Volume 4- Issue 5 [May 2014 ]
S.No. | Title & Authors | Page | Downloads |
1. | A Design and Implementation of New Hybrid System for Anomaly Intrusion Detection System to Improve Efficiency
A Design and Implementation of New Hybrid System for Anomaly Intrusion Detection System to Improve EfficiencyAbstract: All most all-existing intrusion detection systems focus on attacks at low-level, and only produced isolated alerts. It is known that existing IDS can't find any type of logical relations among alerts. In addition, they counted very low in accuracy; lots of alerts are false. Proposed research is a combination of three data mining technique to reduce false alarm rate in intrusion detection system that is known a hybrid intrusion detection system (HIDS) combining k-Means (KM), K-nearest neighbor (KNN) and Decision Table Majority (DTM) (rule based) approaches for anomaly detection. Proposed HIDS operates on the KDD-99 Data set; this data set is used worldwide for evaluating the performance of different intrusion detection systems. Initially clusteringperformed via k-Means on KDD99 (knowledge Discovery and Data Mining) intrusion detection after that we apply two-classification techniques; KNN which is followed by DTM. The Proposed system can detect the intrusions and classify them into four categories: R2L (Remote to Local), Denial of Service (DoS), Probe and U2R (User to Root). The prime concern of the proposed concept is to decrease the IDS false alarm rate and increase the accuracy and detection rate.Key words: Association Analysis, Clustering,Data Mining, Data Preprocessing,Intrusion Detection Reference [1] Om, H. and Kundu, A. "A hybrid system for reducing the false alarm rate of anomaly intrusion detection system" Recent Advances in Information Technology (RAIT), 1st IEEE International Conference on 15-17 March 2012 Page(s): 131-136 Print ISBN:978-1-4577-0694-3. [2] P.R Subramanian and J.W. Robinson "Alert over the attacks of data packet and detect the intruders" Computing, Electronics and Electrical Technologies (ICCEET), IEEE International Conference on 21-22 March 2012 Page(s): 1028-1031 Print ISBN:978-1-4673-0211-1 [3] V. S. Ananthanarayana and V. Pathak "A novel Multi-Threaded K-Means clustering approach for intrusion detection" Software Engineering and Service Science (ICSESS), IEEE 3rd International Conference on 22-24 June 2012 Page(s): 757 - 760 Print ISBN: 978-1-4673-2007-8 [4] N.S Chandolikar and V.D.Nandavadekar, "Efficient algorithm for intrusion attack classification by analyzing KDD Cup 99" Wireless and Optical Communications Networks (WOCN), 2012 Ninth International Conference on 20-22 Sept. 2012 Page(s):1 - 5 ISSN :2151-7681 [5] Virendra Barot and Durga Toshniwal "A New Data Mining Based Hybrid Network Intrusion Detection Model" IEEE 2012. Vasim Iqbal Memon, Gajendra Singh Chandel |
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2. | A Sound Project Using Python
A Sound Project Using PythonAbstract: This paper provides the implementation of various digital audio effects (DAFXs) as a combination of user defined parameters and input sound signal.An approach to implement various effects like delay based effects, spatial effects, time varying effects and modulators is provided.A unique listening environment is provided using 3-D spatialization and localization, simulated surround sound, dialogue normalisation, dynamic range control and down-mixing.An attempt has also been made for music and voice separation to provide karaoke effect to the sound. All the implementations are provided in python which is widely adopted, open source and general purpose programming language and has a vast array ofcode libraries and development tools, and integrates well with many other programming languages, frameworks and musical applications.Key words: Digital audio effects; Dialog normalization; Dynamic range control; Audio downmixing Reference [1] UdoZolzer ―DAFX - Digital Audio Effects‖ Copyright q 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd ISBNs: 0-471-49078-4 (Hardback); 0-470-84604-6 (Electronic). [2] IxoneArroabarren, Xavier Rodet, and Alfonso Carlosena ―On the Measurement of the Instantaneous Frequency and Amplitude of Partials in Vocal Vibrato‖IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUDIO, SPEECH, AND LANGUAGE PROCESSING, VOL. 14, NO. 4, JULY 2006. [3] UdoZ¨olzer ―PITCH-BASED DIGITAL AUDIO EFFECTS‖ 5th International Symposium on Communications, Control and Signal Processing, ISCCSP 2012, Rome, Italy, 2-4 May 2012. Dhananjay Sharma, Radheshyam Madge, Rishabh Mishra and Nissim Shewade |
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3. | Characterization and Energy Generation of Sharda Landfill at Agra
Characterization and Energy Generation of Sharda Landfill at AgraAbstract: Most of the global municipal solid waste is dumped in non regulated landfills and the generated methane is emitted to the atmosphere which has global warming potential. Some of the modern regulated landfills attempt to capture and utilize landfill gas. An attempt has been made in this study for the recovery of energy potential of Shadra site. This includes different methodologies to determine the feasibility of recovery project. The laboratory results show that the percentage by volume of methane is 51%. The landfill gas (LFG) generation is very low (i.e. low-range recovery scenario) and it is un-economical to recover such low flow gases produced in landfill. So, this reveals that flaring is only the option to reduce the global warming potential (GWP) and also the problems of odour in the vicinity of landfill.Key words: Landfill, Methane generation and odour problem. Reference [1] Ranaweera, P.M.R.P. and Trankler, J., 2001. Pre-treatment Prior Final Disposal, Proceeding Sardinia 01, Eighth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, Pula, Cagliari, Italy. Vol III, 187-196. [2] Tchobanoglous, G., Theisen, H. and Vigil, S.A., 1993. Integrated Solid Waste Management. New York, McGraw-Hill International, ISBN 0-07-112865-4. [3] Davis, M.L and Cornwell, D.A., 1998. Introduction to Environmental Engineering: Third Edition. New York, McFraw-Hill International, ISBN 0-07-115237-4. [4] Qasim, S.R.., 1994. Sanitary Landfill Leachate: Generation, Control and Treatment. Pennsylvania, Technomic Publishing Company, Inc. ISBN 1-56676-129-8. [5] Visvanathan, C., Trankler, J., Kuruparan, P. and Xiaoning, Q., 2002. Influence of Landfill Operation and Waste Composition on Leachate Control, Processing APLAS Seoul, 2002 the 2 nd Asia Pacific Landfill Symposium September 25-28, Seoul, Korea, 441-447. Sohail Ayub & Afzal H. Khan |
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4. | A Novel Approach for Medical Image Stitching Using Ant Colony Optimization
A Novel Approach for Medical Image Stitching Using Ant Colony OptimizationAbstract: Image stitching is one of important technologies in medical image processing field. In digital radiography oversized images have to be assembled from multiple exposures as the flat panel of an X-ray system cannot cover all part of a body. The stitching of X-ray images is carried out by employing two basic steps: Registration and Blending. The classical registration methods such as SIFT and SURF search for all the pixels to get the best registration. These methods are slow and cannot perform well for high resolution X-ray images. Therefore a fast and accurate feature based technique using ant colony optimization is implemented in the present work. This technique not only saves time but also gives the accuracy to stitch the image. This technique is also used for finding the edges for land marking and features of different X-ray images. Correlation is found between landmarks to check the alignment between the images and RANSAC algorithm is used to eliminate the spurious feature points. Finally alpha- blending technique is used to stitch the images.Key words: Image stitching, feature extraction, image registration, image blending, Ant colony technique, Correlation, RANSAC Reference [1] Abd-Alsabour, N. and Randall, M. (2010) "Feature Selection for Classification Using an Ant Colony System", Sixth IEEE International Conference on e–Science Workshops, pp. 86-91. [2] Amrita, Neeru. N., (2013) "Study of various models of image stitching" International journal of Advance and Innovative Research (IJAIR), Vol. 2, No. 5, pp. 452-457. [3] Amrita, Neeru. N., (2013) "A Novel technique based on ant colony optimization for image stitching, International journal of Advance and Innovative Research (IJAIR), Vol. 2, No.4, pp.1067-1072. [4] Bay, H., Tuytelaars, T. and Gool L.V., (2006), "Surf: Speeded up robust features", the 9th European Conf. on Computer Vision, IEEE Press, pp. 404-417. [5] Blum, A.L. and Langley, P. (1997), "Selection of relevant features and examples in machine learning", Artificial Intelligence, pp. 245-271. Amrita, Nirvair Neeru |
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5. | Utilisation Of Spirulinasp. And Chlorellapyrenoidosa Biomass For The Productionof Enzymatic Protein Hydrolysates
Utilisation Of Spirulinasp. And Chlorellapyrenoidosa Biomass For The Productionof Enzymatic Protein HydrolysatesAbstract: This aim of this study was to assess the hydrolysis reaction of the biomass of Chlorella pyrenoidosaandSpirulinasp. LEB 18,using commercial proteases that act in different pH ranges, to obtain protein hydrolysates with promising application in food or food supplement, improving functional and nutritional food properties. Threecentral composite study designs were carried out for each microalga (Chlorella and Spirulina). The 23 type central composite design was utilized with three replications at the central point, varying the enzyme concentration (5 to 10 U.mL-1), the concentrationof substrate (5 to 10 %) and reaction time (60 to 240 min), for a total of 11 experiments per planning. The highestdegrees of hydrolysis (52.9% and 55.31%) forSpirulinaand Chlorella,respectively, were obtained with 4 h of reaction. The results show that it is possible to obtain enzymatic protein hydrolysates with different DH from microalgae biomass.Key words: experimental design; enzymatic hydrolysis,microalgae, proteases Reference [1] J.A.V. Costa, M.G.Morais, F.Dalcanton, C.C.Reichert,and A.J. Durante,SimultaneouscultivationofSpirulinaplatensisandthetoxigeniccyanobacteriaMicrocystisaeruginosa,ZeitschriftfürNaturforschung61(c), 2006, 105-110. [2] M.R. Andrade and J.A.V. Costa, Mixotrophiccultivationof microalga Spirulinaplatensisusingmolasses as organicsubstrate, Aquaculture, 264(1-4), 2007, 130-134. [3] P.Gonzáles-Tello, F.Camacho, E.Jurado, M.P.Páez, andE.M.Guadix, Enzymatic hydrolysis of whey proteins: I. Kinetic models,Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 44(4), 523-528 [4] H.J.Morris, O. Carrillo, A.Almarales, R.C.Bermúdez, Y.Lebeque, R.Fontaine, G.Llauradó, and Y.Beltrán,Oral Administration of an Enzymatic Protein Hydrolysate from the Green Microalga Chlorella vulgaris Enhances the Nutritional Recovery of Malnourished Mice,Journal of Medicinal Food,14(12), 2011, 1583-1589. [5] C.G.SchmidtandM.Salas-Mellado, Influência da ação das enzimas Alcalase e Flavourzyme no grau de hidrólise das proteínas de carne de frango, Química Nova, 32(5), 2009, 1144-1150. Cristiane R. Lisboa, Aline M. Pereira, Shana P. Ferreira, Jorge A. V. Costa |
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6. | TCP Variants under WSN and MANET Environment & Their Analysis using NS-2
TCP Variants under WSN and MANET Environment & Their Analysis using NS-2Abstract: TCP provides reliability to data transferring in all end-to-end data stream services on the internet. This protocol is utilized by major internet applications. TCP was originally created to handle the problem of network congestion collapse. This paper is prepared on the performance of different TCP variants to identify the best protocol variant for network expansion. In such context, a full comprehensive simulation environment is created for evaluating the comparative performance of TCP variants like TCP Tahoe, Reno, NewReno and TCP Vegas. From the results, TCP Reno is the most aggressive (least fair one), and highest amount of throughput. In the TCP NewReno it follows Reno's step by becoming the second most aggressive (second least fair), and second highest throughput. SACK is fair to Reno and NewReno, but it is competing with Vegas, Finally TCP Vegas shows the highest degree of fairness, TCP Vegas can adapt the changing bandwidth very well and it is robust against the fluctuationKey words: TCP Tahoe, Reno, NewReno, SCAK, TCP Vegas. Reference [1] A.Gurtov and S. Floyd, ―Modelling wireless links or transport Protocols,‖ACM SIGCOMM, April 2004. [2] K. Fall, S. Floyd ―Simulation Based Comparison of Tahoe, Reno and SACK TCP‖, 1998. [3] M. Mathis, J. Mahdavi,‖Forward Acknowledgement: Refining TCP Congestion Control‖ in Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM, 1996. [4] W. Stevens, ―TCP Slow Start, Congestion Avoidance Fast Retransmit Algorithm‖, IETF RFC 2001, January 1997. [5] Van Jacobson,‖ Congestion Avoidance and Control‖ SIGCOMM Symposium on communications Architecturesand Protocols, rd Stevens: TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1: ―TheProtocols‖, Addison Wesley, 1994. Rimjhim Patel, Manoj Rawat |
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7. | Modeling Level Wise Role-Based Access Control for Commercial Database Systems
Modeling Level Wise Role-Based Access Control for Commercial Database SystemsAbstract: Now a days database system is becoming more crucial as the scale of database is growing. Traditional access control policies have certain disadvantages. So as a promising alternative to traditional access control policy, Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) has received special attention for its unique flexibility. RBAC provides access control based on permissions associated with roles. Among commercial software applications, DBMS provide access control and have applied RBAC. But RBAC have also certain inherent weaknesses. So in this paper we enhance the RBAC policy named as Level Wise Role-Based Access Control (LWRBAC) policy that is instead of access control through role assigned to the users, the users are assigned by some level of access control and it can implement in object relational databases in order to develop secured software applications.Key words: RBAC, LWRBAC. Reference [1] Betrino Elisa and Sandhu Ravi,"Database Security-Concepts, Approaches, and Challenges", IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, Vol.2, No.1, January-March 2005. [2] Marius ConstantinLeahu, Mare Dobson, and Giuseppe Avolio, "Access Control Designand Implementation in the ATLAS Experiment", IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol.55, No.1, February 2008. [3] Anil L. Pereira, VineelaMuppavarapu and Soon M. Chung, "Role-Based Access Control for Grid Database Services Using the Community Authorization Service", IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, Vol.3, No.2, April-June 2006. [4] Ravi S. Sandhu, Edward J. Cope, Hal L. Feinstein, Charles E. Youman, "Roll Based Access Control Models", IEEE journals, February 1996. [5] Feikis John, "Database Security", IEEE Journals, February-March 1999. Trilochan Tarai, Pradipta Kumar Mishra |
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8. | Voltage Source Inverter/Converter for the Improvement of Power Quality Using Fuzzy Logic Controller
Voltage Source Inverter/Converter for the Improvement of Power Quality Using Fuzzy Logic ControllerAbstract: In recent years, the applications of power electronics have grown tremendously. These power electronic systems offer highly nonlinear characteristics. To overcome those non linearities active power filters are preferred. This paper presents and compares the performance of two controllers namely Fuzzy Logic and Proportional Integral (PI) applied to a voltage source inverter / converter which operates as an active power filter. The active power filter is operated to compensate harmonics generated by the non-linear load . This work is done to make an accurate comparison of the performance of fuzzy logic controller and classical control technique such as PI controller in compensating harmonics in the ac mains current. Fuzzy control rule design is based on the general dynamic behavior of the process. A novel control method is implemented for suppressing the harmonics. The compensation process is instantaneous, which is achieved without employing any complicated control logic. The control scheme is based on sensing line currents only; an approach different from convention ones, which are based on sensing harmonics of the nonlinear load. In the control scheme a hysteresis controller based on current control is employed to generate switching signals to the PWM converter.Key words: Fuzzy Logic Controller, PI Controller, PWM Converter, Voltage Source Inverter Reference [1] Hugh Rudnick, Juan Dixon and Luis Morán, "Active power filters as a solution to power quality problems in distribution networks" IEEE power & energy magazine, pp. 32-40,September/October 2003. [2] Singh, B., Chandra, A., and Al-Haddad.k., "computer aided modelling and simulation of active power filters", Electr. Mach, Power sys. Pp.1227-1241, 1999. [3] DUKE, R.M., and Round, S. D., "The steady state performance of controlled current active filterӨ. IEEETran. Power Electron, pp. 140-146, 1993. [4] Chatterjee, K, Fernandes, H.G., And Dubey, G.K.:"An instantaneous reactive volt-ampere compensator and harmonic supperessorӨ.IEEE Trans., Power Electron., pp.381- 392. 1999. [5] V. S. C. Raviraj and P. C. Sen, "Comparative Study of Proportional–Integral, Sliding Mode, and FuzzyLogic Controllers for Power Converters", IEEE Transactions On Industry Applications, Vol. 33, No.2, March/April 1997. T Jagan Mohan Rao, B. Ravi Kumar, Ch. Krishna Rao |
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9. | PC Controlled Home Appliances
PC Controlled Home AppliancesAbstract: With advancement of technology things are becoming simpler and easier for us. Automated systems are being preferred over manual system. PC based control systems are highly reliable, accurate and time saving systems. They provide number of features like quick data storage, transfer data and data securities which helps in industries to work in sufficient manner. A microcontroller based controller is designed to control a number of electrical equipment. To control and monitor connected equipment through the PC.Key words: Microcontroller 8051, Computer, RS-232 cable, MAX-232, Relay and home equipment Reference [1] Inderpreet Kaur, "Microcontroller Based Home Automation System With Security", International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,Vol. 1, No. 6, December 2010. [2] Abhishek Vichare,Shilpa Verma , "Embedded Web Server for Home Appliances",International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering & Technology (VNCET-30 Mar'12). [3] www.docklight.de [4] The 8051 microcontroller:- Kenneth Ayala [5] The 8051 microcontroller and Embedded systems:- Muhammad Ali Mazidi Laxmi Soni, Sarika K. Thorat And Sandeep Chawda |
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10. | Percon8 Algorithm for Random Number Generation
Percon8 Algorithm for Random Number GenerationAbstract: In today's technology savvy world, computer security holds a prime importance. Most computer security algorithms require some amount of random data for generating public and private keys, session keys or for other purposes. Random numbers are those numbers that occur in a sequence such that the future value of the sequence cannot be predicted based on present or past values. Random numbers find application in statistical analysis and probability theory. The many applications of randomness have led to the development of random number generating algorithms. These algorithms generate a sequence of random numbers either computationally or physically. In our proposed technique, we have implemented a random number generation algorithm combining two existing random number generation techniques viz. Mid square method and Linear Congruential GeneratorKey words: Linear Congruential Generator, Mid Square Random Number Generation Technique, Permutation Matrix, Maurer's Universal Statistical Test Reference [1] William Stallings, "Cryptography and Network Security", 5th edition, Pearson Education India [2] Blum, L,; Blum, M.; and Shub, M. "A Simple Unpredictable Random Number Generator", SIAM Journal on Computing, No. 2, 1986 [3] Robshaw, M. Stream Ciphers. RSA Laboratories Technical Report TR-701, July 1995 [4] Knuth, D. The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 2: Seminumerical Algorithms. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1998 [5] Ritter, T. "The Efficient Generation of Cryptographic Confusion Sequences" Cryptologia, vol. 15 no. 2,1991. www.ciphersbyritter.com/ARTS/CRNG2ART.HTM Dr. Mrs. Saylee Gharge, Mr. Honey Brijwani, Mr. Mohit Pugrani, Mr. Girish Sukhwani, Mr. Deepak Udherani |
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11. | ALLTALK™- A Windows Phone Messenger With Cross Language Communication For Customer Care Services
ALLTALK™- A Windows Phone Messenger With Cross Language Communication For Customer Care ServicesAbstract: In day to day life, messengers or chatting applications provide facility for instant messaging over the internet. Exchange of messages takes place in universally used languages like English, French, etc. where both the users know how to communicate in a common language. Thus chatting on mobile phones is a luxury when both the parties involved know a common language. When any company wants to provide customer care services to its customer they use mediums like talking to the customers over the telephone which requires employees that are proficient in speaking various languages and set up large numbers of call centers to serve the customers worldwide. Hence we have implemented ALLTALK™ which is a Windows 8 phone based chatting application which makes cross language communication possible using mobile programming and networking technology. This application will enable the communication between two persons irrespective of the language each user wishes to use individually. The various modes of communication available in this messenger are through text and voice. Due to the best processing power provided among the available smartphones and high battery life we choose to work on windows 8 platform. This application provides a facility which enables service providers companies to provide customer care services to their customers in their native languages without the need of employees being skilled in various languages. Thus we have successfully eliminated the language barrier and enabled ease of communication through this application.Key words: Cross language communication, Customer care services, instant messenger, socket connection, translator, Windows phone app. Reference [1] MChatterjee, S., Abhichandani, T. , Haiqing Li, TuIu, B. Jongbok Byun, Instant Messaging and PresenceTechnologies for College Campuses , Network, IEEE, 19(3), 2005, 4 - 13. [2] Peter Saint-Andre., Streaming XML with Jabber/XMPP, Internet Computing, IEEE , 9(5), 2005, 82 - 89. [3] D. Stenberg, "History of IRC (Internet Relay Chat)," http://daniel.haxx.se/irchistory.html, Mar. 29, 2011. [4] C. Yudkowsky, "Byte of Success: An IM Strategy,"http://accounting.smartpros.com/x37234.xml", Nov. 10th, 2004. [5] Pin Nie ,"An open standard for instant messaging: eXtensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP)" , 2006 Akhil Abraham, Royston Pinto, Shruti Shetye, Sonali Vaidya |
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12. | Study on Integration of Wind and Solar Energy to Power Grid
Study on Integration of Wind and Solar Energy to Power GridAbstract: Nowadays Renewable Energy plays a great role in power system around the world. It is a demanding task to integrate the renewable energy resources into the power grid .The integration of the renewable resources use the communication systems as the key technology, which play exceedingly important role in monitoring, operating, and protecting both renewable energy generators and power systems. This paper presents about the integration of renewable energy mainly focused on wind and solar to the grid.Key words: Communication Systems, Grid, Renewable Energy, Solar Power, Wind Power. Reference [1] S. Galli and O. Logvinov, "Recent developments in the standardization of power line communications within the IEEE," IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 46, no. 7, pp. 64-71, July 2008. [2] F. Giraud and Z. M. Salameh, "Steady-state performance of a grid connected rooftop hybrid wind-photovoltaic power system with battery storage," IEEE Trans. Energy Convers., vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 1–7, Mar. 2001. [3] H. Yang, W. Zhou, L. Lu, and Z. Fang, "Optimal sizing method for stand-alone hybrid solar-wind system with lpsp technology by using genetic algorithm," Solar Energy, vol. 82, no. 4, pp. 354–367, 2008. [4] M. A. Mahmud, H. R. Pota, and M. J. Hossain, "Dynamic stability of three-phase grid-connected photovoltaic system using zero dynamic design approach," IEEE J. Photovoltaics, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 564–571, Oct. 2012. [5] C.-H. Lin, W.-L. Hsieh, C.-S. Chen, C.-T. Hsu, T.-T. Ku, and C.-T. Tsai, "Financial analysis of a large-scale photovoltaic system and its impact on distribution feeders," IEEE Trans. Ind. Applicat., vol. 47,no. 4, pp. 1884–1891, Jul./Aug. 2011. |
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13. | Assessment of Concrete Strength Using Partial Replacement of Coarse Aggregate for Wast Tiles and Cement for Rice Husk Ash in Concrete
Assessment of Concrete Strength Using Partial Replacement of Coarse Aggregate for Wast Tiles and Cement for Rice Husk Ash in ConcreteAbstract: Conservation of natural resources and preservation of environment is the essence of any development. The problem arising from continuous technological and industrial development is the disposal of waste material. If some of the waste materials are found suitable in concrete making, not only cost of construction can be cut down, but also safe disposal of waste materials can be achieved. So in our project, an attempt has been made to assess the suitability of stone with waste tills in concrete making. In the laboratory tiles has been tried as coarse aggregate has been used as partial substitute to conventional coarse aggregate concrete making and today many researches are ongoing into the use of Portland cement replacements, using many waste materials like pulverized fly ash (PFA) and ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS). Like PFA and GGBS a waste glass powder (GLP) is also used as a binder with partial replacement of cement which takes some part of reaction at the time of hydration. In this study, rice husk ash have been used as partially replacements to the cement Cubes were cast and tested for compressive strength, and modulus of rupture after a curing period of 7,17,28 days. The results indicated effectiveness of tiles as coarse aggregate by partial replacement of conventional concrete by 20 %, 30%, 50%and cement as rice husk ash with 10%,15% and 20% without affecting the design strength. Also Combined RHA & Tiles replacement is in above percentage mixing. A total number of 81 cubes, and were cast and tested .This paper recommends that waste ceramic tiles can be used as an alternate construction material to coarse aggregate in concrete. Also recommended to cement is partially rice husk ash.Key words: Compressive strength, Disposal, Development, Partially replacement, Rice husk ash, Waste ceramic tiles. Reference [1] B. Topcu and Canbaz. Utilization of crushed tile as aggregate in concrete. Iranian Journal of science & technology, Transaction B, Engineering, Vol. 31, No. B5, pp561-565 [2] Rao, A., Jha, K.n. and Misra S.(2005).'Use of aggregates from recycled construction and demolition waste in concrete'. Journal of resources conservation and recycling, 50(2007); 71-81 [3] Investigations on stone dust and ceramic scrap as aggregate replacement in concrete. International journal of civil and structural Engineering volume1, No 3, 2010. Umapathy U, Mala C, Siva K |
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14. | Impact of M2-Hss Tool Pin Profile in Fsw Welded Joints On Mechanical Properties Of Aa7075-T6 Aluminium Alloy Impact of M2-Hss Tool Pin Profile in Fsw Welded Joints On
Abstract: Friction stir, "welding is a solid state joining process and is widely being considered for aluminium alloys. The
main advantage of FSW is the material that is being welded undergoes only localized changes. The welding
parameter and tool pin profile play a major role in deciding the weld quality. In this work an effort has been
made to analyze microstructure of aluminium AA 7075-T6 alloy. Three different tool profiles (Taper Threaded,
cylindrical and square) have been used to construct the joints in particular rotational speed. Tensile, Impact,
micro hardness of mechanical properties of the joints have been evaluated and the formation of FSP zone has
been analyzed microscopically. From the investigation it is found that the threaded cylindrical profile produces
highly (defined) Strength in welds. |
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15. | Online Handwritten Sanskrit Character Recognition Using Support Vector Classification
Online Handwritten Sanskrit Character Recognition Using Support Vector ClassificationAbstract: Handwritten recognition has been one of the active and challenging research areas in the field of image processing. In this Paper, we are going to analyses feature extraction technique to recognize online handwritten Sanskrit word using preprocessing, segmentation. However, most of the current work in these areas is limited to English and a few oriental languages. The lack of efficient solutions for Indic scripts and languages such as Sanskrit has disadvantaged information extraction from a large body of documents of cultural and historical importance. Here we use Freeman chain code (FCC) as the representation technique of an image character. Chain code gives the boundary of a character image in which the codes represents the direction of where is the location of the next pixel. Randomized algorithm is used to generate the FCC. After that, features vector is built. The criterion of features toinput the classification is the chain code that converted to various features. And segmentation is applied to evaluate the possible segmentation zone. Accordingly, several generations are performed to evaluate the individuals with maximum fitness value. Support vector machine (SVM) is chosen for the classification step.Key words: Freeman chain code (FCC), Heuristic method, Support vector machine (SVM), Reference [1] Arora, D. Bhattacharjee, M. Nasipuri, D.K. Basu, and M. Kundu, "Combining Multiple Feature Extraction Techniques for Handwritten Devanagari Character Recognition", Proc. IEEE Region 10 Colloquium and Third Intl. Conf. Industrial & Information Systems, Kharagpur (India), pp. 978-1-4244-2806 2008. [2] Namita Dwivedi, Kamal Srivastava and Neelam Arya," sanskrit word recognition using prewitt's operator and support vector classification", IEEE International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing, Communication and Nanotechnology (ICECCN 2013) [3] Prof. M.S.Kumbhar1, Y.Y.Chandrachud, "Handwritten Marathi Character Recognition Using Neuarl Network", International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Volume 2, Issue 9,September 2012. [4] Shruthi Kubatur, Maher Sid-Ahmed, Majid Ahmadi,'' A Neural Network Approach to Online Devanagari Handwritten Character Recognition" [5] Jayaraman, A., Chandra Sekhar, C., Chakravarthy, V. S., "Modular approach to recognition of strokes in Telugu script", Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, September 23-26, pp 501-505, 2007. Prof. Sonal P.Patil, Ms. Priyanka P. Kulkarni |
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16. | Classification of Cotton Leaf Spot Disease Using Support Vector Machine
Classification of Cotton Leaf Spot Disease Using Support Vector MachineAbstract: In order to obtain more value added products, a product quality control is essentially required Many studies show that quality of agriculture products may be reduced from many causes. One of the most important factors of such quality plant diseases. Consequently, minimizing plant diseases allows substantially improving quality of the product Suitable diagnosis of crop disease in the field is very critical for the increased production. Foliar is the major important fungal disease of cotton and occurs in all growing Indian cotton regions. In this paper I express Technological Strategies uses mobile captured symptoms of Cotton Leaf Spot images and categorize the diseases using support vector machine. The classifier is being trained to achieve intelligent farming, including early detection of disease in the groves, selective fungicide application, etc. This proposed work is based on Segmentation techniques in which, the captured images are processed for enrichment first. Then texture and color Feature extraction techniques are used to extract features such as boundary, shape, color and texture for the disease spots to recognize diseases.Key words: Feature extraction, segmentation, Support vector Machine (SVM) Reference [1]. P.Revathi M.Hemalatha," Advance Computing Enrichment Evaluation of Cotton Leaf Spot Disease Detection Using Image Edge detection ", ICCCNT'1226t _28t July 2012, Coimbatore, India, IEEE-20180 [2]. P.Revathi, M.Hemalatha,",Classification of Cotton Leaf Spot Diseases Using Image Processing Edge Detection Techniques, 2012 - International Conference on Emerging Trends in Science, Engineering and Technology [3]. Mr. Viraj A. Gulhane , Dr. Ajay A. Gurjar " Detection of Diseases on Cotton Leaves and Its Possible Diagnosis ", International Journal of Image Processing (IJIP), Volume (5) : Issue (5) : 2011 [4]. Dheeb Al Bashish, Malik Braik, and Sulieman Bani- "A Framework for Detection and Classification of Plant Leaf and Stem Diseases" [5]. Meunkaewjinda, A.; Kumsawat, P.; Attakitmongcol, K.; Srikaew, A., "Grape leaf disease detection from color imagery using hybrid intelligent system," Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2008. ECTI-CON 2008. 5th International Conference on , vol.1, no., pp.513,516, 14-17 May 2008: 10.1109/ECTICON.2008.460048 Prof. Sonal P. Patil, Ms. Rupali S.Zambre |
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17. | An Implementation Paper on Medical Knowledge Globalization, Analysis and Research System
An Implementation Paper on Medical Knowledge Globalization, Analysis and Research SystemAbstract: This paper describes a two-module system whose function is to find relationships between working environment (harmful or not) and diseases caused to workers. Our objective here is to unravel inconspicuous disease causing factors subjective to different working conditions and hence help to eliminate these causes. This will ensure a healthy and efficient workforce and may also contribute to medical science by finding new origin and treatment for different diseases.Key words: Polarity Analysis, Relationship between working conditions and diseases caused, medical knowledge globalization. Reference [1] Yun Niu, MSc, Xiaodan Zhu, MSc, Jianhua Li, MSc and Graeme Hirst, "Analysis of Polarity Information in Medical Text", PhD Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 3G4. [2] Sackett DL, Straus SE. Finding and applying evidence during clinical rounds the "evidence cart". Journal of the American Medical Association1998;280(15):1336– 1338. [3] Barton S, editor. Clinical evidence. London: BMJ Publishing Group; 2002. Srinjay Paul, Shailaja Patil, Priyanka Deokar, Rohit Burud, Sonam Yadav |
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18. | Two Stage Fully Differential Sample and Hold Circuit Using .18μm Technology Two Stage Fully Differential Sample and Hold Circuit Using
Abstract: This paper presents a well-established Fully Differential sample & hold circuitry, implemented in 180-nm
CMOS technology. In this two stage method the first stage give us very high gain and second stage gives large
voltage swing. The proposed opamp provides 149MHz unity-gain bandwidth , 78 degree phase margin and a
differential peak to peak output swing more than 2.4v. using the improved fully differential two stage
operational amplifier of 76.7dB gain. Although the sample and hold circuit meets the requirements of SNR
specifications. |
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19. | Video Steganography: Text Hiding In Video By LSB Substitution
Video Steganography: Text Hiding In Video By LSB SubstitutionAbstract: The development of high speed computer networks and Internet has increased the easiness of Information Communication. In contrast with Analog media and Digital media provide several different advantages such as high quality, simple editing, high loyalty copying and authenticity. But in the field of data communication this type of development has increased the fear of sneaking the data while sending data from the sender to the receiver. Due to this reason Information Security is main problem of Data Communication. Steganography plays an important role in field of Information Security. Video and images are very common choice for hiding data. It is very important for effective and successful embedding process to select appropriate pixels in the video frames, which are used to store the secret data. We use video based Steganography because of large size and memory requirements. Hiding information in a carrier file we use least significant bit (LSB) insertion technique. In Least significant bit (LSB) insertion technique, for hiding information we change LSB of video file with the information bits .This paper will focus on hiding information in specific frames of the video and in specific position of the frame by LSB substitution.Key words: Steganography, cover video, stego-video, secret message, Data hiding, LSB bit method Reference [1] Niels Provos and Peter Honeyman, "Hide and Seek: An Introduction to Steganography", University of Michigan, IEEE 2003 [2] Daniela Stanescu, Mircea Stratulat, Voicu Groza, Joana Ghergulescu and Daniel Borca, "Steganography in YUVcolor space", IEEE International Workshop on Robotic and Sensors Environments (ROSE 2007), Ottawa-Canada, pp.1-4, October 2007 [3] P.Ramesh Babu, Digital Image Processing. Scitech Publications., 2003. [4] Johnson, N. F. and Jajodia, S. (1998). Exploring steganography: Seeing the unseen. Computer, 31(2): 26–34. [5]. Jonathan Cummins, Patrick Diskin, Samuel Lau and Robert Parlett, "Steganography and digital watermarking" School of Computer Science, The University of Birmingham. 2003. www.cs.unibo.it/people/phdstudents/ scacciag/home_files/teach/datahide.pdf. Kamred Udham Singh |
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21. | Elimination & Mitigation of Sag & Swell Using a New UPQC-S Methodology & Fuzzy Logic Controller
Elimination & Mitigation of Sag & Swell Using a New UPQC-S Methodology & Fuzzy Logic ControllerAbstract: This paper presents the enhancement of voltage sags, harmonic distortion and low power factor using Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC) with Fuzzy Logic Controller in distribution system, The series inverter of UPQC is controlled to perform simultaneous 1) voltage sag/swell compensation and 2) load reactive power sharing with the shunt inverter. Since the series inverter simultaneously delivers active and reactive powers, this concept is named as UPQC-S (S for complex power) in this paper; a detailed mathematical formulation of PAC for UPQC-S is carried out. In this paper details are carried out on both series inverter & shunt inverter, and fuzzy logic controller is applied to shunt inverter in order to dc fluctuations and to compensate reactive power. The feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed UPQC-S approach are validated by simulation in using MATLAB software.Key words: power quality, active filters, facts, upqc, fuzzy. Reference [1] Vinod Khadkikar, and Ambrish Chandra UPQC-S: A Novel Concept of Simultaneous VoltageSag/Swell and Load Reactive Power Compensations Utilizing Series Inverter of UPQC. [2] R. C. Dugan, M. F. McGranaghan, and H. W. Beaty, Electrical Power Systems Quality.. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1996, p. 265. [3] C. Sankaran, Power Quality. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2002, p. 202. [4] R. A. Walling, R. Saint, R. C. Dugan, J. Burke, and L. A. Kojovic, "Summary of distributed resources impact on power delivery systems," IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 1636–1644, Jul. 2008. [5] L. Gyugyi, "Unified power-flow control concept for flexible AC transmission systems," IEE – C Gene. Trans. Distr., vol. 139, no. 4, pp. 323–331, Jul. 1992. Kanaka Raju Kalla, Suneelgoutham Karudumpa |
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22. | Applications and Properties of Fibre Reinforced Concrete
Applications and Properties of Fibre Reinforced ConcreteAbstract: In conventional concrete, micro-cracks develop before structure is loaded because of drying shrinkage and other causes of volume change. When the structure is loaded, the micro cracks open up and propagate because of development of such micro-cracks, results in inelastic deformation in concrete. Fibre reinforced concrete (FRC) is cementing concrete reinforced mixture with more or less randomly distributed small fibres. In the FRC, a numbers of small fibres are dispersed and distributed randomly in the concrete at the time of mixing, and thus improve concrete properties in all directions. The fibers help to transfer load to the internal micro cracks. FRC is cement based composite material that has been developed in recent years. It has been successfully used in construction with its excellent flexural-tensile strength, resistance to spitting, impact resistance and excellent permeability and frost resistance. It is an effective way to increase toughness, shock resistance and resistance to plastic shrinkage cracking of the mortar. These fibers have many benefits. Steel fibers can improve the structural strength to reduce in the heavy steel reinforcement requirement. Freeze thaw resistance of the concrete is improved. Durability of the concrete is improved to reduce in the crack widths. Polypropylene and Nylon fibers are used to improve the impact resistance. Many developments have been made in the fiber reinforced concrete.Key words: Fiber Reinforced Concrete; Steel Fiber; Glass Fiber; Natural Fiber; Aspect Ratio; Mechanicaland Structural Properties. Reference [1] Banthia N (2012),"FRC: "Milestone in international Research and development", proceedings of FIBCON2012, ICI, Nagpur, India, February 13-14, pp 48 [S]. [2] Nataraja M.C., Dhang N. and Gupta A.P, (1998), "Steel fiber reinforced concrete under compression", The Indian Concrete Journal, 26[3], pp 353-356. [3] Shah, Surendraand Rangan (1994), "Effect of Fiber addition on concrete strength", Indian Concrete Journal. [4] Nataraja M.C., Dhang, N. and Gupta, A. P (1999), "Stress‐ strain curve for steel fiber reinforced concrete in compression", "Cement and Concrete Composites", 21(5/6), pp 383- 390.Batson, G., Jenkins., E and Spantney., R, "Steel Fibers as Shear Reinforcement in Beams, "ACI JOURNAL, Processing V. 69 No. 10 Oct 1972, pp 640-644. [5] Balaguru P., Slattum K., "Test methods for Durability of Polymeric Fibers in Concrete and UV Light Exposure", pp 115-136 in Testing of Fiber ReinforcedConcreteEdited by Stevens D.J., ACI SP-155, American Concrete Institute, Detroit, 1995. Amit Rai, Dr. Y.P Joshi |
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23. | Micromechanical Analysis of FRP Composite with Orthotropic Fibers Subjected To Longitudinal and Transverse Loading
Micromechanical Analysis of FRP Composite with Orthotropic Fibers Subjected To Longitudinal and Transverse LoadingAbstract: The present research work deals with the micromechanical analysis of fiber reinforced composites with orthotropic fibers under fiber directional tensile loading and transverse directional tensile loading using three-dimensional finite element method. The problem is modeled in ANSYS software and the FE model is validated with bench mark results. Longitudinal Young's modulus and transverse Young's modulus corresponding Poisson's ratios are predicted. Fiber reinforced composite materials are now an important class of an engineering materials. They offer outstanding mechanical properties, unique flexibility in design capabilities, and ease of fabrication. Additional advantages include light weight and corrosion resistance, impact resistance, and excellent fatigue strength. Today fiber composites are routinely used in such diverse applications as automobiles, aircraft, space vehicles, offshore structures, containers and piping, sporting goods, electronics, and appliances. In the present work, micromechanical behavior of a square unit cell of uni-directional fiber reinforced composite with orthotropic fibers (viz., Carbon- T300 carbon- Im7 Kelvar-4Paramid and)embedded in epoxy resin has been analyzed under tensile loading using Finite element analysis software package Ansys 14.0. The 3-D Finite Element Model with governing boundary conditions has been developed from the unit cell of square pattern of the composite to evaluate the engineering constants like, Longitudinal modulus (E1), Transverse modulus (E2), and Major Poisson's ratio (12) of the above FRP composites for various fiber volume fractions. Also, interfacial stresses induced at the fiber matrix interfaces due to longitudinal loading for various fiber volume fractions has been estimated. Finally the results obtained from finite element analysis (Numerical method) are validated with benchmark results. The present work will be useful to predict the engineering constants of uni-directional fiber reinforced composite materials subjected to longitudinal loading. And also present work will be useful to find the static behavior of FRP lamina subjected to longitudinal load.Key words: Epoxy, Finite Element Analysis, FRP, Interface, Lamina, Micromechanics. Reference [1] Salvatore Torquato, Christofer L. Y. Yeong, Mark D. Rintoul, David L. Milius and Ilhan A. Aksay, ―Elastic Properties and Structure of Interpenetrating Boron Carbide/Aluminum Multiphase Composites‖, Journal of the AmericanCeramic Society—Torquato et al., Vol. 82(5), May 1999, pp. 1263–68. [2] Nimmer, R. P., Bankert, R. J., Russell, E. S., Smith, G. A., and Wright, P. K., ―Micromechanical Modeling of Fiber/Matrix Interface Effects in Transversely Loaded SIC/Ti-6-4 Metal Matrix Composites‖, Journal of Composites Technology & Research, JCTRER, Vol. 13(1), Spring 1991, pp. 3-13. [3] Nassehi, V., Dhillon, J., and Mascia, L., ―Finite Element Simulation of the Micromechanics of Interlayered Polymer/Fibre Composite: A Study of the Interactions between the Reinforcing Phases‖, Composites Science and Technology, Vol. 47, 1993, pp. 349-358. [4] Robertson, D. D. and Mall, S., ―Fiber-Matrix Interphase Effects upon tranverse Behavior in Metal-Matrix Composites‖, Journal of Composites Technology & Research, JCTRER, Vol. 14(1), Spring 1992, pp. 3-11. [5] Dong sheng Li & Michael R., ―Journal of Composites Technology & Research‖, JCTRER, Vol. 42(4), Spring 1996, pp. 413-427. M. Gowtha Muneswara Rao and Sk. Zareena |
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24. | Steering Wheel Shaped Frequency Reconfigurable Antenna for Cognitive Radio
Steering Wheel Shaped Frequency Reconfigurable Antenna for Cognitive RadioAbstract: This paper depicts an outline to design a novel compact and low profile frequency reconfigurable microstrip patch antenna for possible applications in cognitive radio systems to act as a fast switching antenna capable of operating in seven different frequencies in the range of 6.25 to 8.25 GHz. The antenna structure comprises a center rectangular encircled patch, in which rectangular patch is driven patch and the encirclement is for frequency reconfigure ability. The reconfiguration ability of the antenna is obtained by placing four radio frequency micro-electromechanical system (RF-MEMS) switches in between encircled patch and driven patch. Different switch configurations were investigated and the same was evaluated for diverse frequency ranges.Key words: Cognitive radio, CST, MEMS, Microstrip antennas, Software Define Radio. Reference [1] B. Wang and K. J. R. Liu, "Advances in cognitive radio networks: A survey", IEEE J. Sel. Topics Signal Process., vol. 5, no. 1, Feb. 2011, pp. 5–23. [2] K.-L. Yau, P. Komisarczuk, and P. Teal, "A context-aware and intelligent dynamic channel selection scheme for cognitive radio networks", 4th International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks and Communications, Hannover, Germany, June 2009, pp. 1 –6. [3] J.Mitola and G. Q.Maguire, "Cognitive radio:Making software radios more personal" ,IEEE Pers. Commun., vol. 6, no. 4, Aug. 1999, pp. 13–18. [4] P. S. Hall, P. Gardner, and A. Faraone, "Antenna requirements for software defined and cognitive radios", Proc. IEEE, vol. 100, no. 7, 2012, pp. 2262–2270 [5] Ghanshyam Singh, Mithilesh Kumar, "Design of Frequency Reconfigurable Microstrip Patch Antenna", IEEE 6th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems, Sri Lanka, Aug. 16-19, 2011 Harbinder Singh, Ranju Kanwar, Malika Singh |
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25. | Real Time Automization of Agriculture System Using Arm7
Real Time Automization of Agriculture System Using Arm7Abstract: This project is used to detect the field conditions and to provide information about the field. This involves some sensors, LCD display, GSM and ARM7 processor. We have to connect all the sensors to the ADC channel pins which are in-built to the ARM processor.LCD will be on field display purpose. GSM module will contains a Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) user can communicate with this SIM-Number. When the particular command activated or given by the user, immediately the corresponding sensor will activates and reads the present reading and immediately sends results to the same user mobile and displays in the LCD panel in the field. Immediately the necessary action will take place if required. Here we are using total Five sensors to monitor the field condition. Those are Temperature, Humidity, Soil moisture, PIR sensor, Level sensor.GSM is used for communication purpose, with the help of AT (attention)-Commands we can communicate with the components.Key words: ARM7 LPC2148 Microcontroller, GSM Modem, User Mobile Phone, Sensors Reference [1]. Automated Irrigation System Using a Wireless Sensor Network and GPRS Module by Joaquin Gutierrez, Juan Francisco Villa- Medina, Alejandra Nieto-Garibay, and Miguel Angel Porta-Gandara,2013 IEEE Transactions On Instrumentation And Measurement [2]. Promoting Livelihoods through rice production by Orissa university of Agriculture & Technology (OUAT) in 2011 [3]. Panicle Rice Mite Program Manual by U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). [4]. Irrigation Security of Reclaimed Water Based on Water Quality in Beijing by Luxuan Yang and Jinfeng Deng,2010 IEEE. [5]. Real-time automation of agricultural environment for modernization of Indian agricultural system 2010 International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 - 8887) Volume 1 - No. 22. Debidatta Acharya, Surya Narayan Pradhan, Soumyashree Mongaraj |
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26. | Design & Implementation of a Low Cost Based Wireless HCI System for Disabled Persons Using ARM7
Design & Implementation of a Low Cost Based Wireless HCI System for Disabled Persons Using ARM7Abstract: This paper focuses on design & development of a portable wireless Human Computer Interface (HCI) system to create a robust hands free interface for disabled peoples or peoples having upper limb motor paralysis. Early techniques mainly considered image processing, gaze tracking and cameras to synthesis the device. We propose a new mouse as an input device for a computer whose operation is based on measurement of rotations of the user's head and detection of eye blinks. A tilt sensor(3-axis accelerometer) is used to detect both lateral and vertical head movements to navigate the mouse cursor position placed on a helmet .The IR based eye blink sensor is placed on a spec used to detect eye blink and in turns do clicking operation. The signals are sent to the micro-controller (ARM7 LPC2148) for processing & do required operations. The wireless technology includes Zigbee module used to sends signals to the computer in use. A C# based program is developed for the mouse control operations & provides a flexible method for the disabled people to improve both personal & professional life quality.Key words: Accelerometer, ARM7 Lpc2148, Eye blink sensor, HCI, Zigbee Reference [1] O. K. Oyekoya and F. W. M. Stentiford, ―Eye tracking—A new interface for visual exploration,‖ BT Technol. J., vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 57–66, 2006. [2] M. W. Johns, A. Tucker, J. R. Chapman, E. K. Crowley, and N. Michael,―Monitoring eye and eyelid movements by infrared reflectance oculography to measure drowsiness in drivers,‖. Somnologie SchlafforschungSchlafmedizin, vol. 11, pp. 234–242, 2007 [3] Shang-Lin Wu†, Lun-De Liao, Shao-Wei Lu, Wei-Ling Jiang, Shi-An Chen ―Controlling a Human–Computer Interface System With a Novel Classification Method that Uses Electrooculography Signals‖.IEEE,2013 [4] L. Y. Deng, C. L. Hsu, T. C. Lin, J. S. Tuan, and S. M. Chang, ―EOG-based human–computer interface system development,‖ Expert Syst. Appl.,vol. 37, pp. 3337–3343, Apr. 2010 [5] A. B. Barreto, S. D. Scargle, and M. Adjouadi, ―A practical emg-basedhuman-computer interface for users with motor disabilities,‖ J. Rehabil. Res. Dev., vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 53–64, Jan./Feb. 2000 Surya Narayan Pradhan, Debidatta Acharya, Soumyashree Mongaraj |
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27. | Fractographic Characterization Of INCONEL601
Fractographic Characterization Of INCONEL601Abstract: Fractographic characterization of fatigued INCONEL601 revealed two fracture zones, one brittle and one ductile in character. Crack initiation was identified at multiple and single sites with reducing stress levels. The initial zone was characterized as brittle fracture cleavage and the second zone that developed was characterized by ductile fracture as signified by features such as dimples and striations. It is suggested that such fatigue striations increase with increasing cyclic deformation.Key words: Brittle, crack initiation, crack propagation, dimple, ductile, fatigue, striation Reference [1] Q. Chen, N. Kawagoishi, H. Nisitani, Evaluation of fatigue crack growth rate and life prediction of IN718 at room and elevated temperatures, Materials Science and Engineering A, 277(1-20), 2000, 250-257. [2] Q. Chen, N. Kawagoishi, Q. Y. Wang, N. Yan, T. Ono, and G. Hashiguchi, Small crack behavior and fracture of nickel-based alloy under ultrasonic fatigue, International Journal of Fatigue, 27(10-12), 2005, 1227-1232. [3] D. Fournier, and A. Pineau, Low cycle fatigue behavior of Inconel 718 at 298K and 823K, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 8(7), 1977, 1095-1105. [4] M. Reger, and L. Remy, High-temperature, low-cycle fatigue of IN100 superalloy influence of frequency and environment at high-temperatures, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 101, 1988a, 55-63. [5] M. Reger, and L. Remy, High-temperature, low-cycle fatigue of IN100 superalloy influence of temperature on the low-cycle fatigue behavior, Materials Science and Engineering A, 101, 1988b, 47-54. Aezeden Mohamed |
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Version 2 | |||
1. | Wireless Digital Control and Synchronization of Master-Slave Multiple Motors Using ARM Microcontroller
Wireless Digital Control and Synchronization of Master-Slave Multiple Motors Using ARM MicrocontrollerAbstract: The co-ordination and synchronization control of motion of multiple motors is a challenging problem, since the synchronization of each individual motor can be influenced by many factors. This paper presents the concept and implementation of a scheme that uses a real time control approach to realize drive synchronization of the multiple motors. The basic principle of the control is the speed of both master and slave are measured and compared in such a way to get speed synchronization of both motors regardless of different modes of operation. A new Master-Slave configuration is developed. Imperfect synchronization can be corrected on-line using ARM This paper discusses an implementation where a continuously variable speed operation is provided for the multiple motors by using a single low cost ARM controller. These controllers implement variable speed drives with minimum external hardware thus increasing the reliability. A new master-slave control scheme using ARM is developed. Imprecise synchronization the master-slave technique is designed to reduce the synchronization error under the assumption the slaves can follow the master instantly. More recently there has been a large interest in electronic synchronization, because it offers certain advantages in terms of flexibility and reliability.Key words: ARM microcontroller, Master-Slave-motor, PWM, RF module, Synchronization, Reference [1] P.R. Moore and C.M. Chen, "Fuzzy Logic Coupling andSynchronised Control of Multiple Independent Servo-Drives",Control Eng, Practice, Vol, 3, N°. 12, pp.1697-1708, 1995. [2] Texas Instruments: TMS320F2812 Data Manual, Texas Instruments, (2004). [3] L. Osmancik, "Digital Signal Processor TMS320F2812 and Its Application in Electric Drives", Applied Electronics 2006, Pilsen 6-7 September 2006. [4] Y.S. Kung and P.G. Huang, "High Performance Position Controller for PMSM Drives Based on TMS320F2812 DSP", 2004 IEEE CCA/ISIC/CACSD Joint Conferences, CCAProceeding, Vol. I, pp. 290-295, September 2-4, 2004 Theses: [5] L. Osmancik, "The Four Quadrant Current Source PulseRectifier by DSP Controlled", Diploma Thesis, VSB-TechnicalUniversity of Ostrava 2005 Pratiksha Shingade, Arati Dalavi, Priyanka Shipate, Megha Barge |
01-02 | ![]() |
2. | A Mathematical Model for Diagnostic and Prognostic Implications of Micro-RNAs In Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma By Using Weibull Two-Parameter Survival Model.
A Mathematical Model for Diagnostic and Prognostic Implications of Micro-RNAs In Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma By Using Weibull Two-Parameter Survival Model.Abstract: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are important gene regulators, which are often deregulated in cancers. In this study, we analyzed the microRNAs profiles of 78 matched cancer/noncancerous liver tissues from HCC patients and 10 normal liver tissues and found that 69 miRNAs were differentially expressed between hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and corresponding noncancerous liver tissues (N).Then the expressions of 8 differentially expressed miRNAs were validated by real time RT PCR.The set of differentially expressed miRNAs could distinctly classify HCC,N and normal liver tissues (NL).Moreover, some of these differentially expressed miRNAs were related to the Medical factors of HCC patients. The paper further examines the feasibility of a subfamily of Weibull model. This feasibility is judged based on Bayes information criterion by comparing the Weibull model with its subfamily. Finally we conclude our Mathematical results that the figures 1- A,figure 1-B, figure 1-C is well fitted in the Weibull survival model and the maximum value of SK-Hep-1, Hep G2 and SMMC 7721 at the time has been obtained .This will be helpful for the medical professional.Key words: Hepatocellular Carcinoma, microRNA, Weibull distribution. Reference [1]. Bartel DP.MicroRNAs: genomics, biogenesis, mechanism, and function. Cell 2004:116:281-97. [2]. Brennecke J, Hipfner DR, Stark A, Russell RB, Cohen SM.Bantam encodes a Developmentally regulated microRNA that controls cell proliferation and regulates the proapoptotic gene hid in Drosophila. Cell 2003:113:25-36. [3]. Budhu A,Jia HL,Forgues M,Liu CG,Goldstein D,Lam A,Zanetti KA,Ye QH,Qin LX,Tang ZY,Wang XW,. Identification of metastasis-related micro RNAs in Hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatology 2008; 47:897-907. [4]. Calin GA, Ferracin M, Cimmino A, Di Leva G, Shimizu M.Wojcik SE, Iorio MV,Visone R,Sever NI,Fabbri M,Iuliano R,Palumbo T,et al.A MicroRNA signature associated with prognosis and progression in chronic lymphocytic leukemia.N Engl J Med 2005; 353:1793-801. [5]. Calin GA, Liu CG, Sevignani C, Ferracin M, Felli N, Dumitru CD, Shimizu M,Cimmino A,Zupo S,Dono M,Dell' Aquila ML, Alder H, et al.MicroRNA profiling reveals distinct Signatures in B cell chronic lymphocytic leukemias.Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2004; 101:11755-60. S.Jayakumar and G.Ramya Arockiamary and A. Manickam |
03-08 | ![]() |
3. | Environmental Sustainability by Use of Recycled Aggregates - An Overview
Environmental Sustainability by Use of Recycled Aggregates - An OverviewAbstract: Optimum utilization of available natural resources is the major component to achieve the environmental sustainability. Development in urban infrastructure demands for large quantity of aggregates for construction. Infrastructural waste in the form of demolished aggregates is one of the major components of solid waste. By efficient use of these demolished aggregates in the form of recycled aggregates along with fresh aggregates can achieve a better solid waste management and also cope up with the rising demands of aggregates leading to economy. Present study is an attempt to increase the awareness about economical viability and technical feasibility for the use of recycled aggregates as a construction material in concrete and to show that the use of recycled aggregates is also an efficient measure to reduce the intensity of environmental impact.Key words: Environmental sustainability, recycled aggregates, economical viability, etc. Reference [1] Mr. Tushar R Sonawane, Prof. Dr. Sunil S. Pimplikar Use of Recycled Aggregate Concrete) IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE) ISSN: 2278-1684, PP: 52-59 [2] Brett Tempest; Tara Cavalline; Janos Gergely; David Weggel (Construction and Demolition Waste used as Recycled Aggregates in Concrete: Solutions for Increasing the Marketability of Recycled Aggregate Concrete [3] How-Ji Chen, Tsong Yen, Kuan-Hung Chen (15 July 2002) 15 July 2002 Use of building rubbles as recycled aggregates [4] Michał Bołtryk, Dorota Małaszkiewicz, Edyta Pawluczuk, Basic technical Properties of recycled aggregate Concrete [5] G. Murali, C.M. Vivek Vardhan, Gabriela Rajan, G.J. Janani, N. Shifu Jajan and R. Ramya, Experimental study Of recycled Concrete, International Journal of Engineering Research & Applications, ISSN: 2248-9622 www.ijera.com Vol. 2, Issue 2, Mar-Apr 2012, pp.407 -410 D. K. Gandhi, A. A. Gudadhe, M. T. Ramteke, N. Thakur, C. R. Deshpande |
09-14 | ![]() |
4. | An Empirical Study on Ncomputing as an Architecture That
Changes the Green Equation
An Empirical Study on Ncomputing as an Architecture That Changes the Green EquationAbstract: As we know very well that in present days, computer is the basic need of every common man and they have to use it for time saving and to minimize human labour, rather than they also need to aware about its harmful impacts on the environment. In this research paper we take various factors related to the awareness of green computing. Present desktop computers gives extremely powerful performance since they are equipped with blazing 2 GHz dual-core or core to duo processors and high-performance memory. However, mostly users rarely need the capacity of operation more than 5 percent of available computing capacity – the rest is wasted. It would be possible to achieve significant environment and cost savings by sharing this excess or waste power by many users simultaneously. NComputing seized on this idea by which minimize the power consumption. Power consumption by the computers is the major issue in current industries and data centres.Key words: N-Computing ; Application of N-Computing ;Green Computing Reference [1] Prof. Riyaz A. Sheikh and Dr. U.A. Lanjewar.‖ Green Computing- Embrace a Secure Future‖ International Journal of computer Applications (0975-8887) vol-10-N4 November 2010. [2] R. Bianchini and R.Rajamony, "power and energy management for server systems," IEEE Computer, voI.37, no. ll, pp.68-74, 2004. [3] Pushtikant Malviya, Shailendra Singh ― A Study about Green Computing‖ International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, Volume 3, Issue 6, June 2013. [4] ― Study and Analyze the Factors Related to Green Computing‖ International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering 3(4), April - 2013, pp. 366-369. [5] www.brighthub.com/environment/ green -computing /.../73844.aspx Sadaqat Husain Ansari, Manoj Kumar Sharma |
15-18 | ![]() |
5. | Mathematical Model for the Secretion of Oxytocin after Vaginal
Delivery or Caesarean in Breastfeeding Women
Mathematical Model for the Secretion of Oxytocin after Vaginal Delivery or Caesarean in Breastfeeding WomenAbstract: Oxytocin, which is produced in the supraoptic (SON) and paraventricular (PVN) nuclei of the hypothalamus, is released in to circulation from magnocellular neurons which extend down to the posterior pituitary. In addition, oxytocin is produced and released from parvocellular neurons in the PVN, which project to many areas within the brain such as other parts of the hypothalamus, the amygdala , the striatum, the raphenuclei, the LC, the vagal motor and sensory nuclei, the dorsal horn of the spinal cord as well as the preganglionic sympathetic neurons of the intermediolateral column of the spinal cord . The structure of the nonapeptide oxytocin differs by only two amino acids from that of vasopressin, which is produced in separate neurons of the PVN and SON. Only one oxytocin receptor, i.e. the uterine type of receptor, has been identified. This type of receptor also has been demonstrated in the central nervous system. Oxytocin release into the nervous system during the early postpartum period may strengthen the expression of maternal behaviors and prolong breastfeeding. Comparisons between woman following vaginal delivery (VD) versus caesarean section (CS) suggest that exposure to oxytocin during labor and in the postpartal period can influence the subsequent function of oxytocin-producing neurons during the lactation period. In the Mathematical model, both the cases are compared by finding the Renewal density and Failure Density functions. Renewal density is higher if we compare the caesarean case with vaginal delivery during the labor and in the early post partum period. In a similar manner, we obtain the bounds of the failure density functions in both the cases.Key words: The Renewal Function, Density, Oxytocin, Stress Reference [1]. Bain L.J., Statistical Analysis of Reliability and life testing models ,Marcel Dekker, New York, 1978 [2]. Barlow, R.E. and Proschan, F., Mathematical Theory of Reliability, John Wiley, New York, 1965. [3]. Barlow, R.E. and proschan, F., Statistical Theory of Reliability and Life Testing:Probability Models, Holt, Rinehart and Winstonn, Newyork, 1975 [4]. Bartholomew, D.J., The sampling distribution of an estimate arising in life testing, Technometrices, 5:361-374(1963). [5]. Beyer, W.H., Standard Mathematical tables, CRC Press, West Palm Beach, FL,1978 Dr. S. Lakshmi and M. Gayathri |
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6. | Analysis of Flat-Plate Solar Array and Solar Lantern
Analysis of Flat-Plate Solar Array and Solar LanternAbstract: A very detailed theortical analysis of a solar array has been carried out based on established values of solar radiation data to predict the performance of solar lamp . The analysis is based on established theory about flat-plate collectors. Top heat loss coefficient (Ut), Bottom heat loss coefficient (Ub), Overall heat loss coefficient (Ul), Useful energy (Qu), efficiency (hp) of the flat-plate solar array and efficiency (hl) of the solar lantern has been calculated.Reference [1] J. A. Duffie and W. A. Beckman, Solar Energy Thermal Process, Eds., Madison, University Of Wiscons in Press,1955. [2] G. D. Rai, Non-Conventional Energy Sources, Khanna Publishers, ( 2011) [3] R.K.Rajput, Thermal engineering, Non-conventional power generation, Laxmi Publications, (1994) [4] H. P. Garg, Solar energy, (1974), "effect of dirt on transparent covers in flat-plate collectors." [5] R. W. Bliss, Sol. Energy, (1959), "the derivations of several plate efficiency factors useful in design of flat-plate solar-heat collectors" P. L. N. V. Aashrith, M. Sameera Sarma, P. Vamsi Krishna, P. Yaswanth Jagan |
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7. | Novel Unique Technique for Generating Ticket Identifier Using Image Texture Patterns
Novel Unique Technique for Generating Ticket Identifier Using Image Texture PatternsAbstract: A paperless ticketing system with an application through which user can purchase a mobile ticket. Once the purchasing information is provided, the mobile ticket can be sent to the respective users mobile. A new method is introduced to generate tickets in which texture pattern is generated for digest provided by md5. The ticket is sent in the format of image consisting of texture patterns. Ticket can be verified by ticket checker using an application developed to verify genuine ticket. This system will be a revolution in the m-commerce world.Key words: Mobile Ticket Reference [1] SD-EQR: A New Technique To Use QR CodesTM in Cryptography. Use of QR CodesTM In Data Hiding and Securing Somdip Dey (Author),Department of Computer Science,St. Xavier's College [Autonomous] Kolkata, India. [2] Automatic Recognition Algorithm of Quick Response Code Based on Embedded System,Yue Liu Department of Information Science and Engineering, Jinan University, Mingjun Liu Department of Information Science and Engineering, Jinan University,Jinan, China Jinan, China. [3] The MD5 Umang Beri, University of Rochester Mrs. Jayashree Katti, Sharadchandra Chavan, Dr. Sudeep Thepade, Samruddhi Puranik, Triloknath Tripathi |
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8. | Application of Taguchi Method In Health And Safety (Fire Extinguishing Experiment)
Application of Taguchi Method In Health And Safety (Fire Extinguishing Experiment)Abstract: The traditional Taguchi method is widely used for optimizing the process parameters of a single response problem. In this paper, Taguchi method is applied to study the effects of five control variables – training, experience, response to alarm, age, and qualification on extinguishing time and percent damage. An L16 orthogonal array (OA) was used to accommodate the experiment. ANOVA and F-tests and regression are used to analyze the results. The study indicated that training and experience have the largest effect on the on extinguishing time and percent damageKey words: ANOVA analyze, Extinguishing time, Fire extinguishing experiment, orthogonal array (OA), percent damage and Taguchi method. Reference [1] Bala MG, Biswanath M & Sukamal G, Taguchi Method and ANOVA: An approach for process parameters optimization of hard machining while machining hardened steel, Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research, Vol. 68, August 2009, pp. 686-695 [2] Carey, W.M., National Class A Foam Research Project Technical Report: Knockdown, exposure and Retention Tests. National Fire Protection Research Foundation,1993 [3] Local Government Group (2011) Fire safety in purpose-built blocks of flats, http://www.local.gov.uk/c/document_library /get_file?uuid=71e152a6-9e0a-4810-aee6- 498167664f79&groupId=10171 [4] Peace, G. S., Taguchi Methods: a Hands-on Approach, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., Massachusetts, 1992. [5] Ross, R. J., Taguchi Techniques for Quality Engineering, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1989. Alharthi A. A. & Yang Q. |
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9. | Impact of Renewable Energy Sources Penetration in a Microgrid
Impact of Renewable Energy Sources Penetration in a MicrogridAbstract: Recently, several types of Distributed Generators (DGs) have been connected together to form a small power system called a microgrid (MG). MG usually operates in normal connecting mode and is connected to the main grid. This paper presents the performance enhancement of microgrid with RES (Renewable Energy Sources) penetration in grid connected and islanded operation, and also shows the effect of wind and solar penetration individually and as well as coupled along with backup protection. To analyze the effect of RES penetration into micro grid a synchronous speed wind turbine equipped with SCIG (Squirrel cage Induction Generator) and solar system with MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) are used. A modified Benchmark micro grid is used and simulations are performed in the MATLAB/SIMULINK environment.Index Terms: Micro grid, renewable energy sources, Reactive power mismatching, solar integration, voltage stability, wind penetration, battery. Reference [1] A. Canova, L. Giaccone, F. Spertino, and M. Tartaglia, ―Electrical impact of photovoltaic plant in distributed network,‖ IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 45, no. 1, pp. 341–347, Jan.-Feb. 2009. [2] C. H. Lin,W. L. Hsieh, C. S. Chen, C. T. Hsu, T. T. Ku, and C. T. Tsai, ―Financial analysis of a large-scale photovoltaic system and its impact on distribution feeders,‖ IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 47, no. 4, pp. 1884–1891, July-Aug. 2011. [3] J. Enslin, ―Network impacts of high penetration of photovoltaic solar power systems,‖ in IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, July 2010, pp. 1–5. [4] S. Bose, Y. Liu, K. Bahei Eldin, J. de Bedout, and M. Adamiak, ―Tieline controls in microgrid applications,‖ in IREP Symposium on Bulk Power System Dynamics and Control - VII. Revitalizing Operational Reliability, Aug. 2007, pp. 1–9. [5] A. Anwar and H. Pota, ―Loss reduction of power distribution network using optimum size and location of distributed generation,‖ in 21st Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC), Sept. 2011, pp. 1–6. N. Ravi, Y. Sumanth, N. Dharani Kumar |
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10. | Ply Orientation of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Aircraft Wing - A Parametric Study
Ply Orientation of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Aircraft Wing - A Parametric StudyAbstract: In the present day scenario, use of carbon fiber composites has been extended to a large number of aircraft components which includes structural and non-structural components. Carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) is a composite material which consists of laminates having reinforcing fibers (carbon) of significant strength embedded in a matrix material. Each lamina can have distinct fiber orientations which may vary from the adjoining lamina. The present study focuses on the effect of the ply orientation on the strength of the panels. The wing of a subsonic aircraft was modeled in the ANSYS software. The performance of wing under the application of loads was studied by varying the orientation of fiber layers. From the study, it was observed that the variation in stress occurs with variation in orientation of fiber layers of CFRP composites.Key words: Ply orientation, CFRP, Finite Element Modeling, ANSYS Reference [1] Soutis.C, Fibre Reinforced Composites in aircraft construction, (Progress in Aerospace sciences 41, 2005). [2] Niu, Michael Chun-Yung, Airframe Structural Design, (Honglong Conmilit press Ltd., 1988). [3] Daniel P Raymer, Aircraft Design-A Conceptual Approach, AIAA Education Series, 2003. [4] Dr. M. Neubauer, G. Günther, Aircraft Loads, RTO AVT Lecture Series November 2000, pp 1-4, 15-17. [5] Sanya Maria Gomez, Numerical Analysis of Carbon Fibre Reinforced Aircraft Wing, International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Volume 04, No 06 SPL, October 2011, pp 648-651, ISSN 0974-5904. Dr. Alice Mathai, Amrutha P Kurian, Bia Jacob, Nisha Mary K, Treesa Rani Baby |
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11. | Design, Construction and Performance Evaluation of A Coffee (Coffea Arabica) Threshing Machine
Design, Construction and Performance Evaluation of A Coffee (Coffea Arabica) Threshing MachineAbstract: Coffee ranks as one of the world's most valuable and widely traded commodity crops and is an important export product of several countries. The objective of this research is to design, construct and evaluate a machine for threshing coffee. The material of construction was selected based on strength, availability, durability and corrosiveness. The main component parts of the machine include: shaft (300 rpm and diameter 25mm), concave sieve (Ø 10mm), the threshing head, sieve and blower which was made from 1.5mm thick sheet metal. The moisture content of the coffee is determined in the laboratory using conventional oven drying method and computed to give the following moisture content: 4.6%, 9%, 13.8%, 6% and 8.4%, and a mean moisture content of 8.4% which were used in this evaluation. The shaft speed was kept at a constant speed of 300 rpm. Results show that the threshing efficiencies are 78%, 85%, 89%, 80% and 84% and the capacity of the machine in g/sec and g/min are 860.1g/sec, 963 g/sec, 954.1 g/sec, 943.4g/sec, 1183.5 g/sec and 14.30 g/min,16 g/min, 15.90 g/min, 15.70 g/min, 19.70 g/min respectively. The average threshing efficiency of the machine and the average capacity of the machine are 83% and 3532kg/hr (3.5tonnes/hr) respectivelyKey words: Coffee, Threshing machine, Threshing Efficiency, Moisture Content and machine Capacity Reference [1] Atiku, A.; Aviara, N. and Haque, M. (1999). Performance evaluation of a bambara groundnut sheller". Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR Journal of Scientific Research and Development. Manuscript PM 04 002. Vol. VI.:1 – 18. [2] FAO (2006): "FAO Statistical Yearbook 2004 Vol. 1/1 Table C.10: Most important imports and exports of agricultural products (in value terms) (2004)" (PDF). FAO Statistics Division. 2006. Archived from the original on 2008-06-25. http://www.fao.org/statistics/yearbook/vol_1_1/pdf/c10.pdf Retrieved September 13, 2007. [3] Gitau, A. N., Mboya, P., Njoroge, B. N. K. and Mburu, M (2013). Optimizing the performance of a manually operated groundnut (Arachis hypogea) decorticator. Open Journal of Optimiation 2: 26-32. Available online http://dx.doi.org/10.4236 /ojop.2013.21004. Assessed 26th February, 2014 9:30 am [4] James, K. M., Imogbai, V. and Itodo, I. N. (2011). Development and evaluation of a melon shelling and cleaning machine. Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Science. 2(3): 383-388 [5] Kate, W. (2006): "Is Shade-Grown Coffee for the Birds?". Scientific American. http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=is-shade-grown-coffee-for. Retrieved 18 January 2010. OGUNLADE, Clement A.; AREMU, David O.; AKINYELE, Oluwaseun A. and BABAJIDE, Nathaniel A. |
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12. | Secure Routing and Identifying Hacking In P2p System
Secure Routing and Identifying Hacking In P2p SystemAbstract: Packet forwarding is the procedure to route the packet from source to destination via routers. Getting the systems ip address in a LAN and decides the source, destination and the intermediate systems for our routing process. Using any database form the routing table with columns like source address, destination address and router addresses. After creating the routing table enters the ip address in the respective columns. As per this procedure by comparing ip addresses in the routing table the packet will be forward to next ip address. The ip addresses in the routing table, are the path selected by the user according to the respective path the packet will be forward and finally reach destination. Source generate a packet and forward to ip address which is in router ip as per in routing table. Source need to know whether the packet received by authenticated router or not thus each router send an acknowledgement packet to the source. Thus each and every router follows the same procedure to avoid unauthenticated router access in a routing process. As per acknowledgement received from each router source finds out the unauthenticated router access. As per security concern added the signature scheme in a routing process. Before send the packet, source generates the signature with peer ID of destination then forwards the packet to the ip address as per routing table. The packet will be decrypted only the system matched with the signature otherwise just forwards the packet to the next system. Tracer routing is to find out the unauthorized router access in a routing process. This is verifying by getting acknowledgment from each and every router in the routing process by a source. Then source compare the acknowledgement with the predefined routing table if any ip mismatch then it will be consider as unauthorized ip.Key words: P2P, Route Selection, Packet Forwarding, Hacking Reference [1] Elias M awas, "System Analysis and Design " Galgotia publication, Second Edition 1996 [2] Harvey M. Deitel , Paul J. Deitel, Tem R. Nieto "C# .NET How to Program" 2nd Edition [3] Richard Fairley, "SOFTWARE ENGINEERING CONCEPTS", Tata Mc Graw Hill Publication, Second Edition,1997 [4] "SQL Server "Katmai" to Deliver Entity Data Platform and Support LINQ". http://oakleafblog.blogspot.com/2007/05/sql-server-to-deliver-entity-data.html. Retrieved 2007-05-12. [5] MSDN Library: Reporting Services Render Method - See Device Information Settings Gowsiga Subramaniam, Senthilkumar Ponnusamy |
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13. | Simulation and Experimental Studies on Printed Ultra Wide Band Antennas
Simulation and Experimental Studies on Printed Ultra Wide Band AntennasAbstract: Printed patch antennas are generally planar, low mass and low profile radiating elements. Due to their possible conformity and simple manufacturing, printed antennas are interesting techniques for wide variety of applications like GPRs and See-through-the wall radars. Major disadvantages associated with this printed antennas are low gain and narrow bandwidth. However many broad banding techniques are in the literature such as aperture coupling using multi layer substrates, using parasitic elements etc... by its nature, for defense applications which challenges us to improve the bandwidth of the antenna without increasing the thickness of the substrate. One such method that facilitates our need is insertion of wide slots in the ground plane, steps in the planar patch and partial ground plane technique in order to make it to radiate bidirectionally.Index Terms: Coplanar Waveguide (CPW), Impedance Bandwidth, Micro Strip Antenna (MSA), Radiation Pattern, Ultra Wide Band (UWB), VNA Return Loss Plot. Reference [1] Y.F.Liu, K.L. Lau, Q.Xue and C.H.Chan, "Experimental Studies of Printed Wide-slot antennas for Wideband Applications", IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation letters, PP. 273 – 275, Vol.3, 2004 et al. [2] Iftekhar Hossain, Sima Noghanian and Stephen Pistorius, "A Diamond Shaped Small Planar Ultra Wide Band (UWB) Antenna for Microwave Imaging Purpose" et al. [3] Sawan Sadek, Zahra Katbay,"UWB Cedar Patch Antenna", International Journal of Research and Reviews in Computer Science (IJRRCS), Vol.1, No.2, June 2010 et al. [4] R.Chair, A.A.Kishk, K.F. Lee, "Experimentation on Coplanar Waveguide fed Antennas", IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation letters, PP. 227 – 229, Vol.3, 2004 et al. [5] David M Pozar, "Microwave Engineering", 2nd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc et al. Sumukha Prasad U, Prithvi Shankar N, Pramod D Harithsa, Preetham S |
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14. | A Survey on Diverse Techniques of Encryption in Practice
A Survey on Diverse Techniques of Encryption in PracticeAbstract: This converse will attend a perception on the contemporary state of play in the fallow of encryption algorithms in meticulous way (on private key block ciphers) what're comprehensively used for majority of data and link encryption. Primarily, survey of the more prevalent and thought-provoking algorithms at present in use was carried out. This endeavor stress essentially on a number of encryption techniques that are manageable & comparative study of all techniques unruffled as a literature survey. Aim a wide-ranging experimental study of operations of various available encryption techniques. Also emphases on image encryption techniques, data encryption techniques. This study encompasses the routine constraints used in encryption processes and scrutinizing on their safety issues.Key words: Encryption, Integrity, Security Reference [1] William Stallings "Netw ork Secu rity E ssen tials (Applic ations and Stan dards)", Pe a rson Educ ation, 2004. [2] National Bureau of Standards, "Da ta Encrypt ion Standard," FIPS Publication 46, 1977. [3] Daemen, J., and Rijmen, V. "Rijnda el: The Advanced En cryption St andard." Dr. Dobb's Journal, Ma rch 2001. [4] Ramesh G, Umarani. R" Dat a Sec urity in Local Area Networ k B ased on Fa st Encryption Algorithm", Internationa Jour na l of Comput ing Communicat ion and Information System (JCCIS) Jo urnal Page 85-90. 2010. [5] Diaa Salama Abdul Minaam, Hatem M. Abdual-Kader, and Mohiy Mohamed Hadhoud "Evalua ting the E ffects of Symmetric Cryptogr aphy Algori thms on Power Consump tion for Diff erent Data Types" International Journal of Network Security, Vol.11, No.2, PP.78-87, Sept. Ashish Pareek, Prof. John Singh |
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15. | A Compact Microstrip Slot Antenna for C-Band Application
A Compact Microstrip Slot Antenna for C-Band ApplicationAbstract: In this paper author presents a compact microstrip slot antenna for C band application .The antenna is designed on Roger RT Duroid 5880 (1.5mm) substrate with permittivity 2.2 and dimension of ground plane 20x24 mm2. The patch has a dimension of 12x14 mm2 on which slots are been made .The proposed antenna is able to achieve impedance bandwidth of 200MHz from 6.11GHz to 6.31 GHz and has a maximum gain of 4.9dBi at resonant frequency. Return loss, Electric field distribution, Polar plot, Radiation pattern and directivity of the proposed antenna is obtained and studied in this paper. All simulations are done on HFSS software.Key words: coaxial feed, permittivity, return loss, slot antenna Reference [1] Amit Kumar Tripathi & Dr.B.K. Singh,"A CPW Fed X- Band Antenna for Satellite & Radar Applications", IEEE conference 2013. [2] JG.Joshi, Shyam S.Pattnaik & S. Devi, "Geo textile based metamaterial loaded wearable microstrip patch antenna", International Journal of Microwave and Optical Technology",vol.8, No.1, January 2013. [3] U. K. Revankar and A. Kumar, "Broadband Stacked Three-Layer Circular Microstrip Antenna Arrays", Electronics letters 8th October 1992 Vol. 28, No. 21. [4] A.Srilakshmi,N. V.Koteswararao & D.Srinivasarao , "X Band Printed Microstrip Compact Antenna with Slots in Ground plane and Patch" ,IEEE Conference2011. [5] J. M. Fernández González, P. Padilla, G. Expósito-Domínguez, and M. Sierra-Castañer, "Lightweight Portable Planar Slot Array Antenna for Satellite Communications in X-Band, IEEE ANTENNAS AND WIRELESS PROPAGATION LETTERS, VOL. 10, 2011 Mohit Barthwal, Anurag Singh, Sharad Kumar |
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16. | An Explanatory Study of Lean Practices in Job Shop Production/ Special Job Production/ Discrete Production/ Batch Shop Production Industries
An Explanatory Study of Lean Practices in Job Shop Production/ Special Job Production/ Discrete Production/ Batch Shop Production IndustriesAbstract: In this paper, the study explores the benefits and advantages of Lean Practices or Lean Thinking in Job shop production/ Special job production/ Discrete production/ Batch shop production industries. The Lean Practices have been applied more compatible in Job shop production than in the continuous/ mass production because of several barriers and hurdles in the industrial context that influence the whole processes again and again, this happens due to the lack of knowledge about the wastes during the production of a variety of jobs or discrete manufacturing. This paper provides the guidelines to adopt and mentions to become Lean. In variety of production, it is very difficult to find out all the wastes during the processes from input to desired output, thus Lean techniques may be most suitable to minimize the wastage, time, inventory and assist to improve quality and become economical. These wastes may be managed by means of several Lean principles and techniques available. This paper gives a brief introduction of VSM, in order to recognize the opportunities for the various lean techniques, VSM is the main tool, especially it is used to observe the wastes and time spoilage through knowledge management.Key words: Lean Manufacturing, Value Stream Mapping, Knowledge management, waste, value, flow Reference [1] Womack J.P., Jones D.T., Lean thinking: Banish waste and create wealth in your corporation, New York, NY: Simon and Schusfer, 1996. [2] Womack J.P., Jones D, Roos D, The machine that changed the world, New York NY, Rawson associates, 1990. [3] Jones D.T., Seeing the whole: macro value stream mapping, Atlanta, GA, Lean Enterprise institute, 1999. [4] Womack J.P., Fitzpatrick D, Lean thinking for aerospace: the industry that can afford its future, Atlanta, GA, Lean Enterprise institute, 1999. [5] James-Moore, Gibbons A, Is Lean Manufacture Universally relevant? An investigative methodology Int J Oper Product Manage, 1997. Lavlesh Kumar Sharma, Ravindra Mohan Saxena, Dr. Lokesh Bajpai |
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17. | Voltage Stability Improvement of Grid Connected Wind Driven Induction Generator Using Svc
Voltage Stability Improvement of Grid Connected Wind Driven Induction Generator Using SvcAbstract: Voltage stability is one of the major problem associated with wind power generating system which may be due to fluctuating nature of wind, heavy load, fault occurrence or insufficient reactive power supply. The wind power generating system most commonly employed with squirrel cage induction generator(SCIG) that needs the support of an external device such as capacitor bank, FACTS devices etc. to support reactive power in order to remain connected with the grid during voltage dips. The voltage stability of a wind driven induction generator can be improved by using FACTS devices such as SVC, STATCOM.In this paper svc is used for voltage stability improvement.Key words: SVC, squirrel cage induction generator, wind turbine, Reference [1] Avneesh kumar Vishwakarma,Dhaneshwari Sahu, "Efficient Voltage Regulation In Three Phase A.C Transmisssion Lines Using Static Var Compensator".International General Of Advanced Research In Electrical,Electronics And Instrumentation Engg.vol.2,Issue 5,May 2013. [2] Murari Lal Azad,Vikas Kumar, "Improving Voltage Of Grid Connected To Wind Farm Using Static Var Compensator",MIT International General Of Electrical And Instrumentation Engg.Vol.2,No.1,Jan.2012,ISSN 2230-7656 [3] Dr.Tarlokhan Kaur,Sandeep Kakran, "Transient Stability Improvement Of Long Transmission Line Using SVC",International General Of Advanced Research In Electrical,Electronics And Instrumentation Engg.Vol.1,Issue 4,October 2012,ISSN-2278- 8875 [4] Mrata Molinas, Tore Undeland, "Low Voltage Ride Through Of Wind Farm With Cage Generators: STATCOM Versus SVC", IEEE Transactions On Power Electronics, Vol.23, No.3 May 2008. [5] Narain G. Hingorani, Laszlo Gyugyi, "Understanding FACTS",, ISBN 0-7803- 3455. Ruchi Aggarwal, Sanjeev Kumar |
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18. | Response Surface Optimization of Fluidized Bed-Cum-Microwave Drying Process for Garlic Slices (Allium Sativum L.)
Response Surface Optimization of Fluidized Bed-Cum-Microwave Drying Process for Garlic Slices (Allium Sativum L.)Abstract: Response surface methodology was used to investigate the effect of KMS concentration (0.1-0.5 %), drying air temperature (55-750C) and microwave power level (810-1350 W) on the drying time, hardness, rehydration ratio, shrinkage ratio, specific energy consumption, colour (L-value), non enzymatic browning and overall acceptability of garlic slices. The optimum process parameters obtained by computer generated response surface, canonical analysis and contour plots interpretation were: KMS concentration 0.1 %, drying air temperature 63.920C and microwave power level 810 W.Key words: Garlic slices, Optimization, Drying, Quality, Response surface methodology. Reference [1] Abano E E and Qu W (2011) Effects of Pretreatments on the Drying Characteristics and Chemical Composition of Garlic Slices in a Convective Hot Air Dryer. J Agric Fd Technol 5:50-58. [2] Ade O, Rastogi N K, Angersbach A and Knorr D (2002) Osmotic dehydration behavior of red paprika (Capsicum annum L.) J Fd Sci 67:1790-96. [3] Alam M S, Singh A and Sawhney B K (2010) Response surface optimization of osmotic dehydration process for aonla slices. J Fd Sci Technol 47: 47-54 [4] Box G E, Behnken D W (1960) Some new three levels designs for the study of quantitative variables. Technometrics 2:455-75. [5] Brondnitz M H, Pascale J U and Van D L (1971) Flavour component of garlic extract. J Agric Fd Chem 19:273-75. Jaspreet Singh Grewal, Mohammed Shafiq Alam |
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19. | Novel Approach for Classification of Bowel Tumor Detection in Small Intestine
Novel Approach for Classification of Bowel Tumor Detection in Small IntestineAbstract: Wireless Capsule endoscopy (WCE) allows a physician to examine the entire small intestine. Capsule endoscopy helps physicians to view small intestine's internal structure- an area that isn't easily reached with conventional endoscopy in a more distinct way. The most crucial problem with this technology is that too many images produced by WCE causes a tough task to physicians, so it is very significant if we can help physicians do diagnosis using computerized methods. In this paper, a new method aimed for small bowel tumor detection of WCE images is proposed. This new approach mainly focuses on texture feature, a powerful clue used by physicians, to detect tumor images with Supervisedclassification. Analysis is also done using Principle Component Analysis (PCA) based Local Binary Pattern (LBP) and Unsupervised classification to discriminate tumor regions from normal regions. Simulation results show an efficiency of around 99% using Supervised Classification.Index Terms: Endoscopy, Principle Component Analysis, Local Binary Pattern, Unsupervised classification, Supervised Classification, Bowel Tumor Reference [1] Sae Hwang, M. EmreCelebi "Polyp detection in Wireless Capsule Endoscopy videos based on image segmentation and geometric feature" ICASSP 2010: 678-681 [2] Bourbakis, N. "Detecting abnormal patterns in WCE images" Bioinformatics and Bioengineering, 2005. BIBE2005. Fifth IEEE Symposium -21 Oct. 2005 Page(s):232 – 238. [3] Karargyris, A "Detection of Small Bowel Polyps and Ulcers in Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Videos" Biomedical Engineering, IEEE Transactions on (Volume:58 Issue: 10) Oct. 2011. [4] V. S. Kodogiannis, M. Boulougoura, J. N. Lygouras, I. Petrounias "A neuro-fuzzy-based system for detecting abnormal patterns in wireless-capsule endoscopic images" Journal neruocomputing archive Volume 70 Issue 4-6, January,2007 [5] GuolanLv, Shanghai Jiao, Shanghai "Bleeding detection in wireless capsule endoscopy images based on color invariants and spatial pyramids using support vector machines" Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society,EMBC, 2011 Annual International Conference of the IEEE 30 2011-Sept. 3 2011 N Sudha, S Finney Daniel Shadrach, N Sathishkumar |
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20. | Design of Biquad Universal Filter Using Operational Transconductance Amplifier in 180nm Technology
Design of Biquad Universal Filter Using Operational Transconductance Amplifier in 180nm TechnologyAbstract: This paper presents concept of universal filter using operational transconductance amplifier (OTA).The 0.18μm CMOS process is used for design and simulation. This OTA has basing current of 50μA with supply voltage ±1.25v. The design and simulation of this OTA is done using CADENCE virtuoso environment with UMC 0.18μm technology file. This paper presents a electronically tunable voltage mode universal biquadratic filter with Three input and single output using two single ended OTA and two capacitors. The proposed filter provides low-pass,High-pass,Band-pass and Band-stop by appropriately connecting the input terminals. The natural frequency and the quality factor can be set orthogonally by adjusting the circuit components.Also the natural frequency can be electronically tuned via the bias currents of OTAs.Key words: Biquad, universal filter, voltage mode, OTA, CADENCE, IC-implementation Reference [1]. W.H. Hayt,J.E.Kemmerly,and S.M.durbin, Engineering circuit analysis, newyork McGraw-Hill,2002. [2]. New High-Order Filter Structures Using Only Single-Ended-Input OTAs andGrounded Capacitors Chun-Ming Chang, Bashir M. Al-Hashimi, Yichuang Sun, and J. Neil Ross IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS—II: EXPRESS BRIEFS, VOL. 51, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 2004. [3]. R.L. Geiger and E.Sánchez-Sinencio, ― Active Filter Design Using Operational Transconductance Amplifiers: A Tutorial‖ IEEE Circuits and Device Magazine, March 1985. [4] T. Tsukutani, M. Higashimura, N. Takahishi, Y. Sumi, and Y. Fukui, ―Versatile voltage-mode active-only biquad with lossless and lossy integrator loop,‖ International Journal of Electronics, vol. 88, pp. 1093–1101, 2001 [5] H.–P. Chen, S.–S.Shen, and J.–P. Wang, ―Electronically tunable versatile voltage-mode universal filter,‖ International Journal of Electronics and Communications, vol.62, pp. 316-319, 2008. Rahul Kumar, D. S. Ajnar, P. K. Jain |
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21. | The Effect of Booster-Mirror Reflector on the Thermal Performance of a Truncated Pyramid Solar Thermal Cooker
The Effect of Booster-Mirror Reflector on the Thermal Performance of a Truncated Pyramid Solar Thermal CookerAbstract: In this paper, the results and analysis of the performance of a truncated pyramid solar thermal cooker under two conditions are presented: booster-mirror reflector covered with black cloth, and booster-mirror reflector exposed to solar radiation. Results of the thermal performance tests show respective stagnation absorber plate temperatures of 145 oC and 137 oC. First/Second Figures of Merit are 0.120/0.346 and 0.125/0.400 respectively. The total heating times of 5.2 kg of water when reflector is covered with black cloth and when exposed to solar radiation are respectively 195 and 190 minutes. There is a nominal time reduction of 5 minutes in favour of the case when reflector is exposed to solar radiation, but in reality the time reduction could be as high as 30.5 minutes. In a similar vein, the difference in pot wall temperatures for corresponding water temperatures during sensible heating could be about 6 oC higher, and at boiling point this could be up to 11.6 oC. Thus, the overall thermal performance of the cooker when reflector is exposed to solar radiation is superior to its thermal performance when reflector is covered with black cloth. This superiority is manifested in improved values of the First and Second Figures of Merit, reduction in the overall heating and boiling times, and higher values of pot wall temperatures.Key words: Booster-mirror, reflector, performance, truncated, pyramid, solar, thermal, cooker. Reference [1] Kimambo C.Z.M. "Development and Performance Testing of Solar Cookers". Journal of Energy in Southern Africa, Vol. 18, No 3, 2007, pp 41-51 [2] Kundapur A. "Review of Solar Cooker Designs". TIDE, 8 (1), 1988, pp 1-37. [3] Kundapur A. and Sudhir C.V. "Proposal for New World Standard for Testing Solar Cookers". Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Vol. 4, No. 3, 2009, pp 272-281. [4] El-Sebaii A.A., Domanski R., and Jaworski M. "Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of a Box-type Solar Cooker with Multi-step Inner Reflectors". Energy vol. 19, No. 10, 1994, pp 1011 – 1021. Available: www.sciencedirect.com /science/article/pii/0360544294900884 [5] Ekechukwu O.V. "Design and Measured Performance of a Plane Reflector Augmented Box-type Solar Energy Cooker". Available: streaming.ictp.it/preprints/P/01/052.pdf I. L. Mohammed, M. M. Aliyu, I. Garba |
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22. | Band Gap Computation of Two Dimensional Photonic Crystal for High Index Contrast Grating Application
Band Gap Computation of Two Dimensional Photonic Crystal for High Index Contrast Grating ApplicationAbstract: Two Dimensional Photonic Crystal (PHc) is convenient type of PHc, It refers to the fact that the dielectric is periodic in Two directions. The study of photonic structure by a simulation method is extremely momentous. At optical frequencies the optical density contained by two dimensional PHc changes periodically. They have the property to strong effect the propagation of light waves at these optical frequencies. A typical linearization method which solves the common nonlinear Eigen values difficulties has been used to achieve structures of the photonic band. There are two method plane wave expansion method (PWE) and Finite Difference Time Domain method (FDTD). These Methods are most widely used for band gap calculation of PHc's. FDTD Method has more smoothness and directness and can be explored effortlessly for simulation of the field circulation inside the photonic structure than PWE method so we have used FDTD Method for Two dimensional PHc's calculation. In simulation of Two Dimensional band structures, silicon material has 0.543nm lattice constant and 1.46refractive index.Key words: Band Gap, FDTD, PWE, Photonic Band-gap material, Two Dimensional Photonic Crystal, High Contrast Grating. Reference [1] L. Rayleigh, on the maintenance of vibrations by forces of double frequency, and on the propagation of waves through a medium endowed with a periodic structure. Philosophical Magazine 24, 145– 159 (1887). [2] E. Yablonovitch, Inhibited spontaneous emission in solid-state physics and electronics. Phys. Rev. Lett. 58, 2059–2062 (1987). [3] S. John, Strong localization of photons in certain disordered dielectric superlattices. Phys. Rev. Lett. 58, 2486–2489 (1987) [4] H. Yu D. Yang, Finite difference analysis of 2-D photonic crystals. IEEE Trans. microwave Theory Tech. 44(12), 2688–2695 (1996) [5] K. Sakoda, Optical Properties of Photonic Crystals (First Edition). (Springer, Heidelberg, (2001) Gagandeep Kaur, Dr.Amandeep Singh Sappal, Mr.Harjinder Singh |
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24. | Effect of Elevated Temperature and Aggressive Chemical Environment on Compressive Strength of M-30 Grade of Concrete Composite.
Effect of Elevated Temperature and Aggressive Chemical Environment on Compressive Strength of M-30 Grade of Concrete Composite.Abstract: The present paper reports result of an experimental program conducted to study the behavior of M-30 grade of concrete at elevated temperature on the basis of physical appearance, weight loss and residual compressive strength test. The concrete cubes(M-30) of 150×150×150 mm were cast with a ratio of 1:1.26:2.8 by weight. Three cubeswere tested for compressive strength at the age of 7 days and 28 days by universal testing machine. Then the specimen were subjected to the elevated temperature 200oc, 400oc, 600oc, 800oc and 1000oc in an electric air heated muffle and after cooling were tested for the compressive strength. Six cubes were immersed in each solution of sodium sulphate, sulfuric acid, and sodium chloride for 30 days and 60 days. The testreveal the properties of M-30 concrete and its applicability at elevated temperature and against aggressive environment such as acid attack, sulphate attack and chloride attack.Key words: Elevated temperature, Residual strength, Aggressive chemical environment, M-30 concrete Reference [1] Neville A.M, ‗Properties of concrete, 4th edition, Pearson Education, Inc. and Dorling Kindersley Publishing,Inc.1995. pp- 506-517 & 563-569. [2] Shetty M.S. ‗Concrete Tecnology', S.Chand & company Ltd; New Delhi, 2008 pp- 349-419. [3] Gambhir M.L, ‗Concrete Technology', 2nd edition, Tata Mc Graw-hill publishing company Ltd., New Delhi, pp- 100-103 & 333-339. Chandan Kumar, Krishna Murari, C.R.Sharma |
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25. | Application of ANN to Optimize the Performance of CI Engine
Fuelled With Cotton Seed Oil- A Review
Application of ANN to Optimize the Performance of CI Engine Fuelled With Cotton Seed Oil- A ReviewAbstract: This study is deals with the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) modeling to optimize the performance of CI engine. ANN can learn from example, are fault tolerant in the sense that this is able to handle noisy and incomplete data and able to deal with non-linear problem. This is particularly useful in system modeling such as in implementing complex mapping and system identification. The major objective of this paper is to illustrate how ANN technique might play an important role in modeling and optimization of the performance of CI engine fuelled with cotton seed oil. And also to understand the effect of cotton seed oil properties on CI engine performance.Key words: Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Cotton seed oil, Optimization, Performance Reference [1] Soteris A. Kalogirou, "Artificial intelligence for the modelling and control of combustion processes: a review", Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, pp.515-566, 2003. [2] Shivakumar, Srinivas Pai P., Shrinivasa Rao B. R; "Artificial Neural Network based prediction of performance and emission characteristics of a variable compression ratio CI engine using WCO as a biodiesel at different injection timings", Journal of Applied Energy, pp. 2344–2354, 2011. [3] Gholamhassan Najafi, Barat Ghobadian, Talal F. Yusaf and Hadi Rahimi, " "Combustion Analysis of a CI Engine Performance Using Waste Cooking Biodiesel Fuel with an Artificial Neural Network Aid", American Journal of Applied Sciences, ISSN 1546-9239, pp- 756-764, 2007. [4] Sakir Tasdemir, Ismail Saritas, Murat Ciniviz, Novruz Allahverdi, "Artificial neural network and fuzzy expert system comparison for prediction of performance and emission parameters on a gasoline engine", Journal of Expert Systems with Applications, pp. 13912–13923, 2011. [5] Md. Nurun Nabi, Md. Mustafizur Rahman, Md. Shamim Akhter, "Biodiesel from cotton seed oil and its effect on engine performance and exhaust emissions", Journal of Applied Thermal Engineering, pp. 2265–2270, 2009. Jitendra S. Pachbhai, Prof. M. M. Deshmukh |
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26. | Soil Stabilisation Using Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag
Soil Stabilisation Using Ground Granulated Blast Furnace SlagAbstract: Stabilisation is a broad sense for the various methods employed and modifying the properties of a soil to improve its engineering performance and used for a variety of engineering works. In today‟s day soil stabilisation is the major problem for civil engineers, either for construction of road and also for increasing the strength or stability of soil and reduces the construction cost. In this thesis the soil are stabilised by ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) and this material is obtained from the blast furnace of cement plant, which is the byproduct of iron (from ACC plant, sindri). It is generally obtained in three shaped one is air cooled, foamed shaped and another is in granulated shaped. The use of by-product materials for stabilisation has environmental and economic benefits. Ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) material is used in the current work to stabilise soil (clay). The main objectives of this research were to investigate the effect of GGBS on the engineering property (optimum moisture content and maximum dry density, plastic limit, liquid limit, compaction, unconfined compressive strength, triaxial and California bearing ratio test) of the soil and determine the engineering properties of the stabilised. Granulated shaped blast furnace slag is most suitable for increasing the strength of the soil and for this we check the following property of soil. GGBS are added from 0% to 25% by dry weight of soil, first of all check the all soil property at 0 % (no GGBS) and then compare after addition of GGBS from 5% to 25%. The investigations showed that generally the engineering properties which improved with the addition of GGBS. The addition of GGBS resulted in a dramatic improvement within the test ranges covered in the programme. The maximum dry density increased and the optimum moisture content decreased with increasing GGBS content and at 25% we got the maximum value of dry density.Key words: Soil Stabilisation, GGBS, Mohr circle, Unconfined compression test, CBR test. Reference [1] Abdelkader, M. 0 and Hamdani, S. K (1985), "Soil Stabilisation for Low Cost Roads in Egypt", Australian Road Research.15 (3), pp. 178-186. [2] Abdi, M. R and Wild, S (1993), "Sulphate Expansion of Lime-Stabilized Kaolinite: I Physical characteristics", Clay Minerals, No. 28, pp. 555-567. [3] Andrews, D. C (1986), "Lime-Soil Stabilisation", Ph. D Unpublished Thesis, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Leeds, U. KVol. 4, Part 2, pp. 1285-1306 [4] Bell, F. G (1996), "Lime Stabilisation of Clay Minerals and Soils", Engineering Geology, 42, pp. 223-237. [5] Brand, W and Schoenberg, W (1959), "Impact of Stabilization of Loess with Quicklime on Highway Construction", Highway Research Board, Bulletin, No. 231, pp. 18-23. Ashish Kumar Pathak, Dr. V. Pandey, Krishna Murari. J.P.Singh |
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27. | Anti-Phishing Technique to Detect URL Obfuscation
Anti-Phishing Technique to Detect URL ObfuscationAbstract: Phishing is a criminal scheme to steal the user‟s personal data and other credential information. It is a fraud that acquires victim‟s confidential information such as password, bank account detail, credit card number, financial username and password etc. and later it can be misuse by attacker. In this research paper, we proposed a new anti-phishing algorithm, which we call ObURL Detection Algorithm. The ObURL Detection Algorithm used to detect the URL Obfuscation Phishing attacks and it provides the multilayer security over the internet fraud. The ObURL Detection Algorithm can detect the hyperlink, content of hyperlink‟s destination URL, iFrame in email, input form, input form in iFrame source URL, iFrame within iFrame, and after all that multiple tests will be perform such as DNS Test, IP address Test, URL Encode Test, Shorten URL Test, Black and Whitelist Test, URL pattern matching Test On that collected data. Our experiments verified that ObURL Detection Algorithm is effective to detect both known and unknown URL Obfuscation phishing attacks.Key words: Anti-phishing, Hyperlink, iFrame, Network Security, Phishing, URL Obfuscation. Reference [1]. Anti-phishing Working Group (APWG) Official site, http://www.apwg.org [2]. Phishing: The history of phishing attacks, URL: http://www.phishing.org/history-of-phishing/. [3]. Gaurav, Madhuresh Mishra, Anurag Jain, (March-April 2012) "Anti-phishing techniques: A Review" International Journal of Engineering Research and Application (IJERA), ISSN: 2248-9622, Volume.2 Issue.2, Pages: 350-355. [4]. The Phishing Guide, Understanding & Preventing phishing attacks. By: Gunter Ollmann, Director of Security Strategy IBM Internet Security System. [5]. Jigar Rathod, Prof. Debalina Nandy "URL Obfuscation Phishing and Anti-Phishing: A Review" International Journal of Engineering Research and Application (IJERA), ISSN: 2248-9622, Volume.4, Issue.1 (Version 1), January 2014, Pages: 338-342. Jigar Rathod, Prof. Debalina Nandy |
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28. | Impact of Lane Width of Road on Passenger Car Unit Capacity under Mix Traffic Condition in Cities on Congested Highways
Impact of Lane Width of Road on Passenger Car Unit Capacity under Mix Traffic Condition in Cities on Congested HighwaysAbstract: Passenger car units are used to represent the effects of varying mixed vehicle types on traffic stream. The traffic volume information about roads which is important for, design and planning analysis for that roadway system. Traffic on congested highways is of the mixed nature to assess the different types of vehicles on highways. This study is concerned with determine the PCU values of vehicles in under mixed nature traffic flow at on congested highways. PCU is the different types of vehicles offer different degree of interference to the other traffic it necessary to bring all types to a common unit. The common unit adopted is expressing the volume as Passenger Car Unit (PCU) per hour. In this paper the required data is collected at five main highways around and in Nagpur City using a digital video recorder. During recent years traffic on road has been grow up at rapid rate which causes congestion on the roads. Speeds of vehicle reduced due to congestion and vehicle operating cost is high on such highways. Accident rate is also usually high. Our aim is to work out the passenger car unit PCU for different types of vehicles under mixed nature traffic conditions. This PCU value is utilized to increase the area of shoulder linearly for free speed of a vehicle with width of carriageway. Data collected and analyzed the traffic characteristic. It has been observed that from the present study of traffic volume and roadway conditions that the PCU value of a vehicle significantly changes with change in traffic volume and width of roadway. The capacity of highways also increases with use of shoulder area and its positive effect on PCU value for type of vehicle increases with increases lane width.Key words: Data collection, Highway capacity, PCU, Traffic volume, Reference [1] V.Thamizh Arasan and Shriniwas S. Arkatkar, (2009), "Study of Effect of Volume and Road Width on PCU of Vehicles under Heterogeneous Traffic", Journal of transportation engineering © asce.p.406-415 [2] Thamizh Arasanand Shriniwas S. Arkatkar, (2010), "Effect of Gradient and Its Length on Performance of Vehicles under Heterogeneous Traffic Conditions", Journal of transportation engineering © asce.p.1120-1136 [3] Satish Chandra and Upendra Kumar, (2003), "Effect of Lane Width on Capacity under Mixed TrafficConditions in India", Journal of transportation engineering © asce.p.155-160. [4] Parvathy R, Sreelatha T, Reebu Z Koshy, (2003), "development of new pcu values and effect of length of passenger cars on PCU", Journal of transportation engineering © IJIRSET .344-351. [5] [S.Anand and V.C.Sekhar (1999), "development of Passenger car unit (PCU) values for Malaysia", Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies P.73-80 A.R. Khanorkar, S.D.Ghodmare, Dr.B.V.Khode |
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29. | Analysis of Steel Beam with Web Openings Subjected To Buckling Load
Analysis of Steel Beam with Web Openings Subjected To Buckling LoadAbstract: As we know that, due to limitations on maximum allowable deflection. The high strength properties of structural steel cannot always be utilized to best advantage. As a result several new methods have been aimed at increasing the stiffness of the steel members without any increase in weight of the steel required. Steel beams with web opening are combine beauty, versatility, economy in steel design. These are mainly designed to reduce weight and at the same time increase the efficiency in structural performance. The principle advantage of castellation is the increase in vertical bending stiffness. Beam with web opening have proved to be efficient for moderately loaded longer span where the Design is controlled by moment capacity or deflection. In this paper a steel beam is selected and is analyzed for different loading and support condition by using Ansys Software. The deflection pattern at the Center distance of the beam is studied for different parametric condition by same depth of web opening to the depth of beam ratio and also for various combinations of shapes of opening.Key words: Web Opening, support Condition. Reference [1] N.C. Hagen, P.K.Larsen, A.Aalberg "Shear capacity of steel plate girders with large web Openings, Part I: Modeling and simulations "Journal of Constructional Steel Research" 65 (2009) 142-150 [2] N.C. Hagen, P.K.Larsen (2009), "Shear capacity of steel plate girders with large web openings, Part II: Design guidelines "Journal of Constructional Steel Research" 65, 151-158 [3] T.C.H.Liu and K.F. Chung, 2003. "Steel Beams with Large Web Opening of Various Shape and Size: finite element investigation "Journal of Constructional Steel Research"59, 1159-1176. [4] Redwood, R., and Demirdjian, S., (1998). Castellated Beam Web Buckling in Shear "Journal of structural Engineering" 124 (10), pp.1202-1207 [5] Kerdal, D. and Nethercot, D.A. (1984) Failure modes for castellated beams. "Journal of Constructional Steel Research" 4: 4, pp. 295-315. Prof. R. R. Jichkar, Prof. N. S. Arukia, Prof. P. D. Pachpor |
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30. | Securing Data Transfer in Cloud Environment
Securing Data Transfer in Cloud EnvironmentAbstract: Data security and access control is one of the most challenging ongoing research work in cloud computing, due to users outsourcing their sensitive data to cloud providers. The various existing solutions that use pure cryptographic techniques to mitigate these security and access control problems suffer from heavy computational overhead on the data owner as well as the cloud service provider for key distribution and management. Cloud storage moves the user's data to large data centers, that are remotely located, on which user does not have any control. This unique feature of the cloud poses many new security challenges which need to be clearly understood and resolved.Key words: Cloud Computing, Decryption, Digital Signature, Encryption, Integrity, Message Digest. Reference [1] Veerraju Gampala. Data security in cloud computing with elliptic curve cryptography. International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE), 2, 2012. [2] Zhifeng Xiao and Senior Member Yang Xiao. Security and privacy in cloud computing. IEEE COMMUNICATIONS SURVEYS and TUTORIALS, 15. [3] Lori M. Kaufman John Harauz. Data security in the world of cloud computing. IEEE Computer and Reliability society, August [4] Party Auditor Indrajit Rajput. Enhanced data security in cloud computing with third party auditor. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, 3. [5] Jens-Matthias Bohli. Security and privacy-enhancing multicloud architectures. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DEPENDABLE AND SECURE COMPUTING, 10, JULY/ AUGUST 2013. K. S. Wagh, Rasika Jathar, Sonal Bangar, Anu Bhakthadas |
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31. | Effect of Fe2+ Substitution on Structural, Functional, and Optical Properties of Nano Tio2 Prepared Via Sol-Gel Method
Effect of Fe2+ Substitution on Structural, Functional, and Optical Properties of Nano Tio2 Prepared Via Sol-Gel MethodAbstract: Nanoparticles of titanium dioxide doped with Fe2+ ions have been prepared through an aqueous sol–gel technique using titanium tetra isopropoxide (TTIP) and ferrous sulphate as a precursor. The mesoporous nature of both pure and Fe2+ doped TiO2 powders, with specific surface area of 7.4 and 6.6 m2 g-1, respectively, is maintained even at calcination temperature of to 5500C. The synthesized Nano powders were characterized by Powder X-ray Diffraction (PXRD), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR), Ultraviolet Visible (UV-Vis) and Photoluminescence (PL) Spectroscopy. PXRD pattern indicates the presence of pure crystalline anatase phase TiO2 with average crystallite size of 14 nm. FTIR spectra showed the vibrational bands of Ti-O networks. The morphology of the as prepared samples and chemical constituents of the nanoparticles studied using SEM and EDAX analysis. From the UV-Vis spectra and PL spectra the optical properties of TiO2 were studied and discussed.Key words: sol-gel, Nano TiO2, Fe doping, SEM, EDAX Reference [1]. U.Diebold, Surf. Sci. Rep. 48(2003) 53. [2]. A. Mills, S. Le Hunte, J. Photochem Photobiol. A 108 (1997) 1. [3]. Y. Ohko, I. Ando, C. Niwa, T. Tatsuma, T. Yamamura, T. Nakashima, Y.Kubota, A. Fujishima, Environ. Sci. Technol. 35 (2001) 2635. [4]. J. Rodriguiz, T. Jirsak, G. Liu, J. Herbek, J. Dvorak, A. Maiti. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 123 (2001) 9597. [5]. J. Aguado, R. Van Grieken, M.J. Lopez- Munoz, J. Murugan, Catal. Today 75 (2002) 95. C. Gnana Sambandam |
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Version 3 | |||
1. | FPGA Implementation of Complex Multiplier Using Urdhva Tiryakbham Sutra of Vedic Mathematics
FPGA Implementation of Complex Multiplier Using Urdhva Tiryakbham Sutra of Vedic MathematicsAbstract: In this work VHDL implementation of complex number multiplier using ancient Vedic mathematics is presented, also the FPGA implementation of 4-bit complex multiplier using Vedic sutra is done on SPARTAN 3 FPGA kit. The idea for designing the multiplier unit is adopted from ancient Indian mathematics "Vedas". The Urdhva Tiryakbhyam sutra (method) was selected for implementation since it is applicable to all cases of multiplication. The feature of this method is any multi-bit multiplication can be reduced down to single bit multiplication and addition. On account of these formulas, the partial products and sums are generated in one step which reduces the carry propagation from LSB to MSB. The implementation of the Vedic mathematics and their application to the complex multiplier ensure substantial reduction of propagation delay. The simulation results for 4-bit, 8-bit, 16-bit and 32 bit complex number multiplication using Vedic sutra are illustrated. The results show that Urdhva Tiryakbhyam sutra with less number of bits may be used to implement multiplier efficiently in signal processing algorithms.Key words: FPGA Implementation, Signal Processing Algorithms, Vedic Multiplier, VHDL Implementation, Vedas, Complex number multiplier. Reference [1] Jagadguru Swami Sri Bharati Krishna Teerthaji Maharaja, "Vedic Mathematics," Motilal Banarsidas Publishers Pvt. Ltd, 2001. [2] L. Sriraman, T. N. Prabakar, "Design and Implementation of Two Variable Multiplier Using KCM and Vedic Mathematics," 1st International Conf. on Recent Advances in Information Technology, RAIT, 2012. [3] Sandesh S. Saokar, R. M. Banakar, and Saroja Siddamal, "High Speed Signed Multiplier for Digital Signal Processing Applications," 2012 IEEE. [4] S.S. Kerur, Prakash Narchi Jayashree C .N., Harish M. Kittur "Implementation of Vedic multiplier for digital signal processing," international journal of computer application, 2011, vol. 16, pp 1-5. [5] Devika Jaina, Kabiraj Sethi, and Rutuparna Pamda, "Vedic Mathematics Based Multiply Accumulate Unit," International conference on computational intelligence and communication system, 2011, pp 754-757. Rupa A. Tomaskar, Gopichand D. Khandale |
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2. | Static Analysis, Design Modification and Modal Analysis of Structural Chassis Frame
Static Analysis, Design Modification and Modal Analysis of Structural Chassis FrameAbstract: The chassis frame is an important part in a truck and it carries the whole load acting on the truck as well as different parts of the automobile. So it must be strong enough to resist the shock, twist, vibration and other stresses. Maximum stress and maximum deflection are important criteria for design of the chassis. The objective of present is to determine the maximum stress, maximum deflection and to recognize critical regions under static loading condition. Static structural analysis of the chassis frame is carried out by FEA Method. The structural chassis frame is modeled using PRO-E wildfire 4.0 software. The Pre-processing has done with HYPERMESH software; then the problem has been solved through RADIOSS and the post processing was done by HYPERVIEW. The results obtained like maximum shear stress, Von-mises stress and maximum deflections are used for improving design modification. Modal analysis of the chassis frame done using ANSYS WORKBENCH. Through modal analysis, natural frequencies and corresponding vibration mode shapes of the structure are obtained.Key words: Static Analysis; Finite Element Model; ladder chassis frame; allowable stress; resonance Reference [1] Hemant B.Patil, Sharad D.Kachave, Eknath R.Deore "Stress Analysis of Automotive Chassis with Various Thicknesses", IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE) Vol. 6 Issue 1, 2013,pp 44-49. [2] Tulasiram Nasikai. Charyulu T.N,"Design and Analysis of Vehicle Chassis Frame", Indian Streams Research Journal, West Godavari Aug 2012, Volume 2, Issue. 7, [3] Shan Xue, Guohua Cao, Qiongying Lv, Hongji Xu" Modal Analysis and Optimization of Novel External Rotor Radar Stabilized Platform", International Conference on Electronic & Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology, 2011, pp 2729- 2733 [4]J. M.Biradar, B.V.Vijay, Kailash Jat,."Automotive Chassis Sizing Optimisation for Modal and Distortion Criteria" SASTech - Technical Journal, 2008, Volume 7, Issue 2, [5] Patel Vijaykumar V, Prof. R. I. Patel, "Structural Analysis of Automotive Chassis Frame and Design Modification for Weight Reduction" International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) 2012, Vol. 1 Issue 3 Madhu Ps and Venugopal T R |
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3. | Musical Sheet Segmentation
Musical Sheet SegmentationAbstract: Music has had an important role in human life from time immemorial. Music has been shared in two ways aurally and as written documents known as musical notes or musical scores. Many ancient cultures have used musical symbols to represent melodies and lyrics but none of them is as comprehensive as a written language or document. Thus the knowledge of ancient music is limited to a few fragments which are mostly unpublished. Hence to preserve such music we need to introduce a computerized system to digitalize and to decode the musical symbol images and reconstruct it as new score which will be in machine readable format. Here the machine readable format is MIDI. Prior to converting the musical symbols into MIDI format, musical sheets need to be segmented for isolating the musical symbols. Since synthetically generated musical sheets are used here, the segmentation process can be carried out using recursive graph cut method. Here we discuss the initial few steps such as staff line removal, text removal and segmentation of musical sheet.Key words: Digitalization, MIDI(Musical Instrument Digital Interface), Musical scores, Reconstruction, Segmentation, Staff lines. Reference [1] Radu Timofte and Luc Van Gool," Automatic Stave Discovery for Musical Facsimiles" , ACCV 2012, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013, pp. 510–523 [2] J.W. Roach, J.E. Tatem "Using Domain Knowledge in low-level visualProcessing to interpret handwritten Music: an Experiment." PatternRecognition 21, pp. 33-44 (1988) Proceedings Papers: [1] K Todd Reed, J R Parker, "Automatic Computer Recognition of Printed Music" IEEE proceedings of ICPR-1996,pp: 803 – 807, volume 3 [2] Alicia Fornés a;1, Josep Lladós a and Gemma Sánchez "Staff and graphical primitive segmentation in old handwritten music scores" 6th International Workshop, GREC 2005, Hong Kong, China, August 25-26, 2005, pp:279-290 [3] Ana Rebelo , Artur Capela , Joaquim F. Pinto da Costa, Guedes, Jaime S. Cardoso,"A Shortest Path Approach for Staff Line Detection" Automated Production of Cross Media Content for Multi-Channel Distribution, 2007. AXMEDIS '07. Third International Conference Vinaya V, Dhanya M Dhanalakshmy |
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4. | A Survey of Cloud Computing: Designing, Applications, Security Issues and Related Technologies
A Survey of Cloud Computing: Designing, Applications, Security Issues and Related TechnologiesAbstract: Cloud Computing has recently evolved as compelling paradigm for delivering and managing resources as service over the internet. IT industry is much more affected by this technology owing its ability to provide more benefits and permits enterprises to start from the small and enhance resources only when there is a rise in service demand. Although cloud computing is providing many facilities but there are many issues which is yet to be addressed. In this paper, we present a survey of cloud computing, its key concepts, state-of-the-art implementation and research issues as well. The objective of this paper is to provide better understanding of cloud computing and identify important research directions in this burgeoning area of computer science.Key words: Cloud Architecture, Cloud Computing, Data Center, Hypervisor, Virtualization, Reference [1] Qi Zhang, Lu Cheng, Raouf Boutaba."Cloud Computing: State-of-the-art and research challenges". The Brazilian Computer Society 2010. [2] http://gregwebdev.blogspot.in/2011/07/cloud computing.html [3] http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/D/distributed_file_system.html [4] http://www.tutorialspoint.com/cloud_computing/cloud_computing_architecture.htm [5] R. Buyya, C.S. Yeo, and S. Venugopal, Market-Oriented Cloud Computing: Vision, Hype, and Reality for Delivering IT Services as Computing Utilities, Keynote Paper, in Proc. 10th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC 2008), IEEE CS Press, Sept. 25–27, 2008, Dalian, China. Mr. Ankush Dhiman, Mauli Joshi |
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5. | Analysis of Engineering Properties of Black Cotton Soil & Stabilization Using By Lime
Analysis of Engineering Properties of Black Cotton Soil & Stabilization Using By LimeAbstract: With the increasing of population and the reduction of available land, more and more construction of buildings and other civil engineering structures have to be carried out on weak or soft soil. Owing to such soil of poor shear strength and high swelling & shrinkage, a great diversity of ground improvement techniques such as soil stabilization and reinforcement are employed to improve mechanical behavior of soil, thereby enhancing the reliability of construction. Black cotton soil is one of the major soil deposits of India. They exhibit high swelling and shrinking when exposed to changes in moisture content and hence have been found to be most troublesome from engineering considerations. Stabilization occurs when lime is added to black cotton soil and a pozzolanic reaction takes place. The hydrated lime reacts with the clay particles and permanently transforms them into a strong cementations matrix. Black cotton soil showing low to medium swelling potential from Rajkot Gujarat was used for determining the basic properties of the soil. Changes in various soil properties such as Liquid limit, Plastic Limit, Maximum Dry Density, Optimum Moisture Content, and California Bearing Ratio were studied.Key words: Black cotton soil, density, lime , soil, and stabilization Reference [1] I.S: 2720 (Part I)-1983 : "Indian standard for preparation of dry soil samples for various tests", Bureau of Indian Standards Publications, New Delhi. [2] I.S: 2720 (Part III/Section 1)-1980 : "Indian standard for determination of specific gravity (fine grained soil)", Bureau of Indian Standards Publications, New Delhi. [3] I.S: 2720 (Part III/Section 2)-1980 : "Indian standard for determination of specific gravity (fine, medium and coarse grained soil)", Bureau of Indian Standards Publications, New Delhi. [4] I.S: 2720 (Part IV)-1975 : "Indian standard for grain size analysis", Bureau of Indian Standards Publications, New Delhi. [5] I.S: 2720 (Part VII)-1980 : "Indian standard for determination of water content- Dry density relationship using light compaction", Bureau of Indian Standards Publications, New Delhi. Kavish S. Mehta, Rutvij J. Sonecha, Parth D. Daxini, Parth B. Ratanpara, Miss Kapilani S. Gaikwad |
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6. | Edge Detection Techniques in Digital and Optical Image Processing
Edge Detection Techniques in Digital and Optical Image ProcessingAbstract: This study focuses on various edge detection methods .Edge detection is the common approach used in segmentation. In an image, edge can be the boundary between two regions with relatively distinct grey level properties. Edge detection is the most familiar approach used in medical field, vehicle parking management system etc for segmentation. The aim of this paper is studying different edge detection methods employed in digital image processing like,Robert, Sobel, Prewitt, Canny edge detection and bipolar edge detection which is based on optical image processing . The experimental results are obtained using MATLAB software and displayed.Key words: Bipolar incoherent image processing Robert, Sobel Prewitt, Canny, edge detection Reference [1] Brintha Therese and Dr. Sundara vadivelu, Biploar incoherent image processing for edge detection, International journal of recent trends in engineering Vol 2,No 2.2009 [2] G. T. Shrivakshan and Dr. C. Chandrasekar, A comparison of various edge detection techniques used in image processing, International journal of computer science issues ,Vol 9,Issue 5,No 1,2012 [3] Daisuke Ishikawa, Atsushi Okamoto, All optical multifunctional logic gates for image information using photorefractive two wave mixing, Optical Review,Vol 14,pp.246-251,2007 [4] T. C. Poon ,Optical image processing with matlab, springer-verlag, New York, first edition,2007 [5] Dr. Vipula Singh,Digital image processing with matlab and labview(Elsevier,2013) P. Bhuvaneswari, Dr. A. Brintha Therese |
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7. | Importance of Data Mining with Different Types of Data Applications and Challenging Areas
Importance of Data Mining with Different Types of Data Applications and Challenging AreasAbstract: Data mining is an increasingly popular set of tools for dealing with large amounts of data, often collected in haphazard fashion with many missing values. This type of huge amount of data's are available in the form of tera- to peta-bytes which has drastically changed in the areas of science and engineering. To analyze, manage and make a decision of such type of huge amount of data there are need to techniques called the data mining which will transforming in many fields. In Data Mining data sets will be explored to yield hidden and unknown predictions which can be used in future for the efficient decision making. Data Mining that involves pattern recognition, mathematical and statistical techniques to search data Warehouses and help the analyst in recognizing significant trends, facts relationships and anomalies. In this paper we discuss the importance of data mining , different challenging areas and application areas in data mining .Key words: data integration ,data mining , KDD, knowledge, OLAP Reference [1] M. Shiga, I. Takigawa, and H. Mamitsuka, "A spectral clustering approach to optimally combining numericalvectors with a modular network," in KDD, 2007, pp. 647–656. [2] Osmer R. Zalane,CMPUT 690 principles of knowledge discovery in databases" Introduction to Data mining". [3] M.S. Chen.J.Han and P.S. Yu. Data mining : An overview from a database perspective. IEEE transactions on Knowledge and data engineering 8:866. [4] Feldman, Ronen, Will Klosgen, and Amir Zilberstein. "Visualization techniques to explore data mining results for document collections.", In Proceedings ofthe Third Annual Conference on KnowledgeDiscovery and Data Mining (KDD), Newport Beach, 1997 [5] Koperski, J. Adhikary and J. Han, "Spatial Data Mining: Progress and Challenges", SIGMOD'96Workshop on Research Issues in Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery DMKD'96, Montreal,Canada. Ms. Aruna J. Chamatkar, Dr. P.K. Butey |
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8. | Simulation and Analysis of Multistage Grid Connected Inverter Topology for Solar PV Based System
Simulation and Analysis of Multistage Grid Connected Inverter Topology for Solar PV Based SystemAbstract: In this paper multistage grid connected inverter for solar PV based system and the types of multilevel inverter are discussed. The conventional line commutated inverters have square shaped waveform of line current which generates high harmonics and also produces excessive heat which causes damage to the winding of transformer. Alternatively, multilevel inverter reduces harmonics and gives output current waveform which is almost sinusoidal in nature. Basically, multilevel converter technology is based on the synthesis of the ac voltage from several different voltage levels on the dc side. i.e. by increasing of DC voltages, the levels of the output increases, which produce a staircase wave which approaches the sinusoidal wave with lower harmonic distortion. In the present work, a multilevel line commutated inverter topology has been proposed and analysed which improves the wave shape and hence reduces the total harmonic distortion (THD) of the line current in a grid connected line commutated inverter. Moreover, the performance of the proposed topology is far better than the conventional line-commutated inverter. The simulation is carried out in MATLAB/SIMULINK environment.Key words: Multilevel inverter, total harmonic distortion, grid connected inverter Reference [1] Soeren Baekhoej Kjaer, Member, IEEE, John K. Pedersen, Senior Member, IEEE, and Frede Blaabjerg, Fellow, IEEE," A Review of Single-Phase Grid-Connected Inverters for Photovoltaic Modules." IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 41, no. 5, September/October 2005. [2] C.J. Hatziadoniu, Member, F.E. Chalkiadakis, Student Member and V.K.Feiste, Life Member "A Power Conditioner For A Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Generator Based On The 3-Level Inverter" IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 14, No. 4, December 1999. [3] Abu Tariq Mohammed Aslam Husain Mohammad Ahmad Mohd. Tariq, "Simulation and study of a grid connected Multilevel Converter (MLC) with varying DC input" IEEE conference 2011. [4] A. Nabae, I. Takahashi, and H. Akagi, "A New Neutral-point Clamped PWM inverter," IEEE Trans. Ind. Applicat., vol. IA-17, pp. 518-523, Sept./Oct. 1981. [5] T. A. Meynard, H. Foch, "Multi-Level Conversion: High Voltage Choppers and Voltage-Source Inverters," IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 1992, pp. 397-403. Deepak Shrivastava, Vinay Tripathi |
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9. | Skin Pixel Segmentation Using Learning Based Classification: Analysis and Performance Comparison
Skin Pixel Segmentation Using Learning Based Classification: Analysis and Performance ComparisonAbstract: Skin detection or segmentation is employed in many tasks related to the detection and tracking of humans and human-body parts. The goal of skin pixel detection is locate the pixels of the skins and discard other non-related pixels from regions of the image. Skin area detection has been focus research area in human-computer interactions. Most of the research done in the fields of skin detection has been trained and tested on human images. The approach of this research is to make a comparative analysis of learning classification algorithms to identify the better classifier model for skin pixel detection. Our adopted procedure is based on skin segmentation and human face features which are so called knowledge based approach for skin pixel segmentation. Based on the feature selection of the classified, we found the good detection rate by using the various classification algorithms. We have got the detection rate of above 95.79% in case of J48 algorithm and 95.04% detection rate in case of SMO algorithm. The experiment result shows that, the algorithm gives hopeful results. At last, we concluded this paper and proposed future work.Key words: Machine Learning, Pixel Classifications, skin segmentation, Color Space, Image Processing. WEKA Reference [1] Bernhard Fink, K.G., Matts, P.J.: Visible skin color distribution plays a role in the perception of age, attractiveness, and health in female faces. Evolution and Human Behavior 27(6) (2006) 433–442 [2] Ahmed Elgammal, Crystal Muang and Dunxu Hu: Skin Detection - a Short Tutorial. [3] P.Kakumanu, S.Makrogiannis, N. Bourbakis (2007) "A survey of skin-color modeling and detection methods", Pattern Recognition, vol.40, pp.1106-1122, 2007. [4]. B.N.Jagadesh et al. SKIN COLOUR SEGMENTATION USING FINITE BIVARIATE PEARSONIAN TYPE-IIb MIXTURE MODEL AND K-MEANS, Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal (SIPIJ) Vol.3, No.4, August 2012 [5] S.El Fkihi, M.Daoudi, D.Aboutajdine (2009) " Skin and Non-Skin probability approximation based on discriminative tree distribution", ICIP, pp. 2377-2380. Rajandeep Sohal, Tajinder Kaur |
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10. | Metal Concentrations in Surface Sediments of Tafna Estuary in North-Western Algeria
Metal Concentrations in Surface Sediments of Tafna Estuary in North-Western AlgeriaAbstract: This paper evaluates the degree of contamination in the Tafna estuary in Rachgoun, (Wilaya of Ain Temouchent, Algeria) through the temporal-spatial monitoring of the content of certain metal elements (Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb and Zn) in surface sediments, during the period between October 2009 and March 2010. We focused on the assessment of these metals in order to quantify their impact on the Mediterranean Sea. The technique used for analysis is the Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS) method. The results revealed a relatively low metallic content in sediments, except for cadmium which reached particularly high concentrations and exceeded the background values. Metal levels were higher in January particularly for Co and Zn. The accumulation of heavy metals in surface sediments was derived using geoaccumulation index (Igeo) and enrichment factor (EF). The results of geoaccumulation index (Igeo) reveal that sediments are uncontaminated with Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn; moderately contaminated with Pb and Zn; and moderately to heavily contaminated with Cd. The enrichment factors showed that Co, Cr, Cu, and Mn are depleted whereas Cd, Pb, and Zn are enriched. One-way ANOVA and principal component analysis (PCA) were used to compare the data for different months (0,05).Key words: Ain Temouchent, Algeria, Heavy metals, Sediments, Tafna estuary. Reference [1] M. Cheggour, A. Chafik, N.S. Fisher, and S. Benbrahim, Metal concentrations in sediments and clams in four Moroccan estuaries, Marine Environmental Research 59 (2), 2005, 119-137. [2] N. Dali-youcef, B. Ouddane, and Z. Derriche, Metal found in superficial sediments of the Tafna river and its estuary in north-western Algeria. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 14(9), 2005, 753- 763. [3] H. Agemian, and A.S.Y. Chau, An atomic absorption method for determination of 20 elements in lake sediments after acid digestion, Analytica Chimica Acta, 80(1), 1975, 61-66. [4] W.P. Miller, D.C. Martens, and W. Zelazny, Effet of sequential extraction of trace metals from soils, Soil Science Society of America, Journal, 50(3), 1986, 598-601. [5] M. Meneses, J.M. LIobet, S. Granero, M. Schuhmacher, and J.L. Domingo, Monitoring metals in the vicinity of a municipal solid waste incinerator: temporal variations in soil and vegetation, Science of The Total Environment, 226(3), 1999, 157-164. Fellah Amel and Dali Youcef Nacéra |
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11. | Meliorated Outcomeinwsn Using Better CH Selection by
Meliorated Outcomeinwsn Using Better CH Selection byAbstract: In recent era, the research for improving the performance of the WSN is done in the "speed of light‟. LEACH is the protocol which has changed the scenario of using WSN for any application like monitoring physical parameters, measuring parameters surveillance etc. Also LEACH-C can be used for the same with some modifications in LEACH like deciding CH centrally in fixed amount. But there is a con of LEACH; it decides the CH based on random generation value. Therefore, in proposed scheme, threshold is calculated using weighted parameter of residual energy and distance from the base station.Key words: WSN-Wireless sensor network, LEACH, NS2, residual energy Reference [1] Brett A. Warneke, Kristofer S.J. Pister," MEMS for Distributed Wireless Sensor Networ University of California at Berkeley. [2] I. F. Akyildiz, W.Su, Y. Sankara subramaniam, and E. Cayirci, "Wireless sensor networks: asurvey", Computer Networks 38, Elsevier,pp.393–422,2002. [3] C.Perkins, Ad Hoc Networks, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 2000. [4] W. Heinzelman, J. Kulik, and H. Balakrishnan,"Adaptive Protocols for Information Dissemination in Wireless Sensor Networks," Proc. 5th ACM/IEEE Mobicom Conference (MobiCom ‟99), Seattle, WA, August, 1999. pp.174-85. [5] J. Kulik, W. R. Heinzelman, and H. Balakrishnan, "Negotiation-based protocols for disseminating information in wireless sensor networks," Wireless Networks, Volume: 8, pp.169-185, 2002. Weighted Parameters Mistry Jolly and Prof. Gurcharan Sahani |
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12. | A Meliorate Routing of Reactive Protocol with Clustering Technique in MANET
A Meliorate Routing of Reactive Protocol with Clustering Technique in MANETAbstract: The field of Mobile Adhoc Network (MANET) has become very popular because of the deep research done in that area in last few years. MANET has advantage of operating without fixed infrastructure and also it can tolerate many changes in the network topology. The MANET uses different routing protocols for End to End Packet delivery. This paper is subjected to the Reactive routing protocols on the basis of identical environment conditions and evaluates their relative performance with respect to the performance metric Packet delivery ratio, overhead & throughput. In this Reactive routing protocols can spectacularly reduce routing overhead because they do not need to search for and maintain the routes on which there is no data traffic. This property is very invoking in the limited resource. Achieve a good efficient network life and reliability need a variation on the notion of multicasting. Geo-casting is useful for sending messages to nodes in a specified geographical region. This region is called the geo-cast region. For geo-casting in mobile ad hoc networks. The proposed protocol combines any casting with local flooding to implement geo-casting. Thus, Protocol requires two phases for geo-casting. First, it performs any casting from a source to any node in the geo-cast region. Also this Protocol works on large MANET, and to achieve high accuracy and optimize output. To perform geo-cast region we use a proposed clustering technique in Large MANET.Key words: MANET, TORA, AODV, DSR Reference [1]. V. Park and S. Corson, Temporally Ordered Routing Algorithm (TORA) Version 1, Functional specification IETF Internet draft, http://www.ietf.org/internet- drafts/draftietf- manet-tora-spec-01.txt, 1998. [2]. J.C. Navas and T. Imielinski. Geocast - geographic addressing and routing. In Proc. of ACM/IEEE MOBICOM, Budapest, Hungary, Sept. 1997. [3]. Asad Amir Pirzada and Amitava Datta and Chris McDonald. Trustworthy Routing with the TORA Protocol. Communication Networks and Services Research, 2004. Proceedings. Second Annual Conference on Digital Object Identifier. Pages 121-130, 2004. [4]. Y.-B. Ko and N.H. Vaidya. Geocasting in mobile ad hoc networks: Location-based multicast algorithms. In Proc. of IEEE WMCSA, New Orleans, LA, Feb. 1999. [5]. V.D. Park and M.S. Corson. A highly adaptive distributed routing algorithm for mobile wireless networks. In Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM, Kobe, Japan, Apr. 1997. Zainab Khandsakarwala, J. S. Dhobi |
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13. | Performance Analysis of BLDC MLI Drive
Performance Analysis of BLDC MLI DriveAbstract: BLDC motors are used in wide range from very small motors used in hard disk drives to large motors used in electric vehicles as it has more advantages over induction motors because it has permanent magnets in rotor assembly generates steady magnetic field. The multilevel inverters are preferred over conventional inverters as the voltage stress across each semiconductor switches is the voltage of one capacitor. The mli gives high voltages with low harmonics and as no of levels increases output tends to sinusoidal. The most used multilevel inverter configurations are diode clamped, flying capacitor, cascaded mli. In this paper five level diode clamped mli, cascaded mli are simulated using MATLAB/SIMULINK. The performance characteristics of bldc motor is observed when fed by each of these configurations.Key words: Brushless DC Motor, diode clamped, flying capacitor, cascaded, permanent magnets. Reference [1] R. Krishnan, "Electric Motor Drives Modelling, Analysis and Control", Prentice Hall, 2001. [2] M.Rashid "Power electronics Handbook", Academic Press. [3] John Wiley & Sons, Parker, R.J., "Advances in Permanent Magnetism", 1990. [4] NedMohan, Undeland, Riobbins "Power electronic converter, applications and design" ,Wiley Student Edition. [5] R. Krishnan, "Permanent Magnet Synchronous and Brushless DC Motor Drives", CRC Press, 2010. K.NagaVenkatesh, K.Dinesh, B.Harshad Chowdary, G.BalaVijayKumar |
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14. | Text Categorization Optimization By A Hybrid Approach Using Multiple Feature Selection And Feature Extraction Methods
Text Categorization Optimization By A Hybrid Approach Using Multiple Feature Selection And Feature Extraction MethodsAbstract: Text categorization is the task of automatically sorting a set of documents into categories from a pre-defined set. This means it assigns predefines categories to free-text documents. In this paper we are proposing a unique two stage feature selection method for text categorization by using information gain, principle component analysis and genetic algorithm. In the methodology, every term inside the document is ranked depending on their importance for classification using the information gain (IG) methodology. In the second stage, genetic algorithm (GA) and principal component analysis (PCA) feature selection and feature extraction methods are applied individually to the terms which are ranked in decreasing order of importance, and a dimension reduction is carried out. Therefore, throughout the text categorization terms of less importance are ignored, and feature selection and extraction methods are applied to the terms of highest importance; so the computational time and complexity of categorization is reduced. To analyze the dimension reduction in our proposed model, experiments area unit conducted using the k-nearest neighbor(KNN) and C4.5 decision tree algorithmic rule on selected data set.Key words: Information Gain, Principal Component Analysis, Genetic Algorithm, K-Nearest Neighbor classifier, C4.5 tree classifier. Reference [1] M.H. Aghdam, N. Ghasem-Aghaee, M.E. Basiri, Text feature selection using ant colony optimization, Expert Systems with Applications 36 (2009) 6843–6853. [2] Yu-Chuan Chang, Shyi-Ming Chen, Churn-Jung Liau, Multi-label text categorization based on a new linear classifier learning method and a category-sensitive refinementmethod, Expert System with Application 34(2008) 1948-1953. [3] Jiawei Han, Jaian Pei, Micheline Kamberg, Data mining concepts and techniques, third edition. [4] F.J. Damerau, T. Zhang, S.M. Weiss, N. Indurkhya, Text categorization for a comprehensive time-dependent benchmark, Information Processing and Management 40 (2004) 209–221. [5] M.E. ElAlami, A filter model for feature subset selection based on genetic algorithm, Knowledge-Based Systems 22 (2009) 356–362. K. Rajeswari, Sneha Nakil, Neha Patil, Sebatini Pereira, Neha Ramdasi |
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15. | Noise Analysis of Current-Mode Preamplifier Circuit
Noise Analysis of Current-Mode Preamplifier CircuitAbstract: Noise is an inherent property of any electrical circuit such as shot noise due to P-N junction, thermal noise due to thermal excitation of charge carriers etc. The limit to sensitivity of an electrical circuit is set by the point at which the signal to noise ratio drops below acceptable limits. The existence of noise in CMOS circuits is due to the fact that electrical charge is not continuous but is carried in discrete amounts equal to the charge of an electron. The most important component of a bio-signal acquisition system is the front end amplifier and a preamplifier circuit is an important stage of that acquisition system. In this paper, we analyze a preamplifier circuit for certain dominant noise to minimize the same.Key words: Aspect ratio, Current-mode preamplifier, Flicker Noise, Noise Spectral density, Signal to Noise ratio, Thermal Noise. Reference [1] Design of analog CMOS integrated circuit by Behzad Razavi, Tata Mcgraw-Hill publications. [2] A 75-dB digitally programmable CMOS variable gain amplifier- A thesis presented by Behnoosh Rahmatian presented to the University of British Columbia April 2007. [3] R. R. Harrison and C. Charles, "A low power low-noise CMOS amplifier for neural recording applications," IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 38, no. 6, pp. 958–965, Jun. 2003. [4] G. Ferrari, M. Farina, F. Guagliardo, M. Carminati, and M. Sampietro, "Ultra-low-noise MOS current preamplifier from DC to 1MHz," Electron. Lett., vol. 45, no. 25, pp. 1278–1280, Dec. 3, 2009. [5] Noise Analysis in Operational Amplifier Circuits – SLVA043A, An application report by Texas Instruments. Prasanth. N, Likhith B P, Naveed Anjum, Gajendra K A, H R Bhagyalakshmi |
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16. | Performance Analysis of IEEE 802.16e Wimax Physical Layer
Performance Analysis of IEEE 802.16e Wimax Physical LayerAbstract: WiMAX (worldwide inter-operability for microwave access) is an emerging technology for global broadband wireless system offering high speed access to mobile and broadband services. It is based on IEEE 802.16e standard. This standard only deals with MAC and PHY layer specification of network architecture. Considerable research has been done on performance analysis of PHY layer model of WiMAX system over AWGN channel model. This paper attempts performance analysis of IEEE 802.16e PHY layer model over AWGN as well as SUI channel models as SUI channel models are more realistic models based on empirical results. Different modulation schemes, coding rates, and different values of cyclic prefix are considered for comparison using BER (Bit error rate) ratio and SNR (Signal to Noise ratio) as performance parameters.Key words: Adaptive Modulation, AWGN channel, OFDM, SUI channel models, WiMAX Reference [1] J. Andrews, A. Ghosh, and R. Muhamed, Fundamentals of WIMAX. Prentice Hall, 2007. [2] A. Taparugssanagorn, A. Rabbachin, M. Hamalainen, J. Saloranta, J. Iinatti, et al., "A review of channel modelling for wireless body area network in wireless medical communications," 2008. [3] Tal Kaitz, 2007. "FEC Performance of the proposed 802.16.3 OFDM PHY", IEEE 802.16abc-0 l108 rl. [4] Erceg, K.V.S. Hari, M.S. Smith, D.S. Baum et al, "Channel Models for Fixed Wireless Applications", IEEE 802.16.3 Task Group Contributions 2001, Feb. 01 [5] S. Elayoubi and B. Fouresti´e, "Performance evaluation of admission control and adaptive modulation in ofdma wimax systems," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON), vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 1200–1211, 2008 Dr. Vineeta Saxena Nigam , Hitendra Uday |
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17. | A Novel Approach of Brain Tumor Detection Using Hybrid Filtering
A Novel Approach of Brain Tumor Detection Using Hybrid FilteringAbstract: The paper presented explains how the gradient differential plays an inseparable part in demarking the tumor in brain. Areas that do not match with the benchmark set are skipped by the algorithm i.e. eminent entropy and intensity which are considered as major feature of tumor identification. The picture is finally rebuilt by evaluating regional maxima and extended maxima transformation which at the end gives us the most impressionable part of tumor. To generate final output the algorithm takes just 3.98 seconds (as an average statistics). At the end the proposed algorithm detects the tumor with high accuracy.Key words: Brain tumor, gabor filter, boundary, canny edge detection, extended maxima transform & image model.etc. Reference [1] Nobuyuki Otsu, "A Threshold Selection Method from Gray-Level Histograms", IEEE Transactions on systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol. SMC-9, No. 1, January 1979. [2] Michael R. Kaus, Simon K. Warfield, Arya Nabavi, Peter M. Black, Ferenc A. Jolesz, Ron Kikinis, "Automated Segmentation of MR Images of Brain Tumors" Radiology; 218:586–591, Magnetic resonance (MR), Volume measurement, 10.121412, 10.12143, 2001. [3] Lynn M. Fletcher-Heath, Lawrence O. Halla, Dmitry B. Goldgofa, F. Reed Murtagh, "Automatic segmentation of non-enhancing brain tumors in magnetic resonance images" Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 21: 43-63, Elsevier Science B.V., 2001. [4] Alain Pitiot, A.W. Toga, P.M. Thompson, "Adaptive elastic segmentation of brain MRI via shape-model-guided evolutionary programming" IEEETransactions on Medical Imaging, Vol.: 21, Issue: 8, Aug. 2002. [5] Djamal Boukerroui, Atilla Baskurt, J. Alison Noble, Olivier Basset, "Segmentation of ultrasound images––multiresolution 2D and 3D algorithm based on global and local statistics" Elsevier Science B.V,Vol. 24, Issues 4–5, February 2003. Ms. Navneet Kaur, Dr. Mamta Juneja |
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18. | Computer Aided Environment for Drawing (To Set) True or False Objective Questions From Given Paragraph
Computer Aided Environment for Drawing (To Set) True or False Objective Questions From Given ParagraphAbstract: In this paper, we developed true or false objective questions from the given paragraph. The system creates true or false statement from the sentence selected from the given paragraph. And NLP parser is used for parsing and POS tagger functionality used to encode the sentence. We present our work in design and implementing system which generate true or false. System is developed in java using JDBC and mysql for storing in database, both are open source.Generating Automatic True or False Statements, Objective test generation task become faster and expedient manner, and system saves time. We have evaluated our system with different 200 sentences and present the result. And kept true and false statement approximate equal in length. Avoided Double Negative Sentences i.e. If sentence is already negative then not is not added in the sentence. Key words: POS Tagger, Sentence Selection, NLP System Reference [1] Amisha Shingala, Rinku Chavda and Paresh Virparia: NATURAL LANGUAGE INTERFACE FOR STUDENT INFORMATION SYSTEM (NLSIS). Prajna(journal) Vol.19 41 - 44 (2011) [2] Sheetal Rakangor and Dr. Yogesh Ghodasara: Computer aided environment for drawing (to set) fill in the blank from given paragraph. IOSR(journal) Volume 15, Issue 6 PP 54-58 (Nov. - Dec. 2013) [3] Manish Agarwal and Prashanth Mannem : Automatic Gap-fill Question generation from text books Sheetal Rakangor, Dr. Y. R. Ghodasara |
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19. | Design And Fabrication Of Foldable Tri-Scooter
Design And Fabrication Of Foldable Tri-ScooterAbstract: The basic aim behind our project was to make an environmental friendly portable automobile which would be easy to handle by both the sexes and would emit 0% emission. We have used D.C motor as our main power source due to which there is no emission at all and also the problem of fuel consumption is solved. Also keeping in mind the parking problems now days, we decided to make a triscooter which can be folded easily, so after the use one can fold the triscooter and can carry it along with him/her. Our design allows users to easily transport the triscooter using less space when it is "folded" into a compact size. We have made this design with our own innovative ideas and by referring some books and websites .Our project is unique and no foldable triscooter is available in market till now. The versatility of a folding triscooter is also appropriate for air travel and inadequate storage and at places where bike theft is a significant concern.While designing we have concentrated on power, economy, ease and comfort of riding and low maintenance cost .Also we have concentrated on ergonomics factor to give the user a comfortable ride. Key words: portable, environment friendly, economic, no emission Reference [1] Dr. N C Pandya & Dr. C S Shah, "Machine design", by Charotar Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 2006 [2] R S Khurmi & J K Gupta, "Machine design", by Eurasia Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 2010. [3] V B Bhandari, "Design Of Machine Elements", 3rd edition, by Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd., 2012 [4] R.K.Jain, "Production technology" by Khanna Publishers, 2011 [5] PSG college of Technology, "Machine Design Data Book", by Kalaikathir Achchagam, 2007 Sachin T. Achari, Nikhil P. Tambe, Sanket D. Nalawade, Aqib L. Nevrekar |
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20. | Allocation of Resources Dynamically In Cloud Systems
Allocation of Resources Dynamically In Cloud SystemsAbstract: Cloud Computing is a newly evolving platform that can be accessed as a service by the users. It is used as storage for files, applications and infrastructure through the Internet. User can access everything as a service in on-demand basis named as pay-as-you-go model. Service-oriented Architecture (SOA) has been adopted in diverse circulated systems such as World Wide Web services, grid computing schemes, utility computing systems and cloud computing schemes. These schemes are called as Service Oriented Systems. One of the open issues is to prioritize service requests in dynamically altering environments where concurrent instances of processes may compete for assets. If we want to prioritize the request, we need to monitor the assets that the cloud services have and founded on the available assets the demanded assets can be assigned to the user. Hence, we propose an approach to find present status of the system by utilizing Dynamic Adaptation Approach. The major target of the research work is to prioritize the service demand, which maximizes the asset utilization in an effective kind that decreases the penalty function for the delayed service. The main concerns should be allotted to requests founded on promise violations of SLA objectives. While most existing work in the area of quality of service supervising and SLA modeling focuses normally on purely mechanical schemes, we consider service-oriented systems spanning both programs founded services and human actors. Our approach deals with these challenges and assigns priority to the requested service to avoid service delay using Prioritization Algorithm.Key words: Cloud Computing, SLA, Resource Allocation, SOA. Reference [1] Peter Mell, Timothy Grance,"The NIST definition of Cloud Computing", Recommendations of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, U.S Department of Commerce, 800-145. [2] Davide Tammaro, A.Doumith, Jean-Pauls Smets, Maurice Gagnaire, Sawsan Al Zahr, "Dynamic Resource Allocation in Cloud Environment Under Time-Variant Job Requests", 3rd IEEE International on Cloud Computing Technology and Science, 978-0-7695-4622-3/11 [3] Karthik Kumar, Jing Feng, Yamini Nimmagada, Yung-Hsiang Lu, "Resource Allocation for Real-Time Tasks using Cloud Computing", IEEE, 2011, 978-1-4577-0638-7 /11 [4] Bernd Freisleben, Dorian Minarolli, "Utility-based Resource Allocation for Virtual Machines in Cloud Computing", IEEE, 2011, 978-1-4577-0681-3/11 [5] Roman Khazankin, Daniel Schall, Schahram Dustdar Adaptive Request Prioritization in Dynamic Service-oriented Systems, 2011 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing, 978-0-7695-4462-5/11 D. Sivapriyanka, S. Santhanalakshmi |
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21. | Privacy Protection in Cloud Using Rsa Algorithm
Privacy Protection in Cloud Using Rsa AlgorithmAbstract: The cloud computing architecture has been on high demand nowadays. The cloud has been successful over grid and distributed environment due to its cost and high reliability along with high security. However in the area of research it is observed that cloud computing still has some issues in security regarding privacy. The cloud broker provide services of cloud to general public and ensures that data is protected however they sometimes lag security and privacy. Thus in this work of research an architecture is developed to preserve the security in two phases that is by RSA algorithm and auto-backup policy.Key words: cloud computing security, Privacy protection, RSA algorithm, encryption, decryption. Reference [1] Rupali Sachin Vairagade, Nitin Ashokrao Vairagade "Cloud Computing Data Storage and Security Enhancement," International journal of Advanced Research in computer engineering & technology, Vol. 1, august 2012 [2] Prof.Rupali Bagate, Prof.Archana Chaugule "Cloud architecture and security measures". International Journal of IT, Engineering and Applied Sciences Research (IJIEASR) ISSN: 2319-4413 Volume 1, No. 2, November 2012. [3] Parsi kalpana, sudha singaraju " Data security in cloud computing using RSA algorithm," International Journal of Research in Computer and Communication technology, IJRCCT, ISSN 2278-5841, Vol 1, Issue 4, September 2012. [4] Roy I, Ramadan HE, Setty STV, Kilzer A, Shmatikov V, Witchel E. "Airavat: Security and privacy for MapReduce," In: Castro M, eds. Proc. of the 7th Usenix Symp. on Networked Systems Design and Implementation. San Jose: USENIX Association, 2010. [5] Subhash Sankuratripati, Saikat Saha, Robert Lockhart "OASIS Key Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP)," Advancing open standards for the information society,2012. Amandeep Kaur, Manpreet Kaur |
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22. | A Client-Assisted and Distributed Channel Assignment Scheme For Dense IEEE 802.11 WLAN
A Client-Assisted and Distributed Channel Assignment Scheme For Dense IEEE 802.11 WLANAbstract: Due to huge popularity, the WLANs (Wireless Local Area Networks) have gained in recent years, especially based on IEEE 802.11 family of standards, dense deployment of AP (Access Point) can be found in many places. However, these dense deployments can severely affect the aggregate throughput of the network due increased contention and interference between different APs using same channel. This often leads to decreased overall throughput of a local wireless network, such as in a university campus or city-wide Wi-Fi network. In this paper, a simple client-assisted and distributed channel assignment scheme has been proposed for minimizing such adverse affects of interference in dense WLANs. Client-assisted means the resources of clients are also used for measurements of some parameters to increase the performance of the scheme. Distributed schemes are those schemes which can easily be used where AP belongs to different owners and administrative domains. This scheme will be shown to have better throughput performance than other prominent distributed schemes through simulation results.Key words: Channel assignment scheme, DCF-MAC, IEEE802.11, and WLAN. Reference [1] LEUNG K.K., KIM B.J.: "Frequency assignment for IEEE 802.11 wireless networks." Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. (VTC), Orlando, USA, October 2003, pp. 1422 – 1426. [2] MAHONEN P., RIIHIJARVI J., PETROVA M.: "Automatic channel allocation for small wireless local area networks using graph colouring algorithm approach". Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Barcelona, Spain, September 2004, pp. 536 – 539. [3] J. K. CHEN, G. D. VECIANA, T. S. RAPPAPORT, "Site-specific knowledge and interference measurement for improving frequency allocations in wireless networks," IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 58, no. 5, pp. 2366–2377, Jun. 2009. [4] EL-HAJJ W., ALAZEMI H.: "Optimal frequency assignment for IEEE 802.11 wireless networks", Wiley J. Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput., 2009, 9, (1) pp. 131– 141. [5] MISHRA A., BANERJEE S., ARBAUGH W.: "Weighted coloring based channel assignment for WLANs", ACM SIGMOBILE Mob. Comput. Commun. Rev., 2005, 9, (3), pp. 19 – 31. Dr. Vineeta Saxena Nigam, Kaushalendra Baghel |
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1. | Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Steam Stripping of Lnapl-Contaminated Soils
Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Steam Stripping of Lnapl-Contaminated SoilsAbstract: Steam injection is an example of thermal remediation technology which involves the injection of steam into the sub-surface and simultaneous recovery of fluids from extraction wells. The injected steam heats the soil and created a steam zone that expands from the injection wells as more steam is injected. The main objective of the research work was to carry out numerical modeling and laboratory experiments in order to evaluate the effectiveness of steam injection for remediation of soils contaminated with Light Non Aqueous Phase Liquids (LNAPLs). MATLAB (Matrix Laboratory) package was used for the numerical modeling while the experimental aspect involved the injection of dry steam produced from a boiler into a sand column which contain a saturated mixture of LNAPL contaminant (i.e. Kerosene) and sample of sand (two samples of sand were used; fine and coarse grain sand). As steam was introduced into the column, the viscosity of the contaminant reduces due to increase in temperature which makes the contaminant to flow and was recovered at the base of the set-up over time. It was discovered that increase in pressure and the soil grain size increases the LNAPL flow rate and reduces the time of treatment. Also the sand grain size affect the recovery rate and efficiency as well as the time of treatment for possible clean up to be achieved. Steam injection was found to be about 80-85% efficient in the removal of LNAPL contaminants from contaminated soil. The result has therefore demonstrated the effectiveness of steam injection process as a thermal soil remediation technique.Key words: Contaminated soil, Effectiveness, Kerosene, LNAPL, Steam Injection, time of treatment, Reference [1] E. Davis, How Heat Can Enhance in-situ Soil and Aquifer Remediation: Important Chemical Properties and Guidance on Choosing the Appropriate Technique. Robert S. Kerr Environmental Research Laboratory, EPA/540/S-97/502, 1997. [2] K. S. Udell and L. D. Stewart, UCB-SEEHRL. 89-2. In:University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2004. In-situ thermal Treatment of Chlorinated Solvents-Fundamentals and Field Applications, EPA 542-R-04-01057, 1989a. [3] L. A. Smith and R. E. Hinchee, In-situ Thermal Technologies for Site Remediation, Ft. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL, USA,1993. [4] G. Heron , S. Carrolland and S. G. D. Nielsen, Full-Scale Removal of DNAPL Contituents Using Steam Enhanced Extraction and Electrical Resistance Heating, Groud-Water Monit. Remediat., 2005, 25(4): 92-107. [5] Danish EPA, Natur og Miljopolitisk Redegorelse, Miljo-og Energiministeriet. In Danish,1999. A. A. Adegbola, A. A. Dare, J. P. Ajayi, A.A. Alimi, O. O. Popoola, and J. K. Afolabi |
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2. | Android Based Effective Search Engine Retrieval System Using Ontology
Android Based Effective Search Engine Retrieval System Using OntologyAbstract: In the proposed model, users search for the query on either Area specified or user's location, server retrieves all the data to the user's computer where ontology is applied. After applying the ontology, it will classify in to two concepts such as location based or content based. User PC displays all the relevant keywords to the user's mobile, so that user selects the exact requirement. The client collects and stores locally then click through data to protect privacy, whereas tasks such as concept extraction, training, and reranking are performed at the search engine server. Ranking occurs and finally exactly mapped information is produced to the users mobile and addresses the privacy problem by restricting the information in the user profile exposed to the search engine server with two privacy parameters. Finally applied UDD algorithm to eliminate the duplication of records which helps to minimize the number of URL listed to the user.INDEX TERMS- FACTS Click through data, concept based, location based search, mobile search engine, ontology, UDD. Reference [1] E. Agichtein, E. Brill, and S. Dumais, "Improving Web Search Ranking by Incorporating User Behavior Information," Proc. 29th Ann. Int'l ACM SIGIR Conf. Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR), 2006. [2] E. Agichtein, E. Brill, S. Dumais, and R. Ragno, "Learning User Interaction Models for Predicting Web Search Result Preferences," Proc. Ann. Int'l ACM SIGIR Conf. Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR), 2006. [3] Y.-Y. Chen, T. Suel, and A. Markowetz, "Efficient Query Processing in Geographic Web Search Engines," Proc. Int'l ACM SIGIR Conf. Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR), 2006. [4] K.W. Church, W. Gale, P. Hanks, and D. Hindle, "Using Statistics in Lexical Analysis," Lexical Acquisition: Exploiting On-Line Resources to Build a Lexicon, Psychology Press, 1991. [5] Q. Gan, J. Attenberg, A. Markowetz, and T. Suel, "Analysis of Geographic Queries in a Search Engine Log," Proc. First Int'l Workshop Location and the Web (Loc Web), 2008. A. Praveena, R. Kalaiselvan, R. Anitha Rajalakshmi |
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3. | Text Extraction and Document Image Binarization Using Sobel Edge Detection
Text Extraction and Document Image Binarization Using Sobel Edge DetectionAbstract: Document image binarization is performed in the preprocessing stage for document analysis and it aims to segment the foreground text from the document background. A fast and accurate document image binarization technique is important for the ensuing document image processing tasks such as optical character recognition (OCR).So the novel document image binarization technique by using adaptive image contrast. The Adaptive Image Contrast is a combination of the local image contrast and the local image gradient. The proposed technique, an adaptive contrast map is first constructed for an input degraded document image. The contrast map is then binarized and combined with Sobel edge detector .The Sobel edge detection algorithm is the one of the most commonly used methods for edge detection. The document text is further segmented by using local threshold estimation based on the intensities and post processing.Key words: Adaptive image contrast, Document analysis, Document image processing, Degraded document image binarization, sobel edge detector. Reference [1] B. Gatos, K. Ntirogiannis, and I. Pratikakis, ÒICDAR 2009 document image binarization contest (DIBCO 2009),Ó in Proc. Int. Conf. Document Anal. Recognit., Jul. 2009, pp. 1375Ð1382. [2] I. Pratikakis, B. Gatos, and K. Ntirogiannis, ÒICDAR 2011 document image binarization contest (DIBCO 2011),Ó in Proc. Int. Conf. Document Anal. Recognit., Sep. 2011, pp. 1506Ð1510. [3] I. Pratikakis, B. Gatos, and K. Ntirogiannis, ÒH-DIBCO 2010 hand-written document image binarization competition,Ó in Proc. Int. Conf. Frontiers Handwrit. Recognit., Nov. 2010, pp. 727Ð732. [4] S. Lu, B. Su, and C. L. Tan, ÒDocument image binarization using back-ground estimation and stroke edges,Ó Int. J. Document Anal. Recognit., vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 303Ð314, Dec. 2010. [5] S. Lu, B. Su, and C. L. Tan, ÒDocument image binarization using back-ground estimation and stroke edges,Ó Int. J. Document Anal. Recognit., vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 303Ð314, Dec. 2010. B. Su, S. Lu, and C. L. Tan, ÒBinarization of historical handwritten document images using local maximum and minimum Þlter,Ó in Proc. Int. Workshop Document Anal. Syst., Jun. 2010, pp. 159Ð166. G. Santhanaprabhu, B. Karthick, P. Srinivasan, R. Vignesh, K. Sureka |
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4. | Corrosion Inhibition by – Phthalic Acid - Zn2+ System
Corrosion Inhibition by – Phthalic Acid - Zn2+ SystemAbstract: The inhibition effect of Phthalic acid(PA) – Zn2+ system controls the corrosion of carbon steel has been studied by weight – loss method. The weight – loss study reveals that the formulation consisting of 60 ppm of Zn2+, 50 ppm of phthalic acid has 82 % inhibition efficiency. Synergistic effect exists between phthalic acid- Zn2+ system. The influence of N-cetyl- N, N, N-trimethylammonium bromide(CTAB) on the PA- Zn2+ system control the microbial corrosion. The value of the separation factor, RL indicated the phthalic acid- Zn2+ system was favorable adsorption. The Adsorption equilibrium exhibited better fit to Langmuir isotherm than Freundlich isotherm. The protective film consists of Fe2+ - Phthalic acid and Zn(OH)2 by FTIR spectroscopy.Key words: Corrosion inhibition efficiency, Phthalic acid, Protective film, adsorption isotherm; Reference [1] K. S. Sudhish, K. S. Ashish, C. M. Lutendo, M. K. Mwadham, and E. E. Eno, Inhibitive effect of azorubine dye on the corrosion of mild steel in hydrochloric acid medium and synergistic iodide additive, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 7, 2012, 5057–5068. [2] M. Ajmal, A. S. Mideen, and M. A. Quraishi, 2-hydrazino-6-methyl-benzothiazole as an effective inhibitor for the corrosion of mild steel in acidic solutions, Corrosion Science, 36(1), 1994, 79–84. [3] A.Y. Musa, A. B. Mohamad, A. A. H. Kadhum, M. S. Takriff, and L. T. Tien, Synergistic effect of potassium iodide with phthalazone on the corrosion inhibition of mild steel in 1.0M HCl, Corrosion Science, 53(11), 2011, 3672–3677. [4] E. E. Ebenso, A. Hailemichael, S. A. Umoren, and I. B. Obot, Inhibition of mild steel corrosion in sulphuric acid using Alizarin yellow GG dye and synergistic iodide additive, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 3, 2008, 1325–1339. [5] H. Baeza, M. Guzmán, P. Ortega, and L. Vera, Corrosion inhibition of copper in 0.5 M hydrochloric acid by 1,3,4-thiadiazole-2,5-dithiol, Journal of the Chilean Chemical Society, 48(3), 2003, 23–26. R. Mohan, S.K. Selvaraj, Sakthivel, A. John Amalraj, J. Wilson Sahayaraj, A. Peter Pascal Regis, C. Rajarathinam, And G. Dhananjayan |
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5. | Real-Time GPS Receiver System Implementation for Providing Location Based Services and SMS Tracking
Real-Time GPS Receiver System Implementation for Providing Location Based Services and SMS TrackingAbstract: This paper describes the design of a real-time GPS receiver system in a very simple and efficient fashion for navigation, tracking and positioning. This system is designed to provide location based parameters in real time like latitude, longitude, altitude, current location name and altitude. The values of these parameters are displayed on a GUI (Graphical User Interface). The system also provides a website application where the values of the parameters on the GUI are displayed in a tabulated form on the website. The parameter values are continuously updated and are displayed on the GUI. The updated parameter values on the GUI are also added to the table in the website. Hence the table shows the real-time parameter values along with the values which were previously displayed on the GUI. An internet based SMS (Short Message Service) application is also developed which will message the real time latitude, longitude, altitude, speed and location name to the user's mobile. The system consists of an antenna which acquires the satellite signals. These signals are given to the GPS receiver. The receiver is provided with a Universal Serial Bus (USB) connector so that it compatible and can be easily connected to a Personal Computer (PC) or laptop. The system software in the PC or laptop is developed in Visual Basic.NET computer programming language. The system is easy to use and provides real-time results in the form of visual displays.Key words: Global Positioning System, Graphical User Interface, Navigation, Positioning, Parameters. Reference [1] M. Kayton, Navigation Systems, in G. R. Spitzer (Ed.), The Avionics Handbook, (Boca-Raton: CRC Press, 2000), 13-1-13-10. [2] G. Hamza, A, Zekry, I. Motawie, Implementation of a Complete GPS Receiver Using Simulink, IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine, 9(4), 2011, 43-51. [3] A. soloview, J. Dickman, N. Grumman, Extending GPS Carrier Availability Indoors with a Deeply Integrated Receiver Architecture, IEEE Wireless Communications, 18(2), 2011, 36-44. [4] L. Xiaoli, L. Jingnan, L. Tao, H. Xi, Design of Software Galileo Receiver for Applications, Management and Technology Forum ,China Communication, 4(6) 2006, 42-49. [5] J. K. Ray, R. A. Nayak, S. Muralikrishna, S. Kiran, K. R. Shashidhara, M. R. Shenoy, HIGH integrity GPS-SBAS Receiver Using Innovative Correlator and Software Approach for Avionics Applications, Proc. 17thInternational Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation, Long Beach, California, 2004, 1539-1545. Pratik K. Gaikwad, Sushant J. Pawar |
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6. | A Steganographic Method Based on Integer Wavelet Transform & Genatic Algorithm
A Steganographic Method Based on Integer Wavelet Transform & Genatic AlgorithmAbstract: The proposed system presents a novel approach of building a secure data hiding technique of steganography using inverse wavelet transform along with Genetic algorithm. The prominent focus of the proposed work is to develop RS-analysis proof design with higest imperceptibility. Optimal Pixal Adjustment process is also adopted to minimize the difference error between the input cover image and the embedded-image and in order to maximize the hiding capacity with low distortions respectively. The analysis is done for mapping function, PSNR, image histogram, and parameter of RS analysis. The simulation results highlights that the proposed security measure basically gives better and optimal results in comparison to prior research work conducted using wavelets and genetic algorithm.Key words: Steganography, Genetic Algotithm, RS-Analysis, Optimal Pixel Adjustment process, PSNR Reference [I] A. Z. Tirket, R.G. Van Schyndel, C. F. Osborne, "A digital watermark," Proceedings ofiCIP, Austin Texas, Vol. II, 1994, pp. 86-90,1994 [2] W. Bender, N. Morimoto, "Techniques for data hiding," IBM Sys. J. 35(3/4) (1996) 313 336. [3] K. L. Chung, C.H. Shen, L. C. Chang, "A novel SVD and VQbased image hiding schem," Pattern Recognition Let. 22(9) 1051- 1058 July 2001. [4] N. Wu and M. Hwang, "Data hiding: current status and key issues," International Journal of Network Security, vol4, No.1, pp. 1-9, Jan. 2007. [5] W. Chen, "A comparative study of information hiding schemes using amplitude, frequency and phase embedding," PhD thesis, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, May 2003 Preeti Arora, Anupam Agarwal, Jyoti |
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7. | Satellite Communications: The Indian Scenario
Satellite Communications: The Indian ScenarioAbstract: India has launched as many as 73 Indian satellites as of today since its first attempt in 1975. Besides serving traditional markets of telephony and broadcasting, satellites are on the frontiers of advanced applications as telemedicine, distance learning, environment monitoring, remote sensing, and so on. Satellite systems are optimized for services such as Internet access, virtual private networks and personal access. Costs have been coming down in recent years to the point where satellite broadband is becoming competitive.This article is an attempt to view this important topic from Indian perspective. India's Project GAGAN, GPS Aided Geo Augmented Navigation is discussed. Key words: Communication satellites, Broadband, ISRO, GSLV, Project GAGAN, Cryogenic engine Dr. Ranjit Singh, FIETE |
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8. | Design of an Ultimate High Speed Electrical Drive System
Design of an Ultimate High Speed Electrical Drive SystemAbstract: New emerging applications in the areas of portable power generation, small turbocompressors and spindles require the development of ultrahigh-speed, low power electrical drives. A 500 000 r/min, 100 W electrical drive system is presented. Because of the ultrahigh-speed requirements, standard machine design and power electronic topology choices no longer apply and the complete drive system has to be considered. A permanent magnet machine with a slotless litz-wire winding is used, which results in a low motor inductance and a high fundamental machine frequency. Three different combinations of power electronic topologies and commutation strategies have been experimentally investigated. A voltage source inverter with block commutation and an additional dc–dc converter is selected as the most optimal choice for the power electronics interface as it results in the lowest volume of the entire drive system due to lower switching losses, no heat sink cooling required, a small number of semiconductor devices, and relatively simple control implementation in a low cost digital signal processor.Index Terms— Electrical drive, high-speed, permanent magnet (PM) machine. Reference [1] M. A. Rahman, A. Chiba, and T. Fukao, ―Super high speed electrical machines—Summary,‖ in Proc. IEEE Power Eng. Soc. General Meeting, Jun. 6–10, 2004, vol. 2, pp. 1272–1275. [2] J. W. Kolar, C. Zwyssig, and S. D. Round, ―Beyond 1 000 000 rpm— Review of research on mega-speed drive systems,‖ in Proc. COBEP, Blumenau, Brazil, Sep. 30–Oct. 4, 2007. [3] S. A. Jacobson and A. H. Epstein, ―An informal survey of power MEMS,‖ in Proc. ISMME, Tsuchiura, Japan, Dec. 1–3, 2003, pp. 513–520. [4] O. Aglén, ―Loss calculation and thermal analysis of a high-speed genera- tor,‖ in Proc. IEEE Int. Elect. Mach. Drives Conf., Jun. 1–4, 2003, vol. 2, pp. 1117–1125. [5] J. Oyama, T. Higuchi, T. Abe, K. Shigematm, X. Yang, and E. Matsuo, ―A trial production of small size ultra-high speed drive system,‖ in Proc. IEMDC, 2003, vol. 1, pp. 31–36. C. Vishnu Kiran, K. Puneeth Kumar, K. Vinutha |
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9. | Optimization of PID Parameter In Control System Tuning With Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm
Optimization of PID Parameter In Control System Tuning With Multi-Objective Genetic AlgorithmAbstract: Way of playing advancement is the out-standing design of the study of PID control and frequently research work has been guided for this aspiration. The Proportional plus Integral plus Derivative (PID), controllers are most sweepingly used in control theory as well as industrial plants owing to their ease of execution and sturdiness way of playing. The aspiration of this deed representation capable and apace tuning approach using Genetic Algorithm (GA) to obtain the optimized criterion of the PID controller so as to acquire the essential appearance designation of the technique below meditation. The make perfect achievement about multiple plants have in relation to the established tuning approach, to consider the ability of intended approach. Mostly, the whole system's performance powerfully depends on the controller's proficiency and thus the tuning technique plays a key part in the system's behavior.Key words: PID controller; Optimization; Genetic Algorithm; Tuning methods; Reference [1] K. J. Astrom and T. Hangglund, "Automatic tuning of PID Controllers," Instrument Society of America, 1988. [2] J. G. Ziegler and N. B. Nichols, "Optimum setting for Automatic Controllers," ASME Trans., vol. 64, pp. 759-768, 1942. [3] Tyreus, B.D. and W.L. Luyben, "Tuning PI controllers for integrator/dead time processes," Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. pp. 2628–2631, 1992. [4] G. H. Cohen and G. A. Coon, "Theoretical investigation of retarded control," ASME Trans., vol. 75, pp. 827-834, 1953. [5] T. Kitamori, "A method of control system design based upon partial knowledge about controlled processes," Trans. SICE Japan, vol. 15, pp. 549- 555, 1979. Md Amanullah, Pratibha Tiwari |
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10. | Solar Panel Mathematical Modeling Using Simulink
Solar Panel Mathematical Modeling Using SimulinkAbstract: For decades, electricity is a key driver of socio-economy development. Nowadays, in the context of competition there is a direct relationship between electricity generation and sustainable development of the country. This paper presents distinct use of a Photovoltaic array offering great potential as source of electricity. The simulation uses One-diode equivalent circuit in order to investigate I-V and P-V characteristics. The GUI model is designed with Simulink block libraries. The goals of proposed model are to perform a systematic analysis, modeling and evaluation of the key subsystems for obtaining Maximum Power Point of a solar cell. Effect of increasing number of cells is described at Standard Test Conditions by mathematical modeling of equations. It is desirable to achieve maximum power output at a minimum cost under various operating conditions.Index Terms— Photovoltaic array, GUI model, Simulink, Maximum Power Point, Standard Test Conditions. Reference [1] Tarak Salmi, Mounir Bouzguenda, Adel Gastli, Ahmed Masmoudi "MATLAB/Simulink Based Modelling Of Solar Photovoltaic Cell", International Journal of Renewable Energy Research Tarak Salmi Et Al., Vol.2, No.2, 2012. [2] Dr.P.Sangameswar Raju, Mr. G. Venkateswarlu, "Simscape Model Of Photovoltaic cell", International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Vol. 2, Issue 5, May 2013. [3] URL http://pveducation.org/pvcdrom/solar-cell-operation. [4] URL http://photovoltaic model in MATLAB/simulink. [5] Savita Nema, R.K.Nema, Gayatri Agnihotri, "Matlab / simulink based study of photovoltaic cells / modules / array and their experimental verification", International Journal of Energy and Environment, Volume 1, Issue 3, 2010 pp.487-500. Chandani Sharma, Anamika Jain |
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11. | Capacitive Touch User Interface and Implementation with Virtual Refrigerator
Capacitive Touch User Interface and Implementation with Virtual RefrigeratorAbstract: The proposed User Interface incorporates 14 Touch keys, including slider and wheeler functionality using self capacitance technology, 24 side throw LED with intensity controlled Fade-IN, Fade-OUT effects, Buzzer chime, Voltage regulator circuit, and communication circuitry for the control board. The major advantage that this User Interface is that the entire assembly is less than 10mm thick including PCB, components, light guide and graphics sticker. In this project the mentioned capacitive touch user Interface is interfaced with a Lab view system simulating a virtual refrigerator capable of responding to the commands from the User Interface.Key words: User Interface, self capacitance, Light guide, Lab view, LED driver, Buzzer, Human Machine Interface (HMI). Reference [1] Stojanovic R, Lekic, N, Mijanovic, Z & Kovacevic, J, "FPGA based capacitive touch pad/interface‟, Electronics and Nanotechnology (ELNANO), 2013 IEEE XXXIII International Scientific Conference [2] Siwei Zhan, Tingcun Wei, Bo Li, Wei Liu, & Qimeng Chen], "A Touch Sensor Controller IC Adopting Differential Measurement for Projected Capacitive Touch Panel Systems‟ 2012 © Chengdu]. doi: 10.1109/CIT.2012.106 [3] Renesas application Note: R01ANxxxxEJ0603 Rev 1 July 6, 2012 [4] STMicroelectronics. Available: http://www.st.com/st-web-ui/static/active/en/resource/technical/document‟/datasheet/DM00039926.pdf [5] Atmel Feb 2009. Available: http://pdf.datasheetarchive.com/indexerfiles/Datasheet-092/DSA0048597.pdf Edathil Telwin George |
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12. | A Survey on Automated Techniques for Brain Tumor Detection
A Survey on Automated Techniques for Brain Tumor DetectionAbstract: Brain tumor detection is difficult and complicated job for radiologist. Manual segmentation of brain tumor is tedious job and may provide inaccurate results. So there is a need of automated technique for accurate brain tumor detection. Different automatic methods have been developed till date to increase the accuracy for tumor diagnosis. This paper reviews research work on computer aided diagnosis (CAD) done by researchers. In review paper different methods of brain tumor detection used uptil now is summarized with merits and demerits of earlier proposed work.Key words: MRI, Segmentation, MLP, Clustering. Reference [1] S. A. Taylor, S. Halligan, D. Burling, M. E. Roddie, L. Honeyfield, J. Mc-Quillan, H. Amin, and J. Dehmeshki, "Computer-assisted reader software versus expert reviewers for polyp detection on CT colonography," IEEE Trans. on Med. Imag ,vol. 186, pp. 696–702, Jan. 2006. [2] S. Halligan, S. A. Taylor, J. Dehmeshki, H. Amin, X. Ye, J. Tsang, and M.E. Roddie, "Computer-assisted detection for CT colonography: External validation," Clin. Radiol., IEEE Int. Symp. Biomed. Image, vol. 61, pp. 758–763, May 2006. [3] F.Liu, C. Duan, K. Yuan, Z. Liang, and S. Bao,"Detectingbladder abnormalities based on inter-layer intensity curve for virtual cystoscopy,"in Proc. MICCAI Workshop: Virtual Colonoscopy Abdominal Image, IEEE Int. Symp. Biomed. Imagvol,pp. 97–103,Mar. 2010. [4] Z. Wu, Z. Shi, G. Zhang, and H. Lu, "Detection of the invasion of bladder tumor into adjacent wall based on textural features extracted from MRI images," in Proc. MICCAI Workshop: Virtual Colonoscopy Abdominal Image, IEEE Int. Symp. Biomed. Imag, vol. 9, pp. 97–103,Jan 2010. [5] P. A. Wingo, T. Tong, and S. Bolden, "Cancer statistics," A. Cancer J.Clin., IEEE Int. Symp. Biomed. Image vol. 45, pp. 8–30, May 1995. Ms. R. J. Deshmukh, Prof. R. S. Khule |
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13. | Design of an Efficient ALU Using Low-Power Dual Mode Logic
Design of an Efficient ALU Using Low-Power Dual Mode LogicAbstract: The dual mode logic is an efficient model, which is starts working in between the static and dynamic mode of operations. Since both of the static and dynamic modes having some disadvantages like speed and power dissipations. In this paper we are going to implement a faster and efficient ALU using the DML mode of logic. A performance valuation of designed DML ALU is done with respect to the ordinary normal ALU. And we are implementing this on CADENCE Platform in 180 nm technology. And for a variation of length and width ratio's (W/L) how the design will work is going to be done.Key words: DML-dual mode logic, ALU - arithmetic and logic unit, CPU – central processing unit, GPU – graphical processing unit, MP – microprocessor. Reference [1] A. Kaizerman , S. Fisher, and A. Fish, "Sub-threshold dual mode logic," IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integer. (VLSI) Syst., vol. 21, no. 5, pp. 979–983, May 2013. [2] I. Levi, O. Bass, A. Kaizerman, A. Belenky, and A. Fish, "High speed dual mode logic carry look ahead adder," in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits Syst., May 2012, pp. 3037–3040. [3] B. H. Calhoun, A. Wang, and A. Chandrakasan, "Modeling and sizing for minimum energy operation in subthreshold circuits,"IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 40, no. 9, pp. 1778–1786, Sep. 2005. [4] Y. Pu, J. P. de Gyvez, H. Corporaal, and Y. Ha, "An ultralowenergy/ frame multi-standard JPEG co-processor in 65 nm CMOS with sub/near-threshold power supply," in IEEE Int. Solid-State Circuits Conf. Dig. Tech. Papers, Feb. 2009, pp. 146–147. [5] M.-H. Chang, C.-Y. Hsieh, M.-W. Chen, and W. Hwang, "Logical effort models with voltage and temperature extensions in super-/near-/subthreshold regions," in Proc. VLSI Design, Autom. Test (VLSI-DAT), Int. Symp., Apr. 2011, pp. 1–4 K. Vinay Kumar, Fazal Noorbasha, B. Shiva Kumar, N. V. Siva Rama Krishna .T |
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14. | Analysis of New Dynamic Comparator for ADC Circuit
Analysis of New Dynamic Comparator for ADC CircuitAbstract: Comparator is the main basic device mostly used in analog to digital converters (ADC). For the better transmission of signals, requirement of fastest analog to digital converters are required. So the new dynamic comparator is replaced in the place of existing comparator of analog to digital converter for the better conversion. This is designed and the performance is evaluated using CADENCE GPDK 180nm technology in LINUX environment. The clock frequency of new ADC circuit is increased from 200MHZ to 250MHZ and voltage is reduced from 1.2v to 0.2v. The power dissipation is decreased from 1.63619mw to 321.032μw for 1-bit ADC and 1.2765mw to 82.346μw for 2-bit ADC.Key words: Analog to digital converter, Dynamic Comparator Reference [1]. Samaneh Babayan Mashhadi and Reza Lotfi "Analysis and Design of a Low Voltage Low Power Double Tail Comparator", IEEE Trans on VLSI systems, vol.22, no.2, pp.343-352, Feb 2014. [2]. S.U.Ay."A sub 1-volt 10 bit supply boosted SAR ADC design in standard CMOS", Analog integrated circuits, vol.66, no.2, pp.213-221, Feb 2011. [3]. S.Babayan-Mashhadi and R. Lotfi, "an offset cancellation technique for comparators using body-voltage trimming" J.analog integr circuits signal process vol.73, no.3, pp.673- 682, dec 2012 [4] A. Mesgarani, M. N. Alam, F. Z. Nelson and S. U. Ay," Supply boosting technique for designing very low voltage mixed signals circuits in standard CMOS", pp.893-896,IEEE,Aug 2010. [5]. B. Goll and H. Zimmermann, "A comparator with reduced delay time in 65 nm CMOS for supply voltages down to 0.65", IEEE Trans, vol.56, no.11, pp.810-814, Nov 2009. B. Shiva Kumar, Fazal Noorbasha, K. Vinay Kumar, N. V. Siva Rama Krishna. T |
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15. | Investigate the Performance of LG 00 Mode in Cost Effective Hybrid Radio over Multimode Transmission System
Investigate the Performance of LG 00 Mode in Cost Effective Hybrid Radio over Multimode Transmission SystemAbstract: Radio over fiber (RoF) technology composed for apprehension of future high performance integrated networks and future broadband networks. Multimode fiber links can offer a convenient approach for low cost and short Radio over Fiber (RoF) systems. This work is based on the cost effective radio over multimode transmission system (Ro-MMF) for long reach transmission. Error free transmission of 10 Gbps data with 10 GHz radio signal over multimode fiber link successfully demonstrated over 40 km. furthermore, The results are represented for Ro-MMF system by using LG (Laguerre-Gaussian) 00 mode. The Performance of LG 00 mode in terms of SNR and Eye diagram investigated in proposed system.Key words: Multimode fiber, Radio over multimode fiber (Ro-MMF), Laguerre-Gaussian (LG) 00 mode, Radio over fiber (RoF). Reference [1]. Zin, A. M., et al. "An overview of radio-over-fiber network technology."Photonics (ICP), 2010 International Conference on. IEEE, 2010. [2]. Yu, Xianbin, Timothy Braidwood Gibbon, and Idelfonso Tafur Monroy. "Bidirectional radio-over-fiber system with phase-modulation downlink and RF oscillator-free uplink using a reflective SOA." Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE 20.24 (2008): 2180-2182. [3]. Yu, Jianjun, et al. "A novel radio-over-fiber configuration using optical phase modulator to generate an optical mm-wave and centralized lightwave for uplink connection." Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE 19.3 (2007): 140-142. [4]. Gasulla, I., and J. Capmany. "Simultaneous baseband and radio over fiber signal transmission over a 5 km MMF link." Microwave photonics, 2008. jointly held with the 2008 asia-pacific microwave photonics conference. mwp/apmp 2008. International topical meeting on. IEEE, 2008. [5]. Visani, Davide, et al. "In-Building Wireless Distribution in Legacy Multimode Fiber With an Improved RoMMF System." Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, IEEE 22.11 (2012): 598-600. Pardeep Kaur, Rajbir Kaur |
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16. | Implementation of Low Power And Propagation Delay Optimized Multiplexers Based Full Adder Cells
Implementation of Low Power And Propagation Delay Optimized Multiplexers Based Full Adder CellsAbstract: Power consumption has emerged as a primary design constraint for integrated circuits (ICs). In the Nanometer technology regime, leakage power has become a major component of total power [1]. Full adder is the basic functional unit of an ALU. The power consumption of a processor is lowered by lowering the power consumption of an ALU, and the power consumption of an ALU can be lowered by lowering the power consumption of Full adder. So the full adder designs with low power characteristics are becoming more popular these days. In this paper we are going to design four different types of Full adder these are applied to 32-bit RCA .The four designs will be developed using Verilog HDL evaluating the performance using Cadence.Key words: adder, Low power, Multiplexer, RCA adder. Reference [1] Sohan Purohit and Martin, "Investigating the Impact of Logic and Circuit Implementation on Full Adder Performance," IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integer. (VLSI) Syst., vol. 20, no. 7, JULY 2012. [2] Abdulkarim Al-Sheraidah, Yingtao Jiang, Yuke Wang, and Edwin Sha, "A Novel Low Power Multiplexer-Based Full Adder," IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integer. (VLSI) Syst., vol. 51, no. 7, JULY 2004. [3] T.Thirumurugan, J.Sathish Kumar, "Energy Efficient Implementation for Arithmetic Application in CMOS Full Adders," International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 57– No.2, November 2012. [4] Mariano Aguirre-Hernandez and Monico Linares-Aranda, "CMOS Full-Adders for Energy-Efficient Arithmetic Applications," ," IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integer. (VLSI) Syst., vol. 19, no. 4, JULY 2011. [5] Vahid Foroutan, Keivan Navi and Majid Haghparast, "A New Low Power Dynamic Full Adder Cell Based on Majority Function," World Applied Sciences Journal 4 (1): 133-141, 2008. J. Mallikarjuna Rao, B. K. V. Prasad, Ch. Jagadish |
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17. | Chloride-Ion Penetrability and Mechanical Analysis of High Strength Concrete with Copper Slag
Chloride-Ion Penetrability and Mechanical Analysis of High Strength Concrete with Copper SlagAbstract: The use of waste materials and industrial by-products in high-strength concrete could increase the sustainability of the construction industry. In this study, the potential of using copper slag as coarse aggregate in high-strength concrete was experimentally investigated. The effects of replacing gravel coarse aggregate by copper slag particles on the compressive strength, chloride ion- migration, water permeability and impact resistance of high-strength concretes were evaluated. Incorporating copper slag coarse particles resulted in a compressive strength increase of about 14 % on average partly due to the low Ca/Si ratio through the interface area of this concrete (more homogenous internal structure) as confirmed by the energy dispersive X-ray micro chemical analysis. It was also found that the copper slag high-strength concrete provided better ductility and had much greater load carrying capacity compared to gravel high-strength concrete under dynamic conditions. Finally, it was observed that in comparison to the high strength concrete with slag, the chloride migration coefficient from non-steady state migration was approximately 30 % greater in the gravel high-strength concrete.Key words: Copper slag; Waste recycling; Sustainable concrete; Chloride-ion penetrability; Mechanical analysis. Reference [1] Huanosta- Gutierrez, T.; Dantas, R.F.; Ramirez-Zamora, R.M.; Esplugas, S. Evaluation of copper slag to catalyze advanced oxidation process for the removal of phenol in water. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2012, 213-214, 325-330. [2] Gorai, B.; Jana, R.K.; Premchand. Characteristics and utilization of copper slag- a review. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 2003, 39, 299-313. [3] Alp, I.; Deveci, H.; Sungun, H. Utilization of flotation wastes of copper as raw material in cement production. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2008,159, 390-395. [4] Sani D., Moriconi, G., Fava, G., Corinaldesi, V. Leaching and mechanical behavior of concrete manufactured with recycled aggregates. Waste Management 2005, 25, 177-182. [5] Tixier, R; Devaguptapu, R; Mobasher, R. The effect of copper slag on the hydration and mechanical properties of cementitious mixtures. Cement and Concrete Research 1997, 27, 1569-1580. Savaş Erdem and Marva Angela Blankson |
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18. | Wavelength Division Multiplexing: An Overview & Recent Developments
Wavelength Division Multiplexing: An Overview & Recent DevelopmentsAbstract: As speed & bandwidth has always been a cause of concern in communication network, WDM emerges as a vital solution to these problems. The problem arises when the demand for bandwidth in a fiber optic network exceeds the current capacity, WDM helps in expanding the capacity of a fiber optic network without requiring additional fiber. The decision problem is to find the most cost-effective combination of WDM equipment and fiber that increases the capacity of the network to a point where all the expected demand can be handled. This paper presents an overview about WDM technology and recent developments in this field and how the overall capacity of the communication network can be incremented using this technology.bandwidth, multiplexing, optical network unit, OCDM, passive optical network.Key words: FACTS system stability, three phase fault. Reference [1] Mukherjee B, "WDM Optical Communication Networks: Progress and Challenges", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, VOL. 18, NO. 10,pp 1810-1824, 2000. [2] Senior J M & Cusworth S D, "Devices for wavelength multiplexing and demultiplexing", Optoelectronics, IEE Proceedings, VOL. 136, NO. 3, pp 183- 202, 1989. [3] Gerd E. Keiser,"A Review of WDM Technology and Applications", Optical Fiber Technology, VOL. 5, pp 3-39, 1999. [4] Bujari S.S., "A survey on simulation of MEMS optical switch for WDM applications", World Journal of Science and Technology, VOL. 2, NO. 10, pp 39-43, 2012. [5] Goldfarb G, Guifang Li, and Michael G. Taylor, "Orthogonal Wavelength-Division Multiplexing Using Coherent Detection", IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, VOL. 19, NO. 24, pp 2015-2017, 2007. Parul |
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19. | Comparative Study of Heat Exchangers Using CFD
Comparative Study of Heat Exchangers Using CFDAbstract: A parallel flow heat exchanger and a corresponding ribbed tube heat exchanger is modeled and numerically analysed using a commercial finite volume CFD package. Pro-E & ANSYS 14.5 softwares are used for the designing and the analysis. CFD predictions of effectiveness of the two heat exchangers are obtained and compared. After selecting the best modeling approach, the sensitivity of the results to particular flow rate is investigated. It is observed that the flow and the temperature fields obtained from CFD simulations provide valuable information about the parts of the heat exchanger design that need improvement. Correlation based approaches may indicate the existence of the weakness but CFD simulations can also pin point the source and the location of it. Using CFD may speed up the design process and may improve the final design.Key words: CFD, Ribbed tubes, k-ε model. Reference [1] H. H. Al-Kayiem, et. al, Feb 2011 "Ribbed double pipe heat exchanger: Analytical analysis" JESTEC, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp.39 - 49 [2] Dr. A. G. Matani ,et. al, April 2013 "Experimental study of heat transfer enhancement in a pipe using twisted tapes and wire coils" IJMET, ISSN 0976 –6340(Print), Volume 4, Issue 2, pp.100-111 [3] Er. R.K. Rajaput, Heat and mass transfer book 5th revised edition (S. Chand & Co., 2013) Melvinraj C R, Vishal Varghese C, Vicky Wilson, Thomas Jerry Thazhatha, Mithun K, Simon J Kakkassery |
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20. | Performance Analysis of Turbo Coded OFDM System
Performance Analysis of Turbo Coded OFDM SystemAbstract: Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) has become a popular modulation method in high speed wireless communication system. By partitioning a wideband fading channel into a flat narrowband channels, OFDM is able to mitigate the detrimental effects of multipath fading using a simple one- tap equalizer. There is a growing need to quickly transmit information wirelessly and accurately.Engineers have already combine techniques such as OFDM suitable for high data rate transmission with forward error correction (FEC) methods over wireless channels. In this thesis, we enhance the system throughput of a working OFDM system by adding turbo codes. The smart use of coding and power allocation in OFDM will be useful to the desired performance at higher data rates. Simulation is to be done over Rayleigh and additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channels. Here we also compare the two different generator polynomials. This project increases the system throughput at the same time maintaining system performance. The performance is improved by convolution coding [1]. Key words: Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing, Turbo codes, Bit error rate Reference [1] M.K. Gupta ,Vishwas Sharma "To improve BER of Turbo coded OFDM channel over noisy channel" in Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology ©2005-2009 JATIT. [2] Ramjee Prasad, "OFDM for Wireless Communications systems", Artech House Publishers, 2004. [3] L. Hanzo, M. Munster, B .J .Choi, T .Keller, "OFDM and MC-CDMA for broadband Multiuser Communications, WLANs and Broadcasting "John Wiley Publishers, 2003. [4] Lou I Ilunga , Research work on " Adaptive, Turbo coded OFDM"© 2005. [5] George White, "Optimised Turbo Codes for Wireless channels". Phd. Thesis communication Research Group Department of Electronics University of York; UK, 10th Oct 2001. Jyoti Chand, Deependra Pandey |
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21. | A High Speed CMOS Current Comparator at Low Input Current
A High Speed CMOS Current Comparator at Low Input CurrentAbstract: Analysis of high speed CMOS current comparator is presented with low input impedance using a simple biasing method. The simulation results from PSPICE demonstrate the propagation delay at low input currents at supply voltages of 1.8v, 2v, 2. 2v and stability analysis using 0.25um CMOS technology. So it is suitable to high speed applications.Key words: Current comparators, propagation delay, positive feedback, signal processing. Reference [1] D.J. Banks, P.degenaar, and C.Toumazou, ―A colour and intensity contrast segmentation algorithm for current mode pixel distributed edge Detection,‖Eurosensors XIX, Barcelona,2005. [2] D.J. Banks, P.Degenaar, and C.Toumazou, ―Distributed Current-mode Image processing Filters,‖ Electronics letters, 41, pp.1201-1202, 2005. [3] H.Hassan, M. Anis, and M. Elmasry, ―MOS current mode circuits: Analysis, Design, and variability,‖ IEEE Transactions on VLSI, Vol. 13, no.8, pp. 885-898, Aug.2005. [4] G.K. Balachandran and P.E. Allen, ―Switched current circuits in digital CMOS technology with low charge-Injection Errors,‖IEEE journal of solid-state circuits,Vol. 37, no. 10 pp. 1271-1281, oct.2002. [5] H.Traff, ―Novel approach to high speed CMOS current comparators,‖ Electron. Lett. Vol.28, no. 3, pp. 310-312, 1992. Jigyasa Singh, Sampath Kumar V. |
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22. | Analysis of Gilbert Multiplier Using Pspice
Analysis of Gilbert Multiplier Using PspiceAbstract: In this paper, the implementation of gilbert multiplier has been done using pspice. In this paper the three analysis of Gilbert Multiplier have been done i.e. DC Analysis, AC Analysis and TRANSIENT analysis with the help of SPICE software. So Spice is a general purpose circuit program that simulates electronic circuits and can perform various analysis of electronic circuits. So with the help of pspice, the analysis of gilbert multiplier has been proposed in this paper.Key words: gilbert multiplier circuit, pspice software Reference [1] Shi-cai qin andrandy l.geiger senior member, ieeE,"A± 5-v cmos Analog Multiplier", IEEE 1987, Department of Electrical Engineering, Texas A&M University, pp.1143-1146 [2] Chandra shekhar, Mr. Ajai gautam, saurabh chitransi," Low Voltage Low Power Gilbert Cell based Multiplier Circuit",International journal of Engineering Research andApllications(IJERA), Vol.1, Issue 1,pp.011-014 [3] Radu Gabriel BOZOMITU, Daniela Ionescu, Vlad Cehan, "Improvement of Gilbert cell's Dynamic Range by Predistortion of input signals, Department of Telecommunications, Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications, "Gh. Asachi" Technical University, pp.41-45. [4] A Low Voltage High Frequency Four Quadrant Analog Multiplier, 2010 International Conference on Mechanical and Electrical Technology (ICMET 2010). [5] Design of Gilbert Cell mixer in .18um CMOS technology and IF filter For FM receiver, IEEE 2009. Mayank Kumar, Prof.K.K.Singh |
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23. | "Instruments for Methane Gas Detection"
"Instruments for Methane Gas Detection"Abstract: This paper gives the explanation of different instruments for detecting methane gas in detail. This paper discusses their working principles. Methane gas detection is essentially required in the areas like in coal mines, power plant, Waste Water Treatment, Boiler Rooms etc. This paper also discusses their roles in various applications.Key words: Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy (TDLAS), synthetic natural gas (SNG), wavelength modulation spectroscopy (WMS), LMLD (LED Methane Leak Detector), Flame Ionization Detector (FID), Gas chromatography (GC), volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Reference [1] Takaya Iseki ―LASERMETHANETM— A Portable Remote Methane Detector‖ R&D Division, Technology Development Dept., Sensing & Controls Center, Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd. [2] A. G. Fabiano and B. D. Green, ―Development of a Remote Methane Leak Detector‖, Proc. of Natural Gas Technologies 2002, Orlando, Transmission and Distribution III – 04(2002) [3] T. Iseki, ―A Poratble Remote Methane Detector Using a Tunable Diode Laser‖, Proc. of Natural Gas Technologies 2002, Orlando, Transmission and Distribution III – 07 (2002) [4] J. Hodgkinson, R. Pride, J. Smith and S. Sutton, ―Glide — A New Portable Gas Leak Detection Instrument‖, Proc. of Natural Gas Technologies 2002, Orlando, Transmission and Distribution III – 08 (2002) [5] W. Zirnig and M. Ulbricht, ―Innovative Technologies Improve Environmental Protection Detection of Gas Leaks By Helicopter-borne Infrared Laser System‖, Proc. of 22nd WGC, Tokyo, TF 4C-07 (2003). Mr. Sibu Thomas, Ms. Nishi Shahnaj Haider |
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24. | Durability of Concrete Using Rice Husk Ash as Cement Substitution Exposed To Acid Rain
Durability of Concrete Using Rice Husk Ash as Cement Substitution Exposed To Acid RainAbstract: The acidity of rainfall in major areas of Indonesia is under neutral pH. Average pH of rainfall is between 3 and 5. Free lime within concrete will react with acid and cause a decrease in the strength of concrete. A means to anticipate the damage is to reduce the content of free lime within concrete. Silicon oxide contained in rice husk ash can react with free lime to form a new compound that is harder and denser. It became the basis for the use of rice husk ash in concrete mixtures. The mixtures were prepared by replacing 5% and 10% of cement with rice husk ash and the results were compared with a reference mix with 100% cement. This paper presents the results of an experimental investigation on the mechanical characteristics of concrete specimens as durability parameters. Then to evaluate the mechanical characteristics, microstructure test was conducted. The lower the mechanical properties of the concrete, the higher the level of gypsum contained within concrete. The percentage of 5% rice husk ash of the cement weight has a lower compressive strength decrease than the 10% rice husk ash. In addition, the proposed durability model is a model of polynomial equation with two variables.Key words: acid rain, binder, durability, microstructure, rice husk ash. Reference [1] BMKG. Tingkat Keasaman (pH) Air Hujan di Indonesia, (http://www.bmkg.go.id/bmkg _pusat/Klimatologi/InformasiKAH.bmkg). 2011. [2] BPS, Sulsel. 2011. Keadaan Padi dan Jagung Juli 2011, (http://sulsel.bps.go.id/index.php?option=co m_content&task=view&id=195&Itemid=32 ).2011. [3] A.L.G. Gastaldini, , G.C. Isaia, A.P. Saciloto, F. Missau, and T.F. Hoppe, Influence of curing time on the chloride penetration resistance of concrete containing rice husk ash: a technical and economicalfeasibility study, Cement & Concrete Composites 32, 2010, 783 – 793. [4] P. Chindaprasirt and S. Rukzon, Strength, porosity and corrosion resistance of ternary blend portland cement, rice husk ash and fly ash mortar, Construction and Building Materials, 22, 2008, 1601 – 1606. [5] G.R. de Sensale, Effect of rice-husk ash on durability of cementitious materials, Cement & Concrete Composites, 32, 2010, 718 – 725. I. A. Ahmad, H. Parung, M.W. Tjaronge, R. Djamaluddin |
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1. | Investigation on CuO Dispersed PVA Polymer Films
Investigation on CuO Dispersed PVA Polymer FilmsAbstract: Addition of inorganic nanoparticles to polymers allows the modification of physical properties of polymers as well as the implementation of new features in polymer matrix. In the present work, we have made an attempt to disperse CuO nanoparticles in the polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and to understand the change in structural, optical and electrical properties of the polymer film. CuO nanoparticles were added in four different concentrations, viz. 2.5, 5.0, 7.5 and 10 wt%. A total of 5 films were prepared (including the pure PVA film, for comparison).The prepared films were subjected to XRD, FESEM, UV-Vis spectral, PL spectral and electrical analyses. The results obtained are reported.Key words: Polymer thin films; Inorganic nanoparticles; Structural properties; Optical properties; Electrical properties Reference [1] J. Pyun, K. Matyjaszewski, Chem. Mater. 13 (2001) 3436-3448. [2] P.W.M Blom, H.F.M Schoo, M.Matters, Appl. Phys. Lett.73 (2003) 6988-6991. [3] M.K. el-Mansy, E.M.Sheha, K.R. Patel and G.D Sharma, Optik 124(13) (2012) 1624–1631. [4] M.H. Makled, E. Sheha, T.S. Shanap, M.K. El-Mansy, J. Adv. Research 4 (2013) 531–538 [5] Chun Lei Wu, Ming Qiu Zhang, Min Zhi Rong, Klaus Friedrich, Composites Science and technology 62 (2002) 1327-1340. R. Divya, M. Meena, C. K. Mahadevan and C. M. Padma |
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2. | Denoising Of Hyperspectral Image
Denoising Of Hyperspectral ImageAbstract: The amount of noise included in a Hyperspectral images limits its application and has a negative impact on Hyperspectral image classification, unmixing, target detection, so on. Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) systems can acquire both spectral and spatial information of ground surface simultaneously and have been used in a variety of applications such as object detection, material identification, land cover classification etc. In Hyperspectral images, because the noise intensity in different bands is different, to better suppress the noise in the high noise intensity bands & preserve the detailed information in the low noise intensity bands, the denoising strength should be adaptively adjusted with noise intensity in different bands. We propose a Hyperspectral image denoising algorithms employing a spectral spatial adaptive total variation (TV) model, in which the spectral noise difference & spatial information differences are both considered in the process of noise reduction. To reduce the computational load in the denoising process, the split Bergman iteration algorithm is employed to optimize the spectral spatial Hyperspectral TV model and accelerate the speed of Hyperspectral image denoising. A number of experiments illustrate that the proposed approach can satisfactorily realize the spectral spatial adaptive mechanism in the denoising process, and superior denoising result are provided.Key words: Hyperspetral images denoising, spaital adaptive, spectral adaptive, spectral spatial adaptive Hyperspectral total variation, split Bregman iteration. Reference L. Zhang and X. Huang, Object-oriented subspace analysis for airborne Hyperspectral remote sensing imagery, Neurocomputing, vol. 73, no. 4–6, pp. 927–936, Jan. 2010. [2] Y. Zhong, L. Zhang, B. Huang, and P. Li, An unsupervised artificial Immune classifier for multi/Hyperspectral remote sensing imagery, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 420–431, Feb. 2006. [3] H. Li and L. Zhang, A hybrid automatic end member extraction algorithm based on a local window, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., vol. 49, no. 11, pp. 4223–4238, Nov. 2011. [4] L. Zhang, K. Wu, Y. Zhong, and P. Li, A new sub-pixel mapping algorithm based on a BP neural network with an observation model, Neurocomputing, vol. 71, no. 10–12, pp. 2046–2054, Jun. 2008. [5] L. Zhang, B. Du, and Y. Zhong, Hybrid detectors based on selective endmembers, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., vol. 48, no. 6, pp. 2633–2646, Jun. 2010. Ashumati Dhuppe, Supriya P. Gaikwad And Prof. Vijay R. Dahake |
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3. | Performance Analysis Of Various Anti-Reset Windup Algorithms For A Flow Process Station
Performance Analysis Of Various Anti-Reset Windup Algorithms For A Flow Process StationAbstract: The study was aimed to develop the various aspects of Anti reset windup or Integral windup and also the different algorithms available to eliminate the phenomenon of windup. Different open loop responses were obtained from a Flow process Station using MATLAB and SIMULINK and VI Microsystems process control software. The open loop responses were evaluated and different system models were generated using the two point method. The system models were found to follow a decreasing order of Gain values and an increasing order of Td and T values. A SIMULINK model was obtained to implement Back calculation combined with Conditional Integration. The models for the system obtained were simulated using the SIMULINK model and a PID controller and the closed loop responses were generated. The closed loop responses using a PID controller with Back calculation and Conditional integration were found to follow the set point as expected.Key words: Anti reset windup, Integral windup, back-calculation, conditional integration, flow process, tracking time constant, PID controller, SIMULINK. Reference [1] Astrom Karl Johan, "Control System Design", Princeton University Press, 2008, ISBN-13:978-0-691-13576-2. [2] Bernstein S. Dennis and Michel N. Anthony, A Chronological Bibliography on Saturating Actuators, "International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control", Vol. 5, Pg. no. 375-380, John Wiley and Sons Ltd., 1995. [3] Bohn. C, and D.P. Atherton, "An analysis package comparing PID anti-windup strategies", IEEE Control Syst. Mag., pp. 34-40, 1995 [4] Dwyer O‟ Aidan, "Handbook of PI and PID Controller Tuning Rules 2nd Edition", Imperial College Press, 2006, ISBN 1-86094-622-4. [5] Markaroglu Hayk, Guzelkaya Mujde, Eksin Ibrahim and Yesil Engin, Tracking Time Adjustment in Back Calculation Anti windup Scheme, Proceedings 20th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation, Wolfgang Borutzky, Alessandra Orsoni, Richard Zobel © ECMS, 2006, ISBN 0-9553018-0-7 / ISBN 0-9553018-1-5. Shaunak Chakrabartty, Dr.I.Thirunavukkarasu And Mukul Kumar Shahi |
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4. | Mitigation of Power Quality problems by UPQC for Renewable Energy Resources using Fuzzy Logic Technique
Mitigation of Power Quality problems by UPQC for Renewable Energy Resources using Fuzzy Logic TechniqueAbstract: The wind energy conversion system Wind Farms (WF) are employ squirrel cage induction generator (SCIG). The injection of wind power into an electric grid causes the power quality problems such as variation of voltage, flicker, harmonics etc, and these are measured according to national/international guidelines. To solve these problems Custom Power Devices (CUPS) are used. This paper has proposed a compensation strategy based on a particular cups device for Unified Power Quality Compensator (UPQC) with an application of PI and Fuzzy Logic Controllers. The proposed strategy controls both active and reactive power in the converters of UPQC. This paper presents the comparison between without UPQC, UPQC with PI controller and UPQC with Fuzzy Logic Controller. By using MATLAB/SIMULINK software the control strategies are designed. The simulation results are shown for comparison of different control strategies and by performing FFT analysis Total Harmonic Distortions (THD) are calculated.Key words: Fuzzy Logic Controller, UPQC, voltage fluctuation, Wind Energy, Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) Reference [1] S.W Mohod, M.V Aware, ―A STATCOM control scheme for grid connected wind energy system for power quality improvement, IEEE System Journal Vol.2, issue 3, pp.346-352, Sept.2010 [2] M.P. P´alsson, K. Uhlen, J.O.G. Tande. ―Large-scale Wind Power Integration and Voltage Stability Limits in Regional Networks‖; IEEE 2002.p.p. 762–769 [3] P. Rosas ―Dynamic influences of wind power on the power system‖. Technical report RISOR-1408. Orsted Institute. March 2003. [4] R.C. Dugan, M.F. McGranahan, S. Santoso, W. Beaty ―Electrical Power Systems Quality‖ 2nd Edition McGraw–Hill, 2002. ISBN 0-07-138622-X [5] P. Kundur ―Power System Stability and Control‖ McGraw-Hill, 1994. ISBN 0-07-035958-X Trif´asicos Baseados na Teoria das Potˆencias Real e Imagin´aria Instant Phaneendra Venkat Gatta, M. Ravi Kumar |
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5. | Human Face, Eye and Iris Detection in Real-Time Using Image Processing
Human Face, Eye and Iris Detection in Real-Time Using Image ProcessingAbstract: Biometric system plays important role in personal recognition. This system includes face recognition, fingerprint, iris recognition, eye recognition etc. iris recognition has been very popular in security system. This paper described the detection of eyes, face and iris in an image sequence. Web camera is used to detect eye region. face region and iris of dynamic image. Blob analysis is used for detect eye region and face region. In this technique RGB values are already sets and also thresholding is applied. Firstly take the snap shot of image then convert YCbCr in to RGB. After that for noise removing used bilateral filter. next step blob analysis is used. Then finally eye and face part detect. next is to detect iris part lively. for that firstly cropped left and right eye of the image. Circular Hough transform is use for detect iris. It‟s working on high resolution as well as low resolution image which show good results.Key words: Biometric system, Blob analysis, circular Hough Transform., face and eye detection, iris detection, Reference [1] J.Wu, Z.H.Zhou, "Efficient face candidate selector for face detection, Pattern Recognition" Volume no. 36, 1175-1186,2003. [2]J .raja.sekar, s.arivazhagan, R. anandmarugan, "Methodology for iris segmentation and recognition using multi- resolution transform", IEEE- IcoAc 2011. [3]R. Wildes, "Iris Recognition: An Emerging Biometrics Technology", Proceeding of the IEEE, vol. 85, no.9 1997. [4] J. Daughman, "New Method In Iris Recognition" , IEEE Transsaction on System, Man and Cybernectics-part , vol. 3 no. 75 2007 [5] D. Chai and K. N. Ngan, "Face segmentation using skin-color map in videophone applications", IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 551-564,june 1999. Dodiya Bhagirathi, Dr. Anu Malhan, Patel Jimmy |
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6. | Text line Segmentation of Curved Document Images
Text line Segmentation of Curved Document ImagesAbstract: Document image analysis has been widely used in historical and heritage studies, education and digital library. Document image analytical techniques are mainly used for improving the human readability and the OCR quality of the document. During the digitization, camera captured images contain warped document due perspective and geometric distortions. The main difficulty is text line detection in the document. Many algorithms had been proposed to address the problem of printed document text line detection, but they failed to extract text lines in curved document. This paper describes a segmentation technique that detects the curled text line in camera captured document images.Key words: Curved document images, Gradient vector flow, Gray scale image, Optical character recognition, Rectification. Reference [1] Shijian Lu, Ben M. Chen , C.C. Ko ,A partition approach for the restoration of camera images of planar and curled document,Conference on Image and Vision Computing , 24, 2006, 837-848. [2] Syed Saqib Bukhari, Faisal Shafait, Thomas.M. Breuel,Coupled snakelets for curled text-line segmentation from warped document images, 10th Int. Conf. on Document Analysis and Recognition, 2011,33-53 [3] Partha Pratim Roy ·, Umapada Pal ·, Josep Lladós,Text line extraction in graphical documents using background and foreground information, International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition,15, 2011, 227-241. [4] Vaibhav, Gavali.Multi-Oriented and Text Line Extraction from documents, International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing, 2,2013, 285-293 [5] G. Louloudis, B. Gatos, I. Pratikakis, K. Halatsis,A Block-Based Hough Transform Mapping for Text Line Detection in Handwritten Documents, science direct Image and Vision Computing . vol. 24, no. 10, Oct. 2010, pp.837-848 Anusree.M, Dhanya.M.Dhanalakshmy |
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7. | Voltage Controlled Oscillator
Voltage Controlled OscillatorAbstract: This paper presents the design of low power Voltage Controlled Oscillator with differential stages. Circuit uses multiple pass loop architecture having primary and secondary (auxiliary feed forward) loops. In delay cell positive feedback is used with cross coupled regenerative PMOS load, due to that power consumption reduces. For best tuning range multiple delay path is used. Measurement shows that Oscillator has linear frequency voltage characteristics. This oscillator operates at 1.8V supply. After circuit designing, 2.17GHz-4.16GHz tuning rang, 2.57 GHz centre frequency with 3mw power consumption is obtained. Further to reduce power consumption of Voltage Controlled Oscillator, drain bulk connected PMOS load is used that works in sub-threshold region. If Bulk drain is connected it shows more linearity. By using Bulk drain connected transistor; Power Consumption reduces up to 165w and frequency is 1.6GHz with tuning range 1.13GHz-2.6GHz.Key words: Low Power, Sub threshold region, Multiple-pass loop architecture, Voltage Controlled Oscillator, Ring Oscillator Reference [1] B. Razavi, "A study of phase noise in CMOS oscillators," IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 31, pp. 331–343, Mar. 1996. [2] .S. Docking, M. Sachdev, "An Analytical Equation for the Oscillation frequency of High-Frequency Ring Oscillators," IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, vol.39, 2004, pp. 533-537. [3]. Y. A. Eken, and J. P. Uyemura, "A 5.9-GHz Voltage-Controlled Ring Oscillator in 0.18 μm CMOS" IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol.39, pp. 230-233, Jan. 2004. [4]. Narasi Reddy, Manisha Pattanaik and S. S. Rajput, "0.4V CMOS based Low Power Voltage Controlled Ring Oscillator for Medical Applications" IEEE TENCON 2008 - 2008 IEEE Region 10 Conference, vol.1, pp1-5, Jan. 2009. [5]. Muker M., "Designing digital subthreshold CMOS circuits using parallel transistor stacks" Electronics Letter, Dept. of Electron., Carleton Univ., Ottawa, ON, Canada March 17 2011. Jyoti Garg, Ashutosh Gupta |
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8. | The effect of activating fluxes in TIG welding by using Anova for SS 321
The effect of activating fluxes in TIG welding by using Anova for SS 321Abstract: Gas tungsten arc welding is fundamental in those industries where it is important to control the weld bead shape and its metallurgical characteristics. However, compared to the other arc welding process, the shallow penetration of the TIG welding restricts its ability to weld thick structures in a single pass (~ 2 mm for stainless steels), thus its productivity is relativity low. This is why there have been several trials to improve the productivity of the TIG welding. The use of activating flux in TIG welding process is one of such attempts. In this study, first, the effect of each TIG welding parameters on the weld's joint strength was shown and then, the optimal parameters were determined using the Taguchi method with L9 (9) orthogonal array. SiO2 and TiO2 oxide powders were used to investigate the effect of activating flux on the TIG weld mechanical properties of 321austenitic stainless steel. The experimental results showed that activating flux aided TIG welding has increased the weld penetration, tending to reduce the width of the weld bead. The SiO2 flux produced the most noticeable effect. Furthermore, the welded joint presented better tensile strength and hardness.Reference [1] VIKESH1, PROF. JAGJIT RANDHAWA2, DR, N. M. SURI3. "EFFECT OF A-TIG WELDING PROCESS PARAMETERS ON PENETRATION IN MILD STEEL PLATES". 3Production & Industrial engineering, PEC University of Technology, Chandigarh. [2] J. NIAGAJ "PECULIARITIES OF A-TIG WELDING OF TITANIUM AND ITS ALLOYS" Volume 57. DOI: 10.2478/v10172-011-0150-5. [3] E. Ahmadi1, A.R. Ebrahimi2, "The effect of activating fluxes on 316L stainless steel weld joint characteristic in TIG welding using the Taguchi method". 1- M.Sc. Student, 2- Associate Professor, Faculty of Material Engineering, Sahand University of Technology, Tabriz, Iran. [4] SyarulAsrafMohamata*, IzatulAiniIbrahima, Amalina Amira, Abdul Ghaliba. "The Effect of Flux Core Arc Welding (FCAW) processes on different parameters". International Symposium on Robotics and Intelligent Sensors 2012 (IRIS 2012). [5] Cheng-HsienKuo 1, Kuang-Hung Tseng 2* and Chang-Pin Chou, " Effect of activated TIG flux on performance of dissimilar welds between mild steel and stainless steel" 1Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu 30010, Taiwan 2Department of Materials Engineering, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Pingtung 91201, Taiwan. Akash.B.Patel, Prof.Satyam.P.Patel |
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9. | Solar Powered Heat Control System for Cars
Solar Powered Heat Control System for CarsAbstract: It takes times for an air-conditioner to effectively start cooling the passenger compartment in the car. So the passenger of the car will feel the heat in the car extremely before the air-conditioner fully cooling the interior of the car. Excessive heat can also damage an automobile's interior as well as personal property kept in the passenger compartment. So, a system to reduce this excessive heat by pumping out hot air and allowing cooler ambient air to enter the car by means of two micro fans was made. Also a cooling chamber was set up around the inlet fan to cool it a little further.Key words: Air conditioner, Cooling Chamber, Micro fans, Solar panel. Reference [1] R. Saidur, H.H. Masjuki, M. Hasanuzzaman. (2009). Performance of an Improved Solar Car Ventilator. International Journal of Mechanical and Materials Engineering (IJMME), Vol. 4, No. 1, pp 24-34, 2009 [2] Jonathan and Grabianowski (2002), How is Interior of Car Parked under Sun Much Hotter than Atmosphere?", AM Jounal- 2002 [3] A. Mezrhab, M. Bouzidi (2004). "Computation of Thermal Comfort Inside a Passenger Car Compartment". Applied Thermal Engineering, 26 (14-15), 1697-1704. [4] Kaynakli, O., Unver, U., Kilic, M. (2002). "Simulation of thermal comfort heating and cooling periods in an automobile compartment". Proceedings of the Automotive Technologies Congress, pp. 127-135, 24-26 June, Bursa, Turkey. [5] M.A. Jasni and F.M. Nasir. (2012). "Experimental Comparison Study of the Passive Methods in Reducing Car Cabin Interior Temperature". Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechanical, Automobile and Robotics Engineering (ICMAR'2012), Dec., Penang, Malaysia. Abin John, Jithin Thomas, Jose S Kattukaran, Relno Baby M, Christy V.Vazhappilly |
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10. | A Critical Path Problem Using Intuitionistic Triangular Fuzzy
A Critical Path Problem Using Intuitionistic Triangular Fuzzy NumberAbstract: Critical path method is a network based method planned for development and organization of complex project in real world application. In this paper, a new methodology has been made to find the critical path in a directed acyclic graph, whose activity time uncertain. The vague parameters in the network are represented by intuitionistic triangular fuzzy numbers, instead of crisp numbers. A new procedure is proposed to find the optimal path, and finally illustrative examples is provided to validate the proposed approach.Key words: Critical path, Graded mean integration representation of intuitionistic triangular fuzzy number, Intuitionistic triangular fuzzy number, Order relation, Ranking of intuitionistic fuzzy number. Reference [1] A.I Slyeptsov, T.A. Tyshchuk, Fuzzy Critical Path Method for Project Network Planning and Control, Cyber net. System Anal. 3 (1997) 158 -170. [2] C.T Chen and S.F. Huang, Applying fuzzy methods for measuring criticality in project network, Information sciences, 177(2007)2448-2458. [3] D. Dubois and H. Prade, Possibility Theory: An Approach to Computerized Processing of Uncertainty, New York: Plenum, 1988. [4] G.S. Liang and T.C.Han, Fuzzy Critical Path for Project Network, Information and Management Sciences, 15, No. 4 (2004), 29-40. [5] Lin, K.C. and Chern, M. S. (1993). The Fuzzy Shortest Path Problem and its Most Vital Arcs, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 58, No. 3, pp. 343-353. P.JAYAGOWRI, G.GEETHARAMANI |
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11. | Technology Demonstration of General Black box Standard for Automobiles (GBSA)
Technology Demonstration of General Black box Standard for Automobiles (GBSA)Abstract: GBSA is an upcoming proposal towards Automobile industry and to the federal governing bodies around the world. Here we are intent to create a disciplinary system to save city sons from accident death and to abolish insurance piracy. The proposal is actually developed from the loss of mankind in society but pulled by technology and humanity facts.Key words: GBSA, General Black box Standard for Automobiles Reference [1] TTL GPS Modem(Online) http://www.rhydolabz.com/wiki/wp-content/uploads/gps/mini_gps_usermanual_a01.pdf [2] GSM Modem(Online) http://www.rhydolabz.com/documents/gps_gsm/sim900_rs232_gsm_modem_opn.pdf [3] CAR Black box (Online) http://www.carblackbox.co.uk/ Kishor R, Sudheer S K, V P Mahadevan Pillai |
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12. | A New Steganography Technique Based on Difference Scheme of RGB Channels and Text Using Histogram Analysis
A New Steganography Technique Based on Difference Scheme of RGB Channels and Text Using Histogram AnalysisAbstract: Steganography is the art of hiding the fact that communication is taking place, by hiding information in other information. The motivation for this work includes provision of protection of information during transmission without any detection of information. We also propose a new technique namely "A New Steganography Technique Based on Difference Scheme of RGB Channels and Text Using Histogram Analysis‟. The proposed technique can encode any colored image files in order to protect confidential text data from unauthorized access. It can be applied to a very small images (24 × 24) as well as large images (1024 × 1024). We use Image quality parameters Peak Signal to Noise Ratio and Mean Square Error. The proposed method has higher PSNR value and lower MSE values. The PSNR value is greater than 50 and MSE value is in fractions.Key words: Steganography, Cryptography, Data Hiding, PSNR, MSE, LSB, Histogram. Reference [1] http://www.appliedtrust.com/resources/security/every-company-needs-tohave-a a-security-program [2] http://www.vtc.com/products/FundamentalsofComputerSecurity/Basic Security Principles Terms I/72584 [3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryptography [4] http://knol.google.com/k/cryptography-and-data-security# [5] W. Stallings, "Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice," Prentice- Hall, New Jersey, 1999. Manoj Kumar Sharma, Noor Mohd, Ratika Sharma |
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13. | Cost Analysis of Different Digital Fir Filter Design Methods
Cost Analysis of Different Digital Fir Filter Design MethodsAbstract: FIR digital filters are widely used in the communication world. The implementation cost of filter circuit is counted by the number of multipliers & adders used, that decides the chip area. In this paper, design techniques of low pass FIR filter using the different windows are presented. The simulation is done in MATLAB. It is shown that filter designed using Hamming and Blackman windows are better than rest of the windows used. Out of two, Hamming window is better as its transition width is narrow, 0.019 than Blackman, 0.034. Further the performance analysis of Kaiser Window, Equiripple and Minimum phase filters was obtained, for same 0.04 transition width. There is a disparity in implementation cost & area. The minimum phase filter can be implemented with lesser number of filter coefficients with tolerable pass-band, stop-band ripples specifications.Key words: FIR Filter, Windows Functions, IIR, Digital Filter, Equiripple Minimum Phase Filter. Reference [1] Saikee Chauhan, Lalita Sharma, Rajesh Mehra, , "Cost analysis of digital FIR filter using different windows techniques,'' International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication, ISSN: 2320-2084 Volume- 1, Issue- 6 Aug-2013.Ding, W. and Marchionini, G. 1997 A Study on Video Browsing Strategies. Technical Report. University of Maryland at College Park. [2] Sonika Gupta, Aman Panghal, "Performance Analysis of FIR Filter Design by Using Rectangular, Hanning and Hamming Windows Methods" International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, Volume 2, Issue 6, June 2012, ISSN: 2277 128X. [3] Chonghua Li "Design and Realization of FIR Digital Filters Based on MATLAB ", IEEE conference, 2010 [4] Abdullah Mohamed Awad "Adaptive Window Method of FIR filter Design" IEEE conference on open system, 2010 [5] Arojit Roychowdhury, "FIR Filter Design Techniques" Electronic Systems Group, EE Dept, IIT Bombay. Amninder Singh, Kulwinder Singh |
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14. | Design and Implementation of Anti Lost Bluetooth Low Energy Mobile Device for Mobile Phone
Design and Implementation of Anti Lost Bluetooth Low Energy Mobile Device for Mobile PhoneAbstract: Today mobile phone like smart phone, tablet are very costly ranging from 300 USD to 600 USD , to avoid them to get forget at any social places, we can have mobile device(gadget) which will warn us (beep)this device is left back .To make commercialize product which will act as mobile phone watchmen, with specification and characteristic like smallest device foot print, comfortable to carry along, ultra low power consumption to increase battery life and to avoid frequent charging, ultra low Sleep currents and efficient performance. As per this specification we will develop a mobile device (gadget) which will connect to mobile phone by Bluetooth connectivity if this gadget will go beyond 4 to 6 meters gadget will beep loud when Bluetooth connectivity breaks.Key words: Bluetooth low energy V4.0, BT Protocol, CC2540. Reference [1] "Bhagwat,p. "Bluetooth: technology for short-range wireless apps", IEEE Volume:5,Issue:3 Digital Object Identifier:10.1109/4236.935183 Publication Year:2001, Page(s):96-103 Cited by: Papers (14) | Patents (5) IEEE JOURNALS & MAGAZINES [2] Bluetooth® Core Technical Specification document, version 4.0 online available at http://www.bluetooth.com/SiteCollectionDocuments/Core_V40.zip [3] CC253x System-on-Chip Solution for 2.4-GHz IEEE 802.15.4 and ZigBee® Applications/CC2540 System-on-Chip Solution for 2.4-GHz Bluetooth low energy Applications [4] CC2540 controller datasheet for 2.4-GHz Bluetooth low energy System-on-chip online available at www.ti.com [5] IAR Embedded workbench software online available at www.iar.com/ew8051. Prajakta S. Chavan, Uttam L. Bombale |
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15. | Emerging Trends in Embedded Processors
Emerging Trends in Embedded ProcessorsAbstract: An Embedded Processors is simply a μProcessors that has been "Embedded" into a device. Embedded systems are important part of human life. For illustration, one cannot visualize life without mobile phones for personal communication. Embedded systems are used in many places like healthcare, automotive, daily life, and in different offices and industries.Embedded Processors develop new research area in the field of hardware designing.Key words: Embedded Processor, ARM, AVR, PIC, processors today Reference [1]. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ARM_archite cture [2]. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PIC_microcon troller [3]. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arduino [4]. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atmel_AVR [5]. www.embeddedcraft.org/ES%20Trends.pd f Gurvinder Singh, AditiTrivedi, Govind Singh, ShwetaKarnik |
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16. | Comparative Analysis of Various Image Fusion Techniques For Biomedical Images: A Review
Comparative Analysis of Various Image Fusion Techniques For Biomedical Images: A ReviewAbstract: Image Fusion is a process of combining the relevant information from a set of images, into a single image, wherein the resultant fused image will be more informative and complete than any of the input images. This paper discusses implementation of DWT technique on different images to make a fused image having more information content. As DWT is the latest technique for image fusion as compared to simple image fusion and pyramid based image fusion, so we are going to implement DWT as the image fusion technique in our paper. Other methods such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA) based fusion, Intensity hue Saturation (IHS) Transform based fusion and high pass filtering methods are also discussed. A new algorithm is proposed using Discrete Wavelet transform and different fusion techniques including pixel averaging, min-max and max-min methods for medical image fusion.Key words: Principal Component Analysis, Image Fusion, Approximation and Detail Coefficients, Multiresolutional Analysis, Pixel Averaging Reference [1] Ping-Cheng Hsieh, and Pi-Cheng Tung, 2009. A novel hybrid approach based on sub-pattern technique and whitened PCA for face recognition [2] Image Fusion using Complex Wavelets, Paul Hill, Nishan Canagarajah and Dave Bull, Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Bristol Bristol, BS5 1UB, UK [3] Image fusion technique using multivariate statistical model for wavelet coefficients, Sanjit Roy · Tamanna Howlader, S. M. Mahbubur Rahman, , Springer, SIViP (2013) 7:355–365 [4] Fast Quantitative Correlation Analysis and Information Deviation Analysis for Evaluating the Performances of Image Fusion Techniques, Qiang Wang, Yi Shen, Member, IEEE, Ye Zhang, and Jian Qiu Zhang, Senior Member, IEEE, IEEE Transactions On Instrumentation And Measurement, Vol. 53, No. 5, October 2004 [5] Multisource Image Fusion Method Using Support Value Transform, Sheng Zheng, Wen-Zhong Shi, Jian Liu, Guang-Xi Zhu, and Jin-Wen Tian, IEEE Transactions On Image Processing, Vol. 16, No. 7, July 2007 Nayera Nahvi, Onkar Chand Sharma |
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17. | Performance Evalution Of Reactive & Proactive Routing Protocols For Vehicular Adhoc–Networks With Varying Speed Of Nodes
titleAbstract: Today the world is moving towards wireless system. Wireless networks are gaining popularity to its peak today, Vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs) are considered to be the special application of infrastructure-less wireless Mobile ad-hoc network (MANET). In VANET networks, vehicles are used as nodes. The main concern for establishment of communication between vehicles is that very high speed as compared to other MANET Technologies as well as the Density in URBAN areas. In this paper Creation of VANET Scenario for NS-2 and then to analyze Different routing protocols with the use of various performance matrices Like Packet Delivery Ratio, End to End delay and Overall Throughput. This work firstly created scenario file for IEEE 802.11p standard which has to be used along with TCL Script than created a TCL script consist of various routing protocols which are AODV and DSR than a particular VANET scenario or topology it consist of 44 movable and static nodes with two ray ground model and various speed of i.e. 20m/sec, 40m/sec & 60m/sec, the total environment size taken is of 2 KM.Key words: VANET, AODV, DSR, Network Simulator-2.35 (NS-2.35) Reference [1] David B. Johnson and David A. Maltz "Dynamic Source Routing in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks" A version of this paper will appear as a chapter in the book Mobile Computing, edited by Tomasz Imielinski and Hank Korth, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996. [2] Christian Lochert, Hannes Hartenstein, Jing Tian, Holger Füßler, Dagmar Hermann and Martin Mauve "A Routing Strategy for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks in City Environments" IEEE Transactions On Vehicular Technology, vol. 59, no.2 february 2010 [3] Schoch, and Ulm Kargl, F.Weber,M. Leinmuller, T. "Communication patterns in VANETs" IEEE Volume: 46 , Issue: 11 Page(s): 119- 125,Dated on Nover 2008. [4] Yan-Bo Wang Dept. of Electr. Eng., Tamkang Univ., Tamsui, Taiwan Tin-Yu Wu, Wei-Tsong Lee, Chih-Heng Ke "A Novel Geographic Routing Strategy over VANET" Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops (WAINA), 2010 IEEE 24th International Conference on Page(s): 873- 879. [5] Suriyapaibonwattana, K. Fac. King Mongkut's, C. Pomavalai, "An Effective Safety Alert Broadcast Algorithm for VANET" Communications and Information Technologies, 2008, ISCIT 2008 pages 247-250. Piyush Chouhan, Shivani Shukla, Manish Sharma |
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18. | Enhancing Route Maintenance in RS-AODV
Enhancing Route Maintenance in RS-AODVAbstract: Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) are temporary formed, infrastructure-less networks. The performance metrics degrades due to the unstable channel conditions, network connectivity, and mobility and resource limitations. To improve different performance metrics, various cross-layering techniques are used where different layers from protocol stack communications with each other via exchange of information. Ad hoc on demand Routing Protocol (AODV) is a well reactive ad hoc routing protocol. We proposed RS-AODV (Route Stability based AODV), a modified version of AODV routing protocol, based on route discovery by utilizing Physical Layer information instead of the minimum hop count approach of the default distance vector algorithm. Our research will also elaborate how the proposed model uses the received Signal Strength (RSSI) to find its route. We will focus on parameters like traffic throughput, response, time, packet loss, delay, link stability, optimal usage of battery resource to increase overall lifetime of a network. And also use novel approach "make before break" that starts finding alternate route when it seems link failure due to mobility of node. Simulation results show that RS-AODV has performance better that AODV routing protocol in terms of the metrics: End-to-End delay, Packet Delivery Ratio, Network Routing Load and number of route repairs.Key words: AODV, Link Failure, MANET, NS2, Route Stability, RSSI. Reference [1] C. E. Perkins and E. M. Royer, "Ad-hoc on-demand distance vector routing," in Proc. IEEE Workshop on Mobile Comp. Sys.and Apps., Feb. 1999, pp. 90-100. [2] M. Veerayya, V. Sharma, "SQ-AODV: A novel energy aware stability-based routing protocol for enhanced QoS in wireless ad-hoc networks", Military Communications conference, 2008, MILCOM '08, IEEE. [3] San-Yuan Wang; Jia-Yu Liu; Chun-Chien Huang; Mao-Yuan Kao; Yi-Ho Li; , "Signal strength-based routing protocol for mobile ad hoc networks," Advanced Information Networking and Applications, 2005. AINA 2005. 19th International Conference on, vol.2, no., pp.17-20, vol.2, 28-30 March, 2005 doi:10.1109/AINA.2005.311. [4] Choi, L.; Sang Hoon Lee; Hyohyun Choi; , "M-MAC: Mobility- Based Link Management Protocol for Mobile Sensor Networks," Future Dependable Distributed Systems, 2009 Software Technologies for , vol., no., pp.210-214, 17-17 March2009doi: 10.1109/STFSSD.2009.47 [5] F.D. Rango, F. Guerriero, "Link Stability and Energy Aware Routing Protocol in Distributed Wireless Networks", IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distributed systems, 2012. Gaurav J. Bhatt, Amit M. Lathigara |
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19. | Face Recognition in Various Illuminations
Face Recognition in Various IlluminationsAbstract: Face Recognition (FR) under various illuminations is very challenging. Normalization technique is useful for removing the dimness and shadow from the facial image which reduces the effect of illumination variations still retaining the necessary information of the face. The robust local feature extractor which is the gray-scale invariant texture called Local Binary Pattern (LBP) is helpful for feature extraction. K-Nearest Neighbor classifier is utilized for the purpose of classification and to match the face images from the database. Experimental results were based on Yale-B database with three different sub categories. The proposed method has been tested to robust face recognition in various illumination conditions. Extensive experiment shows that the proposed system can achieve very encouraging performance in various illumination environments.Key words: Face Recognition, Gamma Correction, Illumination, Dog Filtering, Image Preprocessing, Equalization Of Normalization, Clahe (Contrast-Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization), Log (Laplacian Of Gaussian). Reference [1] Xiaoyang Tan and Bill Triggs, "Enhanced Local Texture Feature Sets for Face Recognition Under Difficult Lighting Conditions", IEEE Trans, on Image Processing, Vol. 19, No.6, June 2010 [2] S. Zeenathunisa, A. Jaya and M.A. Rabbani, "An Integrated Approach Towards Recognizing Face Under Dim Light Conditions", In Proc. of 3rdNational Conf. on Ad. Trends in Computing, pp. 21-23,April 2011 [3] S. Zeenathunisa, A. Jaya and M.A. Rabbani, "A BIOMETRIC APPROACH TOWARDS RECOGNIZING FACE IN VARIOUS DARK ILLUMINATIONS", In Proc. of 3rdNational Conf. on Ad. Trends in Computing, pp. 21-23,April 2011 [4] S.Anila & Dr.N.Devarajan, "An efficient Preprocessing Technique under difficult Lighting Conditions," in Proc. National Conference on Emerging Trends in Computer Communication and Informatics (ETCCI-2011), March 10-11, 2011. [5] Padraig Cunnigham and Sarah Jane Dilany , "k – Nearest Neighbour Classifier", Technical Report UCD-CSI-2007-4, March 2007 Saurabh D. Parmar, Vaishali J. Kalariya |
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20. | Web Application Scanning and Identification of Vulnerabilities for Different Attacks
Web Application Scanning and Identification of Vulnerabilities for Different AttacksAbstract: Now days there are lots of websites present in internet. And providing different services to the client is not only important task for website owner but also protecting their website from different attacks. Now days Identification of vulnerabilities in web application is becoming serious issue. Protecting website by identifying vulnerabilities and taking important attack prevention steps is very much important task.Different vulnerabilities identification is based on different test cases which we have and which we are going to build by use of this tool. Those test cases come from combination of some effective code. SQL injection test case can work with effective database query. And Cross site scripting can works with some java script code or other scripting language code etc.In this tool we are using large collection of different test cases of vulnerabilities for identifying many attacks. Use of large collection of test cases will check all the possibilities of vulnerability and return accurate results. So percentage of accuracy is always better than other tools. We are making this tool more intelligent so it can build some necessary test cases at the time of scanning as per testing condition. Tool implements the technique for the PHP programming language.This paper presents implementation and identification of vulnerabilities in PHP Web applications.The tool detects vulnerabilities in PHP web applications by identifying cross-site scripting, SQL injection and SQL authentication broken, more vulnerabilities. This tool is automated so it has ability to build query as per testing condition. This automated tool will help a lot to deal with available and latest vulnerability for identification. Key words: Cross-Site Scripting (Reflected Cross Site Scripting), SQL Injection, HTTP Banner Disclosure, SQL Broken Authentication. Reference [1] Julian Dolby,Finding Bugs in Web Applications UsingDynamic Test Generation and Explicit-State Model Checking,2010 [2] M. Johns and C. Beyerlein, "SMask: Preventing Injection Attacksin Web Applications by Approximating Automatic Data/Code Separation," Proc. ACM Symp. Applied Computing, 2007. Haridas V.Kanure, Jayesh H.Ambawale, Satish S.Chougale |
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21. | 3g Umts Radio Network Optimsation Using Drive Test and Post Processing Tool
3g Umts Radio Network Optimsation Using Drive Test and Post Processing ToolAbstract: RF performance parameters such as the received signal strength, Throughput, Channel quality indicator (CQI), pilot pollution etc., are defined for the efficient and effective functioning of the RF network. Also we will measure short-call and long-call control tests from the drive testing process. And this project requires us to work on various tools such as JDSU 16.3 Drive test tool, ACTIX Post processing tool. By analyzing the drive test results, the main motive is to identify problems like less throughput, drop calls, handover failures in any Network like BSNL, Hutch etc., service test area and necessitate steps to improve the throughput, reduce call drops and handover failure rate. How to optimize the Node B coverage area successfully is the real challenge. If the optimization is successfully performed, then the QoS, reliability and availability of RF Coverage area will be highly improved resulting in more customers and more profits to the mobile telecom service providers.Key words: MS, TRX, BTS, BSC, MSC, OMCR, CSSR, CDR, HSR, TCH, KPI, CGI and QoS. Reference [1] Fundamentals of wireless communication [electronic resource] / DavidTse and Pramod Viswanath. Tse, David. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2005 (Norwood, Mass. : Books24x7.com [2] ITU-T recommendation G.1000 (2001), Communication quality ofService: A framework and definition. [3] Jens Zander." Radio resource management for Wireless Networks‟. Artech House Inc., [4] S. Kyriazakos, G. Karetsos, E. Gkroustiotis, C. Kechagias, P. Fournogerakis "Congestion Study and Resource Management inCellular Networks of present and Future Generation", IST MobileSummit 2001, Barcelona, Spain, 9-12 September 2001. [5] Kechagias, S. Papaoulakis, N. Nikitopoulos, D. Karambalis: "A Comprehensive Study on Performance Evaluation of OperationalGSM and GPRS Systems under Varying Traffic Conditions". ISTMobile and Wireless telecommunications Summit, 2002, Greece. K. Sandeep Rajeev, R. Sudheer Babu and Naresh |
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22. | Novel Design of Star-Shaped Fractal Slot Antenna for Wlan and X-Band Applications
Novel Design of Star-Shaped Fractal Slot Antenna for Wlan and X-Band ApplicationsAbstract: A wideband triangular microstrip antenna is proposed for wireless applications. The antenna has been modified into a star-shaped patch whose impedance bandwidth increases by using the fractal configuration. The design procedure is presented and characteristics of the antenna are analyzed. A 50-ohm Microstrip line is used to excite the star-shaped patch. The measured results demonstrate that the structure exhibits a wide impedance bandwidth of 56.67% ranging from 4.8 GHz to 7.1 GHz, which covers WLAN and X-band applications. Within the band, stable radiation characteristics are observed. The designed antenna has a gain ranging from 6.33dBi to 10.02dBi in impedance bandwidth range. The antenna has been simulated using HFSS'13.Reference [1] Girish Kumar, K. P. Ray, Broadband Microstrip Antennas, (Artech House Inc., 2003), pp. 1-21 . [2] Balanis, C.A., "Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design, Chapter- Microstrip Antennas", John Wiley and Sons, INC, Singapore,2002 [3] Anessh Kumar, A Modified Fractal Antenna for Multiband Applications, IEEE International Conference on Communication Control and Computing Technologies, pp. 47-51, Oct. 2010. [4] Chakkrit Kamtongdee and Nantakan Wongkasem (2009),"A Novel Design of Compact 2.4 GHz Microstrip Antennas", IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag, vol. 56, no. 12. [5] Abd M.F, Ja'afar A.S. & Abdul Aziz M.Z.A (2007), "Sierpinski Carpet Fractal Antenna", Proceedings of the 2007 Asia-Pacific conference on applied electromagnetic, Melaka. Sakshi Bansal, Devesh Kumar, Arun Kumar Singh |
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23. | Novel Architecture of 17 Bit Address RISC CPU with Pipelining Technique Using Xilinx in VLSI Technology
Novel Architecture of 17 Bit Address RISC CPU with Pipelining Technique Using Xilinx in VLSI TechnologyAbstract: This paper describes the design of a 17 bit 4 stage pipelined Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) processor using Verilog HDL in Xilinx. The processor implements the Harvard memory architecture, so the instruction and data memory spaces are both physically and logically separate. There is 5 bit opcode with totally 23 set of instructions. The CPU designed by using the pipelining and it will increase speed of processor with CPI=1. The pipeline stages such as fetch, decode, execute and store are used. The RISC processor architecture presented in this paper is designed by using Registers, arithmetic and logical unit, Memory with pipeline techniques. Memory access is done only by using Load and Store instructions.Key words: RISC features, Pipelining, ALU, Memory, Load and Store Reference [1] R. Uma, "Design and Performance Analysis of 8-bit RISC Processor using Xilinx Tool", International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), Vol. 2, Issue 2, Mar-Apr 2012, pp.053-058 [2] Galani Tina G., Riya Saini and R.D.Daruwala, "Design and Implementation of 32 – bit RISC Processor using Xilinx" International Journal of Emerging Trends in Electrical and Electronics (IJETEE ), Vol. 5, Issue. 1, July-2013. [3] Galani Tina R.D.Daruwala, February 2013, " Performance Improvement of MIPS Architecture by Adding New Features" Tina et al., International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering 3(2), February - 2013, pp. 1-6 [4] Samiappa Sakthikumaran,S.Salivahanan and V.S.Kaanchana Bhaaskaran , "16-Bit RISC Processor Design For Convolution Application", IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends In Information Technology, pp.394-397, June 2011. [5] Rohit Sharma, Vivek Kumar Sehgal, Nitin Nitin1, Pranav Bhasker, Ishita Verma , 2009, "Design And Implementation Of 64-Bit RISC Processor Using VHDL", UKSim : 11th International Conference on Computer Modeling And Simulation, pp. 568 – 573. Rakesh M. R, Ajeya B, Mohan A.R |
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24. | A Review Paper on Route Maintenance in Stability Based Energy Aware Routing Protocol In MANET
A Review Paper on Route Maintenance in Stability Based Energy Aware Routing Protocol In MANETAbstract: Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) are temporary formed, infrastructure-less networks. Due to the mobility in nature of mobile nodes, limited battery, congestion, as well as noise, the problem of link failure causes. The performance metrics degrades due to the unstable channel conditions, network connectivity, and mobility and resource limitations. The goal of this paper is to review papers that finds most reliable and energy aware route that is impervious to failures by topological changes by mobile node mobility or lack of energy and various route maintenance approaches in order to establish stable, long lasting route and reduce link failure and packet drops. Make before break mechanism used to achieve route maintenance that predicts link failure before it actually breaks and find alternate route towards destination to avoid unpredictable link failure. Performance increases by considering various parameters like signal strength, energy of node, congestion, noise instead of the minimum hop count approach of the default distance vector algorithm.Key words: AODV, Energy, MANET, Stable Route, Routing Protocols. Reference [1] C. E. Perkins and E. M. Royer, "Ad-hoc on-demand distance vector routing," in Proc. IEEE Workshop on Mobile Comp. Sys.and Apps., Feb. 1999, pp. 90-100. [2] B.S. Manoj, R. Ananthapadmanabha and C. Siva Ram Murthy, "Link life Based Routing Protocol for Ad hoc Wireless Networks", Proc. IEEE Conf. on Computer Communications, pp. 573–576, Oct. 2001. [3] Qin, L., and Kunz, T. (2002). "Increasing packet delivery ratio in DSR by link prediction". HICSS 03. IEEE. 2002. Hawaii. [4] Goff, T., Abu-Ghazaleh, N., Phatak, D., and Kahvecioglu, R. (2003). "Preemptive routing in ad hoc networks", Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. 63 (2003), 123-140. [5] N. Wang and J. Chen, "A Stable On-Demand Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks withWeight-Based Strategy," IEEE PDCAT'06, pp. 166–169, Dec. 2006. Gaurav J. Bhatt, Amit M. Lathigara |
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25. | Optical and Dielectric Properties of Cr3+ & Cu2+:P2O5-ZnO-LiF Glasses Optical and Dielectric Properties of Cr3+ & Cu2+:P2O5-ZnO-LiF
Abstract: The present paper reports on the results concerning structural, thermal, optical (absorption & emission),
dielectric and ac conductivity properties of host glass in the chemical composition of 50P2O5-30ZnO-20LiF
(PZL), and two different transition metal ions doped glasses such as (0.5 mol%) Cr3+:49.5P2O5-30ZnO-20LiF
and (0.5 mol%) Cu2+:49.5P2O5-30ZnO-20LiF glasses have successfully been prepared by a melt quenching
technique. Thermal analysis has been carried out on the host (PZL) precursor chemical mix in evaluating weight
loss from its TG profile and glass transition temperature (Tg) and crystalline temperature (Tc) from its DTA
profile. The presence of Cr3+ and Cu2+ has been confirmed from their EDX profiles and absorption spectra.
From the absorption spectrum of Cr3+: PZL glass, a couple of bands at 460 nm (4A2g (F) 4T1g (F)) and 664 nm
(4A2g (F) 4T2g (F)) have been displayed where as a broad absorption band at 824 nm (2B1g → 2B2g) is
observed from Cu2+: PZL optical glass. The nature of local symmetry and structural information of the
neighboring atoms of dopant ions (Cr3+& Cu2+) in the host matrix have been understood by evaluating the
crystal field strength (Dq) and Racah (B & C) parameters. The emission spectrum of Cr3+: PZL glass exhibits
emissions at 442 nm, 490 nm, 590 nm and 650 nm with an excitation at λexci = 368 nm. While in case of Cu2+:
PZL glass, three emission bands are located at 436 nm, 542 nm and 652 nm with an excitation at λexci = 312 nm
have been observed. The frequency dependence of ac conductivity (a.c) and dielectric parameters (' and tan)
in the frequency range 1 Hz to 1MHz at room temperature for these glasses has been studied. The low frequency
dispersion in the profiles of dielectric constant and loss tangent would be resulting in because of space charge
polarization effect at the electrode-electrolyte interface and it is also noticed that a.c increases in accordance
with frequency change. |
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Version 6 | |||
1. | BER Performance of a Vector Antenna Array versus a Uniform Linear In a Multipath Fading Channel
BER Performance of a Vector Antenna Array versus a Uniform Linear In a Multipath Fading ChannelAbstract: In multipath environments, the transmitted signal polarization is affected by channel fading which results in a multipath polarized signal component on the receiver side. These receivers usually employ single polarized uniform linear antenna array (ULA) which measure one component of the received electromagnetic (EM) signal. In rich scattering environments, however, it may be possible to improve the performance by using "vector antennas", as they can detect up to six independent components of the EM field. In this paper, we consider the advantage of vector antenna (VA) over uniform linear array (ULA) receiver for code-division multiple-access (CDMA) signals in a multiuser environment. We consider a closed loop power control (CLPC) for a beamformer-RAKE receiver for wireless CDMA multiuser system. The performance enhancement in Bit Error Rate (BER) is investigated for matched-filter receivers using various VA's and ULA for a fading multipath channel. Analysis, theoretical curves, and simulations of VA and ULA receivers suggest that VA can better exploit multipath and therefore significantly improve the diversity gain and bit-error-rate performance of CDMA signals in the presence of a frequency selective rich multipath channel.Key words: code-division multiple-access , multipath channels, polarization diversity , receiver diversity , power control. Reference [1] A. F. Naguib and A. Paularj, "Performanceof CDMA cellular networks with base-station antenna arrays, " Proc. International Zurich Seminar on Digital Communications, pp. 87-100, Zurich,Switzerland, March 1994. [2] N. S. Correal and B. D. Woerner, "Evaluation of dual spatial and polarization diversity reception for DS-CDMA multiuser detection ," Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Universal Personal Communications, vol. 2, pp. 789-793, Oct. 1998. [3] M. R. Andrews, P. P. Mitra, and R. deCarvalho, "Tripling the capacity of wireless communications using electromagnetic polarization," Nature, vol. 409,pp. 316-318, 2001. [4] A. Konanur, K. Gosalia, S. Krishnamurthy, B. L. Hughes, and G. Lazzi, "Investigation of the performance of co-polarized, co-located electric and magnetic dipoles for increasing channel capacity," Proc. of IEEE AP-S Int. Conf., vol. 2,pp. 531-534, June 2003. [5] A. S. Konanur, K. Gosalia, S. H. Krishnamurthy, B.L. Hughes, and G. Lazzi, Increasing wireless channel capacity through MIMO systems employing co-located antennas, IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., vol. 53, no. 6, pp. 721729, Jun. 2005. Mahmud Al-Naser, Nizar J Ahmad, Salem Salamah |
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2. | Design and Verification of Advanced Carry Select Adder
Design and Verification of Advanced Carry Select AdderAbstract: Design ofareaefficient data pathlogicsystems formsthelargestareasofresearch inVLSIsystem design.Indigital adders, thespeed of addition islimitedbythetimerequired totransmit a carrythroughtheadder.CarrySelectAdder (CSA) isoneofthefastestadders usedinmanydata-processingprocessorstoperform fastarithmetic functions. Fromthestructure oftheCSA,itisclear thatthereisscopeforreducing thearea and powerintheCSA. This work usesasimpleandefficient gate-level modification todrasticallyreducetheareaandpower oftheCSA.Basedonthismodification 16,32,64 and128-bitsquare-root CSA(SQRT CSA) architectureshavebeendevelopedandcomparedwith theregularSQRTCSAarchitecture. Theproposed designhasreducedarea and powerascompared withtheregular SQRTCSA.Thisworkestimates theperformanceof theproposed designsintermsofpower,areaand isimplementedusingXilinxISE and synthesized using cadence in 90nm technology.Key words: CarrySelectAdder,Area, Power, SQRT. Reference [1] B.Ram KumarandHarish M Kittur"LowPower and Area-EfficientCarrySelectAdder"IEEETransaction 1063-8210 2011 IEEE [2] Bedrij, O.J., (1962), "Carry-selectadder,"IRETrans.Electron. Comput., pp.340–344. [3] Ceiang, T.Y.andHsiao, M.J.,(Oct1998),"Carry-selectadder using singleripplecarryadder,"Electron.Lett.,vol.34no.22,pp.2101–2103 [4] He, Y., Chang, C.H.andGu, J.,(2005),"AnAreaefficient64-bit square rootcarry-selectadderforlow power application," inProc.IEEE Int.Symp.CircuitsSyst.vol. 4,pp. 4082–4085. [5] RamKumar, B.,Kittur,H.M.andKannan, P. M.,(2010),"ASIC implementationofmodifiedfastercarry saveadder, Eur.J.Sci.Res"vol. 42, no.1, pp.53–58. Guru Dixit Chepuri, Murali Krishna M, J.Beatrice Seventline |
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3. | Manufacturing Computer Aided Process Planning For Rotational Parts. Part 1: Automatic Feature Recognition From STEP AP203 Ed2
Manufacturing Computer Aided Process Planning For Rotational Parts. Part 1: Automatic Feature Recognition From STEP AP203 Ed2Abstract: In response to the urgent need to reduce the cost of manufacturing components, various CAD, CAPP, CAM systems have been designed to automate every step involved in the life cycle of a product. One of most difficult steps is to generate automatic process plans. This task is impossible unless that a link between CAD and CAPP is established. Thus, the implementation of a feature recognition module in CAPP systems is primordial. Research in feature recognition has received significant attention, however, the majority of feature recognition systems for rotational parts treat isolated features. This paper presents, a new system of recognizing both isolated and interacting features for rotational parts taking STEP AP203 Ed2 as an input to the system. The methodology works in three main phases. The first phase addresses extraction of geometric and topological information from STEP file. The second phase consists of analyzing the extracted geometric and topological data to recognize turning features. The third phase takes the recognized features as input to generate all possible combinations of interacting features. An illustrative example is presented to test and validate the method.Key words: CAD/CAM, CAPP, Manufacturing Feature Recognition, STEP format, turning process Reference [1] S. Sivakumar, V. Dhanalakshmi, A feature-based system for CAD/CAM integration through STEP file for cylindrical parts, Indian Journal of Engineering & Material Sciences, vol. 20, February 2013, pp. 21-26. [2] D. Sreeramulu, C.S.P.Rao, A new methodology for recognizing features inrotational parts using STEP data exchange standard, International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, Vol. 3, No. 6, 2011, pp. 102-115. [3] V. N. Malleswari, Dr. P. M.Valli, Dr. M. M. M. Sarcar, Automatic Recognition of Machining Features using STEP Files, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), ISSN: 2278-0181, Vol. 2 Issue 3, March – 2013. [4] M. Kanga, J. Han, J.G. Moon, An approach for interlinking design and process planning, Journal of Materials Processing Technology 139 (2003) 589–595. [5] STEP Application Protocol (AP) 203 editions 1 & 2, Configuration Controlled 3D Designs of Mechanical Parts and Assemblies, ISO10303 1994, (2007) & (2009). |
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4. | A Wideband Single Fed L Slot Circularly Polarized Antenna
A Wideband Single Fed L Slot Circularly Polarized AntennaAbstract: A single-fed circularly polarized (CP) patch antenna is designed and built using L-slot loaded patch technique. The antenna is designed on a high dielectric constant (εr = 10.02) substrate which achieves a reasonable bandwidth and axial ratio bandwidth with respect to a U slot antenna. At the operating frequency of 1.575 GHz with the size of the patch is 25mm X 25mm, while ground plane of 60mm X 60mm and the thickness of the substrate is 9.12mm. Bandwidth is enhanced to 18.42% and Axial Ratio Bandwidth by 4% by this design. The other Parameters of antenna like return loss and radiation pattern are also analyzed using HFSS software.Key words: Circularly polarized (CP), patch antenna, L-slot Reference [1] Takashi Yanagi, Yasuhiro Nishioka, Masataka Ohtsuka, and Shigeru Makino, ―Basic Study on WidebandMicrostripPatchAntenna Incorporating Matching-Stubs onto Patch Conductor‖IEEE,PP.885-888,07/2007. [2] Xiaoye Sun, Zhijun Zhang, Zhenghe Feng, ―Dual-Band Circularly Polarized Stacked Annular-Ring Patch Antenna for GPS Application‖, IEEE Antennas And Wireless Propagation 49-52 Letters, VOL. 10,pp 2011 [3] Can-Hui Chen and E. K. N. Yung ―A Novel Unidirectional Dual-Band Circularly-Polarized Patch Antenna‖, IEEE Transactions On Antennas And Propagation, Vol. 59, NO. 8,pp,3052-3057, August 2011 [4] Zarreen Aijaz1& S.C. Shrivastava, ―Effect of the Different Shapes: Aperture Coupled Microstrip Slot Antenna‖ International Journal of Electronics Engineering, 2(1), pp. 103-105,2010. [5] D. D. Sandu, O. Avadanei, A. Ioachim, G. Banciu, P. Gasner, ―Microstrip Patch Antenna With Dielectric Substrate‖,Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials Vol. 5, No. 5, pp. 1381 – 1387, 2003 Nisha,Meenakshi saini,Ms. Susila chahar |
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5. | Performance Analysis of Broadband Jammer for BPSK System Using Maximal Sequences
Performance Analysis of Broadband Jammer for BPSK System Using Maximal SequencesAbstract: Spread spectrum modulation techniques ensure protection against externally generated interfering signals i.e. signals generated from jammers, developed initially for military applications. This protection against jamming waveforms is achieved by forcing the information signal to occupy bandwidth many times greater than the signal bandwidth, this makes the transmitted signal to appear as noise, making impossible to detect for unintended user, listening to the channel [1]. Broadband-jammer is relatively low-level noise jammer since its power is spreaded in entire signal bandwidth. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the Bit Error Rate performance of maximal sequences as spreading codes in presence of broadband jammer for binary phase shift keying modulation under additive white Gaussian channel conditions. The effect of the broadband jammer i.e. BER versus SNR is shown using graphical approach using MATLAB®.Key words: AWGN (Additive White Gaussian Noise), BER, BPSK, Processing Gain, SNR. Reference [1] Simon Haykin,"communication systems", Wiley student, 4th edition, 200.1 [2] Michel Moher, Simon Haykin,"Modern wireless communications", 1st edition Pearson publications. [3] K.D.Prasad, "Antenna and wave propagation", 3rd edition, tech India publications. [4] Bernard Sklar, Digital Communications. Prentice-Hall, 1988. [5] Rappaport, "Wireless Communications Principles and Practice", Prentice, 2nd edition, hall, 2002. M Dileep Reddy, G Yateesh, C Penchalaiah, K Ravi Narayana, T S Mahammed Basha |
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6. | ARM Soc Based Enotebook
ARM Soc Based EnotebookAbstract: In recent years, electronic media has grown very fast replacing papers, tape devices, books, etc. The new technologies provide large number of data into single device, fast searching options and more readability than ever. As eBooks are replacing books; we are proposing ENotebook system in which user can write as he did in notebook, save, searches and then reread content. This paper presents design and development of ENotebook using ARM7. The system uses touch screen to get input data and operations like save, delete, open & close of data file. All data sensed by touch screen is digitized by internal ADCs of LPC2148 microcontroller which gives low power platform with fast execution. The output is shown on graphical LCD. Whatever user writes on screen it may need to save for future use. The content of such hand written data will be in graphical/pictorial form hence required large of memory for storage. We can provide external memory using pen drive, memory card, EEPROM etc. in this system we are using SD card interfacing through SPI port.Key words: ARM7, Graphical LCD LPC 2148, SD Cards ,Touch Screen. Reference [1] Peter Corcoran (21 October 2011). ―A Bitter Pill or a Better Tablet? A historical perspective on tablet computers‖ Available: http://theinstitute.ieee.org/technology-focus/technology-history/a-bitter-pill-or-a-better-tablet [2] Kot, Chelsea (July 11, 2011). "A Brief History of Tablets and Tablet Cases". Tablets2Cases. [3] Viken, Alexander (April 10, 2009). "The History of Personal Digital Assistants 1980 – 2000". [4] "History of the HP 95LX computer". HP Virtual Museum. Hewlett-Packard. Retrieved February 18, 2011. Available:http://www.hp.com/hpinfo/abouthp/histnfacts/museum/personalsystems/0025/0025history.html [5] Andrew Smith, Faithe Wempen (2011). ―CompTIA Strata Study Guide‖. John Wiley & Sons. p. 140. ISBN 978-0-470-97742-2. Pranita C Bawankar, Prof. U. A. Rane |
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7. | Optimization of Turning Parameters Using Taguchi Technique for MRR and Surface Roughness of Hardened AISI 52100 Steel
Optimization of Turning Parameters Using Taguchi Technique for MRR and Surface Roughness of Hardened AISI 52100 SteelAbstract: In this paper, Taguchi technique is used to find optimum process parameters for turning of hardened AISI 52100 steel under dry cutting conditions. A L9 orthogonal array, signal-to-noise(S/N) ratio and analysis of variances (ANOVA) are applied with the help of Minitab.v.16.2.0 software to study performance characteristics of Machining parameters namely cutting speed, feed rate and depth of cut with consideration of Material Removal Rate (MRR) and surface roughness. The results obtained from the experiments are changed into signal-to-noise ratio(S/N) ratio and used to optimize the value of MRR and surface roughness. The ANOVA is performed to identify the importance of parameters. The final results of experimental study are presented in this paper. The conclusions arrived at are significantly discussed at the end.Key words: ANOVA, Hardened, MRR, Surface roughness, Taguchi technique Reference [1] Grzesik, W., Wanat, T. Surface finish generated in hard turning of quenched alloy steel parts using conventional and wiper ceramic inserts, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, vol. 46, 2006,1988-1995. [2] Siler, H.R., Vila, C., Rodríguez, C.A., Abellán, J.V. (2009). Study of face milling of hardened AISI d3 steel with a special design of carbide tools, Int J. Adv. Manuf. Technol., vol. 40, 12-25. [3] Tonshoff HK,Wobker HG,Brandt D. Tool wear and surface integrity in hard turning,ProductionEngineering, 3(1),1996,19-24. [4] Ali Riza Motorcu The Optimization of Machining Parameters Using the Taguchi Method for Surface Roughness of AISI 8660 Hardened Alloy Steel,Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2010, 391-401 [5] Tonshoff HK,Wobker HG,Brandt D. Hard-turning-Influence on the workpiece properties,Trans NAMRI/SME, 1995,215-220. Vijaykumar H.K, Aboobaker Siddiq and Muhammed Sinan |
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8. | Cartoonization Using LBG And KPE Vector Quantization
Cartoonization Using LBG And KPE Vector QuantizationAbstract: In this paper we introduce a non photorealistic rendering technique that can automatically deliver a cartoon effect stylization of a photograph. The method proposed generates a cartoonized image by using vector quantization and line extraction algorithms. Image cartoonization is achieved by applying LBG (LindeBuzo Gray) and KPE (Kekre's Proportionate Error) vector quantization algorithms along with gradient edge detection method. Our method is simple and easy to implement. Experimental results are presented to show the effectiveness of our method.Key words: Cartoon effect, color space conversion, line drawing, non-photorealistic rendering, vector quantization Reference [1] HolgerWinnemoller, Seven C Oslen and Bruce Gooch, Real time video abstraction, Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH'06, pp. 1221-1226, 2006. [2] Richard Hong, Xiao-Tong Yuan, Shuicheng Yan and Tat Seng Chua, Movie2Comic: Towards lively video content presentation. IEEE trans. Multimedia 14(3), 2014. [3] Saito,Tand Takahashi.T, Comprehensible rendering of 3D shapes, Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH'90, pp. 197-206, 1990. [4] Santella.A and DeCarlo.D, Visual Interest and NPR: an evaluation manifesto, Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH'06, pp. 1221-1226, 2006. [5] Hertzmann.A, Paint by relaxation, Computer Graphics Internat.2001, 47-54. Dr. Archana B. Patankar, Ms. Purnima Tawde |
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9. | Broadband Electromagnetic Gap-Coupled Assembly of Patches Forming Trapezoidal Microstrip Antenna for S-Band Application
Broadband Electromagnetic Gap-Coupled Assembly of Patches Forming Trapezoidal Microstrip Antenna for S-Band ApplicationAbstract: In this paper our aim is to design an Electromagnetic Gap Coupled Trapezoidal Shaped Microstrip Patch Antenna [GCTSMPA] which is suitable for Microwave S-band applications. This antenna offers much improved impedance bandwidth 20%. The proposed antenna has achieved a suitable gain of 3.90 dBi and 0.99 dBi at resonating frequencies 3.59GHz and 4.10 GHz respectively. Other antenna parameters such as antenna input impedance, the Voltage Standing wave ratio (VSWR), Return Loss, Gain and Bandwidth are simulated for the proposed antenna. Antenna geometry and other simulated results are also presented in a tabular form. The antenna designed on glass epoxy FR-4 dielectric substrate, that has a dielectric constant 4.4, a Loss tangent 0.025 and thickness of the dielectric substrate h=1.6mm.Key words: Electromagnetic gap-coupled, S-Band, GCTSMPA, Loss tangent, FR4 Substrate Reference [1] K. F. Lee, Ed., Advances in microstrip and printed antenna, john Wiley, 1997. [2] D. M. Pozer and D.H. Schanbert, microstrip antenna; The analyses and microstrip antennas and arrays, IEEE press, 1995. [3] Chen, W-L. And G-M Wang small size edge –fed sierpinslci carpet Microstrip path antennas progress in electromagnetic research C, Vol. 3, 195 {202}, 2008. [4] Dheeraj Bhardwaj, Komal Sharma, Nidhi Jain ,"Bandwidth Enhancement Of Broad Band Dual Resonatore I-Shaped Anenna For C-Band Applications, Impact Factor 2.2;International Journal Of Electronics And Communication Technology ,IJECT, Vol.5 Issue 1,Jan- March 2014,P.P.169-172. [5] Ali Elrashidhi, Khaled Ellerthy, Harsan Bajwa, Resonance Frequency, Gain, Efficiency, And Quality Factore of a Microstrip Printed antenna as a Function Of Curvature For TM01 Mode Using Different Substrate, Resaerch gate article. D. Bhardwaj, O. P. Sharma, B.V. Singh, C. K. Dubey and K. Sharma |
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10. | Gain and Bandwidth Enhancement of Electromagnetic Gap-Coupled Assembly of Various Patches Forming Rhombus Shaped Microstrip Patch Antenna for C-Band Applications
Gain and Bandwidth Enhancement of Electromagnetic Gap-Coupled Assembly of Various Patches Forming Rhombus Shaped Microstrip Patch Antenna for C-Band ApplicationsAbstract: The aim of this research work is to enhance the gain and bandwidth of rhombus shaped microstrip patch antenna. For this purpose, we used electromagnetic gap-coupled technique. We design an assembly of one central rectangular patch with four triangular patches forming rhombus shaped microstrip patch antenna. We used IE3D simulation software for this work. The dielectric substrate material of the antenna is glass epoxy FR4 having εr=4. 4 and loss tangent 0.025. The performance of the final modified antenna is compared with that of a conventional rectangular microstrip antenna and a conventional rhombus shaped microstrip antenna. The designed antenna has two resonant frequencies 5.80 GHz and 6.29 GHz. So this antenna is applicable for the C band communication system. This electromagnetic gap-coupled antenna offers much improved impedance bandwidth 25.71%. This is approximately four times higher than that in a conventional rectangular patch antenna (Bandwidth= 6.70%) having the same dimensions.Key words: Broadband, Electromagnetic Gap coupled technique, FR4 substrate, Gain, Resonant frequency Reference [1] Churng-jou tsal, Chia-hsn lin, Wei-chif chen, Chen-lin lu and Jinn-kwei guo, "A CPW-feed printed antenna for dual- band WLAN operations", IEEE,2011. [2] I. Balakrishna, M. suresh kumar and S. Raghavan, "CPW-feed semi circle patch antenna for 2.4GHz for WLAN applicaton", IEEE,2011. [3] K. guney, "A simple and accurate expression for the bandwidth of electrically thick rectangular microstrip antennas", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol.36, No.3, pp. 225-228,2003Vol. 1 No. 1-2 (January-December, 2012). [4] Er. O.p. Rajpoot, Dr. D. C. dhubkarya, "Design and Analysis of Rhombus Shaped Microstrip Antenna", Int. Jr. of Knowledge Engineering and Technology, Vol. 1 No. 1-2 (January-December, 2012). [5] Dheeraj Bhardwaj, Deepak Verma, Komal Sharma, " Design of Dual Band Broadband Modified Rectangular Microstrip Antenna with air gap for Wireless Applications, " International Journal of Enhanced Research in Science, Technology & Engineering, Vol.3 Issue 2, ISNN: 2319-7463, February-2014, pp: (331-339). D. Bhardwaj, O. P. Sharma, C. K. Dubey, B.V. Singh, and K. Sharma |
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11. | Forecasting Maximum Demand And Loadshedding
Forecasting Maximum Demand And LoadsheddingAbstract: The intention of this paper is to priorly estimate the maximum demand (MD) during the running slots. The forecasting of MD will help us to save the extra bill charged. The MD is calculated by two methods basically : graphically and mathematically. It will help us to control the total demand, and reduce the effective cost. With help of forecasting MD, we can even perform load shedding if our MD will be exceeding the contract demand (CD). Load shedding is performed as per the load requirement. After load shedding, the MD can be brought under control and hence we can avoid the extra charges which are to be paid under the conditions if our MD exceeds the CD. This scheme is being implemented in various industries. For forecasting the MD we have to consider various zones as: load flow analysis, relay safe operating area (SOA), ratings of the equipments installed, etc. The estimation of MD and load shedding (LS) can be also done through automated process such as programming in PLC's. The automated system is very much required in the industrial zones. This saves the valuable time, as well as the labor work required. The PLC and SCADA software helps a lot in automation technique. To calculate the MD the ratings of each and every equipment installed in the premises is considered. The estimation of MD and LS program will avoid the industries from paying the huge penalties for the electricity companies. This leads to the bright future scope of this concept in the rapid industrialization sector, energy sectors.Key words: maximum demand, contract demand, load shedding, relay safe operating area,load flow analysis, PLC, SCADA Reference [1] Edward kimbark, power system stability, Wiley IEEE , FEBRUARY 1,1995. [2] Tom Wilson, PLC based substation automation and SCADA systems, March 1999. [3] Warren.C.new, load shedding, load restoration using solid state and electromechanical under frequency relays, General electric. [4] Farrokh shokooh ,ILS application in large industrial facility, IEEE . [5] Ching lai hor, Daily load forecasting and maximum demand estimation using ARIMA and GARCH, IEEE June 2006. Dhabai Poonam. B, Divya S. Kumari, Swati. Kumari, N.N. Ghuge |
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12. | A Survey on Image Segmentation Techniques Used In Leukemia Detection
A Survey on Image Segmentation Techniques Used In Leukemia DetectionAbstract: Image segmentation commonly known as partitioning of an image is one of the intrinsic parts of any image processing technique. In this image processing step, the digital image of choice is segregated into sets of pixels on the basis of some predefined and preselected measures or standards. There have been presented many algorithms for segmenting a digital image. This paper presents a general review of algorithms that have been presented for the purpose of image segmentation.Key words: Segmentation, K-means, Leukemia Reference [1] Subrajeet Mohapatra, Dipti Patra, "Automated Cell Nucleus Segmentation and Acute Leukemia Detection in Blood Microscopic Images", Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on Systems in Medicine & Biology, 16-18 Decmber, 2010, IIT Kharagpur, India. [2] N. H. Abd Halim, M. Y. Mashor, A. S. Abdul Nasir, N. R. Mokhtar, H. Rosline, "Nucleus Segmentation Technique For Acute Leukemia", IEEE 7th International Colloquium on Signal Processing & its Application, 2011. [3] Dorini LB, Minetto R, Leite NJ, "White Blood Cell Segmentation Using Morphological Operators and Scale-Space Analysis", Proc Brazilian Symp Comput Graph Image Proc, 2007Tavel, P. 2007 Modeling and Simulation Design. AK Peters Ltd. [4] Subrajeet Mohapatra, Dipti Patra, Sunil Kumar and Sanghamithra Satpathy, "Lymphocyte Image Segmentation Using Functional Link Neural Architecture for Acute Leukemia Detection", Biomed Eng Lett, (2012)2:100-110. [5] S. Schupp, A. Elmoataz, J. Fadili, P. Herlin, D. Bloyet, "Image Segmentation via Multiple Active Contour Models and Fuzzy Clustering with Biomedical Applications", 0-7695-0750-6/00, IEEE, 2000. Mashiat Fatma, Jaya Sharma |
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13. | Personalized Ontology Model for Web Information Gathering
Personalized Ontology Model for Web Information GatheringAbstract: The World Wide Web is an interlinked collection of billions of documents formatted using HTML. The amount of web based information available has increased dramatically. How to gather useful information from the web has become a challenging issue for users. Therefore, the new technology is to be introduced that that will be helpful for the web information gathering Ontology as model for knowledge description and formalization is used to represent user profile in personalized web information gathering. Ontology is the model for knowledge description and formalization. However the information of user profiles represents patterns either global or local knowledge base information, according to our analysis many models represents global knowledge. In this paper ontology system is used to recognize and reasoning over user profiles, world knowledge base and user instance repositories. This work also compares the analysis of existing system and ontology with other research areas are more efficient to represent.Key words: Local Instance Repository, Ontology, Personalization, Semantic Relations, User Profiles, Web Information gathering Reference [1]. Claudia Marinica and Fabrice Guillet,"Knowledge based interactive post- mining of association rules using Ontology" IEEE Transactionson Knowledge and data engineering, Vol. 22, NO. 6, June 2010. [2]. T. Tran , P. Cimiano, S. Rudolph, and R. Studer,"Ontology-Based Interpretation of KeywordsforSemantic Search, " Proc. Sixth Int'l Semantic Web and Second Asian Semanti Web Conf.(ISWC '07/ASWC '07), pp.523-536, 2007. [3]. D.D. Lewis, Y. Yang, T.G. Rose, and F. Li, "RCV1: A New Benchmark Collection for Aleksovski, and F. van Harmelen, "Using Google Distance to Weight Approximate Ontology Matches," Proc. 16th Int'l Conf. World Wide Web (WWW '07), pp. 767-776, 2007. [4]. W. Jin, R.K. Srihari, H.H. Ho, and X. Wu, "Improving Knowledge Discovery in Document Collections through Combining Text Retrieval and Link Analysis Techniques," Proc. Seventh IEEE Int'l Conf. Data Mining (ICDM '07), pp. 193-202, 2007. [5]. S. Shehata, F. Karray, and M. Kamel, "Enhancing Search Engine Quality Using Concept-Based Text Retrieval," Proc. IEEE/WIC/ ACM Int'l Conf. Web Intelligence (WI '07), pp. 26-32, 2007. Nilesh P. Patil, Shrinivas R. Zanwar, Dr. S. P. Abhang |
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14. | Specialized Hardware Architecture for Smartphones
Specialized Hardware Architecture for SmartphonesAbstract: Smartphones provides us the capability of a typical computer with absolute mobility and small form factor. But the hardware, software architecture of smartphone is significantly different from the conventional hardware and software architectures. The feature and architecture of the processors is totally different the traditional processor as these processors are developed to cope-up with fewer energy availability with smartphones or any other ultra portable devices.Key words: Smartphone development issues, smartphone processor architecture, specialized processor architecture, hardware, software development issues of Smartphones. Reference [1] Mombert, G., http://www.digitaltrends.com/ mobile/what-is-asmartphone/ [online], last seen dec, 2010. [2]. Johnny John and Chris Riddle, "Smartphone Power", proceedings of DAC, Anaheim, California, USA, pp. 935-936, 2010. [3]. Vinay Mehta, http://berylsystems.com/smart phone.pdf [online], seen oct, 2010. [4]. Steven Cavanagh and Yingxu Wang, "Design of a Real-Time Virtual Machine (RTVM)", proceedings of Electrical and Computer Engineering 2005 Canadian Conference, pp. 2021-2024, May, 2005. [5]. Omar A. Fres and Ignacio G. Alonso, "Rovim: A Generic and Extensible Virtual Machine for Mobile Robots", Fifth International Conference on Systems held in USA, pp. 37-40, 2010. Rohit Kumar, Lokesh Pawar, Anurag Aggarwal |
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15. | Smartphone's Hardware Architectures and Their Issues
Smartphone's Hardware Architectures and Their IssuesAbstract: Smart phones provides us the capability of a typical computer with absolute mobility and small form factor. But the hardware architecture of smart phone is significantly different from the conventional hardware architectures. The feature and architecture of the processors is totally different the traditional processor as these processors are developed to cope-up with fewer energy availability with smart phones or any other ultra portable devices.Key words: Smartphone platform independence, Cross-Platform development for Smart phones. Reference [1] Mombert, G., http://www.digitaltrends.com/ mobile/what-is-asmartphone/ [online], last seen dec, 2010. [2]. Johnny John and Chris Riddle, "Smartphone Power", proceedings of DAC, Anaheim, California, USA, pp. 935-936, 2010. [3]. Vinay Mehta, http://berylsystems.com/ smartphone.pdf [online], seen oct, 2010. [4]. Steven Cavanagh and Yingxu Wang, "Design of a Real-Time Virtual Machine (RTVM)", proceedings of Electrical and Computer Engineering 2005 Canadian Conference, pp. 2021-2024, May, 2005. [5]. Omar A. Fres and Ignacio G. Alonso, "Rovim: A Generic and Extensible Virtual Machine for Mobile Robots", Fifth International Conference on Systems held in USA, pp. 37-40, 2010. Rohit Kumar, Lokesh Pawar,Anurag Aggarwal |
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16. | Confidential Data Hiding Using Wavlet Based Ecg Stegnography
Confidential Data Hiding Using Wavlet Based Ecg StegnographyAbstract: With the growing number of aging population and a significant portion of that suffering from cardiac diseases, it is conceivable that remote ECG patient monitoring systems are expected to be widely used as Point-of-Care (PoC) applications in hospitals around the world. Therefore, huge amount of ECG signal collected by Body Sensor Networks (BSNs) from remote patients at homes will be transmitted along with other physiological readings such as blood pressure, temperature, glucose level etc. and diagnosed by those remote patient monitoring systems. It is utterly important that patient confidentiality is protected while data is being transmitted over the public network as well as when they are stored in hospital servers used by remote monitoring systems. In this project, a wavelet based steganography technique has been introduced which combines encryption and scrambling technique to protect patient confidential data. The proposed method allows ECG signal to hide its corresponding patient confidential data and other physiological information thus guaranteeing the integration between ECG and the rest.Index Terms ECG, Steganography, Encryption,Wavelet, Wa-termarking, Confidentiality. Reference [1] Y. Lin, I. Jan, P. Ko, Y. Chen, J. Wong, and G. Jan, ―A wireless PDA-based physiological monitoring system for patient transport,‖ IEEE Transactions on information technology in biomedicine, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 439–447, 2004. [2] F. Hu, M. Jiang, M. Wagner, and D. Dong, ―Privacy-preserving tele cardiology sensor networks: toward a low-cost portable wireless hardware/ software codesign,‖ IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine,, vol. 11, no. 6, pp. 619–627, 2007. patient record using image transform‖. [3] A. Ibaida, I. Khalil, and F. Sufi, ―Cardiac abnormalities detection from compressed ECG in wireless telemonitoring using principal components analysis (PCA),‖ in 5th International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP), 2009. IEEE, 2010, pp. 207–212. [4] W. Lee and C. Lee, ―A cryptographic key management solution for hipaa privacy/security regulations,‖ IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine,, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 34–41, 2008. [5] K. Malasri and L. Wang, ―Addressing security in medical sensor networks,‖ in Proceedings. |
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17. | The Study of the Nonlinear Optical Properties of Copper Nanopartical Prepared By Pulse Laser Ablation PLA.
The Study of the Nonlinear Optical Properties of Copper Nanopartical Prepared By Pulse Laser Ablation PLA.Abstract: In this work the nonlinear optical properties and optical limiting performance of copper nanoparticles (Cu NPs) synthesized by pulse laser ablation (PLA) in different solution (distill water DW, deionized water DI, (Ethglene glycol (EG) mixed with (DI)) are presented.The nonlinear absorption coefficient of the nanoparticle suspension are measured by the Z-Scan technique by using a second harmonic of Nd:YAG laser (532 nm) . The nonlinear refractive index occurs at high beam Intensity due to induced refractive mismatch between the copper nanoparticles and water. The synthesized nanoparticales is conform with the UV-Visible absorption and Scanning – Electron Microscopy (SEM) spectrum in different solutions . Key words: copper nanoparticales, Nonlinear refractive index, nonlinear absorption, optical characterization, laser ablation in aqueous medium Reference [1] U. Kreibig and M. Vollmer, Optical Properties of Metal Clusters, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1995. [2] A. L. Stepanov and D. E. Hole, in Recent Research & Development in Applied Physics, Ed. by A. Pandalai ,Transworld Res. Network, Kuala,Vol. 5, pp. 1–26,2002 . [3] S. Qu, Y. Zhang, H. Li, J. Qiu, and C. Zhu, Opt. Mater. 28, 259, 2006 . [4] U. Gurudas, E. Brooks, D. M. Bubb, S. Heiroth, T. Lippert, and A. Wokaun, J. Appl. Phys. 104, 073107,2008 . [5] R. F. Haglund, L. Yang, R. H. Magruder, J. E. Wittig, and R. A. Zuhr, Opt.Lett. 18, 373 1993. Dr. Raad M. S. Al-Haddad, Dr. Issam M. Ibrahim, Abeer H. Khalid |
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18. | Study on Smart Antenna Systems and Implementation in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Study on Smart Antenna Systems and Implementation in Mobile
Abstract: Wireless carriers have begun to explore new ways to maximize the spectral efficiency of their networks.
Research efforts investigating methods of improving wireless systems performance are currently being
conducted worldwide by the deployment of smart antennas (SAs) along with impressive advances in the field of
digital signal processing for achieving high efficiency networks that maximize capacity and improve quality and
coverage. Selected control algorithms, with predefined criteria, provide adaptive arrays the unique ability to
increase spectral efficiency. |
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19. | Removal of Color from Different Dye Wastewater by Using Ferric Oxide as an Adsorbent
Removal of Color from Different Dye Wastewater by Using Ferric Oxide as an AdsorbentAbstract: Dyes are colored organic compounds that are used to impart colour to various substrates including paper, leather, fur, hair, drugs, cosmetics, waxes, greases, plastics and textile materials. The discharges of industrial wastewater containing dyes cause serious environmental problems. There are many colour removal techniques amongst which adsorption process is popular. Many removal techniques have been applied. But, adsorption process is inexpensive and readily available to control the various pollutants from the water and wastewater. The practical performance evaluation in batch reactor is carried out because of its feasibility and simplicity in action and also involving less economic aspects.Present work is carried out on colarane blue BGFS Anthraquinone dye. Powdered Fe2O3 has been used for dye removal practical. It was observed that maximum dye removal efficiency at pH 2 with Fe2O3 dosage of 0.3 gm and initial concentration is 125 ppm. Practicals were also carried out on actual wastewater. The work is right now done with the synthetic dye wastewater and will be focused with different parameters. The percentage removal efficiency by powdered Fe2O3, the dye waste water under experiment will be calculated. Kinetic study and adsorption study for dye wastewater under consideration. Key words: Dye, dye waste water, adsorption, Experimental work, kinetic study and adsorption study Reference [1.] A. Mahapatra, B.G. Mishra. G.Hotan, "Adsorptive removal of Congo red dye from wastewater by mixed iron oxide–alumina nano composites", Department of Chemistry, NIT Rourkela, Orissa 769008, India. [2.] Akshaya Kumar Verma, Rajesh Roshan Dash, PuspenduBhunia" A review on chemical coagulation/flocculation technologies for removal of colour from textile wastewaters", "Journal of Environmental Management" Vol. 93, (2012) pp. 154 - 168. [3.] A. Buekens and n. X. Zvavkiua, "Adsorbents and Adsorption processes for pollution control", pollution control technologies - vol. 2. [4.] Abbas Afkhami, Mohammad Saber-Tehrani, Hasan Bagheri, "Modified maghemite nanoparticles as an efficient adsorbent for removing some cationic dyes from aqueous solution", Desalination 263, 24 July 2010, pp 240–248. [5.] Abbas Afkhami and Razieh Mcosavi, "Adsorptive removal of Congo red, a carcinogenic textile dye, from aqueous solutions by maghemite nanoparticles", Journal of Hazardous Materials, 19 September 2009, pp 398-403. Kartik H. Gonawala, Mehali J. Mehta |
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20. | Survey of DOS Flooding Attacks over MANET Environment
Survey of DOS Flooding Attacks over MANET EnvironmentAbstract: Mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is one of the most up-and- coming fields for research and review of wireless network. Essential requirement in MANET is security .In ad hoc network the communicating nodes sets new challenges for the security architecture because it doesn't necessarily feed on fixed infrastructure. The ad-hoc network is more vulnerable to denial of service attacks (DOS) forcefully initiate through malicious nodes or attacker. In this paper, we are illustrate the occurrence of flooding attack and their exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed effects which give chance to a legitimate node for doing other attacks too. So we proceed towards is to identify the presence or existence of DOS flooding attack using secure routing protocols.Key words: DOS attack, flooding attack, Routing Protocols, Security. Reference [1] Ping Yi, Zhoulin Dai, Shiyong Zhang, Yiping Zhong, A New Routing Attack in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, published in International Journal of Information Technology Vol. 11 No. 2, , pp. 83−94, [2] Abhay Kumar Rai ,Rajiv Ranjan Tewari and Saurabh Kant Upadhyay, Different Types of Attacks on Integrated MANET-Internet, International Journal of Computer Science and Security (IJCSS) Volume (4): Issue (3), pp 265-274 [3] Bounpadith Kannhavong, Hidehisa Nakayama, Yoshiaki Nemoto, And Nei Kato, IEEE Wireless CommunicatioOctober 2007 , pp. 85−91 [4] Yi-an Huang and Wenke LeeE. Jonsson et al. (Eds.): Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2004RAID 2004, LNCS 3224, pp. 125–145, 2004.. [5] Kavuri Roshan1 , K.Reddi Prasad2 , Niraj Upadhayaya3 & A.Govardhan4, International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT) Vol 4, No 3, June 2012, pp. 25-34 Khushboo Sawant, Dr. M.K Rawat |
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21. | Measurement and Control of Emission in Two Wheelers
Measurement and Control of Emission in Two WheelersAbstract: Vehicle emissions are a significant contributor to ambient pollution, especially in urban areas. In general, developing countries experience higher levels of traffic-related pollution compared to developed countries due to the lack of pollution control measures. Since numerous studies document adverse health effects from vehicle emission exposure, there is a need of developing some measures for the control of exhaust and non –exhaust emissions produced by the two wheelers. In four wheeler vehicles many measures are taken to reduce the exhaust and non –exhaust emission. In my thesis work I worked to understand those steps which can be implemented with the two wheelers for to reduce the formation of emission like CO, HC, NOX, and CO2.Reference [1] Giorgio Zamboni et al (2013), "Assessment of heavy-duty vehicle activities, fuel consumption and exhaust emissions in port areas", Applied Energy, Vol.111, pp. 921-929. [2] ChauThuy Pham et al (2013), "Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and nitropolycyclic aromatichydrocarbons in particulatesemitted by motorcycles",Environmental Pollution, Vol.183, pp. 175-183. [3] StephaneEspie et al (2013), "Data collection and processing tools for naturalistic study of powered two-wheelers users' behaviours", Accident Analysis and Prevention, Vol.58, pp. 330-339. [4] MurugesanVenkatapathi (2012), "Emitter near an arbitrary body: Purcell effect, optical theorem and the Wheeler–Feynman absorber", General of Quantitative Spectroscopy &Radiative Transfer, Vol.113, pp. 1705-1711. [5] Maria V. Prati et al (2011), "Influence of driving cycles on Euro 3 scooter emissions and fuel consumption", Energy Conversion and Management, Vol.52, pp. 3327-3336. Sarin K Kumar, Gaurav Saxena |
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22. | Design And Prototype Testing Of Economizer In HVAC Systems
Design And Prototype Testing Of Economizer In HVAC SystemsAbstract: Power, the word itself says to what extent the world is dependent on it. It may be fortunate or unfortunate, we are totally dependent on the power which is making the usage higher and higher which left us with energy crises and increasing costs of the energy usage. It's time for Energy saving. These days, number of people in favour of the Energy saving has been increasing not to lessen the cost of usage but to let our future generations live with light and luxury.In this project, I have worked on the Energy conservation measures for HVAC that will save the energy to a little higher extent by designing an economizer. The theme of the project is to design a energy efficient economizer for HVAC Systems. A single unit of energy saving will yield in generation of two units of energy. My concern is to conserve energy and reduce usage by using ECMs where ever required. Key words: Conservation, Energy, Ecm's, Economizer, HVAC Reference [1] http://www.bijlibachao.com/ [2] http://www.energy.gov [3] http://www.beeindia.in/ [4] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HVAC [5] http://www.epa.gov/iaq/schooldesign/hvac.html Kongara Ajay, G Sudhakar, B Keerthi Priyanka Reddy, G Hazarat Kumar |
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23. | Exergy Analysis of a Chilling Plant – A Review
Exergy Analysis of a Chilling Plant – A ReviewAbstract: Exergy analysis is widely used in the design, simulation and performance analysis of various types of engineering applications in comparison with energy analysis. Energy analysis presents only quantities results while exergy analysis presents qualitative results about actual energy consumption. This paper emphasizes review of open literature related to the application of exergy analysis in various engineering application since its development. It has been found that application of exergy analysis in vapour compression refrigeration system has been increased in last decade only.Key words: Energy, Exergy, Exergy Analysis, Vapour Compression Refrigeration System, Chilling Plant Reference [1] Enrico S and Goran W," A brief Commented History of Exergy From the Beginnings to 2004 ", Int. J. of Thermodynamics, March 2007, Vol. 10 (No. 1), pp. 1-26. [2] Amir V, Aminreza N, Mohammad G and Sadegh V," Exergy Concept and its Characteristic", International journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences and Engineering ,July 2011, Vol. 2, No. 4. [3] Yunus A, Byard W and Ibrahim D, " Is bigger thermodynamically better? Exergy", International Journal 2 , 2002, 62-68. [4] Aprea C and Renno C, "Experimental comparison of R22 with R417A performance in a vapour compression refrigeration plant subjected to a cold store",Energy conversion and Management 45, 2004. [5] Guiyin F , Lin X, Fan Y and Hui L," Exergy Analysis of a Dual Mode Refrigeration System for Ice Storage air conditioning", International Journal on Architectural Science, 2005,Volume 6, Number 1, p.1-6. Mr. Manish G. Vasava, Dr. Neeraj K. Chavda |
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24. | Cascaded Nine Level Inverter Using Pulse Width Modulation And Hybrid PWM
Cascaded Nine Level Inverter Using Pulse Width Modulation And Hybrid PWMAbstract: The multilevel voltage source converters typically synthesize the staircase voltage wave from several levels of dc voltage sources. This paper presents a PWM modulation and hybrid modulation using cascaded topology which allows one to achieve high-quality output voltages and input currents and also outstanding availability due to their intrinsic component redundancy. The simulation results reveal that method can effectively eliminate harmonics in the output waveform of the inverter, and also low THD (Total Harmonics Distortion).Key words: Cascade H-bridge inverter, hybrid modulation, phase-shifted PWM, total harmonic distortion Reference [1] Rodriguez,J. Franquelo,L.G., Kouro, S. Leon, J.I. Portillo, R.C. Prats and M.A.M. , Multilevel Converters: An Enabling Technology for High- Power Applications, IEEE Conf, Vol. 97, No. 11, November 2009 , 1786 - 1817 [2] R. H. Baker and L. H. Bannister, "Electric Power Converter," U.S. Patent 3 867 643, Feb. 1975. [3] Madhusudan Singh, Arpit Agarwal and Namrata Kaira, Performance Evaluation of Multilevel Inverter with Advance PWMControlTechniques,PowerElectronics(IICPE), 5thIndiaInternationalConferenceon DigitalObject,2012 IEEE ,1 – 6. [4] Imarazene Khoukha, Chekireb Hachemi and Berkouk El Madjid, Multilevel Selective Harmonic Elimination PWM Technique in the Nine Level Voltage Inverter, Computer Engineering & Systems, ICCES '07. International Conference on Digital Object, 2007., 387-392 . [5] V .Manimala, Mrs.N.Geetha and M.E Dr.P.Renuga, Design and Simulation of Five Level Cascaded Inverter using Multilevel Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation Strategies, Electronics Computer Technology (ICECT), 3rd International Conference ,Vol. 2 ,2011 , 280 – 283 Rohini Sharma, Gagandeep Sharma, Prabhu Omer |
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25. | Dynamic MLC-QA Based On Portal Dosimetry
Dynamic MLC-QA Based On Portal DosimetryAbstract: Purpose: Intensity modulated radiotherapy using dynamic delivery method requires accurate verification of MLC, its position and speed of motion. These parameter have major impact on dose delivery on patients. For quality assurance (QA) procedure requires more time consumed in a radiotherapy department. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the potential use of amorphous silicon based EPID portal dosimetry for dMLC QAMethods and Materials: A varian Clinac_iX with On Board Imager (OBI) and Rapid Arc facility ( VMAT) equipped with 120 leaf Millennium MLC and with Amorphous Silicon Based EPID (aSi-1000, varian) mounted on a Exact Robotic Arm is used. The dMLC QA consists of different dynamic MLC pattern provided by varian for checking positional accuracy, MLC gap, Leaf speed and complex dynamic field. Results and Discussion: Various dMLC tests were done using portal dosimetry. All results are within the tolerance limit. Picket fence test shows that leaf position errors of upto 0.2mm can be detected which are within the tolerance limit. Complex dynamic field were exposed to EPID, which shows the leaf speed and are within the tolerance limit. Conclusion: dMLC QA test takes no longer than 5 minute in the linac room with EPID. So we can considerably reduce the time for dMLC QA procedures in a busy department and these tests can be include as a daily QA programme. Reference [1] Sasso T, Chui CS, Ling CC. Physical and dosimetric aspects of a multileaf collimation system used in the dynamic mode for implementing intensity modulated radiotherapy. Med Phys 1998;30:1919e27. [2] Van Elmpt W, McDermott L, Nijsten S, Wendling M, Lambin P, Mijnheer B. A literature review of electronic portal imaging for radiotherapy dosimetry. Radiother Oncol 2008;88: 289e309. [3] Van Elmpt W, Ezzel GA. EPID dosimetry must soon become an essential component of IMRT quality assurance. Med Phys 2009;36:4325e7. [4] Van Zijveld M, Dirkx ML, de Boer HC, Heijmen BJ. Dosimetric pre-treatment verification of IMRT using an EPID; clinical experience. Radiother Oncol 2006;81:168e75. [5] Van Elmpt W, Nijsten S, Petit S, Mijnheer B, Lambin P, Dekker A. 3D in vivo dosimetry using megavoltage cone-beam CT and EPID dosimetry. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2009;73: 1580e7. Sajeev Surendran, Durga Prasada Rao, Jayesh kunnanchath, Swapna Lilly Cyriac |
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26. | Complexity Anaylsis of Indexing Techniques for Scalable Deduplication and Data Linkage
Complexity Anaylsis of Indexing Techniques for Scalable Deduplication and Data LinkageAbstract: The process of record or data matching from various databases regarding same entities is called Data Linkage. Similarly, when this process is applied to a particular database, then it is called Deduplication. Record matching plays a major role in today‟s environment as it is more expensive to obtain. The process of data cleaning from database is the first and foremost step since copy of data severely affects the results of data mining. As the amount of databases increasing day-by-day, the difficulty in matching records happens to be a most important confront for data linkage. So many indexing techniques are designed for the process of data linkage. The main aim of those indexing techniques is to minimize the number of data pairs by eliminating apparent non-matching data pairs by maintaining maximum quality of matching. Hence in this paper, a survey is made of these indexing techniques to analyze complexity and evaluate scalability using fake data sets and original data sets.Key words: Complexity, Data matching, Indexing techniques. Reference [1] A. Aizawa and K. Oyama, "A Fast Linkage Detection Scheme for Multi-Source Information Integration,"Proc. Int‟lWorkshop Challenges in Web Information Retrieval and Integration (WIRI ‟05), 2005. [2] A.K. Elmagarmid, P.G. Ipeirotis, and V.S. Verykios, "Duplicate Record Detection: A Survey,"IEEE Trans. Knowledge and Data Eng., vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 1-16, Jan. 2007. [3] D.E. Clark, "Practical Introduction to Record Linkage for Injury Research,"Injury Prevention, vol. 10, pp. 186-191, 2004. [4] E. Rahm and H.H. Do, "Data Cleaning: Problems and Current Approaches,"IEEE Technical Committee Data Eng. Bull., vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 3-13, Dec. 2000. [5] M. Bilenko and R.J. Mooney, "On Evaluation and Training-Set Construction for Duplicate Detection,"Proc. Workshop Data Cleaning, Record Linkage and Object Consolidation (SIGKDD ‟03), pp. 7-12, 2003. Koneru Naga Venkata Rajeev, Vanguru Radha Krishna, Kambhampati Vamsi Krishna, Siddhavatam Thirumala Reddy |
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27. | Identification Method by Least Squares Applied On a Level Didactic Plant Viafoundation Fieldbus Protocol
Identification Method by Least Squares Applied On a Level Didactic Plant Viafoundation Fieldbus ProtocolAbstract: The industrial field is always considered a growing area, which leads some systems toimprove the techniques used on its manufacturing. By consequence of this concept, level systems became an important part of the whole system, showing that needs to be studied more specific to get the optimal controlled response. It's known that the good controlled response is gotten when the system is identified correctly. Then, the objective of this paper is to present a didactic project of modeling and identification method applied on a level system, which uses a didactic system with Foundation Fieldbus protocol developed by SMAR® enterprise, belonging to CEFET MG-Campus III –Leopoldina, Brazil. The experiments were implemented considering the least squares method to identify the system dynamic, which the results were obtained using the OPC toolbox from MATLAB/Simulink®to establish the communication between the computer and the system. The modeling and identification results were satisfactory, showing that the applied technic can be used to approximate the system's level dynamic to a second order transfer function.Key words: System Identification, System Modeling, Level Plant, Methodological Experimentation. Reference [1] A. A. R.Coelho; L. S. Coelho,Identificação de Sistemas Dinâmicos Lineares, 1 (Florianópolis: USFC Editor, 2004). [2] RODRIGUES, G. G., Identificação de Sistemas Dinâmicos Não-Lineares Utilizando Modelos. [3] L. A. Aguirre,Introdução à Identificação de Sistemas: Técnicas Lineares e Não-Lineares Aplicadas a Sistemas Reais, 1, (Belo Horizonte: UFMG Editor, 2000). [4] V. M. Alfaro,Apuntesdel curso IE-432 – Laboratorio de Control Automático, Escuela de Ingeniería Eléctrica de la Universidad de Costa Rica, San José, 1998. [5] M. F. Santos; M. J. Carmo; E. G. P. Bock; E. S. Garcia, Controle Haalman para sistemas de nível com dinâmica assimétrica e protocolo de comunicação HART, III Congresso Científico da Semana Tecnológica – IFSP, Bragança Paulista,SP, 2012. Murillo Ferreira Dos Santos, Amanda Knaipp Badaró, Marlon José Do Carmo |
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28. | Content Restoration of Degraded Termite Bitten Document Images
Content Restoration of Degraded Termite Bitten Document ImagesAbstract: Document images are often obtained by digitizing the paper documents like books or manuscripts. Due to degradation of paper quality, aging spreading of ink etc their appearance may get poor. Document may undergo termite bite due to aging and will get severely degraded .This work tries to find some solutions to increase the recognition rate of degraded characters after applying a best preprocessing technique for removing the noise due to termite bite. Main degradation for a degraded document are due to non-rectilinear camera positioning, blur, bad illumination, non-uniform backgrounds, non-flat paper surface, spreading of ink, document aging, extraneous marks, broken characters. There are different systems which are able to deal with degradations which occur due to these type of degradations. Restoration is highly useful in a variety of fields such as document recognition, historic document analysis etc. In this paper ,we propose a method to remove the noise due to termite bite . The work has the ability to deal with larger patch sizes and allows to deal with severe degradations.Key words: Restoration, Preprocessing, Thresholding, Niblack, Gabor Filter. Reference [1] Jung Gap Kuk, Nam Ik Cho and Kyoung Mu Lee "MAP-MRF Approach for Binarization of Degraded Document Image"Seoul National University European Journal of Scientific Research Vol.28, pp.14-32,2009 [2] Y. Chen and G. Leedham"Decompose Algorithm for Thresholding Degraded Historical Document Images" IEE Proc.-Vis. Image Signal Process., Vol. 152, No. 6, December 2005 [3] Anna Tonazzini, Stefano Vezzosi, Luigi Bedini"Analysis and recognition of highly degraded printed characters"Institution of Science and Technology, Digital Object Identifier (DOI)Pisa, Italy c_ Springer-Verlag 2003. [4] Ergina Kavallierato, Efstathios Stamatatos "Improving the Quality of Degraded Document Images'' University of the Aegean, Greece Second International Conference on Document Image Analysis for Libraries 2006 [5] Yahia S. Halabi, Zaid SA, Faris Hamdan"Modeling Adaptive Degraded Document Image Binarization and Optical Character System" Seoul National University European Journal of Scientific Research Vol.28, pp.14-32, 2009 |
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29. | Valve Technology Arrangement of Cryopump: A Review
Valve Technology Arrangement of Cryopump: A ReviewAbstract: A cryopump or a "cryogenic pump" is a vacuum pump that pumps the trap gases and vapours by condensing them on a cold surface. Helium gas which is very light can only be pumped by Cryopump. Cryopump cannot be used when working for continuous operation as it pumps the effluent till the saturation state is achieved. Then the absorbed gases are to be collected through other mechanical pump through regeneration process. Hence, valve technology arrangement is incorporated with the cryopump in order to achieve the continuous pumping when two cryopump are used in alternate processes (i.e. absorption and regeneration). Various design of Valve technology arrangement is proposed by different researcher all over the world. This review paper focuses on the different proposed valve technology arrangement and elaborately explains the various components of valve technology and concludes the best possible arrangement that can be used in Cryopump.Key words: FCryopump, Valve technology arrangement Reference [1] A. Mack et al., "Design of the ITER torus cryopump", Journal of Fusion Engineering and Design, 2002 [2] V. Hauer et al., "Design of the ITER torus prototype cryopump", Journal of Fusion Engineering and Design, 2007 [3] D Murdoch, " Vacuum Technology for ITER", Journal of Physics, 2008 [4] M Dremel et al., "The new build to print design of the ITER Torus Cryopump", Journal of Fusion Engineering and Design, 2013 Sanjiv Y. Rajput |
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30. | Regeneration of Cryoadsorption Cryopump
Regeneration of Cryoadsorption CryopumpAbstract: A cryopump is a vacuum pump that pumps the gases and vapours by condensing, them on a cold surface, by adsorption on porous surfaces or by trapping mechanism. Helium gas which is very light can only be pumped by Cryoadsorption cryopump. Cryoadsorption cryopump cannot be used when working for continuous operation as it pumps the effluent till the saturation state is achieved. Then the absorbed gases are to be removed by desorption process and evacuation system. Regeneration is a phase where the heating of cryopanel of cryoadsorption cryopump takes place. Hence, regeneration of cryopanels of cryopump is very important to make cryopump in continuous pumping mode. Various methods of regeneration of cryopumps are proposed. This review paper focuses on the different proposed regeneration methods and concludes the best possible regeneration method for cryoadsorption Cryopump.Key words: Cryopump, regeneration Reference [1] H J Mundinger et al, "A new cryopump with a fast regeneration system", vacuum, vol. 43, 1992. [2] A. Möbius et al., "Regeneration of cryosorbing exhaust gas panel by means of gyrotron radiation", International conference on infrared and millimeter waves, sept. 2002 [3] C. Day, "basics and applications of cryopump", CERN, 2007 Mayur Joshi |
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31. | Screw Extruder for Pellet Injection System
Screw Extruder for Pellet Injection SystemAbstract: Solid hydrogenic pellets are used as fuel for fusion energy reactor. A technique for continuous production of solid hydrogen and its isotopes by a screw extruder is suggested for the production of an unlimited number of pellets. The idea was developed and patented by PELIN laboratories, Inc. (Canada). A Gifford McMahon cryocooler is used for the generation of solid hydrogenic fluid pellets. Requirements of the pellets is depends upon the energy to be produced by tokamak. This review paper focuses on the model for the screw extruder for solidification of hydrogen ice having high injection reliability.Key words: screw extruder, cryocooler Reference [1] R. Viniar et al., "10 Hz Deuterium Pellet Injector for 1000 s Continuous Fuelling", 2000 [2] R. Sakamoto et al., "Development of Advanced Pellet Injector Systems for Plasma Fuelling", Journal of Fusion Engineering and Design, 2008 [3] J.W. Leachman, "Model of a Twin-Screw Extruder Operating with a Cryocooler for the Solidification of Deuterium", 2009 Sharadkumar K. Chhantbar |
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32. | A Survey On Data Mining Techniques In Customer Churn Analysis For Telecom Industry
A Survey On Data Mining Techniques In Customer Churn Analysis For Telecom IndustryAbstract: Customer churn prediction in Telecom Industry is a core research topic in recent years. A huge amount of data is generated in Telecom Industry every minute. On the other hand, there is lots of development in data mining techniques. Customer churn has emerged as one of the major issues in Telecom Industry. Telecom research indicates that it is more expensive to gain a new customer than to retain an existing one. In order to retain existing customers, Telecom providers need to know the reasons of churn, which can be realized through the knowledge extracted from Telecom data. This paper surveys the commonly used data mining techniques to identify customer churn patterns. The recent literature in the area of predictive data mining techniques in customer churn behavior is reviewed and a discussion on the future research directions is offered.Key words: Customer churn, Customer retention, Customer relationship management (CRM), Data mining techniques, Telecom industry. Reference [1] W. Verbeke, D. Martens, C. Mues, and B. Baesens, "Building comprehensible customer churn prediction models with advanced rule induction techniques," Expert Syst. Appl., vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 2354–2364, 2011. [2] Y. Huang, B. Huang, and M. T. Kechadi, "A rule-based method for customer churn prediction in telecommunication services," in Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Springer, 2011, pp. 411–422. [3] A. Idris and A. Khan, "Customer churn prediction for telecommunication: Employing various various features selection techniques and tree based ensemble classifiers," in Multitopic Conference (INMIC), 2012 15th International, 2012, pp. 23–27. [4] M. Kaur, K. Singh, and N. Sharma, "Data Mining as a tool to Predict the Churn Behaviour among Indian bank customers," Int. J. Recent Innov. Trends Comput. Commun., vol. 1, no. 9, pp. 720–725, 2013. [5] V. L. Miguéis, D. Van den Poel, a. S. Camanho, and J. Falcão e Cunha, "Modeling partial customer churn: On the value of first product-category purchase sequences," Expert Syst. Appl., vol. 39, no. 12, pp. 11250–11256, Sep. 2012. Amal M. Almana, Mehmet Sabih Aksoy, Rasheed Alzahrani |
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33. | Low Temperature Emissivity Measurement System
Low Temperature Emissivity Measurement SystemAbstract: The emissivity of a material is the relative ability of its surface to emit energy by radiation. It is the ratio of energy radiated by a particular material to energy radiated by a black body at the same temperature. Knowledge about the low temperature emissivity of materials and coatings can be essential to the design of fusion cryoplants and in the thermal modeling for space satellite missions. The emittance of materials at cryogenics temperatures often cannot be predicted from room temperature data, but for computing radiative loads and infrared backgrounds this cryogenic data is often required. Measurement of the cryogenic emissivity of a highly reflective surface is a significant challenge: little thermal power is radiated from the sample, and the background radiation. However some researchers have measured emissivity at various low temperature ranges. Present work reports, the various emissivity measurement setup and their considerations.Key words: Emissivity, Cryogenics Reference [1] S.I. Woods et al., "Emissivity of silver and stainless steel from 80 K to 300 K: Application to ITER thermal shields", Journal of Cryogenics, 2014 [2] V. Musilova et al., "Low temperature radiative properties of materials used in cryogenics", Journal of Cryogenics, 2014 [3] J. Hameury et al. "measurement of total hemispherical emissivity using a calorimetric technique" 2005 [4] R. C. Duckworth et al., "Measurement of the Emissivity of Clean and Contaminated Silver Plated Copper Surfaces at Cryogenic Temperatures", AIP Conf. Proc. 824, 61 (2006) [5] P. Herve et al., "Direct measurement of total emissivities at cryogenic temperatures: application to satellite coatings", Journal of Cryogenics, 2014 Jignesh A. Patel |
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34. | CFD Analysis of Centrifugal Pump: A Review
CFD Analysis of Centrifugal Pump: A ReviewAbstract: The main objective of this work is to understand role of the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) technique in analyzing and predicting the performance of centrifugal pump. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is the present day state-of-art technique for fluid flow analysis. The critical review of CFD analysis of CFD analysis of centrifugal pump along with future scope for further improvement is presented in this paper. Different solver like ANSYS-CFX, FLUENT etc can be used for simulations. Shear stress transport model has been found appropriate as turbulence model. Study of pressure contours, velocity contours, flow streamlines etc can be studied by CFD techniques. Unsteady Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes (URANS) equations are solved by solver to get flow simulation results inside centrifugal pump. CFD results has to be validated with testing results or with performance characteristics curves. Performance prediction at design and off-design conditions, parametric study, cavitation analysis, diffuser pump analysis, performance of pump running in turbine mode etc. are possible with CFD simulation techniques.Key words: Centrifugal pump, CFD, Numerical simulation, Validation, Performance Characteristics Curve. Reference [1] Bacharoudis E. C. , A. E. Filios, M. D. Mentos and D. P. Margaris, "Parametric study of a Centrifugal pump Impeller by varying the Outlet Blade angle", Open Mechanical Engineering Journal,vol. 2, 75- 83, 2008. [2] Suthep Kaewnai, Manuspong Chamaoot and Somchai Wongwises, "Predicting performance of radial flow type impeller of Centrifugal pump using CFD", Journal of Mechanical Science & Technology,1620- 1627, 2009. [3] Shah S. R. , Jain S. V. and Lakhera V. J.,"CFD based flow analysis of Centrifugal pump",Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, IIT Madras, 2010. [4] Purushothaman K. and S. Rajendran, "Analysis of a Centrifugal pump Impeller using ANSYS-CFX", International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, May-2012. [5] Shah S. R., Jain S. V., Patel R. N. and Lakhera V.J., "CFD for Centrifugal pumps: a review of the state-of-the-art", Journal of ELSEVIER, vol.51, 715-720, 2013. Narayan P. Jaiswal |
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35. | Image Based Authentication Using Persuasive Cued Click Points
Image Based Authentication Using Persuasive Cued Click PointsAbstract: User authentication is one of the most important procedures required to access secure and confidential data. Authentication of users is usually achieved through text-based passwords. Attackers through social engineering techniques easily obtain the text based password of a user. Apart from being vulnerable to social engineering attacks, text based passwords are either weak-and-memorable or secure-but-difficult-to-remember. Researchers of modern days have thus gone for alternative methods wherein graphical pictures are used as passwords. Image based authentication allows user to create graphical password which has advantages over text-based passwords. Graphical passwords have been designed to make passwords more memorable and easier for people to use. This paper focusses on creating a password by using a sequence of images such that one click-point per image contributes to password. Persuasive Technology is used to guide user's choice in click-based graphical passwords, inspiring users to select more random and thus more difficult to guess click-points. Also to enhance the security, a user has to decide a sequence for the images used during registration, which has to be reproduced by him during login phase.Key words: FAuthentication, Cued Click-Points, Security, Text-based passwords Reference [1] Sonia Chiasson, Usable Authentication and Click-Based Graphical Passwords, doctoral diss, Carleton University, Otttawa, Ontario, 2008. [2] Harsh Kumar Sarohi, Farhat Ullah Khan, Graphical Password Authentication Schemes: Current Status and Key Issues, International Journal of Computer Science Issues, 10(2), 2013, 437-443. [3] P.V.S.Sriram, G.Sri Swetha, A novel 2 step random colored Grid Graphical Password Authemtication System, International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering Technology, 4(4), 2013, 322-325. [4] Priti C. Golhar, Dr. D.S. Adane, Graphical Knowledge Based Authentication Mechanism, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, 2(10), 2012, 48-54. [5] Georgios Kontaxis, Elias Athanasopoulos, Georgios Portokalidis, Angelos D. Keromytis, SAuth: Protecting User Accounts from Password Database Leaks, ACM, 2013. |
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36. | Cooling Effect Improvement by Dimensional Modification of Annular Fins in Two Stage Reciprocating Compressor
Cooling Effect Improvement by Dimensional Modification of Annular Fins in Two Stage Reciprocating CompressorAbstract: The Reciprocating Compressor fins are made from Aluminum alloy and it is provided for increase in contact area in convective heat transfer. Air cooling is a method of dissipating heat It works by making the object to be cooled have a larger surface area or have an increased flow of air over its surface. a fin is a surface that extends from an object to increase the rate of heat transfer to or from the environment by increasing convection. The aim of present work study is to prepare a finite element model of fin. The result of finite element model will be verified with experimental work with thermocouple. After comparing results of FEA model we can modify boundary condition, material shape & size for improvement in efficiency & cooling rate. It is possible to find optimum solution with FEA package ANSYS 14 used for modeling and analysis. Effectiveness of fin can be improved by changing geometry of fin. So after increase effectiveness it can increase cooling rate and minimize the time for cooling process of Reciprocating compressor. Aim of this work is increase effectiveness of the fin for best performance.Key words: Reciprocating air compressor, Annular fin, Thermocouples, finite element analysis. Reference [1] N.Nagarani, "Experimental heat transfer analysis on annular circular and elliptical fins" International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Vol. 2(7), 2010, 2839-2845 [2] Rupali V. Dhanadhya1, Abhay S. Nilawar2 & Yogesh L. Yenarkar3 "Theoretical study and finite element analysis of convective heat transfer augmentation from horizontal rectangular fin with circular perforation.", International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD) ,ISSN 2249-6890.Vol. 3, Issue 2, Jun 2013, 187-192 [3] S S Singh &A K Singh* " Condition monitoring of reciprocating air compressor using IR thermography" [4] International Compressor Engineering Conference, Paper 1510, (2002), pp 1-9. [5] M. Sudheer1, G. Vignesh Shanbhag1, Prashanth Kumar1 and Shashiraj Somayaji2 , " Finite element analysis of thermal characteristics of annular fins with different profiles" ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences VOL. 7, NO. 6, JUNE 2012 Mr. Ashish D. Vasiyar, Dr. Anil K. Chaturvedi, Mr. Vijay F. Pipalia |
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1. | Power Quality Improvement Using UPQC
Power Quality Improvement Using UPQCAbstract: This paper presents the power quality improvement using UPQC. UPQC consists of series inverter, shunt inverter and capacitance. Every inverter connected with pulse generator for switching on. UPQC is especially obtained to resolve different kind of power quality drawback like reactive power compensation, voltage interruption and harmonics. DVR is connected in series to deliver the active and reactive power to distribution network. DC-link capacitors stay high as a result of the DVR needs a minimum amount of DC-link voltage to compensate sag. So, DC –link voltage is connected with PV module to reduce the cost. Design of UPQC device with multi-bus system obtained using MATLAB/SIMULINK and simulation results are mentioned to support the developed conception.Key words: (Dynamic Voltage Restorer) DVR, Harmonics, Reactive power compensation, Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC) Reference [1] R. C. Dugan, M. F. McGranaghan, and H. W. Beaty, Electrical PowerSystems Quality.. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1996, p. 265. [2] C. Sankaran, Power Quality. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2002, p. 202. [3] R. A. Walling, R. Saint, R. C. Dugan, J. Burke, and L. A. Kojovic, ―Summary of distributed resources impact on power delivery systems,‖ IEEETrans. Power Del., vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 1636–1644, Jul. 2008. [4] Doncker, C. Meyer, R. W. De, W. L. Yun, and F. Blaabjerg, ―Optimized control strategy for a medium-voltage DVR—Theoretical investigations and experimental results,‖ IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 23, no. 6, pp 2746–2754, Nov. 2008. [5] M.J.Newman, D.G.Holmes, J.G.Nielsen, F. Blaabjerg ― A Dynamic Voltage Restorer With Selective Harmonic Compensation At Medium Voltage Level‖ IEEE Trans. On industry Appl. pp.1744-1753,Dec.2005. K. Kalaipriya, S. Jayachitra |
01-04 | ![]() |
2. | Ee-Leach(Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy) Modified Protocol
Ee-Leach(Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy) Modified ProtocolAbstract: A wireless sensor network is made by many homogeneous and/or nodes which can sense data and communicate to each other. As energy is a scarce resource in WSN, the main issue is energy efficient routing. Many flat and hierarchical protocols have been projected to enhance the network lifetime. Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) protocol is a basic energy efficient hierarchical routing protocol in WSN. In LEACH, cluster heads are selected and cluster is formed by joining non cluster head nodes. Member nodes transmit the data to respective cluster head and the cluster head is conscientious to transmit the gathered and aggregated data directly to the base station. This paper examines the performance of the conventional LEACH protocol and gives an enhancement to it for energy efficiency. The proposed protocol considers many parameters like residual energy and distance from base station etc. for cluster head selection and energy efficient routing.Key words: Prof. Chandresh R. Parekh Reference [1] holger Karl, Andreas Willing, "PROTOCOLS AND ARCHITECTURES FOR WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS", Wiley Student Edition [2] Qiangfeng Jiang, D. Manivannan, "Routing Protocols for Sensor Networks" [3] Rudranath Mitra, Anurupa Biswas, "Enhanced Clusterhead Selection Algorithm Using LEACH Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks", International Journal Of Computational Engineering Research, May-June 2012 [4] Jamal N. Al-Karaki Ahmed E. Kamal, "Routing Techniques in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey" [4] Lin SHEN, Xiangquan SHIA, "Location Based Clustering Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks", international journal of intelligent control an'd systems, spetermber-2008 [5] H. Srikanth. Kamath, "Energy Efficient Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks", International Journal of Advanced Computer Research, June-2013 Nishita Payar, Prof. Chandresh R. Parekh |
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3. | Attributed Relational Graph Based Feature Extraction of Body Poses In Indian Classical Dance Bharathanatyam
Attributed Relational Graph Based Feature Extraction of Body Poses In Indian Classical Dance BharathanatyamAbstract: Articulated body pose estimation in computer vision is an important problem because of convolution of the models. It is useful in real time applications such as surveillance camera, computer games, human computer interaction etc. Feature extraction is the main part in pose estimation which helps for a successful classification. In this paper, we propose a system for extracting the features from the relational graph of articulated upper body poses of basic Bharatanatyam steps, each performed by different persons of different experiences and size. Our method has the ability to extract features from an attributed relational graph from challenging images with background clutters, clothing diversity, illumination etc. The system starts with skeletonization process which determines the human pose and increases the smoothness using B-Spline approach. Attributed relational graph is generated and the geometrical features are extracted for the correct discrimination between shapes that can be useful for classification and annotation of dance poses. We evaluate our approach experimentally on 2D images of basic Bharatanatyam poses.Key words: Attributed relational graph, feature extraction, skeletonization Reference [1] Apratim Sharma under the guidance of Dr. Amitabha Mukerjee, "Recognising Bharatanatyam Dance Sequences using RGB-D Data", A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Technology from Indian Institute of Technology,Kanpur,2013. [2] Marcin Eichner and Vittorio Ferrari, "Human Pose Co-Estimation and Applications", Proceedings of the IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 34, No. 11, November 2012 pp. 2282 – 2288. [3] Bangpeng Yao and Li Fei-Fei, "Recognizing Human-Object Interactions in Still Images by Modeling the Mutual Context of Objects and Human Poses", Proceedings of the IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis and machine intelligence,Vol.34,No.9,2012,pp.1691-1703. [4] Di Wu and Ling Shao, "Silhouette Analysis-Based Action Recognition Via Exploiting Human Poses," Proceedings of the IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology, vol. 23, no. 2, February 2013. [5] M. Andriluka, S. Roth, and B. Schiele, "Pictorial Structures Revisited, People Detection and Articulated Pose Estimation," Proceedings of the IEEE Conference of Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2009, Vol.pp.1014 - 1021. Athira. Sugathan, Suganya. R |
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4. | Construction Planning For The Next Generation Of Rural Coastal India
Construction Planning For The Next Generation Of Rural Coastal IndiaAbstract: Construction activities in the rural coast is a typical phenomenon which involves social, psychological, economical, environmental, geological, political, global, national as well as local issues of concern. Safe reconstruction for the rural coastal community after the 2004 devastating tsunami was the common will of all the twelve affected countries. In the subsequent tsunami of 2011, Japan experienced a multiple disasters and could not be able to manage things. It was proved by many factors like lack of land use planning, quality of construction, provision of basic amenities, health and total safety for Indian Tsunami reconstruction. Therefore, scientific and technological based approach only can give a better solution. For a developing country like India, having more rural based communities, the problem is serious and it becomes necessary to have the construction activities with a control system to achieve a permanently safer system. The problem is also aggravated for the next decade invited by the expected sea level rise and global warming issues, scarcity of water and other essential construction materials and shortage of conventional power production. This paper brings out the concept of providing an appropriate planning for the overall safe reconstruction in the rural east coast of India for the next generation.Key words: coastal planning, protection, renewable energy, tsunami reconstruction Reference [1] Alpa Sheth, Snigdha Sanyal, Arvind Jaiswal and Prathibha Gandhi (2006). ―Effects of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami on the Indian mainland‖, Earthquake engineering research institute, Earthquake Spectra, Vol.22, No.S3. pp. S435–S473. [2] Anbarasu, K and Rajamanickam, G.V (1997). ―Abandoned channels of rivers- An evidence of neotectonism‖, Indian Journal of Geomorphology, Vol.2, pp. 209-217 [3] Ankush Agarwal (2007). ―Cyclone resistant building architecture‖, GOI-UNDP Disaster risk management programme, Government of India. [4] Balamurugan, R (2012). ―Disaster Management in Tsunami Affected Portonovo Beach‖, Ph.D Report, Annamalai University, INDIA. [5] GoTN Report (2008). ―Tiding over TSUNAMI-Part 2‖, October 2008, Government of Tamil Nadu, India. S. Selvamuthukumar and Dr. G. Mohankumar |
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5. | Disinfection of Citrus Storage Room by Fumigation with Two Plants and Chemical Product Deccofenato Pot against the Viability of Penicillium Spp Spores
Disinfection of Citrus Storage Room by Fumigation with Two Plants and Chemical Product Deccofenato Pot against the Viability of Penicillium Spp SporeAbstract: Citrus fruits are subject to many postharvest phytopathogenic fungi that cause severe economic losses. The most attacks are mainly due the genus Penicillium spp. The treatment of these fungi uses a lot of chemicals that negatively affect environment and human health. Our study aims to test the antifungal activity by fumigation of two plants and a new chemical pesticide at the station Agrumar Souss, Ait Melloul. Plants and pesticide Deccofenato pot were used as fumigation in order to disinfect the storage rooms. The pesticide was fumigated in the storage rooms while the areal parts of Artemisia herba alba and the seeds of Peganum harmala were fumigated in hermetically closed chamber installed in the storage room. They were burned using the electric resistance, while the pesticide is already formulated as a fumigant. The results obtained show that both the two plants are very effective to reduce the infestation rates caused by Penicillium spp. Artemisia herba alba and Peganum harmala used respectively at the doses of 25 and 35 g/m3 inhibited 100% the viability of spores of Penicillium spp as well as the pesticide used at 1 g/m3.Key words: Artemisia herba alba, Peganum harmala, storage room, Deccofenato pot, Fumigation, Penicillium spp. Reference [1] Holmes GJ, Eckert JW, Pitt JI, Revised description of Penicillium ulaiens and its role as a pathogen of citrus fruit. Phytopathology 84, 719-727. 1994 [2] Cabras (P.), Schirras (M.), Pirisi (F.M.), Garau (V.L.), Angioni (A.). Factors affecting imazalil and thiabendazole uptake and persistence in Citrus fruits following dip treatments. - J. Agric. Food Chem. 47(8): 3352-3354. 1999. [3] Ben-Yehoshua S., Shapiro B., Kim J. J., Sharouni J., Carmeli S. and Kashman Y.,. Resistance of citrus fruit to pathogens and its enhancement by curing. Proc. Int. Soc. Citriculture 3: 1371-1379. 1988 [4] Boubaker H., B. Saadi, E. H. Boudyach and A. A. Benaoumar. 2009. Sensitivity of Penicillium digitatum and P. italicum to Imazalil and Thiabendazole in Morocco. Plant Pathology Journal, 8(4): 152-158 [5] Boubaker; B. Saadi ; E.H. Boudyach ; A. Ait Benaou . 2008. Resistance of Verticillium theobromae to Benzimidazole Fungicides in Morocco. Journal of Applied Sciences, V8 (21). M. C. Elbouchtaoui, L. M. Idrissi Hassani, A. Elmousadik, R. Salghi |
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6. | Detection and Reconstruction of Images from Satellite Images: GIS
Detection and Reconstruction of Images from Satellite Images: GISAbstract: The increase in spatial resolution has enabled analysis and detection of images obtained through satellite. To increase the accuracy in image processing, an unwanted shadow needs to be processed effectively. A quality check mechanism governs the false reconstruction problems. In the proposed paper we would like to suggest use of Lib SVM algorithm. The original image obtained from satellite is first supervised to identify shadow and non shadow regions. The shadow region is then filtered using morphological filter and a border is created around shadow. With the help of Lib SVM algorithm the shadow image can be removed using post classification methods and shadow free image can be obtained.Key words: Morphological Operator, Pattern Recognition, Reconstruction of Images, Shadow, Spatial Resolution, Vector Machine Approach. Reference [1] J.M. Wang, Y.C. Chung, C.L. Chang, S.W. Chen, "Shadow Detection and Removal for Traffic Images", Proc. IEEE International Conference on Net working, Sensing and Control, vol. 1, pp. 649 –654, 2004. [2] T. Chen, W. Yin, X.S. Zhou, D. Comaniciu, and T.S. Huang, "Illumination Normalization for Face Recognition and Uneven Background Correction Using Total Variation Based Image Models", Proc. CVPR, vol. 2, pp. 532-539, 2005. [3] Y. Adini, Y. Moses, and S. Ulman, "Face recognition: The problem of compensating for changes in illumination direction", IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Machine In tell. 19(7):721–732, 1997. [4] T. Kaset kasem and P. K. Varshney, "An optimum land cover mapping algorithm in the presence of shadow," IEEE J. Select. Topics Signal Process.,vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 592–605, Jun. 2011 [5] D. Comaniciu and P. Meer. Mean shift: A robust approach toward feature space analysis. PAMI,24(5):603–619, 2002. Mr. Vinod Shinde*, Ms. Pallavi Bafna |
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7. | Prediction Of Study Track Using Decision Tree
Prediction Of Study Track Using Decision TreeAbstract: One of the most important issues to succeed in academic life is to assign students to the right track when they arrive at the end of basic education stage. The education system is graded from 1st to 10th standard, where after finishing the 10th grade the student's are distributed into different academic tracks or fields such as Science, Commerce, Arts depending on the marks that they have scored. In order to succeed in academic life the student should select the correct academic field. Many students fail to select the appropriate field. At one instant of time they prefer a certain type of career and at the next instant they consider another option. To improve the quality of education data mining techniques can be utilized instead of the traditional process. The proposed system has many benefits as compared to traditional system as the accuracy of results is better. The problems can be solved via the proposed system. The proposed system will predict the streams through the decision tree method. With each and every input the proposed system evolves with better accuracy.Key words: Data Mining, Decision Tree, C4.5, NBTree, Decision Tree Algorithm, ssc marks, Accuracy Reference [1] Ahmad I., Manarvi, I., Ashraf, N. "Predicting university performance in a subject based on high school majors", 978-1-4244-4136-5/09/ ©2009 IEEE [2] Zhiwu Liu, Xiuzhi Zhang. "Predictionand Analysis for Students' Marks Based onDecision Tree Algorithm", Intelligent Networks and Intelligent Systems (ICINIS), 2010 3rd International Conference on Digital Object Identifier:10.1109/ICINIS.2010.59 Publication Year: 2010 , Page(s): 338 – 341 [3] Anupama Kumar S, Vijayalakshmi M.N. "Mining of student academic evaluation records in higher education", Recent Advances in Computing and Software Systems (RACSS), 2012 International Conference on Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/RACSS.2012.6212699 Publication Year: 2012 IEEE , Page(s): 67 – 70 [4] Bunkar, K, Singh U.K., Pandya B, Bunkar R. "Data mining: Prediction for performance improvement of graduate students using classification", Wireless and Optical Communications Networks (WOCN), 2012 Ninth International Conference on Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/WOCN.2012.6335530 Publication Year: 2012 IEEE, Page(s): 1 – 5 [5] Garcia, E.P.I. ; Mora, P.M. "Model Prediction of Academic Performance for First Year Students", Artificial Intelligence (MICAI), 2011 10th Mexican International Conference on Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/MICAI.2011.28 Publication Year: 2011 IEEE , Page(s): 169 – 174 Deepali Joshi, Priyanka Desai |
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8. | Fuzzy Expert Model for Evaluation of Faculty Performance in Technical Educational Institutions
Fuzzy Expert Model for Evaluation of Faculty Performance in Technical Educational InstitutionsAbstract: In developing countries, higher education is seen as an essential means for creation and development of resources and for improving the life of people to whom it has to serve. Worldwide National policies on higher education are been given increasing importance to improve the quality of education on offer. Consequently, the evaluation of Faculty performance in teaching activity is especially relevant for the academic institutions. It helps to define efficient plans to guarantee quality of teachers and the teaching learning process. In this paper, an optimization Evolution model for academic performance of the faculty's in technical institutions based on teaching activity series of qualitative reports is presented. We have proposed a Fuzzy Expert System for evaluating teachers overall performance based on fuzzy logic techniques under uncertain facts in the decision making process. A suitable fuzzy inference mechanism and associated rules are been discussed. It introduces the principles behind fuzzy logic and illustrates how these principles could be applied by educators to evaluating faculty's performance. This model will help to write the Annual Confidential Reports of all the employees of an organization.Key words: Fuzzy logic, R&D, Faculty, Member Function. Reference [1] Turban, E., Zhou, D., Ma, J. (2000). A methodology for grades of journals: A fuzzy set-based group decision support system. Proceedings of the 33rd Hawaii International Conference on System Science. [2] Saaty, T.L. (1995). The Analytic Hierarchy Process, RWS Publications, Pittsburgh. [3] Sonja, P.L. (2001). Personnel selection fuzzy model. International Transactions in Operational Research, 8(1), 89-105. [4] Chou, T.Y., Liang, G.S. (2001). Application of a fuzzy multi-criteria decision-making modelfor shipping company performance evaluation. Maritime Policy & Management, 28 (4), 375-392. [5] Sirigiri Pavani, P.V.Gangadhar, K.K.Gulhare, "Evaluation of teachers performance using fuzzy logic techniques", International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology- Vol. 3 No. 2- 2012. Ms. G. Jyothi, Mrs. Ch. Parvathi, Mr. P. Srinivas, and Mr. Sk. Althaf Rahaman |
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9. | Technique for Predicting Data Rate for Cognitive Radio Using
Neural Network
Technique for Predicting Data Rate for Cognitive Radio Using Neural NetworkAbstract: Significant problems confronting wireless communications, are scarcity and deployment difficulty. The deployment problem is a process problem i.e., frequency allocation is fixed and is done so by complex collaboration and coordination between countries and systems, respectively. The limited available spectrum and the inefficiency in the spectrum usage necessitate a new communication paradigm to exploit the existing wireless spectrum opportunistically called cognitive radio technology. In this paper we have proposed a learning technique using neural network to be used in cognitive radio so that it can predict the data rate. Performance of learning scheme has been observed using Matlab simulations and found that Focused Time Delay Neural Networks are good candidate for cognitive radios.Key words: cognitive radio, neural network, dynamic spectrum access, wireless communication. Reference [1] J. Mitola, ―Cognitive Radio: An Integrated Agent Architecture for Software Defined Radio‖, Ph.D. thesis, Royal Institute of Technology, 2000. [2] Simon Haykin, ―Cognitive Radio: Brain-Empowered wireless communications‖, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 23, No. 2, pp 201-220, February 2005. [3] Cristian Ianculescu, Andy Mudra, ―Cognitive radio and dynamic spectrum sharing‖ Proceeding of the SDR 05 Technical Conference and Product Exposition, pp 1-5, 2005. [4] Baldo N, Zorzi M. ―Learning and adaptation in cognitive radios using neural networks‖, 1st IEEE workshop on cognitive radio networks (in conjunction with IEEE CCNC 2008), 12 Jan., 2008, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. [5] Tsagkaris K, Katidiotis A, Demestichas P. ―Neural network-based learning schemes for cognitive radio systems‖, Computer Communications, 2008;31(14):3394–3404. Rita Mahajan, Dr. Deepak Bagai |
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10. | Design of High Speed Architecture of Parallel MAC Based On Radix-2 MBA
Design of High Speed Architecture of Parallel MAC Based On Radix-2 MBAAbstract: The multiplier and multiplier-and-accumulator (MAC) are the essential elements of the digital signal processing such as filtering, convolution, transformations and Inner products. Parallel MAC is frequently used in digital signal processing and video/graphics applications. Fast multipliers are essential parts of digital signal processing systems. The speed of multiply operation is of great importance in digital signal processing as well as in the general purpose processors today, especially since the media processing took off. The MAC provides high speed multiplication and multiplication with accumulative addition. This paper presents a combined process of multiplication and accumulation based on radix-4 & radix-8 booth encodings. In this Paper, we investigate the method of implementing the Parallel MAC with the smallest possible delay. Enhancing the speed of operation of the parallel MAC is a major design issue. This has been achieved by developing a CLA adder for parallel MAC.Key words: Radix-4 and Radix-8 based Booth multiplier; modified booth algorithm (MBA); carry save adder (CSA) tree; carry look ahead adder(CLA); computer arithmetic; digital signal processing (DSP); multiplier and- accumulator (MAC); Adders. Reference [1] J. J. F. Cavanagh, "Digital Computer Arithmetic", New York: McGraw- Hill, 1984. [2] O. L. MacSorley, "High speed arithmetic in binary computers," Proc. IRE, vol. 49, pp. 67–91, Jan. 1961. [3] C. S. Wallace, "A suggestion for a fast multiplier", IEEE Trans. Electron Comput., vol. EC-13, no. 1, pp. 14–17, Feb. 1964. [4] Fayed and M. Bayoumi, "A merged multiplier-accumulator for high speed signal processing application", Proc. ICASSP, vol. 3, pp. 3212–3215, 2002. [5] Yajuan He and Chip-Hong Chang, "A New redundant binary booth encoding for fast 2n-bit multiplier design", IEEE Transaction on circuit and systems, Vol. 56, No.6, June 2009. Syed Anwar Ahmed, MD Salahuddin |
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11. | Design of Low Power Successive Approximation Analog to Digital Converter
Design of Low Power Successive Approximation Analog to Digital ConverterAbstract: In Biomedical applications such as pacemaker it becomes mandatory to design the circuits with low power and low voltage to enhance the system by means of long sustainability and less power consumption with maintenance free operation, especially in the circuits like Analog to Digital Converters (ADCs). So here is the selection of right architecture is very crucial. Day by day more and more applications are built on the basis of power consumption so SAR ADC will be useful for medium speed with medium resolution and low power consumption. This SAR ADC is designed in Tanner Tool V13.0 . This is implemented in 180 nm technology.Key words: Successive Approximation Register (SAR), Low power, Resolution, Pacemaker. Reference [1] ALGN Aditya, G.Rakesh Chowdary , J. Meenakshi, M.S.Vamsi Krishna ―Implementation of Low power Successive Approximation ADC for MAV'S‖ IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition 2013. [2] Md.Kareemoddin, A.Ashok Kumar, Dr. Syed Musthak Ahmed, ―Design of low power SAR ADC in Biomedical Applications‖ International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET) Volume 2, Issue 7, July 2013 [3] Brian P. Ginsburg and Anantha P. Chandrakasan, "500-MS/s 5-bit ADC in 65-nm CMOS With Split Capacitor Array DAC," IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 42, no. 4, pp.739-747 ,Apr. 2007. [4] Siamak Mortezapour, Edward K. F. Lee ―A 1V 8-Bit Successive Approximation Register in standard CMOS process.‖ IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, VOL. 35, NO. 4, APRIL 2009. [5] Young-Kyun Cho, Young-Deuk Jeon, Jae –won Nam,Jong-Kee Kwon ―A 9-bit 80 MS/s Successive Approximation Register Analog to Digital converter with a capacitor reduction Technique‖ IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS—II: EXPRESS BRIEFS, VOL. 57, NO. 7, JULY 2010. Mr. Jitendra A. Waghmare, Prof. P.M. Ghutke |
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12. | Causes, Effects and Solutions of Poor Quality Problems in the Power Systems
Causes, Effects and Solutions of Poor Quality Problems in the Power SystemsAbstract: The term electric power quality broadly refers to maintaining a nearly sinusoidal power distribution bus voltage at rated magnitude and frequency. In addition, the energy supplied to a consumer must be uninterrupted from reliability point of view. Though power quality is mainly a distribution system problem, power transmission system may also have impact on quality of power. With the ever-increasing use of sophisticated controls and equipment in industrial, commercial, institutional, and governmental facilities, the continuity, reliability, and quality of electrical service has become extremely crucial to many power users. Electrical systems are subject to a wide variety of power quality problems which can interrupt production processes, affect sensitive equipment, and cause downtime, scrap, and capacity losses. Momentary voltage fluctuations can disastrously impact production. . . extended outages have a greater impact.Key words: Power Systems, Shunt Active Filter, Series Active Filter and Shunt Series Active Filter etc Reference [1]. Bhim Singh, Kamal Al Haddad and Ambrish Chandra, A Review of Active Filters for Power Quality Improvement, IEEE Trans on Industrial Electronics, Vol.46, No.5, Oct. 1999, pp. 960-970. [2]. S. K. Jain, P. Agrawal and H. O. Gupta, Fuzzy Logic controlled shunt active power filter for power quality improvement, IEE proceedings in Electrical Power Applications, Vol. 149, No.5, Sept. 2002. [3]. G.- Myoung Lee, Dong- Choon Lee, Jul- Ki Seok; "Control of Series Active Power Filters Compensating for Source Voltage Unbalance and Current Harmonics"; IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 51, No. 1, Feb. 2004, pp. 132-139. [4]. Jun Li, Hui Yan, Guoqing Tang, Ping Jiang, Cuimei Bo; "Simulation Study of the Series Active Power Filter Based on Nonlinear Immune Control Theory"; IEEE International Conference on Electric Utility Deregulation, Restructuring and Power Technologies (DRPT2004) April 2004, pp.758-762. [5]. V. Khadkikar, P. Agarwal, A. Chandra, A.O. Barry and T.D. Nguyen; "A Simple New Control Technique For Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC)"; 11th International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power-2004, pp. 289-293. Vikash Anand, S. K. Srivastava |
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13. | Effect of Blackhole Attack on Single Hop and Multihop Leach Protocol
Effect of Blackhole Attack on Single Hop and Multihop Leach ProtocolAbstract: Wireless micro sensor networks provide reliable monitoring of remote areas for data-gathering. Due to the limited battery capacity of sensor nodes, energy consumption plays an important role in the operation of WSN. This can be improved by using a protocol called Low energy adaptive clustering hierarchy (LEACH).Malicious attacks are generated in the network due to power supply, processing abilities and capacity for high power radio transmission. In this paper one such attack namely BlackHole attack and its effect on single hop LEACH and multihop LEACH has been compared, simulated and analyzed.Index terms: WSN, LEACH, Blackhole, Multi hop, Residual Energy. Reference [1] Hierarchical Energy Efficient Intrusion Detection System for Black Hole Attacks in WSNs Samir Athmani, Djallel Eddine Boubiche and Azeddine Bilami, 978-1-4799-0462-4/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE. [2] Improvement on LEACH Protocol of Wireless Sensor Network, Fan Xiangning, Song Yulin, 0-7695-2988-7/07 $25.00 © 2007 IEEE. [3] Performance Evaluation of LEACH Protocol in Wireless Network, M. Shankar, Dr .M. Sridar, Dr. M. Rajani, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 3, Issue 1, January-2012 1 ISSN 2229-5518. [4] Comparing the Impact of Black Hole and Gray Hole Attack on LEACH in WSN by Meenakshi Tripathi,M.S.Gaur,V.Laxmi Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur, India 2013 published by Elsevier B.V. [5] Leach and Its Descendant Protocols: A Survey J. Gnanambigai, Dr. N. Rengarajan, K. Anbukkarasi International Journal of Communication and Computer Technologies Volume 01 – No.3, Issue: 02 September 2012 ISSN NUMBER: 2278-9723. Siddiq Iqbal, Aravind Srinivas S P, Sudarshan G, Sagar S Kashyap |
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14. | Image Registration Using Log Polar Transform and Fft Based Scale Invariant
Image Registration Using Log Polar Transform and Fft Based Scale InvariantAbstract: Image registration is the fundamental task used to match two or more partially overlapping images taken, for example, at different times, from different sensors, or from different viewpoints and stitch these images into one panoramic image comprising the whole scene. It is a fundamental image processing technique and is very useful in integrating information from different sensors, finding changes in images taken at different times, inferring three-dimensional information from stereo images, and recognizing model-based objects. Some techniques are proposed to find a geometrical transformation that relates the points of an image to their corresponding points of another image. To register two images, the coordinate transformation between a pair of images must be found. In this paper, we have proposed an algorithm that is based on Log-Polar Transform and first we roughly estimate the angle, scale and translation between two images. The proposed algorithm can recover scale value up to 5.85. The robustness of this algorithm is verified on different images with similarity transformation and in the presence of noise.Key words: Image Registration, Log-Polar Transform (LPT), Fast Fourier Transform Reference [1] S. Zokai and G.Wolberg. "Image registration using log-polar mappings for recovery of large-scale imilarity and projective transformations". IEEE Trans. Image Process., 14(10):1422–1434, [2005]. [2] B.S. Reddy and B.N. Chatterji. "An FFT-based technique for translation, rotation and scaleinvariant image registration." IEEE Trans. Image Processing, 5(8):1266–1271, [1996]. [3] C.D. Kuglin and D.C. Hines. "The phase -correlation image alignment method." In Proc. IEEE Conf. Cybernetics and Society, pages 163–165, [1975]. [4] Jignesh N Sarvaiya, Dr. Suprava Patnaik, Salman Bombaywala, "Image registration using Log polar transform and phase correlation", TENCON 2009 - 2009 IEEE Region 10 Conference, pp.1-5, [2009]. [5] Qin-sheng Chen, Michel Defrise, F. Deconinck, "Symmetric phase-only matched filtering of Fourier Mellin transform for image registration and recognition", IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 16, pp.1156-1168, [1994]. Mr. Divyang Patel, Ass Prof. Vaibhav Gandhi, Miss. Vrutti Patel |
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15. | A Survey on Vision Based Fire Detection in Videos
A Survey on Vision Based Fire Detection in VideosAbstract: Computer vision techniques are largely used now a days to detect the fire. There are also many challenges in judging whether the region detected as fire is actually a fire this is perhaps mainly because the color of fire can range from red yellow to almost white. So fire region cannot be detected only by a single feature color many other features have to be taken into consideration. This paper is a study of the recent techniques and features extracted by different existing algorithms.Key words: Flame feature, Probabilistic model, Spatio-Temporal patters, Accumulated Motion Mask, Accumulated Intensity Template. Reference [1] Huan. Li1,2 , Shan. Chang2 , Zhe. Li3 , Lipng.Shao, Dongguan, Guangdong, " Color Context Analysis based Efficient Real-time Flame Detection Algorithm‖, 3rd IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Application, June 2008 IEEE, pp. 1953-1957. [2] Jian Ding and Mao Ye, ― A Novel Way for Fire Detection in The Video Using Hidden Markov Model‖, 2011 International Conference on Electronic & Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology , VOL.9, 2011 IEEE. [3] Paulo Vinicius Koerich Borges and Ebroul Izquierdo, "A Probabilistic Approach for Vision-Based Fire Detection in Videos", IEEE Transactions On Circuits And Systems For Video Technology, VOL. 20, NO. 5, MAY 2010. [4] Hongcheng Wang, Alan Finn, Ozgur Erdinc and Antonio Vincitore, ―Spatial- Temporal Structural and Dynamic Features for Video Fire Detection‖, 2013 IEEE Workshop on Application of Computer Vision, Jan. 2013, pp. 513-519. [5] Thou-Ho (Chao-Ho) Chen, Cheng-Liang Kao and Sju-Mo Chang, ―An Intelligent Real-Time Fire-Detection Method Based on Video Processing‖, IEEE 37th Annual 2003 International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology,Oct 2003, pp.104-111. Nandhini Mohan, S. Padmavathi |
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17. | Area efficient Short Bit Width Two's Compliment Multiplier Using CSA
Area efficient Short Bit Width Two's Compliment Multiplier Using CSAAbstract: Two's complement multipliers are important for a wide range of applications. In this project, we present a technique to reduce by one row the maximum height of the partial product array generated by a radix-4 Modified Booth Encoded multiplier, without any increase in the delay of the partial product generation stage. The proposed method can be extended to higher radix encodings, as well as to the proposed approach using CSA to add partial products improve the performance by reducing area and delay; the results based on a rough theoretical analysis and on logic synthesis showed its efficiency in terms of both area and delay. And we are implementing this on CADENCE Platform in 180 nm technology. And using clock gating technique to reduce further delay.Key words: Modified Booth Encoding, CSA-Carry Save Adder, partial product array. Reference [1] M.D. Ercegovac and T. Lang, Digital Arithmetic. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 200 [2] S.K. Hsu, S.K. Mathew, M.A. Anders, B.R. Zeydel, V.G. Oklobdzija, R.K. Krishnamurthy, and S.Y. Borkar, "A 110GOPS/ W 16-Bit Multiplier and Reconfigurable PLA Loop in 90-nm CMOS," IEEE J. Solid State Circuits, vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 256-264, Jan. 2006. [3] H. Kaul, M.A. Anders, S.K. Mathew, S.K. Hsu, A. Agarwal, R.K. Krishnamurthy, and S. Borkar, "A 300 mV 494GOPS/W Reconfigurable Dual-Supply 4-Way SIMD Vector Processing Accelerator in 45 nm CMOS," IEEE J. Solid State Circuits, vol. 45, no. 1, pp. 95- 101, Jan. 2010. [4] M.S. Schmookler, M. Putrino, A. Mather, J. Tyler, H.V. Nguyen, C. Roth, M. Sharma, M.N. Pham, and J. Lent, "A Low-Power, High- Speed Implementation of a PowerPC Microprocessor Vector Extension," Proc. 14th IEEE Symp. Computer Arithmetic, pp. 12-19, 1999. [5] O.L. MacSorley, "High Speed Arithmetic in Binary Computers," Proc. IRE, vol. 49, pp. 67-91, Jan. 1961. N.V. Siva Rama Krishna .T, K .Hari Kishore, K .Vinay Kumar |
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18. | Comparison of Performance of VSI and Z-Source Inverter for Space Vector PWM
Comparison of Performance of VSI and Z-Source Inverter for Space Vector PWM<Abstract: Z-Source Inverters have the ability to boost the dc link voltage, thus increasing the output ac voltage beyond the values reached by conventional inverters. The enhanced ratio from ac output voltage to dc link voltage is possible due to an impedance network connected between the dc power supply and the main converter. The space vector pulse width modulation techniques gives more dc bus utilisation and low harmonics than other pulse width modulation techniques. In this paper space vector pwm is implemented for conventional VSI and Zsource inverter. The results are supported by SIMULINK simulationKey words: voltage source inverters, z-source, spece vector, low harmonics, dc bus utilisation. Reference [1] F. Z. Peng " Z-Source Inverter", IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 39,March-April 2003, pp. 504-510. [2] F. Z. Peng, X. Yuan, X. Fang and Z. Qian "Z-Source Inverter for Adjustable Speed Drives", IEEE Trans. Power Electr. Letters, vol. 1, No. 2, June 2003, pp. 33-35. [3] F. Z. Peng "Z-Source Inverter for Motor Drives", 35th Annual IEEE Power Electronics Conference, pp. 249-254. [4] F. Z. Peng, M. Shen and Z. Qian "Maximum Boost Control of the ZSource inverter", 35th Annual IEEE Power Electronics Conference, pp. 255-260. [5] P. C. Loh, D. M. Vilathgamuwa, Y. S. Lai, G. T. Chua and Y. Li "Pulse-Width Modulation of Z-Source Inverters", Conf. Rec. IEEEIASAnnu. Meeting, 2004, pp.148-155. E. Sai Prateek, Ashmeet Kandhari, Ch. Chenchu Kalyan Chakravarthy, T Nithin Krishna, K.Dinesh |
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19. | Experimental Analysis of Performance of Diesel Engine Using Kusum Methyl Ester With Diethyl Ether as Additive
Experimental Analysis of Performance of Diesel Engine Using Kusum Methyl Ester With Diethyl Ether as AdditiveAbstract: The fossile fuels are widely used in diesel engine and continually depleting with increasing consumption and prices day by day. The fatty acid methyl ester has become an effective alternative to diesel. Various types of vegetable oil such as Jatropha, karanja, cottonseed, neem, sunflower, palm, mahuva, coconut etc. can be used as fuel in diesel engine. Kusum oil is one of the fuel used in present work. The viscosity of kusum oil is very high, so it was reduced by Transesterification process. This study presents effect of diethyl ether as additive to biodiesel of kusum (schliechera oleosa) methyl ester on the performance and emission of diesel engine at different load and constant speed and two different injection pressure (170 and 190 bar). From literature it was observed that very few studies had been conducted on use of neat biodiesel and diethyl ether blends and use of kusum methyl ester (KME) in diesel engine found to be very less as compared to different biodiesel. Hence this topic was taken under study. The fuels and its blends used are 100% diesel, B100 (100% KME), BD-1 (95% KME, 5% DEE), BD-2 (90% KME, 10% DEE), BD-3 (85% KME, 15% DEE) respectively. It was observed that the performance of engine increases at high injection pres-sure. The results indicate that lower BSFC was observed with BD-3 as compared to B100, BD-1 and BD-2. Brake thermal efficiency of BD-3 decreased at 170 bar injection pressure but it increase at 190 bar. Drastic re-duction in smoke is observed with all blends at higher engine loads. DEE addition to biodiesel reflects better engine performance compared to neat biodiesel.Key words: Biodiesel, Kusum methyl ester, Diethyl ether, injection pressure. Reference [1] Mallela Gandhi, N. Ramu and S. Bakkiya Raj "Methyl production from Schlichera oleosa" IJPSR, 2011; Vol. 2(5): 1244-1250. [2] Ismet celikten, Atilla Koca, Mehmet Ali Arslan "Comparision performance and emission of diesel fuel, rapeseed and soyabean oil methyl ester injected at different pressure", Renewable Energy, 2010; Vol. no. 35, 814-820. [3] S K Acharya, A K Mishra, M Rath, C Nayak "Performance analysis of karanja and kusum oils as alternative bio-diesel fuel in diesel engine", Int J Agric & Biol Eng, 2011; Vol. no. 4(2). [4] Acharya S K, Mohanty M K, Swain R K. "Kusum oil as fuel for small horse power diesel engine", International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2009; Vol. no. 1(3): 219–223. [5] Krzysztof Gorski, Ruslans Smigins "Impact of ether/ethanol and biodiesel blends on combustion process of compression ignition engine", Engineering for rural development, 2011; Vol. no. 05, 26 – 27. Sandip S. Jawre, Prof. S. M. Lawankar |
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20. | Evaluation of Corn Cob Cellulose and its Suitability for Drilling Mud Formulation
Evaluation of Corn Cob Cellulose and its Suitability for Drilling Mud FormulationAbstract: Properties of mud formulated with variable concentrations of cellulose processed from corn cob have been studied. The results obtained were compared with that of a standard mud formulated from Polyanionic Cellulose (PAC). These results have shown that the pH, mud density, specific gravity of the mud formulated from corn cob cellulose are higher than that of the standard mud, but rheology of the prepared mud was lower than that of the standard mud. The results show that cellulose processed from corn cob can significantly reduce fluid loss in a water based drilling mud, suggesting cellulose as a good fluid loss control agent. It is confirmed that polymer can be used as fluid loss control agent in the mud system. The water loss analysis showed that the drilling fluid formulated from local material has a lower fluid loss of between 5.2-5.8 mls as compared to 6.6 mls for PAC. This also confirms that cellulose processed from corn cobs are preferred fluid loss control agents thanPolyanionic Cellulose (PAC).Key words: Drilling mud, Cellulose, viscosity, fluid loss. Reference [1] D.Klemm, H.-P.Schmauder and T.Heinze, Cellulose. Biopolymers online, Wiley,2005,1-6. [2] I.L. Egunand Achandu M. Abah., Comparative Performance of Cassava Starch to PAC as Fluid Loss Control Agent in Water Base Drilling Mud. Discovery 3(9),2013, 1-4. [3] T. Ademiluyi, O.F. Joel and A.A. Kazeem, Investigation of Local Polymer (cassava starches) as a Substitute for Imported Sample in Viscosity and Fluid Loss Control of Water Based Drilling Mud. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, 6(12), 2011, 1-5. [4] I. Ismail and A.K.Idris,The Prospect of Utilizing Local Starches as Fluid Loss Control Agent in the Petroleum Industry. Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering, 1997, 375-386. [5] S. Rupinski, Z.K. Brozowski and M.Uliasz, Study on The Application of Starch Derivatives as The Regulators of Potassium Drilling Fluids Filtration. Chemistry and Chemical Technology, 3(3), 2009, 1-2. Nmegbu, Chukwuma Godwin Jacob, Bekee Bari-Agara |
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21. | Comparative Assessment of the Adverse Effect of Silver Nanoparticles to Vigna Radiata and Brassica Campestris Crop Plants.
Comparative Assessment of the Adverse Effect of Silver Nanoparticles to Vigna Radiata and Brassica Campestris Crop PlantsAbstract: Inspite of very wide application of different types of nanoparticles in different commercial fields including pharmaceutical and food industries, the toxic effects of these nanoparticles on living systems have not been clearly established. Increased applications of nanoparticles by human beings lead to accumulation of more and more nanoparticles in the environment which ultimately affect the ecosystem. The current study focused on phytotoxicity of silver nanoparticles to V.radiata and B.campestris crop plants. Effect on seedling growth by nanoparticles is comparatively more than ions solution during treatment period. The test plants exposed to nanoparticle shows that the average particle size was about 25.3 nm which was determined by X-Ray Diffractions spectrophotometer. In addition, result from Fourier Transform Infrared spectrometer reported no change in chemical composition on the basis of vibrations of functional group of molecules in treated root samples. However, Scanning Electron Microscope images revealed depositions of isolated small and spherical nanoparticles in root cells. The nanoparticles appeared to be either filling the epidermal crypt or adhering onto the root surface of test plants.Key words: Fourier Transform Infrared spectrometer, Nanoparticles, Phytotoxicity, Scanning Electron Microscope and X-Ray Diffractions spectrophotometer Reference [1] M.C. Roco, Environmentally responsible development of nanotechnology, Environ Sci Technol, 39, 2005, 106–112. [2] R..F.Service, Science policy: Report faults U.S. strategy for nanotoxicology research, Science, 2008, 322:1779. [3] V.L.Colvin, The potential environmental impact of engineered nanomaterials, Nat Biotechnol, 21, 2003, 1166–1170. [4] M.R.Weisner, G.V.Lowry, K.L. Jones, R.T. Di Guilio, E. Casman and E.S. Bernhardt, Decreasing uncertainties in assessing environmental exposure, risk, and ecological implications of nanomaterials, Environ Sci Technol. 43, 2009, 6458–6462. [5] D. Lin and B. Xing. Phytotoxicity of nanoparticles: inhibition of seed germination and root growth, Environ Pol, 150, 2007, 243–250. |
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22. | Tuning of PID Controller for A Linear Brushless DC Motor using Swarm Intelligence Technique
Tuning of PID Controller for A Linear Brushless DC Motor using Swarm Intelligence TechniqueAbstract: An Optimal Design of PID Controller is proposed in this paper. The Methodology of PSO Algorithm is utilized to search the optimal parameters of Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) Controller for BLDC Motor. PSO is an Evolutionary Optimization Technique. A Linear Brushless DC Motors are known for higher efficiency and lower maintenance. The Brushless DC Motor is modeled in Simulink & tuning of PID controller using PSO is implemented in MATLAB. This Method was more efficient for Step Response Characteristics.Key words: Brushless DC Motor, Particle Swarm Optimization ,PID Controller, Optimal Control. Reference [1] V. Tipsuwanporn, W. Piyarat and C. Tarasantisuk, "Identification and control of brushless DC motors using on-line trained artificial neural networks," in Proc. Power Conversion Conf., pp. 1290-1294, Apr. 2002. [2] X.Li Q.Zhang and H.Xiao, "The design of brushless DC motor servo system based on wavelet ANN, "in Proc. Int. Conf. Machine Learning and Cybernetics, pp. 929-933, 2004. [3] N. Hemati, J. S. Thorp, and M. C. Leu, "Robust nonlinear control of Brushless dc motors for direct-drive robotic applications," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 37, pp. 460–468, Dec 1990. [4] P. M. Pelczewski and U. H. Kunz, "The optimal control of a constrained drive system with brushless dc motor," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol.37, pp. 342–348, Oct. 1990. [5] F. J. Lin, K. K. Shyu, and Y. S. Lin, "Variable structure adaptive control for PM synchronous servo motor drive," IEE Proc. IEE B: Elect. Power Application, vol. 146, pp. 173–185, Mar. 1999. Pooja Sharma, Rajeev Gupta |
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23. | Robotic Wheelchair Using Eye Blink Sensors and Accelerometer Provided with Home Appliance Control
Robotic Wheelchair Using Eye Blink Sensors and Accelerometer Provided with Home Appliance ControlAbstract: According to a new report prepared jointly by the World Health Organization and the World Bank, 15 percent of the world's population is disabled. The use of powered wheelchairs with high navigational intelligence is one of the great steps towards the integration of severely physically disabled and mentally handicapped people. Driving a wheelchair is a tedious task for severely handicapped persons, unless they use the tongue to control the joystick. Simultaneously blind and paraplegic people deal with two problems, which creates uneasy situation for them, i.e locomotion and localization. Different systems are being developed to overcome the problems described above, allowing the end-user to perform safe movements and accomplish some daily life important tasks. Our Robotic wheelchair uses eye blink and head tilt movement to steer the wheelchair. In addition, we can give more independence to the disabled person by using the same head-tilt movement to communicate with the devices in a room for example: a fan. This communication is done using a RF transmitter and receiver. Using this, the person can control various devices easily.Key words: Accelerometer, Eye Blink Sensor, Handicapped, Microcontroller, Paraplegic Reference [1.] Teodiano F. Bastos-Filho, Fernando Auat Cheein, Member, IEEE, Sandra M.T. M¨uller,Wanderley C. Celeste, Celso de la Cruz, Daniel C. Cavalieri, M´ario Sarcinelli-Filho,Paulo F. S. Amaral, Elisa Perez, Carlos Soria, Ricardo Carelli, Senior Member, IEEE, ―Towards a New Modality-Independent Interface for a Robotic Wheelchair‖, May 2013 [2.] Poonam S. Gajwani & Sharda A. Chhabria ―Eye Motion Tracking for Wheelchair Control‖ [3.] Elisa Perez, Natalia López, Eugenio Orosco, Carlos Soria, Vicente Mut, and Teodiano Freire-Bastos ―Robust Human Machine Based on Head Movements Applied to AssistiveRobots‖ [4.] Manuel Mazo, Francisco J. Rodriguez, Josi l. L,Zaro, Jesiis Ureia, Juan C. Garcia ―Wheelchair for Physically Disabled People with Voice, Ultrasonic and Infrared Sensor Control‖, Autonomous Robots, 1995, Volume 2, Issue 3, pp 203-224 [5.] Maurizio Caon, Stefano Carrino, Simon Ruffieux, Omar Abou Khaled, and Elena Mugellini ―Augmenting Interaction Possibilities between People with Mobility Impairments and Their Surrounding Environment‖ Colleen Nelson, Nikitha S Badas, Saritha I G, Thejaswini S |
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24. | Measurement of Zenith and Azimuth Angles for the 2D Doppler Skymap Plot: Labview Based Implementation
Measurement of Zenith and Azimuth Angles for the 2D Doppler Skymap Plot: Labview Based ImplementationAbstract: An Ionosonde is a special type of Doppler radar , which has used for the examination of the ionosphere. It has used to find out the desired operational frequencies for broadcasts or two-way communications in the high frequency range. Ionosonde system is under development at SAMEER, IIT Bombay Campus. Skymap is a presentation technique for the drift measurement data in which a large number of individual echoes from the ionosphere ("sources") are resolved by their time of arrival and further by their Doppler shift that corresponds to the line-of-sight velocity of the reflecting area of plasma. This Skymap has plotted in 2D by using Zenith and Azimuth angle. Measurement of Zenith and Azimuth angle has implemented by using LabVIEW.Key words: Azimuth angle, Drift, Ionosonde, Ionosphere, LabVIEW, Skymap, Zenith angle Reference [1] D. Kouba,P. Šauli, J. Boška,O. Santolík, Ionospheric F-region Drift Measurements in Observatory Průhonice,WDS'07 Proceedings of Contributed Papers, Part II, 81–85, 2007. [2] D. Kouba,P. Šauli, J. Boška,O. Santolík, Ionospheric F-region Drift Measurements, WDS'06 Proceedings of Contributed Papers, Part II, 36–41, 2006. [3] Reinisch, B.W., J.L. Scali and D.M. Haines, Ionospheric drift measurements with ionosondes, Annali di Geofisica, 695-7, 1998. [4] Cesidio Bianchi and David Altadill, ANNALS OF GEOPHYSICS 2005. Ionospheric Doppler measurements by means of HF-radar techniques Tushar Jankar, M. Suresh Kumar, Ajay Khandare, Dr. M. S. Panse |
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25. | High Speed Error Detection and Data Recovery Architecture for Video Applications
High Speed Error Detection and Data Recovery Architecture for Video ApplicationsAbstract: Given the critical role of motion estimation (ME) in a video coder, testing such a module is of priority concern. While focusing on the testing of ME in a video coding system, this work presents an error detection and data recovery (EDDR) design, based on the residue-and-quotient (RQ) code, to embed into ME for video coding testing applications. An error in processing elements (PEs), i.e. key components of a ME, can be detected and recovered effectively by using the proposed EDDR design. Experimental results indicate that the proposed EDDR design for ME testing can detect errors and recover data with an acceptable area overhead and timing penalty. Importantly, the proposed EDDR design performs satisfactorily in terms of throughput and reliability for ME testing applications.Index Terms: Area overhead, data recovery, error detection, motion estimation, reliability, residue-and-quotient (RQ) code. Reference [1] Advanced Video Coding for Generic Audiovisual Services, ISO/IEC 14496-10:2005 (E), Mar. 2005, ITU-T Rec. H.264 (E). [2] Information Technology-Coding of Audio-Visual Objects—Part 2: Vi- sual, ISO/IEC 14 496-2, 1999. [3] Y. W. Huang, B. Y. Hsieh, S. Y. Chien, S. Y. Ma, and L. G. Chen, "Analysis and complexity reduction of multiple reference frames motion estimation in H.264/AVC," IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol., vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 507–522, Apr. 2006. [4] C. Y. Chen, S. Y. Chien, Y. W. Huang, T. C. Chen, T. C. Wang, and L. G. Chen, "Analysis and architecture design of variable block-size motion estimation for H.264/AVC," IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I, Reg. Papers, vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 578–593, Mar. 2006. [5] T. H. Wu, Y. L. Tsai, and S. J. Chang, "An efficient design-for-testa- bility scheme for motion estimation in H.264/AVC," in Proc. Int. Symp. VLSI Design, Autom. Test, Apr. 2007, pp. 1–4. D. Kranthi Kumar, T. Mahaboob Doula |
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26. | Different types of cryogenics Pellet injection systems (PIS) for fusion reactor
Different types of cryogenics Pellet injection systems (PIS) for fusion reactorAbstract: Fusion reactor is the one of the most capable option for generating the large amount of energy in future. Fusion means joining smaller nuclei (the plural of nucleus) to make a larger nucleus and release energy in the form of neutrons.The sun uses nuclear fusion of hydrogen atoms into helium atoms. This gives off heat and light and other radiation. Hydrogen is used as the fuel in the fusion reactor. We have to inject the solid hydrogen pellet into the tokamak as per the requirement. For injecting the pellet we use the pellet injection system. Pellet injection system (PIS) is the fuel injection system of the fusion reactor.Key words: Pellet injection, Comparison of different PIS Reference [1.] Geraud, A., & Dentan, M. (2007). The JET high frequency pellet injector project. Fusion Engineering and Design , 82. [2.] Plockl, B., Lang, P. T., Jehl, J., & Prechtl, M. (2010). Comparison of Different Pellet Injection Systems for ELM Pacing. 26th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT). Porto, Portugal. [3.] S. C., S. M., & L. B. (2000). Pellet injector development at ORNL. ORNL . [4.] S. J., & L. R. (2009). DEVELOPMENT OF A TWIN-SCREW D2 EXTRUDER FOR THE ITER PELLET INJECTION SYSTEM. FUSION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY , 56. [5.] Viniar, I., Sudo, S., & Geraud, A. (2001). Pellet injectors developed at the PELIN laboratory for international projects. Fusion Engineering and Design . Devarshi Patel, Alkesh Mavani |
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27. | Experimental Investigation of Machining Parameters For Surface Roughness In High Speed CNC Turning of EN-24 Alloy Steel Using Response Surface Methodology
Experimental Investigation of Machining Parameters For Surface Roughness In High Speed CNC Turning of EN-24 Alloy Steel Using Response Surface MethodologyAbstract: Alloy Steel EN-24 (Medium Carbon Steel) used in manufacturing of Automotive & aircraft components, Axles & Axles components, Shafts, Heavy duty Gears, Spindles, Studs, Pins, collets, bolts, couplings, sprockets, pinions & pinion arbors. Turning is the most common process used in manufacturing sector to produce smooth finish on cylindrical surfaces. Surface roughness is the important performance characteristics to be considered in the turning process is affected by several factors such as cutting tool material, spindle speed, feed rate, depth of cut and material properties. In this research Response surface methodology (RSM) was applied to determine the optimum machining parameters leading to minimum surface roughness in turning process. The main purpose of this research is to study the effect of carbide inserts on EN-24 Alloy Steel surface by using three parameters (spindle speed, feed rate and depth of cut). This research was conducted by using 100 HS Stallion CNC Lathe machine. Seventeen sets of experiments were performed. In this work empirical models were developed for surface roughness by considering spindle speed, feed rate and depth of cut as main controlling factors using response surface methodology. The optimum value of the surface roughness (Ra) comes out to be 0.48 μm. It is also concluded that feed rate is the most significant factor affecting surface roughness followed by depth of cut. As Cutting speed is the less significant factor affecting surface roughness. Optimum results are finally verified with the help of confirmation experiments.Key words: EN-24 Alloy Steel, Response Surface Methodology, Anova, Machining Process, Surface Roughness, Reference [1] Kirby Daniel E., Zhang Zhe , Joseph C. (2006) , "Optimizing surface finish in turning operation using the Taguchi parameter design method , Int J Adv Manuf Technol ,30: 1021–1029 [2] Krishankant, Taneja Jatin , Bector Mohit , Kumar Rajesh (2012) , "Application of Taguchi Method for Optimizing Turning Process by the effects of Machining parameters", International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, Volume-2, pp. 2249 – 8958 [3] Lalwani D.I., Mehta N.K. and Jain P.K. (2006) ), "Experimental investigation of cutting parameters influencing on cutting forces ans surface roughness in finish hard turning of MDN 250 steel" Journal of material processing technology,pp.167-179 [4] Mallampati Mahesh and Das Chitranjan (2012), "Optimization Of Cutting Parameters As Speed, Feed & Depth Of Cut Based On Surface Roughness In Turning Process Using Genetic Algorithm And Particle Swarm Optimization" ,International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology ,Vol. 1 Issue 7. [5] Murthy T. Sreenivasa , Suresh R.K., Krishnaiah G. , Reddy V. Diwakar (2013), " Optimization of process parameters in dry turning operation of EN 41B alloy steels with cermet tool based on the Taguchi method" , International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, Vol. 3, pp.1144-1148 Puneet Saini, Shanti Parkash, Devender Choudhary |
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28. | Security Metrics and Software Development Progression
Security Metrics and Software Development ProgressionAbstract: The quantitative assessment of security can help to analyze security qualitatively. The phase-wise discussion of security metrics provides a roadmap to the developers to estimate software security during various stages of software development. In this paper, we suggest metrics based on security issues of software development process. Further, we provide effectiveness factors for the security consideration during the development process. Case studies illustrate the use and importance of suggested metrics and effectiveness factors. The metrics developed may help the developers to understand and analyze security efforts throughout the software development process.Key words: effectiveness factor, security metrics, software development process Reference [1] A. Jaquith, Security metrics: Replacing fear, uncertainty, and doubt (Upper Saddle River, NJ, Pearson Education, Inc., 2007). [2] I. Chawdhury, B. Chan, and M. Zulkernine, Security metrics for source code structures, SESS'08, ACM, May 17-18, 2008, 57-64. [3] Software metrics guide, http://sunset.usc.edu/classes/cs577b_2001/metricsguide/metrics.html#p1. [4] R. Savola, A novel security metrics taxonomy for R&D organizations, ISSA '08, Johannesburg, South Africa, Jul. 7-9, 2008, 379-390. [5] Clare E. Nelson, Security metrics – An overview, ISSA Journal, Aug. 2010, 12-18. Smriti Jain, Maya Ingle |
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29. | Machine Translation: An Analytical Study
Machine Translation: An Analytical StudyAbstract: Machine translation is one of the oldest subfields of artificial intelligence research, the recent shift towards large-scale empirical techniques has led to very significant improvements in translation quality. The field of Machine Translation is responsible for the conversion of data from one natural language to other without human intervention.India, a potpourri of different cultures, religions, and beliefs, is home to not just one or two languages but to an uncountable number of different lingual families. More than 90 % of the population is speaking the languages belonging to two major language families - Indo Aryan and Dravidian. This research paper focuses on major approaches of MT, the developed as well as developing tools and the challenges faced during the translations and the need for an accurate MT system. Reference [1]. Retrieved from http: //www.webindia123.com / india/ people/language.htm on 11 april, 2014 . [2]. Retrieved from http:/ /en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Machine_ translation [3]. Retrieved from http:// language.worldofcomputing.net/ category/ machine-translation. [4]. Antony P. J. , "Machine Translation Approaches and Survey for Indian Languages", Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing Vol. 18, No. 1, March 2013, pp. 47-78. [5]. Kaur Kamaljeet, Lehal S. Gurpreet, "A Punjabi To English Machine Translation System for Legal Documents ", 2011, Internet: http://shodhganga.inflibnet .ac.in. Baljinder Kaur, Brahmaleen Kaur Sidhu |
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30. | Multiuser Detection in MIMO-OFDM Wireless Communication System Using Hybrid Firefly Algorithm
Multiuser Detection in MIMO-OFDM Wireless Communication System Using Hybrid Firefly AlgorithmAbstract: In recent years, future generation wireless communication technologies are most the prominent fields in which many innovative techniques are used for effective communication. Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing is one of the important technologies used for communication in future generation technologies. Although it gives efficient results, it has some problems during the implementation in real-time. MIMO and OFDM are integrated to have both their benefits. But, noise and interference are the major issues in the MIMO OFDM systems. To overcome these issues multiuser detection method is used in MIMO OFDM. Several algorithms and mathematical formulations have been presented for solving multiuser detection problem in MIMO OFDM systems. The algorithms such as genetic simulated annealing algorithm, hybrid ant colony optimization algorithm are used for multiuser detection problem in previous studies. But, due to the limitations of those optimization algorithms, the results obtained are not significant. In this research, to overcome the noise and interference problems, hybrid firefly optimization algorithm based on the evolutionary algorithm is proposed. The proposed algorithm is compared with the existing multiuser detection algorithm such as particle swarm optimization, CEFM-GADA [complementary error function mutation (CEFM) and a differential algorithm (DA) genetic algorithm (GA)] and Hybrid firefly optimization algorithm based on evolutionary algorithm. The simulation results shows that performance of the proposed algorithm is better than the existing algorithm and it provides a satisfactory trade-off between computational complexity and detection performanceKey words: Multiple input multiple output, orthogonal frequency division multiplexing, firefly algorithm, genetic algorithm, particle swam optimization Reference [1] Ming Jiang, and Lajos Hanzo, "Multiuser MIMO-OFDM for Next-Generation Wireless Systems" Proceedings of the IEEE , Volume:95 , Issue: 7,pp. 1430 – 1469, July 2007. [2] Alexander M. Wyglinskia, Fabrice Labeaub, "Spectral Efficiency: Wireless Multicarrier Communications", Taylor & Francis journal, 19 Dec 2013 . [3] Nirmalendu Bikas Sinha, Prosenjit Kumar Sutradhar And M.Mitra, "Capacity Optimized For Multicarrier OFDM- MIMO Antenna Systems", JOURNAL OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS, VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2, MAY 2010 [4] Chee Wei Tan, and A. Robert Calderbank, "Multiuser Detection of Alamouti Signals", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 57, NO. 7, JULY 2009 [5] A. A. Khan, M. Naeem, S. Bashir, and S. I. Shah, "Optimized Detection in Multi-Antenna System using Particle Swarm Algorithm", World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol:2 2008-02-27. B. Sathish Kumar and Dr. K. R. Shankar Kumar |
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31. | CFD Simulation and Experimental Study of Winglets at Low Subsonic Flow
CFD Simulation and Experimental Study of Winglets at Low Subsonic FlowAbstract: A winglet is a device attached at the wingtip, used to improve aircraft efficiency by lowering the induced drag caused by wingtip vortices. It is a vertical or angled extension at the tips of each wing. Winglets work by increasing the effective aspect ratio of a wing without adding greatly to the structural stress and hence necessary weight of the wing structure. This paper describes a CFD 3-dimensional winglets analysis that was performed on a rectangular wing of NACA653218 cross sectional airfoil. The wing is of 660 mm span and 121 mm chord and was analyzed for two shape configurations, semicircle and elliptical. The objectives of the analysis were to compare the aerodynamic characteristics of the two winglet configurations and to investigate the performance of the two winglets shape simulated at selected cant angle of 0, 45 and 60 degrees. The computational simulation was carried out by FLUENT 6.2 solver using Finite Volume Approach. The simulation was done at low subsonic flow and at various angles of attack using Spalart-Allmaras couple implicit solver. A comparison of aerodynamics characteristics of lift coefficient CL , drag coefficient CD and lift to drag ratio, L/D was made and it was found that the addition of the elliptical and semi circular winglet gave a larger lift curve slope and higher Lift-to-Drag Ratio in comparison to the baseline wing alone. Elliptical winglet with 45 degree cant angle was the best overall design giving about 8 percent increase in lift curve slope and the best Lift-to-Drag Ratio.Key words: Aerodynamics, CFD, Elliptical winglet, Low subsonic, Semicircular winglet. Reference [1] Yates , J . E . , a nd Donaldson, C., "Fundamental Study of Drag and an Assessment of Conventional Drag-Due-To-Lift Reduction Devices", NASA Contract Rep 4004, 1986 [2] Whitcomb, R. T., "A Design Approach and Selected Wind-Tunnel Results at High Subsonic Speeds for Wing-Tip Mounted Winglets", NASA N D-8260, 1976 [3] Whitcomb, R. T., "Methods for Reducing Aerodynamic Drag", NASA Conference Publication 2211, Proceedings of Dryden Symposium, California 1981 [4] Maughmer, M. D., Tmothy, S. S., and Willits, S. M., "The Design and Testing of a Winglet Airfoil for Low-Speed Aircraft", AIAA Paper 2001-2478, 2001 [5] J. Weierman_and J. D. Jacob, "Winglet Design and Optimization for UAVs " 28th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference, AIAA 2010-4224, 2010 Sanjay Kumar Sardiwal, Md. Abdul Sami, B. V. Sai Anoop, Syed Arshad Uddin, Gudipudi Susmita, Lahari Vooturi |
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32. | Carbon Capturing Potential of Wood Substitution in Domestic and Office Furniture in India
Carbon Capturing Potential of Wood Substitution in Domestic and Office Furniture in IndiaAbstract: The changes in temperature have been attributed to increasing concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide and other green house gases in the atmosphere and major concerned at present. Greenhouse gases naturally act as a blanket "known as Greenhouse Effect" of the Earth and facilitate for maintaining about 33 degrees Celsius temperature. Over the past century, the Earth‟s temperature has increased by about 0.50 degrees Celsius. The carbon concentration in the atmosphere may be reduced by two approaches. Keeping the atmospheric CO2 concentration below 450–600 ppmv poses an unprecedented challenge to humanity and can be attained by two main approaches: (1) to reduce emissions; (2) to capture CO2 and store it, i.e., through sequestration. Carbon sequestration involves two steps: (1) CO2 capture from the atmosphere (2) storage. The present study deals with the second approach storage. The study concludes that in India the requirement of raw materials such as wood, metal and plastic for furniture annually was 11.6 Mm3, 4.46 Mm3, 1.78 Mm3 respectively. Based on the analogy as defined in the methodology, the replacement of 1 M3 metal or plastic by wood would save 2 tons of carbon dioxide emission. Therefore, this results of the saving of 624000 tonnes CO2 emission against 5% of replacement of each matal and plastic as furniture raw material by wood. This study advocate, use of wood as raw material for furniture, which have a significant potential for mitigating the climate change impacts.Key words: Carbon, CO2, Furniture, Green house gases, Wood. Reference [1] J. A. Patz, D. Engelberg, and J. Last, The effects of changing weather on public health. Annu. Rev. Public Health, 2000, 21, 271–307. [2] J. T. Houghton, L. G. M. Filho, B. A. Callander, N. Harris, A. Kattenberg, and K. Maskell, Climate Change 1995 The Science of Climate Change, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, pp. 572, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, GB, 1996. [3] L. Gustavsson, K. Pingoud and R. Sathre, Carbon dioxide balance of wood substitution: com-paring concrete- and wood-framed buildings, 2004. [4] V. K. Yadav and R. Pandey, Carbon capturing potential of wood substitution in India (Lambert academic publishing, 2011). [5] N. Zeng, Carbon sequestration via wood burial. Carbon Balance and Management, 2008, 3(1). Doi: 10.1186/1750-0680-3-1. Vinod Kumar Yadav, Jyoti Deoli, Ajay Kumar Gupta |
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