Volume 4- Issue 12 [December 2014 ]
- Random Lead Time of the acute ghrelin response to a psychological stress
Geetha.T and Thangappan.R
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - A Literature Review on Organizational Commitment – A Comprehensive Summary
Sayani Ghosh, Dr. Swamy D R
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - A Versatile Control Scheme For Dynamic Voltage Restorer To
Limit Downstream Fault Currents
A.Nagendra, R.Venkata Subbaiah, G. Venkata Suresh Babu
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Buckling and Pull-In Instability of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube Probes Near Graphite Sheets Using Power Series and Padé Approximants
Jalal Alsarraf, Majed A. Alwatheeqi, Esam A.M. Husain, Khaled Alawadhi
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Planning and Selection of Heavy Construction Equipment in Civil Engineering
Mr. Nilesh D. Chinchore, Prof. Pranay R. Khare
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Analysis of Natural Convection of Convergent-Divergent Fins in Marine Environments
K. Alawadhi, Abdulwahab J. Alsultan, S. Joshi, M. Sebzali, Esam. AM.Husain
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Permeability Evaluation in Pilaspi (M. Eocene - U. Eocene) Formation
Ali.K. Darwesh, Sana.J. Rashid
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Bamboo Reinforced Concrete Truss Bridge for Rural Infrastructure
D. Nuralinah, S. M. Dewi, A. Munawir
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Evaluating pollution potential of leachate from landfill site, from the Tangier city and its impact on groundwater (Tangier - Northern Morocco)
A. Bader, S. El Blidi, M. Fekhaoui, A. Yahyaoui
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Vector Controlled Two Phase Induction Motor and To A Three Phase Induction Motor
K.krishna Rao, M.Ramesh Kumar
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - A Review: Welding Of Dissimilar Metal Alloys by Laser Beam Welding & Friction Stir Welding Techniques
Ms. Deepika Harwani, Mr. Kapil Banker
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Trends in Wire Electrical Discharge Machining (WEDM): A Review
Ms. Sharanya S. Nair, Ms. Nehal Joshi
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Prospect of Coal Based IGCC to Meet the Clean Energy Challenge
Md. Kamruzzaman, Md. Raju Ahmed, Asiful Habib, Subir Ranjan Hazra
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Design of a Low Power Combinational Circuit by using Adiabatic Logic
B.Jeevan Rao, P.Satyanarayana
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Sag mitigation in distribution system by using Dynamic voltage Restorer (DVR)
Neelam Rani, Dr. A.K. Ghai, Prof. Devesh Bindal
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Assessment of sanitation levels of sources of water in Osun State Capital, Nigeria
Felix A. Oginni and Samson O. Ojoawo
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Capacitor Placement Using Bat Algorithm for Maximum Annual Savings in Radial Distribution systems
Dinakara Prasad Reddy P, C. Hari Prasad, M C V Suresh
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Plant location selection by using MCDM methods
D. Sriniketha, Dr. V. Diwakar Reddy, A. Naga Phaneendra
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
Ghrelin is a growth hormone and cortisol secretagogue that plays an important role in appetite and weight regulation. It is not known whether ghrelin is involved in the eating response to stress in humans. In the present study we examined the effects of psychologically induced stress on plasma ghrelin levels in patients with binge-eating disorder (BED) and in healthy subjects of normal or increased body mass index (BMI). Volunteers were subjected to the standardized trier social stress test (TSST). Basal ghrelin levels in patients were at an intermediate level between thin and healthy obese subjects, but this difference did not attain statistical significance. There were no differences in ghrelin levels throughout the test among the groups after correction for BMI, age and gender. A significant difference in the trend time of ghrelin was revealed when the three groups were analyzed according to their cortisol response to stress. Ghrelin levels increased in cortisol responders whereas no change or a decrease in ghrelin levels occurred in cortisol non-responders. We also found Optimal time T*, Minimal Repair δ and Random Lead Time g to minimize the ghrelin level. ×Geetha.T and Thangappan.R, "Random Lead Time of the acute ghrelin response to a psychological stress" Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
The paper encapsulates the evolution of the concept of organizational commitment, and its constructs. It focuses and analyses the literature findings of organizational commitments over the last five decades. It categorizes the approaches into six broad eras, each era being an extension and modification over the preceding ones. This review paper brings to the fore the theories that have emerged in the body of knowledge regarding commitment in organizations in a chronological order, starting from the side bet theory to the more recent multiple commitment approach. The gaps in the theories proposed have been identified and reviewed critically. It is difficult to conceptualize and measure organizational commitment as it encompasses a vast and highly diverse body of knowledge. Due to this it becomes difficult to interpret and conclude from the existing bodies of literature. The paper also highlights the importance of recognizing the individual/employee‟s perspective towards organizational commitment.Keywords: Affective Commitment, Continuance Commitment, Normative Commitment, Employee Retention, Employee Commitment, Organizational Behavior, Organizational Commitment, Organizational Psychology, Turnover, Three Dimensional Model. ×
Sayani Ghosh, Dr. Swamy D R, "A Literature Review on Organizational Commitment – A Comprehensive Summary"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
The Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) is a custom power device utilized to counteract voltage sags. It injects controlled three-phase ac voltages in series with the supply voltage, subsequent to voltage sag, to enhance voltage quality by adjusting the voltage magnitude, wave shape, and phase angle. The DVR is conventionally bypassed during a downstream fault to prevent potential adverse impacts on the fault and to protect the DVR components against the fault current. This paper proposes an augmented control strategy for the DVR that provides:1) voltage-sag compensation under balanced and unbalanced conditions and 2) a fault current interruption (FCI) function. This paper introduces and evaluates an auxiliary control strategy for downstream fault current interruption in a radial distribution line by means of a dynamic voltage restorer (DVR). The proposed controller supplements the voltage-sag compensation control of the DVR. It does not require phaselocked loop and independently controls the magnitude and phase angle of the injected voltage for each phase. Fast least error squares digital filters are used to estimate the magnitude and phase of the measured voltages and effectively reduce the impacts of noise, harmonics, and disturbances on the estimated phasor parameters, and this enables effective fault current interrupting even under arcing fault conditions. The performance of the DVR for fault current interruption is analyzed by using MATLAB/SIMULINK software.Index Terms— Digital filters, dynamic voltage restorer (DVR), fault current interrupting, and multiloop control. ×
A.Nagendra, R.Venkata Subbaiah, G. Venkata Suresh Babu, "A Versatile Control Scheme For Dynamic Voltage Restorer To Limit Downstream Fault Currents"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
In this paper, integration of the power series method and the Padé approximants (PS-Padé) is utilized to study buckling and pull-in instability of multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) cantilevers in the vicinity of graphite sheets due to intermolecular forces. A hybrid nano-scale continuum model based on the Lennard–Jones potential is used to simulate the Van der Waals forces and evaluate the buckling of MWCNT. A closed form power series, based on the symbolic power series polynomials, is utilized to obtain a series solution for the governing boundary value differential equation of the nanotube. In order to handle the boundary conditions and increasing the accuracy of solution, the symbolic power series are transformed into Padé approximants. The governing differential equation is also solved numerically using the finite difference method. The PS-Padé results are compared with the numerical results and other methods reported in literature. The results obtained by using the PS-Padé approach correspond very well with the numerical results. Furthermore, the detachment length and the minimum gap between MWCNT and the graphite plane as important parameters of engineering designs are computed. It is found that for a fixed gap, the detachment length of a MWCNT can be increased with the increase of the radius, wall thickness and the effective Young modulus of the MWCNT.Key words: Cantilever, MWCNT, Padé, Pull-in instability, Symbolic power series. ×
Jalal Alsarraf, Majed A. Alwatheeqi, Esam A.M. Husain, Khaled Alawadhi, "Buckling and Pull-In Instability of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube Probes Near Graphite Sheets Using Power Series and Padé Approximants"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
Construction equipment planning and selection plays crucial role for the success of construction firms.Inadequate manual processes of equipmentplanning and selection and the subjective decisions of equipment managers usually result in major losses in construction firms. An indispensable item of resources, it produces output at accelerated speed, enables completion of task in limited time. Equipment saves manpower, which is becoming costly and more demanding day by day. Equipment improves quality, productivity and safety. Construction equipment planning aims at identifying construction equipment for executing project tasks, assessing equipment performance capability, forecasting date wise requirement of number and type of equipment and finally participating in the selection of equipment to be acquired. To derive full benefits from the equipment, there should be proper selection and good planning of its operations. This paper deals with the planning and selection procedure for equipment adopted by a company to achieve its objective of timely project completion.Keywords: Construction Equipment, Equipment Operation, Planning andSelection, Project Task, Timely Project Completion ×
Mr. Nilesh D. Chinchore, Prof. Pranay R. Khare, "Planning and Selection of Heavy Construction Equipment in Civil Engineering"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis was carried out for the convergent-divergent fins arranged inline and staggered on the base plate as per the experimental setup provided in the technical paper [1]. This paper reports on the validation of results of modeling and simulation in CFD. The simulation was carried out using the ANSYS 12.0 as the CFD modeling software. The main objective of the CFD analysis was to calculate the temperature distribution on the surface of the base plate and surface of the convergent-divergent fins for the given inline and staggered arrangement of fins due to the effect of natural convection heat transfer for different heat power inputs, and also to compare the CFD results with the experimental results.Keywords: CFD simulation, Convergent-divergent fins, Heat sink, Natural convection, Surface augmentation. ×
K. Alawadhi, Abdulwahab J. Alsultan, S. Joshi, M. Sebzali, Esam. AM.Husain, "Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Analysis of Natural Convection of Convergent-Divergent Fins in Marine Environments"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
Studying the permeability in a particular formation will be our address in this paper, through collection of a set of data in relates to the past real core analyses by the oil operators and correlating them to our lab works on the samples of the same formation from Pilaspi formation (M.EOCENE - U.EOCENE) outcrop on Haibat Sultan Mountain near Taq Taq oil Field. Lab works were done in Koya University using most of reservoir lab equipments for getting and determining the most important properties like porosity and permeability on plug samples of that formation. The key study in this paper is oil well TT-02 in Taq Taq oil field. In this paper we will try to nominate and recognize the more active porosity type through measuring air and liquid permeability in our reservoir lab and show the effects of increasing flowing pressure on the permeability using saturated and dry core plug. Water and air were used as flowing fluids and two methods were used to measure the permeability; steady-state method, measures the permeability of a saturated Core plug under constant flow rate conditions and air permeability with (N2) for dry core plug.Keywords: Air, Lab, Permeability, Pilaspi, Taq Taq. ×
Ali.K. Darwesh, Sana.J. Rashid, "Permeability Evaluation in Pilaspi (M. Eocene - U. Eocene) Formation"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
Bamboo is one of a potential renewable construction material in the village. Bamboo is known to have a high mechanical strength in direction of the fibers. The weakness of bamboo in lateral direction of the fiber could be solved by constructing a composite structure with the concrete. The appropriate construction with hold the loads in axial direction is a truss structure. In a bamboo concrete truss structure, the bars are composed from the concrete column with a bamboo reinforcement. The research studies about the performance of the bridge and the effect of loading position on the strain and deformation of bamboo reinforced concrete truss bridge. The bridge whose span and width are respectively 1.5 m and 1.2 m was prepared. Load applied to the truss bridge conducted by using vehicle load changes with position. Mounting the strains gauge in bamboo reinforcement of primary truss is to observe the strain. The LVDT is used to observe the deflection of the truss bridge. The results show that the loading position influences the strain and deformation as well as a theoretical view.Keywords: Bamboo, bridge, concrete, truss, infrastructure. ×
D. Nuralinah, S. M. Dewi, A. Munawir, "Bamboo Reinforced Concrete Truss Bridge for Rural Infrastructure"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
Leachate from municipalities' landfills represents a potential health risk to ecosystems in generally and human populations in particularly. This study which was taken during year from 2010 to 2011was focused to study the physicochemical evaluation of the leachate from the landfill of the Tangier city (north of Morocco). The analyses of the sampled leachate revealed strong content of biodegradable organic matter (BOD =166.78 mg/l, COD=2397.25 mg/l and BOD/COD=0.069) and of SM (SM = 577.97 mg/l). Contents in nitrate (NO3=199.77 mg/l) were also revealed. The discharge of the Tangier city is characterized by an old leachate. The long-term monitoring of the evaluation of physicochemical parameters in polluted leachate, on how environmental conditions change over time, could then lead to models useful in the prediction of natural attenuation in aquifers. Therefore, an adaptable and efficient treatment process must be used to eliminate the wide range of pollutants present in leachate.Key words: Leachate, Landfill, groundwater, potential, risks, Tangier, Morocco. ×
A. Bader, S. El Blidi, M. Fekhaoui, A. Yahyaoui, "Evaluating pollution potential of leachate from landfill site, from the Tangier city and its impact on groundwater (Tangier - Northern Morocco)"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
This paper presents vector controlled of single phase induction motor. some problems are with vector controlled SPIM.As SPIM's are typically to maintain speed and also about the complex implementation of vector controlled SPIM.the implemantion of the proposed vector controlled TPIM compared to the vector controlled SPIM. The general modal sutable for vector control of the unsymmentrical two phase induction motor and also stator flux oriented controlled strategies are analized. the comparative performance of both has been presented in this work with help of a practical three phase motor. ×K.krishna Rao, M.Ramesh Kumar, "Vector Controlled Two Phase Induction Motor and To A Three Phase Induction Motor"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
Welding of dissimilar metals has attracted attention of the researchers worldwide, owing to its many advantages and challenges. There is no denial in the fact that dissimilar welded joints offer more flexibility in the design and production of the commercial and industrial components. Many welding techniques have been analyzed to join dissimilar metal combinations. The objective of this paper is to review two such techniques – Laser welding and Friction stir welding. Laser beam welding, a high power density and low energy-input process, employs a laser beam to produce welds of dissimilar materials. Friction stir welding, a solid-state joining process, is also successfully used in dissimilar welding applications like aerospace and ship building industries. This paper summarizes the trends and advances of these two welding processes in the field of dissimilar welding. Future aspects of the study are also discussed.Keywords: dissimilar, friction stir welding, laser welding, microstructure, tensile test ×
Ms. Deepika Harwani, Mr. Kapil Banker, "A Review: Welding Of Dissimilar Metal Alloys by Laser Beam Welding & Friction Stir Welding Techniques"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
The exponential growth of manufacturing industries and production and the increased need of accuracy and precision throws the spotlight on the nontraditional machining processes. The machining of metals and non-metals having special properties like high strength, high hardness and toughness is done by non- conventional machining methods. Wire electrical discharge machining is one of the earliest non-traditional machining processes. This machining process competes with conventional machining such as milling, broaching, grinding etc. However, its ability to cut extremely intricate and delicate shapes with utmost accuracy makes this process most suitable among all other processes. The otherwise hard to be machined materials like carbides, tungsten, zirconium etc. can be easily machined using this process. This paper reviews notable work done in the field of WEDM by various researchers.Keywords: cutting speed, kerf width, material removal rate (MRR), parametric optimization, surface roughness (Ra), and wire electrical discharge machining (WEDM) ×
Ms. Sharanya S. Nair, Ms. Nehal Joshi, "Trends in Wire Electrical Discharge Machining (WEDM): A Review"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
The development of a country is nearly proportional to the average per person energy consumption rate, which is very low in our country. However, the rate of average energy consumption is increasing day by day throughout the world. With increasing the production of energy, the problem of environment pollution from the power generation sources and energy efficiency becomes more imperative. Coal is the major source of primary energy of the world, however, the energy efficiency of coal based power plant is low, and also it significantly polluted the environment. Therefore, to improve the energy efficiency and reduce the pollution from coal based power plant is an important issue to discuss. In this paper, the primary reserves of energy throughout the world are discussed. Integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) is a latest technology used to improve the performance of coal based power plant. The process of IGCC and the present condition of IGCC throughout the world is discussed. Finally the advantages of IGCC and necessity of moving towards IGCC from convention coal based power plant is discussed in terms of cost, efficiency and environmental issues.Keywords: Energy, Coal Gasification, IGCC, Clean Coal Technology, CCS ×
Md. Kamruzzaman, Md. Raju Ahmed, Asiful Habib, Subir Ranjan Hazra, "Prospect of Coal Based IGCC to Meet the Clean Energy Challenge"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
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A novel low power and Positive Feedback Adiabatic Logic (PFAL) combinational low power circuit is presented in this paper. The power consumption and general characteristics of the PFAL combinationallow power circuit arethen compared against two combinational low power circuit Efficient Charge Recovery Logic (ECRL), Conventional CMOS. The proposed PFAL combinational low power circuit design was proven to be superior to the other two designs in power dissipation and area. The combination of low power and low transistor count makes the new PFAL cell a viable option for low power designKeywords: Adiabatic Logic, Power Dissipation, power clock. ×
B.Jeevan Rao, P.Satyanarayana, "Design of a Low Power Combinational Circuit by using Adiabatic Logic"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
× ×Abstract:
Power quality is most important concern in the current age. It's now a day's necessary with the refined devices, where performance is very perceptive to the quality of power supply. Power quality crisis is an incidence manifest as a typical voltage, current or frequency that results in a failure of end use equipments. One of the major crises dealt here is the power sag. Perceptive industrial loads and distribution networks suffer from different types of service interruptions and outages which results in a major financial loss. To improve the power quality, custom power-devices are used. The device considered in this work is Dynamic Voltage Restorer. This paper shows modelling, analysis and simulation of a DVR test systems using MATLAB. I have considered single line to ground fault for linear load. The role of DVR is to "compensate load voltage" is examined during the different fault conditions like voltage sag, single phase to ground faults. ×Neelam Rani, Dr. A.K. Ghai, Prof. Devesh Bindal, "Sag mitigation in distribution system by using Dynamic voltage Restorer (DVR)"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
× ×Abstract:
A study of the physicochemical and bacteriological analysis including BOD and COD was carried out for sources of water in Oshogbo the Capital of the State of Osun. Seven water sampling areas were selected to cover the low, medium and high population density areas of the State Capital. Water samples were collected from five sources of water, namely, shallow well, borehole, stream, rain and river. Water samples were collected from the well, borehole and stream water sources from Dada Estate and Isale Oshun for low density population, Ayetoro, Ogo-Oluwa and Oke-Ayepe for medium density, and Oke-Bale and Igbona for high density population areas. Three sampling points were undertaken for the rain water source while River Oshun source at Isale-Oshun was the 25th water sampling point. A total of 25 water quality parameters were analyzed for each of the 25 water sources sampled using the facility at the Rural Water And Environmental Sanitation Agency, RUWESA in Osun State Government Secretariat in Abere. Results indicated that 8 of the water quality parameters, pH, Turbidity; Magnesium hardness, Free Chlorine, Nitrite, Bacteriological, BOD and COD were not within Standards Organization of Nigeria (SON) permitted water quality standards and are of concern to sanitation of potable water in the State Capital. The level of each parameter differs from source to source as well as from level of population densities. The sources that were adjudged polluted were Ogo-Oluwa and Oke-Ayepe well sources; Ogo-Oluwa, Oke-Bale and Igbona stream sources Oke-Bale Rain source.R and the River source at Isale-Oshun. The polluted sources are all within the medium and high population density areas of the State Capital.Keyword: Population density; Water source; Sanitation level; Permissible level; Physicochemical; Bacteriological ×
Felix A. Oginni and Samson O. Ojoawo, "Assessment of sanitation levels of sources of water in Osun State Capital, Nigeria"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
× ×Abstract:
This paper presents a two stage approach that determines the optimal location and size of capacitors on radial distribution systems to improve voltage profile and to reduce the active power loss. In first stage, the capacitor locations can be found by using loss sensitivity method. Bat algorithm is used for finding the optimal capacitor sizes in radial distribution systems. The sizes of the capacitors corresponding to maximum annual savings are determined by considering the cost of the capacitors. The proposed method is tested on 15-bus, 33 bus, 34-bus, 69-bus and 85-bus test systems and the results are presented.Keyword: capacitor placement, loss sensitivity method, Bat algorithm, radial distribution system ×
Dinakara Prasad Reddy P, C. Hari Prasad, M C V Suresh, "Capacitor Placement Using Bat Algorithm for Maximum Annual Savings in Radial Distribution systems"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
× ×Abstract:
Plant location selection has a critical impact on the performance of manufacturing companies. The cost associated with acquiring the land and facility construction makes the location selection a long-term investment decision. The preeminent location is that which results in higher economic benefits through increased productivity and good distribution network. Both potential qualitative and quantitative criteria's are to be considered for selecting the proper plant location from a given set of alternatives. Consequently, from the literature survey, it is found that the Multi criteria decision-making (MCDM) is found to be an effective approach to solve the location selection problems. In the present research, an integrated decision-making methodology is designed which employs the two well-known decision making techniques, namely Analytical hierarchy process (AHP), and Preference ranking organization method for enrichment evaluations (PROMETHEE-II) in order to make the best use of information available, either implicitly or explicitly. It is analyze the structure for the solution of plant location problems and to obtain weights of the selected criteria's. PROMETHEE-II is employed to solve decision-making problems with multiple conflicting criteria and alternatives.Keyword: Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), Location Selection, Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM), PROMETHEE II, weighted average. ×
D. Sriniketha, Dr. V. Diwakar Reddy, A. Naga Phaneendra, "Plant location selection by using MCDM methods"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
×Version 2
- Hard Rock Quarry Seismicity and Face Bursting Flyrock Range Prediction in the Granite and Migmatites Rocks of North Central Nigeria
C. L. Eze., U. U. Usani
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Absorber Models for absorption of Carbon dioxide from sour natural gas byMethyl-diethanol Amine (MDEA)
Akpa, Jackson Gunorubon and Okoroma, Justice U
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Effect of Ambient Temperature and Composition on Liquid Droplet
Shah Shahood Alam
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Studying the factors affecting solar power generation systems performance ( SPGSP)
Jalal A Al-Tabtabaei
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - A Computational Analysis of Flow StructureThrough Constant Area S-Duct
A. K. Biswas, Prasanta K Sinha, A. N. Mullick and B. Majumdar
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - A Simulated Behavioral Study of DSR Routing Protocol Using NS-2
Ali El-Desoky, Amany Sarhan, Reham Arnous
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Effect of activator solution on compressive strength of flyash geopolymer blended with slag
Debabrata Dutta, Dr. Somnath Ghosh
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - The Minimum Total Heating Lander By The Maximum Principle
DangThiMai, Nguyen Viet Hung
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Improving the Role of Universities in Conserving the Architectural Heritage
Dr. Mahmoud Al-Subieh and Dr. Taiseer Al-Rawashdeh
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
Flyrock is responsible for most of the injuries and property damage in hard rock quarry. Hard rock quarry activities are increasing rapidly in Nigeria especially in the granite and migmatite rocks in the north central area. Flyrock is the rock propelled beyond the blast area and blast area is determined by the nature of rock and blasting conditions. The blast area must be well secured to avoid accidents resulting from rock fragments. This work is a quantitative definition of the blast area in the quarries of the north central Nigeria using the most common blasting conditions in the quarries. The radius of the blast area is calculated as 74m. It is recommended that the nearest buildings and other infrastructures to the quarries should be twice this distance; that is 148m.Keywords - Blast area, Face bursting, Flyrock, Hard rock quarry ×
C. L. Eze., U. U. Usani, "Hard Rock Quarry Seismicity and Face Bursting Flyrock Range Prediction in the Granite and Migmatites Rocks of North Central Nigeria"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
Mathematical models of the absorber for the absorption of carbon dioxide (CO2)from sour natural gas in Methyl-diethanol Amine (MDEA)solution were developed. The resulting ordinary differential model equations were solved numerically using theode45 solver of MATLAB 7.5. The accuracy of the models was ascertained using industrial plant data from the carbon dioxide absorber of the Obiafu/Obrikom Gas Treatment plant in Rivers State, Nigeria. The models predicted the CO2 concentration in the sweet gas, gas and solvent (MDEA) temperature progressions along the packed absorber. The results obtained from solutions to the models compared favorably with the plant outputs with a maximum deviation between models predictions and industrial plant outputs of 0.44%. The models were used to simulate the influence of sour gas flow rates and solvent (MDEA) concentration in solution on the performance (absorption rates of CO2) of the absorber.The results show that the absorption rate of CO2 increases with increasing gas flow rate and solvent concentration.Keywords:Natural gas absorption, models, Methyl Diethanol Amine (MDEA), carbon dioxide ×
Akpa, Jackson Gunorubon and Okoroma, Justice U, "Absorber Models for absorption of Carbon dioxide from sour natural gas byMethyl-diethanol Amine (MDEA)"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
An unsteady, spherically symmetric, single component, diffusion controlled gas phase droplet combustion model was developed assuming infinite kinetics and no radiation effects. Finite difference technique was used to solve time dependent equations of energy and species. Adiabatic flame temperature which is important for calculating thermodynamic properties was calculated by employing a detailed method. Effects of ambient temperature and composition on important combustion parameters like adiabatic flame temperature, droplet mass burning rate, burning constant and droplet lifetime were obtained. Results indicated that flame temperature, burning constant and mass burning rate increased with an increase in ambient temperature while the droplet life time decreased. The present gas phase code was used in conjunction with the Olikara and Borman code for obtaining concentration of important species. Emission results showed that for a 100m nheptane droplet burning in standard atmosphere, an increase in ambient temperature led to an increase in NO and CO concentrations and a decrease in CO2 and H2O concentrations. Extinction diameter for a 3000m nheptane droplet burning in oxygen-helium environment was determined. Also, effects of ambient temperature and composition were obtained on droplet lifetime and mass burning rate as a function of initial droplet diameter. The present gas phase model is simple but realistic and can be incorporated in spray combustion codes.Keywords: Droplet combustion model, numerical technique, simplified approach, combustion and emission characteristics, extinction diameter, spray combustion application. ×
Shah Shahood Alam, "Effect of Ambient Temperature and Composition on Liquid Droplet Combustion"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
Solar energy is a huge, clean and renewable source of energy. It is also available everywhere on the earth. However, there are many technical and economic difficulties need to be solved so that solar energy becomes a strong competition against the traditional energy sources. Energy from the sun can be used successfully in electric power generation systems. Depending on the climate conditions and the use of a properly designed, installing and maintained system can meet a large demand in this request. Work plane for this research will include many steps, the first step will include an introduction to solar energy. The second step will be a short review of the solar energy availability, geometry, fields of applications and the largest commercial application of solar energy is the solar thermal power generation. In addition, the most common types of solar thermal power plants, the solar field, heat transfer fluid and the power conversion system types will be explained in detail. The third step, a simple analysis for the solar thermal power plant will be explained in order to predict the optimum conditions leading to maximum performance. Discussions of results will be the fourth step. The last step a conclusion and recommendation for future work will also be included. ×Jalal A Al-Tabtabaei, "Studying the factors affecting solar power generation systems performance ( SPGSP)"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
This paper presents the results of an experimental work with measurement of mean velocity contours in 2-D form and validation of the same with numerical results based on the y+ approach at fully developed flow for various turbulent models like, k-ε model, k-ω model, RNG k-ε model and Reynolds Stress Model (RSM), are used to solve the problem. All the turbulence models are studied in the commercial CFD code of Fluent. The experiment is carried out at mass averaged mean velocity of 40m/s and the geometry of the duct is chosen as rectangular cross-section of 45°/45° curved constant area S-duct. In the present paper the computational results obtained from the different turbulence models are compared with the experimental results. In addition to this for validation of the numerical simulation near wall treatments for fully developed flow or log-law region are also investigated for wall
Keywords: Constant area S-duct, Turbulence Models, Wall function, Fluent Solver. ×
A. K. Biswas, Prasanta K Sinha, A. N. Mullick and B. Majumdar, "A Computational Analysis of Flow StructureThrough Constant Area S-Duct"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
Mobile ad hoc network (MANETS) consists of wireless nodes communicating without any centralized administration .thus each node acts as a host and a router. There are many routing protocols designed for MANETS. The Dynamic Source Routing protocol (DSR) is a simple and efficient Routing protocol designed specifically for use in multi-hop wireless mobile nodes. This paper describes the design the implementation of DSR protocol in NS-2 simulator environment. We also analyze the performance of the DSR for various performance matrixes such as average end to- end delay, throughput and packet delivery ratio. The analysis was made for different number of nodes using the NS-2 simulator.Keywords – MANETs, DSR, routing protocol, performance evaluation, NS-2 ×
Ali El-Desoky, Amany Sarhan, Reham Arnous, "A Simulated Behavioral Study of DSR Routing Protocol Using NS-2"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
The influence of the composition of activator solution on the strength of fly ash geopolymer blended with slag was investigated. The research variable include % Na2O and sodium silicate under typical controlled parameters like curing profile, water content, base material and supplementary material. In this study, the monitoring response variable was compressive strength. Finding suggests that activator solution combination has a significant effect on the properties of the GP (non-blended geopolymer) and GB (geopolymer blended with 15% slag). The experiment concludes that higher percentage of Na2O gives lower strength for GB specimens but corresponding higher strength for GP specimens. Silicate modulus has similar impact on GP and GB. Both for GP and GB specimens compressive strength is increase with higher silicate modulus.Keywords–Geopolymer, Slag, Fly ash, Compressive Strength, Activator. ×
Debabrata Dutta, Dr. Somnath Ghosh, "Effect of activator solution on compressive strength of flyash geopolymer blended with slag"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
The article will research a lander flying into the atmosphere with the flow velocity constraint, i.e. the total load by means of minimizing the total thermal energy at the end of the landing process. The lander's distance at the last moment depends on the variables selected from the total thermal energy minimum. To deal with the problem weapplyPontryagin maximum principle and scheme Dubovitskij Milutin. Solvingboundaryusingtheparameterandthesolutionobtained inthe choiceof variables. The results of simulations performed on Matlab.Keywords-maximum principle; control; the overload; total heat; minimum. ×
DangThiMai, Nguyen Viet Hung, "The Minimum Total Heating Lander By The Maximum Principle Pontryagin"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
Universities are known by their significant role in forming the cognitive and educational minds. This paper focused on improving the role of the universities in conserving the architectural heritage through developing an effectivefertile research system that plays a major role in building the necessary programs planned for the architectural heritage conservation. In this paper, a methodology was proposed including archeological survey a documentation of the registered and unregistered historical buildings and archeological sites planned by the local universities in order to come up yet with a reliable source for the status of those historical buildings and sites and improve the universities role in conserving the architectural heritage especially on the research and documentation part of the conservation process.Keywords:architectural heritage, conservation, universities, archeological survey ×
Dr. Mahmoud Al-Subieh and Dr. Taiseer Al-Rawashdeh, "Improving the Role of Universities in Conserving the Architectural Heritage"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
Version 3
- SeaBuoySoft – an On-line Automated Windows based Ocean Wave height Data Acquisition and Analysis System for Coastal Field's Data Collection
P.H.Tarudkar, G.V. Ramana Rao
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Heat Transfer Enhancement of Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Using Conical Tapes
Dhanraj S.Pimple,Shreeshail.B.H, Amar Kulkarni
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Compressive Strength of Ready Mix Concrete Using Soft Computing Techniques
Mr. Vipin V. Munot, Prof. Ashish P.Waghmare
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Treatment of municipal and industrial wastewater by reed bed technology: A low cost treatment approach
Bansari M. Ribadiya, Mehali J. Mehta
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Design and Improved Performance of Rectangular Micro strip Patch Antenna for C Band Application
Vinay Jhariya, Prof. Prashant Jain
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Harmonic Response of A Rugged System Rack Used In Transport Vehicle
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - FPGA based Real-time Automatic Number Plate Recognition System for Modern License Plates in Sri Lanka
Swapna Premasiri, Lahiru Wijesinghe, Randika Perera
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Scenario of Rural Electrification in India- Challenges and Impact
Nidhi verma, Ishaan dua, Naresh kumari
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Modification of Asphalt by the Use of Crumb Rubber
Shah Room, Muhammad Aleem, Muhammad Ahmad Rana, Umair Anwar Awan, Sajjad Ali
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Effects of Soil and Air Drying Methods on Soil Plasticity of Different Cities of Pakistan
Aashan Ijaz, Syed Abbas Ali, Shah Room, Muhammad Ahmad Rana, Muhammad Aleem
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Automatic Road Extraction from Airborne LiDAR : A Review
Rohini Narwade, Vijaya Musande
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Non-life claims reserves using Dirichlet random
Hafedh Faires
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Energy Efficient Wireless Sensor Network Using Network Coding Based Multipath Routing Protocol For Multicast Network
Gunjal M.S, Prof.S.A.Shaikh
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Possibilistic Fuzzy C Means Algorithm For Mass classificaion In Digital Mammogram
J.S .Leena Jasmine, A. Safana
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Automatic Notch Indication and Identification of Compartment in Emergency
Krishna koushik Kuchibhotla, Badugu Suresh,Vemu Samson Deva Kumar, Gnandeep Reddy A
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Project Definition Rating Index with Feasibility Study in Infrastructure Projects
Mahirajsinh S. Parmar
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Grasp and Manipulation of Five Fingered Hand Robot in Unstructured Environments
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - A Review of Optimization of Surface Roughness of Inconel 718 in End Milling using Taguchi Method
Vishal Kumar Mall, Pankaj Kumar, Baljeet Singh
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Optimization of "T"-Shaped Fins Geometry Using Constructal Theory and "FEA" Concepts
ManasRanjanPadhy, Vikas Jain, JyotirmayeePadhy
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - An Efficient Block Matching Algorithm Using Logical Image
Manisha Pal, Asst. Prof Vimal Gupta
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Modeling and Control of MIMO Headbox System Using Fuzzy Logic
Deepak Parashar, Aseem Chandel, Girijapati sharma, Divya Parashar
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Text dependent speaker Identification by using Eucilidian Distance
Saurav Verma, Harish Ojha, Amit Nerurkar
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Identification Of Ground Water Potential Zones In Tamil Nadu By Remote Sensing And GIS Technique
T. Subramani, C.T.Sivakumar,C.Kathirvel, S.Sekar
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Geomatics Based Landslide Vulnerability Zonation Mapping - Parts Of Nilgiri District, Tamil Nadu, India
T. Subramani, S.Sekar, C.Kathirvel, C.T.Sivakumar
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Identification Of Soil Erosion Prone Zones Using Geomatics Technology In Parts Of North Arcot And Dharmapuri District
T. Subramani, S.Sekar, C.Kathirvel, C.T.Sivakumar
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Voice Activity Detector of Wake-Up-Word Speech Recognition System Design on FPGA
Veton Z. Këpuska, Mohamed M. Eljhani, Brian H. Hight
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Total Harmonic Distortion Analysis of Multilevel Inverter Fed To
Induction Motor Drive With PV-Battery Hybrid System
CH. Anusha, Sri P.Santhi Kumar
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
Measurement of various hydraulic parameters such as wave heights for the research and the practical purpose in the coastal fields is one of the critical and challenging but equally important criteria in the field of ocean engineering for the design and the development of hydraulic structures such as construction of sea walls, break waters, oil jetties, fisheries harbors, all other structures, and the ships maneuvering, embankments, berthing on jetties. This paper elucidates the development of "SeaBuoySoft online software system for coastal field‟s wave height data collection" for the coastal application work. The system could be installed along with the associated hardware such as a Digital Waverider Receiver unit and a Waverider Buoy at the shore. The ocean wave height data, transmitted by wave rider buoy installed in the shallow/offshore waters of sea is received by the digital waverider receiver unit and it is interfaced to the SeaBuoySoft software. The design and development of the software system has been worked out in-house at Central Water and Power Research Station, Pune, India. The software has been developed as a Windows based standalone version and is unique of its kind for the reception of real time ocean wave height data, it takes care of its local storage of wave height data for its further analysis work as and when required. The system acquires real time ocean wave height data round the clock requiring no operator intervention during data acquisition process on site.Keywords: on-line, ocean waves, ship maneuvering, waverider buoy, waverider receiver ×
P. H. Tarudkar, G.V. Ramana Rao, "SeaBuoySoft – an On-line Automated Windows based Ocean Wave height Data Acquisition and Analysis System for Coastal Field's Data Collection"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
This paper provides heat transfer and friction factor data for single -phase flow in a shell and tube heat exchanger fitted with a helical tape insert. In the double concentric tube heat exchanger, hot air was passed through the inner tube while the cold water was flowed through the annulus. The influences of the helical insert on heat transfer rate and friction factor were studied for counter flow, and Nusselt numbers and friction factor obtained were compared with previous data (Dittus 1930, Petukhov 1970, Moody 1944) for axial flows in the plain tube. The flow considered is in a low Reynolds number range between 2300 and 8800. A maximum percentage gain of 165% in heat transfer rate is obtained for using the helical insert in comparison with the plain tube.Keywords: enhancement heat transfer, swirlflow devices, a helical tape insert ×
Dhanraj S.Pimple,Shreeshail.B.H, Amar Kulkarni, "Heat Transfer Enhancement of Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Using Conical Tapes">Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
Ready mixed concrete (RMC) is an essential material in contemporary construction and engineering projects. Compressive strength of concrete is a major and perhaps the most important mechanical property, which is usually measured after a standard curing of 28 days. In this research work, 28-day compressive strength of Ready Mix Concrete has been estimated by using feed forward back propagation neural network, Fuzzy Logic and Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) modeling. The data for the ready mixed concretes (RMC) were collected from RMC batching plant. Various models has been has been developed for different input scenarios. The compressive strength was modeled as a function of five variables, the effects of each parameter on networks were studied for Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Fuzzy Logic and ANFIS models.Index Terms— neural network, Fuzzy Logic, compressive strength, ANFIS models ×
Mr. Vipin V. Munot, Prof. Ashish P.Waghmare, "Compressive Strength of Ready Mix Concrete Using Soft Computing Techniques"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
Reed bed system for wastewater treatment has been proven to be effective and sustainable alternative for conventional wastewater treatment technologies. Use of macrophytes to treat wastewater is also categorized in this method. This new approach is based on natural processes for the removal of different aquatic macrophytes such as floating, submerged and emergent. Macrophytes are assumed to be the main biological components of wetlands. These techniques are reported to be cost effective compared to other methods. Various contaminants like total suspended solids, dissolved solids, electrical conductivity, hardness, biochemical oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, dissolved oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorous, heavy metals, and other contaminants have been minimized using aquatic microphytes. In this paper, role of these plant species, origin and their occurrence, ecological factors and their efficiency in reduction of different water contaminants have been presented.Key words: contaminants, microphytes , reed bed, root zone, Wastewater. ×
Bansari M. Ribadiya, Mehali J. Mehta, "Treatment of municipal and industrial wastewater by reed bed technology: A low cost treatment approach"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
In the resent year the development in communication system requires the development of low cast, minimum weight and low profile antennas that are capable of maintaining high performance over wide spectrum of frequency. This technological trend has focused much effort into the design of micro strip patch antenna. The object of this paper is to design an micro strip line fed rectangular micro strip patch antenna which operate in C-band at 5.33 GHz the antenna design is based on high frequency structure simulation (HFSS) software which is infinite element method based. This proposed antenna is design at height of 1.5 mm from the ground plane at frequency of 5.33GHz. The HFSS software has become the most versatile, easy to used, efficient and accurate simulation tool. After the simulation the performance characteristics such as input impedance, return loss, and VSWR are obtainedKeywords: Rectangular micro strip patch antenna, micro strip feed line, FR- epoxy (4.4) substrate, return loss, an soft HFSS ×
Vinay Jhariya, Prof. Prashant Jain, "Design and Improved Performance of Rectangular Micro strip Patch Antenna for C Band Application"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
Any Electronic or machine device which is designed to operate under Harsh environment environments and conditions, such as strong vibrations, extreme temperatures and wet or dusty conditions, depending on its operation are called as Rugged Systems. The design of the system makes it unique and robust which gives more reliability for its operation. The rugged system is used for carrying the sensitive items for one place to other place without damaging. The products like computers, guns, medicine, walk talky etc. to withstand harsh conditions. The rugged system provides the good conditions while traveling, it keep the devices clean, protected from water, dust, vibrations, and fire to and environmental conditions and more. In this work to perform the harmonic analysis of the rugged system to check its stress and deformation levels, when it undergoes by damping forces while the vehicle is moving. The harmonic response of the two different materials at three different frequencies are determined.Keywords: frequencies, harmonic response, rugged system, aluminum, stainless steel. ×
A.SUMAN BABU, Dr. A. GOPI CHAND, "Harmonic Response of A Rugged System Rack Used In Transport Vehicle"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
This paper proposes a real-time number plate recognition technique which involves localizing the number plate from a rear view image of a vehicle, processing it using image processing and image enhancement techniques to segment and extract the characters in the number plate which are in turn matched against a set of stored templates for an accurate character recognition process. The entire system is developed on a FPGA to achieve real-time processing.Keywords: Automatic Number Plate Recognition, Character Recognition, Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), Real-time Image Processing. ×
Swapna Premasiri, Lahiru Wijesinghe, Randika Perera, "FPGA based Real-time Automatic Number Plate Recognition System for Modern License Plates in Sri Lanka"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
In this paper, the present scenario of rural electrification in India is taken into account. Basically, the electrification in this country is facing a lot of problem and is a growing matter of concern for all. The development in production is not reaching the one who need them. Also taking into picture the present sources of energy it is difficult to make the electricity available to the people belonging to rural areas who don't have much source of income. To overcome this drawback we can utilise renewable sources of energy which is easily available and accessible. Also harvesting this will not cost much except the initial cost of setting up the device to utilise this type of energy. Many projects have been initiated by the government of India to provide subsidy and equipments like solar lantern and solar cooker etc. to the rural population but this didn't turn out to be effective as the follow could not be done by the people to maintain the devices. This can be overcome by implementing off-grid projects which can be initiated at small levels so that people don't have burden to maintain them and it even don't have any adverse effect to environment or society.Keywords: solar energy, decentralised generation, solar photovoltaic, linkage performance. ×
Nidhi verma, Ishaan dua, Naresh kumara, "Scenario of Rural Electrification in India- Challenges and Impact"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
Health aspects enforced to ponder a study on asphalt which incorporate rubber crumbs to increase strength and flexibility of asphalt. Disposal of waste tires is a menace and it's a serious problem globally because it is not easily biodegradable as these tires consume large spaces, open burning cause serious problems. By the use of rubber tires, this scrap is utilized efficiently and reduces the cost of asphalt to produce economical system. The asphalt is absorbed by the rubber particles which swells at high temperature allowing greater concentration of liquid asphalt. The partial replacement of crumb rubber in asphalt is 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% (D05, D10, D15, and D20). The analysis of incorporated asphalt was done in hot mix asphalt. The generated results showed that the value for resilient modulus and creep stiffness is more as compared to the conventional asphalt and in the accumulated strain the values are much lesser which is positive approach.Key words: Accumulated strain, Crumb rubber, Creep, Stiffness, Resilient modulus ×
Shah Room, Muhammad Aleem, Muhammad Ahmad Rana, Umair Anwar Awan, Sajjad Ali, "Modification of Asphalt by the Use of Crumb Rubber"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
Atterberg Limits were initially defined in 1911, by Albert Atterberg, a Swedish scientist. Their purposes are to classifying cohesive soils and determine engineering properties of soils. According to ASTM, all the soils tested by Atterberg limits should be oven dried, it is because drying the soils in different degree will alter their properties significantly. Some of the physical properties of soils will undergo changes that appear to be permanent. Therefore, the soil samples should be in natural or air-dried form. However, in reality, due to time constraint and other factors, many will run the tests by using soil samples that are prepared by oven drying method. They assumed that there is no difference between the results of two types of drying method. However, in reality, the properties of soil will be affected and thus give a misleading result. The objective of this study is to determine the effect of two drying methods, air-drying method and oven drying method, on the soil plasticity. Six soil samples from different cities were tested. These tests include sieve analysis, specific gravity test, hydrometer analysis, Plastic limit and liquid limit test. Conclusively, the oven drying method could not replace the air-drying method in soil preparation for both Atterberg limits tests.Key words: Plasticity, Atterberg Limits, Clay ×
Aashan Ijaz, Syed Abbas Ali, Shah Room, Muhammad Ahmad Rana, Muhammad Aleem, "Effects of Soil and Air Drying Methods on Soil Plasticity of Different Cities of Pakistan"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
LiDAR is the powerful Remote Sensing Technology for the acquisition of 3D information from terrain surface. This paper surveys the state of the art on automated road feature extraction from airborne Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data. It presents a bibliography of nearly 50 references related to this topic. This includes work related to various main approaches used for extracting road from LiDAR data, Feature extraction based on classification and filtering.Keywords: LIDAR, Road Extraction, Classification, Filtering, Digital Elevation Model ×
Rohini Narwade, Vijaya Musande, "Automatic Road Extraction from Airborne LiDAR : A Review"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
The purpose of this paper is to propose a stochastic extension of the Chain-Ladder model in a Dirichlet random environment to calculate the provesions for disaster payement. We study Dirichlet processes centered around the distribution of continuous-time stochastic processes such as a Brownian motion or a continuous time Markov chain. We then consider the problem of parameter estimation for a Markov-switched geometric Brownian motion (GBM) model. We assume that the prior distribution of the unobserved Markov chain driving by the drift and volatility parameters of the GBM is a Dirichlet process. We propose an estimation method based on Gibbs sampling.Keywords: Reserving claims EDS Dirichlet prior Markov chain Gibbs sampling ×
Hafedh Faires, "Non-life claims reserves using Dirichlet random environment"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
Network Coding is most promising aspect of WSN. This Network Coding method is combined with multipath routing protocol to form NCMR protocol.(network coding based multipath routing protocol).This protocol is used to obtain energy efficient wireless sensor network.. These protocol leads to decrease the number of constrain routes & the total time of transmission. This protocol is applied on unicast and multicast network separately. And comparison is done with traditional multipath routing protocol for same unicast and multicast network. Simulation result shows energy consumption of NCMR multicast is lower than NCMR unicast and also than TMR unicast as well as multicast. This work is proved by the simulation analysis results. The used multipath model is based on braided multipath routing, and the network coding method is random linear network coding (practical network coding). In braided network multiple paths to the sink nodes are created for each source node, and the packets encoded at source nodes are transmitted through the braided multipath network model. Then, intermediate nodes re-encode these received packets and transfer these new packets to next cluster. Finally, the multiple sink nodes decode the packets received from different paths and recover the original data. Results of the analysis show that multicast NCMR provides more reliability. We compare multicast NCMR routing protocol with NCMR unicast & also with traditional multipath routing protocol for unicast and multicast networks, in terms of the packet loss, energy consumption, successful delivery ratio & end to end delay when a packet is transmitted Some special simulations are carried out specially for NCMR multicast i.e. effect of number of nodes on energy consumption, packet loss & end to end delay.Keywords: Wireless Sensor Network, Multipath Routing, Network Coding, Energy efficiency, TMR, NCMR ×
Gunjal M.S, Prof.S.A.Shaikh, "Energy Efficient Wireless Sensor Network Using Network Coding Based Multipath Routing Protocol For Multicast Network"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
× ×Abstract:
Mammography is an effective imaging modality of breast cancer abnormalities detection. Survival rate of breast cancer treatment can be increased via early detection of mammography. However detecting the mass in the early stage is a tough task for radiologist. Detection of suspicious abnormalities is a continual task. Out of thousand cases only 3 to 4 are analyzed as cancerous by a radiologist and thus abnormality may be left out. 10-30% of cancers are failed to detect by radiologist. Computer Aided Diagnosis helps the radiologists to detect abnormalities earlier than traditional procedures. Because of some negligence in capturing device, the image may be affected by noise this leads to fault diagnosis. Preprocessing can remove this unwanted noise. In this paper features such as entropy, circularity, edge detection, and correlation are extracted from the image to distinguish normal and abnormal regions of a mammogram. Classification and detection of mammogram can be done by Possibilistic Fuzzy C Means algorithm and Support Vector Machine using extracted features.Keywords: Mammogram, Mass, Preprocessing, Feature extraction, Possibilistic Fuzzy C Means, Support Vector Machine. ×
J.S .Leena Jasmine, A. Safana, "Possibilistic Fuzzy C Means Algorithm For Mass classificaion In Digital Mammogram"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
× ×Abstract:
The main objective of our proposed system is to safe guard people's life, government property and saves time of the passengers. This will focus on the system that will detect the notch that is employed, which helps to run the locomotive ,on the LCD screen and also detects the chain that is pulled in the compartment automatically on the LCD screen with the help of RF module. Position of notch that is displayed when the notch is applied. In general notch is applied to enhance or decrease the speed of the locomotive under the supervision of loco pilot. The increasing and decreasing of notch position should be done gradually in order to increase or decrease the speed. So, by displaying the present position of notch on the LCD screen become ease to identify the notch position. In addition to it, when passengers feel emergency in order to stop the train, they have the right to pull the chain. Once the chain is pulled in any compartment the locomotive tends to travel approximately one kilometer in response to the pulled chain. After once the train is stopped loco pilot has the responsibility to resolve the emergency facing by the passengers, finding where the chain is pulled by checking all the compartments sequentially. In order to save time by checking all the compartments and traveling one kilometer huge distance in emergency driver identifies the compartment where the chain is pulled with the help of RF module placed in the compartments and the same will be displayed on the LCD screen.Keywords: Notch, Chain in the compartment, South Central Railway ×
Krishna koushik Kuchibhotla, Badugu Suresh,Vemu Samson Deva Kumar, Gnandeep Reddy A, "Automatic Notch Indication and Identification of Compartment in Emergency"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
× ×Abstract:
Project Definition Rating Index is a rating tool which helps in predicting the outcome of project. Infrastructure projects are very complex as number of organizations involved is more, the money involved is also too big. In spite of feasibility study done on infrastructure project there are many cases where huge projects have failed having positive feasibility study. PDRI combined with feasibility study can help in achieving knowledge of different hidden areas which might not be seen in feasibility study and vice versa. Combination of these two predicting tools can help in making pre-planning work even better.Keyword: Combination, Feasibility study, Infrastructure projects, PDRI, Predicting tools ×
Mahirajsinh S. Parmar, "Project Definition Rating Index with Feasibility Study in Infrastructure Projects"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
× ×Abstract:
Handling of objects with irregular shapes and that of flexible/soft objects by ordinary robot grippers is difficult. It is required that various objects with different shapes or sizes could be grasped and manipulated by one robot hand mechanism for the sake of factory automation and labor saving. Dexterous grippers will be the appropriate solution to such problems. Corresponding to such needs, the present work is towards the design and development of an articulated mechanical hand with five fingers and twenty five degrees-of-freedom having an improved grasp capability. Since the designed hand is capable of enveloping and grasping an object mechanically, it can be conveniently used in manufacturing automation as well as for medical rehabilitation purpose. This work presents the kinematic design and the grasping analysis of such a hand.Keyword: Dexterous hand,forward kinematics,simulation,force closure ×
GANIPINENI SAI KRISHNA, VENKATA RAMANA NYNALA, "Grasp and Manipulation of Five Fingered Hand Robot in Unstructured Environments"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
× ×Abstract:
Nickel based super alloy, Inconel 718 is a very hard material (46 HRC). Because of its hardness, work hardening and low thermal conductivity, its machining is very difficult. End milling is an effective method for machining, drilling, slotting, and making key ways of Inconel 718. Tensile residual stress takes place during machining of Inconel 718. It is a critical problem, which is minimized to obtain better quality. Residual stress becomes more in the presence of rough machined surface. In this paper we optimize the surface roughness of Inconel 718 in end milling under dry condition. The surface roughness is optimized using four parameter nose radius, depth of cut, feed rate and cutting speed by using a cemented carbide tool. L27 orthogonal array of Taguchi method uses to analyse the result. 27 experimental runs based on L27 orthogonal array of Taguchi method.Keyword: End Milling, Inconel alloy, nose radius, orthogonal array, surface roughness ×
Vishal Kumar Mall, Pankaj Kumar, Baljeet Singh, "A Review of Optimization of Surface Roughness of Inconel 718 in End Milling using Taguchi Method"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
This paper reports the geometric (constructal) optimization of T-shaped fin assemblies, where the objective is to maximize the global thermal conductance of the assembly, subject to total volume and fin-material constraints. Assemblies of plate fins are considered. It is shown that every geometric feature of the assembly is delivered by the optimization principle and the constraints. These optimal features are reported in dimensionless terms for this entire class of fin assemblies. Based on the constructal theory by Dr. A Bejan, T-shaped fins are developed for better heat conductance as compared to conventional fins. Now the geometry of this T type of fin contains many geometry parameters which affect the overall conductance of the fin. With the same material constraint and volume constraints optimal geometry ratios has been calculated so as to design the fin for its best performance. With focus to the practical situations and heat flow patterns, it is quite complex to calculate the temperatures on a T-shaped fin. It requires the help of FEA concepts and CAE software to optimize the geometry.Keyword: Conductance, Constructal, Fins, Geometry, Optimization ×
ManasRanjanPadhy, Vikas Jain, JyotirmayeePadhy, "Optimization of "T"-Shaped Fins Geometry Using Constructal Theory and "FEA" Concepts"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
Motion estimation, which has been widely used in various image sequence coding schemes, plays a key role in the transmission and storage of video signals at reduced bit rates. There are two classes of motion estimation methods, Block matching algorithms (BMA) and Pel-recursive algorithms (PRA). Due to its implementation simplicity, block matching algorithms have been widely adopted by various video coding standards such as CCITT H.261, ITU-T H.263, and MPEG. In BMA, the current image frame is partitioned into fixed-size rectangular blocks. The motion vector for each block is estimated by finding the best matching block of pixels within the search window in the previous frame according to matching criteria. The goal of this work is to find a fast method for motion estimation and motion segmentation using proposed model. Recent day Communication between ends is facilitated by the development in the area of wired and wireless networks. And it is a challenge to transmit large data file over limited bandwidth channel. Block matching algorithms are very useful in achieving the efficient and acceptable compression. Block matching algorithm defines the total computation cost and effective bit budget. To efficiently obtain motion estimation different approaches can be followed but above constraints should be kept in mind. This paper presents a novel method using three step and diamond algorithms with modified search pattern based on logical image for the block based motion estimation. It has been found that, the improved PSNR value obtained from proposed algorithm shows a better computation time (faster) as compared to original Three step Search (3SS/TSS ) method .The experimental results based on the number of video sequences were presented to demonstrate the advantages of proposed motion estimation technique.Keyword: Block matching, Video Compression, Motion estimation ×
Manisha Pal, Asst. Prof Vimal Gupta, "An Efficient Block Matching Algorithm Using Logical Image"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
The Headbox plays an important role in pulp supply system with sheet forming in paper making process. The air cushion headbox is a nonlinear & strong coupling system. In the air cushion headbox system there were two important parameters which include total head and the stock level for improving pulp product quality. These two parameters make this system MIMO output system so for this a decoupling controls strategy was required for interaction between these two control loops. In this paper fuzzy tuned PID control scheme is proposed for controlling the nonlinear control problem in air cushion headbox after the system being decoupled. An attempt has been made for comparison between classical (PID) and fuzzy tuned PID controller. It concludes that the fuzzy tuned PID controller is found most suitable for MIMO system in terms of obtaining steady state properties. The effects of disturbances are studied through computer simulation using Matlab/Simulink toolbox.Keyword: Multi-input multi-output (MIMO), Fuzzy Logic controller (FLC), Relative gain array (RGA) ×
Deepak Parashar, Aseem Chandel, Girijapati sharma, Divya Parashar. "Modeling and Control of MIMO Headbox System Using Fuzzy Logic"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
In this paper we propose a unique approach to text independent speaker identification using transformation techniques such as DFT (Discrete Fourier Transform).The speech signal spoken by a particular speaker is converted into frequency domain after detecting and removing silence in the speech signal. The concept of row mean of the transform techniques has been used for feature extraction The distribution in the transform domain is utilized to extract the feature vectors in the training and the matching phases.Keyword: voice biometrics, silence removal, row mean method. ×
Saurav Verma, Harish Ojha, Amit Nerurkar, "Text dependent speaker Identification by using Eucilidian Distance"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
A case study was conducted to find out the groundwater potential zones in Salem, Erode and Namakkal districts, Tamil Nadu, India with an aerial extent of 360.60 km2. The thematic maps such as geology, geomorphology, soil hydrological group, land use / land cover and drainage map were prepared for the study area. The Digital Elevation Model (DEM) has been generated from the 10 m interval contour lines (which is derived from SOI, Toposheet 1:25000 scale) and obtained the slope (%) of the study area. The groundwater potential zones were obtained by overlaying all the thematic maps in terms of weighted overlay methods using the spatial analysis tool in Arc GIS 9.3. During weighted overlay analysis, the ranking has been given for each individual parameter of each thematic map and weights were assigned according to the influence such as soil −25%, geomorphology − 25%, land use/land cover −25%, slope − 15%, lineament − 5% and drainage / streams − 5% and find out the potential zones in terms of good, moderate and poor zones with the area of 49.70 km2, 261.61 km2 and 46.04 km2 respectively. The potential zone wise study area was overlaid with village boundary map and the village wise groundwater potential zones with three categories such as good, moderate and poor zones were obtained. This GIS based output result was validated by conducting field survey by randomly selecting wells in different villages using GPS instruments. The coordinates of each well location were obtained by GPS and plotted in the GIS platform and it was clearly shown that the well coordinates were exactly seated with the classified zones.Keyword: Identification, Ground Water, Potential Zones, Tamil Nadu, Remote Sensing, GIS ×
T. Subramani, C.T.Sivakumar,C.Kathirvel, S.Sekar, "Identification Of Ground Water Potential Zones In Tamil Nadu By Remote Sensing And GIS Technique"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
Landslide includes a wide range of ground movements, such as rock falls, deep failure of slope, and shallow debris flows. Although gravity acting on an over steepened slope is the primary reason for a landslide. The Nilgiri Hills (Mountains) of Tamil Nadu, India are prone to landslides, which often result in considerable damage to private property, public infrastructure, and loss of life. The mapping of LVZ includes, the preparation of various thematic layers from different data sources, such as Survey of India topographic sheets, Satellite data, Geological Survey of India maps etc. These landslides are typically the result of the structural failure of thick laterite soils that have been saturated by heavy rains during the monsoon season. . GIS have proved to be useful tools for analyzing and managing landslide related data. GIS has been widely used in quantitative estimation landslide susceptibility. The methodology adopted for the identification of landslide vulnerable zones, and suggestion of remedial measures based on the vulnerability of landslides on different terrain parameters per unit area. Through this study, it is evinced again that the geomatics technology is a proven tool for landslide studies in order to properly understand, identify and suggest remedial measures.Keyword: Geographical Information System, Satellite Image, Vulnerability Zonation, Lineament Density, Land Use, Land Cover. ×
T. Subramani, S.Sekar, C.Kathirvel, C.T.Sivakumar, "Geomatics Based Landslide Vulnerability Zonation Mapping - Parts Of Nilgiri District, Tamil Nadu, India"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
Soil erosion is the removal and subsequent loss of soil by the action of water, ice, wind and gravity. Soil erosion is a process that occurs naturally at a slow rate. The average natural geologic rate of soil erosion is approximately 0.2 tons per acre per year. Erosion is the process were by the earth or rock is loosened or dissolved and removed from any part of earth‟s surface. Geological erosion is the rate at which the catchment or land would normally be eroded without any disturbance by human activity. If man alters the natural system by means of various land use practices that is caused accelerated erosion. The present study area is covering Parts of North Arcot The area is lies between E78°30'-E78°45' lattitudes N12°15'-N12°30". The total aerial extent of the study area is 720 sq.km. It falls in the survey of India Toposheet 58 L11 on 1:50,000 scale. The IRS – 1D satellite imagery data were subjected to different types of image enhancement techniques and soil erosion areas were mapped out and GIS databases were generated showing the soil erosion areas using Arc Map 9.1 version. GIS overlay function was executed between soil erosion prone areas and the various controlling variables and the area has been fragmented into a number of polygons of land segments depending upon the controlling variables. Finally, the remedial measures were suggested for each land segment according to the controlling variables.Keyword: IRS - 1D LISS - III, Geomorphology, land use and Land cover, Geographical information system, drainage density, GIS Overlay, Digital elevation model, High pass filtering, ×
T. Subramani, S.Sekar, C.Kathirvel, C.T.Sivakumar, "Identification Of Soil Erosion Prone Zones Using Geomatics Technology In Parts Of North Arcot And Dharmapuri District"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
A typical speech recognition system is push-to-talk operated that requires activation. However for those who use hands-busy applications, movement may by restricted or impossible. One alternative is to use Speech-Only Interface. The proposed method that is called Wake-Up-Word Speech Recognition (WUW-SR) that utilizes speech only interface. A WUW-SR system would allow the user to activate systems (Cell phone, Computer, etc.) with only speech commands instead of manual activation. The trend in WUW-SR hardware design is towards implementing a complete system on a single chip intended for various applications. This paper presents an experimental FPGA design and implementation of a novel architecture of a real time feature extraction processor that includes: Voice Activity Detector (VAD), and features extraction, MFCC, LPC, and ENH_MFCC. In the WUW-SR system, the recognizer front-end with VAD is located at the terminal which is typically connected over a data network(e.g., server)for remote back-end recognition. VAD is responsible for segmenting the signal into speech-like and non-speech-like segments. For any given frame VAD reports one of two possible states: VAD_ON or VAD_OFF. The back-end is then responsible to score the features that are being segmented during VAD_ON stage. The most important characteristic of the presented design is that it should guarantee virtually 100% correct rejection for non-WUW (out of vocabulary words - OOV) while maintaining correct acceptance rate of 99.9% or higher (in vocabulary words - INV). This requirement sets apart WUW-SR from other speech recognition tasks because no existing system can guarantee 100% reliability by any measure.Keyword: Speech Recognition System (SR); Wake-Up-Word (WUW) Speech Recognition; Front-end (FE); Voice Activity Detector (VAD); Feature Extraction; Mel-frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC); Linear Predictive Coding (LPC); Enhanced Mel-frequency CepstralCoefficients(ENH_MFCC); Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA). ×
Veton Z. Këpuska, Mohamed M. Eljhani, Brian H. Hight, "Voice Activity Detector of Wake-Up-Word Speech Recognition System Design on FPGA"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
This paper presents the control of a multilevel inverter supplied by a Photovoltaic (PV) panel and a batteries bank. It is well known that the power quality of multilevel inverter signals depends on their number of levels. However, the question that arises is whether there is a limit beyond which it is not necessary to increase the number of level. This question is addressed in this paper. Three, nine and fifteen-level converters are studied. The harmonics content of the output signals are analyzed. A simplified Pulse Width Modulation (SPWM) method for a multilevel inverter that supplied an induction motor is developed. The controller equations are such that the SPWM pulses are generated automatically for any number of levels. The effectiveness of the propose method is evaluated in simulation. Matlab®/ Simulink is used to implement the control algorithm and simulate the system. ×CH. Anusha, Sri P.Santhi Kumar, "Total Harmonic Distortion Analysis of Multilevel Inverter Fed To Induction Motor Drive With PV-Battery Hybrid System"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
×Version 4
- Combination Of The Non-Destructive Methods For Evaluating The Quality Of Concrete Used In Structures In Reinforced Concrete
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Analysis of soil arching effect with different cross-section anti-slide pile
Zhao Bo, Zhai Yong-chao
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Intrusion Detection System using Self Organizing Map: A Survey
Kruti Choksi, Prof. Bhavin Shah, Asst. Prof. Ompriya Kale
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - A survey on RBF Neural Network for Intrusion Detection System
Henali Sheth, Prof. Bhavin Shah, Shruti Yagnik
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Experimental Investigation of Effect of Aluminum Filler Material on Thermal Properties of Palmyra Fiber Reinforced Composite
J. Pavanu Sai, A. Srinivasa Rao, Dr. N. Hari Babu
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Image Enhancement and Restoration by Image Inpainting
Nishant Trivedi
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Survival function Of Realization process for Hemodynamic and hormonal effects of human GH in healthy volunteers
Geetha.T and Anandhi.N
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Radar target detection simulation
Tarig Ibrahim Osman, Abdelrasoul Jabar Alzubaidi
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Reuse of Lathe Waste Steel Scrap in Concrete Pavements
Pooja Shrivastava, Dr.Y.p. Joshi
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Text Mining: (Asynchronous Sequences)
Sheema Khan, Zafar Ul Hasan
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Study and Analysis of K-Means Clustering Algorithm Using Rapidminer
Abhinn Pandey
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - A Wind driven PV- FC Hybrid System and its Power Management Strategies in a Grid
Chandan Kumar Tiwary, Dr. Amita Mohar
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - A report on Groundwater quality studies in Malwa region of Punjab, MUKTSAR
Rajni Sharma
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Simulation of Height of Stack Pile using SCREEN3 module for Particulate Matter Pollutants
Modi Musalaiah, Venkata Ramachandra P, Sk Liyakhath Ahmed
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - A Heuristic Approach for optimization of Non Linear process using Firefly Algorithm and Bacterial Foraging Algorithm
M. Kandasamy, Dr. S. Vijayachitra
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Investigation of Mechanical Properties in Polyester and Phenyl-ester Composites Reinforced With Chicken Feather Fiber
T. Subramani, S.Krishnan, S.K.Ganesan, G.Nagarajan
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - High Speed Area Efficient 8-point FFT using Vedic Multiplier
Avneesh Kumar Mishra, Paresh Rawat
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Study of Effecting Factors on Housing Price by Hedonic Model A Case Study of the Ninth District of Mashhad City
Azadeh Ebrahimi, Sadegh Bafandeh Imandoust and Mohammad Lashkari
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Hydrogeological Studies At Jalakandapuram Sub – Basin Of Sarabanga Minor Basin, Salem District,Tamil Nadu
T. Subramani, C.Kathirvel, S.Sekar, C.T.Sivakumar
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Pwm Control Strategy For Controlling Of Parallel Rectifiers In
Single Phase To Three Phase Drive System
Ramakrishna Manohar Anaparthi, S Rajasekhar
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Effect of Dissolved Oxygen on Microbial Population and Settling of Dairy Activated Sludge
T. Subramani, C.Kathirvel, S.Sekar, C.T.Sivakumar
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Cost Comparative Study On Steel Frame Folded Plate Roofing System Vs Conventional Truss Roofing System
T. Subramani, K. Bharathi Devi, M.S.Saravanan, C.T.Sivakumar
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
The study is aboutthe use and comparison of three non-destructive methods (dynamic auscultation, sclerometric auscultation and auscultation by RADAR (Radio Detecting and Ranging) to monitor and assess the quality of concrete. Samples of reinforced concrete panels, dimensions 200x100x30 cm of concrete dosed at 350 kg/m3 with diverse E/C ratio were achieved, conserved in the laboratory and subjected to various non-destructive test. The synthesis of the results obtained by auscultation RADAR shows a decrease in the propagation speed of the electromagnetic wave with an increase of the E/C ratio and a decrease in resistance of concrete values measured and confirmed by other non-destructive techniques (sclerometric and dynamic auscultations). This shows that more the dielectric constant is high, morethe concrete resistance is reduced, and conversely the opposite.Keywords: non-destructive methods, auscultation RADAR, Evaluating The Quality Of Concrete ×
Mr. R. OBAD, Mr.M. AFIFI, Mr. H. AIT BENAMER, Mr. O. MOUDDEN, Mr. A. SALHAMI, "Combination Of The Non-Destructive Methods For Evaluating The Quality Of Concrete Used In Structures In Reinforced Concrete"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
Although the knowledge of soil-arching effect of anti-slide pile become common, the analysis of soil-arching effect with different cross-section anti-slide pile is little. Therefore,this paper choose three typical cross-section piles (rectangular, square, circular), Then do some study about the Mechanism of mechanism, frictional arch and end bearing arch of three cross-section piles and the form of soil arch with different cross-section and the soil arch zone under same condition in order to define the best cross-section, The result show that rectangular section pile and square section pile are composed by frictional arch and end bearing arch, while circular section pile is made up by united arch, finally rectangular section pile has a more effective retaining effect than square section pile and circular section pile through compared soil arch zone with three type section piles.Keywords: anti slide pile; soil arch; different cross-section; soil-pile interaction ×
Zhao Bo, Zhai Yong-chao, "Analysis of soil arching effect with different cross-section anti-slide pile"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
Due to usage of computer every field, Network Security is the major concerned in today's scenario. Every year the number of users and speed of network is increasing, along with it online fraud or security threats are also increasing. Every day a new attack is generated to harm the system or network. It is necessary to protect the system or networks from various threats by using Intrusion Detection System which can detect "known" as well as "unknown" attack and generate alerts if any unusual behavior in the traffic. There are various approaches for IDS, but in this paper, survey is focused on IDS using Self Organizing Map. SOM is unsupervised, fast conversion and automatic clustering algorithm which is able to handle novelty detection. The main objective of the survey is to find and address the current challenges of SOM. Our survey shows that the existing IDS based on SOM have poor detection rate for U2R and R2L attacks. To improve it, proper normalization technique should be used. During the survey we also found that HSOM and GHSOM are advance model of SOM which have their own unique feature for better performance of IDS. GHSOM is efficient due to its low computation time. This survey is beneficial to design and develop efficient SOM based IDS having less computation time and better detection rate.Index Terms— Artificial Intelligence (AI), Growing Hierarchical Self Organizing Map (GHSOM), Hierarchical Self Organizing Map (HSOM), Intrusion Detection System (IDS), Network Security, Neural Networks (NN), Self Organizing Map(SOM). ×
Kruti Choksi, Prof. Bhavin Shah, Asst. Prof. Ompriya Kale, "Intrusion Detection System using Self Organizing Map: A Survey"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
Network security is a hot burning issue nowadays. With the help of technology advancement intruders or hackers are adopting new methods to create different attacks in order to harm network security. Intrusion detection system (IDS) is a kind of security software which inspects all incoming and outgoing network traffic and it will generate alerts if any attack or unusual behavior is found in a network. Various approaches are used for IDS such as data mining, neural network, genetic and statistical approach. Among this Neural Network is more suitable approach for IDS. This paper describes RBF neural network approach for Intrusion detection system. RBF is a feed forward and supervise technique of neural network.RBF approach has good classification ability but its performance depends on its parameters. Based on survey we find that RBF approach has some short comings. In order to overcome this we need to do proper optimization of RBF parameters.Keywords-Immune Radial Basis Function (IRBF), Intrusion Detection System (IDS), Multiple Granularities Immune Network (MGTN), Neural Network, Particle swarm optimization (PSO), Radial basis function (RBF). ×
Henali Sheth, Prof. Bhavin Shah, Shruti Yagnik, "A survey on RBF Neural Network for Intrusion Detection System"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
Natural fiber composites are renewable, cheap, completely or partially recyclable, carbon neutral and biodegradable. Their easy availability, lower density, higher specific properties, lower cost, satisfactory mechanical and thermal properties, non-corrosive nature, lesser abrasion to processing equipment, makes them an attractive ecological alternative to glass, carbon or other man-made synthetic fibers. Natural fiber composites are generally very good thermal insulators and thus cannot be used where thermal conduction is desirable. Increase in thermal conduction may be done by adding metal filler powders to the matrix. In this work, the effect of aluminum filler material on thermal properties of chemically treated palmyra fiber reinforced composites is investigated. Thermal properties studied include thermal conductivity, specific heat capacity, thermal diffusivity, thermal degradation and stability. Five different samples with 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100% aluminum powder are considered. With the addition of aluminum filler powder, thermal conductivity increases, specific heat capacity decreases, thermal diffusivity increases and thermal stability improves with maximum at 50% aluminum powder.Keywords: Aluminum filler, Chemical treatment, Natural fiber composites, Palmyra fiber, Thermal properties ×
J. Pavanu Sai, A. Srinivasa Rao, Dr. N. Hari Babu, "Experimental Investigation of Effect of Aluminum Filler Material on Thermal Properties of Palmyra Fiber Reinforced Composite"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
Inpainting is the process of reconstructing lost or deteriorated part of images based on the background information. i. e .it fills the missing or damaged region in an image utilizing spatial information of its neighboring region. Inpainting algorithm have numerous applications. It is helpfully used for restoration of old films and object removal in digital photographs. The main goal of the algorithm is to modify the damaged region in an image in such a way that the inpainted region is undetectable to the ordinary observers who are not familiar with the original image. This proposed work presents image inpainting process for image enhancement and restoration by using structural, texture and exemplar techniques. This paper presents efficient algorithm that combines the advantages of these two approaches. We first note that exemplar-based texture synthesis contains the essential process required to replicate both texture and structure; the success of structure propagation, however, is highly dependent on the order in which the filling proceeds. We propose a best-first algorithm in which the confidence in the synthesized pixel values is propagated in a manner similar to the propagation of information in inpainting. The actual color values are computed using exemplar-based synthesis. Computational efficiency is achieved by a blockbased sampling process.Keywords: Inpainting, Filling Region, Object Removal, Patch Propagation, structure Synthesis, Texture Synthesis, exemplar Synthesis. ×
Nishant Trivedi, "Image Enhancement and Restoration by Image Inpainting"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
Hemodynamic and hormonal effects of human ghrelin in healthy volunteers. To investigate hemodynamic and hormonal effects of ghrelin, a novel growth hormone (GH)-releasing peptide, we gave six healthy men an intravenous bolus of human ghrelin or placebo and vice versa 1–2 wk apart in a randomized fashion. Ghrelin elicited a marked increase in circulating GH. The elevation of GH lasted longer than 60 min after the bolus injection. Injection of ghrelin significantly decreased mean arterial pressure without a significant change in heart rate .In summary, human ghrelin elicited a potent, long lasting GH release and had beneficial hemodynamic effects via reducing cardiac after load and increasing cardiac output without an increase in heart rate. Thus, the purpose of this study was to investigate hemodynamic and hormonal effects of intravenous ghrelin in healthy volunteers. This paper discussed the constant stress level of healthy volunteers with times to damage of stress effect and recoveriesKeywords: hemodynamics; hormones; vasodilation ×
Geetha.T and Anandhi.N, "Survival function Of Realization process for Hemodynamic and hormonal effects of human GH in healthy volunteers"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
Standard radar detection process requires that the sensor output is compared to a predetermined threshold. The threshold is selected based on a-priori knowledge available and/or certain assumptions. However, any knowledge and/or assumptions become in adequate due to the presence of multiple targets with varying signal return and usually non stationary background. Thus, any predetermined threshold may result in either increased false alarm rate or increased track loss. Even approaches where the threshold is adaptively varied will not perform well in situations when the signal return from the target of interest is too low compared to the average level of the background .Track-before-detect techniques eliminate the need for a detection threshold and provide detecting and tracking targets with lower signal-to-noise ratios than standard methods. However, although trackbefore- detect techniques eliminate the need for detection threshold at sensor's signal processing stage, they often use tuning thresholds at the output of the filtering stage .This paper presents a computerized simulation model for target detection process. Moreover, the proposed model method is based on the target motion models, the output of the detection process can easily be employed for maneuvering target tracking.Keywords: Radar ,target ,simulation threshold , signal-to-noise ratio . ×
Tarig Ibrahim Osman, Abdelrasoul Jabar Alzubaidi, "Radar target detection simulation"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
These project works assess on the study of the workability and mechanical strength properties of the concrete reinforced with industrialized waste fibers or the recycled fibers. In each lathe industries wastes are available in form of steel scraps are yield by the lathe machines in process of finishing of different machines parts and dumping of these wastes in the barren soil contaminating the soil and ground water that builds an unhealthy environment. Now a day's these steel scraps as a waste products used by innovative construction industry and also in transportation and highway industry. In addition to get sustainable progress and environmental remuneration, lathe scrap as worn-recycle fibers with concrete are likely to be used. When the steel scrap reinforced in concrete it acquire a term; fiber reinforced concrete and steel fibers in concrete defined as steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC).Different experimental studies are done to identify about fresh and hardened concrete properties of steel scrap fiber reinforced concrete (SSFRC) and their mechanical properties are found to be increase due to the addition of steel scrap in concrete i.e. compressive strength, flexural strength, impact strength, fatigue strength and split tensile strength were increased but up to 0.5-2% scrap content . When compared with usual concrete to SSFRC, flexural strength increases by 40% and considerable increases in tensile and compressive strength. These steel scrap also aid to improve the shrinkage reduction, cracking resistance i.e. preventing crack propagation and modulus of elasticity. The workability of fresh SSFRC are carried out by using slump test but it restricted to less scrap contents. This work focuses on the enhancement of structural strength and improvement in fatigue life of concrete pavements by reuse of scrap steel in concrete. These concrete roads with SSFRC promises an appreciably eminent design life, offer superior serviceability and minimize crack growth and corrosion. The pioneer idea of this work is the reuse of waste lathe scrap as recycled steel fibers, which provides more cost-effective and eco-friendly sustainable SFRC PAVEMENTS.Key words: fatigue life, steel scrap, sustainability, fatigue strength ×
Pooja Shrivastava, Dr.Y.p. Joshi, "Reuse of Lathe Waste Steel Scrap in Concrete Pavements"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
In this paper we tried to correlate text sequences those provides common topics for semantic clues. We propose a two step method for asynchronous text mining. Step one check for the common topics in the sequences and isolates these with their timestamps. Step two takes the topic and tries to give the timestamp of the text document. After multiple repetitions of step two, we could give optimum result.Key words: Correlation, Asynchronous sequences, Timestamps ×
Sheema Khan, Zafar Ul Hasan, "Text Mining: (Asynchronous Sequences)"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
Institution is a place where teacher explains and student just understands and learns the lesson. Every student has his own definition for toughness and easiness and there isn't any absolute scale for measuring knowledge but examination score indicate the performance of student. In this case study, knowledge of data mining is combined with educational strategies to improve students' performance. Generally, data mining (sometimes called data or knowledge discovery) is the process of analysing data from different perspectives and summarizing it into useful information. Data mining software is one of a number of analytical tools for data. It allows users to analyse data from many different dimensions or angles, categorize it, and summarize the relationships identified. Technically, data mining is the process of finding correlations or patterns among dozens of fields in large relational database. Cluster analysis or clustering is the task of grouping a set of objects in such a way that objects in the same group (called a cluster) are more similar (in some sense or another) to each other than to those in other groups (clusters).This project describes the use of clustering data mining technique to improve the efficiency of academic performance in the educational institutions .In this project, a live experiment was conducted on students .By conducting an exam on students of computer science major using MOODLE(LMS) and analysing that data generated using RapidMiner(Datamining Software) and later by performing clustering on the data. This method helps to identify the students who need special advising or counselling by the teacher to give high quality of education.Keywords: Data mining, Clustering, k-means, Moodle, RapidMiner, LMS (Learning Management System) ×
Abhinn Pandey, "Study and Analysis of K-Means Clustering Algorithm Using Rapidminer"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
This paper shows the work done on the method to operate a Wind driven grid connected hybrid system which is composed of a Photovoltaic (PV) array and a Proton exchange membrane fuel cell . A wind system provides with an opportunity to harness the abundantly available renewable resource. With the proton exchange membrane the hybrid system output power becomes controllable. Here the system uses two operation modes, the unit-power control (UPC) mode and the feeder-flow control (FFC) mode. This papers discusses the coordination of two control modes, the coordination of the PV array and the proton exchange membrane fuel cell in hybrid system and the way in which the reference parameters are determined.Keywords: Distributed generation, fuel cell, hybrid system, microgrid, photovoltaic, Wind Generator ×
Chandan Kumar Tiwary, Dr. Amita Mohar, "A Wind driven PV- FC Hybrid System and its Power Management Strategies in a Grid"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
Punjab is the most cultivated state in India with the highest consumption of fertilizers. Muktsar district is one of them. Economy of the district is based on the Agriculture crops and 80% population of the district is engaged in Agriculture. Sri Muktsar Sahib is situated in the cotton belt of Punjab. Paddy, Wheat, Sugarcane, Oilseeds, Pulses and vegetables are also cultivated in this area. This paper highlights the analysis of groundwater quality parameters and compares its suitability for irrigation and drinking purpose. Water samples were collected from hand-pumps at different depth in October 2010. . Water samples were analysed for almost all major cations, anions, dissolved heavy metals and turbidity. parameters like total hardness, EC, magnesium ratio, were calculated on the basis of chemical data. A questionnaire was also used to investigate perception of villagers on taste and odour. The heavy metals studied in industrial area of Muktsar were Mercury, arsenic and lead. Comparison of the concentration of the chemical constituents with WHO (world health organization) drinking water standards of 2004 , ICMR limits and various classifications show that present status of groundwater in Muktsar is not suitable for drinking. Higher totalhardness (TH) and total dissolved solids at numerous places indicate the unsuitability of groundwater for drinking and irrigation. Results obtained in this forms baseline data for the utility of groundwater. No clear correlation between the quality parameters studied here and perceived quality in terms of satisfactory taste response were obtained at electrical conductivity values higher than the threshold minimum acceptable value.Keywords: Groundwater, Malwa region, Muktsar, Punjab. ×
Rajni Sharma, "A report on Groundwater quality studies in Malwa region of Punjab, MUKTSAR"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
× ×Abstract:
This study is regarding the air pollution in selected areas near to port (beside stack yards of port) interested in particulate matter pollution. In this study, the amount of air pollution due to particulates is analyzed. The amount of air pollution is estimated using SCREEN 3 Methodology. In this study, SCREEN 3 methodology is a predefined software tool which can be used to estimate particulate matter pollution levels at different source release heights, terrain heights and at particular receptor height. The results obtained are reported and finally concluded that to avoid the pollution in the selected area, it is better to construct a periphery along the sides of stack yard (source of pollution).Keywords: Pollution, Particulate Matter, Stack Pile, SCREEN3, Receptor Height and Terrain Height.. ×
Modi Musalaiah, Venkata Ramachandra P, Sk Liyakhath Ahmed, "Simulation of Height of Stack Pile using SCREEN3 module for Particulate Matter Pollutants"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
× ×Abstract:
A comparison study of Firefly Algorithm (FA) and Bacterial Foraging Algorithm (BFO) optimization is carried out by applying them to a Non Linear pH neutralization process. In process control engineering, the Proportional, Derivative, Integral controller tuning parameters are deciding the performance of the controller to ensure the good performance of the plant. The FA and BFO algorithms are applied to obtain the optimum values of controller parameters. The performance indicators such as servo response and regulatory response tests are carried out to evaluate the efficiency of the heuristic algorithm based controllers. The error minimization criterion such as Integral Absolute Error (IAE), Integral Square Error (ISE), Integral Time Square Error (ITSE), Integral Time Absolute Error (ITAE) and Time domain specifications – rise time, Peak Overshoot and settling time are considered for the study of the performance of the controllers. The study indicates that, FA tuned PID controller provides marginally better set point tracking, load disturbance rejection, time domain specifications and error minimization for the Non Linear pH neutralization process compared to BFO tuned PID controller.Keywords: Firefly Algorithm (FA), Bacterial Foraging Algorithm (BFO), Optimization Technique, Non- Linear Systems. ×
M. Kandasamy, Dr. S. Vijayachitra, "A Heuristic Approach for optimization of Non Linear process using Firefly Algorithm and Bacterial Foraging Algorithm"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
× ×Abstract:
The purpose of the study is to utilize the chicken feather and finding the mechanical properties of the chicken feather reinforcing with polyester and phenyl ester. The bi-directional CFF reinforced composites were produced with phenyl ester and polyester resins with fiber reinforced composites, the chicken feather fibers (CFF) were cleaned, tested to know the mechanical properties and tensile behavior. It is found that the compressive properties of the CFF reinforced composites are significantly better than the control composites, however, the tensile and the flexural properties are determine by tensile, compressive, and flexural test. The CFF reinforced composite have potential applications due to its improved behavior and structural applications. The poultry waste can be utilized and used in any engineering applications, and it will be preferred due to low-cost and superior characteristics and the most importantly it will not cause ecological and health problems.Keyword: Investigation, Mechanical Properties, Polyester Phenyl-ester Composites, Chicken Feather Fiber. ×
T. Subramani, S.Krishnan, S.K.Ganesan, G.Nagarajan, "Investigation of Mechanical Properties in Polyester and Phenyl-ester Composites Reinforced With Chicken Feather Fiber"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
× ×Abstract:
A high speed fast fourier transform (FFT) design by using three algorithm is presented in this paper. In algorithm 3, 4-bit Vedic multiplier based technique are used in FFT. In this technique used in three 4-bit ripple carry adder and four 2*2 Vedic multiplier. The main parameter of this paper is number of slice, 4-input LUTS and maximum combinational path delay were calculate.Index Terms— FFT, Ripple Carry Adder, Carry Select Adder, Vedic Multiplier ×
Avneesh Kumar Mishra, Paresh Rawat, "High Speed Area Efficient 8-point FFT using Vedic Multiplier"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
× ×Abstract:
In this paper, an investigation of the housing price in ninth district of Mashhad was presented. We applied a descriptive and analytical method for calculations. That is called Hedonic Model. We used 10 variables that covered the physical factors and access position. The results of 516 cases by software Eviews in version 3.1 indicated that 7 of 10 variable coefficients had a significant error about 5%. Also, the 3 variables of ground area and the distance of shopping centers and number of bedroom are no statistically significant, so these are not used in the final estimate. The structural that used for estimate of housing prices by Hedonic model with a logarithmic function. The researches indicate that the area of infrastructure in housing units and the number of floors are important factors for increasing housing price in Mashhad, so that for increasing in each 1% for the area infrastructure and number of bedrooms changed the housing prices about 0.9 and 0.0083 respectively. The factors of decreasing in housing price included age of construction, number of floors, distance of training center, parks and etc.Keyword: Hedonic price model, Housing, Housing price of Mashhad, Mashhad. ×
Azadeh Ebrahimi, Sadegh Bafandeh Imandoust and Mohammad Lashkari, "Study of Effecting Factors on Housing Price by Hedonic Model A Case Study of the Ninth District of Mashhad CityVol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
The main objective of the present study is to investigate the hydrogeology of the Jalakandapuram sub – basin, groundwater potential and quality of groundwater for domestic, industrial and agricultural purposes. Jalakandapuram ( Latitudes 11° 35‟30‟‟N to 11°46‟25‟‟N and Longitudes 77°48‟30‟‟ E to 78°2‟E) Sub- basin is one among the four sub- basins of the Sarabanga minor basins which comes under the Cauvery basin. It has an areal extent of about 325 Sq.Kms. The study area has been studied with aerial Photographs (Block and white) prepared under UNDP Project (1971) and satellite Imageries (IRS IA – LISS II ). The base map of the Jalakandapuram sub – basin has been prepared from the topo sheets (1: 50,000 scale) 58 E/14, 58 E/13, 58 I/2 Published by the Geological Survey of India in the year 1972. The location of the study area, its accessibility, Physiography, climate, rainfall and vegetation are presented. to classify the groundwater of Jalakandapuram sub-basin. This was done using the 25 water samples that were collected by the author and analysed in the Soil Testing Laboratory, Salem – 1. Plots of water samples in the hydrogeochemical classification diagrams (Piper‟s, Handa‟s and USSL) throw light on the quality of groundwater within the study area.Keyword: Hydrogeological Studies, Jalakandapuram Sub – Basin, Sarabanga Minor Basin, Salem District ×
T. Subramani, C.Kathirvel, S.Sekar, C.T.Sivakumar, "Hydrogeological Studies At Jalakandapuram Sub – Basin Of Sarabanga Minor Basin, Salem District,Tamil Nadu"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
This paper explains that how to develop and design, control of single phase to three phase drive system. The proposed topology of drive system consisting of two parallel connected rectifiers, inverter and induction motor, connected through inductor and capacitor, where used to produce balanced output to the motor drive. The main objective of this proposed method is to reduce the circulating currents and harmonic distortions at the converter input side, here the control strategy of drive system is PWM (pulse width modulations techniques) control strategy, the proposed topology also provides fault compensation in the case of short circuit faults and failure of switches for uninterrupted Power supplies. We also develop and simulate the MATLAB models for proposed drive system, by using MATLAB/ Simulink the output results simulate and observed. ×Ramakrishna Manohar Anaparthi, S Rajasekhar, "Pwm Control Strategy For Controlling Of Parallel Rectifiers In Single Phase To Three Phase Drive System"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
The study was carried out to identify and study the settling characteristics of the dairy activated sludge. The causes and the control measure for the sludge bulking were studied. The activated sludge was generated by running a batch reactor of capacity of 10 liters for a θC of 10 days. It was operated until steady state conditions were reached. pH, DO, MLSS and COD were taken as the parameters. The settling studies were carried out for different MLSS concentrations ranging from 2g/L to 20g/L. The addition of Chlorine was selected as the control measure and was added for various doses such as 1 ml, 2 ml and 3 ml of Bleaching powder solution (1 ml of Bleaching powder solution contains 0.515 mg of Chlorine). Settling curves between interface height and time were observed before and after the addition of the Chlorine. From the settling curve the limiting solids flux were obtained. After the addition of Chlorine, there was a considerable increase in the settling velocity that improves the settling nature of the sludge. Area of Secondary settling tank was calculated from the modified solids flux method.Keyword: Effect, Dissolved Oxygen, Microbial Population, Settling Of Dairy Activated Sludge ×
T. Subramani, C.Kathirvel, S.Sekar, C.T.Sivakumar, "Effect of Dissolved Oxygen on Microbial Population and Settling of Dairy Activated Sludge"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
Due to ever-increasing of construction materials, it becomes the foremost duty of a civil engineer to design economical and durable structures. In this project an attempt has been made to compare the cost of two types of roofing systems viz. conventional truss roofing system and steel frame folded plate roofing system. The steel frame folded plate roofing system, though found to be economical, is not widely practiced in India due to lack of knowledge regarding its analysis and design. On contrary to it, the conventional truss roofing system still remains as the widely adopted method of roofing for different types of buildings due to the available literature on its analysis, design and construction. The analysis and design of conventional truss roofing system and folded plate roofing system have been carried out for various spans. The analysis is carried out in STAAD.Pro 2004, which is based on stiffness method. Load calculations and design done manually, based on IS:875-1987, IS:800-1984 & SP:38(1987)Keyword: Cost, Comparative Study, Steel Frame Folded Plate Roofing System, Conventional Truss Roofing System ×
T. Subramani, K. Bharathi Devi, M.S.Saravanan, C.T.Sivakumar, "Cost Comparative Study On Steel Frame Folded Plate Roofing System Vs Conventional Truss Roofing System"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
×Version 5
- An Approach For Object And Scene Detection For Blind Peoples Using Vocal Vision
Manisha Rajendra Nalawade, Vrushali Wagh, Shradha Kamble
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Tracing Back The Botmaster
Sneha Leslie
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Verilog Based Design and Simulation of MAC and PHY Layers for Zigbee Digital Transmitter
Pasala Raja Prakasha Rao, Dr.B.Rajendra Naik
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Tender and Bidding in Construction Projects
Mr. Tejas C Patil, Prof. AshishP.Waghmare
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Growth Processes for a pulse of leptin in fasting human subjects
Geetha.T and Sangeetha. B
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Applicability of Fenton Process for Treatment of Industrial Effluents: A Review
Mehali Mehta, Swati Parekh
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - A New Model of H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter for Reduced
Harmonics Distortion
Vipul Kumar, Dr. Arvind Mittal, Mr. Abid Husain Saifee
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Efficient Resource Sharing In Cloud Using Neural Network
Saranyadevi. C, Mr. G. Vijayanand
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Adsorptive Removal Of Dye From Industrial Dye Effluents Using Low-Cost Adsorbents: A Review
Mehali J. Mehta, Karishma K. Chorawala
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Analysis Of RC Structures Subject To Vibration By Using Ansys
T. Subramani, K. Bharathi Devi, M.S.Saravanan, Suboth Thomas
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Analysis of Seismic Performance of Rock Block Structures with STAAD Pro
T. Subramani, K. Bharathi Devi, M.S.Saravanan, Suboth Thomas
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Finite Element Modeling On Behaviour Of Reinforced Concrete Beam Column Joints Retrofitted With CFRP Sheets Using Ansys
T. Subramani, S.Krishnan, M.S.Saravanan, Suboth Thomas
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Analysis of Retrofitting Non-Linear Finite Element Of RCC Beam And Column Using Ansys
T. Subramani, S.Krishnan, M.S.Saravanan, Suboth Thomas
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Identification and Investigation of Solid Waste Dump in Salem District
T. Subramani, S.Krishnan, C.Kathirvel, C.T.Sivakumar
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Anorthosite and Associated Rocks of Oddanchatram, Dindigul Anna District, Tamil Nadu
T. Subramani, C.Kathirvel, S.Sekar, C.T.Sivakumar
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
This system help the blind peoples for the navigation without the help of third person so blind person can perform its work independently. This system implemented on android device in which object detection and scene detection implemented, so after detection there will be text to speech conversion so user or blind person can get message from that android device with the help of headphone connected to that device. Our project will help blind people to understand the images which will be converted to sound with the help of webcam. We shall capture images in front of blind peoples .The captured image will be processed through our algorithms which will enhances the image data. The hardware component will have its own database. The processed image is compare with the database in the hardware component .The result after processing and comparing will be converted into speech signals. The headphones guide the blind peoples ×Shraddha A. Kamble, "An Approach For Object And Scene Detection For Blind Peoples Using Vocal Vision"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
Nowadays, cyber-attacks from botnets are increasing at a faster rate than any other malware spread. Detecting the botmaster who commands the tasks has become more difficult. Most of the detecting methods are based on the features of any communication protocol or the history of the network traffic. In this paper, a rational approach is brought for the live detection of the botmaster in the internal network. The victim machine monitors its packets and compromises the bots in the network and finds the traces to the botmaster. This approach works independent of the structure of the botnet, and will be a better option for online detection of the botmaster.Keywords: Botnet, DDOS, detection methods, network security, metasploit framework. ×
Sneha Leslie, "Tracing Back The Botmaster"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
The past several years have witnessed a rapid development in the wireless network area. So far wireless networking has been focused on high-speed and long range applications. Zigbee technology was developed for a Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPAN), aimed at control and military applications with low data rate and low power consumption. Zigbee is a standard defines the set of communication protocols for low-data-rate short-range wireless networking. Zigbee-based wireless devices operate in 868 MHz, 915 MHz, and 2.4 GHz frequency bands. The maximum data rate is 250K bits per second. Zigbee is mainly for battery-powered applications where low data rate, low cost, and long battery life are main requirements. This paper explores Verilog design for various blocks in Zigbee Transmitter architecture for an acknowledgement frame. The word digital has made a dramatic impact on our society. Developments of digital solutions have been possible due to good digital system design and modeling techniques. Further developments have been made and introduced VLSI in order to reduce size of the architecture, to improve speed of operation, improvements in predictability of the circuit behavior. Digital Zigbee Transmitter comprises of Cyclic Redundancy Check, Bit-to-Symbol block, Symbol-to-chip block, Modulator and Pulse shaping block. The work here is to show how we can design Zigbee transmitter with its specifications by using Verilog with less number of slices and Look up tables (LUTs).KeyWord— Zigbee, CRC, LUTs, occupied slice, mobility. ×
Pasala Raja Prakasha Rao, Dr.B.Rajendra Naik, "Verilog Based Design and Simulation of MAC and PHY Layers for Zigbee Digital Transmitter"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
Construction Industry plays a key role in the process of economic transformation and growth. Export of projects and services indicate a country's progress in technology and export performance. Most of the companies are versed only with engineering and technology. The decision to bid is a major financial decision because of two reasons. First, the contractor assumes substantial costs for the preparations of the estimates and the tender at the risk of not recovering them if he is not awarded the job. Second, andmost importantly, thecontractor commits himself to investment in the construction of the project if he wins the bid.Keywords-bid, estimate, funds, tender notice, pre-qualification. ×
Mr. Tejas C Patil, Prof. AshishP.Waghmare, "Tender and Bidding in Construction Projects"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
A meal-like transient hyperinsulinemia and hyperglycemia, with a pulse of xamethasone, increased serum leptin levels from baseline by 54±21% at 9 h (P = 0.038). In the absence of transient hyperglycemia, leptin increased significantly after doses of both insulin and xamethasone. The effect of insulin was dose-dependent, with a larger increment of serum leptin at 9 h after the highest dose of insulin (75.2±15.7% vs 21.3±8.5%, P = 0.013). Fasting, with or without dexamethasone, resulted in a significant 20% decrease in leptin from morning basal levels. Conversely, the administration of a pulse of insulin and glucose, in the absence of dexamethasone, prevented the drop in serum leptin observed during fasting, regardless of the insulin dose or the serum glucose elevation. The permissive effect of dexamethasone, a single pulse of insulin triggered a rise in serum leptin in humans, even in the absence of transient hyperglycemia. A single pulse of insulin with glucose can prevent the drop in serum leptin normally observed during fasting. We also find the Growth Processes of LeptinKeywords: GC Processes, Leptin, Glucocorticoids, Cycle length ×
Geetha.T and Sangeetha. B, "Growth Processes for a pulse of leptin in fasting human subjects"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
Wastewater and effluent treatment has undergone innovative changes over the years. Traditional wastewater treatment has yielded to modern and path-breaking procedures which are more efficient and effective. The world of difficulties and unknown has opened new avenues and paths to highly feasible effluent treatment procedures, so the vigorous importance of advanced oxidation procedures. This review paper will delineate the increasing importance of various advanced oxidation processes including Fenton treatment for wastewater. Advanced oxidation processes (AOP's), which involve and includes the in-situ generation of highly potent chemical oxidants such as the hydroxyl radical, have emerged as an important avenue of technologies to accelerate the non-selective oxidation and thus the destruction of a wide range of non-degradable organic contaminants in wastewater which cannot be eliminated biologically. Advanced oxidation processes (AOP) are technologies based on the generation of highly reactive species, the hydroxyl radicals, used in oxidative degradation procedures for organic compounds dissolved or dispersed in aquatic media. These processes are promising alternatives for decontamination of media containing dissolved recalcitrant organic substances, which would not be efficiently removed by conventional methods.Keywords: Advance Oxidation Process, Fenton process, Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), Ferrous sulphate, COD removal, Color removal. ×
Mehali Mehta, Swati Parekh, "Applicability of Fenton Process for Treatment of Industrial Effluents: A Review"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
In this paper the cascaded H Bridge multilevel inverter (CHB-MLI) is discussed and mainly focuses on the modified H-Bridge multilevel inverter in which the number of power devices is reduced. The analysis of fivelevel, seven-level and nine-level MLI are also done. The various control strategies are also introduced which effectively reduce the harmonics. The THD of five-level multilevel inverter is reduced to 16.91% which is much lower than the nine-level MLI.Keywords: Multilevel inverter, five-level, seven-level, nine-level MLI, THD, control strategies. ×
Vipul Kumar, Dr. Arvind Mittal, Mr. Abid Husain Saifeem, "A New Model of H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter for Reduced Harmonics Distortion"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
In cloud computing, collaborative cloud computing(CCC) is the emerging technology where globally-dispersed cloud resource belonging to different organization are collectively used in a cooperative manner to provide services. In previous research, Harmony enables a node to locate its desired resources and also find the reputation of the located resources, so that a client can choose resource providers not only by resource availability but also by the provider's reputation of providing the resource. In proposed system to reform resource utilization based on optimal time period to allocate resources to the neural network training and to load factor calculation the dynamic priority scheduling technique is used to assign the priority to the cloud users according to their load. The dynamic priority scheduling algorithm strikes the right balance between performance and power efficiency.Key Terms: Reputation management; Resource management; Collaboration cloud computing; Dynamic priority scheduling; Performance measure ×
Saranyadevi. C, Mr. G. Vijayanand, "Efficient Resource Sharing In Cloud Using Neural Network"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
Industrial, agricultural, and domestic activities of humans have affected the environmental system, resulting in drastic problems such as global warming and the generation of wastewater containing high concentration of pollutants. As water of good quality is a precious commodity and available in limited amounts, it has become highly imperative to treat wastewater for removal of pollutants. In addition, the rapid modernization of society has also led to the generation of huge amount of materials of little value that have no fruitful use. Such materials are generally considered as waste, and their disposal is a problem. The utilization of all such materials as low-cost adsorbents for the treatment of wastewater may make them of some value. An effort has been made to give a brief idea about the low-cost alternative adsorbents with a view to utilizing these waste/low-cost materials in the treatment of wastewater.Key words: Adsorption, color, dye effluent, isotherms, low- cost adsorbents. ×
Mehali J. Mehta, Karishma K. Chorawala, "Adsorptive Removal Of Dye From Industrial Dye Effluents Using Low-Cost Adsorbents: A Review"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
Recent historic events have shown that buildings that are designed in compliance with conventional building codes are not necessarily able to resist blast effects. It was observed in the past events that progressive or disproportionate collapse generally occurred due to deficient blast performance of the structure, albeit in compliance with conventional design codes. In the past, safety of structures against blast effects was ensured, to a limited extent, through perimeter control; which minimizes damage by preventing the direct impact of the blast effects on the building. With the emergence of blast resistant structural design, methodologies to inhibit progressive collapse through the structural components performance can be developed, although there are no available adequate tools to simulate or predict progressive collapse behavior of concrete buildings with acceptable precision and reliability. This paper presents part of an effort to find an affordable solution to the problem. State of the art review of the blast analysis and progressive collapse analysis procedures will be presented. Preliminary analysis has been carried out to establish the vulnerability of a typical multistory reinforced concrete framed building in Riyadh when subjected to accidental or terrorist attack blast scenarios. In addition, the results of the blast vulnerability assessment will be used to develop mitigation approach to control or prevent progressive collapse of the building. For protective structures, reinforced concrete is commonly used. Concrete structures subjected to explosive loading in a combination of blast and fragments will have very different response than statically loaded structure. During the blast and the fragment impacts the structure will shake and vibrate, severe crushing of concrete occurs and a crater forms (spalling) in the front of the concrete; for large penetration, scabbing may occur at the backside of the wall, or even perforation, with a risk of injury for people inside the structure. This thesis is intended to increase the knowledge of reinforced concrete structures subjected to explosive loading, i.e. effects of blast and fragmentation. A further aim is to describe and use the non-linear finite element (FE) method for concrete penetration analyses. Particular attention is given to dynamic loading, where the concrete behavior differs compared to static loading. The compressive and tensile strengths increase due to the strain rate effects. Initial stiffness increases, and moreover the concrete strain capacity is increased in dynamic loading. Traditionally, for prediction of the depth of penetration and crater formation from fragments and projectiles, empirical relationships are used, which are discussed here together with the effects of the blast wave that is caused by the explosion. To learn more about the structural behavior of concrete subjected to severe loading, a powerful tool is to combine advanced non-linear FE analyses and experiments. A trustworthy model must be able to capture correct results from several experiments, including both the depth of penetration and the crater size. In this thesis, FE analyses of concrete penetration with steel projectiles have been performed and compared to existing experimental results.Key words: Analysis, RC Structures, Vibration, Using Ansys ×
T. Subramani, K. Bharathi Devi, M.S.Saravanan, Suboth Thomas, "Analysis Of RC Structures Subject To Vibration By Using Ansys"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
From olden days until now in our construction filed unreinforced masonry blocks of rocks is used as foundation and super structure wall as load bearing structure. In which blocks are stacked, sometimes being mortared with various cements. Ancient civilizations used locally available rocks and cements to construct rock block columns, walls and edifices for residences, temples, fortifications and infrastructure. Monuments still exist as testaments to the high quality construction by historic cultures, despite the seismic and other potentially damaging geo-mechanical disturbances that threaten them. Conceptual failure modes under seismic conditions of rock block structures, observed in the field or the laboratory, are presented. Our proposed work is analytically is carried out with rock block of 1m by 1m with 200 mm rock block under seismic loading to find out the damaged caused by the Mw 6.7 and 6.0 earthquakes on that block subject to dynamic load. Finally graphical output has generated and suggested for safe construction with more seismic load on rock blocks.Keywords: Rock block structures, Earthquakes, Earthquake observations, to failures. ×
T. Subramani, K. Bharathi Devi, M.S.Saravanan, Suboth Thomas, "Analysis of Seismic Performance of Rock Block Structures with STAAD Pro"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
Recent earthquakes have demonstrated that most of the reinforced concrete structures were severely damaged during earthquakes and they need major repair works. Beam column joints, being the lateral and vertical load resisting members in reinforced concrete structures are particularly vulnerable to failures during earthquakes. The existing reinforced concrete beam column joints which are not designed as per code IS13920:1993 must be strengthened since they do not meet the ductility requirements. The Finite element method (FEM) has become a staple for predicting and simulating the physical behaviour of complex engineering systems. The commercial finite element analysis (FEA) programs have gained common acceptance among engineers in industry and researchers. The details of the finite element analysis of beam column joints retrofitted with carbon fibre reinforced polymer sheets (CFRP) carried out using the package ANSYS are presented in this paper. Three exterior reinforced concrete beam column joint specimens were modelled using ANSYS package. The first specimen is the control specimen. This had reinforcement as per code IS 456:2000. The second specimen which is also the control specimen. This had reinforcement as per code IS 13920:1993. The third specimen had reinforcement as per code IS 456:2000 and was retrofitted with carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheets. During the analysis both the ends of column were hinged. Static load was applied at the free end of the cantilever beam up to a controlled load. The performance of the retrofitted beam column joint was compared with the control specimens and the results are presented in this paper.Keywords: Finite Element Modelling, Behaviour, RCC Beam Column Joints Retrofitted With CFRP Sheets, Ansys ×
T. Subramani, S.Krishnan, M.S.Saravanan, Suboth Thomas, "Finite Element Modeling On Behaviour Of Reinforced Concrete Beam Column Joints Retrofitted With CFRP Sheets Using Ansys"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
Many of the existing reinforced concrete structures throughout the world are in urgent need of strengthening, repair or reconstruction because of deterioration due to various factors like corrosion, lack of detailing, failure of bonding between beam-column joints, increase in service loads, etc., leading to cracking, spalling, loss of strength, deflection, etc., Direct observation of these damaged structures has shown that damage occurs usually at the beam-column joints, with failure in bending or shear, depending on geometry and reinforcement distribution type.A nonlinear finite element analysis that is a simulation technique is used in this work to evaluate the effectiveness of retrofitting technique called "wrapping technique" for using carbon fibres (FRP) for strengthening of RC beam-column connections damaged due to various reasons. After carrying out a nonlinear finite element analysis of a reinforced concrete frame (Controlled Specimen) and reinforced concrete frame where carbon fibres are attached to the beam column joint portion in different patterns ,the measured response histories of the original and strengthened specimens are then subsequently compared. It is seen that the strengthened specimens exhibit significant increase in strength, stiffness, and stability as compared to controlled specimens. It appears that the proposed simulation technique will have a significant impact in engineering practice in the near future.Keywords: Analysis, Retrofitting Non-Linear Finite Element, RCC Beam, Column, Ansys ×
T. Subramani, S.Krishnan, M.S.Saravanan, Suboth Thomas, "Analysis of Retrofitting Non-Linear Finite Element Of RCC Beam And Column Using Ansys"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
× ×Abstract:
Solid waste management is one of the most significant functions out by ULBs. However, the scarcity of suitable landfill sites is one of the constraints increasingly being faced by ULBs in the discharge of their functions. As a result, even several years after the issuance of the MSW Rules 2000, the state of MSW management systems in the country continues to raise serious public health concerns. Regional or inter-municipal solutions provide a viable option to redress this situation. Working together can be a practical and cost-effective way to discharge common tasks, share resources, and take advantage of the economies of scale that such arrangements would provide. This is applicable in the case of both large municipal bodies which experience scarcity of land resources, as well as smaller ones which may find technical and financial resources a challenge. Therefore, in public interest and with the aim of improving standards of public health and sanitation in the states, the Government of India has developed this Guidance Note on regional solid waste management to facilitate the creation of appropriate strategies by the states and ULBs. This note is the result of work done over a period of about 18 months, and aims to support decision making towards the implementation of regional arrangements for safe treatment and disposal of MSW. Regional approaches to MSW management are common in several countries, and have recently gained momentum in a few states in India. Studies undertaken attest to the importance of two factors in the successful implementation of regional initiatives: (a) an explicit policy, supporting the adoption of regional approaches; and (b) a robust institutional framework, underpinning development and implementation. In this respect, it is intended that this Guidance Note may form the basis for states to formulate and notify state- level policy directives to recognize regional initiatives, strategies to encourage their adoption, and tools to facilitate implementation. The Note also includes a few case studies illustrating frameworks and implementation strategies adopted in other jurisdictions and sectors. Frameworks observed include legislation supporting municipalities to priorities regional initiatives to effectively use available resources as well as options for Creation of regional solid waste management authorities or entities empowered by law to undertake waste management activities over a region or state; Creation of solid waste management "regions‟; and Municipalities jointly constituting a company, or common authority, to implement a regional waste management project. The present work aims at identifying, locating and quantifying the industrial and domestic waste dump sites located in and around Salem urban and rural districts of Salem, Tamilnadu state, India. In our project we identify the suitable location and investigation for dumping yard which is not affecting the environment.Keywords: Identification, Investigation, Solid Waste Dump, Salem District. ×
T. Subramani, S.Krishnan, C.Kathirvel, C.T.Sivakumar, "Identification and Investigation of Solid Waste Dump in Salem District"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
× ×Abstract:
This Project report pertains to the study of Anorthosites and Associated rocks of Oddanchatram, Palani Taluk, Dindigul Anna District of Tamil nadu The area is comprised of interesting and rare rock types namely Anorthosite, Pyroxenite, Norite, Charnockite, Garnet-Sillimanitegneiss,migmatite, pink granite, pegmatite, aplite and minor occurrences of molybdenite and iron ores.The area under investigation, Oddanchatram is located on the northern slope of kodai hills ( Palani Hills) which forms a part of western ghat range.It is represented in the portions of survey of India topographic sheets numbering 58 f/10, 58 F/11, 58 f/14 and 58 f/15 published in the year 1921. The area lies between North Latitude 10° 27' and 10° 32' and East Longitude 77° 40' and 77° 48'. The Total extent of the area is roughly 66 Sq.miles. The field work was conducted by using clinometer and Brunton compass. The area was traversed across and along foliation and strike directions in order to precisely demarcate the lithological boundaries and to note variations in structure, texture, and mineral characters. The structures of the study area is quite interesting with much contortion, folding, shearing, jointing and faulting which are normally anticipated in the Archaean terrain.Keywords: Anorthosite, Associated rocks, Oddanchatram, pyroxenite, Archaean terrain, charnockite. ×
T. Subramani, C.Kathirvel, S.Sekar, C.T.Sivakumar, "Anorthosite and Associated Rocks of Oddanchatram, Dindigul Anna District, Tamil Nadu"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
× × × ×Version 6
- Analytical Study of A Two-Phase Model For Steady Flow of Blood in A Circular Tube
S.R. Verma and Anuj Srivastava
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Mathematical Modeling of Bingham Plastic Model of Blood Flow Through Stenotic Vessel
S.R. Verma
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Effect of Hand Transmitted Vibration through Tractor during Ploughing Field
Md. Zakaullah Zaka, Mohd Saad Saleem, Abdul Khaliq, Mohd Afzal
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - A Survey on Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques in the Software Development Process
K. Hema Shankari, Dr. R.Thirumalaiselvi
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Dynamic Simulation of Chemical Kinetics in Microcontroller
Renato Dutra Pereira Filho, Vitor Furlong, Jorge Alberto Vieira Costa
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - A Survey and Comparative Study on Video Watermarking Techniques with Reference to Mobile Devices
Ankitha.A.Nayak, Venugopala P S, Dr. H.Sarojadevi, Dr.Niranjan.N. Chiplunkar
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - A nano-reference-system based on two orthogonal (molecular) micro-goniometers: the centrosome of animal cells
Regolini Marco
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Energy Analysis for New Hotel Buildings in Egypt
Dr. George B. Hanna, Dr. Hend E. Farouh
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Laboratory Performance Of Evaporative Cooler Using Jute Fiber Ropes As Cooling Media
R.K.Kulkarni, S.P.S. Rajput, S.A.Gutte, D.M.Patil
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - PLC Based Automatic Multistoried Car Parking System
Swanand S .Vaze, Rohan S. Mithari, Sanjay T. Sanamdikar
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Performance and evaluation of desiccant based air conditioning system
Gaurav S. Wani
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Planar Inverted-F Antenna for GPS Application - A study
Mr. Vishal Lukhi, Prof. Sandip Khakhariya, Prof. Sreenath S. Kashyap
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Development of Abrasive Selection Model/Chart for Palm Frond Broom Peeling Machine Design
Nwankwojike, B. Nduka
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Optimal Duration of Submersible Pump Equipped Deep Water Borehole Project in Ikwuano, Nigeria
Nwankwojike, B. Nduka
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Scalable and Robust Hierarchical Group of Data in Wireless Sensor Networks
K.VenkataNarayana, K.C. Sreedhar
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - An Investigation on Shape Optimization of Pressurized Inlet
Diffuser in Steam Vent Silencer By Using Computational Fluid
Rajgopal, Kiran K, Yeshwantraya Ashtagi
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Band structure engineering of type I GaAs/AlAs nanostructure superlattice for near infrared detection
D. Barkissy, A. Nafidi, A. Boutramine, H. Charifi, A. Saba, H. Chaib
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Simulate the dispersion pattern of Suspended Particulate Matter in the vicinity of Thermal Power plants at Neyveli
N.Silambarasi, G.Praveen kumar, B.Vinodhkumar, Dr. S. Palanivelraja
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - 3D printing device for numerical control machine and wood deposition
Julien Gardan, Lionel Roucoules
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Electronic bands structure and gap in mid-infrared detector
InAs/GaSb type II nanostructure superlattice
A. Boutramine, A. Nafidi, D. Barkissy, A. Hannour, M. Massaq, H. Chaib
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Shortest Tree Routing With Security In Wireless Sensor Networks
P.T Arshad, Dr. C. Chandrasekar
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Effect of Nozzle Design and Processing Parameter on Characteristics of Glass/Polypropylene Hybrid Yarns
Dr Hireni Mankodi, Dr Pravin Patel
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Polynomial Function and Fuzzy Inference for Evaluating the Project Performance under Uncertainty
A.S. Abdel Azeem, A.H. Ibrahim, and H.E.Hosny
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Analysis The Leanness of The Supply Chain By Fuzzy QFD
Mukesh Singh Baghel, Pavan Agrawal
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Segmentation and Classification of Brain MRI Images Using Improved Logismos-B Algorithm
S. Dilip kumar and P. Rupa Ezhil Arasi
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - REVIEW: Previous Deception detection methods and New proposed method using independent component analysis of EEG signals
Roshni D. Tale, Bhavana P.Harne
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - A Study of A Method To Provide Minimized Bandwidth Consumption Using Regenerating Codes In Cloud Storage
M.Nithya, K.Sasireka
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Image Enhancement Using Filter To Adjust Dynamic Range of Pixels
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Secure and Reliable Data Transmission in Generalized E-Mail
M.Vijayapriya, N.Anandh, B.Gohila vani, A.Selvaraj
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Segmentation and Classification of Skin Lesions Based on Texture Features
B.Gohila vani, A.Selvaraj, M.Vijaya priya, N.Anandh
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Attribute-Based Data Sharing
Ms. Rahila Fatima Mir Asif Ali, Mrs. Seema Singh Solanki, Zafar Ul Hasan
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - A Periodical Production Plan for Uncertain Orders in a Closed-Loop Supply Chain System
Hsiao-Fan Wang, Hung-Shi Lin
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Review: Biometric and GSM Security for Lockers
Sagar S. Palsodkar, Prof S.B. Patil
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Exploring the Social Engineering Toolkit (Set) Using Backtrack 5R3
Talatam. Durga Rao, Vankayalapati. Sai Madhav
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Modelling of The Properties of Sand Mould Made of Reclaimed Sand
M Venkata Ramana
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Exergy analysis of inlet water temperature of condenser
Doi Aysakhanam m, I.J.Patel
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Radial Fatigue Analysis of An Alloy Wheel
J. Janardhan, V. Ravi Kumar, R. Lalitha Narayana
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite] - Intrusion Detection and Countermeasure in Virtual Network Systems Using NICE Technique
M.S.Haja Moideen, N.Chandru, G.SathishKumar, G.VishnuPrabu, R.Ramachandiran
[Abstract] [PDF] [Cite]
The present paper deals with a mathematical model of blood flow through narrow circular tube. The model consists of a core region of suspension of all the erythrocytes assumed to be a power law fluid and a peripheral cell-depleted layer of plasma as a Newtonian fluid. The system of differential equations has been solved analytically. The expressions for velocity profile, Bluntness parameter, flow rate, the ratio of core hematocrit to discharge hematocrit (Hc/HD), apparent viscosity (μapp), and the ratio of tube hematocrit to discharge hematocrit (HT/HD) and shear stress at the wall have obtained. Some of them have been discussed through graphs.Keywords: Two-phase blood flow, cell-depleted layer, Bluntness, Hematocrit, apparent viscosity. ×
S.R. Verma and Anuj Srivastava, "Analytical Study of A Two-Phase Model For Steady Flow of Blood in A Circular Tube"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
The aim of the present paper is to study the axially symmetric, laminar, steady, one-dimensional flow of blood through narrow stenotic vessel. Blood is considered as Bingham plastic fluid. The analytical results such as pressure drop, resistance to flow and wall shear stress have been obtained. Effect of yield stress and shape of stenosis on resistance to flow and wall shear stress have been discussed through tables and graphically. It has been shown that resistance to flow and the wall shear stress increase with the size of stenosis but these increase are, however, smaller due to non-Newtonian behaviour of the blood.Keywords: Laminar flow, pressure drop, resistance to flow, wall shear stress, stenosis. ×
S.R. Verma, "Mathematical Modeling of Bingham Plastic Model of Blood Flow Through Stenotic Vessel">Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
In this study, transmission of vibration from the steering wheel of the tractor without any trailer attached with it is discussed. The vibration measurements were carried out on the tractor randomly.An investigation was conducted to determine the transmission of vibration from the steering wheel of the hand tractor to the wrist and upper arm of the operator under actual field conditions during ploughing field. The vibration level on the steering wheel was measured and analyzed and the frequency spectra for the chosen working conditions were obtained. The results indicate that the maximum transmissibility was observed in the first two frequency interval (in Hz) i.e. 1-20 and 20-40, which may harm the operator. The frequency interval was 1-20 (target-wrist), 1-20 (target-upper arm), 20-40 (base-steering), 20-40 (base-steering) and frequency zone was 0.022, 0.3974, 0.2066 and 0.1531 respectively.Index Terms— Lab View, Power spectrum density, Tractor, Vibration. ×
Md. Zakaullah Zaka, Mohd Saad Saleem, Abdul Khaliq, Mohd Afzal, "Effect of Hand Transmitted Vibration through Tractor during Ploughing Field"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
Software engineering and artificial intelligence are the two important fields of the computer science. Artificial Intelligence is about making machines intelligent, while Software engineering is knowledge –intensive activity, requiring extensive knowledge of the application domain and of the target software itself. This study intends to review the techniques developed in artificial intelligence from the standpoint of their application in software engineering. The goal of this research paper is to give some guidelines to use the artificial intelligence techniques that can be applied in solving problems associated with software engineering processes. The aim of this paper is to find out the exact AI technique is likely to be fruitful for particular software development processKey words: Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence Techniques, Software Development Process ×
K. Hema Shankari, Dr. R.Thirumalaiselvi, "A Survey on Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques in the Software Development Process"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
Arduino boards are interesting computational tools due to low cost and power consumption, as well as I/O ports, both analogs and digitals. Yet, small memory and clock frequency with truncation errors may disrupt numerical processing. This study aimed to design and evaluate the performance of a dynamic simulation based on ODEs in the Arduino, with three evaluated microprocessors; ATMEGA 328P and 2560, both 8 bits, and SAM3X8E Atmel ARM CORTEX – 32 bits. The study case was a batch reactor dynamic simulation. The Runge-Kutta 4th order algorithm was written in C++ and compiled for EPROM utilization. The output was a 115000bit/s serial connection. Processing time was almost identical for 8 bits architectures, while 32 bits was 25% faster. Without the serial connection the 8 bits architectures were 16 times faster and the 32 bits was 42 times faster. Error truncation was similar, since the floating points are done through software. The Arduino platform, despite its modest hardware, allows simple chemical systems simulation.Keywords: Arduino, Chemical Reactions, Microcontrollers, Runge-Kutta ×
Renato Dutra Pereira Filho, Vitor Furlong, Jorge Alberto Vieira Costa, "Dynamic Simulation of Chemical Kinetics in Microcontroller"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
During the last few years' mobile devices like smart phone and tablet witnessed a random growth in terms of hardware and software. The increased growth of apps, sharing data, videos, images through internet need security and intellectual property right. Developing a watermarking technique for data protection and authentication on shared data in mobile internet within the limited memory and significant battery consumption is one of the current challenging fields. In this paper we have performed a survey on available video watermarking techniques and a feasibility study on video watermarking techniques for mobile devices. Also the comparative study on features of watermarking with different video watermarking algorithm is performed.Keywords: DCT, DFT, DWT, LSB, Mobile Devices, SVD ×
Ankitha.A.Nayak, Venugopala P S, Dr. H.Sarojadevi, Dr.Niranjan.N. Chiplunkar, "A Survey and Comparative Study on Video Watermarking Techniques with Reference to Mobile Devices"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
The centrosome, because of 9-fold-symmetry of its orthogonalcentrioles and their circumferential polarity (non-equivalence of the nine centriolarblades,each one molecularly distinguishable), constitutes a biological discrete interface, composed of two orthogonal macromolecular protractors, capable of recognizing and decoding morphogenetic instructions, translating them and delivering targeted molecular complexes into their expected 3D real location in the cell: like an interface or a wiring device, the centrosome recognizes each targeting sequence, matches it with the corresponding receptor, soconnectingit with the correctly-oriented microtubule, directed and targeted towards the desired definite cortical compartment.Morphogenetic geometric instructions (DNA coded) are translated by the centrosome into actual locations in cells, and, as a consequence, macromolecules, labeled by DNA geometric signals, can be correctly delivered into their programmed cell locations. In addition, the centrosome (the most chiral and enantiomorphous cell structure) plays a geometric key role in left-right patterning: axial centriole circumferential polarity, if reversely oriented, constitutes a likely molecular base for bilateral symmetry.Keywords: Centriole, centrosome, microtubules, γ-Turc. ×
Regolini Marco, "A nano-reference-system based on two orthogonal (molecular) micro-goniometers: the centrosome of animal cells"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
This paper summarizes the results of energy simulation analysis to determine the effectiveness of building characteristics in reducing electrical energy consumption for hotel buildings in Egypt. Specifically, the impact on building envelope performance is investigated for different strategies such as window size, glazing type and building construction for two geographical locations in Egypt (Cairo and Alexandria). This paper also studies the energy savings in hotel buildings with 200 rooms for different Lighting Power Densities (LPD), Energy Input Ratios (EIR), Set point Temperatures (SPT) and HVAC systems. The study shows certain findings of practical significance, e.g. that a Window-to-Wall Ratio of 0.20 and reasonably shaded windows lower the total annual electricity use for hotel buildings by more than 20% in the two Egyptian locations.Keywords: Energy Simulation; Hotel; Insulation; WWR; SHGC; PF; EIR; LPD ×
Dr. George B. Hanna, Dr. Hend E. Farouh. "Energy Analysis for New Hotel Buildings in Egypt"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
Evaporative coolers use a variety of cooling media like wood wool, cellulose, aspen. This paper analyses the performance of jute fiber ropes as alternative cooling media. They are capable of retaining high moisture and have a large wetted surface area. Hot and dry air is allowed to flow over the wet jute rope bank tightly held between two plates which are integral part of two tanks. The inlet conditions of air varied from 30.5 0C dry bulb temperature and 52 % relative humidity to 34.5 0C dry bulb temperature and 32 % relative humidity. Outlet temperature of air is measured and saturation efficiency and cooling capacity are calculated. The outlet dry bulb temperature is obtained between 25.8 0C and 26.2 0C.The saturation efficiencies range from 69 % to 59 % and the cooling capacity is obtained between 6173 kJ/h and 11979 kJ/h. Thus jute fiber ropes prove to be a good alternative cooling media in evaporative cooler.Key words: Evaporative cooler, Jute ropes, Saturation efficiency, Cooling capacity ×
R.K.Kulkarni, S.P.S. Rajput, S.A.Gutte, D.M.Patil, "Laboratory Performance Of Evaporative Cooler Using Jute Fiber Ropes As Cooling Media"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
This project work presents the study and design of PLC based Automatic Multistoried Car Parking System. Multistoried car parking is an arrangement which is used to park a large number of vehicles in least possible place. For making this arrangement in a real plan very high technological instruments are required. In this project a prototype of such a model is made. This prototype model is made for accommodating twelve cars at a time. Availability of the space for parking is detected by optical proximity sensor which is placed on the pallet. A motor controlled elevator is used to lift the cars. Elevator status is indicated by LED which is placed on ground floor. Controlling of the platforms and checking the vacancies is done by PLC. For unparking of car, keyboard is interfaced with the model for selection of required platform. Automation is done to reduce requirement of space and also to reduce human errors, which in-turn results in highest security and greatest flexibility. Due to these advantages, this system can be used in hotels, railway stations, airports where crowding of car is more.Key words: PLC based, Pneumatic, Prototype model, Highest security, Greatest flexibility, Reduce human errors ×
Swanand S .Vaze, Rohan S. Mithari, Sanjay T. Sanamdikar, "PLC Based Automatic Multistoried Car Parking System"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
This Project work presents study and experimental analysis of Desiccant based air conditioning system.The main purpose of this project is to increase the efficency of air conditioning system.In the convenstional air conditioning system cooling coli has two load latent load and sensible load. Cooling has to cool the air and simultaneously to dehumidify it.It increases load on cooling coil and affects performance to the system. To increase the efficiency the air conditioning system desiccant materials are used at the inlet of the air conditioning test rig. Desiccant materials attract moisture based on differences in vapor pressure. Due to their enormous affinity to absorb water and considerable ability to hold water. Due to use of desiccant material load on the cooling coil reduces since moisture is absorbed by desiccant; cooling coil has to take only sensible load. Analysis is done using different desiccant materials and based on the observation, power consumption before and after desiccant is calculated. From this conclusion is made that desiccant material improves the efficiency of air conditioning test rigKeywords: Desiccant material, reduced latent heat load, less power consumption, high efficiency ×
Gaurav S. Wani, "Performance and evaluation of desiccant based air conditioning systemVol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
A survey of recent studies and findings on wireless technology and its applications are explored aggressively in few areas that have the greatest potential for achieving entirely new capabilities using antennas. we have presented in depth conceptual understanding of antennas and potential application in wireless communication an exhaustive list of reference has been proceed.Keywords: Slotted, Planar Inverted-F Antenna (PIFA), HFSS, Ground plane. ×
Mr. Vishal Lukhi, Prof. Sandip Khakhariya, Prof. Sreenath S. Kashyap, "Planar Inverted-F Antenna for GPS Application - A study"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
A model for predicting the friction required by a palm frond broom peeling machine for effective peeling of palm leaf to broom bristle and a chart for selecting the best abrasive material for this machine's peeling operation were developed in this study using mechanistic modeling method. The model quantified the relationship between the coefficient of friction and other operational parameters of this machine while the abrasives selection chart constitutes a plot of this measured friction parameter against the abrasive materials used in palm frond broom peeling machine fabrication. The values of the coefficient of friction of palm leaf on different abrasive materials used in this plot were determined from experimental study of the effect of moisture content level of naturally withered palm leaves (uninfluenced by external forces) on their coefficient of friction with the abrasives. Results revealed the average moisture content of palm leaf this machine can peel effectively as 6.96% and also that the roughest among the abrasives that approximate the coefficient of friction for a specific design of this peeling machine gives maximum peeling efficiency. Thus, the roughest among the abrasive materials that approximate the coefficient of friction for a specific design of this machine should be selected and used for its fabrication and operation.Keywords: Abrasive, broom bristle, Chart, friction, Oil palm leaf, peeling, machine design ×
Nwankwojike, B. Nduka, "Development of Abrasive Selection Model/Chart for Palm Frond Broom Peeling Machine Design"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
× ×Abstract:
Optimal duration for constructing a submersible pump equipped deep water borehole in Ikwuano and optimal durations of distinct jobs in this project were determined to aid effective planning and implementation of borehole projects in this area. The investigation was conducted and analyzed using network modeling procedure. Results revealed 13days as the optimal duration of the borehole project when construction of overhead water distribution tank stantion constitutes part of the contract and 12days when the overhead structure is not involved. The optimal duration in hours for the distinct jobs involved in this borehole construction include 25.92 for site preparation/mobilization of geophysical survey team, 36 for geophysical analysis/selection of the best water yielding point in the site, 72 for mobilizing labour and materials to the selected site, 168 for constructing overhead water distribution tank stantion, 3.12 for placement of overhead tank(s) on its stantion/installation of its water conveying pipes/accessories, 4.56 for casing/gravel packing/flushing materials preparation, 19.44 for well drilling, 1.92 for casing, 1.92 for gravel packing, 1.2 for flushing, 25.92 for water collection/analysis, 1.2 for water treatment, 13.44 for pumping test, 25.92 for platforming, 77.04 for pump installation/integration of water conveying systems, 4.8 for test running and 0.96 for training end users/project commission. Thus, a guide for effective planning to ensure adequate and timely implementation of deep borehole water supply projects in Ikwuano is set.Keywords: Construction, deep borehole, network modeling, optimal duration, planning, portable water ×
Nwankwojike, B. Nduka, "Optimal Duration of Submersible Pump Equipped Deep Water Borehole Project in Ikwuano, Nigeria"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
× ×Abstract:
In many sensor applications, the data collected from individual nodes is aggregated at a base station or host computer. To reduce energy consumption, many systems also perform in-network aggregation of sensor data at intermediate nodes enrooted to the base station. Most existing aggregation algorithms and systems do not include any provisions for security, and consequently these systems are vulnerable to a wide variety of attacks. In particular, compromised nodes can be used to inject false data that leads to incorrect aggregates being computed at the base station. We discuss the security vulnerabilities of data aggregation systems, and present a survey of robust and secure aggregation protocols that are resilient to false data injection attacks. The Proposed SHIA Algorithm builds on the Secure Hierarchical In-Network Aggregation, in order to achieve not only secure but also efficient WSN data collection over a series of aggregations.Keywords: sensor networks, location monitoring. ×
K.VenkataNarayana, K.C. Sreedhar, "Scalable and Robust Hierarchical Group of Data in Wireless Sensor Networks"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
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Recently, research on new techniques for noise reduction of steam vent silencer has been addressed. However, research work on shape optimization of steam vent silencer along with work on pressure drop has been sorely neglected. Therefore, a numerical simulation has been investigated on the pressure drop using steam vent silencer is introduced in this research work. This emphasizes the variation of pressure drop with the influence of holes with various geometries like circular holes, square holes and square extrusion in pressurized inlet diffuser. The sensitivity of pressure drop is less in square extrusion, compared to all other geometry. So it can conclude that shape optimization of pressurized inlet diffuser in steam vent silencer is obtained with the application of square extrusion.Keyword: Steam vent silencer, Shape optimization, Pressure drop, Numerical simulation ×
Rajgopal, Kiran K, Yeshwantraya Ashtagi, "An Investigation on Shape Optimization of Pressurized Inlet Diffuser in Steam Vent Silencer By Using Computational Fluid Dynamics"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
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We report here the electronic properties of GaAs/Ga1-xAlxAs, type I superlattices for x=1, performed in the envelope function formalism. We have studied the indirect-direct band gap transition in asymmetric (GaAs)14 /(AlAs)m superlattices. Our calculations are confirmed by different experimental measurements. We have also studied the effect of the valence band offset, the temperature and the barrier thickness on the band structure of GaAs (d1=3.95 nm)/AlAs (d2=2.37 nm) superlattice. These results are in good agreement with reflectance measurements reported in literature. Finally, in the investigated temperature range, the cut-off wavelength is 716 nm ≤ λc ≤ 755 nm situates this sample as near infrared detector.Keyword: Envelope function formalism, GaAs/Ga1-xAlxAs type I superlattices, III-V semiconductors, Band gap energy, Near infrared detector. ×
D. Barkissy, A. Nafidi, A. Boutramine, H. Charifi, A. Saba, H. Chaib, "Band structure engineering of type I GaAs/AlAs nanostructure superlattice for near infrared detection"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
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Air quality modeling is an essential tool for most air pollution studies. This work deals with the use of the Industrial Source Complex Short Term (ISCST3) model at a Thermal Power Plant. The study is performed over a period of 5-days. The objective of this study was to simulate the dispersion pattern of SPM in the vicinity of Thermal Power Plants at Neyveli. In order to simulate the dispersion pattern of Suspended Particulate Matter in Neyveli, a short term meteorological monitoring was conducted from 26.05.2008 to 30.05.2008. ISCST3 model was employed to simulate the concentration of Suspended particulate matter felt on the downwind locations of the neighbourhood of the Thermal power stations based on the observed wind data. The most predominant wind directions were from SSE and NW. Hence, the pollutants were transported towards NNW and SSE respectively. It is well evidenced from the pollution roses shown that diurnal variations of the dispersion of SPM in the neighbourhood of Thermal Power Plants. The concentrations of SPM were well below the 8 hour Ambient Air Quality standards. ×N.Silambarasi, G.Praveen kumar, B.Vinodhkumar, Dr. S. Palanivelraja, "Simulate the dispersion pattern of Suspended Particulate Matter in the vicinity of Thermal Power plants at Neyveli"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
The paper presents the development of a new sustainable approach in additive manufacturing adapted on a Numerical Control (NC) machining. Wood has several advantages that are transferable to various derivatives allowing the introduction of sustainable material into the product lifecycle. The application involves the integration of wood pulp into rapid prototyping solutions. Wood is the main material studied for its ecological aspect. The primary goal was to create reconstituted wood objects through a rapid manufacturing. Additive manufacturing technology is most commonly used for modeling, prototyping, tooling through an exclusive machine or 3D printer. An overall review and an analysis of technologies show that the additive manufacturing presents some little independent solutions [9] [12]. The problem studied especially the additive manufacturing limits to produce an ecological product with materials from biomass. The study developed a 3d printing head as solution for shaping wood pulp or powder materials. Some technological problematic require enslavement to the NC controller, the programming building of model, and the realization of wood pulp. This work also presents a wood pulping process characterized by adding wood flour and starch. A machine implementation and some application examples used for its development are presented.Keyword: Additive manufacturing, rapid prototyping, NC machining, wood pulp, wood powder. ×
Julien Gardan, Lionel Roucoules, "3D printing device for numerical control machine and wood deposition"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
We present here theoretical study of the electronic bands structure E (d1) of InAs (d1=25 Å)/GaSb (d2=25 Å) type II superlattice at 4.2 K performed in the envelope function formalism. We study the effect of d1 and the offset , between heavy holes bands edges of InAs and GaSb, on the band gap Eg (), at the center of the first Brillouin zone, and the semiconductor-to-semimetal transition. Eg (, T) decreases from 288.7 meV at 4.2 K to 230 meV at 300K. In the investigated temperature range, the cut-off wavelength 4.3 m ≤ c ≤ 5.4 m situates this sample as mid-wavelength infrared detector (MWIR). Our results are in good agreement with the experimental data realized by C. Cervera et al.Keyword: Bands structure, envelope function formalism, InAs/GaSb type II superlattice, mid-infrared detector, semiconductor-semimetal transition. ×
A. Boutramine, A. Nafidi, D. Barkissy, A. Hannour, M. Massaq, H. Chaib, "Electronic bands structure and gap in mid-infrared detector InAs/GaSb type II nanostructure superlattice"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
We propose STR to resolve the main reasons of overall network performance degradation of ZTR, which are the detour path problem and the traffic concentration problem. Second, we prove that the 1-hop neighbor nodes used by STR improve the routing path efficiency and alleviate the traffic load concentrated on tree links in ZTR. Third, we analyze the performance of ZTR, STR, and AODV by differentiating the network conditions such as network density, ZigBee network constraints, traffic types, and the network traffic. For modification security purpose we are also encrypting the data packets during transmission. So that the intermediate nodes are not able to view the data during transmission. For Encryption process, we are using RC4 Algorithm. Short cut tree routing is used for minimizing the routing path from source to destination.Keyword: RC4, Short Cut Routing , Wireless network ,Zigbee tree routing. ×
P.T Arshad, Dr. C. Chandrasekar "Shortest Tree Routing With Security In Wireless Sensor Networks"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
Among the various methods commingling process is comparatively better alternative to produce hybrid yarns. The required properties of hybrid yarns can be obtained by controlling main processing parameters such as air pressure, overfeed and take-up speed along with proper selection of nozzle (jet) design. The commingling machine has been fabricated to study the commingling parameters. The nozzle is the most important element of the commingling machine. The design specification of commingling jet along with the processing parameters decides the final characteristics of yarn. In the present study two different types of jets have been selected to investigate commingling characteristics of glass/polypropylene hybrid yarn.Keyword: Commingling, Hybrid yarn, Nozzle, Nip Frequency, Nip stability ×
Dr Hireni Mankodi, Dr Pravin Patel, "Effect of Nozzle Design and Processing Parameter on Characteristics of Glass/Polypropylene Hybrid Yarns"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
The objectives of this paper are two folds. The first one is to improve the time forecasting produced from the well known Earned Value Management (EVM), using the polynomial function. The time prediction observed from the polynomial model, which is compared against that observed from the most common method for time forecasting (critical path method), is a more accurate (mean absolute percentage of error is less than 2%) than that observed from the conventional deterministic forecasting methods (CDFMs). The second is to evaluate and forecast the overall project performance under uncertainty using the fuzzy inference. As the uncertainty is inherent in real life projects, the polynomial function and fuzzy inference model (PFFI) can assist the project managers, to estimate the future status of the project in a more robust and reliable way. Two examples are used to illustrate how the new method can be implemented in reality.Keyword: Cost Control; Earned Value; Fuzzy; Forecasting; Polynomial; Probabilistic. ×
A.S. Abdel Azeem, A.H. Ibrahim, and H.E.Hosny, "Polynomial Function and Fuzzy Inference for Evaluating the Project Performance under Uncertainty"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
The new systems of doing business in manufacturing have evolved in recent decades Lean production. Lean production can be traced to the 1960s in Japan, when Toyota Motors started innovating changes in mass production to deal with its domestic automotive market. The term "Lean production" was coined around 1989 with the popularity of the book, the machine that can change the world written by researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The term itself was coined by researcher to describe the collection of efficiency improvements that Toyota motors undertook to service in Japanese automobile business after World War II. Because of its origins to Toyota Motors the same collection of improvements has also been called the "Toyota Production System". ×Mukesh Singh Baghel, Pavan Agrawal, "Analysis The Leanness of The Supply Chain By Fuzzy QFD"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
Automated reconstruction and diagnosis of brain MRI images is one of the most challenging problems in medical imaging. Accurate segmentation of MRI images is a key step in contouring during radiotherapy analysis. Computed tomography (CT) and Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging are the most widely used radiographic techniques in diagnosis and treatment planning. Segmentation techniques used for the brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is one of the methods used by the radiographer to detect any abnormality specifically in brain. The method also identifies important regions in brain such as white matter (WM), gray matter (GM) and cerebrospinal fluid spaces (CSF). These regions are significant for physician or radiographer to analyze and diagnose the disease. We propose a novel clustering algorithm, improved LOGISMOS-B to classify tissue regions based on probabilistic tissue classification, generalized gradient vector flows with cost and distance function. The LOGISMOS graph segmentation framework. Expand the framework to allow regionally-aware graph construction and segmentation.Keyword: Magnetic resonance, White matter, Gray matter, Cerebrospinal fluid, LOGISMOS-B ×
S. Dilip kumar and P. Rupa Ezhil Arasi, "Segmentation and Classification of Brain MRI Images Using Improved Logismos-B Algorithm"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
Deception detection has important legal and medical applications, but the reliability of methods for the differentiation between truthful and deceptive responses is still limited. Deception detection can be more accurately achieved by measuring the brain correlates of lying in an individual. For the evaluation of the method, several participants were gone through the designed concealed information test paradigm and their respective brain signals were recorded. The electroencephalogram (EEG) signals were recorded and separated into many single trials. To enhance signal noise ratio (SNR) of P3 components, the independent component analysis (ICA) method was adopted to separate non-P3 (i.e. artifacts) and P3 components from every single trial. Then the P3 waveforms with high SNR were reconstructed. And then group of features based on time, frequency, and amplitude were extracted from the reconstructed P3 waveforms. Finally, two different class of feature samples were used to train a support vector machine (SVM) classifier because it has higher performance compared with several other classifiers. The method presented in this paper improves the efficiency of CIT and deception detection in comparison with previous reported methods.Keyword: Electroencephalogram, Independent component analysis, Support vector machine, Concealed information test ×
Roshni D. Tale, Bhavana P.Harne, "REVIEW: Previous Deception detection methods and New proposed method using independent component analysis of EEG signals"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
Cloud storage systems to protect data from corruptions, redundant data to tolerate failures of storage and lost data should be repaired when storage fails. Regenerating codes provide fault tolerance by striping data across multiple servers, while using less repair traffic than traditional erasure codes during failure recovery. In previous research implemented practical Data Integrity Protection (DIP) scheme for regenerating-coding based cloud storage. Functional Minimum-Storage Regenerating (FMSR) codes and it construct FMSR-DIP codes, which allow clients to remotely verify the integrity of random subsets of long-term archival data under a multi server setting. The problem is to optimize bandwidth consumption when repairing multiple failures. The cooperative repair of multiple failures can help to further save bandwidth consumption when multiple failures are being repaired.Keyword: Cloud computing, Minimum storage, Bandwidth consumption. ×
M.Nithya, K.Sasireka, "A Study of A Method To Provide Minimized Bandwidth Consumption Using Regenerating Codes In Cloud Storage"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm for image enhancement in compressed (DCT) domain. Despite, few algorithms have been reported to enhance images in DCT domain proposed algorithm differs from previous algorithms in such a way that it enhances both dark and bright regions of an image equally well. In addition, it outperforms in enhancing the chromatic components as well as luminance components. Since the algorithm works in DCT domain, computational complexity is reduced reasonably. ×KASHYAP JOSHI, JAYKRISHNA JOSHI, JAYASHREE KHANAPURI, "Image Enhancement Using Filter To Adjust Dynamic Range of Pixels"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
Email is a basic service for computer users, while email malware poses critical security threats. The technique of email-borne malware will be highly effective. Email malware focuses on modeling the propagation dynamics which is a fundamental technique for developing countermeasures to reduce email malware's spreading speed and prevalence. Modern email malware exhibits two new features, reinjection and self-start. Reinjection is an infected user sends out malware copies whenever this user visits the malicious hyperlinks or attachments. Self-start refers to the behavior that malware starts to spread whenever compromised computers restart or certain files are visited. For address this problem, to derive a novel difference equation based analytical model by introducing a new concept of virtual dirty user. Propose a new analytical model to enhanced OLSR protocol which is a trust based technique to secure the OLSR nodes against the attack. The proposed solution called EOLSR is an enhancement of the basic OLSR routing protocol, which will be able to detect the presence of malicious nodes in the network.Keyword: Network security, email malware, propagation modeling ×
M.Vijayapriya, N.Anandh, B.Gohila vani, A.Selvaraj, "Secure and Reliable Data Transmission in Generalized E-Mail"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer and represents 50% all new cancers detected each year. The deadliest form of skin cancer is melanoma and its incidence has been rising at a rate of 3% per year. Due to the costs for dermatologists to monitor every patient, there is a need for an computerized system to evaluate a patient's risk of melanoma using images of their skin lesions captured using a standard digital camera. In Proposed method, a novel texture-based skin lesion segmentation algorithm is used and to classify the stages of skin cancer using probabilistic neural network. Probabilistic neural network will give better performance in this system to detect a lot of stages in skin lesion. To extract the characteristics from various skin lesions and its united features gives better classification with new approached probabilistic neural network. There are five different skin lesions commonly grouped as Actinic Keratosis (AK), Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC), Melanocytic Nevus / Mole (ML), Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC), Seborrhoeic Keratosis (SK). The system will be used to classify the queried images automatically to decide the stages of abnormality. The lesion diagnosis system involves two stages of process such as training and classification. Feature selection is used in the classified framework that chooses the most relevant feature subsets at each node of the hierarchy. An automatic classifier will be used for classification based on learning with some training samples of each stage. The accuracy of the proposed neural scheme is higher in discriminating cancer and pre-malignant lesions from benign skin lesions, and it attains an total classification accuracy is high of skin lesions.Keyword: Texture-based skin lesion segmentation, Feature selection, Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN). ×
B.Gohila vani, A.Selvaraj, M.Vijaya priya, N.Anandh, "Segmentation and Classification of Skin Lesions Based on Texture Features"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
Messages addressed to specific users can be decrypted by Key Generation Centre (KGC) by generating their private keys. Data owner wants the data to be delivered only to specified user and not to unauthorized person that is the data owner makes their private data accessible only to authorized person. We propose attribute based encryption and escrow problem which means written agreement delivered to a third party to overcome this problem. Attribute based Encryption (ABE) is a type of public-key encryption in which the private key of a user and the cipher text are dependent upon attributes. It is a promising cryptographic approach. ×Ms. Rahila Fatima Mir Asif Ali, "Attribute-Based Data Sharing"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
Production planning is a major activity in the manufacturing or processing industries. A good plan helps the company lower its expenses, increase profit, or both. However, the worldwide economy is made up of closely related systems. Thus, a small change induces fluctuation in the supply chain. Although a production plan is based on the predicted demand, economic fluctuations make prediction difficult. Therefore, coping with production risksof uncertain demands heavily depends on the judgment and experience of the producer or customer. In addition, the reuse of recyclable products has become a major approach in reducing resource consumption because of environmental consciousness. Thus, a closed-loop supply chain has replaced the traditional supply chain to facilitate recycling, accommodate reprocess, ease environmental degradation, and save on resource costs. This study thus considers a production plan in a closed-loop supply chain, where periodic orders of retailers are adjusted and described byfuzzy quantities. The goal of the producer is to maximize profit while trying to satisfy these orders to the greatest extent. Fuzzy Set Theory is applied to construct a Fuzzy Chance-Constrained Production Mix Model (FCCPMM) to enable the risk attitude of the decision maker to be adopted to address uncertainty.Theoretical evidence is supported by numerical illustration.Keyword: closed loop supply chain, reprocessing, multi-order, backorder, fuzzy chance-constrained model, optimality and parametric analysis. ×
Hsiao-Fan Wang, Hung-Shi Lin, "A Periodical Production Plan for Uncertain Orders in a Closed-Loop Supply Chain System"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
In this review paper we will develop biometric (finger or face) and GSM technology for bank lockers. Because in this system bank will collect the biometric data of each person for accessing the lockers because in this system only authenticated person recover the money, documents from the lockers. So the biometric and GSM security has more advantages then other system. Because biometric is stored individual identity of a person and GSM is used for sending and receiving message.Keyword: Arm, Biometric, GSM, Lockers, password. ×
Sagar S. Palsodkar, Prof S.B. Patil, "Review: Biometric and GSM Security for Lockers"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
Linux Operating System is being reverenced by many professionals because of its versatile nature. As many network security professionals ,particularly those of ethical hackers use linux in an extensive way, did we ever observe how and why the number of hackers were enhancing day to day. Not only professionals ,every one are unleashing their hacking potentials with the help of Backtrack5R3 operating system which is a comprehensive tool kit for security auditing. This paper emphasizes on the so called SET (Social Engineering Toolkit).In a pen-testing scenario, alongside uncovering vulnerabilities in the hardware and software systems and exploiting them ,the most effective of all is penetrating the human mind to extract the desire information. Such devious technics are known as social engineering ,and computer based software tools to facilitate this form the basis of Social Engineering ToolkitKeyword: Backtrack5 R3,Ethical hackers,Metasploit Framework ,Pentesting , Security auditing ,Social Enginneering Toolkit,Website Attack Vectors. ×
Talatam. Durga Rao, Vankayalapati. Sai Madhav, "Exploring the Social Engineering Toolkit (Set) Using Backtrack 5R3"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
Modelling of the properties of the sand mould made of reclaimed sand bonded with sodium silicate and cured with CO2 gas is attempted in this paper. Properties considered are Mould hardness and Permeability. Regression models are developed and the correlation coefficient is determined. It is observed that the predictions of the model are matching with experimental values within +/- 5 % error. ×M Venkata Ramana, "Modelling of The Properties of Sand Mould Made of Reclaimed Sand"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
The most of the power plant designed by energetic performance criteria based on first law of thermodynamics. According to First law of thermodynamics energy analysis cannot be justified the losses of energy.The method of exergy analysis is well suited to describe true magnitude of waste and loss to be determined. Such information can be used in the design of new energy efficient system and increasing the efficiency of existing systems.In the present study exergy analysis of the shell and tube condenser is carried out. As the condenser is one of the major components of the power plant, so it is necessary to operate the condenser efficiently under the various operating condition to increase the overall efficiency of the power plant. In the present study inlet temperature of the condenser is optimized using the exergy method. The main aim of paper is to be find out causes of energy destruction that can be helpful to redesign the system and to increase the efficiency ×Doi Aysakhanam m, I.J.Patel, "Exergy analysis of inlet water temperature of condenser"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
Importance of wheel in the automobile is obvious. The vehicle (car) may be towed without the engine but at the same time even that is also not possible without the wheels, the wheels along the tyre has to carry the vehicle load, provide cushioning effect and cope with the steering control. The main requirements of an automobile wheel are; it must be strong enough to perform the above functions. It should be balanced both statically as well as dynamically. It should be lightest possible so that the unsprung weight is least. The Wheel has to pass three types of tests before going into production, they are Cornering fatigue test, Radial fatigue test and Impact test. In this thesis radial fatigue analysis is done to find the number of cycles at which the wheel is going to fail. The 2D of the wheel was created in MDT, the drafting package and the same was exported to ANSYS, the finite element package using IGES translator where the 3D model of the wheel is created. The wheel is meshed using SOLID 45 element. A load of 2500N was applied on the hub area of the wheel and a pressure of 0.207N/mm2 is applied on the outer surface of the rim. The pitch circle holes are constrained in all degrees of freedom. The analysis is carried under these constraints and the results are taken to carryout for further analysis i.e. fatigue module to find the life of the wheel.Keyword: Automobile wheel design, Static design, Dynamic design, Light design, Unsprung weight, Radial fatigue test and Impact test ×
J. Janardhan, V. Ravi Kumar, R. Lalitha Narayana, "Radial Fatigue Analysis of An Alloy Wheel"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com
The cloud computing has increased in many organizations. It provides many benefits in terms of low cost and accessibility of data. Ensuring the security of cloud computing is a major factor in the cloud computing environment, as users often store sensitive information with cloud storage providers but these providers may be untrusted. In this project we propose anIntrusion Detection and Countermeasure in Virtual Network Systems mechanism called NICE to prevent vulnerable virtual machines from being compromised in the cloud. NICE detects and mitigates collaborative attacks in the cloud virtual networking environment. The system performance evaluation demonstrates the feasibility of NICE and shows that the proposed solution can significantly reduce the risk of the cloud system from being exploited and abused by internal and external attackers.Keyword: Network security, cloud computing, intrusion detection ×
M.S.Haja Moideen, N.Chandru, G.SathishKumar, G.VishnuPrabu, R. Ramachandiran, "Intrusion Detection and Countermeasure in Virtual Network Systems Using NICE Technique"Vol. 4 - Issue 12 (December - 2014), International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ISSN: 2248-9622 , www.ijera.com