Volume 4- Issue 3 [March 2014 ]
S.No. | Title & Authors | Page | Downloads |
1. | Evaluation of PID Tuning Methods on Direct Gas-Fired Oven
Evaluation of PID Tuning Methods on Direct Gas-Fired OvenAbstract: This paper studies the temperature control of gas-fired oven using PID controller. Oven control system has the characteristics of non-linearity, time delays and setpoint response. It is difficult to overcome the effects of these factors and get the satisfactory results without appropriately tuning of the PID controller gains required for stability and good transient performance. The Ziegler-Nichols closed loop, Good Gain and Skogestad's are the PID tuning methods implemented in this paper to control the output temperature of the gas-fired oven system. The PID tuning methods are compared, based on their rise time, maximum overshoot and settling time. The performance of Skogestad's tuning method at different temperature set point is superior to Ziegler-Nichols closed loop and Good Gain PID tuning method.Key words: FGas-fired oven, PID controller, Ziegler-Nichols method, Good Gain method, Skogestad's method. Reference [1] Special furnace Co Inc "Product Bulletin No: CP-3-00" [2] http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-thedifference- between-a-gas-oven-and-anelectric- oven.htm [3] http://www.energymadeeasy.gov.au/.../choo sing-between-electricity-gas-and-solar [4] K.J. Åström, T. Hägglund, "The future of PID control", Control Engineering Practice 9 (2001) 1163–1175. [5] M. Morari, E. Zafiriou, "Robust Process Control", Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1989. Aborisade, D. O, Adewuyi, P. A |
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2. | E-APSAR:Enhanced Anonymous Position Based Security Aware Routing Protocol For Manets
E-APSAR:Enhanced Anonymous Position Based Security Aware Routing Protocol For ManetsAbstract: In the past few years, we have seen a rapid expansion in the field of mobile computing due to the pro- liferation of inexpensive, widely available wireless devices or networks.However, all these networks are conventional wireless networks as they require a fixed network infrastructure with cen- tralised administration for their operation, potentially consuming a lot of time and money for set-up and maintenance.Drawbacks of conventional wireless networks are driving a new alternative way for mobile communication, in which mobile devices form a selfcreating, self-organising and self-administering wireless network, called a mobile ad hoc network.In mobile ad-hoc networking (MANETs), nodes communicate to each other based on public identities. In this paper,for a position based routing[22] an innovative packet forwarding mechanism is proposed in which source node generates route request packet and broadcast packet to other neighbor nodes to locate destination by implementing black hole attack[8]. Proposed E-APSAR (Enhanced Anonymous Position Based security aware routing protocol) is implemented on NS-2 and results shown significant improvement over original DSR in terms of various performance metrics. It has been found that on dense network certain numbers of malicious nodes are supportive to reducing communication overhead and because of density negative effect of malicious attacks which is proposed E-APSAR that is able to reduce. Hence result shows proposed E-APSAR will be helpful to decrease communication overhead.Index Terms: Ad-hoc, Anonymity, Geographic routing, Secu- rity,Black hole attack,DSR. Reference [1] Jeroen Hoebeke, Ingrid Moerman, Bart Dhoedt and Piet Demeester," An Overview of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: Applications and Challenges". [2] Priyanka Malgi, D.D. Ambawade," Anonymous Position Based security aware routing protocol", Proc. of ICCT,2013. [3] D B. Johnson, D A. Maltz, and Y. Hu. The dynamic source routing protocol for mobile ad hoc network, IETF, pp 43-53, April 2003. [4] Dow CR, Lin PJ, Chen SC, Lin JH, Hwang SF, A Study of Recent Research Trends and Experimental Guidelines in Mobile Ad-hoc Net- works. IEEE 19th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, Tamkang University, Taiwan pp 72-77, 28-30 March 2005. [5] Ashish T. Bhole, Prachee N. Patil, Study Of Black hole Attack in MANET, International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT) Volume 2, Issue 4 pp 99-102, October 2012. Priyanka Malgi, Ulka Padwalkar |
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3. | Qcuip: Quality Control Using Image Processing
Qcuip: Quality Control Using Image ProcessingAbstract: Now a days industries require accurate and timely information to improve their quality and increase the production of goods. Thus digital image processing can be used in this area mainly for the detection of faulted parts or missing part. Automated visual inspection is the key factor behind all the industrial application of digital image processing. The proposed project mainly deals with analysis to find faulty industrial parts and correcting it. Automated visual inspection uses digital camera that captures image which is coming out of product line. The captured image is then fed to computer for further processing. The typical image processing task is to find the faulty piece by comparing the user requirements and manufactured product image. This proposed idea will employ verification of measurements of all the pieces that are coming out of product line. Based on the error rate modification in the design can be pursued. This proposed idea increases the speed and accuracy and avoids human errors which are common in quality testing. The proposed project overcomes the weakness in the existing system. Thus manual inspection can be replaced with the proposed idea and hence productivity can be increased.(Abstract)Key words: Edge Detection, filter, product line, statistical approach visual inspection, RGB. Reference [1] Stephen Johnson (2006). Stephen Johnson on Digital Photography. O'Reilly. ISBN 0-596-52370-X. [2] Gonzales, R.C. and R.E Woods, 2008. Digital Image Processing. Prentice Hall, Harlow, pp: 954, ISBN: 013168728X. [3] Donald. and M.B. Pauline, 1994. Computer Graphics.2ndEdn. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, pp: 653, ISBN: 0131615300. [4] Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 5(1):142-145, 2013 ISSN: 2040-74459; e-ISSN: 2040-7467 Maxwell Scientific Organization 2013. [5] R. Brunelli, Template Matching Techniques in Computer Vision: Theory and Practice, Wiley, ISBN 978-0-470-51706-2, 2009 Ankita Bhaskar Watpade, Mansi Sunil Amrutkar, Nikita Yogesh Bagrecha, Mrs. Archana S. Vaidya |
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4. | Generation Of Flood Inundation Model – General Approach And Methodology
Generation Of Flood Inundation Model – General Approach And MethodologyAbstract: This paper presents in general the approach, methodology and applied practice for the generation of flood inundation model. The generation of the model cover on: (1) data availability, (2) methodology, (3) flood modeling using the one-dimensional (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) hydrodynamic model, and (4) generation of flood inundation modelof integration of hydrodynamic model and flood mapping approach. The Sembrong River hydrodynamic model, Sembrong River flood mapping, and Kota Tinggi Flood Inundation Modeling are presented as an example.Key words: Hydrodynamic model; Flood map; Flood inundation map; Flood forecasting; Flood Risk Assessment. Reference [1] B. Merz, A.H. Thieken, and M. Gocht, (2007). Flood Risk Mapping at The Local Scale: Concepts and Challenges. Flood Risk Management in Europe. Springer, Netherlands. [2] Paz, A. R., Bravo, J. M., Allasia, D., and Tucci, C. E. M., (2009). Large-Scale Hydrodynamic Modelling of a Complex River Network and floodplains. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering Vol. 15, No. 2, 152-165. [3] Merwade, V., Cook, A., and Coonrod, J., (2008). GIS techniques for creating river terrain models for hydrodynamic modelling and flood indundationmapping.EnvironmentalModelling& Software 23, 1300-1311. [4] Adib, M. R. M., Junaidah, A., Wardah, T., Saifullizan, M. B., and Rokiah, D., (2010).Flood Inundation Modeling for Kota Tinggi Catchment by Combination of 2D Hydrodynamic Model and Flood Mapping Approach. 7th International Symposium on Lowland Technology, September 16 – 28, 2010, Saga, Japan. [5] Bates, P. D. and De Roo, A. P. J., (2000). A Simple Raster-based Model for Flood Inundation Simulation.Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 236, Issues 1 – 2, 54 – 77. Marina Mazlan, Mohd Adib Mohammed Razi, Mohd Shalahuddin Adnan, Mustaffa Anjang Ahmad, Khayrul Apri Amso Suis |
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5. | Plc Based Scrap Management System
Plc Based Scrap Management SystemAbstract: In this paper we have implemented an automated scrap management system for Maintenance Department of Bharat Forge Ltd. Hadapsar, Pune. Bharat Forge is a well known industry for manufacturing of Crank Shaft and various kinds of axels. To manage the scrap & wastage during mass production is a tedious and time consuming job. Scrap Management System is used for storing the scrap & garbage. This Scrap Management System had several problem like huge manpower requirement, time due to which there may be chances of misoperation due to unawareness of handling the system. When any fault is generated due to locking or mechanical operating problem of limit switches, the whole operation can be halt. These flaws lead to increasing concern regarding safety operations and constant maintenance. The conventional system which is in use was developed with a relay logic to control all its operations. But due to bulkiness of the relay logic and number of wiring there are lot of problems during maintenance of the system. This leads to develop some efficient system which find a solution to the painstaking maintenance problems of relay logic, ease of handling, reduction of manpower, & nullify the storing problem of scrap. This can be satisfactorily achieved by replacing the old relay logic by a newly designed PLC system by us.Key words: Programmable Logic Control (PLC), Scrap Management. Reference [1] John W. Webb, Ronald A. Reis, "Programmable Logic Controllers: Principles and Application", Edition 5th, Publisher- Eastern Economy Edition. [2] John R. Hackworth, Frederick D., Hackworth Jr., "Programmable Logic Controllers Programming Methods and Applications" Edition-2nd impression, 2007 Publisher- Dorling Kindersley [3] www.google.com [4] Ashfaq Husain"electric machines'' 2nd Edition 2011, Published by Dhanpatray. [5] S. K. Bhattacharya, Brijinder Singh "control of machines". Revised 2nd edition. New Age International Publishers. [6] www.bharatforge.com Nidhi Mishra, Rakhi T. Waghmare, Rani B. Phulpagar, Pooja A. Londhe |
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6. | Studies on the Freqency Occurrence of Superrefraction and
Ducting over Indian Region
Studies on the Freqency Occurrence of Superrefraction and Ducting over Indian RegionAbstract: Month wise Percentage of occurrence of super-refraction at heights h≤1Km, 1KmReference [1] Almond, T., and Clarke, J., 1973, Considerations of the usefulness of the microwave prediction methods on air-to-ground paths, IEEE Proc., Part F, 130, 649–656. [2] Babin, S. M., G. S. Young, and J. A. Carton, 1997: A new model for the oceanic evaporation duct. J. Appl. Meteor., 36, 193–204. [3] K. Chatterjee, December 1971: Anticipated super-refraction over India, based on the climatology of the vertical structure of radio refractivity, Radio Science, Volume 6, Number 12, pages 1033-1038, [4] Craig, K. H., 1996: Clear air characteristics of the troposphere.Propagation of Radio Waves, M. P. Hall, L. W. Barclay, and M. T. Hewitt, Eds., The Institution of Electrical Engineers,105–130. [5] Gossard, E. E., 1977: Refractive index variance and its height distribution in different air masses. Radio Sci., 12, 89–105. N. Radha Krishna Murthy, S. Vijaya Bhaskara Rao |
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7. | ANFIS Control Scheme for the Speed Control of the Induction Motor
ANFIS Control Scheme for the Speed Control of the Induction MotorAbstract: An adaptive neuro fuzzy inference strategy (ANFIS) provides a nonlinear modeling of motor drive system and motor‟s speed can accurately track the reference signal. ANFIS has the advantages of employing expert knowledge from fuzzy inference system and the learning capability of neural networks. An (ANFIS) for controlling speed of induction motor is presented in this paper. Induction motors are characterized by highly non-linear, time-varying dynamics, complex and inaccessibility of some of the states and outputs provide for measurements. A control signal develop depending on fuzzy based controllers which yields on the firing of rule base, this rule base written on previous experiences & also these rules are fired as random in nature. The proper rule base is selected depending upon the situation and it can be achieved using an ANFIS controller, this becomes an integrated method for the control purposes & produces excellent results, this is the highlight of this paper. The proposed (ANFIS) controller is compared with PI controller by computer simulation through the MATLAB/SIMULINK software. In ANFIS scheme, neural network techniques provide for a proper rule base, is achieved using the back propagation algorithm. This integrated approach improves the system performance, cost-effectiveness, efficiency, reliability of the designed controller.Key words: ANFIS Controller, Fuzzy Logic, Induction motor, Matlab, Membership functions, Simulink Model Reference [1] J. Zhao and B. K. Bose, "Evaluation of Membership Functions for Fuzzy Logic Controlled Induction Motor Drive," IEEE 2002 28th annual Conference of the Industrial Electronics Society, Vol. 1, 2002. [2] Kazuo Tanaka, Hua O. Wang, "Fuzzy Control Systems Design and Analysis: A Linear Matrix Inequality Approach" John Wiley & Sons, Inc., USA. 2002. [3] R. P. Basu, "A Variable Speed Induction Motor Using Thyristors in the Secondary Circuit," IEEE Transactions on Parer Apparatus and Systems, Vol. 90, 1971. [4] Ashok Kusagur, S.F.Kodad, B.V. Sankar Ram, "Novel design of a Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy strategy for induction motor speed control", Paper accepted for publicationin Journal of Electrical Systems, Vol. 6, issue 2, Jun. 2010. [5] A. S. A. Farag, "State-Space Approach to the Analysis of DC Machines Controlled by SCRs," IEEE Proceeding Publication-on the Control of Power Systems Conference, Oklahoma, March 10-12, 1976. Shashank D. Bonde, Dr. Gajanan P. Dhok |
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8. | Enhancing Accuracy of Plant Leaf Classification Techniques
Enhancing Accuracy of Plant Leaf Classification TechniquesAbstract: Plants have become an important source of energy, and are a fundamental piece in the puzzle to solve the problem of global warming. Living beings also depend on plants for their food, hence it is of great importance to know about the plants growing around us and to preserve them. Automatic plant leaf classification is widely researched. This paper investigates the efficiency of learning algorithms of MLP for plant leaf classification. Incremental back propagation, Levenberg–Marquardt and batch propagation learning algorithms are investigated. Plant leaf images are examined using three different Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) modelling techniques. Back propagation done in batch manner increases the accuracy of plant leaf classification. Results reveal that batch training is faster and more accurate than MLP with incremental training and Levenberg–Marquardt based learning for plant leaf classification. Various levels of semi-batch training used on 9 species of 15 sample each, a total of 135 instances show a roughly linear increase in classification accuracy.Key words: Back Propagation, Incremental back propagation, Levenberg–Marquardt Algorithm, Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP). Reference [1] ―Plant identification‖, [online] available http://www.ibiblio.org/unc-biology/herbarium courses/CHPT 25.html. [2] Pranob k Charles, Dr. H.Khan, Ch. Rajesh kumar, N.Nikhita.Santhosh , V. Harish, H.Swathi, Artifickal Neural Network based image compression using Leveberg Marquardt algorithm, International Journal of modern Enggineering Research (IJMER), vol 1 issue 2 pp-482-489 [3] Randall Wilson, D., & Martinez, T. R. (2000). The inefficiency of batch training for large training sets. In Neural Networks, 2000. IJCNN 2000, Proceedings of the IEEE-INNS-ENNS International Joint Conference on (Vol. 2, pp. 113-117). IEEE. [4] Igel, C., Toussaint, M., &Weishui, W. (2005). Rprop using the natural gradient. In Trends and applications in constructive approximation (pp. 259-272). Birkhäuser Basel. [5] Fu, L., Hsu, H. H., & Principe, J. C. (1996). Incremental backpropagation learning networks. Neural Networks, IEEE Transactions on, 7(3), 757-761. C. S. Sumathi, A. V. Senthil Kumar |
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9. | Reusability of Patterns Using Discrete Wavelet Transformation in Watermarking
Reusability of Patterns Using Discrete Wavelet Transformation in WatermarkingAbstract: Digital image watermarking is hiding information in any form in original image without degrading its perceptual quality. Watermarking is done for copyright protection of the original data. In this paper, a hybrid and robust watermarking technique for copyright protection based on Discrete Cosine Transform and Discrete Wavelet Transform is proposed. Wavelet transform has been applied widely in watermarking research as its excellent multi-resolution analysis property. The watermark is embedded based on the frequency coefficients of the discrete wavelet transform. The robustness of the technique is tested by applying noise attacks on the host signal and here the host signal is the database set containing satellite images.Key words: Digital image watermarking; multi-resolution analysis; Discrete Cosine Transform; Discrete Wavelet Transform; Satellite images database Reference [1] DWT-SVD based secured image watermarking for copyright protection using visual cryptography, CSIT,2012 Sushila Kamble, Vikas Maheshkar , Suneeta Agarwal , Vinay K Srivastava, Department of Computer science & Engineering, MNNIT, Allahabad, India [2] Digital Security using Watermarking Techniques via Discrete Wavelet Transform National Conference on Security Issues in Network Technologies (NCSI-2012) August, 2012 [3] Watermark Logo in Digital Image using DWT Proceedings of SPIT-IEEE Colloquium and International Conference, Mumbai, India [4] Comparative Study of DWT and DWT-SVD Image Watermarking Techniques International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, Volume 3, Issue 6, June 2013 [5] UML Modeling for the Watermarking Image File Using Transform Method International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, Volume 4, No. 8, May- June 2013 Gurpreet Kaur, Kamna Mahajan |
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10. | Design & Analysis of Low Power, Area-Efficient Carry Select Adder
Design & Analysis of Low Power, Area-Efficient Carry Select AdderAbstract: This paper deals with the design & analysis of Carry Select Adder (CSLA) & Carry lookahead adder (CLA). Adders are designed using 0.18μm CMOS process technology & simulated with Modelsim6.3f. The adder designs, Regular CSLA, modified CSLA using BEC, modified CSLA without using multiplexer, modified CSLA using D-Latch & Carry lookahead adders in 4-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit, are compared with the simulated results on the basis area.Key words: Area, BEC, CSLA, D-Latch & power consumption Reference [1]. B. Ramkumar and Harish M. Kittur "Low-Power and Area-Efficient Carry Select Adder", IEEE transactions on very large Scale integration (VLSI) systems, vol. 20, pp.371-375, February 2012. [2]. Sarabdeep Singh and Dilip Kumar "Design of Area and Power Efficient Modified Carry Select Adder", International Journal of Computer Applications, vol.33, pp. 14-18, November 2011. [3]. Laxman Shanigarapu, Bhavana P.Shrivastava "Low-Power and High speed Carry Select Adder", International Journal of Scientific and Research Publication, vol.3, pp. 1-9, August 2013. [4]. O. Bedrij, "Carry Select Adder," IRE Trans. on Electronic Computers, vol. EC-11, pp. 340- 346, 1962. [5]. Mr. C. S. Manikandababu " An Efficient Carry Select Adder architecture for VLSI hardware implementation", IJMIE, vol.2, pp.610-622, May 2012. Shuchi Verma, Sampath Kumar V. |
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11. | An Experimental Exploration on the Characterization of TiO2 Using Sol-Gel
An Experimental Exploration on the Characterization of TiO2 Using Sol-GelAbstract: TiO2 is defined as the photo catalyst and the poor adsorption so that the improvement of TiO2 decomposition is performed for the purification of the organic pollutants in water and air. In this paper, the TiO2 is defined and explored under the structure analysis. It also includes the deposition optimization using sol-gel approach. The works also include the relative experimentation for the purification process.Key words: TiO2, Characterization, Sol-Gel, Optimization Reference [1] N. B. IBRAHIM," Effect of Different TiO2 Preparation Techniques on the Performance of the Dielectric Bolometer Ba06Sr0.4TiO3 as a Distance Sensor", Sains Malaysiana 41(8)(2012): 1029–1035 [2] Weixin Huang," Superhydrophilic porous TiO2 film prepared by phase separation through two stabilizers", Applied Surface Science 257 (2011) 4774–4780 [3] Isrihetty Senain," Structural and Electrical Properties of TiO2 Thin Film Derived from Sol-gel Method using Titanium (IV) Butoxide", International Journal of Integrated Engineering (Issue on Electrical and Electronic Engineering) [4] AKBAR ESHAGHI," Photoinduced properties of nanocrystalline TiO2 sol–gel derived thin films", Indian Academy of Sciences. August 2010 [5] T. Y. Wei," Preparing the nanostructured mesoporous titanium dioxide thin film for sensitized solar cell", 1-4244-0016-3/06 ©2006 IEEE Suman Malik, Rajesh Kumar Malik, Rajesh Khanna, Ajay Kumar Jaiswal |
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12. | Composition of TiO2 Using Sol Gel Approach and Analysis under Different Characterization Methods
Composition of TiO2 Using Sol Gel Approach and Analysis under Different Characterization MethodsAbstract: This paper is presented to perform the extensive study and experimentation of TiO2. The experimentation is performed for the composition of the TiO2 solution under different cycles and the temperature values. The experimentation of the work is performed using sol gel approach. Later on the characterization on the solution is performed using XRD pattern. The analysis of the work is performed at different temperature and the pressure values.Key words: TiO2, Sol-Gel, XRD, Characterization Reference [1] S.L. Lin," The effect of sol-gel composition ratio on phase transformation of titanium dioxide under CO2 laser annealing", Proceedings of the 2011 6th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems 978-1-61284-777-1/11 ©2011 IEEE [2] C.-K. Chung," Fabrication and property of titanium dioxide thin film using sol–gel method and CO2 laser annealing", The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2012 [3] Valentina Smirnova," The Use of Titanium Dioxide in the Process of Water Purification", 978-1-4673-1773-3/12©2013 IEEE [4] Ella Gale," Filamentary Extension of the Mem-Con Theory of Memristance and its Application to Titanium Dioxide Sol-Gel Memristors", 2012 IEEE International Conference on Electronics Design, Systems and Applications (ICEDSA) 978-1-4673-2163-1/12 ©2012 IEEE [5] Fitrah Rabani A. A.," Deposition Behaviour of Titanium Dioxide (Ti02) Nanoparticles During Electrophoretic Deposition (EPD) Technique Effects of pH", 2013 IEEE Business Engineering and Industrial Applications Colloquium (BE lAC) 978-1-4673-5968-9/13 ©2013 IEEE Suman Malik, Rajesh Kumar Malik, Rajesh Khanna, Ajay Kumar Jaiswal |
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13. | High Dimensional Data Clustering Using Fast Cluster Based Feature Selection
High Dimensional Data Clustering Using Fast Cluster Based Feature SelectionAbstract: Feature selection involves identifying a subset of the most useful features that produces compatible results as the original entire set of features. A feature selection algorithm may be evaluated from both the efficiency and effectiveness points of view. While the efficiency concerns the time required to find a subset of features, the effectiveness is related to the quality of the subset of features. Based on these criteria, a fast clustering-based feature selection algorithm (FAST) is proposed and experimentally evaluated in this paper. The FAST algorithm works in two steps. In the first step, features are divided into clusters by using graph-theoretic clustering methods. In the second step, the most representative feature that is strongly related to target classes is selected from each cluster to form a subset of features. Features in different clusters are relatively independent; the clustering-based strategy of FAST has a high probability of producing a subset of useful and independent features. To ensure the efficiency of FAST, we adopt the efficient minimum-spanning tree (MST) using the Kruskal‟s Algorithm clustering method. The efficiency and effectiveness of the FAST algorithm are evaluated through an empirical study.Index Terms: Feature subset selection, filter method, feature clustering, graph-based clustering Reference [1] Almuallim H. and Dietterich T.G., Algorithms for Identifying Relevant Features, In Proceedings of the 9th Canadian Conference on AI, pp 38-45,1992. [2] Bell D.A. and Wang, H., A formalism for relevance and its application infeature subset selection, Machine Learning, 41(2), pp 175-195, 2000. [3] Biesiada J. and Duch W., Features election for high-dimensionaldatałaPearsonredundancy based filter, Advances inSoftComputing, 45, pp 242C249,2008. [4] Dash M., Liu H. and Motoda H., Consistency based feature Selection, InProceedings of the Fourth Pacific Asia Conference on Knowledge Discoveryand Data Mining, pp 98-109, 2000. [5] Das S., Filters, wrappers and a boosting-based hybrid for feature Selection,In Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Conference on MachineLearning, pp 74-81, 2001. Karthikeyan.P, Saravanan.P, Vanitha.E |
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14. | Thermodynamic Parameters of Silica Gel In View of Its Different Modifications
Thermodynamic Parameters of Silica Gel In View of Its Different ModificationsAbstract: In the present study silica gel was selected to investigate the influence of several surface modification and coating techniques on the thermodynamic parameters of such material. These materials have relative high stability potential and can be synthesized from inexpensive starting materials. Moreover, it can be easily modified by different techniques such as calcinations, silylation, alkali metal treatment, hydrothermal treatment and special chemical treatments. Also, it can be coated and bonded using thin film of polyethylene glycol. All this modification decrease the interaction between the adsorbate and adsorbent reflecting the decrease in the activity of silica surfaces. The negative ΔH values increase in the sequence methylcyclohexane < n-heptane < toluene on all studied silica samples, the more negative the ΔH, the greater this interaction.Key words: Silica gel, Thermodynamic parameters, Modifications, silylation, alkali metal treatment, hydrothermal treatment, Polyethylene glycol Reference [1] Tagiyev D.B., Gasimov G.O. and Rustamov M.I.: Catalysis Today 102-103 (2005) 197. [2] Dominguez, J. A. G., Lopez, J. E. Q., and Aguilar, R. L. (1998). J. Chromatogr. A803 (1+2):197. [3] Aguilar, R. L., Dominguez, J. A. G., and Lopez, J. E. Q. (1998). J. Chromatogr. A805 (1+2):161. [4] Martire, D. E., Blasco, P. A., Carone, P. F., Chow, L. C., and Vicini, H. /(1968). J. Phys. Chem. 72:3489. [5] Zielinski, W. L., Freeman, D. H., Martire, D. E., and Chow, L. C. (1970). Anal. Chem. 42:176. Ashraf Yehia El-Naggar |
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15. | Experimental Investigation of Performanec of Single Cylinder 4s Diesel Engine Using Dual Vegetable Oil Blended
Experimental Investigation of Performanec of Single Cylinder 4s Diesel Engine Using Dual Vegetable Oil BlendedAbstract: Over the last two decades there has been a tremendous increase in the number of automobiles and a corresponding increase in the fuel price. In this regard, alternative fuels like vegetable oils play a major role. Use of pure vegetable oil in diesel engines causes some problems due to their high viscosity compared with diesel fuel. To solve the problems due to high viscosity various techniques are used. One such technique is fuel blending. This paper investigated the performance parameters of dual vegetable oil blends (mixture of Mustard oil and Palm oil) with diesel on a stationary single cylinder, four stroke direct injection compression ignition engine. The blends of BB 10 (combination of Diesel 90% by volume, Mustard oil 5% by volume and Palm oil 5% by volume) and blends of BB 20 (combination of Diesel 80% by volume, Mustard oil 10% by volume and Palm oil 10% by volume) gave better brake thermal efficiency, lower total fuel consumption and lower brake specific fuel consumption than other blends (BB 30, BB 40 and BB 50).Key words: Diesel engine, Mustard oil, Palm oil, Performance parameters, Specific gravity, Flash point, Fire point. Reference [1] A. K. Azad et. al. "Mustard oil, an alternative Fuel: An experimental investigation of Bio-diesel properties with and without Trans-esterification reaction" Global Advanced Research Journal of Engineering, Technology and Innovation Vol. 1(3) pp. 075-084, June, 2012. [2] T. Venkata Subba Rao et. Al. "Performance Analysis of Vegetable Oil Blended With Diesel Additive" International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 2, Issue 5, September- October 2012, pp.297-302. [3] A. Haiter Lenin et. al. "Experimental Investigations on a Diesel Engine using Blends of Methyl Esters of Pongamia Oil as the Fuels" European Journal of Scientific Research ISSN 1450-216X Vol.72 No.2 (2012), pp. 273-284 © EuroJournals Publishing, Inc. 2012. [4] K. Arun Balasubramanian "Dual Biodiesel Blends in Diesel Engine - Performance and Emission Analysis" European Journal of Scientific Research ISSN 1450-216X Vol.75 No.3 (2012), pp. 400-408 © EuroJournals Publishing, Inc. 2012. [5] K. Karuppasamy et. al. "The Effect of Biodiesel Blends on Single Cylinder DI Diesel Engine and Optimization using Response Surface Methodology" European Journal of Scientific Research ISSN 1450-216X Vol.84 No.3 (2012), pp.365-376 © EuroJournals Publishing, Inc. 2012. Prof. C. S. Koli, Prof. Ram Bansal, Amit Agrawal, Ashish Agrawal |
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16. | Packet Reordering Using Congestion Control Algorithm Based on Data frame Weightage
Packet Reordering Using Congestion Control Algorithm Based on Data frame WeightageAbstract: In network application the data frame is transferred as sub-divided packets which are interdependent. Because of this inter-packet dependencies problems like buffer overflow, degradation of packets may occur in existing application. In this paper packet reordering has been done through Round Trip Delay Time(RTT) technology based on congestion control algorithm & weight based priority algorithm. It has been observed this technology has achieved considerable success to reduce the time delay and also to avoid degradation of packets. It also addressed the problem of buffer management of multiple data streams traffic.Key words: Interpacket dependencies, RTT, reordering. Reference [1] Gabrielscalosub, peter marbach, jorg Liebeherrr, IEEE trans' Buffer management for Aggregated streaming data with packet dependencies" IEEE trans. Parallel and distributed system vol.24. [2] A. Albanese, J. Blo¨mer, J. Edmonds, M. Luby, and M. Sudan, "Priority Encoding Transmission," IEEE Trans. Information Theory, vol. 42, no. 6, pp. 1737-1744, 1996. [3] A. Borodin and R. El-Yaniv, Online Computation and Competitive Analysis.Cambridge Univ. Press, 1998. [4] A. Fiat, Y. Mansour, and U. Nadav, "Competitive Queue Management for Latency Sensitive Packets," Proc. 19th Ann. ACM-SIAM Symp.Discrete Algorithms (SODA), pp. 228-237, 2009. [5] A. Kesselman and Y. Mansour, "QoS-Competitive Video Buffering,"Computing and Informatics, vol. 21, no. 6, pp. 1001-1018, 2002. S. Balaji, C. Monisha |
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17. | Application of Nanotechnology in Civil Infrastructure
Application of Nanotechnology in Civil InfrastructureAbstract: In this article, use of nanotechnology in building materials on behalf of a range of civil engineering mechanism is discussed. In view of the fact that the use of nanotechnology controls the topic at the minute level, the properties of matter are sincerely affected. Strength, durability and other properties of materials are dramatically affected under a scale of nano meter(10-9m).This article as well reveals how the use of nano technology makes concrete more stronger, durable and more easily placed. Different types of nano materials used are discussed with its wide applications. The properties like self-sensing, self- rehabilitation, self-structural health monitoring, self-vibration damping, self-cleaning and self-healing are studied. Following this the analysis were carried out in ductile structural composites along with its improved properties, low repairs coatings, better properties of cementitious materials, reduction of the thermal transfer rate of fire retardant and insulation, various nanosensors, smart materials, intellectual construction technology.Key words: Civil Infrastructure Application, Nanotechnology properties. Reference [1] sanchez, florence, and konstantin sobolev. "Nanotechnology in concrete--a review." construction and building materials nov. 2010: 2060+. General onefile. Web. 9 oct. 2012. [2] "list of nanotechnology applications." Wikipedia. Wikimedia foundation, 30 sept. 2012. web. 09 oct. 2012. [3] "nanotechnology doubling the service life of concrete." nanotechnology doubling the service life of concrete. n.p., jan. 2009. web. 09 oct. 2012. [4] mohan, prem. "civil engineering seminar topics: significance of nanotechnology in construction engineering." civil engineering seminar topics: significance of nanotechnology in construction engineering. n.p., 17 sept. 2011. web. 09 oct. 2012. [5] "code of ethics." american society of civil engineers. n.p., n.d. web. 29 oct. 2012. Syed Sabihuddin |
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18. | The Design and Development of Low Cost Voip Device Using Linux
The Design and Development of Low Cost Voip Device Using LinuxAbstract: In order to improve the quality of the secure communication we need to require secure system hence the review paper has to be defining the requirement of the secure system as well as the cost effective system. Our Embedded system is to design and develop a low cost feature which is based on embedded platform for VOIP media using ARM architecture. VOICE OVER INTERNET PROTOCAL (VOIP) terminal, dedicatedly used for the encryption/de-encryption of the VoIP signal and the RTP (Real-time Control Protocol) voice packet. The encryption flow of the packet is described when the VoIP protocol is SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) and the encryption algorithm is RC4.Key words: mini2240 development board , Linux OS, RTP,SIP,Qt creator Reference [1] D.Richard Kuhn, "Security Consideration for Voice Over IP Systems," NIST Special Publication 800-58.br /> [2] http://www.micrel.com R1.1 Programming Guide.br /> [3] Daniele Rizzetto et al, "A voice over IP service Architecture for integrated Communication", IEEE Networks, May/June, 1999, pg. 34-40. br />[4] Bill Douskalis, "IP Telephony – The Integration of Robust VoIP Services", Prentice Hall PTR 2000.br /> [5] Bur Goode, "Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)", Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol.90, No.9, September 2002, pg. 1495-1517 Mr. Sachin C Malke, Mr. Girish Talmale |
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19. | Enterprise Resource Management
Enterprise Resource ManagementAbstract: The objective of this study was to design and develop information system for Noblesonics Pvt. Ltd to assist in improving their manufacturing process. The proposed system was designed to enable a small manufacturing company's transition from traditional method of record keeping and planning utilizing ERM (Enterprise Resource Management) software. This will potentially help the company to trace the employee, customer, order details and the inventory record. The reports generated from the new system would facilitate the company to manage their inventory and schedule their work process.Key words: Automated system, crystal report, ERM, Material Requirement Planning. Reference [1] Braglia A. & Petroni (1999). Shortcomings and benefits associated with implementation of MRP packages: a survey research: logistics information management, 12(6), pp-428-438. [2] Vaibhav Jha, "MRP-JIT integrated production system" ISSN: 2248-9622, pp- 2377-2387 [3] Harvey, Lefebvre (1992), "Exploring the relationship between productivity problems and technology adoption in small manufacturing firms" IEEE transactions on 39(4), 352-358, doi:10.1109/17.165417. [4] Petroni, A., Rizzi, A. (2001), "Antecedents of MRP adoption in small and medium sized firms", Benchmarking: An international journal, 8(2), pp- 144-156. [5] Manual record keeping available at: http://www.business.qld.gov.auR.E. Moore, Interval analysis (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1966). Silli Panigrahy, Rutuja Desai, Namita Tambe, Sachin Barahate |
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20. | Wideband Coaxial Fed Rotated Stacked Patch Antenna for Wireless Applications
Wideband Coaxial Fed Rotated Stacked Patch Antenna for Wireless ApplicationsAbstract: A novel circularly polarized coaxial fed rotated stacked patch antenna is proposed and its performance characteristics are presented in the current work. The antenna consisting of four parasitic patch, each one being rotated by 300 relative to its adjacent patches. The proposed antenna is giving return loss less than -10 dB with VSWR<2 and bandwidth 700 MHz (5.8 to 6.5 GHz) with axial ratio less than 3dB. The analysis of the antenna is explained through parametric study and HFSS simulation results are presented in the current work.Key words: Coaxial Feeding Rotated Stacked Patch, Performance Characteristics. Reference [1] M. C. Pan and K. L.Wong, ―Broadband circularly polarized microstrip antenna with a dual-perpendicular feed,‖ Microw. Opt. Technol. Lett., vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 420–422, Mar. 2000. [2] J. Y. Sze, C. I. G. Hsu, Z. Chen, and C. C. Chang, ―Broadband CPW-Fed circularly polarized square slot antenna with lightening-shaped feed line and inverted-L grounded strips,‖ IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 58, no. 3, pp. 973–977, Mar. 2010. [3] S. L. S. Yang, A. A. Kishk, and K. F. Lee, ―Wideband circularly polarized antenna with L-shaped slot,‖ IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 56, no. 6, pp. 1780–1783, Jun. 2008. [4] B.T.P. Madhav, D. Ujwala, Habibulla Khan, Atluri Lakshmi Tejaswani, Sriram Guntupalli and Atluri Bala, ―Substrate Permittivity Effects on the Performance of Slotted Aperture Stacked Patch Antenna‖, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562, Volume 8, Number 8 (Aug-2013), pp. 909-916. [5] K. Sarat Kumar, B.T.P.Madhav, T. S. R. Prasad, G. Sai Rajesh, V. Ratna Bhargavi, J. V. Suresh, ― Characterization of Substrate Material Effects on Circularly Polarized Triangular Microstrip Antenna with Spur Lines‖, International Journal of Advances in Engineering, Science and Technology (IJAEST), ISSN : 2249-913X , Vol. 2, No. 2, May-July 2012 , pp 326-330. D. Ujwala, A. Gnandeep Reddy, J. Kowsik Sasthre, K. Gopivasanth Kumar, K. Sai Chandra |
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21. | A Novel Electronic Instrument for the Analog Direct Synthesis of
Arbitrary Waveforms and Wavelets
A Novel Electronic Instrument for the Analog Direct Synthesis of Arbitrary Waveforms and WaveletsAbstract: The electronic instrument studied in this paper is a novel model of arbitrary waveform and wavelet generator. Unlike most programmable instruments designed for the same purpose with high complexity and great cost unfortunately, the proposed testing instrument is founded on a direct synthesis of arbitrary waveform signals including wavelets, from a basis of elementary analog signals. A novel arbitrary signal generation scheme is presented and well tested using virtual simulation and experimentation. Then, the predicted and experimental results obtained under a wide variety of testing conditions are presented, in order to show the great challenge of building a cheaper and high quality workbench for arbitrary signal generators.Key words: Electronic instrument, arbitrary waveforms, wavelets, virtual simulation, workbench. Reference [1] N. Gupta, P. Sediwal, and P. Pandey, Low-Cost Arbitrary Waveform Generator for Educational Environment Using ARM7, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, 3(6), Nov-Dec 2013, pp. 951-956. [2] J. Mbihi, N. TENE, et K. Takoufet, Etude et prototypage d'un générateur de signaux arbitraires à vocation didactique, Journal sur l'Enseignement des Sciences et des Technologies de l'Information et des Systèmes, 9(3), 2010, pp. 01-06. [3] J. Mbihi and A. Motto, Générateurs virtuels de signaux arbitraires, chap. 10 in Informatique industrielle: Instrumentation virtuelle assistée par ordinateur - Principes et techniques, cours et exercices corrigés(Paris, © Ellipses, 2012), pp. 132-155. [4] D. Danyuk, and G. Pilko, Four channels on a single-channel oscilloscope, Electronics World and wireless world, January 1992, p. 58. [5] H. Reinhard, Eléments de mathématiques du signal – Tome 1, Signaux déterministes (Paris, © Dunod, 1997) , 223 pages. Léandre Nneme Nneme, Jean Mbihi, Marcelus Zilefac Benazea, And Peter Akwo Tsam |
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22. | Power Optimization Technique Based On Multi-Bit Flip-Flop Design
Power Optimization Technique Based On Multi-Bit Flip-Flop DesignAbstract: Reducing power plays a vital role in low power VLSI design. In the VLSI design circuits, clocking is the most dominating power consuming element. To acquire the optimum power, it is essential to reduce the clocking power. Hence this paper describes a method for reducing the power consumption by replacing some flip flops with fewer multi-bit flip-flops. A combination table is used here to store the possible combination of flip-flops, for reducing the search space and can be merged. This concept is implemented in a simple memory circuit. Our proposed work will reduce the power by triple the time than that of the conventional system.Reference [1] "Effective and Efficient Approach for Power Reduction by Using Multi-Bit Flip-Flops," Ya-Ting Shyu, Jai-Ming Lin, Chun-Po Huang, Cheng-Wu Lin, Ying-Zu Lin, and Soon-Jyh Chang, Member IEEE. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VERY LARGE SCALE INTEGRATION (VLSI) SYSTEMS, VOL. 21, NO. 4, APRIL 2013. [2] D. Duarte, V. Narayanan, and M. J. Irwin, "Impact of technology scaling in the clock power," in Proc. IEEE VLSI Comput. Soc. Annu. Symp., Pittsburgh, PA, Apr. 2002, pp.s 52–57. [3] H. Kawagachi and T. Sakurai, "A reduced clock-swing flip-flop (RCSFF) for 63% clock power reduction," in VLSI Circuits Dig. Tech. Papers Symp., Jun. 1997, pp. 97– 98. Y. Cheon, P.-H. Ho, A. B. Kahng, S. Reda, and Q. Wang, "Power-aware placement," in Proc. Design Autom. Conf., Jun. 2005, pp. 795–800. [4] Y. Cheon, P.-H. Ho, A. B. Kahng, S. Reda, and Q. Wang, "Power-aware placement," in Proc. Design Autom. Conf., Jun. 2005, pp. 795–800. [5] P. Gronowski, W. J. Bowhill, R. P. Preston, M. K. Gowan, and R. L. Allmon, "High-performance microprocessor design," IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 33, no. 5, pp. 676–686, May 1998. P. Sathyaa, K. Sinduja |
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23. | Secure Cluster Based Routing Using SAT/ILP Techniques and ECC EL-Gamal Threshold Cryptography in MANET
Secure Cluster Based Routing Using SAT/ILP Techniques and ECC EL-Gamal Threshold Cryptography in MANETAbstract: The Elliptic curve cryptography ( ECC) a promising and important because it requires less computing power, bandwidth, and also the memory when comparing to other cryptosystems The clustering algorithm using the Integer Linear Programming (ILP) and Boolean Satisfiability (SAT) solvers. These improvements will secure the application of SAT and ILP techniques in modeling composite engineering problem that is the Clustering Problem in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANETs). The Clustering Problem in MANETs consists of selecting the most appropriate nodes of a given MANET topology as clusterheads, and ensuring that regular nodes are related to clusterheads such that the lifetime of the network is maximized. In which, discussing SAT/ILP techniques for clustering techniques and ECC El Gamal Threshold Cryptography for the security. Through our implementation, explored the possibility of using ECCEG-TC in MANETs.Key words: Boolean Satisfiability, Elliptic curve cryptography, ECC El Gamal Threshold Cryptography Integer Linear Programming. Reference [1] S. Chinara and S. Rath, "Energy efficient mobility adaptive distributed clustering algorithm for mobile ad hoc network," in Proc. Int. Conf. Adv. Comput. Commun., 2008, pp. 265–272. [2] A. Schrijver, Theory of Linear and Integer Programming.New York, NY, USA: Wiley, 1999. [3] F. Aloul, A. Ramani, I. Markov, and K. Sakallah, "Generic ILP versus specialized 0- 1 ILP: An update," in Proc. Int. Conf. Comput.-Aided Design, 2002, pp. 450–457. [4] D. Chai and A. Kuehlmann, "A fast pseudo [5] Boolean constraint solver," IEEE Trans. Comput.-Aided Design Integr. Circuits Syst., vol. 24, no. 3, pp.305–317, Mar. 2005. Mr. P. Kanagaraju., Dr. R. Nallusamy, Nandini. D. K |
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24. | Effects of High Temperature on the Microstructure of Automotive Engine Valves
Effects of High Temperature on the Microstructure of Automotive Engine ValvesAbstract: In this paper, failures of automobile valves are considered and discussed. The changes in microstructures of valves were studied and analyzed with the aid of a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). Specimens were prepared out of failed engine valves whereas new valves were also analyzed for the sake of comparison. This was done by image analysis of specimens of failed and new valves at adequate magnification. The benchmarking of microstructures of failed valves v/s new valves revealed that the size of grains, grain boundaries, and distribution of carbide particles across the material matrix is affected by high temperature conditions and the effects are more severe for exhaust valves. The microstructure of valve material shows discernible changes after operating at high temperatures. The grain size of the material also changes at high temperature, thus resulting in a reduction in the hardness of the valve material which, in turn, causes more wear.Key words: Exhaust Valves, Intake Valves, Hardness, Erosion, Corrosion, Wear, Fatigue, Microstructure. Reference [1] D. J. Benac and R. A. Page, (2001) "Integrating Design, Maintenance, and Failure Analysis to Increase Structural Valve Integrity". ASM International, PFANF8 (2001) 3, pp. 31 – 43. [2] P. Forsberg, P. Hollman and S. Jacobson, (2011) "Wear mechanism study of exhaust valve system in modern heavy duty combustion engines", Wear , Volume 271, pp. 2477– 2484. [3] C.G. Scott, et al, (1995) "The erosion - corrosion of nickel - base diesel engine exhaust valves". Wear 181-183, pp. 485 – 494. [4] C. V. Subba Rao and K. Vijaya Kumar Reddy, (2011) "Performance Analysis And Wear Of I.C. Engine Valve And Seat Inserts Using Jatropha Methyl Esters", International J. of Engg. Research & Indu. Appls. (IJERIA). Vol. 4, No. III, pp. 177 – 188. [5] Lewis, R. and Dwyer - Joyce, R.S., (2003) "Combating automotive engine valve recession: a case study". Tribology and Lubrication Technology, 59 (10), pp. 48-51. Ajay Pandey, R. K. Mandloi |
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25. | Image Processing to Collect the Radius of Human Pupil.
Image Processing to Collect the Radius of Human Pupil.Abstract: The human activity is played by the nervous system, the neuropathy destroy the neuron and with that the capacity of data transmission by the nervous system is jeopardize[1]. Theanalysis of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) can give some crucial answers regarding to the level of diabetic neuropathy allowing the earlier diagnosis[2]. Thehuman pupil light response.The follow project proposes the development a multiplatform methodology, using FPGAtoolfor acquiring, processing, analysis andclassification the data capture aimed theearly diagnosisofautonomic neuropathyin individuals withdiabetes mellitus.Key words: Diabetes Mellitus, Autonomic Neuropathy, FPGA, Heart Rate Variability, Blood Pressure, Biomedical Instrumentation. Reference [1] P. HOME, "Glucose: sweetness and toxin," Diabet Voice, vol. 49, 2004. [2] E. B. SCHROEDER, L. E. CHAMBLESS, D. LIAO, R. J. PRINEAS, G. W. EVANS, W. D. ROSAMOND and G. HEISS., "Diabetes, Glucose, Insulin, and Heart Rate Variability.," Diabetes Care, vol. 28, no. 3, March 2005. [3] E. C. M. R. C. &. G. P. E. MCNAY, "Fluctuations in brain glucose concentration during behavioral testing: Dissociations between brain areas and between brain and blood. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory.," vol. 75, p. 325–327, 2001. [4] A. J. BOULTON, A. I. VINIK, J. C. AREZZO, V. BRIL, E. L. FELDMAN, R. FREEMAN, R. A. MALIK, R. E. MASER, J. M. Sosenko and D. Ziegler., "Diabetic Neuropathies," Diabetes Care, vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 956-962, April 2005. [5] D. a. C. o. D. MELLITUS, DIABETES CARE, VOLUME 33, SUPPLEMENT 1, JANUARY 2010, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 562-569, JANUARY 2010. Carlos Frederico Fronza, Yasser Issmail Mohsen, Jefferson Luiz Brum Marques |
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26. | An Adaptive Filtering System Configurations and Architecture on Reconfigurable Platform
An Adaptive Filtering System Configurations and Architecture on Reconfigurable PlatformAbstract: This paper proposed the implementation of adaptive filters on reconfigurable platform. Adaptive filter is an essential part of digital signal systems, have been widely used and its implementation takes a great deal, there is no dedicated IC for adaptive filter. When FPGA implemented in such area, provides a lot of facilities to the designers and also offer a better solution for filtering the data. Adaptive signal processing evolved from the techniques developed to enable the adaptive control of time- varying systems. Filtering data in real-time requires dedicated hardware to meet demanding time requirements and provide the highest processing performance, but is inflexible for changes. When a design demands the use of a DSP, design adaptability is crucial, then FPGA may offer a better solution. Reconfigurable hardware devices offer both the flexibility of computer software, and the ability to construct custom high performance computing circuits. Adaptive filter implemented using Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) due to some of their attractive advantages include flexibility and programmability, availability of tens to hundreds of hardware multipliers available on a chip.Key words: Adaptive Filter, Adaptive Filter Architecture, Adaptive LMS Algorithm, Adaptive Filter on reconfigurable platform, Architecture of Adaptive Filter on FPGA. Reference [1] M.S. Sutaoane, M.B. Mali and S.R. Deo, "VLSI Implementation Of Adaptive Filter On Reconfigurable Platform" SPIT-IEEE Colloquium and International Conference. [2] Lan-Da Van,Wu-Shiung Feng on "An Efficient Systolic Architecture for the DLMS Adaptive Filter and Its Applications"IEEE Transactions On Circuits & Systems. [3] Lei Wang and Naresh R. Shanbhag, "Low-Power Filtering via Adaptive Error-Cancellation" IEEE Transactions On Signal Processing. [4] T. Rissa, R. Uusikartano, J. Niittylahti, "Adaptive FIR filter architectures for run‐time reconfigurable FPGAs," IEEE International Conference on Field‐ Programmable Technology. [5] Ankit Jairath, Sunil Kumar Shah, Amit jain, "Design & implementation of FPGA based digital filters" IJARCET. Dipen B. Patel, Pritesh R. Gumble |
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27. | Yield and Particle Morphology of Spray Dried Salts: Fractional Factorial Design
Yield and Particle Morphology of Spray Dried Salts: Fractional Factorial DesignAbstract: The yield of the spray drier has been correlated with the various system parameters namely inlet temperature, aspirator speed, feed flow rate, salt-concentration, atomization rate and molecular weight of salt on the basis of dimensional analysis approach. Attempt has also been taken to design the experiments by Fractional Factorial Design method for both cases i.e. for the blank solution (water) and for the salt solution. The results thus obtained through these developed correlations (by Dimensional Analysis and Fractional Factorial Design) have been validated with the results obtained by ANN-approach and finally the findings obtained from all the approaches have been compared with the experimentally observed values. Attempt was also made to study the particle morphology through the Scanning Electron Microscope.Key words: Yield, Morphology, Regression analysis, Fractional Factorial design, Artificial Neural Network and Scanning electron microscope. Reference [1] Ruud, E.M.V., Han, S., Maykel, V., Jan, J., Van, H., Erik, S., Gerrald, B. & Peter, D.J. (2002). Modelling spray drying processes for dairy products. Lait Dairy-Journal Edp Sciences, v. 82, p. 453–463. [2] Nath, S. & Satpathy, G. R. (1998). A systematic approach of spray drying processes. Drying Technology, v.16, n. 7, p. 1173-1193. [3] Ozmen, L. & Langrish, T.A.G. (2003). A study of the limitations to spray dryer outlet performance. Drying Technology, v. 21, n. 1, p. 895-917. [4] Maury, M., Murphy, K., Kumar, S., Shi, L. & Lee, G. (2005). Effect of process variables on the powder yield of spray dried trehalose on a laboratory spray-dryer. European journal of pharmaceutics and bio-pharmaceutics, v. 59, no. 3, p. 556-573. [5] Zhou, X., Chen, S. & Yu, Z. (2004). Effect of spray drying parameters on the processing of fermentation liquor. Bio-systems Engineering, v. 88, n. 2, p. 193-199. Abanti Sahoo and Arati Parihari |
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28. | Entrepreneurship Education for Science Teachers as a Means of Achieving National Transformation.
Entrepreneurship Education for Science Teachers as a Means of Achieving National TransformationAbstract: This paper attempts to answer questions such as: How do science teachers perceive entrepreneurship education? Why is entrepreneurship education becoming more important? How can this theme be implemented and enhanced in the school context towards achieving National transformation in Nigeria? It is obvious that the question of how science teachers perceive the theme will definitely affect how they value it. A total of 40 science teachers (male and female) teaching in Junior and Senior secondary Schools in Jos, Bukuru and environs were interviewed. One-third of the teachers studied re-evaluated their views or modified the manner in which they had earlier defined entrepreneurship education. One can therefore infer that the ability to re-evaluate and change one's attitude is influenced by an increased knowledge. An inner ability to manage the changes taking place in our post modern society and the labor market is stressed in this paper.Key words: Entrepreneurship, Education, and Science Teachers Reference [1] Debono, E. (1990): I am right you are wrong. Viking press. UK. 15-17pp [2] Doyin, H. (2010, 2nd June): Role of education in entrepreneurial development. The compass newspaper 25-26pp [3] Erkkila, k. (200). Entrepreneurship Education. Mapping the debates in the United States, United Kingdom and Finland. New York. Garland publishing Inc. 25-40pp [4] Finnish National Board of Education (2004). National Core Curriculum for Basic Education. On line tltt12jlw~c~~_:.~~tl:(Lre:tJrlieved on 18/8/2010) [5] Kjeil Skogen and Jarle Sjevoll(2010). Creativity and Innovation, Pre-condition for Entrepreneurship Education. Tapir Academic press. Finland. 107-120pp. Habila Nuhu, Clark M.D and Pahalson, C.A.D. |
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29. | Quality and Functional Physics Education as a Means for National Transformation
Quality and Functional Physics Education as a Means for National TransformationAbstract: Education is described as the development of desirable qualities in people. Quality education is fundamental to National Transformation because it depends on literate and skilled citizenry. This paper examines the study of physics as crucial for any nation that wants to maintain its leads among the community of nationsand as tools for National Transformation. Obviously the Nation as well as the Education sector is faced with various challenges, ranging from conflicts, strikes, instability, corruption, lack of motivation for teaching personnel and inadequate funding among others. Quality and functional physics Education is an education that is effective, efficient, sustainable and relevant to the evolving individual and societal needs, and ensures equality among the citizens is directly needed for a turn around. Also it can provide knowledge and skills which produce values and attitude that offer a basis for transforming conflict itself. This work employs the use of secondary sources of data and content analysis and also comes up with suggestions that there is absolute need for Governments at all levels to be committed to the implementation of educational policies especially physics education, for without physics, the technological culture of the citizens cannot be firmly rooted. Collaboration between the Federal, States, Local Governments and relevant educational bodies should also be strengthened.Reference [1] Assisi, A. (2012). NEITIImplementation and the Federal Government of Nigeria‟s Transformation Agenda. A Paper Presented at the NEITI Forum Abuja. [2] Barnett, W.S. (2006). Research on the Benefits of Pre-school education: Securing high returns from pre-school for all children. New York National Institute for Education Jan 10. [3] Bunting (1993). Rationalization, Quality and Efficiency. SouthAfrican Journal of Higher Education7(2): 17-27 [4] Castle, E.B. (1972). Education for Self- help: New strategies for developing countries. London. Oxford University Press. [5] Chitty, C. (2002). Understanding Schools and Schooling. London. Routledge Falmer. Pahalson, C. A. D, Habila Nuhu |
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30. | Supermarket Analysis Based On Product Discount and Statistics
Supermarket Analysis Based On Product Discount and StatisticsAbstract: E-commerce has been growing rapidly. Its domain can provide all the right ingredients for successful data mining and it is a significant domain of data mining. E commerce refers to buying and selling of products or services over electronic systems such as internet. Various e commerce systems give discount on product and allow user to buy product online. The basic idea used here is to predict the product sale based on discount applied to the product. Our analysis concentrates on how customer behaves when discount is allotted to him. We have developed a model which finds the customer behaviour when discount is applied to the product. This paper elaborates upon how a different technique like session, click stream is used to collect user data online based on discount applied to the product and how statistics is applied to data set to see the variation in the data.Key words: Customer Session, Data Mining, Product discount, standard deviation Reference [1] Han, I, & Kamber M, Data mining: Concepts & Techniques (2nd Edition, Morgan Kaufmann, 2006) Journal Papers: [2] Alexandru M. Degeratu, Arvind Rangaswamy, Jianan Wu, "Consumer choice behaviour in online and traditional supermarkets: The effects of brand name, price, and other search attributes", International Journal of Research in Marketing, Volume 17, Issue 1, 31 March 2000, Pages 55-78 [3] Shahriar Ansari Chaharsoughi and Tahmores Hasangholipor Yasory, "Effect of sales promotion on consumer behavior based on culture", African Journal of Business Management, Vol. 6(1), pp. 98-102,11 January, 2012 Also Available online at http://www.academicjournals.org/AJBM DOI: 10.5897/AJBM11.739 ISSN 1993-8233 ©2012 Academic Journals. [4] Sriram Thirumalai, Kingshuk K. Sinha, "Customer satisfaction with order fulfillment in retail supply chains: implications of product type in electronic B2C transactions", Journal of Operations Management 23 (2005) 291–303, doi:10.1016/j.jom.2004.10.015 [5] Shu-hsien Liao, Pei-hui Chu, Yin-ju Chen, Chia-Chen Chang, "Mining customer knowledge for exploring online group buying behaviour", Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 39, Issue 3, 15 February 2012, Pages 3708-3716 Komal Kumawat |
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31. | Harmonic Analysis in the Power System to Reduce Transmission losses and Save Energy
Harmonic Analysis in the Power System to Reduce Transmission losses and Save EnergyAbstract: This paper is about the harmonics related to the power system . How it affects the whole transmission, loads connected etc that is whole system.In the below article we have discussed about the harmonic limits for the power system required and the method to mitigate it from the power system . To reduse harmonics from the system we have used 48 pulse Statcom in the substation of 132KV/33KV .The source convertor is being applied to the 33KV side of the system. After the techno-economic analysis, their is about approximately Rs. 2 lakh yearly saving has been calculated.Key words: Harmonic mitigation in Power System, Power Factor Correction and Improve MVA Rating of transformer Reference [1] G.K.Dubey, S.R.Doradla, A.Joshi, R.M.K.Sinha,―Thyristorised Power Controllers‖, New AgeInternational publishers, July 1996 [2] CIGRE, "Static Synchronous Compensator", working group 14-19,September1998 [3] N. G. Hingorani and L. Gyugyi, Understanding FACTS, Concepts, and Technology of Flexible AC Transmission Systems. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Press, 2000 [4] Lazlo Narain G. Hingorani, Laszlo Gyugyi, « understanding FACTS concepts and technologie», book, john wiley and son, IEEE order N¨° Pc 5713, 2000. [5] M.S. El-Moursi. A.M. Sharaf « Novel reactive power controllers for the StatCom and SSSC », Electric Power Apurva Ganguli, Abhay Kumar Sharma, Raajdeep Ganguli |
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32. | Feigen's Phenomenon in Terms of the Synthetic Theory
Feigen's Phenomenon in Terms of the Synthetic TheoryAbstract: The paper concerns with the analytic description of Feigen's results on plastic straining under combined loading. The model is developed in terms of the synthetic theory of irrecoverable deformation. Criterion to establish when Feigen's phenomenon can be observed is proposed. It is worthwhile to note that the synthetic theory requires no special additional assumptions, or generalizations to model Feigen's experiment.Key words: Feigen's phenomenon, plastic deformation, combined loading, synthetic theory of irrecoverable deformation Reference [1] Batdorf, S., Budiansky, B. (1949). Mathematical theory of plasticity based on the concept of slip. NACA, Technical note, 871 [2] Feigen, M. (1954), Inelastic behavior under combined tension and torsion, 2nd USNCAM, pp. 469-476. [3] Ilyushin, A.A. (1963). Plasticity, Moscow. [4] Kharchenko, Y., Sobkowski, S. (2005) Modelowanie matematyczne procesów rozruchu układów napędowych podnośników budowlanych, Diagnostyka, 35: 37-42. (in Polish) [5] Lehmann, Th. (1962). Zur Besehreibung groBer plastischer Form~nderungen unter Beriicksichtigung der Werkstoffverfestigung, Rheol. Acta 2: 247-254. Andrew Rusinko |
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33. | Low Cost Em Signal Spectral Analysis with Two Element Time Modulated Array System by Multiple Signal Classification Algorithms
Low Cost Em Signal Spectral Analysis with Two Element Time Modulated Array System by Multiple Signal Classification AlgorithmsAbstract: Today homeland security is a big matter of concern. The present day wireless technology is available to anti-social elements, who are using this in several undesirable manners. By knowing the direction of the source of electromagnetic waves it becomes possible to locate such anti-social groups and take offensive action. In military applications also finding the direction of the signal source becomes very valuable information. The direction finding systems can achieve this goal. Conventional radio direction finding (RDF) systems often use an array of two or more antennas and use either phase-comparison or amplitude-comparison of the received signals to determine direction of arrival information. In both of these techniques directional information is derived by processing array data at the receive signal frequency. In this project an alternative approach to direction finding using the concept of a time-switched array is proposed. The time-switched array system uses simple signal processing techniques to provide a directional main beam and pattern nulls at harmonic frequencies. To determine two dimensional angles is three elements, the system cost has been mostly minimised. we now consider the problem of using our low cost system to detect and estimate the direction of arrival of a desired signal in the presence of array antenna. The proposed scheme is cost effective technique in comparison with the existing schemes. MATLAB/GNU OCTAVE simulation tool will be used for simulation. The simulation results, applications, merits and demerits of proposed approach will be analyzed and will be documented.Index Terms: antenna, array, direction finding. Reference [1] M.J.Wilson and B.S.Halo, the ARRL Handbook for the Radio mateur, 65th ed.Washington, DC: American Radio Relay League, 1988. [2] A.Tennant and B.chambeers, "A two-element time-modulated array with direction finding properties,"IEEEE Antennas Wireless propag. Lett, vol. 6, pp.64-65, 2007. [3] A.Tennant and B.chambers "Direction finding using a four element. Time-switched array," presented at the Loughborough Antennas and propagation conf, Loughborough, U, K, Mar.17-18, 2008. [4] H.E.Shanks and R.W.Bckmoree,"Fourdimensional electromagnetic radiators, "canard J.phys, vol. 37, p.263, 1959. [5] W.H. Kummel, A. T. Villenuve,T.S.Fong and F.G. Terrio,"ultra- low side lobes from timemodulated arrays"IEEE Trans Antennas propag., vol. 11,pp.633-69,1963. G. Balagurappa, J. Sreenivasa Reddy |
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34. | Design and Development of Ethernet Interface for Industrial Applications
Design and Development of Ethernet Interface for Industrial ApplicationsAbstract: The majority of microcontrollers in use today are embedded in machineries, such as automobiles, appliances, and peripherals for computer systems. The devices used in industries are not equipped with any network interface. In this design, ARM with Ethernet is used for controlling the speed of the motor with the help of defined IP address, which is present in the embedded web server.Key words: ARM, Ethernet, embedded web server, Microcontroller, IP Address. Reference [1] Zhao Ruimei; Wang Mei; "Design of ARM-based embedded Ethernet interface" Computer Engineering and Technology (ICCET), 2010 2nd International Conference. [2] Kumbhar Trupti Sambhaji, Prof.Patil S.B. / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 www.ijera.com Vol. 2, Issue 4, July-August 2012, pp.977-979. [3] S A.N.Sandeep, P.Malyadri -Embedded Web Server Based on DAC System Using ARM, in International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications,vol.2,no.4,July-August 2012, pp. [4] AlenRajan, Aby K. Thomas -ARM Based Embedded Web Server for Industrial Applications. International Conference on Computing and Control Engineering (ICCCE 2012), 12 & 13 April, 2012. [5] Soumya Sunny P, Roopa .M. "Data Acquisition and Control System Using Embedded Web Server" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology- Volume3Issue3- 2012, pp.411-415. E. SakthiAbirami, S.Suganya, G. Vijaya Kumar, R.Praveen Gowtham |
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35. | Fuzzy Optimization Using TCSC Device for Congestion Management
Fuzzy Optimization Using TCSC Device for Congestion ManagementAbstract: The management of congestion is somewhat more complex in competitive power markets and leads to several problems. It is one of the challenging tasks in power system deregulation. In a transmission line, congestion occurs when there is an insufficient transmission capacity to simultaneously satisfy all constraints for transmission in deregulated power market. Flexible alternative current transmission system (FACTS) devices have been used for the enhancement of loadability by reducing the flows in heavily loaded lines. It also improves the stability of the network, reduces the cost of production and fulfills all requirements by controlling the power flow in the network. In the proposed work, a non-traditional optimization technique, Fuzzy logic (FL) is used to optimize the various process parameters involved in introduction of FACTS devices in a power system. The various parameters taken into consideration were the location of the device, their type, and their rated value of the devices. The simulation was performed on a 14-bus power system with various types of FACTS controllers, modeled for steady state studies. The effectiveness of the proposed method has been demonstrated on IEEE 14-bus system.Key words: Congestion management, Deregulated electricity market, Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitors (TCSC), Fuzzy logic controller. Reference [1] H. Y. Yamin and S. M. Shahidehpour, "Transmission congestion and voltage profile management coordination in competitive electricity markets," International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, vol. 25, pp. 849-861, Dec. 2003. [2] Xiao-Ping Zhang, (2007) "Congestion Management – Challenges and Solutions" Report of Touch Briefings. [3] Vries L.J. Capacity allocation in a restructured electricity market: technical and economic evaluation of congestion management methods on interconnectors. In: Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE Porto power tech conference. [4] Lommerdal M, Soder L. Simulation of congestion management methods. In: Proceedings of the 2003 Bologna power tech. [5] Galiana GD. Assessment and control of the impact of FACTS devices on power system performance. IEEE Trans Power Syst 1996;11(4):1931–6. Ms.Lovisal.C, Mr.E.Thangam |
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36. | Accurate Modeling of Multilayer Transmission Lines for High-Speed Digital Interconnects
Accurate Modeling of Multilayer Transmission Lines for High-Speed Digital InterconnectsAbstract: In this paper, we consider the finite element modeling of multilayer transmission lines for high-speed digital interconnects. We mainly focused on the modeling of the transmission structures with both cases of symmetric and asymmetric geometries. We specifically designed asymmetric coupled microstrips and four-line symmetric coupled microstrips with a two-layer substrate. We computed the capacitance matrix for asymmetric coupled microstrips and the capacitance, and inductance matrices for four-line symmetric coupled microstrips on a twolayer substrate. We also provide the potential distribution spectrums of the models.Key words: Capacitance matrix, inductance matrix, multilayer, multicondcutor transmission lines, finite element method Reference [1] C. Wei, R.F. Harrington, J.R. Mautz, and T.K. Sarkar, "Multiconductor transmission lines in multilayered dielectric media," IEEE Trans Microwave Theory, vol. 32 , pp. 439– 445, 1984. [2] R.F. Harrington and C. Wei, "Losses on multiconductor transmission lines in multilayered dielectric media," IEEE Trans Microwave Theory Tech, vol. 32, pp. 705– 710, 1984. [3] W. Shu and S. Xu, "Capacitance extraction for multiconductor transmission lines in multilayered dielectric media using the numerical green's function," Microwave Opt. Technol Lett., vol. 40, pp. 529 –531, 2006. [4] G. Plaza, F. Mesa, and M. Horno, "Quick computation of [G], [L], [G], and matrices of multiconductor and multilayered transmission systems," IEEE Trans Microwave Theory Tech., vol. 43, pp. 1623–1626, 1995. [5] W. Delbare and D. de Zutter, "Spacedomain green's function approach to the capacitance calculation of multiconductor lines in multilayered dielectrics with improved surface charge modeling," IEEE Trans Microwave Theory Tech., vol. 37 , 1562–1568, 1989. Sarhan M. Musa and Matthew N. O. Sadiku |
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37. | Semantic WEB Services Using Clustering Approach
Semantic WEB Services Using Clustering ApproachAbstract: Semantic Web Services, like conventional web services, are the server end of a client–server system for machine-to-machine interaction via the World Wide Web. Semantic services are a component of the semantic web because they use markup which makes data machine-readable in a detailed and sophisticated way (as compared with human-readable HTML which is usually not easily "understood" by computer programs). Semantic similarity measures are specific types of Semantic measures: mathematical tools used to estimate the strength of the semantic relationship between units of language, concepts or instances, through a numerical description obtained according to the comparison of information formally or implicitly supporting their meaning or describing their nature.Key words: semantic web, Semantic Clustering, Irrelevant servic Reference [1] W. Abramowicz, K. Haniewicz, M. Kaczmarek and D. Zyskowski. Architecture for Web services filtering and clustering. In Internet and Web Applications and Services, (ICIW '07), 2007. [2] C. Atkinson, P. Bostan, O. Hummel and D. Stoll. A Practical Approach to Web service Discovery and Retrieval. In 2007 IEEE International Conference on Web services (ICWS 2007),2007 [3] M. W. Berry, S. A. Pulatova and G. W. Stewart. Computing Sparse Reduced-Rank Approximations to Sparse Matrices. In ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Vol. 31, No. 2, Pages 252–269, 2005. [4] J. Baliński and C. Daniłowicz. Re-ranking Method based on Inter-document Distances. In Journal of the Information Processing and Management.. V. 41, Issue 4, 2005. [5] I. Constantinescu, W. Binder and B. Faltings. Flexible and efficient matchmaking and ranking in service directories. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS'05), 2005. Jayeeta Majumder, Saikat Khanra |
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38. | Glazed Sludge Tile
Glazed Sludge TileAbstract: In this article, glaze with different colorants was applied to tile specimens manufactured by incinerated sewage sludge ash (ISSA) and Clay. Improvements using different amounts of colorants, and glaze components and concentrations on tile bodies were investigated. Three different proportions of clay (by weight ratio) were replaced by ISSA. Tiles of size 10cm *10cm*1 cm were made and left in an electric furnace to make biscuit tiles at 800°C. Afterwards, four colorants, Fe2O3 (red), V2O5 (yellow), and CoCO3 (blue) and three different glaze concentrations were applied on biscuit tile specimens. These specimens were later sintered into glazed tiles at 1050°C. The study shows that replacement of clay by sludge ash had adverse effects on properties of tiles. Water absorption increased and bending strength reduced with increased amounts of sludge ash. However, both water absorption and bending strength improved for glazed ash tiles. Abrasion of grazed tiles reduced noticeably from 0.001 to 0.002 g. This implies glaze can enhance abrasion resistance of tiles.Reference [1] Deng-Fong Lin (Author), Huan-Lin Luo , Yeong-Nain Sheen.(2005), "Glazed tiles manufactured from incinerated sewage sludge ash and clay", Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association.163-172 [2] Lin D.F, Chang W.C., Yuan. C,Luo H.L.(2007), "Production and characterization of glazed tiles containing incinerated sewage sludge",Journal of the Air& Waste Management Association, 502-507. [3] Gabriele Tonello, Erika Furlani, Dino Minichelli, Sergio Bruckner, Stefano Maschio, Lucchini E, (2010), "Fast Firing of Glazed Tiles Containing Paper Mill Sludge and Glass Cullet", Advances in Science and Technology, 68, 108 [4] Dilek Sanin William W. Clarkson, P. Aarne Vesilind, "Sludge Engineering: The Treatment and Disposal of Wastewater". [5] Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse-George Tchobanoglous, Franklin L. Burton, H. David Stensel. Dayalan J, Beulah. M |
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39. | Analysis of Self Screening Jammer Parameters with RADAR Equation
Analysis of Self Screening Jammer Parameters with RADAR EquationAbstract: RADARs are mainly used to detect and locate the position of objects. The power received at the radar depends on the radiating power, object size, target material, shape of the target and channel noises due to atmosphere and external induced devices. In the war fields it is very important that the target identity is masked so that the enemy attacks can be overcome. In order to mask the targets and create the false identity jammers are very useful. There are various types of jammers and self screening jammers are the most protecting jammers. Hence we have analysed all the parameters related to self screening jammers. By calculating the range between target and the radar and observing the power transmitted by the source station and power received at the radar we have estimated the Cross over range. The variation of this cross over range with respect to jammer peak power, RADAR peak power, attenuation are analysed using matlab in this paper.Key words: RADAR, Jammers, Self Screening Jammers, Cross Over/Burn through Range Reference [1] Introduction to Radar systems 3/ESkolnik Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 01-May-2001 [2] http://www.radartutorial.eu [3] Advances in Bistatic Radar Nicholas J.Willis, Hugh Griffiths SciTech publishing, 01-Jan-2007 [4] Electronic warfare and RADAR systems engineering Handbook. [5] Radar Cross Section, Second Edition Eugene F.Knott, John Shaeffer, Michael Tuley SciTech Publishing, 2004 L.Surendra, Syed Shameem, N Susmitha, Teja Sri Ram |
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40. | The Reuse of Greywater Recycling For High Rise Buildings in Kuwait Country
The Reuse of Greywater Recycling For High Rise Buildings in Kuwait CountryAbstract: The domestic grey water recycling and reuse in high rise buildings has been discussed and detailed. It is estimated that the usable domestic grey water resource could amount from to 35% to 39% of the total domestic demand. A summary of worldwide review of recycling and reuse of grey water is reported. In many cases, light grey water from bathroom sinks, baths and showers can be directly reused in garden irrigation. Dark grey water from laundry, dishwashers and, in some instances, kitchen sinks should be subjected to simple treatment to be reused in non-potable contexts such as toilet flushing and garden irrigation. In all cases, disinfection by chlorine or ozone is important if there is a possibility contact with human exists. Therefore, there are verity of system designs from simple to sophisticated systems according to the quality and of the grey water and the type of reuse. Examples of these systems, filters and storage tanks are presented and explained. Black water from the toilet is allowed to flow directly to the septic tank or to the sewer of municipal wastewater systemReference [1] Many web-based publications. [2] Center for the Study of the Built Environment (CSBE), "Greywater reuse in other countries and its applicability to Jordan", Project funded by Ministry of Planning Enhanced Productivity Program, 2003. [3] Water Conservation Alliance of Southern Arizona 2000, Residential Greywater Reuse, Tucson: Water conservation alliance of southern Arizona (Water CASA), Retrieved June, 2003, from http://www.watercasa.org/research/residential/resindex.htm. [4] Jeppesen, B.; and Solley, D. 1994. Domestic Greywater Reuse: Overseas Practice and its Applicability to Australia. Research report No. 73. Brisbane: Urban Water Research Association of Australia. [5] Kambanellas, C. A. 1999. Cyprus Report for CEHA Regional Workshop on Water Conservation and Reuse: Important Elements of Water Resources Management Strategies, Amman, Jordan. Nicosia: Department of Water Development. Ahmed Ibrahim Abd Alaziz & Naji Fahad Al-Saqer |
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41. | FE-Analysis of Connecting Rod of I.C.Engine by Using Ansys for Material Optimization
FE-Analysis of Connecting Rod of I.C.Engine by Using Ansys for Material OptimizationAbstract: In series of automobile engine components a connecting rod is highly critical and researchable one. The main idea of this study is to do analysis of connecting rod and get idea of stress producing during compressive and tensile loading. And then give idea about weight reduction opportunities for a production steel connecting rod. This has entailed performing a detailed load analysis. Therefore, this study has contain by two subjects, first, load and stress analysis of the connecting rod, and second, optimization for weight reducation. In the first part of the study, loads acting on the connecting rod and find out stress-time history at some critical point. The results were also used to determine the variation of Tensile and Compressive loading the component was optimized for weight reduction subject to space constraints and manufacturability.Key words: Ansys Workbench, Connecting Road, FEA, Optimization, Pro-E, Reference [1] H.B.RAMANI, Mr. Neeraj Kumar, Mr. P. M. Kasundra"Analysis of Connecting Rod under Different Loading Condition Using ANSYS Software" International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278- 0181Volume 1 Issue 9 Published in November 2012 [2] Webster,W., D.Coffell R., and Alfaro D.,(1983),"A Three Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of a High Speed Diesel Engine Connecting Rod," SAE Technical Paper Series, Paper No. 831322 [3] Asadi, et al (2010), "paper of Optimization of connecting rod of MF-285 tractor" [4] Pravardhan S. Shenoy, Ali Fatemi (2005) "Connecting Rod Optimization for Weight and Cost Reduction." SAE International Journal [5] http://www1.ansys.com/customer/content/documentation/121/ans_tut.pdf [6] Athavale S. and Sajanpawar, P. R., (1991), "Studies on Some Modeling Aspects in the Finite Element Analysis of Small Gasoline Engine Components," Small Engine Technology Conference Proceedings, Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Tokyo, pp. 379-389 Mr. J.D.Ramani, Prof. Sunil Shukla, Dr. Pushpendra Kumar Sharma |
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42. | Thresholding Based Noise Suppression in Ultrasound Images Using Wavelets
Thresholding Based Noise Suppression in Ultrasound Images Using WaveletsAbstract: In today's era of technology, imaging is widely used in all fields ranging from multimedia, communication to science. Images occupy important place and as per need new devices. Different methods of imaging have been developed and optimized for diverse applications. In vicinity of electric and electronic devices, images are often affected by noise that degrades the quality and deteriorates the information contained. The proposed method works well with different threshold level and the level of decomposition. The main aim of image de-noising techniques is to remove noise while retaining as much as possible the important detail features. At the end we will discuss how de-noising techniques can be optimized using the thresholding parameter and varying the levels of decomposition. We have to optimize the value of threshold and level of decomposition in a way such that the texture in the image remains conserved.Key words: De-noising, wavelets, image processing, ultrasound, Speckle Reference [1] Juan Mateo, Antonio Fernandez Caballero,"Finding out general tendencies in speckle noise reduction in ultrasound images", Elsevier, 7786–7797, 2009. [2] Macovski, Medical Imaging Systems. Prentice-Hall, 1983. [3] J. U. Quistgaard, "Signal Acquisition and Processing in Medical Diagnostic Ultrasound," IEEE Signal ProcessingMagazine, vol. 14, pp. 67-74, Jan. 1997. [4] YansunXu, John Weaver, Dennis Healy, Jian Lu," Wavelet Transform Domain Filters: A Spatially Selective Noise Filtration Technique, "IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 3(6),747-758, November 1994. [5] Quan Pan, Lei Zhang, Guanzhong Dai, Hongcai Zhang," Two Denoising Methods by Wavelet Transform", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 47(12) ,3401-3406, December 1999 . Medha Kumar, Davinder Pal Singh |
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43. | Features for Parallel Pattern Based Programming System for Multicore
Features for Parallel Pattern Based Programming System for MulticoreAbstract: This paper provides analysis of features provided by existing Parallel design patterns based Programming System. Objective of this paper is to examine features required to exploit parallelism with ease in Multicore Architectures.Index Terms: Parallel Computing, Parallel Pattern, Multicore Programming. Reference [1] Vandierendonck, H. , Mens, T. ―Averting the Next Software Crisis.‖ Computer Volume:44, Issue: 4 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/MC.2011.99, Publication Year: 2011 , Page(s): 88- 90. [2] Kozyrakis, C.E. , Patterson, D.A. ―A new direction for computer architecture research‖ Computer Volume:31, Issue: 11 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/2.730733, Publication Year:1998 , Page(s): 24 - 32 [3] Ananth Grama,George Kar. ―Introduction to Parallel Computing‖ Addison-Wesley, 2003, ISBN13: 9780201648652. [4] Timothy G. Mattson,Beverly A. Sanders, Berna L. Massingill. ―Patterns for Parallel Programming‖, 2005 ISBN-10: 0321228111 ISBN-13: 9780321228116,Addison-Wesley Professional . [5] D. Goswami, A. Singh, and B. Priess. ―Architectural skeletons: The reusable building-blocks for parallel applications‖. In Proceedings of the 1999 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applciations (PDPTA'99), pages 1250–1256, 1999. Nilesh Maltare |
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44. | Low Power High Speed Power Gating Structure with Intermediate Sleep Mode for Single Vt CMOS Circuit
Low Power High Speed Power Gating Structure with Intermediate Sleep Mode for Single Vt CMOS CircuitAbstract: To reduce the wake up time and leakage power, we have realized the power gating structure with intermediate sleep mode. In this technique, we operate the sleep transistor at gate voltage (0Key words: leakage current, power gating, power mode transition,short circuit current, wake up time. Reference [1] Anjana R, Dr. Ajay kumar somkuwar, "Analysis of Sub threshold leakage reduction techniques in Deep Sub Micron Regime for CMOS VLSI circuits", International conference on emerging trends in VLSI, pp. 1-5, 2013. [2] V . K . Arnim, E. Borinski, P . Seegebrecht, H. Fiedler, R. Brederlow, R . Thewes, J Berthold, and C . Pacha, "Efficiency of Body Biasing in 90-nm CMOS for LowPower Digital Circuits," IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 40, no. 7, pp. 1 549- 1556, 2005. [3] S. Narendra, V. D. S. Borkar, D. Antoniadis, and A. Chandrakasan, "Scaling of stack effect and its application for leakage reduction," in Proc. Int. Symp. Low Power Electron. Des. , 2001, pp. 195-200. [4] Saibal Mukhopadhyay, Cassondra Neau, Riza Tamer Cakici, Amit Agarwal, Chris H. Kim, Kaushik Roy, "Gate Leakage Reduction for Scaled Devices Using Transistor Stacking" IEEE Transaction on Very Large Scale Integration(VLSI) Systems,, Vol. 11 , no. 4, August 2003. [5] Abdollahi, F. Fallah, and M. Petra, "Leakage Current Reduction in CMOS VLSI Circuits by Input Vector Control," IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 140- 154, 2004. Megha Agarwal |
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45. | Remote Nodes Management Using RMI
Remote Nodes Management Using RMIAbstract: We have focused upon the design and development of a remote desktop management system using Remote Method Invocation, since it has many advantages in terms of remote computation, software optimization, data access and storage services that do not require end-user knowledge of the physical location and configuration of the system. In this type of a system we have two types of users - clients and the server. The server can control all the activities of the clients and also impose certain restrictions on the clients. The clients can use the data or shared resources, software and information that are provided by the server to computers and other devices as a utility over a network. The major elements of desktop management are assets management, software deployment, patch management, remote desktop sharing, active directory reports and user logon reports. Remote desktop sharing enables users to access and use their own desktop from other machines or locations. This system is focused upon the real time events.Key words: cloud hosting services, distributed computing, remote control, remote monitoring, networking, real-time applications Reference [1] Kenneth P. Birman (2005), "Reliable distributed systems". [2] Zupeng Li, Daoyin Huang, Jianhua Huang, "Research of Peer Discovery Method in Peer-to-Peer Network" ,12th IEEE Conference on distributed computing and networking, pp. 37-42, 2008. [3] L. Alima, A. Ghodsi, and S. Haridi. A framework for structured peer- to-peer overlay networks in Global Computing, 223–249, 2011. [4] "Java ", http://www.java.com/en/, December 18, 2013. [5] "Remote Method Invocation", http://www. oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/tech/index-jsp-136424.html, January 19, 2013. [6] "Google Cloud Platform", https://cloud. google.com/, March 23, 2013. Saurabh Malgaonkar, Swarnalata Bollavarapu, Tejas Hirave |
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46. | Experimental Study for Heat Transfer Enhancement Due To Surface Roughness at Laminar Flow
Experimental Study for Heat Transfer Enhancement Due To Surface Roughness at Laminar FlowAbstract: An investigation was conducted to determine whether dimples on a heat sink fin can increase heat transfer for laminar airflows. This was accomplished by performing experimental studies using two different types of dimples: 1) circular (spherical) dimples, and 2) oval (elliptical) dimples. Dimples were placed on both sides of a aluminium plate with a relative pitch of S/D=1.21 and relative depth of δ/D=0.16 (e.g., circular dimples). For oval dimples, similar ratios with the same total depth and circular-edge-to-edge distance as the circular dimples were used. For those configurations the average heat transfer coefficient, pressure drop, thermal performance and Nusselt number ratio were determined experimentally. For circular and oval dimples, heat transfer enhancements (relative to a flat plate) were observed for Reynolds number range from 600 to 2000 (Reynolds number based on channel height). Also the results are validated analytically for Nusselt number and friction factor for plain vertical plate. This experiment was undertaken to provide the needed experimental data that fill the gap for the use of dimples for laminar flow conditions. Specifically, this investigation was conducted to determine whether or not the use of dimples can enhance heat transfer characteristics for heat sink applications. Dimples enhanced heat transfer from its surface for laminar air flows while the pressure drop was equivalent or smaller than that of the flat surface. These surfaces do indeed enhance thermal performance without the penalty associated with higher pressure drops.Reference [1] P.W. Bearman and J.K. Harvey, Control of circular cylinder flow by the use of dimples, AIAA J. 31 (1993) 1753-1756. [2] M.K. Chyu, Y. Yu, H. Ding, J.P. Downs and F.O. Soechting, Concavity enhanced heat transfer in an internal cooling passage, International Gas Turbine & Aeroengine Congress & Exhibition ASME paper 97-GT-437. [3] H.K. Moon, T. O` Connell and B. Glezer, Channel height effect on heat transfer and friction in a dimpled passage, J. Gas Turbine Power 122 (2000) 307-313. [4] G.I. Mamood, M.L. Hill, D.L. Nelson, P.M. Ligrani, H.K. Moon and B. Glezer, Local heat transfer and flow structure on and above a dimpled surface in a channel, J. Turbomachinery 123 (2001) 115-123. [5] P.M. Ligrani, G.I. Mamood and M.Z. Sabbagh, Heat transfer in a channel with dimples and protrusion on opposite walls, J. Thermophys. Heat Transfer 15 (3) (2001) 275-283. Raju R.Yenare, Prof Kundlik V.Mali. |
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47. | Langmuir probe Diagnostic for local parameter measurement in Magnetized Plasma using LabVIEW
Langmuir probe Diagnostic for local parameter measurement in Magnetized Plasma using LabVIEWAbstract: In recent years, plasma technology is used by Semiconductor, thin film industries for deposit layers, etching process and surface modification. So it is necessary to understanding internal plasma parameter. Langmuir probe is one of the simplest techniques which is used to measure wide range of plasma parameter like plasma potential, floating potential, electron temperature, electron energy distribution function (EEDF) etc. Langmuir current voltage characteristic is obtained by varying bias voltage of the probe. LabVIEW is most powerful Microsoft window compatible software which is used to immediate data acquisition and analysis. In this paper describes analysis of Langmuir data using LabVIEW software which automatically measure I-V Plasma probe Characteristics and obtain EEDF of plasma.Key words: EEDF, LabVIEW, Langmuir probe, Plasma Diagnostic, Plasma parameter Reference [1] Mohammed K. Khalaf, Nathera Abass Ali Al-Tememee, Bahaa T. Chaid, Fwad T. Ibrahim, Influence of Discharge Pressure on the Plasma Parameter in a Planar Dc-Sputtering Discharge of Argon, International Journal of Recent Research and Review, Vol. V, March 2013. Theses: [2] Satyananda kar, plasma response to transient high voltage pulses, Doctor of Philosophy, Institute for plasma research, Gandhinagar. Journal Papers: [3] M. Nisha, K. J. Saji, R. S. Ajimsha, N. V. Joshy, and M. K. Jayaraj, Characterization of radio frequency plasma using Langmuir probe and optical emission spectroscopy, Journal of applied physics 99, 033304(2006). [4] R Fichert,V Dose, Electron energy distribution for reconstruction in low pressure helium plasma from optical measurement, plasma physics control. Fusion 41(1999) 1109-1123. Theses: [5] Nicholas James Behlman, Electron energy distribution measurements in the plume region of a low current hollow cathode,Degree of master of Science, Worcester polytechnic institute. Bijal Vara, C S Dalal, S Karkari, H Kabariya |
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48. | Retrieval of Images Using Cascaded Features
Retrieval of Images Using Cascaded FeaturesAbstract: Color and texture are important features of an image. Content-based image retrieval (CBIR) is a process to retrieve similar images for a given query image from large image database. It is proposed to extract the features using cascading method. In this paper, color features are extracted using the first order statistical features like mean, standard deviation, energy, entropy, skewness and kurtosis of an image. After color feature extraction, similarity measurement between query image and database images is done using city block distance (CBD), Canberra distance (CD) and Minkowski distance (MD). The minimum distance top ranked 150 relevant images are retrieved. Then, the five Haralick texture features are extracted only from this 150 images. Again, the same similarity measurements are done. Top ranked relevant images are retrieved. In this study, the comparative work of similarity measurements is also done. It is found that the Canberra distance gives better results to retrieve the similar images.Key words: Color features, Haralick features, Canberra distance, Minkowski distance, City block distance Reference [1] W.Nilback, et.al, "The qbic project: querying im- ages by content using color, texture and shape," SPIE Proceedings on storage and Retrieval for image and video Databases, pp. 173–187, 1993. [2] A.Pentland, et.al, "Photobook : tools for content based image retrieval," International Journal of Computer Vision, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 233–254, 1996. [3] A. Gupta, R.Jain, "Visual information retrieval" Communications of the ACM, vol. 40, no. 5, pp.70–79, 1997. [4] J.R.Smith,S.F.Chang, "Visualseek: a fully auto mated CBIR query system," Proceedings of Multi- media Conference, 1996. [5] W.Y.Ma, B.Manjunath, "Netra, a toolbox for navigating large image databases," Proceedings of International conference on image Processing, , no.5, pp. 568–571, 1997. N. Puviarasan, Dr. R. Bhavani |
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49. | Design and Analysis of SAW Based MEMS Gas Sensor for the Detection of Volatile Organic Gases
Design and Analysis of SAW Based MEMS Gas Sensor for the Detection of Volatile Organic GasesAbstract: This paper portrays the design and analysis of SAW based MEMS gas sensor for the detection of volatile organic gases. The gas sensor consists of interdigitated transducers modeled on a piezoelectric substrate and covered by a thin film of polyisobutylene (PIB) which acts as the sensing layer. The piezoelectric substrate material used is YZ cut Lithium Niobate (LiNbO3) and electrodes used are made of Aluminium (Al). Mass loading effect on the sensing layer is used for the detection of volatile organic gases. The design and simultions were carried out by using comsol multiphysics software based on Finite Element Method (FEM) for analytical simulations. The resonant frequency of the SAW device was determined and simulations are carried out by exposing the sensor to 100 ppm of various volatile organic gases and corresponding shift in resonant frequency for various gases are determined. The reduction in the resonant frequency is used for the detection of volatile organic gases such as chloromethane, dichloromethane, trichloromethane, tetrachloroethene, carbon tetrachloride and trichloroethylene.Key words: Comsol Multiphysics, gas sensor, MEMS, piezoelectric, surface acoustic waves. Reference [1] El Gowini M. M., Moussa W. A., A Finite Element Model of a MEMS-based Surface Acoustic Wave Hydrogen Sensor, Sensors,vol 10, pp. 1232–1250, 2010. [2] Ajay Achath Mohanan, Md Shabiul Islam, Sawal Hamid Md Ali, R. Parthiban and N. Ramakrishnan, "Investigation into Mass Loading Sensitivity of Sezawa Wave Mode-Based Surface Acoustic Wave Sensors", Sensors 2013, vol.13, pp. 2164-21750, 2013. [3] R. Lerch, "Simulation of Piezoelectric Devices by Two- and Three-Dimensional Finite Elements", IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, vol.37, pp. 233-247, 1990. [4] Clifford K. Ho, Eric R. Lindgren, K. Scott Rawlinson, Lucas K. McGrath and Jerome L, "Development of a surface acoustic wave sensor for in-situ monitoring of volatile organic compounds", Sensors, vol.3, pp. 236-247, 2003. [5] Ahmadi, F. Hassani, C. Korman, M. Rahaman, and M. Zaghlou, "Characterization of Multi- and Single-layer Structure SAW Sensor", Sensors 2004, Proceedings of IEEE, vol. 3, pp. 1129–1132, 2004. Staline Johnson, Dr. T. Shanmuganantham |
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50. | Forecasting Models for the Three Highest Daily Precipitation Monthly Values at Sulaimania Governorate in Iraq
Forecasting Models for the Three Highest Daily Precipitation Monthly Values at Sulaimania Governorate in IraqAbstract: Four forecasting models were developed for the monthly series of the first three highest maximum values of daily precipitations in Sulaimania governorate, Iraq. Three of them are a first order single variable autoregressive models one for each series. The fourth one is a multi-variable Matalas(1967) model that incorporate the three series simultaneously in order to investigate the effect of the dependence of the first three daily maximums on the forecasting capability compared to the single variable models. The models were developed using the series of the three highest daily precipitations in Sulaimania governorate using the data on monthly basis for the years (1992-2006). Verification of the models was conducted by comparing the statistical properties of three generated series for each model for the period (2007-2013), with the observed properties for the same period. Results indicate the capability of the two types of the model to preserve these statistical properties very well. However, the AKIKE test indicates that the single variable model can perform better than the multi-variables one, the ranges of these test for three generated series are (22.63-29.68) and (27.81-34.91), for the single and multi-variable models ,respectively. The maximum absolute differences in the statistical properties are all higher for the multi-variables model than those for the single variable one. The t-test and F-test for the monthly means and standard deviations support this conclusion. These results may be attributed to the high randomness in the successive extreme daily precipitations values.Key words: Maximum daily precipitation, Data generation, Multi-variables data generation models, Single variable data generation model. Sulaimania governorate. AKIAKE test. Reference [1] Al- Suhili R. H., and Mustafa N. F., (2013) " A Multisites Daily Precipitation Forecasting Model for Sulaimania Governorate in Iraq", Journal of Engineering Researches and Applications, Vol. 3, Issue 6, Nov-Dec., [2] Barzinji K. T., (2003),"Hydrogic Studies for GoizhaDabashan and Other Watersheds in Sulimani Governorate ", M.Sc. thesis submitted to the college of Agriculture, University of Sulaimani. [3] Box, G.E., and Jenkins, G. M. (1976),"Time Series Analysis and Control", San Francisco, California: Holden-Day, Inc. [4] Furrer E.M., and Katz R.W.,(2008)" Improving the Simulation of Extreme Precipitation Event by Stochastic Weather Generator", Water Resources Researches , Vol. 44, W12439. [5] Kisi O. and Cimen M. " Precipitation Forecasting by Using Wavelet-Support Vector Machine Conjunction Model",(2012) Journal of Artificial Intelligence ,ELSEVIER, Vol. 25, Issue 4, June,pp 783-792. Zeren Jamal Ghafour |
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51. | Pulling Resistance and Modeling of Dominant Plants in Limestone Mining Spoils
Pulling Resistance and Modeling of Dominant Plants in Limestone Mining SpoilsAbstract: In South Taiwan, staged open-cut mining method was adopted for industry of limestone mining. Such improper cutting method results in a large area of original plantation removal, creates a large volume of spoils, and consequently, causes serious impact on the ecological environment of the entire mining area. The vegetated hill slope always possesses a layer of topsoil for capable protection against soil erosion to stabilize the slope of a certain extent. To mitigate the influence of the improper mining activity, we improve the overall environment by vegetation with dominant plants in the local area. After vegetating treatment and succession, the important woody dominant plants are Dense-flowered False-nettle (Boehmeria densiflora Hook. & Arn.), Roxburgh sumac (Rhus javonica L. var. roxburghiana. DC.) and Pluchea (Pluchea carolinensis (Jacq.) G. Don) in South-Taiwan limestone spoil area. The roots of plants could be restraining the occurrence of shallow landslides because of mechanical reinforcing force of roots, and friction of roots-soil binding. These three plants were selected to obtain root-strength model from pulling resistance. The statistical regression analysis was performed to formulate the relationships of pulling resistance of root system (Pr), the growth characteristics of plants and field site environment with the testing results. Good regression relationships were obtained, thus, that served as an economical vegetation material at mining waste dumping area.Key words: limestone spoil, pulling resistance, dominant plants, regression analysis Reference [1] Lin Shin-Hwei, Study on the growth and root strength of Roxburgh sumac and Dense-flowered False-nettle in Limestone Mining area, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 24(1), 1995,89-99 (Ch). [2] Bureau of Mines, MOEA, The yearbook of the Taiwan Mineral Industry, 2004, pp1-21. [3] Bureau of Mines, MOEA, The general status of the Taiwan Mineral Industry, 2014, http://www.mine.gov.tw/miner. [4] Waldron, L.J., The shear resistance of root permeated homogeneous and stratified soil, Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 41(3), 1977, 843-849. [5] Abe, K. and M. Iwamoto, Simulation model for the distribution of tree roots –application to a slope stability model, Journal of Japanese Forest Society, 72(2) , 1990, 375-387.(Jap) Yi-Chang Chen, Edward Ching-Ruey Luo |
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52. | Smart Fuzzer
Smart FuzzerAbstract: Fuzzing is basically bug finding technique. This is done by providing an application with semi-valid input. The input should in most cases be good enough so applications will assume it as valid input, but at the same time be broken enough so that parsing done on this input will fail. Such failing can lead to unexpected results such as crashes, information leaks, delays, etc. It also requires understanding possible bugs that can be found in code. Smart fuzzer creates fuzzed files to be used for fuzz testing. It finds bug automatically. We will develop a web application user interface which has the smart fuzzer developed as the back end.Key words: smart fuzzer, asp.net with c#, platform: Visual Studio 2010 Reference [1] Michael Sutton, Adam Greene, Pedram Amini (2007).Fuzzing: Brute Force Vulnerability Discovery. Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-321-44611-9. [2] John Neystadt (2008-02). "Automated Penetration Testing with White-Box Fuzzing". Microsoft. Retrieved 2009-05-14. [3] Barton Miller (2008). "Preface". In Ari Takanen, Jared DeMott and Charlie Miller, Fuzzing for Software Security Testing and Quality Assurance, ISBN 978-1-59693-214-2 [4] "Fuzz Testing of Application Reliability". University of Wisconsin-Madison. Retrieved 2009-05-14. [5] "Kaksonen, Rauli. (2001) A Functional Method for Assessing Protocol Implementation Security (Licentiate thesis). Espoo. Technical Research Centre of Finland, VTT Publications 447. 128 p. + app. 15 p. ISBN 951-38-5873-1 (soft back ed.) ISBN 951-38-5874-X (on-line ed.)." (PDF). Retrieved 2010-05-28. Mr. Deepak Moud, Mr. B. L Pal |
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53. | Survey of Uniformity of Velocity Profile in Wind Tunnel by Using Hot Wire Annometer Systems
Survey of Uniformity of Velocity Profile in Wind Tunnel by Using Hot Wire Annometer SystemsAbstract: The purpose of this research work is to investigate experimentally and computationally the uniformity of velocity profile in wind tunnel. A wind tunnel is an instrument used to examine the stream lines and forces that are induced as the fluid flows past a fully submerged body. The uni-insta's wind tunnel (300 mm*300 mm) has been designed to give a large working section for the purpose of being able to layout substantial site models. The tunnel has a built in boundary layer simulation system that allows good simulation of the atmospheric velocity gradients. The tunnel is built around a sectionalized wooden frame work incorporating exterior grade plywood panels in the settling length and working section, clad in laminate on the side elevation for ease of maintenance. A bell mount entry incorporated is followed by a smooth settling length chamber comprising of well graded honey comb network fine mesh. The side panels of the working section are transparent acrylic cover, to gives a large viewing area .Additional matt back side panels gives photographic construct to smoke trails. The top panel of the working section is removable in order to fix the models.Key words: uni-insta's wind tunnel, acrylic cover, stream lines. Reference [1] Bossel. H.H. 1969 "Computations of Axisymmetric Contractions," AIAA Journal Volume 7 no.10 PP 2017-2020. [2] Bradshaw. P & Pankhurust.R.C. 1964, "The Design of Low Speed Wind Tunnels", Progress in Aeronautical Sciences Volume 5. Kuchenmann.D and Sterne. L.H.G Editors Pergamum Press PP 1-69. [3] Chmiclewski, GE 1974, "Boundary Layer Consideration in design of Aerodynamic Contractions", Journal of Air Craft Volume 11 No 8 PP 435-438. [4] Kiein A. Ramjee. V & Venkataramani, K.S 1973, "Ann Experimental Study of Subsonic Flow in the axisymmetric contractions", Flow volume 21 no 9 PP 312-320. [5] Morel T 1975 comprehensive Design of Axisymmetric Wind Tunnel Contractions" ASME JOURNAL OF FLUID ENGINEERING, Volume 97 No2 225-233. S.N. Ch. Dattu. V, Rao Yerrapragada. K.S.S , Dr. B.Balakrishna |
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54. | Survey of Uniformity of Pressure Profile in Wind Tunnel by Using Hot Wire Annometer Systems
Survey of Uniformity of Pressure Profile in Wind Tunnel by Using Hot Wire Annometer SystemsAbstract: The purpose of this research work is to investigate experimentally and computationally the uniformity of velocity profile in wind tunnel. A wind tunnel is an instrument used to examine the stream lines and forces that are induced as the fluid flows past a fully submerged body. The uni-insta's wind tunnel (300 mm*300 mm) has been designed to give a large working section for the purpose of being able to layout substantial site models. The tunnel has a built in boundary layer simulation system that allows good simulation of the atmospheric velocity gradients. The tunnel is built around a sectionalized wooden frame work incorporating exterior grade plywood panels in the settling length and working section, clad in laminate on the side elevation for ease of maintenance. A bell mount entry incorporated is followed by a smooth settling length chamber comprising of well graded honey comb network fine mesh. The side panels of the working section are transparent acrylic cover, to gives a large viewing area .Additional matt back side panels gives photographic construct to smoke trails. The top panel of the working section is removable in order to fix the models.Key words: uni-insta's wind tunnel, acrylic cover, stream lines. Reference [1] Bossel. H.H. 1969 "Computations of Axisymmetric Contractions," AIAA Journal Volume 7 no.10 PP 2017-2020. [2] Bradshaw. P & Pankhurust.R.C. 1964, "The Design of Low Speed Wind Tunnels", Progress in Aeronautical Sciences Volume 5. Kuchenmann.D and Sterne. L.H.G Editors Pergamum Press PP 1-69. [3] Chmiclewski, GE 1974, "Boundary Layer Consideration in design of Aerodynamic Contractions", Journal of Air Craft Volume 11 No 8 PP 435-438. [4] Kiein A. Ramjee. V & Venkataramani, K.S 1973, "Ann Experimental Study of Subsonic Flow in the axisymmetric contractions", Flow volume 21 no 9 PP 312-320. [5] Morel T 1975 comprehensive Design of Axisymmetric Wind Tunnel Contractions" ASME JOURNAL OF FLUID ENGINEERING, Volume 97 No2 225-233. Rao Yerrapragada. K.S.S, S.N.Ch.Dattu .V, Dr. B.Balakrishna |
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55. | A Coupled Fixed Point Theorem for Geraghty Contractions in Partially Ordered Metric Spaces
A Coupled Fixed Point Theorem for Geraghty Contractions in Partially Ordered Metric SpacesAbstract: In this paper we establish results on the existence and uniqueness of coupled fixed points of Geraghty contraction on a partially ordered set with a metric, with the continuity of the altering distance function dropped. Our results are improvements over the results of GVR Babu and P.Subhashini [3].Key words: Geraghty contraction, altering distance function, fixed point, mixed monotone property, partially ordered set. Reference [1] Amini Harandi .A and Emami. H: A fixed point theorem for contraction type maps in partially ordered metric spaces and applications to ordinary differential equations. Non-linear Analysis, 2010, 72, 2238-2242 [2] Babu. G.V.R: Generalization of fixed point theorems relating to the diameter of orbits by using a control function. Tamkang Journal of Mathematics, 2004, 35(2), 159-168. [3] Babu G.V.R and Subhashini. P: Coupled fixed point theorems in partially ordered metric spaces by altering distances via Geraghty's contraction. Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Mathematics, 2012, 4(4):78-95, doi:10:5373/jaram.1383.040212. [4] Choudhury B.S and Amaresh Kundu: A coupled coincidence point result in partially ordered metric spaces for compatible mappings. Non-linear Analysis, 2010, 73, 2524-2531. [5] Choudhury B.S and Amaresh Kundu: On coupled generalized Banach and Kannan type contractions. Journal Non linear Sci. Appl., 2012,5, 259-270. K.P.R. Sastry, Ch. Srinivasa Rao, N. Appa Rao and S.S.A. Sastri |
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56. | Assessment on the Effect of pH on the Soil of Irrigated Farmlands of Kaduna Metropolis Nigeria
Assessment on the Effect of pH on the Soil of Irrigated Farmlands of Kaduna Metropolis NigeriaAbstract: The aim of this research work is to assess the level of pH in the soil of irrigated farmlands of Kaduna metropolis using PH meter. It was found that Samples obtained from Nasarawa and Kawo ( pH = 5.8) were the lowest pH in the samples analyzed. These were similar to the pH of the control site Rigachikun with pH = 5.8 (acidic). Sample from Kurmin mashi had the highest pH value (pH = 8.5) and is alkaline. This revealed that most of the soils from the irrigation sites were acidic with the exception of samples from Unguwan Dosa and Kurmin mashi. It was also obtained from the ANOVA p = 0.000<0.05 which shows that there is significant differences in the PH of soil across the various sampling sites. The real differences of soil PH was further analyzed by a post-hoc test using the Duncan Multiple range test with samples from Kawo, Nasarawa,Kinkinau and Rigasa were the least soil PH. In the second homogeneous subgroup there is Makera, Malali, Badiko, Barnawa, Kakuri, Kudenda, Danmani, etc. while the highest soil PH fall in the third subgroup which include samples from Uuguwan Dosa and Kurmin Mashi. The absorption and accumulation of heavy metals in plant tissues depend upon soil PH and nutrient availability which in turn increase the mobility of heavy metals. This variation in soil PH is due to excessive usage of fertilizer such as NPK, urea, super phosphate, manure, pesticides, herbicides and other agro – chemicals as well as human activities and the use of waste water in irrigating the soil. As such resulting to an adverse effect on such agricultural areas.Key words: Soil, PH Meter, Kaduna Metropolis, Nigeri Reference [1] Ademoroti C.M.A (1996): Soil, water and air environmental chemistry and texiocology. Foludex Press Ibadan, 1st Edition Pp 30-34. [2] Akan, J.C, Abdurrahman, F.I, Sodipo, O.A and Lange, A.O (2010).Physicochemical parameter in soil and vegetable samples from Gongolon Agricultural Sites., Maiduguri, BornoState, Nigeria. Journal of American Science 6(12) : 78 – 87. [3] Chen, X, Wright J, Conca J, Peurrung ; (1997); effects of PH on heavy metal sorption on mineral Apatite. Environ sci and technology 31 (3), 624 – 631 [4] Chlopecka A, Bacon J.R, Wilson M.J, Kay J. (1996), Forms of cadmium, lead and zinc in contaminated soils in southwest Poland, Journal of Environmental Quality. 25 ; 69 - 79 [5] Daniel B B, Edward A K (1998). Soil chemistry. Environmental science. John Wiley and son inc. USA pp 135 – 137. W. L.O Jimoh and Mahmud Imam Mohammed |
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57. | Effect of Electrical Conductivity on the Soil of Irrigated Farmlands of Kaduna Metropolis Nigeria
Effect of Electrical Conductivity on the Soil of Irrigated Farmlands of Kaduna Metropolis NigeriaAbstract: The objective of this research work is to assess the level of electrical conductivity in the soil of irrigated farmlands of Kaduna metropolis using conductivity meter. It was found that lowest electrical conductivity of 1.14 μScm-1 was obtained from Badiko samples and the highest from Kawo with conductivity of 2.63 μScm-1 . It was also found that from the ANOVA p = 0.000<0.05 shows that there is significant differences in the electrical conductivity of soil across the various sampling sites. The real differences of soil conductivity was further analyzed by a post-hoc test using the Duncan Multiple range test with samples from Badiko and Nasarawa having the least soil conductivity. In the second homogeneous subgroup there is Danmani, Abakpa, Makera, Doka etc. The third subgroup include Rigasa, Kabala, Barnawa,Kakuri, Kawo, Malali while the highest soil conductivity fall in the fourth subgroup which include Kawo and Rigachikun (control sites). Infact most of the samples were moderately saline while some are non saline, as a result of human activities occurring in such sites, hence, increase the mobility of heavy metals in the soil. Thereby leading to the toxicity and polluting the soil as well as reducing its ability in the production of crops and vegetables in the affected agricultural areas.Key words: Soil, conductivity Meter, Kaduna Metropolis, Nigeria. Reference [1] Ademoroti C.M.A (1996): Soil, water and air environmental chemistry and texiocology. Foludex Press Ibadan, 1st Edition Pp 30-34. [2] Boulding, J. R (1994). Description and sampling of contaminated soils. Alfeid Guide. 2nd Edn. Lewis publishers, Boca Raton, FL. Pp 5 [3] Cui, Y.J, Zhu, Y.G, Zhain R.H, Chen, D.Y, Huang Y.Z, Qui Y and Liang J.Z (2004). Tranfer of metals from nrar a smelter in Nanning., China. Environmental International 30: 785 – 791. [4] Kirkhan, M.B (1983), study on accumulation of heavy metals in soil receiving sewage and effluent water. Agric. Ecosystem, Environment 9:251. [5] Tijani, M.N and Agakwu, A.A (2007) An assessment of soil – plant transfer of trace metals and contamination of shallow groundwater under amendment irrigated fields. African crop science conference proceedings 8 : pp 1693 – 1697. W.L.O Jimoh and Mahmud Imam Mohammed |
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58. | Simulation of Thermal-Mechanical Strength for Marine Engine Piston Using FEA
Simulation of Thermal-Mechanical Strength for Marine Engine Piston Using FEAAbstract: This paper involves simulation of a 2-stroke 6S35ME marine diesel engine piston to determine its temperature field, thermal, mechanical and coupled thermal-mechanical stress. The distribution and magnitudes of the afore-mentioned strength parameters are useful in design, failure analysis and optimization of the engine piston. The piston model was developed in solid-works and imported into ANSYS for preprocessing, loading and post processing. Material model chosen was 10-node tetrahedral thermal solid 87. The simulation parameters used in this paper were piston material, combustion pressure, inertial effects and temperature. The highest calculated stress was the thermal-mechanical coupled stress and was below the yield stress of the piston material (580Mpa) at elevated temperatures hence the piston would withstand the induced stresses during work cycles.Key words: Coupled Thermal-Mechanical strength analysis, Finite Element Analysis (FEA); Mechanical stress, Temperature field, Thermal stress. Reference [1] M. R. Ayatollahi, F. Mohammadi and H. R. Chamani, Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue Life Assessment of a Diesel Engine Piston, International Journal of Automotive Engineering, Vol.1 No.4, 2011, pp. 256-266 [2] Hongyuan Zhang, zhaoxun Lin, Dawei Xu, in: An Analysis to Thermal Load and Mechanical Load Coupling of a Gasoline Engine Piston. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol. 48(2), 2013, pp. 911-917 [3] Yanxia Wang, Yuzhen Dong, Yongqi Liu, Simulation Investigation on the Thermo-mechanical coupling of the QT 300 Piston, International conference for Information and computing science, 2009 [4] Swati S Chougule, Vinayak H Khatawate, in: Piston Strength Analysis Using FEM, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), Vol. 3(2), 2013, pp.1724-1731 [5] F.S. Silva, in: Fatigue on engine piston -A Compendium of Case Studies- Engineering failures. Elsevier, 2006 Elijah Musango Munyao, Jiang Guo He, Yang Zhiyuan, Zou Xiang Yi |
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59. | Design of Dual Dynamic Flip-Flop with Featuring Efficient Embedded Logic for Low Power Cmos Vlsi Circuits
Design of Dual Dynamic Flip-Flop with Featuring Efficient Embedded Logic for Low Power Cmos Vlsi CircuitsAbstract: In this paper, we introduce a new dual dynamic node hybrid flip-flop (DDFF) and a novel embedded logic module (DDFF-ELM) based on DDFF. The proposed designs eliminate the large capacitance present in the pre-charge node of several state-of-the-art designs by following a split dynamic node structure to separately drive the output pull-up and pull down transistors. The aim of the DDFF-ELM is to reduce pipeline overhead. It presents an area, power, and speed efficient method to incorporate complex logic functions into the flip-flop. The performance comparisons made in a 90 nm technology when compared to the Semi dynamic flip-flop, with no degradation in speed performance. The leakage power and process-voltage-temperature variations of various designs are studied in detail and are compared with the proposed designs.Key words: Flip-flops, high-speed, leakage power, low-power. Reference [1] J. Yuan and C. Svensson, "New single-clock CMOS latches and flipflops with improved speed and power savings,"IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 62–69, Jan. 1997. [2] A. Hirata, K. Nakanishi, M. Nozoe, and A. Miyoshi, "The cross chargecontrol flip-flop: A low-power and high-speed flip-flop suitable for mobile application SoCs," inProc. Symp. VLSI Circuits Dig. Tech. Papers, Jun. 2005, pp. 306–307. [3] N. Nedovic, M. Aleksic, and V. G. Oklobdzija, "Conditional pre-charge techniques for power-efficient dual-edge clocking," inProc. Int. Symp. Low-Power Electron. Design, 2002, pp. 56–59. [4] P. Zhao, T. K. Darwish, and M. A. Bayoumi, "High-performance and low-power conditional discharge flip-flop," IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integr. (VLSI) Syst., vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 477–484, May 2004. [5] V. Stojanovic and V. Oklobdzija, "Comparative analysis of masterslave latches and flip-flops for high-performance and low-power systems," IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 536–548, Apr. 1999 Adhiyaman P, Surya.S, Narasimhan.C |
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60. | Performance Analisis of 2d Converter by Combining Sr & Ky Converters
Performance Analisis of 2d Converter by Combining Sr & Ky ConvertersAbstract: Most of the portable equipments use battery as power source. The increasing use of low voltage portable devices and growing requirements of functionalities embedded into such devices. Thus an efficient power management technique is needed for longer battery life for them.Highly variable nature of batteries systems often require supply voltages to be both higher and lower than the battery. This is most efficiently generated by a buck-boost switching converter. But here the converter efficiency is decreased since the power loss occurs in the storage devices. Step by step, process of designing, feedback control and simulation of a novel voltage-buck boost converter, combining KY and synchronous buck converter for battery power applications. Unlike the traditional buck–boost converter, this converter has the positive output voltage, different from the negative output voltage of the traditional inverting buck–boost converter. Since such a converter operates in continuous conduction mode. Also it possesses the non-pulsating output current, thereby not only decreasing the current stress on the output capacitor but also reducing the output voltage ripple. Both the KY converter and the synchronous buck converter, combined into a positive buck–boost converter, uses the same power switches. Here it makes the circuit to be compact and the corresponding cost to be down.Index Terms: buck-boost converter, PI control, KYconverter, synchronously rectified (SR) buck converter Reference [1] R. W. Erickson and D. Maksimovic,Fundamentals of Power Electronics,2nd ed. Norwell, MA, Kluwer, 2001. [2] N. Mohan, T.M. Undeland, and W. P. Robbins,Power Electronics, 2nded. New York: Willey, 2003. [3] F. L. Luo, "Positive output Luo converters: Voltage lift technique," IEEProc. Elect. Power Appl., vol. 4, no. 146, pp. 415–432, Jul. 1999. [4] X. Chen, F. L. Luo, and H. Ye, "Modified positive output Luo converter,"inProc. IEEE Int. Conf. Power Electron. Drive Syst., 1999, pp. 450–455. [5] F. L. Luo and H. Ye, "Positive output super-lift converters," IEEE Trans.Power Electron., vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 105–113, Jan. 2003. V. Manoj Kumar, G.V.S.S.N.S. Sarma |
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61. | Optimization of the Inclination Angle of a Capillary Film Solar Still to Enhance the Productivity in South Algeria
Optimization of the Inclination Angle of a Capillary Film Solar Still to Enhance the Productivity in South AlgeriaAbstract: The fresh water production finds all its justification in the Algerian south. The majority of water of underground origin is brackish and unsuitable for human consumption, This water is characterized by a salinity which exceeds the world health organization standards lower or equalizes 0.5 g/l, Solar distillation can considered not only as an economic solution which respect environment , but a real alternative to the energy resources of origin fossils. This study objective is the theoretical optimization of the inclination angle of a distiller with a capillary film in the site of Adrar in the great Algerian south, for this , we worked out an equations system of the total assessments which control this distiller operation , these equations solved by the Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg 4(5) integration method. The results of the digital simulation highlight the inclination angle effect on this distiller production, a detailed study on the daily, monthly and annual variation of the inclination optimum angle showed that a value of 38° represents the best optimum angle for a distiller with a capillary film directed in the full south for this site.Key words: Capillary film, Inclination angle, Numerical simulation, Optimization, Solar distillation. Reference [1] M. Capderou, Theoretical and experimental models solar atlas of Algeria (in French) Tome 1 and 2, University Publications Office, Algeria, 1987. [2] B. Bouchekima, A small solar desalination plant for the production of drinking water in remote arid areas of southern Algeria, Desalination, 159, 2003, 197-204. [3] K.K. Murugavel, P. Anburaj, R.S Hansen, T. Elango, Progresses in inclined type solar stills, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 20 , 2013,364-377. [4] M. Abidi, S. Ben jabrallah and J.P. Corriou, Optimization of the dynamic behavior of a solar distillation cell by Model predictive control, Desalination, 279, 2011, 315-324. [5] D.C. Reicosky, L.J. Winkelman, J.M. Baker, D.G. Baker, Accuracy of hourly air temperatures calculated from daily minima and maxima, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 46 1989, 193-209. Zerrouki Moussa, Settou Noureddine, Marif Yacine, M Mustapha Belhadj |
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62. | Performance Comparison Of Different Controllers For A Level Process
Performance Comparison Of Different Controllers For A Level ProcessAbstract: The analysis study has been done for a First Order plus Delay Time (FOPDT) model controlled by Proportional Integral Derivative (PID), proportional integral (PI) and Model Predictive Control (MPC) using MATLAB software. The study has been done for both MPC and conventional control methods to design the controller for the level tank system and the results has been compared in terms of rise time,settling time and maximum overshoot. The conventional PID controller gives corrective action only after error has developed but not in advance but MPC provides corrective action in advance. The objective of this study is to investigate the Model predictive control (MPC) strategy, analyze and compare the control effects with conventional control strategy in maintaining a water level system. A Comparison between the performance of Conventional controller and MPC Controller has been performed in which MPC Controller gives better system parameter in terms of Rise time (tr), Settling time (ts) and maximum overshoot (Mp).Key words: Level process, MATLAB, Model Predictive Control, PID Control Reference [1] System Identification and Comparison of Ziegler-Nichols and Genetic Algorithm for Moisture Process. H. Kala, S. Abirami, S.M. Giriraj Kumar. [2] Wikipedia, "PID controller", http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PID_controller. [3] J. B. Ziegler and N. B. Nichols, "Optimum settings for automatic controllers", ASME Transactions, v64, pp. 759-768, 1942. [4] James B. Rawlings, "Tutorial Overview of Model Predictive Control", IEEE Control System Magazine, June 2000. [5] Wikipedia, "Model predictive control", http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Model_predicti ve_control. S.Abirami, Zahir hussain. A. S, Saravana Muthu. D, Aravind kumar. C. B |
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63. | User Authentication Based On Keystroke Dynamics
User Authentication Based On Keystroke DynamicsAbstract: The most common way to enforce access control is user authentication based on username and password. This form of access control has many flaws which make it vulnerable to hacking. Biometric authentication such as the keystroke dynamics is used in which the keyboard is used in order to identify users. Then the classifier is tailored to each user to find out whether the given user is genuine or not. The contribution of this approach is twofold: first it reduces the possibility of over fitting second it allows scalability to a high volume of users. Here, measured mean, median values, and standard deviation of keystroke features such as latency, dwell time, digraph and their combination are used. The algorithms used for feature subset selection are Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Genetic Algorithm (GA), Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) and the proposed Renovated Artificial Bee Colony Optimization (RABCO) algorithm. Back Propagation Neural Network (BPNN) is used for classification.Key words: Keystroke Dynamics, Feature Extraction, Feature subset selection, Artificial Bee Colony Optimization, Back Propagation Neural Network. Reference [1] Bing Xue, Mengjie Zhang and Will N.Browne, ―Particle Swarm Optimization for Feature Selection in Classification: A Multi-Objective Approach,‖ IEEE Trans.Cybern., oct. 2012 [2] S.Bleha, C. Slivinsky, and B.Hussein, ―Computer-access security systems using keystroke dynamics,‖ IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell., vol. 12, no. 12, pp. 1217–1222, Dec. 1990. [3] A. El-Saddik, M. Orozco, Y. Asfaw, S. Shirmohammadi, and A. Adler, ―A novel biometric system for identification and verification of haptic users,‖ IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., vol. 56, no. 3, pp. 895–906, Jun. 2007. [4] Enzhe Yu and Sungzoon Cho, ―GA-SVM Wrapper Approach for Feature Subset Selection in Keystroke Dynamics Identity Verification‖ IEEE Trans, 2003. [5] Enzhe Yu and Sungzoon Cho, ―Keystroke dynamics identity Verification- its problems and practical solutions,‖ computer and security, vol. 23, pp. 428-440, Feb. 2004. J.R Nisha, R.P. Anto Kumar |
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64. | Measuring Quality of Electronic Service (E- Service) In Banking
Measuring Quality of Electronic Service (E- Service) In BankingAbstract: This research to evaluate e- service quality from the customers, perspective, and to examine the effect of e- service quality dimensions on customer's perception of banking e- service quality. Data was collected via self-administered questionnaire from random samples drawn from the population of customers using e-banking service. The constructs in this search were developed by using measurement scales adopted from prior studies. The instrument was evaluated for reliability and validity. The results in this search indicate that Reliability; Responsiveness; Ease of use; Personalization; Security; and Website design have influence on customer's perception of e- service quality.Key words: quality, e-service, banking, costomers. Reference [1] Al-Hawari, M. and Ward, T. (2006). The effect of automated service quality on Australian banks' financial performance and the mediating role of customer satisfaction Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 24(2), 127-47. [2] Barclay, D. W., Thompson, R. & Higgins, C. (1995). The partial least squares (PLS) approach to causal modeling: personal computer adoption and use an illustration. Technology Studies, 2(2), 285-309 [3] Barrutia, José M. &Gilsanz, Ainhize. (2009). E-Service quality: overview and research agenda. International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, 1(1), 29 – 50. [4] Bauer, H.H., Falk, T. and Hammerschmidt, M. (2006). Etransqual: a transaction process-based approach for capturing service quality in online shopping. Journal of Business Research, 59(7), 866-75. [5] Bawumia, M. (2007). Banking in Ghana in the Last 50 Years-Challenges and Prospects, AKeynote Address. Saba M. Hussain |
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65. | Green Growth Management by Using Arm Controller
Green Growth Management by Using Arm ControllerAbstract: The main aim of this system is to detect the soil content like moisture, humidity, phosphorus by using sensors and also monitor the temperature and sunlight in the agricultural field. This system can provide the efficient amount of water through drip irrigation and phosphorus for plant by collecting sensors information .The main aim of this system is to increase productivity of the plant through proper amount of water and fertilizers.Key words: soil moisture; humidity; temperature; light intensity; phosphorus. Reference [1] A.Sivasoundari,S.Kalaimani, Wireless Surveillance Robot with Motion Detection and Live Video Transmission , International Journal of Emerging Science and Engineering (IJESE) ISSN: 2319–6378, Volume-I, Issue-6 April 2013 . [2] Iqbal Singh, Meenakshi Bansal, Monitoring Water Level in Agriculture Using Sensor Networks, International Journal of Soft Computing and M2011. [3] Siuli Roy1, Somprakash Bandyopadhyay, A Test-bed on Real-time Monitoring of Agricultural Parameters using Wireless Sensor Networks for Precision Agriculture . [4] Syed Mahfuzul Aziz, Senior Member, Energy Efficient Image Transmission in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks IEEE, and Duc Minh Pham, Student Member, IEEE , IEEE communications letters, Vol. 17, No. 6, June 2013 [5] DI Walter H. Mayer , Agricultural Ict Infrastructue – Also Requisite For Precision Farming . Bachkar Yogesh Ramdas, Prof.S.G Galande |
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66. | Security Issues Threats and Challenges in Data Management of Wireless Communication & Sensor Network over Cloud: A Review
Security Issues Threats and Challenges in Data Management of Wireless Communication & Sensor Network over Cloud: A ReviewAbstract: Cloud computing is a colloquial expression used to describe a variety of different computing concepts that involve a large number of computers that are connected through a real-time communication network. The five key characteristics of cloud computing are: location-independent resource pooling, on demand self-service, rapid elasticity, broad network access, and measured service. These five characteristics represent the first layer in the cloud environment. Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are comprised of a variable number of autonomous electronic devices, with possible mechanic components, that have the capability of remote sensing, signal processing and communication in an ad hoc fashion. Today almost every organization and even public sector is moving towards cloud computing, in the form of a provider or consumer. Even this electronically provisioned has not remained untouched by computer hackers, criminals and vandals to break into the web servers. The goal of this paper is to analyze the Cloud based Environment for Wireless Communication & Sensor Network Application along with the Security issues for Data Management.Key words: Cloud, web services, security, IT security, services. Reference [1] Virtualization Overview. White Paper. Vmware. Retrieved April 6, 2011. [2] National Institute of Standards and Technology -Computer Security Division [3] Bhaskar P., Admela J·, Dimitrios K·, Yves G.: Architectural Requirements for Cloud Computing Systems: An Enterprise Cloud Approach. J. Grid Computing 9(1), 3-26 (2011) [4] What the Hell is Cloud Computing. Retrieved April 6,2011. [5] IT Cloud Services User Survey, pt.2: Top Benefits & Challenges. Retrieved April 8, 2011 Padmaja R Ayachit, N. G. Narole |
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67. | Dataset Preparation in Datamining Analysis Using Horizontal Aggregations
Dataset Preparation in Datamining Analysis Using Horizontal AggregationsAbstract: Data mining an interdisciplinary subfield of computer science, is the computational process of discovering patterns in large data sets involving methods at the intersection of artificial intelligence, machine learning, statistics, and database systems. The overall goal of the data mining process is to extract information from a data set and transform it into an understandable structure for further use. Preparing a data set for analysis is generally the most time consuming task in a data mining project, requiring many complex SQL queries, joining tables, and aggregating columns. Existing SQL aggregations have limitations to prepare data sets because they return one column per aggregated group. Horizontal aggregations build data sets with a horizontal de normalized layout, which is the standard layout required by most data mining algorithms. In this paper proposed three fundamental methods to evaluate horizontal aggregations: 1. CASE: Exploiting the programming CASE construct; 2.SPJ: Based on standard relational algebra operators; 3. PIVOT: Using the PIVOT operator, which is offered by some DBMSsKey words: CASE, SPJ, PIVOT Reference [1] Nisha S.,B.Lakshmipathi," Optimization of Horizontal Aggregation in SQL by Using K-Means Clustering" International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering Volume 2, Issue 5, May 2012 [2] G. Bhargava, P. Goel, and B.R. Iyer, "Hypergraph Based Reorderings of Outer Join Queries with Complex Predicates," Proc. ACM SIGMOD Int'l Conf. Management of Data (SIGMOD '95), pp. 304-315, 1995. [3] J.A. Blakeley, V. Rao, I. Kunen, A. Prout, M. Henaire, and C. Kleinerman, ".NET Database Programmability and Extensibility in Microsoft SQL Server," Proc. ACM SIGMOD Int'l Conf.Management of Data (SIGMOD '08), pp. 1087-1098, 2008. [4] V.Pradeep Kumar, Dr.R.V.Krishnaiah, "Horizontal Aggregations in SQL to Prepare Data Sets for DataMining Analysis", International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering Volume 6, Issue 5 (Nov. - Dec. 2012). [5] C. Galindo-Legaria and A. Rosenthal, "Outer Join Simplification and Reordering for Query Optimization," ACM Trans. Database Systems, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 43-73, 1997. Shine V. |
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68. | Energy Gain Process of a Celestial Body
Energy Gain Process of a Celestial BodyAbstract: The article considered in this paper attempts to explain the astrophysical phenomena of "dark energy‟ and "dark matter‟ as curvature effects in a modified theory of gravity. The deviations of this theory from Einstein‟s general relativity are not expected to be observed on Solar System scales, but are relevant on galactic or higher scales. These properties allow the theory to survive Solar System tests of general relativity that currently constrain such models (for instance, [1] finds that GR holds in the Solar System to within 0.5%), but still permit it to provide an alternative explanation of dark matter and dark energy. In order to understand the proposed explanation however, one must first review what cosmologists mean by dark matter and dark energy, why they are largely required in the standard cosmological model, and what kind of observational evidence would an alternative model have to match.Key words: Astrophysics, cosmology, mass, gravity and gravitational. Reference [1] Bertotti et al, Nature 425, 374 (2003) [2] 2.Nick Strobel, http://www.astronomy notes.com/ismnotes/s7.htm [3] R.A. Knop et al, Astrophys. J. 598, 102, 2003 (astro-ph/0309368) [4] S. Capozziello, V.F. Cardone, A. Troisi, 2006, astro-ph/0602349 [5] S. Capozziello, V.F. Cardone, A. Troisi, S. Carloni, Int. J. Mod. Phys. D, 12, 1969, 2003 Dr. Shobha Lal, Rajesh Saxena |
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69. | Transmission by an Embedded System with Enhancements in Voice Processing Technologies
Transmission by an Embedded System with Enhancements in Voice Processing TechnologiesAbstract: The paper reports that the robot can transmit the data such as video, audio, images. The robot can be controlled using the human voice. There are two embedded systems first one is robot controlling system(MASTER) which is used to control the robot, second one is voice controlled robot(SLAVE) which responds according to the instructions coming from the controlling system. These two embedded systems are communicated through wireless. We can use anyone one of wireless protocols such as IR, NFC, Bluetooth, Zigbee, WI-FI in order to establish a bridge between the MASTER and SLAVE. The voice controlled robot can understand the instructions with the help of the voice recognition system. Spinx-4 is a speech recognizer system written entirely in the java programming language.Sphinx-4 started out as a port of Sphinx-3 to the Java programming language, but evolved into a recognizer designed to be much more flexible than Sphinx-3, thus becoming an excellent platform for speech research.Sphinx-4 is an HMM-based speech recognizer. HMM stands for Hidden Markov Models, Sphinx-4 are a type of statistical model In HMM based speech recognizers.Index Terms: Embedded system; voice processing; wireless transmission Reference [1]. ad-hoc robot wireless communication by Zhigang Wang, MengChu Zhou and Nirwan Ansari [2]. Wireless Transmission of RS232 Interface Signal Based on ZigBee by Guoxin Luo [3]. The Study of Multi–Robot Communication of Autonomous Soccer Robots Based on C/S Mode by XiangZhongfan, WangQiang, WenHaiou [4]. A novel embedded System of video capture and transmission applied in remote monitoring for wheelchair-bed service robots by He Qingyun, Liu Jizhong, Zhang Hua [5]. voice based robot control by Peter X. Liu, A. D. C. Chan, R. Chen, K. Wang, Y. Zhu G.Sitha Annapurna1 ,B.Mamatha2, P.Annapurna |
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70. | Transient Stability of A.C Generator Controlled By Using Fuzzy Logic Controller
Transient Stability of A.C Generator Controlled By Using Fuzzy Logic ControllerAbstract: This article is focused on the implementation of fuzzy logic controller for a.c generator; a power system is highly nonlinear system. At present, power system can be simulated and analyzed based on a mathematical model however, uncertainty still exists due to change of loads and an occurrence of fault. Recently, fuzzy theory highly flexible easily operated and revised, theory is a better choice, especially for a complicated system with many variables. Hence, this work aims to develop a controller based on fuzzy logic to simulate an automatic voltage regulator in transient stability power system analysis. By adding power system stabilizer for tuning of fuzzy logic stabilizing controller there is no need for exact knowledge of power system mathematical model. The fuzzy controller parameters settings are independent due to nonlinear changes in generator and transmission lines operating conditions. Because of that proposed fuzzy controlled power system stabilizer should perform better than the conventional controller. To overcome the drawbacks of conventional power system stabilizer (CPSS), numerous techniques have been proposed in the article. The conventional PSS's effect on the system damping is then compared with a fuzzy logic based PSS while applied to a single machine infinite bus power system.Key words: Power System Stabilizer, Fuzzy logic Controller, single machine infinite bus, a.c Generator. Reference [1]. Abdullah Mohammed.Kh, "Design of anti windup AVR for synchronous generator Using MATLAB simulation.'' Elec.engdept/college of engg of mosul,al-Rafian engg,vol.17.no3,june 2009. [2]. Hiyama T., Oniki S., Nagashima H. Evaluation of advanced fuzzy logic PSS on analog network simulator and actual installation on hydro generators, IEEE Trans. on Energy Conversion, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 125-131, 1996. [3]. K.Ogata, Modern Control Systems, 5th edition, Prentice Hall Publications-2002. [4]. Kundur.P, "Power System Stability and Control", New York: McGraw-Hill, 1994. [5]. Ziegler-Nichols (Z-N) Based PID Plus Fuzzy Logic Control (FLC) For Speed Control of A Direct Field-Oriented Induction Motor (DFOIM). Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications,Vol. 3, Issue 6, Nov-Dec 2013, pp.755-762 Srinivas Singirikonda, G.Sathishgoud, M. Harikareddy |
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71. | A Survey Paper on Crime Prediction Technique Using Data Mining
A Survey Paper on Crime Prediction Technique Using Data MiningAbstract: Crime prediction is an attempt to identify and reducing the future crime. Crime prediction uses past data and after analyzing data, predict the future crime with location and time. In present days serial criminal cases rapidly occur so it is an challenging task to predict future crime accurately with better performance. Data mining technique are very useful to solving Crime detection problem. So the aim of this paper to study various computational techniques used to predict future crime. This paper provides comparative analysis of Data mining Techniques for detection and prediction of future crime.Key words: Crime Data, Crime Prediction, Data Mining Technique, Predictive Accuracy. Reference [1] Chung-Hsien-Yu, MaxW.Ward, Melissa Morabito, and Wei Ding. "Crime Forecasting Using Data Mining Techniques" 11th International Conference on Data Mining pp. 779-786, IEEE 2011. [2] Stephen Schneider, Ph.D. "Predicting Crime: A Review of The Research" Research and Statistics Division 2002. [3] J. L. LeBeau, "The Methods and Measure of Centrography and the spatial Dynamics of Rape" Journal of Quantitative Criminology, Vol.3, No.2, pp.125-141, 1987. [4] D.Weisburd, W.Bernasco, G.N.Bruinsma, "Determining How Journeys-to-Crime Vary: Measuring Inter- and Intra-Offender Crime Trip Distributions" Springer New York, 2009. [5] L. E. Cohen, M. Felson, "Social Change and Crime Rate Trends: A Routine Activity Approach", American Sociological Review, Vo1.44, pp 588-606, 1979. Nikhil Dubey, Setu Kumar Chaturvedi |
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72. | A Comparative Study between the Filamentary and Glow Modes of DBD Plasma in the Treatment of Wool Fibers
A Comparative Study between the Filamentary and Glow Modes of DBD Plasma in the Treatment of Wool FibersAbstract: In the present research it has been studied the effect of the DBD plasma on the treatment and modification of the surface a printing properities of the wool. Two types of DBD plasma have been investigated namely; the filamentary mode FDBD plasma and the glow mode GDBD plasma to reach the best condition of the treatment. Two discharge cells have been constructed one of them is for the generation of Atmospheric pressure glow discharge APGD and the other is for the generation of filamentary dielectric barrier discharge FDBD plasma. These two cells have the same dimensions except for the type of the dielectric barrier. In the APGD cell the dielectric barrier is a commercial porous fiber while in the FDBD cell the barrier is a Pyrex glass. It has been found that changing the type of the dielectric barriers acquires the discharge different properties. The efficiencies of these two types of discharge in the treatment of the textiles has been examined by treating the wool fabric with these two types of DBD plasma at different conditions of the current and treatment time. The induced changes in wool properties, such as whiteness index, wettability, tensile strength, elongation %, surface morphology, printability and fastness properties, have been investigated. The surface characterization was performed using FTIR and SEM imaging. It has been discovered that GDBD plasma is more efficient than FDBD because of not only its homogeneity but also the high concentration of nitrogen excited species that are the responsible for the surface activation of the textile.Key words: DBD plasma, Filamentary mode, Glow mode, printing properties, wool treatment. Reference [1] American Association of textile chemists and colorists, AATCC, technical manual, research Triangle park, USA, 75(2000). [2] American Society for testing and Materials, Annual Book of ASTM standards, section seven, textiles, USA, 07.02, (2000). [3] Canal, C., Molina, R., Bertran, E., Erra, P., 2007, ' Polysiloxane Softener Coatings on Macromol. Macromol. Plasma-Treated Wool: Study of the Surface Interactions', Macromol. Mater. Eng., 292, 817–824. [4] El-Khatib, E. M., Raslan, W. M., El-Halwagy, A.A. and Galab, S., 2013, 'Effect of Low Temperature Plasma Treatment on the Properties of Wool/Polyester Blend', RJTA, 17 , 1, 124-132. [5] El-Zeer, D.M., Dawood, N., Elakshar, F., Garamoon, A.A., 2012, 'The influence of the addition of argon gas to air DB discharge', Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys., 58, 30801. Doaa. M. El-Zeer, Asmaa. A Salem, Usama. M. Rashed, Tarob A. Abd-Elbaset5, S.Ghalab |
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73. | Comparison Of Resource Allocation Algorithms For OFDMA
Comparison Of Resource Allocation Algorithms For OFDMAAbstract: The report focuses on resource allocation algorithms (RAA) in Multi-user Orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) Wireless System. The Resource Allocation algorithms are employed to solve the problems of margin and rate optimization in OFDMA. The algorithms are simulated and the parameters used for comparison are Jain's Fairness Index (FI), sum capacity and capacity distribution among a given number of users.Key words: RAA, OFDMA, Fairness Index, Rate Optimization, Margin Optimization Reference [1] C. Y.Wong, R. S. Cheng, K. B. Letaief, and R. D. Murch, Multiuser OFDM with adaptive subcarrier, bit and power allocation, IEEE J. Select. Areas Commun, 17, 1747–1758, 1999. [2] D. Kivanc, G. Li, and H. Liu, Computationally efficient bandwidth allocation and power control for OFDMA, IEEE Trans.Wirel. Commun., 2, 6, 1150–1158, 2003. [3] Y. J. Zhang and K. B. Letaief, Multiuser adaptive subcarrier-and-bit allocation with adaptive cell selection for OFDM systems, IEEE Trans.Wire. Commun., 3, 4, 1566–1575, 2004. [4] Z. Shen, J. G. Andrews, and B. L. Evans, Adaptive resource allocation in multiuser OFDM systems with proportional fairness, IEEE Trans.Wirel. Commun., 4, 6, 2726–2737, 2005. [5] W. Rhee and J. M. Cioffi, Increase in capacity of multiuser OFDM system using dynamic subchannel allocation, In Proc. of IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Tokyo, May 2000, pp. 1085–1089. Vivian Noronha |
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74. | 8 Bit RISC Processor Using Verilog HDL
8 Bit RISC Processor Using Verilog HDLAbstract: RISC is a design philosophy to reduce the complexity of instruction set that in turn reduces the amount of space, cycle time, cost and other parameters taken into account during the implementation of the design. The advent of FPGA has enabled the complex logical systems to be implemented on FPGA. The intent of this paper is to design and implement 8 bit RISC processor using FPGA Spartan 3E tool. This processor design depends upon design specification, analysis and simulation. It takes into consideration very simple instruction set. The momentous components include Control unit, ALU, shift registers and accumulator register.Key words: RISC, control unit, processor. Reference [1] B. Rajesh Kumar, Ravisaketh and Santha Kumar, 2014, "Implementation of A 16-bit RISC Processor for Convolution Application", Research India publications, pp 441-446. [2] Aneesh, R.; Jiju, K. "Design of FPGA based 8-bit RISC controller IP core using VHDL", India Conference (INDICON), 2012 Annual IEEE, On page(s): 427 - 432 [3] Ferdous, T. "Design and FPGA-based implementation of a high performance 32-bit DSP processor", Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), 2012 15th International Conference, on page(s): 484 – 489 [4] R Uma, Design and performance analysis of 8 bit RISC processor using Xilinx tools, March-April 2012, ", International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), pp 053-058. [5] MD.Shabeena Begum, M.Kishore Kumar, "FPGA based implementation of 32 bit risc processor", International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), pp 1148-1151 [6] Mr. Sagar P. Ritpurkar, Prof. Mangesh N. Thakare, Prof. Girish D. Korde ," Review on 32-bit MIPS RISC Processor using VHDL", IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IOSR-JEEE), PP 46-50 Ramandeep Kaur, Anuj |
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75. | Design And Case Study Of Combustion Of Muncipal Solid Waste And Refuse-Derived (Msw And Rdf) With Conventional Fuels
Design And Case Study Of Combustion Of Muncipal Solid Waste And Refuse-Derived (Msw And Rdf) With Conventional FuelsAbstract: Energy Production for used materials can be performed as mixed municipal solid waste (MSW) incineration or as fuel for combustion. Recovered fuels are refuse-derived fuel (RDF), which is mechanically separated and processed from MSW.which is the source-separated, processed, dry combustable part of MSW. A one-year combustion of RDF with peat and coal was carried out in a 25 MW garbage boiler gratepower plant. The efficiency of the combustion temperature, boiler efficiency and the corrosion behaviour of the boiler were particular focuses of attention in this study. The combustion calculations and the MSW boiler design is carried out for three different cases in which combustion temperature is varied from 850°C to 950°C and fuel HHV varying from 1500 to 2500 Kcal/kg in the same power plant.. All RDF performed technically well and the emissions were low. Small particle size and stable feeding of RDF were important for effective combustion. Low CO emissions showed clean and efficient combustion. SO2emissions decreased, because part of the coal was replaced by RDF. HCl emissions increased when the chlorine content of the fuel mixture increased, because limestone injection was not used. Heavy metals concentrated to the fly ash in unreachable form.. Long-term co-combustion of 10% RDF with peat and coal did not cause any high temperature chlorine-induced corrosion of the super heater materials (420°C). The results showed that it is useful and technically possible to combustion temperature and boiler efficiency varies in the form of energy production in the normal power plantsKey words: Co-combustion; energy recovery; refuse-derived fuel(RDF);Waste disposal; emissions;boiler corrosion. Reference [1.] Aznar, M.P., Gracia-Gorria, F.A., Corella, J., 1998. La velocidad minima defluizacion y de completafluidizacion de mezclas de residues agrarios y forestales con secundosolidofluidizante. Anales de Quimica 84 (3), 385–394. [2.] Larson, E.D., 2000. Advanced Technologies for Biomass Conversion to Energy. Center for Energy and Environmental Studies, Princeton University. [3.]Niessen, W.R., Markes, C.H., Sommerlad, R.E., 1996. Evaluation of Gasification and Novel Thermal Processes for the Treatmentof Municipal Solid Waste (Report NREL/TP-430-21612). NREL. M.Sudhakar,A.Ramakrishna |
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76. | A Survey Paper on Fuzzy Image Segmentation Techniques
A Survey Paper on Fuzzy Image Segmentation TechniquesAbstract: The image segmentation plays an important role in the day-to-day life. The new technologies are emerging in the field of Image processing, especially in the domain of segmentation.Segmentation is considered as one of the main steps in image processing. It divides a digital image into multiple regions in order to analyze them. It is also used to distinguish different objects in the image. Several image segmentation techniques have been developed by the researchers in order to make images smooth and easy to evaluate. This paper presents a brief outline on some of the most commonly used segmentation techniques like thresholding, Region based, Model based, Edge detection..etc. mentioning its advantages as well as the drawbacks. Some of the techniques are suitable for noisy images.Index Terms: Segmentation, Edge Detection, Model Based, Region Based, threshold. Reference [1] R. O. Duda, P. E. Hart, and D. G. Stork.Pattern Classification. John Wiley, New York, 2001. [2] Y.W. Lim and S.U. Lee,"On the color image segmentationalgorithm based on the thresholding and the fuzzy C-means techniques,"Pattern Recognition, vol. 23, no.9, pp. 935-952, 1990. [3] M.M. Chang, M.I. Suzan, and A. M. Tekalp, "Adaptive Bayesian estimation of color images," J. Electron.Imaging, vol. 3, pp. 404- 414, October 1994. [4] Canny, J. F. (1986). A computation approach to edge detectors. IEEETransactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 8, 34–43. [5] Gomez-Moreno, H., Maldonado-Bascon, S., & Lopez-Ferreras, F.(2001). Edge detection in noisy images using the support vectormachines. IWANN (1) (pp. 685–692). Ms. R. Saranya Pon Selvi, Ms. C. Lokanayaki |
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77. | Jpeg Image Compression
Jpeg Image CompressionAbstract: One of the most common methods of representing graphical information in a digital form is by spatially sampling the color components of an image—red, green, and blue for example. These digitized samples can be placed in a long sequence for the purpose of storage and transmission. For any reasonably detailed image, this string of samples can become very long. As of this writing, a typical digital camera will produce images in excess of three million samples. Consequently, various methods are employed to translate this representation into a compact form. A particular approach to image data compression—known as the JPEG compression. The objective of JPEG image compression is simple: to store the data necessary to reconstruct a digital image using as little space as possible while maintaining enough visual detail so that storing the image is actually worthwhile. The basis for the JPEG algorithm is the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) which extracts spatial frequency information from the spatial amplitude samples and huffman coding in MATLAB.Key words: compression, jpeg, discrete cosine transform, huffman coding. Reference [1] Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E .Woods "DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING" Third edition , Pearson international edition ,pp 547-645. [2] Anil K Jain "Fundamental of Digital Image Processing" University of California, Davis Printish Hall pp 476-553. [3] Bhawna Gautam ,"Image compression using discrete cosine transform & discrete wavelet transform" unpublished. [4] Mridul Kumar Mathur, Seema Loonker, Dr. Dheeraj Saxena, "Lossless huffman coding technique for image compression & reconstruction using binary trees", IJCTA JAN-FEB2012, Available online@www.ijcta.com [5] John W. O‟Brien, "The JPEG Image Compression Algorithm" (obrienjw@colorado.edu.), APPM-3310 FINAL PROJECT, DECEMBER 2, 2005. Rajshree, Naincey Rathore, Neha Kuttarmare, Manasi Gangapurkar, Nishant.H.Pandey |
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78. | A Cooling System for an Automobile Based on Vapour Absorption Refrigeration Cycle Using Waste Heat of an Engine
A Cooling System for an Automobile Based on Vapour Absorption Refrigeration Cycle Using Waste Heat of an EngineAbstract: Now a days the air conditioning system of cars is mainly uses "Vapour Compression Refrigerant System" (VCRS) which absorbs and removes heat from the interior of the car that is the space to be cooled and rejects the heat to atmosphere. In vapour compression refrigerant system, the system utilizes power from engine shaft as the input power to drive the compressor of the refrigeration system, hence the engine has to produce extra work to run the compressor of the refrigerating system utilizing extra amount of fuel. This loss of power of the vehicle for refrigeration can be neglected by utilizing another refrigeration system i.e. a "Vapour Absorption Refrigerant System". As well known thing about VAS that these machines required low grade energy for operation. Hence in such types of system, a physicochemical process replaces the mechanical process of the Vapour Compression Refrigerant System by using energy in the form of heat rather than mechanical work. This heat obtained from the exhaust of high power internal combustion engines.Key words: Waste heat from I. C. Engine, Waste heat recovery system for I. C. Engine, car air-conditioning, absorption refrigeration, renewable energy. Reference [1] M. Hosoz , M. Direk, Department of Mechanical Education, Kocaeli University, Umuttepe, 41100 Kocaeli, Turkey, Performance evaluation of an integrated automotive air conditioning and heat pump system "Received 5 November 2004; accepted 18 May 2005 Available online 14 July 2005." Energy Conversion and Management 47 (2006) 545–559. [2] T. Endo, S. Kawajiri, Y. Kojima, K. Takahashi, T. Baba, S. Ibaraki, T. Takahashi, "Study on Maximizing Exergy in Automotive Engines," SAE Int. Publication 2007-01-0257, 2007. [3] P. Sathiamurthi, "Design and Development of Waste Heat Recovery System for air Conditioning," Unit European Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.54 No.1 (2011), pp.102-110, 2011. [4] S. Karellasa, A.-D. Leontaritisa, G. Panousisa , E. Bellos A, E. Kakaras, "Energetic And Exergetic Analysis Of Waste Heat Recovery Systems In The Cement Industry," Proceedings of ECOS 2012 - The 25th International Conference On Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation And Environmental Impact Of Energy Systems June 26-29, 2012, Perugia, Italy. [5] N. Hossain And S Bari, "Effect Of Design-Parameters Of Heat Exchanger On Recovering Heat From Exhaust Of Diesel Engine Using Organic Rankine Cycle," Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechanical Engineering 2011 (ICME2011) 18-20 December 2011, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Satish K. Maurya, Saurabh Awasthi; Suhail A. Siddiqui |
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79. | Stiffness and Angular Deflection analysis of Revolute Manipulator
Stiffness and Angular Deflection analysis of Revolute ManipulatorAbstract: This paper proposed to determine the Cartesian stiffness matrix and angular deflection analysis of revolute manipulator. The selected manipulator has rigid fixed link, two movable links and two rotary joints with joint stiffness coefficients are taken into account. The kinematic model of revolute joint manipulator has considered as a planar kinematic chain, which is composed by rigid fixed link and two revolute joints with clearance and deformable elements. The calculation of stiffness matrix depends on Jacobian matrix and change of configuration. The rotational joints are modeled as torsion springs with the same stiffness constant. The relative angular deflections are proportional to the actuated torques taken into account. The subject of this paper has to describe a method for stiffness analysis of serial manipulator. In the present work is to derive the stiffness matrix and angular deflection equations in the Robotic manipulator under the consideration of two-link optimum geometry model for rotary joint manipulator. The stiffness values are measured by displacements of its revolute links loaded by force.Key words: Angular deflection, Jacobian matrix, Robotic manipulator, Rotary joint, Stiffness matrix. Reference [1] Y.W. Li, J.S. Wang, L. P. Wang, Stiffness analysis of a Stewart platform -based parallel kinematic machine, in proc of IEEE International conference on Robotics and Automation, Washington, 2002, 3672-3677. [2] Lung-wen Tsai, Robot analysis The Mechanics of Serial and Parallel Manipulators(A Wiley-Interscience Publication, John Wiley & Sons Inc,1999). [3] J.P.Merlet, Parallel Robots (Second Edition, Springer, 2006). [4] T.Huang, X. Zhao, D.J. White house, Stiffness estimation of tripod-based parallel kinematic machine, IEEE Transaction on robotics and Automation, 18(1), 2002, 50-58. [5] B.S.Khasawnesh, P.M.Ferreira, Computation of stiffness and stiffness bonds for parallel link manipulator, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 39(2), 1999, 321-342. Pundru Srinivasa Rao |
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80. | A Review Paper on Filtering Of Unwanted Messages from OSN User Wall Using Content-Based Filtering Method
A Review Paper on Filtering Of Unwanted Messages from OSN User Wall Using Content-Based Filtering MethodAbstract: In today On-line Social Networks (OSNs), one fundamental issue is to give users the ability to control the messages posted on their own private space to avoid that unwanted content is displayed. Up to now OSNs provide little support to this requirement. To fill the gap, we built a system which allows OSN users to have a direct control on the messages posted on their walls. This is achieved through a flexible rule-based system, that allows a user to customize the filtering criteria to be applied to their walls, and a Machine Learning based soft classifier automatically labelling messages in support of content-based filtering.Key words: On-line Social Networks, Information Filtering, Short Text Classification, Policy-based personalization. Reference [1] Marco Vanetti, Elisabetta Binaghi, Elena Ferrari, Barbara Carminati, Moreno Carullo Department of Computer Science and Communication University of Insubria 21100 Varese, Italy [2] F. Sebastiani, "Machine learning in automated text categorization," ACM Computing Surveys, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 1–47, 2002. [3] N. J. Belkin and W. B. Croft, "Information filtering and information retrieval: Two sides of the same coin?" Communications of the ACM, vol. 35, no. 12, pp. 29–38, 1992. [4] P. J. Hayes, P. M. Andersen, I. B. Nirenburg, and L. M. Schmandt, "Tcs: a shell for content-based text categorization," in Proceedings of 6th IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications (CAIA- 90). IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, US, 1990, pp. 320–326. [5] G. Amati and F. Crestani, "Probabilistic learning for selective dissemination of information," Information Processing and Manage- ment, vol. 35, no. 5, pp. 633–654, 1999. Miss Janhavi A. Patokar, Prof. V.T.Gaikwad |
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81. | Handstrokes for Recognition of Alphabets& Digits
Handstrokes for Recognition of Alphabets& DigitsAbstract: Handgestures since ancient times have been used for communication even before speech and language were developed. They have proved to be very effective means of communication. Thus, many new technologies attempt to use hand gestures for developing Human Computer Interfaces. However the practical usage of these interface solutions is limited because of two primary reasons: one, they are either not user friendly, or two, are expensive. Keeping this in mind along with the special requirements of the physically disabled users, a system is proposed which will accept handstrokes as an input from the user and display the corresponding English character [A-Z]/digit [0-9] to the user along with the narration. This system will be helpful for physically disabled users to learn our language, thus enabling them to communicate with us in our language. It can also be used as an innovative way of teaching children.Key words: Image Processing, Image Segmentation, Hand Motion Tracking, Feature Extraction, Classification. Reference [1.] V.Shishir Reddy, V.Raghuveer, J.Vamsi Krishna, K.Chandralohit, Finger Gesture based Tablet Interface, IEEE 2012. [2.] MeenakhiPawar, Hand Gesture based Interface for Aiding Visually impaired, IEEE 2012. [3.] Markus Modzelewski, Esteban Bayro Kaiser, Hand Gesture Interface For Visually Impaired & Blind People, IEEE 2012. [4.] Tarek M. Mahmoud, A New Fast Skin Color Detection Technique", World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 2008. [5.] Daniela XHEMALI1, Christopher J. HINDE2 and Roger G. STONE3, Naïve Bayes vs. Decision Trees vs. Neural Networks in the Classification of Training Web Pages, ICJSI,vol 4,no 1,2009. Mrudula S Deshmukh |
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82. | Improved Temperature Profiles for Atmospheric Radar Signal Using Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform
Improved Temperature Profiles for Atmospheric Radar Signal Using Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet TransformAbstract: Atmospheric temperature profiles play a very important role in the study of atmospheric stability and turbulence structures. The temperature profile for Troposphere and lower Stratosphere are derived from backscattered signal of Indian MST radar located at Gadanki (13.50N, 79.20E), using vertical wind observations. The altitude profiles of Brunt-Vaisala (BV) frequency are obtained from the derived spectra of vertical wind. The temperature profiles are then obtained from BV frequencies following Revathy et al. This method leads to poor temperature profiles under unstable atmospheric conditions and large horizontal winds due to low Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR). Better temperature profiles even at severe weather conditions with low SNR can be obtained by priori application of denoising technique. In the present paper, Dual tree Complex Wavelet Transform (DTCWT) is implemented, and is used as denoising technique. DTCWT provides a high degree of shift-invariance and better phase information compared to other complex wavelet transforms. The MST Radar data is first denoised with DTCWT and then the temperature profiles are derived using the above mentioned technique of identifying BV frequencies. The derived temperature profiles are compared with the profiles of original MST data without denoising and radiosonde flight data at radar site during the observations, for validation. A good improvement in the profiles is obtained due to improvement in SNR using DTCWT.Key words: Back Scattered Signal, Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Transform,MST Radar, Shift invariance, Vertical temperature profile. Reference [1] S.Varadarajan,K.Jithendra Reddy and G. Ramachandra Reddy, "Wind profile detection of atmospheric radar signals using wavelets and harmonic decomposition techniques,"Atmos.Sci.Lett.,Vol 5, pp.152-161, Jan2005. [2] Sreenivasulu Reddy Thatiparthi, Ramachandra Reddy, Gudheti, VaradarajanSourirajan, "MST Radar signal processing using wavelet-based denoising," IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens.,vol.6,no.4,pp.752-756, Oct 2009. [3] N.G. Kingsbury, "Complex wavelets for shift invariant analysisand filtering of signals," Journal of Applied and ComputationalHarmonic Analysis, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 234–253, May 2001. [4] I. Daubechies, Ten Lectures on Wavelets Philadelphia, PA: SIAM,1992. [5] N. G. Kingsbury, "The dual-tree complex wavelet transform: A newtechnique for shift invariance and directional filters," in Proc. EighthIEEE DSP Workshop, Salt Lake City, UT, Aug. 9–12, 1998. D. Leela Rani, Prof. S. Varadarajan |
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83. | Design and Analysis of GDI Based Full Adder Circuit for Low Power Applications
Design and Analysis of GDI Based Full Adder Circuit for Low Power ApplicationsAbstract: Full adder circuit is an essential component for designing of various digital systems. It is used for different applications such as Digital signal processor, microcontroller, microprocessor and data processing units. Due to scaling trends and portability of electronic devices there is a high demand and need for low power and high speed digital circuits with small silicon area. So, design and analysis of low power and high performance adders are of great interest and any modification made to the full adder circuit would affect the performance of the entire system. This paper describes the design and analysis of GDI based 1-bit full adder circuit for low power applications. GDI technique is used to reduce power consumption, propagation delay while maintaining low complexity of logic design. Here we have introduced a 11-T GDI based full adder circuit which can be used for low power applications. The proposed circuit is better than the existing technique in terms of average power and speed with minimum area penalty. Simulations are based on BPTM model and have been carried out by Tanner EDA tool on 180nm, 90nm, 65nm and 45nm technology.Key words: Delay, Full adder, GDI (Gate Diffusion Input), Low Power. Reference [1] M. Rabaey, A. Chandrakasan and B. Nikolic, "Digital Integrated Circuits: A Design Perspective", Prentice- Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ (2002). [2] R. Zimmermann and W. Fichtner, "Low- power logic styles: CMOS versus pass- transistor logic'', IEEE J. Solid- State Circuits, vol. 32, pp. 1079–90, July 1997. [3] Lu Junming, "A novel 10-transistor low-power high-speed fulladder cell", Proc. 6th International Conf. on Solid-State and Integrated-Circuit Technology, 2001, Vol. 2, pp. 1155 – 1158, 2001. [4] Yuke Wang et al,"Design and analysis of low-power 10-transistorfull adders using novel XOR-XNOR gates", IEEE Trans. On Circuits and Systems II: Analog and Digital Signal Processing, Vol. 49, No 1, pp. 25– 30, 2002. [5] KeivanNavi, MehrdadMaeen and OmidHashemipour, "An energy efficient full adder cell for low voltage", IEICE Electron.Express, Vol. 6, No. 9, pp.553-559, 2009. Pankaj Kumar, Poonam Yadav |
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84. | The Reuse Of Some Solid Wastes For the Manufacture Of Acid-Resisting Bricks
The Reuse Of Some Solid Wastes For the Manufacture Of Acid-Resisting BricksAbstract: The objective of the this work is to study the possibility of making acid resisting bricks congenial to Egyptian market from a clay with partially replaced some Egyptian solid wastes, as a dual target for economic income and environmental pollution protection. This paper is an attempt to use the recycling technique in a useful and available application to our country. Four mixtures, composed of Bashteel clay (BC) and wastes of fine kaolin quarry (FKQW) and waste waterglass, sludge (WGS), were suggested for the study. Articles (ARA) from each mixture composition were prepared then fired at temperatures ranging from 1050oC to 1150oC at 5o/m (firing rate) and 4 hours (soaking time). Moreover, the FKQW was added at constant percentage (25%), while the BC and WGS were added in different percentages ranging from 25-40% and 35-50%, respectively. Finally, to assess the product properties ,the ESS 41:1986 was applied. Consequently, the suitable mixtures design that fulfill this specification were determined, taking into consideration the industrial economy and environmental protection factors. Finally, it was found that the most promising articles which met the Egyptian specification and satisfactory from industrial point of view those were prepared from mixtures M3 at 1100oC and M4 at 1125oC.Reference [1.] ASTM-Designation C67-1999a (2000): Standard test method for sampling and testing brick and structural clay tile. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, USA, 2:199-208. [2.] ASTM-Designation D422-63 (2000): Standard test method for particle size analysis of soil. Standard Annual Book of ASTM Standards, USA, 4: 128-135. [3.] Chesters, J. H. (1973): Refractories: Production and properties. The Iron and Steel Inst., London. [4.] Doremus, R. H. (2003): Melt viscosities of silicate glasses. J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 82 (3): 59-63. [5.] Egyptian Standard Specification (ESS) 41:1986: Acid-resisting bricks for lining sewerages tunnels. pp.1-5. Alaa A. Saker & Ali M. Alanbaee |
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85. | An Improved Energy-Efficient BBO-Based PEGASIS Protocol in Wireless Sensors Network
An Improved Energy-Efficient BBO-Based PEGASIS Protocol in Wireless Sensors NetworkAbstract: The energy efficiency in the WSN is one of the very important Performance Indicator. Sensor network is a distributed event-based system that differs from traditional communication network. Sensor webs consisting of nodes with limited battery power and wireless communications are deployed to collect useful information from the field. PEGASIS (Power-Efficient Gathering in Sensor Information System) is chain based protocol which is used to construct chain of sensor nodes. In the proposed work BBO is implemented along with PEGASIS to get the shortest chain for every round. Moreover to construct chain, energy of each sensor has been taken into account to bring a balance of energy consumption between nodes. Compared with PEGASIS, this PEG-BBO gives better results. Simulation results show that proposed protocol significantly prolongs the network lifetime.Key words: BBO, Chain-based, PEGASIS, Routing protocol, WSN. Reference [1] Feng Sen, Qi Bing, Tang Liangrui, An Improved Energy-Efficient PEGASIS-Based Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks, International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, vol.4, pp.2230-2233, 2011. [2] W. Guo, W. Zhang, G. Lu, PEGASIS Protocol in Wireless Sensor Network Based on an Improved Ant Colony Algorithm, IEEE Second International Workshop on Education Technology and Computer Science, Wuhan, pp:64-67, March 2010. [3] Sunita Rani, Tarun Gulati, An Improved PEGASIS Protocol to Enhance Energy Utilization in Wireless Sensor Network, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, vol.2, pp.248-253, November 2012. [4] S. Jain, P. Kaushik and J. Singhai, Energy Efficient Maximum Lifetime Routing For Wireless Sensor Network, International Journal Of Advanced Smart Sensor Network Systems, Vol 2, Issue. 1, pp: 12-18, January 2012. [5] Ravinder Kumar, P. S. Mundra, Improved Data Gathering Protocol for WSN, International Journal of Electronics and Computer Science Engineering, vol.1, no.3, pp.1208-1213, 2012. Bipandeep Singh, Er. Simranjit Kaur |
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86. | Non-Linear Dynamic Deformation of a Piezothermoelastic Laminate with Feedback Control System
Non-Linear Dynamic Deformation of a Piezothermoelastic Laminate with Feedback Control SystemAbstract: We study the control of free vibration with large amplitude in a piezothermoelastic laminated beam subjected to a uniform temperature with a feedback control system. The analytical model is the symmetrically cross-ply laminated beam composed of the elastic and piezoelectric layers. On the basis of the von Kármán strain and the classical laminate theory, the governing equations for the dynamic behavior are derived. The dynamic behavior is detected by the electric current in the sensor layer through the direct piezoelectric effect. The electric voltage with the magnitude of the current multiplied by the gain is applied to the actuator layer to constitute a feedback control system. The governing equations are reduced by the Galerkin method to a Liénard equation with respect to the representative deflection, and the equation is found to be dependent on the gain and the configuration of the actuator. By introducing the Liénard's phase plane, the equation is analyzed geometrically, and the essential characteristics of the beam and stabilization of the dynamic deformation are demonstrated.Key words: feedback control, Liénard equation, piezothermoelastic laminate, vibration, von Kármán strain Reference [1] A. Mukherjee and A. S. Chaudhuri, Piezolaminated beams with large deformations, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 39(17), 2002, 4567-4582. [2] H. S. Shen, Postbuckling of shear deformable laminated plates with piezoelectric actuators under complex loading conditions, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 38(44-45), 2001, 7703-7721. [3] H. S. Shen, Postbuckling of laminated cylindrical shells with piezoelectric actuators under combined external pressure and heating, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 39(16), 2002, 4271-4289. [4] H. S. Tzou and Y. Zhou, Dynamics and control of nonlinear circular plates with piezoelectric actuators, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 188(2), 1995, 189-207. [5] H. S. Tzou and Y. H. Zhou, Nonlinear piezothermoelasticity and multi-field actuations, part 2, control of nonlinear deflection, buckling and dynamics, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 119, 1997, 382- 389. Masayuki Ishihara, Tetsuya Mizutani, and Yoshihiro Ootao |
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87. | Design of Waste Shredder Machine
Design of Waste Shredder MachineAbstract: The conventional agro-waste disposal is a traditional and oldest method of waste disposal in which agriculture wastes are dumped as it is to degrade in a particular place for decomposing. As the wastes are dumped as such, it takes more time to degrade and it causes environmental pollution. The waste shredder machine aims to reduce the agro waste and convert it into useful nourishing fertilizer. It decreases the man work making the farm neat and clean. Also it reduces the heap amount of pollution, disease causing agro-wastes and produces a better fertilizer with vermin compost. The waste shredder machine is an attachment as like a ploughing attachment. In the shredder attachment input power and rigid support is provided by a KAMCO Tera-trac 4W tractor by means of PTO (power take off) shaft and three point linkage. PTO shaft of the tractor acts as a basic power input and the three point linkage provide a rigid support to the machine. Various kinds of blades are used for chipping and powdering operations like sawing blades, rotatory blades, and triangular shape blades. The blades are mounted on the shaft. The power is transmitted to another shaft by means of pulley and belt. For designing waste shredder machine, Creo parametric 1.0 software is used.Key words: Agro waste, Environmental pollution, fertilizer, vermin compost,PTO, Sawing Blades, Creo Reference [1] Bibhu Prasad Panda. 2012, 'Enhanced bioaccumulationofastaxanthininPhaffiarhodozyma by utilising low cost agro products as fermentationsubstrate' Vol.2, pp.58-63. [2] Binder.C.2003, 'optimization of waste management systems by integrating material fluxes, agents and regulatory mechanisms – the case of bio-waste'. Vol7, p.88-122. [3] Boon.N.E. 2009, 'Mapping system for tractor-implement performance', Vol.2, pp.1-11. [4] Chang-Hyun Choi. 2013, 'Effects of gear selection of an agricultural tractor on transmission and PTO load during rotary tillage', Vol.134, pp.90-96. [5] Jare´n.C 2006, 'Design Calculations on Roll-over Protective Structures for Agricultural Tractors' Vol.96, No.2, pp.181-191. Asst. Prof. S.Nithyananth, Libin Samuel, Nithin Mathew, S.Suraj |
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88. | Modeling of the Bending Stiffness of a Bimaterial Beam by the Approximation of One-Dimensional of Laminated Theory
Modeling of the Bending Stiffness of a Bimaterial Beam by the Approximation of One-Dimensional of Laminated TheoryAbstract: In this paper, a mathematical model representing the bending stiffness of a bimaterial beam is proposed. The classical laminated plate theory specialized to 1D is used for modeling the stiffness bending of a beam. Different material configurations (metal-polymer, metal-composite material and metal-metal) with three different ratios of layer thickness were evaluated by the analytical model were proposed. Virtual experiments by finite element analysis were carried out to verify the accuracy of the proposed approach. Finite element models of each arrangement were built and the recommendations for the ASTM three-point bending test were followed in the numerical simulation. The average difference of the stiffness results calculated by the analytical model and by finite element simulation was less than 2.11%.Key words: Bending stiffness, finite element analysis, laminated theory, multi-material. Reference [1] Kromm FX, Quenisset JM, Lorriot T, Harry R, Wargnier H. Definition of a multimaterials design method, Materials & Design, 28(10), 2007, 2641–2646. [2] Ashby MF, Brechet YJM. Designing hybrid materials, Acta Materialia, 51(19), 2003, 5801-5821. [3] Moon Chang-Kwon. The effect of interfacial microstructure on the interfacial strength of glass fiber/polypropylene resin composites, Journal of applied polymer science, 54(1), 1994, 73-82 [4] Ashby MF. Materials selection in conceptual design, Materials science and technology, 5(6), 1989, 517-525. [5] Bréchet Y, Ashby MF, Dupeux M, Louchet F. Choix et usage des matériaux, Techniques de l'ingénieur, 5(100), 1997, 1–23. M. Flores-Domínguez |
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89. | Application of Coconut Shell as Coarse Aggregate in Concrete: A Technical Review
Application of Coconut Shell as Coarse Aggregate in Concrete: A Technical ReviewAbstract: Oil palm shell (OPS) is a waste from the agricultural sector and is available in large quantities in the tropical regions. The high cost of conventional building materials is a major factor affecting housing delivery in world. This has necessitated research into alternative materials of construction. The project paper aims at analysing compressive strength characteristics of concrete produced using crushed, granular coconut as substitutes for conventional coarse aggregate with partial replacement. The main objective is to encourage the use of these 'seemingly' waste products as construction materials in low-cost housing. It is also expected to serve the purpose of encouraging housing developers in investing these materials in house construction.Key words: Coarse aggregates, Coconut shell, Compressive strength, Concrete cube specimens, Grade 53 Birla cement, M20, M35, M40, CTM, etc. Reference [1] Olanipekun, E.A., Olusola, K.O. & Ata, O, A comparative study of concrete properties using coconut shell & palm kernel shell as coarse aggregates, Building and Environment 41:297-301,2006. [2] Gopal Charan Behera, Ranjan Kumar Behera, Coconut Shell as Coarse Aggregate, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), vol.2, Issue 6, June – 2013. [3] Amarnath Yerramala Ramachandrudu C, Properties of Concrete with Coconut Shells as Aggregate Replacement, International Journal of Engineering Inventions, vol.1, Issue 6, October 2012. [4] Abdulfatah Abubakar and Muhammed Saleh Abubakar, Exploratory Study of Coconut Shell as Coarse Aggregate in Concrete, Journal of Engineering & Applied sciences, vol.3, December 2011. [5] Daniel Yaw Osei, Experimental assessment on coconut shells as aggregate in concrete, International Journal of Engineering Science Invention, vol. 2, Issue 5, May 2013. Parag S. Kambli, Sandhya R. Mathapati |
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90. | Dynamic Texture Feature Extraction Using Weber Local Descriptor
Dynamic Texture Feature Extraction Using Weber Local DescriptorAbstract: In numerous biometric applications, gender recognition from facial pictures plays a vital role. During this paper, we have a tendency to investigate Weber's native Descriptor (WLD) for gender recognition. WLD may be a texture descriptor that performs higher than alternative similar descriptors however it's holistic as a result of it's terribly construction. We have a tendency to extend it by introducing native abstraction information; divide a picture into variety of blocks, calculate WLD descriptor for every block and concatenate them. The gender from face options are classified by the minimum distance measurement and neural network.Key words: dynamic textures, WLD descriptor, neural network. Reference [1] M. Heikkila¨, M. Pietika¨inen, and C. Schmid, "Description of Interest Regions with Local Binary Patterns," Pattern Recognition, vol. 42, no. 3, pp. 425-436, 2009. [2] H. Cheng, Z. Liu, N. Zheng, and J. Yang, "A Deformable Local Image Descriptor," Proc. IEEE Int'l Conf. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2008. [3] W. Zhao, R. Chellappa, P. J. Phillips and A. Rosenfeld, "Face recognition: a literature survey," ACM Computing Surveys, vol. 35, pp. 399–458, December 2003. [4] M. S. Bartlett, J. R. Movellan, and T. J. Sejnowski, "Face recognition by independent component analysis," IEEE Trans. Neural Networks, vol. 13, pp. 1450–1464, November 2002. [5] J. F. Vargas, M. A. Ferrer, C. M. Travieso, J. B. Alonso: "Off-line signature verification based on grey level information using texture features," Pattern Recognition, vol. 44, no.2, pp. 375-385, 2011. D.G.Agrawal, Pranoti M. Jangale |
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91. | Seasonal Variation in the Water Quality of Lahru Pond Located In Himachal Pradesh
Seasonal Variation in the Water Quality of Lahru Pond Located In Himachal PradeshAbstract: In the present study water of Lahru pond was analyzed for various physicochemical parameters. The study was carried out for a period of one year. Monthly data has been collected and were represented seasonally along with standard error. Pollution is viewed as the release of substances and energy as waste product of human activities which result in harmful changes within the natural environment. Different parameters taken in the study were Temperature, Electrical conductivity, Turbidity, Total dissolve solids, pH, Alkalinity, Total Hardness, Calcium, Magnesium, Dissolved Oxygen, Biochemical oxygen demand, Chloride, Sodium, Nitrate and Phosphate. Therefore from the above result it was concluded that water of Lahru Pond Tehsil Jawali District Kangra (H.P.) shows very high level of pollution.Key words: Lahru pond, Water Quality, Reference [1] APHA, AWWA. Standard. Methods for the examination of water & waste water. (Washington DC 18th Edition, 1985). [2] S.M. Kumar and S. Ravindranath, "Water Studies – Methods for monitoring water quality". (Banglore, Karnataka, Center for Environment Education (CEE), 1998). [3] R.K.Trivedy and P.K. Goel, Chemical and biological methods for water pollution studies. (Karad, Maharashtra (India), Environmental Publication,1984). [4] B.K. Dwivedi and G.C. Pandey, Physico-chemical factors and algal diversity of two ponds in Faizabad, India Poll.Res. 21(3), 2002, 361-370. [5] R.P. Singh and P. Mathur, Investigation of variations in physicochemical characteristics of a fresh water reservoir of Ajmer city, Rajesthan, Ind. J. Environ. Science, 9, 2005, 57-61. Suresh Kumar, Roshni Adiyecha and Tarun Patel |
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93. | A Novel Application of RFID in Hospitals for Involuntary Administering to Incorporate Authentication and Tracking
A Novel Application of RFID in Hospitals for Involuntary Administering to Incorporate Authentication and TrackingAbstract: Today many hospitals use RFID system to monitor the health records for patient to update the patient information to doctors and patients relatives. In this system Customers can view and update their personal medical information via the web site, which seamlessly sync with one another. RFID is a total system, as opposed to a single product. It provides electronic identity to any object. Electronic information about the object is stored in RFID chip embedded of attached to the object. With an RFID reader the electronic identity can be read wirelessly. We have analyzed completely about the various applications of the RFID and we have come to a conclusion that the RFID can be effectively implemented in the hospitals to manage and monitor various systems of the hospitals automatically. This project is too costly to be implemented now, but the rates of the RFID accessories are expected to come down in the near future. For this automated administering the project needs a Central Monitoring Unit which we have decided to be controlled by software made in a high level language (C). For the reference of the reader we have attached the implementation files with this paper. This paper explains the basics of RFID, its working and our contribution towards RFID.Key words: RFID , Central Monitoring Unit , Electronic Information , Health Records Reference [1.] Dave Brich at Consultant Hyperion. url:www.chyp.com as visited on 1-2-2005. As quoted in "News Comment – Contact less crazy" in Journal: Card Technology; pub by Elsevier. p2, February 2005. [2.] Nellipudi.Siva Rama Krishna Prasad1, Arepalli Rajesh " RFID-Based Hospital Real Time Patient Management System" International Journal of Computer Trends and Technolog-,volume3Issue3 ,pp 509-517 , 2012 [3.] Elisabeth ILIE-ZUDOR et.al " The rfid technology and its current applications " In proceedings of The Modern Information Technology in the Innovation Processes of the Industrial Enterprises-MITIP 2006, ISBN 963 86586 5 7, pp.29-36 [4.] Kamran AHSAN et.al " RFID Applications: An Introductory and Exploratory Study " IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 7, Issue 1, No. 3, pp 1- 7,January 2010. [5.] Mohsen Attaran" Critical Success Factors and Challenges of Implementing RFID in Supply Chain Management " Journal of Supply Chain and Operations Management, Volume 10, Number 1, pp 144-167, February 2012. A.Mohamed Syed Ali, K.Jaya Bala Ratheesh, J.Monika Saral Vasanthakumari, J.MohammedMoosa |
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94. | Estimation of Kinetic Parameters for Enzyme Catalysed Batch Bioreactor for the Production of Ethanol from Corn
Estimation of Kinetic Parameters for Enzyme Catalysed Batch Bioreactor for the Production of Ethanol from CornAbstract: This paper addresses the challenge of estimating various kinetic parameters for the design of an optimized enzyme catalysed batch bioreactor of high efficiency and yield. Mathematical models were developed to describe the batch reaction time in relation to the substrate, enzyme and product concentration. The results obtained from the plots generated were: 35.50gmol/l.hr for the velocity of reaction of the enzymes (Vmax), 0.10049hr-1for the maximum specific growth rate (μmax) 826.45gmol/l for the Michaelis-Menten constant (Km), 0.005402577 for maintenance coefficient (Ms), 10.104kgCx/kgCs for yield of cell weight per unit weight of substrate (Ycx/CS), 0.05436kgCp/kgCs for yield of product weight per unit weight of substrate utilized (Ycp/CS) and 0.01416 for endogenous decay coefficient (Kd) for the design of the batch biochemical reactor. Hence, they are useful parameters for predicting the most appropriate batch reaction conditions and the efficiency of the bioreactor. The mathematical model predictions showed that it can be considered as a good complimentary tool to real system since the simulation results of the mathematical model agrees with experimental data reported in literature.Key words: Batch Bioreactor, Enzyme, Ethanol, kinetic parameters. Reference [1] S. Hisayori et al, Direct Production of Ethanol from Raw Corn Starch via Fermentation by use of a Novel Surface-Engineered Yeast Strain Codisplaying Glucoamylase and X-amylase, Applied and Environmental Microbiology Journal, 70 (8), 2004, 5037 DOI:10.1128/AEM.70.8.5037-5040. [2] Dissertation Abstracts International: The sciences and engineering, (University Microfilms, 1986) [3] Alexander Decker, IISTE journals June 30th Publications [4] Dr. Clem Kuek, Growth Kinetics, QAU Bioprocess/GrowthKinetics.doc [5] Daniel L. Purich and R. Donald Allison, Handbook of Biochemical Kinetics, (Academic Press, 2000). Z. R. Yelebe, R. J. Samuel and B. Z. Yelebe |
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95. | Design and Characterization of two stage High-Speed CMOS Operational Amplifier
Design and Characterization of two stage High-Speed CMOS Operational AmplifierAbstract: A method described in this paper is to design a Two Stage CMOS operational amplifier and analyze the effect of various aspect ratios on the characteristics of this Op-Amp, which operates at 1.8V power supply using tsmc 0.18μm CMOS technology. In this paper trade-off curves are computed between all characteristics such as Gain, PM, GBW, ICMRR, CMRR, Slew Rate etc. The OPAMP designed is a two-stage CMOS OPAMP. The OPAMP is designed to exhibit a unity gain frequency of 14MHz and exhibits a gain of 59.98dB with a 61.235 phase margin. Design has been carried out in Mentor graphics tools. Simulation results are verified using Model Sim Eldo and Design Architect IC. The task of CMOS operational amplifiers (Op-Amps) design optimization is investigated in this work. This Paper focused on the optimization of various aspect ratios, which gave the result of different parameter. When this task is analyzed as a search problem, it can be translated into a multi-objective optimization application in which various Op-Amps' specifications have to be taken into account, i.e., Gain, GBW (gain-bandwidth product), phase margin and others. The results are compared with respect to standard characteristics of the op-amp with the help of graph and table. Simulation results agree with theoretical predictions. Simulations confirm that the settling time can be further improved by increasing the value of GBW, the settling time is achieved 19ns. It has been demonstrated that when W/L increases the parameters GBW increases and settling time reduces.Key words: CMOS Analog Circuit, 2 stage CM OS Operational amplifier, Stability, GBW, Device Design, Scale Length, Scaling, Differential Amp. Reference [1] Ramakant A. Gayakawad "Op-Amps and linear Integrated Circuits" PHI Publication, 2009, PP:-1 to 95 [2] E. Allen and D. R. Holberg, CMOS analog circuit design, 2nd edition ,Oxford University Press PP 243-349 [3] R.J. Baker, H.W. Li, D.E. Boyce, CMOS circuit design layout and Simulation PP 617-674 [4] Maria del Mar Herschensohn, Stephen P. Boyd, Thomas H. Lee, "GPCAD: A Tool for CMOS Op-Amp Synthesis" International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, November 1998. [5] Priyanka Kakoty, "Design of a high frequency low voltage CMOS operational amplifier", VLSICS, Vol.2, No.1, pp 73-85, 2011. Rahul Chaudhari, Rajnikant Soni |
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96. | A Score Based Trustworthy Declaration Scheme For Vanets
A Score Based Trustworthy Declaration Scheme For VanetsAbstract: Vehicles are allowed to generate and broadcast messages about road conditions, such as traffic congestion and accidents to nearby vehicles in Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs). These kinds of messages may improve road safety and traffic efficiency of neighboring vehicles. However, messages generated by vehicles may not be reliable. Then propose the secure algorithm through a novel announcement system. The neighboring vehicle utilizes this information within a seconds through the SHA1- RSA algorithm and be aware form the road conditions. The reputation system is to find the evaluation of the reliability of the message is based on the digital score which is stored in the server.Reference [1] Golle, P., Greene, D.H., Staddon, J.: Detecting andcorrecting malicious data in VANETs. In: Proceedingsof the 1st ACM International Workshop on Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, ACM (2004) [2] Hubaux, J., Capkun, S., Luo, J.: The security and privacy of smart vehicles. IEEE Security & Privacy2(3) (2004) [3] Hubaux, J., Papadimitratos, P., Raya, M.: Securing vehicular communications. IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine 13(5) (2005) [4] D¨otzer, F., Fischer, L., Magiera, P.: VARS: A vehicle ad hoc network reputation system. In: Proceedingsof the Sixth IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless Mobile and Multimedia Networks. Volume 1. (2005) [5] Patwardhan, A., Joshi, A., Finin, T., Yesha, Y.: A data intensive reputation management scheme for vehicular ad hoc networks. In: Proceedings of the 3rd Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems. (2006) A.Jenifer Sophia |
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97. | Theoretical and Experimental Study of the Solar Still Coupled To a Vertical Still with Water Film
Theoretical and Experimental Study of the Solar Still Coupled To a Vertical Still with Water FilmAbstract: Solar distillation is one of the simplest processes and the most significant of separation. A solar distiller of new design was built by the coupling of two confused devices which are; a conventional solar distiller with only one slope directed towards the south, with what we name a Solar Still with Capillary Film (or SSCF); It consists of a parallelepipedic compartment formed by two plates opposite face to face and drawn aside from a distance from 0.03m, which devote an advantage of re-use of the condensation latent heat to evaporate another quantity of water. We developed a digital code which makes it possible to obtain the values of the temperatures and the rate of condensation of this devise. In this work we consider the comparative study between the theoretical results, and those measured in experiments. We numerically found a rate of condensation very important which reaches 8,43Kg.m-2.d-1, and which approaches to that obtained in experiments, in sunny day (correspondent at 06/8/2007), and a solar radiation of 20,7 MJ.m-2.d-1.Key words: solar energy, solar distillation, Solar Still with Capillary Film, modeling, simulation. Reference [1] M.A.S. Malik, G.N. Tiwari, A. Kumar and M. Sodha, Solar Distillation, Pergamon Press, Oxford, pp. 59-87, 1982. [2] H. Tanaka, T. Nosoko, T. Nagata, Experimental study of basin-type, multipleeffect, diffusion coupled solar still, Desalination 150 (2002) pp.131-144. [3] B. BOUCHEKIMA, B. GROS, R. 0UAHES and M. DIBOUN, theoretical study and practical application of the capillary film solar distiller. Renewable Energy 16 (1999) 795-799. [4] R. OIJAHES, C. OUAHES, P. LE GOFF, Rand J. LE GOFF, a hardy, high-yield solar distiller of brackish water. Desalination, 67 (1987) 43-52,. [5] P.I. Cooper and J.A. Appleyard, Sun at Work, 12 pp. 4, 1967. Mohammed Mustapha Belhadj, H. Bouguettaia, Y. Marif, M. Zerrouki, D. Bechki, M. Benhammou |
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98. | Studies On Development Of Fuel Briquettes Using Locally Avaliable Waste
Studies On Development Of Fuel Briquettes Using Locally Avaliable WasteAbstract: The Energy requirement is increasing day by day as the number of industries is increasing proportionately and the present power supply is unable to meet the energy demand. To combat this energy shortage, developed as well as developing countries are putting more efforts into R&D to tap alternative energy sources. State policies are also being formulated to encourage alternative sources of energy. In India alone, it is proposed that 17,000 MW should be produced from biomass. Although other options like gasification can be used for power generation, briquetting of biomass can be considered for its economics, reliability and ease of operation. Briquettes of small size can be used in gasifies for power generation. If the plant sites are chosen properly for easy availability of raw material, the agro-residues can be briquetted to reduce further transportation costs and associated pollution. This also improves the handling characteristics of biomass. The briquettes so obtained are very good fuels for local small scale industries and domestic purposes.Key words: Fuel Briquettes, Proximate Analysis, Ultimate Analysis, XRD, SEM Reference [1.] Zaror, CA, Pyle, PD: The pyrolysis of biomass: a general review. Sadhana Acad. Proc. Eng. Sci. 5(4), 269–285 (1982) [2.] Aina, OM, Adetogun, AC, Iyiola, KA: Heat energy from value-added sawdust briquettes of Albiziazygia. Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management 2(1), 42–49 (2009) [3.] Wojciech ŻARSKI " economic aspects of production of fuel briquette from agro biomass" 2011, Issue 44, p134-143. 10p. [4.] S. H. Sengar, A. G. Mohod1, Y. P. Khandetod1, S. S. Patil2, A. D. Chendake " Performance of Briquetting Machine for Briquette Fuel" International Journal of Energy Engineering 2012, 2(1): 28-34 DOI: 10.5923/j.ijee.20120201.05 [5.] Kim, HJ, Lu, GQ, Naruse, I, Yuan, J, Ohtake, K: Modeling combustion characteristics of bio-coal briquettes. J. Energy Resour. Technol. 123, 27–31 (2001) Ch. A. I. Raju, M. Satya, U. Praveena and K. Ramya Jyothi |
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99. | A Reduced High Frequency Transformer Model To Detect The Partial Discharge Locations
A Reduced High Frequency Transformer Model To Detect The Partial Discharge LocationsAbstract: Transformer modeling is the first step in improving partial discharge localization techniques. Different transformer models were used for such purpose. This paper presents a reduced transformer model that can be accurately used for the purpose of partial discharge localization. The model is investigated in alternative transient program (ATP) draw for partial discharge localization application. A comparison between different transformer models is studied, the achieved results of the reduced model demonstrated high efficiency.Key words: Reduced Model, Transformer, Partial Discharge Locations, ATP, EMTP. Reference [1] Hans K. Hoidalen, Bruce A. Mork, Francisco Gonzalez, Dmitry Ishchenko and Nicola Chiesa, "Implementation and verification of the hybrid transformer model in ATP draw", International Conference on Power Systems Transients", Lyon, France, 4-7 June 2007. [2] H. K. Hoidalen, N. Chiesa, A. Arendano and B. A. Mork, "Developments in the hybrid transformer model core modeling and optimization", International Conference on Power Systems Transients, Delft, The Netherlands, 14-17 June 2011. [3] D. J. Wilcox and D. J. Leonard, "A new transformer EMTP transformer model based on modal analysis", International Conference on Power Systems Transients, Lisbon, Portugal, 3-7 September 1995. [4] G. Liang, H. Dong, X. Wang, X. Zhanf, H. Sun and X. Cui, "High frequency EMTP model of transformer windings", International Zurich Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Singapore, 2006, pp. 662-665. [5] Bruce A. Mork, F. Gonzalez, D. Ishchenko, D. L. Stuehm and J. Mitra, "Hybrid transformer model for transient simulation part 1: development and parameters", IEEE transactions on Power Delivery, Volume 22, No. 1, January 2007. El-Sayed M. El-Refaie, El-Sayed H. Shehab El-Dein, M. K. Abd El-Rahman, Omar A. Helaly |
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100. | Management Of Distribution System Using GIS
Management Of Distribution System Using GISAbstract: Electricity is considered as an essential need for our daily life. The power distribution companies manage the power distribution system safely and efficiently. Efficient functioning of distribution company is important to sustain the development of power sector and economy. Hence there was a need for some latest and modern systems to be utilized for improving the reliability and efficiency of power sectors. GIS(Geographical Information System) came into existence as an powerful and effective tool for management of transmission and distribution system. The GIS aims to sign-out the suitable locations that are to be fed with power supply. GIS is Useful in development of accurate database,monitoring of supply and its control, analysis of commercial and customer service,energy audit, trouble call management, load management, theft detection etc. GIS technology helps the survey respondents to answer their smart grid questions and address smart grid challenges. GIS makes the smart grid smart because GIS works with data on an interactive map where it can be updated, understood, and shared."Key words: Power, Geographical information system, control, management. Reference [1] Mrs. N. V. Vader , Mrs. S. S. Kulkarni,Head E. P. S. Deptt. Senior Lecturer, E. P. S. Deptt. ."Improving Efficiency of power sectors by using GIS".National Conference on Geo –Informatics, Organized by V.P.M.'s Polytechnic, Thane . [2] Surendra Kumar Yadav."GIS in Power Sector Management".International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology.ISSN 0974-3154 Volume 6, Number 6 (2013), pp. 759-766. [3] Alekhya Datta, Shome Varma & Ashish Kumar Gupta."GIS Application in power Transmission line Siting". Symbiosis Institute of Geoinformatics, Pune [4] http://www.geospatialworld.net/paper/application/ArticleView.aspx?aid=1470#sthash.8yJ3HmB8.dpuf [5] "Enterprise GIS and the Smart Electric Grid", An Esri® White Paper June 2009 Nidhi Mishra, Kranti Suresh Khair, Priyanka Parikshit Pawar, Poonam Baban Thakur, Pooja Tanaji Satpute |
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101. | Clocked Regenerative Comparators
Clocked Regenerative ComparatorsAbstract: Analog to Digital Conversion is a process in which analog signal is changed into digital signal without changing its contents. A low power, low delay and a high speed analog to digital convertor uses clocked regenerative comparators for the reduction in Delay and Power. In this paper Transient analysis on the delay of clocked regenerative comparators is presented. Technology used for the simulation process is 180nm which shows reduced delay time up to 30% in Conventional Double-Tail Comparator i.e. 2.9088e-009 sec. at 0.8V.Key words: Clocked regenerative comparator, Conventional comparators, DTC. Reference [1] Analysis and Design of a Low-Voltage Low-Power Double-Tail Comparator by Samaneh Babayan-Mashhadi, Student Member, IEEE, and Reza Lotfi, Member, IEEE Sept. 2013 [2] Design and Simulation of a High Speed CMOS Comparator Smriti Shubhanand*, Dr. H.P. Shukla, and A.G. Rao [3] High Speed CMOS Comparator Design with 5mv Resolution by Raghava Garipelly [4] A. Mesgarani, M. N. Alam, F. Z. Nelson, and S. U. Ay, "Supply boosting technique for designing very low-voltage mixed-signal circuits in standard CMOS," in Proc. IEEE Int. Midwest Symp. Circuits Syst. Dig. Tech. Papers, Aug. 2010, pp. 893–896. [5] B. J. Blalock, "Body-driving as a Low-Voltage Analog Design Technique for CMOS technology," in Proc. IEEE Southwest Symp. Mixed-Signal Design, Feb. 2000, pp. 113–118. Pardeep, Abhishek Agal, Bal Krishan |
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102. | 6T SRAM Cell: Design And Analysis
6T SRAM Cell: Design And AnalysisAbstract: SRAM has become a major component in many VLSI Chips due to their large storage density and small access time. SRAM has become the topic of substantial research due to the rapid development for low power, low voltage memory design during recent years due to increase demand for notebooks, laptops, IC memory cards and hand held communication devices. SRAMs are widely used for mobile applications as both on chip and offchip memories, because of their ease of use and low standby leakage. The main objective of this paper is evaluating performance in terms of Power consumption, delay and SNM of existing 6T CMOS SRAM cell in 45nm and 180nm technology.Key words: 6T SRAM cell, Power dissipation, Read Delay, SNM, Write Delay. Reference [1] Ajay Kumar Dadoria, Arjun Singh Yadav, C.M Roy, "Comparative Analysis Of Variable N-T Sram Cells" International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, Volume 3, Issue 4, April 2013. [2] Seevinck, F. J. List, J. Lohstroh, "Static-Noise Margin Analysis of MOS SRAM Cells" IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. SC-22, pp. 748-754, Oct. 1987. [3] Sapna singh, Neha Arora, Meenkshi Suthar, Neha Gupta, "Performance evaluation of different SRAM cell structures at different technologies", International Journal of VLSI design& communication systems (VLSICS) vol.3, No.1, Februry 2012. [4] J. Rabaey, "Digital integrated circuits, A design perspective", prentice hall, upper saddle river, NJ, 1996. [5] Andrei Pavlov, Manoj Sachdev, "CMOS SRAM Circuit Design and parametric test in nano-scaled technologies, Process Aware SRAM Design and Test", springer, 2008. Abhishek Agal, Pardeep, Bal Krishan |
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104. | A Modified Decision Based Mean Median Algorithm for Removal of High Density Salt and Pepper Noise
A Modified Decision Based Mean Median Algorithm for Removal of High Density Salt and Pepper NoiseAbstract: This paper presents a modified decision based mean median filter for removal of salt and pepper noise in gray scale images. This is a computationally efficient filtering technique. It is implemented in two steps: In the first step, noisy pixels are identified and in the second step, the proposed algorithm is applied only on noisy pixels. The noise free pixels are not modified, which helps in retaining the image features. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm performs better than various recent denoising methods in terms of PSNR, IEF and MSE.Reference [1] R. C. Gonzalez and R.E. Woods, Digital image processing (Prentice Hall, 2008). [2] J. Kaur and M. Garg, Review of better detail preserving algorithm for impulse noise reduction, International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 2(3), March 2013, 226-228. [3] N. C Gallagher Jr. and G. L. Wise, A Theoretical Analysis of Median Filters, IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 29(6), 1981, 1136 -1141. [4] M. S. Nair, K. Revathy, and R. Tatavarti, Removal of Salt-and Pepper noise in images: A New Decision-Based Algorithm, Proc. International Multi Conference of Engineers and Computer Scientists, Hong Kong, 2008, 19-21. [5] K. S. Srinivasan and D. Ebenezer, A new fast and efficient decision based algorithm for removal of high density impulse noise, Signal Processing Letters, IEEE, 14(3), March 2007, 189–192. Jitender Kumar, Abhilasha |
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105. | Use of Balanced Detection Scheme for Long Haul Optical Duobinary Links
Use of Balanced Detection Scheme for Long Haul Optical Duobinary LinksAbstract: This paper investigates the use of balanced detection for a 32 channel duobinary modulated Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) system with 40Gbps per channel, that is, a total capacity of 1.28Tbps for a repeaterless transmission distance upto 1,680km. We compare the performance of the system using both direct and balanced detection schemes at the receiver and it is found that balanced detection gives higher OSNR at the receiver which leads to an improvement in Q factor of around 0.5 dB. The paper also investigates the robustness of the duobinary modulation format to chromatic dispersion and Four Wave Mixing (FWM).Key words: Balanced Detection, Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing, Duobinary modulation, Four Wave Mixing. Reference [1] Mark D. Pelusi, WDM Signal All-Optical Precompensation of Kerr Nonlinearity in Dispersion-Managed Fibers, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 25, no. 1, January 1, 2013, pp. 71-74. [2] Dochhan, A.; Smolorz, S., Rohde, H.; Rosenkranz, W., FBG dispersion compensation in a 43 Gbit/s WDM system: Comparing different FBG types and modulation formats, Proc. 11th International Conf. on Transparent Optical Networks, Azores, 2009, pp. 1-4. [3] Zhu, L., Yaman, F.; Li, G., Experimental demonstration of XPM compensation for WDM fibre transmission, Electronics Letters, vol. 46, Issue. 16, 2010, pp. 1140-1141. [4] Govind P. Agrawal, Nonlinear Fiber Optics, Third Editon, 2001, pp.404-406. [5] Carsten Behrens, Robert I. Killey, Seb J. Savory, Ming Chen and Polina Bayvel, Nonlinear Distortion in Transmission of Higher Order Modulation Formats, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 23, no. 6, March 15, 2011, pp. 377-379. Santosh Jagtap, Vivek Bharambe, Shrishailesh Chari, Mrigul Uppal, Rushabh Borkar |
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106. | Comparison and Digital Circuit Analysis Based on Low Power Subthreshold Dual Mode Logic
Comparison and Digital Circuit Analysis Based on Low Power Subthreshold Dual Mode LogicAbstract: In this brief, we propose new low power techniques such as Variable body bias method. This technique reduces the leakage power by increasing the body to source voltage of the sleep transistor in the design. By reducing the leakage power overall power of the design is reduced. The proposed logic switches between the active mode and sleep mode. To reduce the leakage current in sleep mode, the body to source voltage of the sleep transistor increased. To increase the voltage of Sleep transistor another transistor is connected to it. Average power and delay are the parameters compared between proposed logic to their CMOS and Dual Mode Logic counter parts in 180-nm process.Key words: Subthreshold , Dual Mode Logic, Variable Body Biasing Reference [1] A.Wang, B.H.Calhoun, and A.P.Chandrakasan, "Subthreshold Design for Ultra Low-Power Systems." Springer, 2006. [2] A.Wang and A.Chandrakasan, "A 180mV FFT Processor Using Subthreshold Circuit Techniques," in IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference Digest of Technical Papers, 2004, pp.292–529. [3] M. Alioto, "Ultralow power VLSI circuit design demystified and explained: A tutorial," IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I, vol. 59, no. 1, pp. 3–29, Jan. 2012. [4] B.Zhai, S.Pant, L.Nazhandali, S.Hanson, J.Olson, A.Reeves, M.Minuth, R.Helfand,T.Austin, D.Sylvester, and D.Blaauw, "Energy-Efficient Subthreshold Processor Design,"IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems,vol.17,no.8,pp.1127–1137, aug2009. [5] B. Zhai, S. Hanson, D. Blaauw, and D. Sylvester, "Analysis and mitigation of variability in subthreshold design," in Proc. Int. Symp. Low Power Electron. Design, Aug. 2005, pp. 20–25. D.Naveen Kumar, Ms.M.S.Sheeba |
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107. | Optimization and effect of controlling parameters on AJM using Taguchi technique
Optimization and effect of controlling parameters on AJM using Taguchi techniqueAbstract: Abrasive Jet Machining (AJM) is a non-conventional machining process where a high-pressure air stream with small abrasive particles to impinge the work surface through a nozzle. A model of AJM was designed by using CATIA. This model was implemented to design a workable AJM. In this paper drilling experiment was done on glass as the work piece and aluminum oxide (Al2O3) as abrasive powder on AJM. The air pressure and stand-off-distance (SOD) are considering control parameter. The effect of Overcut (OC) and Material Removal Rate (MRR) of glass material was finding by using L9 Orthogonal Array (OA) based on Taguchi design. And the influence of these controlling parameters is analyzed. Individual main effect of air pressure and SOD are plotted and optimized. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) results were performed implementing Taguchi technique.Key words: Abrasive jet machining, Abrasive powder, Analysis of variance, Glass material, Taguchi method Reference [1] J.H. Kea, F.C. Tsaia, J.C. Hungb and B.H. Yanc, Characteristics study of flexible magnetic abrasive in abrasive jet machining, Procedia CIRP, 1, 2012, 679 – 680. [2] A.G. Gradeena, J.K. Spelta and M. Papinia, Cryogenic abrasive jet machining of polydimethylsiloxane at different temperatures, wear, 274, 2012, 335-344. [3] S. Ally, J.K. Spelt and M. Papini, Prediction of machined surface evolution in the abrasive jet micro-machining of metal, wear, 292-293, 2012, 89-99. [4] D. Dehnadfar, J. Friedman, M. Papini, Laser shadowgraphy measurements of abrasive particle spatial, size and velocitydistributions through micro-masks used in abrasive jet micro-machining, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 212, 2012, 137- 149. [5] M. Wakuda , Y. Yamauchi , S. Kanzaki, Effect of workpiece properties on machinability in abrasivejet machining of ceramic materials, Journal of the International Societies for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, 26, 2012, 193-198. Jukti Prasad Padhy*, Kanhu Charan Nayak |
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108. | Coverage In Presence Of Obstacles:A Survey
Coverage In Presence Of Obstacles:A SurveyAbstract: Wireless sensor networks have sparked immense research interest since the mid 1990's. Ongoing improvements in affordable and efficient integrated electronic devices have put a great impact in the advancement of wireless sensor networks, which has enabled this field for a broad range of applications in battlefield surveillance, environment monitoring, industrial diagnostics, healthcare etc. Coverage which is one of the most important performance metrics for sensor networks resonates how accurately a sensor field is monitored. The coverage concept for a sensor field is accountable to a wide range of apprehensions due to a diversity of sensors and applications. Due to constrained resources for a sensor node it is valuable to construct a fully covered and energy efficient sensor network for real world applications. There are different conceptions that have been proposed based on the coverage type, deployment mechanism as well as network properties. This paper surveys research progress made to address various coverage problems in sensor networks. I present various coverage formulations and their assumptions as well as an overview of the solutions proposedKey words: wireless sensor networks, coverage problem, sensor, Network connectivity, Computational geometry, Network topology. Reference [1] C. S. Meguerdichian, F. Koushanfar, M. Potkonjak, and M. Srivastava. "Coverage problems in wireless ad-hoc sensor networks." Infocom., APRIL 2001. [2] S. Basu Roy, G. Das, S.K. Das, Computing best coverage path in the presence of obstacles in a sensor field, in: WADS, 2007, pp. 577–588. [3] A. Ghosh, S.K. Das / Pervasive and Mobile Computing 4 (2008) 303–334. Coverage and connectivity issues in wireless sensor networks:A survey [4] Bang Wang, Huazhong University of Science and Technology. ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 43, No. 4, Article 32, Publication date: October 2011. [5] Senjuti Basu Roy , Gautam Das, Sajal K. Das. Algorithms for computing Best Coverage Path in the presence of obstacles in a sensor field. Journal of Discrete Algorithms 13 (2012). Pramod Tripathi ,Keyur Prajapati, Chetan Chudasama |
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109. | Review on Analysis of Foundry Defects for Quality Improvement of Sand Casting
Review on Analysis of Foundry Defects for Quality Improvement of Sand CastingAbstract: In the present global and competitive environment foundry industries needs to perform efficiently with minimum number of rejections. Also they have to develop casting components in very short lead time. Casting process is still state of art with experienced people, but these experience needs to be transformed in engineering knowledge for the better growth of the foundry industries. Some foundries are working with trial and error method and get their work done. Factually, most of the foundries have very less control on rejections, as they are always on the toes of production urgency; hence they ignore the rejections and salvage the castings. Majority foundries are failed to maintain a satisfactory quality control level. Defect free castings with minimum production cost have become the need of the foundries. This study is aimed to review the research work made by several researchers and an attempt to get technical solution for minimizing various casting defects and to improve the entire process of casting manufacturing.Key words: Casting defects, Defect Analysis, Quality improvement, Root Cause Analysis. Reference [1]. K.Siekanski,S.Borkowaski "Analysis of foundry defects and preventive activities for quality improvement of casting " Metalurgija- 42 ,2003 [2]. Uday A. Dabade and Rahul C. Bhedasgaonkar "Casting Defect Analysis using Design of Experiments (DoE) andComputer Aided Casting Simulation Technique" Elsevier Forty Sixth CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems 2013 [3]. L.A. Dobrzański , M. Krupiński , J.H. Sokolowski , P. Zarychta , Włodarczyk-Fligier "Methodology of analysis of casting defects" Jamme Journal Volume 18,Issue 1-2 (September-October 2006) [4] Dr D.N. Shivappa, Mr Rohit, Mr. Abhijit Bhattacharya "Analysis of Casting Defects and Identification of Remedial Measures – A Diagnostic Study" International Journal of Engineering Inventions Volume 1, Issue 6 (October2012) [5]. Achamyeleh A. Kassie and Samuel B. Assfaw "Minimization of Casting Defects" IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN) Vol. 3, Issue 5 (May. 2013) Sunil Chaudhari, Hemant Thakkar |
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110. | Heat Transfers Enhancement with Different Square Jagged Twisted Tapes
Heat Transfers Enhancement with Different Square Jagged Twisted TapesAbstract: The present experimental work are carried out with copper twisted tape inserts 3mm with 5.2,4.2 and 3.2 twists respectively. The inserts when placed in the path of the flow of the fluid, create a high degree of turbulence resulting in an increase in the heat transfer rate and the pressure drop. The work includes the determination of friction factor and heat transfer coefficient for various twisted wire inserts with varying twists and different materials. The Reynolds number is varied from 5000 to 16000. Correlations for Nusselt number and friction factor are developed for the twisted wire inserts from the obtained results. The results of varying twists in square jagged tape with different pitches have been compared with the values for the smooth tube. The 3mm thick with 3.2 twists copper insert shows increase in Nusselt number values by 76% however there is increase in friction factor by only 19.5% as compared to the smooth tube values.Key words: Enhancement efficiency, heat transfer, square jagged twisted tapes, turbulent; swirling, pressure drop. Reference [1] Hsieh and Huang , "Experimental studies for heat transfer and pressure drop of laminar flowin horizontal tubes with/without longitudinal inserts" ,2000. [2] Sarma, "Heat transfer coefficients with twisted tape inserts", 2003. [3] Hsieh ,"Experimental studies on heat transfer and flow characteristics for turbulent flow of air in a horizontal circular tube with strip type insert", 2003. [4] PairsonNaphon ,"Effect of coil-wire insert on heat transfer enhancement and pressure drop of the horizontal concentric tube", International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 33 (2006) 753–763,2006. [5] Smith Eiamsa-ard , PongjetPromvonge," Heat transfer characteristics in a tube fitted with helical screw-tape with/without core-rod inserts", International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 34 (2007) 176–185. Mr. A.V.Gawandare, Prof. M.M.Dange, Prof.D.B.Nalawade |
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111. | Chemical Characterization and Particulate Distribution of PM10 and PM2.5 at Critically Polluted Area of Dhanbad/Jharia Coalfield
Chemical Characterization and Particulate Distribution of PM10 and PM2.5 at Critically Polluted Area of Dhanbad/Jharia CoalfieldAbstract: This paper deals with chemical characterization of PM10 and PM2.5 mass concentrations estimated at different receptors of critically polluted area of Dhanbad/Jharia coalfield during post-monsoon, winter and summer seasons. Eighteen monitoring stations were selected considering sources of pollution covering mining, industrial, commercial and residential areas apart from siting criteria as per IS: 5182 Part XIV. Air quality monitoring has been carried out following standard methodologies and protocols as per Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB)/ National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) norms using Respirable Dust Samplers (RDS) and Fine particulate sampler (Envirotech APM 550MFC) for PM2.5. The 24-h averages of PM10 and PM2.5 mass concentrations, showed higher concentrations during the winter season (PM10 - 534 μg/m3; PM2.5 - 217 μg/m3) followed by the summer (PM10 -549 μg/m3; PM2.5 -232 μg/m3) and post-monsoon (PM10 -509 μg/m3; PM2.5 - 205 μg/m3 seasons. The assessment of 24-h average PM10 and PM2.5concentrations was indicated as violation of the world health organization (WHO standard for PM10 - 50 μg/m3 and PM2.5 -25 μg/m3) and Indian national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS for PM10 - 100 μg/m3 and PM2.5 -60 μg/m3). Particle size distribution and Chemicals characterization of PM10 at different monitoring stations indicates direct association of sources nearby receptors. Acid assimilate solution of PM10 and PM2.5 samples (32 samples) for each season were analyzed by Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES) instrument to get the concentration of trace metals which follows the following trends Fe> Al> Cd> Cu> Zn> Mn> Cr> Pb> Ni> As for PM10 and Fe> Al> Zn> Mn> Cu> Cr> Pb> Ni> Cd for PM2.5 throughout the year. Small size particulate matter is caring very large amount of Fe, Al, Cd, Cr, Pb and Cu.Key words: Chemical Characterization, PM10, PM2.5, Trace Metal. Particle Size Distribution, National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS). Reference [1.] Chaloulakou, A., Kassomenos, P., Spyrellis, N., Demokritou, P. and Koutrakis, P. (2003). "Measurements of PM10 and PM2.5 particle concentrations in Athens, Greece." Atmos. Environ. 37:649–660. [2.] Chan, C.K. and Yao, X. (2008). "Air pollution in mega cities in China." Atmos. Environ., 42:1–42 [3.] Deshmukh, D.K., Deb, M.K. and Verma, S.K. (2010a). "Distribution patterns of course, fine and ultrafine atmospheric aerosol particulate matters in major cities of Chhattisgarh. Indian." J Environ Prot 30:184–197 [4.] Deshmukh, D.K., Deb, M.K., Tsai, Y.I. and Mkoma, S.L. (2010b). "Atmospheric ionic species in PM2.5 and PM1 aerosols in the ambient air of eastern central India." J. Atmos. Chem., 66:81–100. [5.] Ghose, M. K. and Majee, S. R. (2001b). "Characteristics of air-borne dust emitted by opencast coal mining in Jharia Coalfield." Indian Journal of Chemical Technology, 8, 417–424. Debananda Roy & Gurdeep Singh |
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112. | Issues, Challenges, Causes, Impacts and Utilization of Renewable Energy Sources - Grid Integration
Issues, Challenges, Causes, Impacts and Utilization of Renewable Energy Sources - Grid IntegrationAbstract: The renewable energy sources have increased significantly due to environmental issues and fossil fuels elevated cost. Integration of renewable energy sources to utility grid depends on the scale of power generation. Large scale power generations are connected to transmission systems where as small scale distributed power generation is connected to distribution systems. There are certain challenges in the integration of both types of systems directly. Due to this, wind energy has gained a lot of investments from all over the world. However, due to the wind speed's uncertain behavior it is difficult to obtain good quality power, since wind speed fluctuations reflect on the voltage and active power output of the electric machine connected to the wind turbine. Solar penetration also changes the voltage profile and frequency response of the system and affects the transmission and distribution systems of utility grid. This paper presents a review in the issues, challenges, causes, impacts and utilization of renewable energy sources (RES) - Grid Integration.Key words: Wind energy, solar energy, Grid integration, Power Quality, Distributed Generation, etc Reference [1] R. Mihalic, P. Zunko, and D. Povh, ―Improvement of transient stability using unified power flow controller,‖ IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 485–492, Jan 1996. [2] A. Canova, L. Giaccone, F. Spertino, and M. Tartaglia, ―Electrical impact of photovoltaic plant in distributed network,‖ IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 45, no. 1, pp. 341–347, Jan.-Feb. 2009. [3] C. H. Lin,W. L. Hsieh, C. S. Chen, C. T. Hsu, T. T. Ku, and C. T. Tsai, ―Financial analysis of a large-scale photovoltaic system and its impact on distribution feeders,‖ IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 47, no. 4, pp. 1884–1891, July-Aug. 2011. [4] J.Enslin, ―Network impacts of high penetration of photovoltaic solar power systems,‖ in IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, July 2010, pp. 1–5. [5] S. Bose, Y. Liu, K. Bahei Eldin, J. de Bedout, and M. Adamiak, ―Tieline controls in microgrid applications,‖ in IREP Symposium on Bulk Power System Dynamics and Control -VII.Revitalizing Operational Reliability, Aug. 2007, pp. 1–9. Mamatha Sandhu, Dr.Tilak Thakur |
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113. | Multilevel Inverters: Literature Survey – Topologies, Control Techniques & Applications of Renewable Energy Sources - Grid Integration
Multilevel Inverters: Literature Survey – Topologies, Control Techniques & Applications of Renewable Energy Sources - Grid IntegrationAbstract: Multilevel inverters are in favor of academia as well as industry in the recent decade for high-power and medium-voltage applications. In addition, they can synthesize switched waveforms with lower levels of harmonic distortion compared to a two-level converter. Multilevel converters have received increased interest recently as a result of their ability to generate high quality output waveforms with a low switching frequency; the multilevel concept is used to decrease the harmonic distortion in the output waveform without decreasing the inverter power output. This paper presents a review on most important topologies, control techniques of multilevel inverters and also the applications powered by multilevel inverters which are becoming an enabling technology in many industrial and research areas.Key words: Multilevel inverter, Neutral point clamped, CHB, FACTS and Renewable energy sources. Reference [1] J. Rodriguez, J. S. Lai and F. Z. Peng, ―Multilevel Inverters: Survey of Topologies, Controls, and Applications,‖ IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 49, no. 4, Aug. 2002, pp. 724-738. [2] A. Bendre and G. Venkataramanan, ―Neutral current ripple minimization in a three-level rectifier,‖ IEEE Trans. Ind. Applicat. , vol. 42, no. 2, pp. 582–590, Mar. 2006. [3] Baoming Ge, Fang Zheng Peng, Aníbal T. de Almeida, and Haitham Abu-Rub, ―An Effective Control Technique for Medium-Voltage High-Power Induction Motor Fed by Cascaded Neutral-Point- Clamped Inverter‖, IEEE Trans On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 57, No. 8, pp. 2659-2668, Aug 2010. [4] Arash A. Boora, Alireza Nami, Firuz Zare, Arindam Ghosh, and Frede Blaabjerg, ―Voltage-Sharing Converter to Supply Single-Phase Asymmetrical Four-Level Diode-Clamped Inverter With High Power Factor Loads‖, IEEE Trans On Power Electronics, Vol. 25, No. 10, Pp. 2507-2520, Oct 2010. [5] C. Attaianese, M. Di Monaco, and G. Tomasso, ―Three-Phase Three- Level Active NPC Converters for High Power System‖, International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion, pp. 204-209, Speedam 2010. Mamatha Sandhu, Dr.Tilak Thakur |
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114. | A Survey on Detecting Wormhole Attack in Manet
A Survey on Detecting Wormhole Attack in ManetAbstract: A Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is a self organizing, infrastructure less, multi-hop network. The wireless and distributed nature of MANETs poses a great challenge to system security designers. Ad hoc networks are by nature very open to anyone. Anyone with the proper hardware and knowledge of the network topology and protocols can connect to the network. This allows potential attackers to infiltrate the network and carry out attacks on its participants with the purpose of stealing or altering information. A specific type of attack, the Wormhole attack does not require exploiting any nodes in the network and can interfere with the route establishment process. It does not require any cryptographic primitives. This attack targets specifically routing control packets, the nodes that are close to the attackers are shielded from any alternative routes with more than one or two hops to the remote location. All routes are thus directed to the wormhole established by the attackers. The entire routing system in MANET can even be brought down using the wormhole attack. We have presented several existing techniques to detect wormhole attack in mobile ad hoc networks.Key words: Wormhole attack, Tunneling, Security, Malicious Node Reference [1] Lazos, L.; Poovendran, R.; Meadows, C.; Syverson, P.; Chang, L.W. Preventing Wormhole Attacks on Wireless Ad Hoc Networks: A Graph Theoretic Approach. In IEEE WCNC 2005, Seattle, WA, USA, 2005; pp. 1193–1199. [2] Khalil, S. Bagchi, and N. B. Shroff. LITEWORP: A lightweight countermeasure for the wormhole attack in multihop wireless networks. In Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN), pages 612–621, Jun 2005. [3] Hu, Y.C.; Perrig, A.; Johnson, D.B. Wormhole Attacks in Wireless Networks. IEEE J. Sel. Area Comm. 2006, 24, 370–380. [4] L. Hu and D. Evans. Using directional antennas to prevent wormhole attacks. In Proceedings of the Network and Distributed System Security Symposium. 2004 [5] Jen S.-M.; Laih C.-S.; Kuo W.-C. A Hop-Count Analysis Scheme for Avoiding Wormhole Attacks in MANET. Sensors. 2009. Bipin N. Patel, Prof. Tushar S. Patel |
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115. | Stainless Steel As A Structural Material: State Of Review
Stainless Steel As A Structural Material: State Of ReviewAbstract: Stainless steels have not traditionally been widely used as structural materials in building and civil engineering. Where the steels have been used for this purpose there has been some other imperative driving the design, usually corrosion resistance or architectural requirements rather than the inherent structural properties of the steel. The primary reason for this low use in structural applications is usually the perceived and actual cost of stainless steel as a material. Developments over the last 10 years, both in available materials and attitudes to durability, are now offering a new opportunity for stainless steels to be considered as primary structural materials. This paper introduces stainless steel alloys and briefly discusses the important properties and commercial aspects of these alloys relevant to structural designers. The paper also considers recent developments, particularly with respect to available alloys and considers obstacles to the wider use of stainless steels in structural engineering that are related to both supply chain costs and efficiency of design.Key words: Austenitic, Corrosion, Plasticity, Stress-strain, Toughness. Reference [1] Ben Young, "Experimental and numerical investigation of high strength stainless steel structures", Journal of Constructional Steel Research 64 (2008) 1225-1230. [2] E.L. Salih, L. Gardner, D.A. Nethercot, " Numerical study of stainless steel gusset plate connections", Engineering Structures 49 (2013) 448–464. [3] Eunsoo Choi, Young-Soo Chung, Kyoungsoo Park, Jong-Su Jeon, "Effect of steel wrapping jackets on the bond strength of concrete and the lateral performance of circular RC columns", Engineering Structures 48 (2013) 43–54. [4] Graham Gedge, "Structural uses of stainless steel - buildings and civil engineering", Journal of Constructional Steel Research 64 (2008) 1194-1198. [5] L. Di Sarno, A.S. Elnashai, D.A. Nethercot, "Seismic retrofitting of framed structures with stainless steel", Journal of Constructional Steel Research 62 (2006) 93–104. Minakshi Vaghani, Dr. S.A. Vasanwala, Dr. A.K. Desai |
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116. | A Review: Six Sigma Implementation Practices in Indian Manufacturing SMEs
A Review: Six Sigma Implementation Practices in Indian Manufacturing SMEsAbstract: At present competitive market is focusing on industrial efforts to produce high quality products with the lowest possible cost. To help accomplish this objective, various quality improvement philosophies have been put forward in recent years and of these Six Sigma has emerged as perhaps the most viable and efficient approach for process quality improvement. The objective of this paper is to review and examine the advancement and encounters of six sigma practices in Indian manufacturing SMEs and identify the key tools for each step in successful Six Sigma project execution. The paper also integrates the lessons learned from successful six sigma projects and their prospective applications in various manufacturing SMEs. Large scale organizations are expecting high quality products from their suppliers and are owners of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). The vast range of products are manufactured in the SMEs, the nature of the export composition makes it amply clear that products from mostly smaller enterprises have hardly improved quality through supportive engrossments towards product/process modernizations, diversification and larger market access. In today scenario, many Indian SMEs' operate their processes at the two to three sigma quality levels. So there is Six Sigma implementation needs and have been appealing much attention.Key words: Indian Manufacturing SMEs, Review, Six Sigma, DMAIC Reference [1] Hongbo Wang, "A Review of Six Sigma Approach: Methodology, Implementation and Future Research", IEEE Xplore. February 1, 2009. [2] Alessandro Brun, "Critical success factors of Six Sigma implementations in Italian companies", Int. J. Production Economics 131 (2011) 158–164 [3] Kwak, Y .H. and Anbari, F. T., "Benefits, obstacles, and future of six sigma approach", Technovation, Vol. 26, 2006, pp.708-715. [4] Snee, R. D. and R. W. Hoerl, "Leading Six Sigma - A Step by Step Guide Based on Experience With General Electric and Other Six Sigma Companies", FT Prentice Hall, New York, NY, 2003. [5] MasoudHekmatpanah, Mohammad Sadroddin, SaeidShahbaz, FarhadMokhtari, FarahnazFadavinia, "Six Sigma Process and its Impact on the Organizational Productivity", World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 19, 2008. Tejaskumar S.Parsana, Dr.Darshak A. Desai |
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117. | Multi User Feedback System Based On Performance and Appraisal Using Fuzzy Logic Base System- Design and Implementation
Multi User Feedback System Based On Performance and Appraisal Using Fuzzy Logic Base System- Design and ImplementationAbstract: In Multi-user Feedback support system or 3600 Feedback, data on the performance of an individual are collected systematically from a number of stakeholders and are used for improving performance. The 3600Feedback approach provides a consistent management philosophy meeting the criterion outlined previously. The 3600 feedback based appraisal is a comprehensive method where in the feedback about the employee comes from all the sources that come into contact with the employee on his/her job. The respondents for an employee can be her/his peers, managers, subordinates team members, customers, suppliers and vendors. Hence anyone who comes into contact with the employee, the 3600 appraisal has four components that include self-appraisal, superior's appraisal, subordinate's appraisal student's appraisal and peer's appraisal.Key words: Multi source feedback, 3600 feedbacks, performance appraisal system, and fuzzy logic based decision support system for standards/rewards Reference [1] Ameet. D.Shah, Dr.S.A.Ladhake Multi User feedback System based on performance and Appraisal using Fuzzy logic decision support system international journal for engineering applications and technology(IJFEAT)- issues 2(1):10 Oct 2013 [2] Decision support system for the intelligent identification of Alzheimer using neuro Fuzzy Logic International Journal for Soft Computing (IJSC) -Vol.2 NO.2 May-2011 [3] 3.John H.Bernardian and Joyce E.A.Russell, Human Resource Management- An Experential Approach,Mc Graw –Hill Newyork 1999 [4] Adnan, S. and Minwir, A. (1998), "Fuzzy Logic Modeling for Performance Appraisal Systems – A Framework for Empirical Evaluation", Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 14, No. 3, p. 323- 328. [5] Carter, P.: The Complete Book of Intelligence Tests. John Wiley,0-470-01773- 2 (2005) Ameet.D.Shah, Dr. S. A. Ladhake |
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118. | Error Locked Encoder and Decoder for Nanomemory Application
Error Locked Encoder and Decoder for Nanomemory ApplicationAbstract: Memory cells have been protected from soft errors for more than a decade; due to the increase in soft error rate in logic circuits, the encoder and decoder circuitry around the memory blocks have become susceptible to soft errors as well and must also be protected. We introduce a new approach to design fault-secure encoder and decoder circuitry for memory designs. The key novel contribution of this paper is identifying and defining a new class of error-correcting codes whose redundancy makes the design of fault-secure detectors (FSD) particularly simple. We further quantify the importance of protecting encoder and decoder circuitry against transient errors, illustrating a scenario where the system failure rate (FIT) is dominated by the failure rate of the encoder and decoder. We prove that Euclidean Geometry Low-Density Parity-Check (EG-LDPC) codes have the fault-secure detector capability. Using some of the smaller EG-LDPC codes, we can tolerate bit or nanowire defect rates of 10% and fault rates of 10-18 upsets/device/cycle, achieving a FIT rate at or below one for the entire memory system and a memory density of 1011 bit/cm with nanowire pitch of 10 nm for memory blocks of 10 Mb or larger. Larger EG-LDPC codes can achieve even higher reliability and lower area overhead.Key words: Decoder, encoder, fault tolerant, memory, density parity-check , fault-secure detector and nanotechnology. Reference [1]. Shu Lin and Daniel J. Costello. Error Control Coding. Prentice Hall, second edition, 2004. [2] R. G. Gallager, "Low-density parity-check codes", IRE Trans. Information Theory, vol. IT-8, no. 1, pp. 21–28, January 1962. [3] D. J. C. MacKay and R. M. Neal, "Near Shannon limit performance of low density parity check codes", Electronics Letters, vol. 32, no. 18, pp.1645–1646, March 1997. [4] R. J. McEliece, The Theory of Information and Coding. Cambridge, U.K. Cambridge University Press, 2002. [5]. M. Sipser and D. Spielman, "Expander codes," IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. 42, no. 6, pp. 1710–1722, Nov. 1996. Y. Sharath, S.Srivani, O.M.Chandrika, B.Gopi Krishna |
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119. | Byzantine-Resilient Protected Multicast Routing In Multihop Wireless Networks
Byzantine-Resilient Protected Multicast Routing In Multihop Wireless NetworksAbstract: Multihop wireless networks rely on node cooperation to provide multicast services. The multihop communication offers increased coverage for such services but also makes them more vulnerable to insider (or Byzantine) attacks coming from compromised nodes that behave arbitrarily to disrupt the network. In this work, we identify vulnerabilities of on-demand multicast routing protocols for multihop wireless networks and discuss the challenges encountered in designing mechanisms to defend against them. We propose BSMR, a novel secure multicast routing protocol designed to withstand insider attacks from colluding adversaries. Our protocol is a software-based solution and does not require additional or specialized hardware. We present simulation results that demonstrate that BSMR effectively mitigates the identified attacks.Key words: Multihop wireless networks, secure multicast routing, Byzantine resiliency, Byzantine attacks. Reference [1] R. Curtmola and C. Nita-Rotaru, "BSMR: Byzantine-Resilient Secure Multicast Routing in Multi-Hop Wireless Networks," Proc.Fourth Ann. IEEE Conf. Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Comm. And Networks (SECON '07), 2007. [2] Y.B. Ko and N.H. Vaidya, "Flooding-Based Geocasting Protocols for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks," Mobile Networks and Applications,vol. 7, no. 6, 2002. [3] R. Chandra, V. Ramasubramanian, and K. Birman, "Anonymous Gossip: Improving Multicast Reliability in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks,"Proc. 21st Int'l Conf. Distributed Computing Systems(ICDCS '01), 2001. [4] Y.-B. Ko and N.H. Vaidya, "GeoTORA: A Protocol for Geocasting in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks," Proc. Eighth Ann. Int'l Conf. Network Protocols (ICNP '00), p. 240, 2000. [5] E.L. Madruga and J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves, "Scalable Multicasting:The Core-Assisted Mesh Protocol," Mobile Networks and Applications,vol. 6, no. 2, 2001. Bhima Sankaram Alladi, M.Venu Gopal, L.Vandana, M.Sukesh |
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120. | Anomalies of Firewall Policy Detection and Resolution
Anomalies of Firewall Policy Detection and ResolutionAbstract: With the evaluation of internet, user's interaction is rapidly increases. Most of the user's intentions of accessing the websites are special target or someone's are going to turn on fraudulent purpose. Any system expects the well outcome as well as good and secure performance. Most of the users are handle untrusted data over network. If we assume that 60% user's performed secure operations but remaining 40% users are performs the fraudulent activities or untrusted operations.Firewall have the most important role in network security. It's very tedious task to call every user which is interact with their system. So it's not efficient for identifying which users are real among them and which connection is secure in the network which is local or global. It's one of the major and most popular aspect is Firewall. With the help of Firewall we are overcome these drawback and provide proper analyzing of user in private network. This helps in identifying normal and abnormal user behaviors which in turn helps in preventing the malicious activities which are carried out on effectiveness of security protection provided by firewall depends on quality of policy configured in the Firewall. The main aspect is detect and resolve the conflict occurred in a network. This technique can be used to avoid the losses incorrigible from them and enhance the security from business perspective and finally provides the Secure access.Key words: Rule Reordering, Rule Engine, Shadowing, Rule Generation, Redundancy, Correlation, Policy Conflict, Policy Resolution. Reference [1] "Teneble Network Security,"http:// www.nessus.org ness.2012. [2] "Tissynbe.py,"http://www.tssci-security.co m /projects/Tissynbe_py, 2012. [3] IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DEPENDABLE AND SECURE COMPUTING, VOL. 9, NO. 3, MAY/JUNE 2012. [4] IEEE Global Internet Symposium (GI) 2011 at IEEE INFOCOM 2011. [5] P. Hansteen, "Rickrolled? Get Ready for the Hail MaryCloud!,"http://bsdly.blogspot.com/2009/11/rickrolled-get-ready-forhail-mary.html, Feb. 2010 Rakesh R. Surve, Suraj R. Badhan, Aniket B. Surve, Vikey T. Mane |
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121. | A Review on Development of Object Detection System for Distortion Images
A Review on Development of Object Detection System for Distortion ImagesAbstract: Object recognition plays a vital role in image processing. Object recognition is a process for identifying a specific object in a image. Object recognition algorithms rely on matching, learning, or pattern recognition algorithms using various techniques. . In any computer vision applications, it helps in the detection of an object. The computer vision applications includes: recognition, automotive safety, and surveillance. Object detection is the process of finding instances of real world objects. Object detection is use to detect the particular object from a large number of objects, the problem occurs in detection because of shadow and background objects. Here to solve this problem we are going to use skull detection and Region growing Region growing will detect particular object and skull detection will remove this particular object from whole image so that we can properly detects it Object detection technique is used to detect a particular object from image.Key words: object recognition, image processing, skull detection, region props. Reference [1] M. Granados, J. Tompkin, K. Kim, O. Grau, J. Kautz2 C. Theobalt, How Not to Be Seen Object Removal from Videos of Crowded Scenes, EUROGRAPHICS 2012 / P. Cignoni, T. Ertl Volume 31 (2012), Number 2 [2] Pakorn KaewTrakulPonga,*, Richard Bowdenb, A real time adaptive visual surveillance system for tracking low-resolution colour targets in dynamically changing scenes , Image and Vision Computing 21 (2003) 913–929 [3] Design of Augmented Object Compositing System based on Diminished Reality , Donghyun Kim, Kwang Hyun Jang and Seoksoo Kim, International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications Vol. 7, No. 3, May, 2013 [4] Nikhil Sharma, Niharika Mehta, Region Filling and Object Removal by Exempeler Based Image Inpainting, International Journal of Inventive Engineering and Sciences (IJIES) ISSN: 2319–9598, Volume-1, Issue-3, February 2013 26 [5] Weiming Hu, Tieniu Tan, Fellow, IEEE, Liang Wang, and Steve Maybank. A Survey on Visual Surveillance of Object Motion and Behaviors, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS, MAN, AND CYBERNETICS—PART C: APPLICATIONS AND REVIEWS, VOL. 34, NO. 3, AUGUST 2004. Rajvir Kaur, Sanjay Kumar Singh |
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122. | Enhance the Driver Drowsiness Detection System Using EDAMAS and Region Prop Techniques
Enhance the Driver Drowsiness Detection System Using EDAMAS and Region Prop TechniquesAbstract: Safe driving is a major concern of societies all over the world. Thousands of people are killed or seriously injured due to drivers falling asleep at the wheels each year. Hence driver drowsiness is the major issue behind accidents. To solve this issue many techniques are used. In our paper, we are going to use the region prop with EDAMAS. In Driver drowsiness detection system region prop will helps to detect the size of eyes, whereas EDAMAS is use to detect the swelling of soft tissues.Key words: Driver Drowsiness, Region prop, Accident, EDAMAS. Reference [1] http://umpir.ump.edu.my/1978/1/Ani_Syazana_Jasni_(_CD_5355_).pdf [2] http://www.ee.ryerson.ca/~phiscock/thesis/drowsy-detector/drowsy-detector.pdf [3] http://www.sae.org/events/gim/presentations/2012/sgambati.pdf [4] K.Subhashini Spurjeon 1, Yogesh Bahindwar, A Dedicated System for Monitoring of Driver's Fatigue, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology Vol. 1, Issue 2, December 2012 Copyright to IJIRSET www.ijirset.com 256 [5] Nidhi Sharma, V. K. Banga, Drowsiness Warning System Using Artificial Intelligence, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 43 2010 Taranpreet Kaur, Sanjay Kumar Singh |
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123. | Analysis of Mtbe as an Oxygenate Additive to Gasoline
Analysis of Mtbe as an Oxygenate Additive to GasolineAbstract: One of the major drawbacks of IC engines is low efficiency and pollution resulting from incomplete combustion. In order to improve the emission properties and performance an oxygenated additive MTBE (Methyl tertiary butyl ether), is blended with gasoline. A four cylinder, 1817 cc engine was used for analysing both emission and performance characteristics. Tests were carried out with 100% pure gasoline and MTBE –blended gasoline (M5, M10). The BSFC and BTE of MTBE blended gasoline were observed to increase when compared to pure gasoline. Significant reduction in HC and CO emissions were observed with MTBE blended gasoline; however, CO2 and NOX emissions were increased.Key words: SI Engine, CO2, Emission, HC, MTBE, Oxygenate Additive. Reference [1] Lennox Siwale, Lukács Kristóf, Akos Bereczky, Makame Mbarawa, Andrei Kolesnikov, Performance, combustion and emission characteristics of n-butanol additive in methanol–gasoline blend fired in a naturally-aspirated spark ignition engine, Fuel Processing Technology, Volume118, February 2014, Pages 318-326 [2] Mohsen Ghazikhani, Mohammad Hatami, Behrouz Safari, Davood Domiri Ganji, Experimental investigation of performance improving and emissions reducing in a two stroke SI engine by using ethanoladditives, Propulsion and Power Research, Volume 2, Issue 4, December 2013, Pages 276-283 [3] Shen Yu Wang, Zhen Wang, Ming Ming Liu, Yu Xu, Xiao Jun Zhang, Guo-Qiang Chen, Properties of a new gasoline oxygenate blend component: 3-Hydroxybutyrate methyl ester produced from bacterial poly-3-hydroxybutyrate, Biomass and Bioenergy, Volume 34, Issue 8, August 2010, Pages 1216-1222 [4] Soheil Babazadeh Shayan, Seyed Morteza Seyedpour, Fathollah Ommi, Effect of oxygenates blending with gasoline to improve fuel properties, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering,July 2012, Volume 25, Issue 4, pp 792-797 [5] G.A. Westphal, J. Krahl, T. Brüning, E. Hallier, J. Bünger, Ether oxygenate additives in gasoline reduce toxicity of exhausts, Toxicology, Volume 268, Issue 3, 9 February 2010, Pages 198-203 C.AnishRaman, Dr.K.Varatharajan, P.Abinesh, Dr.N.Venkatachalapathi |
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124. | A Novel Seven Level H-Bridge Inverter for Photovoltaic SystemA Novel Seven Level H-Bridge Inverter for Photovoltaic SystemAbstract: There is strong trend in the photovoltaic (PV) inverter technology to use transformer less topologies in order to acquire higher efficiencies. The general function of multilevel inverter is to synthesis desired voltage from solar source. This inverter has advantageous of industrial applications. The use of converters will increase losses and cost in conventional methods. The proposed seven level multilevel inverter with solar energy using Pulse Width Modulation Technique (PWM) of providing high switching frequency will highly reduce harmonics. The inverter produces output voltage in seven levels Vdc, Vdc/3, 2Vdc/3, 0,-Vdc/3,-2Vdc/3,-Vdc. The validity of the propose inverter is verified through simulation.Key words: Pulse Width Modulation (PWM), Photovoltaic (PV) Source, Maximum Power Point (MPP). Reference [1] N. A. Rahim and S. Mekhilef, "Implementation of three-phase grid connected inverter for photovoltaic solar power generation system," in Proc .IEEE PowerCon, Oct. 2002, vol. 1, pp. 570–573. [2] B. Kjaer, J. K. Pedersen, and F. Blaabjerg, "A review of single-phase grid connected inverters for photovoltaic modules," IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 41, no. 5, pp. 1292–1306, Sep./Oct. 2005 .Meeting, Jul. 2000, vol. 2, pp. 1283–1288. [3] J. Selvaraj and N. A. Rahim, "Multilevel inverter for grid-connected PV system employing digital PI controller," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 56, no. 1, pp. 149–158, Jan. 2009. [4] S. J. Park, F. S. Kang, M. H. Lee, and C. U. Kim, "A new single-phase five level PWM inverter employing a deadbeat control scheme," IEEE Trans, Power Electron. vol. 18, no. 18, pp. 831–843, May 2003. [5] Y. Liu, H. Hong, and A. Q. Huang, "Real-time calculation of switching angles minimizing THD for multilevel inverters with step modulation," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 285–293, Feb. 2009. S.Selvakumar, A.Vinothkumar, M.Vigneshkumar |
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125. | Single-Beam Z-Scan Measurement of the Third-Order Optical Nonlinearities of Ethidium Bromide
Single-Beam Z-Scan Measurement of the Third-Order Optical Nonlinearities of Ethidium BromideAbstract: Organic dyes are very attractive optical materials for photonics and biophotonic applications. To quantitatively characterize their third-order nonlinear coefficients we have performed the experiments of Ethidium bromide dye dissolved in double distilled water using a diode laser beam at 473 nm wavelength and 4.5 mW power. The effect of nonlinearity of Ethidium bromide dye in broadening the laser beam is observed. The nonlinear absorption coefficient is calculated using the open aperture Z-scan data, while its nonlinear refractive index is measured using the closed aperture Z-scan data. The third order nonlinearity χ(3) is measured using Z-scan data. Real and imaginary parts of the third-order nonlinear optical susceptibility χ(3) are changed significantly with concentration.Key words: Optical limiting, nonlinear refraction index , Z-scan . Reference [1] J. L. Bredas , C. Adant , P. Tackx , A. Persoons and B. M.Pierce.Third-order Nonlinear Optical Response in Organic Materials : Theoretical and Experimental Aspects, Chem. Rev.94 (1), 1994,243-278. [2] V. Pandey, S. K. Tripathi A. Kumar, Optical band gap and optical constant in Se85Te15- SPbX Thin Films,Chalcogenide Letters 2(5), 2005,39- 44. [3] P. Poornesh , S. Shettigar , G. Umesh, K.B.Manjunatha , K. Prakash Kamath, B.K. Sarojini and B. Narayana, Nonlinear optical studies on 1,3-disubstituent chalcones doped polymer films, Optical Materials 31,2009, 854–859. [4] K. Oe, Y. Toyoshima and H. Nagai, A reversible optical transition in SeXGe and PXSeXGe glasses, J. Non-crystalline. Solids 20(3) ,1976, 405-411. [5] S. H. Wemple and M. DiDomenico, Behavior of the electronic dielectric constant in ionic materials, Physical Reviews B3,1971,1338-1351. Noor Al-Huda S.Yakop, Hussain A. Badran |
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126. | Low Power High Speed Folded Cascode Amplifier With PMOS Inputs
Low Power High Speed Folded Cascode Amplifier With PMOS InputsAbstract: This paper presents the design of low power high speed folded Cascode amplifier with PMOS inputs. The design is carried out using LTSPICE tool in 180 nm CMOS technology.Reference [1] P. Phillip E Allen and Douglas R. Holdberg "CMOS analog circuit design" Oxford series. [2] Houda Daoud, Samir Ben Salem, Sonia Zouari,Mourad Loulou, "Folded Cascode OTA Design for Wide Band Applications", Design and Test of Integrated Systems in Nanoscale Technology, 2006. [3] Raghuwar Sharan Gautam, P. K. Jain, and D. S. Ajnar3 "Design of Low Voltage Folded Cascode Operational Transconductance. Amplifier with Optimum Range of Gain and GBW in 0.18μm Technology". Raghuwar Sharan Gautam,P. K. Jain,D. S. Ajnar/ International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) Vol. 2, Issue 1,Jan-Feb 2012. [4] M. Banu, J. M. Khoury, and Y. Tsividis, "Fully Differential Operational Amplifier with Accurate Output Balancing," IEEE Journal of Solid State circuits, Vol. 23, No. 6, pp. December 1990. [5] Arash Ahmadpour, Pooya orkzadeh" An Enhanced Bulk-Driven Folded-Cascode Amplifier in 0.18 μm CMOS Technology" Circuits and Systems, 2012, 3, 187-19 doi:10.4236/cs.2012.32025 Published Online [6] Swati Kundra1, Priyanka Soni2 and Anshul Kundra "Low Power Folded Cascode OTA "International Journal of VLSI design & Communication Systems (VLSICS) Vol.3, No.1, February 2012 B. Krishna, D. Arun kumar |
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127. | A Review on ZIGBEE Smart Energy Implementation for Energy Efficient Building
A Review on ZIGBEE Smart Energy Implementation for Energy Efficient BuildingAbstract: The consumption of energy in residential buildings is increasing day by day due to the use of various advanced technologies and therefore represents a potential source of energy savings. The use of smart energy management system can assist in reducing the energy usage in an efficient way.This paper gives a review of a smart energy system in the development of an energy efficient management system for residential building using ARM7 and ZigBee. A Home section or Device unit is developed using four different devices (or household appliances) with an auxiliary load (device which is occasionally used) each connected to the ARM7 microcontroller unit respectively. The priority modes are given to the four devices as specified by the user. The auxiliary load is provided with reference wattage such that if the power value of auxiliary load goes beyond this reference wattage then the four devices will be switched according to the priorities given to them in the specified modes. The controlling action and selection of modes can be done at the monitoring unit through ZigBee communication. Thus, a smart system can be developed for energy efficiency in a building.Key words: ARM7, ATmega8, μVision, RISC, ZigBee. Reference [1] Sangeeta Modi, Ritu Naiya and Shaik Shabana "Intelligent Energy Management System For Residential Buildings Based on ZigBee Technology" International Journal of Power System Operation and Energy Management ISSN (PRINT): 2231 - 4407, Volume-2, Issue-1, 2. [2] Sunghoi Park, Myeong-in Choi, Byeongkwan Kang, Sehyun Park "Design and Implementation of Smart Energy Management System for Reducing Power Consumption using ZigBee Wireless Communication Module" The 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Energy Information Technology (SEIT 2013) Procedia Computer Science 19 (2013) 662 - 668. [3] Cengiz Gezer, and Chiara Buratti "A ZigBee Smart Energy Implementation for Energy Efficient Buildings" IEEE 2011 [4] Dae-Man Han and Jae-Hyun Lim Member , IEEE "Design and Implementation of Smart Home Energy Management Systems based on ZigBee" IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 56 , No. 3, August 2010. [5] Dae-Man Han and Jae-Hyun Lim Member , IEEE "Smart Home Energy Management System using IEEE 802.15.4 and ZigBee" IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 56 , No. 3, August 2010 . Aniket V. Patil, Prof. U. A. Rane |
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128. | Growth and Optical, Thermal and Electrical Characterization of LHC-LHB Mixed Crystals
Growth and Optical, Thermal and Electrical Characterization of LHC-LHB Mixed CrystalsAbstract: Mixed crystals of L-Histidine Hydrochloride-bromide (abbreviated as LHC-LHB), semi organic nonlinear optical (NLO) materials, have been successfully grown by the slow solvent evaporation technique at room temperature. Transparent crystals were obtained over a period of 25 days. The ten grown crystals were characterized structurally, optically, thermally, mechanically and electrically. Lattice parameters of the grown crystals were determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. UV–Vis-NIR spectra were recorded to estimate the UV cut-off wavelength and transmission range. Second harmonic generation study confirms the NLO property. Thermal stability and decomposition of the crystals have been studied by TG/DTA analysis. Micro hardness measurement indicates that all the crystals grown exhibit normal indentation size effect. The frequency and temperature dependence of dielectric constant (εr), dielectric loss (tan δ) and AC conductivity (ζac ) were also studied. Photoconductivity measurement was also carried out to.Key words: Mixed crystals, Crystal growth, SXRD analysis, UV-Vis-NIR spectra, Thermal analysis, Photoconductivity, Dielectric properties. Reference [1] P.N. Prasad, D.J. Williams, Introduction to nonlinear optical effects in molecules and polymers, John Wiley Interscience, New York.(1991). [2] S.P. Velsko, Laser program Annual Report, ,Lawrence UCRL-JC-105000 (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California.1990) [3] L.F.Warren, proceedings of the Fourth International SAMPE Electronics Conference, (ed.) R.E.Allred, R.J.Martinez and W.D.Wischmann (society for the advancement of material and process engineering, Covina, ca., 4(1990)388.] [4] Bhat M. N. and Dharmaprakash S. M., J. Cryst. Growth,Vol. 235,2002, pp. 511. [5] Bhat M. N. and Dharmaprakash S. M. 'Growth of optical nonlinear γ- glysine crystals' J. Cryst. Growth Vol.236,2002, pp. 376-380. J. Suja Rani, K. Jaya kumari, and C. K. Mahadevan |
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129. | Probabilistic Models for Data Collection in Wireless Sensor
Networks – A Comparative Analysis
Probabilistic Models for Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Networks – A Comparative AnalysisAbstract: Applying machine learning techniques in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) has always been a topic of interest for all. Various techniques can be applied for collection of data from various sensor nodes which detect events such as fire. This paper explains and analyses various techniques such as regression, clustering, Bayesian networks and classification with their variants. At the end we have given a detailed comparison in tabular form.Key words: Bayesian network, clustering, neural network, regression, wireless sensor network. Reference [1] A. Ahmad, K. Latif, N. Javaidl, Z. Khan, and U. Qasim, "Density controlled divide-and-rule scheme for energy efficient routing in wireless sensor networks," in Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE), 2013 26th Annual IEEE Canadian Conference on. IEEE, 2013, pp. 1–4. [2] X. Xing, D. Xie, and G.Wang, "Data gathering and processing for largescale wireless sensor networks," in Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks (MSN), 2013 IEEE Ninth International Conference on. IEEE, 2013, pp. 354–358. [3] M. Sabokrou, M. Fathy, and M. Hosseini, "Mobile target tracking in non-overlapping wireless visual sensor networks using neural networks," in Computer and Knowledge Engineering (ICCKE), 2013 3th International eConference on. IEEE, 2013, pp. 309–314. [4] S. Dhivya and S. M. Kumar, "Cluster based approximate data collection for wireless sensor networks," in Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI), 2013 International Conference on. IEEE, 2013, pp. 1–4. [5] Z. Liu, W. Xing, Y. Wang, and D. Lu, "An energy-efficient data collection scheme for wireless sensor networks," in Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT), 2013 15th International Conference on. IEEE, 2013, pp. 60–65. Aditi Kansal, Mrityunjay Sharma |
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130. | Effect of Atmospheric Pressure Glow Discharge Treatment on Polymerization of Acrylic Fabric and Its Printing Behavior
Effect of Atmospheric Pressure Glow Discharge Treatment on Polymerization of Acrylic Fabric and Its Printing BehaviorAbstract: Acrylic fibers have been treated by atmospheric pressure glow discharge (APGD) plasma in open air to enhance surface antistatic properties. The treated surfaces are investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier-Transition Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and Atomic Force Microscope (AFM). Plasma treatment of acrylic fabric has been found to increase the surface roughness, modify the nature and density of surface functionalities, and drastically improve the wettability and antistatic ability of acrylic fibers.Key words: Atmospheric pressure glow discharge, acrylic treatment, printing properties, polymerization. Reference [1] Bird CL& Boston WS (1975). The theory of Coloration of Textiles. London: Dyers Company Publications Trust. [2] Munn DM (1979). The dyeing of synthetic-polymer and acetate fibers. England: Dyers Company Publications Trust. [3] Kamel M.M, Helmy H.M, Mashly H.M& Kafafy H.H (2010). Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 17 92-97. [4] David R& Geoffrey H (1990). The Chemistry and Application of Dyes, New York and London, 165-166 (Chapter 5). [5] Reda M. El-Shishtawy, Nassar S.H.& Nahed S.E. (2007). Dyes and Pigments 74 215-222. D M El-Zeer, A.A. EL-Halwagy, M.A. EL-Kashouty, H.M. Ahmed, F. F.Elakshar and A A Garamoon |
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131. | Bilateral Symmetry Information for Brain Tumor Detection
Bilateral Symmetry Information for Brain Tumor DetectionAbstract: Image segmentation is used to separate an image into several "meaningful" parts. It is an old research topic, which started around 1970, but there is still no robust solution toward it. There are two main reasons; the first is that the content variety of images is too large, and the second one is that there is no benchmark standard to judge the performance. Various subjects that are paired usually are not identically the same, asymmetry is perfectly normal but sometimes asymmetry can benoticeable too much. Structural and functional asymmetry in the human brain and nervous system is reviewed in a historical perspective. Brain asymmetry is one of such examples, which is a difference in size or shape, or both. Asymmetry analysis of brain has great importance because it is not only indicator for brain cancer but also predict future potential risk for the same. In our work, we have concentrated to segment the anatomical regions of brain, isolate the two halves of brain and to investigate each half for the presence of asymmetry of anatomical regions in MRI.Key words: MRI, Asymmetry Relation, Region of Interest Reference [1] Yu-Ning Liu Chung-Han Huang, Wei-Lun Chao, "DIP: Final project report Image segmentation based on the normalized cut framework", Volume-2, pp124-189. [2] Chin-Ya Huang, Mon-Ju Wu , "Image Segmentation", ECE 533 Final Project, Fall 2006 University of Wisconsin- Madison, pp 1-3. [3] B. Peng, L. Zheng and J. Yang, "Iterated Graph Cuts for Image Segmentation", Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV'09), Xi'an, China, September 2009, pp.23-27. [4] Sharma, G., Yrzel, M.J., Trussel, H.J. " Color imaging for multimedia" , Proceedings of the IEEE, 86(6), 1998, pp- 1088-1108. [5] Wenbing Tao, Hai, Yimin Zhang Jin, "Color Image Segmentation Based on Mean Shift and Normalized Cuts", IEEE Trans. On System Man and Cybernetics-Part B, Volume 37, No. 5, Oct 2007, pp-1382-1389. Krunal J Pimple, Asst. Prof.Prateek Nahar, Dr.Sanjay Thakur, Rajesh Patil |
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132. | Review on Implementation of 5S in Various Organization
Review on Implementation of 5S in Various OrganizationAbstract: This paper explains the methods and techniques of 5 S uses to increase the efficiency of all processes in the company. Special emphasis will be given to the implementation of 5S system and elimination of losses in the company. It can be observed that introducing the 5S rules bring the great changes in the company, for example: process improvement by costs‟ reduction, increasing of effectiveness and efficiency in the processes, maintenance and improvement of the machines‟ efficiency, safety, security, quality and reduction of the industry pollution, proceedings according to decisions. The 5S methodology permits to analyze the processes running on the workplace and establishment of 5Ssustaining well organized, clean, high effective and high quality workplace. Research clearly show, that very essential is training of workers about the 5S rules. Essential thing is to divide activities on some main steps and to maintain the continuous improvement. This method can be used in all companies. Its result is the effective organization of the workplace.Key words: 5S implementation, elimination of waste, quality improvement. Reference [1] Shahryar Sorooshian, Meysam Salimi, Shanthi Bavani, Hasti Aminattaheri, Experience of 5S Implementation, Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 8(7), 2012, 3855-3859. [2] DeryaSevimKorkut, NevzatCakıcıer, E.SedaErdinler, GökselUlay and AhmetMuhlisDogan, 5S activities and its application at a sample company, African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 8 (8), 20 April, 2009, 1720-1728. [3] J. Michalska, D. Szewieczek, The 5S methodology as a tool for improving the organisation, Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, Volume 24(2), October 2007, 211-214. [4] ArashGhodrati, NorzimaZulkifli, The Impact of 5S Implementation on Industrial Organizations' Performance, International Journal of Business and Management Invention, vol.2(3), 2013, 43-49. [5] Jose H. Ablanedo-Rosas, Bahram Alidaee, Juan Carlos Moreno and Javier Urbina Quality improvement supported by the 5S, an empirical case study of Mexican organisations, International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 48 (23), 1 December 2010, 7063–7087. Vipulkumar C. Patel, Dr. Hemant Thakkar |
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133. | Combustion and Vibration Analysis of Idi- Diesel Engine Fuelled With Neat Preheated Jatropha Methyl Ester
Combustion and Vibration Analysis of Idi- Diesel Engine Fuelled With Neat Preheated Jatropha Methyl EsterAbstract: Experimentation is conducted on an IDI diesel engine and the results of combustion and vibration on IDI -Diesel engine fueled with the preheated Jatropha Methyl Ester (JME) are presented. The Present research trend is to replace conventional diesel by renewable alternative fuels in view of fast depletion of petroleum reserves and to reduce the exhaust emissions from the engines without altering the basic design of the engine. Due to moderately higher viscosity effects, the direct use of biodiesel in C.I. engines is limited to 20% and the limitation is based on the NO emission also. In this work, the biodiesel is preheated using on line electronically controlled electrical preheating system before it enters into the injector. Experiments are conducted on a four stroke single cylinder IDI engine to find combustion and vibration characteristics of the engine with the preheated Jatropha Methyl Ester (JME) heated to temperatures viz. 60,70,80,90 and 1000C. Normally thin oils due to heating may trigger fast burning leading to either detonation or knocking of the engine. This can be predicted by recording vibration on the cylinder head in different directions. The cylinder vibrations in the form of FFT and time waves have been analyzed to estimate the combustion propensity. Experiments are done using diesel, biodiesel and biodiesel at different preheated temperatures and for different engine loading conditions keeping the speed constant at 15000C proved encouraging in all respects.Key words: IDI engine, JME, preheating, Biodiesel, combustion, emission, vibration. Reference [1] K.M. Chikahisa and T. Murayama, Investigation on the Simultaneous Reduction of Particulate & NOx by Controlling Both the Turbulence & the Mixture Formation in DI Diesel Engine, SAE Paper (1993) No. 932797. [2] D. Y. Jeung and J. T. Lee, A development of ultra high pressure injection equipment for study on diesel spray characteristics with ultra high pressure,Trans. of KSAE, 11 (5) (2003) 50-59. [3] A.LBoehman, J. Song and M. Alam, Impact of biodiesel blending on diesel soot and the regeneration of particulate filters, Energy & Fuels, 19 (2005) 1857-1864. [4] A. Tsolakis, Effects on particle size distribution from the diesel engine operating on RME- biodiesel with EGR, Energy & Fuels,20 (2006) 1418-1424 [5] O.stman, and HannuT.Toivonen Fredrik, Torsional system parameter identification of internal combustion engines under normal operation Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing (2010) 1110-1117. Y.Ashok Kumar Reddy*, B. V. Appa Rao |
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134. | Intelligent Monitoring System For Carbon Monoxide Poisoning And Leakage In Mines
Intelligent Monitoring System For Carbon Monoxide Poisoning And Leakage In MinesAbstract: This paper presents a feasibility study of a wearable helmet in order to protect mine workers specially of goldmines from carbon monoxide poisoning and cyanidation. Carbon monoxide(CO) poisoning is a common problem faced by the workers of coal, gold and many other mines. On the other hand cyanidation problem occurs in gold mines only during ore processing. Current safety systems for mine workers, only monitors environmental concentrations of gas. This is insufficient because toxic exposures effects people at different levels based on their immunity levels. During mining process CO can be emitted which is a odorless gas and lighter than air, it cannot be sensed by workers and effects the hemoglobin range in the body so a CO gas sensor is implemented here in order to detect CO, if the density of CO exceeds inside the mines then the exhaust fan can be switched ON automatically. The key feature of this system is pulse oximetery sensor which will be checking the health parameters of each and every person employed there. During ore processing sodium cyanide is added to the ore in order to extract the gold from its ore which is a acidic substance. If acidity increases beyond a certain level then system will automatically pump sodium hydroxide into the ore to make it less acidic. All these three parameters will be displayed on LCD in the central location which will contain buzzer also for emergency. So in this system we are monitoring three parameters of workers as compare to one in previous systems and hence the security of workers is enhanced.Key words: Cyanidation; Pulse oximetery. Reference [1] S. Dorevitch, L. Forst, L. Conroy, and P. Levy, "Toxic inhalation fatalities in US construction workers, 1990 to 1999,J.Occup. Environn. Med., vol. 44, pp. 657–662, Jul. 2002. [2] Preventing CO Poisoning from Small Gasoline-Powered Engines and Tools and NIOSH, 1996. [3] A. Nagre and Y. Mendelson, "Effects of motion artifacts on pulse oximeter readings from different facial regions," in Proc. IEEE 31st Annu. Northeast Bioeng. Conf., Apr. 2005, pp. 220–222. [4] Design of Pulse Oximeters, J. G. Webster, Ed. New York : Taylor Francis, 1997. [5] M. J. Ellenhorn, Ellenhorn's Medical Toxicology. Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins, 1997, ch. 66, pp. 1465–1476. Anshul Thakur, G. Kalaimagal |
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135. | Assessment of Active Queue Management Algorithms by Using NS2 Simulator
Assessment of Active Queue Management Algorithms by Using NS2 SimulatorAbstract: Network security has become very important and foremost issue for the personal computer users, organizations, business and military. With the advent of internet, security has become the major concern. The main objective of this research is to simulate and analyze the effect of queuing algorithms RED and DROPTAIL with CPR on the TCP targeted LDDoS attack flows. LDDoS attack is more vulnerable to the network traffic than the classic DDoS attacks as they are difficult to identify. We use network simulator ns-2 to implement the network and investigate the behaviors of queuing algorithms in the network. The performance metrics of the comparison are average delay and packet drop. CPR based approach is used to detect and filter attacks. The test-bed experiments are conducted to analyze the performance of this approach which is compared to the existing DFT approach.Key words: DROPTAIL, RED, REM, NS2, QUEUE MANAGEMENT ALGORITHMS. Reference [1] Changwang Zhang, Zhiping Cai, Weifeng Chen, Xiapu Luo, Jianping Yin, Flow level detection and filtering of low-rate DDoS, Computer Networks 56 (2012) 3417–3431 [2] Monowar H. Bhuyan, H. J. Kashyap1, D. K. Bhattacharyya and J. K. Kalita, Detecting Distributed Denial of Service Attacks: Methods, Tools and Future Directions, The Computer Journal. [3] Christos Douligeris, Aikaterini Mitrokotsa, DDoS attacks and defense mechanisms: classification and state-of-the-art, Computer Networks 44 (2004) 643–666 . [4] Mohit Agrawal,Navneet Tiwari,Lalla Atul Singh Chaurasia and Jatan Saraf, Performance Analysis and QoS Assessment of Queues over Multi-Hop Networks, International Symposium on Computing, Communication, and Control (ISCCC 2009) Proc .of CSIT vol.1 (2011) [5] Santosh Kumar, Abhinav Bhandari, A.L. Sangal and Krishan Kumar Saluja, Queuing Algorithms Performance against Buffer Size and Attack Intensities, Global Journal of Business Management and Information Technology. Volume 1, Number 2 (2011), pp. 141-157 Kamal Preet Kaur, Navdeep Kaur, Gurjeevan Singh |
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136. | Abiding IPRs in Technological Implications for Pakistan
Abiding IPRs in Technological Implications for PakistanAbstract: The focal objective of this article is to analyze the role of intellectual property rights in technological implications within a general context. The performance of the IPRs system and its interaction with national innovation system with some degrees of success has also been highlighted. Major encounter over subsequently decade will be to identify policies and solutions that would permit marketplace economy to flourish in the framework of this intellectual property insurrection. There has been a lot of dispute on the role of intellectual property protection regime specially in fostering innovation, technology development of a country. IPRs are expected to emboli the innovation, by rewarding inventor with a grant of domination rights over the mercantile exploitation for a specified time period. This article tries to attempts to review the role of the IPR regime in technological development and also have suggested some policy implications for country like Pakistan and some reflecting lessons for other developing countries with similar settings and common characteristics.Key words: Intellectual Property Rights, Knowledge, Assets, Innovations, Benefits. Reference [1] Juma. S, "Intellectual Property Rights and Globalization": Implications for Developing Countries, Center for International Development discussion paper, November 2012, Harvard University, USA. [2] D. Archibugi,B. Lundvall (Eds.), The Globalising Learning Economy, Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford, 2009, United kingdom. [3] Schmidt, K and Raymund Werle. Coordinating technology Studies International Standardization of Telecommunications. MIT: 40 J, ECON. 345, 353 (2010), Cambridge University Press, UK. [4] J. Michie., "Formulating Effective Pro-Development National Intellectual Property Policies", Paper presented in ICTSD dialogue, Bellagio Conference Center, 2012, Italy. [5] Lach, J., W.H. Mangione-Smith, and M. Potkonjak, "Low overhead faulttolerant FPGA systems," IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems, 2008 (special issue on FPGAs), Helsinki, Finland. Murtaza Hussain Shaikh, Ievet S.Karlson, Noor Ahmed Ansari, Mahreen Jurial Khan, Dai Xiaoling |
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137. | Recognization of Satellite Images of Large Scale Data Based on Map- Reduce Framework
Recognization of Satellite Images of Large Scale Data Based on Map- Reduce FrameworkAbstract: Today in the world of cloud and grid computing integration of data from heterogeneous databases is inevitable.This will become complex when size of the database is very large. M-R is a new framework specifically designed for processing huge datasets on distributed sources. Apache's Hadoop is an implementation of M-R.Currently Hadoop has been applied successfully for file based datasets. This project proposes to utilize the parallel and distributed processing capability of Hadoop M-R for handling Images on large datasets.The presented methodology of land-cover recognition provides a scalable solution for automatic satellite imagery analysis, especially when GIS data is not readily available, or surface change may occur due to catastrophic events such as flooding, hurricane, and snow storm, etc.Here,we are using algorithms such as Image Differentiation,Image Duplication,Zoom-In,Gray-Scale.Index Terms: Map-Reduce (M-R), HDFS(Hadoop Distributed File System) ,HIPI(Hadoop Image Processing Interface) Reference [1] J. Dean and S. Ghemawat, Mapreduce: Simplified data processing on large clusters, Communications of the ACM, vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 107-113, Jan. 2008. [2] T. White, Hadoop: The Definitive Guide, 2nd ed. O'Reilly Media / Yahoo Press, 2010. [3] J. Talbot, R. M. Yoo, and C. Kozyrakis, Phoenix++: Modular mapreduce for shared-memory systems, in Proc. of the Second International Workshop on MapReduce and Its Applications, New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2011, pp. 9- 16. [4] B. He, W. Fang, Q. Luo, N. K. Govindaraju, and T. Wang, Mars: A mapreduce framework on graphics processors, in Proc. of the 17th International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques, New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2008, pp. 260-269. [5] J. Ekanayake, H. Li, B. Zhang, T. Gunarathne, S.-H. Bae, J. Qiu, and G. Fox, Twister: A runtime for iterative mapreduce, in Proc. of the 19th ACM Int. Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing, New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2010, pp. 810-818. Vidya Jadhav, Harshada Nazirkar, Sneha Idekar, Prof. P.A. Bandgar |
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138. | Web Content Flexibility through Mobile App
Web Content Flexibility through Mobile AppAbstract: E-commerce is very efficient & effective, but it needs programming knowledge to manage.many small organizations do not have human resource for this task and cannot support cost for hiring programmers or tech-support.thus, many applications providers create CMS apps to enable the e-commerce website to be created and with friendly UI. By developing iOS app WCFMA, it can handle this dynamic nature of content manipulation. WCFMA is specifically designed to enable non-technical users,to modify the existing contents as and when required in an intuitive and real-time fashion.and instead of downloading or capturing product images to be displayed on websites from separate camera devices,take it from the mobile device(iphone) itself and edit the image like never before in the app and once done upload it on the web server. The website will fetch this updated images and display i tat an appropriate location.it will efficiently serve to dynamically manage websites of buisness whitch needs to change their web content at regular intervals where the owner or staff of the organization can handle their website from their iphone app.Key words: App(Mobile Application),ios(Apple's operating system),CMS(Content Management System), UI(User Interface),WCMS(Web Content Management System), WCFMA(Web Content Flexibility through mobileapp)… Reference [1]. Yukong Zhang, "WFCMS: An excellent web content management system", Multimedia Technology (ICMT), 2011 International Conference, Hangzhou, 26-28 July 2011, 3305 - 3307 [2]. Nath, M., Arora, "Content management system : Comparative case study", A. Software Engineering and Service Sciences (ICSESS), 2010 IEEE International Conference,Beijing,16-18 July 2010, 624 - 627 [3]. Nuo Li , Mao-zhong Jin and Yu-Qing Lan, "A lightweight multimedia Web content management system", Information Reuse and Integration, 2004. IRI 2004. Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Conference, 8-10 Nov. 2004, 85 - 90 [4]. He Liduo and Chen Yan, "Design and implementation of Web Content Management System by J2EE-based three-tier architecture Applying in maritime and shipping business", Information Management and Engineering (ICIME), 2010 The 2nd IEEE International Conference, Chengdu,16-18 April 2010, 513 - 517 Sana Pathan, Rajeshri Khairnar, Monika Kanade, Sanyuja Karwal |
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139. | Optimum Operating Conditions for Epoxidation Reaction of Jojoba and Castor Oils
Optimum Operating Conditions for Epoxidation Reaction of Jojoba and Castor OilsAbstract: The goal of this paper is to determine the best set of parameters such as, glacial acetic acid to ethylenic unsaturation mole ratio (acid/ethylene), hydrogen peroxide to ethylenic unsaturation mole ratio (H2O2/ethylene) and temperature on epoxidation conversion based on experimental results, with respect to time. The effect of these parameters has been studied in a separate set of experiments. Their ranges were as follows: 0.2-0.8Wt%, 0.75-3Wt%, and 40oC-80oC respectively. Six models have been introduced to indicate the effect of these three variables on conversion for both jojoba and castor oil, and the prediction abilities of the resultant models were tested. Regression analysis is used to extract the introduced non linear models. In addition, two new correlations have been introduced to incorporate all the studied variables and their effect on conversion simultaneously for both jojoba and castor oil. An optimization program has been introduced to determine the optimum operating conditions for maximum conversion for both jojoba and castor oil. The study shows that, the maximum conversion for epoxidized jojoba oil (66%) could be achieved at acid/ethylene ratio: 0.4, H2O2/ethylene ratio: 1.44; temp: 66.5 and time is 8hr. While the maximum conversion for epoxidized castor oil (53.24%) could be achieved at acid/ethylene ratio: 0.37; H2O2/ethylenes ratio: 1.32; temp: 61 and time is 8hr. the model results are strongly agreed with the experimental results.Key words: Acetic acid, Castor Oil; Epoxidation Reaction; Jojoba Oil; Optimization Reference [1] El-Adly, R. A., Bedier, A. H. and Modather F H. Biobased Greases from Chemically Modified Vegetable Oils., 16th Conferece for Petroleum Mineral Resources and Development., 10-12 Feb, 2013, EPRI, Cairo- Egypt. [2] El-Adly, R. A., Producing multigrade lubricating greases from animal and vegetable fat by-products. , J. Synthetic Lubrication, 16-4, 1999, 323-332. [3] Malchev, I. Plant-Oil-Based Lubricants, (Department of Plant Agriculture, Ontario Agriculture College, University of Guelph. Canada 2006). [4] Kodali, D. R., High Performance Ester Lubricants from Natural Oils. Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, 54, 2002, 165-170. [5] Fox, N. J. and Stachowiak, G. W. Vegetable Oil-Based Lubricants- A Review of Oxidation. Tribology International, 40, 2007, 1035-1046. El-Adly R. A., Shoaib A. M., Enas A. Ismail., Modather .F |
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140. | SCIWARS Android App for Women Safety
SCIWARS Android App for Women SafetyAbstract: Every human on this planet is working hard for a comfortable living and wants to safeguard his investment that he has made in his day to day work. Ultimately, at the end of the day we all seek for security of life and our belongings. The major question to ask your self is we really secure?The world is not perfect and we are susceptible to the dangers that exist in the society hence the urge to feel protected and safe is fulfilled by the use of hidden cameras. A hidden spy video camera can be available anywhere. We should be conscious about this aspect, because we might be in a particular place, where our actions will be recorded without us being aware of it.Unfortunately, the very reasons that make this device so effective can also lead to it's misuse by some. Sex scandals involving women and children have occurred due to being recorded illegally. Profits are made through exploiting this to others whose actions have been monitored by a hidden camera. Victims‟ lives are bust through the same technology that should have been used to make people feel secure.There should be some way or technique which can help the person from spy cameras to maintain their privacy. So we have to propose SCIWARS(Spy Camera Identification And Women Attack Rescue System) intelligent alerts system which will help to prevent from being victim of any kind of attack or spy cameras. This system contains two modules, first module will detect Hidden cameras, which are hidden in hotels room, changing rooms. The second module will helps victims from attack like physical violence, if victims feels unsecure and helpless at any time then by pressing any key of her mobile continuously the alert message is send to nearest police control room, family, Ambulance, Friends which are in emergency list that alert message will contains the entire location of that victims place and images of that location which are taken by camera of her mobile. This will helps victims to avoid attack and it also helps to police to reach that place as fast as possible for provide help to victim and save her from attack.Key words: GPS Terminology, Audio Recording, Auto Call Receiving System, GPS Tracker. Reference [1] Munesh Chandra DIT, School of Engg., Vikrant Gupta R.K.G.I.T., Santosh Kr. Paul, R.K.G.I.T. "A Statistical approach for Automatic Text Summarization by Extraction", International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies, IEEE 2011 [2] Samadhan R. Manore, Computer Science Department, Shivaji University. "Email Document Summarization Using Statistical Approach".International Advance Computing Conference (IACC 2009), IEEE 2009 [3] "Fightback" Android App Developed By CanvasM Technologies, 26 June 2013,"http://www.fightbackmobile.com/welcome" [4] "Guardly" Android App Developed By GuardlyCorp.,28 January 2014, https://www.guardly.com/ [5] "OnWatch" Android App Developed ByOnWatch, 10 November 2012"https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.onwatch". VaijayantiPawar, Prof. N.R.Wankhade, DipikaNikam, KanchanJadhav, NehaPathak |
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141. | Comparative Studies on Simultaneous Biodegradation of Phenol and Cyanide Using Different Strains
Comparative Studies on Simultaneous Biodegradation of Phenol and Cyanide Using Different StrainsAbstract: Removal of pollutants like phenol and cyanide is a serious environmental concern. Widespread studies on the biodegradation of phenol and cyanide have been carried out to overcome the environmental problems. This study provides an overview on the biological degradation of phenol and cyanide by isolated strain S.odorifera. For comparison three strains namely, A. chroococuum, E. coli and P. putida were also used for the degradation of phenol and cyanide. In this study, the effect of initial concentration of phenol and cyanide on their removal and biomass concentration was studied. It was observed that amongst these four bacteria percentage removal of phenol and cyanide, was found to be maximum for S. odorifera. The maximum tolerance level of phenol and cyanide for S. odorifera was found to be 1500 mg/l and 150 mg/l respectively. It was also concluded from this study that, the bacteria S. odorifera was capable simultaneous removal of phenol and cyanide i.e., 88.26% and 99.85% respectively.Key words: Biodegradation, Environmental concern, Phenol, Cyanide, Simultaneous removal Reference [1] A. Akcil, ―Destruction of cyanide in gold mill effluents: Biological versus chemical treatments‖, Biotechnol. Adv., 21. 501–511,2003. [2] G. Busca, S.Berardinelli, C.Resini, and L.Arright, ―Technologies for removal of phenol from fluid streams: a short review on recent developments‖, J. Hazard. Mater., 160(2-3), 265-288,2008. [3] ATSDR, Agency for toxic substances and Disease Registry, Public Health Statement, Cyanide.http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/toxprofiles/tp.asp?id=72&tid=19,2006. [4] ATSDR, Agency for toxic substances and Disease Registry, Toxicological profile for phenol, US, Department of Health and Human Service. [5] A.Mittal, , L. Krishnan, and V. K. Gupta, ―Use of waste materials—Bottom Ash and De-Oiled Soya, as potential adsorbents for the removal of Amaranth from aqueous solutions‖, J. of Hazard. Mater., 117, 171-178,2005. Neetu Singh, Bhumica Agarwal and C. B.Majumder |
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142. | Fingerprint Feature Extraction Algorithm
Fingerprint Feature Extraction AlgorithmAbstract: The goal of this paper is to design an efficient Fingerprint Feature Extraction (FFE) algorithm to extract the fingerprint features for Automatic Fingerprint Identification Systems (AFIS). FFE algorithm, consists of two major subdivisions, Fingerprint image preprocessing, Fingerprint image postprocessing. A few of the challenges presented in an earlier are, consequently addressed, in this paper. The proposed algorithm is able to enhance the fingerprint image and also extracting true minutiae.Key words: Biometrics, Fingerprint Enhancement, Multistage Median Filter (MMF), Top & Miss Transformation, Minutiae Reference [1] I. Emiroglu, M.B. Akhan, University of Hertforshire, UK, "Pre-Processing of Fingerprint Images" in European Conference on Security and Detection, 28-30 April 1997, Conference Publication No. 437. [2] Marius Tico, Pauli Kuosmanen, Tamper University of Technology, Finland, "An Algorithm for fingerprint Image Postprocessing", 0-7803-6514-3/00. [3] Virginia Espinosa, Polytechnic University of Catalonia, " Fingerprints Thinning Algorithm", IEEE AES Systems Magazine, September 2003. [4] Virginia Espinosa-Dur6, Polytechnic University of Catalonia, "Minutiae Detection Algorithm for Fingerprint Recognition", CICYT TIC2000-1669-C04-02. [5] D. Simon-Zorita, J. Ortega-Garcia, S. Cruz-Llanas and J. Gonzalez-Rodriguez," Minutiae Extraction scheme for fingerprint recognition systems" 0-7803-6725-1. Mehala. G |
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143. | Performance Analysis of Styrene Butadiene Rubber-Latex on Cement Concrete Mixes
Performance Analysis of Styrene Butadiene Rubber-Latex on Cement Concrete MixesAbstract: To improve the performance of concrete, polymers are mixed with concrete. It has been observed that polymer-modified concrete (PMC) is more durable than conventional concrete due to superior strength and high durability. In this research, effect of Styrene-Butadiene Rubber (SBR) latex on compressive strength and flexural strength of concrete has been studied and also the optimum polymer (SBR-Latex) content for concrete is calculated. This research was carried out to establish the effects of polymer addition on compressive and flexural strength using concrete with mix design of constant water-cement ratio at local ambient temperature. The mixes were prepared with Styrene-Butadiene Rubber (SBR) latex -cement ratio of 0 %, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20%. Slump test was conducted on fresh concrete while compressive strength and flexural strength were determined at different age. A locally available Perma-Latex is used as SBR Latex. It has been observed that SBR latex has negative effect at early age while at 28 days, the addition of SBR latex in concrete results in enhancement of compressive strength and Flexural Strength. Based on the results of this study, latex modified concrete made using Perma-Latex may be recommended to be used with various types of concrete structures. However, for the mixes rich in cement, the dosage of SBR latex needs to be adjusted to maintain required workability of concrete.Key words: Concrete; SBR Latex; slump; compressive strength; Flexural Strength. Reference [1] 1. "I.S: 10262-198". Recommended guidelines for concrete mix design, Bureau of Indian Standards, reaffirmed, New Delhi 1999 and IS: 456:2000 Indian standard recommended guidelines for concrete mix design. [2] "IS: 8112-1989". Specifications for 43-Grade Portland cement, Bureau of Indian Standards, and New Delhi, India. [3] "I.S: 516-1959". Method of test for strength of concrete, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, 1959. [4] "I.S:2386 (Part I, IV, VI)-1988". Indian standard Method of test for aggregate for concrte, Bureau of Indian Standards, Reaffirmed, New Delhi, 2000. [5] "IS: 1199-1959". Indian Standards Methods of Sampling and Analysis of Concrete, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, India. Kapil Soni, Dr. Y.P Joshi |
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144. | Energy Crisis: A Review
Energy Crisis: A ReviewAbstract: The impending energy crisis and climate change concerns coupled with the mounting oil prices and the depleting fossil fuel sources, have grabbed significant attention from around the globe toward the establishment of environment friendly, renewable, carbon-neutral alternative fuels to fulfil the growing energy demands. Bioenergy derived from the micro-organisms is of great interest in the present world‟s energy scenario due to its renewability. Fuel cells and batteries powered by various sources such as blood, urine, bacteria, viruses, mitochondria have been discussed herein. Energy from biomass and derived fuels like biodiesel, which is a promising candidate to replace fossil fuels as the primary transport energy source may also lead to an era of economic bloom and prosperity of the society. The batteries and fuels discussed in the composition could be the next-generation fuels and a breakthrough to a less polluted, better, greener society, the way we all dream our world to be!Key words: Alternative fuels, biodiesel, bioenergy, fossil fuels, renewability. Reference [1] UN News, "United Nations Department of economic and social affairs," 13 june 2013. [Online]. Available: https://www.un.org/en/development/desa/news/population/un-report-world-population-projected-to-reach-9-6-billion-by-2050.html. [Accessed 18 january 2014]. [2] "Earth-A Graphic look at the state of the world," The Global Education Project, [Online]. Available: http://www.theglobaleducationproject.org/earth/energy-supply.php. [3] D. E. Newton, World Energy Crisis: A Reference Handbook, ABC-CLIO, Incorporated, 2012, p. 334. [4] "Ineternational Energy Agency," 01 january 2013. [Online]. Available: http://www.iea.org/newsroomandevents/new s/2013/january/name,34527,en.html. [Accessed 2014 jaunuary 20]. [5] "International Energy Outlook 2013," U.S. Energy Information Administration, 25 july 2013. [Online]. Available: http://www.eia.gov/forecasts/ieo/world.cfm. [Accessed 21 january 2014]. Swati Pathak |
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145. | Simulation of Script Writing Robot in RRL Configuration (SCARA)
Simulation of Script Writing Robot in RRL Configuration (SCARA)Abstract: In a typical education system dealing with kindergarten, it is a practice to hold the hands of the child to teach him to write. In the same scenario where there is a ratio of 1:40, teachers vs. students, it is impractical to give individual attention. A teaching assistance robot will be very useful in this scenario. This project is about giving a possible solution to this problem by implementing a script writing robot. A simulation of a RRL (Revolute-Revolute-Linear) Tamil-script writing robot is done using MATLAB10 software. The Tamil script is a very complex script. It involves geometric figures like circle, cycloid, spiral, ellipse, etc... Hence, by studying Tamil scripts, other language scripts can be easily adapted. By implementing these types of script writing robots, a substantial amount of resources in terms of money and time are reduced. It will help every child to have a firm grasp on their basic education and improves the overall quality of teaching and learningKey words: MATLAB,RRL, Spirals Tamil script. Reference [1] http://www.learnaboutrobots.com/ [2] http://medialab.di.unipi.it/web/IUM/Waterloo/node157.html [3] http://www.alglib.net/interpolation/spline3.php [4] Brian R.Hunt, Ronald L. Lipsman and Jonathan M. Rosenberg. A Guide to MATLAB for beginners and experienced users. Newyork: Cambridge university press 2001 [5] Advances in Robot Kinematics - Jadran Lenarcic and Bernard Roth S. Bhagavathi Shankar, P.Raju, M.Arun |
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146. | Analysis Of Single Phase Matrix Converter
Analysis Of Single Phase Matrix ConverterAbstract: This paper presents concept of single phase matrix converter. Single phase matrix converter (SPMC) performs a function such as frequency changer, rectifier, inverter; chopper. This reduces the need for new converter hardware. Pulse width modulation (SPWM) techniques are used to calculate the switch duty ratio to synthesis the output. The simulation of converter is carried out in MATLAB/SIMULINK. Hardware design is obtained using readily available IC‟s and other components. This paper discusses the new multiple converter for single phase input using matrix topology using just a single control logic.Key words: Chopper, Cyclo-converter, Inverter, Matrix converter, MATLAB/SIMULINK. Reference [1] S.,Hamzah M.K., "Modelling and simulation of a single-phase AC-AC matrix converter using SPWM", Proc.of student Conference on Research and Development, SCOReD 2002, pp. 286-289, July 2002. [2] Zuckerberger A., Weinstock, D.andAlexandrovitz A., "Single-phase Matrix Converter", IEE Proc. ElectricPower App., pp. 235-240, July 1997. [3] Idris Z, Hamzah M.K. and Saidon M.F., "Implementation of Single-Phase Matrix Converter as a Direct AC-AC Converter with Commutation Strategies", Proc. of 37th IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, PESC "06, pp.1 – 7, 18-22 June 2006. [4] Idris Z, Noor S.Z.M. and Hamzah M.K., "Safe Commutation Strategy in Single-phase Matrix Converter", Proc. of IEEE Sixth International Conference PEDS 2005, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp. 886-891, 2005. [5] Baharom R., Hasim A.S.A, Hamzah M.K. and Omar M.F., "A New Single-Phase Controlled Rectifier Using Single-Phase Matrix Converter", Proc. of first International Power and Energy Conference PECon 2006, Putrajaya, Malaysia, pp. 453-459, November 2006. DivyaAhirrao, BhagyashriGaware, PrajaktaKakade, PratikshaKharade, Prof. Sandeep Chawda |
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147. | A case study on failure of a tunnel intake
A case study on failure of a tunnel intakeAbstract: This paper deals with the study of causes of failure of a tunnel during excavation and the design of pre-support system for proceeding the tunneling. The tunnel, 3396m long, driven by full face method, encountered a failure at the intake during the course of tunneling. Soil tests were carried out to identify the type of soil. The most probable reason for the failure was identified .A pre-support system known as pipe roofing or umbrella arch method was suggested to recover from failure and for proceeding the tunneling. It was modelled using Creo Parametric 1.0 and analysed using ANSYS 12.0 software. This paper concludes that pipe roofing is a practically feasible pre-supporting technique recommended at the site for carrying out further excavation by means of conventional method of tunneling.Key words: Tunnel failure, pre-support system, pipe roofing, Creo Parametric, ANSYS Reference [1]. Jerone.C.Neyer,(2013),Soft ground tunnel failure in Michigan,First International Conference on case Histories on Geotechnical Engineering. [2]. Sthubert.W,A contribution(2006) to the design of tunnel supported by a pipe roof in Golden Rocks,Collarado [3]. R.R.Usgoui, A.Poli, Challenging features in design and execution of a low overburden underpass-A case history from Malasia and north south highway. [4]. HannesGasjager,MarcusScholz, Pipe roofing features and applications. [5]. M.Pescara,Challenging features in design and execution of a low overburden underpass-A case history from Malasia and north south highway. Anniamma Chacko, Akhila Padanattil, Anju Gopan, Chandana Venugopal, Fasnamol T M |
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148. | Design and Implementation of Decoupling Network for Phased Array Antennas
Design and Implementation of Decoupling Network for Phased Array AntennasAbstract: Secure communications are highly demanded by many wireless sensor network (WSN) applications. The random key pre-distribution (RKP) scheme has become well accepted to achieve secure communications in WSNs. However, due to its randomness in key distribution and strong constraint in key path construction, the (RKP) scheme can only be applied in highly dense networks, which are not always feasible in practice. In this paper, we propose a methodology called network decoupling to solve this problem. With this methodology, a wireless sensor network is decoupled into a logical key-sharing network and physical neighborhood network, which significantly releases the constraint in key path construction of scheme. We design a secure neighbor establishment protocol (called RKP-DE) as well as a set of link and path dependency elimination rules in decoupled wireless sensor networks. Our analytical and simulation data demonstrate the performance enhancement ofour solution and its applicability in non-highly dense wireless sensor networks.Reference [1] H. Steyskal and J. S. Herd, "Mutual coupling compensation in small array antennas," IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 38, no. 12, pp.1971–1975, Dec. 1990. [2] C. Volmer, J. Weber, R. Stephan, K. Blau, and M. A. Hein, "An eigen-analysis of compact antenna arrays and its application to port decoupling," IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 360–370, Feb.2008. [3] W. P. Geren, C. R. Curry, and J. Andersen, "A practical technique for designing multiport coupling networks," IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 364–371, Mar. 1996. [4] Chitra Singh, R.P.S. Gangwar," Design and Analysis of a Compact Low Cost Patch Antenna for Different Wireless Operations", 978-1-4577-0240-2/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE,pg 19-22. [5] Lukasz Dudzinski*, Grzegorz Jaworski," BROADBAND, MICROSTRIP, SHAPED BEAM, C-BAND ANTENNA FOR APPLICATION IN WIRELESS LAN" Prof. Jagan Mohan Rao S., K. Swetha, T.Rupa, B.Vana DurgaRao, K.Ajay Kumar |
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149. | Design of Dual-Band Electrically Small Micro-strip Antenna with wave type Slot as Complementary of folded-dipole antenna for C & X Bands
Design of Dual-Band Electrically Small Micro-strip Antenna with wave type Slot as Complementary of folded-dipole antenna for C & X BandsAbstract: This paper presents a new electrically small rectangular probe-fed micro-strip patch antenna loaded with material Rogers rt/duriod5880(tm). The present dissertation deals with Electrically small antenna which are electrically small compared to wave length.the performance of electrically small antenna are closely related to their electrical size, so the gain can be increased to maintain radiating efficiency. The micro-strip patch antennas have been widely used in satellite and telecommunications for their good characteristics such as light weight, in expensive, low cost and so on. Here in this design slots are placed to form folded dipole, which increases the band width of the antenna. Different parameters like returnloss,gain (2d&3d), radiation pattern in θ, Ø directions, current distribution, E&H fields and vswr are simulated in HFSS 13.0.This type of proposed patch can be used for various applications in C & X-Bands.Key words: Electrically small antennas, probe-fed, Dipole antenna. Reference [1] A. D. Yaghjian and S. R. Best, "Impedance, Bandwidth, and Q of Antennas," IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, AP-53 , 4, April 2005, pp. 1 298- 1 324. [2]. Constantine A. Balanis: "Antenna Theory, Analysis and Design" (John Wiley & Sons). [3]. N. Herscovici, "New considerations in the design of microstrip antennas." IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, AP- 46, 6, June 1998, pp. 807-812. [4]. S. R. Best, "Low Q Electrically Small Linear and Elliptical Polarized Spherical Dipole Antennas," IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, AP-53, 3, March 2005, pp. 1 047-1 053. [5] S. R. Best, "A Discussion on Quality Factor of Impedance Matched Electrically Small Wire Antennas," IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, AP-53, 1 , January 2005 , pp. 502-508. Prof. Jagan Mohan Rao S., K. Swetha, B.Vana DurgaRao, V.Sai Ram, Sk.Abdul Latif |
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150. | C-Slot Coaxial fed Microstrip Patch antenna for DTV reception
C-Slot Coaxial fed Microstrip Patch antenna for DTV receptionAbstract: In this paper a novel design of small sized, low profile coaxial fed microstrip patch antenna is proposed for terrestrial DTV signal reception applications in the UHF band frequency range of 540-890MHz. Designed model was C-slot Microstrip antenna. Different parameters like return loss which is 21.44dB at 640MHz, VSWR as 1.1851, gain along θ, Ø directions, radiation pattern in 2D & 3D where the 2-D gain is 7.57dB, axial ratio, E & H field distributions, current distributions are simulated using HFSS 13.0. The measured parameters satisfy required limits hence making the proposed antenna suitable for DTV reception applications in the UHF band.Key words: DTV, coaxial fed, FR4 Reference [1] Govardhani.Immadi 1, M.S.R.S Tejaswi 2, M.VenkataNarayana 3 N.AnilBabu 4, G.Anupama 5, K.Venkata Ravi teja 6 "Design of Coaxial fed Microstrip Patch Antenna for 2.4GHz BLUETOOTH Applications" VOL. 2, NO. 12, December 2011 ISSN 2079-8407, Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences [2] E. Palantei and D.V. Thiel, "Yagi-Uda Antenna Human Proximity Effects on the Link Budget at 300 MHz," IEEE APS Symposium Digest,Nort Charleston, South Carolina, 1-5 June 2009. [3] E. Palantei, Andani A., M. Baharuddin, N.K.Nauman, S. Syarif, M. Anshar, NNRAMokobombang, A. Suyuti, Z. Muslimin, Z.Zainuddin, Indrabayu A., F. Mayasari, A. Ejah US,S. Kanata and Z.B. Hasanuddin]"Internal Antennas for Digital TV Receiver" 978-1-4244-9561-0/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE [4] Balanis, C.A. 2005. "Antena Theory Analysis and Design". Textbook 3rd Edition. New Jersey : John Wiley and Sons. [5] J. Holopainen, J. Villanen, M. Kyrö, C. Icheln, and P. Vainikainen," Antenna for Handheld DVB Terminal," IEEE APS Symposium Digest, 2006. Prof. Jagan Mohan Rao. S, K. Swetha, B.N.V.Sai Kiran, Md.Altaf Jani , D.Muddu Krishna, B.Veerendra |
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151. | Experimental Study of Air-Lift Pumps Characteristics
Experimental Study of Air-Lift Pumps CharacteristicsAbstract: The mean aim of this work is to study the Air-lift pumps characteristics according to design parameters such as the percentage of the distance between throat section and nozzle and the driving air pressure, suction head and also study the effect of each parameter on the air lift pump characteristics in order to have a better performance of such pump under various conditions. A certain geometry for air-lift pump designed and manufactured. The experiments show that there must be careful in increasing the suction head, and a balance must be considered between the suction head and the driving air volumetric flow rate. While the effect of increasing air pressure will stop at certain maximum of the ratio of the volumetric flow rate of water and air that is any increase in air pressure will meet no change ratio of the volumetric flow rate of water and air, While Increasing S/Dth will leads to decrease in the percentage of ratio of the volumetric flow rate of water and air because the optimum S/Dth so that at this value we will have the best performance and any other values for S/Dth the percentage of ratio of the volumetric flow rate of water and air will decreases , but this effect is not so clear and it could be neglected. The pump performance is not so sensitive with the change of S/Dth after a certain value, this information will help in the use of the air-lift pump in several applications using the predetermined operating conditions.Reference [1] H. Yano, 1. Funaki, T. Shinoki, A. Kieda and S. Simotori (1990) "Performance of a New Type of Water Jet Pump", Transactions of ASME Journal, Vol (2), pp. 98-112. [2] I.J. Karassic, J.P. Messina, P. Cooper, C.C. Healed (2008) Pump Handbook, Fourth edition, McGraw-Hill, NY. [3] Mueller N. H. G., (1964) "Water Jet Pump" J. Am. Soc. Civil Eng. 90-HY3, 83. [4] Iran, E and Rodrego E.( 2004) "Performance of low-Cost Ejectors", Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. ASCE trans., pp.122-128. H. Hammoud, (2006) "Effect of Design and Operational parameters on The pump Performance", Beirut Arab University, Mechanical Engineering Department, Proceedings of the 4th WSEAS International Conference on fluid mechanics and Aerodynamics, Elounda, Greece, August 21-23, pp. 245-252. [5] Jerzy M. Sawicki (2007), "Hydraulic Loss Coefficient in 1D flows", University of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Archives of Hydro-Engineering and Environmental Mechanics., Vol. 54,No. 2, pp. 95-116 Naji F. Al-Saqer & Mohammed E. Al-Shibani |
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152. | A Method for Solving Balanced Intuitionistic Fuzzy Assignment Problems
A Method for Solving Balanced Intuitionistic Fuzzy Assignment ProblemsAbstract: In this paper, we investigate assignment problems in which cost coefficients are triangular intuitionistic fuzzy numbers. In conventional assignment problem, cost is always certain. This paper develops an approach to solve an intuitionistic fuzzy assignment problem where cost is not deterministic numbers but imprecise ones. Here, the elements of the costs (profits) matrix of the assignment problem are triangular intuitionistic fuzzy numbers. Then its triangular shaped membership and non-membership functions are defined. A new ranking procedure which can be found in [4] and is used to compare the intuitionistic fuzzy numbers so that the Hungarian method may be applied to solve the intuitionistic fuzzy assignment problem. Numerical examples show that an intuitionistic fuzzy ranking method offers an effective tool for handling an intuitionistic fuzzy assignment problem.Key words: Intuitionistic Fuzzy Set, Triangular Fuzzy Number, Triangular intuitionistic fuzzy number, intuitionistic fuzzy assignment problem, optimal solution. Reference [1] Amit Kumar and Anila Gupta, Assignment and Travelling Salesman Problems with Coefficients as LR Fuzzy Parameters, International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering 2012.10,3:155-170. [2] Amit Kumar, Amarpreet Kaur, Anila Gupta, Fuzzy Linear Programming Approach for Solving Fuzzy Transportation probles with Transshipment, J Math Model Algor (2011) 10:163-180. [3] Amit Kumar, Anila Gupta and Amarpreet Kumar,Method for Solving Fully Fuzzy Assignment Problems Using Triangular Fuzzy Numbers, International Journal of Computer and Information Engineering 3:4 2009. [4] Annie Varghese and Sunny Kuriakose, Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets Vol.18, 2012, No.1, 19-24. [5] K.T.Atanassov, Intuitionistic fuzzy sets, fuzzy sets and systems, Vol.20, no.1.pp.87- 96, 1986. P. Senthil Kumar, R. Jahir Hussain |
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153. | Review: Image Encryption Using Chaos Based algorithms
Review: Image Encryption Using Chaos Based algorithmsAbstract: Due to the development in the field of network technology and multimedia applications, every minute thousands of messages which can be text, images, audios, videos are created and transmitted over wireless network. Improper delivery of the message may leads to the leakage of important information. So encryption is used to provide security. In last few years, variety of image encryption algorithms based on chaotic system has been proposed to protect image from unauthorized access. 1-D chaotic system using logistic maps has weak security, small key space and due to the floating of pixel values, some data lose occurs and proper decryption of image becomes impossible. In this paper different chaotic maps such as Arnold cat map, sine map, logistic map, tent map have been studied.Key words: Arnold cat map, Encryption, logistic map, sine map, tent map, 1-D chaotic system. Reference [1] Ljupcˇo Kocarev, Chaos-Based Cryptography:A Brief Overview, IEEE, 1531-636X/10/$10.00©2001, [2] Shiguo Lian, Jinsheng Sun, Zhiquan Wang, Security Analysis of A Chaos-based Image Encryption Algorithm, The paper was accepted by Phisica A, Elsevier Science, 2005. [3] Haojiang Gao , Yisheng Zhang, Shuyun Liang, Dequn Li, A new chaotic algorithm for image encryption, ©2005 Published by Elsevier Ltd. [4] Mohammad Ali Bani Younes and Aman Jantan, Image Encryption Using Block-Based Transformation Algorithm, International Journal of Computer Science, 35:1, IJCS_35_1_03, Issue 19, February 2008 [5] Alireza Jolfaei and Abdolrasoul Mirghadri, Survey: Image Encryption Using Salsa20, International Journal of Computer Science, Vol. 7, Issue 5, September 2010 ,ISSN (Online): 1694-0814 Ankita Gaur, Maneesha Gupta |
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154. | Study and Comparison of Various Techniques of Image Edge
Study and Comparison of Various Techniques of Image Edge DetectionAbstract: An edge may be defined as a set of connected pixels that forms a boundary between two disjoints regions. Image Edge detection reduces the amount of data and filters out useless information, while preserving the important structural properties in an image. Edge detection plays an important role in digital image processing and practical aspects of our daily life. In this paper we studied various edge detection techniques as Prewitt, Robert, Sobel, LoG and Canny operators. On comparing them we conclude that canny edge detector performs better than all other edge detectors on various aspects such as it is adaptive in nature, performs better for noisy image, gives sharp edges, low probability of detecting false edges.Key words: Canny detector, edge, edge detector, Prewitt operator, Roberts operator, Sobal opertor Reference [1] Canny, J. F (1986), A computational approach to edge detection, IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 8, 679-714. [2] Raman Maini and Dr. Himanshu Aggarwal, Study and Comparison of Various Image Edge Detection Techniques, International Journal of Image Processing (IJIP), Volume (3) : Issue (1) [3] Huili Zhao, Guofeng Qin and Xingjian Wang (2010), Improvement of Canny Algorithm Based on Pavement Edge Detection, 3rd International Congress on Image and Signal Processing (CISP2010). [4] Muthukrishnan.R and M.Radha (2011), Edge detection techniques for image segmentation, International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT) Vol 3, No 6, Dec 2011. [5] S. Lakshmi & V.Sankaranarayanan (2010), A Study of edge detection techniques for segmentation computing approaches, Computer Aided Soft Computing Techniques for Imaging and Biomedical Applications, 35-41. Gurjeet Singh, Harjinder singh |
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155. | Text To Speech System for Telugu Language
Text To Speech System for Telugu LanguageAbstract: Telugu is one of the oldest languages in India. This paper describes the development of Telugu Text-to-Speech System (TTS).In Telugu TTS the input is Telugu text in Unicode. The voices are sampled from real recorded speech. The objective of a text to speech system is to convert an arbitrary text into its corresponding spoken waveform. Speech synthesis is a process of building machinery that can generate human-like speech from any text input to imitate human speakers. Text processing and speech generation are two main components of a text to speech system. To build a natural sounding speech synthesis system, it is essential that text processing component produce an appropriate sequence of phonemic units. Generation of sequence of phonetic units for a given standard word is referred to as letter to phoneme rule or text to phoneme rule. The complexity of these rules and their derivation depends upon the nature of the language. The quality of a speech synthesizer is judged by its closeness to the natural human voice and understandability. In this paper we described an approach to build a Telugu TTS system using concatenative synthesis method with syllable as a basic unit of concatenation.Key words: Text processing, speech generation, phoneme, grapheme, Speech synthesis. Reference [1] Lakshmi A, Hema A Murthy. A Syllable Based Continuous Speech Recognizer for Tamil. In Proc. of the 2nd Int. Workshop on East-Asian Language Resources and Evaluation,2009. [2] Sreekanth Majji, Ramakrisshnan A.G "Festival Based maiden TTS system for Tamil Language", 3rd Language & Technology Conference: Human Language Technologies as a Challenge for Computer Science and Linguistics October 5-7, 2007, PoznaĔ, Poland. [3] ZenH.,NoseT.,YamagishiJ.,SakoS.,MasukoT.,Black A.W., andTokudaK.,"The hmm-based speech synthesis system version2.0," in Proc.ofISCASSW6, Bonn, Germany,2007. [4] BlackA.W. ZenH. and TokudaK. "Statistical parametric speech synthesis," in proceeding sofIEEEInt.Conf. Acoust. Speech, and Signal Processing, Honolulu, USA, 2007. [5] Rohit Kumar, S. P. Kishore, "Automatic Pruning of Unit Selection Speech Databases for Synthesis without loss of Naturalness", submitted to ICSLP, Jeju Island, Korea,2004 M. Siva Kumar, E. Prakash Babu, Dr. M. V. Subba Reddy, M. S. Praveen Kumar |
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156. | Determining Variation in Flight Speed and Pattern of Cliff Swallow Using Video Frame Analysis
Determining Variation in Flight Speed and Pattern of Cliff Swallow Using Video Frame AnalysisAbstract: Ability to fly faster varies from one species of birds to the other. Take off from their nest, settling on the nest or migratory speed of flight is different from one bird to the other, so is also to Cliff Swallows. Many workers have tried different ways to analyze the flight speed of birds using principles of mechanics and physics. Here we have analyzed take off and settling in speeds of Indian Cliff Swallows by applying Video frame analysis technique with fixed focal length.Key words: Take off, Landing, Hovering, Flight speed analysis, Video frame analysis Reference [1] Tricker RAR & Tricker BJK, 1967, The Science of Movement, Mills & Boon, London. [2] Houghton E L, Carruthers N B, 1982, Aerodynamics for Engineering students, Arnolds, London. [3] Shreyas J V & Sreenivasa K R, 2005, Experiments and Simulation of Flapping Flight proceedings of SAROD, Tata McGraw Hill. [4] Shreyas J V., and Sreenivas K R, 2006, Identification of new lift generation mechanism in flapping flight, Proceedings of the Eleventh Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. [5] Shreyas J V, Devaranjan S, and Sreenivas K R, 2009, A parametric study of new-lift generating mechanism in flapping flight: Experiments and Simulations, Proceedingsof Symposium on Applied Aerodynamics and Design of Aerospace Vehicles (SAROD), Bengaluru, India. E Santosh, Chaya H C, Mahesha G and Channaveerappa H |
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157. | Architectural Mechanism Developed By Cliff Swallow for Nest Construction
Architectural Mechanism Developed By Cliff Swallow for Nest ConstructionAbstract: Indian cliff Swallow Petrochelidonfluvicola construct gourd shaped mud nest underneath the cliff against the gravitational pull. These birds do all basic works of construction such as blue print marking, platform construction and arrangement of pellets in brick like arrangement is a marvelous art and final form of an inverted dome. The top of the dome irrespective of the space remains uncovered as default space. This default space too originates in the nests of cliff swallow it is converted into entrance. The entrance, base attachment of the nest are aligned without disturbing the gravitation act on the nest, the same is discussed here.Key words: Mud Nests, Inverted Gourd shape, Avian genius, default space, Center of Gravity. Reference [1] Chaya H C, 2012, A Study on The Nest Construction in Indian Cliff Swallows – Petrocheledonfluvicola, 1stM.Sc Dissertation, Submitted to University of Mysore. [2] Chaya H C, Mahesha G and Channaveerappa H, 2013, Composition analysis of two Swallows Nests – Petrochelidonfluvicola and Hirudorustica, International Journal of Current research, Vol-5, Issue 11:3335-3338. [3] Hansell M H, 2000, Bird Nests & Construction behavior, Cambridge university press, Cambridge London. [4] John D. Norton, 2005, Acausality in Classical Physics of Causation as Folk Science, Philosophers Imprint Vol. 3, No. 4, Causation and the Constitution of Reality, Oxford University Press. [5] Rowley I, 1970, The Use of Mud in Nest-Building in Ostrich, CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems; Birds/Bird nests, suppl. 8, pp. 139-148. Chaya H C, E Santosh,Mahesha G, and Channaveerappa H |
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158. | Vehicle counting system using optimized virtual loop method based on Real Time video
Vehicle counting system using optimized virtual loop method based on Real Time videoAbstract: This paper describes a computer vision system to detect and count moving vehicles on roads. The system uses a real-time traffic video surveillance camera mounted over roads and computes the total number of vehicles which passed the road. Moving vehicle image is extracted using "double difference image "algorithm and counting is accomplished by tracking vehicle movements within a tracking zone, called virtual loop. The system was tested on a video surveillance record file of a road that has a medium-level traffic volume.Reference [1] M.LEI D.LEFLOCH P.GOUTON and K.MADANI, "A video-based real-time vehicle counting system using adaptive background Method," in Proc.IEEE Int.Conf. Signal Image Technology and Internet Based Systems, Bali, IN,pp.523-528, December 2008. [2] E. Baş, A.M.Tekalp and F.S.Salman,"Automatic Vehicle Counting from Video for Traffic Flow Analysis," in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Intelligent Vehicles,pp.392-397,Istanbul,TU,June 2007. [3] Wei Zhiqiang, Zhang Jianfeng, Jiang Shuming, Li Jian, Xu Shijie," Vehicle forecast track based on virtual detector" in Proc.IEEE Int.Conf. Communication Software and Networks,pp 283-286, Xi‟An ,China, June 2011. [4] Davide A. Migliore, Matteo Matteucci, Matteo Naccari,"A Revaluation of Frame Difference in Fast and Robust Motion Detection," in Proc.4th ACM international workshop on Video surveillance and sensor networks, pp.215-218,NY,USA,July 2006. [5] K.Yoshinari and M.Michihiko,"a human motion estimation method using 3-successive video frames,"in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf.Virtual Systems and Multimedia, Gifu,JP, pp. 135-140, June 1966. Asst.Prof M.Jyothirmai, Asst Prof R.Himabindu, Asst Prof T.Swetha |
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159. | Query Adaptive Image Retrieval System
Query Adaptive Image Retrieval SystemAbstract: Images play a crucial role in various fields such as art gallery, medical, journalism and entertainment. Increasing use of image acquisition and data storage technologies have enabled the creation of large database. So, it is necessary to develop appropriate information management system to efficiently manage these collections and needed a system to retrieve required images from these collections. This paper proposed query adaptive image retrieval system (QAIRS) to retrieve images similar to the query image specified by user from database. The goal of this system is to support image retrieval based on content properties such as colour and texture, usually encoded into feature vectors. In this system, colour feature extracted by various techniques such as colour moment, colour histogram and autocorrelogram and texture feature extracted by using gabor wavelet. Hashing technique is used to embed high dimensional image features into hamming space, where search can be performed by hamming distance of compact hash codes. Depending upon minimum hamming distance it returns the similar image to query image.Key words: Hamming distance, Hash codes, Hamming space, Hashing, Query adaptive image retrieval. Reference [1] T Kato, Database architecture for content-based image retrieval, International Society For Optical Engineering, 1622, 1992, 112-113. [2] M Flickner, H. Sawhney, w. Niblack, J. Ashley, Q. Huang, B. DomM. Gorkani, J. Hafne, D. Lee, D. Petkovic, D. Steele, and P. Yanker, Query By Image And Video Content The QBIC System, IEEE Computer, 1995, 23-32 [3] A Pentland, R. W Picard, S Scaroff, Photobook: Content Based Manipulation For Image Databases, International Journal Of computer Vision, 18(3), 1996, 233-254. [4] Smeulders, A. W. Worring, M. Santini, S. Gupta, A. Jain, R.: Content-based image retrieval at the end of early years, IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 22(12), 2000, 1349-1380. [5] Yu-Gang Jiang, Jun Wang, Xiang Xue, Shih-Fu Chang, Query-adaptive image search with hash codes, IEEE Transaction on Multimedia,15(2) 2013, 442-453 Amruta Dubewar, Prof. Snehal Bhosale |
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160. | Adaptive Home System Using Wireless Sensor Network And Multi Agent System
Adaptive Home System Using Wireless Sensor Network And Multi Agent SystemAbstract: Smart Home is an emerging technology growing continuously which includes number of new technologies which helps to improve human's quality of living. This paper proposes an adaptive home system for optimum utilization of power, through Artificial Intelligence and Wireless Sensor network. Artificial Intelligence is a technology for developing adaptive system that can perceive the enviornmrnt, learn from the environment and can make decision using Rule based system.Zigbee is a wireless sensor network used to efficiently deliver solution for an energy management and efficiency for adaptive home. An algorithm used in adaptive home system is based on software agent approach that reduce the energy consumption at home by considering the user's occupancy, temperature and user's preferences as input to the system.Key words: Adaptive Home, Artificial Intelligence, Raspberry Pi, Rule Based System, TARANG Zigbee Module. Reference [1] Amit Badlani,Surekha Bhanot,Smart Home System Design based on Artificial Neural Network, Proceeding of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2011 Vol IWCECS2011,October19-21,san Francisco,USA [2] Blerim Qela, ―Observe, Learn, and Adapt (OLA)—An Algorithm for Energy Management in Smart Homes Using Wireless Sensors and Artificial Intelligence‖, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SMART GRID, VOL. 3, NO. 4, December 2012 page no.2262-2272. [3] M. B. I. Reaz―Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Advanced Smart Home Implementation‖, ACTA TECHNICA CORVINIENSIS-Bulletin of Engg, 2013 ISSN2067-3809. [4] Raspberry Pi Foundation. URL: http://www.raspberrypi.org/faqs. Retrieved: 2013-06-14 [5] Andrew K. Dennis, Raspberry Pi Home Automation with Arduino (PACKT Publishing BIRMINGHAM – MUMBAI) Jayarani Kamble, Prof.Nandini Dhole |
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1. | Design and Structural Analysis of High Speed Helical Gear Using Ansys
Design and Structural Analysis of High Speed Helical Gear Using Ansys<Abstract: In the gear design the bending stress and surface strength of the gear tooth are considered to be one of the main contributors for the failure of the gear in a gear set. Thus, the analysis of stresses has become popular as an area of research on gears to minimize or to reduce the failures and for optimal design of gears In this paper bending and contact stresses are calculated by using analytical method as well as Finite element analysis. To estimate bending stress modified Lewis beam strength method is used. Pro-e solid modeling software is used to generate the 3-D solid model of helical gear. Ansys software package is used to analyze the bending stress. Contact stresses are calculated by using modified AGMA contact stress method. In this also Pro-e solid modeling software is used to generate contact gear tooth model. Ansys software package is used to analyze the contact stress. Finally these two methods bending and contact stress results are compared with each other.Key words: Bending stress, Contact stress, Gear, Helical gear, FE method Reference [1] B.Venkatesh, V.Kamala, and A.M.K.prasad, Design, modeling and Manufacturing of helical gear, ISSN 0976-4259, 2010. [2] Pushpendra kumar, Mishra and Dr.M.S.Murthy, Comparison of Bending stress for Different Face width of helical Gear Obtained Using MATLAB Simulink with AGMA and Ansys , ISSN 2231-5381, 2013. [3] Prashant patil, Narayan Dharashiwkar, krishna kumar josh and Mahesh Jadhav, 3D Photo elastic and Finite Element Analysis of Helical Gear, ISSN 1821-1259,2011. [4] Khailash C.Bhosale,Analysis of Bending Strength of helical Gear by FEM, ISSN 2222-1727,2011. [5] Cheng Y, and Tsay C.B, Stress analysis of Helical Gear set with Localized Bearing Contact, Finite Element in Analysis and Design, PP.707-723, 2002. J. Venkatesh, Mr. P. B. G. S. N. Murthy |
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2. | Trouble Shooting and Performance Enhancement in Activated Sludge Process for Treatment of Textile Wastewaters
Trouble Shooting and Performance Enhancement in Activated Sludge Process for Treatment of Textile WastewatersAbstract: The untreated textile wastewater can cause rapid depletion of dissolved oxygen if it is directly discharged into the surface water sources due to its high Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Chemical Oxygen Demand(COD) value. This paper focuses on various troubles in performance of activated sludge process and performance enhancement by suggesting remedial measures to ensure the proper operation of activated sludge process(ASP).Also, it is noted that modification and alternative use of chemicals such as 45% solution of sodium bisulphate in burnout printing instead of this 15% of acetic acid and 30% sodium bisulphate is mixed to improve the overall efficiency in terms of Chemical Oxygen Demand(COD) and Biological Oxygen Demand(BOD).Key words: Activated sludge, Textile wastewater, Performance Enhancement, Trouble shooting Reference [1] Wastewater Engineering Treatment and Reuse, Metcalf & eddy, published by Tata McGraw hill education private limited, 335,334. [2] A. Palaa, E. Tokat , Color removal from cotton textile industry wastewater in an activated sludge system with various additives, Water Resource (2002), 36, 2920-2925. [3] K. Kumar, G. Singh, M. Dastdar, T. Sreekrishnan, Effect of Mixed Liquor Volatile Suspended Solids (MLVSS) and Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT) on the performance of activated sludge process during the biotreatment of real textile wastewater, Water Resource and Industry (2014), 5, 1-8. [4] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sizing [5] http://textilefashionstudy.com/textile-bleach ing-process-definition-objectivesprocess parameters-of-bleaching/ Mehali J. Mehta, Bansari M. Ribadiya, Rashmita M. Thummar, Priyanka V. Patel, Mihir Vyas |
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3. | Preventing Zombies in Virtual Network System Using HIPS
Preventing Zombies in Virtual Network System Using HIPSAbstract: Cloud Security is the most imperative issue which has fascinated a lot examine and development errors in last few years. While enjoying the handiness brought by this new emerging technology, user‟s qualms of trailing control of their own data can become a significant obstacle to the wide adoption of cloud services. To deal with this problem, we suggest a new extremely decentralized information accountability framework to keep track of the actual usage of the user‟s data in the cloud. Here we offer an object-centred approach that enables enclosing our logging mechanism together with user‟s data and policies. We leverage the Logging mechanism to both create a dynamic and traveling object and to ensure that any access to user‟s data will trigger validation, automated logging and auditing. As modification we are generating the encrypted key for Logs retrieval. It improves the security of Log record transmission over the cloud server and enables count based accountability on download access.Key words: cloud computing; accountability; decentralized; logs; auditing Reference [1] R. Jagadeesan, A. Jeffrey, C. Pitcher, and J. Riely,"Towards a Theory of Accountability and Audit," Proc. 14th European Conf. Research in Computer Security (ESORICS), pp. 152-167, 2009. [2] S.Pearson and A.Charlesworth, "Accountability as a Way Forward for Privacy Protection in the Cloud," Proc. First Int‟l Conf. Cloud Computing, 2009. [3] P.T. Jaeger, J. Lin, and J.M. Grimes, "Cloud Computing and Information Policy: Computing in a Policy Cloud?," J. Information Technology and Politics, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 269-283, 2009. [4] M.C. Mont, S. Pearson, and P. Bramhall, "Towards Accountable Management of Identity and Privacy: Sticky Policies and Enforce- able Tracing Services," Proc. Int‟l Workshop Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA), pp. 377-382, 2003. [5] S.Pearson and A.Charlesworth, "Accountability as a Way Forward for Privacy Protection in the Cloud," Proc. First Int‟l Conf. Cloud Computing, 2009. V.Nancy, P.Ramadoss, N.Vasumathi |
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4. | Preventing Real-Time Packet Classification Using Cryptographic Primitives
Preventing Real-Time Packet Classification Using Cryptographic PrimitivesAbstract: Jamming attacks are especially harmful when ensuring the dependability of wireless communication. Typically, jamming has been addressed under an external threat model. Adversaries with internal knowledge of protocol specifications and network secrets can launch low-effort jamming attacks that are difficult to detect and counter. The problem of selective jamming attacks in wireless networks is addressed in this work. In these attacks, the adversary is active only for a short period of time, specifically targeting messages of high importance. The advantages of selective jamming in terms of network performance degradation and adversary effort is illustrated by presenting two case studies; one is selective attack on TCP and another is on routing. The selective jamming attacks can be launched by performing real-time packet classification at the physical layer. To avoid these attacks, four schemes are developed such as All Or Nothing Transformation-Hiding Scheme (AONT-HS) - pseudo message is added with message before transformation and encryption, Strong Hiding Commitment Scheme(SHCS) - off-the-shelf symmetric encryption is done, Puzzle Based Hiding Scheme(PBHS)- time lock and hash puzzle and Nonce based Authenticated Encryption Scheme(N-AES)-Nonce is used for encryption, that prevent real-time packet classification by combining cryptographic primitives with physical-layer attributes.Index Terms: Selective jamming, Pseudo message, Symmetric encryption, Time lock puzzles, Nonce based Authentication Reference [1] T. X.Brown,J. E.James and A.Sethi,―Jamming and sensing of encrypted wireless ad hoc networks‖. In Proceedings of MobiHoc, pages 120–130, 2006. [2] M.Cagalj, S.Capkun, and J.-P. Hubaux, ‖Wormhole-based anti-jamming techniques in sensor networks‖ .IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 6(1):100–114, 2007. [3] A.Chan, X.Liu, G.Noubir and B.Thapa.―Control channel jamming: Resilience and identification of traitors‖. In Proceedings of ISIT, 2007. [4] T. Dempsey, G. Sahin, Y. Morton, and C. Hopper.‖Intelligent sensing and classification in ad hoc networks: a case study‖. Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, IEEE, 24(8):23–30, August 2009. [5] Y.Desmedt,― Broadcast anti-jamming systems‖. Computer Networks,35(2-3):223–236, February 2001. N.Vasumathi, P.Ramadoss, V.Nancy |
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5. | Discover Effective Pattern for Text Mining
Discover Effective Pattern for Text MiningAbstract: Many data mining techniques have been discovered for finding useful patterns in documents like text document. However, how to use effective and bring to up to date discovered patterns is still an open research task, especially in the domain of text mining. Text mining is the finding of very interesting knowledge (or features) in the text documents. It is a challenging task to find appropriate knowledge (or features) in text documents to help users to find what they exactly want. This paper represent efficient mining algorithm to find particular patterns within a reasonable and acceptable time frameKey words: Pattern mining; Pattern evolve; Text mining; Text arrangment Reference 1] J. Han and K.C.-C. Chang, "Data Mining for Web Intelligence,", 2002. [2] A. Maedche, Ontology Learning for the Semantic Web. Kluwer Academic 2003 http://www.textmining.org/home/ [3] Y. Yang, "An Evaluation of Statistical Approaches to Tex Categorization," Information Retrieval. [4] "Interpretations of Association Rules by Granular Computing," By Y. Li and N. Zhong. [5] Data set RCV1. http://www.RCV1dataset.com/home/ A. D. Khade, A. B. Karche, D. S. Jadhav , A. S. Zore |
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6. | A Novel Approach for Economic Load Dispatch Problem Based On GA and PSO
A Novel Approach for Economic Load Dispatch Problem Based On GA and PSOAbstract: Economic load dispatch (ELD) is an important issue in the operation of power system, and several models by using different techniques have been used to solve these problems. Some traditional approaches are utilized to find out the optimal solution of non-linear problem. More recently, the soft computing techniques have received more attention and were used in a number of successful and practical applications. Genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization are the most popular algorithms in term of optimization. The PSO techniques have drawn much attention from the power system community and been successfully applied in many complex optimization problems in power systems. This paper find out the advantages of application of Genetic algorithm (GA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) in specific to the economic load dispatch problem. Here, an attempt has been made to find out the minimum cost by using GA and PSO using the data of fifteen generating units. Comparison of both algorithm is shown here with a standard example when considering Loss and No Loss Conditions.Key words: Genetic algorithm, PSO, Economic Load Dispatch. Reference [1] Wadhwa, C.L, ―Electrical Power System. New Age publishers‖, 2009. [2] Bishnu Sahu, Avipsa Lall, Soumya Das, T. Manoj Patra, ―Economic Load Dispatch in Power System using Genetic Algorithm‖, International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), ISSN: 0975–8887, Volume 67, No.7, April 2013. [3] Shubham Tiwari, Ankit Kumar, G.S Chaurasia, G.S Sirohi, ―Economic Load Dispatch Using Particle Swarm Optimization‖, International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM), ISSN 2319 – 4847, Volume 2, Issue 4, April 2013. [4] Kamlesh Kumar Vishwakarma, Hari Mohan Dubey, Manjaree Pandit and B.K. Panigrahi, ―Simulated annealing approach for solving economic load dispatch problems with valve point loading effects‖, International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 60-72, 2012. [5] K. J. Vishnu Sudhan, R. S. Saravana Kumar & A. Rathina Grace Monica, ―Economic Load Dispatch Problem Based Biogeography Algorithm‖, Undergraduate Academic Research Journal (UARJ), ISSN: 2278 – 1129, Volume-1, Issue-1, 2012. Nishant Chaturvedi, A. S. Walkey |
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7. | Stability Derivatives of a Delta Wing with Straight Leading Edge in the Newtonian Limit
Stability Derivatives of a Delta Wing with Straight Leading Edge in the Newtonian LimitAbstract: This paper presents an analytical method to predict the aerodynamic stability derivatives of oscillating delta wings with straight leading edge. It uses the Ghosh similitude and the strip theory to obtain the expressions for stability derivatives in pitch and roll in the Newtonian limit. The present theory gives a quick and approximate method to estimate the stability derivatives which is very essential at the design stage. They are applicable for wings of arbitrary plan form shape at high angles of attack provided the shock wave is attached to the leading edge of the wing. The expressions derived for stability derivatives become exact in the Newtonian limit. The stiffness derivative and damping derivative in pitch and roll are dependent on the geometric parameter of the wing. It is found that stiffness derivative linearly varies with the pivot position. In the case of damping derivative since expressions for these derivatives are non-linear and the same is reflected in the results. Roll damping derivative also varies linearly with respect to the angle of attack. When the variation of roll damping derivative was considered, it is found it also, varies linearly with angle of attack for given sweep angle, but with increase in sweep angle there is continuous decrease in the magnitude of the roll damping derivative however, the values differ for different values in sweep angle and the same is reflected in the result when it was studied with respect to sweep angle. From the results it is found that one can arrive at the optimum value of the angle of attack sweep angle which will give the best performance.Key words: Straight leading edges, Newtonian Limit, Strip theory Reference [1] Carrier G. F., The Oscillating Wedge in a Supersonic Stream, Journal of the Aeronautical Sciences, Vol.16, March 1949, pp.150-152. [2] Hui W. H., Stability of Oscillating Wedges and Caret Wings in Hypersonic and Supersonic Flows,AIAA Journal, Vol.7, August 1969, pp. 1524-1530. [3] Hui. W. H, Supersonic/Hypersonic Flow past an Oscillating Flat plate at Large angles of attack, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics, Vol. 29, 1978, pp. 414-427. [4] Liu D. D and Hui W. H., Oscillating Delta Wings with attached Shock waves,AIAA Journal, Vol. 15, June 1977, pp. 804-812. [5] Hui W. H. et al, Oscillating Supersonic Hypersonic wings at High Incidence, AIAA Journal, Vol. 20, No.3, March1982, pp. 299- 304. Asha Crasta, S. A. Khan |
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8. | Analysis of Alternative Refrigerants to R22 for Air-Conditioning Applications at Various Evaporating Temperatures
Analysis of Alternative Refrigerants to R22 for Air-Conditioning Applications at Various Evaporating TemperaturesAbstract: This paper presents the simulation results of a 1.5 ton capacity room air conditioning system with some selected refrigerants that have been assessed for their suitability as alternative refrigerants to R22 for air conditioning applications. The refrigerants with zero Ozone depletion potential only are selected in this study. The performance of selected refrigerants viz, R22, R134a, R404A, R407C, R410A, R507A, R290 and R600a is considered in the present analysis. The thermodynamic analysis of these refrigerants has been carried out on these selected refrigerants using COOLPACK software. The analysis mainly focuses on obtaining results of parameters with fixed condenser temperature but with variable evaporator temperatures. The parameters like heat rejection rate, mass flow rate of refrigerant, displacement volume, power input, discharge temperature, cop, saturation pressure and pressures ratio are analyzed. The thermodynamic analysis of eight selected refrigerants is carried out using the simulation software COOL PACK version 1.49 and a comparative study of the different refrigerants is made.Key words: Alternate refrigerant, R-22, Room Air-conditioner, evaporator temperature, COOLPACK software. Reference [1]. United Nation Environmental Program, Montreal protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer. Final act New York (1987) [2]. Zaghdoudi M.C., S.Maalej, Y.Saad and M.Bouchaala, A Comparative study on the Performance and Environmental Characteristics of Alternatives to R22 in Residential Air Conditioners for Tunisian Market, Journal of Environmental science and Engineering, Volume 4, No.12 (2010) [3]. Devotta S.,Waghmare A. V.,Sawant N.N and Domkundwar B.M. Alternatives to HCFC-22 for air conditioners Applied thermal Engineering, volume 21 (2001) pp703-715. [4]. Domanski P.A and, Didion D.A., Thermodynamic evaluation of R-22 alternative Refrigerants and Refrigerant mixtures, Ashrae Transactions 99(1993) pp636-648 part 2. [5]. Chen S., Judge J.F., Groll R and Radermacher R., Theoretical analysis of hydrocarbon refrigerant mixtures as a replacement for HCFC-22 for residential uses. Proceedings of 1994 International Refrigeration conference at purdue, Purdue University, West Lafaytte, Indiana, USA (1994), pp225-230. S. Venkataiah & G. Venkata Rao |
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9. | Design and Performance Analysis of Reversible Logic Four Quadrant Multiplier Using CSLA and CLAA
Design and Performance Analysis of Reversible Logic Four Quadrant Multiplier Using CSLA and CLAAAbstract: Multiplication is a fundamental operation in most signal processing algorithms. Multipliers have large area, long latency and consume considerable power. Therefore low-power multiplier design has been an important part in low- power VLSI system design. There has been extensive work on low-power multipliers at technology, physical, circuit and logic levels. A system's performance is generally determined by the performance of the multiplier because the multiplier is generally the slowest element in the system. Furthermore, it is generally the most area consuming. Hence, optimizing the speed and area of the multiplier is a major design issue. However, area and speed are usually conflicting constraints so that improving speed results mostly in larger areas. As a result, a whole spectrum of multipliers with different area- speed constraints has been designed with reversible logic gates. The reversible logic has the promising applications in emerging computing paradigm such as quantum computing, quantum dot cellular automata, optical computing, etc. In reversible logic gates there is a unique one-to-one mapping between the inputs and outputs.Key words: CLSA, CLAA, Array multiplier, Delay, Reversible logic gates, HDL modeling &simulation. Reference [1] W. Stallings, Computer Organization and Architecture Designing for Peljormance, 71h ed., Prentice Hall, Pearson Education International, USA, 2006, ISBN: 0-13-185644-8. [2] J. F. Wakerly, Digital Design-Principles and Practices, 4th ed., Pearson Prentice Hall, USA, 2006. ISBN: 0131733494. [3] DMITRI MASLOV " REVERSIBLE LOGIC SYNTHESIS", Research gate MCS University of New Brunswick,2002,2003 https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu_viewdoc_download_doi= [4] Ripple Carry and Carry Look ahead Adders www.ece.uvic.ca_~fayez_courses_ceng465_lab_465_project1_adders [5] ISSN: 2278 – 1323 Comparative Performance Analysis of Different CMOS Adders Using 90nm and 180nmTechnology by Jatinder Kumar, Parveen Kaur (IJARCET) Volume 2 Issue 8, August 2013 Mr. P. Dileep Kumar Reddy, Mrs. T.V. Ananthalakshmi |
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10. | Use of Woven Fabrics for Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Beams
Use of Woven Fabrics for Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete BeamsAbstract: Worldwide, a great deal of research is currently being conducted concerning the use of fiber reinforced plastic wraps, laminates and sheets in the repair and strengthening of reinforced concrete (RC) members. Fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) application is a very effective way to repair and strengthen structures that have become structurally weak over their life span. But the use of woven fabrics for strengthening RC members has not been much investigated. Woven fabrics though cannot provide compressive strength, but have a great potential to provide bending or tensile strength to RC beams. In the present investigation, three different woven fabrics were used to strengthen RC beams. The aim is to study the effectiveness of woven fabric in strengthening of RC beams and the effect of number of fabric layers on load carrying capacity of RC beams.Key words: Load-bearing capacity, reinforced concrete beams, repair and rehabilitation, strengthening, woven fabrics Reference [1] Handbook on Repair and Rehabilitation of RCC Buildings, by Central Public Works Department (CPWD). [2] Yoshiki Tanaka, Jun Murakoshi and Eiji Yoshida, Load Carrying Capacity of Reinforced Concrete Beams with Adhesively Bonded Steel Plates, Public Works Research Institute, Japan. [3] Kris Brosens and Sven Ignoul, Strengthening of Concrete Structures with Externally Bonded Reinforcement – Case Studies, BVSM, Leuven, November 2000. [4] Nishikant Dash, Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Beams using Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites, ME Thesis, NIT Rourkela, 2009. [5] Seema Bhagat and Jyoti Bhusari, Improving Shear Capacity of RC Beams using Epoxy Bonded Continuous Steel Plates, International Journal of Advanced Technology in Civil Engineering, Vol. 2, Issue 1, 2013. Parthraj R. Puranik, Deval A. Vasavada, Dr. Vinu R. Patel |
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11. | Research on Water Utility Revenue Model and Compensation Policy under Uncertain Demand
Research on Water Utility Revenue Model and Compensation Policy under Uncertain DemandAbstract: With the diversification of both water utility investment and property right structure, it is necessary to establish a scientific compensation mechanism of water conservancy benefit to balance the interests among investors, water users and pertinent sectors which suffer loss. This paper analyzes the compensation policies water management authority imposed on water supply enterprises under uncertain demand, establishes a compensation model with risk preference, explains the implications of risk preference on the decision-making behaviors of water supply enterprises by using numerical analysis method, provides the basis for the water management department to formulate reasonable water resources charge standards and compensation policies. At last, the paper discusses how to implement the water compensation policies according to the characteristics of rural water utilities.Key words: water use uncertainty, risk preference, expected revenue, compensation policy, compensation standard. Reference [1] Zhang Xiuju, Zhong Pingan. Status and Difficulty Analysis of Consumptive Compensation in the Public Water Engineerings in Jiangsu Province [J].Water Economy, 2006, (1):29-32. [2] Dong Wenhu. Conceiving of the Model on How to Compensate for the Public Consumption in Water Project—On the Establishment of Virtuous Compensatory Mechanism for Public Consumption, the Third Part [J].China Water Conservancy, 2000,(3):12-13. [3] Shao Wenyan. Discussion on the Compensation and Compensatory Mechanism of Water Project [J].Water Economy, 2001, (4):29-30. [4] Wang Yuanjing.Probe into the Benefit Compensation and Revenue Sharing of Water Project [J]. China Water Conservancy, 2003, (6):8-11. [5] Zhang Shaoqing, Liu Weizhong. A Research Report on Compensation for Public Consumption in Water Project Facilities [J].Water Development Research, 2002, (2):17-18. Shou-Kui He, Li-Ting Liao, Ming-Zhong Huang |
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12. | A Review of Groundwater Quality Issue in Jharkhand Due to Fluoride
A Review of Groundwater Quality Issue in Jharkhand Due to FluorideAbstract: Water is elixir of life. Water resources are categorized as surface sources and Groundwater sources. The groundwater have certain dissolved ions , among which presence of fluoride has got significance as it is required by the human body for mineralization of bones and formation of enamel. As per the WHO standard prescribe maximum level for fluoride in drinking water, is 1.5 mg/l, and IS : 10500 specifies required desirable limit of fluoride concentration in drinking water as 0.6-1.0 mg/L, maximum limit is extended to 1.5 mg/l. In the study area, Jharkhand, Palamu, Garhwa, Giridih, Bokaro, Gumla, Godda, Ranchi are the districts where fluoride pollution in water is prevalent. The Daltonganj block in Palamu district is severely affected by this problem. The fluoride problem in the area is mainly geogenic. Other factors like pH, climatic conditions also play a major role. This review paper focuses on the fluoride sources , its distribution and current status of fluoride occurrence in groundwater of different districts of Jharkhand .The factors which are mainly responsible for the occurrence of high fluorides in groundwater & fluoride associated diseases among the residents of the affected area are also analysed. The solution of this problem is either look for the alternative sources of water supply or defluoridation strategy should be suggested.Key words: Groundwater, Fluoride, Defluoridation Reference [1] Meenakshi and Maheshwari R.C.,2006, Fluoride in drinking water and its removal, Journal of Hazardous Matter, 137(1), pp 456-463. [2] Sarala K. and P.R. Rao., 1993, Endemic fluorosis in the village Ralla Anantapuram in Andhra Pradesh: An Epidemiological Study, Fluoride, 26, pp 177-180. [3] Ibrahim M.et.al., 2011, Flouride contents in groundwater: a review, International Journal.of Pharmaceutical applications ISSN 0976-2639, Vol 2 (2), pp 128-134. [4] Wood J.M., 1974, Biological Cycle for toxic elements in the environment, Science, 183, pp 1049-1052. [5] Teotia S.P.S. and Teotia. M., 1984, Endemic fluorosis in India: challenging national health problem, J.Assoc.Phys.India, , 32, pp 347-352. Neeta Kumari, Gopal Pathak |
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Version 3 | |||
1. | Study of DSR and AODV under Sinkhole Attack and Its Proposed Prevention Technique
Study of DSR and AODV under Sinkhole Attack and Its Proposed Prevention TechniqueAbstract: Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANET) are wireless mobile nodes that communicate without any predefined infrastructure. This allows MANETs to be easily setup in geographical and terrestrial constraints. To achieve this kind of communication MANET routing protocols play an important role. Two routing protocols, DSR and AODV are studied in detail. This basic trait of a MANET makes its routing protocols very vulnerable to security attacks. One such attack is the 'Sinkhole' attack which lures packets towards the sinkhole node. A malicious Sinkhole node severely degrades the network once the attack is in progress. This paper describes two of the popular MANET routing protocols, DSR and AODV and the sinkhole attack on these protocols. Prior research carried out to prevent the sinkhole attack is analyzed. Multiple procedures are documented to prevent and mitigate the problem of Sinkhole in MANETs. The proposed solution relies on tackling the sequence number discontinuity to contain Sinkhole attacks. A prevention technique is proposed that relies on the fact that the sequence number discontinuity if tackled can go a long way in containing Sinkhole attacks.Key words: AODV, DSR, MANET, Security, Sinkhole Reference [1] Hongmei Deng, Wei Li, and Dharma P. Agrawal, Routing Security in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks, IEEE Communications Magazine, October 2002, pages 70-75. [2] D. Johnson, Y. Hu and D. Maltz, The Dynamic Source Routing Protocol (DSR) for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks for IPv4, IETF RFC 4728, February 2007; www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4728.txt [3] Benjamin J. Culpepper, H. Chris Tseng, Sinkhole Intrusion Indicators in DSR MANETs, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Broadband Networks (BROADNETS 04), IEEE Computer Society, 2004 [4] C. Perkins, E. Belding-Royer and S. Das, Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) Routing, IETF RFC 3561, July 2003; www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3561.txt [5] Nisarg Gandhewar, Rahila Patel, Detection & Prevention of Sinkhole Attack on AODV Protocol in Mobile Adhoc Network, 2012 Fourth International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks, IEEE Computer Society, 2012 Winnie Main, Narendra M. Shekokar |
01-04 | ![]() |
2. | Implementation of Adaptive FIR Filter for the Wavelet Transforms Using Distributed Arithmetic Technique
Implementation of Adaptive FIR Filter for the Wavelet Transforms Using Distributed Arithmetic TechniqueAbstract: When computational resources are limited especially multipliers, Distributed Arithmetic (DA) is used in place of the typical multiplier based filtering structures. However, DA is not well suited for the adaptive applications. The bottleneck is updating the memory table. Several attempts have been done to accelerate updating the memory, but at the expense of additional memory usage and of convergence speed. To develop an adaptive DA filter with an uncompromised convergence rate, the memory table must be fully updated. An efficient method of fully updating a DA memory table is involved in this paper. The update method is based on exploiting the temporal locality of the stored data and subexpression sharing. This updation method reduces the computational workload and requires no additional memory resources. The parallelism inherent in DSP may be well exploited to implement the computation intensive discrete wavelet transform and making maximal utilization of the look-up table architecture by reformulating the wavelet computation in accordance with the parallel Distributed Arithmetic algorithm.Index Terms: Adaptive FIR Filter, Distributed Arithmetic (DA), Look up Table (LUT), LMS Algorithm, Offset Binary Coding (OBC). Reference [1] Sang Yoon Park And Pramod Kumar Meher "Low Power,High Throughput And Low Area Adaptive Fir Filter Based On Distributed Arithmetic" Ieee Trans.On Signal Processing,Vol. 60, No. 6, Jun, 2013. [2] Basant K. Mohanty and Pramod Kumar Meher, "A High-Performance Energy-Efficient Architecture for FIR Adaptive Filter Based on New Distributed Arithmetic Formulation of Block LMS Algorithm,"IEEE Trans.on signal processing,vol. 61, no. 4, february15, 2013. [3] R. I. Hartley, "Subexpression sharing in filters using canonic signed digit multipliers," IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II, Analog Digit. Signal Process. vol. 43, no. 10, pp. 677–688, Oct. 1999. [4] R. Guo and L. S. DeBrunner, "Two high-performance adaptive filter implementation schemes using distributed arithmetic," IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II, Exp. Briefs, vol. 58, no. 9, pp. 600–604, Sep. 2011. [5] Erhan Özalevli,Walter Huang,Paul E. Hasler and David V. Anderson, "A Reconfigurable Mixed-Signal VLSI Implementation of Distributed Arithmetic Used for Finite-Impulse Response Filtering,"IEEE Trans.on Circuits and Systems-I: Regular papers,vol. 55, no. 2, March 2008. G. Sathiyavani, J.Amali, S. Indumadhi |
05-08 | ![]() |
3. | Power Quality Improvement of an Off-Grid Versatile PV System
Power Quality Improvement of an Off-Grid Versatile PV SystemAbstract: Photovoltaic systems are trusted to be the future wave of alternate source of energy. This paper presents a versatile PV generation system that enables to supply both AC as well as DC loads in addition to providing back-up supply for the AC load. The back-up supply is provided by charging a battery. The inverter is controlled using hysteresis current control method that contains the current ripple within the two hysteresis bands. Thereby the harmonic content in the inverter output is lowered and also provides quality power. The performance of the proposed system is verified through simulation.Key words: Photo Voltaic (PV), Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT), Converter, Inverter, Current Control Reference [1] S. Jain and V. Agarwal "Comparison of the performance of maximum power point tracking schemes applied to single-stage grid-connected photovoltaic systems" in IET Electr. Power Appl.,vol. 1, no. 5, pp. 753–762, Sep. 2007. [2] M. A. G. de Brito, L. Galotto. Jr., L. P. Sampaio, G. A. Melo, and C. A. Canesin "Evaluation of the Main MPPT Techniques for Photovoltaic Applications" in IEEE Trans on Industrial Electronics, vol. 60, no. 3, pp. 1156-1167, March 2013. [3] R. Faranda, S. Leva and V. Maugeri "MPPT techniques for PV Systems: energetic and cost comparison" in IEEE PESGMCDEE'08, pp.1-6 Jul. 2008. [4] R.Sridhar, S.Jeevananthan, N.Thamizh Selvan and Sujith Chowdary "Performance Improvement of a Photo Voltaic Array Using MPPT (P&O) Technique" in IEEE ICCCCT'10, pp. 191-195, Oct. 2010. [5] S. Alsadi and B. Alsayid "Maximum Power Point Tracking Simulation for Photovoltaic Systems Using Perturb and Observe Algorithm" in IJEIT vol. 2, Iss. 6, pp. 80-85, Dec. 2012. D. Bini Sherlin, J.C. Paul Immanuel |
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4. | An Efficient Refining Of Cbir through Supervised Learning Approach
An Efficient Refining Of Cbir through Supervised Learning ApproachAbstract: CBIR(Content Based Image Retrieval) technique has its own importance in medical field to store, manage, and retrieve data images based on user query. Here we propose a framework based on design and development of a multi-tier Content-Based Image Retrieval system for MRI brain images utilizing a reference database that contains both normal and tumor brain images under the category which it falls(i.e. normal, benign or malignant tumor) ,with their identity number, which are mostly difficult to classify and discriminate. The features of the image are extracted using gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) technique and a subset of features is selected using Differential Evolution Feature Selection (DEFS) technique. The selected features are sent through the classifier (SVM). Searching is done by means of matching the image features such as texture, shape, or different combinations of them. SVM (Support Vector machine) classifier followed by KNN (K-nearest neighbor) for CBIR using texture and shape feature.This CBIR system enables both multi-image query and slide-level image retrieval in order to protect semantic consistency among the retrieved images. The performance of the system is tested on the dataset by several MRI brain images of various categories, and the features of the image in the dataset matching more accurately of the features of query images are listed as retrieved images with their identification number for better accuracy.Key words: CBIR,MRI brain images,GLCM,DEFS,SVM,KNN . Reference [1]Akakin, H.C."Content-Based Microscopic Image Retrieval System for Multi-Image Queries",IEEE transactions on information technology in biomedicine, vol. 16, no. 4, july 2012. [2] Lei Zheng "Design and analysis of a content based pathology image retrievalsystem",IEEE transactions on information technology in biomedicine, vol. 7, no. 4, december 2003. [3]Liu Yang(2009) "Pathminer :A web base tool for computer –assited diagnostics in pathology",IEEE Trans. Inf. Technol. Biomed., vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 291–299, May 2009. [4] Rahman M.M (2007) "A frame work for medical image retrieval using machine learning and statistical matching techniques with relevance feedback", IEEE transactions on information technology in biomedicine, vol. 11, no. 1, january 2007 . [5] Tang H.L"Histological image retrieval based on semantic content analysis", .IEEE Trans. Inf. Technol. Biomed., vol. 7,no. 1, pp. 26–36, Mar. 2003. R. Bindhu, Mr. S. P. Sivagnanasubramanian |
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5. | Self Reconfigurable Wireless Networks With Dsdv Protocol Implementation
Self Reconfigurable Wireless Networks With Dsdv Protocol ImplementationAbstract: In multi hop wireless networks experience frequent link failures caused by channel interference, dynamic obstacles, and/or applications' bandwidth demands. These failures cause severe performance degradation in wireless networks or require expensive manual network management for their real-time recovery. This paper presents an autonomous network reconfiguration system (ARS) with destination sequence distance vector (DSDV) protocol that enables a multi radio Wireless network to autonomously recover from local link failures to preserve network performance. By using channel and radio diversities in Wireless networks, ARS generates necessary changes in local radio and channel assignments in order to recover from failures. Next, based on the thus-generated configuration changes, the system cooperatively reconfigures network settings among local mesh router. In this concept during the data transmission if the link fails in between the nodes, the previous node act as the header node. The header node, creating the loop around the neighboring nodes and find the energy efficient path, after finding the path send the data's towards it to reach the destination. Because of this there is no chance for data losing, Here ARS has been implemented and evaluated extensively on through ns2-based simulation. Our evaluation results show that ARS outperforms existing failure recovery schemes in improving channel-efficiency .Index Terms: DSDV protocol, IEEE 802.11, multi radio wireless networks , self-reconfigurable networks, wireless link failures, Reference [1] I. Akyildiz, X. Wang, and W. Wang, ―Wireless mesh networks: A survey,‖ Comput. Netw., vol. 47, no. 4, pp. 445–487, Mar. 2005. [2] ―MIT Roofnet,‖ [Online]. Available: http://www.pdos.lcs.mit.edu/ roofnet [3] Motorola, Inc., ―Motorola, Inc., mesh broadband,‖ Schaumburg, IL [Online]. Available: http://www.motorola.com/mesh [4] P. Kyasanur and N. Vaidya, ―Capacity of multi-channel wireless net-works: Impact of number of channels and interfaces,‖ in Proc. ACM MobiCom, Cologne, Germany, Aug. 2005, pp. 43–57. [5] K. Ramanchandran, E. Belding-Royer, and M. Buddhikot, ―Inter-ference-aware channel assignment in multi-radio wireless mesh networks,‖ in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, Barcelona, Spain, Apr. 2006, 1–12. K. Muthulakshmi B. Balaji, S. Gowtham, M. Hemashri, A. Jahana Bharvine |
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6. | Collective Behaviour Learning :A Concept For Filtering Web Pages
Collective Behaviour Learning :A Concept For Filtering Web PagesAbstract: The rapid growth of the WWW poses unprecedented challenges for general purpose crawlers and search engines. The Former technique used to crawl web pages was FOCUS (Forum Crawler Under Supervision).This project presents a collective behavior learning algorithm for web crawling. The collective behavior learning algorithm crawl the web pages based on particular keyword. Discriminative learning extracts only the related URL of the particular keyword based on filtering. The goal of this project is to crawl relevant forum content from the web with minimal overhead. The unwanted URL is removed from the web pages and the web page crawling is reduced by using the collective behavior learning. The web pages must be extracted based on certain learning techniques and can be used to collect the unwanted URL'S.Key words: Uniform Resource Locator, World Wide Web, Support Vector Machine, Forum Crawler Under Supervision. Reference [1] Zhouyao Chen, Ou Wu, Mingliang Zhu and Weiming Hu " A Novel Web Page Filtering System by Combining Texts and Images", IEEE Transaction 2010. [2] Xunxun Chen,Wei Wang, Dapeng Man and Sichang Xuan" A Webpage Deletion Algorithm Based on Hierarchical Filtering", IEEE Transaction 2010 [3] Marco CovaDavide, Canali and Giovanni Vigna "Prophiler: A fast filter for the largescale detection of malicious" , SPRINGER Journal 2011. [4] K.S.Kuppusamy and G.Aghila "A personalized web page content filtering model based on segmentation" ,IEEE Journal 2011. [5] Zhu He ,Xi Li andWeiming Hu "A boosted semi-supervised learning framework for web page filtering", IEEE Transaction 2010. G. Mercy Bai, T. Selva Banupriya |
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7. | Improving the Performance of Urban Road Intersection.
Improving the Performance of Urban Road Intersection.Abstract: Road intersection is responsible for an important proportion of air pollution especially in urban areas, due to long queues of vehicles waiting for discharge. Therefore, it is necessary to quantify their emissions as accurately as possible. In this study an attempt was made to research on reducing the traffic air pollution such as CO, CO2, HC and NOx, fuel consumption and vehicle operating cost along with improving the traffic flow and delay at a road intersection. One major uncontrolled (un signalized) intersection in capital city Sana'a (Yemen) was chosen for the study. The traffic air pollution, fuel consumption and vehicle operating cost as well as vehicle delay was calculated for the base year 2012 using aaSIDRA 2.0 software developed in Australia. For the horizon year 2022, three scenarios were considered for investigation viz. (1) do nothing, (2) signalizing the intersection and (3) construction of flyover. The analysis shows that for the above mentioned parameters scenario (3) will be the best scenario followed by scenario (2), while worst case scenario will be do nothing.Key words: Improving Urban road Intersection, intersection pollution, improving vehicle operating cost at intersection, Improving Fuel Consumption. Reference [1] aaSIDRA User Guide (2002), Akçelik and Associates Private Limited, Australia. [2] Akçelik R and Biggs D C (1987), Acceleration Profile Models for Vehicles in Road Traffic, Transportation Science, 21 (1), pp 36-54. [3] Biggs, D C (1988), ARFCOM - Models for Estimating Light to Heavy Vehicle Fuel Consumption, Research Report ARR No 152, ARRB Transport Research Ltd, Vermont South, Australia. [4] Bowyer D P, Akçelik R and Biggs D C (1985), Guide to Fuel Consumption Analysis for Urban Traffic Management, Special Report SR No 32, ARRB Transport Research Ltd, Vermont South, Australia. [5] Statistical Year Book (2004), Ministry of Planning and Development, Central Statistical Organization, Republic of Yemen. Dr. Fareed M.A.Karim |
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8. | Environmental Impact Assessment of Road Traffic in Taiz City.
Environmental Impact Assessment of Road Traffic in Taiz City.Abstract: In this study an attempt was made to estimate and predict the pollution emission by road traffic in Taiz city (Yemen). Mobile 6.2 software designed by EPA in the united states was used for the estimation of the pollutions such as CO, THC, NOx , SO2 and PM. Hourly classified vehicle count was carried out in the city network in year 2010, and forecasted for the year 2014, 2020 and 2025. The metrological data, vehicle fleet characteristics and fuel specifications of Taiz city were fed in the software. The pollution emission for the year 2014, 2020 and 2025 were obtained. Different scenarios such as clean air act and traffic management plan in the city were investigated in order to reduce the pollution emissions.Key words: Traffic Air Pollution, Urban traffic Pollution, Mobile 6. Reference [1] Central Statistical Organization (2010), Statistical Year Book, Sana'a, Republic of Yemen: Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation. [2] Consulting Engineering Services (India) Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, (2009), Traffic Management Master Plan for Taiz & Design of Priority Traffic Improvements. [3] Environmental Protection Agency, (2003), User's guide to Mobile 6.1 and Mobile 6.2. [4] World Bank websites, including World Bank, Environmental Department, Initial Draft of Industrial Pollution and Abutment Handbook, January 1995. [5] Environmental Quality in Japan, Ministry of Environment, Government of Japan, current website (www.env.go.jp). Dr. Fareed M. A. Karim |
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Version 4 | |||
2. | Route Discovery and Hop Node Verification to Ensure Authenticated Data Transmissions in Manet
Route Discovery and Hop Node Verification to Ensure Authenticated Data Transmissions in ManetAbstract: In mobile ad hoc network, Position aided routing protocols can offer a significant performance increase over traditional ad hoc routing protocols. As position information is broadcasted including the enemy to receive. Routes may be disconnected due to dynamic movement of nodes. Such networks are more vulnerable to both internal and external attacks due to presence of adversarial nodes. These nodes affect the performance of routing protocol in ad hoc networks. So it is essential to identify the neighbours in MANET. The "Neighbor Position Verification" (NPV), is a routing protocol designed to protect the network from adversary nodes by verifying the position of neighbor nodes to improve security, efficiency and performance in MANET routing.Reference [1] Marco Fiore,Claudio Ettore Casetti and Panagioties papadimitratos " Discovery And Verification Of Neighbor Position In Mobile Ad Hoc Networks", Members IEEE,feb 2013 [2] R. Maheshwari, J. Gao, and S. Das, "Detecting Wormhole Attacks in Wireless Networks Using Connectivity Information," Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, Apr. 2007. [3] P. Papadimitratos, L. Buttyan, T. Holczer, E. Schoch, J. Freudiger, M. Raya, Z. Ma, F. Kargl, A. Kung, and J.-P. Hubaux, "Secure Vehicular Communications: Design and Architecture," IEEE Comm. Magazine, vol. 46, no. 11, pp. 100-109, Nov. 2008. [4] P. Papadimitratos and A. Jovanovic, "GNSS-Based Positioning: Attacks and Countermeasures," Proc. IEEE Military Comm. Conf. (MILCOM), Nov. 2008. [5] R. Poovendran and L. Lazos, "A Graph Theoretic Framework for Preventing the Wormhole Attack," Wireless Networks, vol. 13,pp. 27-59, 2007. Anitha.M & Surya.R.M |
06-10 | ![]() |
3. | A Review On Job Shop Scheduling Using Non-Conventional Optimization Algorithm
A Review On Job Shop Scheduling Using Non-Conventional Optimization AlgorithmAbstract: A great deal of research has been focused on solving job shop scheduling problem (∫J), over the last four decades, resulting in a wide variety of approaches. Recently much effort has been concentrated on hybrid methods to solve ∫J, as a single technique cannot solve this stubborn problem. As a result much effort has recently been concentrated on techniques that lead to combinatorial optimization methods and a meta-strategy which guides the search out of local optima. In this paper, authors seek to assess the work done in the job-shop domain by providing a review of many of the techniques used. It is established that Non- conventional optimization methods should be considered complementary rather than competitive. In addition, this work suggests guide-lines on features that should incorporated to create a good ∫J system. Finally, the possible direction for future work is highlighted so that current barriers within ∫J may be surmounted as researchers approach in the 21st century.Key words: Exact algorithm, job shop, non conventional algorithms, scheduling, review Reference [1] E.Nowicki and C.Smutnicki, "An Advanced Tabu Search Algorithm for the Jobshop Problem" Journal of Scheduling 8: 145–159, 2005. Springer Science + Business Media, Inc. Printed in the Netherlands. [2] Dipak Laha and Uday Kumar Chakraborty, "An efficient hybrid heuristic for makespan minimization in permutation flow shop scheduling" Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2009) 44:559–569 DOI 10.1007/s00170-008 1845-2. [3] Vanita G.Tonge & Prof.P.S.Kulkarni, "Permutation flowshop scheduling problem using DE" International Journal of Societal Applications of Computer Science Vol 1 Issue 1 November 2012, Computer Technology, RCERT, chandrpur. [4] Dirk C. Mattfeld, Christian Bierwirth "An efficient genetic algorithm for job shop scheduling with tardiness objectives" European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 155, Issue 3, 16 June 2004, Pages 616-630 [5] Kolonko, M. (1998) Some New Results on "Simulated Annealing Applied to the Job Shop Scheduling Problem", to appear in the European Journal of Operational Research. K.Mallikarjuna, Venkatesh.G, Somanath.B |
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4. | Microcontroller Based Current Detection In Ac Locomotives
Microcontroller Based Current Detection In Ac LocomotivesAbstract: An electric locomotive is a locomotive powered by electricity from overhead lines, a third rail or an on-board energy storage device.During the course of run of the locos, there arise situations that the motor consumes current that is above the maximum or below the minimum ratings. This phenomenon causes flashover, burning out of contactors etc. If we could prevent these undesirable anomalies a lot of money can be saved and also the maintenance works gets reduced.This necessitates the development of a system that helps us in detecting the unusual current consumption so that all the undesirable anomalies can be avoided. Presently there are no such systems that help us in detecting this problem. This paper aims in developing such a system using a microcontroller that digitally notifies the loco pilot for any unusual current consumption so that if such a situation should arise the specific faulty motor can be isolated before it gets damaged.Key words: Current detection, Locomotive, Microcontroller, Traction motor, Wheel slip Reference [1] Advanced anti-slip and anti-skid re-adhesion control considering air brake for electric train by Kadowaki.s, Ohishik, Hata.T, Sano, Yasukawa. S, Power electronics and applications, 2005 European conference, publication year:2005 [2] AntislipReadhesion Control Based onSpeed-Sensorless Vector Control and Disturbance Observer for Electric Commuter Train—Series205-5000 of the East Japan Railway CompanySatoshiKadowaki, Associate Member, IEEE, Kiyoshi Ohishi, Member, IEEE, Tadashi Hata, NorifumiIida,Masashi Takagi, Takashi Sano, and Shinobu Yasukawa [3] Traction distribution (OHE),2004,firstedition,Indian railways institute of electrical engineering, Nasik road-422 101 [4] Three phase technology,first edition, Indian railways institute of electrical engineering, nasikroad-4 [5] Traction Rolling Stock (maintenance),2004,first edition, Indian railways institute of electrical engineering, Nasik road-422 101 Smrithi Radhakrishnan, S.Sangeetha |
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5. | Investigation of Effect of Operating Parameters of A CNC Cylindrical Grinding Machine on Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing
Investigation of Effect of Operating Parameters of A CNC Cylindrical Grinding Machine on Geometric Dimensioning and TolerancingAbstract: Machining processes are met with dimensional and geometrical variations in a product during machining operation. The amount of variation needs to be more strictly defined for accurately machined parts. Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (GD&T) definition provides the precision required for allowing manufacturing of most economical parts. Crankshaft flange is required to be machined with higher degree of precision. If geometrical accuracies are not met the crankshaft-flywheel assembly will cause wear, unbalance and vibration, leading to poor functionality. The face of crankshaft flange is evaluated for geometric tolerances- flatness and runout. A two level three factor factorial model is designed and analyzed on Minitab 16 software to identify the most affecting machining parameter among speed, feed and depth of cut on face flatness and face runout.Key words: Crankshaft, Cylindrical grinding, Geometric tolerances, Design of experiments, Flatness, Runout Reference [1] R K Jain, Production Technology, 17th Edn, Khanna Publishers 2009. [2] Study Performance of Cylindrical Grinding On Straightness' by MOHD Affendy Bin Samdin, Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka; 'Prediction of surface roughness and roundness error in cylindrical grinding by ANN' by C.K. Dhinakarraj, M.E, P.Mangaiyarkarasi [3] James D Meadows, Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing .Vol.2 Marcel Dekker, Inc. [4] Montgomery D.C, Design and Analysis of Experiments, 5th Edn, John Wiley & Sons, 2005 [5] Montgomery D.C, Design and Analysis of Experiments, 5th Edn, John Wiley & Sons, 2005 [6] Montgomery D.C, Design and Analysis of Experiments, 5th Edn, John Wiley & Sons, 2005 Jayalakshmi, Prof. S.P Joshi, Dr. P.M George |
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6. | Classification of Brain Tumor Using Support Vector Machine Classfiers
Classification of Brain Tumor Using Support Vector Machine ClassfiersAbstract: Magnetic resonance imagi ng (MRI) is an imaging technique that has played an important role in neuro science research for studying brain images. Classification is an important part in order to distinguish between normal patients and those who have the possibility of having abnormalities or tumor. The proposed method consists of two stages: feature extraction and classification. In first stage features are extracted from images using GLCM. In the next stage, extracted features are fed as input to Kernel-Based SVM classifier. It classifies the images between normal and abnormal along with Grade of tumor depending upon features. For Brain MRI images; features extracted with GLCM gives 98% accuracy with Kernel-Based SVM Classifiesr. Software used is MATLAB R2011a.Key words: GLCM, Feature Extraction, MRI, Kernel-Based SVM classifiers. Reference [1] Kadam D. B., Gade, S. S., M. D. Uplane and R. K. Prasad4 " Neural Network Based Brain Tumor Detection Using MR Images", International Journal Of Computer Science [2] Sonali Patil, V.R. Udupi "Computer Aided Diagnostic System For Classification Of Brain Tumors Using Texture Features & Probabilistic Neural Network" International Journal Of Computer Science Engineering Vol. 3, Issue1, March 2013. [3] Prof. J. Vandewalle, Prof. S. Van Huffel " Least Squares Support Vector Machines Classification Applied To Brain Tumour Recognition". [4] Jayashri Joshi, Mrs.A.C.Phadk "Feature Extraction and Texture Classification in MRI", Special Issue of IJCCT Vol. 2 Issue 2, 3, 4; 2010, International Conference [ICCT-2010], 3rd-5th December 2010. [5] Ming-Ni Wu, Chia-Chen Lin "Brain Tumor Detection K-Means Clustering Segmentation". Dr.D. J. Pete, Mrs A.J. Nirmal, Mrs S.N. Vaidya |
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7. | Performance Analysis of Contourlet Features with SVM Classifier for the Characterization of Atheromatous Plaque in Intravascular Ultrasound Images
Performance Analysis of Contourlet Features with SVM Classifier for the Characterization of Atheromatous Plaque in Intravascular Ultrasound ImagesAbstract: Medical Image Processing has full-fledged in recent years and demands high accuracy since it deals with human creature. Artificial intelligent is one of the techniques used in this field which aims to reduce human error as much as possible. Hence, in this work, the local characterization of atheromatous plaque is proposed using the feature vector which includes the texture features extracted from the sub bands of third level contourlet transform. The extracted feature vectors are inputted to the SVM Classifier. The classifier differentiates each pixel in the IVUS image as Fibrotic, Lipidic and Calcified plaque tissues. The pixel based classification performance is assessed in terms of sensitivity, specificity and accuracy. The time taken to obtain the average accuracy of 95.92% is about 2 seconds under testing condition.Key words: Intravascular Ultrasound, Atheromatous Plaque, Contourlet Transform, SVM Classifier. Reference [1] http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs317/en/index.html [2] Libby P. The vascular biology of atherosclerosis. In: Bonow RO, Mann DL, Zipes DP, and Libby P, eds. Braunwald's Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine. 9th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier; 2011: chapter: 43. [3] Amin Katouzian, Shashidhar Sathyanarayana, Babak Baseri, Elisa E. Konofagou, and Stephane G. Carlier, " Challenges in Atherosclerotic Plaque Characterization with Intravascular Ultrasound (IVUS): From Data Collection to Classification," IEEE Trans.On Information Technology in Biomedicine, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 315–327, May 2008. [4] Efthyvoulos C. Kyriacou, Constantinos Pattichis, Marios Pattichis, Christos Loizou, Christodoulos Christodoulou, S. K. Kakkos, and Andrew Nicolaides, "A Review of Noninvasive Ultrasound Image Processing Methods in the Analysis of Carotid Plaque Morphology for the Assessment of Stroke Risk," IEEE Trans.On Information Technology in Biomedicine, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 1027–1037, July 2010. [5] Athanasiou, L.S. Karvelis, P.S. Tsakanikas, V.D. Stefanou, K.A. Naka, K.K.; Michalis, L.K. Rigas, G.A. Fotiadis, D.I. Dept of Mater. Sci. & Eng., Univ. of Ioannina, Ioannina, Greece, "Atherosclerotic plaque characterization using geometrical features from virtual histology intravascular ultrasound images," 10th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology and Applications in Biomedicine(ITAB), pp:1-4 Nov. 2010 Selvathi D, Emimal N |
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8. | Implementation of Automatic Recovery In Packet Loss For Wireless Sensor Network
Implementation of Automatic Recovery In Packet Loss For Wireless Sensor NetworkAbstract: This paper describes with an idea of how the automatic recovery paradigm will work for audio/video streaming data packets in Wireless Sensor Networks. In recent works observed that compressed sensing theory can obtain all the signal information from far fewer measurements by means of non-adaptive linear projection, and can recover the signal information using non-linear reconstruction technique. In this paper according to the compressive sensing theory, a new video codec system has been developed. In the encoding process, the audio/video frame sequences are divided into groups, each group include intra and inter frames. A random measurement matrix is constructed to measure different frames. Then the measurements are quantized, the quantization codes are transmitted on the channel. In decoding process, each frame sequence is reconstructed using the St OMP algorithm and processed in the present system then experimental results shown that the proposed method exhibits better results over the traditional video codec with keeping the same quality of the video image, and it can reduce sampling number significantly, realize easily, encode/decode more efficiently.Key words: Automatic Recovery, compressed sensing, video codec and measurement reconstruction Reference [1] A. Prasanna, Pudlewski S., T. Melodia, and "C-DMRC: Compressive Distortion-Minimizing Rate Control for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks," in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks (SECON) 2010, Boston, MA, June 2010. [2] A. Katsaggelos, Wang Y., S. Wenger, and J. Wen, "Error resilient video coding techniques," IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 61–82, Jul. 2000 [3] A. Luthra, T. Wiegand, G. J. Sullivan, and G. Bjntegaard, "Overview of the H.264/AVC video coding standard," IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 13, no. 7, pp. 560–576, July 2003. [4] B. Girod, A. Aaron, and Setton E., "Towards Practical Wyner-Ziv Coding of Video," in Proc. of IEEE Intl. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP), Barcelona, Spain, September 2003. [5] C. W. Chen , T. Sheng, G. Hua, Guo H., and J. Zhou, "Rate allocation for transform domain Wyner-Ziv video coding without feedback," in ACM Int. Conf. on Multimedia, New York, USA, Oct‟ 2008, pp. 701–704. Mr. Devaraya Vijay Kumar Arjun, Mr. Jammi Ashok |
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1. | An Instant Search Engine For Museum
An Instant Search Engine For MuseumAbstract: Mobile phone has become a part of the personalized computing. Nowadays everyone has a strong loyalty to use these devices. Personalization helps users to identifying his intentions, and trends about a specific area. In the life-long learning activities, museums have interested to provide information from ancient history to modern ages. This viewpoint emphasizes the importance and role of the museums and their accessibility. By using mobile learning platform and its features, we can share information about the museums not only with audio guides about art objects but also the location of the museums and places located in the Environment. Also, interactive tools can provide interfaces for users to access some art Objects which located in a specific museum by help of the mobile solutions.Key words: mobile learning, positioning technique, interactive guides. Reference [1] Athanasios Fevgas, Panagiota Tsompanopoulou, and Panayiotis Bozanis "iMuse Mobile Tour: a personalized multimedia museum guide opens to groups" Department of Computer and Communication Engineering University of Thessaly Glavani 37, 382 21 Volos, Greece [2] Carlos Delgado-Mata and Ramiro Velazquez Escuela de Ingenieria Universidad Panamericana Robert J Pooley, Ruth Aylett and Judy Robertson Heriot Watt University, Riccarton Campus, Edinburgh "MPISTE: A Mobile, Personalised, Interactive Story Telling Environment" [3] Chen Jing, Guo Junwei, Wang Yongtian Key Laboratory of Photoelectronic Imaging Technology and System, Ministry of Education of China, School of Optics and Electronics, Beijing Institute of Technology "Mobile Augmented reality system for personal museum tour guide Application" [4] Jianga Shang1,2, Shengsheng Yu1, Fuqiang Gu2,Zhanya Xu2, Liangfeng Zhu3 College of Computer Science and Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology , Wuhan, China 1 Information Engineering Faculty , China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, China 2 Key Laboratory of GIS for Ministry of Education, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China "A Mobile Guide System Framework for Museums Based on Local Location-aware Approach" [5] " Lixin Diao1, Mingzhang Zuo1, Qiang Liu Information & technology Department,Central China Normal University ,Wuhan, China "The Artificial Intelligence in Personal Knowledge Management". M. Saranya, Ms J. Shanthalakshmi Revathy |
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2. | Design and Implementation of SCADA Based Induction Motor Control
Design and Implementation of SCADA Based Induction Motor ControlAbstract: The introduction of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system has been discussed in details. Network components, functionality, generation and features of SCADA has been discussed in details in this paper. Application and uses of SCADA system in different fields of engineering have also been mentioned. Also the working of the software components and development in SCADA has been explained with merits and demerits of the software. Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) has been discussed in detail which includes features, working and automation purposes of PLC in this paper. Architecture, memory organization, addressing words, input/ output modules and programming of a PLC with all its components such as programming devices, consideration of programming and program control instructions has been studying for this paper. Working of the project with SCADA and PLC has been also discussed. Programming development has also been explained. A systematic approach of control system design using programming logic controller has been discussed in details with ladder logic diagram designing. PLC program development and programming with ladder diagram has been explained with the assignment of SCADA control screen. Also the SCADA screen developed has been shown at the different operation conditions of the processing system in this paper. Experimental setup and performance analysis explains the actual wok which has been adopted for the project.Reference [1.] "A combined PLC and CPU approach to multiprocessor control," in Proc. 16th IEEE/NPSS Symp.Fusion Engineering, vol. 2, 1995 [2.] "A new architecture for high-performance programmable logic controller," in Proc. 23rd Int. Conf. Industrial Electronics, Control and Instrumentation, vol. 1, 1997 [3.] "A PLC program generator incorporating sequential circuit synthesis techniques," in Proc. IEEE Asia-Pacific Conf. Circuit and Systems, 1998 [4.] "Basic of PLCs‟ STEP 2000 series, Siemens Technical Education Program. [5.] "Control Engineering‟ Mc GRAW-HILL Book Company (UK) Limited. Pampashree, Dr. Md.Fakhruddin Ansari |
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3. | PLC Based Hydraulic Auto Ladle System
PLC Based Hydraulic Auto Ladle SystemAbstract: In this paper we have implemented a PLC based Hydraulic Auto Ladle System for Casting Department of Victory Precisions Pvt. Ltd. Chakan, Pune. This project work presents the study and design of PLC based Hydraulic Auto Ladle System. Aluminium pouring is the key process in Casting and Forging industry. Different products are manufactured by the company for automobile sector using aluminium. Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) is used for the automation of pouring process. Automation is done to increase the accuracy and consistency in the quality of the product. Human errors, while pouring the aluminium, which in-turn results in defective production are eliminated by introducing automation.Key words: PLC based, Hydraulic, Casting and Forging, Auto Ladle System, Accuracy. Reference [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casting [2] http://pejawarelectronics.com/catalogs/XMP%20Micro%20PLC.pdf [3] http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydraulic_drive_system Amogh Tayade, Anuja Chitre, Amol D. Rahulkar |
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4. | Methods For The Minimization Of Actuation Voltage In MEMS Switch
Methods For The Minimization Of Actuation Voltage In MEMS SwitchAbstract: MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems) is the Combination of mechanical functions such as sensing, moving, heating and electrical functions such as switching on the same chip using micro fabrication technology. The term MEMS refers to a collection of microsensors and actuators which can sense its environment and have the ability to react to changes in that environment with the use of a microcircuit control. These micros witches have two major design groups: capacitive (Metal-Insulator-Metal) and resistive (Metal-To-Metal). In the capacitive design of a microswitch it refers the RF signal is shorted to ground by a variable capacitor. In the Resistive design switch operates by creating an open or short in the transmission line. This paper reviews the progress in MEMS applications from a device perspective. It includes the designing of cantilever switch and will tell about the important device parameters that are highlighted, as they have significant contributions to the performance of the final products in which the devices are used. The challenges and statuses of these MEMS devices are discussed. In this paper, a cantilever type of switch is proposed that could reduce the stress sensitivity of the switch as well as providing a low actuation voltage. The overall switch structure will be designed with size miniaturization. Here in this paper the main objective is to Design the cantilever switch and to measure its actuation voltage. The main advantages of using the MEMS is to achieve the small size, lower power consumption, lower cost, increased reliability improved reproducibility and higher precision, Low insertion losses.IndexTerms: RF MEMS switch, Low actuation voltage, RF parameters Reference [1] Shimul Chandra Saha, Tajeshwar Sin&, TrondSaether"Design and Simulation of FW MEMS Bridge Switches for High Switching Cantilever and Speed and Low Voltage Operation and Their Comparison." 05 IEEE [2] Anatoliy Batmanov , Ehab K. I. Hamad , Edmund P. Burte , and Abbas S. Omar "Design of H-Shaped Low Actuation-Voltage RF-MEMS Switches" Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference 2006 [3] Hamood Ur Rahman, Tim Hesketh, RodicaRamer"Low Actuation VoltageRF MEMS Series Switch with Novel Beam Design" International Conference on Emerging Technologies IEEE-ICET 2008 [4] S. Kanthamani, s. Raju and V. Abhai Kumar "Design ofLow Actuation Voltage RF MEMS Cantilever Switch" International Conference on microwave-2008 [5] Y. Mafinejad, A. Z. Kouzani, K. Mafinezhad, H. Nabovatti" Design and Simulation of a Low Voltage Wide Band RF MEMS Switch" IEEE International Conference on Systems 2009 Jaspreet M. Hora, Dr. Sanjay Dorle, Prof. Sanjay B. Tembhurne |
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5. | Composting Organic Kitchen Waste with Worms for Sustainable Kitchen Waste Management
Composting Organic Kitchen Waste with Worms for Sustainable Kitchen Waste ManagementAbstract: India produces around 3000 million tons of organic waste annually. This huge volume of waste(s) comes from agriculture, urban and industrial sources and also from domestic activities. Utilization of this waste material for productivity process is important for both economical and environmental reasons. In the present study an effort has been made to assess the efficacy of E. foetida (red tiger worm) in utilizing the kitchen waste material, to analyse the waste decomposition process assessed with earthworm activity.Key words: Vermicomposting, composting, earthworms E.foetida. Reference [1] Alok Bharadwaj, Management of Kitchen Waste Material through Vermicomposting, ASIAN J. EXP. BIOL. SCI., VOL 1 (1) 2010:175-177 [2] ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam – 793 103, Meghalaya [3] Mall, A.K., Dubey, A. and Prasad, S. (2005) Vermicompost: an inevitable tool of organic farming for sustainable agriculture. Agrobios Newsletter, 3(8):10-12 [4] Hand, P., Hayes, W.A., Satchell, J.E., Frankl, J.C., Edwards, C.A. and Neuhauser, E.F. (1998).The vermicomposting of cowslurry. Earthworm Waste Environ. Management. pp.49-63. [5] Kaviraj and Sharma, S. (2003) Municipal solid waste management through vermicomposting employing exotic and local species of earthworms. Biores. Technol., (90) Mehali J. Mehta, Karishma K. Chorawala |
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6. | Image Intensification Using Mathematical Morphology
Image Intensification Using Mathematical MorphologyAbstract: This paper deals with analysis of image Intensification carried out various methodologies used in Mathematical Morphological [MM] theory on dark images. In this paper, Poor lighting images have been processed through Block Analysis, Morphological Operation and Opening by Reconstruction. Basically, Weber's Law Operator is used to analyze poor lighting images which are carried out by two methods such as Image background detection by block analysis while second operator utilize opening by reconstruction to define multi background notion. Such Morphological operations are Erosion, Dilation, Compound operation such as Opening by reconstruction, Erosion-Dilation method and Block Analysis is used to detect the background of images. Analysis of above mention methods illustrated through the processing of images with filtering techniques along with different dark background images.Key words: Block Analysis, Erosion-dilation method, Opening by reconstruction, Opening operation, Weber's law notion. Reference [1] Susanta Mukhopadhyay, Bhabatosh Chanda," A multiscale morphological approach to local contrast enhancement Signal Processing 80 (2000) 685}696" [2] Angélica R. Jiménez-Sánchez, Jorge D. Mendiola-Santibañez, Iván R. Terol- Villalobos, Gilberto Herrera-Ruíz, Damián Vargas-Vázquez, Juan J. García-Escalante, and Alberto Lara-Guevara, "Morphological Background Detection and enhancement of Images with Poor Lighting" IEEE Trans. Image Process. 18(3), pp. 613-623 (2009) [3] Divya Madan,x` Susheel Kumar,"A New Approach for Improvement of Dark Images" , IJEEMF, Vol. 02, Issue 01, July 2012 ISSN: 2278-3989. [4] K.Narasimhan, C.R.Sudarsan, Nagarajan Raju‖ "A Comparision of contrst Enhancement Techniques in poor illuminated gray level and color images‖", in IJCA ,vol.24.no.2 , 2011. [5] K.Sreedhar and B.Panlal , Enhancement of images using morphological transformation‖ .IJCS&IT, vol. 4, no. 1, 2012. Nikesh T. Gadare, Dr. S. A. Ladhake, Prof. P. D. Gawande |
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7. | Multi-Agent Based PGP Architecture
Multi-Agent Based PGP ArchitectureAbstract: Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) is a package for securing emails, files communications. It is an open-source package, which is available online for users. PGP provides some of the most important security services like Authentication, Confidentiality, and Integrity. PGP Also applies compression techniques for compressing messages and reducing their size. Also it uses Radix-64 encoding/decoding scheme for email compatibility. The classic PGP has been formed by independent components and uses a hierarchal structure in which each component is responsible for providing one of the services or features in PGP. This hierarchal structure forces all the components, even the independent ones to be executed in a linear way. Because of this structure, each component waits idle for long a time. As a result, the classic PGP has low performance and high execution time. By studying this structure, we find out that we can redesign the architecture by using Multi-Agent systems to eliminate bottlenecks. With this new design, we can achieve higher performance and faster execution time than the classic PGP. In the proposed scheme, each Agent handles one of the PGP's components and in the implementation semaphores will be used to handle each agent. By using this technique, we will have concurrency between the agents and as a result the idle time will decrease and the proposed scheme will get higher performance and lower execution time than the classic PGP. The experimental results show that our scheme runs 30% faster than the classic PGP with different configurations of computer hardware.Key words: Pretty Good Privacy, Multi-agent systems, Email Communications, Authentication, Confidentiality Reference [1] J. Callas, L. Donnerhacke, H. Finney, and R. Thayer, "OpenPGP message format", RFC 2440, November1998. [2] OpenPGP, RFC4880, http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4880 [3] PCWorld. "PGP Encryption Proves Powerful". 2003-05-26. Retrieved 2010-02-08. [4] R. K. Nichols, ICSA guide to cryptography: McGraw-Hill Professional, 1998. [5] P. R. Zimmermann, "An introduction to cryptography", Network Associates Inc., PGP, version, vol. 6, 1995. [6] W. Stallings, Network security essentials vol. 4: Prentice Hall, 2010. Babak Nouri-Moghaddam, Mohammad Ismaeil Shahabian, Hamid Reza Naji |
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8. | Computer Aided Diagnosis of Macular Edema Using Color Fundus Images: A Review
Computer Aided Diagnosis of Macular Edema Using Color Fundus Images: A ReviewAbstract: Diabetic retinopathy is the leading cause of blindness in the western working age population and micro aneurysms are one of the first pathologies associated with diabetic retinopathy. Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is caused by damage to the blood vessels of the retina which affects the vision. But when DR becomes severe it results into macular edema. Macula is the region near the centre of the eye that provides the vision. Blood vessels leak fluid onto the macula leading to the swelling which blurs the vision eventually leading to complete loss of vision. This paper is based on the detection of the edema affected image from the normal image. If the image is edema affected it also states its severity of the disease using a rotational asymmetry metric by examining the symmetry of the macular region. Diabetic macular edema (DME) is an advanced symptom of diabetic retinopathy and can lead to irreversible vision loss. A feature extraction technique is introduced to capture the global characteristics of the fundus images and discriminate the normal from DME images.Key words: Abnormality detection, diabetic macular edema, hard exudates, learning normal. Reference [1] Ziyang Liang ; Wong, D.W.K. ; Jiang Liu ; Ngan-Meng Tan ; Xiangang Cheng ; Cheung, G.C.M. ; Bhargava, M. ; Tien Yin Wong 'Automatic fovea detection in retinal fundus images' Digital Object Identifier, 2012 , Page(s): 1746 – 1750 [2] Aftab, U. ; Akram, M.U.'Automated identification of exudates for detection of macular edema' Biomedical Engineering Conference (CIBEC), 2012 Cairo International, 2012 , Page(s): 27 – 30 [3] Asim, K.M. ; Basit, A. ; Jalil, A. 'Detection and localization of fovea in human retinal fundus images' Emerging Technologies (ICET) 2012 , Page(s): 1 – 5 [4] Eadgahi, M.G.F. ; Pourreza, H. 'Localization of hard exudates in retinal fundus image by mathematical morphology operations' Computer and Knowledge Engineering (ICCKE) 2012 , Page(s): 185 - 189 [5] K. Sai Deepak, Jaynath Sivaswamy, ‗Automatic assessment of macular edema from color retinal images' IEEE transactions on Medical imaging, vol 31, no. 3, March 2012. Devashree R. Zinjarde, Trupti Mohota |
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9. | Modified Approach for Hiding Sensitive Association Rules for Preserving Privacy in Database
Modified Approach for Hiding Sensitive Association Rules for Preserving Privacy in DatabaseAbstract: Data mining is the process of analyzing large database to find useful patterns. The term pattern refers to the items which are frequently occurring in set of transaction. The frequent patterns are used to find association between sets of item. The efficiency of mining association rules and confidentiality of association rule is becoming one of important area of knowledge discovery in database. This paper is organized into two sections. In the system Apriori algorithm is being presented that efficiently generates association rules. These reduces unnecessary database scan at time of forming frequent large item sets .We have tried to give contribution to improved Apriori algorithm by hiding sensitive association rules which are generated by applying improved Apriori algorithm on supermarket database. In this paper we have used novel approach that strategically modifies few transactions in transaction database to decrease support and confidence of sensitive rule without producing any side effects. Thus in the paper we have efficiently generated frequent item set sets by applying Improved Apriori algorithm and generated association rules by applying minimum support and minimum confidence and then we went one step further to identify sensitive rules and tried to hide them without any side effects to maintain integrity of data without generating spurious rules.Key words: Association rule, confidence, Data mining methods and Algorithm, Minimum Support Threshold (MST), Minimum Confidence Threshold, (MCT), Rule hiding, Sensitive pattern, Sensitivity. Reference [1] Nikunj H. Domadiya and Udai Pratap Rao, "Hiding Sensitive Association Rules to Maintain Privacy and Data Quality in Database"3rd IEEE International Advance Computing Conference (IACC) 2013. [2] V. S. Verykios, A. K. Elmagarmid, E. Bertino, Y. Saygin, and E. Dasseni, "Association rule hiding," IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, vol. 16, pp. 434–447, 2004. [3] C. N. Modi, U. P. Rao, and D. R. Patel, "Maintaining privacy and data quality in privacy preserving association rule mining," 2010 Second International conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies, pp. 1–6, Jul. 2010. [4] J. Han, Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques. San Francisco, CA, USA: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc., 2005 [5] Y.-H. Wu, C.-M. Chiang, and A. L. Chen, "Hiding sensitive association rules with limited side effects," IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, vol. 19, pp. 29–42, 2007. Tania Banerjee, Esha Panse, Vinay Singh, Prasanna Kharche |
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10. | Direct Torque Control Algorithm for Induction Motor Using Hybrid Fuzzy-PI and Anti-Windup PI Controller with DC Current Sensors
Direct Torque Control Algorithm for Induction Motor Using Hybrid Fuzzy-PI and Anti-Windup PI Controller with DC Current SensorsAbstract: In this paper, torque ripple minimization in direct torque control (DTC) of three phase Induction Motor (IM) using PI, hybrid fuzzy PI and anti-windup PI controller were compared. Speed performance is also improved when the controllers were changed. Reconstruction of phase current method is used in the conventional method, by using this method cost of the sensors is reduced and also basic DTC performance is maintained. The reference speed is used for generating the reference torque with the help of PI controller. The drawback is torque ripple in induction motor by using the existing DTC. In proposed system, controller of hybrid fuzzy-PI and anti-windup PI were implemented for generating the reference torque. The speed performance is improved by hybrid Fuzzy-PI controller and the torque ripples will be minimized by using the anti-windup PI controller. The proposed method is implemented using MATLAB/SIMULINK.Key words: Induction motor, direct torque control, Hybrid Fuzzy-PI controller, Anti-windup PI controller. Reference [1] Brahim Metidji and Nabil Taib (2012) "Low-cost direct torque control algorithm for induction motor without AC phase current sensors," IEEE Trans, Power Electron., vol. 27, no. 9. [2] Takahashi and T. Noguchi (1986) "A new quick response and high-efficiency control strategy of an induction motor," IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. IA-22, no. 5, pp.820–827. [3] C. Patel, R. P. P. A. Day, A. Dey, R. Ramchand, K. K. Gopakumar, and M. P. Kazmierkowski (2012) "Fast direct torque control of an open-end induction motor drive using 12-sided polygonal voltage space vectors," IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 400–410. [4] Y.Zhang and J.Zhu (2011) "Direct torque control of permanent magnet synchronous motor with reduced torque ripple and commutation frequency," IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 235–248. [5] Y. Zhang and J. Zhu (2011) "A novel duty cycle control strategy to reduce both torque and flux ripples for DTC of permanent magnet synchronous motor drives with switching frequency reduction," IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 26, no. 10, pp. 3055–3067. Anju R, Sathiskumar M |
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11. | Suitability of Alternative Lubricants for Automotive Gear Applications
Suitability of Alternative Lubricants for Automotive Gear ApplicationsAbstract: Rising environmental concerns due to the problems associated with conventional mineral lubricants has renewed interest in usage of alternative resources. Various attempts have been made to explore the possibilities of utilizing vegetable oils for range of applications. Properties like excellent viscosity features, higher biodegradability, lower toxicity, better renewability & natural lubricity etc shows its potential as lubricants inspite of certain technical problems. Critical issues like lower oxidation stability , poor cold temperature properties affects the performance of vegetable oils and restricts its application to limited range . Gear oils are the hidden workhorses of automotive applications. This article highlights the suitability of various vegetable oils for lubricant formulation as an alternative in automotive gearing applications.Key words: Lubricant, Mineral Oils, Alternative Resource, Vegetable Oils, Automotive Gear Reference [1] Mang, T., Dresel, W. "Lubricants & Lubrication", WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co., Weinheim, Ed.2(4), 2007, ISBN:978-3-527-31497-3. [2] Rudnick, L.R., "Lubricant Additives: Chemsitry and Applications" 2nd Ed, 2007, CRC Press, Boca Raton. [3] Choi U. S., Ahn B. G., Kwon O. K. , Chun Y. J., "Tribological behavior of some antiwear additives in vegetable oils", Tribology International, Vol.30 (9), 1997, pp 677-683. [4] Lathi,P.S., Mattiason,B., "Green Approach for the Preparation of Biodegradable Lubricants Base Stock from Epioxidised Vegetable Oil", Journal of Applied Catalystic Environment, Vol.67, 2007, pp 207-212. [5] http://www.palco.co.in/historyof_lubricants .html. Amit Suhane, R. M. Sarviya, A. Rehman, H. K. Khaira |
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12. | Laboratory Scale Study of Activated Sludge Process in Jet Loop Reactor for Waste WaterTreatment
Laboratory Scale Study of Activated Sludge Process in Jet Loop Reactor for Waste WaterTreatmentAbstract: The present study was undertaken to evaluate the feasibility of Activated Sludge Process (ASP) for the treatment of synthetic wastewater and to develop a simple design criteria under local conditions.A laboratory scale Compact jet loop reactor model comprising of an aeration tank and final clarifier was used for this purpose.Settled synthetic wastewater was used as influent to the aeration tank. The Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) of the influent and effluent was measured to find process efficiency at various mixed liquorvolatile suspended solids (MLVSS) and hydraulic retention time (θ). The results of the studydemonstrated that an efficiency of above 95% could be obtained for COD if the ASP is operated atan MLVSS concentration of 3000 mg/L keeping an aeration time of 1 hour.In the present investigation the preliminary studies were carried out in a lab scale Jet loop reactor made of glass. Synthetic waste water having a composition of 1000 mg/L mixed with other nutrients such as Urea, Primary and secondary Potassium phosphates, Magnesium sulfate, Iron chloriderequired for the bacteria was prepared in the laboratory and reduction in COD and the increase inSuspended Solids (SS)and the Sludge Volume Index (SVI) were determined. The performance of theJet loop reactor on a continuous basis was further studied to optimize the reactor for the best CODreduction. The efficiency of the Jet loop reactor to handle the sudden increase in the pollution loading was determined by treating synthetic waste water having increased concentration of the glucoseand other constituents and also by varying flow rates. The data so collected could be further used forstudying the performance characteristics of other mass transfer and energy efficient reactors.Key words: Activated Sludge. Synthetic waste water (SWW), COD, Mixed Liquor volatile suspended Solids(MLVSS). Reference [1] M. Zlokarnik, Verfahrenstechnik der aerobe Wasserreinigung, (1982). Chem. Ing. Tech., 54, 939-952. [2] H. Brauer and D. Saucker, (1979). Biological waste water treatment in a high efficiency reactor, Ger. Chem. Eng., 2, 77-86. [3] U. Wachsmann, N. Rabiger and A. Vogelpohl, (1984). The Compact reactor- A newly developed loop reactor with high mass transfer performance, Ger. Chem. Eng., 7, 39-44. [4] Metcalf G. & Eddy T., (1998). Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse. McGraw Hill, N.Y., pp. 154-169. [5] M. K. Sharif, S. Yazdi, C. Azimi, M. B. Khalili, (2001). Iranian J. Public Health, 30 (3-4), 87-90. M. S. Patil and G. A. Usmani |
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13. | Detecting Malware Intrusion in Network Environment
Detecting Malware Intrusion in Network EnvironmentAbstract: Over a Past Few YearsCloud security is one of most important issues that has attracted a lot of research and development,Especially Attackers can Find explore vulnerabilities of a cloud system and compromise virtual machines to deploy further large-scale Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS).As DDoS Attacks Usually Involves Early Stage Actions the Detection of Zombie Exploration Attacks is Extremely Difficult Because of Cloud Users May Install Vulnerable Applications on Their Virtual Machines .To Prevent this Condition we Propose a Multi-Phase ,Distributed Vulnerability Detection Measurement and Counter Measure Selection Mechanism called NICE Implementation. This Model is built on Attack Graph Based Analytical Models and Re-Configurable Virtual Network Based Counter Measures. A Scenario Attack Graph Technique is Used to Prevent the Attacker while he wants to Enter to Other User/Server in the Network. As NICE Proposes Three Models, Where Scenario Attack Graph is Proved asPreferred Model.INDEX TERMS: Attack Graph, Cloud Computing, Intrusion Detection, Network Security, Zombie Detection Reference [1] Cloud Security Alliance "Top threats to cloud computing 1.0, https://cloudsecurityal liance.org/topthreats/csathreats.v1.0.pdf, March 2010. [2] M. Armbrust, A. Fox, R. Griffith, A. D. Joseph, R. Katz, A. Konwinski, G. Lee, D. Patterson, A. Rabkin, I. Stoica, and M. Zaharia, "A view of cloud computing," ACM Commun., vol. 53, no. 4, pp.50–58, Apr. 2010. [3] B. Joshi, A. Vijayan, and B. Joshi, "Securing cloud computing environment against DDoS attacks," IEEE Int'l Conf. Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI '12), Jan. 2012. [4] H. Takabi, J. B. Joshi, and G. Ahn, "Security and privacy challenges in cloud computing environments," IEEE Security & Privacy, vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 24–31, Dec. 2010. [5] "Open vSwitch project," http://openvswitch.org, May 2012. Mr. V.V.Prathap, Mrs.D.Saveetha |
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1. | Every Speed Breaker Is A Source Of Power
Every Speed Breaker Is A Source Of PowerAbstract: Electricity in India, is a big problem which is faced by people who reside in the country. Electricity is the form of energy, Electricity is a basic part of nature and it is one of our most widely used forms of energy. We get electricity, which is a secondary energy source, from the conversion of other sources of energy, like coal, natural gas, oil, nuclear power and other natural sources, which are called primary sources. Before electricity generation began slightly over 100 years ago, we use kerosene lamps, and rooms were warmed by wood-burning or coal burning stoves. Direct current (DC) electricity had been used in arc lights for outdoor lighting. In the late-1800s, Nikola Tesla pioneered the generation, transmission, and use of alternating current (AC) electricity, which can be transmitted over much greater distances than direct current. Generating electricity by speed breakers is innovative and useful concept. Researches show that the world has already had its enough Shares of its energy resources. Fossil fuels pollute the environment. Nuclear energy requires careful handling of both raw as well as waste material. The focus now is shifting more and more towards the renewable sources of energy, which are essentially, nonpolluting. Energy conservation is the cheapest new source of energy. The utilization of energy is an indication of the growth of a nation. One might conclude that to be materially rich and prosperous, a human being needs to consume more and more energy. And this paper is best source of energy that we get in day to day life. This paper is presenting the study of electricity generation through the speed breaker mechanism.Key words: ac: alternating current, dc: direct current, generation, lead acid battery, speed breaker. Reference [1] Shakun srivastava, Ankit Asthana, "Produce electricity by the use of speed breakers,"jornal of Engineering research and studies,Vol2,No.1 April-June2011. [2] Khalid Md. Bahauddin, Tariq Md. Salahuddin, "Prospect and trend of renewable energy and its technology towards climate change mitigation and sustainable development in Bangladesh", international journal of advanced renewableenergy research, Vol1. no.3, pp.14-45, 2012. Books: [1] Mukherjee D. Chakrabarti . "Fundamentals of renewable energy system", New Age International Limited Publishers New Delhi. [2] K.R.Padiyar, "Power System Dynamics & Control", Interline Publishers Bangalore. [3] P.M.Anderson and A.A. Fouad, "Power System Control & Stability", Galgotia Publication. N. N. Ghuge, Arati Sathe, Varsha Patil, Anagha Warankar |
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2. | Anti-Corrosive Effect of Tridax Procumbens – Zn2+ System Controlling the Corrosion of Carbon Steel
Anti-Corrosive Effect of Tridax Procumbens – Zn2+ System Controlling the Corrosion of Carbon SteelAbstract: The corrosion inhibition efficiency (IE) of an aqueous extract Tridax Procumbens(TP) in controlling the corrosion of carbon steel aqueous medium containing 60 ppm of chloride ions in absence and presence of Zn2+ has been studied by weight loss method. The formulation consisting of 1 ml of Tridax Procumbens extract and 150 ppm of Zn2+ offers 96% inhibition efficiency. The synergistic effect exists between Tridax Procumbens and Zn2+ system. Polarization study shows that the Tridax Procumbens – Zn2+ system function as a cathodic inhibitor. AC impedance spectra reveal that a protective film formed on the surface. The Adsorption equilibrium exhibited better fit to Langmuir isotherm than Freundlich isotherm. FTIR spectra reveal that the protective film consists of Fe2+-Tridax Procumbens and Zn(OH)2.Key words: Carbon steel, Tridax Procumbens, Corrosion inhibitor, Inhibition efficiency, protective fil Reference [1] A. Y. El-Etre, Inhibition of aluminum corrosion using Opuntia extract, Corrosion Science, 45(11), 2003, 2485–2495. [2] M. Bouklah and B. Hammouti, Thermodynamic characterisation of steel corrosion for the corrosion inhibition of steel in sulphuric acid solutions by Artemisia, Portugaliae Electrochimica Acta, 24, 2006, 457–468. [3] E. E. Oguzie, Inhibition of acid corrosion of mild steel by Telfaria occidentalis extract, Pigment and Resin Technology, 34(6), 2005, 321–326. [4] E. E. Oguzie, Adsorption and corrosion inhibitive properties of Azadirachta indica in acid solutions, Pigment and Resin Technology, 35(6), 2006, 334–340. [5] E. E. Oguzie, Studies on the inhibitive effect of Occimum viridis extract on the acid corrosion of mild steel, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 99(2), 2006, 441–446. C. Kumar, R. Mohan, A. John Amalraj, A. Peter Pascal Regis, C. Rajarathinam, S.K. Selvaraj, Sakthivel and J. Wilson Sahayaraj |
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3. | Design and Development of a Domestic Biscuit Cabinet Tray Dryer
Design and Development of a Domestic Biscuit Cabinet Tray DryerAbstract: A locally made biscuit cabinet dryer to be operated in homes was designed and developed to prepare biscuits in Nigeria homes. A thorough study of the imported dryer for home use was done. Design drawings and calculations were established and the machine was fabricated with well selected materials and components all sourced locally. The 714mm x 574mm x 984mm box shaped cabinet was constructed using mild steel and fiber glass was used as insulator to control heat loss by conduction The performance of the fabricated cabinet tray dryer was finally evaluated against an imported cabinet tray dryer in using a t-test analysis at 95% confidence level, and the result showed that there is no significant difference between the locally fabricated and the imported dryers.Key words: Dryer, Machine, Temperature, Dry basis. Reference [1.] AOAC (200), Official Method Analysis, Association of official Analytical Chemist. Arlington V.A, USA.. [2.] Donald, P., and Leighton S. (1998),Heat Transfer, Second Edition, Schaum's outline series: McGraw Hill, New York. pp 20-23 [3.] Desrosier, N. W., (1970),The Technology of Food Preservation,Marcel Dekker Inc. 475-480. [4.] Karel, M.,(1975), Freeze Dehydration of Foods, Principles of Food Science. Part II. [5.] Masters, K., (1985), Spray Drying Handbook, Halsted Press, New York. Abiola Olufemi Ajayeoba, Samson Olusegun Fatukasi, Olawale Waliyi Awotunde |
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4. | Strategies for Mining Web Logs: A Survey
Strategies for Mining Web Logs: A SurveyAbstract: With the expansion of e-commerce and mobile-based commerce, the role of web user on World Wide Web has become pivotal enough to warrant studies to further understand the user's intent, navigation patterns on websites and usage needs. Using web logs on the servers hosting websites, site owners and in turn companies can extract information to better understand and predict user's needs, tailoring their sites to meet such needs. Through this paper, an effort is being made to analyze and survey few of the popular web log mining strategies.Index Terms: web usage mining, web access pattern, WAP, path traversal, TSP. Reference [1] Ezeife, C. I., & Lu, Y. (2005). Mining Web log sequential patterns with position coded pre-order linked WAP-tree. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 10,5–38. [2] Facca, F. M., & Lanzi, P. L. (2005). Mining interesting knowledge from Weblogs: A survey. Data and Knowledge Engineering, 53, 225–241. [3] Lee, Y.-S., & Yen, S.-J. (2007). Incremental and interactive mining of Web traversal patterns. Information Sciences, 178(2), 278–306. [4] Li, H.-F., Lee, S.-Y., & Shan, M.-K. (2006). DSM-PLW: Single-pass mining of path traversal patterns over streaming Web click-sequences. Computer Networks, 50,1474–1487. [5] Pei, J., Han, J., Mortazavi-Asl, B., Wang, J., Pinto, H., Chen, Q., et al. (2004). Mining sequential patterns by pattern-growth: The prefixspan approach. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 16(10), 1–17. Ms. Neha G. Sharma |
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5. | An Automated Tool for Optimization of FMS Scheduling With Meta Heuristic Approach
An Automated Tool for Optimization of FMS Scheduling With Meta Heuristic ApproachAbstract: The evolutions of manufacturing systems have reflected the need and requirement of the market which varies from time to time. Flexible manufacturing systems have contributed a lot to the development of efficient manufacturing process and production of variety of customized limited volume products as per the market demand based on customer needs. Scheduling of FMS is a crucial operation in maximizing throughput, reducing the wastages and increasing the overall efficiency of the manufacturing process. The dynamic nature of the Flexible Manufacturing Systems makes them unique and hence a generalized solution for scheduling is difficult to be abstracted. Any Solution for optimizing the scheduling should take in to account a multitude of parameters before proposing any solution. The primary objective of the proposed research is to design a tool to automate the optimization of scheduling process by searching for solution in the search spaces using Meta heuristic approaches. The research also validates the use of reward as means for optimizing the scheduling by including it as one of the parameters in the Combined Objective Function. A complex machining operations configured in a FMS having 6 Machines with 3 different setups manufacturing 3 different parts, each having 9 possible routes is used as test case to validate the proposed approach. Three different Meta Heuristic approaches like Genetic Algorithm (GA), Differential Evolution (DE), and Bacterial Foraging Optimization Algorithm (BFOA) are used to optimize the scheduling process. A Graphical User Interface is designed using Matlab to automate the entire approach.Key words: Flexible Manufacturing System; Scheduling; MATLAB GUI Tool; Genetic Algorithm; Differential Evolution and Bacterial Foraging Optimization Algorithm Reference [1] Veeranna.V, "Some Studies on optimum design of flexible manufacturing system layout", P.hd. thesis, JNTU, Hyderabad, 2004 [2] Koren, Y.U.A., "Reconfigurable manufacturing systems:Key to future manufacturing"., Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2000. 11(4) [3] Swagatam Das1, Arijit Biswas1, Sambarta Dasgupta1, and Ajith Abraham"Bacterial Foraging Optimization Algorithm: Theoretical Foundations, Analysis, and Applications" [4] French, S, "Sequencing and Scheduling: An introduction to the mathematics of Job-Shop", Ellis Horwood Limited, Chichester. (1982) [5] Durgesh Sharma, Suresh Garg, Chitra Sharma ".Effect of Scheduling rules on performance of Semi Automated Flexible Manufacturing System" Global Journal of Enterprise Information System, (2012). Volume-4 Issue-I A. V. S. Sreedhar Kumar, V. Veeranna, B. Durgaprasad, B. Dattatraya Sarma |
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6. | Significant Implementation of LS and MMSE Channel Estimation for OFDM Technique
Significant Implementation of LS and MMSE Channel Estimation for OFDM TechniqueAbstract: During the last few years, the progress in wireless communication is widely increasing to mitigate the ever increasing demand of higher data rates. OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) techniques using more densely packed carriers, thus achieving higher data rates using similar channels. This paper discusses the channel estimation in OFDM and its implementation using MATLAB for pilot based block type channel estimation techniques by LS and MMSE algorithms. This paper starts with comparisons of OFDM using BPSK and QPSK on different channels, followed by modeling the LS and MMSE estimators on MATLAB. In the end, results of different simulations are compared to conclude that LS algorithm gives less complexity but MMSE algorithm provides comparatively better results.Key words: OFDM, Channel Estimation, LS, MMSE Reference [1] L.Cimini "Analysis and Simulation of a digital mobile channel using OFDM", IEEE trans. on communication, Vol. 33, pp.665-675, July 1985. [2] K.Fazel and G.Fettwis, "Performance of an Efficient Parallel Data Transmission System", IEEE Trans. Communication, pp. 805-813, Dec-1967. [3] J. J Van de Beck, O. Edfors, M.Sandell, S.K. Wilson and P.O.Borjesson, "On channel Estimation in OFDM systems" in proc. IEEE 45th Vehicular Technology Confer., Chicago, Jul-1995, pp.-815-819 [4] "A study of Channel Estimation in OFDM systems", IEEE 56thVehicular Technology conference. [5] Yuping Zhao, Aiping Huang , "A novel channel estimation method for OFDM mobile communication systems based on pilot signals and transform domain processing " , IEEE VTC, Vol.-3, May-1997. Lokesh Panchal, Manjil Upadhyay, Nirali Shah, Aniruddh Amin |
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7. | Low Power Dynamic Logic Ripple Carry Adder Using Footed Diode Domino Logic
Low Power Dynamic Logic Ripple Carry Adder Using Footed Diode Domino LogicAbstract: In recent electronic devices power saving has more importance than any other thing. Dynamic logic circuits are one of the basic power efficient circuits which comes into picture when dealt with low power. Dynamic logic circuits operate mainly in two phases, namely Pre-charge and evaluate phase. Domino logic circuits are more power efficient and cooperatively faster circuits which operate on the above two phases. For extremely low power applications footed diode domino logic is applied. This paper mainly deals with design of Dynamic logic circuit design based on footed diode domino logic with reduction in power and leakage current. In this proposed circuit we put a diode on the foot of domino logic circuit which results in power reduction as compared to reported and conventional domino logic. We are using NMOS as a diode and due to this extra diode (NMOS), in pre-charge period leakage current reduce due to stacking effect. Approximately 32% of power is saved using footed diode domino logic. For Simulation we are using tanner tool at 180nm technology.Key words: Fulladder, Footed diode domino logic, Pseudo dynamic logic, Ripple carry adder, Stacking effect Reference [I] M. Anders, S. Mathew, B. Bloechel, S. Thompson, R. Krishnamurthy,K. Soumyanath, S. Borkar, A 6.5 GHz 130 nm single-ended dynamic ALU and instruction-scheduler loop, IEEE ISSCC (2002), pp. 410-411. [2] Xu-guang Sun, Zhi-gang Mao, Feng-chang Lai, A 64 bit parallel CMOS adder for high performance processors, in: Proceedings of the IEEE ASia-Pacific Conference on ASIC, 2002, pp. 205-208. [3] R.H. Krambeck, C. M. Lee, H.-F.S. Law, High-speed compact circuits with CMOS,IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, SC-17 (3) (1982). [4] Neil H.E. Weste, David Harris, Principles of CMOS VLSI Design: A System Perspective, (3rd ed.) Addison-Wesley (2004). [5] Tyler Thorp, Dean Liu, Pradeep Trivedi, Analysis of blocking dynamic circuits, IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems (2003), pp. 744-749. P. Krishna Karthik, Mrs. K. Suganthi |
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8. | Modified Approach for Hiding Secret Data and Improving Data Embedding Capacity
Modified Approach for Hiding Secret Data and Improving Data Embedding CapacityAbstract: Security of the secret information has been a challenge when the large amount of data is exchanged on the internet. A secure transfer of information can be very much achieved by steganography and Cryptography. Steganography is a tool for hiding information inside an image. Cryptography is a tool which provides encryption techniques for secure communication. In the traditional steganograhy techniques principle was either to replace a special part of the frequency components of the carrier image, or to replace all the least significant bits of a multi-valued image with the secret information. Our new steganography uses an image as the carrier data, and we embed secret information in the bit-planes of the carrier. This technique makes use of the characteristics of the human vision system whereby a human cannot perceive any shape information in a very complicated binary pattern. We can replace all of the ―noise-like‖ regions in the bit-planes of the carrier image with secret data without deteriorating the image quality.Key words: Bit Plane, BPCS, Hybrid Cryptography, LSB, Modified BPCS, Steganography. Reference [1] Yeshwanth srinivasan "high capacity data hiding system using Bpcs steganography" [2] Abhishek Patidar Gajendra Jagnade Laxmi Madhuri Pranay Mehta Ronak Seth," Data Security Using Cryptosteganography in Web Application" 2012 [3] Eiji Kawaguchi and Richard O. Eason, "Principle and Applications of BPCS-Steganography", Kyushu Institute of Technology, Kitakyushu, Japan–University of Maine, Orono, Maine [4] Lip Yee Por, Delina Beh, Tan Fong Ang, and Sim Ying Ong" An Enhanced Mechanism for Image Steganography Using Sequential Colour Cycle Algorithm" Malaysian Institute of Information Technology, Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2010 [5] Sheetal Mehta, Kaveri Dighe, Meera Jagtap, Anju Ekre," Web Based BPCS Steganography" Swati Patil, Komal More |
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9. | Optimization of Process Parameters in Turning of AISI 8620 Steel Using Taguchi and Grey Taguchi Analysis
Optimization of Process Parameters in Turning of AISI 8620 Steel Using Taguchi and Grey Taguchi AnalysisAbstract: The aim of this research is to investigate the optimization of cutting parameters (cutting speed, feed rate and depth of cut) for surface roughness and metal removal rate in turning of AISI 8620 steel using coated carbide insert. Experiments have been carried out based on Taguchi L9 standard orthogonal array design with three process parameters namely cutting speed, feed rate and depth of cut for surface roughness and metal removal rate. The objective function has been chosen in relation to surface roughness and metal removal rate for quality target. Optimal parameters contribution of the CNC turning operation was obtained via grey relational analysis. The analysis of variance is applied to identify the most significant factor. Experiment with the optimized parameter setting, which has been obtained from the analysis, are giving to validate the results.Key words: Grey relational analysis, Material removal rate, Surface roughness, Taguchi orthogonal array. Reference [1] Nian C.Y., et al "Optimization of turning operations with multiple performance characteristics", Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Volume 95, 1999, pp. 90-96. [2] Noordin M.Y., et al "Application of response surface methodology in describing the performance of coated carbide tools when turning AISI 1045 steel", Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Volume 145, 2004, pp. 46–58. [3] Kirby E. D., et al "Development of a fuzzynets- based in-process surface roughness adaptive control system in turning operations", Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 30, 2006, pp. 592– 604. [4] Nalbant M., et al "Application of Taguchi method in the optimization of cutting parameters for surface roughness in turning", Materials and Design, Volume 28, 2007, pp. 1379–1385. [5] Arya D.M., et al "Parametric optimization of mig process parameters using taguchi and grey taguchi analysis" IJREAS, Volume 3, Issue 6, 2013, pp.1-17. Sunil Kumar Sharma, S. A Rizvi, R. P Kori |
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10. | Influence of Wall Position on Flow Characteristics of an Impinging Jet
Influence of Wall Position on Flow Characteristics of an Impinging JetAbstract: The study intends physical insight into heterogeneous phenomena of efflux from a small opening impinging on a surface. The work aims at understanding the role of wall location and orientation on flow characteristics of an impinging jet. Experiments were performed on an existing cascade tunnel with flow ejected at a velocity of 37 m/s from a small opening of (30 cm × 9 cm) and corresponding flow features were analyzed. Results show that outside the core region, the flow experiences a monotonic reduction with increase in distance along streamline and radial direction. The orientation of wall is more efficient in bringing substantial change when placed closer to the exit (low velocity losses). The wall orientation primarily governs the chances of strong flow deflection or back flow losses. Wall placed far away from exit results in diminishing returns with a critical value beyond which the flow characteristics become insensitive of wall orientation.Key words: Efflux, shear interaction, vortices, wall jets, wall orientation, wall location. Reference [1] M. B. Glauert., "The wall jet," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 1, pp. 625–643, 1956. [2] Gardon. R., Akfirat J. C., "Heat transfer characteristics of impinging two dimensional air jets," Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 88, 101-108, 1966. [3] Kercher. D. M., Tabakoff, W., "Heat Transfer by a Square Array of Round Air Jets Impinging Perpendicular to a Flat Surface Including the Effect of Spent Air," J. Eng. Power, 92, 73-82, 1970. [4] Martin H., "Heat and mass transfer between impinging gas jets and solid surfaces," Adv. in Heat Transfer, 13, 1-60, 1977. [5] Sparrow, E.M., Alhomoud, A., "Impingement heat transfer at a circular cylinder due to an offset or non offset slot jet," Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 27, 2297- 2307, 1984. Pratik Tiwari, P. Mahathi, N. R. Choudhury and Vinayak Malhotra |
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11. | Modifying Authentication Techniques in Mobile Communication Systems
Modifying Authentication Techniques in Mobile Communication SystemsAbstract: Milenage algorithm applies the block cipher Rijnadael (AES) with 128 bit key and 128 bit block size. This algorithm is used in the 3GPP authentication and key generation functions (f1, f1*, f2, f3, f4, f5 and f5*) for mobile communication systems (GSM/UMTS/LTE). In this paper a modification of Milenage algorithm is proposed through a dynamic change of S-box in AES depending on secret key. To get a new secret key for every authentication process we add the random number (RAND) transmitted from the authentication center (AUC) to the contents of the fixed stored secret key (Ki) and thus the initialization of the AES will be different each new authentication process . For every change in secret key a new S-box is derived from the standard one by permuting its rows and columns with the help of a new designed PN sequence generator. A complete simulation of modified Milenage and PN sequence generator is done using Microcontroller (PIC18F452). security analysis is applied using Avalanche test to compare between the original and modified Milenage . Tests proved that the modified algorithm is more secure than the original one due to the dynamic behavior of S-box with every change of the secret key and immunity against linear and differential cryptanalysis using Avalanche tests. This makes the modified Milenage more suitable for the applications of authentication techniques specially for mobile communication systems.Key words: Authentication vector (AV), Modified MILENAGE Algorithm for AKA Functions (F1,F1*,F2,F3,F4,F5,F5*), AES ,Dynamic S-BOX and PN Sequence Generator(LFSR). Reference [1] P. Kitsos*, N. Sklavos, O. Koufopavlou ―UMTS security: system architecture and hardware implementation‖ in Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing.-May 2007.-Issue (4):Vol. (7).-pp. 483-494. [2] Federal Information Processing Standards Publications (FIPS 197), "Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) ", 26 Nov. 2001. [3] J. Daemen and V. Rijmen, The blocks cipher Rijndael, Smart Card research and Applications, LNCS 1820, Springer-Verlag, pp. 288-296. [4] Reshma Nadaf and Veena Desai ―Hardware Implementation of Modified AES with Key Dependent Dynamic S-Box‖ IEEE ICARET 2012. [5] Valterri Niemi and Kaisa Nyberg ―UMTS security‖. England: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, the Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 8SQ, ISBN 0-470-84794-8, 2003. Zakaria Zakaria Hassan, Talaat A. Elgarf, Abdelhalim Zekry |
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12. | Design of a New AC–DC Single-Stage Full-Bridge PWM Converter with Two Controllers
Design of a New AC–DC Single-Stage Full-Bridge PWM Converter with Two ControllersAbstract: Single phase power factor correction ac-dc converters are widely used in industry for ac-dc power conversion from single phase ac mains to an required output dc voltage. In case of high power application these types of converter use an ac-dc boost converter followed by dc-dc converter. These converters has the features of excellent input power factor, continuous input and output currents, and intermediate dc bus voltage and reduce the number of semiconductor devices for such cost-effective applications.Index terms: AC–DC power conversion, bridgeless power factor correction (PFC) converter, full-bridge converters, pulse-width modulated (PWM), single-stage converters. Reference [1] J. P. R. Balestero, F. LessaTofoli, R. C. Fernandes, G. V. Torrico-Bascopéand F. J. M. de Seixas, "Power factor correction boost converter based on the three-state switching cell," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 59, no. 3,pp. 1565–1577, Mar. 2012. [2] F. Zhang and J. Xu, "A novel PCCM boost PFC converter with fastdynamic response," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 58, no. 9, pp. 4207–4216, Sep. 2011. [3] M. Pahlevaninezhad, P. Das, J. Drobnik, P. Jain, and A. Bakhshai, "A novelZVZCS full-bridge DC/DC converter used for electric vehicles," IEEETrans. Power Electron, vol. 27, no. 6, pp. 2752–2769, Jun. 2012. [4] M. Pahlevaninezhad, P. Das, J. Drobnik, P. Jain, and A. Bakhshai, "ZVSinterleaved boost AC-DC converter used in plug-in electric vehicles,"IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 27, no. 8, pp. 3513–3529, Aug. 2012. [5] M. Pahlevaninezhad, P. Das, J. Drobnik, P. Jain, and A. Bakhshai, "Anonlinear optimal control approach based on the control-Lyapunov functionfor an AC-DC converter used in electric vehicles," IEEE Trans. Ind.Informat., vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 596–614, Aug. 2012. R. Ramesh, U. Subathra, M. Ananthi |
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13. | Single phase AC-DC power factor corrected converter with high frequency isolation using buck converter
Single phase AC-DC power factor corrected converter with high frequency isolation using buck converterAbstract: Single phase ac-dc converters having high frequency isolation are implemented in buck, boost, buck-boost configuration with improving the power quality in terms of reducing the harmonics of input current. The paperpropose the circuit configuration, control mechanism, and simulation result for the single phase ac-dc converter.Index terms: AC-DC converter, harmonic reduction high frequency transformer, power quality converter, power factor corrected converter. Reference [1]. Y. Jang, M. M. Jovanovic, and D. L. Dillman, "Soft-switched PFC boost rectifier with integrated ZVS two-switch forward converter," IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 21, no. 6, pp. 1600–1606, Nov. 2006. [2]. D. Dong, L. Shengnan, M. Xikui, and C. K. Tse, "Slow-scale instabilityof single-stage power-factor-correction power supplies," IEEE Trans.Circuits Syst. I: Regular Papers, vol. 54, no. 8, pp. 1724–1735, Aug.2007. [3] E. Adib and H. Farzanehfard, "Family of zero-current transition PWMconverters," IEEETrans. Ind. Electron. vol. 55, no. 8, pp. 3055–3063,Aug. 2008. [4] D. D.-C. Lu, H. H.-C. Iu, and V. Pjevalica, "Single-stage AC/DCboost–forward converter with high power factor and regulated busand output voltages," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 56, no. 6, pp.2128–2132, Jun. 2009. [5] S. Singh and B. Singh, "Power quality improvement in a PMBLDCMdrive using a forward buck converter," Int. J. Eng. Inf. Tech. (IJEIT),vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 32–38, Mar. 2010. R. Ramesh, U. Subathra, M. Ananthi |
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14. | Single Phase Online UPS Design Using Three Leg Converters
Single Phase Online UPS Design Using Three Leg ConvertersAbstract: The single phase online UPS integrate with the three leg type converter which operate with battery charger and the inverter. The first leg controls the ability of charging battery. The third leg controls the output voltage. The common leg is used to control the line frequency. The battery charger has the ability of making the correction of power factor during the battery charging. The inverter is used to maintain the output voltage and to limit the output current. The main feature of the three leg converter is used to reduce the number of switching devices. So that the system has the low value of power loss and low cost.Index terms: battery charger, uninterrupted power supply, power factor correction. Reference [1] S. J. Chiang, T. S. Lee, and J. M. Chang, "Design and implementationof a single phase three-arms rectifier inverter," Proc. IEE—Elect. PowerAppl., vol. 147, no. 5, pp. 379–384, Sep. 2000. [2] T. Uematsu, T. Ikeda, N. Hirao, S. Totsuka, T. Ninomiya, and H.Kawamoto, "A study of the high performance single phase UPS," inProc. IEEE PESC'98, 1998, pp. 1872–1878. [3] I. Ando, I. Takahashi, Y. Tanaka, and M. Ikchara, "Development of ahigh efficiency UPS having active filter ability composed of a three armsbridge," in Proc. IEEE IECON'97, 1997, pp. 804–809. [4] I. Youichi, I. Satoru, T. Isao, and H. Hitoshi, "New power conversiontechnique to obtain high performance and high efficiency forsingle-phase UPS," in Conf. Rec. IEEE-IAS Annu. Meeting, 2001, pp.2383–2388. [5] H. Pinheiro, R. Blume, and P. Jain, "Space vector modulation for singlephase on-line three-leg UPS," in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Industrial Electronics,Control and Instrumentation, 2000, pp. 679–689. R. Ramesh, U. Subathra, A. Arul |
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15. | Single Phase Transformer Based Inverter For Nonlinear Load
Application Using PI Controller
Single Phase Transformer Based Inverter For Nonlinear Load Application Using PI ControllerAbstract: The paper presents a single phase transformer based inverter for nonlinear load application using PI controller. A capacitive full bridge circuit is used to provide instant current under nonlinear load conditions and thereby reducing the harmonics. A new proportional plus integral controller for inverter control is proposed to eliminate the dc current component, and steady state error under heavy load applications. The proposed controllers consist of PI controller act as voltage controller and DC offset canceller. The experimental result derived by using the MATLAB software.Reference [1] D. Dah and C. Lu, "Synthesis of single phase DC/AC inverters," ProcIEEE ICIEA, pp. 1922–1926, 2007. [2] K. S. Low, "A digital control technique for a single-phase PWM inverter,"IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 672–674, Aug.1998. [3] R. I. Bojoi, L. R. Limongi, D. Roiu, and A. Tenconi, "Enhanced power quality control strategy for single-phase inverters in distributed generationsystems," IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 26, no. 3, pp.798–806, Mar. 2011. [4] N. M.Abdel-Rahimand J. E. Quaicoe, "Analysis and design of a multiplefeedback loop control strategy for single-phase voltage-sourceUPS inverters," IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 11, no. 4, pp.532–541, Jul. 1996. [5] E. R. da Silva, W. R. dos Santos, C. B. Jacobina, and A. C. Oliveira,"Single-phase uninterruptible power system topology concepts: Applicationto an universal active filter," in Proc. 2011 IEEE ECCE Conf.,2011, pp. 3179–3185. R. Ramesh, A. John Dhanaseely, P. Pughazendiran |
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