. K. Uma Maheswari, A. Mallikarjuna Reddy and R. Bhuvana Vijaya |
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15. | Home Automation System Using Capacitive Touchscreen
Home Automation System Using Capacitive TouchscreenAbstract: Technology has been constantly evolving and with the advent of touchscreen in human life , devices are much easier and simple to operate. This work is mainly focused on building home automation system which is more user friendly and thus can be operated by anyone. Earlier home automation systems were completely mechanically operated and thus required a lot of maintenance and were costly also. Now that human and computer interaction has been developed into a more wide and sophisticated field , designing and operating of intelligence system has been more user friendly than ever. Home automation is a system that helps a user to operate switching various appliances and lighting devices from a single input. The touchscreen used as input is much simpler to operate. Touchscreen has been widely accepted as the most comfortable input to be provided to the user. Not only they are easy to operate but they also give a sense of personal involvement which the user always appreciate. The materials used in this system are easily available in the local market so that the touch screen sytem is cost effective .Key words: Touchscreen , pic microcontroller, interfacing , sensor Reference [1] Keuling, Christopher "Touchscreen Press Deep Into Consumer Electronics". ECN Magazine. [2] R. A. Quinnell, "TOUCHSCREEN TECHNOLOGY", EDN, NOV 1995. [3] Wilson, Tracy "HowStuffWorks: Multi-touch System". [4] M.H Sherif "Intelligent homes: A new Challenge in telecommunications standardization", Communications Magazine, IEEE, vol. 40, no. 1, pp.8 2002 [5] M Weiser "The Computer for the 21st Century", Scientific American, pp.94 -104 1991 Yash Inaniya, Naresh Kumari and Urvashi Luthra |
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16. | Non-Equilibrium Green's Function Calculation for Electron Transport through Magnetic Tunnel Junction
Non-Equilibrium Green's Function Calculation for Electron Transport through Magnetic Tunnel JunctionAbstract: In this paper non-equilibrium Green's function method –dependent electron transport through non magnetic layer (insulator ) has been studied in one dimension .electron transport in multi-layer (magnetic/non magnetic/ magnetic)layers is studied as quantum .the result show increasing the binding strength of the electrical insulator transition probability density case , the electron density , broad levels of disruption increases. Broad band connection increases the levels of disruption to electrical insulation and show non- conductive insulating state to semiconductor stat and even conductorReference [1]. S. Mathis Jaya and M. C. Valsakumar, Euro. Phys. J. B, 72, 41 (2009) [2]. Esaki. TsuR, (1970), IBMJ.Res.Dev.14, 6. [3]. Omar-M.A.Elewentary Solid state physics, (1975), principles and Application Addisonwesley. [4]. Mohn-p. Magetism in the solid state, an introduction (2006), Springer series in solid-state sciences.134. [5]. Heisenberg,(1926),zeitschf.physik38441 Sara Nobakht, Adeleh Vatan-Khahan and Hadi Arabshahi |
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17. | Forecasting the direction of stock market index movement using three data mining techniques: the case of Tehran Stock Exchange
Forecasting the direction of stock market index movement using three data mining techniques: the case of Tehran Stock ExchangeAbstract: Prediction of stock price return is a highly complicated and very difficult task because there are many factors such that may influence stock prices. An accurate prediction of movement direction of stock index is crucial for investors to make effective market trading strategies. However, because of the high nonlinearity of the stock market, it is difficult to reveal the inside law by the traditional forecast methods. In response to such difficulty, data mining techniques have been introduced and applied for this financial prediction. This study attempted to develop three models and compared their performances in predicting the direction of movement in daily Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) index. The models are based on three classification techniques, Decision Tree, Random Forest and Naïve Bayesian Classifier. Ten microeconomic variables and three macroeconomic variables were chosen as inputs of the proposed models. Experimental results show that performance of Decision Tree model (80.08%) was found better than Random Forest (78.81%) and Naïve Bayesian Classifier (73.84%).Key words: Predicting direction of stock market index movement- Decision Tree- Random Forest- Naïve Bayesian Classifier Reference [1] Abbasi, E., & Abouec, A. (2008) "Stock price forecast by using neuro-fuzzy inference system. Proceedings of World Academy of Science", Engineering and Technology, 36: 320–323. [2] Afolabi, M., & Olatoyosi, O. (2007) "Predicting stock prices using a hybrid Kohonen self-organizing map (SOM)", In 40th Annual Hawaii international conference on system sciences, 1–8. [3] Antipov, E.A. & Pokryshevskaya, E.B. (2012) "Mass appraisal of residential apartments: An application of Random forest for valuation and a CART-based approach for model diagnostics", Expert Systems with Applications, 39(2): 1772-1778. [4] Anyanwu, M.N. & Shiva, S.G. (2009) "Comparative Analysis of Serial Decision Tree Classification Algorithms", International Journal of Computer Science and Security (IJCSS), 3: 230-240. [5] Boyacioglu, M.A. & Avci, D. (2010) "An Adaptive Network-Based Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) for the prediction of stock market return: The case of the Istanbul Stock Exchange", Expert Systems with Applications, 37: 7908–7912. Sadegh Bafandeh Imandoust and Mohammad Bolandraftar |
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18. | Inverse Split and Non split Domination in Fuzzy graphs
Inverse Split and Non split Domination in Fuzzy graphsAbstract: In this paper we define the notions of inverse split and non split domination in fuzzy graphs. We get many bounds on inverse split and non split domination numbers.Key words: dominating set, split dominating set, inverse split dominating set, non split dominating set, inverse non split dominating set. Reference [1.] Q.M.Mahyoub and N.D.Soner The Split domination number of fuzzygraphs [2.] S.Ghobadi ,N.D.Soner and Q.M.Mahyoub Inverse dominating set infuzzy graphs [3.] K.Ameenal Bibi and R.Selvakumar The inverse split and non -splitdominations in graphs [4.] A.Somasundaram, S.Somasundaram, domination in fuzzy graphs - I,February - 1998. [5.] Fuzzy graphs and fuzzy hypergraphs by John N.Mordeson,Premchand S.Nair S.Geetha, C.V.R.Harinarayanan |
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20. | A Mathematical Model for the Fetal Movement
A Mathematical Model for the Fetal MovementAbstract: Depression is prevalent in pregnant women, affecting 10-25% of women. A mathematical model is used to study the prenatal depression which effects on the fetus and newborn. The results are obtained by mathematical formulas.Key words: Depression, Fetal movement, Mean time between failures (MTBF), Pregnancy, Projection Model. Reference [1] Abrams, S.M., Field, T., Scafidi, F., & Prodromidis, M. (1995). Newborns of depressed mothers. Infant Mental Health Journal, 16, 233-239. [2] Crow, L.H. Reliability Growth Projection from Delayed Fixes, Proceedings 1983, Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, pp.84-89. [3] Crow, L.H., Achieving High Reliability, RAC Journal, Vol. 4, 2000, Reliability Analysis Center, Rome, NY. [4] Crow, L.H., Reliability Analysis for Complex, Repairable Systems in Reliability and Biometry, ed. By F.Prochan and R.J. Sarling, pp.379-410, 1974, Philadelphia, SIAM. [5] Dieter, J.N.I., Field, T., Hernandez-Reif, M., Jones, N.a., LeCanuet, J.P., Salman, F.A., et al. (2001). Maternal depression and increased fetal activity. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 21, 468-473. Kavitha, N |
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21. | A Shock Model for the Pregnancy at Pre Partum and Post Partum
A Shock Model for the Pregnancy at Pre Partum and Post PartumAbstract: In this paper, a shock model for the effect of stress in terms of cortisol is studied. Assume that shocks arrive according to a Poisson process. Shocks are events which cause perturbation to the system, leading to its deterioration and consequent failure. The Cartisol Awakening Responds (CAR) at pre partum and post partum are compared by this model.Key words: Cartisol Awakening Responds (CAR), Delivery, Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA), Pregnancy, Shock model. Reference [1] Altemus M, Deuster PA, Galliven E, Carter CS, Gold PW. 1995. Suppression of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis responses to stress in lactating women. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 80:2954-2959. [2] Brunton PJ, Russell JA. 2008. The expectant brain: Adapting for motherhood. Nat Rev Neurosci 9:11-25. [3] Esary, JD, Marshall, AW & Proschan, F 1973, 'Shock model and wear processes', Annals of Probability, vol. 1, pp. 627-649. [4] Glow A, Thorn L, Evans P, Hucklebridge F. 2004. The awakening cortisol response: Methodological issues and significance. Stress 7:29-37. [5] Lam, Y & Zhang, YL 2004, 'A shock model for the maintenance problem of a repairable system', Computers and Operations Research, vol. 31, no. 11, pp. 1807-1820. Kavitha, N |
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22. | Weibull Distributions for the Preterm Delivery
Weibull Distributions for the Preterm DeliveryAbstract: The purposes of this study are to evaluate the levels of CRH at pregnancy by using Weibull distributions. Also this study found the rate of change in placental CRH and the level of maternal cortisol in preterm delivery by the mathematical formulas.Key words: Cortisol, Corticotrophic-releasing hormone (CRH), Delivery, Mixture distribution, Pregnancy, Weibull distribution. Reference [1] Ahmad, K.E. and Abdul Rahman, A.M. (1994) Upgrading a Nonlinear Discriminate Function Estimated from a Mixture of two Weibull Distributions, Mathematics and Computer Modelling, 18, 41-51. [2] Boorse GC, Denver RJ. Acceleration of ambystoma tigrinum metamorphosis by corticotrophin-releasing hormone. J Exp Zool 2002; 293:94-98. [3] Denver RJ, Environmental stress as a developmental cue: corticotrophin-releasing hormone is a proximate mediator of adaptive phenotypic plasticity in amphibian metamorphosis. Horm Behav 1997; 31:161- 179. [4] Denver RJ,. Evolution of the corticotrophinreleasing hormone signaling system and its role in stress-induced phenotypic plasticity. In: Sandman CA, Strand FL, Beckwith B, Chronwall BM, Flynn FW, Nachman Raj., editors. Neuropeptides: structure and function in biology and behavior. New York: The New York Academy of Sciences; 1999. p. 46-53. [5] Florio P, Franchini A, Reis FM, Pezzani I, Ottaviani E, Petraglia F. Human placenta, chorion amnion and deciduas express different variants of corticoptropinreleasing factor receptor messenger RNA. Placenta 2000; 21:32-37. Kavitha, N |
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23. | Active Solar Energy Use Approaching Sustainability
Active Solar Energy Use Approaching SustainabilityAbstract: Nowadays, sustainability becomes one of the most important issues that should be taken into consideration in various fields especially in architecture. Our responsibility for the future generation insinuates us for using renewable energy sources and integrating this pioneer system into the built environment. Although the world is facing problems of fossil fuel resources but unfortunately Utilization of solar energy received limited attention until recently. However, Integrating of active solar energy devices into the building envelopes is one of the good strategies for heat producing and power generating simultaneously from the same building. This paper discusses some characteristics about integration of PV s and solar thermal collectors. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to find suitable and possible ways of PV s and solar thermal collector's building integration in order to increasing energy efficiency without any impact on architectural features.Key words: active solar system, building integration, power supply, hot water supply, energy efficiency Reference [1] Basnet, A.(2012). Architectural Integration of Photovoltaic and Solar Thermal Collector Systems into buildings.published master thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology. [2] Breyer,C., Knies,G.(2009).Global Energy Supply Potential Of Concentrating Solar Power. Proceedings SolarPACES 2009, Berlin [3] Fordham, M.(1999). Photovoltaics in Buildings A Design Guide. Report No ETSU S/P2/00282/REP, East Tennessee State University. [4] Henning, H. M .. (2007). "Solar-Assisted Air-Conditioning in Buildings, A Handbook for Planners", Second Revised Edition; IEA Solar Heating &Cooling Program, Springer Verlag [5] Hestnes, A. G. (1999). Building Integration of Solar Energy Systems. Journal of Solar Energy, 67(4-6), pp.181-187 NikouJavadiEshkalak, Seyedmehran Shahidipour, AmirhosseinKarimizadeh |
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24. | Characterization of Multi Crystalline PV Modules under Standard Test Conditions and its Comparison with other Module Types
Characterization of Multi Crystalline PV Modules under Standard Test Conditions and its Comparison with other Module TypesAbstract: Photovoltaic modules based on the relatively high efficiency crystalline technology are gaining importance in the photovoltaic market. Improving module performance is driven by a focus on lifetime yields and requirements of space – constraints sites. The materials used not only in thin film technologies but also crystalline pose problems in terms of measuring how much power is generated under STC. The fact that the modules power rates vary depends both on the amount of time they have been exposed to the sun and on their history of sunlight exposure in order to know the current state of the module. It is necessary to determine an easily accomplishable testing method that ensures the repeatability of the measurements of the power generated. This is essential because in order to have a reliable sample of the PV module population of a large PV plant, a huge no of modules must be measured. This paper shows different tests performed on different commercial crystalline PV modules both multi and mono, in order to find the best way to obtain measurements. A correlation was tested between sun exposure and power measured. A method for obtaining indoor measurements that takes periods of sunlight exposure into account is proposed. Also, temperature and irradiance coefficients were also determined for different technologies in order to obtain accurate measurements. Tests are operated in outdoor exposure and natural sunlight located in Gurgaon Region of Haryana (India) as specific composite climate environment, characterized by high irradiation and temperature levels.Key words: Crystalline PV Module, CdTe, Light Soaking, power conditioning, thin film. Reference [1] M. A. Munoz, O. Marin, M.C. Alonso-Garcia, F.Chenlo, Thin film characterization under standard test conditions, 5th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, Valencia, Spain, 2010, 6-10 September. [2] IEC 60904-1, 1998, Photovoltaic devices Part-1: Measurement of photovoltaic current- voltage characteristics. [3] T.W. Cannon, R. Hulstrom and D.T. Trudell, New instrumentation for measuring spectral effects during outdoor and indoor PV device testing, Proc. 23rd IEEE PhotovoltaicSpecialists Conference, Lousivelle, USA, 1993, 1176-1179, ISBN0-7803-1220-1. [4] T. Minimoto, S. Nagar, H. Takahura, Impact of spectral irradiance distribution and temperature on the outdoor performance of amorphous Si photovoltaic modules, Solar energy materials and solar cells, 91, 2007, 919-923. [5] R. Gottschalg, T.R Betts, D.G. Infield, M. J. Kearney, The effects of spectral variations on the performance parameters of single and double junction amorphous silicon solar cells, Solar Energy Materials and solar cells, 85, 2005, 415-428. Rahnuma. Siddiqui, Rajesh. Kumar, Gopal. Kumar. Jha, Sahan. Raghava, O. S. Sastry, Birinchi. Bora, Gulnar. Perveen, Usha. Bajpai |
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25. | Geostatical Modelling For Ground Water Pollution in Salem by Using Gis
Geostatical Modelling For Ground Water Pollution in Salem by Using GisAbstract: Ground waters are the major resources to meet out the entire requirements. Pollution of air, water and land has an effect on the quality of the ground waters. The chemical characteristics of groundwater in Salem taluk of Salem district have been studied using Geostatistical modeling to evaluate the suitability of water for irrigation and domestic uses. The 32 water samples from PWD wells taken during the years 1999 to 2009 for post monsson and pre monsoon were tested for various chemical parameters like pH and TDS .The Geostatistical analyst of mean, mode, standard deviation, cluster & simple to study the spatial pattern of contamination movement for the years 1999 to 2009. Trend analysis was performed to identify trends in the input dataset. The concentrations of physical and chemical constituents in the water samples were compared with the World Health Organization (WHO) standard to know the suitability of water for drinking.Key words: National Highway, Remote sensing, Alignment Using Gis, Shortest route Reference [1]. Aller, L., Bennett, T., Lehr, J. H., Petty, R. and G. Hackett. 1987. DRASTIC: A standardized system for evaluating groundwater pollution potential using hydrogeologic settings. Robert S. Kerr Environmental Research Laboratory, [2]. Asnachinda, P. 1996. Microbial activities and nature content in shallow groundwater at Ban Na Kob, Chom Thong district, Chiang Mai province. Paper presented at International Symposium on Geology and Environment, Chiang Mai, January 31- February 2, 1996. [3]. Atkinson, S. F., Thomlinson, J. R., Hunter, B. A., Coffey, J. M. and K. L. Dickson. 1992. [4]. The DRASTIC ground water pollution potential of Texas. Center for Remote Sensing and Landuse Analyses, University of North Texas, Denton, Texas. 41 p [5]. Banton, O. and J. P. Villeneuve. 1989. Evaluation of ground water vulnerability to pesticides: A comparison between the pesticide DRASTIC index and the PRZM leaching quantities. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 4: 285-296. Barbash, J. E. and E. A. Resek. 1996. Pesticides in ground water: distribution, trends, and governing factors. Ann Arbor Press, Inc., Chelsea, Michigan. 588 p T. Subramani, P. Krishnamurthi |
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26. | Saline Ground Water and Irrigation Water on Root Zone Salinity
Saline Ground Water and Irrigation Water on Root Zone SalinityAbstract: Salinisation of land and rivers is a problem of national importance in India. Appropriate land management options to alleviate salinisation should be chosen with knowledge of the effects of land management on stream flow, stream salinity, stream salt load and land productivity. The Management of Catchment Salinisation (MCS) modelling approach has been described in earlier work. It links a one-dimensional soil water model with a groundwater model to investigate the effects of management options in study areas of approximately 50 km2. The one dimensional model is used to characterize the annual soil water balance as a function of underlying aquifer Vpotential for all required combinations of soil, vegetation and groundwater salinity. It includes the effect of salt accumulation on plant water use. A groundwater model is then used to estimate the depth to water table across the study area that reflects the topography, hydrogeology and the distribution of vegetation. The MCS model is used to investigate the potential effects of future land use scenarios on catchment salt and water balance. Land use scenarios that have been considered include: forest plantations, revegetation with native trees and shrubs, and development of small areas of crops (10 to 20 ha) irrigated with groundwater. This project focuses on the development of small crop areas irrigated with groundwater and investigates the sustainability of these schemes. It also compares the reduction of catchment salt load export under irrigation development with the reduction under afforestationKey words: National Highway, Remote sensing, Alignment Using Gis, Shortest route Reference [1]. Abersen, P. J., H. E. D. Houba, M. A., Keyser (2003), Pricing a raindrop in a processbased model: General methodology and a case study of the Upper-Zambezi, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 28, 182-193. [2]. Ancev, T., (2011), Salinity Offsets in Australia. EU-EPI WATER Deliverable D6.1 – IBE Review reports. http://www.feem-project.net/epiwater/docs/d32-d6- 1/CS22_Australia.pdf. [3]. Angelaskis, A. N., M. H. F. M. Domonte, L. Bontoux, and T. Asano (1999), Status of wastewater reuse practice in the Mediterranean basin: Need for guidelines, Water Resources 33, 2201-2217. [4]. Appelo, C. A. J., D. Postma (2nd Edition), (2005), Geochemistry, Groundwater and Pollution, Balkema Publishers, Leiden, pp. 649. [5]. Appels, W. M., P. W. Bogaart, and S. E. A. T. M. Van der Zee (2011), Influence of spatial variations of microtopography and infiltration on surface runoff and field scale hydrological connectivity, Advances in Water Resources, 34, 303-313. T. Subramani, M. Chandrasekaran |
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27. | Developing a Planning Framework for Accessible and Sustained Urban Agriculture
Developing a Planning Framework for Accessible and Sustained Urban AgricultureAbstract: Food insecurity threatens communities across the Tamilnadu States, characterized by environmental degradation, decreasing agricultural land, rising social inequities, skewed communities, and public health issues. Urban agriculture provides an opportunity to counteract food system problems and empower individuals. Urban agriculture is broadly defined as food production in urban spaces. Despite its benefits, urban agriculture is threatened by institutional barriers. Urban agriculture is not fully supported by municipal laws and policies, making it vulnerable and impermanent. Therefore, developing and implementing planning policies, laws, and programs to support urban agriculture will establish its practices and support its benefits. Research focuses on broad policies, comprehensive plans, zoning ordinances, and organizational infrastructure. Samples are drawn from cities across the Tamilnadu States, including San Francisco, Chicago, Boston, Cleveland, Seattle, and Chicago. Discussion, comparison, and evaluation are based on public input and comment. Because of the very recent and ongoing nature of urban agriculture planning measures, discussed policies, laws, and programs are sometimes incomplete or in the process of being adopted. This thesis establishes opportunities, examples, and boundaries for developing an urban agriculture planning framework and potential nationwide municipal application.Key words: Planning, Framework, Farming , Urban Agriculture, Reference [1]. Aalbers H, Balkema A & Heijndermans E. 1996. Workshop on Sustainable Municipal Waste Water Treatment Systems. ETC Netherlands in cooperation with WASTE, Leusden, 12-14 November 1996. [2]. Armar-Klemesu M & Maxwell D. 1999. Urban agriculture: a case study of Accra. Legon: University of Ghana. [3]. Barrs Robert. 1997. Sustainable urban food production in the City of Vancouver: an analytical and strategy framework for planners and decision-makers. Vancouver, BC: City Farmer, Canada's Office of Urban Agriculture. [4]. Berg Leo van den & Zeeuw Henk de. 1998. Urbane landbouw: vele vormen. In: Albert Heringa et al. Uitdagingen van het stedelijk milieu voor ons werk. Den Haag: Stichting Nederlandse Vrijwilligers, pp 18-22. [5]. Bowyer-Bower TAS & Tengbeh G. 1995. The environmental implications of (illegal) urban agriculture in Harare, Zimbabwe. Working Paper 4. Presented at ODA Workshop on the Environmental, Social and Economic Impacts of (Illegal) Urban Agriculture in Harare, Zimbabwe. T.Subramani, R. Selvan |
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28. | Performanance Evaluation of the Cauvery Irrigation System, India, Using Remote Sensing and Gis Technology
Performanance Evaluation of the Cauvery Irrigation System, India, Using Remote Sensing and Gis TechnologyAbstract: Evaluation of any irrigation project involves the assessment of area, improved by the project. Irrigated agriculture will play a major role in determining the future food security of most Asian countries, and it will also be the major contributor to the additional food production required as world population expands. Therefore, it is important to raise the agricultural performance of low productivity/ irrigation systems, while sustaining the performance of more-productive systems. In many countries, and particularly in India, accurate evaluation of irrigation system performance and sustainability is hampered by lack of adequate, reliable, and timely irrigation statistics. Usually, performance indicators such as yield, cropping intensity, and irrigation intensity are measured at an aggregated level, often at the state or national levels. Data at project level are rarely collected. If collected, they frequently are unreliable or not easily accessible. It is in this context emerging technologies in irrigation management, applied remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS) techniques to study the Cauvery Irrigation System and to analyze agricultural performance issues. The diagnostic analysis of the operation of the Cauvery canal command area in south side India reported here was the result of collaborative research by the National Remote Sensing Agency. Satellite remote sensing was utilized to obtain data on basic agronomic characteristics and crop yield. Hydrologic analysis based on ground data was carried out, aided by GIS and supplemented with output data from a distributed computer model that simulates the spatiotemporal behaviour of canal water, soil water, and groundwater. The salient findings from this research are reported here and in Remote Sensing and Hydrologic Models for Performance Assessment in Irrigation Circle, India. The Cauvery Irrigation System is above average in agricultural performance compared with other irrigation systems in Tamilnadu.Key words: Cauvery Irrigation System, Cropping Intensity, Hydrologic Analysis, Tamilnadu, Crop Yield. Reference [1]. Bender MJ, Simonovic SP. 2000. A fuzzy compromise approach to water resource systems planning under uncertainty. Fuzzy sets and Systems 115:35-44. [2]. Chen SM, 1994. A new method for handling multicriteria fuzzy decision making problems. Cybernetics and System 25:409-420. [3]. Cornell G. 2001. Visual Basic 6 from the Ground up. Tata McGraw Hill: New Delhi, India. [4]. Heyder WE, Gates TK, Fontane DG. Salas JD. 1991. Multicriterion strategic planning for improvd irrigation delivery. II: application. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 117:914-934. [5]. Karamouz M, Kerachian R, Zahraie B. Nejhard SA. 2002. Monitoring and evaluation scheme using the multiple-criteria-decision making technique: application to irrigation projects. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 128: 341-350. T. Subramani, S. Badrinarayanan, K. Prasath, S. Sridhar |
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29. | Identification And Analysis Of Pollution In Thirumani Muthar River Using Remote Sensing
Identification And Analysis Of Pollution In Thirumani Muthar River Using Remote SensingAbstract: This study focused on water quality for Thirumanimuthar river basin, the possible auxiliary drinking water source of salem town tamilnadu. Through remote sensing (RS) approach, water quality retrieval models were established and analyzed for eight common concerned water quality variables, including algae content, turbidity, and concentrations of chemical oxygen demand, total nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, total phosphorus, and dissolved phosphorus, by using Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper (TM) data. The results showed that there existed a statistical significant correlation between each water quality variable and remote sensing data in the slightly-polluted inland water body with fairly weak spectral radiation. With appropriate method of sampling pixel digital numbers and multiple regression algorithms, algae content, turbidity, and nitrate nitrogen concentration could be retrieved within 10% mean relative error, concentrations of total nitrogen and dissolved phosphorus within 20%, concentrations of ammonia nitrogen and total phosphorus within 30% while chemical oxygen demand had no effective retrieval method. These accuracies were acceptable for the practical applications of routine monitoring and early warning on water quality safety with some support of precise traditional monitoring.Key words: Thirumanimuthur, Remote sensing, Ground water, Hydro Geochemical. Reference [1] Ajibade, L.T, Ifabiyi, I.P.,Iroye, K.A. and Ogunteru, S, (2010), Morphometic Analysis of Ounapa Drainage Basins, Ibadan,Nigeria.Journal Of Environment Studies And Management, 3, pp.13-19. [2] Dury, G.H, (1952) Methods of Cartographical Analysis in Geomorphological Research Silver Jubilee Volume, Indian Geographical Society, Madras, pp.136-139. [3] Freeman, T.G, (1991), Calculating The Catchment Area with Divergent Flow Based on A Regular Grid: Computers And Geosciences, 17, pp.413-422. [4] H. Shahabi, (2012), Application of GIS Models in Site Selection of Waste disposal in Urban, Area, Journal Of Applied Physics, 1, pp.01-07. [5] Horton R.E, (1932), Drainage Basin Characteristics, Trans. Am.Geophys.Unon, 13, pp.350-361. T. Subramani, P. Someswari |
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30. | Comparison of Air Cooled and Evaporatively Cooled Refrigerartion Systems – A Review Paper
Comparison of Air Cooled and Evaporatively Cooled Refrigerartion Systems – A Review PaperAbstract: The air cooled condensers are widely used as they are less costly and give satisfactory performance. But their performance is greatly affected by the temperature of cooling media which is ambient air. To deal this problem we can use water cooled condenser. But their cost and maintenance limit their use. The performance improvement of Air cooled condensers can be achieved by using evaporative cooling. This method may prove quiet effective and less costly. There are researchers working on the above issue. Few of them have successfully implemented the research in practice. The paper deals with a few papers using the evaporative cooling. The applications include domestic as well as industrial.Key words: Air cooled condenser, Evaporative cooling Reference [1] E. Hajidavalloo, H. Eghtedari, Performance improvement of air-cooled refrigeration system by using evaporatively cooled air condenser, International Journal of Refrigeration vol. 33 (2010) 982–988. [2] Ebrahim Hajidavalloo, Application of evaporative cooling on the condenser of window-air-conditioner, Applied Thermal Engineering vol .27 (2007) 1937–1943 [3] F. W. Yu , K. T. Chan, Application of Direct Evaporative Coolers for Improving the Energy Efficiency of Air-Cooled Chillers , Journal of Solar Energy Engineering vol. 127 Aug 2005 [4] M.M. Nasr, M. Salah Hassan, Experimental and theoretical investigation of an innovative evaporative condenser for residential refrigerator, Renewable Energy vol. 34 (2009) 2447–2454 [5] Xiangsheng Wu, Xiaofeng Yang, Performance enhancement of air-cooled chillers with water mist: Experimental and analytical investigation, Applied Thermal Engineering vol. 40 (2012) 114-120 V. V. Birangane, A. M. Patil |
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31. | Experimental Analysis Of 80 Tr Capacity Air Cooled Scroll Chiller Using R-22 & R-407c.
Experimental Analysis Of 80 Tr Capacity Air Cooled Scroll Chiller Using R-22 & R-407c.Abstract: In air conditioning systems, chilled water is typically distributed to heat exchangers, or coils, in air handling units or other types of terminal devices which cool the air in their respective space(s), and then the water is re-circulated back to the chiller to be cooled again. These cooling coils transfer sensible heat and latent heat from the air to the chilled water, thus cooling and usually dehumidifying the air stream. The experiment works on 80 TR capacity Air Cooled Scroll Chiller systems. Vapour compression refrigeration cycle is used for cooling chilling water. Capacity of compressor is taken same for the different refrigerants used for experimental analysis. During experimental work used R-22 and R-407C as refrigerants. Theoretical COP of system with R-22 refrigerant is 4.166 and actual COP is 2.227. For 80 TR capacity scroll air cooled chiller, theoretical COP of system with R-407c refrigerant is 3.465 and actual COP is 2.745 respectively. Based on the result analysis the same capacity of air cooling system with scroll compressor Actual COP of R-407C is higher than R-22. It means R-407C is also a alternative refrigerant for air cooled chilling system and also for HVAC system.Key words: Air Chiller, Scroll Compressor, Vapour compression cycle, COP, HVAC system Reference [1] Hundy, G. F., "Applications of scroll compressors for supermarket refrigeration," Institute of Mechanical Engineers Seminar Publication, Vol. 15, pp. 67-79, (1998). [2] Voltas Limited EM&R Business Group Sales Headquarters Dadra&Haveli . R-407c The Engineers Guide Zero Ozone Depleting Refrigerant for Air Conditioning and heat pump systems. [3] Yu,F.W ,Chan,K.T, Experimental Determination of the Energy Efficiency of an Air-Cooled Chiller under part load Conditions, Energy, and vol. 30: p. 1747-1758. (2005). [4] Shao, S., Shi, W., Li, X. and Chen, H., Performance representation of variable-speed compressor for inverter air conditioners based on experimental data. International Journal of Refrigeration 27, 805–815., (2004). [5] Björk, E. and Palm, B., Performance of a domestic refrigerator under influence of varied expansion device capacity, refrigerant charge and ambient temperature, International Journal of Refrigeration, 29, 789–798, (2006). Mr. Bhikhu B, Prof. Ronak Shah, Prof. Bala Dutt |
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32. | Land Use and Land Cover Change Detection and Urban Sprawl Analysis of Panamarathupatti Lake, Salem
Land Use and Land Cover Change Detection and Urban Sprawl Analysis of Panamarathupatti Lake, SalemAbstract: Land use and land cover change has become a central component in current strategies for managing natural resources and monitoring environmental changes. Urban expansion has brought serious losses of agriculture land, vegetation land and water bodies. Urban sprawl is responsible for a variety of urban environmental issues like decreased air quality, increased runoff and subsequent flooding, increased local temperature, deterioration of water quality, etc. In this work we have taken Panamarathupatti lake salem city as case to study the urban expansion and land cover change that took place in a span of 36 years from 1973 to 2009. Remote sensing methodology is adopted to study the geographical land use changes occurred during the study period.Landsat images of TM and ETM+ of Panamarathupatti lake salem city area are collected from the USGS Earth Explorer web site. After image pre-processing, un-supervised and supervised image classification has been performed to classify the images in to different land use categories. Five land use classes have been identified as Urban (Built-up), Water body, Agricultural land, Barren land and Vegetation. Classification accuracy is also estimated using the field knowledge obtained from field surveys. The obtained accuracy is between 73 to80 percent for all the classes. Change detection analysis shows that Built-up area has been increased by 372.28%, agricultural area has been decreased by 65.16% and barren area reduced by 60.98%. Information on urban growth, land use and land cover change study is very useful to local government and urban planners for the betterment of future plans of sustainable development of the city. Key words: Urban sprawl, Land-use and land-cover change, geographic information system, Change detection analysis Reference [1]. C. Seto, C. E. Woodcock, C. Song, X. Huang, J. Lu And R. K. Kaufmann,(2002), Monitoring land-use change in the Pearl River Delta using Landsat TM, Int. J. Remote Sensing, Vol. 23, No. 10, 1985–2004. [2]. J.Li and H.M.Zhao, (2003), Detecting Urban Land Use and LandCover Changes in Mississauga using Landsat TM images, 2(1), 38-47. [3]. S.Tamilenthi1, J. Punithavathi1, R. Baskaran1 and K. ChandraMohan(2011), Dynamics of urban sprawl, changing direction and mapping: A case study of Salem city, Tamilnadu, India, Achieves of Applied Science Research, 3(1): 277-286 [4]. Shdhira, T.V Ramachandra and K.S. Jagadeesh(2004), Urban sprawl: metrics, dynamics and modelling using GIS, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation,5,29-39 [5]. M. Turker and O.Asik,(2005), Land Use Change Detection At The Rural- Urban Fringe Using Multi-Sensor Data In Ankara, Turkey, International Journal of Geoinformatics, Vol.1, No.3. T.Subramani, V. Vishnumanoj |
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33. | DNA Computer; Present and Future
DNA Computer; Present and FutureAbstract: DNA computers use strands of DNA to perform computing operations. The computer consists of two types of strands – the instruction strands and the input data strands. The instruction strands splice together the input data strands to generate the desired output data strand. DNA computing holds out the promise of important and significant connections between computers and living systems, as well as promising massively parallel computations. Before these promises are fulfilled, however, important challenges related to errors and practicality has to be addressed. On the other hand, new directions toward a synthesis of molecular evolution and DNA computing might circumvent the problems that have hindered development, so far. This paper represent present and future DNA computer.Key words: DNA Computer, DNA Computing, Parallel Computation, Bio-Molecular. Reference [1] Leonard M. Adleman, Computing with DNA, Scientific American, August 1998. [2] Paun, G., Rozenberg, G., and Salomaa, A., Edited, 2005. DNA Computing-New Computing Paradigms, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heide1berg. [3] Srivastava, A., Pandey, V., ―Inconsistency in DNA computing and it's use in cryptography‖, Advance IEEE 3rd International Computing Conference (IACC), 2013. [4] Sarker, A., Ahmed, T., Rashid, S.M.M., Anwar, S. ; Jaman, L., Tara, N., Alam, M.M., Babu, H.M.H., "Realization of Reversible Logic in DNA Computing", IEEE 11th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE), 2011. [5] Xue, B., Xiyu L., ―Design of E-commerce development roadmap for SMEs using DNA computing technique‖, IEEE 17th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD), 2013. Amir Abbaszadeh Sori |
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34. | Studying New Views of Organizational Citizenship Behaviors on Knowledge Management in Executive Systems of Guilan Province, Iran
Studying New Views of Organizational Citizenship Behaviors on Knowledge Management in Executive Systems of Guilan Province, IranAbstract: Studies show that knowledge management entry into the organization and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), are two new phenomena that if managers do not pay enough attention to these factors it may lead to the loss of organization, The aim of this study is to Identify the extent and impact ratings of organizational citizenship behavior on knowledge management in Government Organizations .Main hypothesis studies is the relation between knowledge management and OCB and sub hypothesis study the relation between knowledge management and variables of OCB that inclusive 1.Altruisma 2.Conscientious 3.CivicVirtue 4.Sportsmanship 5.Courtesy.Research method In this study, is descriptive Statistical Society in this study is include all of employees of 10-governmental organizations in the city of Rasht, Guilan Province that is number 1724 persons and 315 of them were selected by using simple Systematic random from staff. After collection the information from questionnaires and study the relation between two variables, in significant level of data and critical value in 95 percent confident level, we conclude that the relation between knowledge management and OCB is significant.Key words: Knowledge Management, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Altruism, Working Conscience, Civic Virtue, Sportsmanship Courtesy. Reference [1] Azar, Adel & Mo'meni, Mansour, 1379, Statistics and its Application in Management, Tehran: SAMT Publications. [2] Bejani, Hossein, 1388, Knowledge Management in Learning Organizations, Tadbir Monthly Journal, No. 203. [3] Bayani, Ahmed, 1387, Research and Evaluation Method in Educational Sciences and Psychology, Tehran: Rahyaft Publications. [4] Biranod, Ali & Sajedeh, Amir, 1387, "Knowledge Management", Scientific Connection Monthly Journal, No. 3, Tenth Periodical. [5] Zare'e Matin, Hassan & Ahmedi, Feriedon, 1388, The Role of University in Developing Organization's Citizenship Behavior, Management in Islamic University, Thirteenth Year, No.1, Pages 22-43. Naghi Sayyar Rezvan, Hossein Khonyafar and Mohsen Koohi Nasr |
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35. | The Effect of Salt Concentration on Microbes during Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery
The Effect of Salt Concentration on Microbes during Microbial Enhanced Oil RecoveryAbstract: Reservoir fluid salinity, its effectiveness on viscosity as well as temperature dependency is an important parameter for enhanced oil recovery consideration. Previous studies on formation fluid properties focused on NaCl and KCl, the two most common brines in connate water and in water-based drilling mud, failing, however, to relate its performance to bacterial survival. This work has considered four different brine solutions and how it will affect the useability of pseudomonas species and halobacterium H – 356. The bacterial mixture viscosity shows a considerable difference between NaCl, CsCl, KCl and LiCl with NaCl and LiCl being favourable brines. Hence, for flooding agent at varying temperature since it makes the bacteria mixture viscosity more viscous whereas the KCl appeared less viscous compared to liquid mixture standard water. For the bacteria mixture, the viscosity of KCl and CsCl decreases with the concentration of a low temperature range and increases with the concentration at a high range.Key words: Bacteria Growth, MEOR, Salinity, Salt Concentration Reference [1] S.L. Bryant andT.P. Lockhart, Reservoir Engineering analysis of microbial enhanced oil recovery, SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering, Oct 2002, 365-374 [2] S.L. Marshall, "Fundamental Aspects of Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery: A Literature Survey", National Research flagship, CSIRO, Western Australia, 2008 [online], http://www.clw.csiro.au/publications/science/2008/WFO-MicrobialOilRecovery.pdf (accessed Feb 13, 2014) [3] M-M.Chang, R.S.Bryant, H.W. Gao andT.-H. Chung, Modeling of Microbial Transport Phenomena in Porous Media, US DOE Report, July 1991 [online], http://www.netl.doe.gov/kmd/cds/disk44/I-Microbial/NIPER539.pdf (accessed Feb 13, 2014) [4] M. Wagner, Microbial enhancement of oil recovery from carbonate reservoirs with complex formation characteristics. Microbial enhancement of oil recovery-recent advances. In: Premuzic ET (ed.), Developments in Petroleum Science: Proc. of the 1992 international conference on microbial enhanced oil recovery, 31. (New York, USA : Elsevier, 1992), 387-398 [5] B. Bubela,Combined Effect of Temperature and other Environmental Stresses on Microbiologically Enhanced Oil Recovery, In: E.C. Donaldson and J.B. Clark (Ed.), Proc., 1982 International Conference on Microbial Enhancement of Oil Recovery, NTIS, Springfield, Va,1983, 118-123 Nmegbu, Chukwuma Godwin Jacob |
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36. | A Theoretical Aspect of Cloud Computing Service Models and Its Security Issues: A Paradigm
A Theoretical Aspect of Cloud Computing Service Models and Its Security Issues: A ParadigmAbstract: Cloud computing is a distributed computing environment that provides on demand services to the users for deploying their computational needs in a virtualized environment without the knowledge of technical infrastructure. Due to reliability, scalability, high performance and low band width most of the organizations are running their applications in cloud. The cloud service providers provide the services to the registered cloud users on payment basic across the glove. The cloud services are basically categorized as SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS. The services are available to the users depending on cloud deployment and the SLA (service level agreements) between the service providers and the users. Providing security to the users and trust into cloud environment is the responsibility of the cloud service providers. The main objective of this paper is to provide a clear idea about the cloud service models and outline the security issues in the service models.Key words: Cloud computing; Cloud computing models; Cloud Security Issues; Cloud Security Threats. Reference [1]. Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki /Cloud_Computning [2]. Rafael Moreno-Vozmediano,Rubén S. Montero, Ignacio M. Llorente," Key Challenges in Cloud Computing -Enabling the Future Internet of Services", Published by the IEEE Computer Society 1089-7801/13/ © 2013 IEEE, IEEE internet computing [3]. Dimitrios Zissis , Dimitrios Lekkas, "Addressing cloud computing security issues", 0167-739X/ © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.future.2010.12.006. [4]. M.Rajendra Prasad, R. Lakshman Naik, V.Bapuji," Cloud Computing : Research Issues and Implications ", International Journal of Cloud Computing and Services Science (IJ-CLOSER) Vol.2, No.2, April 2013, pp. 134~140 ISSN: 2089-3337. [5]. Francesco M.A and Gianni F. "An approach to a cloud Computing network", IEEE, August 2008, pp113-118 S. B. Dash, H.Saini, T.C.Panda, A. Mishra |
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37. | Health-Care Waste Management System
Health-Care Waste Management SystemAbstract: The main purpose of this paper is to give A view of the hospital waste management and environmental problem in india. The objective of this study is to analyze the health care waste management system, including practices and compliances. Most countries of the world, especially the developing countries, are facing the grim situation arising out of environmental pollution due to pathological waste arising from increasing populations and the consequent rapid growth in the number of hospital units. In india, there are about 6 lakhs hospital beds, over 23,000 primary health centers, more than 15,000 small and private hospitals. In india, the biomedical waste (management and handling) rules 1998 make it mandatory for hospitals, clinics, and other medical and veterinary institutes to dispose of bio medical wastes strictly according to the rules.Key words: Health, Care, Waste Management, Medical. Reference [1]. Ahmed,s.A.,&ali,m, (2004), "partnerships for waste management in developing countries: linking theories to realities," habitat international, 28(3). [2]. Anon,(2006),"note on biomedical waste management", Tamil Nadu pollution control board, chennai, India . [3]. Blenkharn,j.i,(2007),"standards of clinical waste management in hospitals, "a second look journal of royal institute of public health., articlein press, .uk [4]. Dept. Of health services, (2004), "biomedical waste management status in NCT of Delhi," govt. of NCT of delhi. [5]. Gordon,jg,rein,pa.(2004),"medical waste management," hospital epidemiology and infection control. T. Subramani, P. Anitha, S. Sekar |
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38. | Treatment Of Municipal Waste Water In Salem City
Treatment Of Municipal Waste Water In Salem CityAbstract: The treatment processes and quality of the final effluent produced by tertiary filtration for phosphorus removal typically meet state criteria for wastewater reclamation. Reuse of this high quality effluent can be an attractive alternative to direct discharge into surface waters in situations where restrictive NPDES permit limitations apply. In this report, EPA region 10 presents observations of advanced wastewater treatment installed in Salem city. These facilities employ chemical addition and a range of filtration technologies which have proven to be very effective at producing an effluent containing low levels of phosphorus. Tamil Nadu Government Made A Policy Announcement Of Providing Under Ground Sewerage Scheme In All Urban Local Bodies In A Phased Manner At District Head Quarter Towns. The Municipal Sewerage Collection Network Systems Are Implemented and the Household Sewage Are Collected and Moved to the Collection Chamber of STP. The STP consists of various unit operations and processes to treat the raw sewage into the final treated effluent quality as per the stipulated standards. The project will have construction phase and operation phase impacts which have been assessed and the Environment Impact Assessment has been prepared.Key words: STP, Karuppur Village, Salem Municipality Reference [[1.] Al-Khatib, A.I., Maria, M., Abdul, F. Salem, A Z., Shaheen, H.Q. and Despo, K. (2010). Solid waste characterization, quantification and management practices in developing countries. A case study: Nablus district – Palestine, Journal of Environmental Management, 91 (5), PP.1131-1138, ISBN 0301-4797. [2.] Al-Salem, S.M., Lettieri, P, and Baeyens, J. (2010). The Valorisation of Plastic Solid Waste (PSW) by Primary to Quaternary Routes: From Reuse of Energy and Chemicals, Progress in Energy and Combustion Science. 36 (1). PP. 103-129, ISSN 0360-1285. [3.] APO - Asian Productivity Organisation (2007). Solid Waste Management: Issues and Challenges in Asia. Asian Productivity Organization. PP.12-18. ISBN: 92-833-7058-9. [4.] Andrews, J.C, and Maurer, J. (2010). Materials Exchanges: An exploratory US survey. [Online]. Accessed at [5.] ABA - American Bar Association (2012). Rule of Law Initiative. [Online]. Accessed at T. Subramani, D. Kavitha, R. Thiyagu |
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39. | Sustainable Decentralized Model For Solid Waste Management In Urban India
Sustainable Decentralized Model For Solid Waste Management In Urban IndiaAbstract: This paper attempts to assess the various factors that govern the sustenance of a decentralized Solid waste management system in urban India. Towards this end, two decentralized composting facilities (One operational and the other closed) were studied both of which were started at the same time in Bangalore. The parameters covered under the study were the technology and the technical expertise, Managerial influence, economic viability, community support including the socio- economic status of the Community and the influence of parallel government schemes. Our findings indicate that success and long-term.Key words: Sustainable Decentralized Model, Solid Waste Management, Municipal Solid Waste Reference [1]. Balasubramanyan V.K., A Preliminary Discussion Paper on the Possible Role of Decentralized Solid Waste Management Efforts in Urban Solid Waste Management, pg12. [2]. Balasubramanyan V. K., Breakthrough in the Technology of Solid Wastes Management: A Proposal for Fine Tuning and Dissemination, February 2004. [3]. Christian Zurbrugg and Christian Aristanti, Solid Waste Management, Waste Collectors are Operating a Composting Unit on Neighborhood Level An Indonesian Example, http://www.sandel.ch/solid waste/pages/composting - Indonesia. htm accessed on Jan 4, 2006, 4.0. [4]. Christian Zurbrugg, Silke Drescher, Almitra Patel, Sharatchandra H.C., Taking a Closer Look at [5]. Decentralized Composting Schemes - Lessons from India, Published in Asian Society for Environment Protection (ASER) newsletter, March 2003. T. Subramani, R. Umarani, S. K. Bharathi Devi |
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40 | Impact of Sewage and Industrial Effluent on Soil Plant Health Act on Environment
Impact of Sewage and Industrial Effluent on Soil Plant Health Act on EnvironmentAbstract: Effect of continuous irrigation with sewage effluent on soil properties and status of nutrients and pollutant elements in soils and plants in the adjoining areas of Agra and Mathura cities of Uttar Pradesh was ascertained. The physical properties of soils improved due to sewage water irrigation. An appreciable increase in organic carbon, available N, P, K contents was recorded in the sewage water irrigated soils. Electrical conductivity of sewage water irrigated soils was much below the threshold limit of salinity. Application of sewage water resulted in the accumulation of heavy metals in surface soil. The mean contents of total Cd, Cr, Pb in the soils irrigated with sewage water were 2.85, 75.40 and 40.26 mg kg- 1, respectively. The mean values of available Cd, Cr and Pb in soils were 0.21, 0.33 and 1.27 mg kg-1, respectively. The concentration of Cr in lettuce, cabbage and be seem plants grown on sewage water was higher as compared to its tolerance level indicating their accumulation in plants. In general, Cd was relatively higher in lettuce (0.88 mg kg-1). On the other hand, be seemed contained relatively higher amount of Cr and Pb.Key words: Impact, Sewage, Industrial Effluent, Soil Plant Health, Environment. Reference [1]. Adhikari, S.; Gupta, S.K. & Banerjee, S.K. (1993). Heavy metals content of city sewage and sludge. Journal of Indian Society of Soil Science, 41: 160-172. [2]. Adhikari, S.; Gupta, S.K. & Banerjee, S.K. (1997). Long-term effect of raw sewage application on the chemical composition of ground water. Journal of Indian Society of Soil Science, 45: 392-394. [3]. Antil, R.S. & Narwal, R.P. (2005). Problems and prospectus of utilization of sewer water in Haryana. In: Management of Organic Wastes for Crop Production, K.K. Kapoor, P.K. Sharma, S.S. Dudeja & B.S. Kundu, (Ed.), 159- 168, Department of Microbiology, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, India. [4]. Antil, R.S. & Narwal, R.P. (2008). Influence of sewer water and industrial effluents on soil and plant health. In: Groundwater resources: Conservation and management, V.D.Puranik, V.K. Garg, A. Kaushik, C.P. Kaushik, S.K. Sahu, A.G. Hegde, T.V. Ramachandarn, I.V. Saradhi & P. Prathibha, (Ed.), 37-46, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, GJU Science and Technology Hisar, India. [5]. Gupta, S.K. & Mitra, A. (2002). In: Advances in Land Resource Management for 21st Century, 446-469, Soil Conservation Society of India, New Delhi. Indian Standards (IS) (1982). Tolerance limits for inland surface water subject to pollution, Indian Standards IS, 2296. T. Subramani, M. Mangaiyarkarasi, C. Kathirvel |
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41 | Analysis of Urban Growth and Its Impact on Groundwater Tanneries by Using Gis
Analysis of Urban Growth and Its Impact on Groundwater Tanneries by Using GisAbstract: Urbanization is a progressive concentration of population in urban unit. At the moment, India is one among the country of low level of urbanization. In the last fifty years the population of India has grown two-and-a-half times, but urban India has grown nearly five times. In 2001, 306.9 million Indians (30.5%) were living in nearly 3700 towns and cities spread across the country, and it is expected to increase to over 400 million and 533 million by 2011 and 2021 respectively. At the moment, India is among the counties of low level of urbanization. As a result, most urban settlements are characterized by shortfalls in housing and water supply, urban encroachments in fringe area, inadequate sewerage, traffic congestion, pollution, poverty and social unrest making urban governance a difficult task. The high rate of urban population growth is a cause of concern among India's urban and town planners for efficient urban planning.There are increasingly widespread indications of degradation in the quality and quantity of groundwater, serious or incipient, caused by excessive exploitation and/or inadequate pollution control. The scale and degree of degradation varies significantly with the susceptibility of local aquifers to exploitation−related deterioration and their vulnerability to pollution. This project is based on the investigation or review of the situation in a substantial number of developing cities worldwide. It aims to raise the awareness among policymakers of hydro-geological processes in urban areas, to highlight key urban groundwater issues, to provide a framework for the systematic consideration of the groundwater dimension in urban management, and to formulate approaches for more sustainable management of groundwater resources in urban areas using remote sensing method.Urbanization on account of demographic and economic growth leads to the wide variety of environmental problems. The supply of infrastructure cannot cope with the demand placed by urban development. It results inadequacy of urban infrastructure, which leads to degradation of the quality of natural resources such as air, water, land, vegetation, marine life. In addition industrial pollution in large cities causes effects to human life. The present study is aimed to analyze the growth of urban development and its impact on ground water. To analyze the growth of Dindigul town and its impact on ground water quality remote sensing techniques were used. Dindigul town spreads over an area of 14.01 km2. Since 1970 the area was not increased but due to increasing population wards increased. For the assessment of ground water quality impact samples were taken in and around the town and analyses further. The results indicated that the samples nearer to the tanneries were exceeding the limits; mainly Begambur and Paraipatti compared to other locations. Key words: Urban sprawl, Land-use and land-cover change, geographic information system, Change detection Reference [1]. Peace Trust, Dossier on Tannery pollution in Tamil Nadu, 2000, p. 280. [2]. World Health Organization, Guideline of drinking quality. WHO, Washington DC, 1984, pp. 333–335. [3]. District collector office record – 2002, Dindigul. [4]. Dindigul Municipality record 2000-2002 [5]. Balasubrahmanian K., Geology of Parts of Vedasandur Taluk, Madurai District, Tamilnadu, Progress Report, GSI Tech. Rept. Madras, (1980), p.14. T. Subramani, T. Manikandan |
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1. | Micro-Controller Based Obstacle Avoiding Autonomous Robot
Micro-Controller Based Obstacle Avoiding Autonomous RobotAbstract: Main aim of this paperwork is to study development of the obstacle avoiding spy robot, which can be operated manually as per the operator wants to take control of the robot himself, it also can be autonomous in its actions while intelligently moving itself by detecting the obstacles in front of it by the help of the obstacle detectable circuit. The robot is in form of a vehicle mounted with a web cam, which acquires and sends video as per the robots eye view to a TV or PC via a TV tuner card. The microcontroller chip ATMEGA 328 present on the microcontroller board ARDUINO controls the movements of the robot. In manual operating conditions the user will have a radio transmitter (tx) via which the user will send signal to the radio receiver (rx) present inside the robot which accordingly will pass on the signal to the microcontroller board, and as per the coding of the signal signatures burnt inside the microcontroller chip the robot will complete its movements. In Autonomous operating conditions the user will have no control on the robot that is the robot cannot be operated via any external controls, it will only function as per the data received from the obstacle detection circuits to the microcontroller which will make the robot motors move accordingly as per the code written in it. The idea is to make a robot to tackle the hostage situations & cope up with the worst conditions, which can be quiet a matter of risk to be handled by human being.Key words: Obstacle avoiding, self-powered, wireless control Reference [1] Pete Miles & Tom Carroll, "Build Your Own Combat Robot", (2002). [2] K.S.Fu, R.C.Gonzalez, C.S.G. Lee, Tutorials Robotics. [3] Asaro,P. How just could a robot war be?, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 75, 50-64. [4] www.Atmel.com (last accessed on19th March 2014). [5] Atmel data sheets http:// www.keil.com / dd / docs/ datashts /atmel / at89s52_ds.pdf (last accessed on 2nd April 2014). |
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2. | A Symmetric Key Cryptographic Technique Through Swapping Bits in Binary Field Using p-Box Matrix
A Symmetric Key Cryptographic Technique Through Swapping Bits in Binary Field Using p-Box MatrixAbstract: In this paper a symmetric key cryptographic algorithm named as "A Symmetric Key Cryptographic Technique Through Swapping Bits in Binary Field Using p-box Matrix" is proposed. Secret sharing is a technique by which any information can be break down into small pieces. The secret can be reconstructed only when a sufficient number of pieces of shares are combined together; individual shares are of no use on their own. Traditional secret sharing scheme possesses high computational complexity in both generating and reconstructing of share. In the proposed algorithm key has been taken from the user of n bits. Depending on the size of input stream a straight p-box will be generated to make the proposed algorithm unique. The Key and the p-box will be needed for encryption and decryption process. The block division process is introduced in the input stream. In the process of encryption swapping in binary input stream will be taken place.Key words: Plain Text, Cipher Text, Encryption, Decryption, P-Box and Key Image. Reference [1] Abbas Cheddad, Joan Condell, Kevin Curran, and Paul McKevitt. Digital image steganography: Survey and analysis of current methods. Signal Processing, 90:727–752, 2010. [2] F.A.P. Petitcolas, R.J. Anderson, and M.G. Kuhn. Information hiding: A survey. Proceedings of IEEE, 87(7):1062{1078, July 1999. [3] C.I.Podilchuk and E.J.Delp. Digital watermarking: algorithms and applications. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, pages 33, 46, (2001). [4] Naor, M., And Shamir, A. Visual Cryptography. In Advances In Cryptology-Eurocrypto94 (1995), Vol. 950, Springer-Verlag, Pp. 1–12. [5] Samir, A. How To Share A Secret. Communications Of Acm 22, 11 (1979), 612–613. Subhranil Som, Soumasree Banerjee, Jhilik Sikdar |
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3. | Optimization & Design of High Rise Building with Different Structural Framing Systems Subjected To Seismic Loads
Optimization & Design of High Rise Building with Different Structural Framing Systems Subjected To Seismic LoadsAbstract: Due to excessive displacements of tall buildings occasioned by lateral loads, lateral load resisting systems are usually provided to curtail the load effect. The resistance may be offered by Frame Action, Shear Walls, or combined Walls and Frames (also known as Dual System). In this study, 3D structural modelling base software STAAD-PRO was used to generate and analyze three-dimensional building models for the assessment of the relative effectiveness of the various lateral load resisting systems. Five models were used, one for moment resisting frame & 04 models each for the lateral load resisting systems. Each model consisted of G +10 storey frame structure having total height of 33.0 m. Each building sample was subjected to three-dimensional analysis for the determination of both the lateral displacements at storey top and interstorey drifts. The results of the work showed that the dual system was the most efficient lateral-load resisting system based on deflection criterion, as they yielded the least values for lateral displacements and inter-storey drifts. The moment frame was the least stiff of the resisting systems, yielding the highest values of both the lateral displacement and the inter-storey drift.Index Terms: Moment Frame, Shear Wall, Dual System, Inter-Storey Drift, Lateral Displacement, Seismic Load Reference [1] IS 1893-2002, 'Indian Standard Criteria of practice for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures', Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, India. [2] Pankaj Agrawal, Manish Shrikhande, 'Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures', Prentice Hall India Publication. [3] Prof. S.S. Patil, Miss. S.A. Ghadge, Prof. C.G. Konapure, Prof. Mrs. C.A. Ghadge, 'Seismic Analysis of High-Rise Building by Response Spectrum Method '(International Journal of Computational Engineering Research (Ijceronline.Com) Vol. 3 Issue. 3). [4] Ms. Kiran Parmar, Prof. Mazhar Dhankot, 'Comparative Study between dual systems for lateral load resistance in buildings of variable heights' (Journal of information, knowledge & research in computer engineering) [5] M.D. Kevadkar, P.B. Kodag 'Lateral Load analysis of RCC buildings' (International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Mr. Anant A. Kapse , Prof. R.V.R.K. Prasad |
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4. | Knowledge Map: An Extension of FCM to Describe and Model Knowledge on A Complex System
Knowledge Map: An Extension of FCM to Describe and Model Knowledge on A Complex SystemAbstract: This paper provides an overview of a new technique to make better decision in complex problem for the people who works in financial firm .This tool reduces the complex data into Knowledge Map or System Map or Process Map.This is also known as Business Structure Map.Two types of analysis can be perform static analysis and time domain analysis.For monitoring the health of the company Knowledge Map is very useful. Knowledge Map is the extension of Fuzzy Cognitive Map (FCM), which in turn is the extension of Cognitive Map.This paper also deals with the different company strategy to mitigate the risk factors.Key words: business structure, extension, knowledge map, static, strategy Reference [1] B. Kosko, Fuzzy cognitive maps, International Journal of Man- Machin Studies, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 65-75, 1986 [2] J. Aguilar, A survey about fuzzy cognitive maps papers, International Journal of Computational Cognition, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 27-33, 2005. [3] L. Rodriguez-Repiso, R. Setchi, and J. L. Salmeron, Modelling IT projects success with fuzzy cognitive maps, Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 543- 559, 2007. [4] Z. Peng, B. Yang, C. Liu, Z. Tang, and J. Yang, Research on one fuzzy cognitive map classifier, (in Chinese), Application Research of Computers, vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 1757-1759, 2009. [5] T. Hong and I. Han, Knowledge-based data mining of news information on the Internet using cognitive maps and neural networks, Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 1-8, 2002. Arti Gupta, Prof. N.T. Deotale |
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5. | Evaluation of the Content of Heavy Metals and Organic Micropollutantsin the Effluents of the Wastewater Treatment Plant of the ErrachidiaCity –Morocco-
Evaluation of the Content of Heavy Metals and Organic Micropollutantsin the Effluents of the Wastewater Treatment Plant of the ErrachidiaCity –Morocco-Abstract: The aim of this study is to assess the content of heavy metals and organic micropollutants in wastewater before and after their treatments in the resort of wastewater treatment (WWTP) of the Errachidiacity (Morocco) to achieve experiments on reuse in irrigation. The analysis results showed that the content of heavy metals (Al, Ag, Cd, Cr, Fe, Hg, Pb, Ni, Mn, Cu, Zn and Ba) to the entry for the WWTP is relatively weak, due to low industrial and agricultural activity in the region. This clearly confirmsthenature ofdomesticsewageof the city. On leaving the station the concentrations of various metallictraces comply with discharge standards. Moreover, the dosage of organic micropollutants reveals relatively high concentrations at the entrance of the station especially for chlorides (900 mg/L) and Kjeldahl nitrogen (92 mg/L). While the treated water have low levels, which confirms the good treatment efficiency of the WWTP of the Errachidia city.Key words: heavy metals, organic micropollutants, ErrachidiaWWTP. Reference [1] National sewerage and waste water treatment program in June 2005, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of regional planning, water and environment Morocco [2] Ministry of Public Works, management training (1988) Pollution of water and wastewater reuse in Morocco. Water and Dév.6 7; [3] Roberts, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, 2001; [4] Higher Council for Water and Climate. Wastewater reuse in agriculture, session 8 AG / MAMVA. Rabat (Morocco) (1994); [5] Ministry of Interior, province of Errachidia, General Census of Population and Housing 2004; Chaouki Hamid, Lahcen Elwatik, Rachid Fath-Allah, Abdelrhafour Ayyach, Zhor Fathallah, Azzeddine El Midaoui |
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6. | Insecticidal activity of the essential oil from seven accessions of Artemisia herba-alba asso domesticated in Errachidia (south-east of Morocco) against Tribolium castaneum.
Insecticidal activity of the essential oil from seven accessions of Artemisia herba-alba asso domesticated in Errachidia (south-east of Morocco) against Tribolium castaneum.Abstract: The present work conducted to determine the insecticidal activity of essential oils from seven accessions of Wormwood (Artemisia herba-alba) against Tribolium castaneum (larva, nymph and adult). These accessions have been collected from different regions in Morocco (Midelt, Boumeriem, Taznakt, Missour, Zawiat Sidi Hamza, Boudnib and Idelsane) and domesticated in the experimental station of Errachidia (Southeast of Morocco). The insecticidal activity was assessed by determining the LC50 and LC90, after seven days of treatment by fumigation of the essential oils. We found that Artemiseole chemotype represented by the accession of Boudnib and Idelsane has the highest toxicity compared to other chemotypes,. The adult stage of Tribolium castaneum is much stronger compared to the larval and chrysalis stages (pupae).Key words: Essential oil, Artemisia herba-alba asso, Tribolium castaneum, chémotype, Insecticidal activity. Reference [1] FAO, 1976. Perspective study on agricultural development in the sahelian contries 1975-1990. Vol. 1: main report. Vol. 2: statistical annex. Vol. 3: summary and conclusion. FAO, Rome. [2] Syed Shayfur R., Mizanur M., Shameem A., Balaram R., Fakruddin Shahed S, 2007. "Ethanolic extract of melgota (Macaranga postulata) for repellency,insecticidal activity against rice weevil (Sitophilusoryzae)". African Journal of Biotechnology, 6 (4), 379-383. [3] Campbell-Palmer R et Rosell F, 2010. Conservation of the Eurasian beaver Castor fiber: an olfactory perspective. Mammal Rev 40: 293–312. [4] Ketoh G. K., Glitho I. A., Koumaglo H. K. 2004. Activité insecticide comparée des huiles essentielles de trois espèces du genre Cymbopogon genus (Poaceae). J. Soc. Ouest-Afr. Chim., 18, pp: 21-34. [5] Kellouche A., 2005. Etude de la bruche du poi-chiche, Callosobruchus muculatus (Coleoptera : bruchidae) : Biologie, physiologie, reproduction et lutte, Thèse. Doc d'état. Univ. Tizi-Ouzou, Algérie, 154p. Moumni Mohammed, Pr Elwatik Lahcen, Kassimi Abderahmane, Homrani Bakali Abdelmonaim |
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7. | Power Control Scheme of D-Statcom
Power Control Scheme of D-StatcomAbstract: This paper presents an instantaneous power control scheme of D-STATCOM for power factor and harmonic compensation. The control strategy has been introduced in order to enhance some steady-state performances and elimination of power quality disturbances. Power factor and harmonic current of a controlled feeder section are two vital roles in steady-state power distribution system operation. In this paper, a control scheme with constant power and sinusoidal current compensation is exploited. And the proposed control scheme is designed to correct the power factor. In order to correct the power factor, a power factor control loop is required and therefore included in the control block. The DC voltage across the DC link capacitor must be large enough and kept constant at that value to stabilize the compensation. Therefore, DC link voltage regulator must be added to the control loop. Simulation is performed in two cases. The first case was the control scheme introduced by [2]. Whereas, the second case was the proposed control scheme given in this paper. Both test cases were assigned to be operated with the same instruction. The test system was started from zero initial conditions with only the rectifier load. At t = 0.2 s, the DSTATCOM was connected to the system via the point of coupling connection. At t = 0.5 s, the RL load was switched on to increase the system loading .To verify the use of the control scheme in order to correct power factor and compensate harmonic current, a 22- kV power distribution feeder with three-phase rectifier load was tested. Real powers, reactive powers and DC link voltages of each case were observed and then compared.Reference [1] K. Somsai, and T. Kulworawanichpong Power System Research Unit, School of Electrical Engineering, "Instantaneous Power Control of D-STATCOM with Consideration of Power Factor Correction", IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 466-472, Jan. 2013. [2] H. Akagi, Instantaneous Power Theory and Applications to Power Conditioning, New Jersey, USA: Wiley, 2007. [3] J. A. Momoh, Electric Power Distribution, Automation, Protection and Control, New York, USA: CRC Press, 2008. [4] N. G. Hingorani and L. GyuGyi, Understanding FACTS Concept and Technology of Flexible AC transmission System, New York, USA: IEEE Press, 2000. [5] N. G. Hingorani, "Introducing custom power", IEEE Spectrum, June1995, pp. 41 – 48. A. Sai Krishna, Y. Suri Babu |
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8. | Systematic Modeling of Sludge Filtration Process Using Dimensional Analysis Technique
Systematic Modeling of Sludge Filtration Process Using Dimensional Analysis TechniqueAbstract: The handling and disposal of sludge; the largest constituent removed in the process of treating wastewater is one of the greatest challenges facing the environmental engineer. The sludge has high water content and compressibility attribute and as such it is expedient to dewater it to reduce its volume and prevent environmental health hazard. This study presents a sludge filtration equation which incorporates the compressibility coefficient using a modified dimensional analysis technique. The equation was validated using experimental data from a pilot scale sand drying bed equipment yielding a close agreement between the theoretical and experimental values of the slope and intercept with a correlation coefficient ranging from 0.94- 0.98. The experimental slope and intercept was found to be (1260913.48 s/m6, 4872.53 s/m3) (5359604.57 s/m6, 844882.56 s/m3), (112117050.4 s/m6, -2135816.16 s/m3), (145562880 s/m6, -30497917.03 s/m3) while the theoretical slopes and intercepts are (1257426.75 s/m6, 5270.26 s/m3),( 4579418.42 s/m6, 905658.24 s/m3), (112117075 s/m6, -21358166.74 s/m3), (206699290.5 s/m6, -4589555.58 s/m3) respectively. The equation also accounts for the compressibility attribute believed to affect sludge filtration process.Key words: Sludge, Drying bed, Filtration, Compressibility, Dimensional analysis. Reference [1] ADEMILUYI J O, 1986. Development in the constant Vacuum cake filtration theory: Proceedings of the Engineering section of science association of Nigeria Vol. 6 & 7. [2] ADEMILUYI J.O, and ROMANUS M, E 1990. Improving the sludge conditioning potential of moringo seed, Environmental management Vol. 14 No 1 PP 125-129. [3] ADEMILUYI, J.O and ROMANUS M, E 1990. Modification of the sludge dewaterability Number (SDN) Equation. Proceedings presented at the 2nd Uniben conference on engineering and technological Development. [4] ADEMILUYI J.O and EGBUNIWE N, 1984. The relative effect of conditioners on the filterability of sewage sludge, Nigerian journal of engineering and technology, Vol. 7 No1. [5] ADEMILUYI J.O 1990. Effect of shear, filter medium, sludge ageing and sequence of chemical addition on sludge dewaterability Number (SDN) African journal of science and technology VOL 8 No 2. Onosakponome O. R, And Onyejekwe S. C |
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9. | Face Tracking in Video by Using Kalman Filter
Face Tracking in Video by Using Kalman FilterAbstract: Face Tracking has been one of the most studied topics in computer vision literature. Facial feature extraction has some problems which must be researched. Small variations of face size and orientation can affect the result of face tracking. Since the input image is captured from a surveillance camera, certain conditions have to be considered - like different levels of brightness, shadows and clearness - which are challenges for detection and tracking purpose.Most facial feature extraction methods are sensitive to various non-ideal such as variation in illumination, noise, orientation, time-consumption and color space used. So there is a need for a good feature extraction method that will enhance the quality and performance of face recognition system. First, segmentation of foreground and background object is the one by using histogram equalization. By this method we are able to segment face based on skin color. After segmenting, Kalman filter is used to track the faces under several conditions. This feature is helpful for the development of a real-time visual tracking control system. Key words: Face detection, Facial Feature Extraction, Kalman Filter, Histogram Equalization, Face Tracking. Reference [1] Soma Biswas and Alexandros Eleftheriadis, "Pose-Robust Recognition of Low-Resolution Face Images " ,IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. [2] Huafeng Wang, Yunhong Wang, And Yuan Cao," Video- based Face Recognition", IEEE Trans. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology , vol. 36,no.3,pp 1530-1539, May 2009. [3] Ming- Hsuan Yang, David J. Kriegman and Narendra Ahuja, Fellow, ―Detecting Faces in Images: A Survey‖, IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell., vol 24, no. 1, pp. 0162-8828, January 2002. [4] Ragini Choudhury Verma, Cordelia Schmid, and Krystian Mikolajczyk, ―Face Detection and Tracking in a Video by Propagating Detection Probabilities,‖ IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell., Vol. 25, no. 10, pp. 0162-8828, October 2003. [5] Yinghua Lu, Yuanhui Wang1, Xianliang Tong, Zebai Zhao1, Hongru Jia, Jun Kong, ―Face Tracking in Video Sequences Using Particle Filter based on the Skin Color Model and Facial Contour‖, IEEE Tranas. Second International Symposium on Intelligent Information Technology Application,VOL. 29. No. 8, pp. 978-0-7695-3497-8. August 2007. Saranya M, Padmavathi S |
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10. | Investigation of Effect of Carbon Fibres on the Mechanical Properties of the Hybrid Composite Laminate
Investigation of Effect of Carbon Fibres on the Mechanical Properties of the Hybrid Composite LaminateAbstract: In this work Fabric made of woven carbon, glass along with epoxy resins are used to make composite laminate. Average resin fraction on weight basis after curing was 45%. The different types of specimens are prepared with variable percentage of carbon fibres. The mechanical tests such as Tensile test, compression test, flexural test and impact tests are conducted over the specimens and the results are evaluated which indicates that the increase in carbon content increases the mechanical properties of the composite laminate.Reference [1]. On the elastic modulus of hybrid particle/short-fiber/polymer composites Composites Part B: Engineering, Volume 33, Issue 4, June 2002, Pages 291-299, Shao-Yun Fu, Guanshui Xu, Yiu-Wing Mai. [2]. Micromechanics modeling of fatigue failure mechanisms in a hybrid polymer matrix composite Composites Science and Technology, Volume 72, Issue 15, 12 October 2012, Page 1863-1869 Brian Burks, James Middleton, Maciej Kumosa. [3]. The effects of atmospheric aging on a hybrid polymer matrix composite Composites Science and Technology, Volume 72, Issue 15, 12 October 2012, Pages 1803-1811 Brian Burks, Maciej Kumosa [4]. Optimal design for the flexural behaviour of glass and carbon fibre reinforced polymer hybrid composites Materials & Design, Volume 37, May 2012, Pages 450-457 Chensong Dong, Ian J. Davies [5]. Enhanced thermal conductivity of polymer composites filled with hybrid filler Original Research Article Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Volume 37, Issue 5, May 2006, Pages 727-734 Geon-Woong Lee, Min Park, Junkyung Kim, Jae Ik Lee, Ho Gyu Yoon Vidyashankar B V, Dr. Laksmanswamy, D Shivappa |
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11. | Implementation of Travelling Salesman Problem Using ant Colony Optimization
Implementation of Travelling Salesman Problem Using ant Colony OptimizationAbstract: Within the Artificial Intelligence community, there is great need for fast and accurate traversal algorithms, specifically those that find a path from a start to goal with minimum cost. Cost can be distance, time, money, energy, etc. Travelling salesman problem (TSP) is a combinatorial optimization problem. TSP is the most intensively studied problem in the area of optimization. Ant colony optimization (ACO) is a population-based metaheuristic that can be used to find approximate solutions to difficult optimization problems. There have been many efforts in the past to provide time efficient solutions for the problem, both exact and approximate. This paper demonstrates the implementation of TSP using ant colony optimization(ACO).The solution to this problem enjoys wide applicability in a variety of practical fields.TSP in its purest form has several applications such as planning, logistics, and manufacture of microchips, military and traffic.Key words: Ant colony optimization, Metaheuristic, Travelling salesman Problem, pheromone update, Hamiltonian cycles Reference [1] Lee Po-wing, Integrated modern-heuristic and B/B approach for the classical traveling salesman problem on a parallel computer, 2000 [2] M. Dorigo and T. Stützle, Ant Colony Optimization, Cambridge: MIT Press, 2004. [3] C-MihaelaPintea, D. Dumitrescu, Improving Ant System Using A Local Updating Rule, Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing (SYNASC'05), IEEE 2005. [4] H.-B. Duan, Ant Colony Algorithms: Theory and Applications. Beijing: Science Press, 2005. [5] K. S. Hung, S.F. Su, S. J. Lee, Improving Ant Colony Optimization for Solving Traveling Salesman Problem, Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, 2007. Gaurav Singh, Rashi Mehta, Sonigoswami, Sapna Katiyar |
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12. | Extrusion Honed Surface Characteristics of Inconel 625 Fabricated By EDM for Square Shape
Extrusion Honed Surface Characteristics of Inconel 625 Fabricated By EDM for Square ShapeAbstract: Extrusion Honing (EH) is also known as Abrasive flow machining (AFM) is an effective method that is used to deburr, clean, polish, remove recast layer and micro cracks by flowing pressurized semisolid abrasive laden visco-elastic media over those surfaces. Inconel 625 is one of the most difficult-to-cut materials because of its low thermal diffusive property, high hardness and high strength at elevated temperature. In this paper, the influence of the process parameters on surface roughness is investigated on Inconel 625 material of square shape fabricated by Electric discharge machining (EDM). The processed surfaces were measured and analyzed with the help of surface roughness tester and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). Results show a significant improvement in surface finish and EH/AFM is capable of removing the micro cracks and recast layer.Key words: Extrusion honing, Inconel, EDM, Surface finish, Abrasive Flow Machining, Silicone, SiC. Reference [1] Lawrence J.Rhoades, "Abrasive Flow Machining", Manufacturing Engineering, November, 1988, pp.75-78. [2] Lawrence J.Rhoades and Hilary A.Clouser, "Abrasive Flow Machining", ASM Handbook, vol.16, 1989, pp.514-519. [3] D.Jung, W.L.Wang, A.Kanfl, T.J.Jacobs, S.J.Hu and D.N.Assanis, "Experimental Investigation of Abrasive Flow Machining Effects on Injector Nozzle Geometries, Engine Performance, and Emissions in a DI Diesel Engine", International Journal of Automotive Technology, vol.9, No.1, 2008, pp.9-15. [4] T.R.Loveless, R.E.Willams and K.P.Rajurkar, "A Study of the Effects of Abrasive-Flow Finishing on Various Machined Surfaces", Journal of MaterialProcessing Technology, vol.47, issues 1-2, 1994, pp.133-151. [5] A-Cheng Wang, Lung Tasi, Kuo-Zoo Liang, Chun-Ho Liu, Shi-Hong Weng, "Uniform surface polished method of complex holes in abrasive flow machining", Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, vol.19, 2009, pp.250-257. N.L. Murali Krishna, H. P. Raju |
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13. | Simulation of New Switched Capacitance Power Converter for Srm
Simulation of New Switched Capacitance Power Converter for SrmAbstract: In this paper, design and simulation of switched capacitance power converter are proposed for 6/4 switched reluctance motor (SRM) drive. The operating principle and design consideration of the proposed converter is explained. The proposed converter performance is better in reduction of torque ripple and constant speed can be achieved quickly with reduced power loss when compared with asymmetric converter. The proposed system is simulated by using MATLAB Simulink and their results are clearly presented.Key words: SRM, Switched Capacitance, power converter drives, MATLAB Simulink. Reference [1] Timar and P.L., Noise and Vibration of Electrical Machines, Elsevier, Amsterdam/ New York, 1989. [2] Wu, C.Y. and C. Pollock, "Analysis and reduction of vibration and acoustic noise in the switched reluctance drive ", Conf. Record, IEEE IAS Ann. Mtg.,93CH3366-2, pp.106-113, 1993. [3] Souvik Ganguli, "Comparison of the Various Converter Topologies For A Three Phase Switched Reluctance Motor Drive" , Journal of Engineering Research and Studies E-ISSN0976-7916. [4] Sunita.Ch, M.V.Srikanth, "Modeling And Analysis Of 6/4 Switched Reluctance Motor With Torque Ripple Reduction", IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IOSR-JEEE) e-ISSN: 2278-1676, p-ISSN: 2320-3331, PP 37-42. [5] Joseph Peter, "Modeling &Torque Ripple Minimization of Switched Reluctance Motor for High Speed Applications, "International Journal of Science and Modern Engineering (IJISME),ISSN: 2319-6386, Volume-1, Issue-10, September 2013. S. M. Mohamed Saleem, G.Ajith, P.Kannathasan, P. Ravi Kumar |
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14. | Cross-Cloud Testing Strategies Over Cloud Computing
Cross-Cloud Testing Strategies Over Cloud ComputingAbstract: Cloud computing is the new paradigm to deliver all the hosted services over internet on demand. The ultimate goal of cloud computing paradigm is to realize computing as a utility. The cloud is rapidly maturing towards its goal to support a wide variety of enterprise and consumer services and real-world applications. Recently a movement towards cross cloud also called as multi-clouds or inters clouds or cloud-of-clouds has emerged which take advantage of multiple independent cloud provider offers for cloud resilience and dependability. This cross cloud represents the next logical wave in computing, enabling complex hybrid applications, cost and performance optimization, enhanced reliability, customer flexibility and lock-in avoidance. Providing testing as a service (TaaS) in cross clouds become hot topics in industry. Testing heterogeneous e-commerce sites, Software as a Service solutions, and Cloud based applications is extremely challenging. Many vendors are offering cloud testing services to support cloud-based applications. However, there is a lack of clear understanding about cloud testing in terms of concepts, issues, challenges, and needs. This paper surveys recent research related to testing of cross clouds applications and also simulates multilayer testing, service level agreement based testing on the large scale commercial testing environment. One of the key aspect of the existing approach is it does not perform cross-cloud testing procedures in cloud based software applications. This paper proposes to build, integrate and implement an application prototype that initiates some of the above stages on a cross cloud platform. This cloud environment achieves more flexibility to the users and providers. This collaborative system will apply the concept of the cloud testing to reduce the mitigations in cloud data and loss of the service availability and data integrity aspects. Our experimental results show efficient data protection of cross cloud testing.Key words: cloud testing, performance testing and evaluation, and scalability is testing. Data-as-a-service (DaaS), platform-as-a-service (PaaS). Reference [1]. Cong Wang, Qian Wang, Kui Ren,‖ Towards Secure and Dependable Storage Services in Cloud Computing‖, A preliminary version [1] of this paper was presented at the 17th IEEE International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS'09). [2] TClouds — Trustworthy Clouds Cloud-Of- Clouds Storage Service. [3] Mi. Rabin. Efficient Dispersal of Information for security, load balancing and fault tolerance. Journal of the ACM, 36(2), pages 335-348. 1989. [4] K Chandra Mouli* U Sesadri,‖ Singleto Multi Clouds for Security in Cloud Computing by using Secret Key Sharing‖, Journal: International Journal Of Computers & Technology Vol 10, No 4 editor@cirworld.com www.cirworld.com, member.cirworld.com. [5]. G. Chockler, R. Guerraoui, I. Keidar and M.Vukolic, "Reliable distributed storage", Computer,42, 2009, pp. 60-67. Mr. Nageswararao, Dr. M B Khetmalas |
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15. | A Study on the Antibacterial Activity Of Zno Nanoparticles Prepared By Combustion Method against E Coli
A Study on the Antibacterial Activity Of Zno Nanoparticles Prepared By Combustion Method against E ColiAbstract: Crystalline Zinc Oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles were synthesized by low temperature solution combustion method using Oxalyl dihydrazide (ODH) as fuel, at much lower temperature (300oC). X-ray diffraction (XRD) confirmed the formation of wurtzite-structured pure ZnO No peaks from any else phases of ZnO and no impurity peaks were observed, indicating the high purity of the obtained hexagonal ZnO nanocrystals. The antibacterial activity of the formed nano ZnO were investigated against the pathogenic bacteria namely against E-coli. The bacteriological test is performed in Luria-Bertani and Nutrient agar media on solid agar plates and liquid broth system using different concentration of ZnO by standard microbial method. We have used both colony counting method and disk diffusion method. In both the methods ZnO nanoparticles with 100microg/L showed best antibacterial activity, and further studies on destruction of bacterial genomic DNA was done using PCR and gel electrophoresis revealed the DNA fragment bands, this activity might be due to surface charge interactions between the particles and cells. Free radical scavenging properties of the particles might have helped in cell wall disruption, and drastic antimicrobial action.Key words: Combustion, Nano-materials, Zinc oxide, X-ray techniques, E Coli Reference [1] F. Caruso, Adv. Mater. "Nanoengineering of Particle Surfaces",13 (2001) 11. [2] T. Gao, Q.H. Li, T.H. Wang, Chem. Mater. "Selectively enhanced band gap emission in ZnO/Ag2O nanocomposites"17 (2005) 887. [3] J.H. Li, Y.C. Liu, C.L. Shao, X.T. Zhang, D.Z. Shen, Y.M. Lu, J.Y. Zhang, X.W. Fan, J. "Effects of thermal annealing on the structural and optical properties of MgxZn1−xO nanocrystals"Colloid Interface Sci. 283 (2005) 513. [4] Y.W. Chen, Y.C. Liu, S.X. Lu, C.S. Xu, C.L. Shao, C. Wang, J.Y. Zhang, Y.M. Lu, D.Z. Shen, X.W. Fan, Effects of Laser Excitation Power and Temperature on the Emission Around3.31 eV from ZnONanocrystals and Nanorods, J. Chem. Phys. 123 (2005) 134701. [5] J.J. Liu, M.H. Yu, W.L. Zhou, "Room-temperature Ferromagnetism of Mn Doped ZnO Aligned Nanowire arrays with Temperature Growth"Appl. Phys. Lett. 87 (2005) 172505. Durga Prasad, C. R.Girija, A. Jagannatha Reddy, H. Nagabhushana, B. M. Nagabhushana, T. V. Venkatesha, S T Arun Kumar |
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16. | Effect of Inulin and β-glucan on The Physicochemical, Rheological, and Sensory Properties Barbari Bread
Effect of Inulin and β-glucan on The Physicochemical, Rheological, and Sensory Properties Barbari BreadAbstract: In this research, applications of inulin and beta-glucan fibers on Iranian Barbari bread quality as well as their potential to retard the staling, has been studied. Inulin and beta-glucan powders used in the preparation of the samples, respectively, at three levels of 2, 2.5 and 3% (w-w) and beta-glucan concentrations of 1, 1.5 and 3% (w-w). Tests performed include physicochemical tests relating to quality of flour including moisture, protein, ash, etc; rheological properties of dough, performed by Farinograph and Extensograph device. On rheological tests best of inulin percentage is 3% and beta-glucan percentages are (1.5–3) %. The combination of the two beta-glucan percentages and 3% inulin prepared, so as rheological measurements were mentioned. Based on the results of the rheological tests, dough bread contains beta-glucan 1.5% and inulin 3 % better characteristics showed however no significant difference before and after the treatment was found to contain beta-glucan 3% and inulin 3 %. Meanwhile, mix bread containing beta-glucan 1.5% and inulin 3, in terms of overall admissions have the utility does not differ significantly from control.Key words: Beta-glucan, Extensogeraph, Farinogeraph, Inulin, Rheology. Reference [1]. Afshin-pajoh R., Saeedi-asl, M.R., Abdollah-Zadeh, A. Amini , M. Enayati, and yaghobi, A., 2012. Effect of adding inulin on rheological properties of pasta dough. Journal of Food Science, Third Year, No. 4, 15. [2]. Ahlborn, G.J., Pike, O.A., Hendrix, S.B., Hess, W.M. & Huber, C.S., 2005. Sensory, Mechanical and Microscopic Evaluation of Staling in Low-Protein and Gluten-Free Breads. Cereal Chem, 82(3); 328–335. [3]. Andersson, A.A.M., Ru, N. & egg, P.A., 2008. Molecular Weight Distribution and Content of Water-Extractable β-Glucan in Rye Crisp Bread. Journal of Cereal Science, 47; 399–406. [4]. Brasil, J.A., Silveira, K.C., Salgado, S.A., Livera, A.V., Pinheiro, C.Z., Faro, D. & Guerra, N.B., 2011. Effect of the Addition of Inulin on the Nutritional, Physical and Sensory Parameters of Bread. Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 74(1); 185-192. [5]. Butt, M.S., Anjum, F.M., Samad, A., Kausar, T. & Mukhtar, M., 2001. Effect of Different Gums on the Quality and Shelf Life of Bread. International Journal of Agriculture & Biology, 3(4); 482-483. Monireh Iranshahi, Seyed Mahdi Seyedain Ardebili, Seyed Ali Yasini Ardakani |
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17. | Brain Tumor Detection Based on Bilateral Symmetry Information
Brain Tumor Detection Based on Bilateral Symmetry InformationAbstract: Advances in computing technology have allowed researchers across many fields of endeavor to collect and maintain vast amounts of observational statistical data such as clinical data, biological patient data, data regarding access of web sites , financial data, and the like. Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) segmentation is a complex problem in the field of medical imaging despite various presented methods. MR image of human brain can be divided into several sub-regions especially soft tissues such as gray matter, white matter and cerebrospinal fluid. Although edge information is the main clue in image segmentation, it can't get a better result in analysis the content of images without combining other information. The segmentation of brain tissue in the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is very important for detecting the existence and outlines of tumors. In this thesis , an algorithm about segmentation based on the symmetry character of brain MRI image is presented. Our goal is to detect the position and boundary of tumors automatically. Experiments were conducted on real pictures, and the results show that the algorithm is flexible and convenient.Reference [1] Yu-Ning Liu Chung-Han Huang, Wei-Lun Chao, "DIP: Final project report Image segmentation based on the normalized cut framework", Volume-2, pp124-189. [2] Chin-Ya Huang, Mon-Ju Wu , "Image Segmentation", ECE 533 Final Project, Fall2006 University of Wisconsin- Madison, pp 1-3. [3] B. Peng, L. Zheng and J. Yang, "Iterated Graph Cuts for Image Segmentation", Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV'09), Xi'an, China, September 2009, pp.23-27. [4] Sharma, G., Yrzel, M.J., Trussel, H.J. " Color imaging for multimedia" , Proceedings of the IEEE, 86(6), 1998, pp- 1088-1108. [5] Wenbing Tao, Hai, Yimin Zhang Jin, "Color Image Segmentation Based on Mean Shift and Normalized Cuts", IEEE Trans. On System Man and Cybernetics-Part B, Volume 37, No. 5, Oct 2007, pp-1382-1389. |
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18. | Multimedia Content Based Image Retrieval Iii: Local Tetra Pattern
Multimedia Content Based Image Retrieval Iii: Local Tetra PatternAbstract: Content Based Image Retrieval methods face several challenges while presentation of results and precision levels due to various specific applications. To improve the performance and address these problems a novel algorithm Local Tetra Pattern (LTrP) is proposed which is coded in four direction instead of two direction used in Local Binary Pattern (LBP), Local Derivative Pattern (LDP) andLocal Ternary Pattern(LTP).To retrieve the images the surrounding neighbor pixel value is calculated by gray level difference, which gives the relation between various multisorting algorithms using LBP, LDP, LTP and LTrP for sorting the images. This method mainly uses low level features such as color, texture and shape layout for image retrieval.Key words: Content Based Image Retrieval(CBIR),Local Binary Pattern, Local Derivative Pattern, Local Ternary Pattern, Local Ternary pattern(LTrP). Reference [1] S. Calderara, R. Cucchiara and A. Prati "Multimedia surveillance: Content-based retrieval with multicamera people tracking", Proc. ACM Int. Workshop VideoSurveillance and Sensor Networks (VSSN 2006), 2006 [2] Del Bimbo and P. Pala "Content-based retrieval of 3D models", ACM Trans. Multimedia Computing, Commun. Applic., vol. 2, no. 1, 2006, pp.20 -43. [3] T. Ahonen, A. Hadid, and M. Pietikainen, "Face recognition with local binary patterns," Proceedings of 8th European Conf. Computer Vision, Prague, Czech Republic,2004, pp. 469-481 [4] Manas.M.N. Nagaraja.G.S. Rajashekaramurthy.s" Implementation of Content Based Image Retrieval using LBP and Avg RGB Algorithms"IJSRD,Vol 1,Issue 11,2014,pp2360-2363. [5] Nagaraja.G.S. Samir Sheriff, Raunaq Kumasr" Implementation Of Content Based Image Retrieval Using The CFSD Algorithms"IJRET,Vol 2, ISSUE 1,JAN 2013,pp 75-79. |
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19. | Pitch and Formants Estimation of Enhanced Noisy Compressed Speech Signal Corrupted By Real World Noise Using Recursive FilterPitch and Formants Estimation of Enhanced Noisy Compressed Speech Signal Corrupted By Real World Noise Using Recursive FilterAbstract: Speech compression, enhancement and recognition in noisy, reverberant conditions is a challenging task. In this paper a new approach to this problem, which is developed in the framework of probabilistic random modeling. speech coding techniques are commonly used in low bit rate analysis and synthesis . Coding algorithms seek to minimize the bit rate in the digital representation of a signal without an objectionable loss of signal quality in the process. As the compression techniques that are used are Lossy compression technique and there is every possibility of loss in quality. Speech enhancement aims to improve speech quality by using various algorithms. This paper deals with multistage vector quantization technique used for coding (compression) of narrow band speech signal. The parameter used for coding of speech signals are the line spectral frequencies, so as to ensure filter stability after quantization. The code books used for quantization are generated by using Linde, Buzo and Gray(LBG) algorithm. The existing Speech enhancement techniques like spectral subtraction and Kalman filters performances are compared with the proposed recursive filter and approach yields significantly estimating the parameters like signal to noise ratio subjected to white Gaussian Noise and Real time noise signals.Key words: Linear predictive Coding, Multi stage vector quantization, Line Spectral Frequencies (LSF). Reference [1] Maloji Suman, Habibulla Khan, M.Madhavi Latha, D. Aruna Kumari " Compression of Speech Signals using MSVQ and its Enhancement using Spectral Subtraction & Kalman filter and its performance comparisions", IEEE-ICARET 2013 held during Feb 8-9,2013. [2] Maloji Suman, Habibulla Khan, M. Madhavi Latha, D. Aruna Kumari " Compression of Speech Signals using MSVQ and its Enhancement using Spectral Subtraction & Kalman filter" , International Conference on Control System and Power Electronics – CSPE 2012 is held during Dec 03-04, 2012, Chennai, India, organized by Springer and ACEEE. [3] Maloji Suman, Habibulla Khan, M. Madhavi Latha, D. Aruna Kumari "Speech Enhancement and Recognition of Compressed Speech Signal in Noisy Reverberant Conditions " Springer -Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing (AISC) Volume 132, 2012, pp 379-386. [4] M.suman, K.S.N Murthy,V.Sri ram,N.Sai koteswara rao,B.P.Krishna" speech enhancement using Recursive Filter" in International journal of engineering research and applications(IJERA) vol:2,issue:4,june-july 2012. [5] M.Suman, K.B.N.Prasanna Kumar, K.Kavindra Kumar, G. Phrudhi Teja" A new approach on Compression of Speech Signals using MSVQ and its Enhancement Using Spectral Subtraction under Noise free and Noisy Environment" in Advances in Digital Multimedia ,Vol. 1, No. 1, March 2012,World Science Publisher, United States. |
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20. | Impacts of Irrigation and Drought on Salem Ground Water
Impacts of Irrigation and Drought on Salem Ground WaterAbstract: This investigation is the first of three phases of a ground-water management study. In this report, effects of irrigation and drought on the ground-water resources of Salem are examined. Irrigation water use for five soil types is estimated from a monthly water budget model on the basis of precipitation and temperature data from the last 30 years at selected weather stations across Salem. Moisture deficits are computed for each soil type on the basis of the water requirements of a corn crop. It is assumed that irrigation is used to make up the moisture deficit in those places where irrigation systems already exist. Irrigation water use from each township with irrigated acreage is added to municipal and industrial ground-water use data and then compared to aquifer potential yields. The spatial analysis is accomplished with a statewide geographic information system. An important distinction is made between the seasonal effects of irrigation water use and the annual or long-term effects. The model is tested for its sensitivity to weather variation; seasonal water deficits are calculated by using data from extreme growing seasons and extended drought periods. The effect of increasing the amount of irrigated land by 50 percent is also considered for normal weather conditions and droughts. The effect of variable irrigation demand on ground-water resources is expressed as the ratio of ground-water use to ground-water potential yield for each township. This is done to highlight regions most susceptible to ground-water stress because of drought or increased irrigation by showing where use could exceed yield. The sensitivity of the results is not tested for variations in spatial aggregation. This will be one of the primary tasks in subsequent study phases. Results show that irrigation is a substantial seasonal consumptive ground water use in Salem, with the potential for growth. However, present effects appear to be localized and highly dependent on weather conditions. Some potential for seasonal or temporary overpumpage may exist in the heavily irrigated areas during years with below-normal precipitation or during extended droughts. The aquifers being used for irrigation appear to have the ability to recover from present irrigation demands without suffering significant depletion, implying that the annual effect of irrigation is currently relatively minimal. The exception to this may be during extended drought periods, especially if widespread expansion of irrigation practices also occurs in the state. A 50 percent expansion of irrigation would appear to have surprisingly little additional impact on ground-water resources under most climatic conditions. That degree of growth around currently irrigated land would result in expanded irrigation areas still within reach of the productive, high-yielding aquifers already being pumped for irrigation. A much larger degree of irrigation expansion into areas with heavier-textured soils is possible in Salem.Key words: Moisture,, Remote sensing, Potential, Ground water Using Gis, Aquifers. Reference [1]. Babaria, N.B., Solanki, M.S., Ardeshana, A.V. and Barad, V.G. "Quality of Underground Irrigation Waters of Saurashtra Region". [2]. Barraque, B. (1997). "Groundwater Management in Europe: regulatory, organizational and institutional change. How to cope with degrading groundwater quality in Europe, Stockholm. [3]. Bhatia, Bela (1992). "Lush Fields and Parched Throats: Political Economy of Groundwater in Gujarat", Economic and Political Weekly, Vol.27, No.51- 52. [4]. Briscoe, J, (1996). "Water Resources Supply and Management Issues in Chennai (Formerly Madras)". World Bank: Washington DC. [5]. Briscoe, John and Malik, R.P.S. (2006). "India's Water Economy: Bracing for a Turbulent Future". The World Bank. Oxford University Press, New Delhi. T. Subramani, K. Prasath, P. Velmurugan, V. Baskaran |
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21. | Design and Improvement of Microstrip Patch Antenna Parameters Using Defected Ground Structure
Design and Improvement of Microstrip Patch Antenna Parameters Using Defected Ground StructureAbstract: In this paper simple RMPA is designed and its performance parameters are compared with RMPA having defected ground plane. The antenna is simulated at 2.4 GHz using CAD-FEKO simulation software .This work mainly includes modification of antenna ground plane called as Defected Ground Structure (DGS). The parameters of antenna such as Reflection coefficient, Gain, VSWR and Band width, with and without DGS are measured. The main focus of this paper is to improve band width so that patch antenna is used for wide band applications and study effect of DGS on antenna parameters.Key words: CAD-FEKO, Defected Ground Structure (DGS), Reflection coefficient, Rectagular Microstrip Patch Antenna (RMPA), VSWR . Reference [1] Lovellen cheema , Krishan Kumar ,Desigm of microstrip patch antenna with DGS For ultra Wideband Applications, IJARCCE Vol2, issue 7, jully 2013 ISSN: 2319-590 . [2] Nitin Muchhal, Abishek Vishway, A Compact Double U Slotted Micro Strip Patch Antenna for GSM and Wimax Applications , IJCEA Vol 04, Article F072, June 2013 [3] Sakshi Kapoor, Davinder Parkash, Efficient Microstrip Fed Rectangular Patch Antenna with DGS for WLAN & WiMAX Applications, IJERA Vol. 2, Issue 6, November- December 2012, pp.044-047 [4] Bharti Gupta, Sangeeta Nakhate, Madhu Shandilya ,Compact Ultra Wideband Microstrip Antenna with Modified Ground Plane for Bandwidth Enhancement, International Journal of Computer Applications Volume 49– No.19, July 2012, (0975 – 8887) [5] Rajeshwar Lal Dua, Himanshu Singh, 2.45 GHz Microstrip Patch Antenna with Defected Ground Structure for Bluetooth, IJSCE, ISSN: 2231-2307, Volume-1, January 2012 P. A. Nawale, Prof. R.G. Zope |
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22. | Failure Analysis and Redesign of Shaft of Overhead Crane
Failure Analysis and Redesign of Shaft of Overhead CraneAbstract: This paper deals with the failure analysis and redesign of shaft of overhead crane having capacity 25 tonne. There is problem of failure of the shaft in gear box which is mounted on the crane. The shaft breakage occurred due to dynamic, alternating low tensile– compressive stresses and simultaneous torsional load. An overhead crane is mechanical equipment for lifting and lowering a load and moving it horizontally, with the hoisting mechanism which is an integral part of the machine.To carry out the failure analysis of shaft it is necessary to model the shaft in any modelling software like PRO-E, CATIA etc. Then analysis of existing shaft is done analytically and with ANSYS11. The shaft is then redesigned with suitable material available in data book of machine design and then analysis of new design of shaft is done with the help of ANSYS-11 software. Key words: Shaft failure, Overhead crane, failure analysis, stresses. Reference [1] Amol Kurle, Laukik P. Raut, ―A Review on Design and Development of Eccentric Shaft for Cotton Ginning Machine‖, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) Vol. 2 Issue 1, January- 2013 ISSN: 2278-0181. [2] Sumit P. Raut, Laukik P. Raut, ―A Review of Various Techniques Used for Shaft Failure Analysis‖, International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science Volume 2, Issue 2, Feb-Mar 2014ISSN 2091-2730. [3] Osman Asi, ―Fatigue failure of a rear axle shaft of an automobile‖, ‗Engineering failure analysis 13 1293–1302'. [4] James J. Scutti, Massachusetts Materials Research, Inc.; William J. McBrine, ALTRAN Corporation, ―Introduction to Failure Analysis and Prevention‖, ASM International. [5] Austin h. Bonnett, ―Cause, Analysis and Prevention of motor shaft failures‖, 1998 IEEE. Sumit P. Raut, Laukik P. Raut |
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23. | Variation of Front Amplitude, Front Speed, Front Spread In Porous Media for Different Solid Medium of Same Particle Size during Oscillating Flow
Variation of Front Amplitude, Front Speed, Front Spread In Porous Media for Different Solid Medium of Same Particle Size during Oscillating FlowAbstract: This paper deals with the effect of oscillatory flow on front amplitude, front speed, front spread in porous media for different solid medium of same particle size at different Reynolds number. The solid material of 6.5mm is used as spherical balls of steel and glass material. Normal water is used as a fluid. The size of porous bed is less than the 1/10 of diameter of the tube. The steel spherical balls of diameter 6.5 mm constitute a porous bed which will act as Steel Water Bed and glass spherical balls of diameter 6.5 mm constitute a porous bed which will act as Glass Water Bed. The front amplitude of steel water bed was found to be decreasing with distance and value was low as compared to glass water bed. The value for front speed of Steel water bed was higher in comparison to the glass water bed. Front spread is observed for hot phase. The value for front spread of steel water bed was higher in compression to the glass water bed.Key words: Oscillatory, Porous media, Voids. Reference [1] A. Lamorlette and O. S_ero-Guillaume "A numerical study of global convective heat transfer coefficient in two-energy equation model for convection in three dimensional porous media with buoyancy effects", 5th European Thermal-Sciences Conference, The Netherlands, 2008, LEMTA UMR 7563. [2] D.A. Nield, A.V. Kuznetsov "The effects of combined horizontal and vertical heterogeneity on the onset of convection in a porous medium" International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 54, Issues 25–26, December 2011, Pages 5595-5601 [3] H.Y. Li, K.C. Leong, L.W. Jin, J.C. Chai "Analysis of fluid flow and heat transfer in a channel with staggered porous blocks", International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Volume 49, Issue 6, June 2010, Pages 950-962. [4] K.C. Leong and L.W. Jin "An experimental study of heat transfer in oscillating flow through a channel filled with aluminium foam", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 48, Issue 2, January 2005, Pages 243-253. [5] Mehmet Turgay Pamuk and Mustafa Özdemir "Heat transfer in porous media of steel ball under oscillating flow", Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Volume 42, April 2012, Pages 79-92. Simranjeet Singh, Beant Singh, Umesh Gera, Gurkirat Singh |
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24. | Impact Analysis of Denial of Service (DoS) due to Packet Flooding
Impact Analysis of Denial of Service (DoS) due to Packet FloodingAbstract: In the current scenario, it is noticed that when a server reached to its threshold value then there is situation of packet flooding. Flooding can arise in two ways first when many user make request to the server at same instant of time and other when a single user makes a huge number of requests intentionally to jam the network traffic for that particular server. This intentionally arise situation is called as Denial of Service (DoS) attack. DoS attacks are gigantic threat to internet users and websites. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) is an improvised approach for restricting the legitimate users to use intended service. DDoS attacker uses software vulnerabilities of other computer system on the network in order to setup the attacking network for the victim.In this paper, the focus will be on the behavior of server or victim machine regarding various parameters under DoS attack by using LAN network simulated on OPNET Modeler. It provides model families, that can be used for simulation and record various parameters as realistic value. Key words: DoS Impact, Opnet, Flooding, Retransmission, Delay Reference [1] Douligeris, C. and Mitrokotsa, A. (2009). DDoS attacks and defense mechanisms: a classification. [2] Bhange, A. et al. (2012). DDoS Attacks Impact on Network Traffic and its Detection Approach. In Proc of International Journal of Computer Applications. ISSN 0975–8887 Vol. 40 No.11. [3] Krishna Chaitanya, D. and Arindam, G. (2007). Analysis of Denial-of-Service attacks on Wireless Sensor Networks Using Simulation. Middlesex University. [4] Arun Raj Kumar, P. and S. Selvakumar (2009). Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Threat in Collaborative Environment- A Survey on DDoS Attack Tools and Traceback Mechanisms. In Proc of IEEE International Advance Computing Conference (IACC 2009) Patiala, India, 6-7 March 2009. [5] Priyadharshini, V. and Kuppusamy, K. (2012). Prevention of DDoS Attacks using New Cracking Algorithm. International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), Vol. 2, Issue 3, May-Jun 2012, pp.2263-2267 ISSN: 2248-9622. Dr. Deepak Arora, Puneet Singh And Vineet Singh |
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25. | Network Life Enhancement in Wireless Sensor Network
Network Life Enhancement in Wireless Sensor NetworkAbstract: In Wireless Sensor Network the main focus is on developing a mechanism to extend the network lifetime by energy balancing. To achieve this, LEACH (Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchical) protocol and LEACH-CC (Leach-Centralized with Chain) protocol is used. But LEACH and LEACH-CC have some limitations that are overcome by Group based routing protocol which is presented in this paper. In this study the nodes are grouped into one group that lies in the same range which senses the similar data from the field in which nodes are deployed in. Each group has only one active node for sensing the data and others are at sleep mode which increases the lifetime of network by saving the energy used in transmitting the duplicate data. Two base station locations are used to overcome the hotspot problem and to reduce the distance problem. The results shows that Group based routing protocol perform better than LEACH and LEACH-CC and extend the lifetime of network.Key words: Base station, LEACH, LEACH-CC, Threshold energy, Sensor Node, Wireless sensor network Reference [1] W. R. Heinzelman, A. Chandrakasan, and H. Balakrishnan, "Energy efficient communication protocol for wireless micro sensor networks," in 33rd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2000, pp. 3005 – 3014. [2] Jianguo SHAN, Lei DONG, Xiaozhong LIAO, Liwei SHAO , Zhigang GAO, Yang GAO, "Research on Improved LEACH Protocol of Wireless Sensor Networks",PRZEGLĄD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY, ISSN 0033-2097, R. 89 NR 1b/2013. [3] Baiping Li, Xiaoqin Zhang, "Research and Improvement of LEACH Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network", in International Conference on Information Engineering, 2012. [4] Rinku Kumar, Gaurav Dua, Sarita Chaudhary," Group Based Energy Efficient Scheduling in Wireless Sensor Networks", International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering", Volume 2, Issue 7, July 2012. Anjali, Saurabh Mittal |
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26. | Medical Applications of Laser Instruments
Medical Applications of Laser InstrumentsAbstract: This paper gives the explanation of different medical applications of LASER instruments in detail. This paper discusses their working principles along with their advantages and limitations. These instruments nowadays are excessively used, and it has made surgery easier. They are used in treatment of cancer, removal of tumors of vocal cords, brain surgery, plastic surgery, gynecology and oncology, etc.Key words: Light Amplification by stimulated emission of radiation (LASER), Computerized tomography (CT),Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI),Positron emission tomography (PET), Photodynamic therapy (PDT). Reference [1] Birkmeyer J, Siewers AE, Finlayson EVA, et al. Hospital Volume and Surgical Mortality in the United States . New EnglandJournal of Medicine. 2002;346:1128-37. [2] Begg C, Elyn R. Riedel ER, et al. Variations in morbidity after radical prostatectomy. The NewEngland Journal of Medicine. 2002; 346:1138-1144. [3] Hu J, Gold K, Pashos C, et al. Role of surgeon volume in radical prostatectomy outcomes. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2003:21: 401-405. [4] Hodgson DC , Zhang W, Zaslavsky AM. Relation of Hospital Volume to Colostomy Rates and Survival for Patients with Rectal Cancer. Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 2003;95:708 –716. [5] Agostinis P, Berg K, Cengel KA, et al. Photodynamic therapy of cancer: An update. CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians. 2011;61(4): 250-281. Ms. Nishi Shahnaj Haider, Mr. Sibu Thomas |
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27. | Solid Waste Bin Monitoring Using Zig –Bee
Solid Waste Bin Monitoring Using Zig –BeeAbstract: Through the history, the significant amount of solid waste generated by humans was due to low population density and low levels of the exploitation of natural resources. Common waste produced during pre-modern times was mainly ashes and human biodegradable waste, which were released into the ground locally, with minimal environment impact. Tools made out of metal or woods were generally reused or passed down the generations and generations . However, in mid-19th century, due to cholera outbreaks and the emergence of a public health debate that the first legislation on this solid waste issue emerged. the report The Sanitary Condition of the Labouring Population in 1842 of the social reformer, Edwin Chadwick, in which he argued for the importance of adequate waste removal and management facilities to improve the health and wellbeing of the city's population was highly effective.Key words: ARM 7, GSM, Solid Waste, Waste Management, Zig Bee Reference [1] 1)Latifah, A., Mohd, A. A., & NurIlyana, M. (2009) . Municipal solid waste management in Malaysia: Practices and challenges. Waste Management, 29,2902-2906. [2] 2)Maher Arebey,M.A.Hannan ,Hassan Basri ,R A Begum and Huda Abdullah "Overview for Solid Waste Bin Monitoring and Collection System" [3] 3)Vicentini, F. Giusti, A., Rovetta, A., Fan, X., He, Q., Zhu, M., & Liu, B. (2008). Sensorized waste collection container for content estimation and collection optimization. Waste Management.29, 1467-1472. [4] 4)Md. Shafiqul Islam, Maher Arebey, M.A. Hannan, Hasan Basri,Zig Bee Based Waste Bin Monitoring System , 2012 International Conference on Innovation, Management and Technology Research (ICIMTR2012), Malacca, Malaysia,21-22 May, 2012. [5] 5)Hassan, M. N. Chong, T. L., & Rahman. M. M. (2005). Solid Waste Management-What's The Malaysian Position. Seminar Waste to Energy, Universiti Putra Malaysia. Mrs. Kanchan Mahajan, Prof. J. S. Chitode |
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28. | Model for The Diffusionof Biogenic Gases In Heterogeneous Reservoirs Undergoing Transient Flow
Model for The Diffusionof Biogenic Gases In Heterogeneous Reservoirs Undergoing Transient FlowAbstract: Microbially enhanced petroleum reservoirs confirms a recovery of about 30-40 % residual oil, with an integral composition of wide range of oil recovery mechanisms including wettability alteration by biosurfactant production, selective plugging of highly permeable channels by biopolymer production, creating fluid flow channels in carbonate reservoirs by rock dissolution attributed to bioacid formation, and a range of other exploitable recovery techniques. This study presents an investigation of biogenic gas produced in-situ and its concentration profile across the reservoir. An increasing concentration trend in the grids was observed and these increments were owed to the fact that diffusion of the biogenic occurred. It was also observed that after 40days of Desulfovibro injection, the produced CO2 across the reservoir was tending towards being even in values of concentration, implying that diffusion rate was approaching a zero value. Also, the distorting effect of reservoir heterogeneity on biogenic gas concentration profile was also resolved by adopting the method of averaging for permeability and porosity in the reservoir.Key words: Biogenic gases, Concentration, Heterogeneity, Microbes Reference [1] L.K. Jang, M. M. Sharma and T. F. Yen.(1984). "The transport of bacteria in porous media and its significance in microbial enhanced oil recovery". SPE-12770 presented at California Regional Meeting, Long Beach, California, USA, pp 11–13. [2] D. Dejun, L. Chenglong, J. Quanyi,W. Pingcang, .and F.L. Dietrich.(1999). "Systematic Extensive Studies of Microbial EOR Application Results in Chanqing Oilfield." SPE Paper 54380, in proceedings of the 1999 SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Jakarta, Indonesia, April 20th -22nd , 1999. PP 1-9. [3] S. W. Webb,(1998)."Gas diffusion in porous media – evaluation of an advective-dispersive formulation and the dusty-gas model for binary mixtures".J. Porous Media 1, 187–199. [4] D. C. Thorstenson, and D. W. Pollock.( 1989): "Gas transport in unsaturated zones: multi-component systems and the adequacy of Fick's laws". Water Resour. Res. 25, PP 477–507. [5] E. Fathi, and I. Y. Akkutlu.(2008) .: "Counter-Diffusion and Competitive Adsorption Effects During CO2 Injection and Coalbed Methane Production", SPE 115482, paper presented at the 2008 SPEAnnual Technical Conference and Exhibition held in Denver, Colorado, USA. Nmegbu, Chukwuma Godwin Jacob |
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29. | Cloud-ERP Limitations and Benefits with Special Reference to Small & Medium Enterprises
Cloud-ERP Limitations and Benefits with Special Reference to Small & Medium EnterprisesAbstract: For any business whether Small and medium businesses (SMEs), an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system has become a needful application in order to manage the various resources and elements of enterprise. In current time many enterprises are using their personal ERP for managerial purpose but there are number of issues to be faced by them. A new technology in world of computer science named Cloud Computing (CC) is growing in enormous fashion which is highly efficient in terms of service providence. A number of researches have been done on this solution and this technology to make them more beneficial than previous ones. Here in this paper a model of ERP has been proposed over the cloud environment as combination of two (ERP & Cloud Computing) in order to give a solution for the problems faced in traditional ERPs in terms of data security cost and availability of computer resources.Key words: Enterprise Resource Planning(ERP), Cloud Computing(CC), Small and medium businesses (SMEs). Reference [1] Buyya, R., Yeo, C. S., Venugopal, S., Broberg, J., & Brandic, I. (2009). Cloud computing and merging IT platforms: Vision, hype, and reality for delivering computing as the 5th utility. Future Generation Computer Systems, 25(6), 599-616. Elsevier B.V. [2] Deep, A., Guttridge, P., Dani, S., & Burns, N. (2008). Investigating factors affecting ERP selection in made-to-order SME sector. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 19(4), 430-446. [3] Gupta, A. (2000). Enterprise resource planning: the emerging organizational value systems. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 100(3), 114-118. [4] Haddara, M. (2011). ERP adoption cost factors in SMEs. European, Mediterranean & Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems 2011 (Vol. 2011, pp. 130-141). Athens, Greece. [5] Kale, P. T., Banwait, S. S., & Laroiya, S. C. (2008). Enterprise Resource Planning Implementation in Indian SMEs : Issues and Challenges. XII Annual International Conference of Society of Operation Management (pp. 242-248). IIT Kanpur, India. Vaibhav Verma, Dr. Deepak Arora |
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30. | Adaptive Super-Spatial Prediction Approach For Lossless Image Compression
Adaptive Super-Spatial Prediction Approach For Lossless Image CompressionAbstract: Existing prediction based lossless image compression schemes perform prediction of an image data using their spatial neighborhood technique which can't predict high-frequency image structure components, such as edges, patterns, and textures very well which will limit the image compression efficiency. To exploit these structure components, adaptive super-spatial prediction approach is developed. The super-spatial prediction approach is adaptive to compress high frequency structure components from the grayscale image. The motivation behind the proposed prediction approach is taken from motion prediction in video coding, which attempts to find an optimal prediction of structure components within the previously encoded image regions. This prediction approach is efficient for image regions with significant structure components with respect to parameters as compression ratio, bit rate as compared to CALIC (Context-based adaptive lossless image coding).Key words: Adaptive Super-Spatial prediction approach, Bit Rate, Compression performance, Context-based adaptive lossless image coding (CALIC), structure components. Reference [1] X.Wu, N.Menon, "Context-based, adaptive, lossless image coding" , IEEE Trans., Commun., vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 437-444, Apr. 1997. [2] Hao Hu, "A study of CALIC", paper submitted to computer science & Electrical Engg. Department at university of Maryland Baltimore country, dec. 2004 [3] M.J .Weinberger, G. Seroussi, and G. Sapiro, "The LOCO-I lossless image compression algorithm: Principles and standardization into JPEG-LS," IEEE Trans. Image Process., vol. 9, no. 8,pp. 1309-1324,Aug. 2000. [4] Bajpai V, Goyal D., Debnath S., Tiwari A.K , "Multidirectional Gradient Adjusted Predictor," International Conference on Signal and Image Processing (ICSIP),pp. 349-352,Dec 2010. [5] J. Ziv, and A. Lempel, "A universal algorithm for sequential data compression," IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 337-343, May 1977. Arpita C. Raut, Dr. R. R Sedamkar |
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31. | To Implement Energy Efficient of Integer Unit by Higher Voltage Flip Flop Based on Minimum operating Dual Supply Voltage Techinque
To Implement Energy Efficient of Integer Unit by Higher Voltage Flip Flop Based on Minimum operating Dual Supply Voltage TechinqueAbstract: To achieve the most energy-efficient operation, this brief presents a circuit design technique for separating the power supply voltage (VDD) of flip-flops (FFs) from that of combinational circuits, called the higher voltage FF (HVFF). Although VDD scaling can reduce the energy, the minimum operating voltage (VDDmin) of FFs prevents the operation at the optimum supply voltage that minimizes the energy, because the VDDmin of FFs is higher than the optimum supply voltage. In HVFF, the VDD of combinational logic gates is reduced below the VDDmin of FFs while keeping the VDD of FFs at their VDDmin. This makes it possible to minimize the energy without power and delay penalties at the nominal supply voltage (1.2 V) as well as without FF topological difications. A four bit alu is designed in these paper by using dual supply voltage usig DSCH.Minimum operating voltage, subthreshold circuits, variations. Reference [1] A. W. Wang, B. H. Calhoun, and A. P. Chandrakasan, Sub-Threshold Design for Ultralow Power Systems. New York: Springer-Verlag, 2006. [2] H. Kaul, M. Anders, S. Mathew, S. Hsu, A. Agarwal, R. Krishnamurthy, and S. Borkar, ―A 320mV 56 μW 411 GOPS/Watt ultralow voltage motion estimation accelerator in 65 nm CMOS,‖ in IEEE Int. Solid- State Circuits Conf. Dig. Tech. Papers, Feb. 2008, pp. 316–317. [3] Y. Pu, J. P. Gyvez, H. Corporaal, and H. Yajun, ―An ultralow energy/frame multi-standard JPEG co-processor in 65 nm CMOS with sub/near-threshold power supply,‖ in IEEE Int. Solid-State Circuits Conf. Dig. Tech. Papers, Feb. 2009, pp. 146–147. [4] H. Kaul, M. A. Anders, S. K. Mathew, S. K. Hsu, A. Agarwal, R.K. Krishnamurthy, and S. Borkar, ―A 300 mV 494 GOPS/W reconfigurable dual-supply 4-way SIMD vector processing accelerator in 45 nm CMOS,‖ in IEEE Int. Solid-State Circuits Conf. Dig. Tech. Papers, Feb. 2009, pp. 260–261. [5] A. Agarwal, S. K. Mathew, S. K. Hsu, M. A. Anders, H. Kaul, F. Sheikh, R. Ramanarayanan, S. Srinivasan, R. Krishnamurthy, and S. Borkar, ―A 320 mV-to-1.2 V on-die fine-grained reconfigurable fabric for DSP/media accelerators in 32 nm CMOS,‖ in IEEE Int. Solid-State Circuits Conf. Dig. Tech. Papers, 2010, pp. 328–329. M. Subhashini, S. Rambabu |
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32. | Wind Solar Hybrid System Rectifier Stage Topology Simulation
Wind Solar Hybrid System Rectifier Stage Topology SimulationAbstract: This paper presents power-control strategies of a grid-connected hybrid generation system with versatile power transfer. The hybrid system allows maximum utilization of freely available renewable sources like wind and photovoltaic energies. This paper presents a new system configuration of the multi input rectifier stage for a hybrid wind and photovoltaic energy system. This configuration allows the two sources to supply the load simultaneously depending on the availability of the energy sources maximum power from the sun when it is available. An adaptive MPPT algorithm with a standard perturbs and observed method will be used for the Photo Voltaic system. The main advantage of the hybrid system is to give continuous power supply to the load. The gating pulses to the inverter switches are implemented with conventional and fuzzy controller. This hybrid wind-photo voltaic system is modeled in MATLAB/ SIMULINK environment. Simulation circuit is analyzed and results are presented for this hybrid wind and solar energy system.Renewable energy, Cuk converter, SEPIC converter, MPPT. Reference [1] Chen et al., "Multi-Input Inverter for Grid- Connected Hybrid PV/Wind Power System", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 22, May 2007. [2] A. Bakhashal et al., "A Hybrid Wind – Solar Energy System. A New Rectifier Stage Topology". [3] R. Bharanikumar and A. Nirmal Kumar, "Analysis of Wind Turbine Driven PM Generator with Power Converters", International Joural of Computer and Elecrical Engineering. Vol 2 (4), August 2010. [4] R. Billinaton and R. Karki, "Capacity Expansion of Small Isolated Power Systems Using PV and Wind Energy", IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 16 (4), November 2001. [5] D.C. Drago and G. Adrian, "Modeling of renewable hybrid energy sources", Scientific Bulletion of the Petru Major University of Tirgu Mures, Vol. 6, 2009. Anup M. Gakare, Subhash Kamdi |
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33. | Bacteria as a Filtration Loss Reducing Agent during Drilling
Bacteria as a Filtration Loss Reducing Agent during DrillingAbstract: One of the desired properties of a drilling mud is that it should minimize fluid loss from the wellbore into the surrounding permeable formation. It is preferable that the quantity of liquid lost to the surrounding formation and the thickness of the filter cake formed be held to a minimum. The fermentates employed for purposes of the invention are produced by the fermentation of carbohydrate solutions with bacteria of the genus Xanthomonas. Specific Xanthomonas organisms employed includes Xanthomonas begonia, Xanthomonas campestris, Xanthomonas hederae etc. Experimental work showed that fermentates produced by members of this genus have properties, which are used for purposes of this invention.Key words: Drilling Fluid, LCM, Filtration, Drilling Reference [1] M. Khodja, M. Khodja-Saber, J.P. Canselier, N. Cohaunt and F. Bergaya, Drilling Fluid Technology; Performance and Environmental Considerations. Business, Management and Economics, Products and Services From R&D to Final Solutions, 2010, 1-2. http://www.lifesciencesite.com/lsj/life0803/life0803p03_165_244.pdf [2] A.O. Olatunde, M.A. Usman, O.A. Oladafenan, T.A. Adeosan, O.E. Ufot, Improvement of Rheological Properties of Drilling Fluid Using Locally BasedMaterial,Petroleum and Coal, 54(1), 2011, 65-75. [3] R. Caen, Drilling Fluid History Overview,Drilling and Completion Fluids News and Information, 2012, 1. www.drillcompfluid.com [4] F.R. Krueger, Evaluation of Drilling Fluid Loss Additives Under Dynamic Conditions. Journal of Petroleum Technology, 15(1), 1963, 90-98. [5] F.G. Pelger, Microbes: The Practical and Safe Environmental Solution to Production Problems, Enhanced Production and Enhanced Oil Recovery, SPE 23955, 1992. Nmegbu, Chukwuma Godwin Jacob |
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1. | Thermal Analysis of Fin and Tube Heat Exchanger
Thermal Analysis of Fin and Tube Heat ExchangerAbstract: This paper studied experimentally the effect of heat transfer of fin and tube type heat exchanger for different mass flow rate of fluid. The thermal stresses induced on fin and tube is also studied by ansys software at steady state condition by changing the width of fin and diameter of tube. Readings were taken experimentally by changing mass flow rate of fluid at respective temperatures. Comparison was done on theoretically and experimentally obtained results. It is observed that as the width of fin increases thermal stresses on fin also increases. Likewise for tube, by varying diameter of tube different values of stress are obtained. It is also observed at full valve position maximum thermal stresses are induced on fin as well as tube.Key words: Fin and tube Heat Exchanger, Aluminum Fin, Copper Tube, Experimentation, Mass flow rate, Steady State thermal Stress. Reference [1] Stewart,S.W.,Shelton,S.V.,and Aspelund, K.A.DepartmentofMechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 771 Ferst Drive, Atlanta, GA 30324, U.S. (2003), "FINNED TUBE HEAT EXCHANGER OPTIMIZATION", 2nd International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics [2] Manish Mishra, Prasanta Kumar Das*, Mechanical Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India –721302, "OPTIMUM DESIGN OF CROSSFLOW PLATE-FIN HEAT EXCHANGERS THROUGH GENETIC ALGORITHM", International Journal of Heat Exchangers, (2004), Vol 5, Iss 2, Pg. 379-401 [3] N.Nagarani, Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, Anna university of technology, Coimbatore, K.S.R College ofTechnology,Tiruchengode-637215,Tamilnadu,India" EXPERIMENTAL HEAT TRANSFER ANALYSIS ON ANNULAR CIRCULAR AND ELLIPTICAL FINS", International Journal of Engineering Science and TechnologyVol. 2(7), (2010), Pg. 2839-2845 [4] Dr.M.Thirumarimurugan1*Dr.T.Kannadasan2 Prof.S.Gopalakrishnan3, 1* Selection Grade Lecturer, Department of Chemical Engineering, Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore- ,,2 Professor in Chemical Engineering, Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore and on other duty as Vice Chancellor i/c, Anna University Coimbatore, Coimbatore ,,3 Head of the Department, Department of Chemical Engineering, Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore-"Performance analysis of cross flow plate fin heat exchanger for Immiscible system using ANN", International Journal of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, July 2010, Volume 1, No. 1. [5] Ahmed F. Khudheyer and Mahmoud Sh. Mahmoud, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Nahrain University, Baghdad, Iraq, " NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF FIN-TUBE PLATE HEAT EXCHANGER BY USING CFD TECHNIQUE", ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, VOL. 6, NO. 7, JULY 2011 Ms N. B. Rairker, Prof A. V. Karmankar, Prof R. E. Thombre |
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2. | Noise Cancellation by Combining the Discrete Wavelet Transform With the Wiener Filter
Noise Cancellation by Combining the Discrete Wavelet Transform With the Wiener FilterAbstract: In this study by using noise-free signal estimation the reduction of noise in the image is being proposed. The dyadic stationary wavelet transform is used for both the wiener filter and in estimating the noise free signal. Finding a suitable filter bank and choosing other parameters of the wiener filter with respect to obtained signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is our goal. Testing was being performed on the standard images corrupted with the noise. The artificial interference was created from the generated white Gaussian noise, whose power spectrum was modified according to a model of the power spectrum of the image. The adaptive setting parameters of the filtering according to the level of interference in the input signal are being used to improve the filtering performance. The average SNR of the whole test database is increased by about 10.6 dB. The better results can be provided by using the provided algorithm than the classic wavelet wiener filterKey words: image, dyadic stationary wavelet transform, SNR, white Gaussian noise, Wiener filter, Reference [1] L. S¨ornmo and P. Laguna, Bioelectrical Signal Processing in Cardiac and Neurological Applications. New York: Academic, 2005. [2] H. A.Kestler, M.Haschka, W.Kratz, F.Schwenker, G. Palm, V.Hombach andM. Hoher, "De-noising of high-resolution ECG signals by combining the discrete wavelet transform with the Wiener filter," Comput. Cardiol., vol. 25, pp. 233–236, Sep. 1998. [3] V. X. Afonso, W. J. Tompkins, T. Q. Nguyen, K. Michler, and S. Luo, "Comparing stress ECG enhancement algorithms," IEEE Eng. Med. Biol.Mag., vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 37–44, May 1996. [4] S. Poornachandra, "Wavelet-based denoising using subband dependent threshold for ECG signals," Digital Signal Process., vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 49–55, Jan. 2008. [5] E.-S. A. El-Dahshan, "Genetic algorithm and wavelet hybrid scheme for ECG signal denoising," Telecomm. Syst., vol. 46, no. 3, pp. 209–215, Mar. 2011. T.Ramya Krishna, C.Rajeswari |
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3. | Modeling of Thin Film Solar Photovoltaic Based on Zno/Sns Oxide-Absorber Substrate Configuration
Modeling of Thin Film Solar Photovoltaic Based on Zno/Sns Oxide-Absorber Substrate ConfigurationAbstract: Due to increasing awareness for using clean energy and therefore greater demand for relying more on the renewable sources which solar photovoltaic are part of because they pose very little or no threat to the environment comparatively, there is growing pressure for reducing electricity generation costs from solar photovoltaic (PV) modules. Hence there is need for alternative new light absorbing materials that can provide conversion efficiencies which would be comparable to the current technologies based on crystalline silicon and CdTe or CIGS thin films at lower manufacturing costs and therefore providing cost effective solutions. In this paper we have evaluated the tin based absorber material (based on tin monosulfide; SnS) as the next generation of Photovoltaic cells that can provide the desired performance in the long term. Therefore it explores the potential use of tin mono-sulfide as photovoltaic material for conversion of light into electricity. Zinc Oxide (ZnO) thin films have been recognized as good candidates in photovoltaic devices acting as wide-band gap window layer. The results are presented through the numerical analysis done by AMPD-1D simulator tool to explore the possibility of using thin film and stable ZnO/SnS solar photovoltaic device with aim to achieve comparable conversion efficiencies. A baseline structure of SnS cell was explored in this work with thickness of SnS absorber layer up to 3 μm and .100 μm ZnO layer and showed reasonable efficiencies over 17%. At the end of our research we also suggest that future research efforts in device development should utilize the better suited back contact material (other than the rear metal contact copper that is investigated in this study), so that the efficiency of the device can be enhanced further.Key words: SnS, Tin Mono-sulfide, Solar Photovoltaic, Thin Film Solar Cells, AMPS-1D Reference [1] David Feldman, Robert Margolis, Ted James and Alan Goodrich, Photovoltaic System Pricing Trends: Historical, Recent and Near-Term Projections, 3rd ed., NREL, US Department of Energy, 2013. [2] "SunShot Initiative: Solar Program Highlights", U.S. Department of Energy,Washington,DC, http://www1.eere.energy. gov/solar/ sunshot/highlights.html, accessed 8th Feb, 2013 [3] Ayodhya Nath Tiwari, Advances in Thin Film PV: CIGS and CdTe, Towards High Efficiency and CostRreduction Concepts, Laboratory for Thin Films and Photovoltaics, Empa-Swiss Federal Laboratories for Material Science and Technology, Dubendorf, Switzerland, June 2013 [4] Vasilis Fthenakis, Sustainability Metrics for Extending Thin Film Photovoltaic to Terawatt Levels, Material Research Society Bulletin, Vol 37, 2012. [5] Julian Vidal; Stephan Lany; Mayeul d'Avezac; Alex Zunger; Andriy Zakutayev; Jason Francis and Janet Tate, Band Structure , Optical Properties and Defect Physics of the Photovoltaic Semiconductor SnS, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 100, 3rd ed., Jan. 2012. Anupam Verma, Pallavi Asthana |
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4. | Design and Performance Analysis of Water Chiller – A Research
Design and Performance Analysis of Water Chiller – A ResearchAbstract: A chiller is a device which cools a fluid by removing heat from it, either through a vapour – compression or absorption refrigeration cycle; with the key components being the compressor, condenser, evaporator and expansion device.. This paper emphasizes on studying the design procedure followed in the industries and performance evaluation of two different configruatons of 5 ton based chilling plant.The two such configurations studied are scroll compressor and plate heat evaporator and scroll compressor and shell and tube evaporator with R404A refrigerant.the results on basis of this experiment shows that the configruation scroll compressor and plate heat evaporator can give better results as compared to the configruation scroll compressor and shell and tube evaporator.Key words: cop, work done, Reference [1] M.W. Browne and P.K Bansal, Modelling of In-Situ Liquidchiller. International refrigeration and air conditioning. 2000 [2] M.W. Browne,2000 , An elemental NTU-s model for vapour-compression liquid chiller. International journal refrigeration. 24 ,2001 612-627 [3] K.T Chan, 2001 ,Energy performance of chillers with water mist assisted air cooled condensers.International building performance association 12th conference. [4] K.A Manske ,2001, Evaporative cooling control in industrial refrigeration systems.International journal of refrigeration vol 4 ,no 7,pp 676-691- [5] C.V Le P.k Bansal, J.D Tedford ,Three zone system simulation model of a multiple chiller plant. Applied thermal energy vol 24 2004, 1995-2015. Mr. Jayesh S Arya, Dr. Neeraj K. Chavda |
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5. | Fundamental Difficulties Associated With Underwater Wet Welding
Fundamental Difficulties Associated With Underwater Wet WeldingAbstract: The offshore industries carry out welding activities in the wet environment. It is evident that the wet environments possess difficulties in carrying out underwater welding. Therefore there is the need to improve the quality of weld achieved in underwater welding. This paper investigates the difficulties associated with underwater welding. The objective of this research paper is to identify and analyze the different difficulties in underwater welding so as to make a clear background for further research to identifying the processes of eliminating these difficulties. The major difficulties in underwater welding are the cooling rate of the weld metal and arc stability during underwater wet welding at a higher depth. Methods of decreasing the cooling rate of weld metal and how to achieve arc stability are the major methods of approach. The result of welds achieved in underwater welding will be much improved as compared to air welding if the effects of the difficulties associated with underwater welding are eliminated. This will lead to a more robust welding activities being carried out underwater.Key words: Arc stability, Cooling rate, Porosity, Underwater welding, Water depth Reference [1] J. Labanowski, "Development of underwater welding techniques," Welding International, vol. 25, no. 12, pp. 933 - 937, 2011. [2] K. Verma and H. Garg, "Underwater welding - Recent trends and future scope," International Journal on Emerging Technologies, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 115 - 120, 2012. [3] AWS, "Underwater welding code," AWS, USA, 2010. [4] P. J. Keenan, "Thermal insulation of wet shielded metal arc welds," MIT, USA, 1993. [5] V. R. Santos, "Development of an oxyrutile electrode for wet welding," Welding Journal, vol. 91, pp. 318-328, 2012. |
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6. | Privacy Preservation of Data in Data Mining
Privacy Preservation of Data in Data MiningAbstract: For data privacy against an un-trusted party, Anonymization is a widely used technique capable of preserving attribute values and supporting data mining algorithms. The technique deals with Anonymization methods for users in a domain-driven data mining outsourcing. Several issues emerge when anonymization is applied in a real world outsourcing scenario. The majority of methods have focused on the traditional data mining approach; therefore they do not implement domain knowledge nor optimize data for domain-driven usage. So, existing techniques are mostly non-interactive in nature, providing little control to users.To successfully obtain optimal data privacy and actionable patterns in a real world setting, these concerns need to be addressed. The technique is based on anonymization framework for users in a domain-driven data mining outsourcing scenario. The framework involves several components designed to anonymize data while preserving meaningful or actionable patterns that can be discovered after mining. In the medical field, for enhancing the quality and importance of healthcare, data mining plays an important role. For example classification analysis on patients data to determine their probability of having heart disease, so, appropriate actions can be taken, thus enhancing treatment, saving time and cost. It is helpful to anonymize data while preserving meaningful of actionable patterns that can be found after mining. Key words: DDDM, GT, BT Reference [1] Longbing Cao "DDDM challenges and prospectus " june 2010,755-769 [2] Longbing Cao, Philip S. Yu, Chengqi Zhang, Yanchang Zhao "Domain Driven Data Mining" [3] G. Aggarwal, T. Feder, K. Kenthapadi, S. Khuller, R. Panigrahy, D. Thomas, and A. Zhu. "Achieving anonymity via clustering". In PODS, 2006. [4] Josep Domingo-Ferrer and Vicenc¸ Torra "A Critique of k-Anonymity and Some of Its Enhancements". 3 International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security [5] V.Narmada "An enhanced security algorithm for distributed databases in privacy preserving data ases" (IJAEST) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OFADVANCED ENGINEERING SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGIES". Prachi Kohale, Sheetal Girase |
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7. | Optimizing the Dyeing Process of Alkali-Treated Polyester Fabric with Dolu Natural Dye
Optimizing the Dyeing Process of Alkali-Treated Polyester Fabric with Dolu Natural DyeAbstract: An attempt has been made to optimize the process of dyeing polyester (PET) fabric with natural dyes. Polyester has been first treated with NaOH solution in order to study its impact on the dyeability to the natural dye. The required and used colour component was extracted from a natural plant, namely: Rhubarb; Rheum officinale. The chemical structure of the used colouring matter is observed to have all the characteristics of a typical disperse dye.The colour strength of PET fabric was noticed to increase as a result of alkali treatment which may be attributed to the alteration in the hydrophobicity of polyester fibre. The most effective parameters that may affect the dye uptake of the natural dye on alkali-treated PET fabric and the final dyeing properties including dye bath pH, dyeing temperature and time were studied in details. The behaviour of the selected and used natural dye was found to be similar to that of disperse dyes. Addition of salicylic acid to the dye bath accelerated the rate of dyeing and subsequently higher colour strength was attained. Non- ionic dispersing agent was also used to ensure better dyeing uniformity and higher dispersion stability of dye liquor. It is obvious from this study that natural dyes can produce bright colour hues and colour fastness properties equivalent to those of synthetic disperse dyes. Thus, natural dyes may be considered as an eco- friendly alternative to the synthetic ones. Key words: Polyester, natural dye, Rhubarb, dyeing, alkali- treated polyester. Reference [1] B. H. Patel, B. J. Agarwal and H. M. Patel, Colourage, V.50 (1), P.21, (2003). [2] B. Glover and H. P. Jeffrey, JSDC, V.109 (1), P. 5, (1993). [3] H. T. Lokhand, D. A. Vishnu and S. R. Naik, Amer. D. Reptr., V.87 (9), P. 40, (1998). [4] M. M. Marie, R. M. Mohamed, Y. M. El- Hamaky and M. F. Abd Elhamid, 1st Inter. Conf. Text. Res. Div., NRC, Cairo, Egypt, March 2- 4 (2004). [5] A. Agarwal, A. Garg and K.C. Gupta, Colourage, V. 39 (10), P. 43, (1992). M.F. Shahin, R.M. Ahmed and M.M. Marie |
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8. | Under Ground Cable Sizing Using MATLAB
Under Ground Cable Sizing Using MATLABAbstract: The main theme of this paper is to explain the procedure to calculate the cross sectional area of a conductor of an underground cable for a specified power & voltage ratings. This paper will also explain one of the simplest ways to calculate the cross section. In this paper we analyzed various factors that effect in deciding the ampacity of the conductor. We developed a Mat lab code to find the cross sectional area by including some of the parameters and also the voltage drop , maximum permissible voltage drop for that size of the conductor and also the number of runs of the cable that are to be laid.Key words: Conduction cross section, derating factor, XLPE cable, MATLAB Reference [1] Tropothen-X cables: Cable Corporation of India Ltd. [2] R. (Dick) Hardie, Aberdare Cables (Pty) Ltd: "Electric Power Cables-Whatever Happened to the Factor of Safety?" [3] Stephen W. Fardo, Dale R. Patrick:"Electrical Power Systems Technology: 3rd Edition". [4] Stephen. J.Chapman: "MATLAB Programming for engineers, 4th Edition" [5] J.B.Gupta: "Electrical Power Systems", 3rd edition. B. V. R. Uday Kiran, A. V. Raghava Ram, K. Jitendra |
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9. | Reduction of Static Power with Minimized Ground Bounce Noise Using Sleep Signal Slew Rate Modulation In 45nm Technology
Reduction of Static Power with Minimized Ground Bounce Noise Using Sleep Signal Slew Rate Modulation In 45nm TechnologyAbstract: In MTCMOS Integrated Circuit design there exists a significant trade-off between static power consumption and technology scaling. In Modern circuits increase in power dissipation is significant due to combination of higher clock speeds, greater functional integration and smaller process geometries resulting in dominant static power consumption component. This is a big challenge for the circuit designer. However, the designers do have few methods like sleep transistor approach, sleepy stack approach to reduce this static power consumption. However all of these methods do have their own drawbacks. In order to achieve lower static power consumptions one has to sacrifice area and circuit performance metrics. In this paper we propose a new enhancement to available static power reduction techniques by modulating the sleep signal slew rate. We have designed the basic CMOS circuits in MTCMOS to achieve significant reduction in Static power consumption. For Sleep signal slew rate modulation we have proposed a modulator called triple phase sleep signal slew rate modulator. By using this Triple Phase Sleep signal modulator(TPS) we can control the noise at ground distribution network (ground bounce noise) produced during sleep to active state transition. By using TPS we can decrease the reactivation time to a recognizable extent, along with reduced power (static and dynamic) dissipation.Key words: Power and Ground bouncing noise, reactivation time, sleep signal rise delay, static power reduction. Reference [1]. Md. Asif Jahangir Chowdhury, Md. Shahriar Rizwan, and M. S. Islam, "An Efficient VLSI Design Approach To Reduce Static power using Variable Body Biasing," in World Academy Of Science, Engineering and Technology 64 2012. [2]. H. Jiao and V. Kursun, "Reactivation Noise Suppression With Sleep Signal Slew Rate Modulation in MTCMOS Circuits," IEEE Trans. VLSI Systems, Reg. Papers, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 533–545, Mar. 2013. [3]. B. H. Calhoun, F. A. Honoré, and A. P. Chandrakasan, "A leakage reduction methodology for distributed MTCMOS," IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 39, no. 5, pp. 818–826, May 2004. [4]. H. Jiao and V. Kursun, "Ground-bouncing-noise-aware combinational MTCMOS circuits," IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I, Reg. Papers, vol. 57, no. 8, pp. 2053–2065, Aug. 2010. [5]. H. Jiao and V. Kursun, "Tri-mode operation for noise reduction and data preservation in low-leakage multi-threshold CMOS circuits," in VLSI SoC: Forward-Looking Trends in IC and System Design, J. L. Ayala, D. A. Atienza, and R. Reis, Eds. New York: Springer-Verlag, 2012, pp. 258–290. M. Naga Pramod Reddy, P. Madhu Kumar |
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10. | The matrix method to calculate page rank
The matrix method to calculate page rankAbstract: Choosing the right keywords is relatively easy, whereas getting a high PageRank is more complicated. The index Page Rank is what defines the position in the result pages of search engines (for Google of course, but the other engines are now using more or less the same kind of algorithm). It is therefore very important to understand how this type of algorithm functions to hope to appear on the first page of results (the only page read in 95 % of cases) or at least be among the first. We propose in this paper to clarify the operation of this algorithm using a matrix method and a JavaScript program enabling to experience this type of analysis. It is of course a simplified version, but it can add value to the website and achieve a high ranking in the search results and reach a larger customer base. The interest is to disclose an algorithm to calculate the relevance of each page. This is in fact a mathematical algorithm based on a web graph. This graph is formed of all the web pages that are modeled by nodes, and hyperlinks that are modeled by arcs.Key words: Algorithm google, SEO, page rank, Network, backlink, in page, off page. Googlebot, matrix Reference [1]. D.R.W. Holton, I. Nafea, M. Younas, I. Awan. A class-based scheme for E-commerce web servers: Formal specification and performance evaluation. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Volume 32, Issue 2, March 2009, Pages 455-460. [2]. Olivier Andrieu, Réussir son référencement web : Stratégie et techniques SEO, Eyrolles - Edition 2014 (16 décembre 2013) [3]. Alexander Nazin, Boris Polyak, Adaptive randomisée algorithme pour trouver le vecteur propre de la matrice stochastique avec application de PageRank (48e Conférence IEEE-Décembre 16-18, 2009) [4]. Faisal Nabi. Secure business application logic for e-commerce systems Original Research Article Computers & Security, Volume 24, Issue 3, May 2005, Pages 208-217 [5]. Isabelle Canivet-Bourgaux, Référencement Mobile : Web analytics & stratégie de contenu, 456 pages Editeur : EYROLLES (11 juillet 2013) H. Barboucha, M. Nasri |
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11. | AMQ Protocol Based Performance Analysis of Bare Metal HypervisorsAMQ Protocol Based Performance Analysis of Bare Metal HypervisorsAbstract: Cloud computing is one of the most exciting technology because of its cost-reducing approach, flexibility, and scalability. Hypervisor is the essential part of cloud technology; it is a component of software that provides a virtualized hardware environment to support running multiple operating systems concurrently using one physical server. In this paper we took KVM, XEN, Hyper-V and ESXi as hypervisors. We have compared the performance of Virtual Machines (VMs) by RabbitMQ message broker server that uses Advanced Message Queuing Protocol(AMQP) for breaking messages. We establish the setup on bare metal hypervisor that is installed directly on the hardware of the system. We took SAN (Shared Storage Network) server for maintaining the storage of all VMs. By the evaluation of these hyperviosrs we got a brief idea about their performance on different parameters. These results will be beneficial to small enterprise, social group or any private IT firm which is choosing to build small cloud infrastructure with optimal benefits. Experiment results of checking the performance of VMs for all the hypervisors shows that there is performance variation on different applications and workloads of the hypervisors. None of the hypervisors outperform another at every aspect of our comparison.Key words: Cloud computing, Hypervisor, Performance, RabbitMQ, Virtualization Reference [1] P. Mell and T. Grance, "The NIST Definition of Cloud Computing," National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA2009. [2] Ryan Sobel. Virtualization vs. cloud computing: There is a difference. www.hightech-highway.com /virtualize/ virtualization-vs-cloud-computing-there-is-a-difference/, 2012. [3] Stuart Devenish, Ingo Dimmer, Rafael Folco, Mark Roy, StephaneSaleur, Oliver Stadler, and Naoya Takizawa, Ibmpowervm virtualization introduction and configuration, Redbooks, 1999. [4] RabbitMQ: About RabbitMQ,www.RabbitMQ.com [5] Alvaro Videla, Jason J.W.Williams: RabbitMQ in Action, New York (2012) |
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12. | Experimental Investigation on Performance Characteristic of Diesel Engine by Using Methyl Ester of Linseed and Neem oil
Experimental Investigation on Performance Characteristic of Diesel Engine by Using Methyl Ester of Linseed and Neem oilAbstract: The increasing industrialization and motorization of the world has led to a steep rise for the demand of petroleum products. Petroleum based fuels are obtained from limited reserves. These finite reserves are highly concentrated in certain regions of the world. Therefore those countries not having these resources are facing a foreign exchange crisis, mainly due to the import of crude oil. Hence, it is necessary to look for alternative fuels, which can be produced from materials available within the country. In addition, the use of vegetable oils as fuel is less pollution than petroleum fuels. In this thesis work, the transesterification process of linseed oil (lso) and neem oil (no) in order to obtain bio diesel. Different parameters for the optimization of bio diesel products were investigated in the first phase, and the effects were characterized to test their properties as fuel in diesel engines such as viscosity, density, flash point, fire point and cetane number. While in the next phase lsome & nome was produced by transesterification method using linseed oil, neem oil and methyl alcohol, and its effects on reaction temperature, catalyst percentages, and reaction time for optimum bio diesel production have been studied. The blends of various proportions of the lsome & nome with diesel were prepared, analyzed and compared with diesel fuel, and comparison was made to suggest the better option among the bio diesel understudy. However, its diesel blends showed reasonable efficiencies.Key words: Biodiesel-diesel blends, combustion characteristics, fuel properties, performance parameters, transesterification process Reference [1] Lapuerta, M., and O. Armas. 2008. Rodrı´guez- Ferna´ ndez J, Effect of biodiesel fuels on diesel engine emissions. Progressin Energy and Combustion Science, 34(2): 198–223. [2] Safieddin-Ardebili, M., B. Ghobadian, G. Najafi, and A. Chegeni. 2011. Biodiesel production potential from edible oil seeds in Iran. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 15(6) : 3041–3044. [3] Xue, J., T. E. Grift, and A. C. Hansen. 2011. Effect of biodiesel on engine performances and emissions. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 15(2): 1098-1116. [4] Dwivedi, G., S. Jain, and M. P. Sharma. 2011. Impact analysis of biodiesel on engine performance—A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 15(9) 4633– 4641. [5] Pehan, S., J. M. Svoljšak, M. Kegl, and B. Kegl. 2009. Biodiesel influence on tribology characteristics of a diesel engine. Fuel, 88(6): 970–979. B. Kesava Rao, P. Srinivasa Rao, G. Venkateswara Rao |
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13. | Laboratory Investigation of Rivers State Clay Samples for Drilling Mud Preparation
Laboratory Investigation of Rivers State Clay Samples for Drilling Mud PreparationAbstract: Drilling fluids are an integral part of any oil and gas industry, providing the ease to which wells are drilled to access subsurface reservoir fluids. Certain rheology and mineralogical properties of the clay material used for drilling mud preparation must be critically investigated since clay deposits in different location exhibits different characteristics. Clay samples were collected from three different geographical locations namely; Egbamini (Emolga), Afam Street (Port Harcourt) and Oboboru (onelga) local government areas in Rivers state. Their rheological and wall building properties were measured in the laboratory to determine their suitability for drilling mud formulation. Results showed that in their respective native states, they proved unsuitable for drilling mud preparation when compared to standard Bentonite because they were observed to show responses far below the required API standards for mud formulation.Key words: Clay, Drilling mud, properties, Salt Concentration Reference [1] J. M. Davis, The Effect of the Use of Oil Base Drilling Muds on the Environment, J. of Pet. Tech., 38(15), July 1984, 30 – 41. [2] J. O. Lewis. and W. F . McMurray, The Use of Mud Laden Fluids in Oil and Gas Wells, US Bureau of Mine material Test, 1977, 134. [3] J. A. Clark. And M. T Halbouty, SpindleTop, Cult Public Co., Houston, 1980. [4] A. G Hegen. and J. A. Poland, Drilling Wells in Oklahoma by Mud Laden Fluid Method, US Bureau of Mine Material Testing, 1967, pp.68. [5] F. I Okoro,Suitability of Ihube clays for Preparing Drilling Fluid, B.Eng. Thesis, Dept of Pet Eng., Univ. of Port Harcourt, 1994. Nmegbu, Chukwuma Godwin Jacob |
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14. | Detection of Blinking Part from Animated Videos / Pictures
Detection of Blinking Part from Animated Videos / PicturesAbstract: The aim of this thesis is to execute a technique and the region detection of blinking part in gif images, to find out the new method which is capable for it. It is a very difficult task in image mining examines area for extract a blinking part into variations of any size or type of natural blinking image. The intend of this research is to explain this problem by introduce a new technique called Morphology based technique for Extraction and Detection of blinking Region from gif Images which is more capable for area extraction and edge detection of blinking part into any type of gif image edge based and connected component Here we are using the edge based area extraction process which help in detecting and extraction of blinking part and also in fined out the recall rate and precision rate of blinking part of any animated image.Key words: Blinking images (.gif), morphology, canny Edge detection Operator, precision rate, recall rate. Reference [1] Xiaoqing Liu and Jagath Samarabandu, An Edge-based text region extraction. algorithmfor Indoor mobile robot navigation, Proceedings of the IEEE, July 2005. [2] Xiaoqing Liu and Jagath Samarabandu, Multiscale edge-based Text extraction from Complex images, IEEE, 2006. [3] Julinda Gllavata, Ralph Ewerth and Bernd Freisleben, A Robust algorithm for Text detection in images, Proceedings of the 3rd international symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, 2003. [4] Keechul Jung, Kwang In Kim and Anil K. Jain, Text information extraction in images and video: a survey, The journal of the Pattern Recognition society, 2004. [5] Kongqiao Wang and Jari A. Kangas, Character location in scene images from digital camera, The journal of the Pattern Recognition society, March 2003. Amit Pal |
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15. | A Novel Approach of Pattern Detection Processor for Multipurpose Devices
A Novel Approach of Pattern Detection Processor for Multipurpose DevicesAbstract: In this day and age, itinerant handsets coalesce the functionality of preset phones and PDAs. Unfortunately, mobile handsets development system has been determined by souk demand, focusing on new features and neglecting security. So, it is imperative to study the lying on hand face with the aim of facing the transportable handsets threat suppression development along by way of the different techniques as well seeing that methodologies with the intention of used to facade folks challenges and contain the mobile handsets malwares. A TCAM-based virus-detection entry provides towering throughput, but also challenges for small power and low cost. In this paper, an adaptively dividable equal-port BiTCAM (unifying dual and ternary CAMs) is projected to achieve a high-throughput, low-power, and low-cost virus-detection workspace for mobile devices. The proposed dual-port BiTCAM is realized with the dual-port AND-type match-line scheme which is composed of dual -port active AND gates. The dual-port designs diminish power expenditure through supplement storage efficiency owing to shared storage spaces. In totaling, the dividable BiTCAM provides high flexibility for regularly update the virus-database. In this paper, am presenting a multi blueprint matching algorithm with low area and less complexity. Prior to going to store patterns within database; patterns decoding is done with an efficient approach like TCAM. together ternary and twofold combines to form TCAM patterns. This paper is developed with an adaptively dividable dual-port BiTCAM to achieve a high-throughput, low-power, and low-cost pattern-detection processor for multipurpose devices.Key words: CAMs, Patterns, PDAs, TCAM Reference [1] TSMC 0.13μm Logic 1P8M Salicide CU FSG 1.2V/3.3V Process Documents, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.. [2] F. Yu, R. H. Katz, and T. V. Lakshman, "Gigabit rate packet pattern matching using TCAM," in Proc. 12th IEEE Int. Conf. Netw. Protocols, 2004, pp. 174–178.intrusion detection system," ACMTrans. Embed. Comput. Syst., vol. 3, pp. 614–633, 2004. [3] D. P. Scarpazza, O. Villa, and F. Petrini, "High-speed string searching against large dictionaries on the Cell/B.E. processor," in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Parallel Distrib. Process., 2008, pp. 1–8. [4] S. Dharmapurikar, P. Krishnamurthy, and T. S. Sproull, "Deep packet inspection using parallel bloom filters," IEEE Micro, vol. 24, no. 1, pp.52–61, Jan. 2004. [5] L. Tan and T. Sherwood, "A high throughput string matching architecture for intrusion detection and prevention,"in Proc. 32nd Annu. Int. Symp. Comput. Arch., 2005, pp. 112–122. R. Indu Praveena, Bignhneswar panda, Aditya Putta |
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16. | Surface Water Quality Assessment of the Jirania Brick Cluster – A Case Study
Surface Water Quality Assessment of the Jirania Brick Cluster – A Case StudyAbstract: Along with the infrastructural development works, the demand for construction materials is increasing rapidly, which in turns lead to the rapid growth of brick manufacturing industries. Large demand of bricks in development and construction sectors has resulted in mushrooming of brick industries clusters at the outskirt of Agartala City. Jirania brick industries cluster is one of largest cluster of the Tripura State (India). Approximately 45% of total bricks of the State are being produced from the Jirania brick industries clusters. The use of conventional technology for brick making has resulted significant contribution of pollution load to the environment. The main components of environment which are being affected by the brick industries include but not limited to air, water, soil etc. The present study is carried out to identify the potential contribution of pollution load on surface water sources of the region from the mentioned brick industries. The surface water samples collected from nine sampling station located at different places in the area are analyzed and the experimental results of various quality parameters are presented in the paper. Such a study will help to estimate the total pollution load of the brick industry in the mentioned area.Key words: Brick industry, cluster, pollution load, impact, water quality parameters. Reference [1] S. Ahmed and I. Hossain, Applicability of air pollution modelling in a cluster of brick fields in Bagladesh, Chemical Engineering Research Bulletin, 12, 2008, 28-34. [2] Sameer Maithel, R Uma, Anil Kumar and N Vasudevan, Energy conservation and pollution control in brick kilns. Proceedings of the workshop on prospects and perspective of brick industries in the next millennium, Calcutta, National Institute of Small Mines, 1999. [3] K. M. Daraina, A. B. M. S. Rahmanb, A. Ahsanc, A. B. M. S. Islamd and B. Yusuf, Brick Manufacturing Practice in Bangladesh: A Review of Energy Efficacy and Air Pollution Scenarios, Journal of Hydrology and Environment Research, 1(1), 2013, 60-69. [4] Suman Kumar Pariyar, Tapash Das and Tanima Ferdous, Environment and Health Impact for Brick Kilns in Kathmandu Valley, International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 2(5), 2013, 184-187. [5] Vikas Monga, L. P. Singh, A Bhardwaj and H Singh Respiratory health in Brick Kiln Workers, International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences,2(4), 2012, 226-244. Amarendra Jamatia, Sukanta Chakraborty, Sumanta Chakraborti |
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17. | Identification and Assessment of Social Subgroups or Community Structure on Social Networking Websites
Identification and Assessment of Social Subgroups or Community Structure on Social Networking WebsitesAbstract: Social Networking Analysis is gaining more popularity day by day due to its major contribution towards business marketing analytics and future decision policies for any large organization. These kinds of assessments have their potential advantages towards designing future business strategies for a particular product/object available in the market. The social media is now open for all kind of blogs, independent views and open communities. People are free to express their ideas or opinion for any specific product. Now social media has become a widely accepted platform to establish an opinion set for a particular product. The author have described various strategies to gather data from these social communities and try to find the specific interest group/subgroup for any product or person or any object. In this paper, the authors have used an open source tool NodeXL for analysis of twitter tweets and find out most effective group or community individually. This analysis is targeted on the factor of centrality and clustering coefficient analysis.Reference [1] Ching-Yung Lin (2012), 'Social Network Analysis in Enterprise', IEEE, Vol. 100, PP. 2759-2776, 0018-9219. [2] Salvatore A. Catanese, Pasquale De Meo, Emilio Ferrara Giacomo Fiumara, Alessandro Provetti (2011), "Crawling Facebook for Social Network Analysis Purposes‟, ACM. [3] Emilio Ferrara (2012), "A large-scale community structure analysis in Facebook‟,Springer Open Journal 2193-1127. [4] Alan Mislove, Massimiliano Marcon, Krishna P. Gummadi, Peter Drusche, Bobby Bhattacharjee, (2007), "Measurement and Analysis of Online Social Networks‟ ACM, PP. 29-42. [5] Daqing Zhang and Bin Guo, Zhiwen Yu (2011), "The Emergence of Social and Community Intelligence‟, IEEE Vol. 44 PP. 21 – 28, 0018-9162. Ravi Prakash Verma, Dr. Deepak Arora |
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18. | A Comparative Study of Chromium and Cadmium Removal from Their Common Aqueous Solution by Batch Operation Using Tea Factory Waste as Adsorbent
A Comparative Study of Chromium and Cadmium Removal from Their Common Aqueous Solution by Batch Operation Using Tea Factory Waste as AdsorbentAbstract: The process of adsorption is a powerful tool for the treatment of industrial wastewater. In the recent years many studies have been conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of various locally available economical adsorbents for the removal of various heavy metals from the waste water. In the present study tea factory waste is used as adsorbent and its capacity to remove toxic heavy metals chromium and cadmium from their combined solution is investigated. Batch adsorption study is conducted to find the adsorption capacity of the adsorbent and the effect of the three important process parameters, i.e. agitation rate, adsorbent dose and initial metal ion concentration is evaluated. The maximum adsorption capacity of 24.88 mg/g and 23.92 mg/g is observed in case of cadmium and chromium respectively. It is also found that the removal efficiency of cadmium is higher than that of chromium in all cases. The experimental results are also found to be well fitted in the Langmuir and Freundlich Isotherm model.Key words: Adsorption, Tea Factory Waste, batch study, chromium, cadmium, isotherm, kinetic model. Reference [1] Monika Kharub, Use of various technologies, methods and Adsorbents for the removal of dye, 2012, Journal of Environmental Research And Development, 6 (3A), pp 879-883. [2] C. R. Girishand, V. Ramachandra Murty, 2012, adsorption of phenol from wastewater using Locally available adsorbents, Journal of Environmental Research And Development, 6 (3A), pp 763-772. [3] M.H. Kalavathy, T. Karthikeyan, S. Rajgopal, L.R. Miranda, 2005, Kinetic and isotherm studies of Cu(II) adsorption onto H3PO4-activated rubber wood sawdust, J. Colloid Interf. Sci. 292, pp 354–362. [4] V.K. Gupta, C.K. Jain, I. Ali, M. Sharma, V.K. Saini, Removal of cadmium and nickel from wastewater using bagasse fly ash—a sugar industry waste, 2003, Water Res. 37 (16), pp 4038–4044. [5] N. Daneshvar, D. Salari, S. Aber, Chromium adsorption and Cr(VI) reduction to trivalent chromium in aqueous solutions by soya cake, 2002, J. Hazard. Mater. B 94 , pp 49– 61. Jibesh Datta, Umesh Mishra |
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19. | Influence of Welding Current and Joint Design on the Tensile Properties of SMAW Welded Mild Steel Joints
Influence of Welding Current and Joint Design on the Tensile Properties of SMAW Welded Mild Steel JointsAbstract: Present study includes welding characteristics of weldment with respect to different types of weld design and welding current. Mild steel plates of 6mm were welded using different joint designs. Single V, Double V and Flat surfaces were joined by Shielded Metal Arc Welding process. Welding current was varied in all the cases. Mechanical properties such as ultimate tensile strength, yield strength and percentage elongation were evaluated. Results indicated that the single V joint design depict maximum UTS in comparison to other welding joints and also weld properties of joints (weldment) increases to some extent up-to a particular current level, after which the strength decreases. Welding current also affect the welding speed.Key words: Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW), Tensile Strength, Welding Current, Mild Steel. Reference [1] Prof. S R Satish Kumar and Prof. A R Santha Kumar IIT Madras, Design of steel structures. [2] L. E. Svenson, 1999, "Consumables for welding high strength steel,"Svetsarem, Vol. 54 No.1-2, PP, 29-33 [3] P C Sharma, A textbook of Production Technology, S Chand and company2004. [4] Kim IS et al. An investigation into an intelligent system for predicting bead geometry in GMA welding process. J Mater Process Technel 2005 [5] V. Gunaraj and Murugan.The study on the prediction of Heat Affected Zone characteristics in the submerged arc welding of structural steel pipes, Welding Journal (January 2002) 94-S-98-S. Prof. Rohit Jha, Dr. A.K. Jha |
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1. | Test of Microstructur Permeable Asphalt Pavement Used Domato Stone (Quarsite Dolomite) As Course Agregate for Surface Layer of Road Pavement
Test of Microstructur Permeable Asphalt Pavement Used Domato Stone (Quarsite Dolomite) As Course Agregate for Surface Layer of Road PavementAbstract: The experiment works was dividing into two phases, for phase one was developed to investigate the properties of aggregates and straight asphalt qualities. The experiment work for phase two was developed to design the porous asphalt mix. In this phase Japan's method and Binamarga's method was used to define optimum asphalt content. In this phase, has result cantabro loss weight 77.10 for asphalt quality 3% and loss weight 9.70 for asphalt quality 5%. asphalt flow down, air void and density values. The experiment work for phase two was developed to investigate the qualities of porous asphalt. In this phase, wheel tracking machine test was used to investigate the dynamic stability of mixes. Result of this research will be valuable for development porous asphalt technology. Based on the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) can be seen the microstructure and content of chemical elements present in the porous asphalt. : Oxygen 58.46%, Silicon 2.60%, Aluminium 2.91%, Sodium 5.75%, Calcium 19.11%, Sulfur 7.83%, Magnesium 3.52%, SiO2 6.73%, Al2O3 6.40%, Na2O 7.45%, CaO 46.25%, SO3 27.05%, MgO 6.12%. Binamarga : Oxygen 61.82%, Silicon 13.58%, Aluminium 7.27%, Sodium 4.42%, Magnesium 1.65%, Sulfur 4.56%, Calcium 3.96%, Potassium 1.31%, Iron 1.26%, Titanium 0.18%, SiO2 38.09%, Al2O3 17.29%, Na2O 6.39%, MgO 3.10%, SO3 17.03%, CaO 10.36%, K2O 2.88%, FeO 4.22%, TiO2 0.66%. Japan : Oxygen 58.53%, Silicon 8.41%, Aluminium 6.73%, Sodium 7.21%, Magnesium 4.39%, Potassium 0.86%, Calcium 9.21%, Sulfur 4.66%, SiO2 23.18%, Al2O3 15.74%, Na2O10.25%, MgO 8.12%, K2O 6.39%, CaO 23.71%, SO3 17.14%. Porositas : Japan : SEM HV 10.0 kV, View field 57.5 μm, SEM MAG 2.21 kx, WD 11.58mm, Det : SE, Date (m/d/y) : 06/20/13, Binamarga : SEM HV 10.0 kV, View field 31.1 μm, SEM MAG 4.08 kx, WD 10.63 mm, Det : SE, Date (m/d/y) : 06/20/13, Japan : SEM HV 10.0 kV, View field 28.8 μm, SEM MAG 4.04 kx, WD 12.00 mm, Det : SE, Date (m/d/y) : 06/20/13.Key words: Domato stone, Two Criteria Mixure, Peak Load and Stress, X- RD and SEM Reference [1] Alderon, A., John B., John O., John R. (1997) Open graded asphalt design guide. Japan Asphalt Pavement Association Firdaus Chairuddin, (2013), Experimental Study Permeable Asphalt Pavement Used Domato Stone (Quarsite Dolomite) For Surfase course on road Pavement. Green Buldin Technology Material conference in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. [2] Nakanishi H., Sinichi T., Koji G. (1995) Suggestion to the improvement in durability of the function of porous asphalt pavement, Road Construction, August [3] Nakanishi H., Sinichi T.,Koji G. (1996) Strength generation mechanism for porous asphalt pavement, Road Construction, June [4] Nakanishi H., T. Kawanaka, Li Ziqing, Hu Boacun (2002) Study on improvement in durability and function of porous asphalt pavement. Proceeding 4th ICPT, Kunming, China, 2002 [5] Allex Eduardo Alvarez Lugo, 2009, Improving Mix Design and Construction of Permeable Friction Course Mixtures. Disserttion Departmen of Civil Enginering Texas University. Firdaus Chairuddin, Wihardi Tjaronge, Muhammad Ramli, Johannes Patanduk |
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2. | Lossless Medical Image Compression
Lossless Medical Image CompressionAbstract: Image compression has become an important process in today‟s world of information exchange. Image compression helps in effective utilization of high speed network resources. Medical Image Compression is very important in the present world for efficient archiving and transmission of images. In this paper two different approaches for lossless image compression is proposed. One uses the combination of 2D-DWT & FELICS algorithm for lossy to lossless Image Compression and another uses combination of prediction algorithm and Integer wavelet Transform (IWT). To show the effectiveness of the methodology used, different image quality parameters are measured and shown the comparison of both the approaches. We observed the increased compression ratio and higher PSNR values.Key words: Lossy Image Compression, Lossless Image Compression, 2D-DWT, IWT, FELICS, Image Quality Parameter Reference [1] Tsung-Han Tsai, Yu-Hsuan Lee, and Yu-Yu Lee, "Design and Analysis of High-Throughput Lossless Image Compression Engine using VLSI-Oriented FELICS Algorithm", IEEE trans. on VLSI Systems, Vol. 18, No.1, January 2010. [2] P. G. Howard and J. S. Vitter, "Fast and efficient lossless image compression", Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Data Compression, pp. 501–510, 1993. [3] Mr. E. Praveen Kumar, Dr. M. G. Sumithra, "Medical Image Compression Using Integer Multi Wavelet Transform For Telemedicine Applications", International Journal of engineering and computer science, Volume2, ISSN2319-7242, 5th May 2013 [4] Rajesh K. Yadav, S.P. Gangwar & Harsh V. Singh,"Study & Analysis of Wavelet Based Image Compression Techniques", International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 1-7, 2012. Nagashree G, Gadre Vaishali and Mrs Vijaya S M |
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3. | Basic Reversible Logic Gates and It's Qca Implementation
Basic Reversible Logic Gates and It's Qca ImplementationAbstract: Reversible logic has various applications in various field like in Nanotechnology, quantum computing, Low power CMOS, Optical computing and DNA computing, etc. Quantum computation is One of the most important applications of the reversible logic.Basically reversible circuits do not lose information & reversible computation is performed only when system comprises of reversible gates. The reversible logic is design,main purposes are - decrease quantum cost, depth of the circuits & the number of garbage output. This paper provides the basic's of reversible logic gates & its implementation in qca.Key words: Reversible logic, Fredkin gate, Feynman gate, Reversible gate, Power dissipation, Garbage, Quantum cost, Quantum-dot Cellular Automata, Reversible Computing. Reference [1] E. Fredkin and T.Toffoli, ―Conservative logic,‖ in Collision-based computing, Springer-Verlag, 2002, pp. 47-81. [2]. C.H.Bennet,‖logically reversibility of computation", IBM journal of research and development pp 525-532, NOV 1973. [3]. ―A new reversible TSG gate and its application for designing efficient adder circuit‖ by Himanshu Thapliyal and M.B.Srinivas. [4]. R. Feynman, "Simulating Physics with Computers," International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 1982. [5] T. Toffoli, "Reversible Computing," Technical Report MIT/LCS/TM- 151, 1980. Papiya Biswas, Namit Gupta, Nilesh Patidar |
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4. | Consideration of the Sampling in the Statement of Conformity
Consideration of the Sampling in the Statement of ConformityAbstract: The factors of influence of the processes of measurement introduce inevitably a zone of uncertainty of measurement more at least big according to the control of the process. This margin questions our declaration of conformity. The object of the study is to introduce a new method allowing to limit the uncertainty of measurement basing itself on the customer risks and the supplier, quality levels acceptable and thrown rejected, and by the size of the sample.Key words: uncertainty of measurement, the customer risks, the supplier risks, the sampling Reference [1] ISO 14253-1, in Spécification géométrique des produits (GPS). Vérification par la mesure des pièces et des équipements de mesure. Partie 1 : règles de décision pour prouver la conformité ou la non-conformité à la spécification. 1998. [2] NF E 02-204 : Vérification des tolérances des produits -Conditions d'acceptation. [3] E.41.36.110.N, in CNOMO. Moyens de production (Agrement Capabilite) des moyens de mesure Moyens de contrôle spécifique. 1991. [4] NF ENV 13005, Guide pour l'expression de l'incertitude de mesure, Afnor, 1999. [5] NF EN 12697-26 « Méthodes d'essai pour mélange hydrocarboné à chaud : Module de Rigidité », AFNOR, 2004 Hicham Mezouara, Latifa Dlimi, Abdelouahhab Salih, Mohamed Afechcar |
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5. | Ultrahigh Birefringent Photonic Crystal Fiber with Ultralow Confinement Loss Ultrahigh Birefringent Photonic Crystal Fiber with Ultralow Confinement LossAbstract: A photonic crystal fiber (PCF) with circular air holes in the fiber cladding and elliptical air holes in the fiber core is proposed. According to calculation, both ultrahigh birefringence (larger than 0.01) and ultralow confinement loss (less than 0.001dB/km) can be achieved simultaneously over a large wavelength range for a PCF with only four rings of circular air holes in the fiber cladding. The confinement loss in this PCF can be effectively reduced while the birefringence almost remains the same. The proposed design of the PCF is a solution to the tradeoff between the birefringence and the confinement loss for the originally reported highly birefringent elliptical-hole PCF. Moreover, an approach to modify the effective index of fiber core is also suggested in this letter.Key words: Birefringence, confinement loss, elliptical hole, photonic crystal fiber (PCF). Reference [1] D. Chen and L. Shen "Ultrahigh birefringent photonic crystal fiber with ultralow confinement loss", 2008. [2] X. Z. Sang, P. L. Chu, and C. X. Yu, "Applications of nonlinear effects in highly nonlinear photonic crystal fiber to optical communications," Opt. Quantum Electron.,vol. 37. [3] A. Ortigosa-Blance, A. Diez, M. Delgado-Pinar, J. L. Cruz, and M. V. Andres, "Ultrahigh birefringent nonlinear microstructured fiber,"2009. [4] T. P. Hansen, J. Broeng, S. E. B. Libori, E. Knudsen, A. Bjarklev, J. R. Jensen, and H. Simonsen, "Highly birefringent index-guiding photonic crystalfibers,". [5] P. G. Agrawal, Nonlinear Fiber Optics. |
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6. | Remote Control of Home Appliances
Remote Control of Home AppliancesAbstract: The paper entitled "Remote Control of Home Appliances" aims at providing access to home appliances from a far-off location over the Internet. The paper is designed and implemented to achieve control on the appliances such as light bulbs, fans, serial lights and a dot-matrix display over the internet. The paper is deployed by dividing it into three major modules namely Input, Computation and Output where the modules interact with each other to bring out the overall functionality the paper desires to. The significance of implementing the paper is, the remote control of home appliances over the internet. The other important advantages are: It eliminates re-programming the microcontroller of the dot-matrix display and also it eliminates the need for a person to be present to operate and control any of the home appliances, thus reducing the labor.Key words: Embedded system, Home appliances, IP addresses, Internet of things, Remote Control Reference [1] Mr. Abhishek Vichare, Ms. Shilpa Verma, "Embedded Web Server for Home Appliances", at National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology (VNCET-30 Mar12), 2012. [2] Takako Nonaka, Masato Shimano, Yuta Uesugi, Tomohiro Hase, "Embedded server and client system for home appliances on real-time operating system," in proceeding of: 10th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, ISDA 2010, Cairo, Egypt,2010. [3] Xiaoneng Gao, Pengtong Fan, "Internet access technology based on the embedded devices," in Multimedia Technology(ICMT), 2011 International Conference, Hangzhou,2011. [4] Yong-tao Zhou, Xiao-hu Chen, Xu- ping Wang, Chun-jiang Yao, "Design of Equipment Remote Monitoring System Based on Embedded Web," in Embedded Software and Systems Symposia, 2008. ICESS Symposia '08. International Conference, Sichuan, 2008. [5] Neil Gershenfeld, J.P. Vasseur. "As Objects go online: The Promise and Pitfalls of the Internet of Things," in www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/140745/neil-gershenfeld-and-jp-vasseur/as-objects-go-online, March/April 2014 Issue. Mayola Reena Fernandes, Dr. M. C. Padma |
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7. | Battery-Bandwidth Based Handover Framework for 3G/WLAN Using Android Handheld Devices
Battery-Bandwidth Based Handover Framework for 3G/WLAN Using Android Handheld DevicesAbstract: In a heterogeneous network environment, transparent horizontal and vertical handover is a much desired feature. Effective handover solution would allow mobile device users to stay steadily connected, seamlessly switching between different access networks. If it is consistently connected to networks which offers best Quality of Service (QoS) then that would dramatically improve user experience. Switching of network requires more device energy and also high bandwidth to guarantee the QoS. Automatic handover between 3G and WLAN networks is typically done when the current network link is going down. Current devices does not consider these two major metrics during handover. Hence, we propose a framework for creating our own custom handover solutions which could run on the clients' Android based mobile devices. To provide an example of using the framework, we implement and test our proposed framework in Android based hand held devices and showcase the improvement in QoS.Key words: 3G, Android, battery, handover, remaining energy, seamless switching, WLAN Reference [1] Shantidiv Mohanty, "A New Architecture for 3G and WLAN integration and inter-system Handover Management," Springer Science + Business Media,LLC,pp.1--13, 2006. [2] Racha Ben Ali, Samuel Pierre, "On the impact of Mobility and Soft Vertical Hando_ on Voice admission Control in loosely coupled 3G/WLAN Networks," IEEE Communications Letters,Vol. 13, 2009. [3] Lide Zhang, Birjodh Tiwana, Robert P.Dick, Zhiyun Qian, Z. Morley Mao, Zhaoguang Wang, Lei Yang, "Accurate Online Power Estimation and Automatic Battery Behavior Based Power Model Generation for Smartphones," CODES+ISSS'10, Scottsdale, Arizona,USA ,Oct 2010. [4] WiFi Handover between access points not happening automatically, 2010. [5] kyu-Han Kim , Alexander W. Min , Dhruv Gupta , Prasant Mohapatra, Jatinder Pal Singh, "Improving Energy E_ciency of Wi-Fi Sensing on Smartphones,' ' INFOCOM , proceeding IEEE,.pp.--09, 2011. Apoorva Prakash M V, Dr. M C Padma |
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8. | User Security in Cloud Using Password Authentication
User Security in Cloud Using Password AuthenticationAbstract: Cloud computing technology is an open standard, service-based, Internet-centric, safe, convenient data storage and network computing services [8]. Cloud computing is an internet based model for enabling convenient, on demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources [9]. The software and data that you access for your work doesn‟t exist on your computer instead it‟s on the server. This concept of using services not stored on your system is called Cloud Computing. In this paper, we are implementing a technique to enhance the security of cloud. We create an algorithm based on the selection of username and generate a password to strengthen the security in cloud.Key words: Cloud computing, cloud architecture, front end, hybrid cloud, IaaS, PaaS, private cloud, SaaS. Reference [1] Matthew N.O. Sadiku, Sarhan M. Musa, and OMonowo D. MoMOh, Cloud computing: Opportunities and challenges, IEEE potentials, pp. 34-36, January/February 2014. [2] Shraddha M. Gurav, Leena S. Gawade, Prathamey K. Rane and Nilesh R. Khochare, Graphical Password Authentication Cloud securing scheme, IEEE Computer Society , pp.479-483, 2014. [3] Bogdan Hoanca and Kenrich Mock, Secure graphical password system for high traffic public areas, ETRA June 2006. [4] Brown, Bracken, Zoccali & Douglas, Sasse et al., 2001; 2004. [5] Chiasson, S., Biddle, R., and van Oorschot, P.C. A Second Look at the Usability of Click-Based Graphical Passwords. Symp. on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS) 2007. Deepika Singh, Puran Gour, Rajeev Thakur |
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9. | Higher Throughput and Energy Efficiency Multi-Channel MAC Protocol For Ad Hoc Network.
Higher Throughput and Energy Efficiency Multi-Channel MAC Protocol For Ad Hoc Network.Abstract: Traditional single-channel MAC protocols for wireless adhoc and sensor networks favor energy efficiency over throughput. More recent multi-channel MAC protocols display higher throughput but less energy efficiency. In this paper we propose EMAC, a negotiator-based multi-channel MAC protocol in which specially designated nodes maintain the sleeping and communication schedules of nodes. Negotiators facilitate the assignation of channels and coordination of communications windows, thus allowing individual nodes to sleep and save energy. Simulation results show that EMAC, at high network loads consumes less energy while providing more throughput than comparable state- of-art multi-channel MAC protocols for ad hoc networks.Reference [1] G.-S. Ahn, E. Miluzzo, and A. T. Campbell. A funneling-mac for high performance data collection in sensor networks. In Proceedings of ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys), 2006. [2] P. Bahl, R. Chandra, and J. Dunagan. SSCH: slotted seeded channel hopping for capacity improvement. In Proceedings of Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom), 2004. [3] L. Bao and J. J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves. A new approach to channel access scheduling for ad hoc networks. In Proceedings of Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom), 2001. [4] M. Buettner, G. V. Yee, E. Anderson, and R. Han. X-MAC: A short preamble mac protocol for duty-cycled wireless sensor networks. In Proceedings of ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys), 2006. [5] X. Chen, P. Han, Q. He, S. Tu, and Z. Chen. A multi-channel mac protocol for wireless sensor networks. In Proceedings of CIT, 2006. Ms. Suhasini E. R, Darshan A. M |
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10. | Modeling and Design of Five Level Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter with DC/DC Boost Converter
Modeling and Design of Five Level Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter with DC/DC Boost ConverterAbstract: Power electronic converters, especially DC/AC Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation inverters have been extending their range of use in industry because of their numerous advantages. They typically synthesize the stair –case voltage waveform (from several dc sources) which has reduced harmonic content. This paper aims to extend the knowledge about the performance of Five level Cascaded H-Bridge MLI topology with DC/DC Boost Converter using SPWM for fixed DC Source. The output voltage is the sum of the voltage that is generated by each bridge. The switching angles can be chosen in such a way that the total harmonic distortion is minimized. This topology incorporates Boost Converter in the input side which magnifies the fundamental output voltage with reduction in total harmonic distortion. It also incorporates LC filter and hence output is drawn near the sine wave because of more levels. Results of experiments proved efficiency of 95%.The performance of the proposed SPWM strategy in terms of output voltage and THD has studied successfully and shown using MATLAB/Simulink.Key words: Multi level Inverter (MLI), Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation (SPWM), insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT), Cascaded H-Bridge (CHB) Reference [1]. R.H. Baker, Electric Power Converter, U.S. Patent Number 3,867,643, February 1975. [2]. R.H. Baker, High-Voltage Converter Circuit, U.S. Patent Number 4,203,151, May 1980. [3]. Kelaiaia Mounia Samira, Labar Hocine, Bounaya Kamel, and Kelaiaia Samia "Effect of Flaying Capacitors on Improving the 4 Level Three-Cell Inverter" World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 30 2009. [4]. Javier Pereda, Student Member, IEEE, and Juan Dixon, Senior Member, IEEE "High Frequency Link: A Solution for Using Only One DC Source in Asymmetric Cascaded Multilevel Inverters" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, VOL. 58, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 2011 [5]. Yushan Liu, Student Member, IEEE, Baoming Ge, Member, IEEE, Haitham Abu- Rub, Senior Member, IEEE, and Fang Zheng Peng, Fellow, IEEE "An Effective Control Method for Three-Phase Quasi-ZSource Cascaded Multilevel Inverter Based Grid-Tie Photovoltaic Power System" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS Vinayaka B.C, S. Nagendra Prasad |
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11. | Life Management Technique of Thermal Fatigue for SMST Boiler Tube at Different Heating Zone Using Smithy Furnace
Life Management Technique of Thermal Fatigue for SMST Boiler Tube at Different Heating Zone Using Smithy FurnaceAbstract: This paper highlights on the evaluation of thermal fatigue failure for SMST (Salzgitter Mannesmann strain less boiler tube) DMV 304 HCu boiler tube using life management technique by using of smithy furnace. Boiler tubes are highly affected by operating conditions like, high temperature and high pressure. So it needs periodic checking for the purpose of safety and health assessment of the plant. So using this technique we can identify the degradation of tubes at microstructure level, So that one create the current situation of the component and give respective result.Key words: SMST boiler tube, Smithy furnace, quenching process, Metallurgical Microscope, Vickers Hardness tester, Thermocouple. Reference [1] S.K. DEO, ―Reduce Boiler Tube Leakages in Your Power Station‖. Mech-well industries ltd. VOLUME 1, ISSUE 4, 2010 [2] R.Barry Dooley, ―lesson-2 Corrosion fatigue‖, PP Chemistry 101-Boiler and HRSG tube failures, 2009 [3] Salzgitter Mannesmann stainless tubes, USA. [4] G. R. Jinu, ―Failure analysis on t 92 steel tube and compared with predicted number of cycles to failure using coffin-Manson equation. International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Vol. 2(10), 2010, 5017-5033. [5] TUBE PRODUCTION OF INDIA, AVADI,FORM III-E, 2010 Shekhar Pal, Pradeep Suman, Shri dk jain.gpc kota |
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12. | Frame-Based Compressed Sensing Of Speech Signal
Frame-Based Compressed Sensing Of Speech SignalAbstract: In this paper, compressed sensing (CS) of speech signal using Frame-based adaptive technique has been proposed. we propose 3 sampling strategies in a frame-based adaptive CS framework. The first stage is frame based adaptive CS framework. In this stage, each speech sequence is divided into non-overlapping frames and all frames in a speech sequence are processed independently. Second stage is Partial Sampling and Frame Analysis. This stage can estimate the amount of intensity changes in the two frames. Last stage is adaptive sampling was used to reconstruction the signal using orthogonal matching pursuit (OMP). In the experimental results shows that the significant improvement of speech reconstruction quality by using frame based adaptive technique compare to the non-adaptive technique.Key words: adaptive compressed sensing, speech signal, orthogonal matching pursuit. Reference [1] E.J. Candes, J. Romberg, and T. Tao. Robust uncertainty principles: exact signal reconstruction from highly incomplete frequency information. Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on, 52(2):489–509,Feb 2006. ISSN 0018-9448. [2] D.L. Donoho. Compressed sensing. Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on, 52(4):1289– 1306, April 2006. ISSN 0018-9448. [3] M.F. Duarte, S. Sarvotham, D. Baron, M.B. Wakin, and R.G. Baraniuk. Distributed compressed sensing of jointly sparse signals. Signals,Systems and Computers, 2005. Conference Record of the Thirty-Ninth Asilomar Conference on, pages 1537–1541, October 28 - November1, 2005. ISSN 1058- 6393 [4] Shihao Ji and Lawrence Carin. Bayesian compressive sensing and projection optimization. In ICML '07: Proceedings of the 24th international conference on Machine learning, pages 377–384. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2007. ISBN 978-1-59593-793-3. [5] Scott Shaobing Chen, David L. Donoho, and Michael A. Saunders. Atomic decomposition by basis pursuit. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 20(1):33–61, 1999. B. Chaitanya |
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13. | A Evaluation of Software Re-Usability Using Software Metrics through Fuzzy Logic
A Evaluation of Software Re-Usability Using Software Metrics through Fuzzy LogicAbstract: flexibility and quality through reusability, replace-ability, efficient reusability and scalability are some additional benefits of Component based software development .Component Based Software Engineering (CBSE) is a paradigm that aims at constructing and designing systems using a pre-defined set of software components explicitly created for reuse. According to Clements, CBSE embodies the "the "buy, don‟t build‟ philosophy". The idea of reusing software components has been present in software engineering for several decades. Although the software industry developed massively in recent decades, component reuse is still facing numerous challenges and lacking adoption by practitioners. One of the impediments preventing efficient and effective reuse is the difficulty to determine which artifacts are best suited to solve a particular problem in a given context and how easy it will be to reuse them there. So far, no clear framework is describing the reusability of software and structuring appropriate metrics that can be found in literature. Nevertheless, a good understanding of reusability as well as adequate and easy to use metrics for quantification of reusability are necessary to simplify and accelerate the adoption of component reuse in software development.Key words: Software Reusability; Software Reusability Metrics; Component-Based Software Development. Reference [1] "Sonu Mittal, Pradeep kumar Bhatia" Framework for Evaluating and Ranking the Reusability of COTS Components based upon Analytical Hierarchy Process", IIJST 2013 [2] T. Karthikeyan, J. Geetha," A Study and Critical Survey on Service Reusability Metrics ",I.J. Information Technology and Computer Science, 2012, 5, 25-31 Published Online May 2012 in MECS (http://www.mecs-press.org/) DOI: 10.5815/ijitcs.2012.05.04 [3] Arun Sharma, Rajesh Kumar, and P. S. Grover, "A Critical Survey of Reusability Aspects for Component-Based Systems", World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 33 2007 [4] V. Subedha, S. Sridhar, "Design of Dynamic Component Reuse and Reusability Metrics Library for Reusable Software Components in Context Level", International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 40– No.9, February 2012 [5] Vidushi Sharma and Prachi Baliyan," Maintainability Analysis of Component Based Systems", International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications Vol. 5 No. 3, July, 2011 Manoj Kumar Singh, Govind Kamboj, Avnish Kumar Sharma |
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14. | Force Analysis of Geneva Wheel and Face Cam Used In Automat
Force Analysis of Geneva Wheel and Face Cam Used In AutomatAbstract: Glazerol Automat is a dedicated machine used in the Insulator pre assembly line. This automat is driven using single motor for different operations. Here the focus is on two main parts they are Geneva wheel and Face cam which are used for their respective operations. Geneva Wheel is used to index the drum which consists of 96 spindles. Due to this Geneva mechanism each of the spindles will hold the ceramic body when the drum is being indexed. Due to which there is a force which is generated in the Geneva wheel in maximum and minimum position. Face cam which is used while indexing the work piece carrier There are 2 tangential forces which are acting, one at the indexing side and the other at the driving side /cam side. The effective resultant force which is acting on the face cam while indexing work piece carrier is calculated. And these forces are analyzed using ansys and their respective Von Mises stresses and displacement plots are obtained for both the conditions based on boundary and loading conditions.Key words: Automat ,Geneva Wheel ,Face Cam , Catia V5 , Hypermesh , Ansys Reference [1] Varadarajan Vidya Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering Palani Kumaresan University of California, Berkeley University of California, Berkeley [2] Elearning.vtu.ac.in/P6/enotes/ME44/Unit 6-AP [3] E.J. Pavlina and C.J. Van Tyne, "Correlation of Yield strength and Tensile strength hardness of steels" Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 17:6 (December 2008) [4] J.-D. Boissonnat and S. Oudot. Provably good sampling and meshing of surfaces. Graphical Models, 67:405{451, 2005. [23, 28] [5] Ansys Release 10.0 Documentation ANSYS Inc 2005. Madhoo G, Muhammed Sameer, Mohsin Ali, Ashwin C Gowda |
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15. | A Comparative Analysis of Surface Roughness and Material Removal Rate in Milling Operation of AISI 410 Steel And Aluminium 6061
A Comparative Analysis of Surface Roughness and Material Removal Rate in Milling Operation of AISI 410 Steel And Aluminium 6061Abstract: Surface roughness is an important measure of product quality since it greatly influences the performance of Mechanical parts as well as production cost. Roughness plays an extensive role in demonstrating how the object will interface with the environment. The main purpose of this paper is to analyse the comparative study of Surface Roughness and Material Removal Rate (MRR) of Aluminium 6061and AISI 410 Steel. In the present paper three parameters were taken to check whether quality lies within desired tolerance level. Surface roughness and MRR were taken using three different parameters of CNC machining including spindle speed, feed rate and depth of cut. Optimization of surface roughness of aluminium 6061 and AISI 410 Steel were done using Response Surface Methodology. Response Surface Methodology is an adequate channel in which response variable can be optimized by taking several experimental runs. This paper aims to obtain an optimal setting of three milling parameters by using Carbide cutting tool in end milling operation of AISI 410 steel and Aluminium Alloy 6061 taken as specimen.Key words: AISI410Steel, Aluminium6061, ANOVA, DOE, RSM Reference [1] Vivek John and Rahul Davis (2014) an Experimental Parametric Study of the Impact of Cutting Factors on Surface Roughness of EN 19 Steel during Turning Operation, International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology. [2] Hardik B. Patel Satyam P. Patel (2013), A Review Paper for Optimization of Surface Roughness and MRR in CNC Milling International Journal of Research in Modern Engineering and Emerging Technology [3] T. S. Suneel, S. S. Pande (2010).Optimizing the Turning Process toward an Ideal SurfaceRoughness Target. [4] Ramezan Ali Mahdavinejad Navid Khani (2012).Optimization of milling parameters using artificial neural network and artificial immune system, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology [5] M.F.F. Ab. Rashid and M.R. Abdul Lani (2010). Surface Roughness Prediction for CNC Milling Process using Artificial Neural NetworkProceedings of the World Congress on Engineering. Gaurav Kumar, Rahul Davis |
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16. | Audio Steganography Techniques-A Survey
Audio Steganography Techniques-A SurveyAbstract: we can communicate with each other by passing messages which is not secure, but we make a communication be kept secret by embedding the message into carrier or by special tools such as invisible ink, microdots etc. Steganography is the science that involves communicating secret data in an appropriate carrier which is used from hundreds of years. In digital age new techniques of hiding the data inside the carrier are invented which are known as digital steganography. Nowadays, the carrier of the message can be an image, audio, video or a text file. In this paper we have purposed a method to enhance the security level in audio steganography and also improve the quality by making 2-level steganography.Key words: Steganography, Audio steganography and its technique, Echo Hiding, Phase Coding, Parity Coding, Spread Spectrum, Tone insertion, LSB Reference [1] Artz, Donovan. "Digital steganography: hiding data within data." internet computing, IEEE 5.3 (2001): 75-80. [2] Amin, Muhalim Mohamed, et al. "Information hiding using steganography." Telecommunication Technology, 2003. NCTT 2003 Proceedings. 4th National Conference on. IEEE, 2003. [3] Shashikala Channalli, Ajay Jadhav, "Steganography An Art of Hiding Data" International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering Vol.1(3), 2009, 137-141 [4] Morkel, Tayana, Jan HP Eloff, and Martin S. Olivier. "An overview of image steganography." ISSA. 2005. [5] Yuk Ying Chung, fang Fei Xu , "Development of video watermarking for MPEG2 video" City university of Hong Kong ,IEEE 2006. Navneet Kaur, Sunny Behal |
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17. | An Optimal Design of the Eddy Current Non-Destructive Testing Sensor for Special Geometries of Conducting Materials
An Optimal Design of the Eddy Current Non-Destructive Testing Sensor for Special Geometries of Conducting MaterialsAbstract: Non-destructive eddy current testing technic is more and more exploited because it is quick and none contacting into the inspected materials. In order to increase the signal sensing of non-destructive eddy current testing sensors, we are going to propose an optimal design of coil sensor. This optimization needs to construct a tilted cross section coil according to the tested piece geometry. In our simulations, the finite-element method has been exploited for geometrical and physical modelling. For the extraction of our results, a finite-element method code was built in COMSOL with MATLAB. In this paper we compare the tilted cross section coil with a rectangular cross section coil. To obtain the influence of the coil shape on the sensitivity of eddy current sensor, we use the relationship between the impedance changes and the sensor displacement in the two cases of comparison.Key words: non-destructive eddy current testing, crack detection, impedance change, finite-element method, design optimization. Reference [1] W. Yin, P.J. Withers, U. Sharma and J.A. Peyton, Noncontact Characterization of Carbone-Fiber-Reinforced Plastics Using Multifrequency Eddy Current Sensors, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and measurement. 58(3), 2009, 738-743. [2] P. Vaaraet, J. Leiononen, Technology Survey on NDT of Carbon-fiber Composites ( Kemi-Tornio University of Applied Sciences: Finland, 2012). [3] A. Zaoui, H, Menana, M. Feliachi, G Berthiau, Inverse Problem in Nondestructive Testing Using Arrayed Eddy Current Sensors. Sensors. 10 (9), 2010, 8696-8704. [4] M. Cacciola, S. Calcagno, G. Megali, F.C. Morabito, D. Pellicanó, M. Versaci, FEA Design and Misfit Minimization for In-Depth Flaw Characterization in Metallic Plates with Eddy Current Nondestructive Testing. IEEE Transactions on Magnitics. 45(3) 2009, 1506-1509. [5] T. Dogaru, S.T. Smith, Giant Magnetoresistance-Based Eddy-Current Sensor. IEEE Transactions on Magnitics. 37(5), 2001, 3831-3838. Abderraouf Bouloudenine, Mohamed El Hadi Latreche, Abdallah Belounis and Nacir Boutra |
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18. | An Efficient Higher Order And High Speed Kogge-Stone Based CSLA Using Common Boolean Logic
An Efficient Higher Order And High Speed Kogge-Stone Based CSLA Using Common Boolean LogicAbstract: Adders are the basic building blocks of any processor or data path application. In adder design carry generation is the critical path. In this paper, we propose An Efficient and high speed carry select adder by replacing Ripple Carry Adders with parallel prefix adders (Kogge-Stone) for Cin=0 stage and common Boolean logic for Cin=1 stage. In this proposed method we can reduce delay and area by 3%, 26% and 5% for 16-bit , 5%, 34% and 14% for 32-bit, 8%, 41% and 19% for 64-bit and 9%,46% and 21% for 128-bit compare to the modified adders (Regular CSLA, Regular with BEC and Regular with CBL).Key words: prefix adder (Kogge-Stone), CSLA, CBL, delay, area-efficient. Reference [1] Ms. S.Manju, Mr. V.Sornagopal" An Efficient SQRT architecture of carry select adder designed Common Boolean logic" IEEE transaction on very Large scale integration (VLSI) systems, Feb 2013 [2] B. Ramkumar, Harish M Kittur, "Low –Power and Area-Efficient Carry Select Adder", IEEE transaction on very large scale integration (VLSI) systems, vol.20, no.2, pp.371-375, Feb 2012 [3] I-Chyn Wey, Cheng-Chen Ho, Yi-Sheng Lin, and ChienChanPeng"An Area-Efficient Carry Select Adder Design by Sharing the Common Boolean Logic Term" Proceeding on the international Multi Conference of eng. and computer scientist 2012, IMECS 2012 [4] J. M. Rabaey, "Digital Integrated Circuits- A Design Perspective", New Jersey, Prentice-Hall, 2001 [5] O.J Bedrij " Carry select adder," IER transactions Electron. Computer, pp.340-344,1962 Kuppampati Prasad, Mrs.M.Bharathi |
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19. | Time Overrun and Cost Effectiveness in the Construction Industry
Time Overrun and Cost Effectiveness in the Construction IndustryAbstract: The project management technique of planning and scheduling using tools and devices are helpful in comparing the project with stipulated cost, time and quality. Resource tracking, Minimize the uncertainty and Cost Effectiveness is focused in this project. The software tool used for planning and scheduling is Primavera project planner enterprise for construction. The study covers three case studies of the process of planning, scheduling the activities and monitoring. A general re sequencing model had been proposed to overcome the delay factor from the critical area, to minimize the delay of the construction and to reduce the time, cost and it also helpful to concentrate on the major areas in the project. Re sequencing model leads the management to cost savings and make entire project success. Resource planning is one aspect, which decides the systematic execution of the project at worksite. This study is to have hands- on experience in an ongoing project, and evaluation of schedule of equipment, staff, Labor and Materials. It helps to plan and evaluate the resources for the Construction of the building project. This study also compares the cost variation due to the delay of the project and re scheduling the project by crashing process.Key words: Time Overrun, Cost Effectiveness, Construction Industry Reference [1]. "A priority-rule method for project scheduling with work-content constraints", C.-U. Fündeling *, N. Trautmann, Journal of Construction. Engineering Management [2]. "Metaheuristics for project and construction management" – A state-of-the-art review, T. Warren Liao, P.J. Egbelu , B.R. Sarker, Journal of Construction. Engineering Management [3]. "Resource-constrained scheduling for continuous repetitive projects with time-based production units", Machine Hsie , Ching-Jung Chang, Journal of Construction. Engineering Management [4]. "Simulation and analytical techniques for construction resource planning and scheduling", Shih-Ming Chen , Po-Han Chen, Journal of Construction. Engineering Management [5]. "Stochastic time–cost tradeoff analysis": A distribution-free approach with focus on correlation and stochastic dominance, Journal of Construction. Engineering Management |
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20. | Safety Management Analysis In Construction Industry
Safety Management Analysis In Construction IndustryAbstract: The Indian society and economy have suffered human and financial losses as a result of the poor safety record in the construction industry. The purpose of this study is to examine safety management in the construction industry. The study will collects data from general contractors, who are involved in major types of construction. Collected data include information regarding organizational safety policy, safety training, safety meetings, safety equipment, safety inspections, safety incentives and penalties, workers' attitude towards safety, labor turnover rates and compliance with safety legislation. The study will also reveal several factors of poor safety management. Thus the paper will conclude by providing a set of recommendations and strategies to contractors for improving their safety performance.Key words: Safety, Management, Analysis, Construction, Industry. Reference [1]. Amr A.G.Hassanein and Ragaa S.Hanna(2008), "Safety Performance in the Egyptian Construction" Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, Vol. 134, No. 6, June 1, ASCE, pp 451-455. [2]. Dayana.B Costa; Carlos T.Formoso; Michail Kagio gloa; Luis F. Alarcon; and Carlos. H.Carldas,(2006)"Benchmarking Initiatives in the Construction Industry: Lessons Learned and Improvement Opportunities" Journal of Management in Engineering, Vol. 22 , No.4,October 1,2006.ASCE,158-167. [3]. Gregory Carter and Simon D. Smith (2006) "Safety Hazard Identification on Construction Project" Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, Vol.132,No. 2, February 1,2006 ASCE,197-205. [4]. Jimmie Hinze and Xinyu Huang and (2006) "Owner's role in construction safety" journal of construction engineering and management ,Vol.132,No.2,February 1 2006.ASCE,164-173. [5]. Kin Dorji and Bonaventura H. W. Hadikusumo(2006) "Safety Management Practices in the Bhutanese Construction Industry" Journal of Construction in Developing Countries, Vol. 11, No. 2, 2006. T. Subramani, R. Lordsonmillar |
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21. | PTC Oxidation of Alcohols: Design of Experiments
PTC Oxidation of Alcohols: Design of ExperimentsAbstract: Factorial design approach helps in better experimentation of the process. This approach was used in the phase transfer catalytic oxidation of n-amyl alcohol and n-hexanol by potassium permanganate under heterogeneous conditions. Tricapryl methyl ammonium chloride (Aliquat 336) was used as the phase transfer catalyst. A baffled batch reactor was used for the studies. The rate of oxidation/reaction was determined by changing the concentration of alcohol, concentration of the catalyst and temperature. Two values, a high and low of these parameters/factors were fixed which entails to a 23 factorial design approach. This leads to eight treatment combinations of the experiments. These treatment combinations include main effects of the factors/parameters (concentration of alcohol, concentration of catalyst, temperature) and the interaction effects among these factors. For both the systems, the rate of oxidation was found to be dependent on the main effects. A regression model was fit and the response surface is plotted.Key words: Phase transfer catalyst, Aliquat 336, n-Amyl alcohol. n-Hexanol. Reference [1] Changlu Wang, Zhenjing Li, Fengjuan Li, Mianhua Chen, Yurong Wang, Yadi Li and Dong He , Optimization of microwave assisted extraction conditions for total flavonoids in ToonaSinensis leaves using Response Surface Methodology, International Journal of Food Engineering,8(4),2012, 1-11. [2] PranabenduMitra , Kyu -Seob Chang , Dae-SeokYoo, Kaempferol extraction from Cuscutareflexa using supercritical carbon dioxide and separation of Kaempferol from the extracts, International Journal of Food Engineering, 7(4), 2011, 1-15. [3] N. Ozbay, A. S. Yargie, R. Z. YarbaySahin and E. Onal, Full factorial experimental design analysis of reactive dye removal by carbon adsorption, Journal of Chemistry, 2013 (article ID 234904), 2013. [4] S. Al-Ashah, R. Jumah, F. Banab and S. Ammad, The use of experimental factorial design for analyzing the effect of spray dryer operating variables on the production of Tomato powder, Food and bioproducts processing, 81(2),2003, 81-88. [5] J. Jessica, D. Xianting, X. Hongquan, W. Wengkee and H. Chih-Muig, Application of fractional factorial design to study drug combinations, Statistics in Medicine,32(2),2013, 307-318. Bilal Hussein Laftaa, Maralla Yadagirib, Surisetti Swetac and Dr. T. Sankarshana |
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22. | A Comparative Study on Performance Parameters of a Conventional Silencer versus Helmholtz Silencer Implemented On A 100cc Motorcycle
A Comparative Study on Performance Parameters of a Conventional Silencer versus Helmholtz Silencer Implemented On A 100cc MotorcycleAbstract: Automotive noise and pollution control are critical fields of study and research in recent years. Researchers all across the globe are focusing on making vehicles environmentally friendly by reducing sound and air pollution achieved through implementing various modern technologies. This paper concentrates on the study of noise and pollution performance of a 100cc motorbike on a custom fabricated Helmholtz silencer over a conventional silencer.Reference [1] Matthew Harrison, Vehicle Refinement- controlling noise and vibrations in road vehicles (Warrendale, PA: SAE International, 2004) [2] Society of Automotive Engineers, SAE Handbook, 1996 [3] Central Motor Vehicle Regulations, cmvr1989, (Rule115 and 126A, DOC.NO: MoRTH/CMVR/TAP-115-116, Issue No. 4) [4] Bosch, Automotive handbook – Second edition, (Robert Bosch GmbH, 1986) [5] SAE J1030 FEB87, Maximum sound level for passenger cars and light trucks, 1996 Saurabh Jadhav, Apoorv Prem |
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23. | Planning and Scheduling of High Rise Building Using Primavera
Planning and Scheduling of High Rise Building Using PrimaveraAbstract: Although the long-introduced Industrialized Building System (IBS) has promised to solve and improve the current construction method and scenario in our country, but the IBS method has not gained enough popularity. One of the reasons is due to lack of research works done to quantifying the benefit of IBS especially in construction time saving. In lieu with such scenario, this study conducted to quantify evidence of time saving in IBS application. The methodology adopted for this study is by modelling the construction process for high-rise residential building for both conventional and IBS with shared more a less the same nature and size of the structure. The model was developed using Primavera (P3) project planning software. The comparison was made by comparing selective building components for both method of construction. Different high-rise residential projects have been selected for this study. The result of the study clearly indicated that sufficient time saving can be archived. Also from this study shown not all IBS components can improved to the overall construction duration, however by adopting IBS components can improve and expedite the construction of 18 stories residential building from the point of departure of the project throughout of the whole of project's with a total 405 days or 42% the time saving.Key words: Planning, Scheduling, High Rise Building, Primavera Reference [1] Bannet, J. and Grice, A., Procurement Systems for Building, Quantity Surveying Techniques, New Directions, United Kingdom: (ed P.S Brandon), BSD Professional Books, 1990, Oxford. [2] Chew, Y.L., and Michael, Construction Technology for Tall Building. 2nd Edition, University Press and World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., 2001, Singapore. [3] CIDB–Industrialised Building Systems (IBS) Roadmap 2003 – 2010, 2003, Malaysia. [4] CIDB (1998). Report on Colloquium on Industrialised Construction System, 1998, Malaysia. [5] Center of Fire Protection Agency, Fire Safety in High-Rise Buildings, London. T. Subramani, A. Sarkunam, J. Jayalakshmi |
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24. | Analysis of Cost Controlling In Construction Industries by Earned Value Method Using Primavera
Analysis of Cost Controlling In Construction Industries by Earned Value Method Using PrimaveraAbstract: Most of the construction projects suffer from cost and time overruns due to a multiplicity of factors. Earned value management (EVM) is a project performance evaluation technique that has origins in industrial engineering, but which has been adapted for application in project management. The earned value analysis gives early indications of project performance to highlight the need for eventual corrective action. This study is to present and discuss the main parameters involved in the calculation of Earned Value Analysis (EVA) in the cost management of civil construction projects. The purpose of this dissertation is in 3-fold. Firstly, Earned Value Analysis software is developed in Visual studio 2008, SQL Server 2005, .Net (C# language). Next Comparison of selected parameters between M.S Project 2007, Primavera P6 and developed software is done. Therefore, it can be concluded that the software could be used in a wide range of projects for Earned Value Analysis calculationKey words: Analysis, Cost Controlling, Construction Industries, Earned Value Method, Primavera Reference [1]. ANSI/EIA-748-1998. [2]. A Guide to the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK Guide)- Fourth Edition. [3]. Anbari, F. T (2003). Earned Value Project Management Method and Extensions. Project Management journal, 34(4), 12-23 [4]. Carles I. Budd, Charlene S. Budd IInd Edition "A Practical Guide to Earn Value Project Management". [5]. EunHong Kim, William G. Wells Jr, Michael R. Duffey (2003). "A Model for Effective Implementation of Earn Value Management Methodology" International Journal Of Project Management 21 375-382. T. Subramani, D. S. Stephan Jabasingh, J. Jayalakshmi |
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25. | Onsite Waste Water Treatment System
Onsite Waste Water Treatment SystemAbstract: Onsite wastewater treatment systems (OWTSs) have evolved from the pit privies used widely throughout history to installations capable of producing a disinfected effluent that is fit for human consumption. Although achieving such a level of effluent quality is seldom necessary, the ability of onsite systems to remove settles able solids, floatable grease and scum, nutrients, and pathogens. From wastewater discharges defines their importance in protecting human health and environmental resources. In the modern era, the typical onsite system has consisted primarily of a septic tank and a soil absorption field, also known as a subsurface wastewater infiltration system, or SWIS. In this manual, such systems are referred to as conventional systems. Septic tanks remove most settle able and floatable material and function as an anaerobic bioreactor that promotes partial digestion of retained organic matter. Septic tank effluent, which contains significant concentrations of pathogens and nutrients, has traditionally been discharged to soil, sand, or other media absorption fields (SWISs) for further treatment through biological processes, adsorption, filtration, and infiltration into underlying soils. Conventional systems work well if they are installed in areas with appropriate soils and hydraulic capacities; designed to treat the incoming waste load to meet public health, ground water, and surface water performance standards; installed properly; and maintained to ensure long-term performance. These criteria, however, are often not met. Only about one-third of the land area in the United States has soils suited for conventional subsurface soil absorption fields. System densities in some areas exceed the capacity of even suitable soils to assimilate wastewater flows and retain and transform their contaminants. In addition, many systems are located too close to ground water or surface waters and others, particularly in rural areas with newly installed public water lines, are not designed to handle increasing wastewater flows.Key words: Septic tank effluent, SWIS, Conventional systems, wastewater flows. Reference [1]. Aerobic Wastewater Treatment: An Alternative to Septic Systems, Pipeline, Winter 1996, Vol. 7, No. 1, National Small Flows Clearinghouse, Morgantown, WV. [2]. Basic Wastewater Characteristics, Pipeline, Fall 1997, Vol. 8, No. 4, National Small Flows Clearinghouse, Morgantown, WV. [3]. Bearden, Brian, Onsite Wastewater Training materials, 1999, Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands Department of Environmental Quality. [4]. Bounds, T.R.,"Design and Performance of Septic Tanks", Site Characterization and Design of Onsite Septic Systems ASTM STP 901, M.S. Beginger, A.I. Johnson, and J.S. Fleming, Eds, American Society of Testing Materials, Philadelphia, 1997. [5]. Britton, G. (1999), Wastewater Microbiology, Second Edition, Wiley-Liss, New York. California T. Subramani, J. Akela |
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26. | Effect Of Sewage Farming On Ground Water
Effect Of Sewage Farming On Ground WaterAbstract: This chapter provides background information on treated effluent discharges and the associated risks to groundwater. The emphasis is on discharges to constructed sub-surface drainage fields, but the general principles can also be applied to discharges to the land surface (for example, infiltration sustainable drainage systems). A classification of the effluent types (domestic or trade) covered by this guidance is given.EPR has allowed us to look again at our definition of 'domestic sewage' and change to the one based on the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (UWWTD) definition and in the case of the Water Industry Act 1991 (WIA), case law. Domestic sewage includes wastes arising from normal domestic activities wherever these are carried out. Therefore, sewage from schools, restaurants, takeaways, holiday parks and nursing homes is domestic. Determining whether a discharge contains trade effluent should not involve a detailed audit of the substances used by an applicant on a particular site. If the effluent is broadly of a domestic nature it is domestic sewage. If a significant proportion of the waste generated by a commercial enterprise is different from that found in a normal home then it becomes a mixture of domestic sewage and trade effluent.Key words: Effect, Sewage Farming, Ground Water, Septic-Tank Effluent , Ground-Water ,Quality Reference [1]. Ground Water Exploration and Development Prospects of Allahabad District, Uttar Pradesh, 1995, Central Ground Water Board. [2]. Water Supply System at Allahabad, Allahabad Jal Sansthan. [3]. A Report on State of Environment, Allahabad, Central Pollution Control Board, November 2003, CUPS/55/2003-04.. [4]. Uttaranchal and Uttar Pradesh At a Glance 2003, District Wise Statistical Review, Jagran Research Center, Dainic Jagran, September 2002. [5]. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Waste Water (APHA), 1999. T.SUBRAMANI, C.ARULSANKAR, S. BADRINARAYANAN |
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27. | Analysis Of Highway Air Pollution
Analysis Of Highway Air PollutionAbstract: The traffic is growing at rapid rate in urban areas of India and the management of traffic operations on the limited road network of the cities has become a gigantic task to the concerned authorities. Despite the concerted efforts of concerned authorities aimed at augmenting road infrastructure, traffic congestion is continuing to increase leading to environmental degradation. Eventually, a major study was commissioned by the Government of India to quantify urban travel by road and associated air pollutants coming from automobile exhausts in eight cities namely, Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Kanpur and Agra. The main objective was to make an accurate assessment of total number of vehicles and develop database and techniques to estimate road traffic and pollution loads in each city. This paper describes operating characteristics of traffic and quantification of traffic and air pollution loads (base and horizon year) on major road network of Chennai city. Comparatively urbanization is moderate in India. This is because the major contributor to the Indian economy is agriculture and it is rural based. As per the Census of India 2001, the urban population of India is around 28 percent of the total population. This proportion of urban population has grown from ten percent in 1901 to twenty eight percent in 2001. The disturbing aspect of the urbanization trends in India is the skewed distribution of the urban population. Nearly seventy percent of the urban population is located in Class-I cities (i.e. population of 100 Thousand and above). Further, 38 percent of the total urban population is located in metropolitan cities (i.e. population of 1 million and above) numbering about thirty-five. This heavy concentration of population in a few centers has resulted in the expansion of cities in density as well as area.Key words: Cauvery Irrigation System, cropping intensity, Hydrologic analysis, Irrigation systems in Tamilnadu .crop yield. Reference [1]. Nirjar, R.S., Jain, S.S. and Parida. M (2002). "Development of transport related air pollutants modeling for an urban area." Journal of Indian Road Congress, Paper No. 487 [2]. Rao M. N., and Rao H. V. N., Text Book of "Air Pollution", Tata Mc Graw Hill publications,2002. [3]. N Sharma, (CRRI), Prof K K Chaudhry, (IIT Delhi) and Dr C V Chalapati Rao (NEERI)., "Vehicular Pollution Modelling in India" Aug-2003. [4]. Shenouda, D. A., and, Schmidt, L.C (1997). "Prediction of traffic generated CO concentration in Sydney." ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 123, No.5, pp, 327-335. [5]. S. Kiran Kumar., "Air Pollution modeling." A dissertation submitted to faculty of K.U. Warangal, 2002. T.SUBRAMANI, S.ARUTSELVAN, S.K.GANESAN |
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28. | Microbial Analysis of Drinking Water And Water Distribution System
Microbial Analysis of Drinking Water And Water Distribution SystemAbstract: The discharge of wastes from municipal sewers is one of the most important water quality issues world-wide. It is of particular significance to sources of drinking-water. Municipal sewage contains human faeces and water contaminated with these effluents may contain pathogenic (disease-causing) organisms and, consequently, may be hazardous to human health if used as drinking-water or in food preparation. Faecal contamination of water is routinely detected by microbiological analysis. It is impractical to attempt the routine isolation of pathogens because they are present in relatively small numbers compared with other types of micro-organism. Moreover, there are many types of pathogen and each requires a unique microbiological isolation technique. The approach that has been adopted is to analyse for indicator organisms that inhabit the gut in large numbers and are excreted in human faeces. The presence of these indicator organisms in water is evidence of faecal contamination and, therefore, of a risk that pathogens are present. If indicator organisms are present in large numbers, the contamination is considered to be recent and/or severe. Bacteria in water are, in general, not present individually, but as clumps or in association with particulate matter. When enumerating bacteria in water it is not the number of individual bacteria present which are counted, but the number of clumps of bacteria or the particles and their associated bacteria. Each clump or particle may have many bacteria associated with it.Key words: Microbial Analysis, Drinking Water, Water Distribution System Reference [1]. Portaels, F. (1995) Epidemiology of mycobacterial diseases. Clin. Dermatol. 13, 207–222. [2]. Falkinham III, J.O. (2002) Nontuberculous mycobacteria in the environment. Clin. Chest Med. 23, 529–551. [3]. Wolinsky, E. (1979) Nontuberculous mycobacteria and associated diseases. Am. Rev. Respir. Dis. 119, 107–159. [4]. Wayne, L.G. and Sramek, H.A. (1992) Agents of newly recognized or infrequently encountered mycobacterial diseases. Clin. Microbiol. Rev. 5, 1–25. [5]. Wolinsky, E. (1992) Mycobacterial diseases other than tuberculosis. Clin. Infect. Dis. 15, 1–10. T.SUBRAMANI, N.JAYAGOBU |
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29. | Bio-Degradable Plastics Impact On Environment
Bio-Degradable Plastics Impact On EnvironmentAbstract: The potential of biodegradable polymers and more particularly that of polymers obtained from renewable resources such as the polysaccharides (e.g., starch) have long been recognized. However, these biodegradable polymers have been largely used in some applications (e.g., food industry) and have not found extensive applications in the packaging industries to replace conventional plastic materials, although they could be an interesting way to overcome the limitation of the petrochemical resources in the future. The fossil fuel and gas could be partially replaced by greener agricultural sources, which should participate in the reduction of CO2 emissions. Bio-based and biodegradable plastics can form the basis for environmentally preferable, sustainable alternative to current materials based exclusively on petroleum feed stocks. These bio-based materials offer value in the sustainability/life-cycle equation by being a part of the biological carbon cycle, especially as it relates to carbon-based polymeric materials such as plastics, water soluble polymers and other carbon based products like lubricants, biodiesel, and detergents. Identification and quantification of bio based content uses radioactive C-14 signature. Biopolymers are generally capable of being utilized by living matter (biodegraded), and so can be disposed in safe and ecologically sound ways through disposal processes (waste management) like composting, soil application, and biological wastewater treatment. Single use, short-life, disposable products can be engineered to be bio-based and biodegradable.Key words: CO2 emissions, life-cycle equation , biodegraded. Plastics Reference [1]. Aliani, S., A. Griffa & A. Molcard. (2003). Floating debris in the Ligurian Sea, northwestern Mediterranean. Marine Pollution Bulletin 46: 1142-1149. [2]. Allsopp, M., Walters, A., Santillo, D. & Johnston, P. (2006) Plastic Debris in the World's Oceans. Greenpeace International. Downloadable from http://oceans.greenpeace.org/en/documents-reports/plastic_ocean_report [3]. Aloy, A.B., Vallejo, B.M. & Juinio-Meñez, M.A. (2011) Increased plastic litter cover affects the foraging activity of the sandy intertidal gastropod Nassarius pullus. Marine Pollution Bulletin 62:1772-1779. [4]. Andrady, A.L. (2011) Microplastics in the marine environment. Marine Pollution Bulletin 62:1596-1605. [5]. Arthur, C., Baker, J. & Bamford, H. (2009) Proceedings of the International Research Workshop on the Occurrence, Effects, and Fate of Microplastic Marine Debris. Sept 9-11, 2008. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Technical Memorandum NOS-OR&R-30. T.SUBRAMANI, C.RAJADURAI, K. PRASATH |
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30. | Climate Change Energy And Decentralized Solid Waste Management
Climate Change Energy And Decentralized Solid Waste ManagementAbstract: India Is The Second Largest Nation In The World, With A Population Of 1.21 Billion, Accounting For Nearly 18% Of World's Human Population, But It Does Not Have Enough Resources Or Adequate Systems In Place To Treat Its Solid Wastes. Its Urban Population Grew At A Rate Of 31.8% During The Last Decade To 377 Million, Which Is Greater Than The Entire Population Of Us, The Third Largest Country In The World According To Population. India Is Facing A Sharp Contrast Between Its Increasing Urban Population And Available Services And Resources. Solid Waste Management (Swm) Is One Such Service Where India Has An Enormous Gap To Fill. Proper Municipal Solid Waste (Msw) Disposal Systems To Address The Burgeoning Amount Of Wastes Are Absent. The Current Swm Services Are Inefficient, Incur Heavy Expenditure And Are So Low As To Be A Potential Threat To The Public Health And Environmental Quality. Improper Solid Waste Management Deteriorates Public Health, Causes Environmental Pollution, Accelerates Natural Resources Degradation, Causes Climate Change And Greatly Impacts The Quality Of Life Of Citizens With Increasing Population And Urbanization, Municipal Waste Management In Our Cities Is Emerging As A Major Problem, Which Is Going To Get Even Worse In The Future.Key words: Climate Change Energy , Decentralized, Solid Waste Management Reference [1]. Singhal, Shaleen and Suneel Pandey. ― Solid waste management in India: status and future directions‖, TERI Information Monitor on Environmental Science, The Energy Research Institute, New Delhi, 2001 [2]. Viju, B and Sharad Vyas. ―Clock's ticking as Mumbai struggles to dispose of waste‖, The Times of India, Mumbai, 5 June 2011 [3]. Pradhan, Kunal andChandrima Pal. ―Binned there, dumped that‖, Mumbai Mirror, Mumbai, 28 August 2010 [4]. Vyas, Sharad. ―BMC dreams of huge carbon credits from Deonar in the dumps‖, The Times of India, Mumbai, 27 December 2010 [5]. Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, UK. ―Review of environmental and health effects of waste management: municipal solid waste and similar wastes, UK (early 2000s). http://www.defra.gov.uk |
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31. | Solving Nonlinear Time Delay Control Systems by Fourier series
Solving Nonlinear Time Delay Control Systems by Fourier seriesAbstract: In this paper we present a method to find the solution of time-delay optimal control systems using Fourier series. The method is based upon expanding various time functions in the system as their truncated Fourier series. Operational matrices of integration and delay are presented and are utilized to reduce the solution of time-delay control systems to the solution of algebraic equations. Illustrative examples are included to demonstrate the validity and applicability of the technique.Key words: Fourier series, Time delay system, Operational matrix, Nonlinear systems. Reference [1] A.J. Koshkouei , M.H. Farahi , K.J. Burnham., An almost optimal control design method for nonlinear time-delay systems, International Journal of Control,Vol. 85, No. 2, (2012), 147-158 [2] Chen, C. K. and Yang, C. Y., Analysis and parameter identification of time-delay systems via polynomial series, International Journal of Control 46 ( 1987), 111-127. [3] Chen, W. L. and Shih, Y. P., Shift Walsh matrix and delay differential equations, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 23(1978), 265-280. [4] Horng, I. R. and Chou, J. H., Analysis, parameter estimation and optimal control of time-delay systems via Chebyshev series, International Journal of Control 441(1985), 1221-1234. [5] Jamshidi, M. and Wang, C. M., A computational algorithm for large-scale nonlinear time-delays systems, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics 14(1984), 2-9. Mohammad Hadi Farahi and Mahmood Dadkhah |
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32. | An Experimental Analysis to Reduce Cracks in Arc Welding in MS and SS 304 (L)
An Experimental Analysis to Reduce Cracks in Arc Welding in MS and SS 304 (L)Abstract: cracks are very common welding defects .Cracks can be hot or cold cracks .Cracks can be reduced by various parameters keeping in mind. The various parameters are 1. Preheat 2.Interpass heating 3.Post weld heat treatment (PWHT) 4. Welding speed 5. Energy input 6. Thickness of joint 7. Stresses 8. High current 9. High carbon content. The aim of this experiment was to study different types of cracks formed during welding process and to reduce the cracking of SS 304 (L) and M.S in fillet joints when arc welded.Lstands for very low carbon content.Key words: improved or crack free welding joint, preheat and interpass temperature Reference [1.] R.S Parmar Welding Engineering and technology [2.] Rian Holdstock Inducing Hydrogen Associated cold cracks In High Strength Steel Weld Metal [3.] The James Lincohn arc welding foundation Weld cracking [4.] Girish P Kelkar WJM technologies [5.] R.Scott Funderburk Talking your Welding Temperature Vivekanand Jha, Mohd. Abbas |
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33. | Precesion Agriculture for Drip Irrigation Using Microcontroller and GSM Technology
Precesion Agriculture for Drip Irrigation Using Microcontroller and GSM TechnologyAbstract: Drip irrigation is now a common phenomenon gaining popularity especially in the states like Rajasthan where water scarcity is a day to day affair. For drip irrigation a small over head water tank in used which supply water to the drip system. Usually the geographic systems as well as the cost do not permit a bigger tank. This tank generally gets vacated and a farmer needs to be always attentive to refill the over head tank from his well or cannel by an electric pump, mostly this need arises in the night as the availability of power is not whole day. This involved a lot of risk and cost on the part of farmer. The simple and low cost gadget that has been work upon, not only control the starting and stopping of motor by sending a simple SMS through a GSM mobile but also gets the return SMS showing level of water in overhead tank. The application of the gadget is not only limited to the use for a farmer & but can be beneficial for any process industry in which level of a chemical or any liquid need to be crucially controlled and monitored from far end, may be even from the home of a supervisor with no constraints of time or place for controlling the operations.Key words: GSM Drive ,Microcontroller AT89s52, Sensors,. Reference [1] G. Aranguren, L. Nozal, A. Blazquez, and J. Arias, "Remote control of Sensors and actuators by GSM", IEEE 2002, 28th Annual Conference of The Industrial Electronics Society IECON 02, vol. 3, 5-8 Nov. 2002, pp.2306 2310. [2] Islam, N.S. Wasi-ur-Rahman, M. "An intelligent SMS-based remote Water Metering System". 12th International Conference on Computers and Information Technology, 2009, 21-23 Dec. 2009, Dhaka, Bangladesh. [3] 2012 1st International Conference on Future Trends in Computing and Communication Technologies "Microcontroller Based Water Level Indicator Using GSM Modem": Design And Application Melaty Amirruddin, Nurhakimah M. Mukhtar, Hana A. Halim, Nur S. Noorpi School of Electrical Systems Engineering Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)Perlis,Malaysiamelaty@unimap.edu.my,nurhakimah@unimap.edu.my,hanahalim@unimap.edu.mynursabrina@unimap.edu.my [4] Malik Sikandar Hayat Khiyal, Aihab Khan, and Erum Shehzadi. "SMS Based Wireless Home Appliance Control System (HACS) for Automating Appliances and Security", Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology. Vol. 9. pp. 887 – 894. 2009. [5] Al-Ali, A.R. Rousan, M.A. Mohandes, M. "GSM-Based Wireless Home Appliances Monitoring & Control System", Proceedings of International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies: From Theory to Applications, pp 237-238, 2004. Dr. Deepak Gupta, Amit Kushwaha, Mohammad Sikander, Shushma Trivedi |
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34. | Embedding Useful Information in Digital Watermarking: A Review
Embedding Useful Information in Digital Watermarking: A ReviewAbstract: Nowadays watermarking is being used to protect multimedia in digital technology. Embedding the data is known as watermark. On the internet where various images available are being used as watermarks. Digital watermarking is a process in which different types of information is being combined into a digital signal. Watermarking techniques ensures two main factors integrity and robustness of data. A number of watermarking techniques such as DFT, DCT etc. are discussed in this paper.Key words: watermark, DCT, DFT, DWT Reference [1] Sunil Mohan AdapaJayanthiSivaswamy, "Useful Information Embedding in Images Using Watermarks", International Institute of International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad Information Technology, Hyderabad. [2] AbduljabbarShaamala, "Study of the effected genetic watermarking Robustness under dct and dwt domains", International journal on new computer architectures and their applications (ijncaa) 2(2): 353-360the society of digital information and wireless communications, 2012 (ISSN: 2220-9085). [3] Keshav S Rawatet. al. / Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering Digital watermarking scheme for authorization against copying or piracy of color image volume.1 No. 4 295-300. [4] Saraju P. Mohanty, "Digital Watermarking: A Tutorial Review", Dept of Comp Sc&Eng.Unversity of South Florida. [5] Christine I. Podilchuk and Edward J. Delp "Digital Watermarking: algorithm and application",Ieee Signal Processing Magazine, July 2001. Ruchi Kashyap, Mr. Karan Mahajan |
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35. | A Detailed Study of Cbr Method for Flexible Pavement Design
A Detailed Study of Cbr Method for Flexible Pavement DesignAbstract: As per IRC recommendation, California Bearing Ratio (CBR) value of subgrade is used for design of flexible pavements. California Bearing Ratio (CBR) value is an important soil parameter for design of flexible pavements and runway of air fields. It can also be used for determination of sub grade reaction of soil by using correlation. It is one of the most important engineering properties of soil for design of sub grade of roads. CBR value of soil may depends on many factors like maximum dry density (MDD), optimum moisture content (OMC), liquid limit (LL), plastic limit (PL), plasticity index (PI), type of soil, permeability of soil etc. Besides, soaked or unsoaked condition of soil also affects the value. These tests can easily be performed in the laboratory. the estimation of the CBR could be done on the basis of these tests which are quick to perform, less time consuming and cheap, then it will be easy to get the information about the strength of subgrade over the length of roads, By considering this aspect, a number of investigators in the past made their investigations in this field and designed different pavements by determining the CBR value on the basis of results of low cost, less time consuming and easy to perform tests. In this study, attempts have been made to seek the values of CBR of different soil samples and correlate their CBR values for the design purpose of flexible pavement as per guidelines of IRC: SP: 37-2001.Key words: California Bearing Ratio, correlation, soaked, unsoaked, flexible pavemet. Reference [1] "Khanna .S.K & Justo C.E (March 2001)", Highway Engineering, Nem Chand & Bros Publications, Roorkee (U.A), Eighth Edition. [2] IS 2720 Part-5 "Metod of test for Soil-Determination of Liquid limit and Plastic limit". [3] IS 2720 Part –8 "Method of test for Soil-Determination of Water Content, Dry density relation using a heavy Compaction & light compaction". [4] IS 2720 Part-16 "Method of test for Soil-Laboratory determination of CBR". [5] Partha Chakroborty & Animesh Das "Principles of Transportation Engineering"Ministry of Road Transport and Highways Report of the Specifications for Road and Bridge Work in India. Er. Devendra Kumar Choudhary, Dr. Y. P Joshi |
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36. | Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm For PAPR Reduction In Multicarrier Code Division Multiple Access System
Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm For PAPR Reduction In Multicarrier Code Division Multiple Access SystemAbstract: MC CDMA is a rising candidate for future generation broadband wireless communication and gained great attention from researchers. It provides benefits of both OFDM and CDMA. Main challenging problem of MC CDMA is high PAPR. It occurs in HPA and reduces system efficiency. There are many PAPR reduction techniques for MC CDMA. In this paper we proposed Ant colony optimization algorithm to reduce PAPR with different number of user using BPSK and QPSK modulation. ACO is a metaheuristic technique and based on the foraging behavior of real ants. It provides solution to many complex problems. Simulation result proves that ACO using BPSK modulation is effective for reducing PAPR in MC CDMA.Key words: Ant colony optimization, Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function (CCDF), MC CDMA, OFDM, PAPR Reference [1] M. Tabulo, D. Laurenson, S. McLaughlin and E. Al-Susa, A Linear Programming Algorithm for a Grouped MC-CDMA System, IEEE, 2003. [2] Y. Zhang, Q. Ni, H. Chen, Y. Song, AnIntelligent Genetic Algorithm for PAPR Reduction in a Multi-Carrier CDMA Wireless System, , IEEE, August, 2009. [3] S. Jitapunkul, K. Wutthipompong, J. Songthanasak and S. Kunaruttanapruk, Peak to Average Power Ratio Reduction in MCCDMA using Partial Transmit Sequences, IEEE, 2004. [4] R. Manjith, S. C. Ramesh and M. M. I. Majeed, Papr Reduction In Ofdm & Mc-Cdma Systemusing Nonlinear Companding Techniques, Irkutsk Listvyanka, Russia, July 2010, 11 – 15. [5] N. T. Pınar, D. Karabog, M. Yıldırım and B. Akay, ] Partial Transmit Sequences Based On Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm For Peak-To-Average Power Ratio Reduction In Multicarrier Code Division Multiple Access Systems, IET Commun., 5(8), 2011, 1155–1162. Kanchan Singla, Rajbir Kaur |
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37. | Modeling and Implementation of Reliable Ternary Arithmetic and Logic Unit Design Using Vhdl
Modeling and Implementation of Reliable Ternary Arithmetic and Logic Unit Design Using VhdlAbstract: Multivalve logic is a reliable method for defining, analyzing, testing and implementing the basic combinational circuitry with VHDL simulator. It offers better utilization of transmission channels because of its high speed for higher information carried out and it gives more efficient performance. One of the main realizing of the MVL (ternary logic) is that reduces the number of required computation steps, simplicity and energy efficiency in digital logic design. This paper using reliable method is brought out for implementing the basic combinational, sequential and TALU (Ternary Arithmetic and Logic Unit) circuitry with minimum number of ternary switching circuits (Multiplexers). In this the potential of VHDL modelling and simulation that can be applied to ternary switching circuits to verify its functionality and timing specifications. An intention is to show how proposed simulator can be used to simulate MVL circuits and to evaluate system performance.Key words: Gate count, MVL, reliability- unreliability model, ternary switching levels, VHDL, Xilinx ISE10.1i. Reference [1]. Sweta Giri, Mrs. N. Saraswathi. "Implementation of combinational circuits using ternary multiplexer", IJCER, Mar-Apr 2012 Vol. 2, No. 2, pp457-463. [2]. S.L. Hurst, "Multi-valued logic - Its status and its future", IEEE Trans. On Computers, vol. C-33, 1984, pp. 1160-1179. [3]. A.P. Dhande, R.C. Jaiswal, S.S Dudam. "Ternary Logic Simulator using VHDL", SETIT 2007 TUNISIA, March 25-29, pp1-6. [4]. A.P. Dhande, V.T. Ingole. "Design and implementation of 2-bit Ternary ALU Slice", SETIT 2005 TUNISIA, March 17-21. [5]. C. Rozon, "On the Use of VHDL as a Multi-Valued Logic Simulator", ISMVL‟96, IEEE, 1996, pp.110-115. Meruva Kumar Raja, Neelima Koppala |
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38. | Fpga Implementation of 8-Bit Vedic Multiplier by Using Complex Numbers
Fpga Implementation of 8-Bit Vedic Multiplier by Using Complex NumbersAbstract: The paper describes the implementation of 8-bit vedic multiplier using complex numbers previous technique describes that 8-bit vedic multiplier using barrel shifter by FPGA implementation comparing the both technique in this paper propagation delay is reduced so that processing of speed will be high 8-bit vedic multiplier using barrel shifter propagation delay nearly 22nsec but present technique 8-bit vedic multiplier using complex numbers where propagation delay is 19nsec. The design is implemented and verified by FPGA and ISE simulator. The core was implemented on the Spartan 3E starts board the preferred language is used in verilog.Key words: Barrel shifter, base selection module, Propagation delay, power index determinant. Reference [1] Prabir Saha, Arindam Banerjee, Partha Bhattacharyya, Anup Dandapat, "High speed ASIC design of complex multiplier using vedic mathematics" , Proceeding of the 2011 IEEE Students' Technology Symposium 14-16 January, 2011, lIT Kharagpur, pp. 237-241. [2] Shamsiah Suhaili and Othman Sidek, "Design and implementation of reconfigurable alu on FPGA", 3rd International Conference on Electrical & Computer Engineering ICECE 2004, 28-30 December 2004, Dhaka, Bangladesh, pp.56- 59. [3] Sumit Vaidya and Deepak Dandekar, "Delay-power performance comparison of multipliers in vlsi circuit design", International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC), Vol.2, No.4, July 2010, pp.47-56. [4] P. Mehta, and D. Gawali, "Conventional versus Vedic mathematical method for Hardware implementation of a multiplier," in Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Advances in Computing, Control, and Telecommunication Technologies, Trivandrum, Kerala, Dec. 28- 29, 2009, pp. 640-642. [5] J. S. S. B. K. T. Maharaja, Vedic mathematics, Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Pvt Ltd,(2010). Gundlapalle Nandakishore, K.V.Rajendra Prasad |
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39. | Removal of Copper from Simulated Wastewater Using Pongamia Pinnata Seed Shell as Adsorbent
Removal of Copper from Simulated Wastewater Using Pongamia Pinnata Seed Shell as AdsorbentAbstract: The adsorption process is being widely used by various researchers for the removal of toxic metals from waste streams and activated carbon has been frequently used as an adsorbent. Despite its extensive use in the water and wastewater treatment industries, activated carbon remains an expensive material. In recent years, the need for safe and economical methods for the elimination of toxic metals from contaminated waters has necessitated research interest towards the production of low cost alternatives to commercially available activated carbon. Presence of copper in the water used for various activities affects living beings in its own way depending on its concentration. Considering the effects of high dose of copper concentration on humans and animals, it is important to remove this metal ion from industrial effluent before discharge to environmental stream. In this regard Pongamia pinnata seed shell is proven to be an effective and promising adsorbent. Removal of copper ion from aqueous and industrial waste water depends on pH, concentration of metal ion, concentration of adsorbent, contact time and agitation. Equilibrium adsorption data was tested for the Langmuir equation. Adsorption isotherm studies indicated that Langmuir model fits better for the present case.Key words: Adsorption, copper ion, Pongamia pinnata seed shell, adsorption isotherm. Reference [1] Kafia M. Shareef Surchi,(2011), "Agricultural Wastes as Low Cost Adsorbents for Pb Removal: Kinetics, Equilibrium and Thermodynamics", International Journal of Chemistry, Vol. 3, pg 103-107. [2] Patil Kishor P, Patil Vilas S, Nilesh Patil, Motiraya Vijay(2012), "Adsorption of Copper (cu 2+) & Copper (zn2+) Metal Ion from Wastewater by Using Soybean Hulls and Sugarcane Bagasse as Adsorbent", International Journal of Scientific Research and Reviews, Vol. 1(2), pg 13-23. [3] Rangabhashiyam S., Anu N. and Selvaraju N (2013), "Biosorption of toxic metals using low cost agricultural byproducts", Vol.17 (11), pg 112-118. [4] Satya Vani Yadla V. Sridevi and M.V.V.Chandana Lakshmi(2012), "AReview on Adsorption of Toxic metals from Aqueous Solution", Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical Sciences, Vol. 2, pg 1585-1593 [5] Mamatha M, H.B.Aravinda, E.T.Puttaiah, and S.Manjappa(2013), "Factors and Kinetics Involved in Adsorption of Copper from Aqueous and Waste Water onto Pongamia Pinnata", International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 2, pg 1091-1098. Shwetha. K. C, Dr. D. P. Nagarajappa, M. Mamatha |
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40. | A Study for Extraction Kinetics of Β-Carotene from Oven Dried Carrot by Solvent Extraction
A Study for Extraction Kinetics of Β-Carotene from Oven Dried Carrot by Solvent ExtractionAbstract: The main aim of this work was to study the kinetics of the extraction of β-carotene by solvent (ethanol) extraction from carrots dried at 50ºC in an oven. The moisture content after drying was 11±1.5% (dry weight basis). Extraction time was 5 hours and extraction process was carried out at 30ºC. The ratio of Carrot (gm): ethanol (ml) of 1:60 was maintained throughout the extraction process. The experimental data of extracted β-Carotene yield during solvent extraction were modeled with seven different mathematical models, including Power law, Peleg, Weinbull's equation, Pseudo 2nd order, Intraparticle diffusion, Logarithmic, Weinbull's distribution and one RSM model developed in this study. Pseudo 2nd order model was best fitted model (R2- 0.99, χ2- 0.0091, RMSE- 0.1566, MAE- 0.0115) to describe extraction kinetics of β-carotene from carrot. The extraction time has significant effect on extraction process at p<0.05 levelKey words: β-Carotene, carrot, extraction kinetics, mathematical model, RSM modeling Reference [1] P. Subra, S. Castellani, P. Jestin and A. Aoufi, Extraction of β-Carotene with Supercritical Fluids, Experiments and Modeling, Journal of Supercritical Fluids,12(3), 1998, pp. 261-269. [2] J. Velíšek, Chemie Potravín (II). OSSIS, Tábor, Isolations and Formulations of Nutrient-rich Carotenoids, United States Patent: 6056962, 1999. [3] I. S. M. Zaidul, N. N. A. Norulaini, A. K. M. Omar and R. L. Smith Jr., Supercritical Carbon Dioxide (SC-CO2) Extraction and Fractionation of Palm Kernel Oil from Palm Kernel as Cocoa Butter Replacers Blend, Journal of Food Engineering,73(3), 2006, pp. 210-216. [4] S.Das and D.Bera, Mathematical Model Study on Solvent Extraction of Carotene from Carrot, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, 2(9),2013,pp. 343-349. [5] Slovak Technical standard 56 0053: Determination of carotenes (A provitamins). ÚNN, Praha: 5, 1986. Sudipta Das, Saikat Mazumder, Soumitra Banerjee |
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41. | Design and Analysis of Hybrid Composite Lap Joint Using FEM
Design and Analysis of Hybrid Composite Lap Joint Using FEMAbstract: In 1909 Ritz developed an effective method for the approximate solution of problems in the mechanics of deformable solids. It includes an approximation of energy functional by the known functions with unknown coefficients. Minimization of functional in relation to each unknown leads to the system of equations from which the unknown coefficients may be determined. One from the main restrictions in the Ritz method is that functions used should satisfy to the boundary conditions of the problem. In 1943 Courant considerably increased possibilities of the Ritz method by introduction of the special linear functions defined over triangular regions and applied the method for the solution of torsion problems. As unknowns, the values of functions in the node points of triangular regions were chosen.Key words: FEM, FEM development, Zienkiewicz. hybrid composite lap joint Reference [1] K.N. Anyfantis, N.G. Tsouvalis. Experimental Parametric Study of Single-Lap Adhesive Joints between Dissimilar Materials. ECCM15 - 15th European Conference On Composite Materials, Venice, Italy, 24-28 June 2012. [2]. W.Hufenbach a, L.A.Dobrzański b, M.Gude a, J.Konieczny b, A.Czulak a, "Optimisation of the rivet joints of the CFRP composite material and aluminium alloy"Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering Volume 20 (2007). [3]. Hart-Smith, L.J. "Adhesive –bonded single lap joints"Nasa Report Cr-112236, Langely research Center, VA (1973). [4]. Paroissien Eric, Sartor Marc, Huet Jacques, "hybrid (bolted/bonded) joints applied to aeronautic parts: analytical one-dimensional models of a single lap Joint", composite single-lap joints", Composite Structures, Volume 69, Issue 1, 2005, pp.35-43. [5] K.Mohammd Bak, k . Prasannavenkatesan, k.kalaichelvan," parametric study of bonded, riveted, hybrid, journal of applied sciences 12(10):1058-1062,2012,issn 1812-5654. T. Subramani, A. Arul |
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42. | Earthquake Analysis of Structure by Base Isolation Technique in SAP
Earthquake Analysis of Structure by Base Isolation Technique in SAPAbstract: This paper presents an overview of the present state of base isolation techniques with special emphasis and a brief on other techniques developed world over for mitigating earthquake forces on the structures. The dynamic analysis procedure for isolated structures is briefly explained. The provisions of FEMA 450 for base isolated structures are highlighted. The effects of base isolation on structures located on soft soils and near active faults are given in brief. Simple case study on natural base isolation using naturally available soils is presented. Also, the future areas of research are indicated. Earthquakes are one of nature IS greatest hazards; throughout historic time they have caused significant loss offline and severe damage to property, especially to man-made structures. On the other hand, earthquakes provide architects and engineers with a number of important design criteria foreign to the normal design process.Key words: Earthquake Analysis, Structure, Base Isolation Technique, SAP Reference [1]. Jessica Irene wiles, Dr. Sutton F. Stephens, S.E. An overview of the technology and design of base isolated buildings in high seismic regions in the United States. [2]. Refer by J.M.Ferritto [3]. B. M. Saiful Islam*, Mohammed Jameel and Mohd Zamin Jumaat ,Seismic isolation in buildings to be a practical reality: Behavior of structure and installation technique, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Accepted 17 February, 2011 [4]. Aung Chan Win, Analysis and Design of Base Isolation for Multi-Storied Building, GMSARN International Conference on Sustainable Development: Issues and Prospects for the GMS 12- 14 Nov.2008. [5]. T. K. Datta Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India, Seismic analysis of structure. T. Subramani, J. Jothi , M. Kavitha |
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43. | Nonlinear Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Column with Fiber Reinforced Polymer Bars
Nonlinear Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Column with Fiber Reinforced Polymer BarsAbstract: In this paper, the results of an analytical investigation on the behaviour of RC columns reinforced with fibber reinforced polymer bars FRP are presented and discussed. Nonlinear finite element analysis on 10-column specimens was achieved by using ANSYS software. The nonlinear finite element analysis program ANSYS is utilized owing to its capabilities to predict either the response of reinforced concrete columns in the post-elastic range or the ultimate strength of a reinforced concrete columns reinforced by FRP bars. An extensive set of parameters is investigated including different main reinforcement ratios, main reinforcement types (GFRP, Steel), the transverse reinforcement ratios, and the characteristic compressive strength of concrete. A comparison between the experimental results and those predicted by the existing models are presented. Results and conclusions may be useful for designers, have been raised, and represented.Key words: Nonlinear Analysis, Reinforced Concrete, Column With Fiber Reinforced Polymer Bars, Reference [1]. V. M. Karbhari1, J. W. Chin, D. Hunston, B. Benmokrane, T. Juska, R. Morgan, J. J. Lesko7, U. Sorathia, and D. Reynaud, (2003) "Durability Gap Analysis for Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composites in Civil Infrastructure", ASCE, August, 238-247 pp. [2]. Nicholas M., Rajan S. (2003) "The Fatigue of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composite Structures State-of-the-Art Review" Civil & Environmental Engineering, USF College of Engineering. [3]. Halcrow W. and Partners Ltd; London, England (1996) "FRP Concrete Structures" Advanced Composite Materials In Bridges and Structures; M.M. B-Badry, Editor; Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, Montreal, Quebec. [4]. OU J. and LI H., (2003) "Recent Advances of Structural Health Monitoring in Mainland China" The National Hi-Tech Research and Development Program (HTRDP), and practical engineering projects. [5]. EL-Salakawy E. F., Kassem C., and Benmokrane B., (2003) "Construction, Testing and Monitoring of FRP Reinforced Concrete Bridges In North America" NSERC Chair, ISIS Canada, Department of Civil Engineering, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada J1K 2R1. T. Subramani, Reni Kuruvilla, J. Jayalakshmi |
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Version 6 | |||
1. | Messaging and Voice Conferencing through Wi-Fi Network
Messaging and Voice Conferencing through Wi-Fi NetworkAbstract: The use of Wi-Fi enabled android phones as IP phones, and their communication within a local wireless LAN is discussed in this paper. This proposed model is a form of telecommunication that allows exchange of data and voice via Wi-Fi network. The phones, which are Wi-Fi enabled and have android operating system, can be used to communicate with each other through the Wi-Fi communication channel. Proposed system incorporates messaging (Text and voice), conferencing (group conversation) and file sharing services through the Wi-Fi network. When users enters the Wi-Fi network, proposed system displays the list of other users they are having this system on their mobile in that network. Using the system services, user can communicate with other user by exchanging packets to IP address of destination user, with the condition that both communicating person should be in same Wi-Fi network. The proposed system allows communication through Wi-Fi which requires neither any internet connectivity nor any service from the service providers. In this paper, the proposed system shall eliminate the usage of service providers for short-distance calls and decreases the cost that gets accrued in the consumer's monthly bill. This system allows free conferencing, file sharing and messaging services within the Wi-Fi network that will greatly reduce the communication cost in large organizations.Key words: Messaging, File sharing, Conferencing, Wi-Fi, Android, IP address Reference [1] Intranet Based Messaging Service on Android Smart phones and Tablets International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering (Volume 3, Issue 7, July 2013). [2] Voice Calls between Wireless (Android) Phones and a Cooperative Application for Sending Sms over Wi-Fi Networks By Mr. Sandip Rane, Miss. Jaya Suradkar, Volume 12 Issue 4 Version 1.0 February 2012 [3] Review through web http://www.devloper. android.com: Android Training Tutorials. [4] Review through web http://www.javaforea ch.com: Interactive platform for Java Developers. Miss. Nayana H S, Dr. M C Padma |
01-05 | ![]() |
2. | Energy Audit as a Tool for Improving System Efficiency in Industrial Sector
Energy Audit as a Tool for Improving System Efficiency in Industrial SectorAbstract: This paper presents the characteristics of energy consumption in industrial sector, the methodology and results of energy audits (EA) performed in industrial sites and potentials for energy efficiency (EE) improvements. The present state of industrial energy in India could be characterized by significant technological out-of–date, low energy efficiency and low level of environmental protection. Presented analysis of the results of conducted energy audits in selected industrial companies in previous period has shown the significant potentials for energy efficiency improvements in industrial sector (upgrading or replacement of equipment in the industrial energy sources and processes, introduction of energy management, improvement of steam supply and condensate return systems, the waste heat utilization, introduction of energy efficiency technology, improvement of energy efficiency in electrical equipment, usage of waste materials etc).Key words: Energy Audit; Industrial sector; Energy Efficiency. Reference [1] "Working manual on energy auditing in Industries", Asian Productivity organization, 2008. [2] "How to conduct an energy audit: A short guide for local Governments and communities" prepared by New Jersey Department of Environmental protection. [3] "Energy Audit: A case study to reduce lighting cost", Innovative Journal. [4] "Hand book of energy audits", by Albert Thumann, William J.Younger. [5] "Energy audit of a 400/220 Kv substation- a case study", Sunil.M.Jaralikar and Mangalpady Aruna. Gopi Srinath, N. Uday Kumar |
06-11 | ![]() |
3. | Durability and Strength Properties on High Performance Self Compacting Concrete with GGBS and Silica Fumes
Durability and Strength Properties on High Performance Self Compacting Concrete with GGBS and Silica FumesAbstract: This study on the experimental investigation on strength aspects like compressive strength, flexural strength and split tensile strength, and durability aspects like rapid chloride penetration test(RCPT) of high performance self-compacting concrete with different mineral admixtures . Initials tests like slump test, L-box test, U-box test and T50 test will be carried out. The methodology adopted here is Ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) which is replaced partially by cement at 10%, 20% and 30% and silica fumes(SF) by 3%, 6%, 9% in combination with Portland cement and the performance is measured and compared. The influence of mineral admixtures on the workability, mechanical strength and durability aspects of self-compacting concrete are studied. The mix proportion is obtained as per the guidelines given by European Federation of producers and contractors of special products for structure.Key words: Self-compacting concrete, Ground granulated blast furnace slag(GGBS), Silica fumes(SF), Workability. Reference [1] D .Bonen, SP. Shah, Fresh and hardened properties of self-consolidating concrete, Concrete construction. ProgStructEngMate,(2005), vol 7, p. 14–26 . [2] EFNARC , Specifications and guidelines for Self Compacting Concrete,(2001). [3] G .Habert , N. Roussel, Study of two concretemix-design strategies to reach carbon mitigation objectives, Cement Concrete Composite,(2009) , vol 31 , p. 397–402.. [4] JJ .Brooks,MAM .Johari,M.Mazloom.Effect of admixtures On the setting times of high strength concrete, Cement Concrete Composite (2000), vol22,pg.293-301. [5] JM. Khatib ,Performance of self-compacting concrete containing GGBS , Construct Build Material, (2008) ,vol 22 . p. 1963–1971. J. M.Srishaila, Karthik Poovaiah D, K.N.Vishwanath, P.Prakash |
12-19 | ![]() |
4. | Novel Genetic Algorithm Based Solutions for Optimal Power Flow under Contingency Conditions
Novel Genetic Algorithm Based Solutions for Optimal Power Flow under Contingency ConditionsAbstract: Power system throughout the world is undergoing tremendous changes and developments due to rapid Restructuring, Deregulation and Open-access policies. Greater liberalization, larger market and increasing dependency on the electricity lead to the system operators to work on limited spinning reserve and to operate on vicinities to maximize the economy compromising on the reliability and security of the system for greater profits, which lead to establishment of a monitoring authority and accurate electronic system to prevent any untoward incidents like Blackouts. In any power system, unexpected outages of lines or transformers occur due to faults or other disturbances. These events may cause significant overloading of transmission lines or transformers, which in turn may lead to a viability crisis of the power system. The main role of power system control is to maintain a secure system state, i.e., to prevent the power system, moving from secure state into emergency state over the widest range of operating conditions. Security Constrained Optimal Power Flow (SCOPF) is major tool used to improve the security of the system. In this work, Genetic algorithm has been used to solve the OPF and SCOPF problems. As initial effort conventional GA (binary coded) based OPF and SCOPF is going to be attempted. The difficulties of binary coded GA in handling continuous search space lead to the evolution of real coded GA‟s. Solutions obtained using both the algorithms are compared. Case studies are made on the IEEE30 bus test system to demonstrate the ability of real coded GA in solving the OPF and SCOPF problems.Key words: Optimal Power Flow(OPF), Security Constrained Optimal Power Flow(SCOPF), Genetic Algorithm(GA). Reference [1] O.Alsac,and B. Scott, "Optimal load flow with steady state security", IEEE Transaction PAS -1973, pp. 745-751. May 1973. [2] R.Narmatha Banu, D.Devaraj "Enhanced Genetic Algorithm Approach for Security Constrained Optimal Power Flow Including FACTS Devices", International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, pp. 552-557, 2009 [3] P.Somasundaram ,K.Kuppusamy , and Kumudini Devi, "Evolutionary programming based security constrained optimal power flow", Electric Power System Research 72, Elsevier pp. 137-145 ,2004 [4] H. W. Dommel and W. F. Tinney, "Optimal Power Flow Solutions", IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. pp. 1866-1876, Oct. 1968. [5] Anastasios G. Bakirtzis, Pandel N. Biskas, Christoforos E. Zoumas and Vasilios Petridis, "Optimal Power Flow by Enhanced Genetic Algorithm" IEEE transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 229-236, May 2002. S. V. Durga Bhavani, K. Ravi Kumar |
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5. | Finite Element Based Stress Analysis of Seat Belt Using Integrated Force Method
Finite Element Based Stress Analysis of Seat Belt Using Integrated Force MethodAbstract: Integrated force method (IFM) has been developed for solving various continuum mechanics problems, where all the internal forces are taken as independent variables. The system equilibrium equations (EE's) are mathematically concatenated with the MATLAB based compatibility conditions (CC's) to form the global set of equations. This paper explains the solution strategy of prototype seat-belt component using integrated force method. Actual seat belt component is taken here to verify IFM based FE element are readily used which is named as REC_5F_8D and REC_13F_16D where 5F and 13F reflects number of internal unknowns and 8D and 16D are number of total displacements respectively. The results for "Von Mises Stress" and Maximum Displacement using IFM based formulation and compared with ANSYS.Key words: IFM, Seatbelt Component, REC_5F_8D, REC_13F_16D, ANSYS Reference [1] S. N. Patnaik, D. A. Hopkins and Halford, Integrated force method solution to indeterminate structural mechanics problems, NASA/TP—2004-207430 [2] I. Kaljevic, S. N. Patnaik and D. A. Hopkins, Development of finite elements for two-dimensional structural analysis using the integrated force method, Computers & Structures, Vol. 59, No.4, pp.691-706, 1996 [3] S. N. Patnaik and M. S. Nagraj, Analysis of continuum by the integrated force method, Computers & Structures, Vol. 26, No.6, pp.899-905, 1987 [4] S. N. Patnaik, R. M. Cornoneous and D. A. Hopkins, Recent Advances in the method of forces: integrated force method of structural analysis, Advances in engineering Software, Vol. 29, No. 3-6, pp. 463-474, 1998 [5] S. N. Patnaik and K. T. Joseph, Generation of the compatibility matrix in the integrated force method, Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering, 55, (1986) Anjali Kale, Dr. G. S. Doiphode |
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6. | Integration of JAM and JADE Architecture in Distributed Data Mining System
Integration of JAM and JADE Architecture in Distributed Data Mining SystemAbstract: Data mining systems is used to discover patterns and extract useful information from facts recorded in databases. Knowledge can be acquired from database by using machine learning algorithm which compute descriptive representations of the data as well as patterns that may be exhibited in the data. Most of the current generation of learning algorithms, however, are computationally complex and require all data to be resident in main memory which is clearly untenable for many realistic problems and databases. The main focus of this work is on the management of machine learning programs with the capacity to travel between computer sites to mine the local data. This paper describes the system architecture of JAM (Java Agents for Meta-learning), a distributed data mining system that scales up to large and physically separated data sets. In a single repository data base where data is stored in central site, then applying data mining algorithms on these data base, patterns are extracted, which is clearly implausible and untenable for many realistic problems and databases. To deal with these complex systems has revealed opportunities to improve distributed data mining systems in a number of ways.This paper describes the system architecture of JAM (Java Agents for Meta-learning), a distributed data mining system that scales up to large and physically separated data sets JAM is an extensible agent-based distributed data mining system that supports dispatch and exchange of agents among participating data sites and meta-learning techniques to combine the multiple models that are learned. A brief description of JADE architecture is also given.Key words: compatibility, distributed data mining, global classifier Reference [1] R. Grossman, S. Baily, S. Kasif, D. Mon, and A. Ramu. The preliminary design of papyrus: A system for high performance. In P. Chan H. Kargupta, editor, Work. Notes KDD-98 Workshop on Distributed Data Mining, pages 37–43. AAAI Press, 1998. [2] Sanjay Kumar Sen, Dr Sujata Dash, Subrat P Pattanayak "AGENT BASED META LEARNING IN DISTRIBUTED DATA MINING SYSTEM". International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 www.ijera.com Vol. 2, Issue 3, May-Jun 2012, pp. 342-348. [3] U. Fayyad, G. Piatetsky-Shapiro, P. Smyth, and R. Uthurusamy. Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. AAAI Press/MIT Press, Menlo Park, California/Cambridge, Massachusetts / London, England, 1996. [4] Kargupta H., Park B., Hershberger D., Johnson E., Collective Data Mining: A New Perspectiv Toward Distributed Data Analysis. Accepted in the Advances in Distributed Data Mining, H. Kargupta and P. Chan (eds.), AAAI/MIT Press, (1999). [5] Zhang X., Lam C., Cheung W.K., Mining Local Data Sources For Learning Global Cluster Model Via Local Model Exchange. IEEE ntelligence Informatics Bulletin, (4) 2 (2004). Sanjay Kumar Sen, Dr. Subhendu Kumar Pani. |
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7. | Effect of V Notch Shape on Fatigue Life in Steel Beam Made of AISI 1037
Effect of V Notch Shape on Fatigue Life in Steel Beam Made of AISI 1037Abstract: The present work encompasses Effect of notches with various notch geometries and dimensions on fatigue life in steel beam made of Medium Carbon Steel AISI 1037 which has a wide application in industry. Fatigue life of notched specimens is calculated using the fatigue life obtained from the experiments for smooth specimens and by use Numerical method (FEA).The fatigue experiments were carried out at room temperature, applying a fully reversed cyclic load with the frequency of 50Hz and mean stress equal to zero (R= -1), on a cantilever rotating-bending fatigue testing machine. The stress ratio was kept constant throughout the experiment. Different instruments have been used in this investigation like Chemical Composition analyzer type (Spectromax) , Tensile universal testing Machine type (WDW-100E ) ,Hardness Tester type (HSV- 1000) , Fatigue testing machine model Gunt/ WT140, Optical Light Microscope (OLM) and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) were employed to examine the fracture features . The results show that there is acceptable error between experimental and numerical works .Key words: AISI 1037,Notches , Fatigue Life, S-N curve, FEA Reference [1] Juli A. Bannantine , Jess J. Comer, James, L. Handrok , " Fundamentals of Metal Fatigue Analysis" , prentice hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632. [2] Yung-Lilee, Jwo pan, "Fatigue Testing And Anlysis" , Elsevier printer, 2002. [3] Ralph I. Stephens, Ali Fatemi, " Metal Fatigue In Engineering" , Second Edition , McGraw Hill, 2001. [4] A. Fatemi, , Z. Zeng, A. Plaseied," Fatigue behavior and life predictions of notched specimens made of QT and forged microalloyed steels", International Journal of Fatigue 26 (2004) 663–672R. [5] Guy Pluvinage and MarenglenGjonaj, "Notch Effects in Fatigue and Fracture ", NATO Advanced Research, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001. Emad Kadum, Qasim Bder |
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8. | CFD Analysis of Solar Air Heater
CFD Analysis of Solar Air HeaterAbstract: An attempt has been made to carry out CFD based analysis using FLUENT to fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics of solar air heater. 3D model of the Solar Air heater involving air inlet, absorber plate, glass, modelled by ANSYS Workbench and the unstructured grid was created in ANSYS. The results were obtained by using ANSYS FLUENT software. This work is done by using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) tool with respect to flow and temperature distribution inside the solar air heater.Key words: Solar Energy, Solar Air Heater, Heat transfer, CFD. Reference [1] Dr. A. A. Pawar, Prof. P.W. Ingel, Prof. B. D. Deshmukh, Prof. K. C. Bhosale,"CFD Analysis of solar flat plate collector', Innalternational journal of emerging technology and advanced engineering, volume 3, April 2013. [2] Dr J L Bhagoria "CFD Analysis of Square ribs on the Absorber Plate of Solar Air" 2nd International Conference on Mechanical, Electronics and Mechatronics Engineering, 17, june-2013. [3] Anil Singh Yadav, J.L.Bhagoria "A CFD Analysis of a Solar Air Heater Having Triangular Rib Roughness on the Absorber Plate" International Conference on Global Scenario in Environment and Energy, 16, march 2013. [4] H.D.Ammari." A mathematical model of thermal performance of a solar air heater with slats", science direct, November-2002. [5] A.A. El-Sebaii , S. Aboul-Enein , M.R.I. Ramadan , S.M. Shalaby , B.M. Moharram "Investigation of thermal performance of-double pass-flat and v-corrugated plate solar air heaters", Science direct, 28 November 2010. Sohel Chaudhari, Mukesh Makwana, Rajesh Choksi, Gaurav Patel |
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9. | Review on Analysis of EEG Signals with the Effect of Meditation
Review on Analysis of EEG Signals with the Effect of MeditationAbstract: Meditation is proving out to be one of the most universally feasible solutions to the modern day stressful conditions. Varied positive physiological, psychological and spiritual benefits are known to be achieved through meditation. Many researchers previously investigated the effect of meditation on stress relief and disease improvement. The present study deals with the effect of meditation on human brain using electroencephalographic signals (EEG). To obtain new insights into the nature of EEG during meditation, the recorded signals are to be analyzed using wavelet transform.Key words: Daubechies, Electroencephalography, Meditation, Vipassana. Reference [1] Shih-Feng Wang; Yu-Hao Lee; Yung-Jong Shiah; Ming-Shing Young, "Time-Frequency Analysis of EEGs Recorded during Meditation," Robot, Vision and Signal Processing (RVSP), 2011 First International Conference on , vol., no., pp.73,76, 21-23 Nov. 2011 [2] Meditation Practices for Health: State of the Research Evidence Report/Technology Assessment, No. 155, University of Alberta Evidence-based Practice Center Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, AHRQ Publication No. 07-E010, June 2007 [3] Ahani, A.; Wahbeh, H.; Miller, M.; Nezamfar, H.; Erdogmus, D.; Oken, B., "Change in physiological signals during mindfulness meditation," Neural Engineering (NER), 2013 6th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on, vol., no., pp.1378,1381, 6-8 Nov. 2013 [4] On, F.R.; Jailani, R.; Norhazman, H.; Zaini, N.M., "Binaural beat effect on brainwaves based on EEG," Signal Processing and its Applications (CSPA), 2013 IEEE 9th International Colloquium on , vol., no., pp.339,343, 8-10 March 2013 [5] D. P. Subha,; P. K. Joseph; R. Acharya; C.M.Lim, "EEG Signal Analysis: A Survey," Springer Science+Business Media, 2008 Prajakta Fulpatil, Yugandhara Meshram |
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10. | Discrimination Discovery and Prevention in Data Mining: A Survey
Discrimination Discovery and Prevention in Data Mining: A SurveyAbstract: Data Mining is the computation process of discovering knowledge or patterns in large data sets. But extract knowledge without violation such as privacy and non-discrimination is most difficult and challenging. This is mainly because of data mining techniques such as classification rules are actually learned by the system from the training data and training data sets itself are biased in what regards discriminatory (sensitive) attributes like gender, race, religion, etc. As a result actual discovery of discrimination situations, practices may be extremely difficult task. The focus of this paper is to provide a brief survey of the researcher's works on discrimination discovery and prevention in the field of data mining.Key words: Discrimination Discovery, Discrimination Measure, Data Mining, Discrimination Prevention, Preprocessing Technique Reference [1] C. Clifton. Privacy preserving data mining: How do we mine data when we aren't allowed to see it? In Proc. of the ACM SIGKDD Int. Conf. on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD 2003), Tutorial, Washington, DC (USA), 2003. [2] D. Pedreschi, S. Ruggieri, and F. Turini, Discrimination-aware data mining. In Y. Li, B. Liu, and S. Sarawagi, editors, Proc. of the ACM SIGKDD Int. Conf. on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD 2008), pages 560–568.ACM, 2008. [3] D. Pedreschi, S. Ruggieri, and F. Turini, Measuring discrimination in socially-sensitive decision records, In Proc. Of the SIAM Int. Conf. on Data Mining (SDM 2009), pages 581–592. SIAM, 2009. [4] F Kamiran, T Calders, Classifying without discriminating, Proceedings of IEEE IC4 International conference on Computer, Control and Communication. (2009a) IEEE Press. [5] S. Ruggieri, D. Pedreschi, and F. Turini, DCUBE: Discrimination discovery in databases In A. K. Elmagarmid and D. Agrawal, editors, Proc. of the ACM SIGMOD Int. Conf. on Management of Data (SIGMOD 2010), pages, 1127–1130. ACM, 2010c. Jagriti Singh, Prof. Dr. S. S. Sane |
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11. | Performance Analysis of STATCOM under Various Line Faults
Performance Analysis of STATCOM under Various Line FaultsAbstract: Reactive power control using the static compensator (STATCOM) has more advantageous due to outstanding performance of STATCOM. In transmission and distribution systems, the reactive power control is done by using the STATCOM based on voltage source converter (VSC).STATCOM can supply large amount of VAR's during system faults for voltage support. The STATCOM effects the VSC over currents and trips, during the power system faults when VAR's support is more required. In this paper, we propose and develop an "emergency PWM" strategy to prevent over-currents (and trips) in the VSC during and after single line to ground system faults, LLLG faults and to ensure that the STATCOM supplies required reactive power. System performance during a nonlinear load connected without any fault is also considered. The Simulation results are shown for a 48-pulse VSC based ± 100 MVAR STATCOM connected to a 2- bus power strategy to prevent VSC over-currents and to supply required reactive power under line to ground system faults.Key words: Voltage Source Converter (VSC), STATCOM, Emergency Pulse-width Modulation (PWM), Single line to ground fault. Reference [1]. N.G. Hingorani, "Power Electronics in Electric Utilities: Role Of Power Electronics In Future Power Systems," Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 76, pp. 481, 1988. [2]. N.G. Hingorani and L.Gyugyi, "Understanding FACTS: concepts And Technology of Flexible AC Transmission Systems: IEEE press, 2000. [3]. C. Schauder et aI., "Development of A ±100 Mvar Static Condenser For Voltage Control Of Transmission Systems," IEEE, PES Summer Power Meeting, Paper No. 94 sm 479-6 pwrd, 1994. [4]. C. Schauder et al. "TVA STATCON project: design, installation and Commissioning," CIGRE paper 14-106, 1996 [5]. N.G. Hingorani et al. "Static Condenser – Prototype Application," CIGRE Paper, New Zealand, 1993. Ch. Rajesh, G.Basava Sankara Rao |
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12. | Experimental Evaluation of the Local Packing Distributed Dynamic Channel Allocation Strategy Application for AI-Madar Telephone Telecommunication Network in Libya
Experimental Evaluation of the Local Packing Distributed Dynamic Channel Allocation Strategy Application for AI-Madar Telephone Telecommunication Network in LibyaAbstract: The great challenge of the remarkably growing demand for personal communication mobile service in Libya has actively motivated Al-Madar Telephone Telecommunication Company to adopt various techniques in order to substantially improve its network capacity. An efficient allocation strategy of communication channels that could ensure good performance of the cellular network is critically needed, given the limited spectrum currently available that uses the Fixed Channel Allocation (FCA) strategy. In this study, experimental investigations were conducted to improve Al-Madar Company network by proposing the evaluation of the adoption of the Local Packing Distributed Dynamic Channel Allocation (LP-DDCA) strategy. The main reasons for proposing the adoption of the LP-DDCA strategy are; to minimize the call blocking probability, enhancing the network performance and increasing the number of network subscribers. This work has been done by applying actual data from an existing cellular network of Al-Madar Company in to the experimental simulation program. The results demonstrated clearly the superiority of the proposed the LP-DDCA strategy in the investigated locations (cells) compared with the currently used FCA strategy. Conclusion: Application of the LP-DDCA strategy could give rise to substantial improvement in Al-Madar telecommunication mobile network performance and it will considerably increase the number of network subscribers.Key words: The Local Packing Distributed Dynamic Channel Allocation strategy, Call blocking probability, Al-Madar Company, Mobile Cellular Communication, Mobile Telecommunication Network capacity. Reference [1] Shao Yubin, HuangHuan LongHua YaoShaowen. Performance Analysis of The Minimum Call Blocking Probability For Dynamic Channel Allocation In Mobile Cellular Networks. Communication Technology Proceedings, 2000. WCC - ICCT 2000. International Conference on (Volume.1) Beijing 2000, 269 – 273. [2] Anjlica Malla,Mona El-Kadi,Stephan Olariu and Petia Todorova, "A fair resource allocation protocol for multimedia wireless networks", IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol.14, No.4, pp. 63-71, 2003. [3] Junyi Li, Ness B. Shroff, and Edwin K. P. Chong, "Channel carrying: A novel handoff scheme for mobile cellular networks", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp.38-50, 1999. [4] J. Yang, D. Manivannan, and M. Singhal, "A Fault-Tolerant Dynamic Channel Allocation Scheme for Enhancing QoS in Cellular Networks", in Proc. of TEEE 36th Hawaii Int'l Conf. System Sciences (HICSS-36), pp. 306-315, 2003. [5] Data from Al-Madar Company-Libya. Mohamed Yousef Ahmed Abou-Hussein |
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13. | Electromagnetic Field Analysis of the Performance of Single-Phase Capacitor-Run Induction Motor Using Composite Rotor Conductor
Electromagnetic Field Analysis of the Performance of Single-Phase Capacitor-Run Induction Motor Using Composite Rotor ConductorAbstract: Single-phase induction motor (SPIM) has very crucial role in industrial, domestic and commercial sectors. So, the efficient SPIM is a major requirement of today's market. For efficient motors, many research methodologies and suggestions have been given by researchers in past. Various parameters like as stator/rotor slot variation, size and shape of stator/rotor slots, stator/rotor winding configuration, choice of core material etc. have significant impact on machine design. Rotor slot geometry influences the distribution of the magnetic field to a degree. Even a little difference of the magnetic field distribution can make big difference on the performance of the induction motor. The rotor slot geometry influences the skin effect and slot leakage flux in order to increase the torque and efficiency. In this paper, three types of rotor slot configurations are designed and simulated with different rotor slot configuration and rotor bars composition by changing the rotor slot configuration of base model. Aluminum and Copper are used simultaneously as rotor winding material. The rotor bar is a composite conductor which carries Aluminum as well as Copper sub-conductors running parallel in the same slot. Overall cross section area of rotor bar in each model kept same and work is carried out with difference proportion of Aluminum and Copper sub conductors. All models are investigated and simulated in FEMM and finally the simulated results are compared for optimal solution.Key words: Single-Phase induction motor, rotor winding, rotor geometry, composite conductor, FEMM. Reference [1] Sobhan Sobhani, Hamid Yaghobi and Mehdi Samakoosh, Optimize Efficiency and Torque in the Single-Phase Induction Motor by Adjusting the Design Parameters, Environment and Electrical Engineering international conference (EEEIC) 2013, 237-241. [2] C. Mademlis, I. Kioskeridis and T. Theodoulidis, Optimization of Single-Phase Induction Motors- Part I: Maximum Energy Efficiency Control, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 20, No. 1, March 2005, 187–195. [3] Zhou Rui, Wang Qunjing, Li Guoli, Pang Cong and Fang Guanghui, Optimal Design of Single-Phase Induction Motor Based on MAXWELL 2D Rmxprt, International conference on Electrical machines and Systems (ICEMS), 2010, 1367-1370. [4] Meeker D.: Finite Element Method Magnetics, User's manual, Version 4.2 [online at http://www.femm.info/wiki/HomePage], 25 August 2013 [5] S. Williamson and M.J. Robinson, Calculation of Cage Rotor Induction Motor Equivalent Circuit Parameters using Finite Elements, IEEE proceedings-B, Electric Power Applications, Vol. 138, No.5, September 1991, 264-276. Mohd Afaque Iqbal, Gurmeet Singh |
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14. | Influence of Plan Iregularity on Sesimic Response of Buildings
Influence of Plan Iregularity on Sesimic Response of BuildingsAbstract: In India various types of buildings such as ground plus 10 stories are constructed in seismic zones. The influence of plan irregularity is examined for 10 storey R.C.C. residential building with different plan configurations. To compare the responses a regular structure is also considered. For seismic analysis of building static analysis as well as dynamic analysis such as response spectrum and time history analysis has been carried out . in time history analysis 3 major Indian earthquakes are considered. The response of building in terms of member forces deflection of top joints are studied.Key words: asymmetric building, seismic analysis, dynamic analysis, time history method Reference [1] Bahador Bagheri, Ehsan Salimi Firoozabad, and Mohammadreza Yahyaei "Comparative Study of the Static and Dynamic Analysis of Multi-Storey Irregular Building" World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 71 2012 [2] Devesh P. Soni and Bharat B. Mistry" Qualitative Review Of Seismic Response Of Vertically Irregular Building Frames" ISET Journal of Earthquake Technology, Technical Note, Vol. 43, No. 4, December 2006, pp. 121-132 [3] IS: 1893 (1)-2002, "Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures", BIS, New Delhi. [4] Mohammad Ali Hadianfard and Mahdieh Gadami "Seismic Demand Of Steel Structures With Mass Irregularity" Department Of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Shiraz University Of Technology Journal of Engineering and Technology [5] Poncet, L. and Tremblay, R. "Influence Of Mass Irregularity On The Seismic Design And Performance Of Multi-Storey Braced Steel Frames" 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering Vancouver, B.C., Canada August 1-6, 2004 Paper No. 2896 P.B.Prajapati, Prof. Mayur G. Vanza |
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15. | Evaluation of the Influence of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Nutrients in the Culture and Production ofbiosurfactants by MicroalgaSpirulina
Evaluation of the Influence of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Nutrients in the Culture and Production ofbiosurfactants by MicroalgaSpirulinaAbstract: The aim of this study was to verify the influence of phosphorus and nitrogen nutrients in the culture and production of biosurfactants by Spirulina platensis LEB 52,Spirulina platensisParacas and Spirulina sp. LEB 18. For this, experiments were performed using Full Factorial Design 22 to evaluate the influence of phosphorus and nitrogen nutrients on the maximum biomass concentration and maximum productivity in the cultures, as well as in production biosurfactant by extracts derived from microalgae through surface tension measurements. The Spirulina platensis LEB 52 provided higher biomass production when compared with the Spirulina platensis LEB 52 andSpirulina platensisParacas, but the phosphorus and nitrogen variables showed no significant influence on the maximum biomass concentration and maximum productivity. The resultds showed that Spirulina sp. LEB 18 was more favorable for the production of biosurfactants in relation to the others strains, because it presented an extract with a surface tension measurement of 31.2 mN.m-1 in a culture performed with higher concentrations of nitrogen (412 mg.L-1) and without the addition of phosphorus.Key words: biomass, cyanobacterium, surfactant. Reference [1] A. P. Batista, L.Gouveia, N. M.Bandarra, J. M. Franco, A. Raymundo, Comparison of microalgal biomass profiles as novel functional ingredient for food products, Algal Research, 2, 2013, 164-173. [2] R. B.Derner, S. Ohse, M.Villela,S. M. de Carvalho, R. Fett, Microalgas,produtos e aplicações, Ciência Rural, 36 (6), 2006, 1959-1967. [3] R.Kohari, R.Prasad, V.Kumar, D. P.Singh,Production of biodiesel from microalgae Chlamydomonaspolypyrenoideum grown on dairy industry wastewater, Bioresource Technology, 144, 2013, 499-503. [4] L. Sun, L.Wang, Y.Zhou,Immunomodulation and antitumor activities of different-molecular-weight polysaccharides from Porphyridiumcruentum,Carbohydrate Polymers,87, 2012, 1206-1210. [5] L.Brennan, P.Owende, Biofuels from microalgae-A review of technologies for production, processing, and extractions of biofuels and co-products, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 14, 2010, 557-577. Lisiane Fernandes De Carvalho, Mariana Souza De Oliveira, Jorge Alberto Vieira Costa |
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16. | Design and Analysis of a 32 Bit Linear Feedback Shift Register Using VHDL
Design and Analysis of a 32 Bit Linear Feedback Shift Register Using VHDLAbstract: This paper proposes a 32 Bit Linear Feedback Shift Register which generates pseudo-random test patterns as the input bit is a linear function of its previous state. The total number of random state generated on LFSR depends on the feedback polynomial. As it is simple counter so it can count maximum of 2n -1 by using maximum feedback polynomial. Here in this paper we implemented 32-bit LFSR on FPGA by using VHDL to study the performance and analysis the behaviour of randomness. The analysis is conceded out to find number of gates, memory and speed requirement in FPGA as the number of bits is increased. Also, the simulation problem for long bit LFSR on FPGA is presented. The design is simulated and synthesized in Xilinx 14.5 ISE and Model Sim 10.1b.Key words: LFSR, FPGA, VHDL Reference [1] Janick Bergeron. Writing testbenches functional verification of HDL Models(2nd Edition).Springer- Verlag-2003. [2] Amit Kumar Panda et.al, "FPGA Implementation of 8, 16 and 32 Bit LFSR with Maximum Length Feedback Polynomial using VHDL," International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies, 2012. [3] Madhusudan Dey, Abhishek Singh, "Design and IP core based implementation of a programmable 8-bits random sequence generator, "In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Nuclear Physics, 2009, pp.678-679. [4] Mohammed Gazi.J et.al, "Design of Random Testing Circuit Based on LFSR for the External Memory Interface," International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM), vol. 2, issue 3, , pp.145-150, March 2013. [5] P.Bhanuchander et.al, "BIST architecture Implementation Based on Advanced LFSR for testing EMIFs for SRAM," International Journal of Industrial Electrical, Electronics, Control and Robotics (IISRC), vol. 3, issue 5, pp. 1-8 August 2013. Shruti Hathwalia, Meenakshi Yadav |
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17. | Aggregation Mechanism for Reducing Schedule Length in Tree Based Wireless Sensor Networks
Aggregation Mechanism for Reducing Schedule Length in Tree Based Wireless Sensor NetworksAbstract: To Explore and evaluate different techniques using real simulation models under multilevel communication paradigm. Data packets are time scheduled on single frequency channel by minimizing the time slots to complete a CONVERGECAST. Scheduling with transmission power control will diminish the effects of interference. The power control helps in reducing the schedule length under single frequency. Scheduling transmissions using multiple frequencies is more efficient than the single frequency. By providing power bounds in the schedule length interference is eliminated. The proposed algorithm can achieve these bounds. The use of multi frequency scheduling is sufficient to eliminate the interference. The data collection is no longer limited by the interference. To provide a proper solution degree-constrained spanning trees and minimal spanning trees are created. This will provide a significant improvement in scheduling performance. Finally, in a schedule length, the collisions in different interference over different channel models have been evaluated.Key words: Degree-Constrained Routing Trees,Data Centric Approach, Greedy Aggregation, contention-based vs. contention free protocols, DAC tree construction algorithms, Unit Disk Graphs (UDG) Reference [1] A. Ghosh, O. D. Incel, V. A. Kumar, and B. Krishnamachari, "Multi-channel scheduling algorithms for fast aggregated convergecast in sensor networks," in MASS '09, Macau, China. [2] Bhaskar Krishnamachari, Deborah Estrin, Stephen Wicker, "Impact of data aggregation in wireless sensor networks," in: International Workshop on Distributed Event-Based Systems (DEBS'02) Vienna, Austria, July 2007. [3] Chalermek Intanagonwiwat, Deborah Estrin, Ramesh Govindan, John Heidemann, "Impact of network density on data aggregation in wireless sensor networks," in: Proceedings of International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), Vienna, Austria, July 2005. [4] Chintalapudi and L. Venkatraman, "On the design of mac protocols for low-latency hard real-time discrete control applications over 802.15.4 hardware," in IPSN '08, pp. 356–367. [5] Gopala and H. E. Gamal, "On the Scaling Laws of Multi-Modal Wireless Sensor Networks," In Proceedings of the 23 rd Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies (INFOCOM), 2004. M.Karthika, D. Gautham Chakravarthy |
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18. | Condition Survey Of Drainage Facilities In Kore Sector Of Kano River Irrigation Project (KRIP) Phase I, Kano State, Nigeria.
Condition Survey Of Drainage Facilities In Kore Sector Of Kano River Irrigation Project (KRIP) Phase I, Kano State, Nigeria.Abstract: A study was conducted during 2006/2007 irrigation season to assess the condition of drainage facilities of Kore sector in Kano River Irrigation Project (KRIP) phase I. A total of three hundred and seventy eight field drains and forty six collector drains in the sector were surveyed. The result shows that a total of two hundred and two (202) drains 53.44 % are not functioning (NF) as a result of blockage, cropping, water logging, weed infestation and merger with the rest of the farmland. The number of the drains functioning (F) stand at thirty (30) 7.94 % and one hundred and forty six (146) drains 38.62 % are out of operation because of non existence of irrigation activities due to lack of water reaching those areas which rendered the area to be completely transformed into rainy season farms a such these irrigation and drainage structures are not in place.Key words: Sector, Field drain, Collector drain, Kano River Irrigation Project. Reference [1] Arora, K. R. (2007). Irrigation, Water Power and Water Resource Engineering, Reprinted of 4th edition. Publish by standard publishers Distributors 1705-B NAI SARAK Post box 1066, Delhi -110006 [2] F. A. O. (1993). Quarterly Bulletin of Statistic. Vol. 6 No 2 Foods and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome. [3] Fagoyinbo, J. B. and S. Abdulmumin (1991). The problem of poor drainage and its implications in large irrigation schemes in Nigeria. In: Proceedings of the 11th National irrigation and drainage saminar Owerri, Nigeria.. Pp 144-1447. [4] IWMI (2004). Comparative India Irrigation Performance. Research report (II) Improving Water and Land Resource Management for Food, Livelihood and Nature. International Water Management Institute [5] Luthin, J. N. (1973). Drainage Engineering. Robert E. Krienger Publishing Co. Inc. Box 542, Hunting, New York 11743 A Salisu, A. A. Abdullahi and M. Audu |
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19. | Performance Enhancement of Multi-Output Carry Look-Ahead Cmos Csa
Performance Enhancement of Multi-Output Carry Look-Ahead Cmos CsaAbstract: Carry Select Adder (CSA) is solitary of the best ever adders worn in numerous data-processing processors to complete speedy arithmetic functions. From the construction of the CSA, it is lucid that there is scope for sinking the vicinity and clout burning up in the CSA. This adder is based on both a static and compact multi-output carry look-ahead (CSA) circuitof highly area-efficient CMOS carry-select adder (CSA) with a regular and iterative-shared transistor structure very suitable for implementation in VLSI and a very simple select circuit. Comparisons with other representative 32-bit CSAs show that the proposed adder reduces the area. This paper uses a easy and proficient gate-level amendment to drastically diminish the vicinity and power of the CSA. Based on this modification different square-root CSA (SQRT CSA) constructions have been developed and compared with the customary square-root architecture. The projected intend has reduced vicinity and power as compared with the regular Square Root CSA with only a slight increase in the delay. In this paper, conventional CSA is compared with Modified Carry select adder (MCSA), Regular Square Root CSLA (SQRT CSA), Modified SQRT CSA and Proposed SQRT CSA in terms of area, delay and power consumption. The result analysis shows that the proposed structure is better than the conventional CSA.Key words: delay, area , SQRT CSA, VLSI, CMOS, Reference [1] N. Weste and K. Eshragian, Principles of CMOS VLSI Designs: A System Perspective, 2nd ed., Addison-Wesley, 1985-1993. [2] Morinaka, H., Makino, H., Nakase, Y. et. al, "A 64 bit Carry Look-ahead CMOS adder using Modified Carry Select". Cz/stoin Integrated Circuit Conference, 1995, pages 585-588 [3] Milos D. Ercegovac and Thomas Lang, "Digital arthimetic," Morgan Kaufmann, Elsevier INC, 2004. [4] W.Jeong and K.Roy, "robust high- performance low power adder",proc,of the Asia and South Pacific Design Automatin Conference,pp.503-506,2003 [5] D.C Chen, L. M. Guerra,E. H. Ng, M. Potkonjak, D.P. Schultz and J. M. Rabaey, "An integrated system for rapid prototyping of high performance algorithm specific data paths," in Proc. Application specific Array Processors, pp.134-148,Aug 1992. K. Ram Babu, N.V.P Naidu Babu, Aditya Putta |
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20. | Thermoelectric Power Studies of Ba-Co-Zr Hexagonal Ferrites
Thermoelectric Power Studies of Ba-Co-Zr Hexagonal FerritesAbstract: Thermoelectric Power studies of Ba-Co-Zr ferrites having chemical formula BaCoxZrxFe12-2xO19 (x = 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0) were investigated from room temperature to 200 0C by differential method. The Seebeck Coefficient is negative for all the compositions showing that these ferrites behave as n-type semiconductors. Seebeck coefficient (S) in all the samples is found to increase with increasing temperature. The values of the charge carrier concentration have been computed from the observed values of Seebeck coefficient. On the basis of these results an explanation for the conduction mechanism in Ba-Co-Zr mixed ferrites is suggested.Key words: Seebeck coefficient, Charge Carrier Concentration, Ba-Co-Zr ferrites. Reference [1] Z. Simsa, S. Lego, R. Gerber, E. Pollert, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 140-144 (1995) 2103. [2] G. Mendoza-Suarez, J.C. Corral Hiracuz, M.E. Contreras-Garica, H. Jucarez-Medina, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 234 (2001) 73. [3] Z. Simsa, Czech.J.Phys. B16 (1966) 919. [4] V.D.Reddy, M.A. Malik, P.V. Reddy, Mater. Sci. Eng. B 8(1991)295. [5] T.E. Wall, N. Salerno, Y. Proykova, K.A. Miraz, S. Mazen, Philos.Mag. B53 (1985) 107. Ch. Venkateshwarlu, P. Vijaya Bhasker Reddy, D. Ravinder, Ch. Gopal Reddy |
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21. | A Novel High Performance Implementation of 64 Bit MAC Units and Their Delay Comparison
A Novel High Performance Implementation of 64 Bit MAC Units and Their Delay ComparisonAbstract: A novel high performance 64 bit Multiplier-and-Accumulator (MAC) is implemented in this paper.MAC plays a vital role in most of the digital signal processing (DSP).The MAC unit is designed using vedic,braun,dadda multiplier and carry save adder hence, compared with performance of MAC unit using Wallace multiplier and carry save adder.In gate level Verilog hdl used for coding digital circuits using tool Xilinx ISE 10.1i and target family Spartan 3E,Device- XC3S500,speed -5,package: FG320.The synthesized for the proposed digital circuits.Key words: Carry save adder,Digital signal processing (DSP),multiplier and accumulator (MAC),Verilog-HDL. Reference [1] P.jagadeesh"Design ofHigh Performance 64 bit MAC Unit" 2013 International Conference on Circuits, Power and Computing Technologies [ICCPCT-2013]. [2] W.J. Townsend, E.E. Swartzlander Jr., and J.A. Abraham, "A Comparison of Dadda and Wallace Multiplier Delays, "Proc. SPIE, Advanced Signal Processing Algorithms, Architectures, and Implementations XIII, pp. 552-560, 2003. [3] M.H. Rais, M.H. Al Mijalli, "Braun's multipliers: Spartan-3AN based design and implementation", J. Comput. Sci., vo. 7, no. (11), pp.1629-1632, 2011. [4] L. Dadda, "Some Schemes for Parallel Multipliers," Alta Frequenza,vol. 34, pp. 349-356, 1965. [5] C.S. Wallace, "A Suggestion for a Fast Multiplier," IEEE Trans.Electronic Computers, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 14-17, Feb. 1964. Kandimalla Rajaneesh, M.Bharathi |
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22. | Mitigation of PAPR in OFDM Using the Combination of Discrete
Cosine Transform-II and Partial Transmit Sequence Techniques
Mitigation of PAPR in OFDM Using the Combination of Discrete Cosine Transform-II and Partial Transmit Sequence TechniquesAbstract: Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is a peculiar case of multicarrier transmission technique for high speed data transmission over multipath fading channels. The high Peak to Average Power Ratio (PAPR) is one of the most detrimental aspects in the OFDM system, as it degrades the efficiency of the power amplifier in the transmitter. Discrete Cosine Transform-II (DCT-II) is a less complex and distortion less method used to mitigate the PAPR. In this paper, a combination of Discrete Cosine Transform-II and Partial Transmit Sequence (PTS) is used to reduce the PAPR of the transmitted OFDM signal and results are compared with DCT-II and normal OFDM signal. Simulation results show that the combination of DCT-II and PTS shows better PAPR reduction.Key words: CCDF, DCT-II, OFDM, PAPR, PTS Reference [1] Y. Wu and W. Y. Zou, Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing: A multi-carrier modulation scheme, IEEE Trans. Consumer Electronics, 41(3), Aug 1995, 392–399. [2] S. H. Han, J. H. Lee, An overview of peak-to-average power ratio reduction techniques for Multicarrier transmission, IEEE Transaction on Wireless Communications, 2005. [3] M. M. Hasan, S. S. Singh, An Overview of PAPR Reduction Techniques in OFDM Systems, International Journal of Computer Applications, 60(15), December 2012. [4] S. Cha, M. Park, S. LEE, K. J. Bang, D. Hong, A new PAPR reduction technique for OFDM systems using advanced peak windowing method, IEEE Trans. Consumer Electronics, 54(2), July 2008, 405-410. [5] J. Tao, Z. Guangxi, Z. Jianbin, Block Coding scheme for reducing PAPR in OFDM systems with large number of subcarriers, Journal Of Electronics, 21(6), nov 2004. Ramanjeet Kaur, Charanjit Singh, Amandeep Singh |
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23. | Crack Identification in Reinforced Concrete Beams Using Ansys Software
Crack Identification in Reinforced Concrete Beams Using Ansys SoftwareAbstract: Analytical determination of displacements and stresses in reinforced concrete material was difficult task and engineers had to rely on empirical formulas because concrete consists of heterogeneous material and creep and shrinkage influenced deformations in it. Due to these complexities engineers in past had been facing difficulties in coping such problems, but with the advancement of digital computerization and modern numerical methods for analysis such as finite element method, these problems can be addressed in a very efficient way. There were two ways to carry out modelling in ANSYS software, one was smeared approach and the other one was discrete. In the past, Smeared approach was used to identify the cracks in RC beam using ANSYS but in this work it was extended using discrete approach of modelling and shear cracks were identified in RC beam and load deflection curve was simulated which showed good agreement with the experimental results. Beams, made of brittle materials like concrete or cement, show increasing crack development during their service life due to mechanical and environmental loadings. This local damage can be translated into a reduction of the local bending stiffness. Stiffness modifications, while assuming constant mass distribution, can be observed by monitoring the vibration behaviour of the beam. In this paper the modal parameters of an undamaged beam are monitored and compared with the vibration behaviour of the beam subjected to controlled damaging. Selected stiffness parameters in the finite element model are adjusted in such a way that the computed modal quantities match the measured quantities. FEMtools has been used to establish a damage distribution in beams associated with increasing stress patterns. State of the art scanning laser modal equipment has been used for this purpose. It has been found that modal updating is indeed a possible tool to reconstruct the damage patterns.Key words: Crack Identification, Reinforced Concrete Beams, Ansys Software Reference [1]. M. Y. H. Bangash, Concrete and Concrete Structures: Numerical Modeling and Applications, Elsevier Science Publishers Ltd., London (1989). [2]. Y. Hemmaty, "Modeling of the shear force transferred between cracks in reinforced and fibre reinforced concrete structures," in: Proc. of the ANSYS Conf., Vol. 1, Pittsburgh, PA (1998). [3]. ANSYS 8.0 Manual Set, ANSYS Inc., Canonsburg, PA (1998). [4]. ANSYS Theory Reference, Seventh Edition, Swanson Analysis Systems (1998). [5]. ANSYS – Engineering Analysis System. Theoretical Manual (for ANSYS Revision 8.04), Swanson Analysis Systems (1998). T. Subramani, R. Manivannan, M. Kavitha |
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24. | Fem Modelling and Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Section with Light Weight Blocks Infill
Fem Modelling and Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Section with Light Weight Blocks InfillAbstract: In an attempt to reduce the self weight of reinforced concrete structures, a new development of lightweight sandwich reinforced concrete (LSRC) section has been proposed as an alternative option to solid section. LSRC section is a reinforced concrete section which contains lightweight blocks as infill material. An experimental investigation into the strength of LSRC beams has shown promising results under flexural tests. To ensure the serviceability of LSRC members under service load, it is necessary to accurately predict the cracking and deflection of this section. This paper will focus on analysing the behaviour of the tested beam specimens after cracking occurs. ANSYS 12.1 was employed to study the crack propagation of LSRC beams under bending. The numerical model shows the crack in the area of AAC blocks which associates with the brittle failure of LSRC beams. The crack propagation of the beams analysed by ANSYS agrees well with the results from the experimental investigation. In structural design, an ideal situation in material saving is to reduce the weight of the structure without having to compromise on its strength and serviceability. A new lightweight sandwich reinforced concrete section has been developed with a novel use of lightweight concrete as infill material. The section, namely LSRC section, is suitable for use as beam or slab members. Experimental investigations into the strength of beams with LSRC section shows promising results under both flexural and shear tests. Based on the test results, the flexural capacity of LSRC beams was found to be almost identical to the capacity of the equivalent solid beam. The shear capacity of the LSRC beams was expectedly reduced due to the low compressive strength of the lightweight concrete infill material. ANSYS 12.1 was employed to develop three dimensional nonlinear finite element models of LSRC beams and was verified against the experimental results.Key words: Fem Modelling, Analysis, Reinforced Concrete Section, Light Weight Blocks Infill Reference [1]. Abbadi A, Koutsawa Y, Carmasol A, Belouettar S, Azari Z (2009). Experimental and Numerical Characterization of Honeycomb Sandwich Composite Panels. Simul. Model. Pract. Theor. 17:1533-1547. [2]. Ahmad SG, Xie Y, Yu T (1995). Shear Ductility of Reinforced Lightweight Concrete Beams of Normal Strength and High Strength Concrete. Cement Concr. Compos. 17:147-159. [3]. Aldejohann M, Schnellenbach M (2003). Investigation on the shear capacity of biaxial hollow slabs-Test results and evaluation. Darmstadt Concr..18:532-545. [4]. ANSYS Theory Reference, version 12.1 (2010). Swanson Analysis System, available at Curtin University. [5]. AS3600 Committee BD-002 (2009). Concrete Structures. Standards Australia. pp. 110-113. T. Subramani, D. Sakthi Kumar, S. Badrinarayanan |
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25. | Dynamic Analysis of Flanged Shear Wall Using Staad Pro
Dynamic Analysis of Flanged Shear Wall Using Staad ProAbstract: Earthquakes demonstrate vulnerability of various inadequate structures, every time they occur. The lessons taught from the aftermath of earthquakes and the research works being carried out in laboratories give better understanding about the performance of the structure and their components. Damage in reinforced concrete structures was mainly attributed to the inadequate detailing of reinforcement, lack of transverse steel and confinement of concrete in structural elements. Typical failures were brittle in nature, demonstrating inadequate capacity to dissipate and absorb inelastic energy. This necessitates a better understanding of the design and detailing of the reinforced concrete structures under various types of loading. An extensive description of previous studies on the underlying theory and the application of the finite element method to the linear and nonlinear analysis of reinforced concrete structures is presented in excellent state of-the-art reports by the American Society of Civil Engineers in 1982 [ASCE 1982]. The results from the FEA are significantly relied on the stress-strain relationship of the materials, failure criteria chosen, simulation of the crack of concrete and the interaction of the reinforcement and concrete.Because of these complexity in short- and long-term behavior of the constituent materials, the ANSYS finite element program introduces a three-dimensional element Solid65 which is capable of cracking and crushing and is then combined along with models of the interaction between the two constituents to describe the behavior of the composite reinforced concrete material. Although the Solid 65 can describe the reinforcing bars, this study uses an additional element, Link8, to investigate the stress along the reinforcement because it is inconvenient to collect the smear rebar data from Solid 65.Key words: Dynamic Analysis, Flanged Shear Wall, Staad Pro Reference [1]. ACI Committee 318 (2002), "Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-02)", American Concrete Institute, [2]. ASCE (1982), "State-of-the-Art Report on Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete", ASCE Special Publication, New York, N.Y., U.S.A. [3]. ASCE Standard (2002), "Seismic evaluation of existing buildings", ASCE 31- 03. [4]. Barbosa, A.F. and Ribeiro, G.O (1998), "Analysis of reinforced concrete structures using ANSYS nonlinear concrete model", Computational Mechanics, New Trends and Applications, Barcelona, Spain, pp1-7. [5]. El-Amoury, T. and Ghobarah, A (2002), "Seismic rehabilitation of beam-column joint using GFRP sheets", Engineering Structures, 24(11), pp 1397-1407. T. Subramani, B. Saravanan, J. Jayalakshmi |
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26. | Analysis of Three Dimensional Horizontal Reinforced Concrete Curved Beam Using Ansys
Analysis of Three Dimensional Horizontal Reinforced Concrete Curved Beam Using AnsysAbstract: Reinforced concrete horizontally curved beams are extensively used in many fields, such as in the construction of modern highway intersections, elevated freeways, the rounded corners of buildings, circular balconies,….etc. In some of these cases, large depths are needed for curved beams in order to resist high loads or to fulfill some aesthetic purposes. The analytical analysis of such members is very complex due to the fact that those members are subjected to combined action of bending, shear and torsion. Furthermore, non homogeneous nature of the materials involved contributes to the complexity of the problem. Therefore, it becomes necessary to employ numerical analysis procedures, such as the finite element method, to satisfy the safety and the economy requirements.A horizontally curved beam, loaded transversely to its plane, is subjected to torsion in addition to bending and shear. Furthermore, in deep beam the plane section does not remain plane after bending because of high stresses and warping occurs. Therefore, special features of analysis and design for horizontally curved deep beams is necessary to include the effect of above mentioned factors. Several methods of collapse analysis (Khalifa 1972, Jordaan et al. 1974, Badawy et al. 1977, Hsu et al. 1978, and Abul Mansur and Rangan 1981. ) were proposed for analysis of specific cases of reinforced concrete curved beams. However, till yet studies concerning reinforced concrete horizontally curved deep beams are rare. At present, with the application of digital computers beside the development of numerical methods, the mathematical difficulties associated with curved deep beam have been largely overcome. One of the most effective numerical methods utilized for analyzing reinforced concrete members is the finite element method. Using this method, many aspects of the phenomenological behaviour of reinforced concrete structures can be modelled rationally. These aspects include the tension-stiffening, non-linear multiaxial material properties, modelling of cracking and crushing, and many other properties related to the behaviour of reinforced concrete members under stresses. An important utilization of the finite element method is the modelling of the degradation of concrete compressive strength in the presence of transverse tensile straining as happens in members subjected dominantly to torsion or shear stresses. Therefore, the present study adopted a three dimensional non-linear finite element model to investigate the behaviour and the load carrying capacity of reinforced concrete horizontally curved deep beams.Key words: Analysis , Three Dimensional, Horizontal Reinforced Concrete, Curved Beam, Ansys Reference [1]. Al- Shaarbaf, I.A.S., 1990, "Three-Dimensional Non-Linear Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Beams in Torsion", PH. D. Thesis. University of Bradford, U.K. [2]. Al- Tameemi, H.A.A., 2005, "Three-Dimensional Non-Linear Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Horizotally Curved Deep Beams", M.Sc. Thesis. University of Kufa. [3]. Al-Mahiadi. R.S.H., 1979, "Non-linear Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Deep Beams", Report No. 79, Dept. of Structure Engineering, Cornell University. [4]. Badawy, H.E.I, Jordaan, I.J., and McMullen, A.E., 1977 "Effect of Shear on Collapse of Curved Beams", Journal of the Structural Division, ASCE, Vol. 103, No. ST9, Proc. Paper 13185, September, pp. 1849-1866. [5]. Carlos A.F., 2004, "Introduction To Finite Element Methods", Department of Aerospace Engineering Sciencesand Center for Aerospace StructuresUniversity of Colorado, U.S.A. T. Subramani, M. Subramani, K. Prasath |
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27. | A Comparative Analysis of LS and MMSE Channel Estimation Techniques for MIMO-OFDM System
A Comparative Analysis of LS and MMSE Channel Estimation Techniques for MIMO-OFDM SystemAbstract: Multiple transmit and receive antennas can be used to form multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channels to increase the capacity by a factor of the minimum number of transmit and receive antennas. In this paper, orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) for MIMO channels (MIMO-OFDM) is considered for wideband transmission to mitigate intersymbol interference and enhance system capacity. In this paper performance analysis of channel estimation through different algorithms for estimating channel using BPSK modulation scheme are investigated for different channel delay spread. The estimation of channel at pilot frequencies is based on Least Square, Minimum mean square channel estimation algorithm. We have compared the performances of these two channel estimation algorithm by measuring bit error rate Vs SNR. Minimum Mean Square estimation has been shown to perform much better than Least Square channel estimation algorithm.Key words: Delay Profile, Channel Estimation, Least Square, MIMO-OFDM, Minimum Mean Square Reference [1] H. Sampath, S. Talwar, J. Tellado, V. Erceg and A. Paulraj, "A fourth-generation MIMOOFDM broadband wireless system: design, performance and field trial results" IEEE Communications Magazine, No. 9, pp. 143- 149, Sep., 2002. [2] Y. Zhao and A. Huang, "A novel channel estimation method for OFDM Mobile Communications Systems based pilot signal and transform domain processing," in Proc. IEEE 47th Vehicular Technology Conf., Phoenix, USA, May 1997, pp. 2089–2093. [3] Changyong Shin, Heath, R.W., Powers, E.J., "Blind Channel Estimation for MIMO-OFDM Systems" Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on volume:56 , no.2, pp.670-685, March 2007. [4] G. L. StÄuber, J. R. Barry, S. W. Mclaughlin, Y. Li, M. A. Ingram and T. G. Pratt, "Broadband MIMO-OFDM wireless communications," Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 92, No. 2, pp. 271-294, Feb. 2004. [5] Y. Li, "Simplified channel estimation for OFDM systems with multiple transmit antennas," IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications, vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 67-75, Jan. 2002. Avinash Sahu, Dr. Anubhuti Khare |
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28. | Preparation and Characterization of Ti3+ & Cr3+:Li2O-LiF-B2O3-ZnO Optical Glasses
Preparation and Characterization of Ti3+ & Cr3+:Li2O-LiF-B2O3-ZnO Optical GlassesAbstract: A transparent base glass in the chemical composition Li2O-LiF-B2O3-ZnO (LBZ) has successfully been prepared also a couple of transition metal (Ti3+ & Cr3+) ions doped into this glass matrix have also been done for their further analysis. Structural (XRD, FTIR & Raman) and thermal (TG-DTA) properties and also absorption spectrum of LBZ glass have been analyzed. Optical absorption, photoluminescence (excitation & emission) spectra of Ti3+ & Cr3+:Li2O-LiF- B2O3-ZnO and their spectral assignments, dielectric ( & tan) and conductivities (ac & dc) have also been undertaken. The XRD profile of the host glass confirms its amorphous nature. Weight loss in the precursor sample powder, glass transition temperature (Tg) and crystalline temperature (Tc) have been identified from the TG-DTA profiles. FTIR and Raman spectra of the host glass show vibrational bands of B-O from [BO3] and [BO4] units and Li-O. The absorption spectrum of Cr3+: LBZ glass has shown two bands at 412 nm (4A2g (F) T1g (F)) and 579 nm (4A2g (F) 4T2g (F)). In respect of Ti3+: LBZ glass, only one broad band at 490 nm (2B2g2B1g) has been measured. From the optical absorption spectral positions, their crystal field (Dq) and the Racah (B & C) interaction parameters have been evaluated. Dielectric constant and losses (' and tan) of all three glasses have been studied in the frequency range from 1Hz to 1M Hz at room temperature and computed conductivities (ac and dc).Key words: Cr3+ & Ti3+ glasses and Dielectric analysis Reference [1] S.M. Kaczmarek, Li2B4O7 glasses doped with Cr, Cu, Eu & Dy, Opt. Mater., 19 (2002)189 -194. [2] A. Srinivasa Rao, J. Lakshmana Rao, R. Ramakrishna Reddy, T.V.Ramakrishna Rao, Electron Paramagnetic Resonance and Optical absorption spectra of Cr(III) ions in alkali cadmium borosulphate glasses, Opt Mater., 4 (1995) 717-721. [3] Shaweta Mohan, Kulwant Singh Thind, Gopi Sharma, Leif Gerward, Spectroscopic investigations of Nd3+ doped fluro-and chloro borate glasses, Spectrochimica Acta Part A, 70 (2008) 1173-1179. [4] Kang III Cho, Sun Hwa Lee, Dong Wook Shin, Yang Kuk Sun, Relationship between glass network structure and conductivity of Li2O-B2O3-P2O5 Solid electrolyte, Electrochimica Acta, 52 (2006) 1576-1581. [5] R. Balaji Rao, Rosario A. Gerhardt & N. Veeraiah, Spectroscopic characterization conductivity and relaxation anomalies in Li2O-mgO-B2O3 glass system: Effect of Nickel ions, J. Phys. Chem. Solids 69 (2008) 2813-2826. L. Vijayalakshmi, V. Naresh, R. Ramaraghavulu, B.H. Rudramadevi and S. Buddhudu |
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29. | Quality Costs (IRR) Impact on Lot Size Considering Work in Process Inventory
Quality Costs (IRR) Impact on Lot Size Considering Work in Process InventoryAbstract: Economic order quantity model and production quantity model assume that production processes are error free. However, variations exist in processes which result in imperfection particularly in high machining environments. Processes variations result in nonconformitiesthat increase quality costs in the form of rework, rejects and quality control techniques implementations to ensure quality product delivery. This paper is an attempt towards development of inventory model which incorporate inspection, rework, and rejection (IRR) quality costs in optimum lot size calculation focusing work in process inventory. Mathematical model is derived for optimum lot size based on minimum average cost function using analytical approach. This new developed model (GTOQIRR) assume an imperfect production environment. Numerical examples are used to visualize the significant effect of quality cost in the proposed model in comparison to the previously developed models. The proposed model is highly recommendable for quality based high machining manufacturing environments considering work in process inventories.Key words: WIP inventory; EOQ model; quality cost; lot size; GTOQ model. Reference [1] Rosenblatt, M.J. and Lee, H.L.(1986), Economic production cycle with imperfect production processes. IIE Transaction, 18, pp. 48-55. [2] Sarker, B.R., Jamal, A.M.M., and Mondal, S. (2007) Optimum batch size in a multi stage production system with rework consideration. European Journal of Operational Research, 184 (3). pp. 915- 929. [3] Gupta, T. and Chakraborty, S. (1984)Looping a multistage production system. International Journal of Production Research, 222 (2), pp. 299-311. [4] Jamal A.M.M., Sarker, B.R., and Mondal, S. (2004)Optimum manufacturing batch size with rework process at a single stage production system. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 47 (1), pp. 77-89. [5] Biswas, P. and Sarker, B.R. (2008). Optimal batch quantity models for a lean production system with in-cycle rework and scrap. International Journal of Production Research, 46 (23), pp. 6585-6610. Misbah Ullah, Chang W. Kang |
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30. | Comparative Design of 16-Bit Sparse-Tree Rsfq Adder
Comparative Design of 16-Bit Sparse-Tree Rsfq AdderAbstract: In this paper, we propse 16-bit sparse tree RSFQ adder (Rapid single flux quantam), kogge-stone adder, carry lookahead adder. In general N-bit adders like Ripple carry adder s(slow adders compare to other adders), and carry lookahead adders(area consuming adders) are used in earlier days. But now the most of industries are using parallel prefix adders because of their advantages compare to kogge-stone adder, carry lookahead adder, Our prefix sparse tree adders are faster and area efficient. Parallel prefix adder is a technique for increasing the speed in DSP processor while performing addition. We simulate and synthesis different types of 16-bit sparse tree RSFQ adders using Xilinx ISE10.1i tool, By using these synthesis results, We noted the performance parameters like number of LUT's and delay. We compare these three adders interms of LUT's represents area) and delay values.Key words: digital arithmetic, RSFQ adder, kogge-stone adder ,carry operator, prefix adder. Reference [1] P.M Kogge and H. S. Stone, "A parallel algorithm for the efficient solution of a general class of recurrence equations," IEEE Trans. Computer, vol.C-22, no. 8, pp. 786-793, Aug .1973. [2] S. Mathew, M. Anders, R. K. Krishnamurthy, and S. Borkar, "A 4-GHz 130-nm address generation unit with 32-bit sparse-tree adder core," IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 38, no. 5, pp. 689–695, May 2003. [3] A. G. M. Strollo and E. Napoli, "A fast and area efficient complimentary pass-transistor logic carry-skip adder," in Proc. 21st Int. Conf. Microelectron., Sep. 1997, vol. 2, pp. 701–704. [4] O. A. Mukhanov, S. V. Rylov, V. K. Semonov, and S. V. Vyshenskii, "RSFQ logic arithmetic," IEEE Trans. Magn., vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 857–860, Mar. 1989. [5] Z. J. Deng, N. Yoshikawa, J. A. Tierno, S. R. Whiteley, and T. van Duzer, "Asynchronous circuits and systems in superconducting RSFQ digital technology," in Proc. 4th Int. Symp. Adv. Res. Asynchronous Circuits Syst., Apr. 1998, pp. 274–285. S. Saddam Hussain, S. Mahaboob Basha |
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31. | Speed Ratio Prediction and Performance Analysis of Single Ball Traction Drive for CVT
Speed Ratio Prediction and Performance Analysis of Single Ball Traction Drive for CVTAbstract: Drives are basically used to transmit power and speed from the prime mover to the machine. The power transmission and speed reduction between the prime-mover and the driven machine can be achieved by using conventional drives like Belt drive, Rope drive, Chain drive, Gears, etc. with their numerous advantages and disadvantages. There are many machines and mechanical units that under varying circumstances make it desirable to be able to drive at a barely perceptible speed, an intermediate speed or a high speed. Thus an infinitely variable (step less) speed variation in which it is possible to get any desirable speed. Some mechanical, hydraulic, drives serve as such step less drives. However the torque versus speed characteristics of these drives do not match torque at low speeds. Hence the need of a step less or infinitely variable speed drive came into existence. The drive presented by the end of this research work is single ball traction drive for continuously variable transmission systems. Dissertation includes the brief history of existing drives, speed prediction methodology and performance analysis of the drive developed.Key words: Analysis, Ball, CVT, IVT, Traction Reference [1] Abu-Jadayil W.M. and Mohsen M.S., "Design and Manufacturng of Self Actuating Traction Drives with Solid and Hollow Rollers", Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Volume 4, Number 4, September 2010 [2] Bdran S., Saifullah S. and Shuyuan M., "An overview on control concepts of Push-Belt CVT", IACSIT International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 4, No. 4, August 2012 [3] Carter, J. and Miller, D., "The Design and Analysis of An Alternative Traction Drive CVT", SAE Paper 2003-01-0970, 2003 [4] Cotrell J., "Assessing the Potential of a Mechanical Continuously Variable Transmission for Wind Turbines", A National Laboratory of U.S. Department of Energy, Conference Paper, NREL/CP-500-38212, 2005 [5] Coy J.J., Rohn D.A. and Loewenthal S.H., "Life Analysis of Multiroller Planetary Traction Drive", NASA, Technical Paper 1710, Technical Report 80-C-16, 1981 Kunal S. Marathe, Vishnu D. Wakchaure |
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32. | Safety Preservation and Reliability Enhancement of 3M By Applying Varied Friction Methodology
Safety Preservation and Reliability Enhancement of 3M By Applying Varied Friction MethodologyAbstract: A general trend shows that while purchasing equipment or a machine and using them it is taken as sacrosanct that the parts / assembly or the mechanism installed are free from any defect and no improvement is required there in. However it's not true always and now a days this has been taken up with at most concern to raise a pertinent question whether this is the optimum output from the component/assemblies fitted and being used. Present paper is based on the above subject and deals with one of the assemblies fitted on a heavy earth moving machinery known as Walking Dragline (Ransome and Rapier, made in UK) operating in Jayant OCM one of the biggest coal mines in Asia. The component placed on the Boom structure of the machinery in question was a fixed one and subjected to static friction because of coming into contact with heavy duty steel wire ropes (2 numbers) in moving conditions. The impact of the wire ropes on the component was so heavy that it was taking only a few months to get the static wooden log worn out resulting into heavy loss to both the components on one hand, crores of rupees of revenue loss in production in addition to very high safety hazard because of their fitment/replacement at a height of 40 meters from the ground to which lifting by even general duty crane was not possible, thus to be handled by manually at times Giving a serious thought to the problem and considering a possible solution that can't the existing component fitted originally with the boom structure of the machine subjected to the static friction be replaced by a rolling friction component? With a positive answer to this problem the proposed adopted methodology undergoes two steps: first removal of the component that is wooden log under the static friction and second design, fabrication and installation of two no. of rollers to withstand the impact of heavy duty steel wire ropes. The comparison between the proposed and existing was carried out on various parameters such as cost, maintenance friendliness, safety and reliability concerned with 3M i.e. man, machine & material.Key words: Walking Dragline Machine, Wooden Log, rollers, steel wire, ropes, friction, 3M- Man, Machine and Material. Reference [1] Northern Coal Fields Limited, Jayant Project, Reference No. JNT/DGM/OE/88/267 Dated 12/09/1988. [2] Northern Coal Fields Limited, Jayant Project, Reference No. JNT/GM/PM's/92/123 Dated 29/06/1992. [3] G Lumley, "Reducing the variability in Dragline Operator Performance", Coal operators conference University of Wollongong & the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 2005, Page 97-106. [4] H-Bartasiewicz, "Wear of Dragline wire Ropes", Coal operators conference University of Wollongong & the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 2005, Page 153-160. [5] Lei Zhang, Leng Han, Y ujun Wang, Tiantu Zhao, Xian Xun,Massao Nagasaki,"The variability of Mechanical Properties and Moleculer conformation among different Spider Drag line fibres", Fibres and Polymers Vol. 14 No. 7 Page 1190-1195. Ram Kumar Singh, Ajay Raj Singh, Pushpdant Jain |
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33. | Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System For Rainfall-Runoff Modeling
Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System For Rainfall-Runoff ModelingAbstract: In this study an Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) was used for rainfall-runoff modeling for the Dharoi sub-basin, India. Different combinations of rainfall were considered as the inputs to the model, and runoff was considered as the output. Input space partitioning for model structure identification was done by grid partitioning. A hybrid learning algorithm consisting of back-propagation and least-squares estimation was used to train the model for runoff estimation. The optimal learning parameters were determined by trial and error using Triangular membership function. Root mean square error (RMSE) and correlation coefficient (r) were used for selecting the best performing model.Key words: Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) modeling, Dharoi sub-basin, Rainfall-Runoff Reference [1] Zadeh, L.A., 1965. Fuzzy sets. Information and Control 8 (3), 338–353. [2] Mahabir, C.; Hicks, F.E. and Robinson F. A.(2003). "Application of fuzzy logic to forecast seasonal runoff". Hydrological Process, 17:3749-3762. [3] Jang, J.-S.R., Sun, C.-T., 1995. Neuro-fuzzy modeling and control. Proceedings IEEE 83 (3), 378–406. [4] Loukas, Y.L .(2001). "Adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system: an instant and architecture-free predictor for improved QSAR studies". J Med Chem 44(17):2772 2783. [5] Nayak, P.C., Sudheer, K.P., Rangan, D.M. and Ramasastri, K.S. (2004). "A neuro-fuzzy computing technique for modelling hydrological time series". J. Hydrology, 291 : 52-66 Ratansharan Panchal, Dr. T. M. V. Suryanarayana, Dr. F. P. Parekh |
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34. | An Analysis of Transducer Mass Loading Effect Inshaker Testing
An Analysis of Transducer Mass Loading Effect Inshaker TestingAbstract: Modal Analysis has been a developing science in the experimental evaluation of the dynamic properties of the structures. Frequency Response Function (FRF) is one of the major steps in modal analysis. Measured frequency response functions (FRFs) are used to extract modal parameters. It is also known that the accuracy and the reliability of various analyses using the measured FRFs depend strongly on the quality of measured data. It is well known that the quality of measured frequency response functions (FRFs) is adversely affected by many factors, most significant sources being noise and systematic errors like mass loading effects of transducers. A transducer mounted on a vibrating system changes the dynamics of the structure due to the addition of extra mass and introduces errors into measured FRFs. One problem with this is the production of unrealistic results, which cause the measured resonant frequencies to be less than the correct values. These errors also lead to incorrect prediction of modal parameters. In many situations, the mass loading effect is ignored in the analytical and experimental process, based on a usual assumption that the transducer mass is negligible compared to that of the structure under test. However, when light-weighted structures are investigated, this effect can be significant. This paper focuses on the theoretical analysis of transverse vibration of fixed free beam and investigates the modal frequency. Mass loading effect of accelerometer is studied on the cantilever beams by varying the masses of accelerometer. In this work, experimental modal testing of a cantilever beam has been performed to obtain modal frequencies. The beam is excited by using Electrodynamics Shaker Excitation Technique, which provides forced vibrations. These modal parameters are then checked using finite element method which is found to comply with the experimental results. The range of applications for modal data is vast and includes checking modal frequencies, to understand dynamic structural behavior for trouble-shooting, verifying and improving analytical models.Key words: Frequency Response Function, Modal Analysis, modal parameters, mass loading effects, Shaker Testing etc. Reference [1] Shusheng Bi, JunRen, Wei Wang, Guanghua Zong, "Elimination of transducer mass loading effects in shaker modal testing," Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing,2013. [2] O. Cakar, K.Y. Sanliturk, "Elimination of transducer mass loading effects from frequency response functions,"Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing19 (1) (2005) 87–104. [3] J.M.M. Silva, N.M.M. Maia, A.M.R. Ribeiro, "Cancellation of mass-loading effects of transducers and evaluation of unmeasured frequency response functions,"J. Sound Vib.236 (5) (2000) 761–779. [4] D.J. Ewins, "Modal Testing: Theory and Practice", Research Studies Press, England, 1984. [5] D.J. Ewins, "Modal Testing: Theory", Practice and Applications, 2nd ed. Research Studies Press, England, 2000. A. D. Karle, S.K.Bhoite, A. B. Amale |
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35. | Information Transmission System Based On a Light Sensor
Information Transmission System Based On a Light SensorAbstract: This paper describes a novel light-sensor-based information transmission system with particular benefits for mobile and wearable computers. Fluorescent light is used as the medium to transmit information which is in encoded form and receiver receives the encoded light information through a photoreceiver. The information is passed into the wearable or mobile computer after the data are decoded. This information allows positioning information to be given to indoor mobile and wearable computers.Key words: fluorescent lamp, wearable computer. Reference [1] A. R. Golding and N. Lesh, "Indoor navigation using a diverse set of cheap, wearable sensors," in Proc. 3rd Int. Symp. Wearable Comput. 1999, pp. 29–36. [2] W. Elenbaas, Fluorescent Lamps. New York: Macmillan, 1971. [3] J.M.Senior Optical Fiber Communications, Principles and Practice. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1992. [4] "Li-Fi: Data through Light', The Institute of Engineers, Technorama Magazine, Vol. 62, pp. 41, December 2012. [5] "Visible-light communication: Tripping the light fantastic: A fast and cheap optical version of Wi-Fi is coming', The Economist, dated 28 Jan 2012. Sonali Waje, Sandip Rahane |
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36. | Linear Regression and Anova Modelling Tool When Turning of EN 24 / EN 31 Alloy Steel
Linear Regression and Anova Modelling Tool When Turning of EN 24 / EN 31 Alloy SteelAbstract: In any machining process, apart from obtaining the accurate dimensions, achieving a good surface quality and maximized metal removal are also of utmost importance. A machining process involves many process parameters which directly or indirectly influence the surface roughness and metal removal rate of the product in common. Surface roughness and metal removal in turning process are varied due to various parameters like feed, speed and depth of cut are important ones. Extensive study has been conducted in the past to optimize the process parameters in any machining process to have the best product. Current investigation on turning process is a Linear Regression Methodology (LRM) applied on the most effective process parameters i.e. feed, cutting speed and depth of cut while machining alloy steels as the two types of work pieces with HSS cutting tool in dry environment. The main effects (independent parameters), quadratic effects (square of the independent variables), and interaction effects of the variables have been considered separately to build best subset of the model. Four levels of the feed, four levels of speed, four levels of the depth of cut, two different types of work materials have been used to generate readings in a single set. After obtaining the data from the experiments, LR is calculated using the existing formulae. To analyze the data set, statistical tool ANOVA has been used to reduce the manipulation and help to arrive at proper improvement plan of the manufacturing process & techniques. A comparison between the observed and predicted data was made, which shows a close relationship.Key words: Linear Regression Methodology (LRM), Turning, ANOVA. Reference [1] MahendraKorat and NeerajAgarwal " Optimization of Different Machining Parameters of En24 Alloy Steel In CNC Turning by Use of Taguchi Method" International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 www.ijera.com Vol. 2, Issue 5, September- October 2012, pp.160-164 [2] RavinderTonk and Jasbir Singh Ratol "Investigation of the Effects of the Parametric Variations in Turning Process of En31 Alloy" International Journal on Emerging Technologies 3(1): pp.160-164(2012) [3] Aggarwal, A. and Singh, H; "Optimization of Machining Techniques- A retrospective and literature review", Sadhna Vol. 30, Part 6, pp.699-711 (2005). [4] Ghosh, S, Murugan, B. and Mondal, B., "An approach for process parameter optimization of hard machining while machining the hardened steel", Journal of scientific and Industrial research, Vol. 68, pp. 686-695(2009). [5] Groover and Mikell "Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing", 3rd Edition Prentice hall, John Wiley & Sons, New York, pp. 491-504 (1996). Deepak.P, B.R. Narendra Babu, Dr. K. Chandrashekara |
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37. | Generation of Electricity Using Solid Waste Management in Krishnagiri Municipalty
Generation of Electricity Using Solid Waste Management in Krishnagiri MunicipaltyAbstract: The electricity sector in India supplies the world's 6th largest energy consumer, accounting for 3.4% of global energy consumption by more than 17% of global population. About 65.34% of the electricity consumed in India is generated by thermal, 21.53% by hydroelectric power plants, 2.70% by nuclear power plants and 10.42% by Renewable Energy Sources. More than 50% of India's commercial energy demand is met through the country's vast coal reserves. The country has also invested heavily in recent years in renewable energy utilization, especially wind energy. Four major economic and social drivers characterize the energy policy of India: a rapidly growing economy, increasing household incomes, limited domestic reserves of fossil fuels and the adverse impact on the environment of rapid development in urban and regional areas. Meanwhile, the rural areas are struggling with a chronically tight supply of electrical power. In order to properly manage the changing conditions, knowledge and estimation of the available resources and applying their relation with the population is of utmost importance. The paper deals with extraction of such information with the help of spatial techniques. This paper deals with estimation of the amount of solid waste generated by a part of the Krishnagiri city using spatial techniques. Solid waste management is one of the most essential functions in a country to achieve a sustainable development. In India, it has been one of the least prioritized functions during the last decades. The most common ways to treat waste in India today are open dumping and uncontrolled burning. These methods are causing severe environmental pollution and health problems. India is one of the world‟s largest emitter of methane gas from waste disposal. Since methane is a strong greenhouse gas, even small emissions have large impact on the climate. Like most municipalities in India, COK has experienced difficulties keeping in pace with last decades‟ industrialization, resulting in insufficient collection of municipal solid waste and over burdened dumpsites. Another consequence of the rapid industrialization is the increased demand for electricity. Today there is not enough installed capacity of power stations in Krishnagiri to meet this demand, leading to daily power cuts. This project will give an overview of the current waste used to generate electricity situation in Krishnagiri and analyze whether Hydro air Tectonics should build this combustion unit or if they should sell the generated RDF to industries. The result will be presented in a case study. The garbage has several nutrients and hence can be advantageously processed to produce many bye products and end products viz. gas, electricity and also organic manure which is highly suited for organic farming.Key words: Hydroelectric Power Plants, Cropping Intensity, Krishnagiri , Environmental Pollution . Rapid Industrialization. Reference [1]. Alamgir, M. & Ahsan, A. (2007). Municipal solid waste and recovery potential: Bangladesh perspective. Iran. J. Environ. Health. Sci. Eng.,4 (2), 67 76. [2]. Alam, M. R. & Sohel, M. H. (2008). Environmental management in Bangladesh—A study on municipal solid waste management system in Chittagong. Chittagong: University of Chittagong. [3]. Akter, N., Rahman, M. & Sharmin, L. (2010). Medical waste management at Rajshahi city corporation publicprivate partnership model development: A collaborative effort on medical waste Management in Bangladesh (Baseline and status report). Antrocom Online Journal of Anthropology, 6 (2), 173-186. [4]. Ali, A. (2011). Faulty Solid Waste Management in Rajshahi City: Dumping in Open Space Poses Health Hazard to Dwellers. Retrieved April 22, 2011, from http://www.bangladesh2day.com/newsfinance/2010/February/11/Faulty-solid-waste-management-in-Rajshahicity. php [5]. Ahsan, M. (2011). Govt Plans to Double Power Price by 2013. Retrieved April 25, 2011, from http://www.defence.pk/forums/ bangladesh-defence/72150-power-sector-bangladesh-5.html T.Subramani, R. Murugan |
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38. | A Blower-Like Approach to Predict the Effectiveness of Vaccines in a TB Dynamic
A Blower-Like Approach to Predict the Effectiveness of Vaccines in a TB DynamicAbstract: In this paper we present an extension of an automata approach proposed by S. Blower (1998) to describe the tuberculosis progression in a bi-dimensional space. In our extended model, the vaccination was included as an inhibitory variable in order to study its influence on the behavior of the tuberculosis spread. Our simulations showed that the earlier the vaccine is administered in the population, the lower the number of infected individuals, as expected for an in vivo system. However, our results also indicated that although the usual vaccination processes help reducing the strength of infection, the disease is not extinct, remaining the endemic state at low levels. These results strongly suggest that further actions are needed to increase the effectiveness of immunizations.Key words: Simulation, epidemic, tuberculosis, cellularautomata. Reference [1] ANDERSEN, P; DOHERTY.The success and failure of BCG implications for a novel tuberculosis vaccine.Nature, 662, vol. 3, august, 2005. [2] ANDERSEN, P. Tuberculosis vaccines —an update, Nature 2007 v-5. [3] BARRETO, M.L; PEREIRA, S.M; FERREIRA, A.A. BCG vaccine: efficacy and indications for vaccination and revaccination. Journal of Pediatrics, 3, vol 82, 2006. [4] BLOWER, S; PORCO, T..Quantifying the intrinsic transmission dynamics of tuberculosis.Theorical Population Biology: 1998,v 54: 117–132. [5] BLOWER, S; ZIV, E; DALEY, C.Early therapy for latent tuberculosis infection. American Journal of Epidemiology 153 (2001), 381–385. Carlos Frederico Fronza, Janio Anselmo, Jefferson Luiz Brum Marques, Guilherme Brasil Pintarelli, Alexandre De Castro |
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39. | Analysis of the Small Wind Turbine Blade with and Without Winglet
Analysis of the Small Wind Turbine Blade with and Without WingletAbstract: This paper deals with the experimental verification the small wind turbine blade with and without winglet. Winglet is smaller portion to be added in the end of blade and measured its noise and performance. In the experiments the output power of generator is increased about 2.01% and noise level is reduced 25% in the winglet blade respectively compared with the without winglet blade. In addition, the experimental values the performances of the blades were compared with the CFD, Noise Analyzer are used.Key words: CFD, Noise, Output power, Performance, Small Wind Turbine Blade, Winglet, Reference [1] Arvind Singh Rathore, and Siraj Ahmed, "Design and Analysis of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Rotor" International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 11 November 2011. [2] H. V. Mahawadiwar, V. D. Dhopte, P.S. Thakare, Dr. R. D. Ashedkar "CFD Anaysis of Wind Turbine Blade", International Journa of Engineering Research and Applications, Vol. 2, Issue 3, May-June 2012, pp.3188-3194. [3] M. Jureczko, M. Pawlak, A. Mezyk, "Optimization of wind turbine blades", Journal of Materials Processing Technology 167 (2005) 463–471. [4] NitinTenguria, Mittal. N.D, Siraj Ahmed, "Design and Finite element analysis of Horizontal Axis Wind turbine blade" International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Volume 1, No 3, 2010. [5] Z.L. Mahri, M.S. Rouabah, "Calculation of dynamic stresses using finite element method and prediction of fatigue failure for wind turbine rotor" Wseas Transactions On Applied And Theoretical Mechanics, Issue 1, Volume 3, January 2008. Aravindkumar. N |
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40. | A fast and reliable dense-mode multicast routing protocol
Analysis of the Small Wind Turbine Blade with and Without WingletAbstract: This paper deals with the experimental verification the small wind turbine blade with and without winglet. Winglet is smaller portion to be added in the end of blade and measured its noise and performance. In the experiments the output power of generator is increased about 2.01% and noise level is reduced 25% in the winglet blade respectively compared with the without winglet blade. In addition, the experimental values the performances of the blades were compared with the CFD, Noise Analyzer are used.Key words: CFD, Noise, Output power, Performance, Small Wind Turbine Blade, Winglet, Reference [1] Arvind Singh Rathore, and Siraj Ahmed, "Design and Analysis of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Rotor" International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 11 November 2011. [2] H. V. Mahawadiwar, V. D. Dhopte, P.S. Thakare, Dr. R. D. Ashedkar "CFD Anaysis of Wind Turbine Blade", International Journa of Engineering Research and Applications, Vol. 2, Issue 3, May-June 2012, pp.3188-3194. [3] M. Jureczko, M. Pawlak, A. Mezyk, "Optimization of wind turbine blades", Journal of Materials Processing Technology 167 (2005) 463–471. [4] NitinTenguria, Mittal. N.D, Siraj Ahmed, "Design and Finite element analysis of Horizontal Axis Wind turbine blade" International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Volume 1, No 3, 2010. [5] Z.L. Mahri, M.S. Rouabah, "Calculation of dynamic stresses using finite element method and prediction of fatigue failure for wind turbine rotor" Wseas Transactions On Applied And Theoretical Mechanics, Issue 1, Volume 3, January 2008. VIJAYKUMAR H NAYAK |
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