Volume 4- Issue 4 [April 2014 ]
S.No. | Title & Authors | Page | Downloads |
1. | Prospects of Establishing Small Wind Turbine Systems in Kano State, Nigeria
Prospects of Establishing Small Wind Turbine Systems in Kano State, NigeriaAbstract: Wind regimes are being investigated in different locations of Nigeria by Nigeria Meteorological Agency (NIMET). One year data was collected from the only NIMET synoptic station in Kano State, located at MallamAminu Kano International Airport, and analyzed. The results indicated an average minimum wind speed of 3 m/s for September and October and a maximum wind speed of 5.6 m/s for June. The study established an annual average wind speed of 4.3 m/s over the year 2007 in the municipality and some rural areas of Kano State, Nigeria. Major contributions of prevailing winds in the year were found out to be from South-West wind (56%) in May, East wind (52%) in January, and North-East wind (46%) in February. The South-West wind predominantly gave a major contribution from February to July across the year. These findings prove the prospects of establishing Small Wind Turbine System in the State. This could assist in power supply within Kano State for domestic use and cottage industries, particularly to supplement the grid supply in remote locations.Key words: small, wind turbine, average wind velocity, prospects, rural area Reference [1] M. Asif and T. Muneer, Energy Supply, its Demand and Security Issues for Developed and Emerging Economies,Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 11(7), 2007, 1388-1413. [2] S. Clarke, Electricity Generation Using Small Wind Turbines at Your Home or Farm, FACTSHEET (2003). [3] G.T. Wrixon, A-M. E. Rooney, and W. Palz, Renewable Energy-2000, Springer Berlin Heidelberg (1993). [4] Carbon Trust, Small scale wind energy: Policy insights and practical guidance, UK (2008).Available: http://www.carbontrust.com/media/77248/ctc738_small-scale_wind_energy.pdf [5] Thorstensson E., Small Scale Wind Turbines: Introductory Market Study for Swedish Conditions, master's thesis, Department of Energy and Environment, Chalmers University of Technology, Gotoborg, Sweden (2009). AliyuMaje Adnan, Faralu Muhammad Sani, Mahdi Makoyo |
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2. | Mimo Based Downlink Channels with Limited Feedback and User Selection Using Th Precoding Technique
Mimo Based Downlink Channels with Limited Feedback and User Selection Using Th Precoding TechniqueAbstract: The implementation of Tomlinson-Harashima (TH) pre-coding for multiuser MIMO systems based on quantized channel state information (CSI) at the transmitter side. Compared with the results in [1], our scheme applies to more general system setting where the number of users in the system can be less than or equal to the number of transmit antennas. We also study the achievable average sum rate of the proposed quantized CSI-based TH pre-coding scheme. The expressions of the upper bounds on both the average sum rate of the systems with quantized CSI and the mean loss in average sum rate due to CSI quantization are derived. We also present some numerical results. The results show that the nonlinear TH pre-coding can achieve much better performance than that of linear zero-forcing pre-coding for both perfect CSI and quantized CSI cases. In addition, our derived upper bound on the mean rate loss for TH pre-coding converges to the true rate loss faster than that of zero-forcing pre-coding obtained in [2] as the number of feedback bits becomes large. Both the analytical and numerical results show that nonlinear pre-coding suffers from imperfect CSI more than linear pre-coding does.Key words: Tomlinson-Harashima pre-coding, QR decomposition, random vector quantization, zero-forcing, Reference [1] C. Windpassinger, R. F. H. Fischer, T. Vencel, and J. B. Huber, ―Precoding in multiantenna and multiuser communications,‖ IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 1305–1316, July 2004. [2] N. Jindal, ―MIMO broadcast channels with finite-rate feedback,‖ IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. 52, pp. 5045–5060, Nov. 2006. [3] I. E. Telatar, ―Capacity of multi-antenna Gaussian channels,‖ Europ. Trans. Commun., pp. 585–595, Nov.-Dec. 1999. [4] G. J. Foschini and J. E. Hall, ―Layered space-time architecture for wireless communication in a fading environment when using multielement antennas,‖ Bell Labs Tech. J., pp. 41–59, 1996. [5] P. W. Wolniansky, G. J. Foschini, G. D. Golden, and R. A. Valenzuela, ―V-BLAST: an architecture for realizing very high data rates over the rich-scattering wireless channel,‖ in Proc. 1998 URSI Int. Symposium on Signals, Systems, and Electronics, pp. 295–300. B.Muralidharan, R.Valarmathi |
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3. | Search Based Software Engineering
Search Based Software EngineeringAbstract: This paper reviews the search based software engineering research and finds the major milestones in this direction. The SBSE approach has been the topic of several surveys and reviews. Search Based Software Engineering (SBSE) consists of the application of search-based optimization to software engineering. Using SBSE, a software engineering task is formulated as a search problem by defining a suitable candidate solution representation and a fitness function to differentiate between solution candidates. This paper gives an overview of major research studies undertaken in the domain.Index Terms: GA, SBSE, MEOA, NSGA-II and SPEA2 Reference [1] Search Based Test Data Generation Using Evolutionary Testing Techniques, International Journal of Software Engineering (IJSE), Volume (1) : Issue (5) , S. Kanmani , P. Maragathavalli. [2] "Search based software engineering", www.elsevier.com/locate/infsof, Mark Harman,bryan f. jones [3] "The Current State and Future of Search Based Software Engineering", Future of Software Engineering(FOSE'07) 0-7695-2829-5/07 $20.00 © 2007,IEEE,Mark Harman King's College London Strand, London,WC2R 2LS United Kingdom [4] "Search Based Software Engineering: Introduction to the Special Issue of the IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, VOL. 36, NO. 6, NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2010. Mark Harman and Afshin Mansouri. [5] "Search based software engineering Software engineering using meta heuristic innovative search algorithms.", Mark Harman and Afshin Mansouri. Jaspreet Bedi, Kuljit Kaur |
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4. | Delay Tolerant Network Routing Nature – A Study
Delay Tolerant Network Routing Nature – A StudyAbstract: Delay-Tolerant network (DTN) is a network in which no simultaneous end-to-end path exists. And the messages delivered in the DTN usually have large delivery latency due to network partition. These special characteristics make DTN routing a challenging problem. For this purpose, we updated the shortest path based routing algorithms using conditional intermeeting times and proposed to route the messages over conditional shortest paths. This proposes Conditional Shortest Path Routing (CSPR) protocol that route the messages over conditional shortest paths in which the cost of links between nodes is defined by conditional intermeeting times rather than the conventional intermeeting times.Key words: DTN, CSPR, Routing, Network; Reference [1] Delay tolerant networking research group, http://www.dtnrg.org. [2] T. Spyropoulos, K. Psounis,C. S. Raghavendra, Efficient routing in intermittently connected mobile networks: The single-copy case, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 16, no. 1, Feb. 2008. [3] J. Burgess, B. Gallagher, D. Jensen, and B. N. Levine, MaxProp: Routing for Vehicle-Based Disruption- Tolerant Networks, In Proc. IEEE Infocom, April 2006. [4] A. Vahdat and D. Becker, Epidemic routing for partially connected ad hoc networks, Duke University, Tech. Rep. CS-200006, 2000. [5] T. Spyropoulos, K. Psounis,C. S. Raghavendra, Efficient routing in intermittently connected mobile networks: The multi-copy case, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2008. V. Prema Tulasi, K. Satyanarayana, Revuri VARUN, VARUN Maramraju |
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5. | Object Detection from Complex Background Image Using Circular Hough Transform
Object Detection from Complex Background Image Using Circular Hough TransformAbstract: In this study we discuss about the method to detect the object from the complex background. Object detection and recognition in noisy and cluttered images is a challenging problem in computer vision. The goal of this project is to detect the object using few methods such as color processing and shape detection. Colour processing uses thresholding operation to eliminate the unrelated colour or object in the image. Circular Hough Transform (CHT) will determine the candidates of object with the given radius within an image by collecting the maximum voting.Key words: Canny edge detection, Circular Hough transform (CHT), Colour processing, Histogram Equalization Reference [1] Dembele, F. Object Detection using Circular Hough Transform [2] Pedersen, S. J. K. (2007). "Circular Hough Transform." Aalborg University, Vision, Graphics, and Interactive Systems [3] D'Orazio, T., C.Guaragnella, M. Leo and A.Distante, 2004. A new algorithm for ball Recognition using circle Hough transform and neural classifier. Pattern Recognition, 37: 393-408. [4] Kawaguchi, T., D. Hidaka and M. Rizon, 2000.Detection of eyes from human faces by Hough transform and separability filter. Proc. of IEEE ICRP, 1: 49-52. [5] Fukui, K. and O. Yamaguchi, 1997. Facial feature points extraction method based on combination of shape extraction and pattern matching. Trans. IEICE Japan J90-D-II. 8: 2170-2177. S. Bindu, S. Prudhvi, G. Hemalatha, Mr. N. Raja Sekhar, Mr V. Nanchariah |
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6. | CFD Analysis of Supersonic Coaxial Jets on Effect of Spreading Rates
CFD Analysis of Supersonic Coaxial Jets on Effect of Spreading RatesAbstract: Prevailing high-speed air-breathing propulsion systems invariably banks on coaxial jets which plays a vigorous role in stabilization of flames and combustion emission. Coaxial jets have applications in supersonic ejectors, noise control techniques and enhancement of mixing. Coaxial jet nozzles regulate spreading rates by developing virtuous mean flow and shortening primary flow potential core length. In the present paper, two-dimensional coaxial jet profiles of different area ratios are designed and analyzed. The models were designed in ANSYS Design Modeler and the numerical simulation was done in ANSYS FLUENT 14.5 using the two dimensional density based energy equation and k- ε turbulence model with primary supersonic flow and secondary subsonic flow. The contours of turbulence intensity, acoustics power level and axial-velocity are investigated along the flow direction. This study shows that increasing the area ratio results in less turbulence which in turn increases the potential core length,acoustics power level, turbulent kinetic energy and generates more noise.Key words: Coaxial jets, spreading rates, potential core length, noise control, turbulence model, acoustics. Reference [1] N.Karthikeyan, B.T.N.Sridhar, Studies on effect of jet shapes in the coaxial supersonic jet spreading rates,International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Applications Research, Vol. 02, Issue 02; August- December 2011. [2] Seung-Cheol Baek, Soon-Bum Kwon, Byeong-Eun Lee, An Experimental Study of Supersonic Dual Coaxial Free Jet, KSME International Journal, Vol. 17 No. 12, pp. 2107~2115, 2003. [3] J. Philip Drummond, Enhancement of Mixing and Reaction in High-Speed Combustor Flow field, International Colloquium on Advanced and Analysis of Combustion, 1997, Moscow, RUSSIA. [4] Nicholas J.Georgiadis and Dimitri Papamoschou, Computational Investigations of High-Speed Dual-Stream Jets, 9th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustis Conference and Exhibit, 12-14 May 2003, Hilton Head, South Carolina. [5] Nevin Celik, Daniel W. Bettenhausen and Ryan D. Lovik, Formation of Co-Axial Jets and Their Downstream Development, No name manuscript. K. Kathiresan, A. Balamani, M. Karthik, P. Gogulanathan, D. Thanikaivel Murugan, S.Ilakkiya |
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7. | Image Enhancement Using DWT DCT and SVD
Image Enhancement Using DWT DCT and SVDAbstract: Image enhancement deals with enhancing the image so that it provides more details. Several techniques are proposed for contrast enhancement of a low-contrast satellite images and CT scans. Here a new technique has been proposed based on the Discrete Wavelet Transform(DWT) Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) and Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT). The proposed technique divides image into blocks and converts each block of image into the DWT-SVD-DCT domain after normalizing the singular value matrix. Then the modified image is reconstructed by using inverse DCT and DWT and the blocks are combined. Adaptive Histogram Equalization (AHE) has been used here. Results of the proposed method clearly indicates increased efficiency and flexibility perceptually and quantitatively over the existing methods like DWT-SVD technique.Key words: Adaptive histogram, DCT, DWT, Histogram Equalization, SVD Reference [1] R. C. Gonzalez, and R. E. Woods, "Digital Image Processing", Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 2007 [2] G.Praveena, M.Venkatasrinu, A Modified SVD-DCT Method for Enhancement of Low Contrast Satellite Images, International Journal Of Computational Engineering Research, 5(2), 2012, 1615-1619. [3] Ganesh naga sai Prasad. V , Habibullah khan , Image enhancement using Wavelet transforms and SVD ,Bhavana.k,Muralidhar.Ch ,Tulasi sai kiran.Ch, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 4(3), 2012, 1080-1087. [4] K. Bhandari, A. Kumar and P. K. Padhy, Enhancement of Low Contrast Satellite Images using Discrete Cosine Transform and Singular Value Decomposition,World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology , 2011. [5] Sulochana S Vidhya R, Satellite Image Contrast Enhancement using Multi wavelets and Singular Value Decomposition(SVD) , International Journal of Computer Applications 35(7), 2011,0975 – 8887. Aswathy Mohan, Mary Linda P A |
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8. | An Implementation Of Network Traffic Classification Technique Based On K-Medoids
An Implementation Of Network Traffic Classification Technique Based On K-MedoidsAbstract: Classification of network traffic is extensively required mainly for many network management tasks such as flow prioritization, traffic shaping/policing, and diagnostic monitoring. Many approaches have been evolved for this purpose. The classical approach such as port number or payload analysis methods has their own limitations. For example, some applications uses dynamic port number and encryption techniques, making these techniques ineffective. To overcome these limitations machine learning approaches were proposed. But these approaches also have problems of labeled instances in supervised learning and tedious manual work in unsupervised learning. Our aim was to implement an approach for classification of network traffic on semi-supervised data which overcomes the shortcomings of other two approaches. In this approach, flow (instance) statistics are used to classify the traffic. These flow statistics contains few labeled and many unlabeled instances constitutes a training data set which was used for the training (learning) of classifier. Then we used two processes: the clustering (using K-Medoids) which divides the training data into different groups and classification in which the labeling to the groups was done. To build the model we used the MATLAB tool. To test the build model we used KDD CUP 99 intrusion detection data set, which includes both attack data and normal data.Key words: Classification, Clustering, Machine Learning, Semi-Supervised, K-Medoids. Reference [1] Liu Yingqiu, Li Wei, Li Yunchun, "Network Traffic Classification using K-Means Clustering," in Second International Multisymposium on Computer and Computational Sciences, Aug.2007, pp. 360- 365. [2] Alberto Dainotti, Walter de Donato, Antonio Pescape, Pierluigi Salvo Rossi, "Classification of Network Traffic via Packet Level Hidden Markov Models," in IEEE GLOBECOM, New Orleans, LO, Dec. 2008, pp. 1-5. [3] Geza Szabo, Istyan Szabo, Daniel Orincasy, "Accurate Traffic Classification," in IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM),Espoo, Finland, June 2007, pp. 1-8. [4] Ms. Sheetal S. Shinde, Dr. Sandeep P. Abhang, "A Network Traffic Clasification Technique using Clustering on Semi- Supervised Data," in International Journal of Electronics, Communication, & Soft Computing Sciences & Engineering, ISSN: 2277-9477,Mar. 2012, pp. 151-155. [5] Alberto Dainotti, Antonio Pescape, "Issues and Future Directions in Traffic Classification," in IEEE Network, Feb. 2012, pp. 35-40. Dheeraj Basant Shukla, Gajendra Singh Chandel |
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9. | Removal of Congo red Dye from Aqueous Solution by Using Saw Dust as an Adsorbent
Removal of Congo red Dye from Aqueous Solution by Using Saw Dust as an AdsorbentAbstract: The removal of this dye from the industry waste water is environmentally significant. In the present work, easily available, and low cost adsorbent i. e. saw dust was employed to remove congo red dye from water. The effects of parameters like pH, amount of adsorbent dose, contact time, temperature were studied. The result showed that 90% dye was removed when pH= 9 and contact time is 120 minutes.when the temperature increases from 298 K, 303 K and 308 K, the rate of adsorption also increases. The Freundlich and Langmuir adsorption isotherm were also studied. The kinetic study shows that the system follows pseudo 2nd order. The ultrasonic velocities of dye solution were studied. The result shows that the velocity increases with adsorption increases.Key words: adsorption, adsorption isotherm, congo red, kinetc study, saw dust. Reference [1] Mcmullan G., Meehan C., Conneely A., Kirby N., Robinson T., et. al., Microbial decolourization and degradation of textile dyes, Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 56, (2001), 81-7. [2] Nigam P., Armour G., Bonant I. M., Singh D., Marchant R., Physical removal of textile dyes and solid state fermentation of dye- adsorbed agricultural residues, Bioresour Technol, 72, (2000), 219-226. [3] Wolfe N. L., Weber E., Environ. Toxicol Chem., 6 (1987) 911-927. [4] Nagda, G. K. , Diwan A. M.and Ghole, V. S., App. Eco. & Enviro. Res. 2 (2007) 1, 2. [5] Bozdogan A., Gokunil H., The removal of colour of textile dyes in waste water by use of recycled coagulant, M. U. Fena Billimleri Dergisi, 4 (1987) 83-96. D. A. Nimkar, S. K. Chavan |
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10. | VLSI Implementation of Encryption and Decryption System Using Hamming Code Algorithm
VLSI Implementation of Encryption and Decryption System Using Hamming Code AlgorithmAbstract: In this paper, we propose an optimized VLSI implementation of encryption and decryption system using hamming code algorithm. In the present field of communication has got many applications, and in every field the data is encoded at the transmitter and transfer on a communication channel and receive at the receiver after data is decoded. During the broadcast of data it might get degraded because of some noise on the channel. So it is crucial for the receiver to have some function which can recognize and correct the error in the received data. Hamming code is one of such forward error correcting code which has got many applications. In this paper the algorithm for hamming code is discussed and then implementation of it in verilog is done to get the results. Hamming code is an upgrading over parity check method. Here a code is implemented in verilog in which 4-bit of information data is transmitted with 3-redundancy bits. In order to do that the proposed method uses a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). It is known that FPGA provides quick implementation and fast hardware verification. It gives facilities of reconfiguring the design construct unlimited number of times. The HDL code is written in verilog, Gate Level Circuit and Layout is implemented in CMOS technology.Key words: Hamming Code, FPGA, CMOS, Encryption, Decryption Reference [1] Z. Al-Ars and A. J. van de Goor, "Soft faults and importance of stresses in memory testing," Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition, pp. 1084–1089, Feb. 2004. [2] R. W. Hamming, "Error detecting and error correcting code," Bell System Technical Journal, vol. 26, pp. 147–160, Apr.1950. [3] P. K. Lala, P. Thenappan, and M. T. Anwar, "Single error correcting and double error detecting coding scheme," IET Electronics Letters, vol. 41, Issue 13, pp. 758–760, Feb. 2005. [4] Rick Ma and Samuel Cheng "The Universality of Generalized Hamming Code for Multiple Sources", IEEE Transactions on Communications, VOL. 59, NO. 10, PP. 2641- 2647, OCTOBER 2011 Fazal Noorbasha, Harikishore Kakarla, Sri Ramya R, G Venkata Maruthi Manoj, Siva Prakash U and Varalakshmi G |
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11. | Hardware Solution to Motion Object Detection Using Morphological Filtering and FPGA
Hardware Solution to Motion Object Detection Using Morphological Filtering and FPGAAbstract: Moving Object detection applications popularly uses background subtraction method where the stable background image is subtracted from each frame to detect the moving object. Most of these applications are software based applications which are relatively slower and inaccurate. This paper presents an innovative and unique hardware solution using morphological filtering technique and we observe a output on visual basic hyperlink terminal. This solution is based on Microblaze architecture of Spartan 3 EDK FPGA. Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) are commonly used for implementing complex image processing algorithm applications.Index terms: FPGA, Background subtraction, Morphological filter, dilation, erosion, Image processing Reference [1] T. Wiegand, G. J. Sullivan, G. Bjontegaad, and A. Luthra, "Overview of the H.264/AVC video coding standard," IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol., vol. 13, no. 7, pp. 560–575, Jul. 2003. [2] Z. He, Y. Liang, L. Chen, I. Ahmad, and D.Wu, "Power-rate-distortion analysis for wireless video communication under energy constraints", IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol., vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 645–658, May 2005. [3] H. F. Ates and Y. Altunbasak, "Rate-distortion and complexity optimized motion estimation for H.264 video coding," IEEE Trans. CircuitsSyst. Video Technol., vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 159–171, Feb. 2008. [4] S. Lee, "Fast motion estimation based on search range adjustment and matching point decimation," IET Image Process., vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 1–10, 2010. [5] A. Bahari, T. Arslan, and A. T. Erdogan, "Low-power H.264 video compression architectures for mobile communication," IEEE Trans.Circuits Syst. Video Technol., vol. 19, no. 9, pp. 1251–1261, Sep. 2009 Ms. Anjali Kondane, Prof. Bharti Patil |
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12. | Speed Regulation and Torque Ripple Minimization of Induction Motor by DTC with PI and Fuzzy Logic Controller
Speed Regulation and Torque Ripple Minimization of Induction Motor by DTC with PI and Fuzzy Logic ControllerAbstract: This paper presents a direct flux and torque control (DTC) of Induction motor drive (IMD) for speed regulator (SR) using PI and fuzzy logic controller (FLC). The DTC control method has been optimized by using conventional PI controller in the SR loop of IDM. The main drawback of the DTC of IMD using conventional PI controller based SR is high torque, stator flux ripples and speed of IMD is decreasing under transient and steady state operating conditions. This drawback was eliminated using the FLC. The FLC based SR control scheme combines the benefits of DTC technique along with PI and FLC technique. Finally the effectiveness, validity, and performance of the DTC of IMD using both conventional PI and FL controller based SR has been analyzed, studied, compared, and confirmed by simulation result, from the simulation result found that the low torque, stator flux ripples, and rated speed with the FLC technique using Matlab / simulink.Key words: Conventional PI Controller, Direct Torque Control, Fuzzy Logic Controller, Induction Motor Drive, Space Vector Modulation Reference [1] F. Blaschke, "The principle of field-orientation as applied to the transvector closed-loop control system for rotating-field machines", Siemens Rev., vol. 34, pp. 135-147, 1988. [2] G. S. Buja, M.P.Kazmierkowski, "DTC of pwm inverter-fed AC motors - A Survey", iEEE Trans. on Ind. Eiec., volume 54, no. 4, 2004. [3] Takahashi and T.Noguchi, "A new quick response and high efficiency control strategy of an induction motor", IEEE Trans. 1nd. Appl., vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 820-827, 1986. [4] Domenico Casadei, Francesco Profumo, Giovanni Serra, and Angelo Tani, "FOC and DTC: Two Viable Schemes for Induction Motors Torque Control", IEEE Trans. On Power Electronics, Vol. 17, No. 5, Sept. 2002. [5] Takahashi and Y. Ohmori, "High-performance direct torque control of induction motor", IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 25, no.2,pp.257-264, 1989. R. Jones Samuel, N. Usha Rani |
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13. | A survey on anomaly and signature based intrusion detection system (IDS)
A survey on anomaly and signature based intrusion detection system (IDS)Abstract: Security is considered as one of the most critical parameter for the acceptance of any networking technology. Information in transit must be protected from unauthorized release and modification, and the connection itself must be established and maintained securely malicious users have taken advantage of this to achieve financial gain or accomplish some corporate or personal agenda. Denial of Service (DoS) and distributed DoS (DDoS) attacks are evolving continuously. These attacks make network resources unavailable for legitimate users which results in massive loss of data, resources and money. Combination of Intrusion detection System and Firewall is used by Business Organizations to detect and prevent Organizations‟ network from these attacks. Signatures to detect them are not available. This paper presents a light-Weight mechanism to detect novel DoS/DDoS (Resource Consumption) attacks and automatic signature generation process to represent them in real time. Experimental results are provided to support the proposed mechanism.Key words: Novel DoS attack detection, automatic Signature generation, Main Memory Database Management System Reference [1] Swati Paliwal,,Ravindra Gupta" Denial-of- Service,Probing& Remote to User(R2L) Attack Detection using Genetic Algorithm Volume60" No.19. December 2012 [2] Jie Yang, Xin Chen, Xudong Xiang, Jianxiong Wan, "HIDS-DT: An Effective Hybrid Intrusion Detection System Based on Decision Tree", 2010 International Conference on Communications and Mobile Computing [3] Yu-Xin Ding, Min Xiao, Ai-Wu Liu "Research And Implementation On Snort-Based Hybrid Intrusion Detection System", Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Baoding,12-15 July IEEE 2009, DOI: 1.1109/ICMLC.2009. 5212282 [4] Adetunmbi A. Olusola, Adeola S. Oladele, Daramola O.Abosede, "Analysis of KDD ‟99 Intrusion Detection Dataset for Selection of Relevance Features", Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2010 Volume I, IEEE 2010 Anomalous Contents", 2010 Sixth Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications [5] Yu-Xin Ding, Min Xiao, Ai-Wu Liu, "Research And Implementation On Snort-Based Hybrid Intrusion Detectio System", Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Baoding,12-15 July IEEE 2009, DOI: 10.1109/ICMLC.2009. 5212282 Mrs.Anshu Gangwar Mr. Sandeep Sahu |
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14. | Power Generation and Distribution System of Modern Civil Aircraft
Power Generation and Distribution System of Modern Civil AircraftAbstract: As the aircraft industry is moving towards the all electric and More Electric Aircraft (MEA); is the future trend in adopting single power type for driving the non-propulsive aircraft systems; i.e. is the electrical power. The trend in the aircraft industry is to replace hydraulic and pneumatic systems with electrical systems achieving more comfort and monitoring features. The structure of MEA distribution system improves aircraft maintainability, reliability, flight safety and efficiency. Moreover, MEA reduces the emissions of air pollutant gases from aircrafts, which can contribute in significantly solving some of the problems of climate change. However, the MEA puts some challenges on the aircraft electrical system, both in the amount of the required power and the processing and management of this power. MEA electrical distribution systems are mainly in the form of multi-converter power electronic system.Key words: More electric aircraft, Power converters, Electric actuations, VSCF. Reference [1] I. Moir and A. Seabridge, Aircraft systems: mechanical, electrical, and avionics subsystems integration. London: , 2001 [2] M. J. J. Cronin, "The all-electric aircraft," IEE Review, Vol. 36, 1990, pp. 309-311. [3] R. I. Jones, "The More Electric Aircraft: the past and the future?," in IEE Colloquium on Electrical Machines and Systems for the More Electric Aircraft, , 1999, pp. 1/1-1/4. [4] M. J. Provost, "The More Electric Aero-engine: a general overview from an engine manufacturer," in International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives, 2002, pp. 246-251. [5] R. E. J. Quigley, "More Electric Aircraft," Proceedings of 8th the Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, APEC '93., 1993, pp. 906-911. Swapnil Srivastava |
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15. | Comparison of Estimators for Exponentiated Inverted Weibull
Distribution Based On Grouped Data
Comparison of Estimators for Exponentiated Inverted Weibull Distribution Based On Grouped DataAbstract: In many situations, instead of complete sample, data is available only in grouped form. This paper presents estimation of population parameters for the exponentiated inverted Weibull distribution based on grouped data with equi and unequi-spaced grouping. Several alternative estimation schemes, such as, the method of maximum likelihood, least lines, least squares, minimum chi-square, and modified minimum chi-square are considered. Since the different methods of estimation didn't provide closed form solution, thus numerical procedure is applied. The root mean squared error resulting estimators used as comparison criterion to measure both the accuracy and the precision for each parameter.Key words: exponentiated inverted Weibull, grouped data, least lines, least squares, maximum likelihood, minimum chi square, modified minimum chi square. Reference [1] M. T. Alodat, and M. F. Al-Saleh, Bayesian estimation using grouped data with application to the exponential distribution, Soochow J. of Mathematics, 26(2000),342-357. [2] A. Shadrokh, and P. Nasiri, Estimation on the minimax distribution using grouped data, Journal of applied Science, 11(18), (2011), 3333-3337. [3] G. Kulldorff, Contribution to the Theory of Estimation from Grouped and Partially Grouped Samples (John Wiley & sons: New York, (1961)). [4] N. P. Archer, Maximum likelihood estimation with Weibull models when the data are grouped, Communication in Statistics, Theory and Methods, 11(2), (1982), 199-207. [5] K. F. Cheng, and C. H. Chen, Estimation of the Weibull parameters with grouped data, Communication in Statistics, Theory and Methods, 17(2), (1988), 325-341. Amal S. Hassan, Marwa A. A, Hegazy Zaher and E. A. Elsherpieny |
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16. | Source Apportionment of Particulate Matter (PM10) In an Integrated Coal Mining Complex of Jharia Coalfield, Eastern India, A Review.
Source Apportionment of Particulate Matter (PM10) In an Integrated Coal Mining Complex of Jharia Coalfield, Eastern India, A Review.Abstract: Coal based thermal power generation accounts for 44.7% of the world's electricity and coal alone provides about 80% of the total energy demand in India. Energy-intensive industries deteriorate the air quality of the residential areas due to release of different pollutants, especially a range of deleterious heavy metals like Hg, Cd, Cu, Pb, and Cr. Near about 53.3 percent of the coal produced every year in India has been used for thermal generation. Jharia Coalfield (JCF) is major contributor of coking coal in India. JCF receives particulate matter from various sources such as, opencast coal mining and its associated activities, thermal power stations, automobiles, generator sets fuel burning, construction activities, domestic coal, cooking gas burning, etc. and even the background contribution of natural dust (crustal origin) can not be ruled out, particularly, in the zones having loose topsoil. Concentration of particulate matter causes harmful impacts to the society. These multiple sources are contributing to particulates pollution in the study area. Apportionment of these sources indicating their contribution to ambient air pollution is vital for planning effective control strategies. Management of particulate pollution from various industrial sources in integrated industrial complexes such as JCF is a major area of concern. It can be assessed by determining emissions from various activities and resulting contribution of those multiple sources at various receptors using dispersion and receptor modeling through source apportionment study with respect to particulate matter (PM10) in JCF.Key words: PM10, Jharia Coalfield, Source Apportionment, Industry, Receptor Modeling, Emission Inventory. Reference [1] Abernathy, C. (2001). "Exposure and Health Effects." United States Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, USA. Chapter 3. [2] Agrawal, R., Imielinski, T., and Swami, A.N. (1993). Mining association rules between sets of items in large databases. In Proceedings of the 1993 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, P. Buneman and S. Jajodia, Eds. Washington, D.C., 207-216. [3] Agrawal, S.B., Singh, A., and Bhat, M.M. (2004). "Impact of fly ash amendment on seed germination, growth and yield of Vigna mungo L." Asian Journal of Microbiol. Biotech. Environ. Sci., 6, 421–426. [4] Alastuey, A., Sanchez, de la C.A., Querol, X., Rosa, J., Plana, F., Mantilla, E., Viana, M., Ruiz, C.R., and Garcia dos Santos, S. (2006). "Identification and chemical characterization of industrial PM sources in SW Spain." Journal of Air and Waste Management Association. 56, 993-1006. [5] Alias, M., Hamzah, Z. and Kenn, L.S. (2007). "PM10 and Total suspended particulates (TSP) measurements in various power stations." The Malayasian Journal of Analytical Sciences, 11, 255-261. Debananda Roy & Gurdeep Singh |
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17. | Two Noveland Simple Correlations to Estimate Equilibrium Water Dew Point for Natural Gas Dehydration Process
Two Noveland Simple Correlations to Estimate Equilibrium Water Dew Point for Natural Gas Dehydration ProcessAbstract: Water is probably the most undesirable component found in crude natural gas because its presence can produce hydrate formation, and it can also lead to corrosion or erosion problems in pipes and equipment. Natural gas must be dehydrated before being transported through a long distance to ensure an efficient and trouble-free operation. Thermodynamic modelling of triethyleneglycol (TEG)-water system is still rather inaccurate, especially with regard to systems at high temperature and high TEG concentration. As a consequence, design and operation of absorber towers are affected by the lack of accurate data. Two novel correlations have been developed to estimate the equilibrium water dew point of a natural gas stream by evaluating experimental data and literature. These data were collected and analyzed by means of images scanned with MATLAB software R2012B version. An average percentage error is of 1-2% for linear correlation and it is of 2-3% for non-linear correlation. Results are quite accurate and they are consistent with literature data. Due to the simplicity and precision of the correlations developed in this work, the equations obtained have a great practical value. Consequently, they allow process engineers to perform a quick check of the water dew point at different conditions without using complex expressions or graphics.Key words: Correlation, Dew Point, Natural Gas, TEG-water system, Triethylene glycol, Water Dehydration Reference [1] Institute of Petroleum Engineering, Centre for Gas Hydrate Research, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh. http://www.pet.hw.ac.uk/research/hydrate/hydrates_why.cfm [2] F. Gironi, M. Maschietti, V. Piemonte, Modeling triethylene glycol-water systems for natural gas dehydration, Eighth International Conference on Chemical and Process Engineering, Chemical Engineering Transactions, ISBN 88-95608-00-6. [3] C.H. Twu, V. Tassoneb, W.D. Simb, S. Watansiri, Fluid Phase Equilib., 228–229, 2005, 213–221. [4] P. Kazemi, R. Hamidi, Petroleum & Coal, 53 (1), 2011, 71–77. ISSN 1337–7027. [5] K. MohdAtiqueuzzaman, ASM. Maruf, IOSRJAC, 2 (2), 2012, 01-06. ISSN 2278–5736. Leonel Alberto Benitez, Juan Pablo Gutiérrez, Eleonora Erdmann, Liliana Ale Ruiz, Enrique Tarifa |
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18. | An Analysis of 2D Bi-Orthogonal Wavelet Transform Based On Fixed Point Approximation
An Analysis of 2D Bi-Orthogonal Wavelet Transform Based On Fixed Point ApproximationAbstract: As the world advances with technology and research, images are being widely used in many fields such as biometrics, remote sensing, reconstruction etc. This tremendous growth in image processing applications, demands majorly for low power consumption, low cost and small chip area. In this paper we analyzed 2D bi-orthogonal wavelet transform based on Fixed point approximation. Filter coefficients of the bi-orthogonal wavelet filters are quantized before implementation. The efficiency of the results is measured for some standard gray scale images by comparing the original input images and the reconstructed images. SNR and PSNR value shows that this implementation is performed effectively without any loss in image quality.Key words: Bi-orthogonal wavelet Transform, Fixed Point Approximation Reference [1] Shiva Kumar Madishetty, Arjuna Madanayake, Renato J. Cintra, VLSI Architectures for the 4-Tap and 6-Tap 2-D Daubechies Wavelet Filters Using Algebraic Integers," IEEE transactions on circuits and systems, june 2013Feng M.L. and Tan Y.P. (2004) "Contrast adaptive binarization of low quality document images‟ IEICE Electron. Express, vol. 1, no. 16, pp. 501–506. [2] Michael Weeks and Qin Wang, "Orthogonal Wavelet Coefficient Precision and Fixed point representation" Department of Computer Science, Georgia University, 2001. [3] A. Ruiz, A. R. Arnauv and M. Ardinav, "2D Wavelet Transform using Fixed Point Number Representation", University of spain CICTY, 2001. [4] K. Wahid, V. Dimitrov, and G. Jullien, "VLSI architectures of Daubechies wavelets for algebraic integers," J. Circuits Syst.Comput., vol.13, no.6, pp. 1251-1270, 2004. [5] R. Baghaie and V. Dimitrov, "Computing Haar transform using algebraic integers," in Proc. Conf. Signals, Systems Computers Record 34th Asilomar Conf.,vol.1, pp. 438-442 ,2000 P. Vijayalakshmi, M. Vidya |
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19. | Multiple Printer Problem with STM
Multiple Printer Problem with STMAbstract: The past few years have marked the start of a historic transition from sequential to parallel computation. The necessity to write parallel programs is increasing as systems are getting more complex while processor speed increases are slowing down. Current parallel programming uses low-level programming constructs like threads and explicit synchronization using locks to coordinate thread execution. Parallel programs written with these constructs are difficult to design, program and debug. Also locks have many drawbacks which make them a suboptimal solution. Software Transactional Memory (STM) is a promising new approach to programming shared-memory parallel processors. It is a concurrency control mechanism that is widely considered to be easier to use by programmers than locking. It allows portions of a program to execute in isolation, without regard to other, concurrently executing tasks. A programmer can reason about the correctness of code within a transaction and need not worry about complex interactions with other, concurrently executing parts of the program This paper shows the concept of writing code using Software Transactional Memory (STM) and the performance comparison of codes using locks with those using STM. It also shows that STM is easier to use than locks. This is because critical sections need not to be identified in case of STM. If we enclose the entire code with STM, then the performance does not decrease. But in case of lock, if we enclose the whole code within lock, performance drastically decreases.Key words: Parallel Programming; Multiprocessing; Locks; Transactions; Software Transactional Memory Reference [1] Simon Peyton Jones, "Beautiful concurrency". [2] Elan Dubrofsky, "A Survey Paper on Transactional Memory". [3] Pascal Felber, Christof Fetzer, Torvald Riegel, "Dynamic Performance Tuning of Word-Based Software Transactional Memory". [4] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transactional_memory [5] James Larus and Christos Kozyrakis. "Transactional Memory" Sayantan Sen, Ryan Saptarshi Ray, Hridam Basu, Utpal Kumar Ray, Parama Bhaumik |
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20. | Effect of Aeration on Seafood Processing Wastewater
Effect of Aeration on Seafood Processing WastewaterAbstract: The main environmental problems of fish industries are high water consumption and high organic matter, oil and grease, ammonia, nitrogen and salt contents in the waste water. Aeration helps in the oxidation of these minerals. This paper consequently focuses on how the various constituents of waste water vary with aeration. Diffused fine bubble aeration was done in a circular tank at various flow rates (3 l/minute,6.2 l/minute.6.4l/minute) at a constant time period of 20 hours using air stones and the percentage reduction in ammonia, total Kjeldahl nitrogen , BOD,COD and salts were found out . It was found that as flow rate of aeration increase the percentage removal of above constituents also increased. Optimum removal was possible at a flow rate of 6.4l/min. BOD, COD, Ammoniacal nitrogen, Kjeldahl nitrogen, were found to be removed by 91.2%, 82.79%,57.76%, 90.6% respectively . Aeration had no effect on salts and lipids .Key words: aspirators, CAD, EPDM, Kjeldahl nitrogen, reactors Reference [1] Achanta Ramakrishna Rao, Bimlesh Kumar and Ajay Kumar Patel , Relative performance of different shaped surface aeration tanks, 34-40, 2007 [2] Hourard S Peavy, Donald R Roul, George tchobanoglous,' Environmental Engineering'. [3] S K Garg, 'Environmental engineering', volume 1 & 2, 1999, Khanna Publications, New Delhi. [4] DA C Turoet, F M Laur,'Water supply Engineering'. [5] Dr.B.C.Punmia,'Water supply Engineering' volume 2, 1999, Arihant Publications, 4 th edition. Neena Sunny, Jinu John, Malavika Chandran, Rinu Joseph, Samal Sasindran |
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21. | Optimizing Feed and Radial Forces on Conventional Lathe Machine of En31b Alloy Steel through Taguchi's Parameter Design Approach
Optimizing Feed and Radial Forces on Conventional Lathe Machine of En31b Alloy Steel through Taguchi's Parameter Design ApproachAbstract: The present paper outlines an experimental study to obtain an optimal setting of turning process parameters (cutting speed, feed rate and depth of cut) resulting in an optimal values of the feed force and radial force when machining EN31B steel with TiC-coated tungsten carbide inserts. The effects of cutting parameters on the feed and radial force were experimentally investigated. Experimentation was conducted as per Taguchi's orthogonal array. Three cutting parameters with three levels are arranged in L9 orthogonal array. The orthogonal array, measured values of feed and radial force, signal-to-noise ratios, and analysis of variance are employed in order to study the feed force and radial force. The analysis of the results shows that the optimal settings for low values of feed and radial forces are high cutting speed, low feed rate and depth of cut.Key words: Cutting parameters; turning process; feed force; radial force Taguchi technique; EN31B steel; coated carbide inserts. Reference [1] Singh, H., Kumar, P., Optimizing cutting force for turned parts by Taguchi's parameter design approach, Indian Journal of Engineering & Materials Sciences, Vol. 12, 97-103, (2005). [2] Petropoulos, G., Ntziantzias, I., Anghel, C., A predictive model of cutting force in turning using Taguchi and Response surface techniques, 1st International Conference on Experiments / Process / System Modelling / Simulation/ Optimization – IC-EpsMsO, Athens, Greece, (2005). [3] Noorul H.A., Marimuthu P. and Jeyapaul R., 2007.Multi response optimization of machining parameters of drilling Al/Sic metal matrix composite using grey relational analysis in the Taguchi method. Int.J Adv Manuf Technol: 250-255. [4] Singh, H., Kumar, P., Optimizing feed force for turned parts through the Taguchi technique, Sadhana, Vol. 31 (6), 671-681, (2006). [5] Aggarwal, A., Singh, H., Kumar, P., Singh, M., Optimizing feed and radial forces in CNC machining of P- 20 tool steel through Taguchi's parameter design approach, Indian Journal of Engineering & Materials Sciences, Vol. 16, , 23-32, (2009). Mohd. Rafeeq, Mudasir M Kirmani |
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22. | Load Frequency Control of A Typical Two Area Interconnected Power System by Using Battery Energy Storage System
Load Frequency Control of A Typical Two Area Interconnected Power System by Using Battery Energy Storage SystemAbstract: The main objective of this paper is to maintain the constant frequency in two area interconnected power system by using Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) . When there is a variation in the load demand on a generating unit, there is a momenterial occurrence of unbalance between real power input and output. LFC helps in maintaining the scheduled system frequency and tie-line power interchange with the other areas within the prescribed limits .To control the load frequency and compensate the power imbalance the conventional controllers are used in olden days. But ,these conventional controllers are slow and donot allow the controller designer to take into account possible changes in operating condition and non-linearities in the generator unit.The advancement technique to control the load frequency, an external Battery Energy Storage (BES) system is incorporated. Frequency oscillations due to large load disturbance can be effectively damped by fast acting energy storage devices such as Battery Energy Storage systems.This paper presents the qualitative and quantitative comparison of conventional controllers and BES system in Load Frequency Control (LFC) of a typical two area interconnected power system. The performance of BESS over conventional controllers and how the disturbances are controlled and maintain the constant frequency with response are highlighted.Key words: powersystem; load frequencycontrol; conventional controllers; battery energy storage system. Reference [I] Haadi Saadat, Power Sy&em Analysis, PSA publishing, 2010. [2] Sundaram, VS. and Jayabarathi, T, "Load Frequency Control using PID tuned ANN controller in po�r sy&em," Proc. International Conforence on Electriml Energy Systems (iC EES), 2011, pp. 2 69-274, Jan. 2011. [3] Rengarajan,N., Ra vichandran, C.S. and Palani, S, "Artificial Neural Net\\QIk based design of governor controller," Amdemic Open internet Journal, Vol. 20, 2007 . [4] Kalyan Chatterjee, "Effect of Battery Energy S:orage Sy&em on Load Frequency Control under Deregulation," international Journal of Emerging El ectric Power System s, Vol. 12 , issue 3,Article 2, June 2011. [5] MATLAB SIMULINK ® - Simulation and Model Based Design, http://www.math\\Q rks.com. K. Rajasekhar Chowdary, P. Santhoshi, S. Bhaskararao, T. Anusha, S. Vasu Devarao |
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23. | Improvement of Voltage Quality in Isolated Power Systems by Using Series Compensation
Improvement of Voltage Quality in Isolated Power Systems by Using Series CompensationAbstract: The main objective of this proposal project is use of series compensator in improving voltage quality in isolated power system. It is observed that power system contains fluctuating non-linear load and high levels of harmonic distortions. The s.c is designed to maintain the fundamental frequency component of terminal voltage of protective load. In this process the power exchange exists between the s.c and external network. Based on this a new sc control strategy is proposed to adjust fundamental frequency component of load terminal voltage. The loads are also sensitive to short duration disturbance in the form of voltage sag/swells. Validity of the proposed technique is illustrated through mat lab simulation. As it is applied on the sc to achieve improved quality of supply in the power system.Key words: Harmonic power flow, isolated power system, phase shift, series compensation, voltage restoration Reference [1] I. Jonasson and L. Soder, ―Power quality on ships-a questionnaire evaluation Concerning island power system,‖ in Proc. IEEE Power Eng. Soc. Summer Meeting, Jul. 2001, vol. 15–19, pp. 216–221. [2] J. J. Graham, C. L. Halsall, and I. S. McKay, ―Isolated power systems: Problems of waveform distortion due to thyristor converter loading,‖ in Proc. 4th Int. Conf. Power Electronics and Variable-Speed Drives, Jul. 1990, vol. 17–19, pp. 327–330. [3] ITI (CBEMA) Curve Application Note, [Online]. Available: http://www.itic.org., Inf. Technol. Ind. Council (ITI). [4] J. C. Das, ―Passive filter—Potentialities and limitations,‖ IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 232–241, Jan. 2004. [5] H. Akagi, ―New trends in active filter for power conditioning,‖ IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 32, no. 6, pp. 1312–1322, Nov. 1996. K. Rajashekar Chowdary, V.L.Sumanthi, S.Hari, P.Ratnakumar, D.Ashoka |
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24. | Effect of Plastic Granules on the Properties of Soil
Effect of Plastic Granules on the Properties of SoilAbstract: This work presents a study on the effect of plastic granules on the properties of soil. Utilizing the waste plastic as granules in the soil solves the problem of disposing the waste and it does not show any considerable reduction in the strength of soil. Experiments were done by taking an available weak soil as sample. These tests are conducted on soil with varying percentage of plastic granules and without adding it and comparing those results. Data presented includes dry density, shear strength, CBR value, permeability. The experiment reveals that properties of the soil does not change considerably. The proposed technique can be used as an effective method to dispose the waste plastic.Key words: Dry density, shear strength, permeability. Reference [1] A.K. Choudhary, J.N. Jha and K.S. Gill, A Study On CBR Behavior Of Waste Plastic Strip Reinforced Soil, Emirates Journal for Engineering Research, 15 (1), 51-57 (2010). [2] Prof. G L Sivakumar Babu, Laboratory shear strength studies of Soil admixed with Plastic waste, CiSTUP Indian Institute of Science. [3] Mohammad M. Khabiri, The Influence of Waste Carpet on the Structural Soil Characteristics in Pavement Granular Layer, The international journal published by the Thai Society of Higher Education Institutes on Environment, 2011, 38 – 48. [4] Pragyan Bhattarai, A. V. A Bharat Kumar, K. Santosh, T. C. Manikanta & K. Tejeswini, Engineering Behavior Of Soil Reinforced With Plastic Strips, International Journal of Civil, Structural, Environmental and Infrastructure Engineering Research and Development (IJCSEIERD) ISSN 2249-6866 Vol. 3, Issue 2, Jun 2013, 83-88 [5] Megnath Neopaney, Ugyen, Kezang Wangchuk, Sherub Tenzin, Stabilization of Soil by Using Plastic Wastes, International Journal of Emerging trends in Engineering and Development, ISSN 2249-6149 Issue 2, Vol.2 (March-2012) Mercy Joseph Poweth,Femeeda Muhammed Haneef, Melvin T Jacob, Remya Krishnan, Sheethal Rajan |
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25. | Functional Planning and Design of a Fan Shaped Technical Museum
Functional Planning and Design of a Fan Shaped Technical MuseumAbstract: The proposed building aims at the development of the built environment. The principal objective of this paper is the functional planning, analysis and design of a fan shaped technical museum. Technical museum is a museum that tells the stories of architecture, engineering and design. The functional planning was done according to the clauses given by Museum Building Design and Exhibition Layout: Patterns of Interactions, ICOM Code of Ethics for Museum, and Key Concepts of Museology. Plan, elevation and section were drawn in AutoCAD 2010. The design involves load calculations and analyzing the whole structure by STAAD.ProV8i. The design methods used in STAAD.ProV8i analysis are limit state design conforming to Indian Standard Code of practice. Also the building was analyzed for all possible load combinations.Key words: Technical museum, Functional Planning, STAAD Analysis, Design Reference [1.] General Lecture Hall Design Guidelines, University of Maryland, Baltimore Country, Revised Draft, August 25, 2000. [2.] LAWA Public Restroom Design Guidelines and Specifications, updated version July 2008. [3.] City of Auckland - District Plan Central Area Section - Operative 2004. [4.] Museum Building Design and Exhibition Layout : Patterns of Interactions. [5.] ICOM Code of Ethics for Museum Dr. Lovely K M |
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26. | Optimization of Process Parameters for Convective - Microwave Drying of Ashwagandha Roots
Optimization of Process Parameters for Convective - Microwave Drying of Ashwagandha RootsAbstract: Application of microwave for drying of ashwagandha roots was investigated. A laboratory convective - microwave dryer was already developed which had the provision of regulating of air temperature, air velocity and microwave power. Ashwagandha roots of uniform size were used in the drying experiment which were carried out at air temperatures of 40, 50 and 60°C, air velocities of 1.0 and 1.5 m/s and microwave power levels of 2, 4 and 6 W/g. CConvective- microwave drying was accomplished till the moisture content of the ashwagandha roots reduced from initial moisture content of 5.06 kg water/kg of dry matter to a safer level of 0.06 kg water/kg of dry matter. The effect of power level increment of convective -microwave drying was reduced the drying time thereby increased the drying rate. The quality attributes of fresh and dehydrated ashwagandha roots were evaluated for colour changes (L, a, b values), total alkaloids content and rehydration ratio. The samples of sun dried ashwagandha roots were obtained and the quality attributes of this sample was compared with products dried by convective -microwave drying technique. The quality of ashwagandha roots dehydrated by convective -microwave drying was found to be superior to the sun drying process. Page model was found to be best fit for convective - microwave drying condition. The process parameters were optimized by using statistical analysis ANOVA for responses with significant model and non significant lack of fit. The optimum operating conditions of ashwagandha roots for power level, velocity and air temperature in convective- microwave drying process were 6 W/g, 1.5 m/s and 50°C, respectively and found a good quality of dehydrated ashwagandha roots. Corresponding to values of process variables i.e. 6 W/g, 1.5 m/s and 50°C, the values of rehydration ratio, total alkaloids content, less ΔE were 4.16, 1.94 % and 5.654, respectively.Key words: Ashwagandha roots; Convective -microwave drying; Rehydration ratio; Total alkaloids content; Colour change Reference [1] Baraiya, B. R., Tiwari, G. and Sonakia, V. K. (2004). Alkaloid concentration in different parts of growing crop of Ashwagandha (Withania somtrifera) at different growth intervals. Department of Plant Physiology, JNKVV, Jabalpur- 48. [2] Govt. of India, (1986). The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India. Published by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Dept. of Indian Systems of Medicine and Homoeopathy. 1, 15-16. [3] Khraisheh, M. A. M., McMinn, W. A. M., and Magee, T. R. A. (1999). A multiple regression approach to the combine microwave and air drying process. Journal of Food Engineering, 43, 243-250. [4] Maskan, M. (2000). Microwave/air and Microwave finish drying of Banana. Journal of Food Engineering. 44 (2000), 71 -75. [5] Maskan, M. (2001). Kinetics of colour changes of kiwi fruits during hot air and microwave drying. Journal of Food Engineering 48(2), 169-175. A. K Senapati, P. S. Rao, Suresh Prasad |
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27. | Thermodynamic Properties for the Simulation of Crude Oil Primary Refining
Thermodynamic Properties for the Simulation of Crude Oil Primary RefiningAbstract: Commonly, the use of simulators in the industry is performed without having a proper theoretical support. Sometimes this situation is a consequence of both, lack of time and the dairy dynamism required in the refinery industries. Particularly, the application of thermodynamic models is often not properly considered for the specific process under analysis. An undesirable fact can appear, for example, when a wrong properties package is chosen or even more when this selection step is completely ignored. The aim of this article is to prove that the habitual selection of the thermodynamic models is appropriate or not for the primary refining process. For the purpose, two available simulation softwares and thermodynamic models have been analyzed. The research paper focuses on establishing a guide for plant operators with information that has been previously proven, with theoretical support. In particular, for the oil crude atmospheric distillation (Topping), engineers use almost by default the Peng– Robinson thermodynamic package in Aspen Hysys simulator and Chao–Seader in Aspen Plus. Although the use of the thermodynamic property packages involves a whole theoretical support, this is not considered at the time of their election.Key words: Crude oil, Distillation, Simulation, Thermodynamic Properties, Topping.. Reference [1] Carlson E.C. Don't Gamble with Physical Properties for Simulations. Chemical Engineering Progress, Octubre 1996. [2] León Cohen, Diseño y simulación de procesos químicos, (León Cohen Mesonero, 2da Edición Ampliada y modificada. España, 2003). [3] Galen J. Suppes, Selecting thermodynamic models for process simulation of organic VLE and LLE systems. Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Missouri-Columbia. [4] Aspen Hysys V 7.3 Tutorial. AspenTech. [5] AspenPlus V 7.3 Tutorial. AspenTech. [6] E Cidre, P. Freedman, D. Gómez and L. Kichic, Metodología para la selección de correlaciones termodinámicas para el equilibrio de fases aplicada al simulador Hysys, Facultad de Ingeniería UBA, Argentina. Juan Pablo Gutierrez, Leonel Alberto Benítez, Julieta Martínez, Liliana Ale Ruiz, Eleonora Erdmann |
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28. | EEG Based Brain Controlled Robot
EEG Based Brain Controlled RobotAbstract: This brain controlled robot is based on Brain–computer interfaces (BCI). BCIs are systems that can bypass conventional channels of communication (i.e., muscles and thoughts) to provide direct communication and control between the human brain and physical devices by translating different patterns of brain activity into commands in real time. With these commands a mobile robot can be controlled. The intention of the project work is to develop a robot that can assist the disabled people in their daily life to do some work independent on others.Reference [1] Lopes da Silva, F., Functional localization of brain sources using EEG and/or MEG data: volume conductor and source models. Magn Reson Imaging, 2004. 22(10): p. 1533-8. [2] Delorme, A. and S. Makeig, EEGLAB: an open source toolbox for analysis of single-trial EEG dynamics including independent component analysis. J Neurosci Methods, 2004. 134(1): p. 9-21. [3] Benjamini, Y. and Y. Hochberg, Controlling the false discovery rate: a practical and powerful approach to multiple testing. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B (Methodological), 1995. 57(1): p. 289-300. [4] McKinnon, K.I.M., Convergence of the Nelder-Mead simplex method to a non-stationary point. SIAM J Optimization, 1999. 9: p. 148-158. [5] Andrew T Campbell, Tanzeem Choudhury, Shaohan Hu, Hong Lu, Mashfiqui Rabbi, Rajeev D S Raizada, M. K. M. . (2010). NeuroPhone:Brain-MobilePhone Interface using a Wireless EEG Headset. MobiHeld 2, 3–8. Lavanya Thunuguntla, R Naveen Venkatesh Mohan , P Mounika |
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29. | Linear Static Analysis of CFRP Aircraft Wing
Linear Static Analysis of CFRP Aircraft WingAbstract: In the present day scenario, use of carbon fibre composites has been extended to a large number of aircraft components which includes structural and non-structural components. These composite materials can provide a much higher strength to weight ratio and stiffness-to-weight ratio than metals. Wing of the aircraft is one of the crucial components which determine the performance of the aircraft. The systematic and proper analysis of the aircraft wing is of prime importance due to its contribution towards the efficiency of the whole aircraft. In the present study, linear static analysis of the preliminary model of selected CFRP aircraft wing is done to find out the stresses and displacements. Based on the results, a refined model is prepared and analysed. The stresses and displacements of the refined model are found to be within the permissible limits. Also it is found that various components of an aircraft wing can be safely made using CFRP.Key words: Ansys 12, CFRP, finite element modelling, linear static analysis, von Mises stress. Reference [1]. C.Soutis,Fibre Reinforced Composites in aircraft construction,(Progress in Aerospace sciences 41,2005) [2]. A.Y. Abaid, Study and Determination of the Stress Regions in Aircraft Wings, M.Sc Thesis, Military College of Engineering, Baghdad, 2001. [3]. Daniel P Raymer, Aircraft Design-A Conceptual Approach, AIAA Education Series, 2003. [4]. Dr. M. Neubauer, G. Günther, Aircraft Loads, RTO AVT Lecture Series, 2000,pp 1-4,15-17. [5]. Sanya Maria Gomez, Numerical Analysis of Carbon Fibre Reinforced Aircraft Wing, International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering, ISSN 0974-5904, Volume 04, No 06 SPL, October 2011, pp 648-651 Dr. Alice Mathai, Amrutha P Kurian, Bia Jacob, Nisha Mary K, Treesa Rani Baby |
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30. | An Insight into the Selection of Nano Particle for Removing Contaminants in Waste Water
An Insight into the Selection of Nano Particle for Removing Contaminants in Waste WaterAbstract: Waste water treatment is a major challenge in automobile industries and manufacturing sectors. In past few decades, research in waste water treatment has gained significant importance. Feasibility of nanoparticles for removing impurities is explored. However the major challenge lies in the synthesis of these nanoparticles. But with the advancements in nanotechnology, non-hazardous nanoparticles of size less than 10nm can be synthesized and morphological characteristics can also be successfully studied. Owing to their extremely smaller size, good absorption characteristics, better chemical reactivity, large surface to volume ratio, nanoparticles are highly suitable for removing metal/non-metal, organic/inorganic contaminants from water. This paper provides an extensive literature survey on the suitability of various nanoparticles for waste water treatmentKey words: Water treatment, nanoparticles, adsorption, contaminants Reference [1] Wassana Yantasee, Cynthia L. Warner , Thanapon Sangvanich, R. Shane Addleman , Timothy G . Carter, Robert J. Wiacek, Glen E. Fryxell , Charles Timchalk , Marvin G. Warner, Removal of Heavy Metals from Aqueous Systems with Thiol Functionalized Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles, Environ . Sci . Technol . , 2007, 41 (14), pp 5114–5119. [2] R. Khaydarov, R. Khaydarov, O. Gapurova, Application of Carbon Nanoparticles for Water Treatment, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security 2010, pp 253-258 [3] Cynthia L. Warner, R.Shane Addleman, Anthony D. Cinson, Timothy C. Droubay, Mark H. Engelhard, Michael A. Nash, Wassana Yantasee, Marvin G. Warner. High Performance, Super paramagnetic, Nanoparticle-Based Heavy Metal Sorbents for Removal of Contaminants from Natural Waters. 2010, pp 1–10 [4] Talia E. Abbott Chalew, Gaurav S. Ajmani, Haiou Huang, Kellogg J. Schwab, Evaluating Nanoparticle Breakthrough during Drinking Water Treatment. Environmental Health Perspectives volume 121(2013), pp1161-1166 [5] Amirhosein Ramazanpour Esfahani, Ahmad Farrokhian Firouzi, Gholamabbas Sayyad, Alireza Kiasat, Lead Removal from Aqueous Solutions Using Polyacrylic acid-Stabilized Zero-Valent Iron Nanoparticles. Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 5(9):,2013,548-555 Pandipriya J, Praveena E, Reenu Mary Kuriakose, Suganiya, Jegan Antony Marcilin, Magthelin Therese, Nandhitha N.M. |
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31. | Clustering Large Databases Using Gmm
Clustering Large Databases Using GmmAbstract: Innovation of such clusters of data is essential in illuminating main links in categorical data regulatory networks. There are lot of problems exists in the previous clustering methods especially while grouping the data with mixed data types. This experiment analyzes those existing methods and comes with the new approach for clustering the mixed data items. There are many methods occur for clustering the parallel kind of data, whereas only very few methods exists for clustering mixed data items and it leads to the need of better clustering technique for classification of mixed data. For investigative data, the clustering with the help of Gaussian mixture models is widely used.Key words: Clustering methods, High dimensional data, K-means clustering, GMM, Adult data set, Categorical data Reference [1] U. Fayyad, G. Piatetsky-Shapiro,Psmthy… - citeulike.org. Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. AAAI Press, Menlo Park:CA, 1996. [2] Hari Prasad, D and M. Punithavilli, 2010a. A review on data clustering algorithms for mixed data. Global J. Comput. Sci. Technol., 10: 43-48. [3] K. Beyer, J. Goldstein, R. Ramakrishnan, and U. Shaft. When is nearest neighbors meaningful. In Proc. of the Int. Conf. Database Theories, pages 217–235, 1999. [4] Reddy, M.V.J. and B. Kavitha, 2010. Efficient ensemble algorithm for mixed numeric and categorical data. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research, Dec. 28-29, IEEE Xplore Press, Coimbatore, pp: 1-4. DOI: 10.1109/ICCIC.2010.5705738. [5] Huang, Z. (1998). Extensions to the K-means Algorithm for Clustering Large Datasets with Categorical Values. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 2, p. 283-304 (Publitemid 128695480) Dr. C. Chandrasekar, M. Srisankar |
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32. | Image Classifying Registration for Gaussian & Bayesian Techniques: A Review
Image Classifying Registration for Gaussian & Bayesian Techniques: A ReviewAbstract: A Bayesian Technique for Image Classifying Registration to perform simultaneously image registration and pixel classification. Medical image registration is critical for the fusion of complementary information about patient anatomy and physiology, for the longitudinal study of a human organ over time and the monitoring of disease development or treatment effect, for the statistical analysis of a population variation in comparison to a so-called digital atlas, for image-guided therapy, etc. A Bayesian Technique for Image Classifying Registration is well-suited to deal with image pairs that contain two classes of pixels with different inter-image intensity relationships. We will show through different experiments that the model can be applied in many different ways. For instance if the class map is known, then it can be used for template-based segmentation. If the full model is used, then it can be applied to lesion detection by image comparison. Experiments have been conducted on both real and simulated data. It show that in the presence of an extra-class, the classifying registration improves both the registration and the detection, especially when the deformations are small. The proposed model is defined using only two classes but it is straightforward to extend it to an arbitrary number of classes.Key words: Bayesian; medical product development; survey; Image registration. Reference [1] T. Ma, M. Hempel, D. Peng, and H. Sharif, "A survey of energyefficient compression and communication techniques for multimedia in resource constrained systems," Communications Surveys & Tutorials, IEEE, vol. PP, 2012, pp. 1-10. [2] S. Ehsan and B. Hamdaoui, "A survey on energy-efficient routing techniques with QoS assurances for wireless multimedia sensor networks," Communications Surveys & Tutorials, IEEE, vol. 14, 2012, pp. 265-278. [3] S. Subashini and V. Kavitha, "A survey on security issues in service delivery models of cloudcomputing", Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 34(1), 2011, pp 1-11. [4] B. Ridong, "Topological optimization based on small world network model in wireless sensor network," in 2011 2nd InternationalConference on Control, Instrumentation and Automation (ICCIA), 2011, pp. 254-257. [5] X. Jiu-qiang, W. Hong-chuan, L. Feng-gao, W. Ping, and H. Zhenpeng, "Study on WSN topology division and lifetime," in 2011 IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Automation Engineering (CSAE), 2011, pp. 380-384. Rahul Godghate, Supratim Saha |
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33. | Meetei Mayek Unicode Modeling Using Swarm Intelligence and Neural Networks
Meetei Mayek Unicode Modeling Using Swarm Intelligence and Neural NetworksAbstract: The Different techniques have evolved for better optical character recognition for many scripts, yet very little literature has been found for Meetei Mayek script. The current paper exhibits a new approach to model and simulate handwritten Meetei mayek script by using advanced segmentation tools and recognition algorithms. Preprocessing of the acquired images is needed before segmentation and recognition steps; segmentation is done by using PSOFCM segmentation, while multilayer feed forward neural network with back propagation learning is used for the recognition purpose. It may be noted that PSOFCM segmentation proved useful for MRI image processing in our previous paper, the same technique is used for enhancing the characters. The detailed procedures along with the results are discussed in the sections shown belowKey words: Meetei Mayek script, recognition, Preprocessing, PSOFCM segmentation, Neural network Reference [1] Romesh Laishram, Wahengbam Kanan Kumar,Anshuman Gupta, Khairnar Vinayak Prakash,"A novel MRI edge detection using PSOFCM segmentation and canny algorithm",Proc. IEEE sponsored International conference on Electronic Systems, Signal Processing and ComputingTechnologies(ICESC),2014,pp.398-401,2014, [2] Romesh Laishram, W.Kanan Kumar Singh, N.Ajit Kumar, Robndro K.,S. Jimriff "MRI Brain Edge Detection Using GAFCM Segmentation and Canny Algorithm", International Journal of Advances in Electronics Engineering – IJAEE,volume 2 - Issue 3, ISSN:- 2278-215X, pp. 168-171,December 8,2012 [3] Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E.Woods, "Digital Image Processing", Pearson Education, Second Edition, ISBN 81-7758-168-6, 2005 [4] Amit Konar, "Computational Intelligence Principles, Techniques Techniques and Applications", Springer edition , ISBN 3-540-20898-4 Springer Berlin Heidelberg, New York [5] Wangkhemcha Chingtamlen , A short history of Kangleipak (Manipur) part-II, Kangleipak Historical & Cultural Research Centre, Sagolband Thangjam Leirak,Imphal,2007 Wahengbam Kanan Kumar, Chetan Das Gupta, Jyoti Bordoloi, Yogesh Kumar Sharma |
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34. | Thinning of Elliptical Antenna Arrays Using Genetic Algorithm
Thinning of Elliptical Antenna Arrays Using Genetic AlgorithmAbstract: Design of thinned elliptical antenna array using Genetic Algorithm (GA) optimization is presented in this paper. The antennas are assumed to be isotropic and are uniformly excited. Thinned arrays produces narrow directive beam without causing major degradation of fully populated antenna arrays. Thinning of elliptical antenna arrays using GA are optimized with different values of eccentricity and the variation of side-lobe level (SLL) with eccentricity is reported. Using GA optimization, reduction of SLL can be obtained by varying the value of eccentricity of elliptic arrays arrangement.Key words: Elliptical antenna arrays, genetic algorithm, side-lobe level, thinning. Reference [1] A. S. Zare, " Elliptical antenna array pattern synthesis with fixed side lobe level and suitable main beam beam-widthby Genetic algorithm", Majlesi Journal of Telecommunications Devices Vol. 1, No. 4, pp-113-120, December 2012. [2] A. A. Lotfi, M. Ghiamy, M.N. Moghaddasi, R. A. Sadeghzadeh, "An Investigation of Hybrid Elliptical Arrays, Iranian Journal Of Electrical And Computer Engineering, Vol. 7, No. 2,pp-98-106, Summer-Fall 2008. [3] R. L. Haupt, "Thinned Arrays Using Genetic Algorithms," IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation, vol.42, no. 7, pp. 993-999, 1994. [4] S. J. Blank and M. F. Hutt, "On the Empirical Optimization of Antenna Arrays," IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, vol. 47, issue 2, pp. 58-67, April 2005. [5] W.P.M. N Keizer, "Synthesis of Thinned Planar Circular and Square Arrays using Density Tapering", IEEE Transaction on Antenna and Propagation, issue 99, pp-1-8, 2013. Priyanka Das, Jibendu Sekhar Roy |
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35. | Carry Select Adder Circuit with A Successively Incremented Carry Number Block
Carry Select Adder Circuit with A Successively Incremented Carry Number BlockAbstract: This paper reports a conditional carry select (CCS) adder circuit with a successively-incremented-carry-number block (SICNB) structure for low-voltage VLSI implementation. Owing to the successively-incremented-carry-number block (SICNB) structure, the new 16-bit SICNB CCS adder provides a 37% faster speed as compared to the conventional conditional Carry select adder based on the SPICE resultsKey words: Carry Select Adder, SICNB Carry Select Adder, PTBCS Circuit. Reference [1] M. Suzuki, N. Ohkubo, T. Shinbo, T. Yamanaka, A. Shimizu, K. Sakai, and Y. Nakagome, ―A 1.5-ns 32-b CMOS ALU in double pass-transistor logic,‖ IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 28, pp. 1145–1150, Nov. 1993. [2] N. Ohkubo, M. Suzuki, T. Shinbo, T. Yamanaka, A. Shimizu, K. Sakai, and Y. Nakagome, ―A 4.4ns CMOS 54 _ 54-b multiplier using pass-transistor multiplexer,‖ IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 30, pp. 251–256, Mar. 1995. [3] C. C. Hung, J. H. Lou, and J. B. Kuo, ―A CMOS quasistatic Manchester- like carry-look-ahead circuit,‖ in Low-Voltage CMOS VLSI Circuits, [4] J. B. Kuo and J. H. Lou, Eds. New York: WileyJ. B. Kuo and J. H. Lou, Low-Voltage CMOS VLSI Circuits. New York, NY: Wiley, 1999. [5] Hwang and A. L. Fisher, ―Ultrafast compact 32-bit CMOS adders in multiple-output domino logic,‖ IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 24, pp. 358–369, Apr. 1989. Carry Number Block Deepak, Bal Krishan |
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36. | The LFSR Based SLM Technique with Clipping for PAPR Reduction in OFDM Systems
The LFSR Based SLM Technique with Clipping for PAPR Reduction in OFDM SystemsAbstract: Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing is a widely accepted technology in wireless communication. High peak-to-average power ratio is the main disadvantage in OFDM systems. Selected Mapping is an efficient technique to reduce PAPR. But it requires transmission of side information for the recovery of data. And this affects the bandwidth efficiency and data rate of OFDM systems. The Linear Feedback Shift Register based Selected Mapping technique finds solution for this limitation. The LFSR based SLM technique does not require the explicit transmission of side information. And the LFSR based SLM with clipping results in further reduction in PAPR.Key words: OFDM, PAPR, SLM, PTS, HPA, ADC, DAC, CCDF Reference [1] Byung Moo Lee, Youngok Kim, and Rui J.P de Figueiredo, Performance Analysis of The Clipping Scheme with SLM Technique for PAPR Reduction of OFDM Signals in Fading Channels, Wireless Personnel Communication, 2010,331-344. [2] Seung Hee Han, Jae Hong Lee, An Overview of Peak-to-Average Power Ratio Reduction Techniques for Multicarrier Transmission, IEEE Wireless Communications, 2005, 56-65. [3] Byung Moo Lee, Youngok Kim, An Adaptive Clipping And Filtering Technique for PAPR Reduction of OFDM Signals, Circuits Syst. Signal Process., 2012, 1335–1349. [4] Tao Jiang, Yiyan Wu, An Overview: Peak-to-Average Power Ratio Reduction Techniques for OFDM signals, IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, 54, 2008, 257-268. [5] Jing gao, Jinkuan Wang, Xin Song, and Bin Wang, PAPR Reduction With Low Computational Complexity For OFDM Systems, Physics Procedia, 2012, 1401 – 1407. Anusha Chacko, J. Jeevitha, Merin Elsa Mathew, Reethu. K |
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37. | Emulsion and it's Applications in Food Processing – A Review
Emulsion and it's Applications in Food Processing – A ReviewAbstract: An emulsion is a heterogeneous system consisting of atleast one immiscible liquid dispersed in another in the form of droplets. Emulsions are classified based on the nature of the emulsifier or the structure of the system. The range of droplets size for each type of emulsion is quite arbitrary. Macro emulsions are the most common form of emulsions used in food industries than nano and micro emulsions. There are several methods are possible and a wide range of equipments are available for emulsion formations. These methods include shaking, stirring and injection, and the use of colloid mills, homogenizers and ultrasonics. The unique nature of emulsions with a narrow size distribution of different sized droplets has number of applications in food industries including bakery products, dairy, candy products, meat products and beverages. Still most applications are waiting for commercial exploitation.Key words: Applications, Colloid mills, Emulsions, Homogenizers, Ulrasonics. Reference [1] Becher, P. . Emulsions: Theory and Practice. ACS Monograph No. 135. Rheinhold, New York, 1957 [2] Friberg, S., Mandell, L and Larsson, M . Mesomorphous phases, a factor of importance for the properties of emulsions. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 29:155, 1969. [3] IUPAC. Manual on Colloid and Surface Science. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. Butterworths, London, 1972. [4] Sharma, M. K. and Shah, D. O. . Introduction to macro- and microemulsions. In: Macro- and Microemulsions: Theory and Practice, Shah, D. O. (Ed.). ACS Symposium Series. American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C, 1985 [5] Waginaire, L. Place of lipids as emulsifiers in the future. Ocl-Oleagineux Corps Gras Lipides 44:271. 1997 Adheeb Usaid A.S, Premkumar.J and T.V.Ranganathan |
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38. | Design and Development of Voice/Telie Operated Intelligent Mobile Robot
Design and Development of Voice/Telie Operated Intelligent Mobile RobotAbstract: The concept of mobility, communication skills and sensing of environmental obstructions for collision avoidance have led to the development of more sophisticated machines with improved effectiveness, higher quality, reduced manpower, greater efficiency, reliability and cost effectiveness for several applications. The present submission intends to focus on three major design aspects of an intelligent vehicle such as its operation under control of IR transreceivers for improved maneuverability, tele-operation to enable remote driving in harsh and otherwise adverse situations, IR proximity sensors to provide sufficient situational awareness for collision avoidance and also on the voice commanded operations particularly for use in rehabilitation engineering. A set of codes corresponding to each operation including the opening and closing of the grippers for holding the objects are generated from the keypad and transmitted. These transmitted codes are intercepted by a FM radio receiver mounted on the vehicle, for processing by the supervisory control for required operation to be performed. The idea of proximity sensing is based on the principle of transmitting modulated IR rays from an IR LED and on applying the reflected signal from the surrounding objects to a high precision PLL based tone decoder circuitry for further processing. The voice command operation through a language independent but speaker dependent speech recognition system is performed by generating and transmitting coded signal each corresponds to one particular operation which are picked up by the same FM radio receiver for required operation. A speech synthesizer for better interaction with the users has also been incorporated.Reference [1] B. L Jones, Elements of Industrial Robotics, Pitman, 1987, [2] T.B Martin, "Practical Application of Voice Input To Machines", Proc. IEEE, 64(4), pp. 487-501, 1976. [3] H.R. Everett, Sensors for Mobile Robots Theory and Application, A K Peters, Ltd., 1995. [4] Abdul Mobin, S. S Agrawal and K. D Pavate, "Automatic Recognition and Synthesis of Spoken Words using Acoustic Information", Jour.AS1, Vol. XV, No.3, pp. 87-101, 1987. Ms. Dipti Damodar Patil, Prof. U. A. Rane |
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39. | Qscilloscope: A Pc-Based Real Time Oscilloscope
Qscilloscope: A Pc-Based Real Time OscilloscopeAbstract: The scenery of this paper is to design a PC- based Real Time Oscilloscope, called "Qscilloscope". Qscilloscope is capable to connect a computer with a small device via universal serial bus (USB) port for voltage signal waveform display and alteration. It detects maximum +20V to minimum -20V with the input frequency range from 0.1Hz - 1 kHz. Furthermore, it interfaces with host PC via the USB port from 9.6k to 115.2k baud rate. Qscilloscope Software Application is constructed by using Visual Basic .Net for user to interface the device with a well designed Graphic User Interface. It consists of several embedded features such as open, save and print waveform. By changing the scaling properties and graphic properties, users are allowed to modify the input signal to a desired output waveform.Key words: Analog Front End module, ARM Cortex M0 processor, LCD Display with touch panel, power supply. Reference [1] Tektronix 2445B 150 MHz 4 Channel. [Online].Techrecovery. Oscilloscopehttp://www.techrecovery.com/ccp245-tektronix-2445b- 150mhz-4-channel-oscilloscope-2445b-1477.htm. [2] HP/Agilent DSO80404B 4GHz 4CH 40GSa/s Infiniium Oscilloscope. [Online]. MetricTest. http://www.metrictest.com/product_info.jsp?mfgmdl=HP%20DSO804 04B (N) [3] PC Oscilloscope and Data Acquisition Products. [Online]. Pico Technology. http://www.drdaq.com/low-cost-oscilloscopes.html. [4] Colin K McCord. (2005, October 1). Low cost PC-based quad channel real-time/ storage oscilloscope. [Online]. http://www.cmccord.co.uk/FYP/index.htm.. [5] Bojan Banko. (2004, August 16). Turn your PC into a free oscilloscope. [Online]. LPTscope.http://www.geocities.com/LPTScope/index.html. Ms. Dhanshri Damodar Patil, Prof. V. M. Umale |
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40. | Design And Analysis Of Artificial Neural Network Based Controller For Speed Control Of Induction Motor Using D T C
Design And Analysis Of Artificial Neural Network Based Controller For Speed Control Of Induction Motor Using D T CAbstract: This paper presents an improved version of direct torque control (DTC) based on Artificial Neural Network technique used for flux position estimation and sector selection. This controller mainly reduces the torque and flux ripples. Direct torque control of induction motor drive has quick torque response without complex orientation transformation and inner loop current control. The major problem associated with DTC drive is the high torque ripples. The important point in ANN based DTC is the right selection of voltage vector. This project presents simple structured neural network for flux position estimation and sector selection for induction motor. The Levenberg-Marquardt back propagation technique has been used to train the neural networks. The simple structure network facilitates a short training and processing times. The neural network based controller is found to be a very useful technique to obtain high performance speed control.Key words: Artificial neural network (ANN) technique, direct torque control (DTC), field orientated control (FOC). Reference [1] Bose B.K. "Modern Power Electronics and AC Drives", Pearson Education, 4th Edition, 2004. [2] P.Krishnan. "Electric Motor Drives, Modeling, Analysis, and Control", Pearson Education, First Indian Reprint, 2003. [3] Theodorewildi "Electrical machines, drives and power systems" , 6th edition 2008 [4] I. Takahashi and T. Noguchi, "A New quick-response and high-efficiency control strategy of induction motor," IEEE Trans. Ind. septmember.,vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 820–827, 1986 [5] Takahashi and Y. Ohmori, "High-performance direct torque control ofinduction motor," IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 257–264,1989 Kusuma Gottapu, U.Santosh Kiran, U.Srikanth Raju, P.Nagasai, S.Prasad, P.Tejeswara Rao |
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41. | Operational Augmentation of Forced Circulation Type Solar Dryer System Using CFD Analysis
Operational Augmentation of Forced Circulation Type Solar Dryer System Using CFD AnalysisAbstract: Solar drying is basically heat and mass transfer process in which the liquid water from the surface and the vapour removed by draft. The efficiency of a solar drying system is affected by the properties of drying materials.e.g. size, shape and geometry as well as ambient conditions. In this research article, the authors have done the CFD analysis of a Forced Circulation type Solar Dryer used conventionally for dehydrating vegetables and fruits. Using CFD analysis, the limiting values of pressure and velocity could be obtained using which the modifications can be implemented in the existing system in order to gain operational augmentation. Later on, the validation of the simulated results was achieved by associating them with the experimental outcomes.Key words: CFD Analysis, Drying chamber, Forced Circulation, Pressure-drop analysis, Solar Dryer Reference [1] J. Banout, P. Ehl, J. Havlik, B. Lojka, Z. Polesny, V. Verner, Design and performance evaluation of a Double-pass solar drier for drying of red chilli, Solar Energy, 85(3), March 2011, 506-515. [2] A. O. Fagunwa, O. A. Koya and M.O. Faborode. Development of an Intermittent Solar Dryer for Cocoa Beans. Agriculture Engg. International: CIGR E Journal, Manuscript number 1292, volume-XI, July 2009, 1-14. [3] S P Sukhatme and J K Nayak, Solar Energy: Principles of thermal collection and storage, 3rd Edition, (Tata McGraw Hill, 2008). [4] W. A. Beckman and J. A. Duffie, Solar engineering of thermal process, 4th Edition (Wiley, April 2013) Ch 8, 373-408. [5] G. V. Patel, Design and Development of Aseptic Housing using CFD Analysis, Charotar Institute of Technology, Changa, 2009. Atul Patel, Gaurav Patel |
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42. | Project Manager 'Management Competency' vs. 'Technical Competency'. Which is more important to overall project management success?
Project Manager 'Management Competency' vs. 'Technical Competency'. Which is more important to overall project management success?Abstract: Project managers apply multiple skills and competencies in the course of successfully delivering projects. Management and technical competencies represent two major competency categories associated with project management. In this study, the relationship between management and technical competency was investigated and a weak, yet positive correlation was observed as an outcome of this quantitative study.Key words: Project Success, Project Managers, Project Management Competencies Reference [1] Nellore, R., & Blachandra, R. (2001). "Factors influencing success in integrated product development (IPD) projects." IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 48(2), pp. 164-176. [2] Pressman, R. (1998). "Fear of trying: the plight of rookie project managers." IEEE Engineering Management Review, 26(4), pp. 18-20. [3] Lampel, J. (2001). The core competencies of effective project execution: the challenge of diversity. International Journal of Project Management, 19(8), 471-483. [4] Kerzner, H. (2000). Applied project management: best practices on implementation. New York: NY. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [5] Larson, E., & Gray, Clifford. (2011). Project management the managerial approach. (5th ed.) New York: NY. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Barry Jon Bauer, Tracey M. Richardson, James W. Marion |
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43. | Haarwavelet and Its Application for Problem Solving In Optimal Control System
Haarwavelet and Its Application for Problem Solving In Optimal Control SystemAbstract: The aim of this project is to analyze and analytical solution of different optimal control problems are difficult to obtain because they involve differential equations with single or multiple boundary conditions. In this dissertation, numerical methods using Haar Wavelet a represented to overcome this difficulty. The method reduces the differential equations into a set of line a matrix algebraic equation. The nice properties of Haar Wavelet like compact support in time and multi resolution are shown to reduce the computational complexity to a great extent. The presented method is applied to achieve the optimal control for time varying and time invariant performance indices.Key words: Haar wavelet, Short-time Fourier transform, optimization theory, variation problem. Reference [1] E. Polak, Computational Methods in Optimization, Academic Press, New York,1971. [2] E. Bryson and Y. Ho, Applied Optimal Control, Hemisphere Publishing Corp.(revised printing), 1975. [3] O. Stryk and R. Bulirsch, "Direct and indirect methods for trajectory optimization,"Annalsof Operations Research 37 pp. 357-373, 1992. [4] H. J. Pesch, "Real-time computation of feedback controls for constrained optimal control problems. Part I: Neighbouringextremals," Optimal Control Applications and Methods 10 pp. 129-145, 1989. [5] D. J. Mook and J. Lew, "Multiple shooting algorithms for jump-discontinuous problems in optimal control and estimation," IEEE Trans. Autom. Ctnrl 36(8) pp.979-983, 1991. Mr. Praveen Kumar Sahu, Dr. Anup Mishra |
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44. | Design of DC-3.4GHz Ultra-Wideband Low Noise Amplifier with Parasitic Parameters of FET
Design of DC-3.4GHz Ultra-Wideband Low Noise Amplifier with Parasitic Parameters of FETAbstract: This paper presents two low noise amplifier (LNA) circuit topologies for ultra-wideband wireless communications in 0.13μm PHEMT GaAs technology. They are with source inductive degeneration and source grounded, respectively. The simulation results show that the LNA involving source inductor possesses good performances at 120MHz-3GHz. Its noise figure(NF) and voltage standing wave ratios(VSWRs) are less than 1.173dB and 2, respectively, while the maximum gain of 12.75dB is achieved with 0.63dB flatness. In contrast, the other LNA provides a decreasing gain varying between 10.992dB and 11.964B in a wider frequency range of DC-3.4GHz. NF and VSWRs are better than 1.287dB and 2, respectively.Key words: Low Noise Amplifier, Resistive Feedback, Source Inductive Degeneration Reference [1] M. Battista, J. Gaubert, A. Fanei, Y. Bachelet, M. Egels, P. Pannier, S. Bourdel, H. Barthélémy, and G. Bas, Design and implementation of ultra-wide-band CMOS LC filter LNA for carrier less impulse radio receivers, Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 65(3), 379- 388. [2] S. Andersson, Multiband LNA Design and RF-Sampling Front-Ends for Flexible Wireless Receivers, master diss., Linköping University, Sweden, 2006. [3] B. M. Liu, C. H. Wang, M. L. Ma, and S. Q. Guo, An ultra-low-voltage and ultra-lowpower 2.4GHz LNA design, Radioengineering, 18(4), 2009, 527. [4] R. C. Liu, C. R. Lee, H. Wang, and C. K. Wang, A 5.8GHz two-stage high-linearity low voltage low noise amplifier in a 0.35μm CMOS Technology, Proc. IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit Symposium, Seattle, WA, USA, 2002, 221-224. [5] A. P. Adsul and S. K. Bodhe, Performance Evaluation of Different LNA's having Noise Cancellation and Phase Linearity Characteristics for IR-UWB Systems, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 3(6), 2011-2012, 419-428. Yinhua Yao, Tongxiu Fan |
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45. | A Web Service Based Design to Integrate a Web Portal and an ERP System
A Web Service Based Design to Integrate a Web Portal and an ERP SystemAbstract: Today the ability to seamlessly exchange information between internal business processes, customers, and partners is vital for success. The organizations employ a variety of disparate applications that store and exchange data in dissimilar ways and therefore cannot "talk" to one another productively. Web services have evolved as a practical, cost-effective, deployment environment to realize dynamic and interoperable data integration between critical applications over operating system, platform, and language barriers that were previously impossible. This paper describes a service-oriented approach for the integration of a Web Portal and ERP application. We present a system architecture based on Web Service oriented framework in which both the applications are loosely connected through software components.Key words: ERP,SOA, SOAP, VERP, VIOLA, UDDI, Web Portal,WSDL Reference [1] http://www.eaipatterns.com/Chapter1.html [2] Enterprise Data Integration, Maximizing the Business Value of Your Enterprise Data -http://www.integralsolutions.pl/is/images/artykuly/enterprise_data_integration.pdf [3] http://www.dadbm.com/2011/11/enterprise-data-integration-issues-due-to-software-complexity/ [4] http://www.roseindia.net/webservices/webservices.shtml [5] http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/webservices/library/w-ovr/ Mr. Manishkumar R. Solanki, Ms. Seema Shah |
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46. | Analysis & Design of Low Power CMOS Comparator at 90nm
Analysis & Design of Low Power CMOS Comparator at 90nm TechnologyAbstract: High speed and low power comparators are the essential building blocks of high speed Analog to digital converters (ADCs). This paper provides a comprehensive review about a variety of comparator designs - in terms of performance, power and delay. Preamplifier dynamic latch circuit that consists of a preamplifier followed by a double regenerative dynamic latch, this preamplifier uses fully differential circuit which decreases the effects of offset voltage error due to device mismatch. Buffered dynamic latch circuit includes a basic dynamic latch comparator followed by an inverter buffer stage. The inverter buffers are added to isolate the comparator output and large node capacitance also used to minimize the offset errors. Comparators are designed and simulated their Transient responses in Cadence Virtuoso Analog Design Environment using GPDK 90nm technology.Reference [1] Sougata Ghosh, Samraat Sharma, "Design of A Novel High Speed Dynamic Comparator with Low Power Dissipation for High Speed ADCs", International Journal of Electronics and Computer Science Engineering, Vol. 2, Number 1, pp. 411-426. [2] Raghava Garipelly, "High Speed CMOS Comparator Design with 5mV Resolution" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Vol. 4, Issue4- April 2013. [3] Smriti Shubhanand, Dr. H.P. Shukla, "Design and Simulation of a High Speed CMOS Comparator", International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering Vol. 6, Number 1 (2013), pp. 75-80. [4] Heungjun Jeon and Yong-Bin Kim, "A Novel Low-Power, Low-Offset and High- Speed CMOS Dynamic Latched Comparator", IEEE, 2010. [5] Senthil Sivakumar M, Banupriya M, " High Speed Low Power Flash ADC Design for Ultra Wide Band Applications" , International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Vol. 3, Issue 5, May- 2012 , pp.290-295. Shruti Hathwalia |
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47. | The Effect of Oatmeal And The Mucilage From The Nopal Cactus In The Production of Lactic Acid In Sourdough
The Effect of Oatmeal And The Mucilage From The Nopal Cactus In The Production of Lactic Acid In SourdoughAbstract: The use of sourdough process as a form of leavening is one of the oldest biotechnological processes in food production and has been used for thousands of years to improve flavor, texture and microbiological shelf life of bread. Its main function is to leaven the dough to produce a more gaseous dough piece and much more aerated bread. In Europe, cereal fermentations are mainly applied to the brewing industry, providing sourmashes, and to baking, in which sourdough plays an important role in the preparation of bread dough to improved dough machinability and bread crumb structure, keeping properties and flavor. The mixture modification has influence upon the production of lactic acid, in which the sourdough added with oat fiber to 24 h was of 634.59 mg•100 g-1 of dough (316.80 % in relation to control sample). On the other hand, nopal mucilage to 48 h, the lactate production went from 481.35 mg•100 g-1 of dough (414.20 % in relation to control sample), which depends on the kind of sold off mixture.Key words: dough, fermentation, lactobacilli, lactic acid, sourdough Reference [1] Alireza, S. (2008). The secrets of sourdough: A review of miraculous potentials of sourdough in breads shelf life. Biotechnology, 7, 413-417. [2] Vuyst, L. y. (2005). The sourdough microflora: biodiversity and metabolic interactions. Food Science y Technology, 16, 43-46. [3] Lacaze G., W. M. (2007). Emerging fermentation technologies: Development of novel sourdoughs. Food Microbiology, 24, 155–160. [4] Zotta, T. R. (2007). Enzymatic activities of lactic acid bacteria isolated from Cornetto di Matera sourdoughs. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 115, 165–172. [5] Sudha M.L., Vetrimani. R., Leelavathi K. (2007). Influence of fibre from different cereals on the rheological characteristics of wheat flour dough and on biscuit quality. Food Chemistry, 100, 1365–1370. Héctor Flores-Chávez, Julio Montañez-Saenz and María Reyes-Vega |
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48. | Baking Process in Oven and Microwave-oven in Sourdough Enriched with Chickpeas and Dietary Fiber of Prickly pear and Oats
Baking Process in Oven and Microwave-oven in Sourdough Enriched with Chickpeas and Dietary Fiber of Prickly pear and OatsAbstract: The bread is a basic article dating from the Neolithic era, where it was baked in ovens outside. The first bread was prepared around the year 10.000 b. C. or what is 12.000 years in the past, where should be discovered by experiment with water and flour grains. This first bread was prepared on the basis of toasted seeds and water. The dough was formed and then warmed up on rocks. It was a kind of cake that, without a doubt, was welcomed by the first settlers of the land. The sample added whit oat an increase of crust in 21.25 to 49.25 % compared to the base. On the other hand, samples added whit prickle pear increase relative was 32.25 %. The combined treatment (Microwave (MW) –convection oven), the best result is the samples with fiber oats, increased more than the negative control (51 to 63 % of difference); besides the employment of mucilage of prickle pear provides a green color to the final product.Key words: baking bread, dietary fiber, microwave, oatmeal, prickle pear Reference [1] Cho, H., y Peterson, D. G. (2010). Chemistry of bread aroma: A Review. Food Science and Biotechnology, 19, 575-582. [2] Hernández, G., y Majem, S. (2010). Libro blanco del pan. España: Panamericana. [3] Banooni, S., Hosseinalipour, S., Mujumdar, A., Taheran, E., y Mashaiekhi, M. (2008). Impingement heat transfer effects on baking of flat bread. Drying Technology, 26, 910-919. [4] Sablani, S., Marcotte, M., Baik, O., y Castaigne, F. (1998). Modeling of simultaneous heat and water transport in the baking process. Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft und-Technologie, 31, 201-209. [5] Palav, T., y Seetharaman, K. (2007). Impact of microwave heating on the physico-chemical propieties of a starch-water model system. Carbohydrate Polymers, 67, 596-604. Héctor Flores-Chávez, Julio Montañez-Saenz, María Reyes-Vega and Heliodoro de la Garza-Toledo |
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49. | A New Proposed Modification on the BDND Filtering Algorithm for the Removal of High Density Impulse Noise
A New Proposed Modification on the BDND Filtering Algorithm for the Removal of High Density Impulse NoiseAbstract: The standard median filter is one of the most popular filters for removing impulse noise. The main effectiveness of this median filter is result in degradation of image quality. BDND filtering is an one of the important filtering algorithm which remove high density impulse noise (up to 90%). But some issues related to this algorithm which degrades its performance. To avoid this issues there are two modifications in this algorithm which improve image quality and improve the performance of the BDND algorithm.Key words: Impulse noise, median filter, noise detection, switching median filters. Reference [1] R.A.Hadded and H.Hwang(1995) , ―Adaptive median filter: New algorithms and results,‖ IEEE Trans. Image Process., vol. 4, no.4, pp. 499–502, Apr. 1995. [2] Kenny Kal Vin Toh, and Nor Ashidi Mat Isa(2010),‖ Noise Adaptive Fuzzy Switching Median Filter for Salt-and-Pepper Noise Reduction‖, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol. 17, no. 3,, March 2010. [3] Krishnan Nallaperumal, Justin Varghese, S.Saudia, Santhosh.P.Mathew, K.Krishnaveni, and S.Annam(2006), StudentMember, ―Adaptive Rank-ordered Switching Median Filter for Salt & Pepper Impulse Noise Reduction‖, 2006 IEEE. [4] Madhu S. Nair, K. Revathy, and RaoTatavarti(2008),‖ Removal of Salt-and Pepper Noise in Images: A New Decision-Based Algorithm‖ Proceedings of the International Multi Conference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2008 VolIIMECS 2008, 19-21 March, 2008. [5] RemziOten, Member, IEEE, and Rui J. P. de Figueiredo, Life Fellow(2004), IEEE,‖ Adaptive Alpha-Trimmed Mean Filters Under Deviations From Assumed Noise Model‖ IEEE Trans. Image Process, vol. 13, no. 5, May 2004. S. Shalimettilsha, R. P. Anto Kumar |
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50. | Framework to Analyse Automotive Interiors with a Focus on Ergonomics
Framework to Analyse Automotive Interiors with a Focus on ErgonomicAbstract: The small car market in India is increasing by leaps and bounds. The market for small cars now occupies a substantial share of around 70% of the annual car production in India of about one million. The main players in the car market like Tata Motors, Maruti Udyog and Hyundai etc. are fiercely competitive and are trying to outdo each other in terms of design and technology. However, ultimately the focus of a manufacturer is providing customer satisfaction which is driven by comfort and ease of use. Automotive ergonomics is the study of how automotive can be designed better for human use. The human factor aspect of designing automobiles is first considered at the Vehicle Packaging stage. The term Vehicle Packaging comes to use whenever a new model is in the early stage of study. It is a method to safeguard and protect space for the human user and necessary components that make up the vehicle being designed. The improvement in the vehicle ergonomics requires a basic understanding of the problems that arise due to the conventional automotive interior design.Key words: vehicle packaging, automotive ergonomics, car. Reference [1] SAE J1100 (Rev Jun 1998). Motor Vehicle Dimensions. Society of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, USA. [2] SAE J287 (Reaf. Jun 1988). Driver Hand Control Reach. Society of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, USA. [3] SAE J1516 (Reaf. Dec 1998). Accommodation Tool Reference Point. Society of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, USA. [4] SAE J1517 (Reaf. Dec 1998). Driver Selected Seat Position. Society of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, USA. [5] Dempster, W.T. (1955). Space requirements of the seated operator: Geometrical, kinematic, and mechanical aspects of the body with special reference to the limbs. WADC Technical Report 55-159. Wright-Patterson AFB, OH: Wright Air Development Center. Kajaria Nikhil, Mohan Nishith, Gulati Navgun, Beriya Aman, Narahari N. S |
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51. | Supply Chain Challenges among BRICS Countries
Supply Chain Challenges among BRICS CountriesAbstract: Supply chain management encompasses the routing and scheduling of inventory maneuver to desired allocation in an economic mode for satisfying the all end-users by prompt connectivity and communication between the links of supply chain. In this article efforts have been made to explore the series of challenges in BRICS countries in supply chain connectivity to achieve the revolution of coined word, which is "Broad vision and shared prosperity, also security and prosperity" this paper exposes the impacting key constraints on economic and smooth supply chain execution country wise, specifically Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, also discusses the approaches to overcome the loose poles in supply chain system by enhancing internationalization and globalization ,which relates to quantitative and qualitative strengthening in the field of finance and technology.Key words: Supply chain integration, BRICS, fragmented, logistics, constraints Reference [1] Marcin Gryczka (2010): Changing role of BRIC countries in technology driven international Division of labor, Volume 2 issue 2, pp. 89-97 [2] Yunyun Duan, (2010) FDI in BRICs: A Sector Level Analysis. International Journal of Business and Management Vol. 5, No 1 [3] Marcin Gryczka (2010): Changing role of BRICS countries in technology driven international division of labor, Vol. 2 No 2, pp. 89-97 [4] Hussain A.H Awad, Mohammad Othman Nassar (2010) Supply Chain Integration: Definition and Challenges, Proceeding of International Multi Conference of Engineers and Computer Scientist,Vol 1, pp 17-19 [5] Waldemiro (2011): Supply chain management in the Brazilian Industry , Volume 2,issue 1 Pravendra Tyagi, Prof. G. Agarwal |
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52. | Enhancement of Power Quality in Transmission Line Using Flexible Ac Transmission System Device U.P.F.C (Unified Power Flow Controller)
Enhancement of Power Quality in Transmission Line Using Flexible Ac Transmission System Device U.P.F.C (Unified Power Flow Controller)Abstract: Present scenario states that power demand has been increased in a rapid and random manner. Hence power generated is unable to meet the power demand so power scarcity exists. There is an approximate loss of (20 - 40 )% of power generated during its transmission. Hence there is a need for enhancing the power quality in transmission lines. In order to improve the power quality our paper make use of FACTS DEVICES. FACTS devices can be added to power transmission and distribution systems at appropriate locations to improve system performance. The real and reactive powers can be easily controlled in a power system with FACTS devices. Flexible AC Transmission System creates a tremendous quality impact on power system stability. This paper describes the basic principle of operation of UPFC, its advantages and to compare its performance with the various FACTS equipment available. The objective of this paper is to keep the power system to remain in voltage stable condition when it experiences a load change and contingency, also deals with the simulation of various FACTS controllers using simulation program with MATLAB/SIMULINKReference [1] N. G. Hi ngorani and L. Gyugyi "Understanding FACTS concepts and technology of flexible AC transmission systems", IEEE Press, New York, 2000. [2] Raju Pandey and A. K. Kori August (2012) "Real and Reactive Power flow Control Using Flexible Ac Transmission System connected to a Transmission line: a Power Injection Concept", Volume 1, Issue 6, ISSN: 2278 – 1323 International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET) pp. 252 – 256. [3] Gyungui. L, FIEE. (2008) "Unified Power Flow Control concept for Flexible AC Transmission System‟ IEE proceedings- C, Vol.139, No.4. [4] C.D. Schaulder et al., "Operation of unified power flow controller (UPFC) under practical constraints‟, IEEE Trans.Power Del., vol.13, no.2. pp.630-639, Apr1998. [5] Kannan. S, Shesha Jayaram and M.M.A.Salama. (2007) "Real and Reactive Power Coordination for a Unified Power Flow Controller‟ IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2007, vol.19.No.3, pp. 1454 – 1461. B. Divya Lakshmi, M. Manoj Gupta, G.Manoj Kumar, G. Jyothsna, A. Parvathi |
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53. | PIV Measurement for Electroosmotic Flow in Sio2pdms Surface Modified Microchannel
PIV Measurement for Electroosmotic Flow in Sio2pdms Surface Modified MicrochannelAbstract: Electroosmotic is a flow created under the application of electric field on the fluid. Recently, PDMS exhibits great potential in microfluidic device for many applications. The less ability to support electroosmotic flow and flow instability with time are the phenomena associated with the fluid flow in PDMS microchannel. To improve fluid flow in PDMS, microchannel surface modified with SiO2, different thicknesses, by PECVD was employed. Surface characterizations were carried out using atomic force microscope (AFM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Whereby; UV-visible spectrometer and X-ray diffraction (XRD) were employed to identify optical properties and structural phase of the modified PDMS respectively. Particle image velocimetry (PIV) was used to track particles in PDMS microchannel, native and modified. We demonstrated that PDMS surface modified with SiO2 slowing down fluid flow comparing to native PDMS allowing reaction and/or measurements taken place in microchannel. Fluid stability in PDMS, native and surface modified, were monitored via electrical resistance – time measurements with the aid of Cd2+ aqueous solution mixed with AuNP colloidal. SiO2 PDMS surface modified microchannel achieved stable time- fluid flow.Key words: PDMS surface modification, microfluidic, and Electrophoresis flow. Reference [1] Jueyu Li and Min Wang, Chemical modification on top of nanotopography to enhance surface properties of PDMS, Surface & Coatings Technology, 2012; 206; 2161–2167. [2] ShankarDevasenathipathy and Juan G. Santiago, Particle Tracking Techniques for Electrokinetic Microchannel Flows, Anal. Chem., 2002; 74; 3704-3713. [3] Xueqin Rena, Mark Bachmanb, Christopher Simsc and G.P. Li, Electroosmotic properties of microfluidic channels composed of (polydimethylsiloxane), Journal of Chromatography B, 762;2001;117–125. [4] Christine Seguin, Jessica M., McLachlan and Peter R. Norton, Surface modification of poly (dimethylsiloxane) for microfluidic assay applications, Applied Surface Science, 256;2010; 2524–2531. [5] Jinwen Zhou, Recent developments in PDMS surface modification for microfluidic devices, Electrophoresis,31;2010;2–16. Shrok Allami, Naif Al-Hardan, Qahtan Aljimily |
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54. | Design Analysis And Application Of Nylon66 In Rotary Spars
Design Analysis And Application Of Nylon66 In Rotary SparsAbstract: Technology has led to the increased use of plastics as replacement to conventional materials in various sectors. The use of alloy steels in various rotary spares such as gears, cams, bearings, valve seats and other bearing and wear applications that requires quite operation, low coefficient of friction and wear resistance shall be replaced with nylon 66 as per requirements. In the present work I am applying nylon66 in gears and sprocket wheels used in automotive it is proposed to substitute the metallic rotating spares like gears and sprockets with nylon 66 to reduce the weight and noise. For this purpose different types of polymers were considered namely Polyethylene, PVC, Polystyrene, Polypropylene and Nylon66 and their viability are checked with their counterpart metallic gear (Cast iron). Based on the static analysis, the best plastic material is recommended for the purpose.3D model of gears and sprocket wheel chain assembly has been modeled by using Pro-E WF4. The models are then pre-processed using hyper mesh 10 .The pre-processed hyper mesh file is subjected to Static analysis using ANSYS 10.0. Compared to metallic rotating spares the Nylon 66 spares are more suitable for operations under 260oc temperature and limited load conditions. The designed gear shall be manufactured using injection molding. The die used for injection molding is machined with CNC and the CNC coding shall be generated for the given model. Application of nylon66 make a remarkable changes in cost factors, Weight factors, life factors, wear factors etc., hence the overall efficiency is improved. Keywords: Cast iron spur gears, helical gears, sprocket wheel assembly, Pre Processing, Static analysis, Nylon66.Reference [1] Elastic- Plastic Finite Element Analysis Of Spall Formation In Gear,Yan Ding, Rhys Jones And Bruce T. Kuhnell,8 August 1995 [2] Surface Roughness and Plastic Flow in Rail Wheel Contact, A.Kapoor' F.J. Franklin, S.K. Wong And M. Ishida, July 2002 [3] 3d Finite Element Investigation On The Plastic Flows Of Rolling Contacts- Correlation With Railhead Micro Structural Observations M.Busquet L. Baillet, C. Bordreuil And Y.Berthier [4] Fiber Reinforcement In Injection Molding Nylon 66 Spur Gears, S.Senthilvelan. R. Gnanamoorthy 20 Apirl 2006 [5] Wheel-Rail Wear Simulation, Tanel Telliskivi and Ulf olofsso, 20 October 2003 P.K. Harish Kumar, B.Kanimozhi |
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55. | Distributed Cooperative Caching In Social Wireless Network
Distributed Cooperative Caching In Social Wireless NetworkAbstract: This paper introduces cooperative caching techniques for reducing electronic content provisioning cost in Social Wireless Networks (SWNET).SWNETs are formed by mobile devices, such as modern cell phones etc. sharing common takings in electronic content, and actually meeting together in public places. Electronic object caching in such SWNETs are shown to be able to reduce the content provisioning cost which depends heavily on the service and pricing dependences among various stakeholders including content providers (CP), network service providers, and End Consumers (EC).This paper develops practical network, service, and pricing models which are then used for creating two object caching strategies for reducing content provisioning costs in networks with homogenous and heterogeneous object demands. The paper develops analytical and simulation designs for analysing the proposed caching strategies in the presence of selfish users that deviate from network-wide cost-optimal policies. It also reports results from an Android phone based prototype SWNET, validating the presented analytical and simulation results.Key words: cooperative cache; cost-optimal policies; distributed search engines; selfish users Reference [1] M. Zhao, L. Mason, and W. Wang, "Empirical Study on Human Mobility for Mobile Wireless Networks," Proc. IEEE Military Comm. Conf. (MILCOM), 2008. [2] "Cambridge Trace File, Human Interaction Study," http://www.crawdad.org/download/cambridge/haggle/Exp6.tar.gz,2012. [3] E. Cohen, B. Krishnamurthy, and J. Rexford, "Evaluating Server-Assisted Cache Replacement in the Web," Proc. Sixth Ann.European Symp. Algorithms, pp. 307-319, 1998. [4] S. Banerjee and S. Karforma, "A Prototype Design for DRM Based Credit Card Transaction in E-Commerce," Ubiquity, vol. 2008,2008. [5] L. Breslau, P. Cao, L. Fan, and S. Shenker, "Web Caching and Zipf-Like Distributions: Evidence and Implications," Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, 1999. Dimple Pandya, Manan Shah, Manvi Sinha, Sanika Patil, Anand Magar |
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56. | Power System Stability Enhancement Using Fact Devices
Power System Stability Enhancement Using Fact DevicesAbstract: The development of the modern power system has led to an increasing complexity in the study of power systems, and also presents new challenges to power system stability, and in particular, to the aspects of transient stability and small-signal stability. So Power system engineers are currently facing challenges to increase the power transfer capabilities of existing transmission system. This is where the Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) technology comes into effect with relatively low investment, compared to new transmission or generation facilities. Flexible AC transmission system (FACTS) devices use power electronics components to maintain controllability and capability of electrical power system. The paper aims towards the performance of UPFC is compared with other FACTS devices such as Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC), Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC), and Static Var Compensator (SVC) respectively. The simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the UPFC on transient stability of the system.Key words: FACTS, SSSC, SVC, TCSC, Transient stability, STATCOM, UPFC. Reference [1] S.V. Ravi Kumar, S. Siva Nagaraju, 2007, "Transient Stability Improvement using UPFC and SVC," ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 2(3), pp. 38-45. [2] Power Flow Control in a Transmission Line through UPFC Parvej khan1, Himmat singh 2 1,2Department of electrical engineering, MITS Gwalior [3] 3.MATLAB Based Simulation of TCSC FACTS Controller Preeti Singh, Mrs.Lini Mathew, Prof. S. Chatterji N.I.T.T.T.R., Chandigarh [4] Chatterji.S, Rao.C.S and Nagsarkar T.K., Applications of FACTS controllers for improving Power System Stability, XII National Convention of Electrical Engineers – Power System Management to overcome power shortage, Institution of Engineers (INDIA) Punjab, Haryana and Chandigarh State Center Chandigarh, 23-24 Nov. [5] Chatterji.S, Rao.C.S and Nagsarkar T.K., Admittance chacteristics of Thyristor controlled dynamic brake, 9th National Power Systems Conference, IIT Kanpur, 19-21 Dec. 1996. Mr. B. T. Ramakrishna Rao, P. Chanti, N. Lavanya, S. chandra Sekhar, Y. Mohan kumar |
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57. | Automatic Test Pattern Generation for Digital Circuits
Automatic Test Pattern Generation for Digital CircuitsAbstract: Digital circuits complexity and density are increasing and at the same time it should have more quality and reliability. It leads with high test costs and makes the validation more complex. The main aim is to develop a complete behavioral fault simulation and automatic test pattern generation (ATPG) system for digital circuits modeled in verilog and VHDL. An integrated Automatic Test Generation (ATG) and Automatic Test Executing/Equipment (ATE) system for complex boards is developed here. An approach to use memristors (resistors with memory) in programmable analog circuits. The Main idea consists in a circuit design in which low voltages are applied to memristors during their operation as analog circuit elements and high voltages are used to program the memristor's states. This way, as it was demonstrated in recent experiments, the state of memristors does not essentially change during analog mode operation. As an example of our approach, we have built several programmable analog circuits demonstrating memristor -based programming of threshold, gain and frequency. In these circuits the role of memristor is played by a memristor emulator developed by us. A multiplexer is developed to generate a class of minimum transition sequences. The entire hardware is realized as digital logical circuits and the test results are simulated in Model sim software. The results of this research show that behavioral fault simulation will remain as a highly attractive alternative for the future generation of VLSI and system-on-chips (SoC).Key words: Automatic test equipment, Comparable circuit for parallel testing, Memristor, Schmitt trigger Reference [1] Huxun Chen, DeQing Chen, Jinlin Ye, Weizhou Cao, Lei Gao ―An Integrated Automatic Test Generation and Executing System‖ IEEE Conference Sept 2011. [2] Luca Mostardini, Luca Bacciarelli, Luca Fanucci, Lorenzo Bertini, Marco Tonarelli ―FPGA-based Low-cost Automatic Test Equipment for Digital Integrated Circuits‖ IEEE International Workshop Sept 2009. [3] Mohmed Elbably‖ An Automatic testing of PLDs‖Nineteenth National Radio Science Conference ,March 19-23,2002 [4] C. Giaconia, A. Di Stefano, G. Capponi, ―Reconfigurable digital instrumentation based on FPGA System-on-Chip for Real-Time Applications,‖ 2003. Proceedings. The 3rd IEEE International Workshop, 30 June-2 July 2003, pp. 120 – 122. [5] Ranin Roosta, VLSI Test Automation: Fault Modeling, Ph.D Dissertation, EE623, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, California State University, Northridge. S. Hemalatha, Mrs. K. Srividhya |
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58. | Optimization and Performance Analysis of Bulk-Driven Differential Amplifier
Optimization and Performance Analysis of Bulk-Driven Differential AmplifierAbstract: In recent years, there has been an increasing demand for high-speed digital circuits at low power consumption. This paper presents a design of input stage of Operational Amplifier i.e cascode differential amplifier using a standard 65nm CMOS Technology.A comparison betweem gate-driven, bulk-driven and cascode bulk driven bulk-driven differential amplifier is described. The Results demonstrate that CMMR is 83.98 dB, 3-dB Bandwidth is 1.04 MHz. The circuit dissipate power of 28uWunder single supply of 1.0V.Key words: Common mode Rejection Ratio(CMMR), Low Voltage (LV), Low Power (LP) Reference [1] Liang Zou, Member and Syed K.Islam, " Low-Voltage Bulk-Driven Operational Amplifier with Improved Transconductance" IEEE Transation on circuits and sustem-1 2013. br />[2] Fabian Khateb, Dalibor Biolek, Nabhan Khatib, "Utilizing the Bulk-Driven Technique Analog Design" IEEE 2010.br /> [3] Rui He and Lihong Zhang , "Evalution of Modern MOSFET Models for Bulk-Driven IEEE 2010.br /> [4] Kent D. Layton, Donald T.Comer and David J. Comer," Bulk-Driven Gain Enhanced Fully-Differential Amplifier for VT + 2Vdsat Operation" IEEE 2008.br /> [5] F. Sandoval- Lbarra,"Designing a CMOS Differentional Pair" International conference of Electronics Communication and computers ,IEEE 2008. Antarpreet kaur, Parminder Singh Jassal |
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59. | Image Compression Algorithms Using Dct
Image Compression Algorithms Using DctAbstract: Image compression is the application of Data compression on digital images. The discrete cosine transform (DCT) is a technique for converting a signal into elementary frequency components. It is widely used in image compression. Here we develop some simple functions to compute the DCT and to compress images. An image compression algorithm was comprehended using Matlab code, and modified to perform better when implemented in hardware description language. The IMAP block and IMAQ block of MATLAB was used to analyse and study the results of Image Compression using DCT and varying co-efficients for compression were developed to show the resulting image and error image from the original images. Image Compression is studied using 2-D discrete Cosine Transform. The original image is transformed in 8-by-8 blocks and then inverse transformed in 8-by-8 blocks to create the reconstructed image. The inverse DCT would be performed using the subset of DCT coefficients. The error image (the difference between the original and reconstructed image) would be displayed. Error value for every image would be calculated over various values of DCT co-efficients as selected by the user and would be displayed in the end to detect the accuracy and compression in the resulting image and resulting performance parameter would be indicated in terms of MSE , i.e. Mean Square Error.Key words: Discrete Cosine Transform, Pixels, Inverse -DCT, Encoding, Decoding, Quantization, Entropy, MSE. Reference [1] Implementation of Image Compression Algorithm using Verilog with Area, Power and Timing Constraints (2007-2009) by Arun Kumar PS ,Dept. of ECE, NIT Rourkela. [2] Implementation of Data Compression and FFT on Tiny OS: Ning Xu, Embedded Networks Laboratory, Computer Science Dept. USC. Los Angeles [3] Hardware Implementation of a Lossless Image Compression Algorithm Using a Field Programmable Gate Array M. Klimesh,1 V. Stanton,1 and D. Watola1 (2001) [4] Image Compression Using New Entropy Coder, M. I. Khali International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 1 February, 2010 1793-8201 [5] Image Compression Using the Discrete Cosine Transform by Andrew B. Watson, NASA Ames Research Center (1994) Abhishek Kaushik, Deepti Nain |
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60. | An Effective Image Denoising Using Adaptive Thresholding In Wavelet Domain
An Effective Image Denoising Using Adaptive Thresholding In Wavelet DomainAbstract: This paper deals with denoising of images using threshold estimation in wavelet domain. Image denoising in wavelet domain is estimated by using Guassian distribution modeling of subband coefficients or any shrink techniques such as bayes shrink, Normal shrink. Normal shrink is computationally more efficient and adaptive. A near optimal threshold estimation is done using subband technique. Image denoising algorithm uses soft thresholding to provide smoothness and better edge preservation at the same time.In this paper, we analyzed severalmethods of noise removal from degraded images with Gaussian noise by using adaptive wavelet threshold (Bayes Shrink and Normal Shrink) and compare the results in terms of MSE.Key words: Wavelet thresholding, Image denoising, Discrete wavelet threshold, subband. Reference [1] J. N. Ellinas, T. Mandadelis, A. Tzortzis, L. Aslanoglou, "Image de-noising using wavelets", T.E.I. of Piraeus Applied Research Review, vol. IX, no. 1, pp. 97-109, 2004. [2] LakhwinderKaur and Savita Gupta and R.C.Chauhan, "Image denoising using wavelet thresholding", ICVGIP, Proceeding of the Third Indian Conference On Computer Vision, Graphics & Image Processing, Ahmdabad, India Dec. 16-18, 2002. [3] S.Kother Mohideen, Dr. S. Arumuga Perumal, Dr. M.Mohamed Sathik. "Image De-noising using Discrete Wavelet transform", IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, vol .8, no.1, January 2008. [4] S. Grace Chang, Bin Yu and M. Vattereli, "Adaptive Wavelet Thresholding for Image Denoising and Compression", IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 9, pp. 1532-1546, Sept. 2000. [5] G. Y. Chen and T. D. Bui, "Multi-wavelet De-noising using Neighboring Coefficients," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol.10, no.7, pp.211-214, 2003. V. Mahesh, M. Someswara Rao, Ch. Sravani, P. Durgarao, S. Venkatesh |
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61. | Comparative Study of R.C.C and Steel Concrete Composite Structures
Comparative Study of R.C.C and Steel Concrete Composite StructuresAbstract: Steel concrete composite construction has gained wide acceptance world wide as an alternative to pure steel and pure concrete construction. The use of steel in construction industry is very low in India compared to many developing countries. There is a great potential for increasing the volume of steel in construction, especially in the current development needs India and not using steel as an alternative construction material and not using it where it is economical is a heavy loss for the country. In this paper study of Four various multistoried commercial buildings i.e. G+12, G+16, G+20, G+24 are analysed by using STAAD-Pro software. Where design and cost estimation is carried out using MS-Excel programming and from obtained result comparison can be made between R.C.C and composite structure.Key words: Composite beam, Composite column, Composite slab, R.C.C structure, Shear connector Reference [1] Johnson R. P., Composite Structures of Steel and Concrete, Volume 1, Blackwell Scientific Publications, UK, 2004. [2] Fisher J. w. Design of composite beams with formed metal deck. Eng. J,, amer, lnst ,Steel Constr,7.88-96,July 1970. [3] Euro code 4, ―Design of composite steel and concrete structure, European committee for standardization committee European de normalization europaisches committee fur normung. [4] IS: 456(2000), ― Indian Standard Code of Practice for Plan and Reinforcement concrete (Fourth Revisions), Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), New Delhi. [5] IS: 13920-1993 ―ductile detailing of reinforced of concrete structure subjected to seismic forces code of practice. Shweta A. Wagh, Dr. U. P. Waghe |
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62. | To Study the Behaviour of Marble Powder as Supplementry Cementitious Material in Concrete
To Study the Behaviour of Marble Powder as Supplementry Cementitious Material in ConcreteAbstract: Concrete is the most widely used construction material in civil engineering industry because of its high structural strength and stability. Leaving the waste materials to the environment directly can cause environmental problem. Hence the reuse of waste material has been emphasized. Waste can be used to produce new products or can be used as admixtures so that natural resources are used more efficiently and the environment is protected from waste deposits. Marble stone industry generates both solid waste and stone slurry. The concrete industry is constantly looking for supplementary material with the objective of reducing the solid waste disposal problem. In that paper marble powder is replace by sand the research is carried out by using M25 grade concrete with replacement of 0%, 5%,10%,15%,20%,25%,30%,35%,40%,45%,50% marble powder by sand and is carried out to determine the optimum percentage of replacement at which maximum compressive strength and also split tensile strength is achieved There are several reuse and recycling solutions for this industrial by-product, both at an experimental phase and in practical applications. These industrial wastes are dumped in the nearby land and the natural fertility of the soil is spoiled. The physical, chemical and mechanical properties of the waste are analyzed.Key words: Cement, Compressive Strength, Marble Powder, Sand, split tensile strength Reference [1] M.S. Shetty "CONTRETE TECHNOLOGY", 3rd Edition, S. Chand & Company Limited, Delhi, 1992. [2] "ENGINEERING MATERIALS "by RANGWALA. [3] "Investigations on partial replacement of cement with marble powder" by Rahul, Jagadeesh in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CIVIL AND STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING, Volume 1, No 3, 2010. [4] M.S. Hameed, A.S.S. Sekar, Properties of green concrete containing quarry rock dust and marble sludge powder as fine aggregate. India, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 4 (4) (2009) 83–89. [5] K. Shi-Cong, P. Chi-Sun, Properties of concrete prepared with crushed fine stone, furnace bottom ash and fine recycled aggregate as fine aggregates. China, Construction and Building Materials 23 (2009) 2877–2886 Pooja J.Chavhan, Prof. S. D. Bhole |
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63. | Implementation of Optimized Reversible Sequential and
Combinational Circuits for VLSI Applications
Implementation of Optimized Reversible Sequential and Combinational Circuits for VLSI ApplicationsAbstract: Reversible logic has emerged as one of the most important approaches for the power optimization with its application in low power VLSI design. They are also the fundamental requirement for the emerging field of the Quantum computing having with applications in the domains like Nano-technology, Digital signal processing, Cryptography, Communications. Implementing the reversible logic has the advantages of reducing gate counts, garbage outputs as well as constant inputs. In this project we present sequential and combinational circuit with reversible logic gates which are simulated in Xilinx ISE and by writing the code in VHDL . we have proposed a new design technique of BCD Adder using newly constructed reversible gates are based on CMOS with pass transistor gates . Here the total reversible Adder is designed using EDA tools. We will analyze the VLSI limitations like power consumption and area of designed circuits.Key words: sequential circuits, combinational circuits Reversible logic gates, Xilinx and EDA Reference [1] BANERJEE, A. AND PATHAK, A. 2007. On the synthesis of sequential reversible circuit. [2] FRANK, M. 2005b. Introduction to reversible computing: motivation, progress, and challenges. [3] ."Design of low power arithmetic unit based on reversible logic" in International Journal of VLSI and signal processing applications, [4] "A novel design of reversible serial and parallel adder/subtractor" in International journal of engineering science and technology. [5] Low power reversible parallel binary adder/subtractor by Rangaraju H.G, Venugopal U, Muralidhara K.N, Raja K.B. P. Mohan Krishna, V. G. Santhi Swaroop, S. Harika, N. Sravya, V. Vani |
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64. | Design and Analysis of Comparator Using Different Logic Style of
Full Adder
Design and Analysis of Comparator Using Different Logic Style of Full AdderAbstract: In digital system the comparator is a very useful and basic arithmetic component. A compact, good cost benefit, high-performance ratio and LOW POWER comparator plays an important role in almost all hardware sorters. The basic function of a high-gain comparator is to determine whether an input voltage is higher or lower than a reference voltage—and to present that decision as one of two voltage levels, established by the output's limiting values. Comparators have a variety of uses, including: polarity identification, 1-bit analog-to-digital conversion, switch driving, square/triangular-wave generation, and pulse-edge generation. HERE a new design of comparator is described with the help of Full adder which are the basic building block of ALU and ALU is a basic functioning unit of the microprocessors and DSP. The objective of this paper is to provide small area, low power comparator for very large scale integration designers. in this paper a small power dissipation and less area over conventional 2 bit comparator is proposed and using this comparator a new style 16-bit comparator is proposed. Comparison between different designs is calculated by simulation that is performed at 0.12um technology in EDA Tool.Key words: comparator, Low power VLSI, 90nm Technology and Micro-wind. Reference [1] H. Traff, ―Naval approach to high speed CMOS current Comparator,‖ Electron. Letter, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 310- 312, Jan.1992. [2] A.T K. Tang and C. Toumazou, ―High performance CMOS current comparator,‖ Electron. Letter, vol. 30, pp. 5-6, 1994. [3] L. Ravezzi, D. Stoppa and G. F. Dalla Betta, ―Simple High speed CMOS current comparator,‖ Electron. Letter, vol.33, pp.1829-1830, 1997. [4] C. B. Kushwah, D. Soni and R. S. Gamad, ―New design of CMOS Current comparator,‖ Second International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology, ICETET, pp.125-129, June, 2009 [5]. Current Comparator Design,‖ Electron. Letter, vol. 44, no.3,pp.171-172, Jan. 2008. K. Rajasekhar, P. Sowjanya, V. Umakiranmai, R. Harish, M. Krishna |
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65. | QPSK Modulator and Demodulator Using FPGA for SDR
QPSK Modulator and Demodulator Using FPGA for SDRAbstract: A software-defined radio (SDR) allows for digital communication systems to simply accept more complicated coding and modulation technologies, which is enormously vital in meeting the ever-increasing demands of the wireless communication industry. An SDR has been constructed, using the Simulink tool, and implemented on the SPARTEN-3E Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) development kit. The modulation scheme used in the system is Quadrature Phase-Shift Keying (QPSK). In the first step to realize the whole modulation and demodulation schemes using MATLAB Simulink. The format of a VHDL program is built around the concept of BLOCKS which are the basic building units of a VHDL design. The results showed that the proposed method can greatly improve the developing efficiency, shorten developing period and reduce costs.Key words: Demodulator, FPGA, Modulator, QPSK, SDR VHDL Reference [1] Wenmiao Song, Qiongqiong Yao, Design and implement of QPSK modem based on FPGA [2] A.M.Bhavikatti, Subhash Kulkarni, Uday Kalyani, FPGA implementation of π/4 QPSK Modulator and Demodulator [3] Swapan K Samaddar, AtriSanyal, Somali Sanyal, FPGA based generalized architecture for Modulation and Demodulation [4] Gihad Elamary, Graeme Chester, Jeffrey Neasham, A simple Digital VHDL QPSK Modulator Design using CPLD / FPGAs for Biomedical Devices Applications [5] Mehmet SÖNMEZ and Ayhan AKBAL, FPGA based design using VHDL transmission performance analysis of BPSK and QPSK Modulators Mandadkar Mukesh, Lokhande Abhishek, Prof. R. R. Bhambare |
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66. | Damping Of Low Frequency Oscillations In Power System Using Device Upfc With Fuzzy Logic
Damping Of Low Frequency Oscillations In Power System Using Device Upfc With Fuzzy LogicAbstract: Power stability is an important issue that is becoming increasingly important to an power systems at all levels. We are unable to achieve the stability of the system due to some factors. Low frequency oscillation's is one of the major factors that affect the transmission line capacity. Traditionally power system stabilizers(PSS) are being used to damp these inevitable oscillations. In advanced technology FACTS devices such as unified power flow controllers (UPFC) are used to control the power flow in transmission lines. They can also replace the PSS to damp the low frequency oscillations effectively through direct control of voltage and power. In our model, single machine infinite bus power system with UPFC is considered. The designed FUZZY based UPFC controllers adjusts four UPFC inputs by appropriately processing of input error signal and provides an efficient damping. The results of the simulation show that the UPFC with FUZZY LOGIC controller is effectively damping the LOW FREQUENCY OSCILLATIONS.Key words: Low frequency Oscillations (LFO), Unified Power flowController(UPFC), Fuzzy logic,Damping controller,Flexiable AC transmission System (FACTS) Reference [1] N.G.: 'High power electronics and flexible AC transmission system', IEEE Power Eng. Reo., July 1988. [2] Kundur, P.Klein, M., Roger, G.J. and Zywno, M.S.: Application of power system stabilizers for enhancement of overall system stability', IEEE Trans. on Power System, 4, (2), 1989, pp. 614-626. [3] Ewart, D.N. et al.: 'Flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS) scoping study'. EPRI Report EL-6943, 1990: [4] L. Gyugyi 'Unified Power Flow Control Concept for Flexible ac Transmission Systems.' IEE Proceedings-C, Vol. 139, No. 4, July 1992, p. 323. [5] L. Gyugyi and C.D. Schauder, et al. 'The Unified Power Flow Controller : A New Approach to Power Transmission Control.' IEEE Transactions on Power delivery, Vol. 10, No. 2, April 1995, p. 1085. B.Divya Lakshmi, D.Krishna karthik, M. AppalaNaidu, I.Manikanta Krishna Murthy, Ch.Jyothi |
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67. | Simulink Implementation of Indirect Vector Control of Induction Machine Model
Simulink Implementation of Indirect Vector Control of Induction Machine ModelAbstract: In this paper, a modular Simulink implementation of an induction machine model is described in a step-by-step approach. With the modular system, each block solves one of the model equations; therefore, unlike in black box models, all of the machine parameters are accessible for control and verification purposes.After the implementation, examples are given with the model used in different drive applications, such as open-loop constant V/Hz control and indirect vector control. To implement the induction machine model, the dynamic equivalent circuit of induction motor is taken and the model equations in flux linkage form are derived.Then the model is implemented in Simulink by transforming three phase voltages to d-q frame and the d-q currents back to three phase, also it includes unit vector calculation and induction machine d-q model.The inputs here are three phase voltages, load torque, speed of stator and the outputs are flux linkages and currents, electrical torque and speed of rotor.Reference [1] M. L. de Aguiar, M. M. Cad, ―The concept of complex transfer functions applied to the modeling of induction motors,‖ Power Engineering Society Winter Meeting, 2000, pp. 387–391. [2] A. Dumitrescu, D. Fodor, T. Jokinen, M. Rosu, S. Bucurencio, ―Modeling and simulation of electric drive systems using Matlab/Simulink environments,‖ International Conference on Electric Machines and Drives (IEMD), 1999, pp. 451–453. [3] S. Wade, M. W. Dunnigan, B. W. Williams, ―Modeling and simulation of induction machine vector control with rotor resistance identification,‖ IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 12, no. 3, May 1997, pp. 495–506. [4] H. Le-Huy, ―Modeling and simulation of electrical drives using Matlab/Simulink and Power System Blockset,‖ The 27th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON'01), Denver/Colorado, pp. 1603–1611. [5] L. Tang, M. F. Rahman, ―A new direct torque control strategy for flux and torque ripple reduction for induction motors drive — a Matlab/Simulink model,‖ IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conference, 2001, pp. 884–890. V. Dhanunjayanaidu, K. Chakradhar, K. Madhuri, D. Nalini, B. Koormarao |
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68. | Towards Better Retrievals in Content -Based Image Retrieval System
Towards Better Retrievals in Content -Based Image Retrieval SystemAbstract: This paper presents a Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) System called DEICBIR-2. The system retrieves images similar to a given query image by searching in the provided image database.Standard MPEG-7 image descriptors are used to find the relevant images which are similar to thegiven query image. Direct use of the MPEG-7 descriptors for creating the image database and retrieval on the basis of nearest neighbor does not yield accurate retrievals. To further improve the retrieval results, B-splines are used for ensuring smooth and continuous edges of the images in the edge-based descriptors. Relevance feedback is also implemented with user intervention. These additional features improve the retrieval performance of DEICBIR-2 significantly. Computational performance on a set of query images is presented and the performance of the proposed system is much superior to the performance of DEICBIR[9] on the same database and on the same set of query images.Index Terms: Content-based image retrieval, splines, All MPEG-7 Descriptors, Edge Histogram Descriptor, Color Layout Descriptor and Color Edge and Directivity Descriptor (CEDD), NMRR (Normalized Modified Retrieval Rate). Reference [1] Kim-Hui Yapand Kui Wu, ―A Soft Relevance Framework in Content-Based Image Retrieval Systems,‖ IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 15, no. 12, december 2005. [2] M. Flickher, H. Sawhney,W. Niblack, J. Ashley, Q. Huang, B. Dom, M. Gorkani, J. afner,D. Lee, D. Petkovic, D. Steele, and P.Yanker, ―Query by image and video content: the QBIC system,‖ IEEE Computer, vol. 28, no. 9, pp. 23–32, Sep. 1995. [3] Y. Rui, T. S. Huang, and S. Mehrotra, ―Content-based image retrieval with relevance feedback in MARS,‖ in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Image Processing, Washington, DC, 1997, pp. 815–818. [4] G. Amarnath and J. Ramesh, ―Visual information retrieval,‖ Commun. ACM, vol. 40, no. 5, pp. 70–79, May 1997. [5] A. Pentland, R. Picard, and S. Sclaroff, ―Photobook: content-based manipulation of image databases,‖ Int. J. Comput. Vis., vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 233–254, June 1996. Kumar Vaibhav, Vikas Pratap Singh and C.Patvardhan |
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69. | Effect of Fuel Types on Combustion Characteristics and Performance of a Four Stroke IC Engine
Effect of Fuel Types on Combustion Characteristics and Performance of a Four Stroke IC EngineAbstract: In this study, the effect of Gasoline, Ethanol, Gasohol E10, and Kerosene on the performance and combustion characteristics of a spark ignition (SI) engine were investigated. In the experiment, the internal combustion (IC) engine includes one cylinder, two valves, and four stroke spark ignition. Performance tests were carried out for specific fuel consumption, brake specific fuel consumption, power developed, corrosion rate, and carbon dioxide (CO2) and carbon monoxide (CO) emissions. The measurements were conducted under various engine speeds ranging from 1500 to 4500 rpm. The experimental results showed that the performance of engine was improved with the use of gasoline and gasohol E10 in comparison with the Ethanol and Kerosene. The concentrations of CO2 and CO were presented and compared for all type of fuel examined.Key words: Engine performance, Flue gas emissions, Ethanol, Gasoline, Gasohol E10. Reference [1] Willared W "Engineering fundamentals of internal combustion engine" University of Wisconsin, second Edition, 2004. [2] Fernando Salazar" INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES" Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering,1998. [3] M.V. Mallikarjun1 and Venkata Ramesh Mamilla2" Experimental Study of Exhaust Emissions &Performance Analysis of Multi Cylinder S.I.EngineWhen Methanol Used as an Additive" International Journal of Electronic Engineering ResearchVolume 1 Number 3 (2009) [4] Ioannis Gravalos1, Dimitrios Moshou2, Theodoros Gialamas1, Panagiotis yradakis2, Dimitrios Kateris2 and Zisis Tsiropoulos1" Performance and Emission Characteristics of Spark Ignition Engine Fuelled with Ethanol and Methanol Gasoline Blended Fuels", InTech, 2011. [5] Al-Hasan, M. (2002). Effect of ethanol–unleaded gasoline blends on engine performance and exhaust emission. Energy Conversion & Management, Vol.44, No9, pp. 1547–1561. Mrs. Rana Ali Hussein, Dr. Audai Hussein Al-Abbas, Dr. Abdulla Dhayea Assi |
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70. | Implementation of an Efficient Ripple Carry Adder by Low Power Techniques for Ultra Applications
Implementation of an Efficient Ripple Carry Adder by Low Power Techniques for Ultra ApplicationsAbstract: The main goal of this paper is to provide new low power solutions for very large scale integration. Designers especially focus on the reduction of the power dissipation which shows increasing growth with the scaling down of the technologies. In this paper various technologies at the different levels of the design process have been implemented to reduce the power dissipation at the circuit, architecture and system levels. Previous technologies are summarized and compared with our new approach is presented in this paper. The main objective of this project is the reduction of power dissipation by eliminating the PMOS tree and also by utilizing energy stored at the output can be retrieved by the reversing the current source direction discharging process instead of dissipation in NMOS network with SDCVSL, ADIABATIC LOGIC. It also increases the performance of circuits. Here for this project, I am using MICRO WINDOW TOOL. By using this tool we can develop schematic for all above techniques and also find out the power dissipation.Key words: Low power, CMOS, SDCVSL, Adiabatic logic. Reference [1] A. Chandrakasan, R. Brodersen, Low Power Digital Design, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1995. [2] Meta-Software, HSPICE User's Manual - Version 96.1,1996. [3] K. Yano, Y. Sasaki, K. Rikino, K. Seki, "Top-Down Pass-Transistor Logic Design". IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol.31, pp. 792-803. 1996 [4] MIPS Technologies, "R4200 Microprocessor Product Information", MIPS Technologies Inc., 1994 [5] R K. Navi, Md.Reza Saatchi and O. Daei, (2009) "A High-Speed Hybrid Full Adder," European Journal of Scientific Research,Vol 26 No.1,pp 29-33. S. Sindhuri, R. Sravani, S. Rambabu |
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71. | An Experimental Investigation of Partial Replacement of Cement by Industrial Waste (Hypo Sludge)
An Experimental Investigation of Partial Replacement of Cement by Industrial Waste (Hypo Sludge)Abstract: Concrete is strength and tough material but it is porous material also which interacts with the surrounding environment. The durability of concrete depends largely on the movement of water and gas enters and moves through it. To produce low cost concrete by blending various ratios of cement with hypo sludge & to reduce disposal and pollution problems due to hypo sludge it is most essential to develop profitable building materials from hypo sludge. To make good quality paper limited number of times recycled Paper fibers can be used which produces a large amount of solid waste. The innovative use of hypo sludge in concrete formulations as a supplementary cementations material was tested as an alternative to traditional concrete. These tests were carried out to evaluate the mechanical properties like compressive strength up to 28 days. As a result, the compressive increased up to 10% addition of hypo sludge and further increased in hypo sludge reduces the strengths gradually. This research work is concerned with experimental investigation on strength of concrete and optimum percentage of the partial replacement by replacing cement via 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% of Hypo Sludge. Keeping all this view, the aim of investigation is the behavior of concrete while adding of waste with different proportions of Hypo sludge in concrete by using tests like compression strength and split strength. The mix design was carried out for M25 grade concrete as per IS: 10262-2009.Key words: cement; hyposludge; paper waste; OPC Reference [1] Hypo Sludge Management: Opportunities For Developing Low Cost Concrete With Glass Fibers, Volume : 1 | Issue : 7 | Dec 2012 • ISSN No 2277 – 8160 Jayeshkumar Pitroda, Dr. L. B. Zala, Dr F. S. Umrigar [2] Experimental Investigation In Developing Low Cost Concrete From Paper Industry Waste R. Srinivasan, *K. Sathiya And M. Palanisamy,2010 [3] An Exploration Study On Stone Waste As Foregoing Alternatives For Green Concrete Ankit Nileshchandra Patel 1, Prof. Jayeshkumar Pitroda 2, IJAERS/Vol. II/ Issue III/April-June, 2013/35-38 [4] Utilization Of Waste Paper Pulp By Partial Replacement Of Cement In ConcreteSumit A Balwaik*; S P Raut** Vol. 1, Issue 2, pp.300-309 [5] Durability Of Concrete With Partial Replacement Of Cement By Paper Industry Waste (Hypo Sludge) Jayeshkumar Pitroda, L.B.Zala, F S Umrigar, ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-2, Issue-3, February 2013. Mr.R.Balamurugan, Mr.R.Karthickraja |
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72. | Simulation of Brushless DC Motor using Direct Torque Control
Simulation of Brushless DC Motor using Direct Torque ControlAbstract: This paper deals with modelling of three phases brushless dc motor with MATLAB/SIMULINK software BLDC motor have advantages according to brushless dc motor and induction motor's. They have improve speed torque charactistics, high efficiency high transient response and small size. It approaches for reducing the torque ripples of BLDC motor using DTC, by using control technique's ,but present work mainly concentrate on advanced method. The whole drive system is simulated based on the system devices, BLDC motor source inverter, space vector modulation.IndexTerms: Brushlessdc(BLDC)drives,directtorque Control (DTC), permanent-magnetmotor. Reference [1] Yong Liu,Z. Q. Zhu, "direct torque control of brushless dc drives with reduced torque ripple"IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, VOL. 41, NO. 2, MARCH/APRIL 2005 [2] C.GENCER AND M. GEDIKPINAR "MODELLING AND SIMULATION OF BLDCMUSING MATLAB/SIMULINK" 2006 Asian Network for Scientific Information. [3] G.Prasad,, N.SreeRamya,, P.V.N.Prasad ,G.Tulasi Ram Das "Modelling and Simulation Analysis of the Brushless DC Motor by using MATLAB"ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-1, Issue-5, October 2012. Mrs.G. Kusuma, S. Rukhsana Begum, N. Nitin Teja, N. Uday Kumar, K. Satyanarayana |
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73. | Design & Fabrication of a Machine to REDUCE the Critical PROCESS Parameters & Improve Productivity of Agro – Based Dhup Agarbatti
Design & Fabrication of a Machine to REDUCE the Critical PROCESS Parameters & Improve Productivity of Agro – Based Dhup AgarbattiAbstract: In our country still our villager are struggling with short of money, living standard. Mainly our farmer does irrigation related activity when the season comes & rest of the time they remain with no work this causes a biggest trouble to them because they uses money whatever they earn by selling their crops into their idle time i.e. off-season.1 Hence there living standard remain unchanged due to short of money saving. Keeping this thing into mind we are trying to help farmer by giving them a chance of self-employment, so that, they can change their living standard to some extent. Hence we are focusing to develop a system/machine which can be run manually. The cost of the system or machine will try to keep very minimum, so that the farmer can purchase it or taken it on rent. The objective of our machine is to utilize mainly agriculture based product which is available at very low price along with some additives. Through this project the farmer can produce a daily consumable product which would be so called as "Agro Dhup Agarbatti".Key words: Mixing chamber, Hopper, Critical data, Agricultural waste, Agro Dhup – Agarbatti. Reference 1) The hand book of dairy farming in India, Engineers India Research Institute publication, 2005, Vol-2 2) The journal of Chinese farmer painting of China, by Diater Wanazura, Chines Art publication, June 2005, Vol-1 3) Book of Design of machine element by Vinod Thombre Patil, Nirali publication, June 2013. 4) The book of Advance manufacturing processes by P.K.Ambadekar, S.T.Ghan, and D.M.Dharmadhikari, Nirali publication, June 2013. Shri. Krishna S. Vishwakarma, Shri. R.A. Tamboli, Mr. Shailesh V. Nighot, Mr. Alok K. Mandlekar |
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74. | Quantifying the Water Flow through the Soil-Plant-Atmosphere System
Quantifying the Water Flow through the Soil-Plant-Atmosphere SystemAbstract: In order to quantify the flow of water in the soil plant atmosphere system by using and correlating various methods of measurements, an experimental study was undertaken. The study was carried out in the region of "The Field of Kosovo", in two climatic particular areas, Komoran and Vushtri, significantly different from each other. Meteorological stations were set up in each area and as a part of it, in each case, the evaporimeter Pan A and an atmometer were installed. Each meteorological station was equipped with the necessary devices to measure the sun radiation, relative humidity, wind speed and temperature. A particular computer program was prepared to convert automatically the data measured by the devices into potential evapotranspiration, expressed as mm evaporated water per day, calculated based on the Penman-Monteith formulae. The potential evapotranspiration calculated based on the Penman-Monteith method indicated, during the entire time of investigation, higher values comparing with the results taken from the atmometer and the Pan A evaporimeter methods. The differences were significant in both, Komoran and Vushtri.Key words: water flow; potential evapotranspiration; Penman-Monteith formula; atmometer; Pan A evaporimeter Reference [1] Penman, H.L. "Natural evaporation from open water, bare soil, and grass". Proc. Roy. Soc (London, U.K.) (1948), A193 (1032): 120–145. [2] Hillel, D., "Soil and water", from Physiological Ecology, edited by T. T. Kozlowski, Wisconsin, 1971, pg. 201-239 [3] Hillel, D., "Introduction to Soil Physics", Academic Press, USA. 1982, 288-319 [4] Hillel, D., "Introduction to Environmental Soil Physics", Academic Press, Hardbound, USA, 2003, 221-225 [5] Richard G. Allen, Luis S. Pereira, Dirk Raes, Martin Smith, "Crop evapotranspiration"; FAO irrigation and drainage paper, Rome, 1998, vol. 56, 1-16, Besnik Gjongecaj, Demë Abazi, Abdullah Nishori |
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75. | Steady State Thermal Analysis Of Friction Stir Welded Stringer Panel Of An Aircraft Wing
Steady State Thermal Analysis Of Friction Stir Welded Stringer Panel Of An Aircraft WingAbstract: Welding is a wide range multistate permanent fastening method of fabrication. Globally welding technology has numerous applications. The present project deals with the calculation of the steady state thermal analysis and fatigue life of the friction stir welded stringer panel. The stringer panel is a device used for supporting the upper and the lower skin of the aircraft wing. The equivalent stresses and life cycles are calculated theoretically referring to many journals, the theoretical inputs are given to the analysis software ANSYS Workbench i.e. heat flux, temperature, and speed of rotation of the friction stir tool. The resultant equivalent stress and the total deformation apart from that the life cycles are also generated. The theoretical values of stress and fatigue life are computed. The best welding conditions are predicted by suitable analysis in ANSYS Work bench software by providing suitable working conditions as inputs.Key words: ANSYS, Friction stir welding, Thermal analysis, Fatigue life. Reference [1] TWI (1991). Friction Stir welding at TWI [2] Mishra, R.S., Ma, Z.Y., Friction stir welding and processing, Materials Science and Engineering R, Vol. 50, 2005, pp. 1-78. [3] Static and Fatigue Testing of Full-Scale Aircraft Structures-Jody Cronenberger, Research Engineer Kenneth E. Griffin, Ph.D., Manager, Department of Structural Engineering Southwest Research Institute. [4] Structural Risk Assessment of RAAF B707 Lower Wing Stringers, Published by Air Vehicles Division DSTO Defence Science and Technology Organization 506 Lorimer St Fishermans Bend, Victoria 3207 Australia. [5] An Integrated Approach to the Determination and Consequences of Residual Stress on the Fatigue Performance of Welded Aircraft Structures, L. Edwards,1 M. E. Fitzpatrick,2 P. E. Irving,3 I. Sinclair,4 X. Zhang,5 and D. Yapp. Journal of ASTM International, February 2006, Vol. 3, No. 2. Paper ID JAI12547. D.Asirinaidu, D.Lokanadham |
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76. | Analysis Of Machine Learning Techniques By Using Blogger Data
Analysis Of Machine Learning Techniques By Using Blogger DataAbstract: Blogs are the recent fast progressing media which depends on information system and technological advancement. The mass media is not much developed for the developing countries are in government terms and their schemes are developed based on governmental concepts, so blogs are provided for knowledge and ideas sharing. This article has highlighted and performed simulations from obtained information, 100 instances of Bloggers by using Weka 3. 6 Tool, and by applying many machine learning algorithms and analyzed with the values of accuracy, precision, recall and F-measure for getting future tendency anticipation of users to blogging and using in strategical areas.Key words: Blog, Cyber Space, Data Mining, Random Forest. Reference [1] Zafarani,R, Jashki, M.A, Baghi,H.R , Ghorbani,A., 2008, A Novel Approach for Social Behavior Analysis of the Blogosphere, springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, S. Bergler (Ed.): Canadian AI, 356–367. Techniques. [2] Dr.M.Hemalatha,S.Krishnaveni.,et.,al, A Prespective analysis of Traffic Accident Using Data Mining Techniques. [3] Dr.M.Hemalatha,S.Krishnaveni,G.V.Nadaimmai.,et.,al, Evaluating the YieldOfHybrid Napier Grass with Data Mining [4] Juffinger,A., Lex, E., 2009, Cross language Blog Mining and Trend Visualization ,WWW 2009, 2009, Madrid, Spain.1149-1150. [5] Demartini, G., Siersdorfer,S., Chelaru, S., Nejdl,W., Analyzing Political Trends in the Blogosphere, Proceedings of the Fifth International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media,465-469. Gowsalya.R, S.Veni and M.Hemalatha |
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Version 2 | |||
1. | CFD Analysis of Automotive Ventilated Disc Brake Rotor
CFD Analysis of Automotive Ventilated Disc Brake RotorAbstract: Disc brakes work on the principle of friction by converting kinetic energy into heat energy. The key objective of a disc brake rotor is to accumulate this heat energy and dissipate it immediately. The effect of rotational speed on the aero-thermal performance is assessed. The rotor speed is observed to have substantial effect on the rotor performance. The heat dissipation and thermal performance of ventilated brake discs intensely be influenced by the aerodynamic characteristics of the air flow through the rotor passages. In order to investigate the aero-thermal performance of the ventilated disc brake at several altered driving speeds of the vehicle, the simulations were carried out at 3 different rotational speeds of 44rad/s 88 rad/s and 120 rad/s. The semi-automatic geometric model is created using the package Solid Works and the mesh for the model is done using ICEM CFD and the Post processing of the results is done using FLUENT-14.5.The results are discussed and presented in detail.Key words: Brake rotor, convection, heat transfer, rotor speed, flow rate Reference [1] David A. Johnson, Bryan A. Sperandei and Ross Gilbert, Analysis of the Flow through a Vented Automotive Brake Rotor, ASME, J. of Fluids Engg, 125, November 2003, 979-986. [2] Anders Jerhamre and Christer Bergstrom, Numerical Study of Brake Disc Cooling Accounting for both Aerodynamic Drag Force and Cooling Efficiency, SAE 2001-01-0948,2001. [3] Voller G. P., Tirovic M., Morris R and Gibbens P, Analysis of Automotive Disc Brake Cooling Characteristics, Proc. Instn. Mech. Engrs. Part D: J. Automobile Engineering, 2003,217, p.657-666. [4] Lisa Wallis, Eddie Leonardi and Brian Milton, Air Flow and Heat Transfer in Ventilated Disc Brake Rotors with Diamond and Tear-Drop Pillars, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A,41: 643-655, 2002. [5] Michael D. Hudson and Roland L. Ruhl, Ventilated Brake Rotor Air Flow Investigation, SAE 971033, 1997. Amol V. More, Prof.Sivakumar R. |
01-05 | ![]() |
2. | RF Based Spy Robot
RF Based Spy RobotAbstract: The intention of this paper is to reduce human victims in terrorist attack such as 26/11. So this problem can be overcome by designing the RF based spy robot which involves wireless camera. so that from this we can examine rivals when it required. This robot can quietly enter into enemy area and sends us the information via wireless camera. On the other hand one more feature is added in this robot that is colour sensor. Colour sensor senses the colour of surface and according to that robot will change its colour. Because of this feature this robot can't easily detected by enemies. The movement of this robot is wirelessly controlled by a hand held RF transmitter to send commands to the RF receiver mounted on the moving robot. Since human life is always Valueable, these robots are the substitution of soldiers in war areas. This spy robot can also be used in star hotels, shopping malls, jewelry show rooms, etc where there can be threat from intruders or terrorists.Key words: wireless, robots, spy robot, colour sensor, gas sensor Reference [1] 1] PRATUSH G.: GSM Controlled Topple Resistant Spy Robot .In: IEEE Transaction, 2013,No.978-0-7695-5146-3/13 [2] Robotics:K . S. Fu, R. C. Gonzalez, C.S.G.Lee, book published by Tata Mc- Graw Hill, 2008, 1st eds, ISBN: 9780070265103. [3] 3] GERALD MILES:Military Robots of the present & future.In: AARMS, vol.9, pp 125-137,2010 [4] S. Y. Harmon & D. W. Gage: Current Technical Research Issues of Autonomous Robots Employed In Combat, 17th Annual Electronics and Aerospace Conference [5] PATRICK LIN:Robots in war:Issues Of Risk & Ethics,In: R. Capurrao & M. Nagenborg(Eds.),2009 Prerna Jain, Pallavi N. Firke, Kalyanee N. Kapadnis, Trupti S. Patil, Sonali S. Rode |
06-09 | ![]() |
3. | Segmentation - Offset Based Image Classification
Segmentation - Offset Based Image ClassificationAbstract: In industrial applications, product identification is the most common thing now days. To kept in mind that we focus on the classification of our industrial product with the help of its texture using segmentation [7] and offset. Texture plays an important role in identifying the characteristics of an image/product. Image has visual features which are characterized as: (i) domain specific features like figure prints, human face etc. (ii) general features like colour, texture, shape. Texture of an image gives us information about the spatial arrangement of intensity values in an image or over the selected region of an image. We will describe the textural features based on gray-tone spatial dependencies.Key words: GLCM, Gray tone spatial orientation, Segmentation, Offset. Reference [1] Y.Y.Gao, Y.J.Zhang, "Object classification using mixed colour feature", 2003. [2] "Monika Deswal‟, "G.S Gill‟ "Colour Feature Extraction: A Review" in "International conference on Emerging trends in engineering and Management‟ (ICETEM) Rohtak in 2012. [3] R.C. Gonzalez, and R. E. Woods, Digital Image Processing 2ndEdition. Prentice Hall, 2002. [4] R.M. Haralick, K.Shanmugam, and I. Dinstein, "Textural Features for Image Classification", IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 1973, pp.610-621. [5] C.R. Dyer, T. Hong and A. Rosenfeld, "Texture classification using gray level co-occurrence based on edge maxima", IEEE Trans. Systems, Man, and Cybernetics,10, 1980, pp. 158-163. Monika Deswal, Nitu, Jitender Singh |
10-13 | ![]() |
5. | Alcohol Detection and Automatic Drunken Drive Avoiding System
Alcohol Detection and Automatic Drunken Drive Avoiding SystemAbstract: The main aim of this project is to design an embedded system for implementing a efficient alcohol detection system that will be useful to avoid accidents. There are many different types of accidents which occur in daily life. Accidents may cause due to many reasons it may be due to brake fail. Most often accidents occur due to over drunken person. Though there are laws to punish drunken drivers they cannot be fully implemented. Because traffic police cannot stand on every road to check each and every car driver whether he/she has drunk or not. This can be a major reason for accidents. So there is a need for a effective system to check drunken drivers. Therefore in order to avoid these accidents we have implemented a prototype project. In our project, Initially we check whether the person has drunken or not by using the MQ3 GAS sensor. In this system, sensor circuit is used to detect whether the alcohol was consumed by driver or not. To this end, we have designed such a system that when alcohol concentration is detected then car will be stopped and the related information will go to nearby location through GSM. This project is based on EMBEDDED C programming using AVR-AT mega 16 microcontroller.Key words: Embedded system, MQ3 alcohol sensor, AVR-AT mega 16 microcontroller, GSM. Reference [1] IEEE paper: Low cost systems for measuring visual cues of driver fatigue and intention in automotive applications. [2] In vehicle Alcohol Detection based on MCU and design and Implementation of Safety control system(2012 International Conference on Future ) [3] Alcohol detection system in car – by vivek anand. [4] Alcohol detection Technologies product & future – by American Beverage Institute. [5] GSM Based Embedded system for Remote Laboratory Safety Monitoring & Alerting – Annamalai University,Chidambaram ,India. Prof. P. H. Kulkarni, Ms. Ravina Wafgaonkar, Ms.Shruti S.Gujarathi, Mr. Gaurav Ahirrao |
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6. | Invention of the Plane Geometrical Formulae - Part III
Invention of the Plane Geometrical Formulae - Part IIIAbstract: In this paper , I have invented the first new type of a scalene quadrilateral and also developed the two new formulae for finding the area of that's new type of quadrilateral. My finding are based on phthagoras theorem.Reference [1] Geometry concept & Pythagoras theorem. Mr. Satish M. Kaple |
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7. | Performance of Three-Arm Ac Automatic Voltage Regulator
Performance of Three-Arm Ac Automatic Voltage RegulatorAbstract: In this paper the design and simulation of automatic voltage regulator (AVR) is proposed. The AVR provides voltage buck and boost capability to eliminate power problems created by under voltage or over voltage fluctuations. It also protects against minor and severe spikes and surges that comprise over 80% of power problems. Over heating of components due to voltage swell is also avoided by using AVR. The switching losses are also reduced as only one arm among three arms is maintained at higher power frequencies depending on mode of operation. Moreover, there is no need to use large capacitor as a result the overall size of converter is also reduced. Hence, the output voltage of the AVR can be maintained at the specified voltage. Hence, the AVR is cost can be reduced, and the efficiency of the power convertor can be extended.Index Terms: AC boost converter, ac buck converter, automatic voltage regulator (AVR). Reference [1] Z. J. Zhou, X. Zhang, P. Xu, and W. X. Shen, "Single-phase uninterruptible power supply based on Z-source inverter," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 8, pp. 2997–3004, Aug. 2008. [2] C. C. Yeh and M. D. Manjrekar, "A reconfigurable uninterruptible power supply system for multiple power quality applications," IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 1361–1372, Jul. 2007. [3] C. B. Jacobina, T. M. Oliveira, and E. R. C. da Silva, "Control of the single-phase three-leg ac/ac converter," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 53, no. 2, pp. 467–476, Apr. 2006. [4] C. B. Jacobina, I. S. de Freitas, and E. R. C. da Silva, "Reducedswitch-count six-leg converters for three-phase-to-three-phase/four-wire applications," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 54, no. 2, pp. 963–973, Apr. 2007. [5] J. M. Chang,W. N. Chang, and S. J. Chiang, "Multilevel single-phase rectifier ∼ inverter with cascaded connection of two three-arm converters," Proc. Inst. Elect. Eng. Elect. Power Appl., vol. 153, no. 5, pp. 719–725, Sep. 2006. T. Papinaidu, T. Lavanya, N. Venkatesh, G. Gowree Sankara Rao, M. Anji Babu |
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8. | Optimum Overcurrent Relay Coordination of a Power Grid
Optimum Overcurrent Relay Coordination of a Power GridAbstract: Protective system plays a pivotal role in any power system operation. In a typical power system there are large numbers of circuit breakers and relays installed which constitute an integral part of the protective scheme. Relay is a device that senses and locates the fault and sends a command to the circuit breaker to disconnect the faulty element. Relay coordination is done to provide primary as well as back up protection from any fault that is likely to occur in the system. In this paper, overcurrent relay coordination is implemented on a 72 bus 220 KV substation. Load flow studies and the short circuit analysis on the test system is initially done followed by relay coordination. Fault current data obtained from short circuit studies enables us to obtain operating time of the relays used in the test system. The simulated value of operating time provides the coordinated operation of all the relays connected from 220kV to 33kV line thereby protecting the equipment of the test system.Key words: PSM (Plug Setting Multiplier), Relay coordination, Three phase to ground fault, TMS (Time Multiplier Settings) Reference [1] N.A. Laway, H.O. Gupta, "A Method for Coordination of Overcurrent Relays in Interconnected Power System", IEJ, vol. 74(1993), pp. 59-65 [2] B.Chattopadhyay, et al "An on-line Relay Coordination Algorithm for Adaptive Protection Using Linear Programming Technique", IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, vol. 11 (1996), no. 1, pp. 165-173 [3] ShimpyRalhan, ShashwatiRay,"Optimal Coordination of Directional Overcurrent Relays using Interval Two Phase Simplex Linear Programming",International Journal of Advanced Computer Research, Volume-3 Number-3 Issue-11 September-2013 [4] D.Vijayakumar and R. K. Nema," Simplified Velocity MPSO for Directional Over Current Relay Coordination", International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, Vol 1, No. 3, May 2009 [5] Dharmendra Kumar Singh, Dr. S. Gupta,"Protection Of Power System By Optimal Co-ordination of Directional Overcurrent Relays Using Genetic Algorithm",International Journal of Modern Engineering Research, Vol.2, Issue.1, Jan-Feb 2012 Sheila Mahapatra, Debniloy De, Shivanjali A. Mishra, Aditya Kar |
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9. | Design Of Digital Configurable Error Free Frequency Detector Using Strobe Signal.
Design Of Digital Configurable Error Free Frequency Detector Using Strobe Signal.Abstract: This paper presents a glitch free module using strobe signal which overcomes the limitation of delay mismatch in a wide range of applications. The proposed strobe signal logic can control the occurrence of glitch at both the rising edge and falling edge of the circuit. The theoretical demonstration of the glitch free operation of the proposed strobe signal module is also derived in the paper. The previously proposed digitally controlled delay lines (DCDL) has been compared to this technology. Simulation results show the correctness of the module with no delay mismatch with respect to the previously proposed DCDL. As an example application, the strobe signal logic is used in configurable error free frequency detector (a frequency counter) which can control the occurrence of glitch during the sudden modulation of the frequency. The employ of the proposed strobe signal can hold the operation of the gate for a specific time until the other gate completes its operation so that there is no delay mismatch.Key words: Digitally controlled delay lines(DCDL), Integral non linearity(INL),strobe signal, configurable error free frequency detector. Reference [1] Davide De Caro, Senior member,IEEE, ―Glitch free NAND based digitally controlled,‖ IEEE transactions on VLSI, vol. 21,NO .1, January 2013. [2] Arnold M. Frisch,‖Self Calibrating strobe signal generator‖ US Patent no US7219269, May,2007. [3] C.C Chung and C.Y.Lee,"An all digital phase locked loop for high speed clock generation" IEEE j.Solid State Circuits, vol. 38, no. 2, pp.347–351, Feb 2003. [4] F. Lin, J. Miller, A. Schoenfeld, M. Ma, and R. J. Baker, ―A register controlled symmetrical DLL for double-data-rate DRAM,‖ IEEE J.Solid-State Circuits, vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 565–568, Apr. 1999 [5] R. J. Yang and S. I. Liu, ―A 40–550 MHz harmonic-free all digital delay locked loop using a variable SAR algorithm,‖ IEEE J. Solid- State Circuits, vol. 42, no. 2, pp. 361–373, Feb. 2007 Sayannika Banik, Mrs. J.K Kasthuri Bha |
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10. | Automatic Detection of Tumor in Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Images Using Energy Based Textural Features and SVM Based RFE Approach
Automatic Detection of Tumor in Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Images Using Energy Based Textural Features and SVM Based RFE ApproachAbstract: This paper deals with processing of wireless capsule endoscopy (WCE) images from gastrointestinal tract, by extracting textural features and developing a suitable classifier to recognize as a normal or abnormal /tumor image. Images obtained from WCE are prone to noise. To reduce the noise, filtration technique is used. The quality of the filtered image is degraded, so to enhance the quality of the image, discrete wavelet transform (DWT) is used. The textural features (average, energy) are obtained from DWT for three color spaces (RGB, HSI, Lab). Feature selection is based on support vector machine- recursive feature elimination approach.Key words: Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT), Feature selection, Support Vector Machine (SVM), Texture, Wireless Capsule Endoscopy (WCE). Reference [1] Baopu Li and Max Q.-H. Meng "Tumor Recognition in Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Images Using Textural Features and SVM-Based Feature Selection" IEEE transactions on information technology in biomedicine, vol. 16, NO. 3, May 2012. [2] Eng Gee Lim, Jing Chen Wang, Zhao Wang, Tammam Tillo, Ka Lok Man and Nan Zhang "Wireless Capsule Endoscopy" Proceedings of the International Multi Conference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2013 Vol II, IMECS 2013, March 13 - 15, 2013, Hong Kong. [3] Alexandros Karargyris* and Nikolaos Bourbakis, Fellow, IEEE "Detection of Small Bowel Polyps and Ulcers in Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Videos" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, VOL. 58, NO. 10, OCTOBER 2011. [4] Xenophon Zabulis, Antonis A. Argyros and Dimitris P. Tsakiris "Lumen detection for capsule endoscopy" 2008 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems Acropolis Convention Center Nice, France, Sept, 22-26, 2008. [5] Rajesh Kumar*, Senior Member, IEEE, Qian Zhao, Sharmishtaa Seshamani, Gerard Mullin,Gregory Hager, Fellow, IEEE, and Themistocles Dassopoulos "Assessment of Crohn‟s Disease Lesions in Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Images" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, VOL. 59, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 2012. B. Ashokkumar, S. P. Sivagnana Subramanian |
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11. | Thyristor Controlled Reactor for Power Factor Improvement
Thyristor Controlled Reactor for Power Factor ImprovementAbstract: Power factor improvement is the essence of any power sector for reliable operation. This paper provides Thyristor Controlled Reactor regulated by programmed microcontroller which aids in improving power factor and retaining it close to unity under various loading conditions. The implementation is done on 8051 microcontrollerwhich isprogrammed using Keil software. To determine time lag between current and voltage PSpice softwareis used and to display power factor according tothe variation in loadProteus software is used. Whenever a capacitive load is connected to the transmission linea shunt reactor is connected which injects lagging reactive VARs to the power system. As a result the power factor is improved. The results given in this paper provides suitable microcontroller based reactive power compensation and power factor improvement technique using a Thyristor Controlled Reactor module.Key words: Thyristor Controlled Reactor (TCR), Keil, PSpice, Proteus, Power factor improvement Reference [1] P. N. Enjeti and R Martinez, A high performance single phase rectifier with input power factor correction (2003), IEEE Trans. Power Electron., Vol.11, No.2, pp. 311-317. [2] Md M. Biswas, Kamol K. Das (2011), Voltage level improving using VAR compensator, Global Journals Inc., Vol.11, Issue 5. [3] M.Prasad, R.S. Moni, P.Hatvarsson, "Systems Aspects on Enhanced Stability using Static VAR Compensation (SVC) and Thyristor controlled series capacitor (TCSC)", Transmission & Distribution in 2000 Technical conference February 1996, pp. 15-19. [4] VenuYarlagadda, B. V. Sankar Ram and K. R. M. Rao (2012), Testing and Control of TSC-TCR type Static Var compensator using microcontroller, International Journal of Control and Automation, Vol.5, No. 3. [5] J.G. Cho, J.W. Won and H.S. Lee (2000), Reduced conduction loss zero-voltage-transition power factor correction converter with low cost, IEEE Trans. Industrial Electronics, Vol.45, no. 3, pp. 395-400. Sheila Mahapatra, Aashish Goyal, Neharika Kapil |
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12. | Study of change in mechanical properties of Zr2, Zr4, INCOLOY 800 and D9 materials on pilgering
Study of change in mechanical properties of Zr2, Zr4, INCOLOY 800 and D9 materials on pilgeringAbstract: Zr2, Zr4, INCOLOY 800 and D9 are successfully used for cladding materials because of their mechanical and neurotic properties. Appropriate manufacturing process has to be chosen for these materials to precise control their mechanical properties. In this study cold working process of pilgering is chosen and the study of mechanical properties for the materials taken with prior cold work and further cold worked by pilgering route were characterized through tensile and hardness testing. While cold working Yield Strength, Ultimate Tensile Strength & Hardness increases due to work hardening but % elongation decreases due to work hardening which implies that ductility of material is reduced.Key words: annealing, cold-working, hardness, pilgering, tensile Reference [1] R.J. Puigh, M.L. Hamilton, in: F.A. Garner, C.H. Henager Jr., N. Igata (Eds.), Influence of Radiation on Material Properties Part II, STP, 956, ASTM, Philadelphia, PA, 1989, p. 22. [2] D.L. Smith, J. Nucl. Mater. 122 (1984) 51. [3] W. Kesternich, J. Rothaut, J. Nucl. Mater. 104 (1981) 845. [4] D.R. Harries, Nucl. Energy 17 (1978) 301. [5] T.Ikai,S.Yuhara,I.Shibara, H.Kubota, M.Itoh, S.Nomura, Proceeding of the International Conference on Materials for Nuclear Reactor Core Applications, BNES,London, 1987, p. 203. Krishna Aditya Y V |
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Version 3 | |||
1. | A Hybrid Reliable Data Transmission based on Ant-agent Resource Allocation Technique in EEMCC Protocol for MANETS
A Hybrid Reliable Data Transmission based on Ant-agent Resource Allocation Technique in EEMCC Protocol for MANETSAbstract: Real time multicast applications in mobile adhoc network brings forward added advantages in wireless network. The fragile and mobile environment of adhoc network produces the need of bandwidth allocation for real time applications. Reliability is also an important factor in multicasting in mobile adhoc networks (MANETs), as it confirms eventual delivery of all the data to all the group members, without enforcing any particular delivery order in EEMCCP. In the first phase of this paper, we design an "ant agent-resource allocation‟ technique for reserving bandwidth for real-time multicast applications. In the forward phase, the source sends a forward ant agent which collects the bandwidth information of intermediate nodes and reserves a bandwidth for real-time flow for each multicast receiver. In the backward phase, the backward ant confirms the allocation and feeds the bandwidth information to the source. Normal traffic flows can utilize this bandwidth temporarily until the real-time traffic starts. When the real-time traffic flow has to be transmitted, the temporary resource which is utilized by other traffic flows gets dropped and the real-time flow starts In the second phase of this paper, we provide a hybrid reliable data transmission technique for multicasting in MANET. It uses the advantages of both Automatic Retransmission Request (ARQ) and Forward Error Correction (FEC) approaches in a controlled manner to provide a lossless non real time data to the receiver. Our technique has two stages, where in the initial stage we differentiate the data traffic as real time traffic and non-real time traffic. For both type of traffics, data is transmitted using the ARQ technique initially. In the second stage, if the traffic is non-real time, it estimates the total data loss occurred at the receivers for a given time period. If the loss is greater than a threshold value, it transmits data using FEC technique until the loss becomes less than the threshold. In addition to this, the ant agents can be used to detect the QoS change, congestion and route breakage and also controls the reliability in a network.Reference [1] Saida Ziane and Abdelhamid Mellouk, "A Swarm Intelligent Multi-path Routing for Multimedia Traffic over Mobile Ad hoc Networks", In proceedings of the 1st ACM international workshop on Quality of service & security in wireless and mobile networks, pp. 55--62., NY, USA: ACM Press, 2005. [2] Ya-Ju Yu, Ai-Chun Pang, Yan-Chi Fang and Pang-Feng Liu, "Utility-Based Resource Allocation for Layer-Encoded Multimedia Multicasting over Wireless Relay Networks", IEEE Global Communication Confreence, (GLOBECOM), December, 2009 [3] De-Nian Yang and Ming-Syan Chen, "Efficient Resource Allocation for Wireless Multicast", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTING, Vol. 7, No. 4, April 2008 [4] A. Sabari and K. Duraiswamy, "Multiple Constraints for Ant Based Multicast Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks", Journal of Computer Science 5(12): 1020-1027, 2009 [5] J. Liu, W. Chen, Z. Cao, Ying Jun Zhang and S. C. Liew, "Utility-based user grouping and bandwidth allocation for wireless multicast systems," IEEE ICC 2009, Dresden, Germany, 2009. Dr. M. Rajanbabu, N. S. A. Krishnakanth, Sampath Kumar .B, P. Divya Sri |
01-10 | ![]() |
2. | The impact of aging and mechanical destruction on the performance of the flat plate solar collector in Tafila city climate in Jordan
The impact of aging and mechanical destruction on the performance of the flat plate solar collector in Tafila city climate in JordanAbstract: This paper investigates the effect of aging and mechanical destruction on the performance of the flat plate solar collector. Two identical flat plate solar collectors (FPSC) are tested simultaneously under same working conditions to compare the performance of heat energy absorbed. One solar plate is painted black color and the second one is painted light grey color. The black one represents the new collector after working for short time of period while the second one (light grey collector) represents the collector after years of working. The two FPSC are used to heat water of mass flow rate 0.015 kg/s. The Maximum temperature of water was achieved using the black collector. The temperature of water output from the collectors for black and light grey absorber was 900C and 440C respectively with absorbing 470 W/m2, whereas the output temperature for broken glazing black and light grey painted was achieved 650C and 340C respectively by absorbing 410 W/m2. Average efficiency of FPSC for black and light grey absorber are found 55% and 12% respectively, while for broken glazing black and light grey absorber about 35% and 8% respectively.Key words: Renewable energy; solar heater; colored absorbers collector. Reference [1] Strukmann F.: Analysis of a Flat-plate Solar Collector; Project Report, 2008 MVK160 Heat and Mass Transport, May 08, 2008, Lund, Sweden. [2] Naoa K. M. A., Karim M. R., Mahmood S. L., Akhanda M. A. R.: Effect of colored absorbers on the performance of a built-in-storage type solar water heater. International Journal of Renewable Energy Research, IJRER, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 232-239, 2011. [3] Tripanagnostopoulos Y., Souliotis M., Nousia Th.: Solar collectors with colored absorbers. Solar Energy 68, pp. 343–356, 2000. [4] Sakhrieh A., Al-Ghandoor A.: Experimental investigation of the performance of five types of solar collectors. Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 65, pp. 715–720, 2013. [5] Kalogirou S., Tripanagnostopoulos Y., Souliotis M.: Performance of solar systems employing collectors with colored absorber. Energy and Buildings, Vol. 37, pp. 824-835, 2005. Sameh AlSaqoor |
11-17 | ![]() |
3. | Web-Based Enterprise Resource Planning System: An Alternative for Small and Medium Size Business Companies
Web-Based Enterprise Resource Planning System: An Alternative for Small and Medium Size Business CompaniesAbstract: Implementing an enterprise system is ―corporate equivalent of a root canal,‖ a meaningful analogy given that an ES with its single database replaces special-purpose legacy systems that once operated in isolation. An Enterprise Resource Planning System has the herculean task of supporting and integrating a full range of business processes, uniting functional islands and making their data visible across the organization in real time. Not surprisingly, the software that vendors such as People-Soft, SAP, and Oracle provide is unwieldy, expensive, hard to implement and creates organizational change that can be as painful as, well. If organizations can endure the implementation cost and pain, they are rewarded with large increases in both efficiency and effectiveness. When organizations build their information systems in house, they design the systems to fit functional requirements, often with a different system for each function. With this mind-set, systems proliferate at an alarming rate. An integrated system built on one database eliminates these problems. With a single unified database, everyone can instantly see data entered anywhere in the system, and no one has to enter the same data again—a common inefficiency of isolated systems. With fewer processing delays and increased data quality, organizations can more easily plan their operations, and managers can uncover, analyze, and address problems as they arise.Key words: Enterprise Resource Planning, Integrated System, Cost Effective, Small and Medium Sized Business Reference [1] Prof. Balasaheb Ningappa Bhamangol, Dr. Vilas Dattu Nandavadekar, Prof. Sunil Hanmant Khilari, "Enterprise Resource Planning system in Higher Education: A Literature Review", International Journal of Management Research and Development (IJMRD), ISSN 2248 – 938X(Print) ISSN 2248–9398(Online),Volume 1, Number 1, January - April (2011). [2] Bret Wagner, Stefan Wiedner, Stephen Tracy, ―Introduction to SAP ERP‖, SAP University Alliances, 2009. [3] Elisabeth Umble, Ronald R. Haft, Micheal Umble, ―Enterprise resource planning: Implementation procedures and critical success factors‖, European Journal of Operational Research, 2011. [4] Moutaz Haddara, Ondrej Zach ― ERP System in SMEs: An Extended Literature Review‖, International Journal of Information Science, 2012. [5] Syed M. Ahmed, Irtishad Ahmad, Salman Azhar, ―Implentation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems in the Construction industry‖, 2012 Shivprasad Ashok Mohite, Vikas Kumar Lodha, Shantanu Mahajan, Mohit A. Singh, Prof. Amit Ghumare |
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4. | Earthquake Performance Analysis of Steel Truss-Concrete Continuous Rigid Frame Bridge
Earthquake Performance Analysis of Steel Truss-Concrete Continuous Rigid Frame BridgeAbstract: The steel truss-concrete Combination continuous rigid frame bridge is that we use steel truss for Principal stress structure.The seismic performance of a steel truss-concrete Combination continuous rigid frame bridge was studied in this paper. A dynamic spatial finite element model of Qingqiyong Bridge, which is a long span bridge, was created using MIDAS. Its natural frequency and vibration mode can be calculated,the seismic performance and structure stiffness were discussed and analyzed on the basis of calculated results. Design response spectrum and time-history method are used to calculate this bridge, seismic performance is discussed in this paper . Results show that natural frequency of the bridge is small, its period is long, and this kind of bridge is a new kind of earthquake resistant and energy-saving structure. Seismic effect has some effect on the bridge, especially the bending moment Along the bridge. The results of this paper can also provide some references for the design, construction, health monitoring and maintenance of bridges of like.Key words: Qingqiyong Bridge; natural frequency; seismic analysis;earthquake;vibration mode Reference [1] General Code for Design of Highway Bridges and Culverts. (2004). Beijing: Ministry of communications of the People's Republic of China. [2] Cui W L, Liu J, Vehicles Analysis of Wanzhou Yangze Bridge. [J] . Journal of HUST,2004,(3)1-4. [3] Wang Y, Li T, Dong R G, Property Analysis of steel truss-concrete Combination structure. [J] . Journal of Architecture Technology,2013, 33(4)216-218. [4] Fan L C, Anti-seismic Design of Bridge [M].Shanghai:Tongji University Press,1997. [5] Mabsout, M. E., Tarhini, K., Frederick, G. R., & Tayar, C. (1997). Finite-element analysis of steel girder highway bridges. Bridge Eng., 2(3), 83-87. http://dx.doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)1084-0702(1997)2:3(83) Li Yuanming,Zhou Zhixiang |
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5. | Energy–Efficient Sleep Scheduling For Critical Event Monitoring To Improve Performanceof Wireless Sensor Network
Energy–Efficient Sleep Scheduling For Critical Event Monitoring To Improve Performanceof Wireless Sensor NetworkAbstract: A sensor networked applications can be formed for critical applications where it could send the detected information to the user or to the other sink node. This message is often called as alarm message where it is indicating the current operational state of the system. An alarm needs to be broadcast to the other nodes as soon as possible,when a critical event (e.g., gas leak or fire) occurs in the monitoring area and is detected by a sensor node, then, sensor nodes can inform users nearby to take some response to the event. The life of sensor nodes for event monitoring are expected to work for a long time without recharging their batteries, sleep scheduling method is always preferred during the monitoring process. Sleep scheduling could cause transmission delay because sender nodes should wait until receiver nodes are active and ready to receive the message. The delay could be important as the network scale increases. Hence, a delay-efficient sleep scheduling method needs to be designed to ensure low broadcasting delay from any node in the WSN.Only a small number of packets need to be transmitted during most of the time in the critical event monitoring,. When a critical event is detected, the alarm packet should broadcast to the entire network as soon as possible. Hence, broadcasting delay is an important issue for the application of the critical event monitoring. It is needed to minimize the time wasted for waiting during the broadcasting to minimize the broadcasting delay. The ideal scenario is the destination nodes wake up immediately when the source nodes obtain the broadcasting packets. Hence, the broadcasting delay is definitely reduced. The objective of the project is to reduce the delay of the packet transmitted from the source to destination by a scheduling mechanism. This method is also increasing the lifetime of a node in the network.Index Terms—: Broadcasting Delay, Critical event monitoring, Lifetime of nodes, sleep scheduling, Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), Reference [1] Wei Ye, John Heidemann, Deborah Estrin, ―An energy efficient MAC protocol for wireless sensor network,‖ IEEE INFOCOM, pp. 1567-1576,2002 [2] Gang Lu, NrayananSadagopan, BhaskarKrishnamachari, AshishGoel, ― Delay efficient sleep scheduling in wireless sensor networks‖ IEEEpp.2470-2481, Mar.2005 [3] J.Heidemann, Y .D. ―An energy efficient MAC protocol for wireless sensor networks‖ INFOCOMM.2005 [4] K. Langendoen, ―energy efficient MAC:An adaptive energy efficient MAC protocol for wireless sensor networks.‖ ACM SENSYS.2004 [5] J.Polstre, J. D. ―Versatile low power media access for wireless sensor networks.‖ ACM SENSYS 2004 Yogesh Y. Shinde, Dr. Santosh S. Sonavane |
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6. | Efficient Hybrid Method for Binary Floating Point Multiplication
Efficient Hybrid Method for Binary Floating Point MultiplicationAbstract: This paper presents a high speed binary floating point multiplier based on Hybrid Method. To improve speed multiplication of mantissa is done using Hybrid method replacing existing multipliers like Carry Save Multiplier, Dadda Multiplier and Modified Booth Multiplier. Hybrid method is a combination of Dadda Multiplier and Modified Radix-8 Booth Multiplier. The design achieves high speed with maximum frequency of 555 MHz compared to existing floating point multipliers. The multiplier implemented in Verilog HDL and analyzed in Quartus II 10.0 version. Hybrid Multiplier is compared with existing multipliers.Key words: Hybrid method, Dadda Multiplier, Booth Multiplier, Floating point multiplication, Verilog HDL; Reference [1] IEEE 754-2008, IEEE Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic, 2008. [2] Jeevan. B, Narender. S, Reddy. C. V. K & Sivani K. "A high speed binary floating point multiplier using Dadda algorithm" IEEE Conference on computing, 2013 IEEE. [3] Mohamed Al-Ashrfy, Ashraf Salem and Wagdy Anis "An Efficient implementation of Floating Point Multiplier" IEEE Transaction on VLSI, 2011 IEEE, Mentor Graphics. [4] Deepali Chandel, Gagan Kumawat, Pranay Lahoty, Vidhi Vart Chandrodaya, Shailendra Sharma, "Modified Booth Multiplier: Ease of multiplication", International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Volume 3, Issue 3, March 2013. [5] Whytney J. Townsend, Earl E. Swartz, "A Comparison of Dadda and Wallace multiplier delays". Computer science Engineering Research Center, The University of Texas. S. Praveenkumar Reddy, S. Parvathi Nair |
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7. | Modified Sensor Deployment Algorithm for Hole Detection and Healing using NS2
Modified Sensor Deployment Algorithm for Hole Detection and Healing using NS2Abstract: One of the fundamental services provided by a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is the monitoring of a specified Region of Interest (RoI). Considering the fact that emergence of holes in the RoI is unavoidable due to the inner nature of WSNs that includes random deployment, environmental factors, and external attacks. Assuring that the RoI is completely and continuously covered is very important. This paper seeks to address the problem of these holes in the RoI and healing them. We identify four key elements that are critical for ensuring effective coverage in mobile WSNs: (i) determining the boundary of the RoI, (ii) detecting coverage holes, (iii) determining the best target locations to relocate mobile nodes to repair holes, and (iv) dispatches mobile nodes to the target locations while minimizing the moving cost. We propose a lightweight and comprehensive solution, called Modified Hole Detection, which addresses all of the aforementioned aspects. MHD is an evenly distributed and localized algorithm that operates to (i) identify the boundary nodes and discovers holes within the RoI and (ii) identify the holes with respect to the RoI boundaries. Finally a distributed virtual forces-based local healing approach where only the nodes located at an appropriate distance from the hole will be involved in the healing process.Reference [1] Mustapha Reda SENOUCI, Abdelhamid MELLOUK, Senior Member, IEEE and Khalid ASSNOUNE, Localized Movement-Assisted Sensor Deployment Algorithm for Hole Detection and Healing, in Mobile Computer Science from USTHB in 2009 [2] Ahmed, N., Kanhere, S. S., Jha, S. The holes problem in wireless sensor networks: a survey. SIGMOBILE Mob.Comput. Commun. Rev 2005; 9(2), pp. 4-18. [3] Wang, B. Coverage Control in Sensor Networks. Springer, NY, 2010. [4] Guiling Wang, Guohong Cao, and Tom La Porta, The Pennsylvania State universityMovement-Assisted Sensor Deployment, Department of computer Science & Engineering, 2004 [5] Kun, B., Kun T., Naijie G., Wan L. D. and Xiaohu L. Topological Hole Detection in Sensor Networks with Cooperative Neighbors. ICSNC'06, Los Alamitos, CA, USA, 2006, pp. 31. Vaishnavi Sukumaran, T.P. Saravanabava |
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8. | Stress Analysis of Rectangular Boxes Using Fem
Stress Analysis of Rectangular Boxes Using FemAbstract: Extensive experimental & theoretical contributions have been made to the study of open box structures, but few references dealing with closed boxes have been found. When a rectangular box structure is subjected to certain pressure, stress analysis of rectangular box is necessary to avoid the failure during working condition. In this work, it is proposed to evaluate the stresses in rectangular box by changing L/B ratios 1, 1.5, 2 for different thicknes of 2.5, 5, 7.5 mm & varying fillet radius, using finite element method.To validate finite element stresses, it is necessary to compare these stresses with analytical approach. From the FE analysis of rectangular box, it is seen that cubical box having the lesser stresses & better for stress distribution due to symmetry.The stiffners further reduces the stresses in boxes.Reference [1] Durellia J Pavlin, Buhler-Vidal "Elastostatics of a Cubic Boxes Subjected to pressure" [2] H.D Conway, "Stresses in a pressurized box", Journal of the structural division proceedings of the A.S.C.E. [3] Durellia J Pavlin, Buhler-Vidal, "Elastostatics of Cubic ….Boxes Subjected to Concentrated Loads" O.N.R. reports no 37, School of Architecture Strain, vol 13, No1, jan.1977, p7. [4] Mohamad A Rezvani, Hassan H Ziada, "Structural Design analysis & code evaluation of an odd-shaped…pressure vessel" [5] Mohamad A Rezvani, Hassan H Ziada, ……….."Stress Analysis & Evaluation of a ………..Rectangular Pressure Vessel" D.G. Lokhande, Dr. D. V. Bhope |
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9. | Duty-Cycle-Aware Minimum Energy Multicasting of Passive RFID Wake-up Radios for Wireless Sensor Networks
Duty-Cycle-Aware Minimum Energy Multicasting of Passive RFID Wake-up Radios for Wireless Sensor NetworksAbstract: In duty-cycled wireless sensor networks, the nodes switch between active and dormant states, and each node determine its active/dormant schedule independently. This complicates the Minimum Energy Multicasting (MEM) problem in wireless sensor networks both for one-to-many multicasting and for all-to-all multicasting. In the case of one-to-many multicasting, we present a formalization of the Minimum-Energy Multicasting Tree Construction and Scheduling (MEMTCS) problem. We prove that MEMTCS problem is NP-hard and propose a polynomial-time approximation algorithm for the MEMTCS problem. In the case of all-to-all multicasting, we prove that the Minimum-Energy Multicast Backbone Construction and Scheduling (MEMBCS) problem is also NP-hard and present an approximation algorithm for it. Compared to duty cycling, wake-up radios save more energy by reducing unnecessary wake-ups and collisions. In this paper, we investigate the feasibility and potential benefits of using passive RFID as a wake-up radio. We first introduce a physical implementation of sensor nodes with passive RFID wake-up radios and measure their energy cost and wake-up probability. Then, we compare the performance of our RFID wake-up sensor nodes with duty cycling in a Data MULE scenario through simulations with realistic application parameters. Finally, we perform extensive simulations, and the results show that using a passive RFID wake-up radio offers significant energy efficiency benefits at the expense of delay and the additional low-cost RFID hardware, making RFID wake-up radios beneficial for many delay-tolerant sensor network applications.Index Terms: Approximation algorithm, duty-cycle-aware, Minimum-energy, multicasting, wireless sensor networks (WSNs), wake-up receiver, passive RFID wake-up, data MULE. Reference [1] G. Anastasi, M. Conti, M. D. Francesco, and A. Passarella, "Energy conservation in wireless sensor networks: A survey," Ad Hoc Netw., vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 537–568, 2009. [2] Y. Gu and T. He, "Data forwarding in extremely low duty-cycle sensor networks with unreliable communication links," in Proc. ACM SenSys, 2007, pp. 321–334. [3] J. Hong, J. Cao, W. Li, S. Lu, and D. Chen, "Minimum-transmission broadcast in uncoordinated duty-cycled wireless ad hoc networks," IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 59, no. 1, pp. 307–318, Jan. 2010. [4] S. Guo, Y. Gu, B. Jiang, and T. He, "Opportunistic flooding in lowduty- cycle wireless sensor networks with unreliable links," in Proc. ACM MobiCom, 2009, pp. 133–144. [5] L. Su, B. Ding, Y. Yang, T. F. Abdelzaher, G. Cao, and J. C. Hou, "oCast: Optimal multicast routing protocol for wireless sensor networks," in Proc. IEEE ICNP, 2009, pp. 151–160. M. Pavan Kumar Reddy, Mrs. S. Kolangiammal |
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10. | Pass transistor Based Negative Edge Trigged D Flip Flop
Pass transistor Based Negative Edge Trigged D Flip Flop (PTDFF)Abstract: In this paper a new technique is proposed based on the comparison between Conventional Transistorized Flipflopand Data transition Look ahead D flip flop here we are checking the working of DLDFF and the conventional D Flip-flop after that we are analyzing the characteristic comparison using power & area constraints after that we are proposing a Negative Edge triggered flip-flop named as Passtransistor based negative edge trigged D Flip Flop(PTDFF) with reduced number of transistors which will reduce the overall power area as well as delay. The simulations are done using Microwind& DSCH analysis software tools and the result between all those types are listed below. Our proposed system simulations are done under 50nm technology and the results are tabulated below. In that our proposed system is showing better output than the other flip-flops compared here.Reference [1] M. Nogawa and Y.Ohtomo, "A Data-Transition Look-Ahead DFF circuit for Statistical Reduction in power consumption," IEEE J. Solid State Circuits, Vol. 33, pp.702–706, May, 1998. [2] H. Jacobson, P. Bose, Z. Hu, A. Buyuktosunoglu, V. Zyuban, R. Eickemeyer, L. Eisen, J. Griswell, D. Logan, B. Sinharoy, and J. Tendler, "Stretching the limits of clock-gating efficiency in server lass processors," in Proc. Int. Symp. High-Perform Compute. Archit., pp. 238–242, Feb. 2005. [3] M.R.Stan, A.F.Tenca , and M.D. Ercegovac , "Long and fast up/down Counter ," IEEE Trans Comput., vol.47, no.7, pp.722–735, Jul.1998 S. P. Nagamani Bai, P. Padmavathi, P. Surendra Babu |
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11. | Relevant Technologies of Cloud Computing System
Relevant Technologies of Cloud Computing SystemAbstract: Information is created through several sources like service procedures, purchases, social networking websites, web servers, and so on as well as continues to be in structured as well as unstructured kind. Today's organisation applications are having venture attributes like large range, data-intensive, web-oriented and also accessed from varied gadgets including smart phones. Processing or evaluating the significant quantity of information or removing meaningful details is a challenging job. The term "Big data" is used for big information collections whose dimension is past the capacity of frequently used software application devices to capture, handle, as well as process the data within a tolerable elapsed time. Big data sizes are a regularly moving target currently varying from a couple of loads terabytes to several peta bytes of information in a solitary data collection. Difficulties include capture, storage space, search, sharing, analytics and imagining.Reference [1]. A. Machanavajjhala as well as J.P. Reiter, "Large Privacy: Safeguarding Privacy in Big Data," ACM Crossroads, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 20-23, 2012. [2]. S. Banerjee and also N. Agarwal, "Studying Collective Behavior from Blogs Utilizing Throng Knowledge," Expertise and Info Systems, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 523-547, Dec. 2012. [3]. E. Birney, "The Making from ENCODE: Lessons for Big-Data Projects," Nature, vol. 489, pp. 49-51, 2012. [4]. J. Bollen, H. Mao, as well as X. Zeng, "Twitter Mood Predicts the Securities Market," J. Computational Scientific research, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 1-8, 2011. [5]. S. Borgatti, A. Mehra, D. Brass, and also G. Labianca, "Network Analysis in the Social Sciences," Science, vol. 323, pp. 892-895, 2009. Cloud computing, data mining, big data |
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1. | Implementation of Control Strategies for Power Quality Improvement Using Distribution Static Compensator (D-Statcom)
Implementation of Control Strategies for Power Quality Improvement Using Distribution Static Compensator (D-Statcom)Abstract: This present paper deals the enhancement of voltage sags, Harmonic distortion and low power factor using Distribution Static Compensator (D-STATCOM) in Distribution system. The present model is based on the Voltage Source Converter (VSC) principle. The D-STATCOM injects a current into the system to mitigate the voltage sags. The operation of the proposed control method is presented for D-STATCOM. Simulations and analysis are carried out in MATLAB/SIMULINK with this control method for the proposed systems. The reliability of the control scheme in the system response to the voltage instabilities due to system faults or load variations is proved obviously in the simulation results.Key words: D-STATCOM, VSC, MATLAB/ SIMULINK. Reference [1] K.A Corzine and Y.L Familiant."A New Cascaded Multi –Level H-Bridge Drive" IEEE Trans Power Electron, Vol 17 no 1 pp 1.25-1.31. Jan 2002 [2] J.S. Lan and F.Z. Peng "Multi level Converters- A New bread of converters", IEEE Trans. Ind .Appli Vol 32 no 3 pp S09-S17 May/June .1996 [3] T.A Maynard M.Fadel and N.Aouda, "Modeling of Multilevel Converters". IEEE Trans. Ind .Electron .vol44 pp 3S6-364.June 1997 [4] P.Bhagwat and V.R.Stefanovic, "Generalized Structure of a Multilevel PWM inverter". IEEE, Trans, Ind, April, Vol, 1A-19 no.6.pp. 1OS7-1069.Nov/ Dec -1983 [5] G. Satyanarayana, K.N.V. Prasad, G. Ramjet Kumar, K.Lakshmi Ganesh "Improvement of power quality by using hybrid fuzzy controlled based IPQC at various" ICEETS Vol no pp, 1243, 1250, 10-12 April/2013 P. Upendra Kuma, Shameem Khan, D. Rohit, T. Sai Kumar, N. Deepa |
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2. | Stability Enhancement of Power System by Controlling Hvdc Power Flow through the Same Ac Transmission Line
Stability Enhancement of Power System by Controlling Hvdc Power Flow through the Same Ac Transmission LineAbstract: Long extra high voltage (EHV) ac lines cannot be loaded to their thermal limits in order to keep sufficient margin against transient instability. With the scheme proposed in this paper, it is possible to load these lines very close to their thermal limits. The conductors are allowed to carry usual ac along with dc superimposed on it. The added dc power flow does not cause any transient instability. This paper presents the feasibility of converting a double circuit ac line into composite ac–dc power transmission line to get the advantages of parallel ac–dc transmission to improve stability and damping out oscillations. Simulation and experimental studies are carried out for the coordinated control as well as independent control of ac and dc power transmissions. No alterations of conductors, insulator strings, and towers of the original line are needed. Substantial gain in the loadability of the line is obtained. Master current controller senses ac current and regulates the dc current orders for converters online such that conductor current never exceeds its thermal limit. The present paper is implemented by using MATLAB/SIMULINK.Key words: Extra high voltage (EHV) transmission, flexible ac transmission system (FACTS), simultaneous ac–dc power transmission Reference [1] H. Rahman, B.H. Khan, Power upgrading of double circuit ac transmission line by simultaneous ac–dc power transmission, in: Proceedings The IEEE, PES, Power India, 2006, doi:10.1109/POWERI.2006.1632623. [2] H. Rahman and B H Khan ―Stability Improvement of Power Systemby Simultaneous AC-DC Power Transmission‖ Electric Power System Research Journal, Elsevier, Paper Editorial ID No. EPSRD- 06-00732, Press Article No. EPSR-2560— Digital Object. [3] L. K. Gyugyi, ―Unified power flow concept for flexible A.C. transmission system,‖ Proc. Inst. Elect. Eng., p. 323, Jul. 1992. [4] L. K. Gyugyi et al., ―The unified power flow controller; a new approach to power transmission control,‖ IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 1085–1097, Apr. 1995. [5] N. G. Hingorani, ―FACTS—flexible A.C. transmission system,‖ in Proc. Inst. Elect. Eng. 5th. Int. Conf. A.C. D.C. Power Transmission, London, U.K., 1991. P. Upendra Kumar, T. Satish Babu, P. Divakar, T. Ravi Teja Kumar, G. Rama Raju |
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3. | A Review on Mass Spectrometry: Technique and Tools
A Review on Mass Spectrometry: Technique and ToolsAbstract: Protein structure prediction has gain important in area of life sciences, because of its complex structure. The protein-protein interaction is necessary to study the behavior of protein in a specific environment, and study molecular relationship in living systems. Therefore, large scale proteomics technologies are required to measure physical connection of proteins in living organisms. Mass Spectrometry uses the technique to measure mass-to-charge ratio of ion. It's an evolving technique for characterization of proteins. A Mass Spectrometer can be more sensitive and specific, also complement with other LC detectors. Liquid Chromatography, unlike gas chromatography is a separation technique which helps to separate wide range of organic compounds from small molecular metabolites to peptides and proteins. This paper addresses the study of data analysis using mass Spectrometry. It also includes the study of various methods of Mass Spectrometry data analysis, the tools and various applications of Mass Spectrometry.This review briefs on Mass Spectrometry technique, its application, usage, and tools used by Mass SpectrometryKey words: complex, LC (Liquid chromatography) detectors, Mass Spectrometry, mass-to-charge ratio, Protein-protein interaction. Reference [1] Cheng Lu, Introduction to mass Spectrometry. [2] Jimmy K. Eng, Ashley L. McCormack, and John R. Yates, III (1994). "An Approach to Correlate Tandem Mass Spectral Data of Peptides with Amino Acid Sequences in a Protein Database". J Am Soc Mass Spectrom 5 (11): 976–989 [3] Perkins, David N.; Pappin, Darryl J. C.; Creasy, David M.; Cottrell, John S. (1999). "Probability-based protein identification by searching sequence databases using mass spectrometry data".Electrophoresis 20 (18): 3551–67 [4] Liang, C; Smith, JC; Hendrie, Christopher (2003). A Comparative Study of Peptide Sequencing Software Tools for MS/MS. American Society for Mass Spectrometry. [5] Bartels, Christian (31 May 1990). "Fast algorithm for peptide sequencing by mass spectroscopy". Biological Mass Spectrometry 19 (6): 363–368. Ms. Ashwini Yerlekar, Dr. M.M. Kshirsagar |
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4. | Recursive Algorithms and Systolic Architectures for Realization of Type-II Discrete Cosine Transform and Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform
Recursive Algorithms and Systolic Architectures for Realization of Type-II Discrete Cosine Transform and Inverse Discrete Cosine TransformAbstract: The paper presents novel recursive algorithms for realization of one-dimensional type-II discrete cosine transform (DCT) and inverse discrete cosine transform (IDCT) of any length. By using some mathematical techniques, recursive expressions for DCT and IDCT have been developed. The number of additions and multiplications in the recursive algorithm for DCT are less in comparison with some other DCT algorithms. Basing on these two recursive algorithms, two systolic architectures are presented for realization of DCT and IDCT. The recursive algorithms are appropriate for VLSI implementation.Key words: Discrete cosine transform, Inverse discrete cosine transform, Recursive algorithm, Systolic architecture. Reference [1] N.Ahmed, T.Natarajan, and K.R.Rao,Discrete cosine transform, IEEE Trans. Comput., vol. C-23, 1974,90-93. [2] R.K.Rao and P.Yip, Discrete cosine transform: algorithm, advantages, and applications,(New York: Academic, 1990). [3] M.J.Narasimha and A.M.Peterson, On the computation of the discrete cosine transform, IEEE Trans. Communications, vol.COM-26, no.6, June 1978,934-936. [4]. H.S.Hou, A fast recursive algorithms for computing the discrete cosine transform, IEEE Trans. Acoust., Speech, Signal Processing, vol. ASSP-35,no.10, Oct.1987,1455-1461. [5] P.Lee and F.Y.Huang, Reconstructed recursive DCT and DST algorithms, IEEE Trans.SignalProcessing,vol.42,no.7,Jul.199 4, 1600- 1609. M.N.Murty |
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5. | Voltage Sag Mitigation Using Pulse Width Modulation Switched Autotransformer through Matlab Simulation
Voltage Sag Mitigation Using Pulse Width Modulation Switched Autotransformer through Matlab SimulationAbstract: In this paper, a new voltage sag compensator for critical loads in electrical distribution system discussed. The proposed scheme employs a Pulse width modulation ac-ac converter along with a auto transformer. During a disturbance such as voltage sag, the proposed scheme supplies the missing voltage and helps in maintaining the rated voltage at the terminals of the critical load. Under normal condition the approach work in bypass mode and delivering utility power directly to load. The proposed system has less number of switching devices and has good compensating capability in comparison to commonly used compensators. Simulation analysis of three-phase compensator is performed in MATLAB/SIMULINK and performance analysis of the system is presented for various levels of sag and swell.Key words: Power Quality, Voltage Sag, PWM Switched Autotransformer, IGBTs, Sag Mitigation. Reference [1] IEEE Recommended Practice for Emergency and Standby Power Systems for Industrial and Commercial Applications", vol. 445. The IEEE Standards Association, 1995. [2] R. Arnold. Solutions to the power quality problem. Power Engineering Journal, 2001, 65–73. IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition, 2001, 1(28): 543–547. [3] D. Lee, T. Habetler, et al. A voltage sag supporter utilizing a pwm-switched autotransformer. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2007, 22(2): 626–635. [4] M. McGranaghan, D. Mueller, M. Samotyj. Voltage sags in industrial systems. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 1993, 29(2): 397–403. [5] G. Reed, M. Takeda, I. Iyoda. Improved power quality solutions using advanced solid-slate switching and static compensation technologies. in: IEEE Power Engineering Society 1999 Winter Meeting, vol. 2, New York, USA, 1999, 1132–1137. P. Shyam Kiran, B. Nookesh, M. Naga Bhavani, B. Anil Kumar, G. Mani Kumar |
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6. | Speed Control of Bldc Motor Drive By Using Pid Controllers
Speed Control of Bldc Motor Drive By Using Pid ControllersAbstract: This paper mainly deals with the Brushless DC (BLDC) motor speed driving systems have sprouted in various small scale and large scale applications like automobile industries, domestic appliances etc. This leads to the development in Brushless DC motor (BLDCM). The usage of BLDC Motor enhances various performance factors ranging from higher efficiency, higher torque in low-speed range, high power density ,low maintenance and less noise than other motors. The BLDC Motor can act as an alternative for traditional motors like induction and switched reluctance motors. In this paper PID controller is implemented with speed feedback loop and it is observe that torque ripples are minimized. Simulation is carried out using MATLAB / SIMULINK. The results show that the performance of BLDC Motor is quite satisfactory for various loading conditions. Brushless DC motor drives are typically employed in speed controlled applications.Key words: PID, PI, BLDC, MATLAB/SIMULINK Reference [1] R. Civilian, and D. Stupak, "Disk drive employing multi mode spindle drive system," US patent 5471353, Oct 3, 1995. [2] G.H. Jang and M.G. Kim, "A Bipolar-Starting and Unipolar-Running Method to Drive an HDD Spindle Motor at High Speed with Large Starting Torque," IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 41, no.2, pp. 750-755, Feb. 2005. [3] E.Grochowski and R.F. Hyot,"Future trends in hard disk drives",IEEE Tran. On Magnetics, vol.32, no.3, pp1850-1854, May 1996. [4] J.D.Ede, ,Z.Q.Zhu and D.Howe,"Optimal split ratio control for high speed permanent magnet brushless DC motors", in Proc.5th Int,Conf..Electrical Machines and Sytems', vol.2,Aug 2001,pp 909-912 [5] S.X.Chen, M.A.Jabbar, O.D. Zhang and Z.J.Lie,"New Challenge: Electromagnetic design of BLDC motors for high speed fluid film bearing spindles used in hard disk drives",IEEE Trans. Magnetics ,vol32,no.5, pp3854-3856,Sep. 1996. Y.Narendra Kumar, P.Eswara Rao, P. Vijay Varma, V. V. Ram Vikas, P. Kasi Naidu |
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7. | Mineral Detection using K-Means Clustering Technique
Mineral Detection using K-Means Clustering TechniqueAbstract: This paper is all about a novel algorithm formulated with k-means clustering performed on remote sensing images. The fields of Remote Sensing are very wide and its techniques and applications are used both in the data acquisition method and data processing procedures. It is also a fast developing field with respect to all the above terms. Remote Sensing plays a very important role in understanding the natural and human processes affecting the earth's minerals. The k-means clustering technique is used for segmentation or feature selection of passive and active imaging and non-imaging Remote Sensing, on airborne or on satellite platforms, from monochromatic to hyperspectral. So here we concentrate on the images taken on or above the surface of the earth which are applied based on the proposed algorithm to detect the minerals like Giacomo that exist on the surface of the earth. Our experimental results demonstrate that our technique can improve the computational speed of the direct k-means algorithm by an order to two orders of magnitude in the total number of distance calculations and the overall time.Key words: K-means clustering, sobel edge detection, remote sensing, hyperspectral image, feature extraction. Reference [1] The history of k-means type of algorithms (LBG Algorithm, 1980) R.M. Gray and D.L. Neuhoff, "Quantization," IEEE Transactions onInformation Theory, Vol. 44, pp. 2325-2384, October 1998. (Commemorative Issue, 1948-1998) [2] An Introduction to Data Mining, Tan, Steinbach, Kumar, Addision-Wesley, 2005. http://www-users.cs.umn.edu/~kumar/dmbook/index.php [3] SOBEL, I., An Isotropic 3×3 Gradient Operator, Machine Vision for Three – Dimensional [4] SOBEL, I., Camera Models and Perception, Ph.D. thesis, Stanford University, Stanford,CA, 1970.. [5] Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques, 2nd Edition, Jiawei Han and Micheline Kamber, Morgan Kauffman, 2006 http://www-sal.cs.uiuc.edu/~hanj/bk2 P. Bangarraju, R. V. S. Manohar, Y. L. Anusha, Y. Suresh, B. Ram Mohan |
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8. | Strengthening of reinforced concrete circular columns using glass fibre reinforced polymers
Strengthening of reinforced concrete circular columns using glass fibre reinforced polymersAbstract: Seismic retrofitting of reinforced concrete members vulnerable to strong earthquakes is a great problem. It has long been recognized that confinement to concrete compression members not only increase the strength but improve ductility significantly. The present study focuses on the behavior of reinforced concrete specimens strengthened using glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) subjected to axial compressive loading. In this study specimen of circular cross section having length to diameter ratio of 2.0 and 0.96% longitudinal reinforcement were prepared and tested for 28 days compressive strength. The specimens were wrapped with 0,2,4,6 and 8 layers of GFRP outside the surface of the specimens as confinement. The test results showed that there is a significant increase in the strength of specimen with the increase of confinement layers on the specimen. The 28 days compressive strength of specimen wrapped with 8 layers of GRRP was increased by 47% as compared to the strength of specimen without any confinement.Key words: confinement, glass fibre ,compressive strength. Reference [1.] Lau K T and Zhou L M. (2001), "The Mechanical Behaviour of Composite- wrapped Concrete Cylinders Subjected to Uniaxial Compression Load‟, vol 52, p 189. [2.] Sliva M A G and Rodrigues CC. (2006), "Size and Relative Stiffness Effects on Compressive Failure of Concrete Columns Wrapped With Glass FRP‟. Journal of Material in Civil Engineering ASCE, p 334. [3.] Benzaid R, Chikh Nasr-Eddine and Mesbah H. (2008), "Behaviour of Square Concrete Column Confined With GFRP Composite Wrap‟. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, p 115 Vol 14, no 2. [4.] Sheikh A Shamim and G Yau. (2002). "Seismic Behaviour of Concrete Columns with Steel and Fibre Reinforced Polymers‟. ACI Structural Journal. vol 99, p 72. [5.] Mander, J. B., Priestley, M. J. N., and Park, R. (1988) J. Struct. Eng., 114(8), 1804-1826 "Theoretical stress-strain model for confined concrete." Manish kumar Tiwari, Rajiv Chandak, R.K. Yadav |
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9. | Studies on Improvement of Clayey Soil Using Egg Shell Powder and Quarry Dust
Studies on Improvement of Clayey Soil Using Egg Shell Powder and Quarry DustAbstract: Nowadays, considerable attention has been paid to the utilization of alternative materials, which bear higher engineering quality than traditional materials and are financially affordable. Soil is one of the most important materials used in a variety of construction projects including earth canals and earth dams. The fact that soil may provide all the resistance characteristics necessary for a project illustrates the importance of various methods used to improve soil quality. Clay soil is widely used in most of the construction projects. Clay soils, particularly soft clay soils, have good plastic properties so that increased moisture results in their decreased shear strength, compressive strength and volume changes. These damages typically take an irreparable toll on structures, which further clarifies the importance of soil improvement. Considering millions of tons of waste produced annually across the country, which not only poses the problem of disposal but also adds to environmental contamination and health risks, utilization of such refuse and industrial wastes and their subsidiary products as alternatives to construction materials may effectively contribute to environmental preservation and minimization of their adverse effects on the environment. In the present study, eggshell powder and quarry dust was used as the wastes, to combine with soil so that the properties of clay soil were investigated in different mixture proportions. Then the properties of soils including liquid and plasticity limits as well as plasticity index, dry density, optimum moisture content, permeability, consolidation coefficients, and shear strength, which were already measured, were compared with those of the experimental specimens mixed with eggshell powder and quarry dust in different proportions. Since the introduction of egg shell powder and quarry dust improves the engineering behavior of soils, this review work exposes those qualities and applications that make quarry dust and egg shell powder a good replacement or admixture during soil improvement and for a more economic approach. The conclusion drawn from this investigation is that the combination of quarry dust and egg shell powder is more effective than the addition of quarry dust/ egg shell powder alone for the improvement of properties of clay.Key words: Clay, Waste, Eggshell Powder, Quarry Dust. Reference [1] IS 2720 Part- III/ Section2, 1997, "Methods of Tests for soils" (Specific Gravity), BIS, New Delhi. [2] IS 2720 Part- IV, 1995, "Methods of Tests for soils" (Grain Size Analysis), BIS, New Delhi. [3] IS 2720 Part- V, 1995, "Methods of Tests for soils" (Atterberg Limits), BIS, New Delhi. [4] IS 2720 Part- VIII, 1997, "Methods of Tests for soils" (Proctor's Compaction Test), BIS, New Delhi. [5] IS 2720 Part- X, 1991, "Methods of Tests for soils" (Direct Shear), BIS, New Delhi. Anu Paul*,Anumol V S, Fathima Moideen, Jiksymol K Jose, Alka Abraham |
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10. | Modified Smith Predictor Based Control Of Cascaded Chemical
Smith Predictor Based Control Of Cascaded Chemical ReactorAbstract: A cascade control with modified smith predictor is used for controlling an open loop unstable time delay process. It has three controllers, one is for servo response other two are for regulatory response. For two disturbance rejection controllers an analytical design method is used by proposing closed loop complementary sensitivity function. These two controllers are PID controller cascaded with second order lead/lag filter. Setpoint tracking controller is designed by using direct synthesis method. The main advantage of this control scheme is that the servo response can be decoupled from the regulatory response.Key words: Cascade control, Disturbance rejection, Servo response, Smith predictor, Regulatory response Reference [1] Jeo Gao, Multiple degrees of freedom control for cascade process with time delay, ISA Transactions 15 (2012) 3-7. [2] Mohammad Ahamadi, Temperature control of a continuous stirred tank reactor by two different intelligent strategies, Internat J on smart sensing and intelligent system 4 2011 2 [3] Yin Cheng-qiang, Cascade control based on minimum sensitivity in outer loop for process with time delay, J Central South University 19 2011 2689-2696. [4] Tao Liu. "Enhanced IMC based load disturbance rejection for integrating process with slow dynamics". ISA Transactions (2010) 345-357. [5] A. Seshagiri Rao, Enhancing the performance of parallel cascade control using smith predictor, ISA Transactions 40 2009 220-227. Binu P. Mathew, L. D. Vijay Anand |
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11. | Vibrations Of Poroelastic Solid Cylinder In The Presence Of Static Stresses In The Pervious Surfaces
Vibrations Of Poroelastic Solid Cylinder In The Presence Of Static Stresses In The Pervious SurfacesAbstract: This paper deals with the flexural vibrations of poroelastic solid cylinders. The frequency equations for pervious surface are obtained in the frame work of Biot's theory of wave propagation in poroelastic solids. The gauge invariance property is used to eliminate one arbitrary constant in solution of the problem. This would lower the number of boundary conditions actually required. For illustration purpose, three materials are considered and then discussed. In either case, phase velocity is computed against wave numberReference [1]. Biot M.A., 1956, The theory of propagation of elastic waves in fluid-saturated porous solid, J.Acous.Soc.Am, 28, 168-178. [2]. Biswas R.N., 1976, Nangia A.K. and Ram Kumar, Flexural vibrations of a finite circular cylinder, Acustica, 35, 26-31. [3]. Mott G., Elastic waveguide propagation in an infinite isotropic solid cylinder that is subjected to a static axial stress and strain, Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 1972, pp. 1129-1133. [4]. Malla Reddy P. and Tajuddin M, 2000, Exact analysis of the plane strain vibrations of thick walled hollow poroelastic cylinders, International Journal of Solids & Structures, 37, 3439-3456. [5]. Ram Kumar, 1964, Axially symmetric vibrations of a finite isotropic cylinder, J.Acoust. Soc. Am., 38, 851-854. Srisailam Alety |
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12. | The Finite Element Method Solution of an Unsteady MHD Free Convection Flow Past an Infinite Vertical Plate with Constant Suction and Heat Absorption
The Finite Element Method Solution of an Unsteady MHD Free Convection Flow Past an Infinite Vertical Plate with Constant Suction and Heat AbsorptionAbstract: The study of unsteady hydro magnetic free convective flow of viscous incompressible and electrically conducting fluids past an infinite vertical porous plate in the presence of constant suction and heat absorbing sinks has been made. Appropriate solutions have been derived for the velocity and temperature fields, skin friction and rate of heat transfer using Galerkin finite element method. It is observed that increase in magnetic field strength decreases the velocity of the fluid. Also the skin friction and rate of heat transfer of the conducting fluid decrease with increase in magnetic field strength.Key words: MHD, unsteady, free convection flow, infinite vertical plate, heat sink, constant suction, Galerkin finite element method. Reference [1] Ahmed, S. and Liu, I. C. Mixed convective three – dimensional heat and mass transfer flow with transversely periodic suction velocity, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics,6(1), 2010, pp. 58 - 73. [2] Ahmed, S. Effects of viscous dissipation and chemical reaction on transient free convective MHD flow over a vertical porous plate. Journal of Energy Heat and Mass Transfer 32, 311 - 332 (2010). [3] Ahmed, S. Free and forced convective MHD oscillatory flows over an infinite porous surface in an oscillating free stream. Latin American Applied Research 40, 167 - 173 (2010). [4] Ahmed, S. Transient three-dimensional flows through a porous medium with transverse permeability oscillating with time. Emirates Journal for Engineering Research 13(3), 11 - 17 (2008). [5] Aldoss, T. K. and Al-Nimir, M. A. Effect of the local acceleration term on the MHD transient free convection flow over a vertical plate. International Journal for Numerical Methods for Heat Fluid Flow 15(3), 296 - 305 (2005). A Sri Sailam |
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13. | Shear Strength Prediction of Multi-Spot Welded Lap Shear Specimen through Experimentation and Validation by FEM
Shear Strength Prediction of Multi-Spot Welded Lap Shear Specimen through Experimentation and Validation by FEMAbstract: The effect of design parameters and process parameters on the tensile shear strength of two similar galvanized steel sheets are investigated through experiments using Taguchi method .Design parameters are number of spots, specimen thickness and spot spacing. Process parameters are squeezing force, welding current. Similar sheets of galvanized steel sheets are made by resistance spot welding at different processing conditions and these joint populations have been tested under defined loading conditions. Specially fabricated and designed fixture is used to load the lap shear specimen in the universal testing machine Regression analysis is done to obtain relationship between tensile shear strength and selected parameters. Confirmation tests have been conducted to check accuracy of regression model. More over Monte Carlo simulation i.e probabilistic analysis under dynamic loading condition has been carried to know uncertainty in shear strength also probability for safety of structure is determined. The experimental results indicate that the failure loads of spot welds in lap shear specimens increase when number of spot, squeezing force, welding current and sheet thickness increase for the given ranges while Shear strength increases by 1.318% as loading velocity increases from 1.32m/min to 2m/min.Key words: Number of spots, Spot spacing, Tensile shear strength, Spot spacing, Monte Carlo simulation Reference [1]. V.X. Trana, J. Pana,, T. Panb, "Effects of Processing Time on Strengths and Failure Modes of Dissimilar Spot Friction Welds Between Aluminum 5754-O and 7075-T6 Sheets" J materials processing technology 209(2009)3724–3739. [2]. Luo Yi a,b,, Liu Jinhe , Xu Huibin , Xiong Chengzhi , Liu Lin , "Regression Modeling And Process Analysis Of Resistance Spot Welding On Galvanized Steel Sheet". Materials and Design 30 (2009) 2547–2555 [3]. A.M. Pereira, J.M. Ferreira . A. Loureiro, J.D.M. Costa , P.J. Bártolo, "Effect of Process Parameters on The Strength of Resistance Spot Welds In 6082-T6 Aluminium Alloy". Materials and Design31(2010)2454–2463 [4]. A.G Thakur and V.M Nandedakar, "Application of Taguchi Method to Determine Resistance Spot Welding Conditions. of Austenitic Stainless Steel AISI304",Journal of scientific research Vol No.69 ,Septmber 2010 pp.680-683. [5]. G. Mukhopadhyay .S. Bhattacharya b, K.K. Ray a, "Effect of Pre-Strain on The Strength of Spot-Welds". Materials and Design 30 (2009) 2345–2354. Prasad P Kulkarni |
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14. | Study on Braille Input Output Devices
Study on Braille Input Output DevicesAbstract: This document is about the Braille devices .there nearly 45 to 50 million are many people in the world who are blind and more than 269 who visually impaired. before the inversion of Braille device blind people cannot able to read or gain knowledge through reading Louis Braille is the person who invented the device called Braille which became popular by the usage ,nowadays there are many devices arrived in this world to solve the visually impaired peoples problem not only we can use such devices but also we can reduce the cost by combining various techniques. This paper is about the various Braille devices and their methods or their combination to make them cost effective.Key words: Braille,copier,embrossor,Tactile,SPARSHA. Reference [1] S.Srinath, C.N.Ravi Kumar, An Insight into optical Braille Character Recognition since its conceptualization, International Journal of Computer Applications,, 33(6), 2011 ,(0975-8897). [2] David G. Johnson, Fact Sheet on Braille Writers, Printers and Software,http://www.abledata.com/abledata_docs/braille_writers_printers_software.htm [3] Ruman Sarker, Smita Das, Analysis of Different Braille Devices for Implementing a Cost –effective and Portable Braille System for the Visually Impaired People, International Journal of Computer Applications,60(9),2012,(0975-8897). [4] Daniel Blood, Brian Koch Press Project: Improving the Literacy of the world's Visually Impaired, International Journal for Service Learning in Engineering, 5(2),2010,(1555-9033)., Marjorie Ballun, Mark M.Budnik, G.Scott Duncan, A Braille [5] Paul Blenkhorn , Gareth Evans, Automated Braille Production from word-processed Documents, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL SYSTEMS AND REHABITATION ENGINEERING,9(1),2001 S. Padmavathi, S. Saradha |
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15. | Literature Survey on Voltage Profile Management Methods of Distributed Generation
Literature Survey on Voltage Profile Management Methods of Distributed GenerationAbstract: Distributed Generation (DG) has been utilized in some electrical networks in order to manage the low level demand. Environmental and economical issues have driven significant increase in the development of distributed generation. DG connected to the distribution systems, however, may impose negative influences with respect to power quality and efficiency. This negative influence is based on the location of the DG in the distributed system. In order to optimally positioning the DG in the system to improve the power quality and efficiency many algorithms are used. In this paper we made a literature survey on different algorithms used for positioning and sizing of DG in order to reduce losses, maintaining voltage profile. Also we have explained the methodology of each algorithms used.Key words: Artificial Bee Colony, Ant Colony Optimization, Distributed Generation, Genetic Algorithm, Optimization Algorithms. Reference [1] I. A. Farhat, "Ant Colony Optimization for Optimal Distributed Generation in Distribution Systems", International Journal of Computer, Information Science and Engineering Vol: 7 No: 8, 2013. [2] M.Gandomkar, M.Vakilian, M.Ebsan, "A combination of genetic algorithm and simulated and annealing for optimal DG allocation in distribution networks", CCECE/CCGEI, Saskatoon, May 2005. [3] Fahad S. Abu-Mouti, EL-Hawary, "Optimal Distributed Generation Allocation and Sizing in Distribution Systems via Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm", IEEE Transactions On Power Delivery, Vol. 26, No. 4, October 2011. [4] R. Srinivasa Rao, K. Ravindra, K. Satish, and S. V. L. Narasimham, "Power Loss Minimization in Distribution System Using Network Reconfiguration in the Presence of Distributed Generation", IEEE Transactions On Power Systems, Vol. 28, No. 1, February 2013. [5] Sara Molazei, Mahmoud Oukati Sadegh, "Vector Swarm Optimization algorithm for Distributed Generator Allocation", International Journal of Renewable Energy Research Sara Molazei Et Al., Vol.3, No.1, 2013. Chandragupta Mauryan. K. S, Manikanda Prabhu. J, Senapathi. N. K, Madhumitha. D |
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16. | Synthesis of Cordic Algorithm for Different Function
Synthesis of Cordic Algorithm for Different FunctionAbstract: COordinate Rotation DIgital Computer (CORDIC) algorithm is very simple and iterative process for performing various mathematical computations. The development of CORDIC algorithm and architecture has taken place for achieving high throughput rate and reduction of hardware-complexity as well as the latency of implementation Most of the literature lacks in calculation of resources utilized by a particular CORDIC architecture. In this paper resource calculation and the design operation of various mathematical functions like divider, Rectangular to Polar conversion sin cos functions along with their accuracy is discussed.Index Terms: CORDIC, Vector Rotation, Throughput Reference [1] Buruc KIR Mehmet Ali ALTUCN, Suhap SAHIN, ― FPGA Based Implementation of CORDIC using different number format ‖ IEEE, 2013. [2] J. E. Volder, ―The CORDIC trigonometric computing technique,‖ IRE Transactions on Electronic Computers, vol. EC- 8, pp. 330–334, Sept. 1959. [3] J. S. Walther, ―A unified algorithm for elementary functions,‖ in Proceedings of the 38th Spring Joint Computer Conference, Atlantic City, NJ, 1971, pp.379–385. [4] D. S. Cochran, ―Algorithms and accuracy in the HP-35,‖ Hewlett-Packard Journal, pp. 1–11, June 1972. [5] S. Wang, V. Piuri, and J. E. E. Swartzlander, ―Hybrid CORDIC algorithms,‖IEEE Transactions on Computers, volume 46, no. 11, pp. 1202–1207, November1997. Ramanpreet Kaur, Parminder Singh Jassal |
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17. | Induction Motor Mathematical Model Fed By Cascaded MLI
Induction Motor Mathematical Model Fed By Cascaded MLIAbstract: Multilevel inverters have drawn tremendous interest in the power industry as it is easy to produce a high-power, high voltage inverter with the multilevel structure because of the way in which device voltages stresses are controlled. The unique structure of multilevel inverters allow them to reach high voltages with low harmonics. Cascaded multilevel inverters has gained more interest because of its advantages over other MLI configurations like diode-clamped, flying capacitor inverter. In this paper seven level cascaded MLI is simulated and is fed to mathematical model of induction motor and the results are evaluated.Key words: cascaded mli, diode clamped, flying capacitor, high power, low harmonics, induction motor Reference [1] Electric Motor Drives –Modeling, Analysis and Control by R.Krishnan [2] Permanent Magnet Synchronous and Brushless DC Motor Drives by R. Krishnan. [3] Krause, P. C., ‗Simulation of symmetrical induction machinery', IEEE T rans. Power Apparatus Systems, Vol. PAS-84, No. 11, pp. 1038–1053 (1965) [4] Ghani, S. N., ‗Digital computer simulation of three-phase induction machine dynamics — a generalized approach', IEEE Trans Industry Appl., Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 106–114 (1988). [5] M.Rashid ―Power electronics Handbook‖, AcademicPress. ManiKrishna.P, SivaKotayya.V, CalvinKamal.V,M.S.RaghavendraReddy, Sri Harsha.G |
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18. | Edge Detection Using Directional Filtering
Edge Detection Using Directional FilteringAbstract: Edge detection can be performed by applying an edge filter in n directions. Conceptually, in order to estimate gradient, that is, to determine the edge map, eight filtering directions, e.g. (0, π/8, π/4, 3π/8, π/2, 5π/8, 3π/4, 7π/8), constitute the sufficient basis for the gradient calculation. Computationally, such a two-dimensional (2-D) eight-directional filter can be represented by a pair of real masks, that is, by one complex-number matrix. Final edges are determined after applying the non-maximum suppression followed by thresholding with hysteresis algorithms to obtain smooth and connected edge map.Key words: Conjugate images, directional filtering, edge detection. Reference [1] Rishi R. Rakesh, Probal Chaudhuri, and C. A. Murthy "Thresholding in Edge Detection: A Statistical Approach‟ IEEE Transactions on image processing, vol. 13, no. 7, July 2004. [2] E. Davies, "Machine Vision: Theory, Algorithms and Practicalities", Academic Press, pp 101 – 110, 1990. [3] R. M. Haralick and L. S. Shapiro, Computer Vision, vol. 1. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1992. [4] A. K. Jain, Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice- Hall, 1989. [5] D. Marr and E. Hildreth, "Theory of edge detection," in Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B, vol. 207, pp. 187–217, 1980. H. Aboelsoud M. |
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19. | Secure Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks
Secure Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor NetworksAbstract: The Security in sensor networks has become most important aspect along with low power as the sensors are unattended so there is more possibility of attack in WSN than usual networks, data aggregation security is an important task as if some false node injects a highly odd value it will affect the whole aggregation process, The paper reviews the need of security for data aggregation and propose an architecture which can eliminate the false values injection as well as provides end to end reliability and data freshness, the architecture is also energy optimized.Key words: data aggregation, sensor networks, energy efficiency, Hash Reference [1] Shehzad Ashraf Ch, ZahidMehmood, Rashid Amin, Dr. Mohammad Alghobiri, Tahir Afzal Malik "Ensuring Reliability & Freshness in Wireless Sensor Networks" 2010 International Conference on Intelligent Network and Computing (ICINC 2010) [2] Tanveer Zia and Albert Zomaya "Security Issues in Wireless Sensor Netwoks" [3] Kay Romer and FriedemannMattern "The Design Space of Wireless Sensor Networks" NCCR-MICS, grant no. 5005-67322. IEEE Wireless Communicationss, Dec. 2004 [4] A. Mainwaring, J. Polastre, R. Szewczyk, D. Culler, and J. Anderson,"Wireless Sensor Networks for Habitat Monitoring," WSNA‟02, Atlanta, Georgia, September 2002. [5] N. Xu, S. Rangwala, K. Chintalapudi, D. Ganesan, A. Broad, R. Govindan, and D. Estrin, "A Wireless Sensor Network for Structural Monitoring," in Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems, Baltimore, MD, and November 2004. Dr. Debmalya Bhattacharya |
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20. | Microcontroller Based Power Consumption Monitoring and Warning System
Microcontroller Based Power Consumption Monitoring and Warning SystemAbstract: This paper attempts a solution to the problem of energy crisis in an indirect way. This project aim to design a circuit which helps consumer taking care regarding his electrical energy consumption and protect him/her from the extra charges incurred due to minor changes in slab categories, even though these changes are small but they affect the consumer's bill severely. To make him aware and to control the excess power consumption, this paper introduces, a "MICROCONTROLLER BASED POWER CONSUMPTION MONITORING AND WARNING SYSTEM". This system will intimate the consumer about his usage rate. It will display the units he consumed and how many units he had been left with, in order to be in a minimum slab rate being fixed for a period of time by him/her. In this way we can make the consumer aware of the billing and make him to consume the power according to his use. It not only benefits the consumer, it also benefits the government as it is capable of reducing the power consumption and subsequently we can reduce the unusual power usageKey words: power consumption, slab rate, electrical energy crisis, consumer, warning system, micro controller. Reference [1] V.K.Mehta and Rohit Mehta, "Principles of Power System", 4th ed, S. Chand publication, 2008. [2] C. J. Bandim, E. R. Alves ., A. V. Pinto, F. C. Souza, M. R. B. Loureiro, C. A. Magalhges and F. Galvez-Durand, "Identification of Energy Theft and Tampered Meters Using a Central Observer Meter: A Mathematical Approach", Transmission and distribution conference and exposition, 2003 [3] M.A.O liveira and C.C. Barioni, "Technical loss calculation by distribution system segment with corrections from measurements", Proc.20th international Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, Prague, Czech Republic, June 2009, pp. 1–4 [4] Sunil S. Rao, "Switchgear Protection and Power Systems", 9th ed, Khanna Publishers, 2012 [5] "RWS-434N Datasheet", Wenshing electronics co., Ltd., Taipei, Taiwan. Y. Narendra Kumar, Prasad Beer Bahdur, S. Prashanth Varma, V. Srikanth, T. Lakshmu Naidu |
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21. | Virtual Keyboard Using Image Processing
Virtual Keyboard Using Image ProcessingAbstract: As the technology advances, more and more systems are introduced which will look after the users comfort. Few years before hard switches were used as keys. Traditional QWERTY keyboards are bulky and offer very little in terms of enhancements. Now-a-days soft touch keypads are much popular in the market. These keypads give an elegant look and a better feel. Currently keyboards are static and their interactivity and usability would increase if they were made dynamic and adaptable. Various on-screen virtual keyboards are available but it is difficult to accommodate full sized keyboard on the screen as it creates hindrance to see the documents being typed. Virtual Keyboard has no physical appearance. Although other forms of Virtual Keyboards exist; they provide solutions using specialized devices such as 3D cameras. Due to this, a practical implementation of such keyboards is not feasible. The Virtual Keyboard that we propose uses only a standard web camera, with no additional hardware. Thus we see that the new technology always has more Benefits and is more user-friendly.General Terms: Virtual Keyboard, Pattern matching, Pattern Recognition, Segmentation, Thresholding. Keywords RGB, HSV, API,VK Reference [1] Y. Adajania, J. Gosalia, A. Kanade, H. Mehta, Prof. N. Shekokar, "Virtual Keyboard Using Shadow Analysis",Third International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology, 2010 [2] Kölsch, M. and Turk, M. "Keyboards without Keyboards: Survey of Virtual Keyboards", Workshop on Sensing and for Media-centric Systems, Santa Barbara, CA, June 20-21, 2002. [3] H. Du, T. Oggier, F. Lustenberger and E. Charbon, "A virtual keyboard based on true- 3D optical ranging," Proc. British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), Oxford, pp. 220-229, Sept. 2005. [4] Matsui, N. & Yamamoto, Y. A New Input Method of Computers with One CCD Camera: Virtual Keyboard. Keio University, 2000. [5] Wijewantha N. S.," Vista Key: A Keyboard Without A Keyboard – A Type Of Virtual Keyboard," Final year project hesis, Informatics Institute of Technology, Wellawatta, Sri Lanka, April 2004. |
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22. | A Fast Merge Sort
A Fast Merge SortAbstract: Merge sort is one of the most efficient ways to solve sorting problem. Our research suggests that it is still responsive to clever optimizations. A considerably fast variation of Merge sort has been proposed in this paper. Proposed algorithm uses some novel optimizations to improve the speed of the proposed algorithm. Proposed algorithm not only applies some novel optimizations but also retains most of the old optimizations which were effective in reducing space and time. In addition to time and space efficiency, proposed algorithm offers the benefit of elegant design. Profiling has been carried out to verify the effectiveness of proposed algorithm. Profiling results reinforce the fact that proposed algorithm is significantly faster than existing best algorithm.Reference [1] Donald E. Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. 3, Pearson Education, 1998. [2] http://www.inf.fh-flensburg.de/lang/algorithmen/sortieren/merge/mergef.htm. [3] S. Baase and A. Gelder, Computer Algorithms:Introduction to Design and Analysis, Addison-Wesley, 2000. [4] J. L. Bentley, "Programming Pearls: how to sort," Communications of the ACM, Vol. Issue 4, 1986, pp. 287-ff. [5] T. H. Cormen, C. E. Leiserson, R. L. Rivest and C. Stein, Introduction to Algorithms, Second Edition. MIT Press and McGraw-Hill, 2001. D.Abhyankar |
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23. | Microcontroller Protocol for Secure Broadcast in Controller Area Networks
Microcontroller Protocol for Secure Broadcast in Controller Area NetworksAbstract: Controller Area Network is a bus commonly used by controllers inside vehicles and in various industrial control applications. In the past controllers were assumed to operate in secure perimeters, but today these environments are well connected to the outside world and recent incidents showed them extremely vulnerable to cyber-attacks. To withstand such threats, one can implement security in the application layer of CAN. Here we design, refine and implement a broadcast authentication protocol based on the well known paradigm of using key-chains and time synchronization, a commonly used Mechanism in wireless sensor networks, which allows us to take advantage from the use of symmetric primitives without the need of secret shared keys during broadcast. But, as process control is a time critical operation we make several refinements in order to improve on the authentication delay. For this we study several trade-offs to alleviate shortcomings on computational speed, memory and bandwidth up to the point of using reduced versions of hash functions that can assure ad hoc security. To prove the efficiency of the protocolReference [1] K. Koscher, A. Czeskis, F. Roesner, S. Patel, T. Kohno, S. Checkoway, D. McCoy, B. Kan-tor, D. Anderson, H. Shacham, and S. Savage, ―Experimental security analysis of a modern au-tomobile,‖ in IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, pp. 447–462, 2010. [2] M. Wolf, A. Weimerskirch, and C. Paar, ―Secu-rity in automotive bus systems,‖ in Workshop on Embedded Security in Cars, 2004. [3] A. Perrig, R. Canetti, D. Song, and D. Ty-gar, ―Efficient authentication and signing of mul-ticast streams over lossy channels,‖ in IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, pp. 56–73, 2000. [4] A. Perrig, R. Canetti, D. Song, and D. Tygar, ―Efficient and secure source authentication for multicast,‖ in Network and Distributed System Security Symposium, pp. 35–46, 2001. [5] A. Perrig, R. Canetti, D. Song, and D. Tygar, ―The tesla broadcast authentication protocol,‖ in RSA Cryptobytes, pp. 2–13, 2002. B.Vijayalakshmi, K. Kumar |
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24. | The Influence of Alternate Dry-wet Effect on the Strength Characteristic of Expansive Soil
The Influence of Alternate Dry-wet Effect on the Strength Characteristic of Expansive SoilAbstract: The direct shear test was carried out to study the effect of the wet-dry cycle on the improved expansive soil that is mixed with lime and sand. The results showed that the age has a great impact on the shear strength of improved expansive soil, and found that improved expansive soil shear strength reduced with the increase of wet and dry cycles.Key words: Improved expansive soil; drying and watering cycle; age; shear strength Reference [1] Qi Yin, Jia Chen. Experimental study on the strength characteristics of lime treated expansive soils [J]. Urban Roads Bridges & Flood Control , 2008 , (8):352-354, in Chinese [2] Qiong Qi, Youhai Yang . Experimental Study of Improved Expansive Soil Filling with Lime[J]. Journal of Lanzhou Jiaotong University, 2009, 28[4]:30-34, in Chinese [3] Xin Zhang, Shulin Sun etc. Laboratory test study of properties of expansive soil improved by waste foundry sand[J]. Soil Mechanics, 2012, 33(2):209-212, in Chinese [4] Jun Yang, Lei Tong, Guodong Zhang etc. Research on shear strength index of expansive soil modified by weathered sand[J]. Research of Soil and Water Conservation, 2013, 20(2):276-281, in Chinese [5] Xianjie Mu, Xiaoping Zhang. Research on mechanical properties of expansive soil under wetting-drying cycle [J].Soil Mechanics, 2008, 28:580-583, in Chinese Yongcun WANG, Yun DONG |
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25. | Hand Gesture Based Wheelchair Movement Control for Disabled Person Using MEMS.
Hand Gesture Based Wheelchair Movement Control for Disabled Person Using MEMS.Abstract: This paper is to develop a wheel chair control which is useful to the physically disabled person with his hand movement or his hand gesture recognition using Acceleration technology.Tremendous leaps have been made in the field of wheelchair technology. However, even these significant advances haven‟t been able to help quadriplegics navigate wheelchair unassisted.It is wheelchair which can be controlled by simple hand gestures. It employs a sensor which controls the wheelchair hand gestures made by the user and interprets the motion intended by user and moves accordingly.In Acceleration we have Acceleration sensor. When we change the direction, the sensor registers values are changed and that values are given to microcontroller. Depending on the direction of the Acceleration, microcontroller controls the wheel chair directions like LEFT, RIGHT, FRONT, and BACK. The aim of this paper is to implement wheel chair direction control with hand gesture reorganization.Key words: Micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS), wheelchair.. Reference [1] "A Wearable Head- Mounted Sensor-Based Apparatus for Eye Tracking Applications" IEEE International Conference on Virtual Environments, Human-Computer Interfaces, and Measurement Systems Istanbul, Turkey, dated 14-16 July 2008. [2] A. Murarka, M. Sridharan and B. Kuipers. 2008. "Detecting obstacles and drop-offs using stereo and motion cues for safe local motion".IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS-08). [3] ShilpaGulati, Benjamin Kuipers2008. "High Performance Control for Graceful Motion of an Intelligent Wheelchair".Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). [4] Marhic, B. " Robotic assistance: an automatic wheelchair tracking "Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2005. (IROS 2005). 2005 IEEE/RSJ [5] L.JosefssonandP.Persson, Conformal Array Antenna Theory and Design Prof. Vishal V. Pande, Nikita S.Ubale, Darshana P. Masurkar, Nikita R. Ingole, Pragati P. Mane |
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26. | Comparative Study of Frequent Itemset Mining Techniques on
Graphics Processor
Comparative Study of Frequent Itemset Mining Techniques on Graphics ProcessorAbstract: Frequent itemset mining (FIM) is a core area for many data mining applications as association rules computation, clustering and correlations, which has been comprehensively studied over the last decades. Furthermore, databases are becoming gradually larger, thus requiring a higher computing power to mine them in reasonable time. At the same time, the improvements in high performance computing platforms are transforming them into massively parallel environments equipped with multi-core processors, such as GPUs. Hence, fully operating these systems to perform itemset mining poses as a challenging and critical problems that addressed by various researcher. We present survey of multi-core and GPU accelerated parallelization of the FIM algorithmsReference [1.] Jiawei Han and Micheline Kamber. Data mining concepts and techniques. Second Edition, morgan Kaufmann Publications, 2006. [2.] NVIDIA CORPORATION, CUDA Programming Guide, http://developer.nvidia.com/cuda [3.] R. Agrawal, T. Imielinski, and A. Swami. Mining association rules between set of items in large databases. In Proceeding of the 1993 ACM SIGMOD International conference on management of data, pages 207–216, May 1993. [4.] Mian Lu Xiangye Xiao Chi Kit Lam Philip Yang Bingsheng He Qiong Luo Pedro V. Sander Wenbin Fang, Ka Keung Lau and Ke Yang.Parallel data mining on graphics processors. Technical Report HKUST-CS08-07, October 2008. [5.] Fan Zhang, Yan Zhang, and J. Bakos. Gpapriori: Gpu-accelerated frequent itemset mining. In 2011 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), pages 590–594, 2011. doi: 10.1109 /CLUSTER. 2011.61. Dharmesh Bhalodiya, Prof. Chhaya Patel |
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27. | Comparibility And Implementing Analysis Of Neighbourhood Discovery In Wireless Network
Comparibility And Implementing Analysis Of Neighbourhood Discovery In Wireless NetworkAbstract: Neighbor discovery is an important first step in the initialization of a wireless ad hoc network. In this paper, we design and analyze several algorithms for neighbor discovery in wireless networks. Starting with a single-hop wireless network of nodes, we propose a ALOHA-like neighbor discovery algorithm when nodes cannot detect collisions, and an order-optimal receiver feedback-based algorithm when nodes can detect collisions. Our algorithms neither require nodes to have a prior estimate of the number of neighbors nor synchronization between nodes. Our algorithms allow nodes to begin execution at different time instants and to terminate neighbor discovery upon discovering all their neighbors. We finally show that receiver feedback can be used to achieve a running time, even when nodes cannot detect collisions. We then analyze neighbor discovery in a general multi hop setting. We establish an upper bound of on the running time of the ALOHA-like algorithm, where denotes the maximum node degree in the network and the total number of nodes. We also establish a lower bound of on the running time of any randomized neighbor discovery algorithm. Our result thus implies that the ALOHA-like algorithm is at most a factor worse than optimal.Key words: Neighbour discovery, multihop, feedback, collision detection, wireless network, beacon based neighbourhood discovery. Reference [1] IEEE 802.15.4 Standard Specification. http://standards.ieee.org/getieee802/802.15.html. [2] D. Angelosante, E. Biglieri, and M. Lops. Neighbor discovery in wireless networks:a multiuser-detection approach. In Information Theory and Applications Workshop, pages 46–53, 2007. [3] An Introduction to the Ecology of Written Language 2nd ed (review) 2011 [4] Bluetooth Specification Version 3.0 + HS.2008 [5] S. A. Borbash, A. Ephremides, and M. J. McGlynn. An asynchronous neighbor discovery algorithm for wireless sensor networks. Ad Hoc Networks, 5(7):998–1016, 2007. P.Poornima, K.Kumar |
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28. | Power Quality Issues and It's Mitigation Techniques
Power Quality Issues and It's Mitigation TechniquesAbstract: In this paper the main power quality (PQ) problems are presented with there associated causes and consequences. The economic impact associated with PQ are characterized. Also this paper tries to give the solution for reducing the losses produced because of harmonics and increasing the quality of power at consumers' side.Key words: Flywheel, Harmonics, Power Quality, Power Quality Cost, Supercapacitors. Reference [1] J. Delgado, "Gestão da Qualidade Total Aplicada ao Sector do Fornecimento da Energia Eléctrica", Thesis submitted to fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of PhD. in Electrotechnical Engineering, Coimbra, September 2002. [2] M. Bollen, "Understanding Power Quality Problems– Voltage Sags and Interruptions", IEEE Press Series on Power Engineering – John Wiley and Sons, Piscataway, USA (2000). [3] M. McGranaghan, "Costs of Interruptions", in proceedings of the Power Quality 2002 Conference, Rosemont, Illinois, pp 1-8, October 2002. [4] D. Chapman, "Costs of Poor Power Quality", Power Quality Application Guide – Copper Development Association, March 2001. [5] EPRI, "Creating the Electricity Infrastructure for a Digital Society", UIE-2000 Conference, Lisbon, 1-3, November 2000. Tejashree G. More, Pooja R. Asabe, Prof. Sandeep Chawda |
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29. | 3D Simulation of a Medium scale Pool Fire
3D Simulation of a Medium scale Pool FireAbstract: Pool fires represent the most frequently encountered accidents of the different types of fires that are known to occur in the Chemical Process Industry (CPI). Exhaustive analysis of the history of past accidents in CPI's that have occurred across the world since early 1900's reveal that pool fires are major threats to industrial safety, and result in huge losses of life and property. Studies have been going on to study the interaction mechanisms of the fire and models have been developed which were mostly empirical, zone models and field models developed according to and based on the conditions available for the experiment. The experiment considered consisted of a 2-m-diameter methanol pool in an unconfined area with a cross-wind velocity of 13 m/s. Steady state simulations with uniform time step were done using computational fluid dynamics and the simulations showed sensitivity to the grid refinement, size of the pool and wind profiles.Comparison between calculated and experimental results are also made.Turbulence models were also investigated, and was observed that RNG model gave more predictable results for the test cases to the accuracy of almost 80%.Key words: Fire, Modeling, Unconfined, Turbulence Reference [1] E. A. Suchman, A conceptual analysis of the accident problem, Social Problems, 8(3),1961,241. [2] S. Mannan, Lee's Loss Prevention in the Process Industries Hazard Identification, Assessment and Control (Elsevier, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, 2005) [3] J. Fay, Model of large pool fires, Journal of Hazardous Materials , B136, 2006, 219–232 [4] A. Hamins and T. Kashiwagi,Characteristics of pool fire burning, in Proc. ASTM STP 1284, Philadelphia, PA., 1996. [5] Major Hazard Incident Data Service (MHIDAS), Health and Safety Executive and the Safety and Reliability Directorate of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, Cheshire, UK.. Naveen S, Sivasubramanian V |
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30. | Classification of The Climate Based on the Combination Between Potential Evapotranspiration and Rainfall
Classification of The Climate Based on the Combination Between Potential Evapotranspiration and RainfallAbstract: The sum of all climatic parameters known until now, in a strict understanding, cannot be the same as climate itself. The climate is the parameters we know plus potential evapotranspiration. The objective of this paper is first, to quantify the evapotranspiration and then, combining it with the rainfall values, to classify the climate of Albania. For that, fifty six meteorological stations throughout Albania were taken into consideration. The potential evapotranspiration was quantified by applying Penman-Monteith formulae. To quantify the functions of potential evaporation and rainfall over time the regression analysis was applied. The data were collected over last six years, on daily basis. The period of time between the curves respective intersections was considered as the duration of pluviometric deficit, whereas the area between curves is defined as the magnitude of pluviometric deficit. The north western part of Albania seems to have a humid climate. The rest part of the country will be characterized between subhumid and dry climate scale.Key words: evapotranspiration, rainfall, pluviometric deficit. Reference [1] Hillel, D. "Soil and water", from Physiological Ecology, edited by T. T. Kozlowski, Wisconsin. 1971, 201-239. [2] Richard G. Allen, et al., "Crop evapotranspiration"; Irrigation and drainage, 56, FAO, Rome, 1998, 1-16. [3] Penman, H.L.. "Natural evaporation from open water, bare soil, and grass". Proc. Roy. Soc. (London, U.K.) A193 (1032), 1948, 120–145. [4] Gjongecaj B., et al., "Determination of the Relationships between the Evaporation from a Free Water Table and the Potential Evapotranspiration, Calculated and Measured, in the Field of Kosovo", BALWOIS Conference, Ohri, Macedonia, 2012. [5] Monteith J. L., Evapotranspiration and environment. The state and environment of water in living organisms. Cambridge, UK., 1965 Azem Bardhi, Besnik Gjongecaj |
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1. | FPGA Based Implementation of Pipelined 32-bit RISC Processor with Floating Point Unit
FPGA Based Implementation of Pipelined 32-bit RISC Processor with Floating Point UnitAbstract: This paper presents 32-bit RISC processor with floating point unit to be designed using pipelined architecture; through this we can improve the speed of the operation as well as overall performance. This processor is developed especially for Arithmetic operations of both fixed and floating point numbers, branch and logical functions. The proposed architecture is able to prevent pipelining from flushing when branch instruction occurs and able to provide halt support. Floating point operations are widely used these days for many applications ranging from graphics application to medical imaging. Thus, the processor can be used for diversified application area. The necessary code is written in the hardware description language Verilog HDL. Quartus II 10.1 suite is used for software development; Modelsim is used for simulations and then implementation on Altera DE 2 FPGA board.Key words: FPGA, RISC and Altera DE2 board Reference [1] R. Uma, "Design and Performance Analysis of 8-bit RISC processor using Xilinx Tool", International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol-2, Mar-Apr-2012. [2] J. Poornima, G.V.Ganesh, M. Jyothi, M. Shanti and A.Jhansi Rani,"Design and implementation of pipelined 32-bit Advanced RISC processor for various D.S.P Applications", Proceedings of International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology, ISSN: 3208-3213, Vol-3(1), June-2012. [3] Xiao Li, Longwei Ji, Bo Shen, Wenhong Li, Quianling Zhang, " VLSI implementation of a High-performance 32-bit RISC microprocessor", Communications, Circuits and Systems and West Sino Expositions, IEEE , International Conference, ISSN:1458-1461,Vol-2,2002. [4] http://elearning.vtu.ac.in/12/enotes/Adv_Com_Arch/Pipeline/Unit2-KGM.pdf. [5] Asmita Haveliya "Design and simulation of 32-point FFT using Radix-2 Algorithm for FPGA Implementation" IEEE, 167-171, 2012. Jinde Vijay Kumar, Chintakunta Swapna, Boya Nagaraju , Thogata Ramanjappa |
01-07 | ![]() |
2. | LabVIEW based real time implementation of dual controller scheme for robust tuning in level process
LabVIEW based real time implementation of dual controller scheme for robust tuning in level processAbstract: The aim of this work is to implement a dual controller scheme for robust tuning in level process. This method contributes for the independent adjustment of servo response and regulatory response. The dual controller design has better robustness than single conventional scheme. The three main loop attributes has been maintained using this scheme with fast settling time. The independent tuning without interaction will improve the performance of this scheme as compared with other scheme. Dual controller scheme has been implemented in real time using Lab VIEW platform.Key words: Robust Tuning, servo- regulatory response, LabVIEW, dual controller scheme Reference [1] O. Arrieta, A. Visioli , R. Vilanova, PID autotuning for weighted servo/regulation control operation: Journal of Process Control 20 (2010) 472–480. [2] Y.C Tian,F Gao,Double controller scheme for process with dominant time delay,IEEE procedings control theory application vol 145,september 2008 [3] Sigurd skogestad,simple analytical rule for model reduction and PID controller tuning, journal of process control 13(2003) pages 291-309 [4] Zhuo-Yun Niea, Qing-Guo Wangb, Min Wua, Yong Hea, Tuning of multi-loop PI controllers based on gain and phase margin specifications: Journal of Process Control 21 (2011) 1287– 1295 [5] George Stephanopoulos,An introduction to theory and practice,chemical process control:page 174-175 Veena Madhu, Sanjeevi Gandhi A |
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3. | QoS oriented MapReduce Optimization for Hadoop Based BigData Application
QoS oriented MapReduce Optimization for Hadoop Based BigData ApplicationAbstract: Due to increase in data load on cloud infrastructure the maintenance of quality services for BigData applications has become a major issue [1]. The data storage of structured as well as unstructured kinds are also a big concern to be considered while operating with certain search engine or data exploring applications[2]. On the other hand data intensive computation for cloud services is also increasing with vast pace. The predominant requirement for quality services in cloud infrastructure are optimized resource utilization, efficient processing in terms of execution time and data portability [1].Reference [1] Demirkan, Haluk, and DursunDelen. "Leveraging the capabilities of service-oriented decision support systems: Putting analytics and big data in cloud."Decision Support Systems 55, no. 1 (2013): 412-421. [2] Herodotou, Herodotos, Harold Lim, Gang Luo, NedyalkoBorisov, Liang Dong, FatmaBilgen Cetin, and ShivnathBabu. "Starfish: A Self-tuning System for Big Data Analytics." In CIDR, vol. 11, pp. 261-272. 2011. [3] Prekopcsák, Zoltán, Gabor Makrai, TamasHenk, and Csaba Gaspar-Papanek. "Radoop: Analyzing big data with rapidminer and hadoop." In Proceedings of the 2nd RapidMiner Community Meeting and Conference (RCOMM 2011), pp. 1-12. 2011. [4] Dittrich, Jens, and Jorge-ArnulfoQuiané-Ruiz. "Efficient big data processing in Hadoop MapReduce."Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 5, no. 12 (2012): 2014-2015. [5] Abadi, Daniel J. "Data Management in the Cloud: Limitations and Opportunities." IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 32, no. 1 (2009): 3-12. Burhan Ul Islam Khan, Rashidah F. Olanrewaju |
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4. | Android NDK Graphics: Open GL ES Air Hockey Basis Application
Android NDK Graphics: Open GL ES Air Hockey Basis ApplicationAbstract: When it comes to beautiful visual rendering and games on the Android handsets that we use today, much of that credit has to be given to the various graphic libraries which come along with programming paradigms. Just like anything in programming and technology, there are good and bad ways to implement and get certain things done both at the front end and the backend. What the Android Native Development Kit (NDK) does is that it works alongside the Software Development Kit (SDK) and injects the native powers of any C/C++ application into your Android application which can be packaged as any normal application and run on an emulator/device of choice. The SDK, the NDK, the ADT and Eclipse are primarily what one requires to directly hit on towards Android Native Development. So now how does one enjoy the seamless graphics, multimedia, physics and games on an Android device? It is the Native API's which come as a result of relying on performance critical native code which makes this possible. In this paper we develop a basis game of Air Hockey, which is more of a concept game made using the technological paradigm of the NDK in Android Programming. Right from defining the structure of the table up to defining and implementing the shaders and 3D rendering, almost every important aspect has been researched and put into working through this paper.Key words: Air Hockey, Android, Java, OpenGL, Drawing, Shaders, Graphics API, Android 3D Rendering Reference [1] Ed Burnette. Hello, Android: Introducing Google's Mobile Development Platform, Third Edition. The Pragmatic Bookshelf, Raleigh, NC and Dallas,TX, 2010. [2] Android NDK group (http://groups.google.com/group/android-ndk) [3] The Android Developer BlogSpot (http://android-developers.blogspot.com/) [4] Google Code (http://code.google.com/hosting/) for lots of NDK exampleapplications. [5] Stack Overflow (http://stackoverflow.com/) Sabyasachi Patra, Prathamesh Patel, KarishmaVelisetty, Mr. Abhay Kolhe |
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5. | Experimental Analysis of Performance and Emission Parameters of Neem Oil Ethyl Ester and HHO Gas Addition with Neem Oil Ethyl Ester in a Single Cylinder Four Stroke Compression Ignition Engine
Experimental Analysis of Performance and Emission Parameters of Neem Oil Ethyl Ester and HHO Gas Addition with Neem Oil Ethyl Ester in a Single Cylinder Four Stroke Compression Ignition EngineAbstract: Need for alternate fuel is increasing day by day due various problems associated with the conventional fuels. Present work is focussed on analysing experimentally the performance and emission characteristics of Neem oil biodiesel and addition of HHO gas along with Neem oil biodiesel in a single cylinder compression ignition engine. Biodiesel is extracted by tranesterification of non edible crude Neem oil using ethanol and Naoh as catalyst. The biodiesel is blended with diesel. The blends used are N30 and N40. HHO gas is produced from the process of electrolysis the HHO gas is the combination of hydrogen and oxygen. The produced gas is made to pass through a moisture separator and sent along the intake manifold with the intake air. The performance and emission characteristics are noted down and compared. It was observed that there was a rise in brake thermal efficiency and lesser specific fuel consumption, Reduced Oxygen content in exhaust gases, lesser HC and CO emission and there was a rise in NOX emission when HHO is supplemented with biodieselKey words: Biodiesel, HHO (oxygen enriched hydrogen),Neem oil, Tranesterification Reference [1] Premkarthik SR Annamalai Effectiveness of oxygen enriched hydrogen along with intake air in a CI engine performance and emission 2011 [2] Ali can yilmaz Effects of HHO Gas addition on performance and exhaust emission in compression ignition engine 2010 1-7 Science direct [3] S.Brai Effects of H2/O2 gas addition in increasing the thermal efficiency Elseiver fuel 89 (2010) 378-383 [4] Ngarajan and Tamilporai Evaluation of performance and emission of NOME in a DI engine AJCSIT 3:4 2013 50-55 [5] Adrian Birtas the Effect of HRG gas addition on diesel engine combustion and emission characteristics 2011 internal journal hydrogen energy 36 J. Allen Jeffrey, M Subramanian |
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6. | Warm Server
Warm ServerAbstract: Educational Organization is largest growing industries in India and all over the world. The advent of modern technologies at the beginning of the last century has brought in development of various technologies, which has substantially increased computer uses in Educational Organization. This system is used monitor and track organizations resources like computers hardware and software resources used in private network of organization. This system monitor all the resources available in intranet, if one of the resources get out dated it can be tracked using system and after it will be upgrade or if any resource changed it also be tracked. Today, India ranks Tenth in worldwide in computer users in educational Institution and other organization. This application helps system admin to monitor all the information about computer software and hardware resource immediately.Key words: Anticipated, Reboot, Tracked, Upgrade, Warm Server Reference [1] Cardellini V, Colajanni M, P.S.Yu, "Redirection Algorithms for Load sharing in Distributed Web Server [2] www.aquabluesolution.com [3] Cardellini V, Colajanni M, "Dynamic Load Balancing on Web Server Systems" [4] Tolia,Niraj;Andersen,David G.; Satyanarayanan, M. (March 2006). "Quantifying Interactive User Experience on Thin Clients" (PDF). Computer (IEEE Computer Society). [5] Nieh, Jason; Novik, Naomi; Yang, S. Jae (December 2005). "A Comparison of Thin-Client Computing Architectures" (PDF). Technical Report CUCS-022-00 (New York: Network Computing Laboratory, Columbia University Manisha Bahir, Rewati Kapse, Pooja Bembde, Prof.B.G.Dhake. Prof.Y.R.Nagargoje |
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7. | Cloud Storage and its Secure Overlay Techniques
Cloud Storage and its Secure Overlay TechniquesAbstract: In this paper we have tried to explain in detail about cloud storage its need, importance and how much useful it is for the upcoming future. As we know that it provides us flexibility to store and use data to anywhere and from anywhere so it is cost effective and beneficial at all places. The storage of data however has some kind of security issues in accessing the authorized data. Some of the data in the cloud should be deleted for certain reasons to maintain confidentiality. And many other issues are to be overcome by the cloud. There are certain techniques discussed in this paper to address the problems in the cloud communication. We get an idea of the available methods in which the data can be secured. Anyway each architecture has its own shortcomings. But without these techniques, it is difficult to maintain a good client-server storage mechanism in the cloud computing.Index Terms: Cloud Storage, cloud services, security, Fade, Plutus. Reference [1] Greg Schulz, "Cloud And Virtual Data Storage Networking "published -CRC Press, Issue-AUG 2011. [2] Nabil Sultan, "Cloud Computing for education: A new dawn" International Journal of Information Management 30(2010), pp 109-116. [3] Ajilth Singh. N and M. Hemalatha, "Cloud Computing for Academic Environment", International Journal of Information. [4] Velte, "Cloud Computing - A Practical Approach", TMH, 2012. [5] Buyya ,Selvi, "Mastering Cloud Computing", TMH Pub. Susheel Kumar, Naval Kishore Dogra |
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8. | Effect Of Salt Water On Compressive Strength Of Concrete
Effect Of Salt Water On Compressive Strength Of ConcreteAbstract: In this research work, the effect of salt water on the compressive strength of concrete was investigated. This paper therefore presents the result and findings of an experimental research on the effect of salt water on compressive strength of concrete. For this concrete cubes were cast using fresh wi and salt water for a design mix of M-30 1:1.8:3.31 by weight of concrete, and 0.45 water- cement ratio. Half of concrete cubes were cast and cured with fresh water and remaining half cubes were cast and cured with salt water. The concrete cubes were cured for 7,14 and 28 days respectively. The result of the average compressive strength of concrete obtained using fresh water ranges from 27.12 - 39.12N/mm2 and using salt water ranges from 28.45 – 41.34N/mm2.Key words: concrete cubes,fresh water, salt water, compressive strength. Reference [1.] Building research Station(1956), Analysis of water encountered in construction, Digest No. 90, London, H.M.S.O. [2.] Osei, Y. A. (2000). Neutralization, New School Chemistry" African First Publisher Onitsha Nigeria. [3.] Water Encyclopaedia. (2012). Earth: The water Planet, (Ed). Earth Sylvia. Retrieved from www.watercyclopedia.com/ Da-En/ Earth- The water-planet.html # b. [4.] Adebakin, H. I. (2003). Effect of Salinity on Compressive Strength on Concrete. [5.] Akinkurolere O.O. et.al. (2007), Journal of Enginering and Applied Sciences 2(2). Medwell Journals, p 412-415. Preeti Tiwari, Rajiv Chandak, R.K. Yadav |
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9. | Structure, Morphology and Chemical Synthesis of Mg1-xZnxFe2O4 Nano-Ferrites Prepared by Citrate-Gel Auto Combustion Method
Structure, Morphology and Chemical Synthesis of Mg1-xZnxFe2O4 Nano-Ferrites Prepared by Citrate-Gel Auto Combustion MethodAbstract: Mg-Zn Nano ferrites having chemical formula Mg1-xZnxFe2O4(where x=0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0) were synthesized by the citrate-gel auto combustion method. Synthesized powders were sintered at 500oC for four hours in air and characterized by XRD, SEM and EDS.XRD analysis shows that cubic spinal structure of the ferrites and the crystalline sizes (D) were found in the range 25-35 nm. The values of the lattice parameter (a) increases and X-ray density (dx) increases with doping of Zn content. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) studies revealed Nano nature of the samples. An elemental composition of the samples was studied by using Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS). The observed results can be explained on the basis of composition and crystallite size.Key words: Mg-Zn Nano- Ferrites; Citrate Gel Auto Combustion Method; X-Ray Diffraction; Scanning Electron Microscope; Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy. Reference [1.] Surender Kumar, Tukaram J. Shinde, Pramod N. Vasambekar. Adv. Mat. Lett. 2013, 4(5), 373-377Doi: 10.5185/amlett.2012.10429 [2.] Dixit, Gagan.; Singh, J.P.; Srinivasa, R.C.; Agarwal, H.M.; Chaudhury, R.J. Adv. Mat. Lett.2012, 3(1),21-28Doi: 10.5185/amlett.2011.6280 [3.] T. Giannakopoulou; L. Kompotiatis; A. Kontogeorgakos; G. Kordas. J.magn. Magn. Magn. Mater.246,360.Doi: 10.1016/S0304-8853(02)00106-3 [4.] M.A. Ahmed, Phy.Status solidi A.1989,111,567.Doi: 10.1002/pssa.2211110222 [5.] E.Olsen;J.Thoustad,J.Appl.Electrochem.1999,29,293.Doi:10.1023/A:1003464304448 D.Ravikumar, B.Kiran Kumar, D.Ravinder, Ch.Abraham Lincoln |
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DETECTION OF MASSES IN MAMMOGRAM IMAGES USING ANT COLONY OPTIMIZATIONAbstract: This paper proposes the advances in edge detection techniques, which is used for the mammogram images for cancer diagnosis. It compares the evaluation of edge detection with the proposed method ant colony optimization. The study shows that the edge detection technique is applied on the mammogram images because it will clearly identify the masses in mammogram images. This will help to identify the type of cancer at the early stage. ACO edge detector is best in detecting the edges when compared to the other edge detectors. The quality of various edge detectors is calculated based on the parameters such as Peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) and Mean square error (MSE).Key words: Ant colony optimization, cancer, diagnosis, edge detection, mammogram. Reference [1] Malcolm R Alison, "Cancer", Imperial College School of Medicine, London, UK, Encyclopedia of Life Sciences / & 2001 Nature Publishing Group. [2] Lukasz Jelen, Thomas Fevens, Adam Krzy˙ Ak, "Classification of Breast Cancer Malignancy Using Cytology Images of Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsis", Int. J. Appl. Math. Comput. Sci., 2008, Vol. 18, No. 1, 75–83. [3] Jalil Addeh and Ata Ebrahimzadeh, "Breast Cancer Recognition Using a Novel Hybrid Intelligent Method". [4] Indira Muhic, "Fuzzy Analysis of Breast Cancer Disease using Fuzzy c-means and Pattern Recognition", Sotheast Europe Journal of Soft Computing. [5] Tobias Christian Cahoon, "Breast Cancer Detection Using Image Processing Techniques", 2000 IEEE. Varsha Patankar, Prof. Devesh Nawgaje, Dr. Rajendra Kanphade |
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11. | Survey on Mining Order-Preserving Sub Matrices
Survey on Mining Order-Preserving Sub MatricesAbstract: Order-preserving sub matrices (OPSM's) have been shown useful in capturing concurrent patterns in data when the relative magnitudes of data items are more important than their exact values. For example, in analyzing gene expression profiles obtained from micro-array experiments, the relative magnitudes are important both since they represent the change of gene activities across the experiments, and since there is typically a high level of noise in data that makes the exact values un-trustable. To manage with data noise, repeated experiments are often conducted to collect multiple measurements.Key words: Order-preserving sub matrices, Simultaneous Clustering. Reference [1]. Madeira, S.C., Oliveira, A.L.: Biclustering Algorithms for Biological Data Analysis: A Survey. IEEE/ACM Trans. on Comp. Biol. and Bioinfor., 24–45 (2004). [2]. Charrad, M., Lechevallier, Y., Ahmed, M.b., Saporta, G.: Block Clustering for Web Pages Categorization. In: Corchado, E., Yin, H. (eds.) IDEAL 2009. LNCS, vol. 5788, pp. 260–267. Springer, Heidelberg (2009). [3]. Bichot, C.E.: Co-clustering documents and words by minimizing the normalized cut objective function. JMMA 9, 131–147 (2010). [4]. Grimal, C., Bisson, G.: Classification a partird'une collection de matrices.CAp2010 (2010). [5]. Prelic, A., Bleuler, S., Zimmermann, P.: A systematic comparison and evaluation of bi clustering methods for gene expression data. Bioinformatics, 122–129 (2006). Reeta Dangi, R.C. Jain, Vivek Sharma |
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12. | Geothermal Energy : An Alternative Source of Energy
Geothermal Energy : An Alternative Source of EnergyAbstract: Nowadays renewable sources are preferred over the non renewable source to generate the energy. The rapid rates of exhausting non-renewable resources have completed us to look out for new avenues in energy generation. According to global energy scenario, developed countries are adopting renewable resources as major source of energy. Geothermal energy originates from the original formation of the planet, from radioactive decay of minerals, and from solar energy absorbed at the surface. Geothermal energy is derived from the hot interior of the earth. The earth is a reservoir of heat energy, most of which is buried and is observed during episodes of volcanic eruption at the surfaces. Geothermal is one of the most promising renewable source of energy which is plentiful, eco-friendly, reliable and clean source of energy available in earth crust. In our country there is wide scope for the utilization of geothermal energy with proper strategically approach to meet the energy requirement. The future prospects of this heat energy as a sustainable source of renewable energy are indeed promising. Today India is the fifth largest consumer of electricity and by 2030 it will become third largest overtaking Japan and Russia according to statistical data available by Energy Planning Commission, Government of India.Key words: Non-renewable Energy, Geothermal energy. Reference [1.] Suryawanshi C. R., ―Geothermal Energy; The eco-friendly alternative source of energy‖ IJARET -2013, Volume 4 pp 81-84. [2.] Kakkar V., Agarwal N.K and Kumar N., ―Geothermal Energy: New prospects‖ IJAET- 2012, Sept. [3.] Sukanta Roy and Harsh Gupta, ―Geothermal Energy: An Overview‖ Akshay Urja, MNRE- 2012 April. [4.] Yeha A., O'Sullivana ,‖Renewability of geothermal recourses,‖ Geothermics,2010, Vol. 39, pp. 314-320 [5.] ―Renewable Energy in India‖ Report prepared by Western Australia Trade office- India. R R Shah, Bala Dutt |
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13. | Optimization of Material Removal Rate in Cnc Turning of Mild Steel 1018 Using Taguchi Method
Optimization of Material Removal Rate in Cnc Turning of Mild Steel 1018 Using Taguchi MethodAbstract: Engineering materials are presently in use at a very vast range in today's industries. As Mild steel 1018 has a wide variety of applications in construction of pipelines, products, construction as structural steel, car manufacturing industries and other major industries. The machining of these types of materials requires very important consideration. There are a number of parameters like cutting speed, feed and depth of cut etc. which must be given consideration during the machining of this alloy. So it becomes necessary to find out the ways by which it can be machined easily and economically. For the present work the parameter to be optimised selected is material removal rate that is optimised by using selected combination of machining parameters by using taguchi orthogonal array.Reference [1] Yigit Kazancoglu1, Ugur Esme, "Multi objective optimization of the cutting forces in the turning operations using the grey based Taguchi method", Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology ,45 (2011) 2, 105–110. [2] LB Abhang and M Hameedullah, "Optimal machining parameters for achieving the desired surface roughness in turning of steel", TJER 2012, Vol. 9, No. 1, 37-45, Received 26 July 2010; accepted 1 January 2011. [3] M. N. Islam, "An investigation of surface finish in dry turning", Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2011 Vol I, WCE 2011, July 6 - 8, 2011, London, U.K. [4] Samir Khrais, Adel Mahammod Hassan, "Investigations Into the Turning Parameters Effect on the Surface Roughness of Flame Hardened Medium Carbon Steel with TiN-Al2O3-TiCN Coated Inserts based on Taguchi Techniques", World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 59 2011. [5] M.Y. Noordin, V.C. Venkatesh, "Application of response surface methodology in describing the performance of coated carbide tools when turning AISI 1045 steel", Journal of Materials Processing Technology 145 (2004) 46–58, Received 19 June 2002; received in revised form 28 June 2003; accepted 2 July 2003. Sandeep Kumar, Prof. Sushil Kumar Sharma |
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14. | Atm Client Authentication System Using Biometric Identifier & Otp
Atm Client Authentication System Using Biometric Identifier & OtpAbstract: In this paper we propose a design, to add more security to the current ATM systems by using biometric and GSM technology. In conventional method identification is done based on ID cards and static 4 digit password. Whereas in our purposed system, Bankers will collect the customer fingerprints and mobile number at the time of opening the accounts then only customer will be able to access ATM machine. The primary step of this project is to verify currently scanned fingerprint with the fingerprint which is registered in the bank during the account opening time. If the two fingerprints get matched, then a message will be delivered to the user's mobile which is the random 4 digit pin number to access the account. For every transaction new pin numbers will be send to the user's mobile thus there will not be fixed pin number for every transaction. Thus, Pin number will vary during each transaction .Key words: ATM Terminal, Fingerprint Recognition, GSM Module, LINUX. Reference [1] Pennam Krishnamurthy & M. Maddhusudhan Redddy, "Implementation of ATM Security by Using Fingerprint recognition and GSM "International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Engineering Volume 3, Issue (1) NCRTCST, ISSN 2249–071X, 2012. [2] D. Vinod kumar, & Prof.M R K Murthy "Fingerprint Based ATM Security by using ARM7" IOSR Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering ISSN : 2278-2834 Volume 2, Issue 5 (Sep-Oct 2012), PP 26-28. [3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automated_te llermachine [4] Mr. John Mashurano & Mr. Wang liqiang "ATM Systems Authentication Based On Fingerprint Using ARM Cortex-M3"International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181 Vol.2 Issue 3, March – 2013. [5] Moses Okechukwu Onyesolu & Ignatius Majesty Ezeani "ATM Security Using Fingerprint Biometric Identifer: An Investigative Study" International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol. 3, No.4, 2012. Jaydeep Shamdasani, Prof .P.N.Matte |
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15. | Analysis of a Three-Level LLC Series Resonant Converter for
High- and Wide-Input-Voltage Applications
Analysis of a Three-Level LLC Series Resonant Converter for High- and Wide-Input-Voltage ApplicationsAbstract: In this paper, the analysis of a three-level LLC series resonant converter (TL LLC SRC) for high- and wide input-voltage applications is presented. It consists of two half-bridge LLC SRCs in series, sharing a resonant inductor and a transformer. Its main advantages are that the voltage across each switch is clamped at half of the input voltage and that voltage balance is achieved and simple driving signals . Thus it is suitable for high-inputvoltage applications. Based on the results of these analyses, a design example is provided and its validity is confirmed by an experiment involving a prototype converter with an input of 600V and an output of 48 V/20 A.Key words: High and wide input voltage, LLC series resonant converter (SRC), three-level (TL). Reference [1] X. Ruan, L. Zhou, and Y. Yan, ―Soft-switching PWM three-level converters ,‖IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 612–622, Sep.2001. [2] K. Jin and X. Ruan, ―Hybrid full-bridge three-level LLC resonant converter—a novel DC–DC converter suitable for fuel-cell power system,‖IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 53, no. 5, pp. 1492–1503, Oct.2006. [3] J. P. Lee, B. D. Min, T. J. Kim, D. W. Yoo, and B. K. Lee, ―A novel topology for photovoltaic series connected DC/DC converter with high efficiency under wide load range,‖ in Proc. IEEE Power Electron. Spec.Conf. 2007, pp. 152–155. [4] B. M. Song, R. McDowell, A. Bushnell, and J. Ennis, ―A three-level DC–DC converter with wide-input voltage operation for ship-electric power-distribution systems,‖ IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., vol. 32, no. 5,pp. 1856–1863, Oct. 2004. [5] J. R. Pinheiro and I. Barbi, ―The three-level ZVS-PWM DC-to-DC converter,‖IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 486–492, Oct.1993. S.Saravanan, Mr.J.Mohan, Mr.Vivekanand Kumar |
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16. | Effectiveness of The Development And Expansion of The Steam Power Station Condensate To Centers Thermoelectric Dedicated To The Production of Electric Power And Water Desalination
Effectiveness of The Development And Expansion of The Steam Power Station Condensate To Centers Thermoelectric Dedicated To The Production of Electric Power And Water DesalinationAbstract: This research includes a mathematical form to study the effectiveness of development of basic design form condensation steam powers to dual pressure thermoelectric centers allocated for production of electric power and distillation water with the aspect of thermal effectiveness scale and preserving the lowest level of pollution for the surrounding media, in this study the scale of saving is used in the amount of fuel saved in the electric network due to the joint process of production for electric power and distillation water in suggested design compared to a separate production process for electric power and distillation water via a replacement station and distillation unit from the type of reverse osmosis. Hence the effect of design the multiple effect evaporation distillation unit and the gas turbine unit were studied, and so basic thermodynamic characteristics for this unit on the scale of effectiveness for development of basic design of steam station. Study findings provided the following:Key words: Power plant ; steam turbine; gas turbine; pressure ratio ;fuel saving Reference [1] LEON AWERBUCH ( 2001) Desalination and Power Development in the New Millennium / Sustainable , Development International. ( Internet Communication ). [2] GHASSAN EJJEH ( 2001 ). Desalination , A Reliable Source of New Water / IDA World Congress on Desalination and Water Reuse. ( Internet Communication ) [3] Cogeneration Plant with Desalination ( 1995 ) CMI , Power Division , Avenue Greiner - 1 ,B - 4100 , Seraing , Belgium . [4] MIRO R. SUSTA & PETER LUBY ( 1997 ) Combined Cycle Power Plant Efficiency : a prognostic extrapolation / Modern Power Systems Journal , pp. 21 : 24 , April , 1997 . [5] VINCENT BAUJAT (2000 Comparison of Multiple Effect and Multistage Flash Desalination Processes for power and Water Combined Plants /The International Conference and Exposition on Power and Water desalination , IEF/ISESCO, 20 : 21 June , Tripoli - LIBYA Gamal Yaseen Salman/ Abdualrazzaq Abdualwhabe |
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17. | Simulation studies of premixed ch4/air Microcombustion
Simulation studies of premixed ch4/air MicrocombustionAbstract: A numerical study of CH4-air premixed combustion in the micro combustors with a five step global mechanism is performed by solving the two dimensional governing equations of continuity, momentum and species, coupled with the energy equation. A reference case is defined as the combustion in a cylindrical tube with 1 mm inlet diameter and length 10 times its inlet diameter with a uniform velocity profile at the inlet plane. Different physical and boundary conditions have been applied in order to investigate their respective effects on the flame temperature. The conditions studied in the current paper include the combustor size, geometry and inlet velocities. Downscaling the combustion chamber and higher velocities leaded to reduction in residence time which results in lower combustion efficiency causing insufficient heat generation unable to maintain the self-sustained combustion. The effect of variation in inlet velocity has role in the determining the flame position in combination with given thermal conditions. The results of this paper indicate that these various boundary and physical conditions have effects on the flame temperature to different extent and should be carefully monitored when applied for different applications.Key words: Micro combustion, CH4–air mixture, premixed flame, flame temperature, K-e model Reference [1]. Barrios, E., Prince, J.C., and Trevino, C., 2008. The role of duct thickness on the quenching process of premixed flame propagation, Combustion Theory and Modelling 12 (1), 115–133. [2] Bell, J.B., Day, M.S., Grcar, J.F., and Lijewski, M.J., A Computational Study of Equivalence Ratio Effects in Turbulent, Premixed Methane- Air Flames, Lawrence Berkeley NationalLaboratory, Berkeley USA. [3] Chen, M., Buckmaster, J., 2004, Modelling of combustion and heat transfer in 'Swiss roll' micro-scale combustors, Combust. Theory Modelling, 8, 701–720. [4] Embid, P.F., Majda, A.J., Souganidis, P.E., 1994, Effective Geometric Front Dynamics for Premixed Turbulent Combustion with Separated Velocity Scales, Combust. Sci. and Tech., 103, 85-115. [5] Fluent Inc., Fluent Release 6. 3 User Guide, Fluent Inc., 2006. P.Bala Murali |
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18. | Optimal Contrast Grayscale Visual Cryptography with Modified Multi-secret Sharing for Secure Application
Optimal Contrast Grayscale Visual Cryptography with Modified Multi-secret Sharing for Secure ApplicationAbstract: Core banking is a set of services provided by a group of networked bank branches. Bank customers may access their funds and perform other simple transactions from any of the member branch offices. The major issue in core banking is the authenticity of the customer. Due to unavoidable hackingof the databases on the internet, it is always quite difficult totrust the information on the internet. To solve this problemof authentication, we are proposing an algorithm based onimage processing, improved steganography and visual cryptography. This paper proposes a technique of encode the password of a customer by improved Steganography, most of the steganographic techniques use either three or four adjacent pixels around a target pixel whereas the proposed technique is able to utilize at most all eight adjacent neighbors so that imperceptibility value grows bigger.and thendividing it into shares. Total number of shares to be created isdepending on the scheme chosen by the bank. When two sharesare created, one is stored in the Bank database and the otheris kept by the customer. The customer has to present the shareduring all of his transactions. This share is stacked with the firstshare to get the original image. Then decoding method issued to take the hidden password on acceptance or rejection of the output and authenticates the customer.Key words: Digital Image steganography, visual cryptography, Gray Scale, Secret Sharing Reference [1] F. A. P. Petitcolas, R. J. Anderson and M. G. Kuhn, "Information hiding-A survey," Proc. IEEE, vol. 87, pp. 1062-1078,1999. [2] H. Wang and S. Wang, "Cyber warfare- Steganography vs. Steganalysis," Commun.ACM, vol. 47, no. 10, pp. 76-82, 2004. [3] X. Zhang and S. Wang, "Steganography using multiplebase notational system and human vision sensitivity," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 12, pp. 67-70, Jan. 2005. [4] M. Kutter and S. Winkler, "A vision-based masking model for spread- spectrum image watermarking," IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. II,pp. 16-25, Jan. 2002. [5] H. Noda, J. Spaulding, M. N. Shirazi, and E. Kawaguchi, "Application of bit-plane decomposition steganography to JPEG2000 encoded images," IEEE Signal Processing Lett., vol. 9, no. 12, pp. 410-413, Dec. 2002. S.Premkumar, R.Swathiramya |
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19. | Segmentation of MRI Brain Image Using Fuzzy C Means For Brain Tumor Diagnosis
Segmentation of MRI Brain Image Using Fuzzy C Means For Brain Tumor DiagnosisAbstract: Image segmentation aims to separate the structure of interest objects from the background and the other objects. Many good approaches have been developed to segmentation of brain MR images, among them the fuzzy c-mean (FCM) algorithm is widely used in MR images segmentation. Cluster analysis identifies groups of similar objects and therefore helps in discovering distribution of patterns in large data sets. Fuzzy C-means (FCM) is most widely used fuzzy clustering algorithm for real world applications. However accuracy of this algorithm for abnormal brains with edema, tumor, etc is not efficient because of limitation in initialization of this algorithm. In this paper, we have proposed an ant colony algorithm to improve the efficiency of fuzzy c-means clustering. The proposed algorithm is tested in medical images.Key words: Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), FIS technique, Fuzzy C-Means, Ant Colony Optimization Reference [1] Xianyi Cheng, Xiangpu Gong, ‗An image segmentation of fuzzy C-means clustering based on the combination of improved Ant Colony Algorithm and Genetic Algorithm', 2008 International Workshop on Education Technology and Training, IEEE Computer Society. [2] Dr. M. Karnan & K. Selvanayaki, ‗Improved implementation of brain MRI image segmentation using Meta Heuristic Algorithms', 2010 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research. [3] Myung-Eun Lee, Soo-Hyung Kim, ‗Segmentation of brain MR image using Ant Colony Optimization algorithm', 2009 Ninth IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering. [4] R. Samet , M. Namazov, ― Using Fuzzy Sets For Filtering Topographic Map Images ‖, Appl. Comput. Math. 7 (2008), No.2, Pp.242-254. [5] Nutan Y.Suple , Sudhir M. Kharad, ― Basic Approach To Image Contrast Enhancement With Fuzzy Inference Sytem ‖, International Journal Of Scientific And Research Publications, Volume 3, Issue 6, June 2013, ISSN 2250-3153. Sayali D. Gahukar, Dr. S.S. Salankar |
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20. | Direct Vector Control of Induction Motor Based on Sinusoidal PWM Inverter with Fuzzy Logic Controller
Direct Vector Control of Induction Motor Based on Sinusoidal PWM Inverter with Fuzzy Logic ControllerAbstract: This paper presents the speed control scheme of direct vector control of Induction Motor drive (IM drive). The Fuzzy logic controller is (FLC) used as the controller part here for the direct vector control of Induction Motor using Sinusoidal PWM Inverter (SPWM). Fuzzy logic controller has become a very popular controlling scheme in the field of Industrial application. The entire module of this IM is divided into several parts such as IM body module, Inverter module, coordinate transformation module and Sinusoidal pulse width modulation (SPWM) production module and so on. With the help of this module we can analyze a variety of different simulation waveforms, which provide an effective means for the analysis and design of the IM control system using FLC technique.Key words: IM drive system, Mathematical model of IM drive, Vector control, Fuzzy Logic speed Controller Reference [1] Minh Ta-Cao, J.L. Silva Neto, Hoang Le-Huy, "Fuzzy logic based controller for induction motor drives", IEEE IECON Record 1996 PP. 631-634. [2] Sanjiv Kumar Bhim Singh J.K.Chatterjee, "Fuzzy Logic based speed controller for Vector Controlled Cage Induction Motor Drive", IEEE 1998/0-7803-4886-9/98 [3] Norman Mariun, Samsul Bahari Mohd Noor, Jasronita Jasni, Omar S. Bennanes, "A Fuzzy Logic Based Controller for an Indirect Vector Controlled Three-Phase Induction Motor", IEEE 2004/0-7803-8560-8/04. [4] Tejavathu Ramesh, Anup Kumar Panda, "Direct Flux and Torque control of three phase Induction Motor drive Using PI and Fuzzy Logic Controller for speed Regulator and low torque ripple", IEEE 2012/978-4673-0455-9/12. [5] J.holtz, "Sensorless control of Induction Motor Drives" Procedings of IEEE, Vol.90.No 8, August 2002,PP 1359-1394 Nirban Chakraborty, Kaushik Jash, Prof. Pradip Kumar Saha, Prof. Goutam Kumar Panda |
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21. | Comparative Study between PI and Fuzzy Logic Controller Based Power Factor Correction and THD Minimization using Interleaved Boost Converter
Comparative Study between PI and Fuzzy Logic Controller Based Power Factor Correction and THD Minimization using Interleaved Boost ConverterAbstract: Boost converter is most widely used as active power factor due to its ability of drawing continuous input current which can be manipulated by current mode control technique. However boost power factor corrector suffers from the problem of presence of ripples in the input current. This problem can be overcome by using interleaved boost converter. In this paper power factor correction and THD minimization is performed by interleaved boost converter controlled by average current mode control by using two different controllers. Here at first simulation is performed by PI controller and thereafter fuzzy controller is used and comparison of performance of two controllers is discussed.Key words: Interleaved boost converter, Fuzzy controller, PI controller, Power Factor, THD. Reference [1] Muhammad H. Rashid, Power Electronics Handbook (Academic Press, 2001). [2] Brad Bryant, Member, IEEE, and Marian K. Kazimierczuk, Fellow, IEEE, Modeling the Closed-Current Loop of PWM Boost DC–DC Converters Operating in CCM with Peak Current-Mode Control, IEEE Transactions on circuit and systems—I: regular papers, vol. 52, no. 11, November 2005. [3] Wei Ma, Mingyu Wang, Shuxi Liu, Shan Li, and Peng Yu, Stabilizing the Average-Current-Mode-Controlled Boost PFC Converter via Washout-Filter-Aided Method IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-II, Express Briefs, vol. 58, no. 9, September 2011. [4] Laszlo Huber, Member, IEEE, Brian T. Irving, and Milan M. Jovanovic´, Fellow, IEEE, Open-Loop Control Methods for Interleaved DCM/CCM Boundary Boost PFC Converters, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 23, no. 4, July 2008. [5] M. S Jayakumar, Ajeesh G, A High Efficient High Input Power Factor Interleaved Boost Converter, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), vol.2, no. 3, june 2012, pp 339-344, ISSN: 2088-8708. Saubhik Maulik, Prof. Pradip Kumar Saha, Prof. Goutam Kumar Panda |
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22. | Secure Cloud StorageForPrivacy-Preserving Public Audit
Secure Cloud StorageForPrivacy-Preserving Public AuditAbstract: eIn Cloud Environment, using cloud storage service, users can remotely store their data and enjoy the on-demand high-quality applications and services from a shared pool of configurable computing resources, without the burden of local data storage and maintenance. However, the fact that users no longer have physical possession of the outsourced data makes the data integrity protection in cloud computing a formidable task, especially for users with constrained computing resources. Moreover, users should be able to just use the cloud storage as if it is local, without worrying about the need to verify its integrity. Thus, enabling public auditability for cloud storage is of critical importance so that users can resort to a third-party auditor (TPA) to check the integrity of outsourced data and be worry free. To securely introduce an effective TPA, the auditing process should bring in no new vulnerabilities toward user data privacy, and introduce no additional online burden to user. In this paper, we propose a secure cloud storage system supporting privacy-preserving public auditing. We further extend our result to enable the TPA to perform audits for multiple users simultaneously and efficiently. Extensive security and performance analysis show the proposed schemes are provably secure and highly efficient.Reference [1] Q. Wang, C. Wang, K. Ren, W. Lou, and J. Li, "Enabling Public Auditability and Data Dynamics for Storage Security in Cloud Computing," IEEE Trans. Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 847-859, May 2011. [2] G. Ateniese, R. Burns, R. Curtmola, J. Herring, L. Kissner, Z. Peterson, and D. Song, "Provable Data Possession at Untrusted Stores," Proc. 14th ACM Conf. Computer and Comm. Security (CCS '07), pp. 598-609, 2007. 3] M.A. Shah, R. Swaminathan, and M. Baker, "Privacy-Preserving Audit and Extraction of Digital Contents," Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report 2008/186, 2008. [4] C. Wang, K. Ren, W. Lou, and J. Li, "Towards Publicly Auditable Secure Cloud Data Storage Services," IEEE Network Magazine, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 19-24, July/Aug. 2010. [5] M.A. Shah, M. Baker, J.C. Mogul, and R. Swaminathan, "Auditing to Keep Online Storage Services Honest," Proc. 11th USENIX Workshop Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HotOS '07), pp. 1-6, 2007. ShekhAhamadhusen D., Prof. Rahul Deshmukh |
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23. | Performance Investigation of Plate Type Heat Exchanger (A Case
Performance Investigation of Plate Type Heat Exchanger (A Case Study)Abstract: Heat exchanger is a thermodynamic system which is most commonly used in the process industry for exchanging heat energy between the fluids. flowing in the same or opposite direction. It is desired that effectiveness of heat exchanger should remain as large as possible. Heat exchanger's performance may be improved by the addition of fins or corrugations. These investigations include design of plate type heat exchanger, heat transfer enhancement, flow phenomenon and cleanliness factor. In process plants, this type of heat exchange is generally used for recovering heat content of exhaust steam. However, with the flow of fluid for a long period, fouling occurs on the plate surface. Therefore, it is required to investigate the effect of fouling, wherever the heat exchanger is installed. An extensive experimental investigation has been carried out under clean and dirty condition of the said plate type heat exchanger. Heat transfer and flow data were collected in experiment. From collected data heat transfer rate, overall heat transfer coefficient, fouling factor and cleanliness factor were evaluated. Based upon the cleanliness factor data, next date of cleanliness for plate type heat exchanger was predicted. It is felt that the outcome of the present research work may be quite useful for efficient operation of plate type heat exchanger installed in Process plants.Key words: Plate type heat exchanger, Fouling factor, Cleanliness factor Reference [1]. Bott T.R., 1995. Heat Exchanger Cleaning. Fouling of Heat Exchanger, Vol. 4, 357-407. [2]. Butterworth D., 2002. Design of Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers when the Fouling Depends on Local Temperature and Velocity. HTFS, Vol. 22, 789–801. [3]. Bohnet M., 1987. Fouling of Heat Transfer Surfaces. Chemical Engineering Technology, Vol. 4, 77-82. [4]. Coletti F., Macchietto S. T., 2010. Effects of Fouling on Performance of Retrofitted Heat Exchanger Networks. European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, Vol. 30, 323-329. [5]. Cunault C., Burton C.H., Pourcher A.M., 2013. The Impact of Fouling on the Process Performance of the Thermal Treatment of Pig Slurry using Tubular Heat Exchangers. Journal of Environmental Management, Vol. 117, 253-262. Simarpreet Singh, Sanjeev Jakhar |
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24. | Optimal Multilevel Control for Large Scale Interconnected Systems
Optimal Multilevel Control for Large Scale Interconnected SystemsAbstract: A mathematical model of the finishing mill as an example of a large scale interconnected dynamical system is represented. First the system response due to disturbance only is presented. Then,the control technique applied to the finishing hot rolling steel mill is the optimal multilevel control using state feedback. An optimal controller is developed based on the integrated system model, but due to the complexity of the controllers and tremendous computational efforts involved, a multilevel technique is used in designing and implementing the controllers .The basis of the multilevel technique is described and a computational algorithm is discussed for the control of the finishing mill system . To reduce the mass storage , memory requirements and the computational time of the processor, a sub-optimal multilevel technique is applied to design the controllers of the finishing mill . Comparison between these controllers and conclusion is presented.Reference [1] Sage, A.p.1977. methodologies for large-scale system.McGraw-Hill , New York. [2] Siljak ,D.D.1978.Large scale Dynamic System.Elsevier north Holland, New York. [3] G.M.Aly,M.M.Aziz and M.A.R. Ghonaimy "Optimal Multilevel Control of Hot Rolling Steel Mills ." ,Ain-Shams University, Cairo, Egypt. , M.Sc.Thesis,Ain-Shams University, Egypt ,1973 [4] M.M.Aziz , "Automatic Control of Steel Mills.", M.Sc.Thesis,Ain-Shams University, Egypt ,1973 [5] P.Sannuti , Near Optimum Design Of Time-Lag Systems by Singular perturbation Method",Proc.JACC,1970. Ahmed M. A. Alomar, Bakr E. M. Shamseldin |
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25. | Preventing Covert Channel Attacks By Using Software Agents
Preventing Covert Channel Attacks By Using Software AgentsAbstract: Information sharing and their protection is a major problem for organisations having sensitive data. Shared resources are utilized by the covert channel for indirectly transmit sensitive information to unauthorized parties. For security purpose some mechanism such as seLINUX rely on the tagging the file system with access control properties. Such mechanism does not provide strong protection so colored LINUX, an extension to seLINUX is used to "color" the content of the file according to security classification to enhance resistance information laundering. In this paper we discuss about the mobile agent based approach to provide the environment to automate the process of detecting and coloring the respective file system(host) and monitoring the colored file system for instance of potential information leakage.Key words: covert channel, information laundering, information leakage, notify, overwhelming Reference [1.] National Computer Security Center. "A Guide to Understanding Covert Channel Analysis of Trusted Systems" NCSC-TG-30, November 1993, http://www.radium.ncsc.mil/tpep/library/rainbow [2.] A. Melek and M. MacKinnon, "2006 Global Security Survey. Research Report" Deloitte2006. http://www.deloitte.com [3.] H. Okhravi and S. Bak, "Colored LINUX: Covert Channel Resistant OS Information Flow Security", [4.] http://www.mobilec.org/ [5.] Trusted platform module (tpm) summary Https://www.trustedcomputinggroup.org/.../trusted_platform_module_tp. Deepika Sonal, D.Kiranmayi |
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26. | Text Recognition from an Image
Text Recognition from an ImageAbstract: To achieve high speed in data processing it is necessary to convert the analog data into digital data. Storage of hard copy of any document occupies large space and retrieving of information from that document is time consuming. Optical character recognition system is an effective way in recognition of printed character. It provides an easy way to recognize and convert the printed text on image into the editable text. It also increases the speed of data retrieval from the image. The image which contains characters can be scanned through scanner and then recognition engine of the OCR system interpret the images and convert images of printed characters into machine-readable characters [8].It improving the interface between man and machine in many applications.Reference [1] Optical Character Recognition using Neural Networks Deepayan Sarkar University of Wisconsin MadisonECE 539 Project, Fall 2003. [2] "Evaluation of OCR Algorithms for Images with Different Spatial Resolutions and Noises" School of Information Technology and Engineering Faculty of Engineering University of Ottawa©Qing Chen, Ottawa, Canada, 2003. [3] "A Neural Network Implementation of Optical Character Recognition" Technical Report Number CSSE10-05 COMP 6600 – Artificial Intelligence Spring 2009. [4] "Optical Character Recognition Techniques: A Survey" Sukhpreet Singh M.tech Student, Dept. of Computer Engineering, YCOE Talwandi Sabo BP. India. [5] OCR System: A Literature Survey Shrinath Janvalkar, Paresh Manjrekar, Sarvesh Pawar, Prof. Laxman Naik |
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27. | Design of ANFIS Controller for Quadruple-Tank Interacting System
Design of ANFIS Controller for Quadruple-Tank Interacting SystemAbstract: This work deals with the design and simulation of an adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system(ANFIS) for controlling the level of the Quadruple Tank interacting system. The advantage of using ANFIS is that it trains the data and computes the membership functions parameters that best allows the associated fuzzy inference system to track the given input/output data. Since Quadruple-Tank is one of the benchmark MIMO system, in this work conventional PI, MPC (Model Predictive Control) and ANFIS controller were carried out. Initially independent PI controller were applied using BLT (Biggest Log – Modulus Tuning) method and module had developed, trained to a membership function. The conventional PI controllers are replaced with ANFIS controller, interaction between different tank is difficult to control it's level. The performance of the control strategy is studied on the control of Quadruple-Tank problem. The results confirmed the control quality improvement with MPC and PI controller.Key words: ANFIS,MPC,NeuralModeling,PIcontroller,Quadruple-Tank Reference [1] R. Sivakumar, K. Balu, ANFIS based Distillation Column Control, International Journal of Computer Applications Specialissue on Evolutionary Computation, (2), 2010, 67-73. [2] Pedram Hjiani, Javad Poshtan,Reconfigurable Controller Design for Actuator Faults in a Four-tank System Benchmark, International Journal of Instrumentation and Control system(IJICS), (2), 2012, 69-76. [3] R.Sivakumar, C. Sahana, P.A. Savitha, Design of ANFIS based Estimation and Control for MIMO system, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), 2(3), 2012, 2803-2809. [4] Vanamane V. S, Patel N. V, Modeling and Controller Design for Quadruple Tank System, Proc. of the intl. conf. on Advances in Computer, Electronics and Electrical Engineering,(1), 2010, 498-502. [5] Ademu Victor Okpanachi, Developing Advanced Control strategies for a 4-Tank Laboratory Process, Hans-Petter Halvorsen, Telemark University College, Norway, M.sc, 2010. R. Sivakumar, H. Muthu, R. Siddhardhan |
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28. | Cloud services with cataloging
Cloud services with catalogingAbstract: In today's fast paced world, information and communication technologies are dramatically transforming our society. Now a days, cloud computing is fast growing technology in the computer as well as information technology field. It is a recent innovation that is helping the computing industry in distributed computing. Cloud computing is a variety of different types of computing concepts that involve a large number of computers connected through a real-time communication network. The term cloud computing implies access to remote computing services offered by third parties via a TCP/ IP connection to the public internet. Cloud computing allows the organizations to consolidate several hardware resources into one physical device. Cataloguing is most important in cloud computing because of anyone can access limited data as per requirements. Cloud provides so many services such as uploading and downloading data, sharing of data in group, group chat, different software etc. This concept is similar to the billing of the electricity, gas, internet services etc. as per client need. This paper is also, more commonly used to describe the network-based services which appear to provide by real server, which in fact are served up by virtual machine, simulated by software running on one or more real machines with cataloguing services.Key words: Cataloguing, Cloud computing Reference [1] Michael Miller, "CLOUD COMPUTING" Web based application that changes the way you work and collaborate online, 4th edition, PEARSON publication, 2008. [2] Roger Jennings, "Cloud Computing with the Windows Azure Platform", Wiley Publication, 2011. [3] "The need for service catalog design in cloud services development" by cisco publication 2011. [4] David E.Y. SARNA, "Implementing and Developing Cloud Computing Applications", CRC Press, 2010. [5] W. T. Tsai and Yinong Chen, "Introduction to Service Oriented Computing", 2006 Sagar M. Gurav, Rohit R. Wadkar, Rohit E. Shelar, Nilesh R. Khochare |
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29. | Investigation of Manufacturing Residual Stresses in Cold Formed Truck Frame Rail Sections
Investigation of Manufacturing Residual Stresses in Cold Formed Truck Frame Rail SectionsAbstract: Series of manufacturing processes such as coiling-uncoiling, cold forming and hole cutting processes involved in the making of truck frame rail sections leave certain amount of manufacturing imperfections into the frame rail. As the manufacturing imperfections in the form of residual stresses play a significant role in determining the dynamic structural behavior of truck frame rail members, a careful assessment of residual stresses resulting from coiling-uncoiling and cold forming processes is needed. In the present investigation, non-linear Finite Element (FE) simulation of coiling-uncoiling and cold forming processes were carried out and the resulting residual stresses in frame rail corner, flat web and flange sections were compared with the experimentally measured residual stress values using X-ray diffraction technique. It is observed that in corner sections, the numerically predicted residual stresses are in close agreement with the experimentally measured residual stresses in forming (transverse) direction. In the direction perpendicular to forming (longitudinal direction), while the trends of numerical and experimental residual stresses are observed to follow the same pattern, some deviation in stress values are observed in the inner half of the corner sections. As the coiling-uncoiling process is the main cause for the residual stress presence in flat web and flange sections, the computed coiling-uncoiling residual stresses in longitudinal directions are compared with experimentally measured residual stresses in frame web sections and the trends are observed to be in good agreement. Whereas the magnitudes of coiling-uncoiling residual stresses in transverse direction are found to be very low and considered to be insignificant for the comparative analysis. These residual stresses along with corresponding equivalent plastic strains and virgin material properties in terms of stress-strain relationships can be considered as initial conditions for the accurate prediction of truck frame rail fatigue behavior.Key words: coiling-uncoiling, cold forming, plastic strain, residual Stress, Truck frame rail, x-ray diffraction. Reference [1] Quach W.M. "Residual stresses in cold-formed steel sections and their effect on column behavior", PhD thesis, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 2005. [2] Moen C.D., Igusa T. and Schafer B.W. "Prediction of residual stresses and strains in cold-formed steel members". Thin-Walled Structures, Vol.46, 2008. [3] Weng C.C. and White R.N., "Residual stresses in cold-bent thick steel plates", Journal of Structural Engg. ASCE, Vol.116 (1), 1990. [4] Weng C.C. and White R.N. "Cold-bending of thick high-strength steel plates". Journal of Structural Engg, ASCE, Vol.116 (1), 1990. [5] Batista E.M. and Rodrigues F.C., "Residual stress measurements on cold formed profiles", Experimental Techniques, Vol.16 (5), 1992. Dr. Chinnaraj K., Dr. Sathya Prasad M., Prof. Lakshmana Rao C. and Nantha Kumar M. |
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1. | Detection and Control of Vampire Attacks in Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks
Detection and Control of Vampire Attacks in Ad-Hoc Wireless NetworksAbstract: Ad-hoc low-power wireless networks are the most promising research direction in sensing and pervasive computing. Prior security work in this area has focused primarily on denial of service at the routing or medium access control levels. Earlier, the resource depletion attacks are considered only as a routing problem, very recently these are classified in to a new group called "vampire attacks". This thesis work explores the identification of resource depletion attacks at the routing protocol layer and in the application layer, which permanently disable networks by quickly draining nodes' battery power. These Vampire attacks are not specific to a particular protocol, but rather rely on the properties of many popular classes of routing protocols. It is clear that all examined protocols are susceptible to Vampire attacks, which are devastating, difficult to detect, and are easy to carry out using as few as one malicious insider sending only protocol compliant messages. In the worst case, a single Vampire can increase network-wide energy usage by a factor of O(N), where N in the number of network nodes. In this work a detection and control strategy is proposed for these vampire attacks, along with a secure packet forwarding mechanism, which will save Ad-hoc wireless nodes from power drainage due to vampire packets.Key words: Vampire attack, Wireless Ad-Hoc network power drainage, PLGPa etc. Reference [1] E Y Vasserman , N Hopper ,Vampire Attacks: Draining life from wireless Ad hoc sensor networks, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing,volume 12, issue 2 , published on feb 2013(pages 318-332) [2] Bryan Parno, Mark Luk, Evan Gaustad, and Adrian Perrig, Secure sensor network routing: A clean-slate approach, CoNEXT, 2006. [3] INSENS: Intrusion-tolerant routing for wireless sensor networks, Computer Communications 29 (2006), no. 2. [4] Imad Aad, Jean-Pierre Hubaux, and Edward W. Knightly, Denial of service resilience in ad hoc networks, MobiCom, 2004. [5] Gergely Acs, Levente Buttyan, and Istvan Vajda, Provably secure on demand source routing in mobile ad hoc networks, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 05 (2006), no. 11. Anoopa S, Sudha S K |
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2. | Capacity Managed Adaptive Videostreaming Based On Peer Cache Adaptation Mechanism
Capacity Managed Adaptive Videostreaming Based On Peer Cache Adaptation MechanismAbstract: Tolimit the crash against users demand for smooth video, clear audio, andperformance levels specified and guaranteed by contractquality, an innovative approach to face these challenges in streaming media is considered. Here a new idea of boosting the capacity of seed servers to serve more receivers in peer to peer data streaming systems is focused .These servers complement the limited upload capacity offered by peers. The peer requests for a data segment is handled by the server or another peer with a seeding capacity of any finite number with a local cache attached in each peer, which enable the peer to temporarily store the data once requested,so it can be directly fetched by some other node near to the peer without accessing the server there by improving the performance of rendering data. The capacity of the cache in each peer can be designed based on popularity of the segment in cache. Once the peers are cached the peer , data segment request are handled by performing a distributed hash table search strategy, and seed servers boost the capacity of each peer based on utility to cost factor computed each time till it exceeds the seeding capacity. Apart from this selfish peers connected in system can be traced to check for unfaithful peers. This system efficiently allocates the peer resources there by considering the server bandwidth constraints.Key words: peer to peer streaming systems, resource allocation,scalable video streams Reference [1] K. Mokhtarian and M. Hefeeda,A Capacity Management of Seed Servers in Peer-to- Peer Streaming Systems With Scalable Video Streams,IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol. 15, no.1, January 2013. [2] Annapureddy,S.Guha,C.Gkantsidis,D.Gunawardena,andP.Ro driguez,Exploring VoDinP2Pswarmingsystems,inProc.IEEE INFOCOM'07,Anchorage,AK,May2007,pp.2571–2575. [3] M.HefeedaandC. Hsu,Rate-distortionoptimizedstreamingoffine grainedscalablevideosequences,ACM Trans.MultimediaComput., Commun.,Appl.(TOMCCAP),vol.4,no.1,pp.2:1–2:28,Jan.2008. [4] X.Hei,C.Liang,J.Liang,Y.Liu,andK.Ross,Ameasurementstudy ofalarge-scaleP2PIPTVsystem,IEEETrans.Multimedia, vol.9, no.8,pp.1672–1687,Dec.2007. [5] O.Hillestad,A.Perkis,V.Genc,S.Murphy,andJ.Murphy,Adaptive H.264/MPEG-4SVCvideooverIEEE802.16broadbandwirelessnet- works,in Proc.PacketVideoWorkshop(PV'07),Lausanne,Switzer- land,Nov. 2007, pp.26–35. Seema Safar, Sudha S K |
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3. | Detection of Stuck at Fault Indigital Circuits at Register Transfer Logic (RTL)
Detection of Stuck at Fault Indigital Circuits at Register Transfer Logic (RTL)Abstract: Due to the increasing complexity of modern circuit design, verification has become the major bottleneck of the entire design process. Most efforts are to verify the correctness of the initial Register-Transfer Level (RTL) descriptions written in Hardware Description Language (HDL).Major drawback of high level design methodologies such as RTL can be seen in the following facts. First, they lack of sufficiently precise fault models - compared to sophisticated models available for low level description levels such as logic gate level. Second, since the structure of a design changes significantly with every logic synthesis run, testability analysis is typically performed only after final logic synthesis.So in this paper, we detect the stuck-at fault using the concept of textio.Key words: stuck-atfaults; fault coverage ;testpoints; validation sets Reference [1] R. C. Ho and M. A. Horowitz, "Validation coverageanalysis for complex digital designs," in Proc. Int. Conf. Comput.-Aided Des., Nov. 1996. [2] I. Ghosh, A. Raghunathan, and N. K. Jha, "A design for testability technique of RTL circuits using control/data flow extraction," in Proc. Int. Conf. Comput.-Aided Des., Nov. 1996. [3] D. J. Moundanos, J. A. Abraham, and Y. V. Hoskote, "Abstraction techniques for validation coverageanalysis and test generation," IEEE Trans. Comput. Jan. 1998. [4] IndradeepGhosh and Srivaths Ravi, "On AutomaticGeneration of RTL Validation Test BenchesUsing Circuit Testing Techniques" Fujitsu Laboratories of America, Sunnyvale, CA 94086,NECLaboratoriesAmerica, Princeton, NJ 08540, 2001. [5] IndradeepGhosh and MasahiroFujita, "Automatic Test Pattern Generation for FunctionalRegister-Transfer Level Circuits UsingAssignmentDecisionDiagrams" ieee transactions on computer-aided design of integrated circuits and systems, vol. 20, no. 3, march 2001. Ms. Nainaa. Udgedr, S. A. Ladhake, Prof. P. D. Gawande |
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4. | Survey on Contrast Enhancement Techniques for Medical X-Ray Images to Highlight The Abnormalities
Survey on Contrast Enhancement Techniques for Medical X-Ray Images to Highlight The AbnormalitiesAbstract: When medical X-rays are sent to certified radiologists for interpretation, accuracy of the results is strongly affected by poor contrast and high percentage of noise. It is thus necessary to develop suitable contrast enhancement techniques which not only highlights the Region of Interest but also removes the inherent noise from radiographs. Considerable research is cited in the literature to improve the visibility of abnormality in low contrast x-ray images. In this paper, a detailed literature survey on the various techniques used in spatial, frequency and spectral domains for contrast enhancement is presented.Key words: Medical radiographs, Histogram, Butterworth, Gaussian, Haar Reference [1] Faisel G.Mohammed, Huda M.Rada, Sega G. Mohammed, 2013, Contrast and Brightness Enhancement for Low Medical X-Ray Images, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 5, May-2013. ISSN 2229-5518. [2] G.N.Sarage, Dr.SagarJambhorkar, 2012, Enhancement of Chest X-Ray images Using Filtering Techniques, Volume 2, Issue 5, May 2012 ISSN: 2277 128X. [3] R.B.Tiwari, A.R.Yardi, 2012, Dental x-ray image enhancement based on human visual system and local image statistics. [4] Ritika, (2012), A Novel Approach for Local Contrast Enhancement of Medical Images using Mathematical Morphology, IRACST - International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology & Security (IJCSITS), ISSN: 2249-9555 Vol. 2, No.2, April 2012. [5] Ying Shen and Weihua Zhu,(2013), Medical Image Processing using A Machine Vision-based Approach, International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Vol. 6, No. 3, June, 2013. Godwin D., Edward Stephen Prasanth, Krishna Kumar S., Kishan Kumar K, Chitra P., Nandhitha N.M |
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5. | Remote Configuration Monitoring of Autonomous Information Processing Machine on LAN.
Remote Configuration Monitoring of Autonomous Information Processing Machine on LAN.Abstract: Remote Information Configuration is advanced software for capturing automatically the configuration of Computers available in the LAN. The software will collect all the configuration of computers in the network and store the information in the Data Base. The configuration such as the Processor, Memory such as RAM and Hard Disk, System Software and Application software installed will be captured from remote and stored in the Data Base with the timestamp. Any change in the configuration will be captured on time to time basis and updated; this will bring in a change management control of the components. Provision for manual recording of owner of the computer asset and location details will be provided for Asset Management. This module will also include the process of allotment of asset, removal of asset, re-allotment of asset, new asset request management, asset procurement planning.Key words: LAN, IP address, MAC address, psInfo, psexec Sigar, JAR file Reference [1] Harsh Mittal, Manoj Jain and Latha Banda, Monitoring Local area Network using remote method invocation , International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computng, vol. 2, Issue. 5, May 2013 [2] T Rajat Y Joshi and Ashish Gupta, programmatically connecting to remote systems, Java Technology Community, no. 2, November 2012 [3] Samir Kumar Sarangi and Dr. Vivek Jaglan, Performance Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms on Integration of Clustering and Classification Techniques. Proceedings International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Computational and Applied Sciences, 2013 [4] Dinesh C. Verma, Simplifying Network Administration Using Policy-Based Management, IEEE Network, March/April 2002. [5] J. Han and M. Kamber, ―Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques,‖ Morgan Kaufmann, 2000. Hema Thomas |
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6. | High Security Masked AES Based On Retina Image as a Key
High Security Masked AES Based On Retina Image as a KeyAbstract: In order to protect "data-at-rest" in storage area networks from the risk of differential power analysis attacks without degrading performance, a high-throughput masked advanced encryption standard (AES) engine is proposed. However this engine adopts an unrolling technique which requires extremely large field programmable gate array (FPGA) resources. In this brief, we aim to optimize the area for masked AES with an unrolled architecture. We achieve this by mapping its operations from GF (28) to GF (24) as much as possible. We reduce the number of mapping for GF (28) to GF (24) and inverse mapping for GF (24) to GF (28) operations of the masked SubBytes step from ten to one. In order to be compatible, the masked Mixcolumns, masked AddRoundKey, and masked ShiftRows including the redundant masking values carried over GF (24). BRAM in FPGA block can be used to reduce hardware resources and with this we can achieve 40.9-Gbits/s.Key words: Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), Masking, field programmable gate array (FPGA), Throughput Reference [1] Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), FIPS-197, Nat. Inst. of Standards and Technol., 2001. [2] P. Kocher, J. Jaffe, and B. Jun, "Differential power analysis," in Proc. CRYPTO, 1999, vol. LNCS 1666, pp. 388 397. [3] L. Goubin and J. Patarin, "DES and differential power analysis (the "duplication‟ method)," in Proc. CHES LNCS, 1999, vol. 1717, pp. 158–172. [4] S. Messerges, "Securing the AES finalists against power analysis attacks," in Proc. FSE LNCS, 2000, vol. 1978, pp. 150–164 [5] A. Jaya Lakshmi, I. Ramesh Babu, "Design of security key Generation algorithm using Fingerprint based Biometric Modality", ISSN: 2250-3021, Vol 2, Feb 2012. N. Balachandrarao, S. Parvathi Nair |
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7. | Auto Adjusting Astronomical Telescope
Auto Adjusting Astronomical TelescopeAbstract: Astronomical telescope is powerful and basic tool for star or celestial observation. Here we proposed integrated system using Raspberry Pi for auto adjusting astronomical telescope. This integrated circuit helps to control stellar monitoring, stellar targeting, and tracking functions of telescope. Astro compass gives the direction of the celestial objects.Key words: Astro Compass, Online stellar Database, Python Language, Raspberry Pi. Reference [1] Kenzi Watanabe, Hisaharu Tanaka, Makoto Otani, Misami Okyudo "The Simple and Compact Remote Telescope System" 2010 International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems, 2010, 1129-1134. [2] JOEL GREENE, "The Celestial Tracker as an Astro Compass", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AEROSPACE AND NAVIGATIONAL ELECTRONICS, 1963, 221-235. [3] Jitong Chen, Lingquan Meng, Xiaonan Wang, Chenhui Wang "An Integrated System for Astronomical Telescope Based on Stellarium"2011 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computer Control (ICACC 2011), 2011, 431-434. [4] J. Lee, J. E. Kim, G. W. Na, J. A. Jeon, S. Jeong, A. Jung, H. Y. Lee, J. W. Nam, J. E. Suh, Garik Garipov, Pavel Klimov, Boris A. Khrenov, Mikhile I. Panasyuk, Nikolay N. Vedenkin, and I. H. Park "A New Type of Space Telescope for Observation of Extreme Lightning Phenomena in the Upper Atmosphere" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, VOL. 50, NO. 10, OCTOBER 2012, 2012, 3941-3949. [5] Shiwei Tian, Guangxia Li, Jiang Chang, Zhiqiang Li, "COMPASS Augmentation using LEO Telecommunication Satellites" 2010 International Conference on Communications and Intelligence Information Security, 2010, 192-195. Rohit R. Ghalsasi, Prof. N. D. Dhoot |
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8. | Comparative Study of Apriori Algorithm Performance on Different Datasets
Comparative Study of Apriori Algorithm Performance on Different DatasetsAbstract: Data Mining is known as a rich tool for gathering information and apriori algorithm is most widely used approach for association rule mining. To harness this power of mining, the study of performance of apriori algorithm on various data sets has been performed. Using Java as platform implementation of Apriori Algorithm has been done and analysis is done based on some of the factors like relationship between number of iterations and number of instances between different kinds of data sets. Conclusion is supported with graphs at the end of the paper.Key words: Association Rule Mining, Confidence, Data Mining, Data Warehousing, Knowledge Discovery Process Reference [1] A Comparative study of Association rule Mining Algorithm – Review Cornelia Győrödi*, Robert Győrödi*, prof. dr. ing. Stefan Holban [2] Image Processing and Image Mining using Decision Trees - KUN-CHE LU AND DON-LIN YANG [3] IMAGE MINING TECHNIQUES: A LITERATURE SURVEY - Mahendra S.Makesar [4] An Experiential Survey on Image Mining Tools, Techniques and Applications – C. Laxmi Devasena [5] http://ijana.in/papers/6.11.pdf Prof. Prashasti Kanikar, Twinkle Puri, Binita Shah, Ishaan Bajaj, Binita Parekh |
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9. | Physics and Simulation of Diffusive Transport in Nanoscale Transistors MESFET Device Ga0.49 In0.51P Using Monte Carlo Method of Electronic Transport
Physics and Simulation of Diffusive Transport in Nanoscale Transistors MESFET Device Ga0.49 In0.51P Using Monte Carlo Method of Electronic TransportAbstract: The field of microelectronics has made surprising advances in the last decade, mainly pushed by the enormous progress in semiconductor technology. Such a reduction of dimensions allows the fabrication of chips with more than one million components. In addition, it opens the way to new physical phenomena, which were not present in traditional structures. In this context, the Monte Carlo simulation has particular significance. This approach allowed conceiving applicable model for GaInP MESFET operating in the turn-one or pinch-off region, and valid for the short-channel and the long-channel GaInP MESFET, in which the two-dimensional potential distribution contributed by the depletion layer under the gate is obtained by conventional 1D approximationKey words: Monte Carlo simulation, transient electron transport, MESFET device, Reference [1] Zhibin Ren, Nanoscale Mosfets Physics Simulation and Design, Purdue University, p211, 2001. [2] Himadri Sekhar Pal, Device Physics Studies Of III-V and Silicon Mosfet For Digital Logic, Purdue University West Lafayette, Indiana Graduate School Form 20 (Revised 6/09), 127, December 2010. [3] Farzin Assad, Computational and Experimental Study of Transport In Advanced Silicon Devices, Purdue University, 174, December 1999. [4] Jung-Hoon Rhew, physics and simulation of Quasi-Ballistic Transport in Nanoscale Transistors, Purdue University, p144, 2003. [5] Gerhard Klimeck, Electron-Phonon and Electron-Electron Interactions in QuantumTransport, January, 1994 School of Electrical Engineering Purdue University West Lafayette, Indiana 47907-1285. Nourdine Massoum, Ahlem Guen Bouazza, Benyounes Bouazza, Chokria Sayah |
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10. | Voice and GPS Based Navigation System For Visually Impaired
Voice and GPS Based Navigation System For Visually ImpairedAbstract: The paper represents the architecture and implementation of a system that will help to navigate the visually impaired people. The system designed uses GPS and voice recognition along with obstacle avoidance for the purpose of guiding visually impaired. The visually impaired person issues the command and receives the direction response using audio signals. The latitude and longitude values are received continuously from the GPS receiver. The directions are given to the user with the help of audio signals. An obstacle detector is used to help the user to avoid obstacles by sending an audio message.GPS receivers use NMEA standard. With the advancement in voice recognition it becomes easier to issue commands regarding directions to the visually impaired.Key words: GPS, navigation system, visually impaired, voice recognition, ARM7 processor, NMEA protocol Reference [1] Somnath Koley, Ravi Mishra," VOICE OPERATED OUTDOOR NAVIGATION SYSTEM FOR VISUALLY IMPAIRED PERSONS", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology- Volume3Issue2- 2012 [2] 1999, K.Magatani, K.Yanashima et al. "The Navigation System for the Visually Impaired",Proceedings of the First Joint BMES/EMBS Conference, 652 [3] 2000, H.Yamasaki, K.Magatani et al. "Development of the Navigation System for the Visually Impaired", Proc. Of the World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, WE-A305-01 [4] 2008, Sakmongkon Chumkamon, Peranitti Tuvaphanthaphiphat, Phongsak Keeratiwintakorn, A Blind Navigation System Using RFID for Indoor Environments, Proceedings of ECTICON:765-768 [5] http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com /2007-10-11/india/27977420_1_avoidableblindness ophthalmologists-eye-diseases Harsha Gawari, Prof. Meeta Bakuli |
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11. | Face Recognition Based Door Lock System Using Opencv and C# with Remote Access and Security Features
Face Recognition Based Door Lock System Using Opencv and C# with Remote Access and Security FeaturesAbstract: This paper investigates the accuracy and effectiveness of the face detection and recognition algorithms using OpenCV and C# computer language. The adaboost algorithm [2] is used for face detection and PCA algorithm[1] is used for face recognition. This paper also investigates the robustness of the face recognition system when an unknown person is being detected, wherein the system will send an email to the owner of the system using SMTP [7]. The door lock can also be accessed remotely from any part of the world by using a Dropbox [8] account.Key words: Recognition, Detection, OpenCV, C#, Adaboost [2], PCA [1], SMTP [7] , Dropbox [8] . Reference [1] M. Turk and A. Pentland, "Eigenfaces for Recognition", Journal of Cognitive Neuro science, March 1991. [2] P. Viola and Michael J. Jones. "Robust real-time face detection", International Journal of Computer Vision, 57(2):137-154, 2004. [3] "The System of Face Detection Based on OpenCV" Xianghua Fan, Fuyou Zhang, Haixia Wang, Xiao Lu Key Laboratory for Robot & Intelligent Technology of Shandong Province, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266590 [4] "Facial feature detection using haar classifiers*"Phillip Ian Wilson Dr. John Fernandez Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi 6300 Ocean Dr. CI334, Corpus Christi, TX 78412 361-825-3622. [5] " Miner Face Detection is Based on Improved AdaBoost Algorithm "Chao JIANG ,Gu-yong HAN ,Lei TIAN ,Song LU, Wei-xing HUANG Air Force Service College XuZhou JiangSu China. Prathamesh Timse, Pranav Aggarwal, Prakhar Sinha, Neel Vora |
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12. | Comparative Study between PI and FUZZY Logic Speed Controller in Vector Controlled PMSM Drive
Comparative Study between PI and FUZZY Logic Speed Controller in Vector Controlled PMSM DriveAbstract: This paper is concerned with vector control of permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) using two different type of speed controller, one is PI controller and another is FUZZY logic controller. Although Proportional Integral Controller usually preferred as a speed controller due to its fixed gain and integral time constant but the performance of PI controller is affected by parameter variation, such as load changing, speed variation etc. In PI controller THD of the stator phase current is more and torque ripple also more. To avoid this problem here we used FUZZY logic controller. In this paper the mathematical model of PMSM, using the powerful simulation modeling capabilities of Matlab/Simulink is implemented. The entire PMSM control system is divided into several independent functional modules such as PMSM body module, inverter module and coordinate transformation module and Sinusoidal pulse width modulation (SPWM) production module and so on. Here we used two loops, one is outer loop known as speed control loop, another is inner loop called current loop. we can analyzed a variety of simulation waveforms and it provide an effective means for the analysis and design of the PMSM control system.Key words: FUZZY logic speed controller, Mathematical model of Permanent magnet synchronous motor, Park Transformation, Sinusoidal pulse width modulation, Vector control. Reference [1] Chen Junfeng, Permanent Magnet Motor[M], (Beijing, china Machine Press, 2002). [2] Zhonghui Zhang and Jiao Shu, Matlab based Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Vector Control Simulation, IEEE, 978-1-4244-5540-9/10. [3] Kaushik Jash, Prof. Pradip Kumar Saha and Prof. Goutam Kumar Panda, Vector Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Based On Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulated Inverter with Proportional Integral Controller, international Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 3, Issue 5, Sep-Oct 2013, pp.913-917. [4] J. N. Lygouras, P. N. Botsaris, J. Vourvoulakis, V. Kodogiannis, Fuzzy Logic Controller Implementation for a Solar Air Conditioning System, Applied Energy 84, vol. 20, pp. 1305-1318, 2007. [5] A. G. Aissaoui, M. Abid, H. Abid, A. Tahour, A. K. Zeblah, A Fuzzy Logic Controller for Synchronous Machine, Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 58, pp. 285-290, 2007. Kaushik Jash, Nirban Chakraborty, Prof. Pradip Kumar Saha, Prof. Goutam Kumar Panda |
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13. | Android Application Agriculture Decision Support System
Android Application Agriculture Decision Support SystemAbstract: Android mobile use in Agriculture is as the core components to more helpful to increase productivity of crops and indirectly to increase GDP of India reduce poverty. The main challenges for crop selection traditional methods. This is android application which will be useful for farmers & agricultural institutes for cultivation of various kind of crops in various type of atmosphere. This smart phone app is easy to use and in affordable cost which will suggest most probable matching crops to people according to weather condition. By this farmers can cultivate more suited crop and increase production ratio .Here application needed basic inputs like water availability in mm , average temperature , average soil Ph of farm , locality of farm , soil type etc so by certain calculation at backend this application will show most probable crops for that farm . It is one farmer's friend kind of application.Reference [1] Analysis of Trends in India's Agricultural Growth by Elumalai Kannan ,Sujata Sundaram ISBN 978-81-7791-132-9 [2] Policy Research Working Paper 4307 Crop Selection Adapting to Climage Change in Africa by Pradeep Kurukulasuriya Robert Mendelsohn [3] An Open Access Journal published by ICRISAT Changes in Climate will modify the Geography of Crop Suitability: Agricultural Biodiversity can help with Adaptation A Lane1 and A Jarvis2,3 1 Bioversity International, Via dei Tre Denari 472/a, 00057 Maccarese, Rome, Italy 2 Bioversity International, Regional Office for the Americas, c/o CIAT, AA6713, Cali, Colombia Ms Rachana P.Koli, Mr.Suhas D.Raut |
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14. | Automated Water Supply System and Water Theft Identification Using PLC and SCADA
Automated Water Supply System and Water Theft Identification Using PLC and SCADAAbstract: In today's world rapid growing urban residential areas, to avoid scarcity of water problems and requirements of consumers, therefore it is supposed to supply adequate water distribution networks are managed automatically. Along with this another problem in the water supply system is that public is using suction pumps to suck the water directly from the home street pipeline. The best way to improve the automation and monitoring architectures which contain a supervision and control system for the real time installation, programmable logic controllers with basic functions communication systems, standard interfaces or dedicated ones with proximity sensors, electrical drive elements, measuring devices, etc. In this project it is proposed to develop the PLC & SCADA based water monitoring and theft prevention. Control System is further coupled to SCADA unit .This paper focuses particularly to a control system for controlling and monitoring within a Water Distribution System. Process automation system based upon utilization of an industrial PLC and PC systems including all the network components represents the best way to improve the water distribution technological process.Key words: Analysis, Data Acquisition, Monitoring, PLC, SCADA Reference [1] Mrs. Gaikwad Sonali Ashok, "Water antitheft and quality monitoring system by using PLC and SCADA",International journal of electrical and electronic engineering research, ISSN 2250-155X vol3 issue 2 ,June 2013,pp-355-364. [2] Gouthaman.J, Bharathwajanprabhu.R & Srikanth.A "Automated urban drinking water supply control and water theft identification system" Proceeding of the 2011 IEEE Students' Technology Symposium14-16 January, 2011, IIT Kharagpur. [3] Stancil, Stoian, and kovacs "Urban water supply distributed system", Vol.3, pp.316-321, May 2004 [4] Mr.PrashantPalkar, Prof (Dr.)Shrinivas patil, Prof.Mrs.Pooja Belagali, Mr. Ashish Chougule "IOSR Journal of electronic and communication Engineering".ISSN:2278-2834,PP:36-38. [5] www.google.com Prof. Anubha Panchal, Ketakee Dagade, Shubhangi Tamhane, Kiran Pawar, Pradnya Ghadge |
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15. | Shape Optimization Of Front Axle Support Of Tractor
Shape Optimization Of Front Axle Support Of TractorAbstract: The front axle support of tractor is the part of tractor which holds the engine of tractor and also gives support to it and lies between engine and front axle of tractor. According to the present market demand of off highway vehicle the low cost and light weight vehicle is in demand to fulfill the requirement of cost efficient vehicle. In this paper analysis of front axle support is done for study of stress generated in the component and then after optimization of its shape and according to the shape its weight will also reduced. Considering the effect of forces acted on such a heavy parts in tractor designed by casting having dynamic loads of less frequency with greater amplitude may cause great damage to the component. According to the production techniques of components in tractor front axle requires a properly designed support with high stiffness. The design of component was modeled in Creo parametric 2.0 and the analysis was performed in solid works. Shape optimization technique is used for performing optimization cause miserable reduction in weight of connecting rod. The optimized component is 10.35% lighter compare to initial design.Key words: Axle, Front axle support (FAS), Computer Aided Design (CAD), Finite Element Analysis (FEA) Reference [1] Ritesh Kumar Dewangan, Manas Patnaik, Narendra Yadav/ International Journal of Engineering Research and Application (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 vol.2, Issue 4 July-August 2012, pp.457-460 [2] Rasekh, M., Asadi, M.R., Jafari, A. and Kheiralipour, K. 2009. Obtaining maximum stresses in different parts of tractor (MF-285) connecting rods using finite elementmethod, Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. 3(2): 1438-1449. [3] Vinod Kumar Verma, Dinesh Redkar, Arun Mahaja, HTC 2012. Weight optimization of front axle support by optistruct technology application. [4] Rahman, M.M., Ariffin, A.K., Abdullah, S., Noor, M.M., Bakar, R.A. and Maleque, M.A. 2008b. Finite element based fatigue life prediction of cylinder head for two-stroke linear engine using stress-life approach. Journal of Applied Sciences, 8(19):3316-3327. [5] Rahman, M.M., Ariffin, A.K., Jamaludin, N. and Abdullah, S. 2007. Effect of nitrating treatment on fatigue life for free piston linear engine component using frequency response method: a finite element approach. Structural Durability and Health Monitoring, 3(4): 197-209. Shree Dewangan, Ravi Kumar Pandey, Narendra Yadav |
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16. | Reconstruction of the Sparse Signal by Using Approximate Message Passing Algorithm
Reconstruction of the Sparse Signal by Using Approximate Message Passing AlgorithmAbstract: Reconstruction of the Sparse signal such as for audio signal,video signal, image signal is the major important role.We are going to recover the signal for the audio signal. The signal is recovered by using two algorithm such as AMP-M and AMP-T. These two algorithm coding are written in matlab and simulation from simulink will be used to get the specific outputs. AMP-M used as multiply accumulate unit for the recovery of unstructured matrices. AMP-T used as the fast linear transform. Hence recovery of the Sparse signal with the two algorithm is the main aim of the project .According to the research we have two technique to reconstruct the audio signal like compressive sensing, building of the FPGA hardware but in our project new technique is introduced to recover the audio signal by using two algorithms such as AMP-M and AMP-T .Key words: AMP-M ,AMP-T, MATLAB, SIMULINK Reference [1] M. Elad, Sparse and Redundant Representations – From Theory to Applications in Signal and Image Processing. New York, NY, USA: Springer, 2010. [2] Adler, V. Emiya, M. G. Jafari, M. Elad, R. Gribonval, and M. D. Plumbley, "A constrained matching pursuit approach to audio declipping," in Proc. IEEE ICASSP, Prague, May 2011 [3] "Recovery Of sparsely corrupted signal May 2012" IEEE Theory. Vol.58, no.5 [4] Bracher, G. Pope, and C. Studer, "Coherence-based probabilistic recovery guarantees for sparsely corrupted signals," in Proc. of IEEE Inf. Th. Workshop, Lausanne, Switzerland, Sep. 2012. [5] G. Kutyniok, "Data separation by sparse representations," in Compressed Sensing: Theory and Applications, Y. C. Eldar and G. Kutyniok, Eds., New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press, 2012. Sana Kalyani, Prof .Vaishali Raut |
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18. | Ramp Secret Sharing Approach to Authentication and Data Repairing For Document Image
Ramp Secret Sharing Approach to Authentication and Data Repairing For Document ImageAbstract: Digital images are widely used to protect confidential and important information. But the problem is to provide the authentication and integrity to these digital images is a very challenging task. Therefore a new efficient authentication method is proposed for document images with verification and data self-repair capability using the Portable Network Graphics (PNG) image. Here, an authentication signal is generated for each block of a document image which, combine with the binarized block data, is transformed into several shares using the Ramp secret sharing scheme. These several binarized block data shares are then embedded into an alpha channel plane. During the embedding process, the generated share values are mapped into a range of 238-255 to yield a transparent stego-image with a disguise effect. Alpha channel is combining with the original image and converted into PNG image format. While the process of image authentication, the image block is marked as tampered, if the authentication signal generated from the current block content does not match with share that extracted from the alpha channel plane. Then using reverse Ramp scheme, two shares from unmarked blocks are collected and then data repairing is applied. Some security measures are also proposed for protecting the security of the shares hidden in the alpha channel.Key words: Image authentication, Portable Network Graphics, Ramp secret sharing. Reference [1] W.H. Tsai, "Moment-Preserving thresholding: a new approach." Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing, vol. 29, no.3, pp.377-393, 1985. [2] Wen-Ai Jackson and Keith M.Martin, "A Combinatorial Interpretation of Ramp Schemes.'', Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, vol. 14, pp. 51-60,1996 [3] Chang-Chou Lin, Wen- Hsiang Tsai, "Secret Image Sharing With Steganography And Authentication" Department Of Computer And Information Science, National ChiaoTung University, Hsinchu 300, Taiwan,; Accepted 20 July 2003. [4] M. Wu and B. Liu, "Data hiding in binary images for authentication and annotation," IEEE Trans. Multimedia, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 528–538, Aug. 2004. [5] H. Yang and A. C. Kot, "Binary image authentication with tampering localization by embedding cryptographic signature and block identifier, IEEE Signal Process. Lett., vol. 13, no. 12, pp. 741–744, Dec.2006. Mary Linda P A, Larry Liston, Remya B Nair, Aswathy Mohan, Lisha P P |
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19. | Signal Processing and Data Acquisition for Wind Profiler Using Labview
Signal Processing and Data Acquisition for Wind Profiler Using LabviewAbstract: This paper presents the design of Wind Profiler using LabVIEW. Wind speed is a useful weather parameter to monitor and record for many applications like shipping, aviation, meteorology, construction etc. Wind observations are crucial importance for general (operational) aviation meteorology, and numerical weather prediction. Wind profiler radars are vertically directed pulsed Doppler radars capable of analyzing the back-scattered signals to determine the velocity of air along the beams. Steering the beams typically 15° from zenith, the horizontal and vertical components of the air moment can be obtained. The extraction of zeroth, first and second moments is the key reason for doing all the signal processing. For measurements above 20 km, the 50 MHz frequency band can be used. The paper discusses the issues such as the principle of wind profiler radar, how wind profilers estimate the horizontal wind as a function of altitude in "clear air‟, Doppler Beam Swinging (DBS) technique for Wind velocity measurement. Moment calculation and Signal processing of recoded experimental data is performed by LabVIEW code developed in my project.Key words: Radar, Doppler effect, Bragg‟s scattering, FFT etc Reference [1] May, P.T. (1990). Spaced antenna versus Doppler Radars: A Comparison of Techniques Revisited, Radio Science, Vol.25, No.6, pp.111–1119, doi: 10.1029/RS025i006p01111. [2] Srinivasa Rao ,V. K. Anandan , P. Narasimha Reddy, "Evaluation of DBS Wind Measurement Technique in Different Beam Configurations for a VHF Wind Profiler", Journal of atmosphere and oceanic technology, Vol. 25, June 2008, pp. 2304-2312 [3] Adachi, A., T. Kobayashi, K. S. Gage, D. A. Carter, L. M. Hartten, W. L. Clark, and M. Fukuda, 2005: Evaluation of three beam and four-beam profiler wind measurement techniques using five-beam wind profiler and collocated meteorological tower. Journal of atmosphere and oceanic technology, 22, 1167–1180. [4] Woodman, R.F., Kugel R.P, and Rotteger, A coherent integrator-decoder preprocessor for the SOUSY-VHF radar, Radio Science, 15, 233-242, 1980. [5] Hildebrand, P.H., and R.S Sekhon, Objective determination of the noise level in Doppler spectra, J.Appl.Meterol, 13, 808-811, 1974. Priyank V. Gandhi, Ajay Khandare, Dr. M.S Panse |
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DESIGN OF 2.4 GHz CMOS POWER AMPLIFIER FOR WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONAbstract: This paper gives the information about designing the 2.4GHz CMOS power amplifier for wireless communication using 130nm technology. Previously work present different approaches for designing the CMOS power amplifier for different class with different technology. This paper proposed class-B power amplifier using 130 nm technology for gain more than 15dB.The class-B power amplifier is design and to meet the frequency response for 2.4 GHz with gain of 67.321dB, the proposed power supply work with the voltage from 1.3 to 3V, which means that we can used these design for battery aided hand held electronic moving or electronic mobile communication equipment .The proposed power amplifier is designed using ADS tool.Key words: Gain, CMOS devices, radio frequency, design under test, error vector magnitude. Reference [1] Ahmad Rahati Belabad school of Electrical and Computer Engineering university of Tehran,Iran "A fully Integrated linear CMOS power amplifier with high output power and dynamic range of WiMAX application" 8th International Conference on Design & Technology of Integrated Systems in Nanoscale Era (DTIS) 2013 IEEE. [2] Kuruveettil Haridas, T. Hui Teo, and Xiaojun Yuva Institute of Microelectronics, A *STAR (Agency for Science, Technology and Research)," A 2.4-GHz CMOS Power Amplifier Design for Low Power Wireless Sensors Network" 2009 IEEE [3] Libao Sun , Shiyou Yang, "RF Power Amplifier Design for Wireless Power Transfer Using Method of Moment " 978-1-4673-1335-3/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE [4] Ruili Wu, Jerry Lopez, Yan Li and Donald Y. C. Lie. A SiGe Bipolar-MOSFET Cascode Power Amplifier with ImprovedLinearity for Low-Power Broadband Wireless Applications, 2013 IEEE. [5] Sajay Jose, Hyung-Jin Lee and Dong Ha, A Low-power CMOS Power Amplifier for Ultra wideband (UWB) Applications, 2005 IEEE. Atul V. Jiwtode, Sanjay B. Tembhurne, Dr. Sanjay L. Haridas |
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21. | Study of Nano Particles for Enhanced Heat Transfer Characteristics of Base Fluids for Cool Thermal Energy System
Study of Nano Particles for Enhanced Heat Transfer Characteristics of Base Fluids for Cool Thermal Energy SystemAbstract: Reliable heat transfer is very crucial for heat demand and supply related applications where the optimum demand is not met. Cool thermal energy systems are the units which find application in conditioning and preserving items. A colloidal mixture of nano particles in a base fluid tremendously enhances the heat transfer characteristics of the original base fluid and is ideally suited for practical application due to its marvelous characteristics.Key words: Aluminium Oxide, Copper Oxide, Distilled Water, LMTD, PVD Reference [1] C.H. Li, G.P. Peterson, Experimental investigation of temperature and volume fraction variations on the effective thermal conductivity of nanoparticle suspensions (nanofluids), Journal of Applied Physics, 99, (2006), 084314. [2] Y. Xuan, Q. Li, Investigation convective heat transfer and flow features of nanofluids, Journal of Heat Transfer, 125, (2002), 151–155. [3] S. Lee, S.U.S. Choi, S. Li, J.A. Eastman, Measuring thermal conductivity of fluids containing oxide nanoparticles, Trans. ASME, Journal of Heat Transfer, 121, (1999), 280– 289. [4] Y. Xuan, Q. Li, Heat transfer enhancement of nanofluids, International Journal of Heat Fluid Flow, 21, (2000), 58–64. [5] Y. Xuan, W. Roetzel, Conceptions for heat transfer correlation of nanofluids, International Journal of Heat Mass Transfer, 43, (2000), 3701–3707. Promit Choudhury, Priya Garg, Srishti Jha |
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22. | Design AND Fabrication OF Homemade Air Conditioner
Design AND Fabrication OF Homemade Air ConditionerAbstract: Human always tries for better comfort and sophistication at each level of his life. Considering air conditioning, evaporative cooler are used in less humidity and dry climate. The limitation of evaporative cooler is that it is not suitable in humid environment and also their performance is poor in the places where ventilation is not proper. The objective of this project is to increase the effectiveness of the ordinary table fan by using simple mechanism and overcome the limitation of evaporative cooler. In this project the table fan is wound with copper tube by copper wire. Vinyl tube is connected with one end of the copper tube and another end of vinyl tube is connected with pump. Pump immersed in the cooling chamber. Vinyl tube is connected with another end of copper tube another end of vinyl tube is immersed in the cooling chamber. Fan and pump connected with electricity pump and is sucks the cool water from the cooling chamber.Index Terms: evaporative cooler, copper coil, pump, cooling chamber, refrigerant. Reference [1] J.O.Olorunmaiye (2008). Evaporative Cooling of Water of in earthen pots in Quiscent Air, NSE TECHNICAL TRANSACTIONS VOL.31.NO.3. [2] Professor Wasim Sama n;Dr. Frank Bruno;Ms. Ming Liu(2009):Technical background Research on evaporative air Conditioners and feasibility of Rating their water consumption berry. [3] GEOFFREY MILBURN(Sept 2005);Analysis of a Homemade Air Conditioning Unit . Naikodi Mallappa, Mane Amit, Manave Ashish, Pangale Suhas, Shinde Vilas, Prof. Dongare Vaibhav |
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23. | Analysis of Leakages and Leakage Reduction Methods in UDSM CMOS VLSI Circuits.
Analysis of Leakages and Leakage Reduction Methods in UDSM CMOS VLSI Circuits.Abstract: This is the era of portable devices which need to be powered by battery. Due to scarcity of space and leakages in chips, battery life is a serious concern. As technology advances, scaling of transistor feature size and supply voltage has improved the performance, increased the transistor density and reduced the power required by the chip. The maximum power consumed by the chip is the function of its technology along with its implementation. As technology is scaling down and CMOS circuits are supplied with lower supply voltages, the static power i.e. standby leakage current becomes very crucial. In Ultra Deep-submicron regime scaling has reduced the threshold voltage and that has led to increase in leakage current in sub-threshold region and hence rise in static power dissipation. This paper presents a critical analysis of leakages and leakage reduction techniques.Key words: leakage current, scaling, sub-threshold region, threshold voltage, UDSM. Reference [1] Md. Asif Jahangir Chowdhury, Md. Shahriar Rizwan, and M. S. Islam: "An Efficient VLSI Design Approach to Reduce Static Power using Variable Body Biasing", World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 64 2012. [2] Kaushik Roy, Saibal Mukhopadhyay, Hamid Mahmoodi-Meimand, "Leakage Current Mechanisms and Leakage Reduction Techniques in Deep Sub micrometer CMOS Circuits," Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 91, No. 2, February 2003. [3] N. Hanchate and N. Ranganathan, "Lector: A technique for leakage reduction in CMOS circuits," IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, vol. 12, no. 2, pp.196-205, February 2004. [4] Srikanth Katrue and Dhireesha Kudithipudi,"GALEOR: Leakage reduction for CMOS circuits," 15th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, pp. 574-577, Aug.2008. [5] Rajani H.P., Hansraj Guhilot and S.Y.Kulkarni, "Novel Stable SRAM for Ultra Low Power Deep Submicron Cache Memories", IEEE Recent Advances in Intelligent Computational Systems, RAICS 2011, in IEEE Explorer. Sagar Ekade, Mr. Surendra Waghmare |
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1. | Secured 7 Layer Security Architecture (S7LSA) For Mobile Ad Hoc Network
Secured 7 Layer Security Architecture (S7LSA) For Mobile Ad Hoc NetworkAbstract: Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANET) constitutes a group of wireless mobile nodes that transmit information without any centralized control. MANETs are infrastructure-less and are dynamic in nature that is why; they require peremptorily new set of networking approach to put through to provide efficacious and successful end-to-end communication. The wireless and distributed nature of MANET poses a great challenge to system security designers. Although security problems in MANET have attracted much attention in the last few years, most research efforts have been focused on specific security areas, such as establishing trust infrastructure, securing routing protocols, or intrusion detection and response, none of the previous work proposes security solutions from a system architectural view. In this paper, we propose seven-layer security architecture for mobile ad hoc networks. A general description of functionalities in each layer is given.Key words: MANET, SA, S7SLA, Trust Reference [1] Charles E. Perkins, "Ad-Hoc Networking", Addision Wesley, 2001. [2] Ankit Jain, Arnika Jain, Pramod Kumar Sagar, "Various Security Attacks and Trust based Security Architecture for MANET", Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, Vol. 10, issue 14, November 2010. [3] Balakrishnan, V. Varadharajan, U. K. Tupakula, and P.Lucs, "Trust Integrated Cooperation Architecture for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks". Proceedings of 4th IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS 2007), Trondheim, Norway, 2007. [4] L. Buttyan and J. Hubaux, "Nuglets: A Virtual Currency to Stimulate Cooperation in Self-organized Ad hoc Networks". Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne DSC/2001/001, 2001. [5] S. Zhong, J. Chen, and Y. R. Yang, "Sprite: A Simple, Cheat-proof, Credit-based System for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks". INFOCOM 2003, pp. 1987 - 1997, 2003. Manu Srivastava, Saurabh Mishra, Upendra Kumar Soni, Shah Fahad |
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2. | Design and Simulation of Dual Inverter Based Energy Storage Systems for Wind Energy Systems Using MATLAB/SIMULINK
Design and Simulation of Dual Inverter Based Energy Storage Systems for Wind Energy Systems Using MATLAB/SIMULINKAbstract: This paper proposes the design and simulation of dual inverter based Energy Storage Systems(ESS) for wind energy systems. A dual inverter consists of MAIN inverter which is connected to grid side and an auxiliary inverter for which an energy storage system is interfaced. Typical grid connected wind energy systems includes wind turbine, PMSG, DC-DC converters, three phase dual inverter ,energy storage system and related power electronic devices. The detailed model of design and simulation of dual inverter based Wind energy system starts with wind turbine coupled PMSG which is connected to three phase diode rectifier and Boost converter which in-turn connected to a dual inverter which is used to deliver the wind energy to grid and also to store the energy in energy storage systems during surplus periods. Also Short term power fluctuations are mitigated and harmonics are reduced. Maximum Power point Tracking (MPPT) method, Energy storage system interfacing is also studied. The overall system model is designed and simulated by using MATLAB/SIMULINK.Key words: Dual inverter, Energy storage system, MPPT, PMSG, Wind turbine, MATLAB/SIMULINK Reference [1.] "An Energy Storage System for Wind Turbine Generators- Battery and Supercapacitor"Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 www.ijera.com Vol. 3, Issue 2, March -April 2013, pp.1219-1223. [2.] "Study and control of a variable-speed wind-energy system connected to the grid" International Journal Of Renewable Energy Research, IJRER M.Mansour, M.N.Mansouri, M.F.Mmimouni, Vol.1, No.2, pp.96-104 ,2011. [3.] "Direct integration of Battery Energy storage systems in distributed power generation" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENERGY CONVERSION, VOL. 26, NO. 2, JUNE 2011 677 S. D. GaminiJayasinghe, Student Member, IEEE, D. MahindaVilathgamuwa, Senior Member, IEEE, and Udaya K. Madawala, Senior Member, IEEE [4.] "Grid Voltage Control of Inverter Interfaced Wind Energy Conversion System (WECS)" International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, Vol. 2, No. 5, October 2011 [5.] 5."Comparative Performances Analysis of Different Rotor Types for PMSG Used in Wind Turbine Application"InternationalJournal of Advances in Power Systems (IJAPS) Vol. 1, No. 1, June 2013ISSN : 2335-1772 H. Mellah and K.E .Hemsas. Department of Electrical engineering. Harika G, Jayakumar N, Thrivonasundari D |
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3. | Arm Based Remote Surveillance and Motion Detection System by Using MJPEG Algorithm
Arm Based Remote Surveillance and Motion Detection System by Using MJPEG AlgorithmAbstract: This system presents the structure of video capture based on S3C2440 processor and it introduces the embedded system, video capture and motion detection. This embedded web monitoring system takes the powerful ARM9 chip as MPU. In the monitoring site, the system captures the video through the embedded multitask operating system. The digital video has been compressed by the MJPEG algorithm. By the Internet Explorer the users can view the monitor's video directly, by the common Gateway interface, the users who are authorized can also control the camera and observe the motion detection.Key words: key words in alphabetical order, separated by comma Reference [1] Lain bate, Steve liu, Real-Time Embedded system[j].computing and Control Engineering journal, 2002. [2] Bruce Powel Douglas, Real-Time design patterns[j].Embedded systems Conference papers, San Francisco, 2001. [3] http://www.chinaitpower.com/A200508/2005-08-02/182012 html. [4] http://www.garmin.com/products/gps35 [5] http://www.alldatasheet.com Kandavalli Michael Angelo, Katakala Karthik |
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4. | Improvement of Surface Finish by Vibration Control in Machine Tool Using Composite Material
Improvement of Surface Finish by Vibration Control in Machine Tool Using Composite MaterialAbstract: In milling machine the main problem is vibration in machine tool which affects on quality of machined part. Hence these vibrations needed to suppressed during machining. Aim of study is to control different parameters like thickness of composite plates, cutting speed and depth of cut which affects on response like amplitude (acceleration) of vibration and surface roughness of machined part. In present work machine tool vibration on slotted table horizontal milling machine have been reduced using composites. In this work glass fiber epoxy plates and glass fiber polyester plates are used as composites. Initially holes are drilled on each composite plate. Mild steel plate is placed on the composite plates and setup is fixed to the table of horizontal milling machine using nuts and bolts. A milling operation is carried out. Amplitude (acceleration) of vibration is recorded on the screen of vibxpert signal analyzer and Surface roughness of machined mild steel plate is measured by tr110 surface roughness tester machine.Key words: horizontal milling machine, composite materials (glass fiber epoxy and glass fiber polyester plates), vibxpert signal analyzer, tr110 surface roughness tester machine. Reference [1] Sung-kyum cho, Hyun-jun kim, Seung-hwan chang, The application of polymer composites to the table top machine tool components for higher stiffness and reduced weight, composite structure 93 (2011) 492-501. [2] Amir Rashid, cornel Mihai Nicolescu, Active vibration control in palletized work holding system for milling , International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 46 (2006) 1626–1636. [3] Xinhua Long, Hao Jiang, Guang Meng, Active vibration control for peripheral milling processes, Journal of Materials Processing Technology 213 (2013) 660– 670. [4] C.Andesson, M.Andersson, J.E.stahl, experimental studies of cutting force variation in face milling, International journal of machine tool and manufacture 51 (2011) 67-76. [5] Yang shaohong, Wang anwen, Hu mingyong, damping properties of viscoelastic laminated plates with an unconstrained fiber reinforced layer, 2011 Third International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation. Nisarg M. Trivedi, Prof. J. R. Mevada |
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5. | Binary Color Classification For Brain Computer Interface Using Neural Networks And Support Vector Machines
Binary Color Classification For Brain Computer Interface Using Neural Networks And Support Vector MachinesAbstract: As the power of modern computers grows alongside our understanding of the human brain, we move a step closer in transforming some pretty spectacular science fiction into reality. The advent of Brain Computer Interface (BCI) is indeed leading us to a burgeoning era of complete automation empowering our interaction with computer not only with robustness but with also a gift of intelligence. For the faction of our society suffering from severe motor disabilities BCI has offered a novel solution of overcoming the problems faced in communicating and environment control. Thus the purpose of our current research is to harness the brain‟s ability to generate Visually Evoked Potentials (VEPs) by capturing the response of the brain to the transitions of color from grey to green and grey to red. Our prime focus is to explore EEG-based signal processing techniques in order to classify two colors; which can be further deployed in future by coupling the actuators so as to perform few basic tasks. The extracted EEG features are classified using Support Vector Machines (SVM) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). We recorded 100% accuracy on testing the model after training and 90% accuracy on re-testing the model with all samples using Quadratic SVM classifier.Key words: EEG, Classifier, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Support Vector Machines (SVM) Reference [1] Jorge Baztarrica Ochoa, "EEG Signal Classification for Brain Computer Interface Applications", ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE FEDERALE DE LAUSANNE, March 28th, 2002. [2] Md Z. Ali,"EEG-BASED ASSESSMENT OF DRIVER'S COGNITIVE RESPONSE IN VIRTUAL TRAFFIC LIGHT ENVIRONMENT",The Faculty of the College of Graduate Studies Lamar University,May 2012 [3] ABDUL-BARY RAOUF SULEIMAN, TOKA ABDUL-HAMEED FATEHI,"FEATURES EXTRACTION TECHNIQES OF EEG SIGNAL FOR BCI APPLICATIONS",Computer and Information Engineering Department College Of Electronics Engineering, University of Mosul Mosul, Iraq [4] Ms. Antara Bhattacharya, Dr. N. G. Bawane, Ms. S. M. Nirkhi,"Brain Computer Interface Using EEG Signals",G.H.R.C.E, Nagpur [5] Proakis, Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms, And Applications, 4/E, (Pearson Education India, 01-Sep-2007 Charmi Sunil Mehta, Damini Ashok Chopra, Nidhi Milan Mavani, Keval Bhavesh Goradia, Alice N. Cheeran |
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6. | Image Registration Concept and Techniques: A Review
Image Registration Concept and Techniques: A ReviewAbstract: In the past few years the global need for low computation, less time consuming, and good quality image mapping methods has caused an image registration technique alive in multiple application areas. Image registration is the method of superimposition the pixels or control points from one image over another image namely the target image and reference image respectively. The concentration is on various methods of mapping parameters. Input images are reference image and the sensed image. Basically image registration is of two types Area based and Feature based. Area based works on the intensity of image and feature based is based on feature points or objects of image. Also the simple and efficient registration techniques are very essential in many application areas. This paper presents a review on image registration techniques as well as the hybrid registration approach. Many authors have also reported the modified registration techniques, each technique is reviewed according to its merits and drawbacks.Key words: Feature detection, feature matching algorithms, image registration, keypoints, mapping function, transformation and resampling. Reference [1] Barbara Zitova, and Jan Flusser, Image registration methods: a survey, Image and Vision Computing, vol. 21, pp. 977-1000, 2003. [2] R. M. Ezzeldeen, H. H. Ramadan, T. M. Nazmy, M. Adel Yehia, and M. S. Abdel-Wahab, Comparative study for image registration techniques of remote sensing images, The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Sciences, vol. 13, pp. 31–36, 2010. [3] Frederik Maes, Andr'e Collignon, Dirk Vandermeulen, Guy Marchal, and Paul Suetens, Multimodality image registration by maximization of mutual information, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 187-198, April 1997. [4] Dengwang Li, Honglin Wan, Hongjun Wang, and Yong Yin, Medical image registration framework using multiscale edge information, International Workshop on Information and Electronics Engineering IWIEE, Procedia Engineering, vol. 29, pp. 2480-2484, 2012. [5] Xiaolei Huang, Yiyong Sun, Dimitris Metaxas, Frank Sauer, and Chenyang Xu, Hybrid image registration based on configural matching of scale-invariant sailent region features, IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW'04). Sombir Singh Bisht, Bhumika Gupta, Parvez Rahi |
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7. | Data Mining Using Neural–Genetic Approach: A Review
Data Mining Using Neural–Genetic Approach: A ReviewAbstract: In the advance age of technology, there is an increasing availability of digital documents in various languages in various fields. Data mining is gaining popularity in field of knowledge discovery. Data mining is the knowledge discovery process by which we can analyze the large amounts of data from various data repositories and summarizing it into information useful to us. Due to its importance of extracting information/ knowledge from the large data repositories, data mining has become an essential part of human life in various fields. Data mining has a very wide area of applications, and these applications have enriched the human life in various fields including scientific, medical, business, education etc. Here in this paper we will discuss the emphasis of Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm in the field of data mining.Key words: Data Mining, KDD, Neural Network (NN), Genetic Algorithm (GA), Back-propagation (BP). Reference [1] Jaiwei Han & Micheline Kamber "Data mining concept & techniques." Morgan Kaufmann Publishers (Elsevier) 2001, ISBN 1-55860-489-8. [2] Frawley and Piatetsky-Shapiro, Knowledge Discovery in Databases: An Overview. (The AAAI/MIT Press, Menlo Park, C.A 1996.). [3] Fayyad, U., Piatetsky-Shapiro, G. & Smyth, P. (1996). From Data Mining to Knowledge Discovery in Databases.(AI Magazine, 17(3), 37-54.) [4] Anil Jain k., Jianchang Mao and K.M. Mohiuddi, "Artificial Neural Networks: A Tutorial", IEEE Computers, (1996) pp.31-44. [5] George Cybenk, "Neural Networks in Computational Science and Engineering", IEEE Computational Science and Engineering, (1996), pp.36-42. Parvez Rahi, Bhumika Gupta, Sombir Singh Bisht |
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8. | Neuromorhic Silicon Neuron and Synapse: Analog VLSI Implemetation of Biological Structures
Neuromorhic Silicon Neuron and Synapse: Analog VLSI Implemetation of Biological StructuresAbstract: Neuromorphic Silicon neurons and synapses are very large scale integration (VLSI) circuits that emulate or mimic the electrophysiological behavior of their biological counterparts. These analog circuits can be used for the qualitative analysis of the functioning of neural circuits; and also for making intelligent systems that can perform the tasks that can be easily performed by biolological organisms but are very difficult to be performed by any traditionally engineered systems. Here we describe the analog very large-scale integration (aVLSI) realisation of integrate-and-fire neuron models and also discuss about plastic and non-plastic silicon synapses briefly.Key words: analog VLSI, integrate and fire, neuromorphic, plastic, subthreshold, silicon neuron, silicon synapse. Reference [1] Mahowald, M., and Douglas, R. "A silicon neuron". Nature, 1991. [2] Liu SC, Kramer J., Indiveri G., Delbr¨uck T., Douglas R., "Analog VLSI : circuits and principles", The MIT Press Cambridge, 2002. [3] Lande TS, " Neuromorphic systems engineering: neural networks in silicon", Springer,1998. [4] Abbott LF, "Lapicque's introduction of the integrate-and-fire model neuron (1907)", Elsiever Science, Brain Research Bulletin, Vol. 50, Nos. 5/6, 1999. [5] Indiveri G, Barranco BL, Hamilton TJ, van Schaik, Cummings RE, Delbruck T, Liu SC, Dudek P, Hӓfliger P, Renaud S, Schemmel J, Cauwenberghs G, Arthur J, Hynna K, Folowosele F, Saighi S, Gotarredona TS, Wijekoon J, Wang Y, Boahen K, "Neuromorphic Silicon Neuron Circuits", Frontiers in Neuroscience , vol. 5, article 73, 2011. Ms. Pooja Verma, Ms. Neha Verma |
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9. | Fast remote data access for control of TCP/IP network using android Mobile device
Fast remote data access for control of TCP/IP network using android Mobile deviceAbstract: In this paper we will creating architecture which will helps user to control LAN using the android mobile. As the most of the all application are now creating the cross platform version for the android, we will also make the control using the android platform. This is purely network administrative application which useful for the controlling network. The architecture will consist the nodes in the LAN and one server as well as one android phone which use to control the nodes. We use connectivity options as Wi-Fi or Internet; if connectivity internet is taken in grant then we will provide the static IP address to the server. For all this kind of application we should use JAVA technology and the android SDK in programming point of view. After testing application on LAN it works very well while file browsing and controlling the processKey words: Android, Remote Control, Java, LAN control, Network Administration Reference [1] Remote Control of Mobile Devices in Android Platform , Angel Gonzalez Villan, and Josep Jorba Esteve, , IEEE 2012 [2] PocketDroid - A PC Remote Control Chaitali Navasare, Deepa Nagdev and Jai Shree, IPCSIT vol. 37 (2012) [3] Design and Application of Remote Control System Using Mobile Phone with JNI Interface Lingyan Bi1, Weining Wang1, Haobin Zhong1,Wenxuan Liu ,International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems Symposia (ICESS2008) [4] VNC ARCHITECTURE BASED REMOTE DESKTOP ACCESS THROUGH ANDROID MOBILE PHONES Archana Jadhav , International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering Vol. 1, Issue 2, April 2012 [5] Adam, Skurski, Bartlomiej Swiercz, "VNC-based Remote Control for Symbian OS smartphones", MIXDES (Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems) 2009, June 25-27, 2009 Vaibhav Muddebihalkar, R.M Gaudar |
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10. | Co-Prime Sampliers and Arrays Research Assignment
Co-Prime Sampliers and Arrays Research AssignmentAbstract: There is a new technology to estimate the line spectra of multiple different processes as the sum of sinusoids buried in noise and DOA of narrow band signals to the array of antenna. In some technique we can construct a positive semi definite matrix. This paper will discuss the three journals done by Vaidyanathan, P.P. All the work is related to the digital signal processing. The three articles which have been evaluated in this paper are "Co prime sampling and the music algorithm,", "Sparse Sensing With Co-Prime Samplers and Arrays," and "Theory of Sparse Co prime Sensing in Multiple Dimensions,". Overview of these articles have been provided along with the problem which has been addressed in the three articles as well as the solution which has been provided in the above given three journals.Reference [1] Pal, P.; Vaidyanathan, P.P.; , "Coprime sampling and the music algorithm," Digital Signal Processing Workshop and IEEE Signal Processing Education Workshop (DSP/SPE), 2011 IEEE , vol., no., pp.289-294, 4-7 Jan. 2011 doi: 10.1109/DSP-SPE.2 011.5739227 URL: http://0-ieeexplore.ieee .org.oasis.lib.tamuk.edu/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=5739227&isnumber=5739176 [2] Vaidyanathan, P.P.; Pal, P.; , "Sparse Sensing With Co-Prime Samplers and Arrays," Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on , vol.59, no.2, pp.573-586, Feb. 2011doi: 10.1109/TSP.2010.2089682 URL: http://0ieeexplore.ieee.org.oasis.lib.tamuk.edu/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=5609222&isnumber=5685344 [3] Vaidyanathan, P.P.; Pal, P.; , "Theory of Sparse Co prime Sensing in Multiple Dimensions," Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on , vol.59, no.8, pp.3592- 3608, Aug. 2011 doi: 10.1109/TSP.2011.21 35348URL: http://0-ieeexplore.ieee.org.oasi s.lib.tamuk.edu/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=5741759&isnumber=5948440 Mashhour Alqahtani |
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11. | A Review on Design & Development of Semi-Automated Colour Painting Machine
A Review on Design & Development of Semi-Automated Colour Painting MachineAbstract: Painting is the practice of applying paint, pigment, colour or other medium to a surface (support base). The medium is commonly applied to the base with a brush but other objects can be used. In art, the term painting describes both the act and the result of the action. However, painting is also used outside of art as a common trade among craftsmen and builders. Paintings may have for their support such surface as walls, paper, canvas, wood, glass, lacquer, clay, leaf, copper or concrete, and may incorporate multiple other materials including sand, clay, paper, gold leaf as well as objects.Key words: Dipping Process, Colour cloud, Lead paint, Bounce back. Reference [1] Seth Berrier, Gary Meyer, Clement Shimizu, ―A Computer Graphics System for Examining Paint Color Collections‖ , Department of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Minnesota, USA [2] Published by Nordson Corporation, ―Airless Spray Systems‖ , 2004. [3] Application Guide, ―Auto Air Colour‖ , Dec. 2008. [4] David Hradil , Toma´s Grygar, Janka Hradilova, Petr Bezdicˇka, ―Clay and iron oxide pigments in the history of painting‖ , Jan. 2003. [5] Allan RODRIGUES DuPont Performance Coatings, ―Colour technology and paint‖, Colour and Paints, Interim Meeting of the International Colour Association, 2004 Dhaval Thakar, Chetan P. Vora |
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12. | Compensation of Voltage Sags and Swells during Abnormal Conditions in Distribution Systems by Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) B. Suresh Kumar |
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13. | Experimental Studies on the Effect of Swirl on Combustion and Emissions of Diesel Engine Fuelled With Karanja Bio-Diesel
Experimental Studies on the Effect of Swirl on Combustion and Emissions of Diesel Engine Fuelled With Karanja Bio-DieselAbstract: In The Present Scenario Bio-Diesels Have Received A Lot Of Attention As An Alternate Vehicular Fuel. But The Properties Of Bio-Diesels Are Not The Same As Diesel Fuels Especially Their High Viscosity And Low Volatility. Also The Bio-Diesels Have Very Poor Atomization Characteristics Due To Decreased Cone Angle During Fuel Injection. This Paper Relates The Modification Of Engine Combustion Chamber Design, For Inducing Turbulence To Improve The Combustibility Of Combustible Mixture. A Survey Of Literature Shows That Experimental Studies Have Not Been Done On A Swirl For Evaluating Influence On The Combustion And Emission Characteristics Using Diesel Blends As Well. The Objective Of This Work Is To Study The Effect Of Swirl On Combustion And Emissions Of A Bio-Diesel (Honge) Fuelled Diesel Engine. It Has Been Noticed That For The Engine Under Consideration With Swirl Gives Optimum Performance. Objective Of This Work Is To Study The Effect Of Combustion Chamber Geometry On Combustion, Performance And Emissions Of A Bio-Diesel (Karanja) Fuelled Diesel Engine. It Has Been Noticed That For The Engine Under Consideration With Swirl Gives Optimum Performance.Reference [1] Heywood J.B., Internal combustion engine fundamentals, New York, Megrahill – Book Company, 1988. [2] Charton S., Blet V, Corriou J.P., dehong Z. and Hill P.G., " Effect of swirl on combustion in ashort cylindrical chamber", Combustion Flame, Vol.106, No.3, Aug. 1996, pp. 318-332. [3] Brandal f., Reverencic, Cartelleri W., Dent JC "Turbulent air flow in the combustion bowl of a DI diesel engine and its effect on engine performance." SAE paper 790040. [4] A.F.Bicen, C.Vifidis and J.H.Whiteelaw, "Steady and unsteady air flow through an intake valve of reciprocating engine", Journal of Fluids Engineering, Vol.107, issue 3, Sept.1985, pp. 413-419. [5] C.Arcoumanis and S.Tanable, "Swirl generation by helical ports", SAE paper 890790, 1989. Praveen.R, Vinayaka Rajashekhara Kiragi, H.S.Shivaprasanna Babu, Gangadhara.B. Server, Dhanraj.P.K, & Mohan Kumar.H.P |
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14. | Adsorption of Copper from Aqueous Solution Using Mango Seed Powder
Adsorption of Copper from Aqueous Solution Using Mango Seed PowderAbstract: The objective of the study was the removal of copper metal ions from aqueous solution using mango seed powder as low cost adsorbent. The influences of contact time, adsorbent doses & temperature were studied in batch experiments at room temperature. The results showed that with increase in the contact time percent removal of copper increases. The adsorption was rapid during first 45 minutes & equilibrium was reached in 90 minutes. The results also showed that with increase in the adsorbent doses & temperature percent removal of copper increases. Thus mango seeds have the potential to be applied as alternative low-cost biosorbent in the remediation of heavy metal contamination in waste water.Key words: Adsorbent, copper ions, heavy metals, Waste water Reference [1] Feng, N., Guo, X., and Liang, S., (2008). Adsorption study of copper (II) by chemically modified orange peel. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 164, 1286-1292 [2] Murugan, T., A., Valliappan, R., (2010), Removal of dyes from aqueous solution by adsorption on biomass mango ( Magifera indica ) leaves. E-Journal of Chemistry, 7(3), 669-676 [3] Patel, H.J. and Vashi, R.T., (2009). Comparative study of Methylene Blue dye removal from its aqueous solution using guava and mango leaf powder as low cost adsorbent. International Journal of Human Geography and Enviromental Studies, 1,1. [4] Butt, H-J, Graf, K., and Kappl, M., (2003). Adsorption. In: Physics and chemistry of interfaces. (pp177-202). Germany: Wiley-VCH. [5] Myers, D., (1999). Adsorption. In: Surfaces, interfaces, and colloids: principles and applications. 2nd Edition. (pp 179-213). New York: John Wiley & Sons. Samiksha V. Ashtikar, Amruta D. Parkhi |
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15. | Ecosanitation: An Integrated Approach towards Sanitation
Ecosanitation: An Integrated Approach towards SanitationAbstract: There are at least 2.6 billion people in the world without improved sanitation. Improved sanitation is defined by WHO as connection to a Public sewer, connection to a septic system, a pour-flush latrine, a simple or ventilated pit latrine. Most of this 2.6 billion reside in rural Asia and Africa. But technically even access to improved sanitation does not solve the problem, a spit latrines which serve about 2.8 billion people usually fail to sanitize and contribute to ground water pollution. Also, septic systems and sewerage treatment plant often discharge in to the overloading and eutrophication. The need to close the loop on nutrients indicates that a paradigm shift towards sustainable sanitation is necessary environment with little or no sanitization or nutrient removal, polluting the ground water table streams, lake sand coastal zones, helping to perpetuate the cycle of human disease and upsetting fragile aquatic ecosystems by nutrient. The health risks associated with the current state of sanitation in the world require immediate action. Thus in present scenario huge amount of water and piping coverage is required and inspite of all these things the operational and maintenance cost are also high. This traditional British flush sanitation system has created havoc. Ample amount of NPK which is readily available in absorbable form by plants is wasted down the drain. Due to ever expansion of urban areas are getting far away which is increasing the cost of conveyance of sewage.Reference [1] E.Joyes, A.A. Cronin, J. Rueedi, and S. PedleyRobens Centre for Public and Environmental Health, Building AW Floor 2, The University of Surrey, GU2 7XH, UK. [2] F. KansiimeMakerere University, Kampala, Uganda. [3] Hussein A. S. et al., Marmara Research Center, Gerber, Turkey. [4] J. W. Foppen (&) UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education, Delft, [5] The Netherlands. Parth Gabani, Juzer Nalwala, Aditya Patel, Bharat Radadiya, Mitali Shah |
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16. | High Molecular Weight Thermally Stable Poly (Sodium Methacrylate) / Magnetites Nanocomposites Via Emulsion Polymerization
High Molecular Weight Thermally Stable Poly (Sodium Methacrylate) / Magnetites Nanocomposites Via Emulsion PolymerizationAbstract: Core/shell type magnetite nanocomposites (MN) were synthesized using sodium methacrylate (NMA) monomer. Functionalized and bare magnetite nanoparticles were prepared by conventional co-precipitation method giving particles with 3-10 nm in diameter. Microemulsion polymerization was used for constructing core/shell structure with magnetite nanoparticles as core and poly (sodium methacrylate) as shell. Chemical structure and morphology of the synthesized PNMA/magnetite nanocomposites were investigated using FTIR and TEM, respectively. The synthesized nanocomposites show effective encapsulation of different treated magnetite nanoparticles in the polymer matrix and exhibited good thermal stability. Such magnetite nanocomposites with high molecular weight and thermal stability have potential application in enhanced oil recovery application.Key words: Nanocomposites, TEM, modified magnetite nanoparticles, thermal stability. Reference [1] K.S. Sorbie, Polymer-improved oil recovery, Glasgow, Blackie, Boca Raton, Fla: CRC Press; 1991. [2] D. Hunkeler, Synthesis and characterization of high molecular weight water-soluble polymers, Polym. Int. 1992, 27(1), 23-33. [3] C. Ignác, On inverse miniemulsion polymerization of conventional water-soluble monomers, Adv. Colloid Interface Sci. 2010, 156(1-2), 35–61. [4] Z.X. Zhang, Z.S. Han, and K.Y. Liu , Study on the synthesis of anionic polyacrylamide under pilot-plant test by inverse suspension copolymerization , J. Beijing Univ. Chem. Technol. 2001, 28(1), 52-55. [5] Y.D. Luo, C.A. Dai, and W.Y. Chiu, Polystyrene/Fe3O4 composite latex via miniemulsion polymerization-nucleation mechanism and morphology, J. Polym. Sci., Part A: Polym. Chem. 2008, 46(3), 1014-1024. Rasha A. El-Ghazawya, Ayman M. Attab, Ashraf M. El-Saeeda, Ahmed E.S. Abdelmgiedc and Nivin Basiouny |
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17. | Enhancement of Power Factor Correction Using Dual Boost
Enhancement of Power Factor Correction Using Dual Boost ConverterAbstract: This paper aims to develop a circuit for PFC using active filtering approach by implementing two boost converters arranged in parallel. It shall be based on an optimized power sharing strategy to improve the current quality and at the same time reduce the switching losses. The work involves simulation of basic power electronic circuits and the analysis of the current and voltage waveforms. It starts with simple circuits with a gradual increase in complexity by inclusion of new components and their subsequent effect on the current and voltage waveforms. Main objective is to improve the input current waveform i.e. making it sinusoidal by tuning the circuits. All the simulation work is done in MATLAB Simulink environment.Key words: Active filter, Boost converter, PFC, Simulink Reference [1] Rashid M., Power Electronics: Circuits, Devices and Applications, Pearson Education India, Third edition, 2004. [2] Active PFC for power electronic supplies, Application Note VICOR. [3] Parillo,F.;Dual Boost High performances Power Factor Correction Systems(PFC) [4] Sun, J.;Bass, R.M.;, Adv.Technol. Center, Rockwell Collins, Inc., Cedar Rapids, IN, Modelling and practical design issues for average current control, Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition,1999.APEC'99.14th Annual [5] Orabi,M.; Ninomiya,T;Dept. of Electr. & Electron. Syst. Eng., Kyushu Univ., Fukuoka, Japan, Stability Performancs of two-stage PFC converters, Industrial Electronics IEEE,Volume-50,Issue-6 Himanshu Singh, Pratibha Tiwari |
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18. | Reducing Collision In Multipacket Transfer And Receiver Using Token Passing Techniques In Wireless Ad Hoc Network
Reducing Collision In Multipacket Transfer And Receiver Using Token Passing Techniques In Wireless Ad Hoc NetworkAbstract: Transmitting and Receiving the multiple packet on a single channel through a route node is very critical task. There may be a collision between more than one routes. One route node can send and receive the data to the two routes. It may generate a collision and may be the data exchange between more than one routes. That's why, we used here a token passing technique and time interval for successful transmission. The theoretical analysis show the total scenario and reduce the collision between routes.Key words: Token passing, Time slots, transfer/receive packets , MANET Reference [1] M. J. McGlynn and S. A. Borbash, ―Birthday protocols for low energy deployment and flexible neighbor discovery in ad hoc wireless networks,‖ in Proc. ACM MobiHoc, 2001, pp. 137–145. [2] Navneet Malpani, Yu Chen, Nitin H. Vaidya, Senior Member,‖Distributed Token Circulation in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks‖, in IEEE transaction,s on Mobile Computing, 2005 [3] S. Vasudevan, D. Towsley, D. Goeckel, and R. Khalili, ―Neighbor discovery in wireless networks and the coupon collector's problem,‖ in Proc. ACM MobiCom, 2009, pp. 181–192. [4] W. Zeng, X. Chen, A. Russell, S. Vasudevan, B. Wang, and W. Wei, ―Neighbor discovery in wireless networks with multipacket reception,‖ in Proc. ACM MobiHoc, 2011, p. 3. [5] R. Motwani and P. Raghavan, Randomized Algorithms. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1995. P. P. Rewagad, Archana S. Chitte |
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19. | Wireless MSEB Meter Reading Vehicle
Wireless MSEB Meter Reading VehicleAbstract: The electricity is very essential in day to day life. Most of industries are running with electricity. In commercial areas also electricity plays very vital role and hence electricity is backbone of any developing nation. To measure the consumed electricity and generate Electricity bill, the energy meters are provided to each and every consumer. This project is use to take meter reading wirelessly by using transceiver which provides accuracy and speed in MSEB meter reading. In this work, Micro controller plays the main role. This circuit contains the LCD, RF transmitter, RF receiver, Energy meter, switch, RS 232 etc. This project uses one Microcontroller, LCD, RF transceiver module, energy meter and relay for connecting load. Meter reading is the technology of automatically collecting data from energy meter and transferring that data to a central database for billing and/or analyzing. This saves employee trips and means that billing can be based on actual consumption rather than on an estimate based on previous consumption, giving customers better control of their use of electric energy. The Transmitter is connected to the meter and it counts the pulses from it and displays it over the LCD. It transmits the data over radio frequency. This network technology overcome all the difficulties of earlier billing system and become more advantageous and accurate.Key words: Maharashtra State Electricity Board (MSEB), Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), Radio Frequency (RF). Reference [1] Terry Chandler, "The Technology Development of Automatic Metering and Monitoring Systems", The seventh International Power Engineering Conference, pp. 147-150, Nov. 2005. [2] R. Tahboub, V. Lazarescu, "Novel Approach for Remoter Energy Metering Reading using Mobile Agents", third International Conference on Information Technology, New Generation, pp. 84-89, Apr. 2006. [3] Ingeborg Graabak, Ove S. Grande, Jussi Ikaheimo and Seppo Karkkainen, "Establishment of Automatic Meter Reading And Load Management, Experiences and Cost/Benefit", 2004 International Conference on Power System Technology, pp. 1333-1338, Nov. 2004. [4] Mohammad Mazidi, AVR Microcontroller, Pearson Publication , 2009 Edition. [5] www.alldatasheets .com Pooja U.Shinde, Gauri A. Bhor, Trupti D. Shinde, Harshada S. Joshi |
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20. | Survey for Image Representation Using Block Compressive Sensing For Compression Applications
Survey for Image Representation Using Block Compressive Sensing For Compression ApplicationsAbstract: Compressing sensing theory have been favourable in evolving data compression techniques, though it was put forward with objective to achieve dimension reduced sampling for saving data sampling cost. In this paper two sampling methods are explored for block CS (BCS) with discrete cosine transform (DCT) based image representation for compression applications - (a) coefficient random permutation (b) adaptive sampling. CRP method has the potency to balance the sparsity of sampled vectors in DCT field of image, and then in improving the CS sampling efficiency. To attain AS we design an adaptive measurement matrix used in CS based on the energy distribution characteristics of image in DCT domain, which has a good impact in magnifying the CS performance. It has been revealed in our experimental results that our proposed methods are efficacious in reducing the dimension of the BCS-based image representation and/or improving the recovered image quality. The planned BCS based image representation scheme could be an efficient alternative for applications of encrypted image compression and/or robust image compression.Key words: Block compressive sensing, Coefficient random permutation, compressive sensing, random sampling, Image representation, Reference [1] S. Mun, J.E. Fowler, Block compressed sensing of images using directional Transforms, in: Proc. Int. Conf. Image Processing (ICIP), 2009, pp. 3021–3024. [2] M. Johnson, P. Ishwar, V. Prabhakaran, D. Schonberg and K. Ramachandran, "On compressing encrypted data", IEEE Trans. Signal Processing vol. 52, pp. 2992-3006, Oct. 2004. [3] D. Schonberg, S. Draper and K. Ramachandran, "On compression of encrypted images", Proc. International conference on Image processing, Atlanta, GA, pp. 269-272, Oct. 2006. [4] A. A. Kumar and A. Makur, "Distributed source coding based encryption and lossless compression of gray scale and color images", Proc. IEEE 10th workshop on multimedia and signal processing, Cairns, Australia, pp. 760-764, Oct. 2008.. [5] A. Mitra, Y. V. S. Rao and S. R. M. Prasanna, " A new image encryption approach using combinational permutation techniques", International J. of comp. Sc., Vol. 1, PP. 127-131, May 2006. Ankita Hundet, Dr. R.C. Jain, Vivek Sharma |
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21. | Survey for Wavelet Bayesian Network Image Denoising
Survey for Wavelet Bayesian Network Image DenoisingAbstract: In now days, wavelet-based image denoising method, which extends a recently emerged ―geometrical‖ Bayesian framework. The new scheme combines three criteria for distinctive theoretically useful coefficients from noise: coefficient magnitudes, their advancement across scales and spatial clustering of bulky coefficients close to image edges. These three criteria are united in a Bayesian construction. The spatial clustering properties are expressed in a earlier model. The statistical properties regarding coefficient magnitudes and their development crossways scales are expressed in a joint conditional model. We address the image denoising difficulty, where zero-mean white and homogeneous Gaussian additive noise is to be uninvolved from a given image. We employ the belief propagation (BP) algorithm, which estimates a coefficient based on every one the coefficients of a picture, as the maximum-a-posterior (MAP) estimator to derive the denoised wavelet coefficients. We illustrate that if the network is a spanning tree, the customary BP algorithm can achieve MAP estimation resourcefully. Our research consequences show that, in conditions of the peak-signal-to-noise-ratio and perceptual superiority, the planned approach outperforms state-of-the-art algorithms on a number of images, mostly in the textured regions, with a range of amounts of white Gaussian noise.Key words: Bayesian network, Bayesian estimation, Image denoising, Image restoration, Wavelet transform. Reference [1] B. Goossens, A. Pizurica, and W. Philips, ―Image denoising using mixtures of projected Gaussian scale mixtures,‖ IEEE Trans. Image Process., vol. 18, no. 8, pp. 1689–1702, Aug. 2009. [2] A. Srivastava, A. B. Lee, E.P. Simoncelli, and S-C. Zhu, ―OnAdvances in Statistical Modeling of Natural Images,‖ Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, vol. 18, pp. 17–33, 2003. [3] J. Ho and W.-L. Hwang, ―Wavelet Bayesian Network Image Denoising,‖ IEEE Trans. Image Process., vol. 22, no. 4, Apr. 2013. [4] G. F. Cooper and E. Herskovits, ―A Bayesian method for the induction of probabilistic networks from data,‖ Mach. Learn., vol. 9, no. 4, pp.309–347, Oct. 1992. [5] D. Heckerman, D. Geiger, and D. M. Chickering, ―Learning Bayesian networks: The combination of knowlege and statistical data,‖ Mach. Learn., vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 197–243, 1995. Pallavi Sharma, Dr. R.C. Jain Sir, Rashmi Nagwani |
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22. | Thermodynamic Analysis of Actual Vapour Compression System with R12 and Its Eco-Friendly Alternatives Refrigerants
Thermodynamic Analysis of Actual Vapour Compression System with R12 and Its Eco-Friendly Alternatives RefrigerantsAbstract: This paper presents a theoretical performance study of a vapour compression refrigeration system with refrigerants R-12, R134a and R1234yf. A computational model based on energy first law analysis is presented for the investigation of the effects of evaporating temperatures, degree of subcooling, dead state temperatures and effectiveness of the liquid vapour heat exchanger on the relative capacity change index, coefficient of performance of the vapour compression refrigeration cycle. RCI (relative capacity change index) of the system is highest for R1234yf and with increase in degree of subcooling; R1234yf has the highest percentage increase in COP. The total compressor work requirement for system is highest with R134a. R1234yf is the only refrigerants of all the refrigerants used in present work that satisfy MAC directive (2006/40/EG) because of GWP value less than 150. From these results, it is indicated that R1234yf is the refrigerant for future.Key words: COP, Subcooling, LVHE, Pressure drop ,RCI. Reference [1] Prasad and Chen.1999. Simulation of vapour compression cycle using R134a and R12. International communication of heat and mass transfer. 1933:00037-8. [2] Wongwises, S. and Chimres, N. 2004. Experimental study of hydrocarbon mixtures to replace HFC-134a in a domestic refrigerator. Energy Conversion and Management 46: 85–100. [3] Arora, A. and Kaushik, S.C. 2008. Theoretical analysis of a vapour compression refrigeration system with R502, R404 and R507A. International journal of refrigeration. 31: 998 –1005. [4] Abdelaziz. O., Karber. M and Vineyard. A. 2012. Experimental Performance of R-1234yf and R-1234ze as Drop-in Replacements for R-134a in Domestic Refrigerators. International refrigeration and air conditioning conference. School of Mechanical Engineering, U.S. 2241 Purdue University . [5] James M. Calm. 2008. The next generation refrigerants- Historical review consideration and outlook. International Journal of Refrigeration 31(2008) 1123-1133. Vijay Singh Bisht, A.K.Pratihar |
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23. | A Novel Design of Low Power High Speed Carry Select Adder
A Novel Design of Low Power High Speed Carry Select AdderAbstract: Carry Select Adder (CSLA) is one of the fastest adders used in many computational systems to perform fast arithmetic operations. It performs n-bit addition and provides a sum of n+1 bit. The structure of CSLA gives the future scope of reducing the area and power consumption which are needed for the rapidly growing mobile industry. The modified 64-Bit CSLA architecture has developed using Binary to Excess-1 converter(BEC).This paper proposes an efficient method of replacing RCA in regular proposal with BEC in modified proposal.Index Terms: Binary To Excess Converter (BEC), Carry Ripple Adder (CRA), Multiplexer (MUX). Reference [1] O. J. Bedrij, ―Carry-select adder,‖ IRE Trans. Electron. Comput., pp. 340–344, 1962 [2] B. Ramkumarr, H. M. Kittur, and P. M. Kannan, ―ASIC implementation of modified faster carry save adder,‖ Eur. J. Sci. Res., vol. 42, no. 1, pp. 53–58, 2010. [3] T. Y. Ceiang and M. J. Hsiao, ―Carry-select adder using single ripple carry adder,‖ Electron. Lett., vol. 34, no. 22, pp. 2101–2103, Oct. 1998. [4] Y. Kim and L.-S. Kim, ―64-bit carry-select adder with reduced area,‖ Electron. Lett., vol. 37, no. 10, pp. 614–615, May 2001. [5] J. M. Rabaey, Digtal Integrated Circuits—A Design Perspec- tive. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 2001. U. Sandhya, T. Lakshmi Bhavani, D. Arun kumar, B. Krishna |
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24. | Behavior Analysis of Omega Network Using Multi-Layer Multi-Stage Interconnection Network
Behavior Analysis of Omega Network Using Multi-Layer Multi-Stage Interconnection NetworkAbstract: This paper consists the study of Omega network, that how the buffer cost affects by adding the stages into the Omega network which is further known as Omega-I and Omega – II respectively. The study analyzes the behavior of Omega Network using Multi - Stage Interconnection Network and Multi - Layer Multi - Stage network.Key words: MINs (Multi Stage Interconnection Network), MLMINs (Multi Layer Multi Stage Interconnection Network), SEs (Switching Elements), Omega Network, Buffer Cost. Reference [1] Gunawan, I., 13 October 2006, "Reliability analysis of shuffle-exchange network systems," Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, pp. 271–276. [2] Tutsch, D., and Hommel,G., "Multilayer Multistage Interconnection Networks,"Availablecat:http://scholar.google.co.in/scholar?cluster=13421100522468729844&hl=en&as_sdt=2000. [3] Tutsch, D., Hendler, M., and Hommel, G., July 2001, "Multicast performance of multistage interconnection networks with shared buffering," In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Networking (ICN 2001), pp. 478–487. [4] Kruskal, C. P., and Snir, M., 1983, "The performance of multistage interconnection networks for multiprocessors," IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. C– 32, No12, pp.1091–1098. [5] Blake, J.T., and Trivedi, K.S., 1989, "Multistage interconnection network reliability," IEEE Transaction Computer, Vol.38, No.11, pp.1600–4. Smilly Soni, Amandeep Singh Dhaliwal, Ashish Jalota |
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25. | Contractor's Performance for Construction Project: A Review
Contractor's Performance for Construction Project: A ReviewAbstract: This research aims to evaluate and improve the construction project management. A conceptual research framework was generally developed to perform a study of the project management performance from the contractor viewpoint. The success of construction projects is a fundamental issue for client. In the literature that deals with construction project success and causes of quality, time and cost overrun in the construction industry. Quality, time and cost are the three factors that play important roles in planning and controlling of construction projects. The project success is reflected by quality outputs standards, meeting time and budget objectives. The contractors are involved in this study to validate the research approach. It provides in key performance indicator (KPI) which can be evaluate and measure potential contractors as well as their capacity by requesting these indices. The finding can help construction firms to learn from the best practices of other and carry out continuous improvement. The research methodology has general use thus it may be applied to other contractors with minor modifications.Key words: Housing construction project, Contractor's performance Reference [1] T, Y, Lo, I,W,H, Fung, K, C, F, Tung, "Construction delays in Hong Kong civil engineering projects." Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 132(6), pp. 636-649. [2] Y, Frimpong, J, Oluwoye, L, Crawford, "Causes of delay and cost overrun in construction of groundwater projects in development countries; Ghana as a case study," International Journal of Project Management, 21(5), pp.321-326. [3] A, R, Atkinson,"The role of human error in construction defects," Structural Syrvey, 17(4), pp. 231-236. [4] P, E, D, Love, Z, Irani, , Edwards, D.J, "A seamless supply chain management model for construction: Supply chain Management," An International Journal, 9(1), pp. 43-56. [5] N, Hamzah, M,A, Khoiry, I , Arshad, N, M, Tawil, A,I, Ani Che, "Cause of construction delay-theoretical framework," Procedia Eng, 20, pp. 2011, 490-495 M. R. Lee, Syuhaida Ismail, Mohammad Hussaini |
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Version 8 | |||
1. | Multimedia Question Answering System Using Page Ranking Algorithm
Multimedia Question Answering System Using Page Ranking AlgorithmAbstract: In general, existing cQA forums provide only textual answers, which are not informative enough for many questions. Conventional MMQA aims to seek multimedia answers without the assistance of textual answers. This MMQA scheme using diversification method is able to enrich textual answers in cQA with appropriate meta data which improves the informativeness and it bridges two gaps (i) The gap between questions and textual answers (ii) The gap between textual answer and multimedia answer. This scheme consists of three components: answer medium selection, query generation and data selection and presentation. This scheme determines the type of media information that can be added for a textual answer. This scheme predicts the type of medium to be added using Naïve Bayes Classifier, it automatically generates query based on QA knowledge and performs multimedia search. Finally this scheme performs query adaptive re-ranking and duplicate removal to obtain a set of images and videos for presentation along with textual answer. This scheme uses diversification methods to make the enriched media data more diverse. This scheme uses Page Ranking algorithm to retrieve more relevant and diverse search results.Key words: Multimedia Question Answering(MMQA), Community Question Answering(cQA), question answering, media selection, Page ranking. Reference [1]. D. Molla and J. L. Vicedo,"Question answering in restricted domains: An overview," Computat Linguist, vol.13 no 1, pp.41-61, 2007. [2]. L. A. Adamic, J. Zhang, E. Bakshy, and M. S. Ackerman, "Knowledge sharing and Yahoo answers: Everyone knows something," in Proc. Int. World Wide Conf., 2008. [3]. L. Nie, M. Wang, Z. Zha, G.Li, and T.S.Cgua,"Multimedia answering: Enriching text QA with media information," in Proc.ACM Int. SIGIR Conf., 2011 [4]. Y.C. Wu and J.C.Yang,"A robust passage retrieval algorithm for video question answering"IEEE Trans.Circuits Syst.Video Technolo., vol.18 , no.10,pp 1411-1421,2008 [5]. T.S.Chua,R.Hong,G.Li,and J.Tang,"From Text question-answering to multimedia QA on web-scale media resources," in Proc.ACM Workshop Large-scale Multimedia Retrieval and Mining,2009. R.M.Teepika, P.J.Thanusu Prabha, Ms.N.D.Thamarai selvi |
01-05 | ![]() |
2. | Anti-Wear Properties of Benzoic Acid in Karanja Oil
Anti-Wear Properties of Benzoic Acid in Karanja OilAbstract: Increased concerns about environmental impact caused by mineral oil based lubricants, has created a growing worldwide trend of promoting vegetable oil as base oil for lubricants. . This paper deals with the study of anti-wear and anti-friction properties of Karanja (Pongamia Pinnatta) oil and its blends containing numerous amounts of benzoic acid at variable temperatures. The experimental results indicate that Karanja oil and its blends containing benzoic acid, exhibits good anti-wear and anti-friction properties.Key words: coefficient of friction, four-ball tester, Karanja oil, viscosity index, wear scar diameter Reference [1] S A Lawal, et al, "Application of vegetable oil based metalworking fluids", International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 52, 2012, 1-12. [2] Iman Golsukhnath, et al, "Investigation of Physical Properties for Jatropha Oil in Different Temperature as Lubricant Oil", Life Science Journal, Vol: 10, 2013, 110- 119. [3] ASTM INTERNATIONAL - D2270-04 "Standard Practice for Calculating Viscosity Index from Kinematic Viscosity at 40 and 100°C". [4] Amir SadaKhan, et al, "Antiwear properties of Benzoic acid in bitter rapseed oil and sesame oil at high and low temperature," International Journal of Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering IJMME-IJENS Vol:12 No:06, 2012, 7-12. [5] Jayadas, N. H., and Nair, K. P., "Coconut Oil as Base Oil for Industrial Lubricants-Evaluation and Modification of Thermal, Oxidative and Low Temperature Properties," Tribology International, 39, 2006, 873-878. Anand H, K M Peethambaran, Mr. Mahipal D |
06-08 | ![]() |
3. | Planning and Analysis of an Arched Indoor Stadium
Planning and Analysis of an Arched Indoor StadiumAbstract: This paper deals with planning and designing of a multilevel indoor stadium with hanging table tennis court and Olympic standard swimming pool. In order to support the large span the stadium is designed as an arched structure. The materials for the construction are chosen so as to have a minimum carbon di-oxide foot print. Static and earthquake analysis were done by using STAAD.Pro V8i. The paper also does a comparison between arched structure and plane frame structure.Key words: multilevel indoor stadium, hanging floor, Olympic standard swimming pool Reference [1] Kerala Municipal Building rule [2] Pankaj Agarval , Manesh Shrinkande, "Earthquake Resistant Design Of Structures" IS 456 [3] IS 800 [4] IS 1893 [5] IS 13920 [6] IS 875_1,875_2,875_3 [7] Journal of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structure, Arch-Supported Tensile Structures with Very Long Clear Spans K. Hincz. [8] Theory of arched structures: Strength, Stability, Vibration, IGOR A KARNOVSKY Alice T V, Harisankar S, Jithin U K, Soorya S R, Sukanya Krishnan |
09-12 | ![]() |
4. | CFD Based Evaluation Of Effectiveness Of Counter Flow Heat
CFD Based Evaluation Of Effectiveness Of Counter Flow Heat ExchangerAbstract: Engineers are continually being asked to improve effectiveness of heat transfer equipments. These requests may arise as a result of the need to increase profitability or accommodate capital limitations. Processes which use heat transfer equipment i.e. heat exchanger must frequently be improved for these reasons. Artifical roughness is important technique for enhancing the effectiveness of heat exchanger. In this work effectiveness of smooth as well as roughened tube in heat exchanger is theoretically investigated by using ring type roughness geometry. The performance obtained is then compared with smooth tube. Ringed tube has a significant effect on effectiveness of heat exchanger. The effectiveness is 3.2 times as compared with plane tube was reported. The effectiveness found to be increased with increasing roughness and decreasing pitch between the rings.Key words: Heat exchanger, Effectiveness, CFD, Relative roughness. Reference [1]. Achenbach E. and Heinecke E., 1981. On vortex shedding from smooth and rough cylinders in the range of Reynolds numbers 6,000 – 50, 00,000. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 109, 239-251. [2]. Chan Woo Park, Hyun Churl Cho, Yong Tae Kang, 2004. The effect of heat transfer additive and surface roughness of microscale hatched tubes on absorption performance. Elsevier science Ltd. Vol.27(3),264-270. [3]. Gunes Sibel, Ozceyhan Veysel, Buyukalaca Orhan, 2010. Heat transfer enhancement in a tube with equilateral triangle cross sectioned coiled wire inserts. Vol. 34, Issue 6, 684–691. [4]. Gamrat G., Favre-Marinet M., Le Person S., Baviere R and Ayela F., 2008. An experimental study and modelling of roughness effects on laminar flow in micro channels. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. Vol. 594, 399-423. [5]. Garcia A., Vicente P.G., Viedma A., 2005. Experimental study of heat transfer enhancement with wire coil inserts in laminar-transition turbulent regimes at different prandtl number. Intenational journal of heat and mass transfer,Vol. 4, 640-651. Gurpreet Kour |
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5. | Controlling and Monitoring Of GUI Based Devices Using MATLAB
Controlling and Monitoring Of GUI Based Devices Using MATLABAbstract: in this project we have made a PC based system which will control various devises like Motor, Light, and Fan etc. with the help of PC. In this project we have designed a special GUI (Graphical User Interface) on MAT-LAB software which will help us to give commands to system. We have used Microcontroller in order to re-ceive commands form PC and accordingly control the devices connected to it. In this way this system is completely controlled by PC from remote location. In today's world .there is high a demand for PC based con-trol system because of its various advantages over manual control system, PC based control systems are highly reliable , accurate and time saving systems, they provide number of features like quick data storage , data trans-fer and data security which help industries to work in efficient manner.Index Terms: MATLAB, GUI, Microcontroller AT89C51. Reference [1] Mat lab-Based GUI Development for Basic Stamp 2 Microcontroller Projects - Proceed-ing of the 2004 American Control Confe-rence Boston, Massachusetts June 30 - July 2, 2004 [2] GUI of System Identification Toolbox for MATLAB - Hiroyuki Takanashi and Shui-chi Adachi. Akita Prefectural University Keio University, Japan. [3] GUI Based Device Controller Using MAT-LAB - International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 6, June-2013 903 ISSN 2229-5518 [4] GUI Based Remote ON/OFF Control and Monitoring Single Phase Lamp Using Mi-crocontroller – Mohd Suhaimi B. Sulaima-net. al. / (IJCSE) International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering Vol. 02, No. 04, 2010, 1401-1405 Nidhi Mishra, Mayuri S. Sonar, Shruti V. Kulkarni, Shweta S. Dabhole |
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6. | Effect of Threshold Voltage on Various CMOS Performance Parameter
Effect of Threshold Voltage on Various CMOS Performance ParameterAbstract: SiO2, once thought of as the most precious element in the design of CMOS circuits has not lived up to the expectations of being the perfect gate oxide. Efforts have been made to replace it with High K oxides such as Lanthanum Oxide (La2O3), Hafnium Oxide (HfO2) and many more. This review covers the problems faced by the High K oxides, one of them being escalation in threshold voltage which results in increased power dissipation. The solution to the above stated problem is to reduce the threshold voltage by several techniques, also covered in the review. Effect of threshold voltage on leakage current and power and reliability of CMOS are also taken under consideration.Reference [1] Author-K. F. Albertin, M. A. Valle, and I. Pereyra., "Study of MOS Capacitors With TiO2 And SiO2/TiO2 Gate Dielectric" , Publication-Journal Integrated Circuits And Systems 2007. [2] Author-Alice Wang, Anantha P. Chandrakasan, Stephen V. Kosonock "Optimal Supply And Threshold Scaling For Subth]reshold CMOS Circuits", Publication-IEEE. [3] J. Robertsona, Engineering Department, Cambridge University, Cambridge CB2 1PZ, UK Received: 27 August 2004 / Accepted: 20 September 2004 Published online: 2 December 2004. [4] Mark Horowitz, Elad Alon, Dinesh Patil, Stanford University Samuel Naffziger, Rajesh Kumar, Intel Kerry Bernst [5] MOS Capacitor.cheming huch-5 Mr. Abhishek Verma, Dr. Anup Mishra, Archana Singh, Ankita Agrawal |
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7. | Design and Implementation of Video Encryption for Multimedia Applications
Design and Implementation of Video Encryption for Multimedia ApplicationsAbstract: An explosion in the internet and other sharing technologies has made transfer and distribution of video content extremely easy. Unimpeded transfer of video and other multimedia content has lead to violation of several anti-piracy laws today. Hence, the need to prevent unauthorized distribution and protection of video data is on the rise. This paper demonstrates the lossless video encryption and decryption techniques. For encrypting the frames of the video, column and row shifting method is used, that is transposition cipher is generated. Further a password is used to encrypt the video as well.Key words: Color, Decryption, Encryption, Multimedia security, Password, transposition cipher. Reference [1] M. Van Droogenbroeck , R.B., "Techniques for a selective encryption of uncompressed and compressed images". In ACIVS'02, Ghent, Belgium. Proceedings of Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems, 2002(2002). [2] Mohammad Ali Bani Younes, A.J., "An Image Encryption Approach Using a Combination of Permutation Technique Followed by Encryption". IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, 2008. 8(april 2008): p. 191-197. [3] L. Tang, "Methods for encrypting and decrypting MPEG video data efficiently," in Proc. of ACM Multimedia, pp. 219–229. [4] Ade-Ibijola, Abejide Olu, " A Simulated Enhancement of Fisher-Yates Algorithm for Shuffling in Virtual Card Games using Domain-Specific Data Structures", International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 54– No.11, September 2012 [5] Fisher, Ronald A.; Yates, Frank (1948) [1938]. Statistical tables for biological, agricultural and medical research (3rd ed.). London: Oliver & Boyd. Pranav Aggarwal, Skanda Vishwanath |
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8. | Speed Control of Induction Motor by Using Variable Frequency
Speed Control of Induction Motor by Using Variable Frequency DriveAbstract: The variable speed drive is focused on voltage amplitude control. However, its only control speed in constraint limits. The load on Induction Motor is not constant & vary as per load requirement. so speed must be change as per load. If the supply voltage decreased motor torque also decreases, for maintaining same torque, slip decreases hence speed falls and motor speed is directly proportional to supply frequency, hence to maintain a speed, the supply V/F ratio must be vary accordingly. But the speed is not vary proportion to application so it consume the rated power and it becomes economically disadvantages. To overcome above problem a new concept of Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) is introduced. Adding a Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) to a motor driven system can offer potential energy saving in a system in which the load vary with time. The primary function of VFD in application is to provide energy saving, speed reduction of 20% can save energy upto 50%.Key words: Adjustable frequency, inverter, frequency control circuit, single phase induction motor, variable speed drive Reference [1] Mr. Aung Zaw Latt, Dr. Ni Ni Win. "Variable Speed Drive of Single Phase Induction Motor Using Frequency Control Method" 2009 International Conference on Education Technology and Computer [2] Auzani Jidin, Jurifa Mat Lazi, Abd Rahim Abdullah, Fazlli Patkar, Aida Fazliana Abd Kadir, Mohd Ariff Mat Hanafiah. "Speed Drive Based on Torque-Slip Characteristic of the Single Phase Induction Motor" IEEE PEDS 2005 [3] B.L. Theraja, A.K. Theraja, "A Textbook of Electrical Thechnology" Published by S.Chand [4] Gopal K. Dubey, "Fundamentals of Electrical Drives" Second Edition, published by Narosa Publishing Houses Pooja Shinde, Rupali Burungale, Pooja Kale, Purvee Jain |
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9. | Finite Element Method for Stress Analysis of Passenger Car Floor.
Finite Element Method for Stress Analysis of Passenger Car Floor.Abstract: Simple structural surfaces (SSS) method of analysis is comparatively easy to understand. This technique may be used as a preliminary step to carry out Finite Element Analysis. This method is particularly useful in assessing possible applied load paths. Finite element analysis (FEA) involves solution of engineering problems using computers. Finite element method provides a high level of accuracy for many types of load case and can even give a reasonable prediction of accident damage. Now a day's there are various computational solvers used for analysis. In this paper only review for element type used, constraint used, load and boundary conditions which used for static strength analysis of floor of passenger car that is pre-processing step in finite element method. This paper will help for how pre-processing is done in static stiffness analysis of the car body.Key words: Constraint, FEA, Finite element method, NASTRAN, Simple structural surfaces Reference [1] Lyu N. and Saitou K., Decomposition-based assembly synthesis of a 3D body-in-white model for structural stiffness, IMECE2003-43130, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress, Washington, D.C., November 15–21, 2000. Books: [2] J. Powloski, Vehicle body Engineering, Business book limited, 1970. [3] M. J. Fagen, Finite Element Analysis Theory and Practice, Longman Scientific and Technology, 1992. [4] Nitin S Gokhale, Sanjay Deshpande, Sanjeeve V. Badekar, Anand N. Thithe, practical finite element analysis 1st Edition, ISBN978-81-906195-0-9. [5] Users Reference Manual for the Hypermesh. Abhijeet Shinde, Prof. Dhananjay Thombare |
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10. | Design and Simulation of Mathematical Models- An DSP and Digital Communication Based Approach
Design and Simulation of Mathematical Models- An DSP and Digital Communication Based ApproachAbstract: A methodology for implementing DSP based or communication applications on a field programmable gate arrays (FPGA) using Xilinx System Generator (XSG) for Matlab. The DPSK system and FFT are simulated using Matlab/ Simulink environment and System Generator, a tool from Xilinx used for FPGA design as well as implemented on Spartan 3E Starter Kit boards. We proposed the concept of simulation of mathematical model on mixed HDL-Simulink using Xilinx system generator. Many applications that are DSP based or certain communication application require mathematical modelling for their easy understanding and analysis. Due to its complexity Pure HDL is unable to simulate. Also it terms to be costly and time consuming process. The implementation of FFT algorithms that can compute fourier transform of varied signals in real time for frequency analysis of signals on FPGAs (Spartan3E). With large demand for high dynamic range for applications, floating point implementation is used as fixed point implementation becomes increasingly expensive. The DPSK model are first board behaves as a modulator and the second as a demodulator. The modulator and demodulator algorithms have been implemented on FPGA using the VHDL language on Xilinx ISE.Key words: FFT, DPSK, FPGA(Field Programmable Gate Arrays), Hardware-Software Co-simulation, MATLAB, XSG(Xilinx System Generator). Reference [1] Adam Milik and Andrzej Pulka "Complex Mathematical Models Simulation On Mixed HDL-Simulink Platform", in proceeding of IEEE, Poland, 2008. [2] S.O.Popescu, A.S.Gontean and G.Budura "Simulation and Implementation of a BPSK Modulator on FPGA", in Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics (SACI 2011), Romania, 2011, pp.459-463. [3] S.O.Popescu, A.S.Gontean and G.Budura "BPSK System on Spartan 3E FPGA", in proceedings of the IEEE International symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics (SACI), Romania,2012. [4] System Generator for DSP. Getting Started Guide. Xilinx, 2008. [5] Spartan 3E FPGA Starter Kit Board. User Guide. Xilinx, 2011. Miss. Shruti R. Tambakhe, Prof. Ajay P. Thakare |
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11. | Performance of Pitch and Stall Regulated Tidal Stream Turbines
Performance of Pitch and Stall Regulated Tidal Stream TurbinesAbstract: Controllers for a pitch and a stall regulated horizontal axial flow, variable-speed tidal stream turbine are developed, and a performance comparison is carried out. Below rated flow speed, both turbines are operated in variable-speed mode so that the optimum tip-speed ratio is maintained. One of the turbines has variable pitch blades, which above rated speed are pitched to feather in order to regulate power. The other turbine has fixed pitch blades and uses speed-assisted stall to regulate power. The control system design behind both strategies is examined in MATLAB, with the performance under turbulent flows, loading and energy yield analysis being evaluated in GH Tidal Bladed. Both strategies provide a satisfactory performance, but the out-of-plane loads on the stall regulated turbine were higher over the entire range of operation. In addition, the dynamic characteristics of the stall regulated turbine require a more complex control design. The results suggest that the pitch regulated turbine would be a more attractive solution for turbine developers.Key words: Control, pitch regulation, stall regulation, synchronous generator, tidal power, tidal stream turbine. Reference [1] Black and Veatch, UK Tidal Current Resource and Economics Study. Report, the Carbon Trust, 2011. [2] Quantification of Exploitable Tidal Energy Resources in UK Waters, ABP Marine Environmental Research Ltd., 2007. [3] Accelerating Marine Energy, Carbon Trust, 2011. [4] G.McCann, M. Thomson, and S. Hitchcock, ―Implications of site-specific conditions on the prediction of loading and power performance of a tidal stream device,‖ in Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Ocean Energy (ICOE), Brest, France, 2008. [5] I. G. Bryden, ―Tidal energy,‖ in Encyclopedia of Energy. NewYork, NY, USA: Elsevier, 2004, pp. 139–150. Sujeet Swami, Pradeep Suman |
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12. | A Review of Decision Based Impulse Noise Removing Algorithms
A Review of Decision Based Impulse Noise Removing AlgorithmsAbstract: Noises is an unwanted factor in digital image and videos, hiding the details and destroying image information. Hence denoising has great importance to restore the details and to improve the quality measures. This paper takes a look towards different type of noise found in digital images, Denoising domains, and classification of denoising filters. Some denoising filters like Median filter (MF), Adaptive median filter (AMF) and simple adaptive median filters (SAMF) are described and compared briefly. A new approach is proposed for video denoising using combination of median filters with multiple views.Key words: Adaptive Filter, Denoising, Impulse noise, Median filter, Salt-and–pepper, Switching Median Filter Reference [1] Vladimir Zlokolica, Aleksandra Pizurica, and Wilfried Philips, "Video denoising using multiple class averaging with Multiresolution",University of Ghent, Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41,9000 Ghent, Belgium,VLBV2003,LNCS 2849,PP. 172-179,2003, Springerverlog berlin Heidelberg 2003. [2] Bovik, Alan C.: Handbook of Image and Video Processing (Communications, Networking and Multimedia). Academic Press, Inc., Orlando, FL, USA, (2005). [3] Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods, Book on "Digital Image Processing", third edition, Pearson Education, pp.156-157,326,332-335,369©2008. [4] Maria Petrou, and PanagiotaBosdogianni, "‟Image Processing: The fundamental‟‟,John Wiley & Sons Ltd,2000. [5] Sung-JeaKo, and YoogHoon Lee, ‟‟Center weighted median filters and their application to image enhancement‟‟, IEEE Trans. Circuits and System, vol. 38, no. 9, pp. 984-993, September 1991 SnehalAmbulkar, PritiGolar |
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13. | Characterization of Magnesium Substituted Nickel Nano Ferrites Synthesized By Citrate-Gel Auto Combustion Method
Characterization of Magnesium Substituted Nickel Nano Ferrites Synthesized By Citrate-Gel Auto Combustion MethodAbstract: Ni-Mg nano-ferrites, having the chemical formula Ni1-xMgxFe2O4 (where x = 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 0 and 1.0), were synthesized by the Citrate- gel auto combustion method. Synthesized powders were sintered at 500˚ C for 4 hours in an air and were characterized by XRD, SEM and EDS. XRD analysis showed cubic spinel structure of the ferrites and the crystallite sizes (D) were found in the range of 16 nm - 36 nm. The values of lattice parameter (a) increases with the increase of Mg content obeying Vegard‟s law. The x-ray density of the samples decrease monotonically with increasing Mg content. Scanning Electron Microscopic (SEM) studies revealed nano crystalline nature of the samples. An elemental composition of the samples was studied by Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS). The observed results can be explained on the basis of composition and crystal size.Key words: Ni-Mg Nano-Ferrites; Citrate-Gel Auto Combustion; X-Ray Diffraction; SEM; EDS Reference [1] M. Abdullah Dar, Khalid MujasamBatoo, VivekVerma, W.A. Siddiqui, R.K., "Synthesis and characterization of nano-sized pure and Al-doped lithium ferrite having high value of dielectric constant" Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 493,pp 553–560,2010. [2] K.H.Maria, S.Choudhary,M.A.Hakim , "Complex Permeability and Transport Properties of Zn Substituted Cu ferrites",Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences,Vol.34, No1,pp1-8,2010. [3] M.H.Khedr, , "Effect of firing temperature and compacting pressure on the magnetic and electrical properties of nickel ferrite",Journal of physicochemical problems of mineral processing, Vol 38,pp 311-320,2004. [4] N.S. Bhattacharyya, G.P.Srivatava,On the instability threshold of cobalt substituted Ni-Al ferrite at high-microwave- power levels, J .Mag & Mag. Mat.262,pp 212,2003. [5] Ishino K &NarumiyaY,Ceram Bull 66(1987)1469. Abdul Gaffoor and D. Ravinder |
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14. | A Survey on Modeling and Simulation of MEMS Switches and Its Application in Power Gating Techniques
A Survey on Modeling and Simulation of MEMS Switches and Its Application in Power Gating TechniquesAbstract: Large numbers of techniques have been developed to reduce the leakage power, including supply voltage scaling, varying threshold voltages, smaller logic banks, etc. Power gating is a technique which is used to reduce the static power when the sleep transistor is in off condition. Micro Electro mechanical System (MEMS) switches have properties that are very close to an ideal switch, with infinite off-resistance due to an air gap and low on-resistance due to the ohmic metal to metal contact that is formed. In this paper, we discussed the MEMS switch, its material selection and its working in power gated circuits for the purpose of massive reduction of leakage power. This CMOS- MEMS combination provides high switching speed, very clean contacts, less reliability and less lifetime.Key words: MEMS, MTCMOS, RF-MEMS Switch, power gating, Electrostatic MEMS switch, static power Reference [1] Guisbiers. G, E. Herth, B. Legrand, N. Rolland, T. Lasri, and L. Buchaillot, "Materials selection procedure for RF MEMS", Micro-electronic Engineering, Vol. 87, No-9, pp.1792-1795, 2010. [2] Zlatoljub, D. Milosavljevic, "RF-MEMS Switches," Microwave Review, Vol-10, No-1, June 2004 [3] J. B. Muldavin, G. M. Rebeiz, "High Isolation Inductively Tuned X-Band MEMS Shunt Switches", IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp. Dig., Boston, Massachusets, pp. 169- 172, USA, June 2000. [4] Shobak. H, Ghoneim. M, E.l Boghdady.N, Halawa. S, "Power Gating of VLSI Circuits Using MEMS Switches in Low Power Applications" IEEE International conference on Microelectronics (ICM), pp.1-5. Dec.2011 [5] Z. D. Milosavljevic, "A Model of an Inductively Tuned MEMS Shunt Switch", Proce. Workshop on RF Circ. Technology, Cambridge, UK, March 2002. Pramod Kumar M.P, A.S. Augustine Fletcher |
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15. | Characterization of Nano-Structured Nickel-Cobalt Ferrites Synthesized By Citrate-Gel Auto Combustion Method
Characterization of Nano-Structured Nickel-Cobalt Ferrites Synthesized By Citrate-Gel Auto Combustion MethodAbstract: Nano-ferrites of the composition Ni1-xCoxFe2O4(where x=0.0,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.80 and 1.0) were synthesized at a very low temperature (180°C) by Citrate-gel auto combustion method The synthesized powders were sintered at 5000C for four hours in an air and were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) which confirmed the formation of cubic spinel structure of ferrites. The crystallite size was in the range of 20nm to 31 nm. Such low nano sized ferrites are desirable for variety of applications like, in magnetic data storage and in etc. Morphological studies by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) revealed formation of largely agglomerated, well defined nano particles of the sample. Elemental composition characterizations of the prepared samples were performed by Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) which shows the presence of Ni, CO, Fe and O without precipitating cations.Key words: Ni-Co Nano ferrites; Citrate-gel auto combustion; X-ray Diffraction; SEM; EDS; Reference [1] A.T. Ngo, M.P. Pileni, J. Phys. Chem. B 105 (2001) 53. [2] S. Singhal, J. Singh, S.K. Barthwal, K. Chandra, J. Solid State Chem. 178 (2005) 3183. [3] M.H. Sousa, F.A. Tourinbo, J. Phys. Chem. B 105 (2000) 168. [4] K. Raj, R. Moskowitz, R. Casciari, J. Magn. Magn. Mater.149 (1995) 174. [5] G. Bate, in: D.J. Craik (Ed.), L Magnetic Oxides, Part 2, Wiley Inter Science, New York, 1975, p. 703. Abdul Gaffoor and D. Ravinder |
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16. | Onset of Convection in a Nanofluid Saturated Porous Layer with Temperature Dependent Viscosity
Onset of Convection in a Nanofluid Saturated Porous Layer with Temperature Dependent ViscosityAbstract: The effect of nanofluid viscosity varying exponentially with temperature on the onset of convection in a layer of nanofluid saturated Darcy porous medium is investigated. The nanoparticle flux is zero condition on the boundaries is invoked to account for physically realistic situation. The resulting eigenvalue problem is solved numerically using the Galerkin method. It is observed that the instability sets in only as stationary convection and the occurrence of oscillatory convection is ruled out. The effect of viscosity parameter on the characteristics of stability is found to be significant and dual in nature. The onset of convection is hastened and the size of convection cells is enlarged with an increase in the value of modified diffusivity ratio, concentration Darcy-Rayleigh number, the modified particle density increment parameter and the Lewis number.Key words: nanofluid, porous medium, variable viscosity, Galerkin method, thermal convection Reference [1] S. Kakac and A. Pramuanjaroenkij, Review of convectiveheat transfer enhancement with nanofluids. Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 52, 2009, 3187-3196. [2] W. Yu and H.Xie, AReview on Nanofluids: Preparation, Stability Mechanisms, and Applications. J. Nanomaterials.2012,1-17. [3] E.K. Goharshadi, H. Ahmadzadeh, S. Samiee and M. Hadadian, Nanofluids for heat transfer enhancement-a review,Phys. Chem. Res. 1, 2013, 1-33. [4] J. Kim, Y. T. Kang and C. K. Choi, Analysis of convective instability and heat transfer characteristics of nanofluids, Phys. Fluids16, 2004, 2395-2401. [5] D. A. Nield and A.V.Kuznetsov, Thermal instability in a porous medium layer saturated by a nanofluid,Int. J. Heat Mass Trans.52, 2009, 5796-5801. I.S.Shivakumara, M. Dhananjaya |
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17. | Design, Analysis, Implementation and Synthesis of 16 bit Reversible ALU by using Xilinx 12.2
Design, Analysis, Implementation and Synthesis of 16 bit Reversible ALU by using Xilinx 12.2Abstract: In the modern world, Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) is one of the most crucial components of any system and is used in many appliances like calculators, cell phones, and computers and so on. An arithmetic logic unit is a multi-functional circuit that conditionally performs one of several possible functions on two operands A and B depending on control inputs. This paper proposes the design of programmable reversible logic gate structures, targeted for the ALU implementation and their use in the realization of an efficient reversible ALU. Reversible or information-lossless circuits have applications in digital signal processing, communication, computer graphics and cryptography. This ALU consists of thirteen operations, 5 arithmetic, 4 logical operations and 4 shifting operations. All the modules are being designed using the basic reversible gates. Using reversible logic gates instead of traditional logic AND/OR gates, a reversible ALU whose function is the same as traditional ALU is constructed. Comparing with the number of input bits and the discarded bits of the traditional ALU, the reversible ALU significantly reduce the use and loss of information bits. The proposed reversible 16-bit ALU reduces the information bits use and loss by reusing the logic information bits logically and realizes the goal of lowering power consumption of logic circuits. Programmable reversible logic gates are realized in Verilog by using XILINX 12.2.Key words: ALU, Digital Signal processing, power Consumption, Reversible logic gates. Reference [1] Landauer, R., "Irreversibility and heat generation in the computing process", IBM J.Research and Development, vol. 5 (3): pp. 183-191, 1961. [2] Bennett, C.H., "Logical reversibility of computation", IBM J. Research and Development, vol. 17: pp. 525-532, 1973. [3] B. Raghu Kanth1, B. Murali Krishna2, G. Phani Kumar3, J. Poornima4, K. Siva Rama Krishna " A Comparitive Study Of Reversible Logic Gates"International Journal of VLSI & Signal Processing Applications, Vol.2,Issue 1, Feb 2012. [4] Himanshu Thapliyal ,Nagarajan Ranganathan "A New Reversible Design of BCD Adder " IEEE conference on Design and automation, 2011 pp.1-4. [5] Zhijin Guan, Wenjuan Li, Weiping Ding, Yueqin Hang, Lihui Ni"An Arithmetic Logic Unit design based on reversible logic gates "IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers and Signal Processing (PacRim), 2011. S.Anusha, M.Manoher Rao, N.Swetha Reddy |
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18. | Dynamic Carpooling Using Wireless Ad-Hoc Network
Dynamic Carpooling Using Wireless Ad-Hoc NetworkAbstract: The increase in awareness about the conservation of natural resources in today's world, has led to carpooling becoming a widely followed practice. Carpooling refers to sharing of a vehicle with other passengers, thus reducing the fuel costs endured by the passengers, had they traveled individually. Carpooling helps reduce fuel consumption, thereby helping conserve the natural resources. Conventional Carpooling Portals require the users to register themselves and input their desired departure and destination points. These portals maintain a database of the users and map them with the users, who have registered for their cars to be pooled. This paper proposes a decentralized method of dynamic carpooling using the Wireless Ad-hoc Network, instead of having the users to register on a Web Portal. The user's device, requesting for the carpool service can directly talk to another user's device, providing the pooled car, using the Wireless Ad-hoc Network, thereby eliminating the need for the user to connect to the internet to access the web portal.Key words: carpool, wireless, ad-hoc, wi-fi direct Reference [1] Rendong Bai; Singhal, M., "Carpooling in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: the Case of Multiple-Target Route Discovery," Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc and Wireless Networks and Workshops, 2007. WiOpt 2007. 5th International Symposium on, vol., no., pp.1, 9, 16-20 April 2007 doi: 10.1109/WIOPT.2007.4480 025 [2] Nianbo Liu, Yong Feng, Feng Wang, Bang Liu, and Jinchuan Tang, "Mobility Crowdsourcing: Toward Zero-Effort Carpooling on Individual Smartphone," International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, vol. 2013, Article ID 615282, 9 pages, 2013. doi:10.1155/2013/615282 [3] Biplav Srivastava, ""MAKING CAR POOLING WORK – MYTHS AND WHERE TO START" - IBM Research Report, RI 12014. [4] Jinqi Zhu, Yong Feng, and Bang Liu, "PASS: Parking-Lot-Assisted Carpool over Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks," International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, vol. 2013, Article ID 491756, 9 pages, 2013. doi:10.1155/2013/491756 [5] R. Manzini and A. Pareschi, "A Decision-Support System for the Car Pooling Problem," Journal of Transportation Technologies, Vol. 2 No. 2, 2012, pp. 85-101. doi: 10.4236/jtts.2012.22011. Abhishek V. Potnis |
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19. | Green Computing-A Study
Green Computing-A StudyAbstract: Information technology as an industry has been steadily increasing over the past decade or so. With an ever increasing presence of internet and e-commerce in the life of an average citizen, the growth on industry at such an alarming rate is only quite reasonable. Along with such a substantial growth it becomes vital to see what adverse effects this will cause to the environment. Moreover it is essential to check the impact these newly formed or existing corporations have on the environment and any measures taken on their part will be a direct measure of the company's corporate social responsibility.This paper discusses as to what is green computing ,why it is required and highlights the practices an organization cn follow to achieve the same.Index Terms: Green computing, Sustainable practices,IT standards Reference [1] Rouse, M. (2010, May). Search data Center. Retrieved April07,2014,.[Online].Available. http://searchdatacenter.techtarget.com/definition/green-computing. [2] Murugesan, S. (2008).' Harnessing green IT: Principles and Practices'. Pittsburg: IEEE Computer society. [3] Scumniotales, J. (2012, 11 06). Achieving Hard ROI with Verdiem Surveyor and Cisco EnergyWise. Retrieved April 07, 2014, from Verdiem Corporation: [Online], Available: http://www.verdiem.com/print/2391 [4] Jansen, C., Techopedia. Retrieved April 07, 2014,from 'GreenComputing:''[Online]. Availble: http://www.techopedia.com/definition/14753/green-computing [5] Pushtikant Malviya, ShailendraSingh. (2013). A Study about Green Computing. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, 790-794 Lakshmy Sukumaran, Reetu Singh, Supriya Kulkarni P, Sutapa Sarkar |
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20. | Design of Mobile Relay in Data-Rigorous Wireless Sensor Networks
Design of Mobile Relay in Data-Rigorous Wireless Sensor NetworksAbstract: Wireless Sensor Networks are widely used in variety of data rigorous application like traffic monitoring, agriculture, network centric warfare, forest area monitoring. The challenging task in WSN is to transmit the gathered data to the base station within the application's life time. In this paper we are proposing a concept on how to use mobile relay which have more energy than the static sensors to minimize the power consumption in data rigorous wireless sensor networks and this approach don't require complex movement of mobile nodes, so it can be effectively used with minimal cost.Key words: Energy Optimization, Mobile node, Relay node, Wireless Sensor Networks Reference [1] K. Dantu, M. Rahimi, H.Shah, S. Babel, A. Dhariwal, and G.S.Sukhatme, "Robomote: Enabling Mobility in Sensor Networks",in IPSN,2005. [2] http://www.k team.com/robots/khepera/inde x.html. [3] J.-H. Kim, D.-H. Kim, Y.-J. Kim, and K.-T. Seow, Soccer Robotics, Springer, 2004. [4] Fatme El-Moukaddem, Eric Torng, Guoliang Xing" Mobile Relay Configuration in Data-intensive Wireless Sensor Networks" in IEEE Transactions on Mobile computing, 2013. [5] J. Luo and J.-P. Hubaux, Joint Mobility and Routing for Lifetime Elongation in Wireless Sensor Networks, in INFOCOM, 2005. Pallavi H B, Smeja K |
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21. | Estimation of Coefficient of Pressure in High Rise Buildings Using Artificial Neural Network
Estimation of Coefficient of Pressure in High Rise Buildings Using Artificial Neural NetworkAbstract: Tendency to build more slender and more flexible tall buildings have made these structures susceptible to action of wind. Therefore, wind force is one of the prime considerations in design of tall buildings. The prediction of wind-induced pressure coefficients on the surface of the buildings is of considerable practical importance. Wind tunnel testing is one of the main methods for wind load determination on structures. But this being, time consuming and costly wind tunnel tests can only cover a limited number of cases. The present work focuses on the application of artificial neural networks (ANNs) to estimate pressure coefficients on surface of tall buildings. In the present study, two cases of training data set (consisting of geometrical coordinates of pressure points and angle at which wind strikes at the face of the building as the input to the network) has been used to predict the wind- induced `pressure coefficients Cp (mean) (output of the network) for the previously any wind incident angle. The performance of the network is assessed in terms of Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and Correlation Coefficient R. From the present study, it is concluded that the value of Cp (Mean) goes on decreasing with increase in Wind Incidence Angle for the same pressure point. Also, suction effect is noticed near the corners of the building.Key words: Artificial Neural Networks, coefficients, Root Mean Square Error, Wind Incident Angle Reference [1] Anderson, J. A., An Introduction to Neural Networks, A Bradford Book, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, (1995) [2] Arbib, M. A., The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, (1995) [3] Aleksander, I., and Morton, H., Neurons and Symbols: The Stuff That Mind is Made of, Chapman and Hall, London (1993) [4] Flood, I., Kartam, N., Neural Networks in Civil Engineering I: Principles and Understanding, ASCE J. Computations Civ. Eng. 8(2) 131- 148, (1994) [5] Fu, J.Y., Xie, Z. N., Li. Q. S., Equivalent Static Wind Loads on Long- Span Roof Structures. Journal of Structural Engineering - ASCE. 134(7): 1115-1128, (2008) S. K. Verma, Kamal Kumar, Harjeet Kaur |
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22. | Vigorous Generation of Electric Power by Implementing Lunar Power System
Vigorous Generation of Electric Power by Implementing Lunar Power SystemAbstract: This Paper gives an approach to the implementation of Lunar Solar Power (LSP) generation. The LSP System is a reasonable alternative to supply earth's needs for commercial energy without the undesirable characteristics of current options. The long term exploration and colonization of the solar system for scientific research and commercial interest depends critically on the availability of electrical energy. In this paper first we discuss about the present power scenario and to improve the power necessity for the future decades, the construction of LSP station, transmits electricity produced in moon to the earth, preferring microwave for transmitting the electricity, At last we discuss about the cost of installing the project and how to minimize the installation cost.Index Terms: About Lunar Solar Power, Rectennas, Microwave, Solar cells, Relay satellites, Solar Power satellites. Reference [1] Alex Ignatiev, Alexandre Freundlich, and Charles Horton., "Electric Power Development on the Moon from In-Situ Lunar Resources", Texas Center for Superconductivity and Advanced Materials University of Houston, Houston, TX 77204 USA. [2] Criswell, D. R. and Waldron, R. D., "Results of analysis of a lunar-based power System to supply Earth with 20,000GW of Electric power", SPS 91 Power from Space Paris/Gif-sur-Yvette 27 to 30 August 1991, pp. 186-193 [3] Dr. David R. Criswell.," Lunar solar Power utilization of lunar materials and Economic development of the moon". [4] Dr. David R. Criswell.," Solar Power via the Moon" [5] G.L.Kulcinski.,"Lunar Solar Power System", lecture 35, April 26, 2004. I. Kumaraswamy, E. Lalith Anuroop, K. Sindhuja |
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23. | Review on Shear Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Beam without Transverse Reinforcement
Review on Shear Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Beam without Transverse ReinforcementAbstract: Shear failure of the concrete beam depends upon various parameters. On the basis of various parameters, numerous studies have been done to assured the actual behaviour of shear failure. After a long research still it is controversial regarding the exact shear behaviour of reinforced cement concrete structure elements. The paper presents a comparative study of reinforced concrete beams on shear behaviour having no transverse reinforcement by using various design approaches like ACI, Canadian, AASHTO, European Code, British Standard, Zararis and equation purposed by Ahmed et al.Key words: reinforced concrete beam; Shear failure; Transverse Reinforcement; Mode of Shear failure Reference [1] Evan, C. B., Frank J. V., Michael, P. C., Simplified Modified Compression Field Theory for Calculating Shear Strength of Reinforced Concrete Elements ACI Structural Journal, V. 103, No. 4, July-August 2006. [2] Ahmad, S. H., .Rafeeqi, S.F.A., Fareed S., ―Shear Strength of Normal and Light Weight Reinforced Concrete Deep Beams without Web Reinforcement‖ Journal of Emerging Trends in. Engineering and Applied Sciences.v.2,aug-2011. pp.967-971 [3] Kim, W., and White, R.N., ―Hypothesis for Localized Horizontal Shearing Failure Mechanism of Slender RC Beams,‖ Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, V.125, No.10, Oct. 1999, pp. 1126-1135. [4] Fergusion,P.M., ―Some Implication Of Recent Diagonal Tension Test‖Journal Of ACI,28(2)(1956),pp.157-172. [5] Adebar, P., Collins, M.P. (1996). ―Shear strength of members without transverse reinforcement‖. Canadian Journal of Civil Engeenering, Vol. 23, 1996, pp. 30-41. Raju |
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24. | Bit Error Rate Testers-A Study
Bit Error Rate Testers-A StudyAbstract: This paper is a comparative study of the various BERT (bit error rate testers), which are used widely for measuring the performance of any digital communication systems.Key words: BERT; Monte Carlo (MC); IS (importance sampling); software based BERT; hardware based BERT; FPGA based BERT; Reference [1] A. Alimohammad, S. F. Fard, and B. F. Cockburn, "FPGA-based accelerator for the verification of leading-edge wireless systems," in Proc. IEEE Int. DAC, Jul. 2009, pp. 844–847. [2] Breed, G. (2003, January). Bit Error Rate: Fundamental concepts and measurement issues. Retrieved April 07, 2014, from high frequency electronics: http://www.high frequencyelectronics.com/Archives/Jan03/HFE0103_Tutorial.pdf[ [3] Bohdanowicz, A. (n.d.). On Efficient BER Evaluation of Digital Communication Systems via Importance Sampling. Retrieved April 07, 2014, from CiteSeerx: http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= [4] Peter J. Smith, Mansoor Sha_ and Hongsheng Gao, \Quick sim-ulation: A review of importance sampling techniques in communication systems," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 15, pp. 597{613, May 1997. [5] A. Alimohammad, S. F. Fard, and B. F. Cockburn, "FPGA-accelerated baseband design and verification of broadband MIMO wireless systems,"in Proc. IEEE 1st Int. Conf. Adv. Syst. Testing Validation, Sep. 2009,pp. 135–140. Lakshmy Sukumaran, Dharani. K.G |
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25. | DSTATCOM Based Design and Analysis of Phase Shifted and Level Shifted Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter for Power Quality Enhancement
DSTATCOM Based Design and Analysis of Phase Shifted and Level Shifted Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter for Power Quality EnhancementAbstract: The Multilevel voltage source converters are issuing as a new engender of power converter choices for high power applications like in Distribution Static Compensator (DSTATCOM). In this paper presents a study of comparison between level shifted PWM and phase shifted PWM Cascaded H – bridge (CHB) Inverter as DSTATCOM in Power System (PS) for compensation of reactive power and harmonics. The DSTATCOM helps to improve the power factor and eliminate the Total Harmonics Distortion (THD) drawn from a Non-Linear Loads. The transient response of the DSTATCOM is very much important while compensating quickly changing unbalanced and nonlinear loads. Any change in the load affects the dc-link voltage directly. For this a fast acting dc link voltage controller used to generate the reference compensating currents for DSTATCOM. Finally a seven level of level shifted PWM and phase shifted PWM techniques are adopted to investigate the performance of CHB Inverter by using MATLAB/SIMULINK software.Key words: Cascaded Hybrid Bridge (CHB), DC-link voltage controller, DSTATCOM, fast transient response, harmonics, load compensation, power factor, power quality (PQ), unbalance, voltage-source inverter (VSI). Reference [1] Bhim Singh, Kamal Al-Haddad & Ambrish Chandra, "A New Control Approach to 3-phase Active Filter for Harmonics and Reactive Power Compensation"-IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, Vol. 46, NO. 5, pp.133 – 138, Oct-1999 [2] W. K. Chang, W. M. Grady, Austin, M. J. Samotyj "Meeting IEEE- 519 Harmonic Voltage and Voltage Distortion Constraints with an Active Power Line Conditioner"- IEEE Trans on Power Delivery, Vol.9, No.3, pp.1531-1537, 1994 [3] Hirofumi Akagi, "Trends in Active Power Line Conditioners"- IEEE Trans on Power Electronics, Vol.9, No.3, May-1994 [4] W.M.Grady, M.J.Samotyj, A.H.Noyola "Survey of Active Power Line Conditioning Methodologies" IEEE Trans on Power Delivery, Vol.5, No.3, pp.1536-1542, July-1990 [5] L. Gyugyi, E. C. Strycula, "Active AC Power Filters"- in Proc. IEEE/IAS Annu. Meeting, Vol.19-c, pp 529-535, 1976 Ch. Rama Krishna, N.C. Kotaiah |
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26. | Numerical Investigation of Single Phase Fluid Flow and Heat
Transfer In Rectangular Micro Channel Using Nanofluids as A
Cooling Liquid
Numerical Investigation of Single Phase Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer In Rectangular Micro Channel Using Nanofluids as A Cooling LiquidAbstract: In this paper The Thermal behaviour of Micro channel heat sink were investigated used Al2o3-water base nanoluid. The model have been solved by ANSYS fluent 14.5 solver. The Dimension of each rectangular channel is 215𝝻m width, 821𝝻m depth and 4.48cm length. The Reynolds number range from 200 to 400 for power input 100 w. The high thermal conductivity of nanoparticles is shown to enhance the single phase heat transfer coefficient, especially for laminar flow. Higher heat transfer coefficient were achieved mostly in entrances region of micro channels. The enhancement was weaker in fully developed region.Reference [1] WeilinQu, IssamMudawar. "Experimental and numerical study of pressure drop and heat transfer in a single phase microchannel", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 45 (2002) 2549-2565 [2] SadikKakaç,AnchasaPramuanjaroenkij." Review of convective heat transfer enhancement with nanofluids", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 52 (2009) 3187–3196 [3] Xiang-Qi Wang, Arun S. Mujumdar."Heat transfer characteristics of nanofluids: a review " ,International Journal of Thermal Sciences 46 (2007) 1–19. [4] R.Saidura,,K.Y.Leongb,H.A.Mohammad."A review on applications and challenges of nanofluids" , Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 15 (2011) 1646–1668. [5] SeokPilJang , Stephen U.S. Choi. "Cooling performance of a microchannel heat sink with nanofluids " ,Applied Thermal Engineering 26 (2006) 2457–2463. Mr. Sanjay V. Barad, Prof. Mukesh N. Makwana |
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27. | A Microstripe Slotted Patch Antenna Using Amc
A Microstripe Slotted Patch Antenna Using AmcAbstract: Microstrip patch antenna offer an attractive solution to compact and ease-low-cost design of modern wireless communication system due to their many advantages as light weight and low volume, low profile, planer configuration which can be easily made conformal to low fabrication cost and capability of obtaining dual and triple frequency operations. A microstrip patch antenna with bandwidth enhancement by means of artificial magnetic conductor (AMC)/electromagnetic band-gap structure (EBG) is studied in this paper. The three different geometry shapes, the U, E and H are developed from rectangular patch. The antennas studied in this paper are simulated using sonnet software and results compared with the conventional rectangular patch antenna. The results obtained clearly shows that , bandwidth of conventional rectangular microstrip antenna can be enhanced has been studiedKey words: Microstrip patch antenna, Bandwidth, AMC, EBG, Frequency, Wireless communication system Reference [1]. S.K Behera, "Novel Tuned Rectangular Patch Antenna as a load for phase power combining" Ph.D Thesis, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India [2]. Jaswinder Kaur, Rajesh Khanna," Co-axial Fed Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna for 5.2 GHz WLAN Application" Universal Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2013, pp 94-98. [3]. Sandeep Kumar, Suresh Sahni, Ugra Mohan Kumar, Devendra Singh," Design Of Circularly Polarized Microstrip Squarepatch Antenna For Improved Bandwidth And Directive Gain With Low Return Loss" IJECET Volume 4, Issue 2, March – April, 2013, pp. 324-331 [4]. C. A Balanis, "Antenna Theory Analysis and Design" Wiley, 2nd edition, chapter 14. 1997 [5]. Jaswinder Kaur, Rajesh Khanna," Co-axial Fed Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna for 5.2 GHz WLAN Application" Universal Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering , 2013, pp 94-98 Manju Saini, Sachin Singla, Koneesh Aggarwal |
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Version 9 | |||
1. | Implementation of Spyware Detection Using Data Mining With Decision Tree Algorithm
Implementation of Spyware Detection Using Data Mining With Decision Tree AlgorithmAbstract: Any software that monitors user behavior, or gathers information about the user without adequate notice, consent, or control from the user. " Spyware represents a serious threat to confidentiality since it may result in loss of control over private data for computer users. This type of software might collect the data and send it to a third party without informed user consent. Our approach is inspired by DM-based malicious code detectors, which are known to work well for detecting viruses and similar software We extract binary features, called n-grams, from both spyware and software and apply to train classifiers that are able to classify unknown binaries by analyzing extracted n-grams.Key words: N-Gram, ARFF (Attribute Relation File Format) CFBE (Common Feature-based Extraction), FBFE (Frequency-based Feature Extraction), RFS (Reduced Feature Sets). Reference [1] http://www.security-informatics.com/. [2] Download, http://download.com. [3] Spyware Guide, http://Spywareguide.com. [4] Linux/Unix Command: xxd, http://linux.about.com/library/cmd/blcmdl1_xxd.htm. [5] http://vl.netlux.org/v1.php Leena T. Patil, Shamal S. Pawar,Shrutika N. Lad, Nilambari Joshi |
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2. | Implementation of Lean in Continuous Industry: A Case Study (Steel Industry)
Implementation of Lean in Continuous Industry: A Case Study (Steel Industry)Abstract: The goal of this research is to investigate how lean manufacturing tools can be adapted from the discrete to the continuous manufacturing environment, and to evaluate their benefits on a specific application instance. Although the process and discrete industry share several common characteristics, there are areas where they are very different. This research attempts to identify commonalities between discrete and continuous manufacturing where lean techniques from the discrete side are directly applicable.Key words: Lean, lean tool, Discrete manufacturing, Competitiveness, Sources of Competitiveness. Reference [1] Abbett, D., and V. Payne, "Gulfstream V Value Stream Tour," (Presentation at 1999 Lean Summit), 1999. [2] Attri Rajesh ,Kumar Deepak (2012) Analysis of barriers of Total Productive Maintenance , "International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management" [3] Billesbach, J.T., "Applying Lean Production Principles To A Process Facility," Production and Inventory Management Journal, Third Quarter, 1994, PP. 40-44. [4] Brunt, D., "From Current State to Future State: Mapping the Steel to Component Supply chain," International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications, Vol. 3, No. 3, 2000, PP. 259-271. [5] Cleland, D.I., and B. Bidanda, The Automated Factory Handbook: Technology and Management, (Blue Ridge Summit, PA,1990). Deepak Kumar, Sumit Kumar Singh , Khemchand Sharma |
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3. | Automatic Vehicle Speed Reduction System Using Rf Technology
Automatic Vehicle Speed Reduction System Using Rf TechnologyAbstract: For vehicle safety and safety for passengers in vehicle is an important parameter. Most of the vehicles get accident because no proper safety measures are taken especially at curves and hair pin bends humps and any obstacles in front of the vehicle. This system can be used for the prevention of such a problem by indicating a pre indication and also reducing the speed of vehicles by reducing the fuel rate of vehicle. As the action is in terms of fuel rate so the vehicle automatically goes to control and avoids the accidents. At curves and hair pin bends the line of sight is not possible for the drivers so the special kind of transmitter which is tuned at a frequency of 433MHZ are mounted as these transmitters continuously radiate a RF signal for some particular area. As the vehicle come within this radiation the receiver in the vehicle gets activate. The transmitter used here is a coded transmitter which is encoded with encoder. The encoder provides a 4 bit binary data which is serially transmitted to transmitter. The transmitter used here is ASK type (amplitude shift keying) which emits the RF radiation.Key words: Speed Reduction of vehicle where Humps detection, obstacle detection, steep edge detection. Reference [1] Telaprolu,m.k, sarma,V.V.; ratankanth, E.K.;Rao, S.N.; Banda,v., vehicular Electronics and safety (ICVES), IEEE international conference pune (2009). [2] Gangadhar, S.; R N shetty Inst. Of Technol, An Intelligent road traffic control system, IEEE conference publication kahargpur (2010). [3] Berndt, Don, Real-Time Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS), IEEE Education & Learning (2005). [4] Kassem, N. Microsoft Corp., Redmond, WA, USAKosba, A.E.; Youssef, M.;VRF-Based Vehicle Detection and Speed Estimation vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring), IEEE (2012). [5] Murthy, C.; Manimaran, G.; Resource Management in Real-Time Systems and Networks2001. Deepa B Chavan, Abdul Rahim Makandar, Faizul Hakeem Khan, Syed Azimuddin Inamdar |
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4. | Data Hiding and Retrival Using Advanced Encryption and Decryption Algorithms
Data Hiding and Retrival Using Advanced Encryption and Decryption AlgorithmsAbstract: In this era of digital world, with the evolution of technology, there is an essential need for optimization of online digital data and information. Nowadays, Security and Authenticity of digital data has become a big challenge. This paper proposes an innovative method to authenticate the digital documents. A new method is introduced here, which allows multiple encryption and decryption of digital data.Reference [1] Symmetric key cryptosystem using combined cryptographic algorithms - Generalized modified Vernam Cipher method, MSA method and NJJSAA method: TTJSA algorithm " Proceedings of Information and Communication Technologies (WICT), 2011 " held at Mumbai, 11th – 14th Dec, 2011, Pages:1175-1180. [2] Symmetric Key Cryptography using Random Key generator: Asoke Nath, Saima Ghosh, Meheboob Alam Mallik: "Proceedings of International conference on security and management(SAM'10" held at Las Vegas, USA Jull 12-15, 2010), P-Vol-2, 239-244(2010). [3] New Symmetric key Cryptographic algorithm using combined bit manipulation and MSA encryption algorithm: NJJSAA symmetric key algorithm: NeerajKhanna,Joel James,Joyshree Nath, Sayantan Chakraborty, Amlan Chakrabarti and Asoke Nath : Proceedings of IEEE CSNT-2011 held at SMVDU(Jammu) 03-06 June 2011, Page 125-130(2011). [4] Somdip Dey, Joyshree Nath, Asoke Nath, "An Integrated Symmetric Key Cryptographic Method – Amalgamation of TTJSA Algorithm, Advanced Caesar Cipher Algorithm, Bit Rotation and Reversal Method: SJA Algorithm", IJMECS, vol.4, no.5, pp.1-9, 2012. [5] Somdip Dey, Joyshree Nath and Asoke Nath. Article: An Advanced Combined Symmetric Key Cryptographic Method using Bit Manipulation, Bit Reversal, Modified Caesar Cipher (SD-REE), DJSA method, TTJSA method: SJA-I Algorithm. International Journal of Computer Applications46(20): 46-53, May 2012. Published by Foundation of Computer Science, New York, USA. Mamtha Shetty, Shreedhar. A. Joshi |
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5. | Pipeline Vandalisation Detection Alert with Sms
Pipeline Vandalisation Detection Alert with SmsAbstract: Automated crack and vandalism detection alert for pipeline with remote monitoring and location specification is implemented in this study. The design circuit consists of transceiver (GSM module), microcontroller, power supply and alarm nits. Simulation of the various units was done individually using visual modeling application Proteus. Most of the components used in the research were available on the software and alternatives with similar specifications were used for components that were not available on the Proteus for simulation purposes only. A continuous electrical path was provided by resistant sensor and any break in the signal path causes cessation of signal and provides detectable change in the state of the system. The system was tested on performance of the task of detecting breakage on pipelines and the exact location of such problems.Key words: Impact Sensor, Microcontroller, Pipeline Monitoring, SMS Alert, Security, Transceiver. Reference [1] A nation in search of pipeline safety www.saharareproters.com/nigeria [2] Shifts in pipeline vandalism in Nigeria www.aggbrokomeyer.word.com/2013 [3] NNPC lost about N163billion in the space of three years to pipeline vandalism www.thisdaylive.com (visited 19th August; 2013). [4] How pipeline vandals cripple fuel supply.www.nnpcgroup.com/public relation (Visited 19th August; 2013). [5] Lagos Jetty explosion caused by pipeline vandalization. www.informationng.com (visited 19th August; 2013). G.N Ezeh, N. Chukwuchekwa, J .C. Ojiaku and E. Ekeanyawu |
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6. | Investigation of Foundation Failure of a Residential Building – A Case Study
Investigation of Foundation Failure of a Residential Building – A Case StudyAbstract: Movement and distress in low rise building most commonly occur as a result of interaction between the footing system and the ground. This summarizes the study that is carried out to evaluate the possible causes of distress in the G+1 residential building founded on shallow foundation in Chennai, Tamilnadu, India by Detailed Investigation. Disturbed and Undisturbed samples are collected by drilling borehole up to significant depth by auger. Laboratory tests are carried out on disturbed and undisturbed soil samples obtained from the site of distressed building. The cause of failure of the structure are identified by considering the soil properties, intensity of loading, nature of foundation and pattern of cracks developed. Based on the degree of distress, the suitable measures are recommended.Key words: cracks, distress, foundation, investigation, recommendations Reference [1] Robert W. Day, Forensic Geotechnical and Foundation Engineering, (Second Edition, McGraw hill Publications, U.K 2011). [2] Richard Driscoll, , The influence of vegetation on the swelling and shrinking of clay soils, Geotechnical research journal, U.K (1983). [3] D. Nagarajan, Investigation of Foundation failures of residential buildings, M.E Thesis, Dept. of Civil Engg., Anna university, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India (2013). [4] AS 2870, Code of Practice for Residential slabs and footings, Australia (1996). [5] ASTM D-4546, Standard Test Methods for One-Dimensional Swell or Settlement Potential of Cohesive Soils, Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol. 04.08., U.S (1996). D. Nagarajan, K. Premalatha |
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7. | Hybrid Approach for Outlier Detection in High Dimensional Data
Inline content">Hybrid Approach for Outlier Detection in High Dimensional DataAbstract: It has been observed recently that the prominence of multidimensional data is increasing. Existing outlier detection techniques generally fail to work on multi-dimensional data. The need for analyzing high dimensional data has thus increased in today's data trends. It has enormous application in medical domain, network intrusion and satellite imagery. Even though there are existing methodologies supporting high dimensionality and outlier detection problems, most of them are computationally intensive and time consuming. Thus there arises a need for an efficient and hybrid algorithm which will help to analyze and address these problems.Index Terms: Outlier Detection, Feature extraction, DBSCAN algorithm, K-Mean algorithm. Reference [1] J. Han and M. Kamber, Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques, J. Kacprzyk and L. C. Jain, Eds. Morgan Kaufmann, 2006, vol. 54, no. Second Edition. [2] Yogita and D. Toshniwal, \A framework for outlier detection in evolving data streams by weighting attributes in clustering," in Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Communication Computing and Security, India, 2012. [3] S. Ramaswamy, R. Rastogi, and K. Shim, \E_cient algorithms for mining outliers from large data sets," in Proceedings of the 2000 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of data, ser. SIGMOD '00. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2000 [4] M. M. Breunig, H.-P. Kriegel, R. T. Ng, and J. Sander, \Lof: identifying density- based local outliers," in Proceedings of the 2000 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of data, ser. SIGMOD '00. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2000 [5] Z. He, X. Xu, and S. Deng, \Discovering cluster based local outliers," Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 2003 Neha Randive, Sneha, Neha Singh, Ruby Singh, Deepa Abin |
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8. | Adaptive Space-Time Processing For Multiuser Detection in Multipath CDMA Systems Adaptive Space-Time Processing For Multiuser Detection in Multipath CDMA SystemsAbstract: Wireless communications poses some unique challenges including multipath fading and co-channel interference. Diversity techniques, among which space diversity, are overwhelmingly used in wireless communication systems to enhance capacity, coverage and quality. We have considered sample-by-sample adaptive space-time multiuser detectors for multipath CDMA channels with multiple receive antennas. Fully exploiting diversities through space-time processing and multiuser detection offers substantial improvement in the performance of CDMA systems.Key words: Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA), Adaptive MMSE ST MUD. Reference [1] S. Verdú, Multiuser Detection, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1998. [2] J. Paulraj and C. B. Papadias, "Space-time processing for wireless communications," IEEE Signal Processing Mag., pp. 49-82, Nov. 1997. [3] X. Wang and H. V. Poor, "Space-time multiuser detection in multipath CDMA channels," IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 47, no. 9, pp. 2356-2374, Sept. 1999. [4] S. Haykin, Adaptive Filter Theory, third edition, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice- Hall, 1996. Khairy Elbarbary, Tarak Bahroun |
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9. | Analysis of Conventional Sram 6t at Low Power and High Perfomamce 32nm Technologies
Analysis of Conventional Sram 6t at Low Power and High Perfomamce 32nm TechnologiesAbstract: Here we analysis and compare the conventional SRAM 6t at two different nano-scale technologies. First is low power 32nm PTM technology and second is high performance 32nm PTM technology. At low power 32nm PTM technologies power dissipation is significantly reduces at reducing power supply but both read and write delay increases drastically. In other side, at high performance 32nm PTM technologies power dissipation reduces at reducing the power supply, and read delay increase moderate but write delay reduces gives the high performance and low power SRAM, all the simulation is done in Tanner Tool.Key words: SRAM 6T, LP-32PTM, HP-32PTM Reference [1]. Lab Manuals for T-Spice, S-Edit and L-Edit [2]. J. M. Rabaey, Digital Integrated Circuits: A Design Perspective, Prentice Hall, NJ, 1996. [3]. Sung-Mo Kang and Yusuf Leblebici, "CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits" Third edition; Tata McGraw-Hill; New Delhi; (2003) [4]. VLSI Memory Chip Design By Kiyoo Itoh [5]. A. Karandikar and K. K. Parhi, Low power SRAM design using hierarchical divided bit-line approach Loveneet Mishra |
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10. | Wireless Power Transmission Using Resonance Inductive Coupling
Wireless Power Transmission Using Resonance Inductive CouplingAbstract: In this paper, we present the concept of transmitting power without using wires i.e.transmitting power as Magnetic waves from one place to another is in order to reduce the transmission and distribution losses. This concept is known as Resonance Inductive Coupling (RIC). We also discussed the technological developments in Wireless Power Transmission (WPT). The advantages, disadvantages, biological impacts and applications of WPT are also presented. Wireless power or wireless energy transmission is the transmission of electrical energy from a power source to an electrical load without man-made conductors. Wireless transmission is useful in cases where interconnecting wires are inconvenient, hazardous, or impossible. the proportion of energy received becomes critical only if it is too low for the signal to be distinguished from the background noise. With wireless power, efficiency is the more significant parameter. A large part of the energy sent out by the generating plant must arrive at the receiver or receivers to make the system economical.The most common form of wireless power transmission is carried out using direct induction followed by resonant magnetic induction. Other methods under consideration are electromagnetic radiation in the form of microwaves or lasers and electrical conduction through natural mediaKey words: Wireless Power Transmission (WPT), Resonance Inductive Coupling (RIC) Reference [1] Nikola Tesla, "The Transmission of Electrical Energy without Wires as a means for Further Peace," Electrical World and Engineering, p. 21, January, 7 1905. [2] William C. Brown and E. Eugene Eves, "Beamed Microwave Power Transmission and its Application to Space," IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 40, no. 6, pp. 1239-1250, June 1992 [3] K. K. Rakes, "Wireless Power Transmission," Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, NMAM Institute of Technology, Nitte, Presentation Report. [4] L.JosefssonandP.Persson, Conformal Array Antenna Theory and Design [5] Norman S. Nise, Control System Engineering,New York [6] PIC Microcontroller And Embedded SystemBy Mazidi. Prof. Vishal V. Pande, Pooja D. Doifode, Dhanashree S. Kamtekar, Prashant P. Shingade |
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11. | Talking Without Talking
Talking Without TalkingAbstract: The Silent sound technology is a completely new technology which can prove to be a solution for those who have lost their voice but wish to speak over phone. It can be used as part of a communications system operating in silence-required or high-background- noise environments. This article outlines the history associated with the technology followed by presenting two most preferred techniques viz. Electromyography and Ultrasound SSI. The concluding Section compares and contrasts these two techniques and put forth the future prospects of this technology.Key words: Articulators , Electromyography, Ultrasound SSI, Vocoder, Linear Predictive Coding Reference [1] Shehjar Safaya, Kameshwar Sharma, Silent Sound Technology- An End to Noisy Communication, International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, Vol. 1, Issue 9, November 2013 [2] Karishma Gupta, Mohd. Salman Khan, SILENT SOUND TECHNOLOGY , VSRD International Journal of Computer Science &Information Technology, Vol. IV Issue I January 2014 [3] Petajan, E.D., 1984. Automatic lipreading to enhance speech recognition. IEEE Communications Society Global Telecommunications Conf., Atlanta, USA [4] Nakamura, H., 1988. Method of recognizing speech using a lip image. United States Patent 4769845, September 06 [5] Sugie, N., Tsunoda, K., 1985. A speech prosthesis employing a speech synthesizer-vowel discrimination from perioral muscle activities and vowel production. IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. BME-32 (7), 485–490 Deepak Balwani, Honey Brijwani, Karishma Daswani, Somyata Rastogi |
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12. | Asynchronous Power Flow Controller
Asynchronous Power Flow ControllerAbstract: In the present system demand of electrical power increases so fast and transfer of electrical power is need of today‟s scenario. . The electrical power is transfer at same frequency through AC transmission line. However, power generation may be at different frequencies such as wind generation, sources at islanding or power generation in different countries. The proposed Asynchronous Power Flow Controller (APFC) system essentially consists of two back-to-back voltage source converters as "Shunt Converter" and "Series Converter" which is coupled via a common dc link provided by a dc storage capacitor This paper suggests the power transfer and control between the sources operating at different or same frequencies.Key words: Shunt converter, Series Converter, Phasor, Direct-drive, National grids. Reference [1] N.G Hingorani and L. Gyugyi,"Understanding FACTS: Concepts and Technology of Flexible AC Transmission Systems," IEEE press/Standard Publishers Distributors, Delhi, 2001. [2] J. Wu, J. Wen, H. Sun, and S. Cheng, "Feasibility study of segmenting large power system interconnections with ac link using energy storage technology," IEEE Tras. Power Syst. On page(s): 1-8, March 2012.DOI-10.1109/TPWRS20122185255 (Early Access Articles). [3] Dr. P.S. Bimbhra,"Generalized Theory of Electrical Machines," KHANNA Publishers,Delhi,2012. Rahul Juneja, Prof.M.M.Renge |
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13. | Building Automation Using Wired Communication
Building Automation Using Wired CommunicationAbstract: In this paper, we present the design and implementation of a building automation system where communication technology LAN has been used. This paper mainly focuses on the controlling of home appliances remotely and providing security when the user is away from the place. This system provides ideal solution to the problems faced by home owners in daily life. This system provides security against intrusion as well as automates various home appliances using LAN. To demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed system, the device such as fire sensor, gas sensor, panic switch, intruder switch along with the smartcard have been developed and evaluated with the building automation system. These techniques are successfully merged in a single building automation system. This system offers a complete, low cost powerful and user friendly way of real-time monitoring and remote control of a building.Key words: Building automation, LAN, Security, sensors, Real-time monitoring. Reference [1] A. R. Al-Ali and M. Al-Rousan, "Java-based home automation system", IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol.50, no.2, pp.498-504, 2004. [2] N. Sriskanthan, F. Tan and A. Karande, "Bluetooth based home automation system", Microprocessor and Microsystems, Vol.26, no.6, pp.281-289, 2002. [3] H. Ardam and I. Coskun, "A remote controller for home and office appliances by telephone'', IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol.44, no.4, pp.1291-1297, 1998. [4] T. Baudel and M. Beaudouin-Lafon, "Charade: remote control of objects using free-hand gestures", Communication of ACM, Vol.36, no.7, pp.28-35, 1993. [5] T. Saito, I. Tomoda, Y. Takabatake, J. Ami and K. Teramoto, "Home Gateway Architecture And Its Implementation", IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics, pp.194-195, 2000. Ms. Supriya Gund, Ms. Sneha Kumari, Ms. Alice Joseph, Prof. Mrs. Madhuri Namjoshi |
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14. | Network Intrusion Detection System
Network Intrusion Detection SystemAbstract: Attacks on computers and data networks have become a regular and sophisticated issue. Intrusion detection has shifted its attention from hosts and operating systems to networks and has become a way to provide a sense of security to these networks. The aim of intrusion detection is to detect misuse and unauthorized use of the computer systems by internal and external elements. Typically, Intrusion Detection Systems allow statistical anomaly and rule-based misuse models to detect intrusions as the behavior of the intruding element is considered to be different from the authorized user behavior.Key words: Denial of Service (DOS),Intrusion Detection System (IDS), Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS), Unified Modelling Language (UML) Reference [1] R.G.Bace, "IntrusionDetection", TechnicalPublishing,1995. [2] B. Mukherjee et al., "Network intrusion detection", IEEE Network, vol.8,no.3,pp.26–41,1994. [3] K.Ramamohanaraoetal., "Thecurseofeaseofaccesstotheinternet," 3rdInternationalConferenceonInformationSystemsSecurity. [4] ITL Bulletin "Acquiring and Deploying Intrusion Detection Systems" Nov. 1999. [5] K.K.Gupta,"Robustandefficient intrusiondetectionsystems",Ph.D. dissertation,TheUniversityof Melbourne,Departmentof Computer ScienceandSoftwareEngineering,January2009. Gopalkrishna N. Prabhu, Kushank Jain, Nandan Lawande, Narendra Kumar, Yashasvi Zutshi, Rohan Singh, Jyoti Chinchole |
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15. | Forces and Bending Moments in a Ram Press BP30
Forces and Bending Moments in a Ram Press BP30Abstract: In this paper the experimental setup, the equipment used, the location of the strain gauges, the experimental results and the analysis of forces and moments acting upon a ram press machine BP30 are presented and analyzed. The data are obtained under operating conditions when sunflower seeds are crashed and oil is expressed. The results for forces and moments are estimated and analyzed to acquire their average maximum values. By using the data for the maximum forces and maximum bending moments acting on connecting rods the coefficient of kinetic friction is calculated to be 0.0718. It is found that the value of this coefficient agrees with the values listed in the literature for lubricated steel on steel contact surfaces. It is concluded that the results obtained in this study could be used for a subsequent analysis regarding the energy losses and energy balance in the machine. Based on that analysis the mechanical efficiency may also be determined and comparison analysis with other designs of ram presses can be conducted.Key words: coefficient of kinetic friction, forces, moments, torques, ram press machine, strain gauges. Reference [1] J. Uziak, J.D.G. Foster, I.A. Loukanov, Application of Ram Press Technology for Small Scale Sunflower Rural Oil Expression. Proc. International Conference Ag.Eng, Budapest, Hungary, 2002, 286-287 [2] J. Uziak, I.A. Loukanov, Ram Press Technology Projects in Sub-Saharan Africa. Proc. of the International Scientific Seminar "Farm Machinery Management and Sustainable Agriculture", Lublin, Poland, 2006, 89-92. [3] J. Uziak, I.A. Loukanov, Ram press oil expression projects in Sub-Saharan Africa. Roczniki Naukowe: Stowarzyszenia Ekonomistow Rolnictwa i Agrobiznesu, IX(3), 2007, 219-222 (in Polish). [4] I.A. Loukanov, J. Uziak, Theoretical and experimental analysis of forces and energy utilization in a Ram Press Machine BP42 for sunflower oil expression. Mechanics of Machines, 41, 2002, 24-32. [5] J.D.G. Foster, J. Uziak, I.A. Loukanov, Measurement of operating forces in a ram press crushing sunflower seed. STRAIN: An International Journal for Experimental Mechanics, 45(2), 2009, 190-193. Ivan A. Loukanov, Jacek Uziak |
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16. | Improvements In Agile Manifesto For Small Software Development Industries
Improvements In Agile Manifesto For Small Software Development IndustriesAbstract: Now a day's business environment is much more dynamic, and organizations are constantly changing their software requirements to adjust to the new environment. They also insist on fast delivery of software products as well as for accepting changing requirements. Agile is swift active and quick to respond, and this is what agile software development methodology refers to. Agile methods are much attracted to small projects, but no agile methods workings glowing as a standalone system so some adoption or customization is needed. The paper describes an agile adoption survey for small industries in Gujarat region. The main objective is to find reasons for less agile adoption. The circulated survey results are analyzed thoroughly and discussed to prove the arguments made during the research time and the recommendations are provided to improve appropriate enhance required changes for the agile principles. Finally, these improvements are implemented by various industries and The analysis of the results showed that the improvements used in the aforementioned cases were effective.Key words: Small project, Agile Adoption survey questions, challenges of agile adoption, Improvement theory, process flow improvement Reference [1] Claudia Melo∗, Daniela S. Cruzes†, Fabio Kon∗ and Reidar Conradi† Department of Computer Science, University of S˜ao Paulo, Brazil Department of Computer and Information Science, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway. Agile Team Perceptions of Productivity Factors- 2011 Agile Conference. [2] Seiyoung Lee* and Hwan-Seung Yong** J Inf Process Syst, Vol.9, No.1, March 2013 http://dx.doi.org/10.3745/JIPS.2013.9.1.069 Agile Software Development Framework in a Small Project Environment [3] Ghulam Rasool1*, Shabib Aftab1, Shafiq Hussain2, Detlef Streitferdt3 eXRUP: A Hybrid Software Development Model for Small to Medium Scale Projects Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 2013, 6, 446-457 [4] Robert W. Ferguson A Project Risk Metric The Journal of Defense Software Engineering April 2004 [5] Chetankumar Patel and Muthu Ramachandran Agile Maturity Model (AMM): A Software Process Improvement framework for Agile Software DevelopmentPractices Int.J. of Software Engineering, IJSE Vol.2 No.1 January 2009 Ratnmala Raval, Haresh Rathod |
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17. | A Novel Model Based Testing (MBT) Approach for Software Validation
A Novel Model Based Testing (MBT) Approach for Software ValidationAbstract: Software validation is an important activity in order test whether the correct software has been developed. Several testing techniques have been developed, and one of these is model based testing (MBT). The main purpose of Model based testing is to test a software product from a user's point of view. Hence, usage models are designed and then test cases are developed from the models. The development of test cases from the usage model can be made automatically by using a tool. In order to increase the efficiency of the test phase, software tools are important. This paper presents a tool for model based testing called MaTeLo. The tool is developed in a joint European project with six industrial partners and two university partners. As the major outcome of a European project, MaTeLo is a test tool based on the Markov Chain model. This project is used to investigate specification languages for various industries, specifications simulation methods and associated tools. MaTeLo provides an automatic generator which generates test cases based on a Markov Chain usage model and statistical testing methods. MaTeLo supports test execution in heterogeneous environments. In addition, it also provides users with test results analysis and quality reports generation. The tool use model-based metrics to accurately evaluate software reliability and performance throughout the development process. This project integrates the testing tools in real development environments for industrial validation. - MaTeLo offers a graphical way to formalize the requirements test specification based on a usage model that makes the links between Doors, TestStand. - MaTeLo generates automatically different kind of TestStand test sequences and systematically improves the SUT reliability; reduce the testing cost and durationKey words: Model Based Testing, MaTeLo, Automation testing, Manual testing, Markov Chains. Reference [1] R. Mall, Fundamentals of software engineering, 2nd Ed. New Delhi: Prentice-Hall of India Ltd, 2008. [2] S.-D. Gouraud, A. Denise, M.-C. Gaudel, B. Marre. A new way of automating statistical testing methods. Proceedings of the 16th IEEE international conference on automated software engineering, 2001 [3] Blackburn, M., Busser, R., and Nauman, A. "Why Model-Based Test Automation is Different and What You Should Know to Get Started." In International Conference on Practical Software Quality (2004). [4] A. Pretschner, W. Prenninger, S. Wagner, C. Kühnel, M. Baumgartner, B. Sostawa, R. Zölch, and T. Stauner, "One Evaluation of Model-Based Testing and Its Automation," Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Software Engineering, May 15–21, 2005, St. Louis, Missouri, ACM, New York (2005), pp. 392–401. [5] Sandeep K. Singh, Sangeeta Sabharwal, J. P. Gupta, "A Novel Approach for deriving test scenarios and test cases from events", Journal of Information Processing Systems, Vol. 8, No. 2, June 2012. Ghanshyam Gagged, Vengatesan Natarajan, Kauser Ahmed P |
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18. | Laboratory Investigation Of Partial Replacement Of Coarse Aggregate By Plastic Chips And Cement By Human Hair
Laboratory Investigation Of Partial Replacement Of Coarse Aggregate By Plastic Chips And Cement By Human HairAbstract: The use of plastic is increasing day by day, although steps were taken to reduce its consumption. The suitability of recycled plastics as coarse aggregate in concrete and its advantage are discussed here. Experimental investigation was done using M20 mix and tests were carried out as per recommended procedures by relevant codes. As 100% replacement of natural coarse aggregate (NCA) with plastic coarse aggregate (PCA) is not feasible, partial replacement were examined. And also Hair is used as a fibred reinforcing material in concrete as partial replacement of cement. It has a high tensile strength which is equal to that of a copper wire with similar diameter. It is also available in abundance and at a very low cost. Tests were conducted to determine the properties of plastic aggregate and human hair such as density, specific gravity and crushing value. Experiments were conducted on concrete cubes with various percentages of human hair i.e. 0%, 0.5%, 1%, 1.5%, 2%, and 3% by weight of cement and with constant percentage of plastic aggregate as 20%.Key words: human hair, plastic coarse aggregate, compressive strength, split tensile strength. Reference [1] Jain D. And Kothari A, Hair Fibre Reinforced Concrete, Research Journal Of Recent Sciences Vol. 1(ISC-2011), 128-133 (2012) [2] Yadollah Batebi, Alireza Mirzagoltabar, Seyed Mostafa Shabanian And Sara Fateri, "Experimental Investigation Of Shrinkage Of Nano Hair Reinforced Concrete", Iranica Journal Of Energy & Environment 4 (1) Special Issue On Nanotechnology: 68-72, 2013 [3] R. Lakshmi And S. Nagan Investigations On Durability Characteristics Of E-Plastic Waste, Incorporated Concrete Asian Journal Of Civil Engineering (Building And Housing) Vol. 12, No. 6 (2011). [4] T. Senthil Vadivel And M. Doddurani, An Experimental Study On Mechanical Properties Of Waste Plastic Fiber Reinforced Concrete, International Journal Of Emerging Trends In Engineering And Development Issue 3, Vol.2 (March 2013). [5] M. Elzafraney1,P. Soroushian And M. Deru, Development Of Energy-Efficient Concrete Buildings Using Recycled Plastic Aggregate, 10.1061/_Asce_1076-0431_2005. A.S.Balaji and D.Mohan Kumar |
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19. | Software Testing Techniques and Strategies
Software Testing Techniques and StrategieseAbstract: Software testing provides a means to reduce errors, cut maintenance and overall software costs. Numerous software development and testing methodologies, tools, and techniques have emerged over the last few decades promising to enhance software quality. This paper describes Software testing, need for software testing, Software testing goals and principles. Further it describe about different Software testing techniques and different software testing strategiesKey words: Debugging, Software Testing Goals, Software Testing Life Cycle, Software Testing strategies, Software Testing Techniques. Reference [1] Sahil Batra and Dr. Rahul Rishi,"IMPROVING QUALITY USING TESTING STRATEGIES," Journal of Gobal Research in Computer Science, Volume 2,No.6,June 2011. [2] S.M.K Quadri and Sheikh Umar Farooq,"Software Testing-Goals,Principles and Limitations," International Journal of Computer Applications, Volume 6-No.9,September 2010. [3] Mohd. Ehmer Khan,"Different Forms of Software Testing Techniques for Finding Errors,"IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues,Vol. 7, Issue 3, No 1, May 2010. [4] Ajay Jangra, Gurbaj Singh, Jasbir Singh and Rajesh Verma,"EXPLORING TESTING STRATEGIES,"International Journal of Information Technology and Knowledge Management, Volume 4, NO.1,January-June 2011. [5] Jovanovic and Irena,"Software Testing Methods and Techniques," May 26,2008. Isha, Sunita Sangwan |
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20. | Spectral Analysis of Sm3+& Dy3+: B2O3-Zno-Mgo Optical Glasses
Spectral Analysis of Sm3+& Dy3+: B2O3-Zno-Mgo Optical GlassesAbstract: The present paper reports on the spectral results pertaining to Sm3+ or Dy3+ (0.2 mol%) ions doped B2O3-ZnO-MgO (BZM) glasses. The amorphous nature of the reference glass (65B2O3-20ZnO-15MgO) has been confirmed from its XRD measurement. Thermal analysis has been carried out for the precursor chemical mix and its weight loss has been noticed from the TG profile. Based on the DTA profile, the precursor chemicals mix transition temperature (Tg) and crystallization temperature (Tc) have been identified. The transformation of trigonal BO3 units into tetrahedral BO4 units has evidenced from the Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrum of reference glass without dopant ion(s). Spectral measurements of absorption, excitation, emission and emission transition lifetimes have been carried out for the Sm3+ and Dy3+ ions containing BZM glasses separately. These glasses exhibit strong intense absorption bands in the near-infrared (NIR) region. The emission spectrum of Sm3+: BZM glass shows a prominent and bright orange-red emission at 602 nm (4G5/2 6H7/2) upon excitation with λexci = 404 nm (6H5/24F7/2). In the case of Dy3+: BZM glass, an appreciable blue emission at 485 nm (4F9/26H15/2) has been identified with an excitation at λexci = 387 nm (6H15/24I13/2). Energy level schemes relating to the emission mechanisms involved both in Sm3+ and Dy3+ glasses have also been explained. Decay curves are have been plotted in order to evaluate emission band lifetimes.Key words: RE,3+ glasses, Optical analysis Reference [1] R.T. Karunakaran, K. Marimuthu, S. Surendra Babu and S. Arumugam, Dysprosium doped alkali fluroborate glasses-thermal, structural and optical investigations, J. Lumin. 130, 2010, 1067-1072. [2] Y. K. Sharma, S.S.L. Surana and R.K. Singh, Spectroscopic investigations and luminescence spectra of Sm3+ doped soda lime silicate glasses, J. Rare Earths 27, 2009, 773-780. [3] L. Zhu, C. Zuo, Z. Luo and A. Lu, Photoluminescence of Dy3+ and Sm3+: SiO2-Al2O3-LiF-CaF2 glasses, Physica B 405, 2010, 4401-4406. [4] P. Chimalawong, K. Kirdsiri, J. Kaewkhao and P. Limsuwan, Investigation on the Physical and Optical Properties of Dy3+ Doped Soda-Lime-Silicate Glasses, Procedia Eng. 32, 2012, 690-698. [5] I. Pal, A. Agarwal, S. Sanghi and M.P. Agarwal, Investigation of spectroscopic properties, structure and luminescence spectra of Sm3+ doped zinc bismuth silicate glasses, Spectrochim. Acta A 101, 2013, 74-81. M. Venkateswarlu, V. Naresh, R. Ramaraghavulu, B.H. Rudramadevi and S. Buddhudu |
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21. | Design of E-City Bus Tracking System
Design of E-City Bus Tracking SystemAbstract: E-city bus tracking system will serve as a viable notification system that will effectively assist passengers in making the decision of whether to wait for the bus or not. This system is a standalone system designed to display the real-time location(s) of the buses with the use of GSM module technology. The system will consist of an IR transmitter module installed on the buses, receiver boards installed on the bus stops and GSM receiver connected with PC monitoring the whole arrangement. It will also have passenger information system software installed at the bus stops and which will provide user the relevant information regarding all the bus numbers going for his source to destination along with the route details. It will also transmit its bus numbers and route names, with the help of LED transmitter, continuously as soon as the bus comes within the range of the receiver at the bus stop.Key words: GSM, LED, IR, PC, standalone Reference [1] Dr. Saylee Gharge, Manal Chhaya, Gaurav Chheda, Jitesh Deshpande, Niket Gajra ``REAL TIME BUS MONITORING SYSTEM USING GPS", (IRACST - Engineering Science and Technology: An International Journal $($ESTIJ$), ISSN: 2250-3498) Vol.2, No.3June 2012. [2 ] Gaurav Chheda, Niket Gajra, Manal Chhaya, Jitesh Deshpande, Saylee Gharge ``REAL TIME BUS MONITORING AND PASSENGER INFORMATION SYSTEM" International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE) ISSN: 2231-23207, Vol.-1, Issue -6, January 2012. [3] www.atti.gps-vehicle-tracking-systemsg.htm Shekhar Shinde, Vijaykumar Nagalwar, Nikhil Shinde, B.V.Pawar |
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22. | Biodiesel Production from Waste Cooking Oil & Its Evaluation in Compression Ignition Engine Using RSM
Biodiesel Production from Waste Cooking Oil & Its Evaluation in Compression Ignition Engine Using RSMAbstract: Lack of energy, deterioration of the environment and hunger,these are the three problems the humans are facing in todays era. There is an exponential rise in the demand is arrising for petroleum based energy. This has been followed by problem of depleting conventional petroleum fuels and a hike in price of these fuels, almost on a regular basis. Moreover, these green house emissions are results of petroleum fuels and other forms of pollution in the environment. The rise in the price of the fuel has also been alarming for us to find alternate energy resource.The vegetable oils has proved to be a promising source to obtain fuels for IC engines. Like, biodiesel is biodegradable, non- toxic and renewable fuel. It is obtained from vegetable oils, animal fats and waste cooking oil by transesterification with alcohols. The high cost of raw materials and lack of modern technology has led to the commercialization which can optimize the biodiesel yield. A modified engine can lead to better engine performance along with lesser specific fuel consumption. In this thesis, Response Surface Methodology (RSM) has been used which has focused on the optimization of biodiesel production, engine performance and exhaust emission parameters. There is abundant availability of Waste cooking oil in India which is non- edible. Biodiesel performance testing is done using C.I engine.Biodiesel has been prepared using waste cooking oil which is prepared by mechanical stirring method and compared with diesel. An experimental investigation to evaluate the performance, emission and combustion characteristics of a diesel engine. The optimization of performance and exhaust emission parameters of diesel engine which is run using waste cooking oil biodiesel. The studies were performed on single cylinder, four-stroke, water cooed, direct injection kirloskar diesel engine. The performance parameters like brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC), brake thermal efficiency (BTE), and unburnt hydrocarbons (HC), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrous oxide (NOx) and smoke have been tested upon by the biodiesel and are optimized using Response Surface Methodology. A.V.L smoke meter has been used to check smoke capacity. The performance parameters were identified to be very close to mineral diesel. The emission like carbon monoxide, nitric oxide and hydrocarbons were found to be lesser in quantity than commercial diesel.Key words: Waste Cooking oil based biodiesel, Performance and emission characteristics, Response Surface Methodology, Central Composite Design. Reference [1] Lokesh, K., Deepak, K., Avinash, A. "Performance evaluation of a vegetable oil fuelled compression ignition engine", Renewable Energy, 2008, 1147-1156. [2] Sims, R.E.H. "Tallow esters as an alternative diesel fuel", Trans ASAE, 1985, 16-21. [3] Demirbas A. "Progress and recent trends in biodiesel fuels" Energy Conversion and Management, 2008, 14-34. [4] Maheshwari N, Balaji C, Ramesh A. A nonlinear regression based multi-objective optimization of parameters based on experimental data from an IC engine fueled with biodiesel blends. Biomass & Bioenergy 2011;35:2171-83. [5] Lakshmi CV, Viswanath K, Venkateshwar, Satyavathi B. Mixing characteristics of the oil-methanol system in the production of biodiesel using edible and non-edible oils. Fuel Processing Technology 2011;92:1411- 7. Jashan Deep Singha, Beant Singh |
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23. | Ac and Dc Electrical Conductivities Measurements on Glycine Family of Nlo Single Crystals
Ac and Dc Electrical Conductivities Measurements on Glycine Family of Nlo Single CrystalsAbstract: In the present work, the AC/DC conductivity studies were carried out on Glycine family of NLO single crystals such as Trisglycine Zinc Chloride (TGZC), Triglycine Acetate (TGAc) and Glycine Lithium Sulphate (GLS). The AC conductivity measurements were carried out using HIOKI 3532-50 LCR HITESTER in the frequency range of 50 Hz to 5 MHz for the grown NLO single crystals. The DC electrical conductivity measurements were also carried out for the crystals using the conventional two – probe technique in the temperature range of 313 – 423 K. The present study indicates that both the AC and DC conductivity of the samples increase with the increase in temperature. The activation energies were also calculated from AC/DC conductivity studies.Key words: AC conductivity, DC conductivity, Glycine family of NLO Single Crystal Reference [1] Prasad PN and Williams DJ, Introduction to nonlinear optical effects in organic molecules and polymers. Wiley, NY, (1991) [2] Jordon G, Kobayashi T, Blau WJ, Pfeiffer S, Horhold H-H, Advanced Functional Material. 13, (2003), 751–4. [3] Yang Z, Aravazhi S, Schneider A, Seiler P, Jazbisnek M, Gunter P. Advanced Functional Materials. 15, (2005), 1072–6 [4] Boyd GT, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 6, (1989), 685 [5] Hatton BT, Landskron K, Hunks WJ, Benett MR, Shukaris D, Perovic DD, and Ozinn GA, Mater. Today. 9, (2006), 22 Suresh Sagadevan |
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