Volume 4- Issue 2 [February 2014 ]
S.No. | Title & Authors | Page | Downloads |
1. | Study of Solids and Gas Distribution in Spouted Bed Operated In Stable and Unstable Conditions
Study of Solids and Gas Distribution in Spouted Bed Operated In Stable and Unstable ConditionsAbstract: A spouted bed is a special case of fluidization. It is an effective means of contacting gas with coarse solid particles. Spouted beds should be designed and operated to overcome performance instability and improves the uniform distribution of particles. Steady-state measurements were carried out in the 0.152 m ID cylindrical spouted bed made of Plexiglas that used 60° conical shape spout-air bed. The evaluation of solid and gas holdup in the two regions of spouted bed at stable and an unstable condition was performed using optical probe. The comparison of the radial profiles at the two conditions showed that the variation was in the spout region. The annulus region had similar profiles in both the condition as it acts as a loose packed bed, moving slowly downward. Stable bed was obtained at low gas velocity of 0.74 m/s and instability of spouting was observed at high gas velocity of 1.4 m/s. The beads can fluidize homogenously at stable conditions, while pulsation of the bed was appeared at unstable spout. Different flow regimes and characteristics can be obtained with minor variations in geometry or operating conditions.Key words: Annulus; Fluidization; Solids; Spout; Stability Reference [1] Rovero, G., Massimo, C., and C. Giuliano (2012);"Optimization of a Spouted Bed Scale-Up by Square-Based Multiple Unit Design", Advances in Chemical Engineering,Chapter16,Published with In Tech ,ISBN:987-953-51-0392-9 . [2] Limtrakul, S., Boonsrirat, A.and T.Vatanathm (2004);"DEM Modeling and Simulation of a Catalytic Gas-Solid Fluidized Bed Reactor: a Spouted Bed as a Case Study", Dept.of Chem.Engng.kasetsar University, Bangkok, Thailand. [3] 3. Wang, Z., Chen, P., Li, H., Wu, C.andY.Chen (2001);"Study on the Hydrodynamics of a Spouting-Moving Bed", Ind.Engng.Chem.Res, 40, 4983-4989. [4] Mollick, P. K. and D. Sathiyamoorthy (2012);"Assessment of Stability of Spouted Bed Using Pressure Fluctuation Analysis", Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., , 51 (37), 2117–12125. [5] Zhong, W., Zhang, M., Jin, B.and R.Xiao (2007);"Experimental and Mode Investigations on Gas Mixing Behaviors of Spout-Fluid Beds", International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, 5, Article A32, 1-16. Alwan, G. M., Aradhya, S.B, Al-Dahhan, M.H. |
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2. | Artificial Neural Network : A Brief Overview
Artificial Neural Network : A Brief OverviewAbstract: Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is an information processing paradigm that is inspired by the way biological nervous systems, such as the brain, process information. The key element of this paradigm is the novel structure of the information processing system. Neural networks, have remarkable ability to derive meaning from complicated or imprecise data, can be used to extract patterns and detect trends that are too complex to be noticed by either humans or other computer techniques. A trained neural network can be thought of as an "expert" in the category of information it has been given to analyze. This expert can then be used to provide projections given new situations of interest and answer "what if" questions. so in this paper we tried to introduce a brief overview of ANN to help researchers in their way throw ANN.Reference [1] 1S.V. Kozyrev," Classification by ensembles of neural networks", Steklov Mathematical Institute, February 21, 2012. [2] Filippo Amato, Alberto López, Eladia María Peña-Méndez, Petr Vaňhara, Aleš Hampl, Josef Havel, "Artificial neural networks in medical diagnosis", Journal of APPLIED BIOMEDICINE, J Appl Biomed. 11: 47–58, 2013 [3] Madhusmita Swain, Sanjit Kumar Dash, Sweta Dash and Ayeskanta Mohapatra, "AN APPROACH FOR IRIS PLANT CLASSIFICATION USING NEURAL NETWORK", International Journal on Soft Computing ( IJSC ) Vol.3, No.1, February 2012 [4] Jose´ L. Herrera-Aguilar, Herna´n Larralde, Maximino Aldana," Pattern Recognition in Neural Networks with Competing Dynamics: Coexistence of Fixed-Point and Cyclic Attractors", PLOS ONE, 1 August 2012, Volume 7, Issue 8, e42348 [5] Kate A. Smith, Jatinder N.D. Gupta,"Neural networks in business: techniques and applications for the operations researcher", Computers & Operations Research 27 (2000) 1023}1044 Magdi Zakaria, Mabrouka AL-Shebany, Shahenda Sarhan |
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3. | Enhanced Approximated SURF Model For Object Recognition
Enhanced Approximated SURF Model For Object RecognitionAbstract: Computer vision applications like camera calibration, 3D reconstruction, and object recognition and image registration are becoming widely popular now a day. In this paper an enhanced model for speeded up robust features (SURF) is proposed by which the object recognition process will become three times faster than common SURF model The main idea is to use efficient data structures for both, the detector and the descriptor. The detection of interest regions is considerably speed-up by using an integral image for scale space computation. The descriptor which is based on orientation histograms is accelerated by the use of an integral orientation histogram. We present an analysis of the computational costs comparing both parts of our approach to the conventional method. Extensive experiments show a speed-up by a factor of eight while the matching and repeatability performance is decreased only slightly.Key words: Feature extraction, SURF, style, styling. Reference [1] D.G. Lowe, D.G, "Distinctive image features from scale-invariant keypoints" IJCV 60 (2004) 91–110 [2] K. Mikolajczyk, C. Schmid, "Indexing based on scale invariant interest points," In:Proc. ICCV, Vancouver, Canada (2001) 525–531 [3] K. Mikolajczyk, C. Schmid, "Scale & affine invariant interest point detectors," In:Proc. CVPR. Number 1 (2004) 63–86 [4] J. Matas, O. Chum, M. Urban, T. Pajdla, "Robust wide baseline stereo from maximally stable extremal regions," In: Proc. BMVC. (2002) [5] S. Se, D. Lowe, J. Little, " Local and global localization for mobile robots using visual landmarks", In: Proc. IROS. Volume 2. (2001) 414–420 S. Sangeetha, M. Thanga Kavitha, N. Manikandaprabu |
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4. | Parameters of Upgrading Existing Building into a Green Building
Parameters of Upgrading Existing Building into a Green BuildingAbstract: Before turning to specific programs for upgrading buildings, it's important to understand the market dynamics of greening existing buildings. From a macroeconomic perspective, energy efficiency upgrades represent the most cost-effective way to meet growing energy demands. From a microeconomic perspective, recent studies have shown that energy-efficient and certified green buildings merit higher market values, greater rents, and higher occupancies. From a corporate sustainability viewpoint, greening existing buildings is a direct way to reduce a company's carbon footprint. As a result, corporate real estate managers in the United States have begun to decide in favour of greening both owned and leased buildings, seeing many economic benefits from this switch. Green buildings offer many marketing benefits for building owners and tenants, including opportunities for creating new green "brands" and also "future-proofing" their real estate against both future energy price increases and also value erosion as the trend toward green buildings continues to grow. Marketing benefits will vary by geographic location, building and tenant type, and other factors, but they are present in all privately owned real estate.Key words: About five key words in alphabetical order, separated by comma Reference [1] Lessons learned- Ten best practices for greening existing building. [2] Costs of greening existing buildings. [3] Return on investment. [4] Markets for greening existing buildings. [5] The challenge of greening existing buildings. Mrs. Rupali Kapure, Dr.R.K.Jain |
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5. | Common Fixed Points for Occasionally Weakly Compatible Mappings in Cone Metric Spaces
Common Fixed Points for Occasionally Weakly Compatible Mappings in Cone Metric SpacesAbstract: In this paper, we obtain some common fixed point theorems for occasionally weakly compatible mappings in cone metric spaces. Our results generalized and extend several existing fixed point theorems in the literature. AMS Mathematical Subject Classification (2010): 47H10, 54H25.Key words: Occasionally weakly compatible, coincidence point, cone metric space, fixed point. Reference [1] M.A.Al-Thagafi and Naseer Shaszad, Generalized I–nonexpansive selfmaps and invariant approximations, Acta Mathematics Sinica, 24(2008), 867-876. [2] M.Amari, D.El Moutawakil, Some new common fixed point theorems under strict contractive conditions, J.Math.Anal.Appl. 270(2002)181-188. [3] Guangxing Song, Xiaoyan Sun, Yian Zhao, Guotao Wang, New common fixed point theorems for maps on cone metric spaces, Appl. Math .Lett. 32(2010)1033-1037. [4] L.G.Huang, X.Zhang, Cone metric spaces and fixed point theorems of contractive mappings,J.Math.Anal.Appl.332(2)(2007)1468-1476. [5] G.Jungck, Compatible mappings and Common fixed points, Int.J.Math and Math.Sci., 9(1986),771-779. K. Prudhvi |
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6. | A Structure for Three-Phase Four-Wire Distribution System Utilizing Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC)
A Structure for Three-Phase Four-Wire Distribution System Utilizing Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC)Abstract: This paper presents a novel structure for a three- phase four-wire (3P4W) distribution system utilizing unified power quality conditioner (UPQC). The 3P4W system is realized from a three-phase three-wire system where the neutral of series transformer used in series part UPQC is considered as the fourth wire for the 3P4W system. A new control strategy to balance the unbalanced load currents is also presented in this paper. The neutral current that may flow toward transformer neutral point is compensated by using a four-leg voltage source inverter topology for shunt part. Thus, the series transformer neutral will be at virtual zero potential during all operating conditions. The simulation results based on MATLAB/Simulink are presented to show the effectiveness of the proposed UPQC-based 3P4W distribution system.Index Terms: Active power filter (APF), four-leg voltage-source inverter (VSI) structure, three-phase four-wire (3P4W) system, unified power quality conditioner (UPQC) Reference REFERENCES [1] B. Singh, K. Al-Haddad, and A. Chandra, ―A review of active power filters for power quality improvement,‖ IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 45, no. 5, pp. 960–971, Oct. 1999. [2] C. A. Quinn and N. Mohan, ―Active filtering of harmonic currents in three- phase, four-wire systems with three-phase and single-phase nonlinear loads,‖ in Proc. 7th IEEE APEC, 1992, pp. 829–836. [3] H. Akagi, Y. Kanazawa, and A. Nabae, ―Instantaneous reactive power compensators comprising switching devices without energy storage com- ponents,‖ IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. IA-20, no. 3, pp. 625–630, May/Jun. 1984. [4] Y. Komatsu and T. Kawabata, ―A control method of active power filter in unsymmetrical and distorted voltage system,‖ in Proc. Conf. IEEE Power Convers., 1997, vol. 1, pp. 161–168. [5] M. T. Haque, ―Single-phase PQ theory,‖ in Proc. 33rd IEEE PESC, 2002, vol. 4, pp. 1815–1820. B. Santhosh Kumar, K. Vijay Kumar |
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7. | A New Method for Placement of DG Units in Radial Distribution Networks
A New Method for Placement of DG Units in Radial Distribution NetworksAbstract: Distributed Generation (DG) can help in reducing the cost of electricity to the costumer, relieve network congestion and provide environmentally friendly energy close to load centers. Its capacity is also scalable and it provides voltage support at distribution level. Hence, DG placement and penetration level is an important problem for both the utility and DG owner. The Optimal Power Flow (OPF) has been widely used for both the operation and planning of a power system. The OPF is also suited for deregulated environment. Four different objective functions are considered in this study: (1) Improvement voltage profile (2) minimization of active and reactive power. The site and size of DG units are assumed as design variables. The results are discussed and compared with those of traditional distribution planning and also with Partial Swarm Optimization (PSO).Key words: Distributed generation, distribution network planning, multi-objective optimization, Partial Swarm Optimization. Reference [1] M. Mozaffari Legha,; "Optimal Conductor Selection of Radial Distribution Networks Using GA Method" CIRED Regional – Iran, Tehran, 13-14 Jan 2013; Paper No: 12-F-500-0320. [2] H. Zareipour, K. Bhattacharya and C. A. Canizares, "Distributed Generation: Current status and challenges," IEEE proceeding of NAPS, Feb 2004 [3] W.El-hattam, M.M.A. Salma, "Distribution Generation technologies, Definition and Benefits," Electrical Power system Research Vol. 71, pp 119-128, 2004 [4] Caisheng Wang and M.H. Nehrir, "Analytical Approaches for optimal placement of Distributed generation sources in power systems" IEEE Transaction on power system, vol.19, pp. 2068-2076, 2004 [5] Andrew Keane and Mark O‟Malley, "Optimal Allocation of Embedded Generation on Distribution Networks," IEEE Transaction on Power Syatem, vol.20, pp. 1640-1646, 2005 Mahdi Mozaffari Legha, Marjan Tavakoli, Vahid Azarian, Milad Askari Hashemabadi |
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8. | A New Method of Filter Control Management for Power Reduce In a Stand-Alone WECS
A New Method of Filter Control Management for Power Reduce In a Stand-Alone WECSAbstract: In this paper, a novel sinusoidal PWM Switched Power Filter (SPF) and Dynamic Voltage Compensation (DVC) scheme using VSC/SMC/B-B controller for power mitigation and quality enhancements in medium power distribution networks are simulated and run. The system is based upon a standalone Wind Energy Conversion Scheme (WECS) using an induction generator and the proposed system control mechanisms, which are digitally simulated by using the MATLAB/Simulink/SimPowerSystems software.Index Terms: Dynamic Tracking, Wind Energy Conversion Scheme, Dynamic voltage compensator, VSC/SMC/B-B, Filters, Hybrid. Reference [1] Global Wind Energy Outlook 2006, Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC). [2] A. Kareem, "Analysis and modeling of wind effects: numerical techniques", in: A. Larsen, G.L. Larose, F.M. Livesey (Eds.), Wind Engineering into the 21st Century, Balkema Press, Rotterdam, pp. 43–54. [3] A. Kareem, "Modeling and simulation of wind effects: a reflection on the past and outlook for the future", in: C.-K. Choi, G. Solari, J. Kanda, A. Kareem (Eds.), First International Symposium on Wind and Structures for the 21st Century, Techno Press, Seoul, 2000. [4] K. Tan and S. Islam, "Optimum control strategies in energy conversion of PMSG wind turbine system without mechanical sensors", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 19, No. 2, 2004, pp.392- 399. [5] K. Natarajan, A.M. Sharaf, S. Sivakumar and S.Nagnarhan, "Modeling and Control Design for Wind Energy Conversion Scheme using Self-Excited Induction Generator", IEEE Trans. On E.C., Vol. 2, No. 3, pp.506-512, Sept. 1987. Milad Askari Hashemabadi, Dr. Farshid Keynia, Alireza Khajoee Ravari, Dr. Mahdi Mozaffari Legha |
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9. | Industrial Rapeseed and Sunflower Meal as Source of Antioxidants
Industrial Rapeseed and Sunflower Meal as Source of AntioxidantsAbstract: In the processing of oilseeds for purposes of vegetable oil's production solid residues such as flakes, cakes and meal are formed. Those by-products are mainly used to produce feed for animals. But they may also enrich human food with proteins, minerals, valuable vitamins A, E, phenolic acids, polyphenols, flavonoids and condensed tannins. The expeller cakes, extracted meal or extracts obtained by extraction with organic solvents, are best applied by in bakery products, spiced meat products potato-based products. Fats are mainly stabilized by synthetic antioxidants BHT or BHA. In this work we proved that synthetic antioxidant BHT was not the best stabilizer of the stored sunflower oil. Typical by-products of fat industry were studied as a potential source of cheap natural antioxidants. The whole sunflower or rapeseed meal added into stored sunflower oils in the amount of 20 g kg-1 increased oil's stability more than 0.1 g kg-1 addition of BHT. In order to increase antioxidant activity of whole meal we carried out its fractionation to obtain five fractions with different particles size. Out of these fractions, fraction 4 with particles size of 0.05 – 0.15 10-3 m was very effective, second only to whole meal, especially to whole sunflower meal. They increased the stability of sunflower oil 1.4 times during storage. By-products such as sunflower or rapeseed meal added directly into sunflower oil can extend its shelf life.Key words: by-products, expelled cake, extracted meal, BHT, fractions Reference [1] Gunstone FD, Production and trade of vegetable oils. Vegetable Oils in Food Technology: Composition, Properties and Uses, Blackwell Publishing Ltd., Osney Mead and CRC Press LLC., Boca Raton, pp. 1-17 (2002). [2] Shahidi F and Williams MA, Recovery of Oils and Fats from Oilseeds and Fatty Materials. Bailey's industrial oil and fat products, 6th ed.; John Wiley & Sons Inc., New Jersey, Vol. 5, pp. 99-189 (2005). [3] Schmidt Š and Pokorný J, Potential application of oilseeds as sources of antioxidants for food lipids – a review. Czech J Food Sci 23:93-102 (2005). [4] Matthäus B, Antioxidant activity of extracts obtained from residues of different oilseeds. J Agric Food Chem 50:3444-3452 (2002). [5] Schmidt, Š. Antioxidants and oxidation changes in foods, 1th ed; STU., Bratislava, p. 220 (2010). František Kreps, Lenka Vrbiková, Štefan Schmidt |
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10. | Plasmid Mediated Resistance to Cephalosporin and Adhesion Properties in E.Coli
Plasmid Mediated Resistance to Cephalosporin and Adhesion Properties in E.ColiAbstract: Introduction: The objective of this study is to evaluate the relationship between biofilm formation, surface characteristics and the presence of plasmid conferring resistance to cephalosporinMethodology: The plasmid of resistance of Salmonella 3349 was purified and transferred by electroporation to the E. coli DH10B originally incompetent to form biofilm. The physico-chemical surface properties of the three bacteria (E. coli DH10B, Salmonella 3349 and its isogenic transformant 3519EC1) were estimated and compared by the Microbial Adhesion to Solvents test (MAST) and angle contact measurement. Cellular densities of bacteria adhered to stainless supports were examined with a scanning electron microscope. Results: The physicochemical properties of bacterial cell surface demonstrated that E.coli DH10B strain was hydrophilic, electron donating and weakly electron accepting than Salmonella 3349 and its transformant 3519EC1 strains. Moreover, there was a weak correlation between the acid-base properties determined by the Microbial Adhesion to Solvents test and angle contact measurement. Analysis of microscopical images of bacterial adhesion indicated that E.coli 3519EC1 and Salmonella 3349 adhered to the stainless surface, whereas the E.coli DH10B does not adhere. Conclusions: The results of this study suggest that the presences of the plasmid of resistance modify the microbial surface properties and biofilm formation. Key words: Adhesion, biofilm, physicochemical properties, resistance plasmid. Reference [1] Donlan RM. Biofilms: microbial life on surfaces. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2002, 8: 881–890. [2] Bellon-Fontaine M-N, Rault J, van Oss CJ. Microbial adhesion to solvents: a novel method to determine the electron-donor/electron-acceptor or Lewis acid-base properties of microbial cells. Colloids and Surfaces B.Biointerfaces, 1996, 7:47-53. [3] Finlay B, Falkow S. Common themes in microbial pathogenicity revisited. Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews 1997, 61:136–169. [4] Hoyle B D, Costerton J W. Bacterial resistance to antibiotics: the role of biofilms. Progress in Drug Research 1991, 37:91–105. [5] Ghigo JM . Natural conjugative plasmids induce bacterial biofilm development. Nature 412 (6845), 2001:442-5. Salwa Oufrid, El Mostapha Mliji, Hassan Latrache, Mustapha Mabrouki, Fatima Hamadi, Mustapha Talmi, Mohammed Timinouni |
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11. | Robust Reversible Watermarking Using Integer Wavelet Transform and Histogram Shifting
Robust Reversible Watermarking Using Integer Wavelet Transform and Histogram ShiftingAbstract: Along with the rapid development of multimedia technology, digital image is becoming an important vector of network information communication. But meanwhile, the security and reliability of the information are more and more unable to be guaranteed. Images often suffer certain degree destruction in the transmission process which influences the correct extraction of hiding information as well as the image authentication. As a good digital media copyright protection method, information hiding technology already has become a research hotspot. In medical, legal and some other sensitive fields, however, slightly modify to carrier image may cause irreparable damage. Consequently, robust reversible watermarking technology seems more important. However, conventional RRW methods have some drawbacks like- unsatisfactory reversibility, limited robustness, and invisibility for watermarked images. Therefore, it is necessary to have a method to address these problems. So we proposed a novel method using IWT, Histogram Shifting and clustering for watermark embedding and extraction.Key words: EPWM, INTEGER WAVELET TRANSFORM,PIPA,SQH, K-MEANS CLUSTERING. Reference [1] Potdar Vidyasagar M, Song Han, Elizabeth Chang "A Survey of Digital Image Watermarking Techniques", 3rd IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN) 2005, pp-709-716. [2] Chan C.K, Cheng L.M. "Hiding data in images by simple LSB substitution", Pattern Recognition2004,pp469-474. [3] Mathkour Hassan, Ghazy M.R., Abdulaziz Al Muharib, Ibrahim Kiady "A Novel Approach for Hiding Messages in Images", International Conference on Signal Acquisition and Processing, 2009, pp -89 – 93 [4] Vleeschouwer C. De, Delaigle J. F and Macq B., "Circular interpretation of bijective transformations in lossless watermarking for media asset management", IEEE Transaction on Multimedia, 5(1), 2003, pp.97-105. [5] Zou D.K., Shi Y.Q., Ni Z.C., Su W, "A semi-fragile lossless digital watermarking scheme based on integer wavelet transform", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology16(10) (2006) pp.1294-1300. Deepali T. Biradar, Prof. Anil Z. Chhangani |
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12. | An Ontology Based Personalised Mobile Search Engine
An Ontology Based Personalised Mobile Search EngineAbstract: As the amount of Web information grows rapidly, Search engines must be able to retrieve information according to the user's preference. In this paper, we propose Ontology Based Personalised Mobile Search Engine (OBPMSE) that captures user‟s interest and preferences in the form of concepts by mining search results and their clickthroughs. OBPMSE profile the user‟s interest and personalised the search results according to user‟s profile. OBPMSE classifies these concepts into content concepts and location concepts. In addition, users‟ locations (positioned by GPS) are used to supplement the location concepts in OBPMSE. The user preferences are organized in an ontology-based, multifacet user profile, used to adapt a personalized ranking function which in turn used for rank adaptation of future search results. we propose to define personalization effectiveness based on the entropies and use it to balance the weights between the content and location facets. In our design, the client collects and stores locally the clickthrough data to protect privacy, whereas heavy tasks such as concept extraction ,training, and reranking are performed at the OBPMSE server. OBPMSE provide client-server architecture and distribute the task to each individual component to decrease the complexity.Key words: Clickthrough data,ontology, personalisation, reranking, user profiling Reference [1] E. Agichtein, E. Brill, and S. Domains, "Improving web search ranking by incorporating user behaviour information," in Proc. of ACM SIGIRConference, 2006, pp.667-686 [2] E. Agichtein, E. Brill, S. Dumais, and R. Ragno, "Learning user interaction models for predicting web search result preferences," in Proc. of ACM SIGIR Conference, 2006, pp.321-350 International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) Vol. 2 Issue 4, April – 2013 ISSN: 2278-0181 www.ijert.org IJERTIJERT 212 [3] G.Y. Chen, T. Suel, and A. Markowetz, "Efficient query processing in geographic web search engines, "in Proc. of ACM SIGIR Conference, 2006, pp.421-462 [4] Q. Gan, J. Attenberg, A. Markowetz, and T. Suel, "Analysis of geographic queries in a search engine log," in Proc. of Loc Web Workshop, 2008, pp.126- 136 [5] T. Joachims, "Optimizing search engines using click through data," in Proc. of ACM SIGKDD Conference, 2002, pp.144-162 Mrs. Rashmi A. Jolhe, Dr. Sudhir D. Sawarkar |
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13. | Review on - Recent Trends in Isolation of Antioxidantsfrom Spices and its Biological Effects ofEssential Oils
Review on - Recent Trends in Isolation of Antioxidantsfrom Spices and its Biological Effects ofEssential OilsAbstract: Spices played a dramatic role in civilization andin the history of nations. The delightful flavour and pungency of spices make them indispensable in the preparation of palatable dishes. In addition, they are reputed to possess several medicinal and pharmacological properties and hence find position in the preparation of a number of medicines. Antioxidant compounds in food play important roles as health-protecting factors. Antioxidants are also widely used as additives infats and oils and in food processing to prevent or delay spoilage of foods. Spices and some herbs have received increased attention as sources of many effective antioxidants.Since the middle ages, essential oils have been widely used for bactericidal, virucidal, fungicidal, antiparasitical, insecticidal, medicinal and cosmetic applications, especially nowadays in pharmaceutical, sanitary, cosmetic, agricultural and food industries. Because of the mode of extraction, mostly by distillation from aromatic plants, they contain a variety of volatile molecules such as terpenes and terpenoids, phenol-derived aromatic components and aliphatic components. In vitro physicochemical assays characterise most of them as antioxidants. This review presents some information about the most common and most-used spice antioxidants and its essential oils, biological effects and describes their isolation of antioxidant propertiesKey words: Spices, Flavour, Antioxidants, Essential Oil, Volatile, Isolation and Pharmaceuticals. Reference [1] Andersen, P.H. and Jensen, N.J., (1984).Mutagenic investigation of peppermint oil in the Salmonella/mammalian microsometest.Mutat. Res.138, 17–20. [2] Anon, (1997). Spice constituents scavenging free radicals and inhibiting pentosidine formation in a model system. Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry (Japan) 61, 263–266. [3] Antolovich, M., Prenzler, P.D., Patsalides, E., McDonald, S., and Robards, K., (2002).Methods for testing antioxidant activity.Analyst 127, 183–198. [4] Armstrong, J.S., (2006). Mitochondrial membrane permeabilization: the sine qua non for cell death. Bio-Essays 28, 253–260. [5] Bandoniene, D., Murkovic, M., Pfanhauser, W., Venskutonis, P.R., and Gruzdie ne, D., (2002a). Detection and activity evaluation of radical scavenging compounds by using DPPH free radical and online HPLC–DPPH methods. European Food Research and Technology 214, 143–147. A. AllwynSundarRaj, Sam Aaron I, S.S.Seihenbalg, D.Tiroutchelvamae and T.V.Ranganathan |
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14. | A Survey on Various Image Inpainting Techniques to Restore Image
A Survey on Various Image Inpainting Techniques to Restore ImageAbstract: Image Inpainting or Image Restore is technique which is used to recover the damaged image and to fill the regions which are missing in original image in visually plausible way. Inpainting, the technique of modifying an image in an invisible form, it is art which is used from the early year. Applications of this technique include rebuilding of damaged photographs& films, removal of superimposed text, removal/replacement of unwanted objects, red eye correction, image coding. The main goal of the Inpainting is to change the damaged region in an image. In this paper we provide a review of different techniques used for image Inpainting. We discuss different inpainting techniques like Exemplar based image inpainting, PDE based image inpainting, texture synthesis based image inpainting, structural inpainting and textural inpainting.Key words: Image inpainting, Image Restore, Exemplar, Object Removal, wavelet transformation. Reference [1] Marcelo Bertalmio, Luminita Vese, Guillermo Sapiro (2003), "Simultaneous Structure and Texture Image In painting", IEEE transactions on image processing, vol. 12 [2] Bhimaraju Swati, Naveen Malviya, Shrikant Lade "Analysis of Exemplar Base In painting for Adaptive Patch Propagation using Wavelet Transform". IJETAE Volume 3,May 2013 [3] T. Chan and J. Shen, "Local in painting models and TV in painting," SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, Vol. 62, 2001, pp. 1019-1043 [4] Dong wookcho and Tien D. Bui "Image In painting Using Wavelet-Based Inter and Intra-Scale Depedency" IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2008. [5] Z. Xu and S. Jian, "Image in painting by patch propagation using patch sparsity," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 19, 2010, pp. 1153-1165 Rajul Suthar, Mr. Krunal R. Patel |
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15. | A Comparative Study of Leakage Reduction Techniques Used In Fpga for Optimized Area and Power Consumption
A Comparative Study of Leakage Reduction Techniques Used In Fpga for Optimized Area and Power ConsumptionAbstract: Over the last decade Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) have become one of the key in digital circuit implementation. A fundamental part of their construction lies in their architecture, which governs the nature of their programmable logic functionality and their programmable interconnect. A remarkable effect of the quality of final device‟s performance in FPGA devices are speed performance, area efficiency and power consumption. But due to the integration of devices increases day-by-day or reduced size leads to the problem of leakage. Optimized area and power consumption is only achieved by reducing leakage energy in the design of FPGA which are 90nm and below. This survey reviews the fundamental programming technologies that the programmability built on for leakage reduction in FPGA, and then describes the basic understanding of all the factors that play a significant role in the occurrence of leakage and their reduction.Key words: Field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), area efficiency, leakage energy, threshold voltage. Reference [1] A. Gayasen, Y. Tsai, N. Vijaykrishnan, M. Kandemir, M.J. Irwin. "Reducing Leakage Energy in FPGAs Using Region-Constrained Placement". In Proceedings ACM Intl. Symp. Field programmable gate arrays, 2004. [2] J. Kao, S. Narendra and A. Chandrakasan. "MTCMOS Hierarchical Sizing Based on Mutual Exclusive Discharge Patterns". In Design Automation Conference, 1998 [3] E. Kusse and J. Rabaey. "Low-Energy Embedded FPGA Structures". In Proceedings of International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design, 1998 [4] Z. Chen, M. Johnson, L. Wei, and K. Roy. "Estimation of standby leakage power in CMOS circuits considering accurate modeling of transistor". In Proceedings of International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design, 1998. [5] Navid Azizi and Farid N. Najam. "Look-Up table leakage reduction for FPGAs". Published in Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, IEEE, 2005. Shivani Saxena, Anjali Tiwari, Ghata Chauhan, Nidhi, Richa Chaturvedi |
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16. | Rheological Properties Of Some Surfactant-Based Fracturing Fluids
Rheological Properties Of Some Surfactant-Based Fracturing FluidsAbstract: The paper presents the rheological behavior study of some cationic surfactant-based aqueous solutions that can be used as fracturing fluids. It was followed the influence of salt type and concentration, as well as that of temperature by setting the dependence between the shear stress τ and the shear rate . The analysis of dependence between τ and demonstrates that all the studied solutions have non-Newtonian behavior with flow behavior index smaller than 1.Key words: apparent viscosity, non-Newtonian behavior, surfactant Reference [1] T.N. Castro Dantas, V.C. Santanna, A.A. Dantas Neto, F.D.S. Curbelo and A.I.C. Garnica, Methodology to break test for surfactant-based fracturing gel, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 50, 2006, 293-298. [2] D. Liu, M. Fan, L. Yao, X. Zhao and Y. Wang, A new fracturing fluid with combination of single phase microemulsion and gelable polymer system, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 73, 2010, 267-271. [3] B. Bohloli and C.J. de Pater, Experimental study on hydraulic fracturing of soft rocks: Influence of fluid rheology and confining stress, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 53, 2006, 1-12. [4] D.N. Mikhailov, M.J. Economides and V.N. Nikolaevskiy, Fluid leakoff determines hydraulic fracture dimensions: Approximate solution for non-Newtonian fracturing fluid, International Journal of Engineering Science, 49, 2011, 809-822. [5] M. Cristian, S. Socol and A. Constantinescu, Increasing productivity and receptivity of wells (Ed. Tehnica, Bucharest, 1982). Andra Tamas, Martin Vincze And Mirabela Padure |
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17. | Dynamic Analysis of Composite Structural System for Looms Industry
Dynamic Analysis of Composite Structural System for Looms IndustryAbstract: All the structures subjected to any kind of loads or displacement tends to behave dynamically. Thus the structures are always under continuous loading. The industrial buildings have to support the machineries in motion which are under high degree of vibrations. And so the design of base and the foundations of such structures under vibrations are very important and need to be stable. Problems of dynamics of bases and foundations are to be studied carefully, so as to understand the response characteristics of the power loom industry structure. This is very important from the economic point of view as well as to secure the stability and safety of the structure; dynamic analysis was carried out for Ground + One storey industry load bearing structure using STAAD.Pro software. In this paper, an attempt has been made to study the dynamic analysis of the structure under vibrations caused by reciprocating type machines. This paper makes attempt to study the effects of various structural parameters like Beam Size, Column Size and Storey Height and Wall Thickness variation on Frequency and Displacement of the industrial building which in future will serve as guidelines to the structural engineers and the industry people.Key words: Looms Industry, Vibrations, Frequency, Displacement, Modes, Storey Height, Time History. Reference [1] IS 2974 (Part I) – 1982, Edition 3.1 Indian Standard Code of Practice for Design and Construction of Machine Foundation. [2] Vijay K. Puri and Shamsher Prakash, 2006, "Foundations For Vibrating Machines", Special Issue, April-May, of the Journal of Structural Engineering, SERC, Madras. INDIA. [3] Anil K. Chopra, "Dynamics of Structures", Prentice-Hall Inc, New Jersey, USA. [4] Barkan D. D., "Dynamics of Bases and Foundations", Mcgraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. [5] Booth J. E., "Principles of textile testing". Jigar K. Sevalia, Ruchika S. Patel, Neel H. Shah, Akshay Agrawal, Neha Modi |
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18 | Magnetic Properties of Iron(III) Complexes with Pendant-Armed Alcohols of 1, 4, 7, 10-Tetraazacyclododecane (Cyclen) Ligands
Magnetic Properties of Iron(III) Complexes with Pendant-Armed Alcohols of 1, 4, 7, 10-Tetraazacyclododecane (Cyclen) LigandsAbstract: The magnetic properties of the compounds [Fe{H2THED}(FeCl3)]Cl (1), [Fe3(TRED)2(N3)2]Cl.5H2O (2) and [Fe4O2(1,4-DHED)2(N3)4] 6MeOH (3) are reported (H4THED) is (1,4,7,10-tetrakis(2-hydroxyethyl)-1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane), (H3TRED) is 1,4,7-tris (2-hydroxyethyl)-1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane) and (H2DHED) is (1,4-bis (2-hydroxyethyl)-1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane). Variable temperature magnetic susceptibilty measurements of 1, 3 complexes possess S = 0 spin ground states, while 2 has an S = 2 spin ground state.Key words: Iron (III) Complexes, Antiferromagnetic Coupling, Magnetic Susceptibilty, Cyclen derivatives. Reference [1] P. S. Ammala; S. R. Batten; J. D. Cashion; C. M. Kepert; B. Moubaraki; K. S. Murray; L. Spiccia and B. O. West. Inorg. Chim. Acta 2002, 331, 90. [2] E. C. Theil, Annu. ReV. Biochem. 1987, 57, 289. [3] B. Xu and N. D. Chasteen, J. Biol. Chem. 1991, 266, 19965. [4] I. Bertini; H. B. Gray; S. J. Lippard and J. S. Valentine. Bioinorganic Chemistry; University Science Books: Mill Valley, CA, 1994. [5] E. C. Theil; M. Matzapetakis and X. Liu, J. Biol. Inorg. Chem. 2006, 11, 803. Abd-Alhakeem H. Abu-Nawwas |
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19. | Application of Quality Control Tools in Taper Shank Drills Manufacturing Industry: A Case Study
Application of Quality Control Tools in Taper Shank Drills Manufacturing Industry: A Case StudyAbstract: The aim of this paper is to improve the quality level by finding out the root causes of the quality related problems. Quality control tools are important tools used widely at manufacturing field to monitor the overall operation and continuous process improvement. Check Sheet, Pareto Diagram, Histogram, Cause-and-effect diagram, Control Chart, Run-Chart and Scatter-Diagram are used in enhancing the process by continuous monitoring through quality tools. The Quality Control tools are used to find the root Causes and eliminate them, thus manufacturing processes can be improved. A case study has been carried out at MIRANDA TOOLS, GIDC Ankleshwar.Key words: Quality, Continuous improvement, PDCA Cycle, Check-Sheet, Pareto -analysis, Cause-and-effect diagram, Histogram, Control-Chart, Run-Chart, Scatter-Diagram Reference [1] Paliska, G.; Pavletić, D. & Soković, M., "Application of quality engineering tools in process industry", advanced engineering, ISSN 1846-5900. [2] Samadhan D. Bhosale, S.C.Shilwant, S.R. Patil, "Quality improvement in manufacturing processes using SQC tools", ISSN: 2248-9622, IJERA, Vol. 3, Issue 3, May-Jun 2013, pp.832-837. [3] Bahmankhah Behnam, Helena Alvelos, "Exploring the Potential of Quality Tools in Tire Retreading Industry: a Case Study", ISSN: 0975-5462, IJEST, Vol. 3 No. 6 June 2011. [4] Rami Hikmat Fouad, Adnan Mukattash, "Statistical Process Control Tools: A Practical guide for Jordanian Industrial Organizations" ISSN 1995-6665, Volume 4, Number 6, December 2010. [5] Bahmankhah Behnam, Helena Alvelos, "Exploring the Potential of Quality Tools in Tire Retreading Industry: a Case Study", IJEST, ISSN: 0975-5462 Vol. 3 No. 6 June 2011. Pratik J. Patel, Sanjay C. Shah, Sanjay Makwana |
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20. | A Review on Parametric Optimization of Surface Roughness & Material Remove Rate of AISI D2 Steel Using Turning
A Review on Parametric Optimization of Surface Roughness & Material Remove Rate of AISI D2 Steel Using TurningAbstract: In order to produce any product with desired quality by machining, proper selection of process parameters is essential. This can be accomplished by Full Factorial method. The aim of the present work is to investigate the effect of process parameter on surface finish and material removal rate (MRR) to obtain the optimal setting of these process parameters and the analysis of variance is also used to analysis the influence of cutting parameters during machining. L27 experimental will run based on an orthogonal array of full factorial method. Additionally the analysis of variance (ANOVA) will also apply to identify the most significant factor. During the experimental process parameters such as speed, feed and depth of cut are used to explore their effect on the surface roughness (Ra) of the work piece. This work will present an experimental investigation of influence of the three most important machining parameters of Speed, Feed and Depth of Cut on surface roughness during turning of AISI D2 steel. In this work AISI D2 steel work pieces are turned on conventional all gear lathe by using carbide tool.Key words: Full Factorial Method, Machining Parameters, Surface Roughness, Material Removal Rate (MRR), ANOVA Analysis Reference [1] M. Kaladhar, K. Venkata Subbaiah, Ch. Srinivasa Rao. "Determination of Optimum Process Parameters during turning of AISI 304 Austenitic Stainless Steels using Taguchi method and ANOVA" International Journal of Lean Thinking Volume 3, Issue 1 (June 2012) pp.1-19. [2] Muammer Nalbant, Hasan Gokkaya, Ihsan Toktas, Gokhan Sur. "The experimental investigation of the effects of uncoated, PVD- and CVD-coated cemented carbide inserts and cutting parameters on surface roughness in CNC turning and its prediction using artificial neural networks" Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 25 (2009) pp.211–223. [3] Anil Gupta, Hari Singh, Aman Aggarwal. "Taguchi-fuzzy multi output optimization (MOO) in high speed CNC turning of AISI P-20 tool steel" Expert Systems with Applications 38 (2011) pp.6822–6828. [4] B Fnides, M A Yallese, T Mabrouki, J F Rigal. "Application of response surface methodology for determining cutting force model in turning hardened AISI H11 hot work tool steel" Sadhana Vol. 36, Part 1 (2011) pp.109–123. [5] Sukumar, Poornima. "Optimization of machining parameters in CNC turning of martensitic stainless steel using RSM and GA" International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Vol.2, Issue.2, (Apr. 2012) pp.539-542. Hitesh Patel, Jigar Patel, Chandresh Patel |
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21. | Design And Implementation Of PFC CUK Converter-Based PMBLDCM Drive
Design And Implementation Of PFC CUK Converter-Based PMBLDCM DriveAbstract: This method is used to improve the efficiency of motor drive by power factor correction. It plays an important role in energy saving during energy conversion. A cuk dc -dc converter topology reduced the power quality problems and improve the power factor at input ac mains. A three-phase voltage-source inverter is used as an electronic commutator operates the PMBLDCM drive The concept of voltage control at the dc link proportional to the desired speed of the PMBLDCM is used to control the speed of the compressor. The proposed power factor converter topology is designed, modeled and its performance is evaluated in matlab-simulink environment. The results show an improved power quality and good power factor in wide speed range of the drive. It also compares the Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) of the Input AC current with PID controller in Matlab-Simulink environment.Key words: Cuk converter, Diode Bridge Rectifier (DBR), Permanent magnet brushless dc motor (PMBLDCM), Power factor correction (PFC), Voltage-source inverter (VSI). Reference [1]. R. Hendershort and T. J. E. Miller, Design of Brushless Permanent-Magnet Motors, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1994. [2]. J. F. Gieras and M. Wing, Permanent Magnet Motor Technology – Design and Application, Marcel Dekker Inc.,New York, 2002. [3]. J. F. Gieras, R. J. Wang and M. J. Kamper, Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Brushless Machines, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/Boston/London, 2004. [4]. O. García, J.A. Cobos, R. Prieto, P. Alou and J. Uceda, "Single Phase Power factor correction: A survey", IEEE Trans. Power Electron., Vol. 18, May 2003, pp. 749-755. [5]. A. A. Fardoun, E. H. Ismail, A. J. Sabzali and M. A. Al- Saffar, "A Comparison between Three Proposed Bridgeless Cuk Topologies and Conventional Topologies for Power Factor Correction," IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,Vol. 27, no. 7, pp. 3292-3301, July 2012. S. Kaliappan, R. Thenmozhi |
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22. | Review On Heat Transfer Enhancement Techniques in Thermal Energy Storage Systems
Review On Heat Transfer Enhancement Techniques in Thermal Energy Storage SystemsAbstract: Heat transfer enhancements of both experimental and analytical studies have been reported in view of their industrial and domestic significances. This review is confined to the enhancement of heat transfer in solidification processes and latent heat thermal storage system due to low heat thermal conductivity of the PCM. The review covers different methods of heat transfer enhancement techniques, encapsulation of phase change materials in Thermal Energy Storage System and solar system.Key words: Thermal Energy storage systems, PCM, Heat Transfer Enhancement. Solar System. Reference [1] Eftekhar J., Haji-Sheikh A. and Lou D.Y.S. (1984), "Heat Transfer Enhancement in a Paraffin Wax Thermal Storage System", Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Vol. 106, No. 3, pp. 299- 306. [2] Kanimozhi B. and Ramesh Bapu B.R. (2012), "Experimental Study of thermal energy storage in Solar System using PCM", Advanced Materials Research,No.433, pp. 1027-1032 [3] Lacroix M. and Duong (1993), "Experimental improvements of heat transfer in a latent heat thermal energy storage unit with embedded heat sources", International Journal of Energy Conversation and Management, Vol. 39, No. 8, pp. 703-716. [4] Padmanabhan P.V. and Krishna Murthy M.V. (1986), "Outward phase change in a cylindrical annulus with axial fins on the inner tube", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, No. 29, pp.1855-1866. [5] Siegel R. (1977), "Solidification of low conductivity material containing dispersed high conductivity particles", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, No. 20, pp. 1087-1089. B. Kanimozhi, A. Prabhu, M. Anish, P. K. Harish Kumar |
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23. | Effect of Torque on Ladder Frame Chassis of Eicher 20.16
Effect of Torque on Ladder Frame Chassis of Eicher 20.16Abstract: Automotive chassis is backbone of vehicle. Chassis carries steady load, vehicle load, driving force and braking force. Hence chassis has to be designed for static and dynamic loading. In this paper chassis of Eicher 20.16 has been considered, and the behavior of chassis under same load but varying thickness is studied through Ansys.Key words: Ansys, chassis, deformation, thickness, torque. Reference [1] Vijaykumar V. Patel and R. I. Patel, "Structural analysis of a ladder chassis frame", World Journal of Science and Technology 2012, 2(4):05-08 ISSN: 2231 – 2587 [2] M. Ravi Chandra, S. Sreenivasulu & Syed Altaf Hussain, "Modeling And Structural Analysis Of Heavy Vehicle Chassis Made Of Polymeric Composite Material By Three Different Cross Sections", Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD), ISSN 2249-6890, Vol.2, Issue 2,Sep 2012 45-60. [3] I. D. Paul, S. M. Sarange, G. P. Bhole And J. R. Chaudhari, "Structural Analysis Of Truck Chassis Using Finite Element Method", International J.of Multidispl.Research & Advcs. in Engg.(IJMRAE), ISSN 0975-7074, Vol. 4, No. I (January 2012), pp. 85-98 [4] M. Zehsaz, Vakili Tahami and Esmaeili , "The Effect Of Connection Plat Thickness On Stress Of Truck Chassis", Asian Journal of applied Science 2(1): 22-35, ISSN 1996-3343, 2009 [5] Akash Lodhi, Kushal Gawande, Udbhav Singh Chetan J. Choudhari, "Static Load Analysis of Tata-407 Chassis -An Approach", Golden Research Thoughts (March ; 2012), Vol.1,Issue.IX/March 2012pp.1-4 K. I. Swami, Prof. S. B. Tuljapure |
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24. | Regional Flood Frequency Analysis Utilizing L-Moments: A Case Study of Narmada Basin
Regional Flood Frequency Analysis Utilizing L-Moments: A Case Study of Narmada BasinAbstract: Accurate estimation of flood frequency is needed for the designing of various hydraulic structures such as dam, spillways, barrage etc. Different approaches were presented which uses the conventional moments to extract order statistics such as mean, standard deviation, skewness, kurtosis. Due to problems arising from data quality, such as short record and outliers, conventional moments are problematic. Hosking (1990) developed L-Moments which are linear combinations of order statistics. The main advantage of L-Moments over conventional moments is that they suffer less from the effects of sampling variability. They are more robust to outliers and virtually unbiased for small samples. In this study the L-Moments based method of Regional Flood Frequency Analysis is mentioned and Narmada Basin is considered as a case. The L-Moments have been used for parameter estimation of Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) distribution. Regional flood frequency relationship for the chosen basin is developed utilizing GEV distribution. A relationship between mean annual flood and catchment area is obtained which is further employed to generate Regional Flood Formula for ungauged catchment of Narmada Basin. The developed Regional flood formula is used for T-Year return period flood estimation, knowing only one parameter i.e. catchment area of ungauged watershed.Key words: GEV Distribution, L-Moments, Regional Flood Frequency Analysis. Reference [1] J.R.Hosking, and J.R.Wallis, Some statistics useful in regional frequency analysis, Water Resour. Res., 29(2), 1993, 271-281. [2] National Institute of Hydrology, Regional Flood Frequency Analysis using L-Moments, 1997-98, Roorkee. [3] J.R.Hosking, and J.R.Wallis, Regional frequency analysis-An approach based on L-moment (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,(1997). Amit Dubey |
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25. | Studying The Role Played By The Factors Affecting The Advanced Mechanical Maintenance Practice
Studying The Role Played By The Factors Affecting The Advanced Mechanical Maintenance PracticeAbstract: Over thе years, thе significance of thе purpose of maintenance and thе management of maintenance has further developed. Pervasive automation and computerization condensed thе number of employees of manufacture and augmented thе capital used in thе tools of production and thе civil structures. Therefore, thе fraction of thе employees working in thе sector of maintenance as well as thе fraction of thе maintenance expense on all thе costs of exploitation developed during thе years. In thе refineries, for example, it is not rare that thе maintenance and thе departments of operations are largest, and each one comprises 30 percent of all thе labour. Moreover, beside thе energy costs, thе costs of maintenance can be most of any operational budget. However, it is very difficult to answer thе principal question discussed by thе management of maintenance, if its output is produced indeed, in terms of contribution for thе benefits of company and effectively, in terms of material and labour used. Dekker and Scarf (1998, 212) offered a variety of classifications of thе sculpts of optimization of maintenance by analyzing 112 papers. In thе ground of thе measurement of implementation of maintenance an overall picture of thе various systems of measurement of execution (PMS), including indicators, reference numbers and outlines, was discussed in detail (Pintelon and Puyvelde, 1997,16). Various approaches for thе execution of measurement of maintenance were also reviewed (Tsang and others, 1999,234). In another invited review, Wang (2002, 17) undertook an outline of thе policies of deteriorating system maintenance and finally recapitulated them, classify and compared various of thе existing policies of maintenance for thе systemsIndividual: and multi-links with thе accent on systems of simple unit. Reference References [1] Anderson, T.M., Thorstensen, T.A., Rasmussen, M. (1998), "Decision support in long term and short term maintenance planning using condition monitoring information", 1st IEE/MechE International Conference on Power Station Maintenance: Profitability through Reliability, Conference Publication No. 452, pp.45-63. [2] Al-Najjar, B., Alsyouf, I. (2004), "Enhancing a company's profitability and competitiveness using integrated vibration-based maintenance: a case study", European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 157 No.3, pp.643-57. [3] Badía, F.G., Berrade, M.D., Clemente, A.C. (2002), "Optimal inspection and preventive maintenance of units with revealed and unrevealed failures", Reliability Engineering and System Safety, Vol. 78 No.2, pp.157-63. [4] Bardey, D., Riane, F., Artiba, A., Eeckhoudt, L. (2005), "To maintain or not to maintain? What should a risk-averse decision maker do?", Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, Vol. 11 No.2, pp.115-20. [5] Charles, A., Floru, I., Azzaro-Pantel, C., Pibouleau, L., Domenech, S. (2003), "Optimization of preventive maintenance strategies in a multipurpose batch plant: application to semiconductor manufacturing", Computers & Chemical Engineering, Vol. 27 No.4, pp.449-67. Eng. Ahmed Ibraheam Abd Alaziz & Eng. Hasan Ali Al-Zenki |
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26. | Emergy Evaluation: A Tool for the Assessment of Sustainability in Project Development
Emergy Evaluation: A Tool for the Assessment of Sustainability in Project DevelopmentAbstract: This contributiondescribes the basic principles of the emergy accounting method as a technique for quantitativeassessment of sustainability in developing projects. Emergy determines the amount of energy used directly and indirectly for generating resources, services and products. In addition,this analytical method integrates economics, ecology and thermodynamics.This allows a comprehensive assessment of the economic, social and environmental impacts in a theoretical way. Currently, Emergy evaluation is considered as one of the life cycle sustainability assessment methods in areas similar to ecological, economics, and environmental engineering. Furthermore, the entire methodological path for the application and development of the emergy accounting method was well described. In addition, some case studies where emergy has been the key data needed for sustainability decision making were analyzed and discussed. This work further provides the practical connection between theoretical definitions of emergy, data needs, and mathematical definitions of indicators for emergy sustainability assessment. With the accomplishment of this contribution, emergy assessment can be achieved and proposed as a tool for the development of sustainable projects.Key words: Ecology, Economics, Emergy, Energy Sustainable development. Reference [1] Odum, H.T.Environmental accounting: Emergy and Environmental Decision Making, (J. W. and Sons, Ed.), New York, 1996. [2] Lomas, P. L., Donato, M. D. and Ulgiati, S. La síntesis emergética: una valoración de los servicios de los ecosistemas con base termodinámica. Revista Ecosistemas, 16(3), 37-45, 2007. [3] Odum, H. and Odum, B. Concepts and methods of ecological engineering. Ecological Engineering, 20(5), 339-361, 2003. [4] Sciubba, E. and Ulgiati, S. Emergy and exergy analyses: Complementary methods or irreducible ideological options. Energy, 30(10), 1953-1988, 2005. [5] Vassallo, P. and Fabiano, M. Emergy required for the complete treatment of municipal wastewater. Ecological Engineering, 35(5), 687-694, 2009. Natalia Andrea Cano Londoño, Dario Gallego Suárez, Héctor Iván Velásquez |
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27. | Inhalable Particulate Matter Measurements (Pm2.5) In The Metropolitan Area Of Valle De Aburrá. Colombia
Inhalable Particulate Matter Measurements (Pm2.5) In The Metropolitan Area Of Valle De Aburrá. ColombiaAbstract: This study was conducted in the Metropolitan Area of Valle de Aburrá (Colombia), which is characterized by being a narrow valley with thermal inversion problems, and is located in the Andes mountain range. The study was conducted by the National University of Colombia in the Air Quality Monitoring Network, in agreement with the environmental authority in the area (Metropolitan Area of Valle de Aburrá). The aim was to optimize the monitoring of air quality in the urban areas of Valle de Aburrá for inhalable particulate matter less than 2.5 micrometers (PM2.5) during the period January- December 2013, as it is the critical pollutant monitored in the area. Values of annual average concentrations and maximum daily concentrations obtained in each month are presented in this study, also the daily and weekly cycles for each monitoring station. These concentrations were compared to the Colombian daily and annual standard for PM2.5, equal to 50.0 g/m3 and 25 g/m3 respectively. It is worth highlighting the behavior of the decrease during evening times of the diurnal cycle of PM2.5, it can be explained partly because the atmosphere in the evening is generally unstable favoring greater dilution of pollution.Key words: Air pollution, Colombian Environmental standard, Inhalable particulate material (PM2.5) Reference [1] ZAPATA, C.E. 2013. Calidad del Aire en el Valle de Aburrá. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, área Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá. Convenio 280 del 2013 [2] IDEAM. "Protocolo para la Vigilancia y Seguimiento de Módulo Aire del Sistema de Información Ambiental". Bogotá, septiembre del 2005. [3] INSTITUTO COLOMBIANO DE NORMAS TECNICAS Y CERTIFICACIÓN. Sistemas de Gestión de la Calidad. Fundamentos y vocabulario. NTC-ISO 9000. Bogotá D.C. El Instituto, 2005. 29 pp. [4] INSTITUTO COLOMBIANO DE NORMAS TECNICAS Y CERTIFICACIÓN. Requisitos generales para la competencia de los laboratorios de ensayo y calibración. NTC-ISO/IEC 17025:2005. [5] INSTITUTO COLOMBIANO DE NORMAS TECNICAS Y CERTIFICACIÓN. Sistemas de Gestión de la Calidad. Requisitos. NTC-ISO 9001. Bogotá D.C.: El Instituto, 2008. 35 p Carmen Helena Zapata Sanchez, Natalia Andrea Cano Londoño |
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28. | Development of Fabric Feel Tester Using Nozzle Extraction Principle
Development of Fabric Feel Tester Using Nozzle Extraction PrincipleAbstract: The present paper deals with development of an instrument to measure fabric handle characteristic objectively. A nozzle extraction method for objective measurement of fabric handle characteristics has been developed. The instrument measures the force exerted by the fabric being drawn out of the nozzle axially as well as on the periphery of the nozzle i.e. radials. These two forces in perpendicular directions have been used to determine the handle characteristics of fabric. Accuracy and reproducibility of the newly developed testing instrument is verified. It has been observed that the fabric extraction force and load time graph obtained from the instrument gives valuable information to draw some meaningful conclusion regarding the nature of fabric and the handle characteristics of the fabric. The preliminary test results indicate that fabric feel can be comprehensively judged from a single test from the instrument objectively. Cost and time involved in testing is also less compared to other existing instruments.Key words: Nozzle extraction, fabric handle, Extraction force, Radial force, Fabric feel Reference [1] 1 T.J. Mahar and R. Postle; "Measuring and interpreting low stess fabric mechanical and surface property: iv: subjective evaluation of fabric handle, textile research journal, 1989, vol 59, pp 721. [2] C. L. Hui, T. W. Lau, S. F. Ng, "Neural Network Prediction of Human Psychological Perceptions of Fabric Hand", Textile Research J.,2004., Vol. 74, pp. 375-383 [3] Peirce, F.T., The "handle‟ of cloth as a measurable quantity. Journal of the Textile Institute, 21, pp. T377–416, 1930. [4] Kawabata, S., The Standardization and Analysis of Handle Evaluation, 2nd edn, The Textile Machinery Society of Japan: Osaka, Japan, 1980 [5] Binns, H., The discrimination of wool fabrics by the sense of touch. British Journal of Psychiatry, 16, pp. 237–247, 1926. P. Pratihar, S S Bhattacharya and A Das |
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29. | Evaluation of Irrigation Water Quality in the Central Albanian Regions of Kavaja and Kruja
Evaluation of Irrigation Water Quality in the Central Albanian Regions of Kavaja and KrujaAbstract: The purpose of the study was the monitoring of water quality (water resources) used for irrigation in the regions of Kavaja and Kruja. The study was carried out during 2009-2010. The samples were collected over a two-week period (1 June - 31 August) and were analyzed according to USEPA methodology at Institute of Earth Studies, Tirana. The samples were analyzed in terms of parameters such as pH, t ºC, TDS, EC, chemical parameters Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, Na+, Cl-, CO32-, HCO3-, SO42-, nutritional elements N-NO3, N-NH4, and PO4-P. The results have indicated a relatively high content of ions Na+ and Cl- in the water resources in the region of Kavaja (Qeret area) that might lead to toxicity for the sensitive plants and contents within the limits as determined by Albanian Standard Catalogue and FAO, 1989 in the region of Kruja. Based on the findings obtained the water resources analyzed are classified under 2nd class [1]. The continuous monitoring of water resources is indispensable as a result of the proliferation of pollution from industrial and agricultural activities and the discharge of urban waste in these regions.Key words: Monitoring, water quality, water irrigation Reference [1] Bratli L.J. 2001. Classification of the environmental quality of freshwater in Norway. In: Hydrological and limnological aspects of lake monitoring. Heinonen et al. (Ed.). John Willey & Sant. Ltd.pp.331-343 [2] Kabo et al., 1991, Physical Geography of Albania. Edited by Tirana University. [3] ABAZI U., GJOKA, F., BEQIRAJ A. Heavy metals in Water of Fan and Shkumbin Rivers, Albania. Journal of Balcan Ecology, Vol.11, N0 1, 2008 [4] Ayers R. S., Wescot D.W, 1985. Water quality for agriculture.FAO Irrigation Drainage Paper N° 29. FAO, Roma. 174pp [5] Raymond., W miler., Roy., Donhaue.I, 1995. Soil in our environment (5th edition) pp. 480-486. Azem Bardhi, Nikoll Bardhi, Uran Abazi |
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30. | Weak Nonlinear Thermal Instability Under Vertical Magnetic Field, Temperature Modulation And Heat Source
Weak Nonlinear Thermal Instability Under Vertical Magnetic Field, Temperature Modulation And Heat SourceAbstract: The present paper deals with a weak nonlinear stability problem of magneto-convection in an electrically conducting Newtonian liquid, confined between two horizontal surfaces, under a constant vertical magnetic field, and subjected to an imposed time-periodic boundary temperature (ITBT) along with internal heating effects. In the case of (ITBT), the temperature gradient between the walls of the fluid layer consists of a steady part and a time-dependent oscillatory part. The temperature of both walls is modulated in this case. The disturbance is expanded in terms of power series of amplitude of convection, which is assumed to be small. It is found that the response of the convective system to the internal Rayleigh number is destabilizing. Using Ginzburg-Landau equation, the effect of modulations on heat transport is analyzed. Effect of various parameters on the heat transport is also discussed. Further, it is found that the heat transport can be controlled by suitably adjusting the external parameters of the system.Reference [1]. Al-Najem, N.M. Khanafer, K.M. El-Refaee, M.M.: Numerical study of laminar natural convection in tilted enclosure with transverse magnetic field. Int. J. Numer. Meth. Heat Fluid Flow, 8, 651-672, (1998). [2]. Bajaj, R and Malik, S.K.: Convective instability and pattern formation in magnetic fluids. J. Math. Analys. Appl. 207, 172-191, (1997). [3]. Bajaj, R and Malik, S.K.: Rayleigh-Bénard convection and pattern formation in magnetohydrodynamics. J. Plasma Phys. 60(3), 529-539, (1998). [4]. Bhadauria, B.S. Bhatia, P.K.: Time-periodic heating of Rayleigh-Bénard convection. Physica Scripta, 66, 59-65, (2002). [5]. Bhadauria, B.S.: Time-periodic heating of Rayleigh-Bénard convection in a vertical magneticfield. Physica Scripta, 73, 296-302, (2006). B.S. Bhadauria and Palle Kiran |
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31. | Synthesis of Nano Phase Titanium Dioxide (Tio2) In Diffusion Flame Reactor and It Application in Photocatalytic Reaction
Synthesis of Nano Phase Titanium Dioxide (Tio2) In Diffusion Flame Reactor and It Application in Photocatalytic ReactionAbstract: Nano phase Titanium dioxide (TiO2) is synthesized by flame synthesis method using LPG as fuel, oxygen as oxidant. In this method Titanium Tetraisopropoxide (TTIP) is used as titanium. The synthesized Nano phase TiO2 is characterized by SEM and XRD. In this current paper process parameters has been investigated to synthesize the Nano-phase TiO2 in Flame reactor and its performance is studied in photocatalytic reaction. The performance of the synthesized Nano-phase TiO2 is compared with Degussa P25 catalyst. The results conclude that Nano-phase TiO2 shows better performance then Degussa P25.Key words: Flame synthesis, LPG, Nano rods, Nano TiO2, Titanium tetraisopropoxide Reference [1] K.I. Hadjiivanov, D.G. Klissurski, Chem. Soc. Rev. 25 (1996) 61. [2] A.L. Linsebigler, G. Lu, J.T. Yates, Chem. Rev. 95 (1995) 735. [3] B. O.Regan, M. Gratzel, Nature (London) 353 (1991) 737. [4] W. Chen-Chi, J.Y. Ying, Chem. Mater. 11(1999) 3113. [5] N. Negishi, K. Takeuchi, T. Ibusuki, J. Mater. Sci. Lett. 18 (1999) 515. C. Mahender, B. Murali Dr. V. Himabindu |
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32. | Selection of Initial Seed Values for K-Means Algorithm Using Taguchi Method as an Optimization Technique
Selection of Initial Seed Values for K-Means Algorithm Using Taguchi Method as an Optimization TechniqueAbstract: This paper proposes an enhancement of the performance of the traditional K-Means algorithm of Partitional clustering by using Taguchi method as an optimization technique. K-Means algorithm requires the desired number of clusters to be known in priori. Given the desired number of clusters, the initial seed values are selected randomly. The K-means algorithm does not have any specific mechanism to choose the appropriate initial seeds and selecting different initial seeds may generate huge differences in terms of the clustering results. This is true especially when the target sample contains many outliers. In addition, random selection of initial seeds often makes the clustering to fall into local optimization. Therefore, it is very important to select appropriate initial seeds when using the traditional clustering method. Hence, to select the appropriate initial seeds, we propose the use of Taguchi method in this paper as a tool. Using the Taguchi method, the initial seed values are selected based on the signal-to-noise ratios and with these values as the initial input, the K-Means algorithm can be continued to form the clusters for the given data.Key words: K-Means algorithm, Taguchi method, Clustering Technique, Partitional Clustering, Data Mining, Orthogonal Array Reference [1]. W. H. Yang, Y.S. Tang, Design optimization of cutting parameters for tuning operations based on Taguchi method, Journal of Materials processing technology, 84, 1998, pp 122-129 [2]. Howard S Gitlow, Alan J Oppenheim, Rosa Oppenheim, David M Levine, Quality Management, McGraw Hill, 2009, pp 427-429 [3]. Jaharah A Ghani, et al., Philosophy of Taguchi Approach and method in Design of Experiment, Asian Journal of Scientific Research, 6(1), pp 27 – 37, 2013. [4]. Joydeep Ghosh and Alexander Liu, Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR) Vol.6, pp. 1705-1749. 2005.-"K-Means-type Algorithms A Generalized Convergence Theorem and characterized Local Optimality" [5]. Clausius-Clapeyron Equation – Wikipedia – Redirected from August-Roche-Magnus Approximation Aparna K, Mydhili K Nair |
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33. | Impact of Available Transfer Capability Enhancement in a Three Area System Using UPFC.
Impact of Available Transfer Capability Enhancement in a Three Area System Using UPFC.Abstract: The paper deals with the study of ATC enhancement between the areas to show the impact of ATC enhancement during the power imbalances which will be going to effect the voltage profile of the system. The case study has been done on a Modified IEEE 30 bus system divided into 3 areas using PSAT (Power System Analysis Tool Box) Software. ATC calculations have been carried out from the load flow study obtained from PSAT which reduces the complexity in ATC calculations. Here we have gone for some static analysis to determine the best location of UPFC between the areas and gone for some power imbalances in the system due to generator outages to show the impact of ATC enhancement on voltage profile.Key words: Available transfer capability (ATC), Total transfer capability (TTC), Capacity benefit margin (CBM), Transmission Reliability Margin (TRM), Existing Transmission Commitments (ETC), FACTS, UPFC. Reference [1]. North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC), "Available Transfer Capability Definition and Determination," Rep., June 1996. [2]. Federico Milano "An Open Source Power System Analysis Toolbox," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, pp.1199 – 1206, 2005. [3]. N.G.Hingorani and L.Gyugyi, understanding FACTS Concepts and technology of Flexible AC Transmission Systems, IEEE Press, 2000. [4]. Arzani.A, Jazaeri, Alinejad-beromi, "Available transfer capability enhancement using series FACTS devices in a designed multi machine power system," IEEE universities power engineering conference, pp.1-6, 2008. [5]. Download PSAT version: http://thunderbox.uwaterloo.ca/fmilano [6]. http://www.ee.washington.edu/research/pstc a/pf30/pg_tca30bus.htm. D.V.S.B.Chaitanya, N.Bharath Kumar And Mahaboob Shareef Syed |
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34. | Kokum Fruit Bar Development via Response Surface Methodology (RSM).
Kokum Fruit Bar Development via Response Surface Methodology (RSM).Abstract: A response surface methodology (RSM) was used for the determination of optimum ingredients level to prepare kokum fruit bar. Kokum pulp was extracted using water extraction method at temperature (24.97ºC) and time (30.42 min). The effects of ingredients levels on sensory parameters like texture, overall acceptability and calcium content of the prepared fruit bar were studied by employing a Box- Behnken Design (BBD). During the experimental trials the pulp quantity is kept fixed. The coefficient of determination R² for texture, overall acceptability and calcium content were 0.8298, 0.9239 and 0.9842 respectively. Analysis of variable (ANOVA) performed on the experimental values showed that sugar and milk powder were the most important factors that affected characteristics of the kokum fruit bar as it exerted a highly significant influence (p < 0.05) on all the dependent variables. Based on surface and contour plots, optimum ingredients level for formation of kokum fruit bar were pulp, sugar, milk powder; 50g, 40g and 9.39g respectively.Key words: Kokum, Fruit Bar, Response Surface Methodology, Box- Behnken Design, Calcium, Optimization Reference [1] Agarwal, G. and S. Mangaraj, (2005). Studies on physico-chemical changes in selected fruits during storage, Beverage and Food World, 32(11): 72-75. [2] Anon, D., Sunil Sachdeva and S. Singh, (1995). Methods of determination of sensory quality of foods. J. Food Science and Technology, 32(7): 67-68. [3] Anonymous, (1996). Adapted from Herald of health, Fruits - Natures Tonic, Nutrition, pp: 56-57. [4] Aruna, K., R. Dhanalakshmi and V. Vimala, (1998). Development and storage stability of Cereal-based papaya powder. J. Food Science and Technology, 35(3): 250-254. [5] Ashwah, E.I., F.A. Abd, N.M. Baki, S.K. Samahy, E.I. Abd and M.H. Fadeel, (1982). Effect of storage on the characteristics of the concentrated orange and lime juice. Agricultural Research Review, 38(3): 275-288. Pritam Bafna, Mrs. N. Manimehalai |
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35. | Brain Tumor Detection Based On Mathematical Analysis and Symmetry Information
Brain Tumor Detection Based On Mathematical Analysis and Symmetry InformationAbstract: Image segmentation some of the challenging issues on brain magnetic resonance (MR) image tumor segmentation caused by the weak correlation between magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) intensity and anatomical meaning. With the objective of utilizing more meaningful information to improve brain tumor segmentation, an approach which employs bilateral symmetry information as an additional feature for segmentation is proposed. This is motivated by potential performance improvement in the general automatic brain tumor segmentation systems which are important for many medical and scientific applications. Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) segmentation is a complex problem in the field of medical imaging despite various presented methods. MR image of human brain can be divided into several sub-regions especially soft tissues such as gray matter, white matter and cerebrospinal fluid. Although edge information is the main clue in image segmentation, it can't get a better result in analysis the content of images without combining other information. Our goal is to detect the position and boundary of tumors automatically. Experiments were conducted on real pictures, and the results show that the algorithm is flexible and convenient.Reference [1] Kung-hao Liang and Tardi Tjahjadi, "Adaptive Scale Fixing for Multi-scale Texture Segmentation", IEEE Transactions on Image processing, Vol. 15, No.1, January, pp.249-256, 2006. [2] Mathews Jacob and Michael Unser, et al, "Design of Steerable Filters for Feature Detection Using Canny-Like Criteria ", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 26, NO.8, August, pp.1007-1019, 2004. [3] Wiley Wang, et al., "Hierarchical Stochastic Image Grammars for Classification and Segmentation", IEEE Transactions on Image processing, Vol. 15, No.7, July, pp.3033-3052, 2006. [4] T.J.Davis and D.Gao, "Phase-contrast imaging of weakly absorbing materials using hard x-rays," Nature, Vol.373,pp.595-597, 1995. [5] Jiao Feng and Fu Desheng, "Fast Gray-Contrast Enhancement of X-ray Imaging for Observing Tiny Characters", Proceedings of ICBBE 2007, Vol.2, pp.694-697. Narkhede Sachin G., Prof. Vaishali Khairnar, Prof. Sujata Kadu |
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36. | A Review on Optimization of Process Parameters for Surface Roughness and Material Removal Rate for SS 410 Material During Turning Operation
A Review on Optimization of Process Parameters for Surface Roughness and Material Removal Rate for SS 410 Material During Turning OperationAbstract: In machining operations, the extents of significant influence of the process parameters like speed, feed, and depth of cut are different for different responses. Therefore, optimization of surface roughness is a multi-factor, multi-objective optimization problem. Therefore, to solve such a multi-objective optimization problem, it is felt necessary to identify the optimal parametric combination, following which all objectives could be optimized simultaneously. In this context, it is essential to convert all the objective functions into an equivalent single objective function or overall representative function to meet desired multi-quality features of the machined surface. The required multi-quality features may or may not be conflicting in nature. The representative single objective function, thus calculated, would be optimized finally. All experiment conduct on CNC turning machine on SS410 material. In the present work, Design of Experiment (DOE) with full factorial design has been explored to produce 27 specimens on SS410 by straight turning operation. Material removal rate(MRR) will be calculated from MRR equation and software available for it and then compare it. Collected data related to surface roughness have been utilized for optimization.Key words: optimization, ANOVA, cutting parameter, MRR, surface roughness Reference [1] Dr. C. J. Raoa, Dr. D. Nageswara Raob, P. Srihari," Influence of cutting parameters on cutting force and surface finish in turning operation", International Conference On Design And Manufacturing, Procedia Engineering 64 ( 2013 ) 1405 – 1415. [2] M.kaladhar, K.venkata subbaiah, ch.srinivasa rao," determination of optimum process parameters during turning of AISI 304 austenitic stainless steel using taguchi method and ANOVA", international journal of lean thinking volume-3,issue 1(june 2012). [3] Hamdi Aouici, Mohamed Athmane Yallese, Kamel Chaoui, Tarek Mabrouki, Jean-François Rigal, "Analysis of surface roughness and cutting force components in hard turning with CBN tool: Prediction model and cutting conditions optimization", Measurement 45 (2012) 344–353. [4] Gaurav Bartaryaa, S.K.Choudhury, "Effect of cutting parameters on cutting force and surface roughness during finish hard turning AISI52100 grade steel", 5th CIRP Conference on High Performance Cutting 2012, Procedia CIRP 1 ( 2012 ) 651 – 656. [5] Deepak Mittal, M. P. Garg, Rajesh Khanna," An Investigation Of The Effect Of Process Parameters On Mrr In Turning Of Pure Titanium (Grade-2)", International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST), Vol. 3 No. 8 August 2011. Jitendra Thakkar, Mitesh I Patel |
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37. | Effect of Sea Water on Drilling Processes of Glass Fibre Reinforced Epoxy Composite Materials to Analysis of Delamination Factor and Thrust Force
Effect of Sea Water on Drilling Processes of Glass Fibre Reinforced Epoxy Composite Materials to Analysis of Delamination Factor and Thrust ForceAbstract: Fiber reinforced polymer composites have gained substantial attention as engineering structural materials in automotive, marine and aircraft industry as well as in civil engineering applications. This is due to their outstanding mechanical properties, impact resistance, high durability and flexibility in design capabilities and light weight The present work describes the development and mechanical characterization of new polymer composites consisting of glass fiber reinforcement, epoxy resin and filler materials such as TiO2 and ZnS. The newly developed composites are characterized for their mechanical properties. The tests result have shown that higher the filler material volume percentage greater the strength for both TiO2 and ZnS filled glass epoxy composites, ZnS filled composite show more sustaining values than TiO2. The present work also describes the machining (drilling) of GFRP composites with the help of Step drill of three sets, with three different speeds. The work has been carried out by immersion of GFRP composites in sea water for 8hrs, 16hrs and 24hrs duration and performed drilling operation. Results revealed that 8-4 mm step drill showed better machining characteristic than the other two 12-8mm and 10-6 mm step drills. GFRP composite, with ZnS filler material soaked in sea water for 16hrs duration had better machining capability. The ZnS Filled GFRP composites had better performance than TiO2 filled GFRP Composites.Key words: Drilling; Polymer-matrix composites; Thrust force; Delamination. Reference [1]. A.M. Abrao et.al,. Drilling of fiber reinforced plastics: A review, Journal of Materials ProcessingTechnology 186 (2007) 1–7. [2]. W.D. Callister, Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction, sixth ed., Wiley, Canada, 2002. [3]. M.A. Boyle, C.J. Martin, J.D. Neuner, Epoxy resin, in: H. Hansmann (Ed.), Composites Compendium, ASM Handbook FB MVU, Werkstofftechnologien, Kunststofftechnik, 2003. [4]. S. Jain, D.C.H. Yang, Delamination-free drilling of composite laminates, Trans. ASME J. Eng. Ind. 116 (4) (1994) 475–481. [5]. H. Hocheng, C.C. Tsao, Analysis of delamination in drilling composite materials using core drill, Aust. J. Mech. Eng. 1 (1) (2003) 49–53. Patil Deogonda B, Vijaykumar N Chalwa |
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38. | Transient Stability Performance Analysis of Power System Using Facts Devices
Transient Stability Performance Analysis of Power System Using Facts DevicesAbstract: Transient stability is increasingly important for secure loading. Transient stability evaluation of large scale power systems is an extremely intricate and highly non linear problem. An important function of transient evaluation is to appraise the capability of the power system to with stand serious contingency in time, so that some emergencies or preventive control can be carried out to prevent system breakdown, the fault current so produced is diverted to the capacitor by using dual-STATCOM controller, results proved that voltage is maintained nearly constant, surge currents decreased and oscillations in generator have damped and hence system stability and continuity of supply are enhanced. If for UPFC, replacing series controller with shunt controller, it works as dual STATCOM. It has advantages as series pulse controller is not required and same pulses can be given to both STATCOMs. The shunt controller is so designed to act as low impedance path for short circuit current, thereby surge currents can be diverted to VSC. A general program for transient stability studies to incorporate FACTS devices is developed using MATLAB/SIMULINK.Key words: FACTS,power system stability, UPFC,STATCOM Reference [1] Michael J. Basler and Richard C. Schaefer, "Understanding Power System Stability", IEEE Trans. On Industry Application, Vol. 44, No. 2, March/April-2008, pp 463-474. [2] Yuan Yih Hsu and Kan Lee Liou, "Design of PID power system stabilizers for synchronous generators" IEEE Trans., 1987, pp 343-348. [3] K.R. Padiyar, "Power System Dynamics: Stability and Control," Interline Publishing Pvt. Ltd Bangalore, 1996. [4] Larsen, E.V, Sanchez-Gasca, J.J, Chow, J.H and "Concepts for Design of FACTS Controllers to Damp Power Swings", IEEE Trans.Power Syst, Volume: 10, Issue: 2, pp. 948-956, May 1995. [5] El-Moursi, M. S, Bak-Jensen, B, Abdel-Rahman, M. H, "Novel STATCOM Controller for Mitigating SSR and Damping Power System Oscillations in a Series Compensated Wind Park," IEEE Trans. Power Delivery. vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 429–441, Feb 2010. M. Srinivasa Rao, L. Murali Mohan |
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39. | New Approach to Develop a Bilingual Compiler
New Approach to Develop a Bilingual CompilerAbstract: This research work presents a development of a Bangla programming language along with its compiler with an aim to introduce the programming language to the beginner through mother tongue. The syntax and construction of the programming language has been kept similar to BASIC language by considering the fact that BASIC is very easier in terms of its syntax, which is reasonably applicable as an introductory language for new programmer. A compiler has been developed for the proposed programming language that compile the source code into an intermediate code which is optimized. We have developed our system in Java. Our software is an efficient translation engine which can translate English source code to Bangla source code. We have implemented the system with a lot of test cases to identify what aspects of the system best explain their relative performance.Key words: Bilingual, Compiler, Lexical, Semantic, Syntax Reference 1] Md. Abdus Sattar, Rajesh Palit, "Design and Development of a Bangla Programming Language with Its Compiler", In Proceedings of National Conference on Computer Processing of Bangla(NCCPB-2004), Independent University, Bangladesh(IUB),27 February, 2004; ISBN:984-32-1112-4 .pp. 72-81. [2] Allen I.Holub,"Compiler Design in C", Prentice-Hall(November 1989). [3] Alfred V.Aho,Ravi Sethi and Jeffrey D.Ullman, "Compilers-Principles,Techniques and Tools" AT&T Bell Laboratories,Murray Hill,New Jersey, 2004/2005. [4] R. W. Quong, "Ltoh: a customizable La-TeX to HTML converter", April 2000 [5] Allen Kent, James G. Williams, "Bilingual Processors", user's guide and Reference Manual. Addison-Wesley,2004 Shampa Banik, Md Monjurul Islam, Md. Azher Uddin |
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40. | Assurance of Data Integrity in Multicloud Using CPDP Scheme
Assurance of Data Integrity in Multicloud Using CPDP SchemeAbstract: Nowadays, Cloud storage service is a faster profit growth point by providing a position-independent, low -cost platform, comparably scalable for client's data. The construction of cloud computing environment is based on interfaces and open architecture. It has cloud capable to include multiple internal and external cloud services together to provide high interoperability there can be multiple accounts associated with a single or multiple service providers. So, Security in terms of integrity is main and most important aspect in cloud computing environment. Cooperative Provable data possession (CPDP) is a method for integrity the ensuring of data in storage outsourcing. Therefore, we address the construction of an efficient dynamic audit service and CPDP scheme for distributed cloud storage as well verifying the integrity guarantee of an entrusted and outsourced storage which support the data migration and scalability of service.Key words: Cloud computing, Cooperative Provable data possession, Data storage, Integrity verification, Multicloud, Proof of retrievability Reference [1] Yan Zhu, Hongxin Hu, Gail-Joon Ahn," Cooperative Provable Data Possession for Integrity Verification in Multi-Cloud Storage" IEEE Transactions On Parallel And Distributed Systems, Digital Object Indentifier 10.1109/TPDS 2012.66 April 2012. [2] G. Ateniese, R. C. Burns, R. Curtmola, J. Herring, L. Kissner, Z. N.J. Peterson, and D. X. Song, "Hybrid Provable Data Possession at Untrusted Stores In Cloud Computing," in IEEE Conference on the 7th International Conference On Parallel And Distributed Systems 10.1109/ICTPDS 2011. 70. [3] Y. Zhu, H. Hu, G.-J. Ahn, Y. Han, and S. Chen," Collaborative integrity verification in hybrid clouds," in IEEE Conference on the 7th International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking Applications and Work sharing, collaborate Com, Orlando, Florida, USA, October 15-18, 2011, pp. 197–206 . [4] Y. Zhu, H. Wang, Z. Hu, G.-J. Ahn, H. Hu, and S. S. Yau, "Study on the Third-party Audit in Cloud Storage Service s," in IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SERVICES COMPUTING, Digital Object Indentifier 10.1109/TCS.2011.51. [5] Qian Wang, , Cong Wang, Kui Ren, , Wenjing Lou, and Jin Li "Dynamic audit services for integrity verification of outsourced storages in clouds", VOL. 22, NO.5, MAY 2011,1045-9219/11/$26.00 2011 IEEE. 10.1109/IMCCC.2011.135. Roshan R. Kolte, Rahul Deshmukh, Vaishali Surjuse, Saurabh Ratnaparkhi |
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41. | Some Fifth and Sixth Order Iterative Methods for Solving
Nonlinear Equations
Some Fifth and Sixth Order Iterative Methods for Solving Nonlinear EquationsAbstract: In this paper, we derive multipoint iterative methods of fifth and sixth order for finding simple zeros of nonlinear equations. The methods are based on the composition of two steps – the first step consists of Jarratt fourth order method and the second is weighted Newton step to which correction term is applied. Per iteration each method requires two evaluations of the given function and two evaluations of its derivative. Numerical examples are presented to support that the methods thus obtained are competitive with Jarratt method. Moreover, it is shown that these methods are very useful in the applications requiring high precision in computations.Key words: Nonlinear equations; Jarratt method; Root-finding; Convergence; Function evaluations. Reference [1] Brent P, A FORTRAN multiple-precision arithmetic package, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 4 (1978) 56-70. [2] Ezquerro J A and Hernandez M A, A uniparametric Halley-type iteration with free second derivative, Int. J. Pure Appl. Math. 6 (2003) 103-114. [3] Ezquerro J A and Hernandez M A, On Halley-type iterations with free second derivative, J. Comp. Appl. Math. 170 (2004) 455-459. [4] Grau M and Díaz-Barrero J L, An improvement to Ostrowski root-finding method, Appl. Math. Comput. 173 (2006) 450-456. [5] Jain M K, Fifth order implicit multipoint method for solving equations, BIT 25 (1985) 250-255. Rajni Sharma |
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42. | Multiphase Boost Converter with Reduced Input Current Ripple Using Direct Coupled Inductors
Multiphase Boost Converter with Reduced Input Current Ripple Using Direct Coupled InductorsAbstract: The multi phase Boost topology is very popular in many applications. However, the current ripple in the input inductor affects its ability to meet EM1 requirements. This paper presents the concept of overall current ripple reduction of multiphase DC-DC converter by employing directly coupled inductors. An emphasis was also given to calculate the generalized expression of equivalent inductance. With the help of specified parameters, the design parameters are also determined. The proposed multi phase Boost topology retains the advantages of the conventional Boost topology, but with ripple free input current. Detailed analysis was validated with simulation and the results have been presented.Key words: Multiphase Boost Converter, Direct coupled, Ripple reduction. Reference [1] M. Milanovic, F. Mihalic, K. Jezernik, U. Milutinovic "Single Phase Unity Power Factor Correction Circuits with Coupled Inductances" , IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 1992, pp. 1077-1082. [2] J. Simonelli, D. Torrey "Input Filter Design Considerations for Boost Derived High Power Factor Converters", IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference, 1992, pp. 186-192. [3] D. Simonetti, J. Sebastian, J. Uceda "Control Conditions to Improve Conducted EM1 by Switching Frequency Modulation of Basic Discontinuous PWM Preregulators‟‟ IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 1994, pp. 1180-1187 [4] J. Wang, W.G. Dunford and K. Mauch, "Analysis of a ripplefree input-current boost converter with discontinuous conduction characteristics", IEEE Trans. Power Electronics, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 684–694, July 1997 [5] J.W. Kolar, H. Sree, N. Mohan and F.C. Zach, "Novel aspects of an application of "zero‟-ripple techniques to basic converter topologies", in Rec. IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conf., pp. 796-803, 1997 G. Kishor, D. Subbarayudu, S. Sivanagaraju |
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43. | Box –Jenkins Models For Forecasting The Daily Degrees Of Temperature In Sulaimani City
Box –Jenkins Models For Forecasting The Daily Degrees Of Temperature In Sulaimani CityAbstract: The Auto-regressive model in the time series is regarded one of the statistical articles which is more used because it gives us a simple method to limit the relation between variables time series. More over it is one of Box –Jenkins models to limit the time series in the forecasting the value of phenomenon in the future so that study aims for the practical analysis studying for the auto-regressive models in the time series, through one of Box –Jenkins models for forecasting the daily degrees of temperature in Sulaimani city for the year (2012-Sept.2013) and then for building a sample in the way of special data in the degrees of temperature and its using in the calculating the future forecasting . the style which is used is the descriptive and analyzing by the help of data that is dealt with statistically and which is collected from the official resources To reach his mentioned aim , the discussion of the following items has been done by the theoretical part which includes the idea of time series and its quality and the autocorrelation and Box –Jenkins and then the practical part which includes the statistical analysis for the data and the discussion of the theoretical part, so they reached to a lot of conclusions as it had come in the practical study for building autoregressive models of time series as the mode was very suitable is the auto-regressive model and model moving average by the degree (1,1,1).Key words: Box –Jenkins models, Time series, Auto-regressive model, Moving Average models, ARMA models, Sulaimani city Reference [1] Anderson, "Forecasting "new York, North Holland. (1980). [2] 2)Box,G.E. and Jenkins, " Time series Analysis Forecasting and control "san Francisco holdenday ,1979. [3] Box, G.E.P., and D.A. Pierce (1970). ―Distribution of Residual Autocorrelations in Autoregressiveintegrated Moving Average Time Series Models,‖ Journal of the American Statistical Association, 65, 1509-1526. [4] Granger, C.W.J. and M.J. Morris (1976). ―Time Series Modeling and Interpretation,‖ Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A, 139, 246-257. [5] Hamilton, J.D. (1994). Time Series Analysis. Princeton University Press, New Jersey. Samira Muhammad Salh, Salahaddin A.Ahmed |
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44. | Feature Based Registration of Brain Mr Image
Feature Based Registration of Brain Mr ImageAbstract: Medical image processing is a difficult problem. Not only a registration algorithm needs to capture both large and small scale image deformations, it also has to deal with global and local intensity variations. Two main problems occurs during the registration process of non rigid image. First, the correspondence problem occurs between the template and the subject image due to variation in the voxel intensity level. Second, in the presence of bias field the occurrence of interference and noise will make the image sensitive to rotation variation. To avoid these problems and to calculate efficiently a new feature based registration of non rigid brain MR image using Uniform Pattern of Spherical Region Descriptor is proposed in this paper. The proposed method is based on a new image feature called Uniform Pattern of Spherical Region Descriptor. This uses two features namely Uniform pattern of spherical descriptor and Uniform pattern of gradient descriptor to extract geometric features from input images and to identify first order and second order voxel wise anatomical information. The MRF labeling frame work and the α- expansion algorithm are used to maximize the energy function. The defected region in the image is accurately identified by Normalized correlation method. The input image for evaluation is taken from the database Brain web and internet Brain Segmentation Repository respectively. The performance can be evaluated using Back propagation networks.Key words: Non rigid image registration, Rotation invariance, Normalized correlation Reference [1] H chui et al, "A unified feature registration method for brain mapping, "Inf.Process. med. image, pp.300-314,2001 [2] L. zagorcher and A. Goshtasby. A comparative study of transformation function for non-rigid image registration .IEEE transaction on image processing [3] P.E Roland "Human brain atlas: for high –resolution functional; and anatomical mapping hum. Brain map, vol.1, pp.173-184, 1994 [4] P.Sana, "Tensor scale: A local morphometric parameter with applications to computer vision and image processing," Comput. Vis. Image Understanding, Vol. 99, No. 3, pp. 384-413, Sep. 2005. [5] U. Bagi, J. Udupa, and L. Bai, "The role of intensity standardization in Medical Image registration," Pattern. Recognit. Lett. , Vol. 31, No. 4, pp.315-323, Mar. 2010. R.Sobilal Jini, S.Robinson Sobitharaj |
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45. | Contribution of the Reflected Waves Method in Structural Modeling of Albanides
Contribution of the Reflected Waves Method in Structural Modeling of AlbanidesAbstract: Geophysical methods are widely used in Albania, both in terms of underground assets exploration, as well as geological modeling of depth. Through these methods is achieved to outline and to discover several oil and gas deposits, as well as to clarify and to resolve many problems and phenomena related to tectonic style, the relationship between units and structural-facial areas, with structural performance of rock formations to great depths, etc. Method of seismic is considered as elite method, in the sense of bringing information to wide space and great depths of underground. It, through the panorama of seismic reflectors that offers, in coordination with data and the other methods in the field of geology, enables the interpretation and modeling of geologic construction to considerable depths. Also, enables the conception of the tectonic style, the outlining of the structural building and especially the forecast of structures with the possibility for detection of hydrocarbon deposits. Through this information, are made the important steps in conception, tectonic style and behavior of major structural-facial units, in terms of relations to each other. Below some examples will help to show concrete contribution in the discovery of oil deposits, in the forecast of new oil-bearing areas, at bringing of new regional concepts to tectonic style, at explanation of the geological phenomena at depth, etc. All examples are selected along the geological structure of Albanides as cases with abundant and diversified information, while the conception and interpretation is made under our scientific viewpoint.Key words: Albanides, Method of reflected waves, Seismic reflector, Tectonic style, Structural-facial unit, Orogenic zone, Adriatic platform. Reference [1] Aliaj Sh., Melo V., Hyseni A., Skrami J., Mëhillka Ll., Muço B., Sulstarova E., Prifti K., Pashko P., Prillo S., 1996. Neotectonic of Albana and its evolution. Explanatory monograph of neotectonic map of Albana at 1:200 000 scale. [2] Çollaku A., Deville E., Naço P., 2000. New seismic data for hydrocarbon exploration under Kruja overthrust. 8th Albanian Congress of Geosciences, Tirana, Albania, pp. 61. [3] Naço P., 1997. On the progress of the flysch in the north of salten diapir of Dumrea. Bulletin of Geological Sciences, N0. 1, Albania, pp. 13-28. [4] Naço P., 1999. Some information on the identification of oil-gas bearing structures in areas with developed tectonics of southwestern Albanides, (anticline belt of Kurveleshi). Bulletin of Geological Sciences, N0. 1, Albania, pp. 33-42. [5] Naço P., Reçi H., Vinçani F., 2011. On the Vlora-Elbasan-Dibra transversal tectonic fault, as one of the earliest and most active tectonics of structure of Albanides. Bulletin of Geological Sciences, N0. 47, Albania, pp. 32-59. Petraq Naço, Gjon Kaza, Viktor Doda, Fatbardha Vinçani, Fatbardha Cara |
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46. | Comparison of PID Controller Tuning Methods with Genetic Algorithm for FOPTD System
Comparison of PID Controller Tuning Methods with Genetic Algorithm for FOPTD SystemAbstract: Measurement of Level, Temperature, Pressure and Flow parameters are very vital in all process industries. A combination of a few transducers with a controller, that forms a closed loop system leads to a stable and effective process. This article deals with control of in the process tank and comparative analysis of various PID control techniques and Genetic Algorithm (GA) technique. The model for such a Real-time process is identified as First Order Plus Dead Time (FOPTD) process and validated. The need for improved performance of the process has led to the development of model based controllers. Well-designed conventional Proportional, Integral and Derivative (PID) controllers are the most widely used controller in the chemical process industries because of their simplicity, robustness and successful practical applications. Many tuning methods have been proposed for PID controllers. Many tuning methods have been proposed for obtaining better PID controller parameter settings. The comparison of various tuning methods for First Order Plus Dead Time (FOPTD) process are analysed using simulation software. Our purpose in this study is comparison of these tuning methods for single input single output (SISO) systems using computer simulation.Also efficiency of various PID controller are investigated for different performance metrics such as Integral Square Error (ISE), Integral Absolute Error (IAE), Integral Time absolute Error (ITAE), and Mean square Error (MSE) is presented and simulation is carried out. Work in this paper explores basic concepts, mathematics, and design aspect of PID controller. Comparison between the PID controller and Genetic Algorithm (GA) will have been carried out to determine the best controller for the temperature system.Key words: Transducers, PID controller, GA, FOPTD model, ISE, IAE, ITAE, MSE. Reference [1]. A.R. Laware, V.S. Bandal and D.B. Talange, Real Time Temperature Control System Using PID Controller and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System (SCADA), International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM), 2013. [2]. Mohammad Shahrokhi and AlirezaZomorrodi, Comparison of PID Controller Tuning Methods, 2012. [3]. MohdSazliSaad, HishamuddinJamaluddin and IntanZaurah Mat Darus, Implementation of PID Controller Tuning Using Differential Evolution and Genetic Algorithm, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, November 2012. [4]. S.M. Giriraj Kumar, R. Ravishankar, T.K. Radha Krishnan, V. Dharmalingam and N. Anantharaman, Particle Swarm Optimization Technique Based Design of PI Controller for a Real time Non- Linear Process, Instrumentation Science and Technology, 2008. [5]. S.M. Giriraj Kumar, R. Ravishankar, T.K. Radha Krishnan, V. Dharmalingam and N. Anantharaman, Genetic Algorithms For Level Control in a Real time Process, October 2008. K. Mohamed Hussain, R. Allwyn Rajendran Zepherin, M. Shantha Kumar, S.M. Giriraj Kumar |
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47. | Expected Time to Recruitment in A Two - Grade Manpower System Using Order Statistics for Inter-Decision Times and
Expected Time to Recruitment in A Two - Grade Manpower System Using Order Statistics for Inter-Decision Times and AttritionAbstract: In this paper, a two-grade organization subjected to random exit of personal due to policy decisions taken by the organization is considered. There is an associated loss of manpower if a person quits. As the exit of personnel is unpredictable, a new recruitment policy involving two thresholds for each grade-one is optional and the other mandatory is suggested to enable the organization to plan its decision on recruitment. Based on shock model approach three mathematical models are constructed using an appropriate univariate policy of recruitment. Performance measures namely mean and variance of the time to recruitment are obtained for all the models when (i) the loss of man-hours and the inter decision time forms an order statistics (ii) the optional and mandatory thresholds follow different distributions. The analytical results are substantiated by numerical illustrations and the influence of nodal parameters on the performance measures is also analyzed.Key words: Manpower planning, Shock models, Univariate recruitment policy, Mean and variance of the time to recruitment. Reference [1] D.J. Bartholomew, & A.F. Forbes, "Statistical Techniques for Manpower Planning"( John Wiley and Sons, 1979). [2] J.B.Esther Clara, Contributions to the study on some stochastic models in manpower planning , doctoral diss.,Bharathidasan University ,Tiruchirappalli,2012. [3] R.C. Grinold, & K.J. Marshall, Man Power Planning, North Holland, New York (1977). [4] A. Muthaiyan, A. Sulaiman, and R. Sathiyamoorthi, A stochastic model based on order statistics for estimation of expected time to recruitment, Acta Ciencia Indica, 5(2), 2009, 501-508. [5] A. Srinivasan, V. Vasudevan, Variance of the time to recruitment in an organization with two grades, Recent Research in Science and technology, 3(1), 2011 128-131. J. Sridharan, P. Saranya, A. Srinivasan |
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48. | A Review on Optimization of Process Parameters for Improving Performance in Electrical Discharge Machining
A Review on Optimization of Process Parameters for Improving Performance in Electrical Discharge MachiningAbstract: The correct selection of manufacturing conditions is one of the most important aspects to take into consideration in the majority of manufacturing processes and, particularly, in processes related to Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM). It is a capable of machining geometrically complex or hard material components, that are precise and difficult-to-machine such as heat treated tool steels, composites, super alloys, ceramics, carbides, heat resistant steels etc. being widely used in die and mold making industries, aerospace, aeronautics and nuclear industries. From the point of view of industrial applications, SS 410 is a very important material and that's why for the purpose of experimentation SS 410 with copper electrode and EDM oil as dielectric has been used In the present work. I will take input parameter discharge current, pulse on time and pulse off time. Design of Experiment (DOE) with full factorial design has been explored to produce 27 specimens on SS 410 by edm operation. MRR will be calculated from MRR equation and software available for it and then compare it. Collected data related to surface roughness have been utilized for optimization.Key words: EDM, orthogonal array, Design of experiments, full factorial. Reference [1] S. Assarzadeh, M. Ghoreishi, "Statistical modeling and optimization of process parameters in electro-discharge machining of cobalt-bonded tungsten carbide composite (WC/6%Co)", Procedia CIRP 6 ( 2013 ) 463 – 468. [2] T.M chenthi jegan, M.Dev anand and D.ravindran, "Determination of electro discharge machining parameter in AISI 202 stainless steel using grey relation analysis", Mater Procedia engineering 38(2012) 4005-4012. [3] D. Kanagarajan, K. Palanikumar, R. Karthikeyan, "Effect of Electrical Discharge Machining on strength and reliability of WC–30%Co composite", Materials and Design 39 (2012) 469–474. [4] R.Rajesha and M. Dev Anandb, "The Optimization of the Electro-Discharge Machining Process Using Response Surface Methodology and Genetic Algorithms", Journal of Procedia Engineering 38 ( 2012 ) 3941 – 3950. [5] S.H.Tomadi, M.A.Hassan, Z. Hamedon, Member, IAENG R.Daud, A.G.Khalid, "Analysis of the Influence of EDM Parameters on Surface Quality, Material Removal Rate and Electrode Wear of Tungsten Carbide", Proceedings of the International Multi Conference of Engineer and Computer Scientists,Hong Kong.(2009) Viral B. Prajapati, H.G. Rajput |
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49. | Distributed, Modular, Network Enabled Architecture For Process Control Military Applications
Distributed, Modular, Network Enabled Architecture For Process Control Military ApplicationsAbstract: In process control world, use of distributed modular embedded controller architecture drastically reduces the number and complexity of cabling; at the same time increases the system computing performance and response for real time application as compared to centralized control system. We propose a design based on ARM Cortex M4 hardware architecture and Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard (CMSIS) based software development. The ARM Cortex-M series ensures a compatible target processor and provides common core peripherals whereas CMSIS abstraction layer reduces development time, helps design software reusability and provides seamless application software interface for controllers. Being a custom design, we can built features like Built-In Test Equipment (BITE), single point fault tolerance, redundancy, 2/3 logic, etc. which are more desirable for a military applications. This paper describes the design of a generic embedded hardware module that can be configured as local I/O controller or application controller or Man Machine Interface (MMI). This paper also proposes a philosophy for step by step hardware and software development.Key words: COTS; ARM; Cortex; Ethernet; CMSIS Reference [1] Juan Garcia, Francisco Rogelio Palomo, Antonia Luque,Jose M Quero, Daniel Carrion, Francisco Gamiz, " Reconfigurable Distributed Network Control System for Industrial Plant Automation" IEEE Transctions on Industrical Electronics, Vol.51 No.6, December 2004. [2] Frederic Gaillard, MCU VS MPU, pg. 1, atmel.com [3] www.emcu.it/CortexFamily/CortexFamily.html [4] www.nxp.com/documents/datasheet/lpc4350_30_20_10.pdf [5] www.keil.com/arm/mdk.asp Abhijit Kamble, Ashish Dubey, C L Waghmare, Rajesh Chary, Arun Barde, Moiz Chasmai, Guru Prasad |
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50. | A New Technique .for Road Extraction Using Mathematical Morphology, Fuzzy and Genetic Algorithm
A New Technique .for Road Extraction Using Mathematical Morphology, Fuzzy and Genetic AlgorithmAbstract: Today large volumes of data are provided by the Remote sensing systems. Extraction of road from these images provides variety of applications such as map implementation, road transportation creation, maintenance and so on. Manual analysis of Satellite images are very tedious and time consuming job. Automatic extraction of roads is scientifically challenging due to noise present in the atmosphere and different road characteristic. In this paper Automatic road extraction approach is presented. In this method Genetic algorithm, Fuzzy and mathematical morphology is used. Results shows that the proposed method is successful in the road extraction and provides better results.Key words: Road extraction; Genetic Algorithm (GA); fuzzy; Geographic information system (GIS), Mathematical morphology; Reference [1] D. Chaudhuri, N. K. Kushwaha, and A. Samal ―Semi-Automated Road Detection From High Resolution Satellite Images by Directional Morphological Enhancement and Segmentation Techniques‖ IEEE Journal Of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, vol. 5, no. 5, October 2012. [2] J.B. Mena ―State of the art on automatic road extraction for GIS update: a novel classification‖ Pattern Recognition Letters.Volum24, Issue 16, December 2003, Pages 3037–3058. [3] M.F. Auclair, D. Ziou, C. Amenakis and S. Wang ―Survey of work on road extraction in aerial and satellite images‖ Technical Report N.247, 1999. [4] H. Liu, J. Liu, M. A. Chapman ―Automated Road Extraction from Satellite Imagery Using Hybrid Genetic Algorithms and Cluster Analysis‖ Journal of Environmental Informatics 1 (2) 40-47 (2003). [5] Mohammadzadeh, A., Tavakoli, A., and Valadan Zoej, M.J., ―Road extraction based on fuzzy logic and mathematical morphology from pan-sharpened IKONOS images‖, The Photogrammetric Record, 21(113), pp. 44-60, 2006. Shweta Gupta, Gajendra Singh |
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51. | Analysis of Process Mining Model Using Frequentgroup Based Noise Filtering Algorithm
Analysis of Process Mining Model Using Frequentgroup Based Noise Filtering AlgorithmAbstract: Process mining is a process management system used to analyze business processes based on event logs. The knowledge is extracted from event logs by using knowledge retrieval techniques. The process mining algorithms are capable of automatically discover models to give details of all the events registered in some log traces provided as input. The theory of regions is a valuable tool in process discovery: it aims at learning a formal model (Petri nets) from a set of traces. The main objective of this paper is to propose new concept Frequentgroup based noise filtering algorithm. The experiment is done based on standard bench mark dataset HELIX and RALIC datasets. The performance of the proposed system is better than existing method.Key words: Cycle detection algorithm, frequent group based noise filtering algorithm, Helix dataset, Process discovery, Process mining, RALIC dataset Reference [1] Josep Carmona et al, New region-based algorithms for deriving bounded petri nets, IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. 59, No.3, March 2010. [2] Jochen De Weerdt et al, Active trace clustering for improved process discovery, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol. 25, No. 12, Dec 2013 [3] Zhiang Wu et al, A novel noise filter based on interesting pattern mining for bag-offeatures images, Expert systems with applications 2013. [4] Filip Caron, Jan Vanthienen and Bart Baesens, A comprehensive framework for the application of process mining in risk management and compliance checking, Faculty of Business and Economics. [5] K. A. Mahdi, M. Safar, I. Sorkhoh, and A. Kassem, Cycle-based versus degree-based classification of social networks, Journal of Digital Information Management, vol. 7, no. 6, 2009. V. Priyadharshini, A. Malathi |
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52. | Artificial Vision in 3D Perspective. For Object Detection On Planes, Using Points Clouds.
Artificial Vision in 3D Perspective. For Object Detection On Planes, Using Points Clouds.Abstract: In this paper, we talk about an algorithm of artificial vision for the robot Golem - II + with which to analyze the environment the robot, for the detection of planes and objects in the scene through point clouds, which were captured with kinect device, possible objects and quantity, distance and other characteristics. Subsequently the "clusters" are grouped to identify whether they are located on the same surface, in order to calculate the distance and the slope of the planes relative to the robot, and finally each object separately analyzed to see if it is possible to take them, if they are empty surfaces, may leave objects on them, long as feasible considering a distance, ignoring false positives as the walls and floor, which for these purposes are not of interest since it is not possible to place objects on the walls and floor are out of range of the robot's arms.Key words: artificial vision, point cloud, cluster, segmentation, depth, surfaces Bibliography [1] Nicholas Ayache: Artificial Vision for Mobile Robots, (1999). [2] Angel Sanchez Calle: Aplicaciones de la vision artificial y la biometria informatica, DYKINSON, S.L. (2005). [3] Learning OpenCV. Gary Bradski; Adrian Kaehler , (2008). [4] Y. Ma, S. Soatto, J. Kosecka, S.S. Sastry. An invitation to 3D vision. Springer, (2006). [5] R. Szeliski. Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications, (2003). Catalina Alejandra Vázquez Rodriguez, Luis García Tovar |
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53. | MCDA or MCDM Based Selection of Transmission Line Conductor: Small Hydropower Project Planning and Development
MCDA or MCDM Based Selection of Transmission Line Conductor: Small Hydropower Project Planning and DevelopmentAbstract: Small hydropower projects are emerging as a solution for sustainable, green, environment friendly, long term and cost-effective source of renewable energy in India for the future. Selecting the appropriate small hydropower project and its parameters in which to invest is a critical task involving different factors and policies. Hence such decision-making can be viewed as a multiple criteria analysis problem with correlating criteria and alternatives. This task should take into consideration several conflicting aspects because of the increasing complexity of the social, technological, environmental, and economic factors. Traditional single criteria decision-making approaches cannot handle the complexity of such systems. Multi criteria methods provide a better and flexible tools. This paper aims to evaluate applicability of multi criteria decision aid to decision makers during the small hydropower project planning and development. To the best of the author's knowledge this novel approach for application of MCDA or MCDM to small hydropower project planning and development scenario is absent in renewable energy literatures due to its assessment complexity.Key words: small hydropower; MCDA; MCDM; renewable energy; water resources Reference [1] Adhikary,P., Roy,P.K., and Mazumdar,A.: Safe and efficient control of hydro power plant by fuzzy logic, IJESAT, Vol.2, Issue-5, pp. 1270-1277 (2012) [2] Adhikary,P., Roy,P.K., and Mazumdar,A.: MCDA of manpower shift scheduling for cost effective hydro power generation, IJETED, Vol.7, Issue-2, pp. 116-127 (2012) [3] Adhikary,P., Roy,P.K., and Mazumdar,A.: Selection of Penstock material for small hydropower project – A Fuzzy Logic Approach, IJAST-TM, Vol.6, Issue-2, pp. 521-528 (2012) [4] Adhikary,P., Roy,P.K., and Mazumdar,A.: Selection of hydro-turbine blade material – Application of Fuzzy Logic (MCDA), IJERA, Vol.3, Issue-1, pp. 426-430 (2013) [5] Adhikary,P., Roy,P.K., and Mazumdar,A.: Fuzzy Logic based user friendly Pico-Hydro Power generation for decentralized rural electrification, IJETT, Vol.4, Issue-4, pp. 507-511 (2013) Priyabrata Adhikary, Susmita Kundu |
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54. | FPGA Based RADAR Signal Emulator for Signal Processing Test Applications
FPGA Based RADAR Signal Emulator for Signal Processing Test ApplicationsAbstract: The RADARs use complex techniques such as stagger PRI, jitter PRI with frequency agile characteristics. The frequency agile RADARs switch frequencies with in a pulse to get different types of advantages. Today lot of RADAR signal processing takes place on FPGA platform. These signal processing algorithms include pulse parameters estimation, deinterleaving of mixed pulse patterns, processing complex chirp signals etc. All these algorithms need to be tested at various levels before they get integrated in to final system. The development consists of waveform generation for RADARs. The control logic communicates with PC using serial port to capture the parameters set by the user in PC. These parameters are loaded into respective source simulator modules. Each source simulator module consists of NCO for digital carrier generation and pulse modulator. The NCO is programmable to generate all types of frequency agile signals in real time. Top module consists of all these blocks and will be synthesized to Xilinx FPGAs.Key words: NCO, baseband waveform generator, Upconversion, BITE generator and FPGA. Reference [1] Byron Edde, RADAR- Principles, Technology, Applications. [2] Simon kingsley, Shaun Quegan.- Understanding Radar systems. [3] Merill Skolnik - Introduction to Radar Systems,2nd ed, McGrawHill 1980. [4] JR Klauder AC Price, Sdarlington and WJalbersheim,"the theory and design of chirp radars" bell syst.tech j, vol 39pp745-808. [5] NadavLevanon and Eli Mozenson Radar SignalsIEEE Press, Wiley Interscience 2004. S. Yoganand, S. Sundara Babu, C. Madhu |
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55. | A Modified Rectifier Stage Topology of Hybrid Wind-Solar Energy System
A Modified Rectifier Stage Topology of Hybrid Wind-Solar Energy SystemAbstract: Environmentally friendly solutions are becoming more prominent than ever as a result of concern regarding the state of our deteriorating planet. This paper presents a new system configuration of the front-end rectifier stage for a hybrid wind/photovoltaic energy system. This configuration allows the two sources to supply the load separately or simultaneously depending on the availability of the energy sources. The inherent nature of this Cuk-SEPIC fused converter, additional input filters are not necessary to filter out high frequency harmonics. Harmonic content is detrimental for the generator lifespan, heating issues, and efficiency. The fused multiinput rectifier stage also allows Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) to be used to extract maximum power from the wind and sun when it is available. An adaptive MPPT algorithm will be used for the wind system and a standard perturb and observe method will be used for the PV system. Operational analysis of the proposed system will be discussed in this paper. Simulation results are given to highlight the merits of the proposed circuit.Reference [1] S.K. Kim, J.H Jeon, C.H. Cho, J.B. Ahn, and S.H. Kwon, "Dynamic Modeling and Control of a Grid-Connected Hybrid Generation System with Versatile Power Transfer," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 55, pp. 1677-1688, April 2008. [2] D. Das, R. Esmaili, L. Xu, D. Nichols, "An Optimal Design of a Grid Connected Hybrid Wind/Photovoltaic/Fuel Cell System for Distributed Energy Production," in Proc. IEEE Industrial Electronics Conference, pp. 2499-2504, Nov. 2005. [3] N. A. Ahmed, M. Miyatake, and A. K. Al-Othman, "Power fluctuations suppression of stand-alone hybrid generation combining solar photovoltaic/wind turbine and fuel cell systems," in Proc. Of Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 49, pp. 2711-2719, October 2008. [4] S. Jain, and V. Agarwal, "An Integrated Hybrid Power Supply for Distributed Generation Applications Fed by Nonconventional Energy Sources," IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 23, June 2008. [5] Y.M. Chen, Y.C. Liu, S.C. Hung, and C.S. Cheng, "Multi-Input Inverter for Grid-Connected Hybrid PV/Wind Power System," IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 22, May 2007. L. Ramesh Naidu, C. Sreenivasulu, M. Naveen Babu |
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56. | Experimental Investigation of Performance and Emission Characteristics of Blends of Jatropha Oil Methyl Ester and Ethanol in Light Duty Diesel Vehicle
Experimental Investigation of Performance and Emission Characteristics of Blends of Jatropha Oil Methyl Ester and Ethanol in Light Duty Diesel VehicleAbstract: Diesel engine are most versatile engine which are mostly use as main prime movers in transportation , decentralized electric generation and agricultures sector. The current growth in environmental degradation and limited availability of fossil fuels has been a matter of concern throughout the world. In view of this fact it has become necessary to explore renewable alternative fuel from resources available locally, such as vegetable oils alcohol, animal fats etc. whose properties are comparable with mineral diesel and it can be used in the existing C.I. engine without any major hardware modification. The fuel should also meet the present energy needs for vast rural population, stimulating rural development and creating employment opportunities. Apart from this, it should address global concerns about net reduction of carbon emissions. The present energy scenario has motivated the world scientist to explore non petroleum, renewable and clean fuel which helps in sustainable development. The bio origin fuel can provide a feasible solution. Biodiesel is the one of the bio-origin fuels, it can derive from vegetable oil (edible or non-edible), and animal fats .However in India it is not viable to produce biodiesel using edible oil due to food security issues. Non-edible oils are more preferred oil as a feedstock to produce bio-diesel. Vegetable oils are the mixture of organic compound which contain straight chain compound to complex structure of proteins and fat which called triglycerides. Triglyceride made of one mole of glycerol and three moles of fatty acids. The vegetable oil has high viscosity than mineral diesel due to high molecular weight and complex molecular structure. Neat vegetable oil due to its poor volatility and high viscosity is not suitable for diesel engine application.Key words: Jatropha ethanol blend, Transesterification, Emission Reference [1] Suresh Kumar, Performance and exhaust emission characteristics of a CI engine fuelled with Pongamiapinnata methyl ester (PPME) and its blends with diesel, Renewable Energy 33 (2008) 2294–2302. [2] O.D. Hebbal ,K.Vijayakumar Reddy, K. Rajagopal, Performance characteristics of a diesel engine with deccan hemp oil, Fuel 85 (2006) 2187–2194. [3] BP Statistical Review Of World Energy 2012. [4] http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/EG.USE.PCAP.KG.OE [5] Petstat, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, Government of India www.petroleum.nic.in/petstat. pdf , accessed on Feb 14, 2013. Mr. S.K.Sinha, Vipul Vibhanshu, Prof. Naveen Kumar, Amardeep |
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57. | Effective Use of Colors in HMI Design
Effective Use of Colors in HMI DesignAbstract: Nowadays majority portion of the operations in modern manufacturing industries are performed by the implementation of automation technology. All automation technologies employ a graphical Human Machine Interface (HMIs) to interact with the machine. Color is a major component of the HMI. The main characteristic of the HMI is that it should be intuitive and user friendly. With the use of appropriate colors, the HMI can be designed in such a way that the user focuses only on the specific part of the interface at that specific time period. Choosing the right color for the background, control buttons, alarms, text and other objects is very critical to design a good HMI. This paper will briefly examine theoretical and practical aspects of these components and the established techniques for the effective use of color in graphical HMI. A survey was conducted in order to support the findings of the study.Key words: Colors, Display, Graphics, HMI-Human Machine Interface, Objects Reference [1] Taylor, J. M. and Murch. G. M. , "The Effective Use of Color in Visual Displays: Text and Graphics Applications", Color Research and Applications Vol. 11 Supplement (1986), pp.S3-10. [2] Murch, G. M.," Physiological Principles for the Effective Use of Color", IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 4, (Nov.1984), 49-54. [3] Tharangie K G D, Irfan C M A, Yamad K and Marasinghe A.," Kansei Color Concepts to Improve Effective Color Selection in Designing Human Computer Interfaces", IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 7, Issue 3, No 4, May 2010 [4] SNS HUMAN-MACHINE (HMI) STANDARDS [5] Bill Hollifield, "A High Performance HMI: Better Graphics for Operations Effectiveness", Presented at the 2012 ISA Water & Wastewater and Automatic Controls Symposium Holiday Inn Castle Resort, Orlando, Florida, USA – Aug 7-9, 2012 Shreya Deodhar, Prachi Agrawal, Aditi Helekar |
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58. | Factors Affecting the Online Shopping Behavior: An Empirical Investigation in Vietnam
Factors Affecting the Online Shopping Behavior: An Empirical Investigation in VietnamAbstract: Online shopping has become new type of retail shopping. It has now been adopted all over the world including Vietnam. This shopping method is still not as well known or accepted as in many other countries, and though the knowledge of online shopping in Vietnam is now beginning to increase rapidly, to know the factors influencing online shopping behavior of Vietnam consumers there are several articles written. The main objective of this study is to analyze factors affecting on online shopping behavior of consumers that might be one of the most important issues of e-commerce and marketing field. However, there is very limited knowledge about online consumer behavior because it is a complicated socio-technical phenomenon and involves too many factors. The model was assessed based on the data collected from 238 participants using a survey questionnaire. Finally regression analysis was used on data in order to test hypothesizes of study. This study can be considered as an applied research from purpose perspective and descriptive-survey with regard to the nature and method.Key words: online shopping, shopping behavior, consumer attitudes, perceived risks, Vietnam. Reference [1] Seyed Rajab Nikhashemi, Farzana Yasmin, Ahasanul Haque and Ali Khatibi, "Service quality and consumer purchase intention in online shopping": An imperial study in Iran, International ISI conference on economic, business innovation.2012(38), 150- 154. 2] R.L. Keeney, The value of internet commerce to the customer, Management-Science1999,45(4),533–542. [3] Randall Boyel, and Cynthia Rupple., (2004). "online purchasing Intent: The effect of personal innovativeness, perceived risk and computer self-efficacy‟ Available at http://aisel.aisnet.org/sais2004/23/. [4] Shim, S, Eastlick, Ma &Lotz, S. Assessing the impact of Internet shopping on store shopping among mall shoppers and Internet users. Journal of Shopping Centre Research, 2000,7(2),7-43 [5] Balanca Hernandez, Julio Jimenez and M. Jose Martln. "Consumer behavior in electronic commerce: The moderating effect of e- purchasing experience‟ Journal of business research, 2010, (63) ,964-971. Ngo Tan Vu Khanh, Gwangyong Gim |
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59. | Automatic Power Factor Correction Using Capacitive Bank
Automatic Power Factor Correction Using Capacitive BankAbstract: The power factor correction of electrical loads is a problem common to all industrial companies. Earlier the power factor correction was done by adjusting the capacitive bank manually [1]. The automated power factor corrector (APFC) using capacitive load bank is helpful in providing the power factor correction. Proposed automated project involves measuring the power factor value from the load using microcontroller. The design of this auto-adjustable power factor correction is to ensure the entire power system always preserving unity power factor. The software and hardware required to implement the suggested automatic power factor correction scheme are explained and its operation is described. APFC thus helps us to decrease the time taken to correct the power factor which helps to increase the efficiency.Key words: APFC, Apparent power, Capacitor bank, Power factor Reference [1] en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Power_factor_correction [2] Jones, L. D.; Blackwell, D. (1983) "Energy Saver Power Factor Controller for Synchronous Motors", IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Volume: 5, Issue: 5, Pages: 1391-1394. [3] Keith Harker (1998). "Power System Commissioning and Maintenance practice." London: Institution of Electrical Engineers. [4] Stephen, J. C. (1999). "Electric Machinery and Power System Fundamentals." 3rd.ed. United State of America: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. [5] Barsoum, Nader (2007) "Programming of PIC Micro-Controller for Power Factor Correction" IEEE Conference on Modeling & Simulation, Pages:19-25. Mr.Anant Kumar Tiwari, Mrs. Durga Sharma, Mr.Vijay Kumar Sharma |
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60. | A Voltage Regulator for Parallel Operated Isolated Synchronous Generators Using Statcom
A Voltage Regulator for Parallel Operated Isolated Synchronous Generators Using StatcomAbstract: Reactive power (vars) is required to maintain the voltage to deliver active power through transmission lines. Generator and other loads require reactive power to convert the flow of electrons into useful work. When there is not enough reactive power, the voltage sags down and it is not possible to push the power demanded by loads through the lines. Thus reactive power is injected using the compensating device STATCOM.The Paper deals on static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) which is connected to the parallel operated isolated synchronous generators to drive a 3-phase load. These generators are driven by constant prime mover like diesel engine,bio-mass,gasoline,steam turbine etc.Three single phase IGBT based Voltage source converter (VSC) along with 3-single phase transformers and self supported D.C bus is used as a voltage controller. The project deals with controlling a STATCOM using non-linear techniques that involves hysteresis current control and Park's transformation. The voltage controller of parallel operated generators for feeding 3-phase loads driven by constant speed prime mover like Hydraulic turbine governor model helps in satisfactory operation under varying loads and in load balancing. If the line current is less than the expected, the compensating current generated by STATCOM is taken by loads.Key words: STATCOM, Synchronous generator, VSC, load balancing. Reference [1] Bhaskar, M.A.; Dash, S.S.; Subramani, C.; kumar, M.J.; Harish,D.; Shalini, R."Non Linear Control of STATCOM," Recent Trends inInformation,Telecommunocat -ion and Computing (ITC), 2010 International Conferenceon,vol., no., pp.190-195, 12-13 March 2010. [2] Bhim Sing, S.S.Murthy and Sushma Gupta "Analysis and Design of STATCOM based regulator for self excited induction Generator"IEEETRANSACTIONS ON ENERGY CONVERSION, VOL. 19, NO. 4, DECEMBER 2004. [3] O.Ojo, O.Omozusi and Adison A.jimoh "The operation of an inverter assisted single phase induction generator" IEEE.Trans. on Industrial Electronics, Vol.47, no.3. pp 632-640, June2000. [4] Chandan Chakraborty, S.N. Bhadra. MuneakiIshidaand A.K Chattopadhyay. "Performance of parallel operated self excited induction generators with the variation of machine parameters." in proc. Of IEEE Conference on Power Electronic and Drive Systems. July 1999, pp. 86-91. [5] S.N Mahato, M.P.Sharma and S.P Singh, "Transient performance of a single phase self regulated induction generator using a three-phase machine" Electric power Systems and Research digital object identifier doi;10.1016/j.epsr.2006.07.009. Sravanthi Gudipati, Srikanth D, B.Deepthi |
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62. | Establishing Connectivity Graphs as a Functional Genotypes of Federal Courthouse Buildings
Establishing Connectivity Graphs as a Functional Genotypes of Federal Courthouse BuildingsAbstract: In the case of many institutional buildings, such as courthouses, program and functional requirements present fixed precepts and unwritten demands that greatly affect the spatial layout of the building and ultimately its form. These requirements specify underlying functional structures in courtroom floors, which affect the form and layout of the courthouse building. It is the purpose of this research to identify these functional structures in order to discover commonalities between them and establish them as functional genotype. The research proceeded by selecting twenty-five courtroom floors in different courthouses, and through archival and architectural analysis, the research identified underlying functional structures. The research found that within the analyzed sample 16 courtroom floors adhered to a typical genotype while others followed slightly varied genotypes. It was concluded that courtroom floors adhere to a generic genotype with regard to accessibility and pattern of circulation. Future investigation can investigate how these genotypes can be realized in different geometrical arrangements and accordingly can be used in the design of future courthouses.Key words: Strong Program; Genotype; Connectivity graph. Reference [1] Hillier, Bill, Hanson, Julienne,The Social Logic of Space(Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1984). [2] Hillier, Bill, Space is the Machine: a configurational theory of architecture(Cambridge; New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press, 1996). [3] Dahabreh, Saleem M.,The Formulation of Design: the Case of the Islip Courthouse by Richard Meier, PhD Dissertation, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, 2006. [4] State of California Task Force on Court Facilities. (1999) [5] U.S. Courts Design Guide, 2007. Saleem M. Dahabreh |
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63. | Optimization of Magnesium Metal into Commercially Pure Aluminium
Optimization of Magnesium Metal into Commercially Pure AluminiumAbstract: The present investigation, involve development of Al-Mg systems by addition of magnesium into commercially pure aluminium. The amounts of magnesium added into commercially pure aluminium are of 1 and 2 wt%. The recoveries of magnesium are around 85-90%.Remaining Mg react with oxygen and float on the liquid aluminium. Presence of magnesium creates two phenomena. One is solid solution hardening and other is intermetallics formation. Both the phenomena checked by microstructural changes and by measuring the electrical conductivity values. By increasing the Mg, content mechanical properties (hardness and tensile strength) increases and electrical conductivity decreases.Key words: Al-Mg system, Solid Solution, Microstructure, Tensile strength, Hardness, Electrical conductivity Reference [1] Dr Ashok Sharma, Some aspects for production of clean Al casting, Indian foundry journal 50th Indian foundry congress, 279-285(2002). [2] P.T. Pushp, Studies on y-Al2O3 particle reinforced, Al-Mg alloy cast composites, 51 Indian foundry congress, 124-129 (2003). [3] D. Apelian (ed), NACDA Aluminium Cast alloys: Enabling tools for Improved Performance, 9 (2009). [4] ASM Handbook, Volume 4 Heat treating, 1861 (1991). [5] L.F. Mondolfo, Aluminium Alloys: Structure and Properties, The butter worth group, published ISBN 408 70680 5, 311-317. (1976). Vandana J Rao |
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64. | Dynamic Analysis of Multistory RCC Building Frame with Flat Slab and Grid Slab
Dynamic Analysis of Multistory RCC Building Frame with Flat Slab and Grid SlabAbstract: The rapid growth of the urban population and the consequent pressure on limited space has considerably influenced multi-storeyed building construction. With increase in demand for space, construction of multi-storeyed buildings is becoming a necessary part of our living style. These multi-storeyed buildings can be constructed using various structural systems. Two main groups according to the arrangement of slabs, beams or girders, and columns are Framed Structure and flat slab structure. Framed structures are the structure having the combination of beams, columns and slabs to resist the lateral and gravity load. These structures are usually used to overcome the large moments developing due to the applied loading. The flat slab buildings in which slab is directly rested on columns, have been adopted in many buildings constructed recently due to the advantage of reduced floor to floor heights to meet the economical and architectural demands.Key words: Flat slab, Grid slab, Base shear, Shear force and Building drift. Reference [1] IS 1893(part-1) 2002 criteria for earthquake resistant design of structures. Part-1 general provision & buildings. [2] Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures Part 1 General Provisions and Buildings (Fifth Revision) IS 1893(part 1)2002. [3] Indian standard "Plain & Reinforced Concrete Code of Practice" Fourth Revision IS: 456:2000. [4] Ductile Detailing of Reinforced Concrete Structures to Seismic Forces IS 13920:1993 [5] M.Anitha, B.Q.Rahman, JJ.Vijay, "Analysis and Design of Flat Slabs Using Various Codes" International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad (Deemed University) April 2007. Ravi Kumar Makode, Saleem Akhtar, Geeta Batham |
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65. | A Solution of One-dimensional Advection-diffusion equation for
Concentration Distribution in fluid flow through Porous Media
by Homotopy Analysis Method
A Solution of One-dimensional Advection-diffusion equation for Concentration Distribution in fluid flow through Porous Media by Homotopy Analysis MethodAbstract: The governing equation of longitudinal dispersion phenomenon of one-dimensional concentration distribution in fluid flow through porous media has been obtained in term of one-dimensional non-linear advection-diffusion equation. This equation has been converted in term of dimensionless non-linear Burger's equation with its derivative, and it is multiplied by small parametere[0,1]. This equation has been solved using Homotopy analysis method with appropriate initial and boundary condition and it is concluded that the concentration distribution of miscible fluids (i.e. contaminated or salt water with fresh water) decreases for given value of X and T > 0. the graphical and numerical presentation is derived using Maple coding.Key words: Advection, Burger's equation, Diffusion, Homtopy analysis method Reference [1] Darcy H., Les Fontaines publiques deloville de Dijon, Dalmont, Paris, 1856. [2] Bernard, R. A., and R. H. Wilhelm, Chem.Eng. Progr., 46, 1950, 233. [3] Kovo S.A., Mathematical modelling And simulation of dispersion in a nonideal plug flow reactor, Taylor & Francis Group, 29, 2008, 1129-1134. [4] Pinder, G. F. and Cooper, H. H. Jr, A numerical technique for calculating the transient position of saltwater front, water Resources Research, 6, 1970, 875-882. [5] Kumar M. D., Irrigation with a Manual Pump: Impact of Treadle pumps on Farming Enterprise and Food security in coastal Orissa. Working paper 148. Anand: Insitute of Rural Management, 2002. Kajal K. Patel, M. N. Mehta T. R. Singh |
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66. | Analyzing Performance for Mutual Authentication Mechanism
for Wimax: IEEE 802.16e
Analyzing Performance for Mutual Authentication Mechanism for Wimax: IEEE 802.16eAbstract: The IEEE 802.16 designed to operate in the 10-66 GHz spectrum and it specifies the physical layer (PHY) and medium access control layer (MAC) of the air interface BWA systems. At 10-66 GHz range, transmission requires Line-of-Sight (LOS). IEEE 802.16 is working group number 16 of IEEE 802, specializing in point-tomultipoint broadband wireless access. The IEEE 802.16 Working Group created a new standard, commonly known as WiMAX, for broadband wireless access at high speed and low cost, which is easy to deploy, and which provides a scalable solution for extension of a fiber-optic backbone. WiMAX base stations can offer greater wireless coverage of about 5 miles, with LOS (line of sight) transmission within bandwidth of up to 70 Mbps. WiMAX operates on the same general principles as WiFi -- it sends data from one computer to another via radio signals. A computer (either a desktop or a laptop) equipped with WiMAX would receive data from the WiMAX transmitting station, probably using encrypted data keys to prevent unauthorized users from stealing access. The fastest WiFi connection can transmit up to 54 megabits per second under optimal conditions. WiMAX should be able to handle up to 70 megabits per second.Key words: IEEE 802.16, LOS, MAC, WiMAX, WiFi Reference [1] Aboba B, Calhoun P. RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial In User Service) Support For Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP). IETF; 2003. http://tools.ietf. org/pdf/rfc3579.pdf [06/10/2011] [2] Aboba B, Blunk L, Vollbrecht J, Carlson J, Levkowetz H.Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP). IETF; 2004. http://tools.ietf. org/pdf/rfc3748.pdf [11/20/2010] [3] Armando A, Basin D, Boichut Y, Chevalier Y, Compagna L, Cuellar J, Drielsma PH, Heam PC, Kouchnarenko O, Mantovani J, Modersheim S, von Oheimb D, Rusinowitch M, Santiago J, Turuani M, Vigano L, Vigneron L. The AVISPA tool for the automated validation of Internet security protocols and Applications. In: Etessami K, Rajamani SK, editors. 17th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification, CAV 2005; LNCS 3576 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 2005. p. 281–285. Springer. [4] Asokan N, Niemi V, Nyberg K. Man-in-themiddle in tunneled authentication protocols. IACR ePrint Archive Report 2002/163. [5] Cam-Winget N, McGrew D, Salowey J, Zhou H. The Flexible Authentication via Secure Tunneling Extensible Authentication Protocol Method (EAP-FAST). IETF; 2007. http://tools.ietf.org/pdf/rfc4851.pdf [02/08/2011] Mrs. R. C. Roychaudhary, Mrs. S.S. Telrandhe, Mrs. C.N. Rokde, Ms. A. Y. Khobragade |
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67. | Effective Removal of Fluoride from Ground Water Using Electro-Coagulation
Effective Removal of Fluoride from Ground Water Using Electro-CoagulationAbstract: Exceeding the level of fluoride (F-) in drinking water is responsible for skeletal fluorosis in human beings. The present study was carried out to assess the ability of electro coagulation process with iron and aluminum electrodes in order to removal of fluoride from aqueous solutions. Several working parameters, such as concentration of fluoride, pH, applied voltage and reaction time, distance between electrodes, electrode reactive area and effect of Co-existing ions were studied to achieve a higher removal capacity. Variable concentrations (1, 5 and 10 mg L-1) of fluoride solutions were prepared by mixing proper amount of sodium fluoride with tap water. The varying pH of the initial solution (5, 7 and 9) was also studied to measure their effects on the fluoride removal efficiency. Results obtained with synthetic solution revealed that the most effective removal capacities of fluoride could be achieved at 40V electrical potential. In addition, the increase of electrical potential, in the range of 10-40 V, enhanced the treatment rate. The effective reactive surface area found to be 40cm2 where as inter electrode distance was 1cm.Reference [1] World Health Organization, Fluoride in drinking water, WHO Guidelines, for Drinking Water Quality, 2004. www.who.int/entity/watersanitation_health/dwq/chemicals/fluoride.pdf. [2] S. Ghorai, K.K. Pant, Equilibrium, kinetics and breakthrough studies for adsorption of fluoride on activated alumina, Sep. Purif. Technol. 42 (2005) 265–271. [3] M. Pinon-Miramontes, R.G. Bautista-Margulis, A. Perez-Hernandez, Removal of arsenic and fluoride from drinking water with cake alum and a polymeric anionic flocculent, Fluoride 36 (2003) 122–128. [4] P.I. Ndiayea, P. Moulin, L. Dominguez, J.C. Millet, F. Charbit, Removal of fluoride from electronic industrial effluent by RO membrane separation, Desalination 173 (2005) 25-32. [5] Application of Electrocoagulation Process Using Iron and Aluminum Electrodes for Fluoride Removal from Aqueous Environment, Edris bazrafshan, Kamal aldin ownagh, and Amir hossein mahvi ISSN: 0973-4945; CODEN ECJHAO E-Journal of Chemistry http://www.ejchem.net 2012, 9(4), 2297-2308. Sailaja Kumari Battula, Jyostna Cheukuri, Raman. N. V. V. S. S, Himabindu .V, Bhagawan. D |
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68. | Automatic Syllabification Rules for ASSAMESE Language
Automatic Syllabification Rules for ASSAMESE LanguageAbstract: For unit selection based text-to-speech system, syllabification acts as a backbone. Based on different structures of different languages syllabification rules are also varies. The purpose of this study is to examine and analyse the syllabification rules for Assamese language. Imparting education and training, preferably, in the local/regional language is urgently necessary in today's context in order to maintain social harmony and homogeneity. Language heterogeneity is a global problem in bringing all the benefits of Information Technology (IT) to our doorsteps. Syllabification rules are implemented into an algorithm which later can be integrated into a text-to-speech system. The analysis of these rules has been taken using 10000 phonetically rich words which reports to produce a comparable result of 99% accuracy as compared to manual syllabification.Key words: Assamese language, diphthongs, phonemes, syllable, text-to-speech. Reference [1]. ChandanSarma, U.Sharma, C.K.Nath, S.Kalita, P.H.Talukdar. Selection of Units and Development of Speech Database for Natural Sounding Bodo TTS System, CISP Guwahati, March 2012. [2]. Jyotismita Talukdar, Chandan Sarma, Prof. P.H Talukdar. Automatic Syllabification Rules for Bodo Language, International Journal Of Computational Engineering Research, vol. 2 issue. 6, pp 110-114, October 2012. [3]. Banikanta Kakati. Assamese, its formation and development. [4]. Ruvan Weerasinghe, Asanka Wasala and Kumudu Gamage. A Rule Based Syllabification Algorithm for Sinhala [5]. Parminder Singh, Gurpreet Singh Lehal. Syllables Selection for the Development of Speech Database for Punjabi TTS System, IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, vol. 7, Issue 6, November 2010. Laba Kr. Thakuria, Prof. P.H. Talukdar |
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69. | High-Frequency Resonant Matrix Converter using IGBT-Based Bidirectional Switches for Induction Heating
High-Frequency Resonant Matrix Converter using IGBT-Based Bidirectional Switches for Induction HeatingAbstract: This paper deals with a novel type soft switching utility frequency AC- high frequency AC converter using asymmetrical PWM bidirectional active switches which can be defined as high frequency resonant matrix converter.This power frequency changer can directly convert utility frequency AC power to high frequency AC power ranging more than 20kHz up to 100kHz. Only one active edge resonant capacitor-assisted soft switching high frequency load resonant cyclo-converter is based on asymmetrical duty cycle PWM strategy. This high frequency cyclo-converter uses bidirectional IGBTs composed of anti-parallel one-chip reverse blocking IGBTs. This high frequency cycloconverter has some remarkable features as electrolytic capacitorless DC busline link, unity power factor correction and sinewave line current shaping, simple configuration with minimum circuit components and low cost, high efficiency and downsizing. This series load resonant cycloconverter incorporating bidirectional active power switches is developed and implemented for high efficiency consumer induction heated food cooking appliances. Its operating principle is described by using equivalent circuits. Its operating performances as soft switching operating ranges and high frequency effective power regulation characteristics are discussed on the basis of simulation and experimental results.Index terms: Bidirectional switches, Direct power frequency conversion, High frequency PWM cycloconverter, Soft switching commutation, Induction heating, One-chip reverse blocking IGBTs. Reference [1] A.Lindemann: "A New IGBT with Reverse Blocking Capability" Proceedings of EPE Conference, Graz, 2001. [2] T.Minato and H.Takahashi: "New Power-Element Technology" Mitsubishi Electric ADVANCE, March 2004, pp.24-27. [3] Hisayuki Sugimura, Tarek Ahmed, Mohamed Orabi, Hyun-Woo Lee, Mutsuo Nakaoka, "Commercial Utility Frequency AC to High Frequency AC Soft Switching Power Conversion Circuit with Non Smoothing DC Link for IH Dual Packs Heater", Proceedings of The 30th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, (IECON), November, 2004, Pusan, Korea, pp.1155-1160. [4] Hisayuki Sugimura, Hyun-Woo Lee, Kenji Yasui, Toshiaki Iwai, Hideki Omori, Nabil A.Ahmed, Sung Jun Kim and Mutsuo Nakaoka, "Commercial Utility AC Frequency to High Frequency AC Cycloinverter with Non Electrolytic Capacitor DC Link", Proceedings of International Power Electronics Conference (IPEC), April, 2005, Niigata, JAPAN, No.S38-2 [5] N.Nguyen-Quang, D.A.Stone, C.M.Bingham, M.P.Foster, "Single phase matrix converter for radio frequency induction heating",Proceedings of International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM), May,2006, pp.614 - 618. Jami Rajesh, S.V.Deepak, S.V.Ramjee, M.Sai kiran, T.N.V.Durga Prasad |
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70. | A Review on "FPGA Implementation of Low Power QPSK Modulator by Using Hardware Co-Simulation"
A Review on "FPGA Implementation of Low Power QPSK Modulator by Using Hardware Co-Simulation"Abstract: This paper presents a study of different concepts of FPGA implementation of QPSK modulator based on simulation with Xilinx System Generator. The different way of designing QPSK Modulator are discussed in details along with its respective concerts such as low power, reduced hardware and many application oriented approaches.Key words: QPSK, VHDL, FPGA, Xilinx Reference [1] Asaraf Mohamed Moubark,"FPGA implementation of low power digital QPSK modulator using verilog HDL",Journal of Applied Sciences 13(3),2013,385-392,ISSN 1812-5654 [2] Gaurav Purohit, Divya Vyas, Kota Solomon Raju, V.K Chaubey,Arvind Nehra "Hardware Co-simulation of BPSK and QPSK For SoftwareDefineRadio";IJECET,2013,pp 301-308. [3] Tushar V. Kafare, Prof .Col.Vijay Joshi, "Simulation of QPSK Modulator to generate Real and Imaginary Channel", IJERA, 2013, pp.1473-1475. [4] Swapan K Samaddar, Atri Sanyal, Somali Sanyal," FPGA based generalized architecture for Modulation and Demodulation Techniques"Journal of Computing Technologies ISSN 2278– 3814,2012,27-32 [5] S.O. Popescu, A.S.Gontean and D.Ianchis; "QPSK Modulator on FPGA", IEEE 9th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics,September 8-10, 2011, Subotica, Serbia,359-364, SISY 2011 Preksha R. Kolankar, Swati V. Sakhare |
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72. | Optimization of Inventory System: A Case Study of Haldiram Bread Industry
Optimization of Inventory System: A Case Study of Haldiram Bread IndustryAbstract: Supply chain generally involves the transformation of products from supplier to manufacturer and from distributors to retailers & finally to customers. But by using the lateral transshipment the products from one location to another location in a same stage i.e. from retailers to retailers at emergency condition can be sent. This can optimize the inventory carrying at warehouse and transferred unit from warehouse to retailers and minimize the back order and inventory level at the retailers. Thus total supply chain cost can be minimized. In the present work single-echelon two stage optimization models is employed for inventory distribution from warehouse to three retailers in first stage. Optimal transshipment of product among three retailers due to interactive-lateral transshipment is identified in second stage. Model is validated by case study of Haldiram bread industry.Key words: lateral transshipment, inventory, Supply chain Reference [1] Dharamvir Mangal and Pankaj Chandna, Lateral transshipment –A technique for inventory control in multi retailer supply chain system, International Journal of Information Technology and Knowledge Management, July- December 2010, Volume 2,No.2, pp. 311-315. [2] Supplychaininformation.blogspot.com [3] Calvin B. Lee, Multi echelon Inventory Optimization, Evant Inc.2003. [4] Min Chen, Lateral Transshipment in Inventory Models, Vrije University Amsterdam, 2008. [5] Metin Turkay, Linear Programming Models, INDR 262 Optimization Models and Mathematical Programming. Amit Kumar, Mahima Singh and Bimal Kumar Shrivastava |
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73. | EEE Model for Evaluation of ERP Efficiency in Real Time Systems
EEE Model for Evaluation of ERP Efficiency in Real Time SystemsAbstract: This study is designed to measure the efficiency of ERP systems in providing real time information. In this study, the research measures the efficiency rather than the performance-used in previous researches - as it is more comprehensive. The proposed ERP efficiency evaluation model depends on ERP phases'. EEE model measures the efficiency of implementation phase, post-implementation phase, and the impact of implementation phase on post implementation from technical perspective. A case study, a survey and a proposed experimental method are used to implement research model. Results indicate a significant relationship between ERP Phases'. In order to get an efficient post implementation phase, the implementation phase must be efficient.Key words: Enterprise Resource Planning, efficiency, implementation, post implementation, performan Reference [1] Barker, T. and, M.N. Frolick (2003), ―ERP Implementation Failure: A case study‖, Information Systems Management, 20(4), pp.43-49. [2] Al-Mashari, M., & Al-Mudimigh, A. (2003). Enterprise resource planning: taxonomy of critical factor. European Journal of Operational Research, 2(146), 352-364. [3] Gattiker, F. T. (2007). Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems and manufacturing-marketing interface: an information-processing theory view. International Journal of ProductionResearch, ¥5(13), p32. [4] Kavanagh C. S. (2006). Ongoing ERP system upkeep and development through a collaborative governance model. Government Finance Review, 22(6), 48. [5] K.K. Hong, Y.G. Kim, The critical success factors for ERP implementation: an organizational fit perspective, Information and Management 40 (2002) 25–40. Maha Attia Hana, Mohamed Marie, Rasha Mansour Mohamed |
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74. | Kerberos Based Electronic Tender system
Kerberos Based Electronic Tender systemAbstract: An electronic tender (e-tender) system is a system in which selling, buying and providing contract by the government with the help of online software. In this system the tender data is recorded, stored and processed primarily as digital information. In the modern world e-tender system is increasing speedily and the popularity of e-tender system need quality and security. In this paper a 'KBETS' is proposed which provides user to participating in tender nevertheless of the geographic locations and without worrying about security.Key words: KBETS, TGS, AS,Kerberos Reference [1] P. Hemantha Kumar, GautamBarua (2001), "Design of a Real-Time Auction System" 4th International Conference on Electronic Commerce Research, Dallas, Texas, USA, November 8-11, 2001. [2] Miriam R. Albert (2008), "E-buyer beware: Why online auction fraud should be regulated", Article first published online: 28 Jun 2008 , American Business Law Journal, Volume 39,Issue 4, June 2002, pp 575-644. [3] David Lucking-Reiley (2003) ,"Auctions on the Internet: What's Being Auctioned, and How?",Article first published online: 27 Mar 2003, The Journal of Industrial Economics, Volume 48, Issue 3, September 2000, pp 227-252. [4] Vakrat, Y., Seidmann, A. (2000), "Implications of the bidders' arrival process on the design of online auctions", Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences,2000. [5] San Jose Mercury News (2002-06-11) "Stolen-Property Purchases Leave Ebay Buyers Burned" (http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1- 120375160.html). NITISH KUMAR SINGH, SUBNUM BEGUM, SIBANI PATRA, PRIYADARSHANI ADAYASA |
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75. | Adaptive Local Entropy Based Automatic Virus Particle Detection
Adaptive Local Entropy Based Automatic Virus Particle DetectionAbstract: In this project, a fully automatic approach to locate icosahedral virus particles in transmission electron microscopy images is proposed. For segmentation, we present random walker segmentation method to improve the efficiency and accuracy of the segmentation. Firstly, feature information has been employed to combine with the intensity information to measure weights between adjacent nodes (pixels). The parameters have been then adjusted for the two features above to obtain the scale. Secondly, Morphological features help to select the candidates, as the threshold is kept low enough to avoid false negatives. The candidate points are subject to a credibility test based on features extracted from eight radial intensity profiles in each point from a texture image. A candidate is accepted if these features meet the set of acceptance conditions describing the typical intensity profiles of these kinds of particles. When compared with the existing method our propose approach has good performance and high segmentation accuracy.Key words: ENTROPY, ICOSAHEDRAL VIRUS, SEGMENTATION, AUTOMATIC SELECTION, ELECTRON MICROSCOPY IMAGES. Reference [1] I. Boier Martin, D. C. Marinescu, R. E. Lynch, And T. S. Baker, ―Identification Of Spherical Virus Particles In Digitized Images Of Entire Electron Micrographs,‖ J. Struct. Biol., Vol. 120, No. 2, Pp. 146–157, 1997. [2] B. Carragher, Y. Zhu, R. M. Glaeser, D. Fellmann, C. Bajaj, M. Bern, F. Mouche, F. De Haas, R. J. Hall, D. J. Kriegman, S. J. Ludtke,S. P. Mallick, P. A. Penczek, A. M. Roseman, ―Findem—A Fast, Efficient Program For Automatic Selection Of Particles From Electron Micrographs,‖ J. Struct. Biol., Vol. 145, Nos. 1–2, Pp. 91–99, 2004. [3] R. M. Glaeser, ―Historical Background: Why Is It Important To Improve Automated Particle Selection Methods?‖ J. Struct. Biol., Vol. 145, Nos. 1–2, Pp. 15–18, 2004. [4] C. S. Goldsmith And S. E. Miller, ―Modern Uses Of Electron Microscopy For Detection Of Viruses,‖ Clin. Microbiol. Rev., Vol. 22, No. 4, Pp. 552–563, Oct. 2009. [5] R. J. Hall And A. Patwardhan, ―A Two Step Approach For Semi-Automated Particle Selection From Low Contrast Cryo-Electron Micrographs,‖ J. Struct. Biol., Vol. 145, Nos. 1–2, Pp. 19–28, 2004. Hizana M, Anto Kumar R P |
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76. | Enhancing the Communication Range and Reliability of Mobile ADHOC Network Using AODV-OSPF Protocol
Enhancing the Communication Range and Reliability of Mobile ADHOC Network Using AODV-OSPF ProtocolAbstract: The increasing density of node and communication range of mobile node raised some problem such as dropping of packet and degraded the performance of network. For the improvement of performance of AODV routing Protocol in mobile ADHOC network various authors used different size of adjacency matrix in AODV routing protocol. In this paper proposed an improved AODV routing protocol using OSPF routing adjacency matrix in AODV protocol. The size of OSPF matrix is large instead of AODV.The change the size of matrix increases the communication range of mobile node. The increased range of communication increases the throughput of mobile ADHOC network. The proposed model simulates in ns-2.34 and compared with AODV routing protocol. Our experimental result shows better performance of AODV-OSPF routing protocol.Key words: ADHOC Network, AODV, MDR and OSPF Reference [1] Bow-Nan Cheng, Scott Moore" A Comparison of MANET Routing Protocols on Airborne Tactical Networks" 978-4673, IEEE 2013,PP 67-89. [2] M. Goyal, M. Soperi, E. Baccelli, G. Choudhury, A. Shaikh, H. Hosseini, and K. Trivedi " Improving Convergence Speed and Scalability inOSPF: A Survey" IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 1553-877, Ieee 2012,Pp 86-92. [3] Gihan Nagib and Wahied G. Ali" Network Routing Protocol using Genetic Algorithms" International Journal of Electrical & Computer Sciences IJECS-IJENS Vol: 10, 2010, PP 56-67. [4] Joseph Chabarek, Joel Sommers, Paul Barford, Cristian Estan, David Tsiang, Stephen right" Power Awareness in Network Design and Routing" 9781-4244-IEEE 2008,PP 42-53. [5] Kaixin Xu, Mario Gerla" A Heterogeneous Routing Protocol Based on A New Stable Clustering Scheme" IEEE 2010,PP 36-45. [6] M Onkar Nath Thakur, Amit Saxena |
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77. | Analysis on Design Issues of Educational Website Standards
Analysis on Design Issues of Educational Website StandardsAbstract: With the introduction of WWW (World Wide Web) by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989, in computer, the use of web site and its importance become visible to the world. [1] Today's web sites have so many features than in the past. With the increase of features in web sites, it becomes necessary for the developer to have compliance to the standards so that websites work properly. The standards that the W3C creates help establish consistency in the way that Web document are authored and how they are rendered in the browser. [2] Based on the evaluation of these standards, developers can measure the efficiency of the website. In this paper author analysed the web site by evaluating its certain features and then compared them against standards. For evaluating website's features, author uses a tool called Website Optimization. This tool gives a detailed analysis of parameters for a website. [3] The author took 25 educational websites of north-India, analyse their different parameters and on the basis of analysis shows their overall standards compliance.Key words: Websites, Evaluation, Standards and analysis. Reference [1] Building Findable Websites: Web Standards, SEO, and Beyond: Aarron Walter [2] Tim Berners-Lee: Inventor of the World Wide Web: Stephanie Sammartino Mc Pherson. [3] Andrew B. King: Website Optimization. [4] www.websiteoptimization.com/services/anal yze/ Jatinder Manhas |
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78. | Flexible technology for Electronics: Its Derivatives and Possibilities
Flexible technology for Electronics: Its Derivatives and PossibilitiesAbstract: With the inkjet printing technology becoming more popular, integration of circuits developed on flexible substrates which are easily embedded inside the machine as against the rigid PCB circuits is becoming more prevalent. Much of the research has been done in applications of such circuits in human body implants or for other low cost applications. This paper concentrates particularly on applications of such circuits in the field of consumer electronics, disposable electronics, display technology and discusses the derivatives of this technology and its future possibilities.Key words: inkjet printing; paper-based substrate;printable electronics Reference [1] Siegel, A. C.; Phillips, S. T.; Dickey, M.; Lu, N.; Suo, Z.; Whitesides, G. M.*, "Folded Printed Circuit Boards on Paper Substrates", Adv. Funct. Mat., 2010, 20, 28–35. [2] Xie L.,Feng Y., Mäntysalo M., Chen Q., Zheng L., "Integration of f-MWCNT Sensor and Printed Circuits on Paper Substrate" [3] A. Rida, L. Yang, R. Vyas, M.M. Tentzeris, "Conductive inkjet-printed antennas on flexible low-cost paper-based substrates for RFID and WSN applications" [4] Rapoport B., Kedzierski J. &Sarpeshkar R.,"A Glucose Fuel Cell for Implantable Brain–Machine Interfaces [5] "www.plastemart.com", Literature on conductive polymers Deovrat Phal, Akshay Narkar, Manoj Patil |
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79. | Wavelet Based Techniques for Speckle Noise Reduction in Ultrasound Images
Wavelet Based Techniques for Speckle Noise Reduction in Ultrasound ImagesAbstract: De-noising plays a very important role in the field of the biomedical image pre-processing. It is often done before the image data is to be analyzed. This paper presents a review of various techniques for reduction of speckle noise in ultrasound images. Speckle Noise is one of the most prominent noises seen in the ultrasound images and corrupts the visual quality of the image for further processing being multiplicative in nature. This paper demonstrates wavelet based techniques for improving visual image quality in ultrasound images and denoising. With the help of variable window technique and region based processing, discrete wavelet transform technique provided better noise rejection in ultrasound images by removing the speckle noise.Index Terms: De-noising, Speckle Noise, Ultrasonic Imaging, Wavelet transform. Reference [1] M. Antonini, M. Barlaud, P. Mathieu, and I. Daubechies, Image coding using wavelet transform, IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 1, pp.205-220, 1992. [2] Haryali Dhillon, Gagandeep Jindal, Akshay Girdhar, A Novel Threshold Technique for Eliminating Speckle Noise in Ultrasound Images, International Conference on Modelling, Simulation and Control, IPCSIT vol.10 (2011) IACSIT Press, Singapore. [3] S-T. Hsiang and J.W. Woods, Embedded image coding using zeroblocks of subband/wavelet coefficients and context modeling, IEEE Int. Conf. on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS2000), vol. 3, pp.662-665, May 2000. [4] S. Mallat, Multifrequency channel decompositions of images and wavelet models, IEEE Trans. Acoust., Speech, Signal Processing, vol. 37, pp.2091-2110, Dec. 1989. [5] A. Said and W.A. Pearlman, A new, fast and ef_cient image codec based on set partitioning in hierarchical trees, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 6, pp. 243-250, June 1996. Nishtha Attlas, Dr. Sheifali Gupta |
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80. | A Comparative Study of the Effect of Variation of Inside Diameter of Condenser and Mass Flow Rate on the Heat Transfer Coefficient in a Domestic Refrigerator.
A Comparative Study of the Effect of Variation of Inside Diameter of Condenser and Mass Flow Rate on the Heat Transfer Coefficient in a Domestic Refrigerator.Abstract: The performance of a domestic refrigerator is affected by the Surface roughness of condenser, evaporator and associated piping. The heat transfer in a domestic refrigerator is a complex phenomenon as it involves two phase flow inside the condenser, evaporator and the tubing. Various equations had been developed in the past by different Researchers to calculate the heat transfer for fluid flow inside tubes. In the present study Boyko and Kurzhillin equation is being used to determine the heat transfer coefficient for two phase flow in the condenser of a domestic refrigerator using R134a as refrigerant. For this an experimental setup has also been developed containing different condensers having different inside tube diameters varying in the range of 6.25mm to 12mm and the mass flow rate of refrigerant is varied in the range of 0.002kg/s to 0.02 kg/sKey words: Domestic refrigerator, condenser, heat transfer coefficient, Reynolds number, mass flow rate. Reference [1] D. M. Admiraal and C. W. Bullard, Heat Transfer in Refrigerator Condensers and Evaporators, (Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Center, University of Illinois, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Dept.1206 West Green Street Urbana, IL 61801), August 1993 [2] Heat transfer and pressure drop inside tubes. Wolverine Tube Heat transfer Data Book. 2006 [3] D.M. Graham, J. C. Chato and T. A. Newell, Heat transfer and pressure drop during condensation of refrigerant 134a in an axially grooved tube, (Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Center, University of Illinois, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Dept.1206 West Green Street Urbana, IL 61801, March 1997) [4] Raja Balakrishnan, Joseph Sekhar Santhappan, and Mohan Lal Dhasan, Heat Transfer Correlation for a Refrigerant Mixture in a Vertical Helical Coil Evaporator, (THERMAL SCIENCE: Vol. 13 (2009), No. 4, pp. 197-206) [5] S. N. Sapali and Pradeep A. Patil, A new experimental technique to determine heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop in smooth and micro-fin tube, (Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research Vol. 2(4), pp. 71-84, September 2010) Rajesh Joshi, Dr. A.I. Khandwawala |
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81. | An Overview of Android Operating System and Its Security Features
An Overview of Android Operating System and Its Security FeaturesAbstract: Android operating system is one of the most widely used operating system these days. Android Operating System is mainly divided into four main layers: the kernel, libraries, application framework and applications. Its kernel is based on Linux. Linux kernel is used to manage core system services such as virtual memory, networking, drivers, and power management. In these paper different features of architecture of Android OS as well security features of Android OS are discussed.Key words: Dalvik VM, Linux, Sandbox Reference [1] http://www.engineersgarage.com/articles/what-is-android-introduction. [2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Android_(operating_system) [3] http://developer.android.com/about/index.html [4] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Android_software_development [5] http://www.tkhts.com/android/android-archit ecture.jsp Rajinder Singh |
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82. | Load Flow Analysis Using Real Coded Genetic Algorithm
Load Flow Analysis Using Real Coded Genetic AlgorithmAbstract: This paper presents a Real Coded Genetic Algorithm (RCGA) for finding the load flow solution of electrical power systems. The proposed method is based on the minimization of the real and reactive power mismatches at various buses. The traditional methods such as Gauss-Seidel method and Newton-Raphson (NR) method have certain drawbacks under abnormal operating condition. In order to overcome these problems, the load flow solution based on Real Coded Genetic Algorithm (RCGA) is presented in this paper. Two cross over techniques, Arithmetic crossover and heuristic crossover are used to solve the power flow problem. The proposed method is applied for 3-bus, 5-bus and 6-bus systems and the results are presented.Key words: Bus voltages, Load Flow Studies, Real Coded Genetic Algorithm, Real and Reactive Power flows Reference [1] Stagg and El-Abiad, "Computer Method in Power System Analysis", McGraw-Hill Inc., 1968. [2] IEEE Recommended Practice for Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Analysis, IEEE, STD 399-1997, PP.133-163, September 1997. [3] Saadat H., Power System Analysis, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, edition 1999-2002. [4] Hyungchul Kim, Nader Samann, Donggeun Shin, Byeonghun Ko, Gilsoo Jang and Junmin Cha "A New Concept of Power Flow Analysis" Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 312-319, 2007. [5] M. Damodar Reddy, Prof. V.C. Veera Reddy "Optimal Capacitor Placement Using fuzzy And Real Coded Genetic Algorithm For Maximum Savings "Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology,2005 – 2008. Himakar Udatha, Dr. M. Damodar Reddy |
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83. | Medical Application Using Multi Agent System - A Literature Survey
Medical Application Using Multi Agent System - A Literature SurveyAbstract: In this paper we have projected on the involvement of multi-agent system in medical or health care domain. The objective of this study is to provide future researchers more resourceful and focused review of various research papers in this domain. Multi-agent system is most suitable for healthcare paradigm, as the properties of agent based systems deals with heterogeneous multiple agents. Data distribution and data management in a dynamic and distributed environment with multi-user cooperation, made multi-agent system more significant in this field. The disposition of this paper is classified on the basis of theoretical and application approach. We have tried to cover few relevant papers published on last decade. The main aim of this literature survey is to provide a complete road map on multi agent system based research on medical health care platform.Key words: Agent, health care, medical, multi-agent system, multi user collaboration. Reference [1] Michael Wooldridge and Nicholas R. Jennings. Intelligent agents: theory and practice. The Knowledge Engineering Review, 10(2), 115-152, 1995. [2] J. Fox, M. Beveridge and D. Glasspool. Understanding intelligent agents: analysis and synthesis. AI Communications, 2003, vol 16, pp 139-152. [3] Joseph Weizenbaum. Computer Power and Human Reason (Penguin Books Ltd, 1976). [4] A. Seipp. Intelligent Agent. School of Library, Archival and Information Studies, University of British Columbia, December 2001. [5] J. M. Epstein and R. Axtell. Growing artificial societies: social science from the bottom up. Brookings Institution Press. p. 224. ISBN 978-0-262-55025-3, October 11, 1996). Sougata Chakraborty, Shibakali Gupta |
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84. | Web Portal: Housing Society Management System
Web Portal: Housing Society Management SystemAbstract: "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication". Housing Society Management System exactly follows this phrase and aims at making the current situation in the society simple and efficient. Society Management System reduces the conflicts that arise within the society by providing facilities such as online voting system, online hall allocation, etc. It automates certain attributes that occur within the society and makes it easy for the members of the society an easy access to the society happenings and on goings.Key words: Bye Laws, Datepicker, Web Portal. Reference [1] Maharashtra Co-operative Housing Societies Act; [MCS Act] 1960. [2] "Reserve Funds‟ means the funds constituted under the provisions of section 66(1) of the Act and "Bye law‟ No. 12 (i). [3] "Repairs and Maintenance Funds‟ means the fund constituted under the Bye Law No. 13(a). [4] ‟Sinking Funds‟ means the funds constituted under the Bye Law No. 13(c). Kushal Patadia, Keshav Manjrekar, Tejal Zope, Pranav Patil |
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85. | Assessment of Efficacy among String Quest
Assessment of Efficacy among String QuestAbstract: In a large spatial database the work mainly deals with the approximate string search. Particularly we examine the query range append with the string similarity search in both Euclidean space and Road network. We dub this query the spatial approximate string (SAS) query. We propose an approximate solution in Euclidean space, the D-tree which embeds min-wise signatures into an R-tree. The min-wise signature for an index node u keeps a clear representation of the union of q-grams from the sub tree of u. We find the pruning functionality of such signatures based on the set resemblance between the query string and the q-grams from the sub tree of index nodes. We discuss about the estimation of selectivity of a SAS query in Euclidean space, for which we present a novel adaptive algorithm to find the balanced partitions using both the spatial and string information stored in the tree. In Road networks, we propose a novel exact method, RSASSOL, which significantly performs the baseline algorithm. The RSASSOL method partitions the road network, adaptively searches relevant sub graphs, and prunes candidate points using both the string matching index and the spatial reference nodes. The efficiency and effectiveness of our approaches is by the extensive experiments on large real data sets.Key words: Approximate string search, range query, road network and spatial databases Reference [1] S. Acharya, V. Poosala, and S. Ramaswamy, "Selectivity Estimation in Spatial Databases", Proc. ACM SIGMOD Int‟l Conf Management of Data, 1999. [2] S. Alsubaiee, A. Behm, and C. Li, "Supporting Location-Based Approximate-Keyword Queries", Proc. SIGSPATIAL 18th Int‟l Conf. Advances in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), 2010. [3] A. Arasu, S. Chaudhuri, K. Ganjam, and R. Kaushik, "Incorporating String Transformations in Record Matching", Proc. ACM SIGMOD Int‟l Conf. Management of Data, 2008. [4] A. Arasu, V. Ganti, and R. Kaushik, "Efficient Exact Set-Similarity Joins", Proc. 32nd Int‟l Conf. Very Large Data Bases (VLDB), 2006. [5] N. Beckmann, H. P. Kriegel, R. Schneider, and B. Seeger, "The R*-Tree: an Efficient and Robust Access Method for points and Rectangles", Proc. ACM SIGMOD Int‟l Conf. Management of Data, 1990. K.Manju, R. Brindha, V. Lathika, Mr. A. M. Ravishankkar, Mr. T. Yoganandh |
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86. | Image Fusion of CT/MRI using DWT , PCA Methods and Analog DSP Processor
Image Fusion of CT/MRI using DWT , PCA Methods and Analog DSP ProcessorAbstract: Medical image fusion is a technique in which useful information from two or more recorded medical images is integrated into a new image to offer as much details as possible for diagnosis. The fusion of different modality images are Computer Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) by integrating the DWT & PCA methods. The decomposed coefficients of Discrete Wavelet Transformation (DWT) are applied with the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to get fused image information. Choose decomposed coefficients by fusion rule and using inverse DWT to get the fussed image of two modalities CT and MRI. The RMSE and PSNR analysis shows better improvement on results. For the proposed fusion enhancement technique going to implement on the processor based kit or will show the hardware support.Key words: Image fusion, DWT, PCA, DSP Processor Reference [1] Soma sekhar. A, Giri Prasad M. N,'Novel approach of image fusion on MR and CT images using wavelet transforms' IEEE (2011). [2] Deepali Sale, Dr. Madhuri Joshi, Varsha Patil, Pallavi Sonare and Chaya Jadhav, Image Fusion For Medical Image Retrieval, International Journal of Computational Engineering Research Vol, 03 Issue, 8,2013. [3] Shih-Gu Huang "wavelet for image fusion. [4] Aditi Rana and Shaveta Arora, Comparative Analysis of Medical Image Fusion, International Journal of Computer Application (0975-8887) Volume 73- No.9, 2013. [5] V.P.S. Naidu and J.R. Raol, Pixel-level Image Fusion Using Wavelet and Principal Component Analysis, Defence Science Journal, Vol. 58, No. 3, May 2008, pp. 338-352. Sonali Mane, S. D. Sawant |
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87. | Acceptance sampling for the secretion of Gastrin using crisp and
fuzzy Weibull distribution
Acceptance sampling for the secretion of Gastrin using crisp and fuzzy Weibull distributionAbstract: The acceptance sampling plan problem is an important tool in the statistical quality control. The theory of probability distribution and fuzzy probability distribution may be used to solve it. In this paper, we compare the significant elevation of plasma concentrations of stimulatory hormone gastrin in the pancreatic secretion after the meal using acceptance sampling in the Weibull distribution with crisp and fuzzy parameter.Key words: Acceptance sampling, Fuzzy Weibull distributions, gastrin, Weibull distributions Reference [1] B. Epstein, Truncated life tests in the exponential case, Annals of Mathematical Statistics, vol. 25, 1954, 555–564. [2] H. P. Goode and J. H. K. Kao, Sampling plans based on the Weibull distribution, in Proceedings of the 7th National Syposiumon Reliability and Qualilty Control, (Philadelphia, Pa, USA, 1961) 24 – 40. [3] S. S. Gupta and P. A. Groll, Gamma distribution in acceptance sampling based on life tests, Journal of the American StatisticalAssociation, vol. 56, 1961, 942 – 970. [4] S. S. Gupta, Life test sampling plans for normal and lognormal distribution, Technometrics, vol. 4, 1962,. 151 – 175. [5] R. R. L. Kantam and K. Rosaiah, Half Logistic distribution in acceptance sampling based on life tests, IAPQR Transactions, vol. 23, no. 2, 1998, 117 – 125. A. Venkatesh and G. Subramani |
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88. | Impact and remedial strategy of Fluoride in Ground Water – A Review
Impact and remedial strategy of Fluoride in Ground Water – A ReviewAbstract: According to WHO report 20% of the fluoride-affected villages in the whole world are in India, viz 33,231 villages are affected by fluoride in the country. Drinking water with excessive concentration of fluoride causes fluorosis which progresses gradually and becomes a crippling malady in the long run. It affects people of all age group, rich, rural, and urban population. It has attained a very alarming dimension. Rajasthan suffers both the problems of quantity and quality of water. In most part of the state groundwater is either saline or having high nitrates and fluoride content. Obviously, groundwater is the major source of drinking water and over 94% of the drinking water demand is met by groundwater. Fluoride concentrations beyond the standards cause dental and skeletal fluorosis. Fluoride toxicity can also cause non-skeletal diseases like aches and pain in the joints, non-ulcer dyspepsia, Polyurea and polydipsia, muscle weakness, fatigue, anemia with very low hemoglobin levels, etc besides other reasons. Many researchers have used various types of inexpensive and effective adsorption medium like clays, solid industrial wastes such as red mud, spent bleaching earths, spent catalysts and fly ash, activated alumina, carbonaceous materials, bone charcoal, natural and synthetic zeolites, etc. for the treatment of fluoride contamination. This paper presents a review, which focuses on the sources of fluoride in ground water, its impacts on health and different control measures.Key words: Groundwater, Fluoride, Dental Fluorosis, Skeletal Fluorosis. Reference [1] WHO, Environmental Health Criteria for Fluorine and Fluorides., Geneva, 1984,1-136. [2] Murutu, C., Onyango, M.S., Ochieng, A. and Otieno, F.A., Fluoride removal performance of phosphoric acid treated lime: Breakthrough analysis and point-of-use system performance, Water SA, 2012,38 (2), 279-286. [3] WHO (World Health Organization), Guidelines for Drinking-Water Quality: Incorporating First Addendum to Third Edition. World Health Organization, Geneva. 2006,375 p. [4] Misra, A.K. and Mishra, A., Study of quaternary aquifers in Ganga Plain, India: Focus on groundwater salinity, fluoride and fluorosis. J. Hazardous Mater. 2007,144, 438-448. [5] Meenakshi, R.C., Garg, V.K., Kavita, Renuka and Malik, A., Groundwater quality in some villages of Haryana, India: focus on fluoride and fluorosis. J. Hazardous Mater. 2004,106, 85-97. Bhagwan yadav, Abha Garg |
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89. | Expected Time To Recruitment In A Two Grade Manpower System
Expected Time To Recruitment In A Two Grade Manpower SystemAbstract: In this paper a two graded organization is considered in which depletion of manpower occurs due to its policy decisions. Three mathematical models are constructed by assuming the loss of man-hours and the inter-decision times form an order statistics. Mean and variance of time to recruitment are obtained using an univariate recruitment policy based on shock model approach and the analytical results are numerically illustrated by assuming different distributions for the thresholds. The influence of the nodal parameters on the system characteristics is studied and relevant conclusions are presented.Key words: Man power planning, Univariate recruitment policy, Mean and variance of the time for recruitment, Order statistics, Shock model. Reference [1] Barthlomew.D.J, and Forbes.A.F, Statitical techniques for man power planning, JohnWiley&Sons,(1979). [2] Grinold.R.C, and Marshall.K.J,Man Power Planning, NorthHolland,Newyork (1977). [3] Sridharan.J, Parameswari.K and Srinivasan.A, A stochastic model on time torecruitment in a two grade manpower system based on order statistics, International Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Engineering Applications 6(5) (2012):23-30. [4] Sridharan.J, Parameswari.K and Srinivasan.A, A stochastic model on time to recruitment in a two grade manpower system involving exdended exponential threshold based on order statistics, Bessel Journal of Mathematics3(1) (2013):39-49. [5] Sridharan.J, Parameswari.K and Srinivasan.A, A stochastic model on time to recruitment in a two grade manpower system involving exdended exponential and exponential threshold based on order statistics, Archimedes Journal of Mathematics3(1) (2013):41-50 J.SRIDHARAN, K.PARAMESWARI, A.SRINIVASAN |
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90. | Investigation of Web Mining Optimization Using Microbial Genetic Algorithm
Investigation of Web Mining Optimization Using Microbial Genetic AlgorithmAbstract: In today's modern internet era peopleneed searching on the web and finding relevant information on the web to be efficient and fast. But traditional search engines like Google suppose to be more intelligent, still use the traditional crawling algorithms to find data relevant to the search query. But most of the times it returns irrelevant data as well which becomes confusing for the user. In a normal XML data the user inputs the search query in terms of a keyword or a question and the answer to the search query should be more precise and more relevant. So, using the traditional crawling algorithms over XML data would lead to irrelevant results. Genetic algorithms are the modern algorithms which replicates the Darwinian theory of the natural evolution. The genetic algorithms are best suited for the traditional search problem as the genetic algorithms always tend to return quality as solution for any domain data. It would be a good approach to investigate how the genetic algorithms would be suitable for the search over the XML data of different domains. So, this system implements a steady state tournament selection Microbial Genetic Algorithm over the XML data of the different domains. This would be an investigation of how the genetic algorithm would return accurate results over XML data of different domains.Key words: XML data, Genetic Algorithm, Darwinian Theory, natural evolution. Reference [1] J. Feng, And Li, G., "Efficient Fuzzy Type-Ahead Search in XML Data," Proc. of IEEETransactions on Knowledge And Data Engineering, Vol. 24 No. 5, pp. 882-895, 2012. [2] S. Cohen, J. Mamou, Y. Kanza, and Y. Sagiv, "XSEarch: A semantic search engine for XML,"Proc. Int'l Conf. Very Large Data Bases (VLDB), pp. 45-56, 2003. [3] L. Guo, F. Shao, C. Botev, and J. Shanmugasundaram, "XRANK:ranked keyword search over XML documents," Proc. ACM SIGMOD, Int'l Conf. Management of Data, pp. 16-27, 2003. [4] Y. Xu and Y. Papakonstantinou, "Efficient keyword search for smallest LCAs in XML databases," in SIGMOD, 2005, pp. 537–538. [5] G. Li, J. Feng, and L. Zhou, "Interactive Search in Xml Data," Proc. Int'l Conf. World Wide Web (WWW), pp. 1063-1064, 2009. Dipali Tungar, Prof. Amol D. Potgantwar |
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91. | Corrosion in Electronic Devices and Sensors to Prevent Corrosion
Corrosion in Electronic Devices and Sensors to Prevent CorrosionAbstract: Many types of metal and alloys are used in various electronic devices and components like computers, microchips, printed circuit board (PCB), integrated circuits, transistors, and diodes etc. Such components have variety of applications in the field of medical, aerospace, automotive sectors, telecommunication and defense. These components are exposed to different types of environments. The increased used of electronics has also increased the demand for reliability. The size of electronic equipment is also very significant parameter and it has been decreasing presently at a faster rate. The smaller size of equipment has undetectable failures. Though the corrosion taking place in electronic components is generally of micro level which can not be detected easily but the services of device are seized. The paper deals with the various types of corrosion in electronic components as a case study and an approach towards development of some sensor for corrosion monitoring.Reference [1] J. Darke, C. beck and R. Libby, Journal of Materials Engg. And Performance, vol. 5, 1, 1996. [2] M. Judd and K Brindy, Soldering in electronics assembly, 1992,! SBN 0-7505-0589-8 [3] Frankenthal RP, Siconolfi DJ. An AES study of the oxidation of a 97Pb - 3Sn alloy. Corros Sci 1981; 21: 479-86. [4] Randy Schucller, SMTA International Proceedings, Orlando, FL, 2007 [5] Chan C. M., Tong, K. H., Kwork, R. W. M., Circuit world, 32, 3, 2006. [6] Etiene Monglia, analog Device, Inc., Power Line, June, 58-60, 2004. Siddharth Dev |
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92. | Detection of Static Obstacles for Railways
Detection of Static Obstacles for RailwaysAbstract: In the current railway systems, it has become a necessity to have safety measures in order to avoid accidents. One of the major causes that can lead to serious accidents is the existence of obstacles on the railway tracks. This paper presents an intelligent system which is based on image processing. Video surveillance is used to take snapshots at regular intervals which are compared for change detection. The obstacle is detected based on the analysis performed on the output of this comparison. This system is expected to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of the Safety management system for railways to a great extent.Reference [1] I.Haritaoglu, R. Cutler, D. Harwood and L. S. Davis: Backpack: Detection of people carrying objects using silhouette in: International Conference on Computer Vision (1999) pp. 102–107. [2] J. Heikkila and O.Silven: A real-time system for monitoring o f cyclists and pedestrians in: Second IEEE W o r k s h o p on Visual Surveillance Fort Collins, Colorado ( Jun.1999) pp. 74–81. [3]Massimo Piccardi :"Background subtraction techniques: a review" 2004 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics [4]Rupali.S.Rabikke,Bharti.D.Patil:"Background Subtraction Algorithm Based Human Motion Detection: International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2013 1 ISSN 2250-3153 [5] Marwa abdel Azeem Marzouk: "Modified Background subtraction Algorithm for motion detection in surveillance systems": AMARABAC, Journal of American Arabic Academy for Sciences and Technology" Swati Dilip Bhondwe, Padmashree M Sanath Jain, Mitali Gulab Gore, Shreya Vikas Shirodkar, Prachi Kshirsagar |
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93. | Optical Character Recognition for Isolated Offline Handwritten Devanagari Numerals Using Wavelets
Optical Character Recognition for Isolated Offline Handwritten Devanagari Numerals Using WaveletsAbstract: This paper presents a method of recognition of isolated offline handwritten Devanagari numerals using wavelets and neural network classifier. This method of optical character recognition takes the handwritten numeral image as input. After pre-processing, it is subjected to single level wavelet decomposition using Daubechies-4 wavelet filter. This wavelet decomposition allows viewing the input numeral at multiple resolutions. The Low-Low band components are used as inputs to multilayer perceptron (MLP) classifier. The feed forward back propagation algorithm is used for classification of the input numeral.Key words: back propagation algorithm, classifier, multiple resolution, multilayer perceptron, optical character recognition, pattern recognition, pre-processing, wavelet decomposition Reference [1] G S Lehal, Nivedan Bhatt, "A Recognition System for Devnagri and English Handwritten Numerals", Proceedings Of ICMI, 2000, (Third International Conference on Advances in Multimodal Interfaces), Beijing, China, October 14-16, 2000, pp.442-449. [2] Reena Bajaj, Lipika Day, Santanu Chaudhari, "Devanagari Numeral Recognition by Combining Decision of Multiple Connectionist Classifiers", Sadhana, vol.27, Part-I, 59-72, 2002. [3] R.J. Ramteke, S.C. Mehrotra "Feature extraction based on Invariants Moment for handwritten Recognition", Proc. of 2nd IEEE Int. Conf. On Cybernetics Intelligent System (CIS2006), pp. 1-6, Bangkok, June 2006, [4] U. Bhattacharya, S. K. Parui, B. Shaw and K. Bhattacharya, Neural Combination of ANN and HMM for Handwritten Devanagari Numeral Recognition, Proceedings of the 10th IWFHR, pp. 613-618, La Baule, France, 2006. [5] Shunji Mori, Ching Y. Suen, Kazuhiko Yamamoto, "Historical review of OCR research and development," Proceedings of the IEEE, vol 80, No.7, pp. 1029-1058, July 1992. Gaurav Y. Tawde |
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94. | New Approach to Low-Power & Leakage Current Reduction Technique for CMOS Circuit Design
New Approach to Low-Power & Leakage Current Reduction Technique for CMOS Circuit DesignAbstract: Leakage power dissipation has become major portion of total power consumption in the integrated device and is expected to grow exponentially in the next decade as per International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (IRTS). This directly affects the battery operated devices as it has long idle times. Thus by scaling down the threshold voltage has tremendously increased the sub threshold leakage current thereby making the static power dissipation very high. To overcome this problem several techniques has been proposed to overcome this high leakage power dissipation. A comprehensive survey and analysis of various leakage power minimization techniques is presented in this paper. Of the available techniques, eight techniques are considered for the analysis namely, Multi Threshold CMOS (MTCMOS), Super Cut-off CMOS (SCCMOS), Forced Transistor Stacking (FTS) and Sleepy Stack (SS), Sleepy keeper (SK), Dual Stack (OS), and LECTOR. From the results, it is observed that Lector techniques produces lower power dissipation than the other techniques due to the ability of power gating.Key words: Sub-threshold leakage current, Threshold voltage, Transistor stacking, Low power, Deep submicron. Reference [1] J.C. Park and V. J. Mooney III, "Sleepy stack leakage reduction," IEEETrans. VLSI Systems, vol. 14, no. 11, pp. 1250-1263, Nov. 2006 [2] S. Mutoh, T. Douseki, Y. Matsuya, T. Aoki, S. Shigemitsu, and J. Yamada,\1-V Power Supply High-Speed Digital Circuit Technology with Multi-Threshold Voltage CMOS," IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 30, No. 8, pp. 847{854, 1995}. [3] S. Mutoh, S. Shigematsu, Y. Matsuya, H. Fukuda, T. Kaneko, and J. Yamada, \A 1-V multi-threshold-voltage CMOS digital signal processor for mobile phone applications," IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, pp. 1795{1802, 1996.} [4] A. Chandrakasan, I. Yang, C. Vieri, and D. Antoniadis, \Design Considerations and Tools for Low-Voltage Digital System Design," In Proceedings of the 33rd Design Automation Conference, pp. 113{118, 1996}. [5] J. Kao, A. Chandrakasan, and D. Antoniadis, \Transistor Sizing Issues and Tools for Multi-threshold CMOS Technology," In Proceedings of the 34th Design Automation Conference, pp. 409{414, Las Vegas, Nevada, 1997}. Sujata Prajapati , Prof. M. Zahid Alam, Dr. Rita Jain |
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95. | Pruning on Fuzzy Min-Max Neural Networks
Pruning on Fuzzy Min-Max Neural NetworksAbstract: This paper works on fuzzy min-max classifier neural network implementation. Fuzzy min-max classifier creates hyperboxes for classification. Each fuzzy set hyperbox is an n-dimensional pattern space defined by a min point and max point with a corresponding membership function. The fuzzy min-max algorithm is used to determine the min-max points of the hyperbox. The use of a fuzzy set approach to pattern classification inherently provides degree of membership information that is extremely useful in higher level decision making. A confidence factor is calculated for every FMM hyperbox, and a threshold value defined by user is used to prune the hyperboxes with low confidence factors. This will describe the relationships between fuzzy sets and pattern classification.Key words: Fuzzy min–max neural network, Hyperbox, Membership function, Pattern classification, Pruning Reference [1] P. Simpson, "Fuzzy min–max neural networks-Part 1: Classification," IEEE Trans. Neural Networks, Vol. 3,No. 5, September 1992. [2] J. Bezdek, S. Chuah, and D. Leep, "Generalized k-nearest neighbor rules," Fuzzy Sets and Systems, vol. 18, pp. 237-256, 1986.. [3] L. Zadeh , "Fuzzy Sets," Inform. and control,vol.8,pp.338-353,1965. [4] P. Simpson, "Fuzzy min–max classification with neural networks," Heuristics, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 1-9, 1991. [5] P. Simpson, "Fuzzy min–max neural networks," in Proc. 1991 Int.Joint Conf. Neural Networks (Singapore). [6] P. Simpson, "Fuzzy min–max neural networks-Part 2: Clustering," submitted to IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Syst. Sanchita Rothe, Shruti Shete, Rachana Varyani, Sukanya Mulay |
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96. | Hiding Sensitive items using MDSRRC to Maintain Privacy in Database
Hiding Sensitive items using MDSRRC to Maintain Privacy in DatabaseAbstract: This paper focuses on the research in hiding sensitive association rules to maintain privacy and data quality in database. In this paper we have proposed heuristic based algorithm named MDSRRC (Modified Decrease Support of R.H.S. item of Rule Clusters) to hide the sensitive association rules with multiple items in consequent (R.H.S) and antecedent (L.H.S). The algorithm selects the items and transactions based on certain criteria which modify transactions to hide the sensitive information. Our evaluation shows that the proposed technique is highly valuable and maintains dataset quality.Key words: Association rules, Privacy preserving data mining (PPDM), MDSRRC Reference [1] Nikunj H. Domadiya and Udai Pratap Rao, "Hiding Sensitive Association Rules to Maintain Privacy and Data Quality in Database"3rd IEEE International Advance Computing Conference (IACC) 2013. [2] V. S. Verykios, A. K. Elmagarmid, E. Bertino, Y. Saygin, and E. Dasseni, "Association rule hiding," IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, vol. 16, pp. 434–447, 2004. [3] C. N. Modi, U. P. Rao, and D. R. Patel, "Maintaining privacy and data quality in privacy preserving association rule mining," 2010 Second International conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies, pp. 1–6, Jul. 2010. [4] J. Han, Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques. San Francisco, CA, USA: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc., 2005. [5] Y.-H. Wu, C.-M. Chiang, and A. L. Chen, "Hiding sensitive association rules with limited side effects," IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, vol. 19, pp. 29–42, 2007. Pratiksha Sapkal, Minakshi Panchal, Manisha Pol, Madhumita Mane |
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97. | High Efficiency Interleaved Active Clamped Dc-Dc Converter with Fuel Cell for High Voltage Applications
High Efficiency Interleaved Active Clamped Dc-Dc Converter with Fuel Cell for High Voltage ApplicationsAbstract: A high efficiency interleaved ZVS active clamped current fed dc-dc converter is proposed in this paper specially used for fuel cell applications. As the fuel cell output is very low we are in need of a step up dc-dc converter. Here a current fed dc-dc converter is used. Two current fed dc-dc converters are interleaved by connecting their inputs in parallel and outputs in series. With this proposed methodology input current ripples in the fuel cell stacks can be reduced and a regulated output voltage ripples can be obtained. The active clamping circuit used in this model absorbs the turn off voltage spikes hence low voltage devices with low on state resistance can be used.Voltage doubler circuits will give double the output voltage than normal with smaller transformer turns ratio and flexibility. The proposed method is simulated in MATLAB for verifying the accuracy of the proposed design.Key words: Current fed dc-dc converter, Fuel cell, Interleaving, Active clamp circuit, Zero voltage switching (ZVS) Reference [1] Shih Jen Cheng, Yu Kang Lo "High efficiency digital controlled interleaved power converter for high power PEM Fuel cell Applications" "IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 60, no. 2, pp. 826–834, Feb. 2013. [2] Prasanna U.R, Akshay.k.Rathore "Extended range ZVS active clamped current fed dc/dc converter for fuel cell applications""IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 60, no. 7, pp. 896–534, july 2013 [3] Xin Kong, Ashwin M Khambadkone "Analysis and implementation of a High Efficiency Interleaved Current Fed Full Bridge Converter for Fuel cell System" "IEEE Trans. Power Electronics., vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 896–534, mar 2007 [4] S. Lee, J. Park, and S. Choi, "A three-phase current-fed push–pull dc–dc converter with active clamp for fuel cell applications," IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 26, no. 8, pp. 2266–2277, Aug. 2011. [5] B. Yuan, X. Yang, X. Zeng, J. Duan, J. Zhai, and D. Li, "Analysis and design of a high step-up current-fed multiresonant dc–dc converter with low circulating energy and zero-current switching for all active switches,"IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 59, no. 2, pp. 826–834, Mar. 2012. Sona P, Sheela Joseph, Elizebath Paul |
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98. | Implementation of Inverter with Flexible Voltage Control for A DC Line in a System
Implementation of Inverter with Flexible Voltage Control for A DC Line in a SystemAbstract: Due to raising demands in electric power it becomes more important to use the available energy sources efficiently and along with them the distributed generation comes into picture which means collection of energy from many small sources say RES. For distribute generation (DG) systems a challenging issue is to smartly integrate renewable-energy sources into the grid as it leads to power quality problems under fault conditions. Another approach for meeting the power demand is to implement TEP .This work proposes an method which uses a control algorithm for inverters for providing a flexible voltage control using reference current generation under grid faults. The controlled inverter designed is used for inversion processes at the receiving end in a HVDC line. A system with three sources is considered, their performances if the three lines connecting three sources are AC lines and if one line is replaced with a DC line is studied.Key words: Distributed Generation, High Voltage DC Transmission, Renewable energy sources, Transmission Expansion Planning. Reference [1] K. R. Padiyar, HVDC Power Transmission. New York: Wiley, 1990 [2] P. Kundur, Power System Stability and Control. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1994. [3] Azim Lotfjou, Yong Fu, Mohammad Shahidehpour, "Hybrid AC\DC Transmission Expansion Planning‖,vol 27.No 3,July 2012,1620. [4] Antonio Camacho,Miguel Castilla,Jaume Miret,Juanc.Vasquez, ―Flexible voltage [5] support control for Three Phase Distributed Generation Inverter Under Grid fault‖,Vol 60 No 4,April 2013,1429. M. Mohanraj, R. Lalitha |
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99. | The Design and Performance Analysis of Refrigeration System Using R12 & R134a Refrigerants
The Design and Performance Analysis of Refrigeration System Using R12 & R134a RefrigerantsAbstract: The design and performance analysis of refrigeration system using R12 & R134a refrigerants are presented in this report. The design calculations of the suitable and necessary refrigerator equipment and their results are also reported here. CFC-12 is the most widely used refrigerant. It serves both in residential and commercial applications, from small window units to large water chillers, and everything in between. Its particular combination of efficiency, capacity and pressure has made it a popular choice for equipment designers. Nevertheless, it does have some ODP, so international law set forth in the Montreal Protocol has put CFC-12 on a phase out schedule.HFC-134a has been established as a drop-in alternative for CFC-12 in the industry due to their zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) and similarities in thermodynamic properties and performance. However, when a system is charged with a HFC-134a compressor oil has to be changed.Not enough research has been done to cover all aspects of alternative refrigerants applications in the systems. This project intended to explore behavior of this alternative refrigerants compare to CFC-12 and challenges the industry is facing in design, operation services and maintenance of these equipments.The purpose of this project is to investigate behavior of R134a refrigerant. This includes performance and efficiency variations when it replaces R12 in an existing system as well as changes involved in maintaining the system charged with R134a. This project is intended to address challenges faced in the real world and some practical issues. Theoretical and experimental approaches used as a methodology in this work.Key words: alternate refrigirents, evaporator, HCFCs, ODP, GWP. Reference [1] S.B. Riffat (2007), " Comparision of R134a and R12 refrigerants in a vapour compression system", proceedings of the International Journal of Energy Research, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, U.K, vol .17, pages 439-442. [2] N.J.Shanland (1989), " Thermo physical properties of 1,1,1,2 – tetra fluoro ethane (R134a)", proceedings of the International Journal of Thermophysics, Netherlands, vol .10, No.3, PP 591-603. [3] C.Aprea (2001), Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Salerno, Italy. [4] Molina M.J and Rowlands (1974), " Stratospheric sink for chlorofluoro methanes, chlorine atom catalysed destruction of ozone", vol.249, PP 808-812. [5] Parmer .A.S (1995), " Performance fo hydrocarbon refrigerants in motor car air-conditioning", B.E.thesis, School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, The University of New South Wales, Sydney. K. Nagalakshmi, G. Marurhiprasad Yadav |
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100. | Design and Implementation proposed encryption and Hiding Secure Image In an Image
Design and Implementation proposed encryption and Hiding Secure Image In an ImageAbstract: Steganographyand cryptography are two general methods of transfer vital information in a top-secret method. When we hide the secure image the malicious want to distort this secure image itself. Therefore, the cryptography techniques used must be one of the most powerful techniques.Also cryptography and Steganography are the two major techniques for secret communication. The contents of secret message are scrambled in cryptography, where as in steganography the secret message is embedded into the cover medium.This paper presentshybrid method of cryptography which combined two nonlinear feedbacks register in one non-linear function to produce a strong cryptography technique. The cryptography method is working on the image resulted from the DWT which, used the orthogonal filter.In steganography part we have used most significant method to hide the secret true image into true image. To evaluate our system number of measurements used such as Mean Square Error, Normalized Cross Correlation, Average Difference, Structural Content,peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR)have been computed between the cover and stego image.Finally histogram plot of cover image, stego image, secret ciphered images have been plotted.Key words: steganography, cryptography, orthogonal filter, cipher, decipher Reference [1] Menezes, Alfred , Paul C van Oorschot ,Scott A. Vanstone, ― Handbook of Applied Cryptography. CRC Press‖, October 1996 , ISBN 0-8493-8523-7. [2] William Stallings, ―Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and practices‖, Pearson education, Third Edition, ISBN 81-7808-902-5. [3] N. Provos and P. Honeyman, ―Hide and seek: An introduction to steganography,‖ IEEE Security and Privacy Mag.‖, 2003, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 32–44,. [4] Westfeld, A., and G. Wolf, Steganography in a Video conferencing system, in proceedings of the second international workshop on information hiding, vol. 1525 of lecture notes in computer science, Springer, 1998. Pp. 32-47. [5] Ms.G.S.Sravanthi, Mrs.B.SunithaDevi,S.M.Riyazoddin&M.Janga Reddy, "A Spatial Domain Image Steganography Technique Based onPlane Bit Substitution Method",Global Journals Inc. (USA),Volume 12 Issue 15 Version 1.0 Year 2012. Asst. Prof. Dr.Bahejak.Shukur, Alaaldeen Abbas Abdulhassan, Mohammed Hussein Jawad |
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101. | Password Guessing Resistant Protocol
Password Guessing Resistant ProtocolAbstract: Attacks on passwords are increasing day by day. Brute force attack and dictionary attacks are the well known attacks. Automated Turing Test is effective approach to minimize such attacks and identify malicious logins. But sometimes it may create inconvenience to the authorized user as the user always has to cross or go through the ATTs. So to avoid such inconvenience, a new technique called Password Guessing Resistant Protocol (PGRP) is introduced. It overcomes the drawbacks of existing protocols like Pinkas and Sander. PGRP limit the total number of login attempts from unknown source IP address as low as three attempts and the user can make five failed login from the known and frequently used system. CAPTCHA, used is text based, logical and can also be image based. This could make the password guessing more difficult by the automated programs. Multiple ATTs are used to increase the security.Key words: online attack, dictionary attack, brute force attack, ATTs, online password guessing attack. Reference [1] Y. He and Z. Han, "User Authentication with Provable Security against Online Dictionary Attacks", J.Networks, vol. 4, no. 3,pp. 200-207/May 2009.> [2] M. Motoyama, K. Levchenko, C. Kanich, D. Mccoy, G.M. Voelker, and S. Savage, "Re: CAPTCHAs Understanding CAPTCHA- Solving Services in an Economic Context", Proc. USENIX Security Symp., Aug. 2010. > [3] E. Bursztein, S. Bethard, J.C. Mitchell, D. Jurafsky, and C. Fabry, "How Good Are Humans at Solving CAPTCHAs? A Large Scale Evaluation", Proc. IEEE Symp. Security and Privacy May 2010.> [4] B. Pinkas and T. Sander, "Securing Passwords against Dictionary Attacks", Proc. ACM Conf. Computer and Comm. Security (CCS 02), pp. 161-170, Nov. 2002.> [5] Martin Casado and Michael J. Freedman, "Peering Through the Shroud: The Effect of Edge Opacity on IP-Based Client Identification", Stanford University. Arya Kumar, A. K. Gupta |
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102. | Analysis of process parametersin electro-discharge machining of Tungsten carbideby using taguchi
Analysis of process parametersin electro-discharge machining of Tungsten carbideby using taguchiAbstract: In this paper, tries have been made optimize process parameters in Electro-Discharge Machining (EDM) of tungsten carbide (WC/CO) using copper electrodes to development machining mode based on taguchi techniques. Four independent input parameters discharge current (Amp), pulse-on time (μs), duty cycle (%), and gap voltage (Volt) were selected to assess the EDM process performance in terms of material removal rate (MRR: g/min) has been used to design and examine the experiments. For each process response, a suitable second order decline equation was set up applying analysis of variance (ANOVA) and student t-test procedure to check modeling goodness of fit and select proper forms of influentially significant process variables (main, two-way interaction). The MRR increases by selecting higher discharge current and higher duty cycle which capitals providing greater amounts of discharge energy inside gap region. In this paper we conduct the experiment on maximum possible combination of process parameter (Discharge current, Pulse-on time, Duty cycle,Gap voltage) developed by taguchi method and find a set of optimal input parameters with maximum nearby MRR during ED Machining of WC/Co(tungsten carbide-cobalt composite) material.Key words: Electro-Discharge Machining (EDM); Design of Experiments (DOE); taguchi, Anova, Reference [1] A review on the conventional and micro-electro discharge machining of tungsten carbide M.P. Jahana,n, M.Rahman b, Y.S.WongbInternational Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 51 (2011) 837–858 [2] Phillip Koshy, V.K. Jain, and G.K.Lal, experimental investigations into electrical discharge machining with a rotating disk electrode, January1993, Vol 15 no 1. [3] VineetSrivastava, Pulak M. Pandey, Effect of process parameters on the performance of EDM process with ultrasonic assisted cryogenically cooled electrode, Journal of Manufacturing Process 14(2012) 393-402. [4] NorlianaMohd Abbas, NoriahYusoff, RohidatunMahmod@Wahab, International Symposium on Robotics and Intelligent Sensors 2012(IRIS2012) [5] D.Y. Yang, F.G. Cao, J.Y. Liu, L.G. Yang, K.Zhang, Y.F. Zhu, The Seventheenth CIRP Conference on Electro Physical and Chemical Machining( ISEM), Procedia CIRP 6 (2013) 193- 199. Nonihal Singh Dhakry, Prof. Ajay Bangar, Gaurav Bhadauria |
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103. | Resistance of different materials used in sewers systems:Polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polypropylene (PP) and High density polyethylene (HDPE), to sulfuric acid and sodium sulfate attack
Resistance of different materials used in sewers systems:Polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polypropylene (PP) and High density polyethylene (HDPE), to sulfuric acid and sodium sulfate attackAbstract: The behaviour of PVC, PP and HDPE used in sewer systems exposed to acid and sulfate solutions was investigated at 25°C and 40°C. Gravimetric characterization proves that PVC has a fickian behavior. It shows also, that PP has a non-fickian behavior, characterized by a rapid acceleration of water absorption, and the HDPE has a fickian behavior at 25°C, while it has a non-fickian behavior at 40°C, characterized by a weight loss after a certain aging period. The prolongation of the time of exposure to sulfuric acid solution leads to a progressive increase in tensile strength followed by a slight decrease at 40°C. The unaged samples of all materials have a much lower tensile strength than those of the aged samples, and a drop in elongation at break could be observed. These results can be explained by the increase of crystallinity, followed by the increase of crosslinking density due to the diffusion of the solvent and the effect of the temperature as the exposure time increases. These results prove that there is a correlation between the diffusion of the solvent as well as the increased exposure time and temperature on the mechanical properties of polymer.Key words: Mechanical properties, HDPE, PP, PVC, sodium sulfate, sulfuric acid, water absorption. Reference [1] I. Mouallif, A. Latrach, M. Chergui, A. Benali, and N. Barbe, FTIR study of HDPE structural changes, moisture absorption and mechanical properties variation when exposed to sulphuric acid aging in various temperatures, IRevues.INIST - CNRS France, Maison de la Mécanique, CFM2011, 2011, 824. [2] I. Mouallif, A. Latrach, M. Chergui, A. Benali, M. Elghorba, N. Barbe, and B. Barradi, Mechanical, morphological and microstructure evaluation of HDPE when exposed to sulfuric acid agin in various temperatures, Proc. VIIèmes Journées d'Etudes Techniques (JET 2012), Marrakech, Morocco, 2012, 162. [3] I. Mouallif, S. Lasfar, A. Latrach, M. Chergui, A. Benali, M. Elghorba, and N. Barbe, Etude microstructurale du polyester renforcé par des fibres de verre exposé dans la solution d'H2SO4, Proc. 4ième Congrès Algérien de Mécanique (CAM), Mascara, Algeria, 2013, 228. [4] I. Mouallif, A. Latrach, M. Chergui, A. Benali, M. Elghorba, and N. Barbe, Effet du vieillissement sulfatique sur les propriétés hygrothermiques et mécaniques des composites polyester/fibre de verre, ScienceLib Editions Mersenne, Vol 5, 2013, N°130116, ISSN 2111-4706. [5] I. Mouallif, A. Latrach, M. Chergui, A. Benali, M. Elghorba, Z. Mouallif, J.-P. Hangouët, and N. Barbe, Degradation of dynamic mechanical properties of glass fiber reinforced polyester composites pipes after immersion in various temperatures, Journal of Composite Materials, 2013, DOI: 10.1177/0021998313504605. LASFAR Sara, MOUALLIF Ilias, LATRACH Abdelkhalek, CHERGUI M'Hamed, CHOUKIR Abdellah, DIAB Ahmed |
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104. | General Fault Admittance Method Line-To-Line-To-Ground Faults In Reference And Odd Phases
General Fault Admittance Method Line-To-Line-To-Ground Faults In Reference And Odd PhasesAbstract: Line-to-line-to-ground faults are usually analysed using connection of symmetrical component networks at the fault point. As a first step, a reference phase is chosen which results in the simplest connection of the symmetrical component sequence networks for the fault. The simplest connection of symmetrical component sequence networks is a parallel one of the positive, negative and zero sequence networks when phase a of an abc phase sequence is the reference phase and the fault is taken to be between the b and c phases and ground. Putting the fault on an odd phase, say between the a and c phases and ground results in a parallel connection of the positive, negative and zero sequence networks that involve phase shifts, and the solution is more demanding. In practice, the results for the line-to-line-to-ground fault for the reference phase a may be translated to a fault on odd phases by appropriate substitution of phases. In this approach, the solution proceeds by assuming that the fault is in phases b and c and ground and that the symmetrical sequence networks are connected in parallel. The solution of the fault on b and c phases and ground is then translated to apply to the fault on odd phases, say either between phases c and a and ground or between phases a and b and ground. Alternatively, the parallel connection of the sequence networks at the fault point for the odd phases fault is solved for the symmetrical component currents and voltages. These are then used to determine the symmetrical component voltages at the other busbars and hence the symmetrical component currents in the rest of the system. The connection of the sequence networks must be known for the common fault types. In contrast, a solution by the general method of fault admittance matrix does not require prior knowledge of how the sequence networks are connected. A fault may be on any two phases, the double line-to-ground fault on the reference phase or on odd phases, and a solution is obtained for the particular fault. It is therefore more versatile than the classical methods since it does not depend on prior knowledge of how the sequence networks are connected. The paper presents solutions for line-to-line-to-ground faults on the reference and on odd phases of a simple power system containing a deltaearthed- star connected transformer. The results, which include the effects of the delta-earthed-star connected transformer, show that the general fault admittance method solves line-to-line-to-ground faults on odd phases.Key words: Line to line to ground fault on odd phases, Unbalanced faults analysis, Fault admittance matrix, Delta-earthed-star transformer Reference [1] Sakala J.D., Daka J.S.J., General Fault Admittance Method Solution of a Line-to- Line-to-Ground Fault, Australian Journal of Basic and Applies Sciences, Vol 7, no. 10, pp 75-85, August 2013, ISSN 1991-8178. [2] Sakala J.D., Daka J.S.J., General Fault Admittance Method Line-to-Ground Fault in Reference and Odd Phases, International Journal of Applied Science and Technology, Vol. 2 no. 9, pp 90-104, November 2012. [3] Sakala J.D., Daka J.S.J, Unbalanced Fault Analysis by the General Fault Admittance Method, Proceedings of the 10th Botswana Institution of Engineers International Biennial Conference, Gaborone, Botswana, October 2007. [4] Elgerd, O.I., Electric Energy Systems Theory, an Introduction, McGraw Hill Inc., pp 430-476, 1971. [5] Sadat, H. Power System Analysis, second edition, McGraw Hill, International Edition, pp 353-459, 2004. J.D. Sakala, J.S.J. Daka |
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105. | Determination of IMF using Hilbert–Huang Transform
Determination of IMF using Hilbert–Huang TransformAbstract: In this paper, DIS technique is presented. DIS is proposed to stably remove the unwanted shaking phenomena in the image sequences captured by cameras without the influence caused by moving object in the image or intentional motion. Local Motion Vector estimation technique is used Sum Of absolute difference (SAD) method . local motion vectors(LMV) of an image sequence are calculated . LMV of image sequence is used for DIS Technique, which is based on the Hilbert–Huang transform (HHT) is proposed. The HHT technique contain main block is empirical mode decomposition (EMD).The calculated Image sequence of an local motion vectors are processed by the HHT in order to define both signals. The real Signal is divided into a number of waveforms, called intrinsic mode functions (IMFs), using the process of empirical mode decompositionKey words: DIS,EMD,HHT,Image sequence,IMFs, LMV. Reference [1] Konstantinos Ioannidis and Ioannis Andreadis "A Digital Image Stabilization Method Based on the Hilbert–Huang Transform" IEEE Transactions On Instrumentation And Measurement, Vol. 61, No. 9, September 2012 [2] Sheng-Che Hsu, Sheng-Fu Liang, Kang-Wei Fan, and Chin-Teng Lin, Fellow, Ieee" A Robust In-Car digital Image Stabilization Technique"IEEE Transactions On Systems, Man, And Cybernetics—Part C: Applications And Reviews, Vol. 37, No. 2, March 2007 [3] Sheng-Che Hsu, Sheng-Fu Liang, and Chin-Teng Lin" A Robust Digital Image Stabilization Technique Based on Inverse Triangle Method and Background Detection" IEEE Transactions on Consumer 336 Electronics, Vol. 51, No. 2, May 2005 [4] C. Caraffi, S. Cattani, and P. Grisleri, "Off-road path and obstacle detection using decision networks and stereo vision," IEEE Trans. Intell.Transp. Syst., vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 607–618, Dec. 2007. Sonali Dhanorkar, Dr.Y.S.Angal |
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106. | Optimization of Laminated Composite Z-Section Beam
Optimization of Laminated Composite Z-Section BeamAbstract: The abstract should summarize the content of the paper. Composites are the relatively new but fast growing field where the researchers are paying their lots of attention. Ever growing market needs always better material and product which is lighter in weight but more strengthen in nature. To justify the current needs this project pays some attention to increase the performance of the composite product by means of some modern optimization techniques. The benefit of material properties and flexibility of selecting material have made composite materials a key preference for structural application. Dissimilar to isotropic materials, the parametric study of laminated composite beams for optimized design is complex due to more number of parameters concerned in designing like lay-up sequence, and layer configuration. Furthermore, the restrictions of FEA methods in designing have created a requirement for an optimum solution for analysis of laminated composite beams structure. The goal of this study focuses on the optimization of composite Z-beam for lowest deflection by a static analysis. Composite materials are extensively being used in aircraft, robotic and automotive industries where the parts are subjected to various loading situations. There is a requirement for the precise prediction of for their static response uniqueness so that they can be designed against the failure because of different types of possible static loads. Here the parameterization of composite is done and then through various parameters like number of ply, ply thickness and ply location etc. the optimization has been done to reduce the weight and other performance criteria‟s for Z-beam (thin walled composite plate).Key words: Composite, weight Optimization, static analysis, leaf spring design, FEA. Reference [1] MPetri Kere, Mikko Lyly, "a method for design optimization of laminated Composite structures involving geometric Nonlinearities", Journal of Structural Mechanics, Vol. 37, No. 2, 2004, pp. 47-60 [2] R. K. Gupta and K. P Rao, "Instability of Laminated Composite Thin-Walled Open-Section Beams", Composite Structures 4 (1985) 299-313 [3] Chandra, R., and Chopra, I., "Experimental and theoretical analysis of composites I-beams with elastic couplings", AIAA Journal Vol. 29 No.12, 1991, pp.2197–2206. CrossRef [4] Hamid Ovesy and Hassan Assaee, 2003 "Buckling Analysis of a Composite Z- Section Beam Under Longitudinal Compression Using Finite Strip Method."44thAIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/Structures. Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference 7-10 April 2003. Norfolk, Virginia. [5] Jaehong Lee and Seung-Eock Kim, "Lateral buckling analysis of thin-walled laminated channel-section beams" Composite Structures 56 (2002) 391–399 Sanjay Gupta, Ram Krishna Rathore |
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107. | Power Factor Correction and THD Minimization by Interleaved Boost Converter in Continuous Conduction Mode
Power Factor Correction and THD Minimization by Interleaved Boost Converter in Continuous Conduction ModeAbstract: The electrical energy available in the utility grid is not suitable for direct use in many applications. In particular, applications requiring DC source must involve an interface device between the AC power line and the load requiring the DC voltage. Conventional AC/DC conversion involves diode rectifiers with large capacitor to reduce DC voltage ripple. The filter capacitor reduces the ripple present in the output voltage but draws non-sinusoidal line current which reduces the power factor. So power factor correction (PFC) techniques are gaining increasing attention. The most popular topology for active PFC is boost converter as it draws continuous input current. This input current can be manipulated by average current mode control technique. But there are ripple in the input current due to inductor of boost converter which can be minimized by using two phase interleaved boost converter. Here average current mode controlled interleaved boost converter in continuous conduction mode using PI controller, is represented which provides high power factor and low THD.Key words: Average current mode control, Interleaved boost converter, PFC, PI controller, THD. Reference [1] Muhammad H. Rashid, Power Electronics Handbook (Academic Press, 2001). [2] Brad Bryant, Member, IEEE, and Marian K. Kazimierczuk, Fellow, IEEE, Modeling the Closed-Current Loop of PWM Boost DC–DC Converters Operating in CCM with Peak Current-Mode Control, IEEE Transactions on circuit and systems—I: regular papers, vol. 52, no. 11, November 2005. [3] Wa Ma, Mingyu Wang, Shuxi Liu, Shan Li, and Peng Yu, Stabilizing the Average-Current-Mode-Controlled Boost PFC Converter via Washout-Filter-Aided Method IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-II, Express Briefs, vol. 58, no. 9, September 2011. [4] Laszlo Huber, Member, IEEE, Brian T. Irving, and Milan M. Jovanovic´, Fellow, IEEE, Open-Loop Control Methods for Interleaved DCM/CCM Boundary Boost PFC Converters, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 23, no. 4, July 2008. [5] Saubhik Maulik, Prof. Pradip Kumar Saha, Prof. Goutam Kumar Panda, Power Factor Correction by Interleaved Boost Converter Using PI Controller, Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application, ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 3, Issue 5, Sep-Oct 2013, pp.918-922. Saubhik Maulik, Prof. Pradip Kumar Saha, Prof. Goutam Kumar Panda |
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108. | Diaminoalkane as Spacer Arm between Polystyrene and b-Cylodextrin in Affinity Chromatography for a-Amylase Separation
Diaminoalkane as Spacer Arm between Polystyrene and b-Cylodextrin in Affinity Chromatography for a-Amylase SeparationAbstract: Stationary phase design in affinity chromatography has to fulfill at least two requirements: non-specific interaction between solid support and or spacer arm and protein target or others is minimal and specific interaction between ligand and protein target is maximal. In this study, stationary phases that consist of polystyrene (PS) as solid support, diaminoalkane as spacer arm and with and without βCD as a ligand are performed in α-amylase separation. Therefore, the research was carried out in two steps; stationary phase preparation and adsorption parameter determination towards α-amylase. Stationary phases that consist of PS, 1,6-diaminohexane and βCD (PS–DAH–βCD) and without βCD (PS–DAH) were synthesized. Stationary phase structure was confirmed by FTIR, 13C NMR solid, 13C dan 1H NMR liquid spectroscopy. Other stationary phases, PS–DAP–βCD and PS–DAP that consist of 1,2-diaminopropane (DAP) as spacer arm was synthesized in the previous research. Dynamic α-amylase adsorption isotherm on PS–DAP and PS–DAH shows that both of them did not fix any adsorption isotherm model. The average binding capacity are 0.071 and 0.31 mg/0.1 g resin, respectively. In another hand, PS–DAP–βCD and PS–DAH–βCD fix isotherm adsorption Langmuir model and the adsorption parameters; the maximum binding capacity (qm) are 5.5 and 2.1 mg/0.1 g resin, adsorption equilibrium constant (KA) are 0.01965 and 0.01925 μL—1 and desorption rate constant (k2) are 0.201 and 0.774 mg s—1, respectively. Due to adsorption parameters, PS–DAP–βCD offer the best adsorption capacity and selectivity as stationary phase in affinity chromatography for α-amylase separation.Key words: α-Amylase, β-Cyclodextrin, Diaminoalkane, Polystyrene Reference [1] Nurachman, Z., Kono, A., Radjasa, O.K., Natalia, D (2010), Identification a Novel Raw-Starch-Degrading-α-Amylase from a Tropical Marine Bacterium, American J. Biochem. and Biotech. 6 (4): 300-306. [2] Amritkar, N., Kamat, M. and Lali, A. (2004), Expanded bed affinity purification of bacterial α-amylase and cellulase on composite substrate analogue–cellulose matrices, Process Biochem.,39, 565–570. [3] Liu, X., D., and Xu, Y. (2008), A Novel raw starch digesting α-amylase from a newly isolated Bacillus sp. YX-1: Purification and characterization, Bioresource Technology, 99, 10, 4315-4320. [4] Hashim, S., O., Delgado, O., D., Martínez, M., A., Kaul, R., Mulaa, F., J., and Mattiasson, B. (2004), Alkaline active maltohexaose-forming α-amylase from Bacillus halodurans LBK 34, Enzym and Microbial Technology, 36, 1, 139-146. [5] Lauer, I., Bonnewitz, B., Meunier, A., and Beverini, M., (2000), New approach for separating Bacillus subtilis metalloprotease and α-amylase by affinity chromatography and for purifying neutral protease by hydrophobic chromatography, Journal of Chromatography B: Biomedical Sciences and Applications, 737, 1-2, 277-284. Sri Widarti, Zeily Nurachman, Buchari, Muhammad Bachri Amran |
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109. | Performance Evaluation of Human Voice Recognition System based on MFCC feature and HMM classifier
Performance Evaluation of Human Voice Recognition System based on MFCC feature and HMM classifierAbstract: The speech processing is very exciting field in research area. The human voice recognition is one of the applications of this field. There are various techniques which are evaluated by scientist for voice recognition and available in daily use. In this paper we will design and develop MFCC (Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients) feature and HMM classifier based human recognition system, which will identify the human based on their voice input. The performance of recognition system is evaluated based on recognition rate, which is given in this paper for different data set of human voice.Key words: Voice Recognition, MFCC (Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients), HMM (Hidden Markov Model), VAD (Voice Activity Detection), LPC. Reference [1] M. Yuan, T. Lee, P. C. Ching, and Y. Zhu, "Speech recognition on DSP: Issues on computational efficiency and performance analysis," in Proc. IEEE ICCCAS, 2005. [2] B. Burchard, R. Roemer, and O. Fox, "A single chip phoneme based. HMM speech recognition system for consumer applications," IEEE Trans. Consumer Electron., vol. 46, no. 3, Aug. 2000. [3] U. C. Pazhayaveetil,"Hardware implementation of a low power speech recognition system," Ph.D. dissertation, Dept. Elect. Eng., North Car-olina State Univ., Raleigh, NC, 2007. [4] Chadawan I., Siwat S. and Thaweesak Y.," Speech Recognition using MFCC".International Conference on Computer Graphics, Simulation and Modeling (ICGSM'2012)July 28-29, 2012 Pattaya (Thailand) [5] W. Han, K. Hon, Ch. Chan, T. Lee, Ch. Choy, K. Pun, and P. C. Ching, "An HMM-based speech recognition IC," in Proc. IEEE ISCAS, 2003, Mr. Anand Mantri, Mr. Mukesh Tiwari, Mr. Jaikaran Singh |
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110. | TDBLMS based Adaptive Filter for Color Image Noise Abolition
TDBLMS based Adaptive Filter for Color Image Noise AbolitionAbstract: The image noise abolition is still an interesting field in research due to the dynamic nature of images in special domain. To separate out the noise behavior from color image several approaches has been identified adaptive filter which is extension of LMS filter is one of them to achieve higher signal to noise ratio. In this paper, an adaptive filter with two dimensional block processing for color image noise abolition is proposed. Simulations for different block size (2x2, 4x4, 16x16 and 32x32) are performed to signify the approach. The simulation results show that approach performs well.Key words: adaptive algorithm, block processing, least mean square approximation, noise abolition and PSNR. Reference [1] S. Haykin, Adaptive Filter Theory, 4th ed Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 2001. [2] B. Widrow, J. McCool, M. Larimore, and C. Johnson, "Stationary and nonstationary learning characteristics of the LMS adaptive filter", IEEE Proc., vol. 64, pp. 1151-1162, Aug. 1976. [3] N. A. M. Verhoeckx et aI., "Digital echo cancellation for baseband data transmission", IEEE Trans. Acoust., Speech, Signal Processing, vol. ASSP-27, pp. 768-781, Dec. 1979. [4] B. Widrow et aI., "Adaptive noise cancelling Principles and applications", IEEE Proc., vol. 63, pp. 1692-1716, Dec. 1975. [5] B. Friedlander, "System identification techniques for adaptive noise canceling", IEEE Trans. Acoust., Speech, Signal Processing, vol. ASSP-30, pp. 699-709, Oct. 1982. Mr. Rahul tiwari, Mr. Niraj kumar, Mr. Jaikaran singh |
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111. | Arm as a Touch-Screen
Arm as a Touch-ScreenAbstract: Popularity of mobiles devices increasing day by day due to the advantages like portability, mobility and flexibility.There are many advantages of small size mainly we can carry it with comfort, but the limited size gives very less interactive surface area. So we need a large interactive area to use but we want to easily carry it in our pocket. We cannot just make the device large without losing benefit of small size. A novel approach is presented in this paper which solves the size problem. We can use our skin which is largest part of our body as an input surface. Human body produces different vibrations when individual tap on different body parts. With the help of this unique property of human body, this technology uses different locations as different functions of small devices like mobile phones or music players. When user tap on itsbody part, some mechanical vibrations propagates through the body, those vibrations are captured by sensor array. The sensor array is mounted on armband which is interfaced with microcontroller. Microcontroller processes the data and finds the tapped location. Microcontroller is interfaced with mobile phone with the help of Bluetooth module. So according to the tapped location, desired operation is performed. This approach provides an always available, naturally portable, large, and on-body finger input system.Key words: Acoustic, Human Computer Interface, Mobile Phones, Skin Input, SVM. Reference [1] Mistry, P., Maes, P., and Chang, L., WUW - wear Ur world: a wearable gestural interface. CHI '09 Ext. Abst., 4111-4116. [2] Sturman, D.J. and Zeltzer, D., A Survey of Glove-based Input. IEEE Comp Graph and Appl, 14.1, Jan 1994. [3] Lakshmipathy, V., Schmandt, C., and Marmasse, N. Talk-Back: a conversational answering machine. In Proc. UIST '03, 41-50. [4] Post, E.R. and Orth, M., Smart Fabric, or Wearable Clothing. In Proc. ISWC '97, 167. [5] Chris Harrison, Desney Tan and Dan Morris, "Skinput: Appropriating the Skin as an Interactive CanvasCommunication of the ACM,August2011, Vol.54, No.8, 111-118. Abhijeet S. Kapse, Sunil B. Somani |
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112. | Nonlinear Dynamics Study Of Voltage Mode Controlled DC Drive With PID Controller
Nonlinear Dynamics Study Of Voltage Mode Controlled DC Drive With PID ControllerAbstract: This paper presents a non-linear dynamic model of a voltage controlled PMDC motor drive, based on the state vector analysis of the system is conducted. Proportional-Integral-derivative (PID) is the techniques proposed in this investigation to control the speed of a dc motor, revealing the periodic and chaotic phenomenon under different system parameter. Mathematical analysis and computer simulation are attached to verify the proposed non-linear model of the PMDC motor.Key words: Chaos, Non-linear, PMDC motor, Periodicity, Phase-plot Reference [1] J.H. Chen, K.T. Chau and C.C. Chan, Analysis of chaos in current mode controlled dc drive systems, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol 47, pp. 67-76, 2000. [2] K.T. Chau and J.H. Chen, Modeling, analysis and experimentation of chaos in a switched reluctance drive system, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems - I, vol. 50, pp. 712-716, 2003. [3] Y. Gao and K.T. Chau, Design of permanent magnets to avoid chaos in PM synchronous machines, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 39, no. 5,pp. 2995-2998, 2003. [4] Gao, Y; Chau, KT; Ye, S A novel chaotic-speed single-phase induction motor drive for cooling fans, The 40th I A S Annual Meeting IndustryApplications Conference Record, Hong Kong, China, 2-6 October 2005, v. 2, p. 1337-1341. [5] Krzysztof MakowskI, Marcin J. Wilk, Wroclaw University of Technology, Institute of Electrical Machines, Drives and Measurements Determination of dynamic characteristics of the single-phase capacitor induction motor Przegland Elektrotechniczny (Electrical Review), ISSN 0033-2097, R.87 NR5/2011 Sukumar Das, Shubhajit Pal,Prof. Goutam Kumar Panda, Prof. Pradip Kumar Saha |
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113. | Color Sensitivity Multiple Exposure Fusion using High Dynamic Range Image
Color Sensitivity Multiple Exposure Fusion using High Dynamic Range ImageAbstract: In this paper, we present a high dynamic range imaging (HDRI) method using a capturing camera image using normally exposure, over exposure and under exposure. We make three different images from a multiple input image using local histogram stretching. Because the proposed method generated three histogram-stretched images from a multiple input image, ghost artifacts that are the result of the relative motion between the camera and objects during exposure time, are inherently removed. Therefore, the proposed method can be applied to a consumer compact camera to provide the ghost artifacts free HDRI. Experiments with several sets of test images with different exposures show that the proposed method gives a better performance than existing methods in terms of visual results and computation timeKey words: High Dynamic Range Images (HDRI), Histogram Stretching, Multiple Exposure. Reference [1] Y. Bandoh, G. Qiu, M. Okuda, S. Daly, T. Aach, and O. Au, "Recent advances in high dynamic range imaging technology," IEEE Conf. Int. Conf. Image Processing, pp. 3125-3128, 2010. [2] G. Ward, E. Reinhard, S. Pattanaik, and P. Debevec, High dynamic range imaging: acquisition, display, and image-based lighting, Morgan Kaufmann Publisher, 2005. [3] S. Wu, S. Xie, S. Rahardja, and Z. Li, "A robust and fast anti-ghosting algorithm for high dynamic range imaging," IEEE Conf. Int. Conf. Image Processing, pp. 397-400, 2010. [4] Fan-Chieh Cheng, Shanq-Jang Ruan and Chang-Hong Lin, "Color contrast enhancement using automatic weighting mean-separated histogram equalization with spherical color model" International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control Vol. 7, No. 9, Sep. 2011. [5] Xinqiao (Chiao) Liu, Member, IEEE, and Abbas El Gamal "Synthesis of High Dynamic Range Motion Blur Free Image From Multiple Captures" IEEE Transactions On Circuits And Systems—I: Fundamental Theory And Applications, Vol. 50, No. 4, April 2003. [6] Takao Jinno, Student Member, IEEE, and Masahiro Okuda, Member, IEEE"Multiple Exposure Fusion for High Dynamic Range Image Acquisition" IEEE Transactions On Image Processing, Vol. 21, No. 1, Jan.2012 Varsha Borole, Dr.Y.S.Angal |
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114. | An Adaptive Approach for Single Objective Optimization
An Adaptive Approach for Single Objective OptimizationAbstract: The use of evolutionary computation in the solution of optimization problems of non-linear type is not new. Many such problems having single or multiple objectives are now routinely solved using different evolutionary methodologies. Through this project, I am delighted to share some recent advances in the area of evolutionary computing. Some critical issues, such as design of an efficient evolutionary algorithm, an efficient constraint handling procedure, scalability issue of algorithms are dealt in this project. The discussion of the topics and subsequent engineering and numerical case studies presented in this project should be useful to non-linear single objective problems alike. Nonlinear Programming by Quadratic Lagrangian (NLPQL) techniques are extensively used for solving realistic optimization problems, particularly in structural mechanics. The common arrangement of NLPQL techniques is briefly discussed and it is shown how these techniques can be tailored for distributed computing. Still, NLPQL techniques are responsive topic to errors in parameters and gradient evaluations. Typically they take more time to compute the converged solution with more number of simulation calls. In case of noisy function values, a radical enhancement of the performance can be gained through Adaptive Nonlinear Programming by Quadratic Lagrangian (A-NLPQL) compared to the version with conventional NLPQL. Numerical results are presented for a set of six standard test examples.Key words: NLPQL, Single Objective Optimization, nonlinear programming, distributed computing Reference [1] Schittkowski, K., "NLPQL: A Fortran subroutine for solving constrained nonlinear programming problems," Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 5, pp. 485-500, 1985. [2] Farina, M., 2001, "A Minimal Cost Hybrid Strategy for Pareto Optimal Front Approximation," Evolutionary Optimization, an international journal on the internet, 3(1), pp. 41–52 _available online at www.jeo.org_. [3] Wyss, G. D., and Jorgensen, K. H., 1998. "A User s Guide to LHS: Sandia's Latin Hypercube Sampling Software," Sandia National Laboratories Technical Report SAND98-0210, Albuquerque, NM. [4] Hailong You, Xi''an, Maofeng Yang, Dan Wang, Jia, Xinzhang, "Kriging Model combined with latin hypercube sampling for surrogate modeling of analog integrated circuit performance", Quality of Electronic Design, 2009. ISQED 2009. Quality Electronic Design, Page(s): 554 - 558 [5] Papadrakakis, M., Lagaros, N., and Tsompanakis, Y., 1999, "Optimization of Large-Scale 3D Trusses Using Evolution Strategies and Neural Networks," Int. J. Space Struct., 14(3), pp. 211–223. Ram Krishna Rathore, Kaushal Sharma, Amit Sarda |
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115. | Comparison of the 3D Protein Structure Prediction Algorithms
Comparison of the 3D Protein Structure Prediction AlgorithmsAbstract: Determining protein 3D structure is important to known protein functions. Protein structure could be determined experimentally and computationally. Experimental methods are expensive and time consuming whereas computational methods are the alternative solution. From the other hand, computational methods require strong computing power, assumed models and effective algorithms. In this paper we compare the performance of these algorithms. We find that Genetic Algorithm with improved search techniques can represents the best heuristic algorithm to predict 3D protein structure from AB off or HP lattice model.Reference [1] M. Rashid, et al., "A New Genetic Algorithm for Simplified Protein Structure Prediction," in AI 2012: Advances in Artificial Intelligence. vol. 7691, M. Thielscher and D. Zhang, Eds., ed: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, pp. 107-119. [2] C.-J. Lin and S.-C. Su, "Protein 3D HP Model Folding Simulation Using a Hybrid of Genetic Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization," International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, vol. 13, 2011. [3] Y. Zhang, "Combining Empirical and Experimental Data in Protein Structure Determination," MSC, ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING, University of Massachusetts, 2009. [4] A. A. Chida, "Protein Tertiary Model Assessment Using Granular Machine Learning Techniques," PhD, Computer Science, GeorgiaState University, 2012. [5] C. N.ROKDE and M. KSHIRSAGAR, "A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF PROTEIN TERTIARY STRUCTURE PREDICTION METHODS," International Journal of Computer Science and Informatics, vol. 3, pp. 2231–5292, 2013. Fadhl M. Al-Akwaa, Husam Elhetari, Noman Al Naggar and Mahmoud A. Al-Rumaima |
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1. | Relevance of Search Engines for Modern Generations
Relevance of Search Engines for Modern GenerationsAbstract: Web search engines have major impact in people‟s everyday life. It is of great importance to test the retrieval effectiveness of search engines. However, it is labour-intensive to judge the relevance of search results for a large number of queries, and these relevance judgments may not be reusable since the Web data change all the time. Experiments on major search engines show that our approach mines many high- confidence rules that help understand search engines and detect suspicious search results.Key words: Word Wide Web, Information Retrieval, Indexing Reference [1] R. Baeza-Yates, F. Saint-Jean, and C. Castillo. Web Structure, Dynamics and Page Quality. In Proc. of the 9th International Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval (SPIRE 2002), pages 117–130, 2002. [2] Henzinger et. al. " Challenges in web search engine."ACM SIGIR Forum, 2002 -dl.acm.org. [3] Abhishek Das, Ankit Jain "Indexing the World Wide Web : The Journey So Far."Publisher: IGI Global, Pages: 1-24. [4] Monika R.Henzinger"Algorithmic in Web Search Engines" Internet Mathematics Vol.1, No.1:115-126. [5] K. Sugiyama. A Method of Re-ranking Search Results Using their Hidden Hyperlink Structure. In Doctoral Posters Program of 28th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB2002), http://www.cs.ust.hk/vldb2002/VLDB2002-proceedings/papers/S34P14.pdf, 2002. Trilok Gupta, Archana Sharma |
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2. | Image Enhancement and Background Detection Using Morphological Transformation
Image Enhancement and Background Detection Using Morphological TransformationAbstract: This paper deals with enhancement of images and background detection using Mathematical Morphological [MM] theory on dark images. Due to poor lightening the background of the image is not clear. This image can be enhanced by lightening the back ground with various morphological operations. Basically, Weber's Law Operator is used to analyze dark images which are carried out by two methods such as Image background detection by block analysis while second operator utilize opening by reconstruction to define multi background notion. Some Morphological operations such as (Erosion, Dilation, Compound operation such as Opening by reconstruction, Erosion-Dilation method) and Block Analysis is used to detect the background of images. Analysis of above mention methods illustrated through the processing of images with different dark background images.Key words: Block Analysis, Erosion-dilation method, Opening by reconstruction, Opening operation, Weber's law notion. Reference [1] Susanta Mukhopadhyay, Bhabatosh Chanda," A multiscale morphological approach to local contrast enhancement Signal Processing 80 (2000) 685}696" [2] Angélica R. Jiménez-Sánchez, Jorge D. Mendiola-Santibañez, Iván R. Terol- Villalobos, Gilberto Herrera-Ruíz, Damián Vargas-Vázquez, Juan J. García-Escalante, and Alberto Lara-Guevara, "Morphological Background Detection and enhancement of Images with Poor Lighting" IEEE Trans. Image Process. 18(3), pp. 613-623 (2009) [3] Divya Madan,x` Susheel Kumar,"A New Approach for Improvement of Dark Images" , IJEEMF, Vol. 02, Issue 01, July 2012 ISSN: 2278-3989. [4] K.Narasimhan, C.R.Sudarsan, Nagarajan Raju‖ "A Comparision of contrst Enhancement Techniques in poor illuminated gray level and color images‖", in IJCA ,vol.24.no.2 , 2011. [5] K.Sreedhar and B.Panlal , Enhancement of images using morphological transformation‖ .IJCS&IT, vol. 4, no. 1, 2012. Nikesh T. Gadare*, Dr. S. A. Ladhake |
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3. | Cancer Diagnosis Using Fuzzy Min-Max Neural Network WithRule Extraction
Cancer Diagnosis Using Fuzzy Min-Max Neural Network WithRule ExtractionAbstract: This paper proposes a modified neural network called Fuzzy Min-Max Neural network (FMMN) that creates hyperboxes for classification and prediction and applied to Women Breast Cancer (WBC) dataset. A modification has been done in an attempt to improve its performance when a large network of hyperboxes forms in the network. The system is composed of formation of hyperbox, Pruning and Prediction. A rule extraction algorithm is also been used in the system. For each hyperbox formation, its confidence factor is calculated and user defined threshold is used to prune the hyper box with low confidence factors. The advantage of this work is that it improves the FMMN performance during the large network of hyperbox formation. It facilitates the extraction of a compact rule set from FMMN to verify its prediction. The evaluation result shows that the proposed system is useful for cancer diagnosis and classification tool in real environments.Key words: cancer diagnosis and classification, Fuzzy min–max neural network, Hyperbox fuzzy sets, Rule extraction. Reference [1] P. Devijver, P. Kittler, Pattern Recognition: A Statistical Approach, Prentice-Hall, NJ, 1982. [2] R.O. Duda, P.E. Hart, Pattern Classification and Scene Analysis, Wiley, New York, 1973. [3] N. Belacel, P. Vincke, J.M. Scheiff, M.R. Boulassel, Acute leukemia diagnosis aid using multicriteria fuzzy assignment methodology, Comput. Methods Progr.Biomed. 64 (2001) 145–151. [4] Patrick K. Simpson, Fuzzy min–max neural networks. Part 1. Classification, IEEE Trans. Neural Networks 3 (1992) 776–786. [5] Design of a fuzzy min-max hyperbox classifier using a supervised learning method CS06.pdf PritamPatil, SheetalWaghole, Musarrat Bare, PoojaHumnabade |
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4. | Segmentation of Immunohistochemical Staining Of B-Catenin Expression of Oral Cancer
Segmentation of Immunohistochemical Staining Of B-Catenin Expression of Oral CancerAbstract: Oral Cancer is any cancerous tissue growth located in the mouth, also called as Squamous Cell Carcinoma . It has been one of the serious cancer that affect the south Asian countries. Oral cancer has variable diagnosis method and the one is biopsy. Histopathological results suffers from considerable inter and intrareader variability even when used by expert pathologists. In order to get both qualitative and quantitative results, we has been developed a system for diagnosis of oral cancer using EM algorithm. The microscopic images of immunohistochemical staining of β-catenin expression are segmented using iterative method of EM algorithm to extract the cellular and extracellular components of an image. The segmentation process of the system uses unitone conversion to obtain a single channel image using PCA that has highest contrast then normalize the unitone image to the [0,1] range. Based on the segmentation process we conclude that β-Catenin expression using EM algorithm is an efficient technique to help the pathologist to evaluate the histological changes on microscopic images of oral cancer.Key words: Immunohistopatholoy, Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma, PCA, Unitone, EM Algorithm. Reference [1] Crispian Scully, Jose V.Bagan, Colin Hopper,"Oral Cancer: Current and future diagnostic techniques," American Journal of Dentistry, vol 21,No 4,pp.199-209, Aug 2008 [2] K.A.Shahul Hameed, "Segmentation of Immunohistochemical Staining of β-catenin expression of Oral Cancer Using Gabor FilterTechnique" IEEE.ICAESM,PP:429-434,March 2012 [3] M. Muthu Rama Krishnan, et al , "Automated Characterization of Subepithelial Connective Tissue Cells of Normal Oral Mucosa : Bayesian Approach," Proc. of IEEE Student Technology Symposium, pp:44-48,ApriI 2010 [4] Kosei Ishida ,et al , "Nuclear Localization of beta-catenin involved in precancerous change in oral leukoplakia," Molecular Cancer , 6:62, October 2007. [5] Ujjwal Maulik, "Medical Image Segmentation Using Genetic Algorithm," IEEE Trans. Infor. Tech. in Biomed.,vol.l3, no.2,pp. 166-172, March 2009. V. Jeya Sutha |
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5. | Delay Tolerant Networks – Survey Paper
Delay Tolerant Networks – Survey PaperAbstract: This paper provides an introduction to Delay Tolerant Networks (DTN) and would touch upon some basic features. Continuous connectivity is difficult in today's wireless world. The data preservation and security in challenged and intermittent network, is of paramount importance. In this paper, we will see how DTN provides an effective alternative. This will also try to explain basic architecture of DTN and routing techniques that can be incorporated for effective data forwarding. Security of data becomesimportant in disrupted networks; this paper would also discuss security concerns with DTNs. This paper also discusses possible applications and areas where DTN can be effectively used.Key words: Bundle Protocol, Contact Patterns, DTN, Flooding, Forwarding, Routing Reference [1] V. Cerf, S. Burleigh, A. Hooke, L. Torgerson "Delay-Tolerant Networking Architecture"NetworkWorkingGroup Google/Jet Propulsion Laboratory, April 2007 [2] Fall, K.. "Adelay-tolerant network architecture for challenged internets", SIGCOMM'03: Proceedings of the2003 conference on Applications, technologies, architectures, and protocols for computer communications,ACM, New York, NY, USA, pp. 27–34. 2003 [3] Forrest Warthman "Delay- and Disruption-Tolerant Networks (DTNs)" Version 2.0, WarthmanAssociates, based on technology developed by the Interplanetary Internet Special Interest Jully2012 [4] JianShen,SangmanMoh and Ilyong Chung "Routing protocol in Delay tolerant Networks:Comparative Survey"The 23rd International Conference on Circuits/System computer and communications (ITC-CSCC 2008) [5] Shyam Kapadia, BhaskarKrishnamachari, and Lin Zhang"Data Delivery in Delay Tolerant Networks:A Survey"Cisco Systems Inc., San Jose, CA 2006 Suvarna Patil,Geetha R. Chillerge |
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6. | Color Secret Image Encryption and Share Generation for Multiple-Secret Threshold Visual Cryptography
Color Secret Image Encryption and Share Generation for Multiple-Secret Threshold Visual CryptographyAbstract: Visual Cryptography Scheme (VCS) is a type of secret sharing scheme which allows the encoding of a secret image into n shares that distributed to n participants. Each share constitutes some information and when k shares out of n stack together the secret will reveal. However; less than k shares are not work. The advantage of the visual secret sharing scheme is its decryption process i.e. to decrypt the secret using Human Visual System without any computation. Traditional Visual Cryptography suffers from share identification problem. This problem can be solved by Multiple-Secret threshold visual cryptography (MVCS), which adds a meaningful cover image in each share. The proposed work presents threshold Visual cryptographic schemes in Color Images. This method uses half toning method to provide color image as a secret image. Then the secret image can be embedded in the original image by generating shares using Zigzags scanning method. Experimental result of proposed system provides robust security than conventional visual cryptographic schemesKey words: Visual cryptography, Halftoning,Zig-Zag scanning. Reference [1] P. A. Eisen and D. R. Stinson, "Threshold visual cryptography schemes with specified whiteness levels of reconstructed pixels,"Designs, Codes and Cryptography, vol. 25, pp. 15–61, 2002. [2] M. Naor and A. Shamir, "Visual cryptography," Adv. Cryptography:Eurocrypt‟94, Lecture Notes in Computer Sci., vol. 950, pp. 1–12,1995, Springer [3] G. Ateniese, C. Blundo, A. De. Santis, and D. R. Stinson, "Extended capabilities for visual cryptography," Theoretical Computer Sci., vol.250, pp. 143–161, 2001. [4] S. J. Shyu and K. Chen, "Visual multiple secret sharing based upon turning and flipping," Inf. Sci., vol. 181, pp. 3246–3266, 2011. [5] S. J. Shyu and K. Chen, "Visual multiple secrets sharing by circle random grids," SIAM J. Image. Sci., vol. 3, pp. 926–953, 2010. P. Kavipriya, Dr. M. Sangeetha |
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7. | An Overview on Grid Interfacing and Islanding Techniques
An Overview on Grid Interfacing and Islanding TechniquesAbstract: In view of climate change challenge, forcing reduction of greenhouse gas emission, many countries have started the process of liberalization of their electrical power systems, opening access to grids and encouraging renewable energy sources. The existing power systems properties have changed by the presence of Distributed Generation (DG). This paper presents the review of DG with most commonly used inverter and islanding issues.Key words: Distributed Generation, Inverter, Islanding, PV modules, Renewable Energy Sources Reference [1] F. Blaabjerg, Z. Chen, and S. B. Kjaer, "Power electronics as efficient interface in dispersed power generation systems," IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 1184-1194, Sep. 2004. [2] B. Maurhoff and G. Wood, "Dispersed generation to reduce power costs and improve service reliability," in Proc. of IEEE REPC, pp. C5/1-C5/7, 2000. [3] G. T. Chinery and J. M. Wood, "Tva's photovoltaic activities," IEEE Trans. Power Appa. and Syst., vol. pas-104, pp. 1998-2005, Aug. 1985. [4] A. K. Saha, S. Chowdhury, S. P. Chowdhury, and P. A. Crossley , "Modeling and performance analysis of a microturbine as a distributed energy resource," IEEE Trans. Energy Conv., vol. 24, pp. 529-538, June 2009. [5] Tunlasakun k., Kirtikara k., Thepa s., Monyakul v.: "Cpld based islanding detection for mini grid connected inverter in renewable energy‟. IEEE TENCON Conf., November 2004, vol. 4, pp. 175–178. A Malathi, Dr Manjunatha Y R |
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8. | Energy Resources - A Comprehensive Study
Energy Resources - A Comprehensive StudyAbstract: In this paper we have presented the evolution of energy and how it influenced and impacted the human civilization. Alternative energy was the focus of this study where significant importance was given to renewable energy resources. We have also included, as part of our study, the functionality of most of the processes that extract energy from the energy reservoirs along with many references. A comparison is given between the renewable and non-renewable energy resources and various important factors on a particular power generating unit were critically analyzed. Coal, thermal, uranium as energy resources are discussed and a significant importance was given to the fact that these resources are vanishing on a daily basis. New means of providing energy that are enough to meet the demands of the word are pointed out and sunlight energy, wind energy, geothermal energy and tidal energy are discussed. Comparison is done along with the operating cost, maintenance cost and efficiency of the unit and finally suggestions are given for the use of proper planning and installation of the systems.Key words: Coal, Petroleum, Natural Gas, Uranium, Biomass, Geothermal Energy, and Wind Energy Reference [1] Radha, S., and Savkhyan, A.S. (2002) Environmental Challenges of the 21th century, Deep and deep publications Pvt.Ltd, New Delhi, India, pp.124-131. [2] Taylor, K. D. & Smith, Z. A. (2008) Renewable and Alternative Energy Resources: A Reference Handbook, Library of Congress, ABC-CLIO, Inc., USA. Pp. 3-10. [3] Worlds coal consumption 2000-2011, Energy information administration statistics. Coal Resources and future production. (March 2007). Report by Energy watch group. [4] F.E Gardiol, "Lossy (1987).Transmission Lines" Chapter 8: Periodically Demanded Lines. Dedham (MA): Artech House. pp. 227-241. [5] Fridleifsson, Ingvar B.; Bertani, Ruggero; Huenges, Ernst; Lund, John W.; Ragnarsson, Arni; Rybach, Ladislaus, O. Hohmeyer and T. Trittin, (11 Feb 2008). The possible role and contribution of geothermal energy to the mitigation of climate change, Luebeck, Germany, pp. 59–80. Mashhour Z Alqahtani and Rajab Challoo |
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9. | Data Sharing Using Cloud Information Accountability Framework
Data Sharing Using Cloud Information Accountability FrameworkAbstract: Cloud Information Accountability (CIA) framework, based on the notion of information accountability. Unlike privacy protection technologies, information accountability focuses on keeping the data usage transparent and traceable. Our proposed CIA framework provides end-to end accountability in a highly distributed fashion. One of them an innovative feature of the CIA framework lies in its ability of maintaining lightweight and powerful accountability that combines aspects of access control, usage control and authentication, and security issues.Index Terms: Cloud computing, Framework, Accountability, Data sharing, Cloud Service Provider. Reference [1] Smitha Sundareswaran, Anna C. Squicciarini, Member, IEEE, and Dan Lin, "Ensuring Distributed Accountability for Data Sharing in the Cloud", IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, Vol. 9, No. 4, July/August 2012. [2] P. Ammann and S. Jajodia, "Distributed Timestamp Generation in Planar Lattice Networks," ACM Trans. Computer Systems, vol. 11, pp. 205-225, Aug. 1993. [3] G. Ateniese, R. Burns, R. Curtmola, J. Herring, L. Kissner, Z. Peterson, and D. Song, "Provable Data Possession at Untrusted Stores," Proc. ACM Conf. Computer and Comm. Security, pp. 598-609, 2007. [4] E. Barka and A. Lakas, "Integrating Usage Control with SIP-Based Communications," J. Computer Systems, Networks, and Comm., vol. 2008, pp. 1-8, 2008. [5] D. Boneh and M.K. Franklin, "Identity-Based Encryption from the Weil Pairing," Proc. Int'l Cryptology Conf. Advances in Cryptology, pp. 213-229, 2001. Chaitanya Chavali, Lakshmi Prasad Koyi, Dr.C. S Kumar, Dr. N. Raghava Rao |
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10. | Android Based Rush And Drunk Driver Alerting System
Android Based Rush And Drunk Driver Alerting SystemAbstract: The Rush driving and driving after consumption of alcohol is a major cause of road accident worldwide. In this paper we proposed an idea to alert rush and drunk driver at early stage before actual accident take place. Complete system works on a cell phone having software installed in it with some sensor. The program calculates the sensor reading and matches with the pattern already present in system, if match found then an alert will give to driver and also a text message will send to the relative asking for help with location details. This system will design on an android based cell phone. Our proposed system will prevent many accidents to occur and save lives.Key words: Acceleration Cell Phones, Rush Driving, Sensor. Reference [1] Report on "Road Accidents in India 2011" by ministry of Road Transport and Highway Transport Research Wings New Delhi" in June 2012 [2] Z. Zhu and Q. Ji, "Real Time and Non-intrusive Driver Fatigue Monitoring", in The 7th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, pp. 657-662, Oct. 2004. [3] A. B. Albu, B. Widsten, T. Wang, J. Lan and 1. Mah, "A Computer Vision-Based System for Real-Time Detection of Sleep Onset in Fatigued Drivers", in 2008 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, pp. 25-30, June 2008 [4] J. Lee, J. Li, L. Liu and C. Chen, "A Novel Driving Pattern Recognition and Status Monitoring System", in First pacific rim symposium, PSIVT 2006, pp. 504-512, December 2006. [5] A. V. Desai and M. A. Haque, "Vigilance Monitoring for Operator Safety: A Simulation Study on Highway Driving", in Journal of Safety Research, Vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 139-147, 2006. Tanmoy D. Goswami, Shrinivas R. Zanwar, Zafar Ul. Hasan |
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Version 3 | |||
1. | Step By Step Numerical Approach to a Self-Sufficient Micro Energy System Design
Step By Step Numerical Approach to a Self-Sufficient Micro Energy System DesignAbstract: This paper presents a numerical approach to self-sufficient energy-system design. The main focus is to describe the methodology of designing an approach in several steps to find an optimally structured micro-energy system in accordance with the introduced decision parameters. A specific system model is presented that consists of an energy consumer, renewable and non-renewable energy-production facilities, energy-storage capacities and a control unit. Different operating conditions were identified for the system and various system configurations were simulated. Based on the input data and the decision parameters an optimal system was chosen that is able to provide a stable and optimal energy supply. The optimal configuration was found using the WSM method. The result is a specific structure of the energy system that meets all the requirements and boundary conditions of the presented numerical approach. Finally, the operation of the system is presented via timeline charts.Key words: numerical model, energy system, optimization, operating regimes, RES, costs, energy demand, Matlab Reference [1] Pirc, A., Sekavčnik, M., Mori, M.: Universal model of a biomass gasifier for different syngas compositions, Journal of Mechanical Engineering 58 (2012), p. 291 – 299. [2] Asmus, P.: Microgrids, virtual power plants and our distributed energy future, The Electricity Journal 23 (2010), p. 72 – 82. [3] Tuma, M., Sekavčnik, M.: Energetski sistemi, Fakulteta za strojništvo, Ljubljana, 2004, (in Slovenian). [4] Illindala, M., Siddiqui, A., Venkataramanan, G., Marnay C.: Localized Aggregation of Diverse Energy Sources for Rural Electrification Using Microgrids, Journal of Energy Engineering 133 (2007), p. 121 – 131. [5] Elmitwally, A., Rashed, M.: High-Performance Isolated PV-Diesel System, Journal of Energy Engineering 135 (2009), p. 44 – 52. Rok Lacko, Andrej Pirc, Mitja Mori, Boštjan Drobnič |
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2. | High Efficiency Bi-Directional Converter Used For Renewable System
High Efficiency Bi-Directional Converter Used For Renewable SystemAbstract: This paper presents an Isolated bi-directional converter for renewable system. Voltage stress and current stress was decreses in switches. Power flows in both side. The proposed converter three phase ac voltage to dc voltage, dc voltage to three phase a.c voltage and synchronous the two voltage source. Silicon carbide diodes and bi-directional switches Mosfet's are used for decreases the switching loss. LC Series resonant converter connected to the high efficiency. This converter power conversion control by the output voltage information.Key words: component; Isolation Transformer, lc series resonant convertr, DC-Link Capacitor, Bi-directional dc-ac converter Reference [1] Mishra, Olive Ray, Ravindranath Adda, Santana K. Member, IEEE, 'Synchronous-Reference-Frame-Based Control of Switched Boost Inverter for Standalone DC Nano grid Applications'. IEEE Transactinon on industry application, Power Electronics, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 229–236. (2013) [2] Ching-ming Lai, Yi-Hung Liao, Member, IEEE, 'Newly-Constructed simplified single-phase multistring multilevel inverter topology for distributed energy resources'. IEEE Transactinon on industry application, Power Electronics, vol.2653, no. 9, pp.500–510, (2011). [3] Andrew J.R.T, Forsyth, Naayagi, and R.Shuttleworth, Member; IEEE,'High power bidirectional Dc-Dc converter for Aerospace Applications' IEEE Transactinon on industry application, Power Electronics, vol. 27, no. 11 (2012).. [4] Jiann-Fuh chen, Lung-sheng Yang, Shih-Ming Chen, Tssorng-Juu Liang, Member, IEEE. 'A Safety enhanced, high step up dc dc converter for ac photovoltaic module Application'. IEEE Transactinon on industry application, Power Electronics , vol. 27 (2012). [5] Hsieh Y.-C, Hsueh T.-C, and Yen H.-C. 'An interleaved boost converter with zero-voltage transition'. IEEE Transactinon on industry application, Power Electronics, vol. 24, no.pp. 973–978 (2009). M. Desal Raja A. EDWIN ISAAC RAJ |
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3. | Structural and Morphological Properties of Cr2O3 Nanoparticles Synthesized By Novel Solvent Free Method
Structural and Morphological Properties of Cr2O3 Nanoparticles Synthesized By Novel Solvent Free MethodAbstract: Nanoparticles of chromium oxide (Cr2O3) are widely used in many fields serving as catalysts, wear resistance materials, and advanced colorants. For the first time, we have reported the solvent free synthesis of Cr2O3 nanoparticles via microwave irradiation followed by calcinations at 200, 400, 600 and 800°C for 1h. The influence of calcination temperature on the particle size, microstructure and morphology was examined by X-ray diffraction, Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM), Elemental compositions have been estimated by energy dispersive X-ray Absorption EDAX and thermo gravimetrv analysis (TGA-DTA). The average particle size of the synthesized Cr2O3 nanoparticles is calculated using the Scherrer's formula and found to be of less than 60 nm and is compared with Williamson Hall method . It is found that the molar ratio 1:3 is considered to be the best proportion to synthesis Cr2O3nanoparticles. These results also indicate that there is an improvement in the crystallinity of Cr2O3 nanoparticles with the increase in the annealing temperature. As the process is simple and low-cost, it has the potential to be produced on a large scale.Key words: Nanoparticles, chromium oxide, microwave irradiation, calcined. Reference [1] H. Gleiter, Progress in Materials Science, 33 (1989) 223–315. [2] R.W. Siegel, Annual Review of Materials Science, 21 (1991) 559–578. [3] R.H. Kodama, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 200 (1999) 359–372. [4] S.M. El-Sheikh, Mohamed, O.A. Fouad, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 482 (2009) 302– 307. [5] H. Xu, T. Lou, Y. Li, Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 7 (2004) 666–668. Meenambika .R, Ramalingom .S And Chithambara Thanu .T |
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4. | Elimination of Unauthorized and Fraudulent Transactions of ATM Using Image Processing Techniques
Elimination of Unauthorized and Fraudulent Transactions of ATM Using Image Processing TechniquesAbstract: Chip and Magnetic stripe are the types of technologies embedded on debit, credit and ATM cards in order to store the payment information. This paper mainly deals with the magnetic stripe technology and proposes techniques that can be used to eliminate unauthorized and fraudulent transactions of ATM, Automated Teller Machine. The techniques that this paper proposes such as Attaching a ThumbReader on an ATM to get an impression of the left-thumb from the person who has inserted his card into the slot to access the ATM, Adding the details of the impression of the left-thumb of an ATM card holder to the magnetic strip embedded on the card, and making the ATM capable of comparing the impression of the left-thumb scanned by ThumbReader attached on the ATM, with an impression embedded on the ATM-card using image processing techniques.Key words: CardReader,Fraudulent transaction, Magneticstripe, ThumbReader,Unauthorized transaction, Reference [1] Identifying the quality of tomatoes in images processing using matlab, R.Kalaivani, Dr.S. Muruganand, Dr.Azha.Periasamy, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Vol. 2, Issue 8, August 2013. [2] Image mining of textual images using lowlevel image features, prof. Mrs. Sushma andgaonkar, Mr. Rahul Jagtap, Mr. Pramod Anarase, Mr. Balaji Khadake, Mr. Akshay Betale, IEEE,2010. [3] Efficient Image Mining using feature content based image retrieval system, Rajshree Dubey, Rajnish Choubey, Sanjeev Dubey, International journal of Advanced computer engineering and architecture, vol 1, no1, june 2011. [4] Image clustering and retrieval using image mining techniques, A. Kannan, Dr.V.Mohan, Dr. N. Anbazhagan, IEEE,2010. [5] An efficient technique using text & content base image mining technique for image retrieval, Mahip M. Bartere, Dr. Prashant, R.Deshmukh, IJERA, 2012. R. Swaminathan |
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5. | A Low Power Viterbi Decoder for Trellis Coded Modulation System
A Low Power Viterbi Decoder for Trellis Coded Modulation SystemAbstract: Forward Error Correction (FEC) schemes are an essential component of wireless communication systems. Convolutional codes are employed to implement FEC but the complexity of corresponding decoders increases exponentially according to the constraint length. Present wireless standards such as Third generation (3G) systems, GSM, 802.11A, 802.16 utilize some configuration of convolutional coding. Convolutional encoding with Viterbi decoding is a powerful method for forward error correction. Viterbi algorithm is the most extensively employed decoding algorithm for convolutional codes. The main aim of this project is to design FPGA based Viterbi algorithm which encrypts / decrypts the data. In this project the encryption / decryption algorithm is designed and programmed in to the FPGA.Key words: Viterbi Decoder, Convolutional Encoder, Forward Error Correction technique. Reference [1] Shannon, C. "A mathematical theory of Communication", Bell Sys.Tech .J, vol. 27, pp. 379-423 and 23-656, 1948. [2] Hamming, R. "Error detecting and correcting codes", Bell Sys.Tech .J, vol. 29, pp.147-160, 1960. [3] Golay, M. "Notes on digital coding", Proc. IEEE, Vol. 37, p. 657 , 1949 . [4] Azim, C., Monir, M. "Implementation of Viterbi Decoder for WCDMA System", Proceedings of IEEE International Conference (NMIC 2005), pp. 1-3, 2005. [5] Wong, Y., Jian, W., HuiChong, O., Kyun, C., Noordi, N. "Implementation of Convolutional Encoder and Viterbi Decoder using VHDL", Proceedings of IEEE International conference on Research and Development Malaysia, November 2009. M. Jansi Rani, S.Vidheswari |
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6. | Performance Enhancement of a Novel Interleaved Boost Converter by Using a Soft-Switching Technique
Performance Enhancement of a Novel Interleaved Boost Converter by Using a Soft-Switching TechniqueAbstract: In this paper a novel Interleaved Boost Converter (IBC) with soft-switching techniques is proposed. Through the zero-voltage switching (ZVS) and zero-current switching (ZCS) reduces the current stress of the main circuit components, in addition to this it can also reduces the ripple of the input current and output voltage. In this approach, it can be faster switching, reduce the size and cost with suitable impedance matching is achieved with reduction in auxiliary circuit reactance that has contributed much increase in the overall performance. Coupled inductor in the boosting stage helps higher current sharing between the switches. The overall ripple and Total harmonics distortions are reduced in this technique without sacrificing the performance and efficiency of the converter. The driving circuit can automatically detect operational conditions depending on the situation of the duty cycle whether the driving signals of the main switches are more than 50% or not and get the driving signal of the auxiliary switch. Auxiliary circuit acts as support circuit to both main switches(two conditions) and reduce the total losses and improve efficiency& power factor for large loads. The operational principle, theoretical analysis, and design method of the proposed converter are presented. The entire proposed system will be tested using MATLAB/SIMULINK and the simulation results are also presented.Key words: Interleaved Boost Converter(IBC), Zero-Voltage Switching (ZVS) & Zero-Current Switching (ZCS) Reference [1] G. C. Hua, W. A. Tabisz, C. S. Leu, N. Dai, R. Watson, and F. C. Lee,"Development of a DC distributed power system," in Proc. IEEE 9th Annu. Appl. Power Electron. Conf. Expo., Feb. 1994, vol. 2, pp. 763–769. [2] C. M. Wang, "A new single-phase ZCS-PWM boost rectifier with high power factor and low conduction losses," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 53, no. 2, pp. 500–510, Apr. 2006. [3] H. M. Suryawanshi, M. R. Ramteke, K. L. Thakre, and V. B. Borghate, "Unity-power-factor operation of three-phase AC–DC soft switched converter based on boost active clamp topology in modular approach," IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 229–236, Jan. 2008. [4] C. J. Tseng andC. L.Chen, "A passive lossless snubber cell for nonisolated PWM DC/DC converters," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 593–601, Aug. 1998. [5] Y.-C. Hsieh, T.-C. Hsueh, and H.-C. Yen, "An interleaved boost converter with zero-voltage transition," IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 973–978, Apr. 2009. M. Penchala Prasad, Ch. Jayavardhana Rao, Dr. Venu Gopal. N |
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7. | Extent of Online Communication Compatibility in Rural Area
Extent of Online Communication Compatibility in Rural AreaAbstract: Online communication system are several way people communicate with each other over the Internet, as well as e-mail, make contact with forms on web sites ,feedback on blogs and social networking sites.3Recently efforts have been made to use the electronic modes or communication to supply information to rural development sector. Online communication system is helpful for rural development such as Technology Transfer (Persuasive and Paternalistic), Advisory work (Persuasive and Participation), Human Resource Development (Educational and Paternalistic) and Facilitation for empowerment (Educational and Participatory).1,7 Uttar Pradesh is the second largest state-economy in India, agriculture is a significant part of Uttar Pradesh's economy.5. On the basis of Kanpur Dehat Uttar Pradesh India respondents interviewed to judge the level of satisfaction on the communication facility provided by different agencies was desired in order to measure the on line communication compatibility in rural area.Key words: Educational and Paternalistic, Persuasive and Participation, Persuasive and Paternalistic. Reference [1] Chaterjee J, Sarkar R and Prabhakar T.V. (2007) "From the Policy Framework for Competitive Agriculture to a Knowledge Ecosystem Development Process-Some EmpiricFindings",http://files.opaals.eu/OPAALS/Year_2_Deliverables/WP07/D7.3.pdf [2] Kumar S. (2009) "Impact of online communication on transfer of agricultural technology in central Uttar Pradesh", CSAU, Kanpur. [3] Singh A.K., Singh L., and Riyajuddeen (2008) "Role of Helpline Services in Technology Dissemination", Indian Res. J. Ext. Edu., Vol. 8 (1), PP 1-4. [4] Dhaka B. L. and Chayal K. (2010) "Farmers Experience with ICTs on Transfer of Technology in Changing Agri-rural Environment", Indian Res. J. Ext. Edu, Vol. 10 (3): PP 114-118. [5] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uttar_Pradesh Dr. Subhash Singh Parihar |
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8. | A Comparative Study on the Effect of Finishing Agents on Stiffness and Drape of Khadi Fabric
A Comparative Study on the Effect of Finishing Agents on Stiffness and Drape of Khadi FabricAbstract: A comparative effect of finishing agents as synthetic starch (revive) and synthetic resin (silicone) on stiffness and drape of khadi fabric has been reported in this study. Effect of 3 concentration of finishing agents was observed on thick, medium and fine thickness of cotton khadi. It was found out that amount and size of the finishing agents affect the stiffness and drape of khadi fabric. Maximum increase in stiffness and drape was seen in fabric treated with revive and minimum in silicone treated fabric. Significant difference in stiffness and drape of fabric of different thickness was also found.Key words: Finishing agents (revive, silicone), stiffness and drape co-efficient. Reference [1] Booth J E, Principles of Textile Testing, 3rd ed. Newness-Butterworth: London, (1968). [2] Brooks JH, Das VK and Smith LT, Effect of lubrication in textile: frictional and weaving properties of sirospun wool yarn. Textile Research Journal, 59,382-388 (1989). [3] Chaudhary C K, Prediction of Drape Co-efficient By Weaving Parameter. Unpublished Master‟s Thesis, Faculty of Technology and Engineering, M.S.Univesity, Vadodara, (1980). [4] Jang K O and Yeh K., Effect of Silicone Softeners and Silane Coupling Agents on the Performance Properties of Cotton Fabrics. Textile Research Journal. 63(10): 557-565, (1993). [5] Joseph ML, Introductory Textile Science, 5th ed.CBS College Publishing, (1986). Noopur Sonee, Dr. Suman Pant |
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9. | Analysis Based On Ansys of PCC Deep Beams with Openings Strengthened With CFRP
Analysis Based On Ansys of PCC Deep Beams with Openings Strengthened With CFRPAbstract: Reinforced concrete deep beams have wide range of applications and are used in gigantic structures to bear heavy loads. An opening in the deep beam decreases the load carrying capacity and reduces its serviceability. A PCC (plain cement concrete) deep beam with dimension 8000*5000*800mm (L*D*B) is modelled and analysed in ANSYS under uniform loading and simply supported conditions. The position of the circular hole with single and double opening is varied longitudinally and over the depth of the beam. The same beam is then analysed in ANSYS before and after assigning the CFRP (carbon fibre reinforced plastics) laminates along the inner surface of the opening. Stress in horizontal direction is studied in element below the CFRP laminate keeping loading condition, element type, and material properties constant. Thus the strength of the deep beam is a function of CFRP laminates as well as position of circular hole.Key words: Composite laminates; Deep beams; ANSYS Reference [1] Amer M. Ibrahim, Mohammed Sh. Mahmood, "finite element modelling of reinforced concrete beams strengthened with FRP laminates", European Journal of Scientific Research, vol -30. No-4, 2009, pp526-541 [2] D. R. Sahoo, S.H. Chao, "Use of Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete for Enhanced Performance of Deep Beams with Large Openings", American society of civil engineering, 2010 structure congress. pp1981-1991 [3] Vengatachalapathy.V, Ilangovan.R, "A Study on Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete Deep Beams With and without Openings", international journal of civil and structural engineering, volume 1, no 3, 2010, pp 509-517. [4] Huaxin Liu, Zhong Bi, Jin Zhang, "Bearing Performance Analysis Based on ANSYS of Deep Beams with Opening", IEEE 2011, pp4344-4347 [5] Jingyu liu , Huaxin liu, "bearing performance analysis based on ANSYS of continuous deep beam with openings," journal of applied mechanics and materials, 2012, vol 130-134, pp 1617-1620 Dr G.N. Ronghe, Tanvin Singh, Rajiv K .Gupta, Gaurav Kumar |
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10. | A Study on Two-Phase Service Queueing System with Server Vacations
A Study on Two-Phase Service Queueing System with Server VacationsAbstract: This paper mainly deals with the analysis of queueing system in which customers require services in two stages are common. Two-phase queueing systems are gaining importance due to their wide variety of applications. Batch mode service in the first phase followed by individual service in the second phase. Because of the mixed mode of services, these kinds of two phase queues do not fit into the usual network of queues as a particular case. The need for this kind of modeling has been greatly discussed in this paperKey words: Sojourn time, busy cycle, service cycle, idle time, service time, system size Reference [1] Choudhury, Gautam / Deka, Kandarpa. : A batch arrival retrial queue with two phases of service and Bernoulli vacation schedule. Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series, Nov 2009 [2] Choudhury, Gautam / Deka, Mitali,: A single server queuing system with two phases of service subject to server breakdown and Bernoulli vacation: Applied Mathematical Modelling, In Press, Corrected Proof,Feb 2012 [3] Choudhury, Gautam / Madan, Kailash C.: A two phase batch arrival queueing system with a vacation time under Bernoulli schedule. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 149 (2), p.337-349, Feb 200 [4] Choudhury, Gautam / Tadj, Lotfi / Deka, Kandarpa,: A batch arrival retrial queueing system with two phases of service and service interruption. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 59 (1), p.437-450,Jan 2010 [5] Choudhury, Gautam / Tadj, Lotfi,: An M / G /1 queue with two phases of service subject to the serverbreakdown and delayed repair. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 33 (6), p.2699-2709, Jun 2009 S.Palaniammal, C. Vijayalakshmi and K. Ramya |
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Version 4 | |||
1. | Performance of NBPE in Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna
Performance of NBPE in Rectangular Microstrip Patch AntennaAbstract: In this paper we use a rectangular microstrip patch antenna with fed patch contains four notches of equal Length and width (L×W) and having one parasitic patch, to achieve dual band operation of proposed microstrip patch antenna, is analyzed using circuit theory concept. The theoretical and simulated results of proposed antenna are compared. The return loss of NBPE using rectangular microstrip patch antenna decreased and bandwidth at dual operating frequency 1.44 GHz & 1.80 GHz are increased at a substrate height of 1.6 mm. This paper shows the decreased in return loss & improves in Gain as well as bandwidth using NBPE. These structures are simulated using IE3D version 12.29 Zeland software incorporation.Key words: NBPE, patch antenna, return loss, gain, bandwidth Reference [1] H.A. Jang, D.O. Kim and C.Y. Kim, Size reduction of patch antenna array using CSRRS loaded ground Plane, progress in electromagnetics research symposium proceedings, Kl Malaysia, march 2012, 27-30. [2] H.W. Douglas, R.L. Haupt and P.L. Werner, Fractal antenna engineering: The theory and design of fractal arrays, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, 41(5), 1999, 37-59. [3] Y.L. Kuo and K.L Wong, Printed double-T monopole antenna for 2.4/5.2 GHz dual band WLAN operations, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagation, 51(9), 2187-2192. [4] Constantine A. Balanis, Antenna Theory and Design, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1997. [5] L.Stutzman and G.A. Thiele, Antenna theory and design, John Wiley & Sons 2nd Ed., New York, 1998. Tushar, Pooja Jaiswal, Venktesh Mishra, Ram Ajor Yadav, Chitranjan Dwived |
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2. | Post-Occupancy Evaluation of Modification of Residential Buildings for Effective and Efficient Mass Housing Delivery: Case Study of Owerri Urban, South-Eastern Nigeria
Post-Occupancy Evaluation of Modification of Residential Buildings for Effective and Efficient Mass Housing Delivery: Case Study of Owerri Urban, South-Eastern NigeriaAbstract: This study evaluates Aladinma and Prefab Housing Estates in Owerri Urban South-Eastern Nigeria which is experiencing population increase emanating from rapid urbanization. The aim is to improve future mass housing delivery in the area through feed-back information from the building consumers. The specific objectives were: to establish the nature and extent of post-occupancy modifications carried out in the estates; to determine the reasons for the modification and factors of satisfaction that are necessarily required to be considered in the programming and design of residential buildings in the study area for optimal performance; and to develop a mathematical method of conducting post-occupancy evaluation of modification of residential buildings.. The evaluation was based on a theoretical frame work of tripartite quality of architecture emphasized by Vitruvius; Utilitas (functionality or utility value: the social dimension), Firmitas (strength and rigidity: the technological dimension) and Venustas (beauty: the aesthetic dimension). The methodology involved field survey or case study. The field study involves six research approaches: archival retrieval; comparative mapping; physical trace identification; observations; questionnaires and interviews. The sample population of 405 building consumers and 409 housing units from the population of 1261 were used. The quantitative data were analyzed using SPSS software and the results were exported to Microsoft Excel to generate the graphs used.Key words: Post-occupancy evaluation, modification, Mass Housing, Building Consumers, Index. Reference [1] Adedeji, Y.M.D. (2005). Sustainable low-cost housing technologies in cities: Accelerated construction initiatives option. Journal of Land Use and Development Studies, 1(1), 102-108 [2] Ademiluyi, A.I. & Raji, B.A. (2008). Public and private developers as agents in urban housing delivery in Sub-Saharan Africa: The situation in Lagos State. Humanity & Social Sciences Journal, 3(2), 143-150. [3] Aribigbola, A. (2008), Housing Policy Formulation in Developing Countries: Evidence of Programme Implementation from Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria. Journal of Human Ecology, 23(2), 125-134. [4] Al-Momani, A.H. (2003) Housing quality: Implications for design and management. Journal of Urban Planning and Design, 129(4), 177-194. [5] Bordas, B., and Leaman, A. (Eds.) (2000) Assessing building performance in use. Building Research & Information 29 (2), 34-40 Nwankwo S. I, Diogu J. O, Nwankwo C. V & Okonkwo M. M |
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3. | Study of Various Design & Performance Aspects of Mosfets at
Nanometer Technology
Study of Various Design & Performance Aspects of Mosfets at Nanometer TechnologyAbstract: As per the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS) each lower node is 0.7 times the previous technology making chip faster by 17% every year. Scaling down of CMOS technologies to 22nm has significant challenges in design. By reducing the dimensions many challenges like gate leakage, short channel effect (SCE), low voltage operation & delay comes into picture. Thus paper presents the past work done in design of nanoscale MOSFETs. The multi gate MOSFETs structure is considered as important candidates for CMOS scaling to reduce short channel effect. Gate All Around (GAA) & Double Gate (DG) are another design used to reduce SCE & suitable for low voltage operation. Use of Silicon on Insulator (SOI) for the thin short channel, Lower parasitic capacitance, Resistance to Latchup & has 10-20% higher switching speed. This paper shows the various challenges in design of MOSFET & various methods or techniques for increasing the performance of MOSFET at lower node.Key words: ITRS, Short Channel Effect (SCE), Multi gate MOSFET & Silicon on Insulator (SOI). Reference [1] Sachid, A.B. "Circuit Optimization at 22nm Technology Node" IEEE Trans., 25th International Conference on VLSI Design (VLSID),7-11 Jan. 2012, pg 322 [2] Prateek Mishra, Anish Muttreja, and Niraj K. Jha "FinFET Circuit Design"Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011 [3] Gaurav Saini, Ashwani K Rana "Physical Scaling Limits of FinFETStructure: A Simulation Study" International Journal of VLSI design & Communication Systems (VLSICS) Vol.2, No.1, March 2011 [4] Vaidyanathan Subramanian "Multiple Gate Field Effect Transistor for future CMOS" IETE Technical Review, Vol 27, ISSUE-6, NOV-DEC 2010. [5] Wen Wu & Mansun Chan "Analysis of Geometry-Dependent Parasitics in Multifin Double-Gate FinFETs"IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices, Vol.54, No. 4, April 2007 Ankita Wagdre, Shashank Mane |
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4. | Design and Experimental Investigation for Improving the High Frequency Radio Communication Links between Benghazi-Libya and Sfax-Tunisia
Design and Experimental Investigation for Improving the High Frequency Radio Communication Links between Benghazi-Libya and Sfax-TunisiaAbstract: In this study, we have experimentally planned to replicate the positive results of the application of ionospheric prediction method to design and improve the high frequency (HF) radio communication links between Benghazi-Libya and Sfax-Tunisia. The central radio propagation laboratory (CRPL) method of ionospheric prediction of the National Bureau of Standards (NBS) in U.S.A was used in the calculations of the optimal working frequencies for reliable HF radio communication links between Benghazi-Libya and Sfax-Tunisia. The results were drawn in the form of curves by using the computer. The computer was used to measure the received signal level variation of a frequency 17.500 Megahertz (MHz), which was transmitted with a power of 100 Kilowatt (KW) from the Tunis Republic Broadcasting station in SFAX city, directed to the east region. The measurements were taken during daytime's for winter (December, January& February) and summer (June, July & August) seasons.Key words: Design and Experimental Investigation, The optimal working frequency, Reliable HF radio communication links, the ionospheric prediction method, the National Bureau of Standards, the Central Radio Propagation Laboratory. Reference [1] Mohamed Yousef Ahmed Abou-Hussein, Abdulsalam H. Ambarek. Experimental Investigation Related To Some Predicted Results Of Reliable High Frequency Radio Communication Links Between Benghazi-Libya And Cairo-Egypt. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, Vol. 4, Issue 1(Version 4), 2014, 21-28. [2] A. Picquenard, "Radio Wave Propagation", (John Wiely & Sons, Inc., New York, USA, 1997). [3] P. Shore, "International Radio Stations Guide" Bernard Babani (Publishing) Ltd., London, England, 2000. [4] The Tunis Republic Broadcasting Announcement, 2004. [5] VLF - HF - Receiver EK070 Manual, (Rohde & Schwarz GMbh Co., Germany, 1992). Mohamed Yousef Ahmed Abou-Hussein, Abdulsalam H. Ambarek |
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5. | Providing Authentication in Wireless Network to Prevent Jamming Attacks
Providing Authentication in Wireless Network to Prevent Jamming AttacksAbstract: Wireless and mobile networks represent an increasingly important segment of networking research as a whole, driven by the rapid growth of portable computing, communication and embedded devices connected to the internet. Goal of the process is to bring privacy in any conversation between nodes in a network and to provide security from the attackers. The need of bringing privacy is to defend ourselves from any of the attacks in wireless network. AODV is a message of routing messages between mobile computers and it allows these mobile computers or nodes to pass messages through their neighbors to nodes with which they cannot directly communicate. Here, we propose RSA technique for providing authentication for data and control packets. By using this technique we provide the authenticated data transmission and also to prevent the damage in the network by the attackers.Key words: AODV (Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector), RSA (Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir and Leonard Adleman. Reference [1] Elmar Gerhards-Padilla, Nils Aschenbruck, Peter Martini, Marko Jahnke, Jens T¨olle ," Detecting Black Hole Attacks In Tactical Manets Using Topology Graphs", IEEE conference on local computer Networks,15-18 Oct.2007. [2] Hugo Miranda Lu´ıs Rodrigues , "Preventing Selfishness In Open Mobile Ad Hoc Networks", In the proceedings of Distributed Computing systems, pages- 440 – 445, 19-22 May 2002. [3] Animesh Patcha and Amitabh Mishra , "Collaborative Security Architecture For Black Hole Attack Prevention In Mobile Ad Hoc Networks", In the proceedings of Radio and Wireless Conference, pages- 75 – 78, 10-13 Aug. 2003. [4] Levente Butty_an and Jean-Pierre Hubaux, "Nuglets: A Virtual Currency To Stimulate Cooperation In Self-Organized Mobile Ad Hoc Networks", 2001. [5] Sergio marti, T.J.Giuli, Kevin lai, and Mary Baker, "Mitigating Routing Misbehavior In Mobile Ad Hoc Network", 2000. R.Akila, T.J. Jeyaprapha, Dr. G. Sumathi |
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6. | A MathematicaL Model For Finding Maximum Likelihood
Estimator Functions of Luteinizing Hormone, Follicle
Stimulating Hormone, Estradiol and Progesterone
A MathematicaL Model For Finding Maximum Likelihood Estimator Functions of Luteinizing Hormone, Follicle Stimulating Hormone, Estradiol and ProgesteroneAbstract: The Corpus luteum is formed by the action of luteinizing hormone (LH) on the mature preovulatory follicle. Ensuing events, including steroidogenic outpouring, programmed senescence, and capacity for extension by gestation, depend on features characteristic of an adequately developed preovulatory follicle, including, most importantly, the number and LH, Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) ,Estradiol (E2), and progesterone (P). The Maximum likelihood functions are obtained for the above medical variables before and after infusion of LH surge ,which are well explained by mathematical figures in the section [3].Key words: MLE, LH , FSH, E2, P. Reference [1.] Arthur ID, Anthony FW, Adams S, Thomas EJ: Serum relaxin and the major endometrial secretory proteins in in-vitro fertilization and down-regulated hormone-supported and natural cycle frozen embryo transfer. Hum Reprod 11:88, 1996. [2.] Ascoli M, Fanelli F, Segaloff DL: The lutropin / Choriogonadotropin receptor, a 2002 perspective. Endocr Rev 23:141,2002. [3.] Balasch J, Creus M, Fabregues F, et al: Midluteal immunoreactive alpha inhibin serum concentrations as markers of luteal phase deficiency. Hum Reprod 11:2591, 1996 [4.] Barlow,R.E and Proschan, F., Mathemmatical Theory of Reliability , John wiley ,New York ,1965 Advanced mathematical treatment of maintenance policies and redundancy optimization [5.] Bennegard B, Hahlin M, Hamberger L: Luteotrophic effects of prostaglandins I2 and D2 on isolated human corpus luteum. Fertil Steril 54:459, 1990. Dr.S.Lakshmi and M.Agalya |
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7. | Optical and Mechanical Properties of Pure and Manganese Doped Strontium Tartrate Tetrahydrate Single Crystals
Optical and Mechanical Properties of Pure and Manganese Doped Strontium Tartrate Tetrahydrate Single CrystalsAbstract: In the present investigation, single crystals of strontium tartrate and manganese doped strontium tartrate tetrahydrate crystals were grown by the single diffusion gel growth technique. The growth conditions were optimized by varying the parameters such as pH, concentration of the gel, gel setting time and concentration of the reactants. Silica gel was used as the growth medium with test tubes as crystallization vessels. Crystals having different morphologies were obtained (transparent and few opaque). The lattice parameters of the grown crystals were determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. The UV-Vis spectrum was recorded to study the optical transparency of the grown crystals. The second harmonic generation measurements indicate that they are NLO active. Photoluminescence study was performed to know the luminescence property of the material. Atomic absorption spectroscopic measurements were also carried out to understand the presence of dopant in it. Mechanical strength of the grown crystals were analyzed by Vickers microhardness test. Details are presented.Key words: Gel technique, Strontium tartrate, SXRD, UV-Vis, PL, AAS, Microhardness. Reference [1] Heinz K. Henisch, Crystals in Gels and Liesegang Rings (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1988).pp.2. [2] Sawant. D.K, Patil. H.M, Bhavsar.DD, Patil.J.H and Girase. K.D (2011). SEM, PL and UV properties of mixed crystals of Ca-Ba tartrate in Silica gel. Der ChemicaSinica2 (3):63-69. [3] Firdous. A, Quasim. I, Ahmad. M.M, Kotru. P. N (2010). Dielectric and thermal studies on gel grown Strontium tartrate pentahydrate crystals. Bull. Mater. Sci, Vol.33, No.4, 377-382. [4] Joseph. J, Mathew. V, Abraham. K.E (2008). Structural, Photoconductivity and electro-luminescence studies of Mn doped Barium Tartrate crystals. Optoelectronics and advanced materials – Rapid communications. Vol.2, No.11, November 2008, P.707-713. [5] Arora. S.K, Vipul Patel, Brijesh Amin and Anjana Kothari (2004). Dielectric behaviour of Strontium tartrate single crystals. Bull. Mater. Sci., Vol.27, No.2, 2004, 141-147. T. Vijayakumari, C. M. Padma and C. K. Mahadevan |
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8. | A Privacy Preserving Approach to Analyze Security in Voip System
A Privacy Preserving Approach to Analyze Security in Voip SystemAbstract: Pre-processing of Speech Signal serves various purposes in any speech processing application. It includes Noise Removal, Endpoint Detection, Pre-emphasis, Framing, Windowing, Echo Canceling etc. Out of these, silence portion removal along with endpoint detection is the fundamental step for applications like Speech and Speaker Recognition. The proposed method uses multi-layer perceptron along with hierarchal mixture model for classification of voiced part of a speech from silence/unvoiced part. The work shows better end point detection as well as silence removal. The study is based on timing-based traffic analysis attacks that can be used to reconstruct the communication on end-to-end voip systems by taking advantage of the reduction or suppression of the generation of traffic whenever the sender detects a voice inactivity. Removal of the silence in between the inter packet time in order to obtain a clear communication. The proposed attacks can detect speakers of encrypted speech communications with high probabilities. With the help of different codecs we are going to detect speakers of speech communications In comparison with traditional traffic analysis attacks, the proposed traffic analysis attacks do not require simultaneous accesses to one traffic flow of interest at both sides.Key words: Speech recognition, silent suppression, passive analysis. Reference [1] Y.J. Pyun, Y.H. Park, X. Wang, D.S. Reeves, and P. Ning, "Tracing Traffic through Intermediate Hosts that Repacketize Flows," Proc.IEEE INFOCOM '07, May 2010. [2] J.W. Deng and H.T. Tsui, "An HMM-Based Approach for Gesture Segmentation and Recognition," Proc. Int'l Conf. Pattern Recognition (ICPR '00), pp. 679-682, 2000. [3] L.R. Rabiner, "A Tutorial on Hidden Markov Models and Selected Applications in Speech Recognition," Proc. IEEE, vol. 77, no. 2,pp. 267-296.. [4] R. Bakis, "Continuous Speech Recognition via CentisecondAcousticstates," J. the Acoustical Soc. of Am. [5] G. Danezis and A. Serjantov, "Statistical Disclosure or Intersection Attacks on Anonymity Systems," Proc. Sixth Information Hiding Workshop (IH '04), pp. 293-308, May 2004. S.Prashantini, T.J.Jeyaprabha, Dr.G.Sumathi |
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Combined Refrigeration Cycle for Thermal Power Plant Using Low Grade Waste Steam
Combined Refrigeration Cycle for Thermal Power Plant Using Low Grade Waste SteamAbstract: Now a days, In most of the thermal power plant, where low-pressure steam is being exhausted to the atmosphere as a waste steam. This waste heat could be use to operate many small preheating or cooling equipments or small scale plants. There are many refrigeration systems present for refrigeration and air condition purpose. Such as air refrigeration, vapour compression, vapour absorption etc. In this paper we have presented the concept of combined vapour absorption and vapour compression refrigeration system. We present about the idea discuss here that how a vapour absorption and vapour compression can be used together as one complete working refrigeration plant. By using such concept of refrigeration we can improve the co-efficient of performance of whole plant by minimizing the input. We can also named the system as waste heat recovery refrigeration system.Key words: waste heat recovery; Combined cooling plant; combined absorption-compression refrigeration; Primary energy. Reference [1] http://research.ncl.ac.uk/pro-tem/component s/pdfs/EPSRC_Thermal_Management_CPI_Interim_Report_16Feb.pdf [2] http://books.google.co.in/books?id=EuBRPAAACAAJ&dq=p.l.ballaney&hl=en&sa=X&ei=Ji4LUonBGI2higelsYCwDQ&ved=0CDMQ6AEwAQ [3] http://nptel.iitm.ac.in/courses/IIT-MADRAS /Applied_Thermodynamics/Module_6/6_Simple_Vapor_Compression_RS.pdf [4] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vapor-compres sion_refrigeration. [5] http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2FBF00502366#page-1 Satish Maurya, Dharmendra Patel |
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10. | A Low Power Single Phase Clock Distribution Multiband
A Low Power Single Phase Clock Distribution Multiband NetworkAbstract: Frequency synthesizer is one of the important elements for wireless communication application. The speed of VCO and prescaler determines how fast the frequency synthesizer is. A dual modulus prescaler contains logic gates and flip-flops. This project aim for developing a low power single clock multiband network which will supply for the multi clock domain network. The multiband divider consists of a proposed wideband multi modulus 32/33/47/48 prescaler and an improved bitcell for swallow (S) counter and can divide the frequencies in the three bands of 2.4–2.484 GHz, 5.15–5.35 GHz, and 5.725– 5.825 GHz with a resolution selectable from 1 to 25 MHz The proposed multiband flexible divider is silicon verified and consumes power of 0.96 and 2.2 mW in 2.4- and 5-GHz bands, respectively, when operated at 1.8-V power supply.Key words: D flip-flop (DFF), extended TSPC (ETSPC), frequency divider, operating frequency, powerdelay- product (PDP), prescaler. Reference [1] H. R. Rategh et al., "A CMOS frequency synthesizer With an injected locked frequency divider for 5-GHz Wireless LAN receiver," IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol.35, no. 5, pp. 780–787, May 2012. [2] P. Y. Deng et al., "A 5 GHz frequency synthesizer with An injection locked frequency divider and differential Switched capacitors," IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I, Reg. Papers, vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 320–326, Feb. 2009. [3] L. Lai Kan Leung et al., "A 1-V 9.7-mW CMOS Frequency synthesizer for IEEE 802.11a transceivers," IEEE Trans. Microwave. Theory Tech., vol. 56, no. 1, pp. 39–48, Jan. 2008. [4] M. Alioto and G. Palumbo, "Model and Design of Bipolar and MOS Current-Mode Logic Digital Circuits". New York: Springer, 2005. [5] Y. Ji-ren et al., "A true single-phase-clock DynamicCMOScircuit technique," IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 62–70, Feb. 1989. Dr.A.Muruganandham, S.Jaya Shree |
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11. | Evaluation of Lime for Use in Mortar
Evaluation of Lime for Use in MortarAbstract: Lime has been used in India as material of construction from very ancient days. The manner in which lime structures about 2000 years old have withstood the ravages of time bear irrefutable evidence to the durability of lime mortars. Lime mortars were the mortars of very recent years – used until the twentieth century. Although they are almost forgotten today, they still remain a viable and important construction method [1]. There is something about this material that remains just as valuable today as it was 150 years ago [2]. The lime belt of Vidarbha area is not of industrial grade. To use for construction purpose it needs some improvement and alteration in the ingredients. This calls the development of an alternative approach to make it suitable for construction in large extent.Key words: Lime,limestructures,durability,limemortars, construction material. Reference [1.] Quach, Thornton, Gillis (Jan, 2005), Lime Mortar. The building limes forum (Jan 2005). [2.] Mike Edison, Edison coatings, Inc, Plainville CT, Masonry Restoration materials, Autumn issue of Edison Coatings update. [3.] Use of Traditional lime mortars in modern brickwork (Dec. 2001), Properties of Bricks & mortar Generally No. 1.3, The brick Development association Ltd. Berkshire UK www.brick.org.uk [4.] Pritchett. Ian. "Lime Mortar Vs Cement" Master builder Magazine. The federation of Master Builders (July 2003) [5.] The Building Limes Forum (NOV. 2002, Jan 2005) www.buildinglimesforum.org Naktode P.L., Dr.Chaudhari S.R., Dr.Waghe U.P. |
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Version 5 | |||
1. | Image Segmentation for Food Quality Evaluation Using Computer Vision System
Image Segmentation for Food Quality Evaluation Using Computer Vision SystemAbstract: Quality evaluation is an important factor in food processing industries using the computer vision system where human inspection systems provide high variability. In many countries food processing industries aims at producing defect free food materials to the consumers. Human evaluation techniques suffer from high labour costs, inconsistency and variability. Thus this paper provides various steps for identifying defects in the food material using the computer vision systems. Various steps in computer vision system are image acquisition, Preprocessing, image segmentation, feature identification and classification. The proposed framework provides the comparison of various filters where the hybrid median filter was selected as the filter with the high PSNR value and is used in preprocessing. Image segmentation techniques such as Colour based binary Image segmentation, Particle swarm optimization are compared and image segmentation parameters such as accuracy, sensitivity , specificity are calculated and found that colour based binary image segmentation is well suited for food quality evaluation. Finally this paper provides an efficient method for identifying the defected parts in food materials.Key words: food quality, computer vision, parameters, food products ,defects Reference [1] Ali Adelkhani, Babak Beheshti, Saeid Minaei, Payam Javadikia and Mahdi Ghasemi-Varnamkhasti. (2013)," Taste characterization of orange using image processing combined with ANFIS", Journal of international Measurement of confederation, Vol.46, No.9, PP. 3573–3580. [2] Belen Diezmaa, Lourdes Lleoa, Jean Michel Rogerb, Ana Herrero Langreob, Loredana Lunadeic and Margarita Ruiz-Altisent. (2013), "Examination of the quality of spinach leaves using hyperspectral imaging", Journal of Postharvest Biology and Technology, Vol.85, PP. 8–17. [3] Cheng.H, Jiang.X, Sun.Y and Wang. J. (2001),"Color image segmentation: advances and prospects", Journal of Pattern Recognition society, Vol. 34,No.12, PP. 2259–2281. [4] Craig B. Koskiniemi , Van-Den Truong , Roger F. Mc Feeters and Josip Simunovic.(2013). "Quality evaluation of packaged acidified vegetables subjected to continuous microwave pasteurization" ,Journal of food science and technology,Vol.54 , PP.157-164. [5] Domingo Mery , Franco Pedreschi and Alvaro Soto. (2012), "Automated Design of a Computer Vision System for Visual Food Quality Evaluation" Journal of Food Bioprocess Technology, Vol.6, No.8, PP. 0934-2. Nandhini. P, Dr. J. Jaya |
01-03 | ![]() |
3. | Thermal and Microstructural Property of Extruded Snack: An Overview
Thermal and Microstructural Property of Extruded Snack: An OverviewAbstract: Rice and Chapra (Fenneropenaeus indicus) mixture were extruded using a co rotating fully intermeshing twin-screw extruder to prepare carbohydrate protein based snack. The aim of the present work is to study the glass transition temperature and microstructural behaviour of carbohydrate-protein extrudate snack. Parkin Elmer Differential Scanning Calorimeter method was used for studying phase transition behaviour of complex carbohydrate-protein extrudate at a heating rate of 5ºC/min and in the temperature range - 80ºC to 180ºC. On the other hand, Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) was used to study the microstructural behavior of multicomponent extrudate at an accelerating voltage of 20 kV and at 1000 X magnification. State diagram indicated phase separation of carbohydrate-protein complex food system at macromolecular level. The glass transition temperature of protein dictated the texture of the mixed system. At room temperature, extrudate with 15% moisture is glassy while extrudates obtained <15% moisture shows rubbery texture and higher moisture profile shows burnt texture. Microstructural analysis performed by SEM shows typical network like structure at 150C and 15% moisture.Key words: Shrimp, fish protein, extrusion, Differential Scanning Calorimeter Reference [1] Alavi, S.H., B.K. Gogoi, M. Khan, B.J. Bowman and S.S.H. Rizvi, 1999. Structural properties of protein-stabilized starch-based supercritical fluid extrudates. Food Res. Int., 32: 107-118. http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/els/09639969/1999/00000032/00000002/art00063 [2] Brake NC. Fennema 1999. Glass transition values of muscle tissue .J Food Sci 64 (1):10-15 [3] Brent, J.L., S.J. Mulvaney, C. Cohen and J.A. Bartsch, 1997. Thermomechanical glass transition of extruded cereal melts. J. Cereal Sci., 26: 301-312. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0733521097901405 [4] D'Cruz, N.M. and L.N. Bell, 2005. Thermal unfolding of gelatin in solids as affected by the glass transition. J. Food Sci., 70: E64-E68. [5] Della Valle, G., P. Colonna, A. Patria and B. Vergnes, 1996. Influence of amylose content on the viscous behavior of low hydrated molten starches. J. Rheol., 40: 347-362. Mahuya Hom Choudhury, Runu Chakraborty, Utpal Ray Chaudhuri |
09-18 | ![]() |
4. | The Effect of Micro Jets on Wall Pressure for Sonic Under Expanded Flow
The Effect of Micro Jets on Wall Pressure for Sonic Under Expanded FlowAbstract: This paper presents the experimental results on the flow characteristics of a suddenly expanded flow from the convergent nozzle for sonic under expanded case. In the present study micro jets were used to investigate the wall pressure in the enlarged duct. Accordingly an active control in the form of four micro jets of 1 mm orifice diameter located at 900 intervals along a pitch circle diameter of 1.3 times the nozzle exit diameter in the base region was employed. The area ratio (ratio of area of suddenly expanded duct to nozzle exit area) studied are 2.56, 3.24, 4.84 and 6.25. The length-to-diameter (i.e. L/D) ratio of the sudden expansion duct was varied from 10 to 1. To study the effect of micro jets on the quality of flow in the enlarged duct wall pressure was measured and from the results it is found that the micro jets do not disturb the flow field in the duct. From the results, it is also seen that for L/D in the range L/D = 10 and 8 the flow remains oscillatory mostly for all the area ratios. However, these oscillations are suppressed gradually with the increase in the area ratio, also for all the L/D in the range 3 to 6. The nozzle pressure ratio (NPR) was varied from 1 to 3, however, in the present paper results are presented for under expanded case to ascertain the effectiveness of the micro jets under the influence of favorable pressure gradient (i.e. Pe/Pa = 1.5). The present study explicitly reveals that, the wall pressure in a suddenly expanded axi-symmetric duct can be controlled by employing micro jets.Key words: Area ratio, Length-to-diameter ratio, Micro jets, Sudden expansion, Wall pressur Reference [1] Wick R. S., The Effect of Boundary Layer on Sonic Flow through an Abrupt Cross-sectional Area Change, Journal of the Aeronautical Sciences, Vol. 20, 1953, 675-682. [2] James A. Kidd, Dennis Wikoff and Charles J. Cottrell, Drag Reduction by Controlling Flow Separation Using Stepped Afterbodies, J. Aircraft, Vol. 27, No. - 6, 1990, 564 – 566. [3] Viswanath P. R., Drag Reduction of After bodies by Controlled Separated Flows, AIAA journal, Vol. 39, No. 1, 2001, 73 – 78. [4] S. A. Khan and E. Rathakrishnan, Active Control of Suddenly Expanded Flows from Over expanded Nozzles, International Journal of Turbo and Jet Engines (IJT), Vol. 19, No. 1-2, 2002, 119-126. [5] S. A. Khan and E. Rathakrishnan, Control of Suddenly Expanded Flows with Micro Jets, International Journal of Turbo and Jet Engines (IJT), Vol. 20, No. 2, 2003, 63-81 Syed Ashfaq and S. A. Khan |
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5. | A Survey on Resource Provisioning in Cloud
A Survey on Resource Provisioning in CloudAbstract: Cloud Computing allow the users to efficiently and dynamically provision computing resource to meet their IT needs. Companies are able to rent resources from cloud for storage and other computational purposes so that their infrastructure cost can be reduced. Further they can make use of company-wide access to applications based on pay-as-you-go model. Hence there is no need for getting licenses for individual products. However one of the major pitfalls in cloud computing is related to optimizing the resources being allocated. Resource allocation is performed with the objective of minimizing the costs associated with it. The other challenges in resource allocation are meeting customer demands and application requirements. In this paper we have presented a widespread survey on various resource allocation strategies and their challenges are discussed in detail.Key words: Cloud Computing, Infrastructure, Optimization, Resource Allocation, Virtualization Reference [1] Ambrust, A.Fox, R.Griffith, A.D.Joseph, R.Katz, A. Konwinski, G.Lee, D.Ratterson, A.Rabkin, I.Stoica and M.Zaharia,"A View of Cloud Computing," in communications of the ACM,vol.53,April 2010,pp.50-58. [2] W.Dawoud,I.Takouna, and C.Meinel, "Infrastructure as a Service Security: Challenges and Solutions," in Proc the 7th International Conference on Informatics and Systems 2010(INFOS'10),Cairo,March 2010,pp.1-8 [3] K.Tsakalozos, H.Kllapi, E.Sitaridi, M.Roussopoulous, D.Paparas, and A.Delis,"Flexible Use of Cloud Resources through Profit Maximization and Price Discrimination," in Proc of the 27th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering(ICDE 2011),April 2011,pp.75-86. [4] L.He,D.Zou,Z.Zhang,K.Yang,h.Jin and S.Jarvis,"Optimizing Resource Consumption in Clouds,"in Proc. of the 12th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Grid Computing(Grid 2011),2011,pp.42-49. [5] U.Sharma,P.J.Shenoy,S.Sahu, and A.Shaikh,"A Cost-Aware Elasticity Provisioning System for the Cloud",in Proc.International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems,July 2011,pp.559-570. M.Uthaya Banu, M.Subha |
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6. | Designing Concrete Of New Era:"Self Compacting Concrete"
Designing Concrete Of New Era:"Self Compacting Concrete"Abstract: In India, infrastructure is given prior importance and it is vision to make India fully developed up till 2020.But, it is a challenging job to produce high strength concrete and one of the problems for this is presence of air voids. At present to reduce these voids many compacting machines like vibrators are used in field. But, this leads to high noise pollution and annoyance the person working on site. Thus, to eliminate this problem related to compaction, strength and noise, a new concrete called Self Compacting Concrete [SCC] is used. It reduces the voids as it flows under its own weight. The strength and durability of SCC is much higher compared to conventional concrete. It also helps in achieving high quality of surface finishes and becomes sustainable as it saves the energy. But, the problem with this type of concrete is that there is no specific mix design for it. Thus, the aim of this research is to give proper methodology for the mix design of self compacting concrete and various points to be kept in mind while designing such flowable concrete.Key words: Compaction, Durability, Mix design, Strength, Self compacting concrete. Reference [1] Ozawak, Mackawa, k. & Okamura. H, (1992)"Development of High performance concrete", Journal of faculty of Engineering. The University of Tokyo. Vol.XLI, No.3, pp-381-439. [2] Okamura, Hajime,"Self compacting High performance concrete" (1997),Concrete international,19(7),pp-50-54. [3] Ozawak, "Devlopment of HPC based on durability of concrete structures"EASEC-2 Vol-1,pp-445-450(1989). [4] M. S. Shetty, "Self compacting concrete", Concrete technology.pp-572-597. [5] Pratibha AGGARWAL, Rafat SIDDIQUE, Yogesh AGGRAWAL, "Self compacting concrete-procedure for mix design", Leonardo Electronics Journal of practices and Technologies ISSN 1583-1078,pp-15-24. Dharmesh K. Bhagat, Nandan H. Dawda, Dhanshree L. Goyal, Navneet T. Jha, Upasana N. Panchal |
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7. | Studies on Concrete Characteristic Strength Using Fly Ash And Rice Husk Ash
Studies on Concrete Characteristic Strength Using Fly Ash And Rice Husk AshAbstract: Through out the world, the most widely used construction material is concrete, commonly made by mixing Portland cement with sand, crushed rock, and water. As concrete is being widely used for the construction of most of the buildings, bridges etc, it has been labelled as the backbone to the infrastructure development of a nation. Currently our country is doing major work to improve and develop its infrastructure by constructing industrial and commercial projects and National Highways which creats major economic problem. At present about 120 million ton of cement is being produced in India every year. That much amount of cement is expected to reach close to 470 million ton by 2017[3].Though the production of cement is at comfortable level to meet, the rapidly increasing cost of production of cement is a matter of concern. Hence, currently the entire construction industry is in search of suitable and effective the waste product that would considerably minimize the use of cement and ultimately reduce the construction cost. Few of such products have already been identified like Rice Husk Ash (RHA), Fly Ash(FA), Silica Fume etc. Amongst them RHA is known to have good prospects in minimizing the usage of cement.Key words: Concrete, Characterization, Fly Ash(FA), Rice Husk Ash(RHA) Reference [1] Dale P.Bentz, Max A.Peltz, john winpigler 2009,The influence of water-to cement mass ration early age properties of cement-based materials is investigated using a variety of experimental techniques. ASCE Journal of materials in civil Engineering, 21 (9), 512-517.2009. [2] Muthadhi A, Anitha R. Kothandaraman S, 2007, Rice Husk Ash. Properties and its uses: A review , journal CV Vol 88.may 2007. [3] V.Kumar, M. Mathur, S.S Sinha and S. Dhatrak Fly Ash Environmental Saviour. New Delhi, India: Report Submit to Flyash Utilization programme (FAUP) to TIFAC. DST. 2005. [4] Satish H. Sathawane et.al/procedia Engineering 51 (2013) 35-44. [5] IS 455:1989 Specification for Portland slag cement Khusbu Rajhans, Proff. C.R.Sharma |
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8. | Secured Data Transmission Using Wavelet Based Steganography and cryptography
Secured Data Transmission Using Wavelet Based Steganography and cryptographyAbstract: Steganography and cryptographic methods are used together with wavelets to increase the security of the data while transmitting through networks. Another technology, the digital watermarking is the process of embedding information into a digital (image) signal. Before embedding the plain text into the image, the plain text is encrypted by using Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm. The encrypted text is embedded into the LL sub band of the wavelet decomposed image using Least Significant Bit (LSB) method. Then the inverse wavelet transform is applied and the resultant image is transmitted to the receiver. The receiver will perform the same operations in reverse orderKey words: Cryptography, digital watermarking, steganography, wavelet Reference [1] William Stallings, Cryptography and Network Security, Principles and Practice, Third editionPearsonEducation, Singapore, 2003. [2] Clair, Bryan. "Steganography: How to Send a Secret Message." 8 Nov. 2001 [3] Westfeld, A., and G. Wolf, Steganography in a Video conferencing system, in proceedings of the second international workshop on information hiding, vol. 1525 of lecture notes in computer science, Springer, 1998. Pp. 32-47. [4] C. C. Lin, and W. H. Tsai, "Secret Image Sharing with Steganography and Authentication," Journal of Systems and Software, 73 (3): 405-414, December 2004 [5] KafaRabah. Steganography - The Art of Hiding Data. Information Technology Journal 3 (3) - 2004. K.Ravindra Reddy1 Ms Shaik Taj Mahaboob2 K.Siva Chandra3 T.S.Mahammed basha |
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ARM 7 BASED MP3 PLAYERAbstract: MP3 is a patented encoding format for digital audio which uses a form of lossy data compression. It is a common audio format for consumer audio streaming or storage, as well as a de facto standard of digital audio compression for the transfer and playback of music on most digital audio players. Since the MPEG-1 Layer III encoding technology is nowadays widely used it might be interesting to gain knowledge of how this powerful compression/decompression scheme actually functions. The MPEG-1 Layer III is capable of reducing the bit rate with a factor of 12 without almost any audible degradation. Arm7 lpc2148 is arm7tdmi-s core board microcontroller that uses 16/32-bit 64 pin (lqfp) microcontroller no.lpc2148 from Philips (nxp).The hardware system of lpc2148 includes the necessary devices within only one mcu has such as usb, adc, dac, timer/counter, pwm, capture, i2c, spi, uart, and etc.Key words: Arm 7, LPC2148, Mp3 Player, SD Card and SPI Protocol. Reference [1] Vijaykumar Gurkhe: "Optimization of an mp3 decoder on the arm processor", Texas Instruments, Wind Tunnel Road, Bangalore, India-I7, TENCON 2003. [2] Ying-Wen Bai and Chun-Lee Chiang: "Design and Implementation of the Integration Applications for a Portable MP3 Player with a Bluetooth Hand-free/set", Department of Electronic Engineering, Vol. 51, No. 3, AUGUST 2005. [3] Evan P. Ruzanski: "Effects of MP3 encoding on the sounds of music", MARCH/APRIL 2006. [4] Ying-Wen Bai and Fu-En Tsai: "Design and Implementation of a Table-based GUI for MP3 Players", Department of Electronic Engineering, Vol. 53, No. 2, MAY 2007. [5] Teodor Neagoe, Ernest Karjala, Logica Banica: "Why ARM Processors are the Best Choice for Embedded Low-Power Applications", 2010 IEEE 16th International Symposium for Design and Technology in Electronic Packaging (SIITME). Ashiq V Mehta, Prashant R Kharote |
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2. | Zigbee Based Real - Time Monitoring System of Agricultural Environment
Zigbee Based Real - Time Monitoring System of Agricultural EnvironmentAbstract: Irrigation System is required to be automize in the area of agricultural field. Presently automatic systems have few manual operations, insufficient flexibility and accuracy. Therefore agricultural field prefer automatic control system and provide adequate irrigation to specific area. Proposed system is primarily designed for wide range control applications and to replace the existing non-standard technologies. Current system control parameter like temperature and soil moisture however present of toxic gas in atmosphere and water level of well plays an important role in cultivation of crops. Proposed system is designed to control water level monitor, presence of toxic gas, temperature variation and moisture content of soil. The proposed system is based on microcontroller for the control of various parameters of irrigation system. In addition to the proposed system uses zigbee technology for the long distance communication.Key words: LCD Display, Sensors, Pic Microcontroller, Precision Agriculture, Zigbee Reference [1] T.Kalaivani, Aallirani, P.Priya, "A Survey on Zigbee Based Wireless Sensor Networks in Agriculture": Department of ECE, 2011 IEEE.9 [2] Wang Qing Hui, Bian Li Juan, Pang Yu jun, "Design of the temperature monitoring system based on ZigBee wireless sensor network College of Information Technology", 2011 IEEE. [3] Huang Feng Yi. Design of the temperature monitoring system based on ZigBee wireless sensor network (Master thesis) [J] Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2010 [4] Yu Chengbo, Cui Yanzhe, Zhang Lian, Yang Shuqiang, "ZigBee Wireless Sensor Network in Environmental Monitoring Applications", 2009 IEEE. [5] Swarup S. Mathurkar, D. S. Chaudhari, "A Review on Smart Sensors Based Monitoring System for Agriculture", Volume-2, Issue-4, March, IJITEE 2013. Sumit P. Goyal, Dr. Archana Bhise |
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3. | Influence of Polyethylene Glycol on Asphaltic Concrete for Cubical and Rod shaped Aggregates
Influence of Polyethylene Glycol on Asphaltic Concrete for Cubical and Rod shaped AggregatesAbstract: Aggregates are the principle material in pavement construction. Conventional road aggregates in India are natural aggregates obtained by crushing rocks. Aggregate characteristics such as particle size, shape, and texture etc.., influence the performance and serviceability of pavement. Pavements laid with polymer modified asphalt exhibits greater resistance to rutting, thermal cracking and fatigue damages and hence these were used at locations of higher stress. The present work concentrates on aggregate characteristics which include the shape indices. The particle shapes namely Cubical and Rod are being used in the study. The study shows the behavior of the two shapes of aggregate in terms of Penetration, Ductility, Softening Point and Marshall Stability tests with varying percentages of asphalt and also with varying the percentages of PEG. The results of unmodified asphalt mix are compared with the modified asphalt mix against some critical Marshall Mix parameters.Key words: Asphalt modified with polymers, Flow of asphalt, PEG, Shape of the aggregates and Stability. Reference [1] Amit gawande, G. S. Zamre, V. C. Renge, G. R. Bharsakalea and Saurabh Tayde (2012) Utilization of Waste Plastic in Asphalting of Roads, Scientific reviews and Chemical Communications, Volume 2, pp. 147 – 157. [2] K. Lee, T. Park, R. Salgado, C. W. Lovell and B. J. Coree (1997) Use of Pyrolyzed Carbon Black as Additive in Hot Mix Asphalt, Journal of Transportation Engineering, pp. 489 – 494. [3] Meor Othman Hamzah, Marliana Azura Ahmad Puzi and Khairun Azizi Mohd Azizli (2010) Properties of Geometrically Cubical Aggregates and its Mixture Design, International Journal of Research and Reviews in Applied Sciences, Volume 3, pp. 249 – 256. [4] Mutiu Akinpelu, Bamidele I. O. Dahunsi, Oladipupo Olafusi, Olufemi Awogboro and Adedeji Quadri (2013) Effect of Polythene Modified Bitumen on Properties of Hot Mix Asphalt, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Volume 8, pp. 290 – 295. [5] P.K Jain, Ambika Behl and Girish Sharma (2012) Study on Waste Polyvinyl Chloride Modified Bitumen for Paving Applications, ARRB Conference, pp. 1 – 15. [6] Seracettin Arasan, A.Samet Hasiloglu and Suat Akbulut (2010) Shape Properties of Natural and Crushed Aggregate using Image Analysis, International Journal of Civil and Structural Engineering, Volume 1, pp. 221 – 233. U. Arun Kumar, P.V.V.Satyanarayana, T. Srikanth |
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4. | Modeling Of Maritime Vehicle Using Gold Coin Coding Technique and GPS
Modeling Of Maritime Vehicle Using Gold Coin Coding Technique and GPSAbstract: The main aim of the project is to identify the ship or boat on the zone level. While travelling in boat or ship the iceberg in the sea is detected by using ultrasonic sensor and the prediction of tsunami is carried out using vibration sensor. If the boat or ship crosses the limitation of border it gives a voice message, if they try to move forward then the ship/boat will automatically stop functioning. There is one emergency switch available on the boat side that will inform about the route to home. In the problematic time, the information is passed to the control room then the ship/boat is rescued in case of danger. A GPS receiver shows the position of the ship/boat by receiving the signal from the satellite. The microcontroller is used to calculate the accurate position of the boat/ship which will indicate the fisherman through an alarm system that the ship/boat has crossed the boundary. Through this process the system helps in saving the lives of the fisherman and reduces the risks and damages caused to them when they are lost in the sea.Key words: The master control station (MCS), Global Positioning System (GPS), Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) Reference [1] Elad Tzoreff and Ben-Zion Bobrovsky, ―A Novel Approach for Modelling Land Vehicle Kinematics to Improve GPS performance under urban environment conditions‖ March 2012 [2] K.Suresh kumar, Mr.Sharath kumar, ―Design Of Low Cost Maritime Boundary Identification Device Using GPS System‖ vol.2(9),2010. [3] Alison Brown and Dan Sullivan, ―Inertial Navigation Electro-Optical Aiding During GPS Dropouts‖ May 2002. [4] Youjing Cui and Shuzhi Sam Ge, ―Autonomous Vehicle Positioning With GPS in Urban Canyon Environments‖ February 2003. [5] Anurag.D, Srideep Ghosh and Somprakash, bandyopadhyay, ―GPS based vehicular Collision Warning System‖ 2008 Miss.Lavanya.G, Ms. Sneha Susan Abraham |
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5. | A Popularity-Aware Buffer Management System to Stored Packet Memory in Massage Transmission Grade in Delay Tolerant Network
A Popularity-Aware Buffer Management System to Stored Packet Memory in Massage Transmission Grade in Delay Tolerant NetworkAbstract: A delay-tolerant network is a network designed so that momentary or flashing communication problems and limitations have the least possible unpleasant impact. As the storage-carry-forward paradigm is adopted to transfer messages in DTNs, buffer management schemes greatly influence the performance of routing protocols when nodes have limited buffer space. Two major issues should be considered to achieve data delivery in such challenging networking environments: a routing strategy for the network and a buffer management policy for each node in the network. The routing strategy determines which messages should be forwarded when nodes meet and the buffer management policy determines which message is purged when the buffer overflows in a node. This study proposes an enhanced buffer management policy that utilizes message properties. For maximization of the message deliveries and minimization of the average delay, two utility functions are proposed on the basis of message properties, particularly the number of replicas, the age and the remaining time-to-live(TTL). Simulation results show that our buffer management scheme canimprove delivery ratio and has relative lower overhead ratio compared with other buffer management schemes. In this scheme several type of buffered policies, null buffered , single copy buffered ,infinite buffered etc. Our work in null buffered policies there are no massage are available in buffered after massage send. In case massage send and this massage are discarded and buffered store only single copy of massage than retransmitted it.Key words: Delay tolerant network, Routing, Buffer Management , Intermittent connectivity, Massage scheduling Reference [1] Yue Cao and Zhili Sun,member IEEE routing in delay / disruption Tolerant network:a taxonomy , survey and challenges Magazine 2013(15): [2] Lijun TANG1, Yi CHAI 1;, Yun LI 2, Binbin WENG2 buffer m management Policies in Opportunistic Networks 2012(5149-5159) [3] Yao Liu1,2, Jianxin Wang1, Shigeng Zhang1, Hongjing Zhou2 A Buffer management Scheme based Message Transmission Status in Delay tolerant Networks IEEE Globecom 2011 . [4] K. Shin S. Kim Enhanced buffer management policy that utilizes message properties for delay-tolerant networks IET Communications Received on 25th May 2010, pp. 26-38 [5] Qingsong Wei, Member, IEEE, Lingfang Zeng, Jianxi Chen, Cheng Chen ,A popularity Aware Buffer Management to Improve Buffer Hit Ratio and Sequentiality for Solid State Drive IEEE 3 June 2011. Jagruti Ramabhai Patel , Viren G. patel |
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6. | Enhancing Logo Matching and Recognition Using Local Features
Enhancing Logo Matching and Recognition Using Local FeaturesAbstract: The design of visual feature extraction with scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) is widely used for recognition of object in logos. However, the real-time implementation suffers from heavy computation, and high memory storage, long latency because of its frame level computation, so we propose PCSIFT(principal component analysis SIFT) to over come all the drawback by recognition and matching multiple feature with multiple reference logos in real world application and in image archives by the help of designing a novel contribution framework. In Reference logos the test images are done on local features like, interest point, region etc. some terms of measuring feature like 1.feature matching quality is measured by the fidelity term, 2. feature co-occurrence/geometry is captured by neighbourhood criterian, 3.smoothness matching solution is done by the regularization term. We can use various logo set and real world logos to match and recognize the logos and the experimental result shows greater validity and accuracy.Key words: Context-dependent kernel, logo detection, logo recognition, SIFT, PCSIFT. Reference [1] H. Sahbi, L.Ballan, G.Serra, and A.Del Bimbo, "Context- Dependent Logo Matching and Recognition" IEEE trans, vol.22, no. 3, 2013. [2] Liang-Chi Chiu, Tian-Sheuan Chang "Fast SIFT Design for Real-Time Visual Feature Extraction" IEEE VOL. 22, NO. 8, AUGUST 2013. [3] Tsung-Jung Liu,Weisi Lin, and C.-C. Jay Kuo "Image Quality Assessment Using Multi-Method Fusion" IEEE VOL. 22, NO. 5, MAY 2013. [4] George E. Dahl, Dong Yu, Li Deng, and Alex Acero, "Context-Dependent Pre-Trained Deep Neural Networks for Large-Vocabulary Speech Recognition" IEEE VOL. 20, NO. 1, JANUARY 2012 [5] H. Sahbi, J.-Y. Audibert, and R. Kerivan, "Context-dependent kernels for object classification," IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell., vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 699–708, Apr. 2011. [6] 8.J. Sivic and A. Zisserman "Efficient visual search of videos cast as text retrieval "IEEE trans, vol.20, no. 3, 2009 S.Karthikeyan, C.Kalaiyarasi, P.Saranya, V.Aishwarya Lakshmi |
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7. | Optimization of Geometrical Parameters of Four Stroke Engine Piston
Optimization of Geometrical Parameters of Four Stroke Engine PistonAbstract: The impact of crown thickness, thickness ofbarrel and piston top land height on stress distribution and total deformation is monitored during the study of actual four stroke engine piston. The entire optimization is carried out based on statistical analysis. It has been notified that after reducing the geometrical parameters of piston the stress distribution and total deformation is increased which is within the desirable tolerance limit. FEA analysis is carried out using ANSYS for optimum geometry. The work describes the mesh optimization with using finite element analysis technique to predict the higher stress and critical region on the component.Key words: FEA, Crown thickness, Thickness ofbarrel, Top land height, Statistical analysis. Reference [1] Mi Yan, Wang Tao," Finite Element Analysis of Cylinder Piston Impact Based on ANSYS/LS-DYNA", MEMS 2012. [2] Ch.VenkataRajam, P.V.K.Murthy, M.V.S.Murali Krishna, G.M.PrasadaRao, "Design Analysis and Optimization of Piston using CATIA and ANSYS", January 2013, issue 2 volume 1. [3] Anil kumar, Kamaldeep Grover, BalvinderBudania," Optimization of Connecting Rod Parameters using CAE Tools", Vol. 1 Issue 3 September 2012. [4] Thet T. Mon, RizalmanMamat, NazriKamsah, "Thermal Analysis of SI-Engine using Simplified Finite Element Model",Vol III WCE 2011, July 6 - 8, 2011. [5] Ghodake A. P., Patil K.N, "Piston Design and Analysis by CAE Tools ", ISSN: 2250-3021 ISBN: 2878-8719 PP 33-36 National Symposium on engineering and Research. [6] Pravardhan S. Shenoy and Ali Fatemi, "Connecting Rod Optimization for Weight and Cost Reduction", 2005-01-0987. BedajangamsagarKishor, N. P. Jadhav |
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8. | State Of Art in Homomorphic Encryption Schemes
State Of Art in Homomorphic Encryption SchemesAbstract: The demand for privacy of digital data and of algorithms for handling more complex structures have increased exponentially over the last decade. However, the critical problem arises when there is a requirement for publicly computing with private data or to modify functions or algorithms in such a way that they are still executable while their privacy is ensured. This is where homomorphic cryptosystems can be used since these systems enable computations with encrypted data. A fully homomorphic encryption scheme enables computation of arbitrary functions on encrypted data.. This enables a customer to generate a program that can be executed by a third party, without revealing the underlying algorithm or the processed data. We will take the reader through a journey of these developments and provide a glimpse of the exciting research directions that lie ahead. In this paper, we propose a selection of the most important available solutions, discussing their properties and limitations.Key words: mobile agents, homomorphic encryption Reference [1] Brakerski, Z., Gentry, C., & Vaikuntanathan, (2011). Fully Homomorphic Encryption without Bootstrapping. In: Proceedings of the 3rd Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science Conference (ITCS'12), pp. 309-325, ACM Press, New York, NY, USA. [2] R. Rivest, L. Adleman, and M. Dertouzos, "On data banks and privacy homomorphisms," in Foundations of Secure Computa- tion, pp. 169–177, Academic Press, 1978. [3] Brakerski, Z. & Vaikuntanathan, V. (2011). Fully Homomorphic Encryption from Ring-LWE and Security for Key Dependent Messages. In: Advances in Cryptology- Proceedings of CRYPTO'11, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol 6841, Springer-Verlag, pp. 505-524. [4] Brakerski, Z. & Vaikuntanathan, V. (2011a). Efficient Fully Homomorphic Encryption from (Standard) LWE. In: Proceedings of the IEEE 52nd Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS'11), pp. 97-106, ACM Press, New York, NY, USA. [5] ElGamal, T. (1985). A Public Key Cryptosystem and a Signature Scheme Based on Discrete Logarithms. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol 31, Issue 4, July 1985, pp. 469-472 S. Sobitha Ahila, Dr.K.L.Shunmuganathan |
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Characterisation of Locally Available Cast Iron Scraps In Nigeria for Production of Pump Cylinders
Characterisation of Locally Available Cast Iron Scraps In Nigeria for Production of Pump CylindersAbstract: The work analysed various grades of cast iron scraps, determined the quantity of additives in them and assessed their suitability for the production of Bore Hole Hand Pump (BHHP) cylinders. The material properties of the cylinders produced in HEDI from the scrap were compared with the Indian Mark II (assumed standard) cylinders, under the same experimental conditions. The average hardness obtained were 47.80 and 47.24; 43.23, 43.24, 44.50, 42.40, and 40.42 in HRC. The average impact energy in Joules, were 1.76 and 1.78; 2.44, 1.90, 2.34, 2.38, and 2.10 and the average tensile strength in N/mm2 obtained were 242.02 and 256.13; 231.44, 216.06, 269.49, 253.64 and 249.01, for the two foreign cylinders and the five casted samples in each test respectively. Spectroscopic analysis results for the chemical composition gave average carbon contents of 4.18% and 3.96% for the two foreign cylinders and 5.16% for the five casted samples, average silicon contents of 1.77% and 1.69% for the two foreign cylinders and 3.43%, 4.06%, 3.87%, 3.92%, and 3.63% for the five casted samples and 2.8% for SON respectively, the average iron contents of 88.0% and 86.9% for the two foreign cylinders and 75.5%, 78.7%, 79.9%, 76.3%, and 75.4% for the five casted samples respectively. The results indicate that the locally produced cylinders compared favourably well with the Indian Mark II. SIGNIFICANCE: The study would be useful in the production of BHHP cylinders and other components from Cast Iron scraps. It will reduce or eliminated dependence on foreign technology by development of the local technology for the production of the BHHP spare parts. The work will ensure availability of standardized spare parts for local fabrication of BHHP Cylinders and thereby create jobs, reduce poverty and empower the youths in the area of fabrication of BHHP Cylinders.Key words: Cast iron, Impact, Hardness, Tensile, Spectrometal, Metallography Reference [1] Callister W. D., Jr. (1997): "Materials Science and Engineering, An Introduction", Fourth Edition, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. [2] Davies D. J. and Oelmann I. A. (1983): "The Structure, Properties and Heat Treatment of Metals", Pitman Publishing, Great Britain [3] Jain R.K. (2005): "Production Technology", 16th Edition, Khanna Publishers. [4] Kalpakjian S. and Schmid S.R. (2000): "Manufacturing Engineering and Technology", Fourth Edition, Pearson Education [5] Standards Organisation of Nigeria, SON, (1997): General Requirements for Deep Well Hand Pump for Rural Water Supply, Nigerian Industrial Standard, NIS 325:1997, First Edition, Approved by The Nigerian Standards Council, pg 5. A.O. Ambali, I.O. Abdulmalik, M.C. Amonye, and A.A. Umar |
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10. | Investigation of AC/DC Converters with PFC and Output Isolation Diodes
Investigation of AC/DC Converters with PFC and Output Isolation DiodesAbstract: This paper presents computer simulation and experimental results of a research on two parallel connected single phase AC/DC converters with power factor correction and control scheme realized by L4981A controller. The analysis is focused on: power factor and harmonic distortion of the grid current; transient process of settlement of the steady state of the output voltage and its pulsations; output currents sharing at initial start and steady state.Key words: power factor correction, parallel operation Reference [1] YHuang and CK Tce, Circuit Theoretic Classification of Parallel Connected DC-DC Converters, IEEE Trans. on CS, 54(5), 2007,1099-1108. [2] A Altowati, K Zenger and H Koivo, Modeling and Control design of Paralleled DC-DC Swiching Converters, Proc of Int. conf. of Communication, Computer and Power – ICCCP09, 2009, 231-236. [3] V Choudhary, E Ledezma, R Ayyanar and R M Button, Fault Tolerant Circuit Topology and Control Method for Input-Series and Output-Parralel Modular DC-DC Converters, IEEE Trans. on PE, 23(1), 2008, 402-411. [4] B Hyunsu, J Lee, J Yang and B H Cho, Digital Resistive Current (DRC) Control for the Parallel Interleaved DC-DC Converters, IEEE Trans. on PE, 23(5), 2008,2465-2476. [5] KAnthony, Current Share in Multiphase DC-DC Converters Using Digital Filtering Techniques, IEEE Trans. on PE, 24(1), 2009, 212-220. Mihail H. Antchev, MariyaP.Petkova, Hristo M. Antchev |
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11. | Validation of Caline 4 Model for Prediction of Carbon Monoxide in the Vicinity of Urban Roads
Validation of Caline 4 Model for Prediction of Carbon Monoxide in the Vicinity of Urban RoadsAbstract: In order to achieve estimates of urban air quality in the near-field of urban roadways the use of air quality dispersion modeling becomes more significant. In India, CLAINE – 4 has been recommended to predict CO concentration in the proximity of urban roads. Therefore, present study aims at to validate the Caline 4 model for prediction of carbon monoxide in the vicinity of urban roads. The CO monitoring and prediction using Caline – 4 has been carried using real time data. Furthermore, the statistical data analysis for predicted and monitored CO has been carried out to validate the Caline 4 prediction model. The hourly concentration of monitored and predicted CO for both locations clearly shows two peaks (morning and evening) of CO during the day in all the months of the monitoring and prediction. The values of statistical parameters in terms of mean, Index of Agreement (IA), Normalized Mean Square Error (NMSE), Pearson's correlation coefficient (COR), the Fractional Bias and the Factor-of-Two (F2) have been found to be very close to ideal model performance. The values of statistical parameters chosen for the model validation showed good correlation between monitored and predicted values of 1 hourly average CO at both locations of the road..Key words: Urban Roadways, CO Monitoring, CO Prediction, Statistical analysis, Model Validation [1]. Coe, D. (1998), User's Guide for CL4: A User-Friendly Interface for the Caline 4 Model for Transportation Project Impact Assessments (Revised), UC Davis and Sonoma Technology Inc. for Caltrans: Sacramento, CA, http://www.dot .ca.gov/hq/env/air/Documents/CL4Guide.pdf. [2]. Bryan D. Jungers, Deb Niemeier, Tom Kear (2006), A Survey of Air Quality Dispersion Models for Project Level Conformity Analysis, UC Davis-Caltrans Air Quality Project, http:/AQP.engr.ucdavis.edu Ghanshyam |
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